PROCEEDINGS OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF MANCHESTER. YOL. X. Session 1870—71. MANCHESTER : PRINTED BY THOS. SOWI.ER AND SONS, RED LION STREET, ST. ANN’S SQUARE. LONDON : H. BAILI.IERE, 219, REGENT STREET. 1871. / NOTE. The object which the Society have in view in publishing their Proceed- ings is to give an immediate and succinct account of the scientific and other business transacted at their meetings, to the members and the general public. The various communications are supplied by the authors themselves, who are alone responsible for the facts and reasonings con- tained therein. INDEX. Bailey Charles, Hon. Lib. — The Hawthorns of the Manchester Flora, p. 35. On Carex flava L., and its Allies, of the Manchester Flora, p. 101. On Seedling Sycamores haying abnormal cotyledons, p. 205. On Mr. Charles Stodder’s experiments on the Microscopical contents of the atmosphere of Boston, U.S., p. 207. Baxendell J., F.R.A.S., Hon. Sec. — Observations of the Aurora of October 25, 1870, p. 17. Observation of the Eclipse of the Sun, December, 1870, p. 66. Remarks on Mr. Spence’s Experiments on the Effects of Cold on the Strength of Cast Iron, p. 124. On a Diurnal Inequa- lity in the Direction and Telocity of the Wind, apparently connected with the daily Changes of Magnetic Declination, p. 194. Binney E. W., E.R.S., F.G.S., President. — On two Singular Accumulations of Boulder Stones on the Sea Beach at Seascales and Drigg, p. 30. On the Larva of Tipula oleracea, p. 55. Notes on some of the High Level Drifts in the Counties of Chester, Derby, and Lancaster, p. 66. On the Postal System and Cotton Trade a Century since, extracted from a memorandum book of Mr. George Walker, one of the original members of the Society, pp. 75, 141, 159. Notes on Drift of the Eastern Parts of the Counties of Chester and Lancaster, p. 179- Brockbank William, F.G-.S. — Notes on Glacier Moraines in Cumberland and Westmorland, p. 19. Notes on the Effects of Cold upon the Strength of Iron, p. 77. Brothers Alfred, F.R.A.S. — On the English Eclipse Expedition to Sicily in December, 1870, p. 187. Calvert Professor F. Craoe, F.R.S. — Experiments on the Oxidation of Iron, p. 98. Cockle Chief Justice Sir James, M.A., F.R.S. — On Convertent Functions, p. 1. Dancer J. B., F.R.A.S. — Observation of the Eclipse of the Sun, December 22nd, 1870, p. 65. Dawkins W. Boyd, F.R.S. — Account of Work done in the Victoria Cave, near Settle, p. 5. Account of an Examination of Offa’s Dyke, p. 7. On a Method of taking Casts of Objects of Natural History, p. 17. On Fossilization, p. 115. On Human Bones obtained from a cave near Llangollen, and from a chambered tomb at Cefn, near St. Asaph, p. 164. VI Fairbairn Sir WlLLi AM, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S.— On the Properties of Iron and Steel as applied to the Rolling Stock of Railways, p. 86. Fellows Jambs. — Observation of the Occultation of Saturn, September 30, 1870, p. 28. Gerland B. Wilhelm, Ph.D. — The Action of Sulphurous Acid on Phos- phates, p. 129. Highton Rev. H., M.A. — On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat, p. 147. Performance of the Electro -Magnetic Engine, p. 188. Hopkinson John, B.A., D.Sc. — The Overthrow of the Soience of Electro- Dynamics, p. 121. On Mr. Highton’s Objections to the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, p. 150. Hunt George E. — Notes on the Botany of Mere, Cheshire, p. 50. Notes on Polygonum minus and its allies, p. 165. Jekyll W. R. — On the Action of Sulphuric Acid on Diallyl, p. 9. Johnson W. B., C.E. — On Improvements in Machines for Cutting and Paring Heavy Articles of Machinery, p. 29. Some Observations upon Railway Accidents, and Suggestions for preventing their frequent occurrence, p. 56. Johnson William H. — On the Effect of Cold on the Strength of Iron, p. 97. Joule J. P., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., V.P. — On the Changes in the Magnetic Dip during the progress of the Aurora, October 25, 1870, p. 15. On the Alleged Action of Cold in rendering Iron and Steel brittle, p. 91. Further Observations on the Strength of Garden Nails, pp. 127, 131. On Photographs of the Sun taken in November and December, 1868, p. 132. Examples of the Performance of the Electro-Magnetic Engine, p. 152. On a remarkable Atmospheric Phenomenon seen on the evening of April 7th, 1871, p. 186. On Mr. Highton’s Remarks on the Performance of the Electro -Magnetic Engine, p. 193. Lockyer N., F.R.S. — Account of his recent Spectroscopic Investigations of the Solar Atmosphere, p. 7. Mackereth Thomas, F.R.A.S., F.M.S. — Results of Rain-Gauge Observa- tions made at Eccles, near Manchester, during the year 1870, p. 202. Morris Walter. — On the Adulteration of Food, p. 209. Plant John, F.G.S. — On some Logs of Oak found in the Irwell Valley Gravels, p. 169. Reynolds Professor O., M.A. — Tho Tails of Comets, the Solar Corona, and the Aurora considered as Electric Phenomena, p. 39. Part II., p. 107. RtrSPINl F. O. — Contributions towards a knowledge of Anthophila (Hymen- optera Aculeata) in the Mersey Province, p. 59. Schunok Edward, Ph.D., F.R.S., V.P. — On Anthrnflavic Acid, a Yellow Colouring Matter accompanying Artificial Alizarine, p. 133. Vll Sidebotham Joseph, F.R.A.S. — On the Variations of Abraxas G-rossulariata, p. 25. On Carex flava, p. 104. On the Cultivation of Madder in Derbyshire, p. 118. On the Microscopical Examination of Dust blown into a Railway Carriage near Birmingham, p. 205. Simpson Henry, M.D — Observations on the Bilharzia hsematobia (Cobbold), Distomum hcematobium (Bilharz), p. 212. Smith H. A. — Arsenic in Pyrites and Various Products, p. 162. Smith Watson, F.C.S. — On Isodinaplithyl, p. 47. Spence Peter, F.C.S. — On the Effect of Cold on the Strength of Iron, p. 94. Further Experiments on the Effects of Cold upon Cast Iron, p. 110. Stewart Professor Baieottr, F.R.S. — On Sun-spot Curves, p. 7. On the Temperature Equilibrium of an Enclosure containing a Body in Visible Motion, p. 32. Vernon G-. V., F.R.A.S., F.M.S. — On a Meteor observed August 15th, 1870, p. 27. On the Rainfall at Old Trafford, Manchester, during the year 1870, p. 197. On the Rainfall at Old Trafford, Manchester, and Comparison with the Average of Twenty Years and Seventy-seven Years, p. 199. Wiekinson T. T., F.R.A.S. — On the Aurora Borealis of October 25th, 1870, p. 15. On the Drift Deposits near Burnley, p. 76. Williamson Professor W. C., F.R.S. — On the Organisation of an Unde- scribed Verticillate Strobilus from the Lower Coal Measures of Lanca- shire, p. 105. On the Structure of some Specimens of Stigmaria, p. 116. Meetings of the Physical and Mathematical Section. — Annual, p. 188. Ordi- nary, pp. 27, 187. Meetings of the Microscopical and Natural History Section. — Annual, p, 212. Ordinary, pp. 25, 35, 101, 114, 165, 205. Report of the Council. — April 18th, 1871, p. 171. PROCEEDINGS OF THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Ordinary Meeting, October 4th, 1870. Rev. Wm. Gaskell, M.A., Vice-President, in the Chair. “On Convertent Functions,” by Sir James Cockle, F.R.S., Corresponding Member of the Society. It was only after some rather intricate and laborious cal- culations that the possibility, which ought to have presented itself to my mind earlier, of illusory results stealing in and interrupting the processes, occurred to me. And even then I did not at first realize the full extent of such results, or sufficiently explain and illustrate the means which I sug- gested for escaping them. Perhaps those means may be in some measure inapplicable or impracticable, and the impor- tance and interest which, as I conceive, attach to the subject induce me to enter upon it more elaborately. To do it full justice would require opportunities that I camiot promise myself at present, but I propose, in this necessarily short paper, to show how to obtain convertent functions in certain marked cases. The results here indicated seem to show (1) a correlation between the theory of coresolvents and that of convertent functions, (2) the possibility of arriving at an organized theory of conjugate definite integrals, and (3) the Proceedings— Lit. & Phil. Society. — Yox. X. — No. 1— Session 1870-71. 2 possibility of expressing the Boolian integrals by indefinite integrals. Availing ourselves of a word suggested by Mr. De Morgan, let us call a rational and entire function of v. wherein the coefficients may be any functions whatever of another variable x, a “ quotic.” Also let us call a rational fraction, whereof the denominator is the m-tli power of an irreducible quotic of the the ?i-th degree, and the numerator a quotic of a degree not exceeding mn — 1, a proper fraction of the ?i-th class. Then the integral, with respect to v, of a proper fraction of the u-tli class in general satisfies a linear differential equation of the (n — i)th order, wherein the in- dependent variable is x. But there is an advantageous modification of this theorem. Let 6 be a quotic of the %-th degree, and 3 a quotic of the (2 n — l)th degree, and, con- forming to the notation of my last preceding paper ( Supra vol. IX., pp. 8G, 87), intituled in the same way as the present supplement to it, let us put g, (10) Also, in (5) of the preceding paper, let us take the summa- tion on the sinister from a=0 to a=2n — 2 and that on the dexter from 6 = 0 to b=2n (2n — 2) — 1 and, further, let us put f - Jb (i + eyn- 2 (li). Moreover let us add a term h, defined by the relation h = ~ { Hx log (1 + 62) + Ho tan -10 j . . (12), wherein the symbols H, like F and G in (5) and (6), are functions of x only. Then (5) will, after these substitutions are made, be the convertent equation of (10), but it will be observed that in the present paper h is so constructed as to be integrable by means of logarithmic and trigonometrical functions, while in the preceding paper it was supposed to be unintegrable, save by series. Thus 2n — 2 will be the 3 order of the convertent equation, and the possibility of the reduction of order depends upon the circumstance that 1 dd (1 + 02)m dv is always integrable in terms of algebraical and trigonome- trical functions. When m, which here represents 2n — 1, is greater than unity, the case of m may be made to depend upon that of m — 1, and so on. Again, since := e + Ki l + e2 " ' \ + id + \- id ' ' where i is an unreal square root of unity we see that the conversion of the integral of (10) may be made to depend upon that of the integrals of two other proper fractions, whereof the denominators are of the n- th degree only. For 0 is supposed to be rational, and consequently imme- diately integrable. It seems therefore that in many cases, and perhaps universally, the conversion of the integral of a proper fraction may be made to depend upon the solution of a linear differential equation of the first order. For if one and only one particular integral of a certain linear dif- ferential equation is a linear function of one and only one particular integral of a second linear differential equation, and also of one and only one particular integral of a third linear differential equation, then each of the three particular integrals may be assigned by means of a linear differential equation of the first order. This is shown as follows. From the first equation eliminate its dependent variable by means of the given linear relation, and call the result the fourth equation. Then eliminate the dependent variable between the second and fourth equations, and the result will be a linear differential equation which will in general have one, and only one, particular integral in common with the third equation. Hence this one integral can be found by means of a linear differential equation of the first order. (13) 4 (See Boole, Diff. Eq., 2nd ed., pp. 206-7). In like manner, by eliminating a dependent variable between the third and fourth equations, we shall obtain a result which, combined with the second equation, will give us a linear differential equation of the first order for determining the particular integral of the second equation. Use the particular inte- grals thus obtained in the formation of an integral of the first equation, and substitute the result therein, giving where necessary proper values to the arbitrary constants. Thus an integral of each of the three equations will be found ; in the case of the Boolian integrals, the process admits of a simpler application, which is not however in all cases so simple as in that of the cubic. I shall illustrate this application. Consider the Boolian cubic in y. Transform it into an- other cubic in 0, wherein z=ym — 1, m being within Boole’s limits, and having no relation to the m hereinbefore men- tioned. Then the differential resolvent of the cubic in 0 is a linear biordinal which may be written thus : — d2z dz d? + L'Tx + z. *« = Z • . (14), and Boole has shown that one of the three values of 0 satis- fies an equation of the form 2 -/(“ - P)dv> the integration being within the limits zero and infinity and a and /3 being, each of them, proper fractions of the third class. But the integrals of such fractions satisfy linear differential equations of the second order. Hence, putting J'adv = a, Jfidv — b, we may write d2a da *+Al& + A*a = x(“> = A ■ • • <15> (a) - (&) - x(a) + if/(b) 'dx ldx = (Z, - A')t! - (Z, + (Z2 - A2)a - (Z2 - B2)6 = Z + A + B (18) But the linear differential equation (18) can be integrated in the form a + Xj6 = X2 (19) where Xx and X2 are functions of x. By means of (19), a and b may respectively be eliminated from (15) and (16), giving results which may be represented by (20) and (21) respectively. Then (20) and (16) will have a common integral which will give an available value of b, and a like value of a can be deduced by combining (21) and (15). And, a and b being so determined, we have next to substi- tute the resulting a — b for 0 in (14) if any constant remains arbitrary. If not, the required integral is obtained as soon as a and b are known. I would add that, in certain cases, some of our expressions may become infinite at the limits, but this circumstance will not necessarily render the results illusory or inappli- cable. In dealing with the Boolian integral for quadratics by the method of conversion I ascertained, and communi- cated the calculations and results to Mr. Harley some time ago, that infinite values occur in the conversion but do not affect the final results. Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, August 5th, 1870. Mr. Boyd Dawkins, F.RS., gave a short account of the work done in the Victoria Cave, near Settle, since the last notice brought before the Society. The two layers contain- 6 ing traces of man, which were separated at the entrance by a talus of fallen stones, seven feet thick, that gradually coalesced as the excavation passed into the cave, and at last became so confused together as not to be easily distinguished at a few feet from the entrance. The remains of a gigantic bear which had been eaten, probably may be assigned to the lower horizon, which furnished flint flakes, and a bone har- poon in form resembling that used by the natives of Nootka Sound ; the upper or Romano-Celtic stratum, continued to supply evidence of the comparatively late date of its accu- mulation in barbarous imitations of coins of Tetricus (A.D. 267-273.) A portion of the ivory handle of a Roman sword and a coin of Trajan have also been found, along with large quantities of the bones of animals that had been used as food. Several spurs of cocks proved that the inhabitants ate the domestic fowl, which was probably imported into this country either directly or indirectly by the Romans. The most striking object however is a beautiful sigmoid fibula made of bronze, end ornamented with a beautiful pattern in red, yellow, green, and blue enamel. It is an ad- mirable example of the art of enamelling (“ Britannicum opus ” ?) which the Celtic inhabitants of Britain probably taught their Roman conquerors. 7 Ordinary Meeting, October 18th, 1870. E. VV. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. Professor Balfour Stewart, F.R.S., exhibited a series of sun-spot curves projected from results obtained by himself and Mr. De la Rue, from observations of Schwabe, Carring- ton, and the Kew series of photographs of the sun. These extend over a term of about 40 years, and exhibit a principal and secondary maximum and minimum in each solar spot period of 1 1 years, thus corresponding with the light curves of R Sagittae observed by Mr. Baxendell, and j3 Lyras by Prof. Argelander. Mence it may possibly be that notwithstanding the darkening of the sun’s surface during the maximum spot period, the total light and heat emitted by -the sun at this period is really greater than at the times of minimum spot frequency. Mr. Lockyer, F.R.S., gave an account of his recent spec- troscopic investigations of the solar atmosphere, and pointed out that the conclusions arrived at by De la Rue, Stewart, and Loewy confirmed the views to which he himself had been led by spectroscopic observations of the sun during the last tvTo or three years. These tended to show that the absorbing atmosphere, termed the chromosphere, which he had proved to exist round the sun’s body, had gradually diminished in thickness since the last solar spot minimum in 1867. Mr. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., gave a short account of the examination of Offa’s Dyke made in the autumn by Col. Lane Fox and himself. The portion examined extended from Cherbury in the south to the abrupt range of limestone hills to the north of Llanamynech. At Nantcribba Hall, Proceedings — Lit. & Phil. Soc.— Vol. X. — No. 2. — Session 1870-71. i 8 near Forden, the dyke passes nearly due north between the road to Montgomery and the abrupt boss of volcanic trap which looks at a short distance like a ruined castle, and which has been encircled by a very broad and deep moat. There can be no doubt but that this was a point of observa- tion, and as it is but some 20 yards on the English side of the dyke, it was most probably one of the positions permanently occupied by the English followers of the Mercian king. From this point the dyke gradually swerves to the east from the road between Montgomery and Buttington and makes directly over the low slopes of the hills, in some places being nearly ploughed down, and in others, and especially in the small valleys, being of con- siderable height and resembling a railway embankment, until it reaches the higher ground of Fron. Thence it runs through Pentre and gradually approaches the road, and finally dies away in the alluvium of the Severn, nearly a quarter of a mile to the south of Buttington Church. The commanding camp to the south of this portion of the line is Caer Digol, or the Beacon Ring, on the top of the Long Mountain. The morass, which in Offa’s time must have extended between the Main Ditch and the Severn, prevented the necessity of any bank being made between Buttington and the Cefn. Where, however, the open country demands a defence to the north of Cefn, an embankment makes sti'aight for the greenstone ridge of the Garreg, and is very plainly seen close to the farm-house of that name, near the Trewern Gate. Here we lost our clue, and it is very likely that the steep ridges of Moel y Golfa, and the marvellously strong camps of the Breiddan and Middleton Hills, formed a sufficiently strong barrier without any dyke being raised. We picked it up again, however, on the western or Welsh side of the Severn, from which it runs, as shown in the ordnance map, due north to the Four Crosses, where it joins the Oswestry road, and where it is cut across by the new 9 railway. Thence it makes straight for the fortified hill of Llanamynech, its line coinciding with the high road. On reaching the summit of Llanamynech it takes the western or Welsh side of the two large camps, and passes down into the valley to the south of Whitehaven, which was the limit of our expedition. The results of our examination are the direct proof that the dyke was made for military purposes and that it took the line which was best adapted for repelling the incursions of the Welsh. Throughout the district which was examined the embankment faces Wales, and was therefore made to defend the country within it from the Welsh. Dr. Wright’s view, therefore, that it was a mere geographical boundary to prevent the Welsh from stealing the cattle of the Mercians cannot be maintained, although it may perhaps receive some confirmation from the nursery-legend of Taffy. The camps in the neighbour- hood of the dyke are probably older than Ofia’s time. The bronze spears found in Llanamynech imply that the camp is not later than the Bronze Age, while the Roman coins in that of the Breiddan point to its occupation by the Romans. “ On the Action of Sulphuric Acid on Diallyl,” by William Robert Jekyll, Dalton Chemical Scholar in Owens College. Communicated by Professor Roscoe, F.R.S. Diallyl was first prepared by Berthelot and Luca in 1856. They found that it dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid with the evolution of much heat, and that after some hours an oil separates, which appears to be modified hydrocarbon. In 1866 Schorlemmer published a paper on a new series of hydi’ocarbons derived from coal tar, having the formula (C„H2n_„)2 (Proc. Roy. Soc. xv. 132). He there says, “ As these hydrocarbons were obtained by the action ol sulphuric acid on coal tar oils boiling below 120° and as they differ by C2H4, it appears to me almost certain that they are polymers of the hydrocarbons of the acetylene series formed 10 in the same way as diamylene is formed by treating amy- lene with sulphuric acid. In order to test this theory I have made some experiments with the two isomers C6H10, viz., diallyl and liexoylene. By acting with sulphuric acid on these compounds, I obtained, besides large quantities of tarry matter, polymeric modifications boiling above 200°, having a smell similar to the hydrocarbons described above, giving also similar nitro-compounds ; but the quantities which I got were not large enough for a more exact exami- nation.” With a view to throwing light upon this point, at the request of Mr. Schorlemmer I undertook to investi- gate the action of sulphuric acid on diallyl. The diallyl used was obtained by the action of sodium upon allyl iodide and boiled at 59°. Since concentrated sulphuric acid acts with great violence upon diallyl, the latter was diluted with about an equal bulk of pure paraffins boiling at from 55° to 60°. To this mixture sulphuric acid was gradually added in small quantities, the bottle being frequently shaken. At the end of the reaction the contents of the bottle were found to be arranged in two layers, of which the upper one con- sisted of unaltered paraffins, and the whole of the diallyl having been taken up by the acid. The heavier and acid portion was diluted with water, when a dark coloured oil lighter than water separated out, and the whole was dis- tilled from a large flask. The distillate consisted of a light oil, which came over below 100°, mixed with a little water. After a second solution in sulphuric acid and a repetition of the foregoing processes, in order to remove all traces of the paraffins, the oil was dried over calcium chloride and heated for some hours over potassium. The oil was thus obtained pure and boiled constantly at 93°. Analysis showed that its composition is expressed by the formula C6H120. This substance is readily soluble in concentrated sulphuric and fuming hydriodic acids, and slightly so in water. It is unacted upon by either caustic potash or potassium, and 11 possesses a strong ethereal odour like that of peppermint. In presence of potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid, it yields a blue colour, similar to that produced by perchromic acid and common ether. This compound has already been obtained by Wurtz (Ann. Chim. Phys. (4) III. 174), by treating di-iodhydrate of diallyl with silver oxide. He calls it diallyl monohydrate, but says further on that this body comports itself as an oxide or anhydride (ether), corresponding to dihydrate of diallyl C„H12 h2 standing to the latter in the same relation as hexylene oxide to hexylene glycol, and might be called therefore hexylene-pseudoxide. As I have shown that the body is not acted upon by potassium, this view of Wurtz’s is correct — it cannot be a hydrate, and I therefore propose to adopt Wurtz’s second name, and to call it pseudoxide of hexylene. To throw some light on its constitution it was oxidized by heating it in sealed tubes with a solution of potassium bichromate and sulphuric acid. On opening the tubes car- bonic acid was evolved. Their contents were distilled, and the distillate neutralized with sodium carbonate. The neu- tral sodium salt was heated in a retort with sulphuric acid, by which means a distillate was obtained, which furnished a silver salt. The following analysis shows the salt to be silver acetate. Found. Calculated for silver acetate. G4'41 °/o silver. 64-67 °/Q silver. The mother liquor likewise furnished silver acetate. Repeated experiments showed that nascent hydrogen evolved from sodium amalgam is without action upon hexylene pseudoxide. Hydriodic acid acts upon the pseudoxide even in the cold. A few grams of the substance were heated at 100° with an excess of fuming hydriodic acid in sealed tubes for about 12 four hours. A red heavy liquid formed at the bottom of the tubes, the contents of which were distilled from a retort in presence of a little phosphorus. The iodide in the dis- tillate was separated from the water, dried over calcium chloride, and distilled under a partial vacuum. On distil- lation, much decomposition ensued, with the formation of hydriodic acid, a little free iodine, and with the separation of tarry matter. After a second distillation in vacuo, and drying over caustic potash, a liquid was obtained, boiling under the ordinary pressure of the atmosphere, at 165° to 167°, which is the boiling point of the /3 hexylic iodide of Wanklyn, (Chem. Soc. Journal, 21.) Several iodine determinations, made by means of an al- coholic solution of nitrate of silver, further shows the sub- stance to be hexyl iodide. Found. Calculated for C6H13I. (1) (2) 59-43 59-G8 % iodine. 59-90 % iodine. In order to convert hexyl iodide derived from hexylene pseudoxide into hexyl hydride Schorlemmer’s method was employed. The oil obtained by this means contained but little olefines, and after purifi cation boiled constantly at 68° to 69’. The following results of analysis show that it consisted of hexyl hydride. Found (a) (b) C 83-49 83-35 H 16-30 16-42 Calculated for c«h14 83-72 16-28 99-79 99-77 100-00 A portion of this hexyl iodide was oxidised by heating it in a flask attached to an upward condenser with a solution of bichromate of potash and sulphuric acid. During the operation much carbonic acid was liberated. The condensed acid was rendered neutral by sodium carbonate. From the 13 sodium salt thus formed the acid was fractionated from a retort by adding successively five drops of sulphuric acid. From the first four distillates silver salts were obtained which furnished the following results on analysis. Found. Calculated for silver acetate. (1) 59-36 per cent, silver. 64-67 per cent, silver. (2) 66-63 „ „ „ „ „ (3) 64-13 „ „ „ ,, „ (4) 64-66 „ „ „ „ „ The non-agreement of No. 1 with the calculated results was owing to the fact that the salt was very impure and un- crystalline, nor could I succeed in purifying it by recrystal- lization. From distillates No. 2 and 4 similar results were obtained from salts, which crystallized from the mother liquors. A second series of experiments, in which a weaker oxidizing solution was employed, also yielded carbonic and acetic acids as the products of oxidation. It is of interest that the hexyl iodide, which was obtained from hexylene pseudoxide, and the boiling point of which resembled that of Wanklyn’s |3 liexylic iodide, yielded carbonic and acetic acids as oxidation products, while the (3 iodide yields on the other hand butyric acid in addition. The diluted sulphuric acid, which had been used for acting upon diallyl, was neutralized with barium carbonate, filtered and evaporated to dryness, but no organic sulplio- acid had been formed. Polymers of Diallyl. After distilling off the hexylene pseudoxide from the diluted acid, a layer of hydrocarbons remained on the top of the liquid, from which they Avere separated by means of a stop-funnel. The hydrocarbons were dried over calcium chloride, and found to boil at between 200° and 300°. After several distillations over metallic sodium, they were separated into three portions, boiling at from 205°— 215°, 240°— 245°, 275°— 285°. These hydrocarbons invariably left a slight residue on distillation. Analysis showed that they have an empirical formula of CcHI0. 14 (1) Boiling point 205° — 215°. Found Calculated for C . («) (b) 87-31 87-38 C6H10 87-8 H. 12-52 12-31 12-2 99-53 99-69 100-0 (2) Boiling point 240° — 245°. Found Calculated for C . (a) (b) 87-30 87-30 c6h10 87-8 H. 12-42 12-31 12-2 99-72 99-61 100-0 (3) Boiling point 275° — 285°. Calculated for Found c6hio C . 86-96 87-8 H. 12-81 12-2 99-77 100-0 No. 3 attacked sodium slightly, although it had been dis- tilled over it several times, therefore it is probable that its non-agreement with the calculated result was owing to ad- mixture with an oxygen compound. From the above analysis and boiling points, it is probable that at least two polymers of diallyl are formed by the action of sulphuric acid upon it. I had not however a sufficient quantity of the hydrocarbons to obtain satisfactory vapour density determinations, which would at once have settled the point. It is nevertheless probable that No. 1 consists of two molecules of diallyl condensed into one, and that it has the formula C12H20; for Schorlemmer, by the action of sulphuric acid on hydrocarbons boiling below 1 20° from cannel oil, obtained one which boiled at 210°, and the vapour density of which showed that its formula was In conclusion, I have much pleasure in tendering my thanks to Dr. Roscoe and Mr. Schorlemmer, for their kind- ness and attention to me throughout the whole course of this research. 15 Ordinary Meeting, November 1st, 1870. Rev. William Gaskell, M.A., Vice-President, in the Chair. Mr. William H. Johnson, B.Sc.; Mr. Walter Morris, and Professor Balfour Stewart, LL.D., F.R.S., were elected Ordi- nary Members of the Society. Dr. Joule, F.R.S., exhibited a series of curves obtained by Dr. Stewart, F.R.S., from the self-recording instruments at the Kew Observatory, showing a large amount of dis- turbance of the magnetic declination and horizontal force during the progress of the Aurora of the 25th October. He also showed a curve of the changes which took place in the magnetic dip as observed by himself at Broughton. The most remarkable valuation occurred during the interval from 6h. 15m. to 6h. 23m. G.M.T., when the dip increased from 69° 8' to 70° 30'. “ On the Aurora Borealis of October 25th, 1870,” by T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.A.S. On the afternoon of Tuesday the 25th instant the wind blew pretty strongly from about W.S.W. at Burnley. The barometer suddenly rose from 28'5 to 29T at my residence, which is situated about G92 feet above the level of the sea. The atmosphere was cloudy most of the day, but soon after noon the clouds assumed a very decided cumulo-stratus form, and the crests of the huge masses were deeply tinged with red. About three o’clock the western portion of the sky became mostly free from clouds, with the exception of what appeared to be a dense mass of dark brown vapour in the low horizon. Immediately above this the sky was of a Proceedings — Lit. & Phil. 8oo.— -Yol. X. — No. 3. — Session 1870-71. 