HARVARD UNIVERSITY JVE 11 u / \t 1/ LIBRARY OF THE Museum of Comparative Zoology Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science ^ 1902 PROCEEDINGS OF THE Indiana Academy of Science 1902. EDITOR, C. A. Waldo, C. H. ElGENMANN, V. F. Marsters, M. B. Thomas, - - Donaldson Bodine. 3CIATE EDITORS: W. A. NOYES, Stanley Coulter, Thomas Gray, JOHN S. Wright, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. igo3 INDIANAPOLIS: Wm. B. Burforu, Printer 1Q03. TABLE OF CO]S'TE]S[TS. PAGE. An act to provide for the publication of tlie reports aud papers of tlie Indiana Academy of Science c 5 An act for tlie protection of birds, their nests and eggs 7 Otiicers, 1902-1903 ^ Committees, 1902-1903 Principal officers since organization 11 In Memoriam Constitution By-Laws _^ 15 Members, Fellows ... ,„ lo Members, non-resident Members, active 17 List of foreign correspondents 2i Program of the Eigliteenth Annual Meeting 29 Report of tlie Eighteentli Annual Meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science Report of tlie Field Meeting of 1902 39 The President's Address „" Papers presented at the Eigliteentli Annual Meeting ^ . 53 Index .... 206 (•5) AN ACT TO PROVIDE FOR THE PUBLICATION OF THE REPORTS AND PAPERS OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. [Approved March 11, 1895.] Whereas, The Indiana Academy of Science, a cliartered Pre 1- 111 1)1 6 scientific association, has embodied in its constitution a pro- vision that it will, upon the request of the Governor, or of the several departments of the State government, through the Governor, and through its council as an advisory body, assist in the direction and execution of any investigation within its province, without pecuniary gain to the Academy, provided only that the necessary expenses of such investiga- tion are l)orne by the State, and, "Whereas, The reports of the meetings of said Academy, with the sev- eral papers read liefore it. have very gTcat educational, industrial and economic value, and should be preserved in permanent form, and. Whereas, The Constitution of the State makes it the duty of the Gen- eral Assembly to encourage by all suitable means intellectual, scientific and agricultural improvement, therefore. Section 1. Be it enacted bn the General Asscmbli/ of the t, ,,. ,■ ^ '' • ' Publication of ^tate of Indiana, That hereafter the annual reports of the the Reports of meetings of the Indiana Academv of Science, beginning with . , ' V " . • » o Acaderaj' of the report for the year 1894, including all papers of scientific Science, or economic value, presented at such meetings, after they shall have l)een edited and prepared for puiilication as hereinafter provided, shall be pul)- lished by and under the direction of the Commissioners of Public Printing and Binding. Sec. 2. Said reports shall be edited and prepared for pub- lication without expense to the State, by a corps of editors to Editing Reports, be selected and appointed by the Indiana Academy of Sci- ence, Avho shall not, by reason of such services, have any claim against the State for compensation. The form, style of binding, paper, tjqiography and manner and extent of illustration of such reports, shall Number of be determined by the editors, subject to the approval of the printed Commissioners of Public Printing and Stationery. Not less Reports. (5) 6 than 1,500 nor iiioie than 'A.WO copies of each of said reports shall be pub- lished, the size of the edition within said limits, to be determined by the concurrent action of the editors and the Commissioners of Public Print- ing and Stationery: I'roridrd, That not to exceed six hundred dollars (ip designated as the ()t1ice of the Indiana Academy of Science, wherein said c()pi(>s of said reiiorts belonging to the Academy, together with the original iiianiiscripts. di-awings, etc.. thereof can lie safely kept, and he shall also ('(piij) t\w same with tlic nec(>ssary shelving and fui'uiture. Sk( . 4. An emergency is hereliy declared to exist for the Emergency, j,;,,,,,,,] j_.,,,. taking effect of this act. and it shall therefore take effect and lie in f(ji-cc Ij-oui and after its passage. AN ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS, THEIR NESTS AND EGGS. [Approved March 5, 1891.] Sfx'tion 1. Be it cnavtrd hij the General Assemhly of the State r)f Indiana. That it shall be unlawful for any person to kill any wild l)ircl other than a game bird, or purchase, offer for sale any such wild bird after it has been killed, or to destroy the nests or the eggs of any wild bird. Sec. 2. For the purpose of this act the following shall be considered game birds: the Anatidte, commonly called swans, geese, brant, and river and sea ducks; the Rallida\ commonly known as rails, coots, mudhens, and gallinules; the Limicolai, commonly known as shore birds, plovers, surf l.)irds, snipe, woodcock and sand- pipers, tattlers and curlews; the Gallina?, commonly known as wild tur- keys, grouse, prairie chickens, quail, and pheasants, all of which are not intended to be affected by this act. Sec. 3. Any person violating the provisions of Section 1 of this act shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not less than ten nor more tlian tifty dollars, to which may be added impris- onment for not less than five days nor more than thirty days. Sec. 4. Sections 1 and 2 of this act shall not apply to any person holding a permit giving the right to take birds or their nests and eggs for scientific purposes, as provided in Section 5 of this act. Sec. .5. Permits mav be granted by the Executive Board „ ., , ^ •' Permits to of the Indiana Academy of Science to any properly accredited Science, person, permitting the holder thereof to collect birds, their nests or eggs for strictly scientific pui'poses. In order to obtain such permit the ap- plicant for the same must present to said Board written testimonials from tAvo well-knovx'u scientific men certifying to the good character and fitness of said applicant to be entrusted with such privilege and pay to said Bt)ard one dollar to defray the necessary expenses atttending the granting of such permit, and must file with said Board a properly executed bond in the sum of two hundred dollars, signed by at least two responsilde citizens of the State as sureties. The bond shall l)e forfeited to the State and the permit become „ , ^ Bond Aoid upon proof that the holder of such permit has killed forfeited. auy bird or taken the nests or eggs of any bird for any other pnrpose than that named in tliis section and sliall furtlier be snbjeet for each offense to the penalties provided in this act. Sec. 0. The permits authorized by tliis act sliall be in Two vGRrs force for two years only from the date of their issue, and shall not be transferable. Sec. 7. The English or European House Sparrow (Passer Birds of prey. i . ■ , i i i ^i i ■ i ^. domesticus), crows, hawks, and other Im-ds ot prey are not included among the birds protected by this act. Sec. 8. All acts or parts of acts heretofore passed in con- flict with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. An emergency is declared to exist for the imme- diate taking effect of this act, therefore the same shall be in force and effect from and after its passage. OFFICERS, 1902-1903. PRESIDENT, WILLIS S. BLATCHLEY. VICE-PRESIDEXT, CARL L. MEES. SECRETARY, JOHN S. WRIGHT. ASSISTANT SECRETARY, DONALDSON BODINE. PRESS SECRETARY, G. A. ABBOTT. TREASURER, W. A. McBETH. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. W. S. Blatchley, Carl L. Mees, John S. Wright, Donaldson Bodine, G. A. Abbott, W. A. McBeth, Harvey W. Wiley, M. B. Thomas, D. W. Dennis, C. H. Eigenmann, C. A. Waldo, Thomas Gray, Stanley Coulter, Amos W. Butler, W. A. NOYES, J. C. Arthur, J. L. Campbell, O. P. Hay, T. C. Mendenhall, John C. Branner, J. P. D. John, John M. Coulter, David S. Jordan. CURATORS. BOTANY J. C. Arthur. ICHTHYOLOGY C. H. Eigenmann. HERPETOLOGY ) MAMMALOGY - Amos W. Butler. ORNITHOLOGY i ENTOMOLOGY W. S. Blatchley. .10 COMMITTEES, 1902-1903. PROGRAM. Mel. T. Cook, Glenn Culbertson. MEMBERSHIP. A. W. Butler, Donaldson Bodine, G. A. Abbott. NOMINATIONS. Thomas Gray, M. B. Thomas, C. H. Eigenmann. AUDITING. W. S. Blatchley, F. M. Webster. STATE LIBRARY. A. W. Butler, Stanley Coulter, C. A. Waldo, J. S. Wright. LEGISLATION FOR THE RESTRICTION OF WEEDS. Stanley Coulter, John S. Wright, M. B. Thomas. PROPAGATION AND PROTECTION OF GAME AND FISH. C. H. Eigenmann, A. W. Butler, W. S. Blatchley. EDITOR. Donaldson Bodine, Wabash College, Cra-\vfordsville. DIRECTORS OF BIOLOGICAL SURVEY. C. H. Eigenmann, J. C. Arthur, M. B. Thomas, Donaldson Bodine, Stanley Coulter. RELATIONS OF THE ACADEMY TO THE STATE. C. A. Waldo, W. J. Karslake, R. W. McBride. GRANTING PERMITS FOR COLLECTING BIRDS AND FISHES. A. W. Butler, Stanley Coulter, W. S. Blatchley. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PROCEEDINGS. A, W Butler, J. S. Wright, Donaldson Bodine, H. L. Bruner. 11 ^. II xn 7 a: a: tc -£ O o r o . -4_j P5 ^ -ii ^ -ii ri^ ^ "5 S r^ 3 3 ? a; > ai a; > o pq o o o o 8 S 1-5 0^ 1-5 l-J 1-5 ^ ^ S C/i X 'Jl in XSl 32 03 CM d! d d d d < H o o o o o W ;3 ;H s a a £ K a; 'a^ a^ 1j a; o pq P3 H c 6 c 6 6 < '3J a^ ■a^ ai Ph 0 C5 0 0 0 0 S; 2 -^ '^ S -' i!~! ITrf "3 s s > a. aj a; s: N O C pq pq O n^ ° r!^ ^ fj ji ;3 ^ rH bj D fal c bi ■' ^ "o "c ■r o o >3 . . (1 CI (1 W (/J C/J C/i H 03 ^^^ h-: H; I-: i-i ^
  • -H rH d rt rt a £ £ 3 t 5 C C I 7 7 3 'c 'o "o 7) 7) 'o 3 <5 < ^ < 1 < 1 < < < 1 <1 O I— h- s >-. 1-5 1-5 t-5 ^-5 1-3 Hs fl a i Q } • ■ f- a t ^ O 3 r^ c i eg X 0 3 5 5 3 1 ^ 5 p: 3 3 S a 5 sJ 72 a il ^ o a bfi g o M ^ 3 c 5' c ^ I ^ ^ ti t ^ S \ ^ H « H Ph '> Q 1 1- : 0. s 1- -1 4 . c 3 c H C \ d < < c 5 a i 1 2 ^ 5 d d Q pq 1 " ^ !N CO (^ 1^ o o ■ r ■5 C5 Ci OS 05 H H - CI 0 t- - 0 r " n c . - 5 -■ . CO ^ \i ; 2 s ^ ^ 1 c!, X c: ) c ) c. ) ■.. D C 1 C ■5 25 3; 3 5 C ■i C. 5 Ci 05 C5 O o o cc u (J 0 U 'J c -J C 3 J 'J 0 3 :: GO J J J 0 a D X X 1— 1 X OJ 05 OS %tx JW^nxormnx* JOSEPH EASTMAN, BORN Fulton Coiinty, New York, January 29, 1842. Indianapolis, June 6, 1902. 13 CONSTITUTION. ARTICLE I. Section 1. This association shall 1)0 called the Indiana Academy of Science. Sec. 2. The objects of this Academy shall he scientific research and the diffusion of knowledge concerning the various departments of science: to promote intercoiu-se between men engaged in scientific work, especially in Indiana: to assist by investigation and discussion in developing and making known the material, educational and other resources and riches of the State; to arrange and prepare for pul)lication such reports of in- vestigation and discussions as may further the aims and olgects of the Academy as set forth in these articles. Whereas, the State has undertaken the i)ublication of such proceed- ings, the Academy will, upon reiiiiest of the Governor, or of one of the several departments of the State, through the Governor, act through its council as an advisory body in the direction and execution of any investi- gation within its province as stated. The necessary expenses incurred in the prosecution of such investigation are to be borne by the State; no pecuniary gain is to come to the Academy for its advice or direction of such investigation. The regular proceedings of the Academy as published by the State shall become a public document. ARTICLE II. Sectiox 1. Members of this Academy shall be honorary fellows, fel- lows, non-resident members or active members. Sec. 2. Any person engaged in any department of scientific work, or in original research in any department of science, shall be eligible to active membership. Active members may be annual or life members. Annual members may be elected at any meeting of the Academy; they shall sign the constitution, pay an admission fee of two dollars, and there- 14 after an annual fo. of one dollar. Any person who .hall at one time contribute fifty dollars to the funds of this Academy, may be elected a hte member of the Academy, free of assessment. Non-resident members may be elected from those who have been active members but who have removed from the State. In any case, a three-fourths vote of the mem- bers present shall elect to membership. Applications for membership in nny ot the foregoing classes shall be referred to a committee on applica- tion for membership, who shall consider such application and report to the Academy before the election. Sec. 3. The members who are actively engaged in scientim- work who have recognized standing as scientific men, and who have been members Of the Academy at least one year, n.ay be recommended for nomination tor election as fcllo.s by three fellows or n.embers personally acquainted with their work and character. Of members so nominated a number not exceedmg hve in one year may. on reconnnendation of the Executive Committee, be elected as fellows. At the meeting at which this is adopted, the members of the Executive Committee for 1894 an.l fifteen others Shall be elected fellows, and those now honorary members shall become honorary fellows. Honorary fellows may be elected on account of special prominence ii, science, on the written recomn.endation of two members of the Academy. lu any case a three-fourths vote of the mem- b(n-s present shall elect. ARTICLE III. Section L The officers of this Academy shall be chosen by ballot at the annual meeting, and shall hold ofiice one year. They shall consist ot a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Press Secre- tary, and Treasurer, who shall perform the duties usually pertaining to then- respective offices and in addition, with the ex-Presidents of the Academy, shall constitute an Executive Committee. The President shall at each annual meeting, appoint two members to be a committee which shall prepare the programs and have charge of the arrangements for all meetings for one year. Sec. 2. The annual meeting of this Academy shall be held in the city of Indianapolis within the week following Christmas of each year un- less otherwise ordered by the Executive Committee. There shall also be a summer meeting at such time and place as may be decided upon by the 15 Executive Committee. Otlier meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The past Fresidents, together with the officers and Executive Committee, sliall constitute tlie Council of the Academy, and represent it in the transaction of any necessary l)usiness not specially provided for in tliis constitution, in the interim between general meetings. Sec. o. This constitution may be altered or amended at any annual meeting by a three-fourths majority of the attending members of at least one year's standing. No question of amendment sliall l»e decided on the day of its presentation. BY-LAWS. 1. On motion, any special dci)artment of science shall be assigned to a curator, whose duty it shall l)e. with the assistance of the other members interested in the same department, to endeavor to advance knowledge in that particular department. Each curator shall report at such time and place as the Academy shall direct. These reports sliall include a l)rief summary of the progress of the department during the year preceding the presentation of the report. 2. The I'resident shall deliver a public address on the morning of one of the days of the meeting at the expiration of his term of office. 3. The Press Secretary shall attend to the securing of proper news- paper reports of the meetings and assist the Secretary. 4. No special meeting of the Academy shall be held without a notice of the same having ))een sent to the address of each member at least fifteen days before such meeting. 5. No bill against the Academy shall be paid without an order signed 1)y the President and countersigned by the Secretary. (>. Members who shall allow their dues to remain unpaid for two years, having been annually notified of their arrearage by the Treasurer, shall have their names striclKcn from the roll. 7. Ten members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. It; MEMBERS. FELLOWS. R. J. Aley *1SUS Bloomiugton. J. C. Arthur ISO::! Lafayette. George W. Beutoii 18!)0 Indianapolis. A. .T. Biguey 18!)7 Moore's Hill. A. \Y. Bitting ISltT Lafayette. Donaldson Bodine ISM!) Crawfordsville. W. S. Blatcbley ISO:! Indianapolis. H. L. Bruner 1899 Irvington. Severance Burrage 1808 Lafayette. A. W. Butler 1893 Indianapolis. J. L. Campbell 1893 Crawfordsville. Mel. T. Cook 1902 Greencastle. .Tohn M. Coulter 1803 Chicago, 111. Stanley Coulter 1803 Lafayette. ( ilcnn Culbertson 1800 Hanover. I). W. Dennis 189.5 Richmond. C. R. Dryer ISO" Terre Haute. C. H. Eigenmaun 1803 Bloomington. T'ercy Norton Evans 1901 Lafayette. A. L. Foley IS'.IT Bloomington. Katherine K. Golden lSO."i Lafayette. .M. .1. Golden 1800 Lafayette. W. F. M. Goss lS!t3 Lafayette. Thomas Gray 1803 Terre Hauie. A. S. Hathaway 180."> Terre Haute. W. K. Hatt 1002 Lafayette. Robert Hessler 1809 Logansport. H. A. Huston 1893 Lafayette. Artliur Kendrick 1898 Terre Haute. " Robert E. Lyons 189(5 Bloomington. V. F. Marsters 1893 Bloomington. C. L. Mees 1894 Terre Haute. W. .1. Moenkhaus 19(tl Bloomington. Date of election. 17 Joseph ^loore isoi; . Kiehmond. D. M. Mottiei- IS:>:; P.loomiugton. W. A. Noyes ISO:! Terre Hauti'. J. H. Ransom I!»it2 Lafayette. L. J. Rettger 1S0(> Terre Haute. J. T. Scovell 1804 Terre Hante. Alex. Smith 180:5 Chicago. 111. \y. E. stone 180:^ Lafayette. .loseph Swain *1S08 Swarthniore, Pa. M. B. Thomas 180:^ Crawfordsville. C. A. Waldo 180:5 Lafayette. F. M. Webster 1804 Champaign, 111. H. W. Wiley 1805 Washington, D. C. John S. Wright 1804 Indianapolis. Xo X- /.' ESIDEX r M EM !1 K R S. George H. Ashley Charleston, S. C. :\I. A. Brannon (irand Forks, N. D. J. C. Branner Stanford University, Cal. D. H. Campbell Stanford University, Cal. A. Wilmer Duff Worcester, Mass. B. W. Evermann Washington. D. C. Charles H. Gilbert Stanford University, Cal. C. W. Green Stanford University. Cal. C. W. Hargitt Syracuse, N. Y. O. P. Hay Washington. D. C. Edward Hughes Stockton, Cal. O. P. Jenkins Stanford University. Cal, I). S. Jordan Stanford University. Cal. J. S. Kingsley Tufts College, Mass. D. T. MacDougal Bronx Park.NewYorkCity T. C. Mendenhall Worcester, Mass. Alfred Springer Cincinnati, Ohio. L. jNI. Underwood New York Cit3^ Robert B. Warder Washington. D. C. Ernest Walker Clenison College. S. C. •■' Date of election . 2— Academy of Science. ,1 CTI I 'E MEMBERS. (i. A. Abbott Imlinnnpolis. Frederick AV. Andrews IJloomiiigton. George C. Ashman Frankfort. Edward Ayres Lafayette. Artlinr M. Banta Franklin. Edwin M. Blake Lafayette. J. W. Beede Bloomington. Lee F. Bennett Valparaiso. William N. Blancliard Greencastle. Charles S. Bond Richmond. Fred J. Breeze Pittsburg". E. M. Bruce Weston, Oregon. A. Hugh Bryan Indianapolis. E. J. Chansler Bicknell. Howard W. Clark Culver. Otto O. Clayton Pleasant Mills. George Clements Springfield. 111. Charles Clickener Tangier. U. O. Cox Mankato, Minn. William Cliffoi'd Cox Columlms. J. A. Cragwall Crawfordsville. Albert B. Crowe Ft. Wayne. M. E. Crowell Franklin. Edwai-d Roscoe Cumings Bloomington. .Mida -M. Cunningham Alexandria. Lorenzo E. Daniels Laporte. II. J. Davidson Baltimore. Md. Charles C. Deam P.luffton. :\Iartlia Doan West Held. .1. I*. Dolan Syracuse. Herman B. Dorner Lafayette. Hans Duden Indianapolis. E. G. Eberhardt Indianapolis. I'^rank K. E'ldred Indi.inapolis. M. N. Elrod Columbus. Samuel G. Evans Evansville. 19 Carlton G. Ferris Big Rapids, Mifh. H M. Fisher Urmej^ville. Wilbur A. B^'islie Richmond. W. B. Fletcher Indianapolis. Austin Funk New Albany. Charles W. Garrett Logansport. Robert G. Gillum Terre Haute. Vernon Gould Rochester. Walter L. Hahn Bascom. Victor K. Hendricks Indianapolis. Mary A. Hickman Greencastle. John E. Higdon Indianapolis. Frank R. Higgins Terre Haute. John .1. Hildel)randt Logansport. J. D. Hoffman Lafayette. Allen D. Hole Richmond. John N. Hurty Indianapolis. Lucius M. Hubbard South Bend. Alex. .lohnson Ft. Wayne. Edwin S. Johonnott, Jr Terre Haute. Ernest E. Jones Kolvomo. Chancey Juday Boulder, Col. O. L. Kelso Terre Haute. Charles T. Knipp Bloomington. Henry H. Lane Lebanon. V. H. Lockwood Indianapolis. Dumont Lotz Indianapolis. William A. McBeth Terre Haute. Robert Wesley McBride Indianapolis. Rousseau McClellan Indianapolis. Richard C. McClaskey Terre Haute. Lynn B. McMullen Indianapolis. Edward G. Mahin West* Lafayette. James E. Manchester Vincennes. W. G. Middleton Richmond. John A. Miller Bloomington. H. T. Montgomery South Bend. 20 Walter P. Morgan Terre Haure. Fred Mutcliler Terre Haute. J. P. Naylor Greencastle. Charles E. Newlin Irvington. John Newlin West i^afayette. John F. Newsom Stanford University. Cal. R. W. Noble Chicago. 111. D. A. 0\Yeu Franklin. Kollo J. Peirce Logansport. Ralph B. Polk Greenwood. James A. Price Ft. Wayne, Frank A. Preston Indianapolis. A. H. Purdue . - Fayctteville. Ark. Kyland Ratliff IJlooniington. Albert B. Reagan Pdoomington. Claude Riddle Lafayette. Giles E. Ripley Decorah. Iowa. George L. Roberts Greensbui-g. D. A. Rothrock Bloomington. John F. Schnaible Lafayette. E. A. Schultze Ft. Wayne. John W. Shepherd Terre Haute. Claude Siebenthal Indi.mapolis. J. R. Slonaker Bloomington. Richard A. Smart Lafayette. Lillian Snyder Rockville. Retta E. Spears Elkhart. Charles F. Stegmaier Greensburg. William Stewart Lafayette. J. M. Stoddard Indianapolis. William B. Streeter Indianapolis. Frank B. Taylor Ft. Wayne. J. P. Thompson Richmond. A. L. Treadwell Oxford, Ohio. Daniel J. Troyer Goshen. A. B. Ulrey North Manchester. W. B. VanGorder Worthington. 21 Artlinr C. Veatch Rockport. H. S. Voorhees Ft. Wayue. J. H. Voris Huntington. B. C. Waldemaier West Lafayette. Daniel T. Weir , , Indianapolis. Jacob Westlund Lafayette. Fred C. Whitcomb Delphi. William M. Whitten South Bend. Neil H. Williams Indianapolis. William Watson Woollen Indianapoli.s. J. F. Woolsey Indianapolis. Fellows 47 Non-resident members 20 Active memliers 118 Total . 185 2£ LIST OF FOPvEIGIN' CORRESPONDE^'TS. AFRICA. Dr. J. Medley Wood. Xatal Botanical Gardens, Berea, Durban. Snuth Africa. South African I'hilo.sopliieal Society, Cape Town. South Africa. ASIA. China Branch Koyal A.siatic Society, Shanghai. China. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta, India. Geological Survey of India, Calcutta, India. Indian Museum of India, (.'alcutta, India. India Survey Department of India, Calcutta, India. Deutsche Gesellschaft, fiir Xatur- und N'iilkorkunde Ostasieus, Tokio, Japan. Imperial University, Tokio, Japan. Koninklijke Xaturkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch-Indie, Batavia, Java. Hon. D. D. Baldwin, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. EUROPE. V. R. Tschusizu Schmidhoffen, Villa Tannenhof, Halle in Salzburg, Austria. Herman von Vilas, Innsbruck, Austria. Ethnologische Mittheilungen aus Ungarn, Budapest, Austro-Hungary. Mathematische und Naturwissenschaftliche Berichte aus Ungarn, Buda- pest, Austro-Hungary. K. K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. 23 K. U. Naturwissenscluiftlichc (.ifst'llschnft, Budapest, Aiistro-Hungary. Naturwissenschaftlic-li-Medizinisclier \('i(>iii in Iiinsbrnek (Tyrol). Aiistro- Hungary. Editors "Termeszetrajzi Fuzetk," Hungarian National Museum, Buda- pest, Austro-Hungary. Dr. Eugeu Dadai, Adj. am. Nat. Mus., I'.udapest, Austro-Hungary. Dr. Julius von Madarasz, Budapest. Austro-Hmigary. K. K. Natiu'historisehes Hofmuseum, Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. Ornithological Society of Vienna (Wien), Austro-Hungary. Zoologische-Botanisclie Gesellscliaft in Wien (Vienna). Austro-Hungary. Dr. J. von Csato, Nagy Enyed, Austro-Hungary. Botanic Garden, K. K. Universitat, AVien (Vienna), Austro-Hungary. Malacological Society of I>elgium, Brussels, Belgium. Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts. Brussels, Belgium. Royal Linnean Society, Brussels, Belgium. Societe Beige de Geologie, de Paleontologie et Hydrologie, Brussels, Belgium. Societe Royale de Botanique. Brussels, Belgium. Societe Geologique de Belgiijue. Liege, Belgium. Roval Botanical Gardens, Brussels, Belgium. Bristol Naturalists' Society, Bristol, England. Geological Society of London, London, England. Dr. E. M. Holmes, British Pharm. Soc'y, Bloomsbury Sq.. London. W. C, England. Jenuer Institute of Preventive Medicine, London. England. The Librarian. Linnean Society, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W., England. Liverpool Geological Society, Liverpool, England. Manchester IJterary and Philosophical Society, Manchester, England. "Nature." London, England. Royal Botanical Society. London. England. Royal Kew (xardens. London. England. Royal (xt'ological Society of Cornwall. I'enzance. England. Royal Microscopical Society. T-ondon, p]ngland. 24 Zoiilogicjil Society, T^ondon. England. Lieut. -Col. John Biddnlph, 4.*! Charing Cross, London, England. I>r. (1. A. Ronlenger, British Mus. (Nat. Hist.), London, England. F. iHiCane Godman, 10 Chandos St., Cavendish Sq., London, England. Mr. Howard Sainidci's, 7 Kadnor Place, Hyde Park. London W., England. Philli]) L. Sclater, :> Hanover S(i., London W., England. Dr. Kicliard P.o\\ider Sliarpe, British Mns. (Nat. Hist.), London. England. I'rof. Alfred Kussell Wallace, Corfe Mew, Parkstone, Dorset, England. Botanical Society of France, Paris, France. Ministerie de I'Agricnltnre, Paris, France. Societe Entomologique de France, Paris, France. L'Institut Grand Ducal de Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Lux., France. See. de Horticulture et de Botan. de Marseille, Marseilles. France. Societe Linneenne de Bordeaux, Bordeaux, Fx'ance. La Soc. Linneenne de Normandie, Caen, France. Soc. des Naturelles. etc., Nantes, France. ZcxHogical Society of France, Paris, France. Baron Louis d'Hanionville. Meurthe et Moselle. France. Pasteur Institute, Lille. France. Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. France. Botanischer Verein der l*roviiiz P.randenl)urg. Berlin. Germany. Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft, Berlin, Germany. Entoniologlscher Verein in Berlin. Berlin. Germany. .roui'ii.nl fiir Drnitliologie. Berlin, Germany. Prof. Dr. .lean Calianis. Alte .Tacol) Strasse, 108 A., Berlin. Germany. Augsl)urger Naturhistorischer Verein. Augsbm'g. Germany. Count Hans von Berlsi)sen. Miinden. . Miinchen. Ger- many. Royal Botanical (Jardens, Berlin W.. Clermany. Kaiserliche Leopoldische-Carolinische Deutsche Akademie der Naturfor- cher. Halle Saale. Wilhemstrasse 37, Germany. On Kciniglich-Siiehsisclie (lesellscluift der Wisseiisclmften, Mathematiscli- Physische Classe, Leipzis", Saxony, Germany. Naturhistorische Gesellscliaft zu Hanover, Hanover, Prussia, Germany. Naturwissenschaftlieher Verein in Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany. Verein fiir Erdkunde, Leipzig. Germany. Vei'eiu fiir Naturkunde, Wiesbaden, Prussia. Belfast Natural History and Pliilosophical Society, Belfast, Ireland. Royal Dublin Society, Dublin. Royal Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, County Dublin, Ireland. Societa Entomologica Italiana, Florence, Italy. Prof. H. H. Giglioli. Museum Vertebrate Zoology, Florence, Italy. Dr. Alberto Perngia, Museo Civico di Storia Naturale, Genoa, Italy, Societa Italiana de Scienze Naturali, Milan, Italy. Societa Africana d' Italia, Naples, Italy. Dell 'Academia Pontifico de Nuovi Lincei, Rome, Italy. Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce, Rome, Italy. Rassegna della Scienze Geologiche in Italia, Rome, Italy. R. Comitato Geologico d' Italia, Rome, Italy. Prof. Count Tomasso Salvadori, Zofilog. Museum, Turin, Italy. Royal Norwegian Society of Sciences, Tliroudhjem, Norway. Dr. Robert Collett, Kongl. Frederiks Univ. Christiania. Norway. Academia Real des Sciencias de Lisboa (Lisbon), Portngal. Comite Geologique de Russie. St. Petersbm-g. Russia. Imperial Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia. Imperial Society of Naturalists. Moscow. Russia. Jardin Imperial de Botanique, St. Petersburg, Russia. 26 The Botanical fc^oeiety oi" E'diiihurgli. Edinburgh, Scotland. John J. Dalgleish, Brankston Grange, Bogside Sta., Sterling, Scotland. Edinburgh Geological Society, Edinburgh, Scotland. Geological Society of Glasgow. Scotland. John A. Harvie-Brown, Duniplace House, Larbert, Sterlingshire, Scotland. Natural History Society, Glasgow, Scotland. Philosophical Society of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland. Royal Society of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland. IJoynl iniysical Society, Edinburgh, Scotland. Koyal Botanic Garden, Edinburgh, Scotland. Barcelona Acadeniia do Cieucias y Artes. Barcelona, Spain. Uoyal .\cadeniy of Sciences. Madrid, Spain. Institut Royal Geologique de Suede, Stockholm, Sweden. Societe Entoniologique a Stockholm, Stockholm, Sweden. Royal Swedish Academy of Science, Stockholm, Sweden. Xaturl'oi-st liciidc Gesellschaft. liasel, Switzerland. Xaturforscliende (Jesellschaft in Berno, Berne, Switzerland. I>a Societe Botani([ue Suisse, Geneva, Switzerland. Societe Helvetiquc dc Sciences Naturelles, Geneva, Switzerland. Socicle dc Pliysiiiue ot d" Ilistorie Nntiu'clle dc Geneva, Geneva, SwlTzer- land, ('(inciliuni I'.ibljdgrniducuni. Ziirich-( )b('rstrasse, Switzerland. Xaturforscliende Gesellschaft, /iirich, Switzerland. Schweizerische Botanische Gesellschaft, Ziirich, Switzerland. Prof. IIerl)ert H. Field, Ziirich, Switzerland. AUSTRALIA. Linnean Society of Xew South AVales, Sidney, New South Wales Royal Society of Xew South Wales. Sidney, New South Wales. Prof. Eiveridge, F. R. S.. Sidney, Xew South Wales. Hon. Minister of Minos. Sidnev. X'ew South Wales. 27 Mr. E. P. Ramsey, Sidney, New South Wales. Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane, Queensland. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide. South Australia. Victoria Pub. Library, Museum and Nat. Gallery. Melliourne. Victoria. Prof. W. r>. Buller, Wellington, New Zealand. NORTH AMERICA. Natural Hist. Society of British Columbia, Victoria. British Columl)ia. Canadian Record of Science, Montreal, Canada. McCill University, Montreal, Canada. Natural Society, Montreal, Canada. Natural History Society, St. Johns, New Brunswiclc. Xova Scotia Institute of Science, Halifa.K. N. S. Manitoba Historical and Scientific Society. Winnipeg, Manitol)a. Dr. T. McIl^^Taith. Cairnbrae, Hamilton. Ontario. Till- Royal Society of Canada. Ottawa. Ontai'io. Natural History Society. Toronto. OntaiMo. Hamilton Association Library. Hamilton. Ontario. Canadian Entomologist. Ottawa, Ontario. Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. Ontario. Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. Ontario. Canadian Institute. Toronto. Ottawa Field Naturalists' Cluli. Ottawa. Ontario. Univtrsity of Toronto, Toronto. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa. Ontario. La Naturaliste Canadian, Chicontini. Quebec. La Naturale Za, City of Mexico. Mexican Society of Natm-al History, Cit.v of M(>xicc. Museo Nacional, Citj' of Mexico. Sociedad Cientifica Antonio Alzate. City of Mexico. Sociedad Mexicana de Geographia y Estadistica de la Repulilica Mexicana. Citv of Mexico. 28 WEST INDIES. Botanical Department, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Victoria Institute, Trinidad, British West Indies. INInseo Nacional, San Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Dr. Anastasia Alfaro, Secy. National Museimi, San .lose, Costa Rica. Rafael Arango, Havana, Cuba. Jamaica Institute, Kingston, Jamaica, Vv'est Indies. The Hope Gardens, Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. SOUTH AMERICA. Argentina Historia Natural Floicntinc .\in('gline. Buenos Ayres, Argen- tine Republic. Musee de la Plata, Argentine Republic. Nacional .Vcadcmia des Ciencias, ('ordoba. .Vi'gciitinc' Republic. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Ayrcs. Museo Nacional, Rio de .Janeiro. Brazil. Sociedad de (Jeogi-aphia, Rio de Janeiro, lirazil. Dr. Ilernnin von Jhering, Dii-. ZoiU. Sec. Con. Ocog. e CtCoI. de Sao Paulo, Rio (Jrandc do Sul, Brazil. Deutscher Wisscnscliaftlicher N'crein in Santiago. Santiago, Chili. Societe Scientiflciue du Cliili. S.-intiago. Cliili. Sociedad Guatemalteca de Ciencias. (hialcniahi. (Tualcinala. OF THE OF THE Indiana Academy of Science, STATE HOUSE, INDIANAPOLIS, Decem^ber 26 airid 2 7, 1902. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. H. ^X. Wiley, President. A\'. S. Blatchley, Vice-President. John S. AVricht, Secretary. Donaldson Bodine, Asst. Secretary. J. T. Scovell, Treasurer. M.B.Thomas, Thomas Gray, J. C. Arthur. John C. Branner, D.W.Dennis, Stanley Coulter, J.L.Campbell. J.P. D.John, C. H. Eigenmann, Amos W. Butler, O.P. Hay, John M. Coulter, C.A.Waldo, W. A. Xoyes, T. C. Mendexhall, David S. Jordan. The sessions of the Academy will be held in the State House, in the rooms of the State Board of Agriculture. Headquarters will be at the English Hotel. A rate of 82.00 and upwards per day will be made to all persons whc. make it known at the time of registering that they are members of the Academy. M.B.THOMAS, M. E. CROWELL, Committee. GENERAL PROGRAM. Friday, December 26. Meeting of the Executive Committee at Hotel Headquarters ■ 10:45 a. m. (ieneral Session, followed by Sectional Meetings 2 p. m. to 5 p. m, President's Address, Shortridge High School 8 p.m. Saturday. December 27. General Session, followed by Sectional Meetings 9 a. ni.tol2m. (29) LIST OF PAPERS TO BE READ. ADDRESS BY THE RETIRING PRESIDENT. DR. HARVEY W. WILEY. At 8 o'clock Friday evening, at Shortridge Higli School. Subject: "Ye Shall Know Thoni by Their Fruits." The following paper,* will be read in the order in which they appear on the program, except that certain papers will be presented "pari passu" in sectional meetings. When a paper is called and the reader is not present, it will be dropped to the end of the list, unless by mutual agreement an exchange can be made with another whose time is approximately the same. Where no time is sent with the papers, they have been uniformly assigned ten minutes. Opportunity will be given after the reading of each paper for a brief discussion. y. D.