PROCEEDINGS OF THE LITERACY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF MANCHESTER. VOL. XV. Session 1875-76. MANCHESTER: PRINTED BY THOS. SOWLER AND CO., RED LION STREET, ST. ANN’S SQUARE. LONDON , BALLIERE, 219, REGENT STREET. 1876. NOTE. The object which the Society have in view in publishing their Proceedings is to give an immediate and succinct account of the scientific and other business transacted at their meetings to the members and the general public. The various communications are supplied by the authors themselves, who are alone responsible for the facts and reasonings contained therein. INDEX. Aldis Professor T. S., M.A — On Glacial Action in the Valley of the Wear, &c., p. 86. Axon William, E. A., M.E.S.L., &c. — Notice of a Eecent Discovery of a Pre-historic Burial-place near Colombier in Switzerland, p. 69. Note on a Church Bell at North Wooton, Somersetshire, dated A.D. 1265, in Arabic Numerals, and on a M.S. dated A.D. 1276, in which they are freely used, p. 173. Bailey Charles.-— On the Hybrid British Heath, Erica Watsoni, p. 13. Baxendell Joseph, E.E.A.S. — On a Source of Atmospheric Ozone, p. 113. On the Connexion between the Humidity of the Air and the Amount of Ozone, 177. Binney E. W., F.E.S., F.G.S., V.P.— On the Eed Marls under Man- chester, p. 2. On some Bronze Coins found sixty years ago under a Peat Bog at Misterton Car, in Notts., p. 5. On Explosions of Fire Damp, p. 56. On the Migration of Swallows, p, 62. On Boulder Stones in the Manchester Drift, p. 71. Bottomley J., D.Sc. — Note on a Method of Comparing the Tints of Coloured Solutions, p. 63. Brockbank W.j F.G.S. — On the Granites of Eavenglass and Criffel, p. 70. Burghardt Charles A., Ph.D. — On the Formation of Azurite from Malachite, p. 72. Carnelley Thomas, B.Sc., F.C.S. — On a Colorimetric Method for determining small quantities of Copper, p. 24. Cockle Sir James, F.E.S, — Notes bearing on Mathematical History, p.6. Dale E. S., B.A. On Crystals of Sulphate of Lead found in Alum Eesidue, p. 89. VI Dancer J. B., F.R.A.S.— A.n Account of some early Experiments -with Ozone, and Remarks upon its Electrical Origin, p. 121. Darbishire R. D., F.G.S. — On a Series of Specimens of very young Rhombus Vulgaris (Cuv.), p. 134. Notes made during a Visit in the past Summer to the Swedish Shell-beds of TTdde valla and the neighbouring districts, p. 135. Dawkins Professor W. Boyd, F.R.S. — On the Depreciation in the Value of Silver, p. 141. Note on Mr. Plant’s Fossil Sacrum from Windy Knoll, p. 149. On the Eucalyptus, p. 161. On a series of Specimens obtained in September, 1875, from the inner side of the barrier reef at Honolulu, p. 179. Dodgson William. — On a Graphical Method of Drawing Spectra, p. 103. Joule J. P., LL.D., F.R.S., V.P.—Glue Battery, p. 1. On the Utilza- tion of the Common Kite, p. 61. Mackereth Thomas, F.R.A.S., F.M.S. — Results of Rain Gauge Obser- vations made at Eccles, near Manchester, during the year 1875, p. 128. Muir M. M. Pattison, F.R.S. E. — Note on the Temperature of the Body during Physical Exertion, p. 10. On the Estimation of very small quantities of Lead and Copper, p. 31. On certain circum- stances which affect the Purity of Water supplied for Domestic Purposes, p. 35. Chemical Notes, p. 57. Percival James. — On a New British Moss— -Hypnum nitidulum (Wahl), p. 101. Plant John, F.G.S.—The Fauna of Cymmeran Bay, Anglesea, part 2, p. 48. On the Gradual Decrease of Wild Birds during the last twenty-five Years west of Manchester, p. 102. Evidence to prove that a Bone from the Windy Knoll, Castleton, named by Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., “ Sacrum of Young Bison,” is a Sacral Bone of the Cave Bear, ITrsus Speloeus, p, 107. List of Shells found in Cymmeran Bay, Anglesea ; Corrections and Additions, p. 138. A Beetle of Good Omen from Yucatan, p. 180. Rawson Robert.— -On Explosions of Fire Damp, p. 64. Reynolds Professor Osborne, M.A. — On the Principle of the Electro- Magnet constructed by Mr. John Faulkner, p. 17. On Graphic Methods of Solving Practical Problems, p. 55. Vll Rogers T, On the Discovery of Jungermannia Nevensis, p. 178. Roscoe Professor H, E., F.R.S.— Notes on a Collection of Apparatus employed by Dr. Dalton in his Researches, which is about to be exhibited (by the Council of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester) at the Loan Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington, p. 77. Sadtler Professor. — On the Natural Gas from the Gas Wells in Butler County, Pennsylvania, p. 68. Schorlemmer Professor C., F.R.S.— On some Reactions of Bromine and Iodine, p. 4. On a Sample of Peat from lagoons in the Sierra Madre in Mexico, p. 55. Schunck Edward, Ph. D., F.R.S., President.— On some Isomerides of Alizarine, p. 142, Schuster Arthur, Ph.D.—On a Direct- Vision Spectroscope, p. 73. On a New Absorptiometer, p, 74. Sidebotham J., F.R.A.S. — On the Life History of Lymexylon Navale, p. 76, On Psammodius Sulcicollis, p, 76. On the Discovery of iEgialia rufa, p. 178. Smith R. Angus, Ph.D., F.R.S., V.P.-— The Eucalyptus near Rome, p. 150. Spence Peter, F.C.S.— On a Lead Pipe which had been transformed into Galena, p. 17. Stewart Professor Balfour, LL,D., F.R.S. — On an Instrument for Measuring the Direct Heat of the Sun, p. 20. Thomson William, F.C.S. — On the Degree of Accuracy Displayed by Druggists in the Dispensing of Physicians’ Prescriptions in diffe- rent Towns throughout England and Scotland, p. 90. Waters Arthur William, F.G.S.— On the Zoological Station and Aquarium at Naples, p. 82. Williams William Carleton, F.C.S. — Stannic Arsenate, p. 67. Vlll Meetings of the Physical and Mathematical Section. — Annual, p. 177 Ordinary, pp. 113, 121, 177. Meetings of the Microscopical and Natural History Section. — Annual, p. 181 Ordinary, pp. 13, 47, 75, 76, 101, 134, 178. Report of the Council.— April, 1876, p. 165. PROCEEDINGS OP THE LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Ordinary Meeting, October 5th, 1875. Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.RS., &c., President, in the Chair. Mr. Thomas Mackereth, F.RA.S., F.M.S., was elected an Ordinary Member of the Society. “Glue Battery,” by Dr. J. P. Joule, F.RS., &c. If sulphate of zinc or sulphate of copper be dissolved in solution of gelatine and then carefully dried, an elastic solid is produced holding the salt in combination, which softens on the application of heat. I have taken advantage of this circumstance to form a voltaic couple which illustrates Fara- day's discovery of the necessity of liquefaction for electro- lysis, and which also may not be without some practical advantages. I paint pieces of zinc with glue impregnated with salt of zinc, and pieces of copper with glue charged with sulphate of copper, dry, and lay them together in series. The pile thus formed is inert when cold, but capable of giving a good current when heated, as will be seen from the following results obtained with a single couple in connexion with a delicate galvanometer : Proceedings — Lit. & Phil. Soc.— Vol. XV.— No. 1.— Session 1875-6. 2 Temp. Fahr. Deflection. Temp. Fahr. Deflection. 61° ... 0° 150° 5° Ox o o O o o O 160° 7° 20' GO O o O h— ■* o 170° 8° 10' 90° o o H 180° 10° 20' o O i—1 H ... 2° 50' 190° 17° 40' 130° ... 3° O' 200° o CO O' 140° o O After the lapse of three years I find that the above couple has retained its powers almost unimpaired. E. W. Binney, F.B.S., V.P., said that many years ago, when he first came to Manchester, the red sandstone found under the city was known by the nameof theUpper New Bed Sandstone, the lowest division of the Trias and the equivalent of the Bun- ter. The authorities of the Geological Survey have divided it into Lower Soft Bed Sandstone, Pebble Beds, and Upper Soft Bed Sandstone ; but the Pebble Beds are the deposits chiefly found under Manchester. Superior to this sandstone he had seen a deposit of red marls which he thought resem- bled the red marls of Cheshire, and at page 37 of the 1st vol. of the Transactions of the Manchester Geological Society he states that “ this deposit, extending over so great a por- tion of the neighbouring county of Chester and reaching to a great thickness in the salt beds, is seldom to be seen in the south east of Lancashire. The only place where I have observed it is on the south of the town along the line of the Oxford Boacl from All Saints’ Church to St. Peter’s Square. After going through the diluvial clay a thin band of two feet in thickness occurs. In Chepstow Street leading out of Oxford Boad this bed is between four and five feet in thickness. In the middle of it occurs a light coloured layer resembling fullers’ earth in appearance, -which briskly effer- vesces when treated with dilute hydrochloric acid. The lower part of the marl becomes arenaceous and passes 3 gradually into the upper sandstone. Both rocks dip to the W.S.W. at an angle of 8°. The marls here found are of a dark red colour, variegated by streaks and patches of green and yellow. They effervesce feebly with acids. No clearly recognized organic remains have been found in them — a circular concretion something resembling the cast of an ammonite was found in Chepstow Street.” Since this no- tice was written, about 35 years ago, nothing has appeared respecting these marls. During the past summer he had noticed some shafts being sunk on the site of the intended new railway station of the Cheshire Lines in Back New- berry and Bedford streets. In the first named locality the following section was met with : — Till or Brick Clay 15ft. Red and Variegated Marl 27 42 In the last named Till 15ft. Red Marl 41 56 The red marls in their lower portions gradually became arenaceous and finally passed into the underlying red sand stone. In the pebble beds strata of red marls of one to two feet in thickness are sometimes met with, but nothing like a deposit of 40 feet. As the line of the Great Irwell fault of above 3,000 feet in throw runs a little to the south of the dis- trict where the marls are met with it is probable that these are a lower portion of the Bed Marls of Cheshire lying above the Bunter beds of the Trias. He brought the matter before the Society for the purpose of directing the attention of the members to any excavations they might observe, as it was desirable that no facts concerning the rocks under our city should escape notice, and as so few opportunities occur for observing this deposit of marls no opportunity for ex- amining them should be lost. 4 Ordinary Meeting, October 19th, 1875. Edward Schungk, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. “ On some Reactions of Bromine and Iodine,” by Professor C. SCHORLEMMER, F.R.S. Although it is well known that iodine dissolves in chlo- roform and some other liquids, such as carbon-sulphide and petroleum-naphtha, with a fine purple and bromine with a yellow colour, it seems not to be known that, under certain conditions, a colourless solution may be obtained containing both these elements in the free state. Thus on adding diiute chlorine water drop by drop to a weak solution of potassium iodide and bromide, containing an excess of the latter, and shaking the liquid at the same time with chloroform, the purple colour of the iodine makes first its appearance, but gradually becomes fainter and at last disappears completely. It is, however, not easy to hit exactly the point, when the chloroform becomes quite colourless, but this is readily effected by adding so much chlorine water that the chloroform assumes a faint yellow tint, and then shaking the liquid with a cold and dilute so- lution of sodium bicarbonate, which must be carefully added drop by drop. It is easily proved that the colourless solu- tion thus formed contains both free bromine and iodine, for on adding more bicarbonate, in order to remove the free bromine, the purple colour gradually appears again. I am not able as yet to explain these facts ; it is not a case of two complementary colours neutralising each other as I first assumed; for on mixing dilute solutions of the two elements in dry chloroform no colourless solution can be ob- tained. It seems that the presence of water has something * 0 to do with it, for on adding the solution of bromine to that of chloroform until the purple is changed into a light brown, then shaking well with water, the colour of the chlo- roform becomes much paler and even disappears almost completely. E. W. Binney, Y.P., F.ft.S, said that at the last meeting he had stated the circumstance of an urn containing bronze coins having been discovered under a peat moss. He now exhibited two small coins of bronze, about half an inch in diameter, evidently Roman from the figures on them, and most probably of the reign of Otho. They were found sixty years since under a peat bog of fifteen feet in depth, in an earthenware urn buried in the upper red marl of Misterton Car, in Notts, which forms the southern portion of the Level of Hatfield Cliace, a large turf moss on the borders of the counties of York, Lincoln, and Nottingham. Some hundred coins were in the urn, and the two in his possession were presented to him about fifty years since by his relative the late Mrs. Joseph Hickson of East Stockwith, on whose pro- perty they were met with, and who furnished him with the above particulars. In the peat under which they occurred numbers of large oak and yew trees, with their roots attached to them, were as thickly placed as they could have grown on dry and strong soil. At the period when the urn was deposited, the spot was a dense forest, which was prob- ably destroyed by the drainage of the district having been impeded by the raising of the beds of the rivers Trent, Ouse, and Idle, and thus causing the formation of the bog. The Hutch, under the direction of Sir Cornelius Vermuyden, and more modern drainers, have succeeded in bringing the land into a state fit for corn growing, but not capable of producing such oaks and yews as are now found, with their roots attached to them, lying in the peat. 6 “Notes bearing on Mathematical History;’ by Sir James Cockle, F.R.S., Corresponding Member of the Society. 1. To the list of Professor Boole’s writings which follows the preface to the Supplementary Volume of his “Differen- tial Equations” [2nd (posthumous) ed., 1865, pp. viii — xi] may be added a paper entitled “ Mr. Boole’s theory of the mathematical basis of logic,” published in the Mechanics' Magazine (1848, vol xlix, pp. 254-255). 2. Mr. Blissard in his “theory of generic equations” (Q J. of Math. vol. iv, p. 279 ; vol. v, pp. 58 and 185, see also pp. 184 and 325) has applied “representative notation’’ very extensively. Professor J. B. Young had noticed ( Mech . Mag., 1847, vol. xlvii, p. 627) that the law of Bernoulli’s numbers is expressed by (1 +B)”-Bn = 0 if we write the exponents of B below instead of above that symbol. Judging from what purports to be an examination paper, I see that Prof. Young, examining for the Andrews Scholarship, 1851, at University College, London, again noticed (in question 7) the law. 3. In Notes and Queries (1854, vol. x, p. 48 ; see also p. 191; and 2nd Ser. vol. viii, p. 465, vol. ix, p. 340, vol. x, p. 162; and 4th Ser. vol. ii, p. 316) I long ago pointed out that Barocius, in the margin of p. 264 of his Proclus (1560) cites the Geometrical enarrationes of Geminus, and I suggested that there might yet be some hope of recovering that work. In a comment (jib. 2nd Ser. vol. ix, p. 449) on something I had said, De Morgan remarked that he took “ enarrationum” as a printer’s mistake for “ effectionum,” if Heilbronner were right; adding that if there be, as both Petavius and Heib bronner seem to state, a printed catalogue of the manu- scripts of Barocius, it would be desirable to revive the knowledge of it. De Morgan states that Petavius is the authority for manuscripts of Barocius being brought to England, and that it may be that a manuscript book of 7 Geminus, which Petavius describes as “ nondum editus,” yet exists in some English library. One of two strange things must have happened (see He Morgan, ib. p. 450), viz. either the minute Petavius omitted the title of the work, if it were given : or Heilbronner preserved a title from some other source, if it were not. I am not aware that the manuscript has been discovered. 4. Lagrange, at page 2 of vol. i of his “ Mecanique Anali- tique” (1.811), observes that the laws of statics are founded on general principles which may be reduced to three ; that of the lever, that of the composition of forces, and that of virtual velocities. He says (ib. p. 18, No. 14) that the principle of the lever is the only one which has the advan- tage of being founded on the nature of equilibrium consi- dered in itself, and as a state independent of motion. 5. Lagrange (ib. p. 20) says that it does not appear that the ancients knew of the law of virtual velocities. From what is said by Whewell in his “ History of the Inductive Sciences” (1837, vol. ii, pp. 39 and 42; vol. i, pp. 69, 81, 82 and 94) it seems that the law, so far as it relates to the lever, was known to Aristotle. Whewell considered the physical philosophy of Aristotle (ib. i, 25) and of the Greeks (ib. 33) as an utter failure. He apparently regarded the doctrine of the lever (see vol. ii, p. 59 ; vol. i, chap. I, sect. 1, p. 91) with greater favour than that of virtual velocities (see vol. ii, chap. II, sect. 4, p. 39), in connection with which he makes no special mention of Lagrange (see vol. ii, p. 120). Professor Cayley (Messenger, N. S., vol. iii, p. 1) has given a dissertation “ On the general equation of virtual velocities.” 6. There are two modes of approaching the parallelogram of forces. First, we may from the composition of motions, through the second law of motion, pass to the composition of forces. Thomson and Tait, fortified by the example of Newton (see their ‘Treatise,’ &c., vol. i, pp. 181, 182, § 255 — 257) have followed this mode, which they believe 8 to contain the most philosophical foundation for statics. Lagrange, whose writings are a mine of historical informa- tion, says (‘ Mec. Anal/ i, 13) that the ancients knew the composition of motions, as we see by some passages of Aristotle, in his Mechanical Questions; and that the geo- meters especially have employed it for the description of curves, as, Archimedes for the spiral, Nicomedes for the conchoid, &c. 7. Secondly, we may seek to arrive at the composition of pressures, independently of the second law of motion, by processes which are valid whether that law be a law of nature or not, and which would be valid even if we had not any conception of motion, and which indeed do not render it necessary to consider whether pressure does or does not tend to produce motion. Lagrange (‘Mec. An.’ i, 19) thinks that the principle of the composition of forces, in being separated from that of the composition of motions, loses its principal advantages ; and he, just before saying this, throws out a doubt as to whether a principle used by Daniel Ber- noulli in his demonstration was altogether independent of the conception of motion. The whole subject of composition is discussed by De Morgan in his paper “ On the General Principles of which the Composition or Aggregation of Forces is a consequence.” (Carab. Trans. Yol X. Part II, 1859). 8. Lagrange (‘Mec. An.’ i, p. 14 No. 11) observes that, although the principles of the lever and of composition lead always to the same results, it is remarkable that the simplest case for the one becomes the most complicated for the other. He adds (ib. No. 12) that we can establish an immediate connection between these two principles by a theorem of Varignon. Newton’s view is noticed by Lagrange (ib. No. 10). 9 Thomson and Tait have a special object (“Treatise” &c. vol. i, Preface p. v; p. 141 par. (f); p. 341 § 453), in refer- ence to which Newton’s proof may be the more appropriate or elegant. I here use the word “elegant” in the sense which 9 Austin, in his “Lectures on Jurisprudence5’ (vol. ii, p. 365) says it is used by the Roman lawyers. But there is much that is interesting in the other investigations on the subject. 10. Lagrange (ib. p. 29) uses the term “moment” in the sense which Galileo (ib. p. 20) gave it, viz : the product of the force into its virtual velocity ; noticing however another {ib. p. 7) meaning viz. the product of the force into the arm of the lever by which it acts. 11. Whewell (Hist. Ind. Sci., i, 93), speaking of a “matter of obvious and universal experience,” says “ This general fact is obvious, when w~e possess in our minds the ideas which are requisite to apprehend it clearly. When we are so prepared, the truth appears to be manifest, independent of experience, and is seen to be a rule to which experience must conform.” He seems (ib. ii, 25) to reiterate this opinion, which, if “appears to be manifest” be taken to mean “is self-evident,” will hardly pass unquestioned. 12. Lagrange (‘Mec. An.’ i, 4, 5) tells us, hi words which I translate as follows, to “ imagine a triangular plane loaded with two equal weights at the two ends of its base, and with a double weight at its vertex. This plane will evidently be in equilibrium, when supported by a straight line or fixed axis, which passes through the middle of the two sides of the triangle ; for we may regard each of these sides as a lever loaded at its two ends with two equal weights, and which has its fulcrum on the axis "which passes through its middle. Now we may contemplate this equilibrium in another manner, by regarding the base itself of the triangle as a lever of which the ends are loaded with two equal "weights ; and by imagining that there is a transverse lever which joins the vertex of the triangle and the middle of its base in the form of a T, and of which one end is loaded with the double weight placed at the vertex, and the other serves as the fulcrum of the lever wThich forms the base. It is evident that this last lever will be in equilibrium on the transverse lever which sustains it at its middle, and that the transverse lever wdll consequently be in equilibrium on the axis 10 on which the plane is already in equilibrium. But since the axis passes through the middle of the twm sides of the triangle, it will pass also necessarily through the middle of the straight line drawn from the vertex of the triangle to the middle of its base ; hence the transverse lever will have its fulcrum at the middle point, and must consequently be equally loaded at its two ends. Hence the load supported by the fulcrum of the lever which forms the base of the triangle, and wThich is loaded at its two ends with equal weights, will be equal to th'e double weight at the vertex, and consequently equal to the sum of the two weights.” 13. Whewell in his “Mechanical Euclid” (2nd ed. p. 170) says that it will be found that Lagrange’s proof, if distinctly stated, involves some such axiom as this : — that “ If two forces, acting at the extremities of a straight line, and a single force, acting at an intermediate point of the straight line, produce the same effect to turn a body about another line, the two forces produce at the intermediate point an effect equal to the single force.” He adds that though this axiom may be self-evident, it will hardly be considered as more simple than the proposition to be proved. Without discussing Whe well’s criticism I ob- serve that Lagrange (‘Mec. An.’ i, 16, 19) regards forces as quantities which can be added and subtracted, and which may be regarded ( ib . p. 18) as weights. De Morgan (loc. cit.) seems to be of opinion that the proposition that the weight of the whole is equal to the sum of the weights of all the parts is known only by experience. “ Oakwal,” near Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, July 22, 1875. “Note on the Temperature of the Body during Physical Exertion,” by M. M. Pattison Mum, F.RS.E., Assistant Lecturer on Chemistry, Owens College. In Nature , vol. xii, p. 132, appeared an account of Dr. Forel’s observations on body -temperature during mountain li climbing, the general conclusion of which was that the tem- perature of the body increases during ascents or descents. In the same journal, p. 165 of the same volume, Dr. Thorpe has published the results of observations made upon himself during an ascent of Mount Etna, from which it appears that he noticed a small decrease of temperature. Dr. Anderson, however, Nature, vol. xii, p. 186, partially confirms the earlier experiments of Drs. Marcet and Lortet, who observed a decrease of 8 or f degrees F. in the tempera- ture of the body during mountain ascents. The greatest fall recorded by Dr. Anderson amounts to 10,6 F. During the long vacation I carried out a few experiments upon my own body-temperature while rowing and while ascending a height. The observations were made with a registering clinical thermometer, the bulb of which was placed in the mouth underneath the tongue. The bulb was allowed to remain in this situation during five minutes before the readings were noted. Experiment I. Initial temperature 980,5 F. After rowing for \ hour 99o,05 After hard rowing for f hours 9 8° ’6 After resting J hour, eating two biscuits, and gently rowing for f hours 99° Experiment II. Initial temperature 9 8° -4 F. After | hour’s hard rowing 99° After 1 hour’s ,, „ 980,7 Experiment III.— Ascent of Goatfell. Beginning ascent Time. 1p.m... Height in Feet. Temp. .. 98 °*8 Easy climbing. Warm P50 ... ... 900.... ... 99° Stiffer climb. Perspiring 2-30 ... ... 1,750 .... .. 99°*5 Hard climbing. Perspiring much . . . 2-45 ... ... 2,200 .... .. 99°-2 Very hard climbing. ,, „ ... 3-0 ... ... 2,750 .... .. 99° After descent of 2,500ft, Warm ... 4-0 ... , .. 99°*3 12 The observations were invariably taken while actually rowing or climbing. These numbers are, in the main in accordance with those of Dr. Forel, and shew that a slight increase took place in my body-temperature during physical exertion. This in- crease was decidedly marked during the first half hour while rowing, and the first one and a-half hours while climbing, after which times a diminution of temperature took place, the final temperature being in no case, however, so low as the initial temperature. Dr. Anderson, (loc. cit.) has attempted to explain the varying results of different observers by supposing that in some men the heat transformed into motion, and spent in doing work is restored by quick oxidation of material with- in the organism, while in the case of others whose power of oxidation is slower, no such equilibrium is maintained, and a decrease in body temperature consequently ensues. Looked at in this light the above numbers seem to show that during the earlier phases of physical exertion oxidation was more than sufficient to restore heat spent in doing work, but that as the work was continued and grew harder the excess of heat was gradually encroached upon. In the paper already cited from Nature (vol xii, p. 132) the abstractor shews that if body-temperature be taken as the exponent of internal work, then a greater increase ought to be observed during extra muscular work if unaccompanied by external work than if so accompanied. The results which I have obtained during canoeing bear out this theory. The follow- ing were the numbers : — - Experiment IY. Initial temperature 9S°*3 F. After 20 minutes hard paddling 99°#4 After 30 „ „ „ 99°'4 The external work .done in propelling a light canoe through the water must be less than that needed for the 13 propulsion of a tolerably sized rowing boat— yet there is a very considerable amount of muscular work in maintaining the paddle in position, in the movements of the body, &c. Now the increase of temperature amounted to 1°*1 F., a much larger quantity than any noticed either during row- ing or mountain climbing, where the external work is larger. Nor was the decrease which followed the first in- crease in the latter cases, noticeable while canoeing, probably because the external work was not continued long enough to make any great demand upon the internal heat. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. October 11th, 1875. Joseph Baxendell, F.RA.S., in the Chair. Mr. Plant exhibited specimens of Locusta migratoria, found in Ordsall Lane and Peel Park, Salford, after the unusually strong equinoctial gales of the end of September. “ On the Hybrid British Heath, Erica Watsoni , Benth.,” by Charles Bailey, Esq. Some weeks ago Mr. E. W. Nix, M.A., when in Cornwall with his brother Mr. Arthur Nix, collected, on a wet, boggy moor in the neighbourhood of Truro, a heath, whose habit and characters struck him as being different both from Erica Tetralix and E. ciliaris, and both gentlemen were satisfied it was a hybrid form. A small specimen which Miv Edward Nix brought home with him to Manchester was shown to me for identification, and I had no doubt in naming it as the Erica tetralici-ciliaris of Syme {—E. Wat- soni of Benth am). 