. Bay rd ie diet (ed) 2 2, Ad ies Sa cpio Seen i, oes eS : os aan be: ee Stats aii y SA, i Kak ee rhe ta. ae nahi toa ae Pe Che." ppt A en ies Scart | oh % tle eg Bas ° ve | ) 5 . ; ¢ , : “ ; 4 , | px ae \ A - ri \ . ) . \ : t 4 P| bi J \ oP x \ { ye : ~ + - \ Se ; : \ f * 1 ‘ * . \ \ . ~ —e a i Yih OF LONDON. FOR THE YEAR Gee ‘PAPERS READ IN MAY anp JUNE. ~ ‘PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY, ; AT THEIR HOUSE IN HANOVER-SQUARE. 5 LONDON: LIST OF CONTENTS. PART III.—1878. May 7, 1878. Page The Ra i, Report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie in April 1878......++ 441 1. Note on the Stridulating Organ of Palinwrus vulgaris. By T. Jerrery PARKER, Assoc. ! R.S.M.° (Plate XXX.) 0... cece eee cece ee ee rete eee ce eeees o as ingeratetelaptetb in thas ss 442 2. Contributions to a Knowledge of the Hemipterous Fauna of St. Helena, and Specula- tions on its Origin. By F. Bucaanan Wuirte, M.D., F.L.S. (Plate ea De reear 4449) 3. Further Remarks on Fuligula nationi. By P.L. Scuater. (Plate XXXII.)...-....+. A174 | 4, On a small pelea. of Lepidoptera from Jamaica. By Arrnur G. Bed E. L.S., an FDS SC. ins vais che cclge stm oine ones omen sb visvete 2a cg resb ioe cule olole’ ely’ «ate eam eas 5, ee. 7 new Land-Shells from Japan and Borneo, By aoe A. Surru, F.Z.S. 495 — 6. On the Fruit-Pigeons of the Genus Ptilopus. By D. G. Exuior, F.R.S.H, &e. (Plates OK MTT itis RON IV ci)” cel oinielancte: agri e-o'o, e/siejeie'ereteue oma eigtavs) 6\ L.e, p. 348. 454 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, arctic character of the fauna; and, 2, the road by which it came ; but these will be most conveniently treated of together. St. Helena is, as has been already said, a small island of ancient voleanic origin, very distant from any continent, and surrounded by very deep sea. The nearest land is Ascension Island, 698 miles north-west of St. Helena; and nearly double that distance north of Ascension lie the Cape-Verd Islands. Improbable as it may seem to many, this is the route by which, I think, the aboriginal fauna reached St. Helena. But it is not necessary to believe that the colonists crossed such wide stretches of ocean. ‘“‘Stepping-stones,’”’ in the shape of other islands, doubtless existed ; and, in fact, we can trace the remains of some of them. For, deep as is the ocean round St. Helena, a some- what shallower sea (still, however, very deep) extends between it and Ascension, and is continued north to the equator, where a yet shallower place is to be found, not more than 700 or 800 miles from the Cape-Verd Islands. It seems not only possible but extremely probable that in this equatorial shoal we have the wreck of an island ; and as the line indicated coincides with an area of depression as well as of voleanic action (extending more or less from Iceland to Trinidad and Tristan d’Acunha), there is no reason why other islands should not have existed, of which (as Mr. Darwin says) “ not a wreck now remains.” It may be argued against this theory that, if it were probable, then Ascension should have a larger native fauna than it at present pos- sesses; but, as far as I can learn, the present Ascension is of com- paratively recent origin, and supplies an argument in favour of my view that volcanic action has made great alterations in the sup- posed line of route. If (as seems probable) the present Ascension Is comparatively recent, it by no means follows that an older island did not once occupy its place and possess a larger fauna than its suc- cessor, which has been possibly colonized from St. Helena. (I may here call attention to Mr. Melliss’s remarks’, that Sterna fuliginosa does not remain all the year at St. Helena, but probably migrates to Ascension, returning to St. Helena at the end of the year. If there is any thing in Mr. Wallace’s theory that the lines of migration of birds often coincide with ancient land-connexion’?—which, however, Colonel Drummond Hay has shown* to be by no means invariably the case— then this would seem to point at some closer connexion in former times between St. Helena and Ascension.) But even assuming that the supposed requisite intermediate islands existed, it is necessary to find some means by which the tide of emi- gration was induced to flow towards St. Helena. At the present time both the ocean-currents and the prevailing winds would tend to lessen, if not, as seems more probable, to entirely prevent, emigration in that direction, even if the “ stepping- stone ” islands still existed. The S.E. trade is the prevailing wind ; and the great Agulhas current sweeps past St. Helena from the LE ep Oe: ° Geographical Distribution of Animals, i. p. 22. * Scottish Naturalist. 1877-78. 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 455 Cape of Good Hope towards the West Indies, and, while effectually stopping any emigration from the north, does, in fact, occasionally (as we shall presently see) bring new inhabitants to the island from the south. Given, therefore, any cause by which the present direc- tion of the winds and currents could be reversed, the probability of colonization from the north would be immensely increased. But when we find, as in reality we do, that one and the same cause not only reversed the winds and currents, but induced an immense tide of migration to flow from the north to the south, then it seems pretty evident whence St. Helena derived its fauna, if that fauna be, as I shall presently show it is, of a Palearctic character. The cause I have alluded to is one or other of the northern glacial periods, either the last or one in Miocene times. That during such a period the equatorial currents were reversed, Dr. Croll! has shown there are very good reasons for believing; and as regards the flow of migration southwards at the same time, we know that that must necessarily have taken place’. But perhaps it may be argued that similar reasons to those which I have advanced to show that the colonization was from the north may be brought forward to prove, with as great probability, that the colonization was from the south. We have seen, however, that the present configuration of the sea-bottom is much more in favour of the northern than of the southern theory; we, know, moreover, that emigration from the north has always been more powerful than from the south ; and I will try to show that the character of the fauna is in favour of the northern view. It is now generally admitted that the Cape-Verd Islands belong to the Palzearctic region, and have derived their fauna through the Canaries and Madeira. If, then, St. Helena got its fauna by that route from the north, the affinities should be Palearctic, and the imprint of the fauna of the route should be more or less discernible. That this imprint is not more manifest is explained, I think, by reason that the route was interrupted at the St.-Helena end, and that island cut off, at a very remote date; the other islands being less inaccessible, have had their faunas altered very consider- ably by later importations, and their original settlers less modified by the fact that the colonization was more en masse and that fresh blood has tended to preserve the old types. Mr. Wollaston, whose opinion must be received with the greatest respect, arrived at the conclusion, as I have already mentioned, that St. Helena had little in common with the faunas of the Atlantic archipelagos to the north ; but even he admits that “‘ two of the most significant of the Rhynchophorous types—namely Nesiotes (of the Tanyrhynchide) and Acarodes (of the Anthribiide)—are allied con- spicuously to Echinosoma and Xenorchestes of the Madeiran archi- pelago.” Most of the coleopterous genera not peculiar to St. Helena have already been cited in evidence of the very ancient peopling of the 1 Quoted in Dr. J. Geikie’s ‘ Great Ice Age,’ p. 107, &e. * Darwin, I. c. p. 339, &e. 456 DR, F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, island. Most of these genera, in addition to being Miocene and of very wide distribution, are characteristic Paleearctic genera at the present time. Amongst the peculiar genera many have their affinities (and, hence, probable ancestry) with Palearctic genera ; while in the North-Atlantic islands there seems to me to be more evidence of alliance with St. Helena than Mr. Wollaston was inclined to admit. Mr. Murray (whose line of migration, in part, at least, coincides, as will have been noticed, with mine—he arguing, however, for continuity of land) was decidedly in favour of affinity with the North-Atlantic islands; and his knowledge of Coleoptera was, it must be allowed, so extensive as to require his opinion to be received with attention. It is true that since he wrote on the subject our knowledge of the St.-Helenian Coleoptera has been immensely increased ; but so far as I can see, nothing has been found to invali- date (but rather to increase) the argument in favour of such alliance. Taking Mr. Murray’s abstract’ of the Coleoptera of the North- Atlantic islands, we have in Madeira 266 endemic species against 120 aboriginal European species, the endemic species being all akin to European forms. Then in the Canaries we find that, out of a total of 930, 224 species are identical with Madeiran, the peculiar characters of the Madeiran fauna being there in force. Next come the Cape-Verd Islands, of which Mr. Wollaston says, ‘‘ Our recent explorations in the Cape-Verdes have shown their coleopterous population to be so far more than I had anticipated on the Canarian and Madeiran type, that I am any thing but certain that it would not be more natural to regard the whole of these Atlantic islands as characterized by a single fauna unmistakably the same, even whilst necessarily differing as to many of its exact details (and through the fact of mere distance) in the more widely separated groups.” In fact we find in the three archipelagos just what might have been expected. As we move southwards the same general character of the fauna is found to be present, but the particulars. gradually alter. And this, it seems to me, is apparent even when St. Helena is reached. Making due allowance for its remoteness and different latitude, the character of the fauna is the same, though the details are very considerably altered. For example, in Madeira we have the Heteromerous genera Hadrus and Hegeter, with 3 and | species respectively ; in the Canaries Hadrus has vanished, but Hegeter has no less than 19 species; in the Cape-Verds Hegeter has almost disappeared, having but a single species, but its place has been taken by a new genus, Oxycara, with 10 species ; in St. Helena all these genera have vanished, but are represented by two new and allied genera—Hadrodes and Tarphiophasis, regarding the first of which Mr. Wollaston remarks that it has a good deal in common with the Madeiran Hadrus. Tarphiophasis too seems evidently a develop- ment of Hadrodes, just as the latter is of Hadrus. Then, again, Mr. Wollaston remarks of the St.-Helenian Opatrum hadroides that it is closely allied to species from the Cape-Verd, Canarian, and Madeiran archipelagos, and is even more akin to one, and probably 1 Lc. p. 12 &e, 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 457 identical with another, Cape-of-Good-Hope species—the significance of which latter facts will be alluded to in connexion with the flora. Again, the genus Huwestus was known from Madeira only, till Mr. Wollaston discovered another species in St. Helena. But as the most remarkable fact in the coleopterous fauna of St. Helena is the enormous preponderance of Cossontde—more than a quarter of the endemic species belonging to that family—which seem to find there their metropolis, we ought, if the line of migra- tion is by Madeira &c., to find in the latter a significant development of this family. And so wedo. ‘In the Madeiran and Canarian groups,” writes Mr. Wollaston’, ‘‘there is scarcely any fact [the insular-loving nature of the Cossonide] more distinctly observable— where every detached rock is tenanted by some one representative, or more, of this particular department. Nor are trees and shrubs (which seldom flourish in localities thus weather-beaten and exposed) by any means essential for their support, the pithy stems of the ordinary plants being amply sufficient to sustain them; and I have frequently found the stalks of dead thistles and Umbelliferce to be perforated through and through by their ravages.” Mr. Wollaston found 19 species in Madeira and 14 in the Canaries. The Anthri- btide (which include the next largest number of endemic species in St. Helena) indicate a like derivation ; but enough has, I think, been brought forward to show both the Palzearctic origin and probable route of migration of the Coleoptera of St. Helena. The Hemiptera are not fitted (from the reasons already given) to teach us so much as the Coleoptera; but 12 at least, if not all, of the 13 non-peculiar genera are Paleearctic, and many of them Madeiran. The peculiar genera have also nearly all strong affinities with Pale- arctic genera. Just as the whole facies of the Madeiran Hemiptera is European, so that of the St.-Helenian is Madeiran and European. The characteristics of the Arachnida and of the terrestrial Mol- lusca have already been pointed out. But let us now see if there be any thing in the manner of life of the aboriginal animals of St. Helena which would make their passage across the sea not only a possible but a probable occurrence. If we can find that a majority of them are connected with plants, it is not difficult to imagine how they might have been drifted by sea- currents to the island; but if, in addition, it turned out that many inhabited the interior parts of plants, their carriage across the sea would pass from the region of possibility into that of probability. Mr. Wollaston has carefully recorded the modus vivendi of the St.- Helenian Coleoptera; so we will try and prove our case from his evidence. At least half of the 12 endemic species of the genus Bembidium have the very abnormal habit, for that genus, of living within the dead and rotting stems of the tree ferns. (I may note here that in the Madeiran group 10, in the Canaries 14 (7 peculiar), and in the Cape-Verds 5 species of the genus have been found.) The following St.-Helenian genera are also, amongst others, especially 1 Trans. Entom. Soc, London, 1873, iv. p. 433. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XXX. 30 458 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, wood-frequenting—Anchastus, Anobium, the 17 genera of Cos- sonide, Nesiotes, &c. Thus 16 out of the 25 peculiar genera, and nearly 80, at. least, out of the 129 peculiar species, live zx wood at some period of their existence. The Anthribide, of which 26 species occur in St. Helena, are not wood-borers, although probably lignivorous as larve, but cling rather tenaciously to foliage, dead wood, &c. ; and they, as well as most of the remaining Coleoptera as well as the species of the other groups which are also attached to plants, must be specially liable to transportation in or about drift-wood, &c. In the case of winged species the winds, of course, would assist in the work. But it is unnecessary to pursue this subject any further, save to mention that though most of the plant-frequenting beetles are attached to some one or other of the peculiar plants, it by no means follows that their ancestors were so restricted ; for, as observed by Mr. Wollaston, some at the present day devour with apparently equal relish, the native arborescent Composite and the introduced Coniferee. . Nor is it necessary to suppose that they were introduced with the tree Compositze, because it is probable that the progenitors of the latter were not arborescent when they arrived in the island, but that that condition was gradually evolved’. Some of the Cossonide are quite content with the pithy stems of thistles &c., though the family is essentially wood-loving. It is also worth while noting the extreme paucity of that section of the Coleoptera known as the Phytophaga, which seems to show not only that the lignivorous beetles had more facilities of transport than those that merely fed upon the leaves of plants, but that, as Mr. Wollaston remarks, the early flora of St. Helena was essen- tially a woody one. Now that the forest has vanished, and though the greater part of the island is suited for the Phytophaga, yet the number of species remains the same—showing, I think, that coloni- zation (apart from that brought about by man’s unintentional agency) is not now going on. A word now as to the flora. The aboriginal plants have, as has been already said, most affinity with the flora of Southern extra- tropical Africa. This affinity can surely only arise from a common origin ; and if, as I have attempted to prove, the origin of the fauna is Palzearctic, it seems reasonable to suppose that the origin of the flora is the same, and that the same agencies which brought its fauna to St. Helena brought its flora also. Without going into details of the South-African flora (for which, indeed, I have not the materials), I may mention that there are one or two genera of plants common to it and to St. Helena which are strongly suggestive of a Palzearctic origin and dispersion by the influence of a glacial epoch :— for example, Stwm, which has an endemic representative in St. Helena; the very characteristic Cape genus Pelargonium, which has a straggler in Syria (where, be it noted, the endemic St.-Helenian coleopterous genus Haplothorax has, according to Lacordaire, its nearest allies) ; and others. * Darwin, 7. c. p, 350. 1878. ] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 459 Here [ may be permitted to quote a remark by Mr. Darwin on this point ':—* In Africa, several forms characteristic of Europe and some few representatives of the flora of the Cape of Good Hope occur on the mountains of Abyssinia. At the Cape of Good Hope a very few European species, believed not to have been introduced by man, and on the mountains several representative European forms are found which have not been discovered in the intertropical parts of Africa. Dr. Hooker has also lately shown that several of the plants living on the upper parts of the lofty island of Fernando Po and on the neighbouring Cameroon Mountains, in the Gulf of Guinea, are closely related to those on the mountains of Abyssinia, and likewise to those of Temperate Europe. It now also appears, as I hear from Dr. Hooker, that some of these same temperate plants have been discovered by the Rev. R. T. Lowe on the mountains of the Cape-Verde Islands. This extension of the same temperate forms, almost under the equator, across the whole continent of Africa and to the mountains of the Cape-Verde archipelago, is one of the most astonishing facts ever recorded in the distribution of plants”*. Mr. Darwin then proceeds to show how in a glacial epoch the temperate flora might have invaded the whole of Africa, and at the return of warmer conditions been driven up the mountains, or in some cases become gradually acclimatized. In connexion with this possible, and, as it seems to me, probable, community of origin of the floras of the Cape (in part) and of St. Helena, the significance of the occurrence at the former place of several Coleoptera and Hemiptera closely allied to, if not identical with, St.-Helenian species, is not to be overlooked’. Itis not to be wondered at, then, that we do not find, in the parts of Africa nearest St. Helena, much, if any, relationship to the island fauna and flora. That such relationship, so far as community of origin is concerned, once existed, I have little doubt ; but the return to tropical conditions and the reestablishment of the tropical fauna and flora have obliterated, except on the mountain-summits, all traces. And St. Helena by its isolated position and temperate climate (the mean temperature of the year being only about 61°) is to all purposes a mountain. The affinity of the Hemipterous genus Megarhaphis to the African Macrorhaphis (of which one species is from the Cape, and the other—rather doubtful as to the genus—is from the Congo) seems to be an exception; but as we do not know the exact nature of the locality whence the Congo species was derived, and as it is as likely as not to be a mountain and not a tropical insect, it may after all prove our case by being a descendant of one and the same Palearctic ancestor as the Cape and St.-Helenian species. There still remain some elements in the fauna and flora of St. Helena to be accounted for. 1 Origin of Species, p. 337. 2 See also Professor Oliver's ‘Flora of Tropical Africa,’ in which the occurrence of several species, not only Huropean but even Arctic, is recorded. 3 Oertain European Hemiptera are also natives of the Cape. 30* “ 460 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, For example, there is the one peculiar land-bird, Ayialites sancte-helene, which is so closely allied to African species that it is, in all probability, a comparatively recent introduction. It seems rather remarkable that there are not more peculiar land-birds ; and the absence of Bats (none of which are recorded by Mr. Melliss) is another curious feature in the fauna of the island. There are also the species of West-Indian fish and marine Mol- lusca as well as the Indian-Ocean species of the same groups. Not very much can be made out of our present knowledge of these; but it seems to me that no great obstacle exists to their introduction by means of the ocean currents. The present currents might have brought the southern and eastern species, while the reversal of the currents during a glacial period would bring the West-Indian and Brazilian animals. Though I have already invoked the agency of a reversed current for the purpose of bringing the Palearctic fauna to the island, I think it is improbable that the arrival of the West- Indian fish at St. Helena was contemporaneous with that of the ancestors of the endemic fauna, though, in the case of some of them, it is quite possible. I would rather suppose that, since they are species of presumably later origin (or, should their origin be as remote as that of the endemic species, yet it was elsewhere than at St. Helena), they were brought to the island during a later (or a later part of the last) glacial period than the ancestors of the endemic species. There are also certain elements in the flora, viz. the five tropical weeds or sea-side plants of very wide distribution, which Sir. J. Hooker refers to. These are almost certainly of later introduction than the endemic and peculiar flora. Mr. Melliss remarks’ of Entada scandens, L., that the large seeds ‘‘ are cast ashore on the windward side of the island, having been brought from the Mau- ritius, or elsewhere, by sea-currents. They have been known to germinate ; but it is doubtful if one now exists there.” ‘This fact is suggestive of the origin of the five plants alluded to, as well as of some others thought by Mr. Melliss to be indigenous. Part II. Drescriprive. In his recent work upon St. Helena, Mr. Melliss was able to record the occurrence of only 8 species of Hemiptera. The names of only five species had apparently been determined ; and of these 4 were evident introductions. It was therefore left to Mr. Wollaston to add considerably to our knowledge of the St.-Helenian species of this order. The list which I now submit to the Society embraces the results of his six months’ exploration of the island; and though it probably does not include all the native species, yet there is reason to suppose that the collection is a very representative one. A few months before his lamented death, Mr. Wollaston placed the collection in my hands for determination, with directions that a 1E.¢. ip, 266; - 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 461 ‘set of types” should be placed in the British Museum, and that the new species should be described in a single paper and not piece- meal. The first of these requests I have already carried out ; and the second I now proceed to fulfil. The type specimens of ald the new species, as well as a larger number of specimens in cases where the species was represented by more than two individuals, will be found in the British Museum. The following is a list of the species in the collection :—- Order HEMIPTERA. Suborder Herrrorrera. Fam. Cimicina, Stil. Subfam. Asoprna, Stal. 1. Megarhaphis wollastonit, Buchanan White. Subfam. Penratomina, Stil, , Nezara viridula, L. bo Fam. LyGz1p, Stal. Subfam. Berytrna, Stal. 3. Metacanthus concolor, Buchanan White. Subfam. Lycarna, Stil. Div. Orsituartia, Stal. 4. Nysius sancte-helene, Buchanan White. 5. Nysius thymi, Wolff, var. Fam. Cimicip, Stal. Subfam. ANTHOcoRINA, Reut. Div. ANrHocorARIA, Reut. . Hapa contorta, Buchanan White. . Cardiastethus bicolor, Buchanan White. . Lyctocoris campestris, ¥. 9 Sis or) Div. Micropuysartia, Reut. 9. Myrmedobia fuliginea, Buchanan White. Subfam. Capsina, Reut. Div. Puyrocoraria, Reut. 10. Calocoris (Megacelum) lustratus, Buchanan White. Div. Cyitocorarta, Reut. 11. Orthotylus mutabilis, Buchanan White. Div. Capsarra, Rent. 12. Lygus apicalis, Meyer. 462 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [ May 7, Diy. PuacioGnaTHaRiA, Reut. 13. Agrametra ethiops, Buchanan White. 14. Psallus flavosparsus, Buchanan White. 15. Psallus lutosus, Buchanan White. 16. Psallus vinaceus, Buchanan White. Fam. Nasip4, Stal. Subfam. Napina (=Corisc1na, Stai). 17. Nabis capsiformis, Germ. 18. Vernonia wollastoniana, Buchanan White. Fam. SaLprp&. 19. Salda aberrans, Buchanan White. Suborder Homorprera. Fam. FuueGorina. Subfam. Issinz. 20. Issus coleoptratus, F. Subfam. DeLpuacint. 21. Liburnia (Ilburnia) ignobilis, Buchanan White. Fam. JASSINA. Subfam. ByrHoscoprnt. 22. Stonasla undulata, Buchanan White. 23. Stonasla consors, Buchanan White. 24, Nehela vulturina, Buchanan White. Subfam. ACocEPHALINI. 25. Argaterma alticola, Buchanan White. 26. Argaterma multisignata, Buchanan White. Subfam. JAssrn1. 27. Grypotes (2) insularis, Buchanau White. 28. Thamnotetti« sancta-helene, Buchanan White. 29. Jassus wollastoni, Buchanan White. Subfam. TyPHLocysint. 30. Chlorita edithe, Buchanan White. There were besides in the collection several species in immature condition and hence undeterminable. One of these species, which is a native of the high central ridge, appears to belong to the Coreini ; and any future explorer of the island would do well to search for it. To the list must also be added Acanthia lectularia, L., a doubtless introduced species recorded by Mr. Melliss, and Cirius sanctea- helene, Stil (Eugenies Resa, Entomol. Bidr. 272. 148), a probably endemic species. Mr. Melliss also mentions the occurrence of several 1878. } HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 463 Aphides and Cocci. Of the 30 determinable species in Mr. Wol- laston’s collection 5 species— Nezara viridula, L., Nabis capsiformis, Germ., Lyctocoris campestris, F., and Lygus apicalis, Meyer, Issus coleoptratus, F., have been probably introduced since the island was discovered. The species which I have referred to Nysius thymi, Wolff, may also be an introduction ; but I am more inclined to consider it a native. The remaining 24 species seem to be all peculiar to the island ; and for the reception of 10 of them I have been obliged to create 7 new genera and 1 new subgenus. Mr. Wollaston has not, unfortunately, recorded for the Hemiptera, as he has done for the Coleoptera, the special modus vivendi of each species; but as the particular part of the island inhabited by each was briefly noted by him, I have been careful to give all the information [ can. i MEGARHAPHIS, gen. nov. Genus Macrorhaphidi valde affine. Caput apice subtruncatum, lobis equilongis. Rostrum articulo 2° 4°que subequilongis, sin- gulatim 3° longioribus. Thorax marginibus lateralibus subcal- losis, vix tranversim rugosus. Scutellum parte apicali retrorsum angustata, frenis ultra medium scutelli_ continuatis. Carina mesosternalis mediocris, nec lata nec sulcata. Venter spina basali longa compressa armatus, apud marem maculis sericeis haud instructus. Femora antica subtus apicem versus spina - parva armata. Tibie antice vie dilatate. Membrana costis 8 instructa. There is no doubt that Megarhaphis is closely allied to Dallas’s genus Macrorhaphis ; but it seems to me that the characters pointed out above are of importance sufficient to necessitate the creation of a new genus for the species described below. The difference in the comparative proportions of the joints of the rostrum, the narrow and unfurrowed keel of the mesosternum, the absence of the two silky spots on the venter of the male, and other points will at once dis- tinguish Megarhaphis from Macrorhaphis. 1. MEGARHAPHIS WOLLASTONI, Sp. 0. M. elongata, rufo-brunnea, rude et dense nigro-punctata ; thoracis angulis lateralibus prominulis obtusiusculis ; pedibus corpore concoloribus ; antennis paullo pallidioribus ; capitis lineis 2 lon- gitudinalibus ocellos includentibus, marginibus tyli, vitta centrali capitis subtus sternique, maculis marginalibus dorsi abdominis, nebulisque ventris nigris ; spina basali ventrali ad apicem testacea ; membrana brunneo-fusca. Capitis lineis 2 longitudinalibus inter ocellos ad apicem currentibus, margine interiore orbite, tyloque, pronoti callis irregularibus prope marginem anticum, necnon carina longitudinali angusta, scutelli linea apicali longitudinali subelevata, corii spatiis irregularibus (una ad medium, altera prope apicem), haud vel vir punctatis ; sterno ventreque minus dense 464 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, punctatis, carina ventrali levigata; scutello fovea parva sed profunda utrinque ad basin prope pronoti angulos posticos sat productos instructo. 3. Long. 13, lat. 6 m. m. Hab. “West Lodge’”’ (exemplar unicum). M. wollastoni agrees in many points of sculpture &e. with the description of Macrorhaphis (?) acuta, Dall. (List, i. 88. 2), from Congo, which species may perhaps pertain to the genus Mega- rhaphis. 2. NEZARA VIRIDULA, L. Two examples without note of locality. This almost worldwide species is probably an introduction. 3. METACANTHUS CONCOLOR, §p. 0. M. ochraceus ; antennarum articulo 1° annulis, uno prope basin, altero sat lato ad apicem, articulo ultimo (apice excepto), rostro ad apicem, oculis, scutello (basi spinaque exceptis), femorum tibiarumque apicibus tarsisque necnon corti marginibus angus- lissime exteriore et interiore apicali plus minus piceis aut piceo- nigris; capitis vertice linea elevata longitudinali instructo ; pronoti lobo antico rude punctato, sulco sat profundo inter lobos callis 3 irregularibus instructo, lobo posteriore postice valde elevato et longitudinaliter carinato; mesosterni spina lateralé longissima, primum recta, deinde retro curvata. 3. Long. 5 m. m. Hab. ad “The Barn,” ubi Aster glutinosus (Roxb.) (anglice ““ Scrubwood”’) oceurrit. I have seen only one specimen. 4, Nysrus SANCTH-HELENA, Sp. 0. N. oblongus, ochraceus, setulis brevibus concoloribus vestitus ; an- tennis, rostro, capite, pronoti impressione lineari transversa anteriore, scutelli basi sternoque plus minus rufo-brunneis ; an- tennis articulo 4° basi excepto, rostro ad apicem, capite vitta utringue inter oculos, punctis pronoti maculisque utringue ante marginem posticum, scutelli punctis, costis et maculis clavo disco- quecorii, hujus margine apicali plus minus interrupte, membrana maculis irregularibus, femoribus maculis, apice tarsorum, sterno ad medium, necnon maculis ventris nigris vel fusco-nigris. Bucculis basin capitis vie attingentibus, pone medium retrorsum sensim humilioribus ; articulo 1° rostri pone bucculas extenso et basin capitis atlingente ; capite cum oculis quam apex pronoti latiore; antennarum articulo 2° quam 3° longiore ; pronoto et scutello (illius basi excavata excepta) carina levissima instructis ; mesosterno distincte sulcato ; margine costali corii antice recto, dein rotundato-ampliato. 3 9. Long. 53-63, lat. 2-23 m. m. Hab. in intermediis editioribusque insulee—“ Plantation,’’ “ West Lodge,” “ Luffkins,”’ et ad “ Diana’s Peak.” 1878. ] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 465 Nysius sancte-helene varies considerably both in the number and intensity of the darker markings. Sometimes the whole of the clavus and disk of the corium are fuscous with pale spots, and the apical margin entirely infuscated ; but the widened anterior margin of the corium is almost always immaculate, except that sometimes there is a dark streak near the apical margin. This species belongs to the section aa of the genus Nysius in Stil’s ‘ Enumeratio ;’ but it does not appear to be very closely allied to any of the species therein placed. 5. Nysrus Toymi, Wolff. Hab. in intermediis editioribusque insulee—“ Plantation,”’ “ West Lodge,” et ad ‘‘ Diana’s Peak.” I cannot find any points of distinction between British and St.- Helena specimens of this common and variable European species, except that the latter seem to be rather smaller and to have more slender antenne and legs. It does not appear to have been previously found out of Europe. Hapa, gen. nov. Corpus oblongo-ovatum, parce hirsutum. Caput sulca transversa cur- vata inter oculos anterius preditum, inter oculos latum, modice pro- ductum, collari mediocri instructum, pone oculos leve nitidumque. Antenne pilose, articulo 1° apicem capitis superante, 2° sursum leviter incrassato, 3° 4°que filiformibus. Rostrum medium mesosterni attingens, articulo 1° oculos attingente. Pronotum haud vel obsoletissimo collari instructum, transversum, apice truncato, basi levissime concava, angulis anticis rotundatis et maxime depressis, lateribus acutis ; discus anterius convexo trans- verse rugosus, posterius depressus et leviter concavus ante angulos posticos, ad medium sulco longitudinali plus minus obsoleto instructus. Scutellum anguste transversum, ad basin convexum concavum ad marginem utrinque pone basin, apice leviter acumi- nato, disco leviter concavo et leviter longitudinaliter rugosc. Elytra macropterorum apicem abdominis paullo superantia et membrana obsolete 3-venosa. Elytra sepius tantum dimidio ab- dominis equilonga, membrana haud instructa. Femora antica maris reliquis crassiora; tibie antice apicem versus distincte incrassate, margine inferiore serie brevissimarum spinularum instructo ; tibie postice spinis nonnullis setiformibus instructe. Pedes femine graciliores, tibiis anticis haud incrassatis nec ut in 3 formatis. Quartum et sequentia segmenta abdominis maris sinistrorsum asymmetrica, supra 4°, 5° 6°que abdominalibus et 1° genitali segmentis sinistrorsum maxime abbreviatis; segmento 1° genitali fere contecto ad marginem sinistrum ; segmento genitali ultimo (ut videtur) triangulari, levitur sinistrorsum contorto, latere sinistro foramine calloso-marginato (quod fere @quilon- gum est ac segmentum), instructo. Quarti segmenti abdominis subtus margo posticus ad latus sinistrum profunde sinuatum. Abdomen femine symmetricum. Apex abdominis 3 et 2 pilis nonnullis longis apicem versus instructus. 466 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, Genus Piezostetho affine. Nomen a Maori “ hapa” (contortus). Obs. In Piezostethus, to which the genus is allied, the males have also unsymmetrical hind bodies—a fact, by the way, that I do not see noticed in any of my books. 6. Hapa contorTa, sp.n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 1.) H. piceo-nigra, pilis brunneis vestita ; capitis apice, antennis, pronoti margine postico, elytris, pedibus abdomineque plus minus piceo-brunneis ; rostro, antennarum articulis duobus ultimis, cuneo ad basin, trochanteribus, femoribus ad basin, tibiis ad basin apicemque et tarsis plus minus dilutioribus; abdomine obscuriore variegato. Macropterorum clavi disco, corti margine antico basin versus, et macula ad medium basale membrane paullo dilutioribus ; membrana fusco-luteo-brunnea, venis obscurioribus. 3 Q. Long. 3-33, lat. 15 m. m. Hab. in excelsioribus insule, ad “ Diana’s Peak.’’ I have seen but a single macropterous specimen, and that rather mutilated. 7. CARDIASTETHUS BICOLOR, Sp. 0. C. niger, capillis pallidissime brunneis vestitus; antennis, rostri apice, elytris pedibusque luteo-brunneis; capite nitido rufo- brunneo, clypeo dilutiore; rostro (apice excepto), antennarum articulis 2 ultimis, elytrorum suturis, margine interiore lato embolii, margine interiore discoque cunei plus minus fusoo- brunneis ; membrana luteo-fusca. Capite levi; clypeo sat angusto; pronoto (callo excepto), scutello elytrisque subtiliter punctatis. Long. circa 23 m. m. Hab. in intermediis insulee—“ Plantation.” Rather closely allied to C. testaceus; but, besides differing in colour, C. bicolor is a narrower and more slender insect. 9. MyrMEDOBIA FULIGINEA, Sp. n. M. atra; antennis piceis, articulo 1° dilutiore ad basin, articulo 2° ad basin medium apicemque albido, articulo ultimo ad apicem rufo-piceo ; pedibus piceo-nigris, femoribus posticis ad apicem, annulis 2 ad medium tibiarum anticarum intermediarumque, et dimidio basali tarsorum omnium albidis ; capite convexo ; antennis subtiliter pubescentibus, articulis 2° 3°que subeaquilongis ; pro- noto maxime convexo, annulo male definito, sulco transverso, nullo ; elytris margine antico anguste reflexo. Q. Long. 1 m. m. Hab. locos editiores supra ‘‘ West Lodge.” 10. Catocorts (MrGacuLuM) LUSTRATUS, Sp. n. C. sordide stramineo-testaceus, maculis parvis fuscis rufisque remote et obscure notatus, capillis tenuibus adpressis pallido-aureis vestitus ; pronoto obsoletissime punctulato ; oculis, maculis parvis 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 467 in disco et ante marginem posticum pronoti, macula geminata ad basin scutelli, dimidioque apicali femorum posticorum plus minus brunneo- vel rufo-fuscis ; apicibus rostri scutellique fusco-nigris ; antennarum articulo 3° ad apicem et articulo 4° toto, apice imo tibiarum anticarum, apicibusque tarsorum omnium pallide Susco-brunneis ; capite, antennarum articulo 1°, dimidio apicali Semorum anticorum intermediorumque, tibiis omnibus ad basin, et interdum elytris et lateribus abdominis supra subtusque, sat conferte rufo-sparsis. 3 2. Long. 6, lat. 2 m. m. Hab. in intermediis insule—* Plantation.” Sometimes the apical half of the antenne is vinous-red in colour and the fuscous markings generally more suffused with red. 11. OxTHOTYLUS MUTABILIS, sp. n. O. pallide fusco-brunneus, capillis pallidis vestitus ; pronoti margine postico elytrorumque margine exteriore anguste fusco-nigris ; elytris lutescenti- vel viridescenti-fuscis ; antennis pedibusque rufo-fuscis, illarum articulis 1° ad basin, 2° ad apicem, 3° 4°que, necnon tarsorum articulo ultimo et interdum tibiis ad basin, obscurioribus ; rostro ochraceo, apice fusco-nigro; membrana pallide fusca venis dilutioribus. Sat angustus, elongatus ; an- tennis + corporis equilongis, articulo 3° plus dimidio 2' longiore, 4° = 3' subequilongo ; rostro coxas posticas haud superante ; pronoti lateribus vix sinuatis, callis parvis; scutello convexo, ante medium transverse depresso. 3 Q. Long. 4m. m. Hab. editioribus insulae—“ West Lodge’’ et ‘‘ Diana’s Peak.” Very variable in the intensity of the coloration. It is allied, but not very closely, to O. nassatus, and belongs to the same group of the genus. 12. Lyeus apicauis, Mey., Fieb. Hab. in intermediis insule—* Plantation.” A South-European species, probably introduced into St. Helena. AGRAMETRA, gen. nov. Corpus oblongo-ovatum, sat rude punctatum, nudum. Caput nutans, latum, convexum; clypeo modice producto, compresso, a fronte parum discreto ; vertice immarginato ; gula brevi. Oculi oblongi, leviter granulati, pronoto contigui. Antenne sat crasse, ad oculorum medium internum inserte, corporis dimidio subequi- longe, articulo 1° crasso apicem clypei longe superante. Rostrum coxas posticas vix attingens, articulo 1° capitis basin vir superante. Pronotum trapeziforme, convexum, latitudine apicali vir longius, basi quam apice 4 latius, apice, lateribus et basi ante scutellum leviter sinuatis. Scutellum ad basin detectum. Hemelytra com- pleta, corii margine exteriore ad basin subito dilatato-explanato ; clavo, corio cuneoque coriaceis ; membrana biareolata. Ale hamo instructe. Pedes sat breves ; femoribus sat incrassatis ; tibiis 468 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, modice fusco-spinulosis sed haud punctatis; tarsis posticis longioribus, articulo ultimo duobus primis simul sumptis paullo breviore. Generibus Plagiognatho et Sthenaro subaffinis. 13. AGRAMETRA £THIOPS, sp.n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 2.) A. piceo-nigra nitida; rostro (apice excepto), coxis, femoribus, tarsorumque articulo ultimo piceo-brunneis ; antennis, tibiis, tar- sorumque articulis duobus primis sordide ochraceis ; antennarum articulo 1° ima basi, articulo 2° ad apicem, 3° 4°que piceo-nigris, imis apicibus 2' 4'gue dilutioribus; membrana fusca, venis parve cellule exterioris rufis; antennis, pedibus abdomineque capillis tenuibus pallide fuscis vestitis ; antennarum articulo 1° paullo supra basin subito incrassato, valido, cylindrico ; 2° sursum sensim incrassato, quam pronoti basis breviore, 3° 4°que fusi- formibus, 3° 4 2" paullo longiore, 4° 2 3' subequilongo. é @. Long. 35 m. m. Hab. in regione Commidendri robusti DC. (anglice “ Gumwood’’) —‘ Luffkins”’ et “ Thompson’s Wood.” 14. PsALLUS FLAVOSPARSUS, Sp. 0. P. testaceus, capillis pallidissime aureis vestitus, capite thoraceque preterea pilis nigris validioribus instructis ; capite, pronoto scutelloque ad basin fusco-atris indistincte nigro-guitulosis et maculis flavidis (una ad marginem interiorem oculi, una utrinque pone marginem anticam et altera in disco pronoti, necnon una distinctiore in angulis anticis scutelli) ornatis ; angulis imis posti- cis pronoti lestaceis ; scutello ad apicem clavoque flavo-guttulosis, corio cuneoque flavo- et fusco-sparsis, macula orbiculart prope apicem clavi et macula irregulari oblonga ante mediam basin cunei fusco-nigris ; membrana dilute fusca, iridescente, basi et fascia angusta transversa pone albidas venas dilutioribus ; an- tennis testaceis, annulo prope basin et macula ad interiorem articuli 1‘, annulis basali apicalique 2', 3° 4°que fusco-nigris ; femoribus anticis et intermediis ad apicem, margine apicali antico femorum posticorum, necnon tibiis omnibus e punctis nigris nigro- spinulosis ; articulo ultimo tarsorum fusco ; antennis mutilatis, sed, ut videtur, articulis 3° 4°que simul sumptis saltem 2° equilongis. 2. Long. 3 m. m. . Hab. in regione Commidendri robusti DC. (anglice ‘“‘ Gumwood ’’) -—‘* Thompson’s Wood.” 15. PsaLLus LUTOSUS, sp. n. P. Sat robustus, testaceus, opacus, aureo-pubescens, rufescenti- brunneo dense irroratus ; signaturis obscuris plus minus confluen- tibus, presertim in parte antica pronoti, medio apiceque scutelli, apicibus clavi coriique necnon femoribus ; antennis rufo-brunneis, articulo 1° ad apicem testaceo, articulo 2° ad basin apicemque et articulis duobus ultimis fusco-brunneis ; tibiis testaceis, annulis 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 469 plurimis angustis rufescenti-brunneis notatis et e punctis nigris nigro-spinulosis ; membrana fusca pallide transverso-fasciata, venis albidis. Antennarum articulis 2 ultimis simul sumptis 2° brevioribus, 4° 3 3' subequilongo. Long. 4, lat. 2 m. m. Hab. in regione Commidendri robusti DC., ad ‘‘ Peak Gut.’’ 16. PsaLLus VINACEUS, sp. n. P. gracilis, obscure vinaceus, nitidus, capillis pallidis sublongis vestitus ; antennarum articulo 1° et 2° ad apicem, rostro, scutello ad apicem, clavi disco, guttulis in disco corti, sutura inter corium cuneumque, cuneo ad apicem, femoribus ad apicem, tibiis tarsisque plus minus testaceis vel vinaceo-testaceis ; clavi parte pallida, Semoribus posticis ad apicem et tibiis posticis plus minus vinaceo maculatis ; apicibus rostri tursorumque necnon membrana fuscis, hac basi et fascia transversa pone cellulas dilutioribus, venis albidis, venis cellule exterioris interdum rufis; tibiis e punctis nigris nigro-spinulosis. Antennarum articulis 2 ultimis simul sumptis 2° aquilongis, 4° quam dimidium 3+ breviore. 3 2. Long. 3-33, lat. 12 m. m. Hab. in editioribus insule, ad ‘‘ Diana’s Peak.’’ Very like a small dark form of Psallus lutosus, but distinguished by its slenderer and more shining form, longer and less golden pubescence, more slender legs and antenne, the more uniform darker markings, and more convex pronotum with less concave hind margin. 17. Napis cAapsirormis, Germ. Hab. in intermediis insule, ad “ Plantation.’’ An African and American species, possibly (probably?) introduced. VERNONIA, gen. nov. Corpus elongatum. Caput ante uculos oblongo-productum, parte anteoculari parti postoculari subequali; clypeo distinctissime convexo-elevato, angusto, jugis depresso-rotundatis, medium versus constrictis, ad apicem leviter incrassatis. Oculi sat magni. Ocelli desunt. Rostrum 4-articulatum, coxas posticas attingens, gracile, articulo 1° brevi, duplo longiore quam latiore, 2° 3°que longis, subequalibus. Antenne setacee, gracillime, corpore 3 longiores, articulo 1° quam caput 1 longiore, 2° quam primus j longiore, 3° 2° equilongo, 4° brevissimo. Pronoti lobus anticus lobo postico angustior ; lobus posticus lateribus subparallelis obtuse et callose marginatis instructus, ante marginem posticum truncatum leviter transverse sulcatus. Scutellum latius quam longius, ad basin transverse modice elevatum. lytra abbreviata, scutello tantum duplo longiora, ad apicem rotundata, coriacea, marginata. Acetabula antica postice aperta, a basi prostethii excisa ; meso- sternum carina, pone medium distinctissima, instructum ; orificia subobscura ante coxas posticas sita. Pedes gracillimi et longis- simi ; cove longiuscule; tibie antice seriebus duabus, tibie 470 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, intermedie serie unica, dentium nigrorum tenuissimorum instructe ; femora antica modice incrassata, deorsum sensim angustata, tibiis paullo longiora ; tibie omnes ad apicem leviter incrassate ; pedes postici longissimi ; femora postica ad apicem modice in- crassata ; tarsi omnes sat longi, articulo 1° brevissimo, duobus ultimis subequilongis. Abdomen elongato-ovale, connexivo dilatato ad segmenta 3°" 4°™que latissimo, illinc apicem basinque versus sensim angustato. Genus Arbele affine, memorize viri celeberrimi beati Thomas Vernon Wollaston dicatum. 18. VERNONIA WOLLASTONIANA, sp.n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 3.) V . rufo-brunnea ( 3 ) vel rufo-lutea (2) rufo-sanguineo variegata ; capitis parte anteoculari, antennis pedibusque pilis brevibus pallide brunneis vestitis ; antennarum articulo 1° rufescente annulis latis obscurioribus, ad apicem basinque distinctioribus, ornato ; articulo 2° flavescente annulis 5 vel 6 fuscis, quarum 3 in dimidio basali et ad apicem distinctiores sunt, instructo, 3° 4°que fusco-brunneis obscure annulatis; pedibus plus minus distincte fusco vel rufo fusco-annulatis, ad basin testaceis ; abdomine supra sanguineo-variegata, subtus testacea vitta angusta centrali et vitta latiore laterali utrinque ornata; abdominis segmento 6° ad medium supra subtusque sinuato. 3 Segmento genitali quadrato, ad apicem truncato. 3 2. ‘Long. 10-12, lat. pronoti 13-17; abdominis ¢ 23, ? 4 m.m. Habitat in excelsioribus centralibus insule, inter Compositas arborescentes. 19. SALDA ABERRANS, sp.n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 4.) 8. obovata, atra, opaca, pilis brevibus erectis nigris, aliis depressis aureis intermiztis, vestita; antennarum articulo basilari (apice excepto), clypeo nitido, rostro, callo utrinque ad medium interne oculorum, pronoti marginibus lateralibus anguste, marginibus exterioribus interioribusque (illo basin versus latiore dilutioreque) elytrorum, necnon maculis nonnullis irregularibus corti pedumque brunneis vel pallide piceo-brunneis ; clavi maculis triangularibus, una pone medium, duabus prope apicem, linea ante medium suture clavalis, corii maculis 5 propemarginem anticum et nonnullisin disco albidis ; tibiis ad apicem anguste pallidis, apice imo et articulo ultimo tarsorum piceo-nigris ; unguiculis piceo-brunneis. Late obovata, pone medium latior ; capite cum oculis quam pronoti apex latiore ; vertice ante ocellus foveolato, margine antico subobtuse inerassato ; antennis vix« incrassatis ; rostro longo, coxas posticas aitingente ; pronoti margine postico quam margo anticus duplo latiore, marginibus lateralibus anguste reflexis ; callo antico mag- no, sulco profundo longitudinaliter diviso, pone callum sulco angusto profundo fovea obliqua ad angulum posticum currente utrinque conjuncto; scutello convexo, ad medium semicirculariter transverse sulcato ; elytris totis cortaceis convexis, margine antico rotundato. 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 471 et reflexo precipue ad basin, margine interiore pone apicem scutelli recto, margini elytri alterius haud incumbente ; (membrana aleque desunt ;) pedibus modicis, tibiis ad apicem subincrassatis ; tarso- rum articulo 1° brevi, articulo ultimo longissimo. 3 2. Long 3-5, lat. (pone medium) 2-3 m. m. Hab. in editioribus insule, juxta “ Diana’s Peak.’’ The absence of the membrane prevents me referring this to any of the sections given by Dr. Stal in his ‘ Enumeratio.’ It may perhaps belong to a new genus; but as it has all the facies of a Salda, I have placed it in that genus. S. aberrans is very variable in the intensity of the brown mark- ings. Frequently the corium is more or less of a rich fulvous brown with anastomosing black lines; the whitish spots also vary in intensity. There is, moreover, a considerable range of varia- tion in the size of the amimal. 20. Issus cOLEOPTRATUS, F. Hab. intermedis insulee, ad “‘ Plantation.’’ A common European species, and doubtless introduced into St. Helena. LisurniA, Stal. Inpurnia, subgen. nov. Antennarum articulus primus articulo secundo equilongus vel paullo longior. Tibia postica tarso postico parte quarta longior. 21. LipurniA (ILBURNIA) IGNOBILIS, sp. 0. L. testaceo-brunnea ; fronte distincte, clypeo, pronoto scutelloque obsolete (carinis exceptis), sterni maculis nonnullis abdomineque plus minus brunneis; dorso abdominis utrinque vitta longitu- dinali pallida, in segmentis 1° ad apicem, 2° et 3° ad basin distinc- tiore, et in segmentis 1°, 4° , 5°, 6°que interne magis, externe minus brunneo-marginata ; connexivo brunneo, angulis exterioribus apicalibus pallidis; tarsorum unguiculis piceo-nigris; elytris subhyalinis, concoloribus,vix dimidium abdominis tegentibus; oculis subrufis ; capite desuper viso et pronoto longitudine subequalibus, illo inter oculos breviter prominulo, vertice singulo oculo subequi- lato ; carinis omnibus discretis ; fronte longa, deorsum dilatata, carina centrali ad verticem brevissime furcata; clypei carina centrali obsoleta; pronoto scutelloque distinctissime carinatis, illius carinis lateralibus obliquis rectis marginem posticum attin- gentibus ; alis abbreviatis. ©. Long. 5, lat. 2 m. m. Habitat in excelsioribus insule, ad “ Diana’s Peak.” Iiburnia diverges from the characters of Liburnia by the longer first joint of the antennz, and the shorter hind tarsus. In the collection are two other Homoptera belonging to this family: one, which is much broken, is perhaps the ¢ of the above; and the other seems to be an immature Stiroma ? 472 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, STONASLA, gen. nov. Corpus cylindricum, elongatum. Caput obtusissimum, latum, thoraci aquilatum seu paullo latius, desuper visum brevissimum, suban- gulato-arcuatum, vertice maximam ad partem declivi; facie dilatata, transversa, fere subquadrata ; apice obtusissime angulato ; marginibus lateralibus ante oculos distinctissime sinuatis, dein valde votundato-dilatatis ; plica supraantennali valde obliqua, oculos haud attingente. Ocelli inter oculos in parte antrorsum vergente verticis positi, ab oculis remoti, sed inter se quam ab oculis longius distantes. Pronotum transversum, sat longum, antice subangulato-rotundatum. Scutellum mediocre, latius quam longius. Elytraaleque apicem abdominis longe superantia. Elytra pone clavum angustissime marginata.” Vene elytrorum alarumque fere ut in Bythoscopo formate ; membrane cellule apicales 4. Ale ante apicem emarginate. Tibia postice spinosissime. Genus Bythoscopo affine, forma faciei &c. divergens. [Typus S. undulata. | 22. SronasLA UNDULATA, sp.n. (Plate XXXJ. fig. 5.) St. sordide virescenti-flavescens, subopaca ; capitis macula parva irregulari inter oculos et ocellos (necnon interdum macula inter ocellos, maculaque utrinque in margine postico pone ocellos), fovea utrinque ante antennas, parte antica suture frontalis, et basi (media et lateribus prope basin clypei exceptis), pronoti macula parva utringue ad marginem anticum, scutelli basi centrali anguste, macula triangulari utringue prope angulos basales, maculis parvis rotundis in disco, sulco transversali ad medium angustissime, necnon apice imo, elytrorum venarum punctis irregularibus subconfluentibus et lineis dentato-fractis inter venas (membrane exceptis),alarum venis, sterno (lateribus exceptis), macula ad apicem superiorem femorum omnium, tibiarum posticarum margine exteriore superiore, unguicu- lisque necnon abdomine brunneo-nigris ; oculis, ocellis, frontis serie linearum irregularium transversarum utrinque, femorum maculis irregularibus, et tarsis anticis intermediisque plus minus brunneis ; alis infuscatis. Elytris oblongo-lanceolatis. 3 2. Long. 8-93, lat. 3-33 m. m. Hab. in editioribus insule, ad ‘‘ Cason’s.” 23. STONASLA CONSORS, sp. n. St. testaceo-brunnea, opaca, elytra subopaca ; capitis macula rotunda pone ocellos et prope marginem posticum, fovea ante antennas, fron- tis sutura antice, basi (media excepta) et lateribus prope basin clypet, necnon serie utrinque lineolarum transversarum, pronoti linea longitudinali centrali nec apicem nec basin attingente, macula parva utrinque prope marginem anticum et macula majore utringue in disco, scutellim acula parva ad mediam basim et macula triangular prope angulos basales necnon sulco transverso angus- tissime, clavi venis irregulariter, corti venis distincte, femorum intermediorum posticorumque macula superiore apicali, unguiculis 1878. | HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 473 et abdomine subtus brunneo-nigris ; scutelli dimidio apicali tes- taceo-flavido ; oculis ocellisque brunneis. 3 Q. Long. 73-9, lat, 23-3 m. m. Hab. in editoribus insulee, ad “ Diana’s Peak” et ‘‘ Halley’s Mount.” In addition to the differences of coloration, this species may be distinguished from the last by the internal sector of the elytra having three cells exteriorly between the base of the elytron and the apex of the clavus instead of two, as well as by the somewhat smaller stature. NEHELA, gen. nov. Corpus cylindricum, elongatum. Caput obtusissimum, latum, thoract e@quilatum, desuper visum brevissimum angulato-arcuatum ; ver- tice magnam ad partem declivi; facie dilatata, subtriangulari, apice producto, lateribus ante oculos late sinuatis, dein leviter rotundatis ; plica supraantennali valde obliqua, oculos fere attin- gente. Ocelli inter oculos in parte antrorsum vergente verticis positi, ab oculis et inter se fere equidistantes. Clypeus distincte productus, sulco inter basin et frontis apicem haud instructus. Pronotum transversum, sat longum, antice subangulato-rotundatum. Scutellum mediocre, latius quam longius. Elytra apicem abdominis superantia, pone clavum anguste marginata. Elytrorum alarumque vene ut in Stonasla formate. Tibie postice spinosissime. Genus Stonasle valde affine, forma faciei, situ ocellorum, et elypeo distinctius producto divergens. 24. NEHELA VULTURINA, Sp. 0. (Plate XXXI. fig. 6.) N. atra, opaca ; capitis vertice (maculis parvis 2 ad ocellos et 4 ad marginem posticum exceptis), oculis, macula triangulari in medio frontis, antennis et lateribus, pronoti marginibus lateralibus interne angulatis, margine postico et maculis 2 parvis in disco (interdum obsoletis), scutelli macula utrinque ad marginem ante apicem, elytrorum (clavo excepto) lineolis longitudinalibus latis inter venas, necnon marginibus antico interioreque corit, pedibus anticis intermediisque (unguiculis exceptis), coxis posticis, femoribus po- sticis ad apicem, tibiarum posticarum basi spinisque et articulis 2 primis tarsorum posticorum testaceo-brunneis. 3 Q@. Long. 7-73, lat. 2-25 m. m. Hab. in excelsioribus insulz, ad “ Diana’s Peak” et “‘High Peak.” Frequently the veins of the clavus are more or less brown; and more rarely the whole of the elytra is entirely black. ARGATERMA, gen. nov. Corpus oblongum, paullo depressum. Caput breve, pronoto paullo breviore et latiore, margine antico acuto ; vertice inter oculos quam singulusoculus duplo latiore, horizontali, concavo presertim antice, margine antico arcuato, acuto, inter ocellos angustissime reflexo. Ocelli in margine antico prope oculos positi. Facies convexa, dilatata, subquadrata, apice obtusissime rotundato, lateribus ante oculos sinuatis, dein leviter rotundatis ; sutura frontali ocellos attingente. Pronotum transversum, antice arcuatum, inter oculos Proc. Zoot. Soc.—1878, No. XXXI. 31 474 DR. F. B. WHITE ON THE [May 7, prominulum, postice truncatum. Scutellum transversum, latius quam longius. Elytra subcoriacea, tectiformia, oblonga, apicem abdominis viv superantia, areis pluribus subquadratis instructa. Ale areis apicalibus 4 instructe, venis in venam periphericam ter- minantibus, marginem haud attingentibus. Pedes mediocres, femoribus posticis paullo compressis, tibiis posticis spinosissimis, tarsis posticis articulo 1° articulis 2° una cum 3° equilongo, articulo 2° quam 3°* breviore. Genus Sive et Selenocephalo affine. [Typus A. alticola. | 25. ARGATERMA ALTICOLA, sp. n. (Plate XXXI. fig. 7.) 3 lete fulvus, nitidus ; verticis limbis, pronoti vitta centrali longi- tudinali et limbo postico, scutelli apice imo, clavi_ marginibus interne erosis, et fascia ante medium, corii marginibus (exteriore ad basin excepto), fascia ante medium et maculis pone medium, necnon areis apicalibus albidis ; verticis marginibus imis antico posticoque, macula utrinque ad oculos posterius, maculis 4 ad marginem anticum (2 intermediis geminatis, 1 lunata utrinque pone ocellos), facie, pronoti maculis parvis 5 ad marginem posti- cum, sterno ad medium, corii marginibus macularum albidarum pone medium et arearum apicalium nigris ; abdominis dorso nigro, segmentis 4°, 5° 6°que et ventre, necnon segmentis genitalibus et pedibus brunneo-testaceis ; oculis, alis, tibiarum posticarum margine postico, maculis marginis antici apiceque, tarsorum posticorum articulorum apicibus, necnon unguiculis omnibus nigro-brunneis. Q lete fulva, verticis limbo antico, pronoti limbo postico, scutelli apice imo, elytrorum areis apicalibus flavescenti-albidis ; verticis marginibus imis antico posticogue, macula utringue ad oculos po- sterius, maculis 2 in disco, et 4 ad marginem anticum (2 intermediis interdum postice conjunctis, 1 lunata utrinque pone ocellos), pronoti maculis 5 ad marginem posticum, elytrorum arearum plurium parvarum subquadratarum, areolarum elongatarum pone medium, necnon arearum apicalium marginibus nigris ; cetera ut in o. 3 Q. Long. 34-5, lat. 13-2 m. m. Hab. in excelsioribus insule, ad “ Diana’s Peak.” I have seen but one ¢ ; and it is possibly a variety. The elytra of the 2 have numerous black-margined cells or cell-like spots more or less variable. On the clavus and corium, to beyond the middle, these are small and vary in size, but are more or less square. Between these and the apical cells there is a transverse row of 4, more elon- gate, cells, of which one or more are sometimes subdivided. Beyond these are 5 marginal cells at the apex of the elytron. The veins of the elytron are scarcely distinguishable. 26. ARGATERMA MULTISIGNATA, Sp. 0. A. fulva, nitida 5 verticis limbo antico, pronoti margine imo postico, elytrorum areis apicalibus flavescenti-albidis ; verticis marginibus imis antico posticoque, macula utrinque posterius ad oculos, maculis 2 in disco, 3 ad marginem anticum (1 in medio interdum fissa, 1 1878.] HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. 475 utrinque pone ocellos), pronoti margine antico maculis 7, 3 inter- mediis elongatis magnis transversis in fasciam sepe confluentibus, disco fascia transversa abbreviata, limbo postico, necnon macula parva utringue ad angulos laterales, scutelli macula elongata utringue ad basin, elytrorum maculis plurimis subquadratis arei- Formibus, sterno abdomineque nigris ; sterni lateribus, abdominis segmentis 6° et genitalibus (his nigro-signatis) pedibusque brunneo- testaceis ; femoribus anticis et intermediis supra, posticis totis (basi apiceque exceptis), tibiis posticis magnam ad partem, tarsis anticis et intermediis ad apicem, posticorum apicibus articulorum omnium, unguiculis oculisque nigro-brunneis ; alis nigro-fuscis nigro-venosis ; elytris areis apicalibus marginalibus nigro-mar- ginatis 6 instructis. 3 2. Long. 3-43, lat. 13-2 m. m. Hab. in excelsioribus insule, ad ‘‘ Diana’s Peak.’’ In stature and general colouring rather like the preceding, but dis- tinguished at first sight by the much more numerous markings. Vertex more obtusely rounded in front and less prominent. Elytra with the veins scarcely distinguishable, covered with many somewhat square-shaped cell-like black markings, arranged in longitudinal rows. Apex of the elytron with six marginal cells, of which the first and the last are the largest. Venation of the wing different from what it isin 4. alticola. There are four apical-cells bounded by a peripherical vein as in that species ; but the second cell (counting the apical as the first) is pedunculate, the peduncle joining the first and second sectors; and at the base of the fourth cell is a smaller cell formed by a transverse vein cutting off the base of the fourth cell. The venation is otherwise normal, but rather subject to variation. The elytra have sometimes obscure pale markings on the inner mar- gin of the clavus, and vary also in the intensity of the black mark- ings of the pronotum and scutellum. 27. Grypores (?) INSULARIS, sp. n. G. aurantio-flavescens, nitidus ; verticis macula subquadrata utringue anterius et macula posterius prope oculos, frontis lineolis trans- versis in medio interruptis, clypei vitta centrali ad apicem dila- tata, lororum marginibus, linea ante et macula pone antennas, maculaque ante oculos brunneis vel pallide brunneis; vertice utrinque linea obliqua brevi, pedibus maculis nonnullis, abdominis dorso, et corpore subtus maculis paucis nigris ; scutello, abdominis dorsi lateribus, et corpore subtus flavescentibus ; elytrorum mar- gine antico late et venis, necnon valvulis genitalibus flavescenti- albidis ; membrana dilutissime fusca. 3 2. Long. 5 m. m. Hab. in editioribus insule, ad ‘‘ West Lodge.” Perhaps scarcely correctly placed in Grypotes. Head, seen from above, angularly rounded and prominent between the eyes; as long as the hind margin between the eyes ; broadly concave and witha fine impressed middle line; ocelli near the eyes; face very convex, and clypeus produced but scarcely curved; pronotuma er —- than 1 476 DR. WHITE ON THE HEMIPTERA OF ST. HELENA. [May 7, the head. There are sometimes additional brown markings on the vertex or face ; and the spots on the legs are also occasionally confluent. 28. THAMNOTETTIX SANCTZ-HELEN&, sp. 0. T. pallide aurantiacus, nitidus ; capitis maculis 2 parvis obsoletis inter oculos, frontis lineolis obsoletissimis transversis, pronoti margine postico, scutelli angulis basalibus, clavi nebulis 2 male de- finitis (1 ante, 1 pone medium), corii nebulis 3 (1 ante, 1 pone medium) alteraque ad basin membrane indistincte dilutioribus ; corpore subtus abdomineque supra et sublus flavescentibus ; tibiis posticis maculis nonnullis et unguiculis omnibus nigris. 3 9. Long. 5 m. m. Had. in excelsioribus insule, ad “ Diana’s Peak.” The always ill-defined pale markings are sometimes scarcely perceptible. The head, seen from above, is prominent and obtusely angularly rounded between the eyes; the face is very convex, and the pronotum broader than the head. 29. JassUS WOLLASTONI, sp. n. J. flavescenti-albidus ; verticis vitta transversa inter oculos, frontis vittis 2 latis longitudinalibus, elypei dimidio apicali saltem et macula utringue ante oculos, pronoto (marginibus postico et lateralibus exceptis), sterni maculis ad latera, scutelli macula quadrata ad medium basale, clavi vitta ad suturam clavalem et vitta centrali a basi ad medium, corii vitta subundulata a medio ad membranam currente, lineis longitudinalibus 2 minoribus (1 inter vittam centralem et basin elytri, 1 inter vittam centralem et apicem corii), margine antico toto corii, tibiis anticis intermediisque et tarsis omnibus aurantiacis vel pallide aurantiacis ; clavi linea juxta apicem marginis antici, membrane margine basali, sterni maculis nonnullis ad medium, abdomine (marginibus segmentorum exceptis) nigrescentibus ; membrana, alis fere totis, unguiculisque Juscis vel brunneo-fuscis ; venis ad apicem corii membraneque pallide flavidis, venis ceteris obsoletis ; capite pronoto fere equi- longo, rotundato et levissime prominulo inter oculos ; verticis margine postico quam singulus oculus paullo latiore ; vertice leviter dilatato antrorsum, foveola parva utrinque instructo ; fronte haud carinata ; marginibus oculorum desuper visorum divergentibus ; ocellis prope oculos sitis ; elytris oblongis. 3 §. Long 6, lat. 2 m. m. Hab. in editioribus insule, ad ‘ Cason’s,’”’ ‘ Diana’s Peak,” et “*Vine-tree Gut.” Sometimes the clavus and inner margin of corium are infuscated, and the hind tibie have a row of black dots on the outside. 30. CHLORITA EDITH#, sp. n. C. pallide flavescenti-albida ; verticis maculis 2 elongatis inter oculos, et pronoti maculis 2 in disco sanguineis ; scutello (macula quadrata ad medium basale excepta), clavi linea ad marginem interiorem ab apice scutelli currente, corii margine interiore fere TOO Te SB Geil Se 1878.] MR. P, L, SCLATER ON FULIGULA NATIONI. 477 a basi ad apicem clavi, vitta dilutiore centrali inter apicem clavi et margine antico posita, et nebula ad marginem anticum apicem versus elytri lete aurantiacis ; oculis, unguiculis et macula ad basin membrane nigrescentibus; membrana pallide fusca, ad basin obscuriore, venis late pallide flavescenti-albidis, maculas 5 mar- ginales (4 apicales) et 2 centrales cingentibus ; femoribus tibiisque ad apicem flavescentibus ; capite obtuse angulariter rotundato- prominulo inter oculos, longiore supra quam ad marginem posti- cum inter oculos ; pronoto semicirculari, dimidio marginis postici @equilongo. 3 2. Long. 3 m. m. Hab. ineditioribusinsule, ad “ Cason’s,’’“ High Peak,” et “ Diana’s Peak.” Species venusta, in honorem Domine Edith Wollaston, quee Lepi- doptera et Coleoptera insulz Sanctz-Helene diligentissime collegit, dicata. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XXXI. Fig. 1. Hapa contorta, p. 466. Fig. 5. Stonasla undulata, p. 472. 2. Agrametra ethiops, p. 468. 6. Nehela vulturina, p. 473. 3. Vernonia wollastoniana, p.470. 7. Argaterma alticola, p. 474. 4. Salda aberrans, p. 470. 3. Further Remarks on Fuligula nation. By P. L. Scrater. [Received April 12, 1878.] (Plate XXXII.) Professor Nation of Lima, Peru, has now forwarded to me a second specimen of the remarkable new Fuligula which Mr. Salvin and I described in the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ last year (1877, p. .§22), and dedicated to its discoverer. This is a male, the former example having been a female ; but, as will be seen on comparison, there is not a great difference in plumage between the sexes. Prof. Nation says that this bird is rare in the neighbourhood of Lima, but that he has lately ascertained that it is common in the north of Peru, and is found in great numbers on the lakes near the coast in certain months of the year. The species may now be diagnosed more correctly as follows :— FuLIGuLA NATIONI. (Plate XXXII.) Fusco-atra fere unicolor, in ventre brunnescentior, hypochondriis et genis in brunneum transeuntibus ; secundariorum parte basali, fasciam distinctam alarem constituente, alba; subalaribus nigris ; remigum pagina inferiore obscure cineracea; rostro et pedibus nigris : long. tota 18-0, ale 8°5, caud@ 2°5, tarsi 1:45, dig. med. cum ungue 2°6, rostri-a rictu lin. dir. 2°2. Femina omnino brunnescentior, supra et in ventre tenuissime nigro vermiculata ; capitis lateribus in brunnescenti-castaneum trahentibus ; et cras- sitie minore. Hab. Peruvia occidentalis, prope Lima (Nation). 478 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON FULIGULA NATIONI. [May 7, Trachea of Fuligula nation g. Fig. 1. Front view. Fig. 2. Dilatation at its lower end, seen from the left side. 1878. ] MR. P. L. SCLATER ON FULIGULA NATIONI. 479 This species appears to be a true Fuliguline duck, the only known representative of the group in South America. In colour it is quite different from any other species of the genus known to me, being immediately recognizable by its black dress and the transverse white bar on the wing. The characteristic Fuliguline white spot between the rami of the mandible is small in the male but quite distinct, larger in the female. The white colour in the secondaries occupies rather more than the basal two thirds, but does not extend onto the outer elon- gated feathers ; it likewise pervades portions of both webs of some of the inmost primaries. The hinder toe has a well-developed lobe, almost as broad as in F. collaris. Prof. Nation has also sent to me the dried trachea of the male specimen, for the preparation of a figure and description of which I am indebted to Prof. Garrod. “In the trachea,” Prof. Garrod remarks, “ of this duck, as in the males of the sea-ducks generally, there is a large dilatation at the lower end, on the left side, composed of an osseous framework supporting membranous walls. The outer one of these is traversed by an inter- vening osseous bar (see fig. 2), which courses backwards and upwards from its anterior inferior angle, and sends two small extra bars to the supero-marginal rim, and so forms a pair of oval fontanelles, before it terminates at the superior and posterior angle of the outer wall. “The wall of the tracheal box which faces inwards is ossified through nearly its entire extent, a few small membrane-covered fontanelles being found not far from its superior margin. In this respect the species differs from Fuligula rufina, in which the wall under consideration is almost entirely membranous, whilst it is almost identical with F. marila. “The outer aspect of the terminal tracheal box is represented in fig. 2. Pa Fig. 1 gives a front view of the trachea, which is seen to be con- siderably and fusiformly dilated in its middle part, in very much the same way as in Fuligula rufina, F. marila, Nyroca leucophthalma, Clangula vulgaris, and Mergus serrator’, except that in the last- named species the enlargement is situated somewhat nearer the mouth, ‘In F. rufina the dilatation of the middle of the trachea is rather more considerable and more localized to the lower portion of the windpipe, whilst in F. marila it is more extended and not quite so considerable in breadth. In fact F’. nationi is almost exactly inter- mediate between the two, tending, if at all, towards the Jatter species. “In the South-American Metopiana peposaca the mid-tracheal dilatation is much more decided and more limited, forming a nearly globose cavity® like that in Melanitta fusca and Clangula his- trionica.” 1 Vide Eyton, ‘ Monograph of the Anatide,’ 1838, p. 63. 2 See P. Z. S. 1868, p. 146, and 1875, p. 154. 480 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, 4. On a small Collection of Lepidoptera from Jamaica. By Axrtruour G. Butter, F.L.S., F.Z.S8., &e. [Received April 12, 1878.] The Lepidoptera enumerated in the present paper were collected at or near Kingstown, Jamaica, by Mr. James John Bowrey, who has kindly permitted a selection to be made from them of all the species required for the national collection. Among the Butterflies, as might have been expected, there is very little new, a species of Pamphila being the only one to which I have ventured to give a name; but among the more obscure and small Moths there are about two dozen novelties. RHOPALOCERA. 1. Danats arcuippus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 49 (1793). The males from Jamaica seem to possess a constant peculiarity in the immaculate black border of the secondaries. 2. Danats JAMAICENSIS, Bates, Ent. Mo. Mag. i. p. 33 (1864). 3. Caisto zAncis, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 486 (1775). 4, Papuia portiA, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 507 (1775). 5. AGANISTHOS ORION, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 485 (1775). 6. HrTEROCHROA ABYLA, Hewitson, Ann. Nat. Hist. ser. 2, vol, vi. pl. 9. fig. 7 (1850). 7. Evpacis rGma, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 496 (1775). 8. Lucrnta capMA, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. ii. pl. 18. figs. 1, 2 (1773). 9. Marpesta ELEUCHA, Hibner, Samml. exot. Schm. ii. pl. 50 (1816-24). 10. Gynzxcra piece, Linneus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 287 (1764). 11. ANARTIA JATROPH#, Linneeus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 289(1764). 12. JunonrA GENOVEVA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 290. figs. E, F (1782). 13, CysTrnEURA porcas, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 508 (1775). 14. Puycropes rristA, Poey, Cent. Lep. (1833 ?). 15. Eunica tTatiua, Herrich-Schiffer, Ausl. Schm. figs. 69-72 (1852-58). In the examples from Jamaica the white spots are smaller than in the figure. 1878. ] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 481 16. Everoreta wecesia, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 209. figs. E, F (1782). 17. Dione vaniLu#, Linneeus, Mus. Lud. Ul. p- 306 (1764). 18. CoLanis pEeixA, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 510 (1775). 19. Hexicontius CHARITHONIA, Linnzeus, Syst. Nat. i. 2 p- 757 (1766). 20. LampipEs cerAunvus, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 303 (1793). > 21. TmMoLus coLUMELLA, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p- 282 (1793). 22. Tmoxus pan, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. ii. pl. 23. figs 3, 4 (1773). 23. Naruauis roux, Boisduval, Sp. Gén. i. p- 589 (1836). 24, Trrtas GNATHENE, Boisduval, Sp. Gén. i. p. 680 (1836). Mr. Bowrey has observed this species flying over low bushes. The flight of Terias is always very low. 25. TertaAs ELATHEA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 99. figs. C, D (1779). 26. TERIAS EUTERPE, Ménétriés, Bull. Mosc. p- 299 (1832). 27. Kricocont TErtssa, Lucas, Rev. Zool. p. 429 (1852). 28. KricoGonia LysipE, Godart, Enc. Méth. ix. p- 98 (1819). 29. AMYNTHIA M&ZRULA, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 479 (1775). 30. CaLLIpRYAS SENN#&, Linneus, Syst. Nat. i. 2, p. 764 (1766). Mr. Bowrey has seen vast clouds of this species passing over the town of Kingston, sometimes for a week at a time. 31. Appras poryt, Butler, P. Z. S. p. 49 (1872). 32. SyncuLo# sopra, Boisduval, Sp. Gén. i. p. 495 (1836). 33. Papiiio potypamas, Linneus, Mus. Lud.UIr. p. 192 (1764). 34, Papiiio stnon, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 452 (1775). 35. Papixio pexavs, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 444 (1775). 36. Papitio HomeRvs, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. iii. 1, p. 29 (1793). 37. PariLio CRESPHONTES, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 165. fig. A, 166. fig. B (1779). 38. Papiyio THERsITEs, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 453 (1775). 39. Gonrurus proteus, Linneus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 333 (1764). 482 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, 40. GonruRvs CATILLUS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 260. figs. F, G (1782). 41. Tetxconvus, sp.? (Olive-brown, dull green at the base.) This species is quite common in collections, and therefore is sure to have been described ; but it would be necessary to work out nearly the whole family in order to identify it, many of the descriptions of Hesperiide being so bad that their determination is simply impossible. 42. Prorerrs aMynTAS, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 533 (1775). 43. PAMPHILA ETHLIUS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 392, figs. A, B (1782). 44, Pampuita nycTe.ius, Latreille, Enc. Méth. ix. p. 746 (1823). 45. Pampnita pHyivs, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. i. pl. 13. figs. 4, 5 (1773). 46. Pameuita uTHA, Hewitson, Descr. Hesp. p. 37. n. 32 (1868). The form from Jamaica being rather different from that of St. Domingo (and probably of Cuba), I append a description. Wings above bright tawny, reddish at the base ; a broad choco- late brown marginal belt from the end of the cell of each wing round the outer border to the external or anal angle, where the fringe becomes tawny; primaries with a large dark brown spot across the median vein ; head and collar metallic green, bordered and crossed by testaceous lines of upright scales ; remainder of the body above dull tawny, slightly olivaceous in front, yellowish below, with blackish spots down the centre of the venter. Primaries below with the disk of a yellower tint than above; the blackish median spot extended to the base, a blackish spot beyond the cell; outer border broadly brown, becoming ferruginous upon the costa: secondaries ferruginous, with a spot in the cell and a squamose angulated discal belt more or less orange ; anal fringe bright orange. Expanse 2 inches. I have to thank Mr. Du Cane Godman for the identification of this handsome species. I think it may be the insect intended by the description of Hudamus capucinus, Lefebvre; but the Latin of that description cannot be translated. It runs thus :—“ E. alis paululum subrotundatis, supra piceo-fuscis ad basin ochraceo-rubescentibus ; anticis in mare supra arcu minuto subtus macula fere dubia, in disco luteis (feemine utrinque maculis duabus geminis eodem colore) nervula sectis ; subtus anticis ad basin et disco inferiori nigris ; omnibus alis fuscis atomis rubris griseisque omnino rubescentibus.” The whole of the descriptions of Lepidoptera in Ramon de la Sagra’s ‘Cuba’ are of this character. LH. trinitad is said to have three front wings on each side, with transparent unequal and yel- lowish spots, “ anticis utringue tribus maculis transluctdis inequali- 1878. ] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 483 ’ bus et flavescentibus ; and although in this case it is evident what is intended, in other cases it is not so’. Surely where a Latin diagnosis defies all possibility of translation it ought to be ignored. 47. PAMPHILA INSOLATA, N. sp. 3. Primaries bronzy chocolate-brown, with tawny basal area; a large black patch below the cell, its anterior border embossed and greyish: secondaries tawny ochraceous; the costal area, outer border, and veins blackish: body greenish, abdomen dull tawny, palpi below sulphur-yellow ; legs tawny. Wings below sordid ochra- ceous ; primaries with the basal half of a brighter tint, the interno- basal area and a spot below the cell blackish ; internal border dark greyish. Expanse | inch 8 lines. Quite unlike any other species known to me. 48. Pampnita oTHo, Smith & Abbot, Lep. Ins. Georg. i. pl. 11 (1797). 49, AcHLYODES PorRILLO?, Lefebvre, Ramon de la Sagra’s Cuba, p- 641 (1857). The single example taken by Mr. Bowrey has only four hyaline apical dots on each of the primaries; but this may be what is intended by “ anticis ad apicem 8 punctis translucentibus albis cir- culatim dispositis,” the only difficulty being the arrangement of four dots so as to produce a circle. HETEROCERA. 50. Enyo camertus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 225. fig. A (1782). 51. CuzrocaMpa cutRoN, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. i. pl. 26. fig. 3 (1770). 52. DeiLerHiLA LINEATA, Fabricius, Ent. Syst. ii. p. 541 (1775). 53. PHILAMPELUS SATELLITIA, Linnzus, Mantissa, i. p. 539 pl ib): 54. Pacuyxia Ficus, Linneus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 352 (1764). 55. AMBULYX sTRIGILIS, Linneeus, Mantissa, i. p. 538 (1771). 56. AMPHONYX CLUENTIUS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. p. 124, pl. 78. fig. B (1779). 57. ANCERYX FASCIATA, Swainson, Zool. Ill. 2nd ser. vol. iii. pl. 150 (1823). 58. DitorpHonotra ELLO, Linneus, Mus. Lud. Ulr. p. 351 (1764). 1 Examine the description of Hesperia baracoa as an example. 484 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, 59. DiLopHonotTa xNoTRUS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 201. fig. C (1782). 60. DiLopHONOTA OMPHALE#, Boisduval, Lép. Guat. p. 72 (1870). 61. Prororarce rustica, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 540 (1775). 62. Proroparcre JAMAICENSIS, Butler, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p- 608 (1876). 63. Protoparce crneuLaTa, Fabricius, Syst. Ent. p. 545 (1775). 64. PsEuDOSPHINX TETRIO, Linneus, Mantissa, i. p.538 (1771). The larva of P. tetrio is well known to Mr. Bowrey, who de- scribes it as “ black with yellow bands, and with the head, feet, anal claspers, and horn scarlet.” 65. CosMosSOMA TYRRHENE, Hiibuer, Samml. ex. Schm. Zutr. figs. 483, 484. 66. CosmMosoMA AUGE, Linneus, Syst. Nat. ii. p. 807. n. 46 (1766). 67. EmpyrEUMA PUGIONE, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. il. p. 807. n. 45 (1766). 68. ARE marorinata, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. ii. pl. 22. fig. 2 (1773). 69. ComposiA syBARIs, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 71. fig. E (1779). 70. Evcua#res rnsuuata, Walker, Lep. Het. iii. p. 734. n. 5 (1855). 71. Deropera speciosa, Walker, Lep. Het. ii. p. 568 (1854). Common in grass. The larva much resembles that of our Euro- pean Callimorpha jacobee: it is orange, banded with warty-black bands, and with rather long black bristles projecting from the warts ; head and legs reddish. 72. CINCIA PALLIDA, 0. sp. Primaries white, with cream-coloured veins, a black dot at the base; four oblique parallel equidistant angular series of black dots, also a marginal series; secondaries pearly grey; head and collar white; thorax white dotted with black; abdomen pearly grey. Under surface pale greyish, the spots obsolete; costal margin of primaries white, with three pale brown spots beyond the middle ; body whitish. Expanse ] inch | line. 73. Mutona LApiIpARIA, Walker, Lep. Het. Suppl. v. p. 1896 (1866). 1878.] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 485 74. Guissa VARIEGATA, Walker, Lep. Het. ii. p. 380 (1854). This beautiful little species seems to be not uncommon. Mr. Bowrey found it settled on the under surface of the leaves of coffee. 75. LAURONA ERGOLIS, Walker, Lep. Het. ii. p. 335 (1854). This common species is said to have a hairy caterpillar. 76. EvrHisaNoTia Trmais, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 275. fig. B (1782). 77. EUGLYPHIA HIEROGLYPHICA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 147. fig. D (1779). The larva of this species, which is slightly hairy, feeds on lilies. 78. OcHRIA NIVEOPICTA, N. Sp. Primaries above deep coppery red; the orbicular and reniform spots represented by circles of white dots enclosing white spots ; costal margin white-dotted; a few scattered white dots on basal area, a discal series and a marginal series; a submarginal series of white spots: secondaries shining brown, slightly darker at outer border: body corresponding in colour with the wings. Under sur- face pinky brown; internal areas of the wings more or less broadly white ; primaries with pale discocellular spot and outer border. Expanse | inch 4 lines. 79. PRODENIA IGNOBILIS, 0. sp. Primaries above shining whity brown; costal margin whitish, crossed by oblique brown spots ; two black dots and a small brown spot at the end of the cell; a double discal series of black dots on the veins; an ill-defined series of internervular bronzy streaks; an oblique bronzy streak from the second median interspace to near the base of the inner margin, where it terminates in a black line; a marginal series of black dots; fringe bronzy, crossed by white lines from the ends of the veins, and with a white internal margin: secondaries semitransparent opaline white: body pale brown, the head, collar, and tegule whitish ; a darker brown patch on each side of the collar. Wings below white, most of the markings obso- lete ; primaries sericeous, with bronzy-tinted fringe and costa; a marginal series of black dots ; body below whitish, varied with pale reddish brown. Expanse 1 inch 3 lines. This species and the next have the general aspect of Leucania. 80. PRopENIA PAUPER, 0. sp. Primaries above shining whity brown, with five or six black costal dots and three (indicating the reniform spot) at the end of the cell ; an arched discal series of minute black dots on the veins ; outer border rather dusky ; a marginal series of minute black dots: secondaries semitransparent opaline white ; the apex with a brown marginal line ; costal area pale brown: body whity brown ; front of the collar brown, with a black posterior edge. Under surface shining, the markings obsolete. Expanse 1 inch 3 lines. 486 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, 81. ConpicA PALPALIS, Walker, Lep. Het. ix. p. 240 (1856). 82. APAMEA INTERMITTENS, Walker, Lep. Het. xv. p. 1686. (1858). 83. Periteea Mositis, Walker, Lep. Het. x. p. 277 (1856). 84. Hapena asrpa, Felder, Reise der Nov. Lep. iv. pl. 109. fig. 7 (2). The example from Jamaica has the apices of the primaries rather more rounded and the pattern less strongly indicated than in Felder’s figure ; still it is so like it that it would be unsafe to regard it as a distinct species. 85. Exousa aLercans, Walker, Lep. Het. xiii. p. 1118 (1857). This genus is nearly allied to Hrastria; the same species is described subsequently by Walker under the name of Lrastria includens. 86. GoNODONTA NuTRIX, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 312. fig. B (1782). 87. Hypuaa purerA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 103. figs, D, E (1779). 88. CosmMoPpHILA EROSA, Hubner, Samml. ex. Schm. Zutr. figs. 287, 288. 89. DrEcELEA BOWREYI, 0. Sp. Primaries pale brown mottled with black; a broad central band (the internal third of which is black and the remainder of the ground-colour), limited internally by a black line, and externally by an angulated and slightly irregular white line; a black line across the base, terminating on interno-median area in a triangular black patch ; several black costal dashes and an oblique black line from the costa across the central band; a subcostal greyish lunule partly bordered by pearly scales beyond the central band; a very irregular dentate-sinuate whity-brown discal stripe with dark borders ; a sub- marginal series of black bracket-like markings separated by white dots upon the veins ; fringe spotted with dark brown: secondaries reddish brown, darker towards the outer border; a black sinuated marginal line interrupted on the veins by white dots; fringe pale brown, bordered and intersected by parallel dusky lunules: body pale brown speckled with black; collar with an ill-defined central black line, the border pearly ; a few pearly whitish scales scattered over the thorax ; abdomen with three very prominent dark brown dorsal tufts or masses of scales. Primaries below pale olive-brown slightly sericeous; a black costal spot before the middle, and a second smaller one beyond the middle; the remainder of the costa alternately brown and white; disk darker than the rest of the wing, crossed by a nearly straight dusky line, and limited externally by a very irregular dentate-sinuate line ; a sinuated black marginal line, interrupted by white dots upon the veins; fringe with red-brown 1878. ] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 487 external spots: secondaries pinky brown, crossed by two dark lines which form a central semicircular area, in the middle of which is the dark discocellular lunule; a dusky submarginal belt ; margin and fringe as above: body below pinky-brown; tarsi black, banded with testaceous or pinky whitish. Expanse 1 inch 6 lines. This singular species has somewhat the aspect of a Dasychira ; it seems, however, to be allied to the genus Nenia. 90. Homorrera TERROSA, Guénée, Noct. iii. p. 11. n. 1332 (1852). Whether Walker has rightly identified this species I cannot say, but his H. posterior is the same as his H. terrosa. 91. Boxtrna rascioLaris, Hibner, Samml. ex. Schm. Zutr. figs. 443, 444. 92. Boxtina cunEarts, Guénée, Noct. iii. p. 70. n. 1414 (1852). 93. BoLINA PERPENDICULARIS, Guénée, Noct. iii. p. 65. n. 1404 (1852). 94. BoLINnA EVELINA, 0. sp. Markings nearly as in B. ochrodes, but the primaries slaty grey, the large reniform patch of the same colour, the internal two thirds of the central band whity brown mottled with greyish brown; two triangular black subcostal spots resting upon the inner margin of the trisinuate red-brown discal stripe; external area soft silver- grey; marginal line yellowish; fringe brown, white at external angle; secondaries with the basal half and fringe white, the external half black; thorax lilacine, abdomen grey. Wings below with the basal half and fringe white, the external half blackish; primaries with a white spot just beyond the cell; fringes tipped with black ; body white; the palpi and legs fringed with pink. Expanse | inch 9 lines. Most like B. agrotoides in the pattern and coloration of the primaries. 95. Botina? conrirmans, Walker, Lep. Het. xiii. p. 1157. n. 25 (1857). This species would, in my opinion, be better placed with Biula. I can find no difference whatever between Syneda limbolaris (a species much like a Bolina) and Grammodes grandirena of Walker’s Catalogue. ; 96. Prostna NuMERIA, Drury, Ill. Ex. Ent. i. pl. 23. fig. 5 (1770). The species from Venezuela is quite distinct, the specimens from St. Domingo identified by Walker as P. mexicana being referable to P.numeria. For Walker’s P. numeria I would propose the name of Hypogramma confusa ; it is nearly allied to Hypogramma sublucida. 488 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, 97. THysANIA ZENOBIA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. ii. pl. 115. A, B (1779). 98. Eresus opora, Linneus, Syst. Nat. ii. p. 811. n. 11 (1766). The chrysalis of this species is enclosed in a slight cocoon, to which leaves are attached. It appears to me that at least five species have been confounded under this name; of these three are already figured as follows :— 1. E. odora of Linnzus, in which both sexes are alike in general pattern and both shot with purple; Drury’s figure represents a specimen in which the purple seems to have faded. Jamaica and St. Domingo. 2. E. odorata of Clerk, in which both sexes are again alike, but different from E. odora, a strongly dentate whitish belt intersected by black lines running through both wings. St. Domingo and New Granada. 3. E. agarista of Cramer, in which the male has a pale discal sinuated belt, and the wings from the centre shot with rose-colour ; whilst the female has the belt snow-white, intersected by black lines and a feeble Jilacine tint beyond the centre of the wings. Brazil. E. agarista is the most richly-coloured species. We also have a female from Havannah, which is certainly dif- ferent, and examples of a species which seems to be distinct from St. Kitts, Nevis, and New Granada. 99. Puurys GARNOTI, Guénée, Noct. iii. p. 307 (1852). In my opinion this species would be better placed in Trigonodes than in Phurys. 100. ACHHA INDISTINCTA, 0. Sp. Primaries red-brown, the base and a diffused belt beyond the middle paler ; a nearly triangular subapical costal chocolate- brown patch bounded externally by a white line ; an apical dark-brown spot ; costa greyish : secondaries smoky brown, crossed at the middle by a whitish stripe; fringe white; a submarginal sordid white spot near the anal angle: body whitish. Wings below pale olive-brown, with the basal area whitish ; primaries with an abbreviated sordid white discal baud ; a bifid subapical white spot: secondaries with brown discocellulars, followed by a white central band; a marginal sub- anal white spot ; fringe snow-white: body creamy-white, Expanse 1 inch 9 lines. Allied to A. eyllota. 101. PoaPHILA CINEREA, 0. sp. Ashy grey, wings with diffused chocolate-brown external area; a faint indication of an irregular central belt, expressed by zigzag limiting lines; an indistinct grey zigzag discal line across the brown area; primaries with a white spot at the inferior angle of the dis- coidal cell. Under surface paler ; the outer edge of the indistinct 1878.] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 489 central belt relieved by a whitish border; primaries without the white spot ; secondaries with an ill-defined dusky discal belt ; fringe white. Expanse | inch 3 lines. 102. Remicia DIssEVERANS, Walker, Lep. Het. xiv. p. 1495 (1857). This species is identical with R. persubtilis of Walker, and allied to his Ophiusa delinquens. 103. RuxescrPHa ELEGANS, nD. Sp. Allied to R. servia, but with narrower wings, the palpi much more slender; the primaries with less distinctly sinuated margin; a small white dot on lower median interspace close to the margin ; no yellow spots ; secondaries pale reddish instead of smoky brown, the base and costal area white ; thorax burnt-sienna red like the prima- ries ; abdomen very pale brown, almost white : wings below much whiter than in R. servia; body below snow-white, palpi and tibize of anterior and middle pairs of legs brown. Expanse | inch 7 lines. I find that the genus Rhescipha is most nearly allied to Tetra- tocera. 104. THERMESIA GEMMATALIS, Guénée, Noct. iii. p. 355. n. 1828 (1852). 105. Azazia MonsrraTuRA, Walker, Lep. Het. xv. p. 1564 (1858). This species is certainly nearer to Azazia than to Thermesia, with which genus Walker placed it. The following genus has been a puzzle to me; but it appears to be more nearly allied to Zuelidia than to any thing else. CALLISCOTUS, n. gen. Form and general structure of Zuclidia, but the body less robust, the palpi shorter, with very short terminal joint, porrect ; abdomen shorter ; primaries comparatively longer; subcostal branches of secondaries emitted from a footstalk; discocellulars concave but very oblique. Type C. bowreyi. 106. Catuiscotus BowReYI, n. sp. Primaries pale brown, crossed by numerous irregularly dentate- sinuate black lines; a broad dark-brown subbasal belt, beyond which are two large patches a little, paler than the ground-colour, outlined in black ; in the middle of the upper one is a small ocellus, representing the reniform spot, and pale brown edged with black and encircled by a yellowish iris; a few scattered white scales on the external area; subapical area dusky; a dentate-sinuate pale line, white, and followed by triangular black spots between the veins; an interrupted black marginal line: secondaries fuliginous brown, with dusky external border; a dark angulated discal stripe and a blackish anal spot: body whity brown. Wings below whity brown, Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XXXII. 32 490 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, with discocellular spots, angulated discal stripes, and external borders black ; the apices, a triangular spot at the centre of each outer margin, the fringes, and some spots at the anal angle of secondaries white; body below whitish. Expanse 1 inch 7 lines. A pretty species, somewhat calling to mind the Geometrid genus Scotosia. 107. CapnopEs? CALIDA, 0. sp. Bright clay-colour ; wings with two very irregular central brown- bordered whitish dentate-sinuate lines from costa to inner margin, each dens terminating in a white dot; outer border red-brown, bounded internally by a pale zigzag line ; a nearly marginal series of dots black internally and white externally: primaries with a snow- white spot and one or two dots at the end of the cell ; secondaries with a black-centred whitish spot at the end of the cell. Wings below considerably paler and irrorated with smoky brown ; secondaries whitish towards the base and inner border, the spots at the end of the cell less strongly defined than above, the lines obsolete. Ex- panse 1 inch 2 lines. This species has rather long palpi for a Capnodes, but in general form, style of coloration, and every thing else agrees with that genus. 108. Uranta stoanus, Cramer, Pap. Exot. i. pl. 85. figs. E, F (1779). 109. NycraLazmon acGistus, Fabricius, Mant. Ins. ii. p. 10. n- 93. 110. CH#RODES TRANSTINCTA, var., Walker, Lep. Het. xx. p. 20 (1860). 111. DrepaNopEs PionariA, var., Walker, Lep. Het. xx. p. 71 (1860). 112. BoARMIA DELICATA, 0. sp. Wings above chalky white ; the basal area and disk of primaries, and the external half of secondaries, crossed by parallel undulated testaceous bands; a well-defined zigzag stripe across the middle of the disk ; two central angulated slender black lines, between which is a black discocellular annulus on each wing; a marginal series of black dots: body white; abdomen banded with testaceous. Under surface white; wings with black discocellular spots, pale greyish- brown discal belt, and black marginal dots ; primaries with the costa black-spotted. Expanse 1 inch 6 lines. 113. AmpHiIDasys ARNOBIA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 383. fig. I (1782). 114. JopIs KINSTONENSIS, n. sp. _ Wings above emerald-green, crossed by a wavy yellowish discal line; fringes lemon-yellow, tipped with white; discocellular spots 1878. ] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 491 black, encircled with orange: frons deep red, with white angles and a central longitudinal green stripe; crest deep red, speckled with white; antenne deep red, annulated with white ; back of head, collar, and tegule emerald-green ; thorax and abdomen pale pinky brown or flesh-colour. Wings below much paler than above, especially at outer margin, sericeous; primaries with a small red apical spot ; palpi above dark red tipped with white, below pearly white; pectus snow-white, legs and venter pearly white. Expanse 1 inch | line. 115. Mecoceras siractariA, Walker, Lep. Het. xxii. p. 607 (1861). 116. Hyria VINACEA, n. sp. Laky purple, with rather broad ochreous outer border, between which and the general colour is a belt, reddish externally and slaty grey internally; abdomen with ochreous margins: wings below paler than above, the border cream-coloured ; body below cream- coloured. Expanse 7 lines. A pretty little species. 117. Erosta INCONGRUA, 0. sp. Sordid white, reticulated and speckled with brown: primaries with the base of costa cinereous; an irregularly elbowed testaceous line across the basal third; an angulated dark brown discal line (blood-red in certain lights), terminating on inner margin in a semi- circular brown spot; four submarginal brown spots on the apical half of outer border: secondaries with a black-edged sagittiform streak through the cell; a white-edged elbowed blackish line across the disk, bounded internally near the abdominal margin by an oblong patch of red-brown; apical area clouded with reddish brown ; border between the caudal processes greyish, black-edged inter- nally ; two submarginal black dots on the median interspaces : body white, with grey head and collar. Under surface sordid white, speckled with black. Expanse 9 lines. 118, AcrpaLia umMBiLiIcaTA, Guénée, Phal.i. p. 504. n. 872 (1857). 119. Acrpauia apparitartiA, Walker, Lep. Het. xxii. p. 733. n. 145 (1861). 120. Macaria acmaLiata?, Walker, Lep. Het. xxiii. p. 893. n. 33 (1861). 4 There is a broken example of what appears to be a species of Anisodes ; but I hope Mr. Bowrey will send us a good example some day, and thus enable me to identify it with certainty. 121. Yestrperes? ANOMALA, N. sp. Primaries above with the basal third and costa stramineous, the rest of the wing silvery brown; basal area crossed by sinuated red- 32* 492 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON [May 7, dish ochraceous lines, and the rest of the wing by sepia-brown lines ; a discal series of white-edged spots, black on the discoidal interspaces, otherwise brown ; median vein and bases of the branches black-spotted : secondaries semitransparent sordid white, with opaque outer border and grey submarginal stripe : body stramineous, streaked with reddish ochraceous. Wings below cream-coloured, with greyish- brown submarginal belt ; body white. Expanse 1 inch. The only example obtained of this singular species is, unfortu- nately, rather rubbed. 122. Scorosia caTocaLaRiA, Walker, Lep. Het. xxxv. p. 1689 (1866). 123. PrerocyPHA STELLATA, Guénée, Phal. ii. p. 443. n. 1627 (1857). 124, HypostpRA OCHREA, 0. sp. Ochreous ; wings with a silvery gloss, excepting the outer border, a discal belt, and a costal dash upon the primaries, which are of a clearer yellow colour ; primaries with the lower half of the discal belt edged externally with orange and plumbaginous; edge of fringe orange: secondaries with two parallel zigzag purplish-brown streaks across the abdominal half, the upper streak intersected by a plumbaginous line; edge of fringe orange: head brown. Wings below bright ochreous, with an oblique discal purplish streak ; primaries with diffused silvery-whitish external area ; pectus whitish, legs testaceous. Expanse 1 inch 3 lines. I have to thank Mr. F. Moore for the identification of this genus, the type of which is a Javan species, not in the Museum collec- tion. 125. HyPENA LUNIFERA, 0. sp. Primaries above lilacine brown, crossed by two slender blackish zigzag lines, between which is an orange lunule, with its inferior extremity white and edged with black, representing the reniform spot; an orange dot at the costal extremity of the second black line, and two subcostal dots of the same colour close to apex; a marginal series of black dots: secondaries pale smoky brown, darker towards the outer margin, crossed at the middle by an arched series of black spots; a marginal series of black dots: body dark brown, back of thorax slightly lilacine.- Primaries below greyish brown; costal area speckled with whity brown; the discocellulars and an arched discal series of spots dusky ; a marginal series of depressed triangular spots: secondaries sordid white, speckled with dark brown ; a black discocellular lunule ; two discal parallel zigzag dark brown lines, the outer one ill-defined ; a marginal series of black spots, as in primaries ; pectus smoky brown. Expanse 1 inch. 126. SyNGAMIA FLORELLA, Cramer, Pap, Exot. iv. pl. 348. fig. L 1782). 1878. ] LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. 493 127. Dresmta orBa.is, Guénée, Delt. p. 192. n. 128 (1854). 128. Desm1a PROGNEALIS, Walker, Lep. Het. xvii. p. 346. n. 22 (1859). 129. SAMEA CHLOROPHASMA, 0. sp. Wings hyaline, slightly yellowish, with stramineous borders ; outer border spotted with rust-red ; primaries with three mustard- yellow irregular lines across the basal area, followed by a straight golden brown transverse line, then a stramineous belt margined with brown, followed by a quadrate spot of the same character at the end of the cell (its inner edge continued as a single line to internal margin) ; an angulated brown discal line, terminating at inner margin in a rusty reddish spot: secondaries with a black-edged stramineous discocellular spot, from which a brown line runs obliquely to inner margin ; an angulated brown discal line, terminating at anal angle in a quadrate rusty reddish spot: thorax stramineous, streaked with mustard-yellow; abdomen testaceous. Wings below altogether paler than above, the markings less distinct; body below silvery white ; palpi yellow; legs cream-coloured. Expanse 10 lines. A delicate golden-looking little species. 130. AGATHODES MONSTRALIS, Guénée, Delt. p. 209. n. 165 (1854). 131. Hymenta perspecrattis, Hiibner, Ex. Schm. Zutr. fig. 101. 132. CoNCHYLODES DIPHTHERALIS, Hiibner, Ex. Schm. Zutr. figs. 691, 692. 133. PHAKELLURA HYALINATA, Linn. Syst. Nat. ili. 2, p. 873 (1766). 134, PHAKELLURA NiTIDALIS, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 371. fig. F (1782). Mr. Bowrey says that he found the species of Phakellura feeding upon the flowers of gourds. 135. MARGARONIA QUADRISTIGMALIS, Guénée, Delt. p. 304. n. 319 (1854). 136. Borys BUTYROSA, 0. sp. Wings dull lemon-yellow: primaries with the costa sericeous, a feeble opaline tint beyond the middle, an angular pale browu line across the basal third, and a sickle-shaped pale brown line across the disk ; marginal line tawny : secondaries with opaline costal area ; marginal line tawny: head and prothorax yellow; rest of the body shining creamy white ; abdomen with a yellow dorsal line ;_project- ing frontal tuft white; palpi brown above, white below. Body below pearly white; legs pearly white, with the femora and the anterior tibiee brown; wings below opaline. Expanse | inch 7 lines, 494 MR. BUTLER ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM JAMAICA. [May 7, 137. Borys LUCILLA, n. sp. Bright golden yellow, with a very slight pinky spot; wings with the two usual lines greyish ; primaries with the discoidal spots re- presented by grey dots; secondaries with whitish abdominal area ; head pearly white; abdomen pale yellow. Wings below paler than above, opaline ; body pearly white. Expanse 9 lines. 138. Borys princrpatis, Lederer, Wien. ent. Monatschr. vii. pl. 10. fig. 17 (1873). _ 139. Borys eLaucusauis, Walker, Lep. Het. xvii. p. 576. n. 51 (1859). 140. Borys aGaveatts, Walker, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 574. n. 47 (1859). 141. Borys evryTauis, Walker, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 576. n. 50 (1859). 142. Borys campatis, Guénée, Delt. p. 344. n. 397 (1854). 143. Borys GasTRALIs, Guénée, Delt. p. 346. n. 400 (1854). 144. Borys eratatis, Walker, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 578. n. 54 (1859). 145. Borys oxtvi, n. sp. Pale olive-brown, with bright bronze reflections; the usual lines grey; orbicular and reniform spots outlined in grey; body greyish brown. Wings beiow considerably paler, whitish towards the base, sericeous ; inner line absent ; body white. Expanse 10 lines. Nearly allied to B. plebeialis. 146. Borys wexcrrauis, Walker, Lep. Het. xviii. p. 574. n. 46 (1859). 147. Mecyna rREveRSALIs, Guénée, Delt. p. 409. n. 531 (1854), 148. ANERASTIA IGNOBILIS, 0. sp. Primaries above pale pinky brownish or flesh-colour, the infero- exterior quarter of the wing slaty grey; the median vein, its two superior branches, the terminal portions of the subcostal branches, the extreme ends of the remaining veins, and the centre of the submedian vein silvery white; an abbreviated longitudinal apical streak and a subcostal streak black; one or two minute black dots on the median and submedian veins: secondaries hyaline, iridescent, with dusky outer border: thorax red-brown, streaked with pinky white; head and palpi white; abdomen grey. Primaries and body below pale shining brown; secondaries as above. Ex- panse 11 lines. 149, ARGYRIA VESTALIS, n. sp. Silvery white: primaries with a small triangular spot at the 1878. | ON LAND-SHELLS FROM JAPAN AND BORNEO. 495 middle of costa, an oblique dash followed: by a triangular spot near apex, and a submarginal stripe, with zigzag inner edge dark choco- late-brown ; outer border and fringe pale brown, traversed by two straight dusky lines; a minute brown spot at middle of inner margin: base and sides of palpi chocolate-brown. Below silvery white; the costal area of primaries pale brownish. Expanse 11 millimetres. Like A. insons of Felder, but only half as large ; also allied to A. chrysogyrans, Walker (MS. ’). 150. Cypos1A NOBILITELLA, Cramer, Pap. Exot. iii. pl. 264. fig. G (1782). 151. Tinea?, sp. This insect has lost all the fringes of its wings, so that I cannot recognize its genus. The neuration of the secondaries seems to be exactly that of Zinea ; but the head is too broad, and the palpi are too long and robust ; in coloration and the general form of its wings it is most like Cerostoma vittella. 152. PreROPHORUS ASPILODACTYLUS, Walker, Lep. Het. xxx. p- 941. n. 43 (1864). 5. Descriptions of new Land-Shells from J apan and Borneo. By Enear A. Smiru, F.ZS. [Received April 15, 1878.] Hexrx (CAMENA) LEWISII. Testa dextrorsa, conoideo-globosa, subanguste umbilicata, oblique striata, alba, epidermide tenui luteo-olivacea induta, fascia angusta fusca ad peripheriam picta; anfract. 64, convewxiusculi, sensim crescentes, ultimus rotundatus, antice breviter descendens ; apertura obliqua, intus alba; perist. undique expansum, margine columellari sordido-roseo tincto, superne late expanso et reflexo. Diam. max. 35 mill., min. 29; alt. 24. Hab. Japan (George Lewis). Perhaps the most closely allied Japanese species to this one is H. miranda, A. Adams. From it H. lewisii differs in having a more conical spire, a narrower umbilicus, finer oblique striae, and no spiral sculpture. The oblique striz# at the suture are rather deeply incised and more crowded than on the other parts of the whorls, many of them extending only about a line from the suture and then gradually fading away. The first four whorls differ from the last two in being obliquely punctato-striate, instead of exhibiting an ordinary striation. The brown band is situated a very little above the middle of the body-whorl, and passing just above its suture, is visible on two 496 MR. E. A. SMITH ON LAND-SHELLS [May 7, or three of the preceding yolutions. The umbilicus is very deep and penetrable to the apex of the shell, but rather narrow, occupying about one seventh of the smallest diameter. The peristome rather broadly expanded and white, with the exception of the columellar and basal margins, which are stained with a dirty pinkish colour. Over the umbilicus it is broadly ex- panded, reflexed, and joined to the upper margin by a thin callosity. This species is quite distinct from H. myomphala, Martens, and, al- Fig. 1. /) a ey Helix (Camena) lewisii. though agreeing in the style of coloration, differs in form and the umbilicus. The single example in the British Museum was presented by Mr. George Lewis. Hexrx (CAMENA) CONGENITA. Testa suborbicularis; spira breviter conica, subaperte umbilicata, tenuiuscula, pallide straminea, zona lata interrupta irregulari fusca, vel strigis latis fuscis infra medium anfr. ultimi ornata et hic illic supra strigis obliquis paucis indistinctis notata, interdum ad peripheriam zona angusta fusca cincta, et umbilico aliquando fusco tincto ; anfractus 53-6, convewiusculi, lineis incrementi elevatis, filiformibus, obliquis, flecuosis et striis minutissimis spiralibus inter lineas elevatas sculpti, ultimus angustiusculus, antice prope labrum breviter subitoque descendens ; apertura subhorizontalis, intus livida, fusco tincta; peristoma tenue, livido-fusco et albo diverse pictum, undique reflecum et expansum. Diam. max. 30 mill., min. 25, alt. 19; apert. 163 long., 14 lat. Hab. Japan. This species partakes in a great measure of the form of H. congener, recently described by me in these ‘ Proceedings’ (1878, p. 105). The spire, however, is a little more elevated, the last whorl a trifle less robust, and the aperture narrower. The sculpture of this species is much coarser, the lines of growth being developed into thread-like liree, and the spiral striz invisible to the naked eye, and more conspicuous between than upon the 1878. | FROM JAPAN AND BORNEO. 497 oblique thread-like lines of growth when viewed under a lens. The descent of the body-whorl is very sudden and brief. The whorl, owing to the expansion of the peritreme, has a constricted appear- ance in that part. The umbilicus is a little more open than in H. congener, and consequently more perspective. The coloration of this species is not easily definable. The ground-colour is pale straw, the oblique raised liree being more opaque and yellower. The body-whorl below the periphery is stained with brown, or looks as if it were scorched. The colouring takes the form of a very broad interrupted transverse band, or, in other words, of wide blotches or stripes. ‘The latter are sometimes continued upon the upper half of the whorl, and are also here and there faintly observable on the upper volutions. One Helix (Camena) congenita. specimen has a narrow peripherial brown band. The body-whorl is stained with brown outside the tip; and this, owing to the thinness of the shell, produces a brownish labrum, which in some places, particularly at the extreme edge and in the columellar region, is somewhat whitish. It is rather widely expanded at the base and columella, and is a trifle reflexed everywhere. The aperture is very transverse, in fact almost horizontal; it is of a livid white colour within, exhibiting the brown marking of the exterior. Subgen. Myxostoma, Troschel. Testa plus minusve discoidea, late umbilicata ; apertura circularis ; peristoma duplex, margine interiore superne plerumque leviter sinuato, externo supra sinum alatim eapanso. Operculum corneum, crassum, inferne paulo concavum, in medio nucleo prominulo, extus marginibus anfractuum lamellosis. This section of Cyclophorus agrees with Pterocyclos in the form of the shell and its peristome, but differs in having a thick horny operculum, with the margins of the whorls lamellated exteriorly, that of Pterocyclos being calcareous and spirally laminated. CycLopHorvus (MyxosToMA) BATHYRHAPHE. ‘Testa discoidea, apertissime umbilicata, spira parum elevata, sub epidermide luteo-olivacea sordide vel ce@ruleo-albida; anfr. 53, rotundati, sutura valde canaliculata sejuncti, ultimus sat magnus 498 MR. E. A. SMITH ON LAND-SHELLS [May 7, superne ad canalem suturalem carina lamelliformi munitus, lineis incrementi tenuibus leviter obliquis sculptus ; apertura oblique circularis, intus ceruleo-alba; peristoma duplicatum, margine interiort levi vix expanso, superne prope anfractum parum profunde sinuato, externo anguste expanso, superne ala parva leviter fornicata instructo. Operculum corneum, concentricum, multispirale, utringue concavum, extus lamellis brevibus striatis obtectum. Diam. max. 31 mill., min. 22, alt. 15, apert. diam. intern. 9. Hab. Borneo (G. B. Sowerby). Shell discoidal, openly umbilicated, and clothed with a thin uni- form yellowish-olivaceous epidermis. Beneath this it is of a dirty or bluish-white tint. The spire is only slightly raised above the last whorl. The whorls, about five in number, are convex and bordered by a deep and broadish channel at the suture, the outer margin of the canaliculation being produced into a thin lamellar ridge or keel ; and outside this carina the whorls are a trifle depressed or excavated. Fig. 3. Cyclophorus (Myxostoma) bathyraphe. The sculpture consists merely of the lines of growth, which are fine and somewhat oblique. The aperture is slopingly circular, bluish white, and has a double lip. The inner edge is thicker than the outer, and scarcely at all everted. The sinus is distinct, moderately deep, and situated at the termination of the sutural canaliculation. The outer rim is somewhat expanded but not reflexed, narrowest on the left side where it touches the whorl, and thin and sharp at the extreme edge. Above it is expanded in the form of a small wing, which slightly arches over the sinus and has a tendency to a deflection in front. This species in the nature of its operculum agrees with the genus Myzxostoma, which was founded by Troschel (‘ Zeitschrift fiir Mala- 1878. | FROM JAPAN AND BORNEO. 499 kozoologie,’ 1847, p. 44) for the reception of the curious shell figured by Martyn under the name of Lituus brevis. It only differs from Myzostoma in having the inner lip of the aperture sinuated above, and in the wing-like expansion of the outer rim not leaning upon the penultimate whorl. The canaliculate suture, I presume, is only a specific character. In all respects agreeing with this species are two others, Cyclo- stoma planorbulus, Lamarck, and Pterocyclos albersi, Pfr. The former has had several localities quoted as its home, among which are Senegal?, Philippine Islands, Bengal, Java, Borneo, Sumatra (in Mus. Cuming), and Pulo Condore Island. Which of these is the true habitat [ cannot say with certainty, nor am I aware that it has ever been definitely settled; there is, however, some slight evi- dence to show that the last locality is the correct one. We are also in the same state of uncertainty respecting Pt. albersi. Pfeiffer described the species not knowing its locality ; and Benson (‘Annals of Nat. Hist.’ 1857, vol. xix. p. 208) is wrong in attributing a shell found at Teria Ghat, Khasia hills, India, to this species ; for it was, as shown by Hanley (‘Conchologia Indica,’ p. 56), only a variety of Pt. parvus, Pearson. Here, then, is a small group of four species, all having a Pterocy- cloid expansion of the outer rim of the lip, and an operculum of precisely the same structure. Three of them have channelled sutures to the whorls, are of a depressed orbicular form, and have the inner lip sinuated at the termination of the sutural channel. The fourth (brevis) and the type of Myzostoma lacks the channelled suture, and has only the slightest trace of a sinus in the lip—both of which characters, especially the former, I consider more specific than generic. From Cyclophorus with its simple concentric thin horny operculum and simple lip to the aperture, the different operculum and expansion of the lip of Myzostoma warrant, at all events, a subgenerie separation. There are two or three Burmese species (Cyclophorus pinnulifer, Benson, C. calyx, Benson, and C. hispidulus, Blanford) which will also conveniently range under this genus. They are depressed sub- discoid shells with a double rim to the aperture, the outer lip with a small superior wing-like expansion, and the operculum thick, horny, with the outer margins of the whorls lamellated. For this group Blanford proposed the name Scadrina (Journ. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, 1863, p. 322). The museum is indebted to Mr. J. B. Sowerby for a single speci- men of this interesting species. 500 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, 6. On the Fruit-Pigeons of the Genus Ptilopus. By D. G. Extiot, F.R.S.E. &c. [Received April 16, 1878.] (Plates XXXIII. & XXXIV.) My material for the present paper has been most ample, and was derived from the following sources :—the collection of the Paris Mu- seum, rich in the types of the older authors, such as Hombron and Jacquinot, Lesson, Quoy and Gaimard, Bonaparte, Temminck, Knip, &e. ; the collection of the British Museum, containing the types of Gray, Gould, Wallace, &c.; a series of special desiderata from the Museum at Genoa, collected by D’Albertis, Bruijn, &c., and from the Museum of Count Turati at Milan; a large number of various species from different localities brought by Laglaize, and especially by M. Raffray, now in the Paris Museum ; the species of Péilopus procured by the ‘Challenger’ Expedition, also those from Duke-of- York Island sent by Mr. Brown ; specimens in Messrs. Salvin and Godman’s collection obtained by Mr. Layard in the Fiji Islands ; and, lastly, the type specimen of Dr. Finsch’s recently described Pt. ponapensis. Probably no such complete series, illustrating the species of this group from all localities, has ever before been at the disposal of any one wishing to study these birds; and it is very safe to say that, unless I had had before me the actual specimens described and figured by the earlier writers, especially of those species belonging to the islands of the Polynesian subregion, this paper could never have been written without great danger of adding to the confusion already existing in these perplexing birds. The descriptions in many instances are so meagre and unsatisfactory, and the illustrations, in certain cases, so totally unlike the originals, that it is utterly impossible to recognize the species by them ; but having had the specimens, in the majority of instances, before me, I have been enabled to ascertain without diffi- culty to what species these doubtful birds (made such by their authors) really belonged. Some of my conclusions may be found to be quite at variance from those of other authors; but in all cases (unless otherwise stated), let it be remembered, I have judged from the vast material at my command, and, having brought to my task a mind to- tally unprejudiced by any preconceived opinions, it will not perhaps be deemed too great a request should I ask that, if any of the decisions arrived at in this paper are rejected, they may be condemned only after the examination of material at least approximating somewhat to that which I have consulted, and such as will clearly show my views to be erroneous. Probably there are but few groups of birds so liable to lead a naturalist astray as those species of Ptilopus inhabiting the Pacific islands ; and, without an ample series before him, no one could accurately diagnose the forms that really are distinct. In this spe- cial division ot the genus the collection of the Paris Museum is rich, 1878. ] MR. D, G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 501 probably beyond all others, through the material brought to France by the scientific expeditions known as the voyages of the ‘Astrolabe,’ * Coquille,’ ‘Vénus,’ ‘Zélé,’ ‘Pole Sud,’ &. Many types are among these specimens ; and it has been by their assistance I have worked out the synonymy of the species of the Polynesian subregion. All the species figured by Bonaparte in his ‘ Iconographie des Pigeons’ are also in the Museum, and have been invaluable in enabling me to arrange the synonymy and determine the species to which they be- long, which has not been always possible from the work itself, some curious and unaccountable errors having been committed by the authors. Man is fallible, and it is not to be supposed that in an extensive review of some seventy species no errors have been committed ; but, having endeavoured to verify every statement made in this paper (taking nothing for granted), I may venture to hope that inaccuracies have been reduced to a minimum. The pleasing duty now alone remains for me to express my thanks to those who have assisted me with material during the time I have’ been occupied with this memoir, without whose aid it certainly never could have been properly completed. To my friend Prof. A. Milne- Edwards, to whom I have already so often given my testimony as to his willingness to accord every facility for the study and examination of the unequalled collection of birds and quadrupeds under his charge, I am again under obligations for every assistance rendered to me during the months I have been engaged upon this group. Not only was every specimen the Museum contained continually at my dis- posal, but also many books from his own library were placed at my service as, from time to time, I had need of them. It is only by such enlightened assistance and cooperation from those who are at the heads of great departments in European museums that any satis- factory work can be accomplished by a naturalist who may not be himself attached to such institutions. To Dr. Oustalet, Aide-Natura- liste, I also desire to express my thanks for much assistance continu- ally and freely given. To my friend Count T. Salvadori I would acknowledge my indebtedness for a very valuable series of specimens not otherwise obtainable, procured by the consent of the Marquis G. Doria from the Museum at Genoa, among which were some types of Count Salvadori’s lately described species. To Count H. Turati I am also obliged for specimens from his magnificent museum. To my friend Dr. Sclater I am indebted for opportunities of examining the collection of the ‘Challenger’ Expedition, and also those sent to him from different islands in the Pacific, containing various types of the species described by him from time to time; and to Messrs. Sal- vin and Godman for specimens from their collection obtained by Mr. Layard, and which I brought to Paris for comparison with those in the Museum collection. To Mr. Sharpe, who placed at my disposal all the specimens of this genus in the British Museum, among which were various types of much service in determining some doubtful points, I am greatly obliged. And, lastly, to the Directors of the Museum Godeffroy, who sent me the types of Ptilopus pona- 502 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, pensis described lately in this Journal by Dr. Finsch, I am much indebted. I commence with a brief review of the literature of the genus :— 1766. Linnzvus, ‘ Systema Nature.’ But one species was known to this author belonging to the pre- sent genus, and was named by him Columba viridis. Species 1. 1788. GMELIN, ‘Systema Nature.’ In this work three species are given, two of which are described the first time—C. viridis, C.jambu, and C. melanocephalus. Another one is mentioned, the C. purpurata, based on Latham’s “ Purple- crowned Pigeon.” This, however, describes no species known, but is taken from portions of two different ones, and therefore cannot be recognized. Species 3. 1813. Temminck, ‘ Histoire Naturelle des Pigeons et des Gal- linacées.’ Two species are here described belonging to the genus Ptilopus, viz. Pt. cinctus and Pt. superbus, placed in the genus Columba. Species 5. 1820-39. Tremminck, ‘ Planches Coloriées.’ Eight species are described in this work belonging to this genus, all under the term Columba, seven of which are given for the first time, viz. Pt. magnificus, Pt. monachus, Pt. pulchellus, Pt: hyogaster, Pt. porphyreus, Pt. perlatus, and Pt. nanus. The Pt. zanthogaster of Wagl. is renamed diademata. Species 12. 1825. Swainson, ‘ Zoological Journal.’ Pt. regina, from Australia, described as Columba purpurata, var. regina. Species 13. 1826. Lesson, ‘ Voyage de la Coquille.’ In the volume devoted to the zoology of this expedition one species is described belonging to this genus, viz. Pt. taitensis as Columba kurukuru, var. taitensis, from Otaheite. Species 14. 1827. Lesson, ‘ Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles.’ The Colombe amarante of the ‘ Voyage of the Coquille’ is here named Columba puella. Species 15. 1827. Waacter, ‘Systema Avium.’ Pt. vanthogaster first described as Columba xanthogaster. Spe- cies 16. 1829. Wacuer, in the‘ Isis.’ In his list of the Columbz several species of this genus are given. Two are described for the first time, viz. P¢. pectoralis and Pt. purpuratus, ex Tonga Tabou. Pt. taitensis, Less., is renamed Columba oopa. Species 18. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. ° = BOS 1830. Quoy & Garmarp, in the ‘ Voyage of the Astrolabe.’ Pt. gularis is here described and figured as Columba gularis. Species 19. 1831. Lesson, ‘Traité d’Ornithologie.* Under the term Ptilonopus eight species are given, one of them for the first time, Pé. roseicapillus. Four of the remainder are valid species, viz. melanocephalus, jambu, porphyreus, and taitensis. Pt. cyanovirens is the female of superbus, Pt. virens is the female of pectoralis, and Pt. purpuratus is Pt. ewingit. Species 20. 1838? Knipe anp Prevost, ‘ Histoire Naturelle Générale des Pigeons.’ Ptilopus rivoli described as Columba rivoli. Species 21. 1840. Nrsoux, in the ‘ Revue Zoologique.’ Pt. dupetit-thouarsi first described as Columba dupetit-thouarsii. Species 22. 1841. HomBron AND JACQuINoT, ‘Annales des Sciences Natu- relles.’ Pt. luteovirens described in the genus Columba. Species 23. 1842. GouLp, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. ewingii described. Species 24. 1844. Gray anp MircHe t, ‘ Genera of Birds.’ Twenty-five species are here recorded, of which three do not be- long to this genus, viz. Pt. holosericeus, Temm., maculatus, Gmel., and pulcherrimus, Scop. Pt. purpuratus, Lath., is a made-up species, Pt. virens=pectoralis, Wagl.; Pt. eyanovirens =superbus 9 ,Temm.; Pt. purpureo-leucocephalus = dupetit-thouarsi, Neboux; Pt. swain- sont = regina, Swains.; Pt. roseicollis = porphyreus, Temm.; Pt. viridissimus, Temm. = fasciatus, Peale. The remaining species are valid, among which P¢. oceipitalis is given for the first time and a plate published. Species 25. 1848. Praxe, ‘ United-States Exploring Expedition, Ornithology.’ A list of the species belonging to this group, collected by this Expedition, is given, four in all, among which three are described for the first time, viz. Pt. coralensis, Pt. perousii, and Pt. fus- ciatus ; the-fourth, Pt. furcatus, is the Pt. taitensis of Lesson. Species 28. 1850. Gouxp, in ‘ Jardine’s Contributions to Ornithology.’ Pt. strophium described for the first time. Species 29. 1850. Gov xp, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ A race of Pt. magnificus is named Pt. assimilis. Species 30. 1853. Gray, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. chrysogaster described. Species 31. 504. ° = MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, 1853, JacaurnoT AND PucHERAN, ‘ Voyage au Pole Sud’ (text). Young of Pt. luteovirens described as Pt. felicia. 1854. Bonaparte, in the ‘ Comptes Rendus.’ In a paper contributed to this Journal, Bonaparte divided the then known species of Ptilopus into various genera as follows :— Leucotreron, Cyanotreron, Rhamphiculus, Omeotreron, Kurutreron, Thouarsitreron, Lamprotreron, Iotreron, and Chryscena. These are founded mainly upon the coloration of plumage (a dangerous character (?) always), and in this case not particularly well selected. In the case of Rhamphiculus and Omeotreron, the former is created for the young (!), and the latter for the adult (!), of Ptilopus occipi- talis ; and in Cyanotreron is placed the female (?) of Péilopus su- perbus, while the male (!) of the same species is made the type of the genus Lamprotreron. In Omeotreron, also, is placed the young of Pt. luteovirens, while the adult is the type of the genus Chrysena! It does not appear to me necessary, or even advisable, to adopt any of this author’s genera for this group. 1854. Bonaparte, in the ‘Comptes Rendus.’ The young of Pé. occipitalisis called Pt. batilda, and Pt. apicalis is first described. Species 32. 1855. DesMurs anp Prevost, ‘ Voyage de la Vénus.’ Pt. merciert and Pt. temminckii first described. Species 34. 1855. Bonaparte, in the ‘ Comptes Rendus.’ Pt. leclancheri described as Trerolema leclancheri. Species 35. 1856. Gray, ‘ List Birds British Museum.’ Among the members of this genus here recorded P¢. greyi is named but not described. Species 36. 1856. Gouxn, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. eugenie from the Solomon Islands described. Species 37. 1857. Bonaparte, ‘Conspectus Generum Avium.’ In this publication this author made a subfamily of this group, and divided it into the genera proposed by him in the ‘ Comptes Rendus’ three years previously. Pt. canthogaster, Wagl., is called diademata, after Temminck; Drepanoptila holosericea is placed in the genus Lamprotreron with superba and porphyreus! In Pti- lopus are purpuratus, Wagl., as porphyraceus, Forst., ex Tonga- Tabou ; regina, Swains., as swainsoni, Gould; Pt. ewingii, Gould, from Timor, is separated as flavicollis, after Gray ; Pt. coralen- sis, Peale, redescribed as viridissimus; the species ex Vanikoro (!) (errore) called purpuratus, Wagl. [this bird comes from Balaou, not Vanikoro, and was afterwards named donapartei by Gray]; Pt. roseicapillus, mercieri, fasciatus, Peale (as clementineg, Hombr. & _ Jacq.); perousit, Peale (as marie, Hombr. & Jacq.); pulchellus and apicalis. Cyanotreron has cyanovirens (= superbus, Temm., 9) and monachus, Temm. JTotreron contains viridis, Linn., melano- cephalus, Gmel., rivoli, Prév. & Knip, iogaster, Temm., and nana, 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 505 Temm. (Kurutreron possesses oopa, Wagl. (=taitensis, Less.), chrysogaster, Gray, and coralensis, Peale. Omeotreron bas batilda (=oceipitalis, juv.), virens (=pectoralis, Wagl.), and felicia, Hombr. and Jacq. (=/uteovirens, Hombr. & Jacq., juv.). In Ohrysena is placed /uteovirens. Phapitreron is also included in this subfamily, containing the Columba leucotis, Temm., and PA. amethystina, Bon.; but these birds have but little in common with those of the genus Ptilopus. 1858. Gravy, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Five species are here described for the first time, viz. Pé. prasi- norrhous, Pt. iozonus, Pt. aurantiifrons, Pt. coronulatus, aud Ft. wallacet. Species 42. 1859. Gray, ‘ List of Birds of the Tropical Islands of the Pacific Ocean.’ Nineteen species of the genus Péiopus are recorded in this catalogue of the species of the Pacific islands contained in the British Museum. One species is described as distinct—P¢. chalcurus. Species 43. 1860. Gray, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. temminckii, Des Murs & Prév., described as Pt. formosus. 1861. Schlegel, ‘ Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde.’ Pt. insolitus described. Species 44. 1862. Waxxacg, ‘ Proceedings of theZoological Society of London.’ Pt. humeralis first described. Species 45. 1863. Waxxace, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt, albocinctus first named. Species 46. 1863. ScuieGeL, ‘ Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde.’ Pt. bernsteini first described. Species 47. 1868. HarrLtaus anp Frnscu, ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. pelewensis described. Species 48. 1867. Finsca anp Hartwavs, ‘Fauna Centralpolynesiens.’ This standard work on the Central Polynesian avifauna contains all the species of this genus that were known at the time of its publi- cation. Pt. purpuratus, Wagl., ex Tonga Tabou, is called Pt. por- phyraceus, Forst.; Pt. purpuratus, Temm., is referred to C. forsteri, Desm.; and the genus Chrysena is employed for Pé. luteovirens. Drepanoptila holosericea is also retained in the genus Ptilopus. No new species are described. Many of the species given had not been seen by the authors. 1870. Gray, ‘ Hand-list of Birds.’ A list of the known species is here given, without any especial at- tempt to arrange their synonymy being made. The birds figured by Bonaparte on pl. xix. of his ‘Iconographie des Pigeons’ are named Pt. bonapartii. Species 49. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XXXIII. 33 506 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUs PTILOPUS. [May 7, 1871. Harrtaus anv Finscu, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoo- logical Society of London.’ Pt. rarotongensis described. Species 50. 1871. Scuxecet, ‘ Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde.’ Three species are here described, viz. Pt. speciosus, Pt. ornatus, and Pt. geelvinckianus, the last as Pt. viridis geelvinckianus. Spe- cies 53. 1871. Goutp, in the ‘Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. vietor described. Species 54. 1873. ScHLeGeEL, ‘Muséum des Pays-Bas.’ A catalogue is here given of the species contained in the Leyden Museum belonging to the genus Ptilopus. Some are included which should be separated into different genera, such as Drepanoptila holo- sericea and the members of Funingus. Three species are described as new—Pt. neglectus, Pt. lettiensis (called Pt. cinctus lettiensis), and Pt. jobiensis (called Pt. humeralis jobiensis). Species 57. 1873. ScxatTer, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. bellus described. Species 58. 1874. Finscu, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. huttoni described. Species 59. 1875. Satvaporzt, ‘ Annali del Museo Civico Naturale di Genova.’ In different lists of birds inhabiting New Guinea, six species of Ptilopus are described, viz. Pt. gestroi, Pt. melanospilus, Pt. chry- sorrhous, Pt. xanthorrhous, Pt. geminus, and Pt. trigeminus. Spe- cies 65. 1875. Layarp, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. viridis, as Chrysenas viridis, described. This is the Pé. layardi of the present paper. The name viridis, having been given by Linneeus to another species of Pti/opus, cannot stand. Species 66. 1876. Sarvaport, ‘ Annali del Museo Civico Naturale di Genova.’ Pt. zonurus described. Species 67. 1876. Ramsay, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales.’ Pt. corriei described. Species 68. 1876. Briaeemann, ‘ Abhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins zu Bremen.’ Pt. fischeri described. Species 69. 1877. ScLaTER, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. johannis described. Species 70. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 507 1877. Finscu, in the ‘ Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.’ Pt. fasciatus, Peale, described as Pt. ponapensis. 1878. D. G. Exxiot, ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History.’ Pt. pictiventris described. Species 71. As the term “ purpuratus” has been applied to so many different species by authors, it occurs to me that it may be useful if I give a list of these, referring each one to the species for which it was in- tended. For the reasons given in the article on Pt. purpuratus of this paper, I accept for this term the species so designated in 1829 by Wagler, considering that the purpuratus of Gmelin should be re- jected from the nomenclature of the group as not representing any known species, but one formed from the characters possessed by two distinct ones. (1813) Columba purpurata (prem. var.), Temm. Pig. & Gall. LOM s Ufa: s camacinaecsws cases = Pt. regina, Swains. (1813) s ‘A Temm. Pig. & Gall. tom.i. p. 280 = Pt. ewingiz, Gould. (1821-34) ,, :, Jard. & Selby, Dllustr. Zool. VOU Tp Oe os dastes seecase soe c= = Pt. regina, Swains. (1824) Bs zt, Temm. Plan. Col. livr. 43 ...... = Pt. xanthogaster, Wag). (1826) Ptilonopus purpuratus, Steph. Cont. Shaw Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 277......s0000 = Pt. xanthogaster, Wag). (1829) Columba purpurata, Wag). Isis, p. 742 ..-.........008 =Pt. purpuratus, ex Tonga. (1835) Ptilinopus purpuratus, Selby, Nat. Libr. vol. v. Bleicher taccncessnoseees =Pt. ewingii, Gould. (1844) Ptilonopus purpuratus, Gray, List Birds Brit. Mus. Ob et, (Cel Reem ape cene ebrCrice iar = Pt. ewingii, Gould. (1855) Kurukuru purpuratus, Des Murs & Préy. Voy. Vé- mus; ZOOL, P. 222 ‘sscecassscee- o> = Pt. taitensis, Less. (1857) Pttlopus purpuratus, Bon. Consp. Gen. Ay. vol. ii. BLO. Sak eee. Jodeci oe ors = Pt. greyi, Gray. (1857) is, Bon. Iconogr. Pig. pl. xix.adult. =P#. bonapartei, Gray. (1857) ” ” ” ” ” juy.. (1858) Ptilonopus purpuratus, Cass. U.S. Expl. Exped. (1859) Ornith. pl. 30. p. 269 ... = Gray, List Birds of the Uy SEN AREER Seoocod: ae (1867) Pztilinopus purpuratus, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Cen- tralpolyn. p.122 ......... (1873) Ptilopus purpuratus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. p. 15 ... ” ” GENERA. Jie =r. purpuratus, Wagl. . taitensis, Less, taitensis, Less. taitensis, Less. taitensis, Less. Quite a number of genera have been proposed for these birds ; but only one is necessary. The term Pti/opus was given to them by Swainson in 1825, its derivation being zr/Aov, rovs. Swainson wrote it Ptilonopus, which was afterwards corrected by Strickland in 1841. Various ways of spelling the name of this genus have been adopted, viz. Ptilonopus, Ptilinopus, Ptinilopus!, all of which are incorrect, and should not be used. P#ilopus is an artificial genus, by which I mean to express that the birds placed together in it do not possess any characters common to them all, either of form, structure, or coloration, which will serve to distinguish them from Getter groups 33 508 = MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTiLoPuS. [May 7, Fig. 1. 6 A 5 \) 3 AY os V/ \ «( woe ijititllllle Be Ye WS SS 1. Pt. purpurutus. 2. Pt. chrysogaster. 3. Pt. mercieri. 4. Pt. dupetithouarsit. 5, Pt. jobiensts. 6. Pt. xanthorrhous. 11. Pé. letliensis. 7. Pc. insolitus. 12. Pt. ornatus. 8, Pé. taitensis, 13. Pt. pectoralis. 9. Pt. aurantiifrons. 14. Pé. bellus. 0. Pt. luteovirens. 15. Pt. victor. 1878. | MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 509 in the family. Some authors have separated them from the rest of the Pigeons on account of the abruptly attenuated first primary. This is utterly worthless, either as a generic or a specific character, as among the species which are included in Péilopus every gradation of the first primary is procurable, from the most abrupt attenuation to the normal shape of feather. T here give (fig. 1), in proof of this assertion, a series of drawings of first primaries, together with the name of the species to which each belongs, so that any one can verify it for himself; and I may state that it would not have been at all difficult to have arranged a more minute gradation from the species at my disposal if it had been necessary ; but those given will be found, I think, amply sufficient for the purpose. Another so-called character, which has been adopted by some to distinguish the members of the genus P¢i/opus, and one which is ex- pressed by the term itself, is the tarsus feathered to the foot. This proves to be of no more value, generically or specifically, than the attenuated primary. Species with or without the last-named cha- racter have the tarsus covered or partly bare, as do also those with the graduated or normal shape of this feather. The drawings (pp. 510, 511) of the partly bare and partly covered tarsus, together with the first primary of several species, will show clearly how very unsatis- factory these characters are. Relative lengths of wing and tail, as given by some writers for the separation of some of these birds into different genera, also are not constant, as the tail can be found shorter than the wing, or nearly equal to it in length. This last is the main character given by Reichen- bach for separating the birds placed by him in his genus Meqgalopre- pia, as all the others are common to different species of Ptilopus. He says:—‘‘ Schwanz fast so lang wie die Fliigel. Vorderschwinge nicht verschmilert.” The species included by him, it is true, have not this last character; but P¢. perlatus has the tail only a little over half the length of the wing, while P¢. cinctus and Pt. gularis, neither of which are included in Megaloprepia, have the tail nearly as long as the wing, with the first primary abruptly attenuated. I do not see that there is a single character remaining among those given by Reichenbach which can distinguish the birds included in his genus from those of the genus Péilopus. For those who deem colour sufficient to establish a genus, it might be supposed that among these gaily plumaged birds certain patterns might be found which would answer for a generic cha- racter. But this, again, fails; for the variety of the coloration is so great that it would be necessary to divide the group into numerous genera (as has, indeed, been attempted), and many of the species would be left alone to represent a genus. I do not find any thing better to designate the genus than the following formula :— Ptilopus. Size moderate; wings usually reaching two thirds the length of the tail; rectrices fourteen in number, excepting Pt. occi- pitalis, which has apparently sixteen ; tarsi partly or wholly covered with feathers ; colours of plumage usually bright, and often strongly 510 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOpuS. [May 7, opposed: distinguished from Treron (with which it constitutes the subfamily T'reronine) by not possessing the scallop on the inner web of the third primary. Ptilopus is well placed between Teron and Carpophaga, leading Fig. 3. SS Ptilopus fasciatus. Upolu, Samoa. First primary abruptly attenuated ; tarsus partly bare. up to the latter genus through the different races of Ptilopus magnificus. It is the absence of the scallop on the third primary which is the chief distinction between Péilopus and Treron. To any one who will study this group with ample materials, such as has fortunately been at my disposal, I think the difficulty, nay, impossi- bility, of discovering any trenchant generic characters will be readily acknowledged. Those who have had but a few species before them, represented by two or three individuals of each, might easily imagine that some one character of those which I have mentioned is really 1878. | MR, D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 511 of generic value ; and it is only when a great series has been obtained that it is perceived how these gradually disappear or become evolved into something quite different. It is from the lack of material to show this fact that such a genus (among others) as Chrysena has been accepted for Pt. victor and Pt. luteovirens. First established for the latter species, chiefly on account of the lanceolate form of the feathers, it was quickly perceived, on the discovery of P¢. victor, that the genus could not rest on this character ; for the two species Ptilopus geelvinckianus. Mafor. First primary normal in shape; tarsus completely feathered. Ptilopus coronulatus. Aru. First primary abruptly attenuated ; tarsus completely feathered. were generically essentially the same, and yet P¢. victor did not possess lanceolate feathers. The partly covered tarsus is not suffi- cient to separate them from Péilopus ; for, as I have shown, many species of that genus have also the tarsus half nude. The normal shape of the first primary also fails, as this is also possessed by other species of Ptilopus ; and therefore no characters remain worthy of separating these birds generically from the other members of the group, those that exist being only of specific value. Bonaparte has proposed most of the generic divisions ; and he founded them mainly upon the colour of plumage, sometimes placing the two sexes, or adult and young, of the same species in different genera (vide Pé. superbus, Pt. luteovirens, &c.). I have not been able to discover 512 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, any reasons (after a careful examination of the species separated generically by him) for accepting his divisions. The species named by Schlegel P#. insolitus has been made the type of a genus, (Edirhinus, by Cabanis and Reichenow. The same peculiarity ex- hibited by this bird—a bony protuberance upon the base of the culmen—is also found in certain members of the genus Carpophaga ; and I see no more reason for separating P¢. insolitus from the other members of this genus than exists for placing these Carpophage in a new generic division. The term Megaloprepia, instituted by Reichenbach for certain birds of this group, was so oddly selected, at least in one instance (P¢. perlatus) that a doubt arises in my mind if the author had ever had an opportunity of examining specimens. No characters were given by him which were not also to be found in other species of Ptilopus; and although the term has been employed by some authors, it seems to me to be entirely unnecessary ; for it is impossible to designate in a large series of Ptz/opi where the genus (?) should commence, as the species graduate into one another from the smallest to the largest. Prof. Garrod, in the ‘ Proceedings’ of this Society for 1874, in his paper on the “Anatomy of the Columbe,” states that the members of the genus Ptilopus possess a form of gizzard such as is not found in any other bird, and gives figures exhibiting its peculi- arities as compared with Treron. If this is ascertained to be a con- stant formation in all the species of Péilopus, it may well be deemed of sufficient importance to constitute a generic character ; but, unfor- tunately, as yet, it cannot be said to be proven ; for out of the seventy- one species considered in this memoir as belonging to Péilopus, Prof. Garrod has only been able to dissect three, a number too insignifi- cant for it to be decided that all the members of the genus have the same formation. The Carpophage do not possess a similar gizzard ; yet certain species of Pétilopus, viz. Pt. magnificus with its races assi- milis and puella, and Pé. gularis, in their outward form resemble certain species of Carpophaga ; and it is possible that in some of these at least a modified form of gizzard may be found toexist. It will be interesting to learn if such be the case, or if really the species of Ptilopus are separated from all other Pigeons by an abrupt alteration in the gizzard’s shape, one not approached by that of any other bird. A large number of species must be first examined before this can be definitively ascertained. The following are the principal generic terms which have been proposed for these birds. Type. (1825) Ptilonopus, err. Swains. Zool. Journ. yol.i. p.473 Pt. regine. (1841) Pélopus, corr. Strickl. Ann. Nat. Hist. vii. p. 386. (1854) Leucotreron, Bon. Compt. Rend. vol. xxxix. p.876 Pt. cinctus. (1854) Cyanotreron, Bon. tom. cit. p. 878 .........0eeeeeeee Pt. monachus. (1854) Rhamphiculus, Bon. ibid. .........6..620cceeceeeeeeeees Pt. occipitalis. (1854) Omeotreron, Bon. ibid. ..........ccseceeceeseceseeeeeets Pt. occipitalis, (1854) 2Rar-verero PBO0 STNG». siae aniclesacniestaed sainnascosecinne Pt. purpuratus. (1854) Chery sana. Bont a DiGies. s.as; sacuncucpseenscas.0reeereane 71. Pt. magnificus, p. 575. ™ . 