—By the order of the Academy, no paper can be read until an abstract of its contents or the 'critlen paper has been placed in the hands of the Secretary. GENERAL. J. Tran.siiiissililo Diseases iii College Towns. S m. .. .Severance Burrase 2. Sewase Disposal at the Indiana State Reformatory at Plainfield. 10 ni Severance Barrage ;!. Some Recent Mound Investi.uations in .Jefferson Coimty, In- diana. S m Glenn Culbertson 4. The Water Sii])ii]y of Havana. Cuba. 10 m C. H. Blgenmann 5. Results of the Indiana T'uivci'sity Expedition to Cuba, 1"' "1 C. H. Eigenmann G. Naezhosh, or the Apache Pole Game, 8 m Albert B. Reagan MATHEMATICS AND PHYSICS. 7. Geodesic Lines on the Syntractrix of lievolution. S m. .E. L. Hancock S. Coiniiarisou of Gauss" and Cayley's I'roofs of the Existence Theorem, 10 m O. E. tilenn '.». Motion of a Bicycle on a Helix Tfack, 8 m O. E. Glenn in. A Generalization of Fermat's Theorem, 8 ni Jacob Westlund 11. On the Class Number of the Cyclotomic Numberfield k r,i-- p 12. Photographic Observations of Comet c 1902, 10 m J. A. Miller '' ('^*1 ' ^ ^ J-'^^ob Westlund BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. 1.'!. The (ienus I'uccinia, 10 m j. q_ Arthur 1-1. Forestry Conditions in Montgomery f'ounty, Indiana, 10 m S. .T. Record lo. Notes on the Cleavage Plane In Stems and Falling Leaves, S ™ Mary A. Hickman 31 Ki. On the Veins of the Head of the Snake (Tropidonotiis). 15 m H. L. Bruner 17. On the JNIaxiUary Veins of Lizards, 15 m H. L. Bruner IS. Some Rare Indiana Birds, 10 m A. W. Butler 19. The Catalpa Sphinx, Ceratomia eafalinr. Destroyed by the Yellow-Billed Cuckoo, Cocci/zus americanus, in South- ern Indiana, 10 m F. M. Webster 20. NT)tes on Reared Hymenoptera from Indiana, 10 m. .. .F. I\I. Webster 21. Preliminary List of Gall-Producing Insects Common to In- diana, 0 m Mel T. Cook 22. Notes on Deformed Embryos, 5 m Mel T. Cook 2:;. The Lake Laboratory at Sandusky, Ohio. 12 m Mel T. Cook 24. The Individuality of the Maternal and Paternal Chromo- somes in the Hybrid between Fimdulus heteroclitus and Mcnidia noUita, 8 m W. .7. ^loenkhaus 25. An Extra Pair of Appendages Modified for Copulatory Pur- pose in Camhanis rlridis, S m W. J. Moenkliaus 2G. Description of a NeAv Species of Darter from Tippecanoe Lake, 5 m W. J. ^loeidvliaus 27. The Mj'xomycetes of Wiuoua Lake, 10 m Fred Mutchler 28. The Plankton of Winona Lake, 10 m Chancy Juday 20. The Birds of Winona Lake, 15 m Clarence (4. Littell .'10. A List of the Dragonflies of Winona Lake, 5 m. .Clarence H. Kennedy ol. A New Diagnostic Character for the Species of the Genus Argia, 10 m Clarence H. Kennedy CHEMISTRY AND GEOLOGY. 82. Investigation of tlie Action between Manganese Dioxide and Potassium Cldorate in the Production of Oxy- gen, 10 m Edward G. Maliin 33. The Action of Heat on Mixtures of Manganese Dioxide with" Potassium Nitrate and with Potassium Bichro- mate, 5 m .1. H. Ransom 34. Criticism of an Experiment Used to Determine the Coml)iu- ing Ratio of Magnesium and Oxygen, 5 m J. II. Ransom 35. An Apparatus for Illustrating Charles's and Boyle's Laws. .T. H. Ransom 36. Some A2 Keto-R-Hexeue Derivatives, o m J. B. Garner 37. Action of Hydrogen Peroxide on Cuprous Chloride, 10 m. W. M. P.lancliard 32 38. Geology of the Jemez-Albuquerque Region, New Mexico, 8 m Albert B. Reagan 39. The Jemez Coal Fields, 10 m Albert B. Reagan 40. Ripple Marks iu Hudson Limestone in .Toft'erson County, Indiana, 5 m Glenn Culbertson 41. Some Topographic Features in the Lower Tippecanoe Val- ley, S m F. J. Breeze THE EIGHTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE INDIANA ACADEMY OF SCIENCE. The eighteenth annual meeting of the Indiana Academy of Science was held in Indianapolis, Friday and Saturday, December 2G and 27, 1902. Friday, 11 a. m., the Executive Committee met in session at hotel head- quarters. At 2 o'clock p. m. President Harvey W. Wiley called the Acad- emy to order in general session in the room of the State Board of Agricul- ture, State House. The transaction of routine and miscellaneous business, occupied the first part of the session. Following this, papers of general interest were read and discussed. On the disposition of these, special tech- nical subjects occupied the time until adjournment at 5 p. m. Tlie addi-ess of the retiring President, Harvey W. Wiley, was delivered in tlie auditorium of the Shortridge High School at 8 p. m. before the members of the Academy and a number of invited guests; subject, "Ye Shall Know Tliem l)y Their Fruits." Saturd:iy 27, 0 .-i. m.. the Academy met in general session, befort' wliich tlie remaining jiapcrs of the program were read and discussed. Following the disposition of the papers unlinislied l!usiness was considered. Adjournment, 12 m. THE FIELD MEETING OF 1902. The field meeting was appointed for Madison and Hanover, May 22, 23 and 24. The President and some of the members assembled, but owing to the heavy rains and the inclemency of the Aveather all attempts to do field work were necessarily abandoned. 3S PRESIDENT'S ADDRESS. H. W. Wiley. Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits. Members of the Indiana Academy of Science, Ladies and Gentlemen- It perhaps marks a sad epoch in the history of a man when he delili- erately chooses a period of reminiscence for a public address. It is one of the privileges of the old to review the preceding years and draw from them siich lessons of wisdom or of folly as may happen to be the case. I have therefore, chosen on this occasion to look back over the scientific history of Indiana during a period of a third of a century. Strange as it may seem, that sliort period covers practically all the progress Avhich has been made in applied science in this great State. I do not foi'get the early days of the Owens and their associates, and the great contributions which came to the intellectual and scientitic development of our people from the center first established at New Harmony. l)ut I speak of the actual accomplish- ments for the good of the community from the application of the principles of science to mining, manufacture, commerce, agricultui'e and pul)lic health. It was my foriune to enter upon the period of my education immedi- .itely following tlie great Civil War. This fratricidal struggle for four ytars liad engaged every energy and consumed every resource of our country. The end of the war left our people in a remarkably susceptible condition— ready for the purpose of re-establishing tlieir industries and of utilizing every availalile means thereto. In the very midst of the period of the Civil AVar were laid deep and sure, by wise congressional action, the foundations of tlie system of agricultural and technical education, which has since grown to l)e the admiration of the world. I refer to the :\Iorrill Act of 1802, setting apart portions of the public domain for the purpose of promoting instruction in agTicidtural and mechanical arts and military tactics. Every State in our Union received grants of public lands in pi'oportion to size, popidation and representation in Congress. It is ti'ue that some of the States invested this muniticent endowment more wisely than otliers. Imt all have received from it substantial aid. This munihcent gift to technical education was sui>plemented twenty years later Ijy the Hatch Act, Avhereby there was established in each State and 3— Academy of Science. 34 T(>ri'it(u-y of the riiiun at least one Agricultural Experiment Station with an annual .yrunt of .fl.j.CWio. Still later Congress added to the income of each of the agricultural and technical colleges by a money grant -which now amounts to .$25,000 annually. I recall briefly the condition of scien- tific instruction in the State of Indiana in the five years immediately fol- lowing the Civil Wai-. I can illustrate these years by brief allusions to the system of instruction in use in our higher institutions of learning. By these I mean especially the colleges and universities then existing rather than the high schools. Beginning with the oldest institutions of learning, I will say that in the State University during the period noted, instruction in the sciences was given bj^ Professors Owen, Kirliwood and Wylie. These three names are intimately associated with the beginnings of scientific instruction in our State. They were all men of remarkable intellectual power. Professor Owen devoted himself chiefly to the so- called natural sciences (I wonder what are unnatural?), Pi'ofessor Kuk- wood to astronomy and Professor Wylie to physics. It should not be for- gotten that Professor Richard Oavou was chosen as the first president of Puj-due, but never actively entered on the duties of the office. His tastes and training were not in llie line of executive work, and in addition, his advancing years precluded tlie possibility of tiiat strenuous service which even in tliose early days M-as looked for, perhaps under another name, in the executive office. As tiicre were beautiful women before the days of Helen, so the lives of these pione(n-s in scientific work remind us thiit there were great men in Indiana before the days of Jordan and Coulter. The next oldest institution is the one I am most familiar with in the State, namely, Hanover College. In that institution instruction in the sciences at the time mentioned was given, with the exception of the matlie- matics, exclusively by Dr. John AV. Scott. Having studied for four years with this illustrious man I can speak with knowledge of the great work which he accomplished; work, I am sure, which was only a type of that done by other teachers of science in colleges at that time. Dr. Scott had never received any special training in science more than was given in the old colleges existing in our country between the years 1820 to 1825. He was l)orn Avitli the l)eginning of the last century and happily lived almost to its close. He was educated for the ministry and devoted practically his whole life to the church. During the period of his professorship he was pastor of the village church, associating these onerous duties with those of the classroom. Doctor Scott tauglit many sciences, viz., botany, geol- 35 ogy, biology, entomology, chomistry and physios. In addition to these he often had a class in Latin and occasionally other branches. Doctor Scott was a man of wonderful strength of body and mind, and hail a capacity for continued work whicli was notliing less than astonishing. During the day, after the end of the recitation, he would spend the hours in his lal)oratory preparing for the experiments and recitations for the follow- ing day. The lamp in his study window would often be found bvu'uing at iiiglit u]) to 12 and even 1 o'clwclc. preparing for his sermons on Sunday, lie was acH'Ustomcd to liave in his pre]!aratory work in his laboratory the assistance of one of liis students, and during my time at Hanover I espe- cially remember the enthusiasm with which Mr. M. L. Amick, now a prominent physician in Cincinnati, displayed in the preparation of the kctures. Witli a laboratory outfit of the most meager description Dr. Scott was able to give in chemistry a series of experimental lectures which would have done credit to many of the elaborate lecture rooms of to-day. Tliere was absolutely no provision for the students' work in the laboratory wliereby the fundamental principles of cliemistry could be illustrated by appropriate experimental work. Some of these experiments were very difficult, and at least one of them I have never seen performed in an ex- perimental lecture anywhere else in the world, namely, the preparation of the highly explosive chloride of nitrogen. The preparation of this compound is one of such danger that it should only be attempted with those most skilled, yet every year for three years I saw Dr. Scott perform this experiment in a most successful manner. The small quantity of the e.xplosive made was placed in a safe place out of doors and exploded by means of a long stick, the tip of wliich liad Ijeen dipped in turpentine oil. By reason of this devotion to his profession and the success attending his efforts, he made chemistry, whicli was at that time one of the dry book studies, a most attractive science. In like manner he would conduct liis classes in botany to the neighboring woods and fields and teach them not only the principles of botanical classifications, but the means of identify- ing the various species of plants groAving in the vicinity. The hills of the Ohio River, rich in magnificent trilobites and other reminiscences of early geological life afforded a magnificent opportunity for teaching the practi- cal principles of geology as illustrated in those lofty hills and deep ra- vines. Since those days, when I have seen practically all the magnificently equipped laboratories of the world, the wonder grows more and more in my mind at the great work which this great man could accomplish with 36 so few material appliaiiees to help biiu. I shall nevei- forget the last rime he visited my laboratory in Washington. After leaving Hanover he iiad come to Washington and taken a position as a clerk in the I'ension Othee. At the time I speak of he was 90 years of age, but still clear of mind and firm of step. It Avas soon after the inauguration of Benjamin Harrison as President of the United States. One morning Doctor Scott stepped into my otiice. He seemed uneasy and wore a worried look. When I in(iuired in regard to his health, he said it was most excellent, but he added, "Strange to say, I have become a victim of the Re- publican administration. (General Harrison has insisted on me com- ing to the White House to live with him and has dismissed me from my position in the Pension Oltice." He continued. "I am a gentleman of leisure now. aisd I think I would likt- to come and study chemistry with .vou." It is only when we can look back on a life-work such as that done by Doctor Scott that we can realize the inestimable blessing of his career to humanity. Two years after that the end came peacefully to his exist- ence. I can not help thinking that the feeling of love and interest taken in him by the I'resident, expressing itself in the desire that he should pass his last days in the comfort and honor of the White Houi-e. may have shortened his life. If he could have kept at work, which was his nurm.il condition, he might have rounded out the century. Scientific instruction given during the period I speak of at Wabash College was in cliargc of Professors Campbell and Hovey. Professor Campbell is still in the harness — possibly almost the only one of tlie old guard that still wears his armor. At the present tini(> chenii.stry, biology, Itotany. njatluunatics. physics and astronomy are all sejiarate departments. The change at Wabash has taken place gradually and progressively, so that it is not possiide to designate these segregations by any particular i)eri(;d. It will be sutHcient to say that it lias been the constant effort at Wabash to keep up with tlie new without disparaging the old. Wabash is anotlur of the so-called small colleges which has established for itself a i)lace and a reputation of the highest character. AVe have so many illustrations of institutions of this kind in Indiana that the sneering remarks which are often made about the small colleges of Indiana meet Avith a merited rebuke AAhen one takes the trouble to investigate the great work which has been accom- plished by them. At Earlham College instruction in science was given by Professors 3Y Erastiis Test. "William B. Morgan and Joseph Moore. In the period from 1865 to 1870 the text-books vised at Earlham in chemistry was Stock- hardt's; in Iiotany. Gray's Structural. Herschel's work on astronomy was the one used in the classroom, and Dana's was, of course, the one used in geology. Two of these Aeteran instrvictors I have had the pleasure of knowing personally, namely, Professor Test and Professor Morgan. Earlham College enjoys the distinction of having been one of the fore- most among the educational institutions of the West in the promotion of advanced practical instruction in science. In the year 1853 it made the tirst beginning in Indiana toward a permanent collection of material in geology and natui-al history for purposes of college instruction. The pres- ent Earlham College museum, with its n^ore than 14.oiH> specimens, is the outgrowth of that beginning. About the same time the tirst astronomical observatory in the State was established at Earlham. A room in Earlham Hall, adjoining the present quarters of the Christian Associations, was the location of the first cliemical lal oratory for the use of college students in Indiana. At present Earlham offers courses in science as follows, a year's high school lalioratory work in some one science being required for matricula- tion: Chemistry, six terms' work: physics, six terms' work; biology, ten terms' work: geology, four terms' work; astronomy, three terms' work; psychology, two terms' work. Earlham now has a complete set of latioratorics devoted to chemistry, biology, physics and psychology. These laboratories are equipped with all modern appliances, and although not as large as those in many insti- tutions, they are complete in every respect for the prosecution of re- scarcli and for piu'poses of instructio)i. At Butier College, at that time known as Northwestern Christian Uni- versity, ins! ruction in science was given by that distinguished geologist and chemist, Dr. R. T. Brown, assisted part of the time by Professor Falrchild. During the years of 1869 and 1870 I learned to know Doctor Brown intimately, for during that period I served as instructor in Latin and Greek in the Northwestern Christian University. Interested, as I was, at that time, in scientific studies, I accompanied Doctor Brown on some of his geological excursions. I remember particularly the trip which was taken in the spring of 1860 down as far as Spencer. It was at the time Ihat the railroad from Indianapolis to Vincennes was building and it was finished practically all the way to Spencer, and part of this trip 38 was made on the railroad, and then the rest on foot, several days being spent in studying the geological formations. Doctor Brown was a man of practically the same type as Doctor Scott, full of enthusiasm, a won- derful capacity for work, a magnificent physique, and a faculty of inter- esting his students in tl)e subjects under consid^n-ation. These two men, whom I knew so well, were typical teachers. They had the genius doeentis. Mr. Brown's services to tlie State are written in its Geological Reports of tlie coal fields and in tlio pronuitidu of Its industries. Like Doctor Scott, he was also a preacher, and tlicre was rar(>ly a Sunday that he did not deliver at least two sermons. He was i)nrticularly fond of walking, and thought nothing, even at tlie age of si'xcnty, of a tramp of ten or fifteen miles to fill an appuintnient. 1 remcmher a story which he told in regard to one of his trips when lie w;is a young man and soon after he entered the ministry. He was too poor to have a liorse and was in the hal)it of going from one appointment to anollier on foot, inasmueli as the railroads were tlien not in vogue. One morning after a long tramp he stopped at a farmhouse witli the expectation of being entertained at dinner. Tlie fai-mer happened to be a (piaker, and, of coiu-se, devoid of any ceremony. Doctor Brown was a modest young man and was not quite accustomed to the directness of tlie quakei-s" hospitality, and when the liour for till' meal arrived the liost said, "Tliy diiuK^r is ready; will tliee come in to dineV" He very politely said, expecting to lie invited a second time, "I thank you. liut I am not very hungry:" to which came the reply, "Very well, 11h(> c.-m sit fliere until we liave finished." Whereuiion tin- dinner was served M'itli all the good tilings which a quaker farmer can put u])on a table, while the young ])i-eaeher was left to regale himself with all the delicious odors from llie fable and the thought of what he could do Avith all the excess of peptic ferments which the odor of the dinner were producing. After that experience he learned never to decline the first invitation from a quaker. Instruction in Franklin College in science at the time I mention, was given by Professor Hougham. Professor Hougham was also a remark- al)le man in industry and in alulity. I afterward liad tlie good fortune to know him quite intimately when he was one of the professors in the early days of Purdue. In his laboratory work he was the perfection of neatness and order. In fact this was one of the predominating character- istics of his character, and his great success in life was, in a large meas- ure, due to it, Professor Hougham was particularly interested in physics 39 and had charge of that branch of science in the early days of rnrduo. He had a happy constrnctive faculty and could make a very modest collec- tion of appliances serve for extended illustrations. Frofessor Hougham was a manufacturer of philosophical apparatus, and Franklin College had the benefit of many of the pieces of apparatus which he built. He took post-graduate work at Brown University, and the first chemical laboratory built at Purdue was constructed on the exact plans of the laboratory at Brown. The Civil War had a depressing effect upon Franklin College, and I believe it was the only institution of higher learning which was closed for a period as a result directly or indirectly of that conflict. There w^as an interregnum at Franklin from 18(!5 to 1869. When the institution opened again in 18G9, President Stott took temporary charge of chemistry, physics, physiology, botany and geology. The text-books used then were Youman's in chemistry; Ganot and Olmsted's in physics; Dana's in geol- ogy; Gray's in botany; and Hitchcock's in physiology. At the present time there are four large rooms devoted to chemistry, one to physics, and three to liiology. There are tAvo full jirofessors giving instruction in these sci- ences and the laljoratories are well supplied with apparatus and Avith working libraries. Franklin has also an excellent biological collection, mostly the gift of Mr. (;or))y. at one time State Geologist. DePauw University, in tliose days, was known as Asbury, and perhaps the only science teach( r in the institution was Joseph Tingley. 1 never had the good fortune to know Professor Tingley very well, I)ut met him on one or two occasions. One of these I should like to recall. It was, I think, in the winter of 1870, when he gave an illustrated lecture on elec- tricity in Indianapolis. This was the first occasion on which I ever saw an electric light produced by the current passing between two carbon points. This current was generated by a battery of a great many cells (I have forgotten just now how many) composed of the elements of carbon and zinc. It was not a very big light, but very intense, and I imagine that none of the audience present, and it was a large one, had ever seen an elec- tric light before. I have no douljt I address some here who were students of Professor Tingley, and they, without question, can say the good things of him which I, from my personal acquaintance, have said of Doctors Scott and Brown. In connection with the exhibition of the electric light which is now so universal in all our cities and towns, I might call atten- tion to the fact that the first electric light generated by a dynamo seen in Indiana was at Purdue University. During the Centennial Exposition of 40 ISTG there were exhibited three or four dynamos maiuifactiired by Gramme, of Paris. One of these was purchased for the physical hibora- tory of Purdue University and one by Professor Barker for the pliysi.-al laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Barker, doubt- less, got his apparatus before Purdue, since it was nearby. As soon as the exposition was over tlie machine belonging to Purdu(> was sent to Lafay- ette and early in November, 1876, the first modern electric light ever seen in Indiana blazed forth from the tower of the Purdue chemical laboratory. It was one of the wonders of the age and was the talk of the newspapers and the town for many weeks. It seems almost incredible to think that twenty-seven years ago one electric light would cause such a commotion in a community. But this fact should fully illustrate to the young people how much more keenly we of advanced age can understand the progress of science in our State. Prof. Joseph Tingley. at Asbury University, had a room 20x:30 feet as a lectui'e I'oom and oiw Uxl2 feet for his store room. At tlie present time tluM-e are four departmiMits of science teaching at De- Pauw. namely, chemistry, physics, botany and zo.-Jlogy. Those depni-t- nients are in cliai-ge of In-. W. M. Blanchard. clicmistry: Prof. .1. P. May- lor, physics, and Prof. M<-]. T. Ciok, liiology. Eacli professor has an assistant and tlieir ro<.ms. taken in tlie aggregate, amount to more 11., or space than tlu> entiiv old college building of Asliury T'niversity. One of the latest ac(juisitions at l>ePauw is the .Minshnll l.-ihoratory. siixb-tn feet, three stories, constructed of stone, brick ami in.n, lirepro.f. and with the most modei-ii ;ippliaii<-es for leaching chemistry ;ind physics. Plans are now practically comi)l(>ted for the depart iiients of botany and zofilogy. One of the earliest contributicms to the ni,iteri;il in-osperity of Indiana from the sciences was m;nle by geology. I h.-ive no time here to review the voluminous geological reports which have been made from tinu' to time in the history of our State. There are a few snlient points, however, in the liistoi'v of economic geology which may prove of interest. I have already made allusions to the services of Dr. B. T. P.rown to the geological develoi)ment of our State. 1 have now to speak of a period in om- geological development of most i-emarkable significance. I refer to the services of that distinguished scientist. Prof. K. T. Cox. Trained un- der the Owens, he had imitated their zeal and their industry, and was active in all his habits, both bodily and mental. lie i)uslied with utmost vigor the investigations of a geological nature into the extent and charac- ter of the coal deposits of the State. He early saw the importance of 41 utilizing the assistance of cliemistvy in this worlv, and established the tirst chemical laboratory for research. I suppose, ever built in the State of Indiana. I remember well this Inltoratory in one of the dingy lOoms of the old State House as I first saw it in 1S09 or 1S70. Professor Cox had associated with him a chemist of slvill and great industry, Dr. G. M. Levette. Doctor Levette was not only a sldlled chemist, but had also a worlv- ing knowledge of other sciences, and, therefore, his aid in developing some of the phases of the Geological Survey was of the greatest helpfiduess. It was in this lal)oratory that I first saw a quantitative determination, and I remember tlie feelings with which I used to watch Doctor Levette, who patiently permitted me to hang around his laboratory and probably greatly interfere with his Avork Avithout exhibiting any signs of petulance or re- sentment. All the different varieties of coal which were then known in the State were submitted to the most careful chemical examinations. He also erected and operated a small apparatus by means of which 1)itumin- ous coal could be heated under pressure, making, as he termed it, an artificial coke or anthracite, illustrating prol)aT)ly some of the methods by Avhich nature has secured the deposits of hard coal from those of a soft or bituminous nature. I shall never cease to be grateful for the interest which these two distinguished men took in my visits to their laboratories, which, I fear, were all too freciuent for the even march of official business. Tbe personal friendship wliicli I formed for Professor Cox at that time. I am glad to say, has continued until the present. He is uoav an old man letired from work and spending the evening of his life in the grateful climate of Florida. The services, however, wliich he rendered to the economic development of Indiana will be more and more appreciated as the years roll by. It Avas also my good fortune to knoAv one of tlie suc- cessors of Professor Cox personally and intimately, namely, Mr. John Col- lett, who was first an assistant to Professor Cox and l)ecame State Geol- ogist in 1880. Mr. Collett had a Avonderfully keen insight into the nature of scientific problems and great ability in developing them. His chief Avork toward the economical development of the State was directed to the building-stone industry. He called attention to the remarkable character of the deposits in LaAvrence County, and it was during his incumbency of the office that the present State House Avas constructed of the stone of that locality and the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument begun. INIr. Collett was chiefly active as a geologist, though contributing in many other Avays to the development of applied science in the State. He Avas the author 42 of tlie fii'st fertilizer control l;i\v wliich was enacted in this State, a law which did so nnich to protect tlie farmers from fraud, and in its applica- tion to point out to them the fundamental principle of applying artificial fertilizer. This is another remarlcahle instance in which the geological development of the State was associated with the chemical. Mr. CoUett had a strong personality. His snow-white beard and hair, his bright blue eyes, and liis ruddy complexion made him a striking figure everywhei-e. The end of Mr. Collett's administration of office was followed by a re- markable innovation of a scientific nature. A distinguished poet and nov- elist, James Maurice Thompson, was elected to succeed Mr. Collett as State Geologist. INIr. Thompson has shown in liis writings an intimate acquaintance with nature, but it was a poetic rather tlian a scientific knowledge wliicli lie iiosscssid. Kvidciitly the courses of scientific re- senrcli were not found comjiatible with his efforts so signal and success- ful in the fields of poetry and fiction. After two years he resigned his office. There was perhaps little loss to geology in his resignation, but evidently a marl\ed gain to literature, for li;id he remained as State Geol- ogist that delightful romance, "Alice of Old \'iiicennes."' would probably not have been written. ^Ir. Thompson was succeeded liy Mr. S. S. Gorby, wlio hold tlie position until llie present incumbent assumed control of the office. We ai'e so familiar with the valuable worlc which Mr. Blatchley has accomplished that it will not Ite necessary for me to dwell long upon it. One of the innovations which h;is been of distinct value in the prose- cution of the geological survey of the State by Mr. Blatchley was the abolition of the method of county surveys formerly in vogue. In their stead he adopted the plan of taking ui> each of the natural resom'ces in detail, and preparing a monograph or special report thereon, accompanied by maps, cuts, engravings and tables of chemical and physical tests. An- other successful application of economic science to industry has residted from a study of the clay deposits in the State. The description of the char- acter of these clays, with their chemical and physical composition, has become valuable to intending investors and more than twenty large fac- tories have been established in Clay, Vigo, Fountain, Vermillion, Parke, Morgan and other counties for the manufacture of clay products. The total value of the output of these factories in 1!>00 was Jj^o.o.'kS.ouO. Another result of the geological studies of Indiana was the discovery of petroleum oil deposits. The output of oil in the State of Indiana in 1901 was 5,749,- 975 barrels, of which the market value was only a little less than .