16 deep sea-green colour, which gradually faded into a whitish blue at about 30 degrees above the horizon. Occasional^ this portion of the sky became of a deeper green, and then the crests of the clouds in the S. and E. acquired a deeper rosy red tint ; and hence it may be inferred that all the electrical conditions for an auroral display were present for most of the afternoon, but the light of the sun was too powerful for it to become visible. Between four and five o’clock there were several vivid flashes of lightning, accompanied by heavy thunder and occasional showers of hail. By six o’clock the thunder clouds had mostly cleared away, and the auroral display became most magnificent. In the zenith there appeared to be a splendid corona of large diameter. The centre at times became intensely black, whilst its edges seemed to be draped with festoons of bright rose-coloured rays. At times these seemed to become wreaths of vapour, which soon shot out on all sides in red streaks stretching towards the horizon. The intervening spaces were frequently filled with stripes of bright green ; the edges were tinged with red, shading off into yellow and gray, like the gores of a variegated balloon. Occasionally the whole visible atmosphere assumed this variegated appearance, which anon changed into masses of bright rose- coloured vapour. As the coronre disappeared the aurora assumed the form of a bright semicircular bank of white cloud, from which the usual pointed rays shot up towards the zenith from S.W. to N.E. About seven o’clock rain began to fall, and the sky was mostly overcast for several hours. At ten o’clock the atmosphere was again clear, and the auroral display was at times nearly as magnificent as before. Coronse were formed every few minutes, and on their dispersion the streamers shot up on all sides from the semicircular bank in the north. By eleven o’clock the atmosphere was again clouded ; rain began to fall, and no further observations could be made. Certainly nothing 17 approaching to this magnificent display has occurred here for very many years. Mr. Baxendell stated that his observations of the Aurora of the 25 th ult. were directed principally to the determination of the position of the centre of the corona, or point to which the beams of the Aurora appeared to converge, by reference to the stars in its immediate neigh- bourhood. The mean of his results gave at Gh. 35m. G.M.T. azimuth, S. 19° 52' E ; altitude, 66° 9'. From this position it would appear that the direction of the lines of magnetic force in the region of the auroral beams deviated sensibly from parallelism with the line of dip at the surface of the earth. Mr. Boyd Dawkins, F.B.S., exhibited a number of casts in plaster of Paris of various objects of natural history, and ex- plained the process by which any one can make them for him- self. The material of the mould is artists’ modelling wax, which is a composition akin to that which is used by dentists. And as it becomes soft and plastic by the application of heat, though in a cold state it is perfectly rigid, it may be applied to the most delicate object without injury. As it takes the most minute markings and striations of the original to which it is applied, the microscopic structure of the surface of the original is faithfully reproduced in the cast. The method is briefly this. 1. Cover the object to be cast with a thin powder of steatite or French chalk, which prevents the adhesion of the wax. 2. After the wax has become soft either from immersion in warm water or from exposure to the direct heat of the fire, apply it to the original, being careful to press it into the little cavities. Then carefully cut off the edges of the wax all round, if the under cutting of the object necessitates the mould being in two or more pieces, and let the wax cool with the object in it, until it be sufficiently hard to bear the repetition of the operation on 18 the uncovered portion of the object. The steatite prevents the one piece of the mould sticking to the other. The original ought to be taken out of the mould before the latter becomes perfectly cold and rigid, as in that case it is very difficult to extract. 3. Then pour in plaster of Paris after after having wetted the moulds to prevent bubbles of air lurking in the small interstices, and if the mould be in two pieces, it is generally convenient to fill them with plaster separately before putting them together, 4. Then dry the plaster casts either wholly or partially. 5. Paint the casts in water colours, which must be fainter than those of the original, because the next process adds to their intensity. The delicate shades of colour in the original will be mai'ked in the cast by the different quantity of the same colour which is taken up by the different textures of the cast. 6. After drying the cast steep it in hard paraffin. The ordinary paraffin candles, which can be obtained from any grocer, will serve the purpose. 7. Cool, and polish the cast by hand with steatite. The result of this process is far better than that obtained by any other. The whole opera- tion is very simple, and promises to afford a means of com- parison of natural history specimens in different countries, which has long been felt to be a scientific need. Casts of type specimens may be multiplied to any extent at a small cost of time and money, and are as good as the original for purposes of comparison, and almost as hard as any fossil. Mr. Boyd Dawkins has employed it for copying flint imple- ments, fossils, and bones and teeth, which can scarcely be distinguished from the originals. Mr. Boyd Dawkins then explained the extraordinary hoax which had been practised on the Times by a sweep of St. Asaph. The paragraph to which he referred gave a most vivid picture of the capture of a huge reptile by a “Mr. Hughes,” in the Cefn Caves, which were recently visited by 19 the British Association. The reptile in question died a natural death in a menagerie at St. Asaph, and passed into the hands of Hughes, a sweep of that place, by purchase, and not as the meed of valour. And he exhibited it to the visitors at Rhyl as having been killed in the caves of Cefn, after adver- tising himself in the Times, and thereby exciting a great deal of lucrative curiosity. The whole story as related in the Times is a mendacious and impudent hoax, which has been copied into many of the local papers and widely distributed. Its insertion in an organ of public opinion like the Times implies an amount of ignorance of natural history which is not creditable to English civilisation in the nineteenth century. “Notes on Glacier Moraines in Cumberland and "West- morland,” by William Brockbank, F.G.S. The author referred to the proceedings of the Geological Society of London for 1840-1, which contain notices of the evidences of glaciers having existed in Great Britain, by Professor Agassiz, Dr. Buckland, and others, and which point out (1) “ Moraine-like Masses of Drift,” which occur near the junction of the Eamont and Lowther with the Eden, near Penrith ; (2) The “ large and lofty insulated piles of gravel in the valley of the Kent near Kendal, and the smaller moraines and their detritus, which nearly fill the valley from thence to Morecambe Bay” ; (3) “ Similar mounds near Shap,” and (4) the “Gravel mounds near Milnthorpe and thence to Lancaster.” Of these the author considered the Kentmere Group, near Kendal, as most nearly fulfilling the conditions re- quired in true glacier moraines, and that in the other cases it admitted of doubt whether they were really due entirely to glacial action. The districts more particularly the subjects of the author’s notes are (1) The valleys of Eskdale and the Duddon (which 20 were not visited by Dr. Buckland, but in which he supposed moraines to exist, from the appearances of the valleys as delineated in Fryer’s map of Cumberland) ; (2) The valleys eastwards from Bowfell, and (3) The district of Shap Fells. The highest mountain in the Lake District is Scawfell Pike, 3,210 feet, and separated from it only by a narrow valley is Bowfell, 2,960 feet. These two noble hills form the central nucleus, from which radiate the valleys of Wastdale, Borrow- dale, Langdale, Eskdale, and the vale of Duddon, and in this district the author found the evidences of glacial action in a very marked degree. The conformation of Bowfell is exactly suited for a great gathering ground for snow, which would accumulate on its summits, and flow over its huge shoulders as glaciers, into the vales below. Its three summits are piled up masses of unworn rocks, whilst its flanks are everywhere scored and polished by glacial action; the porphyry and greenstone of which they are composed retaining the mark- ings very clearly, so that in many places you are able almost to trace the course of the glaciers. The finest series of moraines occur at the head of the great Langdale valley, at the point where the paths diverge by Rossett Gill to Wastdale, and over the Stake Pass to Borrowdale. The valleys formed by five brooks, off the shoulders of the Langdale Pikes and Bowfell here converge, and the glaciers at this point would be abundantly fed with ice from the lofty mountains, and a wide area of gathering ground. The moraines here stretch across the valley in a very perfect series of rounded knolls of huge boulders and debris, rising some 40 or 50 feet above the stream, and forming at least three irregular lines ; as if the glacier had gradually receded up the valley, at distant intervals of time. The boulders are of the porphyries and greenstones of the surrounding mountains, intermixed with clay soil, deeply tinged with red Haematite iron ore, which occurs abundantly 21 in a vein at the summit of Bowfell, and in Rossett Gill. There are many “ perched blocks ” on each side the valley above the moraines, and which may possibly mark out the track of the glaciers ; and the rock surfaces, especially in Rossett Gill, are much scored and polished. Altogether the Langdale moraines afford an almost perfect example of glacier debris, and they are, in all probability, the remains of the last glaciers which existed in England, and after the valleys around Bowfell had assumed almost their present forms. Doubtless at some earlier period, the Langdale glaciers extended far down the valley, even to Windermere Lake, as the mam- millated rocks, perched blocks, and groovings, which can be clearly seen at many prominent points, abundantly prove ; and they appear to have gradually receded, probably as our climate became warmer ; until at length they had dwindled down to the comparatively small size indicated by the moraines now existing in almost perfect condition, at the heads of the valleys, immediately under Bowfell. Proceeding through Rossett Gill on the path to Wastdale we find in Angle Tarn an interesting example of glacial action ; the basin evidently having been scooped out by a glacier, which descended from the top of Bowfell, poured over the precipitous rocks which now overlook the Tarn, and deposited the debris of moraines which now forms the embankment across the valley at its foot. A little further on is a similar example, at the head of Long Strath- dale, where another Tarn has evidently existed, pent in by a glacier moraine. The waters have here broken through the embankment and escaped, leaving a swampy marsh behind. The rocks which are thus left bare by the departed waters, cover a considerable area, and are much grooved and polished by ice. There are similar moraines at the Borrowdale side of the Stake Pass, as also at the foot of the Wrynose Gap at the head of Little Langdale ; and doubtless they will be found i in all the valleys to the eastwards of Bowfell and Scawfell. 22 Westwards from Bowfell are the vales of the Esk and Duddon. Eskdale proceeds directly to the sea at Raven- glass, having in its short course of 12 miles a fall of nearly 3000 feet, and that chiefly in the first 6 miles of the valley. The estuary at Ravenglass has a very remarkable appear- ance, from the numbers of large boulders of granite, green- stone, porphyry, and clay slate, which lie scattered along the beach; resembling, on a small scale, the shores now fre- quented by drift ice in the harbours of Newfoundland. A nearer examination at once introduces a Lancashire geologist to the family of boulders, occurring so plentifully in our drift clays, and which, in all probability, have their origin in the Eskdale valley. Proceeding up Eskdale the granite district is soon reached. Standing on the bridge above Muncaster Castle, about two miles from the sea, you are in the centre of an amphitheatre of granite mountains, com- prising Muncaster Fells, Harter Fells, and Birker Moor Fells. The valley at this point, and for several miles inland, forms a wide and almost level ‘strath/ being filled up Avith diluvium, and it bears every appearance of having been an arm of the sea ; which would in such case have washed the bases of the granite hills from which the boulders came. This is that part of Eskdale in which Dr. Buckland, judging by Fryer’s map, supposed moraines to be in existence, but it is quite evident that in the present aspect of the valley, none are to be found. The panorama of mountains which form the head of Eskdale is by far the finest in the Lake District; comprising as it does the whole of the Scawfell, Bowfell, and Coniston range. The flanks of Bowfell on this side are glaciated in a remarkable manner ; and in the Avhole of the upper part of the valley there are evidences of the action of ice at almost every turn. Seen from above the whole valley has an ice- Avorn “ hummocky ” aspect. The author did not find any moraines in the upper por- 23 tions of either the Esk or Duddon Valleys; and in this respect there is a marked difference between the east and west sides of Bowfell. This is probably to be accounted for by the fact that to the eastwards the vales of Langdale and Borrowdale lie high, and the ice would soon be checked in its flow ; so that we now find the terminal moraines at the heads of the valleys. To the westward the valleys have a continuously rapid fall for five or six miles, throughout which course they have a “hummocky” aspect, and below this they are comparatively wide and levelled; so that in all probability the glaciers which formerly existed had their terminations in arms of the sea. This is exactly the sort of glacial condition which would best explain the requirements of a drift theory, by which the travelled boulders found in Lancashire shall have been carried thither by ice ; — and a careful study of the Eskdale valley, after first ascertaining the existence of undoubted glacial evidences at its head, confirms the writer in the opinion that it is from this district, and by glacial agency, that they were transported. It is only needful to suppose a state of things to have existed in England analagous to that which now obtains in similar latitudes, on the ice- bound coasts of Labrador and Newfoundland, where floe- ice prevails for many months of the year over an area of from 200 to 300 miles in width, whilst the land is covered with glaciers during the same period. The glaciers there carry the boulders down to the shore during the summer, and they are picked up by the floe-ice the following winter, and borne away at the breaking up of the ice, as warm weather returns, and floated seawards, as the winds and waves may direct. To complete the picture, we have to realise the fact, that the Bowfell range of mountains was at this period an insulated group, washed by a frozen sea, and covered with perpetual snow ; and much of Lancashire and the Midland Counties submerged. There is every 24 reason to believe that such was the condition of our country during the boulder drift period. The Duddon Valley, in its upper portion, which centres in Bowfell, is, in its glacial aspect, similar in every way to Eskdale. Below Seathwaite it would however receive a very important affluent from the Coniston range of moun- tains, which would there unite its glacier with that of the Duddon Valley; — and at this point we find, as might be expected, very fine examples of glacial action. The rocks are mammillated in large groups. Perched blocks, high up the hill sides, testify to the great thickness of the glacier, and are very conspicuous in the landscape. They frequently occur in groups, and seem to lie as if in one main current, forming in places fine lateral moraines. The estuary of the Duddon below Broughton-in-Furness opens out into a wide bay, and supposing, as in the Eskdale valley, that the sea formerly reached much further inland, and was subject to the action of floe or drift ice, it would then receive the moranic debris, as before described. The granite district of Harter Fell would furnish its contri- bution of boulders, to be mixed with the porphyries and greenstones of Bowfell and the slates of Coniston in the terminal moraines. Dr. Buckland held the opinion that the granite boulders of the Shap district had been carried southwards by glaciers, and deposited by their agency over the midland counties; but the writer was not able to find the same evidences of glacial action in the Shap fells as those which exist in West Cumberland. The granite district of Shap is limited to an area of some 800 to 1,000 acres; comprising Wasdale Pike, about 2 miles above the Shap Wells House. Wasdale Pike is not an isolated peak, but is an outlier of the moun- tain range at the head of Troutbeck, of which Tarn Crag forms the central summit. The valley below the pike and thence over the whole of Shap Fells has a most remarkable 25 aspect, from the large numbers of immense rounded masses of granite which are everywhere scattered. These widely dis- persed boulders cannot altogether be accounted for by the agency of glaciers. The summit of Wasdale Pike is only 1,853 feet above the sea, and the valley at its base some 500 feet lower, and the junction of Wasdale Pike with the Lune at Tebay is but 700 feet above the sea; so that it scarcely appears probable that any glacier could be continuous to such a point as would admit of its transporting its moraines to the sea, where they could be carried away and dispersed by drift ice. Another explanation must be sought, and it will probably be found in the very fact of the occurrence of this solitary peak of granite. The whole district abounds in intrusive veins of whinstone, and other plutonic rocks, crowned by the granite peak of Wasdale Pike, which has evidently been forced up through the slates by some volcanic force, and this might produce the tremendous effects which scat- tered these blocks far and wide. The denudations here have been on a tremendous scale, and possibly carried the granite boulders far down the Lune valley, and formed the moraine-like mounds referred to by Dr. Buekland, near Milnthorpe and Lancaster, at which points possibly drift ice became the modifying and trans- porting agent. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. October 10th, 1870. Joseph Baxendell. F.R.A.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr. Joseph Sidebotham read the following paper — “ On the Variations of Abraxas Grossulariata.” 26 The variations in animals and plants are of great interest, and each contribution to the store of facts accumulated rela- tive to these variations, their causes and limits, is of value in determining the identity, and limits of species, in what- ever way we interpret the word species. Abraxas grossula- riata is probably one of the most variable insects we possess in this country, in colour and markings, and it would be quite pardonable in any one not well acquainted with it, were he to split it up into four or five species ; but although it varies in colour and markings in such a great degree, all these varieties are joined together by gradual steps, and yet no step is found to join it to the next species on our list, Abraxas ulmata. The larv® of this species will feed upon the leaves of most trees and shrubs, and is therefore easily experimented upon, as to whether the changes in food influence the colour or markings. So far as my own experiments, and I believe those of others are concerned, no difference whatever can be detected from the varieties of food, except in size. That long-continued changes of food through many generations might have a perceptible effect is however more than probable. The type form of this moth is too well known to require description. I will therefore exhibit a drawer of specimens, having the type form in the centre, the various forms radiating from it in steps, in one line ending in white, another in black, another in which the white ground runs gradually into brown, and various other marked varieties. We may divide these into the following seven groups : — 1st variation. White, or the spots very few and distant : this leads up to the type form. 2nd. Spots joined together, forming curves and lines. 3rd. A variety of intermediate spots and patches. 4th. The spots at the border becoming lines, and running towards the base of wings. 27 5th. Spots confluent, forming solid black patches over nearly the whole of wings. 6th. The spots having the type form, but the white ground tinged with a smoky brown or drab colour, some- times suffusing the whole of the wings. 7th. Spots of the type form, but the ground of wings bright yellow. From various experiments with many thousands of larvae of this species, I have come to the conclusion that these variations are in a great measure hereditary, that one brood of eggs will produce moths of forms in a great measure identical, if the parents be of the ordinary type ; if the eggs be the produce of moths of extreme colouring, varying much from the type, then, although the bulk of moths will be marked dark or light, as the parents, there will be others of the ordinary type, and also some of the very opposite character of marking, precisely as in many florists’ flowers, the seed from those varying most from the original form are known to produce the most marked and opposite varieties. These experiments can only produce approximate results, unless a great number of years could be devoted to them, and in this and many others of our most variable species, it is almost impossible to rear them in confinement beyond the second generation. PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SECTION. October 11th, 1870. Joseph Baxendell, F.R.A.S., in the Chair. Mr. G. V. Vernon, F.R.A.S., stated that being at Keswick on August loth, 1870, he observed, at about 8.45 p.m., a shooting star fall from near the zenith, and apparently explode at an elevation of about 30° above the horizon, leaving a very peculiar appearance behind it. 28 After the explosion there appeared an elliptic ring of illuminated vapour whose axis was nearly parallel to the horizon, having a bright appearance at its western extremity almost resembling the nucleus of a comet. The ring of vapour became gradually fainter, but was plainly visible for 20 minutes. The major axis of the ring which was parallel to the horizon was about twice the length of the minor axis. The night was beautifully fine, and many stars were visible, but the reflection of light in the west following sunset made the brightness of the ring not so great as it otherwise no doubt would have been. Any one who had not seen the fall of the meteor would certainly have taken the subsequent appearance for a comet. Mr. Dickinson communicated the following “Observation of the Occultation of Saturn, September 30, 1870,” by Mr. James Fellows. The opportunity for the observance of this phenomenon was unfavourable. The moon and planet being very low, and the latter much obscured by the dense atmosphere. The disappearance was not seen by me, but having arranged my telescope — one of 4 feet focal length, and 2£ aperture, and using a power of 50, I observed the reappearances as under noted, viz. : — Reappearance 7h. 12m. 45s. G.M.T. Last contact 7h. 13m. 20s. „ My watch having been carefully checked by the Town Hall clock at about 5 p.m., no appreciable error could exist. Place of observation, Ashton-upon-Mersey. 29 Ordinary Meeting, November loth, 1870. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. John Durham Bird, M.D. ; Mr. John A. Bennion; Henry Deacon, F.C.S.; Mr. Joseph Carter Bell, and Thomas Stead- man Aldis, M.A., were elected Ordinary Members of the Society. Mr. W. B. Johnson, C.E., brought before the notice of the meeting the extraordinary advance that had been made within the last 20 years in the capabilities of machines for cutting and paring heavy articles of machinery, and said this was particularly noticeable in the treatment of heavy forgings. At no very remote date it was the universal practice to pare down heavy forgings to something near the finished dimensions in the smithy by hand labour only; this mode of procedure was not only expensive, but rude and imperfect in its results. The introduction of tools to supersede the use of the hand chisel and file in the work- shop has been developed to a remarkable degree. Machines are now made of such enormous strength, and the cutting tools so carefully devised, that the old system of paring down in the smithy has been set aside; this competition between the tools of the workshop and the hand work of the smithy has resulted in establishing the system of tool paring in preference to smith-work to an almost universal extent. Twenty years ago there might be seen in engineer- ing establishments a large smiths’ fire, in which was placed a part of some heavy forging, and when the part under operation was heated to a blood-red heat the superfluous parts were cut off by means of a set, upon which the successive blows of four and sometimes six strikers were delivered with surprising precision and regularity, and by these repeated heatings and dressings the forging would be eventually brought down to its finished dimensions, except Peooeedings — Lit. & Phie. Soc. — Voe. X. — No. 4. — Session 1870-71. l>y so much as was necessary for the final finishing or getting up. These operations in the smithy, as before observed, have now ceased, the forgings are taken at once and placed in a machine, which by heavy and continuous cutting soon pares down the forgings, and then finishes them without changing them to another machine or pro- cess. Tool paring is not only economical of labour, but the result as to accuracy is more satisfactory. Mr. Johnson then showed to the meeting some specimens of steel and iron parings sent to him by Messrs. Smith and Coventry, machinists, Salford, and further remarked that these parings demonstrated very clearly the capabilities of the machines and cutting tools of the present day. One specimen from a Bessemer steel shaft, the result of taking a cut f ths of an inch deep by fths of an inch traverse, was particularly interesting on account of the form and size in which they, the parings, left the cutting tools. The cutting tools used in obtaining the specimens exhibited to the meeting were of a peculiar construction, and possessed some marked advantages over those in ordinary use. The President said that Mr. Brockbank, in a communi- cation made to the Society at its last meeting, stated “ that the estuary at Raven glass has a very remarkable appearance, from the numbers of large boulders of granite, green slate, porphyry, g.nd clay slate which lie scattered along the beach.” Had he (the President) been present, he should have called the attention of the members to two singular accumulations of boulder stones on the sea beach below Sea- scales station and west of Drigg station. At the first-named place the upper permian sandstone of St. Bees bounds the sea there at high-water mark, and is covered with blown sand in which arc mingled some large boulders. Along the shore, about 400 yards apart, are two singular banks of stones running down to low-water mark parallel to each 31 other in a westerly direction for above 200 yards. The sands between and outside these banks are quite free from blocks of stone except some common shingle. At the last- named place, on the Drigg beach, is seen another accumula- tion of boulders known by the name of Barnscar. It is nearly a mile long, so far as it is exposed seaward, and may be longer, running from north-east to south-west, and about 300 yards in breadth. The blocks are for the most part rounded and consist of green slates, porphyries, greenstones, and granites, ranging in size from a few feet to 33 feet in circumference and reaching up to 8 and 10 feet high. There were three stones lying in a straight line considerably larger than the rest. The first or most southerly was a greenstone 7ft. Gin. in height and 33ft. in circumference, of an irregular oval shape. The second was also a greenstone about the the same size as the last, but more square in form. The third was a Wastdale granite not so square in shape as the last, and measured 7ft. high and 33ft. in circumference. In measuring the heights only that portion of the stones ex- posed was taken ; a considerable part may have been covered up. At both Seascales and Drigg no cliffs of till are at present seen on the beach there composed of drift sea sand, but these banks of stones appeared to him to indicate the former existence of a deposit of till from which the smaller stones and clay had been removed by the action of the sea in a similar manner to that which had taken place between the Pennystone and the present cliff to the nc Ji of Black- pool, alluded to in his drift paper, page 130 in vol. x, second sei'ies, of the Society’s Memoirs. Both deposits probably owe their origin to the action of ice, and are the remains of lateral and terminal moraines. His observations were made nine years since, and the banks may have altered somewhat in that time ; but as, to his knowledge, they have never been noticed by any writer in treating of the Cumberland drifts, lie thought it worth while to allude to them. “ On the Temperature Equilibrium of an Enclosure con- taining a Body in Visible Motion,” by Balfour Stewart,' LL.D., F.R.S. It has been established that in an enclosure containing bodies which are all at the same temperature, and at rest, the same amount of heat enters any surface forming part of the walls of the enclosure as leaves it in the same time, so that the body, of which this is the surface, neither gains nor loses heat. It is also known that if we take Dot the outer surface of such a body, but any plane passing through its substance; say for instance one parallel to its outer surface, then, as much heat passes across this plane going into the bod}'', as passes across it going out of the body in the oppo- site direction; and further, this equilibrium of heat is known to hold seperately for every one of the individual rays of which the whole heterogeneous radiation is composed. The effect of the motion of a body in altering the wave- length of the radiated light is also well known. In consequence of this, if a cosmical mass, such as a star or nebula should be formed of incandescent hydrogen, and be at the same time rapidly approaching the earth, the light which strikes the earth will not be the double line D, but a line more refrangible than it, and therefore this light will be able to pass through a mass of ignited sodium vapour at the earth’s surface without suffering absorption, while, how- ever, the light emanating from the sodium vapour will still be the double line D. In such a case even if the star and the terrestrial sodium vapour should both be of the same temperature, yet the light radiated by the latter will not be the same in quality as that absorbed. This instance would appear to show that the equilibrium which holds in an enclosure of uniform tem- perature when all the substances are at rest does not hold when some of these are in visible motion, and that if in that enclosure there be a body moving towards or from the sur- face of the enclosure, the heat which enters the surface from the moving body will not be the same as that which the surface gives out. Suppose for instance that the walls of the enclosure are made of glass, and that the temperature of the whole enclosure including that of the moving body is 0°C., then, were the whole at rest, the heat which strikes the glass surface will all be absorbed at a very short distance below the surface, and in like manner the heat radiated by the glass will all emanate from a short distance below the sur- face. But let us now suppose, to take an extreme case, that the moving body is approaching one of the glass surfaces so rapidly that the heat which it emits has been so much increased in refrangibility as to enter the boundary of the visible spectrum. Then while the heat radiated by the glass will still con- tinue to proceed from a very short distance beneath the surface, the heat absorbed by the glass from the moving body will be able to penetrate to a very considerable depth beneath the surface of the glass. The outer layer of glass will thus lose, while the inner layer will gain, heat. Now it is possible to conceive an enclosure with a fixed diaphragm, and containing a revolving body, so arranged that the heat which leaves it in the direction of a certain part of the enclosing surface, shall always be given out by that part of the revolving body, which is moving towards the surface ; while on the other hand, the heat given out by the revolving body to another surface, shall be given out when the revolving body is moving from that surface. There will thus be a want of temperature equilibrium among the various layers, those near the surface being some- what different in temperature from those beneath. But when we have a temperature difference of this kind have we not acquired the power of converting heat into work ? It 34 would thus appear at first sight that the mere presence of a moving body, has given us the power of obtaining work from an enclosure, all of whose particles were originally at the same temperature. This appears however to be opposed to the theory of the dissipation of energy, and in conse- quence we are induced to think there must be some error in the assumption. Now does not the unwarranted part of the hypothesis consist in our supposing that the revolving system can con- tinue to revolve without losing part of its visible motion ? When two moving bodies approach or recede from each other is it not possible that each loses a small part of its visible energy while at the same time there is a surface dis- turbance produced in both ? It might be said that believing in a medium pervading all space we were prepared for a stoppage of motion of this nature, and that there is therefore nothing gained by the supposition which has been made; but it might be replied that by looking at the problem in the above light we appear to connect this stoppage of motion with other facts, besides beino- made aware of a source of surface disturbance when O cosmical bodies approach or recede from each other. Postscript added 19th November. — If we imagine a stop- page of the motion of cosmical bodies of the nature above described, then if the two approaching bodies be exactly equal and similar, either extremity of the medium between them will be similarly affected by the motion derived from the approaching bodies; but if these bodies are unequal, the two extremities of the medium will be dissimilarly, affected. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION, November 7th, 1870. Joseph Baxendell, F.RA.