1, PriLopus GREYI. Ptilopus greyi, Grey, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 4. sp. 8, desc. nulla—Columbe ; id. List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 38; id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, p. 165; J. Verr. & Des Murs. Rev. Zool. 1860, p- 435 ; Bon. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. xx. Pitilopus purpuratus, Bon. (nec auct.) Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 19. sp. I. Hab. New Caledonia (Germain); Isle of Pines (Gray); Lifu, Loyalty Islands (Whitmee)-; Erromaugo, New Hebrides, Vanikoro (Voy. Astrolabe). This handsome species was first named by Gray, but not described (l.c.). Bonaparte gave a description and very good figure of the bird in his Iconogr. Pig. pl. 20, from the specimen brought, by the naturalists attached to the expedition of the ‘ Astrolabe,’ from Vani- koro Island. The species has a rather extensive distribution, from New Caledonia and neighbouring islands to Vanikoro on the north, Young and immature birds are greener on the breast and neck than the adults; and the first primary is not so abruptly attenuated. Adult. Front and top of head deep rose, margined posteriorly with _ yellow ; back of head, neck, and breast pale greyish green; throat yellowish white; flanks and sides of crissum bright green; abdomen very deep rose-colour, running into orange-yellow oncrissum. Under tail-coverts rose-colour, but not so dark as on the abdomen. - Upper parts bronzy green. Primaries black on inner web, dark green on the outer, and the innermost ones tipped with bronze-green ; first primary abruptly attenuated, end very narrow. Secondaries shining green, edged with yellow. ‘Tertials and some of the innermost secon- daries with a pale lilac spot near their tips. Tail dark green, with a subterminal grey band. Bill black, with pale tip, Feet brown, possibly red in life. Total length 8 inches, wing 5, tail 3, culmen 13. Specimen described is the one figured by Bonaparte, Iconogr, Pig. pl. 20, ex Vanikoro. 3 4* 524 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Another specimen from New Caledonia, marked as a female, differs from the male only in having the forehead slightly tinged with rose, and the abdomen mottled with rose and bright yellow. The under tail-coverts are deep rose on their apical half, as in the specimen from Vanikoro. The secondaries are more broadly mar- gined with yellow, and the primaries tipped with white. I am inclined to regard this example rather as an immature male than a female. Three examples are in the British Museum from Erro- mango Island, one of the New Hebrides, which are in all respects like the one in the Paris Museum figured by Bonaparte from New Caledonia. 2. PTILOPUS NEGLECTUS. Ptilopus neglectus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas (1873), p. 7, Columbe. Hab. Océanie! Viti? (Schlegel). Allied to the Pt. greyi, but differs in having the lower part of the abdomen and under tail-coverts tinged with sulphur, the abdomen and breast washed with olive-green, the purplish-red spot being placed upon the dreast and not on the abdomen, and in the neck and upper part of breast being tinged with light grey (Schlegel). Wing 5 inches, tail 2 inches 3 lines. The locality suggested by Schlegel, as given above, “ Viti,” is without doubt incorrect, as there are no indications to support the idea, the relatives of this bird having been procured in quite a different group of islands. 3. PTILOPUS BONAPARTEI. Ptilopus purpuratus, Bon. (nec auct.) Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. xix. fig. a, adult, ex Balaou (nee Vanikoro). Ptilopus bonapartei, Gray, Hand-l. B. vol. ii. (1870) p. 225, descr. nulla, founded on pl. 19, Bon. Iconog. Pig. Hab. Balaou, Fiji Islands (Hombron and Jacquinot). This is the species figured by Bonaparte as Pt. purpuratus, fig. a (J. c.). The specimen is in the Paris collection ; and the plate gives no idea of the bird; which is reddish in all lights, but in certain ones exhibits a brilliant coppery-red hue. Bonaparte committed two strange errors in reference to this bird. He stated that it came from the island of Vanikoro, and also figured as the young the Pé. purpuratus, Wagl., from Tonga-Tabou, a very different and distinct species. Gray (/.c.) bestowed the name of Pé. bonapartei (1. ¢.), ex Vanikoro!, on the bird represented by Bonaparte on plate 19 of his work, ‘Iconographie des Pigeons.’ Gray could never have seen the specimen ; or else he would have corrected Bonaparte’s error, and stated that it did not come from Vanikoro, but from Balaou, and also that Bonaparte had confounded two species. Gray gives no de- scription, which also strengthens the belief that he did not know the species autoptically. It is a question whether Gray’s name should be noticed at all; for to name species without seeing them, on the chance of their proving new, is not a commendable practice ; and, as he did not designate which figure he bestowed the name of bona- 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 525 partei upon, it is of course impossible to know whether it ought to be applied to the present or to the Tonga-Tabou bird. As, however, I now have selected the Balaou species as the type of bonapartei, in order to avoid giving it a new name (for it is quite distinct from the Pt. purpuratus, Wagl.), and as the type will be in the collection of the Paris Museum for future reference, it will not be difficult here- after to ascertain what the species really is. The type is unique. Adult. Front and crown rosy purple, faintly margined posteriorly with yellow; throat white ; occiput, neck, and breast ash-colour, tinged with green; abdomen and flanks green; an indistinct dark green spot in the middle of the former. Back and wings green, with strong coppery-red reflexions. Inner secondaries with a small dark green spot at tips, and all edged with yellow. Primaries dark coppery red, edged with white. Tail above green, with bright coppery-red reflexions, and with a subapical greyish-white band ; beneath dark grey, with a broad apical white band. Crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Bill greyish black, with yellow tip. Feet light red. Total length 9 inches, wing 53, tail 33, culmen 2. 4. Pritorus PURPURATUS. Columba purpurata, Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. p- 66 (1819), partim ; Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) Columbe, sp. 30. Columba porphyracea, Temm. Trans. Linn, Soc. vol. xiii. p. 1302 (1822). Columba porphyrea, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 312, Columbe. Columba forsteri, Desm. Dict. Scien. Nat. vol. xl. p. 340 (1826)?; Less. Comp]. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 34 (1837), ex Tonga-Tabou. Columba purpurata, Wagl. (nec Gmel.) Isis, 1829, p. 742, ex Tonga-Tabou (1829). Columba porphyracea, Licht., Forst. Descr. Anim. p- 167 (1844) ; Finsch & Hartl. Fauna Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 119; Graffe, Journ. Mas. Godeffr. tab. 7. fig. 3. Ptilonopus porphyracus, Gray, Gen. B. (1844-49) vol. ii. p. 466; id. B. Trop. Isl. p. 38 (1839); id. List Columb. p- 3 (1856), partim. Ptilopus purpuratus, Bon. (nee Gmel.) Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. xix. fig. 6, juv., spec. Paris Mus. ex 'T onga-Tabou (Voy. Astro- labe), nec Vanikoro. Ptilinopus porphyraceus, Finsch & Hart. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1870, p- 131; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soe. 18775 ppe 7 2557-7557 83. Ptilonopus porphyraceus, Reich. Taub. p- 95; Layard, Proc, Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 502. ' Ptilonopus purpuratus, Reich. (nec auct.) Taub. p. 94? Columba kurukuru, variété, Temm. & Knip, Pig. vol. i. pl. 352 Pilopus fasciatus, Layard (nec Peale), Ibis, 1876, p. 392. Hab. Tonga-Tabou, Waikai, Mango, Mokani, Loma-Loma, Ta- viuni, Fiji Islands, Futuna, Friendly Islands (Layard) ; Ninafou Island, most northern of Tonga group (Finsch); Hapai (Griffe) ; Bua, Friendly Islands (Hibner) ; Savage Island (Whitmee) ; Vavao, Friendly Islands. It is apparently a difficult matter for authors to decide upon the 526 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, correct name for this Fruit-Pigeon ; and, as will be seen by the list of synonyms given above, the species has been presented with a very fair number of appellations. In order to explain why I consider that this bird, of all those given in this paper, should alone bear the name of purpuratus, it will be necessary to begin at the beginning. Latham, in his ‘General Synopsis of Birds,’ vol. ii. p. 626. sp. 15 (1783), describes a Dove, which he says came from Otaheite, as the “« Purple-crowned Pigeon,” the chief characteristics of which were :— ‘“* Forehead to the middle of the crown purple; head, neck, and underparts of body pale green, inclining to ash-colour; vent and under tail-cuverts yellow. Tail greenish black, with green edges, and when spread a greyish bar appears near the end, the colour only occupying the inner webs of each feather.” To this description Gmelin gave the name of Columba purpurata. Now there is no Pigeon known belonging to the genus Ptilopus that will answer to the above description of Latham. No such bird is found upon the island of Otaheite, whence, according to Latham, this curiously compounded specimen came ; for it carries the head of the bird from Tonga-Tabou and the body of the species found in Otaheite, distinguished afterwards by Lesson as faitensis. Latham possessed specimens from both these localities, and remarked upon their dif- ferences, but did not deem them distinct species; and it is very evident that when he wrote his description he took his characters from both forms. The bird from Otaheite does not possess a purple forehead or crown, these parts being ash-colour with but a faint tinge of lilac; therefore it could never have been designated as the ‘* Purple-crowned Pigeon.’ Nor does the Tonga-Tabou bird have the underparts of the body pale green inclining to ash-colour (which is a characteristic of the Otaheite species), but has the flanks and abdo- men grass-green, with a conspicuous purplisk-black spot in the centre of the latter. Therefore the name Col. purpurata, Gmel., having been founded upon a bird that did not exist, taken from a description comprising portions of two distinct species, cannot be accepted, and should be rejected from the nomenclature of the genus. The next author after Gmelin who mentioned this species was Shaw (/.c.) (1819). He, however, also confounded two species, and his name of purpurata must be passed over. Temminck follows in 1822 (l.c.) with Columba porphyracea ; and this name, attributed to Forster, has been used by various writers when referring to this bird, especially from the island of Tonga-Tabou. Now the C. porphy- racea of Temminck was bestowed upon the bird figured by Madame Knip in their great work on the Pigeons, at plate 35, and there con- sidered as a variety of the Pt. ewingii, and called Columba pur- purata. Temminck states (Trans. Linn. Soc. 1822, p. 130) that his specimen came from New Holland! The figure resembles no species from that country, nor indeed from any other; and it can only be through an examination of the type that a correct knowledge of the species intended can be ascertained. I have therefore placed Tem- minck’s name, as well as porphyrea, Wagl., founded upon Tem- minck’s bird, whatever it may have been, among the synonyms of 1878.) MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 527 the present species with a doubt’. Desmarest also published a name (/.c.) for the bird depicted on Temminck’s plate, viz. forstert. This, for the same reason which has placed Temminck’s name on one side, will also have to go among the list of doubtful synonyms. We now come to Wagler, ‘ Isis,’ 1829, who first diagnosed as distinct both species, from Otaheite and Tonga-Tabou respectively, and gave names to each, and properly portrayed their distinctive ckaracters. To the Tonga bird with the purple crown he applied the term purpurata, which name will take precedence; and the Otaheite species he called oopa. Unfortunately he did not appear to be cognizant of the name ¢attensis previously given to this species by Lesson, Voy. Coq. tom. i. text, p. 297 (1826); and therefore oopa will of course become a synonym of Lesson’s term. Mr. Layard speaks of this species under the name of porphyraceus, Forst., as not uncommon in the Friendly Islands. In its habits it resembles the other species of this genus, and is called by the natives * Kullu kullu.” The female, when in full breeding-dress, resembles the male, but is not so brightly coloured on the abdomen, the male at this season having the black abdominal patch shading away into brilliant purple. Adult. Front and top of head, extending in a curved line behind the eyes, rich purple, edged with light yellow. Rest of head, neck, upper part of back, throat, and breast pale ashy green. Flanks and abdomen grass-green, with a dark purple spot in the centre of abdomen. Crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow, tinged with orange on the tips of the coverts. Back and upper tail-coverts dark yellowish green. Wings the same colour, with the inner secondaries and some of the scapulars deep bluish green near their tips. Primaries black on their inner webs, green on their outer, and, together with the secondaries, margined with yellow; first primary abruptly attenuated and very narrow at the end. Rectrices bright green on their outer webs, brownish black on their inner, with a terminal grey or ash-coloured band, this margined with yellow. Under surface smoke-colour, terminal portion white. Bill black, tip flesh-colour. Feet brownish. Total length 8? inches; wing 5}; tail 32; bill, culmen 3. Young. Resembles the adult, except that the top of the head is ashy like the breast, with only a tinge of purple on the forehead. The back of the neck is pale green, instead of ash-colour; and the plumage of the upper part, tail, and wings is bronzy. 5. PTILOPus APICALIS. Lamprotreron apicalis, Bon. Compt. Rend. vol. xxxix. p. 877 1854). . nee apicalis, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. (1857) p. 23 ; Finsch & Hartl. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 121. Ptilonopus apicalis, Reich. Tauben, p. 97. Hab. Samoa, Vavao ( Bonaparte). This species, described by Bonaparte (J. c.), while resembling in ? See further remarks upon this plate 35 in the article on Pt. coralensis. 528 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May /, general appearance the preceding one, differs from all others in the colour of the spot upon the abdomen. In the type this is mixed with rufous and yellow, the latter colour perhaps predominating ; but in a second specimen, also in the Paris collection, the spot is more rufous, and extends over a greater space. I regard this latter as a more adult individual. It unfortunately bears no precise locality, but has merely marked upon the stand, ‘donné par la Société des Missions Catholique de ! Océanie en 1849.” The type was brought by Hombron and Jacquinot from the Samoan Islands in their Voyage au Péle Sud. The exact island is not given on the specimens by these travellers; but Bonaparte has stated Vavao to be the habitat. I am not aware how he ascertained this island to be the one in which the specimen described by him was procured. Adult. Front and crown rosy purple, faintly margined with yellow; throat yellowish white; occiput and back of neck pale green ; sides of neck and breast greenish grey; flanks and abdo- men pale green, with a rufous spot tinged with yellow in the centre of the latter ; crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow, inclining to a deep orange hue at the tips. Upper part and wings bronzy green. Secondaries margined on outer webs with pale yellow. Tail bronzy green, with an apical light-yellow band. Bill green? Feet dark red? ‘Total length 7$ inches; wing 53, tail 33, culmen 3. (Type.) 6. PrrLOPUS CORALENSIS. Ptilopus coralensis, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped. (1848) p. 190, pl. 51; Cass. U.S. Expl. Exped. 2nd ed. (1858) p. 272, pl. 32; Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 1873, p. 14, Columbe. Columba purpurata, Temm. & Knip, Pig. vol. i. pl. 357: Ptilopus viridissima, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. i. p. 20 (1857). Kurutreron coralensis, Bon. Consp. Av. vol. il. p. 26. sp. 3 (1857); Reich. Taub. p. 93; id. Novit, Suppl. p. 203, t. ii. f. 33. Ptilinopus coralensis, Cass. Wilkes Expl. Exped. text, p. 272, atl. pl. 32 (1858). Ptilonopus coralensis, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. p. 37 (1859). Ptilonopus viridissimus, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. p. 38 (1859), partim ; Reich. Tauben, p. 95, pl. 236 0. fig. 3367. Ptilinopus viridissimus, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 134. Hab. Island of Carlshoff, Paumotu group (Peale). The type of Bonaparte’s Péilopus viridissimus is in the Paris Museum. The example, which was brought home by M. Maugé, the surgeon attached to the expedition commanded by Captain Baudin, is marked as from Timor. ‘This locality is evidently erroneous, as no species belonging to this particular group of the genus Ptilopus is found in that island, but all are, on the contrary, apparently con- fined to the islands of the South Sea, from some one of which it is most probable the specimen described by Bonaparte was brought. It is in a bad condition, the primaries and tail being worn away to a considerable degree, as though the bird had been in captivity at 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 529 some period of its existence. It may possibly have been purchased by Maugé at Timor. In the coppery-red hue of the wings, as well as the tail, it answers well to the description given by Peale (J. c.) of his P. coralensis ; and I have therefore assigned it to that species. The back of the type is not ‘‘viridissimum immaculatum,”’ as described by Bonaparte, but has very conspicuous violet spots on the scapulars. I have given among the synonyms of this species the Columba purpurata, var., figured by Madame Knip on plate 35 of the work on Pigeons. Temminck states that there are two specimens in the Paris Museum, brought by Capt. Baudin, which resemble the type of his plate 35. I find that the type of Bonaparte’s Pé. viridissimus is marked as follows :—‘‘Ptilopus viridissimus, Bp. ex Temm. tab. 35, nec 34.” This unquestionably refers to the work of Temminck and Knip ; but whether it is also intended to indicate that the example was the original of Madame Knip’s plate I am unable to ascertain. I deem it very probable, however, that it is the original from which the drawing was made. In that case this bird would bear the name of porphyraceus, Temm. Trans. Linn. Soc. 1822, p. 130, which antedates coralensis, Peale. Mr. Peale states that this Dove attracted his attention by its plaintive call, resembling hoot-hoot-hoot, uttered in rapid succession. Although not wild, it was very difficult to see them, as their plumage accorded so well with the leaves. Specimens were subsequently obtained on the low coral islets of the Paumotu group, but nowhere else. They always kept in the most wooded and secluded places. Male. “‘ Vertex having a very pale rubiaceous spot, which does not reach to the base of the bill; bill yellow; irides red; head, neck, and breast ashy, the feathers having a very pale greenish-yellow band near their tips, those on the breast bifurcate ; back and rump green, inclining to olive; vent, wings, and tail, when viewed in a positive light, bright copper-colour, barred with golden green; underparts of the wing and tail cinereous; quill-shafts brown ; tail- shafts white beneath and black on the upper surface ; tail even, the inner web having a dark bar near the tip; tertiary feathers edged with yellow ; primaries and secondaries having a very narrow margin of white; feathers on the leg cinereous. ‘Total length 9 inches; tail 35), extent of wings 17, bill 3, tarsus 1.”—Peale (J. c.). 7. PTILopUS CHALCURUS. Piilonopus chaleurus, Gray, List Birds Trop. Isl. Brit. Mus. (1859) p. 37. Ptilinopus chaleurus, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867), p. 131. Hab. Harvey Islands, Cuok’s Archipelago (Gray). The type of this species (?) is in the British Museum, where I have had an opportunity of examining it. The colour of the fore- head is amethyst, a lighter hue than in P¢. viridissimus, Bon. ; but in their coppery tints the two birds greatly resemble each other. Gray separated this Harvey-Island bird from Pé. coralensis, Peale, on account of the light-coloured front and crown. Without the 530 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, type of Peale’s species to compare it with, I cannot say if the difference mentioned is sufficient to separate the present form as dis- tinct, and for the present leave it under the designation given to it by its describer. Forehead amethyst. Crown, occiput and nape pale green. Throat yellowish ; sides of neck and breast greyish ash; abdomen pale green. Back and wings bronzy-green, Primaries and secondaries with a coppery-red hue in certain lights. Tail coppery red, with a greenish shade; but in the majority of lights the feathers are bright copper-colour. Crissum and under tail-coverts pale yellow. Bill, legs, and feet yellowish in the skin. Wing 53, tail 4in. (Type.) 8. Pritorus pictiventrRis. (Plate XXXIII.) Ptilonopus fasciatus, Whitmee (nec Peale), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, p. 152 (spec. exam.) Ptilonopus apicalis, Lay. (nec Bon.), Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 495. Ptilopus pictiventris, Elliot, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 5, vol. i. p- 349 (1878). Hab. Nukahiva, Marquesas Islands (?) (type Paris Museum) ; Samoa (Whitmee); Savage Islands (Brenchley) ; Navigators’ and Friendly Islands (Layard). This species was sent from Samoa by the Rev. S. J. Whitmee, and marked by him Pé. fasciatus. I have examined his specimens now in the British Museum, from one of which the figure (Plate XXIII.) is taken; and they agree exactly with my type in the Paris Museum. Mr. Whitmee states (J. c.) that this bird is kept generally in- captivity by the natives of the Samoan Islands, and they train it to act as a decoy for the wild bird. I described this species from a specimen in the Paris Museum, stated to have been brought by Hombron and Jacquinot from Nukahiva of the Marquesas. I am inclined to think this locality may be erroneous, as I find on the bottom of the stand that it is first stated to have come from “ Upolu,’ Samoan group. This was erased and Nuka- hiva substituted. It seems to me, in view of the Rev. Mr. Whitmee’s examples, that Upolu is probably the correct locality of the type. Mr. Layard, in the ‘ Proceedings’ of this Society, 1876, p. 495, has erroneously referred this bird to the Pt. apicalis, Bon. This latter species, the type of which is before me, has a rufous spot mixed with yellow in the centre of the abdomen, without any black line about it. The secondaries are also uniform bronzy green without any lilac spots near their tips; and the under tail-coverts are bright yellow inclining to an orange hue at their tips. The present species and Pé. apicalis are readily distinguishable from each other, the pur- plish-black line above the rufous on the abdomen of the present bird being at all times sufficient to separate it. Mr. Layard states that he found this species abundant, feeding on wild berries, and having a pleasing rolling ‘‘coo.”” The females were not so brightly coloured as the males ; and the young have the whole of the underparts scaly with yellow edges to their green feathers. They exhibit no trace of the bifurcation in the breast-feathers, as in the adults; nor is the 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 531 first primary so greatly attenuated. Front and crown rosy purple, with a very faintly indicated yellow margin, almost obsolete. Occi- put greenish grey. Throat whitish; neck, upper part of mantle, and breast ashy green. Flanks light green. Centre of abdomen rufous, bounded above by a deep-purple line. Crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow, the latter orange towards their tips. Back and upper tail-coverts bright green. Scapulars tipped with lilac. Tail bright green, with a broad apical yellow band. Bill greenish with a yellow tip. Feet brown in the skin. Total length 83 inches, wing 53, tail 3, culmen 5%. 9. PriLOoPUS PELEWENSIS. Ptilinopus pelewensis, Hartl. & Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1868, p- 7, 1872, p. 101; Graffe, Journ. Mus. Godeffr. 1873, pt. 1, pl. 7. fig. 5; Finsch, Vég. Palau-Gruppe, Journ. Mus. Godeff. 1875, Heft viii. p. 24. Hab. Pelew Islands. This species, described by Messrs. Hartlaub and Finsch (J. c.) belongs to the second group into which I have divided the green Fruit-Pigeons of the South-Sea Islands, viz. the one with the yellow apical band on the tail. It differs apparently from its relative in the violet spot on the breast-feathers, and in the colouring of the under tail-coverts, and also, as Dr. Finsch writes me, in the large orange vent-spot. It is evidently a very distinct species. In their first description the above-mentioned authors state that the under tail-coverts are white at base, then yellow, with the tips rose-violet. In the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ for 1872, p. 101, they describe these coverts as bright purplish red, with narrow bright orange edgings. From this there would seem to be considerable variation in the hues of these feathers. I have not seen an example of this species. Adult. Front and crown rose-violet, margined with yellow ; rest of head and neck pale greenish yellow, feathers of upper part of breast crossed transversely with violet spots, tips greenish yellow. Middle of abdomen deep orange. Crissum yellow. Under tail- coverts white at base, then yellow, with the tips rose-violet. Upper parts light green. Primaries black, tipped and margined on the outer web with light green. Secondaries bright green edged with yellow. Middle rectrices green; lateral ones black on inner webs, green on outer, all with an apical yellow band. Bill lead-colour, feet flesh-colour. Length 93”, wing 8” 2'”, tail 22”, tarsus 10"", bill 6’” (Hartl. and Finsch). 10. PriLopus REGINA. Columba purpurata, prem. var., Temm. Pig. et Gall. tom. i. p- 282 (1813) (2). Columba purpurata, var.regina, Swains. Zool. Journ. vol. i. (1825) - 473. Columba purpurata, Jard. and Selby, Mlust. Ornith. vol. ii. pl. 70 (nec auct.). Ptilinopus swainsoni, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p. 18; id. 532 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Birds Austr. vol. v. pl. 55; id. Hand-b. B. Austr. vol. ii. p. 106; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 125; Graffe, Journ. Mus. Godeff. 1873, pt. 1, pl. 7. fig. 6; Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 114. Ptilonopus swainsoni, Gray, Gen. B. (1844) vol. ii. p. 466. sp. 6 ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 2. sp. 1; Reich. Tauben, p. 94, pl. 235. figs. 1309-10. Kurukuru swainsonii, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Zool. (1855) . 256. h Ptilopus swainsonii, Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas, 1873, p. 4, Columbe. Hab. Australia, river Clarence, between the Hunter and More- ton Bay (Gould). Temminck, in his ‘ Pigeons et Gallinacées,’ (/. c.), describes a ‘‘ pre- miére variété ” of his Columba purpurata (=ewingii, Gould). This has been referred, by Messrs. Finsch and Hartlaub in their work on Central-Polynesian birds, to Pt. fasciatus, Peale. I do not think this is correct ; and although it may be impossible to prove what really this ‘variety’ of Temminck’s is, yet it seems to me that his description points more towards the present species. In the first place Temminck makes no mention of a purplish-black spot upon the abdomen, which Pé. fasciatus (Peale) possesses ; and he describes the belly as exhibiting “ plusieurs nuances de jaune et d’orange,” which certainly are not to be found on Peale’s bird, which has this part grass-green with a purplish black spot in the centre. As the Columba purpurata, Temm., is known to be the Pé. ewingii, Gould, and did not come from Tahiti, it is probable that he had with it the Pt. regina, also from Australia, and looked upon them as varieties of the same species. As this cannot, however, be defi- nitely ascertained, I have placed his name among the synonyms, with a question. Temminck states that there are two specimens in the Paris Museum, brought by Capt. Baudin, which are like the variety described by him. I have examined all the examples brought by Baudin’s expedition ; and they belong only to the Pé. ewingii and Pt. viridissimus, Bon. (=coralensis, Peale). This species has been generally known as the Péilopus swainsoni, Gould; but it was called regina by Swainson seventeen years before Mr. Gould’s name was published. In fact it is the type of Swainson’s genus Ptilo- nopus (Ptilopus) ; and Gould’s name must become a synonym. Male. Forehead and top of head crimson, margined narrowly with yellow. Occiput and back of neck greyish green. Throat white, sometimes tinged with yellow. Breast pale green, each feather tipped with light grey. Flanks dull green. Abdomen deep orange, with a spot of deep lilac-red in the centre. Crissum and under tail-coverts orange-yellow. Upper parts bright green. Pri- maries slaty grey on inner webs, green on the outer, edged with yellow. The first abruptly and greatly attenuated. Secondaries bluish green, becoming deep blue near their tips, and broadly margined with yellow. ‘Tail deep green, with a broad terminal rich yellow band. Irides reddish orange. Bill greenish black, horn-colour at the tip. feet olive-brown. Total length 94 inches, wing 54, tail 33, culmen 3. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 533 Immature. Front tinged with rose-colour ; loral space and a line over the anterior half of the eye light yellow. Head, neck, cheeks, back, and breast green, the feathers of the latter tipped with light yellow. Throat yellowish white. Abdomen and under tail-coverts light yellow; the lilac-red spot absent. Rest of plumage as in the adult. Specimens described are those figured by Bonaparte, Iconogr. Pig. pl. 21. 11. Pritopus EWING. Columba purpurata, Temm. Pig. et Gall. tom. i. p. 280 (1813) ; Less. Traité Ornith. (1831), p. 472 (nec auct.). Columba purpurata, Desmar. Dict. Se. Nat. vol. xl. (1826) p. 339; Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. i. pl. 34 (nec auct.). Le Kurukuru, Less. Compl. Buff. Ois. tom. iii, p- 32 (1837). Ptilinopus purpuratus, Selby, Nat. Libr. vol. v. pt. 3, p. 103 (1835) (not from Otaheite); Swains. Class. Birds, vol. ii. p. 347 (nec auct.). Piilinopus ewingii, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1842, p: 19); id; B. Austr. vol. v. pl. 56. Ptilonopus purpuratus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 2, Galline. Ptilonopus ewingii, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 2, (1856) p. 3. sp. 2; id. Gen. B. vol. ii, (1844) p. 466; Reich. Tauben, p- 94, pl. 235. figs. 1307-8. Kurukuru roseicapillus, Des Murs & Prév. (nec Less.), Voy. Vénus, Ois. p. 262 (1855), partim. Ptilinopus flavicollis, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 3. sp. 3. Piilonopus flavipectus, Reich. Tauben, p- 94, pl. 235. fig. 1305 (ex pl. 35, Knip, Pig.), ex Timor. Ptilonopus flavicollis, Reich. Taub. p. 95; Gray, List B. Brit. Mas. (1856) p. 3. sp. 3; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p- 380. Ptilopus flavicollis, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p- 20. sp. 4; id. Compt. Rend. (1855) tom. xl. p. 216. sp. 40; id. Iconog. Pig. (1857) pl. 25. Ptilopus ewingii, Bon. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 20 (1857) ; id. Iconog. Pig. (1857) ,pl. 24. fig. 1 ; Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 5. Ptilinopus flavicollis, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 125. Hab. Coburg peninsula, northern coast of Australia (Gould) ; Timor, Flores (Semmelink). The representation of this species given by Madame Knip on plate 34 of her work is so badly executed that it is impossible to recognize what is intended ; for it certainly resembles no species that was ever seen. Therefore Bonaparte was perfectly justified in giving another figure in his Iconogr. Pig. pl. 25, from which a very good idea of this species is obtained. It is very safe to say that, unless the originals of some of Madame Knip’s plates had been preserved in the Paris Museum to show what the species really were, they would always have remained a stumbling-block to ornitho- 534 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. _[May 7, logists. I do not find, after a careful comparison of specimens from the two localities, that the birds from Timor and Australia show any characters that should separate them as distinct species. Desmarest, in the ‘Dictionnaire des Sciences,’ gives a species of Ptilopus as Columba purpurata. This has been referred to the Pt. fasciatus of Peale. As, however, the description mentions yellow and orange colours on the belly, and, moreover, this bird is referred to plate 34 of Temminck and Kuip’s ‘ Pigeons,’ which re- presents Pt. ewingii, I have placed Desmarest’s name among the synonyms given above. Aduit male. Forehead and crown rose-colour, margined with yellow. Sides of head greyish. Throat light yellow. Breast pale green, feathers tipped with yellow. Abdomen orange, with a pale lilac band crossing the upper part. Flanks green. Crissum and under tail-coverts orange-yellow. Back of neck and upper parts bright green. Wings bluish green. Primaries brownish black on inner webs, dark green on outer, margined with yellow, the first abruptly and greatly attenuated. Secondaries bluish green; base of inner webs brownish black, margined with light yellow. Tail bright green, with a broad terminal yellowish-white bar. Bill black, with yellow tip. Feet brownish. Total length 9 in., wing 5, tail 34, culmen }. (Specimen figured by Bonaparte.) 12. PriLOPUS RAROTONGENSIS. Ptilinopus rarotongensis, Hartl. & Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p- 80; Griiffe, Journ. Mus. Godeff. 1873, pl. 7. fig. 1. Hab. Cook’s Islands (Finsch § Hartlaub); Savage Island (Whitmee, Brenchley). A specimen in the British Museum from Savage Island, one of the Friendly group, is apparently of this species, and answers quite well to the description given by Finsch and Hartlaub. The spot on the lower portion of the breast is rosy red in the centre, sur- rounded by very dark purple. Abdomen and under tail-coverts are yellow, the latter strongly tinged with orange towards the ends. ** ddult. Front and vertex purplish violet-red, surrounded by a narrow indistinct line of yellow ; occiput, sides of head, neck, crop, and upper part of breast delicate grey, the feathers of the latter bifur- cate and with a pale yellow cross band ; chin and middle of throat white, washed with pale yellow ; breast and remainder of underparts yellow, purer on the back and under tail-coverts, paler on the anal region ; the sides washed with pale greyish green, the same as the feathered tarsus ; on the middle of the lower portion of the breast a large spot of dark purplish red; back and upper parts vivid grass- green; primaries and their coverts on the outer web and end bril- liant dark green, with a very narrow but distinct white margin, the inner web black ; secondaries also dark green, but with a somewhat broader yellow margin along the outer web ; coyverts of the secondaries dark green, narrowly margined externally and at the end with yellow ; larger shoulder-coverts brilliant dark green, broadly margined at the end with grass-green ; wing beneath ashy grey ; under wing-coverts 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUs. 535 delicate grey like the neck ; tail dark green with a broad greyish- white end ; the feathers, except the two middle ones, are on the inner web dark grey, crossed above the white end by a blackish cross band ; the white end is margined narrowly with pale yellow; tail beneath dark grey, at the end broadly white ; bill plumbeous, tipped with pale horn-colour ; feet reddish brown, nails dark ; irides yellow ; bill brownish yellow ; legs purple-red. “Young. Vertex and hind neck green like the back ; front and forehead covered with a pale violet-purple patch ; sides of head and neck grey, washed with green, the crop and upper portion of breast with greenish yellow ; the underparts are of a less brilliant yellow ; the sides darker greyish green ; the red pectoral patch is in- dicated only by some dirty purplish feathers ; the pale yellow mar- gins at the ends of the coverts of the secondaries are broader and form a distinct cross line; the white end portion of the tail-feathers is washed at the outer web and apex with green ; bill and feet brown ; total length 8 inches, wing 5, tail 3°1.”’—Finsch and Hartl. (1. ¢.). 13. Prinopus rascratus. Ptilinopus fasciatus, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped. Ornith. (1848) p- 193, pl.; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p.4; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 115; Graffe, Journ. Mus. Godeff. Heft i. (1872) p. 45, Taf. 7. fig. 2. Ptilinope de Clémentine, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. Pdle Sud (1841), pl. xxix. fig. 3. Ptilinopus clementine, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xl. (1855) p- 216. sp. 48 ; id. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 22. sp. 9; id. Iconogr. Pig. pl. xxii. fig. 1 (1857) ; Reich. Taub. p- 96, tab. 240. fig. 2588; id. Suppl. p. 203, pl. iv. figs. 34, 35 ; Gray, B. Trop. Isl. p. 38 ; Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godeff. Heft xii. p- 37 (1876). Columba viridissima, Temm. Pl. Col., text of C. diademata. Ptinilopus! clementine, Jacq. & Puch. Voy. Péle Sud, vol. iii. text (1853), p. 117, Atl. pl. xxix. fig. 3. Kurukuru clementing, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Ois. p- 269 (1855). Lamprotreron porphyracea, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 21. Piilopus clementine, Bon. Iconog. Pig. (1857) pl. xxii. fig. 1. Ptilonopus fasciatus, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 37 (partim). Ptilonopus clementine, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 38. Ptilopus porphyraceus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p.8, Columbe. Ptilopus fasciatus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 6, Columbe. Ptilonopus ponapensis, Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 779. Native name Manu-tagi ( Whitmee). Hab. Samoa (Peale, Hombron and Jacquinot) ; Ponapé Island (Kuébary). This is the species first described by Peale (/. c.) from Samoa, and afterwards by Hombron and Jacquinot as clementine. It is a well-marked bird, differing from all its allies in the yellowish hue of its throat, cheeks, and breast. The abdomen is pure green, with 536 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, a purplish-black spot in the centre. Several examples are before me, including the type of Pt. clementine ; and the species is readily recognizable from all the others of this especial section of the genus Ptilopus. Pt. apicalis, Bon., sometimes referred to this species, is quite distinct. I place with a doubt, among the synonyms given above, the Ptilinopus fasciatus figured in the Journal of the Museum Godeffroy (/. c.); for the colouring of the figure is so defective that it is impossible to arrive at any satisfactory conclusion as to what species is meant. The purplish-black mark on the abdomen is apparently omitted. If the specimen does not possess this, it cannot be the P¢. fasciatus, and is probably Pt. apicalis, Bon. An ex- amination of the bird itself could alone decide the matter. Dr. Finsch, in a late number of these ‘ Proceedings’ (1877, p. 779), described a Ptilopus from the island of Ponapé from specimens sent to the Museum Godeffroy by Mr. Kubary, as distinct under the name of Pt. ponapensis. Not being able to make out by the descrip- tion wherein this bird differed from the Pt. fasciatus, Peale, I wrote to Dr. Finsch asking if it was not possible to have the type sent to me. On his making the request to the Directors of the Museum Godeffroy, they most kindly forwarded me three specimens, among which was the type of the description published in this Journal. I compared it with the examples in the Paris Museum ; and, as I supposed it would be, the species is the same as Pt. fasciatus, Peale, being identical with those birds in the Paris Museum called clementine by Hombron and Jacquinot, and procured by them in the Voyage au Péle Sud, and which do not differ specifically from the Pt. fasciatus, Peale. The Pt. ponapensis will therefore have to become a synonym of the present species. Adult. Top of head and forehead bright purple, margined with pale yellow. Back and sides of neck, cheeks, upper part of back, throat, and breast pale yellowish green inclining to ash colour. Flanks and abdomen grass-green, with a purplish-black spot in the centre of the abdomen. Back and upper tail-coverts bronzy green. Primaries and secondaries black on inner webs ; outer bright green, edged with yellow on the secondaries ; first primary abruptly and greatly attenuated. Some of the innermost secondaries and tertials have a pale violet mark near their tips. Tail bright green, with the terminal fourth bright yellow. Crissum and under tail-coverts orange-yellow. Bill black, tip yellowish. Feet brown. Total length 83 inches, wing 54, tail 33, culmen2. (From Hombr. & Jacq. specimen in Paris Museum.) 14. PriLopus MERCIERI. Kurukuru mercieri, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Ornith. p. 266 (1855). Ptilopus mercieri, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xl. (1855) p. 216 ; id. [conog. Pig. pl. xxii. fig. 2 (1857); id. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. (1857) p. 22. sp. 8. Ptilinopus mercieri, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 128; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 410. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 537 Ptilonopus merciert, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 36; Reich. Tauben, p. 96. Hab. Nuka-hiva, Marquesas Islands. (Type.) A very rare and well-marked species; but one or two examples besides the type in the Paris Museum are, I believe, all that are known in European collections. It resembles in its coloration the last species, but is readily recognized by the red spot on the head at the base of the mandible. Adult. Entire upper part of head and occiput and a conspicuous spot at base of the mandible deep rosy purple. Nape, mantle, sides . of neck, throat, and breast pale yellowish green, with a tinge of ash upon cheeks and nape. Abdomen and flanks bright greenish yellow ; crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Back and upper tail- coverts bright green, with a yellowish tinge upon the latter. Wings same colour as the back; primaries black, shaded with very dark green upon the outer webs, the first abruptly and greatly attenuated ; secondaries black on the inner webs, dark green on the outer, and margined with yellow; the innermost ones with a conspicuous blue- black spot near the tips, and margined broadly with yellow. Rec- trices smoke-colour at base, the outer webs barred with pale green in the centre, this colour sometimes extending slightly onto the inner web; and all the apical third very light yellow. Bill black with light tip. Feet brown. Total length 9 inches, wing o4, tail 33, culmen 3. (Description taken from type in Paris Museum.) 15. Prinorus ROSEICAPILLUS. Columba roseicapilla, Less. Trait. Ornith. p. 472. sp. 44 (nec syn.) (1831). Le Kurukuru des Martannes, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p- 33 (1837). Ptilonopus purpureicinctus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1853, p. 48, pl. lv; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 4. sp. 5 (partim); id. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vol. xv. (1855) p. 159; id. List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 37. Kurukuru roseicapilla, Des Murs & Prév. Zool. Voy. Vénus, Ois. p. 259 (1855). Piilopus roseicapillus, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xl. (1855) p. 216. sp. 46; id. Iconog. Pig. (1857) pl. xxii. ; id. Consp. Gen: Av. vol. ii. p. 21. sp. 7. Ptilonopus roseicapillus, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. p- 37; Reich. Taub. p. 96. Ptilinopus roseicapillus, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 127. Hab. Ladrone Islands or Marianne Islands. This is a very distinct species, differing in certain particulars from all others known. Besides Lesson’s type there are several examples in the collection of the Paris Museum. It is a rare species, net many examples having been brought to Europe. Proc. Zoo. Soc.—1878, No. XXXV. 33 538 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Adult. Front, crown, and spot at base of lower mandible rich purple, margined on the posterior part with yellow. Back and sides of neck greenish grey. Throat white. Upper part of breast greyish green, the feathers tipped with pearly white. Lower part of breast crossed by a green band, with a large spot of deep purple in the centre; abdomen orange, with the centre yellowish green ; under tail-coverts bright yellow, becoming rich orange towards their tips. Back and upper tail-coverts bronzy green. Wings like the back ; primaries black on inner webs, green on the outer, edged with yellow, the first one abruptly and greatly attenuated ; secondaries bluish green margined with lemon-yellow. Rectrices pale green on outer webs, smoke-colour on their inner, with a broad terminal band of yellowish white. Billblack, tip yellowish. Total length 83 inches, wing 51, tail 34, culmen 3. (Specimen figured by Bonaparte l. ec. in Paris Museum. Lesson’s type of this species is also before me; but not being in so good a condition as Bonaparte’s specimen, I have preferred not to take my description from it.) 16. PriLopUus HUTTONI. Plilinopus huttoni, Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1874, p. 92. Hab. Island of Rapa or Opara, South Sea. | I do not know this bird autoptically. It is evidently a very fine and distinct species, differing in many ways from all others of this genus. It is quite large, has the first primary attenuated, and also two thirds of the basal portion of the tarsus feathered. As I have shown, however, in the discussion of the genera in the earlier part of this paper, these two characters are not of any especial im- portance in defining the generic position of the members of the group now under consideration. The following. description is taken from that given by Dr. Finsch of the type. Adult, Front and crown and spot at base of mandible purplish violet-red ; chin red, but paler than the crown. Red of crown margined narrowly and indistinctly with green. Occiput, neck, throat, and crop ashy grey tinged with green ; feathers on the crop bifurcate, and dull olive-green in the centre. A pale yellowish longitudinal patch below the chin. A large dark purplish-violet patch on the breast ; base of feathers dark olive-green. Sides of breast and flanks dark olive-green. Anal region and back of thighs dirty yellow. Under tail-coverts purplish violet-red like the crown, basal portions yellowish. Upper parts dark olive grass-green. Quills dark green, margined narrowly with yellow, with apical portions having coppery reflections. Shoulder-coverts with a triangular spot of dull lilac. Tail-feathers dark green; apical margin yellowish white, with coppery reflections in certain lights. _ Bill horny grey, tip yellowish ; feet pale, apparently yellow; eye pink. Total length 12-20 inches, wing 6°70, tail 4°90; bill above *75, at gape 1°15; tarsus 1:20; middle toe *95, nail °35. 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 539 17. PrtLopus DUPETIT-THOUARSI. Ptilinope de dupetit-thouars, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy.Péle Sud, pl. 29.4.1. Columba dupetithouarsii, Neboux, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 289 ; id. Voy. Favor. pl. 7. Columba kurukuru purpuro-leucocephalus, Hombr. & Jacq. Ann. Se. Nat. xvi. p. 316 (1841). Ptilinopus emilie, Less. Echo du Monde Sav. (1844) p. 873. Ptilonopus leucocephalus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. p. 2 (1844), Galline. Ptilonopus dupetit-thouarsi, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ili. App. p. 23 (1844-49) ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 3, Columbe ; id. B. Trop. Isl. p. 36 (1859). Ptinilopus dupetit-thouarsi, Jacq. & Puch. Voy. Pdle Sud, vol. ill. (1858), text, p. 114, atl. pl. 29. fig. 1. Trygon dupetit-thouarsi, Reich. Syst. Av. p. xxvi. Thouarsitreron leucocephala, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xxxix. (1854) p. 276, and tom. xl. (1855) p. 216 ; id. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. 17; id. Consp. Av. p. 16 (1857). Columba dupetit-thouarsi, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Zool. (1855) p. 241. Thouarsitreron dupetit-thouarsii, Reich. Tauben, p. 93, pl. 240. fig. 2587. Ptilinopus dupetit-thouarsi, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 129; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 410. Ptilopus dupetit-thouarsii, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 15, Columbe. Hab. Christine Island, Marquesas. A very handsome species, not likely to be confounded with any other of this group. It has, I believe, only been obtained on Chris- tine Island of the Marquesas. The first primary is especially noticeable for the great length of its attenuation. Adult. Top of head greyish white, margined faintly with light yellow. Throat and spot in front of the eye light yellow. Neck and upper part of back greyish green. Feathers of the breast pale green tipped with grey. Flanks pale green. Abdomen deep rose- colour; crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Back and upper tail-coverts bronzy green. Wings like the back ; primaries black, with a dark green shade on their outer webs, and the inner- most ones bronzy green at their tips, the first one abruptly and greatly attenuated. Secondaries—outer ones dark green on their outer webs, dark brown on inner with bronze-green tips, innermost ones deep blue near their tips, and all broadly margined with light yellow. Rectrices dark green (sometimes strongly tinged with bronze), with a broad apical yellowish-white band. Bill black, tipped with yellow. Feet red. Total length 93 inches, wing 6, tail 33, culmen 3. (Type of the species from Christine Island.) 540 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, 18. PriLopus XANTHOGASTER. Columba purpurata, Temm. (nec auct.) Pl. Col. livr. 43 (1824), vide text to pl. 254, livr. 95 (1835). Columba xanthogaster, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 29, Columba. Columba diademata, Temm. text to Pl. Col. 254, livr. 95 (1835). Ptilinopus purpuratus, Steph. (nec auct.) Cont. Shaw’s Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 277. sp. l. Ptilinopus flavigaster, Swains. Class. B, vol. ii. p. 347. Le Kurukuru @ ventre jaune, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p- 36 (1837). Ptilonopus zanthogaster, Gray, Gen. B. (1 844-49) vol. ii. p. 446 ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 5; id. List B. Trop. Isl. p. 36 1859). ; Kurukuru wanthogaster, Des Murs and Prév. Voy. Vénus (1855), Zool. p. 238. : Thouarsitreron diademata, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xxxix. (1854) p. 876, tom. xl. (1855) p. 216; id. Iconog. Pig. pl. 18 (1857); id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 16 (1857); Reich. Tauben, p. 93, figs. 1326, 1327. Ptilonopus diadematus, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 380. Ptilinopus diadematus, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 124. Ptilopus diadematus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 11, Columbe. Ptilopus wanthogaster, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. 1876, vol. ix. p. 199. Hab. Banda (Reinwardt, Hoedt); Khoor or Kanaloor, Little Ké, Grand Ké (Von Rosenberg); Lettie, east of Timor ( Hoedé). This species was first called by Temminck Columba purpurata, Lath., in the 43rd livraison of the ‘ Planches Coloriées,’ he sup- posing that it was a female of Latham’s bird. Afterwards he ascertained, from an examination of the specimens obtained by Quoy and Gaimard during the voyage of the ‘ Uranie,’ that the bird figured by him represented a distinct species ; and he therefore, in the 95th livraison, issued a new sheet of text calling the bird diademata, and requested that the previous page should be replaced by this one. However, between the dates of these two livraisons (1824-1835), Wagler had in 1827, in his ‘ Systema Avium,’ described the species as xanthogaster, which name will of course take precedence over Temminck’s later one of diademata. Adult. Head, neck, and upper part of the breast greyish white. An orange-yellow line passes over the eye and encireles the occiput. Throat bright yellow. Lower part of breast, abdomen, and under tail- coverts orange-yellow ; a large pale grey patch on upper part of abdo- men. Upper parts dark green. Centre of tertials, scapulars, and innermost secondaries deep blue, bordered with yellow. Primaries bordered with white, the first one abruptly and greatly attenuated. Tail dark green, with an apical band of lighter green. Bill green, 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 541 tip yellow; feet dark red. Total length 9 inches, wing 54, tail 33, culmen 4. 19. Prinopus CHRYSOGASTER. Ptilonopus chrysogaster, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1853, p. 48; id. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 2nd ser. vol. xv. (1855) p. 158; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 5. sp. 10, Columbe ; id. List B. Trop. Isl. p. 36 (1859); Sclat. Pioc. Zool. Soc. 1864, p. 9. Kurutreron chrysogaster, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom, xxxix. p- 876, (1855) tom. xl. p. 217; id. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. 29. fig. 2; id. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 26. sp. 2 (1857). Kurutreron chrysogastra, Reich. Taub. p. 92, tab. 249 5. figs. 3525, 3526. Ptilinopus chrysogaster, Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 128; Graeffe, Journ. Mus. Godeff. 1873, Taf. 7. fig. 4. Hab. Tonga-Tabou, Huaheine, Society Islands (Wodehouse). Although distinct, this species is a close ally of the Pt. xantho- gaster. It can, however, be readily recognized by its bright yellow abdomen and under tail-coverts and light-purple ‘crown, those of its relative being orange and greyish white respectively. It is one of the two species known to inhabit the Society Islands. Adult. Front and crown light-purple, margined posteriorly with dark yellow. Rest of head, neck, mantle, breast, and flanks greenish grey. Throat pale yellow. Abdomen and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Back and wings bronzy grass-green. Primaries black, the outer webs margined with dark green, the first abruptly and greatly attenuated for one third its length; secondaries bluish green, mar- gined with pale yellow. ‘Tail dark bronze-green, with a broad ter- minal band of yellowish white edged with a bright yellow. Bill black, tip yellow. Feet brown. Total length 94 inches, wing 53, tail 4, culmen 3. 20. PTILOPUS TAITENSIS. Columba kurukuru, var. taitensis, Less. Voy. Coq. tom. i. text, p- 297 (1826). Columba oopa, Wagl. Isis, 1829, p. 742. Oolumba tattensis, Less. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 472. Le Kurukuru @ Otaiti, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. ii. Ois. p. 35 (1837). Colombe de Taiti, Neboux, Rev. Zool. 1840, p. 289. Ptilonopus taitensis, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 466 (1844-49). ( Ptilinopus furcatus, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped. Birds, p. 191 1848). Kurukuru purpuratus, Des Murs & Prév. (nec auct.) Voy. Vénus, Zool. p. 222 (1855). Spec. Paris Mus. Kurukuru dupetit-thouarsi, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Zool. pl. vii. (1855). Kurukuru nebouxii, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Venus, Zool. p. 253 atl, pl. vii. 542 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Kurukuru taitensis, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Zool. (1855) Poco Ptilonopus purpuratus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 4 (partim); id. List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 35 (partim); Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 741. Kurutreron oopa, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. p. 878 ; id. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) (text); id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 26 ; Reich. Taub. p. 92, pl. 245 6. figs. 3527-28. Ptilinopus purpuratus, Cass. U.S. Expl. Exped. (1858) Ornith. pl. xxx. p. 269; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p- 122; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 741. Ptilopus purpuratus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B.1873, p.15, Columbe. Hab. Otaheiti. Peale says this species utters a cov-coo-coo slowly and at regular intervals. It is not as sprightly as the Coral-Island Dove, and delights to sit on some dead branch in the shady recesses of the woods. In my article on Pt. purpuratus I have given my reasons for considering that this species should not bear that name. The fact that Latham states that the bird he describes came from Otaheite, which is the chief reason why his name of purpuratus was assigned to this species, loses entirely its value and force when it is seen that no bird of the genus Péi/opus inhabits Otaheite that answers to bis description. Having specimens from both the Society Islands and Tonga in his possession, and having confused them in his description, he probably did not particularly regard his specimen or eompare it with his deseription when he stated it to have come from Otaheite. By no stretch of the imagination can the present species be deemed to have a “‘ purple crown.” It is ashy grey with a lilac tinge, but in no way does it approach any shade of purple. A series of specimens now before me from the Paris-Museum collec- tion clearly substantiates this. Adult. Top of head ash-grey with a tinge of lilac. Underparts light ash-green, darkest on the abdomen. Back of neck cinereous, washed with green. Upper parts bright green. Wings bright green ; first primary gradually narrowed to tip ; the inner webs of secondaries and primaries black, outer webs bright green, those of the secondaries edged with yellow. Centre of abdomen and crissum pale yellow, becoming bright yellow on the under tail-coverts. The tail has the rectrices bright green on the outer webs, black on the imner, and a subterminal interrupted greyish bar, extending only over the inner webs. Feet violet; eyes orange; bill green at base, tip yellow. Feet brown. Total length 9 inches, wing 53, tail 33, culmen 3. 21. Pritopus suPERBUS. Columba superba, Temm. Pig. & Gall. tom. i. p. 277 (1813) ; Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. pt. 1, p.64 (1819) ; Desm. Dict. Se. Nat. vol. xl. (1826) p. 337; Temm. & Knip, vol. 1. pl. 33. Columba cyanovirens, Less. Voy. Coq. pl. xhi. fig. 1 (1824) ; Desm. Dict. Se. Nat. vol. xl. (1826) p. 343; Less. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 471; Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. ii. pl. 8,2. 1878. MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 543 Columba superba, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 32, Columba. La Verte, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. ii. Ois. p. 29 (1837). La Poukiopou, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. (1837). Ptilinopus leucogaster, Swains. Class. B. vol. ii. p. 347. Ptilinopus superbus, Steph. Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 279. sp. 6; Gould, B. Austr. vol. v. pl. lvii. Ptilonopus superbus, Gray, Gen. B. (1844-49) vol. ii. p. 467 ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 7; id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 184; id. List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 39; id. List Mamm. and B. New Guin. (1859) p. 46; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 379; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1875) vol. vii. p. 786. Ptilonopus cyanovirens, Gray, Gen. B. (1844-49) vol. ii. p. 467 ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 8. sp. 23 ; id. Cat. Mamm. and B. New Guin. (1859) p. 47. Kurukuru superbus, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, p. 231 1855). ; Lamprotreron superba, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. (1857) vol. ii. p. 18; Reich. Tauben, p. 97, pl. 23646. fig. 3366, 9, pl. 236. figs. 1316-17, ¢ juv.; Ibis (1866), p. 333; Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, » 114. ; Cyanotreron cyanovirens, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. p- 878 ; id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 23; Reich. Tauben, p. 98, pl. 238. fig. 1324. Ptilonopus (Lamprotreron) superbus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 360. Piilopus superbus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 30, Columbe; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1877) vol. x. p. 158. Lamprotreron porphyrostictus, Gould, Ann. & Mag, Nat. Hist. (1874) vol. xiii. p. 137, 2 ? Hab. Amboyna, Ceram, Batchian, Gilolo, Waigiou, Mysol, Aru, New Guinea (Wallace); Mount Arfak (Bryjn.); Halmahera, Ternate, Batanta, Jobie (Bernstein, Von Rosenberg); Bouru, Sal- watty (Hoedt) ; Amberbaki, Mafor (Raffray) ; New Hanover (Ca- banis); Booby Islands (Gould) ; Cape York, Australia (Cockerell). As will be seen from the list given above, this species has received many names. The two sexes have been described as distinct species, and have been assigned to different genera! It has a wide dis- tribution, having been procured as far to the eastward as New Hanover, reaching Gilolo on the north, and Cape York, Australia, on the south. In fact it is found generally throughout the Papuan group of islands and along the northern part of New Guinea. As it has been obtained at Mount Arfak and Amberbaki, and also on Sal- watty on the west coast, it is probable that it will be ascertained to inhabit the entire northern portion of New Guinea. According to Mr. Ramsay, this bird is tolerably abundant in the scrub-lands of the Herbert River and coast-range. The note, which is a rolling guttural ‘* coo,’ may be heard half a mile off. The young resemble somewhat those of P¢. swainsoni (regina), but do not show the bifur- cate breast-feathers before the end of the second year ; but the green * bands on the flanks are conspicuous even in the nestling. The 544 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Lamprotreron porphyrostictus of Gould seems to be only a female of this species, having “‘a purplish-blue spot at back of head.” Adult male. Upper part of head bright purple. Ear-coverts and sides of face light green. Chin and throat ashy white. Nape and sides of neck above shoulders rufous-orange. Breast has the feathers light purple at the base, broadly tipped with ashy grey, this latter hue giving the predominant colour to the breast. A broad bluish- black band crosses the lower part of the breast. Middle of abdomen and crissum white. Flanks and thighs green, the former crossed by a white band above the thighs. Upper parts bright green. Shoulders and a spot on the scapulars, wing-coverts, and secondaries deep purple. Primaries brownish black, the first abruptly attenuated. Secondaries bright green, edged with light yellow. Tail has the rec- trices blackish on the inner webs, bright green on the outer, and all except the central pair with a white apical band. Under tail-coverts white, tinged with yellow, with broad central green stripes. Bill olive-green, tip yellowish. Feet pink; claws pale. Iris yellow. Total length 93 inches, wing 53, tail 4, culmen 8. Specimen described from Ternate. Amboyna examples seem to be bright pale orange on the nape and sides of neck. Female. Uniform green above. A spot of deep greenish blue on the occiput. Throat greyish white; breast greyish green. Middle of abdomen white. Young. Uniform yellowish green, tinged with grey upon the breast. 22. PrirLorus TEMMINCKI. Columba superba, Kuip & Prév. Pig. tab. 42, 2 , ex Celebes (1838). Kurukurutemminchii, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, p. 234 (1855). Ptilonopus formosus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 360; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 379; Wald. Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. vili. (1872) p- 82. Ptilopus superbus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 32, Columba, ex Celebes. Megaloprepia formosa, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 199. Hab. Celebes. This form, from the island of Celebes, possesses quite sufficient difference in coloration to entitle it to be considered distinct from Pt. superbus. The nape and sides of the neck are a much brighter orange ; and the lower part of the breast is pale purple, graduating insensibly into the bluish-black band that crosses the body above the abdomen. An immature bird of this species from Celebes was figured by Knip & Prévost (/.c.) as the female of Pt. superbus ; but afterwards, convinced that it represented a distinct species, they called it temminckii in the Voyage of the Vénus (J. c.), which name antedates the formosus of Gray. The figure originally published by these authors does not represent well the differences existing between this species and Pt. superbus, on account of the specimen not having yet assumed its perfect livery; but the locality, Celebes, proves 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 545 that their bird cannot belong to the older known form. Gray did not well indicate the distinctive characters of this species in the ‘Proceedings’ of this Society when he conferred a name upon it (J. c.) ; but it was properly and completely described by Wallace afterwards in ‘ The Ibis’ (/.¢.). It can readily be distinguished from its ally by the purple breast, the general plumage of the two species being the same, as are also the dimensions. The female resembles that of Pt. superbus, with rather a deeper coloration. 23. PTrILOPUS PEROUSEI. Ptilopus perousei, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exped. (1848) p. 195, pl. 54; Cassin, ibid. (1858) 2nd ed. p. 274, pl. 33; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 110; id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 548 ; Finsch, Journ. fiir Ornith. 1872, p. 44; Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas 1873, p. 10, Columbe. Ptilinope de Marie, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud, pl. 29. fig. 2. Columba kurukuru superba, Hombr. & Jacq. Ann. Scien. Nat. (1841) tom. xvi. p. 316. Ptinilopus marie, Jacq. & Puch. Voy. Péle Sud (1853), tom. iii. p- 115. Kurukuru samoensis, Des Murs & Prév. Voy. Vénus, Zool. p. 247. Type examined. Ptilopus maria, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. p. 877 ; id. Iconog. Pig. (1857) pl. 26, ad. et juv.; id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 22. sp. 10. Ptilonopus marie, Gray, List Columb. (1856) p. 4; Reich. Tauben, p- 96, pl. 240. fig. 2586 ; id. List B. Trop. Isl. p. 37 (1859). Piilinopus cesarinus, Hart]. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1864, p. 413, juv. Ptilinopus peroysei, Cass. Expl. Exped. (1858) p. 274, pl. 33 ; Reich. Tauben, Supp. p. 203, nov. taf. 38-40; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 110, t. xi. fig. 1; Griffe, Journ. fir Ornith. 1870, pp. 122 & 408; Finsch, Journ. fiir Ornith. 1872, . 44, - Ptilinopus maria, Finsch & Hartl. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1870, p. 131. Ptilonopus perousei, Whitmee, Ibis, 1875, p. 441. Hab. Ovalau (Filhol) ; Upolu, Hapai (Griéfe) ; Samoan Islands, Viti-Levu (Gréfe); Wakaia, Mokani, Vanua Levu, Loma Loma, Kandavu, Mango (Layard); Fiji Islands; Tonga or Friendly Islands. This species was first described by Peale (/.c.) under the name here adopted, and afterwards by Hombron and Jacquinot (/.c.) as «* Ptilinope de Marie,”’ still later latinized by Jacquinot and Pucheran (1. c.) as Ptinilopus! marie. Peale’s appellation, however, has un- doubted priority. Mr. Peale found it in the mountain-gorges of the Feejee Islands, but not abundant. The native name, Manu-ma, means shame or modest bird. It is one of the most beautiful and curiously marked members of this genus, The young are so dif- ferently coloured from the adult that they might easily be mistaken for a different species. 546 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILoPUS. [May 7, Adult, Front and crown, and a broad band across the back, dark purplish red. Head, neck all around, and throat white with a wash of yellow. Feathers of the breast, split at their ends, have their basal half rose-red, apical portion yellowish white ; beneath these feathers is a reddish-orange band. Abdomen, flanks, and crissum yellowish white. Under tail-coverts dark purplish red. Back and upper tail-coverts pale greenish yellow. Wings pale grey, feathers margined with greenish yellow. Primaries and secondaries dark bronzy green; first primary abruptly attenuated. Tail greyish white. Bill black, with the tip yellow. Feet black. Total length 82 inches, wing 53, tail 33, culmen 3. Immature. Front and crown deep rosy purple. Cheeks grey. Upper parts shining golden green. ‘Throat white. Breast green, feathers tipped with white. Abdomen and crissum yellowish white. Under tail-coverts bright yellow. Wings shining golden green ; pri- maries and secondaries margined with yellow. ‘Tail golden green, very bronzy on the edges and tips of the feathers. Bill and feet as in the adult. (Four specimens before me, all of which lack the purple bar on the breast shown in the figures of Bonaparte and Hartlaub and Finsch.) 24. PrILOPUS CORONULATUS. Ptilonopus coronulatus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 185, pl. 138; id. List Mamm. & Birds, New Guinea (1859), p. 45 ; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 378; Schleg. Mus. Pays-Bas 1873, p. 9, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. vii. (1875) p. 833. Ptilopus coronulatus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 198. Hab. Aru Islands (Wallace, Rosenberg) ; Salwatty and Sorong, (Bernstein) ; Jobie (Rosenberg) ; Yule Island (D’ Albertis). This species and the two next mentioned form a small section of this genus, related closely to each other in the distribution of the hues of their plumage. Like so many others of the genus, they are conspicuous for their brightly-coloured crowns and abdomens. Male. Front and crown pink, bordered posteriorly by a narrow line of purple, succeeded by a broader one of bright yellow. A purple spot on the upper part of the abdomen; middle of abdomen, crissum, and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Entire rest of plumage bronzy green. Secondaries and primaries margined with yellow. First primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Bill greenish yellow. Feet red. Iris orange. Total length 73 inches, wing 43, tail 27, culmen 2. Female like the male. 25. PTILOPUS GEMINUS. Ptilonopus geminus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genoy. vol. vii. (1875) p. 786. Ptilonopus senev, Briigg. Abhandl. natur. Ver. Brem, 1876, p. 82. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 547 Ptilopus geminus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. ix. (1876) p- 198. Hab. Sobie (Von Rosenberg, Bruijn); Krudu (Beccari) ; New Guinea, near Dorey (Bruijn) ; Ansus (Salvadori). This is a species apparently entitled to be considered distinct from the Pt. coronulatus. It differs by having the front and crown pinkish white, and the upper part of the abdomen around the violet spot saffron- yellow. The cheeks are also a dark greenish grey. First primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Size the same as Pt. coronulatus. Prof. Schlegel, in Mus. Pays-Bas, was the first to point out the dif- ferences existing between these two birds, but did not deem them of specific importance; and Dr. Salvadori bestowed the name here adopted. 26. PriLorus TRIGEMINUS. Pétilonopus trigeminus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. vii. (1875) p. 787. Ptilonopus marginalis, Brigg. Abhandl. natur. Ver. Brem. 1876, p. 82. Ptilopus trigeminus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. ix. (1876) p. 198. Hab. Salwatty (Von Rosenberg); New Guinea, near Sorong (Bernstein). The claims of this form to be considered distinct from the last are based upon very slight grounds ; and it may well be doubted if it should be separated from Pt. geminus. The only difference is in the slightly paler crown. At best it seems to be but a local race of the preceding species. 27. PTILOPUS IOZONUS. Ptilonopus iozonus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 186; id. List Mamm. & Birds New Guin. (1859) p. 46; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p- 378. Ptilopus iozonus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 17, Columbe ; id. Nederl. Tijdsch. Dierk. tom. iv. p. 25 (1873); Meyer, Rowl. Ornith. Mise. pt. ix. p. 342. Ptilonopus itonozonus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. vii. (1875) p. 834. Piilopus ionozonus, Salvad. Ann. Mos. Civ. Gen. vol. ix. (1876) p- 198. Hab. Aru (Wallace, Von Rosenberg) ; New Guinea (D’ Albertis). We have here, in this species and its two relatives, another small section of this genus. One of their chief differences is the ar- rangement of the colours on the margin of the wing, and another the manner in which the terminal band on the tail is exhibited. Although closely allied, the species seem to be quite distinct, their geographieal distribution also giving strength to this view. Male. Yellowish green. Bend of wing greyish violet, mixed with green, Middle of the abdomen deep orange. Vent and under tail- 548 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, coverts white, varied with yellow. Greater wing-coverts and tertials bordered with yellow, the latter grey in the middle of each feather. Quills shining deep emerald-green, first one gradually narrowed to the tip. Under surface of wings slate-colour. Tail green, with a broad band of grey at the tip, which is white beneath, especially on the inner webs. Length 8" 3! ; wings 4! 9!" (Gray, 1. c.). Female with a patch on the abdomen of an orange-yellow. 28. PriLopus HUMERALIS. Ptilonopus humeralis, Wall. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, p. 166. Ptilopus humeralis, Meyer, Proc. Zool. Soc. Soc. 1862, pl. 21; Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. (1873) p. 16, Columbe ; id. Nederl. Tijdsch. Dierk. tom. iv. p. 24 (1873) ; Meyer, Rowl. Ornith. Mise. p. 342, pt. ix.; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 198. Hab. Salwatty and adjacent coasts of New Guinea (Wallace) ; Sorong (Bernstein) ; Salwatty and Mansinam (Zeyer). This bird is easily distinguished from its immediate allies by the deep-purple band on the shoulder. It apparently ranges across the northern part of New Guinea, having been procured, as will be observed, from Mansinam, on the mainland, in the Bay of Geel- vink, to Sorong, on the west coast, and also on Salwatty, opposite Sorong. Adult male. General plumage bright green. Middle of abdomen rich orange. Crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Shoulders violet-grey, bounded beneath by deep purple. Wing-coverts violet- grey, margined with green. Secondaries margined with yellow, Primaries dark green, the first sharply narrowed towards the tip. Tail bright green above, dark grey beneath, with an apical whitish band. Bill greenish, tipped with yellow ; base above red and swollen. Feet purplish red. Total length 83 inches, wing 43, tail 25, culmen 2. 29. PriLoPpus JOBIENSIS. Ptilopus humeralis jobiensis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 16, Columbe ; Rowl. Ornith. Misc. pt. ix. pp. 340, 348, pl.; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 198. Hab. Island of Jobie. This species, a close relative of Pt. humeralis, has as yet only been found upon the island of Jobie, in the great Bay of Geelvink, New Guinea. It differs chiefly from the species just named in the colo- ration of the shoulders of the wing, which are violet-grey, without any purple; and the tail is uniform green above, without the apical grey band. Adult. General plumage yellowish green. Abdomen rich orange. Crissum and under tail-coverts white, the latter tipped with yellow. Shoulders violet-grey. Wing-coverts violet in the centre, surrounded by greenish blue, and margined with green. Primaries and secon- daries dark green, the latter edged with yellow; first primary nar- 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 549 rowed at tip. Tail bronzy green above, beneath black, with an apical greyish-white band. Bill black, tip yellow. Feet red. Total length 7} inches, wing 43, tail 2}, culmen 3. 30. PriLoPpus INSOLITUS. Ptilopus insolitus, Schleg. Neder]. Tijdsch. (1861) vol. i. p. 61, pl. 3. fig. 3. Ptilopus humeralis jobiensis (monstr.?), Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 16, Columba. Gidirhinus globifer, Cab. & Reich. Sitzungsb. Gesellsch. nat. Freunde Berlin 1876, p. 73; id. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1876, p. 326. CGdirhinus insolitus, Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 110; Salvad. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 196. Hab. New Ireland (Huesker); Duke-of-York Island (Brown). This strange and attractive species was first described by Schlegel (l.c.). He afterwards, on account of the protuberance on the fore- head, imagined it was only a monstrosity of the Pt. jobiensis. This, however, is not the fact, as the species is very distinct. The locality given by Schlegel (New Caledonia) is probably an error, as the bird has lately been received from both New Ireland and Duke-of-York Island. Cabanis and Reichenow have made a new genus for the re- ception of this bird, ‘‘ @dirhinus,” on account of the swelling of the forehead. I have not adopted this term; for the division does. not seem to me to be necessary. The same peculiarity exists in species of Carpophaga, viz. C. tumida and C. rubricera and others ; and if it is a sufficient cause to separate P¢. insolitus from the members of the genus Pti/opus, the species above mentioned should also be generically divided from Carpophaga, a proceeding which is hardly likely to meet with favour. Nothing is known about the habits and economy of the present species. In the arrangement of the group it naturally comes next to the Pé. jobiensis. Adult. Head, neck, back, breast, and flanks bright bronzy green. Throat green, slightly tinged with grey. Abdomen deep orange. Shonlders anda patch on each side of the back at the edge of the mantle light grey. Wings green; secondaries margined with bright yellow on their outer webs; inner secondaries light grey, margined with green. Tail bright green, with the apical third ashy grey. Crissum and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Bill greenish at base, yellowish at tip. Forehead and base of culmen covered by a bony protuberance large and rounded in form, very conspicuous, and of a red colour. Tarsi and feet red. Total length 93 inches, wing 5, tail 3, bill at gape 3. 31. PTILoPpUS NANUS. Columba Naina, Temm. Plan. Col. no. 565; Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. ii. pl. 59. La Naine, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 30 (1837). Ptilonopus naina, Gray, Gen. B. vol. iii. p. 467 (1844-49), Totreron nana, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 25 (1857), 550 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Tonotreron nana, Reich. Taub. p. 100, Taf. 239. fig. 1330. Ptilonopus nanus, Gray, List Mamm. & B. New Guinea (1859), p- 46; Wall. Ibis 1865, p. 381. Ptilopus nanus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. (1873) p. 21, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. ix. (1876) p. 196. Hab. Triton Bay, New Guinea (Miiller) ; Mysol (Hoedt). This is the smallest species of this genus, and one of the mest at- tractive. It is very rare in collections, but few specimens having been procured since it was first descrived by Temminck (J. ¢.). It is conspicuous among its relatives from having all the wing-coverts tipped with yellow, and from the blue-grey bands on each side of the breast. Male. General plumage bronzy green. Large band of bluish grey on each side of the breast. A purple spot on the centre of the ab- domen. Wing-coverts, scapulars, and tertials tipped with yellow, a greenish-blue shade behind the yellow on the last two. Feathers of the legs whitish. First primary narrowed at tip. Wing 2 inches 11 lines, tail 1 inch 6 lines. Female. Green, without abdominal spot. 32. PriLOPUS MONACHUS. Columba monacha, Temm. Pl. Col. 253; Desm. Dict. Se. Nat. tom. xl. p. 344 (1826); Knip & Prév, Pig. pl. 53; Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 35. Ptilinopus monachus, Steph. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. (1826) p- 277. sp. 2; Swains. Class. B. vol. ii. p. 347 (1837). La Monache, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. tii. Ois. p. 29 (1837). Ptilonopus monachus, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 466. sp. 8 (1844— 49); Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 378; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. vil. p. 786 (1875). Cyanotreron monacha, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 24 (1857) ; Reich. Taub. p. 98, Taf. 236. figs. 1314, 1315. Ptilonopus (Cyanotreron) monachus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, . 359. : Ptilopus monachus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. (1873) p. 12, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. ix. (1876) p. 198. Hab. Batchian, Kaisa, Ternate, Gilolo, Morty (Wallace) ; Motir, Dammar (Bernstein) ; Tidore (Raffray). A series of this bird from different localities brought by M. Raffray is now before me. 1 notice that those from Ternate differ from Gilolo specimens, as well as those from Tidore &c., in being of larger size, and also in having the blue spot of greater extent and situated upon the abdomen, and not on the breast, as in those from Gilolo. The type of Pt. monachus was erroneously stated to have come from Celebes. A specimen in the Paris collection was obtained in exchange from M. Temminck, and the locality given as Celebes. This agrees precisely with Ternate examples, and has the blue patch upon the abdomen. ‘Temminck’s figure in the ‘ Planches Coloriées’ exhibits this large abdominal patch very clearly. The Gilolo birds may require separation. 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. aod Adult male. Front, crown, lores, moustache, and a spot on the breast greyish blue. Superciliary stripe, chin, and throat, lower part of abdomen, and under tail-coverts lemon-yellow. Rest of plumage of body bright green. Primaries and secondaries black on inner, green on outer webs, edged with white or pale green ; first primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail bright green, with a sub- terminal bar of darker green. Bill greenish, tip lighter ; iris dark ; feet red. Total length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 23, culmen 2. Female differs in having the front and top of head greenish blue, the throat only slightly tinged with yellow, no spot on the breast, rest of plumage like the male but all the colours much duller. 33. PriLopus PULCHELLUS. Columba pulchella, Temm. Pl. Col. 564; Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. ii. t. 14. La Mignonne, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. (1837). Ptilonopus pulchellus, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. (1844) p. 466. sp. 7; id. Cat. Mamm. Birds New Guin. (1859) p. 44; Reich. Tauben, p- 96, pl. 236. fig. 1311; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 378; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. vii. (1875) pp. 786, 833. Ptilopus pulchellus, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 22 (1857) ; Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 2, Columbe; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 198, & vol. x. (1877) p. 158. Hab. New Guinea, Salwatty, Waigiou (Bernstein) ; Mysol ( Wal- lace); Amberbaki, Andai (Ruffray); Monte Epa, New Guinea (D Albertis). A very brightly coloured and charming little species. From the localities in which it has been procured, we should judge its range was the northern part of New Guinea, with some of the islands lying off the west coast. Its synonymy is very simple, the species never having received a second name. Male. Front and crown bright carmine. Sides of head and neck, together with the breast, light grey. Chin, throat, and lores white. A large spot or bar of purplish red on the lower part of the breast. Flanks green. Abdomen orange, shading into deep yellow upon the lower parts and crissum. Under tail-coverts orange. Entire upper parts and back of neck bright green. Wings green; primaries and secondaries black on inner webs, green on outer, those of the secon- daries edged with yellow; first primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail bright green. Bill yellow, tip greenish yellow. Feet dull car- mine. Iris orange, paler within. Eyelids yellow. Total length 8 inches, wing 43, tail 33, culmen 74. There is no difference between the sexes in plumage. 34. PrrLoPpUS MELANOCEPHALUS. Columba melanocephala, Gmel. Syst. Nat. tom. i. p. 781 (1788) ; Temm. Pig. & Gall. tom. i. (1813) p. 263; Horsf. Trans. Linn. Soc. 1821, vol. xiii. p. 182; Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) Columba, 552 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, sp. 33; Temm. Pl. Col. 214; Knip & Temm. Pig. vol. i. pl. 30; Less. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 471. Tourterelle de Batavia, Buff. Plan. Enlum. 214. Columba melanocephala, Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. pt. | (1819). Ptilinopus melanocephalus, Steph. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p- 279. sp. 7; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 381. Le Turgis, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 26 (1837). Ptilonopus melanocephalus, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 1, (1856) p. 6. sp. 15; id. Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467 (1844-49). Ionotreron melanocephala, Reich. Taub. p. 100, Taf. 237. figs. 1318, 1319. Totreron melanocephala, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 24. sp. 2 (1859). Ptilopus melanocephalus, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. Dierk. vol. it. p- 207; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 28, Columbe. Ptilopus melanauchen, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov, vol. vii. (1875) p. 670 (ex Flores). Totreron melanocephala, id. ibid. p. 671. Hab. Java (Diard, Temminck); Sumbawa, Flores (Forstein, Rosenberg) ; Sulabessie (Hoedt); Lombock (Wallace). Count Salvadori has called the birds from Flores (/. c.) Péelopus melanauchen; but I really cannot see that this island form differs sufficiently from typical Pt. melanocephalus, ex Java, to require sepa- ration as a distinct species. It would seem that four races of this style of Péilopus are quite sufficient to indicate the varieties that exist. This species is one of the longest-known in the genus; and while the typical style is confined to Java and the Timor group of islands, representative forms, constituting races if not distinct species, are met with on other islands of the Malay archipelago. Male. Top and sides of head and neck, and lower part of throat light grey ; occiput and back of neck black ; chin and throat yellow ; crissum and short under tail-coverts rich yellow, long ones carmine ; entire rest of plumage bright green; primaries black on inner web, green on outer; first primary slightly scalloped and narrowed at tip; bill yellow, greenish horny at the tip; feet pink-red ; orbits bare, green. Total length 93 inches, wing 43, tail 3, culmen 3. (Java.) Female. Entirely green, with the exception of the longest feathers of the under tail-coverts, which are carmine, like those of the male. 35. PriLOPUS MELANOSPILUS. Ptilopus melanocephalus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 29, ex Celebes. Totreron melanospila, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. vii. (1875) p. 670. Ptilinopus melanocephalus celebensis, Brigg. Brem. Abhandl. (1876) p. 80. Hab. Celebes. The various forms of Pé#. melanocephalus were pointed out by 1878 .] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 553 Prof. Schlegel (/. c.), and names afterwards given to them by M. Salvadori. The principal difference between examples from Gelebes and Java appears to be that the former have a much narrower throat- mark, which is lemon-yellow washed with orange. 36. PriLopus CHRYSORRHOUS. Ptilopus melanocephalus, Wall. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1862, p-» 344 ; Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 29, ex Sula. Totreron chrysorrhoa, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1875) vol. vii. p- 671. Ptilonopus sulaensis, Brigg. Abhandl. natur. Ver. Brem. 1876. Hab. Sula, Ceram (Bernstein). This form has the throat-mark as in specimens from Celebes. The black band on the occiput is smaller, and the abdomen orange- yellow. The characters it offers to support its claim to a distinct rank are not very striking ; and it may be questioned if it should be really separated from Pt. melanocephalus. 37. PritLopus XANTHORRHOUS. Ptilopus melanocephalus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 29, ex Sanghir. Lotreron «anthorrhoa, Salvad. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. vii. (1875) p- 670. Ptilinopus nuchalis, Briigg. Brem. Abhandl. 1876, p. 80. Hab, Island of Sanghir. This well-marked race of Pt. melanocephalus differs, both in size and colour of plumage, so much that, more than any of the other styles, it deserves a separate name. The colour of the throat is of a deeper yellow ; and both abdomen and crissum are orange; and this colour runs up nearly to the breast instead of being confined to the short under tail-coverts and crissum. It is much larger than any of the other races. Male. Head and neck pearly white. Occiput and back of neck Jet-black. Throat orange-yellow. Abdomen and crissum bright orange; long feathers of the under tail-coverts rich carmine. Entire rest of plumage bright yellowish green. Primaries and secondaries margined on their outer webs, near the tips, with lemon-yellow- First primary gradually narrowed towards tip. Bill black, tipped with yellow. Feet very dark red. Total length 10 inches, wing 5}, tail 33, culmen 3. Female. Entirely green. Feathers of the abdomen tipped with yellow. Some feathers of the under tail-coverts tipped with yellow, others with carmine. Bill black. Feet dark red. 38. PriLopus PORPHYREUS. Columba porphyrea, Temm. Pl. Col. 106 (1824); Knip & Préy. Pig. vol. ii. pl. iv.; Less. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 472. Ptilinopus porphyreus, Swains. Zool. Journ. vol. i. p. 474 (1824— 25); Steph. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. (1826) p. 277. sp. 3. Proc. Zoo. Sec.—1878, No, XXXVI. 36 5a4 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, Columba roseicollis, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827), Columba, sp. 30. La Porphyre, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. (1837). Ptilonopus erythrocephalus, Swains. Class. B. vol. ii. p. 347 (1839). Ptilonopus roseicollis, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467 (1844-49) ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 1, (1856) p. 8. Ptilopus porphyrea, Reich. Taub. p. 97, pl. 237. figs. 1322-23. Ptilonopus porphyreus, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 380. Ptilopus porphyreus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B, 1873, p. 33, Columbe. Hab. Java (Wallace, Diard). This is a rather large and brightly plumaged species, with a long square tail, approaching somewhat in form Pt. cinetus, Pt. bern- steini, &e. The first primary is abruptly attenuated at the tip. It is apparently restricted to Java, all the specimens that I have seen having come from that island. There is considerable difference in the colour of the plumage of the adult and young, the latter almost entirely wanting the rose or carmine on the head and breast which makes the adult so conspicuous. There does not appear to be any difference in the plumage of the sexes. Adult. Head rose-colour, graduating into carmine upon the neck and breast. Beneath the red colour on the breast is a rather broad white band, below which is another of blackish green. Abdomen and flanks clear grey. Thighs and crissum bright green, feathers tipped with bright yellow. Under tail-coverts greenish on the inner webs, white on the outer, with the margins light yellow. Entire upper parts dark yellowish green, lightest on the rump. Primaries black, the first abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail dark green, with a broad dull grey apical band. Bill black, with pale tip. Feet red. Total length 11 inches, wing 53, tail 43, culmen 2. Young. Have a generally green plumage, with the feathers mar- gined with yellow, and the breast mottled with purplish red. 39. PriLoPpus JAMBU. Columba jambu, Gmel. Syst. Nat. (1788) vol. i. p. 784; Rafi. Trans. Linn. Soc. (1822) vol. xii. p. 212 ; Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 28, Columba. Columba jambos, Lath. Ind. Ornith. (1790) vol. i. p. 598. sp. 18; Less. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 472. Columba jamboo, Temm. Pig. et Gall. (1813) p. 257; Temm. & Knip, Pig. vol. i. pl. 27 9, 28 ¢; Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. pt. 1 (1819), p. 49. Le Jambou, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 27 (1837). Ptilonopus jambu, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 2, (1856) p-. 7. sp. 18; id. Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467 (1844); Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1863, p. 221; Wail. Ibis, 1865, p. 378. Ramphiculus gambu, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 17 (1857) ; Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1859, p. 465; Reich. Taub. p. 99, pl. 239. figs. 1334-35 ¢, pl. 244. figs. 3488-89 9°. Ptilopus jambu, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 36, Columbe. Native name Punei-chitrah in Borneo (Motley). Hab. Malacca (Wallace) ; Sumatra (Miller) ; Borneo (Motley) ; 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 555 Luzon, Philippines (Crockewit) ; Busan and Bintulu, Borneo (Lve- rett). This bird, although very plentiful at Banjermassing, is, according to Mr. Motley, rare in other parts of Borneo. It feeds on fruits, particularly of the different species of Ficus. Quite different in its style of coloration, it cannot be confounded with any other species of Ptilopus. Of late hundreds of specimens have been sent to Europe to be cut up to decorate ladies’ bonnets. I saw only lately a box, at least three feet square, full of these birds, which were con- demned to be torn to pieces in order to supply the demand this un- fortunate fashion has created. Adult male. Front, crown, and sides of face in front scarlet, the top of head in some lights having an amethyst shade. Upper part of throat and chin black. Sides of neck, from just below the eye, lower part of throat, and entire underparts pure white, washed with rose-colour on the centre of the breast. Under tail-coverts deep chestnut. Entire upper parts and wings dark green. Primaries black, tinged with green on the outer webs, and edged with rufous, the first abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail dark green, with a dusky grey apical band. Bill bright yellow. Inris sienna-orange. Feet dark red. Total length 103 inches, wing 53, tail 4, culmen 3. Female. Top of head greyish purple, sides of face in front deep rose, centre of throat and chin black. Upper parts and breast bronzy green, rest of underparts white. Under tail-coverts chest- nut. Tail green, with a pale rufous apical band. Young. Plumage almost uniformly green. Chin pale red. Middle of abdomen white. Under tail-coverts chestnut. 40. Pritopus WALLACEt. Ptilonopus wallacei, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 185, pl. 136; id. List Mamm. & B. New Guin. p. 45 (1859); Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 380. Ptilopus wallacei, Schlegel, Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 18, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 197. Hab. Aru Islands (Wallace); Kei Island (Von Rosenberg). This beautiful bird, one of the most lovely species of this lovely. group, was procured by Mr. Wallace on the Aru Islands, and de- scribed by Gray (/.c.). It is still very rare in collections; and for the examples from which my description was taken I am indebted to the Marquis Doria, who sent them to me from the Museum of Genoa. I have also examined the type in the British Museum. Adult male. Top of head and occiput carmine. Chin, throat, and sides of head pure white. Nape, neck, and breast pure grey. A band of white across lower part of breast, succeeded by a broad one of deep orange. Abdomen and under tail-coverts light yellow, the latter striped with green. Upper part of back grey, bordered with orange; scapulars and lesser wing-coverts grey, margined with green. Shoulders orange. Secondaries bright green, margined with lemon-yellow. Quills deep green, the first one narrowed gradual]; 36* 556 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, to the tip. Back and rump yellowish green. Tail coppery green, apical half of lateral feathers greenish white. Bill yellow. Feet red. Iris orange-red. Total length 10 inches, wing 6, tail 33, culmen 2. 41. PriLopus AURANTIIFRONS. Ptilonopus aurantiifrons, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1858, p. 185, pl. 137; id. List Mamm. & B. New Guin. (1859) p. 45; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 380. Ptilopus aurantiicollis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 18, Columbe. Ptilopus aurantiifrons, var. nove-guinee, Meyer, Sitz. Ak. Wiss. 1874, p. 508. Ptilopus aurantiifrons, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen.(1876) vol. ix. p- 197. Hab. Aru Islands, Mysol (Wallace); Salwatty (Von Rosenberg) ; Batanta (Laglaize); New Guinea (Wallace, D' Albertis); Jobie (Meyer, Beccari). This is a very beautiful and very distinct species. Dr. Meyer (/.c.) has proposed to separate the bird from the mainland of New Guinea, procured at Passim, from that of Jobie, on account of some slight variation in the hues of the plumage, such as the deeper orange of the forehead and the orange tint of the back of the head and breast, with also metallic reflections of the top of the head. I do not deem these slight differences of sufficient importance to give New-Guinea specimens a distinct specific rank. Examples from Batanta before me seem to be intermediate between those of Jobie and Passim, with more orange tints than in individuals from Jobie, and less than in those of Passim. Adult. Forehead deep orange, rest of top and sides of head yel- lowish green. Throat pure white. Neck all around and upper part of breast leaden grey. Underparts yellowish green. Mantle and scapulars with some of the lesser wing-coverts grey, margined with green, some of the feathers of the mantle margined with orange. Rest of wing-coverts and secondaries yellowish green, margined with lemon-yellow. Primaries dark green, the first narrowed gradually to the tip. Back and upper tail-coverts yellowish green. Tail bronzy green, with a subterminal interrupted grey band; this band does not extend entirely across the outer web of each rectrix. Under surface smoky grey, with a light-grey apical band. Bill yellow; base swollen, red. Feet red. Iris orange. Total length 94 inches, wing 53, tail 2#, culmen 2. 42. PriLoPUS ORNATUS. Ptilopus ornatus, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. 1871, vol. iv. p. 52; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873 p. 18, Columba; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 197, et (1877) vol. x. p. 158. Hab. New Guinea, Mount Arfak (Rosenberg, Laglaize). This species seems to be entirely confined to the mainland of New 1878.] MR D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 557 Guinea. At all events I have not seen a specimen from any of the islands. To state that it was a beautiful bird would be only equi- valent to saying that it belongs to the genus Péilopus. It is still quite a rare species in collections. Adult. Top and back of head, sides of face, and back of neck purplish red. Chin and throat pale grey. Upper part of breast dark ochre, becoming a clearer yellow on the lower part of throat. Underparts bright green; feathers of abdomen edged with yellow ; centre of abdomen pale yellow. Under tail-coverts lemon-yellow, streaked with dark green. Upper parts bright green, darkest on the mantle. A band of dark purplish red upon the shoulders. Wing-coverts light grey, margined with green. Primaries black, tinged with dark green on outer webs, the first narrowed gradually to tip. Secondaries bright green, edged with lemon-yellow. Tail bright green, with a broad light yellow apical band. Bill yellow, dark brownish towards the base in the skin. Feet red. Iris lemon- yellow, bordered with orange. Total length 92 inches, wing 6, tail 33, culmen 2. 43. Pritopus Gestror. (Plate XXXIV.) Ptilinopus gestroi, D’ Alb. & Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. vii: p. 834 (1875). Ptilopus gestroi, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1876) vol. ix. p- 197. Hab. Yule Island (D’ Aldertis). This very beautiful species is singularly intermediate between the Pt. ornatus and Pt. perlatus, possessing as it dues the head and neck of the latter with the body and tail of the former. I have only seen one specimen, kindly sent to me by my friend Count Th. Salva- dori, a male, collected by Signor D’Albertis in Yule Island. _ In size it is larger than P¢. ornatus and more like Pé. perlatus. It is the representative of its near allies in the district it inhabits. As yet Yule Island is the only locality in which it has been obtained. Adult male. Top and sides of head and upper part of back of neck olive-yellow. Chin, throat, and a broad line going round the lower part of neck light lead-colour, nearly white on throat. Lower part of throat ochraceous yellow. Upper part of breast greenish ochre, changing in certain lights to purplish. Lower parts of breast; abdomen, and flanks bright green. Under tail-coverts yellowish white, striped with bright green. Upper parts bright green. Wings with a rich dark purple band near the shoulders; the coverts pale grey, margined with green. Secondaries green, edged with lemon- yellow. Primaries dark green, the first narrowed gradually at the tip. Tail bright green, with a broad pale yellow apical band edged with green. Bill olive-yellow. Iris yellow. Feet carmine. Total length 10 inches, wing 6, tail 37, culmen 3. 44. PriLopus PERLATUS. Columba perlata, Temm. Pl. Col. 559, livr. 94; Knip & Prév, Pig. vol. ii. pl. xxi. 558 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, La Perlée, Less. Comp]. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 31 (1837). Ptilonopus perlatus, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 466 (1844) ; id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 185; id. Cat. Mamm. & B. New Guin. (1859) p. 47; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 380. Megaloprepia perlata, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. . 1097. ' Sylphitreron perlatus, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 40. Ptilopus perlatus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 17, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 197, (1877) vol. x. p. 157. Hab. Aru Islands (Wallace); New Guinea (Bernstein) ; Sal- watty, Jobie (Von Rosenberg); Amberbaki (Laglaize) ; Dorey (Raffray). Like the last, this is rather a large species. It was placed by Reichenbach in his genus Megaloprepia ; but I cannot see that it possesses any characters to separate it generically from the members of the genus Péilopus. Male. Chin and upper part of throat pure white. Moustache, sides, lower part of throat, and a narrow band separating the neck from the mantle pale grey. Top and sides of head and back of neck greenish yellow. Breast and a line beneath the grey band on the neck rufous. Lower part of breast, abdomen, and flanks yellowish green. Crissum and under tail-coverts pale yellow; the latter striped with dark green. Upper parts and wings bright green, with the centre of scapulars and smaller wing-coverts rosy purple. First primary slightly nar- rowed at tip. Secondaries edged with light yellow. Tail dark green above, beneath dark smoke-grey, with an apical greyish-white band. Bill yellow ; feet red; iris orange-yellow. Total length 92 inches, wing 63, tail 33, culmen 2. No difference in the sexes. Immature. Top of head green ; lores and cheeks greenish yellow. Throat greyish white. Sides and back of neck grey; breast dark ochre. Rest of plumage like the male. (Spec. ex Dorey, New Guinea, Voy. Astrolabe.) 45. PriLopus ZONURUS. Ptilopus zonurus, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. ix. (1876-77) p- 197. Hab. Aru Islands (Wallace, Von Rosenberg). Like Pt. perlatus, save that the tail has an apical greyish-white band above and below. Barely distinguishable from Pt. perlatus. 46. PriLopus 10GASTER. Columba hyogastra; Temm. Pl. Col. pl. 252, livr. 43; Desm. Dict. Sc. Nat. tom. xl. pl. 344 (1826); Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. ii. pl. 54. Columba iogastra, Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 34, Columbe. TP’ Hyogastre, Less. Compl. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. p. 30 (1837). Ptilinopus hypogaster, Swains. Class. B. vol. ii. p. 347 (1837). Ptilonopus hyogaster, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 466 (1844); Wall. Ibis 1865, p. 381. 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 959 Totreron hyogaster, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 25. sp. 4 (1857). Ionotreron ionogaster, Reich. Taub. p. 100, pl. 239. figs. 1332-33. Ptilonopus (Iotreron) iogaster, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 359. Ptilopus iogaster, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 20, Columba. Ptilopus ionogaster, Salvad. Anu. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 196. Hab. Tidore (Bruijn); Batchian, Gilolo (Wallace); Weda, Dodingo, Ternate, Morotai (Bernstein). This is a well-marked species, its grey head and purple abdomen making it very conspicuous among the other species of the genus. Adult. Head, except occiput, clear grey. General plumage of body, neck, and occiput brouzy green. Abdomen almost entirely covered by a spot of deep reddish purple. Crissum and under tail- coverts rich lemon-yellow. Wings green. Some of the scapulars and greater wing-coverts violet-grey, margined with green. Primaries emerald-green, first narrowing gradually. Secondaries yellowish green, edged with lemon-yellow. Tail bronzy green, with an interrupted subterminal grey bar, this not reaching the edge of the outer web of the rectrices. Beneath smoke-grey, apical band white. Bill bluish white, tip yellow ; feet lilac-purple. Total length 9 inches, wing 54, tail 3, culmen 2. 47. PriILorus PECTORALIS. Columba pectoralis, Wag). Isis, 1829, p. 759. Columba virens, Less. Voy. Coq., descr. 9; id. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 471. Columba cyanovirens, Less. Voy. Coq. pl. 42. fig. 2, 2. Omeotreron pectoralis, Bon, Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 27. Ptilonopus roseypectus, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 432 ; Reich. Tauben, p. 191 ; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 381. Ptilonopus virens, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 382. Ptilopus pectoralis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 23, Columbe ; Meyer, Rowl. Ornith. Misc. pt. xiii. p. 114 (1878). Ptilonopus pectoralis, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1875) vol. vii. p. 785. Hab. Rubi, Passim, Andai, New Guinea (Meyer); Mysol (Hoedt); Gagie, Guébeh, Waigiou (Bernstein); Mafoor, Sook (Von Rosen- berg); Batanta (Laglaize) ; Amberbaki (Raffray). Examples from Batanta are of larger size, but otherwise do not seein to differ from those procured in New Guinea and other localities. The species has a rather wide distribution among the Papuan Islands. Male. Forehead and chin greenish grey. A small reddish-purple spot upon the breast. Middle of abdomen and under tail-coverts light yellow ; the latter striped with dark green. Rest of plumage of body yellowish green. A few of the scapulars with grey tips, Primaries dark green on outer webs, and bronzy green at tips; first 560 MR. D. G. ELLIGT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, equal for its entire length. Secondaries yellowish green, edged with pale yellow. ‘Tail bright yellowish green, with a grey spot at tip of feathers on inner webs. Underneath smoky black, with apical grey band. Bill yellow, base red; feet red; iris orange. Total length 84 inches, wing 4?, tail 27, culmen 2. Female. Like the male, but without the spot on the breast. 48. PrrLopus virInis. Columba viridis, Linn. (nee Scop.) Syst. Nat. vol. i. p. 283. sp. 23 (1766); Gmel. Syst. Nat. (1788) p. 780. sp. 23; Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. pt. 1, p. 65 (1819); Knip & Préy. Pig. vol. ii. pl. xvii. Tourterelle a gorge pourprée d@ Amboine, Buff. Pl. Enl. no. 142. Ptilinepus viridis, Steph. Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xiv. p. 299. sp.5 1826). Ionotreron viridis, Reich. Taub. p. 99, pl. 237. figs. 1320-21. Totreron viridis, Bon. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. 28, juv. 92; id. Consp. Gen. Ay. vol. ii. p. 24. sp. 1. Ptilonopus viridis, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467 (1844-49) ; id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 6; id. List Mamm. & B. New Guin. (1859) p. 45; id. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 34; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 381. Ptilopus viridis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 22, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. ix. (1876) p. 195. Hab. Bouru, Amboyna, Ceram, Goram (Wallace); Harouka, Monavolka (Rosenberg). This is the oldest-described member of the genus Ptilopus, and the only one known to Linnzeus. It is entirely an insular species, confined to the islands west of New Guinea, upon which land I have found no record of its ever having been procured. It is repre- sented in the east (Bay of Geelvink) by the next species. Male. Forehead and upper part of throat light grey. Lower part of neck, and upper part of breast very deep reddish purple. Rest of underparts yellowish green. Crissum and under tail-coverts light yellow ; the latter with broad dark green stripes on the inner webs of the feathers. Upper parts, occiput, and back of neck bronzy green. A grey band near the shoulder, and tertials also grey, edged with green. Primaries dark green; first about equal in width for the entire length ; secondaries bronzy green, margined with lemon-yellow. Tail bronzy green and tipped with yellow, lightest on the edges. Bill yellow, base red ; orbits yellow; feet pink-red; iris with inner ring yellow, outer red. Total length 8 inches, wing 43, tail 3, culmen 2. 49. PriLopus GEELVINKIANUS. Piilopus viridis geelvinkianus, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. vol. iv. (1871) p. 23; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 23. Ptilopus musschenbreeckii, Rowl. Ornith. Mise. pt. xiii. pl. 95, p- 114; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol ix. (1876) p. 195. Hab. Islands of Mafor and Meosnoum (Von Rosenberg, Raffray) ; Mysore (Meyer). 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 561 This bird, separated from the Pt. viridis by Schlegel, is appa- rently entitled tc be considered a distinct species. With a large series of examples before me, mainly brought by M. Raffray, the difference of the colour on the breast is very perceptible, being very much brighter and purer than the deep purple of Pé. viridis. In other respects the two species closely resemble each other. The term musschenbreckii, being only a MS. name of von Rosenberg’s, without any description of the bird given, must become a synonym. Adult. Forehead and chin dark grey ; sides of face grey, washed with green. Breast and lower part of throat bright reddish purple, much lighter than the similar spot in Pt. viridis. General plumage yellowish green, slightly bronzed in certain lights. Centre cf abdomen and under tail-coverts pale yellow ; the latter striped with dark green. Across the wing, near the shoulders, a broad band of pale grey. Some of the innermost secondaries with a spot of light grey near their tips ; first primary not narrowed. ‘Tail yellowish green, each feather with a subterminal grey spot on the inner web. Bill yellow, base red. Iris red; feet red. Total length 8 inches, wing 43, tail 3, cul- men 2. Sexes alike. 50. Prinorus EUGENI. Totreron eugenia, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soe. 1856, p. 137 ; Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 6; Bon. Iconogr. Pig. (1857), text. Ptilonopus eugenia, Gray, List B. Trop. Is!. (1859) p.39; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 381; Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1869, p. 124. Ptilopus eugenie, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. ix. (1876) p- 195. Hab. Solomon Islands. The type specimen, which I have examined, of this apparently distinct species, is in a mutilated condition, and wants entirely the tail. The species is very close to the two preceding, but differs in the white head. The type in the British Museum is unique. Top of head, cheeks, and upper part of throat white. Centre of lower throat and breast rich deep crimson. Back of neck and upper parts yellowish green. Across the shoulders a band of grey, and the tertiaries tipped with the same. Secondaries bright green, edged on the outer webs with yellow. Under surface greyish greeen. Tail wanting. Bill apparently greenish at base, yellow at tip. Wing 43 inches, culmen 3. (Type.) 51. Pritopus RIvOLII. Columba rivoli, Knip & Préy. Pig. vol. ii. pl. 57; Des Murs, Iconogr. Ornith. pl. 4 (1845). Lotreron rivolit, Bon. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 25 (1857). Tonotreron rivolii, Reich. Taub. p. 100, Taf. 235. fig. 1306. Ptilonopus rivoli, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 381. Ptilonopus solomonensis, Gray, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. y. (1870) p. 328. Ptilopus rivolit, Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 109. 562 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS pPTiLoPus. [| May 7, Hab. Duke-of-York Island (Brown), Wanga, San Christoval (Brenchley). The type of the Péclopus rivolit was originally in the collection of the Prince d’Essling, which was purchased by Dr. Wilson, and now forms part of the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia. In the catalogue of Prince d’Essling’s collection made at the time of its sale, the specimen of Pt. rivolii is entered on page 30 as having ‘‘Inde” for the habitat. The exact locality of this handsome species was unknown until Mr. George Brown, C.M.Z.S., obtained it in Duke-vf-York Island, lying off the north-east coast of New Guinea. I am inclined to believe that the Pé. solomonensis, Gray, is based on a young bird of this species. Male. Forehead purplish red ; breast crossed by a broad white band, a large rose-red spot on the abdomen ; lower part of abdomen, crissum, and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Rest of plumage bright green, with some small round bluish-black spots on the scapulars. In its dimensions this species agrees with the following one. Female. General plumage bright green. 52. PriLopus PRASINORRHOUS. Ptilonopus prasinorrhous, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1858, p. 185; id. List B. & Mamm. New Guin. 1859, p. 46; Wall. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 34, ex Bouru. Ptilopus rivoli, Schleg. (nec Prév.) Nederl. Tijdsch. tom. iv. p- 21 (1873) ; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 24, Columbe ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. ix. 1876, p. 196, ex Bouru. Ptilopus prasinorrhous, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1876) vol. ix. p. 196, (1877) vol. x. p. 157. Hab. Ké Islands, Khoor, Tegoor, Matabello, Monavolka, Pulo- Pandang, Goram, Salwatty (Von Rosenberg); Bouru, Waigiou (Wallace) ; Amboina, Mysol (Hoedt); Koffiao (Beccarz); Batanta (Bruijn) ; Sorong (D’ Albertis). This species appears to be very variable in its coloration from different localities; and it is a question if examples might not be procured leading completely from the typical style of this bird into that of the Pt. rivolii. It is mainly distinguished from this last by having the vent and under tail-coverts green, slightly margined with yellow, instead of these parts being bright yellow asin P¢. rivolit. In the collection at Leyden are specimens from the same locality (island of Bouru), with the under tail-coverts green and yellow respectively, which would seem to show that this character is an indefinite and unsatisfactory one. I do not consider that the specific distinctness of this bird from the Pé. rivoliz has as yet been established. A larger series than I have had at my command, from all the localities known, will be necessary before the question can be determined. If the two are distinct, it would be a curious fact that, in the case of such closely allied species, P¢. rivolit should be restricted to the Duke-of- York Island, while the present is scattered over a dozen islands and also found upon the mainland of New Guinea. 1878. | MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 563 Resembling in its coloration P¢. rivolit, but differs chiefly in the vent and under tail-coverts being green, slightly margined with yellow; the reddish-purple patch of the abdomen sometimes reaches the white pectoral band. First primary slightly narrowed at tip. Bill yellow ; feet red. 53. Pritopus sTROPHIUM. Ptilinopus strophium, Gould, Jard. Contr. Ornith. 1850, p- 102, pl. 105 (note). Ptilonopus strophium, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p-. 6 (partim) ; id. List Mamm. & B. New Guin. (1859) p- 46; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1876) vol. ix. p. 196. Tonotreron rivoli, Reich. Taub. p. 100, pl. 236 8. fig. 3364. Ptilopus miqueli, Schleg. Ned. Tijdsch. (1873) vol. iv. p. 22; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 26, Columbe; Rowl. Ornith. Mise. part xii. p. 60, pl. 88 (1878) ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. ix. p. 196 (1876). Piilopus miqueli, Meyer, Sitzungs. d. k. Akad. d. Wiss. vol. lxx. p- 128 (1874). Ptilinopus miqueli, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1875) vol. vii. p- 786. Hab. Duchateau Isles (MacGillivray, type of Pt. strophium, Gould) ; Jobie, Meosnoum (Von Rosenberg, Meyer). Mr. Gould’s type of his Pé. strophium is in the British Museum, and is undoubtedly the same bird as was afterwards described as Pt. miquelli by Prof. Schlegel. The type is faded upon the forehead and is more of a rosy hue than purple-red; but it is plainly evident, I think, that the original colour has faded away. Another specimen in the Museum collection, without any locality, has the forehead purplish red. The name miqueli will have to give way to the older one of strophium. Male. Front and top of head purplish red. A broad pure white band across the breast, beneath which is a stripe of bluish green. Centre of abdomen and under tail-coverts bright yellow. Entire rest of plumage bright yellowish green, with some small round bluish- black spots on the scapulars near the tips. Primaries greenish black, first narrowed to the tip. Tail same colour as the back. Bill greenish, tip yellowish; feet red; iris orange. Total length 103 inches, wing 45, tail 2?, culmen?. (Ex type.) Female. Plumage almost entirely green. 54. PriLoprus BELLUS. Piilonopus bellus, Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1873, p- 696, pl. 57 ; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1875) vol. vii. p. 786. Piilopus bellus, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 197, aud (1877) vol. x. p. 157. Hab. Atam, New Guinea (D’ Albertis) ; Mount Arfak (Laglaize); Amberbaki ( Raffray). This very fine and distinet species is one of the largest of the 364 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS pTiLopus. [May 7, section of the genus to which it belongs. Originally described by Mr. Sclater froin specimens obtained by D’ Albertis on Mount Arfak, it has since been found in other parts of the northern coast of New Guinea. Beside its much greater size, it can always be distinguished from Pt. speciosus, its uearest ally, by the rosy-red forehead and crown, together with the purplish-red spot on the abdomen. Male. Front and crown deep rosy red. Occiput dark bluish green. Breast covered by a broad, halfmoon-shaped band, pure white on the lower parts and sides, lemon-yellow on the upper part. Abdomen has the middle portion covered by a purplish-red patch. Entire rest of plumage yellowish green, with small round bluish-black spots on the scapulars, and the feathers of the crissum and under tail-coverts edged with yellow. Primaries greenish black, first not narrowed. ‘Tail yellowish green, with a pale apical band of the same colour. Bill yellow; feet dark red; iris yellow. Total length 93 inches, wings 52, tail 33, culmen 2. 55. PriLopus SPECIOSUS. Ptilopus speciosus, Schleg. Neder]. Tijdsch. vol. iv. (1871) p. 23; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 27, Columbe; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 197. Hab. Sook, Mafor (Von Rosenberg, Raffray); Misori (Raffray). This very peculiarly-coloured and striking species is apparently confined to the islands in the great Bay of Geelvink, New Guinea. It was first described by Sehlegel from specimens sent by Von Rosenberg, and is very rare in collections. Lately a large series has been received at the Paris Museum, obtained by M. Raffray in the localities given above. There does not appear to be any variation among individuals from the different habitats. Male. General plumage yellowish green, darkest on the head and neck. A broad bright-yellow band bordered on the lower side with white crosses the breast. Abdomen beautiful lilac ; lower part of abdomen and under tail-coverts bright lemon-yellow. A purple spot in front of the eyes. Primaries grey on their outer webs and tips ; first not narrowed especially towards tip. ‘Tail yellowish green. Bill black, tip yellow; feet dark red. Total length 7 inches, wing 43, tail 23, culmen 3. Female. Green, with the feathers of the abdomen margined yellow, and under tail-coverts yellow. Primaries have outer webs and tips grey. 56. PriLopus JOHANNIS. Ptilopus johannis, Sclat. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 556. Hab. Wild and D’Entrecasteaux Islands, of the Admiralty group (‘ Challenger’ Expedition). This very distinct species was obtained by the ‘Challenger’ Ex- pedition, and derives its name from Mr. John Murray, one of the naturalists. By the kindness of Mr. Sclater I have been enabled to examine the types. With its nearest relationship perhaps to 1875. |] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 565 Pt. speciosus, it differs conspicuously from all the members of this particular section of the genus Péilopus in having the band which crosses the breast all yellow—and in this respect differs from all the others, as it is the only one so marked, the others having this band white, or yellow and white. It is a very beautiful species. Male. General plumage green, with small dark blue spots on the scapulars. A broad band across the chest, which, together with the lower part of abdomen, crissum, and under tail-coverts, is light yellow. Top of head and middle of abdomen lilac. Primaries leaden grey, with the tips light grey, nearly white. Bill black, feet dark red. Total length 7} inches, wing 43, tail 22. Female. Nearly uniform green; middle of belly and crissum yellow. 57. PrILOPUS LUTEOVIRENS. Colombe jaune, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. Péle Sud, plaid 2..£,2. Columba luteovirens, Hombr. & Jacq. Ann. Sc. 2° sér. vol. xvi. (1841) p. 315. Colombe de Felicie, Hombr. & Jacq. Voy. Pole Sud, pl. 12. f. 1, v. a Columba felicie, Hombr. & Jacq. Aun. Se. 2° sér. vol. xv. (1841) p. 316, juy. ‘ Columba flava, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 470 (1844-49). Calenas luteovirens, Hartl. Wiegm. Arch. 1852, p. 134. Ptinilopus! luteovirens, Jacq. & Puch. Voy. Péle Sud, vol. iii. p. 112 (text) (1853). Ptinilopus! felicie, Jacq. & Puch. Voy. Péle Sud, (1853), text, uv. Ptilonopus luteovirens, Gray, List B. Trop. Isl. (1859) p. 38. Chrysenas luteovirens, juv. felicia, Reich. Taub. Suppl. p. 203, Taf. nov. no. iii. fig. 32. Chryscenas luteovirens, Reich. Taub. p- 90, t. 245. fig. 5594, t. 263. figs. 1469-70. Chryscena luteovirens, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. p- 879; id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 28; id. Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. 31; Finsch & Hartl. Faun. Centralpolyn. (1867) p. 134, Taf. ii. fig. 4, juv. ; Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p: 436; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 557; Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godeff. Heft xii. (1876) p- 10. Omotreron felicia, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 27 (1857), juv. Hab. Fiji Islands, Balaou (Homér. § Jacq., type); Ovalau (Lay- ard) ; Viti Levou (Godefroy). This species, according to Layard, dwells in the forest-covered parts of the island of Ovalau and the Rewa. It breeds in October, November, and December. On account of the colour of. their plumage it is difficult to see them in the trees ; but their presence is betrayed by their voice, which sounds something like a bark. It feeds on berries, and is fond of the seeds of araliaceous trees and ereepers of the genus Melastoma. This species is the type of Bonaparte’s genus Chryscena, the chief 566 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. {May 7, character being the lanceolate shape of the feathers of the body. This, however, would seem to indicate more a specific than a generic value, as the Pt. victor, with which the present bird is generically identical, does not possess this form of feather. As is shown in my remarks on genera, in the beginning of this paper, neither of these two species exhibits any characters that, in my opinion, would separate them from the genus Ptilopus, those relied upon by authors for establishing a distinct generic rank not being at all peculiar to, or possessed solely by, these birds. Male. Head greenish yellow. Throat and irregular collar on lower part of neck lemon-yellow. Feathers of breast and back lanceolate sulphur-yellow, tinged with green. Abdomen, vent, and under tail- coverts bright yellow. Primaries dark greenish yellow, first not narrowed especially ; secondaries pale green, both edged with lemon- yellow. Tail pale green, graduating into light yellow at the tip. Bill black, tip yellow. Feet black. Total length 8 inches, wing 43, tail 23, culmen 3. (Ex type, Paris Museum.) Young male. Head and throat pale green. General plumage bright green, with yellow lanceolate feathers appearing upon the breast and back. Abdomen mixed with yellow and green. Under tail-coverts saffron-yellow. Primaries and secondaries brownish green, broadly margined with yellow. Some feathers of the ramp and upper tail-coverts tipped and margined with yellow. Tail bright green. Bill black, tip yellow. Feet black. Female. General plumage bright green, verging to yellow on the throat and abdomen. Primaries and secondaries margined with light yellow. Under tail-coverts pale yellow. Tail bright green, lightest at the tip. Bill black, tip yellow. Feet black. 58. Pritopus CoRRIEI. Ptilinopus corriei, Ramsay, Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1876, p. 133, vol. i. Hab. Malacolo Island, New Hebrides. In the above-named publication Mr. Ramsay describes a specimen of Ptilopus as representing a distinct species. It is evidently imma- ture, and, judging from the description, belongs to the group com- prising Pt. victor, luteovirens, and layardi; and it is not impossible that it may be one of these species from a new locality, although the di- mensions given are larger than those of any examples of the above- named species that I have seen. The type had been in spirits, and, as stated by Mr. Ramsay, was somewhat discoloured on the sides of the neck and interscapular region. The texture of the feathers resembled that of Chryseenas viridis, Layard (Pt. layardi of this paper). Only a single specimen was procured by Dr. A. Corrie, at Malacolo Island, during the cruise of H.M.S. ‘ Pearl,’ in August 1875. More speci- mens will be required before its specific rank can be satisfactorily determined. The following is Mr. Ramsay’s description :— Male. ‘‘The whole of head, chin, and throat olive-green, becom- ing bright green on the neck and occiput ; the whole of the remainder 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 367 of the upper and under surface bright deep green ; the wing-quills deep golden green, mesially shaded with black ; the inner webs of the primaries black towards the middle and basal portion of the feather. The three inner secondaries and their corresponding coverts of the larger series only have an oblique oblong blotch of bright golden yellow at their tips, which on the secondaries is confined to the outer web only, the smaller wing-coverts at the bend of the wing adjacent to the scapulars having a roundish, crescentic or cordate spot of white (?) near the tips of the feathers; some show a green shaft-line and a margin of green round the tip of the feather ; under wing-coverts green; the outer series ashy ; under surface of the wings ashy brown ; under surface of the tail ashy brown, becoming lighter towards the base, and crossed conspicuously near the tip with a band of light ashy grey ; upper surface green, the grey band not so con- spicuous ; the inner portion of the legs and lower part of the abdo- men yellowish (much faded); under tail-coverts yellow, blotched with oblong marks of green on inner webs; the thighs, outer feathered portion of the legs, and the flanks bright green, like the rest of the body; tail of 14 feathers, square, even ; of the wings, the third, fourth, and fifth feathers are nearly equal and longest ; bill, legs, and feet bluish lead-coiour; tarsi not feathered to the toes, lower portion scaled in front. Total length 9°5 inches, wing 6°3, tail 3; bill from forehead 0-8, from gape 1; tarsus 95.” 59. PriLorus LAYARDI. Chrysenas viridis, Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, pp. 151, 437 ; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1877, p- 736. Native name Sohulu (Layard). Hab. Kandavu, Fiji Islands. This apparently very distinct Pigeon was described by Layard (J. ec.) from specimens obtained by himself at Kandavu. He at first identified it, as he tells us, with P. /uteovirens, but afterwards, having obtained it in the full breeding-dress, saw that his first impression was an erroneous one, and then conferred upon the species the name of viridis. Several specimens of this pretty Dove are in the collection of the ‘Challenger’ Expedition, which, through the. kindness of my friend Dr. Sclater, I have had the Opportunity of examining. ‘hey are all in the adult dress, with greenish-yellow head, and entirely green body relieved only by the yellow of the under tail-coverts. The feathers of the back are slightly inclined to the lanceolate form of those of P. luteovirens ; but the two species cannot well be confounded together. As I do not consider that the birds included in the term Chrysenas possess any characters that should properly separate them generically from Péilopus, it will be impos- sible to retain the name of viridis given to this species by Mr. Layard, as there is already, unfortunately, a species of this group so named, described originally by Linneeus. I have therefore substituted the name layardi, in justice to my friend, who has, in his researches among the birds of the Fiji Islands, exhibited the same energy and 568 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOoPUS. [May 7, love for natural history which has always characterized him in other parts of the world in which his lot has been temporarily cast. Male. Head and neck greenish yellow ; under tail-coverts bright yellow. Thighs and lower part of abdomen grey. Rest of plumage of body and wings dark green, with a golden gloss upon back and chest. Primaries are edged with yellow on outer webs, and, together with the secondaries, have nearly all the inner webs golden yellow; the first primary is narrowed gradually towards the tip. Bill blue-black, tip livid ; legs dark crimson ; iris yellowish. Length 72 inches, wing 43, tail 25, culmen 2 (skin). Female. Like the male, but less brilliant generally. 60. PriLopus vicTorR. Chrysena victor, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 642; Layard, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 437; Finsch, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p- 557; Rowl. Ornith. Mise. pt. v. pl.; Finsch, Journ. Mus. Godeff. Heft xii. (1876) p. 10; Lay. Ibis, 1876, p. 151; Finsch, Proce. Zool. Soc. 1877, p. 736. Native name Buli ndamu (Layard). Hab. Fiji Islands, Bua (Filhol); Vanua Levu, Taviuni, Ngami, Lanthala (Layard). Layard says that this Dove is the glory of the forest of Taviuni, and is also found in Lanthala and Rambi Islands, also on Vanua Levu, about Bua, Ndreketti, &e. The young males would be mis- taken for females, but that the vent is more orange. They breed about December or November, making a rude platform of small twigs for a nest about ten feet from the ground, and lay two eggs, axis 1" 4, diam. 1”, pure white in hue. The species feeds on many sorts of small and large berries and fruits. Male. Head and throat dull olive-green. Entire rest of plumage bright orange-carmine. Under surface of wings bright yellow. Primaries greenish yellow, edged with orange; first not narrowed. Tail, which is very short and almost hidden by the upper-coverts, brownish orange, graduating into pure orange at the tip. Bill and feet black. Total length 7 inches, wing 44, tail 23, culmen 3. Female. Head yellowish green, lightest upon the throat. Entire plumage of body rich green ; inner webs of primaries and secondaries broadly margined with orange; outer webs edged with the same colour. Under tail-coverts orange, with the centre of the feathers green. Bill black, tip yellow; feet black. 61. PriLopus LECLANCHERI. Trerolema leclancheri, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1855) tom. xli. p. 247; id. Iconog. Pig. (1857) pl. 16. Carpophaga leclancheri, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 21. sp. 19. Leucotreron gironieri, J. Verr. & Des Murs, Ibis, 1862, p. 342, pl. 12, 2 ; Wald. Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ix. p. 213 (1875). Ptilopus geversi, Schleg. Ibis, 1863, p. 120. Ptilopus hugonianus, Schleg. Neder). Tijdsch. 1863, p. 60, pl. 3, 1878. } MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 569 fig. 2, juv. ex Luevu; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 378; Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 36. Ptilopus leclancheri, Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 199. Hab. Philippines, Luzon, and Guimaras (Meyer). This species was first described by Bonaparte (J. c.) as Trerolema leclancheri. The type is a female, and resembles in a great degree the specimen described by Lord Walden (J. ce.) from Guimaras, brought by Meyer, and called, in Lord Walden’s memoir on Philippine birds, Leucotreron gironieri. The type was brought to Paris by M. Leclancher, who was attached as surgeon to the expedition of the ‘ Favourite ;’ but no locality whatever was given to the specimen ; so that of New Guinea, furnished by Bonaparte (J. c.), is erroneous. Messrs. J. Verreaux and Des Murs redescribed the species in ‘ The Ibis’ (1. c.) as Leucotreron gironieri, their specimen being also a female or possibly a young male, bearing, however, a very close resemblance to Bonaparte’s type. Schlegel (/. c.) also described a young bird of the same species as Péilopus hugonianus. All these names must be- come synonyms of that given by Bonaparte. Male. Head, neck, and upper part of the breast ashy white, washed on the nape with pale green ; chin and throat black. A broad dark purple band crosses the breast just below the white. Flanks and underparts ashy green. Under tail-coverts cinnamon. Upper parts bright green. Wings green; primaries and secondaries black on inner webs, dark green on the outer, all edged with yellowish white. Tail bright green, with a terminal light-yellow band. Bill yellowish ; feet red. Total length 94 inches, wing 6, tail 4, culmen 3. Female. Head and breast ashy white, nape pale green. Throat and chin black. A purplish band on the breast, which does not ex- tend across. Rest of underparts and flanks tawny ashy green. Under tail-coverts chestnut. Upper parts and tail as in the male described above. (From type of 7’. leclancheri, Paris Museum.) 62. PriLopPus OCCIPITALIS. Ptilonopus occipitalis, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467, pl. 118 (1844); id. List B. Brit. Mus. Gall. p. 1 (1844), (1856) p. 7. no. 17; Wall. Ibis 1865, p. 378; Mart. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1866, p. 22. no. 124. Ramphiculus occipitalis, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xxxix. p. 878 (1854) ; id. Iconogr. Pig. pl. 14 (1857); id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p- 17; Wald. Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. ix. (1875) p. 214. Omotreron batilda, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xxxix. p. 878 (1854); id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 27; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 382 ; Von Mart. Journ. fir Ornith. 1866, p. 22. no. 125 (juv.). Tonotreron occipitalis, Reich. Taub. p. 101, pl. 239. fig. 1331. Columba occipitalis, Schleg. Handl. vol. i. p. 411 (1857). Lamprotreron porphyria, Bon. (nec Temm.), Iconogr. Pig. (1857) pl. xv. (juv.), from type of O. batilda. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XXXVII. 37 570 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILopus. [May 7, Ptilopus occipitalis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 35, Co- lumbe. Hab. Luzon, Philippines (Meyer). Bonaparte described a young bird of this species, in the ‘Comptes Rendus’ (J. c.), as Omotreron batilda; and afterwards, in his ‘ Icono- graphie des Pigeons,’ he figured this specimen as the young of Ptilopus porphyreus! The type of O. datilda is in the collection of the Paris Museum, and proves to be simply a young bird of P. oc- cipitalis. It is larger than any specimen of porphyreus, of which there is a series before me, even exceeding the adults in its measure- ments, and presents quite a different coloration. The type was brought from the Philippines in 1839 by M. Barrot, but no parti- cular island is indicated. Adult. Top and front of head light leaden grey ; sides of face below the eyes and entire back of head purplish red. Throat yel- lowish white; sides of neck and breast grey, like the top of head. Entire centre of breast, from the lower part of the throat to the ab- domen, ochraceous ; flanks bright green ; a large purplish-red spot in the middle of the abdomen. Crissum grey mingled with white. Upper parts bronzy green, darkest upon the rump and upper tail-coverts. Wings bright green; primaries and secondaries black on their inner webs, green on their outer and edged with light yellow. Tail bright green, with an apical greyish band; under coverts white, with a broad green stripe on their inner webs. Bill red, with light tip ; feet red. Total length 11? inches, wing 61, tail 43, culmen 2. (Specimen figured by Bonaparte, Icon. Pig. pl. 14.) Young. Top of head, back of neck, and entire upper parts bronzy green. Throat yellowish white. Sides of head yellowish white, in- terspersed with green. Underparts greyish green, bronze upon the breast. Crissum and under tail-coverts whitish, the latter striped with green. Wings like the back, the secondaries and primaries edged on outer web with yellowish white. Tail bright green, with a greyish-white apical band, which is observed only on the inner webs. ‘Total length 11 inches, wing 6, tail 4, culmen 8. (Type of batilda, Bou.) 63. PriLopus GULARIS. Columba gularis, Quoy & Gaim. Voy. Astrol. Zool. vol. i. p. 247, pl. xxix. (1830). La Mentonniere, Less. Comp. Buff. tom. iii. Ois. (1837). Columba gularis, Knip & Prév. Pig. pl. xi. - Laryngogramma gularis, Reich. 