$1.U0 43 per barrel. The magnitude of the building-stone industry which has gi-own as a result of geological investigations, has raised Indiana to the first rank in the States of the Union in the output of limestone for build- ing purposes, as shown by the following statistics: The quantity mined in 1901 was 7,781,320 cubic feet. Five vState capitol buildings, namely, those of Indiana, Illinois, Georgia, New Jersey and Kansas, have been con- structed wholly or partly from it. Numerous custom houses and public buildings of the United States have also been made of this stone, and twenty-seven court houses in the State of Indiana are built of it. Mr. Blatchley has also taken up again the study of the coal fields of the State, as little has been done in that line since the time of Professor Cox, and the output of coal in Indiana has almost doubled in the last few years, amounting in 1901 to 7,019,203 tons. In conjunction with chem- istry the Geological Survey of the State has also developed the resources for the manufacture of marl and cement. As a result of these investiga- tions a large output of cement similar to that known as Portland is now credited to Indiana. It is estimated that the output of this cement for 1902 will be fully equal to 000,000 barrels. The adaptability of the oolitic and other limestones of Indiana as suitable material to be used in the manufacture of cement has been described, and, as a result of this, fac- tories have already been able to make use of these materials. It has been shown that Indiana has the raw materials to supply not only the United States, but the whole world with a first-class article of cement for hun- dreds of years to come. The mineral waters of our State are justly cele- brated for their medicinal and curative properties, and their development is the joint work of geology and chemistry. There are now known in the different parts of the State eighty-six wells and springs whose waters are valued for therapeutic purposes. The natural gas industry has also added hundreds of millions of dollars to the development of the State, and this development is largely associated with the work of the Geological Survey. It is hard in so brief a time to do anything like justice to what geology as a science has done for the industries, and also to recognize the services of the distinguished men who have been connected with this work. It is enough for our purpose hero to call attention to the leading characters of the work done by geologists in the development of our in- dustries. The contributions made by botany, entomology and zoology, and ani- mal and vegetable pathology, to the material welfare of the State are no 44 less striking in eliaracter, Ihoiigh perhaps less in magnitiule, than those which have been rendered by the science of geology. Botanical studies, which have ever been far advanced in Indiana, have disclosed the nature and character of our various forests and have especially been concerned with the improvements of economic plants for agricultural and horitcul- tural purposes. The study of economic botany is one which lies near to tlie welfare of many of the fundamental industries, chief among them being- agriculture and pharmacy. Especially the study of the development of special characteristics of plants useful in the arts is one of the phases to wlnVli botany in this State has made large contributions. Without discrim- inating against the other botanical laboratdrics in the State. I can best illus- trate the useful character of this work by what has been done at Purdue University, the work of that institution being more familiar to me in ap- plied botanical science than of the other institutions of the State. From the botanical laboratories of Purdue University there have been, from 1884 to 1898, fifty bulletins published on botanical subjects of practical im- portance to the industries of our State. Tliese were chiefly from the fer- tile pens of Arthur and Coulter. It will, of course, be impossible to even give a brief review of this magnificent work. I must confine myself merely to quoting the titles of some of these important contributions in order to show how closely allied they are to the industries of the State. Anu)ng these titles I miglit mention the following: "What Is Common Wheat RustV "A New Factor in the Improvements of Crops." "I'.lack Knot and Other Excrescences," "Living Plants and Their Properties," "The Forest Trees of Indiana," "Science and the State." "Forest Fruits," "The Flora of Indiana," etc. If you add to the contributions which have been made from Purdue Uni- versity those which have been made from other centers of botanical stud- ies and investigations you have a sum total of most important practical results. In general, it may be said, that by reason of the activity of the botanical science in tlils state and the application thereof to our indus- tries we have a far more accurate knowledge of those plants which are most intimately related to our industries. In the second place, we have a systematic and scientific conception of the methods of treating these plants in order to produce the greatest economic results. Third, avi' liave a more advanced knowledge of the proper distribution of these plants in such a manner as to take advantage of the natural qualities of the soil or topo- graphical features of the State and the meteorological environments. In 45 the fourth place, we have an advanced knowledge of the nature of the diseases which affect the vahie of plants and the methods of successfully combatting them. What has been said of botany is true, also, to a large extent, of the science of entomology, although perhaps Indiana has not I)een so prominent in entomological as it has Ijeen in botanical studies. Nevertheless, most valual)le contribnlioiis liave been made l)y the ento- mologists of our institutions of learning to the general store of knowledge. In regard to animal diseases, we tind also that science has been of im- mense use to our industries. The State has been well mapped in regard to the plague of hog cholei-a and other animal diseases. Cttreful studies have been made of the causes of these diseases and their distribution coupled with the regulations for the restriction of these diseases and their suppression. These studies have come largely from Purdue University and the reports issued by Doctor Bitting of that institution upon animal diseases have been of the highest utility. The health of the human ani- mal has also not been neglected in the application of science to the public welfare. The Indiana State Board of Health, Avhich is charged with the general oversight of the hygiene of this commouAvealth, has been estab- lished on a truly scientific basis. The State Board of Health is composed of eminent physicians in active practice and its executive officer is a chem- ist and pharmacist of national reputation. You are so familiar Avith the coutril»utions whicli tliis distinguished body has made to the Avelfare of yotir people that I can not enlighten you to any extent upon the subject. There is one thing that I ought to say in reference to this work, and that is, it should be supported more generously by the people. What the State Board of Health needs from Indiana is a fund for the enlargement of the activities, and to make its Avork more useful, a laboratory of hygiene is necessary for the study of the foods and Avaters and a control of the pathogenic germs therein. The execution of the pure food laAA' Avhieh Avas enacted, I believe, by the last Legislature or the one before, is of prime importance. No one Avill doubt the benefit which the pure food laAv gives to the people and its helpfulness to the prosperity of agriculture and the honesty of com- merce in foods. There is perliaps little lacking in the letter of the laAV AA'hich has been carefully prepared and Avorded. I must say, hoAvever, that from a careful study of the facilities at the disposal of the health office I fear the law can not lie administered to the full measure of its letter and spirit. The population of Indiana in round numl)ers is 2,ToO,(X)0 at 46 the present time. There must be at least 500,000 wage earners in the State, and statistics show that the avera.^e amount earned bv each wa<^e earner is about eighty cents per day. This enormous sum of from $400- OIMJ to mmiO is paid daily in wages to the workers. It is safe to say tha't fully three-fourths of the wages earned per day are spent for agriru'ltur-U products, that is. foods and clothing, so that the average amount spent each day for these necessities of which food is the chief, is not far from .'F;J50,000. Researches of chemists in all parts of the country show the enormous <.xtent of food adulteration resulting in selling at the high price of the genuine cheaper and inferior articles. The wage earners are the principal victims of these frauds, not perhaps in actual magnitude of ex- pended money, but in proportion to their income. A very conservative estimate would place the magnitude of the iinancial fraud practiced upon the wage earners of the State in the matter of adulterated foods alone at from .?15,000 to $20,000 daily. Not only is this condition of affairs repre- hensible by reason of this enorm.nis tax upon the daily wages of hard working men, women and children, but it is a moral crime of a still more heinous nature. Twenty thousand dollars a day for fraudulent foods, mean a tax of r, per cent, on all wages of all work,>rs. When a fraud of this magnitude is considered it does not seem unreasonable to ask the Legis- lature for an endowment which will support the hygienic laboratory in^its investigations of the nature and character of these fraudulent foods and in order that the evil effects of these can be properly ascertained. Great as have been the contributions of the Board of Health to the welfare of tlie State in securing imnnmily from disease. fretMlom from plagues and from contagious :nul epidemic diseases, we look forward to a still more nseful career of this institution when it is fully equipped for the hygienic ^york outlined above. An admirable hi.storical sketch of the Indiana State Board of Health and a statement of the benefits it has conferred upon our people is found in a paper coiitributed to the Indiana State Medical So- ciety by J. N. Hurty, read at the Lafayette meeting. May 6, 1898. and pub- lislied in the proceedings for that year. In that paper Dr. Hurty gives an admirable summary of the progress of sanitary science in Indianl Tlie d.'velopnient of medical education of the State must not be for- gotten when speaking of the public liealth. I attended the first lecture of the Indiana Medical College, given in the Senate Chamber of the old State House. Later I was one of the first students in the laboratory estab- lished by Dr. Thaddeus Stevens, where students really worked at the desk. 47 Doctor Stevens had a real enthusiasm for chemical studies connected with medicine, and 1 believe suuported his laboratory chieliy from his own funds. Y,.u now have in the city at least two, probably more, thoroughly equipped schools of medicine, with commodious and well-appointed lab- oratories of chemistry, physiology and pathology, and these institutions are doing a great work for the public welfare. Intimately related with the benefits which could be conferred upon the State of Indiana by its Board of Health are those of a somewhat similar nature which have come from the State Board of Charities. This acad- emy is also honored in having among its leading and most industrious members the Secretary of the State Board of Charities. It is hard to speak in an unbiased manner of any of these contributions to the State hecause of my intimate personal acquaintance with the men who are most active in the work. It is hard even for scientilic men. and one who has lived so long away from the home of his youth, to banish from his heart a very affectionate and praiseworthy prejudice in favor of his friends. For that reason it is pretty ditticult for me to find fault with what such men as 11. A. Huston, Stanley Coulter, J. N. Hurty, W. F. M. Goss. A. W. Butler ct id omne finim do. When I knoAV that they have done something I am convinced without further investigation that that something is good for the State. There are some features of the work of the Board of Charities which perhaps are not fully comprehended even by those who have read its reports. They have introduced into the study of the public charities of the State a truly systematic method of investiga- tion. In their studies of causes and effects they have endeavored to use everv means of securing accuracy. They have striven to get at the indi- vidual and family history of every person who is an inmate of these insti- tutions. The results of these endeavors have been the collection and tabulation of the most accurate and complete set of sociological statistics in this country. Mr. Butler developed one phase of this work in his vice- presidential address before the section of Anthropology of the American \ssociation for the Advancement of Science at its Denver meeting. In this address he took up tlie study of the heredity effects of feeble-minded- n.'ss. This study of feelde-mindedness had been pronounced by competent exp.>rts to be one of the most exhaustive and thoroughly scientific of any that has ever appeared. Its excellence has been recognized across the water and it has been reprinted in Great Britain for public distribution. 48 A t H i.has. .. t,.,s wo... is the .tud. of the p.oblen. in those recoMs -'-•I'l^ave IKM.„ se-uivd in unlev to detennino those conditions which nro Pn'ventive of dependency. delin,uency .uul d<.;.enc,.acy. The chan.nhU. .nst,tut,ons of on. Stnte have h.n, been the adnnn.ti.u. of ,hc whoh- conn- tO-. Ihe great work of the State Board of Charities looUin,- to the pre- vention of crin,e .vill perhaps hrin, nu-re lasting benetU to onr people than the institutions themselves over which this board has control. The snc- c-essfnl efforts of this board in bettering the condition of onr people has been seen especially in the enactment of the Child Labor Law. the Child Saving Law. the Poor Relief Law. the Indeterminate Sentence and Parole i-w. the Conipnlsory Edncation Law and the law for the cnstodlal care of feeble-minded women. It is evident, theivfore. that in enacth.- ,h. nws providing for the State Board of Cha.ities by the Legislatnre, inlNSO -l-.a took a great step forward, both in a sc-ientihc direction and also "■"■" -' — -ni.- sfand,:oin,. There is no institution of o„r State more worthy ot support and encouragement than the State Board of Charities ^ml no one. if properly supported, will do more for the honor and welf-.re ol oui- people. As a direct efiVcl of the establishment of this Acadcnv wc n.av point to the law regarding the protection of i.irds and gan,c. Birds n.av be ^'l-H r.r scicniili.. p„,.p„s.s only by p.„.s„ns having p.^nits thnni.i: the ln.!.a..a Acadcn.y of Science. The bird law is .ell supplcucntcd bv the f"'" ''" "'^'"■'"" "^- ''"■ '-^ r-o^islatu,-c. There still ..e,...in. however ;' '""'■" ^•""" "'■^'■•"'''" '••-'-■- "'• <•-. or these laws. a,.d that is" ;- -'■ae„..e.,t of a p,•o^ ishm for the taking of ,ish. The ( •on.,uissio..er of l-sh a,.d (;an.e has the oversight of hsh an I ga.ne p.-oteetio... buf it nn.h, i.e well to have the law cha..ged so as ,0 have this otiieialiu o.-.anic comieclK.n with tji,. .\c;i(leiiiy. ^^ ' """■ '"'•"""^- """"'"l '" -'■"- -'■ '1- -.-vi.-es of chemisti-v to the Mate ot Indiana in co..nec,io., with the develupn.ent of its geological re- -.u.-ces and also in its services to the State Board of Health. The chief value, h.nveve,-, ..f the science of chemistry to the State of I..dia..a has ^«-n „. ,ts applieation ,., our agrie,.ltu,-al i..dus.,.ies. The ena<-tment of the ^Inrrill Law. ah-eay the terms of the Hatch Law there were established in each State at least one Agri- cidtnral Experiment Station charged with the investigation of the prol)- lems relating to agriciiltui'e. horticidture and forestry. As a result of these generous endowments no other country in the world has a system of agricultural research which can compare in maguiticence of endow- ments, number of workers and practical results obtained. Avith the agri- cultural institutions of this country. The services which have been con- ferred upon the State ))y these endowments have already been pretty fully exploited in this address. But I must be permitted still to call attention to the fundamental place wliich one of the sciences, viz.. Chemistry, holds in these investigations relating to the progress of agriculture. Before the estalilishment of the Agricultural Experiment Station of Indiana Mr. John Collett, State Geol- ogist, as previously mentioned, secured the enactment of a law ])y the Legislature establishing the otHce of State Cliemist. I, as most of you know, had the honor of being the first incumbent of that office. A pecu- liar feature in the histozy of the enactment of this law Is the way in wliicli Mr. ("ollett secured it. He did not consult, in so f;ir as I know. any of the officials connected with Purdue Lniversity. The first intima- tion that I had of the enactment of tlie law was ;i commission signed by tlie (iovernor sent liy tlie Secretary of State a|ipointing nie to tlie place. On looking into tlie law I found that the duties of the State Chemist were ]iarticularly contlned to the fei'tilizer control, and thus there was estab- lislu'd in 1SS2 at Pindue the first halioralory fcr the control of fertilizing products sold in the State. The laws Ijefore this were crude and power- less to laotect the farmers of our State against liarefaced frauds. At that time any kind of mixtui'e could be sold as a fertilizer for a fa:u-y iirice and tliere was no otticial method of detecting a fraud and no jirovision for its punishment. I'nder the provisions of the law the farmer is now completely protected in the character of the goods whicli lie liuys. This lias been a saving in hard cash to our farmers in sums difticidt to esti- mate, but tliis is not the most valuable result whicli lias been obtained by the establisliment of tliis othce. In addition to analyzing the fertilizers offered for sale the State Chemist commenced a study of (lieir elTects 4 — Academy of Science. 50 npdii till' crops to wiiicli tlu-y wcrr ;ipi>Ii<'le l\v such specializa- 51 tions as render great manufacturini;- iudnstries most useful. As the skilled worker in a great manufacturing establishment is placed at that task Avhich he can do best, so the farmer will utilize the field for that which it can best produce. These brief surveys of the contributions which science has made to the industries of our State would be incomplete without some tribute to the wonderful work which technical education has accomplished. 1 mean by technical education, that instruction in the mechanic arts which was practically unknown a third of a century ago, and which has now ad- vanced to such a degree as to place Indiana in the front rank of states hi developing this branch of applied science. We have in this State two great centers of technical education, namely, the Mechanical and Eligi- neering Laboratories of Purdue University and the Rose Polytechnic In- stitute. In addition to these, attention should be called to the splendid courses given in manual training in many of our high schools and other institutions of learning. The Hoosier of fifty years ago was the butt of every jibe. His agricultural skill Avas supposed to be confined, to the growth of pumpkins, and his mechanical genius was occupied with the manufacture of the svelt hoop pole, but his State is now the home of the most famous poets, novelists, statesmen, engineers and scientists. My friends from other institutions will, of course, pardon me if I speak particularly of the wonderful work at Purdue developed first of all i)y Professor Goss, who is now assisted liy a large corps of mechanical and electrical engineers. It is evident from the activities of Purdue and other institutions that we are in the progress of educating as engineers at least 1.000 of the sons of the State. During the past five years from 50 to 100 have been graduated each year from the engineering classes of Purdue University, and this great influx of men has been absorbed by the industries of tliis and other states. Purdue has already a thousand grad- uates in engineering. "Without stating in detail the influence of this great institution upon the material prosperity of Indiana, the fact that so many of its young men iiave been prepared for this useful life work is in itself signiflcanr. Tlie whole industrial activities of the State of Indiana have derived their life and vitality from the instruction which I have outlined. It would increase to an undue size an address of this kind to go into a minute detail. This technical instruction of our State is touching every branch of our industries. Without speaking specifically of what it may be doing 52 for each of the iucUistrial iiitorcsts of the State, we may say that wherever there are waterworks recently designed, or street railway lines, or electric lighting stations, or a mannfactnring plant of any kind, and in general, wherever the people are enjoying the benefits of modern en- gineering, mechanics and ehn-trical devi'lopment. there yon will lind the representatives of the technical education of which I have spoken. The gradnates of these technical schools are everywhere. Whatevei- progress the State is making in indnstrial lines they ari' instigating and condncting it. They are in charge, or assisting in tlie management, of the great mannfactnring plants of tlie State. They are superintendents of motive l)()\vers and machine sliojts. They arc found in smaller corjiorations in charge of the macluncry or of the teclmical processes. Wlierevei' indus- try is progressing and wliere manufacturing is growing and wliere tech- nical skill is adding to the prosiici-ity ;ind welfare of the people, tlie grad- nates of these technical schools are found. It is a good old proverb tliat you should judge the tree liy its fruits. In this free land of oin-s we judge a man for what he is and from what he does, and therefore, we are justiticd in .applying this sanu^ rule in esti- mating the value of the sciences in tlie material development of our State by what they have accomiilislied. I have given in merest ourlines some idea of the services of science to our industrial development. Industrial dev(>loi)m(Mit is .ilw.ays intimately .associateil witli intellectual advance- ment, moral welfare .-md siiii-ilual well-lieing. The tirst stone in the founda- tion of a national editice is material in-ospei-ity. No n.ition. no matter how p(>rfect its ancestry may he and liow lofty its iiui-posi's. couhl tiourish in a desert, or on .-in iceberg. The insistent demands of humanity are for food and clothing and C(nnl'ort. He who would elevate his HUxW must begin by ministering U) these iirimeval wants. It is useless to try to educate tlie boy who is stai'ving and to preacli religion to a man wlio is sliivering. The inventions which increase the power of man io do things, along mechanical lines, the d(>velopment of those forces of nature which give power such as heat and electricity, the discovery of l.-iws wliicli increase the fei'tility of soil such as are disclosed by chemistry and bot.-iny. the mastery of those sciences wliicli reveal thi» wealth of the earlh. sucli as geology, mineralogy, and mining, ilie utilization of thosc^ scienct's wliicli pi-event disease, such as serum therapy and inoculations, the application of the principles of biology to the common alfairs of life, as in economic entomology and zoology, all these underlie and sustain not only our in- 53 tliistrinl life but form the basis on which to Ituihl our mnguificent systems of education, morality and politics. As human knowledge advances the realm of superstition and bigotry contracts because there can Ije no super- stition where knowledge is and no bigotry where broad views of things exist. Science shows that all processes of nature are based on immutal)le laws. Many of these are known, others are foreshadowed by the brilliant conceptions of the scientific imagination, while some are still unknown and belong to the category which was once regarded as supernatural, but which is now relegated to the undiscovered. If science in its comparative infancy has thus been able to make such magnificent contributions to those elements which make life worth living, what may we not expect of the fntiu'e years, when the knowledge which we have to-day will seem only as ignorance to our descendants? We judge science by what it has already accomplished. We knoAV it 1)y its results. AVhen these wonder- ful contributions to human v.-elfare shall have been made in the future,' the words of our text will be no less true: "Ye Shall Know Them by Their Fruits." Transmissible Diseases in College Towns. Severance Burrage. The college town of moderate size is unique in some respects, unique in the possession of certain opportunities for the contraction and dissem- ination of various diseases. College students, as a class, are looked upon as healthy to an unusual degree, and in many respects this view is a correct one; and yet when looked at from the standpoint of sanitary science, we find them exposed to many dangers that are oftentimes over- looked. Many of these dangers do not exist in other communities. The herding together of a lot of men or boys into unhygienic quarters in unsanitary dormitories is one of the features of the student's life that must be looked upon as a danger. It is also an added responsibility to the college authorities. When the dormitory fulfills all the requirements of the rules of hygiene and sanitary science; and when there are good hospital facilities for students living in the dormitory who may become ill with a contagious or an infectious disease, then the above statements might be somewhat modified. 54 But when the dormitory system does not exist, and the students are distributed about the community in private and fraternity boarding houses, then dangers to the students as a mass are greatly reduced, while on the other hand there are dangers added to the community at large. In many of the college towns as we hud them in Indiana, there is no such thing as a detention hospital or a pest-house, and under these con- ditions the question arises as to the disposition of the sick student, and of the other occupants of the same house. If the whole house is quaran- tined, as the rules of the Board of Health require, and I believe rightly so. then the inmates are or seem to be needlessly exposed to the disease imless extraordinai-y precautions be taken by each one who finds himself at that time a member of the unfortunate household. And under such conditions, it is difficult not to be in sympathy with the student or students who break quarantine and go to their homes. I am not giving my sanc- tion to any such actions, however, unless every preventive measure be taken before each one departs. I refer to such measures as vaccination, disinfection of body, clothing, and any articles taken away as baggage. Another feature that is of vital interest to the student is the matter of procuring food. The usual method when there is no general dining hall for the students, is to form clubs, the main feature of wliicli in most cases is to get the meals for very little money. The consequence is that by paying their .$1.50 to .?3.00 per week the students are fed three times a day on something. It is possible that we have here in our college towns some experiments on adulterated foods and improper dietaries on a larger scale than our President Wiley is conducting at Washington, but we have no one to keep record of them. Now there are two features about this food that I desire to call at- tention to: First. Are not the students who are subjected to such diet— I can not go into the details of the diet here,— are not the students who are sub- jected to this diet, more prone to come down with a transmissible disease than those who get a more wholesome diet? And second. Is there not a gi-eater chance of coming in contact with infected food at these low-priced boarding tables? Certainly these two factors working together, form a feature of student life that is worth con- sideration, as one of the dangers existing in a college community. To emphasize this last point. I take this opportunity to describe a recent 55 epidemic of scarlet fever amoug the students at Purdue University, and it is tliis that I consider the feature of this paper. About the first of December, 1902, it was reported to the authorities of Purdue University, that there Avere a few cases of suspicious sicli:ness among the students. One instructor, also, was found to be quite ill, and during the illness had a well defined rash, and later had the characteristic "peeling"' of scarlet fever. This case was not reported at first as being scarlet fever. Six cases were confined in tlie hospital (St. Elizabeth's) and twenty- nine others, most of whicli were not well defined cases, were at large among the other students. Some few cases were purposely concealed by students and physicians, so that other students rooming in the same houses would not lie quarantined, and thus lose time from their classes. At first, no common source of infection could be traced, the boys not eating at the same places, and in some cases not even knowing the other patients. Tlie thirty-five cases, it was foimd. were fed at eleven different boarding houses or clubs, all of which were supplied with milk from the same dairyman. Interesting, too, in this connection was the fact that the boy who assisted in delivering the milk, came down with a severe case of "ton.si- litis"' at the same time as the students, and had to give up his work tem- porarily. Five private families, supplied with milk from this same man, had one or more cases of genuine scarlet fever among their children at the same time. It is not likely that the boy who delivered the milk spread the disease, but that he contracted it by drinking the milk as did the students. An investigation of the dairy, and the dairyman's family, did not re- veal anything that could have caused the epidemic. There was no sick- ness in the family, nor in either of the other two families that supplied the dairyman with additional milk. The probable explanation of the source of infection lies in the fact that last March the dairyman's family ran through a course of scarlet fever, and this being about the time that the winter clothing Avas abandoned for the thin summer clothing, that Avinter clothing would again haA*e to be put on but a short time prior to the outbreak among the students at Purdue. As it is IvUOAvn that the scarlet fCA-er infection may remain Airident for a considerable time in clothing, it is not unlikely that it was through this means that the milk was infected. There is one other possibility, aMz., that there might have 56 been another family supplying the (lairynian with milk in addition to the two families that he named, and he miijht have concealed this fact, know- ing there was some sickness there. In this case the dairyman would he far more culpable. This is one of the few s<-arlet fe\er (epidemics traced to infected milk that have been ri'ported in this country. SEWA(iE Disposal at the Indiana State Reformatory at Plainfield. Severance Burrage. The problem which recently presented itself to the authorities at the State Reformatory, at riaintield, was a pretty one. An appropriation of ."i;* ;..")< 10 was availalile for the purpose of seem'ing a certain amount of MM ('csspcxil, showing method of ibspopal of sewnge prior to new system. plnmiiini;- in each of the so-eallcd "family" l)uildings and to install a system of sewage disposal that first, would be sanitary, and second, wordd 57 bt' ol' use in I'rrtiliziny and irriyntin.L;- the Hclds on whicli crops aro raisi'd. Until tlio present year tlio sewage from the large ont-bnilding had been carried in a southeasterly direction to an open settling tank or cesspool, situated on the edge of the river bottoms. This cesspool in the summer time became a mass of fermenting tilth, ol)noxious and nnluvalthful. More- over, it could not be utilized in any way. Now, witli the introduction of plumbing into many of the buildings there would arise an appreciable Site of Septic- lank north of the grounds, looking toward field to be irrigated and fertilized by the effluent from the tank. increase in tlie amount of sewage and it would l)e out of the question to continue the old method of disposal. Up to this time practically all of the sewage came from one large out-building, which was nothing but a com- bination of closets and urinals, and while this made a considerable amount of sewage, both solid and licpiid, tliere would be a considerable increase with the introduction of plumbing into all of the "family" buildings. This plumbing, including water-closets, wash-basins, and perhaps an occasional bath-tulj. 58 There wwo two possible methods of sewage disposal that could be considered as praclical in this instance, one l)eing- the system called "irrigation," which simply depends upon the distril)ntion of the sewage directly on the fields (iu this case on the river bottoms) that are being cultivated, and the other method was the septic tanlv system. After a very careful consideration of all the conditions, it was finally concluded to adopt a system which was a combination of both tlie septic tank and irrigation. This conclusion was .-irrived at because, sliould the raw sewage Site of tlie Septic Tnnk north of grounds, as seen from main drive. be thrown directly upon the fields in question it was feared by some that the odor from this i-aw sewage would be offensive, if not uuhealthful, at certain times, and in view of the fact that these fields were adjacent to the main drive to the Reformatory, should any obnoxious odors arise, they would be noticed bj' everybody, and might be the cause for critical comment. In all probability th(>re would not have been sufficient sewage at any one time to cause anytliiiig rliat would be called a nuisance iu the manner just described, but it was tlionght better to err on the side of safety, and consequently the present plan includes a septic tank in which 59 the sewage receives preliminary treatment before being distributed on the fields. A casual survey of the Reformatory grounds showed at once that the lay of the land was so favorably arranged that the sewage could be col- lected and distributed by gravity. At no point Avould there need Ite any pumping; and yet when it came to make an accurate survey, including the levels, it was found that there were a number of quite dilticult points to settle as to the best lines for the sewers to take in order to collect the Field to be iriig:ited ami fertilized by effluent from Peptic Tank, as seen finin main drive. material from all the family buildings, and it was finallj^ thought ad- visaljle to make tAvo main lines of sewers, one leading to the fields north- east of the Reformatory, and the otlier following in general tlie line of the old sewer from the out-building in a southeasterly direction. Each one of these sewers ends in a septic tank in which the sewage undergoes a certain fermentation, and only the clear, or comparatively clear efHuent passes out of the septic tank as an inoffensive liquid, very useful in irri- gating the fields. Of course, this effluent from the septic tank is not as rich in fertilizing properties as the raw sewage would be, but it is fvee 60 from any of the objections wliieli might arise should the raw sewage be distributed upon the fields. The main problem in connection with the designing of the sewage disposal plant, furnished the material for the graduation thesis of two students of Purdue University, Messrs. Beuhler and Armstrong, who graduated in 11)02. Their tliesis work was done .Agar IMate, .