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr. Baxendell reported that, in accordance with a wish expressed by the Council of this Section, the Parent Society had agreed to an alteration of the rules respecting the admission of Associates to the Section ; in future the sub- scription for Associates, with the present privileges, will be 10s. per annum, and to those paying a subscription of 20s. per annum, the right of taking books out of the Library will be accorded. Mr. Spencer Bickham, Jun., called attention to the very serious inconvenience that was experienced by all having occasion to distribute Natural History specimens, owing to the recent prohibition of the authorities to allow such parcels to be transmitted by “sample post,” and it was agreed that a Memorial be forwarded to the Postmaster General. “ The Hawthorns of the Manchester Flora,” by Mr Charles Bailey. Amongst the aggregate species of plants whose distribu- tion in subordinate species is imperfectly known, stands the common Hawthorn, Crataegus Oxyacantha L., met with throughout Britain. In recent years (beginning with Jac- quin, in 1775), this plant has been separated into several segre- gate species, three or more of which are known to occur in this country, viz., C. monogyna Jacq., C. kyrtostyla Fing., and C. oxyacanthoides Thuill. Of these three species, sub- species, or varieties, according as they are so held, Mr. H. C. Watson, in his recently completed “Compendium of the Cybele Britannica” (Part III. p. 510), reports one, the C. oxyacanthoides of Thuillier, as being ascertained to grow in the Thames, Humber, Tyne, and East Highlands pro- vinces. It will doubtless be found in other provinces, and amongst the rest the Mersey province, in which the only species hitherto recorded is the common C. monogyna of Jacquin. From the specimens now exhibited it will be seen that the three segregate species just referred to occur within the limits of the Manchester Flora, and as some confusion seems to have arisen in their nomenclature, it will be desirable to give, briefly, the characters by which they may be separated from each other. Similar confusion exists amongst conti- nental authors ; thus, Boreau, in his Flore du Cent. (T. 2, p. 234), makes the C. oxyacanthoides of Thuill. a synonym of C. monogyna Jacq., while Koch, in his Synopsis (p. 303), and Grenier and Godron, in their Flore de France (T. 1, p. 567), refer it to the C. Oxycicantha L., although they recognise Jacquin’s plant. C. monogyna Jacq. C. lcyrtostyla Fing. C. oxyacanthoides Thuill. Peduncles ; glabrous. Ped. : 'pubescent. Ped. : glabrous. Divisions of calyx : gla- brous, or with a few scattered hairs ; lan- ceolate acuminate ; reflexed and closely applied to the fruit. Calyx div. : pubescent; oblong acuminate ; patent-reflexed. Calyx div. : glabrous ; triangular acuminate ; spreading, but recurv- ed at the extremity. Style: one; slightly bent. Styles : 1 to 2 ; erect, or slightly bent. Styles: two to three; often diverging. Fruits: subglobose; with one stone. Fruits : oblong ; one to two stones? Fruits : large ; oval ; two to three stones. Leaves of barren shoots ; deeply divided into 3 to 5 lobes, which are somewhat acute. Leaves : with three to five acute lobes ; base with sides generally convex. Leaves: usually trilo- bate ; lobes obtuse ; base cuniform with coucave sides. Nerves of leaves : diver- gent. Nerves : divergent. Nerves : convergent. 37 The prevailing form in this district is the C. raonogyna J acq. ; it is that of which all our quickset hedges are made, and is said to flower a fortnight later than the third sub-species. The second form, the C. kyrtostyla of Fingerhuth, I col- lected on the 25th May, 1867, in Botany Bay Wood (Mersey Province, County No. 59 of Watson) on the path from Barton Moss to Worsley, where it forms several handsome trees. It attracted my attention at once by the large pro- portion of its flowers which possessed two styles, and by the comparative large size of the corymbs ; its fruit I have not been able to examine, as the ground in which it occurs is preserved by the Earl of Ellesmere, and is accessible only by a written order. The addition of the third sub-species, C. oxycicanthoides Thuill., to our flora., is the most noteworthy, and is due to the keen sight of Mr. John Hardy, who detected a single bush of it on the 27th August last, at Marple (Trent Pro- vince, County No. 57), on the right hand side of the high road from the railway station, a little past the uppermost lock of the canal. The leaves of this plant are of consider- able size, being about twice as large as those of a plant in my herbarium from Hampstead, collected by Dr. J. Boswell Syme, and excepting that the leaves are glabrous, the Marple plant appears to agree with the variety /3 mctjus, Hobkirk. The fruits on the specimens exhibited are small and urceolate in form, but they were not mature at the time they were gathered. For some seasons back I have unsuccessfully sought for it in this neighbourhood, and at present it is not ascertained to occur in the Mersey pro- vince, though it will doubtless be discovered on a more careful search. The most obvious character for determining this sub-species in the absence of the flower or fruit, is the arrangement of nerves in the leaves, which are arcuate, with the extremities turned towards the midrib; in the two 38 first-named forms the nerves are arcuate in the opposite direction, i.e. they are turned outwards. It is not a little remarkable that there is one peculiarity in the venation of the hawthorns which is invariably over- looked by the draughtsman and engraver, viz., the direction of the secondary nerves, which proceed from the midrib to the base of each sinus ; such an arrangement is very rare, being found only in some other species of Cratcegus, as C. Azarolus, &c., in species of Fagus, and in a few other plants. Mr. Joseph Sidebotham exhibited a series of specimens of Limobius clissimilis, from Llandudno, on which the markings were very distinct and perfect ; he discovered the species in considerable numbers beneath the flowers of Geranium sangui neum. Mr. Spencer H. Bickham, Jun., reported the occurrence of Myosuvus minimus, L., in plenty at Yale Royal, near North wicli, which species he believed had never previously been noticed in the neighbourhood. Mr. Bickham then exhibited a series of specimens of Polygonum minus, Huds, collected at Mere and the surrounding district; he stated that he had searched for Polygonum mite, Schrank, but with- out success, and believed with Mr. Hunt, that luxuriant specimens of P. minus had been mistaken for it : on the other hand he called attention to the fact that in 1859 Mr. John Hardy, to whom Mr. Bailey had previously alluded, dis- tributed specimens of P. mite from Mere, through the Thirsk Exchange Club, and on this authority Mr. J. G. Baker, the Curator, remarked in the report, “new to the Mersey Province.” It seems doubtful also whether Alopecurus fulvus, re- ported from the same locality, has not been erroneously recorded, peculiar states of A. geniculatus having been mistaken for it. As, however, it was found in considerable quantity at Oakmcre, in 1868, it appears probable that it may occur elsewhere in Cheshire. 39 Ordinary Meeting, November 29th, 1870. R. Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. Sir Eustace Fitzmaurice Piers, Bart., and Edward John Syson, M.D., Medical Officer of Health for Salford, were elected Ordinary Members of the Society. Mr. R. D. Darbishire, F.G.S., exhibited a series of palaeo- lithic instruments from the valley of the Little Ouse, and explained (after Mr. J. W. Flower, Q. J. Geolog. Soc. xxv. 419) the general features of the district and the deposit of the beds and the implements. Mr. W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., indicated the age of these deposits as related to the period of the existence of Elephas primigenius in the district of the south east of England and the adjoining portions of the bed of the German ocean and the north west portions of France. “ The Tails of Comets, the Solar Corona, and the Aurora considered as Electric Phenomena,” by Professor Osborne Reynolds, M.A. Although the tails of comets are usually assumed to be material appendages which accompany these bodies in their flight through the heavens — and the appearance they present certainly warrants such an assumption — yet this is not the only way in which these tails may be accounted for. They may be simply an effect produced by the comet on the material through which it is passing; an effect analogous to that which we sometimes see produced by a very small insect on the surface of still water. We see a dark spot, and on looking closer we find a small fly or moth flapping Pboobbdin&s— ■ Lit. & Phii. Soc. — Vol. X. — No. 5. — Session 1870-71. 40 its wings and creating a disturbance which was visible before the insect which produces it. There is nothing else that we can conceive their tails to be so that they must be one or other of these two things; either (1) Material appendages of the nucleus, whether the material be limited to the illuminated tail or surround the comet on all sides. (2) Matter which exists independently of the comet, and on which the comet exerts such a physical influence as to render it visible. Respecting the composition of these bodies, Sir John Herschel says : — “ There is beyond question some profound secret and mysteiy of nature concerned in the phenomenon of their tails. Perhaps it is not too much to hope that future observation, borrowing every aid from rational specu- lation, grounded on the progress of physical science generally (especially those branches of it which relate to the setherial or imponderable elements) may ere long enable us to pene- trate this mystery, and to declare, whether it is matter in the ordinary acceptation of the term that is projected from their heads with such extravagant velocities, and if not impelled at least directed in its course by reference to the sun as a point of avoidance. In no respect is the question as to the materiality of the tail more forcibly pressed on us for consideration than in that of the enormous sweep which it makes round the sun in perihelio, in the manner of a straight and rigid rod, in defiance of the law of gravitation, nay, even of the received laws of motion, extending (as we have seen in the comets of 1680 and 1843) from near the sun’s surface to the earth’s orbit, yet whirled round unbroken : in the latter case through an angle of 180’ in little more than two hours. It seems utterly incredible that in such a case it is one and the same material object which is thus brandished. If there could be conceived such a thing as a negative shadoivt a momentary impression made upon the luminiferous tether 41 behind the comet, this would represent in some degree the conception such a phenomenon irresistibly calls up. But this is not all. Even such an extraordinary excitement of the aether, conceive it as we will, will afford no account of the projection of lateral streamers, of the effusion of light from the nucleus of the comet towards the sun; and its subsequent rejection of the irregular and capricious mode in which that effusion has been seen to take place, none of the clear indications of alternate evaporation and condensation going on in the immense regions of space occupied by the tail and coma — none, in short, of innumerable other facts which link themselves 'with almost equally irresistible cogency to our ordinary notions of matter and force.” There can be no doubt that if these tails are matter moving with the comet, this matter must be endowed with properties such as we not only have no experience of, but of which we can form no conception. This alone would seem a sufficient reason for rejecting the first hypothesis. More- over, on the second hypothesis there is no difficulty in the im- mense velocity with which these tails are projected from the head or whirled round when the comet is in perihelio. For to take the “negative shadow” as an illustration, here we should have a velocity of projection equal to that of light, and the only effect of the whirling would be a slight lagging in the extremity of the tail, causing curvature simi- lar to that which actually exists. And whatever the action may be, if its velocity of emission or transmission be suffi- ciently great, this effect will be the same ; but whether this hypothesis is to be rejected because involving assumptions beyond conception or contrary to experience, must depend on the answers to the following question — Do we know, or can we conceive any physical state into which any substance which can be conceived to occupy the space traversed by comets could possibly be brought so as to make it present the appeai’ance exhibited by comets ? 42 Now, I think the answer must be in the affirmative, and that we may leave out the terms conceive and conceivable. For electricity is a well known state, and gases are well known substances ; and when electricity under certain con- ditions, as in Dr. Geissler’s tubes, is made to traverse exceedingly rare gas, the appearance produced is similar to that of the comets’ tails; the rarer this gas is, the more susceptible is it of such a state, and so far as we know there is no limit to the extent of gas that may be so illu- minated. Hence we may suppose the exciting cause to be electricity, and the material on which it acts and which fills space to have the same properties as those possessed by gas. What is more, we can conceive the sun to be in such a condition as to produce that influence on this electricity which should cause the tail to occupy the direction it does. For such an electric discharge will be powerfully repelled by any body charged with similar electricity in its neigh- bourhood. The electricity would be discharged by the comets on account of some influence which the sun may have on them, such an influence being well within the limits of our conception. The appearances of the comet in detail, such as the emission of jets of light towards the sun and the form of the illuminated envelope are all such as would necessarily accompany such an electrical discharge. In fact, if the possibility of such a discharge is admitted, I believe it will explain all the phenomena of comets. As to the possibility, or even the probability of such a dis- charge, I think it may be established on very good grounds. The tails of comets may or may not be one with their heads; but whichever is the case, it is certain that the dif- ference in the appearance of comets and of planets indicates some essential difference either in the materials of which these bodies are respectively composed, or else in the con- 43 ditions under which their materials exist. Now from the motion of comets we know that their heads follow the same laws of motion and gravitation as all other matter, and therefore we have good evidence, so far as it goes, that comets and planets are similarly constituted as regards matei’ials. And since the appearance of a comet changes very much as it passes round the sun, any assumptions with regard to the material of comets in order to account for their difference from planets would not account for the variety of appearance the same comet presents at differ- ent times. On the other hand the conditions of comets and planets must necessarily be very cliffei’ent, from the extreme difference in the shapes of the orbits they describe. Each planet remains nearly at a constant distance from the sun (whatever that distance may be), so that the heat or any physical effect the sun may have upon it will also be constant ; on the comets its action must change rapidly from time to time, particularly when the comet is in certain parts of its orbit. Hence we may say that the temperature and general physical condition of planets is nearly constant, and that of comets for the most continually varying. There is, too, a very remarkable connection between the appearance of the comet and the rate at which the sun’s action on it changes. Herschel says : — “ Sometimes they first make their appearance as faint and slow moving objects, with little or no tail, but by degrees accelerate, enlarge, and throw out from them this appendage, which increases in length and brightness till (as always happens in such cases) they approach the sun and are lost in' his beams. After a time they again emerge on the other side, receding from the sun with a velocity at first rapid, but gradually decaying. It is, for the most part, after thus passing the sun that they shine forth in all their splendour, and their tails acquire their greatest length and development; thus indicating plainly the sun’s rays as the exciting cause of that extra- 44 ordinary emanation. As they continue to recede from the sun their motion diminishes and their tail dies away, or is absorbed into the head, which itself grows continually feebler, and is at length altogether lost sight of.” Here, although unconsciously, Herschel has connected the increase of brightness with the increase of speed with which comets approach the sun, and the diminution in brightness with the diminution of the velocity with which they leave the sun. And although from Herschel’s remark just quoted it might be inferred that proximity to the sun is the cause of the increase of brightness, this is proved not to be the case, for (as in the case of Halley’s comet) when near its perihelion the tail always dies away, and the comet shrinks. Thus when the comet is nearest to the sun there is no development of tail, which shows clearly that it is not the intensity of the sun’s rays but the change in their inten- sity that is the exciting cause of these extraordinary appear- ances. So that there is no reason to suppose that a planet composed of the same material as a comet, no matter how close to the sun, would show a vestige of tail or other cometic appearance. It is then to this change in position that we must attri- bute those peculiar appearances which belong to comets. Now, is not electricity the very effect which would natu- rally result from such a state of change and variation in condition ? A. De la Rive remarks, “ Electricity is one of the most frequent forms which the forces of nature assume in their transformations. It certainly often accompanies a change in temperature. There is every indication that it is so in our atmosphere, for the times when its intensity is a maximum are just after sunrise and just after sunset, both winter and summer. From these reasons it seems to me not only possible’ but probable that these strange visitors to our system are clothed 45 in electrical garments with which the regular inhabitants are unacquainted. The electricity must after all depend on the composition of the comet, for known substances do not all show the same electrical properties. Hence by assuming comets to be composed of various materials, we have a source to attribute the different appearances presented by the different indi- viduals. To the same source we may attribute the irregu- larity in the direction of their tails and the lateral streamers they occasionally send out. Secondly, I think this electrical hypothesis is sup- ported by the to me seeming analogy between comets, the corona, and the aurora ; an analogy which suggests that they must all be due to the same cause. They may be all described as streams of light or streamers, having their starting point more or less undefined, and traversing spaces of such extent and with such velocities as entirely to preclude the possibility of their being material in any sense of that word with which we are acquainted. The aurora has long been considered as an electric phe- nomenon, and recently the same effect has been produced by the discharge of electricity of very great intensity through a very rare gas, there being no limit to the space which it will thus traverse, This being so, why should not the tails of comets and the corona also be electric phenomena? Their appearance and behaviour correspond exactly with those of the aurora, and there is surely nothing very difficult in imaoinina’ the sun which is the source of so much heat being also the source of some electricity. Neither will there appear anything wonderful in the electricity of comets when we consider that of the earth. We must not look on our inability to explain the cause of such an electric discharge as fatal to its existence, for we cannot any more explain the existence of the electricity which causes the aurora. If we cannot explain from whence these electricities come, we 46 can at least show that the conditions which are most favourable to the development of the aurora exist in much greater force on the comets than they do on the earth. The greatest development of the aurora borealis takes place at the equinoxes. There is a cessation in summer, and another in winter. Now, the equinoxes are the times when the action of the sun on our northern hemisphere is changing most rapidly. Hence the condition favourable for the aurora is change in the action of the sun. The same thing is pointed out by the diurnal variation in the electricity of the atmosphere. Now, as has been already shown, the change in temperature on the comets is incomparably greater than it is on the earth, and its variation corresponds with the variation in the splendour of the comet. o Angstrom has also shown that the light from the aurora, the corona, and the zodiacal light, are all of the same character, or all give the same bright lines when viewed through the spectroscope, and that these lines coi’respond to the light from no known substance. This indicates that whatever this light may be, the incandescent material is the same in all cases; or may we not assume that it is the medium which fills space that is illuminated by the electric discharges ? This would be supported by the fact that the light from the heads of two small comets indicated carbon, whereas that from the tails only gave a faint continuous spectrum. For an electric discharge would first illuminate the atmosphere of the comet, or even carry some of the solid material off in a state of vapour, and then pass off to the surrounding medium. Thus while the spectrum from the head would be that of cometary matter, the tail would be due to the incandescent ether. I would here suggest that gas, when rendered incandes- cent by electricity, may reflect light — it will certainly cast a shadow from the eJectric light — and if this be the case, part of the light from comets’ tails may after all be reflected sunlight. 47 At any rate, it is certain that the appearance of streamers, the rapidity of change and emission, the perfect transparency and the wave-like fluctuations which belong to these phe- nomena, are all exhibited by the electric brush ; in fact, the electric brush will explain all these appearances which have defied all attempts at explanation on a material hypothesis. I have only to add that the main assumption involved in the electric theory is, that space is occupied by matter having similar electrical properties to those of gas; and I would ask, is it not more rational to make such an as- sumption than it is to attribute unknown and inconceivable properties to cometary matter ? Theories even, if founded only on rational speculation, often, I believe, prove very useful, insomuch as they afford observers a definite purpose in their observations — something to look for, something to establish or to refute; and I publish these speculations of mine at this particular moment in the hope that they may perchance serve such a purpose. “On Iso-di-naphthyl,” by "Watson Smith, F.C.S. Com- municated by Professor Roscoe, F.R.S. About the commencement of the month of March, 1870, when endeavouring, on the suggestion of Mr. John Barrow, in whose laboratory I was then engaged, to obtain anthra- cene by the action of a red heat upon naphthalin, the vapour of this body being passed through a red hot tube : I found that instead of the anticipated result occurring, according to the equation 7C10H8 = 5CUH10 + 6H, a body was obtained which had a melting point and also a boiling point pretty nearly agreeing with those of anthracene, but almost all its other properties were dissimilar to those characterising that body. This substance I found to fuse at from 200° to 204° C., its boiling point lying over that of mercury considerably, and also over that of anthracene as nearly as I could judge. 48 It is difficultly soluble in alcohol and ether, more soluble in carbon tetrachloride and benzole, freely soluble, even in the cold, in carbonic disulphide and oil of turpentine. From all the above solutions except that of the turpen- tine it crystallises in beautiful silky rhomboidal plates, which on drying interlaminate, and possess a delicate light yellow- ish green colour and silky lustre. From the turpentine it crystallises in beautiful white lance-shaped crystals con- gregating in tufts. Its subliming point lies considerably below its boiling point, indeed not far above its melting point. It may be obtained perfectly white by carefully subliming the recrystallised substance at as low a temperature as possible. If the semi-purified body be recrystallised from any of the above named solvents, the mother liquors on filtering are found to have acquired a beautiful blue fluores- cence, but the perfectly pure substance no longer yields a fluorescent solution. A mixture of two parts of potassium bichromate and sul- phuric acid, cause energetic oxidation of this substance, but no colouring matter is obtained by treating the product of oxidation so obtained, by Perkins’ method for obtaining alizarin from antlirachinon. Cold sulphuric acid is without action upon it. Warm sulphuric acid dissolves it, if pure, with a slight purplish colour. If containing any of the yellow substance which always contaminates the crude body, the warm acid assumes a blue colour, which on further warming becomes green and then brown. Nitric acid oxidises it, with liberation of nitrous fumes. Chlorine passed over it in the cold does not affect it, and apparently not even on slightly warming. I find that it is impossible to distill naphthalin to dryness in any quantity, without this body being formed in minute quantity. If an appreciable quantity be not obtained on 49 first distillation, it will be by transferring back the distillate to the retort and again distilling to dryness; a minute quantity of high boiling residue will then be obtained, raising the temperature towards 300° C. A quantity of the pure substance, submitted to organic analysis, furnished the following numbers : — Grans. I. 0-1240 grm. of substance gave 0-4307 C02 II. 0-1237 „ 5> and 0-0624 H,0. 0-4284 C02 0-0626 H,0. I. II. Calculated for c10h7 1 C10H7 / Carbon Hydrogen . 94-72 5-59 94-46 5-62 94-49 5-51 100-31 100-08 100-00 The hydrogen evolved in the process was collected and measured, and the following calculation made : — Weight of Naplithalin converted, 26-30 grms. (nearly). Volume of Hydrogen at 0° C = 2359-7 cbc. 9KR 2 = 0-2107 grm. H. 2Ci0H8 = £10^ | + H2. 26-3 grms. lose 0-2055 grm. H. Hydrogen actually liberated = 0-2107 grm. „ calculated as above =0-2055 grm. For the formuala 7C10H8 = 5CI4H10 + 6H = 0*1861 grm. of H. must be liberated. From these considerations, and seeing that the properties of the body considerably differ from those of Di-naphthyl as obtained by *Dr. F. Lossen, I propose to regard this body as an Isomer, and propose to name it accordingly Iso-di- naphthyl. Prestolee Alkali Works, near Manchester, November 29, 1870. * Ann. der Chemie void P ha ran. : Band cxliv. 71, 1867. 50 “ Notes on the Botany of Mere, Cheshire,” by Mr. George E. Hunt. The border of Mere Mere has for long been a locality famous to the botanists round Manchester. The first published Manchester floras bore its name as the habitat of the rare Elatine hexandra and Limosella aquatica. In 1855, Mr. Wilson’s Bryologia Britannica gave a still greater notability to the place by the record of several extremely rare mosses from thence, and among others of Physcomitrium sphcericum, which is thus recorded by him : — “ On the dried mud of pools, Mere, Cheshire, Sept., 1834. — W. Wilson. Not found in any subsequent year: the only known locality in Britain.” The following are also recorded in the same work as occurring at Mere: — “ Phascum serratum ft ; Phascum sessile ; Phascum rostellatum.” I was led, in 18G4, by these various notices, to commence a systematic and continuous exploration of Mere, with the view of discovering as many of the recorded mosses as might still exist there. Some of them being exceedingly minute, it has taken a considerable time to detect all ; and it may be of service to other bryologists in the district to mention those which grow there at the present date, and also the nature of soil they prefer. 1. Physcomitrium sphcericum. A careful search, in 1864, led to the re-discovery of this species in very minute quantity. In 1865 it was still more sparing (not above a dozen capsules). 1866 was so exceedingly wet a season that the plant could not have come up at all. 1867, it again occurred very sparingly. 1868, it was plentiful, but destroyed by the autumn rains before much of the fruit had ripened. 1869, again frequent, and would have been plentiful but the autumn rains again destroyed it whilst the fruit was even more immature than in the preceding 51 year. 1870, very plentiful, and abundance of it has come to maturity. This moss always grows on dried mud. 2. Phascum serratum ft is frequent every autumn on clay and sandy banks at Mere ; it occurs quite frequently in corn fields at Bowdon, in damp seasons, coming up a few weeks after the com has been cut. In com fields at Bowdon its companions are Phascum muticum, Phascum alterni- folium, and Pottia truncata, and very rarely Trichoclon cylindricus — the latter never fruits in this district. 3. Phascum nitidum, frequent every autumn at Mere on clay and sandy banks ; it occurs elsewhere about Bowdon on newly- cut ditch banks. 4. Phascum rostellatum, on banks at Mere, with the two previous species, but much more sparingly. It has also been found in Sussex by Mr. Mitten, and was collected there again last year by Mr. Davies. It is one of the rarest of all the British mosses. 5. Phascum sessile, very rare at Mere. I collected it in the autumn of 1869, and again in November, 1870, inter- mixed very sparingly among Phascum serratum, from which it is difficult to separate it except with the aid of the microscope. With this it can be at once distinguished from that species by its longer, more rigid, almost entire leaves, with a very wide nerve. Phascum serratum has no nerve, and the leaves are spinulosely serrated. Phascum sessile was gathered in Sussex many years since, but I have not heard of its recent discovery either there or elsewhere. It is one of the rarest British mosses. 6. Phascum patens, on dried mud, almost every season, intermixed with Physcomitrium splicericum, and usually much more plentiful than that species. This moss comes up in autumn in the Ashley district of Bowdon, although very sparingly, wherever an open drain has been cut in spring. It also springs up about Bollington, under the same circumstances. 52 7. Phascum cuspidatum. I have not yet found this at Mere, but it comes up on banks on the Chester Road be- tween Bowdon and Bucklow Hill, when they have been newly made up, or plastered with mud from the road. 8. Leskia polycarpa fruits freely about the roots of trees on the borders of Mere, both in autumn and spring. 9. Hypnum riparium, a very neat variety of this moss, fruits in abundance in August and April, on clay banks and at the roots of trees at Mere. Hepaticce. Riccia fluitans and crystallina are both frequent on dried mud at Mere, with Phascum patens, &c., and both species fruit freely there. Numerous interesting flowering plants are also found, viz., Elatine hexandra, Limosella aquatica, Peplis portula , Polygonum minus, Littorella lacustris — all plentiful on mud ; Carex vesicaria, fringing the woods at the edge of the Mere. Scirpus acicularis, in vast quantity in sandy places. Carex (Ederi, in stony and grassy places. This is the true (Ederi, and very rare. I have only seen it elsewhere on the sands on the south side of Southport, where it is very abundant and luxuriant. It appears quite distinct as a species from C. flava (including C. lepidocarpa), with which it is often placed as a variety, — Centunculus minimus, frequent some seasons in the open pastures on the borders of the Mere. Mentha sativa, in ditches by the road sides between Bucklow Hill and Mere Mere. Ruhus Balfourianus and Rubas palhidus, in thickets by the Mere. Polygonum mite has been reported from Mere, but after searching without success for it for several seasons, I can only suppose that some of the more luxuriant forms of minus, 53 frequent there, have been mistaken for it. The seeds of P. minus, which are shining black, and only half the size of those of mite, afford the only safe distinction. Accompanying are specimens of the rarer mosses, from which it will be seen how minute they are, and how easily they may be overlooked without most careful search. The specimens sent were collected on Saturday, 5th November. Mx\ Hardy remarked that he had no claim whatever to be considered as the original discoverer of Polygonum mite in the Manchester district; for so long ago as 1828, Mr. William Wilson, of Warrington, sent the plant from a Cheshire locality, under the erroneous name of minus, to the late Sir William Jackson Hooker, in whose herbarium at Kew the specimens still are. Mr. Hewett C. Watson, the author of the “Cybele Britannica,” mentions these specimens, and does not express any doubt of their being the P. mite of Schrank. Mr. Hardy found the plant at Mere in 1860, and sent specimens to the Botanical Exchange Club, then located at Thirslc : and Mr. J. G. Baker, the Curator, in his report for the next yeai', mentions these specimens as new to the Mersey Province. Mi*. Hardy stated his belief in Mr. Watson’s idea, that P. mite was much more difficult to distinguish from P. Persicaria than from P. minus ; and he had not the least doubt, notwithstanding Mr. Hunt’s objection, that, now special attention having been called to the species in question, it would be proved, in the course of another season, to be an inhabitant not only of the Mere district, but common in other stations included in the * Manchester Flora. Correction in paper on “ The Hawthorns of the Manchester Flora,” Proceedings, p. 37. The locality for Cratcegus oxyacanthoicles, Thuill., lies 54 within the Mersey province, and not, as stated, in the Trent province, the Lstation being only a few hundred yards from the boundary of both provinces. Charles Bailey. 