'Tauben, p. 102, pl. 233. fig. 1297; id. suppl. p. 203, nov. Taf. iv. fig. 44. Leucotreron gularis, Bon. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 15 (1857); Wald. Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. viii. (1872) p. 83; Salvad. Ann. Mus, Civ. Gen. (1875) vol. ix. p. 670. Ptilonopus gularis, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 377. Ptilopus gularis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. (1873) p. 57, Columba. Hab. Celebes.—Menado (Wallace); Tondano (Forsten) ; Goron- talo, Wawou, Bone, Modelido (Von Rosenberg). 1878. ] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 571 Peculiarly a Celebes species, the present bird has fortunately never received another name beside the one originally bestowed on it by Quoy and Gaimard (/. c.). In its long tail it differs from the majority of the species of Ptilopus, and approaches the birds placed by Reichenbach in “ Megaloprepia ;” but the first primary is abruptly attenuated. Adult. Top and sides of head grey, graduating into light green upon the occiput and hind neck. Chin and centre of throat very deep chestnut; rest of throat, neck on sides, and underparts lavender- colour, with a large spot in the centre of the abdomen yellowish white washed with rufous. Thighs and under tail-coverts rich dark cinnamon. Upper parts, wing, and tail bright green, the rectrices in- distinctly tipped with yellowish green. Primaries and secondaries black on inner webs, green on outer, and edged with light yellow. Bill yellow; iris orange-brown; eyelids and orbits bare, blue ; feet red. Total length 131 inches, wing 63, tail 53, culmen 3. (Type in Paris Museum.) 64. PriLopPus FISCHERI. Ptilinopus fischeri, Brigg. Brem. Abhandl. (1876) p. 82, Taf. iv. flab. Celebes. I only know this handsome species by the description and figure published by Dr. Briiggemann (/. c.)._ Is is apparently very distinct from all the known forms, and cannot be compared with any of them. The red patch on the side of the head is a very peculiar character. It may be briefly described as follows -— “Back green. Head, neck, and breast partly grey, partly golden ochre, Under tail-coverts grey and white intermixed. Sides of head in the male bluish red; back of neck with a black band. Total length 400 millims., wing 168, tail 147, bill 17, tarsus 21.” (Briigg. de.) 65. PriLopus ALBOCINCTUS. Ptilinopus albocinctus, Wall. Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863, p. 496, pl. xxxix.; id. Ibis, 1865, p. 377. Ptilopus cinetus florensis, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. vol. iv. p. 20 (1873). Hab. Flores (Wallace). This species, which seems distinct from Pt. cinctus, was first de- scribed by Wallace (/.c.). It differs from its ally in having the neck and breast light blue, and the first primary less attenuated. The bill, according to Wallace, is greenish at the base, yellow at tip ; feet bright red. I have examined the type in the British Museum. In size and all other characters, save those pointed out, it is like Pt. cinctus. 66. PriLopus crncTUs. Columba cincta, Temm. Pig. & Gall. vol. i. p. 243(1813); Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. ij. pl. xxiii.; Shaw, Gen. Zool. vol. xi. p. 50 (1819); Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) sp. 19, Columba. 37* 572 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7> Leucotreron cincta, Bon. Compt. Rend. (1854) tom. xxxix. p- 876 ; id. Consp. Av. vol. ii. p. 15; Reich. Tauben, p. 103, pl. 238. fig. 1328. Patong cinctus, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. p. 467 (1844); id. List B. Brit. Mus. (1844) p. 2, (1856) p. 8. sp. 22; Wall. Ibis, 1865, 0. Oi | Ptilopus cinetus, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. tom. iv. p. 19 (1873) ; id. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 34. Hab. Timor (Wallace, Miller) ; Wetter (Hoedt). This bird is about the same size as the Pé. gularis, but has a long and square tail, the feathers of which are very broad. It belongs to the large members of this genus, and should, from its size, be in- cluded in the genus Megaloprepia, if that were really a valid division; but then it has an abruptly attenuated primary, which although not a generic character, as I have shown, still, according to Reichenbach, prevents its entrance into his genus (?). Adult. Head, neck, throat, and entire breast white ; rest of under- parts yellowish green, separated from the white breast by a black band. Entire upper parts, wings, and tail black; the rectrices with a broad apical dark grey band. Under tail-coverts dark grey on the inner webs, white on the outer, margined broadly with bright yel- low. Bill ocbre-yellow, greenish at base; feet red ; irisred. Sexes alike. Total length 123 inches, wing 63, tail 53, culmen 2. 67. PrILOPUS LETTIENSIS. Ptilopus cinctus lettiensis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 35, Columbe ; id. Neder]. Tijdsch. Dierk. tom. iv. p. 20 (1873). Hab. Lettie, east of Timor (Hoed¢). This bird is apparently entitled to be considered distinct from the Pt. cinctus. I am indebted to my friend Count H. Turati for the loan of a very fine specimen, exhibiting very clearly the differences existing between it and P¢. cinctus. The principal one is the colo- ration of the tail, which for one third of its length from the tip is yel- lowish white, instead of having merely a dark grey apical band as in Pt. cinctus. Another difference between the birds is that the last- named species has the first primary abruptly attenuated, while that of the present is gradually narrowed to the tip, which is sharply pointed. The tails of both are long and square, as in P¢é. bernsteini. Adult. Head, mantle, throat, neck, and breast ivory white; be- neath the white of the breast is a broad blue-black band. Lower part of abdomen and crissum greenish yellow. Under tail-coverts brownish in the centre; rest white, margined with yellow. Back and wings black ; first primary gradually attenuated to the tip, which is pointed. Rump greenish grey. Tail greyish black for two thirds of its basal half, rest yellowish white. Bill green, tip ochre; feet dark red. Total length 112 inches, wing 63, tail 43, culmen 3. 68, PriLopus BERNSTEINI. Carpophaga formosa, Gray, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1860, p. 360 (nec P. formosus, Gray, ex Celebes). 1878. | MR. D, G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS, 573 Ptilopus bernsteini, Schleg. Nederl. Tijdsch. 1863, p. 59, pl. iii. fig. 1. Ptilonopus ochrogaster, Bernst. Journ. fiir Ornith. 1864, p. 408. Ptilopus ochrogaster, Bernst. Nederl. Tijdsch. 1865, p. 324. Carpophaga bernsteini, Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 388. Megaloprepia bernsteini, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Ciy. Gen. (1875) vol. vii. p. 783. Hab. Halmahera, Ternate, Batchian, Obi (Bernstein); Gilolo (Wallace). This and the next three species have been placed by some authors in Reichenbach’s genus Megaloprepia. It seems very evident that at least some of the species which he placed in his genus were not known to Reichenbach autoptically, or else when desiring to sepa- rate certain members of the genus Péilopus generically from the others he would probably not have selected Pé. perlatus, with its short tail and narrow rectrices, as one of those especially fitted to go with the present and the succeeding ones. I fail to see any cha- racters whatever that should cause this bird and Pt. magnificus, with its two races, to be separated generically from Ptilopus. The gra- dation from Pé. leclancheri, through Pt. gularis, cinctus, albocinctus, bernsteini, puellus, and assimilis, is complete between the moderate- sized, comparatively short-tailed species of Ptilopus and the large Pt. magnificus, which brings the genus into Carpophaga. In his dia- gnosis of Megaloprepia, Reichenbach gives no character that may not equally apply to Péilopus; and it seems to me to be a division highly artificial, and in no way necessary. This species was first described by Gray (/. c.) ; but as he had already bestowed the name formosus upon another species of Ptilopus, his appellation cannot stand; and even for those authors who place this bird in Megaloprepia, to avoid confusion, it is better to con- tinue the name bestowed by Schlegel. Male. Head and neck greenish grey ; breast, back, wings, and tail bright green. In the middle of the lower part of the breast a large spot of rich deep red. Abdomen and flanks yellowish ochre ; under tail-coverts brownish yellow-ochre. Bill black, tip yellowish ; feet black. Total length 114 inches, wing 5, tail 53, culmen 2. Female. Like the male, but wants the red spot on the breast, and has the neck light green. It may be seriously questioned if the three following races should be continued as distinct species. They only differ in size; and this is very variable even among those examples acknowledged as repre- senting one of the species. The localities of the forms also seem to have no recognizable bounds; and while the island form puella is the smallest, yet at Cape York it meets its large relative magnificus, which here, according to Mr. Ramsay, is very variable in size, and which, if the bird is distinct, ought not to be found at all in this part of the continent, which should be reserved for assimilis. I have no doubt that in a large series of examples from various localities the small puel/a would graduate directly up to magnificus, 574 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, and leave no characters by which the forms could be distinguished apart. The specimens of the smallest race, called Pt. puella, which are found in the island of Jobie and also at Mount Epa in the south of New Guinea, have the under surface of the tail lighter in colour than those from other localities, being blackish-grey instead of blackish-brown. This, however, cannot be considered of any specific importanee, the geographical distribution alone forbidding the idea that they could be designated as a fourth race ; for the Pt. puella is known to dwell between the Jobie and Mount-Epa birds as well as to the south of the latter, which fact is alone sufficient to preclude the supposition that two species, or even races, are indicated by the slight difference observable. For convenience I have kept the synonymy of the three races distinct ; but they really should only be regarded as representing but one species. 69. PriLopus PUELLA. Colomba amarante, Less. Voy. Coq. (text), 1826, p. 711. Colomba puella, Less. Bull. Sc. Nat. (1827) p. 400; id. Trait. Ornith. (1831) p. 469; Knip & Prév. Pig. vol. i. pl. i. Carpophaga puella, Gray, List B. Brit. Mus. (1856) p. 21. sp. 18; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 388. Megaloprepia puella, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 40; Reich. Taub. p. 102; id. Suppl. p. 203, nov. Taf. iv. fig. 41; Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 118. Ptilopus puellus, Schleg. Mus. P.-Bas, 1873, p. 38, Columbe. Megaloprepia puella, Salvad. Aun. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1875) vol. vii. p. 788, vol. iv. p. 199, (1877) vol. x. p. 158. Mapouha of the Papuans (Less.). Hab. Cape York, Australia (Ramsay) ; Mysol, Salwatty, Wai- giou, Ghémien, New Guinea (Bernstein, Hoedt) ; Jobie ( Von Rosen- berg) ; Dorey (Lesson) ; New Ireland (Lesson). The type of this species is in the Paris Museum. There are two specimens, one from Dorey, New Guinea, and the other from New Ireland, both of which were procured during the voyage of the ‘ Coquille.’ Adult. Front and chin greyish white; head and neck greenish grey ; centre of throat and neck in front, and underparts to the thighs, rich purplish red; lower part of abdomen and crissum rich yellow. Under tail-coverts greenish grey. Wings, back, and tail bright grass-green. Upon the outer web of the wing-coverts are some pale yellow spots forming a line along the wing. Bill yellow, red at base; iris orange-red ; feet yellow-green; claws dusky. Total length 133 inches, wing 6, tail 62, culmen ?. Sexes alike. 70. PTILOPUS ASSIMILIS. Carpophaga assimilis, Gould, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1850, p. 201. Megatloprepia assimilis, Bon. Compt. Rend. tom. xxxix. p. 1077 ; Reich. Taub. p. 102; id. Suppl. p. 203, nov. Taf. iv. figs. 42, 43 ; 1878.] MR D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 975 Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 115; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. (1876) vol. ix. p. 199. Ptilopus assimilis, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 38, Columbe. Hab. Cape York, Rockingham Bay, Australia (Ramsay). This is a race of Pt. magnificus, representing it in the northern part of Australia, and differing mainly in being smaller in size. Whether this is sufficient to constitute a species, I do not propose at present to discuss, but merely to remark that, as in many groups of birds it has been very properly rejected as a specific character, it would seem that, in the present instance, this bird and Pé. magnificus might with advantage be retained under one specific name. Pt. assimilis was procured by Mr. Ramsay, together with P¢. magnificus itself, at Rockingham Bay, North-east Queensland. Ex- cept in its smaller size, he found that it presented no differences what- ever from Pt. magnificus. He regards it as a connecting link between the large form and the smallest (Pt. puedla), of which form he had received a fine pair collected at Cape York, Australia, by Mr. J. A. Thorpe, this being the first instance known to me in which Pt. puella has been obtained in Australia. Head and throat grey; centre of throat and underparts to middle of abdomen rich purple. Under wing-coverts, thighs, and under tail- coverts rich yellow. Back and rump yellowish green. Wing and tail bright grass-green ; wing-coverts with a conspicuous oblong spot at the tip. Total length 14 inches, wing 7, tail 6, culmen 3. The specimen described was obtained at Cape York by the ‘ Chal- lenger’ Expedition. 71. PriLopus MAGNIFICUS, Columba magnifica, Temm. Pl. Col. 163; id. Trans. Linn. Soe. vol. xii. p. 125 (1822); Wagl. Syst. Av. sp. 26 (1827), Columba ; Knip & Préyv, Pig. vol. ii. pl. 25; Gould, B. Austr. vol. v. pl. lviii. (1848); Ramsay, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1876, p. 115. Carpophaga magnifica, Selby, Nat. Libr. Ornith. vol. v. p. 119. Megaloprepia magnifica, Reich, Tauben, p. 101, pl. 283. figs, 1299, 1300. Ptilopus magnificus, Schleg. Mus. Pays-B. 1873, p. 38, Columbe. Hab. South Australia, river Hunter to Moreton Bay (Gould) ; Rockingham Bay, North-east Queensland (Ramsay). Mr. Ramsay states in this journal (J. c.) that he found this spe- cies abundant at Rockingham Bay in North-east Queensland, and very variable in size. Adult. Forehead and chin light grey ; head and neck greenish grey, becoming light green on sides of breast ; centre of throat and neck in front, breast, and abdomen deep purple. Lower part of ab- domen orange-yellow. Under tail-coverts yellowish green. Wings, back, and tail bright green; wing-coverts with large pale yellow spots, forming a bar across the wing. Bill red at base, tip yellow. Total length 19 inches, wing 9, tail 7, culmen 2. or NI for} MR, P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS [May 21, May 21, 1878. F. D. Godman, Esq., F.Z.S., in the Chair. The following papers were read :-— 1. Description of a new Genus of Snakes of the Family Calamaride, from Southern India. By Lieutenant- Colonel R. H. Beppomeg, C.M.ZS. [Received April 29, 1878.] XYLOPHIS, n. gen. Body cylindrical, slender; head short, not distinct from neck, gradually narrowed forwards and pointed ; eye very small, with round pupil; tail about one seventh of the total length; maxillary teeth very numerous, equal; the two palatine rows very conspicuous, and the teeth slightly longer behind ; upper labials four, the first very minute, the second and third enter the orbit, fourth in contact with a large temporal ; rostral very small; an elongate loreal gradually narrowed behind replaces anteocular and occupies all the space from rostral to eye; nasals simple, very small; frontals only one pair, large, a very small superciliary shield and a similar postocular. Scales smooth, without apical groove, in fifteen rows ; anal single; subcaudals broad, bifid, or a few occasionally entire. XYLOPHIS INDICUS, 0. Sp. General colour of a uniform brown like an earthworm, but beauti- fully iridescent ; length 93 inches, of which the tail is 12 inch: vertical, pointed behind, rounded in front; occipitals elongate ; ventrals about 136; subcaudals about 26, bifid, or a few of them entire ; tail ending in a blunt point. Hab. The dense heavy evergreen forests on the mountains at the south of Cumbum Valley, Madura district; elevation 5000 feet. Under old logs along with Uropeltide. The specimen, which is unique, has been forwarded to the British Museum. 2. Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Challenger.—No. X. On the Birds of the Atlantic Islands and Kerguelen’s Land, and on the Miscellaneous Collections. By P. L. Scrarer, M.A., F.R.S. [Received May 2, 1878.] In this paper, which concludes the preliminary reports on the terrestrial birds collected during the voyage of the ‘Challenger,’ I 1878.] COLLECTED BY THE ‘CHALLENGER.’ 577 give an account of the specimens obtained on the Tristan-d’ Acunha group and Kerguelen’s Land, and of a few small collections made at various other localities which were touched at during the course of the expedition. I have arranged all these, according to the dates at which the places were visited, as follows :— Date. No. of specimens. A. St. Iago, Cape-Verds ........ July 1873 4 B. Tristan d’Acunha .......... October 1873 12 ©. werencien Land 1... ...0<).. January 1874 16 D. New Zealand ..... oie Reb June 1874 4 © Hoene-Keng :23( 50 feve) oe December 1874 7 F. Meangis Islands ............ February 1875 3 Bt SE ao EE a's bn geipiyr ren ne February 22,1875 2 H. Humboldt Bay, New Guinea .. February 24, 1875 2 PE ine Be oi eH ae ates a April 7, 1875 5 LT SPIE amines par Yet i May 1875 4 59 A. St. Iago, Cape-Verds (July 1873). Four examples of the peculiar King-hunter of this Island, Halcyon erythrogastra (Temm.), Sharpe’s Kingf. p. 171, pl. 63, were obtained here. In one specimen the eyes are marked “ black,” and the contents of the stomach “insects.” B. Tristan-d Acunha group (October 1873). Seven examples of the peculiar Thrush of Tristan d’Acunha, de- scribed by Mr. Gould, P. Z.S. 1855, p. 165, as Nesocichla eremita, were obtained. The sexes are not marked; but the specimens are all nearly alike, so that probably the sexes do not differ in plumage. The irides are noted as ‘‘ black.” In the adjoining island “Inaccessible,” five specimens of the peculiar Finch lately described by Dr. Cabanis (Journ. f. Orn, 1873, p- 154) as Nesospiza acunhe were obtained. All five are alike ; the eyes are marked “ hazel; ” but the sexes are not recorded. Of Crithagra insularis, described by Dr. Cabanis at the same time as the Wesospiza, there is no specimen in the collection, nor of the Island-Hen (Gallinula nesiotis, Sclater, P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 261). The latter is said to be now almost extinct’. The only oceanic birds in the collection from the Tristan-d’ Acunha group are two Petrels, Pelagodroma marina and Gstrelata mollis, both from Nightingale Island, the most southern of the three islands of the group, and one Penguin (Hudyptes chrysocome) from Inac- cessible ; but Sir Wyville Thomson (Atl. ii. pp. 164, 178) mentions several others. C. Kerguelen Land (January 1874). The only land-birds from Kerguelen Land in the collection are 1 Wyville-Thomson, ‘ Atlantic,’ ii. p. 165, 578 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS [May 21, nine specimens of Chionis minor and seven of Querquedula eatoni ; and these are the only land-birds included by Mr. Sharpe in his memoir in the Royal Society’s volume on the Transit-Expedition of 1875. The female of the Querquedula (of which there is one example de- termined as such, and two others, evidently of the same sex) differs from the male not only in the absence of the green alar speculum, but also in its smaller size, in the fuscous edgings to the feathers generally, and in the much shorter tail. There is also one chick of this species in the collection. D. New Zealand (June 1874). In New Zealand only four skins, belonging to three species, were obtained, namely :— 1 Miro albifrons jr., Hardy Bay. 2 Hematopus unicolor jr., Hardy Bay. 1 Botaurus peciloptilus jr., Wellington. E. Hong-Kong, China (January 1875). From Hong-Kong seven skins, belonging to four species, all known Chinese birds, were procured, viz :— 1 Turdus mandarinus, Bp. 1 Halcyon pileata (Bodd.). 2 Alcedo bengalensis, Gm. 2 Coturnix communis, Bonn. 1 Turnix maculosus (Temm. ). F. Meangis Islands (February 1875). Four examples of os indica were obtained here (of which three have arrived home), under the circumstances mentioned in Mr. Mur- ray’s MS., as follows’ :— “On the 10th February, 1875, while the ship was dredging, some natives came off in a boat. They had with them mats and cocoa- nuts and some Perroquets. The following are those which were purchased for tobacco :— “440, 9. 441, Q.| Feet black; bill orange; eyes red, or light brown in 442, 2. the male. 443, ¢. “We kept the male for several days alive; he used to fly about the ship and return to the house on deck when shown his food. ‘‘He died from eating some green stuff, it is supposed, but was perhaps hurt aloft. “The natives came from the southermost isle of the Meangis group.” This is the most northern species of Hos known; its hitherto only ascertained locality is the neighbouring Sanghir group of islands’. 1 Cf. also Lord G. Campbell’s ‘ Log-letters’ p. 245. _? Cf. Rowley’s Orn. Mise. p. 123, where a beautiful figure of this species is given. 1878. } COLLECTED BY THE ‘ CHALLENGER.’ 579 G. At sea (February 22, 1875). Two examples of Phalaropus hyperboreus in winter plumage (nos. 445, 446, both “ females’) were ‘‘shot by Mr. Moseley on February 22, 1875, among the drift wood.” Mr. Murray ‘saw many the previous day.” This Phalarope is said to wander occasionally even as far south as the Aru Islands!. The present examples were obtained the day before the ship arrived at Humboldt Bay, New Guinea. H. Humboldt Bay, New Guinea (February 23, 1875). At this most interesting locality but two birds, unfortunately, were obtained, namely :— 447. Trichoglossus cyanogrammus, Wag]. 448. Arses insularis, Meyer. . The first of these is a well-known Papuan species. Of the second (shot by Mr. Murray under the circumstances mentioned in Lord George Campbell’s ‘ Log-letters,’ p. 253)the only specimens yet known were obtained by Dr. A. B. Meyer on the island of Jobi’. Its oc- currence on the mainland is therefore of much interest. Mr. Murray notes of this specimen, “ Male; eyes brown; ring round the eye large and of a delicate sky-blue; bill and legs of a darker blue or violet. “IT landed in Humboldt Bay from the pinnace in a native canoe ; and with some of the natives went a short way into the woods. Was not much over half an hour on shore. It was then that I shot the above two birds. I saw a Tern and a small Swift, also some Cockatoos, but all out of shot. I fired at another small bird, but did not get it. I also saw three Goura Pigeons, very fine large ones, and after a time got a shot at one, but did not bring it down. I should have had several more birds, but had to return to the boat on the signal.”—J. M. I. Aé¢ sea (April 7, 1875). Four days before arriving at Yokohama, and nearly due south of that port, five specimens of Hirundo gutturalis, the eastern form of our familiar H. rustica, were “ caught round the ship. They were apparently in an exhausted state.” J. Japan (May 1875). In Japan four specimens of birds were obtained—an example of Buteo japonicus, Bp., in Jedo Bay, and a hen Phasianus versicolor and two specimens of V'erekia cinerea from the Inland Sea. ! Cf. Dresser, B. Hurope. ° Monarcha insularis, Meyer, Sitz. Ak. Wien, Ixix. p. 395. 580 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID#, (May 21, 3. On new and little-known Mantide. By J. Woop-Mason. [Received May 7, 1878.] (Plates XXXV. & XXXVI.) Genus DerpHosge, Stil. M. Stil has recently! made the Fischeria ocellata, Sauss. (the nearest ally of 7’. laticeps), the type of a new genus, Deiphobe, and restricted, rightly as it seems to me, the name Fischeria to Fischeria betica and its allies, species in which, as in Hremiophila, structures ancillary to the ovipositor* are developed upon the two terminal ven- tral segments of the abdomen. Though Ff. /aticeps differs from Deiphobe ocellata in the form of the eyes (which are compressed and produced straight outwards in the form of blunt cones), in its long, stout, and subfoliaceous cerci (which extend far beyond the extre- mity of the abdomen), and in its more elongated and slenderer body, it yet resembles that species so closely in all other characters that its separation seems unwarrantable. DEIPHOBE LaTICcEPs. (Plate XXXV. ¢ @.) Fischeria laticeps, Wood-Mason, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1876, 4th ser. vol. xvill. p. 337, 5; op. cit. 1878, 5th ser. vol.i. p. 144, 2. Hab. 2 2, Bangalore district, Mysore; ¢, Sheargaon, Kolapur State, India. The typical specimens are in the Indian Museum, Calcutta. HieRopuLA (RHOMBODERA) TECTIFORMIS. Rh. tectiformis, Saussure, Mél. Orthopt. tom. 1. fase. 3, p. 216, pl. v. fig. 19,9. In all the numerous specimens of this species which I have exa- mined the basal or superior angle of the facial shield is produced into a small projecting spiniform tubercle—a point of structure not men- tioned by M. de Saussure in his description. The first branch of the discoidal vein of the tegmina terminates at the sutural margin in males in two, in females in three branchlets. Hab. I havea ¢ from Jalra-patan, captured by Mr. Cecil Tem- pleton of the Indian Topographical Survey, a 2 from Sahibganj by myself, anda ¢ from Doomarkoonda in the same district, and a ° nymph from Sambalpur by Mr. Valentine Ball. Obs. The lamellar fore margin of the tegmina is entire. Hieropuia (RHOMBODERA) BUTLERI, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 3, 3a, 36.) 3 Q. Very closely allied to H. (R.) tectiformis, Sauss., from which it differs in having no projecting spiniform tubercle in the middle of ’ Bihang till k. Svenska Vet. Akad. Hand. 1877, Bandet iv. No. 10. ? T have observed similar structures in the South-African Chroicoptera vidua, Stal. All the insects thus provided probably lay their eggs in the earth. P.A.S: 1878-Pl. SOK. 4 io s $eham Lal Dos del. Mintern Bros imp. NEW MANTIDA. PZ S676 Pl SOCK, Mintern Bros imp. NEW MANTIDZ.. eae bP 7 . 1 “ ¥ . 1878. | MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID&. 581 the superior margin of the facial shield, in having the lamellar expan- sions of the pronotum arcuate in outline, and consequently broader postero-laterally, and not angulate antero-laterally—in its more pointed tegmina, the first branch of the discoidal vein of which terminates at the sutural margin in three (3) or four (2) branchlets, instead of two and three respectively ; the last branch of the median vein is undivided ; and the stigma is bounded at either end by a dark blotch, is larger, and commences as much before the origin of the third branch of the discoidal vein as it does after it in the allied species,— in the armature of -the fore coxee, the anterior crest of which is fur- nished with five blunt and slightly curved conspicuous conical spines, arranged 3+ 2, and all arising from its inner side and not from its summit, the outer crest of which is only smoothly and obscurely denticulate—and in the coloration of the fore femora, which are transversely trifasciate externally, and have no conspicuous red blotch at the base of the inner face. The fore tibie have thirteen teeth (¢ 2) on the imner, and ten (eleven on one side in one 2 ) on the outer edge. The pronotum of the male is faintly constricted behind the setting- on of the fore legs; so that ‘when viewed from above its lamellar margins appear slightly excised. Total length, 9 72-82 millims. ; length of pronotum, 2 20°5- 22°25, 3 15:25; greatest breadth of pronotum (at the anterior end of its posterior lobe), 2 11°75-13°75, 3 7°75; breadth of primitive prenotum at dilatation, 2 8°5-10°75, 3 6; length of tegmina, 2 62-69, to stigma 2 19-22; breadth of tegmina, 2 22, of marginal field, 2 5°5; length of stigma, 2 5-6, ¢ 4:7; breadth of stigma, 2 1:3, b 0°9. Hab. The neighbourhood of Samaguting, Naga Hills, Assam, whence a specimen of the female was sent to me some years ago by my late friend Captain John Butler, the Political Agent, after whom I name it. A second and smaller specimen of the same sex has recently been obtained by Mr. A. W. Chennell, of the Indian Topographical Survey, in the valley of the Um-thana, W. Khasi Hills, at about 15,000 feet elevation. But the only male I have ever seen is a much mutilated and abnormally small insect from Sikkim in the collection of Mr. F. Moore. Obs. The species differs in the form of the pronotum from H. tectiformis much in the same way as H. deflexa, Sauss., does from H., laticollis, Burm., Sauss. The lamellar front margin of the tegmina is entire. Hieropuia (RHOMBODERA) FRATRICIDA, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. fizs. 5, 5 a.) 3. Allied to H. (2.) macropsis, Giebel, which it closely resem- bles in the form of the pronotum, but from which it differs in its larger size, in having the primitive pronotum apparently longer and stouter, the facial shield higher than broad and distinctly bicarinate, and in having the anterior crest of the fore coxee rather lower and blunter (than usual) than produced and lamellar. 582 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTIDE. [May 21, The organs of flight are long and rather pointed, extending, when closed, far (nearly a fourth of their length) beyond the extremity of the abdomen. The tegmina are hyaline everywhere except in the marginal field and along a very narrow linear space next to the principal nervure, between the base of the organ and the stigma, in which parts they are opaque green; the median vein gives off two branches; and the first branch of the discoidal is forked ; the stigma is placed just after the origin of the third branch of the discoidal vein. The wings are throughout hyaline, save the marginal area, which is a little clouded with green; the discoidal vein is three-branched. The front crest of the fore coxe armed with ten to eleven low blunt tubercles, which become successively higher and sharper towards the distal end of the joint; and the external crest is quite smooth ; the tibiee have ten to eleven teeth on the outer edge, and 14 on the inner; the superior margin of the femora is slightly arcuate. The edges of lamellar margins of pronotum quite smooth. Total length 85 millims. ; length of pronotum 28, greatest breadth of pronotum 13:25; breadth of primitive pronotum at dilatation 8 ; length of abdomen 31+6 (last ventral segment)=37 ; length of tegmina 76, to stigma 20; width of tegmina 19, of their marginal field 5-25; length of stigma 4, breadth of stigma 0°9 ; length of an- tenne 50. Hab. The records of the British Museum state that the specimen was received in a collection of insects from Malabar. Obs. The lamellar front margin of tegmina entire. Hreropuna (RHOMBODERA) ATRICOXIS, n. sp. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 4, 4 a, 40.) 3 Q. Very closely allied to H. (R.) laticollis, Burm., from which it differs in having the lamellar expansions of the pronotum abso- lutely narrower, concave instead of straight postero-laterally, and not extended quite so far towards the base of the segment, and in having the whole inner surface of the fore core coloured jet-black, and the hinder end of the prosternum and the mesosternum symmetrically marked with the same colour. The anterior crest of the fore cox armed with minute blunt denticles and granules ; tibize with eleven teeth ( ¢ 2) on the outer edge, and 2 15, ¢ 14 on the inner.. Sexual differences the same as in the allied species. Total length, 2 about 80 millims.; length of pronotum, 2 27, 3 25°5, of which the anterior lobe is respectively, 2 8 and 3 7; greatest breadth of pronotum, 9 16, ¢ 15; breadth of primitive pronotum at supracoxal dilatation, 2 9:5, ¢ 9; length of tegmina, 2 50, 3 64, breadth of tegmina, 2 20, ¢ 19°5, breadth of mar- ginal field, 9 6, 3 5; length of fore coxa, 2? 18, ¢ 17; femur, 2 22, S$ 20; of intermediate femur, 2 19, ¢ 18; tibia, 17, 3 15; of posterior femur, 2 22°5, ¢ 21°5; tibia, 9 23°5, ¢ 23. Hab. 92, Australia (C. French); 3, one of the islands in Torres Straits (MacFarlane). Obs. With the exception of the Indian H. (R.) tectiformis, which 1878.] MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID2. 583 has a great shining red blotch at the base of each of the femora, this is the only species of the genus which has any part of the internal face of the fore legs conspicuously coloured’. The lamellar fore margin of the tegmina is toothed? in both sexes, probably so as to act as a stridulating organ by scraping against the corresponding part of the wings. Hirrovvuta (RHOMBODERA) PUSTULIFERA, Nl. sp. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 6, 6 a.) Q. Allied to H. (R.) major, Sauss., but differing in its stouter and broader pronotum, which is more broadly rounded off in front, in the armature of the anterior crest of the fore coxee, which is fur- nished with eight hemispheroidal yellow tubercles or callosities, all arising from its inner surface, gradually increasing in size from the proximal to the middle, and then gradually decreasing to the distal end of the joint, and constricted at the base so as closely to resemble the crushing-teeth of certain fossil fishes (Pyenodus). The discoidal nervure of the wings emits four branches. The fore tibize have eleven teeth on the outer edge and fifteen on the inner. Total length 85 millims.; length of pronotum 29, greatest breadth of pronotum (just behind coxal groove) 12-5, of primitive pronotum at supracoxal dilatation 10, at middle of posterior lobe 6; length of tegmina 57, to stigma 21; breadth of tegmina 24, of marginal field 8; length of stigma 3, breadth of stigma 0°9. Described from two alcoholic specimens. A dried specimen in British Museum obtained at the same time measures total length 80 millims, and has the coxal callosities shrunken or less developed. Hab. One of the islands in Torres Straits. The specimens were obtained by the Rev. M‘Farlane. Obs. The lamellar fore margin of the tegmina toothed. Hreroputa (RHOMBODERA) TAPROBANE. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 7, 7 a.) Hierodula taprobane, Wood-Mason, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1878, 5th ser. vol. i. p. 146, 2. Hab. Ceylon. Obs. The lamellar fore margin of the tegmina is smooth. ARCHIMANTIS MONSTROSA,n. sp. (PlateXX XVI. figs. 1, 1 a, 1.) Mantis monstrosus, Bates, MSS., in coll. Brit. Mus. 2. Closely allied to.4.armata, W.-M., 9, differing in its greater size, in its proportionally longer tegmina (which are fully equal to the prothorax in length), in the form of the pronotum (which is dilated at the setting-on of the fore legs, so as to be conspicuously i ? These coloured femora serve, in all probability, to allure or fascinate the eA rey. * I first met with this curious structure of the tegmina in the Empuside, in all of which it occurs in both sexes alike. 584 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID&. [May 21, ovate-cordiform in front), and in the form of the cerci, the margins of the foliaceous terminal joints of which are arcuate. Fore tibize with sixteen or seventeen teeth on the inner and ten on the outer edge. Total length 115 millims.; prothorax 41, of which the neck is 10; width of prothorax at supracoxal dilatation 10; height of head 8, breadth of head 11:75; length of meso- and metanotum taken together 19, of abdomen 53, of cerci 12°75; breadth of terminal joint of cerci 2; length of fore coxa 22:5, femur 28, tibia to insertion of tarsus 11; of intermediate femur 27, tibia 27; posterior femur 33, tibia 38; tegmina 42 (or reaching to end of middle third of third abdominal segment); breadth of marginal field of tegmina 3; length of stigma 6°75; length from base of tegmen to stigma 14; length of wings 35. Hab. Victoria River, N. Australia. The type in British Museum was ‘‘captured on March 10th, 1856, by R. Elsey, Esq., during the exploring expedition under Mr. Gregory.” ARCHIMANTIS ARMATA. (Plate XXXVI. figs. 2, 2 a.) A. armata, Wood-Mason, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 1877, 4th ser. vol. xx. p. 76. Hab. North Australia (C. French). ANTHALOCHROA ASHMOLIANA. Vates ashmolianus, Westw. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. viii. p- 272; Arcana Entomol. 1843, vol. ii. p. 52 (note f). Popa? aschmoliana, Saussure, Mél. Orthopt. tom. i. fase. 3, p. 309. Asthalochroa ashmoliana, Wood-Mason, Aun. & Mag. Nat. Hist. April 1877, p. 308, 3 2. Arsacia ashmoliana, Stil, Sv. Vet. Akad. Hand. 1877, Bd. iv. no. 10, 75, 2. A male (var. simplicipes) from Bombay, in the collection of Mr. F. Moore, differs from the type and from the specimens from Ben- gal (Calcutta and Murshidabad) in not having the crests of the four posterior femora developed into foliaceous lobes at the apex, and in having the upper crest of the four posterior tibize more developed and with more regularly arcuate margins, and in having the ridge of the posterior lobe of the pronotum more convex longitudinally. A gigantic female (var. insignis) in the India (olim E.-I. Com- pany’s) Museum, South Kensington, marked “N. India,” has the lobes at the extremities of the four posterior femora more highly but less regularly developed ; this specimen measures :— Total length 132 millims., length of prothorax 48, of which the neck is 10, abdomen 61—as against 115, 40, 9:5, and 52, the mea- surements of the same parts in the Calcutta specimen of the same Sex. A female in the collection of Mr. W. B. Farr (though not labelled as to locality, doubtless from Bengal) agrees exactly with the spe- cimens from Calcutta and Murshidabad, 1878.] MR, J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID. 585 Genus CREOBROTER’, Serville. CREOBROTER PICTIPENNIS, n.sp. (Plate XXXVI. fig. 8.) 2. Closely allied to Cr. apicalis, Sauss. (2), from Assam, from which it differs in the form of the pronotum (which is slenderer and more distinctly quadrilobular), in its much narrower and less-de- pressed abdomen (a part which in the species mentioned, as also in Cr. urbanus 2, is greatly dilated and suborbicular and depressed), in its less rebust fore legs, and notably in the colour of the wings. The head also is a littie smaller, its frontal spine much the same. Organs of flight in repose, in the dried insect, extending by about a seventh of their length beyond the extremity of the fusiform ab- domen, which is longitudinally strongly roof-shaped below. 'Teg- mina bright green, yellow at the very base, furnished with a well- defined subquadrate or suborbicular brightyellow spot a short distance from the base, and with a still richer dead-yellow oval ocellus placed a little obliquely across the middle; this is bordered both on its ex- ternal and on its internal margin by a curved black line; the black line that borders the base of the ocellus is but slightly curved or is a smaller segment of a larger circle, and sends forwards and inwards at its posterior end a small process, so as to present the appearance of a curved arrow that has lost one of its barbs; external black line strongly curved, or a larger segment of a smaller circle; it is preceded by an opalescent line rather broader than itself, and upon the veins and veinlets traversing which the yellow of the ocellus is continued; this is marked with three black dots, all placed in the same straight or slightly curved line, each upon one of the sectors of the organ; the yellow of the ocellus flows out, as it were, in an irre- gular stream from between the black bounding lines to the sutural margin, accompanied by the translucent white line only ; but at the opposite side its exit is barred by the polished and slightly paler yellow oblong stigma, which there quite blocks up the interval be- tween the ends of the black lines; the anal gusset is spotted with brown, paling towards the hinder margin, the network being pale green, very narrowly lined with hyaline, and its membranous meshes brown. Wings tricolorous, opaque at the base; the basal third of the posterior and the basal two thirds of the anterior field of a beau- — tiful semiopaque cream-colour, slightly tinged with green ; this is succeeded in the former by a broad band of clear brown (with dark amethystine reflections) lined with hyaline along the transverse vein- lets, and in the latter by a narrower band of semiopaque dull vina- ceous, the rest of both fields being throughout hyaline, slightly tinged and clouded with very pale greenish white, and having the venation rather distinct and also coloured pale greenish white. The head, the pronotum, and the outsides of the fore legs bright green, concolorous with the elytra, variegated (the two first-named) and banded (the last) with yellow, much, in fact, as in Cr. apicalis. 1 Neither “Creobrota” nor “‘Creobotra,” nor “Creoboter,’ but ‘‘Creobroter,” from xpéas, flesh, and Bowrhp, an eater, kpeoBpwrhp, so formed on the analogy of Kpeorwdys, Kpeopayos, K. T. A. Proc, Zoox. Soc.—1878, No. XX XVIII. 38 586 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON NEW MANTID#. — [May 21, The anterior crest of the fore coxe is armed with eight bluntish spiniform tubercles, between some of which are one or two minuter ones ; the right fore tibia has fifteen teeth on each edge ; the four posterior legs are wanting. Total length about 32 millims. ; length of pronotum 7:6; breadth of pronotum at supracoxal dilatation 4°3, at constriction behind dila- tation 2°6 ; length of tegmina 26; length of abdomen 14, breadth of abdomen 8°5. Hab. Ceylon. Communicated by Mr. F. Moore. There is also a specimen in the Hopeian collection at Oxford. HyMENOPUS BICORNIS. Mantis bicornis, Stoll, Spectres et Mantes, 1787, pl. xi. figs. 44 (2), 44a (nymph). ' Mantis coronata, Olivier, Encyl. Méth. 1792, Insectes, t. vii. . 638. f Empusa coronata, Latreille, Gen. Crust. et Ins. t. i. p. 91. Hymenopa coronata, Serville, Revue, p. 19. no. 1, et Hist. Nat. des Orthopt. 1839, p. 163 9. Hymenopus coronatus, Burm. Handb. d. Entom. 1839, vol. i. . 549. ‘ Hymenopus bicornis, Saussure, Mel. Orthopt. i. fase. 3, p. 291. The larve and nymphs, at any rate, of this species simulate blos- soms, some specimens being rose-pink, others of a beautiful wax- white colour. The thighs of the four posterior pairs of legs are ex- panded into huge broad pear-shaped plates ; so that (according to Mr. S. E. Peal, who has discovered the species in Assam, many hundreds of miles from any of its hitherto recorded habitats) the immature insect when seated on a twig with thorax and abdomen raised at right angles to one another, with the fore legs drawn up out of sight beneath the thorax, and with the four expanded thighs spread out two on each side, the tarsi being brought to one spot, presents in form as well as in colour a most perfect and deceptive resemblance to a flower. The small Mantis (exactly resembling a pink orchis-flower) which, according to Mr. Wallace, was shown to Sir Charles Dilke in Java, and was said to attract and devour butter- flies, probably belongs to the same species. Hab. Sibsagar, Assam (S. #. Peal); Moluceas (Serville) ; Sunda Isles. The perfect insect is represented in one of the beautiful sketches of foliage and flowers made by Miss North in Java, PARABLEPHARIS KUHLII. Blepharis kuhlu, De Haan, Orthopt. Orient. p. 93, tab. 18. fig. 3, 9. Se idbiiphlers kuhlii, Saussure, Bull. Eutom. Suisse, iii. p. 223 (1870); id. Mél. Orthopt. i. 1871, fase. 3, p. 320, 9. Hab. Java (De Haan) ; *‘ les Indes Orientales?” (Saussure). A larva has been obtained by Mr. A. W. Chennell, of the Topographical Survey of India, in the Naga Hills, Assam. 1878.] MR. BATES ON NEW GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 587 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES, {N.B. All the figures are of the natural size, except where the contrary is stated.) PuatE XXXV. Hig. 1. Deiphobe laticeps, p. 580. Male, with wings extended. 2. Deiphobe laticeps. Female. 2a, The right fore femur and tibia, from the inner side. 26. Front view of the head of female, magnified twice nat. size. Prats XXXVI. Fig. 1. Archimantis monstrosa, p. 583, 2. The head, pronotum, and fore legs. 1a. Front view of the head of the same. 1. One of the cerci from the side, enlarged. 2. Archimantis armata, p. 584, 2. The head and pronotum. 2a. One of the cerci from the side, enlarged. 3. Hierodula (Rhembodera) butleri, p. 580, 2 d. Head, pronetum, and left fore leg of a female. 3a. The right fore coxa, from the inside. 3). Head and pronotum of a small male. 4. Hierodula (Rhombodera) atricowis, p. 582, 2 §. Head, pronotum, and right fore leg of a female. 4a. The left fore coxa, from the inside, 4b. Head, pronotum, and right fore leg of a male. 5. Hierodula (Rhombodera) fratricida, p. 581, g. Head, pronotum, and left fore leg. 5a. Right fore coxa, from the inside. 6. Hierodula (Rhombodera) pustulifera, p. 583, 2. Head, pronctum, and left fore leg. 6a. Right fore coxa, from the inside. 7. Hieredula (Rhombedera) taprebane, p. 583, 9. Head, pronetum, and right fore leg. 7a. Left fore coxa, from the inside. 8. Creobroter pictipennis, p. 585, 2. Head, pronotum, and fore legs, 4. On new Genera and Species of Geodephagous Coleoptera from Central America. By H. W. Barss, F.L.S. [Received May 11, 1878.] The following diagnoses of new Central-American Coleoptera, of the families Cicindelidze and Carabide (Geodephaga), are preparatory to the full descriptions which will be given in the work now pre- paring by Messrs. Godman and Salvin, entitled ‘Biologia Americz Centralis.’ In that work figures will be given of all the more characteristic forms. ‘ Family CicinDELIDé. TETRACHA IGNEA. T. carolinee forma similis, paullo magis angustata, supra tgneo-cuprea; epistomate, thoracis et elytrorum lateribus viridi-eneis ; elytris grosse confertim usque ad apices punctatis, macula apicali pallida, angusta, antice gradatim paullo dilatata ; antennis articulis 1™°—4"™ subtus nigro-lineatis ; femoribus quatuor BOSC AURCe late 38 588 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, nigris : corpore subtus viridi-eneo, ventris apice utringue flavo- fasciato. Long. 8lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Chiriqui. CICINDELA BELTI. C. roseiventri affinis, apud elytrorum humeros latior, his rectangulis. Saturate olivacea, elytris utrinque maculis albis quingue, scilicet una humerali, secunda antico-discoidali paullo transversa, tertia mediana lineiformi recte transversa, quarta postertore rotundata prope suturam, quinta prope angulum posteriorem transversa ; subtus viridi-enea, lateribus cupreis et dense albo-pilosis ; femo- ribus infra cupreis ; abdomine rufo, bast eupreo-nitida, Long. 53 lin. oC. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CICINDELA FLOHRI. Elongata, capite angusto, thoracis lateribus anticis paullo rotundatis ; elytris elongato-ovatis, apice obtuse rotundatis; supra rufo- cuprea subopaca, sericeo-micans, thoracis sulcis elytrorumque punctulis viridibus ; elytris utrinqgue macula alba humerali et altera post humeros, fascia mediana omnino discoidali obliqua, et maculis quatuor subapicalibus, quarum tribus marginalibus ; corpore subtus lete chalybeo, episternis rubro-cupreis, parce pilosis ; abdomine toto lete rufo. Long. 5 lin. of Q. Hab. Mexico; San Angel, Guadalupe, near the capital (Flohr). CTENOSTOMA SIGMA. Ad sectionem Procephalus pertinet. Cylindricum, @eneo-fuscum nitidum, sparsissime griseo-hirtum, antennis pedibusque dilutiori- bus ; capite impunctato, supra inequali, fronte plana utrinque sulcata ; elytris disperse punctulatis, apices versus sublevibus, apice obtuse sinuato-truncatis, utrinque macula parva anteriore subsuturali, et pone medium fascia valde flexuosa, S-formi, testaceo- albis. Long. 7 lin. 3 Q. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt; Janson). CTENOSTOMA LETICOLOR. Ad sectionem Procephalus pertinet. Cylindricum, gracile, lete viridi-auratum, glabrum, antennis (scapo metallico excepto) tibiis tarsisque piceis ; capite impunctato, fronte tubere magno rotun- dato, sulcis antice et postice marginato, verticis lateribus etiam sulcatis ; elytris pone scutellum subumbonatis, disco prope suturam undulatis punctisque ocellaribus impressis, reliquis sparsissime, versus basin grosse, punctatis, apice breviter sinuato- truncatis, utringue macula parva anteriore subsuturali, et pone medium fascia valde obliqua intus hamata, testaceo-albis. Long. 53 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). 1878. | GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 589 Family Caranips. ASPIDOGLOSSA BRACHYDERUS, D. sp. In hoc genere brevis; thorace brevi et lato. Nigro-enea, palpis antennis pedibusque piceo-testaceis, elytris apicem versus diffuse rufescentibus ; clypei margine haud emarginato, fovea frontali parva, simplici ; thorace lato, convexo, antice angustato, lateribus Sereutin A. subangulata angulatis ; elytris oblongo-ovatis, versus basin paullo angustatis, fortiter striatis, striis passim crenatis, interstitio tertio tripunctato. Long. 23 lin. Hab. Panama. STENOUs OLIVACEUS. Hlongato-ellipticus, gracilis, supra eneo-fuscus, nitidus, subtus niger, pedibus piceis, femoribus obscurioribus ; antennis rufo-piceis, articulis 1»°—3" pallidis ; elytris striatis ; limbo alutaceo-sub- opaco, viridi-tincto, striis obsoletis. Long. 3? lin. Hab. Mexico (Boucard). DIC@LUS FLOHRI. Oblongo-ellipticus, niger vix nitidus ; capite minus robusto, collo angustiore ; thorace antice puullulum angustato, lateribus vix rotundatis, omnino levi; elytris striis omnibus obsoletis, seriebus punctorum suturali et marginali tantum eastantibus, carina humerali brevi, valde elevata. Long. 93-10 lin. of Q. fIab. Mexico, San Angel (FloAr). PoLPOCHILA MEXICANA. Angusta, parva, castanea, palpis, antennis basi, pedibus margineque apicali elytrorum flavo-testaceis ; foveis frontalibus usque ad oculorum marginem posticum fortiter impressis; thorace late cordato, lateribus ante basin fortiter sinuatis, angulis posticis exstantibus ; elytris profunde striatis. Long. 3 lin. C. Hab. Mexico, Vera Cruz (Boucard). Specimens have been distributed under the name I have adopted, given by M. de Chaudoir. ANISODACTYLUS ROTUNDANGULUS. Elongatus, niger, modice nitidus, pedibus piceis, antennis palpisque piceo-rufis ; thorace lateribus arcuutis, angulis posticis tate rotundatis, foveis posticis latis, modice impressis ; elytris apice haud sinuatis, supra simpliciter striatis,; impunctatis. Long. 7-7} lin. 3 Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). NorIoBiA DISPARILIS. AGneo-cuprea (elytris 2 cupreo-fuscis), glabra; epistomate, labro, 590 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, palpis, antennis et pedibus piceo-rufis; thorace valde transverso, ante medium late rotundato, deinde vix sinuatim angustato, an- gulis posticis rectis, anticis omnino rotundatis, supra impunctato, fovea basali utrinque magna irregulari, subrugata: elytris thorace basi latioribus, apice profunde sinuatis, supra (3) fortiter striatis, interstitiis dorso subplanis, duobus marginalibus alutaceo-opacis ; 9 haud striatis, opacis, sutura costisque tribus elevatis nitidis. Long. 6-7 lin. 3 Q. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belé). NOTIOBIA PARILIS. Glabra, capite thoraceque chalybeis, elytris cupreo-violaceis, subtus nigra, antennis, pedibus antennisque interdum piceo-rufis ; thorace valde transverso, ante medium late rotundato, deinde sinuatim an- gustato, angulis posticis rectis, anticis omnino rotundatis ; elytris utroque sexu politis, sulcato-striatis, interstitiis omnibus valde convexis, apice sinuatis (nec dentatis). Long. 63 lin. 3 Q. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). NorioBiA LIMBIPENNIS. Subcupreo-enea, nitida; thorace valde transverso, medio rotundato- dilatato, postice modice angustato, angulis posticis vix reetangulis ; elytris oblongo-ovatis, apice fortiter sinuatis et extus dentatis, profunde striatis, limbo laterali (apicem versus latiore) alutaceo subtestaceo-opaco, fovea etiam lata antico-discoidali paullo alu- taceo-opaca, interstitio tertio postice unipunctato; antennis, palpis et pedibus rufo-piceis. Long. 53 lin. oC. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). NoTIOBIA LEIROIDES. Latior, supra eneo-olivacea, labro, antennis basi, palpis et pedibus rufis ; thorace valde transverso, medio rotundato-dilatato, postice angustato, angulis posticis rectangulis ; elytris apice paullulum sinuatis, regulariter striatis, interstitiis equalibus, apicem versus angustioribus, marginalibus subopacis, tertio postice unipunctato, margine apicali testaceo. Long. 7 lin. 9. Hab. Mexico, Vera Cruz (Boucard). NOTIOBIA CUPREOLA. Angustior, polita, nigro-enea, elytris cupreo-violaceis ; antennis (articulis 1™°-3"™ nigris exceptis) labro, palpis et tarsis fulvo-tes- taceis ; thorace lateribus antice valde rotundatis, postice vix sinu- atim angustato ; angulis posticis fere rectis, supra impunctato, foveis basalibus latis vagis ; elytris (3 2) apice oblique leviter 1878.] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 591 sinuatis, supra striatis, 2 subtilissime alutaceis sed politis, interstitio 3° postice unipunctato. Long. 43 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, alt. 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). HARPALUS ALIENUS. Oblongus, modice convexus, niger nitidus ( 2 elytris sericeo-opacis), pedibus piceis, ntennis palpisque rufo-piceis, illis articulis 2°-4"" basi nigris ; thorace transversim quadrato, postice plusquam antice angustato, lateribus rotundatis, angulis posticis obtusis, impunctato, basi coriaceo, fovea utrinque late impressa ; elytris apice (3b 2) sinuatim subtruncatis, fortiter simpliciter striatis, interstitiis paullo convexis, 3 postice unipunctato. Long. 53-6 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). SELENOPHORUS AMBLYDERUS. Oblongus, converus, nigro-eneus, antennarum articulo basali palpis- que rufis, pedibus picescentibus ; thorace lateribus arcuatis, an- gulis posticis rotundatis, fovea basali utrinque parva, margine medio multistriato ; elytris glabris, striatis, striis apice pro- fundioribus, interstitiis 3°, 5°, et 7"° punctis seriatis parvis. Long. 34-43 ln. o Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). SELENOPHORUS CALLISTICHUS. Oblongo-ovatus, elongatus, minus convexus, cupreo-eneus ; antennis basi pedibusque flavo-testaceis ; thorace antice gradatim, versus basin citius, angustato, angulis posticis rotundatis, basi tota haud profunde punctulata ; elytris apice sinuatis, supra fortiter striatis, interstitiis alternis punctis numerosis rotundatis seriatim impressis ; tarsis posticis gracilibus, elongatis ; tibiis et tarsis absque spinis fortibus. Long. 44 lin. oO. Hab. Panama (Salvin). SELENOPHORUS TENUISTRIATUS. Oblongus, cupreo-eneus, antennis basi, palpis, tibiis et tarsis rufes- centi-testaceis ; thorace transversim quadrato, antice minus et citius quam postice modice angustato ; elytris apice haud sinuatis. tenuiter striatis, interstitiis planis, alternis conspicue seriatim punctatis. Long. 23 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). SELENOPHORUS MITIS. Oblongo-ovatus, niger, vix eneo vel chalybeo tinctus ; palpis anten- nisque fulvo-testaceis, labro et pedibus piceis ; capite levi, foveis frontalibus obsoletis ; thorace quadrato, levi, foveis basalibus Jatis, vagis, lateribus paullulum arcuatis, antice gradatim, postice 592 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, vie angustato, angulis posticis obtusis ; elytris apice leviter sinuatis, supra striatis, interstitiis alternis punctis parvis seriatis ; tibiis anticis sparsim spinosis, tarsis dilatatis, 3 subtus pauct- squamosis. Long. 33 ln. ¢ 9. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ATHROsTICTUS, nov. gen. Selenophoro affine. Corpus elongato-ovatum, supra (precipue elytris) dense minute punctatum. Caput ovatum, postice gradatim paullo angustatum. Oculi magni sed non prominentes, postice orbitu inclusi. Antenne filiformes, graciles. Mentum profunde emarginatum, sinu fundo haud dentatum. Ligula angusta, apice libera, longe bisetosa ; paraglossis latis ea longioribus. Elytra haud conspicue seriato- punctata. Caeteris ut in generibus Hypolitho et Harpalo. Ad hoe genus Selenoph. epeciosus (Dej.), Pangus metallicus (Reich.), Hypolithus puberulus et H. chlenioides (De}j.), et Harpalus sulcatulus (De}.) pertinent. ATHROSTICTUS OPALESCENS. Oblongus, piceus, breviter erecte pubescens ; labro, palpis, antennis et pedibus rufo-fulvis; capite et thorace nitidis, elytris opales- centi-micantibus ; capite postice punctulato; thorace quadrato, lateribus fortiter arcuatis, angulis posticis fere rotundatis, basi late subrugose punctulatis; elytris apice leviter sinuatis, exarato-striatis, interstitiis minute crebre granulatis, 3'° et 5 indistincte seriatim punctatis ; corpore subtus nigro, lete opales- cente ; metasterno punctulato. Long. 4 lin. of Q. Hab. Panama (Salvin). ATHROSTICTUS SERICATUS. Latior, oblongus, niger, omnino punctulatus, breviter erecte fulvo- pubescens ; antennis, palpis et tarsis obscure rufescentibus ; thorace transversim quadrato, postice viv angustato, angulis anticis haud prominulis, posticis fere rectangulis, latertbus paullulum arcuatis ; elytris lete awreo-sericeo relucentibus, fortiter striatis, ‘interstitiis densissime punctato-granulatis ; corpore subtus nigro nitido, opalescente, punctulato. Long. 63 lin. 2. Hab. Mexico, Vera Cruz (Boucard). BRADYCELLUS LUCIDUS. Testaceo-rujis ; elytris piceo-fuscis, politis, striis (suturalt, mar- ginalibusque exceptis) nullis; meso- et metasternis ventrisque basi nigris; capite latiore ; thorace vix elytris angustiore, postice valde sinuato-angustato, angulis posticis reetis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Mexico. 1878. ] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 593 BrADYCELLUS SUBOBSOLETUS. Castaneo-fuscus, subtus nigricans, antennis basi pedibusque _flavo- testaceis ; elytris strits suturali et marginalibus profundis, disco striato-punctatis. Long. 23-3 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ACUPALPUS CIRCUMDATUS. Elongato-oblongus, castaneo-fuscus ; antennis basi, palpis, pedibus margineque angusto elytrorum flavo-testaceis ; thorace postice valde angustato, levi, basi utringue haud foveato, parum punc- lato, lateribus antice fortiter rotundatis, pustice sinuatis, angulis posticis prominulis rectis ; elytris striis modice impressis, haud punctatis, striola scutellari nulla. Long. 24 lin. Hab. Mexico, Vera Cruz (Boucard). ACUPALPUS FLOHRI. Elongato-oblongus, castaneo-rufus, capite supra, elytris utrinque disco, abdomineque castaneo-fuscis ; capite fronte foveolata ; thorace lateribus usque angulos posticos obtusos rotundatis, basi utringue grosse sparsim punctato ; elytris simpliciter striatis, striola scutellari nulla. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ACUPALPUS OBESUS. Latior, oblongo-ovatus, castaneo-fuscus, thorace et elytris indistincte castaneo-rufo limbatis ; palpis, antennis basi pedibusque fulvo- testaceis; thorace transverso, sublunato, lateribus omnino rotun- datis et angulis posticis fere nullis, supra impunctato ; elytris subpunctulato-striatis, striolu seutellari elongata, obliqua. Long. 14 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHUMENUS MONTEZUM&. Elongatus, gracilis, piceo-niger ; capite ovato ; oculis haud pro- minentibus, orbitu posteriore sensim angustato ; thorace elongato, truncato-cordato, lateribus explanato-reflexis, angulis posticis rectis ; elytris convexis, elongato-ovatis, punctulato-striatis, apice oblique sinuatis, marginibus basali et laterali explanato-reflexis ; pedibus elongatis. Long. 43-53 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS TRANSPUNCTATUS. A. anthracino (Dej.) affinis, oblongo-ovatus, niger, subtus cum pedibus nitidus; elytris sericeo-nitentibus ; capite et thorace eyaneo-tinctis ; antennis articulo basali subtus rufo-piceo ; capite - parvo, pone oculos gradatim angustato ; thorace elytris multo 594 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, angustiore, rotundato, postice magis quam antice angustato ; elytris tenuiter striatis, stria tertia 3-, stria secunda 2-punc- tata. Long. 4lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS SCUTIFER. Elongato-ovatus, niger, nitidus, supra leviter cyaneo-tinctus ; antennis articulo basali rufo; capite levi, oculis vix prominulis ; thorace magno, ovato, levi ; elytris thorace vix latioribus, acute et fortiter striatis, interstitiis planis, tertio 4—5-punetato. Long. 43-53 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS VIXSTRIATUS. Parvus, gracilis, fusco-eneus politissimus ; palpis, antennis basi, pedibusque fulvo-testuceis ; thorace subcordato-ovato, angulis rotundatis ; elytris ovatis, striis vix impressis, interstitiis paul- lulum convexis 2% bi- vel tripunctato ; metasterni episternis brevibus, latis, epimeris transversis. Long. 2? lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS CONCISUS. A. vixstriato affinis, metathoracis episternis brevibus. Fusco- eneus, modice nitidus ; palpis, antennis, pedibus, murgineque deflexo elytrorum fulvo-testaceis ; capite collo transversim de- presso ; thorace subcordato, postice sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis fere rectis, margine laterali explanato-reflexo, fulvo ; elytris ovatis apice oblique sinuatis, supra acute striatis, inter- stitits planis, tertio tripunctato. Long. 3-37 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS SUFFECTUS. A. conciso simillimus : differt elytris amplioribus, thorace an- gustiore marginibus lateralibus anguste reflexo-marginatis, postice magis sinuatis, antice angulatim rotundatis. Castaneo- Suscus ; palpis, antennis pedibusque fulvo-testaceis, margine an- gusto thoracis, epipleurisque elytrorum obscure testaceis ; elytris acute striatis, apice oblique fortius sinuatis, interstitio 3” tri- punctato. Long. 33 lin. Hab. Mexico (Boucard). ANCHOMENUS NUGAX. A. conciso affinis: differt thorace latiore, postice multo mimus at- tenuato, antice distincte angustato. Castaneo-fuscus, vel ceneo-~ fuscus, nitidus ; palpis, antennis et pedibus prceis, raro fulvo- testaceis ; thorace quadrato, paulo ante medium subangulatim 1878.]} GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 595 dilatato, deinde postice paulo angustato, angulis posticis rectis, margine laterali anguste explanato-refleco vix pallidiore ; elytris minus rotundato-ovatis, apice viv sinuatim oblique truncatis, supra acute striatis, interstitiis planis, 3% tripunctato ; margine deflexo interdum testaceo. Long. 3} lin. 3 2 Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). ANCHOMENUS SIMPLICIOR. A. nugaci provime affnis : differt tantum thorace paullulum angustiore, lateribus antice equaliter rotundatis nullomodo angulatis, postice vix conspicue sinuatim modice angustato, an- gulis fere rectis, margine laterali angustissime explanato haud pullido : piceo-niger, viv eneo-tinetus, antennis palpis et pedibus prceo-rufis ; elytris ovatis, subtiliter striatis etc, ut in precedenti- bus. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). GLYPTOLENUS, nov. gen. Anchomeno affine. Corpus gracile. Caput angustum, ovatum. Mentum sinu dente magno elongato. Palpi nudi, articulis terminalibus cylindricis. Thorax angustus, ante medium angulatim dilatatus, dorso grosse transversim rugatus. Elytra ampla, convewa, apice haud stnuata, supra fortiter suleata. Prosternum apie marginatum, prominulum. Metasterni episterna elongata. Pedes graciles ; tibiee et tarsi fortiter sulcata ; tarsorum articulis 1°-4"™ latitu. dine equales, plantis pubescentibus, 4 emarginato. GLYPTOLENUS RUGICOLLIS. Niger, subnitidus; thorace capite vix latiore, oblongo, postice sinuatim paulo angustato, angulis posticis subrectis, supra grosse rugato; elytris latis, convewis, apice rotundatis, swpra grosse profunde striatis, interstitiis convexis ; antennis, palpis, tibiis et tarsis piceo-fulvis. 9°. Long. 33 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). COLPODES STRICTICOLLIS. Hlongatus, niger, nitidus ; palpis, antennarum articulis 49-11“ tarsisque piceo-rufis ; thorace fere orbiculari, basi fortiter con- stricto, marginibus lateralibus rotundato-explanatis, supra levi, polito ; elytris convenris, marginibus lateralibus explanatis levibus, apice vie sinuatis, supra valde convexis, suleato- striatis. Tarsi articulo 4% latiusculo, emarginato, subtus sublonge setoso, articulis 1°-3"" quatuor posteriorum supra bisulcatis. Long. 6 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt, Janson). J 96 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, CoLPODES INTERGENEUS. Gracilis, piceo-niger ; elytris purpureo-fuscis ; palpis, antennis pedibusque pallide testaceis; capite collo supra transversim depresso; thorace angusto, quadrato, antice paulo rotundato- dilatato, postice vix sinuatim modice angustato, angulis posticis distinctis subobtusis, margine laterali angusto ; elytris elon- gato-ovatis, apice oblique (haud sinuatim) truncatis, supra subtiliter subpunctulato-striatis, interstitus planis, tertio 3- punctato. Tarsi 2 antici articulo 4” latiusculo, breviter bilobo, subtus longe setoso. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). CoLPoDES GRATUS. Elongato-ovatus, convexior, subeneo-niger; palpis, antennis, tibiis et tarsis piceo-rufis; palpis articulo ultimo sublineari ; thorace ovato, lateribus equaliter rotundatis, paullo ante basin sinuatim citius angustatis, angulis posticis subobtusis, margine @qualiter anguste explanato ; elytris apice leviter sinuatis, in- terstitiis paululum convexis, 3° puncto unico solum conspicuo. Tarsi articulo 4° subtus longe setoso, quatuor anteriorum breviter bilobo, lobis inequalibus. Long. 43-5 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). CoLPoDES DUPLEX. Elongato-ovatus, subeneo-niger, elytris purpureo-fuscis ; palpis, antennis (art.5°—-11“™ dilutioribus) pedibusque rufo-piceis ; tho- race quadrato, ante medium rotundato-dilatato, deinde paullo viz sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis subrectis ; elytris apice oblique sinuatis, striatis, interstitiis planis (versus apicem con- vexis), 3° tripunctato, puncto anteriore interdum deficiente ; elytris raro eneo-fuscis. Tarsi, articulo 4° subtus sparsim longe setoso, quatuor anteriorum brevissimo bilobo. Long. 33-4 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). CoLPODES OBSCURELLUS. Elongatus, vix convecus, nigro-olivaceus cenescens ; palpis apice flavo-testaceis, antennarum articulis 3 basalibus et tarsis prcers ; ; thorace parvo, quadrato-cordato, transverso, lateribus antice valde rotundatis, postice sinuatim modice angustato, angulis posticis subobtusis ; elytris apice fortiter oblique sinuatis, supra subpunctulato-striatis, interstitiis paullulum convewis, 3 (in striis) tripunctato ; metasterni episternis elongatis ; epimeris postice fortiter rotundatis. Tarsi, articulo 4 subtus longe setoso, quatuor anteriortbus leviter tantum emarginais. a 1878. ] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 597 Long. 5 lin. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). COLPODES LACTIPEs. Nigro-piceus, pedibus albo-testace is, palpis antennisquerufo-testaceis ; labro et mandibulis piceo-rufis ; thorace cordato, antice fortiter rotundato, postice valde angustato, ante angulos breviter recto ; elytris amplis, convexis, apie sinuatis, tridescentibus, striatis, interstitio 3° tripunctato ; metasterni episternis elongatis. Long. 5 lin. Tarsi, articulo 4to latiusculo, 2 anterioribus breviter bilobis, ceteris emarginatis. Hab, Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPODES PROCEPHALUS., Elongatus, vix convexus, niger ; elytris purpurascentibus 3 capite elongato, post oculos gradatim angustato, collo supra haud trans- versim depresso, oculis haud promnulis ; palpis et antennis preis ; thorace valde elongato, oblongo-ovato, postice paullo leviter angustato, angulis posticis obtusis vel rotundatis, supra subtiliter transversim striato ; elytris ellipticis, apice fortiter sinuatis, striatis, interstitio 3% tripunctato ; metasterni episternis brevibus quadratis. Tarsi articulo 4% latiuscuto, profunde emarginato. Long. 5 lin. Hab. Guatemala (Salvin). Cox.popeEs PROLIXUS. Elongatus, gracilis, pedibus antennisque valde ‘elongatis, castaneo- piceus, palpis, pedibus et antennis rufo-piceis ; capite elongato- ovato, post oculos crasso, rotundato, oculis vix prominulis, collo paullo angustato, supra transversim depresso 3 thorace quam caput vix latiore, cordato, postice sinuatim angustato, angulis postice rectis, apice obtusis ; elytris oblongo-ellipticis, apice extus oblique truncatis, apud suturam triangulariter excisis, angulo apicali dentiformi, supra punctulato-striatis, interstitio 3% tripunctato ; - metasternt episternis brevissimis. Tarsi articulo 4t profunde emarginato, lobulis valde meequalibus, Long. 6 lin. Hab, Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). CoLropEs PARVICEPs. Ellipticus, ceeneo-olivaceus, politus, antennis tibiis et tarsis rufo- testaceis; palpis piceis, articulo ultimo apice attenuato rufo ; capite puro, oculis prominulis, mox pone oculos angustato ; thorace quadrato, antice longe postice paullulum angustato, marginibus explanatis, angulis posticis rectis ; elytris oblongis, prope basin transversim convexis, apice leviter sinuatis, dorso striato-punc- tulatis, striis prope basin evanescentibus, prope apicem incisis ; metasternt episternis elongatis, angustis, 598 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, Tarsi articulo quarto profunde emarginato, lobulis valde inequa- libus. Long. 4 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPODES AUROTINCTUS. Parvus, elongato-ovatus, supra nigro-eneus ; elytris awrato-enes viridi tinctis, politis ; palpis, antennis, trochanteribus et tarsis rufo-piceis ; corpore subtus femoribus tibiisque nigro-piceis ; capite gracili, collo angustato, supra transversim depresso ; thorace quadrato, lateribus fere requlariter paullo rotundatis, postice puullulum magis quam antice angustato, angulis obtusis, margine explanato rufescente ; elytris ovatis, subtiliter acute striatis, interstitiis planissimis ; metasterni episternis viv elongatis. Long. 33 lin. Tarsi articulo 4 quatuor anteriorum profunde emarginato vel bilobo, duorum posteriorum modice emarginato, lobulis paullo ineequalibus. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). COLPODES PROSTOMIS. Elongato-oblongus, niger, nitidus, elytris violaceo-tinctis, palpis gracilibus antennisque rufo-piceis ; capite mox pone oculos an- gustato, collo cylindrico, supra depresso ; mandibulis valde elon- gatis ; thorace elongato-quadrato, swpra levissimo ; antice prope angulos angustato, postice longius et minus, ix sinuatum, angus- tato, angulis posticis subrectis apice obtusis, margine laterali subceequaliter explanato-reflewo ; elytris oblongis, valde convewxis, apice sinuatis, fortiter, prope apicem profundius, striatis, inter- stitiis paullo conveais, 3° tripunctato ; metasterni episternis brevibus. Tarsi, articulo 4© bilobo, lobulis valde inequalibus, Long. 63-7 lin. 3 Q. Hab. Costa Rica, Irazu, 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). CoLPODES CYANOSTOLUS. C. cyanonoto affinis ; differt thoracis angulis posticis fere rotundatis. Oblongus, violaceo- vel chalybeo-niger, supra ceeruleus ; thorace lateribus regulariter rotundatis, angulis posticrs obtusis ; elytris subtilissime punctulato-striatis, striis apice haud profundioribus. Tarsi, articulo quarto bilobo, lobulis valde incequalibus, Long. 5% lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). COLPODES CHONTALENSIS. C. cyanonoto affinis, niger; elytris viridi-eneis, fortiter punctulato- striatis, striis apice haud profundioribus, interstitiis paulo con- vewxis ; thorace quadrato, lateribus regulariter rotundatis, postice haud sinuatis ; antennis rufo-piceis. 1878. | GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA, 599 Long. 53 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPoDEs LEBIOIDES. C. chalybeo affnis, niger, capite thoraceque eneo-tinctis, elytris ceruleis ; antennis tarsisque rufo-piceis ; capite parvo, mox pone oculos angustato ; thorace parvo, quadrato, medio leviter dilatato, angulis posticis subrectis ; elytris latiusculis et brevibus, puulo convenis, apice haud sinuatis, acute striatis, interstitiis planis. Tarsi supra trisulcati. Long. 3-32 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPoDES PRINCEPs. C. ceruleomarginato affnis, ceruleus, elytris lete purpureo- cupreis ; thorace antice magis quam postice angustato, medio sub- angulatim dilatato, lateribus postice nullomodo sinuatis, angulis posticis obtusis; elytris striato-punctatis, margine incrassato ceruleo. Long. 54 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPopEs suPERBUS. C. ceruleomarginato affnis, nigro-politus, elytris lete aureo- cupreis ; palpis, antennis et tarsis rufo-piceis ; capite mox pone oculos prominentes angustato: thorace medio Sortiter dilatato, antice gradatim postice citius et valde sinuatim angustato ; angulis posticis exstantibus, rectis : elytrorum striis vir conspicuis. Long. 63 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CoLPoDEs VIRIDIAURATUS. C. cxruleomarginato afinis, subtus chalyheus, supra lete viridi- eneis, elytris interdum viridi-auratis vel cupreo-auratis ; capite mox pone oculos prominentes angustato ; thorace valde transverso, lateribus regulariter rotundatis, postice haud sinuatis, angulis posticis haud exstantibus, vir rectis ; elytris conspicue striato- punctatis. Long. 7 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belé). CoLPoDES CHRYSOPTERUS. Elongatus, niger nitidus, elytris aurato-eneis ; thoracis margine, palpis, antennis et tarsis rufescenti-piceis; capite mox pone oculos magnos subito angustato ; thorace Sere ut in C, ceruleomarginato, medio rotundato-dilatato, lateribus postice sinuato-angustatis, an- gulis posticis subrectis 3 elytris elongatis, striato-punctatis, ver- sus apicem striis acute incisis et minus punctulatis. Tarsi lati, subtus dense pubescentes, articulo 4 bilobo. Long. 52 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). 600 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, COLPODES PROLONGATUS. Valde elongatus, elegans, viridi-eneus, elytris lete aureo-cupreis ; capite pone oculos elongato, gradatim angustato ; thorace ovalt, angulis posticis rotundatis ; elytris apice sinuatis, longe productis sed haud spinosis, striatis, striis passim equaliter fortiter incisis, interstitiis planis. Tarsi articulo quarto 2 anteriorum bilobo, 4 posteriorum emarginato, lobulis haud prolongatis. Articulo unguiculari biseriatim setoso. Long. 64 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). LEPTOTRACHELUS PUNCTICOLLIS, Fulvo-testaceus, immaculatus, pedibus pallidioribus; capite levi, post oculos paullo rotundatim angustato, convexo ; thorace antice prope apicem distincte angustato, ante medium rotundato-dilatato ; supra passim punctulato, versus angulos posticos grossius punc- tato ; elytris depressis, punctato-striatis. Long. 43-43 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). LEPTOTRACHELUS PANAMENSIS, Fulvo-testaceus fuscescens, sutura angusta plagaque apicali nigro- fuscis ; untennis et pedibus pallidioribus : capite levi; thorace antice prope apicem angustato, lateribus anticis leviter rotundatis, ante basin paullo sinuatis, supra punctato et medio dorsi punc- tato-rugoso. Long. 43 lin. Hab. Panama. CELIA COSTARICENSIS. Oblongo-ovata, nigra, polita, plus minusve e@nescens vel fusco- @nea; antennis piceo-nigris, articulis 1° et 2° vel 1°-3“™ rufis ; thorace convexo, mox pone angulos anticos rotundato-dilatato, deinde usque ad basin leviter arcuato vel subrecto, basi utrinque foveolis duabus distantibus levibus, interiore recta, exteriore versus angulum oblique ducta; elytris prope apicem angustatis et com- pressis, striatis, striis lateralibus evanescentibus, striola scutel- lari ad basin secunde oriente suturam haud attingente, interstitiis paullo convexis; pedibus piceis, tarsis pallidioribus ; prosterni apice dilatato subtruncato. Long. 4 lin. Variat. 1, elytrorum interstitiis planissimis ; 2, striis. subtilissimis subpunctulatis ; 3, forma abbreviata, ovata. Hab. Ivazu, Costa Rica, alt. 6000-7000 (Rogers). CURTONOTUS PUTZEYSI. Elongato-oblongus, niger nitidus, subtus cum pedibus picescens, an- tennis et palpis piceo-rufis; thorace lateribus valde rotundatis, juata basin fortiter subito constricto, angults posticis rectis, limbo 1878. ] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 601 antice et postice grosse punctato ; elytris thorace vix latioribus, parallelis, striis conspicue punctatis, omnibus acute impressis. 3 tibiis intermediis medio intus haud dentatis. Long. 74 lin. ¢ Q. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). Differs from C. substriatus by its larger size and more robust pro- portions, and by the stronger and more uniform striation of the elytra. The ¢ is destitute of the broad tooth on the inner side of the middle tibize. Immature individuals are reddish piceous with paler margins. DIPLOHARPUS EXSTRIATUS. Oblongo-ovatus, supra levissimus eneo-relucens, subiridescens ; par- tibus oris, antennis pedibusque fulvis ; mandibulis longissimis, rectis ; thorace ovato, marginibus postice explanato-elevatis, angu- lis posticis rotundatis ; elytris absque striis, marginali excepta. Long. 32 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). PERICOMPSUS LONGULUS. Elongatus, parallelogrammicus, castaneo-piceus, capite margini- busque thoracis rufis; elytris fulvo-testaceis plaga mediana oblongu communi ( postice usque ad marginem dilatata) nigro-picea; par- tibus oris, antennis pedibusque pallidis; thorace transverso, postice fortiter sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis rectlis, mur- ginibus paullo explanato-reflexis. Long. 1 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). XyYSTOSOMUS BELTI. Elongato-ovatus, modice converus, politus, viridi-eneus, elytris aureo tinctis ; antennis fulvis, pedibus rafo-piceis, corpore subtus piceo ; foveis frontalibus longis ab suiculo oculari utrinque carina separatis ; oculis maximis ; thorace transverso, antice prope an- gulos fortiter rotundato-angustato, postice haud angustato, angulis posticis rectis ; elytris striis punctulatis novem, 1™4¢-34%™ vix im- pressis (1 versus apicem excepta), 4*-;" apice evanescentibus. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). XYSTOSOMUS OLIVACEUS. X. belti affinissimus ; differt colore supra omnino olivaceo-eneo, antennis obscure cinereis, articulis 4 basalibus piceis ; thorace transverso, antice subito rotundato-angustato, postice haud angus- tato, sed leviter sinuato, angulis posticis acutis; elytris paullo convezis, ovatis, mox pone humeros rotundato-dilatatis, margineque explanato et fortiter reflero, punctulato-striatis, striis 17-30" viv impressis ; pedibus et palpis obscure piceis, articulo subulato rufo. Long. 23 lin. Hab, Chontales, Nicaragua ( Belt). Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XXXIX. 39 602 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, TACHYS DIPLOHARPINUS. Oblongus, modice convexus, sericeo-nitens, subopalescens ; partibus oris, antennis pedibusque fulvis ; mandibulis acute hamatis ; oculis prominulis ; foveis frontalibus fortiter impressis, post oculos cur- vatis; thorace lato, postice modice sinuato-angustato, angulis posticis exstantibus acutis, margine lateral elevato-explanato ; elytris levibus, stria suturali solum fortiter impresso, striola api- cali recurva fortiter impressa, apice setifero, foveis irregularibus duabus submarginalibus, puncto discoidali mediano. Long. 13 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). A species remarkable for its many points of resemblance to the genus Diploharpus. Bemsipium (NorTapnvs) FLOURI. Oblongum, parallelogrammicum, depressum, eneum nitidum, elytris pallido-testaceis, regione scutellari, gutta utrinque discoidali, maculaque majore posimediana transversa fuscis ; palpis, antennis et pedibus fulvo-testaceis ; sulcis frontalibus modice impressis sim- plicibus ; capite levi; thorace postice angustato, angulis posticis obtusis fere rotundatis, supra medio basi strigoso, fovea utrinque vaga, lata, rugulosa, carinaque acuta oblique ad angulum posticum ducta ; elytris thorace vie latioribus, integriter punctulato-striatis, interstitiis planis, tertio tripunctato. Long. 2-23 lin. Hab. Mexieo, near the capital (Flohr). The species belongs to an unnamed group near Notaphus, and is only referred to the latter for general guidance as to its position. Bempipium (NOTAPHUS) PLACITUM. Elongato-oblongum, depressum, viridi- vel subcupreo-aeneum, elytris cupreo-fuscis ( 3 nitidis, 2 subopacis) vitta laterali ab humero usque medium, intus biloba, fasciaque maculari ante apicem, fulvo- testaceis ; sulcis frontalibus latis haud profundis ; thorace late rotundato, postice magis quam antice angustato, angulis posticis obtusis, fovea media profunda carinaque parva jurta angulum ; elytris subtiliter punctato-striatis, interstitiis planissimis, tertio 3-punctato; palpis, antennis pedibusque obscure piceis. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). This species has been mistaken for N. semifasciatus of Say. His description, however, suits much better an equally common and similar, but smaller, Mexican species. BremsBipium (PERYPHUS) ROGERSI. Gracile, convexiusculum, nigro-eneum, pedibus piceis, antennarum articulo basali subtus rufo; thorace anguste cordato, antice ro- tundato, postice sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis rectis, basi transversim depresso, vage punctato, foveis profundis carinaque elevata ad marginem fere parallela; elytris punctulato-striatis, 1878. | GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 603 interstitiis convexis paulo undulatis, tertio foveis duabus magnis vagis impressis, stria 7" obsoleta. Long. 23 lin. Hab. Costa Rica, Mount Irazu, alt. 6000-7000 feet (Rogers). Bemsipium (Perypuus) suBMACULATUM, Elongato-ovatum, modice converum, fusco-eneum, elytris utringue versus apicem macula obliqua flavo-testacea ; antennis piceis, ar- ticulo 1° et 240_4tum basi pedibusque fiavo-testaceis ; palpis mavil- laribus articulo penultimo obscuro ; thorace transversim quadrato, antice modice rotundato, postice leviter sinuatim angustato, angulis posticis subrectis, fovea basali profunda vage rugosa, carinaque oblique juxta angulum ; elytris subtiliter striato-punctulatis, striis interdum magis impressis, 74 abbreviata, exterioribus omnibus versus apicem obliteratis, interstitio 3% bipunctato. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Mexico, near the capital (Flohr). Specimens received from Paris as “‘submaculatum, Chaud. MSS.,”’ have the strize impressed; in Mr. Flohr’s specimens the rows of fine clear punctures are superficial. The nearly allied B. meai- canum, Dej., is much larger, and has-a short curved fold instead of a distinct carina at the hind angles of the thorax. LacHNoPHorRus SEMIRUFUS. Breviter oblongus, erecte pilosus, capite thoraceque rufis, elytris pectore abdomineque nigro-eneis, palpis antennis pedibusque flavo- testaceis ; capite postice modice angustato, oculis minus prominu- lis, vertice grossissime punctatis ; thorace late cordato, versus basin modice angustato, grossissime intricato-punctato ; elytris quadratis, fortiter punctato-striatis, interstitiis supra paulo planatis, crenulatis, tertio 3-foveato, Long. 23 lin. #Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Beit). LACHNOPHORUS LEUCOSCELIS. L. levicolli (Reich.) proxime affinis. Elongatus, nigro-eneus, . nitidus, supra glaber ; palpis antennarumque articulis 4 basalibus rufo-testaceis ; tibiis (apice excepto) albo-testaceis 3 capite (cum oculis) quam thorax latiore, punctis magnis conspersis; thorace rotundato-cordato, valde convexo, postice Sortiter angustato, basi constricto et depresso, fere impunctato, polito ; elytris profunde striatis, striis a basi usque paulo ultra medium grosse punctatis. Long. vix 2 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt), Lacu NOPHORUS LONGULUS. dn hoc genere elongatus, convezior, olivaceo-eneus, breviter setosus ; elytris sordide fusco-albis, pone medium Suscia irregulari fusca prope suturam valde dilatata ; antennis piceo-fuscis, articulo basali infra rufo ; femoribus flavo-testaceis, basi et apice piceo-nigris f 39” 604 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, tibiis et tarsis piceis, illis dimidio basali rufo-piceis ; capite longitu- dinaliter vage striato ; thorace angusto, elongato-ovato, lateribus anticis modice rotundatis, basi angustata, angulis posticis haud exstantibus, supra viridi-eneo subtiliter alutaceo et punctulato ; elytris oblongis, apice distincte sinuato-truncatis, fortiter exarato- striatis, strits dimidio basali punctatis, interstitiis planis, seriatim punctulatis, disco utrinque 3-foveatis. Long. 2}, lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt, Janson). LACHNOPHORUS SCULPTIFRONS. L. elegantulo similis. Gracilis, breviter pallido-hirsutus, viridi- @neus ; antennarum articulo basali infra, 2°-4“™" basi, femoribus (annulo basali et genibus exceptis) tibiisque (apice excepto) rufo- testaceis ; elytris albo- et flavo-testaceis, fascia ultra medium fusco-enea; capite crebre longitudinaliter strigoso et punctato, thorace elongato-cordato, paullulum dilatato, alutaceo-opaco et sparsim punctulato; elytris acute striatis, striis basi punctatis, interstitiis planatis uniseriatim punctulatis, disco trifoveato, foveola anteriore solum conspicua. Long. 2 lin. Hab. Guatemala, Chinautla, alt. 4100 feet (Sa/vin); Chontales (Belt). CHALYBE BELTI. Gracilis, subeneo-nigra, breviter griseo-setosa, setis longioribus nigris commixtis ; antennis ut in gen. Ega brevibus extus incrassatis, brevius hirsutis, articulis tribus basalibus flavis, 4°-7"™" nigro- fuscis, 8-11" albis ; capite grosse reticulato-punctato ; thorace gracile cordato, grosse discrete punctato ; elytris pone basin valde transversim depressis, acute exarato-striatis, interstitiis summis planatis, distanter lineato-punctatis, utrinque fasciis angustis brevibus macularibus testaceo-albis duabus ; pedibus albis, femo- ribus, tibiis tarsisque apice fuscis. Long. 13 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Bel¢). CASNONIA TUBULIFERA. Subeneo-niger, elytris macula anteriore antice ramum ad basin emittente, altera apwali marginibusque rufo-testaceis ; antennis pedibusque rufescentibus ; capite levi, mow pone oculos subito con- stricto, deinde in collum tubuliforme prolongato ; media fronte bicallosa ; thorace minus elongato, grosse punctato ; elytris oblon- gis, politis, nudis, apice leviter sinuatim truncatis, angulo exte- riore obtuso, supra striato~punctatis, striis interioribus quatuor post medium interruptis, interstitio tertio trifoveato, calloque posteriore submarginali. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). 1878. ] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 605 CALOPHZENA CRUCIATA, C. acuminatee (Oliv.) affinis. Migro-cyanea, nitida; elytris utrinque maculis magnis quadratis duabus (interstitia sex occu- pantibus) albo-testaceis, basi et apice anguste cruceque mediana nigro-cyaneis ; thorace valde elongato, antice magis quam postice recte angustuto ; elytris punctulato-striatis, interstitus modice convexis ; antennis articulis 5°--11”™ fulvis. Long. 6% lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CALOPHENA LEVIGATA. C. acuminata (Ol.) affinis. Oolore letius cyanea; elytris medio violaceis, striis (apud maculas albas exceptis) nullo modo wm- pressis; thorace valde elongato, antice subrotundatim, postice sinuatim angustato ; elytris aculeatis, maculis utrinque duabus transversis, albo-testaceis, prima interstitia 5, secunda 6 occupante. Long. 63 lin, Hab. Panama. CaTASCOPUS CHONTALENSIS. Supra lete viridi-ceneus, elytrorum limbo aurato, pectore et pedi- bus nigro-piceis, abdomine castanco ; capite post oculos gradatim modice angustato, sed haud elongato, oculis valde eastantibus ; thorace transverso vel late cordato, angulis anticis modice provectis, margine exteriore late explanato et valde rotundato usque «ad summun angulum, postice sinuatim angustato, angulis posticts eastantibus acutis ; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitirs viv convexis. “Long. 6 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Beit, Janson), 4 exempl. The elytra viewed from the front against the light have a delicate milky opalescent bloom, as in C. validus, to which the species is very closely allied. CATASCOPUS ANGULICOLLIS. Supra viridi-eneus, corpore subtus pedibusque nigro- vel rufo-pweis, abdomine castaneo ; capite mox pone oculos subito anqgustato ; thorace subquadrato, angulis anticis angustis prominulis, margine explanato, laterali angusto, ante medium angulato, postice sinua- tim angustato, angulis posticis prominulis acutis, supra distinc- tius transversim strigato, margine explanato grosse punctato ; elytris punctato-striatis, interstitiis paullulum convexis. Long. 6 lin. Hab. Chontales (Belt). CopTroDERA SCINTILLANS. C. acutipenni (Bug.) affinis. Elongato-oblonga, supra capite tho- raceque aurato-viridibus politissimis, elytris aurato-cupreis ; partibus oris, epistomate, antennis, corpore subtus pedibusque fulvo-testuceis, tibiis obscuris ; thorace valde transverso, latertbus rotundatis nullo modo angulatis, margine late elevate-explanato, 606 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [May 21, impunctato ; elytris amplis, truncaturee angulis acutis sed non ut in C, acutipenni productis, subtiliter punctato-striatis, stris via impressis, interstitiis planis. Long. 5 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). EuRYCOLEUS BELTI. E. 13-punctato (Chaud.) proxvime affinis, differt maculis pauci- oribus magnitudineque cequalibus. Latus, ovatus, testaceo-rufus ; elytris flavo-testaceis, maculis utrinque 7 margineque subapicali nigris; antennis rufescentibus, articulis 1° (apice) et 29-4", palpis (apice excepto), femoribus upice, tibtis et tarsis nigris ; elytro- rum maculis 3 suturalibus (apicali communi antice dilatata), 1 subhumerali, 2 medianis, 1 rotunda subapicali, a margine laterali longe separata. Long. 5 lin, Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). APENES COMISs. Ad sectionem A. purpuripennis pertinet. A. sinuata paulo mayor, recipue latior, supra plana, subopaca, fusco-wnea, antennis palpis pedibusque fulvis ; capite fere levi, subtiliter alutaceo, vix ruguloso ; thorace late cordato, angulis posticis dentiformibus, basi media arcuata, sublobata, versus angulos subsinuata, lateribus marginulo explanato, supra passim subtiliter transversim stri- gato ; elytris oblongis, apice subfortius sinuato-truncatis, punctu- lato-striatis, interstitvis planis alutaceis, fascia angusta, cur- vata, maculari, subapical, rufa, interstitia 4-8 occwpante, apud zmum Srumone maculis versus apicem elongatis, macula altera subhumerali minus distincta. . Long. 4 lin. Hab. Panama. PINACODERA AMBLYGONA. P. nigritee (Chaud.) prowime affinis, differt thorace angustiore et longiore angulisque posticis omnino rotundatis. Nigra, nitida, antennis tarsisque rufo-piceis ; capite impunctato ; thorace trans- versim striolato ; elytris subtiliter punctulato-striatis, interstitiis planissims, sparsim obsolete et minutissime punctulatis, Long. 5j lin. 9. Hab. Mexico (Boucard). PINACODERA ANGULIFERA. P. nigritee (Chaud.) simillima, differt thorace postice latiore, angulis acutis exstantibus. Nigra, nitida, antennis tarsisque rufo-piceis ; capite ruguloso, via punctulato ; thorace antice et postice sub- crebre punctato ; elytris acute striatis, striis subtiliter punctula- tis, interstitiis vin convewis, grossius uniseriatim punctulatis. Long. 5} lin. 2. . Hab. Mexico. EO a rt i". a oe Lenn et ee ee 1878. ] GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 607 LEBIA CALLIZONA. L. bifasciate (Dej.) prowime affinis, differt fascia postica metal- lica apud suturam antice fere divisa. Levis, testaceo-rufa, capite fusciisque duabus elytrorum latis et macula apicalr ceruleis, fascia prima postice medio emarginata, fascia secunda antice ad suturam fere divisa ; antenmis nigris articulo basali rufo; pedibus ceruleis, femoribus basi rufis; abdomine apice subtus rufo concolori, supra nigro. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Guatemala. LEBIA CORCULA. L. nigricipiti (Chaud.) similis, at capite flavo, elytris ovatis differt. Parva, ovatula, testaceo-flava ; elytris fasciis duabus nigris, prima basali (latera haud attingente) postice medio angulatim emargi- nata, secunda pone medium (marginem lateralem haud attin- gente) antice et postice medio elytro leviter sinuata, iterstitio suturalt inter fascias autem nigro; thorace valde transverso, apud angulos posticos valde explanato ; elytris profunde punc- tulato-striatis, unterstitiis culminatis. Long. vix 2 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). LEBIA CHARINA. L. quinquenotatee (Chaud.) simillima, differt elytrorum maculis mimoribus posticisque ad suturam conjunctis. Late ovata, flavo- testacea ; palpis, articulis 4-11" antennarum, capite, femoribus apree, tibiis et tarsis, abdominis seqmento anali, et elytrorum utrinque maculis 3 nigris ; thorace quam in L. quinquenotata angustiore ; elytris obsolete striato-punctatis ; elytrorum macu- lis, 1 ovata communi seutellari, 1 virguliformi humerali, et 1 postmediana transversa, antice apud suturam indentata, latera haud attingente, apice autem anguste nigro. Long. 3 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). LIA QUADRIANNULATA. In hoe genere convexa, polita, subcastaneo-rufa, subtus et pedibus testaceo-rufis ; antennis articulis 4°-11”™ piceis; thorace angus- tiore, antice gradatim angustato ; elytris utrinque annulis duobus flavis, primo mediano-laterali, secundo versus apicem, macula autem flava subhumerali. Long. 5 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). OTOGLOSSA C@LESTINA. O. terminali (Chaud.) forma similis. Supra lete cyanea ; elytris violaceo relucentibus, fascia apicali flava ; antennis, partibus oris, pedibus et pectore chalybeis, tarsis abdomineque flavis ; thorace angusto, pone medium fortiter sinuato-angustato, bast tterum 608 MR. H. W. BATES ON NEW [ May 21, subito dilatato, angulis apice rotundatis ; elytris supra modice _ inequalibus, obsolete punctulato-striatis. Long. 33 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). OTOGLOSSA OBSCURELLA. Minor, nigra ; elytris leviter violaceo-tinctis, wpice fascia obscure rufa ad suturam angustata ; tarsis rufo-piceis ; abdomine flavo ; capite post oculos paulo citius rectiusque angustato, occipite minus convexo ; thorace angusto, pone medium fortiter sinwato-angus- tato, basi iterum dilatato ; elytris supra modice incequalibus, ob- solete striatis. Long. 24 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). CALLEIDA SEMIRUBRA. Llongato-oblonga, nigro-nitida, elytris (basi excepta) rufo-casta- neis; abdomine rufo; capite post oculos magis quam in C. metallica incrassato, collo subito angustato; thorace quadrato, antice cum angulis rotundato, postice sinuato modice angustato, angulis posticis obtusis; elytris apice fortiter sinuatim trun- catis, angulis externis denttiformibus, supra paulo inequalibus, punctulato-striatis, interstitis planis. Long. 7 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). Taken from the stomach of a toad on the summit of a hill near St. Domingo. CALLEIDA L/TIPENNIS. Subgracilis, castaneo-rufa, elytris (epipleuris exceptis) aurato- @neis ; capite angusto, post oculos gradatim angustato haud tumido, collo distincto; thorace quadrato-cordato, postice leviter sinuatim aagustato, angulis posticis subrectis ; elytris apice leviter sinuatim truncatis, angulis externis valde rotun- datis, punctulato-striatis, interstitiis planis. Long. 4$ lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt, Janson). CALLEIDA JANSONI. C. onypterygoidi (Chaud.) coloribus similis, at minus nitida, for- maque multomagis parallela. Cyanea; elytris purpureo-cupreis, subtiliter alutaceis ; capite post oculos citius recte angustato, haud tumido ; thorace elongato-quadrato, postice vix sinuatim modice angustato, angulis subrectis, supra subfortiter transver- sim strigoso; elytris elongatis, parallelis, truncature angulis externis valde rotundatis, fortiter vix punctulatim striatis, interstitits paulo convexis, tertio conspicue tripunctato. Long. 6 lin. Hab, Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt, Janson). 1878. | GEODEPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 609 AGRA LETICOLOR. Ad sectionem A. ftemorate (K/.) pertinet. Gracilis, viridi-enea, antennis pedibusque rufis, femoribus basi obscurioribus ; capite maxime elongato, levi, post oculos gradatim rotundato-angus- tato, juxta collum haud tumidulo; thorace angusto, elongato- conico, sulcis 4 longitudinalibus, foveolato-punctatis, impressis, quorum duobus dorsalibus antice carina abbreviata separatis ; elytris ante medium sinuatim angustatis, postice iterum. dilatatis, apice utringue flexuoso-truncatis, angulo exteriore subspinoso, suturali acute dentato, supra punctato-striatis, interstitiis inter se lineolis transversis multifariam conjunctis. 3 metasterno medio, femoribusque basi infra rufo-pilosis. Long. 7 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Belt). AGRA CHRYSOPTERYX. A. rutilipenni proxime affinis et similis. Castaneo-rufa, elytris (epipleuris exceptis) lete viridi-auratis; capite post oculos breviter semiovato, punctis nonnullis piliferis impresso ; thorace medio modice rotundato-dilatato, paulo ante apicem fere subito angustato, lineatim subsparsim irregulariter foveato-punctato, longe piloso; elytris apice subrecte oblique truncatis, angulo exteriore breviter dentato, suturali rotundato, supra acute punctulato-striatis, stris secunda et quarta 5-6-punctatis, stria sexta bipunctato. 3 metasterno et abdomine medio longe rufo-barbatis. Long. 7 lin. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua (Janson). AGRA PANAMENSIS. Ad sectionem A. ene (F.) pertinet ; at ceteris speciebus dis- tinctissima. Latior, nigra, partibus oris, antennis, trochan- teribus, genibus, tibiis et tarsis fulvo-castaneis ; capite lato, ome pone oculos quadrato, margine posteriore ante collum exacte recto, supra impunctato; thorace quam caput longiore, pone’ medium rotundato-dilatato, antice usque ad apicem gradatim angustato, supra medio fere levi, juxta marginem sparse punc- tato-impresso; elytris apiee urcuatim truncatis, angulo exteriore Sortiter spinoso, suturali acute dentato, supra vix inequalibus, punctato-striatis, struis 2% et 4% seriatim rotundato-foveolatis, 6% et 8% magis confuse foveolatis. © antennis art. 8% multo abbreviato. Long. 12 lin. Hab. Panama (received from Mr. E. Bartlett). 610 MR. G, F. ANGAS ON A NEW TUDICULA. [| May 21, 5. Description of a new Species of Tudicula. By Grorce Frencu Aneas, C.M.Z.S., F.L.S., &e. [Received May 11, 1878.] TuDICULA INERMIS, N. sp. Shell globosely turbinate, solid, white, ornamented with a broad band and descending flames of an orange-chestnut colour, sculptured throughout with numerous elevated concentric ridges alternating with smaller ones, the interstices crossed by very fine close-set descending strie ; whorls 64, flattened, last whorl large, tumid, flattened above and angulated at the periphery, suture impressed, apex papillary ; aperture acuminately ovate; outer lip simple, arcuate, strongly grooved within ; inner lip with a broad white callus spreading over the pillar, and with three transverse plaits at the lower portion of the columella; canal long, straight, somewhat longer than the entire body of the shell. Long. | in. 8 lin., lat. 10 lin. Hab. Singapore ? Tudicula inernis. This remarkable shell belongs to the genus Tudicula of H. and A. Adams, constituting the third species of the genus as yet described. The genus Tudicula was proposed by the learned authors of the ‘Genera of Recent Mollusca’ (in the Proc. Zool. Soc. 1863) for the reception of two species of shells ‘ with spiny varices and three transverse plaits on the columella,”’ viz. 7’. armigera, A. Ad., and T. spinosa, H. & A. Ad. The peculiar feature of the species now de- scribed is that it is destitute of spines, although it agrees perfectly with all the other characters of this well-marked genus, which, in my opinion, should be placed in the family Turbinellidz. I am indebted to my friend Dr. W. Newcomb, of Ithaca, New York, for an examination of this very interesting shell, two specimens : Ptah at : Stow ad _~ a es ey 1878. | ON THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 611 of which were obtained from a dealer at Singapore ; but the exact locality of their habitat could not be satisfactorily determined. Care must be taken not to confuse Tudicula of H. and A. Adams with Tudicla of Bolton, of which genus 7. (Murex) spirillus of Linneus is the type. 6. Contributions to the Ornithology of the Philippines.— No. IX. On the Collection made by Mr. A. H. Everett in the Island of Palawan?. By Arruur, Marquis of TweEEDDALE, F,.R.S., President of the Society. [Received May 16, 1878.] (Plates XXXVII. & XXXVIII.) Until visited by Dr. Steere in July 1874, when he remained for a month at the Spanish settlement of Puerto Princesa, the island of Palawan, so far as is on record, had not been explored by any naturalist. Nothing was known of its zoological productions ; and its exact relationship as a zoogeographical area remained an unsolved problem. During his stay at Puerto Princesa Dr. Steere collected examples of 32 species of birds, all of which have been enumerated by Mr. Sharpe’. At the end of November 1877 Mr. A. H. Everett arrived at Puerto Princesa, and remained until the beginning of January, when, becoming disabled by fever, he was obliged to return to Manilla to recruit his health. He, however, succeeded in collecting specimens of 52 species of birds, 32 of which are additional to those obtained by Dr. Steere. This last gentleman discovered 12 Species not sent to me by Mr. Everett ; so that the total of known Palawan species of birds (and all are from Puerto Princesa and its vicinity ) now amounts to 64. This small number cannot exhaust the avifauna of this large island ; and as Mr. Everett is now happily recovered, and has returned to Palawan, I propose postponing any remarks on the character of the Palawan ornis until we are in possession of the wider evidence which. further collections will doubtless supply. Generally, however, it may be affirmed from the data before us that the birds of Palawan represent mostly Bornean genera and species, although a few distinctly Philippine types also occur. The following species in the present collection have not hitherto been described :— 4. Tiga everetti. 22. Brachypus cinereifrons. 12. Dicrurus palawanensis. 25. Oriniger palawanensis. 17. Broderipus palawanensis. 34. Cyrtostomus aurora. 19. Trichostoma rufifrons. 39. Corvus pusillus. 20. Drymocataphus cinereiceps. * I treat Palawan as being a Philippine Island in a political sense. It remains to be shown whether it does not in fact belong, zoologically, rather to Borneo. ? Trans, Linn. Soe. ser. 2, Zoology, vol. i. 612 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 2], 1. TANYGNATHUS LUZONENSIS (3). [P. Princesa, ¢, January 1878. ] Not separable from all other Philippine examples. 2. BurasturR inpIcus (20). [P. Princesa, ¢(?), November 28, 1877 : iris bright vellow; cere light wax-yellow ; bill and nails black ; legs and feet dull yellow. ] 3. CHRYSOCOLAPTES ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Chrysocolaptes “erythrocephalus, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. 1. p. 315. no. 13, t. xlvi. f. 1. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 2, 1877: iris crimson; bill pale yellow tinged with green; feet and claws grey-green. 2, No- vember 27: iris crimson; bill pale yellow tinged with green; feet and claws greyish green. | The male example is in full adult plumage. That of the female (hitherto undescribed) resembles the male in all respects excepting the crown of the head and the crest, the feathers of which are ruddy brown, each being tipped with a pale rusty-yellow drop or spot. The cheeks, chin, and throat are washed with dilute crimson, not intense as in the male. 4, Tica EveRETTI. (Plate XXXVII.) Tiga javanensis (Ljungh,), Sharpe, ¢.c. p. 315. no. 14? Three examples, two of the adult male and one of the adult female, were obtained near Puerto Princesa by Mr. Everett. They probably belong to the species doubtfully identified by Mr. Sharpe (J. c.) with TZ. javanensis. From this species, as well as from all the other species of the genus known to me, the present bird differs in the female having the head and crest uniform dark brown, the latter being broadly terminated with crimson. The lower part of the throat and the upper breast are uniform buffy brown, and not squamate. Male. Forehead, crown and crest, uropygium, and upper tail- coverts crimson. Many of the dorsal plumes washed with crimson. Lores buffy brown. Space behind the eyes creamy white, each feather narrowly margined with pale brown. A patch commencing below the posterior angle of the eye and including the ear-coverts dark brown, this colour being continued as a narrow band round the occiput. Space below the eye buffy cream-colour, which is continued as a narrow line on the cheek, and expands into a broad stripe down the sides of the neck. A brown stripe commencing at angle of mouth and descending down the sides of the neck; a few crimson feathers on the inner edge of this stripe. Chin and upper throat buffy cream-colour, many of the feathers tipped dark brown. Lower throat and crop uniform buffy brown. — Breast- feathers pale yellow, very narrowly margined and boldly centred with dark brown; within the brown centres a pale yellow stripe of varying dimensions. Abdominal and ventral feathers and the under tail-coverts pale yellow, with generally two cross bands of 1878. | THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 613 dark brown. Back, wing-coverts, outer edges of secondaries, and exposed surface of tertiaries and scapulars golden. Primaries and rectrices dark brown. Female. Differs from the male in having the top of the head dark uniform brown, almost black, the crest-plumes being termi- nated with crimson. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. Gees bbe 4:12 1:00 1°37 2 ar Be 4:12 1:00 1°37 In one example (¢) the lower breast-markings are not so well defined, and the general markings of the lower surface are less pronounced. ‘The upper tail-coverts are mostly black, some only being tipped with crimson, others with golden. [P. Princesa, ¢, November 25, 1877: iris dark brown; bill black, basal half of mandible grey ; feet greenish, nails grey. P. Princesa, 2, November 27, 1877: iris crimson; other parts as in ¢.] 5. EURYSTOMUS ORIENTALIS (37). |P. Princesa, 2, November 29, 1877.] 6. CACOMANTIS MERULINUs (57)? [P. Princesa, ¢, December 10, 1877; iris bright salmon-red ; bill black, mandible light brown ; feet yellow, claws black. ] A single example, not sufficiently mature to be identified with certainty. 7. SURNICULUS LUGUBRIS. Cuculus lugubris, Horsf. Tr. L. 8. xiii. p. 175. [P. Princesa, 2, December 6, 1877: iris dark brown; bill black ; feet dark grey. | 8. PHaNnICOPHAES HARRINGTONI. Dryococcyx harringtoni, Sharpe, t.c. p. 321. no. 34, f. 1. [P. Princesa, ¢, November 29, 1877: iris light brown ; orbital and loral space deep crimson; bill light green, tinged with olive ; feet and legs lead-grey ; nails dark grey. 9, December: iris bril- liant yellow, with ring of ochreous orange. | Of other males Mr. Everett notes the iris as being reddish brown. This Coucal is a representative form of P. curvirostris and P. erythrognathus, closely resembling both species, but differing structu- rally in the shape and position of the nostril. Mr. Sharpe (P. Z.S. 1873, p. 604) has generically separated P. curvirostris from P. ery- thrognathus, on account of the shape and position of the nostrils in those two species being different, and for the same reason has esta- blished (/. c.) the genus Dryococcyx for the reception of this Palawan 614 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 21, representative form’. That three birds, one inhabiting Java, another Borneo, the Malay peninsula, and Sumatra, and the third Palawan, all so closely resembling each other in their colouring and markings that they are difficult to recognize without careful comparison of their shades and tints, should possess nostrils structurally differing in all three is remarkable ; but is it a sufficient reason to place them in three different genera? I can only regard the character as being specific. The plumage of the sexes is alike. The amount of dark chestnut on the middle pairs of rectrices varies considerably, from three inches to one inch in depth. 9, CENTROCOCCYX EURYCERCUS. Centropus eurycercus, A. Hay, Blyth, J. A. S. B. 1845, p. 551. [P. Princesa, ¢, January 8, 1878: iris bright crimson; bill, legs, and feet black. < (juv.), December 9, 1877: iris neutral tint ; bill and legs jet-black. | Rather smaller than the Malaccan type. 10. Lanrus LUZIONENSIs (72). [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, December 6 and 11, 1877.] 11. GRAUCALUS SUMATRENSIS. Ceblepyris sumatrensis, S. Miller, Verh. Land- en Volkenk. p. 191. LP. Princesa, 2, December 1877 : iris light lemon-yellow. ] Does not differ from Sumatran, Malaccan, and Bornean examples. 12. DicruRUS PALAWANENSIS. In the: Philippines three species of Dicruride are known :— D. balicassius, type of the genus Dierurus; D. mirabilis, its repre- sentative form; and D. striatus. This last, by its even, almost unfurcated tail, resembles D. dalicassius in structure, but in its general colouring and in the distribution of its markings exhibits a close relationship to the Papuan and Malaccan species associated by Mr. Sharpe with Chibia hottentotta. These Papuan species seemed to me to belong to a group distinct from that represented by D. bali- cassius on the one hand and Chibia hottentotta on the other; and their geographical range favoured this view. But Mr. Everett has discovered in Palawan a species which undoubtedly belongs to the Papuan section of the Dicruridz ; and it would appear that, with D. striatus as a connecting link, the Papuan and the Philippine species must be regarded as members of one section of the family, to which the title of Dicrurus should be applied. Besides this unde- scribed species, Palawan is inhabited by at least one other member of the family, belonging to the genus Buchanga ; and Palawan and Lombock are the only two islands or areas known to me where there is a second species associated with a true species of Dicrurus, unless, * The type was from Balabac; but the Palawan bird does not appear to differ, * Count T. Salvadori has recently (anted, p, 88, note) proposed the generie title of Dierwropsis for this group. 1878.] THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 615 indeed, D. lemostictus is shown to also inhabit New Ireland or D. megarhynchus New Britain. Male and female. Upper surface of wings and tail burnished bronze-green. Glistening scale-like feathers on crown of head bluish metallic green. Neck-hackles and pectoral and gular spots dark metallic steel-blue ; these spots, which extend from lower part of the throat and cover the breast, are lengthened and ovate in form rather than round, and occupy the tips of the feathers. With their excep- tion, the entire under surface is dull jet-black. The nape, back, and uropygium is black with a blue gloss. The tail is forked for about one inch in depth; and the distance between the extremities of the outer pair of rectrices is nearly three inches ; upper tail-coverts tipped with metallic green. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. oe ne oor ae 3°5 1-0 1°5 {P. Princesa, ¢, November 1877: iris crimson; bill and feet black. 2, December: iris deep brown. | All the female birds have the iris noted as being deep brown by Mr. Everett. On the label of one of the males Mr. Everett has written :—“ Iris in the living bird deep crimson.” D. palawanensis most nearly resembles D. leucops, D. pectoralis, and D. lemostictus ; but, besides being much smaller, the shape and position of the pectoral and gular spots are different, not being so round, but narrower. 13. BUCHANGA LEUCOPHAA. Dicrurus leucopheus, Vieill. Nouv. Dict. d’ Hist. Nat. ix. p. 587. Buchanga cineracea (Horsf.), Sharpe, ¢. c. p. 324. no. 48. [P. Princesa, 3, November 29, 1877: iris crimson; bill and feet black. o, December: iris deep rich orange-brown. @, December ; iris orange-brown. | 14. CyorNis BANYUMAS. Muscicapa hanyumas, Horsf. Tr. L. 8. xiii. p. 146. Muscicapa cantatriz, Tem. Pl. Col. 226. [P. Princesa, ¢ , December 1877: iris chocolate; bill black ; legs and feet purplish grey; claws dark grey. Q, January 1877: iris chocolate ; bill black ; legs lead-grey. | The female of this species is well described, but badly figured, by Temminck (J. ¢.). 15. Hyporuymis azurREA (85). [P. Princesa, 2, December 1877: iris deep brown; bill entirely black, interior of gape golden; legs and feet dark blue-grey. | 16. HrruNpDO JAVANICA. Hirundo javanica, Sparrm. Mus. Carls. t. 100. [P. Princesa, 9, December 7, 1877. | 616 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 21, 17. BRODERIPUS PALAWANENSIS, 0. sp. [P. Princesa, 2, January 1878. | A representative form of B. acrorhynchus, but smaller and with a shorter bill. The yellow space included with the black horseshoe- mark on the head extends far beyond the eyes, and measures in depth over one inch. There is no yellow alar spot. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. Oe. OU 4°5 1-0 1:5 18. Or10oLUS XANTHONOTUS. Oriolus zanthonotus, Horsf. Tr. L.S. xiii. p. 153; Zool. Res. Java, t. 46; Temm. Pl. Col. 214. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 30, 1877: iris crimson ; bill burnt sienna ; legs dark lead-grey. | In the colouring and markings the single specimen sent by Mr. Everett (an adult male) is not to be distinguished from Malaccan, Bornean, and Sumatran individuals; but it greatly exceeds them by its dimensions—wing 4°63 inches, tail 3°50. 19. TRICHOSTOMA RUFIFRONS, 0. sp. (Plate XXXVIII.) Mr. Everett has sent three skins of a Timeliine bird which appear to belong to a somewhat aberrant form of the genus Trichostoma. The bill, seen in profile, has the exact contour of the bill of T. abbot, but is somewhat stouter; at the base it is slightly broader ; and the rictal bristles are longer. The tail is also more graduated, the outer pair of rectrices being shorter than the penultimate pair, which, again, are not quite so long as the remainder. Perhaps this species is congeneric with the two described and figured by Mr. Sharpe (t.c.) under the titles of Zeocephus cinnamomeus and Z. cyanescens (species with which I am unacquainted); but if so, they cannot be classed under the Muscicapide. Male and female. Forehead bright rufous-brown, contrasting with the duller rufous-brown of the vertex and occiput. Nape and back earthy brown, tinged with olive and paler on the nape. Long, lax feathers of the uropygium bright rufous. Upper tail-coverts pure chestnut ; rectrices dull chestnut. Lores and supercilium, which extends behind the eye, pure grey. Cheeks and ear-coverts greyish brown. Chin, throat, and vent pure white. Breast, abdomen, flanks, under tail-coverts, and under wing-coverts tawny, with a pale brown shade on the breast. Primaries brown, edged with pale tawny chestnut. Remaining quills and the wing-coverts dull chestnut, tinged with the colouring of the back. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. Bove OrOr 3°50 1°00 0-94 Y oti Ole 3°25 0°95 O87 1878. ] THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 617 [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, December 10, 1877: iris pale Naples- yellow ; dill dark plumbeous ; feet pale plumbeous. ] 20. DryMocATAPHUS CINEREICEPS, Ui. sp. This species is congeneric with Brachypteryx malaccensis, Hartl., which Count T. Salvadori retains under the genus Brachypteryz. But B. malaccensis is certainly nearer to Drymocataphus than to Bra- chypteryx, although it may perhaps be advisable to form a separate genus for its reception, more especially as the species which inha- bits Palawan, about to be described, is identical in structure with the Malaccan and Bornean form (which is also said to inhabit Su- matra), and also as Brachypteryx murinus is congeneric. Female. Forehead, crown, and occiput dark iron-grey. Ear- coverts, space before the eye, and nape pale grey. Back, uro- pygium, scapulars, upper tail-coverts, and exposed surface of wing and tail ruddy brown, brighter than in D. malaccensis. Dorsal plumes pale-shafted. Chin, throat, upper breast, abdomen, and vent pure white. Flanks, a band across the breast, under tail-coverts, and thigh-coverts, wing-lining, and axillaries pale rufous-brown. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus, Culmen, in. im. in. Q.... 2°50 1:00 1-06 0°75 [P. Princesa, 2, January 1878: iris burnt sienna-orange; bill brownish grey, mandible white ; legs pallid, the front of tarsus tinged brown. } Distinguished from D. malaccensis by its dark-grey head, its light-grey ear-coverts, and the brighter rufous of the dorsal plumage. 21. Mrxornis woont. Mixornis woodi, Sharpe, t.c. p. 331. no. 69. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 5, 1877: iris dark ochre-yellow ; bill black, mandible grey ; legs and feet horn-yellow. 9, January 1878: iris ochreous orange; bill dark grey, mandible pale grey; legs greenish olive. | 22. BRACHYPUS CINEREIFRONS, 0. sp. Male and female. Chin, throat, and breast pale cinereous brown, palest and whitest on the chin and throat. Abdomen and ventral region pale yellowish white, in some examples with a certain admix- ture of the colouring of the breast. Flanks pale earthy-brown. Thigh-coverts ochreous yellow. Under tail-coverts light yellow, with a slight ochreous tinge. Wing-lining and axillaries pale yellow ; carpal edge ochreous yellow. LEar-coverts pale cinereous, with almost white shafts. Space before the eye uniform dull brown. Cheeks dull. cinereous brown, with a few white-shafted feathers. Head and nape olive-brown, tinged with pale grey, the frontal feathers being distinctly tipped and centred with pale grey. Back, scapulars, wing-coverts, and uropygium olive-brown, olive predomi- Proc. Zoou. Soc.—18738, No. XL. 40 618 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON {May 21, nating, the long, lax, and fluffy uropygial feathers being of a slightly lighter shade of olive-green. Upper tail-coverts olive-green. Quills light brown, margined with a brighter olive-green. ectrices light brown, edged with olive-green, and some with pallid yellowish apices. Underneath pale brown, washed with very light yellowish green. Shafts above brown, below yellowish white. Dimensions :-— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. m. mm. m. in. Si W.L1SSP 3°37 0°88 0°88 Oy) as 25 3°12 0°87 0°75 [P. Princesa, ¢, December 14, 1877: iris deep rich burnt-sienna ; bill blackish brown; legs and feet purple-brown. ¢, November 28: iris chocolate; bill dark brown ; legs pale brown. | One example marked 2 equals the ¢ in its dimensions. Mr. Everett procured a good series of this short-footed Thrvsh. At first sight it can be easily mistaken for B. plumosus (Blyth), of which it is a representative form. It is to be distinguished by its pale abdomen, which in B. plumosus is browner and nearly uniform with the breast, by its pale greyish breast, by its yellow under tail-coverts, which in B. plumosus are ochreous-brown, by its pale yellow, and not ochreous, wing-lining and axillaries, and by the cinereous or pearl-grey edgings and centres of the frontal plumes. Nor is the green of the quills and rectrices nearly so developed. The colouring of the abdominal plumage resembles that of [ole olivacea, but is not so distinctly yellow. 23. BracHYPODIUS MELANOCEPHALUS. Lanius melanocephalus, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 309. [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, January 1878: iris violet-blue ; bill and legs black. | Undistinguishable from typical examples. 24. CRINIGER FRATER. Criniger frater, Sharpe, t.c. p. 334. no. 77. [P. Princesa, 3, December 1, 1877: iris red-brown; bill horn- grey, darker on culmen. @, December: iris red-brown; bill dark grey ; mandible whitish ; legs, feet, and nails pallid brown. | 25. CRINIGER PALAWANENSIS, 0. sp. Male and female. Chin, lower breast, abdomen, vent, under tail- coverts, wing-lining, axillaries, and carpal edge bright yellow. Feathers of the throat, cheeks, and upper breast of the same yellow, the centres towards the apices being pale grey. These parts have thus a streaked appearance. Sides of the breast and the flanks clouded with pale brown ; a few of the nareal plumes bright yellow. Space before the eye yellowish grey. Head, ear-coverts, and nape reddish brown, the frontal and coronal plumes being sublanceolate and with pale central streaks. Back, scapulars, wing-coverts, and uropygium 1878.] THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 619 ruddy olive-brown. Upper tail-coverts, which are almost concealed by the mass of loose and lax uropygial plumes, ruddy brown. Rec- trices of a darker tone than the tail-coverts. Quills brown, mar- gined with the colour of the dorsal plumage. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in, BUD Weretige B25 3°20 0°75 0°87 [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878: iris lemon-yellow. 2, Decem- ber 27, 1877: iris lemon-yellow ; bill dark smoky grey, the mandible whitish ; legs and claws pale brown. | 26. PHYLLORNIS PALAWANENSIS. Phyllornis palawanensis, Sharpe, ¢. c. p. 333. no. 72, t. 50. alee? [P. Princesa, ¢ 9, January 1878.] The only example marked 2 has the terminal portions of the moustache deep blue. ‘Two examples marked ¢ have it white. Mr. Sharpe’s conclusions (/. c.) on the point were the reverse. This is one of the most beautiful species of the genus. The throat is bright golden; and the whole colouring of Mr. Keuleman’s figures (@. ¢.) is much too pallid. 27. ASGITHINA SCAPULARIS. Tora scapularis, Horsf. Tr. L. 8. xiii. p. 158. [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, December 12, 1877: iris white; bill lead- grey, the culmen black ; legs and feet bluish grey ; claws black.] All the males. are without a trace of black on the upper parts. They agree with Bornean and Malaccan examples (J. viridis, Bp. ?). Bornean individuals are stated by Count T. Salvadori to be identical with Javan (Ucc. Borneo, p. 191). 28. Monrticota souitarivs (103). [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, December 1877. ] 29. CrTTOCINCLA NIGRA. Cittocincla nigra, Sharpe, t. c. p. 335. no. 82, t. lil. f. 1, 2. [P. Princesa, 3, December 14, 1877: iris very dark brown ; bill, legs, and feet black. @Q, January 1878: iris dark brown; bill black ; legs lead-grey.] 30. ORTHOTOMUS RUFICEPS. Edela ruficeps, Lesson, Tr. d’Orn. p. 309. [P. Princesa, ¢ 2, December 1877.] 31. ANTHUS MACULATUS. * Anthus maculatus, Hodgs. Gray’s Zool. Mise. p. 83 ; Tweeddale, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 596. no. 48. [P. Princesa, 2, January 2, 1878. ] a 620 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 21, 32. MyzanTHE pyGma (121). [P. Princesa, ¢, January 7, 1877: iris dark brown ; bill and legs black. | 33. NECTAROPHILA SPERATA (122). [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878. @, December 29, 1878: iris warm brown. | Two males, not adult; the violet throat and plastron bounded on both sides with a white border, the scarlet breast mixed with white, the crown dingy dull brown. 34. CyRTOSTOMUS AURORA, Nl. Sp. Notwithstanding that Captain Shelley, in his beautiful work on the Sun-birds, includes the large group of Asiatic and Australian Nectariniidee, of which C.jugularis and C. asiaticus may be taken as types, along witha number of other species, under Cuvier’s genus Cinnyris, I still adhere to the view expressed by me (Ibis, 1870, p- 19) that these Sun-birds forma natural, distinctive, and separate section of the family. For it I adopted Dr. Cabanis’s generic title Arachnechthra; but as the type of that genus is C. lotenia, L., which may be considered generically separable (although not so in my opinion), and as Dr. Cabanis established his genus Cyrtostomus (type C. jugularis, L.) before that of Arachnechthra, according to strict rule, the generic title of Cyrtostomus should be employed; and I observe that this is the view of Count Salvadori. There are now twelve species of this group described—namely, C. asiaticus, C. lote- nia, C. osea, C. brevirostris, C. flammaaillaris, C. andamanicus, C. rhizophore, C. pectoralis, C. frenatus, C. jugularis, C. zenobia, and C. solaris. To this list Mr. Everett’s researches in Palawan enable me to add a thirteenth. Male. Above uniform dark olive-green. Forehead, chin, throat, cheeks, and upper breast metallic steel-blue with shades of green and violet in certain lights. Lower breast fiery orange-red. Re- mainder of lower surface, under tail-coverts, and wing-lining bright yellow. Quills brown, faintly edged with olive-green. Rectrices black; terminal half of outer pair white, a broad white terminal patch on the penultimate pair; apices of third pair fringed with white, of fourth pair still less so. Female. Above and ear-coverts olive-green, slightly lighter in shade than that of male. Superciliaries, cheeks, and all the under surface and the wing-lining bright yellow. Wing-feathers brown, margined with olive-green. Rectrices as in male, Dimensions :— Wing. Tail, Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. ee Be 220 1:62 0°62 1:00 Oe siaccsO0 1°62 0°60 0°87 [P. Princesa, ¢, November 30, 1877 : iris deep crimson ; bill and legs black. Q, Jannary: iris dark brown; bill and legs black. ] 1878.] THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 621 The flame-coloured lower breast at once distinguishes this Sun- bird from all others. Its nearest ally is C. solaris, in which the flame-colour covers the abdomen also. 35. CHALCOSTETHA INSIGNIS. Nectarinia insignis, Jardine, Nat. Lib. xxxvi. p. 274. [P. Princesa, ¢, January 1878: iris warm brown; bill and legs black. ] A single example of an adult male, and not to be distinguished from Sumatran and Malaccan individuals, 36. AETHOPYGA SHELLEYI. Aithopyga shelleyi, Sharpe, Nature, 3rd August, 1876, p. 297 ; Tr. L. 8, 2nd ser. Zool. i. p. 343. no. 105; Shelley, Monogr. Cin- nyridee, pt. iii. t. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 2, 1877: iris brown; bill black 3 legs and feet very dark brown. 9 (?), January 4, 1877: bill and legs dark brown. | The female has not been described; and it is with some doubt that I so identify the single skin noted above. The chin, throat, and upper breast is pale grey ; the lower breast and abdomen and wing-lining are pale yellowish white. The vent and under tail-coverts of a more decided shade of yellow. The head is greyish olive-brown. Remainder of upper surface a clear olive-green, lightest on the upper tail-coverts. The quills and rectrices are dark brown edged with olive-green, having a slight ruddy hue. Cheeks and ear-coverts pale grey with a greenish tinge. The dimensions are sensibly smaller than those of the male—wing 1°75; culmen 0°56. 37. ANTHREPTES MALACCENSIS. Certhia malaccensis, Scopoli, Del. Flor. et Faun. Insubr. ii. p. 91. no. 62. [P. Princesa, ¢, January 1878: iris Indian red ; bill black ; legs greyish olive; scales of feet yellow. 2, December 29, 1877: iris bright Indian red ; bill very dark sepia-brown; legs and feet yel- lowish olive ; soles of feet yellow; claws pale brown. ¢ (jun.), November 27, 1877: iris Indian red; bill dark brown; legs yel- lowish olive. ] The example of the young male above noted is in the exact plumage of the adult female, its sex being betrayed by a couple of metallic plumes on the crown. 38. ARACHNOTHERA DILUTIOR. Arachnothera dilutior, Sharpe, Nature, 3rd August, 1876, p- 297; t. c. p. 341. no. 100; Shelley, Cinnyride, pt. iii. t. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 6, 1877: iris brown; bill black ; legs and feet dark grey. 2, January 1878: iris dark brown; denuded orbital skin green-yellow ; bill black ; mandible grey ; legs and feet blue-grey.] Bill of female considerably shorter than that of male. 622 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [May 21, 39. CoRVUS PUSILLUS, n. Sp. Female. Basal portion of plumage white. Above purple-black, with aslight greyish shade. Wing-coverts and outer margins of rectrices deep purple-black. Plumage underneath dull ashy black, with a purplish gloss on cheeks and throat. Contour of bill as in the C.- validus group. Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus, Culmen. in, in. in, Dineen Ore 9°25 1°75 2712 [P. Princesa, 2 , December 27, 1877: iris deep brown ; bill, legs, and claws shining black. ] This Crow, or rather small Raven, is a diminutive form of C. vali- dus and its allies. It has no affinity with true C. enca. 40. CALorRNIS PANAYENSIS (128). Calornis chalybeus (Horsf.), Sharpe, ¢. ¢. p. 343. no. 111. [P. Princesa, 2, December 1877: iris brilliant red; bill and feet black. ] A large series is sent by Mr. Everett, which I refer to the Philip- pine rather than to the Bornean species. 41. GRACULA JAVANENSIS. Corvus javanensis, Osbeck, Voy. China & E. Ind. i. p. 157, ** Java”’ (Eng. tr. 1771). [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878: iris deep brown; bill fine deep orange ; wattles and legs chrome-yellow; claws dark brown. 9°, December 3, 1877: iris deep brown; bill red-orange; wattles orange-yellow ; legs yellow. | These examples are not to be distinguished from Bornean, although they are somewhat smaller and have slenderer bills than Javan and Sumatran individuals. 42. OxyYCERCA EVERETTI. Oxycerca everetti, Tweeddale, P. Z. 8S. 1877, p. 699, t. Ixxiii. f. 2. [P. Princesa, ¢, December 1877: iris rich deep orange-brown ; bill, maxilla black, mandible pale grey; feet, legs, and claws dark lead-grey. _¢ juv.: iris umber-brown; mandible blackish ; maxilla black ; angle of gape pure white ; legs, feet, and claws lead-grey. | Oxycerca everetti is a very closely allied form of O. leucogastra of Malacca and Borneo, mainly to be distinguished by the crown of the head being striated in the former and uniform in the latter, and the breast and general colouring being nutmeg-brown and not sooty brown. These Palawan examples, although not quite identical with either species, most nearly resemble O. everetti. The general tone of colour is nutmeg-brown; but the crown of the head is not striated. 1878. | THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 623 43. OsMOTRERON VERNANS (135). [P. Princesa, 2, January 2, 1878: iris (in dead bird) orange ; bill lead-grey, base yellow-olive ; feet carmine ; claws grey. | 44, TRERON NASICA. Treron nasica, Schlegel, Ned. Tijdschr. Dierk. i. p. 67. [P. Princesa, ¢ 9, January 1878: iris deep brown, with outer ring of burnt sienna-orange ; orbital skin bright emerald-green ; base of bill dull crimson, the rest pale greenish-yellow ; feet carmine. | 45. CARPOPHAGA NEA (141). [P. Princesa, ¢, January 1878: iris pure crimson; bill bluish grey ; feet violet-carmine ; nails dark grey. 9, December 28, 1877: iris deep crimson ; orbital ring crimson; bill light grey ; feet car- mine ; nails dark grey. | 46. PotypLeCTRON EMPHANES. Polypectron emphanum, Temm. Pl. Col. 540; Elliot, Phasianide, vol. i. pl. 9. [P. Princesa, ¢, January 1878: iris dark rich brown ; orbital aud loral regions crimson ; bare setigerous skin above the eye livid brown ; bill, including vaulted base of maxilla, very dark brown, tip horny ; legs, feet, and nails purple-brown. Native name “ Tandikan.”’ Q juv.: orbital skin black, otherwise not different from the male. | The male of this beautiful Pheasant was first described and figured ‘by Temminck on the 14th of May, 1831, from a single example in the museum of the Prince of Essling (J. ¢.). Its habitat was unknown, but was believed to be either one of the Sunda Islands or else one of the Moluccas. In the same year, but earlier, Lesson (Tr. p. 437) enumerated the species under number 47 of the genus Polyplectron, and called it P. napoleonis; but as he gave no de- scription, his title falls. A second specimen of the species was afterwards acquired from Messrs. Verreaux by the British Museum; but the habitat still re- mained unknown, the late Mr. G. R. Gray giving it as the Moluccas (List Birds B. Mus., Galline, 1867, p.25). Mr. Sclater (P. Z. 8. 1863, p. 124) attributed its habitat, with some doubt, to the island of Borneo, in which he was followed by Mr. Elliot (/.c.). Mr. Everett has now cleared up all doubts; for he has found this Phea- sant living in the island of Palawan near the Spanish settlement of Puerto Princesa, and has sent me three examples—one of the adult male, one of the immature female, and one of an immature male. This is the second instance in which Mr. Everett has established the correct habitat of a little-known and remarkable bird. The young male has the lengthened crest-plumes brown, partially tinged with green. The brilliant bluish-purple wing-coverts and interscapulars of the fully adult are absent, only a trace presenting itself on one covert of each wing. Whereas in the adult the nape and neck are black with brilliant green borders to the feathers, and 624 ON THE ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. [May 2], the whole throat and breast are black with green reflexions, the immature bird is brown. The quills and underparts are also very dark brown in the adult, whereas in the immature bird they are light brown. The ocelli on the rectrices in the immature bird are not so perfectly formed, and the dark brown ground-colour of the dorsal plumage and of the rectrices is not so well defined. The skin of the female (immature) has the chin, space before the eye, and throat dingy white. The green ocelli only occur on some of the rectrices, and are small. The remainder of the plumage resembles that of the young male, the crest being shorter and uni- form brown. 47. MEGAPODIUS CUMINGII. Megapodius cumingii, Dillwyn, P.Z.S. 1851, p. 118, t. 39. [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878: iris warm brown; orbital skin coral ; auricular region washed with bright red; bill horn-yellow ; legs reddish, brighter than in female ; tarsal scutellee and feet dark olivaceous brown; the red of the face brighter than in female. 3 juv., January 1878: character of soft parts as in mature male, only paler. 2, January 2, 1878: iris warm brown; bill horn-yellow ; orbital skin coral ; auricular region washed with vermilion-red (not crimson) ; legs yellowish grey, the tarsal scutelle dark grey. Note.—In these birds the bill is sometimes horn-yellow, some- times the same more or less deeply tinged with brown on culmen and at the base. ‘'Tabun”’ of the natives. | Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Culmen, in. in. in. in. (ot ne 9:00 3°50 2°50 125 Oe dugsthia 9°25 3°50 2°50 1°18 The Palawan megapode closely resembles the Labuan (M. cu- mingii), and can hardly be separated specifically. In this view Mr, Sharpe concurs. 48. EvpromtiAs GEOFFRoy! (161). [P. Princesa, ¢, November 29, 1877.] 49. JKGIALITES CANTIANUs: Charadrius cantianus, Lath. Suppl. Ind. Orn. p. Ixvi. jP. Princesa, 2, November 29, 1877. ] 50. TRINGOIDES HYPOLEUCUS (183). [P. Princesa, 2, December 11, 1877.] 51. BuBpuLcus coromanvus (194). [P. Princesa, ¢ 9, December 1877. ] Forehead in both examples buffy yellow. 52. BuTorIpEs JAVANICA (197). [P. Princesa, 2 juv., January 6, 1878. ] 1878.] ON THE TRACHEX OF TANTALUS AND VANELLUS. 625 7. On the Trachea of Tantalus loculator and of Vanellus cayennensis. By A. H. Garrop, M.A., F.R.S. [Received May 21, 1878.] Tn his ‘ Beitriige zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien,’ Maximilian, Prince of Wied’, describes briefly and figures the lower end of the trachea of Tantalus loculator. A male specimen of the species having recently died in the Society’s Gardens, I take the opportunity of more minutely pointing out its peculiarities and of comparing it with 7’. ibis, the windpipe of which, with its elaborate convolutions, 1 have had the opportunity of bringing before the notice of the Society upon a previous occasion’. In Tantalus loculator the trachea is not elongated as it isin 7. ibis ; nevertheless it is peculiarly modified, and differs in detail from that of any bird with which I am acquainted, although its plan of con- struction is perfectly Ciconiine. The seventy-eight lowermost rings of the trachea are those which are modified, the rings above them being quite typical, of average depth, notched in front as well as behind, and overlapped to produce the well-known zigzag markings on the surface. With the exception of the last one, all the modified rings are much reduced in depth; and of them the sixty-one upper rings are com- pressed from side to side and bent sharply in front, whilst the lower seventeen are somewhat flattened from before backwards and sharply bent laterally, the general effect of which is to produce a lateral flat- tening and an anterior carination of the whole tube opposite the fifty-one rings, as well as an antero-posterior flattening with a lateral carination in the part below. The change from the superior unmodi- fied tube to the laterally compressed portion is somewhat abrupt, as is that between the two differently modified parts. In figure 1 a (p- 626) the front view of the lower end of the trachea is repre- sented, figure 4 giving a side view of the same. The powerful sterno-tracheal muscles leave the wind-pipe opposite the middle of the laterally flattened portion of the tube; and a few muscular fibres from their anterior margin are continued downwards for a short distance, but not nearly to the last ring, they being lost upon the sides of the trachea, The arrangement above described is only an exaggeration of what is found in Ciconia alba, in which species the lowermost nine-and- twenty tracheal rings are extremely shallow and slender, the fifteen above the bifurcation of the bronchi being antero-posteriorly flattened, the fourteen above them being in no wise peculiar except for their slenderness, In C, aida there is, however, a small prolongation up- wards of the lateral portions of the three lowermost tracheal rings, which forms a consolidated triangular process on each side, overlap- ping the next few rings, and looking extremely like rudiments of the ? Band iv. p. 687, tab. 1, figs 7 and 8, 2 P. ZS, 1875, p. 298. 626 MR. A. H. GARROD ON THE TRACHEZ Fig. 1. Lower end of the trachea of Tantalus loculator ¢. a. View from the front; 6. View from the right side. [May 21, 1878. | OF TANTALUS AND VANELLUS. 627 similarly situated processus vocales of the passerine tracheophone syrinx, which resemblance is increased by the thinness of the neigh- bouring rings and their being flattened from before backwards. In Tantalus loculator there is no trace of these triangular processes. Its last tracheal ring, or three-way piece, is not enlarged, as it is in so many birds; and the rings of the bronchi for some considerable distance are complete as in the Ciconiide generally, which is so very seldom found to be the case in the Class. In this last feature the Storks agree with the Cathartide, and the general arrangement of the bifurcation of the Stork’s windpipe would require but little change to pass into a Cathartine type. The uppermost bronchial rings are thinner on the outer side of each bronchus than they are internally, which consequently leaves greater gaps between them along the outer margin of the tubes. Ring four on one side and ring three on the other are partly redupli- cated, the extra processes ending freely in the bronchial membrane. From this description it is evident that these two Tantali differ greatly in the arrangement of their windpipes, whilst a recent com- parison of specimens makes it evident to me that what I thought on seeing 7’. Joculator might have been an error in my account of 7. ibis, namely the posterior carination of the windpipe, is correct, in which, as well as in the relative lengths of trachea, the two species differ so much. In other anatomical characters Tantalus loculator agrees with T. ibis, and is perfectly ciconiiform. In both the great pectoralis muscle is formed of two layers, as in the Steganopodes, Procellariide, and Cathartide only. The ambiens muscle is slender ; the femoro- caudal is minute, without any accessorius ; and the semitendinosus, as well as its accessorius, are not large. There is no great gluteus muscle, nor any muscular slip from the biceps of the wing running to the patagium. The small intestine measures six and a half feet, the czeca half an inch, and the large intestine nearly three inches. The stomach is capacious, with but a small muscular development. The tongue is an inch long and arrow-head shaped. The sub-equilobed liver has a gall-bladder. In Vanellus cayennensis there is an exaggerated development of the intrinsic muscles of the trachea a short way above its bifurcation in both sexes that is quite worthy of special note, because the amount of muscular fibre there present is proportionately as much as in any bird with which I am acquainted. There is nothing peculiar about the windpipe itself or the bronchi, which are represented in the accompanying figure (p. 628). The uppermost two bronchial semirings are not like those which succeed them, but are like halves of tracheal rings. The third and fourth semirings are closely united, whilst those which follow are not modified in any way. The sterno-tracheal muscles are powerful, and besides springing directly from the side walls of the windpipe opposite the spot where 628 ON THE TRACHE# OF TANTALUS AND VANELLUS. [May 21, Fig. 2. b. Windpipe of Vanella cayennensis. a. Anterior aspect; 4. Posterior aspect. 1878.] MR. GARROD ON THE ANATOMY OF THE MALEO. 629 they run off, their upper fibres are continuous up the trachea itself in front of and in contact with the intrinsic muscles. These latter, one on each side as usual, meet in the posterior middle line of the trachea, but are not unusually near in front; they are of considerable size throughout. Near their lower ends they increase immensely in bulk to form, combined posteriorly, a large subglobose mass which is situated opposite the twenty-four lowermost rings of the trachea, which are considerably shallower than those above them and conse- quently occupy a much less space than if they were of the same depth, as is the case in Tantalus loculator. There is a consolidation of the last few rings in adult birds, with which the first two bronchial semi- rings fuse to form a compound three-way piece, and it is to the lower elements of this that the powerful lateral muscles are attached (as well as to the third and fourth bronchial semirings slightly) by a broad fibro-tendinous continuation of their muscular substance, which fixes itself on each side along nearly the whole length of the semi- rings, especially the second, of which the extremities are alone free. So far as I can find out by watching the living birds, there is nothing peculiar in their note to lead one to surmise so large a muscular supply for their lower larynx. They make a powerful screech, with no modulation in it; and it can hardly be possible that the extra muscular development has not some other function to perform. What that may be it is not easy to surmise, 8. On the Anatomy of the Maleo (Megacephalon maleo). By A. H. Garrop, M.A., F.R.S. [Received May 21, 1878.] Besides being a Megapode, Megacepkalon maleo is interesting as a peculiar form; I therefore take the opportunity of bringing before the Society the results of my dissection of three specimens of this bird which have died in the Gardens. Péerylosis.