14 Nine years ago I spent a whole day in a careful but unsuccessful search for this plant in the same neighbour- hood, and it was with much pleasure I saw Mr. Nix’s speci- men this year, as the only examples of this hybrid which I had previously seen were those which Mr. H. C. Watson has from time to time distributed through the Botanical Exchange Club. Mr. Watson’s plant came originally from Cornwall, where it was collected by the late Rev. C. A. Johns many years ago, and this plant having been trans- planted to Mr. Watson’s garden, has been the principal source from which British botanists have obtained speci- mens. Knowing the rarity of the occurrence of this plant in a wild state, I urged Mr. Nix to procure a root from the locality where he discovered it, and to the united kindness of this gentleman and his brother the Section is indebted for a sight of the living plant now exhibited. From a paragraph in the report of the Botanical Ex- change Club, which has appeared during the last three weeks, we learn that Mr. Cunnack of Heiston, with Mr. Blow, also found this hybrid last year, on a barren moor between Truro and Penryn. Mr. Nix’s plant has affinities with both its supposed parents. It differs from Erica Tetralix in its longer and larger corolla, which is pear-shaped rather than urceolate in form through a rather sudden contraction in the uppermost half ; in its having a herbaceous bract at the base of each pedicel ; and in its more numerous barren branches. It differs from Erica ciliaris in its less leafy habit and more spreading branches; in its more raceme-like inflor- escence ; and in its stamens, which have two minute, short- ly-ciliate, subulate awns. Its leaves have more affinity with those of E. ciliaris both in shape and pubescence, but it is destitute of all glands at the extremities of the cilia of the margin of the leaf; this feature is the more noteworthy as the cilia in Mr. Watson’s specimens are nearly all 15 glandular. The styles are very slightly exserted and the uppermost portion does not gradually widen upwards as in E. ciliaris, but it is abruptly capitate as in E. Tetralix , and the ovary is downy, not glabrous, but I cannot find on the whole plant a single ovary which has come to maturity. The character by which the hybrid appears to be differ- entiated from its allies the most readily is taken from the anther, and more particularly by its awn-like appendages. The anthers of E. Tetralix possess two awns which are equal in length to the lobes of the anther, while the filament is united to the anther at the back just above the base of the lobes. The anthers of E. ciliaris are also attached by their bases to the filament, but there is no trace of any awns. In the hybrid plant however, the attachment of the filament is higher up the back of the papillose anther, so that the two lobes project much more than in the parent plants; from each side of the filament at its junction with the anther, there rises a slender awn whose length is only one-fourth that of the anther, and these two awns do not project beyond the lobes as they do in Erica Tetralix. From a comparison of the specimens exhibited, it will be seen that Mr. Nix’s plant comes nearer to E. ciliaris than do Mr. Watson’s, particularly in the infloresence ; but they agree perfectly in the character of the awns of the anther, as noted above. In habit it seems to have some affinity with E. MacJcaiana, and it is nearer E. Tetralix than E. Ciliaris in this respect. The habitat of the hybrid plant is described by Mr. Nix as decidedly boggy, and his observation of the Cornish local- ities of E. ciliaris leads him to conclude that it also flour- ishes best in a similarly moist station. Dr. Syme on the other hand gives “ sandy heaths ” as the character of the station of E. ciliaris. Erica Tetralix loves boggy land, and this seems to be the character of the station where Erica tetralici-ciliaris flourishes in some abundance. The Connemara station for Erica Mackaiana is peculiar; according to my observation it occurs only on a small rocky eminence which rises out of a vast bog which is the home of E. Tetrcclix; as it grows in free flowering bushes a foot or more in height, it may readily be picked out from plants of E. Tctralix. A series of British and Continental specimens of the heaths named in this communication now lie on the tables for comparison with the living plant. 17 Ordinary Meeting, November 2nd, 1875. R. Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., Vice-President, in the Chair. Peter Spence, F.C.S., &c., exhibited a piece of 2 to 3 inch lead pipe in which the metal had been entirely trans- formed into galena, the crystalisation being visible through the whole of the specimen. The shape of the lead pipe was unaltered, showing that the lead had not been exposed to a melting heat, no increase of bulk was visible, but the pipe was so brittle as to shiver with a blow. The circumstances in which this change was effected, as nearly as can be made out, were as follows. The pipe had been used for the conveyance of gas ammo* niacal water and was sunk under ground. It was in the vicinity of a furnace which heated the ground where it lay. It had been disused for some years but never taken up. When the ground where it lay had to be ex- cavated for a new erection, it was found that there had been a considerable leak of gas water, as the ground for some space was impregnated with ammoniacal salts. About 25 per cent of the ammonia in gas water being sulphide, and the ground being warm, a constant atmosphere of sulphide of ammonium would surround the pipe, and this seems to have been the cause of the conversion of the lead into sulphide, as only that part of the pipe which was in the vicinity of the leak was found to be transformed. “ On the Principle of the Electro-Magnet constructed by Mr. John Faulkner,” by Professor Osborne Reynolds, M A. Proceedings— Lit, & Phil. Soc.—Yol. XV.— No. 2.— Session 1875-6.. 18 The magnet which forms the subject of this paper consists of a soft iron bar with a flat plate attached to one end and surrounded by a coil of wire in the same way as the ordinary electro-magnet. Outside this coil is placed a tube of soft iron of the same length as that portion of the interior bar which projects beyond the plate; this tube has flat ends - — one of which is in contact with the plate, while the other comes up flush with the end of the bar — so that a plate or keep placed over the end is in contact with both the bar and the cylinder. The magnet is excited in the ordinary way, by connecting the ends of the wire which forms the coil with the poles of a battery. When thus excited this magnet exhibits certain peculiarities as compared with a common magnet. In the first place the magnetic field is very limited, being confined to the space in front of the open end of the tube, there is little or no magnetism along the tube or at the closed end. The magnet retains its keep with greater force than the simple bar. Mr. Faulkner has some magnets of this kind which retain the keep with 100 times more force when the outer tube is on than when it is removed. The ratio of these retaining powers appears, however, to depend on the relative diameters of the bar and the tube ; the larger the bar in proportion to the tube, the greater is the difference. Some magnets, made especially to test the relative powers, give an increase of only double as compared with the simple bar magnet. This magnet has a greater sustaining power than the horse-shoe magnet. This was shown by putting tubes round the poles of a horse-shoe magnet, by which means it was made to sustain greater weights than it would without the tubes. The object of the paper was to suggest explanations of these phenomena. They were attributed to three principal causes. 1. The tube surrounding the bar unites the poles and converts the magnet into a kind of horse-shoe magnet, the 19 ends of the tube having the opposite polarity to those of the bar. If this were all, however, this magnet would not have any advantage over the horse-shoe magnet. 2. The close proximity of the tube to the bar enables the one pole to exert greater inductive action on the other, than in the case of the horse-shoe form. 3. The electro-magnetic action of both sides of the coil is utilised in the same manner as in the astatic galvanometer. The current converts the tube into a magnet of opposite polarity to the bar, and hence these two magnets act upon each other by induction, which their relative positions enables them to do with the greatest effect. It appears from the researches of Dr. Joule that the larger the bar inside the coil the less will be the intensity of magnetism exerted in it by the coil. While it may be shown that the smaller the tube — the closer it is to the coil — the greater will be the intensity of magnetism excited in it. Also the inductive action of the iron in the tube on that of the bar is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. Hence it follows that the effect of using the outside as well as the inside of the coil must increase rapidly as the diameter of the bar approximates to the internal diameter of the tube. After the reading of the paper, Mr. Faulkner exhibited some of his magnets ; and by means of iron fdings scattered on sheets of paper produced some very beautiful diagrams illustrating the effect of the outside tube on the magnetic field, General Meeting; November 16th, 1875, Rev. William Gaskell, M.A., Vice-President, in the Chair, Mr. John Boyd, of Victoria Park, and Mr. E. W. Nix, M.A., of the Branch Bank of England, were elected Ordinary Members of the Society. •20 Ordinary Meeting, November 16th, 1875. Rev. William Gaskell, M.A., Vice-President, in the Chau. « On an Instrument for Measuring the Direct Heat of the Sun,” by Professor Balfour Stewart, LL.D., P.R.S. The instrument generally employed tor giving the radiant energy of the sun’s rays acts upon the following principle. In the first place the instrument is sheltered from the sun but exposed to the clear sky, say for five minutes. Let the heat so lost be termed r. Secondly, the instrument is turned to the sun for five minutes. Let the heat so gained be termed R. Thirdly, the instrument being now hotter than it was in the first operation is turned once more so as to be ex- posed to the clear sky for five minutes while it is shielded from the sun. Let the heat so lost be termed r . It thus appears that r denotes the heat lost by convection and radiation united when the instrument, before being heated by the sun, is exposed for five minutes to the clear sky, while r' denotes the heat lost by these same two opera- tions by a similar exposure after the instrument has been heated by the sun; and it is assumed that the heat lost from these two causes during the time when the instru- ment is being heated by the sun will be a mean between r and r', and hence that the whole effect of the sun s rays X + Tf will be in reality R+ -- Now although this assumption may in the average of a great number of experiments represent the truth, yet m many individual cases it may be far from being true, would therefore seem to be desirable to get rid Ox t ns uncertainty by constructing an instrument in which we are sure that the causes of variability are not allowed to operate. 21 Ihese causes of variability I have attempted to get rid of in the following manner. With the help of Mr. Jordan, mechanician at Owens College, the following instrument lias oeen constructed. It consists of a large mercurial ther- mometer with its bulb in the middle of a cubical cast iron c namber, this chamber being of such massive material that i s temperature will remain sensibly constant for some time. The chamber with its thermometer has a motion in azimuth round a vertical axis A, andtdso a motion in altitude round a horizontal axis B. A three inch lens C of 12 inches focal length is attached by means of a rod to the cubical chamber so as to move with it. The nature of this attachment will be *een m the figUre- Tllus the whole instrument may be easily moved into such a position that the lens as well as ie upper side of the chamber which is parallel to the plane o the lens may face the sun, and an image of the sun be nown through a hole D in the side of the chamber upon the thermometer bulb E. The stem of the thermometer protrudes from the chamber as in the figure. A screw S somewhat larger in diameter than the bulb of the thermometer is made use of to attach the thermometer to its enclosure, and a smaller screw S' pressing home upon india rubber washers enables the ther- mometer to be properly adjusted and kept tight when in adjustment. In the present instrument the internal diameter of the chamber is 2 inches, while the bulb of the thermometer is about 1J inches in diameter. The scale of the thermometer is very open, more than an inch going to one degree. I have generally allowed the image of the sun given by the lens to heat the thermometer bulb for one minute, during which time an increase of tem- perature, not exceeding in any case two degrees, has been produced. As far as principle is concerned there appears to be no objection to the present instrument, nevertheless it is open to a very serious practical objection. The scale being so very open, the stem comprehends only a few degrees; frequently, therefore, the temperature is such that the extremity of the mercurial column is either below or above the stem. Now the thermometer has a small upper cham- ber, and by means of a method of manipulation well known to those who work with thermometers, it is possible to add to or take away from the main body of mercury in the bulb so as to keep the end of the mercurial column always in the stem. But experience has convinced me that for a ther- mometer with such a large bulb, frequent manipulation of this kind is not unattended with danger to the bulb. On this account the instrument in its present form is, I conceive, unsuited for steady work in an observatory from year to year. It is however possible without any appreciable sacrifice of the scientific principle of the instrument to alter it in 23 such a manner as to remedy this defect. Without altering the size of the bulb, I should propose for a permanent instrument a stem say 18 inches long with a bore of such diameter that the stem should embrace a range of tempera- ture betwen 20° Fahr. and 92° Fahr. Thus somewhat less than five degrees will go to the inch. The stem might be protected from the risk of accident by an appropriate shield. Let such a thermometer be heated for two minutes and the size of the lens be somewhat increased. In this case a rise of something like 5° Fahr. will be obtained, and this heating effect might very easily be estimated to one hundredth of the whole, while the same thermometei would serve for all the temperatures likely to occur in these islands during the course of the year. I ought to add that a pasteboard cover, gilded on the out- side is made to surround the chamber, and also that between the lens and the chamber there is a pasteboard shield with a hole in it to permit the full rays from the lens to pass-— the object of this shield being to prevent rays from the sun or sky from reaching the instrument. In such an instrument r or the change taking place in the thermometer before exposure to the sun will in all pro- bability completely disappear, while r will be extremely small. At any rate we may be quite certain that R + r + r' '~T~ will accurately represent the heating effect of the sun. We may probably suppose that in the same instrument the lens (which must always be kept clean) will always stop the same or nearly the same proportion of the solar rays. But the lens of one instrument may not stop the same pro- portion as that of another instrument. This, however, is no objection if it be borne in mind that the instrument is a differential one. In practice there would be some standard instrument which would be retained at a central observatory, and all other instruments would, before being issued, be 24 compared with it. It would be thus possible to compare to- gether the indications of various instruments working in different places provided that these before being issued had their co-efficients determined at the central observatory. “On a Colorimetric Method for determining small quan- tities of Copper/’ by Thomas Carnelley, B.Sc., F.C.S., Demonstrator in the Chemical Laboratory of Owens College. Communicated by Professor PI. E. Roscoe, F.R.S., &c., &c. Last year I brought before this Society a paper (Proceed- ings Yol. XI Y., 2) on a colorimetric method for determining iron in waters, and as this method has been found convenient for estimating small quantities of iron in substances other than water,* I thought it would likewise be useful to have a delicate and easy method of a similar kind for copper, and it is the description of such a method that forms the subject of the present paper. The reagent used is the same as in the case of iron, viz., potassium ferrocyanide, which gives a purple-brown colour with very dilute solutions of copper. This reaction, how- ever, is not so delicate as it is with iron, for 1 part of the latter in 13,000,000 parts of water can be detected by means of potassium ferrocyanide, while 1 part of copper in a neutral solution, containing ammonium nitrate, can be easily detected in only 2,500,000 parts of water. Of the coloured reactions which copper gives with different reagents, those with sul- phuretted hydrogen and potassium ferrocyanide are by far the most delicate, and as a preliminary the comparitive values of these two reagents were tested with the following results, the determination being made in each case in 150cc. of water (1) With H2S. 1 part of copper produces a colour in 2,500,000 parts of water. * Among others I may mention that use has been made of this method by Wanklyn, in the indirect determination of Alum in Bread. — Chemical News, Yol. XXXI., p. 67. 25 (2) With K4FeCy6 (a) In acid solutions, the colour produced being earthy brown, 1 part of copper produces a colour in 1,000,000 parts of water. (h) In neutral solutions, the colour being purple-brown, 1 part of copper produces a colour in 1,500,000 parts of water. (c) In neutral solutions containing ammonium nitrate, the colour being purple-brown, 1 part of copper produces a colour in 2,500,000 parts of water. From the above it will be seen that of the two reagents, sulphuretted hydrogen is the more delicate, except in the latter case when they are of equal value. But potassium ferrocyanide has a decided advantage over sulphuretted hydrogen in the fact that lead, when not present in too large quantity does not interfere with the depth of colour obtained, whereas to sulphuretted hydrogen it is, as is well known, very sensitive. And though iron if present would, without special pre- caution being taken, prevent the determination of copper by means of potassium ferrocyanide, yet by the method as described below the amounts of these metals contained together in a solution can be estimated by this reagent. As the above results show ammonium nitrate renders the reaction much more delicate ; other salts, as ammonium chloride and potassium nitrate, have likewise the same effect. The method of analysis consists in the comparison of the purple-brown colours produced by adding to a solution of potassium ferrocyanide — first, a solution of copper of known strength, and secondly, the solution in which the copper is to be determined. The solutions and materials required are as follows : — (1) Standard copper solution. — Prepared by dissolving 0-393 grm. of pure CuSo4*5H20 in one litre of water, lcc. is then equivalent to 01 mgrm. Cu. 26 (2) Solution of ammonium nitrate. — Made by dissolving 100 grm. of the salt in one litre of water, (3) Potassium f 'err ocyanide solution. — Containing 1 part of the salt in 25 parts of water. (4) Two glass cylinders holding rather more than 150cc. each, the point equivalent to that volume being marked on the glass. They must, of course, both be of the same tint and as nearly colourless as possible. (5) A burette, marked to Acc., for the copper solution ; a 5cc. pipette for the ammonium nitrate, and a small tube to deliver the potassium ferrocyanide in drops. The following is the method of analysis : — Five drops of the potassium ferrocyanide are placed in each cylinder, and then a measured quantity of the neutral solution in which the copper is to be determined into one of them (A), and both filled up to the mark with distilled water, 5cc. of the ammonium nitrate solution added to each and then the standard copper solution run gradually into (B), till the colours in both cylinders are of the same depth, the liquid being well stirred after each addition. The number of cubic centimetres used are then read off. Each cubic centimetre corresponds to 0T mgrm. of copper, from which the amount of copper in the solution in question can be calculated. The solution in which the copper is to be estimated must be neutral, for if it contains free acid the latter lessens the depth of colour and changes it from a purple brown to an earthy brown. If it should be acid it is rendered slightly alkaline with ammonia, and the excess of the latter got rid of by boiling. The solution must not be alkaline, as the brown coloration is soluble in ammonia and decomposed by potash ; if it is alkaline from ammonia this is remedied as before by boiling it off ; while free potash, should it be pre- sent, is neutralized by an acid and the latter by ammonia. Within moderate limits the amount of potassium ferro- cyanide does not affect the accuracy of the method as was proved by several experiments, for instance, when ^cc. and 2cc. of the ferrocyanide were added to the two cylinders re- spectively, water up to the mark, and 5cc. of ammonium nitrate to each, then 7cc. of the standard copper solution produced in each an equal depth in colour. The same may be said of the ammonium nitrate, for in one of several trials, all leading to the same result, when there were five drops of ferrocyanide in each cylinder, with water up to the mark, and 5cc. of ammonium nitrate in one and 15cc. in the other, an equal depth of colour was ob- tained on running into each 7cc. of the standard copper solution. The following are the results obtained by estimating the copper in pure solutions of copper sulphate of known strength : — Copper found. Copper calculated. 205-00 mgrm 202-08 32-36 6-50 1*18 M3 0-96 0-75 0-59 0-52 0*42 0-39 0-22 0-13 0-12 0-055 >> j? » j? }) J5 31-32 6-27 M3 1-21 1-01 0-75 0-61 0-50 0-40 0-38 0-20 0-13 0-10 0-050 mgrm, >> 5> }> » >> J) ?> }) In order to test the effect which the different salts might have on the accuracy of the method, 8-0 grms. of a mixture of the following salts, viz.: — Ammonium chloride, sodium chloride, potassium nitrate, calcium chloride, calcium sulphate, 28 and magnesium sulphate, were dissolved with an amount of copper sulphate, containing (HOI grm. Cu. to 1 litre. Vary- ing quantities of this solution were taken, and the copper estimated therein with the following results, from which it is seen that these salts have no detrimental effect. : — Copper found. Copper calculated. 0-54 mgrm 0-51 mgrm. 0-71 „ 0-71 „ 0-91 „ 0-91 „ In the same manner the effect of the presence of colour- less non-volatile organic matter wTas tested by dissolving up 13 grins, of sugar with an amount of copper sulphate equivalent to 0-0505 grm. copper in 1 litre of water, and the copper estimated in two different portions as before, the following numbers being obtained : — • Copper found. Copper calculated. 0'52 mgrm 051 mgrm. 0-82 „ „ 0-81 „ In order to see what influence the presence of lead might exercise on this method of estimating copper, a quantity of the sulphate containing 0 2 55 grm. Cu. was dissolved in water, the copper precipitated by potash, washed, and the oxide dissolved in nitric acid and the solution after nearly neutralizing with ammonia diluted to 1 litre with the ad- dition of 2 grm. of lead, nitrate = 1’25 grm. Pb. Vary- ing quantities of this solution were taken, and the copper in them estimated with the following results : — - Copper found. Copper calculated. 080 mgrm 0'77 mgrm. 0-75 „ 0-70 „ 0-51 „ 0-49 „ 0-49 0-51 „ 0-38 „ 0-35 „ From which it will be seen that lead when present in not too large quantity has little or no effect on the accuracy of the method. The precipitate obtained on adding potassium 29 ferrocyanide to a lead salt is white, ana this, except when present in comparatively large quantity with respect to the copper, does not interfere with the comparison of the colours. In the above experiments the proportion of lead to copper was as 5 to 1. When copper is to be estimated in a solution containing iron the following is the method of procedure to be adopted. To the solution a few drops of nitric acid are added in order to oxidise the iron, the liquid evaporated to a small bulk and the iron precipitated by ammonia,. Even when very small quantities of iron are present this can be done easily and completely if there is only a very small quantity of fluid. The precipitate of ferricoxide is then filtered off, washed once, dissolved in nitric acid and reprecipitated by ammonia, filtered, and washed. The iron precipitate is now free from copper, and in it the iron can be estimated by dis- solving in nitric acid, making the solution nearly neutral with ammonia and determining the iron by the method given in the paper before referred to. The filtrate from the iron precipitate is boiled till all the ammonia is completely driven off, and the copper estimated in the solution so obtained as already described. The following are the results obtained with solutions containing known quantities of iron and copper : — Copper Iron Found Calculated Found Calculated (1) 0'53 mgrm 0’51 mgrm 0-22 0*20 mgrm. (2) 0-69 „ 0-61 „ 2-15 2*40 „ (3) 0-79 „ 0-76 „ 2*42 3-00 „ (4) 0-66 „ 0-G6 — _ When the solution containing copper is too dilute to give any coloration directly with potassium ferrocyanide, a measured quantity of it must be evaporated to a small bulk and filtered if necessary, and if it contains iron, also treated as already described. 30 In the determination of copper and iron in water, for which the method is specially applicable, a measured quan- tity is evaporated with a few drops of nitric acid to dryness, ignited to get rid of any organic matter that might colour the liquid, and dissolved in a little boiling water and a drop or two of nitric acid, if it is not all soluble it does not matter ; ammonia is next added to precipitate the iron, the latter filtered off, washed, redissolved in nitric acid, and again precipitated by ammonia, filtered off and washed. The filtrate is added to the one previously obtained, and the iron estimated in the precipitate and the copper in the united filtrate. The distilled water used in the Owens College Laboratory, and which is condensed by the apparatus made by Hirzel of Leipzig, gave, on analysis by the above method, the following results, two litres of the water being used for the purpose ; — ■ 0T5 parts Cu. O 03 parts Fe. The copper and iron in this case were evidently derived from the fittings of the condensing apparatus, which con- sisted in great part of these metals. in 1,000,000 parts of water. 31 Ordinary Meeting, November 30th, 1875. Edward Schtjnck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. “ On tlie Estimation of very small quantities of Lead and Copper,” by M. M. Pattison Muir, F.R.S.E., Assistant Lecturer on Chemistry, Owens College. As I have lately been occupied with experiments upon the action of saline solutions upon lead and copper, which involved the measurement of very small quantities of these metals I thought it might be well to test the accuracy and delicacy of the method employed. The method itself is in no way new, being that described by Wanklyn in his Book on “ Water Analysis.” The depth of colour produced by the addition of sulphuretted hydrogen water to a known volume of the liquid under examination is compared with the colour produced, by the same means, in an equal volume of water to which a known amount of lead or copper, in solution, has been added. In comparing the colour of the liquid under examination with the standard liquid I find it preferable to employ stout glass tubes, holding about 1 00 cc. and having a diameter of about 1'5 cm., rather than white porcelain dishes as recommended by Wanklyn. The contents of the tubes are thoroughly mixed by means of glass tubes on the ends of which bulbs have been blown. (See Thorpe on a method of estimating nitric acid, &c. Ohem. Soc. J. [2] XI. 547.) Wanklyn recommends the use of standard solutions, 1 cc. of which is equal to 1 mgm. of copper or of lead : he em- ploys 70 cc. of the water to be tested. If, therefore, the colour produced on adding sulphuretted hydrogen water to 70 cc. of the liquid under examination is found to be equal Proceedings— Lit. & Phil, Soc.— Vol. XV.— No. 3.— Session 1S75-6. 32 to that produced by the addition of the same reagent to 70 cc. of distilled water to which 1 cc. of the standard has been added, vTe shall have 1 grain per gallon of lead in the water. But one-tenth of a grain of lead per gallon is generally considered hurtful when present in a drinking water; to estimate this we should require to use only 0T cc. of the standard : a very small error in reading the burette measure- ments would introduce a comparatively large error in the result. Thus in the case of a water containing one-tenth grain of lead per gallon an error in reading of 0'05 cc. would introduce an error in the quantity of lead equal to one-half of the total quantity to be estimated. The first point, there- fore, to investigate appeared to be the strength of the standard solutions. I shall describe the experiments made with copper. Standard used 1 cc. = 1 mgm. copper. Expt. Taken. Found. No. 1 5 mgm. per litre... 4 mgm. per litre. No. 2 2-5 ,, „ 2 „ „ Standard used 1 cc.r^OT mgm. copper. Taken. Found. No, 3 5 mgm. per litre... 4 ’8 mgm. per litre. No. 4 2-5 „ „ 2-4 „ No. 5 0-5 „ „ 0-5 „ In each case 50 cc. of liquid was used. Similar results were obtained with lead solutions. The use of a standard, 1 cc. of which is equal to 0T mgm., of copper or of lead enables more accurate and more delicate results to be obtained than the use of a stronger standard does. The second point to be determined was the limits of accuracy of the method, and first as to the lower limit. From the experiments with copper already detailed it will be seen that 0*5 mgm. of copper per litre could be estimated by using 50 cc. of the liquid. 33 Standard used 1 cc. = 0-1 mgm. copper. Solution contained 0*25 mgm. of copper per litre. Details as before. Added 0-3 cc. standard. Colour too dark. Added 02 cc. „ Colour rather too dark. Added 0-1 cc. „ Colour equal to the other. Taken. Found. No. 6 0-25 mgm. per litre. ... ...0*20 mgm. per litre. In this experiment it was very difficult to determine the exact point at which the colours were the same, as the intensity of coloration produced was very slight. A further addition of O05cc. of the standard could hardly he said to produce a noticeable change in the depth of colour. I think, therefore, that 05 mgm. of copper per litre = 0-035 grains per gallon is the smallest quantity which can be accurately estimated by this process when working with 50 cc. of the liquid under examination. The amount of lead which can be estimated with accuracy is less minute than the amount of copper. Standard used lee. = 0T mgm. lead. Taken. Found. No. 7 Q-25 mgm. per litre... no coloration. No. 8 0-5 „ „ 0’4 mgm. per litre. No. 9 0-75 „ „ 0-6 „ No. 10 .DO „ „ DO „ 1 mgm. of lead per litre = 0 -07 grains per gallon, is, there- fore, the smallest quantity which can be accurately estimated by this process when working with 50cc. of the liquid under examination. By the evaporation of 1 litre of water to 50cc., a quantity of copper so small as 0-025 mgm. per litre, or of lead equal to 0-05 mgm. per litre, can be estimated by this process. In other words, the process will estimate 1 part of copper in 2,000,000 parts of water, or 1 part of lead in 1,000,000 parts of water. Secondly, as to the upper limit. 34 Standard used lcc. = OT mgm. copper. Taken. Found. No. 11 20 mgm. per litre... 20*4 mgm. per litre. No. 12 10 „ „ 10 No. 13 25 „ „ 24— 28 „ No. 14 30 „ „ 28— 32 „ 20 mgm. of copper per litre = 1*4 grains per gallon is the largest quantity which can be estimated by this method when working with 50cc. of the liquid under examination. With lead the following results were obtained : — Taken. Found. No. 15 10 mgm. per litre... 