30th November, 1870. Ordinary Meeting, December 13th, 1870. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. Mr. J ohn Angell, Science Master at the Manchester Free Grammar School, and Mr. Carl Schorlemmer, Senior Assist- ant in the Chemical Laboratory of Owens College, were elected Ordinary Members of the Society. The President stated that the “ grub,” as the larva of the Harry Longlegs, the Tijpula oleracea of entomologists, was commonly called, had made great ravages with meadow grass during the last summer. In the eastern parts of the township of Moston, near this city, some fifty or sixty acres had been for the most part destroyed. After the land had been manured in the spring, the grass showed well until the middle of May, when it began to disappear and leave the ground nearly bare. In the space of a square foot he found twelve of the grubs, and all the roots of the grass under that space appeared to be quite eaten through. Several remedies, such as salt and gas lime, have been pro- posed for destroying the grub, but these, although effective, exercise for the time a deleterious influence on the grass. The fancy onion growers of the district, chiefty weavers, keep them down by careful watching. He had been sur- prised at the growing of onions betwixt Oldham and Man- chester by working men, one of whom had produced a specimen 25 ounces in weight. This did not obtain the prize, which was awarded to an onion grown at Hollinwood of 29| ounces. For many years past the south-east part of Lancashire has been noted for growing large goose- berries and celery, and it is now equally famed for its onions. Proceedings — Lis. & Phil. Soc.— Vod. i.— No. 6. — Session 1870-71. 56 “Some observations upon Railway Accidents, and sug- gestions for preventing their frequent occurrence,” by W. B. Johnson, C.E. The early history of our Railways does, I believe, show that the accidents in the first few years were mainly due to the breakage and derangement of some portions of the rolling machinery, and this to a much greater proportion than prevails at the present time. We rarely hear now of any fatal accidents arising from the breakage of the loco- motive engine, yet 25 years ago they were far from being uncommon, especially if we include accidents arising from boiler explosions, and engines running off the lines. This observation is made, because it is necessary in look- ing at a question such as is now under consideration, to ascertain if possible how this change has been brought about. In the first place it must be remarked that the traffic upon our railways, both goods and passenger, has increased to an almost incredible extent within the period just named; but the writer is inclined to believe that the change has not arisen from this altered condition (as regards traffic), but is to be accounted for in some degree by the very marked im- provements that have been made in the locomotive engine itself: for instance, the accurate balancing of the working and fixed parts of the engine, that obtains at the present day, has done much to reduce the number of accidents ai’ising from broken axles and running off the line. The enquiry may very reasonably be made as to whether cor- responding improvements have been made in the other de- partments of railway construction and management. The answer is somewhat doubtful, for while the locomotive engine has steadily improved under the united and untiring labours of many able scientific engineers, the system of railway points or switches and signals remains the same in principle, if not in practice, to that in use on some of our earliest railways. The present arrangement and construction 57 of points and signals do not appear to be adapted to meet safely the requirements of the traffic of to-day, as is too clearly demonstrated by the many recent accidents. An arrangement of points might be adopted, that would con- siderably reduce the number of accidents now occurring, and that by placing the points on the main lines, so that in all cases without any exception (saving at terminals having no through traffic and main junctions) they shall open in a direction opposite to that in which the trains run. It must be apparent that under such an arrangement, accidents could not take place by a train being inadvertently turned into a siding, such as occurred at Tamworth, on the London and North Western Railway, not many weeks since; and all accidents of this class might, under such an arrange- ment of points just named when generally applied, be con- sidered as impossible of occurrence. No doubt in many cases such an arrangement of the points is adopted, perhaps for the sake of convenience only, but the full benefit can only be derived by its universal practice. More than 25 years since, the writer represented to several railway officials the security arising from the carry- ing out of such a system of points into general practice; but it was then considered as carrying precautionary ideas too far, and convenience had the rule, and appears to have had up to the present day. Of course the increase of traffic has materially increased the contingencies leading to accidents, and the question may be fairly raised — whether railway companies should be allowed to take any amount of traffic they may choose to do, without being compelled, by parlia- mentary enactment if necessary, to provide in every possible way against accident to the lives of the passengers commit- ted to their charge. The usual objections of expense and inconvenience will no doubt be made against carrying out universally the arrangement of points now named; but what- ever these objections might amount to, the writer is of 58 opinion that in the long run its adoption would be found to be beneficial to the shareholders of our railways, and it would contribute in some degree to the safety of the travel- ling public. There are two other sources of accidents on our railways that require notice — one, the system, now so prevalent, of centralising the signals, and the other, the breaking and making up of trains on the main line. The centralising of the signal handles into one box may possibly possess some advantages in saving wages, and also in placing the signals and points connected with or depend- ent upon each other within the control of one man ; but may not this be carried too far ? When the centralising of signals requires the man in charge to have his attention directed to two different trains -at the same time, and per- haps coming in opposite directions, it does create contingen- cies of a nature that will, at some time or other, lead to accident, and it is unreasonable to expect a man at such critical junctures always to do the right thing. Another objection to the centralising of signals arises from the work- ing of the distant ones. The mechanism required to form the connection between the signal box and the signal itself, is on account of the distance, liable to derangement, being affected by frost, heat, and rain, and repairs and adjustments are frequently necessary, thus creating another class of con- tingencies that may lead to accident. And it may be fur- ther observed that it does sometimes occur that the distant signals are beyond the observation of the signalman in his box, and is always so in thick weather ; so that he has no chance of knowing, in such cases, whether the signals answer to his workings in the box or not. The breaking and making up of trains on the main line has been the occasion of many accidents, and its continu- ance, especially upon lines having a large traffic, must lead to similar results. It needs no argument to show that a 59 line of railway upon which such work is never done has removed one contingency to accident, and to that extent it is a safer line to travel upon. To these contingencies leading to accident might be added others, but the writer will now only refer to the one arising from imprudent management, in allowing slow and some- times even luggage trains to precede an express without sufficient margin of time. Viewing these contingencies together, as combining to bring about one result, viz. : accident, we must cease to won- der that they are so frequent, and begin to wonder that they so seldom occur. “ Contributions towards a knowledge of Anthophila (Hymenoptera Aculeata) in the Mersey Province,” by Mr. F. 0. Ruspini. Communicated by H. A. Hurst, Esq. The following list is very meagre, and contains only 56 of the 220 species of bees known to inhabit the British Isles. It simply professes to be the result of one season’s collecting by the author, mostly within the limits of a single parish in Cheshire. Family I. Andrenidse Leach. Sub-family I. Obtusilingues Westw. Genus Colletes Latr. 1. G. cunicularia Linn. — hirta St. Farg. Discovered by Mr. Nicholas Cooke near Liverpool in 1869 ; appears in April. 2. C. succincta Linn.=fodiens Curtis Brit. Ent. II. fol. 85. Abundant at Lindow, Cheshire, in August. 3. C. Daviesana Kirby MSS. Lindow Common, August ; not so abundant as succincta. Sub-family II. Acutilingues Westw. Genus Sphecodes Latr. The females appear in spring, and both sexes in the autumn. 1. S. gibbus Limi.=Melitta sphecoides Kirby. Plentiful 60 on Lindow Common and at Alderley ; also taken by Dr. Simpson in Lancashire. 2. S. rujiventris Panz.=rufescens Smith’s Monog.=gibba Fabr. and Kirby. Very plentiful all over the country. 3. S. subquadratusSmith=gihhus Wesmael. A rare species, occurring at Lindow. 4. S. ephippius Linn. = divisa Kirby, and $ Geoffrella Kirby. Plentiful at Lindow, Cheshire. Genus Halictus. The females appear in spring, and both sexes in autumn. 1. H. rubicundus Christ. = flavipes Panz. Abundant everywhere. 2. H. Tumulorum Linn. = flavipes Auct. Lindow, Che- shire, and Silverdale, Lancashire — an abundant insect. 3. H. 4--notatus Kirby. Common at Lindow. 4. II. cylindricus Fabr. $ — abdominalis Kirby, and ? = fulvocincta Kirby. Lindow, Cheshire, and Silverdale, Lan- cashire— a very common insect. 5. H. albipes Fabr. ?=obovata Kirby. A local species : plentiful at Lindow. 6. H. villosulus Kirby. Common in Cheshire and Lan- cashire. 7. H. nitidiusculus Kirby. With us the most abundant of the genus, but rare in Northumberland. 8. H. subfasciatus Nyl. A rare species : taken on Lin- dow Common. 9. II. minutus Kirby. Taken by Dr. Simpson in Lanca- shire and by the author at Lindow. 10. H. atricornis Smith n. s. Ent. Ann. 1870. Occurs only at Hazel Grove, near Stockport. 11. II. Smeathmanellus Kirby. Local; scarce at Lindow. 12. II. Morio Fabr. Taken by Dr. Simpson in Lanca- shire and by the author at Lindow. 61 Genus Andrena Fab. (in part). 1. A. cineraria Linn. Plentiful at Lindow in April and May. 2. A. albicans Kirby. Abundant everywhere in spring. 3. A. fulva Schrank. Common in Cheshire in spring. 4. A. varians Rossi. Not abundant at Lindow, appears in May. 5. A. nigrocenea Kirby. Plentiful at Lindow in April and May. 6. A. Trimmerana Kirby. Plentiful at Lindow in May; the 9 emits a strong smell of garlic. 7. A. denticulata Kirby. 9 = Melitta Listerella Kirby. A rare species, not uncommon at Lindow in May. All the specimens taken were dwarfish females. 8. A. fulvescens Smith. Rather scarce at Lindow; ap- pears in June and July. One specimen, a $ , is of stronger build than the type, and is more densely pubescent on the thorax and abdomen. 9. A. albicrus Kirby. Taken by Dr. Simpson, in Lan- cashire and by the author plentifully at Lindow in May. 10. A. minutula Kii'by; var. = parvula Kirby. Taken at Lindow, but not plentifully, in May. 11. A. Gollinsonana Kirby. $ = proxima Kirby, and var. ? = digitalis Kirby. A pair taken at Hazel Grove, near Stockport, by the author in July, 1870. 12. A. xanthura Kirby = A. chrysosceles Nyl. ; var. $ = ovatula Kirby. Plentiful at Lindow in May. Family II. Apidse Leach. Sub-family II. Cuculinm Latr. Genus Nomada Fabr. (in part). 1. N. ochrostoma Kirby. 9 = vidua Smith. Taken at Lindow in May and June, but sparingly. 2. A. Fabriciana Linn. Noticed in some numbers on a sandbank at Lindow in May, a rather unusual occurrence. 62 3. N. alternata Kirby. $ = Marshamella Kirby. Abun- dant in Cheshire and Lancashire in spring; parasitic on A. nigroEenea and A. Trimmerana. 4. N. succincta Panz. = Goodeniana Kirby. Taken at Lindow in spring, but sparingly; parasitic on A. Trimmerana. Genus Epeolus Latr. 1. E. variegata Linn. Local. The author bred a ? in August from cells of Colletes Daviesana found on Lindow Common. Genus C^elioxys Latr. 1 ? C. simplex Nyl = conica Kirby ; $ = sponsa Smith. Remains of a specimen found in an ant’s nest at Silverdale. Sub-family III. Dasygastrae Latr. Genus Osmia Latr. 1. 0 rufa Linn. 9=bicornis of Linn. Dr. Simpson lias a 9 taken at Frodsham, Cheshire. 2. 0. fulviventris Panz.=hirta Smith. $ = Leaiana of Kirby. Taken by the author near Alderley sparingly in June, 1867. It is a local insect. Genus Megachile Latr. (in part). 1. M. centuncularis Linn. The author dug up some cells of this species on Lindow Common in August, 1870. Sub-family IV. Scopulipedes Latr. Genus Anthophora Latr. 1. A. acervorum Fabr.=retusa Kirby. Seen but not cap- tured at Lindow in early spring. Sub-family V. Sociales Latr. Genus Apathus Newman. The females appear in spring, and both sexes in autumn. 1. A. vestalis Kirby. Females abundant at Lindow in spring ; also taken by Dr. Simpson in Lancashire. 63 2. A. campestris Panz. The author has observed it para- sitic on Bombus muscorum. Many of the varieties are plentiful at Lindow. 3. A. Barbutellus Kirby. Sparingly at Lindow. Dr. Simpson has also specimens taken in Lancashire. Genus Bombus Auct. The females appear in spring, and all the sexes in autumn. 1. B. muscorum Linn. Abundant everywhere. 2. B. senilis Fabr.= muscorum Kirby. Abundant through- out our district. 3. B. frcigrans Pallas. A local insect, found on Lindow Common. This bee when alive has an agreeable perfume. 4. B. Derhamellus Kirby (also Raiella of Kirby.) Scarce at Lindow. 5. B. pratorum Linn. ?=subinterrupta Kirby, and 6 = Burrellana Kirby. Very abundant in our district. 6. B. lapidarius Linn. Abundant with us. 7. B. terrestris ■ Kirby. One of our commonest Bombi. 8. B. lucorum Linn. 9 — terrestris Linn. By far the most abundant of the genus with us. The author has ob- served this species swarming in hedges in early spring, probably attracted by the juicy shoots of the whitethorn. 9. B. hortorum Latr. Plentiful in our district. 10. B. subterraneus Linn. Black var.=Harrisella Kirby. Somewhat local, but plentiful at Lindow, where the black variety also occurs. Genus Apis Linn, (in part). 1. A. mellifica Linn.= domestica Auct. 2. A. ligustica Spinola = helvetica Hermann. Both these species are cultivated in our district. / Note. — The author desires to take this opportunity of acknowledging his indebtedness to Mr. Frederick Smith of 64 the British Museum, both for types of various species and for much kind help in the determination of his captures. He further wishes to make known to collectors of Hymen- optera in this district that he will be much obliged to any of them who can communicate to him the names of any species of Anthophila taken by them in the “ Mersey” pro- vince, with a view to his publishing hereafter a supplement to the foregoing list. Fulshaw Farm, Wilmslow, Cheshire. 65 Ordinary Meeting, December 27th, 1870. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. “ Observation of the Eclipse of the Sun, December 22nd, 1870,” by J. B. Dancer, F.R.A.S. The eclipse of the Sun on Thursday, the 22nd of Decem- ber, was favourably observed at Ardwick. Although a slight fog prevailed, all the details of the phenomenon were distinct, and tolerably well defined. A number of spots were visible on the Sun’s surface, two of which were of some magnitude. The nuclei of these spots were linked together by maculae, and surrounded by a penumbra which extended to a considerable distance. Faculae also were very nume- rous and distinct. The approximate times of contact taken by a chronometer corrected by the standard clock at the Town Hall were as follows : H. M. s. First contact of the moon’s limb with the sun 11 5 49 Contact of moon’s limb with nucleus of the first large spot 11 31 36 With the nucleus of the second large spot 11 37 20 Last contact of moon’s limb with the sun, Green- wich mean time 1 37 3 The temperature during the progress of the eclipse was taken at intervals by a mercurial thermometer with a black bulb in vacuo, exposed to the sun at the height of 4 feet from the ground. TIME. H. M. s. 11 10 0> — 35 0 — 45 0 — 50 0 12 22 0 — 35 0 1 37 0 Pbooebdikm— Lit. & Phil. Soo. TEMP. DEGREES. 31-5 ........ 30-25 29-75 29-25 27-2 28-5 29-0 ■Vot. X.— No. 7.— Session 1870-71. 66 I had an impression that the moon’s edge could be traced a short distance from the edge of the sun at the upper and lower points of contact, but this might be imagination. The black surface of the moon appeared very uniform in colour. I tried with powers of 80 and 180 to distinguish the moon’s disc, but did not succeed. Light clouds were passing over the sun’s disc at this time. The diminution in light was quite perceptible at the time of the greatest phase. Mr. Baxendell said that he observed the commencement of the Eclipse at Cheetham Hill. The first contact took place at Ilk. 5m. 46-2s. G.M. Time, or 24-2 seconds later than the time calculated by Mr. Dickinson and Mr. Hind. The definition of the limbs of the sun and moon, and of the spots on the solar disc, was remai’kably good, and he did not think his observation of the time of first contact could be in error to the extent of one second. The limb of the moon on the sun’s disc appeared to be more sharply defined than the sun’s limb. No distortion of the cusps was noticed. Unfortunately he was obliged to leave the observatory before the end of the eclipse, and therefore did not observe the time of last contact. “Notes on some of the High Level Drifts in the Counties of Chester, Derby, and Lancaster,” by E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President of the Society. Introductory Remarks. Until late years little attention has been devoted to the study of the deposits of Drift, found on the sides of the Pennine Chain, and the hills lying between Macclesfield and Buxton. The late Mr. J oshua Trimmer drew attention to the beds of Drift on Moel Tryfaen, in Caernarvonshire so early as 1831. 67 In 1841 a Paper of his own was read before the Man- chester Geological Society, and published in its Proceedings for that year, on the Lancashire and Cheshire Drift, wherein it was stated, that the Drift in some places as near Black Moss, above Ramsbottom, in Walmersley, and at Pikelow, near Macclesfield, reached to heights of from 1,000 to 1,200 feet above the level of the Irish Sea ; and he said that he had little doubt but some of the most ancient portions of it might have passed over the Pennine Chain, through the Vale of Todmorden, by the Summit Valley, above Little- borough, as the highest part of the last-named valley was not more than 612 feet above the level of the Irish Sea. In 1862 he took Mr. Prestwick, F.R.S., President of the \ Geological Society, to show him the Arnfield deposit, and in the course of conversation that gentleman mentioned to him the fact of his (Mr. P.,) having seen some fossil shells in a bed of gravel near the turnpike road, leading from Buxton to Macclesfield, about three miles from the last-named place. Accordingly, when describing the Arnfield specimens in a notice published in the Proceedings of the Society for Nov. 18, 1862, he stated that fact as having been observed by Mr. Prestwick. This notice led Mr. Sainter, Surgeon, of Macclesfield, and Mr. Green, F.G.S., of the Geological Survey, to hunt out and explore Mr. Prestwich’s locality, and they soon found it in an old gravel pit below Walker Barn, above Vale Royal. Mr. Hull, F.R.S., in his memoir of the Geology of Bolton- le-Moors, published in 1862, at page 29, notices the occurrence of Drift on Winter Hill at an elevation of 1,380 feet. The late Mr. J. Whitaker, of Burnley, in 1863, described a bed of gravel containing chalk flints, at Barrowford, near the foot of Pendle Hill. See Vol. IV., p. 176, of the Trans- actions of the Geological Society of Manchester. In November, 1864, Mr. R. D. Darbiskire, F.G.S., read a 68 paper on the Marine Shells found near Macclesfield, and in a Postcript to the Memoir printed in Yol. III. (3rd series) of the Society’s Transactions, alludes to the beds near the Buxton Road, mentioned by Mr. Prestwich, which he makes to be about 1,150 feet high. He also alludes to the Yale Royal and Macclesfield beds, and gives a full catalogue of the shells found in the latter in a communication to the Geological Mazagine for July, 1865. In March, 1865, Mr. Sainter read a paper befoi'e the Man- chester Geological Society on the Macclesfield Drift Shells, wherein he alludes to Mr. Prestwich’s beds. See Yol. V., p. 114, of that Society’s Memoirs. Mi-. A. H. Green, in his Memoir of the Geology of Maccles- field, &c., published in 1866, notices the Yale Royal and Macclesfield beds, as well as the scattered boulders (No. 1) on the hill sides. Mr. John Aitken, F.G.S., the President of the Manchester Geological Society, in a paper read before that body in Feb- ruary, 1868, and published in Vol. VII., p. 5, of its Memoirs, notices the occurrence of a thin bed of gravel in which he found a chalk flint on Holcome Hill, near Ramsbottom, at an elevation of 1,150 feet above the sea. Mr. A. H. Green, in his interesting memoir on the Car- boniferous Limestone, &c., of North Derbyshire and the adjoining parts of Yorkshire, published by the Geological Survey in 1869, notices the heights at which the drift has been found on the western side of the Pennine Chain, and gives a map showing its distribution. General Description. The Drift Deposits, all of which have been found at high levels, may be classed under four distinct heads, namely : — 1st. Scattered blocks of granites, greenstones, porphyries, silurians, mountain limestones, and carboniferous, now found lying on the surface of the ground without any clay or 69 sand. 2nd. Strong bluish brown till, containing rounded and angular blocks varying in size of the above named rocks. 3rd. Sti'atified beds of sand and gravel, containing chalk flints generally yielding entire or fragmentary marine shells. 4th. Gravelly clay frequently containing the re- mains of shells in greater or less abundance. (No. 1.) The first named blocks of stone are found more or less on the tops and sides of the crescent of hills from south of Clulow Cross through Cheshire and Derbyshire to Rivington Pike in Lancashire, and further northwards at heights varying from 1,000 to 1,400 feet above the Irish Sea. They are found on ground higher than deposits No. 3, at Bull Strang, Yale Royal, and Bugsworth, than No. at Bakstondale, and No. 4, at Arnfiekl. They vary in size from a hundredweight to several tons, and are probably the remains of a bed of till like No. 2, the clay and small pebbles of which have been removed by denuding causes in the course of a long period of time. Bakstondale Section (No. 2). At the top of a valley of this name, above Lyme Park, in Cheshire, some 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, in sink- ing a pit down to the Smut coal, a bed of bluish brown till, very full of granites, greenstones, and other foreign rocks, many of them weighing several hundred weights, resting on broken coal measures, was met with. No fossil shells were found in it, and it could not be distinguished from the ordinary till found near Manchester, except that the pebbles on the whole were larger and more numerous. Many of the rocks were striated and polished, whilst others were both rounded and angular. The deposit was in a sheltered spot, and appeared to be the remains of a larger bed, the greater part of which had been removed by denudation. At a higher level than this bed of till, detached boulders of 70 considerable size were scattered over the surface, and are probably the remnants of a former extension of the till over the places where such boulders are now found. No beds of gravel or sand were seen in the vicinity, but over the hill, to the east the Bugsworth, beds are found in the valley of the Goyt. Bull Strang Section (No. 3). About six miles to the south of Macclesfield, on the road to Swithamley, lies Clulow Cross, near which are some singular stones known by the name of the Bull Strang. On the north side of this place is a gravel hole, having a face exposed of about 30 feet of beds of well rounded gravel, composed of granites, greenstones, porphyries, silurians, mountain limestones, coal measure rocks, and a few chalk flints, parted by beds of brown sand. In all the beds numerous fragments of shells are found, which Mr. Sainter cannot distinguish from those found by him in the Macclesfield Cemetery beds, including the Cytherea chione and Cardium rusticum, and amounting to 53, as enumerated in Mr. Darbishire’s catalogue, besides 10 or 12 more species which Mr. Sainter considers to be new. The elevation of the locality is probably between 1,300 and 1,400 feet above the level of the sea, and the area occupied by this sand and gravel extends over several acres, and could be traced from a little above the Macclesfield Road to the gravel pit ; but it is much greater in thickness, so far as it is exposed, for it cannot at present be seen resting upon any other deposit, on the north end of the hill, where the face of 30 feet is seen. Mr. Sainter was so kind as to point out the section to me, and to him we owe its discovery. This section, which is most probably at an elevation equal to that on Moel Tryfaen, affords, according to that gentleman, many of the shells found at Macclesfield some 900 feet lower. Higher up the hill than the gravel pit are seen some large 71 boulder stones (No. 1), several of them being upwards of a ton in weight. Vole Royal Section (No. 3). This interesting section, for the discovery of which we are indebted to Mr. Prestwich, is found about three miles due east of Macclesfield, on the turnpike road to Buxton, in Yale Royal, below Walker Barn. It is exposed in an old gravel pit, which has been wrought for the repair of roads, and occupies the end of a knoll lying between two little valleys, in which flow small streams of water. The lowest part of the deposit is not exposed so as to allow us to see on what it rests. Higher up the hill scattered boulders (No. 1) are seen lying on the surface. By the kindness of Mr. Sainter, the following section was obtained : — Ft. In. 1. Surface soil (black mould) 1 0 2. Ferruginous clays, gravel and small boulders.. 6 0 3. Red sand 0 6 4. Alternate beds of small gravel and drifted shale 4 6 5. Loamy sand 3 0 6. Drifted shale and gravel, with small boulders, and a few fragments of shells 2 8 7. Sand and loam : 7 G 8. Coarse sand, with boulders and pebbles 2 0 9. Gravelly clay, with a few boulders 3 0 10. Dark sandy gravel, containing shells in plenty. Depth not ascertained 2 0 32 2 In this locality nearly all the Macclesfield Cemetery Shells, including the Cytherea ckione and Cardium rusticum have been obtained by Mr. Sainter. The elevation of the beds, which lie over the Yoredale rocks, is about 1,200 feet above the sea. Bngsworth Section ( No. 3.) An interesting section is exposed in the valley of the Goyt, above Bottoms Hall, Derbyshire. In going along the road from that place to Bugsworth a cutting is seen on the north side which shews a section of about 25 feet of beds of well rounded gravel, composed of granites, porphyries, 72 greenstones, Silurians, mountain limestones, coal measures, and a few chalk flints, all well rounded, and capped by a deposit of brownish coloured till, with angular stones in it, of from 4 to 5 feet in thickness. A few small fragments of shells were met with in the gravel, but their genera could not be recognized. Above the section last described, and in the cutting of the Midland Railway, just before the latter enters the tunnel, is seen a face of 40 feet of well rounded gravel, parted by beds of brown sand, very similar to the deposits below, pre- viously described. They have a dip to the south. A few flints and small fragments of shells were also met with. The main valley of the Goyt runs here nearly north and south, and the Bugswortli valley enters it from the east. The gravel has been removed, if it ever was there, across the Bugsworth valley, but it makes its appearance again on the south side towards Whaley Bridge, and is also seen by the side of the turnpike road leading from the last named place to Chapel-en-le-Frith. The height of this deposit, at the entrance of the tunnel, is about 500 feet; much lower than the elevation of the three last described sections. Arnfield Section (No. Ip). This was exposed in making the Hollingworth (Cheshire) Reservoir, belonging to the Corporation of Manchester, and is in the Etherow Valley a little to the west of Glossop. It was first seen in cutting the goit from the Arnfield Brook to the reservoir. A few years since, in company with Mr. Prestwich, the writer examined the deposit, which consists of a gravelly till, containing plenty of foreign rocks, four to five feet in depth of which were exposed. It evidently lies on the top of the thick bed of till which occupies the lower part of the valley of the Etherow, that was exposed in making the new reservoir below Tintwistlc. In it marine shells were found in considerable abundance. Amongst others there were Turritclla communis, Fusus, Banfjius, Purpura lapillus, two species of Tellina, Cardium cdule, C. aculcatum, and Cyprina islandica. The elevation of the 73 deposit 'is 568 feet above the level of the sea. It lies on the extreme western edge of a deep valley between two ranges of hills, those of Staley bounding the western, and those of Hadfield the eastern sides, each about 1,500 feet in height, and is in a direct line nearly 50 miles from the Irish Sea. This gravelly till, although more clayey in character, appears to be very similar in other respects to the upper bed seen in the sections of Bull Strang, Yale Royal, and Bugsworth. Concluding Remarks. It has not, to my knowledge, been hitherto noticed that the high level drift beds (No. 3) in the counties of Chester, Derby, and Lancaster, which have all the appearances of ancient shingle beaches, and look as if they had never been disturbed since they were deposited, so far as yet examined contain chalk flints, although such flints are commonly found in the gravels of the Isle of Man. The gravel of Bull Strang must be between 1,300 and 1,400 feet above the level of the sea, and consequently about the same height as the beds on Moel Tryfaen, which are 1,350 feet high. It is also clear that the fossil shells found there and at Vale Royal at 1,200 feet, are nearly of the same description as those discovered by Mr. Sainter in the Cemetery beds at Macclesfield, at a level of 500 feet, and probably with those at Bugsworth and Arnfield hereinbefore described. Mr. Darbisliire, in his second Memoir, previously quoted at p. 6, says, “ A very short inspection of the (Macclesfield) specimens will satisfy those who see them side by side that the Macclesfield series precisely correspond, as to their geological and zoological facies, with the Moel Tryfaen and Blackpool fossils, and may fairly rank with them.” To the localities before named may now probably be added those at Bugsworth and Arnfield. The following is a section of the drift beds perforated at the North Cheshire Brewery, kindly supplied to me by Mr. Sainter : — 74 Ft. Sand and gravel 33 Fine sand 4 Sand and gravel 4 Brick clay 18 Upper boulder clay of the Geological Survey 13 Gravel with pebbles 6 Gravel with boulders and pebbles 11 Fine gravel, containing fragments of marine shells.. 4 Gravel and clay 5 Fine sand 6 Coarse gravel 2 Clay and gravel 14 Brick clay 7 Sandy clay with pebbles containing shells 4 Lower boulder clay with large boulders 12 Gravelly clay with pebbles resting upon the pebble beds of the Trias 5 148 These two boulder clays are placed according to the classification of the Geological Survey, but although it is very convenient to have an upper and a lower boulder clay and pack in all the sands and gravels between them, it cannot be done, for there are at places 3 or 4 boulder clays divided by sands and gravels. Certainly only two are to be found here ; but there are two series of sands and gravels, the higher one being above the upper boulder clay. In this section probably the cemetery beds are represented by the higher sands and gravels. None of the sections hereinbefore described, except that at Bakstondale, are actually seen down to the underlying rock, but it is probable that they will all be found to be similar in that respect when excavated to a sufficient depth. The gravel beds described in this communication have, doubtless, been formed under nearly similar conditions, but at different times to those at Macclesfield. However, we are still at a loss for a theory which will satisfactorily account for all the drift phenomena found between these higher levels> and the 50 miles of country intervening betwixt them and the sea, of which the North Cheshire Brewery beds at Macclesfield afford a comparatively simple section. 