—In the distribution of its feather-tracts the Maleo is somewhat different from the typical Gallinze. Nitzsch briefly records what he found in a bad specimen of Megapodius rubripes, mentioning that the tracts were not different from those in allied birds, and that the oil-gland was tufted. This is all we know of the pterylosis of the group. In Megacephalon maleo the anterior surface of the neck is covered, not thickly, with feathers, which only tend to divide opposite the furcula into the two pectoral tracts, each of which descends, strong and uniform in breadth, to opposite the middle of the carina sterni, where it ceases obtusely. ‘The ventral tract does not exist over the anterior or upper part of the pectoral region, but commences narrow close to and opposite the middle of the carina sterni, dilating oppo- site the abdomen, near the middle line of which it descends parallel to its fellow, to just above the anus, where the two meet. The skin over the carina and in the middle line of the abdomen is hard and 630 MR. GARROD ON THE ANATOMY OF THE MALEO. [May 21, scaly. The hypopteral tract is but feebly represented, and the termination of the pectoral tract is some distance from the commence- ment of the abdominal tract, the angle between the direction of the one and the other being about 25°. A strong tract traverses the middle dorsal line of the neck, with a space on each side of it. This does not bifurcate in the scapular region, but ceases abruptly a little below the level of the shoulder- joints, undilated. Over the rump and the inferior scapular region the dorsal tract is diffused and indefinite, ceasing before the nude oil- gland is reached. There is no ephippial space. There are sixteen rectrices. The lumbar tract is only well developed over the tibia- head and for a little way behind it. ‘The humeral tract is not in any way peculiar. I counted nine primary and sixteen secondary remiges, the first and second secondary feathers being considerably shorter than those which follow. Down-feathers are generally distributed. The after-shaft is weak, and the rhachis of each feather is not swollen, except in some of the smallest size. Lower larynx of Megalocephalon maleo. a. From the front; . From behind. Visceral Anatomy.—The tongue is simple and fleshy ; a well-de- veloped crop is present, situated between the limbs of the very open furcula; the proventriculus is zonary, the gizzard powerful; the small intestine is four and a half feet long, the simple ceca five and a half inches, and the large intestine five inches in length. There is only one carotid artery, the left, as in all the Megapodiidee. In its myology the bird is perfectly gallinaceous, the third pectoral muscle being found beneath the much larger second of the same name, the femoro-caudal and semitendinosus with their accessories, the ambiens, gluteus maximus, being all present. The obturator in- ternus is triangular; a vinculum joins the two deep flexors of the foot, and the biceps of the arm sends a fasciculus to the patagium. The expansor secundariorum muscle ends by running to the scapula at the same time that it sends a slip of tendon to the first rib. 1878.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 631 The lower end of the trachea is represented in the accompanying figures (p.630), from the front and from behind. It differs in arrange- ment from all other of the Gallinee with which I am acquainted. To the terminal tracheal three-way ring is fused the first bronchial semiring by its extremities, its bowed free portion being upturned with its limbs almost perpendicular. In the middle line posteriorly the penultimate tracheal ring fuses with the what may be compound three-way piece, in the posterior aspect of which a small upward- directed tongue of cartilage develops from its upper border. The sterno-tracheal muscles are minute and the intrinsic tracheal muscles form thin broad sheets which almost cover the tube and end on the outer surface of the first bronchial semiring and in the semicartila- ginous large membrane between it and the unmodified following semiring. June 4, 1878. Prof. Flower, F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair. The Secretary read the following report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the month of May 1878 :— The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- gerie during the month of May 1878 was 104, of which 43 were by birth, 39 by presentation, 8 by purchase, 7 by exchange, and 7 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 120. . The most noticeable additions during the month of May were as follows :— 1. Two male Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisea minor), pur- chased of Mr. Leon Laglaize, May 2. On his return from the Eastern Archipelago in October last, Mr. Laglaize brought with him four living specimens of this Paradise-bird. All of these passed the winter safely in the Jardin des Plantes at Paris; and two of them in full plumage have now been acquired by the Society. The only other examples of Paradise-bird previously living in the Society’s Gardens were the two individuals of the same species brought by Mr. Wallace from Singapore in April 1862’. One of these lived until 25th December, 1863, the other until the 28th March, 1864, in the Society’s Gardens. 2. A Copper-head Snake (Cenchris contortrix) presented by Dr. Frederick Painter, F.Z.S., of South Pittsburg, Tennessee, U.S. A. This is a well-known venomous snake in the United States; but we have not previously received living examples of it. 3. A Hairy or Andean Tapir (Tapirus roulini*), obtained in ex- change from Mr. C. Rice, May 25. Although we have had in our Gardens examples of all the other three known species of Tapirs, this is, I believe, the first example 1 See P. Z. 8. 1862, p. 128. ? See, for the reasons for adopting this name, footnote, P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 51. 632 MR. P. L, SCLATER ON MANIS TEMMINCKI. [June 4, of this rare and little-known animal that has been seen alive in Europe’. Mr. Wolf’s sketch (Plate XX XIX.) will give a good idea of the external appearance of the present specimen, which is a young male, probably not full-grown, and with the teeth small and imperfectly developed. The hairs over the whole body are nearly uniformly thick, but short ; they are barely an inch in length, and of nearly uniform black colour throughout, with just a shade of brown tinge. The hairs on the nape of the neck and sides of the body are rather longer ; those on the sides of the face are brown, and there is a slight white spot at the corner of the mouth, and some white hairs at the extremity of the muzzle. There is a slight white external edging to both ears. There are no white rings round the feet; but the upper margins of the naked nails have a whitish appearance. The irides are of a light bluish hazel, quite different from those of the ordinary Tapirus terrestris, in which they are brown. The height of the animal at the shoulders is about 26 inches; the length from the end of the extended snont to the base of the tail about 54 inches. : There can be no question, to my mind, that Dr. Gray’s Tapirus leucogenys (P. Z.S. 1872, p. 483) is merely an individual variety of the present species. The figure given (J. c. pl. xxi.) is altogether of too brown a tinge; and in Dr. Gray’s specimen itself, which is now in the British Museum, the general colour is darker and more of a greyish black, and, except as regards the white sides of the jaws and grey face, does not materially differ from that of our specimen. As regards the white cheeks, upon which Dr. Gray lays so much stress, it may be remarked that M. Roulin’s “ Tapir pinchaque” had traces of the same colour’, and there are likewise traces of it in our living specimen. The Secretary exhibited a young specimen of Temminck’s Manis (Manis temmincki), which had been brought from Zanzibar by Mr. Frederick Holmwood, Assistant Political Agent at Zanzibar, and read the subjoined extract from a letter of Mr. Holmwood referring to it :—- “The mother of this little Pangolin came from the coast opposite Zanzibar, lat. 6° S.; but I have seen what I took to be the same animal, both in Somali-land under the equator and as far south as the Makna country opposite Mozambique. They always appeared to burrow in hard or stony ground; and I saw them always in the daytime. “The mother of the specimen I send you lived three months in Zanzibar. She only fed at night, and remained coiled up in a ball all day. She regularly retired to the dark corner of my harness- room at daylight, and left for the garden at sunset. There were very few ants; but she seemed to get plenty of insects. She bur- 1 Unless it be true, as stated in Mr. Jamrach’s letter to ‘The Times’ of May 8lst, that an example of the same animal has lately been acquired by the Zoological Gardens of Antwerp. 2 Vide Aun. des Sci. Nat. xvii. p. 109. fe) all 1878.} MR. P. L. SCLATER ON CICONIA MAGUARI. 633 rowed at intervals all round the garden-walls ; but this was evidently only to try and escape, as she never made a hole large enough to give cover. The day she had the young one she came out during the day ; but not being quite up to grubbing for insects, she went into the stable and remained among the horses grubbing in the dung. After the birth she tried to entice the young Pangolin to suck (apparently), sitting up like a dog when begging, and coiling up the moment she got it in her lap. I could not, however, detect whether she managed to suckle it; indeed I was quite ignorant of the habits of the animal in its natural state. The first day the young one had soft scales ; but they hardened the second day, and it died the same night. The mother wandered about for two days afterwards, then came into the house and died.” Mr. Sclater stated that he had, in company with the Superinten- dent, examined the living examples of Ciconia maguari now in the Society’s Gardens, and could confirm what Mr. Ridgway had so clearly described (Bull. U.S. Geol. Surv. vol. iv. p- 250) as to extra- ordinary mimicry of the true rectrices by the elongated upper tail-coverts. ‘The same was also the case with Ciconia episcopus, of which there were also living examples in the Society’s Gardens. Mr. Ridgway’s generic term Euaenura, however, based on this peculiar structure, had, it appeared, been anticipated by Dr. Cabanis, who, in 1850, had proposed the name Dissoura! for this form of Stork ; so that the two species should stand for the future as Dissura maguart (Gm.) and D. episcopus (Bodd.). On behalf of Dr. Elliott Coues, C.M.Z.S., two specimens of Synaptomys cooperi, Bd., were exhibited by Mr. Edward R. Alston. This species, Mr. Alston observed, was the type of Synaptomys, pro- posed in 1857 by Prof. Baird as a subgenus of Myodes*, and accorded full generic rank by Dr. Coues in 1874%. The present specimens were, as far as was known, the first typical specimens sent to Europe. When Mr. Alston wrote his paper “On the Classification of the Order Glires’’* he was only acquainted with Dr. Coues’s preliminary remarks, and hesitated at accepting the full generic value of this form ; he was therefore now desirous of expressing his full recognition of its rank. Synaptomys was particularly interesting as presenting a connecting link between the Lemmings and Field-Voles, combining the general cranial and dental characters of Myodes with the external pecu- liarities of Arvicola, but differing from both in its grooved upper incisors. Its range was much less boreal than that of the Lemmings, extending as far south as Kansas. The specimens exhibited were destined for the British and Berlin Museums. * Cf. Reichenow, J. f. Orn. 1877, p- 168. The name is written Dissoura; but Dissura is more simple and more correct. * Mamm. N. Amer. pp. xliv, 558. ° P. Ac. Philad. 1874, p. 192. Cf. Mon. N. Am. Rodent. p- 223. * P. ZS. 1876, pp. 61-98. Proc. Zoox. Soc.—1878, No. XLI. 41 634 PROF, FLOWER ON A TWO-HORNED RHINOCEROS. [June 4, Prof. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S., read a memoir on the hearts of Ceratodus, Protopterus, and Chimera. The structure of the conus arteriosus and its valves was more particularly described in this paper. Owen and Hyrtl had shown that the conus of the Dipnoans differed from that of cartilaginous fishes and Amphibians in the fact that its walls were devoid of pocket-valves, and presented instead a long spiral valve and a second short vertical valve. Dr. Ginther, the only author who had described the heart of Ceratodus, showed that it possessed in the upper part of the arterial cone pocket-valves, whilst the spiral valve was shortened so as to be absent from this upper region. The possession of pocket-valves served as a very important character to connect the Dipnoans and the other fishes. Prof. Lankester now showed that in the lower part also of the arte- rial cone of Ceratodus there were numerous small pocket-valves, in addition to those in its upper part ; and further he showed that these small pocket-valves (so called “ ganoid valves”) were also present in the lower part of the arterial cone of Protopterus, the African Mud-fish, which had been generally supposed to be quite devoid of this kind of valve. The basal fibro-cartilage of the floor of the heart was described and compared in Ceratodus and Protopterus, and a pos- sible rudiment of this remarkable structure pointed out in Ceratodus. This Paper will be published entire, with illustrations, in the Society’s ‘ Transactions.’ The following papers were read :— 1. On the Skull of a Rhinoceros (R. lasiotis, Scl.?) from India. By Witt1am Henry Frower, F.R.S., V.P.Z.S. [Received October 12, 1877.] Mr. Sclater has put into my hands for examination the skull of a Rhinoceros, which he had received from Dr. W. D. Stewart, of Cut- tack, Orissa, being the skull of the two-horned Rhinoceros killed near Comillah, in Tipperah, as mentioned in P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 269. Mr. Sclater thinks that the skull may not improbably belong to the species (at present only known by the living animal in the Society’s menagerie) which he has named A. Jasiotis. It is that of a nearly adult animal. All the sutures of the upper surface of the cranium are consolidated ; and all the permanent teeth in both jaws are in place except the posterior molars, which are still concealed in their alveoli. In size and general conformation it resembles the skull of R. sumatrensis, and possesses all the essential characters! which distin- guish that species from R. indicus and R. sondaicus, viz. the sepa- ration of the postglenoid from the posttympanic processes of the squamosal below the auditory meatus, the backward position of the occipital crest (though, perhaps, less marked than usual), and the * See “On some Oranial and Dental Characters of the existing Species of Rhinoceros,” P, Z.8, 1876, p. 443, 1878.] PROF. FLOWER ON A TWO-HORNED RHINOCEROS. 635 indication of a second or frontal horn. I have compared it with the eight skulls assigned to R. sumatrensis at present in London—four in the British Museum, and four in the Museum of the College of Surgeons. These skulls present considerable individual variation in general conformation, proportional breadth to length, in the development and form of the nasal bones, number and position of the lachrymal foramina, form of the posterior margin of the palate, and other details. The present skull, however, is strikingly different from all in its superior breadth compared with its length, and especially the breadth and flatness of the frontal region. The annexed table of dimensions exhibits the extent of this peculiarity; and, to make it more manifest, I have added the ratio of the breadth, taken between the anterior margins of the orbits (where the difference is most cha- racteristic), compared with the entire length of the skull, the latter being taken as 100. On looking down this column of the Table, it will be seen that, though there is a considerable variation among the Se : 2 o = & as & |aor | os Pee oS ae 2 N Loi) ire) Ome acs Qo om 02 a a | | se a 3 5 ef Jus 3 aq yaa rows ie gf |ss | £9 8 HESi So jaa [eR Be eRe s Sog ae] so Bk ae o| 2 ae eo. seo |S (sea) 3 (88 |gs84) 8S ° el 2a¢ == Ber! "So i 3 S-5 my = ae Blu Se: 2 Ee aut S o* SL] Oa ok a) S23| 2 ao Hol 4 BS Ho g | Se Sills SS) So “fal 23 sf sl -sas Q@ .|9'O 8] 23 ee] m So) SS So oie Sas o moO as |= 1) 8.25 & Ad ee ..o| 2 amas |F on] O@ Boa) §$o |Se a| So [sg 5)/WH wR] Sen seca BwMl|RoS! Os S9AS|s ac go 4 pe a = Ay 1. Adolescent (all permanent teeth except milk-molars), from Tipperah: ...............06. 200 | 12:0 | 68 | 340 | 73 | 80 | 400 2. Aged 9. Malacca, Died in Zool. Gardens, 1872. B. M...|207 | 11:8 | 60 | 290 | 64 | 65 | 31-4 3. Aged 9. Sumatra. Mus. R. C.8. No. 2933 .....e0.. cece eee 204 | 111 | 5:2 | 255 | 61 66 | 32:6 4, Aduit.. Pegu. B.M.......... 21:4 | 111 59 | 276 | 66 | 69 | 32-7 5. Adolescent ¢ (all permanent teeth except last molars). Su- matra. M.R.C.8. No. 2935 }23:0 | 120 | 60 | 261 | 70 | 76 | 33:0 6. Young (last milk-molar re- maining). Sumatra. M. R. BNO 298 In 154-030 casoaades 190 | 106 | 50 | 263 | 65 | 73 | 380 first and second permanent molars). Sumatra. M.R.C.S. PO se «ache b gine ddanedan uel 21-:0*?| 10°7 | 52 | 248?|] 64 | 70 | 33:3? 9. Still younger (all milk-molars and first permanent molars). Teeth nearly Borneo. B. M...... sc... sees. 181 96 | 50 | 276 | 62 all lost. * Nasals broken. 4]* 636 PROF. FLOWER ON A TWO-HORNED RHINOCEROS. [June 4, other skulls, the difference between the narrowest and widest being almost as great as that between the latter and the present skull, yet there are intermediate gradations in the former case, whereas the Tipperah skull is completely isolated from the others. It is curious that the skull which comes next to it in width is that of the small dark-coloured animal from Malacca, which died in the Society’s me- nagerie in 1872, and of which the external characters were certainly quite unlike those of R. lasiotis. A second peculiarity by which this skull is distinguished from all the others, and one to which I am inclined to attach still more im- portance, is the greater size of the teeth, especially the premolars, both absolutely and relatively. Thisis also seen in the Table, in which is given the absolute length of the series of molars and premolars, ex- cluding the first and last, which are either absent or not developed in many of the specimens under consideration, and including, there- fore, the three posterior premolars and the two anterior molars. In the case of the younger skulls, milk-molars occupy the place of pre- molars; but this probably does not materially affect the length of the series. It will be seen that in the present skull this length ab- solutely exceeds that of any of the others, and, relatively to the length of the skull (taken as 100), it is 40-0, whereas, of the other seven, five range between 31°4 and 33°3, and the other two, which give a higher figure, are both young animals, in which the skull had not attained its full dimensions, and the teeth therefore appear relatively larger than they otherwise would have been. It is pro- bable that sex may affect the size of the teeth, as in the two known females (Nos. 2 and 3 of the list) they are smaller than in any of the others. Not only in antero-posterior diameter are the premolars larger in the present specimen, but still more notably in breadth. Thus the last premolar in the Pegu adult skull (No. 4) is 18 in greatest breadth, in the Sumatran female (No. 3) 1°85, in the Ma- laccan skull (No. 2) 1’*9, in the Sumatran male (No. 5) 2'"05, in the present skull 2-2. The lower molars exhibit the same superiority of size; but in other respects the dentition does not differ appreci- ably from that of the various specimens of R. sumatrensis. As an individual peculiarity may be noted the single lachrymal foramen on each side, whereas many of the others have two; but in both the Malacca and one of the other British-Museum skulls, the foramen is also single on both sides, and in the Pegu and one of the Sumatran specimens it is single on one and double on the other side. Again, the great amount of ossification in the base of the pterygoid fossa, at the posterior end of the vomer, forming a sort of “ para- sphenoid”’ mass, is worthy of note; but it is repeated in the Pegu skull, and partially in the old Sumatran specimen (No. 2), though not in the equally aged Malacca female. I have pointed out the peculiarities of this skull, which are in- teresting in connexion with the fact that it was obtained from a locality quite beyond the hitherto known range of the Sumatran Rhinoceros ; but, in the absence of other evidence, will not attempt to decide whether they should be considered of specific value. Hanhart .vap NEW LEPIDOPTERA... 1878. | ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM BILLITON. 637 ___ 2. Catalogue of Lepidoptera collected by Mr. S. N. Walter = in the Island of Billiton. Rhopalocera by F. D. Gop- MAN and Ospert Satvin; Heterocera by H. Druce. es [Received May 17, 1878.] (Plate XL.) RHOPALOCERA. That the Rhopalocerous fauna of Billiton should largely partake of the character of that of the surrounding islands of Sumatra, J ava, and Borneo, and of the peninsula of Malacca was to be anticipated. Of the thirty-three species represented in this collection (which was made in Billiton by Mr. S. N. Walter, and has been sent to us by Lord Tweeddale for examination), all but one are well-known forms from one or all of these islands. The single exception, the Myrina, described below, has, so far as is at present known, its sole repre- sentative in a nearly allied species from Tenasserim, also described in the present paper. The differential elements of the Butterfly faunas of Borneo, Su- matra, Java, and Malacca have not yet been traced with sufficient precision to enable us to say to which of the four localities the island of Billiton has most affinity. With Borneo it is certainly very closely allied ; but it possesses several species in common with Java, and others with Malacca. Unfortunately our series of Sumatran Butter- flies is not very complete; but, so far as we can see, many species are also found in that island, geographically its nearest neighbour. Fam. NyMPHALID&. = Subfam. Danainz. 1. Hestia CLARA. Hestia clara, Butl. Trans. Ent. Soc. ser. 3, v. p-. 469. ? Hestia leuconoe, Druce, P. Z. S. 1873, Pp. d5/. A single female specimen, agreeing with Mr. Butler’s types in the British Museum. The species also occurs in Borneo, whence we have an example of the same sex. Its occurrence in Java is doubtful. 2. DANAIS PHILOMELA. Euplea philomela, Zink. Nov. Act. Ac. Nat.-Cur. xv. p. 184, pl. 16. f. 17; Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 337. Agrees with Malaccan and Bornean examples. 3. DANAIs SIMILIs. Papilio similis, Linn, Syst. Nat. Danais similis, Druce, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 338. Identical with Malaccan and Javan examples. 4, DANAIs JUVENTA. Papilio juventa, Cr. Pap. Ex. pl. 188. f. B. Danais juventa, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 337. Agrees with Bornean specimens. 638 MESSRS. GODMAN, SALVIN, AND DRUCE {June 4, 5. DANAIS HEGISIPPUS. Papilio hegisippus, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 180. f. A. Agrees with Malaccan specimens. 6. DANAIS CHRYSIPPUS. Papilio chrysippus, Linn. Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 118. f. B, C. Identical with specimens of this widely dispersed species. 7, EVPL@A MENETRIESIL. Euplea ménétriésii, Feld. Wien. ent. Mon. iv. p. 398; Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 338. Agrees with specimens thus named in the British Musium. 8. EuPL@A BREMERI. Euplea bremeri, Feld. Wien. ent. Mon. iv. p. 398; Druce, P. Z.8. 1873, p. 338. Found also in Borneo and Malacca. 9. EuPL@A THOOSA. Trepsichrois thoosa, Hibn. Ex. Schmett. t. viii. Agrees very well with Hiibner’s figure, being also identical with Malaccan specimens. 10. EupL@A MULCIBER. Papilio mulciber, Cram. Pap. Ex. t. 127. f. C, D; Druce, P.Z.8. 1873, p. 338. Also a Bornean species. Subfam. ELYMNIINZ. 11. ELYMNIAS NIGRESCENS. Elymnias nigrescens, Butl. P.Z.S. 1871, p. 520, t. 42. f. 1; Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 340. A female specimen agreeing with Bornean examples of the same sex. 12. ELYMNIAS LAIS. Papilio lais, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 110. f. A, B. Elymnias lais, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 340. Also found in Borneo and Java. Subfam. Morpuinz. 13. AMATHUSIA PHIDIPPUS. Papilio phidippus, Linn. Syst. Nat. Amathusia phidippus, Druce, P. Z.8. 1873, p. 340. Both sexes of this widely ranging species. 1878.] ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM BILLITON. 639 14. ZEUXIDIA HORSFIELDI. Zeuwidia horsfieldi, Feld. Voy. Nov. Lep. p. 460, t. 62. f. 4; Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 340. Agrees with Bornean specimens. Subfam. NyMPHALIN2. 15. CYNTHIA DEIONE. Cynthia deione, Erichs. Nov. Act. Ac. Nat.-Cur. xvi. Suppl. G0. t 2,2 a. Cynthia arsinoe, Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p- 342 (mec Cramer). Agrees with this widely-ranging species, of which we have speci- mens from Java, Malacca, Borneo, and the Philippine Islands. 16. JuNONIA LAOMEDIA. Papilio laomedia, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 772. Junonia laomedia, Druce, P.Z. 8. 1873, p. 342. A widely-distributed species, occurring throughout the Indo- Malayan subregion. 17, JUNONIA IDA. Papilio ida, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 42. f. C, D. Junonia ida, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p- 342. Agrees with Javan, Bornean, and Philippine-Islands specimens. 18. NEptis AcERIs. Papilio aceris, Lepechin, Tageb. d. Reise Russ. Reich. i. p. 203, (alles Batis Neptis aceris, Druce, P. Z.8. 1873, p. 344. A single specimen of this very widely-distributed species. 19. Tanaicta, sp. ? A single specimen of a species of this genus which we have not been able to determine. 20. Apottas, sp. ? Agrees with a Malaccan specimen of an unnamed species in our collection. Others from the same locality in the British Museum, have a MS. name of Mr. Butler’s attached to them. 21, SyYMPHZDRA DIRTEA. Papilio dirtea, Fabr. Ent. Syst. iii. p. 59. Symphedra dirtea, Butl. P. Z. S. 1868, p. 613; Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 346. Adolias boisduvali, Bdv. Sp. Gén. t. 8. f. 2. A male agreeing with Sumatran and Bornean examples. 640 MESSRS. GODMAN, SALVIN, AND DRUCE {June 4, 22. CHARAXES SCHREIBERI. . Nymphalis schreiber, Godt. Enc. Meth. ix. p. 825. Charaxes schreiberi, Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 346. Found also in Java and Borneo. Fam, Lyc 2NID&. 23. MyRINA NIVEA, sp.n. (Plate XL. figs. 3, 4.) @. Exp. 2-2inches. Secondaries with projection at the anal angle and a long tail on the first median branch; outer margin slightly dentate, pure white ; outer margin of primaries black, blending into a delicate blue in the apex, the blue colour extending along the costal margin; a black spot between the median branches of the secon- daries and a faint black submarginal line on the same wings. Beneath pure white, both wings cressed with five concentric bands, consisting of confluent spots, each enclosed in a faint dark line; a submarginal black line to both wings ; the black spot of the upper surface between the median branches of the secondaries is mostly blue ; and there are two blue spots near the margin, one between the submedian nervure and the first median branch, and one at the anal angle. Hab. Billiton Island. Mus. nostr. This beautiful species, of which there is’ only a single female spe- cimen in the collection, seems to belong undoubtedly to the genus Myrina, as defined by Westwood (D. W. & H. Gen. Diurn. Lep. ii. p- 475). In coloration it is quite distinct from any hitherto de- scribed member of the genus. We have, however, since received from Mr. A. O. Hume an example of a closely allied species, which was taken at Meetan in Burma. This is also a female, and we de- scribe it as follows :— Myrina HIEMALIS. (Plate XL. figs. 5, 6.) Exp. 2°2 inches. In shape exactly like M. nivea, the dark apex of the primaries more extensive and the inner edge of this dark mark with two prominent indentations instead of being simply curved ; beneath, the bands of the wings are better defined, and the dark marginal lines of each band enclose a greyish space, whereas in M. nivea the inside of the spots forming the bands is white. Hab. Meetan, Burma. Mus. nostr. Fam. PAPILIONID&. Subfam. Prerinz. 24. CALLIDRYAS CATILLA. Papilio catilla, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 55. f. C, D. Callidryas catilla, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 355. A widely ranging species found in Borneo and elsewhere. 25. Trertas, sp. ? A bad specimen. 1878. } ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM BILLITON. 641 26. ‘[eRIAS HECABE. Papilio hecabe, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 763. Terias hecabe, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 354. A widely ranging species, also found in Borneo. Subfam. PaprLioninz. 27. PAPILIO ANTIPHATES. Papilio antiphates, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 72. f. A, B; Druce, P. Z. S. 1873, p. 357. Agrees with Bornean specimens. 28. PAPILIO SARPEDON. Papilio sarpedon, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 747; Druce, P. Z.S. 1873, p. 559. A wide-ranging species, found in Borneo and Malacca. 29. PAPILIO EURYPYLUS. Papilio eurypylus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 754; Druce, P. Z.8. 1873, p. 357. Agrees with Bornean examples. 30. PaprLio PAMMON. Papilio pammon, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 746. Papilio polytes, L. Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 357. The caudal appendage in Billiton specimens is but slightly deve- loped ; and in this respect they agree best with Javan examples. 31. PApILio IswARA. Papilio iswara, White, Entom. i. p. 280; Doubl. & Hew. Gen. D. Lep. t. 3. f. 1. Agrees with a Malaccan specimen. 32. PAPILIO MEMNON. Papilio memnon, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 747; Wall. Trans. L. S. xxv. p. 47, pl. 1. figs. 2, 4. A female agrees with Javan specimens and with figure 4 of Mr. Wallace’s plate, and with Cramer’s figure of his P. achates. A second female resembles figure 2 of Mr. Wallace’s plate, except that the white band of the secondaries is slightly narrower. This form is represented by Cramer under the name P. agenor. Fam. HesPpeRiID2&. 33. CASYAPA THRAX. Papilio thrax, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 794. Casyapa thrax, Druce, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 358. Agrees with Indian examples. 642 ON LEPIDOPTERA FROM BILLITON. [June 4, HETEROCERA. Fam. SPHINGID&. Subfam. Co #ROCAMPINE. Cherocampa suffusa, Walk. List Lep. Brit. Mus. Het. pt. viii. p: 146 (1856). The type was obtained at Hong-Kong. Mr. Moore tells me he has specimens from Borneo. Fam. LiTHosiip&. HypsiA SILVANDRA, Cr. Phalena (Bomby:) silvandra, Cram. Pap. Exot. iv. pl. 369. f. D (1782). Fam. SATURNIIDE. ANTHERA BILLITONENSIS, Moore, n. sp. Male. Upperside pale purplish ferruginous, suffused with grey on external borders; ocelli oval, defined by a narrow dusky line, blind, outer half bordered within by a narrow yellow line and a central transverse line: fore wing with the area within and below the cell brighter ferruginous; apex yellowish ; an oblique discal, pale ferru- ginous, narrow lunular band, bordered within by a dusky lunular line and without by a straight dusky line; a dusky black streak crossing the middle of the cell, and another from its base to the hind margin: hind wing with the base brighter ferruginous; a dusky- bordered, pale yellowish, transverse, discal, sinuous band, the dusky border encircling the ocellus and terminating on abdominal margin above end of sinuous band. Body bright ferruginous. Expanse 47 inches. Hab. Billiton Island, Malay archipelago. In coll. H. Druce. Nearest allied to 4. frithii, from Darjiling. Fam. EREBID. NyYcTIPAO CREPUSCULARIS. Phalena (Attacus) crepuscularis, Linn. Syst. Nat. 2811. 13; Clerck, Icon. pl. 53. f. 1-4; Drury, Ins. i. p. 37, pl. 20. f. 1, 2. A species frequently sent from Hindostan. Fam. HyrporyRrip&. HyPopyra FENISECA. Hypopyra feniseca, Guén. Noct. iii. 200. 1599 (1852). Tn the British Museum, from Silhet. Tribe URANIDES. Fam. NycTALEMONIDS. NycTALEMON bocILE, Butler, in litt. Very closely allied to Nyctalemon hector, White, from Borneo, 1878. ] ON BUTTERFLIES FROM NEW GUINEA. 643 the principal difference being its larger size, broader white bands, and longer tails to the posterior wing. Mr. Butler’s description has been in the hands of the Linnean Society for some time. GEOMETRID&. Fam. ENNOMID&. ENNOMOS TESTACEARTA. Ennomos testacearia, Moore, P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 623. EXPLANATION OF PLATE Xi, Figs. 1, 2. Doleschallia comrit, p. 646. 3, 4. Myrina nivea, p. 640, 5, 6. hiemalis, p. 640. 3. List of the Butterflies collected in Eastern New Guinea and some neighbouring Islands by Dr. Comrie during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Basilisk. By F. D. Gopman and OsBert SALvIn. [Received May 17, 1878.] (Plate XL.) The small collection made by Dr. Comrie, of which we here give a list, was got together under many difficulties and pressure of official duties. It is therefore not surprising that the number of species it contains is not greater than it is. We make no apology for pre- senting this list to the Society, seeing that several of the places touched at by Captain Moresby’s expedition were absolutely unknown as to their Butterfly-fauna before Dr. Comrie visited them. Amongst these we may specially mention the D’Entrecasteaux Islands, which lie some little way from the eastern shores of New Guinea. The result of a comparison of the Butterflies of these islands with those of the New-Guinea mainland shows that, so far as we can see at present, no difference can be said to exist. In fact these islands are (as far as their Butterflies are concerned) as essentially a portion of New Guinea as the Aru Islands are known to be, if not more so. Family NyMPHALID#. Subfamily Danarnz. Danals CITRINA. Danais citrina, Feld. Voy. Nov. Lep. p. 350, t. 42. f. 5-7. Danais gloriola, Butl. P. Z.S. 1866, p. 56. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. Agrees with specimens from the Aru Islands, whence both Dr. Felder’s and Mr. Butler’s types were obtained. 644 MESSRS. GODMAN AND SALVIN ON [June 4, Danals AFFINIS. Papilio afinis, Fabr. Syst, Ent. p. 511. Danais affinis, Blanch. Voy. Pole Sud, Zool. iv. p. 389 ; Atl. Lep. to. fo. D’Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. A widely-ranging species, found in the islands neighbouring New Guinea and also North Australia, whence it was originally described. EurL@a CALLITHOE. Euplea callithoe, Boisd. Voy. Astr. Ent. p. 93; Kirsch, Mitth. k. z. Mus. z. Dresden, i. p. 115. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. A single specimen agrees with one of Dr. Meyer’s examples obtained in North-western New Guinea. EvupLa@a IPHIANASSA ? Euplea iphianassa, Butl. P.Z.S8. 1866, p. 287. D’ Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. These specimens only agree approximately with Mr. Butler’s type, which came from New Hebrides. The chief difference consists in the absence in the male of the submarginal row of spots on the underside of the secondaries. EvrLa@a nox? Euplea noz, Butl. P. Z. 8. 1866, p. 278. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. An imperfect specimen, probably of this species, the type of which was obtained in the Aru Islands. EuPL@A EURIANASSA. Euplea eurianassa, Hew. Ex. Butt., Hupl. i. f. 2. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. Described from a specimen taken on board ship, off the coast of New Guinea. EuPL@a TREITSCHKII? Euplea treitschkii, Boisd. Voy. Astr. Kut. p. 98; Salv. & Godm. P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 142. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. A single female specimen probably belongs to this species, though it differs somewhat from our specimen from Duke-of-York Island as regards the arrangement of the spots on the secondary wings. The specimen is in poor condition. HAMADRYAS ZOILUS. Papilio zoilus, Fab. Syst. Ent. p. 480. D’Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. 1878. ] BUTTERFLIES FROM NEW GUINEA. 645 Subfamily Saryrinz. MYCALESIS MEDUS. Papilio medus, Fabr. Syst. Ent. p. 488. Mainland of New Guinea. A single tattered specimen seems to belong to this widely-ranging species. The white cross bands of the underside are nearly obsolete. MYCALESIS DORYCUS. Satyrus dorycus, Boisd. Voy. Astr. Ent. p. 152. D’Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. Dr. Comrie’s specimens agree with Boisduval’s description in not having any of the fulvous colour of the secondaries near the anal angle of the primaries. In this respect they differ from Guérin’s figure of his S. duponchelit (Voy. Coq. Zool. Atl. Ins. t. 17. f. 3). The ocelli on both wings are small, and differ much in size from those of the female figured by Hewitson (Ex. Butt. Myce. t. 2. £5'7,°10), Subfamily Moreuinz. DRUSILLA CATOPS. Drusilla catops, Westw. Gen. D. Lep. p. 335, note; Trans. Ent. Soe. ser. 2, iv. p. 181. D’ Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. DRvsILLA MYOPS. Drusilla myops, Feld. Wien. ent. Monatschr. iii. p. 109, t. 1. £44 D’Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. These specimens agree fairly with Dr. Felder’s figure ; the white spot on the primaries, however, is more elongated, and the basal portion of the secondaries much paler. Subfamily NyMPHALINa. CETHOSIA CHRYSIPPE. Papilio chrysippe, Fab. Syst. Fnt. p. 502; Donov. Ins. N. Holl. 24. D’ Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. Agrees with North-Australian and New-Guinea specimens. RHINOPALPA AMELIA, Vanessa amelia, Guér. Voy. Coq. Zool. p. 278, t. 14 bis. f. 1. D’Entrecasteaux Islands and mainland of New Guinea. Agrees closely with Guérin’s figure. We much doubt whether R. algina, Boisd., is really distinct. The figure of the latter in the * Voyage au Pole Sud’ does not seem to be very accurately drawn. 646 MESSRS. GODMAN AND SALVIN ON | June 4, CYNTHIA ARSINOE. Papilio arsinoe, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 160. f. A, B. Mainland of New Guinea. A single female specimen. JUNONIA IPHITA. Papilio iphita, Cr. Pap. Ex. t. 209. f. C, D. Mainland of New Guinea. JUNONIA VELLIDA. Papilo vellida, Fab. Mant. Ins. ii. p. 35; Donoy. Ins. N. Holl. 6.925) £3: Mainland of New Guinea. DoLEsCHALLIA CoMRII, n.sp. (Plate XL. figs. 1, 2.) Q@. Expanse 4 inches. Outer third of both wings dark blackish brown, basal portion reddish brown; a subtriangular large white patch on primaries beyond the cell, its base on the costa, its apex nearly reaching the inner margin; a black spot at the end of the cell; between the white patch and the apex are four white spots, placed transversely in an irregular line, and below them, on either side of the lower radial, two irregular bluish spots. Beneath reddish brown ; a straight band crosses the secondaries near the middle and passes into the primaries, on the inner side margined with white ; and outside it (running parallel) is a dark brown band ; the white spots show as on the upperside of the primaries; and on the secondaries are two ocelli—one between the first and second median branches, the other between the middle and upper radials. Mainland of New Guinea (Dr. Comrie). The sexes in the members of this genus do not differ to a great extent; so that we may expect the male of this species to be some- what similar to the female specimen now described. There is no described member of the genus which the present species is at all like. This, we trust, will be sufficiently apparent from the figure on the Plate accompanying this paper. ‘There is only a single spe- cimen in Dr. Comrie’s collection. CYRESTES ACILIA. Nymphalis acilia, Godt. Eneye. Méth. ix. p. 478. Mainland of New Guinea. Agrees with other New-Guinea specimens, and with others from Waigiou. ATHYMA VENILIA. Papilio venilia, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 780. Mainland of New Guinea. Agrees with Amboina and New-Guinea specimens. 1878. ] BUTTERFLIES FROM NEW GUINEA. 647 ATHYMA LACTARIA. Athyma lactaria, Butl. Ann. & Mag. N. H. ser. 3, xvii. p. 98. Mainland of New Guinea. Agrees with the specimens in the British Museum. DIADEMA NERINA. Papilio nerina, Fab. Syst. Ent. p. 509; Donov. Ins. N. Holl. t. 27. f. 1. D’Entrecasteaux Islands. A female specimen, agreeing with others from Australia. DIADEMA ALIMENA. Papilio alimena, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 780. D’ Entrecasteaux Islands. Agrees with Amboina specimens. Family PAPILIONIDS. Subfamily Prerinz. TERIAS HECABE. Papilio hecabe, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 763. Mainland of New Guinea. Subfamily PariLionIn&. ORNITHOPTERA POSEIDON. Papilio poseidon, Doubl. Ann. & Mag. N. H. xix. p. 173; Wall. Trans. L. 8. xxv. p. 35. Possession Bay and D’Entrecasteaux Islands. Dr. Comrie obtained a number of specimens of Ornithoptera (mostly females) in these two localities. Unfortunately most of them are in broken condition ; but enough remains to show an in- teresting range of variation in the females—enough, indeed, still further to discredit the many species of the O.-priamus group that have been attempted to be set up at various times. Some of the females from Possession Bay have the primaries spotless brown; others show a trace of the light-coloured spot near the end of the cell. The specimens from D’Entrecasteaux Islands are strongly marked, indeed as much so as female examples of O. arruana. Unfortunately, Dr. Comrie’s collection contains only one male (from Possession Bay) in a condition to compare with examples from other localities. This seems to agree closely with typical specimens of O. arruana, the apical angle of the secondaries being perhaps rather less acute; but the difference is very slight. Comparing this with Montrouzier’s description of his O. boisduvalii, from Woodlark Island (no great distance from Dr. Comrie’s locality), we find it agree in every respect. So far, then, as we can see, these specimens tend to confirm the 648 MR. A. G. BUTLER ON A NEW PHYLLOPTERA. [June 4, accuracy of Mr. Wallace’s views on these Ornithopteree, expressed in his paper on the Papilionida of the Malayan region. PAPILio ERECHTHEUS. Papilio erechtheus, Donov. Ins. N. Holl. t. xiv., xv. Mainland of New Guinea. A female, agreeing with specimens from Moreton Bay, Australia. PAPILIO EUCHENOR. Papilio euchenor, Guér. Voy. Coq. Zool. p. 273, t. 13. f. 3. Mainland of New Guinea. PaPILio POLYDORUS. Papilio polydorus, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 746; Wall. Trans. | FR xxv. p. 42. Mainland of New Guinea. These specimens have a light spot on the primaries; and the secondaries are more elongated than in P. leodamas, Wall., the species we should have expected to find here. They do not differ from the ordinary type of P. polydorus. 4. Description of a new Species of the Orthopterous Genus Phylloptera from Madagascar. By Artuur G. Butter, F.L.S., F.Z.8., &c. [Received May 23, 1878.] The genus Phylloptera is one of the numerous interesting groups amongst the Orthoptera which exhibit a striking resemblance to leaves, some of them being imitated in a green condition, and others when faded. The species now before me is an admirable example of this adaptation to surrounding conditions, the tegmina being quite like sear and yellow leaves in which the brown patches of decay have begun to appear. PHYLLOPTERA SEGONOIDES, 0. sp. Tegmina of the normal elliptical form; horn yellow, with the veins and borders more or less tinted with burnt sienna; the whole of the areoles, excepting those along the anterior border, with central irregular dull greyish-brown spots or patches ; under surface paler, with greenish borders; wings hyaline-white, veins yellowish, the normal black-dotted horn-yellow cuneiform patch bounded by an oblique brown line at the very acuminate apex ; frons testaceous ; eyes (in the dead example) chocolate-brown ; antennze black, with testaceous scape; back of head sordid whitish, with two divergent grey lines from behind the antenne; pronotum black, whitish in front, with the sides, posterior third, and a V-shaped central 1878. ] MR. A. G. BUTLER ON A NEW PHYLLOPTERA. 649 marking pale castaneous; meso- and metathorax glassy greyish, with two or three opaque whitish spots; abdomen sordid testaceous, sides of the venter whitish ; pectus and posterior coxze whitish ; anterior femora with the upper or iaterior surface castaneous at the proximal end, otherwise greyish, spotted with cream-colour, with two small tuberculose castaneous dots and a short longitudinal black dash, three black denticles along the supero-interior inargin, inferior or exterior surface deeply grooved, paler, the distal half sordid whitish, with an irregular longitudinal brown dash; tibize with the proximal half whitish, expanded, compressed, and marked on each side by two deep pyriform impressed spots, distal half cylindrical, castaneous in the centre and black at the extremities, interior margin with three fine spinules; tarsi black, the terminal joint A PEs SS Lk SN mis WRN = Phylloptera segonoides. castaneous, with black claws: middle pair of legs longer than the anterior pair, the tibiz yellowish, banded with black across the centre and at each end, without the impressed markings of the anterior pair: posterior legs with the femora compressed, tawny, with an external longitudinal blackish lateral streak, inferior margin deeply grooved, its exterior edge with four short black denticles; tibiz above flattened, slaty grey, with the distal end and a lateral series of triangular spots cream-coloured, twelve black denticles along the inner and eight along the outer margin, otherwise casta- neous, subcylindrical, with about eleven delicate little spmules along the inferior margin ; tarsi as in the other legs. Length of the body 23 millims., of the tegmina 91 millims., of the wings 96 millims. This species much resembles the New-World genus Segona, but differs markedly in the structure of the anterior pair of legs. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XLII. 42 650 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON BIRDS [June 4 5. Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Challenger’”—No. XI. On the Steganopodes and Impennes. By P. L. Scuater, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S, and Ossert Satvin, M.A., F.R.S. [Received May 24, 1878.] a. STEGANOPODES. Of this order the collection contains 33 specimens belonging to 9 species, as follows :— 1. FREGATID. 1. Freeata aquiza (Linn.). a, adult, } 6, young, j Ascension Island (March 1876). c, young, 2. Freeata MINOR (Gmn.). Attagen ariel, Gould, B. Austr. vii. pl. 72. 133, male, Raine Island. “Legs and feet black; bill grey; skin of throat red ; eyes red. The skin of the throat is of a lighter red in the male than in the female. The stomach contained remains of cuttlefish, Spirula, and a fish.’—J. MW. 134, female, 135, young, female, Raine Island. 136, nestling, female, “Feet red; eyes red. The biil and fect of the young birds are of a white colour with a shade of blue; eyes black. ‘‘In the adult birds the male has the eyelids, feet, and eyes black. The female has these parts red. This holds good in all our specimens.” —J. M. 144, female, Raine Island. 482, male, Admiralty Island. «Eyes black; flesh of throat red. Stomach contained fish. I shot this bird from the pinnace while with several others. It was hovering over a shoal of fish. A Noddy and Black-headed Terns, and a Puffin or Petrel, larger than a Cape-Pigeon, were also fishing.” —ZJ. M. The series before us. so far as it goes, tends to show that this smaller Frigate-bird may remain distinct from its larger brother, although we are not aware of any other obvious point of difference than that of size. The specimens measure as follows :— Wing. Bill from gape. PEG ANG AGUIAG 7225 eA. ee ZOD 30 ad Rt Yes te sake Cee 4°5 ae Be wllesragreins 2% vis, Sel) 4-4 1878.] COLLECTED BY THE ‘CHALLENGER.’ 651 Wing. Bill from gape. Fregata minor 3,133.... ... 20°53 3°9 » sei ID 5 ES elo tialie 9205 4:0 » at, Py tees 20°5 4:0 99 Fa LO aeeO 2 oieo isa -F 20°5 4:0 The bill of F. minor is also narrower at the base, and more feeble. 2. PHAETHONTID. 3. PHaiTHon #THEREUs, Linn. a, Ascension Island (1876, March). 143, female (young), Raine Island. “Eyes black, legs white, claws black, bill dark brown colour. The only one seen on the island.”—/J. M. 4. Paatraon riavrrostris, Brandt. a, , ZL ae } Ascension (March 1876). e, female, Tongatabou. 507, female, at sea, 19th March, 1875. “Eyes black, legs lake-white. The claws and membrane between the toes quite black. Bill pale yellow. Came on board the ship on the morning of the 19th March, 1875, before daylight. The bill of a cuttlefish was in the stomach.”—J. M. } Fernando Noronha (Sept. 1873). 3. PELECANID. 5. SuLA LeucoGastra (Bodd.). Pelecanus sula, Linn. S. N. i. p. 218. Le Fou de Cayenne, Buff. Pl. Enl. 973, undé Pelecanus leucogaster, Bodd. Tabl. de Pl. Enl. p. 57. Sula leucogastra, Salvin, Trans. Zool. Soc. ix. p- 496. 141, male, Raine Island. “ Hyes grey ; feet light green ; bill bluish towards the base, white at the tip.’”—J. M. 510, female, at sea. “Eyes white or light grey. Stomach had cuttlefish; feet yellow with green tinge; bill flesh-colour, cere greenish. Came on board the ship on the evening of the 6th April, 1875.”—J. M. a, female. Ascension (March 1876). 4 } St. Paul’s rocks, Atlantic (August 1873). 3 6. Suxa PiscaTor (Linn.). Pelecanus piscator, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 217. Dysporus piscator, Finsch et Hart!. Orn. Centr.-Polyn. p. 255. 123, female, off Cape York, at sea. “« Eyes brown ; bill and throat light blue-reddish towards the base, 42* 652 MESSRS. SCLATER AND SALVIN ON BIRDS [June 4, and the tips of both mandibles brown ; feet coral-red. The stomach contained cuttlefish about 33 and 4 inches long, allied to Gonatus ameenus, and the caudal portion of a fish. There were a great many lice on this bird (preserved in a tube).”—J. M. 139, female, Raine Island. «Byes hazel; feet red; bill light blue, red towards the base. Stomach contained fish and cuttlefish.’—J. M. 7. SuLA CYANops, Sund. Sula cyanops, Sund. Phys. Sallsk. Tidsekr, 1837, p. 218. Dysporus cyanops, Finsch et Hartl. Orn. Centr.-Pol. p. 252. 137 and 138, females, Raine Island. «Byes yellow, skin of the throat black, legs and feet slate-colour. Stomach contained fish and cuttlefish.’—J. M. 8. PHALACROCORAX IMPERIALIS. Phalacrocorax imperialis, King, P. Z. 8. 1831, p. 20. Phalacrocoraz carunculatus, Scl. et Salv. Ibis, 1870, p. 500. 637, male, Core Harbour, Messier Channel. *« Byes brown. Stomach had shells.’—J. M. This Cormorant appears to be different from the P. carunculatus of New Zealand, with which we have hitherto united it, having a broad white patch on the middle of the back in the adult plumage, no crest, and the white extending further over the cheeks. Both species have the white bar on the upper wing-coverts. The species of the Falkland Islands which has hitherto been called Ph. carunculatus (Sel. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 391; Abbott, ‘Ibis,’ 1861, p- 166) is again different, having a recurved crest and the caruncles on the front largely developed. It should probably stand as P. al- biventris, Lesson’s Carbo albiventer (Trait. d’Orn. p. 604) being apparently based upon the young of this species. 9. PHALACROCORAX VERRUCOSUS. Haheus (Hypoleucus) verrucosus, Cab. Journ. f. O. 1875, p. 450. Halieus verrucosus, Cab. et Reich. Journ. f. O. 1876, p. 359, tab. 1. Phalacrocorax verrucosus, Sharpe, Zool. of Kerguelen, p. 49. a, male, ) 6, male, ] ae oung), Betsy Cove, Kerguelen Land, January 1874. e, female, J, sex ind., The series of this Shag is quite sufficient to warrant us in adhering to the species as distinct. The principal characters are clearly pointed out by Dr. Cabanis in his original description ; and a good figure is given of the adult male under the second reference given above. Not one of the six specimens, of which a, 6, and, apparently, / are adult, shows any traces of the white line along the upper wing-coverts QS 1878. ] COLLECTED BY THE ‘CHALLENGER.’ 653 or of the white spot in the middle of the back which distinguish P. imperialis. The female, d, is in young plumage. 6. IMPENNES. Of Penguins the collection contains 37 specimens, belonging to 6 species. 1. APTENODYTES LONGIROSTRIS. Apterodyta longirostris, Scop. Del. Faun. et Flor. Ins. ii. p- 91. Aptenodytes longirostris, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1872, p- 193; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg. p. 52. a, Kerguelen Land. 6, Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen. ec, Marion Island. Zoe, female, |) pik lands. 735, male, “Eyes brown; the stomach of the female had the remains of cuttlefish, there being many beaks of these and also a weed-like sub- stance. Female weighed 20 Ib. ; skin of male weighed 10 lb.”— J. M. 2. PYGoscELEs THNIATUS. Aptenodytes papua, Forst. Nov. Comm. Gott. iii. p. 140, tab. iii. Aptenodytes teniata, Peale, U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 264 (1848). Pygosceles wagleri, Scl. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 390. Pygosceles teniata, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1872, p- 195; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg. p. 54. a, \ 6, * Kerguelen Land. | f) 3. SPHENISCUS DEMERSUS. Diomeda demersa, Linn. S. N. i. p. 214. Spheniscus demersus, Temm. Tabl. Méth. p. 107 (1836). a, | I “4 ads of Good Hope. ad; ) 4, SPHENISCUS MAGELLANICUS. Aptenodytes magellanicus, Forst. Nov. Comm. Gott. iii. p. 143, tab. v. Spheniscus magellanicus, Scl. P. Z. S. 1860, p. 382. Spheniscus demersus, var. magellanicus, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1872, p- 209. 689, male, Port Churrucha. 654 ON BIRDS COLLECTED BY THE ‘CHALLENGER. | June 4, “ Rep, U.S. Geol. Suryey of Territories, vol. xi. 658 MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [June 18, have convinced me that Mr. Allen has laid too much stress on the comparative size of the ears, and length and bushiness of the tail, as distinctive characters. In both these points, as well as in the quality of the pelage, every intermediate stage is often to be found; and I have therefore been obliged to unite Mr. Allen’s S. awreigaster and S. leucops, his S. boothie and S. hypopyrrhus, and his 8. gerrardi and S. variabilis. On the other hand, I have felt obliged to recognize, at least provisionally, the specific rank of 8. stramineus, S'. griseogenys, S. rufo-niger, and S. pusil/us, and more doubtfully that of S. griseoflavus,—thus raising the number of species from ten to twelve. In facing the intricate and often baffling problem of distinguish- ing between ‘species’ and “ varieties”’ in such a protean group, I have endeavoured to act in harmony with Mr. Darwin’s directions : “When a naturalist can unite by means of intermediate links any two forms, he treats the one as a variety of the other’, It must be remembered that many of these “ varieties” apparently breed true and prevail in certain parts of the range; but all that are here brought together are united by such intergradations that a sufhi- cient series at once convinces one of their identity. It is evident, however, that still more complete material will be required before every point can be regarded as definitely settled. Before proceeding to remark on the various species*, I must return my warmest thanks to all who have assisted me in this in- vestigation, especially to Mr. J. A. Allen, Professor A. Milne- Edwards, Dr. Peters, and Dr. Giinther. I. Scturus CAROLINENSIS. Sciurus carolinensis, Gmelin, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 148 (1788, ex Pennant); Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent, p. 700. Length of head and body averaging 10 inches ; of tail-vertebree about 8 inches, Upper parts grey or brownish grey, the middle of the back brownish, a rufous lateral stripe usually present ; lower parts white. Tail moderate, washed with white, the hairs yellowish brown or whitish, with narrow black rings, broader black subterminal bands and white tips. Hab. Southern Canada; Eastern United States; Mexico; Yu- catan ; Guatemala (7). Concerning this well-known Nearctic form I can add almost nothing to Mr. Allen’s exhaustive account. He distinguishes three geographical races or varieties, of which two, his “ var. caro- linensis”’ and “var. yucatanensis,” are found within the Neotropi- eal limits. The former, smaller and browner than the northern leucotis race, is apparently the S. carolinensis which M. de Saus- sure records from Mexico * and Mr. Tomes from Guatemala’; and Origin of Species, 6th ed. p. 36. ° The species of which I have been able to examine the types or typical species are distinguished in the following pages by an asterisk. 3 Rey. et: Mag. de Zool. 1861, p. 4. * Proce. Zool. Soc, 1861, p. 282. 1878.] MR.E.R ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 659 there are specimens from Nuevo Leon in the National Museum at Washington. Mr, Allen’s “var. yucatanensis”’ is based on speci- mens collected at Merida, which agree in their pale coloration, the absence of rufous on their flanks, their small size, and the compara- tive coarseness of their pelage. He considers that this form is ‘possibly specifically distinct,’? but remarks that the Nuevo-Leon examples are fairly intermediate; and, judging from the single typical example which Mr. Allen kindly lent me, I think he was wise in refusing it specific rank, at least for the present. Of the geographical variations presented by the Grey Squirrel throughout its very extensive range, Mr. Allen observes they consist “mainly in decrease in size southward, and an increase in in- tensity of coloration, the whitish tips of the hairs of the dorsal surface seen in northern specimens being replaced by yellowish- brown in the southern ones, except in the case of var. yucata- nensis.” The decrease in size as we go southwards is of course strongly in favour of the distinctness of the next species. II. Scrurvus ARIZONENSIS. *Sciurus arizonensis, Coues, Amer. Nat. i. p. 357 (1867). (Sciurus colliei, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent, p. 7388, nec Richardson.) Length about 12°50, of tail-vertebree 11 inches. Upper parts grey, more or less mixed with yellowish-brown, especially along the middle of the back; lower parts pure white. Tail long, very bushy, strongly washed with white, the hairs tawny or fulvous with two narrow and one broader black band, succeeded by a long white tip. PTab. Arizona; California; Mexico. Misled by imperfect descriptions and a bad figure of Richardson’s type, Mr. Allen has referred the Arizona Squirrel of Dr. Coues to Richardson’s 8S. co/liei. He has since kindly intrusted me with a typical example of S. arizon-nsis ;.and I find that it is quite distinct from S. colliei (which is Mr. Allen’s S. doothie), being much more nearly allied to S. carolinensis, from which, however, both Dr. Coues and Mr. Allen consider that it is ‘thoroughly distinct.” The superior size, coloration of the long heavy tail, and absence of a lateral line appear to be constant, but in some specimens in the Paris and British Museums the grey of the upper flanks is not so clear from rufous as in the examples described by Mr. Allen. The example mentioned by that gentleman as having “the lower surface consi- derably varied with irregular patches and streaks of pale yellowish rufous’ gives support to the opinion that furthur material will render it necessary to unite the next species with the present. If so, Dr. Coues’s name must be retained, as it has priority over Gray’s title. 660 MR. £E.R.ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [June 18, III. Scrurus GRISEOFLAVUS. *Macrozus griseoflavus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd series, xx. p. 427 (1867). (Sciurus leucops, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent, p. 753, nec Gray.) Length (in skin) about 13°50 inches, of tail-vertebrze 10°25 inches. Upper parts nearly uniform yellowish grey, the narrow black rings and minute whitish tips of the hairs merely obscuring the general tint produced by their broad pale-brown median bands ; lower parts yellowish red, the hairs in one specimen obscurely ringed with black. Tail bushy, strongly washed with white; the hairs yellowish or pale brown, with two or three narrow and one broader black band suc- ceeded by a long white tip. Hab. Mexico (?) ; Guatemala. Mr. Allen considers Gray’s M. griseoflavus to be specifically identical with his M. leucops (op. cit. p. 753); and the original diagnosis certainly seems to give countenance to such a view. The typical specimens (five in number), however, are very different, and in my opinion are closely allied to the last species, of which I suspect it will eventually prove to be a southern race. More speci- mens, however, are required before they can be united; and provi- sionally I therefore accept S. griseoflavus as a distinct species. It” appears probable that this is Mr. Tomes’s S. ludovicianus from Guatemala’; and a Mexican specimen in the Copenhagen Museum, labelled “ Se. afinis, an sp. nov.? Reinh.,” does not appear to be separable. IV. Scrurvus VARIEGATUS. Sciurus variegatus, Erxleben, Syst. Reg. An. p. 421 (1777, ex Hernandez). *Sciurus aureogaster, F. Cuvier, Hist. des Mamm. iii., livr. lix. (1829). ( Sciurus leucogaster, F. Cuvier, Suppl. de Buff. i. Mamm. p. 300 1831). Sciurus albipes, Wagner, Abh. Bayer. Ak. ii. p. 101 (1837). Sciurus ferruginiventris, Audubon & Bachman, P. Ac. Philad. 1841, p. 101. Seiurus varius, Wagner, Suppl. Schreber Siugeth. iii. p. 168 (1843). Sciurus socialis, Wagner, tom. cit. p. 170. * Macroxus morio, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. 3rd series, xx. p- 424 (1867, nec Wagner). * Macroxus maurus, Gray, tom. cit. p. 425. * Macroxus leucops, Gray, tom. cit. p. 427. (Sciurus aureigaster et S. leucops, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent. pp. 750, 753.) Hab. Southern Mexico; Guatemala? Average length about 10°50 inches, of tail-vertebrae 8°75 inches. ' Proc, Zool. Soc. 1861, p. 281. 1878.] MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 661 Upper parts grey or reddish grey, the hairs black, tipped or ringed and tipped with white or red. Pelage somewhat soft, with a good deal of under-fur; lower parts deep red, orange, or white. Tail black, washed with white, the hairs usually rufous at their base, with black rings and white tips. Under this nameI feel myself obliged to bring together two Mexican Squirrels of which typical specimens are very different in appearance. Mr. Allen has kept them separate under the names of S. aureigaster and S. leucops, remarking that the difference in coloration leaves little doubt of their distinctness, but adding that “more abundant material may show that they are not specifically separable ”’ (op. cit. p. 755). The colour-variation is not nearly so great as we shall find it to be in the next species ; and after a careful examination of a great number of specimens, especially of the fine series in the Paris Museum, [ have been unable to find a single distinctive character which is constant. Typical specimens of the two forms may be thus described :— 1. The aureogaster type. Upper parts dark grey, the hairs black, finely tipped with white. Lower parts deep red, which is usually more or less washed over the grey on the shoulders and flanks. 2. The /eucops type. Upper parts lighter grey, with a peculiar golden lustre, the hairs being finely ringed with bright rufous and tipped with i oe nape and rump more strongly rufous. Lower parts bright red, orange, or white. Many specimens, however, which have the general appearance of aureogaster show the rufous subterminal ring of Jeucops on some part of the dorsal surface ; and in others we find the red nape and rump-patches gradually appearing. I am therefore compelled to return to the view long ago expressed by Isidore Geoffroy ', and to regard them as varieties of the same species. With regard to distribution, all the specimens which I have seen with authenticated localities are from Mexico ; but Mr. Allen mentions one from Guatemala in the Washington Museum. Specimens in the British Museum are labelled as being from Columbia; but there can be little doubt that this is an error. S. aureogaster is stated by Prof. Sumichrast (as quoted by Mr. Allen) to be ‘‘ the common species of Sczurus of the tierra caliente of the east coast” of Mexico; and both forms are found in the States of Oaxaca and Te- huantepec. Turning to the question of synonymy, I must briefly explain why I have retained Erxleben’s name for this species. Mr. Allen con- siders it to apply rather to the next species, but rejects it altogether, on the ground that it is based partly on Buffon’s ‘ Coquallin” (S. niger, L.), and partly on the ‘‘ Coztiocotequallin ”’ of Hernandez. It is, however, primarily founded on the latter, Buffon’s name being only quoted as a synonym; and Erxleben’s diagnosis and description appear to me to be quite characteristic of the leucops form of the 1 Voy. de la Vénus, Zool. pp. 156-163. 662 MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [June 18, present species’. By retaining this appropriate name, we are enabled to escape from F, Cuvier’s barbarous term aureogaster, under which this beautiful animal has laboured in so many works. S. albipes, Wagner, afterwards re-named S. varius by its describer, is doubt- fully referred to the next species by Mr. Allen; but the description, especially the character of the hairs being ringed with red, black, and white, appears to point certainly to identity with Gray’s S. lewcops. Wagner’s S\. socialis also, founded on a single example, seems also to be a synonym of the present species ; for the characters of coloration by which he differentiates it from his S. varius are quite insufficient, and the small size may, as Mr. Allen suggests, be due to the imma- turity of the specimen described. V. SCIURUS HYPCOPYRRHUS. Sciurus hypopyrrhus, Wagler, Isis, 1831, p. 610. *Sciurus nigrescens, Bennett, P. Z. 8. 1833, p. 41. *Sciurus colliei, Richardson, Zool. Voy. ‘ Blossom,’ p. 8, pl. i. (1839}. *Sciurus variegatoides, Ogilby, P. Z. S. 1839, p. 117. *Sciurus richardsoni, Gray, Aun. Nat. Hist. x. p. 265 (1842, nec Bachman). *Sciurus boothie, Gray, List Mamm. Brit. Mus. p. 139 (1843). *Sciurus griseocaudatus, Gray, Zool. Voy. ‘Sulphur,’ p. 34, pl. xin. (1844). *Sciurus fuscovariegatus, Schintz, Syn. Mamm. ii. p. 17 (1845, ex Gray). * Macroxus adolphei, Lesson, Desc. de Mamm. &e. p. 141 (1847). *Macroxus pyladei, Lesson, tom. cit. p. 142. *Sciurus dorsalis, Gray, P. Z. 8S. 1848, p. 138, pl. vii. *Sciurus rigidus, Peters, Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1863, p. 652. * Sciurus oculatus, Peters, tom. cit. p. 653. *Sciurus intermedius, Verreaux, ap. Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p. 421 (1867). * Macroaus nicoyana, Gray, tom. cit. p. 423. *Macroxus melania, Gray, tom. cit. p. 425. (Sciurus boothie et S. hypopyrrius, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent. pp. 741, 746.) Hab. Central America, from the Pacific coast of Mexico to the {sthmus of Panama. Average length about 11°75 inches, of tail-vertebrz 10 inches. Pelage close-lying and rather glossy, with little underfur. Upper parts dark brown or black, often broadly ringed with rufous or white. Lower parts varying from deep red to creamy white, sometimes ringed with black. ‘Tail black, generally washed with white, the hair rufous, pale brown or whitish at their base, with one or two black or brown rings and a white tip. In uniting all the very variously marked Squirrelsthe names of which 1 * § corpore supra nigro, albo et fusco variegato. x « *« Magnitudo dupla S. vulgaris. Auriculz imberbes. Corpus supra nigro, albo et fusco variegatum, ventre flavescente. Cauda supra corpus reflexa.” 1878.] MR. E. R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 663 ure given above, 1 have gone beyond Mr. Allen, who divides them into two species under the titles of 8. hypopyrrhus and S. boothie. The series of specimens to which he had access Jeft him strongly impressed with their distinctness; but he adds that further material may show that they intergrade. After a careful examination of the large series contained in various Museums, and especially of that at Paris, I am quite convinced that this is the case, and have even grave doubts of the propriety of keeping them distinct from the last species. But as I have uot yet found specimens strictly intermediate between S. varieyatus and S. hypopyrrhus in the character of the pelage and the aunulation of the fur, it seems best to keep them distinct. The opinion has been expressed above that the differences in com- parative length of tail and ears, on which Mr. Allen lays most weight in separating S. boothie from S. hypopyrrhus, cannot be depended ou; and I have been totally unable to detect any constant difference in general stoutness of form or, breadth of muzzle. As to colour, the intergradations of the different varieties are quite complete, so that it is often difficult or impossible to say to which a given spe- cimen is to be referred. Each variety, however, has its own type, and seems to predominate in its own immediate locality. The five principal phases known to me may be thus arranged :— 1. The hypopyrrhus type. Upper parts dark-grey, the hairs black, ringed with white or pale fulvous. Lower parts either con- colorous, with the upper or washed with rufous. To this variety T agree with Mr. Allen in referring Bennett’s S. nigrescens ; and it is to the same form that the description of Macroxus boothie iu Gray’s memoir of 1867 refers, although the same author’s Seiurus boothie of 1833 was founded on a young example of the white-bellied colli#i phase. ‘Lhe rufous-beilied specimens lead us directly into 2. ‘The rigidus type. Upper parts usually marbled with fulvous and black, tue hairs being glossy brown or black with a median band of yellowish brown. Lower parts bright rufous (rigidus), or varied with rufous aud white, either symmetrically (intermedius) or asym- metrically (xicoyanus). In many specimens, as observed by Mr. Allen, there is a more or less marked tendency to the development of a pale grizzled lateral stripe placed high on the tanks and con- fining the dark dorsal area to a broad median band. From these we have every gradation into the rufous phase of 3. The dorsalis type. Upper parts with the median dorsa! area black, flanks and lower parts white, fulvous, or rufous. In many in- dividuals the hairs of the black dorsal area will be found to have concealed rings of white or fulvous; so that we have a further tran- sition into 4. The colliai type. Upper parts much as in the rigidus form, but usually less rutous ; lower parts white (colliei, adolphet) or pale fulvous (variegatoides, griseocaudutus, pyladei, oculatus). Usu- ally the dark coloration of the back is extended onto the shoulders, hips, and limbs; but in others it is confined to the middle of 664 MR.E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [June 18, the back, as in the last phase, while the rufous-bellied phases lead us directly back into the rigidus form. 5. The melania type. Upper and lower parts uniform glossy dark brown, often with irregular patches of paler brown. This is a very peculiar phase, and I have not yet seen any direct intergradation with the other varieties; but uniformity of coloration is so abnormal among the Squirrels, that it seems impossible to doubt that Mr. Allen is right in regarding it as a melanism. The colour is exactly similar to that of the white-bellied dorsalis varieties, in which alse the paler apparently faded patches are sometimes seen. It appears to be much rarer than any of the other forms described. With regard to the synonymy, J may observe that I have been able to examine the types of all the “species”’ here united, except- ing that of S. hypopyrrhus, which, however, has been well described by Wagler and Wagner; it appears to be a dark variety without the usual wash of white on the tail. That of 8. nigrescens only differs in having the fur of the lower parts ringed like that of the back ; it agrees well with specimens in the Paris and Berlin Museums. S. collizi and 8. adolphet are synonyms for the white-bellied form above described, from which I am also unable to distinguish 8S. richardsoni of Gray (not of Bachman), on which both S. doothie and S. fuscovariegatus were founded. SS. variegatoides, S. griseocauda- tus, S. pyladei, and S. oculatus are all intermediate links with more or less fulvous lower parts, leading to the phase with a red or red and white belly, on which the names S. intermedius, S. rigidus, and Macrozus nicoyanus have been bestowed. Of the geographical distribution of the various races we can only judge from the comparatively few specimens of which the exact localities have been noted. The hypopyrrhus phase appears to be the most northern, the colligi to obtain principally along the Pacifie slopes, and the dorsalis to be the most southern. Each, however, appears to be found along with others im some part. Thus, I have seen specimens of hypopyrrhus type from Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala, of rigidus from Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, of dorsalis from Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Veragua, and Panama, and of collizi from the west coast of Mexico and Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica. The only localities which I know for S. melania are Nicaragua and Veragua. VI. Scrurus STRAMINEUS. Sciurus stramineus, Eydoux & Souleyet, Voy. de ‘La Bonite,’ Zool. i. p. 37, Atlas, pl. ix. (1841), * Sciurus nebouwii, Is. Geoffroy, Voy. de ‘ La Vénus,’ Zool. p. 163, Atlas, pl. xii. (1855). *Macrovus fraseri, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p. 430 (1867). (Sciurus hypopyrrhus, Allen, Mon, N.-Am. Rodent. p. 747.) Hab. Ecuador; Peru. Average length about 12°50 in., of tail-vertebree 12°50. Upper parts nearly uniform grizzled grey, ramp and lower parts more or 1878.] MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 665 less washed with rufous, the hairs blackish towards their base, with long white fulvous or rufous ends ; feet blackish ; tail black, washed with rufous and whitish; pelage very sparse and harsh, with almost no under-fur. This curious Squirrel, which appears to be the sole representative of the genus in Western Peru, is rare in collections ; and though the few specimens which have been sent to Europe differ little in colour, they have received the above names. Mr. Allen referred three specimens from Guayaquil to S. hypopyrrhus (tom. cit. p. 747) ; and certainly some varieties of that species bear a strong general resem- blance to the present. But so far as can be judged from the small series in the Paris and British Museums, S. stvamineus seems to be fairly entitled to specific recognition; and intermediate forms are hardly likely to be found, as no similar Squirrel appears to be known from any part of Columbia. It is only fair to Mr, Allen to add, that Gray’s description of M. fraseri is so imperfect that it is not sur- prising that the American zoologist should have doubtfully referred it to S. tephrogaster (tom. cit. p. 763). A remarkable peculiarity of this species is its tendency to the development of irregular tufts of pure white hairs, rather longer than the rest of the fur, and sometimes uniting in larger patches. These asymmetrical markings are present in the majority of the individuals examined. A fine specimen of S. stramineus from Ecuador is now living in the Society’s Gardens’. VII. Scrurvs VARIABILIs. *Sciurus variabilis, Is. Geoffroy, Mag. de Zool. 1832, pl. iv. Sciurus langsdorfi, Brandt, Mém. Ac. St. Pétersb. 6° sér. iii. p.425, 1835). ; Sciurus igniventris, Natterer ap. Wagner, Wiegm. Arch. 1842, 360. ~ Sciurus pyrrhonotus, Natterer, loc. cit. Sciurus tricolor, Poppig ap. Tschudi, Faun. Peruan. p. 156, pl. xi. (1844-46). Sciurus morio, Wagner, Abh. Bayer. Ak. v. p. 275 (1850, nec Gray), *Sciurus gerrardi, Gray, P. Z. 8. 1861, p. 92, pl. xvi. *Sciurus brunneo-niger, Castelnau ap. Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p. 429 (1867). *Sciurus fumigatus, Gray, tom. cit. p. 428 (1867). (Sciurus gerrardi et S. variabilis, Allen, Mon. N.-Amer. Rodent. pp- 766, 768.) Hab. Panama; Venezuela; Columbia; Ecuador; Peru; Brazil; Bolivia. Average length about 12 inches, of tail-vertebrze 11 inches. Upper parts red, either pure or more or less grizzled with black, lower parts white, fulvous, or light rufous, sharply defined from the dorsal colour- 1 See above, p. 441. Proc. Zoou. Sec.—1878, No. XLII. 43 666 MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL sQuirRELs. [June 18, ing; tail black, washed with bright-red orange, often very bushy. Pelage rather harsh and sparse, ears high and narrow. Here, again, the greater amount of material at my disposal compels me to go beyond Mr. Allen in the identification of nominal species. Most of the above synonyms were brought together by him. under the name of S. variabilis; but S. gerrardi and S. brunnre - niger . sfeniger were kept separate under the former title. The principal points on which he rested were the smaller size and shorter ears of 8. gerrardi; but on examination of a sufficient series, I have not been able to find any constancy in the proportions of the ears, while the difference in size totally disappears, as is shown by the following series of measurements—9°50, 9°75, 10°00, 10°25, 16°75, 11, 11°50, 11°75, 12°00, 12°75, 13°00. The smaller specimens (S. variabilis, S. gerrardi, &c.) appear to prevail towards the north : but this is not constant ; for a Santa-Martha example measures over 12 inches, while others from Brazil are under 10 in., although evidently adult. Nor is it constantly connected with any of the numerous varieties of coloration—rufous, grizzled, and melanistic specimens occurring of all sizes. The range of these variations of colour is not nearly so great as in S. hypopyrrhus; and they seem to resolve themselves into three primary groups, namely :— 1. The morio type. Upper and lower parts black, only slightly ringed with rufous or fulvous, tail black, either entirely or slightly washed with red. Of this melanistic form no two specimens agree exactly in the proportion of red ; and every step is present leading into 2. The variabilis type. Upper parts red, more or less varied with black—but the rufous tint prevailing, especially on the flanks ; lower parts pure white, fulvous, or pale rufous; tail (either narrow or bushy) black, strongly washed with bright rufous or orange. Here we have an endless series of minor variations, from the very brilliant black and red specimens sent from the Rio Napo to the British Museum, and the bright rufous Columbian form, through more and more greyish red specimens, till we find ourselves in 3. The langsdorffi type. Upper parts reddish or yellowish griz- zled, the hairs being pretty uniformly ringed with black and red or black and yellow ; lower parts and tail as in the last. Each of these styles appears to prevail in certain localities: thus the melanistic form has been found on the Upper Amazous by Mr. Bates and by Castelnau and Deville, the rufous type on the Rio Negro and Rio Madeira by Natterer, and the grizzled in North- western Brazil by Spix. But there seems to be no regularity in their distribution ; and I have seen both grizzled and red specimens from Panama, Venezuela, Columbia, and North-eastern Peru. The oldest name, and therefore the one here adopted, is S. varia- bilis, given in 1832 by Isidore Geoffroy to small red specimens from Columbia, and strictly synonymous with Gray’s S. gerrardi; while S. igniventris and S. pyrrhonotus were MS. names of Natterer’s, applied by Wagner to other varieties of the rufous type. 8. langs- 1878.] MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 667 dori and S. tricolor both refer to the forms in which the upper parts are more or less uniformly grizzled; while S. morio, S. #4fe5 niger, and M. fumigatus, are all more or less melanistic varieties. VIII. Scrurvus GRISEOGENYs. *Sciurus estuans, var. hoffmanni, Peters, Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1863, p. 654. *Sciurus hyporrhodus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p- 419 (1867). *Macroxus xanthotus, Gray, tom. cit. p. 429. * Macroaus griseogenu, Gray, tom. cit. p. 429. (Sciurus estuans, var. rufo-niger, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent. p: 797.) Hab. Ecuador; Columbia; Venezuela; Panama; Veragua; Costa Rica; Nicaragua. Length about 9 inches, of tail-vertebrae 8 inches. One upper pre- molar. Upper parts dark olive, the hairs dusky, very minutely an- nulated with rufous or fulvous ; lower parts bright orange or rufous ; tail black, more or less washed with bright red or deep orange, the hairs reddish brown banded with black and tipped more or less broadly with rufous. Mr. Allen, in his monograph, regards this Squirrel as a “ variety ” or geographical race of the next species, differing in its uniformly larger size and strikingly in the coloration of its tail. In a sub- sequent letter to me, he says :—‘“‘ It would perhaps be just as well to recognize it as entitled to specific rank, although I still feel sure of their intergradation.”” That such connecting links may yet be found seems very probable ; but I have not been able to find such in the very large series which I have examined, and am consequently compelled to keep them provisionally distinct. Unfortunately Mr. Allen has identified this species with Pucheran’s S. rufo-niger, which, as will be seen presently,is a much smaller and quite distinct species’. Dr. Peters described it only as a variety of S. estuans; and though specimens in the Berlin Museum are la- belled ‘‘ Sciurus hoffmanni,” the name remains a manuscript one. Of Gray’s three titles I have adopted griseogena (more correctly gri- seogenys) as being simultaneous in date with the others, and as in- dicating the typical form. His S. hyporrhodus is founded on an example from Santa Fé de Bogote, and is characterized by its long soft fur and hairy ears, peculiarities easily explained when we remember that that city stands at an elevation of over 8800 feet, and is overlooked by lofty mountains. Macroxus xanthotus is undoubtedly an immature animal, as is proved by the dentition of the type specimen. By some curious error Gray’s account of this last has been printed after that of M. brunneo-niger, instead of after M. griseogena: so that the remark, “very like the former” &c., naturally led Mr. Allen to refer the synonym to 8. gerrardi. S. griseogenys varies very little in colour: in some examples the 1 Cf. infra. p. 669. 43* 668 MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [June 18, middle of the back is considerably darker than the flanks; and there is some variety in the exact tint of the red wash on the tail. I can confirm Mr. Allen’s statement that this species (as well as S. varia- bilis and S. wstuans) have normally only one upper premolar. Dr. Peters states, it is true, that the type of his “ var. hoffmanni” had two; but the first was minute and only attached to the gum; and I have not been able to find more than one, either in dried skulls or in spirit-specimens. IX. Scrurvus £STUANS. Sciurus estuans, Linneeus, Syst. Nat. i. p. 88 (1766). Myoaus guerlingus, Shaw, Gen. Zool. ii. p. 171, pl. elvi. (1801). Sciurus gilvigularis, Natterer ap. Wagner, Abh. Bayer. Ak. v. p- 283 (1850). *Macroxus leucogaster, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p. 430 (1867, nec F. Cuv.). * Macroxus irroratus, Gray, tom. cit. p. 431. * Macroaus flaviventris, Castelnau ap. Gray, tom. cit. p. 432. (Sciurus e@stuans, var. estuans, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent. p- 796, 1877). Hab. Guiana; Brazil; Eastern Peru; Bolivia. Average length about 7:25 inches, of tail-vertebree 7 inches. One upper premolar. Upper parts olive, rather lighter and more fulvous than in the last species; lower parts fulvous, greyish, or white; tail black, more or less washed with pale fulvous, the hairs pale brown, banded with black and tipped with pale faded yellow. I have little to add to Mr. Allen’s critical notes on this well-known Squirrel. Gray states, in his description of his M. leucogaster (not to be confounded with FP. Cuvier’s species of that name’), that the hairs of the lower parts are “‘white to the base;” this is not the case, though the dusky colour at the roots is little developed on the chest. M.irroratus must also be placed here, although the original description is such that Mr. Allen unhesitatingly referred it to the last species ; and M. flaviventer is to me quite undistinguishable from the ordinary type of S. estuans. S. pusillus, Geoffr., and Macrotus kuhlit, Gr., are considered by Mr. Allen to be the young of the present species; but I believe them to be quite distinct”. X. ScruRUS DEPPEI. *Sciurus deppei, Peters, Monatsb. Ak. Berl. 1863, p. 654. *Macroxus tephrogaster, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p. 431. * Macroxus teniurus, Gray, loc. cit. * Macroxus medellinensis, Gray, op. cit. ser. 4, x. p. 408 (1872). (Sciurus tephrogaster, Allen, Mon. N.-Am. Rodent. p. 763 (1877)). Hab. Mexico ; Honduras; Guatemala; Columbia. Average length nearly 9 inches, of tail-vertebrze 7°25 inches. Two upper premolars. Upper parts dark olive, often darker along the 1 Cf. antei, p. 660. 2 Cf. infra, p. 670. 1878.] MR. E. R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. 669 middle of the back ; lower parts white, greyish white, or light ful- vous ; tail black, lightly washed with white, the hairs fulvous, with black bands and short pure white tips. Mr. Allen was led to admit the specific validity of this Squirrel, on finding that it differed from the last two in having normally two well-developed upper premolars ; and the specimens which I’ have been able to examine confirm his observation. He failed, however, to recognize this species in Dr. Peters’s description of his S. deppei, which he doubtfully referred to the southern form of S. carolinensis', An examination of the types of S. deppei, M. tephrogaster, M. teni- urus and M. medellinensis convinces me that they are all strictly synonymous, the species presenting but little variation in coloration. In S. deppei and M. teniurus the lower parts are washed with ful- vous ; in M. tephrogaster they are greyish white; while the types of M. medellinensis ave smaller and have the middle of the back nearly black, exactly as in many specimens of 8. griseogenys. In- termediate examples occur ; and the whole range of variation between the extremes is comparatively trifling. As already observed”, M. fraseri, Gr., was so insufficiently de- scribed that Mr. Allen was led to identify it with the present species, which is about half its size and totally different in coloration. XI. Scrurus RUFO-NIGHR. cht us Osayus- *Sciurus rufo-niger, Pacheran, Rev. de Zool. 1845, p. 336{q 20 *Sciurus chrysosurus, Pucheran, tom. cit. p. 337. *Macroxus tephrogaster minor, Gray, MS. (Mus. Brit.). Hab. Columbia; Panama; Veragua. Average length about 5°50 inches, of tail-vertebre 3°75 inches. Two upper premolars. Upper parts dark olive, the hairs very mi- nutely tipped with fulvous ; breast bright rufous, rest of lower parts like the upper, but paler ; tail nearly uniform with the back, the hairs reddish fulvous, barred with black and minutely tipped with pale yellow or white. On examining the type of Pucheran’s S. rufo-niger in the Paris Museum, I found that it was not identical with S. griseogenys, as Mr. Allen supposed, but rather allied to 8. deppei; and I soon recog- nized in it a small Squirrel of which I had seen several specimens from Panama, and which I had begun to fear would require a new name. These examples prove to agree further with S. deppei in having two upper premolars, but differ in being more than one third smaller, in the colour of the lower parts (which are only paler than the upper, save on the breast), and in the tail being nearly uniform in colour with the back (the hairs having only very minute white or yellow tips). Specimens in the British Museum are labelled M. tephrogaster minor ; but I cannot doubt the distinctness of the form. The type of S. rufoniger has the middle of the back nearly black ; while that of MW. chrysosurus appears to be a variety, merely differing in the tail being more rufeus. 1 Tom. cit. p. 710. > Cf. ante, p. 665. ‘=> 670 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON BIRDS [June 18, XII. Scrurus pusttius. (Plate XLI.) Sciurus pusillus, Geoffroy apud Desmarest, Mamm. p. 337, pl. Ixxvii. fig. 2 (1820). *Macrozus kuhlii, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 3, xx. p- 433 (1867). Hab. Guiana; Brazil. Length about 4°50 inches, of tail-vertebree.3 inches. ‘Two upper premolars. Upper parts greyish olive, the hairs dusky, very mi- nutely tipped with pale fulvous ; lower parts only slightly paler ; tail black, washed with whitish or pale yellow. I was not able to ascertain the type of Geoffroy’s S. pusillus in the Paris Museum ; but there can hardly be a doubt of its identity with specimens standing under that name ia the British museum, and with the types of Gray’s Macrovus kuhlit. All these are supposed by Mr. Allen to be merely very young individuals of S. @stuans’, in spite of Buffon’ s observations on the development of the reproductive organs in the type of S. pusillus*. The British- Museum specimens, however, agree in size with Buffon’s and Desmarest’s descriptions, and areset et quite adult, as shown by their skulls and teeth ; moreover the two specimens examined differ from S. estuans in the possession of two upper premolars. ‘Their very small size and the nearly uniform greyish olive of both their upper and lower parts prevent their being confounded with any other species known to me. The type of M. kuhlii, collected in Brazil by Castelnau, merely differs in having a white spot at the root of each ear, and in the extreme tips of the hairs of the tail being white instead of pale fulvous. 2. On a third Collection of Birds made by the Rey. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S., in the Duke-of-York Group of Islands and its vicinity. By P. L. Scrarer, M.A:, Ph.D., F.RS., Secretary to the Society. [Received June 11, 1878.] (Plate XLII.) T have now the pleasure of submitting to the Society a third® col- lection of birds made by our Corresponding Member the Rev. J. Brown, in the group of islands known generally as the Duke-of- York Islands, and on the adjacent islands of New Britain and New Treland. The collection was forwarded from Port Hunter, the missionary station in the Duke-of-York group, on the 24th of February last by a small trading-steamer bound for Hongkong. It contains a series 1 Tom. cit. p. 759. 2 Hist. Nat. Suppl. vii. p. 264. 3 For notices of two previous collections, see P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 96, and 1878, p. 289. Fu pg Hanhart 1878.] FROM THE DUKE-OF-YORK ISLANDS. 671 of birds obtained while coasting along in a boat amongst the islands of the group. Ima letter of the same date Mr. Brown states that he was hoping to be able shortly to spenda week at Spacious Bay or some other place in New Britain, where he would be able to make a more extensive collection. The present collection contains thirty-five skins referable to thirty species. The exact localities being marked in every case, I think it advisable to give a perfect list of the species. ‘ Duke-of-York group”? means one of the group of twelve islands which form together the land marked in our chart “‘ Duke-of-York Island ’’?. See P. Z. 8. Locality. Date. if.” Gisticola ruficeps’... .20....20..-.-92- 1877, p. 98 | Duke-of-York group. | 1, 78 2. | Sauloprocta melaleuca..............: x 99 of y ee 3. | Rhipidura setosa ... ........:..cceees 3 99 is 33 4. | Monarcha verticalis ................+: + 99 = re 5. | —— chrysomelas ............00ecseees »» LOO| New Ireland. Ore f—-— aL eCtO = aint... .ce cercnceotap base » 100| Duke-of-York group. ui AIEOP DEGRA cae bode cetecaunecacl at’ b Geened 5 - 8. | Artamus insignis ..........00....00065 » 101] Spacious Bay, N.B. | 1,’78 9. | Hdoliosoma, sp. ine. ( Q).......++4-. » 10] | New Ireland. ules RU ualaceskarw: 21.085. tubes seiawainn tens ,, 101) Duke-of-York group. 11. | Dicranostreptus megarhynchus ...| _,, 101 | New Ireland. ier | Gracia KYEMUL ..ccccesectsccteeresss ‘ 104| Duke-of-York group. 13. | Alcedo moluccensis .......06...se0e8- i 105 » 5 5777 14. | Halcyon albicilla ..................+++ 58 105 a 4 V5.5 jBuceros ruficollis .......c.s| a Sh) te ele fetes ; 3 ‘a =I & a | | es - gs = je) wm = A % * * * * * ean We: * * * % * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A huis * * * | * * * wae da oe * * Fhe 2 Spee * | x | * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 708 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [June 18, Tabular List (continued). Sg a a |g i= ale A cm] & a | a & © || co a |S ei || ere] os i bl @/s/-8/8/3/a coche 2 SE SNS) ea) |p Bompyces. Rhaphidognatha hainana ............+++... * IPIGOUS PIAMCOPIS! ioeccse Gazella granti. from the base of the horn to the eye, which it almost encircles, and from the eye to above the corners of the mouth. Posterior to the eye is a small white patch. External surface of the ear-conchs streaked with dark brown. Dark lateral and pygal bands distinctly marked; the former grizzled, the latter very broad and jet-black. 1 For a detailed definition of the terms used in this description, wide P.Z.8. 1873, p. 436. 1878. ] SIR V. BROOKE ON GAZELLA GRANTI. 725 Lower two thirds of the tail black, the upper third white. The tip of the tail is tufted ; for the remainder of its length it is furnished with coarse hairs which project at right angles to its axis. Chin, lower surface of the head, breast, belly, inside of limbs and rump white, the white of the rump extending forwards in an angle into the darker colour of the body. Knee-brushes of moderate length, Fig. 2. Gazella granti. grizzled. Horns of great length in both sexes, much compressed from side to side, marked by strong annulations which completely surround the horn for the proximal half of its length, but become obsolete on the posterior surface of its distal or upper half. The horns diverge at first gradually, then more boldly, their tips con- 726 SIR V. BROOKE ON GAZELLA GRANTI. [June 18, wereing and giving to the set of the horns a remarkably perfect lyrate orm. The skull is in every respect typically Gazelline. Dimensions of Mr. Arkwright’s head and horns (figs. 1 and 2, pp- 724, 725). English Inches. Metre. Length of horns round the curve ...... 240 0610 Length of horns in a straight line ...... 23°0 0°580 Circumference of horns at base ......... 66 0-170 Distance between the tips.................. 13-0 0-330 Wien tiMon Cars is.04.kvcsss kecswoweesseraae 6:5 0165 Dimensions of the young female in the British Museum, of which the dentition is d. ig, d. e¢, d. m.3, m.4. — English Inches. Metre. Height at shoulder ...................000e- 28°0 0:710 Bength*of Horns «.; 00. csesatees sss eiseeetee 75 0-190 Tength’ of ars | ....2...tecottyctsy-ss0ecses 5.5 0-140 Trenptl of Gail)....¢- 0-0: «c+ Scesmtere- sens c's Length of tail, exclusive of hair ......... 65 0165 | The horns of the adult female shot by Capt. Speke and Col. Grant in Ugogo measured 15 inches round the curve. Comparison with allied Species. Gazella granti belongs, as pointed out in my former description, to the group of long-limbed large Gazelles which are distinguished by the white of the rump projecting in an angle into the fawn-colour of the back and sides (vide P. Z.S. 1873, p. 537, B'). The allied species are G. semmerringi, G. mohr, and G.dama. From all these it differs in the very much greater size, and in the form of the horns. It is also peculiar in the presence of the dark lateral band, which is wanting in the three above-named species, and in the remarkably defi- nite black pygal band, which is only shown in very young specimens of Gazella semmerringi, is absent entirely in Gazella dama, and ouly indefinitely shown. in Gazella mohr. In the watered-silk mottling of the neck and back Gazella granti differs from all other known Gazelles. P Z.S. 1878. Pl. XII. Df eet: Peestuermenene a Se te wy PTT esee iON a NEW AND OTHER SHELLS FROM VARIOUS LOCALITIES. C, Berjeoat ith /antern 7 1878.] ON SHELLS FROM CHINA AND JAPAN. 727 14. Descriptions of two new Species of Shells from China and Japan. By Cart Bock, F.G.S. &e. [Received June 18, 1878.] (Plate XLVI.) TELLINA WROBLEWSKYI. (Plate XLVI. figs. 1, 2.) Shell subovate, slightly inequilateral, gaping at both ends, marked with coarse and rather distant concentric lines of growth, covered with fine radiating strie, pellucid at intervals, with concentric opaque layers, the posterior region also being somewhat opaque. Colour bluish white stained with grey, especially at the posterior end. The latter portion is 4 longer than the anterior, acuminately produced, and terminates in a somewhat obtuse angle. Anterior margin rounded, ventral but slightly arcuate, almost rectilinear near the middle ; posterior dorsal slope deeply excavated, the valves being strongly carinate from the umbo towards the posterior extremity, with a deep excavation between the keel and the extreme margin. Cardinal teeth 2 in the left valve, 1 in the right. Anterior muscular impression very elongated near the margin, posterior irregularly quadrate. Ligament situated on a narrow ledge of the posterior dorsal slope, marked off by an incised line, and extending from the umbo nearly 20 millims. In both valves (principally towards the umbones) there are rather large and irregular pittings. Pallial sinus very deep, forming a subacute angle, which extends anteriorly beyond the umbo. Breadth 112 millim., length 61 millim., diameter, with the valves closed, 39 millim. Hab. China. The magnificent species here described is one of the largest of the family (Tellinide), and resembles in outward appearance certain species of the genus Anatina. I propose to associate with this beautiful shell the name of Dr. Wroblewsky of Copenhagen. Trocaus (THaxoriA) yoxonamensis. (Plate XLVI. fig. 3.) Shell imperforate, acutely pyramidal, dull white, marked at in- tervals with irregular dark brown blotches, and the base ornamented with brown lines radiating from the centre (where they are paler, almost orange) to the periphery. Whorls 7, quite flat, spirally ridged ; ridges crenulate or subgranular through being crossed by oblique raised strize or lirulee ; on the upper whorls there are about six ridges, and on the last, which is acutely angled at the middle, they are about fourteen in number, that at the carina consisting of two or three small approximated ones, and hence broader than the rest. Aperture slightly oblique, subquadrate, upper half above the carina shallowly sulcate, lower portion smooth; columella white, callous, terminating in an oblique slight truneation. Greatest diameter 15 millim., length 18. Hab. Yokohama, Japan. 728 MR. E. A. SMITH ON NEW SHELLS FROM [June 18, 15. Descriptions of five new Shells from the Island of For- mosa and the Persian Gulf, and Notes upon a few known Species. By Encar A. Smiru, F.Z.S. [Received June 18, 1878.] (Plate XLVI.) ME.aniA FoRMOSENSIS. (Plate XLVI. figs. 4 & 5.) Shell elongate, subulate, olivaceous yellow, purer yellow beneath the whorls, marked with longitudinal, undulating, more or less in- terrupted and broken flammules of a dark brown colour, at the top of the whorls forming conspicuous blotches, and at the base of the body-whorl with a broad blackish-brown band. Whorls 13, a little constricted at the upper part and submarginated and somewhat convex beneath, the first 9 or 10 obliquely costate and deeply transversely sulcate, the lowermost sulcus at the suture being par- ticularly wide, forming a canaliculation, the last three whorls only spirally sulcate and striated by obliquely flexuous lines of growth ; sulci narrower than the interstices, about 10 in the penultimate whorl and 24 in the last. Aperture ovate, acute superiorly, within of the same colour as the exterior, but clouded by a white enamel, the brown flammulation and spiral basal band being visible ; colu- mella white, oblique, but slightly arcuate. Length 33 millim., diameter 93; aperture 93 long, 5 wide. Var. In this variety the longitudinal plicze extend as far as the penultimate whorl, and are even partially developed on the last. Hab. Formosa (Dickson). This species, which I feel much pleasure in naming after Mr. Matthew Dickson, has been liberally presented to the Museum by him, together with the other Melaniz here described, and a nu- merous series of insects, Me tania picksoni. (Plate XLVI. fig. 6.) Shell elongate, acuminate, shining, olivaceous yellow, purplish brown at the apex, with or without spiral brown bands. Whorls 8 or 9, moderately convex, the six upper ones almost smooth, only finely striated longitudinally by lines of growth, and also trans- versely, the last two with a few faint transverse keels or ridges.. Aperture ovate, acuminate above, occupying nearly 2 of the entire length, white within, the brown bands of the exterior (when present) also visible. Lip thin, almost even, not prominent or sinuated ; columella rather thickly callous in the umbilical region, and united to the lip above by a very thin callosity. Length 21 millim., diameter 8; aperture 8} long, 5 wide. Hab. Formosa (Dickson). This is a very remarkable species, and looks more like a North- American than an Eastern form. The brown transverse bands are present in five out of the six spe- 1878. ] FORMOSA AND THE PERSIAN GULP. 729 cimens presented to the Museum by Mr. Dickson. There are two on the penultimate whorl, one at its base, and one a little above the middle. On the body-whori there are three, the two upper ones being continuous with those on the preceding volution, and the third at the base. MELANIA OBLIquIGRANOSA. (Plate XLVI. figs. 7 & 8.) Shell elongately ovate, acuminate above, of a dirty yellowish colour, and usually coated with a black earthy deposit ; spire acutely conical, with straight outlines; whorls 9-10, turreted, quite flat, obliquely plicated and spirally ridged, with nodules at the point of contact of the plicee with the ridges; on the whorls of the spire the ridges are four in number, the granules on the uppermost one a little larger than those on the three lower ones. Body-whorl almost flat above the middle; at that point and beneath somewhat convex, encircled by 11 or 12 transverse ridges, whereof 5 or 6 of the upper ones are granuliferous, the rest either uninterrupted or displaying an indication of oblong granulations. Aperture pyriform, acute su- periorly, within of nearly the same colour as the exterior, but coated with a thin smooth callous deposit occupying about 2 of the entire length of the shell; columella considerably arcuated, at the middle white, united above to the lip by a very thin enamel on the whorl ; lip thin, sinuated above and prominent below the middle. ° Length 25 millim., diameter 8; aperture 10 long, 5 wide. Var. monstrosa. Shell ovate; spire short; aperture more than half as long as the shell. Hab. Formosa (Dickson). This species may be recognized among the several allied forms from the Philippine Islands and other places by its very rectilinear acute spire and perfectly flat whorls. ‘The uppermost series of gra- nules is at a little distance beneath the sutural line; and from this circumstance the whorls have a turreted appearance. The nodules of this series are larger and fewer in number than those of the other series, and consequently do not quite regularly terminate the ob- solete plicee, upon which the other three granules are situated in an oblique direction. Some of the granules haye a squarish form, others are transversely somewhat oblong; and most of them have the upper and lower margins rather straight, with the lateral edges less defined, but gradually blending off into the transverse ridges. The colour of this species is pretty constantly uniform ; one spe- cimen, however, is marked with a few reddish dots towards the base, and these are most conspicuous within the aperture. MeE;aniA TUBERCULATA, Miiller. (Plate XLVI. fig. 9.) Hab. Formosa ( Dickson). The shell here figured appears to be inseparable from this re- markably variable and widely distributed species. MELANIA suBPLICATULA. (Plate XLVI. fig. 10.) Shell rather small, elongate, acuminate, eroded or truncate at the Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XLVII. 47 730 MR. E. A. SMITH ON NEW SHELLS FROM [June 18, apex, olive-brown, more or less coated with a black earthy deposit. Whorls probably about 9 in number, the remaining four or five slightly convex, spirally suleate, and longitudinally sculptured with coarsish flexuous lines of growth; ridges between the sulci about 10 in the penultimate whorl and 18 in the last, those near the base separated by wider sulci than above. Aperture oval, acuminate superiorly and very slightly effuse at the base, occupying about 3 of the supposed entire length of the shell, sordid bluish within; lip very thin, broadly sinuated above and somewhat prominent below the middle. Columella whitish, moderately arcuate. Supposed total length 23 millim. ; actual length of five remaining whorls 19, diameter 74; aperture 74 long, 44 wide. Hab. Formosa (Dickson). This species resembles M. dolorosa, Gould, to some extent ; how- ever, it is distinguishable on account of more elongated whorls and coarser spiral sulci. Some of the lines of growth here and there are well marked, and give the whorls a subplicated appearance. Buta persica. (Plate XLVI. fig. 11.) Shell ovate-acuminate superiorly, greyish or lavender-colour, whitish at the upper part of the whorls, with the callous band at their base white, bordered below by a brown line at the suture; and the base or cauda of the last whorl is also white. Whorls 6, the first two smooth, convex, the rest spirally sulcated, the ridges between the sulci 8 in number in the upper whorls and about 16 in the last, whereof 12 are above and 4 below the acute ridge or keel, which winds round the lower portion of the whorl. Of these ridges the four immediately below the suture are more or less white, granulous through being crossed by oblique sulci, which only extend from the suture a short distance. Aperture deep brown within, with a paler or white border at the outer lip and over the basal sinus, and a little longer than the spire. Columella moderately arched, and coated with a thinnish white enamel. Basal sinus rather broad and deep. Length 24 millim., diameter 10; aperture 12 long, 7 broad. Hab. Bushire, Persian Gulf. Two specimens of this very interesting species have recently been presented to the Museum by Mr. A. S. Betts. The peculiar form and colouring, the granular ridges at the upper part of the whorl, and the brown aperture with the white margin to the labrum and basal sinus are the most obvious distinguishing characters of the species. OsrreEA, sp., adhering to Trochus (Polydonta) maculatus, Linn. (Plate XLVI. fig. 12.) This is a remarkable instance in which a shell has assumed, to a certain extent, the sculpture of another to which it has adhered. This assumption or mimicry of the surface of other shells and foreign substances has already been noticed in other species of Ostrea and other genera, and is common to most forms of the geuus Myochama. The same process which effects so remarkable a change in the normal 1878. | FORMOSA AND THE PERSIAN GULF. 731 aspect of the latter, namely the moulding of the edges of the upper valve by the animal to the surface of the substance to which the shell is attached, no doubt, was employed by the Oyster here figured ; for I do not think that this alteration of outward appearance has been in any way effected by contact of the tentacular cirri which proceed from the edge of the mantle of the Trochus, because if this were the case some alteration in colour would have been expected. The lower valve is white both externally and within, and, being thin, does not conceal the granular surface of the Trochus upon which it rests. The upper valve is olive-green within, and smooth, with the exception of the pear-shaped muscular scar and a few small granules scattered all round the margin. The exterior is dark lilac, with six obscure brownish rays, most observable towards the margin, and terminating at the digitations or prolongations at the edge. The lamellated surface, so common to the upper valves of most Oysters, is almost altogether obliterated, and only here and there traces of it are noticeable. The exterior is rather smooth, sub- angular, the indistinct granules arranged in series corresponding to those on the Trochus; and the suture dividing the last and the pen- ultimate whorls, and a depression or sulcus round the middle of the former, are also reproduced. The specimen is in the collection of Mr. Carl Bock. Cyprma pease, Sowerby. (Plate XLVI. figs. 13 & 14.) Cyprea peasei, Sowerby, Thesaurus Conchyl. iv. pl. 311. figs. 167, 168. Hab. Mauritius. Coll. Carl Bock. The shell here figured appears to be a monstrous growth of this species. The alteration of form and the obtuse ridges on the dorsal ‘surface are suggestive of certain forms of the genus Ovulum. Convus PASTINACA. Much uncertainty and confusion exists with regard to the deter- mination of this Lamarckian species. The original description of it is so brief that it is absolutely impossible ever to know with cer- tainty what species Lamarck really had before him, more especially as the actual type (which has been lost) was never figured by him, nor does he refer to any previously published figure. The shell de- scribed and delineated by Kiener (Coq. Viv. pl. 26. fig. 2) certainly cannot be the true C. pastinaca. The species there represented (unknown to me) is decidedly distinct. The character of the spire does not at all agree with Lamarck’s description, which is as fol- lows :—‘‘spira obtusa, immaculata, submucronata;” and again in French: ‘‘a spire non tachée.’’ Kiener’s shell has a rather con- cavely elevated spire and fulvous blotches upon it. Reeve’s idea of C. pastinaca, figured (Conchol. Icon. i. pl. 46. fig. 257, copied by Sowerby, Thesaurus Conchyliorum, iii. pl. 201. fig. 353) from a specimen in the British Museum, is also an erro- neous one. This shell I have very carefully examined, and unhesi- 732 ON SOME KNOWN SPECIES OF SHELLS. [June 18, tatingly pronounce it to be a bleached example of C. virgo; for in form and sculpture it is absolutely identical with certain specimens of that species, and differs only in colour. This variation may be due to bleaching; or it may possibly be an albino form. The purple base, which is so constant a character in this species, is trace- able in a faint degree in Reeve’s shell. He does not refer to this in his description; yet in the figure it has been represented by the artist. The species figured by Weinkauff in Kuster’s Conchilien-Cabinet, pl. 32. figs. 1 and 2, apparently is the same as or very closely allied to that depicted by Reeve. In order to come to some decision in the matter, I commuicated with Dr. Brot, of Geneva, asking him for information respecting Lamarck’s species, as his types in Delessert’s collection have recently been obtained by the museum of that city. Unfortunately, it ap- pears that Lamarck’s Cones are not marked as in other genera, but placed on tablets bearing the designation L. According to a cata- logue of Delessert’s collection, Dr. Brot informes me that there ought to be five specimens of C. pastinaca; but only four are now to be found; the fifth (possibly that figured by Kiener) had disap- peared before the collection reached Geneva. Of the remaining four; three existed in Lamarck’s cabinet. None of these, how- ever, has the dimensions indicated by that author. Two are con- sidered by Dr. Brot small specimens of Conus quercinus ; for they are ornamented (indistinctly, however) with the fine thread-like brown lines which are characteristic of that species. ‘The third shell he considers a diminutive specimen of that figured by Kiener ; for it so resembles the figure, that at first he thought that it had been en- larged for Kiener’s plate. Finally, the fourth specimen of C. pasti- naca, which is not from Lamarck’s collection, resembles the form figured by Reeve under this name. Thus it appears that, under the name of C. pastinaca, the Delessert collection contains three species, viz. the C. pastinaca of Kiener (young), that of Reeve, also young, and, lastly, two small specimens of Conus quercinus. The question which now has to be settled is this: —Is the specimen in Delessert’s collection, which is similar to Reeve’s figure, really the same species as that delineated? if not; may it not be the true pastinaca? In the British Museum the shell which accords most closely with the Lamarckian diagnosis is a worn specimen of C. tabidus, Reeve, figured in the ‘Conchologia Iconica’ under the name of C. hepaticus, Kiener (Conch. Icon. Suppl. pl. viii. fig. 278). EXPLANATION OF PLATE XLVI. Figs. 1, 2. Tellina wroblewskyi, p. 727. . Trochus (Thalotia) yokohamensis, p. 727. . Melania formosensis, p. 728. Sormosensis, var., p. 728. . —— dicksoni, p. 728. obliquigranosa, p. 729. obliquigranosa, var., p. —— tuberculata, p. 729. 72 Wel OH IG Sum go 1878.] MESSRS, GODMAN AND SALYIN ON NEW BUTTERFLIES. 733 Fig. 10. Melania subplicatula, p. 729. 11. Bullia persica, p. 730. 12. Ostrea, attached to a Trochus, whose character of sculpture it has assumed, p. 730. 13, 14. Cyprea peasei, var. monstrosa, p.'731. 16. Descriptions of some apparently new Species of Butter- flies from New Ireland and New Britain, sent by the Rey. G. Brown. By F. D. Gopman and O. Satyin. [Received June 18, 1878.] The five species described below form part of a collection just received from Mr. G. Brown. We are preparing a full report of this collection, which we hope to lay before the Society in the autumn. In the mean time we have thought it desirable to publish the following descriptions. EUPLa@a ERIMAS. 3. Exp. 3:7. Upper surface rich steel-blue, a large patch of bluish white on the primaries cut by the dark median nervure and its branches and by the nervules at the end of the cell; there is a dark triangular spot in the acute angle between the median nervule and its first branch; the inner margin of the primaries is strongly convex, aud covers a brown patch on the secondaries; the secon- daries have a whitish median band cut by the nervules, one section falling inside the cell; the inner edge of this band is deeply sinuated, as also is the outer edge to a less extent. Beneath greenish black, the spots of the upper surface are much more broken up, that on the primaries being divided into eight separate portions, the largest of which lies just within the cell; that on the secondaries is broken into eleven portions, one of which oc- cupies the end of the cell. Hab. New Ireland. Oés. Allied to ZH. jessica from the Fiji Islands, and more remotely to E. eupator, Hew., from Celebes. From the former it differs in having the markings on the upper surface bluish white instead of yellow, and the spot on the upper wing is not broken into two as shown in Mr. Butler’s figure (Lep, Ex. pl. 8. fig. 3). PIERIS MADETES. d. Exp. 3°5. Above uniform orange, apex and costa of prima- ries black. Primaries beneath black, a large spot at the end of the cell and seven large elongated submarginal spots yellow; a pale yellowish patch spreads from the inner margin over the median branches to just within the cell; secondaries orange, base and outer margin black, the latter including a row of six large yellow spots; a large red spot between the costal and subcostal nervures near their origin. 2. Exp. 3°8. Above, primaries black; a large yellowish spot at 734 GODMAN AND SALVIN ON NEW BUTTERFLIES. [June 18, the end of the cell and six submarginal spots running from the costa to the anal angle, those nearest the latter nearly white; the central portion and inner margin of secondaries dull yellowish white, the base and outer margin broadly black, the latter including six obso- lete yellowish spots. Beneath like the male, except that the primaries have no yellowish spot spreading from the inner margin over the median branches. Hab. New Ireland. Obs. Belongs to the Delias group. The male resembles on the upperside the same sex of P. aruna, Boisd., as figured by Hewitson, and D. inferna, Butl. The female on the upperside, and both sexes on the under, more nearly resemble P. descombresi, Boisd. PizeRIS EURYGANIA. 3. Exp. 3:2. Above white, the apex of the primaries chrome- yellow, margined with the black costa and outer margin and a curved band running from inside the cell to near the anal angle, the outer margin of the secondaries broadly black. Beneath, primaries chiefly black, yellow apical spot as on the upperside, the proximal end of the cell yellow, and the inner margin white ; the secondaries at the basal half yellow, black towards the distal half, across the black a distinct band of crimson, which becomes orange where it meets the yellow near the inner margin. @. Like the ¢, except that the basal portion of the primaries is black, the outer margin of the secondaries is more broadly black, and the inner portion of the secondaries, together with inner margin of the primaries, pale yellow. Beneath same as the male. Hab. New Ireland. Obs. This is a very distinct species, apparently belonging to the Delias group. PIERIS LYTHA. Q. Exp. 2°5. Above black, a large subtriangular spot on the inner margin, extending to just within the cell, three apical spots of the primaries and the basal half of the secondaries white. Beneath, black arranged as above, a submarginal row of large white spots on both wings; the base of the primaries and the greater portion of the base of the secondaries sulphur-yellow ; the rest of the secondaries (not occupied with black) is white. Hab. New Britain. A female, apparently belonging to the Belenois group; we have no nearly allied species with which to compare it. PApILio SEGONAX. 3. Exp. 4°6. Primaries slightly faleate, secondaries produced, Upper surface rich metallic green, a median row of five nearly cir- cular spots starting from the apex to the space between the third and fourth median nervules, a similarly coloured subtriangular spot near the middle of the inner margin, and a very small one close 1878.] ON BIRDS COLLECTED BY H.M.S, ‘CHALLENGER. 735 inside the submedian nervure. The proximal half of the secon- daries greyish white, rather darker towards the anal angle. Beneath umber-brown, the outer portion of both wings rather darker, the spots on the primaries as above. Hab. New Ireland. Obs. Allied to P. codrus, from which it differs in having the band of spots of the primaries interrupted, there being no spots in the spaces between the first and second, and second and third median branches, that between the first median branch and the submedian nervure being wanting. On the other hand, there is a spot on the inner margin of the primaries not usually seen in P. codrus. The single specimen sent by Mr. Brown has the secondary wings slightly injured, so that the prolongation of the second median branch, common to all the allied species of the P.-codrus group, is broken off. 17. Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘ Challenger..—No. XII. The Pro- cellariide. By Ossert Savin, M.A., F.R.S., &c. [Received June 18, 1878.] Eighty specimens of Procellariidee are comprised in the ‘ Chal- lenger’ collection, belonging to 22 species and 13 genera. The greater part of these were obtained during the visit to Kerguelen Island ; others were secured at sea in the South Pacific Ocean, a few near the Straits of Magellan, at Nightingale Island, and elsewhere. None of the species present any difficulty as regards their nomencla- ture; but I take this opportunity of adding a few notes on this sub- ject gathered during recent study of the species to which they belong. OCEANITES OCEANICUS. Procelluria oceanica, Kuhl, Beitr. p. 136, pl. x. f. 1. Oceanites oceanica, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 82; Salv. Orn. Mise. ii. p. 227. a-c. Males. d, e. Females. } Ice Barrier. ‘Obtained on the 14th February, 1874.”’ FREGETTA GRALLARIA. Procellaria grallaria. Vieill. N. Dict. d’Hist. N. xxv. p. 418. Fregetta grallaria, Bp. Consp. ii. p. 197; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p. 86. Thalassidroma leucogastra, Gould, Ann. & Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 367, et B. Austr. vii. pl. 63. 568-571. Females. : Bb, 578. Males. _f South Pacific. “Eyes brown. Shot on the 11th November, 1875, at sea. Their 736 MR. 0. SALVIN ON THE PROCELLARIIDE [June 18, stomachs were filled with a yellow oil, and mixed with it some pieces of Crustacea.” I am strongly disposed to add to the above synonyms Thalassi- droma gracilis, Elliot, Ibis, 1859, p. 391, and T. segethi, Phil. & Landb. Arch. f. Nafurg. 1860, p. 282, names admitted by many authors to apply both of them to a species found on the Chilian coast. I have seen specimens of the present species in the Paris Museum from the same locality ; and the Challenger specimens now before me were obtained at sea at no great distance from the same shore ; so that on geographical grounds their identity is a reasonable supposi- tion. The chief, if not the only discrepancy I can find between the description of F. gracilis and F. grallaria is one of dimensions, the former being considerably smaller (as shown by Mr. Elliot’s measure- ments) than the ‘Challenger’ birds. Thus we have :— Wing. Tarsus. Tail. in. in, in. F. gracilis ..... 5°22 2°40 1:20 F. grallaria .... 5°9-6°3 2°9-3°0 1-3-1°4 T. segethi seems to be intermediate in dimensions ; but so far as the description goes, its identity with /. grallaria is obvious. Mr. Sharpe (Zool. Kerg., Aves, p. 31) suggests that P. leuco- gastra may prove to be a stage of plumage of P. melanogaster; but I cannot think that this will ever turn out to be the case. FREGETTA MELANOGASTRA. Thalassidroma melanogastra, Gould, Ann. & Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 367, et B. Austr, vii. pl. 62. a. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. Mr. Sharpe (Zool. Kerg., Aves, p. 30) unites 7. tropica, Gould, with this bird, and calls it by the last-mentioned name. They may be identical ; but in any case the adoption of the name ¢ropica in place of melanogastra cannot be justified, as the latter, having been in use for over thirty years, ought not to be supplanted by the former, the two having been published simultaneously on opposite pages of the same publication ! PELAGODROMA MARINA. Procellaria marina, Lath. Ind. Orn. p. 410. Pelagodroma marina, Salv. Orn. Mise. ii. p. 228. a-c. Nightingale Island. _ “Byes black; anight-bird. These were taken out of holes in the ground during the day by help of the dogs.” THALASSGECA GLACIALOIDES. Procellaria glacialoides, Smith, Ill. Zool. S. Afr. pl. 51. Thalasseca glacialoides, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 30. a. Male. Ice Barrier. ‘Obtained on the 26th February, 1874.” 1878. | COLLECTED BY H.M.S. ‘ CHALLENGER.’ 737 THALASSGCA ANTARCTICA. Procellaria antarctica, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 565. Thalasseca antarctica, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 31. a. Male. Ice Barrier. Obtained on 14th January, 1874. 6. Male. Fors Banc: c, d. Females, f “°° ?@™™er- Obtained on the 14th January, 1874. ADAMASTOR CINEREUS. Procellaria cinerea, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 563. Adamastor cinereus, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1864, p- 119. ope. Pemale- | South Pacific. “Byes hazel; feet flesh-colour: the stomach of one was full of the beaks of Cuttlefish ; stuff from the ship in the other, and small crustacea.”’ “Obtained on the 5th November, 1875. MAJAQUEUS ZQUINOCTIALIS. Procellaria equinoctialis, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 213. Majaqueus equinoctialis, Coues & Kidder, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 25; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 19. -d. Males. e Bede. } Kerguelen, OssIFRAGA GIGANTEA, Procellaria gigantea, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 563. Ossifraga gigantea, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 32. 567. Female. South Pacific. ** Bill yellowish green, feet black.” Obtained on the 5th November, 1875. a. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. PAGODROMA NIVEA. Procellaria nivea, Gm. Syst, Nat. i. p. 562. Pagodroma nivea, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 160. a, 6. Females. Ice Barrier. “Obtained on the 14th January, 1874.” DAPTION CAPENSIS. Procellaria capensis, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 213. Daption capensis, Coues, Pr. Ac, Phil, 1866, p. 163. a. Antarctic Sea. “Shot in April 1874.” CESTRELATA LESSONI. Procellaria lessoni, Garn, Ann. Se. Nat. 1826, vii. p. 54. Cistrelata lessonia, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p- 142; Coues & Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XLVIII. 48 738 MR. 0. SALVIN ON THE PROCELLARIID# [June 18, Kidd. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 27; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg. Birds, p. 26. a, 6. Males. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. c-f. Females. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. “ Eyes black.” During a recent visit to the Paris Museum I had an opportunity of examining the type of @. sericea, concerning which I had occa- sion to publish some notes in ‘The Ibis’ for 1875 (p. 373). On seeing this type I at once recognized a specimen of @. lessoni! GH. sericea (Less.), placed in the genus ddamastor by Bonaparte and Coues, has therefore no existence as a species distinct from @. lessoni. CEsTRELATA MOLLIS. Procellaria mollis, Gould, Ann. & Mag. N. H. xiii. p. 363. CEstrelata mollis, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 150. a, 6. Nightingale Island. “Eyes hazel. Night bird. Obtained on the 17th of October, 1875.” CEsTRELATA BREVIROSTRIS. Procellaria brevirostris, Less. Man. d’Orn. ii. p. 611. Estrelata brevirostris, Salv. Orn. Misc. ii. p. 235; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 24. Cstrelata kidderi, Coues, Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 28. a. Young. Kerguelen. The species included in Cabanis and Reichenow’s paper on the Birds collected by the ‘ Gazelle’ (J. f. Orn. 1876, p. 329) under the name Procellaria mollis, belongs here. Last year I examined in Berlin the specimen brought home by the ‘ Gazelle,’ and found it to belong to this species. The ‘Challenger’ specimen is quite young, but interesting, as showing that these birds moult at once from the downy plumage into the feathering of the adult bird. PRION DESOLATUS. Procellaria desolata, Gm. Syst. Nat. i, p. 562. Prion desolatus, Gray, H.-list. iii. p. 108 ; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 37 (excl. syn.). Pseudoprion desolatus, Coues, Bull, U.S. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 32. a. Male. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. Obtained 11th January, 1874. ** Eyes black.” b-e. Males. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. ‘Eyes black.” f. Female. Ice Barrier. Obtained on the 14th February, 1874. g, h. Females. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. Of the eight specimens of this species brought home by the ex- 1878. | COLLECTED BY H.M.S. ‘CHALLENGER.’ 739 pedition, five are males and three females. They thus offer an opportunity of testing the view advanced by Mr. Sharpe as to the supposed sexual difference in the size of the bill existing in these birds’. In these specimens there is no tangible difference between the bills of the sexes; and as the opposite sexes of P. banksi, as shown by the two ‘ Challenger’ specimens, are also alike as regards the size of the bills, doubts may fairly be raised whether the great difference obser- vable in the size of the bills in these birds is a sexual character at all. PRION BANKSI. Pachyptila banksi, Smith, Ml. Z. 8. Afr. Birds, pl. 55. Pseudoprion banksi, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 166. a. Male. Marion Island. «yes brown.” 6. Female. ‘Caught at sea near Crozets.”’ Without attempting to decide the question as to how many species of Prion exist, I use the name P. banksi for these birds, as their bills agree most nearly with that of the type of P. banksi in the British Museum. PELECANOIDES URINATRIX. Procellaria urinatriz, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p. 560. Pelecanoides urinatrix, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 190; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 14. a. Male. Kerguelen. “‘ Eyes dark grey.” 6. Male. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. Obtained January 1874. e. Male. Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen. d. Male. Betsy Cove, Kerguelen. e-h. Females. Kerguelen. 2. Kerguelen. j- Young. Kerguelen? PELECANOIDES GARNOTI. Puffinuria garnoti, Less. Voy. Coq. Zool. pl. 46. Pelecanoides garnoti, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p- 190. ne Aa } Cove Harbour, Messier Channel. ** Eyes hazel. These birds and another one which was put in spirit were found dead. Two were picked up by the boat in which Cap- tain Maclear and I went, floating on the surface of the water; and the third was picked up by the galley on the rocks. They were quite fresh ; the bodies were very thin. “Their stomachs were filled with small leaves. It looks very much 1 Latham seems to have been the first author who mentioned this supposed sexual difference in Prion, After describing P. vittatus (Syn. iii. p.414), he adds:— “ The female has the same plumage ; but the bill, though greatly exceeding that of any other Petrel, is scarcely more than half the breadth of that of the “ male.” 740 ON BIRDS COLLECTED BY H.M.S. ‘CHALLENGER. [June 18, as if these birds had got out of their region, Mr. Moseley says he saw what he supposed to be one of these birds on Penguin Island.” DIOMEDEA EXULANS. Diomedea exulans, Linn. Syst. Nat. i. p. 214; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. p. 866, p. 175; Coues & Kidder, Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 11; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 45. 574. Kerguelen. DioMEDEA BRACHYURA. Diomedea brachyura, Temm. Pl. Col. 554; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 177. 517-519. Males. ) 1 . 590. Female. North Pacific. ‘These were all caught with the hook from the ship while at sea in June and the first half of July 1874, between Japan and Honolulu ; they followed the ship every day in numbers till we got into the trade-winds, when no more were observed.” 509. Female. North Pacific. ‘Eyes brown, bill black, stomach empty. Shot on the Ist April, 1875, by Lord Campbell, with the Henry rifle, while on thewing. We were just north of the tropic; but this bird, as well as another Alba- tross, were seen some days before we had passed out of the tropics.” 511. Male. North Pacific. «Eyes brown, feet and bill dark or nearly black ; stomach had cuttlefish. Caught with a hook by Percy on the 7th "April, Pia.” DIoMEDEA MELANOPHRYS, Diomedea melanophrys, Temm. PI. Col. 456 ; Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 181; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 46. Male. Bele. } Shot at sea, 8th July, 1874. Sar } Christmas Harbour, Kerguelen. DIOMEDEA FULIGINOSA, Diomedea fuliginosa, Gm. Syst. Nat. i. p.595 ; Sharpe, Zool. Kerg., Birds, p. 48. Phebetria fuliginosa, Coues, Pr. Ac. Phil. 1866, p. 186; Coues & Kidder, Bull. Nat. Mus. No. 2, p. 2]. Male. See Barnier, 16th February, 1874. Female. Royal Sound, Kerguelen, 17 January. 1878. | M. DU BOCAGE ON ANGOLAN ANTELOPEs. 741 18. Liste des Antilopes d’Angola. Par J. V. Barpoza pu Bocace, F.M.Z.S. [Received June 17, 1878.] La présente liste des espéces d’Antilopes observées en Angola a éte dressée d’aprés les exemplaires qui existent au Muséum de Lisbonne. La plupart de ces individus ont été recueillis dans Pintérieur de Mossamedes et au Humbe, sur Ja rive droite du Cunene, par notre infatigable explorateur M. de Anchieta. 1, GazeLLA EUCHORE (Forst.). Une paire d’individus adultes envoyés de Huila par M. de Anchieta. Le blane de la téte, de abdomen et des membres est remplacé chez la femelle par une teinte uniforme d’un fauve-jaunatre pale. 2. AEPYCEROS PETERSI, sp. nov. Nous possédons également une paire d’individus adultes de cette espéce, qui nous semble nouvelle. Le male, que nous avions recu dabord, nous avait paru identique & ! Zpyceros melampus daprés un premier examen ; mais ayant recu plus tard la femelle, nous avons été frappé de quelques particularités de coloration qui nous semblent autoriser leur distinction spécifique. Nous commencerons done par donner un rapide apercu des caractéres de la femelle. Pelage d’un roux-fauve, plus pale sur les flancs et Ja face externe des membres; menton, gorge, poitrine, ventre et partie interne des cuisses et de l’avant-bras d’un blanc presque pur. La téte porte sur un fond de la couleur du dos quelques marques trés-caractéristiques : le dessus du chanfrein, une bande au travers de l’ceil et une tache en fleur-de-lys sur le front d’un noir profond; au devant de Poel une bande blanche bien distincte. Oreilles longues, arrondies A la pointe, d’un roux-fauve en dehors, revétues de poils blancs en dedans, avec un espace noir 4 l’extrémité, plus large en dehors qu’en dedans. Queue longue, de la couleur du dos a la base, le reste blanc, marquée en dessus d’une bande longitudinale noire, a laquelle vient aboutir de chaque cété une autre bande étroite de la méme couleur qui s’étend sur les fesses. Un trait noir coupant verticale- ment la face antérieure du genou, une tache de la méme couleur a la pointe du jarret. Aux membres postérieurs, de chaque coté de Pextrémité inférieure du canon, une brosse de poils noirs. Point de mufle et point d’onglons. Deux paires de mamelles. Dimensions. métre. Du bout du museau 4a la base de la queue ........ 1°30 ReMECUL MU OMTOE: ooo nag oe eo aw 2s ca ew avers, OBO Longueur de la téte .-...... Se a es a Biperciye Ge VOLEMIG: or Oo noe whit +) + eiroretsl se aha Longucur de la queue | ht Rie palitens A axtoopy Pi Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. XL ix 49 742 M. DU BOCAGE ON ANGOLAN ANTELOPES. [June 18, Chez notre individu male, plus jeune que la femelle, nous remarquons des curnes en forme de lyre fortement annelées sur leur tiers inférieur. II présente quelques légéres différences de coloration. La teinte des parties supérieures est d’un bai-roux plus foncé et le blanc des parties inférieures moins pur, plus lavé de jaune-isabelle; le dessin de la téte ressemble 4 celui de la femelle, quoique le noir y soit plus rembruni. Malheureusement une portion de la peau de la région frontale 4 été détruite par suite du coup qui l’a tué, de sorte qu’on ne peut pas constater le présence de la tache noire si nettement indiquée sur la région frontale de la femelle. Les cornes portent trois bourrelets étroits mais saillants sur leur tiers inférieur, supérieurement elles sont lisses et arrondies ; leur courbure est simple, 4 convexité en dehors et a pointes convergentes. Dimensions du male. métre. De l’extrémité du museau a la base de la queue.... 1°20 Hautenr ai garrot. ois. aj ais cere ait « 1) Ls eee Sionpnenmde da tGtey: ii. 25 sung aye vag es a ae Bonedeur der oreile tric. wok. vy + cn ceneic denne. = ae eeetee Longneur We Taqnene sca) ayayetn «oe diate Se oak eee Hoveneur Ues/eormess os). i ees weet s bie oy. onmeliee Le male nous vient de Capangombe, la femelle du Humbe, tous les deux par M. d’Anchieta’. 3. NANOTRAGUS TRAGULUS (Forst.) ? Nous rapportons avec hésitation 4 cette espéce une jeune femelle que M. d’Anchieta nous a envoyée du Humbe en 1874. Voici ses principaux caractéres :— Pelage d’un roux-fauve, plus pale sur les flanes et les membres ; gorge et ventre d’un blanc pur; front et chanfrein de la couleur du dos ; les jones d’une teiute plus pile ; tour des yeux blanchatre ; une tache brune en forme de fer 4 cheval sur le front ; une autre petite tache triangulaire brune sur le chanfrein immédiatement au-dessus du mufle, qui est petit. Oreilles trés-longues, légérement acuminées, grises en dehors, blanches en dedans avec un liséré brun sur les bords. Point de brosses aux genoux; point d’onglons; queue, incomplete, de la couleur du dos. Quatre mamelles. Dimensions. metre. De l’extrémité du museau a la base de la queue .... 0°75 IEVATCC UT ALN ATTOb Sees ee - «ee oretel's oe apes ws ores 0°45 Peoneteur de letéte «2254. fs. os ara sah ips 0-14 5 detlagliovenlem ss free. eee ie ens ae 011 * La figure qui accompagne cette note permettra de bien juger les caractéres de coloration de la femelle. Notre ami le Prof. Peters, 4 qui nous l’ayons com- niuniquée, penche a croire, comme nous, qu’il s'agit d’une espéce nouvelle. 1878. ] M. DU BOCAGE ON ANGOLAN ANTELOPES. 713 4, NeorraGus SALTIANUs (Blainv.). Des individus de Capangombe et du Humbe, sur la rive droite du Cunene, par M. d’Anchieta. CrePHALOPHUs GRiIMMivs (Linn.). Une paire d’individus adultes et un jeune male de Capanugombe par M. d’Anchieta. Il y a méme au Muséum d’autres individus de cette espéce proveuant d’ Angola, mais dont on ignore la localité of ils auraient été pris ; quelques uns de ces individus ont vécu pendant quelques années au Jardin du Palais de Necessidades appartenant a sa Majesté le Roi Ferdinand, et s’y sont méme reproduits. Tous nos individus nous sembleut appartenir par leur syst¢me de coloration a la variété dont le Dr. Gray a fait une espéce distincte sous le nom de Grimmia splendidula (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1871, p. 590). Nous les avions d’abord rapportés au C. burchellii (Journ. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, ii. p. 222). 6. CerpHaLoruus monticoxa (Thunb.). Deux individus, male et femelle, rapportés de Benguella par M. Freitas Branco; un individu male envoyé de Loanda par M. Toulson. CEPHALOPHUS ANCHIETA, Sp. lov, Une paire d’individus adultes et une jeune femelle capturés a Capangombe par M. d’Anchieta, Caractéres :—Brun-ceudré ; les flanes, l’avant-bras et les cuisses d’une teinte plus pale et plus cendrée; dessus de la téte d’un cendré noiratre, avec une touffe de poils noirs entre les cornes ; cdtés de la téte et du cou de la couleur des flanes; raie Joureilived roussatre ; menton, gorge, poitrine, veutre et face interne des avant-bras et des cuisses d’un blanc pur ; face antérieure et externe des inembres d’un cendré lavé de fauve ; queue trés-courte, d’un noir profond en dessus ; la région anale de cette méme couleur. Cornes etfilées. Dimensions. metre. De lextrémité du museau a la base de la queue.... 0°58 eomemenr della tGte® is. 005. tt Syd tahoe be de 2 4 Orl4 Pinsitenr auearrotycils its ase sian cedatliow- doavsts . 0°33 iomsenn de, Ppreilles sc. alice, ists stews aes. tyes Sheers 0:07 5 BGM HACE YriGt nis ebhima tid sehen saw sls elOOZ La teinte générale est plus rembrunie chez la jeune femelle, les membres sont plus lavés de fauve 4 leur partie inférieure, le dessus de la queue et la région anale d’un brun foncé. Nos individus doivent ressembler sans doute a C’. melanorrhous, 49* 744 M. DU BOCAGE ON ANGOLAN ANTELOPES. [June 18, Gray, de Fernéo do Pé, que nous connaissons 4 peine d’aprés la planche publiée dans Knowsley Menagerie (Gray, Knowsl. Ménag. p. 11, pl. 10); ils en différent cependant par le moins d’étendue du noir, qui couvre a peine le dessus de la queue et la région anale, tandis que , chez le C. melanorrhous la croupe est aussi de cette couleur. A juger d’aprés les figures du Dr. Gray, cette espéce aurait une queue plus longue que la nétre et des cornes moins effilées. Malheureusement le Dr. Gray dans ses diverses pub- lications sur les Antilopes a presque toujours oublié de nous donner les dimensions des individus qu'il décrit. 8. CEPHALOPHUS RUFICRISTA, Sp. Nov. C. longiceps, Bocage, Jorn. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, ii. p. 220. Cette espéce se trouve a peine representée au Muséum de Lisbonne par une téte, recouverte de sa peau, envoyée en 1869 de Loanda par M. Toulson, sans s’accompagner d’aucune indication au sujet de sa provenance. Nous avions d’abord pensé qu’elle pourrait bien étre identique a O. longiceps, Gray, espéce établie exclusivement d’aprés les caractéres ostuologiques d’une téte recueillie au Gabon par Du Chaillu (Proc. Zool. Soe. 1865, p. 204); aujourd’hui nous revenons sur nos pas, car notre premicre affirmative nous semble trop hasardeuse. Le spécimen du Muséum de Lisbonne ressemble aussi par ses couleurs a la figure du C. niger, publiée par le Dr. Gray dans Knowsley Menagerie, pl. 7. Cependant, méme sous ce rapport, leur identité specifique ne nous parait pas évidente, et a cela vient encore s’ajouter une différence sensible dans les dimensions d’apres les chiffres publiés par Temminck. Nous trouvons dans les Esquisses de Mammalogie de cet auteur que la distance du bord antérieur de Yoeil A la pointe du nez chez C. pluto (=C. niger, Gray) est de 4 pouces et 4 lignes, et en mesurant cette distance sur la téte d’Angola nous constatons qu’elle dépasse 5 pouces; elle est de 14 centi- métres. La face supérieure le la téte est d’un brun clair sur le chanfrein et d’un brun foncé, couleur chocolat, sur le front ; les faces latérales, en haut d’un gris brunatre, deviennent blanchatres en se rapprochant du menton, ot le blanc domine ; une raie sourciliére brun-jaunatre ; une tache allongée de la méme couleur au-dessous de l’ceil se pro- longeant vers le chanfrein ; tour des yeux brun-foncé ; ligne muqueuse Jégérement courbe et horizontale. Sur le front un toupet abondant de poils bruns et d’un roux ardent, en partie couchés sur les cornes, en partie sélevant verticalement au milieu de ces appendices; la touffe verticale est composée de poils longs de 7 centimétres d’un roux vif, les deux touffes latérales sont formées de deux ordres de poils, les uns courts et bruns, les autres longs et roux. Les oreilles sont petites, mesurant moins de la moitié de la longueur totale de la téte ; elles sont arrondies au bout, couvertes en dehors de poils trés-courts et clair-semés, nues en dedans avec une large bande marginale de poils blanchatres. Les cornes arrondies, a peine rugueuses a la PZS 1878.F re} real NGALENSI ar MEY N CHASA-BE fs PRACIISA “O HH Godwin Ansten. del et Lith ita 1878. | ON THE- TRACHEA OF RHYNCIIHA CAPENSIS. 745 base, sont couchées en arriére et placées sur le plan du front; elles ont 10 centimetres de longueur. Le mufle est régulier. Dimensions. : metre, Longueur de l’occiput 4 l’extrémité du museau.... 0°26 Du bord de l’ceil 4 Vextrémité du museau ........ 0°14 Longueur de l’oreille..................00.0..-. 0°95 am Gesvearhes) .,..Jgeuatics Amctiodt dawn. Or0 uy de la touffe frontale.................. 0:07 9. HELEorrRaAGus REDUNCUS (Pall.). Un male adulte de Huilla par M. d’Anchieta. 10. HirpporraGus nicer (Harris). La téte d’un individu male envoyée de l’intérieur de Mossamedes par Welwitsch. Les cornes de cet spécimen ont 130 centimetres de longueur. 11. SrRepsicERos kuDU, Gray. Deux individus adultes, mile et femelle, envoyés vivants d’ Angola et ayant vécu longtemps dans la ménagerie du Jardin de Neces- sidades. Un jeune, de quelques jours 4 peine, né des précedents, tué par le male, qui était d’une grande férocité. Une jeune femelle de Capangombe, par M. d’Anchieta, 12. Orgs CANNA, Gray. Un male jeune d’ Angola. 19. On the Structure and Development of the Trachea in the Indian Painted Snipe (Rhynchea capensis). By J. Woop-Mason. [Received June 18, 1878.] (Plate XLVIL.) During the cold season of 1876-77, Lieut.