10 mgm. per litre. No. 16 12 „ „ 12 — 15 mgm. per litre. No. 17 15 „ „ colour too dark to allow of estimation. 10 mgm. of lead =0 ‘7 grains per gallon, is, therefore, the largest quantity which can be estimated by this method when working with 50cc. of liquid. In making these determinations, I found that the colours of the liquids might be compared immediately after the addi- tion of sulphuretted hydrogen. The colours did not become intensified on standing. I also found that it was immaterial whether the standard was added before the sulphuretted hydrogen water or vice versa. Thus there is no need if the colour of the standard be too light, to prepare a fresh standard, as must be done in nesslerising. It is only necessary to add another measured quantity to the liquid which already contains sulphuretted hydrogen. The addition of one or two drops of dilute hydrochloric or nitric acid in no way affected the accuracy or delicacy of the estimation of copper. In the case of lead, a drop of hydrochloric acid caused a faint turbidity (especially in estimating large quanities of the metal), which interfered materially with the results. If an acid must be added, acetic acid is, I think, the best. 35 When working with 50cc. of liquid, so small a quantity as 0'5 mgm. of copper, or 1 mgm, of lead per litre, may be estimated by this process. If it is required to estimate smaller quantities than these, the liquid must be con- centrated by evaporation. If the amount of copper exceed 20 mgm., or of lead exceed 10 mgm. per litre, a smaller quantity of the liquid than 50cc. must be used. “On Certain Circumstances which affect the Purity of Water supplied for Domestic Purposes,” by M. M. Patti- SON Muir, F.K.S.E., Assistant Lecturer on Chemistry, Owens College. Water as supplied for domestic use may suffer contamina- tion from various sources. Those which I propose to con- sider are (1) the metallic pipes through which the water flows, and the metallic vessels in which it may be stored, (2) certain of the metallic vessels through which the water may pass during various domestic processes, and (3) the existence of cisterns inside the house in which the water may be stored before it is used. The metals which are most commonly employed in the formation of water pipes, or of vessels in which water is kept, are lead and copper : these metals exert, as is well known, a poisonous action upon the human organism. It is known that water exerts a certain solvent action upon these metals, and that this action varies in accordance with the quality and quantity of the salts held in solution by the water. I have endeavoured to obtain a few definite measurements of this action in regard to (a) the nature of the salts in solution, ( b ) the quantity of those salts, and (c) the length of time during which the action proceeds. I. Action on Lead. » A number of solutions were made containing; a known amount of various salts dissolved in distilled water : pieces of clean bright lead were suspended in these liquids for 36 various lengths of time, and the amount of lead which was dissolved was estimated at certain intervals ; the method employed being the colorimetric one described in the lore- going paper. The salts employed, the amounts of each, and the amount of lead dissolved after 24, 48, and 72 hours’ action are stated in the following table in mgrrns. per litre and in grains per gallon. The surface of lead exposed measured 5600 sq. mm. Table A. Lead dissolved by water containing various salts in solution. Salt. Mgms. per litre. Grains per gall. Lead dissolved. r In Mgms. per Litre. After 24 48 72 In Grains per Gallon. 24 | 48 1 72 hrs. Ammonium Nitrate 20 1*4 13-0 25-0 0-91 1*75 Ditto 40 2-8 15-0 15-0 32-0 1-05 1-05 2-24 Ditto 80 5'6 15-0 • • • 1-05 • • • • . • Potassium Nitrate ■\ 20 P4) and > and and > 2-0 2-0 • • • 014 0-14 • • • j Sodium Sulpliate ... ) 50 3-5 ) Potassium Nitrate 4 40 2-8 and > and and > 0-8 l'O 1-2 0-05 0-07 0-08 Sodium Sulpliate ... ) 212 14-7 ) Potassium Nitrate S 45 3-1 . and > and and > • • • • • • 0-3 • • • 0-021 Potass. Carbonate... ) 305 21-5 ) Potassium Nitrate 4 70 5-4 1 and >and and > • • . • • • 0-5 • • . . • • 0-035 Potassitim Sulphate ) 504 35-2 ) Calcium Sulphate... 252 17-5 0-4 0-8 0-02 • . • 0-05 Ditto 408 28*5 0-4 • • • 1-0 0-02 • . • 0-07 Potass. Carbonate .. 310 217 1 ••• 0'2 • . • 0-014 Ditto 516 36-1 • • . 0-2 0-014 Calcium Chloride ... 250 17-5 0-5 0-5 0‘5 0-04 0-04 0-04 Ditto 510 35 "7 0-3 0-4 0'02 0.028 Sodium Sulphate . . . 200 14-0 . i . 0-8 • . • 0-05 Ditto 400 . 28-0 0-5 0-03 Ammonium Nitrate ) 20 1-4 ) and > and and > • . . i • . P8 ... . . . 0-126 ! Calcium Chloride ... ) 60 4-2 ) Ammonium Nitrate b 20 i-4q Potass. Carbonate f 100 7-0 [ 0’4 0-028 and ( and and ( ... • • • ' 1 ' Sodium Sulphate ... j 200 14-0 J Sodium Sulphate "'i 200 14'°") Potass. Carbonate f 40 2-8f o-i 0-007 and C and and ( ... t • • C 0 • Calcium Chloride . . . j 100 7-0j Loch Katrine water 1-0 DO 1*5 0-07 0-07 0-105 Distilled water 2*0 2-0 3-0 015 0*15 1 0-210 From this table it is evident that the salts enumerated 37 have, when in solution, very different actions upon lead. Nitrates undoubtedly very largely increase the solvent action of water upon lead : the other salts generally diminish this action. The general conclusion which I would draw from these O results are (1.) Nitrates if present alone even in small quantity cause water to exert a very marked solvent action upon lead. (2.) The presence of other salts — sulphates , carbonates, and chlorides — along with nitrates, greatly decreases, or even stops, this solvent action : carbonates especially exercise a deterrent action. (3.) Carbonates, sulphates, and chlorides, when added to distilled water, greatly diminish the solvent action of that water upon lead. (4.) A small quantity— about 15 grains per gallon— of these last mentioned salts exercises almost as great a deterrent action as a comparatively large quantity, about 35 grains per gallon. (5.) The amount of lead dissolved increases but slightly after the lapse of twenty-four hours, in the presence of these salts which exercise a deterrent action upon the solvent power of water on lead. In the presence of salts which increase this action— notably of nitrates — the amount of lead dissolved increases with the length of time during which the water remains in contact with the lead. I cannot speak with certainty upon this point for a greater length of time than 72 hours. In these experiments the lead was uniformly clean and bright. Inasmuch as natural waters, even if contaminated with nitrates, usually contain small quantities of soluble carbonates, sulphates, or chlorides, the solvent action of these waters upon leaden pipes and leaden cisterns may, I think, be said to be, under ordinary circumstances, exceedingly small. I would especially draw attention to the experiment 38 made with water containing 1 *4 grains of ammonium nitrate and 42 grains of calcium chloride per gallon; the amount ol lead dissolved, after 72 hours being only 0126 grains per gallon, whereas water containing the same amount of ammonium nitrate, but without the addition of any other salt, dissolved D75 grains per gallon, or about fifteen times as much lead in the same time. As a water which contains nitrates very often also contains chlorides this reaction is one of some importance. Under certain circumstances there can be no doubt that water will dissolve considerable quantities of lead, this is especially the case with water charged with carbon dioxide, and with hot water Dr. Roscoe has described a case in which a leaden cistern was very quickly acted upon by hot water.* For the following details regarding the amounts of lead found in various samples of aerated beverages in the manu- facture of which leaden apparatus had been employed, I am indebted to my friend, Dr. Milne, of Glasgow. Table B. Lead found in various samples of aerated beverages . Description of Quantity of Lead in Liquid. grains per gallon. Lemonade 0*20 Do 0*40 Do 0-05 Gingerade 0T0 Sodawater — O’GO Do 0-05 In addition to these numbers I have determined the follow- ing, which show the amounts of lead dissolved by distilled water charged with carbon dioxide at the ordinary atmospheric pressure for varying lengths of time, and also the amounts dissolved by the same water on the addition of various salts. The surface of lead exposed measured 2,100 square millimetres. # Proc. Lit. and Phil. Soc., of Manchester, Vol. xiv., p. 23. 39 Table C. Lead dissolved by ivater charged with carbon dioxide at ordinary pressure. Lead Dissolved. Mgms. Grains In mgms. per litre. A In grains per gallon. per litre. per gallon After 24 48 72 24 48 72 hrs. Distilled water char- ged with Carbon Dioxide O o O O 3 0-21 0.21 0-21 The water poured off, more added and again poured off, and finally fresh water con- taining Carbon Dioxide added ... None. None. Potassium Carbon- I 100 7'0 ate and > and and > Merest trace. Merest trace. Ammonium Nitrate 20 1-4 As the results indicated that water charged with carbon dioxide at the ordinary atmospheric pressure exercises no considerable solvent action upon lead, and moreover that this action ceases on the addition of carbonates ; the large amounts of lead, found in some of the samples of sodawater examined by Dr. Milne are probably due to the increased solvent action of water containing large quantities of carbon dioxide forced into it under pressure. In order to test the truth of this supposition I have made a few determinations of the amounts of lead dissolved by distilled water, and by the same water containing known quantities of various salts when charged with carbon dioxide at a pressure of several atmospheres. The apparatus consisted of an ordinary gasogene used for making so-called “soda water.” From the known capacity of the globe and the weight of sodium carbonate and tartaric acid employed the pressure exerted in the interior of the vessel by the carbon dioxide was calculated as approxi- mately equal to 6 atmospheres. The surface of lead exposed measured 750 sq. mm. 40 Table D. Lead dissolved by water charged with carbon dioxide at a \ 'pressure of about 6 atmospheres. Salt. Mgms. per litre. Grains per gallon. Lead Dissolved. K f In Mgms 21 horn’s. per litre. 48 hours. In Grains 24 hours. per gallon. 48 hours. Potassium Carbonate.. Ditto Calcium Chloride Ammonium Nitrate ... Ditto Distilled Water 80 160 160 16 40 5 ‘60 11‘20 11‘20 1-12 2-80 13- 2 32 5 10 14- 8 32-0 6-0 44 35 24 0-924 2-24 0-35 0- 70 1- 036 2- 24 0- 42 3- 08 2-45 1- 68 It appears from these numbers that distilled water charged with carbon dioxide under a pressure of (approximately) G atmospheres dissolves five times as much lead as the same water charged with the gas at the ordinary atmospheric pressure : that the presence of a small quantity of ammo- nium nitrate does not increase the solvent action until after a lapse of 48 hours or so : and that potassium carbonate, when present in somewhat large quantities, exerts a marked deterrent action. The amount of lead dissolved, however, even in the presence of potassium carbonate, is far too large to allow of such a water being drunk with safety. II. Action on Copper. The experiments under this heading were carried out in a manner similar to that already described. The pieces of copper foil presented a surface of 420 sq. mm. to the action of the various solutions. The results obtained were with one exception negative : no copper was dissolved. The action of the following liquids was examined: — distilled water ; the same containing ammonium nitrate in quanti- ties varying from ‘02 grams per litre ( = 1*4 grains per gallon) to *408 grams per litre (= 28-56 grains per gallon); the same containing potassium nitrate in like amounts; the same containing ammonium sulphate in quantities varying from TO to *20 grams per litre ( = 7 to 14 grains per gallon) : and also distilled water containing simultaneously carbonates and nitrates, carbonates and sulphates , and chlorides and 41 nitrates. The length of time during which the copper was exposed to the action of these solutions varied from 18 to 150 hours. The only liquid which exercised any solvent action upon the copper was that containing the large quan- tity of 38'56 grains per gallon of ammonium nitrate ; this action was manifested only after 150 hours contact of the liquid with the copper, the amount of metal which had then passed into solution being equal to 3 milligrams per litre , or O' 31 grains per gallon. The general conclusion to be drawn from these experi- ments therefore undoubtedly is, that at ordinary tempera- ture neither distilled water nor water containing the salts which commonly occur in drinking waters exercises a solvent action upon copper. That water charged with carbon dioxide will dissolve copper is apparent from the following figures, which repre- sent the amounts of that metal found by Dr. Milne in vari- ous samples of aerated beverages. Table E. Copper found in various aerated beverages . Description of liquid. Soda water . . . Potash water Lemonade . . . Ginger ale . . . Potash water Aerated water Soda water . . . Aerated water Soda water . . . Quantity of copper in grains per gallon. -084 *098 *053 -053 TOO -089 TOO '084 '036 In order to arrive at some accurate measurements of this solvent action of water containing carbon dioxide upon copper, I prepared a number of solutions charged with that gas at the ordinary atmospheric pressure and placed in each a piece of clean copper foil exposing a surface of 2100 sq. mm. The amount of copper dissolved was estimated by adding 42 sulphuretted hydrogen and comparing the depth of colour produced with that in a standard liquid : the process is ex- ceedingly accurate and delicate. T/4BLE F. Copper dissolved by water charged with Carbon dioxide at ordinary pressure. Mgms. per Litre. Copper dissolved. A. 1 Salt. i Gram."? { per Mgms. p< Gallon. j 24 48 jr Litre. | 72 ! 120 Grains per Gallon. ' i 120 1 24 1 48 72 i hrs. Potassium Carbonate . . 200 14 0-1 ... 0-15 0-2 •007 ... •0105 *014 Calcium Chloride 200 14 ! 07 ... 1*20! 1-80 •049 ... •084 *126 Ammonium Nitrate ... 20 1*4 0'3 ... 0-60 1*40 •021 ... •042 -098! Ditto 40 2-8 0*G ... 0-80 1*40 •042 ... ’056 -098! Potassium Carbonate 1 100 ! 7 ) I 1 and > and and > 0'2 ... 0-30 1-0 •014 . •021 -07 Ammonium Nitrate ... ) 20 1 1*4) ! Potassium Carbonate j 200 14 ) and } and and > trace ... trace o-i trace . . . trace ‘007 Ammonium Nitrate ... ) 40 2*8 ) Ammonium Nitrate | 20 D4 , 1 and ? and and > 0'6 ... 2-4 3*6 1*042 ... •168 ’252 Calcium Chloride ) 200 14 ) 1 Distilled Water i 0-1 0*3 1 ... 1*0 , -007 -021 ... -07 1 The general conclusions which I would draw from these results are : ( 1 ) Distilled water, charged with carbon dioxide, exercises a notable solvent action upon copper, the amount of metal dissolved increasing with the length of time during which it is exposed to the action of the water. (2) The salts which have the greatest effect in increasing this action are chlorides and nitrates, especially the latter : if there are both present the action is very largely accelerated. (3) Carbonates, especially when present in large quanti- ties, very materially diminisli this solvent action. (4) If carbonates and nitrates are present together the solvent action of the latter is much diminished by the pre- sence of the former salts, so much so indeed that if the car- bonates be present in proportionately large quantities the solvent action upon the copper almost entirely disappears. I have also carried out a few experiments with the view 43 of determining the amounts of copper which are dissolved by water charged with carbon dioxide under a pressure of several atmospheres : the results are subjoined. The apparatus were the same as that employed in the experiments with lead. Surface of copper exposed = 2100 sq. mm. Table G. Copper dissolved by water charged with carbon dioxide at a pressure of about 6 atmospheres. 1 Salt. Mgms. per Litre. Grains per Gallon. Mgms.p 24 hrs. lopper c er Litre 48 hrs. .issolved Grains j 24 hrs. \ )er Gall. 48 hrs. Potassium Carbonate ... 40 2-8 ro D2 07 •084 Ammonium Nitrate 16 1-12 0-8 » • • •056 Ditto 80 5-60 i-2 1-4 •084 •098 Distilled Water ... ... 0-4 0-6 •028 •042 Distilled water, charged with carbon dioxide, under a pressure of (approximately) 6 atmospheres, dissolves about three times as much copper as the same water charged at the ordinary atmospheric pressure. Nitrates increase this action and carbonates diminish it. III. Influence of house cisterns upon the water supply. There appears to be a somewhat wide-spread feeling against the use of cisterns in dwelling-houses, which is, I suppose, chiefly due to the fact that the waste pipe from the cistern is generally in connection with the soil pipe which carries off the drainage of the house. The hurtful sewer gases may thus readily find their way into the cistern, and so contaminate the water therein stored. On the other hand, however, it may be urged that inasmuch as the water in cisterns is frequently changed there is no great probability that the water actually used for domestic purposes will be, at any rate largely, con- taminated by sewer gas. I have attempted to obtain some definite measurements of the amount of contamination 44 present in cistern waters, in so far as this may he estimated by the chemical processes at present in our possession. The method which I have adopted consists in measuring the amount of free and of albumenoid ammonia, and the amount of nitrogen existing as nitrates and nitrites : from these data we may deduce, at any rate comparative measure- ments, of the purity of various waters. In order to prove conclusively, for my own satisfaction, that if sewer gases be absorbed by water their presence will be indicated by a marked increase in the quantities of ammonia, free and albumenoid, obtained from that water on analysis, I carried out the following preliminary experi- ment : — A quantity of distilled water, free from ammonia, was placed in a porcelain basin, which was covered with porous paper, and suspended at a short distance above the liquid in a sewer which received the refuse from a very large area, chiefly occupied by dwelling-houses, in Glasgow. After 96 hours, the free and albumenoid ammonia were estimated with the following results : — Free ammonia =0 '60 mgms. per litre = parts per million. Albumenoid „ —Ob 4 „ „ = „ „ It is thus evident that the absorption of sewer gases by water causes a marked increase in the quantities of ammonia obtained on analysis. The method adopted for the estimation of ammonia was the well known one of Wanklyn and Chapman: the method for the estimation of nitrates was that described by Thorpe in the Journal of the Chemical Society for June, 1873. This method consists in evaporating the water, along with a fragment of ignited quicklime, to a small bulk, and then evolving the nitrogen, as ammonia, by the action of zinq coated with a deposit of spongy copper, at a boiling heat. In selecting the waters for examination I endeavoured, as far as possible, to obtain typical samples : in this endeavour 45 I was greatly aided by the kindness of Mr. Macleod, the Sanitary Inspector for Glasgow, who obtained for me samples of waters from various houses situated in the lower parts of the town. The results are calculated as follows Table H. Ammonia and nitrates found in various samples of water. Mgms. per Litre=Parts per Million. i. ii. | iii. iv. V. vi. vii. viii. xi. X. xi. xii. Free Ammonia Albumenoid Do. ... Nitrogen as Ni- ) trates & Nitrites, j •005 •092 •309 •085 •120 •463 •023 •080 •082 •321 •015 •090 •360 . •015 •080 •20 •010 -035 •085. -085 •258 ... •015 •070 •284 •075 •065 •306 *200 •370 *414 *045 •090 These samples were obtained from the following situations. No. 1. From main pipe. No. 2. From cistern in same house, little used. No. 3. From cistern in house similar to No. 2, but water generally used. No. 4. From pipe leading directly out of the bottom of cistern in well-situated dwell ing house. No. 5. From cistern in smaller dwelling house. No. 6. From small cistern supplying part of a dwelling house only. No. 7. From public well supplied by Loch Katrine water contained in a wooden cistern closed at the top. No. 8. From cistern situated just under the slates in a house in a lower locality than any of the preceding . No. 9. From cistern over water-closet in a dwelling house. No. 10. From cistern similar to above. No. 11. From the cistern same as No. 9, but after stirring up the muddy deposit at the bottom. No. 12. From cistern near the slates in a house where there had been two cases of fever and where the water ivas complained of. Omitting for the present No. 11, it is found that No. 2 sample yields the highest number for free and for albumenoid ammonia, also for nitrates. Now this sample was taken from the cistern of a house in which the pipes have been recently entirely renewed, and in which the pipe leading from the water-closet to the main drain is thoroughly venti- 46 lated. The water in this cistern is however very rarely used; for all domestic purposes a supply is obtained directly from the main ; it would therefore appear that sewer gases are slowly absorbed by water stored in such a cistern. That this absorptive action must take place slowly is evident if we look at the results obtained from the other waters. Although many of these waters were taken from badly situated cisterns, yet in none of them can the influence of sewer gases be distinctly traced. We must therefore conclude that the rapidity with which the water in the cistern has been changed has prevented any appreciable action of the gases upon these waters. There are, it is true, slight variations in the numbers obtained, but in no case do we find a notable increase as compared with water from the main pipe. The amount of ammonia, &c , obtained from a sample of the slimy matter found at the bottom of one of the cisterns (No. 11) indicates that a great part of the ammonium salts, &c., is concentrated therein; this matter may there- fore perhaps exercise a certain beneficial effect upon the water. The general conclusions which I would draw from these results are (1.) That sewer gases are absorbed by water, but that this absorption takes place slowly. (2.) That in ordinary house cisterns the water is not contaminated to any great extent with sewer gases, probably because of the short time during which this water is allowed to remain in the cistern, and also perhaps because of the deposition of part of the impurities in the muddy sub- stance which settles at the bottom of the cistern. The general problem of the influence of the means of supply upon potable waters is a very wide one. I offer these measurements as a contribution towards its solution. 47 In the course of the discussion which took place after the reading of the above papers several of the members stated that the town’s water as received at their houses was some- times very turbid, and the President said it ought never to be used for drinking purposes without being filtered. J. G. Lynde, M. Inst. C.E., F.G.S., said that at his house he had always found the water quite clear and pure, and that although he had a filter it was now never used. T. H. G. Berrey, Ass. Inst. O.E., superintendent of the Manchester Corporation Water WTorks, stated, in reply, that there was no reason why the water should be dis- coloured at the points named, except that it must have been caused by the neglect of the turncock to cleanse the hydrants according to instructions. The general supply throughout the 86 townships supplied by the Manchester Corporation was quite satisfactory, and the water was never rendered turbid except in the case of a very heavy thunderstorm, when the turbid water would sometimes, during the night, get into the service reservoirs from the adjoining brooks before it could be sent down the flood watercourse. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. November 8th, 1875. Alfred Brothers, F.R.A.S., in the Chair. Mr. Percival exhibited specimens of Bryum Neoda- mense Itzig [ = B. formosum, Wilson MSS.] found by him, in company with Dr. Wood and Mr. T. Rogers, on May 23rd, 1875, fruiting abundantly. Hitherto it had only been found in a barren state in Britain. The locality is near Freshfield, Lancashire. 48 The true place of this moss is next to B. pseudo triquetrum, common upon the Lancashire mosses. It was originally found at Birkdale, near Southport, but soon disappeared, owing to draining and building operations; then it was again observed at the Bullrush Slack, by its original discoverers, viz., Dr. Wood, Mr. W. Wilson, and Mr. H, Boswell, but never in a fruiting condition. Mr. Thos. Rogers exhibited living specimens of the rare Irish Slug, geomalacus mcicnlosus, from Lough Corrib, its only known British habitat, and even there its range is exceedingly restricted. “The Fauna of Cymmeran Bay, Anglesea,” by John Plant, F.G.S. — Part 2. The list of the fishes and mollusca which I read to the Section last April included all the species which had been identified from the collections made in the summer of 1874 and at Easter, 1875. The present list includes those which have been added by a further examination of the shores and waters along the coast from Rhoseolyn to Aberffraw, of which line Cym- meran Bay forms the centre. The time devoted to the work extended from the end of July to September, when the weather was rarely disturbed by furious gales, such as prevail on this coast in spring and autumn— -'-so that the new collection possesses none of the varieties which the rude waves of the Atlantic at such times cast upon the rocks and sands. The species in this list are therefore more likely to be local and permanent than are some included in the former list. During the summer a fine young seal, Phoca vitulina , was caught fast asleep upon the rocks in the bay, and kept in confinement a few days with the intention of sending it to 49 Belle Vue Gardens, Manchester, but it managed to escape from the room it was kept in, and actually travelled down to the rocks, and got away to sea. The fishermen say that the seal is well known along the coast, and breeds in the more inaccessible clefts and caverns in the bold sea cliffs, from the North Stack to Bfioscolyn. The Welsh name for The Skerries, the well known rocky islets off Carmels Point, is Ynysoecld Moelroniaid , the Isles of Seals. A century back, the seal was very common on these rugged and little frequented coasts. A tew years ago, a shoal of Cetaceans found their way to the head of Cymmeran Bay and were stranded in the strait which divides Holyhead from Anglesea. They proved to be the Bottle-nosed Dolphin, Tursio truncatus , of Mon- tagu. The common Porpoise, Phoccena communis , not infre- quently is seen and captured when sporting out in the channel. The additions to the fishes already enumerated, are not many, for it is not easy to obtain specimens of the species that are small and worthless for the table-— they readily escape through the nets used for mackerel and herrings. Specimens of big sharks are often seen in the bay by the fishermen, but they give them a wide birth, and I cannot make out the species from the imperfect descriptions given in such an unscientific tongue as is the mixed Welsh and English. The Picked Dogfish, Acanthias vulgaris , will at times get caught in the nets during the night, after making a hearty meal upon the cod and whiting. The spotted Bay, Rctia maculata , is often captured by trawling, but it is not used for food, being cut up like its congenor the thornbaek Bay, as bait for lobsters and crabs. The Turbot, Rhombus maximus, is caught of moderate size. 50 The Garnsh; Belone vulgaris, rare. The Grey Gurnard; Trigla gurnardus, is common with the Piper Gurnard all the summer. The additions to the former list of mollusca made during a long visit have been sixty-two *specieS; making a list of one hundred and forty-one species. It is remarkable that although the sandy shores about Cymmeran and Aberffraw bays are both extensive and level between high and low tidal marks, such well-known common species as Carclium edule, TurriteUa communis, Mytilus edulis, and others, should be excessively scarce, whilst such species as Cyprcea European, Patella pellucida, Tellina fabula, T. tenuis, Cyprina Islandica, Mactrcc stultorum, Pecten maxi - mus, and Littoringe should be fairly abundant, if not quite common. The small species of Rissoa Odostomia, Skenea, and Mangelia, occur in great numbers, the sand in places being almost made up of these shells, mixed with Entomostraca, Serpulse, comminuted shells, and crustacean claws. The varieties of Rissoa parva, costata and striata are endless, and it would be easy to multiply species of this genus, and also of Skenea, if only extremely marked or smooth speci- mens were regarded. In my former list are many species which were called rare, as only one or two specimens or even a single valve had been found in 1874, or at Easter of 1875. In some cases this rarity has been proved by not finding additional specimens this summer, asin Corbula,Psammobia, Dentalium, TurriteUa (only two), Ciiemnitzia, Trophon, and Cylichna. Amongst the fresh species there are none that occur abundantly, but Pecten pusio, Cyprina, Scaphander , Ceratisolen, Crenella, A deorb is, Kellia, and Assiminea are found in fair numbers between high and low tidal marks. The rock-borers and tunicata have had but cursory attention paid to them at present. 51 Some species are very local, being only found within a small rocky cove, or else confined to a limited zone on the wide sands either at Aberffraw or at Cymmeran, a few even are restricted to smaller patches of sand in one of the numerous little creeks along the coast. Additions to the Molluscci. CEPHALOPODA. 80. Sepia officinalis. The animal is occasionally caught in the dredges, nets, and lines of the fishermen, and the bone or shell is thrown on shore after a gale. 81. Sepiola Atlantica, seen at times in the deeper pools of the rock. 82. Octopus vulgaris. This singular animal has been taken, but it is very seldom kept, as its uncanny ways make it dreaded by the fishermen. 83. Loligo vulgaris, taken in the nets. It is probably common amongst the rocks, as my son saw the inky cloud dis- charged from one in a small pool as his boat passed over the spot. ACEPHALA. Fam. I. — Pholadid^, 84. Teredo norvagica, portions of the tube found in wreck. 85. Teredo navalis. The tube of this common shipworm is found in old wreck floating into the bay, after months of drifting in the Atlantic or in the Channel. 8G. Pholas Candida. Specimens are rare; no doubt the absence of limestone rocks along this coast accounts for the rarity of the Pholadidse. 