75 Ordinary Meeting, January 10th, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. The President, in the name of Mr. Bernard Hartley Green, of this city, solicitor, presented to the Society another memorandum book of one of the original members of the Society, Mr. George Walker. In it is some curious information as to the postal system and the cotton trade a century since. As to the former, it is stated that the packet for North America is dispatched from the post office in London the first Wednesday in every month. N.B. No postage to pay with letters in. The mails to all parts of Eui’ope are dispatched from the General Post Office every Tuesday and Friday night at 12 o’clock, so that letters must go into the office at Manchester on Wednesday morning and Saturday night. “ Novr. 1774, Sent a Letter to Messrs. Anderson and Lothian in Glasgow, by express, Manchester to Glasgow, by way of Wetherby, Newcastle and Edinburgh, 309 miles. Paid for 309 measured miles at 3d. per mile £3 17 3 Paid for 20 stages 10 6 „ for sending off. 2 6 4 10 3 Express to London at 3d. per mile 2 5 9 14 stages at 6d 7 0 Sending off at Manchester 2 6 2 15 3 Pbookedincm — Lie. & Phil. Soo.— Vol. X. — No. 8. — Session 1870-71. 76 Sep. 1772, G. W. sent an express from London to Manchester, and paid £3 5 6 This express was delivered in Glasgow in about 66 hours. The express to London went in 36 hours. On the motion of Mr. Spence, seconded by Mr. Brock- bank, it was resolved unanimously — That the thanks of the Society be given to Mr. Green for his interesting and valuable donation. Mr. T. T. Wilkinson, F.R.S., &c., communicated the fol- lowing : — In Mr. Binney’s “ introductory remarks ” to his “ Notes, on some of the High Level Drifts,” (Proceedings, vol. x. pp. 66-8.), he has given references to several memoirs and papers on the subject, ranging in dates from 1831 to 1869. He has, however, made one or two omissions which I now wish to supply, inasmuch as the first paper mentioned was omitted from the index to the fourth volume of the Trans- actions of the Manchester Geological Soci-ety. In No. V., pp. 108-113 of that volume, I published an account of “ The Drift Deposits near Burnley,” which, when read, gave rise to a discussion occupying pages 113 to 120. This was followed by “Additional Notes on the Drift Deposits in Burnley and the Neighbourhood,” which occupies pages 65 to 73 of the fifth volume of those Transactions. Several of the sections contained in these papers lie much higher (750 feet) than that in which the late Mr. Whittaker found his chalk flint (440 feet), and may therefore properly be classed as high level drifts. I have since found flints on the top of Entwistle Moor, at least 1,100 feet above the sea, and the drift occupies still higher elevations in the neighbour- hood of Boulsworth. Large masses of sand, occasionally dis- 77 coloured by carbonaceous matter, occur all over this district at elevations not exceeding from 400 to 600 feet above the level of the sea. These are most probably ancient sea- margins, or current-deposits, belonging to the period when extensive denudation was taking place in what is now the East Lancashire basin. The President said that he was quite aware of Mr. Wil- kinson’s observations, having been present at the reading of his paper, but he did not then state that he had found chalk flints and shells near Burnley. When he (the President) came to treat on the Lancashire drift generally he should avail himself of Mi\ Wilkinson’s researches. Professor Reynolds described the effects of an explosion of a copper cylinder forming part of the hot water apparatus at his house, and pointed out the dangers to be apprehended from such cylinders in frosty weather. “Notes on the Effects of Cold upon the Strength of Iron,” by William Brockbank, F.G.S. The severity of the present winter has brought the question of the effects of low temperatures upon the strength of iron, very prominently before the public, and it is a curious circumstance, that a subject of so great impor- tance should have escaped the attention of winters on iron, to such an extent, as that it is either ignored, or dismissed with a few brief remarks or inconclusive experiments, which leave the subject altogether unsettled. After referring to the observations and experiments on the effects of low temperatures on the strength of cast and wrought iron, in the works of Sir W. Fairbairn, Dr. Percy, and David Kirkaldy, and pointing out the inconclusiveness of all the experiments hitherto recorded, the writer went 78 on to detail the following experiments, which he had, by the kindness of the several parties named, caused to be made during the severe frosts which have recently prevailed; and which have in all cases been carried out with the greatest care and exactness. Experiments on the transverse strain of cast iron bars were made at the works of Messrs. P. ft. Jackson and Co., of Salford, and were repeated thrice, with the following results : — In Mr. Fairbairn’s experiments only one sort of pig iron was employed. It is now "well known that a much sounder, and more regular casting, can be obtained by a judicious admixture of several suitable kinds of pig iron; a very pro- bable source of error would thus occur in Mr. Fairbairn’s experiments, and this will probably point to the unsatisfac- tory results he obtained. The bars employed in the present experiments were made from a mixture of four pig irons of the highest class, added to some good scrap iron ; they were all poured from the same ladle, and were moulded from the same model, and they were remarkably regular in size and quality, so that the results may be fairly relied on. The castings wrere all made on F riday, the 30th of December last, and the bars were tested ou the following Tuesday, January 3, 1871. The machine used was a powerful lever or steel yard, the bars having a three feet bearing, and the results were taken with all possible care, and are detailed in the following table. Experiments upon the transverse strain of cast iron at low temperature, made at the works of Messrs. P. It. Jack- son and Co., Salford, January 3, 1871, by W. JBrockbank, F.G.S. The mixture of metals was Cleator Hematite, Ponty Pool cold blast, Blaenavon cold blast, and Glengarnock hot blast pig iron, with some good scrap iron. All the bars cast from one ladle. 79 Size of No. Bar. 1 2 3 4 3ft. by lin. 5 I by lin. between the 6 supports. 8 g Deflec- tion. Breaking Weight. Ave- rage. Temperature. Remarks. 0 625 in. 0'562 ,, 0-687 „ 790 lbs. 840 „ ) >842-5 845 „ j J 825 lbs. About 26° Fah.^ a a T a a J Exposed to frost in the open yard. 0-687 „ 0-687 „ 0-687 „ 820 lbs. ' 850 „ 865 „ 845 lbs. 32° Fah. ti ti ii ii Left in the sand in the Foundry. 0-812 „ 0-812 „ 0-812 „ 950 lbs. > 945 „ 945 „ J 950 lbs. 45“ Fah. 120“ to 130“ „ 45“ „ ( This bar ■j was ( warmed. The results show a gradual and considerable decrease of strength in the bars, with the increase of cold below the freezing point. They also lost their elasticity in a similar degree. A further trial was made at Messrs. Jacksons’ works with similar bars and the same admixture of metals, January 10th, as detailed in the following table. One bar was cooled to a temperature of 15° by a mixture of snow and salt. Size of Deflec- Breaking No. Bar. tion. Weight. Average. Temperature. Remarks. 1 '\ 0-6875 in. 780 lbs. 780 lbs. 15“ Fah. 2 0-75 in. 815 lbs. 35° Fah. 3 0-76 „ 840 „ 844-3 lbs. 35“ „ 4 3ft. long between - Bearings by lin. by 0'8125 ,, 878 „ J 35“ „ 5 0 75 in. 845 lbs. > 62° Fah. 6 lin. 0-6875 „ 855 „ 859-25 lbs. 62“ „ 7 0-8125 „ 867 „ 52“ „ 8 0-8125 „ 870 „ , 52“ „ 9 / 0'S8 in. 893 lbs. 893 lbs. 70“ Fah. These experiments are borne out by the general ex- perience of ironfounders, many instances having come to my knowledge during these investigations, a few examples of which may be cited. 80 (1) I find it a matter of general opinion that pig-iron breaks much more easily in frost than in ordinary tempera- tures, and that breakages of castings are much more frequent in frosty weather. (2) In rolling mills, and particularly where chilled rolls are employed, especial care has to be used in frosty weather to warm the rolls before using them, and when in use to keep them carefully covered from the frosty air. If not properly protected and carefully managed they are found to be very liable to fracture. (3) Mr. Edgar Gilkes, of Middlesborough, informs me that the cast iron wheels of the Chaldron wagons of the Stockton and Darlington railway are found to fracture very fre- quently in frosty weather, and in a severe frost it is some- times quite a serious matter. (4) Messrs. Peel, Williams, and Peel had a remarkable example on January 5th (20° F.). A hydraulic cylinder had been cast upon a cast iron hollow core bar 7 inches in diameter and 1£ inches thick, coated with lb inches of loam and hay. It was put out in the yard to cool during the severe frost, and when they came to draw the core bar it broke by the mere torsion, and was found to be quite brittle. A portion of this core bar was warmed, and it was then found to have recovered its nature and to be quite strong and tough. The lowest temperature on this date was 19° Fahrenheit, and the casting was expossd to it for many hours. Numerous other examples could be readily fur- nished if required. There can therefore be no doubt whatever that the strength of cast iron is very materially lessened by severe cold. For experiments in wrought iron I am indebted to many friends, and the results are of similar import. My first ex- periments were directed to the method adopted by Mr. Kirkaldy, and I soon found that neither by torsion nor 81 gradual tensile strain could the true result be ascertained, as the bar almost immediately became heated under the strain, and the effects of frost at once disappeared. The following experiments made by Mr. William Johnson, of the Messrs. Johnson’s Ironworks, Bradford, near Manchester, will illustrate this conclusively. A coil of galvanised wire o f B.W. gauge was left in the open air for 21 hours during severe frost, December 24, 1870; 24 pieces 1 yard in length each were then cut off. Of these 6 were tested for tensile strength by the direct application of weights, and 6 for torsion — the same tests were used for the remaining 12 after they had been warmed to about 80°. The results were as follows : Tension. Torsion. At 20° At 80° At 20° At 80° 2142 lbs. 2142 lbs. 16* twists twists. 2114 „ 2058 „ 15J 14* V 2114 ., 2086 „ 9 13* >> 2142 „ 2086 „ 1 H 5 J 141 2114 „ 2128 „ 16 12* 55 2114 „ 2086 „ CO H 14 55 Total 12740 „ 12586 „ 90 co CO 55 Average 2123-3 lbs. 2097-6 lbs. 15 twists. 13 -9 twists. Thus, in both experiments, the iron tests worse when warm than when frozen. In each case the wire immediately became warm. Mr. F. Monks, of the Whitecross Wire Works, Warrington, also tested wire rods for me with precisely similar results. Finding these experiments to be unsatisfactory, I arranged for a series to be tried by the more rough and ready method of the striker’s hammer, which I judged would be more likely to show the true state of the iron in its frozen condition. The result either of gradual torsion or tension is to expel the frost there may be 82 in the bar almost immediately, so that in the further progress of the trial there is no difference between bars which were originally either cold or warm. If low temperatures have any influence in rendering iron weaker or more brittle, the only way in which the amount of such influence can be realised is by a sudden impact, and the striker’s hammer was the readiest appliance for the purpose. In the following experiments great care was taken that the blows should be as nearly as possible of the same force in each trial, and as the experiments were all carefully conducted, and are vouched for by the parties named, they may be fairly relied on as representing truly the facts of the case. (1) William Bouch, Esq., C.E., Engineer of the Stockton and Darlington Railway, made the following experiment December 29th, 1870, the temperature at the time being about 26°, but it had been as low as 19° over night. A bar of round iron, l^in. diameter, of best quality, was taken from the yard, being then coated with ice ; it had been exposed to a week’s hard frost. It was held over the edge of a smith’s anvil, and one blow from a 121b. hammer by the striker, broke apiece, 4in., long short off, the fragment flying twelve yards along the floor of the workshop. The same bar was then put into the mouth of a furnace, but not in contact with any flame, for a short time, to unfreeze it. The heat received into the bar was so moderate that a smith could grasp it with his hand. It was then allowed to lie on the floor for some time, until it had quite cooled down to the temperature of the workshop. It was now placed on the anvil, and the same striker as in the flrst experiment, with the same hammer, gave fourteen blows without causing the slightest fracture, the bar being merely bent about two inches. Mr. Bouch adds that he has, in his experience, met with many cases nearly as convincing as the above. 83 (2) Mr. Kobert Peel, of Messrs. Peel, Williams, and Peel, Manchester, has kindly made for me the two following experiments with boiler plate iron, as shown by the samples now on the table, viz. : — No. 1. A strip of boiler plate, of best best quality, was taken from the open yard, where it had lain during several days of severe frost, January 5th, 1871, temperature about 20° Fah. It was laid across the anvil, and a striker, with a single blow of a 141b. hammer, broke off the piece now exhibited. The fracture shows a very “ short ” crystalline face, with- out any appearance of fibre, and is torn and irregular, in remarkable contrast to the sample No. 2, which is from the same piece, viz. : — No. 2. The remainder of the above strip was slightly warmed to dispel the frost, and then allowed to cool to the temperature of the shop. It required several blows from the same hammer, and bent considerably before breaking, being exceedingly tough and fibrous. The fracture shows a good fibrous structure, except on the inner side of the curve, where there is a thin crystalline skin. The difference of appearance in these two fractures is very striking and remarkable, and can only be accounted for by the action of extreme cold. No. la. This experiment was made on January 6th, tem- perature about 26° Fah. A strip of Low Moor best best boiler plate was taken out of the snow, having lain there during several ' days of intense frost. It was laid across the anvil, and broken off short with a single blow from a 141b. hammer. The fracture is fibrous, but with patches of crystals, especially on the edges of the plate; the general appearance is “ short ” or “ tender,” very differ- ent from the usual character of Low Moor iron in its nor- mal state. 84- No. 2a. The remainder of the same strip was placed in the drawing office at a temperature of 70°, and allowed to lie there for some hours. It then required six blows from a 14-lb hammer, the plate being reversed each time, the grain being thus severely bent backwards and forwards, under heavy blows, before it severed. The outer skin still remained in cohesion, and it had to be separated by bending backwards and forwards in the smith’s hands. This frac- ture shows a splendid quality of iron, the fibre being bent in both directions as the blows were alternately reversed. There is a slight crystalline line on the skin of one side. Mr. F. Monks, of the Whitecross Wire Company, Warring- ton, has kindly made the following experiments with wii'e billets, which are the very toughest form of iron manufac- tured. The wire exhibited is made from one of the same bars, and will clearly show the quality of the iron. The billets are 1} inch square, being in the semi-manufac- tured form ready for the final heating and rerolling into wire. They had been lying in the open air several days during severe frost. Experiment tried January 1st, 1871, 10° lowest to 30° highest temperatures. Three bars were broken in the open air. They failed to break with 22 blows with a 151b. hammer. A small nick Jj-in. deep was then cut, with three light blows on a “ set,” in the top of each bar, and at another part of it, after which a single blow sufficed to break each bar. The bars were then thawed and allowed to cool to the usual temperature, or about 70°. 22 blows were given to each as before, and the same nick was made on one side as nearly as possible like the frozen bars had been treated. One bar then broke after 11 blows, one after 10 blows, and one after G blows. The frosted bars are more crystalline, and show no signs of fibre ; the other bars show a good amount of fibre, and are slightly crystalline in the fractures. 85 The following experiments with rails were made at the works of the Darlington Iron Company, November 30th, 1869. The rails were taken promiscuously from a lot of 1,000, all supposed to be of the same quality, weight, and exact section. It had been found that the rails which were then in course of manufacture for the East Indian Railways at these works, and which were of a very high quality, failed to pass the required test in frosty weather, whereas in ordinary temperatures a failure was a very rare occurrence. The ten rails were accordingly selected to settle the question whether higher and lower temperature affected the strength of the rails. Four rails were heated up to 120° Farenheit ; the other six were tested cold, the temperature of the atmosphere being about 26°. Test of East Indian Railway Rails, 82lbs. per Yard, Not. 29th, 1869, TESTED BY A FALLING WEIGHT OF 2,000LBS. ; CENTRES OF SUPPORT, 3 FEET 6 INCHES APART. No. No. of Blows. Height of Fall. Permanent Set. Temperature Bemarks. 1 fist blow -l 2nd „ V3rd „ 5ft. Oin. 5 0 7 0 7-16tbs 3-4ths > >■ 120 deg. Not broken. 2 fist „ i 2nd .. V3rd „ 5 0 5 0 7 0 3-8ths 13-16tlis { Do. Ditto. 3 fist „ {S 5 0 5 0 7 0 3-8ths 13-l6tha ^ Do. Ditto. i {2nd ;; \3rd „ 5 0 5 0 7 0 3-Sths 7-8ths { Do. Ditto. 5 ( 1st blow 1 2nd „ 5ft. Oin. 5 0 3-Sths broke j- 26 deg. Broke with 2nd blow. 6 ( 1st „ (2nd „ 5 0 5 0 3-8ths 6-8tlis | Do. Passed test. 7 (1st „ 1 2nd „ 5 0 6 0 3-8tlis broke j- Do. Broke with' 2nd blow. 8 fist „ ( 2nd „ 6 0 5 0 3-8ths broke j- Do. Ditto ditto. 9 1st „ 5 0 broke Do. Ditto with 1st' blow. 10 1st „ l 2nd „ 5 0 6 0 3-Sths broke j- Do. Ditto -with 2nd blow. 86 At 120° all the bars stood two 5ft. blows and one 7ft. blow. At 26° only one bar stood two 5-feet blows, three broke at the second 5-feet blow, and one at the first 5-feet blow. At 60° all would probably have passed the test easily, many thousands having previously done so from the same lot. It will therefore be seen that the results are in perfect agreement in all these experiments, showing that bar iron, boiler plates, wire billets, and rails are most materially weakened by the action of intense cold, losing all their toughness, becoming quite brittle under sudden impact, and having their structures changed from fibrous to crystal- line. Similar instances could be given in illustration of this in the daily practice of engineering. In large works the break- ages of wrought iron are very considerable during frosts. Quarrymen find that their chains are very liable to fracture from the same cause ; and doubtless the numerous accidents of failing tires in our railways may be attributable to it. In many cases however the contraction of iron must also be taken into account, as it is a serious item. In conclusion, I think it cannot be doubted, after the above recital, that iron does become very much weaker, both in its cast and wrought state, under the influence of low temperatures. This subject is one of such paramount importance, that a careful series of investigations ought to be undertaken by one of our scientific bodies, to ascertain the precise nature of the changes which are thus shown to take place, as there is herein an item which materially affects the stability of all iron structures during frosty weather, and which has not hitherto been adequately recognised. “ On the Properties of Iron and Steel as applied to the Rolling Stock of Railways,” by Sir William Fairbairn, Bart., LL.D., F.R.S., &c. 87 Dr. Joule communicated to me the discussion which took place at the last meeting of the Society, on the question of the effects of intense cold on steel tires. This enables me to refer to a series of experiments which had for its object the effects of various degrees of temperature on wrought iron. These inquiries are to some extent analogous to the cause of the recent accident which occurred on the Great Northern Railway, near Hatfield, by the breaking of a steel tire, which caused the death of a number of persons. It has been asserted, in evidence given at the coroner’s inquest, that the breaking of the steel tire was occasioned by the intensity of the frost, which is supposed to render the metal brittle, and of which this particular tire was composed This is the opinion of most persons, but judging from my own experience such is not the fact, and provided we are to depend on actual experiment, it would appear that temperature has little or nothing to do with it. Some years since I endeavoured to settle this question by a long and careful series of experiments on wrought iron, from which it was proved that the resistance to a tensile chain was as great at the temperature of zero as it was at 60° or upwards, until it attained a scarcely visible red heat. To show that this was the case, and taking, for example, the experiments at 60°, it will be found that the mean breaking weight, in tons, per square inch, was in the ratio of 19 '930 to 2T879, or as 1 : 1*098 in favour of the speci- mens broken at the temperature of zero. The generally received opinion is, however, against these facts, and it is roundly asserted that the strength of iron and steel is greatly reduced in strength at a temperature below freezing. The contrary was proved to be the case in wrought iron plates, and assuming that steel follows the same law, it appears evident that we must look for some other cause than change of temperature for the late fracture 88 of the tire on the wheel of the break-van of the Great Northern Railway. In our attempt to investigate the cause of the failure it may be interesting to show how the experiments on wrought iron to which we have referred were obtained at various temperatures, and subsequently to give the results as found in the summary. The immense number of purposes to which both iron and steel are applied, and the changes of temperature to which they are exposed, renders the enquiry not only interesting in a scientific point of view, but absolutely necessary to a knowledge of their security under the various influences of those changes, and when it is known that most of our metal constructions are exposed to a range of temperatures vary- ing from the extreme cold of winter to the intense heat of summer, it is assuredly desirable to ascertain the effects produced by those causes on material from which we derive so many benefits, and on the security of which the safety of the public frequently depends. It was for these reasons that the experiments in question were undertaken, and the summary of results are sufficiently conclusive to show that changes of temperature are not always the cause of failure, as that which occurred near Hatfield on the Great Northern Railway. That such is the fact, I may adduce several accidents of broken tires all of which occurred during the spring and summer months when the temperature was high. One of them occurred on the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway in the summer of last year when the temperature was 50° to 60° above freezing. I could enumerate others in which the winter frosts had nothing to do with the fractures which ensued. It might have been satisfactory to have shown the process by which the following results were obtained, suffice it to observe, that all the specimens were torn asunder with and 89 across the fibre in oil and water baths, and those under the freezing point were made in a snow bath reduced to zero. The summary of results is as follows : — SUMMARY OP RESULTS. No. of the Expe- riments. Temperature Fahr. Breakage weight per square inch in lbs. Breakage weight per square inch in tons. REMARKS. Duration of strain in regard to fibre. 1 0° 49009 21-879 With. 2 60° 40-357 18-001 Across. 3 60 43-405 19-377 Across. 4 60 50-219 22-414 With. 5 110 44-160 19-714 Across. 6 112 42-088 18-7S9 With. 7 120 40-625 18136 With. S 212 39-935 17-828 With. 9 212 45-689 20392 Across. 10 212 49-500 22098 With. 11 270 44-020 19651 With. 12 340 49-968 22-307 With. 13 340 42-088 18-789 Across. 14 395 46086 20-574 With. 15 Scarcely Red 38032 16*978 1 Across. 16 Dull Red 30-513 13-621 Across. From the above it will be seen that the plates from which these results are obtained are much stronger in the direc- tion of the fibre than across it. The above experiments are quite conclusive as regards the strength of wrought iron plates, till they approach red heat. At that temperature nearly one half the strength is lost ; it becomes exceedingly ductile, and may be drawn to a considerable extent in the direction of the fibres before it breaks. Another sei’ies of experiments were made on wrought iron bars, which indicated somewhat different results. In these experiments, the specimens from the same works attained the maximum of strength, and gave at the tem- perature of 415°, a resistance of 3 9 '072 tons per square inch, and at zero, and 00° there were little or no differences, ex- cepting in the case of temperature when the resistance was increased from 28,419 at zero and 60°, to 39 tons per square 90 inch at 415°. This may, however, be accounted for from the increased manipulation of rolling where the fibre is drawn and elongated to a much greater extent than in plates. This does not, however, affect, to any great extent, the ratio of compression and extension as regards the effects of temperature, although I should he inclined to take the experiments on plates before that on bars, as analogous to the broken tire, which, it must he borne in mind, is without weld and perfectly homogeneous. The danger arising from broken tires does not, according to my opinion, arise so much from changes of temperature as from the practice of heating them to a dull red heat, and shrinking them on to the rim of the wheels. This, I believe, is the general practice, and the unequal, and in some cases, the severe, strains to which they are subject has a direct tendency to break the tires. To show how easily this may be effected, let us suppose that a tire, two feet six inches or three feet diameter, is shrunk on to a wheel one-tenth of an inch larger than the tire, it then follows that the tire in cooling must be elonga- ted to that extent, with a strain, equivalent to the force of the shrinkage, and calculated to produce that amount of molecular disturbance. It may be more or it may be less, but supposing the strain to be one-half or three-fourths of that which would break the tire, it then follows that the constant action of its irregular motion on the rails must ultimately lead to fracture* I am not surprised that this should be the case, as most, if not the whole, of railway tires, excepting those on engines and tenders, are not turned but selected by hand, heated and shrunk upon the wheels with every degree of tension, as suits the 'convenience of the workman. So long as this process is pursued, the public will be exposed to the risk of broken tires. # Prom long continued action under strain, it lias been proved that it is only a question of time when rupture takes place as repeated increased and diminished changes with the same load ultimately leads to fracture. 91 What is required in this description of manufacture is, that the rim of the wheel and the inside of the tire should be turned to a standard gauge, accurately calculated to give the required amount of tightness with a larger margin of strength, and this done we should attain greatly increased security to the public, and a great saving in wear and tear — to say nothing of the large sums expended by companies in the shape of compensation for injuries and loss of life. “ On the Alleged Action of Cold in rendering Iron and Steel brittle,” by J. P. Joule, D.C.L., F.RS., & c., Vice- President. As is usual in a severe frost, we have recently heard of many severe accidents consequent upon the fracture of the tires of the wheels of railway carriages. The common- sense explanation of these accidents is, that the ground being harder than usual, the metal with which it is brought into contact is more severely tried than in ordinary circum- stances. In order apparently to excuse certain Railway Companies, a pretence has been set up that iron and steel become brittle at a low temperature. This pretence, al- though put forth in defiance, not only of all we know of the properties of materials, but also of the experience of every- day life, has yet obtained the credence of so many people that I thought it would be useful to make the following simple experiments : — 1st. A freezing mixture of salt and snow was placed on a table. Wires of steel and of iron wmre stretched so that a part of them was in contact with the freezing mixture, and another part out of it. In every case I tried the wire broke outside of the mixture, showing that it was weaker at 50° F. than at about 12° F. 2nd. I took twelve darning needles of good quality, 3in. long, -Ain. thick. The ends of these were placed against steel props, 2^in. asunder. In making an experiment, a 92 wire was fastened to the middle of a needle, the other end being attached to a spring weighing machine. This was then pulled until the needle gave way. Six of the needles, taken at random, were tried at a temperature of 55° F., and the remaining six in a freezing mixture which brought down their temperature to 12° F. The results were as follow : — Warm Needles. Cold Needles. 64 oz. broke. 55 OZ. broke. 65 )) 64 5J >> 55 >> 72 62 >> 60 bent. 44 68 broke. 60 >> bent. 40 Average 68J Average 59f I did not notice any perceptible difference in the perfec- tion of elasticity in the two sets of needles. The result, as far as it goes, is in favour of the cold metal. 3rd. The above are doubtless decisive of the question at issue. But as it might be alleged that the violence to which a railway wheel is subjected is more akin to a blow than a steady pull ; and as, moreover, the pretended brit- tleness is attributed more to cast iron than any other description of the metal, I have made yet another kind of experiment. I got a quantity of cast iron garden nails, inch and quarter long, and ^in. thick in the middle. These I weighed, and selected such as were nearly of the same weight. I then arranged matters so that by removing a prop I could cause the blunt edge of a steel chisel, weighted to 41bs. 2oz., to fall from a given height upon the middle of the nail as it was supported from each end, 1 ,Vin. asunder. In order to secure the absolute fairness of the trials the nails were taken at random, and an experiment with a cold nail was always alternated with one at the ordinary tem- perature. The nails to be cooled were placed in a mixture 93 of salt and snow, from which they were removed and struck with the hammer in less than 5". Up to Series 10, each set of sixteen nails was made up of those of the previous set which were left unbroken, added to fresh ones to make up the number. Series 1. Temperature of eight cold nails 10°. Of eight warm 36°. Height of fall of hammer 2 inches. Result. No nails broke. Series 2. Temperature of eight cold nails 14°. Of eight warm ones 36°. Fall of hammer 2|- inches. Result. No nails broke. Series 3. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 3G°. Fall of hammer 3 inches. Result. One cold nail broke. No warm one broke. Series 4. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 36°. Fall of hammer 3-1 inches. Result. Two cold nails broke. One warm one broke. Series 5. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 3G°. Fall of hammer 4 inches. Result. One broke of each sort. Series G. Temperature of eight cold nails 0°. Of eight others 38°. Fall of hammer 4J inches. Result. One broke of each sort. Series 7. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 36°. Fall of hammer oj? inches. Result. No cold nail broke. One warm nail broke. Series 8. