ON SOME REMARKABLE INSTANCES OF CROOKES’S LAYERS, OR COMPRESSED STRATA OF POLARIZED GAS, AT ORDINARY ATMOSPHERIC TENSIONS. BY GEORGE JOHNSTONE STONEY, o.a., F.R.s. [Read November 19th, 1877. ] 1. In a communication which I had the honour to lay before the Royal Dublin Society at its last scientific meeting, I gave some instances of Crookes’s layers at ordinary atmospheric ten- sions,* and among them described one which accounts for the great mobility that may be imparted to a light powder by heating it in a metal capsule. It is shown that in this case the powder floats on a stratum of air which it compresses by its weight, at the same time that it maintains the requisite polarized condition of the layer by radiating away its own heat so freely as to keep itself cooler than the capsule. 2. In exactly the same way we may explain a very curious phenomenon which has been recorded by travellers in Arabia, and to which Professor Barrett has directed my attention. There is in Arabia a mountain called Jebel Nagus, or Gong Mountain, which produces sounds resembling the booming of the Nagus, or wooden gong, used in Eastern churches instead of bells. The mountain consists of a white friable sandstone, which produces to the south- westward a great slope of very fine drift sand, and another smaller one to the north. The large one is 115 metres high, 70 metres wide at the base, and tapers towards the top. It is so steep, being inclined to the horizon at an angle of nearly 30°, and con- sists of such fine sand, that its surface can be easily set in motion by scraping away a portion from its base or by disturbing it * The theory of unequal stresses in polarized gas has thus fulfilled an anticipation which Mr. Crookes entertained so long ago as 1873, that whatever theory would account for the motion of radiometers would, probably, also explain the spheroidal state of liquids, and the mobility of finely divided precipitates in heated capsules; for he enumerates these. among phenomena, probably due, at least in part, to the same ‘“‘ repulsive action of radiation” as is manifested in radiometers. (See Philosophical Transactions, vol. 164, p. 526). I have only become acquainted with this passage since writing the present paper, or, if I had seen it before, I had forgotten it, otherwise I should have referred to it in my last paper. 54 Mr. G. JOHNSTONE STONEY, elsewhere. If this is done after the surface has been for a long time exposed to the sun— “The sand rolls down with a sluggish viscous motion and the sound begins, at first a low vibrating moan but gradually swelling out into a. roar like thunder, and as gradually dying aay, (Palmer’s “ Desert ‘of the Exodus,” vol. 1, p. 218). That heat contributes largely to thaw effect was proved by the valuable observations made by Captain Palmer, for it was found— “That the heated surface was much more sensitive to sound than the cooler layers beneath, and that those parts of the slope which had lain long undisturbed produced a much louder and more ee sound than those which had recently been set in motion.” Moreover, when the experiments were repeated on the ona! talus, which faced towards the North, and part of which was in’ perpetual shade, it was found— That the sand on the cool shaded portion, at a temperature of aos I produced but a very faint sound when set in motion, while that on the- more exposed parts, at a temperature of 40°, gave forth a loud and even - startling noise.” . These observations were made in winter. They clearly indicate: that heat renders the surface of the slope more mobile by polariz-. ing the air between the hotter and cooler particles of the sand. The more intense the sunshine, the more powerful must the Crookes’s layers be, and the more widespread will be the effect of any accidental disturbance. And if under the fierce glare of the tropical sun the strength of the Crookes’s layers becomes sufficient’ to lift the uppermost grains of sand, the sliding motion, with its. humming, booming, and thundering noise, will spring up without: visible cause—a phenomenon that sometimes occurs and has naturally occasioned much speculation. Mr. Howard Grubb has directed my attention to another natural phenomenon which admits of being explained by the mechanical properties of polarized layers of gas. In certain states of the weather large grains of sand, flat pieces of shell, and even flakes of stone of quite a considerable size may be seen floating on the tide as it flows in. I saw this phenomenon myself whena boy, but unfortunately did not make a careful examination of the — attendant circumstances. It is, however, easy to see the conditions which would be most favourable to its production. They area - = ” On Crookes’s Layers, at Atmospheric Tensions. 55 very powerful sun to heat the stones and to maintain their tem- perature sufficiently high after they are set floating ; calm air that no breeze may cool them; a cold sea to increase as much as possible the difference in temperature between the flakes of stone and the water, and the absence of waves that the heavy little barges may escape shipwreck. I think it fortunate that I had written out the foregoing state- ment of the conditions indicated by the theory, before I saw the following record of observations upon this phenomenon made by Professor Hennessy. (See Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. L, Series 2) :— “On the 26th July, 1868, when approaching the strand at the river below the village of N ewport, county Mayo, I noticed what appeared to be extensive streaks of scum floating on the surface of the water * * * until I stood on the edge of the strand, and I then perceived that what was apparently scum seen from a distance, consisted of innumerable particles of sand, flat flakes of broken shells, and the other small débris which formed the surface of the