-Colonel Godwin- Austen and I paid almost daily visits to the Calcutta bazaar for the purpose of making collections of the skins and skeletons of the numerous migratory and other birds which are at that season of the year caught and carried to market in such enormous numbers. On one of these visits my attention was attracted to a bird that lay con- spicuous amongst its fellows of the same species by its greater size and more richly coloured plumage, by the low and regular, hoarse 746 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON THE [June 18, but rich, purring call which, with breast puffed out, it was uttering— a call perceptible to the hand no !ess than to the ear. I at once re- cognized the smaller and less conspicuously coloured birds as speci- mens of one sex; and there seemed very little doubt, from its perfect correspondence in structure and general similarity in plumage, that the larger and handsomer one was an individual of the other sex of the Indian Painted Snipe (Rhynchea capensis, sive bengalensis); but which of the two was the female and which the male, it must be confessed, I was at the time ignorant. In order that I might be enabled to determine the precise relation of the two forms to one another, and to ascertain whether any structural differences in their vocal organs accompanied the observed differences in their vocal powers—merely that I might know these facts of my own knowledge, certainly without the slightest hope or thought that I should be able, from such a cursory examination as alone I could give to it, to glean any thing new about so common an animal, I purchased a pair of the species. Before killing the birds for examination, I referred to Darwin’s ‘Descent of Man’'; and what I read therein served but to increase my interest in the matter; for I soon saw that I hadit in my power to corroborate or to contradict a statement which had been made about the trachea of this very species—the very part, curiously enough, the sounds issuing from which had drawn my attention to the bird. It is well known that in many birds the windpipe, instead of taking a straight course from the rima glottidis through the inter- clavicular membrane to the point where it bifurcates to form the bronchi, is bent upon itself or convoluted, and that often to an ex- traordinary extent. The position of such flexures is very variable: ‘they may lie outside the thorax under the integument (as in Te¢rao urogallus, some species of Craxzx and Penelope, aud, I may add, the Manucodias’ and the Rhyncheeas), in the cavity of the thorax (as in some Spoonbills), on the exterior of the sternum (as in some Swans and Cranes), or even in a sort of cup formed by the median process of the furcula (as ina species of Guinea-fowl)’’*. ‘The increase in the length of the tracheal column implied by these convulutions, and other modifications of the windpipe, such as the swollen tympanum of Ducks and Geese, the air-sac of the Emu, may be dependent wholly upon sex; aud the males may have the trac! amore or less looped or more complex, whilst the female: jsaye +: s.:g*ht or simple, or only partially so, in which case the pee a eae modification may be more marked in males than in femzi##:* Gut however this may be, it is a general rule that whenever ‘ the trachea differs in structure in the two sexes it is more developed and complex in the male than in the female’’*; and it is a fact familiar to all that in the vast majority of instances it is the male which, in point of richness of plumage, vocal powers, and ornamental appendages, is the more highly 1 Op. cit. p. 476. ? ‘Nature,’ yol. xv. p. 127. “ Huxley, ‘Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals,’ ». 315, * «Descent of Man,’ l. supra cit. 1878. ] TRACHEA OF RHYNCH#A CAPENSIS. 747 endowed of the two sexes; but to this there are a few interesting and remarkable exceptions (Phalaropus, Casuarius, Dromeus, Mil- vago, Climacteris, Eurostopodus, and the Rhynchzas), of which the last, the ones we are here concerned with, are not the least conspicuous. In these birds in general, and in the Painted Snipes in particular, it may be taken as established that we have, to use the words of Mr. Darwin, a complete reversal not only of the secondary sexual characters, but also of the parental and incubating instinects—the females being not only larger and much more richly coloured than the males’, but having the trachea more or less tortuous instead of straight and simple, deputing the duty of incuba- tion to the other sex, and reserving the business of courting to them- selves. In Rhynchea australis, according to Gould?, the trachea, which is simple in the males, in the females passes down between the skin and the muscles of the breast for the whole length of the body, making four distinct convolutions before entering the lungs; but Mr. Darwin states, on the authority of Blyth, who had examined many specimens, that “it is not convoluted in either sex in Rh. bengalensis, which species resembles R. australis so closely that it can hardly be distinguished except by its shorter toes.” This is the statement which seemed to me to stand in need of corroboration, especially when I called to mind the peculiar call of the female* and the sharp squeak jerked out only at long and irregular intervals by the male, and then apparently only in answer to the female. On opening the necks of the two birds by a longitudinal incision extending to the middle of the breast or thereabouts, and carefully turning aside the skin on either hand so as not to disturb the natural rélations of the underlying parts, I found that the trachea of the adult male (ascertained to be such by subsequent examination of the genital organs) was straight and simple throughout, whilst that of the female had a distinct loop lying between the integument and the interclavicular membrane on the left side, and was not only an abso- lutely but apparently also a relatively stouter tube than that of the male. As the contrary of what I have found has been stated by so good and usually trustworthy an observer as Mr. Blyth, I put in evidence two sketches (figs. 1 and 2, p. 748) showing the course of the trachea in the two sexes. For these sketches I am indebted to Col. God- win-Austen, who was with me at the time. The numerous birds belonging to this species examined by me may be divided according to sex and age into the following groups :— 1. Adult and probably old females, remarkable for the extreme richness of their plumage. In all the birds of this group which * Jerdon, ‘ Birds of India,’ vol. iii. p. 677. 2 «Handbook to the Birds of Australia,’ vol. ii. p. 275. * Of R. australis J. Gould says (op. cit. p. 276), “The use of this convoluted trachea, so exclusively confined to the female, I could not in any way discover or surmise; no note whatever was heard to proceed from either sex while on the wing or when flushed ”—times at which a call such as that of the female of R. capensis, like the coo of a doye, would be least likely to be heard. 748 MR. J. WOQD-MASON ON THE {June 18, were purchased alive and killed and examined before muscular con- traction had set in, the trachea was found to be looped as in fig. 1 ; a specimen living when obtained, but which died unexpectedly and in which decomposition had set in before I had had an opportuuity of Rhynchea capensis 3, dissected, so as to show its straight and simple trachea in situ. opening it, also had its windpipe looped ; several, however, that were purchased dead had it retracted, almost straight, with the sterno- tracheal muscles strongly contracted. 2. Females not nearly so richly and deeply ccloured as the pre- ceding. In these there was only a slight superficial sinuosity in re 1878.] TRACHEA OF RHYNCH4A CAPENSIS. 749 the trachea, and the remarkable modification of the intrathoracic rings, to be presently described, had not proceeded so far. 3. Immature females, indistinguishable in point of plumage, though already larger than males. In all of these, without exception, the windpipe was found quite straight and simple throughout, though even at this stage females are infallibly to be distinguished from males by their stouter trachea, by the more powerful musculature of this, and by the more inflated condition of the delicate membranes connecting the bronchial half-rings with one another and with the three-way piece. 4. Young, adult, and apparently old males, all agreeing together in plumage and in the straight and simple condition of the trachea. We shall see that the superficial loop which is invariably to be found in birds belonging to group 1 (old females) is the outward expres- sion, so to speak, of a modification of the intrathoracic tracheal rings that takes place pari passu with those external changes which, when they are completed, mark the adult. . But in order to make my description of this curious modification more intelligible, a few words, by way of preface, about the unmodified trachea of the male, or, better, of an immature female. If such a trachea be drawn through the fingers from end to end, a broad and shallow constric- tion will be felt near its posterior end, twenty rings or so from the compound three-way piece; the rings composing it are cylindrical instead of flattened, more than thrice as numerous as they are in an equal length of any other part of the tube, and so closely packed and firmly bound together as to possess little or none of that power of expansion and contraction which, by reason of their peculiarly bevelled ends, so eminently distinguishes the rest; it occupies a position as much within as without the thorax ; and the great extrinsic muscles which pass between the sternum and the trachea, serving amongst other purposes as ‘‘guys’’ to keep the latter in place, expand and unite sheath-like over it, being inserted into it at nume- rous points, but especially at its anterior extremity ; it is, in fact, the part of the trachea upon which the sterno-tracheal muscles directly pull when they contract, and thereby approximate the rings of the extensible intrathoracic portion of the windpipe in the adult female, to which we may now return. On more closely examining the extrathoracic portion of the trachea in a bird in which that part is in the condition represented in fig. 1, p- 748, it can be seen that the loop is almost wholly composed of the constricted portion above described, and that the 2 or 3 rings that immediately succeed in order from before backwards (those situated at the point where the tube disappears within the cavity of the chest) suddenly get coarser and more prominent, and at the same time separated from one another by perceptible membranous intervals. On cutting away the sternum so as not to sever the sterno-tracheal muscles from their attachments, and so as to leave the furcula together with the membrane: included between its two arms in place, the rest of the tube is displayed in a completely extended condition ; it is then seen that the 12 or 13 rings immediately succeeding the coarser 750 MR. J. WOOD-MASON ON THE | June 18, ones which follow upon the fine-ringed constricted portion become suddenly still coarser and more prominent and convex, have lost their typical bevelled form, and are separated from one another by far longer and subequal membranous intervals. These are thin and transparent, and each is so constricted in the middle that any two consecutive rings form, with the membrane that connects them, a short hourglass-shaped figure. Six or seven coarsish rings, sepa- rated by much narrower membranous intervals, but otherwise un- modified, complete this portion of the tube, which is twisted spirally to the left, carrying spirally entwined with it the elongated sterno- tracheal muscles. The rings have come to be bent, and, instead of appearing as regular parallel bands as in other parts of the column, to be arranged obliquely, by adaptation, no doubt, to the spiral form taken by the tube whenever it is extended, so’as, in fact, to present somewhat the appearance of having resulted from the breaking up into rings of what was primitively a hard spiral thickening of the walls of a membranous tube. Inside the thorax the spiral is neces- sarily very open, from the tube being restricted to a middle position by the membranous bands which sling it, together with the anterior moieties of its great contractor muscles, from the dorsal wall of the body, so as to form a sheath for it; whilst outside, in the neck, where is more room and more lateral freedom, it becomes closer, there constituting the well-marked superficial loop, the concave cur- vature of which is the true ventral surface of that fine-ringed portion of the tube over which the muscles spread, twisted out of its natural pesition. If an adult female be killed with ehloroform and rapidly opened, the sterno-tracheal muscles may be seen slowly to contract, and thereby gradually to take out the superficial spiral ‘‘turn”’ from the trachea, and the intrathoracic rings of this to close up, until at last all that remains of the loop is a slight sinuosity visible near the point where the tube passes into the thorax, the constricted and close-ringed portion, which occupied that position in the unmodified trachea, also having acquired an ineffaceable crook. Unfortunately, we possess no more complete description of the highly convoluted trachea of the Australian species than that quoted above ; but the two species R. capensis and R. australis are so very closely allied that we may feel tolerably confident that the tracheal modification is of the same kind in the two, only carried to a much greater extent in the latter, the constricted many-ringed part of the trachea of the former containing two or three potential convolutions. In conclusion, I have to thank Col. Godwin-Austen for aid rendered to me in the matter of the illustrations. EXPLANATION OF PLATE XLYVII. Fig. 1. The complete trachea of an adult female of Rhynchea capensis, nat. size, showing the modified intrathoracic portion of the tube in an expanded condition. The compound three-way piece is seen to be formed by the partial fusion of the last tracheal ring with the modi- fied first pairs of bronchial half-rings; these have their ventral ends 1878. | TRACHEA OF RHYNCH&A CAPENSIS. 751 oO greatly expanded and produced backwards, so as to form by their fusion in the middle line a broad, flat, and squarish plate of bone strongly bilobed and tipped with cartilage at the hinder extremity, into which ossification extends with advancing age, rendering the posterior angles of the plate prominent, and bringing them into very loose relation of apposition with the much less expanded ventral ends of the second pair of bronchial half-rings; the ovoid saccular dilatations seen in figs. 5 and 4 result partly from the inflation of the membrane interposed between the ends of these half-rings and the posterior angles of the three-way piece, but principally from that of the ventral halves of the membranous inner walls of the second and third pairs of bronchial half-rings. The spatulate dorsal ends of the first pair of bronchial half-rings do not meet in the middle line, but curve inwards and backwards so as to leave between them a membra- nous interval, into which a narrow tongue of bone projects from the middle of the posterior margin of the last tracheal ring. In so small a figure no distinction between bone and cartilage in the three-way piece was possible. Drawn from a fresh specimen by Behari Lal Dés. Fig. 2. A much enlarged view of a portion of the same, to show the form the modified part of the tube assumes when it is naturally expanded ; the constricted portion (a) presents a singularly finely and regularly ribbed appearance, being composed of about forty very fine and closely packed cylindrical rings, all firmly bound together so as to form a stiff but still somewhat elastic mass. Fig. 3. A much magnified ventral view of the posterior: end of the same, to show the inflated condition of the membrane connecting the compound three-way piece with the second (apparent first) bronchial half-ring on each side, and also the two egg-shaped saccular dilatations (¢, e) of the membranous inner walls of the bronchi. Fig. 4. The same, from the left side, to show the egg-shaped dilatations (e, e) in profile, and the thin and narrow lateral slip of muscle (7) which is attached to the three-way piece at m, whence some of its fibres pass on to the second bronchial half-ring (7). (All the three preceding figures were drawn under the microscope by the aid of a camera lucida, immediately after the death of the animal.) Fig. 5. The complete trachea of an immature female, nat. size. The two sterno-tracheal muscles (s¢.t, st.¢) are seen to be blended on the ventral surface of the constricted portion of the tube at a; J, 1, are the lateral muscles, somewhat exaggerated in the drawing. Drawn by B. L. D. Fig. 6. The posterior portion of the unmodified windpipe of an adult male, nat. size. The lateral muscles (/, /) are here so pale and transparent as to be all but undistinguishable in the fresh state. Fig. 7. The same, much enlarged. (With the two exceptions above mentioned, the figures of this plate have been obligingly drawn for me by Lieut.-Col. H. H. God- win-Austen, by whom also the plate has been lithographed. The following paper was read on June 4th, but was necessarily omitted from its proper place in consequence of the illustrations not having beeu finished in time :— 752 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, On the Classification and the Distribution of the Cray- fishes. By T. H. Huxzey, Sec. R.S., V.P.Z.S. [Received May 23, 1878. ] I. Introduction, p. 752. Il. The Modifications of the Branchis in the Crayfishes, p. 756. . The branchiz of Astacus, p. 756. The branchiz of Cambarus, p 763. . The branchiz of Astacopsis, p. 764. The branchiz of Cheraps, p. 768. The branchie of Engeus, p. 769. . The branchix of Paranephrops, p. 770. . The branchix af Parastacus, p. 771. . The branchi of Astacoides, p. 773. III. The Classification of the Crayfishes, p. 775. IV. The Distribution of the Crayfishes considered in relation to their morphological ditferences, p. 786. OID oP cote I. INTRODUCTION. The dismemberment of the genus Astacus of the older naturalists, down to the time of Fabricius, was commenced by Leach, who sepa- rated the Norway Lobster as the type of a new genus, Nephrops’. Milne~Edwards advanced a step further by establishing the genus Homarus for the Lobsters, and leaving only the freshwater Astacz, or the proper Crayfishes, in Astacus”. The later proposal of Leach, to use Astacus for the Lobsters, and to give a new generic name (Potamobius) to the freshwater Cray- fishes, would have had the advantage of retaining the primitive signification of doraxés. But Potamobius had already been used in another sense; and the change introduced by Milne-Edwards is so generally adopted that it would be confusing to attempt any further alteration. Guérin * next proposed to distinguish the Astacus madagascari- ensis of Audouin and Milne-Edwards, as Astacoides, from the other Crayfishes ; and Erichson, in his valuable Monograph of the group‘, adopts Astacoides for the Madagascar and some of the Aus- tralian forms, and establishes the new genera Cambarus, Cheraps, and Engeus. In Cambarus and Cheraps the number of the branchiz is taken into account as an important generic character. In 1842° Mr. Adam White described some Crayfish from New Zealand, for which he constituted a new genus, Paranephrops, under the impression that the New-Zealand form approximated to the genus Nephrops. Mz. Wood-Mason® has since “ denied the existence of any special relationship between the New-Zealand 1 Leach, Trans. Linn. Soc. xi. 344. 2 «Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés,’ 1837. 3 Revue Zoologique, 1839. 4 “ Uebersicht d. Gattung Astacus,” Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, Bd. 6. 5 Gray’s ‘Zoological Miscellany.’ See also Dieffenbach’s ‘ New Zealand,’ 1843, yol. ii. p. 267. § Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1876, p. 4. 1878. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 753 species of freshwater Astacide and the marine genus Nephrops ;” and “as the species referred to Paranephrops differed less from [some of] those of Astacoides than these latter did from one another, and as, moreover, the latter name had the priority, he proposed provi- sionally to refer the New-Zealand species of Astacide to it.’ Mr. Wood-Mason is unquestionably right both in denying any special relationship between Paranephrops and Nephrops, and in asserting that the New-Zealand Crayfish differ less from some of the species of the genus Astacoides, as its limits are at present under- stood, than these do from one another. But I shall have occasion to show that the type of the genus Astacoides, the Madagascar Crayfish, differs so widely from the other Crayfishes of the southern hemisphere, that the latter cannot be included in the same genus ; while Paranephrops is sufficiently different from the Australian and Tasmanian Crayfishes to render its recognition as a distinct generic type desirable’. The distribution of the Cra fishes, so far as it is hitherto ascer- tained, is not a little remarkable. Astacus fluviatilis occurs in various parts of England and in Ireland ; but I cannot find any record of it in Scotland. Dr. M‘Intosh, who has been kind enough to look into this point in aid of my inquiries, assures me that Crayfishes are not indigenous to that part of Britain, that they do not exist in the Tweed and the Teviot, and that an attempt to introduce them into the island of Mull failed ; they were placed in various streams, _ but none were ever seen again. Even in England, Crayfishes appear to be restrieted to certain rivers, They abound, for example, in the Thames ; but I cannot hear of any in the Cam or the Ouse, though their absence in the latter rivers cannot be ascribed to any want of calcareous matter in the districts through which those rivers flow. Astacus fluviatilis, however, extends all over the western half of Europe, as far south as the Pyrenees and the northern shores of the Mediterranean ; while, eastward, it reaches Sicily, Northern Greece, and the western shores of the Black Sea. In Spain there appears tu be no doubt that it occurs about Barcelona; but whether it is found in the rest of the Spanish peninsula is uncertain 2. Northwards and eastwards, Astacus Jluviatilis extends to Sweden and the Baltic provinces of Russia, and through Western Russia, by the basins of the Dniester and the Bug, to the Black Sea. Over this vast area, marked local varieties appear to be not un- common ; and most authors agree to regard a Crayfish which occurs in Southern Europe, France, Switzerland, and Germany, and which ? See on this subject the remarks of Mr. Miers, “Note on the genera Asfa- coides and Paranephrops” (Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, vol. xviii, 1876). * See Gerstfeldt, “ Ueber die F lusskrebse Europa’s” (Mém. presentés al’ Acad. Twp. des Sciences de St. Petersbourg, 1859, p. 587). As far back as 1675, Sachs 4 Lewenbeimb wrote :—*Sic in Hispania licet flumina, negant inveniri ibi Cancros fluviatiles, contra in Gallia frequentissimi, item in Pannonia, in Helvetia, in Germania; etiam in fluviis Americanis inveniri referunt navigatores, In fluvio Lydiz Haly cancros invenit Busbequius, Ep. Ture. i. p. 89.” But were these Lydian “ cancri” crayfishes or fluyiatile crabs ? 794 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, is known in the latter country as the ‘Steinkrebs,’”’ as a distinct species, Astacus torrentium or A. saxatilis *. Eastward of the region inhabited by Astacus fluviatilis, from the Arctic to the Black and Caspian Seas, another species, A. leptodac- tylus, ranges, associated with the allied but possibly distinct forms A. pachypus and A. angulosus, in the southern part of the area ; and it is remarkable that these Crayfishes not only frequent the rivers which debouch into the Black Sea and the Caspian, but are said to thrive in the salt waters of those seas. No Crayfishes are known in the Ob, Jenisei, Lena, or other rivers which flow into the Arctic Ocean?; but the Amur has one or two species (A. dauricus). There is a species in Japan (A. japonicus) ; and Dr. Hagen* enumerates no fewer than six species from British Columbia, Oregon, and California. East of the Sierra Nevada, all the Crayfishes at present known belong to the genus Cambarus, of which Dr. Hagen distinguishes as many as thirty-two species. They extend from the Great Lakes to Mexico, Guatemala, Cuba, and probably other of the West-India Islands. Sloane, in his ‘Natural History of Jamaica’ (vol. i. p. 271) describes two species in that island. According to the figure, one of these attains a length of 12 inches. No Crayfishes are known to occur in the whole continent of Africa, in Syria, the Euphrates valley, Persia, Hindostan, and India beyond the Ganges, nor in China as far as the Corea, nor in the Philippines, nor in any island of the Malay or Papuan archipelagos *. The late Prof. Agassiz, though he sought for Crayfishes in the 1 Jn 1560, Gesner was acquainted with this distinction :—‘ Astacus fluviatilis talis apud Helvetios et Germanos est, major silicet et simpliciter dictus Krebs vel Edelkrebs; eo enim minor est, et colore diversus qui saxatilis cognominatur Steinkrebs.” (‘Nomenclator Aquatilium,’ p. 374). Heller (Die Crustaceen des siidlichen Europa, p. 217) refers our English Crayfish to this species ; but no specimens I have seen agree with his diagnosis. Whether there is any differ- ence between 4. sawatilis and the Crayfishes which have been named A. pallipes and A. fontinalis by Lereboullet and Carbonnier; and whether our English Crayfish is more similar to these than to the form which is commonly known as A. fluviatilis on the Continent, is more than I am able to say at present. A critical comparison of large series of specimens from different localities would probably yield results of great interest to the theory of the origin of species. 2 Kessler, “Die russischen Flusskrebse ” (Bull. de la Soc. Imp. des Nat. de Moscou, 1874). 3 ‘Monograph of the North-American Astacidx,’ Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 1870. 4 T have been favoured by Sir Henry Barkly with the opportunity of ex- amining specimens of two kinds of “ Cammarons,” or so-called Crayfishes, from the rivers of Mauritius. They are large Prawns. I must confess myself to be in a state of hopeless perplexity respecting the Crayfish or Lobster which is said to occur at the Cape of Good Hope, Cancer (Astacus) capensis of Herbst. At the beginning of his description (Naturge- schichte der Krabben und Krebse,’ Band ii. p. 49) Herbst says :—‘‘ Dieser schone Krebs halt sich auf den Kap in solchen Flissen auf, die sich auf den Bergen befinden;” and at the end he states, ‘‘die Fiisse haben insgesammt scheeren- formige Spitzen, da bey dem gemeinen Flusskrebs nur die ersten zwey Paare dergleichen haben.” Moreover, the diagnosis runs, ‘ pedibus omnibus cheli- feris.” It is impossible to suppose that Herbst should have made a mistake on such a point as this; aud therefore it must be concluded that his Cancer ca- 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 759 Amazons, could find none. Two species from Southern Brazil have been described by Dr. von Martens’ as Astacus brasiliensis and A. pilimanus ; but Von Martens recognizes the affinity of these forms with the Astacoides of Erichson. Several species of Paranephrops have been described from New Zealand ; and the Fijian Crayfish belongs to the same genus. Crayfishes occur all over Australia ; and the species have been re- ferred to the genera Astacoides and Cheraps. The only Tasmanian species which have been described constitute the genus Engeus of Erichson. Thus it appears, from what is already published on this subject :— 1. That the Crayfishes of the northern hemisphere are generically distinct from those of the southern hemisphere. 2. That the American Crayfishes, east of the Sierra Nevada, are generically distinct from those west of that range, as well as from the South-American species ; and that,while the western North-American Crayfishes belong to the same genus as those of the Old World, the South-American forms are more closely allied with those of Mada- gascar and Australia. 3. That the New-Zealand species are distinct from the Australian forms ; and that the latter are to be placed in the same genus as the Madagascar and South-American species. 4. That there is a negative fact of distribution, not to be accounted for by any apparent difference of climate or other physical conditions— namely, the entire absence of Crayfishes in Equatorial South America, Africa, and the rest of the Old World south of the northern escarp- ment of the great Asiatic highlands. The problem thus offered is one of the most remarkable among the many presented by the facts of Geographical Distribution ; and it appeared to me that one of the first steps towards attempting its solution was to obtain some more definite conception, than is fur- nished by extant descriptions, of the actual amount of resemblance and difference between the Crayfishes which are found in the dif-. ferent areas of distribution. For the most part the Crayfishes are so similar in their general structure, that the characters by which the genera have been distin- guished are almost trivial. LErichson, however, has drawn attention pensis is neither a Crayfish nor a Lobster, and that, unless he was wrongly in- formed, it is an inhabitant of fresh water. Milne-Edwards (Hist. Nat. des Crustacés, ii. p. 335) identifies his Homarus capensis with the Cancer capensis of Herbst ; but, as it is stated in the defini- tion of the genus Homarus a c, p. 333) that the Lobsters “ne se trouvent que dans la mer,” and as Homarus has only three pairs of chelate limbs, the identi- fication presents difficulties. Krauss (Siidafrikanische Crustaceen, p. 5+), under the head of ‘‘ Homarus capensis,” refers to Herbst and Milne-Edwards, and, apparently on the authority of the former, merely says:—‘ In den Bergflussen des Kaplandes. Ich habe ihn in Natal nie gesehen.” Elsewhere (p. 20) he ives “‘ Thelphusa perlata and T. depressa and Homarus capensis” as the only outh-African freshwater Thoracostraca. 1 “ Siidbrasilische Siiss- und Brackwasser-Crustaccen,” Archiy fur Natur- geschichte, 1869. 796 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, to the diminution of the number of the branchize in Cambarus and Astacus, and to an important difference in the structure of those of Engeus; and Hagen has pointed out some important peculiarities of these organs in Cambarus; while the remarkable fact, that the appendages of the first somite of the abdomen are absent in many of the Crayfishes of the southern hemisphere, has been duly noted by Erichson and several other zoologists. Having recently had occasion to make a careful reexamination of the structure of Astacus fluviatilis, 1 found two minute filaments attached to the epimera of the penultimate and antepenultimate thoracic somites. The structure and the position of those filaments led me to suspect that they must be rudimentary branchize '; and as the Australian Crayfishes appeared to me to be, on the whole, less specialized forms than the European species, I thought that I should probably find in them fully-formed functional branchiz oecupying the place of these rudiments. Through the kindness of my friend and former pupil, Mr. J. Wood-Mason, a specimen of “ Astacoides”’ Sranklini was placed at my disposal ; and on examination, I not only found the functional branchiz I sought, but discovered a number of other interesting differences between the respiratory organs of this Crayfish and those of dstacus. Following up the line of inquiry thus suggested, I have examined examples of all the chief forms of Crayfishes at present known, with the result of establishing some remarkable parallel relations between the morphology and the distribution of these animals. In order to make these points clear, [ must premise a fuller and more precise description of the branchial apparatus of the common Crayfish than has yet been given, in order that it may serve as a standard of comparison for the branchie of the other Cray fishes. II. Tae Moprirications oF THE BRANCHIE IN THE CRAYFISHES. The Branchie of Astacus fluviatilis. When the branchiostegite of a Crayfish is removed, seven branchize are seen, running from the base towards the apex of the branchial cavity, parallel with one another, and disposed in curved lines, which are concave forwards and convex backwards. The length of the branchiz gradually increases from the first to the sixth; the seventh ascends as high as the sixth, but is rather shorter, in conse- quence of the attachment of its base lying at a higher level. In each of the six anterior branchiz, a basal portion, a stem, an expanded damina, and an apical plume may be distinguished. The basal portion (fig. 1,1, B) is broad, with a convex posterior and inferior free edge, beset with Jong setze ; and it is articulated by its 1 T have met with no allusion to these structures, unless the following pas- sage in Brandt's and Ratzeburg’s description of the Crayfish (Med.-Zoologie, ii. p: 61) refers to them :—‘ Ueber jeder der obersten Kiemen der beiden mittlern Fusspaare steht etwa 1'” entfernt ein kleiner fadenformiger, unten breiterer, bartelabnlicher Theil.” Ido not quite see the applicability of “ unten breiterer,” unless “unten” applies to the attached ends of the filaments; but in other respects the description fits the rudimentary branchie very well. 1878.] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 757 Tig. 1. WIZ — or----~--- Astacus fluviatilis. I. The outer face of the podobranchia of the antepenultimate thoracic limb of the left side (x 4): B, the basal portion ; s¢, the stem; /, the lamina; br, the branchial filaments ; ap, the apical plume. II. The inner face of the same podobranchia ( x 4): the letters as before, except g, the decurrent fringe, continued from the inner lobe of the lamina. III. A transverse section : of the podobranchia, taken a little above the level of 4 in II. (x 4): @, the + inner lobe of the lamina ; 3, its outer lobe; s¢, the stem; 27, the branchial ; filaments, IV. One of the hooks of the lamina; and V The extremity of one of the sets of the base of the podobranchia : the vertical line indi- cates the scale to which these figures are drawn, and represents 45 of an ¢ inch. VI. The coxopoditic sets of the same limb (x 4). VII. The free end of one of these set, magnified to the same degree as IV. and V, Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. L. 50 798 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, truncated anterior end with the coxopodite of one or other of the thoracic limbs, from the second maxillipede to the penultimate am- bulatory limb inclusively. I shall therefore term these gills podo- branchie. A fold of the integument rises over the outer face of the basal portion of the branchia, which is freely movable, inwards and outwards, upon its articulation. The basal portion of the branchia curves slightly upwards, and is continued into the comparatively narrow stem (fig. 1, sé), which bends up at right angles to the base, and lies nearly parallel with the inner wall of the branchial chamber. Rather beyond the middle of its length, the stem expands into the broad lamina (fig. 1, 1), the two lobes of which are folded together like the leaves of a partly open book, their free rounded edges being turned backwards and the uniting fold forwards. The lamina of each branchia, from the second to the sixth, is received between the lobes of the lamina of that which precedes it, and, from the first to the fifth, receives the lamina of the branchia which follows it. The edges of the laminz are beset with minute hooked spines, seated upon low tubercles (fig. 1, 1v.), and are flat; but, a short distance within the edge, each lamina is folded longitudinally in such a manner as to give rise to ten or twelve plaits. From the mode of their formation, these plaits or folds are, of course, as distinctly marked on the outer as on the inner faces of the lamine (fig. 1, 111.). Small elevations, terminated by minute hooked setze, like those on the edges of the laminze, are observable on both faces, particularly on the ridges. The inner lobe of the lamina is continued down the stem asa decurrent gradually narrowing fringe, which terminates on the inner face of the basal portion (fig. 1, 1. g). The outer lobe ends more abruptly, in a thin ridge which lies external and posterior to the last. Between this ridge and the fringe there is a longitudinal groove, which occupies the inner and posterior face of the stem. A short distance from the upper edge of the lamina, and pro- ceeding, as it were, from the anterior face of the median fold of the latter, the apical plume (fig. 1, 1. ap) is given off. At its base this is beset with cylindrical branchial filaments; but at its free extre- mity it becomes simple and filiform; at its attached extremity, it passes into the stem of the gill, of which it is seen to be the direct continuation. The whole of the outer and anterior face of the stem, as far as the basal fold, is beset with branchial filaments, of which those in the region of the lamina are the longest, while towards the base they are shorter and more closely set. Close to the attachment of the podobranchia, the upper surface of the coxopodite presents a rounded elevation, from which a great number of long, flexible and tortuous sete proceed (fig. 1, VI.). When undisturbed, they ascend vertically between the gills on the sides of the branchial chamber. The apex of each of these cowopo- ditic sete is acute; and at a short distance from its extremity it is beset with numerous short foliaceous scales, which gives it the aspect of a minute catkin (fig.1,vm.). Further down these scales become 1878. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 759 more widely separated, and at length disappear, the base of the seta being smooth. A canal traverses the whole length of the seta. These bundles of setee were regarded as branchise by Brandt and Ratzeburg ; but they certainly have no direct relation to the respi- ratory function. They may aid in keeping parasites out of the branchial chamber. The sete which fringe the base of the podobranchia are straight, stiff, hollow, and composed of a cylindrical basal portion, and an acuminated acicular terminal part, which often appears articulated with the foregoing; the junction of the two is marked by an in- flexion of the wall of the seta. The acicular part (fig. 1, v.) is fringed with minute pointed scales, which, in the sete: of the anterior part of the base, pass into long lateral processes, and give the seta a penni- form appearance. None of these setz are hooked at the apex. The only differences, except those of size, which are observable in the six podobranchiz, are, that the external lobe of the lamina, which is not nearly so large as the internal, in the hindermost Fig. 2, Cc K4 X2 K4 A, The podobranchia (epipodite) of the first maxillipede of Astacus fluviatilis, viewed from the outer side (xX 4). B. The podobranchia of the first maxillipede of Astacoides madagascariensis, outer side (X 2): &, branchial filaments. C. The podobranchia (epipodite) of the first maxillipede of Astacus fluviatilis, viewed from behind (x4). D. The podobranchia of the first maxillipede of Parastacus brasiliensis, from behind (X 4); br, branchial filaments. In each figure a marks the pedicle by which the more or less modified podobranchia is attached to the coxopodite. branchia increases in relative size, until, in the most anterior branchia it becomes larger than the internal lobe. The penniform Setge are more numerous on the bases of the anterior podobranchiee. The first maxillipede is said, and, in a physiological sense, rightly, to possess no branchia ; but it is provided with an appendage (fig. 2, 4, C) which is undoubtedly the homologue of the podobran- chia of the other thoracic limbs. This is a soft membranous 50 760 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, Fig. 3. sarod} iopdb ° pdb Astacus fluviatilis. The branchiostegite, all the podobranchix, except the epipodite of the first maxillipede, and all the arthrobranchiz of the right side are removed (X 4). en | Za 3. arb. x spd K \ ) a 1 r 1 mee Tt \ \ garb; uarbi warl\~,, 7. pdb updb iopdb opdb Astacopsis franklinii. The branchiostegite, all the podobranchiz, except that of the first maxillipede, and all the anterior arthrobranchis, except the first, of the right side are removed (X 2). scg, scaphognathite (not shown in fig. 4); 7 ep, the podobranchia of the first maxillipede; 8 pdb to 13pdb, the other podobranchix; Sard to 13aréb, the arthrobranchiz or their attachments to the arthrodial membranes of the second and following thoracic appendages; 11 plb to 14 plb, the pleurobranchiz ; 14, the coxopodite of the hindermost ambulatory limb; exp, the coxopoditie sets of that limb in Astacus, 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 761 plate, which broadens at its upper extremity, and sends a short process downwards beyond its articujation with the coxopodite of the maxillipede. The plate is slightly folded upon itself longitu- dinally, but in such a manner that it is concave forwards instead of backwards. It bears no branchial papille, and has no longitudinal plaits ; but, on its posterior face and along its inner edge, it presents hooked tubercles, like those of the lamine of the podobranchiz. It is obvious that this structure, which lies immediately behind and parallel with the scaphognathite of the second maxilla (but, as I have ascertained, does uot share its function of scooping the water out of the branchial cavity’), is a modified podobranchia, reduced, as it were, to the part which, in the other podobranchiz, is represented by the base, stem, and lamina. Thus every thoracic limb, except the last, is provided with the representative of a podobranchia—though, in the case of the first maxillipede, this structure, if it plays any part in the respiratory process, does so simply in virtue of its thin and soft texture, and not by means of any special branchial filaments. The podobranchia of the first thoracic appendage is, in fact, reduced to a mere epipodite. When the podobranchiz are removed, six other gills come into view. They are attached (fig. 3, ard) to the flexible membrane which unites the coxopodites of all the thoracic limbs to the thorax, save the first and last, and may be termed anterior arthrobranchie. Like the foregoing, they are disposed vertically, and increase in size from the first, which belongs to the second maxillipede and is hidden behind the epipodite of the first maxillipede, to the last. The apex of each of these gills is exactly like the apical plume of one of the podobranchize ; and the branchial filaments are set upon the outer and anterior face of the stem in the same way. The inner face is flat and free from filaments ; and there is no trace of a lamina or of a basal dilatation. Above and behind these, more directly above in the posterior, more behind in the anterior limbs (fig. 3, a7), are five other branchiz of similar character, attached to the arthrodial membranes of the third maxillipede and the anterior four ambulatory limbs. These may be termed the posterior arthrobranchie. After the removal of all these functional branchize, there will be found, immediately above the bases of the penultimate and antepenul- timate thoracic limbs (fig. 3, 12 plb, 13 plb), two minute filamentous processes, the longer of which was not more than one sixth of an inch in length in any specimen I have examined, while both are so deli- cate as to be invisible except under a simple lens. The posterior of these is the larger: it has the structure of an ordinary branchial filament, with a somewhat swollen base, which is attached to the margins of a foramen in the lower part of the epimeron of the pe- nultimate thoracie somite, just below a transverse depression which separates this from the upper part of the epimeron. The position 1 Tf the branchiostegite of a living Crayfish is carefully removed, the rapid rhythmical motion of the scaphognathite is readily seen; but the modified podobranchia of the first maxillipede remains quiescent. 762 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, of this filament is sometimes vertical, but more frequently horizontal. The anterior filament is sometimes a mere papilla; it is attached to the margins of a small foramen which occupies a similar position in the antepenultimate epimeron—namely, close to the anterior edge and just below the transverse depression. These are two rudimentary gills, of the same order as that next to be described. The seventh, and most posterior branchia of those which become visible when the brachiostegite is removed (fig. 3, 14 plb), has yet to be considered. It resembles one of the arthrobranchiz in all essen- tial characters, but it is not attached to the arthrodial membrane ; on the contrary, the base of its stem is fixed to the margins of a circular aperture situated close to the edge of a peculiar shield- shaped plate, the posterior and outer surface of which is covered with strong setee. Immediately behind and below the attachment of the gill there is an oval space, occupied by a soft and flexible portion of the cuticle, like a tympanic membrane. By its lower margin this plate furnishes an articular surface to the outer condyle of the coxopodite of the last thoracic limb, while its anterior and upper angle, bending sharply upwards, passes into a curved prolongation, which extends upwards and backwards in the soft integument of the flank, and articulates with a slender process of somewhat similar form sent forward from the first abdominal somite. Internally this shield-shaped branchiferous plate is continuous with the sternum of the last thoracie somite. It is obvious that this plate, with its anterior process, represents the epimeron of the last thoracic somite, which is thus adherent to the penultimate somite only by the slender anterior and superior process and the soft integument. Hence, the last thoracic somite moves easily upon its predecessor, though, in strict- ness, the usual statement that the last thoracic somite in Astacus is ‘‘ free’’ is not altogether exact. It follows from this determination of the nature of the shield- shaped plate, that the gill which it bears is attached to the epimeron, or side-wall, of the last thoracic somite; and it may be termed a pleurobranchia. The similarly attached filaments (12 plé and 13 plb) represent reduced or rudimentary pleurobranchiz. We may suppose that the total number of branchize which a thoracic somite can possess is eight, four on each side, namely :—one podobranchia, connected with the coxopodite of the appendage; two arthrobranchie, fixed to the articular membrane; and one pleuro- branchia, attached to the epimeron. And if four places for branchize are assigned to each somite, the extent to which the hypothetically complete scheme or formula is actually filled up will be readily seen, and the branchial arrangements of different Crayfishes will be easily compared. 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 763 The Branchial formula of Astacus fluviatilis’. Somites Arthrobranchize. and their ra oa ——_~ cepa appendages. “* Anterior. Posterior. anchiz. WITS: oO (ep) 0 0 0 0g (ep) VIET oL, 1 ] 0 0 = 5 EXG2A 1 l | 0 a X... I | 1 0 = 3 Ry,. 53% 1 l 1 OY = 3 MB t6:. DIAN SED) snails XIII..... 1 1 l , = 34 XIV. 0 0 0 eh 3 6+tep+6 + 5 + 1+2r=18+ep+2r “ep” here signifies a podobranchia which has lost its branchial filaments and become completely metamorphosed into an epipodite, while r indicates that a rudiment of a branchia exists. It will be observed that, in this species of Crayfish, no somite possesses its hypothetically full complement of branchiz except XII. and XIII. ; and even in them the pleurobranchiz are rudimentary. The representatives of eleven possible branchie are altogether wanting. 2. The Branchie of Cambarus. The principal distinction between this genus and Astacus, as it was established by Erichson, lies in the absence of the single pleuro- branchia of the latter, and the consequent reduction of the number of the branchize to seventeen on each side. In his elaborate monograph of the genus, Dr.-Hagen observes, «But there is also another difference, not before noticed?. In Astacus each pair of gills, except the single one on the fifth set of legs, has a broad deeply-folded membrane, closely fixed behind the most external gill-lobe. In Caméarus, this membrane is always wanting in the gills of the fourth pair of legs, but exists, as in Astacus, in all the others. ; “In the true Astacus, all the gills with a folded membrane behin have a basal external bundle of shorter but broader and irregularly placed gill-tubes ; these are never to be found in Cambarus.” In a species of Cambarus from Guatemala, of which a number of specimens have been presented to the British Museum by Mr. Salvin’, I find Dr. Hagen’s first remark fully borne out. The last 1 In this, as in all other cases, it is to be understood that the branchial formula gives the branchiz of only one side of the body, and that the total number of branchiz is therefore double that given in the formula. 2 Dr. Hagen appears to have overlooked De Haan’s definition of the distine- tive characters of the American Orayfishes known to him :— “ Branchiz 17 ; nulla supra pedes quintos; externe supra quartos tantum e tubulis liberis, externse supra sequentes infra e tubulis, supra e laminis tuber- culatis composite” (Fauna Japonica, Crustacea, p. 164). * Mr. Salvin informs me that they were obtained in a river near Coban, in Vera Paz, at an elevation of about 4300 feet above the sea. 764 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION — [June 4, podobranchia is devoid of even a trace of a lamina ; in the five which precede it, on the other hand, the lamina is very large, and folded into two longitudinally plaited lobes, as in Astacus. The edges and the surfaces of the laminz present tubercles, which are more pro- minent than in Astacus, and bear similar hooked spines. The inner decurrent prolongation of the lamina is wider than in Astacus, particularly in the anterior podobranchiz. It is also beset with hooked setee mounted on low tubercles. The sete of the upper part of the base are relatively shorter. As in Astacus, their apices are straight and not hooked. The coxopodites bear bundles of twisted setae, which are similar to those of Astacus, but are more obtusely pointed. The arthrobranchiz are similar in number and in form to those of Astacus. Those of the posterior series are proportionately larger. I cannot discover a trace of the hindermost pleurobranchia, nor of the rudiments of the anterior ones, in this species; but it is not im- probable that they may be discovered in larger forms. The modified podobranchia (epipodite) of the first maxillipede is soft, and folded longitudinally in such a manner as to present a broad and shallow anterior groove. It bears no branchial papillee, nor any setee ; but there are a few short hooks here and there. The Branchial formula of Cambarus. Somites Arthrobranchie. Sn Saeantiieaie AGE eae. and Miche appendages. ~“" Anterior, Posterior i WEES 0 (ep) 0 0 Ch = Oe VII... ] 1 0 0 = 2 | ib. ae ] l 1 0) a met 1 1 1 0 S45} pF 1 ] ] 0 = 3 XII. 1 ] l Ce =o XIIl. l I ] 0 — XIV. 0 0 0 0 = 0 6+ep+6 + .5 + O = 17 + ep. In comparison with Astacus, there is obviously a reduction of the branchial system, arising from the complete disappearance of all the pleurobranchize in Caméarus. 3. The Branchie of Astacopsis! franklinii. When the branchiostegite is removed, seven branchiz are seen, having the general appearance and disposition of those of Astacus ; and, as in Astacus, the six anterior are podobranchiz, attached to the coxopodite of the second maxillipede and the five following append- ages, while the seventh is a pleurobranchia, fixed to the epimeron of ? Since, as will be shown below, those Australian Crayfishes which neither belong to Cheraps nor to Engeus are distinct from Astacoides, as represented by the Madagascar speeies, I propose to apply the generie name of Astacopsis to them. or 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 76 Fig. 5. Astacopsis franklinit. I, The outer face of the podobranchia of the antepenultimate thoracic limb of the left side (x34). II. The inner face of the same podobranchia: 37, branchial filaments; /, rudimentary lamina. IIa. The apex of the same, more highly magnified. III. A transverse section of the podobranchia at about the junction of its middle and upper thirds. IV. The extremity of one of the hooked filaments; and V, that of one of the hooked sete. In these two figures the vertical line represents =}, of an inch magnified to the same extent. VI. The coxopoditic sete (x33). 766 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, the last thoracic somite. There is also an anterior series of six arthrobranchie, and a posterior series of five (p. 760, fig. 4, ard), disposed as in Astacus. But instead of the two rudimentary pleuro- branchiz borne by the twelfth and thirteenth somites, in Astacus, there are three perfect branchiz attached to the eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth somites (fig. 4, 1-13 p/b), in positions which, in the case of the two latter, exactly correspond with those of the rudi- mentary pleurobranchiz of Astacus. The pleurobranchiz and the arthrobranchiz are very similar to those of Astacus ; but the inner surface of the stem is channelled by a sort of groove, the edges of which are pretty sharp. I could find no hooks, nor spines, nor hooked papillz on any part of these branchiz. The podobranchie (fig. 5, 1, 11, 11) resemble those of Astacus in their general form; but the basal portion is relatively larger and the stem stouter, while, at first sight, the lamina appears to be altogether wanting. Close examination, however, shows that the apex of the branchia is distinguishable into an apical plume and a lamellar appendage, but that the latter is relatively very small; in fact, it is a mere outgrowth of the inner wall of the stem, and is neither bilobed nor plaited. Moreover its surface is beset with numerous filamentous prolongations, which are altogether similar to ordinary branchial filaments, except that the extremity of each, instead of being smooth and rounded, is provided with a short recurved hook-like seta (fig. 5, 11a, 1v). The groove on the inner or posterior face of the stem is broader than in Astacus. It is bounded on the inner side by a decurrent fringe, which runs down onto the base and stops there, as in the foregoing genera (fig. 5, 11). This fringe is provided with long slender curved sete, each beset with imbricated scales and terminated by a recurved hook (fig. 5, v). The external ridge is wider than in dAstacus, and is provided with similar hooked sete. It may be said, in fact, that the whole lower half of the posterior margin of the stem in Astacopsis has the character of the posterior margin of the base, while in Astacus there is a sharp demarcation between the base and the stem. In principle, therefore, the podobranchiz of Astacopsis are similar to those of Astacus ; and the main difference between the two is that the lamina in the former is represented by a slight expansion of the stem, which is neither bilobed nor plaited, while its surface is covered with cylindrical filaments terminated by hooked spines. In Astacus, as in Cambarus, on the other hand, the lamina is large, bilobed, plaited, and the place of the filaments is taken by mere papille terminated by similar hooks. Moreover, in Astacus and Cambarus the sete of the base are not hooked. The appendage of the first maxillipede is similar to that of Astacus in form; but on the outer surface of the outer lobe there are sixteen or eighteen short branchial papille, some of which, but apparently not all, are terminated by hooks; in fact, except in size, they quite resemble the filaments of the other branchiz. In this Crayfish, therefore, the first podobranchia is not reduced 1878. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES, 767 Fig. 6. Cheraps (?). I. The outer face of the podobranchia of the antepenultimate thoracic limb of the left side(x3). II. The inner face of the same podobranchia : B, basal portion ; sz, stem ; al, ala; br, branchial filaments. IIT. A transverse sec- tion of the middle of the podobranchia (x3). IV. A sickle-shaped hook of a branchial filament xiz Of an inch in Iehgth. V. One of the coxopoditie setze more highly magnified : a, the circumferential inflexion of the wall of the seta. The central canal does not stop at this point, but is continued to the end of the seta. VI. A bundle of coxopoditic sete (x 3). WIT, The extremity of one of the long sete of the posterior edge of the stem. The vertical line represents x30 Of an inch magnified to the same extent. 768 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, to a mere epipodite, but retains true branchial characters in the scanty respiratory filaments of its outer lobe. There are only small tufts of short, straight or slightly curved sete in the position of the bundles of long coiled coxopoditie setz of Astacus and Cambarus (fig. 5, v1). The Branchial formula of Astacopsis. Somites Pade: Arthrobranchiz. Pinus and their ~ branchize ag at aS branchiz. appendages. * Anterior. Posterior. ‘ O(epr) 0 0 0 .= OCepr) VE 1 l 0 0 = 2 |. 1 ] ] 0 =e ae ] ] 1 0 = 3 bc eee 1 ] 1 1 = 4 ATG 2.29 1 1 1 1 = 4 D2 Ne 1 1 1 1 = 4 RAV. i *. 0 0 0 1 = | 6+epr+6 + 5 Be = 21-Fep7 Thus Astacopsis presents a much nearer approximation to the hypothetically complete branchial formula than Astacus, inasmuch as the epipodite of the first maxillipede is an imperfect branchia, and there are four complete pleurobranchiz: only the hindermost podobranchia, the first and last anterior arthrobranchiee, the first two and the last posterior arthrobranchiz, and the first four pleuro- branchiz are wanting. In fact, this is the most complete branchial formula with which I am at present acquainted, among the podo- phthalmous Crustacea. 4, The Branchie of Cheraps (?). _I have examined a single specimen of a species attributed to this genus, from the Yarra- Yarra river, in the collection of the British Museum’. The second maxillipede and the five following thoracic limbs bear podobranchize, which increase in length from the first to the last, and have a close general resemblance to those of Astacopsis; but they differ in the production of the upper part of the anterior lip of the groove of the stem into a broad limb or ala, wider at the upper end than below, which must not be confounded with the lamina of Astacis, as it corresponds only with part of the inner lobe and the decurrent fringe in that genus (fig. 6,1, 1, 111 @/). Both faces, as well as the free posterior margin of this fringe, are beset with cylindrical branchial filaments, the apex of each of which is termi- nated by a strong sickle-shaped hook (fig. 6, rv). The majority of the branchial filaments of the stem are also terminated either by smaller hooks or by short straight spines. Long sete, hooked at 1 My best thanks are due to Dr. Gimther, F.R.S., for the readiness with which he has aided my investigations by giving me free access to the Crusta- cean collection under his charge. 1878. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 769 the ends, and otherwise similar in structure to those of Astacopsis, are attached to the posterior edge of the stem of the podobranchia (fig. 6, vit). The ala is widest, and extends furthest towards the summit of the branchia, in the most anterior podobranchia, while in the hinder- most it is reduced to little more than a longitudinal ridge. This branchia, in fact, is very similar to one of those of Astacopsis. There are six anterior arthrobranchiz, which are not more than half as long as the podobranchiz, and five still smaller posterior ar- throbranchiz, the hindermost of which is almost rudimentary. As in Astacopsis, there are four large pleurobranchiz, the hinder- most of which is only slightly larger than the other three, which are nearly equal in size. Small branchial filaments are scattered over the whole posterior face of the epipodite of the first maxillipede; and the apex of each is provided with a strong sickle-shaped hook. The coxopoditic setz are relatively short, as in Astacopsis, but slender and curved, and even slightly undulating (fig. 6, v1). Each is hooked at its free extremity (fig. 6, v). If the distinctive character of Cheraps, as given by Erichson, is correct, this is not a true Cheraps; but the branchiz of these animals are so readily detached, that I can give no opinion on this point without comparison with the original specimens. In any case, the structure of the podobranchiz shows the distinctness of this form from Astacopsis. The Branchial formula of Cheraps (?). A Bee Podo- eee sheen Pletro- appendages. branche. "Anterior, Posterior. branchive. 0 (ep r) 0 0 = 0 (ep r) VERA... . 1 iu 0 0 eantih, {DCR an 1 uf il 0 heck ONE © a. ] ] 1 0 a 5.10 a ee ] l 1 1 | XIII.,... ] 1 1 1 ded) XIV.. ae 0 0 0 ] — ] Gtepr+6 + 5 + 4 =2 tepr. 5. The Branchie of Engeus. The number, the general disposition, and the structure of the branchize are the same as in Astacopsis and Cheraps. The podobranchiz have no vestige of a lamina. The first podo- branchia has a small ala, much as in Cheraps; but only a few of the branchial filaments have terminal hooks. The arthrobranchie are very small, those of the posterior series being the smaller; and the three anterior pleurobranchix are much smaller than the hindermost. Inall the branchiz, and especially in the arthrobranchiz and pleuro- -branchiz, the terminal filament is exceptionally long and thick. 770 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, There are only a few very small hooked papillary elevations on the epipodite of the first maxillipede; in fact the podobranchia is reduced to nearly the same condition as in Astacus. The hooks of the setz are very slender. _The branchial formula is the same as in Astacopsis and Cheraps, Viz. :— sr ae Arthrobranchie. ahh tn: and their j pe a c appendages. branehise. Anterior. Posterior. branchiz. VIl..... 0 (ep r) 0 0 0 = 0 (ep r) Mie | 0 gag X.. eae 1 l ] 0 aa DO age 1 1 ] 1 —) 4 C0 ie lin 1 1 jsut og >: I aroma 0 0 1 5 4) 6+ epr +6 es Cae! Seeiany. Gaia Ye 6. The Branchie of Paranephrops. In Paranephrops planifrons I find the branchie to have the same general character and disposition as in Astacopsis and Engaeus. The podobranchize are devoid of any trace of a lamina. The branchial filaments on the posterior faces of these branchiz are, for the most part, provided with terminal hooks, while the rest have smooth and rounded apices. The anterior arthrobranchie have not half the size of the podo- branchie, while the posterior arthrobranchiz are very minute, and the hindermost is rudimentary, being a mere simple filament, like one of the rudimentary pleurobranchie of As/acus. The pleurobranchiz are larger, but the three anterior ones are small. None of these branchiz have hooked papille. The external and posterior face of the epipodite of the first maxilli- pede is beset with short hooked branchial filaments. The coxopoditic sete are few, slender, short, and hooked at the extremity. The Branchial formula of Paranephrops. Somites ea Arthrobranchiz. Plauen: and their jranchie PED DE a: branchiz appendages. “Anterior. Posterior. rs Rib cosy OO hep) yO 0 0 = O(epr) VF e027 1 1 0 0 = 2 IXSe as ol l sag 0 = 43 XO. # 1 1 1 0 jo pC bares 1 1 1 1 = 4 SLD eee 1 1 ] = 4 XI at 1 r 1 = 34r XIV.. 0 0 0 1 = | 6+epr+6 + 4 +7r 44 = 20+epr+r 1378. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 771 The branchiz of two specimens of a Paranephrops, from the Fiji Islands, like the foregoing in the British Museum, are in such bad condition, the specimens having apparently got dry before they were placed in spirits, that I cannot make out all the details of their structure ; but, so far as it can be ascertained, they agree with those of the preceding species. 7. The Branchie of Parastacus. By the kindness of Prof. Peters, I have been able to examine two well preserved males of the Astacus brasiliensis and A. pilimanus of Von Martens; and the results are very interesting. The branchiz of the two species are so much alike that they may be described together. In many points they resemble those of ~ Cheraps ; but the structure is by no means identical ; and as these Crayfishes are peculiar in other respects, I think it will be most convenient to consider them as members of a distinct genus, Par- astacus. There are six ordinary podobranchiz, of which, as usual, the first is the smallest, the next two are longer, and the last three are longest of all and nearly equal. In the podobranchia of the second maxillipede, the inner lip of the groove of the stem of the branchia is produced into a broad ala, as in Cheraps ; but the ala becomes broader towards the apex, and is there abruptly truncated. The truncated edge is fringed by a single series of branchial papille. The posterior lip of the groove is beset with long hooked setz. In the four following podobranchiz the ala is a little narrower, especially at its apex, but it has essentially the same characters. In the last the ala is present in the basal half of the stem, but narrows to a mere ridge in the apical half. The modified podobranchia of the first maxillipede bears from ten to sixteen longer or shorter branchial filaments on the outer half of the posterior surface of its apical end (fig. 2, p, p. 759). The six anterior arthrobranchize are full-sized, and increase in length from before backwards. The five posterior arthrobranchiz are much smaller ; and the last is rudimentary, consisting of a very short slender stem, with from one to three lateral filaments. There are four pleurobranchiz, all well developed, but the hinder- most the longest. In the podobranchiz, many of the posterior branchial filaments are terminated by hooks. As usual, these are absent in the other branchiz. The coxopoditic tubercles give origin to bundles of long and tortuous sete, with hooked apices. These are neither so long, nor so numerous, as in Astacus and Cambarus, but are more like them than are those of any other Parastacide. 772 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, Fig. 7. Astacoides madagascariensis. I. The outer face of the podobranchia of the antepenultimate thoracic limb of the left side (x23). II. The inner face of the same: 07, branchial fila- ments. III. A transverse section of the middle of the podobranchia: s¢, the grooved inner face of the stem, IV. The terminal hook of a branchial filament; and V. The apex of a coxopoditic seta. The straight line repre- sents ;}4? of an inch magnified to the same extent as these, 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 773 The Branchial formula of Pacastacus. Somites Bites Arthrobranchiz. Pia. et nchie. 7. ce, branchiz. appendages. Anterior. Posterior. Milos 0eps)e. O 0 0 = O(epr) ft} Serene | 1 0 Osnneeiin 2 | > ae ] 1 | Os = «3 Rett cberfiy 1 ] I 0 = oe | 1 l 1 =e Pe! Meliss airs, (2 ] 1 l ee pO |) ee | 1 r 1 = 3+4+r UE darcia! 90 0 0 1 — 6 +ep7+ 6 + 44744 20 +epr-+r. 8. The Branchie of Astacoides. I am indebted to the courtesy of Prof. Alphonse Milne-Edwards for the opportunity of examining the branchiz of a male specimen of the Crayfish of Madagascar, Astacoides madagascariensis. On account of the rarity of this species, it is desirable to describe its branchial apparatus in some detail. The length of the specimen was 5°7 inches. The branchiostegite of the left side being carefully removed, the six large podobranchiz were seen. ‘The first, 0°9 inch long (mea- sured from its attachment to its apex), was directed upwards and backwards in the cervical depression. The second, | inch long, took a similar direction, but was concave forwards. The third, slightly shorter, lay parallel with the second. The fourth (fig. 7, 1, 11) was much longer ; bent round the third, its summit touched the apex of the second ; the total length of the branchia when straight- ened out was about 1°3 inch. The fifth branchia was still longer, curving round the posterior edge of the last, so that its apex touched the front boundary of the branchial cavity. The sixth branchia started from a higher level than any of the others, in consequence of the great size of the coxopodite of the penultimate thoracic limb ; its length was 1:05 inch; and it was nearly straight, its apex fitting into the summit of the branchial cavity. The base of each podo- branchia is elongated upwards, as in Astacopsis ; and there is a soft fold of integument over its attachment. There is no trace of any lamina. On the removal of the podobranchie the arthrobranchiz came into view. But, in contradistinction to all other known Crayfishes, there are only five of them fully developed, and even these are re- markably small in comparison with the podobranchie. The first is the shortest (0°5 in.); and they increase in length to the hinder- most, which is 0°35 in. long. Each is concave forwards and con- vex backwards; and the apex of the hindermost comes within 0°15 inch of the’ nearest part of the anterior superior boundary of the branchial cavity. In all these branchie the branchial filaments are very numerous, stiff, relatively short and close-set ; so that they Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LI. 51 774 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION —__[ June 4, approach the characters of the branchie of the Lobster. The groove on the inner face of the stem seems, at first, to be reduced to nothing in the upper part of the podobranchie. However, a transverse section (fig. 7, 111) shows that it exists and is bounded by two lips, the anterior of which is produced into a narrow ala. But the numerous hooked branchial filaments, which arise from the posterior face of the stem, fill the groove and appear to obliterate it. The hindermost of the arthrobranchie is attached close to the articulation of the coxopodite with the epimeron, and is therefore in the same position as one of the anterior series of arthrobranchie in other Crayfishes. here is not the slightest trace of the attach- ment of another branchia on the arthrodial membrane behind this. But on the epimeron, just above the margin of the articular cavity, and 0:1 inch behind the root of the anterior branchia, a minute filament, 0-05 in. long, which I take to be a rudiment of the posterior branchia, enclosed by the downward extension of the epimeron, projects. The attachment of the next arthrobranchia is like that of its pre- decessor, but not quite so far forward. At a distance of 0°5 in. behind and above its root, an exceedingly minute papilla, not more than a fifth of the length of the foregoing, is enclosed in the arti- cular edge of the epimeron. This is doubtless the rudiment of the posterior arthrobranchia. The three remaining arthrobranchiz are fixed into the arthrodial membranes of the other ambulatory and prehensile limbs, in a position corresponding with that occupied by the fourth. In the case of the hindermost of these, or that of the eleventh pair of appendages, there is, above and behind the root of the gill, and 0°U8 inch distant from it, a filamentous rudimentary branchia, rather less than 0:1 inch long, attached within the articular margin of the epimeron. Three or four minute unequal processes are given off from the posterior edge of this filament. There is another very small papillary rudiment immediately above and behind the root of the next arthrobranchia; but none could be discovered above that of the most anterior arthrobranchia. In addition to the five conspicuous and functional outer arthro- branchize, there was another very small one, only 0°18 inch long, and almost rudimentary, attached to the second maxillipede. The pleurobranchia of the last thoracic somite was only 0°3 inch long, and was hardly visible at first, from being overlapped by the hindermost podobranchia. I could not discover the slightest trace of any other pleurobranchize. The upper part of the modified podobranchia of the first maxillipede is sharply folded upon itself longitudinally ; and its outer lobe is beset with numerous short branchial filaments, most of which have ter- minal hooks. Similar hooked filaments are to be found about the base and the posterior region of the other podobranchiz ; but a large proportion of the filaments of these branchie, and all of those of the arthrobranchiz, appear to be hookless. The tubercles of the coxopodites give rise to small tufts of short and straight setee, which are hooked at the end, like those of Asta- 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 775 copsis (fig. 7, v). The hinder and upper sete of the bases of the podobranchiz are similarly hooked; but, as in the other species, the anterior sete are straight, or only slightly curved at the ex- tremities. The Branchial formula of Astacoides madagascariensis, Somites Arthrobranchiz. ori iegy Lo ag caeegeean a ares appendages. ’ Anterior. Posterior. " VI O(epr) 0 0 0 = (epr) VIII... 1 r 0 0 a= | + r EX... l 1 0 0 Sey; ao lets 1 r 0. = 2+ 7 XI... ] 1 r 0 = 2+ ? XII 1 1 r 0 = Best ? XIII l 1 r 0 = 2+ r XIV. 0 0 0 ] = i 6+epr4+i5+r+4r 4+ 1 12+ep r+ ir In Astacoides, therefore, the branchize have suffered more reduc- tion than in any other known Crayfish ; and this reduction is, as it were, a continuation of the process already commenced in Engeus and Paranephrops, in which the anterior pleurobranchiee and the posterior arthrobranchize are small, or even rudimentary. I IIT. Tue Crasstrication or THE CRAYFISHES. Whatever may be the variation in the structure of the branchize of the different species of Crayfish, it will be observed that they all agree in possessing podobranchiew, or branchie attached to the coxo- podites, of the six middle thoracic appendages, and that these are either not at all, or incompletely, differentiated into a branchial and an epipoditic division. Moreover Astacopsis, Cheraps, Engeus, Paranephrops, Parastacus and Astacoides, in which the apices of the podobranchie are not separated into a branchial plume and a well developed lamina, present a less-differentiated type of branchial structure than that which obtains in Aséacus and Cambarus. Thus the structure of the branchie in the Crayfishes separates them into two groups, of which I propose to term the latter the PoramMosirp&, and the former the PARASTACID2. In the Parasracip the podobranchie are devoid of more than a rudiment of a lamina, though the stem may be alate. The podo- branchia of the first maxillipede has the form of an epipodite; but, in almost all cases, it bears a certain number of well-developed branchial filaments. The first abdominal somite possesses no appendage in either sex; and the appendages of the four following somites are large. The telson is never completely divided by a transverse suture. More or fewer of the branchial filaments of the podobranchiz are terminated by short hooked spines ; and the coxopoditic ae as well 5 776 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION = [June 4, as those which beset the stems of the podobranchie, have hooked apices. In the Poramontip the podobranchie of the second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth thoracic appendages are always provided with a large plaited lamina. The pcdobranchia of the first maxillipede is converted into an epipodite, entirely devoid of branchial filaments. The first abdominal somite invariably bears appendages in the male, and usually in both sexes. In the male these appendages are styli- form, and those of the second somite are always peculiarly modified. The appendages of the four following somites are relatively small. The telson is usually completely divided by a transverse suture. None of the branchial filaments are terminated by hooks; nor are any of the coxopoditic sete or the longer sete of the podobranchie hooked, though hooked tubercles occur on the stem and on the lamina of the latter. The coxopoditie setee are always long and tortuous. It is worthy of notice that the Parastacidee agree with the Palinuridze and Scyllaride in the abortion of the appendages of the first abdominal somite, and in possessing hooked sete, while in the Potamobiidee, as in the Lobsters, the sete are not hooked, and, as in almost all the Podophthalmia, except the Palinuride and Scyllaridsc’, the appendages of the first abdominal somite are present, and are specially modified in the males. Of the six genera of the Parastacide, Astucoides is widely sepa- rated from all the rest by the reduction of the number of its func- tional branchiz to twelve, while all the other genera at present known have, at fewest, twenty, and usually twenty-one, branchie. Astacopsis, Cheraps, Engeus, and Parastacus have, in common, a long epistoma, the surface of which is flattened, the basal joint of the antenne fixed by the overlapping edge of the cephaloste- gite, the posterior thoracic sterna narrow, the coxopodites of the hinder thoracic limbs large and approximated in the middle line. The rostrum and the antennary squame are short. Engeus is dis- tinguished among these, not only by the narrowness of the first ab- dominal somite, but by the form of the anterior part of the head, with its short and deflexed rostrum, and very small antennary squame. In Cheraps the podobranchiz are alate, in Astacopsis they are not. Parastacus somewhat resembles Cheraps in its alate podo- branchiz, but differs from all the rest by possessing long and tortu- ous coxopoditic sete. I have nothing to add to the distinctive characters of the two genera of the Potamobiide, Astacus and Cambarus, already given by Erichson, Hagen, and others. All the branchize of the Crayfishes consist of a stem beset with nu- merous cylindrical filaments. In fact, they are typical examples of what are termed by Milne-Edwards “ branchies en brosse,” and may be called “ trichobranchiz,’’ in contradistinction to the lamellar 1 In Gebia, Calliavis, and Porcellana, the first abdominal appendages are yudimentary or abortive in the male sex. 1878.] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 777 gills or “ phyllobranchiz,’” which are met with in a large number of other Crustacea. The whole of the Macrurous Podophthalmia, excepting the genera Gebia and Callianassa, the Prawns, the Shrimps, and the Myside, have trichobranchie. In the Mysidz the branchize are rudimentary or absent, and in the Euphausidee and Penzeidze they are peculiarly modified. In the Prawns and Shrimps, in Geéia and Callianassa, in all the Auomura and Brachyura, the gills are phyllobranchiz. Thus the Podophthalmia or Thoracostraca (to use the convenient name proposed by Prof. Claus) are divisible in respect of the structure of their respiratory organs into three groups, which may be termed Abranchiata, Trichobranchiata, aud Phyllobranchiata. Among the trichobranchiate Podophthalmia, the Euphauside possess no other than podobranchiz ‘. These are mere respiratory plumes presenting no differentiation even into base and stem. Ail the rest of the Trichobranchiata have arthrobranchiz, either with or without functional podobranchiz and pleurobranchie. Among those which possess all three kinds of branehiz, the Parastacide and the Palinuride are highly exceptional among the Thoracostraca in the absence of the appendages of the first abdominal somite in both sexes. They further, as a rule, possess 21 branchize ( pdd. 6, arb. 11, pld. 4), though the number is, in some cases, reduced by the suppression of more or fewer of the arthrobranchiz and pleurobranchie. In most, if not all the other Trichobranchiata, the first abdominal appendages of the males are present and specially modified. Among these, the Potamobiidze are characterized by the imperfect division of their podobranchiz into a proper branchial and an epipoditic portion. In Homarus and Nephrops, Awius and Thalassina, the podo- branchiz are completely differentiated, from their bases onward, into a proper branchial and an epipoditic portion. Jn this condition the podobranchia is usually described as an epipodite, to the base of which a branchia is attached. In Homarus the branchial filaments are numerous and multiser nt and the branchial formula is :— Somites Peay: Arthrobranchiz. ee and their branchize eis ee . ~~ branchize appendages. * Anterior. Posterior, a: \'0 0 ee (Gi (ep) 0 0 On ee 0s(en) VIII..... 1 0 0 9 = 1 ae 1 l ] 0 = $8 >. ae ] ] ] 0 = 3 > Cs ie ] ] l 1 = 4 0) ESP ee ] l l 1 = 4 XIII..... 1 1 1 | a — are: MOEV ee 0 0 0 a | 6-Hey si ey on. +i, 4-, = 20 hep. 1 Possibly some of the branchial plumes in Sergestes may be attached to the arthrodial membranes. A critical examination of the species of Sergestes in reference to this point would probably yield interesting results, 778 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, In Nephrops the branchie have the same structure, but the branchial plume of the podobranchia of the second maxillipede is absent or rudimentary; hence the number of the branchiz is re- duced to 19. In Azius the podobranchia of the penultimate thoracic limb is reduced to an epipodite by the disappearance of the branchial plume, and the hindermost pleurobranchia is also wanting. The arthro- branchia of the second maxillipede is represented by a mere ru- diment. The Branchial formula of Axius stirhynchus. da the Poilo- Weg seats Pleuro- appendages, branchie. Antarior. Posterior, renchi=. Villiiox l = 0 Oe 16.6 . ] ] ] 0 =,3 Xda i ] 1 jy RsSes Xl 2 ] 1 1 ene, XII... 1 l l ec XI... 0 (ep) 1 1 rapes die XIV. 0) 0 0 Oni =a0 5+2 ep ot, =) 15 aie a. 1842 ep +r. The branchial filaments in this genus, again, are arranged only in two series on the stem, though, as they remain filiform, the ap- proximation to the phyllobranchiate type is but slight. In Homarus, Nephrops, and Avius the epipoditie divisions of the podobranchiz are very large; but in Thalassina, Stenopus, and Peneus they are much reduced in size, and the branchial element disappears in more than the hindermost. In Thalassina scorpioides the last thoracie somite is provided with no branchizw of any kind, nor have its limbs any epipodite, and there are no pleurobranchie. The podobranchize of the twelfth and thirteenth somites are reduced to stout curved setose epipodites. In the eleventh there is a similar epipodite, but a branchial plume springs from its base. The tenth had a small epipodite, without a branchia in the specimen examined ; but I am inclined to think that the branchia may have become detached ; for the similar epipodite of the external maxillipede bore a mutilated, or rudimentary, small branchia. The small epipodites of the second maxillipedes figured by Milne-Edwards were broken off; but the places to which they were attached were discernible. The first maxillipede had no epipodite, in which respect Thalassina approaches Callianassa. There are twelve arthrobranchiz attached in pairs, from the second maxillipede to the penultimate thoracic limb inclusively. All these branchize are remarkable from the fact that, for a greater or less distance from the base of the gill, the stem is provided with broad imbricated foliaceous expansions, which are traversed by ramified 1878. ] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 779 vessels, and take the place of the branchial filaments, which are sometimes very few, and confined altogether to the basal region of the branchia. These branchial plates differ from those of the true phyllobranchize in their small number and in their disposition, in- asmuch as they are directed obliquely to the stem and not at right angles to it. Nevertheless it is interesting to find, in both Awius and Thalassina, a certain approach to the phyllobranchiate type, which is completely reached in Gedia and Callianassa. The Branchial formula of Thalassina. Somites Arthrobranchie. Be ectiel) aces se bee appendages. ‘Anterior. Posterior. te Red 0 0 0 0 = 0 VIII... 0 (ep) 1 ] 0 = 2+ep ax? 1 l 1 r= 3 er: 1 1 1 0 = 3 pC 1 ] 1 Oe = 98) XII. 0 (ep) iI ] 0 = 2-+¢ep XIII. 0 (ep) l l 0 = 2-+ep XIV. 0 0 0 ae B-Pe ep a) AE 6 ese Oe 15-25 ep: In Stenopus hispidus the branchiz resemble those of Astacopsis in structure, the filaments being loose, slender, and multiserial. But the disappearance of the branchial plumes from the podobranchize has gone still further than in Thalassina; and all these organs are reduced to delicate, almost vesicular epipodites entirely devoid of any proper branchial filaments, except in the case of the second maxillipede, in which a few such filaments are attached to the base of the epipodite. Moreover the number of the pleurobranchiz is increased to seven. The Branchial formula of Stenopus. Somites Pein Arthrobranchiz. ner ae % ———-_-—_—~ = ere aes Anterior. Posterior. oa WV inns, -'.0,(ep) ? 0 De ty Gen) WEA 54 3.3.) 0,(ep:1) 1 1 1 = 3+epr eg... O(ep) Los 1 I= 3-tep Baas.c, OED) 1 1 1 = 3+ep XI,...... ,0(ep) l 1 1 = 3+ep mit... 0 (ep) 1 1 fr = 3+ep Si; ... . O (ep) 1 ] P= Sep a 0 0 io 0+7ep+r4+6 4+ 6 + 7 = 19+7/ep+r 780 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION — [June 4, I am inclined to suspect the existence of a rudimentary anterior arthrobranchia in VII.; but I could not make sure of it. By the structure of its branchize Stenopus is sharply separated from Peneus, with which it has hitherto been associated, although it approaches Peneus in the almost complete abortion of the bran- chial element of the podobranchize. In the Penzida, in fact, each branchia consists of a stem which is pointed at both ends and gives off two series of opposite lateral branches. This stem is attached by a pedicle near its lower end. Near each end of the stem the lateral branches are very short, and stand straight out; but they rapidly become longer; and as they do so they curve outwards to- wards one another, and eventually meet in the middle line. The middle of the branchia consequently assumes the form of a hollow cylinder. The outer face of each lateral branch gives off a close-set series of secondary branches, which diminish in size towards the free end of the lateral branch, and at the free end are simple undivided. filaments. But towards the attached end of the branch the secon- dary branches are themselves dichotomously subdivided in the direc- tion of their length; so that the most complicated of these secondary branches presents a short stem whence two branches proceed, each of these again gives off two, and these may terminate in yet other two. Hence each secondary branch is like a flat triangular plate slit by fissures of varying depths, and attached by its apex to a lateral branch. All these secondary branches are directed upwards and outwards. A detached lateral branch closely resembles one of the branchiz of Thysanopoda ; while, so far as I can judge from the figures given by Kréyer! and Sars®, the branchiz of Sergestes and Lophogaster still more closely approach those of Peneus. A similar structure was described by Duvernoy in Aristeus, and was supposed by him to be characteristic of that genus; but Dana has already justly expressed a doubt whether, in this respect, Aris- teus differs from the other Penzeidz. In Penaeus, the last and the penultimate thoracic limbs present no trace of podobranchiz; and inall the rest the podobranchia is reduced to a small epipodite, which, in the middle of the series, is bifurcated atitsfreeend. The latter lies between the arthrobranchiee of its own somite and the next’following. There are seven pleurobranchiz, of aoe the hindermost is the largest, while the most anterior is very small. ae ee til en monographisk Fremstilling af Kraebsdyrslagten Sergestes : 2 Beskrivelee over Lophogaster typicus: 1862. 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 781 The Branchial formula of Penzeus brasiliensis. abn Pada Arthrobranchiz. Pivare. an eir : —_—_—~—_~ z appendages. branchise. Anterior. Posterior. branchiee. ‘34 ae 0 (ep) ] (small) 0 0 = I+ep SAAT... 0 (ep) 1 1 1 = 38+ep EXs sls 0 (ep) 1 l 1 = 3+ep : a 0 (ep) ] ] 1 = 3-+ep Le 0 (ep) 1 1 1 = 3+ep Bt Ree 0 (ep) l 1 1 = 3-+ep MTS 0 1 1 legs ao >. 0 0 0 1S 0+6ep +7 + 6 + 7. == .20=56 ep. The arthrobranchia of VII. is very small; in fact, it is a mere tuft of dichotomously divided branchial filaments. The results of this examination of the principal forms of those Trichobranchiata which possess more than one kind of branchiee may be thrown into a tabular form, as follows :— I. No appendages to the first abdominal somite in either sex. Astyla. f. Podobranchize undivided: .....0..2:+0+.c0ssd0-sesesecaess PARASTACIDE. 2. Podobranchiz divided into branchial and epipoditic OEUIONSmNes. jeacucseece tic toteas eee sateen inane names PALINURID, I. Appendages of the first abdominal somite almost always present, and specially modified in the males. Stylophora, 1. Podobranchix partially divided.............0..00ccceecaee PoramoBuDs. 2. Podobranchiz completely divided or reduced to epi- podites. a. Pleurobranchiz not more than four. a. Posterior pleurobranchia present, and the most posterior of the podobranchix com- [SGLGHPAALE RRR pose anes eter te scare eae Homaripz, Homarus, Nephrops. B. Posterior pleurobranchia wanting, and more or fewer of the posterior podobranchiz reduced to epipodites. a. Branchize with only filamentous pro- COBRGB A. sade siedenmacya-cahiussinekWon Saactaes Axius, 6. Branchiz with foliaceous as well as filamentous processes ...............+4- Thalassina. b, Pleurobranchiz more than four. a. Branchiz filamentous ...............seccceccouee Stenopus. Bo cBranchies ramose sins esswanereanaanceees spain Peneus. All the Trichobranchiata are Macrura, in the sense of having the abdomen and its appendages well developed; but, in Iéacus and Thenus, the abdomen becomes shortened and the cephalothorax wide, while the antennary and the ocular regions are modified in a manner very similar to that which gives rise to the peculiar “face” or ““metope”’ of the typical Brachyura. A very little further modifi- cation would convert Thenus, for example, into a trichobranchiate Crab. Such forms as these, which simulate the Brachyura, and yet differ profoundly from them, may be termed ‘“ pseudo-carcinoids.”” 782 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, If the branchial filaments of Avius were shortened and widened, the structure of the branchize would approach that which obtains in Gebia and Callianassa, which are truly phyllobranchiate. But in other respects there is a wide interval between these genera, on the one hand, and Awius and Thalassina, which are ordinarily associated with them among the Thalassinide, on the other hand; for the podobranchize have entirely disappeared on the six hinder thoracic limbs, and even on the first or second maxillipede they are repre- sented only by rudimentary epipodites. There are no pleurobranchie ; and the total number of gills is re- duced to five pairs of arthrobranchiz on each side. The Branchial formula of Gebia and Callianassa. Rene | odlo- Arthrobranchie. Pleuro- appendages. branchue. Anterior. Posterior. Braviehice. Vile 20 0 0 On — ao WDE se. 40 0 0 0; 5=.50 XC eA) ] 1 OF pate Geen eesti!) 1 1 5 ieee xe. 0 ] 1 0 = 2 ME 80 1 1 Ng ehh See AO 1 1 Sn XIV... 0 0 0 a 0 + 5 ae 5 + 0 10 In the almost complete abortion of the podobranchiz, and in the presence of ten arthrobranchiz attached in pairs to the middle tho- racic somites, Gebia and Callianassa agree with Porcellana, Gala- thea, Lithodes, Pagurus, and Remipes. But in Galathea and Porcellana the four hindermost pleurobranchize are present, making fourteen gills on each side; in Lithodes and Pagurus the penul- timate pleurobranchia exists, making eleven ; in Remipes there is no pleurobranchia, and only nine arthrobranchiz, viz. one on the ninth and two for each of the four following somites, are present. In this group, which nearly corresponds with the Anomala of De Haan, and which I propose to term the ‘‘ Anomomorpha,” there is every degree of modification—from such typically Macrurous forms as Gebia and Galathea to such pseudo-carcinoids as Lithodes and Porcellana. It is interesting to remark, however, that, while in Thenus and Ibacus the process of modification has chiefly affected the head, in the Anomomorpha the characteristic changes are more marked in the abdomen. In none of the latter are the basal joints of the antennee fixed, nor are distinct orbits formed. It is easy to understand the possibility of the derivation of the Anomomorpha from some form allied to Axius and Thalassina (but with four pleurobranchiz) by the further reduction, and final almost complete disappearance, of the podobranchiz, while the biserial filaments of the other gills flattened out and became lamellar. The Prawns and Shrimps (‘‘Salicoques”’ of Milne-Edwards, Carides 1878.] AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 783 of De Haan), if we exclude the Penzeidee, constitute a natural assem- blage, to which I will apply the name of “ Caridomorpha.” They are all eminently Macrurous; and the characteristic feature of their branchial system is the predominence of the pleurobranchiz, and the concomitant diminution in the number and the importance of the arthrobranchize and of the podobranchiz. In fact, so far as I am aware, there are never any traces of the latter except upon the maxillipedes. In both Palemon and Crangon I find five pleurobranchiz attached to the posterior thoracic somites, from the tenth to the fourteenth inclusively. In Palemon, two arthrobranchize, one of which is very small, are attached to the arthrodial membrane of the external maxil- lipede, which has a very short and rudimentary epipodite. The second maxillipede bears a podobranchia divided into a small branchia and an oval epipoditic plate. In the first maxillipede the place of the podobranchia is occupied by a rounded bilobed lamella. In Crangon none of the maxillipedes bear gills. The epipodite of the first maxillipede is relatively much larger and triangular ; that of the second is tongue-shaped and almost vesicular; that of the third is a mere rounded process. I can find only one arthrobranchia on the ninth somite. The Branchial formula of Palemon. Somites Pod Arthrobranchiz. Piece E odo- euro- and their branchiz. nd Suara: branchiz. appendages. Anterior, Posterior. MIE onc O(ep) 0 0 0 = O-ep) WEEE... I 0 0 He TX.sa.s 70. (ep) 1 1 0 = 2-+ep KM =O 0 0 Is 22.21 Pligeices oa 0 0 Lem Des ey MN... “0 0 0 Leo el 2.11) Cee 0) 0 0 eee | XEVE ace O 0 0) | pn — len | 14+2ep +l + 1 + 5 = 842 ep. From the number of their pleurobranchize the Caridomorpha can- not be regarded as a reduced modification of any of the Tricho- branchiata, except the Penzide and Stenopus. But it is easy to derive them from a Stenopus-like primitive form by the reduction of the podobranchiz and the arthrobranchiz, and the conversion of the five posterior pleurobranchiz into gills of the lamellar type. In the Brachyura of Milne-Edwards the disposition of the bran- chial apparatus is well known to be definite and characteristic. In Cancer pagurus, for example, there are nine branchie ; seven of these are pyramidal in form, and take a general direction from the base towards the apex of the branchial chamber, to the inner walls of which they are applied. The two posterior of these gills are pleuro- branchize, being attached respectively to the epimera of the eleventh and the twelfth somites. The fifth and fourth, the third and second, 784 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION [June 4, are fixed in pairs by a common pedicle to the arthrodial membrane of the appendages of the tenth and ninth somites—that is, the great forceps and the third maxillipede. The most anterior gill, slenderer than the others, is attached to the arthrodial membrane of the second maxillipede. ‘There are therefore five arthrobranchiz. The podobranchia of the first maxillipede is represented only by the large curved epipodite, which sweeps over the surface of the arthrobranchiz and the pleurobranchize. The podobranchia of the second maxillipede is divided into a branchial plume, which lies horizontally under the bases of the four anterior arthrobranchiz, and an epipodite, which ascends between the arthrobranchia of its somite and those of the next, and lies internal to the latter, close to the inner wall of the branchial cavity. In the third maxillipede the epipodite is very long, and forms the valve to the afferent aperture of the branchial cavity. Attached to its base is a short truncated branchia, which fits in between the bases of the second and the third arthrobranchie. 7 * > . ‘ . _ The Branchial formula of Cancer pagurus. Somites Polo: Arthrobranchie. eine: and their jranchive. Aap PRG Tr, branchiz. appendages. Anterior. Posterior. Wane ks 0 (ep) 0 0 0... 0 (ep) Wise 1 1 0 Oly t= sae 1 ree l ] 1 0.5= ° 3 Dicer 0 1 1 Oe pa fen se 0 0 0 een m4 Ieper 0 0 0 baie Sat yl) b.¢ fi Fs 0 0 0 0. = 0 bh eae 0 0 0 0 = 0 2+ep+3 4+ 2 + #2 = YQ+ ep. A considerable reduction of the branchial apparatus occurs in some Brachyura, especially the Catometopa. Thus, in Gelasimus the hinder pleurobranchia and the most anterior arthrobranchia have disappeared, and the two podobranchiz are so small as to be almost rudimentary. In the Raninide and in Laéreillia, the Brachyurous metope is incompletely formed; but the branchial system is essentially that of the true Crabs. The same may be said of Dromia, although the branchial apparatus of this crustacean presents some very interesting approximations to the less-modified type from which it cannot be reasonably doubted that the Brachyura have proceeded. The epipodites of. the three maxillipedes are very similar in form and disposition to those of the ordinary Crabs ; and that of the second bears a small horizontal branchial plume. That of the third some- times bears a small branchia. The coxopodite of the fourth thoracic limb has a small epipodite ; but I find no trace of such an appendage on the rest of the thoracic limbs. Moreover there are five pairs of arthrobranchiz attached to consecutive somites from the ninth to 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 785 the thirteenth—and four pleurobranchize, one for each of the four posterior thoracic somites. The Branchial formula of Dromia. ea ih. Podo- Pola cata Pleuro- appendages. oar Anterior. Posterior, branchie. VIT. oewe 0 (ep) 0 0 0 me 0 (ep) sy 9 ] 0 0 ‘ee a | Meme): 8 1 1 ] Ge 2s 2. - 0 1 ] 0 2% 2 XII 0 1 1 1 Ne Vee: 0 0 0 ] ba l witty te cdl spe 5 vas a aC On comparing this branchial formula with that of Homarus, the relation between the two is obvious. In fact, if the three posterior podobranchize of the Lobster are suppressed, and the next is reduced to an epipodite, the branchial formula becomes the same as that of Dromia, and the remaining differences between the respiratory organs of the two result from the modification in form and structure of the branchial elements which remain. Thus it is a permissible, if not a probable, suggestion that, just as the Anomomorpha may have been derived from the modification of some form allied to Avius, and the Caridomorpha from some form allied to Stenopus and Peneus, so the Carcinomorpha (= the Brachyura and the Raninide, with Homola and Dromia) may have proceeded from some Homarine stock. However this may be, the actual morphological relations of the Thoracostraca appear to me to be represented with tolerable accuracy by the following scheme :—— CRUSTACEA. THORACOSTRACA OR PODOPHTHALMIA., Ill. PHYLLOBRANCHIATA. CARIDOMORPHA. ANOMOMORPHA. CARCINOMORPHA, II. TRICHOBRANCHIATA, Palinuride, Peneide. Stenopide, Thalassinide. Axiide. Homaride, Potamobiide. Parastacida, — ~~ => — -—y- 7 — a= Euphauside, I. ABRANCHIATA, Myside. ———— a a seas STYLOPHORA. ASTYLA, —— -—,~-—_— 786 PROF. T. H. HUXLEY ON THE CLASSIFICATION | June 4, IV. Tur DistriBuTion OF THE CRAYFISHES CONSIDERED IN RELATION TO THEIR MorPHOLOoGICAL DIFFERENCES. From what has been said above, it will be obvious that there is a remarkable correspondence between the morphological and the geo- graphical divisions of the Crayfishes. Thus, all the Crayfishes of the northern hemisphere are Potamobiide, and all those of the southern hemisphere are Parastacide. In the northern hemisphere, again, the Astaci are Eurasiatic and West-American, while the Cambari are characteristic of the North-American region east of the Sierra Nevada—in other words, of the river-basins which flow into the Gulf of Mexico and the West Atlantic. The Astacine region nearly answers to the Palearctic province of Mr. Sclater, minus the southern shores of the Mediterranean, and plus Western North America; while the Cambarine region takes in most of the Palearctic region, with the Neotropical region as far as Guatemala and the West Indies. In the southern hemisphere, Astacopsis, Cheraps, and Hngeus are confined to the Australian region, Paranephrops to New Zea- land and the Fijis ; while the South-American Parastacus is distinct from either of these, though closely allied with the Australian forms ; and the peculiarity of the Madagascar fauna is vindicated by Astacoides. Thus, if we were to establish provinces of distribution on the Crayfishes alone, they would bear only a partial resemblance to those based on the association of terrestrial animals. On the other hand, if we compare the distribution of the Crayfishes with that of the freshwater fishes, there are, as might be expected, some curious points of resemblance. The distribution of the Salmonide, for ex- ample, corresponds pretty closely with that of the Potamobiide, though the range of the Salmonidee extends less far to the south in North America, and a little further, namely, as far as Algeria in the Old World. Again, the Salmonide to the east of the Rocky Mountains are, for the most part, distinct from those to the west, while the genus Onchorhynchus is, like Astacus, common to both the Asiatic and the American shores of the North Pacific. With the singular exception of Retropinna, there is no true Sal- monoid in the southern hemisphere; but, as Dr. Giinther has pointed out, the Haplocbitonidee and the Galaxiadee, which stand in somewhat the same relation to the Salmonide as the Parastacide do to the Potamobiidee, represent the Salmonide in the fresh waters of New Zealand, Australia, and South America. It is-worthy of remark that the Salmonide, the Haplochitonide, and the Galaxiadz are singular among Teleostean fishes for the em- bryonic character of their female reproductive organs, which have no oviducts—just as, among the Podophthalmous Crustacea, the Crayfishes are distinguished by the undifferentiated character of their podobranchiz. With the exception of one or two species in Algeria and Asia Minor, the Salmonoids and their allies are wanting in the whole of 1878. | AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CRAYFISHES. 787 Africa and Asia south of the great Asiatic highlands, just as the Crayfishes are. It will be very interesting to learn, from the thorough investigation of the fauna of Madagascar, which is now being carried out, whether the Salmonoids or their allies are in any way repre- sented there. The broad similarity in distribution between the Salmoniform fishes and the Crayfishes is doubtless due to the likeness of the conditions under which the two groups have reached their present development. I do not think that there can be any reasonable ground for questioning the assumption, that both the freshwater fishes and the freshwater Crustacea are modifications of a marine prototype, which has more or less completely adapted itself to fresh- water conditions. In the case of the Crayfishes, at any rate, there is abundant analogical evidence in support of this hypothesis. It is well known that, in many parts of the world, the Prawns ascend rivers, and become fluviatile. The Palemon lacustris (Anchistia migratoria, Heller) of the Lago di Garda is identical with a Prawn now living in the Mediterranean. Again, the 1, ysis relicta of the lakes of Norway, Sweden, Western Russia, and North America (Michigan ‘and Superior) is only a variety of the Mysis oculata of the Arctic seas’. Nor do I think it can be seriously questioned that the fluviatile and the land Crabs are modified descendants of marine Brachyura. Let it be supposed that, at some former period of the earth’s history, a Crustacean, similar to Paranephrops or Astacopsis in its general characters, but with the first pair of abdominal appendages fully formed, which we may call provisionally Protastacus, in- habited the ocean, and that it had as wide a distribution as Palemon or Peneus have at the present day. Let us suppose, further, that the northern form of the genus tended towards the assumption of the Potamobiine, and the southern towards that of the Parastacine type. Under these circumstances, it is easy to understand how such rivers as were, or became, accessible in both hemispheres, and were not already too strongly tenanted by formidable competitors, might be peopled respectively by Potamobiine or Parastacine forms, which, acquiring their special characters in each great river-basin, would bring about the distribution we now witness. As time went on, the Protastacus stock might become extinct, or might be represented only by rare deep-water forms, as the Homaridee are represented in the Indian Ocean only by Nephropsis. Some such hypothesis as this appears to me to be fully justified by the present state of knowledge; and though it cannot as yet be said to be directly supported by palzeontological facts, these facts agree with the hypothesis very well as faras they go. For the Mesozoic marine 1G. O. Sars, ‘Histoire Naturelle des Crustacés d’eau douce de Norvége.’ In the British Museum there is a species of that especially marine genus Peneus, which is affirmed by the Messrs. Schlagintweit to have been obtained from an affluent of the Sutlej, at the foot of the Himalayas. Peneus brasiliensis ascends the North-American rivers for long distances (Smith, in Prof. Baird’s Report, 1872-72). 788 THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. [Nov. 5, strata abound in Crustacea, such as Glyphea and Hoploparia, which are evidently closely allied to the Crayfishes. The great difficulty is, not to account for the Crayfishes where we find them, but to understand their absence over so large a part of the Old World and of intertropical America. Whether this is to be explained by extensive alterations in geographical conditions since the extinction of the Protastacus stock, or by the competition of Prawns and freshwater Crabs, or by some other circumstance at present unknown, is a very interesting subject for further inquiry. Postscript, Oct. 24, 1878. Since this paper was read, my friend Mr. Moseley, F.R.S., has written for and obtained specimens of the ‘‘ Crayfish”’ said to exist in the fresh waters of the Cape-Verd Islands. They belong to the genera Atya and Palemon. Moreover, by the intervention of Sir Joseph Hooker, I have procured a considerable number of fresh- water Crustacea from Jamaica. But these also all belong to Atya and Palemon. I suspect that all Sloane’s ‘‘Crayfishes” are simply Prawns. The largest example of one of the species sent to me measures sixteen inches in length when the great chelate limbs are fully extended.—T. H. H. November 5, 1878. Arthur Grote, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. The Secretary read the following reports on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the months of June, July, August, September, and October 1878 :— The total numiber of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- gerie during the month of June was 159, of which 35 were by birth, 75 by presentation, 29 by purchase, 14 were received on deposit, and 6 by exchange. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 73. The most noticeable additions during the month of June was as follows :— } A Japanese Wolf (Canis hodophylax, of the ‘Fauna Japonica,’ Mamm. t. 9, p. 38), presented by H. Heywood Jones, Esq., F.Z.S., June 26th, being the first example of this little-known animal we have ever received alive. Judging from the present specimen the Japanese Wolf, although nearly allied to Canis lupus, would seem to be a distinct species, to be recognized by its smaller size and shorter legs. The Japanese Dog sent to us by Mr. Pryer (see-P. Z.S. 1878, p- 115) is quite a different animal, and is, I have no doubt, only a variety of the domestic dog or a hybrid, 1878.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 789 The registered additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the month of July were 154 in number ; of these 68 were acquired by presentation, 45 by purchase, 7 by exchange, 18 were bred in the Gardens, and 16 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period by death and removals was 108. The most noticeable additions during the month were :— 1. A male Beatrix Antelope (Oryza beatrix), presented 10th July, 1878, by Commander F, M. Burke, of B. I. S. N. SS. ‘Arcot.’ Capt. Burke writes me that he obtained this animal at Jeddah from a friend of his, who received it as a present from the Shereff of Mecca. It had been originally captured in the neighbourhood of Tyeff or Tayf, some 150 miles E.S.E. from the Red Sea, in the Hedjaz passes. I am sorry to bave to add that this interesting animal (so far as I know, the third’ specimen of its species known) reached the Gar- dens in a very poor state of health, and died shortly afterwards. 2. A fine young female Orang (Simia satyrus) received in ex- change from the Zoological Gardens of Calcutta, July 27th. The registered additions to the Society’s Menagerie during the month of August were 117 in number. Of these 40 were acquired by presentation, 12 by purchase, 13 were bred in the gardens, 1 were obtained by exchange, and 38 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 116. The most noticeable additions during the month were :— 1. One Spanish Blue Magpie (Cyanopolius cooki), presented August 2nd, by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. z. A young example of the Prairie-Wolf of North America (Canis latrans), presented by Prof. C. M. Vincent, F.G.S., F.R.G.S., August 21st. Both these species are new to the Society’s collection. 3. Three hybrid Boas, bred between a male of Chilobothrus inor- natus and a female Epicrates angulifer, and born on the 30th of August, There can be no question about the paternity of these curious hybrids, as there is no male Hpicrates in the collection, and the Chilobothrus was observed in copulé with her in March or April last. The three young ones were brought forth alive on the 30th of August ; and six eggs, more or less decomposed, came away subse- quently. So far as I know, hybridism among the Ophidians in captivity has not yet been recorded, and in this instance is the more singular as occurring between species of different genera. The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- gerie during the month of September were 85 in number; of these, 43 were acquired by presentation, 4 by purchase, 13 by birth, and 1 For a notice of two previous specimens, see P. Z.8. 1857, p. 158, Mamm., pl. ly., and P. Z. 8. 1872, p. 608. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LIL. 52 790 THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. [ Nov. 5, 25 were received on deposit. The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 78. The most noticeable additions during the month were as follows :— 1. An Oriental Eagle-Owl (Budo orientalis), from Karennee, in the interior of Siam, presented September 16th by Charles Fowler, Esq., being the first specimen of this remarkable Owl that has been received by the Society. 2. Two fine Ostriches (Struthio camelus), presented by the Hon. H. C. Vivian, H.B.M. Consul-General for Egypt; and two Seere- tary Birds (Serpentarius reptilivorus), presented by C. Rivers Wilson, Esq., C.B.; received September 19th. These birds are from the collection of the Khedive of Egypt, at Cairo. The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- gerie during the month of October 1875 was 93, of which 4 were by birth, 43 by presentation, 21 by purchase, 20 were received on deposit, and 5 by exchange. ‘The total number of departures during the same period, by death and removals, was 123. The most noticeable additions during the month of October were as follows :— 1. A female Sumatran Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sumatrensis), deposited by Mr. C. Jamrach, October 4th. This Rhinoceros, which is full-grown, seems to agree in every respect with the two females of the same species previously purchased (in 1872 and 1875’). 2. Two Leopard Tortoises (Testudo pardalis), presented by the Rev. G. H.R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S., of Capetown, October 9th. Mr. Fisk writes to me as follows respecting these Tortoises :— * | Precis iphita ......... nccideticnibi ic Sec oe H [one] woes 13°21 Fe bse 1 LYS |e oeatesel Fe ae Doleschallia pratipa......cscseseeseeeeee| [eee] eee | vee fovfee[eee] He Jeee[eee] Kallima limborgii, n. sp....---.-..s0005| ¥ Oyrestis thyodamas ......0.-...sessee eee ¥|e..| x [*)#]... * cocles . > Ae aie ie ae * WISE Jeeves wedavasstseecues .| * |. * | % Herona angustata,n.sp. . * Penthema darlisa, n. sp... .|%* Parthenos apicalis, n. sp. Al Lebadea attenuata, n. sp. . | * Neptis adara, n. Sp. ... sss. | —— meetana, . 8p. +--+. .| * —— jumba ......eseeeeee By) fe bance eee (eed Bed ere peat %| x adipala . | * * —— plagiosa, n. sp. | accel Wi Adolias lepidea............ Pet aaa posres |. % |*|%].. = * satropaces ....... Bei cose saceee| Parvata, ND. SP.........-eeeseeneeeee * — discispilota, n. sp. ......... ere * {PRISER cae oocoehoddudnceeneeraae..ce * |. x |* taoocana, 0. Sp....... eaeceesecsoenes * Charaxes marmaX ...........-44+ Bete e bec}} coor |! ce Warpak ..ce.,eeccosessceseecesee ven] H [awe Cale ——— APN, D. BPs coerseseseceseraccereess * dlesa, N. BP. .....-+-.- _Aeb0 SOB * ; samatha, 1. BP. sscereseeseecerees * : Prothoo tranChitteecrscnccr as} os -|q mot A] Mele sicle| as a\s3! Ja x] |e Sl\eS/gi8 pA] (8/8) sig oO x O/C LAS S13 :|/Sia}o Be|ems\a|/8/S x\s =) &/S8 S|e cm )siale S|ESIS BH PIAA Ff Beas Sas|oa [ach dE ie Se a a ee Pachyarches vertummalis ............ =a Fer | ecm | Ronee Geel eee 6 | * marthesiusalis................-.++- H Jace] | coe leeefove 26 * Sisyrophora pfeifferze ...........-...6+- Hl...| eos | ene | ¥ Euglyphis procopialis ..............66++ ok | fil Mere ea wl Ae es [ema ere * Botys jopasalis ............ceesereeeees [ace H | enweilvee|emol oes] oeelm|atelelateat ane ME PALGUBANISM Wpceantetterne ts nesarle H fe ee] cow | osandlit ViNaCeAlIS © oo 2c. esseseesenses 5000] face|| teen! |nasac| sec fewelan oftldeatl| se) esha ————= UNIAN, veceescececscerscceseecsess |e] * GEOMETRES. Urapteryx podaliriata ............... |...) * | ¥ Hyperythra limbolaria ............... ME [bse | es en | cease [e's b soveeayl pina Mere Paea| cet ie — angulifascia, n. Sp. ...........666 * Corymica arnearia ...............0008+- lecall cos J | [aetless| weal rset hace tie Omiza schistacea, n. 8p. ......0e00e-+0 * Tinoleus eburneigutta .............6605- HE |ecalh cco.) wwet{e |nsslwaal igen estate ie Humelea rosalia .......00.s.cssesssereee SEVEN cee 9/598 [owa|aGaleec) lanes leas eneleeebsce * Miacaria Ot yreen.cas: oc) cede -ianenn acme Kilenal| cos |’ He ailves|ooel's oe} temmaleel Uae ise Ne BEST OXC MINA iar ela ens ches cevae ses sane Mesa |) 'ecay [owes [wee|eeelcoslp eeetalens eels Acidalia attentata <.............2s0.006 ME [Esclb reser || oe> ||seeleos|ens |aemeadl reat per nel |e Micronia grammearia ................+- [baci cae, |) Seo aE scetess|| omeel oe ——— ACERT .....00eereevecvonceveosees Hleee|) H [ees [ees [occ|sce|l aden | el een ie lite VELADA wen ceddeeseasehaevenspessecss- 2 Oe | ac (ie cead ee Bod Fase [ime esth Gos) sit 22 Potera marginata, n. sp. .........++ * EXPLANATION OF PLATES LI.-LIII. Puate LI. Fig. 1. Papilio mahadeva, n. sp., p. 840. 2. Euplea limborgii, n. sp., p. 823. 3. Zethera diademoides, n. sp., p. 824. Puare LI. Fig. 1. Tavila fasciata, n. sp., p. 832. 2. Adolias discispilota, n. sp., p. 831. 8, Adolias parvata, nu. sp., p. 831. 4. Catophaga lagela, n, sp., p. 888. 5. Pamphila masoni, n. sp., p. 842. 6. Thamala miniata, un. sp., p. 834. 7. Thaduka multicaudata, n. sp., p. 836. 8. Deudorix suffusa, n. sp., p. 834. Prats LITT. Tagiades meetana, n. sp., p. 842. . Plesioneura aurivittata, n. sp., p. 843. albifascia, n. sp., p. 843. . Syntomis masoni Jd, u. sp., p. 845, disrupta, n. sp., p. 845. Fig. Sup co bor fs ry 4 Ft eine GT P 2Z.5.1878-PLLIV. GBSowerby hth Hanhart imp. NEW SHELLS. 1878.] MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW BIVALYE SHELLS. 859 Fig. 6. Syntomis albifrons, n. sp., p. 845. 6 7. Dreata taooensis, n. sp., p. 848. 8. Syntomis berinda, n. sp., p. 845. 9. Potera marginata, n. sp., p. 852. 10. Pitasila moolaica ¢,n. sp., p. 847. 11. Hyperythra angulifascia, n. sp., p. 851. 12. Omiza schistacea 3, n.sp., p. 891. 8. Descriptions of six Species of Bivalve Shells in the Collec- tion of Mr. Sylvanus Hanley, F.L.S., and of a Helix from the Solomon Islands. By Grorer Frencu Ane@as, C.M.Z.S., F.L.S., &c. [Received September 19, 1878.] (Plate LIV.) SEMELE HANLEYI, un. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 1.) Shell transversely ovate, subequilateral, solid, cream-coloured, tinged with violet below the umbones, with narrow irregular de- scending white rays towards the base, with several zigzag purplish markings near the centre of the valves; sculptured all over with narrow prominent close-set, somewhat flattened, transverse ridges, which become rather sharp and irregular posteriorly and erectly scabrous at the margin, whilst radiating from the umbones close to the anterior dorsal margin are six close-set ribs, upon which the transverse ridges become nodulous at the points of intersection ; um- bones prominent, sharp, approximate ; posterior dorsal margin nearly straight, anterior one very slightly incarved, ventral margin acute ; dorsal area stained with deep purple; valves slightly gaping and flexuous posteriorly ; interior of the valves yellow in the middle, stained with rays of violet and rose-colour. Long. 11, alt. 8, lat. 4 lines. Hab. Japanese seas (Belcher). Collection of Hanley. A very charming shell; the sculpture of the anterior portion re- minding one of certain species of Psammobia. SEMELE APHRODITE,n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 2.) Shell orbicular, nearly equilateral, rather thin, white, with the posterior half of the umbones tipped with rose-colour, from which descend four or five irregular bundles of more or less narrow, faint pink rays, which become a little deeper in colour at the lines of growth and near the base; concentrically sculptured with narrow, thread-like, somewhat distant lamella, the spaces between which are crossed with exceedingly fine, close-set, regular hair-like*descending strize ; umbones rather tumid, sharp, approximate ; dorsal margin posteriorly very slightly arched, anteriorly a little incurved ; dorsal area freckled with a few reddish spots; ventral margin strongly arcuate. Long. 7, alt. 6, lat. 3 lines. 860 MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW BIVALVE SHELLS. [Nov. 5, Hab. China seas? (Belcher). Coll. Hanley. : An exquisitely sculptured species of great beauty, unique in the collection of Mr. Hanley. SEMELE ASPASIA, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 3.) Shell orbicularly ovate, nearly equilateral, subequivalve, mode- rately thin, yellowish white, concentrically very finely and regularly sculptured with close-set erect frilled laminz, the interstices being crossed by fine thread-like descending strize that correspond to the undulations of the transverse frills; concentric ridges smooth and more distant at the umbones; interior of the valves very faintly tinged with flesh-colour. Long. 123, alt. 10, lat. 6 lines. Hab. ? In coll. Hanley. This species differs from S. phryne in being thinner, more ovate, and less tumid in form, and in the transverse sculpture consisting of elegantly undulating frilled erect laminz, whilst the interstices between the descending strie are not squares but narrow paral- lelograms. V SEMELE PHRYNE, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 4.) Shell suborbicular, subequilateral, equivalve, somewhat tumid, solid, white, very finely regularly concentrically sculptured with close-set thread-like strize, the interstices of which are crossed throughout by similar thread-like descending striz, giving the surface of the valves a beautifully neat and regular reticulated appearance, excepting at the umbones, where the concentric ridges are more distant and the descending striz finer and nearly obsolete ; posterior side very slightly truncate and sinuate below, with a nearly obsolete flattened ridge extending upwards towards the umbo on the right valve ; interior slightly tinged with flesh-colour towards the base. Long. 15, alt. 14, lat. 8 lines. Hab. ? In coll. Hanley. A solid, white, somewhat tumid species, very regularly and finely latticed throughout, the interstices taking the exact form of minute squares. LucINA CiTRINA, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 5.) Shell quadrately orbicular, very inequilateral, equivalve, rather thin, primrose-yellow, paler towards the base, concentrically sculp- tured with very fine thread-like striee, that become more distant as they approach the base; lunule very small, depressed; umbones tumid ; beaks small, incurved ; anterior side produced and somewhat flexuous above ; interior of valves crenate at the edge, pale yellow. Long. 4, alt. 33, lat. 24 lines. Hab. ? Coll. Hanley. A small species, of a peculiar primrose-yellow colour. Lucina ROSEA, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 6.) Shell elongately orbicular, equivalve, inequilateral, a little tumid, 1878.] MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW MARINE SHELLS. 861 moderately solid, whitish tinged with pale rose-colour towards the umbones ; encircled by close-set, subgranular, spreading, flattened ridges, that become broader and closer towards the base; lunule large, triangular, convex ; umbones tumid ; beaks small, pointed, in- curved ; interior of valves pink, the edges crenate within. Long. 8, alt. 8, lat. 5 lines. Hab. Natal. In coll. Hanley. In this pretty shell the sculpture of the valves approaches that of L. pennsylvanica; and, as in that species, small fragments of grit and shell are to be found lodging between the overlapping ridges. HELIX BRENCHLEYI, un. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 7.) Shell imperforate, depressedly trochiform, rather thin, obliquely, irregularly, and obscurely striated, yellowish white, with two dark chocolate bands, thickly crossed with white diaphanous zigzag markings encircling the last whorl, the uppermost band the broadest ; spire obtusely conical, apex white ; whorls 5, flatly convex, sutures impressed, last whorl descending in front, base a little tumid ante- riorly ; aperture oblique, subrhomboidal; peristome very slightly thickened and expanded, and but little reflexed, the right margin moderately sinuated; columellar margin somewhat flattened and dilated, with a straight abrupt callus; the umbilical region and the inner edge of the lip with the reflected portion brown, immediately behind which is a band of pigment-like deposit of a brilliant orange- colour. Diam. maj. 11, min. 9, alt. 63 lines. Hab. Ysabel Island; Solomon Group. Collected by the late Mr. Brenchley. A singular shell, having the orange colouring of H. doivini behind the outer lip, but differing from that species in its other characters. 9. Descriptions of ten Species of Marine Shells from the Province of South Australia. By Grzorcr FRrencu Aneas, C.M.Z.S., F.L.S., &c. [Received September 19, 1878.] (Plate LIV.) Mirra TATE!, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 8.) Shell ovately fusiform, solid, shining, ochraceous, with a broad deep-chocolate-coloured band next below the sutures, and a second similar band towards the lower part of the last whorl; whorls 53, stoutly and distantly longitudinally ribbed, the ribs becoming obsolete towards the base of the last whorl, which is encircled by three or four transverse ridges ; aperture narrowly ovate ; outer Jip simple ; columella 4-plaited. Long. 33, lat. 14 lines. 862 MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW MARINE SHELLS. __[ Nov. 5, Hab. Living, in two fathoms water, Surveyor’s Point ; among shell-sand, Holdfast and Aldinga Bays and Salt Creek. PARTHENIA GRACILIS, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 9.) Shell elongately turreted, moderately thin, white, regularly longi- tudinally ribbed, the interstices crossed with very fine hair-like striz ; whorls 73, slightly convex, contracted above and below the sutures ; sutures strongly impressed; aperture quadrately ovate; outer lip subarcuate, slightly angled above ; inner lip with a single sharp tooth about the middle of the columella. Alt. 24, diam. 3 line. Hab. Shell-sand, Glenelg, St. Vincent’s Gulf. CycLosTREeMA TATEI, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 10.) Shell widely and deeply umbilicated, orbicular, depressedly turbinate, moderately thin, under the lens very finely transversely striated, shining pearly white; whorls 4, rounded, flattened and slightly excavated next below the suture, with one, or sometimes two, narrow thread-like keels at the upper part, and strongly keeled round the umbilical region ; sutures distinct ; apex rounded, obtuse ; aperture subcircular ; lip simple. Diam. maj. 13, min. 1, alt. 2 line. Hab. Shell-sand, Holdfast Bay ; found alive in the estuary of the Sturt. The above is the normal condition of the species ; but examples occur which are thinner and have a greater number of keels, some- times as many as seven or eight. At first I was inclined to regard the many-keeled variety as specifically distinct ; but on the exami- nation of a large series by Professor Tate, he assures me that the number of keels varies so greatly that it would be impossible to separate them. The thin hyaline examples with many keels are probably younger shells. BuccINULUS INTERMEDIUs, n.sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 11.) Shell elongately ovate, solid, shining, white, painted with two bands of irregular descending brown flames and spots; spire acuminate, pointed at the apex, the same length as the aperture; whorls 6, encircled by numerous grooved and finely punctured strie, that become obsolete on the centre of the last whorl; sutures strongly impressed ; outer lip simple, thin, non-arcuate ; columella with a strong bilobed fold near the base, and a smaller projecting plate above it; inner lip with a broad spreading callus. Long. 43, lat. 13 line. Hab. Aldinga Bay. This, the only species of Buccinulus as yet discovered in South Australia, is allied to B. afinis, A. Ad., from New South Wales, from which it differs somewhat in form, and also in the style of coloration. NACELLA PARVA, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 12.) Shell depressedly conical, cap-shaped, semipellucid, nearly smooth, 1878.] MR. G. F. ANGAS ON NEW MARINE SHELLS. 863 or with very fine concentric lines of growth, pale horn-colour, with a single row of pale blue spots and crescent-shaped opaque markings extending from the apex centrally, more or less along the outer are of the shell; apex anterior, recurved, submarginal ; aperture nar- rowly ovate, margin simple, entire ; interior pearly white, shining. Diam. maj. 3, min. 13, alt. 1 line. Hab. Holdfast Bay and Aldinga Bays; parasitic on seaweed. MYSELLA DONACIFORMIS, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 13.) Shell quadrately cuneate, moderately solid, equivalve, very inequi- lateral, subventricose, compressed towards the base, white, shining, finely concentrically ridged ; dorsal margin slightly arcuate posteriorly, short and abruptly descending anteriorly ; ventral margin a little convex ; umbones somewhat tumid; beaks distinct, incurved, approximate. Long. 3, alt. 2, lat. 1 line. Hab. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays, St. Vincent’s Gulf. In the ‘Proceedings’ of this Society for 1877, page 176, I gave the diagnosis of the genus Mysel/a, for the reception of a small bivalve from Port Jackson, which I described as Mysella anomala. I have subsequently received from Professor Tate one or two examples of the same species from South Australia, together with a second form of the genus, of a more cuneate shape than the type, now described above as M donaciformis. LEPTON AUSTRALIS, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 14.) Shell quadrately orbicular, compressed, equivalve, nearly equi- lateral, thin, very slightly gaping at the sides, white, very finely concentrically striated ; dorsal margin arched, ventral margin nearly straight ; beaks small, produced and acute. Long. 4, alt. 3, lat. 3 line. Hab. Glenelg, and Port Creek. Belonging to the typical form of the genus, with the surface of the valves finely striated but not shagreened. Lucina (CopaxktA) TATEI, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 15.) Shell quadrately ovate, subventricose, moderately solid, subequi- lateral, white, concentrically ridged, the ridges closer near the umbones, and more distant towards the base, and crossed on both sides with radiating ribs, that become slightly nodulous at the inter- sections ; dorsal margin deeply excavated in front, nearly straight and rapidly descending behind; ventral margin arcuate, rounded in front, forming an obtuse angle where it joins the dorsal excavation ; umbones very acute, incurved and approximate. Long. 4, alt. 3, lat. 1? lines. Hab. East side of St. Vincent’s Gulf, and Cape Northumberland. This little species is quite distinct from Z. guadrata, Angas (P. Z.S. 1877, p. 176), from Port Jackson, although of a somewhat similar form. 864 MR. G. F. ANGAS ON THE [Nov. 5, Nucuta micans, n. sp. (Plate LIV. fig. 16.) Shell minute, obliquely and triangularly ovate, subventricose, very inequilateral, moderately solid, white, shining, very finely con- centrically striated, the strize occasionally running into each other ; dorsal margin somewhat arched posteriorly, short and descending in front ; ventral margin moderately arcuate ; umbones tumid, smooth, pearly, and approximate. Long. 1, alt. 2, lat. $ line. Hab. Shell-sand, Salt Creek; Glenelg, St. Vincent’s Gulf. Somewhat ailied to Nucula pusilla, Ang. (P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 177), from Port Jackson, but possessing a different style of sculpture. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LIV. Fig. 1. Semele hanleyi, p. 859. Fig. 9. Parthenia gracilis, p. 862. 2. aphrodite, p. 859. 10. Cyelostrema tatet, p. 862. 3 aspasia, p. 860. 11. Buccinulus intermedius, p. 862. 4, phryne, p. 860. 12. Nacella parva, p. 862. 6. Lucina citrina, p. 860. 13. Mysella donaciformis, p. 863. 6. rosea, p. 860. 14. Lepton australis, p. 863. 7. Helix brenchleyi, p. 861. 15. Lucina (Codakia) tatet, p. 863. 8. Mitra tatei, p. 861. 16. Nucula micans, p. 864. 10. A List of additional Species of Marine Mollusca to be in- cluded in the Fauna of the Province of South Australia ; with Notes on their Habitats and Local Distribution. By Grorcr Frencu Aneas, C.M.Z.S., F.L.S., &c. [Received September 19, 1878.] In the year 1865 I published in the ‘ Proceedings’ of this Society a list of all the species of marine Mollusks that had been met with on the shores of the Province of South Australia up to that date, num- bering about 231 Gasteropods and 97 Conchifera. Since that period other species have come to light, several of them hitherto only known as inhabiting the New-South-Wales and Tasmanian seaboards ; whilst others have proved to be new to science, and have been described by me recently. I am indebted to Professor Ralph Tate and Mr. W. T. Bednall, of Adelaide, for several interesting additions to my list— which includes 54 Gasteropoda, and 21 Conchifera, &c., hitherto unrecorded as occurring in South Australia, thus making a grand total of 403 species. GASTEROPODA. 1, Murex ANGASI. Typhis angasi, Crosse, Journ. de Conch. 1863, p. 86, pl. 1. fig. 2, Port Lincoln (Bednall/). 2. Triton (EPIpROMUS) BEDNALLI. Triton bednalli, Brazier, Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. W. 1875, p. 6. Guichen Bay (Bednal?). 1878. } MARINE MOLLUSCA OF AUSTRALIA. 865 3. CoMINELLA LACTEUM. Buccinum lacteum, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 14. fig. 117. Port Elliot and Port Wallaroo (Stansbury). 4, NASSA JACKSONIANA. Buccinum jacksonianum, Kiener, Mon. Buce. pl. 19. fig. 73. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Bednall) ; also Port Jackson. 5. NASSA INTERMEDIA. Nassa intermedia, Dunker, ‘ Novara’ Exp. Moll. tab. 1. fig. 2. Port Lincoln (Bedna/l) ; also Port Jackson. 6. AMALDA MARGINATA. Ancillaria marginata, Lam., Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 3. fig. 8. Port Lincoln; South Coast (Bednall). Also Tasmania and New South Wales. 7. MELO MILTONIs. Melo piltonis, Gray, Grif. An. King. (1833). Fowler’s Bay, to the westward of Port Lincoln. 8. Mirra PICA. Mitra pica, Reeve, P. Z.S. 1845 ; Conch. Icon. pl. 31. fig. 247. Port Elliot ; Kangaroo Island (Bednall). 9. MiTRA LINCOLNENSIS. Mitra lincolnensis, Angas, P. Z.S. 1878, p. 313, pl. 18. figs. 10, 11. Port Lincoln, Semaphore Beach ; and Salt Creek. 10. Mirra SCHOMBURGKI. Mitra schomburgki, Angas, P.Z.S. 1878, p. 313, pl. 18. figs. 12, 13. St. Vincent’s Gulf. 11. Mrrra TATEI. Mitra tatei, Angas, P. Z.S. 1878, pl. 54. fig. 8. Found alive in two fathoms of water, Surveyor’s Point; among shell-sand, Holdfast and Aldinga Bays, and Salt Creek (Tate). For Columella dermestoides, Kien. (No. 65 in my first list), read C. lineolata, Pease. Port Lincoln and Port Elliot. For Columella interrupta, Angas (specific name preoccupied), read C. angasi, Brazier. York’s Peninsula. 12. MARGINELLA VOLUTIFORMIS. Marginella volutiformis, Sow. Thes. Conch. Macdonnell Bay (Tate). 866 MR. G. F. ANGAS ON THE [ Nov. 5, 13. MARGINELLA TURBINATA. Marginella turbinata, Sow. Thes. Conch. Macdonnell Bay ; also New S. Wales. 14. CryprosPIRA CYMBALUM. Cryptospira cymbalum, Tate, Proc. Adelaide Phil. Soc. 1878. Aldinga. Like C. ovulum, with eight plaits on the pillar. 15. HyaLiIna ALBIDA. Hyalina albida, Tate, Proc. Adelaide Phil. Soc. 1878. Marino. Very narrow and white. 16. Erato BIMACULATA. Erato bimaculata, Tate, Proc. Adelaide Phil. Soc. 1878. Minute, yellowish white, with a red spot at each end of aperture. 17. NATICA MAROCHIENSIS. Natica marochiensis, Lam., Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 13. fig. 52. Very small specimens, living in St. Vincent’s Gulf. Subfossil in the Port-Adelaide-Creek limestone (Tate). - 18. SCALA FRIABILIS. Scalaria friabilis, Sow., Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 7. fig. 52. Port Lincoln ; also Swan River. 19. Scata (OPALIA) AUSTRALIS. Scalaria australis, Lam., Sow. Thesaurus, pl. 35. fig. 135. Aldinga Bay (Bednall); also New S. Wales. 20. TEREBRA BRAZIERI. Terebra brazieri, Angas, P. Z. S. 1871, pl. 1. fig. 15. Port Elliot (Bednall); Brisbane Water, New S. Wales. 21. TeEREBRA USTULATA. Terebra ustulata, Desh. P. Z. S. 1859, p. 294. Fowler’s Bay ; Port Elliot (Stansbury). Also Tasmania. 22. OBELISCUS BRUNNEA. Obeliscus brunnea, A. Ad., Sow. Thesaurus, pl. 171. fig. 35. Syrnola brunnea, A. Ad. P. Z. 8. 1862, p. 233. Port Lincoln. 23. SYRNOLA TINCTA. Syrnola tincta, Angas, P. Z. 8. 187], pl. 1. fig. 11. ° St. Vincent’s Gulf; also Port Jackson. 24. ODOSTOMIA EBURNEA. Odostomia eburnea, Metcalfe, M.S. in Brit. Mus. Holdfast Bay (Tate). A very small, ovate, ivory-white species. 1878. ] MARINE MOLLUSCA OF AUSTRALIA. 867 25. PARTHENIA GRACILIS. Parthenia gracilis, Angas, P. Z. 8. 1878, pl. 54. fig. 9. Shell-sand, Holdfast Bay (Tate). 26. TURBONILLA ACICULARIS. Turbonilla acicularis, A. Adams. St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate). 27. TuRBONILLA FUSCA. Turbonilla fusca, A. Adams. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays; Port Lincoln (Tate). 28. TuRBONILLA HOFMANI. Turbonilla hofmani, Angas, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 183. -T. nitida, Angas, P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 112 (name preoccupied by A. Adams: T.. nitida, from Japan, Ann. Nat. Hist., vi. p. 419 (1860). T. angasi, Tenison-Woods, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, Mar. 13, 1877. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Tate) ; also Port Jackson. 29. TRIVIA AUSTRALIS. Cyprea australis, Lam.; Sow. Conch. Illus. fig. 29. Fowler’s Bay ; Cape Northumberland (Tate and Bednall). Also New-South-Wales coast. 30. DiaALA IMBRICATA. Diala imbricata, A. Adams, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1862. Shell-saud, Glenelg and Aldinga Bay (Tate). 31. Dia VARIA. Diala varia, A. Adams, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1861. Between tide-marks, under stones, Aldinga Bay (Tate). 32. D1aua PICTA. Diala picta, A. Adams, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. Oct. 1861. St. Vincent’s Gulf; and Wallaroo, Spencer’s Gulf (Tate). 33. RIsSOINA NIVEA. Rissoina nivea, A. Adams, P. Z. S. 1851, p. 265. Port Lincoln. 34. TROCHITA CALYPTREFORMIS. Trochus calyptreformis, Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vii. p. 627. Crepidula tomentosa, Quoy et Gaim. On Pinne, Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Bednall). Also NewS. Wales. 35. TRIPHORIS SCITULUS. T. scitulus, A. Adams. St. Vincent’s Gulf ( Bednall). 868 MR. G. F. ANGAS ON THE [Nov. 5, 36. AMATHINA TRICARINATA. Amathina tricarinata, Gray, Woodward’s Manual, pl. 11. fig. 19. Found dead on the beach at Port Lincoln. 37. CyCLOSTREMA TATEI. Cyclostrema tatei, Angas, P. Z. S. 1878, pl. 54. fig. 10. Shell-sand, Holdfast Bay ; alive in the estuary of the Sturt ee 38. ScHISMOPE ATKINSONI. Scissurella atkinsoni, Tenison-Woods, Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1876. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Tate). 39. FisSURELLIDHA SCUTELLA. Fissurella scutella, Gray, Brit.-Mus. Cat. (Fissurella), No. 42; Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 9. fig. 207 (Trapezina). Guichen and Holdfast Bays (Bednall). Also Tasmania, New South Wales, and Cape of Good Hope. 40. MAcROSCHISMA TASMANLE. M. tasmania, Gray. South-east coast (Bednall); Tasmania (JT. Woods). Emarginula tasmaniez, Sow., and E. tenuicostata, Sow., are re- garded, and, I believe, rightly, by Rev. Tenison-Woods as varieties of EZ. rugosa of Quoy and Gaimard. 41. EMARGINULA DILECTA. E. dilecta, A. Adams, P. Z. 8. 1851. St. Vincent and Spencer’s Gulfs. 42. NacELLA PARVA. Nacella parva, Angas, P. Z.S. 1878, pl. 54. fig. 12. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays, parasitic on seaweed (Tate). 43. DENTALIUM OCTAGONUM? D. octagonum, Lam. Henley Beach. 44. CaDULUS ACUMINATUS? C. acuminatus, Desh., M.S. in coll. Cuming. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Tate); also Port Jackson. 45. LEPIDOPLEURUS ANTIQUUS,. L. antiquus, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 25. fig. 169. Aldinga Bay, and Marina (Bednall); also Port Jackson. 46. CHITON SICULOIDES. Chiton siculoides, Carpenter. Port Lincoln (Bednall). 1878. ] MARINE MOLLUSCA OF AUSTRALIA. 869 47. BucctNuLUs INTERMEDIUS. B. intermedius, Angas, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 869, pl. 54. fig. 11. Aldinga Bay (Tate). 48. TorNATINA FUSIFORMIS. T. fusiformis, A. Ad., Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 121. fig. 37. Glenelg Beach (Bednall); also Port Jackson and Port Stephen, New S. Wales. 49. VoLVULA ROSTRATA. V. rostrata, A. Adams, Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 125. fig. 154. Holdfast Bay (Tate). 50. CyLICHNA PYGMZA. C. pygmea, A, Adams, Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 125. fig. 150. Holdfast Bay (Tate). 51. ATYS EXIGUA. Atys exigua, A. Adams, Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 125. fig. 129. Holdfast Bay (Taée). 52. ALEXIA MERIDIONALIS. A. meridionalis, Brazier, M.S. Port-Adelaide Creek (Bednal/). 53. MARINULA XANTHOSTOMA. M. xanthostoma, H. & A. Adams, P. Z.S. 1854, p. 35. York’s Peninsula, Aldinga, &c. (Bednall), 54. SIPHONARIA ALBIDA, >) if. Stphonaria albida, Angas, P. Z. 8S. 1878, p.869, pl. 18. figs. 14, 15. Port Lincoln. CONCHIFERA. 55. HuMPHREYIA STRANGEI. Aspergillum strangei, A. Adams, P. Z. 8. 1852, p. 91, pl. 15. fig. 5. St. Vincent’s Gulf (Bednall). Also Port Jackson, New S. Wales (Angas); Tasmania (7. Woods). 56. GASTROCHANA TASMANICA. G. tasmanica, Tenison- Woods. Burrowing in limestone forming the bed of Port-Adelaide Creek ; also on Chame; and in the incrusted growth of Pinna, St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate). 57. CORBULA NASUTA. Corbula nasuta, Sow. P. Z.S. 1833, p. 35. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Tate); also New S. Wales. ‘Proc. Zoo. Soc.— 1878, No. LVII. 57 870 ON THE MARINE MOLLUSCA OF AUSTRALIA. [Nov.5, 58. Donax soRDIDUS. D. sordida, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 4. fig. 32. Port Lincoln. 59. MySELLA ANOMALA. Mysella anomala, Angas, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 176, pl. 26. fig. 22. Holdfast and Aldinga Bays (Tate); also Port Jackson, New S. Wales. 60. MysELLA DONACIFORMIS. Mysella donaciformis, Angas, P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 863, pl. 54. fig. 13. St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate). 61. Tapes FLABAGELLA. Tapes flabagella, Desh., Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 13. fig. 66, Aldinga and Holdfast Bays (Tate); also New South Wales. 62. Carone (Marcia) L&VIGATA. Venus levigata, Sow. Thes. Conch. pl. 159. figs. 156-8. Port-Adelaide Creek (Bednall). New S. Wales, Victoria, and Tasmania. : 63. TIvELA UNDULOSA. Venus undulosa, Lam. Anim. sans Vert. vi. p. 370. Venus variabilis, Sow. Thes. Conch. Venus, pl. 158. figs. 142-6. Semaphore Beach, Guichen Bay, and Port Lincoln (Bednald). 64. CARDIUM PULCHELLUM. C. pulchellum, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 8. fig. 42. Dredged in St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate); also Port J ackson and Tas- mania. (Very small specimens.) 65. Lucina TATE. Lucina (Codakia) tatei, Angas, P, Z. 8. 1878, p. 863, pl. 54. fig. 15. East side of St. Vincent’s Gulf, and Cape Northumberland (Ta¢e). 66. LorIPEs OvUM. Lucina ovum, Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 5. fig. 21. Holdfast Bay and Salt Creek (Zate); also Botany Bay, New 8. Wales. 67. LASEA AUSTRALIS. Poronia australis, Souv. Journ. de Conch, 1863, pl. 12. fig. 8. Under stones, Aldinga and Holdfast Bays, Cape Northumberland, and Wallaroo. Common in Tasmania, and also in New S. Wales. 68. LEPTON AUSTRALIS. Lepton australis, Angas, P. Z. S. 1878, p. 863, pl. 54. fig. 14, Glenelg and Port Creek (Tate). 1878. ] MR. G. E. DOBSON ON MYXOPODA AURITA. 871 69. CRENELLA BARBATA. Modiolaria barbata, Angas, P. Z. S. 1867, p. 911, pl. 44. fig. 12. St. Vincent’s Gulf &c.; also Botany Bay, New S. Wales. 70. TRIGONIA MARGARITACEA. Trigonia margaritacea, Lam., Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 1. fig. 3. Port Lincoln; dead valves washed upon Semaphore Beach (Bednal/). Also Tasmania. 71. PecrUNCULUS LATICOSTATUS. P. laticostatus, Quoy et Gain. Voy. de l’Astrol.; Reeve, Conch. Icon. pl. 2. fig. 8 a, 8. Cape Jervis; and Hallet’s Cove, St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate); Badger Island, Bass’s Straits (Tate). New Zealand. 72. Limopsis MACGILLIVRAYI. Limopsis macgillivrayi, A. Ad. in Coll. Cuming. Guichen Bay (Bednall). Semifossil at McDonnell Bay (Tate). 73. NUCULA MICANS. Nucula micans, Angas, P. Z.S. 1878, p. 864, pl. 54. fig. 16. Shell-sand, St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate). 74. Puacunanomia (Monta) Ione. Placunanomia ione, Gray, P. Z.S. 1849, p. 123. Henley Beach ; Marino (Bednall). Common in New South Wales. 75. KRAUSSIA LAMARCKIANA. Kraussia lamarckiana, Davidson, P.Z.S. 1852, p. 80, pl. 14. figs. 22, 23. St. Vincent’s Gulf (Tate). Common in N. S. Wales and Tasmania, also New Zealand. 11. Notes on Myxopoda aurita, Miln.-Edw. By G. E. Doxsson, M.A., M.B., &c. [Received October 21, 1878.] Among the many valuable specimens lately added to the collection of the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle at Paris, perhaps the most remarkable is that of a very peculiar species of Bat from Madagascar, described by M. Alphonse Milne-Edwards’ under the appropriate name of Myzopoda’* aurita. During a short visit to Paris last month I was enabled, through the kindness of M. Milne-Edwards, to examine the type of this most interesting species, of which the following is a description. 1 In Bull. Soc. Philom. de Paris, June 22, 1878. 