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 40°. Fall of hammer 6|- inches. Result. Two cold nails broke. One warm nail broke. Series 9. Temperature of eight cold nails 2°. Of eight others 40°. Fall of hammer 7i; inches. Result. Three cold nails broke. Three warm nails broke. Series 10. Experiment with the ten left in the last. Temperature of five cold nails 2°. Of the five others 40° Fall of hammer 8^ inches. Result. Two cold nails broke. One warm nail broke. Series 11. Experiment with the six left from the last 94 Temperature of three cold nails 3°. Of the other three 40°. Fall of hammer 10 inches. Result. Two cold nails broke. Three warm nails broke. Series 12. Experiment with fresh nails. Twelve cooled for four hours to 3°. Twelve others 41°. Fall 7 inches. Result. Seven cold nails broke. Eight warm nails broke. The collective result is that 21 cold nails broke and 20 warm ones. The experiments of Lavoisier and Laplace, of Smeaton, of Dulong and Petit, and of Trough ton, conspire in giving a less expansion by heat to steel than iron, especially if the former is in an untempered state. Such specimens of steel wire and of watchspring as I possess expand less than iron. But this, as Sir W. Fairbairn observed to me, would in certain limits have the effect of strengthening rather than of weak- ening an iron wheel with a tire of steel. The general conclusion is this — Frost does not make either iron (cast or wrought) or steel brittle, and that acci- dents arise from the neglect of the companies to submit wheels, axles, and all other parts of their rolling stock to a practical and sufficient test before using them. “On the Effect of Cold on the Strength of Iron,” by Peter Spence, F.C.S., &c. In the conversation at the last meeting of the Society on one of the causes of railway accidents, namely, the breaking of the tires of the carriage wheels, there was a general expression of opinion that the reduction of tempera- ture during frost had the effect of reducing the strength of iron, and that this was the proximate cause of these occurrences. Dr. Joule, on the other side, stated that however general the impression might be, he knew of no experiments that tended to prove that impression to be a correct one. It seemed to me that a few experiments on cast iron 95 could without much difficulty be made, and which might set the matter at rest one way or the other. I therefore decided on having some lengths of cast iron made of a uniform thickness of |in. square, from the same metal and the same mould; these I obtained after a good deal of trouble, on account of the moulders being off work at new year’s time, and this must be my excuse for not being able to give due notice of my communication. Two of the four castings I got seemed to be good ones, and I got the surface taken off, and made them as regular a thickness as was practicable. I then fixed two knife-edged wedges upon the surface of a plank, at exactly nine inches distance from each other, with an opening in the plank in the intervening space, the bar being laid across the wedges a knife-edged hook was hung in the middle of the suspended piece of the bar, to the hook was hung a large scale on which to place weights. The bar was tried first at a temperature of 60 Fahr. ; to find the breaking weight I placed 561b. weights one after another on the scale, and when the ninth was put on the bar snapped. This was the only unsatisfactory experi- ment, as 14 or 281bs. might have done it, but I include it among the others. I now adopted another precaution, by placing the one end of the plank on a fixed point and the other end on to a screw-jack, by raising which I could, without any vibration, bring the weight to bear upon the bar. By this means, small weights, up to 71bs., could be put on while hanging, but when these had to be taken off and a large weight put on, the scale was lowered to the rest, and again raised after the change was made. I may here state that a curious circumstance occurred twice, which seems to indicate that mere raising of the weight, without the slightest apparent vibration, was equal in effect to an additional weight. 3fcwts. were on the scale, a 141b. weight was added, then 71b., then 41b., 21b., lib., and lib., making 4cwts. and lib. This was allowed to act for from one to two minutes, and then lowered to take off the small weights, and replaced by 96 a 561b., intending to add small weights when suspended, raised so imperceptibly by the screw, that the only way of ascertaining that it was suspended was by looking under the scale to see that it was clear of the rest. As soon as it was half-an-inch clear it snapped, thus breaking at once with one pound less than it resisted for nearly two minutes. Sis experiments were carefully conducted at 60° Fah. the parts of the bars being selected so as to give to each set of experiments similar portions of both bars : the results arc marked on the pieces. My assistant now prepared a refrigerating mixture which stood at zero and the bars were immersed for some time in this, and we prepared for the breaking trials to be made as quickly as could be, consistently with accuracy, and to secure the low temperature each bar on being placed in the machine had its surface at top covered with the freezing mixture. The bars at zero broke with more regularity than at 60°, but instead of the results confirming the general impression as to cold rendering iron more brittle they are calculated to substantiate an exactly opposite idea, namely, that reduction of temperature ccvteris paribus increases the strength of cast iron. The only doubtful experiment of the whole twelve is the first, and as it stands much the highest, the probability is that it should be lower ; yet, even taking it as it stands, the average of the six experiments at 60° Fah. gives 4cwt. Mbs. as the breaking weight of the bar at that temperature, while the average of the six experiments at zero gives 4cwt. 201bs. as the breaking weight of the bar at zero, being an increase of strength from the reduction o^ temperature equal to 3 -5 per cent. Mr. Wm. Radford, C.E., asked if Mr. Brockbank had con- sidered what the effect must be upon iron used in Russia, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark, for if the theory which was sought to be established were true, the tires of railway wheels in those countries must fly to pieces in winter; as far as his experience went in Denmark such had not been the case on the Copenhagen Railway. 97 Ordinary Meeting, January 24th, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. Mr. Brothers, F.RA.S., exhibited a drawing from the fine photograph of the solar Corona, taken by him at Syra- cuse, during the late total eclipse of the Sun. Mr. W. B. Johnson, C.E., gave an account of two cases of very narrow escapes from serious accident to railway trains, in consequence of the present faulty system of arrangement of the points or switches. Dr, Joule, F.R.S., &c., read the following letter, dated January 21st, 1871, which he had received from Mr. William H. Johnson, of Bowdon. “ Since the last meeting of the Philosophical Society I have made some further experiments on the ‘Effect of cold on the strength of Iron.’ In these I have maintained a nearly fixed temperature, and thus avoided to a great extent the error occasioned by the rise in temperature, consequent on sudden torsion. January 11th. A piece of a charcoal wire rod, •237 of an inch diameter, gave the following results: — 1st. 2nd. Srd. At about 40° F 20 twists ... 19 twists ... 17 twists. Adjacent 6" at tempe- rature of melting zinc 10 twists ... 9 twists ... 1\ twists. 4th. 6th. Twisted very slowly, surrounded by salt and snow ' 19 \ twists ... 16 twists. Adjacent 6" at about 40° F 15 twists The twisting under salt and snow was performed so slowly, each experiment lasting a quarter of an hour or more, that the temperature cannot have been affected by the torsion. The same care was taken at the temperature of 40° F. Peooeedinos — Lit. & Phil. Soc. — Voi. X. — No. 9.— Session 1870-71. 98 The great diminution of strength at the melting point of zinc is remarkable. I take the liberty of communicating these results to you> as unfortunately I shall be away at the next Meeting, and thus shall not have an opportunity of seeing you.” Mr. Brockbank remarked that these experiments did not affect the conclusions stated in his paper, read at the last meeting. He believed that the strength of Iron under torsion was most affected by the heat developed by the twisting, and that the cooling mixture employed by Mr J ohnson would have the effect of making the wire stand a greater number of twists by counteracting the excessive heat produced by the torsion. Mr. Brockbank, F.G.S., exhibited a drawing of the machine used by him in his experiments on the strength of Cast Iron at different temperatures. “Experiments on the Oxidation of Iron,” by Professor F. Crace Calvert, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c. Some two years since, Sir Charles Fox inquired of me if I could give him the exact composition of iron rust, viz., the oxidation found on the surface of metallic iron, I replied that it was admitted by all chemists, to be the hydrate of the sesquioxide of iron, containing a trace of ammonia; to this, he answered, that he had read several books on the subject, in which the statements referring to it differed, and from recent observations he had made, he doubted the cor- rectness of the acknowledged composition of iron rust. He further stated that if he took a bar of rusted wrought iron, and put it in violent vibrations, by applying at one end the fall of a hammer, scales would be separated which did not appear to him to be the substance I had described. This conversation induced me to commence a series of experiments which I shall now detail. I first carefully ana- lysed some specimens of iron rust, which were procured, as far as possible, from any source of contamination. Thus 99 one of these samples was supplied to me by Sir Charles Fox, as taken from the outside of Conway Bridge, the other secured by myself at Llangollen, North Wales. These speci- mens gave the following results when submitted to analysis: Conway Bridge. Llangollen. Sesquioxide of Iron 93-094 92-900 Protoxide of Iron.. 5 -8 10 6*177 Carbonate of Iron 0-900 0-617 Silica 0*196 0-121 Ammonia Trace Trace. Carbonate of Lime 0-295 These results clearly show the correctness of Sir Charles Fox’s foresight, that the composition of the rust of iron is far more complicated than is stated in our text books. Therefore the question may be asked, is the oxidation of iron due to the direct action of the oxygen of the atmosphere, or to the decomposition of its aqueous vapour; or does the very small quantity of carbonic acid which it contains determine or intensify the oxidation of metallic iron? To reply to it I have made a long series of experiments, extending over two years, and which I hope will throw some light on this very important question. Perfectly cleaned blades of steel and iron having a gutta percha mass at one end, were introduced in tubes which were placed over a mercury trough, and by a current of pure oxygen conducted to the top of the experimental tube, the atmosphre was displaced, and it was then easy to intro- duce in these tubes traces of moisture, carbonic acid, and ammonia, After a period of 4 months the blades of iron so exposed gave the following results: — Dry Oxygen Damp „ Dry Carbonic Acid Damp „ .No oxidation. In three experiments only one blade slightly oxidised. No oxidation. Slight appearance of a white precipitate of the iron, found to be carbonate of iron. Two only out of six experiments did not give these results. 100 Dry Carbonic Acid and Oxygen... No oxidation. ' Oxidation most Damp Oxygen and Carbonic Acid rapid, a few hours being sufficient. The blade assumed a dark green colour, which then turned brown ochre. Dry Oxygen and Ammonia No oxidation. Damp „ „ No oxidation. The above results prove that under the conditions described, pure and dry oxygen does not determine the oxida- tion of iron, that moist oxygen has only feeble action; dry or moist pure carbonic acid has no action, but that moist oxygen containing traces of carbonic acid acts most rapidly on iron, giving rise to protoxide of iron, then to carbonate of the same oxide, and last to a mixture of saline oxide and hydrate of the sesquioxide of iron. These facts tend to show that carbonic acid is the agent which determines the oxidation of iron, and justifies me in assuming that it is the presence of carbonic acid in the atmosphere, and not its oxygen or its aqueous vapour, which determines the oxidation of iron in common air. Although this statement may be objected to at first sight, on the ground of the small amount of carbonic acid gas existing in the atmosphere, still we must bear in mind that a piece of iron, when exposed to atmospheric influences, comes in contact with large quantities of carbonic acid during 24 hours. These results appeared to me so interesting that I decided to institute several series of experiments. When perfectly clean blades of the best quality of com- mercial iron are placed in ordinary Manchester water they rust with great facility, but if the water is previously well boiled and deprived of oxygen and carbonic acid, they will not rust for several weeks. Again, if a blade of the same metal is half immersed in a bottle containing equal volumes of pure distilled water and oxygen, that portion dipping in the water becomes rapidly covered with tire hydrate of the peroxide of iron, whilst the upper part of the blade remains for weeks unoxidized; but if a blade be placed in a mixture of 101 carbonic acid and oxygen, a very different chemical action ensues, as not only that portion of the blade dipping in the water is rapidly attacked, but the upper part of it imme- diately shows the result of chemical action, and also the sub- sequent chemical re-actions are greatly modified by the presence of the carbonic acid. For in this case that portion of the blade is only covered with a film of carbon, together with a dark deposit, composed of carbonate of the protoxide and hydrate of the sesquioxide. The fluid, instead of remaining clear, becomes turbid. These series of experiments substantiate the interesting fact observed — that carbonic acid promotes oxidation. A long series of experiments were also made to try and throw some light on the curious fact, first published by Berzelius, subsequently studied by other chemists, and well known to soap and alkali manufacturers, namely, that caustic alkalies prevent the oxidation of iron; my researches can be resumed as follows: — 1st. That the carbonates and bicarbonates of the alkalies possess the same property as their hydrates ; and 2nd. That if an iron blade is half immersed in a solution of the above-mentioned carbonates, they exert such a pre- servative influence on that portion of the bar which is exposed to an atmosphere of common air (oxygen and carbonic acid), that it does not oxidize even after a period of two years. Similar results were obtained with sea water, to which had been added carbonates of potash and soda. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. January 9th, 1871. J. Baxendell, F.B.A.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. “ On Carex jtava L., and its allies, of the Manchester Flora,” by Charles Bailey. 102 Some discussion having taken place at a recent meeting of the section, in regard to the distribution of the Carex fiava group in this district, I present the following notes upon the matter, illustrating them by a large suite of specimens. The prevailing form in the district, and one very common to the south of Manchester, is the Carex lepidocarpa Tausch.; this is the C. (Ederl Sm., and of Grindon’s Man- chester Flora, and the C. fiava var. j3 of Buxton’s Guide. The true C. fiava (a- genuina E.B.), as stated long ago by Mr. Buxton, is nowhere met with in the district. Speci- mens of G. CEderi Ehrh., from Mere Mere, the locality mentioned in Buxton’s Botanical Guide, were recently exhibited at a meeting of the Society, and the sandhills at Southport are, so far as I know, the only other locality in the neighbourhood for this species. There is some confusion in the nomenclature of the group) and the characters given in our standard authority — English Botany, 3rd edition — do not altogether dispel it. In that work, Dr. Syme describes C. eu-flava, (3. lepidocarpa as usually having the male spikes sessile or subsessile, and the female spikes as being all approximate, or the lowest a little remote when its stalk is said to be wholly included within the sheath. The Manchester plant however has the male spike stalked, the peduncles being often of great length, while the female spikes are scarcely approximate, but rather scattered, and the lower spike is generally pro- duced, its stalk being conspicuously exserted. The fruits are more narrowed at the base than represented in “English Botany,” and the bracts are very long, much exceeding the male spike. There are two forms of C. lepidocarpa Tausch. in the district; the more common one, which occurs in fields and open ground, has the leaves as long as or longer than the somewhat thick and rigid stems, but the latter are without the roughness at the summit described by Grenier and Godron, in their Flore de France; the fruit is slightly inflated, and the beak long but straight. The single specimen which I possess of Billot’s No. 2159 (FI. Gall. ot. Germ, exsicc.) 103 closely approaches this form, hut it is less rigid, and has only a single spike of fruits. The other form, occurring in damp ground amongst long grass, is much taller and more slender than that just named; its stems exceed the leaves, and the fruit is less inflated, so as to be gradually attenuated into a beak. Some plants of this form, which I collected at Oakmere, Cheshire, and at Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire, near the reservoir, agree very well with the plant issued in Wirtgen’s Herb, plant, select., Fasc. VI., No. 287, the chief difference being that the Rhenish plant has the beak more recurved. Billot’s specimens of C. flava L., from the fosse of the citadel of Strasbourg (No. 2158), quoted by Dr. Syme as synonymous with his var. a. genuina, do not quite agree with any Scotch or north English plant which I have gathered or seen. Dr. Syme describes the female spikes of genuina as not contiguous, but they are all contiguous in the Strasbourg plant, while the leaves are rather longer than the stems, and the lowest bract greatly exceeds the male spike — the contrary being stated inE.B. to be the case. It may be mentioned that Godron, in the FI. de France, t. III., p. 424, like Dr. Syme, divides C. eu-jlava into var. a. genuina and (3. lepidocarpa, the former having approxi- mate, and the latter slightly scattered spikes, while the var. a. genuina of E.B. has the spikes not contiguous, and (3. lepidocarpa all approximate. The plants of the north of England which I have examined agree better with Godron’s characters. The figure of C. (Ederi Ehrh., given in “English Botany,” No. 1G74, very accurately represents the plants of Mere Mere and Southport, which also agree with Belgian speci- mens published in Van Heurck’s “Herbier des plantes rares ou crit.,” No. 189. But Dr. Syme quotes Billot’s plant (FI. Gall, et. Germ, exsicc., No. 1352) as identical with this species, whereas the specimens in my set differ greatly from the E.B. plate and description. In Billot’s plant the male spikes are on long stalks, while the female spikes are widely separated from each other, and are not as spreading as they 104 are represented in “ English Botany”; the fruits also differ in not being abruptly narrowed or inflated, and the beak, instead of being short and straight, as in the Manchester plants, is somewhat long and slightly recurved. It is worth noticing, as bearing upon the specific distinctness of this plant, that M. Crepin, in his “Manuel de la Flore de Belgique,” mentions that it is remarkable in its shoots, putting forth every year new tufts of leaves and new stems, — which I understand to mean that fresh stems appeal1 simultaneously with the new leaves, instead of the stems being produced from the tufts of the preceding season, as in most sedges. Mr. Sidebotham said that this group of plants was in considerable confusion, some botanists classing all together, and scarcely noticing the different forms even as varieties; others, both British and Continental, whilst distinguishing the forms, were by no means agreed as to the nomenclature. Mr. Sidebotham exhibited a large series of each of the plants from various localities, and gave it as his opinion that they were three distinct species, not difficult to sepa- rate, even in their extreme forms, and he extended to all three the remark of Professor Syme, in the new edition of “English Botany,” where he says, that although it might sometimes be difficult at first sight to distinguish the species, when a dried specimen only was seen, he had never found the least difficulty when the plants were growing. The following short characters were, he thought, quite sufficient to separate the species from each other. Carex Jlava. Fruit yellow, nuts large, beak very long, deflexed. Carex lepidocarpa. Fruit pale green or yellowish green, nuts smaller and beak shorter than in C. Jiava, beak straight. Carex OEderi. Fruit pale yellow, nuts very much smaller than preceding, and more globular, beak very much shorter, straight. Mr. Sidebotham had never gathered Carex flava in the Manchester district, although abundant in the north of Lan- cashire, and he reported Carex (Ederi as occurring abund- antly at Llandudno. 105 Ordinary Meeting, February 7th, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. “On the Organisation of an Undescribed Yerticillate Strobilus from the Lower Coal Measures of Lancashire,” by Professor W. C. Williamson, F.R.S., &c. The author directed attention to the existing state of know- ledge in reference to internal structure of the organisms long known as Volkmannke, pointing out the publication, 1st, of one form, by Mr. Binney, subsequently described also by Mr. Carruthers from Mr. Binney’s sections, and 2nd, of a second type published by himself. He then proceeded to describe a third type from a specimen discovered in the lower coal measures by Mr. J. Butter worth. This is an oblong strobilus of a lax and slender habit. Its central axis consisted of a bundle of vessels the transverse section of which was a triangle with concave sides and truncated angles. This was surrounded by a broad cylinder of delicate cellular tissue, which again was enveloped by an outer cylinder of prosenchymatous cellular tissue of a dense character. At each node this latter tissue extended out- wards as a thick continuous disk, which, at a little distance from the central axis, became subdivided into a peripheral circle of stiff prosenchymatous bracts, the flattened extremi- ties of which stretched upwards and outwards. The upper Proceedings — Lit, & Phil. Soo. — Vol. X. — No, 10. — Session 1870-71. 106 part of each undivided disk gave off a large number of slender sporangiophores, many of which ran along the upper surfaces of the disks and bracts to reach the more peripheral sporangia. These sporangia were large and conspicuous — those belonging to each segment being arranged nearly in a plane parallel to the disk — and in four irregular concentric circles. Each sporangium appears to have been attached to the disk by a separate sporangiophore. The spores were very numerous and perfectly orbicular, but their minute organisation, like that of the cells and vessels of the oi’gan- ism, was masked by the mineralisation which it had under- gone, being preserved in a highly crystalline carbonate of lime. The author then proceeded to examine the probable affinities of the several forms of strobilus of which the structure is now known. One, which he previously described in the Memoirs of the Society he assigns to Calamites. The other two, viz., that originally figured by Mr. Binney and that now described, he believes to belong to the Annu- larian forms of vegetation. Two varieties of verticillate foliage have most probably been confounded under the names of Asterophyllites and Annularia — the one being that of the Calamitean plants, the other belonging to the genera of Asterophyllites and Sphenophyllum, and it is to one or the other of these two genera that the strobilus now described, as well as that figured by Mr. Binney, appear to belong. The structure of their central axes is what the author chiefly relies upon in arriving at these conclusions. The name of Volhnannia Dcnvsoni is provisionally proposed for this new strobilus, in honour of the distinguished Principal of M’Gill College at Montreal, and in recognition of his valuable eluci- dations of Canadian phytology. 107 “ The Tails of Comets, the Solar Corona, and the Aurora , considered as Electric Phenomena, Part II.,” by Professor Osboene Reynolds, M.A. In the paper which I read before this society, on the 29th of November last, I endeavoured to show that it is probable that these phenomena are a species of that action known as the electric brush taking place in the medium which fills space, be it ether or simply gas, or both. The reasoning I made use of was, essentially a fortiori. I pointed to the fact that tho electric brush as seen in the Geissler tubes exhibits similar appearances, and that at the times of greatest display on the part of comets and the aurora similar conditions are present, such as a change in the action of the sun, conditions which, to say nothing more, are favourable to electric disturbance. I purposely avoided all attempts to explain how the brush may be produced, feeling that it was sufficient to point to the aurora, which is universally admitted to be electrical, as a proof that such phenomena do exist even if we cannot explain how. This proof, however, is perhaps not quite satisfactory. In order that it may be complete, the other phenomena must be produced in the same way as the aurora, and this, although possible, is not necessary. An assumption which is commonly made respecting the phenomena of the aurora cannot be made with respect to the others. This assumption assigns the two magnetic poles of the earth as the two electrodes between which the electric discharge takes place, which forms the aurora borealis and the australis. If this assumption be maintained, some other explanation must be found for the manner in which electricity may form the tails of comets and the corona. It is quite clear that the 108 tail of a comet cannot be due to a discharge between two electrodes situated on the comet itself. In the same way, from the position occupied by the corona, it can hardly be due to electricity passing between two electrodes on the sum In fact, if a comet’s tail is electrical, it is due to a discharge of electricity of one kind or another from the comet, which for the time answers to one of the electrodes only. The same may be said of the corona and the sun. If we could observe the aurora from a point distant from the earth, it is very probable that we should find the same to be the case, but whether this would be so or not, an assump- tion has been made as to the cause and nature of the aurora, which will answer just as well for the corona and comet’s tails : it is, that the sun acting by evaporation or otherwise, causes continual electric disturbance between the earth and its atmosphere, the solid earth being negatively charged and the atmosphere positively, and that the aurora is the reunion of these electi’icities taking place in the atmosphere. Now as has been already said, this assumption will serve for the comets and the sun as well as for the aurora. If there is a continual electric disturbance between the sun and the medium in which it is placed, so that the sun be- comes negatively and the medium positively charged, the reunion of these electricities would form the corona. It must not be supposed that I assume the sun to be a reser- voir of electricity which it is continually pouring into space. I consider that the supply of electricity in the sun is kept up by some physical action going on between the sun and the medium of space, whereby the sun becomes negatively charged, and the medium positively. 109 This may be well illustrated by reference to the common electrical machine : here the motion of the glass against the rubber causes the glass to become positively and the rubber negatively charged; and these electricities do not unite instantly there and then, but remain and accumulate in the respective bodies, until collected and brought together again by the conductor. Assume then, that the sun is in the position of the rubber, while the ether is in that of the glass : then the corona corresponds to the spark or brush which leaves the conductor. On the same assumption the negative elec- tricity of the comet would be more and more set free by the inductive action of the sun as the comet approached it, and would also be driven off by induction in a direction opposite to that of the sun ; and combining with the positive electri- city in the ether would form the tail of the comet, in a manner anologus to that in which a negative spark is given off by the lid of the electrophorus. I think that a rational account may in this way be given of the manner of the electrical action to which I have attributed these phenomena, but I do not consider that the probability of the truth of this electrical hypothesis depends on the value of such an explanation. It is an assumption based on the manner in which it fits into its place, and explains the appearances presented by these beautiful phenomena. Since this paper was written, my attention has been called to the fact that Mr. Richard Proctor has published views of these phenomena, which somewhat resemble mine. He attributes them in part to electricity and in part to meteors. There is however this fundamental difference between our 110 views, that he considers the tails of comets as consisting of cometary matter, the difficulty of conceiving which was the origin of these speculations. Moreover, I can conceive no electric discharge between two meteors without a medium between them, and if there is a medium, why is there any necessity for meteors ? If, as I see good reason to suppose, gas, when glowing with electricity, reflects or scatters rather than absorbs light of the wave-length which it radiates, that portion of the coronal light, which is polarized and as- sumed to be reflected, will be accounted for. I think that the recent observations have confirmed the probability of these speculations, inasmuch as they have confirmed the facts on which these speculations were based. There is one point which has not been already noticed, but which seems to me to be of some importance. If the corona be an electric discharge, the electricity will be continually carrying off some of the elements of the sun into space where they will be deposited and condensed. May not this stream of matter be the cause of the existence of small meteors, and supply the place of those which con- tinually fall into the larger bodies ? “Further Experiments on the Effects of Cold upon Cast Iron,” by Peter Spence, F.C.S., &c. In resuming these experiments upon the effects of cold on cast iron, it is not necessary for me to say that I was led to resume them from the apparent undecisiveness of all the experiments brought before the Society some time ago, my own being included in that category, none of them being so free from possible sources of error as to be fitted for finally settling the matter. In the experiments which I have now to bring before the Society I have limited my aim to a single point, namely, as to whether the reduction of temperature has any, and if so what effect on cast iron in regard to its powers of resisting Ill transverse strain either of weight or pressure, and it appears to me that if this point can be satisfactorily settled it will go a long way in settling the other points now in dispute. As my object, in showing that I have in these experi- ments eliminated as far as seems possible all sources of error, will be best effected by minute detail, you will excuse any- thing that may seem trifling. As I was not trying the absolute strength of any sort of cast iron I did not see the force of Mr. Brockbank’s objection to my using Jin. bars instead of the orthodox lin. bars. I could obtain Jin. bars equally good castings, and the machinery for breaking them was more manageable and in my opinion more exact. Messrs. Rye, Son, and Ogden, of Newton Heath, kindly undertook to make for me 50 bars, each 3ft. long by Jin. square, all out of one ladle, and of No. 3 Glengarnock pig and Kirkless Hall common pig — I name these although it does not seem of importance ; all I wanted was good, sound, clean, and equal castings; and, knowing the purpose for which they were intended, with great care they turned them out so good that not one of those sent to me was rejected. I now cut each of these bars into tlmee lengths of lfo. each, and as they were cut they were thrown into a heap making nearly 150 pieces. They were now taken and all their ends covered with paint, in order that the new fracture might be examined as they were broken. The heap was then brought into the laboratory, having thus had three chances of perfect mixing. A boy of 11 years of age now handed me the pieces singly from the heap, and as I received them I placed them alternately one by one in two lots, until I had got 70 pieces in each lot. One of these was now taken and put into a cask capable of holding 2cwt. to 3cwt. of freezing mixture composed of pounded ice and chloride of sodium (which instantly reduces the temperatui'e to zero), and being surrounded with sawdust, they were kept there for nearly 4S hours. 