87. Saxicava rugosa. A few specimens. 88. Mya truncata. A few perfect shells. Fam. VI. — AnatinidzE. 89. Thracia phaseolina. One ralve only. FAM. VII. — SOLENIDiE. 90. Solen ensis. 91. Solen marginatus. 92. Ceratisolen legumen. Fam. IX. — Tellinhle. 93. Syndosmya prismatica, one specimen, rare. Fam. XI. — Mactrid.e 94. Lutraria elliptica, many thick valves, separated and broken by the gulls. 94a. Mactra elliptica, rare. Fam. XII. — Venerid.®. 95. Venus verrucosa, small variety. 96. „ casina. Fam. XIII. — CvPRiNiDiE. 97. Circe minima, very rare, only one valve. 98. Astarte sp. ? Fam. XIV. — Cardiad^e. 99. Cardium fasciatum, very rare. Fam. XVI. — Kelliad,®. 100. Montacuta ferruginosa, rare. 101. Turtonia minuta, one valve, rare. 102. Kellia rubra. Fam. XIX. — Mytilid^:. 103. Crenella marmorata. Fam. XX.— Arcade. 104. Nucula decussata, rare, one valve. 105. Pectunculus glycimeris, rare, one valve. Fam. XXI. — Ostreame. 106. Pecten pusio, fine living shells, dredged. 107. „ tigrinus, rare, one very small valve. 108. ,, opercularis, rare. 109. „ niveus, rare. 110. Anomia striata, rare. HI. „ ephippium, many varieties of this species, occur commonly at high water line, living specimens dredged. 53 PROSOBRANCHIATA. 112. Chiton, sp. These singular mollusca occur pretty commonly but the species are not yet satisfactorily identified. FAM. XXVIIL—PATELLIDiE. 113. Pilidium fulvum, rare, one worn specimen. Fam. XXXI II.—1 Troohidjj. 1 1 4. Trochus lineatus, very fine specimens about the rocks at low water — abundant. 115. Adeorbis subcarinata, a few specimens, Fam. XXXYIL— LiTTORiNiDiE, 116. Littorina saxatilis, one specimen. 117. „ tenebrosa, and varieties, 118. Lacuna pallidula. 119. „ puteolus. 120. „ vincta, and varieties. 121. Assiminea Grayana. 122. Rissoa calathus. 123. ,, ventrosa, dead shells 124. Skenea planorbis. 125. „ nitidissima. 126. „ rota. Fam. XLI. — Pyramidellid^. 127. Eulima polita. 128. Chemnitzia sp., uncertain until other specimens are found for comparison. 129. Odostomia conoidea. 130. „ rissoides. 131. ,, unsGulpta. 132. „ spiralis. 133. ,, sp. uncertain. Fam. XLY, — Muricid.®. 134. Nassa incrassata. 135. Fusus antiquus, brought up alive by dredging. Fam. XLYI. — CoNimE. 136. Mangelia linearis. 54 Fam. XLYIII. — Bullidjs. 137. Tornatella fasciata, rare. 138. Scaphander lignariu's. TUNIC AT A. Fam. — AsciDiATiE. 139. Ascidia mentula. I found a very fine one attached to a piece of slate, at a very low tide : it was nearly six inches long. 140. Ascidia sp. Several other forms have been seen, but not taken for preservation. Crustacea. — Upon further exploration it has been found that the shrimp is a very rare species all along this coast, but that the prawn, Palcemon serratus, is very abundant. The fishermen firmly believe that the lobsters and crabs are sensitive to coming violent changes in the wind and weather, and maintain that they forsake the neighbourhood of the rocks in the bay and go far out into deep water in the channel 24 to 48 hours before the storm breaks on the coast ; for none are ever caught in the ports a day or two before the storm. That fishes leave the shallow waters of the bay for deeper water before a storm, is a fact for which I can myself bear testimony, as well as the fact that on warm quiet days and nights, when the water is oily and without a ripple, the fish frequent the bay in thousands. The Crustacea, Balanidae, Lepadidae, Annelidas, Echino- dermata, Actinozoa, are only at present half ascertained, but a sufficient number of specimens have been obtained to make their further collection important ; and these, toge- ther with the land and fresh-water shells, will be given in a future list of the fauna of Cymmeran. 55 Ordinary Meeting, December 14th, 1875. Fdward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair, Professor Schorlemmer exhibited a sample of peat from lagoons in the Sierra Madre in Mexico. It is very dense and not readily inflammable, giving very little flame, but when once red-hot it burns completely, without requiring much draught, to a perfectly white ash containing much calcium carbonate and a little sodium sulphide, which is derived from glauber salt which the peat contains. “ On Graphic Methods of Solving Practical Problems” by Professor Osborne Reynolds, M.A. In the first part of this paper it is pointed out that, when dealing with practical problems by the aid of the graphic method, it is not necessary to break off the operations of drawing, and find numerical values for the quantities repre- sented, in order to perform on them the operations of multi- plication and division. For by the aid of a parallel ruler the operations of multiplication and division may be per- formed graphically with great facility. The only geometri- cal proposition involved being that of finding a fourth proportional to three distances. When two distances have to be multiplied or divided the one by the other, a third dis- tance is chosen equal to unity, and a fourth proportional found which represents the product or ratio of the first according as unity is the first or third of the given quanti- ties. _ Tlle method was illustrated as applied to the determina- tion of areas, centres of gravity, and moments of inertia. In the second part of the paper a graphic method is described by which the velocity and acceleration of a moving point can be determined when the times at which it PBOCEEDiNas-LiT. & Phil. Soo.-Vol. XV.— No. 4,-Session 1875-6. 56 occupies certain positions are known, i.e. the curves repre- senting the velocity and acceleration of the point may he drawn from the curve representing the positions of the point. Also a converse method by which the position of a point at any time may be found from the curve representing either its velocity or displacement. " On Explosions of Fire Damp.” E. W. Binney, V.P., F.B.S., said that the fearful loss of life in our coal mines deserved the careful attention of all societies like ours. It ought to be one of the objects of science to endeavour to find out the cause of these explo- sions and to devise some means to prevent their occurrence or lessen their frequency. No doubt Government Inspec- tion had been of service, and the examination of managers would tend to improve the efficiency of mining officers; but still notwithstanding these improvements the explosions of fire damp are sadly too frequent. The lamentable events which have taken place during the last ten days clearly show that they sometimes occur without any great change in the barometric pressure of the atmosphere, although undoubtedly sudden depressions in a barometer ought to caution miners against emission of gas from the seam of coal and coal wastes, and put the men more on their guard at such times. It has been stated in this society that certain conditions of the atmosphere quite irrespective of barometric pressure may have something to do with causing the “ drag” in the currents of air circulating through a mine, as explosions have frequently occurred during an east wind and a muggy state of the atmosphere, and a vesicular condition of water in the air has been suggested as the probable cause of this lessening of the speed of the air passing through the galle- ries of mines. Now, careful observations with a good anemometer in the return air course of a mine ought to 57 determine whether or not such an effect is produced, and thus settle this point by direct experiment. Another source of accidents at this time of the year has to be taken into consideration. Before Christmas and in cold weather there is often a brisk demand for coal, and both managers and men are in a hurry to increase the output, and under such circumstances probably there may be sometimes not so much care and caution exercised as are necessary for them to use in the dangerous work in which they are engaged. In the management of a fiery mine, in my opinion, 1. There ought not to be any unventilated wastes. 2. The mixed use of Davy lamps and naked lights should not be permitted where the former are commonly employed. 3. Blasting of coal by gunpowder should not be sanc- tioned where Davy lamps are in common use. 4. An anemometer under the care of a competent man should be in constant use in order to see that a sufficient current of air is passing through the workings to insure perfect ventilation of the mine.. 5. When there are marked indications of fire damp in a mine, shown by a cap on the flame of a lamp, the men en- gaged in hewing and drawing coal should be removed from the pit until by ventilation the place is cleared of gas and rendered safe for a working collier. The above precautions may probably cause an increased cost in the getting of coal, but they are necessary for the preservation of human life if such catastrophes as now fre- quently occur are to be prevented. It is now pretty gene- rally admitted that all explosions of fire damp are caused by there being too little pure air and too much of that gas in a mine. “ Chemical Notes/5 by M. M. Pattison Muir, F.R.S.E., Assistant Lecturer on Chemistry, Owens College. I. On the Solubility of Potassium Perchlorate in Water. 58 Haying a small quantity of pure Potassium perchlorate at my disposal, I thought it might be interesting to deter- mine the solubility of this salt in water at different temper- atures. The apparatus employed was similar to that described by Hannay.* The salt was placed in a small test tube to which a ther- mometer was strapped, the whole being surrounded with ice or water maintained at the proper temperature. The following were the results obtained. A. Temperature 0° C. Weight of liquid in the "bulb 4’7 22 grms. Weight of residue on evaporation 0 0333 grms. Weight of distilled water contained in the bulb at 0°, 4 '75 7 5 grms. Weight of bulb itself, 5 '3954 grms. Hence the specific gravity of an aqueous solution of this salt saturated at 0° equals 1-0005: the percentage of salt in solution is Q-705 : and the solubility of the salt is 1 part in 142-9 parts of water. B. Temperature 25° C. Weight of liquid in bulb 4-7418 grms. Weight of residue on evaporation 0-0907 grms. Other weights as before. Specific gravity of aqueous solution saturated at 253, 1-0123. Percentage of salt in solution, 1-92. Solubility, 1 part in 52 '5 parts of water. O. Temperature 50° C. Weight of liquid in bulb 4 '798. Weight of residue on evaporation 0-243. Specific gravity of aqueous solution saturated at 50°, 1-0181. Percentage of salt in solution 5 -07. Solubility, 1 part in 15*5 parts of water. * J. Chem. Soc. [2] xit 203. 59 D. Temperature 100° C. Weight of liquid in bulb 4 ’9 9 6 5. Weight of residue on evaporation 0'7870. Specific gravity of aqueous solution saturated at 100°, 1-06603. Percentage of salt in solution 15 ’7 6. Solubility, 1 partin 5 04 of water. For each rise of 25° the solubility and the percentage of salt in solution increase in round numbers threefold. I may add that I found Hannay’s apparatus exceedingly accurate and serviceable. II. On Basic Bismuth Perchlorate. If metallic Bismuth be heated with an aqueous solution of perchloric acid it is slowly converted into a white non- crystalline mass. This substance is insoluble in water; when thoroughly washed and dried between folds of blot- ting paper it presents the appearance of a bulky, pure white powder which it is difficult to obtain equally divided as the particles tend to gather together and form small more or less compact masses. This substance yields the following numbers on analysis : (a) 0-364 grams gave 0*2675 grams Bi203 = 0-2382 grams JBi. (5) 0-4173 v n 0-298 ,, )) = 0-267 a ii (c) 0-450 n ii 0”3231 j, „ = 0*290 )i a Calculated for BiO.C104 Found. I. II. III. Bismuth 210 64-52 65-44 63-98 64-44 These numbers agree very well with those required by the formula BiO.C104, or it may be written Bi(C104)3.Bi203. Basic Bismuth perchlorate is almost perfectly insoluble in water even at 100°; it is very readily dissolved by hydro- chloric or nitric acid ; less readily by sulphuric acid ; at a red heat it is decomposed with formation of bismuth chloride which is slowly volatilised. 60 III. On the Amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Air of Sea Coast Places . Thorpe (Chem. Soc. J. [2] y. 189) has shown that the air over the ocean contains less carbon dioxide than air over the land, the mean numbers being S'O and 4 ‘04 vols. per 10,000 of air respectively. During the long vacation I interested myself with a few experiments upon the air of the sea coast with a view to determine whether it inclined, as regards carbon dioxide, to sea air or to land air. The samples of air were collected at A rdrossan , a small town on the firth of Clyde, where the liver is almost entirely merged in the open sea. The estimations were conducted in accordance with Pet- tenkofer s method. 1 Date, 1875. Weather. Place and Time. Temp. | Barom. Wind. Vols. of CO2 per 10,000 of air. Aug 2. Fine but cloudy. In boat, i mile from shore ; 12 noon. 16'-5 707mm. Why S 3-87 4 J5 Clear, cloudless sky. Sunset. On shore, 8 p.m. 21° 700mm. W byN 3-88 14 ,, Fine, fresh breeze 200 yards from shore, 3 p.m. 21° 700mm. SW 3-34 CD rH Fine, very clear ; very heavy rain during preced- ing night. On shore, 8.30 a.m. 10a 759mm. NW 3-40 » 21. Fine, very clear ; rain during morning. In boat, i mile from shore, 2. 30 p.m. IK,*' 1/ O 707mm. NW 3'84 | Sept. 3. Fine, showers during preced- ing da7fs. 300 yards from shore. 16° 759mm. NW 4-01 ! 1 Mean=3'72 vols. CO-2 per 10,000 of air. The air of such a place as Ardrossan, although it be situ- ated almost in the open sea, is not therefore influenced by the sea, so far as the carbon dioxide is concerned, but con- tains almost the same amount of that gas as is found in land air. 61 Ordinary Meeting, December 28th, 1875. Edward Schunok, Ph.D., F.RS., &c., President, in the Chair. The following communication from Dr. Joule, F.RS., Y.P., was read : — Unsuccessful attempts have recently been made for the purpose of utilizing a modification of the common kite as a means of obtaining a view of the surrounding country. The machine in each instance rose only to fall violently to the ground after remaining in the air a very short time. These trials have brought to my recollection some experi- ments I made more than six years ago, but of which I did not publish the results, imagining that all such matters must have been thoroughly elucidated by the Chinese, if not by our own more juvenile kite flyers. The usual method of making the skeleton of a kite is to affix a rather slender bow to the top of a standard, tying the extremities of the bow to twine fastened to the bottom of the standard. The steadiness of the kite in the air depends on the fact that the wings yield with the wind. If the bow is too stiff and the surface nearly a plane, instability results. A kite ought to have a convex spherical surface for the wind to impinge upon. Such a surface I readily made by fixing two bows crosswise. The string was attached to a point a little above the centre of the upright bow, and a very light Proceedings — Lit. & Phil. Soc. — Vol. XV. — No. 5. — Session 1S75-6. 62 tail was fastened to the lower end. The kite stood in the air with almost absolute steadiness. I found that by pull- ing strings fastened to the right and left sides of the hori- zontal bow, the kite could be made to fly 30° or more from the direction of the wind, and hence that it would be pos- sible to use it in bringing a vessel to windward. One great advantage of such a mode of propulsion over ordinary sails would be that the force, however great, could be applied low down, so as to produce no more careening than that desired by the seaman. E. W. Binney, V.P., F.B.S., said that in the Isle of Man there had been a prevalence of easterly winds through- out the months of October and November, such as he had never experienced during a residence of ten years. This appears to have influenced the migration of swallows. In the beginning of September the chimney swallows and the house martins assembled in great numbers on his buildings on Douglas Head, as they were accustomed to do prior to their annual departure, and disappeared. On the 5th of November, between 10 and 12 a.m., he observed a dozen house martins ( Hirundo urbica ) in front of his house and between it and the sea, busily employed in pursuing their prey. During the summer months the swift and sand martin are frequently seen in the same locality, but seldom the swallow or house martin, and he was inclined to believe that the presence of the latter was due to their having been driven out of their course by the easterly gales. /;o 0O Ordinary Meeting, January 11th, 1876. Edwakd Schctnck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. “ Note on a Method of Comparing the Tints of Coloured Solutions,” by J. Bottomley, D.Sc. In the last number of the Chemical News, January 7th, is a letter from Mr. Thos. P. Blunt, M.A., proposing a new method of ascertaining the quantities of bodies in solution by colorimetrical experiments. To two cylinders containing equal columns of the fluid to be examined for a certain sub- stance he adds measured quantities of that substance, adding more of it to one cylinder than to the other ; he then pur- poses to shorten the darker column until it corresponds in depth of tint with the other, then from the length of the two columns he calculates the quantity of the substance originally present. At the end of his letter, alluding to the method for shortening the column, he states “ The appro- priate apparatus mentioned above so far as I am aware is still a thing of the future.” Mr. Blunt’s suggestion with slight variation may be practically carried out as follows : — Take two cylinders of equal diameter; inside, at the bottom of each, place a white porcelain disk (the flat lid of a crucible will do). In these cylinders let there be equal columns of fluid. In one cylinder, which may be called A, let a tint be produced by a known quantity of the substance sought. Suppose B to contain this substance, and first sup- 64 pose the tint in B darker than A. Take a white porcelain lid and elevate it or depress it in B until the tint produced is the same as in A, then if the height of the column of fluid above the disk be h, and the total length of the column H, and p the weight of the substance in A, then the weight in B will be . If the tint be stronger in A than h in B. then the disk must be allowed to sink in A until identity of tint is obtained. It will be convenient to have the cylinders of equal radii. If they are not so, then if R be the radius of B and r the radius of A, the quantity of R2 H the substance sought in B will be —r, — p. Instead of sup- porting the string attached to the disk by the hand it would be more convenient for it to pass over a pulley and have a counterpoise at the other extremity “ On Explosions of Fire Damp/’ by Robert Raws on. Esq., Hon. Member of the Society. Mr. Binney has done wisely in calling the attention of the Society to the great loss of life in our coalmines by the explosion of light carburetted hydrogen. Surely the appli- cation of science may do a little good, even if its powers are limited to pointing out the advantages of order and obedi- ence while contending with a foe so subtle and powerful as is carburetted hydrogen, and which is unfortunately so plentiful in many of the coalmines® My object now is to supplement the excellent rules recommended by Mr. Binney with a few observations which struck me in reading Mr. Binney is paper on this subject. Fire damp may be regarded as an enemy possessing terrible powers — and coalminers on the other hand may be regarded as an army whose mission 65 is to filch the black diamonds from the grasp of this power- ful enemy with the least possible expenditure of life and force. In my opiuion a little of military obedience and tactics might be introduced with advantage into the struggle maintained between the coalminer and the fire damp. It is well known that the safety of an army, when before an enemy, is much improved by keeping a good look out at a considerable distance and in every possible direction. Ve- dettes are usually stationed on the outposts of an army for the express purpose of watching the movements of the enemy, and to give timely notice of his approach. By this means the evils which frequently follow a surprise are con- siderably diminished, and sufficient time is given for the army to retreat or otherwise with advantage if the enemy is too strong. Many illustrations of this simple and obvious principle may be found in the common affairs of every-day life, but the above is sufficient to show the force of my argu- ment in reference to the dangers met with in coalmines. Why the army of coalminers should be deprived of a system which affords so many obvious advantages is a question which should receive immediate and serious consideration from every lover of humanity. A system of vedettes should therefore be at once adopted in coalmines to watch the movements and strength of the fire damp. 1. A vedette, armed with ample knowledge of the proper- ties of fire damp, should be placed at the various outposts of the mine where the enemy is likely to appear. His duty should be to watch, constantly and carefully, over the safety of the miners, and not allow them to remain at work until the enemy is upon them. 2. Miners should not be allowed to work where it is 66 unsafe to fire a shot or expose a naked light. For men to work several hours in an atmosphere highly charged with light earburetted hydrogen may be consistent with their desires to maintain their families in comfort and independ- ence; but is hardly consistent with the wish of a great nation for the welfare of its mining population. 3. Unventilated wastes are magazines of dynamite, and according to Mr. Binney should be, if possible, avoided in coalmines. 4. System, watchfulness, and complete knowledge of the enemy’s position and force, will no doubt diminish the probability of the happening of events which too often overtake the miners by surprise and fatal consequences. 5. A more palpable and delicate test of the presence and strength of fire damp should be supplied than the flame of a candle or Davy lamp. I may add in conclusion my conviction, that the increased price of coal incident to the changes here alluded to would be cheerfully borne by the public, who would rejoice to see the adoption, at any reasonable cost, of a system which promises to reduce the fatal casualties in coalmines. Ordinary Meeting, January 25 th, 1.870, E. W, Binney, F.R.S., F.G.3., Vice-President, in the Chair. “ Stannic Arsenate,” by William Carleton Williams, F. C.S., Demonstrator in the Chemical Laboratory of the Owens College. A mixture of moderately concentrated aqueous solutions of stannic chloride and arsenic acid gradually thickens on standing, and after the lapse of two or three weeks solidi- fies, forming a transparent colourless noncrystalline mass. In order to ascertain the composition of this substance I subjected a considerable quantity of it to dialysis; hydro- chloric acid and the excess of arsenic acid or stannic chloride passed through the dialyser, leaving a gelatinous residue of pure stannic arsenate. This jelly is heavier than water, it floats in a liquid having a specific gravity 1*135. Strong acids, and solutions of caustic potash or soda, dissolve it readily. In water it dissolves very slowly. From this aqueous solution certain reagents reprecipitate the arsenate of tin as a gelatinous mass, identical in its appearance, proper- ties, and composition with the original jelly. These reagents are hydrochloric, nitric, and sulphuric acids, the chlorides of barium, calcium, ammonium, and iron, also silver nitrate and potassium iodide. Alcohol, acetic acid, sodium phos- phate, mercuric chloride, and the carbonates of sodium, potassium, and ammonium, do not produce any change. This substance contains a large amount of water, the greater part of which is expelled at a temperature of 100° C. A small quantity however is retained most pertinaciously, and is not driven off at 200°, Below a dull red heat decom- position takes place and fumes of arsenious oxide escape. 51*9 grm. dried at 100° C. left 1*9 grm. residue. Loss of water = 50 grm. or 96'3 per cent. The residue somewhat resembles gum arabic in appear- Proceedings— Lit. & Phil, Soc.— Vol. XV.— Ho. 6.— Session 1S75-6. 68 ance. It is soluble in strong hydrochloric acid and in aqua regia, but is insoluble in water, nitric and sulphuric acids. Analysis of the residue gave the following results: TVt. tkn. gave °/o Avge. 0’3897 grm.... 0-1696 grm. Sn02 = 34.4Sn \ Q, ,,, Q „ =34-52,, 0-8214 0-3013 0-5228 0-7842 0-852 >} 55 55 .0-359 ..0-2395 ..0-397 ..0-0801 ...0*099 )> 55 MgNH4As04H20 = 2 9*9 6 As 55 29-69 55 HoO L2' 55 = 10-21H2O 1 = 11-62 „ 29-82 As 10-91 HoO The simplest formula agreeing with these results is Sn,(As04)46H20. As Sn O H,0 Found ...29-82... . . — . . , ...10.91 Calculated . . ....29-46... ...34*76 ..25-18... ...10-6 Professor Reynolds, M.A., exhibited and explained the action of a Geissler’s Light Mill. Ordinary Meeting, February 8th, 1876. Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. Mr. W. A. Cunningham and Mr. W. Brockbank were appointed Auditors of the Treasurer’s Accounts. Professor C. Schorlemmer, F.R.S., read the following communication, which he received a short time ago from Professor Sadtler, of the University of Pennsylvania : — “ Since I heard from you I have been analysing some of the natural gases from the gas wells in Butler County, Pennsylvania, in the midst of the oil region. “ This gas has been brought in lines of piping eighteen miles to Pittsburg, and is used with great success as fuel in the rolling mills there, so the Geological Survey sent me to collect and analyse it. 69 “You will remember that Fouque (Cornpt. Mend. 07,1054) analysed five of these natural gases from widely different localities and found them to be mixtures of the lower mem- bers of the paraffin series. “ I find free Hydrogen, Marsh Gas CH4, Ethyl Hydride C2H6, and a trace of Butyl Hydride Cj|I10, with some little Carbonic Acid, in the two that I have already analysed. The hydrides of ethyl and butyl I collected qualitatively at the wells by passing the gas through absolute alcohol. “ The occurence of free hydrogen was an unexpected result, as F ouque found none in any of the gases analysed by him ; but its presence is proved by his own equations given for a mixture of the paraffin series.” Professor Schorlemmer added, that Dr. E. Ronalds, of Edin- burgh, examined, in 1865 ( Journ . Chem. Soc . 18, 54) the most volatile constituents of crude American petroleum, and found them to consist of homologues of marsh gas. Marsh, gas itself was not present ; but in conclusion he says : there appears to be little doubt that marsh gas and, perhaps, even free hydrogen will be found among the gases which are evolved with the oil at the springs. iC Notice of a recent discovery of a prehistoric burial place near Colombier in Switzerland,” by WilliHm E. A. Axon, M.R.S.L., &c. The Journal des Debods of Feb. 1st, 1876, cites from a Swiss paper a notice of an interesting arch geological disco- very in Switzerland. In sinking the foundations for a building now in course of construction on the border of the lake between Colombier and Auvernier, the workmen came upon some large pieces of stone each about one metre broad and one metre 50 centimetres long. These covered a series of cavities formed of flagstones surrounding the opening, which was filled with earth, pebbles, and gravel. The stones are blocks of various sorts of Alpine granite, evidently 70 fashioned by human labour at a very remote period. In one of the cavities were found fifteen skeletons, one of them being that of a child. The discovery of a bronze ring would appear to indicate that these individuals belonged to the bronze age, but there were also found a stone axe (nephrite), and bears’ teeth pierced to form necklaces. The first grave was explored on the 24th January, and further examination was in progress. Mr. Brocebank, F.G.S., exhibited a large collection of granites from the Ravenglass district, and from Criffel, which he had got together with a view to proving the origin of the large granite boulders recently found in the glacial clay or till of this district. The fine boulder recently placed in this Queen’s Park, and which was found in the railway cutting through the drift clay at Collyhurst, proves to be of Ravenglass granite, such as is found in Eskdaie, about four miles above Ravenglass. It is a very fine example of a glaciated boulder, being polished and scratched on several sides, and very little 'weathered, so that it is pretty much in the condition in which it was when deposited in the clay. Two large boulders were recently found in the foundations for the corporation buildings near the Manchester Exchange. One of these is of Ravenglass granite, of a deep red colour, such as is now found in the Muncaster Fell quarries about two miles from Ravenglass. The other is a most interesting specimen differing greatly in appear ence from the Queen’s Park boulder, in being much weathered, and presenting no worn surfaces except one of its sides, and no ice markings. Tins may partly be accounted for by its having been found in the gravel, but the writer believed it to point to other glacial conditions than those which had obtained with the Collyhurst boulder. This granite appears to be identical with that now worked 71 in the Spy Crag quarry, near Dalbeattie, in the Criffel district, and if so it affords a most interesting evidence of tlie northernly origin of our drift current. The red granite boulder -which for many years stood at the end of the watering trough at Kooden-lane, and which now lies in the grounds of Mr. H. M. Ormerod, at Cheetham Hill, is of the red granite of Muncaster Fell, near Ravenglass. It had been asserted by Professor Dawkins that the Queen’s Park boulder was of Shap granite, but the writer is quite certain that this is not the fact, and he has never found any of the Shap Fell granites in the boulder clays of South Lancashire, E. W. Binney, V.P., F.R.S., said, since the publication of his paper on the Drift Deposits of Manchester in Yol. PHI. (second series) of the Society’s Memoirs, attention had been directed to the preservation of large boulder stones. The date of that memoir was 1847, and in it was described and figured the fine block of grey granite now placed in Peel Park. It was found in the till or brick clay at Park Place, Higher Broughton, just below the house then occupied by Mr. W. Sale, and remained on the road side till about the beginning of 1850, when the owners of the land were dig- ging a hole to bury the stone, and thus get it out of the way. Pie wrote a letter to the Editor of the Manchester Guardian, which appeared in that paper of the 13th February, 1850, suggesting that the Peel Park Committee should fetch the stone mid place it in their park. His appeal was responded to without loss of time, and it now is placed at the entrance to the park. He was glad to find that the preservation of this specimen had been of service in saving other large boulder stones from the rite of burial. Pie had himself seen the fine specimen of red granite placed in the Park at Macclesfield, and the large block of hard green stone, weigh- ing nearly 20 tons, now preserved in the Oldham Park. It 12 was very desirable that when any more specimens are met with they should be preserved in the public parks, or some other suitable places for the inspection of the public. Lan- cashire and Cheshire contain many large boulders, and it is to be wished that they should not be buried near to where they are found, so as to get rid of them. In his remarks on the building stones of Manchester in 1856, Yol. I., p. 194 of the Proceedings of the Society, he stated : “ By the facilities which railways now afford one might have expected that some of the beautiful syenite of Shap, containing large crystals of felspar or the grey syenite of Bootle and Kaven- glass would have made their appearance in Manchester, but to nry knowledge none of them have been used. It is possible they may not have been known to our architects/' He was glad to say that the former stone had been intro- duced into the buildings of our city, and, when polished, had a beautiful appearance. It was a granite of very marked character, and could not easily be mistaken. After a search of forty years he had never found a specimen of it in the drift near Manchester, and when he heard from the newspapers that a block had been discovered at Collyhurst, and placed in Queen's Park, he went to look at it, but that stone was certainly not Shap granite, a rock which he had several times carefully examined in the quarry at Wastedale Head. It was a grey granite, and it was difficult to speak with certainty whether it came from Bavenglass, Dalbeattie, or the Isle of Man, as specimens from those places are much alike, and it would require to be carefully analyzed by a chemist before it could be identified. ffQn the formation of Azurite from Malachite," by Charles A. BcjrgJeardt, Ph.D. Two years ago I placed a specimen of rather poor Mala- chite (from Alderley Edge) on a rockery in my garden where it would be exposed to the action of the weather, in, 73 order to ascertain whether any change would take place in its composition. Last December I examined the specimen and found it had been acted upon by the weather to a con- siderable extent, as specks of a dark blue mineral were distributed here and there upon its surface. This dark blue mineral proved to be Azurite. Messrs. Wibel and T ungel (Dent. Chem. Geo. Berichte IV. 138), in a short paper on the formation of Azurite state that it is formed from Malachite by the absorption of carbonic acid and elimination of water, as Azurite contains a much larger percentage of carbonic acid than Malachite, This statement still remains to be proved, but it is scarcely probable that the moderate heat of our last two summers was sufficient to cause a loss of water in the Malachite specimen. At some future time I shall endeavour to ascertain the real cause of the formation of Azurite, “ On a Direct-Vision Spectroscope of great Dispersive Power,” by Arthur Schuster, Ph.D. This instrument is made by Mr. Adam Hilger of London. The following are its chief advantages 1. The compound prism has a very great dispersive power. The nickel line between the two sodium lines is easily seen in the solar spectrum. 