«li(nving colonies of bacteria in 1-500 cu. centimeter of sewage as entering Septic Tank. under the y any institutinn in this State: and if successful, and there is no reason why it should not be. it slinuJd serve as a type or an examiile for many of the State institu- tions, and even for manv of tlie smaller towns of the State. Sd.ME liECENT MorXD rxVESTI(iATI0N8 IN JeFFERSON CiHTNTV, InDIANxV. GleXX ClLBERTSOX. During tlie summer of l".l(i:J. tlirougli tlie interest, and under tlie direc- tion, of Miss 1). L. Cravt-ns. of .M.-'dison. Indiana, several munnds loi-ited in Jefferson County were exannned, and two were explored. Tlie writi'r was asked to assist in the investigation. Tlie pur] lose of this iiaper is. in part, to give a record of tlie contents of tlie mounds opened, and iu part to call attention to the fact tliat. in many ]p;irts of our State, and especially along the Ohio River ami its larger ti-ilmtaries, there are mounds and other evidences of the existence of a prehistoric people of which no record has been made, and which should be of great interest to science. Manj- of the mounds have been opened by curiosity or treasure seekei's, or destroyed by cultivation, and the contents scattered or lost, and no record has been, or can be made. As an example of the ruthless destruction of valuable anthropological material, a case may be cited of a Jefferson County farmer, who, in grad- ing a plot of ground for building purposes, ploughed up at least twenty skeletons, many of which were said to be in a fair state of preservation. 63 Some of the boiics were c:u-rietl off by neighbors, others Avere scattered iiliout, and no record whatever preserved. This occurred some six or seven j'ears ago, and similar cases probably occur every year in different parts of the State. The first mound opened in Jefferson County, in 1902, is known locally as the '"Lawson Mound." It is situated in Milton Township, T. 4, R. 11, Section 14, one mile east of Manville, on the narrow ridge between Brushy Fork and Indian Kentucky creeks, and approximately 300 feet above the level of the latter stream. The mound has been, until recently, cov- er(-d with forest or underbrush growth, and is well preserved. It is es- sentially circular, sixty-five feet in diameter, and approximately nine feet high. The materials of which the mound was made are of local origin, and are made up of the ordinary surface soil of the vicinity. They include a few limestones, biu-nt and unliurnt, and a few pebbles and pieces of chert. A thorough investigation of the contents of the mound could not be made, since tlu' central poi'tion was preoccupied by graves of the former owners of the prnpei-ty. When these graves were dug a skeleton was found some three feet l)elnw the surface of the mound. Along with the human l)ones nine arrow heads, placed in a circle, and a stone ax were found so situated as to lead to the opinion that they had been placed on the breast of the burird l)ody. Tliese articles were not preserved, according to Mr. Frank ^^'olf. who was present when the graves were dug and whose statements I have recorded above. The excavation of this mound consisted in opening a ditch four feet wide and to the depth of the original soil, from the east side toward the center, and siu-faee excavations to the depth of three feet on the north, west and south of tlie graves mentioned. At a point some live feet east of the center of the mound, and three feet below the surface, an unglazed earthenware vessel of approximately one and one-half gallons capacity was found. In shape, this vessel was similar to the ordinary Chinese rice pot, and was without markings of any kind. It contained two mussel shells, such as could be obtained from the surrounding streams. The vessel was cracked and had probably seen considerable service before being placed in the monnd, as the lower portion showed the reddening influence of the fire. Within a foot or fifteen inches of the earthenware vessel, and to the east, there were obtained the fragments of a skull and the larger bones of the arms and lower extremities, a))d one rib. All were greatly de- 64 Ciiyod. Tlic iKisition of tho bones !ni.tiht indicate ))nrial of the Ixxly on its side witli arms and le.i;s folded to,t;'i'tlier, l)nt tliis eonld not be decided definitely. The sknil was so badly decayed that no definite idea of its sliape conld lie obtained. Tlie bcnn^s were those of a medinm-sized pei-son. On tlie west side of tlie nionnd. in line with the two slceletons already mentioned, and at aliont tlie same depth as the others, another deposit of human bones was obtained. This deposit consisted of a slvull and the larger bones of the upper and lower extremities. These w(>i'e also greatly deca.yed. The position of these bones precludes the idea of their l)eing the I'esnlt of an oi'dinary burial. The long bones had tlu' appearance of having l>een piled in. vei'y much as a liundle of sticks or stove wood would lie placed. The slvull A\'as jilaced directl.v on top of tlu' other bon(\s. These bones \ver(> those of one body of large bnt not luuisnal statui'e. The relics olitained fi-om tliis mound ;iie at present in the Hanover ("ollege ]Mnsei'ni. The reputed •'Indian Mound"' in llu' village of Lancaster, in l.ancester Towiisliip. T. ."). i;. '.). Section ;!.'!, was next examined. It was found to give every evi(h'nce of being a natm-al I'ormation. Tlie so-called •indiaii .Mound" on the ^Vainscott Tlace, near Middle Fork Station cm llie I'. (". (". \- SI. 1,. K. It., was also closi'ly examined. Evidence of its human origin. iinuc\(i-. was entirely wanting. Tliis i)eculiar mound is, in all prolialiilily, liie result of strtam erosion. .\ mound situated on tlie second liottom of the Ohio Kiver. a short dist;ince lielow Hanover banding, in Hano\'er Township, T. .".. U. li>. Section IS. was next exca\atcd. 'i'his mound had lieen explored in iiart by .Messrs. C. S. Taylor and W. \\'. Walker, some fifteen years ago. As rei>orted liy Mi-. (i. S. 'i'aylor. now Superintendent of Schools of Jeffer- son County, this mound w;is then some twelve or fourteen feet higli and of conical sliape. At a dei)tli of al)ont three feet from the original top of the nionnd these gentlemen found five copper beads from one-half inch to t hree-(iuarter inch in di.ameter and of I'ougli rtuish. arranged in a circle, as though originally forming a necklace. A considerable quantity of char- coal and ashes was also found, but no human bones. Last July a trench eight feet wide was opened through the mound from east to west, and extending to the depth of the mound. All the excavated material was closely searched. At a point approximately three fi'ct above the bottom of the mound two stones, each aliout 15x7x1^2 inches, were found in an erec-t i)osition and al)out foiu" feet apart. Two 65 nnd a half feet to one side of these stones a copper bead one-half inch in diameter and thickly encrusted with the green carbonate of copper was found. No bones were found at this level. On the original soil, at the bottom of the mound, a large quantity of charcoal and ashes, and one or two bone fragments, prol)ably non-human, were obtained. With these there were fragments of burnt lime-stone. The failure to find human bones in this mound may be due to its great age, or it may be accounted for by the partial destruction of the mound by cultivation, since such material may have been ploughed out and no record made of the fact. The "Water Supply of Havana, Cuba. C. H. ElGENMANX. Until recent years the water supply of Havana came from the Almen- dares River. During the nineties the present waterworks, deriving the entire supply from a large spring at Vento, on the south bank of the Almendares River, was completed. The Vento Springs and the covered aqueduct leading its waters under the Almendares River and into Havana are the pride of the city of Havana, which has erected an imposing monu- ment to the engineer by whom the work was conceived. The Vento Springs are surrounded by masonry with walls sloping outward from the springs, except on the side nearest the Almendares River, where they are vertical. The surface water running down the slopes of the masonry are caught in a gutter which discharges it into the Almendares. At the top of the masonry, and some distance removed from its margin, another gutter catches the surface water of the region sloping toward the springs, and discharges this also into the Almendares. The spring water flows direct from the basin into the covered aqueduct. The provisions for maintaining the water in its original purity from the time it issues from tlie ground till it is discharged either into the reservoirs near the city, or direct from the faucets in the city, seem ideal. There has been some speculation as to the origin of the water issuing from the spring at Vento. The water is beautifully clear and rather warm, having a temperature of 26°C. at the time of our visit. The Almen- dares River, flowing but a few feet away, also has clear water except after heavy rains, and its water at the time of our visit was slightly colder than that of the springs. It is possible that the Vento Springs derive 5— Academy of Science. 66 their water from the npiier coni-ses of the Almeiuhires. though this is so highly iiiiprolialih' tluit tlie su.^.uh stiou may lie h'ft out of consideration. Tlie sjirings lieing situated on tlie south side of tlie lower course of tlie Almendares tlie region aci'oss the river— that is the region north of the river— may he excluded as a possible* contriliuting source of the siipply of the Vento Springs. The region about the springs is composed of corral- line rock. In such porous material conditions under which territory on one side of a river may contribute to springs located on the opposite side of a river ai-e impossible. The most probable origin of the Vento water supply can best be understood after a general statement of the conditions of the surrounding region. The southern slope (-f tlie iiroviiices Guanajai, Havana and Matanzas is largely drained ]>\ uiidcrgrouiKl streams. The streams arising in the hills and mountains, forming tlie Avatei'shed l)(>twcen north and south drainage, run above ground for a distance and then disappear under- ground. The Ariguanabo Kiver thus runs into a. bank at San Antonio de los I'.ahos and disaiiiie.irs among fallen rocks. A few yards away from its "sumidero" tlie water can lie seen running in its underground channel through an opening in the thin roof of the channel. A few yards further on a dry cave leads down lo tlie water, whicli. at the end of tlie dry cave disappears among fallen rocks. Otlier rivers disappear in a similar man- ner. They can not be followed in tlieir underground courses because they completely lill them. Tlie midi rground waters and the ( lianiiels in which they run can, liowevei'. be i-eaclied in places through sink-holes. The streams reaiiiieai". in part, at least, in a number of "ojos de agua." some near tlie coast south of Saii .\iit(Uiio. The region drained liy underground streams is comparatively Hat with frequently no indications of surface streams and their erosion, and extends westward to near San Cristobal, wliere the hrst permanent sui-face stream is observed. At Artimisa and Candalaria stream beds contained pools of water at the time of my visit. From San Cristobal to Pinar del Rio there are many small perennial streams. Eastward from San Cristobal the cave region has an unknown extent. Poey limited it to the jurisdiction of (iuanajay, but it certainly extends as far east as the meridian of Matanzas, and from reports prob- alily beyond Cienfuegos. East of Kincon there are. liowever, frequent river beds, all but one of which were dry during the time of our visit. This main ca\e region tielonging to the southern slope sends a tongue 67 iKii'lliwaid Iroiii Kiiicon to Vciitu on tlit' Aliii<'ii(l;ir<'s Uiver in tlio northern watershed. Aside from the "ojos do agua" along tlie edge of tlie cienegas sl\irting tlie southern coast there are tAvo notable places where under- gi-ound rivers find an exit. The one at Vento, as already mentioned, sup- plies the entii'e city of Havana with its water, the otlier serves to make the region al)out Guines a garden, its waters being used for irrigation. Other snl)terranean rivers in all probal)ility have a sub-aqueous exit to the south. The large spring at Vento is the only one on the northern slope as far as I know. The origin of tlie supply Issuing from the Vento Spring has not been traced. P.ut the region iioitli of tlie Alniendares River, being shut out from a possible contributing source, it undoubtedly derives its water from the tongue of the system of underground sti-eams thrust into the northern slope. An examination of the best available map and the levels of the Western and United Havana Railroads make it seem quite certain that the Vento S])rings derive their water from the region imme- diately south of Vento and north of Rincon and Be.jucal. This region contains vai-ious sinks, without surface outlets, as well as dry sink-holes. A notable sinkhole in tills region is that at Aipiada on the United Havana Railroad. This Is very broad, shallow and dry during the dry season, but the water rises to stand over ten feet deep on the railroad tra<-k during sonie of the wet seasons. All of these pi'ol)ably drain Into the Vento Spring. It behooves the health authorities of the city of Havana to exer- cise the strictest guard over the region between \'ento on the north and Rincon and Bejucal on the south. .\ny contamination of sink-holes in these regions is sure, during tlie wet season at least, to contaminate tlie underground streams leading to A'ento. An examination of the under- ground channels in the Uost River region of Indiana has shown the main undci'ground cliann(>ls to lie jirovlded with minierous smaller tributary channels which in ordinary weather do not carry Avater Ijut Avhich do carr.v water Into the main stream after a long rain. At such a time any tilth that may have accuiiiulated In any of the sink-holes over one of the tributary streams is sure to tind its way into the main stream. The same is very probabl.v true of the Vento supply, although on account of the nature of the region It is not possible to follow the underground channels. At present some of the sink-holes 1)etween Rincon and Vento are used as cesspools and receivers of scAvage. 68 ISTaezhosh ; or. The Apache Pole Game. Albert B. Reacian. [Abstract. Original in possession of Bureau of Anieriean Ethnology. Illustrations used by permission of Bureau.] Naozbosli is the Apache tribal game. It is phiyed most every day from early moniiug till late in the afternoon by the men; iu fact they do but little else, except hunt horses iu the hills and drinli Indian whiskey. This game is sometimes played to pass time; but most always for gain. The Indians often bet all they have on its outcome, and then having suffered reverses, they brood over their losses in sullen silence. Below is a description of the game; and the requisites-the pole-stick, the pole- hoop, and the pole-ground: Fig. 1. DiAf;B.\M ()!■' Pole Sticks anu Pole Hooi>. i'ig. 1. Pole Stick. The grooves b, c, d,g,h: the si.accs e, f, i, and the point a arc points used in the game. Fig. 2. The Pole Hoop, etc. The spaces 1-4 and 6-11 and the gr ove5are the points on the hoop used in the game. The Pole-Stick.-The pole-stick is a willow pole one and one-half inches in diameter at the larger end. It tapers to a point at its smaller end. Its length is about fifteen feet. It is made in three sections, the sections being spliced together with sinew. The larger end of this pole is called the counting end. On it are several transverse grooves. These grooves together with some of the intervening spaces are the points on the pole used in the game. The Fole-hoop.-The pole-hoop is about a foot in diameter. It is made of a willow withe, the ends of which are tied together with sinew. A buckskin cord forms a diameter to it. On this cord are strung one hun- dred and one beads, one large center bead and fifty smaller ones on each side of it. These beads are counts used in the game. In addition to the bead counts, the hoop rim has several counts on it. They are its trans- verse grooves, together with certain intervening spaces. 09 The Pole-gi-ound.— The pole-gi'ound is a leveled spot thirtj^-six yards in length, by six yards in width, laid ofE in a north and south direction. At its center is the base, usually a rock, from which the pole-hoop is rolled and the poles, tAvo in number, are hurled. Nine yards both to the north and also to the south of this base, are three hay ridges, the center ridge being on the north and south center line of the pole-ground. These ridges are three yards long and the distance from the outer edge of the east ridge to the outer edge of the west ridge is five feet. The furrows between the ridges are narrow. It is into one of these fuiTows that the hoop rolls, under which the poles are slid before the points are counted. Rolling the Pool-hoop.— In rolling the pole-hoop it is held with rim vertical between thumb and second finger of the right hand, it resting on the extended front finger over which it rolls when sent on its mission of chance. If the hoop, v.hen rolled, fails to enter either of the furrows, a break in the game is declared, and it is brought back and rolled again. On entering one of the furrows, the loose hay retards its speed, and It soon falls, to be slid under by the well guided poles. The hoop is always rolled twice to the south and once to the north, and so on for hours, till the game is finished. Hurling the Pole-stick.— The pole-stick, when being hurled, is held so as to slide through the left hand. The propelling power is the right hand, the index finger being placed against the rear end. The pole being dex- teriously hurled, slides into the furrow, and stops with the larger end beneath the hoop. The counting then begins. Counting the Points.— All points on each pole that fall on or within the rim of the hoop are counted as are also all points on the hoop-rim, and all the beads on the transverse cord Avhich fall within the edges of either pole. The points being counted, the players again proceed to the base and play again as before. This playing is continued for hours till one of the contestants gets the number of points agreed upon by the players to constitute a game. A transfer of the staked property follows. Then the betting begins for a new game. 70 T^ ■^ %^ f m m 1 »- ' V"^ ^Ml _Jr^, .'•^ 1 V „ «. . The pole field. Starting the pole hoop. The beginning of the game. Hurling the imlc; lliirliug the pules. The polei^ speeding on their way. he hoop rolls wide of the counting field. A break in the game. 71 Hoop and poles entering the counting field. Hoop and poles after motion has ceased. The hoop overlies the counting ends of the poles. The counting now begins. Counting the points in the pole game. Picking up the poles in the counting field. Returning to the base. I he jjaiui- liL'sins anew. T2 Geodesic Lines on the Syntractrix of Revolution. E. L. Hancock. The syntractrix is defined as a curve formed by taking a constant length, d npon the tangent c to the tractrix*. Tlie surface formed by re- volving this curve about its asymptote is the one under consideration. We shall call it S. Being a surface of revolution it is represented by the equations x^u cos V y = u sin v z = — v/d2 — uM-§log 2 '^d — v/d2 — u2 Using the Gaussian notationf we find: ^^u^(d^-2cd)+cM2 ^^ ^^^, __^I^g^^^^^ B = - U2(d2 — U2) ' lVd2 — U2 Ti" — cd . u2(d2 — 2cd)+cd3 -r,, ^ -n./ u(u2 — cd) 7== U Sin V C = U, D r=r } L^ , D ^ O, D ' =: 7^= U/(i2_u2 U(d2 — U2)| l/d2— U2 _ 1 _ DW—W^ _ (u2 — cd)[u2(d — 2c) +cd2] ^ = R^~ EG — F2 — (d2 — u2)[u2(d — 2c)-t-c2d In tlie particular surface given by d=:2c the Gaussian ciu-vature be- comes 9. o d2i d2 — U2 Here d is positive, and since d > u, the denominator is always positive. We get tlie character of the curvature of ditferent parts of the surface by considering the numerator. When u2= d2 2, K = 0, i. e., the circle u = d/2 -y=: is made up of points having zero-curvature. When u2 > d2/2, K> O, and when u2 < d2/2, K < O. For tliis particular sui'face ,14 • 2u2--d2 E = ~ , F = o, G = u2, A = — ^-v==„ u cos v, B = — 4u2(d2_u2) 2u-/(i2 — U2 2u2 — d^ i\\ u(2u- — d2 usinvC = o, D=^ -^ ._, D' = o, D'^=^ 2u/d^Zr^ " ^'" > V.-U, ^_— ^__^-, ^ _., 2/0^3.-^ To get tlie geodesic lines of the surface we make use of the method of the calculus of variations according Weierstrass§. This requires that we minimize the integral : '" Peacock, p. 175. t Bianehi, Differential Geometric, pp. 61, 87, 105. l Osgood, Annals of Mathematics, A'ol. II (1901), p. 105. 73 I ==/t2 i/E du2 -I- 2F du dv + Gd.v2.dt Denote i/E u'^ _[- 2 F u' v' + G v^^ by p. Then the first condition for d a minimum of I is Fv — ^ Fv' = o|l d Now, in this case Fv ^ o, so that tt Fv' = o Hence Fv' = i\ or substituting the values E, F and G this becomes u2 v^ J^^^ +U2V- \4u2(d'^— U2) ^ When (^ = o, \^=zo, hence v = constant, i. e., tJie meridians are geodesic lines. When (5 = 0 r s d^ ui ^^^ ^^-^ 2uV(d2— u2) (u"2^^^^d2y + ' Making the substitution u = l t, (1) becomes r—dd'' t2 dt (2) v= s — -- — 4- J^ ^ ' '^2,/(t2 d2— 1) (1—^2 t2) ^ We have for the reduction of tlie general elliptic integral *R(x) = A x-* + 4 B x3 + 0 C x2 -^ 4 B' X + A' g2==AA' — 4 BB' + 3 C- g3=AcA' + 2 BcB' — A'B2— AB'2_c'5. These become in the present case R(t) = (t2d2— 1)(1— rS2t2)— _rf2(i2t4-^ (Cl2_^j2^t;2 — 1 (d2+(52) g3=<12d2+^-^r f52d2(d2 + J2) rd2 + J2-] 3 -] ^3— 6 16 We get also R'(t) = — 4 f52d2t3 + 2(d2+au genus Trcindla, while the fate of the name Piicciiiia was left in doul)t. In the meantime the amended rules of nomenclature by the American Committee have been distril)uted, and although these recognize the great value of types, a specimen used by the author as type of the species, and a species as type of the genus, they provide other ways of determining the type of a genus than always taking tlie first specu's named under it. The new rules reipiire flint the intent of the aufhdr. or if tliat is not ascerfainalile. the usage of liis followers, sliall lie resiiected. If we examine the status of the three genera, 'rmurlld. di/iiniosixnvni- (jiiiin and I'licriiiiti, under the present rules, we will Hiid tliat the first becomes a genus of alg;o. not longer to be included among the fungi, the second is restored to tlie position it has long occuiiicil. wliile the third is well nigh lost in the toils. The name I'liccinia was introduced into liotanicjij literature by [Nlicheli in 172!>, and is coiisecnientl.v pre-I.inna'an. It was eniploycd by ITaller in two different works prior to IT.").'!. t]i<" initial date for the oiicration of the law of priority, and by the same author in liis Histitria slirjiiiun iinli- (jciiunim /l(irs nut eiiiiiloy liiiiomiai names. ;iiid is not to lie iiscd in establish- ing modern noiiienclafiii-(>. Another early :iutlior, who cites the name I'iK-riiiid. is Adaiison in his J'diiiilhs ths I'laiilc.s ( \'o]. II, p. 8) of lHV.i. He adopts both the n.-iiiie and the desciiptioii of flie genus from Micheli, but does not mention ;iny species. There is ;i failure, therefore, to establish the genus on iiccounf of the Inck of a type species. Tlie next oldst author to emiiloy the name is Willdenow in his FIor(C lU rnlhiinslx, of ITS". A\'ill(lenow characterizes liis genus I'liccin'id as fol- lows: "Corinis fi/rni(]rdc(inii scininilnis cdiiddfis nnJidlnu posifis, cldsficc crsiliciitiliKs fd ret mil/' Under this genus he places a single species, I'liccinia siiiijilcr, whicli is described as "/'. carparc ci/Iindrico simplicissimo ohiiiso.'' It is s.-iid to occur on the trunks of jilum trees (Pniiiiis (ii-niciiidcir) in autumn, and to lie rare in the vicinity of Berlin. Alfhougli reference is made to Micheli. yet careful comparison shows con- clusively tliat Willdeiiow's plant was different from tli.'it of the Italian antlior. Moreover, if could not have l)eeu one of the cedar apples 83 (Giimnnsporanyinm), as pointed out by Masnus,* for they neither grow upon the plum nor produce their spores in autumn. Further confirmation of this is found in Ilotli's Flonr Genua nicer, the first volume of wliicli was issued tlie year following the appearance of Willdenow's work. In this volume (p. 547) Pi/cciiiia siintplcx is given, and credited to Willdenow, with no reference to Miehcli. while a few pages farther on in the volume the common cedar apple of P^urope is listed as TrcmcUa jiiniprrina. The two were evidently considered by the author to be distinct fungi. There seems to be no doubt, that according to our present form of procedure, we must consider that the genus I'uccinia was established by Willdenow in 1787, with the single species, P. simpler, a species that does not belong to the IreiVuinr. What fungus Willdenow had in hand, I am not prepared to say. The description fairly well applies to Coniularia Pcrsicw (Schw.) Sacc, but that is a North American fungus, common in America l)ut not yet reported from E'urope. So far as our present pur- pose is concerned, however, it is enough to know that the type of the genus Puccinia is not uredineous. Therefore, the lai-gest and best known genus of plant rusts, the one that includes the chief economic species, drops entirely out of the extensive family of the Vvcdinar. Probably Doctor Kuntze is to be folloAved in placing undei' Dic;eoma the species that have heretofore been listed under Pncviuin. as I have already pointed out in my preceding paper i)efore the Academy. AVhether this is the final word regarding the genus Puccinia, and the fungi which it has been used to cover, yet remains to be seen. It may appear foolish to some to relegate to ol)Scurity a well known and long established name, upon what seem to lie technical grounds. But the loss of a familiar name should not stand in the way of the introduction of definite rules which will lead to a reasonaldy permanent nomenclature. What is most desired is that the period of trial and transition shall be as short as possible, and to assist in bringing this about the study of the genus Puccinia is herewith presented. Bot. Centr.. Vol. LXXVII, p. 5. 84 Forestry Conditions in Montgomery County, Indiana. Samuel J. Record. The recent interest in forests and forestry problems in Indiana malces it very important that every one collecting accurate information regard- ing the forestry conditions in any part of our commonwealth, present in as complete a manner as possible everything that may be of general importance in arousing public interest and at the same time serve as a basis for intelligent work in that pai'ticular part of the State. The writer has studied with some degree of thoroughness the condi- tions in Montgomery County, Avhich conditions, as revealed by the follow- ing facts, demonstrate the very serious nature of the problems we are confronting and the lines for future work. Montgomery County is located in the middle western part of the State and contains 504 square miles, or 322,500 acres. Owing to its large size, its prominent location and the diversity of its surface and soil it may well be considered as a typical section of the central part of Indiana. Hence, what may be said of the forestry conditions and the plans and possibilities of its reforestation may in a general way be considered true of the whole central portion of the State. The surface of the county is pleasantly diversified. The western and central part near the principal streams is hilly and broken, in the north central it is gently undulating and at the east and southeast flat and level. The northern part of the county is notably a prahie region, level or gently rolling. The drainage takes direction from the dip of the underlying rocks generally a little west of southAvest. The main stream is Rock River or Sugar Creek, which enters south of the northeast corner and traversing the central area, passes out six miles north of the west corner of the county. Its tributaries from the north ai-e Black and Lye creeks; from the south, Offield, Walnut and Indian creeks. The southern and south- eastern parts are drained by Big and Little Raccoon creeks and at the southwest by Coal Creek, which flows directly into the Wabash. The early settlers found the county one vast forest, broken only by the wind swept streak of the cyclones or the marshy land of the prairies. So dense was the wilderness that their way had to be cut with the axe. Trees and saplings were cut and tluMr trunks made into corduroy roads. Hchjht to <^imt Liiiihs. Total 72 160 GO 150 75 165 9-1 181 74 155 91 190 G2 120 85 Everywhere were the most vahiable varieties of forest grow^th, such as the oali, walmit, ash, poplar, cherry, maple, elm, hicli;ory, beech, mulberry, buckeye, locust, willow, sycamore, cedar, and some hemlock, each tower- ing and climbing and ever contesting for the necessary light of the sun. The lower branches were of little use in the shade and soon died away, thus by the natural pruning leaving the stem of the tree smooth and unbranched. To appreciate something of the size of these giants of the forest we need but note the following: Common N((iii('. Didiiicti-r. Burr Oak 7 White Oak 6 Black Oak 6.5 Red Oak 7 Black Walnut 7 Poplar 8 Sugar Maple 5 All the ground was covered with imderbrush and litter which had been accumulating for ages, producing a deep, rich loam which is still evident in the richness of the cultivated fields. Here were myriads of birds making their homes in the kindly shelter of the trees, and in turn destroying the multitude of insects which threatened the life of the forest. Thus when Ave closely examine the natural conditions we find the forest is a unit, a natural community in which each factor plays its part. An equilibrium is established, the result of the adaptation of each element to its environment; and when this equilibrium is disturbed the result is an undue development of one factor and consequent suppression of others. In this instance thoughtless man has destroyed the equilibrium, and the drying up of the wells and streams, the decrease in fertility of the fields and loss to our crops are a few of the disastrous results. Now but little remains to remind us of the luxuriant forests of this county sixty years ago. Here and there are scattered patches of wood- land standing like islands in a wide sea of clearing, and most of these so thinned and mutilated that they can scarcely be called forests at all. To the student of such affairs the destruction of this once mighty forest has all the features of a long continued tragedy. It is a crime against the past, present and future, a crime which may never be forgiven nor 86 forgotten. Thouyli iiiulonl)tedly requirod liy the necessities of civilization and popnlation, it lias been carried too far, and future generations may have to curse the wanton waste of the past. Our fathers had a constant grudge against trees. The best were cut iuto rails or hewed into sills, or used for tirevrood. Regular logging bees were held and tree after tree was cut, rolled together and burned. There is not a farm iu the county today but would, if left in timber, have been worth six times its present value. And worst of all, this same policy is being continued. Every year forest owners, either through carelessness or ignorance, are wasting valuable property. Concerning the market value of the various (•i'oi)s which the farm produces the farmer is usually posted, but concern- ing the market value of the various trees making up his timberland he is usually ignorant. The amount of timber that has been allowed to go to utter waste in the past history of the county, liecanse of the failure to appreciate the true value of forests. Avould have been sufficient, had it been preserved and sold at current prices, to have paid for every acre of land in I lie county. Save for occasional groves, almost all the ))l;ick walnut has been removed ])ecause of its great value, and yet on every farm in the county, rows of rail fences l)uilt of lilack walnut and poplar, imncheon floors, rnftci's of old barns ;ind sheds attest to its reckless use in the past. In this country whci-e all the land is in the liands of private owners, nothing can be done save tlu'ougli tlic intelligent co-operation of land owners. No land in tlie county has l)een reforested by ai'titicial means. A num- l)er of farmei-s, however, maintain groves of catalpa and black locust which furnishes material for posts and poles. Numerous instances could be cited where a few acres of black locust furnish a constant supply of posts for the fencing of farms containing linndreds of acres each. Such groves are easy to i)ropagate and furnish the best of posts, which can not be purchased on the market for less than thirty cents each line post. The catalpa groves have not proved so successful, owing in some instances to the planting of catalpa l)ignonoides which is of small growth, crooked and seldom forming a well-shaped tree. The A'aluable variety to plant is C. speciosa, which is a very rapid grower and furnishes wood valuable for posts, ties, telegraph poles and luml)er. Not only has there been no planting of forest tracts, but there has 87 been a constant cuttin.u off of the reniaiuinu tinil)erhuul. The following tigures from the statistician's report shows this condition: 1881 07,574 acres timl)erlaud. 1882 (i2,9S3 acres timberland. 1883 G0,31K) acres timberland. 1884 a0,451 acres timberland. 1885. 4(i,508 acres timljerland. 