112 The other 70 were now put into water at 70° Fah, and this was done chiefly in order that they might be broken wet, as those would necessarily be when taken out of the freezing mixture. The mode of breaking was this : — I put a bar on the suspending wedges, then hooked on the weight scale, and with a number of weights much under the breaking load, raised the loose end of the plank by the screw jack so as to bring the weights to bear. I now added single pounds or 21b. weights till 151b. were put on, these were then taken off and a 141b. weight was placed and single pounds again put on, thus regularly adding till the bar snapped ; I then recorded the breaking weight, my assistant meantime put- ting on another bar. I spent nearly eight hours in breaking these 70 bars, and every one got an equal amount of care. On opening up the freezing mixture 44 hours after enclosing it, I found it in perfect condition, little solution and no increase of temperature having taken place. The bars were taken into the laboratory in small lots and im- mersed in another freezing mixture, from which they were withdrawn singly with pliers. Having seized one piece with too firm a grasp I found that my fingers grew white and produced an intense pain as if burned. Some of the freezing- mixture was spread on each bar by a spatula while on the the machine, so that every one was broken at a temperature within one or two degrees of zero. The mode of breaking was exactly similar to that employed with the other lot, and equal care was given to every bar. This I can affirm, as every one of them was broken by myself, and all entries made by myself. The results are before you, and to me it was a matter of surprise, when both sets were completed and added up, to find that they almost exactly corroborated my previous experiments, which I do not think were fallacious in their character, but merely defective in their not covering a suffi- 113 cient amount of ground to give certainty to the result. I have however so much confidence in those now detailed, that I have no hesitation in giving it as an ascertained law, that a specimen of cast iron having at 70° Fah. a given power of resistance to transverse strain, will on its tempera- ture being reduced to zero have that power increased by 3 per cent. Breaking weight of Jin. square, iron bars, 9in. between points of pension at 70 deg. Fakr, cast sus- Breaking weight of .Jin. square cast iron bars, 9in. between points of sus- pension at Zero. Cwt. Qrs. Lbs. Cwt. Qrs. Lbs. Btfd.129 2 21 Cwt. Qrs. Lbs. Cwt. Qrs. Lbs. Bt.fd. 139 1 22 JNo. 1 4 0 14 No. 36 3 3 14 No. 1 4 1 15 No. 36 3 2 25 2 4 3 26 37 4 2 24 2 4 0 14 37 5 0 14 3 3 2 2 38 4 1 1 2 3 0 10 38 4 0 4 4 3 0 14 39 4 1 14 4 3 0 6 39 3 3 4 5 3 3 16 40 3 3 12 1 5 2 3 20 40 4 1 15 6 3 2 14 41 4 0 14 6 3 3 18 41 3 0 12 7 3 2 10 42 3 0 14 7 3 1 12 42 3 1 0 8 3 0 0 43 4 0 6 i 8 4 2 14 43 4 2 8 9 3 3 0 44 3 2 1 9 4 0 22 44 3 3 22 10 3 1 1 45 4 0 0 10 4 1 15 45 3 2 0 11 3 1 14 46 4 0 27 11 4 0 14 46 4 2 1 12 3 1 14 47 4 0 22 12 4 2 1 47 4 1 1 13 3 1 24 48 3 0 2 13 3 1 26 48 4 0 4 14 3 0 14 49 3 3 14 14 4 0 4 49 4 0 3 15 3 3 0 50 4 1 8 15 3 2 8 50 4 2 14 16 2 3 14 51 4 1 15 16 4 3 0 51 4 0 12 17 4 2 8 52 4 0 24 17 4 1 15 52 3 0 18 18 4 1 1 53 3 0 5 18 3 2 i 53 3 2 8 19 3 1 0 54 3 2 27 19 4 1 15 54 4 0 15 20 3 3 20 65 4 3 0 20 4 2 1 55 4 1 12 21 4 1 0 56 3 2 4 21 4 2 24 56 3 1 13 22 3 0 12 57 4 0 12 22 3 2 26 57 4 1 26 23 4 1 0 58 4 0 14 23 4 1 1 58 2 3 10 ■ 24 3 3 14 59 4 0 0 24 4 1 26 59 4 1 26 25 4 0 0 60 4 1 1 25 3 3 12 60 3 2 20 26 3 2 14 61 4 0 18 1 23 3 0 14 61 4 0 0 27 3 1 18 62 4 0 12 1 27 4 1 15 62 3 2 24 28 3 2 22 63 4 0 11 28 3 0 12 63 3 O o 15 29 4 0 14 64 4 0 4 29 4 2 14 61 3 0 20 30 3 3 1 65 3 3 10 30 3 2 15 65 4 0 14 31 4 0 26 66 3 1 18 31 3 0 22 66 4 0 4 32 3 3 8 67 3 1 7 32 4 3 13 67 3 0 20 ; 33 4 2 7 68 3 2 6 33 4 1 14 68 3 2 12 34 2 2 14 69 4 3 0 34 4 0 13 69 4 2 1 35 3 2 1 70 4 1 0 35 3 2 18 70 4 0 1 Ford. 129 2 21 268 3 is ! Ford. 139 1 22 276 3 0 Fahr. Cwt. At 70 deg. 268 At Zero 276 Qrs. Lbs. 3 18 3 0 Mr. Thomas Carrick called attention to the fact that the 114 tabulated statement of Mr. Spence’s experiments showed a maximum breaking weight of about ocwt. and a minimum of about 3cwt. The mininum breaking weight was there- fore 40 per cent less than the maximum. With experi- ments showing such an excessive range in the breaking weight of bars, which from the care taken in their produc- tion ought presumably to have been homogeneous in quality, it was very unsafe to rely upon a resulting difference of only 3 per cent derived from separately adding the breaking weights of each set together and comparing the gross results. The iron used was obviously of an inferior quality and quite unsuitable for the purpose of reliable experiments. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. January 30th, 1871- Joseph Baxendell, F.R.A.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., exhibited sections of the calcareous nodules from the Gannister coals of lower coal measures of Oldham, in which the intimate structure of the various forms of carboniferous vegetation were admirably preserved. He also brought before the notice of the Society a series of microscopical sections of coal prepared by Mi\ Newton, in which the spores and sporangia present in all bituminous coals, and from which a large percentage of their 115 bituminous properties was derived, were clearly to be seen. None of these minute bodies have been discovered in anthracite. Mr. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., then called the attention of the Society to a series of fossils on the table in which the original matter of the hard parts of the living creature had been more or less removed, and replaced by various minerals which happened to be in solution in the matrix in which they were imbedded. Thus the Trigonia Moretonis of the Stonesfield slate was proved to be a mere cast in calcite of the space once occupied by the shell of the creature. The calcification of the ligament in Cypricardia rostrata and Cardium Stricklandi from the great oolite of Enslow Bridge (Oxon), and its identity of structure with the valves, showed also that the whole of the original hard parts had disappeared before their replacement by calcite. The same fact was shown to hold good in the case of the corals, which only show organic structure on the outside of the fossil. In some cases, however, the structure of the outer surface has been carried inwards by the petrifying material, as in a case of Nuceolites dvmidiatus from the coral rag, in which the ambulacral pores and the shape of the angular plates com- posing the test were carried inwards to the centre of the calcareous spar which now fills the space occupied by the soft parts. Other specimens showed that the calcareous shell had been replaced by sulphide of iron, phosphate of lime, sulphate of baryta, or by silica. The hard parts of the vertebrata are better preserved in their original condition than fossil shells, from the insolubility of the phos- phate of lime in the bones and teeth, 116 A comparison of the various substances of which fossils are composed leads to the conclusion that very little of the original matter of the hard parts is preserved, and that very generally the fossil is a mere cast of the original, filled with whatever mineral happened to be in solution in the stratum in which it is imbedded. In some cases the cast exhibits the minute structure of the original, as in the case of the Yorkshire hazel nuts in the Oxford Museum, in which the kernels have been converted atom by atom into calcite without the cellular arrangement of the oi'iginal being dis- turbed, and without the shell being altered in any degree. The fact that our knowledge of animal life in past time depends principally on mere casts of the hard parts which happened to be imbedded in the strata demonstrates the truth of Mr. Darwin’s view that the geological record is very imperfect. Professor W. C. Williamson, F.R.S., exhibited some specimens of Stigmaria, and indicated their bearing upon views advanced even by the most recent writers on the sub- ject. He demonstrated that the centre of the axis was occupied by a pith of delicate parenchyma, wholly devoid of the vessels described and figured by Goeppert, and which certainly never belonged to the part of ‘the plant in which he figured them. The lenticular spaces long known to exist in the lignous zone surrounding the medulla, Professor Wil liamson showed to be true medullary rays, occupied by mural cellular tissue prolonged directly from the medullary parenchyma. Besides these, smaller or secondary medullary rays separate many of the individual laminae of the vascular tissue. He then pointed out the truo source of the vascu- 117 lar bundles, which proceed to the large cylindrical rootlets of the plant. The radiating series of vessels which are im- mediately vertical to each of the quincunctially disposed lenticular medullary rays are projected downwards for a short distance, like a tongue, into the lenticular spaces. Down to this point, the component vessels are disposed vertically, hut they became suddenly deflected outwards, at right angles to their previous course, to reach the rootlets for which they are severally destined. The deflected vessels are very numerous, but the greater part of them disappear in succession, only a limited number finally constituting the bundle occupying the centre of each rootlet. Professor Williamson pointed out the important bearing which these facts have upon the affinities of the Sigillaria of which Stigmaria is the root. He showed that not only the true Lepidodendra, but also the Lepidodendroid stems which Mr. Binney has described under the name of Sigillaria Vas- cularis, never could have belonged to the same plant as these Stigmarian roots. In the plants indicated the central or medullary axis is occupied by scalariform vessels intermingled with remarkable forms of scalariform cells, as already shown in the case of Lepidodendra by Mr. Carruthers, and which equally characterise the other plants referred to. It appears improbable, being contrary to all known facts, that the serial stem should have such a structure, whilst in the roots its vascular scalariform tissues were replaced by cellular paren- chyma of an altogether different type and character. The conclusion to be drawn from these observations is that we are yet as far as ever from all actual knowledge of the inter- nal organisation of the Sigillarne. For the two principal specimens from which the above conclusions were drawn, 118 Professor Williamson was indebted to Mr. Whittaker, of Oldham, and for others of a similar kind to Mr. Butterworth, of Shaw. “ On the Cultivation of Madder in Derbyshire,” by Joseph SlDEBOTHAM, F.RA.S. Several attempts have been made to cultivate madder in England and Ireland, but the records of the experiments are very meagre and unsatisfactory, and one can only judge their want of success from the fact that they are not re- peated. Being desirous of ascertaining the capabilities of our soil and climate for this branch of farming, and having suitable land at our disposal at Strines, Mr. Nevill and I determined to try the experiment, the results of which I have now the honour to lay before you. In order to make the matter plain to those who do not understand the different qualities of madder, it is necessary to give a few words of explanation. Madder is the root of Rubia tinctoria, by some authorities supposed to be a mere cultivated variety of a plant indige- nous to this country, and found wild in many places in the limestone districts on rocks and walls. This plant is culti- vated for the purpose of dyeing in many parts of Europe and in India. Its qualities vary much ; that from Holland, called Dutch Madder, will dye red, but not purple, and the colour is not fast ; that from Italy, called Naples Madder, d}ms good reds and purples, but the colour is also loose ; that from Turkey, dyes good reds and purples, and is very fast; from France we get two qualities, called respectively roses, from their dyeing 119 beautiful reds and pinks, and Paluds, the latter being a name given because the roots are grown on marshy land. The latter yield, besides the fine reds, also a good purple, nearly allied to that produced by Turkey roots. For the purpose of the experiment we selected a piece of rich land, near the river, at Strines, a little less than an acre, and having prepared it in the usual manner, we had it sown with seed from fine Palud madder, early in the Spring of 1868. The weather was unusually dry and the ground produced a crop of remarkably fine polygonum aviculare, which almost choked the young madder seedlings. (I am inclined to think the seed of this polygonum were mixed with the madder seed.) In the Autumn the madder plants came into flower, and the roots of some pulled up measured 13 inches in length. The field was weeded, and the plants came up in the Spring of 1869, very strong and healthy, and so on until August, 1871, when we had them dug up. To produce the best results the roots should have remained another year in the ground, but for the purpose of our experiment this growth was considered sufficient. As to yield, the quantity produced was small, probably owing to the very dry season after sowing ; in appearance and size the roots were about equal to fine French roots, but on breaking them, instead of the deep red colour in the best French roots these were orange, or yellow. The dyeing properties were of a very disappointing nature: out of the dye the colours looked full, but on being cleared with soap they were found to be loose, and precisely in char- acter like Dutch madder, the reds and pinks being weak and loose, and the purple element entirely wanting. From 120 a single experiment it would be unwise to do more than hazard an opinion, as more extended experiments might lead to other results ; but I think it probable that the deficiency of colouring matter in these English madder roots is owing to a deficiency of sun and heat. It would not be easy in this country to select a more likely soil for the purpose than that at Strines, and the seed was obtained from a district where the best quality of French madder is grown. It is said to be a fact that French seed when sown in Holland does not produce a French quality of roots, but one similar in every way to the usual Dutch madder. This, if correct, would support my opinion. I have here to illustrate this subject, specimens of the various madders in the root and ground state, also the colours produced by each, and the relative degree of fastness, ex- hibited by portions of each being subjected to boiling soap. i i 121 Ordinary Meeting, February 21st, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. “ The Overthrow of the Science of Electro-Dynamics,” by John Hopkinson, D.Sc. In science no theory should be considered unquestionable and no man’s work held sacred from attack, and our scienti- fic periodicals should afford the freest scope to discussions no matter how hostile to established notions. Still it is evident that the journals ought not to publish everything that may come to hand; they should at least take care that a hostile critic understands the meaning of what he criticises. Two papers appeared last month in the “ Quarterly Jour- nal of Science” and the “ Chemical News” respectively, in which the author (the Rev, Mr. Highton) somewhat summa- rily disposes of the science of Thermodynamics, fancying he has disproved the equivalence of heat and work. I will only trouble you with one or two quotations with a view to support my opinion that the papers in question ought never to have been permitted to appear in any journal pre- tending to scientific position. In the “ Chemical News,” p. 42, we find, speaking of Joule and Scoresby’s experiments on electro-dynamic engines — “They say that ‘the quantities of zinc consumed’ (that is, respectively, when the engine is at rest and doing work) ‘ being as a to b, (a — b ) represents the quantity of heat con- verted by the engine into useful mechanical effect.’ There- fore, since on the supposition of a mechanical equivalent of heat a grain of zinc consumed equals 158 foot pounds, if x = pounds raised a foot high per consumption of a grain of zinc in the battery, — _{a-b) 158 oc — a PBOOEEDIN03— Lit. & Phil. Soc — Vox. X.— No. 11.— Session 1870-71. 122 Hence the authors draw the conclusion : — ‘ Therefore when b vanishes, or becomes infinitely small, the economical duty is a maximum.’ Certainly this is a most startling result; that the maximum of work should be done when no zinc at all is consumed.” The last sentence is a mis- statement of the conclusions of Joule and Scoresby’s paper, in which (Philosophical Magazine, vol. 28, p. 451) it is stated that “ the economical duty will be a maximum when b vanishes or becomes infinitely small in comparison with a. In this case sc =158, while the power of the engine will become infinitely small with regard to work performed in a given time.” Comparing the phrases ‘ economical duty’ and ‘ maximum of work,’ as he uses them, he evidently confuses the duty of an engine with the whole work done by it. A little further on we have — “ They calculate the maxi- mum theoretical power of a grain of zinc to be 158 foot pounds, and yet using permanent magnets, which, by their own statement, were so badly constructed as to have only a quarter the power they ought to have had, with the poles of the electromagnets never approaching the permanent magnets nearer than \ of an inch (and what an enormous loss is incurred here!); with an engine constructed almost at haphazard, and with scarcely a consideration of the best principles or of the most advantageous construction of such engines, they actually obtained a result of 1029 foot pounds out of a calculated theoretical maximum of 158. With a little care and consideration, I do not hesitate to say the duty per grain of zinc might easily have been increased tenfold.” It is hardly credible, but the above looks very like a confusion between Force and Work ! The author seems to assume that if the forces in operation in an engine are greater, that the engine will necessarily produce more work from the same quantity of fuel. In these experiments the quantity of zinc (a — b) used to produce work W is observed; if the engine was made more powerful, if the 123 permanent magnets were four times as strong, and the electro-magnets passed § of an inch from them, doubtless W would be greater, but so also would (a — b), and it does not W follow that , -r with which we are concerned would be at (a-b) all changed. What becomes then of the dogmatic assertion that the duty of a grain of zinc could he increased tenfold ? Now let us turn to the paper in the “ Quarterly Journal.” Here we may find enough in one article for our present purpose, taking chap. II. Art. 2. — “ Why are we forced to suppose that the same amount of fuel produces the same amount of energy, whether it is consumed in the steam engine, the horse the gnat ? At any rate, we may observe that the very phrase is certainly a misnomer, and a misnomer of such a kind as to have a fatal effect in pro- ducing a false conception of things. For mechanical energy just as often produces cold as heat ; it may produce either heat or cold, or neither. In fact, as a general rule, though with notable exceptions, every pushing or compressing force produces heat, and every pulling or expanding force cold. Place a weight on a pillar, and the weight produces heat in the pillar ; hang it on a wire and it cools the wire.” “ In ex- actly the same way, in a fire-syringe use force to press down the piston, it produces heat — heat enough to kindle tinder ; but use the same force to pull up the piston, and it produces cold.” Surely this is enough to show that the author’s notions of what he is attacking are, to say the least of it, shallow; for what he quotes as paradoxes are simple deductions from the two laws of Thermodynamics. That a wire is cooled by stretching follows from the fact that heat expands it. In the case of the fire-syringe the case is simpler. The work- ing body is the air in the syringe ; on pulling up the piston this air does work, and therefore uses up heat and is cooled. Mr. Highton seems to imagine that because the arm of the experimenter does work, it is done on the air in the syringe, whereas this column of air and the observer are really co-workers in raising the air external to the cylinder. To point out all the fallacies of these papers in detail 124 would take too much of your time. My object was to show that if the *• Quarterly Journal of Science” and the “ Chemi- cal News” are to represent scientific opinion with any degree of truth, they would do well to use a little discretion as to what they print. “ Remarks on Mr. Spence’s Experiments on the Effects of Cold on the Strength of Cast Iron,” by Joseph Baxendell, F.R.A.S. In concluding his paper read at the last Meeting of the Society, Mr Spence stated that “ he had so much confidence in the experiments then detailed, that he had no hesitation in giving it as an ascertained law, that a specimen of cast iron, having at 70° Fall. a given power of resistance to transverse strain will, on its temperature being reduced to zero, have that power increased by 3 per cent.” Now, in physical investiga- tions it is often very hazardous to rely too much on the simple means of sets of experiments or observations, however numerous, unless the theory of errors has been employed to test their value; and in the inquiry as to the effect of cold on iron, this remark applies with peculiar force. Mr. Carrick lias objected to Mr. Spence’s experiments that the differences between some of the breaking weights are very large; and also that the iron used was of an inferior quality; but the quality of the iron, unless it is actually very bad, is a matter of secondaiy importance, since its only effect will be to increase the range and diminish the average of the breaking weights; and with respect to the wide differences between some of the results, this is more than compensated for by the number of the ex- periments which is sufficiently great to afford the means of determining approximately the law of error to which they were subject, and thus of ascertaining whether the final results are entitled to the high degree of confidence which Mr. Spence has placed in them. When, however, I ran my eye over the columns in Mr. Spence’s table after the reading of his paper, it at once struck me that the differences of the individual breaking weights from the mean values in both 125 sets of experiments, when calculated out, would he found to indicate a law of error, differing considerably from the ordinary law of simple errors of experiments or observa- tions, and that the mean value of the minus differences would be very sensibly greater than that of the plus differences. I therefore calculated the means of the two sets of experiments, and the differences of all the breaking- weights from these means, and grouping these differences according to their order of magnitude, I projected the results on ruled paper, but instead of a tolerably regular curve having only one maximum I obtained a curve having- two well marked maxima. It was therefore at once evident that some unsuspected condition or disturbing cause had operated during the experiments to produce an undue number of breaking weights considerably above, and also considerably below, the general average. The effect, in fact, was somewhat similar to that which would be produced by a series of throws of a number of dice, some of which were weighted on one side, while others were weighted on the opposite side. I concluded, therefore, that many of the bars used by Mr. Spence had their sides of very unequal strength, and that it depended upon the position in which a bar was placed when tested, whether its breaking weight would be high or low. With the strongest side of the bar placed downwards the breaking weight would be high, but witli the weakest side downwards the breaking- weight would be low. Either of the other two sides placed lowest would in general give a breaking weight of intermediate value. If in two sets of experiments A and B a greater number of bars happened to be placed with their weakest sides downwards in set A than in the set B, then the mean of A would be less than that of B ; and this, in fact, appears to have actually taken place in Mr. Spence’s experiments. Thus, if we divide the set of 70 experiments made at a temperature of 70° Fahr. into two sets of 35 each, the mean breaking weight of the first 35 is 3cwt. 2qr. 231bs., and that of the second 35 is 3cwt. 3qr. 25-51bs., the difference being lqr. 2-51bs., or 2| times greater than the difference 126 between the means of the two sets of 70 each made under a difference of temperature of 70° It is obvious, therefore, that Mr. Spence’s experiments, though evidently made with great care, afford no certain evidence that any sensible change takes place in the strength of cast iron when its temperature is reduced from 70° to zero of Fahrenheit’s scale. As showing the little reliance to be placed, in certain cases, on results derived from short series of experiments, I may mention that in Mr. Spence's experiments, notwith- standing the very great diversity in the breaking weights of the bars used, and the care taken to mix them as much as possible before testing, there is in one case a run of eleven consecutive experiments in all of which the breaking weights are below the general average; while in another there is a run of eight in which the breaking weights are all above the average. Similar runs of six and five each occur several times. Facts like these will show to those who have little experience in the application of the theory of errors how necessary it is, in some inquiries at least, to multiply experiments as much as possible before proceeding to deduce results and draw conclusions. Taking all the experiments on the effect of cold on iron which have yet been brought before the Society, they can only be regarded as indicating that if any effect at all is produced, it is more apparent on iron of good quality than on inferior iron, but that its amount is so small as to be wholly inadequate to account for the railway and other accidents which have been attributed to it. Mi\ Brockbank stated that at the time he entered upon the experiments communicated to the Society, he had no knowledge of those made by Mr. Knut Styffe of Stockholm, and C. P. Sandberg, A.I.C.E./of London, as detailed in the English translation of Mr. Styffe’s work on the Strength of Iron and Steel. He was however pleased to find that the researches of these gentlemen confirmed the conclusions drawn from his own experiments ; and he especially pointed out that in Mr. Sandberg’s experiments on the Strength of Rails, the objection raised as to the hardness of the ground 127 by frost was obviated, as the experiments were performed upon a solid granite rock in situ, and this could not be hardened by cold to any considerable extent so as to affect the results, and yet in these experiments the rails are shown “ to exhibit only from one- third to one-fourth the strength at 10° Fahr. which they possessed at 84° Fahr.” Dr. Joule observed that the admitted fact that the sup- ports of the bars in Mr. Sandberg’s experiments were in a different condition at the two temperatures rendered the results arrived at with them valueless as evidence on the question at issue. “Further Observations on the Strength of Garden Nails,” by J. P. Joule, D.C.L., F.RS., &c. Since communicating the paper on the Alleged Influence of Cold in giving Brittleness to Iron, I have collated the results with cast iron nails in order to show the range of strength in such specimens. Height of Fall Percentage of of Hammer. Fractures. 2 inches 0 24 ,, .......... 0 3 JJ 6-25 34 v 23-5 4 JJ 30 44 36-4 54 ?? 37-5 64 ?? 48 7 62'5 7A ' 2 }> 64-3 84 J? 75 10 92-8 I chose the garden nails for experiment after some thought, as presenting a marked variety of metal in contrast with the iron and steel wire, tempered and untempered. I did not expect them to possess great strength, but having found them to require a heavier blow than I expected to fracture them, I have had the curiosity to make some experiments on them which may be interesting to the Society. I took pairs of the nails, placed them head to point parallel to each other so that pressure applied in the middle by pincers sufficiently forcibly would fracture one of them. 128 Paper slips were pasted on the edges of the nails, and then- distances asunder measured by a microscope with micro- meter eyepiece divided by lines corresponding to rbv of an inch. Weights were gradually added to the lever of one arm of the pincers until fracture took place, which was always accompanied with a sharp report. The observed deflection or bending of the nails was taken continuously as the weights were laid on, and the calculation of what it would have been at the moment of rupture taken from the immediately preceding observations. The amount of deflec- tion was almost exactly proportional to the weight laid on in each experiment. No. of Experi- ment. 1 .... Length of Nail between Supports. .. 105 ... Breadth of Nail in Fracture. ... 0-13 ... Depth of Nail at Fracture. ... 0-127 Deflection. . -0062 ... Breaking Weight. Lbs. ... 145-5 2 .... .. 1-1 ... ... 0-114 ... ... 0-125 . -0067 ... ... 141 3 .... .. M ... ... 0-120 ... ... 0-115 . -0090 ... ... 171 4 .... .. 1-08 ... ... 0-111 ... ... 0-106 . -0073 ... ... 142-5 5 .... .. M2 ... ... 0-122 ... ... 0-145 . -0098 ... ... 189 6 .... .. 1-06 ... ... 0-138 ... ... 0-120 . -0087 ... ... 184-5 7 .... .. 1-08 ... ... 0-150 ... ... 0-118 . -0095 ... ... 201 Average 1-084... ... 0-1264... ... 0-1223 . -0082 ... ... 167-8 If we compare the above with Mr. Brockbank’s experi- ments we shall find, approximately, on reducing them to the dimensions he adopted, viz. 3 feet between supports and 1 inch section — Breaking Weight. Deflection. Mr. Brockbank’s, with large bars... 860 -7 -740 My own, with nails 2673- T106 The metal, in the form I used it, was therefore more than three times as strong as that of the large bars to resist a compressing and tensile force, while its extent of spring at the breaking weight was half as much again. Therefore, so far from being of inferior quality, it would sustain a very much heavier blow without fracture. “ On the Action of Sulphurous Acid on Phosphates,” by Dr. B. W. Gerland. Communicated by Dr. B. Angus Smith, F.B.S., &c. The abstract of this paper will appear in the next number of Proceedings. 129 Ordinary Meeting, March 7th, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. “ The Action of Sulphurous Acid on Phosphates,” by Dr, B. Wilhelm Gerland, Macclesfield. — Communicated by R. Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S. The researches which this paper describes, lead to the following conclusions : — 1. An aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide acts upon seve- ral phosphates, not by decomposing them, like other strong acids, but by combining with them forming, soluble com- pounds. Basic phosphates require from 4 to 6, and neutral phosphates 2 mols. of sulphur dioxide for solution. These solutions part less readily with their sulphur dioxide than the simple aqueous solution of the latter, and those of the neutral phosphates more easily than those of the basic phosphates. From some of these solutions the original phosphate can be again obtained, from others a less basic salt, but the de- composition in the solutions of this class does not proceed to the formation of phosphoric acid. The following phosphates belonging to this class have been examined : a. Tricalcium phosphate is abundantly soluble in water and sulphur dioxide. The concentrated solutions undergo a slow decomposition at temperatures above 18° C., and form besides calcium sulphite, dicalcium- and mono- calcium- phosphate. Both concentrated and dilute solutions deposit mixtures of calcium sulphite and dicalcium hydric phosphate by addition of alcohol, by exposure in vacuum, or by boiling under reduced pressure. Boiling under at- PEdcmsDiNos — Lit, & Phil. Soc.— Vol. X.— No. 12,— Session 1870-71. 130 mospheric pressure on the other hand causes the formation of the new compound : tricalcium phosphate sulphite, Ca3 PA, SO,, 2H,0, as a crystalline precipitate which is dis- tinguished from the above mentioned mixtures of dicalcium phosphate and calcium sulphite by its great stability. It claims more general interest as being an active manure and disinfectant. The unusual composition of this substance made it desirable to prepare corresponding compounds of other metals, but all attempts in that direction have been unsuccessful. Dicalcium hydric phosphate is readily soluble in water charged with sulphur dioxide. From the solution the original phosphate can be easily obtained. b. Trimagnesium-, dimagnesium-, and magnesium-am- monium- phosphate are dissolved in large quantities by water charged with sulphur dioxide ; the first two Avithout decomposition, but if an excess of the latter has been used, dimagnesium hydric-phosphate is left undissolved. All these solutions have a great tendency to deposit dimagne- sium hydric phosphate in crystals. c. Tri- and di- manganese phosphate are very soluble in sulphur dioxide and Avater. Both solutions give crystals in vacud, consisting principally of dimanganese phosphate, but by boiling, precipitates of trimanganese phosphate are formed. cl. Copper phosphate is soluble, although in smaller quan- tity, in an aqueous solution of sulphur dioxide without decomposition. The solution deposits at summer tempera- ture in course of time crystals of cuprous and cupric-sul- phite, and by boiling, cupric phosphate. e. Uranium phosphate is very slightly soluble in Avater charged with sulphur dioxide. The phosphate of the original composition separates again from tho solution after the removal of the sulphur dioxide. /. Crystals of trisodium phosphate absorb sulphur 131 dioxide in such quantity that it would suffice to convert all the sodium present into sodium hydric sulphite. How- ever, alcohol separates sodium dihydric phosphate from the solution, and less than fths of the sulphur dioxide are expelled by boiling-. The concentrated solution obtained by satu- rating the crystals with the gas, shows the peculiar pheno- menon of separating into two distinct liquids by gravitation; agitation unites these again to a perfectly homogeneous liquid. 2. Sulphur dioxide in aqueous solution has no action upon bismuth-, stannous-, stannic-, and metastannic- phos- phate. 3. Sulphur dioxide and water act upon some phosphates in the same manner as other strong acids by forming a sul- phite and phosphoric acid. The phosphates of barium, silver and lead have been observed to undergo this decom- position. 4. Calcium arsenite, calcium arseniate, and cupric vana- date are dissolved like the first group of phosphates, without decomposition by sulphur dioxide and water. The solution of the first forms calcium sulphite by boiling, the second begins soon to deposit calcium sulphate, owing to the reaction of arsenic acid on sulphurous acid, and the solution of the vanadate on boiling deposits beautiful golden colored scales, which are, probably, copper vanadite sulphite. 