2. The cross wire is replaced by a very fine slit which can be illuminated from above to any degree of intensity. 3. The slit is moveable by means of a very fine micro- meter screw; the position of the slit can be read off to within 0*0001 inch. The measurement is made by bringing the line to be measured against the bright slit which comes down from the top to the middle of the field. The position of the lines can be easily measured to within the fifth part of the dis- tance between the sodium lines. “On a New Absorptiometer” bv Arthur Schuster, Ph.D, In some recent researches Professor Vogel found that the relative intensity of the red and blue part of the solar spectrum was subject to great changes. While working with the spectroscope at considerable heights on the southern slope of the Western Himalayas, I was struck by the same fact. The instrument which I have now the honour to exhibit before the Society is constructed in order to measure the relative intensity of the red and blue light in the solar or any other spectrum, by comparing the intensity of each ray with that given out by a standard lamp. The photo- metric principle involved in the measurement is that first used by Professor Zollner. The intensity of a certain part of the spectrum is brought to the same intensity as that of the standard light by a system of Nicol’s prisms. Pro- fessor Zollner only compared the whole intensity of two sources of light and did not investigate the relative intensity of the different colours. D. Glau constructed another ap- paratus by which he could measure the relative intensity of different colours, but his instrument was constructed for an entirely different object, and is not suitable for the purpose for which the present instrument is made. The instrument, which I have called absorptiometer, because it is intended chiefly for the determination of the absorption of light taking place in our atmosphere, consists of a table similar to that of a goniometer table, but being able to turn round on a horizontal axis so as to give it any inclination to a horizontal surface. The telescope of the goniometer is replaced by a direct -vision spectroscope. Opposite the spectroscope a tube is fixed to the table con- taining two Nicol’s prisms. One of the prisms is fixed, the other can be turned, and its azimuth read off on a graduated circle. The standard light is placed behind its tube. The intensity of the light falling unto the slit of the A spectroscope is — sina, where a is the angle between two of the principal planes of the two Nicol prisms, and A the intensity of the light which would fall into the slit of the spectroscope if the Nicol’s were removed. A plane parallel piece of glass, acting as mirror, is fixed unto the small table, the centre of which coincides with the centre of the large goniometer table. The parallel sides can be adjusted by means of 3 screws until they are vertical. This mirror reaches to such a height that the horizontal plane laid through the top of the plate would bisect the tube containing the two Nicols. The light which is to be examined falls through a tube containing one Nicol, and is reflected by means of the plane parallel mirror into the lower half of the spectroscope. If the ray of light is reflected at the angle of polarization the intensity of this light can be reduced to nothing by means of the rotation of the Nicol. On placing the standard light in front of the tube con- taining the two Nicols and allowing the light which is to be examined to be reflected into the spectroscope on the mirror through the tube containing one Nicol, the mirror being placed at the angle of polarization, we observe in the spectroscope the two spectra one above the other, and by turning the Nicols we can reduce the intensity of the brighter light to that of the weaker for any colour we like. The positions of the Nicols will enable us to find the relative intensity of the two lights for the different colours. MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. December 6th, 18*75. Charles Bailey, Esq., Vice-President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr. SideboT’HAM, F.R.A.S., sent for exhibition some sand from a river farmland of New Guinea, containing particles of gold, magnetic and n on-magnetic iron, foraminiferse, silicified fragments of echini, and shells. 76 Mr. J. Cosmo Melvill exhibited two specimens of the Spurge Hawk Moth (Deilephila Euphorbise) ; said to have been captured in the larval state at Ecclesbourne, near Hastings, feeding in all probability on Euphorbia Amygda- loides, as he subsequently visited the spot and could see no trace of any other Spurge. January 17th, 1876. John Barrow, Esq., in the Chair. Mr. Sidebotham, F.R.A.S., exhibited a magnified drawing and specimens of lymexylon navale from Dunham Park, and read a short paper on the life history of the insect, which he and Mr. Chappell had studied since its discovery in Dunham Park in 1872. Previously to that time only one authentic British specimen was known; this was found at Windsor nearly fifty years ago. The species is very abundant in some of the old oak trees in Dunham Park, but specimens are difficult to capture, as they fly about the tops of the trees, and to obtain them a net attached to a very long pole is required. Mr. Sidebotham also read a paper on Psammodius Sulci - collis, and exhibited specimens taken at Southport in 1875. This has been considered a very rare species, but its habits being now known, it' is easy to obtain a comparative abund- ance. It buries itself in the dry sand at the foot of the sandhills during the day, coming out about 5 p.m. Mr. PLANT exhibited various objects of interest, including a longicorn Beetle (Astinomus sedilis) from a coal mine near Manchester; also cases of a N. American caddis worm (Phryganea sp.) much resembling a mollusk of the genus Yalvata, and once named by Lea Valvata arenicola. 77 Ordinary Meeting, February 22nd, 1876. Edwakd Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. “ Notes on a Collection of Apparatus employed by Dr. Dalton in his Researches, which is about to be exhibited (by the Council of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester) at the Loan Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus at South Kensington,” by Professor Roscoe, F.R.S. The apparatus employed by John Dalton in his classical researches, whether physical or chemical, was of the simplest and even of the rudest character. Most of it was made with his own hands, and that which is to be exhibited lias been chosen as illustrating this fact, and as indicating the genius which with so insignificant and incomplete an expe- rimental equipment was able to produce such great results. The Society has in its possession a large quantity of appara- tus used by Dalton, most of which however consists of electrical apparatus, models of mechanical powers, models of steam engines, air pumps, a Gregorian telescope, and other apparatus of a similar kind, which was either bought or presented to him. It has not been thought necessary to exhibit these, but rather to show the. home-made apparatus with which Dalton obtained his most remarkable results. I. Meteorological and Physical Apparatus made and used hy Dr. Dalton. Throughout his life Dalton devoted much time and atten- tion to the study of meteorology; indeed his first work, published in 1793, was entitled “Meteorological Observa- tions and Essays,” and his last paper, printed in 1842,* * Vide Life of Dalton by Dr. Henry, published by the Cavendish Society ; Memoir of Dr. Dalton and the History of the Atomic Theory, published in the Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester, 2nd Series, Vol. 1 ; Dr. Lonsdale’s Life of Dalton, Lono*mans, 1874. Proceedings— Lit. & Phil. Soc.— Vol. XV.— No. 7.— Session 1875-G, 78 (Mem. Lit. and Phil. Soc. VI. 617), consists of auroral obser- vations. Hence the first of Dalton’s apparatus which claims attention are the meteorological instruments. No. 1 is Dalton’s mountain barometer, with accompanying thermometer, made for him by the late Mr. Lawrence Buchan, a member of the Society. The barometer is enclosed in a wooden case which Dalton was accustomed to carry in his hand. Several home-made barometers used by Dalton in his observations are in possession of the Society. They are all of them filled, and the scales prepared, by Dalton himself, and are simple siphon tubes with a bulb blown on at the bottom to serve as a mercury reservoir. These are attached to plain pieces of deal upon the upper part of which the paper scale is pasted. One of these, which has probably also served for tension experiments (No. 2), has been placed in the collection. Many of the thermometers appear also to have been home-made. No. 3 is a mercurial thermometer evidentlv i/ made and graduated by Dr. Dalton, and marked with his initials, J. D. The freezing point of this thermometer was tested recently by Mr. Baxendell, who found that it had not altered since the instrument was graduated. Another (No. 4) is of the same kind and bears the date 1823; No. 5 is a third mercurial thermometer with long stem and wooden scale ; No. 6 is an alcohol thermometer with wooden scale ; and No. 7 a registering maximum and minimum ther- mometer employed by Dalton, maker’s name J. Bonchetti, 29, Balloon-street, Manchester. II. Apparatus Constructed and Used hy Dalton in his Researches. (1) “On the constitution of mixed gases,” (2) “On the force of steam or vapour from water or other liquids at different temperatures both in a Torricellian vacuum and 79 in air,” (3) “ On evaporation,” and (4) “ On the expansion of gases by heat.”* No. 8 is an apparatus used for the determination of the tension of volatile liquids at low temperatures ; it consists of a siphon tube, at the upper end of which is a scale in inches in Dalton s handwriting. He describes it thus : c I took a barometer tube 45 inches in length, and having sealed it hermetically at one end, bent it into a siphon shape, making the legs parallel, the end that was closed being 9 inches long, the other 36 inches. I then conveyed 2 or 3 drops of ether to the end of the closed leg and filled the rest of the tube with mercury except about 10 inches at the open end. This done, I immersed the whole of the short leg containing the ether into a tall glass containing hot water.” ^ o. 9 is a smaller tube containing another liquid, also having a graduated scale written on paper and attached to the tube. Nos. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, are tubes used by Dalton for measuring the tension of vapour from water and other liquids at higher temperatures than their boiling points, both in a vacuum and air. No. 15 is a tube used by Dalton for measuring the tension of the vapour of bisulphide of carbon, labelled “Sulphuret carb.” with a paper scale in Dalton s handwriting, and a cork showing that the upper portion of the tube containing the bisulphide of carbon could be heated in a water bath to various temperatures. No. 16 is a manometer tube, fixed into a board, divided and numbered by Dalton. No. 17 is an apparatus used by Dalton for the determination of the tension of the vapour of ether, and is interesting as being the instrument by means of which Dalton arrived at one of his most important experimental laws. It is described as follows (p. 564): Octobe?' “nd ' Tm eSB7™! th® ab0™ Subjects> John Dalton> read Dirt 2 oft, ’ and 30tll’1801> and published in the 1st series, vol. 5, Chester ^ LiWy attd PM°aophical Society of Man- 80 “ Tlie ether I used boiled in the open air at 102°. I filled a barometer tube with mercury moistened by agitation in ether ; after a few minutes a portion of the ether rose to the top of the mercurial column, and the height of the column became stationary. When the whole had acquired the temperature of the room (62°) the mercury stood at 17-00 inches, the barometer being at the same time 2975 inches. Hence the force of the vapour from ether at 62° is equal to 1274 of aqueous vapour at 172° temperature, which are 40° from the respective boiling points of the liquids.” This is generally known as Dalton’s law of tensions, since shown by Regnault not to be rigorously true. No. 18 is a wet and dry bulb mercurial thermometer made by H. H. Watson, of Bolton. III. Apparatus for Measuring Gases, and for determining the Solubility of Gases in Water. No. 19 is an apparatus with a graduated tube, probably used by Dalton foi the determination of the laws regulating “ the absorption of gases by water and other liquids,” read October 21st, 1803*. No. 20 is a graduated glass tube attached to a bottle of indiarubber, also probably used in his researches on the absorption of gases by water. No. 21, No. 22, are divided endiometer tubes, employed by Dalton for measuring the volumes of gases. No. 23 is a spark eudi- ometer ; Nos. 24, 25, 26 are glass tubes, pipettes, and funnels graduated by Dr. Dalton and used by him for measuiing gases; No. 27 is a graduated glass bell-jar, used for measuring gases ; No. 28 is a phial, with graduated tube attached by cement, for collecting and measuring gases ; Nos. 29, 30 are stoppered phials with the bottoms cut off* used as gas jars foi collecting and measuring gases; No. 31 is a thousand grains specific gravity bottle, with its counter- poise of lead stamped “175” and paper labelled “bottle * “Manchester Memoirs.” 2nd Series. Vol. 1. 81 balance;” No. 32 is a pipette; No. 33 square bottle of thin glass, fitted with brass caps, and probably used for the determination of the specific gravities of gases; No. 34 is an earthenware cup, used by Dalton as a mercury-trough, and containing a small phial with mercury; Nos. 35, 36 are bulb-tubes, with graduated scales which may have served for the determination of the coefficients of expansion of gases ; No. 37 is a Florence flask with cork and valve for determining the specific gravity of gases ; No. 38 is a glass alembic. IV". Weights, Balances, Apparatus, Reagents and Specimens used by Dalton. No. 39, eleven phials, containing creosote, iodine, amal- gam of bismuth and mercury, quercitron bark, grana sylvestra cochineal, and other substances, labelled in Dal- ton s handwriting. No. 40, three divided blocks, used by Dalton for the illustration of his lectures; these are not, however, the balls an inch in diameter (referred to in his latest memoir on the “ Analysis of Sugar ”) which he em- ployed occasionally in his lectures, as illustrating his newly- discovered laws of combination and the atomic theory; these appear, unfortunately, to be no longer in existence. No. 41 is a common pair of scales used by Dalton ; No. 42, a pair of apothecary’s scales and weights employed by Dalton, with a paper of weights made of wire, labelled in his handwriting, “ 100th grains.” No. 43 is a box of weights used by Dalton, and containing a pill box labelled “Platina,” another pill box labelled “ Hund,” and containing 100th of grains, and another wooden box containing brass gramme Weights, labelled “Weights, French;” the other ordinary weights are of lead. No. 44 is Dalton’s pocket balance, consisting of a small pair of apothecaries’ scales, with beam about 4 inches long, and having the pans attached by common string ; it is contained in a tin case for the pocket. 82 No. 45 is a penholder used by Dalton. No. 46, leaden grain weights made by Dalton from sheet lead, and stamped in numbers by him ; No. 47, iron punches used by Dalton for this purpose. No. 48, a glass lens, wrapped in a piece of paper labelled, in Dalton’s writing, “Sun’s focus 42 inches.” No. 49 is a paper containing “10th of grains,” made by Dr. Dalton of iron wire. The paper in which these are wrapped is part of a note from one of Dr. Dalton’s pupils (as is well known he lived by teaching mathematics at half-a-crown per lesson), in which the writer presents his “compliments to Mr. Dalton, and is sorry that he will not be able to wait upon him to-day, as he is going to Liver- pool with a few friends who are trying the Railway for the first time. Mr. D. may fully expect him on Monday at the usual time.” No. 50 are bottles of tin, earthenware, and silver, some of them being common penny pot ink bottles. Each has a thermometer tube cemented into the neck of the bottle, and these tubes are provided with paper scales. These were used by Dalton probably for experiments on radiant heat. No. 51 is a manometer tube used by Dalton; it consists of a tin vessel attached on either side to leaden tubing, and having a thermometer-tube closed at the upper end, and provided with a divided scale, fixed into the upper portion of the tin vessel. No. 52, Dalton’s balance, made by Accum, and capable of arrangement as hydrostatic bal- ance, with weights and counterpoises. The following letter from Mr. Arthur Wm. Waters, dated Naples, February 9th, 1876, was read by Mr. Baxen- DELL : — Having expected to return ere this, I thought that, in the conversational hour before papers are read, I should have been able to say a few words on the Aquarium at Naples, where I have been working for six weeks, the British Association Committee for the establishment of zoological 83 stations, having granted me tlieir table; but having, for the purpose of getting further acquainted with the fauna of the Mediterranean, become connected with the institution for a short time, I shall ' not be in England until after the last meeting of the session, and so send a letter that you may read, if you see fit, when there is a dearth of subjects for conversation. The zoological station is connected with an aquarium which is more generally known, but is the least important part of the institution, and it was for the sake of the former that the undertaking was started and has been carried on by Dr. Dolirn. There are, in rooms above the aquarium, tables for twenty-four to work, and the greater part of these have been taken up by different governments, but some by other institutions — as the British Association and the Uni- versity of Cambridge, and Dr. Dohrn is anxious the whole number should be taken, in order to place the station in a satisfactory position. As the full advantage of such stations are not known to all, a word or two on the opportunities for scientific utility may perhaps have an interest for some of my friends of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. The station has been established by Dr. Dohrn two years, when he built, as I have before said, an aquarium, together with convenient rooms for study, library, and museum. As the most important direction of zoological research is at the present moment embryology and the study of development, it is natural that it should be principally used for advancing science in this direction, and, as I shall show, in no branch are the advantages more felt ; and although this, I believe, was fully appreciated by Dr, Dohrn, when he determined to erect an aquarium at Naples, it was not merely with the idea of advancing zoology in this branch, but that natural- ists should have the opportunity of using it for any purpose which they found might forward the branch of science they 84 had taken up. The greater number who have used the tables here have followed up the embryology of some group or species, but others have worked at the anatomy either of an organ or, on the other hand, of a class or species. I found that it presented great advantage for studying systematically a group, and in the six weeks during which the British Association granted me their table, I have been able to make a large collection of Bryozoa, the determination of which I have not been able to complete, as I cannot obtain some of the most important literature on the subject here; but I may say that I have over one hundred species and expect to find it not under one hundred and fifty, and probably it will be the largest number obtained from any one locality. These I have collected for the purpose of com- parison with my collection of Bryozoa from various periods of the tertian formation. For the study of embryology it is necessary that a very large number of animals should be collected, and that often continuously for a long time ; and this is a difficult and ex- pensive thing for a naturalist, especially in a foreign town, but as the station has two fishermen, with a very large knowledge of the animals, who are out every day with in- structions to bring such animals as are wanted at the time, and as the fishermen in the whole neighbourhood are encouraged to bring anything rare or that is wanted at the time, it will be clear that for such studies or other anatomi- cal work the advantages are very great, and I have found the same advantage of having the opportunity of constantly overhauling a considerable amount of material for the systematic study of any group of smaller animals. Each worker has a good-sized tank and two smaller ones for keeping anything he requires alive. Besides having the animals or plants collected which each is studying, he has on the working table all the reagents which are ordinarily required, besides glass vessels, drawing materials, and cer- tain simple apparatus, so that the naturalist on his arrival may find at once what he requires for his studies, and can directly set to work ; and further, finds a very considerable library of zoological works, which is especially rich in the department of embryology. This was for a large part Dr. Dohrn’s private library, but by presents from authors and publishers it has now become a very important library, numbering about three thousand volumes, but being com- paratively very recent it is not a matter of surprise that with systematical works it is but very poorly supplied, but in time, by gifts and purchases, it will no doubt possess the most important for determining the fauna and flora occurr- ing here. I should stronglyadvise any naturalist who intends to study to previously obtain the catalogue, that he may know what books that he is in the habit of using he had better bring with him. Another very important feature is collecting and preserv- ing the animals brought, so that there is a stock of cer- tain animals in alcohol always ready for anyone who may re- quire it, and supplies are constantly being sent to all parts of Europe to those who require the material for study, and are sent at about cost price. At the present moment there is an application from a neighbouring Literary and Philosophical Society for a supply of Amphioscus in various preservative solutions. A few animals have been determined by special- ists who have worked here, and this will form a nucleus of a museum of the fauna and flora of the Bay of Naples. The specimens as yet determined in this manner are too few to have much importance, but when the collection is more considerable it will be very useful, as any one sending for specific specimens can feel more security in the determina- tion when this is necessary. Besides the knowledge of the fauna and flora, which can be gained by the material brought daily by the fishermen, those who are working here have the opportunity from 86 time to time to go out dredging ; and it is to be hoped that a commencement may be made this spring of systematically dredging in the Bay, so that gradually a very complete knowledge may be gained of the nature of the Bay and the condition of depth and soil, with reference to the various animals found; but this can be carried out much more satis- factorily when the station has the steamer which has recently been presented by the Berlin Academy for the pur- pose of dredging. As I indicated above, the expenses of this station are partly supplied by different governments and institutions who pay £75 per annum for a table ; in some cases two governments have jointly taken a table, and the tables are granted to those who wish to proceed to Naples for study. At present, England has but two, i.e., the Cambridge Uni- versity and the British Association ; but probably Oxford will soon take one, and why should not Owens join with the other Northern Universities, or with London, to take one ? “On Glacial Action in the Valley of the Wear, etc,” by Professor T. S. Aldis, M.A. The coal workings in the county of Durham have revealed the existence of a great depressed trench excavated in the coal measures, and partly filled in with drift. The part best known stretches from Durham to Newcastle in nearly a straight line, the Team Valley being the upper visible por- tion of it, the lower part being filled in for nearly 200 feet. There is, I believe, no doubt that this “ Wash ” is the old valley of the Wear. The glaciers filled up this trench to such an extent that the river, when set free again, often failed to find its former valley-in fact was altogether thrown to the east at Chester- le-Street, entering the sea by a post-glacial valley, though possibly guided in forming it by a dene or glen previously existing. 87 This diversion of rivers by glacial action is referred to by Geikie, in liis “Great Ice Age/’ but the Wear gives better instances than I imagine can elsewhere be found. Above Durham the river meanders through a valley 1 esembling that of the Irwell opposite Eersal-moor, one or both of the opposite banks being composed of drift. At Dui ham itself a firm dam of clay has been thrown across the old valley, and the river has cut a narrow horseshoe- shaped ravine in the solid rock, thus isolating the block of stone on which the cathedral and castle stand. As soon as the stream emerges again from the rock into the pre-glacial valley, the bounding cliffs fall back, and the valley widens below as above the town. The narrow isthmus which joins the isolated block of rock is called Clay-path, and the boulder-clay in it is decidedly tough. There are other instances of this clay-bar across the old livei valley, and the isolation of a block of rock connected with the opposite side by a clay mound which has usually by this time weathered much lower than the isolated rock above which at first it must have risen. There is a very beautiful example of this (one amongst many) on the Esk, by Lealholm Station, near Whitby. At Sunderland Bridge Station on the N.E.R. mainline to the south of Durham is one of these diverted channels, half eat down. The liver has begun a semi-circular ravine in the solid rock, but after it had dug down some 40 feet the clay barrier failed, and the ravine is left apparently pur- poseless. The Sunderland-bridge Railway Station stands in the hollow, and the railway forms the sagitta, whilst the viaduct across the present valley of the Wear beyond marks the site of the former clay barrier. Narrow, rocky-sided and deserted river valleys will therefore be usually of post- glacial formations. ** P This Wash, or old valley of the Wear, proves that before t ic glacial period the north-eastern part of England was at 88 least some 300 feet higher than at present, for a rise of some 200 feet would push the sea much further off, and yet only bring the bottom of the Wash at Newcastle about to sea- level. The depth of these old effaced river-beds gives us surely the best index of land elevation in old times, and several interesting conclusions follow from it. Rock stretches, I believe, close to the surface of the ground all across the mouth of the Tees estuary. If then we raise the land to pre-glacial elevation,’ the Tees valley here should be sunk some 200 feet below the surface. The Tees therefore, we may assume, in pre-glacial times flowed south- ward into the Ouse, as the Wear flowed northward into the Tyne. The York plain and the vale of Malton represent the filling in of valleys whose rock bottoms, in the case of the plain of York, may be 200 or 300 feet below the present surface. The section of the ravine excavated by the Wear since the glacial period is at least, I judge, forty times less in area than that excavated before. How old, then, are our English rivers ? It is therefore, I think, a tolerably safe rule that all nar- row rocky valleys are post-glacial, — e.g., I have no doubt the Nidd at Knaresbro’, the Derwent at Castle Howard, Swale at Richmond, Esk at Whitby harb our, are cases of post-glacial section. In several of these cases we can see clearly the old filled-up valleys. The Derwent apparently formerly flowed out by Gilling, on to Pilmoor, &c., &c. It is stated that scratched flints occur at the top of boulder- clay a little to the north of Sunderland. If this be so it proves that at the close of the glacial period there were chalk beds to the east, off Sunderland, in continuation of the York wolds, at such a height as to send glaciers backwards when the great ice-sheet had so far lessened as to permit the free play of ice on minor slopes. 