2 uwvEa, mucus; zrods, pes. 57* 872 MR. G. E. DOBSON ON Myxopopa auriTA. __[Noy. 5, Crown of the head but slightly raised above the face-line ; muzzle obliquely truncated, in general form closely resembling that of the species of the genus Chilonycteris; for the nostrils open widely apart by similar circular sharply defined margins, and the lower lip is also papillate and reflected outwards, though not so broadly, and it has not a thin free margin; the obtuse extremity of the rather long muzzle projects in front considerably beyond the lower lip. Ears very large, much longer than the head, in general outline like those of Vespertilio murinus; but the inner margin commences in a small lobe projecting downwards ; in the usual position of the tragus, or slightly in front of it, there is an irregularly square lobe con- tinuous above with the keel of the ear-conch; opposite this, on the outer side of the concave surface of the conch, is a mushroom-shaped process consisting of a short stalk supporting a broad flat reniform expansion; the outer margin of the conch terminates near the angle of the mouth. Thumb with an ill-developed claw; but the whole of the inferior surface of its metacarpal and phalangeal bones supports a large flat horseshoe-shaped pad, more than 0':2 inch in diameter, of which the circular margin is directed forwards and slightly notched in front; this pad, though considerably larger*than that occupying the same position in Thyroptera tricolor, does not form nearly so perfect a clinging-organ as in that species; for it is quite sessile, without a trace of a peduncle, and its surface is flat, like the thumb- pad of Vesperugo pachypus, with which it is evidently homologous. The feet have also adhesive pads; but, while resembling closely those of the thumbs in structure and external form, they differ in being much smaller, and so agree rather with those of Thyroptera tricolor than with Vesperugo pachypus. The metacarpal bone of the index finger is well developed, being nearly as long as that of the third finger, but there are no distinct phalanges; the third finger has ¢iree phalanges, of which the first and second are nearly equal in length. The tail projects beyond the posterior margin of the interfemoral membrane as in Thyroptera tricolor, but to a much greater extent, the free portion being nearly equal to the tibia in length; the calcanea are almost as long as the tibiee; the very narrow post- calcaneal lobe is notched or toothed near the foot. As in Thyroptera tricolor, the toes are united as far as the base of the claws, and have each two phalanges, and the wing-membrane extends almost to the base of the claws. aA 2-2)) Jal 33 3—3 Dentition.—Inc. —}, c. > pm. x= M. 5. Upper incisors short, in pairs, placed close to the canines; the outer incisor, on each side, small, conical, and acutely pointed, but much larger than the inner one, which lies close to it and is hardly visible without the aid of a lens; lower incisors short and blunt, in the direction of the jaws; first and second upper premolars very short, the third exceeding the molars in vertical extent; second lower premolar minute, in the tooth-row, the first premolar slightly 1878. ] ON A COLLECTION OF CHIROPTERA. 873 smaller than the third; molars acutely tubercular, with W-shaped cusps. Length (of the type specimen, an adult male), head and body 2-3; tail 1-9, tail free from membrane 0’"6; head 0'°85; ear 1"°3, tragus 0°25; forearm 1°85; thumb 0:3; third finger— metacarp. 1'°5, lst ph. 0'*7, 2nd ph. 0'°75, 3rd ph. 0°55; fifth finger—metacarp. 1"°5, Ist ph. 0'°5, 2nd ph. 0'°5; tibia 0'*7; calcaneum 06; foot 0'°3. Certain peculiarities in the structure of this very remarkable species recall similar peculiarities in Thyroptera tricolor, and have evidently resulted from adaptation to the same purpose. Thus in these two species alone are the toes united to the base of the claws, and in them alone, among all known species of Bats (except the Phyllo- rhinine), have the toes an equal number of phalanges ; they also, in the possession of a third phalanx in the middle finger, differ from all the species of Vespertilionide, and from those of the allied families. This species, however, differs remarkably from Thyroptera tricolor in the structure of the adhesive disks, in the presence of a well developed metacarpal bone of the second finger, in the form of the head and ears, and in dentition, and must undoubtedly be con- sidered the type of a distinct genus of Vespertilionide. As remarked above, the adhesive pads are evidently less perfect as clinging-organs than the corresponding parts in Thyroptera tricolor, and occupy, in this respect, an intermediate position between those of that species and of Vesperugo pachypus. It is probable that this species (in common with the few other species of Bats provided with such accessory clinging-organs) uses the adhesive pads in sustaining its hold on the smooth hard stems and leaves of palms and of other hard-wooded trees'. 12. Notes on recent Additions to the Collection of Chiroptera in the Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle at Paris, with Descriptions of New and Rare Species. By G. E. Dosson, M.A., M.B., &e. [Received October 28, 1878. ] Through the kindness of M. Alphonse Milne-Edwards I have lately been permitted to examine and describe the valuable additions to the collection of Chiroptera in the Muséum d’ Histoire Naturelle, made by various collectors since my last visit to Paris in 1876. The collections, from which the specimens which form the sub- ject matter of this paper were derived, were made chiefly in the islands of New Guinea and New Caledonia, in Siam, in Africa and Madagascar, and in Central America. The species may therefore 1 See my ‘Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum,’ p. 444; also ‘ Nature,’ yol. xviii. p. 589. 874 MR.G.E. DOBSON ON RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE (Nov. 5; be conveniently arranged for description and remarks under the heads of the four zoological regions thus represented. 1. Australian Region. PTEROPUS GERMAINI, N. Sp. Ears shorter than the muzzle, concealed by the long fur of the head, triangular, obtusely pointed, thinly clothed throughout with soft hairs. Fur long and woolly, like that of Pt. aneiteanus ; on the back long like that of the head, directed backwards. Humerus and forearm rather thinly covered with straight fur, like that of the back. The legs are clothed with long fur which extends to the backs of the feet; the margin of the wing membrane above, almost as far outwards as the extremity of the fifth finger, is clothed with straight appressed hairs; the posterior margin of the narrow interfemoral membrane is quite concealed. Face in front of and immediately above the eyes light greyish brown; head and the whole inferior surface of the body dark blackish brown, interspersed with several shining greyish hairs, the shoulders and back darker, the rump and legs greyer; upper surface of the neck and shoulders pale yellow, with reddish extremities. Teeth simple, like those of Pt. medius ; the first upper premolar small, scarcely raised above the level of the gum, and occupying the centre of the small space between the canine and second premolar ; last upper molar slightly larger than the first lower premolar, and about the size of the last lower molar. Length (of a not quite adult 9), head and body about 6"; head 2"-3; ear 0-8; forearm 4-7; thumb 2/3; third finger— metacarp. 3", Ist ph. 2'"5, 2nd ph. 3! 5; fifth finger—metacarp. 3", Ist ph. 1/5, 2nd ph. 1-35; tibia 2/2; foot 1!'*7. Hab. New Caledonia. This species resembles externally, to some extent, Pé. aneiteanus ; but the very different form of the teeth at once distinguishes it. From Pt. vetulus, inhabiting the same islands, it is distinguished by the completely different colour of the fur, as well as by the absence of transverse basal ridges in the molars and premolars. The food of this species appears to consist, in part at least, of figs, as I found portions of these fruits in the mouth of the typical specimen. ‘ At the request of M. Milne-Edwards, who pointed out to me this new species, I have much pleasure in connecting with it the name of its discoverer, M. Germain. PTEROPUS VETULUS, Jouan. Besides the type, the Museum possesses several specimens of this species, both male and female, from New Caledonia. These all more or less resemble the type specimen in the colour and distribution of the fur; and the few differences observable are unimportant. Hab. New Caledonia ; Loyalty Isles, 1878.] CHIROPTERA IN THE MUS. D’HIST. NAT. PARIS. 875 Preropus KERAUDRENI, Quoy & Gaimard. The specimens in the collection from New Caledonia have the face, back, and inferior surface of the body of a much darker colour than is usually observed in specimens of this species from other loca- lities, and they agree in this respect closely with the types of Ptero- pus vanicorensis, Q. & G., which, as I have indicated in my ‘ Cata- logue of the Chiroptera,’ is evidently a variety only of Pt. kerau- dreni. Hab. New Caledonia, and most other islands of the Polynesian subregion. (See my ‘ Catalogue of Chiroptera,’ p. 64.) Preropus HYPOMELANUS, Temminck. Several specimens of this species were obtained by M. Laglaize at Amberbaki, New Guinea. CYNOPTERUS SCHERZERI (Fitzinger). Several specimens of this species, labelled “ N. Guinée, M. La- glaize.” With the exception of that very aberrant form Cynopterus latidens, described by me from a specimen from Morty Island, this is the first instance of any species of this genus extending beyond the Oriental region. It is strange that this species should extend from the Nicobar Islands to New Guinea ; and it is just possible that some mistake may have been made by the collector when label- ling the specimens. Harpyia CEPHALOTEs, Pallas. An adult specimen from New Guinea, collected by M. Raffray. This is the first example of this species obtained in the above-named locality. ; CEPHALOTES MINOR, n. sp. Not half the size of adult specimens of C. peroni, but closely re- sembling that species in general structure. The wing-membrane is similarly attached only to the central line of the back along the spine, and is also naked from the shoulders backwards; the head and muzzle are of the same shape as in the larger species; but the ears are less pointed. e feet are much smaller than in very young specimens of CO. pe- vroni; and the wing-membrane is attached to the outer toe, not to the space between the toes as in that species ; it also extends further out- wards, terminating opposite the second joint of the next toe. The teeth are also slightly different : the upper incisors are wider apart; the second upper premolar has not the prominent antero-in- ternal basal cusp observed in C. peront; and the first lower premolar scarcely rises above the gum. The following Table exhibits the comparative measurements of this species and of C. peroni :-— 876 MR.G.E. DOBSON ON RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE [Nov. 5, C. minor. C. peronii. cli head and body 0.06 ss eeyeen fs ANB 6:0 a (INL ake Ca eer ete 0°6 iss} 5 CACM kites Catt a3. 3a 6.2. aaseagerea nace ries 1°6 2°0 za CAT ee raya ceetk, 3, spect ape eeepc a ama eiieed 0°7 1°0 53 RONCHI Mcgee here dot nc. gis. cteaaale hee Ba) 53 as PUBS UOC on a oid Feed Beco ats 1°3 15 - third finger, metacarp. .......... 2°0 Shull AS es Wer GBC. Diller cum epee 2 cule 1°5 2°35 33 eae aie ETE] Ril ge is Shea 1°9 3°4 me fifth HBBCT, AEtACAL ps nef ec. ane 2°8 os Se COUSE eee ccna near ae 1'] Mery a “A My, CCM teed cal von eae 113 | 1:8 Ph tibia .. 2. Soke tees 1] 2°3 ae caleaneum Le ees Soi om AOR2G 0°5 53 HOOT ee Meee oe Ae Rs erence 0°8 12 Hab. Amberbaki, New Guinea. PHYLLORHINA TRICUSPIDATA, Temminck. Several specimens obtained by M. Raffray in New Guinea. This is the first recorded instance of this species having been found in that country, which, however, it might be expected to inhabit, as it has been noted from Batchian, Amboyna, Morty, and Duke-of- York Island. PHYLLORHINA CERVINA, Gould. Examples of this species from New Guinea, collected by M. La- glaize. NYCTOPHILUS TIMORIENSIS. _ Nyctophilus timoriensis (Geoffroy), Dobson, Catal. Chiropt. p. 172 (1878). Specimens from New South Wales collected by M. de Castelnau. ScoTOPHILUS TEMMINCKII. Vespertilio temminckii, Horsfield, Zool. Researches in Java (1824). Scotophilus temminckii, Gray ; Peters 5 Dabsan; Monograph Asiat. Chiropt. p. 258 (1876). Specimens of this very abundant and widely distributed species from Celebes, collected by M. de la Saviniere. VESPERTILIO ADVERSUS, Horsfield. Specimens of this species, which extends from Siam to South Australia, have been sent from New Guinea by M. Laglaize. EMBALLONURA. RAFFRAYANA, 0. Sp. Slightly larger than #. nigrescens from the same region, and 1878.] | CHIROPTERA IN THE MUS. D’HIST. NAT. PARIS. 877 agreeing with that species in the comparatively widely separated nostrils, but resembling the species of the other section of the genus in the projecting extremity of the muzzle, which extends consider- ably beyond the lower lip; the ears also are much broader, and the upper third of the outer margin of the conch is convex, not concave ; the tragus is comparatively shorter and much broader, attaining its Emballonura raffrayana. greatest breadth above, where it is so broadly rounded off so as to appear abruptly truncated ; the outer and inner margins are straight or faintly concave. Wings from the ankles or from the tarsi; feet much larger than in Z. nigrescens ; calcanea about two thirds the length of the tibiz. Fur above dark-brown, paler at the base; beneath paler through- out. Wings nearly naked ; upper surface of the interfemoral mem- brane thinly clothed as far as the extremity of the tail. Teeth as in LZ. nigrescens, except that the first upper premolar is smaller, and scarcely raised above the level of the gum. Length (of an adult 3), head and body 1''-65; tail 0-5; head 0"-65; ear O58, tragus 0-2; forearm 1-55; thumb 0/25 ; third finger—metacarp. 1-3, Ist ph. 0-4, 2nd ph. 0-65; fourth finger—metacarp. 1'-1, Ist ph, 0-3, 2nd ph. 0-2; fifth finger— metacarp. 1", Ist ph. 0'-38, 2nd ph. 0-15; tibia 0'-6; caleaneum 0-45; foot 0-3. Hab. Gilolo Island. At the request of M. Milne-Edwards, I have much pleasure in connecting with this species the name of its discoverer, M. Raffray. 2. Oriental Region. CYNONYCTERIS AMPLEXICAUDATA, Geoffr. Cambodja (M. Harmand). CYNOPTERUS MARGINATUS, Geoffr. Singapore (M. de Castelnau). EonycTEeRIs SPELZA, Dobson. Java (M. de la Saviniére). 878 MR.G.E. DOBSON ON RECENT ADDITIONS TO THE [Nov. 5, RHINOLOPHUS ACUMINATUS, Peters. Siam, Laos (M. Harmand). This species has been previously recorded from Java only. Ruino.torus ArFFinis, Horsfield. Cochin China (M. Harmand). PHYLLORHINA DIADEMA, Geoffr. Cochin China (M. Harmand); Sanghir Island (J. Laglaize). The specimens from the latter locality differ from all others exa- mined by me in the great development of the central projecting ridge of the sella, which, in one instance, projects almost as far forwards as the corresponding process of the same part of the nose-leaf in Ph. cyclops (see my ‘Catalogue of Chiroptera,’ pl. ix. fig. 16); the blunt projection in the centre of the margin of the upper transverse nose-leaf is also much more defined than in other specimens of this species, and in one of the specimens from Sanghir Island corresponds to a large cell in the back of the leaf. PHYLLORHINA ARMIGERA, Hodgson. Cochin China (M. Harmand). One of the specimens, an adult male, has the glandular elevations between the nose-leaf and the frontal sac as much developed as in the type of this species in the Calcutta Museum, described and figured by me in the ‘ Proceedings’ for 1873 (p. 241). PHYLLORHINA BICOLOR, Temminck. Cochin China (M. Pierre). PHYLLORHINA FULVA, Gray. Cochin China (M. Harmand). PHYLLORHINA LARVATA, Horsfield. Cochin China (M. Harmand). These specimens have the same brilliant golden-yellow fur as those collected by Dr. Anderson at Prome, Upper Burma, and de- scribed by me in my ‘ Monograph of the Asiatic Chiroptera.’ Cators rritui, Blyth. Laos, in the roof of the Great Pagoda at Lakhon, collected by M. Harmand. The well-preserved specimens of this most remarkable Bat form a valuable addition to the collection of the Muséum d’ Histoire Natu- relle. Hitherto this species was known only from the type in the Indian Museum, Calcutta (a dilapidated skin from the Bengal Sun- derbuns), and a single specimen, in alcohol, from Java, in the collec- tion of the Leyden Museum. Examination of these specimens per- mits me to add a few additional notes on the structure of the species. The caleaneum is weak, but distinct, nearly one fifth of an inch _ in length, and projects at its extremity slightly beyond the membrane; 1878.] | CHIROPTERA IN THE MUS. D’HIST. NAT. PARIS. 879 there is no trace of a tail externally ; the wing-membrane extends to the proximal extremity of the metatarsus; the female has pubic teat-like processes, as in other species of Rhinolophide ; the ter- minal phalanx of the fourth finger ends in a large T-shaped process. The measurements agree closely with those of the specimen in the Leyden Museum. MEGADERMA SPASMA, L. Laos (M. Harmand). ScoOTOPHILUS TEMMINCKI, Horsf. Cochin China, and Laos (M. Harmand). VrESPERUGO ABRAMUS, Temminck. Cochin China and Laos (M. Harmand). VESPERUGO PACHYPUs, Temminck. Laos (M. Harmand). VESPERTILIO MURICOLA, Hodgson. Laos (M. Harmand) ; Sanghir Island (M, Laglaize) TAPHOZOUS MELANOPOGON, Temminck. Cochin China (M. Harmand). NyctTinomvs PLicatus, Buch.-Ham. Laos (M. Harmand). 3. Ethiopian Region. EroMOPHORUS CompPTUs, Allen. Ogoné (M. Marche). EromMoruHorvus monstrosus, Allen, Ogoné (M. Marche). PHYLLORHINA COMMERSONI, Geoffr. Bugamojo, Zanzibar (Mission du St.-Esprit). VESPERUGO NANUS, Peters. Ogoné (M. Marche). Myxoropa aurita, A. Milne-Edwards. Madagascar (vide anted, p. 871). CoLEURA SEYCHELLENSIS, Peters. Seychelle Islands (M. Lantz). 4. Neotropical Region. Mo .ossus RuFus, Geoffr. Cayenne (M. Mélinon). Motossus aBrasus, Temm. Cayenne (M. Mélinon). 880 MR. DOBSON ON A COLLECTION OF CHIROPTERA. [Nov. 5, RHYNCHONYCTERIS NASO, Wied. Cayenne (M. Mélinon). NOcTILIO LEPORINUS- Cayenne (M. Mélinon). ScHIZOSTOMA BRACHYOTE, 0. Sp. Muzzle as long, or slightly longer than the distance between the eyes ; side of the face deeply grooved beneath the eye. Ear much shorter than the head, but broad at the base, owing to the strong convexity of the inner margin of the conch in its lower two thirds ; at the upper third the inner margin becomes abruptly concave, and the ear terminates in a short, obtusely pointed tip: tragus simple. Nose-leaf small, the lancet very acute, but much narrower than the horse-shoe, which is slightly notched on either side, and confluent with the muzzle in front. Centre of the upper lip slightly grooved ; lower lip with a shallow narrow groove between two naked promi- nences, each of which is divided in its upper third by a small oblique roove. : Wings from the ankles or from the extremities of the tibice ; inter- femoral membrane and tail as in other species of the genus; calca- neum slightly longer than the foot. Fur brown, above and beneath. Dentition.—luce. 3 c. = pm. a3 m. = Upper incisors as in Sch. megalotis ; lower equal, grooved, not crowded ; first upper premolar with a very oblique cusp, touching the canine, second straight ; first lower premolar much exceeding the second in antero-posterior diameter ; second premolar well developed, in the tooth-row ; third premolar nearly equal to the first in vertical extent, but less than it in cross section at the base. Length (of an adult ¢), head and body 2''-2; interfemoral mem- brane 0-9; head 0-9; ear 0-65 X0'-5, tragus 0'-28 ; nose-leaf 0'-3 x 0-2; forearm 1-6; thumb 0'"35 ; third finger—metacarp. 1-4, Ist ph. 0-55, 2nd ph. 0:7, 3rd ph. 0-35; fifth finger— metacarp. 1!35, 1st ph. 042, 2nd ph. 0-45; tibia 065; calca- neum 0!'-45; foot 0!-4. Hab. Cayenne (M. Meélinon). This is a very aberrant form, differing from all the other species in the development of the chin-warts, and in the shallowness of the central groove between them, as well as in the shortness and peculiar shape of the ears. In the second phalanx of the middle finger being conspicuously longer than the first, it agrees with Sch. behni; but, unlike that species, it has the calcaneum longer than the foot. CAROLLIA BREVICAUDA, Wied. Darien (Dr. Viguier) ; Cayenne (M. Mélinon). ARTIBEUS QUADRIVITTATUS, Peters. Cayenne (M. Meélinon). 1878.] DR. A. B. MEYER ON ANOA DEPRESSICORNIS. 881 November 19, 1878. Arthur Grote, Esq., V.P., in the Chair. Mr. Sclater read the following extract from an article in ‘ Science- Gossip’ of October 1, 1878, by Mr. R. Davenport, of Bury, Lanca- shire :— “Tt is a pleasing duty to me to record the taking of a very beautiful specimen of what I consider an exceedingly rare bird in our neighbourhood (Saxicola stapazina). The specimen was shot by a friend of mine, about the middle of May this year, on the margin of the Bury and Radcliffe Reservoir ; and though much mangled with number-6 shot, it has been very well mounted indeed by my friend Johnson, of Prestwich. Considering the condition it was in from being killed with such large shot, I really doubted at one time whether it could be mounted ; however, it has been ; and a valuable addition to our list of birds it is.” Mr. Sclater exhibited the specimen in question, which had been kindly sent up for exhibition by Mr. Davenport. It appeared to be an adult in full plumage of Sawicola stapazina (called by Mr. Dresser ‘‘ S. rufa” B. of Eur. pt. xxv.). The species had not been previously recorded as occurring in the British Isles, and was an interesting addition to the list of ‘‘ Accidental visitors.” The following letters from Dr. A. B. Meyer, C.M.Z.S., and Mr. Bartlett were read, in reference to the communication at the last meeting from Mr. Everett respecting the supposed existence of the Anoa ( dnoa depressicornis) in the Philippines. **R. Zool. Mus., Dresden, : November 16, 1878. “Dear Dr. SciraterR,— ‘Having seen in the report of the Society’s meeting of the 5th November that Mr. Everett had stated, in a letter to the Marquis of Tweeddale, that the Anoa of Celebes (dnoa depressicornis) or an allied species is found in the island of Mindoro, I beg leave to send you a few notes from my diary on this subject. “Mr. Wood of Manilla, an American gentleman, now dead, known to many travellers as a amateur naturalist, and to many European Museums as a collector, told me that Mr. Cuming (in whose company he had formerly collected) had sent home an ‘Antelope’ from Mindoro, similar to Anoa depressicornis from Celebes, which was called ‘ Tamarao’ by the natives. Mr. Wood had not only seen the animal in the Philippines, but also subsequently in the British Museum, where it had received a specific name of its own. ** Wishing to know something more of the ‘ Tamarao’ in Manilla, I succeeded in finding a stuffed animal in the Museum of the Dominicans, which they told me was the animal in question. This was apparently, as far as I could make out (it was in a bad state, and 882 MR. A.D. BARTLETT ON ANOA DEPRESSICORNIS. [Nov. 19, could not be closely inspected), a Buffalo, small in size, with rather straight horns bent backwards, with not much hair on the skin, which was of a light greyish colour. There was no similarity to the Anoa from Celebes, which I had seen the year before at Menado, as regards colour, skin, size, or horns. «The ‘Tamarao’ is said to live only on Mindoro. The wild Buffalo of Luzon does not differ much from the tame one. The name for Buffalo in the Tagaloe language of Luzon is Anooang, the same as for Anoa depressicornis in South Celebes. (In the Pampanga language of Luzon, ‘Damulag’ means buffalo. For a wild Buffalo they say on Luzon ‘ Karabao cimarron,’ ‘ cimarron’ being a Spanish expression for wild.) «* When back in Europe in the same year, I looked together with the late Dr. Gray through the galleries of the British Museum for this ‘ Tamarao,’ but in vain; we cculd not find it. “Tn the gallery of the Jardin des Plantes of Paris, I saw this autumn a skeleton of a small Buffalo from Timor, brought home by the ‘Astrolabe,’ and labelled Bubalus seligniceros, which reminded me of the ‘T'amarao’ of Mindoro, as I mentioned to Prof. Gervais, who kindly accompanied me, telling him also of its supposed affinity to the dnoa. ‘“‘Of course I cannot depend on the alleged identity of the stuffed Buffalo in the Museum of the Dominicans in Manilla with the ‘amarao’ of Mindoro; and, also, my inspection of this specimen was scientifically not sufficient; but I hope to be able to throw some light on this question very soon, as a skull of the real ‘Tamarao’ from Mindoro will be in my hands in a few days, as I bought some time ago for the Dresden Museum Professor Semper’s Mammalian collection from the Philippines, which contains such a skull. I therefore shall soon recur to the subject. “I take this occasion to remark that there exists on the island of Balabac, Philippines, a species of Tragulus, specimens of which I have seen living at the Government House in Cebti; but, having no books with me, I could not make out whether it differs from Tra- gulus kanchil or not. « Yours very sincerely, E “A. B. Meyer.” “* Zoological Society’s Gardens, Regent's Park, London, N.W. November 18, 1878. “Dear Sir,—About thirty years since, a collector of natural- history specimens, named Napper, wrote to me from the Philippines to say that there existed on the island of Mindanao or Mindoro, a small kind of Buffalo extremely wild and difficult to obtain. I engaged him to obtain specimens ; and after much trouble and expense he sent me an adult bull, a cow, and calf that he had shot and skinned. They were offered by me to Dr. Gray for the British Museum, who declined them, as he was of opinion they were only small varieties of the common Manilla or Water-Buffalo; and this was my own opinion, and that also of every one who saw them. I P. 2.5.18 78. Pig JSmit lth CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDA:. 1878. ] ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDZE. 883 kept them a long time; and not finding any one that would have them, I at last sent them to Stevens’s sale-rooms where they were sold for a few shillings. I can assure you that these animals were not like the Anoa, but much larger, and had all the appearance of a common Indian Buffalo of small size. Yours faithfully, “A.D. BartLett.” The following papers were read :— 1, On the Classification of the Cervide, with a Synopsis of the existing Species. By Sir Vicror Brooks, Bart., F.Z.S, I. Introduction, p. 883. II. On the division of the Cervide into sections larger than genera, p. 889. TII. On the subdivision of the sections into minor groups, p. 889. IV. Geographical distribution, and remarks thereon, p. 893. V. Synopsis of the existing Cervide, p. 897. VI. Explanation of Plate LV., p. 928. (Plate LY.) I. Introduction. Some years ago I brought before the notice of the Society certain pedal characters in the Cervidee (vide P. Z. S. 1874, p. 33) which ap- peared to me to be of some importance; but at that time, not having had the opportunity of extending my observations to all the forms of ex- isting Cervidee, a generalization, which I believe to be of considerable taxonomic value, deducible from these characters, escaped my notice. A reconsideration of the characters themselves, and an attempt to work out the deductions which may be drawn from these and other esta- blished facts relating to the Cervidee, is the object of the present paper. Before entering into the subject immediately before us, it may be well to consider briefly the peculiarities common to all Deer, the possession of which distinguishes them from all other mammals, and which may therefore be called their family characters. The Cervide, together with Moschus, the Giraffide, and the Bovide, constitute the Pecora, one of the four distinct sections into which the Artiodactyla, or even-toed Ungulates, is divisible. In having (1) the odontoid process crescentic, (2) the left axillary rising from the innominate artery, (3)the placenta cotyledonous, (4) the psalterium added to the stomach, and (5) the outer bones of the metapodium _Tudimentary, the inner confluent, all the members of the Pecora, as Professor Flower in his exhaustive paper on Moschus (P. Z. S. 1875, p. 159) has taught us, agree together, and differ from the three remaining sections of the Artiodactyla, viz. the Tragulina, Suina, and Tylopoda. So far there is little difficulty in defining the zoological position of the Cervide. That they form part of the Pecora there can be no doubt ; but when the subdivision of the Pecora is attempted difficuties arise which bid fair to set at defiance all systems of classification. An estimate of the nature and relative value of the characters which dis- tinguish the Cervide from the Bovidz will be most clearly shown by placing them in tabular form. With Moschus and the Giraffidee we 884 SIR V. BROOKE ON TUE [Nov. 19, need not at present occupy ourselves; in Professor Flower’s paper, above referred to, the characters in which they differ from the typical Cervidee, of which Professor Flower regards them as early offshoots, are distinctly defined. Cervide. (1) Osseous deciduous out- growths from cylindrical pro- cesses of the frontals in the males of all excepting Hydropotes, in which genus they are wanting in both sexes. These appen- dages, the antlers, are absent in the females excepting Rangifer. (2) Two orifices to the lacry- mal duct, situated on or inside the rim of the orbit. (3) A depression in the facial plate of the lacrymal, called the lacrymal pit or fossa. (4) An anteorbital vacuity of such dimensions as to exclude the lacrymal from articulation with the nasals. (5) In all species the first molar in both jaws is brachy- odont, or short-crowned, so that when the tooth is in place the neck, which is much constricted, is on a level with or a little above the alveolar border, and in the dry skull the upper ends of the roots are visible. (6) Upper canines present in both sexes. Exceptions :—Ca- preolus, Axis, Dama, Cariacus, Blastocerus, Pudu, Alces, and some of the smaller Rusine Deer. (7) Distal ends of the lateral metacarpals present in some. (8) The first and second Bovide. (1) Epidermal persistent (exc. Antilocapra) sheaths envelop processes of the frontals in both sexes, with the exception of the females of the following genera, in which these appendages, the horns, are wanting :—Portaz, Tragelaphus, Procapra, Anti- lope, Aipyceros, Saiga, Kobus, Cervicapra, Pelea, Nanotragus, Neotragus, Tetraceros. (2) One orifice to the lacry- mal duct, situated inside the rim of the orbit. Exceptions :—Tra- gelaphus sylvaticus, Tragela- phus decula, Tragelaphus an- gast, Tragelaphus spekii; in these species there are two ori- fices, situated as in the Cervidee. (3) Absence of this depression. Exceptions :—Gazella, Antilope, Nanotragus, Neotragus, Cepha- lophus, Tetraceros, Alcelaphus. (4) Lacrymal articulates with the nasals, except in Gazella and Oryx. (5) The first molar in both jaws is hypsodont, or long- crowned, so that a large part of the crown is buried in the socket when the tooth is first in place, and there is no constriction between the long crown and the very short roots. Exception, ‘ Tragelaphus. (6) Canines absent in both sexes. Exception, Nanotragus pygmeus has sometimes the upper milk-canine. (7) Distal ends of the lateral metacarpals wanting in all genera. (8) The first and second pha- 1878.] Cervide (continued). phalanges of the lateral digits present. Exception, Cervulus. (9) Parieto-squamosal suture nearer the upper than the lower border of the temporal fossa'. (10) Navicular, cuboid, and ectocuneiform united in some. (11) Placenta with few coty- ledons (Oligocotyledontophora, Garrod 2). CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID&%. 885 Bovide (continued). langes of the lateral digits wanting in all. (9) This suture is nearer the lower than the upper border of the temporal fossa. Exception, Antilocapra. (10) These bones never all united, (11) Placenta with many cotyledons (Polycotyledonto- phora, Garrod). (12) Gall-bladder absent. 12 Gall-bladder present. Ex- ception, Cephalophus. From this table it becomes apparent that, with the exception of the eleventh, none of these characters can be considered exclusively characteristic of the Cervidee ; and even with regard to it, more exten- sive observation is required before it can be laid down as a fixed and exclusive Cervine character. But although, with this exception, none of the above characters can be taken singly as distinctive of a Cervine from a Bovine animal, the coexistence of the second, third, fourth, and fifth in all the Cervide and their absence in combination in the Bovide will, I think, be found universal. Deer may therefore for the present be characterized as Pecora having two orifices to the lacrymal duct, situated on or inside the orbit, lacrymal fossee, an anteorbital vacuity, cutting off the lacrymal from articulation with the nasals, the first molar brachyodont, the parieto-squamosal suture nearer the upper than the lower border of the temporal fossa, and the placenta with few cotyledons, II. On the Division of the Cervidee into Sections larger than Genera, I will now pass on to the consideration of the pedal characters above alluded to. The fore limbs of all existing species of Cervide exhibit one of the two following conditions. (1) Two slender, short, detached, splint-like bones, the rudiments of the second and fifth metacarpals (Plate LV. figs. 2, 2’ and 5'), situated posterior to and one on each side of the proximal extremity of the metacarpal cannon (or confluent third and fourth metacarpals) ; the phalanges of the second and fifth digits separated from their rudimentary metacarpals by a very wide interval ; the proximal phalanx of these digits (Plate LV. fig. 2 p) inferior in size to the central and ungual phalanges. ~ In Cervudus the phalanges of thie second and fifth digits are undeveloped. 1 Vide Prof. Garrod, P. Z.8. 1877, p. 15, 2 Garrod, loc, cit. p. 12. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LYIII. 58 886 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, (2) Two slender pointed bones, the rudiments of the second and fifth metacarpals (Plate LV. figs. 1, 2’ and 5’), situated posterior to and one on each side of the distal extremity of the metacarpal cannon. These bones articulate with their respective phalanges, but are separated from the carpus by a wide interval. The proximal phalanx of these digits (Plate LV. fig. 1, p) is superior in size to the central and ungual phalanges. For these forms Professor Flower has kindly assisted me in finding convenient names. For the former, that in which the proximal (or near) extremities of the lateral metacarpals remain, I would prepose the term Plesiometacarpal (hycioy, near, and peraxaprioy, metacar- pus); and the latter, that in which the distal (or more remote) extremity of these bones remains, I would designate Telemetacarpal (rnXe, far, pleraxapmiov, metacarpus). With the view of ascertaining whether the myology of the fore limbs of the Cervide confirms or confutes the importance which I would assign to their osteological characters, I have been lately en- gaged in the examination of the muscles of the fore limbs of the Artiodactyles in general. My materials have been, however, as yet far too meagre to justify me in attaching any great weight to the cha- racters afforded by myology; but I am encouraged in expecting that my observations may not be altogether unimportant, in which case I shall hope to lay them before the Society upon some future oc- easion. I will only here mention that in the telemetacarpal limb of the Common Roe, the phalanges of each lateral digit are supplied with two tendons from the extensor muscles of the forearm—a condition precisely similar to that which obtains in the tetradactyle Tragulus. On the other hand, in the plesiometacarpal limb of the Red Deer and Fallow Deer, the lateral phalanges are entirely without muscular at- tachment. In neither the Roe, Red Deer, or Fallow Deer are the lateral phalanges supplied with tendons from the flexors. A similar condition is seen in Tragulus, in which form the lateral phalanges are but slightly functional ; but in the telemetacarpal limb of Moschus the lateral phalanges are (as in Sus) supplied with strong tendons from the flexor profundus digitorum. In Moschus, the lateral pha- langes are highly functional, The special office performed by the lateral phalanges is the prevention of the animal slipping when rushing at speed down slopes cr sinking in swampy ground ; and this function is effected without danger of the displacement of these deli- cate structures, by means of strong ligamentous bands developed in the aponeurosis surrounding them, which bind them firmly in their normal position. In the telemetacarpal limbs which I have ex- amined, in addition to these bands, distinct round ligaments pass from the sides of the distal articular surface of the metapodium to the centre of the metacarpal splint on each side (Plate LV. fig. 1, r-r’), and aid in preventing its displacement upwards, upon undue pressure being applied from without. In the annexed list of all the known species of existing Deer, ar- ranged according to their geographical distribution, the names of 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDE. "Be those with telemetacarpal limbs are printed in italics, and those with plesiometacarpal limbs in ordinary type. From this a remarkable parallelism becomes at once apparent between the distribution of the Cervidee in the two main divisions of the earth’s surface, and the condition of the rudimentary external digits of their fore limbs. Of the 39 species confined to the Old World, 36 are Plesiometacarpi, the exceptions being Hydropotes inermis and the two species of Capreolus. Of the 22 species confined to the New World, 21 are Telemetacarpi, Cervus canadensis being the sole exception. Both species of circumpolar range are T'elemetacarpi. Northern regions of Old World. both Hemispheres. New World, 1. Ceryulus muntjac. 1. Alces machlis. 1. Cariacus(Cariacus)virginianus. 2. lacrymans. 2. Rangifer tarandus. 2. (——) leueurus ? 3. —— reevesil. 3. —— (——) mewxicanus, 4, Elaphodus cephalophus. 4. —— (——) similis? 5, —— michianus ? 5, —— (——) savannarum. 6. Cervus (Rusa) aristotelis. 6. —— (——) peruvianus, 7. — ( ) equinus. 7. —— (——) gymnotis. 8. ——( ) swinhoii. 8. —— (——) toltecus. 9. —— (—_) philippinus. 9. —— (——) macrotis, 10. —— (——) mariannus ? 10. —— (——) columbianus. 11, —— (——) nigricans. 11. —— (Blastocerus) paludosus. 12, —— (——) alfredi. 12. —— (——) campestris. 13, —— (——) kuhli. 13. —— (Furcifer) chilensis. 14. —— (——) porcinus. 14. —— (——) antisiensis. 15. —— (——) lepidus? 15, —— (Coassts) rufus. 16. —— ( ) hippelaphus. 16, ——( ) stmplicicornis. 17. —— (Rucervus) duyauceli. 17. —— (——) rujinus. 18. —— (——) schomburgki. 18. —— (——) nemorivagus. 19. —— (——) eldi. 19. —— (——) supereiliares. 20. —— (Elaphurus) davidianus. 20. (——) whitelyi. 21, —— (Axis) axis, 21. Pudua humilis. 22, —— (Pseudaxis) sika. 22. Cervus canadensis. 23, —— (-——) euopis? 24, —— (——) mantchuricus. 25. —— (——) dybowskii? 26. —— (——) kopschi? 27. —— (——) taévanus. 28. —— (—— ?) caspicus. 29. —— (Cervus) elaphus. 30. —— ( ) xanthopygus ? 31. —— (——) eustephanus. 32. —— (——) maral. 33 cashmeerianus. 34. —— affinis. 85. —— (Dama) dama. 36. —— (——) mesopotamicus. 37. Aydropotes inermis, 38. Capreolus caprea, 39. —— pygargus. The fact of the plesiometacarpal and telemetacarpal limb-charac- ters so closely corresponding with the distribution of the Cervidee in the Old and New Worlds, would in itself have convinced me of their fundamental importance ; but a certain osteological cranial cha- 58* 888 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Noy. 19, racter lately discovered by Professor Garrod (see P. Z. S. 1877, p. 13, fig. 24) has confirmed me in this opinion. Professor Garrod has observed that in all the American Deer, with the exception of Cervus canadensis, the vertical plate developed from the lower surface of the vomer is prolonged sufficiently downwards and backwards to become ankylosed to the horizontal plate of the palatals, and to form a complete septum dividing the nasal cavity into two distinct chambers. The posterior edge of the vertical plate of the vomer is plainly visible upon looking into the posterior nares in the dry skull. In none of the Deer confined to the Old World is the vertical plate of the vomer sufficiently developed to reach the horizontal plate of the palatals; and therefore in none is there a sep- tum dividing the nasal cavity into two chambers separated from the anterior to the posterior nares. This cranial character agrees with the pedal characters in placing the Reindeer, one of the species of cireumpolar distribution, with the Deer of the New World. Alces, along with Hydropotes and Ca- preolus, all of which are Telemetacarpi, Prof. Garrod’s cranial character places with the Plesiometacarpi of the Old World. So long ago as 1836, Dr. Gray’ pointed out characters afforded by the tufts of hair observable on the tarsus and metatarsus of most Deer, and expressed his opinion that they constitute ‘‘a means of sub- dividing them in natural sections.’ In his Catalogue of the Ruminant Mammalia in the British Museum (1872), Dr. Gray divides the Cervide into two primary groups:—(1) that in which tuft of hair on the outside of the metatarsus is above the middle of that bone, and (2) that in which this tuft is below the middle of the metatarsus. Now I cannot but think it isa highly significant fact, and one that should make us very cautious in condemning any character as trivial, to find that a classification based on these apparently super- ficial characters coincides exactly, as far as it goes, with that founded on Prof. Garroa’s cranial characters, and, with the exceptions referred to, with that based on the osseous structure of the limb. There are some species both in the Old and the New World which are devoid of either metatarsal or tarsal tufts. When present, the metatarsal tuft is always above the middle of the metatarsus; and there is never any tuft on the inuer surface of the tarsal joint in the Deer confined to the Old World. In the Deer confined to the New World, the metatarsal tuft when present is always below the middle of the metatarsus, and there is frequently a distinct tarsal tuft. Cer- vus canadensis constitutes the solitary exception. There is yet another character which lends some weight to the teaching of those already mentioned ; and for the observation of it we are again indebted to Prof. Garrod*. Prof. Garrod has observed that the ascending rami of the preemaxillee articulate with the nasals in all the Old-World Deer, with one or two exceptions, whilst in the Deer of the New World, again with one or two exceptions, the rami of the preemaxillze do not reach the nasals. I shall not now attempt to decide the relative value of these charac- Vide P. Z. 8S. 1886, p. 66. 2 P.Z.8. 1877, p. 18. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID2. 8389 ters, a task which can only become possible when our knowledge of the extinct forms of Deer shall be very much more complete than it is at present. Accepting the facts as we find them, the existing Cer- videe may be divided into three primary sections. A, Proximal ends of the lateral metacarpals remaining. (PLESIOMETACARPI.) Posterior portion of the nasal cavity not divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus, when pre- sent, above the centre of that bone. Tuft of hair on the inside of the tarsus always absent. Ascending rami of the preemaxillee articulating generally with the nasals. Genera :—Cervulus, Elaphodus, Cervus (subgen. Rusa, Rucer- vus, Elaphurus, Axis, Pseudaxis, Dama). B. Distal ends of the metacarpals remaining. (TELEMETACARPI.) Posterior portion of the nasal cavity not divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus, when pre- sent, above the centre of that bone. Genera :—Alces, Hydropotes, Capreolus. C. Distal ends of the metacarpals remaining. (TELEMETACARP!). Posterior portion of the nasal cavity divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus when pre- sent, below the centre of that bone. Tuft on the inside of the tarsus frequently present. Ascending rami of the preemaxille generally not reaching the nasals. Genera :—Cariacus (subgen. Cariacus, Blastocerus, Furetfer, Coassus), Pudua, Rangifer. Of the inequivalency and heterogeneous nature of section B I am most fully aware. It can only be considered a temporary receptacle for species whose natural relationship to sections 4 and C cannot as yet be finally decided. III. On the Subdivision of the Sections into minor Groups. The definition of the minor groups into which the three primary sections are ultimately divisible in such a manner as to render their boundaries readily appreciable, is, I believe, almost impossible. And yet that a solid bond of affinity unites the members of each natural minor group, that they possess in common certain peculiarities which distinguish them from species contained in other minor groups, no one who has studied the Cervidee can for a moment doubt. This being so, I think that the distinct recognition of the various clusters of species, into which the Cervidee naturally group themselves, is a matter of the first importance in an attempt to understand their entire life-history. 890 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Noy. 19, The question as to whether these minor groups should be re- garded as genera or subgenera, or merely marked as nameless sections, appears to me to be of wholly secondary importance. Actuated by this belief, I have retained the names originally given to these subgroups whenever the grouping has appeared to me to be natural, and have spoken of them as subgenera. The characters upon which the subgenera are based are derived principally from the form of the antlers, the skull, the rhinarium’, external coloration, position and degree of development of the cutaneous glands, and general external form. As is the case with the family characters, it is seldom that any one subgeneric peculiarity can be taken singly as exclusively charac- teristic of a certain subgenus; but the existence in different fixed combinations of these characters in the several subgenera is an empirical certainty. For example, the form of rhinarium peculiar to Rusa (vide infra) is shared by other groups; but never in combina- tion with the form of antler and immense lacrymal pit typical of that subgenus; and no species of Rusa is without this combination. Again, the form of the rhinarium in the subgenus Cervus differs from that of Rusa, but resembles that of Dama &c.; but in Cervus this rhinarium is always associated with the antlers typical of that subgenus, and an anal disk of paler colour than the adjacent parts surrounding the tail; whilst in Dama it is combined with the palmated form of antler and tuft of long hair surrounding the prepuce. It is needless here to give further examples of this law: it will be found fully illustrated in the diagnoses of the subgenera (imperfect as these doubtless are) given in the synopsis. The objection that antlers are absent in the females of all existing species with the exception of Rangifer, whilst in Hydropetes they are wanting in both sexes, has been frequently urged against the value of characters based on these appendages. The stability of this objection strikes me as very questionable. There can be no doubt that it would be highly convenient if such prominent and easily observed features as those afforded by the antlers were univer- sally attainable; and the lack of their invariable occurrence is doubtless a source of some slight confusion to the systematist. But surely the value of a character as a test of genetic affinity cannot be judged upon utilitarian principles ; and if, as I think, I can show reason for believing the form of the antlers is one of the clearest proofs of the blood-relationship of the species contained in the various subgenera, characters derived therefrom must be regarded as the most trustwothy for taxonomic purposes. In order to account for the phenomena presented by the antlers in the males of the existing Deer, four factors are necessary :— (1) The gradual evolution of the antlers from very simple to complex forms; (2) Their constant tendency to vary; (3) Variation extend- ing far enough to induce the partial atrophy of one part of the antler 1 T follow Tiger and Sundevall in the adoption of this term for the naked moist skin between the nostrils. It is decidedly preferable to muffle, which is French, or muzzle, which signifies something quite different in every-day speech. i878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID&. 891 to compensate for the extra development of some other part ; (4) The transmission and fixation of such variations by heredity. (1) The gradual evolution of the antlers from very simple to more complex forms. The earliest Cervine animal of which we have any knowledge is Dremotherium from the early Miocene of Europe. This species was, so far as is at present known, without antlers. In the middle Mio- cene of France and Germany, and in a somewhat similar horizon in North America, the earliest antlered Deer as yet discovered have been found. These species, belonging to the very closely allied genera Dicrocerus and Cosoryz, possessed very short antlers with a single tine projecting forwards ; in fact they closely resembled the antlers of the existing species of Furcifer (fig. 17, p. 923). From this period to recent times a gradual increase in the luxu- riance of growth and diversity in the form of the antlers is evidenced even by the miserably imperfect materials as yet at the command of naturalists. Of this the following forms bear witness :— CERVUS MATHERONI, Gerv. Cervus matheroni, Gaudr. An. foss. Mont Léb. p. 66, pl. 13. Horizon. Upper Miocene. Cervus cusanvs, Croiz. & Job. Cervus cusanus, Boyd Dawk. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1878, p. 405, fig. 2, Horizon. Pliocene (Lower ?) Cervus perriert, Croiz. & Job. Cervus perrieri, Boyd Dawk. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. 1878, p. 488, figs. 3-5. Horizon. Pliocene. CreRVUs CyLINDRICORNIS, Boyd Dawk. Vide loc. cit. p. 415, figs. 11, 12. Horizon. Upper Pliocene. Cervus TETRAcERUS, Boyd Dawk. loc. cit. p. 417, figs. 13-17. Horizon. Upper Pliocene. MEGACEROS HIBERNICUS. Horizon. Post-tertiary Deposits. CERVUS ELAPHUS. Horizon. Post-tertiary deposits, and existing epoch. I need hardly say that these species have no direct affinity to each other ; they are simply chosen as illustrating the general fact that the antlers of the Cervide have gradually increased in complexity from the Upper Miocene period to recent times. : It might at first sight appear as though the occurrence of existing Species with very simple antlers militated against the more compre- 892 SIR VY. BROOKE ON THE [Noy. 19, hensive fact of the gradual augmentation of complexity in these organs through geological time; but as the converse, namely the existence of highly complicated antlers in the Miocene and Phocene periods, finds no support in the Geological record, the simple antlers of some existing species may be, I think, safely regarded as the result of arrestation, dependent ona less severe struggle for existence, or possibly upon some hitherto undiscovered influence. (2) A constant tendency to vary. Of this, any one can satisfy himself by the inspection of large collections of antlers. No two antlers are ever exactly alike; and the variations to which the antlers are subject in some species (e. g. Cervus elaphus, vide infr. p. 910) is so great, that in the absence of a large series they would be held as indicative of several distinct species. (3) Variation extending far enough to induce the partial atrophy of one part of the antler to compensate for the extra development of some other part. To illustrate this subject exhaustively would occupy more space than can be well devoted to it in the present paper. An attentive examination of any large collection will yield abundant evidence that such is invariably the case. It will, perhaps, be sufficient for my present purpose to bring forward one special example. The normal form of the upper half of the antlers of the common Fallow Deer (fig. 9, p. 914) may be described as broadly palmated, with several rudimentary tines produced from the posterior margin of the palm, the tine situated lowest on the palm exceeding the others slightly in length (fig. 9,d@). In my cousin Mr. J. Bloomfield’s place, Castle Caldwell, on the shores of Lough Erne, there is a herd of Fallow Deer which have lived at large in the woods, and under perfectly natural conditions, for upwards of 50 years. The antlers of these Deer are so remarkable in form, and present the peculiarities in which they are remarkable so constantly, that they could be recog- nized amongst a large collection of Fallow-Deers’ antlers without the slightest difficulty. The tine growing from the inferior and pos- terior border of the palm (Plate LV. fig. 3, d) is in the Castle-Cald- well Deer immensely developed, and the palm itself is much con- tracted and seldom bears more than 3 or 4 tines. Variation is still actively at work on the antlers of these Deer, and reversion towards the normal form occasionally asserts itself; but, notwithstanding, a fixed type of antler has stamped itself indelibly upon the males in this herd in the short space of 50 years, and the peculiarities cha- racteristic of that type are unquestionably the result of the extra development of one of the posterior tines and the consequent par- tial atrophy of the palm. (4) The transmission and fixation of such variations by heredity. That this is the case has been in a large measure proved by what has been already said; but the following fact places the matter be- yond all possibility of doubt. The Castle-Caldwell Deer are the descendants of about one or two males and twice as many females. A single antler of one of the fathers of the herd has been fortunately preserved in the Museum at Castle Caldwell. This antler (Plate 1878. | CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDZ. 893 LV. fig. 4) I_have the pleasure of exhibiting this evening. It will be seen that it presents the same peculiarities that are characteristic of the distant descendants of its original owner, and that we have here a direct proof of heredity transmitting, and to a very great extent fixing, a definite and prominent variation’. Did space permit I could give many more illustrations corrobo- rating the evidence of the above-mentioned facts. Innumerable in- stances of the power of heredity to transmit and fix variations in the antlers until some stronger influence interferes, are enacted annually before my eyes, amongst about 600 Deer of several different species preserved in my parks. Enough has, however, I think, been ad- duced to leave the onus probandi upon those who deny to characters derived from the antlers the right to be considered one of the surest land-marks of affinity in the Cervide. IV. Geographical Distribution of the Cervidee, and Remarks thereon. ae ; i | ewe | = = i ee ° | - = 5) Genera Number zs Sots 2 § ‘Ep Fa and of H ep wae &) ia] 3 Subgenera. | species.| 3 § 5 a a 2 = =o 8s = ars iS BE | asi 4 Z A No. of sp.No. of sp.|No. of sp.|No. of sp.|No. of sp. Cervulus ... 3 aa Bes 3 Elaphodus... 2 Soc sp 2 DBTBA iia ore Sb 05 11 % bait 11 Ruceryus ... 3 Ree Sen 3 Elaphurus ... 1 45 1 WAGs Pet eee S. 1 i mm 1 | Pseudaxis ... ae NG, 4 2 Cervus ...... i 2 4 1 Hama asf... 3 2 2 Hydropotes . 1 1 Capreolus ... 2 1 1 Cariacus...... 10? $e 7 3 Blastocerus.. 2 ee 2 Furcifer ...... 2 Z 2 Coassus ...... 6 6 Pu 2. cece 1 1 Motalty ..ic. 61 6 11 22 8 14 ? The production of so marked a yariation from the form of antler typical of Dama vulgaris in the short space of fifty years as that exhibited by the Castle-Caldwell Fallow Deer might be considered as tending to prove the instability of the original specific characters. It may, however, be observed that the general form of antler typical of the species has not been obliterated by the evolution of the characters now peculiar to the variety, but that, on the contrary, heredity has preserved a record of the earlier, or specific, alongside of the later, or varietal, modification. Essentially analogous phenomena are pre- sented by the antlers typical of the species and subgenera of the Cervide, the distinctive specific characters being, in eyery instance, an evident modification of the form of antler characteristic of the subgenus. 894 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, In this Table, showing the geographical distribution of the Cer- videe exclusive of the Elk and Reindeer, which have a cireumpolar range, the following are the most important facts observable. Out of a total of 61 species 39 are confined to the Old and 22 to the New World. Of the 39 Old-world species 33 are found in the Eastern Palearctic and Indian regions, the latter containing 22 species, a much larger number than that contained in any one of the remaining four regions. Of the 22 species confined to the New World, 8 are found to the north and 14 to the south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, the division adopted by Mr. Sclater between the Nearctic and Neotro- pical regions. These figures cannot, however, be taken as afford- ing a just estimate of the relative degree of specialization of the Cervidee in the Nearctic and Neotropical regions respectively. On the one hand, the three species of Cariacus in the latter are undoubt- edly immigrants from the former region; and on the other hand, the species contained in the subgenera Coassus and Furcifer are, as far as the antlers are concerned, amongst the least-specialized of existing species. Out of the eleven genera into which the Old-world Deer are di- visible, there is only one (Dama) which has not a representative in either the Palearctic or Indian region. Owing to the exceeding paucity of Palzeontological material, any attempt to account for the present differentiation and distribution of the Cervidee must be considered as purely tentative; and I venture to put forward the following hypothesis, more to provoke investiga- tion and criticism, which may possibly bring new and more correct ideas to light, than from any great confidence that I feel in its approximation to completeness. In order to avoid unnecessary recapitulation, and to indicate as clearly as possible the interdependence of the facts and hypothesis, I shall place the facts and theory in two columns, numbering the former, and merely introducing the number attached to each fact before the deduction or deductions which are drawn from it. Facts. (1) So many characters are common to the Cervide and Bovide that it is very difficult to lay down definitions distinc- tive of the families. (2) Dremotherium, the earliest known Cervine form, was with- out antlers and tetradactyle. Hypothesis. (1) A very high degree of specialization had been attained by the common ancestor of the Cervide and Bovide, especially in the structure of the skull, dentition, and limbs; hence the possibility of divergence of cha- racter in its descendants was much restricted. (2) Fora long period the early ancestors of the Cervide, which were tetradactyle, 1878. ] Facts (continued). (3) The antlers of the Euro- pean Procervulus and of some species of the North-American Cosoryx appear to have been persistent. (4) The antlers of Dicroceros and Cosory# possessed one, or at most two tines. (5) The increase in the com- plexity of the antlers of extinct species accompanies their chro- nological sequence in geological time. (6) In a conversation which I have lately had with Prof. Marsh, he informed me that some of the specimens of Cosoryx collected by him in North America were tetradactyle. The lateral meta- carpals in these specimens are excessively attenuated in the centre third of their length. In other specimens Prof. Marsh tells me a natural separation had taken place between the proxi- mal and distal ends of the bones. (7) The condition of the late- ral metacarpals separates exist- ing Deer into two great groups, the Plesiometacarpi and Tele- metacarpt. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID&X. 895 Hypothesis (continued). remained unantlered; and spread- from the centre of their geogra- phical area (13), which was pro- bably in the Eastern Palearctic and Indian regions, they passed westward into Europe, and east- ward into North America. (3) Processes then became developed from the frontals, which gradu- ally elongated and in some in- «stances branched. At first these outgrowths from the frontals remained persistently attached ; but eventually the great advan- tage enjoyed by individuals who through necrosis lost, and through an inherited tendency to produce frontal processes renewed their antlers, over individuals who retained antlers broken and rendered useless by frequent combats, caused the natural se- lection of the former in the struggle for existence. (4, 5) These first deciduous antlers were exceedingly simple; but as time rolled on the advantage of large and complex antlers as a means of offence and defence established an ever-increasing tendency towards complexity in their form. (6) A diminution in the size of the lateral digits of the early forms of Deer accom- panied the increase in the size of their antlers. The centre part of these bones, after attaining an extreme degree of atrophy, at last ceased to ossify. (7,8) In some species the default in ossi- fication took place nearer the distal than the proximal extre- mity of the bone. In others the converse obtained. The reduc- tion of the rudiments steadily continued, resulting eventually in the disappearance of the shorter rudiment in both forms, Hence the origin of the plesiome- 896 Facts (continued). (8) In some of the Telemeta- carpt the distal extremities of the lateral metacarpals is two thirds the length of the meta- carpal cannon. In some of the Bovidee (e. g. Gazella), of which family all the species are plesio- metacarpal, the proximal extre- mity of these bones is two thirds the length of the metacarpal cannon. (9) With three exceptions all the Old-world Deer are plesio- metacarpal ; and with one excep- tion all the New-world Deer are telemetacarpal. (10) In none of the Old- world Deer is the vomer suffi- ciently prolonged backwards to divide the nasal cavity into two chambers. In all the New- world Deer the nasal cavity is so divided. (11) The vomer of Megaceros hibernicus exhibits an interme- diate condition. The limb in this form is plesiometacarpal, and as highly specialized as in the existing Plestometacarpi. (12) The Telemetacarpi of the Old World resemble the Plesiometacarpi in the form of their vomer and in the position of the metatarsal tufts. (13) Thirty-three out of the thirty-nine species of Old-world Deer are inhabitants of the In- dian or East Palearctic regions ; and of the eleven subgenera into which they are divisible there is only one (Dama) that has no representative in these regions. SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, Hypothesis (continued ). tacarpal and telemetacarpal con- dition of limbs in existing Cer- vide. (9) It is probable that the separation between the upper and lower extremities of the me- tacarpals took place long after the first Dremotherium-like Cer- vides had found their way into North America. In these the default in ossification began in the upper third of the lateral metacarpals; (12) whilst in the Cervide remaining in the Old World both modes of reduction obtained a footing, the Plesiome- tacarpi gaining ultimately the preeminence. (10) The vomer in the early forms of Deer was, as in the existing less-specialized Artiodactyles (e. g. Hippopota- mus, Sus, Tragulus), prolonged backwards, dividing the nasal cavity into two distinct chambers. (11) As the competition he- tween rapidly multiplying and allied forms became severe in the Old World, specialization exten- ded to this part of the cranium, and a reduction in the backward extension of the vertical plate of the vomer, and consequent modification of the surrounding parts, set in. It is not impro- bable that the limbs of the Plesto- metacarpi had nearly reached their present stage of specializa- tion before the form of their vomer departed from the primi- tive type. The Deer of the New World, being less numerous both in individuals and species, and not being subjected to such severe competitions as the Old- world Deer, retained the primi- tive form of vomer. The greater development of the antlers in the larger majority of Old-world Deer, as compared with those of the New-world Deer, may be 1878. ] Facets (continued). (14) There are only twenty- two species in America; and the South-American species have remarkably simple antlers, (15) The antlers of the Cer- videe are subject to great varia- tion; and such variations are transmissible by heredity. (16) Two species have a cir- cumpolar range, and Cervus canadensis, a species allied to the common Red Deer of Europe, is found in North America. CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDA. 897 Hypothesis (continued). attributed to the same cause. (14) The Deer of South Ame- rica, which, according to the theory under consideration, have been freer from contact with al- hed forms than species inhabit- ing districts nearer to, and more in direct continuity with, the centre of the family area of dis- tribution, are remarkable for the great simplicity of their antlers. (15, 16) For long periods there was no possibility of communi- cation between the Deer of the Old and New World ; and during this time the perpetuations by heredity of the more favourable varieties which arose from time to time resulted in the diver- gence of the Cervide into the clusters of species which we now term genera. (16) At length the means of dispersal was for a second time opened between Asia and North America; an interchange of species took place ; the ancestors of Cervus canaden- sis passed over into North Ame- rica from the Old World, and the Elk and Reindeer extended their range till it was cireumpolar. In the following synopsis I have admitted every species of whose invalidity I am not absolutely certain ; and frequently, even where I have felt grave doubts as to the soundness of the claims of a species to specific recognition, I have left it distinct, if by so doing I have thought it probable that future investigation of its claims may throw light on the important problems of geographical variation and dis- tribution. Where colour is not mentioned in the diagnoses it affords no generic or subgeneric character. Supplementary columns are absent in the molars, and the central incisors are much expanded, where the contrary is not stated. Where the metatarsal and tarsal tufts are not specially mentioned, they are present. V. Synopsis of the existing Cervide. A. Proximal ends of lateral metacarpals remaining. (PLESIOMETACARPI. ) Posterior portion of the nasal cavity not divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. 898 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus, when present, above the centre of that bone. Tuft of hair on the inside of the tarsus always absent. Ascending rami of the premaxille articulating with the nasals. (Exception, species 3, in genus 1.) 1. CeERVULUS. 1816. Cervulus, Blainv. Bull. Soc. Phil. p. 74. 1827. Stylocerus (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p- 319. 1836. Prox, Ogilby, P. Z.S. 1836, p. 135. Antlers haif the length of the head, and placed on pedestals which nearly equal (and sometimes surpass) them in length. Brow- antler (fig. 1, @') very short, inclined inwards and directly up- wards. Terminal extremity of the beam (fig. 1, 7), which is un- branched, curved downwards and inwards. Lacrymal pit of great depth and extent, the facial plate of the malar taking part in its floor. Anteorbital vacuity of moderate extent. Ascending rami of the preemaxille equalling or exceeding the nasals in length. A strong ridge passes from the root of each pedestal over the orbit, lacrymal pit, and anteorbital vacuity, serving to protect frontal cuta- neous glands which lie on its inner surface. Auditory bulle very Fig. 1 Cervulus muntjae, slightly inflated, the tympanohyal abutting against the paroccipital process. Canines strongly developed in the males, and curved downwards, backwards, and outwards ; in the females they are small; and in neither are the pulps persistent. Rhinarium extensive, completely surrounding the nostrils, the upper border of its internarial portion slightly convex. Preenarial portion of the rhinarium broad, its lateral borders passing sub- vertically downwards to the upper lip. No metatarsal tufts. Tarsus with the navicular, cuboid, and ectocuneiform united. Phalanges of lateral digits absent in both fore and hind extremities. Young spotted (exe. species 12). Stature small. Distribution. Indian and South-eastern Palzearctic regions. 1 Prof. Garrod, in his valuable paper to which I have so frequently alluded (P. Z.8. 1877, p. 16), has drawn attention to a law of which the various modifica- tions of the antlers in the Cervid are, in his opinion, the result. I have ven- tured to extend, and in some slight degree to modify, Prof. Garrod’s suggestion. The lettering in the woodcuts indicates the parts of the antlers which appear to me to be homologous, 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID2. 899 1. CERVULUS MUNTIAC. 1780. Cervus muntjac, Zimm. Geogr. Gesch. Band ii. p. 131. 1785. muntjak et vaginalis, Bodd. Elench. Anim. vol. i. p. 136. 1867. Cervulus aureus, Jerd. Mamm. p. 264. 1873. amostylis et tamulicus, Gray, Hand-list Rum. Mamm. p. 165. 1874. muntjac, Brooke, P. Z.S. 1874, p. 38, fig. 3. Range. British India, Burmah, Malay peninsula, Sumatra, Java, Hainan, Banka, Borneo. This species appears to attain a larger size in Java, Sumatra, and Borneo than it does on the mainland ; and I think it not improbable that persistent race-characters may eventually be found, distin- guishing the Muntjac of these islands from that of British India. 2. CERVULUS LACRYMANS. 1871. Cervulus lacrymans, Alph. M.-Edw. Nouv. Arch. du Mus. t. vii., Bull. p. 93; and Rech. s. 1. Mamm. p. 348, pls. 63, 64. 1872. scelateri, Swinh. P. Z. S. 1872, p. 814. , 1874. , Brooke, P. Z. S. 1874, p. 40, pl. 8 & fig. 4. Hab. Moupin (David); hills near Hangchow, China (Swinhoe). Type, Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. Paris. 3. CERVULUS REEVESII. 1838. Cervus reevesii, Ogilby, P.Z. 5S. 1838, p. 105. 1862. Cervulus reevesi, Swinh. P. Z.S8. 1862, p. 361. 1874. , Brooke, P.Z. 8S. 1874, p. 41, fig. 5. Range. Southern China from latitude of Canton as far north as Ningpo ; Formosa (Swinhoe). 2. ELAPHODUS. 1871. Elaphodus, Alph. M.-Edw. Nouv. Arch. du Mus. p. 93, pl. 7; and Rech. Mamm. p. 353, pls. 65-67. 1874. Lophotragus, Swinh. P. Z.8. 1874, p. 452. Antlers very small, unbranched, supported on slender, long, con- verging pedestals. Ascending rami of the przemaxille very strong, and articulating broadly with the nasals, to which they are inferior in length. No supraorbital ridges or frontal cutaneous glands. Canines in the male massive and long, curved downwards, and not everted. A well-developed frontal tuft. In other respects resembles Cervulus, with which genus Hlaphodus may be united to form the subfamily Cervuline, as proposed by Professor Garrod (P. Z. S. 1876, p. 765). Distribution. South-Eastern Palearctic region. 1. ELarpHopus CEPHALOPHUS. ' 1871. Elaphodus cephalophus, Alph. M.-Edw. (loc. cit. supra). Hab. Moupin (David). Type, Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. Paris. 900 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, 2. ELAPHODUS MICHIANUS. 1874. Lophotragus michianus, Swinh. P. Z. 8. 1874, p. 452, pl. 59. 1876. » Garr. P. Z. 8. 1876, p. 757; pl. 76. Hab. Neighbourhood of Ningpo (Swinhoe). ‘Type, Mus. Berlin. Although I feel sure that Professor Garrod is correct in uniting the genera Elaphodus and Lophotragus, I have been unable to satisfy myself that the types of the two genera are referable to the same species, as he supposes. I have therefore refrained from amalga- mating the Moupin and Ningpo specimens in a single species, and have left the question for the present open. 3. Cervus. (Rusa, subgen.) 1827. Rusa (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kined. vol. y. p. 309. Fig. 2. Cervus (Rusa) aristotelis. Antlers twice or thrice the length of the head, supported on pedestals of moderate length. Brow-antler (fig. 2, a) strong, curved boldly upwards, its axis forming an acute angle with that of the beam. The beam (fig. 2, x) bifureates, giving rise to two strong tines (fig. 2,6 & c). Lacrymal pit of very great depth and extent, its antero-posterior diameter exceeding that of the three upper molars. Anteorbital vacuity very large. Auditory bullz but slightly inflated and rugose externally (exe. species 8 and 9). Rudi- mentary canines present in both sexes (exe. species 6, 7, 8, 9). Molars with small supplementary columns. Rhinarium resembling that of Cervulus, but less extensive, its upper internarial margin being slightly concave, and its infranarial portion narrower. Tail of moderate length. Neck maned (exc. species 7 and 9). Colour uniform brown (exc. 7 and 9). Stature diverse, the largest species being amongst the largest, and the smaller almost amongst the smallest of the Cervide. Young unspotted (exc. species 7 and 9). Distribution. Indian region. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID&. 901 (a) The upper tines (6 & e, fig. 2) of nearly equal length in adult animals ; in young males the outer and anterior tine (b, fig. 2) the longer. 1. CeRVUS ARISTOTELIS, 1835-7. Cervus aristotelis, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 4) tom. vi. p. 84. Range. British India, Ceylon, Burmah, Siam, Hainan (Swinh.). (8) The outer tine (6, fig. 2) always surpassing the inner tine (ce) in length. 2. CERVUS EQUINUS. 1825. Cervus equinus, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 3) tom. iv. p. 454; ib. (ed. 4) pl. 201. fig. 10. 1839-44. Cervus equinus, Mill. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zool. p. 213, pls. 42-45. figs. 7-11. Range. Borneo, Sumatra (Miill.) ; Singapore (Brooke). I have seen several living specimens of this species, all of which in their much darker colour, more bushy tail, short slightly curved antlers, presented a tout ensemble very unlike the common Sambur. On the other hand, I have received skulls and antlers from Siam which are strikingly intermediate between typical specimens of Cervus aristotelis and C. equinus. It appears to me therefore probable that the existence of these intermediate forms may ultimately render it impossible to maintain the distinction of the species. 3. CERVUS SWINHOII. 1862. Rusa swinhoii, Sclat. P. Z.S. 1862, p. 152, pl. 17. 1862. , Swinh. loc. cit. p. 364. 1871. ——,, Sclat. Trans. Z. 8. 1871, p. 333, pl. 39. Hab. Formosa. Type, Brit. Mus. This species closely resembles Rusa equinus. 4, CERVUS PHILIPPINUS. 1827. Cervus philippinus, Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. iv. p- 147, and vol. v. p. 319. 21877. —— , Brooke, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 51, pl. 8. Hab. Luzon (Philippines). Type, Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris (No. 409 in Cat.). 5. CERVUS MARIANNUS. 1820. Cervus mariannus, Desm. Mamm. sp. 669, p. 436. 1877. ——— , Brooke, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 53. Hab. Island of Guam (Marianne Islands). Type, Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. Paris (414 a in Cat.). As Ihave stated in my paper above referred to, I feel pretty certain that this and the preceding species are identical. I am, how- Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LIX. 59 902 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, ever, now, as then, unable to substantiate this opinion satisfactorily, owing to insufficiency of material. 6. CERVUS NIGRICANS. 1877. Cervus nigricans, Brooke, P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 57, pls. 9, 10. Had. Philippines (exact locality’). Type, in my own collection. 7. CERVUS ALFREDI. 1870. Cervus alfredi, Sclat. P. Z.S. 1870, p. 383, pl. 28. 1877. , Brooke, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 59. Hab. Philippines (Luzon’?). Type, Brit. Mus. 8. CERVUS KUHLI. 1839-44. Cervus kuhlii, Mull. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zool. p. 223, pls. 44, 45. figs. 12-14. Hab. Bavian Islands. Type, Mus. Leyden. This species was originally described by Miiller from specimens collected by Diard in the Bavian Islands, to which locality the species, as far as is at present known, is confined. The auditory bullze in Cervus kuAli are largely inflated. By this character the skull may be distinguished from that of any of the Rusine deer with the exception of C. porcinus. The skull of C. kuhii differs from that of C. porcinus in having the facial portion anterior to the orbits much more compressed, and the orbits much more prominent. C. kuhli has proportionally much longer limbs than C. porcinus ; and all the hairs of the back and sides are annulated in the former and not in the latter species. The young of C.kuhli are unspotted, which is not the case with those of C. porcinus’. Both species are devoid of upper canines. 9. CERVUS PORCINUS. 1777. Cervus porcinus, Zimm. Spec. Zool. Geogr. Quadr. p. 552, sp. 6. Range. British India, Ceylon, Burmah. 10, Cervus LEPIDUS. 1844. Cervus lepidus, Sund., Pec., Vetensk. Akad. Handl. p. 180, sp. 14. Hab. Java? Type, Mus. Frankfort ? This is a very doubtful species. Some years ago I saw the type in the museum at Frankfort; and it appeared to me to closely resemble Cervus sika. Upon the occasion of my last visit to Frankfort I sought in vain for the specimen, and much fear that it has been destroyed. 1 Vide Selater, P. Z. 8. 1863, p. 224. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID. 903 (y) The tuner tine (fig. 3, c) always surpassing the outer tine (fig. 3, b) in length. 11. Cervus HIPPELAPHUS. 1825. Cervus hippelaphus, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 3) tom. iv. p. 40; ib. (ed. 4) tom. vi. p. 77, pl. 166. figs. 31-34. 1839-44. Cervus rusa, Mil. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zool. p. 217, pl. 43, pl. 44. figs. 1-6. Hab. Java, Borneo (introduced). I Deer resembling Cervus hippelaphus in every particular excepting size are found in many of the islands in the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions. How far these are the result of natural distribution, or how far their occurrence is attributable to artificial transportation is now most difficult to decide. The best authori- ties on the fauna of the East Indies, Wallace, Schlegel, and Miller, Cervus (Rusa) hippelaphus. are inclined to lean towards the latter alternative; and it is I think certain that the introduction of many of the larger mammals (e. g. Monkeys, Pigs, and Deer) into the islands of the Austro-Malayan region has been effected by the Malays, who, according to Wallace, are much given to taming animals and conveying them from island to island. At the same time, the existence of a species of Melis peculiar to Timor, and of the singular Anoa depressicornis on Celebes, seems to me to necessitate caution in accepting this solution as of universal application. I shall therefore, for the present, keep the references to Cervus timortensis of Timor and C. moluccensis distinct. 12. (a) CERVUS TIMORIENSIS. 1822. Cervus timoriensis, Blainv. Journ. de Phys. vol. xciv. p. 267. 1825. peronii, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 3) tom. iv. p. 46. 59* 904 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, 1833. Cerf de Timor, F. Cuv. Mamm. pl. 361. 1852. Cervus peronii, Puch. Cerf, Arch. du Mus. vol. vi. p. 409. 1839-44. Cervus rusa, var. timoriensis, Schl. et Mull. Verh. Ned. Bez. Zool. pp. 212, 220. Hab. Timor (Peron, Dussumier), Samao, and Cambing near Timor (Schlegel and Miiller). Specimens examined :— Type of F. Cuvier’s and Pucheran’s descriptions, Mus. d’ Hist. Nat. Paris. Miiller’s types, Mus. Leyden. Specimen from Leyden, British Museum. Living specimens in Zool. Gardens of Paris and Rotterdam. The Timor Deer is a short-legged, thickset animal. The facial profile is remarkably concave, a character which I have frequently noticed in Red Deer and Fallow Deer living under unfavourable cir- cumstances. C. ¢imoriensis is not more than half the size of C. hippe- laphus. (3) CeRvUS MOLUCCENSIS. 1830. Cervus moluccensis, Quoy et Gaim. Zool. de | Astrolabe, tom. i. p. 133, pl. 24. 1839-44. Cervus rusa, var. moluccensis, Schl. et Mull. Verh. Ned. Bez. Zool. pp. 212, 220. 1836. Cervus moluccensis, Eyd. et Gerv. Mag. de Zool. tom. vi. “26. 1839. —— ——, Eyd. et Gerv. Zool. de la Favorite, tom. v. Mamm. p. 26. Hab. Bouru (Quoy and Gaimard), Amboina (Schlegel and Miiller), Celebes (Beecar%). Specimens examined :— Schlegel and Miiller’s types, Mus. Leyden. Specimens collected by Beccari, Museo Civico, Genoa. Cervus moluccensis isa much more delicately built, graceful animal than C. timoriensis. The following are the dimensions of one of Beccari’s specimens CS: , Eng. inches. Metre. Total length of skull in a straight line .. 11 0-280 From ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of Pramaxiles COP PS ee, MI 57 =—-0"145 Length of upper molar series 72 SER Length of upper premolar series ........ 14 0°035 Greatest length of nasals .............. 3°5 —0°088 Lengti-of premaxillee).¥ 0020 0 2 Le ODD (OOS Across the lower rims of orbits at the widest place .. 475 0-114 Length of humerus .... 79 0°200 Length of radius 72 —O' 186 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID#. 905 Eng. inches. Metre. Length of metacarpal cannon ......-... 6°71 0°155 Hhenetlt Of femurs) 66698 eo Se sa seeinah « 9-7 0°245 easth Or sibia wigs ts Gt Se coco aiid - 10°65 =: 0°265 Length of metatarsal cannon.. ... ) ee 7 0°178 (Rucervus, subgen.) 1838. Rucervus (subgen.), Hodgs. Ann. Nat. Hist. vol.i. p. 154; J. As. Soc. Beng. vol. x. pt. ii. p. 914 (1841). Antlers on short stout pedestals. Brow-antlers (fig. 4, a) very powerful, projecting forwards at a right angle from the beam, sometimes forked, and frequently developing rudimentary tines from their upper surface. Beam curving boldly forwards along the upper half of its length, and bifurcating into two upper tines, which in their relative dimensions present specific differential characters. Skull narrower in proportion to its length, in other respects re- sembling that of Rusa: the bulle are moderately inflated, and the upper and under molars have small supplementary columns. Tail short. Neck maned. Stature large. Young spotted. Distribution, Indian region. Fig. 4. Cervus (Rucervus) duvauceli, 13. CeRvVUS DUVAUCELI. 1835-37. Cervus duvaucelli, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 4) tom, vi. p- 89, pl. 201. figs. 6-8, 1871. —— ——, Sclat. Trans. Zool. Soc. vol, vii. p. 346, pl. 36. Hab. Nepal; Assam; Denwa valley, Mahadeo hills, Central India (Forsyth). 14. CeRVUS SCHOMBURGKI. 1863. Rucervus schomburgki, Blyth, P. Z. S. 1863, p. 155, fig. 1867. , Blyth, P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 835, figs. 6-12. 1876. Cervus schomburgki, Brooke, P. Z. 8. 1876, p. 304, figs. 1, 2: Scl. P. Z. S. 1877, p. 682. Hab. Siam. Types, Brit. Mus, 906 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, 15. Cervus ELDI. 1842. Oervus eldi, auct. anon. Cale. Journ. vol. ii. p. 417+ 1867. , Beavan, P. Z. 8. 1867, p. 759. 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z. S. vol. vii. p. 348, pls. 37, 38. Hab. Burmah; Siam ; Hainan (Swinh.). (ELapHuRus, subgen.) 1866. Elaphurus, Alph. M.-Edw. Compt. Rend., and Ann. Sc. Nat. ser. 5, tom. v. p- 380, and Nouv. Arch. du Mus. 1866, vol. il. p. 27- Antlers dichotomous, about twice the length of the head, pedestals short. The anterior branch of the antlers (fig. 5, 6) more strongly developed than the posterior branch (fig. 5, c-), and in adult specimens bifurcating and carrying many strong tines. Facial portion of the skull much elongated. Ascending rami of the praemaxillee of great length, articulating broadly with the nasals. Nasals long, and ex- Fig. 5. Cervus (Elaphurus) davidianus. panded posteriorly between the large anteorbital vacuities, of which they form the larger part of the superior border. Lacrymal pit deep and large. Upper molars with supplementary columns. Ears small and narrow. Eye small. Tail long. Neck maned. Stature large. Young unspotted ? Distribution. North-eastern Palearctic region ? 16. CERVUS DAVIDIANUS. 1866. Elaphurus davidianus, Alph. M.-Edw. Nouy. Arch. du Mus. 1866, vol. ii. p. 27, pls. 4, 5, 6. 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z. S. vol. vii., p. 333, pl. 28. Hab. Mantchuria. The specimens which have reached Europe 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID. 907 were brought from the imperial park, south of Pekin. Types, Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris. (Axis, subgen.) 1827. Axis (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p. 312. Antlers about three times the length of the head, supported on slightly elongated pedestals. Brow-antler (fig. 6, a) rising at some- thing less than a right angle from the beam (fig. 6, a), which bifur- cates at a little above the half of its entire length. Of the tines thus formed, the external and anterior tine (fig. 6, 6) is much the longer. Skull and rhinarium as in Rusa. Upper canines wanting. Molars with small supplementary columns. Both sexes at all ages and seasons distinctly spotted with white. Stature medium. Distribution. Western portion of the Indian region. Fig. 6. Cervus (Axis) axis. 17. CERVUS AXIS. 1877. Cervus axis, Erxl. Syst. Reg. An. p. 312. 1843. Axis maculata, Gray, Spec. Mamm. Brit. Mus. p. 178. Range. British India; Ceylon. (PsEuDAXIS, subgen.) 1872. Pseudaxis, Gray, Cat. Rumin. Mamm. Brit. Mus. p. 70. Antlers about twice the length of the head, supported on short stout pedestals. Brow-antler (fig. 7, @, p. 908) rather short, directed upwards at a rather acute angle with the beam (fig. 7,7). A strong tine (fig. 7, 6) is developed from the anterior surface of the antler at about half its entire length, and a short tine (fig. 7, d) from the posterior surface of its upper third. Lacrymal pit of moderate depth and extent, its antero-posterior diameter being less than that of the three upper molars. Ante- orbital vacuity moderate. Auditory bull moderately inflated, com- pressed, and smooth externally. Rudimentary upper canines pre- sent in both sexes. Rhinarium as in Rusa, with the exception of the internarial portion, which is slightly less prolonged upwards. 908 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, Metatarsal tuft whitish. Tail moderate. Neck maned. In summer spotted ; in winter uniform brown. Black bands on each side of the pure white anal disk form a cross with the narrow black streak along the dorsum of the tail. Stature medium. Young indistinctly spotted. Distribution. Eastern Palearctic region. 18. CERVUS SIKA. 1847. Cervus sika, Temm, et Schl. Jap. Mamm. p. 44, pl. 17. 1860. , Sclat. P. Z.S. 1860, p. 377. 1871. ——, Sclat. Trans. Z.S. vol. vii. p. 346, pl, 35, Hab. Japan. Type Mus. Leyden. Cervus (Pseudaxis) sika. 19. Cervus evorts? 1874. Cervus euopis, Swinh. P. Z.S. 1874, p. 151. Hab. North China? Type, ¢, Zool. Soc. Menag. The type, which is still living, differs in no appreciable external characters from ordinary specimens of Cervus sika. It was ori- ginally received from Tientsin, China. I have not included C. euopis among the synonyms of C@. sika,in the hope of attracting further attention to the subject, as it would be of considerable in- terest should C. stka be found inhabiting the mainland as well as the islands of Japan. 20. CERVUS MANTCHURICUS. 1861. Cervus pseudazis, Gray, P. Z.S. 1861, p. 236, pl. 27 (nec Eydoux et Souleyet ?)'. 1864. hortulorum et mantchuricus, Swinh. P. Z.8. 1864, p- 169. 1865. mantchuricus, Swinh. in lit. P. Z. 8. 1865, p. 1. 1871, -—— ——,, Sclat. Trans. Z. S. vol. vii. p. 344, pls. 31, 32. mandarinus, Alph. M.-Edw. Rech. Mamm. p. 184, pls, 22; 22 Aas Hab. Neighbourhood of Newchwang. Type, Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris, 1 Cf. infra, p. 909. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID &. 909 The Society has within the last few years received living speci- mens of a Pseudaxis from Japan, which are intermediate in size &e. between P. sika and P. mantchuricus. These have, in my opinion, with excellent judgment, been labelled by the Secretary as Cervus mantchuricus minor. I think it probable that, when a larger series, of Pseudaxine Deer are brought together, it will be found impos- sible to separate them into definite species, but that it will be found necessary to regard them as one species of wide geographical range, endowed with a constitution sufficiently elastic to enable it to support very varied conditions. 24. Cervus pysowsxk11? 1876. Cervus dybowskii, Tacz. P. Z. S. 1876, p. 123, fig. axis? Radde, Reise im Siid. von Ost-Sib. Bandi. p- 286. Hab. Upper Ussuri (Mantchuria). It is highly probable that, when we know more of this form, it will be found inseparable from C. mantchuricus. 22. Cervus KopscuHt ? 1873. Cervus kopschi, Swinh. P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 574. Hab. Department of Kienchang, Kiangse, China (Swinh.). Types, Brit. Mus. Also a very doubtful modification. had an opportunity of exa- mining the types upon their arrival, and could perceive no particulars in which they differ from O. mantchuricus. 23. Cervus TARVANUs. 1862. Cervus taévanus, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1862, p. 152, pl. 16. , Swinh. loc cit. p. 362. 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z. S. vol. vii. p- 345, pls. 33, 34. Hab. Mountains of Formosa. 24. Cervus CaAspicus. 1874. Cervus caspicus, Brooke, P. Z. &. 1874, p. 42. Hab. Mountaing §.W. of the Caspian. Since my original notice of this supposed species, I have received no further information respecting it. The antlers are in my private collection ; and I am still unable to refer them to any known species. Although I have placed the species provisionally amongst the Pseud- axine Deer, I am very far from satisfied that this is its proper loca- tio. I am chiefly influenced in doing so by an antler I have lately received from Mr. Robertson (H.B.M. Vice-Consul, Busra) from the Karun, which is of decided Pseudaxine character, and may possibly belong to the same species. It is to be hoped that, through the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Robertson, we may ere long have the advantage of seeing this species living in the Society’s Mena- erie. 4 I have hesitated in referring the Cervus pseudaxis of Eydoux and Souleyet (‘ Voy. de la Bonite,’ vol. i. p. 64, pl. 12) to any species of this subgenus. The specimen is still preserved in the Muséum @’ His- 910 SIR V, BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, toire Naturelle at Paris; but though I have often carefully examined it, the absence of the skull and the great uncertainty of the locality where it was procured render it impossible to form a decided opinion. (Cervus, subgen.) 1766. Cervus, Linn. Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) p. 92. Antlers differ from those of Pseudaxis in having a second brow- antler (fig. 8, a’) developed above the brow-antler (fig. 8, a), in the brow-antler being curved forwards at a right angle with the beam (fig. 8, x), and in the posterior coronal tine (fig. 8, @) being more strongly developed than the anterior coronal tine (fig. 8, ce). Skull as in Pseudaxis. Molars sometimes with small supplementary columns. Cervus (Cervus) elaphus. Upper border of the internarial portion of the rhinarium forming an acute angle, with apex directed forwards. Infranarial portion of rhinarium not developed ; the prenarial portion much constricted, but spreading out before joining the upper lip. Tail short. Neck maned. A patch of lighter colour than that of the body surrounds the tail. Stature large. Young spotted. Distribution. Paleearctic and Nearctic regions. 25. CERVUS ELAPHUS. 1766. Cervus elaphus, Linn. Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) p. 93. 1837. barbarus, Benn. List An. Gard, Zool. Soe. 13th pub. p- 31 (sine descr.). Range. Co. Kerry (Ireland) ; Cumberland; Devonshire ; high- lands of Scotland, and following islands—Harris, Skye, Rum, Mull, , Jura, and Arran ; island of Hitteren (Norway); Southern Sweden ; 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDZ, 911 France; Spain; Germany; Austria; Turkey; Greece; Corsica ; Sardinia; Province of Constantine (Algeria) ; Asia Minor; Cau- casus. A comparison of the gigantic antlers of the Red Deer of the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries preserved in the old hunting Schloss at Moritzburg (built 1540), near Dresden, with the antlers of Red Deer from the islands of Harris or Sardinia, shows in a most striking manner the great variations to which this species is subject. Some of the antlers at Moritzburg measure 50 inches along the outside curve, are 10 inches in circumference round the smallest part of the beam, and the two antlers carry from 24 to 50 points. The spread between the coronal tines of one specimen is 74 inches. Antlers from Harris and Sardinia rarely exceed 30 inches in length, their cireum- ference being about 4 inches; they very rarely carry a larger num- ber than 12 points; and their span seldom exceeds 28 inches. I have considered the African Deer, Cervus barbarus, specifi- cally identical with Cervus elaphus. Specimens from Corsica and Sardinia completely bridge over the characters which have been ad- vanced as distinctive of the African and European races. The second brow-antler is rarely developed in the African form ; but I have known instances of its occurrence. 26. Cervus XANTHOPYGUS. 1831. Cervus elaphus, Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-Asiat. vol. i. p. 217. 1853. ——, Midd. Sib. Reis. Wirb., Band ii. Th. 2, p. 120. 1859. ———- ——, Schrenck, Reis. u. Forsch. Amurlande, Band i. p. 170. 1862. ——- ——, Radde, Reis. im Siid. v. Ost-Sib. Band i. p. 284. 1867. wanthopygus, Alph. M.-Edw. Ann. Sc. Nat. sér. 5, vol. viii. p. 376; Rech. s.1. Mamm. p. 181, pl. 21. 1876. —— elaphus, Prejevalsky, Mongolia (Engl. trans.), vol. i. p- 164. Range. From the Caucasus to the Altai, and thence round Baikal through Dauria, as far as the Lena and Witim (Pallas) ; thence to the mountains surrounding the sources of the Silimdsha and Bureja (Middendorf’) ; along the Amoor, as far eastwards as the Gorin and the Chelasso, and thence southwards to the sea- coast, a few days’ journey south of the Bay of Kastries (Schrench) ; Chinghan Mountains (Radde) ; Munniula Mountains (China, lat. of Pekin) (Prejevalsky). Type, Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris. This species was founded provisionally by Professor Alphonse Milne-Edwards upon the examination of a single specimen, certain cranial peculiarities and the large size of the anal disk deciding him ‘that it was expedient for the time being to keep the form separate from Cervus elaphus. It is by no means certain that Cervus xantho- pygus (should the species ultimately prove distinct from Cervus elaphus, which I greatly doubt) is the form found in all the localities above mentioned. The exact limits of the distribution eastwards of Cervus elaphus, Cervus eustephanus (Blanf.), and Cervus maral 912 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, (Ogilby) remain as yet unknown; and it is fully possible that the Deer met with by some of the celebrated travellers above quoted may have appertained to one or more of these species. 27. CERVUS EUSTEPHANUS. 1875. Cervus eustephanus, Blanf. P. Z.S. 1875, p. 638, fig. Hab. Thian-Shan mountains. This species is only known from its antlers, which are of immense size. Specimens which I have seen, in their great size and flattened crowns so closely resemble antlers of Cervus canadensis that it would be impossible to decide to which species they had belonged. 28. CERVUS MARAL. 1840. Cervus maral, Ogilby, Rep. Counc. Zool. Soc. 1840, . 22. ‘ 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z. 8. vol. vii. p. 336, pl. 29. Hab. Circassia, Persia. Cervus maral differs in a marked manner from the allied species C. elaphus and C. cashmeerianus in the much greater length of its face, as shown by the table given below. The Red Deer of which the measurements are there given was a remarkably large old male. A pair of Cervus maral, which lived at large in one of my parks for some years, kept entirely apart from the Red Deer inhabiting the same park. They bred together; and during the rutting-season the species never showed the faintest desire to cross. This was the more remarkable as the old stag Maral, though considerably larger in size, lived in great fear of the Red Deer stags, which during that season roamed incessantly through the park in search of hinds, but at all times treated the female Maral with sovereign disdain, although at any moment they could have taken possession of her had they so desired. The limits of the eastern range of Cervus maral are as yet un- defined. Cervus maral. | Cervus elaphus. | C. cashmeerianus. Eng. in. | metre | Eng. in. | metre| Eng. in. | metre 16 Total length of skull ...| 18 0-457 0-405) 16 0-405 From oce. prominence to ant. rim of orbit ... .. 76 | 0-193 7-5 | 0-190 7 0-178 From ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of the preemaxille..............- 11 0:280 9 0229 88 | 0:223 Length of upper molar and premolar series ...| 5 0°127 45 |0114 45 |0114 29. CreRVUS CASHMEERIANUS. 1839. Cervus cashmeerianus, Falconer, MS. (non vidi). 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z.S. vol. vii. p. 339, pl. 30. Hab. Cashmere. The voice of the Cashmere Stag in the rutting-season differs greatly 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDZ. 913 from that of the Red Deer in the same season. In the former it isa loud squeal ending in a more guttural tone; in the latter it is a distinct roar resembling that of a Panther. The voice of the Wapiti resembles that of the Cervus cashmeerianus. The second brow- antler (fig. 8, a’) in Cervus cashmeerianus, with very rare excep- tions, exceeds the brow-antler (fig. 8, a) in length, a peculiarity by which the antlers of this species may be distinguished from those of its allies. 30. CERVUS AFFINIS. 1835. Cervus affinis, Hodgs. Journ. As. Soc. Beng. vol. iv. p- 648, pl. 53. fig. 5. 1871. , Sclat. Trans. Z. 8. vol. vii. p. 343. Cervus wallichii, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 4) tom. vi. p. 88; and F. Cuv. Hist. Nat. Mamm. pl. 356. Hab. Choombi valley (Eastern Himalayas). Should Cervus wallichii, Cuv., prove to be specifically identical with Cervus affinis, Hodgs., the former name, having priority, must stand. The antlers of the type of Cuvier’s original description are, I believe, still preserved in the Museum of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta ; F. Cuvier’s plate shows them to be of decidedly abnormal growth. 31. Cervus CANADENSIS. 1777. Cervus canadensis, Erxl. Syst. Régn. An. p. 305. 1857. Cervus canadensis, Baird, N. Am. Mamm. p- 638. ftange. Alleghany regions of Pennsylvania and Virginia, Northern Wisconsin ?, Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Washington, Oregon, and California ; 57° N. is its northern limit (Baird). (Dama, subgen.) 1827. Dama(subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p.306. Antlers about twice the length of the head, palmated, the tines on the upper half of the antler rising from their posterior surface (figs. 9and 10). Skull resembling that of Cervus, but more depressed, broader proportionally, and the orbits more prominent. Auditory bull subglobular; no upper canines; rhinarium as in Cervus. Tail moderate. Prepuce furnished with a tuft of long hair. Both sexes spotted in summer, unspotted in winter. Black markings on the rump and tail as in Pseudavis. Stature medium. Young spotted. Distribution. South-western Palearctic region. 32. CeERVUS DAMA. 1766. Cervus dama, Linn. Syst. Nat. (ed. 12) i. p. 93. 1843. Dama vulgaris, Gray, Spec. Mamm. Brit. Mus. p. 181. 1874. Cervus dama, Jeitt. Zool. Gart. 1874, p. 288, (translated by Sclater) Nature, vol. ii. p. 71 ; vide also Boyd Dawkins, tom. cit. pp- 112, 210, 226, and Brooke, tom. cit. p. 210, figures. Range. Greece, Spain, Anatolia, island of Rhodes, Sardinia, N. Palestine ; frontier of Tunis in Algeria? (fide Loche). ; 914 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, The semidomesticated life which the Fallow Deer has lead for so many generations in the parks of Europe has given rise to many permanent variations of colour. The natural colour of the species in a wild condition in summer is a brilliant fawn with white spots irregu- larly distributed over the upper parts of the sides and haunches, this spotted region being bounded inferiorly on the sides and posteriorly on the haunches by indefinite white lines. In winter the spots en- tirely disappear. Cervus (Dama) mesopotamicus. 33. CERVUS MESOPOTAMICUS. 1875. Cervus (Dama) mesopotamicus, Brooke, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 265, pl. 38. figs. 1, 2. 1876. , Brooke, P. Z. S. 1876, p. 298, figs. 1-4. Hab. Luvristan hills (Persia). 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID&. 915 Since my description of the species, the Society has received two living specimens( ¢ and 2) from Mr. Robertson, to whom I was in- debted for my original knowledge of its existence. Cervus mesopo- tamicus is a very much larger animal than C. dama. B. Distal ends of metacarpi remaining. (TELEMETACARPI.) Posterior portion of the narial cavity not divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus when present above the centre of that bone. Tuft on inside of the tarsus absent. 4. ALcEs. 1827. Alces (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p. 303. Antlers dichotomous, both main branches palmated, the posterior branch (fig. 11, 6) much surpassing the anterior branch (fig. 11, a) in dimensions. Anterior nares of great extent, owing to the shortness of the nasals. Lacrymal pit and anteorbital vacuity moderate. Fig. 11. => S —S Se = Alces machlis. Ascending rami of the premaxillz long, not articulating with the nasals. Incisors decreasing gradually in size from the central to the exterual pair. A very small triangular rhinarium. Head very long, neck and body short, legs very long, stature great. Young unspotted. Distribution. North Palearctic and Nearctic regions. 916 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, ALCES MACHLIS. 1836. Alces machlis, Ogilby, P. Z.S. 1836, p. 135. 1834-7. americanus, Jard. Nat. Libr. xi. p. 125. Range. Sweden, Lithuania? Northern Russia, Altai Mountains ? mountains to the west of Lake Baikal. Apple Mountains (west of Chita), Khinghan Mountains ; forests of the Lower Amoor as far south as the mouth of the Ussuri, in lat. 48° (Radde, &c.). ‘ West coasts of America from the shores of the Arctic Ocean nearly to the Columbia River. Further east the northern limit is about 65° and thence through Canada to Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, and the north parts of New York” (Baird). 5. Hypropores. 1870. Hydropotes, Swinh. P. Z.S. 1870, p. 90. Without antlers in either sex. Lacrymal pit deep, small, its antero-posterior diameter about equalling that of m. 3. Anteorbital vacuity moderate. Ascending rami of the premaxille strong. Orbits small and but slightly prominent, their greatest diameter less than the extent of the three upper molars. Auditory bulle con- siderably inflated, a portion intervening between the tympanohyal and the paroccipital process. Angle of lower jaw much produced backwards, forming a compressed semicircular prominence. Rami of lower jaw between the dental foramen and the incisors compressed and raised into sharp ridges, the edges of which are everted. Ca- nines of immense size, in the male curved downwards, and gently convergent, pulp non-persistent. Rhinariumample. No metatarsal tufts. Interdigital glands in hind feet deep, in fore feet slightly developed and shallow. Spigelian lobe of liver Rusiform (jide Garrod). Young spotted distinctly, from 3 to 6 atabirth. Stature small. Distribution. Eastern Palearctic region. HyDROPOTES INERMIS. 1870. Hydropotes inermis, Swinh. P. Z. 8. 1870, p. 89, pls. 6, 7. 1871. , Hams? ZS. 1871, p. 258. 1877. 5 Gart. PAS: 1877, p.'789. Hab. Islands of the Yang-tse-Kiang. 6. CAPREOLUS. 1827. Capreolus (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p- 313. Antlers less than twice the length of the head. Normal number of tines 6. Brow-antler (fig. 12, a) developed from the an- terior surface of the upper half of the antler, directed upwards. Lacrymal pit very shallow and of small extent. Anteorbital vacuity small. Ascending rami of the premaxille articulating generally but not invariably with the nasals. Auditory bulle very slightly inflated, their external surface rugose. Angle of lower jaw as in Hydropotes, Crowns of central incisors moderately expanded. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID. 917 Upper margin of the internarial rhinarium running straight across from the upper angle of the nostrils. No infranarial rhinarium. Tail very short. In the female the clitoris is surrounded by a long tuft of hair. Interdigital glands in the fore feet rudimentary, in the hind feet deep, opening by a narrow orifice into a capacious round pouch. Stature small. Young spotted. Distribution. Central and Western Palearctic region. Capreolus caprea. 1. CAPREOLUS CAPRA. 1843. Capreolus caprea, Gray, Cat. Spec. Mamm. Brit. Mus. p- 176. 1844. Capreolus europeus, Sund. Pec., Vetensk. Akad. Handl. 1844, p. 184. Range. Scotland, Southern Sweden, France, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Spain, Tuscany, Greece, Turkey, Northern Palestine, Elburz Mountains (South of Caspian). I have received a specimen from the last-mentioned locality which differs in no respect from the European specimens. 2, CAPREOLUS PYGARGUS. 1771. Cervus pygargus, Pall. Reise Russ. Reichs, vol. i. p. 97, Append. p. 453 1831. Cervus capreolus, Pall. Zoogr. Rosso-As. vol. i. p. 219. 1853. , Midd. Sib. Reis. Wirb. Band ii. Th. 2, p. 118. ~ 1859. ——- ——, Schrenck, Reis. u. Forsch. Amurlande, Band i. p- 163. 1862. , Radde, Reise Siid. v. Ost-Sib. Band i. p. 277. Range. Suitable localities in the mountains forming the watershed between the Russian and Chinese empires, in Central Asia ; Chingan Mountains (Mantchuria). Most authors have considered C. pygargus to be a large variety of the common Roe. There are, however, in the British Museum two Specimens purchased from Brandt and said to be from Siberia, which, in their very much larger size, larger anal disk, and much more hairy ears, differ widely from all specimens of the common species. Specimens of Roe from Mantchuria in the British and Paris Museums are very much smaller than the above-mentioned Proc. Zooxu. Soc.—1878, No. LX. 60 918 SIR V., BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, specimens; they also differ from the larger specimens and the common Roe in some details of coloration. It is not improbable that the Mantchurian Roe may prove to be a third modification of the form. C. Distal ends of the lateral metacarpals remaining. (TELEMETA- CARPI.) Posterior portion of the nasal chamber divided by the vomer into two distinct chambers. Tuft of hair on the external surface of the metatarsus, when pre- sent, below the centre of that bone. Tuft on the inside of the tarsus frequently present. Ascending rami of the preemaxillze not reaching the nasals. (Ex- ception, subgen. Furcifer.) 7. Cartacvs. (Cartacus, subgen.) 1827. Mazama (subgen.), Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p- 314 (nec Rafinesque)’. 1850. Cariacus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1850, p. 237. Antlers not greatly exceeding the head in length, on short pedestals. A short upright brow-antler (fig. 13, a) rises from the inner surface of the lower third of the antler some little distance above the burr. The antlers are curved boldly forwards, down- wards, and inwards, one or more tines being developed from their Fig. 13. Cariacus (Cariacus) virginianus, convex or posterior surface. Skull elongated and narrow. Laery- mal pit of moderate extent, owing to the very large anteorbital vacuity, which encroaches on the region usually occupied by the facial plate of the lacrymal. WNasals forming the larger part of the superior border of the anteorbital vacuity. Auditory bulle slightly inflated. No upper canines; molars sometimes with small supplementary columns; central incisors bnt slightly spatulate. A tuft of long 2 Mazama, of Rafinesque (1817), is too ill-defined to be used for either the Rocky-Mountain Sheep or the Pronghorn ; but its publication invalidates its subsequent use in any other sense. Cf, Baird, N.-Am. Mamm. p. 665. 1878. ] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDE. 919 hair on the inner surface of the limb at the tarsal joint. Rhinarium as in Cervus. Tail long. Stature medium. Young spotted. Distribution. Nearctic and northern portions of the Neotropical region. (a) Antlers non-dichotomous. Lacrymal of moderate depth. 1. CARIACUS VIRGINIANUS. 1774. Cervus virginianus, Bodd. Elench. An. vol. i. p. 136 (non vidi). 1788. —— ——, Gm. L. Syst. Nat. p. 179. 1857. , Baird, N.-Amer. Mamm. p. 643, figs. 12, 13. Range. From Maine all over the United States east of the Mis- souri (Baird). 2. CARIACUS LEUCURUS. 1829. Cervus leucurus, Dougl. Zool. Journ, vol. iv. p. 330. 1857. , Baird, N.-Amer. Mamm. p. 649, figs. 14-18. 1873. —— , Walsingham, P. Z.S8. 1873, p. 561. Range. N. California, Oregon principally east of the Cascade Mountains (Walsingham), Washington, Dakota west of the Mis- souri, Nebraska (Baird). 3. CARIACUS MEXICANUS. 1827-1834. Cervus mexicanus, Licht. Darst. d. Thiere, Taf. 18. 1827. Cervus nemoralis, Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. iv. p- 137, plate. 1857. , Baird, N.-Amer. Mamm. 653. Range. Texas, Mexico, Sonora (Baird); Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua (Salvin) ; Costa Rica (Saussure) ; Panama (Salvin). Lichtenstein’s types, ¢ et 2 Mus. Berlin. The name Cervus mexicanus was originally given by Gmelin (Syst. Nat. p. 179) to the Mexican deer of Pennant, described in his ‘Quadrupeds,’ p. 110. The description and dimensions given by Pennant are reconcilable with the Cervus meaicanus of Lichtenstein ; but the antlers figured by him (plate xi. figure 3) are certainly not referable to the same form. They appear rather to represent ab- normal antlers of Cariacus macrotis. The specimens described by Lichtenstein were obtained by Graf von Sack in Mexico, and are in all particulars thoroughly typical of the Deer inhabiting the localities I have given in the range of this species. I give the dimensions of a female specimen collected by Mr. Salvin in Guatemala, and of the antlers of a male collected by the same gentleman in the same locality. The latter resemble in every par- ticular antlers collected by Mr. Salvin in Nicaragua and Panama. There are not more than six points, inclusive of the brow-antler, on both antlers in any of the specimens collected between Guatemala and Panama; but I have seen specimens from Mexico and Texas with eight and ten tines; and one splendid specimen collected by Mr. Dresser near Friedrichsburg in Texas has as ee fifteen. 0 920 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, The Texan deer are decidedly larger than those inhabiting Guate- mala, Nicaragua, and Panama. Dimensions of Cariacus mexicanus. Engl. inches. Metre. © Heicht at shoulder 0... ceca en 27°5 0°700 Lengthvof ears «0253... . sah 4:3 0°110 Length of tail exclusive of hair...... 5:5 0°140 Total length of skull in a straight line 90 0°230 Length from ant. rim of orbit to free extremity of preemaxille ...,.... 4°5 0-114 Length of molar and premolar series (Chi st eee es aaine tees Lain 2°7 0:067 @Lengthormntlers .°.).% . sane secww,.» 79 0°190 Greatest span........ Avis ovRodg © guvte aReRe 8:2 0°210 4. CaRIACUS SIMILIS ? 1852. Cervus similis, Puch. Nouv. Arch. du Mus. 1852, p. 357, pl. 26. Hab. Unknown. Type, ¢ Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris, 5. CARIACUS SAVANNARUM. 1848. Cervus savannarum, Cab. & Schomb. Reis. Brit. Guian. vol. ili. p. 785. 1852. Cervus gymnotis, Puch. Nouv. Arch. du Mus. 1852, p. 348, pl. 25, pl. 23. figs. 2-10. Hab. Guiana, Venezuela? Type, g Mus. Berlin. 6. CARIACUS PERUVIANUS. 1874. Coassus peruvianus, Gray, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) vol. xiii. p. 332, Hab, Peru. Types, 2 Brit. Mus., 2 in my own collection. The number of specimens from well-authenticated localities at present existing in European collections is far too small to enable me to form any decided opinion respecting the degree of persistency of modification in the above-mentioned forms. Notwithstanding, I think it highly probable that when we possess a sufficiently large series we shall find that C. peruvianus and the four preceding species are nothing more than climatic varieties of C. virginianus, connected inseparably by every shade of intermediate forms. Mr. Allen, in his valuable paper on the geographical variation of North-American Mammals, especially in respect to size (Bull, U.S. Survey, 1876, p- 304), has conclusively proved that a decrease in size and charac- teristic development takes place in all mammals the centre of whose area of distribution is in North America, as they spread southwards ; and, so far as the materials at my command enable me to judge, I think it probable that the characters upon which C. leucurus, C. mexicanus, C. similis, C. savannarum, and C. peruvianus have been established as species may be in large measure the result of this law. 1878.} CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDH. 921 7. CARIACUS GYMNOTIS. 1833. Cervus gymnotis, Wiegm. Isis von Oken, p. 965. Hab. New Granada. Type, ¢ Mus. Berlin. This is, I think, a distinct species. The large drooping ears (naked externally), the very narrow head, and the remarkably slender, delicate form of the animal render it easily distinguishable from specimens of the ailied species, 8. Carracus ToutEcus. 1860. Cervus toltecus, Sauss. Rey. et Mag. Zool. (ser. 2) tom. xil. p. 247. Hab. Vera Cruz. M. Saussure gives 6-9 inches as the total length of the skull of his type specimen, which was a male of at least two years of age, as evidenced by his antlers, which are not those of thé first year. If this measurement is correct, Cariacus toltecus is a very small species, one third smaller than C. mexicanus from the same locality, (8) Antlers dichotomous, Lacrymal pit deep. 9. Carracus MAcRoTIs. 1823. Cervus macrotis, Say, Narr. Long’s Exp. vol. ii. p. 88. 1857. » Baird, N.-Amer. Mamm. p- 656. 1873. , Walsingham, P. Z. 8. 1873, p. 561. Range. Oregon, Nebraska, Dakota west of the Missouri, Colorado, Kansas. Fie. 14, Cariacus (Cariacus) macrotis, 10. Cartacus COLUMBIANUs. 1829. Cervus macrotis, var. /3. columbianus, Rich, Faun, Bor.-Am. p- 257, 922 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, 1848. Cervus lewisii, Peale, Mamm. Birds U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 39 (fide Baird). 1850. Cariacus punctulatus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1850, p. 239, pl. 28. 1857. Cervus columbianus, Baird, N.-Amer. Mamm. p. 659. Range. California, Oregon, and Washington west of the Cascade Mountains. This species is about one third smaller than C. macrotis, which it otherwise closely resembles. The two species are found on the same ground in Washington. (Biastocerus, subgen.) 1850. Blastocerus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1850, p. 237. Antlers slightly exceeding the head in length, on short pedestals. They are dichotomous, the anterior branch (figs. 15 and 16, a) infe- rior to the posterior branch (0) in development. In adult speci- mens the former sometimes, the latter always bifurcates. Lacrymal Cariacus (Blastocerus) paludosus. pit deep. Skull in all essential particulars resembles that of Ca- riacus. Central incisors very slightly spatulate, and exceeding the pair next to them but slightly in size. Tail short. No metatarsal tuft. Tarsal tuft present. Distribution. Central and Southern Neotropical region. 11. CarIACUS PALUDOSUS. 1820. Cervus paludosus, Desm. Mamm. p. 443. , Licht. Darst. pl. 17 (1827-1834). 1872. , Hensel, Beitr. Kenntn. Saug. Siid-Bras. p. 95. Range. South Brazil, Paraguay, Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguay. 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVID®. 923 12. CARIACUS CAMPESTRIS. Cervus campestris, F. Cuv. Dict. Se. Nat. tom. vii. p. 484. , Licht. Darst. pl. 19 (1827-1834). » Hensel, Beitr. Kenntn. Siug. Siid-Bras. p. 96 (1872). Range. Paraguay, Uruguay, Buenos Ayres, N. Patagonia. Fig. 16. Cariacus (Blastocerus) campestris. (Furcirer, subgen.) 1850. Furcifer, Gray, P. Z.S. 1850, p. 236. Antlers the length of the head, with a strong brow-antler (fig. 17, a) curved forwards and upwards at a right angle to the simple beam (fig. 17, «), which is gradually attenuated toa sharp point. The entire beam is curved gently forwards. lLacrymal pit deep, but of moderate antero-posterior extension. Auditory bulle very slightly . Fig. 17. Cariacus (Furcifer) antisiensis. inflated, their external surface rugose. Ascending rami of the pre- maxille articulating with the nasals. Free extremities of the nasals forming together a single point. Central incisors very slightly exceeding the pair next to them in size, and but slightly spatulate. Upper canines in both sexes. Rhinarium as in Cariacus. Stature medium. Distribution. South-western Neotropical region. 13. CARIACUS CHILENSIS. 1846. Cervus chilensis, Gay et Gerv. Ann. d. Sc. Nat. 1846, p. 91. 1849. Capreolus leucotis, Gray, P.Z.S.1849, p.64, Mamm. pl. 12. 924 SIR V. BROOKE ON THE [Nov. 19, 1875. Cervus chilensis, Sclat. P. Z. S. 1875, p. 45, figure. Range. Andes “from Magellan to near Santiago, but far more rare in the north than in the southern portion of its range” (Reed, P. Z. S. 1875, p. 44). Type, 2 Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris. 14. CARIACUS ANTISIENSIS. 1834. Cervus antisiensis, D’Orb. Nouv. Arch. du Mus. iii. p. 91. 1869. Anomalocera huamel, Gray, Scient. Opin. 1869, p. 384. 1869. Xenelaphus huamel, Gray, P. Z.S. 1869, p. 497. 1872. Xenelaphus leucotis, Gray, Cat. of Rum. Mamm. p. 89. 1872. Xenelaphus anomalocera, Gray, Aun. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) vol. x. p. 445. 1873. Xenelaphus chilensis, Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) vol. xii. Bees is y 1874. Furcifer chilensis, Gray, Ann. Nat. Hist. (ser. 4) vol. xiii. . 332. i 1875. Cervus antisiensis, Sclat. P. Z.8. 1875, p. 46. Range. Peruvian Andes. Type, ¢ Mus. d’Hist. Nat. Paris. Naturalists owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Sclater for the care and clearness with which he has unravelled the meshes of confusion in which the synonymy of the two very distinct species, Cariacus chi- lensis (Gay) and C. antisiensis (D’Orb.), was formerly enveloped. There is not the smallest foundation for a third species of Furcifer. The type of Xenelaphus leucotis, &c. of Dr. Gray is preserved in the British Museum, and is undoubtedly nothing but a very fine old male C. antisiensis with strongly developed abnormal antlers. (Coassus, subgen.) 1827. Subulo (subgen.), Ham. Sm., ‘Griff. An. Kingd. vol. y. . 318%. ' 1850. Coassus, Gray, P. Z.S. 1850, p. 240. Antlers simple spikes not exceeding half the length of the head (fig. 18). Skull resembling that of Cariacus, the auditory bulle less inflated and the facial profile more arched. Molars sometimes ~ Fig. 18. ¢ Smit lith. | ah Hanhart imp AC CIPITER.STEVENS ONI | RH JSmit lith PoRUDOP TYNX Pee .2. 1878 Pl Lin Hanhart imp GURNEYI. aAnnary tmz ICINA. CHA TURA P 1878. ] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 937 lection. I have only included in these lists those birds the names of which I am absolutely certain I can give with accuracy.” Cacatua hematuropygia. {New to Zamboanga. | Haliastur intermedius. {Already recorded. ] Merops bicolor. {Already recorded. } Entomobia gularis. {Already recorded. | Sauropatis chloris. {Already recorded. | Artamus leucorhynchus. {Already recorded. | . Anthus, sp.? [?] Carpophaya, sp.? [Probably Ptilocolpa griseipectus, and new to Zamboanga. | Turtur dussumieri. [New to Zamboanga. | Charadrius fulvus. Throat and belly jet-black. [Already re- corded. | Tringoides hypoleucus. | Already recorded. ] Sterna, sp. Bill chrome; crown of head black ; wing delicate brownish-grey ; underparts snowy white. Rather large. [Probably Sterna bergii, and already recorded. } Three of the above species (omitting the Anthus as undetermin- able) not having previously been recorded from Zamboanga, when added to the number of species represented by specimens, raise the total number of birds known from this part-of Mindanao to 121. 1. CAcaTUA HEMATUROPYGIA (1). | Zamboanga. | T include this species on Mr. Everett’s authority. 2. PRIONITURUS DISCURUs (2). [Zamboanga, 2 3, April.] 3. TANYGNATHUS LUZONENSIS (3). [Zamboanga, 2, May. | 4. CYCLOPSITTA LUNULATA (4). [Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March, April, and May. ] Examples with lunated collars are marked female by Mr. Everett, those with blue collars as being males. 5. LoricuLus HARTLAUBI (7). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April and May.] 6. HyporriorCHIs SEVERUS (9). [Zamboanga, g, April: iris dark brown; bill black; cere and orbital skin greenish yellow ; legs bright yellow ; claws black.] In the plumage described by Mr. Sharpe (Cat. Accipitres, p. 397) as belonging to the young bird. 7. MicrowieRax ERYTHROGENYS (10). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April.] 938 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, 8. ACCIPITER STEVENSONI. (Plate LVII.) Accipiter stevensoni, Gurney, Ibis, 1863, p. 447, t. xi. [Zamboanga. a. 2, April: iris golden; bill black; legs greenish ochre. 4. 9, April: iris golden ; orbital skin greenish-yellow ; bill leaden, apex and cere blackish ; legs greenish-yellow, but pale brown on the toes; claws dark brown. c. ¢, pullus, April: iris yellow; bill black; legs light green; sole of foot yellow; claws black. d. (sex ?), pullus, April : iris yellow ; cere greenish; beak and claws black ; legs light greenish; sole of foot yellow. | Dimensions :-— Wing. Tail. Tarsus. Middle toe. in. in. in. in. @: Qa tise nice ROO 5°75 1°87 1:16 ‘es Sods Sa oe tae 6°75 3°79 1°75 1°25 e. 6 juv.( 92). 5°75 4:00 1°81 125 Aire JAVe-— 21, . An Oeee 4°00 1°62 1:06 Example a is slaty brown above, darkest on the head. Rectrices pale greyish slate-colour, with five dark-brown bands on middle pair. The under surface is white; the pectoral, abdominal, and flank-plumes being traversed with two, three, or more pale-brown bands. The pure white throat has a dark brown and extremely narrow median line formed by the white feathers having a very fine dark edging to the shafts. The quills underneath are regularly banded with white and brown, above brown banded with dark brown. The innermost tertiaries are at most pure white with a pale brown margin. Axillaries pure white with a series of narrow brown cross bars. Example 6 (which is figured in the accompanying plate) has the breast and abdomea uniform pure bright rufous. When the feathers are discomposed they appear white banded with bright rufous. Vent and under tail-coverts are pure white. Thigh-coyerts white, with faint pale rufous cross bands. Middle of throat white, with terminal pale earthy marks. Sides of head dingy pale rufous-brown. Upper plumage brown, mixed with rufous in some of the feathers. Middle pair of rectrices with six transverse brown bands. Quills barred as in example a, pale rufous occupying the interspaces be- tween the brown bands to a great extent. Avxillaries white, banded with pale rufous. Examples ¢ and d are of nestlings in rufous dress. Underneath creamy-fulvous,with broad ruddy brown stripes. A central gular stripe of brown. Middle pair of rectrices with three brown bands. Upper surface of body and head dark brown, with rusty margins and bases to the feathers. Thigh-coverts spotted with light ruddy brown. Mr. Gurney observes on these specimens as follows :—The hawk “‘ marked a on the ticket is a female of Accipiter stevensoni in the ordinary adult dress ; that marked 4 I believe to be the same ; but I have never before seen a female with so rufous a breast, though it much resembles the figure of the male type specimen (now somewhat faded) in the ‘ Ibis’ (/. s. c.). The two nestlings may be either A. ste- 1878. ] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 939 vensoni or A. virgatus. We have a very similar one from Java; but as both species are found there, I am not sure to which it belongs, but probably to 4. virgatus, as I suspect that 4. stevensoni is only a winter visitor to Java. Judging from the size of the tarsus and foot, I think the larger nestling, marked c, is a female though marked male, and that the smaller, marked d, is a male.” Having expressed to Mr. Gurney some doubts about the correct- ness of identifying example 4 with the female of 4. stevensoni, that gentleman kindly favoured me with the following remarks :— “Your rufous-breasted hawk from the Philippines, which I marked 6, is certainly nearer to A. stevensoni than to any other species that I am acquainted with; but since returning it to you I have felt some doubt as to whether it will not prove to belong to a . distinct and undescribed species. “Your bird differs in having the wing shorter than any of our females, and larger than any of our males. Our three males have but four transverse bars on the tail. Of our four females three have five bars, and the fourth (an immature bird from Java) four, like the males, whereas your specimen 6 has six, as mentioned in your letter. “None of our females have any rufous on the breast ; and in all our males it is hardly more than a tinge of buff. Our type speci- men (a male, figured in the ‘Ibis’ for 1863, pl. 11) is perhaps somewhat faded ; but our Curator is confident that it was never so rufous as is represented in the ‘Ibis’ plate ; and in this I believe he is right. “Your bird is more like the male of 4. stevensoni than it is to the female ; but as your collector has marked it 2, it probably is so. ‘Specimens of A. stevensoni are scarce, and we hardly know the limits of variation to which it is liable ; and on this account I should be glad if additional specimens like your skin 4 could be obtained, before venturing to publish it as a species distinct from A. stevensont ; but at the same time, if it should ultimately prove distinct, it would by no means surprise me. *‘ | ought toadd that as 4. stevensoni has not yet been met with when paired, we have no positive proof that the bird which I suppose to be its female (the type being a male) is so, though I do not myself entertain any doubt of such being the case.”’ 9. SPILORNIS HOLOsPILUS (16). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April and May. | 10. ELaANus HYPOLEUCUs (18). ? [Zamboanga, ¢ juv., May: iris light yellow-brown; bill black ; cere greenish yellow; feet pale chrome; claws black. ]} 11. Nrnox sPILOCEPHALA, sp. n. (Zamboanga, ¢, March: iris golden; bill greenish leaden ; feet pale yellow. 9, April: iris golden; bill-greenish lead, tinged yellow on culmen and tip; feet wax-yellow. 2, April: iris light greenish-yellow. | 940 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19; Were it not that the large series of examples sent by Mr. Everett (six males and thirteen females) all agree in having spotted heads, I should not have ventured to separate the Zamboanga species from N. philippinensis of Luzon. Every variety of markings and colora- tions is exhibited in this series, from dark brown to tawny-rufous brown above, and stripes and spots of the same colours below ; but all the nineteen examples have the frontal and coronal feathers brown, spotted with rufous—in some bright rufous, in others pale tawny rufous. Some have the whole under plumage, from throat to vent, dark-centred; others have the breast almost uniform rich rufous, without pale margins, and with a subterminal brown trans- verse narrow band. Every specimen has its sex noted on its label; and the length of the wing in the six birds marked ¢ is greater than im those marked Q. The wing of the six males ranges in length from 6°50 to 7:0, of the thirteen females from 6°25 to 6°50. Two Luzon males have the wings 6°37 and 5:25. Mr. Sharpe (Cat. ii. p. 168) states 2 inches as the length of the tarsus of an example of NV. philippinensis in the British Museum: none of these Zamboanga birds has the tarsus longer than 1°12. 12. ‘Nrnox LUGUBRIS. Striv lugubris, Tickell, J. A. S. B. ii. p. 573. [Zamboanga. a. 2, March: iris golden; bill blackish ; cere, cul- men, and mandible greenish’ yellow; feet dark chrome-yellow ; claws black. 6. 2, April: ims deep brown; bill greenish; feet chrome-yellow. | Dimensions :— Wing. Tarsus. Culmen. ‘Tail. in. in. in. in, Ctr eae 1°12 0°62 4°75 hoe 2 Oe 1:12 imperfect. 4°82 Six caudal bands. Virst two primaries without bars. The wings of a ruddy hue. The outer webs of most of the primaries rusty-red. The remarks Mr. Gurney has been good enough to favour me with about this Zamboanga race of Ninow lugubris are as follows :-— “I think the outer webs of the primaries unusually rufous. We have only one similar specimen, which is from Formosa and is described in Sharpe’s volume (Catalogue, ii. p. 161); and with this specimen the Zamboanga bird seems to me to agree gene- rally. If N. japonica be admitted as distinct from N. lugubris (though I doubt whether it ought to be), the Zamboanga specimen, I think, ought to be referred to NV. japonica.” Mr. Sharpe has suggested (¢. c. p. 166) that the large Japanese and North-China form is migratory. These Zamboanga examples favour his hypothesis. 13. PsreupopTyNx GURNEYI, sp. n. (Plate LVIII.) [Zamboanga, 3, pairing, April : iris warm brown; bill greyish white; feet pale grey ; claws white tipped with dark grey.] 1878. | ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 941 Sides of face bright pure unmarked rufous. Lengthened stiff plumes springing from base of maxilla rufous mixed with tawny, and many with dark-brown shafts and tipped with dark brown. Space above front of eyes, uniting on forehead and extending back over the eyes, pale tawny rufous. Crown and occiput dark rufous, many of the feathers with a dark brown broad mesial stripe. Nape and sides of neck pure rufous. Lengthened ear-tufts the same, some with very narrow brown mesial linear markings near their apices. Plumes bordering the facial disk albescent tawny ; some almost pure white, tipped with dark brown. Chin and upper throat pale tawny rufous. Middle of throat white. Breast and remainder of lower surface pure rufous, more dilute on lengthened tibial plumes and under tail-coverts. A few pectoral plumes, with dark-brown large terminal drops. Many abdominal plumes, with dark-brown elongated central stripes. Back rufous, minutely freckled with brown, each feather with a bold, irregular, dark-brown central stripe. Scapulars like the back, but some of the shorter and outer albescent tawny on outer webs. The dark brown central marks are so arranged that the back, together with the scapulars, appears to have three parallel dark-brown stripes running down it. Uropygium and upper tail-coverts rufous-brown, with darker shafts, Rectrices brown, minutely freckled with pale rufous, and with eight or nine narrow pale rufous cross bands. Minor and median wing-coverts brown, freckled with rufous, and each with a dark narrow central brown line. Major coverts brown on inner web, freckled with rufous on outer. Quills brown, alternately banded with freckled brown and pale rufous. Tertiaries pure rufous, with traces of dark brown along the shafts. Carpal edge white; wing-lining yellowish white ; some of the under carpal coverts rufous, Thigh and tarsal coverts pale rufous and tawny white. Mr. J. H. Gurney writes te me :— “The Pseudoptynx is cer- tainly distinct from P. philippinensis, and, so far as I know, is un- described. Besides its very much smaller size, it is very much more rufous below, and of a much darker rufous above; and the dark central marks of the mantle are altogether of a different character, and very much less coarse than those in P. philippinensis. As to the difference of size, we have two specimens of P. philippinensis here ; and the comparison between their dimensions and those of the Zamboanga bird is as follows :-— Culmen Wing. Tarsus. Middle without toe cere, in. In. in In. “P. philippinensis, No.1.. 15°54 1°6 1-4 4; a> Niozs28 : imperfect 2°5 1.5 1°5 See WUIHCYE A... ms cess 9°3 1'8 1-4 Lis? The dimensions of the type in the British Museum given by Mr, Sharpe (Cat. ii. p. 43) also much exceed those of the Zamboanga bird. I name this fine Owl after Mr. Gurney, to whom for many years 942 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, I have been largely indebted for great assistance in determining the obscurer species of Rapaces. 14. Scops EVERETTI, sp. n. { Zamboanga, 2, April: iris warm brown; bill pale greenish leaden, nearly white; feet whitish grey ; claws dark grey. ¢, April: iris deep brown; feet whitish. | Mr. Everett has sent three examples of a species of Scops, which may be described as being a large form of Scops lempiji as it occurs in Java. Above it has the deep rich brown colouring of the Javan species; the same broad dark-brown mark in the form of a parallelogram on the head and nape; the same pale-coloured forehead, stripe above each eye and round the nape, and the broad dark brown stripe leading from behind the eye, and including most of the ear-tufts. In the Zamboanga species (as represented in Mr. Everett’s series) there are no pale uniform tawny or fulvous sca- pulars. Underneath, the markings differ from those of the Javan bird by being more confused, and by the absence of regular dark-brown cross markings on the abdominal plumes. The general colouring of the under surface is of a ruddier brown, Dimensions :— Wing. Tarsus. Tail. Culmen. in. in. in. in. GC eaeene Gho0 1-20 3°30 0°62 Oo Osho 1°20 3°62 0°68 Mr. Sharpe, to whom I submitted two of the specimens, has obliged me with the following observations :—‘‘ Your Owl is of the S. lempii group, having that peculiar light streak on the sides of the crown, running onto the ear-tufts ; but underneath it is quite aberrant, and verges more towards the Moluccan S. leucospilus sec- tion. At the same time I expect it will come very near Scops umbratilis, Swinhoe.”” Mr. Gurney writes, “‘ The Owl is new to me, and different to any that we have here.” 15. THRIPONAX JAVENSIs (28). [Zamboanga. ¢, March: iris yellow. ] The white at the tips of the primaries is unusually developed in the specimens from Zamboanga. 16. CarysocoLaPTEs Lucipus (32). Chrysocolaptes maculiceps, Sharpe, Tr. L. 8. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 314, t. xlvi. fig. 2. [Zamboanga, 2 , May : iris crimson. | An example (marked a female) wears the plumage of C. macu- liceps, as described and figured by Mr. Sharpe. 1878. ] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 943 17. YUNGIPICUS VALIDIROSTRIS (33 partim). Picus nanus, Vigors, Blyth, J. A. 8. B. 1845, p. 197. Picus validirostris, Blyth, Cat. Cale. Mus. p. 64. no. 305; J. A. 8. B. 1849, p. 805. [Zamboanga, ¢ 2, May: iris crimson?; bill black ; mandible lead-grey ; feet olive. | When writing on Picus maculatus, Scopoli (Tr. Z. 8. ix. p. 148), I stated that the titles I then brought together were treated as synonyms on the assumption that the islands of Luzon, Panay, and Mindanao possessed but one and the same species of Yungipicus. I had had no opportunity of examining an example from any one of the Philippine Islands. Since then Mr. Everett has sent me ex- amples of a species of the genus from Luzon ; and these I identified (P. Z.S. 1877, p. 689) with P. maculatus, rather than create a new title, while their dimensions were too small for P. validirostris, Blyth. The birds from Zamboanga differ specifically from the Luzon species. They are larger; the uropygium and upper tail- coverts are unspotted tawny-white ; and the rectrices are tawny buff banded with dark brown, and not dark brown, for the most part, as in the Luzon bird, with narrrow albescent bands or marks. In both, the lower throat and upper breast are spotted, and uot streaked, as in Y. fuscoalbidus of the Sunda Islands and Malacca. Until typical examples of P. maculatus from Panay are compared, it cannot be affirmed whether the type of P. maculatus belongs to the Luzon or the Mindanao species, or whether it may not be a species distinct from either. In the meantime I adopt Blyth’s title, the dimensions he gives being exactly those of the Zamboanga species :—bill to forehead 0°75 ; wing 3:25. I may mention that Y. aurantiiventris, Salvadori, is an excellent species, quite distinct from Y. fuscoalbidus. 18. HaRPACTES ARDENS (34). [Zamboanga, 2, March: coloration of soft parts as in male. | The coloration of the soft parts is not mentioned on the labels of the males sent. 19. ALCEDO BENGALENSIS (38). [Zamboanga, 2, March. | 20. PELARGOPSIS GIGANTEA. Pelargopsis gigantea, Walden, Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. ser. 4, xiii. p. 123. {[Zamboanga, ¢ 9, March and May. | 21. Creyx ARGENTATA. Ceyx argentata, Tweeddale, anted, p. 108. no. 7, t. vi. [Zamboanga, 3, May.] 22. Enromosia GuLaris (44). { Zamboanga. | 944 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, 23. HALCYON WINCHELLI. Haleyon winchelli, Sharpe, Tr. L. 8. (2) Zool. i. p. 318, t. xvii. (Zamboanga, 9, April: iris dark brown; bill black; the basal half of mandible white ; feet light greyish-green. | I have not been able to compare the Zamboanga birds with the Basilau type; but the female agrees well with Mr. Sharpe’s descrip- tion and plate. A second example (sex unrecorded) differs in having the whole under surface pure white. 24. CALIALCYON COROMANDA (46). [ Zamboanga, 2, March. | The discovery of this species by Mr. Everett at Zamboanga re- moves all doubts of its being an inhabitant of the Philippines. 25. ACTENOIDES HOMBRONI (48). [Zamboanga, $, April: iris brown; bill orange-red ; the culmen blackish ; feet dirty greenish orange. | In the perfectly adult male the crescentic pectoral markings dis- appear. 26. XANTHOLEMA H2&MACEPHALA (50). [| Zamboanga, ¢, March and April. | 27. MacropTeryx CoMATUus (52). [Zamboanga, ¢, April.] 28. CH&TURA PICINA, sp.n. (Plate LIX.) [Zamboanga, 9, April. ] Black with a blue gloss, greenish in some lights. Chin, throat, and larger under wing-coverts pure white. Wing 6°37; tail 1°25. 29. LyNCORNIS MINDANENSIS, Sp. 0. [Zamboanga, ¢, April: iris warm brown; feet purplish brown. ] Typical Z. macrotis (ex Luzon) has the crown, forehead, ear- tufts, and nape rufous brown, of almost the same shade as in L. temminckii. The three examples of the species of Lyncornis which inhabits the vicinity of Zamboanga, sent by Mr. Everett, differ from Z. macrotis by having the crown, nape, forehead, and ear-tufts dark greyish-brown, and not rufous, by all the browns of the plumage being much darker, and by the wing being shorter. Wing 9°90. 30. CAPRIMULGUS MANILLENSIS (55). [Zamboanga, 2, April.] Compared by Mr. Sharpe with the type. 31. BATRACHOSTOMUS SEPTIMUs. [Batrachostomus septimus, Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 542, no. 13. [Zamboanga, ¢, April: iris orange-yellow; bill light horn- 1878. } ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 945 brown ; feet pale ochreous yellow ; nails grey. Interior of gape, 3 2, lemon-yellow. | Two examples of the adult male and one of an adult female are sent by Mr. Everett. The white nuchal band of the female is not sO conspicuous as in the type, nor are the white markings of the throat-band and pectoral plumes. The general hue of the male- plumage agrees with that of the female; but in the males the elongated scapulars have the outer webs pure white, with a black subterminal spot on the inner web. Four examples of this species are now known, two of males and two of females; and all four are in the rufous phase. Mr. Everett, in his remarks about one of the males is very explicit ; he writes :—‘ I have one Batrachostomus, a good skin ; it is in rufous plumage, andis ¢. I took especial care in the sexing; and luckily the parts had not been touched by shot. Judging from the size of the testes, I think the bird is rather im- mature.” 32. CACOMANTIS SEPULCHRALIS ? Cuculus sepulchralis, 8S. Miller, Land- en Volkenk. p. 177. [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April. ] Mr. Everett obtained five examples of a Plaintive Cuckoo, two of which are in adult plumage, and so closely resemble the Javan C. sepulchralis, that I do not venture to separate them. The dimen- sions of the wings and tail are slightly less, while the chin and throat are of the same rufous as the breast, and not grey. S. Miller described (/. c.) the chin of the Javan and Sumatran type as being grey ; and so it is in my Javan specimens ; but it is not certain that in Javan birds this grey does not change into rufous. An example obtained by Mr. Everett at San Mateo, Luzon (C. merulinus, a, P. Z.8. 1877, p. 691. n. 19), belongs, without doubt, to C. sepul- chralis, and has the chin and upper throat grey, the others being examples of true C. merulinus. This last species can hardly be kept separate from the grey-breasted species of Continental Asia, C. thre- nodes, &c. 33. SURNICULUS VELUTINUS. Surniculus velutinus, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 320. [Zamboanga, 2, April. } 34, CHALCOCOCCYX MALAYANUS. Cuculus malayanus, Raffles, Tr. L. 8. xiii. p. 286, “ Malay Pe- ninsula’’ (March 1821). ? Cuculus basalis, Horsfield, Tr. L. 8. xiii. p. 179, “ Java” (April 1820). [Zamboanga. a.d, April: iris burnt-sienna colour ; orbital ring fine vermilion; bill blackish; feet very dark lead-grey. 6. April: iris light yellowish brown; bill black; legs lead-grey; nails black. | Mr. Everett sends three Golden Cuckoos, which, although some- what smaller than typical examples, differ in no other respect. 946 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, Wing 3°62. I adopt the more recent specific title of malayanus, as it has not as yet been absolutely demonstrated that the Malayan- Peninsula bird is the same as the Javan. The only Javan example I have seen is pure white underneath, without any transverse bands. Above, the whole back is very dark green without any coppery gloss, the head and nape coppery greenish-brown. This individual is fairly represented on plate 102. f. 2, of the ‘ Planches Colori¢es,’ under the title of Cuculus chalcites, Iliger, exact habitat unknown. It may be only a phase of plumage; but Horsfield and Moore (Cat. Mus. E. I.C. ii. pp. 706, 707) keep the Malaccan species distinct from the Javan. 35. H1erococcyx PECTORALIS (60). [Zamboanga, ¢, April: iris pale yellow; orbital skin bright chrome-yellow ; bill black’; mandible and base of maxilla greenish ; feet bright wax-yellow ; claws horn-yellow. | A single example, which agrees in every detail with the descrip- tion given by Dr. Cabanis. It may also belong, as suggested by me (J. ¢.), to Cuculus hyperythrus, Gould ; but it differs from the figure of that species in wanting the black chin, in not being so intensely rufous underneath, in the rufous colouring not extending below the breast, and in the upper plumage not being of so dark a shade of grey. It also has four, distinct, transverse, narrow, dark caudal bands, and not merely two as described by Mr. Gould. 36. CoccysTES COROMANDUS. Cuculus coromandus, Linn. 8. N. i. p. 171. no. 20. [Zamboanga, 2, March: iris brown; bill jet-black ; feet bluish grey ; interior of gape salmon-red. | ; New to the Philippines, and a most unexpected addition to their auna. 37. EUDYNAMIS MINDANENSIS (61). [Zamboanga, 2, March: iris bright crimson; bill and legs greenish plumbeous. 4, ¢, March.] These are typical examples of the species, and do not differ from North-Mindanao examples. They are somewhat smaller than birds from Guimaras and Zebu. Maximum length of wing 7°50. In the female the spots and bands appear in this species to be always rufous. 38. CeNTROCOCCYX vIRIDIS (64). [ Zamboanga, March. | 39. PyrRHOCENTOR MELANOPS (65). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, March.] Sexes alike. 4(). Bucrros MINDANENSIS. Buceros mindanensis, Tweeddale, P. Z. 8.1871, p. 543. [Zamboanga, ¢ 2 2 juv., March. ] 1578. | ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 947 41. PEnrLopipeEs AFFINIs. Penelopides affnis, Tweeddale, P. Z. 8. 1877, p. 824. n. 29. f. 1. [Zamboanga, ¢ Q, March. ] A new onter rectrix has the central band pure white, the central bands on all the other rectrices being bright rufous. 42. Lanius nasutus (70). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April.] Mr. Everett sends a nestling killed in April. 43. Lanius Luctonensts (72). [Zamboanga, ¢, April.] 44. Gravcatus srriatus (73). [Zamboanga, ¢, April: iris pale yellow. | Two examples marked ¢ have uniform plumbeous breasts and banded underparts and uropygium. One marked 9 is banded from the chin downwards as well as on the uropygium, 45. VoLvocivora MINDANENSIS, sp. n. [Zamboanga. a. 3, April: iris dark brown ; bill and legs black. 6. 