1880 44,183 acres timberland. liXlO 7,184 acres timberland. Tlio discrepancies in the early returns are due to inaccurate data; the later reports are more reliable. They are sntficient to shoAV the vast decrease in oiir forest ai-ea. In fifteen years 30,324 acres of timber Avas removed at the rate of 2,(;21 acres per year. If this rate were kept np all the remaining- timl)erland would be deforested in 2.7 years, but, of course, the decrease in the amount and value of the timlter would tend to lessen the annual rate of removal. The census report for 10(10 states that the numl)er of acres in timber l>ut not in pasture land in Union Townslnp is 2,240. Much of this, how- ever, is in small lots or groves and has had most of its best timber re- moved. This 2,240 acres is but 3.1 per cent, of total area of the township and is divided into IWj tracts or lots, only thirty-seven of which contain twenty acres or more. Of this latter number only eighteen contain as much as forty acres, and only one of 100 acres. Ripley Township is rugged and brolcen toward the south and has re- maining a larger proportionate acreage of forest. There are twenty-six tracts of twenty or more acres reported, mailing a total of 1.273 acres, comprising 59 per cent, of the total area. Much of this land is covered with beech, which, however, is not a very profitable timber. The soil, especially toward the southern part, is generally poor clay, and if stocked with young trees would soon l)ring much more than can l)e realized from the same ground at present. Brown Township is also much broken along the course of Sugar Creek. Only fifteen tracts of over twenty acres were reported, but most of these areas are large, giving a total of 950 acres or 2.7 per cent. Much of this timber is beech, though white oak is also abundant. The region near the mouth of Indian Creek, known as Pine Hills, is covered with pine and hemlock. JSome of these trees are very large with straight, towering 88 stems reaching to lofty heights. Hundreds of seedlings are growing everywhere and if left alone will perpetuate the excellent forest condition now prevailing. Farther down the stream are the "Shades of Death," an area of 200 acres in virgin forest, especially noted for its beautiful scenery. The sides and slopes of the sharp hills and promontories are covered with a thick growth of evergreen hemlocks and cedars and the tip-top heights with pines which lift their foliage 200 feet above the brook, averting the sun's rays and tilling the deep chasm with a gloom typical of the "Valley of the Shades." Here one sees typical forest conditions, the forest litter holding the moisture and feeding gradually the many pure, cold springs. This land, if deforested, would l)e worth practically nothing, but under proper management a large return could be secured annually from the timber gi-owing there. This area, however, has been recommended by the State Forester as a forest reserve with the purpose of increasing its effi- ciency as a park. Dr. Henry Moore, of Irvington, Indiana, was chosen president of the board of control. No other recommendations have been made. Walnut Township reports fifty-eight forest tracts containing a total acreage of 4,493 acres of 20 per cent. Avhole area. These forest tracts are comparatively large, thirteen of them containing 100 acres or over. Franklin Township reports eleven forest tracts, of twenty acres or over, making a total of 420 acres, or 2 per cent. The areas are small and most of the good timber has been removed. The boulder trail passes through the western portion of the township and the land in its vicinity would be worth much more if properly covered with timber than it is in its present condition; the large number of boulders making cultivation of crops very ditlicult. Sugar Creek Township reports seven tracts or 302 acres, 1.4 per cent, of total area. Most of the region is black prairie land and the timber is mostly in groves which have grown since the settlement of the country. The prevailing species are shellbark hickory and white oak. Madison is also a prairie region and its condition of soil and forest closely resembles Sugar Creek. Seven tracts are reported, giving a total of 458 acres, though the total acreage of the township, including smaller tracts, is reported as 501 acres or 21 per cent. Coal Creek reports but two tracts of more than twenty acres, though the total acreage amounts to 201 acres or .6 per cent, of the total area of the township. so Clark Township returns indicate four forest tracts contaiuiug over twenty acres. Only one tract contains over forty acres. The total area is 135 acres or .6 per cent. Wayne has but eleven forest tracts, malving- a total of 399 acres or 2 per cent, of the total area. The tracts are small, only one containing as much as sixty acres. Scott Township reports no forest tract containing as much as twenty acres. The total area of the timberland in the township does not exceed ninety-five acres or .4 per cent. From this glance at the townships it will appear that the amount of available timber is very limited and most of the forests now remaining are so small, open and scattered, that the benefit derived from them is but a small per cent, of that accruing from well regulated forest areas. The General Assembly of the State of Indiana enacted, in 1899, a forest reservation law, whereby upon any tracts of land a portion, not exceeding one-eighth of the total area, could be selected as a permanent forest reservation which should be appraised for taxation at one dollar per acre. The land to be exempted must contain 170 trees per acre, either naturally or artificially propagated. The act makes further specifications as to the maintenance of the tract, and designates what trees shall be known as forest trees within the meaning of the act. The law w^as a step in the right direction and has resulted in 284 exemptions covering a total area of 5,312 acres in the State. In Montgomery County, however, not a single exemption has been tiled. This condition in this county is largely due to the lack of information on the subject, and succeeding years will no doubt witness a large number of exemptions. Deforestation of the headwaters has produced a marked effect in the size and value of the county's streams. In its early history Sugar Creek was navigable for good-sized boats and was much used as a means of transportation. In 1824 William Nicholson came from Maysville, Ken- tucky, to Crawfordsville in a keel boat of ten tons bvu'den which landed at the mouth of Whitlock's Spring branch. It floated down the Ohio to the mouth of the Wabash and thence was rowed up to the mouth of Sugar Creek, finally, after a long voyage, reaching its destination. After- ward two men took the same boat down to Terre Haute for a load of corn. Other instances could be cited, but these are sufficient to show the extent of the navigability of the stream which at present would scarcely 90 float an old time tlatboat. Miu-h of this is due to tlie tilling in of the channel with the products of the denuded tields above. Records show that Sugar Creek has furnished a motive power for at least nineteen mills situated along its course in Montgomery County. At the pi'esent time the number does not exceed four and these are ol)liged to use steam during most of the summer season. As is well known, a constant water supply furnishes a most economical and reliable motive power which would tend to lessen the co.st of any manufactured products. The owner of the Siierry iNIill, at CraAvfordsville, asserts that the cost of running the mill one day by steam power, including coal, fireman and all expenses, is $5; while the total cost of water power for one year, including repairs to the dam and wheel, is .$40. In other words, the amount required to run the mill one day by steam would pay the cost of running the same mill by water for nearly forty days. The amount of power exerted by the stream in its course would, if utilized, be sufficient to turn every wheel in every factory within the county. This would be of especial importance in fui-nishing an econom- ical motive power for concerns luider nuuiicipal ownership, thereby greatly reducing the expense of operating. But while the volume of water carried by Sugar Creek in a year has probaljly remained constant since the county was discovered, yet the fiow is so irregular and uncertain that it is no longer of great economical importance. Deforestation has also had a very disastrous effect upon the fish supply of our streams. In the e.irly settlement of the country Sugar Creek was full of edible fish. It is related by an old settler that during one night in 1S24. 'JUO fisli. consisting of pike, salmon, bass and perch, were caught in a large fish ti'ap. The settler often carried them l)y skiff loads from the fish trap and placed them in a pond to be retaken later and sold or used for food. Now this condition has entirely changed and Init few food lishes remain in oni- stre.-uns. It is true that stream pollution and illegal fishing are responsil)le for much of this, but the decrease in the volume of water, rendering it .stagnant during the siunmer months, is almost directly the result of deforestation of the headwaters. The un- usiudly high water at the season of spawning seriously interferes with the reproduction of the species. This sudden rise of the stream is pre- vented by the forest. The litter receives the I'ain. ;in, T.ntLI. Lliis is early for these seasliore species. They are said to lie in t'xce]»tionally rich i)himage. M1CU()I'ALA.M.\ IlLMAXrol'CS (I'.p.). Stilt S(niili)ii)cr.—A specimen of this rare Sandpiper Avas taken at Mill i'ond, near Creencastle, April 10. ISIIO, liy Alexander I'.lack. This is tlie second record of which I know tor Indiana. ^Ir. I'.lack lias kindly de- posited the specimen in my collection to verify tlie record. ECTOl'lSTES MICUATOUirs iLinn.i. J'(isxi'ntained during two trips to southern Indiana, the first late in August and the last late in October, 1002. while in the employ of the United States Department of Agriculture, and making some special investigations of certain insects attacking gi'owing wheat. 3\Iy first intention was to present a paper that would include only such species as were new to science, but I have in addition to such, found so many forms that are new to the State, and others discovered by me aliont Lafayette, years ago, l)ut of Avhose habits nothing was known, have been farther investigated, throwing new light on their life history and habits, that I later decided to include all of the Hymenoptera reared by me, but not previously reported as inhabiting Indiana. I may add that the nature of my investigations required that consideral)le quantities of Avlieat stubble, and the stems of Elymus can- adensis and E. rirginicus, Tn'rxspis sesli'wides and Bromvs secalimis, the latter being the common cheat of the wheatfields, be collected and the Tsosoma and other insects inhabiting these stems secured. The stems of these grasses and the wheat stubble were collected and placed in paste- l)oard boxes so that everything developing within them was thus secured. It will be observed, then, that the prime ol)ject of my rearings was to de- termine the food plants of the Isosoma, the parasitic species, though of much importance, were of secondary signification in these studies. IsiiKdmd graiide, which I reared about Lafayette, during the years 1884 to 188(;, and established the fact of a dimorphism and alternation of 102 generations befure unknown among these insects in tliis country, was represented in my rearings from wlieat stubble, collected from about NeAV Harmony and Princeton, by tlie spring form miiiKfiiiu. Isosoma tritici Fitch was also reared from wheat straw from these localities. Specimens of the latter occurring among the former are quite strongly contrasted, the latter being quite large for tliese insects and pos- sessing fully developed wings, whereas tlie former are much smaller and wingless. Reared also from EUjnnis ciryiiiiviis, an entirely new food plant for the species. LsosoiiKi iiKicHliifinii Howard was reared in considerable numbers from the stems of clieat, liromiis srriiHiins. 'J"hi' si)('cies was described from Individuals collected l)y me about Lafayette during .lune, ISSo, and May, 188G, but the food plant has up to tliis time remained unknown. Isosomd albomacvlatii/i Ashmead, origina.lly described from AVest Vir- ginia, was reared from lirnniiia scciiliiiiis in great nniiiliers, ;ilso to a lesser extent from tlie stems of Kli/iinis riri/'micKs. Isosoiint cli/ini Frencli was rc-ired in in'ofnsion from Kli/iim.s. This species, at one time supposed to lie a wlieat ins(>ct, confines itself strictly to the grasses. I liave iie\ci- rcai-cd it from whe.it straws and liave never reared Ixohoiiki iiniiKU ri-om anything else except wheat. Isitsoiiiii I fliiripi's) liordii Harris was reai'cd fi'oni steins of Kli/nnis cdii- (i(h')isls and in such niunl)ers as to give economic importance to the fact. The rearing of the .Joint Woi'in species. /. lionlri. and one of the wheat straw worm species, /. frilici. fi-oiii Elininix. lioth of wliicli are wlieat in- sects, shows very jilainly that though the farmer may overcome these in his cultivated fields, unless he is careful to destroy tliese grasses growing along roadsides and in unciiltivalcd ti(>lds. ;i continual rcinfestjition will be going on, and he must tight his foes in the grasses as well as in his cultivated grains. Besides these, thei'e is a species of Isosoma, of which I have only been aide to rear the male, Init the larvic of which infest the stems of Triciispis scslo-oiticx. and I have r(>ared tliese from stems col- lected near Orleans, Indiana. There is probably still another species of Isosoma. at present not distinguishable from /. lihiifntiis Howard. Tliis last had until now been known '>nly fi'om rye straw in California. I did not rear this from Indiana, but in Illinois the common cheat, Bromus secdJiiiiis, appears to he its sole food plant. The larva:" are found in the stems, and as the stems of cheat in Indiana contain an abundance of io;3 birvH' it is not unlil^cly that those of this species are amons' tliem. It is not nnlikely to be fonnd infesting rye also. Tori/iint.s spV This is parasitic on the Isosoma hirvo? infesting the stems of Tri€iisi>is. Another species of parasitic Hymenoptera has been determined as a new species of a new genus of the family Enc\irtidu\ Eiiriitoina nov. sp. This was reared from the stems of Eli/iniis cdii- (idciisis, the adults emerging in late August. J'draptcromaliis iso.snniatis Ashmead, nov. gen. et. sp. This is parasitic on a cell inhaliiting Isosohki. affeeting EJijiiivs. The adults appear in late summer and at once proceed to oviposit in the occupied cells of the Isosomas. That is to say, they have developed in the bodies of their liosts while the latter have l)een in tlie process of development and. now. oviposit in the fully grown larv;i\ there being tluis two broods of the parasite to one of the host. Coccideiirj/rtiis [hinis Ashmead. nov. sp. This is doubtless connected in some manner with a coccid that inhabits the stems of Eli/iiiiif!. OHyosita (oiicricaiia Ashnu-ad, nov. sp. This is an egg parasite and l)elongs to a genus not before reported from America. A single species is known from Europe and three from the island of Ceylon. Elasuiii-s irclislcri Aslimead, nov. sp. Reared from either the stems of Elymus or from the stubble of wheat, in either case it is probably in some way connected with some species of Isosoma. Xfiufhov)ie!j)tiix iitfirocldnm Ashmead, nov. gen. et. sp. Reared from stems of Ehjiiuts. )»ut not proliably in connection with the Isosomas. The following were reared in considerable numbers from leaves and stems of grasses about Champaign and Urbana, Illinois, within which the host insects were feeding, and doubtless are to be found in Indiana also. Poh/iicin-d citriprs Ashmead, nov. sp. Reared from stems of Eraijrostis poaoidcs. an egg parasite Avhose exact host is unknown. I'cdohiiis wehstcri Ashmead, nov. sp. Parasitic on a dipterous leaf miner affecting I'diiirinii prolifdriii l»y mining in the tips of the leaves. As I have found the same leaf attack in various localities in Indiana, presumably done liy tlie same dipteroiis insect, it is not at all unlikely that tlie parasite is also found in Indiana, as I have reared them in great numliers from about T'rliana, Illinois. Only one othei- species of this genus is known, and it is also a dipterous parasite. 104 Prelimixary Llst (IF (tall-I^roducing Insects Common to Indiana. Mel T. Cook. For the past two yenrs the writer has beeu very much interested in gall-producing insects and in the structures produced by Vhem. Among other very interesting phases of this problem is the question of dlstrilni- tion. We know very little of the distribution throughout the country and nothing of tlie distribution in Indiana. My collection ot galls includes over 200 species, collected in the states of Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. Those collected in Indiana are all from Putnam County and about seventy species are included. Of this number, I have accurately determined forty species. These forty species represent five orders (including Acarina) and eighteen genera. The host plants represent ten orders, twelve families and fourteen genera. The order and families of the host plants are the following: Orih'ri<. Familioi. Salicales, Salicaceae. Jiiglandales, Juglandaceae. Fagales, Fagaceae. Urticales, Ulmaceae. ( Hamanielidaceae. Resales, ■[ Rosaceae. t Caesalpinaceae. Sapindales, Aceraceae. Rliamuales, Vitaceae. Malvales, Tiliaceae. Gentianales, Oleaceae. Campanulales, Compositeae. The following is a list ol llie insects and host plants Icnown positively to occur in Indiana: HEJIIPTERA. 1. Hormaphis hamamelis. Fitch — Hamamelis Virgiuiana L. 2. Colopha ulmicola, Fitcli — Ulmus Americana L. 3. Pemphigus ulmi-fusus, Walsh — Ulmus Americana L. 4. Scliizoneura Americana, Riley — Ulmus Americana L. 10( 5. Phylloxera caryae-avenae, Fitch— Hicoria alba (L) Britton. 6. Phylloxera caryae-glohuli, Walsh— Hicoria alba (L) Britton. 7. Pliylloxera caryae-fallax, Riley— Hicoria alba (L) Britton. 8. Phylloxera caryae-caulis, Fitch— Hicoria alba (L) Britton. 9. Phylloxera caryae-depressa, Shimer— Hicoria alba (L) Britton. „, , f (Vitis ^^llpina L. 10. Phylloxera vastatrix, Planchon-|^^,.^.^ ^.^^^^^. LeConte. 11. Pachypsylla celtidis-mammae, Riley— Oeltis occidentalis L. LEPIDOPTERA. 12. Trypeta solidaginis, Fitch— Solidago Canadensis L. 13. Gelechia gallae-solidaginis— Solidago Canadensis L. DIPTERA. 14. Cecidomyia verrucicola, O. S.— Tilia Americana L. 15. Cecidomyia pilulae, Walsli- Quercus sp. (many species). 16. Cecidomyia salicis-strobiloides, Walsli— Salix sp . 17. Cecidomyia salicis-semen, Walsh— Salix sp . 18. Cecidomyia salicis-siliqua, Walsh— Salix sp . 19. Cecidomyia salicis-aenigma, Walsh — Salix sp . 20. Cecidomyia gleditschae, O. S.— Gleditsia triacanthos L. 21. Cecidomyia solidaginis, Loew— Solidago Canadensis L. 22. Cecidomyia pellex, O. S.— Fraximis Americana L. HYMENOPTERA. 23. Andricus seminator, Harris— Quercus alba L. 21. Andricus petiolicola, Bassett— Quercus sp . 25. Andricus palustris, O. S.— Quercus palustris Du Roi. 26. Andricus clavula, O. S.— Quercus alba L. 27. Andricus papillatus, O. S.— Quercus sp . 28. Amphibolips inanis, O. S.— Quercus rubra L. 29. Amphibolips confluentus, Harris— Quercus sp . 30. Callirhytis tumifica, O. S.— Quercus alba L. 81. Holcaspis centricola, O. S.— Quercus palustris DuRoi. 32. Holcaspis globulus, Fitch— Quercus alba L. 33. Biorhiza forticornis, Walsli— Quercus alba L. 34. Acraspis erinacete, Walsh— Quercus alba L. 35. Rhodites bicolor, Harris— Rosa sp . lOG ACARIXA. 36. Phytoptus abnonuis, Garman— Tilia Americana L. 37. Phytoptus acerieola, Garman— Acer saccharinum L. 38. Pliytoptus quadripes, Sliimer— Acer saeeliarinum L. 39. Pliytoptus ulmi, Garman— Ulmus Americana L. •40. Erineum anomalum — Juglans nigra L. From the Ml.ove lists it will be seen that we have reiiivscutatives from every orJer of insects which produce galls, except Colcoptera. r)oul»tless the number ,,f -all-producing hisecfs in Indiana will far exceed 300 species. I sliould b,- vitv glad if members of tlu' Academy will send specimens to me. Specimens may be sent either fresh or dry or in formalin. Always send enough of the host plant to enable deter- mination. Notes on J)eformei» K.mhrvos. Mf.l T. Cook. It is well lle tliat ni:ill'onna1 ions may result from other causes. La.st spring the students in n.y class in embi-yology found a very large number of deformed clii,-i< eniliryos. The most .•ouunon malformation was two or more blastoderms, but in many c.-ises the emlirvos did not / develop beyond the formation of the jirinutive streak. The farthest developed and most remai'kable defornuty was in the case of two embryos .so placed that anterior ends wei-e joined and the posterior ends extending ui opposite directions. .Judging from the mesoblastic somites, the em- lot bryos were about forty-eight hours of hicubatlon, there being eleven well- defined somites in one and sixteen in the other. The neural canal was partially closed, but only one brain vesicle in each case was developed. Between the two anterior ends was a mass of much distorted structures and apparently including several gill arches. The eggs were secured from relial)le parties, and I have every reason to consider them fresh and that they had been properly cared for. My as- sistant assures me that the temperature of the incubator was regular and that all conditions were normal. The slide from which tlie drawing was made was prepared V)y Mr. Charles Sudranski. The Laice Laboratory at Sandusky, Ohio. Mel T. Cook. The past few years has v\'itnessed a wonderful increase in facilities for biological worl^. Among the most noticeable features has been the estal)lislnnciit of summer laboratories especially adapted for biological research until we now have six marine and a larger number of inland laboratories. Since the character of l)iological work is so dependent upon the locality, and since each locality presents certain problems peculiar to itself, each of these laboratories has certain advantages over its friendly rivals and the itinerant biologist has the opportunity of reaping the bene- fits from all. He meets his fellow-worker and studies the varied fauna and flora under the most favorable conditions. Among the earliest of these laboratories was the Lake Laboratory at Sandusky, Ohio, which was first opened in 1895, under the direction of Professor Kellicott, of the Ohio State University. In ISDS Professor Kellieott died and the laboratory came under the direction of his successor. Prof. Herbert Osboru, the present director. The laboratory was at first intended for investigation only, and for the first four seasons was used by only three or four workers. In 1899 there were fourteen investigators and it was then decided to offer regular courses; this was done in 1900 and eacli succeeding year. For the past three seasons the increase in interest has been very pronounced. In 1902 there were twenty-four students and six instructors; of the twenty-four log Upper Floor, Lake Laborator Proposed Site. 109 students, sixteen ^vore graduates and eight of these were engaged in investigations. The laboratory is nnder the control of the Ohio State University and under the direct management of the President of the University and of the director. The equipment consists of three boats and the necessary dredges for working on the aquatic fauna and flora. The microscopes, microtomes, other apparatus and library are supplied from the Ohio State University laboratories. Thus far the work has been conducted in the building of the Ohio Cedar Point Beach, Looking West. State Fish Commission, but appropriations have been made for the erec- tion of a new building especially for this work. It is expected that tlus building will be ready for use in mK^. This will give more and better facilities to meet the increasing demands. Ample arrangements will be made for the general courses, both for students and for teachers in the secondary schools. Special elTorts will be made to accommodate advanced students in graduate courses and to provide opportunities for independent research by investigators in the many fields of biology. While the control of the laboratory will probably remain with the Ohio State university, other institutions will be invited to cooperate and 110 • ■very effort will l.e iimde to ui.-ikc tlic Inl.onitovy of spoeial service to the biologist of the inland states. The location is accessible from all parts of the Central West. The climate is healthfnl and conducive lo summer work. The flora is one of the ridiest in the country. Accordiui;- to Mosely's "Sandusky Flora" it contains 3tK» moi'e species tlian have been reported from any other locality of like dimensions in the State of Ohio. The flora is also more extensive than that reported from other parts of North America. Most plants native to Ohio, with tlie I'.xception of those charac- teristic of the Ohio River couutit>s and Si)ha!;num swamps, are found Avithin the range of the Sandusky I'lora. It also includes Kr, species not reported in the Canadian catalogue and si.xty-seveu .species not known in Michigan, and many species cliaracleristic: of wi'stt-rn and southern re- gions. This wonderful tloi'a is due largely to the climate and geology, the lake i)r(»lecting the south shore from the cold winds of the north and thus allowing many southern plants lo extend their northern limits. The lake, tlie liays. the mai-shes. the rivers, Ihe deep ravines, the rocky sliore line, tlu- mud and sand bea<-hes. tiie sand dunes, the various kinds of soil, the pr.-iirie. and th(> woods, all tend to give desirable conditions for tills very I'ich and sti'iking tiora. All of tlie .above conditions, together with the varied food supply '"•■"'^'"•'l ^'y "'*' '■'«•'' •••'' .-'ve an e.imilly varied and remarkable fauna. Ill KEPOKTS FROM THE INDIANA UNIVEKSITY P>10- LOGICAL STATION AT AVINONA LAKE* (1. The Individuality of the Maternal and Paternal Chromo- somes IN the Hybrid Between Fundulus IIetero- CLITUS AND MeNIDIA NoTATA. W. J. MOEXKHAUS. [Abstract.] In the hylirid l.rtw*"on F,ni question to s^t a i.kotoyraph of alJ th. appeudagos in position. I. therefore, preserved the appendages and give herewith a drawing of the posterior view of Ijoth. The first and second pairs of appendages were modified in the usual way and in no way differed from the coi-responaing appendages in the "ornial males of the same species. The additionally modified third pair Fig. 1. .vsenil.le in plan almost exactly the second pair.. The exopod and the segmented fiabellum of the endopod are much less reduced and much more extensively provided with feathered seta> tluui the second p.-Ur They «re of about the same size and in positional. verge and fit against the second pair Of appendages mnch In the same manm.r that these do against the hrst. AMiether they were in any way fuuelional I am. nf eourse, umiblo to sav. r. Description of a New Species of Darter from Tippecanoe Lake. W. J. MOENKHAUS. During the summer of ISDC. while collecting large quantities of Per- cina caprodes in Tippecanoe Lake, a single large specimen of darter was taken which could not be identified with any described species. I thought then and since, until recently, that it might be a hybrid betw(.en Perchia caprodes and Hadropterus aspro becaWe of evident intermediate charac- ters. After holding the specimen for six years with the hope that other specimens might be taken, I last year published a note in the Proceeding's of the Imlmna Academy* under the title "An Ab..rrant Ethcstoma" in '■■ For 1902, pp. 115-116, ii;] Avliicli I briettj' described the specimen and compared it with Perciua caprodes and Iladropterus aspi'o. Last summer the sandbars on the sontli side of the east end of the lalce were again extensively seined and among some 500 or 600 Percina caprodes two small specimens— probably that summer's brood— Avere taken which, beyond a doubt, are similar to the specimen which had been taken six years previously in a part of the lake three or four miles distant. Among a peck of darters from a part of Tippecanoe Lake that the labels do not indicate, collected in 1898 by some students of the Indiana University Biological Station, I found three simi- lar specimens, making in all six specimens of this tj'pe from different parts of the lake. There can no longer be any doubt that we have to do with a distinct species and, so far as I can determine, the species is un- described. This new species is among the most beautiful and largest of the darters. It gives me the greatest pleasure to name the species for Dr. Barton Warren Evermanu, icthyologist, of the U. S'. Fish Commission, HADUOI'TEKU8 EVEUMANNI Moenkhaus. (New Species. ) Head 4; depth G.IO; D. XVI, 14; A. II, 11; scales 8- 70-9. The form of the body is much like that of II. aspro, rather elongate, fusiform, somewhat compressed posteriorly, but less pointed anteriorly. ;\Iouth moderately large, maxillary reaching to the pupil; the cleft of mouth almost horizontal, lower jaw included; eye large, about equaling snout; interorbital rather broad, flat; gill membranes free from isthmus and separate; opercular spine and flap well developed; preopercle entire. All scales ctenoid; nape with fewer, smaller, embedded scales; median ventral line in one specimen provided with a row of closely set, slightly enlarged scales, a second specimen has three or four such scales, the re- maining specimens are without scales; the breast naked; opercle with closely set ctenoid scales slightly smaller than those on the body; cheeks with fewer still smaller, embedded ctenoid scales; lateral line complete, slightly arched over pectorals. Pectoral and ventral fins about equal in length, measuring one and one-third in head; origin of spinous dorsal one-third the distance between the snout and base of caudal; origin of tlie soft dorsal and the anal equi- ilistant from the snout, one and one-half in Ixidy length; the spinous dor- 8— Acadi'iny of .Sciem/c. 114 Sill sdiiicwliiit lunger tluin llic sdl'l ddrsal and tiic latter than tlic anal; these three tins are al)ont the same heiiiht. the order of tlieir heiuht in an aseeudiny series being spinous dorsal, soft dorsal, anal: th.eir height equals two iii head. The color patterns suggest -.xn intermediate type between I'crchui <-a[)V()(Jcs and Hadroijtcnis UKpro. Sides \\ itli aliout iiineceen large, distinct black blotches which, especially along the middle region, alternate with smaller ones, these often being the ventral ends of more or less well developed transverse bars. The dorsal side with a series of large quad- rate blotches alternating and anastomosing witli variously (IcncIoixmI transverse bars. The color pattern is of the ti'ansverse tyi)i" I'atlier tlian the longitudinal characteristics of //. (i^in-n and nni'-riitciiJidhiiii. In tlie older specimen this dorsal patti>ru becomes more dilTuse and less regular. I>orsal two-thirds of opercle and llie iqipcr part of clieek, lilack. A dis- tinct Idaclc band extends downward :ind .-inotlier. more diffuse, forward from the eye. I'.oth dorsals ;ind the caudal lin, liarrcd. pectorals indis- tinctly so; ventrals and anal, plain. .\ Idadc siiot at th;- liase of the caudal. lAin.i; OK MKASrHE.ME.XTS .\\l) (OIN rs OK .\[.L TUK SI'I ;(I M KXS. Numlier of specimen- 1 1^ :'> 4 o (» Av. Length of body TT.IIO 4'.l.ili) 7,iUM .j."'..(>0 4;i.(io TAMi) .... Head in length A.iC, ?,.H2 3.84 3.93 :'..1»2 3.i»2 :'..!»1 D<>pth in length 0.1(1 T.dO f).25 O.ll ('..30 .... (;.3(i i:yc in head 3.Sl) ?,X,7> :>,.42 3.71) 3.'.>0 4.30 3.81 Snout in head 3.!V. 4.(M> 3. 82 4.(;(; 4.17 4.:'..", 4.14 IMa.xillary in head 3.r.8 IS.C.j 3,71 4.(;(; 4.17 4.1i:'. 4, no Interorbital in head 4,(« 5.13 5.20 4.(;a 4.17 r..20 4.83 Pectorals in head 1.3(3 1.28 1.30 1.21 l.r.O 1.3(> 1.33 Ventrals in head ...... 1.31 1.42 1.32 1.40 1..3i) 1.44 1.38 Spinous I), from snout. 3.20 2.88 2.02 3.23 3.0(5 3.18 3,08 Soft dorsal from snout. l.CO 1.58 l.Gfi 1.57 1.58 1.59 1.59 Anal from snout l.Cl 1..-.8 1.01 1.(52 1..58 1..59 1.00 Dorsal fin— XVI. 14 XIV. 14 X\M4 XIV,i:; XIV, 15 XI V,!.'. Anal fin-II,ll 11.10 11,10 11.11 11,11 11.11 Scales-7-79-9 9-84-12 9-84-11 S-S2-11 9-S2-12 8-84-11 82 The species is most closely related to llddrdittvni^ iispro and Ihidroi)- tcnis nKicrocritJidliim. From the formei- it differs most sti-ikingly in tiie color i)attern. especially that of tlie dorsal side, which is transverse in 115 type rather than loiigitiuliiial, and hi the greater nnmlier of scales, which hi tliis species are ctenoid instead of cycloid, ou the cheeks and opercles. Type No. 9785. Museum In.diana University. Cotype No. 07SG. Museum Indiana T'nivt'rsity. Cotypes have also been deposited in the U. 8. National Museimi, U. S. Fish Commission, INIuseum of Stanford Universitj' and British Museum of Natural History. d. Myxomycetes of Lake AVinona. Fred Mutchlek. With the advice and consent of Dr. C. A. King, I decided to take the time not required in teaching during tlie Station Session of 1902 in mak- ing a systematic study of tliC Myxomycetes of the lake neighl)orliood and this report shows tlie result of the work. The season was one especially I'avoralile for such a study, inasmuch as tilt' frecjuent warm lains were very conducixe to a luxuriant growth of all kinds of fiuigi. This list is Iiy no means i-omplete, though I feel sure that it contains the majority of the forms indigenous to tlie region. Had it l)een possilile to continue the study for another month I feel siu-e that the list Avould have been very materially increased, for myxomycetes were as plentiful at the close as they were at the opening of the station work. Quite a numlter of specimens were collected on special excursions to Turkey Lake, Tippecanoe River, and North Manchester. I have included in this list species found on rhose trips that I did not I'lnd at "NVinona. The locality of such species is indicated in every case. All others were collected in the immediate neighborhood of the lake. Dii to follow the classification and nomenclature as given in Lister's ^Nlycetozoa. I soon found, however, that there are species here not given in that work, and I therefore used McBride's Myxomy- cetes of North .America in connection with it. IIG The list including eighty-six species belonging to twenty-ohe gehei'rt is as follows: 1. Ceratomyxa porioides (Alb. anil Sclnv.) Schroeter. Very common on decayed wood from July 1 to August 10. Frequently found covering almost the entire surface of decaying trunks. 