89 Do the clay dams across the pre-glacial Wear valley and other similar valleys mark epochs in the decline of the ice when the retiring glacier for a time advanced again and mounted up a huge mass before it ? It is possible, of course, that they do not really differ from the rest of the denuded drift, but on the other hand they appear in some degree to correspond in Weardale and Eskdale, the to two cases I know best. Lealholm corresponds to Bishop Auckland : above these points in both valleys I have not noticed any great filling-up of the valleys. One can even fancy a correspond- ence between some of the clay dams in the one valley and in the other as regards relative position and completeness. Mr. Thomas Carnelley, B.Sc., exhibited and explained the action of Edison’s Electric Pen. Ordinary Meeting, March 7th, 1876. Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.RS., &c., President, in the Chair. Mr. R. S. Dale, B.A., exhibited Specimens of Crystals of Sulphate of Lead found in Alum Residue, and said that “In the manufacture of pure red liquor (alumina acetate), lead sulphate occurs as a bye-product from the admixture of alum and lead acetate. This lead sulphate is filtered to a stiff paste. In a cask of this pulp the very curious crystals I exhibit were found embedded in the centre of the mass, and, so ,far as could be seen, unattached. These crystals resemble the axes of a crystal of the regular system, and are undoubtedly pseudomorphs from crystals of alum. Lead sulphate in the crystalline state belongs to the Rhom- bic system. In the same cask crystals of alum were found, which leaves little doubt that such was the origin of these extraordinary forms. Analysis showed them to consist of lead sulphate.” 90 “ On the Degree of Accuracy displayed by Druggists in the Dispensing of Physicians’ Prescriptions in different towns throughout England and Scotland,”* by Willi AM Thomson, F.C.S. The results obtained by Mr. Allen, the public analyst for Sheffield, a short time ago in reference to the inaccuracies displayed by druggists in making up prescriptions, led me to believe that it would be interesting to have the same prescription dispensed by different druggists, in different parts of England and Scot] and, and by analysis to decide the range of inaccuracies, if any. By the aid of my friend, Dr. Sinclair, of Manchester, to whom I am indebted for much subsequent help, I was furnished with two ordinary prescriptions, the principal ingredients of which admitted of very accurate determination, as I shall afterwards show. The prescriptions were as follows : — R. Potass Iodid 3ij Sp. Chlorof. 3j Aq. ad §vj M. 5ss ter die. R. Zinci Sulphat. 9 ij Aq. Pur gij M. Fiat Lotio. The processes of analysis were so simple for both that it leaves little doubt as to the accuracy of the results. The specific gravity of each solution was first taken. 100 grains measure at 60° Fahr. were then placed in clean, accurately tared and marked platinum capsules, weighing from 180 to 200 grains each ; the fluids were then carefully evaporated to dryness on a water bath, those containing the potassium iodide being afterwards heated in an air-bath at 220° Fahr. till they ceased to lose weight, whilst those containing the zinc sulphate were dried at 220° Fahr. and afterwards heated to dull redness to drive off the last molecule of water # The facts contained in this paper were accepted by the Committee of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, to be read before them, and subsequently, on the day advertised by them for its reading, rejected by the Council. 91 of crystallization, and the anhydrous zinc sulphate cal- culated into the crystalline or hydrated zinc sulphate; these prescriptions, then, contained no ingredient which could interfere with the direct determination of the salt introduced. I give the dispensers, in this paper, the advantage of not estimating the actual proportion of the pure salt, but the total, of what had been added by them. The first prescription should have been made up to a total fluid measure of 6 ounces (2625 grains) which quantity should have contained 120 grains of potassium iodide. The second prescription should have been made by adding 40 grains of crystallized zinc sulphate to 2 ounces of water, which would make a total fluid measure of 893 grains, but as few gave either the exact measure of liquid, or weight of solid, I found it necessary to make three columns of figures, in the following tables, for each prescription^ the first to show the amount of liquid measured out ; the second to show the total amount of solid weighed out ; and the third, as a comparison of the actual strength of the different fluids, which is made by calculating the amount of potassium iodide which would be contained in exactly 6 ounces (2625 grains measure) of the mixture, and the amount of zinc sulphate which would be contained in exactly 893 grains measure of the lotion, supplied by each druggist. It will, of course, be clearly seen, that if the potassium iodide or zinc sulphate were damp, or in bad condition, although the weighings may have been made with absolute accuracy, the actual amount of the salts found on analysis would be less than that weighed ; but this is equally a fault, because dispensers ought to have all their drugs in good condition. The following table will show the results of the analysis of eighty-one samples of the potassium iodide mixture, and the same number of the zinc sulphate lotion, one sample of the mixture, and one of the lotion, having been dispensed by each druggist; besides which, at the suggestion of Dr. Sinclair, I have annexed the prices charged by each, for the two bottles, as in his opinion it might prove of general interest to dispensers, and will make the table more perfect, because from those who charge most, the greatest degree of accuracy should be expected. I may further state, that from each important town, I endeavoured as far as possible to have one lot dispensed by a druggist having the highest reputation and another by one of the lowest class, but I found it difficult to carry out this exactly, so that the prescriptions have been made up more generally by high class or respectable druggists than by those of a lower class. 1 have, however, as far as pos- sible, marked those who could be recognised as having decidedly large and respectable shops, and those that were decidedly low class ; the others may all be accepted, I believe, as respectable, and many may even be termed high class druggists. Table I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 4S 49 50 51 52 53 54 5a 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 Name of Town, &o. Scotland. Aberdeen Small village in \ Kincardineshire j Cupar Fife Inverness Banff .... Dundee*. Glasgow . Designa- tion of Shop. Edinburgh Airdrie 55 Greenock .. 55 Dumfries .. England. Carlisle Lancaster . 55 Preston ..., Manchester : City Oxford-street. Didsbury Strangeways. . Large Medium. Large Medium. Large Medium Large Medium Low Medium Large' Low; Medium Large Medium Medium Low Large Large Medium Large LowerBroughton Deansgate Gt. Ancoats-st. ... Ardwick Pendleton Patricroft 55 Eccles Stretford-road ... Stretford' Bowdon .... 55 ••• • Altrincham. 55 Southport Blackpool Oldham Ashton-under- Lyne Warrington Nantwich Derby Loughborough 55 Nottingham Kegworth Chesterfield .. Birmingham Norwich 55 London 55 Weymouth 55 Liskeard, Cornwall, Low Low Low Low Low Low Large Large Small Mediun Large Low 55 Large 55 Low Mediui Large Prescription containing Prescription containing Iodide of Potassium. Sulphate of Zinc. mount of measured the Drug- > o vco mount of measured the Drug- O 3 i-1f go -aig . g£ s g mount c Suiphat d out b; iggist. equal t t of Su' containe fluid gr 2 ozs.) s'S 2 n ce r3 P CO -4-h otal Fluid out b; gist. ' Sfofi fcgg* T3 ,Q a 3 (POi ? 3 -SCO g ■as g s ■gPH £3 a § a -a 7-336 5-081 %J U March. . 0-779 2-376 —1-597 ) April 0-763 1-913 —1-150 "I 46 44 i May 2-676 2-116 +0-560 l 6-729 7-336 ( June 3-897 2-700 +1-197 ) c July 5‘624 3-223 +2-401 } 53 56 < August 4-067 3-333 +0-734 [ 10*692 15-180 l September 5-489 4-136 +1-353 ) c October 5-030 4-310 +0*720 -) 58 5 Q] November 4*099 3-325 +0-774 [ 10-514 10-295 ( December 1-166 2-879 —1-713 ) 209 205 37-892 35-271 +2-621 129 In the next table are given the results obtained from rain gauges of two different kinds, placed in close proximity in the same plane, and 3ft. from the ground, the one has a lOin. round receiver, and the other a 5 in. square receiver. Nearly all the months on which there was an excess of rainfall the smaller gauge registered the larger amount; out of the four months when the rainfall was below the average three of them show the greater fall in the greater gauge. Nearly the whole difference between the fall in the two gauges occured in January. A similar circumstance happened in the December of the previous year, that is in the preceding month, and both cases were doubtless due to the same cause, namely the fall of snow. An average fall in both gauges over a period of eight years shows a difference of only rloTr of an inch. Thus as I have said before the two gauges are practically checks upon each other. 1875. Rainfall in inches in lOin. round receiver 3ft from ground. Rainfall in inches in 5in. square receiver 3ft. from ground. Difference. From 1868 to 1875. Difference. Average of 8 years rainfall in inches in lOin. round receiver 3ft. from ground. Average of 8 years rainfall in inches in Sin. square receiver 3ft. from ground. January February March April May June July-... August „ September October November December 3-469 0-833 0-779 0- 763 2- 676 3- 897 5-624 4- 067 5- 489 5-030 4-099 1- 166 4'062 0-824 0-724 0- 779 2- 690 3- 956 5-710 4- 056 5- 497 4-960 4-118 1- 131 —•593 +•009 +•055 —•016 —•014 —•059 —•086 +•011 —•008 +•070 —•019 +•035 3-082 1- 974 2- 203 1- 853 2- 008 2- 548 3- 148 3- 372 4- 069 4-983 3-272 3-023 3‘142 1- 940 2- 227 1-827 1- 978 2- 522 3- 143 3- 351 4- 030 4-967 3-306 3-073 —•060 +•034 —•024 +•026 +•030 +•026 +•005 +•021 +•039 +•016 —•034 —•050 37-892 38-507 —•615 35-535 35-506 +•029 In the next table I give the results obtained from two exactly similar gauges placed at different heights from the ground and free from every interference ; each gauge has a Sin. square receiver, and the one is placed 3ft. and the other 34ft. above the ground. The total fall in the one 3ft. from ISO the ground for last year was 38-507in., and in the one 34ft. from the ground it was 32-921in. The difference between the fall in the two gauges is 5 '5 8 Gin. or about 18 per cent less rain fell in the higher gauge than in the lower one. In the same table I give the average fall in the same gauges for eight years, and by comparing the results it will be found that the average difference between the fall in the two gauges is about 17 \ per cent, very nearly the difference I showed last year on a seven years’ average. 1875. Rainfall in inches in 5in. square receiver 3ft. from ground, 1875. Rainfall in inches in 5in. square receiver 34ft. from ground, 1875. From 181 Average fall of rain in inches for 8 years in 5in. square receiver 3ft. from 1 ground. 38 to 1875. Average fall of rain in inches for 8 years in 5in. square receiver 34ft. from ground. January 4-062 2-613 3-142 2-217 February 0-824 0-585 1-940 1*461 March 0-724 0-605 2-227 1-748 April 0-779 0*543 1-827 1-545 May 2-690 2-345 1‘978 1-784 June 3-956 3-326 2-522 2-220 July 5-710 5-312 3143 2-819 August 4-056 3-791 3-351 2-852 September 5-497 4-917 4-030 3-453 October 4-960 4-605 4-967 4-154 November 4-118 3-464 3*306 2-597 December 1-131 0-815 3-073 2-460 38-507 32-921 35-506 29-310 The following table gives the ratios of the excesses of rainfall 3ft. from the ground over the amount measured at 34ft. from the ground. It is astonishing how these ratios vary their places in each single year, and yet how they maintain their positions in and after a six years’ average. There was absolutely no comparison between the ratios of ' the single years of 1873 and 1874 and the ratios of the six and seven years’ averages, which were almost identical. So also of these ratios of last year, there is not the slightest comparison between them and the eight years’ average, and practically there is no difference between the six, seven, and eight years’ averages. Now, according to the seven and 131 eight years’ averages, the greatest difference between the amounts of rain which fell in the lower and higher gauges occurs in January, decreases gradually in difference till May, when it attains a minimum. This minimum main- tains itself till August, when there is a slight increase; then after a slight decrease in September, the increase becomes constant to J anuary again. On the theory first enunciated by Mr. Baxendell that the excess of rainfall in the lower gauge is due to the particles of invisible vapour in the air between it and the higher gauge coalescing with the falling rain-drops, the results seem to show that in the spring and early summer months there is relatively less of this vapour in the air below a height of 34ft., and there is relatively more of it in the winter months and particularly in J anuary. Monthly and annual ratios of the excess of rainfall measured at 3ft. from the ground over the amount measured at 34ft. from the ground ; together with the amount of the mean humidity of the atmosphere, full saturation being represented by unity. Ratios of such rainfall for 1875. Ratios of such rain- fall for an average of 8 years, from 1868 to 1875. Mean humidity of the atmosphere for 8 years, from 1868 to 1875. January ”643 •705 •871 February ”709 •753 •855 March *835 •784 •836 April •697 •845 •765 May •871 •901 •755 June •840 •879 •747 July •930 •896 •759 August •934 •851 •793 September •894 •856 •777 October ‘929 •836 •840 November •841 •785 •853 December •720 •800 •872 Annual Ratios •820 •824 •810 That I might demonstrate as far as possible that this is the true way to account for the difference of rainfall at the two heights above the ground, I took out the representatives I had for the last 8 years of the relative amount of moisture in the atmosphere. These results were obtained from a 132 wet and dry bulb hygrometer, which I have had in use for 16 years, and reductions based upon Glaishers humidity tables. In the foregoing table the averages of the relative amount of moisture in the atmosphere are given in the last column. Of course the order of the amounts is inverse to the ratios of rainfall, one being positive and the other negative. The striking resemblance between facts shown by each is at once obvious. I have, however, projected them in the following diagram. The irregular line marked (a) represents the rainfall ratios, and the one marked (6) the mean relative amount of humidity. Hence I infer that the maximum of dry air on the ground is in May, June, and July, and the minimum in November, December, and January. These periods of maximum and minimum are closely allied to similar periods of ozone results. In the next table I give the fall of rain for 1875 during the day, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., and the fall during the night from 8 p.m. to 8 a.rn. The results of these observations for 1874 I pointed out were exceptional, as in every pre- vious year since I instituted them the day-fall had always been greater than the night-fall. The last year gives the original kind of results, and the day-fall exceeds the night, and by about the same amount as the reverse of 1864. The excess of the day-fall over the night of last year was 2*517 inches, or about 13 per cent. 133 1875. Rainfall in inches from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Rainfall in inches from 8p.m. to8a.m. Difference between night and day fall. January 1-605 2-457 +0-852 February 0-468 0-356 —0112 March 0380 0-344 —0036 April 0-396 0-383 —0-013 May 1-249 1-441 +0-192 June 2-425 1-531 —0-894 July 3-780 1-930 —1-850 August 2033 2023 —o-oio September . . . 2-410 3-087 +0-677 October 2759 2-201 —0-558 November ... 2-584 1-534 —1-050 December 0-423 0-708 +0-285 20-512 17-995 —2-517 In the next table I present the average day and night fall for a period ol eight years. The results of this table continue to show that the day-fall exceeds the night-fall so far as the whole year is considered. The months which have an excess of rainfall in the nights are those which show the greatest amount of atmospheric vapour, namely January, February and December; August and September show an increase, but in these months the amount of vapour in the air begins to increase, but whether the excess in those months is due to that cause is yet doubtful. Average of eight years, from 1868 to 1875:— 1875. Rainfall in inches from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Rainfall in inches from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Difference between night and day fall. January 1-361 1-781 +0-420 February 0-825 1*114 +0-289 j March 1-199 1027 —0-172 April 1-054 0-772 —0-282 May 1-156 0-821 —0-335 June 1463 1-058 —0-405 July 1-813 1-330 —0-483 August 1-656 1-695 +0-039 September ... 1-875 2155 +0-280 October 2-585 2-381 — 0-204 November ... 1‘682 1-624 —0-058 December 1-351 i *721 +0-370 18-020 17*479 —0-541 134 MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION. March 13 th, 1870. Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., F.G.S., in the chair. Mr. John Boyd was elected a Member, and Mr. Robert Ellis CunlifFe, and Mr. Walter Edward Barratt, Associates of the Section. Mr. Charles Bailey exhibited a series of slides illustrat- ing similarities of structure in Dicotyledonous and Monocoty- ledonous stems. Mr. Bailey likewise distributed among the members dried plants of Potamogaton lanceolatus sm. from Lligwy, Anglesea, that locality being still the only recorded habitat for this rare Pondweed; and exhibited some Egyptian plants collected by H. A. Hurst, Esq., Treasurer of the Section — the most noteworthy of which was Tamarix articulata— from Alexandria. Mr. R. D. Darbishire, F.G.S., exhibited a series of speci- mens of very young Rhombus vulgaris (Cuv.), showing (1), the two eyes on each side of the vertebral plane, (2) the removal of the eye from the underside to the dorsal edge, (3) the appearance of both eyes on the one (upper) side of the fish. These specimens had been found and given by Dr. A. W. Malm, of Gothenburg ; who first proved the remarkable physiological change of form. Dr. Malm stated that he had had no difficulty in procuring specimens so young as these by using a surface net at sea before dawn in the hot days of summer. These were taken in the Kattegat on the 25th July, 1875. 135 Mr. R. D. Darbishire, F.G.S., also communicated some notes made during a visit in the past summer to the Swedish shell-beds of Uddevalla and the neighbouring district, and exhibited a collection of the fossils of remarkable extent and beauty. He referred to the notices of these fossils by Linmeus, 1747 (9 species), and others ; by Sir C. Lyell, 1834, in his paper on the proofs of a rising of the land in Sweden (Philos. Trans. 1834) (25 species) ; by Mr. J. G. Jeffreys* 1863, British Ass. Rep. (85 shells, and 14 other invertebrata), and M. Thuden, 1866 (116 specimens of shells), and to the great collections of Mr. R. Thorburn in the Museum of Uddevalla, and Dr. Malm in that at Gothenburg. The two latest lists must be used with discrimination as they are conchological rather than geological ; each enumerating in one consecutive list fossils from older, newer and compara- tively recent beds. He described the great deposits at Kapellebacken S.W. and at Samnerod, Bracke and Kurod, N.E. of Uddevalla, and noted especially the following facts as proving that, whether the greater part of those vast accumulations of remains had been drifted into the bottom of the ancient fiords or not, some at least of the shells had lived where they are now found. The perfect and unviolated occurrence of the species named, the horizontal position of the small beds of sand and shingle in which some of the shells are found, point to very steady and slow movement. Sir Charles Lyell indicated the present rise of the southern part of Sweden as at the rate of 3 feet per century. As the highest beds at Uddevalla are about 206 (English) feet above the level of the sea, this means that they have been rising for at least 7,000 years. How long it was before they emerged from the water, that the lower parts of the deposit, which at Kapellebacken are apparently more than 70 or 80 feet thick, were laid in the bottom of the sea, there is no record. The most elevated beds of the district appear to be those at 136 Kapellebacken. In a small quarry, where the material has been worked for agricultural purposes, the following shells were found under conditions which imply that they lived where they now lie. They occur in horizontal patches, shewing on the sections as level, and remarkably limited strata. There is, at a level many feet below the top of the older deposit, a curious patch of much more modern raised beach with Littorina littorea and Cardium edule. This bed also is horizontal and undisturbed. My a truncata : The two valves together, upright in sandy shingle, and filled with the same. Mytilus E dulls : In beds, the valves of various sizes lying confused and packed. In this species the ligament and hinge are weak and the valves speedily detach them- selves. One pair was found in the mouth of a baccinum, which could scarcely have rolled over after its lodger had died without losing his shell. Modiola Modiolus : In a bed of fine sand shells of this species occurred in a remarkably perfect condition, the valves closed, posterior edge uppermost, the hinge and back at the top; large shells and smaller (all of a more fragile variety than is commonly dredged in British seas.) In digging back into this layer shell after shell appeared; while fresh, “ as perfect as if alive,” but soon to warp and crack in drying. [Query : Does this Modiola ever live burrowing free in fine sand ?] Pecten Islandicus : In beds, large and small, the valves together, horizontally, with the flatter valve uppermost. The colour of this shell is often preserved with extraordinary freshness. Buccinnum undatum : and B. Greenlandicum : Both species occasionally occurred, older and younger shells together, grouped in horizontal strata, though, naturally, not so massed as the less locomotive bivalves, and besides, generally diffused through the whole deposit. 137 Fusus Antiquus : Also occurred, though not massed, old and young shells free from sea-wear. Echinus Drobachiensis : Also occurred in sandy layers, grouped, old and young, as these animals are usually found to live. Balanus Hameri , a species whose component plates seem very slightly attached to each other, and speedily fall apart after death and disturbance, occurs whole. It was at this locality that M. Brongniart noticed the basal plate shells adhering to the gneiss rocks, between which the shales are heaped. The like were still to be found there. In the more amply extended deposits at Bracke, which do not rise above a level of 100 feet "above The sea, there are enormous accumulations of the shells of Saxicava rugosa. Wherever there was a fresh section ready, or could be made, it was easy to pick out multitudes of specimens with the two valves together. As the ligament of this shell is very slight, and the hinge nothing, these pairs of valves cannot have suffered either sea wash or any geokinetic change of position, or even pressure. The great size and the freedom of growth of the Uddevalla Saxicava has been long noticed, indicating its life outside of such burrows as gave the more modern form its name. One may suppose that the shells, growing at liberty amongst piles of shells of their ancestors, may well have developed, as we see. Both varieties (rugosa and arctica) occur, the latter somewhat more rarely. At the same place there were found amongst the Saxi- cava valves, which form, as it were, the matrix of the deposit, many specimens of Astarte borealis, old and young, with both valves in juxtaposition, placed vertically with the posterior end uppermost, in the position of life. Astarte elliptica occurred also in the same condition, though more rarely. It was at Bracke that Sir Charles Lyell found the balanus hameri still attached to the rocks. 138 Saxicava arctica, Mya truncata, and Mytilus edulis appear in forms peculiarly distorted, in a way which it is usual to attribute to exposure, during intervals, to greater or less infusion of fresher or colder water. This may be supposed to he due to some direction of the currents of the old land streams, probably coming down from glaciers, over shellbeds, not far from shore, and at no great depth. The variation of Mya truncata from some such cause has given rise to the form known as M. Uddevallensis. Dr. Thomas Alcock has kindly examined three parcels of sand, and reports finding the following species ; Kapellebacke From sand in Modiola. n— high level- From sand in Echinus. Brache— lower. From sand among shells. Polystomella umbilicatula.. % Miliolina seminnlum # * ,, trigonula... Botalina turgida (?) % # Truncatulina lobatula * Another form # Mollusca, fry of Ostracoda 3 2 3 The specimens are all of strong kinds, and appear much worn. They were not common in any parcel. Mr. John Plant made the following remarks, being addenda and corrigenda to the list of shells already published, found in Cymmeran Bay, Anglesea. List of Shells found in Cymmeran Bay, Anglesea. Cor- rections and Additions, by John Plant, F.G.S. Since the printing of my last list of the Fauna of Cymmeran Bay, the collection of shells obtained from there has been more than once revised, and I have seen reason to believe that in several instances my determination of the species has been faulty, from my having had only 139 young or greatly worn shells to deal with. Several species have been added to the list of this collection. It is therefore necessary to print a few corrigenda and addenda. 25. Lucina leucoma, was so named from a few worn and small valves, since which living shells have been taken and it proves to be L. borealis, smaller than normal specimens. 31. Cardium rusticum; this must be given up as belong- ing to this locality. All my specimens belong to C. echinatum. 96. Venus casina, are shells much worn of V. verrucosa. 97. Circe minima ; the one small valve so named proves to be a very young Cyprina Islandica. 99. Cardium fasciatum; the two small specimens so named are young of C. echinatum. 109. Pecten niveus ; the valve so named is a white variety of P. pusio, a common shell in the bay. White varieties of P. varius approaching nearly to the niveus are also found. 39. Acmsea testudinalis ; the shells so named are the young of a variety of P. vulgata. 121. Assiminea Grayana are only worn and small forms of Lacuna Vincta and L. puteola. Fusus Islandicus should be called F. gracilis, the former name has long been applied to this English shell, but erroneously. The following are additional species which have been satisfactorily determined since the last list was printed. Venus ovata, several specimens from both Cymmeran and Holyhead. Artemis lincta, a lew valves. Cardium echinatum, previously named C. rusticum. Cardium pygmseum, not very common. Astarte sulcata, one small specimen. Lucina borealis, previously named L. leucoma. 140 Modiola modiolus, not common. Sphsenia Binghami, a good number of smallish specimens. Trochus Lyonsii, a well marked variety of T. zizyphinus, Dentalium tarentinum, from Holyhead. Patella athletica, rather common. Natica nitida, far from common. Odostomia acuta (Jeff), two specimens of a dull white variety, distinctly umbilicated — vide Brit. Mol. v. 3, p. 270. Sepia bisserialis, Towyn Capel, Defarh bays. Mrs. Plant found four of these beautiful and rare shells after very stormy weather, in August, 1 873. 141 Ordinary Meeting, April 4th, 1876. Edward Sohunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., called the attention of the Society to the depreciation of silver which is now under the notice of a select committee of the House of Commons. It has been attributed to a panic, to the demonetisation of silver in Germany, or to the increased production of silver. In all probability all these causes have been in operation together. With regard to the last he had had the opportunity of examining a part of the silver mining district in Nevada last autumn, and he was very much impressed by the enormous mineral wealth of that region, which is as yet scarcely touched. In spite of the depression of trade, which was marked by the number of miners out of work, new localities are being dis- covered which will afford an almost inexhaustible supply of silver. To take an example. In June last a new lode was discovered in the range of metamorphic schists and slates about 1 2 miles from Battle Mountain, a station on the Central Pacific Railway, 519 miles from San Francisco. When he visited it in October it was nearly in working order, and at the present time is in full production. The lode runs N. and S. and outcropped on the surface of the ground, forming a vertical mass looking almost like a broken down wall in some places, and measuring 32 feet wide, the richer portions being of course irregular in thick- ness. Proceedings— Lit. & Phil. Soc.