2, April: iris dark brown. e. 2, April: iris dark chocolate- brown. | Adult male (a). Chin, cheeks, sides of head, space before the eyes, a broad supercilium, ear-coverts, forehead, throat, and upper breast jet-black. Remainder of breast, crown, and whole under surface of body dark leaden-grey, paler near the vent and on the under tail- coverts. Wing-coverts, nape, and axillaries a slightly lighter shade of leaden-grey, palest on the uropygium and upper tail-coverts, which are slightly mixed with white. Quills above black, with faint grey margins. Sixth and remaining primaries tipped with greyish white. Secondaries and tertiaries leaden-grey on their outer webs, Part of inner webs of quills, seen from underneath, pale grey. This colour commences at the base of the first primary, occupying but a small part of it, but is more extended on each succeeding quill, and reaches to the extremities of the inner quills. Rectrices jet-black ; outer pair with a large grey terminal mark, the same colour being slightly indicated on the next pair. Carpal edge and wing-lining almost black. Adult female (6). The same as the male, but the grey colour of the whole plumage of a paler shade, the uropygium more albescent, and no black about the head, throat, and breast. Carpal edge and axillaries pale grey. Young female (¢). Like the adult, but the grey colour not so pure. The chin, central part of the throat, a few scattered feathers on the breast and flanks, the wing-lining, and axillaries finely banded with white. Upper tail-coverts nearly pure white. Outer margins of some of the secondaries and carpal edge inclining to white. 948 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [ Nov. 19, Dimensions :— Wing. Tail. ‘Tarsus. Culmen. in. in. in. in. Giendiyire) 44562 4:0 0°88 0°88 Oa Seek ALO 4:0 0°88 0-88 Q juve... 4:48 3°88 0:88 0°87 A representative form of VY’. morio ex Celebes, but altogether of a darker shade of grey, with a black forehead, and with the inner margins of the quills grey, and not pure white. 46. LaLaGe pomrinica (76). [Zamboanga, 9, April. } 47. DICRURUS STRIATUS. Dicrurus striatus, Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 545. no. 20. [Zamboanga, 2, Marchi: iris crimson. | 48. LEUCOCERCA NIGRITORQUIS (83). [Zamboanga, 9, April. ] 49. CyoRNIs PHILIPPINENSIS (84 partim). Cyornis philippinensis, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. 1. p. 325. [Zamboanga, 2, March. ] 50. HyporHymMis AzUREA (85). (Zamboanga, 9, May: maxilla black, mandible light blue; legs dark grey slate ; interior of gape yellow. ] 51. Broprripus ACRORHYNCHUS (90). [ Zamboanga. | 52. ERyYTHROPITTA ERYTHROGASTRA (94). [Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March, April, May. | These examples all belong to ZL. erythrogastra, and not to the Balabae race named B. propinguus by Mr. Sharpe (Tr. L. 8. (2) Zool. i. p. 330). The young Dumalon (Mindanao) example ob- tained by Dr. Steere, and doubtfully identified with B. propinquus by Mr. Sharpe (J. c.), in all probability belongs to 2. erythrogastra. An immature bird, killed in April near Zamboanga, is dirty — rufous brown above, with dashes of green; rectrices blue; wing- feathers without a trace of blue; under surface dirty white, feathers margined with pale rufous brown ; some scarlet feathers on the breast ; vent and under tail-coverts washed with brownish red. The females differ in the scarlet colouring of the abdominal region not being so intense and vivid, and in the throat not being so dark brown, almost black. The blue colouring of the breast is not exhibited until complete maturity, that part remaining green. In fully mature birds of both sexes the green pectoral band is almost entirely replaced by blue. 1878. ] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES, 949 53. MELANOPITTA SORDIDA (95). [Zamboanga, 3, March : iris chocolate ; bill black ; legs brownish grey. o 9, March, April, and May.] This species has the black central abdominal patch much more largely developed than in M. muelleri ex Borneo. In no other respect does it appear to differ. The extent of pure white on the quills is dependent on sex. Of fourteen individuals with the sex noted by Mr. Everett, nine are males and five are females. The primaries of the male have a much greater white surface than is found in the primaries of the female. The 6th, 7th, and 8th primaries are scarcely tipped with black ; and the first five primaries have double the amount of white that exists on the primaries of the female. On examining Luzon and Negros examples with the sexes noted by Dr. B. Meyer, the same character differentiates the sexes. In Bornean individuals of M. muelleri (sex determined by Mr. Everett) the sexes can be discriminated by the amount of white on the remiges. In M. cucullata some of my examples exhibit a maximum of white on the quills and the others a minimum ; but as none have had their sexes determined by dissection, I am unable to affirm that in that species the same law holds good. In two Zamboanga skins the green of the breast and flanks is assuming the blue tint so prominent in the large representative form M. steerii, 54. MELANOPITTA STEERII. Brachyurus steerii, Sharpe, ‘ Nature,’ August 1876, Tr. L. S, ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 329, t, xlix. [Zamboanga, 3, March and April. ] 55. MACRONUS STRIATICEPS. Macronus striaticeps, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 331. {[Zamboanga, ¢, March: iris white: bill black; legs purplish grey. ] 56. Ixus Gotavier (99). [Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March. } 57. PoLioLoruus uRostictus (101). [Zamboanga, ¢, April: orbital ring light yellow.] 58. HypsipeTes RUFIGULARIS. Hypsipetes rufigularis, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 335. (Zamboanga, 2, April; iris crimson; bill blackish brown ; legs brown. | 59. Monticoxa souitarivs (103). [Zamboanga, 9, April. ] 60. CopsycHus MINDANENSsIs (106). [Zamboanga, ¢, March. | Proc. Zoo. Soc.— 1878, No. LXII. 62 - 950 - MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, 61. PHYLLOSCOPUS BOREALIS. Phyllopneuste borealis, Blasius, Naumannia, 1858, p. 313. [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April.] 62. ORTHOTOMUS CINEREICEPS ? Orthotomus cinereiceps, Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 113, t. 11. f. 2, * Basilau.” [Zamboanga, ¢, March: iris clay-orange; 2, April. } Mr. Sharpe’s title is here adopted with doubt for this Zambo- anga species of Tailor-bird, because it does not quite agree with the description and figure, and I have not been able to compare it with the type (now in America). In the example marked as being of a male, the cheeks, chin, and entire throat are jet-black. In that of the female the chin and upper part of the throat are white, the middle of the breast, the abdomen, and vent are silky white, whereas in the male these parts are bright olive-green. ‘The rectrices of the male are devoid of a subterminal bar; but in those of the female brown subterminal bars are conspicuous. It is not improbable that the male example with entire throat black is O. einereiceps in full breeding-dress. 63. ORTHOTOMUS FRONTALIS. Orthotomus frontalis, Sharpe, Ibis, 1877, p. 112, t.ii. f. 1, “Zam- boanga.” (Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March and April. | The examples noted as belonging to males have no subterminal bar on the rectrices. Those marked as being of females have the subterminal bar well pronounced. 64. BupyrTes vrripis (114). [Zamboanga, ¢, April. | 65. ZosTEROPS EVERETTI. Zosterops everetti, Tweeddale, P.Z.S. 1877, p. 762. no. 42. [Zamboanga, 5 9, April. ] 66. Dic#uM CINEREIGULARE. Diceum cinereigulare, Tweeddale, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 829. no. 50, “ N. Mindanao.” (Zamboanga, Q, April: iris dark brown; bill black; legs very dark grey, nearly black. } The female differs from the male in wanting the orange-red inter- scapular patch, in the abdomen, vent, and under tail-coverts be‘ug pure yellow, and in the upper plumage being deeply tinged with olive-green. 67. Dic£UM RUBRIVENTRE (120 partim). Pipra papuensis, Gm. 8. N. i. p. 1004. (Zamboanga, 2, April: iris dark blood-red ; bill and legs black. ] 1878.] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 951 68. NECTAROPHILA JULIA. Nectarophila julie, Tweeddale, P. Z.S. 1877, p. 547. no. 32, ‘* Melanipa.”’ Cinnyris julia (Tweeddale), Shelley, Cinnyride, pts. vii. & viii. [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, April: iris brown; bill and feet black. } In some examples of the male the breast is suffused with orange- red ; in others little or no red is perceptible. 69. Cyrrosromus sJUGULARIS (123). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, March and April.} 70. ANTHOTHREPTUS CHLOROGASTER. Anthreptes chlorigaster, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool.i. p. 342 ; Shelley, Cinnyride, pt. vi. pt. vil. t. [Zamboanga, Q, April: iris indian-red ; bill light umber-brown ; legs greenish leaden. ] 71. Raaspornis MystacaLis (124). {Zamboanga, ¢, April. ] A single example, which differs from the Luzon species in its much shorter bill. Culmen barely 0°62, in the Luzon bird fully 0°75. - The wing is also shorter ; and the colouring of the wings and back is warm brown, and not greyish olive-brown. 72. Corvus PHILIPPINUS (125). [Zamboanga, ¢, March. ] 73. CALORNIS PANAYENSIS (128). {[Zamboanga, ¢, March. | 74. SaARcops CALvus (129). {Zamboanga, 2, March. | 7d. Munia sacori (132), {[Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March.] 76. OSMOTRERON VERNANS (135). {Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March, April, May. | 77. PTILOPUS MELANOCEPHALUS. Columba melanocephala, Forster, Zoologia Indica, p. 16. no. 7, t. viil., ex Java (1781). [ Zamboanga. a. 3, March: iris, orbital skin, and bill yellow, with more or less of a green tinge; feet carmine, nails dark grey. 6.¢, April: iris yellow; bill yellow-green. ] Hardly separable from the Javan species. Wing 4°50. The tint of the throat-patch resembles that of P. xanthorrhous ; but the abdomen and crissum are yellow, and not orange. New to the Philippines. 62 952 MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON THE [Nov. 19, 78, RAMPHICULUS OCCIPITALIS (138). [Zamboanga, ? (juv.), March: iris dark brown; bill light brown, the basal half dull red ; feet coral-red. | Sexes alike. 79. PHABOTRERON BREVIROSTRIS. Phabotreron brevirostris, Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 549. no. 38. {Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March and April.] The pale, and not rufous, chin and throat distinguishes this species from P. leucotis. 80. CARPOPHAGA £NEA (141). [Zamboanga, 2, March. | 81. PriLocoLPA GRISEIPECTUS (142)? Mr. Everett remarks in epist.:—‘‘ The Carpophaga of the Zam- boanga list is a bird markedly smaller than C. enea; and those parts which in the latter are coloured fine bronzy green, are in the smaller species dark iron-grey.” The above-given description, so far as it goes, agrees with Pézlocolpa griseipectus, a rare species in museums, and the exact habitat of which in the Philippines remains to this day (unless this identification is correct) undetermined. 82. MyristiIcrvora BICOLOR (143). [Zamboanga, 2, May. ] 83. HemipHaGa POLIOCEPHALA (144). (Zamboanga, @ (not quite adult): bill black; orbital skin crimson. | Sexes alike. The margin of the inner web of the first primary is - scooped out, and that of the second a little less so. 84. MacropyGIA EURYCERCA. Macropygia eurycerca, Tweeddale, anted, p. 288, no. 49. [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, March and April. | Considerably smaller than the Negros type, but otherwise undis- tinguishable. Wing 6°75, as against 7°50; tail 7-00, against 8-00. 85. TuRTUR DUSSUMIERI (147). { Zamboanga. | Included on the authority of Mr. Everett. 86. PHLOG@NAS CRINIGERA. Phlogeenas crinigera (Pucheran), Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 833. no. 66. [Zamboanga, ¢ 2, March and April. | Sexes alike. An example marked ‘“¢ juv.” by Mr. Everett has the claret-coloured pectoral plastron only indicated by a few red 1878. ] ORNITHOLOGY OF THE PHILIPPINES. 953 plumes, and the terminal margin of the major coverts fulvous instead of pale grey, the remainder of the plumage being marked and coloured as in the adult. _ 87. Cuatcornaps 1npica (150). [Zamboanga, ¢ Q, March. | 88. Gaius Banxrva (153). [Zamboanga, ¢ 9, March.] 89. Mrcapopius pILLWwyNl. Megapodius dillwyni, Tweeddale, P. Z. S. 1877, p. 766. [Zamboanga, 9, March: iris burnt sienna-brown; bill horn- brown; orbital skin dirty crimson ; legs reddish-brown ; tarsi! dark brown. 6, March: orbital skin dark purplish brown. | 90. GALLINULA CHLOROPUs (169). (Zamboanga, 9, May: iris light warm brown; bill greenish yellow; frontal plate orange-red ; legs grass-green. } 91. GaLticrEex CINEREA (170). [Zamboanga, ¢, March and April.] 92. ERYTHRA PH@NICURA (171). [Zamboanga, 2, March. ] 93. ORTYGOMETRA CINEREA (172). [Zamboanga, ¢, April. | 94. Porzana Fusca (174). [Zamboanga, ¢, April: iris brick-red ; legs dull wax-red.] 95. GALLINAGO MEGALA (188). [Zamboanga, 9, March. ] 96. Ruyncw#a CaPENsis (189). [Zamboanga, ¢, May.] 97. ARDETTA CINNAMOMEA (192). - [Zamboanga, 2, March. | 98. HrropiaAs INTERMEDIA (196). [Zamboanga, 3, March. ] 99. MELANOPELARGUS EPISCOPUS. Ardea episcopus, Bodd. Tabl. d. Pl. En. p. 54. [ Zamboanga, 2, March. ] In full dress. * So written on label; perhaps a slip of the pen for the word “toes” or claws.” 954 MR. E.R. ALSTON ON NEOTROPICAL SQUIRRELS. [Nov. 19, 100. DenpRocyGNna vaGAns (203), [Zamboanga, ?, April.] 101. Dysporvus suta (214). [Zamboanga, 9, May: iris white; bill dirty white; orbital and gular space pale green; feet very light greenish yellow ; nails grey. | A young female in dirty-brown plumage, darkest on breast, throat, neck, head, and back. 5, Supplementary Note on the Neotropical Squirrels. By Epwarp R. Atston, F.L.S., F.Z.S., &e. [Received November 8, 1878.] I regret to say that several errors have crept into my paper “On the Squirrels of the Neotropical Region,” ! owing in parttomy absence from town when the sheets were passing through the press. Two or three of these appear sufficiently serious to require correction. Scrurus varrasiuis. In the remarks on this species 8. rufo- niger is a clerical error for S. brunneo-niger, at p. 666, seventh line, and at p. 667, second line. Scrurus pusittus. At p. 670 I remark that I was not able to ascertain Geoffroy’s type in the Paris Museum. It appears that I had overlooked it ; for Professor A. Milne-Edwards has kindly in- formed me that it is still there. Unfortunately the skull is wanting, so that its age cannot well be ascertained. The want, however, is sup- plied by the British-Museum specimens, of which the skulls and teeth show them to be fully adult, although an unhappy misprint (p. 671, eighteenth line) makes me state the exact contrary. M. Milne- Edwards has sent me the following measurements of the types of S, pusillus and 8. rufo-niger :— S. pusillus. millim. inches. Length of head ........ 0°039 1°56 RS head and body 0°089 3°56 > tail essence (imperfect) S. rufo-niger. millim. inches, Length of head........ 0°048 1°92 e head and body 0:178 “12 “ tail (with hair) 0°139 5°56 This last specimen appears to me to have been considerably over- stretched in mounting. In conclusion I may add that I have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from Mr. J. A. Allen, in which he accepts almost all-the determinations at which I arrived in the paper in question. * Supra, pp. 656-670, PZ: 3.16 76P ie = m ’ 3 Ey AE AA : 4 gu: [LA ZOELHCIEL, LZ, A a op EF 2-325 PR ‘ ME: ea Ro C2 == Ch = 2 | A - | 7 = I =a — = ! [L. aN é a 3 ; ESD ONe -_ oe oie RO del J Smit ith. CHAMBERED SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 1878.] PROF. OWEN ON THE SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 955 6. On the Relative Positions to their Constructors of the Chambered Shells of Cephalopods. By Prof. Owen,C.B., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &e. [Received October 4, 1878.] (Plate LX.) The relations of the chambered and siphonated shells to their con- structors can now, owing to the extent to which they have been subject to extinction, only be fully elucidated by a study of species or varieties of two of the genera, Nautilus and Spirula. The fossil shells of Cephalopods, as is well known, exhibit a pro- gressive uncoiling from Nautilus to Orthoceras and from Ammonites to Baculites, with various modifications of the process ; but that this had been carried out to a coiling in the reverse direction, required anatomical evidence for its demonstration. The insight, however, gained into the organization of Spirula peronit at the date of the publication of the ‘ Zoology of the Voyage. of the Samarang’!, added to that previously obtained on the organi- zation of Nautilus pompilius®, led me to express a conviction of their shell-relations in the following terms :— “ These shells (Nautilus and Ammonites) are revolutely spiral or coiled over the back of the animal, not involute like the Spirula”*, And, if the direction of the coils be determined by their relation to the back and belly of the framer of the shell, no other interpretation can be given of such rela- tion as it is exhibited in Spirula (Plate LX. fig. 4) and Nautilus (ib. fig. 3) respectively. It is, however, to the exposition and characters of the extraordinary number and manifold variety of the extinct Cephalopods, now known only by their polythalamous and siphonated shells, that an exact and accepted determination of their relative position to the body of the framer is most needed. In the year 1829 Leorotp von Bucu initiated, in his notable memoirs on the Ammonites‘, the definition and nomenclature of the shell-characters by which the species, genera, and families might be defined. Assuming, and correctly in my judgment, that the shells of an Ammonite and a Nautilus were coiled in the same direction, he premises :—“ Le caractére distinctif entre ces deux genres de Cépha- lopodes, consiste en ce que le syphon des Ammonites est toujours dorsal, et qui'il ne Vest jamais dans les Nautiles”®. Next, calling attention to the lobed and foliaceous sutures of the Ammonitic shells, he defines the parts which he calls “lobes” and “selles” (saddles )— specifying of the former, ‘‘Ze lobe dorsal,” “le lobe ventral,’ and “les lobes latéraux”’*. Von Buch’s descriptions and figures admit of no 1-“ Mollusca,” Part 1, 4to, p- 6, pl. iv. ? Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, &c. 4to, 1832. $ Palxontology, 8vo, 1861, p. 97. + Annales des Sciences Naturelles, 8yo, tome xvii. p. 267, tome xyiii. p: 417. * Tb. p. 268. 8 Tb. ib. 956 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, doubt as to hisconclusion that the outer convex curve was the ‘‘dorsal ”’ one, the inner concave curve the “ ventral’ one, in both Nautilus and Ammonites. Such, indeed, seemed the obvious relations to back and belly of the Nautilus-shell before the structure and position of its framer were made known. And it should be remembered that my conelu- sions on the latter point were inferential, a mere fragment only of the shell having been left attached to the unique specimen submitted to my scalpel in 1832. Accordingly, in 1835, M. pe BLainviLte’, adopting Von Buch’s view of the ‘‘ dorsal’ position of the siphuncle in Ammonites, and con- ceiving the shell of Spiru/a to be convoluted in the same direction as in Nautilus, characterizes its siphuncle as ‘‘ ventral,’ and that ofthe Ammonite as “ dorsal.” In his applications of these views of relative position to the Ammo- nites, with little change of the families into which these fossils had been arranged by Von Buch, he proposes new names for them, and adopts the shape and proportions of the outer curve or border of the shell as the family characters. Thus, when such outer, and in my view ventral, curve of the shell is broad, asin Ammonites dilatatus, a family of ‘‘ A. latidorses”’ is diagnosed; a reverse proportion, as shown in Ammonites discus, characterizes the family ‘“ 4. compressi- dorses ;’ but neither these families, nor those of the ‘ cavidorses,”’ “cristidorses,” ‘ lzvidorses,” &c, have gained currency or accept- ance. ALcipE p’OrpiGNny’ adcpts the view of relative position, the ter- minology, and in the main the classification proposed by Von Buch. By Morris* and Anstep‘ the aspects of the Nautiloid and Ammonitoid shells propounded by Von Buch are retained. Prof. Ansted associates Spirula with Nautilus in his family NauTILacea, and writes :—‘ The next point of difference to be attended to is in the siphuncle; and it is one both of position and magnitude. In the genera of the first family, Nauriiacea, this important part is some- times ventral, or on the inner margin, more frequently central, and is very rarely observed to approach the dorsal or outer margin. On _ the other hand, it is almost always very near the dorsal margin in the Ammoneara, and sometimes is actually placed outside, in a channel opened for it, and projecting from the back of the shell in the shape of a keel ’’*. In fact, to have propounded that the siphuncle in the Ammonitidze was ventral, as in Spirula, would have implied that the shells were coiled in reverse directions—an assumption seemingly held to be too ? Prodrome d’une Monographie des Ammonites, 8vo, 1840. ? Paléontologie Francaise, 8vo, 1842, p. 185:—* Les lettres suivantes, les mémes que celles qu’emploie M. de Buch, indiquent toujours les mémes parties dans les figures—e. g. D. lobe dorsal, V. lobe ventral,” &c. 8 “On some new Species of the Genus Ancyloceras” (“The ribs ornamented with two conical tubercules on the dorsal part”), Ann. & Mag. of Nat. History, 1845, vol. xv. p. 82, pl. vi. figs. 3, a, d. * Observations on the Animals inhabiting multilocular Shells, 8yo. 5 Ib. p. 278, 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 957 extravagant for adoption. And yet, if the Ammonite was tetra- oe like the Nautilus, no other conclusion could logically be rawn. Accordingly, such view is formally repudiated by the experienced zoologist Dr. J. E. Gray, in his paper “On the Animal of the Spirula”!, “The examination,’’ he writes, ‘“‘of this animal confirms me in the opinion which I expressed in the ‘Synopsis of the British Museum ’ (1840, p. 149), that the Ammonites, from their texture and the small size of the last chamber, are internal shells and should be arranged with the decapodous Cephalopods, being chiefly dis- tinguished from the Spirula by the siphon being always on the dorsal margin of the whorls and the septa foliated on the edge. I am aware,”’ he adds, ‘that this opinion is not in conformity with the ideas of many zoologists and comparative anatomists ; for Mr. Owen, in the last arrangement of these animals (Todd’s Encyl. Comp. Anat.), though he places the Spirule with the Dibranchiate Cephalopods, places the Ammonites with the Tetrabranchiate next to Nautilus” (p. 259). Before recapitulating the grounds on which it was inferred that the Ammonitide were external shells, I will, finally, cite the valuable Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, published under the direction of the accomplished and lamented Superintendent of the Survey, THomas Otpuam, LL.D., F.R.S., in which the sanction given to the views of Gray and before-cited authors as to the aspects of the shells of the Ammonites has mainly induced me to offer the present elucidation of the grounds on which I still hold the contrary opinion, viz., that the siphuncle in the Ammonitide is ‘‘ ventral ”’ or ‘** margino-ventral,”’ as it is in Spirula, but thatit is “‘ external” in the one and “internal ”’ in the other, through the reversed direction of the spiral whorls. In the “ Monograph of the Cretaceous Cephalopoda of Southern India,” the preparation of which was confided to the accomplished naturalist F. SroriczKa, too early lost to science, he premises the following characters of the Ammonitide :— “Animal not known: shell spiral, more or less involute with numerous regularly (?) and gradually increasing whorls in the same plane, many-chambered, the last or body-chamber extending generally over about two thirds of the last whorl. The margins of the septa are deeply divided into lobes and saddles, the first having their sub- divisions always pointed, the latter more rounded. The dorsal lobe is divided by a small saddle into two parts, corresponding to the siphunele: in the regular forms of Ammonites this is always placed in the middle of the back; the siphuncle is also similarly placed inside the shell.” It is to be observed, however, that the author associates the Ammonitide in the same order ‘“‘TETRABRANCHIATA”? with the Nautilide ; and it would seem therefore that he entertained the doubts originally expressed by Gray* and supported by Grant® as 1 Annals and Magazine of Natural History, vol. xv. 1845. ? Phil. Trans. 1833, p. 774. ‘ ; 3 My description and figures were called in question, with more detail, by 958 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, to the correctness of the position assigned by me to the soft parts of Nautilus in the shell’; but the sole reason assigned by Stoliczka for adhering to Von Buch’s view of the position of the shell and his consequent denomination of its parts is the following:—‘* Our de- scriptions are of the shell (Am. ¢esta), not of the animal which was living in it, and which we know not’’’. We shall never know the organization of that animal ew visu. But there are, in respect of the Ammonite as of most extinct ani- mals, other sources of knowledge in kind and degree sufficient to decide such a question as the relations of soft parts to shell in a Molluscous species. With regard to those relations in Nautilus I may merely cite the subjoined works on its anatomy confirmatory in the main of my own, and fully so in regard to the relative position of the soft parts to the shell’. the accomplished Professor of Comparative Anatomy in University College, Dr. Rosert E. Grant, F.R.S., and begat a general belief, in 1833, that I had placed the animal of the Pearly Nautilus in a position the reverse of the real one, in the ‘Memoir’ of 1832. In the report of the Lecture on the Shells of the Cephalopoda, given in the ‘ Lancet, vol. i. 1833, with the sanction and revision of the Professor, Dr. Grant remarks :— “The exact position of the animal in the recent Nawtili, Spirule, and other polythalamous spiral shells, although important in the interpretation of the fossil forms, has not yet been satisfactorily observed by naturalists. In our present uncertainty, therefore, regarding the position of the living Cephalopods in these convoluted shells, we can only be guided by analogy.” That which guided Dr. Grant to his conclusion he illustrated by figures of sections of the external shell of Nautilus and of the internal shell of Sepia (p. 506), and explained them as follows. Comparing the layers of the ‘“cuttle- bone” to the septa of the Nautilus shell, he states :—‘‘ These layers begin in the Sepia by forming a small hollow shell, which receives into its interior another hollow shell; this receives within it a third and a fourth hollow shell; and so they go on in the first stages of its growth. If these cones continued thus to extend outwards, and with an oblique direction, turning on the same vertical plane, they would have formed a convoluted suborbicular shell, like that of the Ammonite or the Nautilus. Where, then, in this so convoluted shell of the Sepia, would have been the convex outer border of the shell, or the upper lip, with relation to the body of the Sepia? The Sepia would haye looked for- wards over the spire from the last-formed chamber, keeping the exterior convex part of the chamber” (answering to B in fig. 3) “or the upper lip extending across its back, as in all other known orbicular shells of Pteropodous and Gasteropo- dous Mollusca.” (P. 509.) 1 Memoir, ut supra, pp. 12, 44, pl. i. * Op. cit. p. 44. So, likewise, affirms a later writer :—‘‘ We have only the shells preserved to us. We know nothing of the animals.”—H. Woodward, Geol. Mag. vol. v. p. 497. As well might it be affirmed of Anoplotherium, e. g.:—‘It must always be borne in mind, when arguing from these early fossil remains, that we have only the skeleton preseryed to us. We know nothing of the soft parts.” 3 Vavencrennes, M. A. “Nouvelles Recherches sur le Nautile flambé (Nautilus pompilius, Lam.),” Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 4to, tome 11., 1841, p. 275, pls. viii., ix., x. Van ver Horyrn, J. “Contributions to the Knowledge of the Animal of Nautilus pompilius,” Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. iv. p. 21, pls. 5, 6, 7, 8. Vroxik, W. “ Lettre sur quelques points de lorganisation de V’animal du Nautile flambé,” Mémoires de la Soc. Linnéenne de Normandie, tom, x., 4to, 1855, pp. 1-18, pls. i. and ii. 3 1878. | SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 959 A colleague of Stoliczka, accepting the recorded structure and relative position of Nautilus, frames his nomenclature of the parts and aspects of the fossil shells of the Nautilide accordingly', the grounds for such being those of positive or direct evidence from dissection. I am led, therefore, to submit remarks on the guiding knowledge in regard to the structure and shell-relations of the extinct Ammonites, which may be gained from negative or inductive testi- mony. J. E. Gray, we have seen, deemed that testimony to be such in kind and amount as to warrant his rejection of the affinity of Ammo- nites to Nautilus, and his adoption of the association of Ammonites with Spirula in the Dibranchiate order of Cephalopoda. Examples of unmutilated Ammonite shells are, indeed, very rare ; seldom is a specimen acquired with any considerable proportion of the last chamber. Yet some such were to be seen in an accessible museum in London long anterior to 1845. A bisected specimen of the Ammonites odtusus, Sow., in the Hunterian collection (No. 188), shows well the extent of the last or inhabited chamber of the shell, and the effects of the influence of the animal matter of the decaying Cephalopod upon the petrifactive processes after death. The liassic clay has penetrated as far as the retracted soft parts of the Ammonite permitted; the decomposing mollusk has been partially replaced by crystals of spar discoloured by the pigmental or carbonized parts of the animal; the spar which has more slowly infiltrated through the pores of the shell into the air-chambers is of a much lighter colour. In the same collection may be seen exemplifications of injury and repair of the cell. In No. 195, Ammonites goliathus, D’Orb., from the Oxford Clay, a portion of the shell, at the period when it formed the dwelling-chamber, ‘‘had been broken away during the lifetime of the animal, and has been repaired by fresh material, wanting the ribbed structure of the originally formed shell”’ *. The reparation closely resembles that which recent Nautilus-shells occasionally present, and which we know was effected by the forma- tive border of the mantle reflected over the last chamber and applied to the fractured part. No such process could take place in Spiruda, the mantle of which is muscular, and inapplicable to the last chamber. There is no need of a living Ammonite to assure us that its mantle, like its porcellano-nacreons shell, had the same structure as that of the living Nautilus. 1 Memoirs of the Geological Survey of India, 4to, 1866. “The Fossil Cephalopoda of the Cretaceous Rocks of Southern India: Belemnitide—Nauti- lide,” by Heyry F, Buanrorp. ‘‘ Throughout the following descriptions I have employed the terms ventral and dorsal strictly with reference to the posi- tion of the animal, and therefore in an opposite sense to that in which they were used by palxontologists before the anatomy of the animal was known,” p. 7. (And Mr. Blanford might have added ‘‘ long after.’—R. O.) 2 Catalogue of Fossil Invertebrata, Mus. College of Surgeons, London, 4to, 1856, p. 43, in which work I described upwards of 350 specimens, illustrative of the different families and genera of Ammonitide, collected by Joun Hunrer in the last century. 960 PROF. OWEN ON THE [ Nov. 19, The perfect specimen (Plate LX. fig. 1) of the last chamber of the Ammonite was derived from that eminently conservative matrix, the lithographic slate of Solenhofen, Bavaria. The extent of the outer curve of the dwelling-chamber to the outer border of its floor (the last septum, a to y) is 4 inches; the extent of the outer curve of the chambered part of the shell to the inner border of the cham- ber-floor (last septum, y to z) is 6inches. In the Nautilus pom- pilius transmitted in its perfect shell to Prof. Vrolik the corre~ sponding admeasurements are 7 inches 9 lines and 11 inches 6 lines. The correspondence in the proportion of the dwelling-chamber to the camerated part of the shell in the Ammonite and Nautilus is thus, as in numerous other instances, shown to be instructively close. In the last chamber of Ammonites lingulatus, moreover, as if to proclaim to the most sceptical its function of lodging its constructor, is preserved the only fossilizable part of such (ib. fig. 1, 0). Since the publication of the ‘ Paléontologie’ of Pictet’, who refers the Trigonellites to the Cirripeds, abundant evidence has been ob- tained of the accuracy of the opinion of Volz’, that the T'rigonellites of Parkinson* (Aptychus of v. Meyer*) were parts of the animal of the Ammonite, and stood in opercular relation to the shell of that extinct Tetrabranchiate. Pictet takes no note of the confirmation contri- buted by Morris to the Volzian examples of Trigonellites within the last or dwelling-chamber of Ammonites, in the portion of an Ammonites walcotti in which “the Aptychus, of a corneo-calcareous nature, was found imbedded in the matrix filling the last chamber about 6 inches from the aperture”’’. This common, though not constant, position led some palzeonto- logists to surmise that the Trigonellites might be parts of the Ammonites’ gizzard, like the triturating plates in Bulla hgnaria, M. Valenciennes believed them to be lateral supports of the funnel °. Van der Hoeven “hazards the opinion that the two juxtaposed fossil shells, known by paleographs as Aptychus, were two shelly sup- ports of the hood of Ammonites” (Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. iv. p. 22). In this opinion I concur; but it has been rejected by some experi- enced students of the extinct polythalamous shells. Keferstein and Waagen’, e. g., deem the Trigonellites to be sexual characters, and to have served as protective plates of the nidamental glands of the female Ammonite. Waagen adduces, in support of this view, the ' Traité de Paléontologie, &e., vol. ii. p. 551, 8vo (1854). 2 «Sur le Belopeltis,’ in Mémoires de la Soc. d’Hist. Nat. de Strasbourg, tome iii. (1836). 3 ‘Organic Remains of a Former World,’ 4to, 1811, p. 184, pl. xiii. figs, 9-12. 4 Nova Acta Acad. Nat. Cur. t. xv. pt, 2, p. 125, pl. lviii. (1831). > “Note on Aptychus,’ in Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist. vol. x. (2nd ser.), p. 356, pl. v. D. fig. 1. 6 « Je crois qwil faut admettre que l’entonnoir de l’ammonite, s'il était formé de deux valves, ne contenait pas de cartilage interne; mais que cette piéce était remplacée par un organe extérieur composé de deux piéces paires symétriques comme le sont les aptychus.”—Ib. p. 504. 7 “ Ueber die Ansatzstelle der Haftmuskeln beim Nautilus und Ammoniten,” Paleontographia, 4to, p. 185, taf. xxxix., 1871. 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 961 correspondence of the relative position of the Aptychus', in the body- chamber, to that of the nidamental glands of Nautilus pompilius? to the shell ; and he deems each valve of Aptychus to have been applied to a lateral lobe of the nidamental gland*. But these lateral lobes are divided from each other by a part of the middle lobe *, while the valves of the Aptychus are usually in contact (as in Plate LX. fig. 1, 0), or may be suturally united along the mid line (as in ib, fig. 2, 0). But to return to Waagen’s argument from position in the fossil shell. In the course of decomposition after death the calcareous plates would be likely to gravitate or sink deeper into the body-chamber than their natural position in the living Ammonite. So sinking, they would rather lodge or settle in the hollow of the outer (ventral) wall of the body-chamber (8) than upon the involute convexity on the opposite (dorsal) wall (a). Moreover there are examples (as in Plate LX. fig. 2) in which the Trigonellites (0, 0) have been found in an opercular relation at the mouth of the shell. And, considering the movements to which an Ammonite must have been subject from the time of its death to the solution of the soft parts and final im- bedding of the shell in the matrix or seat of its petrifaction, one is prepared for the rarity of the conservation with the shell of its loose operculum, and for the still more rare retention of the Aptychus in its original position. Waagen admits that there are five Specimens of Ammonite in the Munich collection exhibiting this position®, He, however, contends that the breadth of the aperture of the body- chamber is less, in certain Ammonites (A. steraspis, e. g.), than the united breadth of the aptychal plates. But so, likewise, if the side lobes of the hood of Nautilus® were outstretched horizontally, it would exceed the breadth of the outlet of the dwelling-chamber in N. pompilius. But the side lobes of the hood are bent back obliquely in order to close the dorsal side-curved borders, or notches, of that part of the shell-aperture, just as the aptychal lobes or valves are bent down in Plate LX. fig. 2, 0, 0. It may be further remarked, in respect to the nidamental glands, that they are subject to seasonal changes, and gain the relative bulk with which the size of the aptychal plates accord only at the period of discharge of the impregnated ova, for which they have to furnish the protective coat or nidus. Such seasonal change is exemplified in the figure of these glands given in the ‘Memoir on the Nautilus’ of 1832, and in that which is shown in Taf. xix. of Waagen’s Treatise, 1871. Moreover, in not one of the existing genera or species of Cephalopod, Nawéilus included, in which these glands are superadded to the more essential organs of generation, are they en- cumbered in any way or degree with such calcareous plates as Kefer- stein’s hypothesis applies to them in the Ammonite. * Paleontographia, 1871, taf. xl. fig. 4. ? See Memoir on the Nautilus, 1882, pl. i, e. * Ib. pl. viii. fig. 10, 2, d. * Tb. ib. a. * “Unser Museum besitzt gegen 100 exemplare yon Ammoniten mit erhal- tenen Aptychus; unter dieser ganzen Anzahl sind 5, welche den Aptychus in senkrechter Stellung am Ende der Wohnkammer liegend haben” (op. cit, p. 192), ° Memoir on the Nautilus, 1832, pl, iii. fig. 1, 9, 9. 962 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, In the application of the anatomy of the constructor of the Pearly Nautilus to the solution of the problem of the nature and function of the Trigonellites, [ was led to regard them as the homologue of the organ, or a portion of the organ, in Nautilus, which is “ of a fibrous texture, resembling dense corium,”’ called from its shape and posi- tion the “hood” (Plate LX. fig. 3, e), and which, when the animal had withdrawn into its dwelling, ‘‘ would serve as a rigid defence at the outlet of the shell”’’. It needed only that this part should be more or less calcified to form the preserved portions of an operculum like that ascribed to the Ammonite. If, for example, calcification had commenced in each half of the symmetrical ‘‘ hood,” and had stopped at the mid line (where the hood is thinnest), the pair of the there-often-suturally-joined symmetrical pieces of the Aptychus would have resulted. The relative size of Aptychus agrees with that of the shell. It has been found to measure 7 inches 6 lines in length and 6 inches in breadth in gigantic Ammonites’. It may be doubted whether the nidamental glands ever increased in the same ratio ; and it is still less likely that they needed such defensive plates in their season of rest and attenuation. If, therefore, my homology of the symmetrical halves of the Nautilus’ hood with the parial Trigonellites (Aptychus, v. M.) be preferably accepted, the supposition that these parts are calcifica- tions of an Ammonite’s hood may be deemed reasonable. That the fibrous basis of the hood was retained in different degrees in the Ammonites is indicated by the simply corneous or chitinous condi- tion of the Aptychus which has been preserved in some examples of Ammonites falcifer, Sow., and its allies. In other species, as in the Ammonites lingulatus (Plate LX. fig. 1, 0), the lateral calcifica- tions have partially met and joined at the mid line; in a third series these opercular plates are thicker and are there suturally united. This is the case in the small or young specimen of Ammonites sub- radiatus, Sow., in the British Museum, which is described and figured by S. P. Woodward, F.G.S., in ‘The Geologist’*. As the view of the specimen there given is an oblique side one, I here append a direct view of the aperture of the dwelling-chamber as closed and protected by its operculum (Plate LX. fig. 2, 0). The correspond- ence of general shape with that of the “hood” of the Nautilus pompilius, as figured in plate iil. fig. 1 of my ‘ Memoir,’ is close*. The conjoined plates of the Aptychus (ib. fig. 2, 0, 0) form a tri- angular disk, of which the base is backward, excavated to receive the involute part of the shell, p, with the sides of the base, like the corresponding lobes of the ‘“‘ hood,” bent down to cover the laterally extended parts of the wider terminal coil of the shell, g. Even in the contrast between the papillose wrinkled outer surface and the 1 Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, 1832, p. 12, pl. i. 2, and pl. iii. fig. 1. 2 See de Zigno, Memorie del R. Istituto Veneto, tom. xv. tab. viii., 1870. 2 8yo, 1860, p. 328. * Woodward gives the following description of its ammonitic homologue :— “The operculum is flat in the middle, with a slight furrow along the suture, and is much bent down at the hinder corners, where it abuts against the inner whorl of the shell. It is sculptured externally with about twelve angular con- centric furrows; the inner surface is smooth,”—ZB, 2b, s 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 963 smooth inner surface of the “hood”? of Nautilus the resemblance to the “‘Aptychus”’ of the Ammonite is carried out. Anterior to the apex of the triangular operculum in the Ammonites subradiatus a small portion of the dwelling-chamber (ib. v) is left uncovered, through which a slender stream of water might pass from the retracted funnel. As the soft parts of the Ammonites lingulatus decayed and were dissolved the calcareous or opercular parts of the hood (ib. fig. 1, 0) have subsided to near the bottom of the dwelling-chamber, probably with such change of their original relative position, as exemplifies the value of the demonstration given in the specimen described by Woodward. If an independent centre of calcification were set up in the mid region of the “hood” (Mem. cit. pl. ii. fig. 1, f), a part corresponding to the dnaptychus might result. In further ventilation of the mooted affinity of Ammonites to Spirula, it may be remarked that in not one of the examples of Ammonites in which the dwelling-chamber has been in any propor- tion preserved has there been any trace of an ink-bag. Yet fossili- zation of this or of its secretion is abundantly exemplified in the extinct Belemnites’. Hence the inference may as confidently be drawn, as from a dissection of the animal of the Ammonite, that this Cephalopod iacked, like the Nautilus, the singular defensive contrivance with which the more active Dibranchiate Cephalopods were endowed, and that the animal of the Ammonite was compen- sated, like that of the Nautilus, by having an external protective shell into which it could retreat and close the entry against the assaults of an enemy. Moreover, admitting the homology of the “Aptychus”’ with the “hood,” we further learn that the defensive door of the house was “dorsal,’’ and that the relative position of _ the soft parts to the external shell was the same in Ammonites as in Nautilus. It cannot be averred, therefore, in excuse of a nomenclature im- plying a different and opposite relative position of the soft parts to the shell, that “the animal of the Ammonite is unknown.” To the composite porcellano-nacreous structure by which the Ammonitic agree with the Nautiloid series of shells, and their diffe- rence in this character from the simply nacreous structure of the Spirula-shell, reference is here made in illustration of the ‘ Law of ' Correlation.” ‘The conformity, in this respect, with the Nautiloid series is maintained under every modification of shape from straight to convolute. But the persistence with which monographers of these numerous and beautiful fossils, notwithstanding the appeals of Pictet? and M‘Coy*, and the practice of Barrande, adhere to the erroneous views of Von Buch as to which was the dorsal and which the ventral aspect of the shells, has moved me to supplement the original grounds of 1 Buckland, Bridgewater Treatise, vol. i, 1835; Owen, “On certain Be- lemnites from the Oxford Clay,” Phil. Trans. 1844. 2 Paleontology, vol. ii. p. 618. 3 Ann, & Mag. Nat. Hist., 2nd ser. vol. viii. p. 481. 964 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, my conclusions on that question by additional or confirmatory evi- dence from autopsy of the fabricators of the still existing polythala- mous and siphoniferous Cephalopods. Having prevailed upon Mr. Cuming, subsequently to my Mono- graph on the anatomy of Spirula in the ‘Zoology of the Sama- rang,’ to permit me to test that anatomy by dissection of his unique specimen, I proceed to point out such structural facts, confirmed by that dissection, as demonstrate the ventral position of the marginal siphon of the internal shell of Sperula—and to combine therewith corresponding anatomical observations on Nautilus, which, with the demonstrated affinity thereto of Ammonites, equally prove the ventral position of the marginal siphon of the external shell of that extinct genus and its allies. The dorsal aspect of a Cephalopod is determined by the position of the brain and eyes, i.e. by that predominating part of the brain which sends off the optic nerves. The ventral aspect is shown by the respiratory funnel (Plate LX. figs. 3 and 4, 7, and gills, m). No mala- cologist has questioned these conclusions. The proposition might be simplified by stating that the funnel shows the “ventral side” of the animal, and that the opposite one is the “dorsal side.” Accordingly, all who have occupied themselves with the organiza- tion of the Cephalopods have pointed out the singular reversed posi- tions of the mandibles as compared with those in such vertebrate animals as repeat the cephalopodic condition of a “beak,” as, e. g. Chelonia and Aves. Instead of the dorsal or upper mandible being the largest and longest, so as to overlap the ventral or under mandible, as in birds, the dorsal mandible, A, figs. 3 and 4, is the smaller and shorter one, and is underlapped by the larger and longer ventral mandible, i, in all Cephalopods. So, likewise, the branchize, 70. figs. 3 and 4, m, m, lie in the ven- tral part of the pallial cavity ; and, in short, the several viscera occupy similar relations to back and belly in both Tetrabranchiate and Dibranchiate Cephalopods’. The aspects of the body being thus abundantly and unmistaka- bly determined, they can be as unequivocally predicated of the shell under whatever shape or proportion it may be present. The portion of the shell of Nautilus which extends from the fundus of the last chamber, along the dorsal aspect of the mantle, as from A to A’, fig. 3, is the ‘dorsal wall” of such shell, and so must be its continuation backwards. The portion of the shell of Spirwla which bears the same relation to the dorsal aspect of the body is the “ dorsal wall” of the shell, A, Al, fig. 4; while that part of the last chamber which protects the ventral side of the muscular and visceral mass which it contains, small though it may be, is part of the ‘‘ ventral wall”’ of the shell, B, and so must be its continuation as far as it extends, viz. to the ‘‘ proto- conch”’ (fig. 5, @) or incipient nuclear chamber. 1 See ‘‘ Supplementary Observations on the Anatomy of Spirwla,” in Annals and Magazine of Natural History for January 1879. 1878.] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 965 Accordingly, the dorsal wall, A, of the spiral shell of Spirula describes a convex curve, the ventral wall, B', a concave curve. In Nautilus the curves are reversed. If the shell of Orthoceras or Baculites were curved so as to present the same relative positions of convexity and concavity which exist in that of Spirula, they must have been coiled in a reverse direction to that which is presented in the shells of Nautilus and Ammonites. Admitting that the siphon in Ammonites and Spirula are both “ventral” or “ventro-marginal,”’ yet the relative position to the shell is so contrasted as to call imperatively for terms indicative of such contrast. And such terms are obvious. Of a convolute shell the convex curve is the outer one, the concave curve the inner one, whatever may be the relative position of its constructor. Had Von Buch been content to call those curves in a convolute Ammonite “ external’? and “internal,” and to define the position of the siphon as “externo-marginal” and ‘interno-marginal” respec- tively, his terminology would have stood and been unquestioned to the present day. But he proceeded to a conclusion as to their relations to the constructors of the shells; and, as no specimen of either a Nautilus or a Spirula had been dissected in 1829, such conclusion could only be a guess. So probable, however, seemed the guess, that his most experienced contemporaries, De Blainville, Grant, and Gray, after the organiza- tion of the Pearly Nautilus had been made known, preferred, as we have seen, the opinion of the conchologist to that of the anatomist, and deemed the latter to have reversed the true position of the animal of the Nautilus'. And, with most?, the nomenclature of the parts of the shell of the Ammonitide has continued in concordance with that opinion to the present day. If, however, the facts and inferences now submitted to the Zoological Society should be accepted with their logical applica- tions in conchology, and the siphon in both Ammonites and Spirula be acknowledged to be “ ventral,” or “ ventro-marginal,’’ nevertheless the different positions of the siphon in these shells and in that of Nautilus demand to be defined by distinctive terms. And these are easy, obvious, and incontrovertibly applicable. The siphon in the Ammonitide is “ external,” “externo-marginal,” or “ ecto-marginal.”’ The siphon in Spirula is “internal,”’ ‘ interno-marginal,” or “ ento- marginal.” The siphon in the Nautilide may be “central,” or *‘subcentral ;”’ and if the latter, either ‘‘ectocentral’’ or “‘entocentral,” according as it deviates from the typical central position toward the 1 See notes 2 and 3, p. 957. 2 Even in 8. P. Woodward’s classical ‘Manual of Mollusca,’ 12mo, “ dorsal” and “ventral,” are used as synonyms of “ external” and “internal.” Thus the genus Ammonites is characterized by “siphuncle dorsal” (p. 94, and p. 197, ed. 1868). The genus Gonéatites is characterized by “ siphuncle dorsal” (p. 93). The experienced Editor, in a later edition of the ‘ Manual of the Mollusca,’ in his ‘ Appendix’ (12mo, 1868) approximates to the conclusion here advocated, by amending the character of Fam. iii. Ammonitide, thus:—‘ Siphuncle—convexo- marginal?” (p. 10). If the present paper should serve to dissipate Mr, Tate’s remaining doubt it will be an acceptable return for my labour, Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LXIIL. 63 966 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, external or internal part of the shell : in some rare cases (Cryptoceras) the siphuncle is ectomarginal, as in Ammonites; and in still rarer instances (C/ymenia) it is entomarginal, as in Spirula. There are also species in which it begins by being marginal, and gradually shifts to the more typical position as the shells grow and the number of the septa increases. In the Nautilus imperialis, e. g., the siphuncle is at first, i. e. along the first twenty chambers, entomarginal, or near the concavity of the shell-curve, as in Spirula; but in opposite relations to the back and belly of the animal. After the twentieth chamber the siphuncle gradually gains the central or excentral position’. Nautilus ztezac shows a similar structure. The immature position of the siphon in the existing Nautilus was longer retained in the old Tertiary species.” Various suggestions have been made as to the efficient as well as final cause of the successively vacated parts called ‘ chambers,”’ with their partitions and connecting siphon, in the polythalamous and siphoniferous shells of Cephalopods. In elucidation of this question, much mooted by different writers * Vermetus gigas. Section of chambered part of shell. after the publication of my Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, I adduced the instances of such vacuities or chambers in the Mollusca, ? Catalogue of Hunterian Cephalopoda, 4to, no. 137, p. 82. ? See the just remarks of Barrande on the variation of the siphuncular cha- racter in certain nominal species (Céphalopodes Siluriens de la Bohéme, 8vo, 1867, p. 24). 3 Buckland, ‘Geology and Mineralogy considered with reference to Natural Theology.’ 1835, vol. i. p. 329. De Blainville, “Sur l'usage du siphon des coquilles polythalames,” Annales frangaises et étrangéres d’Anatomie et de Physiologie, t.i. 1837. 1878. | SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 967 as, e.g., Fistulana clava, Vermetus giyas, Helix decollata, the Ostree, Estheria, and other Bivalves, more especially the Spondylus varius’. In Fistulana and the gastrepodal Vermetus, the animal periodically withdraws itself from its dwelling-chamber ; the growth of the walls is continuous and uninterrupted; but a thin new floor is formed at some distance from the old one left behind, and a series of chambers fig. 1, aa, results. If the calcareous deposit had been continuous in every part of the shell, a solid tract would have been left behind, as in Magilus. The successive floors or “septa’’ in Vermetus (fig. 1, 6 6), extend freely across and are concave toward the outlet; they are entire and adherent only by their marginal circumference to the shell-wall (A, B). The contents of the chambers in the living Vermetus are unknown. Both chambers and partitions are the con- sequence of a mode of shell-growth ; physiological ken stretches not beyond this. In Spondylus varius (fig. 2) the “septa’’ are not continued freely across the shell, but are united together near the middle or centre of their extent, at the position of the impression of the adductor Spondylus varius. Section of chambered part of shell. muscle. This, in the forward movement of the mollusk, does not quit its attachment to the nacreous layer of the valves; whilst the pallial lobe, except at its circumference and where it adheres to the adductor, can and does detach itself from the surface of the valve about to be abandoned, in the progressive growth of the visceral mass. The mantle at each period of repose, then secretes on the fluid occupying the deserted part of the shell, the new septum or 1 Proc. Zool. Soc. 1837, p. 63. See also H. Woodward, “On the Struc- ture of the Shell of the Pearly Nautilus,” Report of the British Association, Liverpool, 1870, Trans. of Sections, p. 128. ae 968 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, basis of support of the mollusk. Thus the septa, as they are succes- sively formed, adhere, not only to the circumference of the growing valve, but to a central part of the preceding septum, and for an extent more or less corresponding to the circumference of the corre- spondingly advancing adductor muscle. If the adductor were a tube instead of a solid mass, the central confluent part of the septa would be perforated, and a siphon would result, the calcareous walls of which would be continuous, as in Spirula, Nautilus striatus, the Orthoceratites, &e. The contents of the deserted chambers in Spondylus varius are sea-water with an increased proportion of the saline ingredients. The efficient cause of the forward movement of the Spondylus varius appears to be the need of a shell of a size suitable to the growing bulk of the animal, coupled with the frequeut fixation of the lower valves of the young shel! to an overcrusting mass of coral, in advance of which the growing shell must increase. Such increase and the testaceous provision for it are not, therefore, attributable to special expansion of one organ, but to the concomitant growth of the whole of the soft parts of the Palliobranch. It has been suggested that the periodical increase of the ovarium or testis might initiate and constrain the forward movement of the soft parts in the Cephalopods with chambered shells, and that a polythalamous structure is related conditionally to the generative function’. But it will be observed, in both Spirula and Nautilus, that the formation of the chambers commences from the embryonal cup (proto- conch, fig. 5a, p. 973), and continues through an early period of growth antecedent to the acquisition of the procreative function, or the adult stage of existence—and, moreover, that those early chambers are re- latively deeper® than the succeeding ones, indicative of a more extensive forward movement of the soft parts, in accordance with the more rapid growth of the animal which characterizes the period of nonage, when all the assimilative functions are concentrated on general increase and no degree of that power is diverted to the development of special organs, such as the testis or ovarium. The last or open chamber of Nautilus, and, by analogy of size and certain known contents, in Ammonites, was occupied by the entire soft parts. In Spirula it contains only the hind end of the liver and portions of the origins of the retractor muscles of the head and funnel. It has been stated to contain the ink-bladder in Spirula® ; but in my dissections of that Cephalopod made subsequently to that detailed in the ‘ Zoology of the Voyage of the Samarang,’ I find the same positions and relations of the ink-bag as are described and figured in that monograph‘. 1 Prof. Seeley, Proceedings of the British Association, Bath, 1864, Section Zoology, ‘‘ Nautiloid shells,” 8yo, p. 229. * By depth is meant the diameter from septum to septum; by breadth that between wall and wall. * Woodward, ‘Manual of Mollusca,’ p. 77. 4 “A very minute pyriform ink-bag, z, is situated close to the rectum; and its duct opens within the verge of the anus” (p. 10, pl. iv. fig. 11). 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 969 As to the function or “ final cause”’ of the chambers, I hold by the opinion expressed in my original memoir! and in the ‘ Catalogue of the Fossil Cephalopoda in the Hunterian Museum,’ 4to, ed. 18567, viz. that they so affect the specific gravity of the active, highly organized, cephalopodous mollusk, as to enable it with little effort to rise, in the case of the Nautilus, from its habitual position at the bottom of the sea—and in the case of the Spirula, to sink from its more usual zone at or near the surface,—such vertical movements being executed, like the horizontal ones, by means of the hydrostatic mechanism worked by the muscular forces of the mantle and funnel. The contents of the vacated chambers in Nautilus pompilius are stated to be nitrogenous gas. Neither the contents nor the vital properties of the siphuncle are yet known; an artery and vein are assigned for its life and nutrition, and to extend a low degree of the vivifying influences to the shell. Vrolik confirms the existence of the siphonal artery described and figured in pl. vi. fig. 1, 14, of my ‘Memoir,’ and repeats this illustration in his pl. i. fig. 2, “2, artére allant au siphon” *. . The siphonic artery sends off, according to Keferstein, branches to the mantle which lines the bottom of the body-chamber before penetra- ting the siphon. Waagen figures the impression of these arterioles on the shell-surface*; and it has been suggested that these vessels may supply, by secretion, the chamber-gas which [ inferred might occupy the space left free on the recession of the visceral sac from the chamber-floor prior to the formation of a fresh septum’. Thus, in the analysis of the structure of chambered shells, we find :—septa simple, distinct, attached only by their circumference (woodcut fig. 1, p. 966); septa attached, subcentrally, to each other, as well as by their circumference to the shell-walls (fig. 2, p- 967) ; septa (fig. 3 6, p.-907) attached marginally to the shell- walls, A, and also to each other by tubular prolongations, c, with an organized, vascular, membranous canal, d, traversing such tes- taceous tube; septa with a calcareous siphuncle consisting of a series of superimposed, elongate, funnel-shaped tubes, with the wide end directed toward the aperture of the shell, as in Spirula (fig. 4, p. 971), or in the opposite direction, as in Bathmoceras. The more complex siphons of Orthoceratites will be presently referred to. Finally, we see in the existing Nautilus the shelly tube interrupted, forming the “collar of the siphon,” and the septa and chambers traversed by a lime-coated membranous canal running through the interrupted shell-tube (Plate LX. fig. 3, ¢, d). 1 “From the adhesion of the entire circumference of the mantle to the shell by means of the ‘horny girdle’ (‘annulus, Waagen, op. cit.), I am inclined. to suppose that the whole of the chambers are excluded during the life-time of the animal from external influence, and are filled only by exhalations or secretions from the animal.”—Memoir on the Nautilus (1832), p. 47. 2 «The proportion of the air-chambers to the occupied dwelling-chamber of the Nautilus is such as to render the whole animal of nearly the same specific gravity as the surrounding water,”—Catalogue, p. 29. 3 Mémoires de la Soc. Linnéenne de Normandie, tom, x, 1855, p, 17, 4 Waagen, op. cit. Taf. xxxix. fig. 4, , 5 Op, cit, 4to, 1832, p. 47, 970 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, For the different views which have been propounded as to the nature and function of this complex siphon, reference may be made to the authors cited, p. 966. Some of these views were based on the partial knowledge of its structure at the date of the first dissection of the Pearly Nautilus. The true structure of the siphon in Nautilus pompilius is rarely preserved ; the somewhat loose calcareous matter by which the membranous part is incrusted is commonly lost with that part in the dry cast-off shells. The calcareous incrustation is apt to be dis- solved, like that of the mandibles in Valenciennes’s specimen, by the acetous change of the alcohol when charged with soluble parts of the animal during a prolonged transit to a European museum. Nautilus striatus. Section of part of shell. When cataloguing, in 1854 and 1855, the Hunterian Cephalopods, I saw sufficient to supplement the description of the siphon in the ‘Memoir on the Nautilus,’ as follows :—“ An artery and vein are assigned for its life and nutrition, and to extend a low degree of the same influences to the shell; but the structure of the membranous siphuncle presents, beyond the first chamber, an inextensible and almost friable texture, apparently unsusceptible of dilatation and contraction ; it is also coated beyond the extremity of the short testaceous siphuncle with a thin calcareous deposit”’. The fact of this incrustation has been ascertained, independently, by Prof.. Vrolik. The subject of his memoir in the volume cited in note 1, was 1 Descriptive Catalogue of the Fossil Organic Remains of the Invertebrata contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 4to, 1856, p. 29. This volume was not issued until all the invertebrate fossils were described ; and the first sheets were printed off before the ‘ Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie,’ yol. x. 1855, came to my hands, 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS. 971 in such a favourable state of preservation that the calcareous incrusta- tion of the membranous siphon was entire, and formed the subject of the continuous inflexible composite tube represented in pl. i. fig. 5, a, b, in that accomplished naturalist’s memoir. The notion of the dilating and contracting action of the siphon of the Nautilus upon its con- tents, whatever these may be proved to be, could be no longer enter-_ tained. Vrolik, confirming by his dissection the existence of the siphonal artery, infers, like myself, the coexistence of a returning channel, although no vein with definite tunics was demonstrable in either dissection. . Evidence of the capillary ramifications of the siphonal artery upon the pallial membrane lining, as periostracum, the interior of the shell-chambers has been adduced by the careful observers Keferstein and Waagen ; but such channels of vitality are not supposed to pene- trate the shell itself. Molluscous shells, like avian feathers and mammalian hairs and teeth, do not receive the terminal divisions of the blood-vessels supplying their several pulps or formative organs. Ordinary or hard dentine, like conchine, piline, and plumine, is extra- vascular, but not, therefore, extravital. The percolation by cellular passages and intervals of a rarer, plasmal exudation from the vital Spirula australis. Section of part of shell, magnified: fluid renders intelligible the change and movements of pigment in the same hair and in the same feather. As the dentist distinguishes dead from living teeth, so the conchist regulates his estimate of the value of a “ dead” as contrasted with a “living” shell. The estimable researches of Carpenter on the modifications of micro- scopic texture in shells parallel those that have demonstrated as many modifications of the microscopic channels by which the plasma percolates the dentinal as it does the chonchinal tissues!. The high organization of the Cephalopods compared with other * Laborious studies of this kind in quest of truth beget a modest reticence and an abstaining from such dogmatic utterances as those of the writer who “denies the possibility of the siphuncle maintaining the vitality of the shell, = because it is certainly a non-vascular structure.”—“ Recent and Fossil Cepha- lopods,” Geological Magazine, yol. y. p. 490. 972 PROF. OWEN ON THE [Nov. 19, mollusks suggests to the physiological mind the probability that some corresponding step in advance of the ordinary condition of a testaceous defence would be likely ; and the retention of the parts of such defence vacated in the course of growth, with the superaddi- tion of a vascular by-way running through the whole, verifies such anticipation of the means whereby the camerated and siphoniferous shell is thus brought into closer harmony with the rest of the organic structure. When the first simple, smgle-chambered, nuclear dwelling is added to and, in part, abandoned, a closer connexion is therewith preserved than in Vermetus, e.g.; and, as the artery penetrating the mem- branous siphon continued from the last-formed dwelling-chamber was demonstrated by mercurial injection’, there is no reason to doubt that such organic comexion was maintained between the fabricator of the second chamber after it had advanced from and vacated the first or nuclear one. The constancy of this siphuncular connexion running through all the chambers of the largest and most complex of the polythalamous shells, with the great size and singular complexity of the siphunele in several extinct species, form the grounds on which I still hold te my original belief in the function of the siphuncle as related to a maintenance of the vitality of the shell. But this relation may be connected, alsu, with a greater share assigned to the siphon in the protection of the soft parts of the Cephalopod at the earlier stages of its existence. The chief charaeter of the tetrabranchiate chambered and sipho- nated shell is its affording, besides a sheath or case to the whole animal, a speeial protection to a part of the animal. Such twofold office is performed by the shell in certain Gastro~ pods, conspicuously in the genus Calyptrea, in which an accessory “cup,” springing from the concavity of the larger “ saucer,” lodges part of the muscular system’. Every chambered and siphonated shell begins in this simple fashion. The protoconch is cup-shaped or flask-shaped, and includes a similar bat smaller blind beginning of the siphon. The proportion of the inner partially protecting shell to the outer wholly encasing shell is greatest in the Silurian Orthoceratites ; and with the large proportional siphon are associated complexities cha- racteristic of the genera Ormoceras, Huronia, &c.° ' Modifications of the contents of such siphons in the Silurian Vagi- 1 «he lesser aorta” sends off a small branch (a4, pl. 5 & 6) “which, winding round to the ventral aspect of the ventricle (to which it is connected by a pro- cess of membrame), passes through a foramen in the septum dividing the peri- cardium from the cayity at the bottom of the pallial sac, is then continued through that cavity, passing between the ovary and gizzard, and lastly enters, without diminution of size, the membranous tube that traverses the parti- tions of the shell.”—Memoir on the Pearly Nautilus, p. 36. * “Tts cavity is filled by what maybe termed the apex of the foot, which here loses its muscular character, and assumes a gelatinous texture.”—“ Anatomy of the Calyptreide,” Trans. Zool. Soc. vol. i. p. 208, pl. 30. figs. 2, 6f, +85 /f35- 3 Charles Stokes, in Geol. Trans. 2nd ser, yol. y. p. 706, 1837. 1878. ] SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODS, 973 nati of Bohemia led the exemplary and acute observer Barrande to conceive that a larger proportion of the soft parts had been therein lodged than is the case in the slender simple siphons of other Tetra- branchiates, and in all that are of later date, when the partial office of the siphon is reduced to reception of a trace of the vascular system. Produce both the *‘saucer” and cup” of Calypeopsis, with the resultant ‘false bottoms” or septa, as in Vermetus (fig. 1, p- 966), and an analogue, if not parallel, of Endoceras would ensue. Hyatt has noted the resemblance of the cup-like internal chambers of Beatricea to a line of siphonal czca. The protoconch (primal shell, nucleus, ovisac, embryo, &e., fig. 5, a) has been determined, Spirula australis. Protoconch and protosiphon, with following chambers, magnified. described, and figured by De Blainville (in Spirula’) ; also by Sandberger’, by Barrande’, and, with exemplary care and patience, by Alpheus Hyatt’, in various species of tetrabranchiate shells. The results by no means support any doubt as to the externality of the shells of the Ammonitidee, or at all support the notion of their closer affinity to Spirula than to Nautilus. : The supposed well-marked distinction between the protoconch of Ammonites and that of Nautilus is mainly due, as Hyatt has shown, to its decadence in Nautilus after the deuteroconch (fig. 5, 6), or suc- cessional shell-chamber, is formed—the primal communication with the protoconch being then indicated by a linear cicatrix on the first septum’. On this indication of the original existence and attach- ment of the protoconch I may remark, that when the young Nau- tilus, becoming too big for its first shell, moved on to make another, part of that “making” encroached upon the space which the young had traversed, and reduced it more or less to the shape of a chink or scar. But it must not be concluded that this chink preexisted to the progress, and that the young crept or squeezed through such chink, as when Mr. Hyatt writes of ‘the central scar which marks the former aperture through which the animal probably passed into the fundus of the first whorl” ® It is only under such impression that it becomes “ difficult to account for the passage of the large 1 Op. cit. : Cpiesieche Gesellschaft fiir Natur und Heilkunde, 1858. ~ CU. 4 Fossil Cephalopods of the Museum of Comparative Zoology.—Embry- ology (Svo, Cambridge, Mags.), vol. iii, no. v. 1872. 5 Ibid. p. 64. § Ibid. p. 73. 974 PROF, OWEN ON THE SHELLS OF CEPHALOPODs. [Nov. 19, body of the embryo through the narrow aperture thus made’ !. The difficulty merely depended upon the “time of the making” the communicating aperture so narrow. A true ‘‘embryology”’ of the Tetrabranchiates will be the welcome result and reward of the fortunate and equal student of the living Nautilus and Spirula, on the shores or in the seas they still fre- quent, or in the aquarium adapted to conserve and exhibit the male and female of these representatives of the almost extinct order. I cannot conclude the present paper without expressing the pleasure with which may be confidently expected the determination of important points in the physiology of the Tetrabranchiate and Dibranchiate constructors of chambered and siphonated shells by observations made on the living specimens, under the favourable opportunities afforded by their capture to the accomplished Natu- ralists of H.M.S. ‘Challenger,’ whose attention had no doubt been directed to the following needful observations and experiments sug- gested in previous works on the subject. “It would be advisable in the event of another fortunate capture of the Nautilus, to lay open the chambers under water, when the presence of gas in any of them would be ascertained ; and it might be received and analyzed ; the contents also of the central tube, if gaseous, would at once be detected ”’ ?. Prof. Vrolik records similar appeals on more than one point in the structure and physiology of the constructor of the chambered shell. = ““M. Owen a eu raison de dire que l’orifice 2 (pl. ii. fig. 2) est en communication avec le péricarde.”’.,.‘« D’aprés ce que j’ai vu, le siphon s’ouvre dans la cavité abdominale, comme la pl. i. fig. 5, ¢c, le dé- montre, et dans laquelle j’indique aussi la communication entre la cavité branchiale et le péricarde en d, et entre celui-ci et la cavité abdominale ou splanchnique en e.”...“En ouvrant la paroi postéri- eure du péricarde, je me suis assuré qu’au fond de celui-ci il y a une ouverture, que M. Owen a deja reconnue, et dans laquelle pénétre une petite artére (pl. i. fig. 2, /). Cette ouverture est mise en rap- port, prés de lovaire et du gésier, avec la cavité abdominale.”’ With regard to the course of sea-water from the branchial to the pericardial or peritoneal cavity and thence to the cavity of the siphon, or the reverse course, Vrolik appeals to the fortunate possessors of the living Nautilus :—‘* L’observation directe seule pourrait les dé- cider’’®. And again, in regard to the circulation, especially of the venous blood :—‘‘Serait-il possible que le sang veineux du canal intestinal fut versé dans ces interstices ou dans ces /acunes, pour passer plus tard, par les orifices cités, dans la veine cave ; et le sang veineux des autres 1 Op. cit. p. 74. ? Memoir on the Nautilus pompilius, 4to, 1832, p. 47. The same might be urged in the case of the capture of a living Spirula. * “Sur quelques points de V’organisation de l'animal du Nautile Flambé.” Mémoires de la Société Linnéenne de Normandie, tom. x. (1885), p. 7, pls. i. and il. 1878.] THE SECRETARY ON ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 975 viscéres abdominaux serait-il regu dans des vaisseaux veineux qui se réuniraient en suite pour former les trones que M. Owen représente planche vi. 3,3? Je n’ai pas de réponse A donner A ces questions. L’injection du Systeme vasculaire d’un individu a létat frais, et observation d'un Nautile vivant pourraient seules les éclaircir.?— VROLIK, op. cit. p. 11. EXPLANATION OF PLATE LX. Fig. 1. Section of Ammonites lingulatus, showing the opercula, 0, displaced but retained in the dwelling-chamber, 2. Ammonites subradiatus, with the operculum, 0,72 st¢u, closing the aperture of the shell, save the space, v, for the passage of the respiratory currents. 3. Section of Nautilus pompilius, with diagrammatic outlines of the muscles of the shell and of the soft parts indicative of the relative position of the animal. 4. Section of Spirula australis. In the figures 3 and 4 the parts are indicated by the same letters, as follows :— Shell. A. Dorsal wall. B. Ventral wall. a. Chambers. 4, Septa. c. Hard siphon. d. Soft siphon. Mantle. e. Dorsal wall. f£ Ventral wall. Head, g. Tentacles or prehensile organs, Beak. h. Dorsal mandible. 7. Ventral mandible. 7. Funnel. %. Retractores infun- dibuli. 7 Retractores capitis. mm, Branchie, 7, Liver. December 3, 1878. Robert Hudson, Esq., F.R.S., V.P., in the Chair. The Secretary made the following report on the additions to the Society’s Menagerie during November 1878 :— The total number of registered additions to the Society’s Mena- gerie during the month of November was 66, of which 2 were by birth, 26 by presentation, 28 by purchase, 1 received in exchange, and 9 received on deposit. The total number of departures during same period, by death and removal, was 89. The most noticeable additions during the month were :— 1. Two examples of Horsfield’s Tortoise, Testudo horsfieldi, from the neighbourhood of Tschina in Turkestan, presented by Dr. A. Strauch, C.M.Z.S., of the Imperial Zoological Museum of St. Peters- burg, November 15th. The species having been established by Dr. Gray upon a single young specimen ', said to have come from Afghanistan, Dr. Strauch was anxious to have examples of the Central-Asiatic species (which 1 Gray, Cat. Tort. Brit. Mus. p. 7 (1844), and Cat. Shield Rept. in Brit. Mus, p: 7, tab. i. (1855), = 976 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON SAXICOLA STAPAZINA. [Dec. 3, he has excellently described in his ‘ Chelonologische Studien,’ p. 86) compared with the original type. This, through Dr. Ginther’s kindness I have now been able to do; and I have no doubt of the identity of the species, in which opinion Dr. Giinther fully coneurs. Besides the original type, there are two small examples of this Tor- toise in the British Museum, obtained in Persia, during the Survey of the Persian Boundary Commission’; so that the species would appear to range from Afghanistan through Persia onto the shores ot the Caspian and Aral seas and so into Turkestan, whence the present specimens were forwarded to the Imperial Zoological Mu- seum of St. Petersburg by their conservator, von Russow. Testudo horsfieldi in general appearance much resembles Testudo greca, but has only four toes on the front limbs. 2. A small blue Macaw, apparently referable to Spix’s Macaw (Ara spivi), purchased of the Jardin d’Acclimatation of Paris, November 15, and new to the Society’s collection. This bird seems to agree in every respect with the species as de- scribed by Finsch*, except that the bare space round the eye and lores are black, and not yellow as described by Finsch and as also described and figured by Spix. I have examined the single specimen of this species in the British Museum (obtained by purchase from a dealer in 1859), and believe it to be the same as our bird. Our specimen, of which I exhibit a figure by Mr. Smit (Plate LXI.) is generally of a bluish grey, the head of a paler light grey, a narrow naked ring round the eye; naked lores and bill black; total length about 18 inches, wing 10, tail12. The iris is of a pale yellow. This is the first example of this rare species I have ever seen alive. It is immediately distinguishable from Ara hyacinthina and A. glauca (of both of which we have living specimens in the collection) by its small size and small bill. Mr. H. Seebohm exhibited a large series of specimens of the Hooded and Carrion Crows (Corvus corniz aud C. corone) and of the intermediate forms between these species, and made remarks on their geographical range and on the origin of the hybrids. Col. Irby, F.Z.S., exhibited and made remarks on some nests, eggs, and young of Cypselus pallidus taken at Gibraltar. Mr. Howard Saunders exhibited and made remarks on some Indian eggs, especially those of Sterna bergii and Larus hemprichii, on behalf of Capt. Butler, H.M. 83rd Regiment. These specimens had been taken on the island of Astola, on the Mekran coast. Dr. F. Day, F.Z.S., exhibited and made remarks on three jaws of Indian Sharks—one belonging to the genus Galeocerdo, and two belonging to the genus Carcharias,—and pointed out that one of the 1 See Blanford’s ‘ Zoology of Persia,’ p. 308. 2 Sittace spixi, Finsch, Papag. vol. i. p. 393, Nanharbt im JSmit lith Mute song Us qayyy JAR BLS “S 2d 1878. ] DR. A. GUNTHER ON MIDIAN REPTILES. 977 latter had the teeth of Odontaspis, whereas the other had the teeth in the upper jaw furnished with cross serrations, approaching in this respect Galeocerdo, while the teeth in the lower jaw were more like those of Odontaspis. Mr. Sclater read a letter with enclosures from Mr. R. Davenport, of 124 Georgiana Street, Bury, whereby it appeared that there could be no doubt of the specimen of the Black-throated Wheatear (Sazicola stapazina) exhibited at the last meeting having been obtained in Lancashire, as there stated’. The bird was shot by Mr. David Page, of 103 Spring Street, Bury, on or about the 8th May, 1875, whilst sitting on the ridge of the outbuildings belonging to the Bury Angling Association near the reservoir. It was taken in the flesh to Mr. Wright Johnson, of Prestwick, to be mounted. Mr. Johnson had ascertained the sex by dissection to be male. The Secretary called attention to the error that had accidentally taken place in reference to the Collection of Butterflies from Billiton, on which Messrs. Salvin and Godman had reported in the last number of the Society’s ‘ Proceedings’ (antea, p. 637). The col- lection had been made and forwarded to England by Hr. J. G. F. Riedel, of Koepang, Resident of Timor and its dependencies. The following papers were read :— 1. On Reptiles from Midian collected by Major Burton. By Dr. Atsert Gtntuer, F.R.S., F.Z.S. [Received October 31, 1878.] (Plate LXIT.) Major Burton has kindly presented to the Trustees of the British Museum the zoological specimens collected by him in Midian*. The reptiles are five in number, viz. Gongylus ocellatus, Zamenis clif- fordi, Zamenis elegantissimus (sp. u.), Echis carinata, and Echis colorata (sp. n.),—all of which are characteristic of the Cireum- mediterranean fauna. A toad proved to be the common Bufo vul- garis. Major Burton does not seem to have had the means of preserving any mammals and birds ; and it is to be hoped that travellers who may succeed him in the exploration of this interesting country will be more fortunate in this respect, as, at present, we are entirely ignorant of this part of the Midianitish fauna. ZAMENIS ELEGANTISSIMUS. (Plate LXII.) The body is moderately slender, head rather narrow, eye of moderate size. _ Rostral shield convex, reaching the upper surface of the head. The scutes of the upper surface of the head are not 1 Above p. 881. ? See Burton’s ‘Gold-mines of Midian,’ London, C, Kegan Paul & Co., 1878. 978 MR, H. SEEBOHM ON SYLVIA BLANFORDI. [ Dec. 3, subdivided : anterior frontals much smaller than the posterior ; vertical large, broad in front, with the lateral margins concave ; occipitals rounded behind. Loreal nearly square; three ante- oculars, the upper of which is large, concave, extending onto the vertical shield ; the two lower are small, and may be regarded as detached portions of the fourth upper labial. Two postoculars ; eight upper labials, of which the fifth enters the orbit. Temporals seale-like, 2+3+3, the lower of the anterior pair being larger than the upper. The scales smooth, in 19 rows. Ventrals 197 ; anal bifid; subcaudals 79. Abdomen with a slight ridge on each side. The ground colour of this most beautiful snake is olive; a bright orange streak begins on the vertical shield and runs along the entire median line of the back and tail. It is interrupted by broad black cross bands, of which the two anterior occupy the crown of the head, twenty-one encircle the trunk, and eight the tail. The bands on the trunk do not reach across the middle of the abdomen; but the rings on the tail are complete. The length of the entire specimen is 26 inches, that of the tail being 64. It was found on the mountains east of El Muwaylah. ZAMENIS CLIFFORDII, Schleg. A young specimen from the sandy coast-region of Tihamat Midian. EcuIs CARINATA, Merr. One specimen from the sandy coast-region. EcHIS COLORATA. This specimen approaches the true Vipers in general habit ; but the scales on the side are arranged in the same peculiar manner which is characteristic of Echis. In the thickest part of the body the scales form about 35 longitudinal series. There are four series of small scales between the eye and the upper labials. Greyish with large pinkish spots on the upperside; they are rounded on the front part of the body, but more irregular and broken up on the posterior. Lower parts whitish, speckled and powdered with greyish. Ventrals 208 ; subcaudals 48. The single example, which is much injured, was caught on Jebel Sharr, at an altitude of 4500 feet above the level of the sea. It is 27 inches long, the thin tail measuring 3 inches only. 2. On a new Species of Sylvia from Abyssinia, and on some other Abyssinian Sylvians. By Henry Szxsonm, F.Z,S. [Received November 7, 1878.] The only species of the genus Sylvia obtained by Jesse on the Abyssinian expedition, was the common Whitethroat. This species was also obtained by Blanford ; and in addition he records (Geol. and cll il 1878. ] MR. H. SEEBOHM ON SYLVIA BLANFORDI. 979 Zool. of Abyss. p. 379) a single specimen of Sylvia melanocephala, Gm., shot at Rairo in Habab. We learn from the personal narrative that Blanford was at Rairo between the 10th and 15th of August. The skin, doubtless obtained between these two dates, is in the British Museum, and appears to me to belong to a hitherto unde- scribed species, which I propose to call SyLVIA BLANFORDI. The general colour of the upper parts is brown, the innermost secondaries, the quills, and the wing-coverts being narrowly margined with brownish white. The cheeks, head, and nape are brownish black. The tail is very dark brown, the outside tail- feathers (which are much abraded) showing traces of having been tipped with white. The general colour of the underparts is white, shading into brown on the sides of the breast, flanks, axillaries, and under tail-coverts. The bastard primary projects °3 inch beyond the primary-coverts ; and the second primary is between the eighth and ninth in length. The bird is moulting some of the primaries between the third and the eighth. Both mandibles of the bill are dark, and the tarsus and feet are dark slate-grey. The wing measures 2°52, and the tail 2°62. The culmen, which is slightly injured, measures about °51 when perfect. The only species with which this bird can be confounded are S. eurruca (Linn.), S. melanocephala, Gm., and S. rubescens, Blanf. From S. curruea it is easily distinguished by its head being brownish black instead of pale slate-grey, and by its tail being longer instead of shorter, than its wing. From S. melanocephala it may be dis- tinguished by the length of wing being 2°52, instead of varying from 2°15 to 2°35, and the colour of the tarsus and feet being dark slate- grey instead of brown. Besides being a larger bird with darker feet, it has a larger bastard primary, a shorter second primary, and has less white on the outside tail-feathers. From S. rubescens it may be distinguished by its tail being longer, instead of shorter, than the wing, by its feet being dark slate-grey instead of palish brown, and by its larger size, the less amount of white on the outside feathers of its tail, its longer bastard primary, and more rounded wing. Sylvia blanfordi appears to be quite distinct from any of the birds described by Riippell in his ‘ Neue Wirbelth. Abyss.’, or by Heuglin in his ‘Orn. Nordost-Afrika’s,’ and also from the types of Hemprich and Ehrenberg, in the Berlin Museum, described by Dresser and Blanford in the Ibis (1874, p. 335). Another error of identification in Blanford’s ‘ Abyssinia’ will be found on page 358. The skin from Senapé in the British Museum, labelled Ruticilla phenicura, Linn., does not belong to that bird, but to the nearly allied species Ruticilla mesoleuca, Ehr. I have also exa- mined the Pratincole from the Abyssinian collection in the British Museum ; and Mr. Sharpe has pointed out to me that Pratincola semitorquata, Heugl., is undoubtedly the breeding-plumage of P. albofasciata, Ripp., and that Blanford’s skins labelled Pratincola 980 MR. H. SEEBOHM ON HORORNIS FoRTIPES, Etc. [Dec. 3, pastor, Strickland, are undoubtedly P. indica, Blyth. This species, distinguished, amongst other characters, from P. rudicola (Linn.), by its pure white unspotted rump, and its almost entirely black axil- laries, was first discovered in Europe by Harvie-Brown and myself in the valley of the Petchora; Drs. Finsch and Brehm found it on the Obb; and I brought home several skins from the Yenesay. Although Severtzoff records both species from Turkestan, there can be scarcely any doubt that Pallas’s birds from the Irtish and the Tobol belong to the eastern species, which must therefore stand as Pratincola maura, Pall. (Reise Russ. Reichs, ii. p. 708). 3. On the Identity of Horornis fortipes, Hodgs., Neornis assimilis, Gray, Horeites robustipes, Swinhoe, Horeites pallidus, Brooks, and Horeites brunnescens, Hume. By Henry Seresoum, F.Z.8S. [Received November 7, 1878.] CeTTia ForTIPES (Hodgson). Salicaria ?, Hodgson, icon. ined. nos. 900 & 923. Horornis fortipes, Hodgson, J. A. S. Beng. xiv. p. 584 (1845). Drymeca brevicaudata, Blyth, J. A.S. Beng. xvi. p. 459 (1847). Horornis assimilis, Gray, Cat. Mamm. &c. Nepal coll. Hodgson, p- 30, no. 143 (1863, ex Hodgson). Horeites robustipes, Swinhoe, Ibis, 1866, p. 398. Neornis assimilis, Gray, Hand-list of Birds, no. 3096 (1869). Horeites pallidus, Brooks, J. A. S. Beng. xli. p. 78 (1872). Horeites brunnescens, Hume, Ibis, 1872, p. 109. An examination of thirty-two skins of Horornis fortipes, Hodgson, H. assimilis, Gray, Horeites robustipes, Swinhoe, and Horeites pal- lidus, Brooks, leads me to the conclusion that they all belong to one species. They agree in having the general colour of the upper parts russet (not olive) brown, somewhat yellower on the rump. The wings are brown, fringed externally with russet-brown, and margined inter- nally with white. The tail is brown, fringed with russet-brown. An indistinct eyebrow and the underparts are buffish white, shading into ochraceous brown on the flanks, thighs, and under tail-coverts. Axillaries and under wing-coverts pale yellow. Young birds have the underparts yellower. The bill is moderately stout, dark horn- colour above, pale horn-colour below, but darker towards the tip. Rictal bristles slender. The wing is very rounded, the first primary rather more than half the length of the second, and the fifth, sixth, and seventh are nearly equal and longest. The tail consists of ten feathers only, and is rounded, its outside feathers being about 0°45 inch shorter than the longest. The foot and tarsus are robust, pale brown in colour ; and the latter is very indistinctly scutellated in front. The length of wing varies in adults from 1°9 to 2°28, the tail being about one-twentieth shorter. The culmen measures about 0°5. 1878.] MR. 4. SEEBOHM ON HORORNIS FORTIPES, ETC. 981 Brooks obtained this species in Cashmere ; Mandelli has sent skins from Darjeeling; Hodgson found it in Nepal, and Godwin-Austen in Assam. Swinhoe’s type from Formosa seems less remotely situated when we remember that Pére David obtained the nearly allied species (Horeites major and H. brunneifrons) in China, where the species under consideration doubtless also occurs. I place this species in the genus Cettia, because it agrees with the type of that genus in having only ten tail-feathers, somewhat simi- larly graduated, and because both species have a somewhat similar bill, and a rounded wing, not flat like that of a Thrush, but twisted like a plough-plate to fit the body, evidently adapted less for extended flight than to be out of the way when the bird is creeping through dense foliage. Both species agree in having the feathers of the rump considerably developed, and in laying eggs of a uniform dark- red colour in a cup-shaped nest. The position of this genus is somewhat intermediate between the Turdine and the Timeliine. So far as I can see at present, I feel disposed to restrict the Turdine to birds with a comparatively flat wing, in which the first primary is almost obsolete, whilst the second © is lengthened with the other primaries, forming a long pointed wing, adapted for the extended flight of species whose winter-home may be thousands of miles away from their breeding-stations. This scheme would include the Chats, Thrushes, Redstarts, Warblers, and Accentors in the Turdine, and leave the short-winged Warblers, such as Prinia, Cisticola, &c., to take their place along with the Babblers and Bulbuls in the Timeliine. This latter group of birds is characterized by having strong legs and feet, adapted for creeping through tangled foliage, whilst their wings, instead of being flat, are moulded to fit the body of the bird and to occupy as little room as possible. The conformation of the wing is ill-adapted to extended flight. The first primary is large and takes its place naturally beside the shortened second primary, so that it no longer deserves to be called a bastard primary. The other primaries are also short and graduated in length, making a short rounded wing, sufficient for birds whose annual migrations are confined to such narrow limits that they can often look down from the mountains where they breed onto the plain or into the valleys, where they find an abundant supply of winter food. It must be admitted, however, that in many genera of the Tur- dine we find approaches to the Timeliine, so as to make the two subfamilies not only to come into contact with each other but some- times to overlap, so that we may have occasionally a turdine species of the Timeliine more turdine than the most timeliine species of the Turdine. These little difficulties are very puzzling to the systematic ornithologist ; but possibly they may be evidence that his system is a natural one rather than otherwise. The following list of skins examined will show how impossible it is to draw any distinction in respect of size between the four reputed species which I propose to unite :— Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LXIV. 64 982 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [ Dec. 3 Length of wing. in. 2:28 Sikkim. G. Austen. Horornis fortipes. 2°24 Naga hills. a Neornis assimilis¢. 2:2 Sikkim. Brooks. Horornis fortipes. 2:2 Darjeeling. Hume. Horeites brunnescens. 2:2 Nepal. Hodgson. Neornis assimilis. 2:2 Naga hills. G. Austen. = 2:18 Shillong. 3 ¥ 2:18 Nepal. Hodgson, . 2°15 Darjeeling. Brooks. Horeites pallidus. 2:15 Khasa. G. Austen. Neornis assimilis. 2:14 Sikkim. : Horornis fortipes. 2-14 Shillong. o Neornis assimilis ¢. 2:14 Cashmere. Brooks. Horeites pallidus. 2:13 Shillong. G. Austen. Neornis assinilis ¢. 2°13 Darjeeling. Blyth. Drymeca brevicaudata. 2-11 Nepal. Hodgson. | Neornis assimilis. 2-11 ” ” % 21 ” ” ” 271 ” ”? ” 2:1 Shillong. | G. Austen. + d. 2:07 Naga hills. Fe “i 2. 2-05 Munipur 3 i 2:0 Formosa. Swinhoe. Horeites robustipes. 2:0 Nepal Hodgson. Neornis assimilis, juv. 196 ” 22 ” 1:95 sf a Neornis assimilis. 1:95 Khasi. G. Austen. 2 19 Formosa. Swinhoe. Horeites robustipes. 19 Darjeeling. Brooks. Horeites pallidus. ig Nepal. Hodgson, Neornis assimilis, uy. 1:88 ” ” ” 1-88 ” ” ” 1:81 ” ” ” 4. Description of new Species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Central and South America. By Martin Jacosy. [Received November 13, 1878. ] 1, LEMA SUFFRIANI, Sp. nov. Oblong, light testaceous. Head and breast black ; elytra striate- punctate, testaceous, a short sutural and submarginal stripe at the base and two small spots, one before, the other behind the middle of each elytron, violaceous black. Length 23-33 lines. Head shining black, impunctate, not constricted behind the eyes, the lateral grooves very deep; antenne nearly as long as half the body, of a uniform light rufous or testaceous colour, only the basal joint stained with piceous ; thorax scarcely longer than broad, deeply 1$78.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPBRAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 983 constricted behind the middle, smooth, impunctate, testaceous ; scu- tellum subquadrate, black. Elytra strongly and very regularly punctate-striate, the ninth stria entire, the interstices slightly raised towards the apex; a short longitudinal sutural stripe at the base, another of equal length covering the shoulder and pointed posteriorly, where both stripes finish a little before the middle, a small round spot between these stripes at their end, and another spot at a little distance from the apex of each elytron, shining violaceous black. Abdomen and the legs testaceous. Hab. Voleano of lrazu, Costa Rica. Collected by Mr. Rogers. This species bears a close resemblance to L. bifida, Oliv., and L. semisepta, Lac., in coloration, but is distinguished from the first by the elytra haviag two spots instead of one, the uniformly coloured antenne and the smooth thorax, while the same differences distinguish it from the latter species. I have seen about a dozen specimens, all of which agree exactly with each other in having the light-coloured antennz and legs and the two spots on each elytron. 2. MasrosteTHUS SALVINI, Sp. Noy. Elongate, parallel, testaceous, the sides of the breast and the upper part of the head shining black. Thorax rufous, nitidous. Elytra light testaceous, a large semiquadrate patch from the base to the middle on each, and a broad transverse fascia behind the middle, common to both elytra, black. Length 43 lines. Head distinctly punctured round the eyes, the other part smooth and shining, lower part of face flavous, upper part black; antennz reaching to the base of the thorax, testaceous, the first to the eighth joint above stained with black, but diminishing towards the apex, and entirely disappearing from the ninth joint. Thorax narrowed from the base to the apex; surface very minutely and widely punc- tured, impressed near the hinder angles with a distinct fovea; scutellum black. Elytra subdepressed above, narrowed towards the apex, surface strongly but not very closely punctured ; pale testa- ceous, a large spot on each elytron from the base to the middle, narrowed towards the suture, and a transverse fascia (neither of which extends quite to the lateral margin), the latter only separated from the former by a narrow interval, with the posterior margin irregular, black ; the apex of the elytra are of the ground-colour to about the same extent as the width of the transverse band. The underside, with the exception of the sides of the breast, the dorsal surface of the four anterior femora, and all the tibia, which are black, testaceous ; hinder femora and inner side of tibize of the same colour, the former with a distinct tooth near the apex, Hab. Cache, Costa Rica. Collected by Mr. Rogers. 3. LAMPROSOMA CHAPUISI, sp. nov. Ovate, convex, dark violaceous ; head, lateral and anterior margins 64* 684 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Dec. 3, of thorax, apex of the elytra, outside of legs brilliant aureous or copper-coloured. Head distinctly punctured. Length 2 lines. Head finely granulose, rather deeply but not closely punctured, bright aureous ; first and second joint of the antenne of the latter colour, the rest black. Thorax with its sides straight, anteriorly much deflexed, the surface very convex and obtusely punctured, much less distinctly visible than the punctures of the head, of an almost black violaceous, with the anterior margin very narrowly and the sides to a greater extent, but diminishing in width towards the base, ornamented with bright metallic reddish-golden colour; the inner margin of this colour at the sides of the thorax is deeply den- tate. Elytra very convex near their base, distinctly narrowed towards the apex ; each elytron with ten rows of rather coarse and very regularly placed punctures, which scarcely diminish in size towards the apex, the interstices smooth and impunctate ; the colour is of the same dark violaceous as that of the thorax ; and at the apex of each elytron is an elongate-oval patch of the same metallic colour as the head and the thorax. Underside black, the outer sides of all the legs metallic aureous ; tarsi black. Hab. Costa Rica. In my collection. This species is very closely allied to L. ignicaudatum, Lac., and L. coruscum, Lac.; but differs from the former by the deeply punctured head, and the shape of the golden lateral band of the thorax, while it is distinguished from the latter species by the shape of the elytral spot, the colour of the thorax, and the colour of the legs. 4, LAMPROSOMA INORNATUM, Sp. lv. Ovate-globose, black, shining, above brilliant violaceous blue. Head finely, thorax distinctly punctate; elytra striate-punctate ; prosternum smooth, Length 23 lines. Head rather convex, with a small roundish fovea in the middle, widely and finely punctured, violaceous blue, bordered anteriorly with metallic green ; antennz black, the second joint fulvous. Thorax transverse, the anterior angles much deflexed, the sides rounded ; posterior margin sinuate on each side, with an obsolete short de- pression on each side of the median lobe; the surface much more distinctly punctured than the head, and increasing in size towards the base. Elytra very convex, their greatest convexity lying very near the middle viewed sideways, they are gradually narrowed towards the apex ; and each elytron has ten rows of rather deep punctures, which diminish slightly towards the apex in size; the colour is a brilliant violaceous blue with a greenish tint. Underside and legs black, shining, finely alutaceous and punctured; prosternum elongate, quadrate, perfectly smooth, with a few rows of short whitish hairs. Hab. Chiriqui. In my collection. Although this species is nearly allied to Z. testudineum, Lac., as 1878.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 985 well as to L. cyaneum, Lac., it is from both distinguished by its smooth prosternum, from the former by the punctured head, from the latter by the want of the depression at the head. 5. NODA LEFEVREI, sp. nov. Broadly ovate, uniformly greenish wneous. Head coarsely, thorax less strongly punctured. Elytra semipunctate-striate, costate near the apex. Length 12 line. Head strongly and closely punctate, especially between the eyes, where the punctures are of an oblong shape. Eyes very prominent ; clypeus also strongly punctured, separated from the face, its anterior margin crescent-shaped ; antenne as long as half the body, the last five joints much thickened, and the terminal one very robust and strongly pointed at the apex, the lower six joints shining greenish geneous above, fulvous below, the rest black and opaque. ‘Thorax very narrowed towards the apex, with the posterior angles acutely produced ; surface moderately punctured, the punctures not stronger near the sides than those on the disk, and not extending to the an- terior or the posterior margin. Scutellum with a few punctures. Elytra convex, with a very obsolete depression below the base ; surface very deeply and regularly punctate-striate near the outer margin, finer and more irregularly towards the suture ; the intervals towards the apex raised in longitudinal costs, of which the third and fourth (counting from the outer margin) are united posteriorly sending off a short costa towards the apex. Underside and legs geneous, extreme apex of the tibize and the tarsi darkish rufous. Hab. Costa Rica (volcano of Irazn) ; Guatemala. Closely allied to Noda semicostata, Lefévre ; but distinguished by the equal punctuation of the thorax, which, in the former species, is, according to the description, strong and dense at the sides. 6. Nopa BALYI, sp. nov. Broadly ovate, eneous, shining ; antenna, palpi, and legs ferru- ginous. Elytra punctate-striate, with a short round tubercle on the disk of each elytron. Length 13 line. Head rather deeply but widely punctured, the clypeus not sepa- rated from the face ; antenne with the third, fourth, and fifth joints of equal length, entirely ferruginous. Thorax of the same shape as in N. viridis, distinctly punctate throughout, greenish bronze-coloured. Elytra convex, a little more strongly punctured than the thorax, the punctures arranged in regular striw, the intervals scarcely raised except near the lateral margin and the apex, where they are semicos- tate; the humeral callus prominent ; and each elytron is furnished at a little distance before the middle with a short round tubercle, which is placed nearer the lateral margin than the suture ; a very shallow trans- verse depression is also visible in certain lights immediately above this tubercle. Underside greenish black, opaque ; legs ferruginous. Hab. Guatemala. 986 MR. M.JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [ Dec. 3, | Collected by Mr. Salvin. Collection Jacoby. Allied to N. propinqua, Lefévre,. but differing in the stronger punctuation of the thorax and the sculpture of the elytra. 7. NopA vVIRIDIS, sp- Nov. Broadly ovate, shining metallic-green above, below greenish black, the first six or seven joints of the antennz and the legs entirely fer- ruginous. Length 14-13 line. Head coarsely but widely punctate, the clypeus distinctly sepa- rated, also strongly punctured, with the anterior margin emarginate ; Jabrum dark ferruginous or brown; vertex of head with an obsolete longitudinal groove. Antenne of half the length of the body, very robust, with the exception of the short second joiut, gradually thickened towards the apex, the three penultimate joints of nearly equal length and cylindrical, the terminal joint the longest of any, and pointed at the apex ; the first six or seven joints ferruginous, the rest black, opaque. Thorax transverse, the anterior margin nearly straight, the posterior one evenly rounded and produced in the middle, the sides nearly parallel at the base, but narrowed towards the apex, all the angles acute; surface shining metallic green with a slight bluish tint, not very closely but rather deeply punctate. Scutellam smooth. Elytra slightly wider at the base than the thorax, very gradually and evenly rounded towards the apex ; disk rather convex, without any basal depression ; the humeral callus produced and smooth ; surface finely punctured a little more strongly near the base, the punctures arranged in rather regular lines, partially running in pairs, and forming one stria near the suture towards the apex. Underside opaque blackish green. Legs and tarsi ferruginous. Hab. Guatemala. Collected by Mr. O. Salvin. In my collection. 8. NopA BOUCARDI, sp. nov. Broadly ovate, above violaceous blue, shining, below greenish black. Tibi, tarsi, and base of the antenne rufous. Elytra geminate-punctate-striate. Length 13 line. Tiead strongly punctured, especially towards the lower part, shining greenish blue ; antennz with the first six joints light rufous, the rest darker. Thorax of the same shape as WN. /efevrei of this paper, also equally punctate throughout, the puncturing extending at the same time to all the margins. Elytra not differmg in form from the above species, the punctuation on the disk, however, united in pairs, and only the extreme apex distinctly costate. Underside semiopaque, greenish black, all the tibize and tarsi bright rufous. Hab. Valin, Guatemala. Collected by Mr. Salvin. Allied to Noda rufipes, Lefév. (Mittheil. Minch. Ent. v. 1878), but differing in the equal punctuation of the thorax, the double rows of punctures of the elytra, and the costate apex of the latter. 1878.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 987 9. NODA VIOLACEIPENNIS, sp. nov. Oblong-ovate, blackish green below, violaceous blue above ; thorax moderately punctured, elytra semi-punctate-striate, without coste. Legs and antenne greenish eneous. Length 2 lines. Head and clypeus with some widely dispersed deep punctures, the former besides with an obsolete fovea in the middle; antennze more than half the length of the body, robust, uniformly greenish zneous, with the exception of the two basal joints, which are stained with piceous. Thorax of the same shape as the other species of this paper, but rather finely punctured, the punctures on the disk assuming an oblong shape here and there, while the punctuation near the lateral margins is very obsolete. Elytra more oblong than in the other species, shining violaceous blue, with the punctures stronger than those of the thorax, and rather confusedly placed, only towards the apex more distinctly geminate-punctate-striate ; the intervals not raised, only an obtuse tubercle visible near the extreme apex; the suture on each side accompanied by an impressed line, commencing about the middle of the elytra, to the apex. Underside and legs greenish black. Tarsi and claws obscure piceous. Hab, Guatemala. My collection. Collected by Mr. Salvin. 10. MeraxyONYCHA RUFOLIMBATA, Sp. nov. Oblong, broadly ovate. Head aureous, deeply and closely punc- tured. Thorax laterally obsoletely tridentate, greenish, coarsely punctured. Elytra punctate-striate, the interstices longitudinally costate, greenish; the sides and the apex broadly rufous-coloured, abdomen flavous. Length 4% lines. Head deeply and closely punctured, with a deep longitudinal middle groove, bright aureous or copper-coloured ; antennex black, the first six joints shining. Thorax transverse, distinctly triden- tate at the sides, the disk covered with rather deep punctures in the middle and along the anterior margin; the rest of the surface minutely punctate, of a greenish opaque colour. Scutellum elongate, smooth, purplish. Elytra not much wider at the base than the thorax, rather finely punctate-striate, the interstices broadly costate from the base to the apex, where their ends are joined, of the same green opaque colour as the thorax, the sides (narrowly at the base, gradually widened to the apex, the latter broadly) of a rufous colour. Breast and legs purplish green, abdomen light rufous or flavous. Hab. Venezuela. Collection Jacoby. 11. PRIONODERA ELEGANS, sp. nov. Elongate, dark purplish. Head and thorax irregularly punctured and finely transversely wrinkled, the latter at the sides obsoletely bidenticulate. Elytra longitudinally costate, the intervals punctate- 988 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. | Dee. 3, striate, purplish blue, a large triangular sutural patch from the base to the middle reddish copper-coloured. Length 43 lines. Head and clypeus deeply punctured, with a deep longitudinal groove in the middle, of a greenish semiopaque colour, here and there with a purplish tint ; labrum and jaws nearly black; first joint of the antennee very thick and subcylindrical, the second short and globose, the rest cylindrical, equal in length ; the first six joints shining greenish aureous, the rest black, opaque. Thorax sub- quadrate, slightly broader than long, all the angles acute and pro- duced externally, the sides with a distinct tooth behind and another very obsolete one before the middle; disk irregularly transversely wrinkled, visible only when viewed sideways, and covered with large and small punctures ; of a greenish colour, sometimes with purplish patches. Scutellum elongate, finely punctate. Elytra much wider at the base than the thorax, a little widened posteriorly ; each elytron with eight longitudinal cost, the intervals subgeminate-punctate- striate; bluish purple, a large sutural triangular patch, extending from the base to below the middle, of a reddish copper, surrounded by light green colour. Underside and legs dark green, with a purplish hue. Hab. Columbia. Two specimens in my collection. 12. CHALCOPHANA SEMIRUFA, Sp. nov. Elongate, subparallel, piceous below. Head, thorax, first six joints of the antennz, and thelegs rufous. Elytra deeply and closely punctate-striate and partly costate, shining bronze-colour, extreme margin and the apex rufous. Length 33 lines. Head deeply punctured, with a median groove, labrum yellowish, apex of mandibles black ; antennz with the first six joints rufous, the rest black. Thorax transverse, the posterior margin round and widened in the middle, the anterior one straight, all the angles pro- duced into a short acute tooth, the surface rather coarsely punctate towards the sides, less so on the disk. Scutellum rufous. Elytra with a more or less distinct oblique depression below the base, closely punctate-striate, the punctures not united in pairs, and regularly placed only towards the suture, the rest confused and irregular ; the apex as well as the’sides of each elytron furnished with three or four more or less distinct cost, those at the sides commencing below the humeral callus; the surface of a bronze or metallic green colour, the extreme lateral margins and the apex rufous. Underside dark piceous, as well as the tarsi. Hab. Costa Rica. Of the six or seven similarly-coloured described species, the pre- sent one will be easily recognized by the colour of the first six joints . of the antenne, which is constant in all the specimens before rte as well as by the strong punctuation of the thorax and the elytra, 1878.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 989 13. CHALCOPHANA UNIFORMIS, sp. Nov. Entirely dark rufous, with the exception of the last five joints of the antenne, the apex of the tibiw, and the tarsi. Thorax finely, elytra deeply geminate-punctate-striate, and more or less costate. Length 3-3$ lines. Head exactly punctured as in semirufa, the antenne also coloured as in that species. Thorax a little more finely punctate. Elytra distinctly and closely punctured, the punctures running together in pairs, the interstices either raised over the whole disk in costz, or only distinctly visible towards the apex. The underside rufous; extreme apex of tibiz and the tarsi black. Hab. Costa Rica. This species may possibly be only a variety of C. semirufa ; but the uniform coloration, the punctuation of the elytra approached in pairs distinguish it sufficiently from that species, while the colour of the first six joints of the antenne will separate it from species in other respects similarly coloured. 14. DoRYPHORA BRUNNEIPENNIS, Sp. noy. Broadly ovate, narrowed behind, below black ; antenne with the last two joints yellowish white. Head, thorax, and elytra rufous, opaque. Length 6 lines. Head strongly but not closely punctate, brown with a greenish tint ; antennze brownish zneous, last two joints whitish. Thorax with the sides parallel, the anterior angles acute; surface with the same-sized punctures as the head, but closely and uniformly dis- tributed. Scutellum smooth, broadly triangular. Elytra broader at the base than the thorax, very convex at their first third, from there strongly declining to the apex, the latter pointed ; surface finely and irregularly punctured and longitudinally aciculate, the intervals finel alutaceous, opaque, of a uniformly rufous colour. Beneath black ; mesosternal process robust, long, slightly curved. Legs rufous. Hab. Columbia. Collection Jacoby. 15. DoRYPHORA FLAVIPENNIS, sp. nov. Greenish black, shining. Head and thorax strongly punctate. Elytra sparingly irregularly punctured, flavous, a sutural stripe narrowed towards the apex, greenish black. Length 53 lines. Head more strongly punctured near the apex than at the vertex ; antennze with the last five joints flattened and widened, the first five joints testaceous, stained with greenish zeneous above, the rest fuscous. Thorax more strongly punctured than the head, very coarsely towards the sides, dispersedly on the disk. Scutellum smooth. Elytra rotundate towards the apex, parallel near the base, sparingly and rather finely punctate without order, the intervals finely aciculate ; the extreme outer margin has a row of punctures, and is accompanied, at some distance, with another row of double 990 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Dec. 3, punctures ; the suture has also at its posterior part a deeply im- pressed line running parallel with it at each side. The elytra are of a light flavous, shining, the entire suture greenish or bluish black, which colour is gradually narrowed towards the apex. Under- side and legs black with a bluish tint. Hab. Columbia. In colour this species approaches close to D. limbatipennis, Stal ; but the want of the outer marginal vitte, together with the roundish shape, will distinguish the species before us from the above insect. 16. DoryPHORA VITTATIPENNIS, Sp. nov. Black. Head and thorax opaque. Elytra strongly semipunctate- striate, black, shining ; each elytron with five narrow longitudinal flavous stripes. Length 6 lines. Head finely punctate ; antennz black, shining. Thorax deeply and irregular punctured, the intervals partly convex; sides narrowed at the base, from there rounded to the apex. Scutellum smooth, triangular, black. Elytra parallel, convex, deeply punctate, striate near the suture, more irregularly towards the sides ; black, shining, each elytron with five narrow flavous vittee at equal distances fron each other, of which the outer one is the broadest, all of which are confluent at the apex and extending to the base. Underside and legs black. Var. Elytra with only the outer vittze entire, the sutural one only visible at the posterior third, the other stripes entirely absent or only partially visible near the apex. Hab. Columbia. Collected by Mr. Salmon. 17. DoryPnuORA POROSA, Sp. Nov. Broadly ovate, very convex, piceous below. Head aud disk of thorax black; sides of latter testaceous. Elytra deeply foveolate, the intervals irregular transversely reticulate, dark brown. Length 7 lines. Head opaque, with a few very minute punctures; antenna long, scarcely thickened towards the apex, fuscous. Thorax with the anterior and posterior margin parallel in the middle, the anterior angles acute and much produced, the sides much flattened and slightly thickened ; disk minutely punctate, of the same colour as the head, the sides light testaceous, impunctate. Scutellum broad, smooth, piceous. Elytra convex at their first third, thence suddenly declining and subdepressed towards the apex, uniformly dark brown; the suture shining, piceous, smooth ; surface deeply punctate, striate near the suture, foveolate towards the sides, the intervals raised and connected partially by transverse short costz, forming a kind of network towards the sides. Femora greenish zneous ; tibize piceous. Hab. West Columbia. Collection Jacoby. 1878.| MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 991 18. DoryPHORA HYBRIDA, Sp. Ov. Ovate, black below. Head and thorax greenish black, distinctly punctured. Elytra geminate punctate-striate, testaceous; the suture, the outer margin, and two transversely placed large irre- gularly shaped spots, one placed before, the other behind the middle, as well as the base narrowly, greenish black. Length 8 lines. Antenne rufous. Thorax not very strongly or closely punctured ; the intervals also minutely punctate. Scutellum black. Elytra convex, geminate-punctate-striate, each puncture surrounded by a piceous spot ; the extreme base, a spot on the shoulder, the outer margin, the suture (which is widened below the base into a square- shaped spot), and a transverse patch, consisting of two united spots before the middle as well as a similar shaped one-(formed by three united spots) behind the middle, greenish black. Underside and legs black. Hab. Peru. Collection: Jacoby. The insect before me is so exactly similar in markings to the Doryphora imperialis of Stal, that it may be only a variety of that species. The colour, however, instead of being rufous, is greenish black. The elytra, besides having the sutural stripe broader, are also marked with regular rows of small piceous spots which surround the puncturing everywhere ; and the underside is shining black. 19. DoryPHORA MILITARIS, Sp. nov. Greenish neous, shining. Elytra closely punctate-striate, four roundish spots placed transversely at the base, two others behind the middle, with two submarginal longitudinal vittee from the middle to the apex, light flavous, margined with rufous. Length 6 lines. Head closely punctured, dark brownish green, labrum fulvous ; antennze gradually thickened towards the apex, the basal joints shining fulvous, the rest greenish e#neous. Thorax closely and deeply punctured towards the sides, much more sparingly punctate on the disk, the intervals also minutely punctured. Scutellum smooth. Elytra moderately convex, closely and rather regularly punctate-striate, the punctures diminishing towards the apex; of a greenish geneous colour; each elytron with two spots near the base, of which one is placed on the shoulder, another near the scutellum, an elongate spot behind the middle near the suture, and a longitu- dinal stripe near the outer margin, from immediately behind the middle to the apex, flavous, all the markings surrounded by a narrow rufous border. Underside shining greenish black ; legs more brownish ; mesosternal process slightly curved and pointed. Hab. Columbia. My collection. 20. DorypHORA OCELLATA, sp. nov. Ovate, very convex, testaceous. Thorax with four piceous spots. 992 MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Dec. 3, Elytra geminate-punctate-striate, fuscous; two large round spots near the scutellum, four others placed transversely, and the apex broadly flavous, the latter with a small fuscous spot. Length 5 lines. Head minutely punctured, flat, with an indistinct piceous mark at the vertex ; antennee testaceous, slightly thickened towards their apex, terminal joint scarcely longer than broad. Thorax narrow, sides rounded in front, anterior angles scarcely produced ; above much more strongly (but not closely) punctured than the head, of a rather indistinct testaceous colour ; four spots placed transversely on the disk, the middle ones, which are in shape of two short longitudinal vittee, of a greenish piceous colour. Scutellum testa- ceous. Elytra slightly broader at the base than the thorax, very convex on the disk, their apex regularly rounded; the surface rather finely punctate-striate, consisting of double rows of punctures, which are more deeply impressed on the disk than at the base or the apex ; the flavous patches on the disk of each elytron arranged as follows, viz. one in the middle of the base, two transversely, of which the outer larger one is placed immediately below the shoulder, the inner one on the middle near the suture, the fourth occupying the apex to nearly a third of the length of the elytra, having its inner margin sinuate, and in its interior a small fuscous square spot. Underside and legs testaceous. Mesosternal spine rather short, slightly curved. ; Hab. Costa Rica? My collection. Closely approaching in colouring to D. estuans, Lin., the species described here is distinguished by its much larger size and by the four spots on the thorax. 21. DoryPHORA DECORATA, Sp. nov. Ovate, convex, testaceous. Head with the base, thorax with two vitte black. Elytra geminate-punctate-striate, testaceous, with three transverse metallic green fasciee and a longitudinal vitta between the second and third bands. Length 53 lines. Head minutely punctate, with a shallow transverse depression and an obscure longitudinal groove, testaceous, with an irregular trans- verse bifurcate patch on the vertex ; antennz longer than the thorax, gradually thickened towards the apex, as well as the palpi, testaceous; apex of mandibule black. Thorax with a longitudinal depression parallel with the lateral margins, the latter regularly rounded ; surface very sparingly but rather deeply punctate, shining testaceous, with two longitudinal black vittee from the apex to the base, slightly curved outwards, and connected at the base by a very narrow band. Scutellum impunctate, testaceous. Elytra regularly geminaie-punctate- striate near the suture, more confusedly towards the sides ; shining testaceous, the suture, an obliquely placed transverse band from the shoulder to the suture a little below the seutellum (with its posterior margin denticulate and connected by a narrow stripe at the lateral 1878.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 993 margin anteriorly with another transverse band of a 4-shaped form, and placed in the middle of the elytra), as well as a short rounded band near the apex (this latter band being also connected with the former one bya short vitta near the lateral margin), shining metallic green; the inflexed margin of the elytra, as well as the underside and the legs, testaceous. Hab. Costa Rica? Collection Jacoby. Allied to D. vittaticollis, Stal, but differing in the colour of the head, antennz, and palpi, and the longitudinal stripe between the second and third bands. 22. SCELIDA BALYI, Sp. nov, Elongate, parallel, testaceous; vertex of head, last six joints of antennz, and the coxze black. Elytra metallic green, closely rugose- punctate. Length 43 lines. Head impunctate, with two distinct tubercles between the an- tenn, limited behind by a transverse groove, lower part of face with a raised triangular ridge ; last joint of maxillary palpi piceous ; vertex of head black, shining ; lower part and the basal five joints of the antennz flavous, the latter about three fourths the length of the body, with the three terminal joints slightly curved. Eyes pro- minent, black. Thorax subquadrate, widened from the apex towards the middle, from there straight to the base, the anterior and posterior margins slightly sinuate in middle; surface entirely im- punctate, the disk depressed, flavous, with indistinct irregular blotches of a piceous colour. Scutellum semiovate, dark piceous, with a light-coloured margin. Elytra much wider at the base than the thorax, sides entirely parallel, the surface covered throughout with crowded and rather deep punctures, the intervals of which are finely rugose, of a metallic, moderately shining green colour, which assumes towards the apex and near the suture a purplish hue. Under surface and legs flavous, the base of the coxee and a spot at the base of the anterior femora piceous or black ; the metathorax on each side raised in the shape of a triangular-pointed elevation. This species is the second one belonging to this genus, the first of which was published in diagnosis by Mr. Chapuis in his eleventh volume of the ‘Genera of Coleoptera.’ From thisspecies it is sufficiently distinguished by its smaller size, the black vertex of the head, together with the spots on the coxze of the legs, and by the peculiar shape of the metathorax. 23. DIABROTICA WATERHOUSEI, sp. nov. Elongate, convex, widened behind, flavous. Head, breast, and the extreme base of the elytra pitchy black, the apex of the latter brownish fuscous. Length 3 lines. Head shining black, with a distinct fovea between the eyes; an- tennz ferruginous, the basal joint flavous. Thorax quadrate, 994 MR.M.JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [ Dec. 3, rather convex, smooth, narrowed towards the base, surface shining, flavous. Scutellum black. Elytra widened towards the apex, rather convex, light flavous, a narrow transverse band at the base undulated at its posterior edge, and extending to the humeral callus, dark fuscous or black; the posterior third of the elytra fuscous brown, surrounded by an indistinct crescent of a darker colour; the rest of the surface covered with minute piceous spots, visible only under a lens. Underside black ; abdomen brownish; legs flavous, the hinder tibize on their cuter side blackish. Var. Thorax at the anterior margin with a triangular black spot ; the apical markings of the elytra obsolete. Hab. Cache, Costa Rica. Collected by Mr. Rogers. 24. DIABROTICA JANSONI, Sp. nov. Elongate, convex, widened behind, fulvous. Thorax and elytra closely punctate, a large oval patch near the apex of the latter violaceous blue. Length 43-5 lines. Head with a deep transverse groove, closely punctured, fulvous ; antenne: robust, as long as half the length of the body, fuscous, the first joint below fulvous, the fourth joint nearly double the length of the third. Thorax transverse, sides nearly parallel, with three indistinct shallow depressions on the disk, of which two smaller ones are situated on each side and a large one near the posterior margin at its middle; surface distinctly but not very closely punctate, fulvous. Scutellum broad, triangular, its surface very finely alutaceous, and slightly excavated near the base. Elytra more than four times the length of the thorax, much widened towards the apex, and distinctly margined; the surface crowded everywhere with distinct punctures of the same colour as the head and thorax, the whole of the posterior third occupied by a large rounded spot of violaceous blue, which sometimes terminates at some distance from the apex. Underside and the femora testaceous ; tibize and tarsi fuscous. Hab. Chontales, Nicaragua. Collected by Mr. Janson. In my collection. 25. DIABROTICA FUSCOMACULATA, Sp. NOV. Testaceous below. Head, thorax, and elytra olive-green, the latter obsoletely costulate, with the base and two spots on each elytron dark fuscous, margined with pale yellow. Length 24 lines. Head impunctate, with a fovea in the middle, shining green ; labrum dark brown; antennee nearly reaching to the end of the body, with the second and third joint very short, the fourth three times as long as the second joint, of an indistinct brownish colour, the first joint pale greenish, Thorax bifoveolate, impunctate, very shining vlive-green. Scutellum flavous. Elytra subdepressed, 1878.] MR. M. JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. 995 parallel, closely punctate, with two or three obsolete costz on the disk, of which the outer one is more distinctly raised, of the same colour as the thorax; a transverse band at the base narrowed towards the suture and extending to the shoulders, a transverse spot in the middle and another at a little distance from the apex of each elytron, dark fuscous; all the spots, as well as the lateral margin at its anterior part, surrounded with yellowish white. Underside pale testaceous, the tibize darker, and the femora olive-green. Var. The middle spot on the elytra absent, as well as the apical one, which is replaced by a yellowish patch. Hab. Nicaragua, Bogota. Var. Guatemala. Collected by Mr. Salvin. 26. DIABROTICA NIGROVITTATA, Sp. NOV. Elongate, parallel, black. Thorax bifoveolate. Elytra yellowish white, with the suture and a submarginal longitudinal stripe on each elytron not reaching the apex, black. ‘Length 23 lines. Head very shining black, smooth, with a fovea above the antenne; the latter of about half the length of the body, entirely black ; second and third joints short, equal. ‘Thorax quadrate, narrowed near the base, surface deeply bifoveolate, smooth, very shining black. Scutellum black. Elytra about three times the length of the thorax, with a longitudinal depression below the shoulders and ex- tending a little below the middle; surface very minutely punctured and finely granulose, of a yellowish white, a longitudinal stripe from the base, extending toa little distance from the apex and narrowed at each end, black. Body and the legs shining black. One specimen from Mexico and another from Guatemala, in my collection. 27. DiaABROTICA NOVEMMACULATA, sp. NOV. Elongate, widened behind, flavous. Head and breast black. Elytra finely punctate, flavous, five spots near the base and four near the apex black. Length 4 lines. Head black, impunctate, with a fovea and two flat tubercles in front of the antennz ; the latter more than half the length of the body, with the third joint a little longer than the second, and the fourth the longest, of a flavous or ferruginous colour, with the middle joints stained more or less with fuscous. Thorax impunctate, with two shallow depressions on its surface; sides much deflexed and margined, parallel near the base, widened above the middle. Scutellum fuscous. Elytra but little wider at the base than the thorax, gradually widened towards the apex, closely and irregularly punctured, flavous, a triangular spot extending a little below the base at the suture and surrounding the scutellum, an elongate short stripe on each shoulder, a roundish spot between the latter and the sutural one on each elytron, as well as four spots placed 996 MR.M.JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Dec. 3. transversely at a little distance from the apex, of which the outer one is elongate, black. Underside and legs flavous, breast black. Hab. Costa Rica. Var. The round spots on the elytra replaced by short longitudinal stripes. 28. DiaBROTICA COSTATIPENNIS, Sp. nov. Elongate, uniform rufo-flavous. Thorax deeply bifoveolate, shining. Elytra closely rugose, punctate, with five or six elevated more or less distinct longitudinal coste. Length 3 lines. Head perfectly smooth and shining, with a deep fovea above the antennee ; the latter of half the length of the body, the second and third joints very short, the fourth joint more than twice as long as the preceding one, ferruginous, the first three joints shining, the rest opaque. ‘Thorax distinctly margined, narrowed at the base, the surface with two deep fovez, very shining and impunctate, rufo- flavous. Elytra scarcely widened behind, with a distinct margin ° which is wider in the middle than on either end; surface closely punctate and finely rugose; each elytron with about six longitudinal raised cost, which are a little more obsolete near the apex and the base, of a little lighter rufous colour than the thorax. Entire underside and legs flavuus, the breast covered with whitish hairs. Hab. Costa Rica. 29. CEROTOMA NIGROFASCIATA. Oblong, widened behind, black. Thorax and legs flavous. Elytra dark red, with three broad transverse black bands. Length 33 lines. Head black, vertex punctate; lower part of face coarsely and deeply punctate, with a few flavous hairs ; antennze closely approximate, of half the length of the body, with the first joint very long, the second short, the third longer than the fourth, of a flavous or fer- ruginous colour. Thorax transverse, the sides much deflexed, the lateral margins much widened before the middle, anterior angles obsolete, posterior ones produced but rounded; the surface rather convex, smooth, indistinctly depressed on the disk, of a light flavous colour. Scutellum black. Elytra much widened towards the apex, deeply and closely punctate, the intervals raised in irregular longi- tudinal cost and transverse wrinkles, of a dark red colour ; a trans- verse band common to both elytra at the base, another band slightly arched in the middle not reaching the suture, and a large triangular patch near the apex black ; none of these bands reach quite to the lateral margins. Underside black, shining ; legs uniformly flavous. Hab. Costa Rica, Guatemala. APPENDIX. LIST OF ADDITIONS TO THE SOCIETY’S MENAGERIE DURING THE YEAR 1878. Jan. 1. 1 Japanese Wild Dog (Canis familiaris, var.), 3. Presented by Harry Pryer, Esq. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 115. 1 Bristly Ground-Squirrel (Xerus setosus), ¢. Purchased. 1 Robben-Island Snake (Coronella phocarum). Presented by Messrs. Rice and A. Jamrach. . 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by J. F. Wood, Esq. 1 See Hyena (Hyena striata). Presented by Captain F. otton. 1 Red-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara chloroptera). Presented by Captain King. From Carthagena. 1 Common Sole (Solea vulgaris). Presented by G. H. King, Esq. . 1 Mexican Deer (Cervus mexicanus). Presented by Cyril Graham, Esq. From Venezuela. . 1 White-handed Gibbon (Hylobates lar), 9. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq. From the forests of Laos, Northern co STi Or Siam. 1 Brown Monkey (Macacus arctoides), $. Presented by W. H. Newman, Esq. 9. 2 Black Francolins (Francolinus vulgaris). Presented by Major Newton Pauli. 1 Chukar Partridge (Caccabis chukar). Presented by Major Newton Pauli. 1 Grooved Tortoise ( Testudo sulcata). Purchased. 2 Rough Terrapins (Clemmys punctularia). Purchased. 1 Scorpion Mud-Tortoise (Cinusternon scorpioides). Purchased. 10. 4 Common Marmosets (Hapale jacchus). Deposited. 14, 1 Arabian Gazelle (Gazella arabica), §. Presented by Mark Whyley, Esq. 2 Violet Tanagers (Huphonia violacea), Purchased. 1 Superb Tanager ( Calliste fastuosa). Purchased. 1 Taherculated Lizard (Iguana tuberculata). Purchased. 3 Summer Ducks (Atv sponsa),3 2. Presented by the Lord Braybrooke, F.Z.S. 15. 1 Stanleyan Chevrotain (Zragulus stanleyanus), 3. Presented by Mrs. Leslie Walker. 1 Javan Chevrotain (Zragulus javanicus). d. Presented by Mrs. Leslie Walker. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LXV. 65 31. Feb. 4. APPENDIX. . 2 Mandarin Ducks (Aix galericulata), § and 9. Purchased, 2 White-bellied Storks (Abdimia sphenorhyncha). Purchased. . 1 Broad-banded Armadillo (Xenwrus unicinctus). Purchased. . 1 Grivet Monkey (Cercopithecus grisev-viridis), Q. Presented by Madame Patey. . 2 Black Swans (Cygnus atratus). Presented by Captain W. H. Kecles. . 1 Common Fox (Canis vulpes). Presented by Mr. George Fredericks. 2 West-India Rails (Aramides cayennensis). Purchased. . 1 Hog Deer ( Cervus porcinus). Born in the Menagerie. . 1 Upland Goose (Bernicla magellanica), 2. Purchased. From hili. 1 Humboldt’s Penguin (Spheniscus humboldti). Purchased. See P.Z. 8. 1878, p. 116. 5. 1 Wood-Owl (Syrnium aluco). Presented by J. E. Liardet, Esq. 1 Common Magpie (Pica caudata). Presented by G. E. Lad- bury, Esq. 1 Jackdaw (Corvus monedula). Presented by G. E. Ladbury, Esq. . 1 Hoary Snake (Coronella cana). Presented by the Rev.G. H.R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 1 Derbian Opossum (Didelphys derbiana). Purchased. . 1 Common Puffin (Fratercula arctica), Received in exchange. From the Banks of Newfoundland. . 1 Brown Bear (Ursus arctos). Presented by J. Mason Allen, Esq. 1 Mieaqae Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by L. E. Lewis, Esq. 1 White-cheeked Capuchin (Cebus lunatus). Presented by John Ikin, Esq. . L Yaguarundi Cat (Felis yaguarundi). Purchased. 2 Yarrell’s Curassows (Crav carunculata), ¢ and 2. Pur- chased. 1 Lesser Razor-billed Curassow (Mitua tomentosa). Purchased. 2 White-bellied Guans (Ortalida albiventris). Purchased. 1 White-fronted Guan (Penelope jacucaca). Purchased. 1 Common Trumpeter (Psophia crepitans). Purchased. 1 Guira Cuckoo (Guira pirtrigua). Purchased. 1 Sun-Bittern (Zwrypyga hehas). Purchased. 1 Cayenne Lapwing (Vanellus cayennensis). Purchased. 1 Double-striped Thicknee (Ctdicnemus bistriatus). Purchased. 1 Garden’s Night-Heron (Wycticorax gardenr). Purchased. 1 Maguari Stork (Ciconia maguarz). Purchased. 1 Black Vulture (Cathartes atratus). Purchased. 2 Silky Cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis). Purchased. 1 American Kestrel (Tinnunculus sparverius). Purchased. 3 Chilian Pintails (Dajila spinicauda). Purchased. 1 Common Badger (Meles taxus). Presented by the Lord Sal- toun, F.Z.S. 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus). Presented by the Rey. 8. R. Wilkinson, F.Z.8. 7 Bankiva Jungle-fowls (Gallus bankiva), Presented by Mrs. Kendall. 1 Azara’s Fox (Canis azare). Purchased. Feb, 5, 28. Mar. 1. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE, 999 1 Brazilian Tortoise (Testudo tabulata), Presented by Captain ing. . 4 Reeves’s Terrapins (Clemmys reevesi). Presented by Mr. A. Thomson. » 1 Common Swan (Cygnus olor). Presented by John Colam, Esq., F.Z.8, . 2 Crested Guinea-fowls (Numida cristata), Presented by Mrs. Collingwood. 2 Canadian Geese (Bernicla canadensis). Presented by Edw, J. Philpot, Esq. - 1 Wood-Owl (Syrnium aluco). Presented by J. Torpey, Esq. 1 Hey’s Partridge (Caccabis heyi). Purchased. » 2 Macaque Monkeys (Macacus cynomolgus). Presented by Lieut.-Colonel Feilden. » 2 Chimpanzees (Troglodytes niger), § and 2. Deposited. 1 Black-footed Penguin (Spheniscus demersus). Purchased. 1 Garden’s Night-Heron (Nycticorax gardeni). Presented by Henry Bottrell, Esq. - 1 Grivet Monkey (Cercopithecus griseo-viridis), Presented by E. H. Lockley, Esq. - 1 Collared Peccary (Dicotyles tajagu). Purchased. 1 Black-faced Spider Monkey (Ateles ater), 9. Purchased. 1 Globose Curassow (Crax globicera), $.° Purchased. - 1 Chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger). 3. Deposited. . 2 Leopards (Fevis pardus). “Purchased. From Persia. See P. Z. S, 1878, p. 289. . 2 Red-vented Bulbuls (Pycnonotus hemorrhous). Presented by Colonel A. L. Annesley, F.Z.S. - 1 Black-billed Parrakeet (Palzornis melanorhyncha). Presented by Mrs. Barthorp. From Muttra, N.W. India. 2 Black-necked Swans (Cygnus nigricollis). Received in ex- change. . 2 Tigers (Felis tigris). Born in the Menagerie. 2 Barbary Wild Sheep (Ovis tragelaphus), 3 and 2. Received in exchange. . 2 Black-winged Peafowls (Pavo migripennis), 2. Presented by the Hon. A. 8. G, Canning, F.Z.S. 2 Pale-headed Parrakeets (Platycercus pallidiceps). Purchased. 4 Turquoisine Parrakeets (Euphema pulchella). Purchased. » 1 Black-billed Sheathbill (Cheonis minor). On approval. . 1 Red Kangaroo (Macropus rufus), 2. Born in the Menagerie. » 1 Red-and-Yellow Macaw (Ara chloroptera). Deposited. 1 Variegated Sheldrake (Tadorna variegata), §. Received in exchange, . 2 Rock-Sparrows (Petronia stulta). Presented by D’Arey Thompson, Esq. 1 Indian Muntjac (Cor thaaas muntjac), 3. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Common Snipe (Gallinago media), Presented by WK Stanley, Esq. 1 ee Adder (Vipera berus). Presented by Colonel Irby, E.Z8. 1 Four-lined Snake (Coluber quadrilineatus). Deposited. 2 Brown Coatis (Nasua nasica). Presented by the Hon. C. H. Wynn. 1 Palm-Squirrel (Sciurus palmarum). Presented by Miss Bar- clay. 65* 1900 Mar. 2. 10. ie 13. 14, APPENDIX. 1 Ocelot (Felis pardalis), 9. Presented by H. B. Whitmarsh, Esq. 1 Yellow Snake ( Chilobothrus inornatus). Purchased. 2 Black-capped Bitterns (Butorides atricapilla). Received in exchange. 1 Red-backed Buzzard (Buteo erythronotus). Received in ex- change. ] Yellow-checked Amazon (Chrysotis autumnalis), Purchased. . 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by H. Wright, Esq. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus),2. Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq. 2 Common Chameleons (Chameleon vulgaris). Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq. . 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus egnomolgus), $. Presented by Captain Pole Carew. 1 Herring-Gull (Larus argentatus). Presented by J. W. Cap- stick, Esq., F.Z.S. . | Green Lizard (Lacerta viridis). Deposited. 2 Undulated Grass-Parrakeets (Melopsittacus undulatus). Pre- sented by Mrs. Hylton Jolliffe. . 2 Sambur Deer (Cervus aristotelis), G and 9. Received in ex- change. 1 Isabelline Bear (Ursus isabellinus). Received in exchange. See P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 378. 1 Javan Adjutant (Leptoptilus javanicus). Received in ex- change. 1 Siren (Stren lacertina). From South Carolina. Received in exchange. . 2 Long-legged Buzzards (Buteo ferox). Presented by W. J. E. Cartwright, Esq. From India. 1 White-cheeked Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucogenys). Purchased. 1 Levaillant’s Darter (Plotus levaillanti). Purchased. See P. Z.S. 1878, p. 378. 2 Dace (Leuciscus vulgaris). Presented by Mr. Parsons. 1 Eel (Anguilla vulgaris). Presented by Mr. Parsons. 1 Blue-bonnet Parrakeet (Psephotus hematogaster). Purchased. 1 Lion (Felis leo), 3. Received in exchange. 1 Three-striped Paradoxure (Paradoxurus trivirgatus) Presented by Captain Dalrymple. 3 Black Swans (Cygnus atratus). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Zebu (Bos indicus), 2. Born in the Gardens. 2 Common Marmosets (Hapale jacchus). Presented by Robert Donaldson, Esq. 1 Green Glossy Starling (Lamprocolius chalybeus). Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.8. 1 White-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis), Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.S. 1 Californian Quail (Callipepla californica). Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.8. 1 Common Kestrel (Timnuneulus alaudarius). Presented by A. Blumenthal, Esq. 5. 2 Common Badgers (Meles taxus). Born in the Gardens. 5. 1 Secretary Vulture (Serpentarius reptilivorus). Presented by Messrs. W. Rigg and J. Curtiss. 1 Variegated Sheldrake (Tadorna variegata). Purchased. . | Savigny’s Eagle-Owl (Bubo ascalaphus). From Bushire, Per- sian Gulf. Presented by Dr. J. Huntly. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1001 Mar. 19. 2 Darwin’s Pucras Pheasants (Pucrasia darwint), § and 9. Apr. Purchased. 20. 2 Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Received in exchange, 21. 10. 1 Jay (Garrulus glandarius). Presented by J. Young, Esq. 1 Malayan Bear (Ursus malayanus), Q. Presented by 8, Palmer, E sq. 1 Spotted Eagle-Owl (Bubo maculosus). Received in exchange. 2 Plantain-Squirrels (Sciwrus plantan). Received in exchange. 