2. I'hijsarum viride Pers. Collected at least on three different trips, June 27, July 13, and July 20. On bark of fallen trees. 3. P. iJiiJchripcs Peck. Found in one collection, July 3. On bark of an old oak stump. //. 1'. nutans Pers. Collected in considerable quantities from bark of fallen elm, July '.). 5. P. poJinnorphum. Found spreading in large patches over bark of a beech stump and on lilades of grass and leaves of briars nearl)y, July 14. Turkey Lake. G. P. vcfroideum Rost. Brought into the laI)oratory several times. Collected from bark of fallen Cottonwood, July 17. 7. P. (/albeinn Wingate. On oak bark, July IS. S. P. iiurisculpium Cooke. On decaying leaves. Turkey Lake, July 14. ,9. P. niicleutum Rex. Not common. Bark of fallen ash, July 20. 10. p. macidatum McBr. On decaying wood in considerable quantity, .inly 24. //. /'. didcrmoidrs Rost. A single specimen collected on a decaying sycamore stump, .Inly 21. l.i. P. n<)diil(jsinit Cooke and P.alfour. On fallen trunks, July 15. /.)'. y. (jlohiilifci-inn Pers. July ;'>1. Decayed wood. J'j. P. ohrusscum Berk and Curtis. Collected from a fallen poplar trunk near North Manchester, August 3. J 5. P. melleum Mass. Found in small quantity on decaying leaves in woods near North Manchestei", August 3. ]C). ]'. cilriiniiii Schumacher. Collected along with 7*. fiirllniiii. Noi'th Manchester, August 3. 17. P. ciiicrciiiii Pers. Found on a growing fern frond in woods near Tii)pecanoe River, August 5. IS. J'lij/sdnlld )iiir(ihilis Peck. Found literally covering the inside of a liollow sycamoi'e stump near the biological laboratory, July 7. I!). TihiKidoclic conipactd. AVingate. One specimen collected on oak bark, .Inly :!0. Does not seem to !)•• plentiful. IIY 20. Si)uiiiiiri(i iiIIki I). C. Very foniinon on stems jiiul leaves of herb- aceous plants througliont the month of Julj-. 21. Fvligo scptica Gmelin. Alost common of any species collected. Could be found any day throughout the season. 22. F. violacea Pers. Rare, collected from decayed oak stump, July 19. 23. LcocariJKS reniicosits Link. Only a small quantity collected from the bark of an oak log, July 29. 2Jf. Tuhiiliiia fnKjifonnis Pers. Quite common on decaying wood dur- ing the month of July. 25. T. stiiutata Rost. Only a single specimen. Collected from decayed oak stump, July IS. 26. Craterinin leucoccphaliim Ditmar. Found frequently on bark of twigs, July 20 and 29. 27. ('. 711 ill nil II III Berk, and Curt. Found only once. Blades of grass, July 31. 28. Didijmiitm cnistaceiiiii Fries. On green blades of grass and leaves. Turkey Lake, July 14. 29. D. nifjripis Fries. Found growing on Sphagnum and rabbit dung collected at Winona Lake. 30. atcmonitis fusca rarictii (/cniiiiKi, Roth. Collected in abundance from decaying Avood, July 4. 31. *S'. fvsca variety rufesccnii Roth. A single specimen from dccnye(l oak stump, June 2o. 32. S. spJetidois Rost. Quite common on all kinds of decaying wood. June, July and August. 33. 8. Siiiithii jNIcBr. Found in great tufts at l)ase of decaying oak stump, June 2U. 34. S. iiiaxima Schweinitz. Quite common. July. 35. S. pallidd Wingate. Collected in small quanlKy cm liai'k of fallen oak, July 10. ■ ii). S. Miinjaiii Peck. Collected in plentiful (iiiantities on decayed oak trunk, .Inly Ki. 37. S. C(troHuciisi.i INIcKr. Found growing, July IT. on the stump where aS'. Siiiifhii had been collected June 20. S. Siiiitliii was not found at this time. 3.S. S. hcrhatica Peck. Single specimen. Blades of grass. July 17. 3d. H. yinjiiiiciiisis Rex. Collected from oak bark along with »S'. ni- ijreiicens, July 14. Turkey T-ake. 118 .'lO. S. nUjrescens Rex. Turkey Lake, July 14. J,1. S. Wehhcri Rex. On fallen elm. July 14. Turkey Lake. 42. S. conflue)is Cooke and P^llis. Collected in consideraltle quantities from bark of fallen oak trunk. .Tuly 20. Probably rare. J/S. Comatricha stciuonitis .Sheldon, (^uite common on decayins wood. Collected frequently during July. .'/). C. irregularis Rex. On fallen cottonwood trunk, July 17. J/o. C. Subsdorfil Ellis and Everliardt. Single specimen collected July 30. on an old rail fence. .'iG. C. ti/phoidcs Rost. Found quite itlentiful on dead wood near North IManchester, August 3. J/J. C. cquuHs Peck. Not common. Collected from a l)oai'd fence July 30. .'/.S. Dirtijdiion iimhllicdtjiiii Schnulcr. Collected in great abundance on varloiis kinds of decaying wood dm'ing tlie month of July. J/O. CrihnirUt teiiella Schrader. Collected in large (luantities on very badly decayed wood. June 25 to July 2S. 50. C. (licti/dioides Cke. and Balf. Very common. Quite a large de- caying oak trunk was found l)y the elementary students, wliih- collecting. July 17, that was literally covered with this species. r>L C. microcdrim Pers. Taken in sulist.-intial (innntities from decay- ing wood at Turkey Lak(\ July 14. Also near Tippin-anoc River, Au- gust .".. 52. C. umrrociirixi Schradci'. On rotton wcod, July :10. .')■]. ('. niuiiitissinni Scliweinit/.. This species taken only once but in consideralile (luantity then. On a lichen covered oak trunk, July 20. On account of its smaljness it is pi-o))al)ly often overlooked by collectors. .<'/. Arcyria incarnata Pers. Very common. Collected many times on all kinds of decayed wood, June 2(5 to August 20. 55. A. cincrca Pers. Found abundantly diu'ing July on decayed wood. 56. A. flara Pers. On decaying inajile. July 4. 57. .4. iniuicca Pers. Perhaits tlie most common of the Arcijrias. Collected on almost every trip during tlie entire time the station work was going on. 5S. A. fcrnniiiira Saut(>r. Found growing on old decaying cornstalks. July 4. 59. A. uicanKifii iiodiiJoxa Mcl'.r. On decaying birch, July 10. 119 GOj A. (lifntiitd Vers. Quite common on docMving maple. The spoi-;in- gia are usually eolhctcd in tufts of from four to twelve. July 10. Gl. A. poiiiifoniiis Itost. Found along with A. di. pdiidiiin ^Mass. Found along with <>. nifnis. North Manchester. August ;j. 7.5. ro'iclidciia cdrticdli.^i Rost. Collected in small (]uautity on fallen elm trunk under outer hark. July :'>0. 76. P. rariahilis Rost. On inner l)ark of willow trunk, July 30. 77. TricJiid coiifdiid Rost. Collected only in small (juantity, July 8, in decayed wood of oak stump. 7N. 7'. (iffinis DeBary. Found in ccmsiderahle (juantity in decaying maple, July 8. 79. T. fdlld.r I'ers. (,)uite common on various decaying woods, July 10. SO. T. fardiiiiird I'ers. Collected ([uite frequently on various woods during the month of August. More alunidant than any other memher of the genus. 120 81. T. scdhra Kost. Collected froiii decayed wood near Tippecanoe River, August 5. 82. T. pcrsiiiiUis Karst. Single specimen collected July 20. Decayed elm. S.3. T. lowensis McBr. Found growing in rotten wood near Tippe- canoe River, August 5. 84. Lijcogala erujiiinn Morg. Not common. Collected only once. June 26. 85. L. flaro fiiscuiii Rost. Several specimens collected from water soaked decaying wood. Turkey Lake, July 14. 86. L. miniaUim Pers. Very common on all kinds of decaying trmiks. This species was found on almost every collet-ling trip. e. The Plankton of Wixona Lake. Chance Y Judav. Winona Lake is one of the numerous lakelets found in northern In- diana. It is located in Kosciusko County about one mile (l.G kilometers) southeast of the city of Warsaw. Concerning the physical features of the lake but little need be said as two hydrographic maps showing many of these points, have been published; one by Large in 189G (Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1S9G) and another by Xorris in 1901 (Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci., 1901). The lake is irregular in ouUine and has an average length north and south of al)out one and an eighth miles (1.8 kilometers) and an aver- age widtli east and west of al>out seven-tendis of a mile (1.1 kilometers) witli a large bay extending westward from the north end. It has an area of about 0.9 of a square mile (2.3 square kilometers) and a maximum depth of eighty-one feet (twenty-five meters). Two small creeks flow into the southeastern portion of the lake and there are several large springs along the east side. The data for this paper were collected at the Indiana University Biological Station during the summer of 1901. I wish to acknowledge my indebtedness to Dr. C. H. Eigenmann, Director of the Station, for many courtesies shoAvn me. I am also much indebted to Mr. Clarence Kennedy and Mr. Heilman C. Wadsworth for their valuable assistance both in making the observations and in the tedious work of counting the material. 121 T U A X Sr A R E'XC Y. The transparency of the water was determined by means of a Seechi's disk, abont iifteen centimeters in diameter. The depth at which this disk just disappeared from view varied from 2.1 meters as a minimum to 2.5 meters as a maximum. TEMPERATURES. The tliermophone and deep sea thermometer were not in Avorkiug order so that the temperatures had to be tal^en bj^ means of a pump and hose. Tliis metliod, of course, is subject to considerable error and the results were found to be of comparatively little value except to determine the location and extent of the thermocline, so that the distribution of the plankton with regard to this region, might be studied. The temperature observations were made in the deepest part of the lake, and they consisted of eight sets in July and ten sets in Aiigust. During July there was very little wind so that the upper stratum of water was not disturbed to any great extent. As a result this stratum accu- mulated considerable heat dm-ing this period. The surface temperature, taken at a depth of eight or ten centimeters, averaged 28.0° C. for the eight sets of observations, with 31.2° C. as a maximum. During August, however, the wind was much stronger and the upper stratum of water was much more thoroughly stirred up. As a result, the average surface temperature for the ten sets of observations was 25.0° with a maximum of 2G.0.° Tlie thermocline consisted of a stratum of water three meters in thick- ness. The difference in temperatiire between the top of this stratum and tlie bottom of it varied between 9.0° and 12.0°. In July it extended from four meters to seven meters, and in August from five meters to eight meters. The downward movement was doulitless due to the stronger winds prevailing in August. The change in liottom temperature during the two months was very slight, 7.5° being the minimum and 8.0° the maxinuun. METHODS. The plankton observations as well as the temperature observations were made in the deepest part of the lake and by the pump method. An ordinary pitcher pump, 1-inch garden hose, and a plankton net whose 122 straining part was made of Dnfonr's No. 2(i lioltiiiii- cloth, were used. Tlie quantity of water strained for a catch was the amount produced by forty strokes of the pumi*, which averaged 2'2.~) liters. The counting method was used to determine the relative abundance of the various plankton forms. In most cases 20 per cent, of the material obtained in a catch was coimted, and the results thus obtained for the various forms were multiplied l)y live in onb'r to determine the numl)er of individuals in a whole catch, ^^'henl•ver a catch contained a compara- tively small number of individuals, for example, the catches near the surface in day time, the whole catch was counted. Also, ;\11 the indb viduals of the hirger forms, such as p]pischin-a and Leptialoi'a, which are readily recognizable with tlie naked eye. were counted. The sets of observations may li(> divided iiili) five groups: 1. Twenty sets of day catclies which wvvr made not earlier than '.) a. m., nor later ttian 4 p. m. 2. Six sets of night catches which, wilh one exception, wei'c niadi' between 9 i). ni. and midnight. On Septembci' 2. a sei-ies was macb' as early as 8 p. m.. Iiut this, however, was an hour and ;i h.ilf after sunset. 3. Four sets of evening catches were ma(b'. These were begun short- ly before sunset and continued ;it lialf liour intervals .-in hour or more after sunset. 4. The morning obsei'vations were begun one and a half to two hours before sunrise and were continU(Ml at thirty minute interv,\ls until after smu'ise. Six sets of these were made. 5. In Aiignst there were two sets of observations in which catches were made at the surface at regular intervals during the entire night. Both series were begun before sunset and continut'd until after sunrise. Catches Avere nuule at half hour intervals until S and '.) p. m., respective- ly, then every hour until ■"> and 4 a. m.. respectively, and again at half Ikhu- int(>rvals mitil after s\nu-ise. The residts of these observations are sliov.n in Figs, 1 to 4. The tirst and second groups covered the entire depth of tlu^ lak(> (twenty-five meters), while the catches of the third and fourth groups were contined to the upper four meters. The fifth gioup consisted of surface catches. 123 THE PLANKTON FORMS. PHYTOPLANKTON. The phytoplanktoii was made up of three forms, Ciathrocystis, Coe- losphaerium and Oscinaria. Chithrocystis was much more abundant than the other two forms as it made up about 75 per cent, of the total quan- tity of phytoplanlcton. CRUSTACEA. Cope pod (I. —My thanlvs are due Prof. C. Dwight Marsh for his deter- mination of the following- copepods: EpiscJiiim hiciistris Forbes. Diaptoiiuis orvgoncnsis Lillj. Diapfoiniis hirgci Marsh. Cyclops pidchelliis Koch. Cyclops hrevispinosKS Herrick. CycJops leiickarti Sars. Cyclops alMdus Jurine. Cyclops prasiinis Fischer. Cyclops sernilatiis Fischer. Ergasiliis. The following concerning Diaptomus birgei is quoted from Professor Marsh's letter: '"The finding of D. birgei is of great interest to me. I described the species some years ago from a few specimens from New Lisbon, Wisconsin, and have never seen a specimen since. I had begun to fear tliat I had described a freak form and that the species would not stand; )>ut here comes the creature in the proper proportions. It is a little (pieer that I should have found it only in two such widely separated localities, but doulitless it lives at some intermediate locations." Clad or era. —The following linmetic forms were found: Daphnia hyalhia Leyd. Daphnia pulene De G. var. pulicaria Forbes. Daphnia retrocurva Forbes. DiapJiaiiosonia Jtydchynntm Sars. Ccriodaphnia laciistris Birge. Lcptodora hynlina Lillj. Clii/donis. Bos mi)} (I. 124 Littoral forms: I'lriira.nis proctirvaiits liirge. ricnro.riis dciificiilnfiis Birge. Enryccrciis Unnellatus O. F. JM. Acroijcms harpae Baird. The following- genera were represented by at least one species each. Alalia, Gniptohbcris, and Siniocrphaliis. Cypris and CorciJira larvic were fonnd in some of the catches. KCniVFAiA. Vowv lucinlMM-s (if tJiis gi'oup wei-e specifically identified, Triarthrd IdiKjisctd, [inirai (-(jchlrai is. Aiiiinii aciilcdtd. and Noflioica Inngispinii. The other mcmlicrs of the gronp liclongt'd to the genera AKplniicliiKi, I'oli/aiflini, and \l(istiri<'f a period, .inly 10 to September .3, to sliow mnch concerniug tlic increase nr (h'crease of the varions plankton constif ntents. In general, it may lie said tliat tliei-e was comparatively little change. There was ajiparently a slight in( re.-ise of the phytoplank- ton, dne mainly to an increase of Clatlii-oeystis. Only two forms of the Crustacea showed any change. Dnring August, tliert' was a perceptible increase of Diaptomus and Cyclops. They were found to be tAvice as numerous the fii'st of SeiUember as the last of .Tidy and first of August. DIURNAL MOVEMENT. Kpisclnird /(/c/rs-Zz/.s'. -Tliis form was not found regularly in the day catches as it was iiresont in oidy six of tlie twenty day series. On these six occasions it was confined to the thermocline, that is, between five and seven meters. It was taken, however, in the surface catches of the six night series. The time of its appearance at the surface varied from half an hour to an hour and a half after sunset and it disappeared from the surface about an hour before sunrise. In the all-night series of August 5-0, it was found in only one catch. This was ;it 1) p. m., live individuals per 100 liters of surface water. In the all-night series of August 2T-2S, it reached a niaxinuuu of l-tO per llXi liters at 8 p. m. 125 DifiptoiiiKn.—As uotcfl above, two species were present, but they were not counted separately. For the most part, Diaptonuis remained in the upper ten meters of the lake as those found below this depth constituted less than 5 per cent, of the total number of individuals taken in either a day or a night series. They were found at the surface in sixteen of the twenty day series, but, with two exceptions, there was a marked increase in the number of individuals at the surface at night. This increase varied from five to twenty-five fold. The two exceptions were surface catches made on cloudy days. These differed l»ut little from the night surface catches. The increase at the surface usually began about sunset and the gi'eatest decrease occiu'red half an hour to an hour before sunrise. Fig. 1 shows the surface conditions for Diaptomus in the two all-night series. The vertical spaces represent the numlter of individuals per hun- dred liters of surface water and the horizontal spaces represent the time between 0 p. m. and G a. m. The curves show a striking similarity of conditions although the observations were separated by a time interval of three weeks. They show that the maximum number was found at the surface at 7:30 p. m. on both occasions. Both also show a decided decrease during the next linlf lunir. a second l>ut smaller rise at midnight, a third near morning, and a fourth is indicated for the period immediately following sunrise. Diaptomus was not found in the surface catch on August 5 at 11 a. m. and there were IGU i>er 100 liters on August 27 at 9 a. ni. C i/clops.—fiexeval species were present but no attempt was made to count them separately. They were distribiited through the entire depth of the lake. Thej' were found at the surface in all the day catches. In general, the night increase was comparatively small as it did not exceed five fold. There Avas little or no difference between the surface catches made on cloudy days and tliose made at night. The curves of Fig. 2 represent the status of Cyclops in the two all- night series. The early evening conditions differ a great deal as there is no maximum in the curve for August 27-28 corresponding to the 7:30 p. m. maximum of August 5-0. Beyond this, however, the curves are very similar. The surface catch on August 5 at 11 a. m. showed a total of 160 Cyclops per 1(X» liters and there were 200 on August 27, at 9 a. m. NaiipUi.— They were found throughout the entire depth of the lake and showed no evidence of a movement. 12G Er. lii/dliiia. were found in the uiiper seven meters and in this one instance (iO per cent, were in tliis region. Usually a few young were found at the surface in tlie daytime. Lilvc- wise adults were found at the surface on two cloudy days Imt, on clear days, they were at a depili of one to two meters. In tliree sets of ob- servations, adidts appeared at the surface aliout half an hour after sun- set, and on a fourth occasion about sunset. In Hve sets of morning ol)ser- \atioiis, Ihe tinu' of tlieir disappearance from the surface varied from nearly Iwd lionrs before sunrise as a maximum to tliirly minutes Itcfore sunrise as a minimum. I-'igs. :! and \ r(>present Iiolli young and adult in (lie all niglit sei'ics. It will be noted that tlic curves for young and adull in each series cross and recross each other, sho\\iiig thai the ratio between them was vei'y variable. The two curves for adults do not show the similarity that tlie curves foi- ]>iaptomus .iiid Cydoiis do. In fact, if plotted together, they cross each other se\eral times, one cur\'e showing an increase of iudi- ^■iduals at the same hour that tli(> otliei- shows a decrease. In the lii'st series, .\ugust .'i-O. the adults readied a iironoimced maximum at S ji. in., while in the series of August •_'7-'JS. two e(iii,il maxima were observed, one at 7:."'.o p. m. and the otlier ;it lo ]). ni. There is the same la<-k of similarity between tlie curves repi'eseiiting the young. The tirst series showed a iiiaximum of young at S p. in. ami tile second at 4:.".0 a. m. IhijiJiiiid imliciniii. — It occuiiied tlie region lietween the middle of the thermocliue and tlie bottom. It was usually most numerous within one to three meters of the bottom. Ther(> was practically no diurnal move- ment. Adults were found at the surface in one evening catch and at a depth of only one meter in a night catch. These were th(> only indica- tions of a movement, 127 DdpJniia rdrociina. — It was rnrely found at a gTeater depth thau seven meters. liotli youn.i;' and adult were one to three meters below the surface on clear days. Both appeared at the surface in the evening about half an hour after sunset. In tiie morning-, however, the adults left the surface before the young. The young usually disappeared about siuirise wliile the adults moved down from tlie surface an hour or more before sunrise. The surface maxinnun of young and adults combined, was found three-quarters of an hour after sunset in the first all-night series and lialf an liour later in the second, aliout S p. m. in eacli case. l)i(il)h(innsi)iii(i Jtrdclii/uniiii. — A (■(unitaratively small number of this species was found. It was rather irregular in its movements but, in gen- eral, it appeared at the surface thirty to forty-five minutes after sunset and left the siu'face an hour or more liefore sunrise. It was found at a dei)th of one meter, usually, in the da.\ time, and rarely occurred in catches lielow a depth of seven meters. C'erioddphiiia hicustris. — This form was confined to the upper four meters and was present in very small numlK'rs. Tliere was no diurnal movement shown by it. Lt'ptodiim hyalina. — Only a small number were found. It occurred in only Hve of the twenty day series. In tliese five instances, it was con- iined to the region of the thermocline, that is, between four and eight meters. Botli young and adult appeared at the surface in the evening from tliirty to forty-five minutes after sunset. The young left the surface al>ont an hour l)efore sunrise and the adults half an hour or more earlier. Chiidunis and Bosmiiia were found in very small numbers. No diurnal movement was noted. r///>//.s-.— Tliere was. apparently, an extended horizontal migration of Cypris as it was found in a third of the morning and evening series, and these observations were made in tlie deepest part of the lalie. In the day- time. lidwcNcr. Cypris was never found in the limnetic region of the lake )>ut in file littoral region. A few Coirtlira larv;t> were found in and below tlie thermocline in the daytime. In a few instances they came to the surface at niglit. Jx'oti [cm. -The rotifi-rs showed no diurnal movement. With respect lo their vertical dlstriliuiion, they form three groups: 1. Maxti(/()C('rrn, Pal ijarthm , and A-'i(ij)tii)iiii.f, and ('i/rlojtK belong to this group. The Daphnias 129 desert the upper meter or two on bright, sunny days and the other two members occupy this region in rather limited numbers. But, on cloudy days, all are foiuid in this region in nearly as large numbers as at night. This seems to shoAV that light is the primary factor controlling their move- ments. They move down to avoid intense light and then move up into this region again as soon as the intensity of the light is sufficiently de- creased. Epischura, Lcptodora, and Corethra larvre belong to the second group. The depth to which these descend in the daytime did not depend, appar- ently, upon the intensity of the sunlight as they were found at the same depth on cloudj- as on clear days. Besides, it does not seem probable that sunlight alone would cause them to descend to so great a depth, that is, five to seven meters or more, especially since the transparency of the water was so low, 2.1 to 2.5 meters. Therefore, it seems reasonable to suppose that some other factors are verj- largely responsible for their movements. Daplinla ptilicaria might also be added to this gi-oup. While it showeil only a very slight tendency toward diurnal movement in Winona Lake, it did show distinct and regular migrations in one of the Wisconsin lakes upon which the writer made observations. In the latter lake the same as in Winona Lake, it remained in and below the thermoeline in the daytime and in neither case was its day position affected by the intensity of the sunlight. In general, the diurnal migration of all the members of this group, seems to be much more akin to the "nocturnal habits" of many other animals, than are the movements exhibited by the members of the first gi'oup. Some Crustacea upon which experiments have been performed, have shown that they are attracted by diffuse light. If this were true of all Crustacea, and if it were to hold true for them in their natural haunts as well as in the laboratoi-y, then one might suppose that there would be morning and evening surface increases of about equal proportions. Furthermore, it would not be unreasonable, perhaps, to expect moonlight to produce an appreciable effect, if the Crustacea were attracted by diffuse light. For the most part, however, the truth of this supposition is not confirmed by the Crustacea of Winona Lake. With the exception of the young Daphnia hyalina in the second all-night series, there was no morn- ing surface increase comparable in every way to that of the evening. 9 — Academy of Science. 130 Didjilniini.s was tlu> mily other form tluir siunvcd any tt'iuU'ncy towant ;1 considerable surface increase after midniglit, but its morning increases were much smaller than those of the evening-. Then. too. moonlight had no appreciable effect upon the diui'nal movement of any of the Crustacea. 1. There was c()m]>ai'ati\(>ly little chan.iie in tlie (luantity of plankton. 2. IMui'iial movenieiil was sliown liy Kii'ischniii, IHa ii/oiiiiis. ('j/vloitii. Ddplnini lii/aliiKi and rclrociirni hinnlnniosuniu. Lcptodai'ii. and ('ontJird larvie. 3. These various forms reaclu'd a maximum at the surface al)out S p. m. 4. Tight is a very important factor in tlie movement of nidptniuiis, Ci/clops. and Ihi/iliiiiu Innirnid and rctnii-itrni. It is, apiiarently, not so im- ]M»rtant a factor in liie movement of ilplxvlntni. DdjiJuiid iniUcdfid. Lrptd- (lard. and Cnnlliid lar\a'. 5. Diin-n.MJ movement was not alfected by moimliglit. LlTKUATruK (TTED. lUanc. ISilS. Le I'lankton nocturne du Leman. II. I'danc. Arch, des sci. ])liysi(|. et nal.. '1'. d, ISPS. Fordyce. lPni>. Tlie Cladocera of Nebraska. Cliarles Fordyce. Trans. Amer. Micro. Soc. \dl. XXll. p]). lT.l-174, li)(K>. 131 tfO" / ? 'i 0 1 ! ^.M s 3 f i i 1 1 1 ; \ ' 1 ' 1 / \ / \ y \ / \ \ y ' \ ftH^o / ' \ y 'v , \ / \ y \ / \ \ V V y y \ ; \ — — \ / \ \ too / \ \ \ / \ / 1 / ) ^ ^ \, / \ 1 / \, ^ — ■ — \, / \ 1 -^ — ' \ __\ 1 \ V \ y 0 1 Fig. 1. (?.Vm 7 ' i IC: II 1 !- /" '( t i ^ f i i 1 1 j \ / \ \ 1 \ 1 \ > \ 1 / \ / - -^ / i 1 \ / s / \ 1 \ -''' \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \ / \ / ^ K ^ 1 / \ / \ / \ ^ / / N \ 1 / \ ^ / ^ \ \ -r^ \ / \ \ 1 \ j \ / \ / 1 I J I __ J Fig. 2. 132 id.y^ 1 f f i> n /)-> la.M. i^ 3 Y 4' ' 7j \ V" / \ / ^^^ "^ ^/ \ -^ — 1 1 jI \ \ y y \ ~ ■ — -\- -- ^ 7 ^ n~ ~n ^ ^ \ \, — > / -\_| f/~ \ / \ A y \ ( /\ -V :^ o ^^ _ 1 /\ Fig. 3. (,(?.W 7 ? f 10 II Ih 1 a.m. u 6 ¥■ r i Joo ' \ \ / \ \ Joo : s- ,f <\ / / ~j \ V y t ^ S / _^o<^ 1 =ii v _l X^ \ ; \ T" "^ r \ <. ■^ - ^ -/ "^ ^^ / /oo \ f" v s / O ^ 0 \ fill 1 S, / — ^^ ^ Fig. 4. 133 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Fig. 1. Diaptomus. Scale, one vertical space equals 100 individuals per hundred liters of surface water. — August 5-6. - August 27-28. Fig. 2. Cyclops. Scale, one vertical space equals 50 individuals per hundred liters of surface water. . August 5-6. - August 27-28. Fig. 3. DapJniia hyalina. Scale, one vertical space equals 50 individ- uals per hundred liters of surface water. Adult. 1 r August 0-6. Young. J Fig. 4. DapJinia liyaUna. Scale, one vertical space equals 50 individ- uals per hundred liters of surface water. Adult. ) \ August 27-28. - Young, j 134 /. The Birds of Winona Lake. Clarence Guy Littell. During the summer of 11)02, from Juue 21 to August 28, wliile a stu- dent at the Indiana University Biological Station I devoted all of my time to a tield study of the birds about Winona Lalce. I present here my notes on the occurrence and habits of the birds observed. The region about Winona Lake was fully described in the Proceedings Indiana Academy of Science for IDOl and a detailed description is not necessary. Suffice it to say that the lake is surrounded by swamps, flooded in times of extreme high water, and by hills reaching a height of forty feet. The vegetation varies from the aquatics in the margin of the lake to swamp-grasses and l)ushes in the marshes, and to oalv forests on the hills. Observations on birds were- all made within a radius of one mile from the lake shore. In the following list the numbers in brackets refer to the A. O. U. Code and Check-list. I G] Podili/inhKS podiceps (Linn.), ried-billed Grebe. This Grebe is not common around Winona Lake. I have only seen it twice, both times near the reedy shores of the western side. [190] BotauruH lentUjino^m (Montag.). American Bittern. I have flushed this bird several times in a small swamp at the south- eastern corner of the lake, but have been unable to find a nest. [191] Ardctta exilii^ {Gruel.). Least Bittern. Fig. 3. This bird is ratlier common in the small swamps bordering on the lake, but owing to the lateness of the season when I arrived, I was able to find but one nesc which contained at the time three pure Avhite eggs. I found this nest on July 23, in the middle of a swamp. It was a platform of grasses set in the swamp grass. [194] Ardca hnvdldn Linn. Great Blue Heron. This bird has been identified flying over tlie lake several times. I have never flushed it. [201] Ardca vircsrem Jjinu. Green Heron. This species is common aroiuid the lake and undoubtedly nested in the vicinity in numbers in the spring. I foiind several old nesis tliat I believe Avere built hv this bird. 135 [214] Porzana (■(iroliitu (Linn.)- Soru. I flushed three of these rails in a cornfieUl near a swam]), in the latter part of July. After a short fliglit they di'opped into a marsh, and I failed to find them a.aain. * «> ':5# '^■y^^ ^'^U^ ?® [256] Totamis solltarin.^ (Wils. )• Solitary Sandpiper. This bird is prol)ably not rare aroimd the lake although I Hushed it but three times. It stays in rather removed places. Twice I saw it on a sandbar on the western side of tlie lake. 13G [268] Arfitis macidaria (Liun. ). Spotted Sandpiper. The most common wader around the lake. [273] JiJgicditis vocifera {Liinn.). Killdeer. Common. Often seen along railroad and on golf linlis. [289] Colinns rirginiamis {Jjinri.). Bobwhite. Figs. 1 and 2. Very common. [316] Zcnaidum macwura (Linn.). Mourning Dove. Fig. 4. Very common around the lake, nesting all through the summer hi all sorts of places. It seems to prefer places near lake shore. I found oiu- nest on a brush pile, about twenty feet from the lake in a very exposed position; another in a tree overhanging the lake, in a small hollow, where the limb joined the trunk. The nest in the latter case consisted of tAvo or three dead leaves. [325] Cathartes aura {Ltiim.). Turkey Buzzard. Common. [331] Circus hndson ins {Jjinn.). Marsh Hawk. Common around the lake. Nests in marshy places near small inlets. [333] Accipiter cooperi (Bonap.). Cooper's Hawk. Not common. I have identified one specimen while flying. [337] Buteo homdis (Gmel.). Red-tailed Hawk. Not rare. I have identified it several times. It is, however, much more common farther south. [360] Falco sparverius Linn. Sparrow Hawk. Not rare. I have identified it several times, but it is not common. [368] Sifrnium nehuJosinn (FoTst.). Barred Owl. Rare. One specimen was shot here in the summer of 1901. Personally, I have never seen it here. [373] Megascops asio CLinn.). Screech Owl. Common. Breeds in numbers although all young were out when I arrived. [376] Bubo virginianus (Gmel.). Great Horned Owl. I have heard this owl twice during the summer. Probably not very common. [387] Coccyzus americanus (lAnn.). Yellow-billed Cuckoo. Very common. Breeds commonly all during summer. [388] Coccyzus erythrophthalmus (Wils.). Black-billed Cuckoo. Figs. 5, 6, 7 and 8. 