— Yol. XV.— No. 9.— Session 1875-6. 142 These metalliferous ranges extend southwards through Arizona and New Mexico into the great Mexican mining districts, and northwards to an unknown limit. The principal obstacles to their wealth being realised are, 1. The hostility of the Indians, 2. The want of wood, 3. The diffi- culties of carriage. These however are swiftly being removed. The Indians are rapidly perishing, and the rail- ways are bringing places hitherto inaccessible within reach of the seaboard and the Eastern States. And although the lonely plains covered with sage-brush which sweep round the metalliferous ranges almost like a sea, and at a height of from 4000 to 5000 feet, are without a tree, the Sierra Nevada on the one hand, and the Rocky Mountains on the other, offer an endless supply of timber. It seems therefore that the production of silver in this district is likely to be largely increased. Unless the demand keep pace with the supply, the price must necessarily fall. Fourteen tons of silver coined at the San Francisco mint were sent to the Eastern States on 21st of March last, and the export from San Francisco to China, which was under one million sterling in 1874 according to Sir Hector Hay, in 1875 reached one and a half millions, which gives an increase of 50 per cent, and this in spite of the extraordinary depression of trade. “ On some Isomerides of Alizarine,1 ” by Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., and Hermann Roemer, Ph.D. Considering the importance of everything connected with the history of alizarine, we have been induced to undertake the study of such of the isomerides of that body as we have been able to obtain. These isomerides are interesting from a theoretical point of view, as presenting a problem with regard to internal constitution which has not yet been solved, and technically some of them are interesting as they occur along with artificial alizarine and not being available for tinctorial purposes are the source 143 of loss to the manufacturer. The isomerides of alizarine hitherto observed are the following : — 1. Purpuroxanthine, a body first obtained by Schiit- zenberger from commercial purpurine, and afterwards prepared artificially by the action of reducing agents on purpurine. It crystallises in yellow needles, soluble in alkalies with a blood-red colour. 2. Isoalizarine, a substance derived from madder and described by Rochleder, having properties very similar to those of purpuroxanthine, and perhaps identical with it. 3. Frangulic Acid, a substance also very similar to pur- puroxanthine, obtained by Faust by the decomposition of franguline, a constituent of the bark of Rhamnus frangula. 4. Anthraflavic Acid or A nthraflavine, a body accompany- ing artificial alizarine, first described by one of the authors in a paper read before this Society,* and subsequently examined by Mr. Perkin. Its isomerism with alizarine was established by Mr. Perkin, who was the first to obtain it in a state of perfect purity. It is easily distinguished by the colour of its alkaline solution, which is yellow. 5. Anthraflavon, a product obtained by the action of diluted sulphuric acid on oxybenzoic acid. We have not yet had an opportunity of preparing and examining this body, but on reading the description of it given by its discoverers, Barth and Sennhofer, it is evident that it bears a strong resemblance to the preceding. G. Quinazarine , obtained by Baeyer, by the action of phthalic acid on hydroquinone. Of all the isomerides it most resembles alizarine itself. Its alkaline solutions have the same violet colour as those of alizarine, and it dyes mordants, while the other isomerides have no tinctorial properties. i . Chrysazine , a body formed by the action of nitrous acid on hydrochiysammide, and carefully examined by its * Memoirs, 3rd Series, Vol. V., p. 227. 144 discoverer, Liebermann. By tbe action on it of strong nitric acid it yields chrysammic acid, the nitro-acid first obtained from aloes by one of the authors many years ago. To these we have now to add— 8. Isoanthraflavine, a substance accompanying artificial alizarine, generally found along with anthraflavine in the commercial product, and which we shall describe presently. Chrysophanic Acid , the crystalline colouring matter of rhubarb, which at one time occupied a place in the list has been erased, since it has been shown by Liebermann that it is in reality a homologue of alizarine, having the formula C15H10O4, and is derived not from anthracene, but from a methylanthracene. We propose in this paper to give an account of some experiments on two of these isomerides, viz., anthraflavic acid and the one generally accompanying it, which we have lately observed for the first time. Anthraflavic Acid or Anthraflavine. We have little to add to the description of this substance given in the paper above referred to. Its melting point is above 330°C. It is less soluble in glacial acetic acid than in alcohol. The analysis of a carefully purified specimen of the substance gave numbers agreeing exactly with the formula C14H804, and confirming the results obtained by Perkin. The barium salt, which has been previously described, loses when dried over sulphuric acid a con- siderable quantity of water, becoming at the same time much lighter in colour. On being now heated at a temperature of 150°— 180°C. it loses two molecules of water, and the dried salt has a composition corresponding with the formula C14H6Ba04. Our results do not quite agree with those of Perkin, who found the formula of the salt dried at 180° to be 2C14H6Ba04, H20. Tetrabromanthraflavine , C14H4Br404, is prepared by adding bromine in excess to an alcoholic solution of the 145 substance. It crystallises in yellow needles, which are almost insoluble in the usual menstrua, such as alcohol, benzol, and glacial acetic acid. Nitroanthraflavic Acid, a body already referred to in the paper of 1871, is prepared by dissolving anthraflavine in fuming nitric acid and after allowing to stand some time, adding water, which precipitates the nitro-acid as a light yellow crystalline powder. It is obtained on spontaneous evaporation of its alcoholic solution in large well-defined rhombic crystals of a deep yellow colour, the composition of which is expressed by the formula 0i4H4(NO2)4O4. Most of the salts, such as the potassium, sodium, magnesium? barium, silver, and mercury salts, are soluble in boiling water, and crystallise in lustrous needles, varying in colour from light-yellow to brownish-red. By reduction with tin and. hydrochloric acid the nitro-acid yields a dark-blue powder, which is almost insoluble in alcohol, glacial acetic acid, &c., but dissolves in caustic alkalies with a fine violet colour like that of alkaline solutions of alizarine. Diacetylanthraflavine has already been described by Perkin* We found its melting point to be at 227°G. Diethylanihraflavine, C14H6(C H5)204 was prepared by heating a mixture of anthraflavine, caustic soda, iodide of ethyl, and a little alcohol in sealed tubes to 120°, and crys- tallising the product from boiling alcohol. It crystallises in light yellow needles, which are soluble in benzol and glacial acetic acid, but insoluble in water. It fuses at 232°. The fused substance on cooling is converted into a mass of pris- matic crystals. The spectrum of the solution in concentrated sulphuric acid, which is red, shows a well-defined absorption band between the green and blue. Dimethylanthmflavine, the preparation of which is similar to that of the preceding, has almost the same pro- perties as the ethyl compound. It fuses at 247°-248°. # Journal Chem. Soc. XXYL, p. 20. 146 Isoanthraflavine. This isomeride of alizarine was prepared from a by-pro- duct of the manufacture of alizarine supplied to us some time ago by Mr. Perkin, and which, according to the latter, had been obtained by treating the crude alizarine with lime- water, filtering and precipitating the red extract with acid. The product was treated with dilute caustic soda lye, in order to separate some anthraquinone. The filtrate gave with hydrochloric acid a yellow gelatinous precipitate, which was filtered off and treated with cold baryta water, until nothing more dissolved. The residue left undissolved after this treatment consisted of barium anthraflavate, and was em- ployed for the preparation of anthraflavine. The blood-red solution was mixed with hydrochloric acid, which gave a yellow precipitate consisting of isoanthraflavine. This was purified by repeated crystallisation from boiling alcohol, and was obtained in long yellow crystalline needles. Some- times it yielded golden yellow lustrous scales, but these on recrystallisation always gave needles. These needles, after drying over sulphuric acid, still contain one molecule of water of crystallisation, which is driven off by heating to 120°. The dried substance has a composition agreeing with the formula C14H804, five analyses giving as a mean C69,79> H365, the calculated amounts being C7000, H3*33. The properties of isoanthraflavine resemble those of anthra- flavine. It melts at a temperature above 330°. When slowly heated between watch-glasses it yields a sub- limate consisting of lustrous bright yellow needles and plates. It is a little more solub]e in boiling water than an- thraflavine. It dissolves easily in boiling alcohol and in hot concentrated sulphuric acid, but is almost insoluble in benzol and chloroform. It imparts no colour whatever to mordants and differs in this respect very widely from alizarine. It may be easily distinguished from anthraflavine by the colour of its alkaline solutions, which is distinctly red, while the 147 colour of anthraflavine solutions is deep yellow, or when concentrated reddish-yellow. In concentrated sulphuric acid isoanthraflavine dissolves with a cherry-red, anthra- flavine with a yellow colour. The two substances may also be readily distinguished by their behaviour towards lime and baryta water, in which isoanthraflavine dissolves easily in the cold, yielding red solutions. Anthraflavine, on the other hand, is almost insoluble in cold baryta water, and only dissolves on boiling, while in lime water it is almost insoluble at all temperatures. Isoanthraflavine in most of its properties approaches purpuroxanthine even more closely than it does to anthroflavine ; but having prepared a speci- men of purpuroxanthine according to Schutzenberger’s pro- cess, we are enabled to assert positively that the two bodies are not identical. One of the characteristic properties of purpuroxanthine is that it yields phthalic by oxidation with nitric acid, whereas isoanthraflavine gives with nitric acid a nitro-substitution product. The barium compound of isoanthraflavine can be made to crystallise (though not without some difficulty) in dark red needles resembling barium anthraflavate. It contains water of crystallisation, which it loses on being heated to 150°. The composition of the dry salt corresponds with the for- mula C14H6Ba04. Tetmbromisoanthmflavine, C14H4Br404, is prepared in the same way as tetrabromanthraflavine. It crystallises in yellow needles, soluble in boiling alcohol and in glacial acetic acid. Diacetyiisoanthraflavine, C14H6(C2H30)204 was obtained by the action of acetic anhydride on isoanthraflavine at 160 to 180°. It crystallises in light yellow microscopic needles, which are soluble in alcohol and more easily soluble in glacial acetic acid. At 175° it commences to soften, and at about 195° it fuses completely. It is decomposed by alco- holic potash solution. 148 Diethyliso anthraflavine, C14H6(C2H5)204, was prepared in the same way as diethylanthraflavine, which it closely resembles. It crystallises from alcohol in long light yellow shining needles, soluble in alcohol and ether, more soluble in glacial acetic acid and benzol. It fuses at 193 — 194°. It dissolves in concentrated sulphuric acid, forming a purple solution, the spectrum of which shows two ill-defined ab- sorption bands, one in the yellow, the other in the green. Isoanthraflavine gives with fuming nitric acid a nitro- substitution product similar in its appearance and general properties to nitro-anthraflavic acid, but we have been unable from want of material to examine it minutely. We will conclude with a few remarks on the action of caustic alkalies on anthraflavine and isoanthraflavine. On a former occasion it was stated by one of us that anthraflavine yields by the action of fusing hydrate of pot- ash alizarine, and it was this supposed convertibility into alizarine which led Liebermann and others to the conclusion that anthraflavine was identical with monoxyanthraquinone. We are now in a position to assert with confidence that the product of the action of alkalies is not alizarine. On repeating the experiment on a larger scale by fusing the substance with caustic potash in a silver basin we obtained a substance which after being freed from impurities crystal- lised from alcohol in orange-coloured needles strongly resem- bling but certainly not identical with alizarine. On heating it yields a sublimate in needles very similar to sublimed alizarine. The solution in alkalies is however devoid of the violet tint characteristic of alizarine, and on dilution appears distinctly red. The spectrum of the solution shows two absorption bands similar to those of alizarine solution, but these bands, according to the determination kindly under- taken for us by Dr. Schuster, lie further away from the red end than the bands of alizarine. It appears probable that this body may turn out to be an isomeride of purpurine, resem- 149 bling Mr. Perkin’s antlirapurpurine. Isoanthraflavine when treated in the same way yields a body which has most of the properties of anthrapurpurine, though it seems to crys- tallise more readily and in longer needles than the latter substance does, according to Mr. Perkin’s account. We are at present engaged in the investigation of these products. Professor Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., made the following remarks : It is not my intention to add more than a few necessary words to the literature, serious and comic, which has Windy Knoll for its centre. At the last meeting I was unable to give a decided ‘ yes’ or ‘ no’ to Mr. Plant’s evidence that the c bone of contention’ was not that of bison, because it is a fragment of a variable and unimportant bone which I had not seen for nearly two years. I have re-examined the evidence, and consulted Mr. Davies, of the British Museum, and I find that I was mistaken in referring it to bison. The mistake is however a side issue and not of any scientific importance, because the remains of that animal from that place are considerably over one thousand in number, while those of the bear are over sixty, With regard to the real point at issue, as to whether it adds the cave-bear to the fauna of Derbyshire, as urged by Mr. Plant, I have only to add to the opinion expressed in Proceed, of Lit. and Phil. Soc., Manchester, 1874, p. 6, the views of Professor Busk and Mr. Davies. The former writes — “ I should be very loth to give any opinion what- ever as to the specific characters of a fossil bear from that part of the skeleton alone.” The latter, after regretting that Mr. Plant had omitted to mention the discovery of the associated ursine jaws and teeth when the bone was sub- mitted to him, says (25th March, 1876), “I have not suffi- ciently studied the bones of the bears, with the exception of the jaws and teeth, as to enable me to determine with certainty the species to which they belong. Had I known 150 all the facts, I should not only have hesitated but refrained from assigning the bone to any particular species of bear.” The evidence of the jaws and teeth proves that the bear of Windy Knoll is not the cave, but the great fossil grizzly bear ( U. ferox fossilise JJ. prisms), as may be seen by a reference to the Quart. Geol. Journ., Lond. 1875, pp. 251-2. It is unnecessary to go into further details. “ The Eucalyptus near Rome,” by Dr. R. Angus Smith, F.R.S., Y.P. A few years ago I wrote to a friend in Italy, suggesting that, as he had leisure, he might try the value of the Eucalyptus in that country for the removal of those con- ditions which engender malaria. His reply was somewhat to the effect that every one was aware of the value of the tree, and everywhere trials were being made, so that there was no use in his doing what everybody was doing. This was very cheerful, showing how rapidly the Italians had risen up to a full appreciation of new ideas. This winter I went to Rome with a desire to learn on the spot something of the conditions of the ground complained of, and receive some knowledge from the learned men of the place, as well as from any books which may not be well known here. I certainly did not obtain any confirmation of the opinion that every one was attending to the subject. I saw men in scientific and social positions, in which one might expect to find the fullest knowledge of the subject, and I came to the conclusion that it had excited very little interest in Rome or the neighbouring country. One small experiment, however, was spoken of, and several knew of it, although I met few who had seen it. It was made at the Church of St. Paolo alle Tre Fontane (usually called Tre Fontane), three or four miles from Rome, and as this is the only place I have seen from which to derive a lesson, I must be excused taking such a small 151 * example. The church has two other churches near it, and a small residence for monks of the^ order of La Trappe. The station had been deserted for 40 years, and the ancient building — the largest and lowest in situation — had been filled up with mud to the depth of three feet. The Campagna here is much exposed to malaria, and hence the desertion. It is by no means a dead level, neither is the upper part of the Campagna or agro Romano by any means so. The soil is very deep, and it is cut into vales of a depth which I will not venture to characterize generally, but enough to say, they were at this place 30 to 40 feet. The streams, like the Tiber itself, had brought down their mud, and the place had become to a large extent a desolation. In 1869 it was re-inhabited ; and before entering on the dwellings, a num- ber of prisoners were set to clean out the place, remove the accumulated mud, and make drains. Round the desolate spot there is now a garden, and although it is not yet in fine order, it is, at least in sunshine, a great improvement on the neglected land around. I venture to give no exact history, but tell only such few things as were told me at the spot. During the first season several of the monks died — I think five was the number given — and of fever such as marshes produce. A few specimens of Eucalyptus Globulus were planted, and, as they grew well, a small garden is now thinly covered over with various species. As one enters there is a peculiar odour perceptible, it is fragrant, pleasant, and resinous; some compare it to that from turpentine, some to the black currant, but every one attempts to give the name of some other odour as evidently mixed with this more prominent one. The most of the plants are two or three years old and about ten feet high; but there is a diversity, and the oldest has been planted only five years. This largest was judged by myself and others to be about thirty-five feet high : at the height of fourteen inches from the ground it was eight inches in diameter. 152 Not one of the monks had died after the first year, hut then the place had not been inhabited during the night until last summer. Still, it will be seen that the experiment is a very small one and a very imperfect one. It is, how- ever, important in this respect, that during the last summer and autumn — the dangerous seasons— no one had died, whilst during the first there were several deaths. But it must be remembered that the place had been cleaned out and drained, and placed, as the buildings were, in the lower part of a valley, draining must have been much required* and the fact of mud being in the church itself, showed how readily the whole was flooded. Although there are now some trees growing, they are only at one side and they are small. It is true they give out a very distinct odour very striking when one goes near, and it may be said that the cause must pervade all the surroundings even if it be not perceptible. This will certainly take place in vei^ still weather, and the low situation protects it greatly from winds. Still, with every desire to give to the emanations of the Eucalyptus every virtue demanded, it is not easy to look on this as a good instance of its success. One of the monks by name Orsise, had prepared a tincture from the leaves, and a glass of this was given to every one daily when fever showed itself. This seems to have been the really efficient agent that in conjunction with the drainage protected the brethren last summer. It is not my intention to speak of this substance with details to any extent. It is however known that in the leaves and the bark and even wood of the blue gum tree is an oil with a very strong odour. There may rather be said to be several oils, but one which has been called eucalyptol boils between 170° and 178° C. This is the oil which is said to resemble cajeput oil, and is said to have an effect similar to that of quinine. But the substance which has the medical effect is probably a much more volatile oil continually 153 rising from the plant, and J. Bosisto adds a volatile acid.* This experiment mentioned shows that men may live in health in one of the worst parts of the Campagna with proper precautions, and how different would things be if this plan were general ; instead of a neglected country with scarcely a house, it might be a pleasant habitation, as it once was, for many thousands. Still we should not expect this to occur if the inhabitants were obliged to take tincture of eucalyptus leaves very frequently. Indeed the use of the tincture is itself an objection to the experiment. The difficulty into which Sir Samuel and Lady Baker got when detained in Africa was aggravated by fever of a marsh kind, but seems to have been entirely removed when they used the spirit from the sweet potato. The fever was not a severe one, but the fact injures to some extent the experiment at Tre Fontane. If however we look to other countries we are informed that the tree itself with its exhalation is quite sufficient to render a district healthy, and it is perfectly certain that if the oil is efficacious, and the evidence gives faith, those who live near must be continually taking in doses which must soon equal in amount that usually given as a cure. They must in fact be living in a constant vapour of this healing oil. In order to produce this condition the houses must be surrounded with the trees, and every wind will then blow its measure of health. At Tre Fontane this is not attempted, and although more ground has been pro- mised the monks, it is not promised to extend on every side so that they may manage to be surrounded. In speaking of the subject it of course occurs to ask : Is it really certain that this tree will destroy the malaria, and if not certain, will the expense not be a most alarming one ? Can any one venture then on giving advice on the subject ? This last is the very point which I look on as so clear. * See “ Is the Eucalyptus a fever-destroying tree?” by I. Bosisto. Roy. Soc. of Victoria, 1874. 154 I do not pretend to give from my own experience any infor- mation on the curative powers of the oil, but I have read enough on the subject to satisfy me that the character given to the plant is well founded. A brochure by Dr. Carlotti*, of Corsica, goes over the whole subject very fully, and journals in abundance have treated the subject. But strong as I believe the arguments are, I would conclude that even if they were weak the tree ought to be encouraged and grown largely, because if the benefit of the curative agency were less there is another advantage arising, and that is from the nature of the wood. I went to Tre Fontane with a friend who planted about a million and a half trees in this country annually, and had studied the growth carefully, and he said that the best growing tree would require about thirty years to grow the wood made in five years by the eucalyptus. The question I then asked was this : Does this rapid growth arise from the difference of climate in Scotland and Italy ? But the surprise of the Italians at the rapid growth was equally great, although I am not able to tell the difference of increase of the same kind of tree in the two countries. See on this also the book quoted. M. Lambert, quoted by M. Carlotti, gives the growth in Algeria thus : — Circumference in centimetres after 1 year . .. 10 i) » V 2 years. .. 13 5) » 3 „ . .. 30 >) )) ;; 4 „ . .. 40 >) )) ;; 5 „ . .. 55 5) )> V 6 „ . .. 75 » }> 7 „ . .. 90 )) )> )) 8 „ . ..1*20 J) )) yy 9 „ • ..1-50 M. Carlotti has seen the growth from 11 months to be equal to 17 cent, in circumference. * Assainissement des Regions cliandes insalubres par Regulus Carlotti. (Ajaccio, 1876). 155 Wood about Rome is scarce ; people are cold in winter and would gladly use a fire, and they put cloaks on even in their houses I am told. True, their winter is short. It is a very expensive thing to have a fire in a hotel, and one can easily burn five francs’ worth of wood in a day, or at the rate of seventy pounds’ worth a year for a fire in one small room. People have not fires enough for the wants of a full civilisation. Even large hotels allow their fires to go out in the evening, and cooking at unusual times cannot be accom- plished. The wood of a gum tree five years old is larger than necessary for firewood, and would at any rate be of a most convenient size for splitting up. It is too large near the ground to be used entire, and much larger than any of the wood which I got in Rome or Florence. Let us imagine this as a source of fuel, a portion of the Campagna, Maremma, Pontine marshes, &c., growing such a crop of combustible matter every five years. Where else will be found a coal field equal in value ? Let the power obtainable from this be calculated. Professor Boyd Dawkins tells me that Sir Charles Nichol- son, late Governor of Queensland, had proposed planting the gum trees in Italy twenty years ago, and had sent seed enough to have covered the Maremma with trees, but we see what has been done. Speaking with a Roman senator on the subject, he said it would take thirty years to grow the trees, and man was a shadow and could not look so far. I know that man is mortal, but have often heard that Rome is eternal, and it is for the future we must act. This senator had the same idea we have here of thirty years for a pretty strong stem, but now it is reduced to five with apparent certainty. These five years themselves may be reduced, because at two years the trees give out rich odour, and perhaps when still younger, and thus they begin to work almost at once, pre- paring wholesome habitations. The evidence seems to be 156 that in the second year the homesteads would with care be habitable, and in five years there would be a rich crop of wood off the plantation, whilst the ground cultivated for other purposes would be richer of course, because it would be receiving that attention which for a long time it never has had. The trial in this point of view ceases to be a specu- lation; it is a fine opening for producing wealth and comfort. Even if the malaria were not removed the gain from the wood would be great. It is said that the tree will not grow if the temperature falls below 4° C, or about 25° — 26° Fahr. One specimen had lost the top leaves by frost; but the great fact remains that they lasted the five years required. There are many varieties of the tree, and some grow in Australia at the height of 4,000 feet, but I cannot learn if these produce as much wood or oil as the globulus ; if they do, they promise to be valuable in this country. The eucalyptus viminalis was said to be the best for drying up swamps, and it had the appearance of a willow ; but it was by no means so full of oil to all appear- ance or so fragrant as the eucalyptus globulus. The eucalyptus coccifera never suffered at all from the frost at Tre Fontane, but it had not been long tried ; still the attempt was made in its tenderest years. M. Bosisto says that the Eucalyptus Amygdalina grows 350 feet on high undulating forest land, but not above 100 miles from the coast. This may be the best species for Italy. M. Carlotti seems to recommend the Globulus ; M. Bosisto’s remarks seem to favour the amygdalina. The conclusion arrived at was that the frost of the Cam- pagna would not hurt to any great extent any species of the tree tried there, and the principal specimen especially. Nearer the Sabine hills it was said not to grow so well, but there is abundant low land where it is required. The value claimed for the eucalyptus is intelligible if we consider it as continually giving out a medical agent. So 157 far as we know this medical agent, when constantly inhaled, has no unfavourable effect, a result not very usual ; but it is difficult to compare it with others, because in no cases can we take medicine in doses so minute, constant, and equable. There is room here for a very interesting inquiry. One virtue claimed for the tree is not so clear— -namely, its drying up of swamps. This has been accounted for by its wonderful rapidity of growth ; but I do not hear that it requires wet ground to grow upon, and am told that it grows in Australia in very dry places. M. Bosisto mentions cool refreshing draughts of water obtained from the trunk of the dwarf trees in the region of the river Murray. Still one would be glad to hear more on this point. These dwarfs are only 25 feet high. A paper read before the Koyal Society of Yictoria by I. Bosisto shews a great variation in the amount of oil. He says the Euc. Odorata yields 7 fluid ounces from 2000 lbs. of leaves attached to small branchlets. Viminalis.. Rostrata Obliciua J. Globulus Sideroxylon Oleosa Amygdalina I suppose these numbers to represent the total amount of oils and resins. In a report on the strength of wood, published by the Science and Ait Department, Kensington, the Eucalyptus stands high, but as there are several species from several situations the numbers vary considerably. In a list where the highest breaking weight