1 Beceari’s Cassowary (Caswarius beccarii). Received in ex. change. 4 Pied Grass-Finches (Spermestes Sringilloides). Received in exchange. 1 Nvaioartia (Eunectes murinus). Received in exchange. 2 Matamata Terrapins (Chelys matamata). Received in ex- change. See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 378. 1 One-streaked Hawk (Melierax monogrammicus). Received in exchange. 2 Hog Deer (Cervus porcinus), 2 2. Received in exchange. 1 Egyptian Ichneumon (Herpestes wchneumon). Received in exchange, 1 Short-toed Eagle (Circaétus gailicus). Presented by H. M. Upcher, Esq., F.Z.S. 23. 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus erythreus), ¢. Presented by Mrs. Baxter. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus). Presented by James Bennet, Esq. 1 Vervet Monkey (Cercopithecus lalandii). Presented by W. B. Westwood, Esq. 25. 1 Black-faced Spider Monkey (Ateles ater). Deposited. 28. 1 Philippine Paradoxure (Parudoxurus philippensis). Received in exchange. . 1 Arabian Gazelle (Gazella arabica), 2. Presented by W. Webb, Esq. - 2Pudu Deer ( Cervus humilis), 3 and 2. Purchased. From Chili. 1 Naked-eared Deer (Cervus gymnotis). Purchased. From Keuador. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). Presented by Francis Pym, Esq. 2 Persian Gazelles (Gazella subgutturosa). Presented by R. W. Inglis, Esq. 1 Maned Goose (Bernicla jubata), $. Purchased. . 1 Egyptian Gazelle (Gazella dorcas), 3. Deposited. 1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Presented by Capt. T. Ayling. . 1 Fraser’s Squirrel (Seiurus stramineus). Received in exchange, See P.Z. 8. 1878, p. 441. 1 Black Sternothere (Sternotherus niger). Received in ex- change. - 1 Common Squirrel (Sciwrus vulgaris). Presented by Madame Harte. » 1 Arabian Baboon ( Cynocephalus hamadryas), 2. Presented liy Dr. A. P. Woodforde. 2 Chaema Baboons (Cynocephalus porcarius). Presented by Capt. W. L. Coke. 1 Short-eared Owl (Otws brachyotus). Presented by W. K. Stanley, Esq. 1002 Apr. 11. APPENDIX. 1 Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroo (Petrogale sxanthopus), 3. Born in the Menagerie. . 1 Great Kangaroo (Mucropus giganteus). Presented by Crawford Caffin, Esq., Lt. R.N. 2 Laughing Kingfishers (Dacelo gigantea). Presented by Craw- ford Caffin, Esq., Lt. R.N. 1 Golden-winged Parrakeet (Brotogerys chrysoptera). Received in exchange. . 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), §. Presented by George Milward, Esq. 1 South-American Rat-Snake (Spilotes variabilis), On ap- proval. 15. 1 Stanley Crane (Tetrapteryx paradisea). Deposited. 16, 26. 1 Indian Leopard (Felis pardus), 3. Presented by Robert Tubbs, Esq., F.Z.S, 1 Red Deer (Cervus elaphus), 3. Presented by Carrol W. Ansdell, Esq. 1 Common Fox (Canis vulpes). Presented by Carrol W. Ansdell, sq. 2 Spotted Ichneumons (Herpestes auropunctatus). Presented by J. McIntosh, Esq. 1 Leadbeater’s Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeaterr), Presented by W. Ruston, Esq. . 1 Surieate (Suricata zenik), 2. Presented by Percy Howard, Esq. . 1 Azara’s Fox (Canis azare). Presented by Dr. A. Stradling. . 4 Common Foxes (Canis vulpes). Born in the Menagerie. . 1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonyeteris eollaris). Born in the Mena- gerie. . 2 Snow-Buntings (Plectrophanes nivalis). Purchased. . 1 Bennett's Wallaby (Halmaturus bennett?). Born in the Mena- erie. 1 Hybrid Duck (between Mareca chiloensis and Dajila spini- cauda). Presented by I. Charlton Parr, Esq. 2 Common Carp (Cyprinus carpio). Presented by Richard Seyd, Esq., F.Z.S. 5. 1 Black Wallaby (Halmaturus ualabatus), d. Presented by D. W. Barker, jun., Esq. 1 Laughing Kingfisher (Dacelo gigantea). Presented by D. W. Barker, jun., Esq. 1 ee Finch (Sycalis flaveola). Presented by Mrs. Hylton oliffe. 1 Cariama (Cariama cristata). Purchased. 1 Crested Curassow (Crav alector). Purchased. 1 Guira Cuckoo (Gara piririgua). Purchased. 1 laoreet Tree-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis). Pur- chased. 2 Red-billed Tree-Ducks (Dendrocygna autumnalis). Purchased. 1 Common Seal (Phoca vitulina). Purchased. 4 Short-tailed Wallabies (Halmaturus brachyurus),1 g and 3 9°. Purchased. 1 Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamis taitensis). Purchased. 1 Dominican Gull (Larus dominicanus), Purchased. 1 Blue-bonnet Parrakeet (Psephotus hematogaster). Purchased. 1 Stanley Parrakeet (Platycercus icterotis). Purchased. 1 Bar-headed Goose (Anser indicus). Purchased. 27. 1 African Leopard (Felis pardus), 3, Presented by Mrs. Kirk, a Apr. 27. 29. 30. May 1. . 2 Black-faced Spider, Monkeys (Ateles ater), 29. Purchased, ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE, 1003 1 Beisa Antelope (Oryx besa), 3. Presented by ELH. the Sultan of Zanzibar.” See P. Z. 8. 1878, p- 441, 1 Black-crested Eagle (Spizaétus oceipitalis). Purchased. 1 Sand-Lizard (Lacerta agilis). Presented by Master W. L. Sclater. 1 Smooth Newt (Ziiton teniatus). Presented by Master B. L. Sclater, 1 Great Kangaroo (Macropus gganteus), 2. Born in the Mena- gerie, 2 Black Storks (Ciconia nigra). Purchased, 1 Brazilian Tree-Poreupine (Sphingurus prehensilis), Purchased, Long-nosed Crocodile (Crocodilus americanus). Purchased, 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). Presented by J. M. Neil, Esq. 1 Lion (Felis leo). Presented by J. D. Massey, Esq. 1 Black Ape ( Cynopithecus niger), Deposited, 1 Eland (Oreas canna), 2. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Common Cassowary ( Caswarius galeatus). Purchased. 1 Greek Partridge (Caccabis savatilis), white var., 3. Presented by F. Papillon, Esq. From Beyrout, 1 Golden-winged Woodpecker ( Colaptes auratus). Purchased. 2 Lesser Birds of Paradise (Paradisea minor). Purchased. See P. Z.8. 1878, p. 631, - 1 Vervet Monkey ( Cercopithecus lalandii), Presented by G. W. Twining, Esq. 1 Common Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). Presented by Lord Braybrooke, F.Z.S. 4 Green Lizards (Lacerta viridis). Presented by F. E. Lawder, Esq. i Bibhiecues Marmoset (Huapale penicillata). Presented by Walter M. St. Aubyn, Isq. - I Bonelli’s Eagle (Misaétus Sasciatus). Deposited, 1 Hawk’s-billed Turtle ( Chelone wmbricata). Presented by J. W. Cossback, Esq. 1 Common Snake ( Tropidonotus natrix). Presented by Henry Smith, Esq. 1 Leadbeater’s Cockatoo (Cacatua leadbeateri). Presented by Mrs. Tennent. - 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). Presented by W. Mackie, Esq. . 1 Toque Monkey (Macacus pileatus), 3. Presented by Master R. C, Heyworth. 1 Black-backed Jackal (Canis mesomelas), Q. Presented by Richard Seyd, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Common Badger (Meles tarus). Presented by Messrs, J. H. and B. H. Thompson. 1 White-backed Piping Crow (Gymnorhina leuconota). Pre- sented by John Ritchie, Esq. - LSlow Loris (Mycticebus tardigradus), 2. Received in ex~ change, 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus). Presented by R. Bryant, Esq. 1 Two-spotted Paradoxure (Nandinin binotata), Presented by Capt. E. J. Howes, ; 1 Goffin’s Cockatoo (Cacatua goffnt). Presented by Mrs, Pitt, 1004 May 9. 10. We 12. 15. 14, 15. live bo Or LN) “I APPENDIX. 1 Wonga-wonga Pigeon (Leucosarcia picata). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Spotted Turtle Dove (Turtur suratensis). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Jaguar (Felis onca). Presented by Major Wood. 1 Blue-fronted Amazon (Chrysotis estiva). Presented by Dr. Byron Whitehead. 9 Chilian Pintails (Dajila spinicauda). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Darwin’s Pucras Pheasant (Purcrasia darwint). Bred in the Gardens. 3 Water-Ouzels (Cinclus aquaticus). Presented by R. J. L. Price, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus). Born in the Menagerie. 1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonycteris collaris). Born in the Menagerie. 1 Wood-Owl (Syrnium aluco). Presented by C. B, Wharton, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Rattlesnake (Crotalus durissus). Deposited. 1 Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus), 2. Born in the Menagerie. 1 European Bearded Vulture (G: es barbatus). Deposited. 1 Nilotic Fox (Canis niloticus), 3. Presented by Commr. F. Cotton. From Djeddah, Arabia. 1 Hog-nosed Snake (Heterodon platyrhinos). Presented by Dr. Painter, F.Z.S. 1 Chinchilla ( Chinchilla lanigera). Born in the Menagerie. 4 Variegated Sheldrakes (Yadorna variegata). Bred in the Gardens. . 1 Great Kangaroo (Macropus giganteus), 2. Born in the Menagerie. 22. 2 2 Bar-headed Geese (Anser indicus), ¢ and 2. Purchased. 23. 2 Chimpanzees (Troglodytes niger), 2 3. Deposited. 4 Water-Ouzels . Cinclus aquaticus). Presented by R. J. L. Price, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Vacated Sheldrake (Tadorna variegata), ¢. Received in exchange. 2 Great-billed Rheas (Rhea macrorhyncha). Received in ex- change. 2Sulphury Tyrants (Pitangus sulphwratus). Received in ex- change. 2 Geoffroy’ s Doves (Peristera geoffrow). Bred in the Gardens. 7 Chilian Pintails (Dajila spinicauda). Bred in the Gardens, . 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus), §. Presented by Henry Willatt, Esq. 1 White-fronted fe uchin rey: albifrons), 2. Presented by Dayrell Davies, Esq., R.N. 2 Wild Cats (Felts catus). Born in the Menagerie. 8 Wild Boars (Sus scrofa). Born in the Menagerie. 1 Yellow-legged Herring-Gull (Larus leucopheus). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Hairy Tapir (Tapirus roulint), 3. Received in exchange. See P. Z.S. 1878, p. 681, pl. xxxrx. 83 Common Rheas (hea camer wcana). Presented by Frank Parish, Esq. . 4Temminck’s Tragopans (Certornis temmincki). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Brazilian Caracara (Polyborus brasiliensis). Presented by Miss Amslie, _ Oa a arn ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1005 May 29. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), ¢. Presented by J. Farmer, Esq. 1 Axis Deer (Cervus axis), $. Born in the Menagerie. 30. 1 Geoftroy’s Cat (Felis geoffroi), 3. Presented by Ronald Bridgett, Esq. 1 Yellow-footed Rock-Kangaroo (Petrogale xanthopus). Born in the Menagerie. 31. 1 Tamandua Anteater (Tamandua tetradactyla). Purchased. June 3. 8 Common Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Presented by Master G. L. Sclater. 4, 2 Indranee Owls (Syrnium indranee). Deposited. 5. 1 White-fronted Amazon (Chrysotis leucocephala). Purchased, 6. 1 Mouflon (Ovis musimon). Born in the Menagerie. 2 Greater Spotted Woodpeckers (Picus major), Presented by J. A. Cooper, Esq. 1 Greater Sulphur-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Pre- sented by N. Partocalis, Esq. - 2 Horned Tragopans (Ceriornis satyra). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Impeyan Pheasant (Lophophorus impeyanus). Bred in the Gardens. 2 Oystercatchers (Hematopus ostralegus). Purchased. 12 Green Tree-Frogs (Hyla arborea). Purchased. 8. 2 Mandrills (Cynocephalus mormon). Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq. 1 Ocellated Monitor (Monitor ocellatus). Presented by G. H. Garrett, Esq. 2 Black Rats (Mus rattus). Presented by W. H. Hatcher, N sq. 1 Gnaeap Chameleon (Chameleon vulgaris). Presented by W. W. Spicer, Esq. 9. 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus erythreus). Born in the Mena- erie, 2 oot Seals (Phoca vitulina), Purchased. 10. 1 Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum). Presented by J. C. Witte, Esq. 1 White Ibis (Ics alba). Purchased. 1 Spotted Cavy (Cewlogenys paca). Purchased. 1 Ocelot (Felis pardalis). Presented by Capt. J. Moir. 1 Black-faced Spider Monkey (Ateles ater). Presented by Capt. J. Moir. 1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor). Presented by Capt. J. Moir. 1 West-India Rail (Aramides cayennensis). Presented by Capt. J. Moir. 1 Black Tortoise (Testudo carbonaria). Presented by Capt. J. Moir. 2 Black-crested Cardinals (Gubernatrix cristatella). Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.S, 1 American Thrush (Turdus miugratorius). Presented by Mrs. Arabin, F.Z.S. 11. 1 Spotted Turtle Dove (Turtur suratensis). Bred in the ardens, 2 Brazilian Teal (Querquedula brasiliensis). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Bay Antelope ( Cephalophus dorsalis), 2. Purchased. 1 Black Saki (Pithecia satanas). Purchased. 12. 1 Chimpanzee (Troglodytes niger), g%. Deposited. 1006 June 13. 14, 165. Wi 19. 20. 21. bo bo APPENDIX. 1 Himalayan Bear (Ursus tibetanus), d. Presented by Com- mander J. S. Murray. 1 Indian Crow (Corvus splendens). Presented by Commander J.S. Murray. 6 Herring-Gulls (Zarus argentatus). Presented by Arthur Clarke, Esq. 1 Rufous Rat-Kangaroo (Hypsiprymnus rufescens). Presented by T. Wickenden, Esq. 1 Reeves’s Muntjac (Cervulus reevest), Born in the Gardens, 6 Upland Geese (Bernicla magellanica). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Indian Gazelle (Gazella bennetti) g. Presented by Miss A. Statter. 1 Vulpine Phalanger (Phalangista vulpina). Presented by E. J. Beagle, Esq. 1 Common Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo). Presented by W. Thompson, Esq. . 2 Cereopsis Geese (Cereopsis nove-hollandie), § and 9. Purchased. 2 Australian Sheldrakes (Zadorna tadornoides), 3 and Q. Purchased. 4 Smooth Newts (Triton teniatus). Presented by Master B. L. Sclater. 2 Mantchurian Crossoptilons (Crossoptilon mantchuricum), 3 and 9. Received in exchange. 2 Black-billed Tree-Ducks (Dendrocygna arcuata). Received in exchange. 2 Prairie Marmots (Cynomys ludovicianus). Presented by Mons. J. W. Cornély, C.M.Z.8, 1 Yellow-billed Sheathbill (Chzonts alba). Purchased. 1 Barbel (Lota vulgaris). Presented by Earl Brownlow, F.Z.S, 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), 2. Presented by Samuel Curtis, Esq. 1 Red-billed Tree-Duck (Dendrocygna autumnalis). Presented by R. M. Hyde, Esq. 1 Scarlet Ibis (Ibis rubra). Presented by R. M. Hyde, Esq. 1 Pig-tailed Monkey (Macacus nemestrinus), 3. Presented by W. H. Gedge, Esq. 1 Hybrid Ass (between Equus onager 3 and Equus hemippus), Born in the Menagerie. 1 Mueller’s Parrot (Tanygnathus muellert). Purchased. 1 Talpacoti Ground-Dove (Chalcopelia talpacoti). Bred in the Gardens. . 2 Argus Pheasants (Argus giganteus). Bred in the Gardens. 4 Summer Ducks (Aix sponsa). Bred in the Gardens. 4 Chilian Widgeon (Mareca chiloensis). Bred in the Gardens. 3 Australian Wild Ducks (Anas superciliosa). Bred in the Gardens. 2 Common Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo).. Presented by- Edward Banks, Esq. . 1 Pine-Marten (Martes abietum). Presented by Robert Walters, Esq., F.Z.8. 1 Green-necked Peafowl (Pavo spicifer). Bred in the Gardens. . 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus erythreus), 9. Presented by Mrs. Walcot. 10 Herring-Gulls (Larus argentatus). Deposited. 1 Brown Capuchin (Cebus fatuellus). Presented by A. Warm- ington, Hsq. June 25. 26. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1007 1 Daubenton’s Curassow (Crax daubentoni). Presented by A. Warmington, Esq. 1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor). Purchased. lL Garden’s Night-Heron (Nycticorax gardeni), Purchased. 1 Japanese Wolf (Canis hodophylav), Q. Presented by H. Heywood Jones, Esq., F.Z.5. See P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 788. 1 Common Seal (Phoca vitulina). Deposited. 6 Goldfinches (Carduelis elegans). Presented by C. F. Johnson, Esq. 1 Panndn Chameleon (Chameleon vulgaris). Presented by C. F. Johnson, Esq. A Geoffroy’s Doves (Peristera geoffrow). Bred in the Gardens. 4 Cunningham’s Skinks (Eyernia cunninghami). Presented by J. G. Pearson, Esq. . 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus), 2. Presented by Alex. C. Forbes, Esq. . 1 Short-tailed Capromys (Capromys brachyurus). Presented by the Hon. H. J. Burford Hancock. 1 Indian Antelope (Antilope cervicapra), 2. Received in ex- change. 1 Stump-tailed Lizard (Zrachydosaurus rugosus), Presented by Philip Saville, Esq. vee como ta Monkey (Cercopithecus campbelli), g. Presented by Capt. C. F. Filliter. 1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus), Q. Presented by Edward Clayton, Esq. 1 Pinche Monkey (Midas edipus), g. Presented by Edward Clayton, Esq. . 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), 9. Presented by Mrs. George Yeomans. . 1 Reeves's Muntjac (Cervulus reevest), 2. Born in the Menagerie. . 2 Black Wallabies (Halmaturus ualabatus), GandQ. Received in exchange. 1 Australian Monitor (Monitor gouldi). Purchased. . 6 Amherst Pheasants (Zhaumalea amherstie). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Fork-tailed Jungle-fowl (Gallus furcatus). Bred in the Gar- dens, 1 Demeraran Cock of the Rock (Zupicola crocea), Purchased. 1 Prince Albert’s Curassow (Crax alberti), ¢. Purchasd. 2 Black-faced Spider Monkeys (Ateles ater), ¢ and 9. Pur- chased. . 1 Persian Gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa), §. Presented by Col. Nixon. 1 Goliath Heron (Ardea goliath). Presented by Col. Nixon. 1 Spotted Ichneumon (Herpestes awropunctatus). Presented by Irs, Payne. . 1 King Parrakeet (Aprosmictus scapulatus). Presented by Ebenezer Carr, Esq. . 1 Malbrouck Monkey (Cercopithecus cynosurus), 2. Presented by Edward Wright, Esq. 2 Red-faced Weaver-birds (Foudia erythrops). Presented by Miss M. Jackson. 1 Chestnut-bellied Finch (Munia rubro-nigra). Presented by Miss M. Jackson, 1008 July 6. co 10, ll. 14. APPENDIX. 2 Common Redpoles (Linota rufescens). Presented by Miss M. Jackson. 2 Canary Finches (Serius canarius). Presented by Miss M. Jackson. 2 Aisculapian Snakes (Coluber esculapit). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. From Dalmatia. 2 Lacertine Snakes (Celopeltis lacertina). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. From Tunis. 1 Horse-shoe Snake (Zamenis hippocrepis). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. From Tripoli. 1 Leopardine Snake (Coluber leopardinus). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. From Dalmatia. 1 Vivacious Snake (TZachymenis vivaz). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. From Montenegro. 1 Dark-green Snake (Zamenis atrovirens, var. carbonarius). Presented by Lord Lilford F.Z.8. From Italy. 1 Four-rayed Snake (Hlaphis quaterradiatus). Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.5. From Dalmatia. . 4 Vulturine Guinea-fowls (Nwmida vulturina). Deposited. . 1 Hybrid Fallow Deer between Dama mesopotamica $ and Dama vulgaris 9. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Hairy Tree-Porcupine (Sphingurus prehensilis). Born in the Menagerie. 2 Water- Vipers ( Cenchris piscivorus). Purchased. 5 Seven-banded Snakes ( Zropidonotus leberis), Purchased. 4 Red-headed Buntings (Huspiza luteola). Purchased. 4 Green-winged Doves (Chalcophaps indica). Purchased. 1 Plantain-Squirrel (Sezwrus plantani). Purchased. 1 Water-Chevrotain (Hyomoschus aquaticus). Purchased. 1 Electric Silurus (Malapterurus beninensis). Purchased, 1 Beatrix Antelope (Oryx beatriz), §. Presented by Comman- der Burke, 8.8. ‘Arcot.’ From Arabia. See P.Z.S. 1878, . 789. 1 BaneOwl (Strix flammea). Presented by Commander Wyatt, 8.8. ‘Deccan.’ From Mesopotamia. 3 Bullfinches (Pyrrhula rubicila). Presented by Miss A. Sargeant. 4 Paradise Whydah-birds (Vidua paradisea). Presented by Archibald Brown, Esq. 1 Pin-tailed Whydah-bird (Vidua principalis). Presented by Archibald Brown, Esq. 3 Grenadier Weaver-birds (Zuplectes oryx). Presented by Archibald Brown, Esq. 2 Hooded Finches (Spermestes cucullatus). Presented by Archi- bald Brown, Esq. 2 Crested Poreupines (Hystrix cristata). Presented by Dr. G. S. Badger. 1 Banded Ichneumon (Herpestes fasciatus). Presented by Dr. G. S. Badger. 1 Hawk’s-billed Turtle (Chelone imbricata). Presented by Capt. Henderson. 1 Green Tree-Frog (Hyla arborea). Presented by J. Green- wood, Esq. 1 Green Tree-Frog (Hyla arborea). Presented by Lord Arthur Russell, F.Z.8. . 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), g. Presented by Mr. Enoch. - July 15, 16. 19, 20. 22, 23. 29. 31, ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1009 1 Golden-headed Marmoset (Midas chrysomelas), 3. Purchased. From Para. 1 Horrid Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). Purchased. From Bahia. 1 Thick-billed Tanager (Zuphonia crassirostris), 9. Purchased. From Para. 3 Alligator Terrapins ( Chelydra serpentina). Presented by J. H. Thompson, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Eland (Oreas canna), 6. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus erythreus), $. Presented by Miss Davis. 2 Cape Zorillas (Ictonyx zorilla). Presented by Mrs. J. J. Monteiro, 1 Argus Pheasant (Argus giganteus). Bred in the Gardens. 5 Amherst Pheasants (TZhaumalea amherstie). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Common Cuckoo (Cuculus canorus). Presented by G. D. Careless, Esq. 2 Smooth Snakes (Coronella levis). Purchased. From Hamp- shire. 1 Black-necked Swan (Cygnus nigricollis). Bred in the Gar- dens. 1 Nightingale (Daulias luscinia). Presented by — Gee, Esq. 1 heart Raa igey aluco). Presented by H. T, Wharton, Esq., F.Z.8. it Bed-nndeblne Macaw (Ara macao), Presented by H. T. Wharton, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Blue-and-yellow Macaw (Ara ararauna). Presented by H. T. Wharton, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Common Gull (Larus canus). Presented by F. Lancelott, Esq. q . 2 Macaque Monkeys (Macacus cynomolgus), ¢ andQ. Presented by Dr. Adcock. 2 American Flying Squirrels (Sciwropterus volucella), g and 2. Received in exchange. 1 Coati (Nasua nasica). Received in exchange. . 1 Orang-outang (Simia satyrus),Q. Received in exchange. See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 789. 1 Green-winged Dove (Chalcophaps indica), Presented by Capt. W. Otho N. Shaw. 1 Burrowing Owl (Speotyto cunicularia). Presented by Geo. E. P. Nixon, Esq., M.D. 6 Common Guillemots (Uria troile). Presented by Sir Hew Dalrymple, Bart. 1 Greater Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo (Cacatua galerita). Pre- sented by Mrs, A. A. Hole. 1 Ocelot (Felis pardalis), Purchased. 1 Black Vulture (Cathartes atratus), Purchased. 2 Chilian Sea-Eagles ( Geranoaétus melanoleucus). Purchased. 1 Brazilian Caracara (Polyborus brasiliensis), Purchased. 2 Rufous Tinamous (Rhynchotus rufescens). Purchased. 9 Spotted Tinamous (Nothura maculosa). Purchased. 1 Razor-billed Curassow (Mitwa tuberosa). Purchased. 1 Mexican Deer (Cervus mexicanus), 9. Presented by A. Serutton, Esq. 1 Common Fox (Canis vulpes). Presented by Athelston Riley, Esq. 1010 July 31. Aug. 1. APPENDIX. 1 Brown Coati (Nasua nasica), §. Deposited. 4 Indian Rat-Snakes (Ptyas mucosa). Received in exchange. 3 kong-snouted Snakes (Passerita nycterizans). Received in exchange, 4 Long-banded Snakes (Zropidonotus vittatus). Received in exchange. 1 Slow Loris (Mycticebus tardigradus) 3. Presented by The- odore Hance, Esq. 3 Common Cranes (Grus cinerea). Presented by Theodore Hance, Esq. From Chinkiang China. 1 Copper-head Snake (Cenchris contortrir). Presented by Dr. F. Painter, F.Z.8. . 8Great Bustards (Otis tarda), 1 g and 2 9. Presented by Lord Lilford, F.Z.S. 1 Tiger Bittern (Tigrisoma brasiliense). Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Passerine Owl ( Glaucidium passerinum). Presented by W. E. Tait, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Spanish Blue Magpie (Cyanopolius cooki). Presented by ord Lilford, F.Z.S. See P. Z.S. 1878, p. 789. 1 Caspian Terrapin (Clemmys caspica), Presented by T. Wilson, Esq. 2 Wass Pheasants (Argus giganteus). Bred in the Gardens. . 2 Beisa Antelopes (Oryx beisa), g and 2. Presented by Capt. F. M. Hunter, B.C.S. 1 Bacha Eagle (Spilornis bacha). Presented by J. 8. Jameson, Esq. From Labuan, N.W. Borneo. . 1 Axis Deer ( Cervus axis), 2. Born in the Menagerie. . 2 European Lynxes (Felis lynx), d and 9. Presented by Major Chadwick. From Norway. 1 Hobby (Hypotriorchis subbuteo). Presented by W. H. Scratton, Es 2 Common Kingfishers (Alcedo ispida). Purchased. 1 Wapiti Deer (Cervus canadensis), 2. Born in the Gardens. . 1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor). Presented by Arthur Strad- ling, Esq. 1 Coati (Nasua nasica). Received in exchange. 3 Bluish Finches (Spermorphila cerulescens). Deposited. 1 Thick-billed Seed-Finch (Oryzoborus crassirostris). Deposited. 1 Red-and-blue Macaw (Ava macao). Deposited. 1 Yellow Snake (Chilobothrus inornatus). On approval. . 1 Weeper Capuchin (Cebus capucinus). Deposited. 1 Black-crested Cardinal (Gubernatrix cristatella). Bred in the Gardens. 2 Talpacoti Ground-Doves (Chamepelia talpacoti). Bred in the Gardens. r 1 Solitary Thrush (Monticola cyanus). Presented by W. Verner, Ks . 1 Black-footed Penguin (Spheniscus demersus). Purchased. . 1 Black Rat (Mus rattus). Presented by R. Morton Middle- ton, Esq. 7 Greek Land-Tortoises (Testudo greca). Deposited. 2. 3 Guinea-Pigs (Cavia caprera). Presented by Mr. J. Gould. 3. 1 Lion (Felis leo), §. Presented by W. H. Wylde, Esq. 1 Patas Monkey (Cercopithecus ruber). Presented by W. H. Wylde, Esq. Aug. 13. 14, 15. Liye 19, 21, 22, 23. 24, 26. 3l. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1011 2 Common Buzzards (Buteo vulgaris). Presented by Valentine Marks, Esq. 2 Herring-Gulls (Larus argentatus). Presented by Thomas Landseer, Esq. 1 Crested Ground-Parakeet (Calopsitta nove-hollandig). Pre- sented by Mrs. Parker, 2 Barbary Apes (Macacus inuus). Deposited. 1 Bladder-nosed Seal ( Cystophora cristata). Purchased, 1 Common Paradoxure (Paradoxurus typus). Presented by Edwin Etty Sass, Esq. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Deposited. 2 Beautiful Parrakeets (Psephotus pulcherrimus). Deposited. 1 Many-zoned Hawk (Melierax polyzonus). Presented by C. H. Fisher, Esq. From Mogador. 6 Common Kingfishers (Alcedo ispida). Purchased. 13 Greek Land-Tortoises (Testudo greca). Deposited. 2 Saffron Finches (Syealis flaveola). Bred in the Gar- dens. 1 Prairie-Wolf (Canis latrans). Presented by Prof. C. M. Vincent, F.G.S., F.R.G.S. °° From the Rocky Mountains. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 789. 1 Common Jackal (Canis awreus), 3. Presented by Mr. James Smith. 1 Spotted Ichneumon (Herpestes auropunctatus), 2. Presented ry Mr. W. Pyne. 1 Bronze Fruit-Pigeon (Carpophaga @nea). Presented by Mr. A. H. Jamrach. 1 White-eared Bulbul (Pycnonotus leucotis). Presented by J. W. Wooler, Esq. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus), 3. Presented by Capt. Clarke. 11 Spinose Lizards (Agama colonorum). Received in ex- change. 1 Cape Bucephalus (Bucephalus capensis). Received in ex- change. 1 Smooth-bellied Snake (omalosoma lutriz). Received in ex- change. 1 Crossed Snake (Psammophis crucifer). Received in ex- change. . 1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus). Deposited. - 1 Grey Parrot (Psittacus erithacus). Deposited. » 1 Common Crow (Corvus corniv). Presented by F. Sydney B. Brough, Esq. 3 Hybrid Snakes (between Chilobothrus inornatus ¢ and Epi- crates angulifer?). Born in the Menagerie. See P.Z, S. 1878, p. 789. ; 1 White-lipped Peccary (Dicotyles labiatus). Purchased. 1 Golden Agouti (Dasyprocta aguti). Presented by Geo. Ham- mond Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Bahama Duck (Dajila bahamensis). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Red Deer (Cervus elaphus). Born in the Menagerie, - 1 Caspian Ouaran (Psammosaurus caspicus). Presented by F. A. Floyer, Esq., F.Z.S. From Khan Yunis, Egypto-Syrian frontier. . 1 Turquoisine Parrakeet (Euphema pulchella). Bred in the Gar- dens. 16. 19. 20. 21. APPENDIX. 1 Goffin’s Cockatoo (Cacatua goffini). Deposited by F. A. Rogers, Esq. 1 Sykes’s Monkey (Cercopithecus albigularis),3. Presented by Capt. Benson. . 1 Hybrid Kaleege,¢. Presented by A. F. Wiener, Esq. 2 Tayras (Galictis barbara). Born in the Menagerie. 1 Banded Ichneumon (Herpestes fasciatus), §. Presented by the Rey. H. F, B. Lawrence. 1 Japanese Warbler (Cettia cantans). Deposited by E. L. Hyde, Esq. . 1 Banded Ichneumon (Herpestes fasciatus), 2. Presented by F. T. Blackley, Esq. . 2 Vinaceous Turtle Doves (Twrtw- vinaceus). Presented by Miss Harris. 1 Greek Land-Tortoise (Zestudo greca). Presented by Miss Harris. . 1 Common Adder (Vipera berus). Presented by the Viscount Mandeville. . 1 Spotted Turtle Dove (Turtur aurita). Bred in the Gardens. 1 Oriental Eagle-Owl (Bubo orientalis). Presented by Charles Fowler, Esq. From Karennee, Siam. See P.Z.S. 1878, p- 790. 1 Passerine Owl (Glaucidium passerinum). Presented by Al- bert Momber, Esq. . 1Common Adder ( Vipera berus). Presented by F. Buckland, Esq. . 2 Prairie-Marmots (Cynomys ludovicianus). Presented by Wil- fred G. Marshall, Esq. 2 Leconte’s Rattlesnakes (Crotalus lecontii). Presented by Wilfred G. Marshall, Esq. From Colorado. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus),3. Presented by Miss Emily Palmer. 2 Ostriches (Struthio camelus), ¢ and 2. Presented by the Hon. H. C. Vivian, H.B.M. Consul General, Cairo, See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 790. 2 Secretary Vultures (Serpentarius reptilivorus). Presented by = C. Rivers Wilson, Esq., C.B 2 Ecyptian Gazelles (Gazella doréas), § and 9. Presented by Thos. Moss, Esq. 3 Reddish Finches (Spermophila 7% mtia). Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq. Ni 1 Lineated Finch (Spermophila lineata), Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq. 1 Guttural Finch (Spermophila gutturalis). Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq. 1 Tropical Seed-Finch (Oryzoborus torridus). Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq 1 Plumbeous Finch (Spermophila plumbea). Presented by R. C. Batterbee, Esq. 3 Rufous Tinamous (Rhynchotus rufescens). Presented by J. A. Tliffe, Esq. 1 Leonine Monkey (Macacus leoninus), 3. Deposited. 1 Purple-faced Monkey (Semnopithecus leucoprymnus). Pur- chased. : 1 Molucea Deer (Cervus moluccensis), ¢. Born in the Mena- erie. 1 Motking Bird (Mimus polyglottus). Deposited. 1 Common Hangnest (Icterws vulgaris). Deposited. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1013 Sept. 22. 2 Lesser Black-backed Gulls (Larus fuscus). Presented by A. Hi. Cocks, Esq., F.Z.S. 23, 2 White-crested Touracous (Corythaix albocristata). Presented by W. Wormald, Esq. 25. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus). Presented by Frederick Carter, Esq. - 1 Chestnut-backed Weaver-bird (Zyphantornis castaneofusca). Deposited. 4 Po see Weaver-birds (Hyphantornis textor). De- posited. 2 Grenadier Weavyer-birds (Zuplectes oryx). Deposited. 1 Barbary Turtledove ( Turtur risorius). Deposited. 1 Vinaceous Turtledove ( Zurtw vinaceus). Deposited. 1 Turquoisine Parrakeet (Zuphema pulchella). Deposited. 2 Undulated Grass-Parrakeets (Melopsittacus wndulata). De- posited. 7 Crested Ground-Parrakeets (Calopsitta nove-hollandie). Deposited. 26, 1 Tabuan Parrakeet (Pyrrhulopsis tabuensis), Purchased. 1 Masked Parrakeet (Pyrrhulopsis personata). Purchased. 2 Barbel (Barbus vulgaris). Presented by G. H. Jones, Esq., F.Z.5. 8 Mocassin Snakes ( Tropidonotus fasciatus). Born in the Mena- gerie. 27. 1 Green Turtle (Chelone viridis). Presented by Capt. J. Smith. 28. 1 Yellow Wagtail (Motacilla flava). Purchased. 29, 1 Black-faced Spider Monkey (Ateles ater). Presented by W. C. Kenny, Esq. 30. 1 Variable Squirrel (Sciurus variabilis). Purchased. 1. 1.Gommén Fox (Canis vulpes), g. Presented by F. B. ~~ Toogood, Esq. 2. 1 Mona Monkey (Cercopithecus mona), 3. Presented by the Rev. W. N. Ripley. 1 Chinchilla (Chinchilla lanigera). Born in the Menagerie. 3. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), g. Presented by the Rey, E. L, Marrett. 4, 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Deposited. 1 Anubis Baboon ( Cynocephalus anubis). Deposited. 1 Kinkajou (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus). Deposited. 1 Sumatran Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros sumatrensis), 2. Deposited. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. 1 Laughing Kingfisher (Dacelo gigantea). Presented by D. L. Broughton, Esq. 5, 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Macacus radiatus), 2. Deposited. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 9. Received in exchange, 1 Red-beaked Weaver-bird ( Quelea sanguinirostris). Presented by W. H. Simmonds, Esq. 1 Passerine Owl (Glaucidiwm passerinum). Presented by Miss Turner. 1 Red-crested Touracou (Corythaix erythrolophus). Presented by J. Colman, Esq., C.M.Z.S. 1 Cape Zorilla (Ictonyx zorilla). Presented by J. Colman, Esq. 7. 1 Red-sided Eclectus (Eelectus polychlorus), 9. Purchased. 1 Brown Mynah (Acridotheres fuscus). Presented by Capt. J. Murray. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LX VI. 66 6. ~ 1014 APPENDIX. Oct. 7. 1 Pied Mynah (Stwrnopastor contra). Presented by Capt. J. 11. 13, 15, 16. 17. 19. 21. Murray. 1 Indranee Owl (Syrnium indranee). Presented by Capt. J. Murray. 1 Black-footed Penguin (Spheniscus demersus). Purchased. . 4 Egyptian Geese (Chenalopex egyptiaca). Presented by Mr. Justice Denyssen, of the Cape colony. 2 Leopard Tortoises (Testudo pardalis). Presented by the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. See P. Z. S. 1878, p. 790. 1 Collared Peccary (Dicotylestajacu). Presented by J. Lloyd, Esq. 1 Common Otter (Letra vulgaris), Presented by W. H. Baylis, Esq. 4 Chinese Turtledoves (Turtur chinensis). Purchased. 1 Cross Fox (Canis fulvus). Presented by Wilfred G. Marshall, Esq. From Colorado. 1 Hybrid Mandrill Monkey (between Cynocephalus mormon Q , and Macacus cynomolgus 3, large variety). Born in the Menagerie. See P.Z.S. 1878, p. 791. 1 Indian Muntjac (Cervulus muntjac), 2. Born in the Me- nagerie. 1 Philantomba Antelope (Cephalophus maxwelli), 2. Received in exchange. 1 Cinereous Opossum (Didelphys cinerea), Received in exchange. 1 Squirrel Monkey (Saimaris sciwrea), $. Presented by Kd. althrop, Esq. 1 Michie’s Tufted Deer (Elaphodus cephalophus), 3. Purchased. See P. Z.8. 1878, p. 790. 2 Ruddy Sheldrakes (Tadorna rutila). Purchased. 1 Naked-throated Bell-hird (Chasmorhynchus nudicollis), 3. Pur- chased. 3 Blue-bearded Jays (Cyanocorax cyanopogon). Purchased. From Bahia. 1 Saturnine Mocking-bird (Mimus saturninus). Purchased. From Pernambuco. 2 Lined Finches (Spermophila lineola). Purchased. From Pernambuco. 2 Guttural Finches (Spermophila gutturalis). Purchased, From Pernambuco. ; 1 Pileated Song-Sparrow (Zonotrichia pileata). Purchased. From Rio de Janeiro. 1 Palm-Tanager (Zanagra palmarum), 9. Purchased. From Monte Video. 1 Dark-winged Buzzard (Leucopternis scotoptera), Purchased. From Bahia. 1 Patas Monkey (Cercopithecus ruber). Purchased. 1 Emu (Dromeus nove-hollandie). Presented by C. Hampden Wigram, Ksq. , 2 Radiated Tortoises (Testudo radiata). Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 1 Water-Rail (Rallus aquaticus). Presented by Capt. H. F. Salvin. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by Capt. E. Waterhouse. 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Presented by Mr. Samuel Thompson. 22.1 Common Seal (Phoca vitulina). Presented by Messrs. Thompson and Gough. ae Oct. 22. 23, 24, 31. Noy. 1. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1015 1 Bornean Fireback (Zuplocamus nobilis), 2. Presented by A. Dent, Esq. From Northern Borneo. 2 Mandarin Ducks (Aw galericulata), and 2. Presented by Edward Trelawny, Esq. 1 Collared Fruit-Bat (Cynonycteris collaris). Born in the Me- nagerie, 1 Common Jackal (Canis aureus). Presented by Capt. Easson. 1 Common Roe (Capreolus caprea), 3. Presented by Edward Jones, Esq. 1 Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata), 2. Purchased. 1 Merrem’s Snake (Liophis merremi). Purchased. 1 Plumbeous Snake (Oxyrrhopus plumbeus). Purchased. 1 Black-headed Snake (Homalocranion melanocephalum). Pur- chased. 1 D’Orbigny’s Snake (Heterodon d’orbignyi). Purchased. 1 Anaconda (Hunectes murinus). Purchased. 1 Tuberculated Lizard (Iguana tuberculata). Purchased. 1 Teguexin Lizard ( Zeius tegueain). Purchased. 1 Common Marmoset (Hapale jacchus). Purchased. 5. 2 Ruddy Sheldrakes (Zadorna rutila). Received in exchange. » 1 Wood-Owl (Syrnium aluco). Presented by F. W. Jaedecke. . 1 Grison (Galectis vittata), 9. Presented by H. Potier, Esq. . 1 Toque Monkey (Macacus pileatus), 3. “Presented by Mrs. Tranchell. 1 Rhesus Monkey (Macacus erythreus). Deposited. 1 Horse-shoe Snake (Zamenis hippocrepis). Presented by W. C. Verner, Esq. From Gibraltar. . 2 South-American Rat-Snakes (Spilotes variabilis). Presented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S. From Demerara. 1 Chequered Elaps (Elaps lemniscatus). Pvesented by G. H. Hawtayne, Esq., C.M.Z.S. From Demerara. 1 Mesopotamian Fallow Deer (Dama mesopotamica), 2. Pur- chased. See P. Z. 8. 1878, p. 790. 2 Small-scaled Mastigures (Uromastia microlepis), Presented by Capt. Phillips. 1 Green Monkey ( Cercopithecus callitrichus), §. Presented by Henry Hands, Esq. 1 Common Boa (Boa constrictor), Presented by W. D. Bell, Esq. 2 Japanese Pheasants (Phasianus versicolor), g and 2. Pur- chased. . 1 Gold Pheasant ( Thaumalea picta), $. Purchased. 1 Lineated Pheasant (Euplocamus lineatus), 3. Purchased. 2 Barred-tailed Pheasants (Euplocamus reevesr), ¢ and 2. Pur- chased. 1 Siamese Pheasant (Euplocamus prelatus), 3. Purchased. 1 White-crested Kaleege (Euplocamus albocristatus), 9. Pur- chased. 2 Swinhoe’s Pheasants (Euplocamus swinhoii), g and 9. Pur- chased. 1 Bewick’s Swan (Cygnus bewicki), 9. Purchased. 2 Macaque Monkeys (Macacus cynomolgus), 9. Presented by Mr. ©. Loveless. 1 Weasel (Mustela vulgaris). Purchased. 1 Three-quarter-bred_ Zebu (between Bos indicus 3, and hy- brid B. frontalis 2). Born in the ee Od Or N ie} 24. 25, APPENDIX. 1 Green Tree-Frog (Hyla arborea). Presented by Lord Arthur Russell, M.P., “EZS. 1 Spotted Salamander (Salamandra maculosa). Presented by Lord Arthur Russell, M.P., F.Z.i 1 Common Hedgehog (Erinaceus eur opaus). Presented by Mr. E. Sass. 3 Green Tree-Frogs (/yla arborea). Presented by Mr. E. L. Boyd. . 1 Sykes’s Oriole (Oriolus kundoo). Received in exchange. . 2 Squirrel-like Phalangers ichdlets sciureus). Presented by K. S. Waller, Esq. . 1 Blue-and- -yellow Macaw (Ara macao). Deposited. 1 Yellow-shouldered Amazon (Chrysotis ochroptera). Depo- sited. . 2 Arabian Baboons (Cynocephalus hamadryas), g and 2. Pre- sented by C. Wood, Esq. 1 Burchell’s Zebra (Equus burcheili), 2. Received in exchange. 1 Sulphury Seed-eater (Crithagra sulphurata). Purchased. 2 Hooded Crows (Corvus cornix). Presented by Capt. F. H. Salvin. . 1 Nisnas Monkey (Cercopithecus pyrrhonotus). Purchased. 1 Red-fronted Lemur (Lemur rujifrons). Purchased. 1 Mantchurian Deer ( Cervus mantchuricus), 9. Purchased. 1 American Tantalus ( Tantalus loculator). Purchased. 2 Hudson-Bay Squirrels (Seirus hudsonius). Purchased. . 1 Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola). Purchased. 1 Sun-Bittern (Lurypyga helias). Deposited. . 2 Egyptian Jerboas (Dipus egyptius). Purchased. 1 Cananina Snake (Spilotes pecilostoma). Purchased. 1 Bonnet-Monkey (Muacacus radiatus), §. Presented by Mr. F, Hinde. . 2 Horsfield’s Tortoises (Zestudo horsfieldi). Presented by Dr. A Strauch, C.M.Z.S.. From Turkestan. See P. Z.8. 1878, p- 975. . 1 Wanderoo Monkey (Macacus silenus), 9. Deposited. . 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus), Q. Presented by Miss G. E. Marryat. 1Spix’s Macaw (Ara spizi). Purchased. See P. Z.S. 1878, 976. Fae Maveieeit Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). pepasyed: . 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus). resented by T Beck Na Yellow-bill ed Grosheaks (Pheucticus chrysogaster), g and 9. Purchased. From Cuzco. 1 Black-crested Cardinal (Gubernatria cristatella). Purchased. 2 Red-crested Cardinals (Paroaria cucullata). Purchased. 1 Equine Antelope (Hippotragus equnus), g. Received in exchange. 1 Brazilian Tree-Porcupine (Sphingurus prehensilis), §. Pre- sented by Dr. J. F. Chittenden, C.M.Z.S. From inidaad. 1 Hybrid Vulturine Guinea-fowl (between inte vulturina and IV. meleagris). Presented by Mons. J. M. Cornély, C.M.ZS. 1 Red Kangaroo (Macropus one ©. Born in the Menagerie. 1 Black Lemur (Lemur macaco), ¢. Purchased. . 1 Water-Rail (7tallus aquaticus). Presented by W. Thompson, Esq. Sige 75, Noy. 26. 28 29 ice) 11. 14, ADDITIONS TO THE MENAGERIE. 1017 1 Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 2. Presented by Dr. Whately, R.N. - 2 Common Cormorants (Phalacrocorag carbo). Presented by F. Buckland, Esq., F.Z.S. - 1 Common Peafowl (white variety) (Pavo cristatus), g. Pre- sented by Mrs. Russ, . 1 Rufous-vented Guan (Penelope cristata). Purchased. 3 Snow-Buntings ( Plectrophanes nivalis), Purchased. 1 Kinkajou (Cercoleptes caudivolvulus). Purchased. - 2 Black-faced Spider Monkeys (Ateles ater), S and Q. Pre- sented by Mr. A. Gonzalez Carazo. 2 Rufous-vented Guans (Penelope cristata). Presented by Mr. A. Gonzalez Carazo. : 2 Horsfield’s Tortoises (Testudo horsfieldi), Presented by Dr. A. Strauch, C.M.Z.S. From Turkestan. - 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus). Presented by Mr. A. G, Lytton Squires. 2 Black-eared Marmosets (Hapale penicilata). Presented by the Countess of Cottenham. 2 Laughing Kingfishers (Dacelo gigantea). Presented by Mr. Edwin A. B. Crochett. 1 Rhomb-marked Snake ( Psammophylax rhombeatus), Pre- sented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. % Rufescent Snakes (Leptodira rufescens). Presented by the Rey. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. 1 Aurora Snake (Zamprophis aurora). Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S. - 1 Ceylon Jungle-Fow! (Gallus stanleyi), 2. Presented by Mr. G. Lyon Bennett. 2 Ring-necked Pheasants (Phasianus torquatus), Q. Pre- sented by Mr. G. Lyon Bennett. 1 Grey Francolin (Francolinus ponticerianus). Presented by Mr. G. Lyon Bennett. . 1 Mayotte Lemur (Lemur mayottensis), 3. Purchased. 1 Ocelot (Felis pardalis), Purchased. 1 Globose Curassow (Crax globicera), Purchased. 3 Yellow-winged Blue Creepers (Ceereba cyanea). Purchased. 1 Common Swan (Cygnus olor). Presented by Capt. Marx. 1 Yellow Baboon (Cynocephalus babouin), 3. Esssaited by My. G, A. Shaw. 2 Ring-tailed Lemurs (Lemur catta), gd and 9. Presented by Mr. G. A. Shaw. From Betsileo, Madagascar. 1 Ring-tailed Lemur (Lemur catta), 3. Deposited. 1 Broad-nosed Lemur (Hapalolemur stmus). From Betsileo, Madagascar. See P.Z. 8. 1879, p. 2. 1 Brown Mouse Lemur ( Chetrogaleus mitii ?). From Betsileo, Madagascar. See P,Z.S, 1879, p. 2. 9 Smith’s Dwarf Lemurs (Mierocebus snuthii). From Betsileo, Madagascar. See P.Z.S. 1879, p. 2. 1 Common Fox (Canis vulpes), 3. Presented by Sutton Sharpe, Esq. 1 WabHooelt (Scolopax rustieula). Presented by Messrs. E. and W. H. Davis. 1 Green Monkey (Cercopithecus callitrichus),?. Presented by J. Williams, Esq. 1 Ceropsis Goose ( Cercopsis nove-hollandie). Purchased. 17. 18, APPENDIX. . 1 Pine-Martin (Martes abietum), 2. Presented by Robert Walters, Esq., F.Z.S. 1 Ring-hals Snake (Sepedon hemachates). Presented by the Rev. G. H. R. Fisk, C.M.Z.8. 1 Hissing Sand-Snake (Psammophis sibilans). Presented by the Rey. G. H.R. Fisk, C.M.Z.S, 2 Green-cheeked Amazonsi( Chrysotis viridigenalis). Purchased. 2 Guatemalan Amazons (Chrysotis guatemale). Purchased. 1 Golden-naped Amazon (Chrysotis auwipalliata). Purchased. 1 Crowned Eagle (Spizaetus coronatus). Presented by J. da Costa Andrade, Esq. . 1 Grey Ichneumon (Herpestes griseus). Presented by J. B. Jameson, Esq. .. | Macaque Monkey (Macacus cynomolgus), 3. Deposited. . 1 Common Barn-Owl (Strix jflammea). Presented by W. Davies, Esq. . 2Philantomba Antelopes (Cephalophus maaxwelli), § and 2. Purchased. 2 Egyptian Jerboas (Dipus egyptius). Purchased. . 1 White-whiskered Paradoxure (Paradoxurus leucomystax). Presented by G. Wilson, Esq. 1 Common Coot (Fulica atra). Presented by T. H. O'Donoghue, Ksq. . 8 River-Jack Vipers (Vipera rhinoceros). Received in exchange. . 6 Brown Tritons (Geotriton fuscus), Presented by Prof. Giglioli, C.M.Z.S. From Italy. . 1 Feline Douroucouli (Nyctipithecus felinus), §. Purchased. 1 Punjaub Wild Sheep (Ovzs cycloceros), 9. Presented by Col. W. R. Alexander. From Upper Sind. See P.Z.8. 1879, p: 2. Abisara angulata, 833, 859. bifasciata, 833. kausambi, 833. neophron, 833, 855. Acanthia lectularia, 462. Acanthias blainvillei, 117. Accipiter etorques, 92. poliocephalus, 91. stevensoni, 936, 938, 939. virgatus, 938, 939. Achzxa cyllota, 488. indistincta, 488. melicerte, 298. Achlyodes potrillo, 483, Acidalia apparitaria, 491. attentata, 852, 858. umbilicata, 491. Aclesia glauca, 277. Acrocephalus fasciolatus, 430. insularis, 430. Actenoides hombroni, 944. Actitis hypoleuca, 138, 359. Adamastor cinereus, 737. Adelarus belcheri, 182. heermanni, 183. hemprichii, 193. leucophthalmus, 193. INDEX. Adelarus melanurus, 183. neptunus, 184, Adelpha cocala, 368. diocles, 270. falcata, 270. iphicla, 270, 368. syma, 271. Adolias boisduvali, 639. discispilota, 831, 854. 858. iva, 851. Jahnu, 831, 854. kesava, 831. lepideg 830, 854. parvata, 831, 854, 858, satropaces, 830, 854. sedeva, 831. taooana, 831, 854. JEgialitis cantiana, 624, 711. dubia, 344, 711. geoffroyt, 82. inornata, 121, 127. peronti, 711, 344. sancte-helene, 445, 460. varius, 445. ABgithina scapularis, 619. /&gotheles wallacei, 94. /Elurcedus arfakianus, 99. melanotis, 99. /Hmene guttulosana, 34. maculifascia, 33, 37. modesta, 34. sinuata, 34, 37. sordida, 34. subcinerea, 34. taprobanis, 34. /Hmene tenebrosa, 84. Atmona ; lena, 827, 854. Alpyceros melampus, 741. peverst, 741. /Xthalochroa ashmoliana, 584. Aithopyga bella, 112, 113. dubia, 107, 112. magnifica, 287. shelleyi, 621. Aganisthos orion, 480. Aganopis subquadrata, 847. Agathodes monstralis, 493. era chrysopteryx, 609. leticolor, 609. panamensis, 609. Agrametra ethiops, 462, 468, 477. Alauda celivox, 710. watterst, 708, 710. Alcedo bengalensis, 341, 578, 709, 943. diops, 79. moluccensis, 671. Alces americanus, 916. machlis, 887, 915, 916. letis druryi, 386. Sascelis, 386. helcita, 386. libyssa, 386. macularia, 886. tenuis, 385. variabilis, 386. 1020 Alexia meridionalis, 869. oa rhodophea, 382. Alpenus purus, 382. Amadina sharpii, 130. Amalda marginata, 865. Amalthea australis, 818. Amara ambigena, 716. bamidunye, 716. Amathina tricarinata, 868. Amathitis badiola, 717. kuenlunensis, 717. Amathusia ganescha, 828. phidippus, 638, 826, 854. Amaurornis olivacea, 845. Amazilia cinnamomea, 71. Amblynura kleinschmidti, 440. Amblypodia ameria, 703. anita, 855. epimuta, 835. hypomuta, 835. lohita, '702. narada, 703, 835. quercetorum, 836. taooana, 835, 855. Ambulyx strigilis, 483. substrigilis, 844, 856. Ammonites dilatatus, 956. diseus, 956. falcifer, 962. goliathus, 959. lingulatus, 960, 962, 963. obtusus, 959. steraspis, 961. subradiatus, 962, 963. walcotti, 960. Amphidasys arnobia, 490. Amphonyx eluentius, 483. Amynthia merula, 481. Anabas scandens, 216. Ana INDEX. Anabazenops variegaticeps, 59. Anzeretes Sernandezianus, 432. parulus, 432. gnia subfasciata, 847, 857. Anartia jatrophe, 480. Anas boschas, 350, obscura, 350. superciliosa, 350. wyvilliana, 350. | Anceryx fasciata, 483. Anchista migratoria, 787. | Anchomenus concisus, 594. ladakensis, 718. nuntezume, 593. nugax, 594. politissimus, 719. seutifer, 594. simplicior, 595. suffectus, 594. transpunctatus, 593. viestriatus, 594. Ancillaria marginata, 865. Anerastia ignobilis, 4946 Anisodactylus rotundangulus, 589. Anoa depressicornis, 792,881, 882, 903, Anomalocera huamel, 924. Anomia caput-serpentis, 401. decollata, 409. detruncata, 409. ephippium, 41}. pera, 410. rostrum-psittact, 413. scobenata, 410. terebratula, 407. truncata, 411. turbinata, 415. vitrea, 403. Anous albivitta, 273. albivittatus, 212. ceruleus, 211, 212, 271, 272, 273. cinereus, 211, 212, 272. gracilis, 272. leucocapillus, 273. | Anou s parvulus, 211, 272. stolidus, tereticollis, 273. Antennarius multiocellatus, 222. | Antherza billitonensis, 642. Srithii, 642. Anthocephala castaneiventris, 69. Anthodieta zambesiana, 356. Anthothreptus chlorogaster, 287, 951. griseigularis, 113. Anthreptes chlorigaster, 951. malaccensis, 621. Anthus chit, 390, 391. maculatus, 430, 619. gustavi, 430. peruvianus, 390, 391. raaltent, 356. rufus, 391. Antilope semmerringii, 723. Apamea intermittens, 486. Apenes comis, 606. a meridionalis, 819, 821. Aphnzus lohita, '702, 707. Aplonis tavuensis, 352. vitiensis, 352. Appias amasene, 700, 707. amba, 839, 855. copia, 700, 707. dapha, 888, 855. formosana, 701. hippo, 700. inornata, 700, 707. lea, 838, 855. nama, 838, 855. poeyt, 481. vacans, 700, 839, 855. zelmira, 700, 707, 839, 855. zeuzippe, 838. Aptenodytes chrysocome, 654. longirostris, 653. magellanicus, 635. papuus, 658. Apterodyta longirostris, 658, Ara glauca, 976. hyacinthina, 976. macao, 38, 46. militaris, 46. spixt, 976. Arachnechthra Jugularis, 112, 286, 343. Arachnothera dilutior, 621. flammifera, 840, 343. Aramides calopterus, 439. saracura, 440. Area (Scapharea) smyristica, 820. Archimantis armata, 583, 584, 587. monstrosa, 588, 587. Arctictis binturong, 142. Ardea episcopus, 953. javanica, 83. sacra, 271. Ardetta cinnamomea, 845, 953. Are marginata, 484. Argaterma alticola, 462, 474, 475, 477. multisignata, 462, 474. Argiope biplicata, 410. capsula, 399, 410, 411. cistellula, 399, 410. cuneata, 399, 409, 410, 412. decollata, 399, 409, 410. forbesi, 409. neapolitana, 309, 409, 410. schrammi, 410. Argiva caprimulgus, 848. ‘hieroglyphica, 848. Argyria chrysogyrans, 495. insons, 495. vestalis, 494. Arhopala - nakula, 835, 855. vikara, 835, 855 Aricoris gelasine, 364, myrtis, 364, INDEX. Arinia boucardi, 71. Aristeus antennatus, 809. edwardsianus, 308, 809, 310. Aristhala hainana, 705, 708, Arremon aurantiirostris, 56. rujfidorsalis, 56. Arsacia ashmoliana, 584. Arses insularis, 579. Artamus insignis, 671. leucopygialis, 122. leucorhynchus, 709, 937. leucorynus, 283, 342. Artaxa varians, 848, 857. Artena submira, 849, 857. Artibeus- quadrivittatus, 880. Artocarpus incisa, 30. Artona hainana, 704. Asio accipitrinus, 348. galapagoensis, 348. Aspergillum stranget, 869. Aspidoglossa rachyderus, 589. Astacoides Sranklini, 756. madagascariensis, 759, 772, 778, 'F75. Astacopsis franklinii, 760, 764, 765. Astacus angulosus, 754. brasiliensis, 755, 771. dauricus, 754. Jluviatilis, 753, 754, 756, 757, 759, 760 763. fontinalis, 754. japonicus, T54. leptodactylus, 754. madagascariensis, 752. pachypus, T54. pallipes, 754. pilimanus, 755, 771. saxatilis, 754. torrentium, 'Td4. 1021 Astarte suleata, 403. Aster glutinosus, 464. Astictopterus diocles, 842, 856. olivascens, 692. subfasciatus, 856. unicolor, 692. Astur contumax, 92. hiogaster, 80. poliocephalus, 91. tachiro, 354. trivirgatus, 340. Asturinula meridionalis, 354. monogrammica, BA, 791. Atella phalanta, 699, 706. sinha, 828, 854. Athene capensis, 354. variegata, 290. Athrostictus opalescens, 592. sericatus, 592. Athyma lactaria, 647. leucothoé, 697, 706. venilia, 646. Atolmis rubricollis, 9. Atretia gnomon, 400, 412, 413, 41d. 842, Atricilla catesbyi, 194. megalopterus, 194. micropterus, 194. Attacus cynthia, 388. insularis, 388. pryeri, 388. walkeri, 388, Attagen ariel, 650. Attatha regalis, 848, 857. Atticora cyanolenca, 67. Attila torridus, 139. Atys cylindrica, 819. elongata, 819. exiqua, 869. Awacorhamphus ceruleogularis, 47. 1022 Axius stirhynchus, 778. Azazia monstratura, 489. Barbatula pusilla, 359, subsulphurea, 131. Barsine cruciata, 29. flammealis, 28, 37, flavivenosa, 30, 37. gloriosa, 29, 37. inflexa, 29, 37. lineata, 29. mactans, 29. punicea, 29. Barsinella mirabilis, 385, Basileuterus culicivorus, 52. mesochrysus, 52. uropygialis, 52. Batrachostomus septimus, 944, Belideus ariel, 274. Bembidium mexicanum, 603. (Notaphus) flohri, 602. ( ) placitwm, 602. (Peryphus) pamirense, 718. (——) punctulipenne, 718 (—) rogersi, 602. (——) submaculatum, 603. Bernicia antarctica, 436. Bias musicus, 129. Biblis leucocyma, 826. Bithia exclusa, 852, 858. Bizone alba, 28. bellissima, 27, 37. coccinea, 28, 37. Blasipus bridgesi, 183. crassirostris, 183. heermanni, 188. polios, 183. Blepharis kuhlii, 586. Boarmia delicata, 490. Bolborhynchus monachus, 77. INDEX. Bolborhynchus murinus, 77. rubrirostris, 77. Bolina agrotoides, 487. confirmans, 487. cunearis, - evelina, 487. fasciolaris, 487. ochrodes, 487. perpendicularis, 487. Bomb mori, 705. Boreogobius stuvitzii, 319. Boroa punetivaga, 28. 08 americanus, 392. Botaurus peciloptilus, 578. Botys agavealis, 494, butyrosa, 493. caldusalis, 850, 858. campalis, 494, eratalis, 494. eurytalis, 494. gastralis, 494. glaucusalis, 494. helcitalis, 494. jopasalis, 850, 858. lucilla, 494. olivia, 494. plebeialis, 494. principalis, 494. unitalis, 850, 858. vinacealis, 850, 858. Brachypodius melanocephalus, 618. Brachypteryx malaccensis, 617. murinus, 617. Brachypus cinereifrons, 611, 617. plumosus, 618. Brachyurus steerti, 949. Bradycellus lucidus, 592. subobsoletus, 593. Bradyornis pallidus, 357. subalaris, 357. Bradytus compactus, 717. Broderipus acrorhynchus, 110, 285, 342, 380, 616, 710, 948. palawanensis, 711, 616. Brotogerys tovi, 46. Bruchigayia corallinus, 186. gouldi, 186. Jamesonti, 186. melanorhynchus, 190. pomare, 186. Brunia antica, 15, 36. Buarremon brunneinuchus, 56. capitalis, 55. castaneiceps, 439. chrysopogon, 38, 56. leucopis, 439. tibialis, 56. Bubalus seligniceros, 882. Bubo orientalis, 790. Bubulcus coromandus, 624, 712. Buccinulus afinis, 862. intermedius, 862, 864, 869. Buceinum albescens, 809. blainvillei, 811. cancellatum, 811. globosum, 809. horridum, 810. jacksonianum, 865. lactewm, 865. margaritiferum, 808. Buceros hydrocorax, 277, 278. melanoleucus, 358. mindanensis, 277, 278, 946. ruficollis, 671, 672. semigaleatus, 279, 280, 339, 341, 379, 380. Buchanga assimilis, 357. cineracea, 615. leucophea, 615, Budytes viridis, 82, 710, 950. Bufo melanostictus, "722. vulgaris, 977. ulimus balstoni, 811. clavator, 311. iodostylus, '74. trazuensis, 73, 74. Josephus, 78, 74. moreleti, 311. navarrensis, 73, 74. Bulimus obtusatus, 311. watersi, 311, 314. (Eurytus) eros, 314. (Otostomus) xapo, 312, 314 ae) quadrifasciatus, 312, 312, 314. Bulla lignaria, 960. solida, 819. Bullia persica, 730, 733. ursa concinna, 815 Butalis grisola, 129. latirostris, 280, 284. Butastur indicus, 612, 709. Buteo desertorum, 349. japonicus, 579. latissimus, 44. pennsylvanicus, 44. solitarius, 346, 348, 350. vulgaris, 349. Butorides javanica, 83, 114, 345, 624. Cacatua hematuropygia, 107, | 281, 340, 379, 937. | Cacomantis flabelliformis, 125. insperatus, 671. merulinus, 613, 709. sepulchralis, 936, 945. Cadulus acuminatus, 868. Calamoherpe fumigata, 480. subflavescens, 430. Calesia comesa, 849. flabellifera, 849, 857. gastropachoides, 849, 857 Calialeyon coromanda, 944. Calisto zangis, 480. Calleida jansoni, 608. letipennis, 608. semirubra, 608. Calliana pieridoides, 687, 694. INDEX. Callidryas catilla, 640, 788, 855, crocale, 837, 855. senne, 481 Calligrapha violaceo-maculata, 147, Callimorpha jacobee, 484. Calliscotus bowreyi, 489. Calliste dowii, 54, francisce, 5A. Srantziti, 54, gyroloides, 5A. zeterocephala, 5+. larvata, 54. Callorhynchus antarcticus, 117. Calobates melanope, 343. Calocoris (Megaceelum) lustra- tus, 461, 466. Calcenas luteovirens, 565. nicobarica, 289. Calophzxna cruciata, 605. levigata, 605. Calornis amboinensis, 88. chalybea, 622. gularis, 88, 89. metallica, 88, 89, 97. nitida, 88, 289. panayensis, 113, 287, 343, 622, 710, 951. purpurascens, 88, 89. viridescens, 88. Calpenia khasiana, 5. Camarhynchus cinereus, 137. Campephaga melanops, 95. Campephilus magellanicus, 434. Campias sedulus, 140. Cam pylopterus henileucurus, 68. Campylorhynchus zonatus, 51. Cancer pagurus, 785, 784. (Astacus) capensis, 754, 755. Cancros fluviatilis, 758. 1023 Canis antarcticus, 376. anthus, 376. aureus, 376. azare, 376. cancrivorus, 376. famelicus, 376, 392. Jamiliaris, 373, 374, 376 376. fulvus, 376. hodophylax, 116, 788. lagopus, 376. laniger, 376. latrans, 789. lupus, 116, 374, 376, 788. vulpes, 376, Capissa auriflava, 19. JSasciata, 20, 36. flavens, 20. innotata, 19, 36. insolita, 20. pallens, 19, 36. vagesa, 19. Capito bourciert, 47, richardsoni, 141. steerit, 140. Capnodes calida, 490. Capreolus caprea, 887, 917, 928. europeus, 917. leucotis, 924. pygargus, 887, 917. Capenaitana brachyurus, 94, 95. europ@us, 249. manillensis, 944. Carabus stoliczkanus, 713. Caranx hippos, 218. Carbo albiventer, 652. Cardiastethus bicolor, 461, 466. testaceus, 466. Cardium hystrix, 819. pulchellum, 870. pulchrum, 819. (Levicardium) aus- trale, 819. Cariacus antisiensis, 924. campestris, 923. chilensis, 923, 924. columbianus, 887, 921. 1024 Cariacus gymnotis, 887, 921. leucurus, 887, 919, 920. macrotis, 887, 919, 921. mexicanus, 887, 19, 1 nemorivagus, 925, 926. paludosus, 922. peruvianus, 887, 920. punctulatus, 922. rujinus, 925, 926. rufus, 925, 926. savannarum, 887, 920. similis, 887, 920. simplicicornis, 925. superciliaris, 926. toltecus, 887, 921. virginianus, 887, 918, 9195950: on: whiteleyi, 926. (Blastocerus) campes- tris, 887, 925. ( ) paludosus, 887, 922, (Coassus) nemorivagus, 887. ( ) rufinus, 887. ( ) rufus, 887, 924. (——) simplicicornis, 87. (——) supereiliaris, ( ) whitelyi, 887. (Furcifer) wntisiensis, 887, 925. (——) chilensis, 887. Carollia brevicauda, 880. Carpodectes nitidus, 39, 40, 65. Carpophaga aie 113, 288, 344, 628, 982. assimilis, 126, 574. bernsteini, 573: chalybea, 85. chalybura, 85. concinna, 8d, 89. formosa, 572. latrans, 102, 103, 104, 105. leclancheri, 568. magnifica, 575. melanochroa, 671, 672. pacifica, 104, 274, pistinaria, 672. puella, 574. roscinucha, 8. rubricera,. 289, 549, 671. tumida, 549. INDEX, Carpophaga ieaby aR 289, 671. zoee, 99. Casnonia tubulifera, 604. Cassicus prevosti, 58. Castalius roxus, 838, 855. Casuarius australis, 214. becearii, 214. bennetti, 390. edwardsi, 389, 390. galeatus, 80, 214. kaupi, 389. papuanus, 389, 390. salvadorit, 218. tricarunculatus, 214. wniappendiculatus, 389, 390. westermanni, 389. Casyapa thraz, 641. Catarractes chrysocome, 654. chrysolophus, 654. Catascopus angulicollis, 605. chontalensis, 605. validus, 605. Catharistes atratus, 45. Cathartes aura, 435. papa, 45. Catharus Srantati, 40, 50. gracilirostris, 40, 50. melpomene, 38, 50. Catophaga lagela, 838, 855, 858. neombo, 838, 855. paulina, 838, 855. Catopsilia gnoma, 699, 707. Ceblepyris karu, 87. plumbea, 95, 96. rupfwentris, 87. sumatrensis, 614. Celia costaricensis, 600. Cenchris contortria, 631. Centrites niger, 432. Centrococeyx eurycercus, 614. viridis, 283, 341, 709, 946. Centropus ateralbus, 289, 290, 671. eurycercus, 614, phasianus, 125. superciliosus, 359. Centurus hoffmanni, 49. pucherani, 49. Cephalophus anchiete, 743. burchellii,.743. grimmius, T48. longiceps, "744. melanorrhous, 743, 744. monticola, 743. niger, T44. pluto, 744. ruficrista, 744. Cephalopterus glabricollis, 66. Cephalotes minor, 875. peronti, 316, 875. Cerchneis sparveria, 45. Cercocebus fuliginosus, 791. Cercomacra ' tyrannina, 61. Cerithium (Vertagus) Kochi, 817, 821 ( 821 Cerostoma vittella, 495. Cerotoma nigrofasciata, 996. Certhia malaccensis, 621. sanguinea, 347. Cervulus amostylis, 899. aureus, 899. lacrymans, 887, 899. muntjac, 887, 899. reevesit, 887, 899. sclateri, 899. tumulicus, 899. Cervus affinis, 887, 913. alfredi, 902. antisiensis, 924. aristotelis, 900, 901. axis, 907, 909. barbarus, 910, 911. campestris, 923. canadensis, 887, 897, 912, 913. capreolus, 917. . turritum, 817, 885, Cervus cashmeerianus, 887,912, 918. caspicus, 909. chilensis, 928, 924. columbianus, 921, 922. cusanus, 891. eylindricornis, 891. dama, 913, 915. davidianus, 906. duvaucellii, 905. dybowskii, 909. elaphus, 887, 891, 910, 911, 912, 928. eldi, 906. equinus, 900, 901. euopis, 908. eustephanus, 887, 911, 912. gymnotis, 920, 921. hippelaphus, 903, 904. hortulorum, 908. humilis, 927. kopschi, 909. kuhlii, 902. lepidus, 902. leucurus, 919. lewisit, 922 macrotis, 921, mandarinus, 908. mantchuricus, 909. minor, 909. maral, 887, 911, 912. mariannus, 901. matheroni, 891. mesopotamicus, 914, 915. mexicanus, 919, 921. moluccensis, 903, 904. muntjac, 898, 899. nemoralis, 919. nemorivagus, 925, nigricans, 902. paludosus, 922. peronit, 904, perriert, 891. philippinus, 901. porcinus, 902. pseudaxis, 908, 909. pudu, eae a argus Poa 899, rufinus, 925, rufus, 925. rusa, 903, 904. savannarum, 920. schomburgki, 905. sika, 908. similis, 920. simplicicornis, 925. 908, 791, | INDEX, Cervus swinhowi, 901. taévanus, 909, tarandus, 928. tetracerus, 891. timoriensis, 903, 904. toltecus, 921. virginianus, 919. wallichii, 918. wanthopygus, 887, 911. (Axis) axis, 887, (Dama) dama, 887, 914. (——) mesopotamicus, 887, 914. (Elaphurus) davidia- nus, 906. (Pseudaxis) caspicus, 887. (——) dybowskii, 887. (——) euopis, 887. (——) kopsehi, 887. ere, mantchuricus, ( ss 887, 908. ( ) taévanus, 887. (Rucervus) duvaucelli, | 887, 908. (——) eldi, 887. (——) schomburgki, 887. (Rusa) alfredi, 887. (——) aristotelis, 887, 901. (ae) equinus, 887. (——) hippelaphus, 887, 903. (——) kuhlit, 887. (——) lepidus, 887. (—-) mariannus, 887. (——) nigricans, 887. (——) philippinus, 887. (——) porcinus, 887. ( ) swinhoii, 887. Ceryle cabanisi, 48. rudis, 35D. stellata, 484. Cestracion philippi, 117. Cethosia biblis, 699, 707. chrysippe, 645. Cetosparactes eburneus, 162. Cettia fortipes, 980. Ceyx argentata, 341, 948. 107, 108, | | | 1025 | Ceyx lepida, 81. Chaca lophioides, 220. Cheerocampa chiron, 483. suffusa, 642. Cherodes transtincta, 490, Cheetopterus norvegicus, 338. Cheetura picina, 936, 944. Chaleocoecyx malayanus, 945, Chaleophana costatipennis, 144, discolor, 144. rufipennis, 144. semirufa, 988, 989. uniformis, 989. Chaleophaps indica, 953. stephani, 289, 671. Chaleopsitta rubrifrons, 93. Chalcopsittacus seintillatus, 93. | Chalcosia diana, 704. nympha, 704, 708. Chaleostetha insignis, 621. | Chalybe belti, G04. Chamepelia passerina, 43. rufipennis, 43. Chameepetes unicolor, 42, Charadrius cantianus, 624. fulvus, 82, 344, 711, 937. geoffroyi, 82. peronit, 544, 711, veredus, 82. Charaxes agna, 832, 854. athamas, 831. desa, 832, 854. harpax, 832, 854. lunawara, 832. marmax, 831, 832, 854. samatha, 831, 854 schreiberi, 640. Charis crocea, 364, holostieta, 364. iris, 364, 1026 Charis ochrias, 365. perone, 364, 365. peciloptera, 365. sulphurea, 365. velutina, 364. Chasiempis sandvicensis, 346. Chasmorhynchus tricarunculatus, 40, 6 Cheimonea tridactylus, 164. Chelys matamata, 378, Chibia assimilis, 96. hottentota, 88, 614. megalornis, 88. Chilobothrus inornatus, 789. Chilomenes lunata, 448. Chiloscyllium ocellatum, 117. Chione (Marcia) levigata, 870. Chionis minor, 578. Chiromacheris cande@i, 66 Chiroxiphia linearis, 66. Chiton siculoides, 868. Chlamydophorus truncatus, 228, 673, 677, 679. Chloéphaga poliocephala, 436. Chlorita edithe, 462, 476. Chlorolampis caniveti, 71, osberti, 38. salvini, 71. sedulus, 140. Chlorophanes guatemalensis, 54. spiza, 54. Chlorophonia callophrys, 39, 54. Chlorospingus alhitemporalis, 55. Chroicocephalus atricilla, 194. bonapartii, 207. brunneicephalus, 198. brunniceps, 198. capistratus, 200. INDEX, | Chroicocephalus cirrhocephalus, 204. cucullatus, 195. Franklini, 195. gelastes, 193. glaucodes, 204, glaucotes, 203. whthyaétus, 198, kitlitzii, 195, 205. leucophthalmus, 193. maculipennis, 202. melanocephalus, 200, minutus, 206. personatus, 196. philadelphia, 207. pileatus, 200. plumbiceps, 204. ridibundus, 200. saundersi, 205. schimperi, 195. serranus, 194. subulirostris, 207. tibetanus, 198. Chroicoptera vidua, 580. Chryseglia ferrifasciata, 13, 36. magnified, 13. Chrysococcyx klaasi, 131. Chrysocolaptes erythrocephalus, 612. lucidus, 379, 942. maculiceps, 942. Chrysena luteovirens, 505, 565. victor, 568, viridis, 506, 566, 567. Chrysomitris bryantit, 56. Chrysorabdia viridata, 19, 36. Chrysotis Farinosa, 38, 46. pulverulenta, 46. Churinga rufifrons, 10, 36. Cicindela belti, 588. Slohri, 588. stoliezkana, 718. Cicinnurus regius, 98. Ciconia alba, 625. episcopus, 633. maguari, 633. Cincia pallida, 484. Cinclodes patachonicus, 433. Cinnyris aspasioides, 81. auriceps, 80. clementie, 81. Srenata, 79. Suliginosa, 129. gutturalis, 355. Jardinii, 355. julia, 951. microrhyncha, 855. splendida, 129. venusta, 130. zenobia, 81. Cirrhocephalus potocephalus, 204. Cirrochroa lanka, 827. suryd, 827, 854. Cisthene niveata, 384. Cisticola cursitans, ‘708, 710. grayt, 286 tsodactyla, 356. ruficeps, 286, 671. semirufa, 286. Cittocinela nigra, 619. Cixius sancte-helene, 462. Clangula histrionica, 479. vulgaris, 479. Clerome arcesilaus, 827, 854. eumeus, 697, 706. Clupea harengus, 338. sprattus, 338. Clupeilarus antipodum, 181. Suscus, 173. Clytanthus ignobilis, 721. Coassus auritus, 926. peruvianus, 920. superciliaris, 926. whitelyi, 926. Coccystes coromandus, 936, 946. Jacobinus, 359, Coccyzus minor, 47. Ceeligena clemencia, 68. Cceelomera atro-cerulea, 152. Ceelops Srithii, 878. Cceerostris avernalis, 799. mitralis, 799, 800. Colznis delila, 481. Colaptes rupicola, 140, Colaspoides viridicollis, 144. Coleura seychellensis, 879. Colius leucotis, 358. Oollita griseola, 16. lilacina, 16. parva, 16, 36. vetusta, 16. Collocalia esculenta, 283. francica, 280, 282, 283. troglodytes, 283. Colluricincla megarhyncha, 96. parvissima, 122. rufigaster, 122. Colpodes aurotinctus, 598. chontalensis, 598. chrysopterus, 599. cyanostolus, 598. duplex, 596. gratus, 596. intergencus, 596. lactipes, 597. lebioides, 599. obscurellus, 596. ovaliceps, 719. parviceps, 597. princeps, 599. procephalus, 597. prolivus, 597 prolongatus, 600. prostomis, 598. stricticollis, 595. superbus, 599. viridiauratus, 599. Columba albilineata, 43. amarante, 574. cyanovirens, 542, 559. diademata, 540. dupetit-thouarsii, 503, 539. felicie, 565. flava, 565. forsteri, 505, 525. gularis, 503, 570. Aypogastra, 558. INDEX, | Oolumba iogastra, 558. jambu, 502, 554. kurukuru, 502, 525, 541 purpuro-leucoce- phalus, 539. superba, 545, leucotis, 505. luteovirens, 565, magnifica, 575. melanocephala, 502, 551, 552, 951. monacha, 550. nana, 549. occipitalis, 695. enas, 437, oopa, 502, 527, 541. pectoralis, 559. perlata, 557. porphyracea, 525, 526. orpyrea, 525, 553. puella, 502, 574. pulchella, 551. purpurata, 502, 507, 25, 526, 528, 529, 531, 582, 533, 534, 540. regina, 502. rivoli, 503, 561. roseicapilla, 537. roseicollis, 554. subvinacea, 43. superba, 542, 548, ix 544. taitensis, 502, 541. virens, 559. viridis, 502, 560. viridissima, 535. zanthogaster, 502, 540. zoée, 99. Columbella terpsichore, 807. (Anachus) nigricostata, 807, 821. (——) puella, 807. Columbula campestris, 141, Columella angasi, 865. dermestoides, 865. interrupta, 865. lineolata, 865. Cominella lactea, 865. Composia sybaris, Conchylodes diphtheralis, 493. Oondica palpalis, 486. | Contopus virens, 64. | Conurus astec, 38, 46. hilaris, 75. hotfmanni, 40, 46. murinus, 75. nanday, 77. patagonus, 75. smaragdinus, 434. Conus andamanensis, 804,821. articulatus, 796, 798. carnalis, 796, 798. ceylanensis, 805, hepaticus, 732. japonicus, 796. largillierti, 796. lucidus, 795. mahogani, 797. melvilhi, 795, 798. nebulosus, 796. pastinaca, 731, 732. quercinus, 732. scabriusculus, 796. tabidus, 732. tornatus, 797. virgo, 732. wimines, 797. Copaxa expandens, 387. gemmifera, 387. Copsychus mindanensis, 285, 342, Coptodera scintillans, 605. Coracias caudatus, 354. Coralliophila barclayana, 806. Corbula fortisulcata, 819, 821. nasuta, 869. Corvus cornix, 976. corone, 976. enca, 622. Javanensis, 622, orru, 289. hilippinus, 113, 287, 4 343 381. 710, 951. pusillus, 611, 622. validus, 622. Corydalla gustavi, 430. lugubris, 286, 380, 710. Corymica arnearia, 851, 858. Cosmophila erosa, 486. 1028 Cosmosoma auge, 484. tyrrhene, 484. Cossa basigera, 21. brunnea, 22, 37. pallida, 21. quadrisignata, 21, 37. Cossypha verticalis, 129. Coturnix conununis, 578. Cracticus cassicus, 97. Crambomorpha splendens, 8. Crania anomala, 400, 414. lamellosa, 414. personata, 414, 415. ringens, 415. rostrata, 415, suessia, 415, Craspedophora magnifica, 125. Crassatella , radiata, 820. Crastia cupreipennis, 825, 853. modesta, 823. Crateropus kirki, 556. Orax globicera, 42. Creagrus furcatus, 210, Crenella harbata, 871. Creobroter apicalis, 585. pictipennis, 585, 587. urbanus, 58D. Crepidula tomentosa, 867. Criniger everetti, 110, 380. frater, 618. palawanensis, 618. simplex, 129. Crioceris australis, 152. nigripes, 152. Criopus Simbriatus, 414. orcadensis, 415. Crithagra chrysopyga, 130, insularis, 577. Crotophaga sulcirostris, 47. 611, INDEX, Cryptospira cymbalum, 866. ovulum, 866. Crypturus bartletti, 142. boucardi, 39, 40, 41, 42. sallei, 142. transfasciatus, 141. variegatus, 142. Crystallogobius nilssoni, 318, 329, 331, 332, 334, 335, 337, 338. Ctenolabrus rupestris, 329. Otenostoma leticolor, 588. sigma, 588. Cuculus basalis, 945. chalcites, 946. cineraceus, 125. coromandus, 9AG. hyperythrus, 946. malayanus, 945, 946, merulinus, 945. sepulchralis, 945, threnodes, 945. Culapa mnasicles, 825, 853. Cuncuma leucogaster, 91. Curzeus aterrimus, 432. Curtonotus pamirensis, 717. putzeysi, 600. substriatus, 601. Cuscus orientalis, 274, 275. Cyanaleyon diops, 79. macleayt, 122. Cyanocitta pulchra, 439. Cyanocorax bellus, 138. mystacalis, 138. ortoni, 138. Cyanopolius cooki, 789. Cyanospiza ctris, 57. cyanea, 57, 58. Cyanotreron eyanovirens, H04, 543. monacha, 504, 550. Cyclophorus calyx, 499, hispidulus, 499. Cyelophorus pinnulifer, 499. (Myxostoma) bathy- rhaphe, 497, 498. Cyclopides camertes, 704, 707. subradiatus, 693. subvittatus, 692, 693. Cyclopsitta lunulata, 937. Cyclopsittacus melanogenys, 92. Cyclorhis flavipectus, 88, 53. subflavescens, 53. Cyclostoma crocewm, 31. planorbulus, 499. Cyclostrema tate, 862, 868. Cyclotus boucardi, 73, 74. mexicanus, 73. 864, | Cyenia punetivaga, 28. Cydalima conchylalis, 850, 857. Cydosia nobilitella, 495. Cylichna pygmed, 869. Cymindis glabrella, 719. Cynocephalus gelada, 1. mormon, 791. Cynonycteris amplexicaudata, 877. brachyotis, 316. Cynopterus latidens, 875. marginatus, 877. scherzeri, 875. Cynthia arsinoé, 689, 646. deione, 639. Cyornis banyumas, 615. philippinensis, 109,284, 342, 948. Cypriea australis, 867. gangrenosa, 816, peasei, 731, 733, ~ | Cypselus mystaceus, 81. pallidus, 976. parvus, 131. Cyrenia martia, 362. a Eo Cyrenia pyrippe, 362. Cyrestis acilia, 646. | cocles, 698, 706, 829, 854. . risa, 829, 854. thyodamas, 698, 828, 854. Cyrtostomus andamanicus, 620. asiaticus, 620. aurora, 611, 620. brevirostris, 620. flammacillaris, 620. Srenatus, 79, 97, 620. Jugularis, 620, 710, 951. lotenia, 620. melanogaster, 81. osea, 620. pectoralis, 620. rhizophore, 620. solaris, 620, 621. zenobia, 81, 620. Cystineura dorcas, 480. 706, | Debis INDEX, Danais septentrionis, 853. similis, 637. tytia, 822, 853. vulgaris, 822, 853. Daption capensis, 737. Dasycrotapha 822, speciosa, 114, 280, 281, 285. Dasypus minutus, 228, 229. sexcinetus, 226, 227, 228, 229, 673, 674, 677, 678, 679. vellerosus, 228, 229. villosus, 228, 229. europa, 706. mekara, 824. Decelea bowreyi, 486. Deilemera artemis, 386. pellex, 386. signata, 386. + Deilephila Dacelo gaudichaudi, 94. tyro, 94. | Dacnis i venusta, 54. | Dama mesopotamica, 887, | 9l4. . vulgaris, 895, 913. Damalis alciphron, 847, 857. concana, 4. plaginota, 847, 857. Damophila amabilis, 71. Danais affinis, 644. . aglea, 695, 706, 822, | 853. archippus, 480 chrysippus, 638, 695, 706. 822, 853. citrina, 6438. | eleutho, 297. gloriola, 643. hegisippus, 638. jamaicensis, 480. Juventa, 637. limniace, 695, 706. | melaneus, 822, 853. a 322,853. lineata, 483. _ Deiopeia pulchella, 298. speciosa, 484. Deiphobe laticeps, 580, 587. ocellata, 580. Delattria henrici, 68. - Delias descombest, 839, 856. indica, 839, 856. inferna, 734. pasithoé, 839, 856. Dendrobiastes basilanicus, 114. | Dendrochelidon mystacea, 289, 290. | Dendrocolaptes puneticollis, 60. sancti-thome, 60. Dendrocygna autumnalis, 44. vagans, 346, 712, 954. Dendreeca estiva, 52. blackburnia, 52. pennsylvanica, 52, vieilloti, 52. ; Dendropicus goerte, 131. Dendrornis susurrans, 60. Proc. Zoox. Soc.—1878, No. LXVII. 1029 Dendrortyx leucophrys, 40, 42. Dentalium octagonum, 868. Desmia orbalis, 493. prognealis, 493. Deudorix epijarbas, 834. Jarbas, 834. melampus, 834. suffusa, 834, 855, 858. xenophon, 834. Diabrotica costatipennis, 996. fuscomaculata, 994. Juscomarginata, 149. gracilis, 150, 151. jansoni, 994. marginata, 151. mexicana, 149. multipunctata, 149. nigrolineata, 149. nigromaculata, 150. nigrovittata, 995. novemmaculata, 995. peruana, 151. sexplagiata, 151. sexpunctata, 148. tripunctata, 148. variolosa, 151. ventricosa, 148. viridimaculata, 150. waterhousei, 993. | Diadema alimena, 647. auge, 297. avia, 699, 706. nerina, 297, 647. otaheite, 297. Diala imbricata, 867. picta, 867. varia, 867. Dias longiremis, 330, | Diceum cinereigulare, 950. everett2, 107, 111. hematostictum, 286. hirundinaceum, 125. modestum, 380, 381. rubriventre, 111, 950. schistaceum, 107, 111. vulneratum, 82. Dichirotrichus alticola, 713. Dicelus flohri, 589. Dicranostreptus, 671. megarhynchus, 289. 67 1030 Dicrocercus hirundinaceus, 355. Dicruropsis assimilis, 96. megalornis, 88. Dicrurus assimilis, 96. balicassius, 614. divaricatus, 357. lemostictus, 615. leucopheus, 615. leucops, 615. marginatus, 339, megalornis, 88. megarhynchus, 615. mirabilis, 284, 614. palawanensis, 611, 614, 615. pectoralis, 88, 615. striatus, 109, 380, 614, 948. Dictyopicus Jjardinei, 49. Digama Jigurata, 5. hearseyana, 4, 5. insulana, 5. similis, 5. Diglossa plumobea, 54. Dilophonota enotrus, 484. omphalee, 484. ello, 483. Diomedea brachyura, 740. demersa, 658. exulans, 740. fuliginosa, 740. melanophrys, 740. Dione vanille, 481. Diphyllodes gulielmi tertii, 792. Diploharpus exstriatus, 601. Discina atlantica, , 415, 416. rk: fallens, 415. norvegica, 415. ostreoides, 415. Discophora celinde, 827. necho, 827, 854. tullia, 826, 854. zal, 826, 854. Dissura episcopus, 633. maguari, 633. INDEX Doleschallia comrii, 643, 646. pratipa, 828, 854. | Dolgoma angulifera, 20. brunnea, 20, 37. reticulata, 20. Domicella atricapilla, 79. eyanauchen, 79. lory mysorensis, 79. rubra, 86. schlegeli, 86. scintillata, 93. Dominicanus antipodum, 180. antipodus, 180. azare, 181. fritzei, 180. Fuscescens, 173. Suscus, 173. marinus, 180. pelagicus, 180. verreauxtt, 181. vetula, 180. vociferus, 180. Donax sordidus, 870. Dorycha bryante, 40, 70. Doryphora estuans, 992. brunneipennis, 989. decorata, 992. dorsomaculata, 146. flavipennis, 989. flavoguttata, 145. flavomarginata, 146. hybrida, 991. imperialis, 991, insularis, 147. limbatipennis, 990, militaris, 991. ocellata, 991. porosa, 990. punctipennis, 145. vittaticollis, 993. vittatipennis, 990. Dreata petola, 848. taooensis, 859. Drepanis coccinea, 347. flava, 348. sanguinea, 347. Drepanodes pionaria, 490. Drepanoptila | 506, 513. 848, 857, | holosericea, 504, 505, Drusilla catops, 645. myops, 645. Drymacedus beccarii, 91, 97. Drymocataphus cinereiceps, 617. Drymeca affinis, 356. brevicaudata, 982. isodactyla, 356. Drymophila cinerascens, 83. Dryococcyx harringtoni, 613. Dryoscopus affinis, 357. cubla, 357. gambensis, 128. major, 128. salime, 357. Dyctis leucocyma, 826, 853. Dysithamnus semicinereus, 60. striaticeps, 60. 611, 980, | Dysporus eyanops, 652. piscator, 651. sula, 114, 954. Echis earinatus, 977, 978. coloratus, 977, 978. Eelectus grandis, 78. linnei, 92. megalorhynchus, 78. personatus, 86. polychlorus, 79, 92, 93, 289, 290. rhodops, 81. roratus, 78. Edela ruficeps, 619. Edoliosoma sp. ine., 671. muelleri, 95. schisticeps, 96. tenuirostre, 95. Hilema caniola, 17. Elainea albiceps, 433. frantzii, 63. pagana, 38, 63. subpagana, 63. Elanoides Surcatus, 45. Elanus hypoleucus, 939. Elaphodus ' cephalophus, 790, 887, 899. michianus, 887, 900. longicauda, 129. Elousa albicans, 486. Elymnias hainana, 696, 706. lais, 638. nigrescens, 638, 696. tinctoria, 826, 853. undularis, 826. vasudeva, 826, 853. Emarginula dilecta, 868. rugosa, 868. tasmania, 868. tenuicostata, 868. Emballonura nigrescens, 876, 877. Embernagra raffrayana, 876. striaticeps, 56. Empidonax aneaced 64. Empusa coronata, 586. Empyreuma pugione, 484. Engina testacearia, 643. Entomobia gularis, 282, 341, 379, 937, 943. Entomogramma Sautriz, 849, 857. Enyo cyanogenys, 86. indica, 578. riciniata, 86. rubra, 86. ira tuberculosa, 799. Epicrates angulifer, 789. Epitelarus neglectus, 184, Epomophorus comptus, 879. INDEX. Epomophorus monstrosus, 879. Erastria includens, 486. Erato bimaculata, 866. | Erebus agarista, 488. odora, 488. odorata, 488. Eresia drypetis, 269. eunice, 269. mechanitis, 269. Ergolis alternus, 698, 706. ariadne, 698. Erites angularis, 825, 853. madura, 825. Eronia lutescens, 838, 855. Erosia incongrua, 491. Erythra phenicura, 953. Erythraucheena umeralis, 126. Erythropitta erythrogastra, 948. Kochi, 430. Estrelda cyanogastra, 358. Etroplus énsulata, 484. Eudamus capucinus, 482. trinitad, 482. Eudromias geoffroyi, 281, 288, 344, 24, 711. co modestus, 438. mongolicus, 344, 711. veredus, 82. Eudynamis mindanensis, 946. picata, 671. Eudyptes chrysocome, 577, 654, 655 asp chrysolophus, 654. diadematus, 654, ee = : pach nchus, 655. viltator, 654, Hugenes falas 68. 1031 | Eugenes spectabilis, 40, 68. | Euglyphia hieroglyphica, 485. Euglyphis procopialis, 850, 858. Eumelea rosalia, 851, 858. Eumomota superciliaris, 49, 100. Eunectes murinus, 378. Eunica tatila, 480. Eupherusa egregia, 71. Euphonia crassirostris, 54. elegantissima, 54. gouldi, 54. | Euplagia hera, 847, 848. Euplectes capensis, 358. Sranciscana, 130. nigriventris, 358. Eupleea alcathoé, 823, 853. angasii, 297. bremeri, 638. callithoé, 644. core, 823. crassa, 822, deione, 823. distincta, 296, 297. eleutho, 296, 297. erimas, 738. eupator, 733. eurianassa, 644. felderi, 695, 706. godartit, 824, 853. helcita, 297. tphianassa, 644. Jessica, 733. layardi, 695. limborgii, 823, 853, 858. margarita, 823. ménétriésti, 638. mulciber, 638. nox, 644, philomela, 637. subdita, 823, 858. thoosa, 688. treitschkii, 644, EHuptoieta hegesia, 481, Kuptychia argentella, 265. ithama, 266. 10382 Euptychia philodice, 264, 265. phocton, 265. pyracmon, 265. rogersi, 265. vetones, 265. Eurema formosa, 836. Eurycoleus belti, 606. Eurygona amphidecta, 361. hypophea, 360. inconspicua, 36). leucorrhoa, 360. russata, 361. Euryleemus javanicus, 143. . steerti, 110. Eurystomus afer, 354. crassirostris, 671. orientalis, 108, 282, 341, 379, 613. Euscarthmus squamicristatus, 62. zosterops, 138, Huschema aurilimbata, 846, 857. excubitor, 846, 857. horsfieldi, 846, 857. malayana, 846. militaris, 704, '708, 846, 857. Eusemia africana, 381. incongruens, 381. Euspiza americana, 58. Eustephanus Ffernandensis, 434. galeritus, 433. Euthisanotia timais, 489. Falco babylonicus, 2. barbarus, 2. henderson, 262. hiogaster, 80. Felis jubata, 656. lanea, 655, 656, leopardus, 239. uncia, 289. Fischeria batica, 580. laticeps, 580. ocellata, 580. Fissurella scutella, 868, INDEX. Fissurellidsea scutella, 868. Fistulana ’ elava, 967. | Fodina stola, 849, 857. Formicarius hoffmanni, 62. Formicivora boucardi, 61. Francolinus granti, 359. rovuma, 359. Fregata aquila, 273, 650. minor, 650, 651. | Fregetta grallaria, 735, 736. melanogastra, 736. Frenula Jeffreysti, 407. Fringilla minuta, 287. | Fulica alai, 351. armillata, 291. gallinuloides, 291. leucoptera, 291. Fuligula collaris, 479. marila, 479. nationt, 477, 478, 479. rufina, 479. Funchalia woodwardi, 298, 309. Furcifer chilensis, 924. Furnarius Jigulus, 139. pileatus, 139, Fusus abnormis, 811, 821. Gabianus bathyrhynchus, 182. georgti, 182. pacificus, 181. Gadus esmarkti, 330. merlangus, 330. morrhua, 330, 338. Galbula_ - melanogenia, 47, Gallicrex cinerea, 953. Gallinago megala, 345, 953. paraguaia, 438. scolopacina, 345, 712. | Gallinula stenura, 83. chloropus, 344, 953. euryzonoides, 288, nesiotis, 577. Gallus bankiva, 953. Gambetta pulverulenta, 127. Gampola Ffasciata, 27, 37. Gandhara serva, 15, 16, 36. Gasterosteus aculeatus, 330. Gastrochena tasmanica, 869. Gastropacha vishnu, 848. | Gavia | andersoni, 186, 187. atricilla, 194. audouini, 179. bonapartii, 207. capistrata, 200. cirrhocephala, 204. citrirostris, 164. eburnea, 162. gelastes, 192. glaucotis, 204. gouldi, 186. hartlaubi, 188. Jamesoni, 185. | kittlitzi, 205. maculipennis, 202. melanocephala, 200. minuta, 206. nivea, 162. personata, 196. pomarre, 185, 186, 187, 190, 191. ridibunda, 200. roseiventris, 204. sabint, 209. serrana, 196. subulirostris, 207. tridactyla, 164. Gavina audouini, 179. bruchi, 177. cana, 177. heinei, 177. kamtschatchensis, 177. | zonorhynchus, 177. | Gazella | dama, 726. | doreas, 929, 930. euchore, 741. granti, 723, 724, 725, 726. Gazella mohr, 726. semmerringi, 726. walleri, 929, 980. Gecinus viridis, 934. Gegenes hainanus, 703, 707. nostrodamus, 703. Gelastes andersoni, 186. columbinus, 192. corallinus, 186. gouldi, 186. lambruschini, 192. leucocephalus, 192. rubriventris, 122. Geoffroius aruensis, 80. cyaniceps, 671, 672. heteroclitus, 671, 672. keyensis, 86. pucherani, 81, rhodops, 80. schlegeliz, 80, 81. simplex, 672. Geopelia humeralis, 126. tranquilla, 126. Geothlypis poliocephala, 52. trichas, 52. Geotrygon sae belo 43. chiriquensis, 43. costaricensis, 39, 40, montanus, 48. Geranoaétus melanoleucus, 434. Ghoria albocinerea, 13, 36. sericeipennis, 13. Gibbula pulcherrima, 818. Ginglymostoma cirratum, 117. Gladius (Rimella) cancellatus, 818. Qlaucidium capense, 354. Glaucus argentatoides, 167. argentatus, 167. audouini, 179. borealis, 179. canus, 177. consul, 165. glacialis, 166. | Glissa | Glyptolenus Gobiosoma INDEX, Glaucus glaucescens, 167. glaucopterus, 167. lacrymosus, 177. leucopheus, 169. leucopterus, 166. michahellesii, 169. occidentalis, 172, 176. zonorhynchus, 176. variegata, 485. Glycyphila Jfasciata, 655. gould, 655. Glyphodes bivitralis, 849, 857. stolalis, 849, 857. Glyphorhynchus cuneatus, 60. rugicollis, 595. Gnathospiza raimondit, 137. Gnophria ceramensis, 14. nilssonit, 331. stuvitzit, 319. Gobius albus, 319, 3820, 321, $22. linearis, 332. nilssonit, 331. i peitak 319, 321, 22. stuwitzui, 319, 320. Gonatus | amenus, 652. | Goniurus | catillus, 482. proteus, 481. | Gonodonta | nutria, 486. Gongylus ocellatus, 977. Gracula javanensis, 622. / kreffti, 289, 671. ' nobilis, 347. Grallaria | perspicillata, 62. Grammodes | grandirena, 487. Graucalus | caledonicus, 87. hypoleucus, 122. melanops, 95. personatus, 87. pollens, 87. striatus, 108, 283, 380, | / 947. 1033 Graucalus sumatrensis, 614. temmincki, 87. Grimmia splendidula, 743. Grypotes insularis, 462, 475. Guiraca cinerea, 137. ygis candida, 273. Gymnotus electricus, 221. | Gynecia dirce, 480. Gynautocera papilionaria, 846. Hadena abida, 486. Hematopus ater, 438. leucopus, 437. unicolor, 578. Hemophila stolzmanni, 137. | Haleyon albicilla, 671. chelicutensis, 354. diops, 79. erythrogastra, 577. macleayi, 122. pileata, 578. sancta, 94, 289. senegalensis, 131. sordida, 94. striolata, 354. winchelli, 944. | Haliaétus girrenera, 91. leucogaster, 91. leucoryphus, 393. ' Haliastur girrenera, 91. intermedius, 282, 840, 709, 987. Halieus (Hypoleucus) verruco- sus, 65: | Halhotis varia, 819. Halpe betaieay 690, 703. ceylonica, 690, 95. dolopia, 690. luteisquama, 690. radians, 690, 694. Hamadryas zoilus, 644, 1034 Hapa contorta, 461, 466. 477. Harpactes ardens, 107, 948. Harpalus alienus, 591. ceruleatus, 714. indicola, 714. liodes, 715. masoreoides, 715. melaneus, 714. suleatulus, 592. turculus, 714. Harpyia cephalotes, 875. Hebomoia glaucippe, 837, 855. Hedymeles ludoviciana, 58. Heleotragus reduneus, 745. Heliastes lepidurus, 216. Heliconius charithonia, 481. Heliodoxa henryi, 69. jacula, 69. Heliomaster constanti, 69. Heliophorus belenus, 702. Helix adela, 72, 74. esopus, 72, 'T4. auriculina, 73. boivini, 861. boucardi, 72, 74. brenchleyi, 861, 864. congener, 496, 497. cornu-gigantewm, 312. decollata, 967. guestieriana, 312. herklotsi, 106. luhuana, 106. miranda, 495. myomphala, 496. peliomphala, 105, 106. quadridentata, 73. simode, 106. vesicalis, 312. (Camena) congener, (5 congenita, 496, 497. (——) lewisii, 495, 6, Helminthophaga peregrina, 52. | INDEX. Hemifusus corona, 796, 798. Hemiphaga poliocephala, 113, 952. Hemipodius melanotus, 127. Hemiprocne zonaris, 67. Henicorhina leucophrys, 51. leucosticta, 51. Hermotimia aspasioides, 81. auriceps, 80. Herodias garzetia, 345, 712. intermedia, 958. Herona angustata, 829, 854. marathus, 829. Hesperia bada, 688. baracoa, 483. benjamini, 841. beturia, 690, 703, 707. bevani, 688. cahira, 845. contiqua, 687. divodasa, 703. dolophia, 690. eltola, 688. Sarri, 688. gremius, 689, 703, 707. kumara, 687, 688, 843. mangala, 688, 703, 757. mathias, ‘03, ‘707, 843. moolata, 848, 856. murdava, 689. narooa, 687, 694. quinigera, 703, 707. seriata, 688. subgrisea, 689, 694. toona, 688. Hesperophanes cribricollis, 720. Hesudra * divisa, 12, 36. Hestia clara, 637. leuconoé, 687. Heterochroa abyla, 480. Heteroclitus tartaricus, 261. Hiaticula inornata, 127. | Hierococe pectoralis, 946. Hierodula deflera, 581. Hierodula laticollis, 581, 582. (Rhombodera) afri- coxis, 582, 587. ( ) butleri, 580, 587. (——) fratricida, 581, 587. ( ) macropsis, 581. (——) pustulifera, 583, 587 3 taprobane, 583, 587 (——) tectiformis, 580, 581, 582. Hippotragus niger, 745. Hirundo ethiopica, 129. Ffraneica, 282. frontalis, 95. fuciphaga, 429. guituralis, 579. javanica, 95, 109, 342, 615, 709. meyent, 452. nigricans, 95. rustica, 579. Histia papilionaria, 846, 857. Homarus capensis, 755. Homoptera posterior, 487. terrosa, 487. Horeites brunneifrons, 981. brunnescens, 980, 982. major, 981. pallidus, 980, 982. robustipes, 980, 982. Horornis ‘fortipes, 980, 982. Humphreyia strangei, 869. Hyena brunnea, 422, 425, 426, 427. crocuta, 416, 417, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428. striata, 422, 423, 425, 426, 427, 428. Hyalina albida, 866. Hybleea puera, 486. | Hydrocolceus minutus, 206. | Hydropotes inermis, 887, 916. Hydrornis nipalensis, 430. | Hylochelidon nigricans, 95. Hylomanes gularis, 100, Hylophilus decurtatus, 53. Hyloterpe philippinensis, 109. Hymenia perspectalis, 493. Hymenopa coronata, 586. Hymenopus bicornis, 586. Hyomoschus aquaticus, 682, 686. ena lunifera, 492. Hypercompa regalis, 848, Hyperythra angulifascia, 851, 858, 85 59. limbolaria, 851, 858. Hyphantornis brachyptera, 130. nigriceps, 308. textor, 130. Hypochera chalybeata, 130. Hypogramma confusa, 487. sublucida, 487. | Hypolais | Lega 129. | Hypolithus chlenioides, 592. | perlucens, 715. puberulus, 592. Hypolycena lisias, 833, 855. Hypopyra stan, 642. Hyposidra ochrea, 492. Hypotenidia striata, 345. torquata, 114, 288, 345. Hypothymis ee, 109, 284, 615, 948. celestis, 107, 109. Hypotriorchis severus, 937. H ypsa aleiphron, 4. canaraica, 3. heliconia, 3, 4, 6. | Icterus INDEX, Hypsa sericea, 3. siluandra, 642. subsimilis, 847, 857. Hypsinephus ellipticus, 716. Hypsipetes philippinensis,285, 342, 380 rufigularis, 949, Hyria vinacea, 491. Tanthenas griseigularis, 288. Ichthyscopus inermis, 220, baltimore, 59. grace-anne, 137. prosthemelas, 59. Tonotreron ionogastra, 559. melanocephala, 552. nana, 550. occipitalis, 569. rivolii, 561. viridis, 560. Tole olivacea, 618. Tora scapularis, 619. viridis, 619. lotreron chrysorrhoa, 553. eugeni@, 561. hyogaster, 559. dogaster, 504. melanocephala, 504, 552. melanospila, 552. nani, 504, 549. rivoli, 504, 561. viridis, 504, 560. wanthorrhoa, 553." Tlerda belena, 702, 707. Indicator archipelagicus, 794, 795. barianus, 795. conirostris, 793, 795, exilis, 794, 795. maculatus, 795. major, 795, 930, 935. malayanus, 794, 795. minor, 794, 795. sparrmani, '795. variegatus, 795. — xanthonotus, 794, 795. 794, 10385 Tris leucophthalmus, 193. Irrisor erythrorhynchus, 355. Ithomeis eulema, 362, 363. imitatria, 362. Txias andamana, 837. citrina, 837, 855. latifasciata, 837. moulmeinensis, 837, 855. pallida, 837, 855. pirenassa, 837. gotavier, 110, 285, 342, 710, 949. Ixus nigricans, 356. Ismene aria, 686, 703, 707. benjamini, 841, 856. druna, 842, 856. Jelfreysi, 406, 407. subfasciata, 686. Tsognomon samoensis, 820. Tsoteinon atkinsoni, 698, 695, 844 khasianus, 693. masuriensis, 693, 694. sudtestaceus, 844, 856. Ispidina picta, 131. Tssus coleoptratus, 462, 463, 471. Jassus wollastoni, 462, 476. Jodis kinstonensis, 490. Junonia almana, 699, 706, 828, 854. genoveva, 480. ada, 639. iphita, 646. laomedia, 639, 698, 670, 828, 854. lemonias, 828, 854, 698, 706. enone, 698, 706. orithyia, 828, 854, villida, 297, 646. Kallima limborgii, 828, 854. Katha apicalis, 17. 1036 Katha eucullata, 17. nigrifrons, 17, 36. terminalis, 17, 36. Klais guimeti, 69. merriti, 69. Korawa pallida, 12. Kraussia lamarckiana, 871. Kricogonia lyside, 481. terissa, 481. Kurukuru clementine, 585. dupetit-thowarsi, 541. mercieri, 536. nebouxit, ee wratus, 507, 541. pase abe 9 Hadael. samoensis, 540. superbus, 543. swainsonii, 532. taitensis, 542. temminckii, 544. axanthogaster, 540. Kurutreron chrysogaster, 505, 541, coralensis, 505, 528. oopa, 505, 542. Lachnophorus leucoscelis, 603. longulus, 603. sculptifrons, 604. semirufus, 603. Lagopus Pie. 793. scoticus, 793. Lalage INDEX, | Lamprosoma ignicaudatum, 984. inornatum, 984. testudineum, 984. ' Lamprotornis metallicus, 88, 89. _ Lamprotreron apicalis, 527. porphyracea, 535. porphyreus, 504. porphyria, 569. porphyrostictus, 543, 544, superba, 126, 504, 543. Laniarius affinis, 357. salime, 357. ' Lanius dominica, 108, 284,342, 709, 948. karu, 87, 671. polygrammica, 87. Lamna cornubica, 117. Lampides elianus, 838, 855. alexis, 833, 855. beticus, 702, 707. ceraunus, 481. elpis, 833. kandarpa, 702, 833. Lamprolema rhami, 68. Lamprosoma chapuisi, 983. coruscum, 984. eyaneum, 985. 707, cucullatus, 79. karu, 87. lucionensis, 342, 380, 614, 709, 947. melanocephalus, 618. nasutus, 341, 708, 709, 947. smithii, 128. Laroides americanus, 175. argentaceus, 167. argentatoides, 167. argentatus, 167. argenteus, 167. audouint, 179. borealis, 169. cachinnans, 169. californicus, 175. canescens, 177. chalcopterus, 166. cinerea, 164, Ffuscus, 173. glaciatis, 166. glaucescens, 167. glaucoides, 166. glaucus, 165. harengorum, 173. leucopheus, 169. leucopterus, 166. major, 167. melanotus, 173. michahellesii, 169. occidentalis, 172. 177. procellosus, 177. rissa, 164. subleucopterus, 166. tridactylus, 164. Larus affinis, 171, 172, 174, | 175. albipennis, 208. arus ‘ albus, 162, 163, 180, 206 antipodus, 180. arabicus, 193. arcticus, 166. argentatoides, 167, 169, 175, 176. argentatus, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 178, 174, 175, 176, 180. argenteus, 167. ag ce 160, 194, 195, atricilloides, 206. audouini, 158, 160,177, 79: bathyrinchus, 181. belcheri, 160, 182, 183. bonapartiz, 196, 206. brachyrhynchus, 164, 178, 179. brachytarsus, 162. brehmii, 192. brevirostris, 165. bridgesi, 183. bruchi, 177. brunneicephalus, 197, 200. bulleri, 187, 190, 191. cachinnans, 160, 161, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173. cahiricus, 201. cahirinus, 201. californicus, 175, 176, 177, 178. candidus, 162. canescens, 200. canus, 160, 163, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179. canus major, 177. capistratus, 158, 200, 206. chalecopterus, 166, 167. cinerarius, 163, 200. cinereo-caudatus, 195. cinereus, 167, 173, 177. cirrhocephalus, 197, 202, 204, 205. collaris, 208, 209, 210. columbinus, 192. consul, 165. corallinus, 187. crassirostris, 160, 174, 183, 193. cucullatus, 195. cyanorhynchus, 177. delawarensis, 175, 176, 177, 178. — Larus dominicanus, 161, 180, | 181 | @ orbignyi, 206. eburneus, 158, 162. epargyrus, 169. erythropus, 200. fabricit, 180. Alavipes, 173. Franklini, 195, 205. Fritzei, 181. Ffrobeni, 182. Frontalis, 181. fuliginosus, 156, 157, 160, 182, 184. furcatus, 160, 210. fuscescens, 170, 173. fuscus, 158, 161, 167, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 181, 192, | 183. gavia, 164. H gelastes, 160, 191, | 192, Larus . leucophthalmus, 193, 194, genei, 192. georgii, 181. | giganteus, 165. | glacialis, 165. | glaucescens, 167. glaucodes, 203. glaucoides, 165. glaucopterus, 167. | glaucotes, 203. | glaucotis, 196, 197. glaucus, 158, 165, 166, 16 hematorhynchus, 184. hartlaubi, 188, 189, 205. heermanni, 160, 182, | 183, 184, 185. heinei, 177. hemprichi, 193, 194, 976. heuglini, 171. hutchinsii, 165, 166. hybernus, 177. ichthyaétus, 159, 170, 198. minor, 198. tslandicus, 165, 166. jamesonii, 185. kitlitzi, 195. kotzebui, 164. kroicocephalus, 198. lacrymosus, 198. lambruschini, 193. leuceretes, 165. | leucocephalus, 191. leucomelas, 181. leucopheus, 169, 170. INDEX, | i leucopterus, 166. littoreus, 180. maculatus, 180. maculipennis, 187, 197, 201, 202, 203, 204. major, 177, 185, 198. marinus, 158, 161, 167, 179, 181 masauanus, 193. maximus, 180. medius, 173. melanocephalus, 199. melanorhynchus, 190, 206 méelanurus, 174, 183. mexicanus, 177. minor, 166. minutus, 159, 206. modestus, 160, 183, 184. milleri, 180. nevius, 163, 179, 200. nigrotis, 206. niveus, 162, 175, 177, 178. nove-hollandie, 185, 186, 187, 188, 189, 190 occidentalis, 171, 172, 173, 174. pacificus, 159,161, 181. payraudei, 179. personatus, 196. pheocephalus, 189, 204. philadelphia, 206, 207. pipixcan, 195. plumbiceps, 159. poiocephalus, 189, 204. pomare, 190, 191 procellosus, 177. guadricolor, 179. ridibundus, 158, 190, 193, 194, 198, 200, 201. riga, 163. rissa, 163. roseiventris, 204. roseus, 159, 208. rossii, 208. sabini, 209. saundersi, 195, 205. schimperi, 195, 205. scopulinus, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191, 195. —— major, 186. scoresbiz, 160, 161, 184, 185. serranus, 196, 197, | 02, 202. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—-1878, No. LXVIII. 1037 Larus smithsonianus, 168. subroseus, 192. suckleyt, 177, 178. tenuirostris, 192. torquatus, 164. tridactylus, 158, 163, 164 + verreauxi, 161, 181. vetula, 181. vociferus, 180. warnecki, 164. zonorhynchus, 176, 177 (Blasipus) heermanni, 183 (Bruchigavia) melano- rhynchus, 190 (Pagophila) eburneus, 162 (Rissa) brevirostris, 165, Laryngogramma gularis, 570. asea, australis, 870, Lasiommata muirheadi, 696. Latiaxis elegans, 74, Latirus cayohuesonicus, 796, 798 decoratus, 812, 821. fastigium, 812, 821. incarnatus, 813. infundibulum, 796. Latrunculodes nilssoni, 331. Latrunculus albus, 318, 319, 320, 821, 323. nilssoni, 331. pellucidus, 318, 319, 321, 322, 323, 330, 332, 333, 334, 337. 338. stuvitzi, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323. Laurona ergolis, 489. Lebadea attenuata, 829, 854. ismene, 829. ebia callizona, 607. charina, 607. corcula, 607. Leda (Adrana) 314. 68 newcombi, 1038 Legatus Fnicollis, 63. Leiocnemis frivola, 717. himalaica, 716. tartarie, 716. Lema bifida, 985. semisepta, 983. suffriani, 982. Lemonias debilis, 366. hypoglauca, 367. orpheus, 366. parthaon, 366. pelarge, 366. theages, 366. Lepidopleurus antiquus, 868. Leptocircus virescens, 841, 856. Leptodon uncinatus, 45. Lepton australis, 863, 864, ae Leptoptila Paa 43. verreauzi, 43. Leptotrachelus panamensis, 600. puncticollis, 600. Leptura rubriola, 720. Lepyrodes geometralis, 705, 708 Lestris antarctica, 181. fusca, 181. scopulina, 188. Lethe arcadia, 824, 853. europa, 696, mekara, 824, 853. rohria, 824, 853. verma, 824, 853. Leucocerca nigritorquis, 109, 284, 709, 948. Leucophzeus belcheri, 182. fulrginosus, 184. hematorhynchus, 184. heermanm, 183. modestus, 183. scoresbii, 184. Leucotreron cincta, 572. gironiert, 287, 568, 569. INDEX. Leucotreron gularis, 570. Leucus arcticus, 166. chaleopterus, 166. fuscus, 173. glaucescens, 167. glaucus, 165. leucopterus, 166. marinus, 180. Lia quadriannulata, 607. Liburnia (Ilburnia) zgnodilis, 462, 471. Libythea myrrha, 882, 854. Limicola platyrhynchus, 708, 12 sibirica, 712. Limnaétus philippensis, 281. Limnas bryaxis, 362. ceruleata, 362. melanochlora, 362. Limopsis macgillivrayt, 871. Limosa egocephala, 280, 288. fedoa, 141. hudsonica, 141. lapponica, 708, 711. Lingula hians, 820. Lipaugus holerythrus, 65. Lithosia angulifera, 20. antica, 15. apicalis, 17. aureola, 18. beema, 10. brevipennis, 17. chilomorpha, 23. complanula, 16. distorta, 25. dives, 14. igas, 7, 8. gilveola, 18. griseola, 16. helveola, 17, innotata, 19. insolita, 19, 20. intermiata, 17. magnifica, 13. muscerda, 27. natara, 15. nigrifrons, 17. nigripars, 19, Lithosia nivea, 15. quadra, 14. remelana, 10. reticulata, 20. rotundipennis, 23. sambara, 19. sarawaca, 15. serva, 15, 16. stramineola, 16. vagesa, 19. varana, 15. vetusta, 16. viridata, 19. Litorina melanacme, 817. nove-zelandia, 817. striata, 449. undulata, 816. ventricosa, 817. Lituus brevis, 499. Lophius piscatorius, 220. Lophogaster typicus, 780. Lophosalea anamallayana, 153. Lophostrix stricklandi, 45. Lophotragus michianus, 900. Loriculus hartlaubi, 107, 340, 708, 709, 937. regulus, 281. Loripes ovum, 870. Lorius cyanauchen, 78, 79. domicella, 79. hypenochrous, 289. sguamatus, 86. Loxia psittacea, 347. Loxioides bailloni, 346. Loxura atymnus, 835, 855. Lucia dilama, 701, 707. epius, 701. Lucinia cadma, 480. citrini, 860, 864. pennsylvanica, 861. quadrata, 863. rosea, 860, 864. tate?, 870. (Codakia) Zatet, 864, 870. 863, Lycena elpis, 833. kandarpa, 702. roxus, 833. picta, 373, 374, 375, 376. Lyclene artocarpi, 30. assamica, 33, 37. cuneigera, 33. delicata, 31. discistriga, 32. euprepioides, 32. humilis, 30. inconspicua, 32. indistincta, 33, 37. interserta, 32, 37. obsoleta, 32, 37. palmata, 31, 37. prominens, 31, 37. radians, 30, 31, 37. rubricosa, 30, 37. spilosomoides, 33. strigipennis, 32. terminata, 38. undulosa, 33. zebrina, 31, 37. Lyctocoris campestris, 461, 463. Lygus apicalis, 461, 467. Lymanopoda euopis, 266. Lyncornis macrotis, 944. mindanensis, 944, temminckii, 944. 936, Macacus cynomolgus, 791. Macaria acidaliata, 491. nora, 851, 858. Machzeropterus pyrocephalus, 139. Macherorhynchus xanthogenys, 95. Macotasa biplagella, 25, 37. Macrobrochis gigas, 7, 8. interstitialis, 7. leucospilota, 8. nigrescens, 8. Macrocercus macao, 77. Macroglossa luteata, 844, 856. orientalis, 844, 856. 463, INDEX. Macrones vittatus, 218. Macronus striaticeps, 110, 115, 949. Macronyx croceus, 356. striolatus, 356. Macropodus pugnax, 215. Macropteryx comata, D44. mystacea, 81, 95. Macropygia amboinensis, 82, 90. browni, 671, 673. doreya, 90, 99. eurycerca, 280, 288, 952. keyensis, 89. phasianella, 89, 99. tenuirostris, 288. turtur, 89. Macrorhaphis acuta, 464. Macroschisma tasmanie, 868. Macroxus adolphet, 662. boothia, 663. chrysosurus, 669. flaviventris, 668. fraseri, 441, 664, 665, 669. griseoflavus, 660. griseogena, 667. irroratus, 668. kuhlii, 668, 670. leucogaster, 668. leucops, 660. maurus, 660. medellinensis, 669. melania, 662. morio, 660. nicoyana, 662, 664. pyladei, 662. teniurus, 668, 669. tephrogaster, 668, 669. minor, 669. canthotus, 667. Mepha ditus, 385. Mahathala ameria, 703, 707. (Amblypodia) ameria, 836. 114, 668, Mahavira Alavicollis, 11, 36. | Majaqueus equinoctialis, 773. 1039 Malacoptila panamensis, 47. Mangalura dobsoni, 303. Manis temmincki, 632. Mantis bicornis, 586. coronatus, 586. monstrosus, 583. Manucodia atra, 98. gouldt, 125. keraudreni, 123. Manulea calamaria, 18. gilveola, 18. Mareca sibilatrix, 436. Margarodes conchylalis, 850, vertumnalis, 850. Margaronia marthesiusalis, 850. quadristigmalis, 493. Margarornis rubiginosa, 60. Marginella turbinata, 866. volutiformis, 865. Marinula xanthostoma, 869. Marpesia elucha, 480. Mascaria crocea, 311. Mastostethus salvini, 983. Mecoceras bitactaria, 491. Mecyna reversalis, 494. Megacephalon mileo, 629, 630. Megaceros hibernicus, 891. Megaderma spasma, 879. Megalema asiatica, 932. Megalomastoma litteratum, 311. Megaloprepia assimilis, 126, 574. bernsteint, 573. formosa, 544. magnifica, 575. perlata, 558. puella, 574. Megalopterus plumbeus, 211, 272. 1040 Megalurus ruficeps, 285. Megapodius cumingi, 624. dillwyni, 953. duperreyz, 100. eremita, 289, 290, 671, 6 73. hueskeri, 290, 673. reinwardtii, 100. rubrifrons, 290, 673. rubripes, 100, 629. rufipes, 100. tumulus, 126. Megarhaphis wollastoni, 461, 464. Megarhynchus priangua, 63. Megerlia jefireysi, 406, 407, 415. 463, monstruosa, 399, 411. sanguinea, 407. truncata, 399, 405, 406, 410, 411. Melsenornis edolioides, 128. Melagayia melandcaplals: 200. Melanerpes formicivorus, 49. Melania dicksoni, 728, 732. dolorosa, 730. formosensis, 728, 732. monstrosa, 729. obliquigranosa, 729, 732. subplicatula, 729, 43a. tuberculata, 729, 732. Melanitis bela, 824, 853. asmene, 696, 706, 824, 853. Melanitta fusca, 479. Melanobatrachus indicus, 722. Melanopelargus episcopus, 344, 953. Melanopitta cucullata, 949. muelleri, 949. sordida, 949. steerii, 949. Mellisuga coccinea, 347, Melo miltonis, 865. INDEX. Melonycteris melanops, 316. Melozone leucotis, 40, 56. Melursus labiatus, 378. Mergus serrator, 479. Merops albicollis, 355. bicolor, 282, 340, 937. hirundineus, 355. minutus, 355. miger, 347. ornatus, 121. philippinus, 107, 282, 340, 709. pusillus, 355. superciliosus, 355. Mesene @rope, 363. ignicauda, 363. pyrippe, 363. sagaris, 363. silaris, 363. tyriotes, 363. Messaras erymanthis, 699, 707, 27, 854. Metabletus tartarus, 719. Metacanthus concolor, 461, 462. Metaxyonycha rufolimbata, 987. Metopiana peposaca, 479. Micrastur semitorquatus, 44. Microchera parvirostris, 69. Microglossum alecto, 92. aterrimum, 92, 125. pps ees " erythrogenys, 937. Micronia aculeata, 852, 858. grammearia, 852, 858. vagata, 852, 858. Micropterus cinereus, 437. Miletus chinensis, 707. Milvago chimachima, 849. chimango, 435. 131, 701, ! | ' Milvulus forficatus, 65. Mimeta flavocinctus, 123. viridis, 123. Mino dumonti, 98. Mionectes oleaginus, 63. iro albifrons, 578. Mithuna quadriplaga, 21, 37. Mitra acuta, 797, 798. annulata, 798. berthe, 797, 798. deburghie, 798. flammea, 814. fulvo-lirata, 797, 798. incisa, 814. lincolnensis, 865. marie, 813, 821. mesta, 813, 821. nitens, &! 4. pica, 865. puncturata, 798. schomburgki, 318, 314, 865. tatei, 861, 864, 865. (Callithea) acupicta, 814. ( ) obeliscus, 815. (Cancilla) annulata, 814. (——) philippinarum, 814 (Chrysame) tabanula, 814. (Costellaria) deshayest, 815. (——) exasperata, 815. (——) lincolnensis, 313, (Cylindra) undulosa, 814 Mitrephorus auranttiventris, 64. Mixornis capitalis, 107, 110, 114, 115, 342, 380. woodi, 617. Mniotilta varia, 2. Modiolaria barbata, 871. Mohoa nobilis, 347. | Molops pileferus, 718. Molossus abrasus, 879. rufus, 879. Molothrus eneus, 59. Momotus equatorialis, 100. brasiliensis, 100. lessoni, 48, 49, 100, 101. Monarcha alecto, 289, 671. chrysomelas, 671. fulviventris, 83, 84. inornatus, 83, 671, 672. insularis, 579. verticalis, 671. Monticola solitarius, 342, 380, 619, 949. Morasa lorimeri, 387. modesta, 387. Morococcyx erythropygus, 48. Morrisia davidsoni, 412. gigantea, 411, 412. Moschus moschiferus, 1. Mulona lapidaria, 484. Munia jagori, 287, 348, 710, 951. malabarica, 348. nisoria, 348. punctularia, 348. Murex angast, 864. tetragonus, 806. (Muricidea) barclay- anus, 806. (—) eirrosus, 806. (——) rusticus, 806, 821 (Ocinebra) breviculus, 806. Muscicapa banyumas, 615. cantatrix, 615. inornatus, 83, 84. lugubris, 802. megarhyncha, 96. obscura, 347. sandvicensis, 346. Muscipipra vetula, 339. INDEX. Muscivora mexicana, 63. | Mustelus antarcticus, 116. Mycalesis anaxias, 825, 853. blasius, 825, 8538. charaka, 696, 706. dorycus, 645, medus, 645. mineus, 825, 858. mnasicles, 825. perseus, 696, 706, 825, 853. runeka, 696, 706, 825, | 853. | Mycetes palliatus, 38. Myiadestes melanops, 51. Myiarchus cinerascens, 64. crinitus, 38, 64. lawrencei, 64. nigricapillus, 64. panamensis, 64. semirufus, 138. Myiobius erythrurus, 64. sulphureipygius, 64. Myiodynastes lutewventris, 63. Myiolestes aruensis, 96. phajonotus, 84. Myiopsar eryptopyrrhus, 803. Myiozetetes texensis, 63. Myodioctes pusillus, 52. Myoxus guerlingus, 668. Myrina freja, 834, 855. hiemalis, 640, 6438. nivea, 640, 643. Mpyristicivora bicolor, 89, 113, 952. luctuosa, 89. melanura, 89. spilorrhoa, 89. Myrmeciza immaculata, 61. Myrmedobia fuliginea, 461, 466. Myrmotherula melena, 39, 61. menetriesi, 61. Mysella anomala, 863, 870. - } 1041 Mysella donaciformis, 863, 864, 870. Mysis oculata, 787. relicta, 787. | Mytilus crenatus, 449. edulis, 449. Myxopoda aurita, 871, 879. Myzanthe pygmed, 343, 381, 620. Myzomela botei, 84. cardinalis, 353. chermesina, 852. erythrocephala, 97. nigrita, 97. obscura, 125. Nabis capsiformis, 462, 463, 469. Nacella parva, 862, 864, 868. Nandinia binotata, 142. Nanotragus pygmeus, 884. tragulus, 742. Napothera eleoides, 96. Narathura hypomuta, 835. moolaiana, 835, 855. Nasiterna pusio, 289. Nassa albescens, 809. bifaria, 808, 821. costellifera, 808. crenulata, 807. curta, 810. dispar, 808. echinata, 810, 821. elegans, 807. gemmulifera, 809. gruneri, 811. horrida, 810. intermedia, 865. jacksoniana, 865. lurida, 808. margaritifera, 808. marginulata, 808, marratiz, 809, 821. monile, 808. muricata, 810. olivacea, 808. stigmaria, 808. subspinosa, 810. 1042 ‘ Nassa tenia, 808. trinodosa, 810. (Arcularia) bimaculosa, 810 (——) callospira, 810. (——) globosa, 809. ( ) granifera, 810. (Hima) sistroidea, 809. Nathalis iole, 481. Natica marochiensis, 866. Nautilus imperialis, 966. pompilius, 955, 958, 961, 962, 969, 970, 974. striatus, 968, 970. Nectarinia aspasia, 289. aspasioides, 81. auriceps, 80. botei, 84. collaris, 356. frenata, 79, 125, 289. fuliginosa, 129. gutturalis, 355. insignis, 621. jardinii, 355. splendida, 129, venusta, 130. Nectarophila julie, 951. sperata, 112, 286, 343, 620. Nehela vulturina, 462, 473, 477. Neochera heliconioides, 6. marmorea, 847, 857. Neomorphus radiolosus, 439. rufipennis, 439. Neornis assimilis, 980, 982. Neotragus saltianus, 743. Neptis aceris, 639. adara, 830, 854. adipala, 830, 854. andamana, 830. eurynome, 697. hainana, 697, 706. hordonia, 698, 830. jumba, 830, 854. kamrupa, 698. meetana, 830. plagiosa, 830, 854. INDEX, Neptis rihodona, 698, 706. varmona, 830. Nesocichla eremita, 577. Nesospiza acunhe, 577. Nezara viridula, 461, 463, 464. Nigrita canicapilla, 130. emilie, 130. Ninox boobooks 121. Japonica, 940. lugubris, 936, 940. philippinensis, 940. solomonis, 290. spilocephala, 936, 939. Nishada flabrifera, 23. Nisoniades diocles, 842. Nisus poliocephalus, 91. tachiro, 354. Noctilio leporinus, 880. Noctua variegata, 290. Noda balyi, 985. boucardi, 986. lefevrei, 985, 986. propingua, 986. rufipes, 986. semicostata, 985. violaceipennis, 987. viridis, 985, 986. Notaphus semifasciatus, 602, Notauges albicapillus, 721. hildebrandti, 721. superbus, 721. Nothocercus bonapartii, 41. Notidanus cinereus, 116. Notiobia cupreola, 590. disparilis, 589. leiroides, 590. limbipennis, 590, parilis, 590. Nucula micans, 864, 871. pusilla, 864. Nudaria Sasciata, 36. margaritacea, 36. Numenius pheopus, 90, uropygialis, 90, 100. Nychitona wiphia, 699, 707, 887, 855. Nyctaleamon egistus, 490, docile, 642, hector, 642. Nyctemera latistriga, 846, 857. separata, 386. varians, 847. Nyctereutes procyonides, 378, 374, 875, 376 Nycticorax caledonicus, 671, 673. manillensis, 288, 345. obscurus, 436. Nyctidromus albicollis, 67. Nyctinomus plicatus, 879. Nyctipao crepuscularis, 642, 849, Nyctophilus timoriensis, 876. Nymphalis acilia, 646. Sranckii, 832. schreiberi, 640. Nymphidium adelphinum, 368. agle, 368. hematostictum, 367. ictericum, 367. lycorias, 368. phliasus, 368. sicyon, 368. velabrum, 368. Nyroca leucophthalma, 479. Nysius sancte-helene, 461, 464, 465. thymi, 461, 463, Obeliscus brunneus, 866. Oceanites oceanicus, 730. Ochria niveopicta, 485. Ochthodromus inornatus, 127. Oculina prolifera, 401. ee Ocyalus wagleri, 58, Odontophorus guttatus, 42. Odostomia eburnea, 866. (cophora biplagella, 25. C£dirhinus globifer, 549. msolitus, 289, 290, 549, 671. CEinas arenaria, 234, bicincta, 234, 256, 257. cata, 234, 250. indica, 2384, 254. namaqua, 234, 252. Ginops aura, 45. falklandica, 435. Cnistis dives, 14. entella, 138, 14, 847, 857. Gstrelata brevirostris, 738. kidderi, '738. lessoni, 737, 738. mollis, 577, 738. sericea, 738, Omeotreron batilda, 505, 570. felicie, 505, 565. pectoralis, 559. virens, 505. Omiza schistacea, 851, 858, 859. 569, Oncocarpus vitiensis, 102. Opatrum hadroides, 456. Ophiocephalus striatus, 217. Ophiusa delinquens, 489. Orbicula lamellosa, 415. norvegica, 415, rea gladiator, 683. Orchilus ecaudatus, 138. Oreas canna, 745, Oreo say ae 69. cinereicauda, 40, 68. hemileuca, 40, 69. INDEX. Oreothraupsis arremonops, 439. riolus Alavocinetus, 123. larvatus, 856. viridis, 123. wvanthonotus, 616. Ornithoptera arruana, 647. boisduvalii, 647. poseidon, 647. priamus, 647, Orthis anomioides, 411. bifida, 409. eusticta, 411. lunifera, 410, 412. Orthotomus castaneiceps, 286. cinereiceps, 950. frontalis, 110,708, 710, 950. ruficeps, 619. Orthotylus mutabilis, 461, 467. nassatus, 467. Ortygometra cinerea, 114, 344, 953. Ortyx leylandi, 42. ryx beatriz, 789. beisa, 441. Oryzoborus atrirostris, 136. erassirostris, 136, 137. maximiliant, 137. melas, 137. occidentalis, 137. Osmotreron axillaris, 118, 287. vernans, 623, 710, 951. Osphromenus olfax, 217. Ossifraga gigantea, 737, Ostinops montezume, 58, Otaria stelleri, 371. ursina, 371. Otocyon lalandii, 376. Otoglossa celestina, 607. obscurella, 608. Otus brachyotus, 348, 434. Oxeoschistus phaselis, 267. 1043 Oxeoschistus rogersi, 267. Oxycerca everetti, 622. leucogaster, 622. Oxyechus vociferus, 44. Oxyurus spinicauda, 433. Pachyarches marthesiusalis, 850, 858. vertumnalis, 850, 858. Pachycephala sp., 121, 122. albicollis, 79. brunnea, 84. flavifrons, 351. melanura, 79. mentalis, '79. nigrimentum, 79. icterotides, 351. pheonota, 84. senex, 84. Pachylia Jicus, ar Pachyptila Kaa kei 739. Pachyrhamphus cinereiventris, 65. versicolor, 65. Pachythone gigas, 364. Pagodroma nivea, 737. Pagophila Geckapinl 162, eburnea, 159, 162, 175. nivea, 162. Palemon canaliculatus, 298. lacustris, 787. Palinurus vulgaris, 292, 442. Pamphila augias, 690, 691. bambuse, 691, 695, 842, 856. brahma, 691, 692, 695. confucius, 703, 707. ethlius, 482. insolata, cage luteisquama, 3 masoni, 842, 856, 858. mathias, 691, 843, 856. nyctelius, 482. otho, 483. palmarum, 690, 695, phylus, 482, stva, 692, 1044 P P P P P P Paphia portia, 480. Paphiosa helene, 70. Papilio abderus, 271. aceris, 639. amphila subhyalina, 692. subochracea, 691. sylvanus, 689. utha, 482. andion leucocephalus, 86. solitarius, 348. anglima narcissus, 7. angus metallicus, 592. antana ampla, 705, 708. ‘anterpe insignis, 40, 71. achates, 641, 697, 706. elianus, 833. affinis, 644. agamemnon, 841, 856. agenor, 641. aglea, 695. alexis, 833. alimena, 647. almana, 699, 828. amasene, 700. androgeos, 841, 856. antiphates, 641, 841, 856. H arcadia, 824. arcesilaus, 827. aristolochie, 840, 856. arsinoé, 646. asclepius, 271. atymnus, 835. avia, 699. axion, 697, ‘706. beticus, 702. baldus, 825. biblis, 699, blasius, 825. canidia, 701. castor, 840, 841. catilla, 640, 837. chrysippe, 645. cheeeeee 638, 695, cocles, 698. codrus, 735. columbina, 699. eresphontes, 481. crocale, 837. dione, 701. diphilus, 840. dirtea, 639. INDEX. Papilio doubledayi, 840, 856. erechtheus, 648. erymanthis, 699, 827. euchenor, 648. ewmeus, 697. europa, 696. euryphilus, 697. eurypylus, 641. evippe, 700. flegyas, 832. Freja, 834. | glaucippe, 837. gliciria, 701. noma, 699. | hecabe, 641, 647, 836. hegisippus, 638. helenus, 696, 706, 840, | 856. | homerus, 481. iacintha, 699. ida, 639. iphita, 646, 828. ismene, 696, 824. | iswara, 641. Juventa, 637. lais, 638. laius, 702. laomedia, 639, 698, 828. lemonias, 698, 828. leodamas, 648. leucothoé, 697. limniace, 695. lisias, 883. mahadeva, 840, 841, 856, 858. malayanus, 697, 705. medus, 645. ! megarus, 697, 706, 840, | 856. memnon, 641. midamus, 825. mineus, 825. | mulciber, 638. nerina, 297, 647. nina, 699, 837. nomius, 697. enone, 698. onpape, 840, 856. orithyia, 828. pammon, 641, 696, 706, | 840, 856. panope, 697, 840. pasithoé, 701, 839. pelaus, 481. perseus, 696, 825. phalanta, 699. phidippus, 638, 826. philoxenus, 840, 856. plexippus, 695. Papilio polydamas, 481. polydorus, 648. polytes, 641, 696, 840. poseidon, 647. pyrene, 700. rhadamanthus, 822. risa, 829, rohria, 824. sarpedon, 641, 841, 856 56. saturata, 697, 706. segonax, 734. sesia, 700. similis, 637. sinon, 481. syedra, 271. telearchus, 839, 856. thersites, 481. thrar, 641. tullia, 826. vellida, 297, 646. venilia, 646. xenocles, 840, 856. xiphia, 699, 837. zeleucus, 841, 856. zelmira, 700, 839. zoilus, 644. | Parablepharis kuhlii, 586. Paradisea apoda, 98, 792. minor, 681, 792. Paranephrops planifrons, 770. Paraona splendens, 8, 36, Parastacus brasiliensis, 759. | Parthenia gracilis, 862, 864, 867. Parthenos apicalis, 829, 854. gambrisius, 829. Parula gutturalis, 39, 40, 52. | Parus diffusus, 358, domesticus, 57. elegans, 286. swainsoni, 358. Patella anomala, 414. distorta, 415. Pecten albo-lineatus, 820. Pectunculus laticostatus, 871. _— a Pedaliodes cremera, 267. praxithea, 266, 267. triaria, 266, 267. Pelagodroma marina, 577, 736. Pelargopsis gigantea, 108, 3541, 943. Pelecanoides garnoti, 739. urinatrixc, 739. Pelecanopus ~ pelecanoides, 212, 272. Pelecanus leucogaster, 651. piscator, 651. sula, 651. Pelidnota chrysargyrea, 294. Pelosia muscerda, 27. Penzus affinis, 304, 308. antennatus, 309. avirostris, 304, 308. barbatus, 304. brevicornis, 308. canaliculatus, 298, 306. caramote, 299, 306. carinatus, 300. constrictus, 304, 308. crassicornis, 302. eurrirostris, 300, 307. distinctus, 302. dobsoni, 298, 302, 303, 305, 307, 310. edwardsianus, 298, 308, g is, 308. nhs 300, 306, 310. indicus, 301, 307. kroyeri, 305, 307. lamellatus, 308. longirostris, 301. marginatus, 299. membranaceus, 301, 307. monoceros, 301, 307. monodon, 299, 300, 307. plebejus, 299. odophthalmus, 308. pubescens, 304. INDEX. Penzeus sculptilis, 300, 303, 304, 306 sem isiloatus, 299, 300, 306, setiferus, 307. siphonocerus, 301, 302. stenodactylus, 308. styliferus, 804, 305, 307 styliretrés 301. tahitensis, 300. tenuis, 308. velutinus, 304. Penelope purpurascens, 42. Penelopides affinis, 108, 341, 947. manille, 341, panini, 233, 341. Penthema darlisa, 829, 854. lisarda, 829. Peosina mexicana, 487. aumeria, 487. Perdix aragonica, 245. indica, 254. Pericompsus longulus, 601. Peridrome orbicularis, 847, 857 Perigea mobilis, 486. Perina basalis, 848, 857. Periophthalmus schlosseri, 218. Peristera tympanistria, 131. Perna (Isognomon) samoensis, Dy Petasophora cabanisi, 69. cyanotis, 69. thalassina, 68. Petreeca kleinschmidti, 655. pusilla, 655. Pezopetes capitalis, 39, 40,55. Pezophaps solitaria, 291. Phabotreron amethystina, 118, 381, 505. brevirostris, 118, 344, 952. leucotis, 952. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LXIX. 1045 Pheenorhina goliath, 104, 105. Phaéthon ethereus, 651. flavirostris, 651. Phaéthornis enilie, 67. longirostris, 67. Phainoptila melanoxantha, 39, 40, 35. Phakellura hyalinata, 493. nitidalis, 493. Phalacrocorax albiventris, 652. carunculatus, 652. imperialis, 652, 653. VEITUCOSUS, 652. Phalena alciphron, 847. caprimulgus, 848. crepuscularis, 849. entella, 847. glaucopis, ‘704. manlia, 848. militaris, 704, 846. procopialis, 850. pulchella, 704. rosalia, 851. (Attacus) erepuscularis, 642. pe) silvandra, Soa Os melicerte, 298, Phalaropus hyperboreus, 579. Phaos fascinula, 385, 384. lacteatum, 384. nexum, 384. nigriceps, 383. notatum, 388. vigens, 383. Pharomacrus costaricensis, 40, mocinno, 48. Phasianus - versicolor, 579. Pheucticus tibialis, 58. Philampelus satellitia, 483. Philemon buceroides, 124. cockerelli, 289. plumigenis, 88, 289. Philentoma albiventris, 284. 69 1046 Philentoma cyaniceps, 284. Philyaues rufo-brunneus, 59. Phlogeenas crinigera, 952. Phlogothraupis sanguinoienta, 5d. Pheebetria fuliginosa, 740. Pheenicophaes curvirostris, 613. erythrognathus, 613. harringtoni, 613. Pheenicothraupis Suscicauda, 55. Pholidauges leucogaster, 130, 357. verreauat, 357. Phonipara pusilla, 58. Phorus solarioides, 818. Phos cyanostoma, 811. roseatum, 811. senticosum, 811. textum, 811. Phrygilus gayt, 432. melanoderus, 432. Phurys garnoti, 488. Phyciodes ardys, 268, 269. boucardi, 268. cyneas, 269. drymed, 268. elada, 268. frisia, 480. leanira, 269. nebulosa, 269. orseis, 267. subota, 268. thebais, 267. Phyllopneuste borealis, 342, 950. Phylloptera segonoides, 648, 649. _ Phyllorhina armigera, 878. bicolor, 878. calearata, 317. cervind, 317, 876. commersont, 879. coronata, 318. cyclops, 878. diadema, 878, fulva, 878. galerita, 317. larvata, 878. INDEX. Phyllorhina tricuspidata, 317, 876. Phyllornis palawanensis, 619. Phylloscopus borealis, 342, 950. Piaya wehleri, 48. ica mystacalis, 138. Picolaptes compressus, 60. Picumnus sclateri, 140. Picus maculatus, 943. nanus, 943. validirostris, 943. Pidorus glaucopis, 704, 708. Pieris amba, 839. aruna, 734. clemanthe, 838, 839. copia, 700, descombesi, 734, 839. eurygania, 734. helferi, 839. lea, 838. lyted, 734. madetes, 733. nama, 838. neombo, 838. paulina, 838. Piezorhina cinerea, 137. Pinacodera amblygona, 606. angulifera, 606. Pinarolestes megarhynchus, 9G, rufigaster, 122. Pione heteroclitus, 672. Pionia calopteridia, 381. Pionias Fuscicapillus, 359. rhodops, 80, 86. Pionus heteroclitus, 672. senilis, 38, 46. Pipra leucorrhoa, 66. mentalis, 66. papuensis, 950. Pitasila moolaica, 847, 857, varians, 847. Pithauria murdava, 689, 695. Pithecops nihana, 702, 707. Pithys bicolor, 62. Pitta kochi, 430. Placunanomia (Monia) tone, 871. Platalea ajaja, 44. Platydia anomioides, 399, 409, 410, 411, 414. Platyrhynchus albigularis, 62. Platystira cyanea, 129. Plautus glaucus, 165. Plectrurus hewstoni, 155. madurensis, 155. pulneyensis, 155. sanguineus, 155. trilineatus, 155. Plesioneura albifasciata, 843, 856, 858. alysos, 843. aurivittata, 848, 856, 858 dhanada, 843. Pleurobranchus nove-zealandie, 276, 277. ornatus, 275, 277. Pleuronectes flesus, 329. Pleurotoma (Drillia) variabilis, 805, 1 821. ( Jwilmeri,805,821. Plotus anhinga, 378, 679, 680, 68 i levaillanti, 378, 679, 680, 681. Plusiotis auripes, 295. badeni, 294, 296. batesi, 293, 294. boucardi, 296. chrysargyred, 293, 294. costata, 295. gloriosa, 295, 296. lacordairei, 295. leta, 294. mnizechii, 296. prasina, 295. Plusiotis psittacina, 294, 296. rodriguezt, 295, 296. sallei, 295. victorina, 296. Poaphila cinerea, 488. Podargus papuensis, 121. Peeocephalus Fuscicapillus, 359. Pceoptera eryptopyrrha, 802, 803. 358, lugubris, 802, 803. Pogonorhynehus bidentatus, 932. melanopterus, 359. Polioaétus solitarius, 348. Poliolophus wrostictus, 110, 3880, 949. Polpochila mexicana, 589. Polyborus tharus, 231, 232, 3D. Polyodon foliosus, 117, Polyommatus argia, 702. laius, 702, 707. similis, 702, 707. varunana, 702, 707. Polyplectron emphanes, 623, 792. napoleonis, 623, 792. Polypterus bichir, 117. Pompelon ampliatum, 387. marginatum, 387. Popa aschmoliana, 584. Poronia australis, 870. Porzana erythrothorax, 344. fusca, 344, 953. hauaswelli, 135. Potamophora manlia, 848, 857. Potera marginata, 852, 858, 859. Prabhasa costalis, 26. flavicosta, 26, 27. zenosa, 26, 37. INDEX. Pratincola albofasciata, 979. caprata, 710. indica, 979, maura, 980. pastor, 979. rubicola, 979. semitorquata, 979. Precis iphita, 828, 854. Prinia cinereocapilla, 370, 371. cursitans, 710. hodgsoni, 370. poliocephala, 370, 371. stewarti, 370, 371. Prion bankst, 739. desolatus, 738. vittatus, 739. Prioneris clemanthe, 839, 856. watsom, 839, 856. Prionirhynchus carinatus, 39, 49. Prioniturus discurus, 379, 937. Prionochilus olivaceus, 107, 111. Prionodera elegans, 987. Prionops graculinus, 357. Prionus corpulentus, 720. Pristiophorus japonicus, 117. Pristis cuspidatus, 117. Procellaria equinoctialis, 737. antarctica, 737. brevirostris, 738. capensis, 737. cinerea, 737. desolata, 738. gigantea, 737. glacialoides, 736. grallaria, 735. lessoni, 737. leucogastra, 736. marina, 736. melanogaster, 766. mollis, 738. nived, 737. oceanica, 730. urinatria Procellarus heermanni, 184. neglectus, 161, 184. 1047 Procelsterna albivitta, 212, 272. cinerea, 272. tereticollis, 211, 272. Prodenia ignobilis, 485. pauper, 485. Proteides amyntas, 482, Prothoé franckii, 832, 854. Protoparce cingulata, 484. Jamaicensis, 484. rustica, 484. Psallus flavosparsus, 462, 468. lutosus, 462, 468, 469. vinaceus, 462, 469. Psarisomus dalhousieg, 148. Pseudaxis euopis, 908. sika, 902, 909. Pseudocolaptes boissoneauti, 59. Pseudoprion banksi, 739. desolatus, 738. Pseudoptynx gurneyt, 936, 940, 941. philippensis, 941. Pseudosphinx tetrio, 484. Psilorhinus morio, 59. Psittacula melanogenia, 92. Psittacus alecto, 92. capistratus, 86. cyanauchen, 79. domicella, 79. fuscicapillus, 80, 359. grandis, 78. heteroclitus, 672. megalorhynchus, 78. polychlorus, 92. rhodops, 80. roratus, 78. seintillatus, 93. (Hos) bernsteini, 86. Psittirostra psittaced, 347. Pterocles alchata, 287, 288, 239, 244, 247, 250, 201. 1048 Pterocles arenarius, 238, 234, 238, 239, 242, 244, 245, 246, 251. bicinctus, 234, 237, 240, 255, 257, 258, 259. caspius, 251, coronatus, 234, 237, 238, 239, 242, 244. decoratus, 234, 237, 238, 240, 260. exustus, 234, 287, 288, 239, 243, 248. fasciatus, 238, 238, 239, 254, 256, 259. gutturalis, 234, 237, 239, 241, 243, 256. lichtensteini, 234, 237, 238, 240, 258. maculosus, 245, namaqua, 237, 239, 241, 252. pallasi, 234, personatus, 234, 289, 240, quadricinctus, 234, 237, 238, 240, 254, 257, 258, 260. senegalensis, 243, 248. senegalus, 233, 237, 238, 239, 248, 244, 247. sepultus, 236. setarius, 234, 250. simplex, 252. tachypetes, 234, 252. tricinctus, 234, 237, 256, 257, 258, 260. variegatus, 284, 237, 239, 244. Pteroclurus alchata, 251. exustus, 248. namaqua, 253. senegalus, 243. Pterocyclos albersi, 499. parvus, 499. Pterocypha stellata, 492. Pteroglossus frantzit, 47. torquatus, 46. Pterophorus aspilodactylus, 495. Pteropus aneiteanus, 874. capistratus, 315. germaini, 874. hypomelanus, 875. keraudreni, 875. medius, 874. INDEX, Pteropus melanopogon, 315. i ie 315. vanicorensis, 875. vetulus, 874. (Cheiropteruges) albo- scapulatus, 316. Ptilinopus albocinetus, 571. apicalis, 527. cesarinus, 545, chaleurus, 529. chrysogaster, 541. clementine, 535. coralensis, 528, corriei, 566. cyanovirens, 543, diadematus, 540. dupetit-thouarsi, 539. emilie, 589. ewingit, 533. fasciatus, 535. felicie, 565. Jischeri, 571. flavicollis, 533. flavigaster, 540, Surcatus, 541. gestrot, 557. huttoni, 588. Q hypogaster, 558. pep) 543. luteovirens, 565. marie, 545. melanocephalus, 552. melanocephalus celeben- sis, 552. mercieri, 536. miquelt, 563. monachus, 550. nuchalis, 558. occipitalis, 569. pelewensis, 581. perouset, 545. porphyraceus, 525. porphyreus, 553, 554. purpuratus, 533, 540, 542, rarotongensis, 534. roseicapillus, 537. strophium, 568. superbus, 543. swainsoni, 531. viridis, 560. viridissimus, 528. Ptilocolpa griseipectus, 937, 952. Ptilogonys caudatus, 39, 53. Ptilonopus apicalis, 527, 530. aurantiifrons, 556. Ptilonopus bellus, 563. chaleurus, 529. chrysogaster, 541. cinctus, 572. clementine, 535. coralensis, 528. coronulatus, 99, 546. diadematus, 540. dupetit-thouarsi, 539. erythrocephalus, 554. eugenia, 561. ewingit, 53d. fasciatus, 5380, 5385. flavicollis, 533. flavipectus, 533. Sformosus, 544. geminus, 546. gularis, 570. humeralis, 548. hyogaster, 558. tonozonus, 547. zozonus, 99, 547. gambu, 554. luteovirens, 565. marginalis, 547. marie, 54d. melanocephalus, 552. merciert, 537. monachus, 550. nana, 549. nanus, 550, ochrogaster, 573. pectoralis, 559. perlatus, 558. perousei, 545. ponapensis, 535. prasinorrhous, 562. pulehellus, 551. purpuratus, 525, 588, 542. purpureicinctus, 587. rivoli, 561. roseicapillus, 537. roseicollis, 554. roseipectus, 559, senex, 546. solomonensis, 561. strophium, 568. suluensis, 553. superbus, 543. swainsoni, 532. taitensis, 541. trigeminus, 547. virens, 559. viridis, 560. viridissimus, 528. wallacei, 55d. aanthogaster, 540. (Cyanotreron) mona- chus, 550. ple ite ee ee Ptilonopus (Lotreron) iogaster, 559. (Lamprotreron) —sw- perbus, 543. Ptilonorhynchus melanotis, 99. Ptilopus albocinctus, 505, 518, 23, 571, 573. apicalis, 504, 515, 519, 527, 580, 536. assimilis, 503, 512, 518, 523, 578, 574, 575. aurantiicollis, 556. aurantiifrons, 505, 508, 517, 518, 521, 556. batilda, 504, 570. bellus, 506, 508, 517, 522, 563. bernsteini, 505, 518, 523, 554, 572, 573. bonapartei, 504, 505, 507, 516, 519, 524, 525. chaleurus, 505, 515, 519, 529. chrysogaster, 503, 508, 515, 520, 541. chrysorrhous, 506, 518, 521, 553. einetus, 502, 509, 512, 518, 523, 554, 571, 572, 578. cinctus florensis, 571. cinctus lettiensis, 506, 572. clementine, 504, 535, 6. coralensis, 503, 504, 515, 519, 527, 528, 529, 532. coronulatus, 99, 505, 511, 517, 518, 520, 546, 547. corriei, 506, 516, 522, 566. eyanovirens, 503. diademata, 502,504,540. dupetit-thouarsii, 503, 508, 512, 515, 520, 539. eugenia, 504, 516, 522, 561 ewingit, 503, 504, 507, 518, 519, 526, 532, 533, 534. fasciatus, 503, 504, 507, 510, 516, 520, 520, 580, 532, 534, 535, 536. felicie, 504. INDEX. Ptilopus Jischert, 506, 518, 523, 571 flavicollis, 504, 583. Fformosus, 505, 544, 572, 573. forsteri, 527. Furcatus, 503. geelvinckianus, 506, 511, 517, 522, 560. geminus, 506, 516, 517, 520, 546, 547. gestrot, 506, 518, 521, Date geversi, 568. greyi, 504, 507, 516, 519, 523, 524. gularis, 509, 512, 518, 522, 570, 572, 573. hugonianus, 568, 569. humeralis, 505, 517, 521, 548. humeralis jobiensis, 506, 548, 549. huitoni, 506, 515, 520, 538. hyogaster, 502. insolitus, 505, 508, 512, 513, 516, 521, 549. togaster, 510, 513, 518, 522, 558, 559. tonozonus, 99, 547. tozonus, 99, 505, 517, 521, 547. Jjambu, 503, 518, 521, 545. Jobiensis, 506, 508, 517, 521, 548, 549. Johannis, 506, 516, 522, 564. layardi, 506, 516, 522, 566, 567. leclancheri, 504, 518, 522, 568, 569, 573. lettiensis, 506, 508, 518, 523, 572. luteovirens, 503, 504, 505, 508, 511, 512, 516, 522, 565, 566, 567. maculatus, 503. magnificus, 502, 510, 512, 513, 517, 518, GBS BB AaT tay marie, 504, 545. melanauchen, 552. melanocephalus, 503, 518, 519, 521, 551, 552, 553, 936, 951. melanospilus, 506, 518, 521, 552. 1049 Ptilopus merciert, 504, 508, 515, 520, 536. miquelt, 563. monachus, 502, 503, 512, 518, 521, 550. musschenbroeki, 560, 561. nanus, 502, 517, 521, 549, 550. neglectus, 506, 516, 519, 524. nove-guince, 5d6. occipitalis, 503, 504, 509, 512, 518, 522, 569, 570. ochrogaster, 573. ornatus, 506, 508, 517, 518, 521, 556, 557. pectoralis, 502, 503, 508, 517, 522, 559. pelewensis, 505, 516, 519, 531. perlatus, 502, 509, 512, 513, 517, 518, 522, 557, 558, 573. perousti, 503, 504, 515, 516, 520, 545. pictiventris, 507, 515, 516, 519, 530. ponapensis, 501, 507, 5386. porphyraceus, 504, 505, 527, 529, 535. porphyreus, 502, 503, 519, 521, 558, 554, 570. prasinorrhous, 505, 517, 518, 522, 562. puella, 512, 516, 517, 573, 574, 575. pulchellus, 502, 504, 517,521, 5512 pulcherrimus, 503. purpuratus, 502, 503, 504, 505, 507, 508, 512, 515, 516, 519, 523, 524, 525, 526, 527, 541. purpureo-leucocephalus, 5038 rarotongensis, 506, 515, 520, 534. regina, 502, 503, 504, 507, 512, 518, 519, 531, 5382, 542. rivolit, 503, 516, 522, 561, 562, 563. roseicapillus, 503, 504, 516, 520, 537. roseicollis, 503. 1050 Ptilopus solomonensis, 562. speciosus, 506, 522, 564, 565. strophium, 508, 516, 517, 522, 563. superbus, 121, 126, 502, 503, 504, 511, 512, 516, 517, 518, 520, 542, 548, 544, 545. swainsoni, 503, 504, 532, 548. taitensis, 502, 508, 507, 508, 515, 520, 526, 27, 541. temminckii, 504, 505, 518, 520, 544. trigeminus, 506, 517, 520, 547. victor, 506, 508, 511, 516, 522, 566, 568. virens, 503. viridis, 506, 518, 522, 560, 561. viridis geelvinckianus, 506, 560. viridissimus, 508, 504, 528, 529, 532. wallacei, 505, 518, 521, 555. wanthogaster, 502, 504, 507, 518, 520, 540, 541, swanthorrhous, 506, 508, 518, 521, 553, 951. zonurus, 506, 518, 522, 558. Ptilorhis alberti, 128. Ptiloris alberti, 123. magnificus, 123, Ptilotis chrysotis, 124. filigera, 97, 124. lewini, 124. Ptinilopus marie, 545. Pudu humilis, 887, 927. Puffinuria garnoti, 739. Pyecnonotus barbatus, 129. nigricans, 356. Pygarrhicus albigularis, 433. 1s ornis Pali. 67, 68. Pygosceles teniatus, 653." INDEX. ’ Pygosceles wagleri, 653. Pyranga bidentata, 55. erythromelena, 5d. rubra, 55. Pyrenestes capitalbus, 130. Pyrgisoma cabanisi, 38, 56. leucote, 56. Pyromelana capensis, 308. nigriventris, 358. Pyrrhocentor melanops, 108, 946. Pyrrhophzna riefferi, 88, 70, 71. Pytelia melba, 358. Querquedula eatoni, 578. Rallina euryzonoides, 288, 345. fasciata, 288. Rallus antarcticus, 437. pectoralis, 120, 127. Ramphastos ariel, 988. tocard, 46. toco, 933. Ramphiculus Jjambu, 554. occipitalis, 569, 952. Ramphocelus passerinit, 5d. Ramphocenus semitorquatus, 61. Ranella pusilla, 815, 821. rosea, 815, 816. Ranghana punctata, 22, 37. Rangifer caribou, 928. grenlandicus, 928. tarandus, 887, 927, 928. Rectes aruénsis, 96. dichrous, 96. dichrous ceramensis, 96. draschi, 96. wropygialis, 96. Remigia disseverans, 489. persubtilis, 489. Retina rubrivitta, 846, 857. Rhabdornis mystacalis, 113, 951. Rhaphidognatha hainana, 704, 708. Rhescipha elegans, 489. servia, 489. Rhinoceros indicus, 634. lasiotis, 634, 636. sondaicus, 634. sumatrensis, 634, 635, 636, 790. Rhinolophus acuminatus, 878. affinis, 878. Rhinopalpa4 algina, 645. amelia, 645. Rhipidura assimilis, 87. griseicauda, 84. aura, 87. rufifrons, 84. setosa, 87, 289, 671. squamata, 84. Rhodostethia rosea, 157, 208, 210. rossi, 208. Rhombodera tectiformis, 580. Rhyacophilus glareola, 711. Rhynchea australis, 747, 750. bengalensis, 746, 747. capensis, 345, 745, '746, 747, 748, 750, 953. Rhynchobates djeddensis, 117. Rhynchocyclus sulphurescens, 63. Rhynchonella nigricans, 413. psittacea, 400, 418, 414. rostrum-psittact, 413. sicula, 403, 418, 414, 416. Rhynchonycteris naso, 880. Rhyparida costatipennis, 152. madagascariensis, 152. nigricollis, 153. Ricinula astricta, 807. Rissa borealis, 164. brachyrhynchus, 164. brevirostris, 164. Rissa brunnichii, 158, 164. gregaria, 164. kotzebui, 164. nivea, 164, 177 septentrionalis, 178 tridactyla, 158, 163, 164, 165, 180. Rissoina nivea, 867. Rosema costalis, 387. dorsalis, 387. Sulvipennis, 387. myops, 387. zulica, 387. Rossia rosea, 208. Rostellaria luteostoma, 313. Rusa lepida, 902. peroni, 903. Ruticilla mesoleuca, 979. phenicura, 979. Salda aberrans, 462, 471, 477. Salpinx crassa, 822, 823, 853. hobsoni, 695. klugi, 695, 823. margarita, 823, 853. masoni, 823, 853. minorata, 695, 706. rhadamanthus, 822, 853. Saltator grandis, 38, 56. magnoides, 56. Samea chlorophasma, 493. Sapphironia boucardi, 71. Sarcophanops steerti, 110. Sarcops calvus, 113, 287, 348, 951. 470, Sarothropyga rhodopepla, 387. Satyrus dorycus, 645. duponcheli, 645. verma, 824. Saucerottia sophie, 38, 70, 71. Sauloprocta melaleuca, 671. INDEX. Sauromarptis gaudichaudi, 94. tyro, 94. Sauropatis chloris, 83, 94, 108, 282, 341, 709, 937. sancta, 94. sordida, 94. Saxicola rufa, 881. stapazina, 881, 976. Sayornis aquatica, 62. Scala friabilis, 866. (Opalia) australis, 866. Scalaria australis, 866. Friabilis, 866. Scelida balyi, 993. Schismope atkinsoni, 868. Schizostoma behni, 880. brachyote, 880. megalotis, 880. Scissurella atkinsoni, 868. Sciurus adolphei, 663, 664. e@stuans, 657, 667, 668, 670. affinis, 660. albipes, 660. arizonensis, 659. aureogaster, 698, 660, 661, 662. booth, 657, 658, 659, 662, 663, 664. brunneo-niger, 665, 697, 954. carolinenis, 657, 658, 659, 669. chrysosurus, 669. colliei, 657, 659, 662, 663, 664. deppei, 668, 669. dorsalis, 662, 663, 664. Serruginiventris, 660. fumigatus, 665, 667. fisooiiagais, 662, 664. gerrardi, 657, 658, 665, 666. gilvigularis, 668. griseocaudatus, 663, 664. griseoflavus, 658, 560. 662, 1051 Sciurus griseogenys, 658, 667, 669. hoffmanni, 667, 668. hypopyrrhus, 441, 657, 658, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666. hyporrhodus, 667. igniventris, 665, 666. intermedius, 662, 668, 664. langsdorffi, 665, 666. leucogaster, 660. leucops, 657, 658, 660, 661, 662. leucotis, 658. ludovicianus, 660. melania, 664. morio, 665, 666, 667. nebouxit, 441, 664. nicoyanus, 663. niger, 661, nigrescens, 662, 663, 64. 662, 663, 66 pusillus, 658, 668, 670, 954. pyladei, 663, 664. ‘pyrrhonotus, 665. richardsoni, 662, 664. rigidus, 662, 6638, 664. oculatus, 34, rufo-niger, 657, 658, 666, 667, 669, 954. socialis, 660, 662. stramineus, 441, 658, 664, 665. tephrogaster, 657, 665, 668 tricolor, 665, 667. variabilis, 657, 658, 665, 666, 668, 954. variegatoides, 662, 663, 664. variegatus, 660, 663. varius, 660, 662. vulgaris, 662. yucatanensis, 657, 658, 659. Scolopax egocephalus, 288. cinereus, 711. incanus, 345, 711. stenurus, 83. Scops brasilianus, 45. everetti, 936, 942. lempiji, 942. leucospilus, 942. leucotis, 128. . 1052 Scops morotensis, 78. wmbratilis, 942. Scotophilus temminckit, 876, 879. Scotosia catocalaria, 492. Scyllium canicula, 116, 117. Scytalopus magellanicus, 433. Selasphorus flammula, 40, 70. scintilla, 40, 70. Selenidera spectabilis, 47. Selenophorus amblyderus, 591. callistichus, 591. mitis, 591. tenuistriatus, 591. Semele aphrodite, 859, 864. aspasia, 860, 864. hanleyi, 859, 864. phryne, 860, 864. Serilophus rubropygius, 143. Serpentarius reptilivorus, 790. Serpophaga cinerea, 62, 63. Setina discisigna, 35. irrorella, 35. nebulosa, 35. punetilinea, dt, Setinochroa, aurantiaca, 35, 37. infumata, 35, 36. pallida, 35. postica, 36. Setophaga aurantiaca, 39, 53. ruticilla, 52. torguata, 39, 53. Sicyonia Jurcata, 310. ocellata, 310. Sidyma abifints, 9: apicalis, 9, 36. Sigmodus graculinus, 357. Silybura broughami, 800. canarica, 155. dupeni, 801. guentheri, 801. levingti, 801. diura, 155, INDEX, | Silybura macrolepis, 155. maculata, 154. madurensis, 802. melanogaster, 155, 801. nigra, 154. nitida, 154. ocellata, 155. ochracea, 801. petersi, 154. Simareea basinota, 14, 36. Simia satyrus, 789. Siphonaria albida, 314, 869. Siphonia elastica, 38. Sistrum margariticola, 812. Sisyrophora pfeiffere, 850, 858. Sittace chloroptera, 77. spixt, 976. Siurus aurocapillus, 51. noveboracensis, 51, Solenocera philippii, 302. siphonocera, 301. Sospita lydda, 701. neophron, 833. saturata, 701, 707. Spatula platalea, 436. Speiredonia helicina, 849. Spermophila aurita, 58, corvina, 58. moreleti, 58. semicollaris, 58, Spermospiza hematina, 130. Sphecotheres flaviventris, 124. Spheniscus demersus, 653, 654. humboldti, 116. magellanicus, 653. Sphenoproctus curvipennis, 68. Spiloglaux marmoratus, 121. Spilornis holospilus, 340, 939. Spilosoma menthastri, 382. obscurum, 382. Spilosoma submacula, 882. Spinachia vulgaris, 330. Spinax niger, 117. Spirama helicina, 849, 857. Spirula australis, 971, 973. Spondylus varius, 967, 968. Sporophila othello, 136. Squatina angelus, 117. Steatornis caripensis, 139, Stelgidopteryx Sulvigula, 67. Sulvipennis, 67. Stenele lutescens, 386. Stenopus hispidus, 779. Stenoiis olivaceus, 589. Stepnaya kuritza, 261. Sterna anestheta, 273. bergit, 346, 712, 937, 976. cerulea, 211, 272. cantiaca, 193. cinerea, 212, 278. media, 193. philadelphia, 206. tereticollis, 272. teretirostris, 211. Stictoplea grotet, 824, 853. Stolida cinerea, 211, 272. Stonasla consors, 462, 472. undulata, 462, 472, 477. Strepsiceros imberbis, 441. kudu, 745. Strepsilas interpres, 120, 127, 708, 711. Strix lugubris, 940. sandwichensis, 348. Struthio camelus, 790, Sturnella ludoviciana, 59. —— Sturnus ambiguus, 713. humei, 712, 713. indicus, 713. nitens, 713. poltaratskyt, 713. purpurascens, 713. unicolor, 712. vulgaris, 712, 713. Sula cyanops, 652. leucogastra, 651. piscator, 651. Surendra quercetorum, 836, 855. Surniculus lugubris, 613. velutinus, 945. Sylphitreron perlatus, 558. Sylvia blanfordi, 979. curruca, 979. melanocephala, 978,979. rubescens, 979 Symmachia domitianus, 363. rhacotis, 363. Symphedra dirtea, 629, 699. pardalis, 699, 706. Synallaxis erythrops, 99. nigrifumosa, 59. pudica, 59. Synaptomys cooperi, 633. Synchloé canidia, 701, 707. limbolaris, 487. Syngamia florella, 492. Syncecus cervinus, 121, 127. Syntomis albifrons, 845, 857, 859. | atkinsoni, 845, 857. berinda, 845, 857, 559. diaphana, 845. disrupta, 845, 857, 858. divisa, 845. fenestrata, 845. grotet, 844, 857. libera, 845, 857. masoni, 845, 857, 858. melas, 845. sladeni, 844, 857. vitreata, 845. Syrnola brunnea, 866. tincta, 866. | INDEX. | Syrrhaptes heteroclita, 261. pallasti, 234, 261. paradoxus, 233, 236. 238, 246, 260, 261. thibetanus, 234, 236, 238, 260, 263. Systropha aureola, 18. auriflua, 18, 37. dorsalis, 18. Tachyeres cinereus, 437. Tachyphonus delattrii, 55. luetuosus, 55. Tachys diploharpinus, 602. Tzenioptera obscura, 347. pyrope, 433. Tagiades meetana, 842, 858. obscurus, 842. pralaya, 842, 856. Talegalla lathami, 127. Tanagra cana, diaconus, 54. melanoptera, 5D. palnarum, 5d. Tantalus ibis, 625, 627. loculator, 625, 626, 627, 629. Tanygnathus luzonensis, 612, 937. megalorhynchus, 78. apes Alabagella, 870. Taphozous melanopogon, 879. Tapirus eucogenys, 632. roulint, 631. terrestris, 632. Tarika nivea, 15. varanda, 15, 36. Tatusia hybrida, 228, 229. peba, 226, 228, 229. 856, 281, 340, Ak | Taxila drupadi, 832. fasciata, 882, 855, 858. Tegulata basistriga, 22, 36. protuberans, 25, 36. tumida, 22. Proc. Zoou. Soc.—1878, No. LXX. 1053 Telephonus erythropterus, 357. Tellina wroblewskyi, 727, 732. Temora velox, 330. Teracotona roseata, 382. submacula, 382. Terebra affinis, 805. brazieri, 866. exigua, 805. ustulata, 866. Terebratella buckmanni, 405. frontalis, 406, 407. marie, 407. spitzbergensis, 399, 406, 407, 408, 409, 415. Terebratula affinis, 404. ampulla, 403. aperta, 409. appressa, 411. arctica, benoitiana, 404. buckmanni, 405. capsula, 410. caput-serpentis,399,401, 402, 404, 410, 415. cardita, 409, cernica, 404. cistellula, 410. cordata, 409. cranium, 397, 399, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410. cubensis, 404, 408. euneata, 410. davidsoni, 404. dimidiata, 409. euthyra, 407, 408. glabra, 407. grandis, 403, 404. irregularis, 405. Jelfreysii, 406. manticula, 404. michelottiana, 404. minor, 399, 404. miocenica, 404. monstruosa, 412. orbiculata, 408, 404. pectiniformis, 409. plicata, 407. scobinata, 410. seminulum, 409, 411. septata, 399, 405, 406, 407, 408, 412, 415. septentrionalis, 401. septigera, 405, 408. soldaniana, 410. sphenoidea, 399, 405, 404, 415, 416. 70 1054 Terebratula subguadrata, 399, 400, 402, 403, 415. subvitrea, 407. tenera, 399, 400, 405, 415. tri ee, 399, 400, 402, ee 399, 401, 415. ungula, 409. urna-antiqua, 409. vitrea, 399, 403, 404, 406, 407, 410, 415, 416. Terekia cinerea, 579, '708, 711. Terias esiope, 699, 700, 707. arcuata, 700, 707 attenuata, 700, 707. drona, 700. elathea, 481. euterpe, 481 formosa, 836, 855. gnathene, 481. hainana, 700, 707. hecabe, 641, 647, 836, 855. feta, 836, 855. silhetana, 836, 855. suava, 836. subdecorata, 699, 700, 707 wagans, 700. Terinos sinha, 828. | Testudo greca, 976. horsfieldi, 975, 976. pardalis, 790. Tetracha | ignea, 587. Tetragonops i | Ffrantzii, 39, 47. | ramphastinus, 952. Tetrao alchata, 238, 284, 237, 250. arenarius, 283, 245, 261 chata, 251 5 Jasciatus, 233, 234, 245 indicus, 233, 254. namagua, 233, 234, 252. paradoxus, 233, 234, 237, 260. senegalus, 233, 243. subtridactylus, 246. urogallus, 746. | | Tetrodon nigropunctatus, 133. INDEX. Teulisna plagiata, 24. tenuisigna, 24, 37. tetragona, 24. Thaduka multicaudata, 836, 855, 858. Thalassidroma gracilis, 736. leucogastra, 735. melanogastra, 736. segethi, 736. tropica, 736, Thalassina scorpioides, 778. Thalasseca antarctica, 737. glacialoides, 736. Thalurania colombica, 69. Thamala miniata, 834, 855, 858. Thamnobia lugubris, 803. Thamnophilus doliatus, 60. nevius, 60. nigricristatus, 60. punctatus, 60. simplex, 139. Thamnotettix sancte-helene, 462, 476. Thanaos indistincta, 694. obsoleta, 694. stigmata, 694. Tharops eoruscans, 366. isthmica, 366. menander, 366, nitida, 366. purpurata, 365. splendida, 366. Thaumantis howqua, 827. louisa, 827, 854. Thaumatias cupreiceps, 7}. Thecidea mediterranea, 400, 412. spondylea, 412. testudinaria, 412. Thelphusa depressa, 755. perlata, 755. ; Theope aureonitens, 369. barea, 369. cenina, 369. decorata, 369. Theope eudocia, 368. hypoxanthe, 368. isia, 868 Janus, 369. Theristicus melanops, 436. Thermesia gemmatalis, 489. Thestias sesia, 700, 707. Thouarsitreron diademata, 540. dupetit-thouarsi, 539. leucocephala, 539. Thrasaétus harpyia, 44. Thriponax Javensis, 340, 942. pectoralis, 340, 379. Thryophilus castaneus, 5. modestus, 5}. pleurostictus, 51, thoracicus, 51. Thyca indica, 839. pasithoé, 701, 707. Thyroptera tricolor, 872, 873. Thysania zenobia, 488. ga everetti, 611, 612. Jjavanensis, 612. Timetes corita, 270. phiale, 270. Tinamus Frantzii, 41. Tinea pulchella, 298. Tinnunculus cinnamominus, 435. dominicensis, 485. isabellinus, 435. leucophrys, 435. sparverioides, 435. sparverius, 434. Tinoleus eburneigutta, 851, 858. Tityra personata, 65. Tivela undulosa, 870. Tmolus columella, 481. pan, 481. Tockus melanoleucus, 308. Todirhamphus sanctus, 121. Todirostrum cinereum, 62. Todus viridis, 101. Tolypeutes conurus, 222, 223, 224, 225, 228. muriet, 223, 224, 225. tricinctus, 222, 228, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228. Torinia perspectiviunculus, 816, | 821 planulata, 816. Tornatina fusiformis, 869. Totanus glareola, 80. ariseopygius, 127. incanus, 121, 127, 345, | 301, 711. Trabala vishnu, 848, 857. Tragelaphus angasi, 884. decula, 884. spekit, 884. sylvaticus, 884. Tragulus kanchil, 882. stanleyanus, 682. Trepsichrois midamus, 823, 8538. thoosa, 638. Treroleema leclancheri, 504, 568, 569. Treron delalandit, 359. nasica, 623. Trichoglossus cyanogrammus, 579. massene, 93. multicolor, 126. nigrigularis, 93. subplacens, 671. swainsonii, 126. Trichostoma abboti, 616. rufifrons, 611, 616. Trigla pini, 218. Trigonia margaritacea, 871. Tringa acuminata, 289, 290, albescens, 708, 712. fasciata, 2383, 254. fuscicollis, 4388, interpres, 711. platyrhyncha, 712. 93, | INDEX. Tringoides hypoleucus, 83, 90, 100, 289, 345, 624, 711, 937. macularius, 44. Trinophylum cribratum, 720, Triphoris scitulus, 867. sculptus, 817. Tripura prasend, 8. Triton laciniatuim, 815. (Epidromus) bednalli, 864. (Simpulum) strange, 816, 821. Trivia australis, 867. Trochilus colubris, 70. Trochita calyptreformis, 867. Trochus calyptreformis, 867. (Clanculus) microdon, 818, 821. (Forskahlia) pulcherri- mus, 818, 821. (Monilea) calyeulus, 818. ——) masoni, 818. (Polydonta) maculatus, 730. (Thalotia) yokohamen- sis, 727, 732. Troglodytes hypaedon, 51. intermedius, 51. Trogon massena, 48. puella, 48. Tropidorhynchus buceroides, 124. plumigenys, 88, 289. Trygon dupetit-thouarsi, 539. | Trygonorhina Ffasciata, 117. Tudicula arnigera, 610. inermis, 610. spinosa, 610. (Murex) spzrillus, 611. Turacena crassirostris, 673. | Turbinella Sfastigium, 812. incarnatus, 813. | Turbonilla acicularis, 867. angast, 867. | | 1055 Turbonilla fusca, 867. hofmani, 867. nitida, 867. Turdus armillaris, 79. chrysolaus, 429. falklandicus, 431. grayt, 38, 50. icterorhynchus, 129. leucauchen, 50. mandarinus, 578. nigrescens, 40, 50. obscurus, 429. obsoletus, 40, 50. pelios, 129. plebeius, 50. varius, 429. Turnix maculosa, 578. melanota, 127. Turritella infraconstricta, 817, 821, Turtur dussumier?, 288, 344, 711, 937, 952. Typhis angasi, 864. Tyranniscus parvus, 63. Tyrannus meiancholicus, 64. Urania sloanus, 490. Urapteryx podahriata, 850, 858. Uromys rufescens, 274. Urospatha marti, 39, 49. Urospiza poliocephala, 91, 92. Urospizias iogaster, 80. poliocephalus, 91. spilothorax, 92. Ursus americanus, 878. arctos, 378. Feroz, 378. isabellinus, 378. malayanus, 378. maritimus, 378. ornatus, 378. piscator, 378. syriacus, 378. tibetanus, 378. Urubitinga ghiesbreghti, 44. Utethesia pulchella, 704, 708. Vamuna - bipars, 10, 36. maculata, 10, 36. remelanda, 10. Vanellus cayennensis, 437, 625, 627, 628. occidentalis, 437. Vanessa amelia, 645. Vates ashmolianus, 584. Venus levigata, 870. undulosa, 870. variabilis, 870. Vermetus gigas, 966, 967. Vernonia wollastoniana, 462, 470, 477. Vespertilio adversus, 876. muricola, 879. murinus, 872. temminckit, 876. Vesperugo abramus, 879. nanus, 879. Vidua : principalis, 130. Vireosylvia flavifrons, 53. flavoviridis, 53. josephe, 53. olivacea, 53. philadelphica, 53. Volatinia jacarina, 57. Volvocivora cerulescens, 283, 284. mindanensis, 936, 947. morio, 948. Volvula rostrata, 869. Vulpes cana, 892. Vultur atratus, 435. aura, 435. papa, 435. Waldheimia cranium, 399, 407. davidsoniana, 407. Sa Printed by TayLor and Fr INDEX. Waldheinia floridana, 407, 408. kergquelensis, 411. peloritana, 408. raphaélis, 407. Xantholema hemacephala, 944. rosea, 282, Xanthotenia busiris, 827, 854. Xanthotis chrysotis, 97. Jiligera, 97. Xema atricilla, 194. bonapartii, 207. brunneicephala, 197, 198. caniceps, 200. capistrata, 200. cirrhocephala, 196, 197, 201, 202, 2038. collaris, 209, 210, crassirostris, 193. Franklini, 195. Surcata, 157, 210. gelastes, 192. genet, 192. glaucodes, 203. ichthyaetus, 198. Jjamesont, 185. kittlitzii, 205. lambruschinii, 192. leucophthalma, 193. melanocephala, 199. minuta, 206. pheocephala, 204. pileata, 200. pipixcan, 195. ridibunda, 200. sabinti, 141, 158, 209, | 211. Xenelaphus anomalocera, 924. chilensis, 924. huamel, 924. leucotis, 924. Xenophora solarioides, 818. Xenurus unicinctus, 228, 229. Xiphopeneus harttii, 305. Xiphorhynchus pusillus, 60. Xylophis indicus, 576. Ml } =U ancis, Redayi Hs, | Xystosomus belti, 601. olivaceus, 601. Yphthima baldus, 825, 853. methora, 825, 853. pandocus, 696, 706. zodiaca, 696, 706. Ypsipetes anomala, 491. Yungipicus aurantiiventris, 943. Ffuscoalbidus, 943. validirostris, 943. Zadadra distorta, 25, 37. Zamenis cliffordi, 977, 978. elegantissimus, 977. Zebronia plutusalis, 849, 857. Zemeros albipunctata, 701. confucius, 701, 707. Alegyas, 701, 832, 855. Zenaidura carolinensis, 43. Zeocephus cinnamomeus, 616. eyanescens, 616. Zethera diademoides, 824, 853, 858. Zeuxidia amethystus, 826. horsfieldi, 639. masont, 826, 854. Ziziphinus jucundus, 798. Zonotrichia canicapilla, 432. pileata, 38, 57, 482. vuleani, 40, 57. Zophoéssa mutrheadi, 696, 706. Zosterops austeni, 286. chloris, 84. everetti, 110, 950. intermedia, 85. luteus, 121, 125. nigrorum, 280, 286. Zygena malleus, 116. iy f i peed ate i ateep ie erate 2a pas pie aaah Sree eS *. its ‘ Hb