138 Common, but iiol easily seen. I found one nest on the side of a rather steep hill, the female Avas sitting on the nest. I took a negative of her just as she was. I then scared her off the nest and found that she only had one egg. This was on. the morning of July 13. I came back every morning and made negatives of her on the nest in different positions, afterwards scaring her off, but I found only one egg until July 17. At three o'clock in the afternoon of the 17th I found two eggs. The eggs were smaller than those of the Yellow- billed Cuckoo and did not have the bhiish cast. The nest is a much better affair than the Yellow-billed Cuckoo builds. By the ISth I could approach my hand within eighteen inches of the cuckoo before she left the nest. AVhenever she left her nest she generally flew about" thirty feet and then sat perfectly motionless until I left. She hardly ever uttered a sound. Her positions on the nest were at times rather acrobatic. This is illusti-ated to some extent by the photo- graphs. On July 24 the first egg was hatched into one of the ugliest young birds I have ever seen. On July 20 ogff number two had disappeared but the young cuckoo Avas thriving. On July 27 fi-alhcrs were pretty well started. On July 28 everything was as usual, on the afternoon of the 30th the bird had disappeared. It did not seem re.uly to leave the nest but probably the mother coaxed it off early on account of my visits, [390] Ccrijle ale i/on (hinn.). Belted Kingfisher. Yery common. I found one nest in a raili'();Hl Imiik. Anotlier in a steep bank along a creek. [393] Drifubati's viUoxuK (Linn.). Hairy Woodpecker. Four individuals of this species were seen this summer. [394] Dryobates pubesccns (Jjinn.). DoAAniy Woodpecker. Very common. [402] Sphyrajm'us varlus (Linn.). Y^elloAV-bellied Sapsucker. Common. [406] Melanerpci^ rn/thwcejilialu-'^ (Linn.). Red-headed Woodpecker, Very common. These Woodpeckers have become very tame, especially on the Winona Assembly ground. They frequently hop around in the road like English Sparrows. [412] Culaptes auratus CLinn.). Flicker. Very common. [417] Ayitrostomiis vocifems (Wils.). Whip-poor-will. Figs. 9, 10, 11, 12, 16. Common. Often heard, but rarely seen. I found one nest on June 27. I was cx'ossing an old and rotten rail fence at the top of a Avoody embank- 130 140 ment wliicli sloped off sharply to Cherry Creek. The hill was covered with young willows, weeds and old dry leaves. Large red oaks were scattered plentifully here and there. The top rail on the fence broke with my weight and I dropped with a crash on the other side. It seemed that at almost the same time, I heard a loud chuck. About five feet in front of me a female Whip-poor-will was lying; she looked as if I had fallen upon her. She lay with outspread wings, with head and tail up, the middle part of her body sagging down as if her back were broken. Somewhat deceived, I started toward her but she edged away, still going through various contortive tricks. I looked around and stepped cautiously in the direction from which I thought she came, the frightened bird, all the while, giving a series of angry chucks. Finally in a bunch of poison ivy, I found an elliptical brown and lilac spotted egg in the least indentation in the dry leaves. About six inches away was the shell of another egg. But where was the young bird? At last I saw it; not only saw it but comprehended that it was a young Whip-poor-will. It lay close to the egg, and looked something like a piece of mouldy earth. A few feet away it seemed to fade right into the ground. It was perfectly helpless and was apparently not more than an hour old. I took a negative of it and left immediately so as to allow the mother to go back on the nest. When I stole back softly, in live minutes, she was brooding. She resembled perfectly the dead loaves around her. If she had not been frightened by the breaking rail, I would never have discovered her. I left at eleven o'clock (June 21) and returned at four o'clock that afternoon and the un- hatched egg was chipped in one place. I reached the nest next morning at eight o'clock and young Whip-poor-will No. 2 was just out of the shell. There was still a piece of shell sticking to the down on its back. I judged that No. 2 was about twenty-one hours younger than No. 1. 1 took a neg- ative of the two young ones and left. I had read that a motlier Whip-poor- will carried her young aw;iy a distance if they are handled. I resolved, therefore, although I did not put much faith in the statement, to luiild a pen around the nest. This I did on the afternoon of June 28. When I went up softly I could now put my hand within two feet of the old female before she would move. When she did go she jumped up in a hurry, kicking the young several inches apart, where they lay very still. She would fall within three or four feet of me and go through the broken back performance, giving at the same time hoarse but vigorous chucks. After 142 a tinn' she wduM My off twonty (ir lliirty feet and sit t'itlior (Hi a stumi) oi' lengtlnviso on a Uw.h vv h;,™. !~'l.o a'vrays sat h'li.utlnviso with lier liead toward me and appai-ontly did not inovo an eyelid while 1 was there. I wonld scarcely leave the nest until she Avonld l)e Ijack brooding. Her tli.ylit was always perfectly noiseless. In leaving the nest the bird never eniittetl a sound, but as soon as she f(>ll to the ground she always gave the same rapid series of hoarse chucks. Her large full eye was always very noticealde at such times. I re- tiirned at 0 a. m. .Tune 2!>. The yoimg ime Xo. 2 was just about two-thirds the size of tlie older one. Tlie day was cold and raw and the older bird commenced to utter a shi'ill peet. Tills sound was i)erfectly indistinguish- able to nu^ at a distance of ten feet. However, it reached the ears of the mother who sat thirty feet away. She immediately became restless and commenced to fly from one object to another until I took the hint and left. I was scarcely foity feet away wlien I saw the mother fly to the nest. 1 returned at 4 o'clock in tlie afternoon of the sam(> day (.[uly 29). The older of the young ones could now toddle around some and was not quite as helpless. The mother bird in rising kicked the two little birds about two feet apai-t. Tlie younger lay perfectly still where she kicked it, but the older one toddled on aliout one foot farther and hid under a leaf where it Avas perfectly indistinguisliabl(>. On the next day, .Tune :'>(►. tlie older bird could run (luite livel.v for a short distance. It ran with extended wings, as a (juail does. The younger was still helpless. On this day I searched the entire neighborhood to see if I could scare up the male 'oird. I had never seen him yet. I limited in vain. I returned to the nest and Avhile gazing at the mother bird brood- ing I saw to my astonishment a large mosquito light on her head near the base of her bill. The mosquito probed around awhile and then crawled out to the very tip of her bill, stayed there meditating for a minute and then flew away. All the while the mother bird never moved a muscle. I returned to the pen on the morning of July 1 and found the birds where I had left tliem. The j'ounger bird could now move around pretty lively, l)ut was much smaller than the other. The old bird was getting accustomed to ni.v presence now, so that I could photograph her with the lens of the camera not more than three feet from her, without scaring her from the nest. After taking the negative I approached my hand within six inches of her before she C[Uietly but quickly flew away. She still per- 143 144 sisted in laer acrobatic tricks to try to draw me away from the nest and she did in fact go tlirougli this same performance every time I visited her. On the next day, July 2, I scared the mother from the nest by touch- ing her on the head and the two little Whip-poor-wills both ran and hid nnder a leaf. It took some little time for me to find them again. The older now had promise of future feathers. Nothing was visible on the younger but down. July 3, when I attempted to scare the mother bird from the nest she liew around my head quite fiercely, touching my ear once with her wing and then fell to the ground in her usual attitude of broken-back misery. The older of the tuo young ones now had the beginning of some mottled feathers. At 9 o'clock on the following morning, July 4, I arrived at the pen. Imagine my surprise and chagrin to find the enclosure empty. Appar- ently I was wrong and AVhip-poor-wilLs did carry their young away. 1 decided she could not carry them very far away so I commenced to "beat the bushes around the pen. About ten feet north of the pen -I flushed the mother bird. I looked down just in time to see young Whip-poor-will No. 1 run under a leaf but did not see No. 2 at all. I looked around under the leaves for a few minutes and finally discovered No. 2 sitting calmly on an old leaf right before my eyes. I brought them together and photographed them. It was a warm day and they were directly in the sun's rays. In a short time I noticed that their throats began to vibrate rapidly and each uttered a few shrill peets. Both. then, almost simultaneously toddled off ■•md stopped in the shelter of a little weed. I left them and examined the pen. I found several places where ev(>n tlie old Whip-poor-will could get (hrough. I therefore decided that she had coaxed them to follow her instead of carrying them. So, to prove it, I brought a l)ox with the bottom knocked out and about one and one-half feet high, and placed this over tlie nest. I reasoned that if she carried them she could carry them out of that box without any trouble; if she coaxed them they could not get out as one and one-half feet was too much for the young ones. I returned three days later, July 7. The family were still there just as 1 liad left them. Whip-poor-will No. 1 now had a much better coat of feathers, and quills were beginning to appear on No. 2. I made a visit to the nest once every day now for four days and after scaring the Whip- poor-will off would retire to a distance and then slip back softly. I found that the mother bird invariably lit on the edge of the box before going to 145 10— Acadoiny of Science. 14G the iiest. She always lit on the uiR'th side of the box. No new develop- ments appeared until four days later, on July 11. When I arrived at fif- teen minutes of nine on the following morning, I set my camera down and wallved l)oldly up to the nest to inspect. A little noise never scared the old bird. When I got about five feet from the box a liird sprang out. but not the liomelj' little female. This was a AVhip-poor-will luidoubtedly, but it had a white ring around its neck and also displayed two dazzling white tail feathers. At last I hod found the male lirooding. lie did not fall at my feet as did the female but flew to a log about thirty feet away, eyed me with evident disapproval, uttt'red a few protesting chucks and then witli a flirt of his white tail featliers vanished among tlie liushes. 1 now turned to the nest and to my surprise found only one l)ird there and that was AVhip-poor-Avill No. 2. It was all made plain now. The mother had succeeded in getting the older one to fly over but the younger was not able to do so. Therefore, she had si)irited the older awa.v, leaving hi'r mate to lirood tlie younger. I relri'ated about thirty feet and sat down to watch developments. In about ten minutes the male Whip-poor-will ap- peared, lit on till' edge of the liox opposite to the sid<> that the female al- ways lit on. sat there tv.o or tlu-ee minutes and then di'opped in. I ap- lirnached and tried to get a photograph of him liut he absolutely refused 1o sil fnr me and so 1 left. I i-eliu'ued twice the next day. July 12. to get a negative, but he was just as wilil as ever. When 1 arrived at the box at S::',() till' following morning. July b"!, the liox was emiity: the last bird had flown. Tims is the history of the family for sixlccii days, that being the time re(|uir('d for them lioili to lly. Tlicy would have iiroli;il>ly remained near tlic old nest several d.iys longer if tliey liad Iieeii uiidistiu'bed. [420] < 'lionh'ilcs rir[iininnti!< (Gmel.). Night Hawk. Not rare. I saw it three times during the summer. [428] Cliufiini jit'hK/icd (Linn.). Chimney Swift. [428] Trorhihix colnbrifi Linn. Ruby-tliroated Humming bird. Rather common. I have been miable to find a nest but have seen this bird vei-y often. [444] Tiiriniiiii.'i.fiinninux (Linn.). King Bird. Very common. One of the liveliest and cinunionest birds around the lake. [452] MjiiarchitK rriiiH>ii< (Linn.). Great Crested Flycatcher. Common. 147 '■, «f 1-*:%* "fS ?^ l;¥fi >, J [458] Sai/nrnix pliahr (Lath.). Plia'be. Fig. 17. ("(;iiniiuii. lU'etdiiig- all tlirou.ii'li the siiiiuiK-r. I found one ncsl nndor the veranda id(.f' of one of the hotels. 1 took the neiiative shown in Fi.i;-. 17 on .luly 7. The nest was luider a small liridge near the station. It con- lained four yonny almost ready to hy. [461] Coiitdpiis riri'us (Liuu. ). Wood Pewee. Very common. These birds are very common in the Assembly grounds and have become tame. I found several nests; one with fresh eggs ou July 21. 14,^ [±6")] KnipiddiKi.r rircsceiix (Vieill.). Acadian Flycatcher. I shot one of these July 7, the only one I have identitk-d during the summer. [477] Cyanontta rn'.^tata CLiTni.). Blue Jay. Very common. These birds have become very tame in the park, eating remains of lunclies, etc. I have often seen one take a bath in a certain little trough of running water; crowds of people passing within eight or ten feet. I found, one nest under the porch roof of one of the cottages. 149 [488] Corrus amerkanua And. Orow. Commou. These birds' lives seem to be a 1)iu'den to them around the hike on account of the numerous Kingbirds who attacli them at every opportunity. [494] DolicJiony.r orhirorm (Limi ). Bobolink. Fig. 13. Common. These birds are to be found in hirge flocks around the hike in boggy meadows. I have found several nests. Fig. 13 represents a nest in a clump of swamp grass on the edge of a small swamp. [iQb] ^Moth)•lts ater (Bodd.). Cowbird. Fig. 14. Common. These birds seem to have a preference for the nest of the Maryland Yellow-throat. It is an exceptional thing to find a nest of this little warbler without its young Cowbird or Cowbird eggs. The negative of the two cowbird's eggs in the nest of a Maryland Yellow-throat Avas taken July 1. [497] Xantlincepludus .mntliocepltulua (Bouap. ). Yellow-lieaded Blackbird. Rare. I have seen. only one of these birds this summer. It was sitting on au old fence post in a dense swamp. [498] Agelaius phceniceus (Linn.). Red-winged Blackbird. Verj' common. These birds nest in large numbers around Winona Lake. [501] Sturnclla nuKjim CLinn.). Meadow Lark. Figs. IS and 19. Very common. Numerous nests were found on the golf links near the lake until the middle of August. The photographs of the Meadow Lark's nest were taken July IT. On .Tuly 25 the young had left the nest. [506] Icterus spurins (Liuui.). Orchard Oriole. Not common. I have only seen three pairs this summer. [507] Irfenis r/aUnila (Linn.). Baltimore Oriole. Common. [511b] Quiscalus qniscKla {vncux (Ridgw. ). Purple Grackle. Very common. This bird is quite common in the park. It is found extensively also in meadows a mile or so back from the lake. [529] Spinus tn'sti.'< (Jjinu.). American Gold Finch. Common. These beautiful birds are quite common around the lake. I have often seen them taking a bath at a certain sandy beach on the southeast shore of the lake. [540] Pooaeti's grarnincH!^ (Gmel.). Vesper Span'ow. Not rare. This sparrow is fairly common in the higher meadows back of the lake. 150 [ ] I'lis^ir (liniiis/iciix (Linn.). Enfjlisli Spiirrow. Vvvy (•(inimon. [542ci] Animoihriniiis xandirirhciixlH sunnuin (Wils. ). Savanna Sparrow. Xdt (•(inundu. I slidt two of these simrrows in a bnsliy pasture, rather lii.iilier than surroundint;- fields. Tliey are very difficult to see as they run tlu'on.uh tlie gra.ss and will i-ise only as a last resort. [546] AinuuifJnirnus mvannariiin passenniix (Wils.). Grasshopper Sparrow. Kare. I shot one of these sparrows in a clover field. It is the only one 1 have identified liere this sunimeiv [547] Anniiddniiiiitx lii'iixhiirii (And.). Henslow's Sparrow. Kare. \ have succeeded in takini-' one of these si)arrows in aj wet meadow. It arose from a tuft of yrass and dived into a willow bush. [560] Sj)i:f'lla socialis {'Wils.)- Chipping Sparrow. ConinHin. This spariow does not seem to l»ret~d here as commonly as in most ])laces in tliis Stat(>. [563] Spizrilii iinsiUii (Wils.). Field Sparrow. Fig. 15. Yi'vy common. Tlie pliolo.m'aiih w;is taken .July 11. The nest was situated ahoul six indies aliow.lhe uidimd in a dumii of urass. [581] Mi'lii^iiiyi fi:(i (jiin-iiiann (Lath.). Swamp Sparrow. Not I'are. 1 have seen only Hve or six of these dark colored sparrows this summer. [587] Pijiilo n-i/tJirojilifJiahiDis (Linn.). Towhee. A'ery common. A bird whose power of song is of no mean order. Always to lie found among the hazel liushes around the lake scratching among the dead leaves. I found a nest with eg,gs as late ns August 2t>. They keep singing tlirougliout August. With the exception of the Wood Pewee this is the most almndant species seen aliout the lake in .\ugust. [593] ('iirdiiKilis cdrdinallx (Liuu. ). Cardinal Grosbeak. Common. To be heard at all times of day from some lofty perch. [595] Ihihia hidoricldna (Linn.). Rose-breasted Grosbeak. Not rare. I have seen this Iveantifnl bird several times and heard it much oftener. It is generally flitting around in a double row of old wil- lows in the [lark. 152 [598] Pass^erina cyanea (Linn.). Indigo Bunting. Very common. Its song is one of tlie most persistent all tln-uugh the snmmer. [604] Spiza americana (Gmel. ). Dickcissel. Not common. This bird is not as common as in southern and central Indiana. I have only seen ten or twelve individuals this simimer. [608] Piranga erythromelas Vieill. Scarlet Tanager. Fig. 20. Common. I have succeeded in tinding l)ut one nest of this bird this summer but they are doubtless fairly eduimoii. I photographed the nest on August 2. It then contained three eggs. The nest was on the horizon- tal limb of a red oak. about six feet from the trunk and twelve feet from the ground. [610] P i ra I i(j( ( rub !■(( CLinn.). Snmmer Redbird. Rare. I have seen but one individual of this species. [611] Prague suhis (Tuimi.). Purple Martin. Common. [612] Pctrorhrlklimlunifrom (Seij). Clitt" Swallow. Not rare. This bird is not often seen. It is more eommun inland than near the lake. [613] Clii'lidoa rrifthrugaster (Bodd. ). Barn Swallow. Common. Often seen skimming the air near and over the lake. [614] Tdcliijciticta hicolar (Vieill.). Tree Swallow. Common. Living in dead trees close to the lake. Often seen skimming over the surface of the lake seemingly witliin threa or four inches of the water. [616] Clirii-dl I rijuiria (Linn.). Bank Swallow. Common. Found nesting in tlie l);ink uf tin- railroad and \;ii'ious places. [619] Ampdi.f cedrornui (Vieill.). Cedar Bird. Not common. 1 have seen three pairs tiiis summer. On August 10 I found a pair of these birds in a swamp with two young. They had left the nest. [622] Lanius ladun'ciauus Linn. Loggerhead Shrike. This bird is not very common around the lake. I have seen two indi- viduals. Their nesting time is so much earlier than when I arrived that all that did nest here had left to wander over the country. 154 [()24] ]\'n'f) (ilinicfiis CLinn.). Red-eyed Virco. Cnniiiioii. ri())ialil.v imich more common than they seem, as they are rather hard to identify if they do not sinj?. A most cnrious bird. I have seen one of these little birds follow iiio over one luindred yards from pure cm'osity apparently. [627] 17/ro y/7/'».s- (Vieill. ). Warbling Vireo. Fairly common. This little liird is nineli oftener heard than seen. It prefers lofty perches, generally around damp places. I have in nnnd a very large willow near the lake shore, in swampy ground, that often offers a perch for one of these songsters. [628] Yircd Jhirifrons Vieill. Yellow-throated Vireo. Not common. At least 1 have not often recognized it. [636] MniutiUa raria (Linn.). Black and White Warbler. Rare. I have seen but one specimen of this war1)ler. It was picking industriously at an old gn.-irled root of a white oak. The tree was on the li.inlc of Cherry Creek, al>out one half a mile up from the mouth. I searched all around the tree but could lind no signs of a nest. [652] Dendro/ca ;rstlra (Gmel.). Yellow Warbler. Fig. 21. N'ery common. This liird's nest is very often found in young willows and in rose bushes around tlie lake. In this region they seem to pi'efer swampy iilaces for nesting. I have fre([uently seen males of this sjiecies w ith Ilie cliestnut stripes few oi' wanting entirely. The nest in the jihoto- grapli w;is t.aken on .Inly 1. It was situ;ited in a wild rose l>ush on the rdiH' of a swamp. [658] 1 >niSeliinis'norrhoraeensi)i (Gniel.). Water Thrush. Not rare. This is a hard bird to identify and is perhaps more common than it seems. I have found one nest on the liank of Cheri'y Creek. [676] Sriiirux moUicilla (Vieill.). Louisiana Water Thrush. Not rare. To be seen at times along Cherry Creek and the lake shore. They are verj- quick in their movemeids and hard to see. 155 [677] Geothly2nsf ormosa (Wils.). Kentucky "Warbler. Not rare. These birds inhabit the Ioav wet woods so abnndaut in this region. I liave fonnd one nest here. [681] Gcothbjpis trichas (Linn.). Maryland Yellow-tliroat. Figs. 22, 23, 24, 25. This is the most common warliler around Lalvc Winona. In fact it is, probably, excepting the song-sparroAV, the most common songster here. I liave found numerous nests; generally in rather damp ground at the bot- tom of a clump of weeds, about foiu- or five inches up. Wlieu you ap- proach the nest of eggs the female will noisily drop over the side and run away tlirough Ih.e weeds, from Avhich it is almost impossible to flush Iier. "When their young are liatclied they resent intrusion, often flying by you within three or four fei't. On the morning of July 23, I found a nest containing three eggs of the Maryland Yellow-throat and one of the Cowbird. It was in a bunch of Aveeds within six inches of the ground. The place was rather damp and about twenty yards from the lalie shore. It was so cleverly con- cealed I would never have found it had not the female jumped iip. I tooli a negative and left, coming baclv tAvice a day till July 20. On my first trip in the morning the eggs were still unhatched but at 3 o'clock in the afternoon I found the Cowbird and one Maryland Yellow-throat liatched and anotlier almost out as the shell Avas chipped considerably. I came back at 5 o'clock and tlie second Maryland Yellow-throat was out. On coming back next morning things Avere the same; tAVO birds and one egg. The young ^Maryland YelloAV-throats kept their mouths open all the time Avhile the CoAvbird never opened its mouth. The young Mary- land YelloAA--throats were continuously struggling to maintain their place and keep tlie C'oA^bird from smotliering them. On the 28th the extra egg had disappeared and AA'as not to be seen around the nest. On tlie 29th things Avere as usual and on the 30th they AA'ere also the same. On the 31st the last born Maryland YelloAV-throat had disappeared and was not to be seen around the nest. The Cowbird and the remaining Maryland YelloAV-throat had feathered out pretty Avell by this time. On August 4 the Cowbird Avas occupying the entire nest and the Maryland YelloAV-throat Avas sitting on the edge. They were both ready to leave. In the afternoon at 4 o'clock the nest Avas empty. The vociferous cries 156 of the old birds assured me that they were in the weeds tliereabouts, and so I left them. [683] Icteria vircns CLinn.). Yellow-breasted Chat. Fig. 26. Not common. I found only one nest of this bird. It was in a bush three feet up on a steep bank sloping down Cherry Creek from Chicago Hill. I photographed it on July 13. It then contained three eggs. [687] Sclophaga ruticiJhr CLiim.). American Redstart. Common. This little bird is often seen flashing from some perch after an insect and then returning to its lookout again. I found one nest in the fork of a sapling about eight feet up. [704] GnleoscojAes carolinenxis (Linn.). Catbird. Fig. 27. Very common. Nesting in damp -thickets largely. The nest in the photograph was discovered July 2. It was situated in a bush in swampy ground near the lake shore. [705] Harporhijnchus nifui< (Linn.). Brown Thrasher. Very common. A bird having, as a rule, extreme devotion to nest and seemingly without fear when disturbed. [718] Thnjothonis liidovlcianus (Lath.). Carolina Wren. Rare. I have seen but one specimen of this wren and that was about four miles away from the lake, near an old abandoned log hut. I hunted diligently for a nest but failed to find one or to see the mate. [721] Troglo(h/tes aedon Vieill. House Wren. Not common. I have seen but nine specimens of this wren during two months of summer. I can not account for it as twentj^ or thirty miles from hero they are common. The large number of Jays in the park and around the lake may have something to do with it. [724] Cistothorm ffteUarlti (Lislit.). Short-billed Marsh Wren. Rare. I noticed one of these birds sitting on a reed in a marsh, sing- ing. The marsh was full of the long-billed wren, but I have only seen the short-billed wren once in this locality. [725] Cistothorus jMlut^lris (Wils. ). Long-billed Marsh Wren. Common. They are confined to the little swamps around the lake. I found tAventy-six nests within twelve square feet in one swamp. The nests are globular with a very small entrance in one side which often takes quite a search to find. They are generally lined with vegetable down or moss. 15Y [727] Sitta carolincnsis Lath. White-breasted Nuthatch. Common. These birds are often seen around the lake. I have watched a pair hunt over a -willow within four feet of my window. [728] Sitta canmlcnsis Linu. Red-breasted Nuthatch. Rare. I have seen one specimen in company with a pair of White- breasted Nuthatches. These were hunting on some large oaks near Tippe- canoe River, a few miles away from the lake. They worked within twenty feet of me at one time. [731] Farm biculor Linn. Tufted Titmouse. Common. Generally to be heard and then seen. [735] Pariis atricapillua Linn. Chickadee. Very common. To be seen about the first of August in large flocks among the trees. Noted by their wheezy note and industrious tapping. [761] Poliojitila r;crtdra (Linn.). Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. Not common. I have seen only four individuals. [755] Tardus mnKtelinus Gmel. Wood Thrush. Common. Their music is often heard around the lake. [761] Menda mi(/raioru( (Linn.). Robin. Very common. [766] Sialia skd is {hinn.). Bluebird. Not common. Bluebirds seem to avoid this locality for some reason. I have not seen over thirteen or fourteen specimens this summer. DESCRIPTION OF FIGURES. Figvu-e 1. Nest of a Bob White just as found. Figure 2. The same nest with the grass which concealed it pushed aside. The eggs tliemselves were not touched. Figure 3. The nest and eggs of a Least Bittern. It is a mere platform of swamp gi-ass about two feet above the water. The water was about three feet deep. Figure 4. The nest of a Mourning Dove. The nest was in a very exposed position on a brush pile. It was about twenty feet from the lake shore. Figure 5. The nest and eggs of a Black-billed Cuckoo. It was on the hanging limb of an oak about five feet from the ground. Figm-e 6. The same nest with one young bird. Figure 7. A back view of the Black-billed Cuckoo sitting on her nest. 158 Figure 8. A side view of the Blacli-billed Cuckoo on hor nest. Figure 9. Nest of Whip-poor-will with a young Whip-poor-will, of part of the shell it en me from and of an unhatched egg. Figure 10. A view of the two young Whip-poor-wills, showing difference in size, caused by about twenty-one hours difference in age. Figure 11. Female Whip-poor-will brooding in a pen place around the nest. Figure 12. Whip-poor-will lengthwise on a log. resembling a knot. Figure 13. Bobolink's nest in a clump of swamp grass. One side of the clump of grass is cut away to expose the nest. Figure 14. Nest of a Maryland Yellow-throat with two Cowbird eggs. Figure 15. Field Sparrow's nost and eggs. Figure 16. Female Whip-poor-will brooding. The two young have their heads out in front. They ai-e in a box placed around them after she had coaxed the young away from the first pen. Figure 17. Phoebe's nest with young. Figure 18. Nest of a Meadowlark. Figure 19. The same nost with the grass pushed aside so as to expose the eggs. Figure 20. The nost of a Scarlet Tanager. It was on a horizontal limb of a red oak, placed al)out six feet from the trunk of the tree and about twelve feet from the ground. Figure 21. The nest and young of a Summer Warbler. The nest was in a wild rose bush. Figure 22. The nest and tln-ee eggs of a ISIaryland YelloAV-throat and one of a Cowl)ird. Figurt; 23. One yomig Cowbird, two young ^laryland Yellow-throats and one egg of the Maryland Yellow-throat. Figure 24. One surviving young Maryland Yellow-throat and the young Cowbird. Same nest as in Fig. 22. Figure 25. The young ^Maryland Yellow-throat pushed upon the edge of the nest by the Cowbird, while the Cowbird comfortably fills the nest. Same nest as in Figs. 22 and 24. Figure 26. The nest and eggs of a Yellow-breasted Chat. The nest is situated in the fork of a bush about two and one-half feet from the groimd. Figure 27. The nest and eggs of a Catbird. The nest was in :i Inish at the edge of a swamp. 169 g. A List of the Dragonilies of AVixo^^a Lake. Clarence Hamilton Kennedy. The dragoiiflu's in tlu' list below were collected by the writer during the summer of lOOO and by Mr. PI B. Williamson and the writer dnriny the summer of YMM. The writer is especially indebted to Mr. E. B. "Wil- liamson for assistance and encouragement in the work. The region indicated in this paper by the term "Winona Lake" includes not only the present body of water of that name but also the lowlands surrounding it, which, together with the present lake-bed once formed the bed of a much more extensive body of Avater. There are thus included the two short tributaries of the present lake. Cherry Creek and Clear Creek, and also alxiut a quarter of a mile of the present outlet down as far as the old glacial dam. This gives a small, well-defined region in which, with the exception of the surroundings att'orded by larger streams, are included nearly all types of dragonfly environment, swamp, meadow, woodland, lake and stream. Consequently the number of species foimd is relatively large. The list, if we count Hinnjictnun assimUatnm as a distinct form, now numl)ers forty-flve species. It is fairly complete for the smaller kinds but will probably have several additions yet from among the larger, swift-tiying. rarer species. The outlet as far as the old glacial dam should be well worked. Here will proliably be found several stream inhabiting species not at present included in the list. Thorough collecting during May and June might add a species or two not found later in the season. Practically no collecting has been done previous to June 25. 1. ('iiJitpti'rijx mdcnldtd (Beauvois). This species is extremely abundant in the heavy shade along the banks of Cherry Creek during the early and middle summer. In 1!>00, after a fcAV heavy rains al>out the 1st of August their numliers were greatly diminished. 2. Het:rriii(t aiiieriranfi (Fabricius). Common in the old outlet below the first wagon bridge. A male was taken at the mouth of Cherrj' Creek a.l>out the first of August, 1900. IGO 3. Le-^tcs di-yuuctu-'^ Selyti. A male and female taken by Mr. E. B. Williamson in the swamp south of the lake on July 13, 1900. One female taken by the writer south of the lake .Tuly 23, 1900. 4. lA'xtcti rectanguIan'K Say. Four males taken l)y Mr. E. P.. Williamson in the swamp south of the lake, Julj' 13, 1900. One male taken by the writer at the same place, July 6, 1901. 5. Lpiftcs riijilax Hagen. One female was taken August ITi, 1900, south of the lake. 6. Lextf's inc(jaalix Walsli. One female was taken in the spatterdock beds on the south shore of the lake, July 8, 1901. 7. Argla ptifrt'da (Hagen). Occasional on the sand t)ank and pier at the mouth of Cherry Creek. 8. Argla viol area (Hagen). Fairly common about the water. This species is especially abundant a Ions' the banks of Cherry Creek during August. 9. Argla Hcdala (Hagen). One specimen, a male, was taken July 8, 1901. along the south shore of the lake. 10. Argia fibidlix (Rambur). Three males of this species were taken south of tlie lake, July 13, 1900, E. B. Williamson. 11. Argiit (ipiciih's (Say). Two males were taken by Mr. E. B. Williamson, south of the lake, July 13, 1900. One female was taken by the Avriter July 2G, 1901, in the same swamp. 12. Xchahiniid jiosita (Hagen). Common in the grass about tlie laboratory. 13. Xi'hiih-nnia ircne (Hagen). One specimen, a male, was taken l)y Mr. E. B. Williamson near the Biological Station, June 22, 1901. 14. Enallagma hageni (Walsh). This species is common in the vegetation along the shores of the lake until the middle of July. 161 16. Eivdlagma caviincitlatum Morse. : Common everywhere about the hike. Next to En. sigiKitiDii this is the most common species of Enatlagma about the hike. 16. EiKtlUigiim (Mpermm (Hagen). "A single female was taken June 27, 1901, in the woods on Chapman Hill, near Winona Lake. The female of this species of Euallagma is so distinctively colored that I do not hesitate to record the species for the State on such scanty material."* 17. EivtUagma trariatum Selys. This species is common on the willows and in the sedges about Winona Lake until the middle of July. 18. Enallagmd geminatum Kellicott. .Very common on the willows near the lalioratories until the middle of July. They have generally become rare by August 1. 19. EnaUagma e.rsuluns (Hagen). This species occurs with En. tninatinn. En. geininatnni and En. carun- ciildtinn. It is common until August 1. 20. EnaUagma antt'nttat urn (Say). This species is common about the lalxiratories during June. One male .was taken, July 0, 1901, along the south shore of Winona Lake. 21. EnaUagma ■•iignatum (Hagen). This is the most abundant form of EndUagma. It is especially abun- dant over the lily beds where it reaches its maximum abundance during the latter part of the summer after most other EnaUagnuis have disap- peared. 