is 11,158 lbs. in the case of white or pale iron bark, the blue gum of N.S. Wales is 7,364 to 6,860, of Queensland 5,663, 4,074, 3,416, and as a means of comparison, may be given Russian 158 Larch 2,142, White Cedar, Queensland, 2,105; the blue gum, therefore, takes a high position. That drying is an important element in the removal of th e causes of malaria cannot be doubted in the most of cases, but it is by no means apparent in all. It cannot be doubted that Garibaldi's plan of having another passage for the Tiber south of Rome would be of great advantage, but especially to the city itself, which is so frequently inundated, and which must, therefore, be on a foundation exceptionally wet. The mud brought down is proverbially great ; but so far as I could judge it was not so fine as that of the Nile, which, however, I have seen only in bottles. The Egyptian mud causes no fevers ; perhaps because it is more rapidly dried up. The mud of the Tiber is deposited on a very deep soil, but the same occurs on the Nile. The depth of mud, how- ever, may have an important bearing in a less burning sun. The mud of the Tiber seems always to have been remark- able, and one wonders why it should be able to go on so long unchanged, but on going up the river the difficulty ceases; there we find mud hills, many of them conical, all with steep sides and nearly all without any vegetation except below in some cases. There is in fact from water an enor- mous deposit raised to a great depth, and enough to keep the Tiber as muddy as ever for ages. It seemed to me that all this fine earth would be very valuable in much of our country, where we are glad of a few inches over chalk, or of a little soil scattered among large stones. Here it lies in great excess, cut into millions of little valleys, a fine study for those who wish to examine the action of streams, but a land wasted and almost useless. If these were made to bring out crops there is room enough for a great population to live, and if crops were closely grown, the mud would proportion- ately cease to flow. There is a good deal of friendfy inter- change of favours to be made between the lower and upper Tiber. That this is possible seems to be proved from 159 some of these hills being covered, although there are few in this condition. It may be difficult to coat the steep sides with any vegetation, but when the top is covered this diffi- culty diminishes. Still this is work for many men and for a long time. A peculiar feature of the unwholesome land struck me. It began exactly at the foot of the hills. There was no gradual slope, but you came down from the hill and were at once on the plain stretching out for miles. This, of course, favours violent floods, and may be coexistent with very bad drainage of the plain. Still, as it has been, remarked, the Campagna around Pome is not a plain surface, neither are the lower parts the least healthy. I hope to think more fully of this if I describe the various opinions on the cause of malaria; at present it comes only incidentally. The great engineering works which only governments can undertake promise to be of value, but the planting to which I specially allude seems to point it out as the work of private men. This view of the subject, if correct, must be most comforting to Italy, because it prevents that delay which is needful before great numbers can be brought to act in concert. If enough can be done privately to enable the agricultural labourers to inhabit the plains without fear, the larger schemes will come in time. The Tiber is dammed up by bridges, and one, namely Pons Sublicius, lies now at the bottom, and the water flows over with difficulty. No wonder the bed rises, and no wonder the Tiber bursts all bounds at times. It did so even in the time of Horace, who tells us in his second ode his fear of another flood as in the time of Pyrrha, when the fish rose into the trees or paid a visit to the mountains. This shows that even by reducing the bed of the Tiber to the level it had in the time of Augustus, floods would not cease, and deepening is not at all likely to be a sufficient measure. It is a pity that the double bed should be so 160 expensive. That is, however, not for private action ; but the use of the eucalyptus is for all who live on the plains out of town. This fear is greater now, and the ground less wholesome ; but of that and the inquiries of Dr. Balestra and others I hope to speak; after some time. At present I shall content myself with a few recommendations. The conclusion to which I come is that enough is known to prove that great benefit may be expected from the cultivation of the eucalyptus globulus and perhaps more from other species. The best plan to begin would probably be by surrounding with trees any house to be inhabited in a dis- trict subject to malaria.. That the benefit seems to arise in the second year, as soon as the plants give out a great deal of odour. That the experiment near Borne is very small and somewhaf mixed, but is nevertheless enough to give great hope to those who have an opportunity to try the same in the Campagna and elsewhere. That the experi- ments made in other countries seem to indicate a certainty of benefit. That, the value of wood being great near Borne, the eucalyptus promises a substance much wanted and there is therefore a double reason for growing it. That the growth is unusually rapid, so much so that even in five years the wood is much larger than that usually employed for burning in Borne. The expense of the crop is therefore small, and Borne is thus promised both a supply of health, of warmth, and of power by the outlay of little money and with little labour. Apparently Borne need never envy us our coals, for her coal thus got will last for ever. I have made no new discovery in relation to this subject? but have only put together a few of the more striking points, 161 that my Roman friends may be induced to stimulate action in those who are more directly concerned, and not leave neglected such a promising source of comfort and of national wealth. For not only is this great source of power to be obtained in the rapidly growing wood, but the removal of malaria is the introduction of better cultivation and addi- tional wealth from other crops. Professor Boyd Dawkins. F.R.S., remarked that in Australia and Tasmania the eucalyptus grows in almost every sort of situation and from the sea level to a height of several thousand feet above the sea. It is to be seen growing equally well on arid rocky soil based on thick sandstones, analagous to our millstone grit, and on swampy ground. In the Blue Mountains a ridge of carboniferous rock rising in New South Wales to a height of 3,000 feet above the sea, it is subjected to considerable extremes of climate. At Mount Victoria, for example, on the 7th of August, 1875, there was a heavy fall of snow followed by a frost; and this, I was told, was by no means unusual in the winter. It seems, therefore, that some varieties of euca- lypti can stand a moderate amount of cold, and I see no reason why, if it be thought desirable to grow so ugly a tree, it should not be naturalised in this country. On this point, however, I have a letter from Sir Charles Nicholson, Bart., which is an important contribution to the history of the introduction of the plant into Europe. [copy.] “ Some years since I wrote to the Government botanist at Melbourne, suggesting to him the possibility of acclimatising 162 some of the harder varieties of the eucalyptus in the British Islands ; and at the same time asking him to procure me the seed of any plants belonging to that family whose habitat was alpine, or that belonged to the most southern and colder parts of Tasmania. In compliance with this request he sent me a collection of seeds, which, however, I suspect were nearly all derived from the neighbourhood of Melbourne, Gipps Land. I had them sown in pots, and kept the young plants in a greenhouse for a couple of years. They grew with such rapidity that I no longer had any space for them, and after giving away a number of plants, I turned about half a dozen out into the open air. Three or four of the specimens (they were all of the s. eucalyptus globulus or quadrangular) seemed scarcely to feel the change, and in the course of some four years attained a height of about ten or twelve feet. The other specimens put out in the open air were cut down each winter, growing again from the root with the return of each succeeding spring. “ Such has been the result of my experience up to within the last fortnight. Two days ago, however, on going to my farm in Essex, I was disappointed to find that my trees, which had so successfully resisted the frosts of four winters, had in consequence of the late severe weather been seriously affected, the greater part of the foliage and the more tender branches being shrivelled up and dead. I do not imagine, however, that the trees themselves will be destroyed ; they will probably lose some two or three feet of their height and again flourish, if they escape a succession of severe winters. “ Were I to attempt — and I regret that I have not done 163 so — the cultivation of the eucalypti, I would arrange the plants in thick plantations, mixed with pines or nondeciduous trees, in order that the latter might afford protection to the young plants during their earlier growths. I find that the stokea, an Australian genus, grows perfectly well and is wholly unaffected by the winter climate of England: it would prove a good associate with the gum tree. “Some twenty years since, on landing at Naples, and seeing so many plants of the Australian flora flourishing there, it occurred to me that the cultivation of the gum trees might be most advantageously followed throughout the whole of the Campagna. I tried to impress some of the official people in Rome whom I met with the idea, amongst others, Monsignor Talbot, whom I knew, and he engaged, if provided with the necessary supply of seed, that the experiment should be tried. At the cost of some trouble and expense, I procured a quantity of seed, sufficient by this time to have covered the whole Maremma and Pontine marshes with a forest of gum trees. But I believe the attempt in those good old days of Papal supineness was never made to initiate an experiment which, if successful, would transform the climate of Italy, and be of value in a thousand different ways. “ The coincidence of the presence of the eucalyptus and the infrequency of malaria is a most curious one. The investigation of the cause is one well worthy of pursuit.” In a second letter Sir Charles gives an account of the eucalyptus in India and New Zealand : “In 1861 I went through India, and on visiting the Nil- glierry hills was delighted to see the accacias, eucalypti and 164 angophorus growing, especially the first (the accacias) in the greatest luxuriance? I afterwards learnt from Sir William Denison (the then Governor of Madras) that many millions of plants had been established and were growing indifferent parts of the Presidency, and that the eucalyptus had been found to thrive on arid spots and places where no other trees could be grown. As a source of future supply for timber the cultivation of the eucalyptus is of course an object of the very highest importance. As you are probably aware, hundreds of thousands of acres of land that a few years ago in New Zealand were open downs or treeless plains, are now clothed with a thick forest of the indigenous trees (especially the eucalyptus) of Australia.” 165 Annual General Meeting, April 18th, 1876. Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c., President, in the Chair. Mr. Robert Ellis Cunliffe, of Manchester, and Mr. Thomas Hornby Birley, of Somerville, near Manchester, were elected Ordinary Members of the Society. Report of the Council , April , 1876. The Treasurer’s account shows that in consequence of the large outlay required for the repair and beautifying of the property, the renewal of upholstery, the charges for the incorporation of the Society, binding books, and a new cata- logue, the expenditure for the year has been £824 11s. lid. in excess of the income, and has diminished the balance to that amount; but the ordinary expenditure, allowing an average amount for binding and assistance in the library, would be within the income. The ordinary balance is £94 8s. 7d., and there is due to the Society one year’s rent from the Geological Society, which would make £125, less accounts owing for periodi- cals, £10, and voted for binding and not paid, £27, leaving an available balance of about £88. The number of ordinary members on the roll of the Society on the 1st of April, 1875, was 169, and 3 new members have since been elected ; the losses are— -deaths, 2 ; resignations, 2 ; and defaulters, 2. The number on the roll on the 1st of April instant was, therefore, 166. The deceased members are Murray Gladstone and William Jackson Rideout. Mr. Murray Gladstone, who died on August 23, 1875, was the fifth son of Robert Gladstone of Liverpool, where he Proceedings— Lit. & Phil. Soc.— Vol. XV.— No. 10.— Session 1875-6, 166 was bom on the 14th of February, 1816. He was educated as an Engineer, being articled to the late George Stephen- son. He followed this profession for several years, after which he became a member of the firm of Ogilvy Gillander and Co., and went to Calcutta, where he remained for several years. On the 30th April, 1861, soon after his return to Eng- land, Mr. Gladstone was elected a member of this Society. He then resided at Higher Broughton, at the house which is now Bishop’s Court. He here set up an observatory with a 7i-inch refracting telescope equatorially mounted. On the removal of the Crumpsall observatory to Altrincham Mr. Gladstone placed his observatory at the disposal of Mr. Baxendell. Some of the results of the observations made at this observatory have been published in the Society’s Pro- ceedings. On leaving Manchester he removed his observa- tory to his new residence, Penmaenmawr. The Council having received a request from the Commis- sioners of the Loan Exhibition of Scientific Apparatus to contribute any interesting objects belonging to the Society, have, with the assistance of Dr. Boscoe, selected such of the late Dr. Dalton’s apparatus and instruments as appeared to be of the greatest historical interest, and have sent the col- lection to South Kensington for exhibition. The following papers and communications have been read at the ordinary and sectional meetings of the Society during the session now ending : — October 5th , 1875. — “On a Glue Battery,” by Dr. J. P. Joule, F.R.S., t3 r*N | NO^OOOH I ^ 1 W „ >-4* $0 co ^ oo O C CC O X | rH rH 1-H 1 03 r^WCCCS t— ( rH ?>1 cc H co 1 rH CO j Ol CO CO cc rH n T 173 Ordinary Meeting, April 1 8th, 1876. Edward Schunck, Ph.D., F.R.S., President, in the Chair. “Note on a Church Bell, at North Wooton, Somersetshire, dated A.D. 1265, in Arabic Numerals, and on a MS. dated A.D. 1276, in which they are freely used,” by William E, A. Axon, M.R.S.L., &c. The date at which Arabic numerals were introduced into this country has been a matter of considerable doubt and discussion. There are very few to be found upon our monu- ments and public buildings earlier than the 16th century. Dates have frequently been cited, such as 1090, 1102, and so forth, but closer examination has proved that they have been misread. There is a doubtful date which may be 1417 given in the Archaeological Journal, Vol. VI, p. 291. Heath- field church contains the date 1445, and Lych-gate, at Bray. Berkshire, is dated 1448. In documents the Arabic nume- rals are only occasionally met with in England in the fifteenth century, and only two examples are known belong- ing to the fourteenth century. Mabillon, after examining- six thousand European MSS., found no earlier instance of the use of these figures than one of 1355, in the hand- writing of Petrarch. Having written an article on the history of the Arabic numerals in the Companion to the Almanac for 1875, in which these dates were given, I re- ceived from Mr F. W. Dunkerton, an interesting rubbino* o t> of a bell inscription, which I now exhibit. The bell is in the church of North Wootton, near Wells, in Somersetshire, 174 The church is about seven miles from Glastonbury, and there is a local tradition that one of the bells once belonged to the famous abbey of that place. Mr. Dunkerton’s curiosity being thus excited, he examined the bells. Two are modern, but the largest is an old one, and round it towards the top is this inscription : ANMO DOMINM! A P. W.L. CW. 1265. The letters appear to be cast, and not incised. If we were to accept this date as accurate, it would upset all our previous notions upon the subject. There are other reasons for regarding it with doubt. The earliest known English church bell is that at Claughton, near Lancaster, which is dated ANNO DOMI M.CC. NONOG. VI. (1296). The North Wootton date is thirty-one years earlier. It would be strange if the oldest bell should chance to be also the earliest example of the use of the Arabic numerals in English inscriptions. Dates are but rarely found on me- diaeval bells. The earliest instance of the use of Arabic numerals on them with which I am acquainted is at Egling- ham church, near Alnwick. The inscription is in German, and the date 1489. Strasburg is said to have one bell dated 1461, and another 1474. There is therefore strong proba- bility against the accuracy of this North Wootton date. The style of the letters remind one of a later period. Apart from the date, most persons would be inclined to attribute them at the latest to the 16th rather than the 13th century. The three sets of initials seem also to indicate a comparatively recent age. Mr. H. T. Ellacombe, in his work on the “ Church Bells of Somersetshire,” suggests that the date should be read 1625, the figures being out of order. This seems impro- 175 bable. Mr. Ellacombe does not appear to have seen the bell itself. The letters have a strong resemblance to those used by Roger Semson, of Ash Priors, who was at work in the middle of the 16th century. The vine leaf ornament which is observable over the inscription suggests an even later date. It was a form of decoration frequently used by a family of bellfounders at Closworth, one member of which, Thomas Purdue, died in 1711, aged 90 years. The letters he used strongly resemble those employed by Semson. Mr. J. A. Picton, F.S.A., who has paid a good deal of attention to the history of numerals, writes to me that he is inclined to identify the second figure with the gobar figure 5, though it differs in position, and the last figure with the gobar 4. In this case the date would be 1564. Whilst agreeing with him in assigning the inscription to the 16th or 17tli century, I am unable to solve the riddle of the date in a satisfactory manner. It is certainly the most puzzling of all those which seem to carry back the use of Arabic numerals to a much remoter date than is commonly allowed. On this general subject, however, the last word has not yet been said. Since the publication of Mr. Pictons memoir “ On the Origin and History of the Numerals” in the Transactions of the Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Society , 1874, and of my own paper in the Companion to the Almanac , 1875, we have both heard of a MS. of the 13th century, in which the Arabic figures are freely used. It is a treatise on the Astrolabe, by Macha-allab, or Messa- hala, and is dated 12/6. This is now one of the treasures of the Cambridge University library, where it is marked Ii. 3.3. 176 A portion of it has been printed in the Rev. W. W. Skeat’s edition of Chaucer on the Astrolabe ( Early English Text Society , 1872.) This shows that the Arabic numerals were in use at a date much earlier than is generally supposed. A critical examina- tion of this MS. and of the form of the numerals employed would probably throw more light upon this interesting subject. 177 PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SECTION. Annual Meeting, March 28th, 1876. E. W. Binney, F.RS., F.G.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. Arthur Schuster, Ph.D., and ft. F. Gwyther, B.A., were elected members of the Section. The following gentlemen were elected officers of the Section for the ensuing year : — Jrwiiwttt. E. W. BINNEY, F.R.S., F.G.S. JOSEPH BAXENDELL, F.R.A.S. | J. B. DANCER, F.R.A.S. &xmmzx. SAMUEL BROUGHTON, ESQ. Ihmlarg. THOMAS MACKERETH, F.R.A.S., F.M.S, April 25th, 1876. Alfred Brothers, F.B.A.S., in the Chair. Mr, Baxendell read a paper “ On the Connexion between the Humidity of the Air and the Amount of Ozone,” in which it was shown from observations made at the South - port Observatory during the four years ending J une 30th, 1875, that in the months of January, February, March, Sep- tember, October, November, and December the amount of ozone was above the mean when the relative humidity of the air was below the mean, while in the months of April, May, June, July, and August it was above the mean when the relative humidity was also above the mean. The excess with a relative humidity below the mean was greatest in the months of September, November, and December; and Proceedings— Lit. & Phil. Soc,— Yol. XY.— No, 11.— Session 1875-6. 178 with a relative humidity above the mean the greatest excess of ozone occurred in April and May. The results of the four years’ observations are as follows : — ; Mean Amou with the Humidity Below the Mean. nt of Ozone, Relative of the Air Above the Mean. Difference. January 5-6 4-5 +1.1 February 4'8 3*9 +0-9 March 5’4 5T +03 April 4-0 5-7 —1-7 May 5-2 6-8 —1*6 J une 5*2 62 —1-0 July 53 5-4 — 0T August 4-9 5-1 —0-2 September 6-4 4-1 +2*3 October 5-0 37 +1-3 November 5-8 35 +■ 23 December 5-8 3-7 +2'1 MICROSCOPICAL AND NATURAL HISTORY SECTION, April 10th, 1876. A. Brothers, F.R.A.S., in the Chair. Mr. Sxdebotham, F.R.A.S., made the following remarks. On the discovery of JEgialia Tufa. In the middle of last June I captured two specimens of a species of Coleoptera new to me. This proves to be rEgialia rufa of Fabricius, a species found in North Germany, but said to be rare. Rufa differs from the other two British species in being of a red colour, the pro thorax is rugose and margined at the base, and the elytra strongly crenate striate. The specimens found were on the loose sand at the base of the sand hills at Southport. I send one of the specimens for exhibition, also specimens of the other two allied species. Mr. T. Rogers communicated the following I recorded the discovery of a Jungermannia which has been provisionally named Jungermannia Nevensis, by Dr. Carrington. It was discovered by Mr. John Whitehead during a botanical excursion to Ben Nevis, July, 1875. It has not yet been described, but is near in form to Junger- mannia Starkii, and probably may have been overlooked for that species. Dr. Carrington thinks it may be new iu science, but he confirms Mr. Whitehead’s surmise that it is new to Britain, and it will consequently appear in the ap- pendix to Dr. Carrington’s work on British Hepaticse. It grows in moderate sized patches on the sloping banks of the mountain. Neither male nor female flowers have yet been found. Professor W. Boyd Dawkins, F.R.S., exhibited a series of specimens which he obtained in September, 1875, from the inner side of the barrier reef at Honolulu, ^together with photographs. At that point of examination the reef was formed of irregular nodular limestones composed in part of corals, millepores, and perfect shells, but mainly of fragments so broken up and altered by the action of carbonic acid that the original structure was almost lost. The fine calcareous sediment forming the bottom of the lagoon, and covering the shore up to the very edge of the lofty palms was analo- gous in every respect to that which composes the oolitic limestones, and especially the Bath or great oolite. In the deposits on the inner side of the reef, as well as in the limestones above mentioned, corals were equally distributed. The masses of coralline limestone were traversed by Ser- pulse, just as in the case of the Coral Crag. The few shells which he happened to find were as follows - Range in British Museum. 1. Triton Chlorostoma, Lam. ... West Indies. 2. Fasciolaria stigmataria , A. Ad. ... Sandwich Isles. 3. Purpura hau strum, Marty n. 4. Nassa hirta, Hi]. ... Seychelles. 5. Obeliscus teres A. Ad. ... Penang. o 180 Range in British Museum. 6. Cyprcea caput-serpentis ... New Zealand. 7. Cyprc/ea gangrenosa ? Sol. . . . Mozambique. 8. Trochus anthosa {J) ... New Zealand. tuberculata ? Gray. 9. Natica Brodripiana ? Reclus West Columbia. 10. Turbo margaritacea , Lam. . . . Seychelles. 11. Tellina rugosa .f. New Caledonia. 12. Myrtea scalia, Lam. ... St. Thomas. 18. Terna California ? Young. Terna Cumingii ? Reeve. 14. Modiola tenuistriata , Dun. It is worthy of note that the Obeliscus teres of the above list is the nearest living representative of the oolitic genus JYerincea so abundant in the limestones of that formation. The following communication from Mr. Plant, F.G.S., was read : — - A Beetle of Good Omen from Yucatan. This curious beetle is found in the Province of Merida, and the Indians find it in the caverns and underground chambers in the ruins of the ancient buildings, described by by Mr. J. L. Stephens in his interesting work on Yucatan. The natives have a strong superstitious regard for these beetles, considering them as powerful charms against evil spirits, and sure to bring good luck to their 'possessors, so they keep them alive in their houses^ and carry them about on their persons. In order to secure the beetle from wandering away, a light band of gold is fastened round the thorax, having a gold chain and hook attached to it ; this hook serves to secure the beetle to the curtains of a bed, as a protection during the night from ghosts and evil spirits and also to fasten in front of the dress in the daytime, to wear like a living brooch. The Indians have a belief that the beetle will live for years without food or water, and 181 that it is quite harmless, having no power to bite, and cannot fly- It is probable that in a natural state the beetle will live several years, as it belongs to a tribe of coleopterous insects of sluggish habits, concealing themselves in dark and damp places and shunning the daylight. The whole of this tribe of beetles (Melasoma) is usually uninteresting to coleopterists, being nearly all of dull black, brown, or greyish colours, ugly in forms, and of bad repute for their habits and odours. This particular beetle is oblong, flattish, an inch and half long by half an inch broad (looking much like a large Elater), the thorax and elytra ashy white, a black cross on the thorax, the scutellum and tips of the elytra black, with raised oblong black spots, sparingly on the elytra which are united together under- neath, black with numerous ashy pits. The beetle is Heteromerous, coming under the family of Melasoma (Latreille), in which the British Bleeps Mortisaga is included, but I have not at present been able to find any authority for the genus and species. It is an interesting instance of reverence and superstition attached to an insect, and coming from Yucatan, may be one that has descended from the ancient people who built those marvellous cities and temples. Annual Meeting, May 1st, 1876. J ohn Barrow, Esq., in the Chair. Mr. Thomas Hornby Birley, of Somerville, Pendleton, was elected a member of the Section. The Treasurers account, and report of the Council were read and passed. r* H P . • § © C/2 P ■•*1 O i— i W PM O m © P 1—4 w Ph P £ < >* H a g g g ►3 M P3 3 p -q Eh CQ , . h ta w ^ o p tf £> c o P <| W P N 03 Eh t* P3 O Eh P w Em fe O £ O £ a O H P f-j C/2 £ Eh a a o oq o tS 3 HH Eh P 52; <1 P <1 o l-H PM O o oq o Ph O HH . £ JS p ^ w Eh 0 >T3 00 o O a rH CO a o O cn cq CO r— ( rH r— 1 H-i h-H o rH b- rH O CO o f—H r— 4 ca o o o o o o o co i>» ^ r-M ri4 a o3 pp ■+3 • • a CO © CD a o • rH a H-3 c3 Ph *Ph PP o CO PP 42 a Ul ip b- 00 00 CD ■4-3 o3 H § CCS 00 © co ip b- 00 £ CO i- 00 5h Ph <1 © a _ o m a © t> CD CO Ph CD 42 a > -4-3 Ph IB o £ -+j a c3 Ph o o ^ O H-2 -4-3 CO © Ph CD _ £ 02 £ s g C3 gq CQ jj *H ^ s K 5 -h H2 w M-3 a • i—4 C4H o ^ cT -4 CD © fi o a o CD £ q 3 c3 _£ a ^ a ^ W Q o *73 £ O — ( "c3 § | a P> a C3 • i-H Ph 4^ a O a Ph CO l"c3 a a Cj CO CO oo ^ a o £ o -43 H-o • rH h3 O H-3 © 0 1 £ © h H-3 o PP • CD O m o3 ■ — i © h3 CO H-3 o © CO © © Ph o o 2 -2 Ph h-3 .3 H s 'g © — ' 1—1 Q £ pp © P5 H-> a 0 CO 1 ® ^ © <1 02 CO 42 a ui i — i cS a o CQ © ■73 co © Ph Q *H 8 © rH ■73 CO t— GO Ph «S CO • r— i a Ph cS CO *Ph a .2 Ph HJ CO © os a ■+■> OS o PQ Ph ^ a CO ©H a c3 . © c3 PP Ph © o a 02 CS c3 Ph O CO 42 M H W o3 © c3 O frasi ■4J © © Ph «§ m 1 c3 Ph © H-3 02 © rP .. CD CO p CO a | -4> “<1 8 S J ^ 'a a pp (g <£> pp GO ^ £ CQ « o Eh I— I p p h p a a HH pp p p ◄ p © 9 £ g O Ph P a 8 H *H T3 a a ^ c2 ^ r» n IN ts rv ^3 a o3 t3 © a c3 © a bD • rH C/2 H co a a W ffl 183 The election of Officers for the ensuing year took place as follows ^csftrtnt. W. BOYD DAWKINS, F.R.S., &c. Uitt^rcsftwits, R. D. DARBISHIRE, B.A., &c. CHAELES BAILEY. E. W. BINNEY, F.R.S., F.G.S. treasurer. HENEY ALEXANDER HUKST. Secretary J. COSMO MELVILL, M.A., F.L.S. Council. JOHN BAEEOW. THOMAS COWAED. A. BROTHERS, F.R.A.S. JOSEPH BAXENDELL, F.E.A.S. SPENCER H. BICKHAM, Jun. JOSEPH SIDEBOTHAM, F.E.A.S. THOMAS ALCOCK, M.D. W. BEOCKBANK, F.G.S. 134 List of Members and Associates of the Section Alcock, Thomas, M.D. Bailey, Charles. Barrow, John Baxendell, Joseph, F.R.A.S. Bickham, Spencer H., Jun. Binney, E. W., F.R.S., F.G.S. Birley, Thomas Hornby. Boyd, John. Brockbank, W., F.G.S. Brogden, Henry. Brothers, Alfred, F.R.A.S. Cottam, Samuel. Coward, Edward. Coward, Thomas. Cunliffe, Robert Ellis. Dale, John, F.C.S. Dancer, John Benj., F.R.A.S. Darbishire, R. D., B.A. Dawkins, W. Boyd, F.R.S. Deane, W. R. J4Umfccrs. Heys, William Henry. Higgin, James, F.C.S. Hurst, Henry Alexander. Latham, Arthur George. Melvill, J. Cosmo, M.A., F.L.S. Morgan, J. E., M.D. Nevill, Thomas Henry. Nix, E. W., M.A. Piers, Sir Eustace. Roberts, William, M.D. Sidebotham, Joseph, F.R.A.S. Smart, Robert Bath, M.R.C.S. Smith, Robert Angus, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S. Williamson, Wm. Crawford, F.R.S., Prof. Nat. Hist., Owens College. Wright, William Cort, Waters, A. W., F.G.S. Barratt, Walter E. Hardy, John. Labrey, B. B. Linton, James. Meyer, Adolph. Peace, Thos. S. Perciyal, James. Associates. Plant, John, F.G.S. Rogers, Thomas. Roberts, John, M.D. Ruspini, F. Orde. Stirrup, Mark, F.G.S. Tatham, John F. W., M.D. Warren, Hon. J. B. Leicester. Waterhouse, J. Crewdson. Thos. Sowler and Co., Printers, Red Lion Street, St. Ann’s Square, Manchester.