5. Calcium oxalate is dissolved, in very minute quantity, by water charged with sulphur dioxide, and is deposited unchanged after expulsion of the gas. *** This paper was read at the Meeting of the Society, held on the 21st February, 1871. “ Further Observations on the Strength of Garden Nails,” by J. P. Joule, LL.D., F.R.S., Y.P. The author thought it desirable to ascertain how far 132 hardness had to do with the strength and elasticity of these small specimens of cast iron. For this purpose he plunged some of them at a heat near the melting point into water, then selecting those which had been hardened sufficiently to resist the action of the file. Others he cooled slowly from a bright red heat. The experiments were conducted in the manner described in the last number of the Proceedings. No. of Length of Breadth of Depth of Breaking Experi- Nail between Nail at Nail at Deflection. Weight. ment. Supports. Fracture. Fracture. Lbs. 03 ' 1 .... .. 10 ... ...o-ll ... ... 0-122 ... ... -0067 .. ....129 "cS 2 .... .. 1-04 ... ... 0-12 ... ... 0-12 ... ... -0037 .. .... 84 3 .... .. TO ... ... 0-12 ... ... 0122 ... ... -0028 .. .... 81 V 4 .... .. 1-02 ... ... 0-143 ... ... 0-102 ... ... -0077 .. ....129 K 5 .... .. U ... ... 0-138 ... ... 0-13 ... ... -0071 .. ....203 Average 1-032... ... 0-1262... ... 0-1192... .. -0056 .. ...125.2 m 6 .... .. 1-0 ... ... 0-112 ... .. 0-117 ... ... -0088 .. ....141 *3 7 ... .. 1-05 ... ... 0-139 ... ... 0-114 ... ... -0087 .. ....150 5zj J 8 ... .. 1-02 ... ... 0-130 ... .. 0-138 ... ... -0051 .. ....176 9 ... .. 1-04 ... ... 0-117 ... .. 0-090 . ... -0101 .. ....101 m 10 .. .. 1-04 ... ... 0-121 ... .. 0-108 ... ... -0073 .. ....113 Average 1-03 ... ... 0-1238... ... 0-1134... ... -008 .. ...136.2 Reducing to a length of 3 feet and 1 inch square section, and making a deduction of \ from the deflections, on account of the taper of the nails, the above results, along with those in the last number of Proceedings, become Breaking W eight. Deflection. Nails in original state 2673 ’922 Hardened ditto 2002 -677 Softened ditto 2448 -924 Dr. Joule exhibited three photographs of the sun taken on the 1st December, 1858. The images, '43 in. diameter, were produced by the achromatic object-glass of a telescope with half-inch stop. Exposure, by means of an apparatus completely detached from the camera, during a small frac- tion of a second. He had been induced to examine them after seeing the beautiful photograph of the late eclipse by Mr. Brothers. On examining the three images a nebulosity 133 is observed, very similar to that in Mr. Brothers’s photograph In all three, taken at an interval between each of about a minute and a half, the nebulous appearance appears situated on three quarters of the limb, the remainder being quite free. There are also indications of a radial structure, so that he thinks it highly probable that the representations are actually those of the corona. Since communicating the above, he has carefully exa- mined the two other photographs of the sun which he possesses, and which were taken early in the month of November, 1858. These, one of which must have been ex- posed at about 2 hours 20 minutes after the other, present nothing remarkable to the naked eye ; but when viewed through a glass of moderate power, a thin crescent-shaped envelope is observed on each, with this remarkable circum- stance, viz., that in the two it appears on opposite limbs, suggesting the idea of a semi-revolution in the above inter- val of time at a velocity not much less than that due to Kepler’s law of planetary motion. In one of the photo- graphs there is, under the crescent and apparently on the rim of the sun itself, a narrow band in breadth about 300 of the diameter of the disk, and of at least double the intensity of the sun. This may probably be referred to the actinic action of the chromosphere and the red flames. “On Anthraflavic Acid, a Yellow Colouring Matter accom- panying Artificial Alizarine,” by Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., V.P. The artificial formation of alizarine is a process of so much importance both theoretically and practically, being in fact the first instance in which a natural colouring matter has been produced by artificial means, that everything con- nected with it must in the eyes of the chemist possess more or less importance, especially when we consider that it is chiefly to alizarine that madder owes its valuable dyeing 134 properties. The process itself", as described by its disco- verers, Grabe and Liebermann, seems exceedingly simple, and consists in the conversion of the hydrocarbon anthra- cene CUH10 by the action successively of an oxidising agent, of bromine or sulphuric acid and of caustic alkali into aliza- rine C14H804. Nevertheless, the product obtained on a large scale for the use of dyers and printers by this process is very far from being pure alizarine, so far indeed that some per- sons are inclined to doubt its perfect identity with the natural substance. Its solution in caustic alkali, for instance, has not the fine violet colour of a solution of pure alizarine, but is more or less purple or even red, and it differs in other respects. Now, though I have never entertained much doubt as regards their identity in the main, it might, I fan- cied, be interesting to ascertain whether the differences observed between the natural and artificial products were due to impurities accompanying the latter or not, for though these impurities, if present, might not cause any injury or inconvenience during the dyeing process, they might pos- sibly be formed at the expense and take the place of aliza- rine, and thus be a source of loss to the manufacturer. Now a few simple experiments are sufficient to prove that artificial alizarine as ordinarily prepared is always accom- panied by other substances, some of which are coloured while others are colourless or nearly so. My object on the present occasion is to describe one of these substances and to point out the relation in which it stands to alizarine. My attention was first directed to this part of the subject by the results of some experiments made on a small scale to obtain alizarine from anthracene according to the directions of Grabe and Liebermann. I was surprised to find that in spite of all the precautions taken I always obtained besides alizarine a notable quantity of another body also crystalline, but dissolving in alkalies with a yellow colour. This body bore so strong a resemblance in some of its properties to 135 several of the rubiacine class of colouring matters, sub- stances which are contained in madder along with alizarine, that my curiosity was excited. Having communicated this fact to Mr. Perkin, who, as is well known, is engaged in the manufacture of alizarine on a large scale, he kindly sent me for examination a specimen of the residue obtained by him in evaporating the mother liquors of alizarine. This residue was a crystalline, reddish-brown mass soluble in alkalies, with a cherry-red colour. I found it to contain in addition to alizarine a quantity of a substance apparently identical with that I had previously obtained directly from anthra- cene. I afterwards found the same body in commercial alizarine, both in that manufactured by Mr. Perkin and in a sample from a continental firm. I therefore requested Mr. Perkin to supply me with a quantity of his alizarine sufficient to enable me to prepare a pure specimen of this body, a request to which he very kindly acceded. This alizarine, which was a yellow, almost amorphous powder, was in the first place treated with dilute caustic soda, in which it dissolved for the most part, yielding a dark purple solution. A small quantity of a pale yellow powder was left undissolved, which was filtered off, washed, dried, and heated, when it yielded crystals of anthraquinone. To the purple liquid there was added an excess of acid, which produced a bulky brownish-yellow precipitate. This was filtered oft and treated with boiling alcohol until the whole was dissolved. The alcohol on cooling deposited a quantity of almost pure alizarine in small mica-like scales. The mother liquor of course contained alizarine, and in order to separate it acetate of lead was added, which gave a bulky purple precipitate of the lead compound of alizarine. The fil- tered liquid, which had a dark yellow coloui', was evapo- rated, when it left a yellowish-brown residue, consisting for the most part of the yellow colouring matter or acid. In order to separate the latter from the impurities accompany- 136 ing it the residue was treated first with water, and then with cold alcohol. It was then dissolved in dilute caustic soda, and to the boiling solution chloride of barium was added. The filtered liquid deposited on cooling a mass of small shining crystals of the barium salt of the acid. These were purified by recrystallisation from boiling water, and then treated with hydrochloric acid. The lemon-yellow flocks left by the acid were filtered off, washed, and dis- solved in a little boiling alcohol. This on cooling deposited a quantity of yellow silky needles, consisting of the acid, which I have named Anthvaflavic Acid, in order to indicate its source and its most obvious external property. The chief properties of this acid are these : — When crys- tallised from alcohol and dried, it has the appearance of a dark lemon-yellow silky mass, which under the microscope is seen to consist of slender four-sided prisms. When heated on platinum foil it gives off copious yellow fumes and then burns with a luminous flame without leaving any residue. When cautiously heated in a tube or between two watch glasses, it may be almost entirely volatilised, yielding a vapour which condenses in the form of a yellow sublimate. This sublimate consists of small lusti’ous crystalline plates, which, examined under the microscope, exhibit very regular outlines. The acid is only slightly soluble in boiling water, and almost insoluble in cold. It is more soluble in alcohol and ether, but insoluble in boiling benzol and sulphide of cai'bon. It dissolves readily in concentrated sulphuric acid even in the cold, forming a dark yellow solution, from which it is precipitated by water in yellow flocks. It is not much affected by dilute nitric acid even on boiling. With fuming nitric acid it yields a so-called nitro-acid, to which I shall return presently. It is the fact of this substance yielding with bases com- pounds of well defined character, some of them being regu- larly crystallised, that entitles it more especially to be 137 classed among acids. When an alcoholic solution of anthra- flavic acid is mixed with an alcoholic solution of potash, it assumes a dark yellow colour, and deposits on standing long orange-coloured needles arranged in stars and possessed of considerable lustre. The sodium compound prepared in the same manner crystallises in needles and resembles the potassium salt, but is lighter in colour. The ammonium salt may be obtained by dissolving the acid in boiling absolute alcohol and adding a slight excess of ammonia ; on cooling, the solution deposits dark yellow lustrous crystals. These crystals however, after a short exposure to the air, lose the whole of their ammonia, leaving a yellow residue consisting of the acid itself. This inability to retain ammonia even at the ordinary temperature of the atmosphere is a proof of the feeble nature of the acid. The potassium and sodium salts are also rather unstable compounds, for if it be attempted to recrystallise either of them from boiling water a portion of the acid separates, the solubility of the base in water being sufficient to overcome its affinity for the acid. Anthra- flavate of barium may be obtained by dissolving the acid in boiling baiyta water, or by adding chloride of barium to a solution of the substance in caustic alkali. It is deposited from its watery solution in small shining plates, and after being filtered off and dried has a fine maroon colour. Under the microscope it is seen to consist of small crystals with very regular outlines. It may be recrystallised from water without decomposition. The strontium salt is very similar, being soluble in boiling water and crystallising in long needles. The calcium salt is, however, insoluble in water, and is precipitated in orange-coloured flocks on the addition of chloride of calcium to an ammoniacal solution of the acid. On adding sulphate of magnesium to a solution of the acid in ammonia no precipitate is produced, but on standing some time the magnesium salt is deposited in dark yellow crystalline plates and needles arranged in star-shaped clus- 138 ters and possessed of much lustre. The aluminium com- pound, when prepared in the same manner, appears as a yellow deposit consisting of microscopic crystals. The am- moniacal solution gives with acetate of lead a voluminous orange -coloured precipitate, with acetate of copper a light brown, and with nitrate of silver a reddish-brown precipi- tate. The other compounds are of no particular interest. All the compounds of the acid which are soluble in water yield yellow solutions; none are red. It is chiefly the presence of this acid in crude alizarine which affects the colour of the alkaline solution, changing the violet due to alizarine into purple, or when present in larger quantity, into red. For the same reason an alkaline solution of crude alizarine does not show the absorption bands in the spectrum so distinctly as one of pure alizarine. Alkaline, as well as alcoholic solutions of anthraflavic acid, absorb the blue end of the spectrum very powerfully, though no bands are visible, even with very dilute solutions. A solution of the acid in concentrated sulphuric acid, if not too dark, shows, however, a broad but well-defined absorption band at the extreme edge of the blue bordering on the green, accom- panied by a total absorption of the violet as seen with the other solutions. Anthraflavic acid dissolves very readily in fuming nitric acid even in the cold, yielding a deep yellow solution, which, on standing for 24 hours, becomes lighter in colour, without evolving any gas. On now adding water a quantity of light yellow shining crystals is deposited. These, when filtered off, washed, and dried, resemble anthraflavic acid. They are, however, totally different in their properties, and consist, there can be no doubt, of a so-called nitro-acid, in which one or more atoms of hydrogen are replaced by N 0.,. When heated they deflagrate, and they give a potassium salt crystallising in yellow needles, very little soluble in water, and resembling picrate of potassium. Want of mate- 139 rial has prevented my examining this product more fully. Though anthraflavic acid yields intensely yellow com- pounds with bases, it seems to possess no dyeing properties. The freshly precipitated acid suspended in water communi- cates not the least tinge of colour to alumina and iron mordants on calico, however long the liquid may be boiled. Its presence in artificial alizarine is therefore of no conse- quence as regards the dyeing qualities of the latter. The composition of anthraflavic acid is expressed by the formula C15H10O4. That this is the true formula was proved by an examination of the silver and barium salts. The formula of the first is C15H8Ag204 ; that of the second C16HsBa04 + H20. The additional molecule of water attached to the barium salt is not driven off by heating to a temperature of 120°C. The acid is therefore bibasic. Hence it appears that this substance and alizarine stand in a very simple relation to one another. They are homologous bodies. Anthraflavic acid may be viewed as alizarine in which an atom of hydro- gen is replaced by methyl. Though the great difference in properties, and especially the far greater stability of the acid, might lead to the inference that it is only as regards their composition that the two substances approach one another, a very simple experiment is sufficient to prove that they are in fact very closely related. If pure anthraflavic acid be dissolved in an excess of caustic potash, and the solution be boiled down to dryness, a yellow residue is left, which, after being carefully heated almost to fusion, dissolves in water with a red colour. This solution contains alizarine, as it shows the absorption bands in the spectrum peculiar to the latter, though not very clearly on account of unde- composed anthraflavic acid still present. Pure alizarine may, however, be obtained from it, by simply adding an excess of acid, filtering off the flocculent precipitate, dissolv- ing the latter in alcohol, and adding to the solution acetate of lead, when a purple precipitate falls, which contains the 140 whole of the alizarine, the excess of anthraflavic acid remaining in solution. From the lead precipitate alizarine may be obtained having all the properties of that substance. It is certain, therefore, that by the action of caustic potash, anthraflavic acid is converted into alizarine, the process being doubtless one of oxidation, though it should be stated that the conversion is never complete, probably because the action, if carried far enough to convert the whole of the acid, leads to the decomposition of the alizarine already formed. I am at present occupied with some experiments for the purpose of substituting an atom of hydrogen in alizarine by methyl, and thus forming anthraflavic acid synthetically. It is evident that the acid cannot be con- sidered as a methylic ether of alizarine, since both sub- stances combine with two atoms of base to form neutral compounds. If the substitution by methyl be possible, it must therefore take place in the radical of alizarine. The possibility of such substitutions is allowed by Griibe and Liebermann, who consider chrysammic acid for instance as anthracjuinone in which 4H are replaced by 4N02. Should the synthesis just mentioned succeed, it will, I imagine* throw some light on the constitution of the so-called yellow colouring matters of madder, such as rubiacine and rubia- dine, which certainly contain 16 atoms of carbon, and may possibly turn out to be substitution products of alizarine. In what manner anthraflavic, with its 15 atoms of carbon, is formed from anthracene, which contains only 14, is not very clear. I imagined it to be just possible that the anthra- cene employed for preparing the alizarine supplied to me might have contained a higher hydrocarbon, say C15Hi2 or methylanthracene, which, by oxidation, would yield methyl- anthraquinone, and at the end of the process methylalizarine. On requesting Mr. Perkin to favour me with his opinion on this point, he informed me, however, that my supposition was improbable, because the alizarine which he sent me was 141 prepared from nearly perfectly pure anthraquinone, which had been distilled and crystallised from benzol. Another point remains to be considered in connection with this subject. It is well known that the beautiful dis- covery of the mode of forming alizarine was the direct result of a previous one, viz. : that of the reduction of the natural product by means of metallic zinc to anthracene. The question therefore naturally suggested itself: what is the nature of the hydrocarbon formed by the same process from anthraflavic acid ? Is it anthracene or something else ? In order to decide this question I took a quantity of the acid and heated it with 50 times its weight of zinc powder, in the manner described by Grabe and Liebermann. I ob- tained a quantity of a brownish crystalline sublimate, amounting to about 10 per cent of the acid employed, which was purified by sublimation and washing with ether. It still retained the yellowish tinge which, according to Grabe and Liebermann, adheres so pertinaciously to anthracene, but it did not differ in other respects from the pure substance. It melted at the same temperature as anthracene, and began to sublime before fusing, it dissolved in boiling alcohol, but more readily in benzol, and was deposited from these solu- tions in lustrous crystals of a very regular form, and it gave, like anthracene with picric acid, a compound crystallizing in long red needles. I wish to speak with some reserve on this point, as the quantity of material at my disposal was not sufficient for an analysis, but should it turn out that my product is identical with anthracene, this fact would throw doubt on some of the reasoning of Grabe and Liebermann, who assume that if an organic substance yields a definite hydrocarbon by the action of metallic zinc, the latter con- tains the same number of atoms of carbon as the original substance. The President stated that in looking over the Memoran- 142 dum Book of Mr. Walker, one of the original members of this Society, kindly presented by Mr. Green, he had met with some interesting facts connected with the Cotton Trade a centuiy ago. At that time the only places from which Manchester received cotton, except from continental ports, were Turkey, the West Indies, Brazil, and Demerara. To show the value the following extract is given. , July 15th. Prices of cotton wool at London d. d. St. Domingo 12* to 13 Dominica 12 Grenada 11 12 Tortola 10* ?3 11 Jamaica 12- 13 French 12 Smyrna 9 33 H Solonica H 33 8* Adonia 8 Brazil at Manchester 13 “All the above prices present payment. In the year 1771, J oshua Holt bought in Liverpool Tortola at 8*d., Grenada at 9d. to 10d., Tarlton’s M.P.’s 12d., St. Domingo, good, 13d.” At that period other European countries imported cotton, as shown by the following extract: — “ From Berbecia all the cotton is sent to Holland, and the quantity rarely exceeds 150,000 lbs. annually, and some years when crops fail the quantity imported is not above 5,000 lbs. weight. Surinam at most 100,000 lbs. in one year. Essiquibo and Demerary not more than 50,000 lbs. in one year. These cottons are mostly consumed in Swit- zerland and at Brabant.” “Prices of cotton at Amsterdam, 15th November, 1774, from Ri voire and Van Heyst. Smyrna 22 Essequibo ... ... 39 to 40 Demerary . . . ... 39 33 40 Surinam ... 39 3) 41 Berbecia ... 44 33 45 Curacoa .. 50 33 55 Groots per lb. of Holland. 40 groots = 1 guilder or florin, iand 2 groots = lid. 143 “ Cotton was packed in bags which ran from 280 to 300lbs., and in pockets varying from 60 to 701bs. each in weight.” The following is an account of the cotton imported at Bordeaux in the year 1774 : — Prom From St. Domingo. Martinique. Bags. Pockets. Bags. Pockets. “January.. 47 12 February... 38 122 11 . March 26 315 April 37 86 June 64 124 July 59 47 10 3 August ... 95 224 29 September. 49 232 20 1 October ... 2 1 November. 20 4 From Guadoloupe. Bags. Pockets, 1 71 29 108 3 118 13 3 1 3 437 1167 59 15 332 18” In order to show the route the Turkey cotton came to England, an extract of a letter from Otto, Franck, and Co., of Leghorn, dated March 24th, 1775, is given; it is as follows : “ W e have very good friends at Smirna, whose solidity and zeal can be depended on. If you choose to speculate from thence you are undoubtedly informed that not cotton only, but all products of the Levant cannot be sent from thence to England direct, when bought with Bullion or Bills of Exchange they must be landed and re-shipped here. To that effect we annex the following invoice account of freights and charges generally attending such transactions for your government. Talleris (a species of coin sent up thither) are at present very cheap, per 113 per cent., so that it would turn better to account to purchase them at this place and remit them to Smirna, than for the friends to draw.” It appears that in olden times there was a fair proportion of reckless speculators to honest traders, as is the case now. This is shown by extract from a letter addressed by Becker, Smith, and Buckholm, of Leghorn, to Mr. Walker, dated September 20, 1775. 144 esse- » “ The many spoil-traders in the Levant (and particularly the Jews) are the chief cause of those high prices which the products there now bear. For buying up cottons and other goods, and drawing for the same, it very often happens that the Receivers in Leghorn are obliged to sell them under prime cost, in order to raise money to pay those drafts. By the last advices from Smyrna they quote the price of first sort 40L$, which would cost in warehouse here 18|d. to 18£d. But the last sold here was lGfd. to I7d., so that there is a difference of 10 per cent. Indeed it often happens that articles from the Levant, especially cottons, generally sell here for less than they really lye in. “The advantages arising to the English and French by their traffick in the Levant is owing to the goods they send thither for sale; such as woollen goods and other manufac- tured articles, which fetch a good price there, and the agents often barter them for cotton wool. But notwithstanding these advantages both the English and French frequently apply to this city for Turkey cotton, which makes it evident that they can get it cheaper here than they could import it from the Levant.” Here is an account from Messrs. Mayler and Maxse, of Bristol, dated October 4th, 1774. “Cotton imported into Bristol this year: — June 10. From Nevis 2 B. sold I5d. very foul and stained. July 18. Tobago .. . . . 12 „ 18d. clean and good staple- „ 28. Tortola . 3 ,, 1 7d. 'i Aug. 23. 5? Dominica.. . 1 V middling quality. „ 29, Grenada .. .150 „ 20d. very good parcel. Sep. 1 3. Nevis . 3 „ 16d. very dirty and dis- coloured. „ 24. Jamaica.. • 12) Not yet sold, but engaged at mar- Ditto . 53) ket price, supposed 19 to 20d. Tobago .. . 14 19d. clean and good. 250 Bags. “ Most of the cotton imported at Bristol goes through the hands of Mayler and Maxse. Customary payment for cotton at Bristol is by Bills at 1 month, (i weeks, or 2 months. The last is thought an indulgence. “Freight from Bristol to Liverpool 30s. per ton. Insu- rance 20s. to 30s. per cent, according to the season of the year, but the ships are very irregular in this conveyance.” “Prices of Cotton in some of the West India Islands, April, 1775, as per letter received from John Craven, dated St. Croix, April 24th, 1775 : — At St. Croix 2s. per lb. 1001b. Dutch weight there are equal to 1121b. English. d. Exchange 84^ per cent Ilf Duty on Exportation 15 per cent li Commission there, Freight, Insurance, Bags and To December, 1775... 4051 i OC e 1776. . .3055 ] 1777. . .4903 Carriage by land to Manchester, 2s. 6d. per cwt. Freight to Liverpool from Lancaster, 8d. per 1121bs. Insurance £ per cent. This way 2s. 6d. also.” 1776. 146 “Cotton imported at Lancaster from January, 1775, to January 1st, 1776 : — From Jamaica Grenada St. Vincent Dominica St. Kitts Antigua Barbadoes Bags. 479 .. lbs. 96,999 854 .. . 225,483 330 .. 88,533 813 .. . 232,470 568 .. . 145,257 55 .. 13,322 672 .. . 100,337 3,771 902,431” u West India Cotton imported at Liverpool — 1770 5,820 \ 1771 4,897 j 1772 1773 1 Bags and Pockets. 1774 5,276 \ 1775 4,525 J 1776 ( 6,566 West India. { 1,547 Turkey. Direct from West Indies 4,411 Havre de Grace 81 Nantes 5 Cadiz 6 Rotterdam 4,525 Turkey Cotton imported into Liverpool in From Leghorn 507 ,, Rotterdam 588 ,, Amsterdam 288 „ Marseilles 1,356 1775- bales. Turkey Cotton imported at Liverpool ... 2,739 bales.” 147 Ordinary Meeting, March 21st, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.R.S., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. Mr. John Hopkinson, D.Sc., was elected an Ordinary Member of the Society. “ On the Mechanical Equivalence of Heat,” by the Rev. H. Highton, M.A. The following is an abstract of the arguments as given in the paper and brought out in the subsequent discussion. 1. The author apologised for having mentioned other names in connection with great discoveries which were undoubtedly due primarily to Dr. J oule, and spoke of the very great value of Dr. J oule’s experiments, even when he did not agree with the deductions drawn from them. 2. The subject is of extreme importance both for the interpretation of physical phenomena and for determining what limits are assigned by the stern laws of Nature to the exercise of man’s mechanical and scientific skill. 3. No doubt Dr. Joule has ascertained the heat ordinarily derived from the destruction of energy, by means of friction with various substances ; but it has been assumed, in defi- ance of facts, that the numerical relations which connect heat and energy in the case of friction hold good when energy and heat produce or destroy each other by any other means. 4. In the case of friction itself, energy is not transformed simply into heat, but partly into heat and partly into an- other kind of energy, which is involved in the expansion of the solids or liquids acted on. Pbocis^dxk(»s — Lit. 5. And the work per gram of zinc will be — e564~~= ~ 478 -8 or - 3 times the maximum working duty. The principal reason why there has been greater scope for the improvement of the steam engine than for the electro-magnetic engine arises from the circumstance that in the formula - — -> applied to the steam engine by Thom- son, in which a and b are the highest and lowest tempera- tures, these values are limited by practical difficulties. For a cannot easily be taken above 459° + 374° =833° from absolute zero, since that temperature gives 12-425 atmos- pheres of pressure, nor can b be readily taken at less than the atmospheric temperature or 459° + 60°=519°. Also there is much difficulty in preventing the escape of heat ; whereas the insulation of electricity presents no difficulty. I had arrived at the theory of the electro-magnetic engine in 1840, in which year I published a paper in the 4th Vol. of Sturgeon’s Annals, demonstrating that there is “ no varia- 158 tion in economy, whatever the arrangement of the conduc- ting metal, or whatever the size of the battery.” The experiments of that paper indicate 36 foot lbs. as the maxi- mum duty for a grain of zinc in a Wollaston battery. Multi- plying this by 4 to bring it to the intensity of a Daniell’s battery, we obtain 144 foot lbs. Here, as in the experi- ments in the paper on Mechanical Powers of Electro-Mag- netism, Steam, and Horses, the actual duty is less than the theoretic; which is owing partly to the pulsatory nature of the current, and partly also to induced currents giving out heat in the substance of the iron cores of the electro-magnets; although these last were obviated as far as possible by using annealed tubes with slits down their sides. 159 Ordinary Meeting, April 4th, 1871. E. W. Binney, F.RS., F.G.S., President, in the Chair. Mr. W. Mellor and Mr. S. C. Trapp were appointed Auditors of the Treasurer s Accounts. The President said that Mr. B. H. Green had presented to the Society another of the books of the late Mr. George Walker, from which he desired to give a few extracts. The following relates to the production of cotton : — “At Liver- pool, May 8th, 1784, met with Mr. Cock, lately come from Barbadoes, and who had resided in that island as factor for the last eight years. He says the crop of cotton in that island this year is greater than ever was known, and that the quality is very good; not less than 8,000 bags from 1\ to 2 cwt. each will this year be produced there. The usual time for sowing the Cotton seed is in the month of July, and Cotton is ready to pick off said trees the next Christ- mas, say in five or six months. These trees would continue to produce Cotton annually for several years, but the planter finds it most advantageous to plant fresh seeds every year. The trees are pulled up by the roots when the cotton pick- ing is ended, and which is in April or May in each year. These shrubs serve for fuel. Betwixt the rows of cotton trees there are vegetables which come to perfection long before the cotton is gathered. This picking or gathering is performed every day as the pods open, and continues from Christmas to March. Proceedings — Lit. & Phix. Soc. — Vox. X. — No. 14. — Session 1870-71. 160 “ The best Cotton is produced on the windward part of the Island. That produced to the leeward is called Syke’s Cotton, and is inferior in colour and staple, nor is it so well cleared from seeds and dirt as that to windward. There is a species of Cotton in Bai’badoes called Vine Cotton from the stems resembling those of vines, being long and slender. This plant produces but few pods in proportion to their common Cotton trees, therefore it is not much attended to. The Cotton is very white, long, and silky, something like Demerara or the finest Withy wood Jamaica Cotton. Some of this Cotton is packed in small bags entire, but often mixed with common Barbadoes. G. W. bought 4 Bags this day at I7fd. and the best Barbadoes was offered at lofd. at same time. “ The usual quantity of Cotton produced on each acre of land in Barbadoes is about 300 lbs. This year 8 acres have produced 3000 lbs., which shews that there is a plentiful harvest. It generally happens that the produce is of the best quality when the crop is plentiful. When land is bought in Barbadoes the usual price is £50 per acre, and £50 per head for every slave kept on that estate. The seller always disposes of the slaves along with the planta- tion. “ Mr. Cock says the Islands of Guadaloupe, Martinique, and Grenada will produce great quantites of Cotton this season, but the crop will be very small on Tobago, there being there a general blight. The current prices in Barba- does is 15d. Exchange 135. In the French Islands 205 to 215. Exchange 182. “Lancaster, June, 1784. — On enquiry made here it appeared that the current prices at Guadaloupe and Marti- nique were 170 to 180 Louies for 100 French Weight and the Exchange 180 per Cent.” 161 COTTON WOOL.— MEMORANDUMS RESPECTING IT. AVERAGE PRICES OP COTTON. m 'd a 8 d & 1 >» 4) c3 a

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