22. EnaUagma jtoUatani (Hagen). This species is . common on the lily beds along the south shore of Winona Lake during July Avhere it appears only at dusk, probably re- maining secreted in the dense vegetation of the adjoining swamp during the daytime. One specimen, a male, was taken on the lily beds at the old outlet August 17, 1900, by Dr. Howe. 23. hchnura utiicali.^ (Say). This is common about the sedges and lily beds. The females are ap- parently much more abundant than the males, especially is this so among those found in the sedges and grasses. E. B. Williamson, Proceedings Indiana Academy of Science, 1901, p. 119. 11— Academy of Science. 162 24. P,v;iniiii>liii^ ,,l,srnnis (Raiiibur). Taken along the shore in front of the hiboratories (hning the hatter part of Jnne. lOm. E. B. ^^'illiamson. 25. DrnmonoiniiJiii-f >riiicf}ix (Hagen). Conimon dui-iug the entire summer along the shores of the lake, over the lily lieds. and liack over the swamps and meadows. It is a very strong flier and is on the wing from dawn to dark, never being seen to alight, and s; Idom seen in copulation. 30. Tnniica lacerata Hagen. This is conimon abcnit the shores and over tlie lily pads the entire summei-. It is a liigli. swift tlier and. tliougli common, is seldom taken. 31. I'rnllii'iiiix (l(i))iiti. r2L 163 lake. Though a good flier it spends most of its time alighted on some weed or fence. A niale of Var. (issimilatiim IJhler was taken July 'iO, 1900, by Mr. Cyrus Rutor. 35. Syinpt'triDii obtnt.'^um (Hagen). One specimen, a female, taken July 13, 190< (Burmeister). (Jenerally associated with Md'sotheiuis siniiJlicicoHis. but very much less abundant. 40. Libelhdd ha}«(ll.'< Say. This is the most conspicuous species of dragonfly about the lake, and of the larger forms the most abundant. It is found everywhere over the meadows and swamps, along the shores and over the lily l)eds. 41. LilifUiila lin-t'xta Hagen. Seldom. One male was taken on the lily lied at the outlet, July 28, 1900. Another was seen earlier in the season flying slowly ui) and down Cherry Creek. 42. LihelhtJa cijanea Fabricius. Occasional. Associated with MesofJiriiiix xiuiplicicoUis and PacJnj- diplo.r loiH/iixiinis over the lily beds. 43. LlhiHnU, i„ilrheJk( Drmy. Next to fjlirJIiiln hasalis this is the most abundant of the larger species. Common in nearly all situations. 44. Flathcmis h/did (Drury). This species is common about the drain ditches in the fields south of the lake. An occasional specimen is seen near the mouth of Cherry Creek. A Tnunrit. either Carolina or oiiiista. was seen in lODl several times aliout the laboratories. Also in the field just back of Chapman Hill a J'aiitala, AVilbaniPon.'Proceedings InJiaiia Academy of Science VM, p. 120. 164 proliiilily Injiiii'iKKii. yave ilie collectors several wild chases. Both Cele- ihemis fasfinfa aiul J.ihtlhihi >dominal appendages is equally so. After a close study of the thorax a structure was discovered rarely, if eAer, used in classification. Avhich in the case of the five Indiana species is sufficiently different to separate the females readily. This is the pecu- liar shield-shaped structure on the anterior end of the mesepisternum. I can find no mention of this very peculiar structure except in Selys' "Synopsis des Agrionines." Here, just as I was finishing this paper, I found the following, in which Selys recognizes the diagnostic value of this character in the case of the females of the genus Argia: "De grandes diflScultes se presentent pour donner les diagnoses des quarante-six especes (Argia) Americaines, dout plusieurs sont tresvoisines les unes des autres. Les appendices anals des males et les lames du devant da thorax des fem- elles fournissent. il est vrai. pour la plupart, des caracteres positifs; mais ils eussent rendu les diagnoses tres-longues. et ces organes ne pouvant etre bien vus qu" avec un certain grossissement, j'ai cherclie dans les di- agnoses de ce Syno]isis, a. me passer de ces caracteres, qui serout reserves pour une monographie speciale."* ■•' De Selys-Longchamps, Synopsis des Ag:rioninos, Bulletins de rAcadeniie roynle de Belgique, 2me s?rie, tome XX, No. 8, p. (9). 1G5 As far as I know the "iimiiot/niphic spccidJc'' was ni'ver published. Calvert, too. in a paper wliieh has just appeared on the genus Arc/i'i, recognizes this structure.* This structure occurs.' as far as 1 have examined, in all the native genera of the Zygoptera. l)ut it is lacking entirely in the Anisoptera or possibly is replaced there by the low transverse carina across the extreme anterior end of the mesepisternum. It is found on the same general plan in the diffei'ent genera, consisting of a heart-shaped enlargement of the mid-dorsal carina, on either side of which is a triangular wing with its apex running down to the mesinfraepisternum. ArtXer.or bordei cf \ J rr.;i3;jisty the high basal carina of either wing (see tigure aljove) occurs in front of the heart-shaped end of the mid- dorsal carina. The basal carina of each wing ends in front in a horn, and behind, in the case of the females of four of the five species, in an ear-like lobe (the ear— see tigure above). In the male no elaborate ex- pansion into an ear occurs. The most striking differences in this structure are those of the size and shape of the ears. As these ears are absent in the males, for them the structure loses most of its diagnostic value. How- ever, for interest in comparison, figures of this structure as it occurs in the males of the five species are shown in the plate (see Plate II, Figs. 1. o, ."), 7 and !>i. By reference to them it will be seen at once that, in the male, this structure is of a more generalized type than in the female. The structure as found in the male is nearer the general type found in related genera. The above would seem to indicate that this structure is a sexual organ functioning in the female and merely iiassively present in the male. One would ;it once juniii at the conclusion tliat it is the organ iiy which tlie male holds the feinal,' during Tlie act of copulation. Tlu' cavitv would ^Calvert, Bull, Mus. Cump. Zool Nov. 1902. inn seem espet-ially titted for the insertion of tlie abdominal appendages of the male. But from direct observation it is l<:no\Yn tliat tlie male holds tlie female \>\ the prothorax, probably by the encirclini;- juroove at its anterior end. Moreover, because this structure is covered liy the posterior lobe of the prothoi-ax. it would be impossible for the male to reach it. See Plate II. Fis;. 2. Nevertheless this structure must in some way be involved in the act of copulation. It is interestinn' to note that in the Anisoptera where the male holds the female by the head instead of by the thorax this peculiar structure is not developed at all. I'.ut whatever its function, or wiiether it has a function or not, its f(irm is sutHciently different in the females of the different species of Arnia, and sutflciently constant among those of any given species to warrant its use in classification. How far this structure is good in show- ing relationships, it is ditficult to say. According to it putrida would fall in a very distinct group by itself. AipcaJis would fall by itself. Violacea, f — Protliorax. PL, posterior lobe. AG, anterior groove. C — Mesothorax, the metathorax showing underneath. AM, anterior end of mesepisternuni. MIX', middorsal carina. MES, mesepisteniuni. Mf, mesinfraepisternum. IIW, liindwing. F]V, forewing. Fig. 2. Argid apicalis (Say). Blutfton, Ind., August IS, 1900, E. B. Wil- liamson. Lateral view of protliorax, and mesothorax. .l»S' — Articulating surface for liead. Other lettering as for Fig. 1. Plate H. The drawings were made with a camera lucida, using a Bausch and Lomb % objective and 2-inch eyepiece. 1. Argia tibial!.^ (Kamliur). Bluffton, Lid., June 17, 1901, E, B. Will- iamson. Anterior end of mesepisternum of (J". 2. Argla tlliiallx (Ramlnir). Bluffton, Lid., June 17, 1901, E. B. Will- iamson. Anterior end of mesi'pisternuni of ^ . 8. Arglo xrdnhi (Hagen). Fort Wayne, Ind., July 18, 1901, E. B. Will- i imson. Anterior end of mesepisternum of (J'. 4. An/ui sol,ileratui'e at which oxygen is evolved, and. if so. what ndxture yields it at the lowest temjierature? 2. Is tlie action continuous wlien the mixture is heated for a long period at or .just above tlie decomposition tempera- ture, and what are the products? '.\. Heating foi' .i period just below this temperature, are any intermediate products foi'iued and what are they? 4. To notiic any new facts Iircnight out by tlie experimental work. Search of tlie literature sliows that tlu' men who have performed the most imjiortaiit work uixui this part iculai' phase of the subject are INIc- I-eod. P.runck and Sodeau. .Mcl.eod li.nj noticed the well-known fact that a gas resembling chlorine was evolved with oxygen, and in 1S80, pub- lished a statement of experim.Mital work, deducing the following reactions: 2 Mn O2 + 2 K CI Or, = K2 Mn2 Os + CI2 -|- ()2. K2 Mn2 Ok = K2 Mn O4 -f Mn O2 + O2. K2 Mu O4 + Cl2 = 2 KCl I Mn O2 f O2. T'pon this basis he explained the sujiposed fact that free chlorine is evolved only at the beginning of the process, since chlorine is liberated by the first reaction and at the lowest temperature, and that corresponding to this free chlorine, there was a certain amount of undecomposed potassium mansanate at the end. In IS!).". Brunck argued that if these reactions 171 took i)lace, the residue should either be alkaline or contain potas- sium inanganate, or pernianganate. and that he could obtain no evidence that either was the case. He brought forward experimental evidence to prove that the evolved gases did not contain more than a mere trace of chlorine and affirmed liis l»elief that the odor and the property of bluing starch and potassium iotlide paper was due to ozone. In 1894 McLeod stated that when the gases were led through alkaline silver niti'ate solu- tion, and this later aciditied. a precipitate was obtained which corresponded in (luantity with the alkalinity of the residue in the generator. He could obtain no evidence of ozone. Some further work was done by these men but they did not apparently succeed in settling the point at issue. Sodeau. in 1901. proved that the action of manganese dioxide, barium siilphate, sand, and other supposedly inert bodies increased the evolution of oxygen not mechanically, but chemically. EXPERIMENTAL. The apparatus used in the experimental part of the present investiga- tion was very simple. Hard glass test-tubes five inches in length, with side necks, were used for heating the mixtures, these being placed in a bath of Wood's fusible metal, heated in a thick cast-iron cup large enough to accommodate five tubes. A thermometer was also placed in the metal. Short delivery tubes, with ends drawn to a narrow aperture, led to a ves- sel for collecting the evolved gases in test-tubes over water. The manganese dioxide used was Merck's "Artificial Pure," and pre- vious to using was heated for several hours in an open dish over a free flame, in order to remove moisture; it was then placed in a glass stoppered bottle for keeping. Eimer and Amend's potassium chlorate was dried for six hours at 105°-110° for this purpose. It was not labeled "C. P." but tested free from chlorides both before and after drying. The first mixtures were made in the following molecular ratios of manganese dioxide to potassium chlorate: 10:1, 2:1, 1:1, 1:2, 1:10. These were ground together, placed in the tubes, and slowly heated. At 150°- 165° a gas was evolved from all. showing the presence of oxygen by means of a glowing spark, and giving a strong odor of chlorine or chlorine oxide. This odor is certainly not that of ozone and may be either chlorine or chlorine oxide, or both. In this paper it will be provisionally called chlorine. It was noticed that considerable moisture collected upon the iTi' ujiiier parts uf the generator tubes, iiulicating' that at least one of the substances still containetl moistiu'e. Other portions of the same mixtures as above were di'ied in their tubes for several hours at lOO^-lOS". Chlorine Avas evolved upon heating- to 122° Imt no oxygen was evidenced by a spark. At i:>j° the rate of evolu- tion of oxygen was approximately in direct proportion to the amount of manganese dioxide used, this being the reverse of the case when the ma- terials were not dried. This, however, is not stated as a definite law. Four other mixtures were more carefully dried, then heated in the bath. Chlorine was evolved at 140°, oxygen at lt;8°. It was early seen that no relial)le results rould l)e obtained so long as the manganese dioxide held moisture. To determine whether this sub- stance was hygroscopic, and if so, roughly the amount of water taken up, some freshly dried material was weighed in a closed bottle, then allowed to stand open for definite periods, weighing after each period. In tAventj' minutes its weight increased approximately 1 per cent.; after one and a half hours. :! per cent.: after forty-tive hours, c. per cent. To determine the difference in biiiavior due to this moisture, two mix- tures were prepared: In (X) the manganese dioxide was dried over a free tiame, weiglicd in ;i glass-stopjiered iiottle and llie weighed potas- sium chlorate .-iddcil. The other mixture (Y) was of potassium chlorate and ordinary undried manganese dioxide; both were molecular mixtures. In this ;ind future exix'i-inients chlorine was tested for by starch and potassium iodide paper. At 125° (X) gave no chlorine or oxygen. (Yi gave large quantities of chlorine but no oxygen. Much moisture collected in (Yi. At 148° a steady stream of oxygen came from (Yl. continuing as long as heated. No trace of chlorine or oxygen came from (X). More manganese dioxide Avas purified by digesting in cold distilled water, then Avashing until free from chlorides. The Avash Avater contained small amounts of manganese and calcium. The washed mass Avas dried for two and a half hours at 20n°-210°. i'our tubes AA'ere now filled wifli mixtures in molecular pi'oi)orTions, transferring the ni;ing:uu sc dioxide ([uickly at 2(Mi' to tlu' hot weigliing bottle. co(.)ling. Avcigliing. adding tlie ground and weighed potassium chlorate, and mixing. The mixtures Avere quickly transferred to the tub?s, the deliA^ery tubes of AA'hich were in this case guarded AA'ith granular calcium chloride. A tube of dry potassium chlorate Avas heated Avith the others, in order to judge the amount of expanding air forced over. 173 The tubes were kept at lo5°-]40° for four aud a half hours: uo gas was over beyoud that due to simple expausion. aud uot the slis'htest trace of either chloriue or ozone Avas found in any generator tulie. No oxygen could lie discovered. The mixtures upon testing were found to contain a considerable amount of chlorides. The temperature was raised to and kept at iri(>° for three hours and no chlorine or oxygen was produced. The quantity of chlorides seemed to be increased. At 173° all of the tubes began to evolve oxygen and so long as this temperature was maintained a steady but slow stream of oxygen was produced. No trace of chlorine, chlorine oxide or ozone was produced as high as 18(t°. At this point the Avork was stopped for lack of time. Thus far a few conclusions may be provisionally advanced: The conditions under which oxygen is ordinarily produced are not ideal, and the moisture always present materially intluences the reactions. This moisture makes possible the production of oxygen at a lower tempera- ture than in the case of dry materials, also the formation of chlorine or chlorine oxide, or both, as Ioav as 125° and before oxygen is evolved. This may be due to hydrolysis of the potassium chlorate or chloride, thus allow- ing oxidation by the manganese dioxide. It is possilile and even pix)bable that no chlorine would be evolved at any temperature within the ordinary- range of heating, if the materials Avere entirely free from moisture. In such a case, McLeod's explanation must fail, since if it be true, the forma- tion of free chlorine is a necessary step in the CA-olution of oxygen. This point. Avith others mentioned, Avill lie more fully investigated by future work, and it is hoped that some facts of interest may l>e brought out during the investigation. Action of Heat ox MrxTiiREs of Mang.4nese Dioxide With PoT.ASSiu.M Nitrate and With Potassium BniHROMATE. J. H. Raxsoai. The fact that different mett^llic oxides mixed with potassium chlorate cause the latter to evolve oxygen at considerably loAA'er temperatures than Avhen heated alone has long been knoAvn, though the nature of the chemi- cal action involved is not Avith certainty established. No work has been done, so far as I am aAvare, to see what the effect of these oxides might be on other .sub.stances decomposable by heat. 174 _ It seemed, therefore, of interest to investigate the sublect. and espe- cially the action of manganese dioxide on various substances, as the re- sults might throw .ome light on the action between it and the chlorate The substances chosen for the preliminary work were potassium ni- trate and potassium bichromate. AMu-u potassium nitrate is heated to a high temperature it loses one-third its oxygen and forms the nitrite It molecular proportions of the nitrate and manganese dioxide are mixed and heated in a metal bath, little if any evolution of oxygen occurs below 2So C. Between that temperature and .350° C. there is a constant, though not rapid, evolution of a gas which give-s the usual test for oxvgen The amount, however, is not large, and during the heating there are formed brown oxides of nitrogen. In the same bath was a tube containing the same weight ..f pure dric.l potassium nitrate bur there was no evidence of ht'iiiil-')-ciniuil-4-().ni-^,^-k('t()-R-h'.n'a('. CU.CoH, .ClI . (CHa). C«H5. C.(OH). CeH« . C ' Ann. iSl, 25. Ann. = Ann. 30S, 223. 55,321. CH, CO CH 179 For tlie pi-eparatiun of this _\2-keto-R-liexeue derivative, one mole- cule (6 gr. ) of benzoin is dissolved in boiling absolute ethyl alcohol (l(X)cc. ), and to this solution is added one molecule (5.32 gr. ) of cuniinal- acetone. This mixture is treated witli an alcoholic solution (4cc. ) of sodium-ethylate (.5 gr. sodium in 30cc. absolute ethyl alcohol). The mix- ture becomes deep red in color and upon standing in a cool place for two hours deposits clusters of needle-like crystals. Tlie crystalline mass is filtered off and after washing with absolute ethyl alcoliol is recrystallized twice from glacial acetic acid. Clusters of long, fine, white needles result whicli melt at 231°. It is insoluble in ligroin (40-60), ether, and cold alco- hol, but dissolves readily in liot beuzeiie, glacial acetic acid and chloro- form . Calculated as CoyHaiOo. Found C 84.80 84.67 H 6.81 6.92 If a mixture of one molecule each of cuminol (4.2 gr.) and pure acet- one (1.7 gr. ) is used instead of the cuminalacetone, it has been established by several comparable experiments that it is necessary that the reaction shall be carried on at the temperature of the water bath for fifteen min- utes. Upon the cooling of the mixture, the /^2-keto-R-hexeue derivative separates in a relatively pure condition. By repeated additions of 4cc. of sodium ethylate at a time, additional quantities of the substance are ob- tained which make the yield almost quantitative. Experiments were made using the total quantity of sodium ethylate solution (12cc.) required for the quantitative completion of the reaction, and it was found that the reaction took an entirely different course, resulting in the formation of the sodium ethylate addition product of benzoin". The condensation takes place readily when 15 grs. of a 10% solution of sodium hydroxide are used in place of the 4cc. of sodium ethylate solution. O.ii'in of o-4-(h'i>Iu'iiiil-5-rumifl-4-<>ry-j\2-l':<'fo-R-lie.ir)}r. CH .CbH^ .CH. (CHa)^ CeBs. C.(OH) Cells . C ^ Dissertation, Chicago, 1897, p. 4. CH, C = NOH CH 180 This oxiiu is ol)t;iiii'_'d by boiling a luivlure of one niokcnle (1 gr. ) of the /^'j-Leto-R-liexeiie d'jrivativo willi tlircc mol'.cules (.oBgr. ) of hvdroxyl- aniiic livdrcchloride and one and one-half molecules (.56 gr. ) of sodium carbouale dissolved in ethyl alcohol (140cc. ) for forty-five minutes, using a return condenser. Ono-lialf of tlie alcohol is distilled off and tlie residue on cooling d( posits white crystals, which, when they have been recrystal- lized from a mixture of benzene and ligroin, melt at 221-3°. Tlie sub- stance is easily sokible in liot alcohol, cold ether, acetic acid, and ii()t ben zenc, but very sparingly soluble in hot ligroin (40-()0^). Calculated as C-.tHi^tOsN. Found. N. 8. 5:5 8.72 ,;-/f-ili j:li( inil-.'>-<-ii iiiijl-iilii i(-a)i'xi/l-4-0-rj/-^2 I'lcto-R-hcrcuf. CH .CeH.lOCHa) CHs .C. iOH) CbHr . c , CH, . CO .CH The 3-4-diphenyl-5-anisyl-4-oxy- ^ o-keto-R-hexene is prepared by the condensation of one molecule (6 gr.) of benzoin, either with one mole- cule (5 gr. ) anisylidenacetone, or with one molecule each of anisaldehyde (3.9 gr.) and of pure acetone (1.7 gr. ) under exactly the same conditions whicli were used in the preparation of 3-J:-dipheuyl-5-cumyl-l-oxy-/\2- keto-R-hexene. The substance crystallizes in bunches of needles, either from hot glacial acetic acid, or absolute alcohol, and melts at 233.5°. Ho.wever the amount of alcohol required is large — for each gram, 70cc. of liot absolute alcohol are required. It is soluble in hot benzene and chloro- form, but insoluble in ether and ligroin (40-60^). With cold concentrated sulphuric acid, a deep red coloration is produced. Calculated as C25H22O3. Found. C 81.08 80.91 H 5.95 6.03 O.rini of the .>-4-Jii'i'iiiI-''!-:i)iiKiil-.f-or!i-^ 2-Z.v'/'v-/i-//r'.(y'«r. For the preparation of the oxim, a method, analogous to that described in the preparation of the oxim of 3-4-diplienyl-5-cuniyl-4-oxy-^^2~'^6to- R-hexene, is used. After recrystallization from liot alcohol, it melts at 196°. 182 It is soluble in hot glacial acetic acid, cliloroform, and benzene, but in- soluble in ether and ligroin (40-60°). Calculated as C25H23O3N. Found. N. 3.63 3.85 Acetate of 3-4-'Uphenyl-.'}-fnnsiil-phi' nol . This product is obtained by boiling the _^^-keto-R-hexene derivative with acetyl chloride on the water-bath for ten minutes. The mixture as- sumes a deep red coloration. Nothing separates on cooling. When excess of water is added, however, an amorphous mass separates which, upon crystallization from hot ligroin (40-60°) or from aqueous alcohol, melts at 1415_2o It is soluble readily in cold benzene, ether, glacial acetic acid and chloroform; sparingly soluble in hot benzene and aqueous alcoliol. Calculated as C27H22O3. Found. C 82.22 82.10 H 5.59 5.84 3-4--(ll phi'tnjl -.'>-a)ii>-I\-Iie.ieiif. CH . Ce Ho . (CH,0,) Ce Hs • C . (OH) Ce Us " CH, CO CH One molecule (6 ^r.) of benzoin and one molecule (5.9 gr. ) of piper- onylenacetone are dissolved in hot absolute ethyl alcoliol (lOOcc. ) and a solution (ice) of sodium ethylate (.5 gi*. sodium in 30cc. absolute alcohol) is added. As in all these condensation reactions with sodium ethylate, this mixture assumes a deep red coloration. Upon standing for two hours rosettes of yellow needle-like crystals separate. These crystals, upon re- crystallization from glacial acetic acid, are obtained in fine white glitter- ing needles, melting at 240^. The substance is soluble in hot chloroform; sparingly soluble in hot benzene and alcohol; and insoluble in ether and ligroin (-10-60'). Calculated as Cjj H,„ O^. Found. C 78.12 78.00 H 5.21 5.38 The method above described for the- preparation of 3-4-diphenyl-5- piperyl-4-oxy- 2-1^6to-R-hexene does not progress as smoothly and as completely as wlien one molecule eacli of i)iperonal (4.25 gr. ) and of pure acetone (1.7 gr.) is used in place of the piperonyleuacetone, and the reac- tion is carried out at the temperature of the water-bath. The crystals obtained by this method are very pure and clean, and the yield is almost quantitative, especially if the motlier liquor is treated again with more sodium ethylate and the mixture again boiled. Ten per cent, sodium liydroxide solution also effects the condensation. However the yield is poor. 184 0.1 i in of S-4-(liphrniiJ-o-j>ip('nil — ,^ "•''.'/- A 2-kr^>-/i-//('.(V'Hr'. This oxim is prepared iii an analogous method to tliat described pre- viously for the preparation of oxims. Wlien recrystallized from a mixture of alcohol and ligroiu, crystals are formed melting at 190-1°. It is soluble in liot alcohol, cold ether, chloroform, and liot benzene, and is insoluble in ligroin (40-60°. ) Calculated as C25H21O4N. Found. N 3.51 3.78 IV. ADDITION OF CUMIXOIN TO BENZALACETOXE' 3-4-diriimiil-.')-ph('niil-4-(>.rii-i\2-^''f'>-J^-^i''->-'''''' ■ CH. C„H, (CH3)oCII.C6H4 .C. (OH) (CH3)c.CH.C,H, .C CH, CO CH Cuminoiu, in general, reacts less rapidly than benzoin and the yields of /\2~^f'^o~R~^^^^^^6 derivatives are poorer. One molecule (6 gr. ) of pure cuminoin'^ and one molecule (3 gr.) of pure benzalacetone dissolved in hot absolute ethyl alcohol (60cc. ) are treated with a solution ((ice.) of sodium ethylate (.5 gr. sodium in 30cc. absolute alcohol). Upon the addition of the sodium ethylate, the mixture turns deep red, and after standing for six hours clusters of needles separate. By recrystallizing twice from glacial acetic acid, pure 3— l-dicumyl-5-phenyl- 4-oxy-^2-keto-R-hexene is obtained. It melts at 214°. It is soluble in cold acetic ether, chloroform, hot benzene and ligroin (110-120°); insoluble in cold alcohol, ligroin (40-60°), and ether. The yield is about 27% of tlie theoretical. Calculated as C3„H3 20. Found. C 84.90 84.77 H 7.54 7.83 Dissertation, Chicago, 1897, p. 19. Beriehte, XXVI, 64. 185 < l.riiii of till' .',-4-dic iim ijl -.'i-i)hc inj! -4-< I.I- tj- _ ^-ki'to-Ti-lu'xene . A molecule of the substance dissolved in alcohol was boiled with three molecules of hydroxylamine liydrochloride for an hour. On cooling, nothing appeared, but after the larger portion of the alcohol had been distilled off in the water-bath a solid separated, which on being well washed with water and recrystallized from a mixture of benzene and ligroin (40-60°) gave fine white needles melting at 208°. It may be recrystallized also from aqueous alcohol. The analysis shows it to be the monoxim. Calculated as 03„H3,03N. Found. 3.11 " N3.30 The substance is easily soluble in cold acetic acid, benzene, and acetic etiier; insoluble in ligroin (40-60°). o-4-00 feet, l.OOO feet of which still remain. The escarp- ment to the east of the Red Bed mesa is now !XKI feet in height and the escarpment to the \\est of the same mesa is 1,200 feet. On its western margin the sti-;ita of this mesa dip toward the east at a great angle, and at a greater angle toward the west on its eastern side. Tlie wliole coun- try, as is indicated altove, is exii-emely l)i-oken n\): tlie livers in their process of ))ase-leveling iiave chiseled their channels deeji into the rock. Great dikes and numerous volcanoes puncture the strata: and lava-flows cover hundreds of square miles of its surface. The dip of the whole re- gion, when a dip is noticeable, is usually away from the mountains at an angle ranging from l.'i'' to !M(." In many pl.ices the region is ;i bad land country. A\'iien" llie lava is suixTinijiosed on it. it Is of liic "mal pais" type: and whei'e the lav;i is wanting, especially along the Itreak-lines, ^'mauvaises tt>i'res." The culminating points of the area under considera- tion are, the crest of the San Dia Mountains, the monolith .Mt. ("altizon (»n the Rio Puerco and INIt. Pelado. the culminating point of tlie .Temez INIoun- tains. XATFRK OF ROCKS. Tlie rocks of tliis region are intrusive, eiaiptive and sedimentary. The intrusive rocks are the cores of the res[)ective mountain districts ■of Jenu'z and San Dia, and the dikes throughout the entire area. They are gi-aiiites. ]ioritliyries. gneisses, etc. The eruptive rocks are volc;inic ''■?fl r>« -■ .r A A A ^ f\ % >■". A A A A A A a' ;./.aIa /\ A A A A A r.'.A '•■ ^ A A AA ,,,Ja H A A A A A 2/.. A A A A A ^ A A :#p TaTA ' ,'. A A A A.\ / i ^ ^ /I A A A A A A AV-r A A A »\ ,, A A A A A A A A A Ma , / A /• A A / \A /\ rt / A A A A ^ A A A /" A A A A 1/!.A A ^ La AAjL 181) plugs. lavas and tuft's. The h-nas are liasalt. trachyte and rhyolite. Obsi- dian also occurs in hirye iiuantities on the .Temez Plateau. The sedimen- tary deposits are the country roclvs of nearly the entire region where not covered with lava. They were laid down in tlie seas and lakes that sur- rounded the islands whicli now t'orni tlie high mountains of t^an Dia and .lemez. These deposits date hack well into the Carhoniferous. and con- tinue almost without lircak to the recent times. UIVEKS. The rivers of the region are the Itio Puerco. the Jemez and the Kio Grande. The Kio Puerco, as we liave seen, closes in on the west the region discussed in this paper: the Jemez River and its tributaries drain the south and also the southwest slope's of the Jemez Mountains; and the Rio Grande passes south through the section east of the Jemez Mountains, and west of the San Dias. The Rio Puerco and the Jemez rivers are tributaries of the Rio (Jrande. MOUNTAINS. The mountains, as h.is lu-en stated, are tlie Sau Dia and Jemez. The former was caused by a fault of 11, (KX) feet along their western side, 7,000 Little Pi^my \'cjU-;iiii feet of which still remain, as an escarpment. Their core is granite, their cap Carboniferous. The latter (the Jemez ^Mountains) h;ive a core of red granite, overlaid in most cases, with hundreds of feet of volcanic delu'is, except along the west wing of the group where tlie crest is granite. 190 STKATIGRArHY. At the close of (niijoiiiferons times or e.-irlier. tlie Jeiiiez Mountains were uplifted, and associated with their develoimient are to l)e found large intrusions of jiranites and porphyries occupying an axial position. During the pei'iod of niminlain linilding ilie western tiank of the Jeniez was faulted off. Tin se mountains were sui)se(iuently sm-rounded by a shalloAV .lurassic sea. in which were depositwl red sandsttnies and shales to a thiclaiess of 2./>/>rr.— The mountains are crossed in all directions l)y mineral bearing veins; but to date the ores found are too low in grade to ship, the railroad being too far away, and they are not enough in quan- tity to pay to put a smelter on the ground to smelt them. Should a rail- load I)e put up Jemez Valley, mining would at once become a paying business. Besides the ore in veins, placer gold is foun^6 =t-l . d d ^ ^ ^ d o^ "^ ■■^ *^ ••^ "^ ■"^ - be — Cl — Cl CO ^'ji CO CO I— I 'M 1 PhO 1 (M 1 (N coj- ,_( Q^ -u> in 5P • g j3 a ^ a a 2 S^ "^ ■"^ "^ iog r-^ X CO :d o «o (M 1-H 10 CO ^s^ _x 1 o 1 CO Q g5 Jo CO CO ^ ^ W H W H H W ^ !2; ^ Y a a ;- ;- •f-H 1 a: a: ce tf « cc =(-i =tH ^ o o n'j ^ ^ O ;h ;h ^ a; if =<-H fX, o l^ ^ ^ O CZ2 -r; W -s INDEX, 1902, ACT FOR THE PROTECTION OF BIRDS. 7. Action of heat on mixtures of manganese doxide with potassium nitrate, 173. Action of hydrogen ijeroxide on cuprous chloride, 200. Act to provide for publication, 2. Apparatus for illustrating Charles's and Boyle's Laws, 176. Arthur, J. C, 81. BIOLOGICAL STATION AT WINONA LAKE, REPORTS FROM, 111. Birds of Winona Lake, the, 134. Blanehard, W. M., 200. Breeze, Fred J., 198. Burrage, Severance, 53, 56. Butler, A. W., 95. By-IiMws. 15. CATALPA SPINX (C<^rotomia Catnlpae), THE, 99. Class number of the Cyclotomic Number- field, the. 79. Cleavage plane in stems and falling leaves, notes on the, 93. Committees, 1902-1903, 10. Constitution, 13. Cook, Mel T, 104, 106,107. Criticism of an exiieriment used to deter- mine the combining ratio of magnesium and oxygen, 175. Culbertson , Glenn , 62, 202. FERMAT'S THEOREM, A GENERATION OF. 78. Foreign correspondents, 22. Forestry conditions in Montgomery County, 84. GALL PRODUCING INSECTS, PRELIM- INARY LIST, 104. Garner. J. B., 177. (Geodesic lines on the syntractrix of revolu- tion, 72. Geology of the Jemez-Albuquer(|ue region, N. Mex.,187. Glenn, 0. E., 75. HANCOCK. E. L.,72. Hickman. Mary A., 93. INDIVIDUALITY OF MATERIAL AND PATERNAL CHROMOSOMES, 111. Investigation of the action between man- ganese dioxide and potassium chlorate in the production of oxygen, 170. JEMEZ COAL FIELDS, THE, 197. Juday, Chancey, 120. KENNEDY, C. H., 159, 164. LITTELL, C. G., 134. DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF DARTER, 112. Diagnostic character for' the species of the genus Argia, new, 164. Dragonflies of Winona Lake, a list of the. 159. EASTMAN, JOSEPH, IN MEMORIAM, 12. Eigenmann, C. H.,65. Eighteenth annual meeting, 32. Extra i)air of appendages modified for eopu- latory purposes. 111. MAHIN, E.G., 170. Members, active, 18. Members, fellows, 16. Members, non-resident, 17. Miller, J. A., 80. Moenkhaus, W. J.,111,112. Motion of a bicycle on a helix track, 75. Mound investigations in Jefferson County some recent, 62. Mutchler, Fred, 115. Myxomycetes, of Lake Winona, 115. (207) 208 NAEZHOSH, OR THE APACHE POLE UAME, 63. Notes on deformed embryos, lOP. Notes on reared hymenoptera, 101. OFFICERS, 190'2-1903, 9. Officers since organization, 11. PHOTOGRAPHIC OBSERVATIONS OF COMET C, 1902, 80. Plankton of Winona Lake. 120. President's address, 3.3. Program, eighteenth annual meeting, 29. Puceinia, the genus, 81. RANSOM, J. H., 173, 175, 176. Reagan, A. B., 68, 187, 197. Rerord, S. J., 84. Ripple marks in Huilson limestone of Jef- ferson County, 202. SEWAGE DISPOSAL AT THE INDIANA STATE REFORMATORY, .56. Some ;-Keto-R-Hexene derivatives, 177. Some rare Indiana birds, 95. T0P0(4RAPHIC FEATURES IN THE LOUVER TIPPECANOE VALLEY, 198. Transmissible diseases in college towns, 53. WEBSTER, F. M., 99, 101. Westlund, Jacob,78, 79. 3 2044 106 262 009 Date Due