gently sloping shore of the river. The sand varied from the smallest size visible to the eye, up to little pebbles nearly as broad and a little thicker than a fourpenny piece, Hundreds of such little pebbles were afloat around me. ‘The air during the whole morning was perfectly calm, and the sky cloudless, so that although it was only half-past nine, the sun had been shining brightly on the exposed beach. The upper a of each of the little pebbles was perfectly dry; and the groups which they formed were slightly depressed. in curved hollows of the liquid. The tide was rapidly rising, and owing to the narrowness of the channel at the point where I made my observations the sheets of floating sand were swiftly drifting farther up the river into brackish and fresh water. On closely watching the rising tide at the edge of the strand, I noticed that the particles of sand, shells, and small flat pebbles, which had become perfectly dry and sensibly warm under the rays of the sun, were gently uplifted by the calm are es rising water, and then floated as readily as chips or straws.” The calm air, tranquil water, hot sun, and warm stones, predicted from the theory, are all recorded in these observations, This rare phenomenon must not be confounded with the familiar one in which patches of fine sand float upon water in con- sequence of its surface tension. The surface tension of water in contact with air will not support flakes of stone of above a certain size, and those described by Professor Hennessy are at or beyond the limit of size* that could even if separate be floated by surface * Taking the surface tension of water in contact with air as 8:25 grammes per metre as determined at 20° C. by M. Quincke, and assuming 2°5 as the “ee gravity of the F2 56 Mr. G. JOHNSTONE STONEY, tension. Hence they could not be supported by that agency in the groups which he describes. We are therefore forced to look elsewhere for the cause of the support of these groups; the thermal and mechanical properties of Crookes’s layers show that they will suffice: and we have seen that all the conditions were present which would call Crookes’s layers into existence. Mr. George F. Fitzgerald has pointed out another very striking example. A piece of cold iron may be made to float on melted east iron, and will even float high like cork on water. Here the difference between the temperature of the glowing mass of molten metal and the cold piece of iron is so considerable that the stresses that are developed are able to support the weight of the piece of iron while it is still at such a distance from the fiery liquid that it seems to float high upon it. What it floats on is in reality a bath of polarized air, the stresses within which both support its weight and foree down the surface of the molten metal. This air-bath keeps it out of contact with the glowing mass; and, accordingly, it receives heat from below only by diffusion and radiation, in quantities far short of what it would receive from actual contact, and as it loses much heat by radiation upwards, it may be able for a considerable time to maintain a sufficiently low temperature to continue floating. On the same principles we are to explain the safety of expla that are occasionally performed, viz—The licking of a white hot poker, the dipping of the fingers into molten metal, and the plung- ing of the hand into boiling water. In all these cases the Crookes’s layers that intervene prevent that contact which would cause a dangerous scald or burn. ii . It is usual before performing these two latter experiments, to moisten the hand with soapy water, ether, turpentine, or liquid ammonia. All of these would have the useful effect of lowering the surface-tension of the hot liquid, and thus diminishing the extent to which it would compress the Crookes’s layer. _ But the most splendid example I have yet seen of a Creve layer is one which was first noticed by M. Boutigny, and which stone, it follows that a circular disk, 16 m.m. in diameter and 0°85 of a m.m. in thickness — would be the extreme theoretic limit that could be supported by surface tension, Thisis — about the size of a fourpenny bit. ~ On Crookes’s Layers at Atmospheric Tensions. 57 was shown by Professor Barrett, at the Brighton meeting of the British Association, with the improvement of adding soap to the water, an addition which seems essential to the full success of the experiment. A copper ball, some six cm. in diameter, furnished with a staple by which it can be lifted, was brought to a bright red heat, and while glowing was lowered into a large beaker of soapy water. As the ball approaches the cold surface of the water heat passes from the ball to the water by conduction or penetration* as well as by radiation ; accordingly the interven- ing air becomes intensely polarzied, and the Crookes’s stress that accompanies the polarization makes a hollow in the surface of the water. Let the ball be lowered till it is half submerged, the de- pression in the water is now nearly hemispherical, but not quite so, since the interposed layer of polarized gas will. be thinnest at the bottom, where, to withstand the pressure of the water, it must exert most force. The stresses at any point of this polarized layer consist of a constant stress P nearly equal to the tension of the open atmosphere, acting equally in all directions, along with a variable Crookes’s stress p, acting for the most part nearly in the direction of a radius of the ball; the most marked deviation from this direction being close to Ane horizontal surface of the water, where the action of the upper hemisphere of the ball gives an inclined direction to the Crookes’s stresses, and helps to round off the surface of the water. The amount of the Crookes’s pressure acting on the water will vary with the depth, being such at each point that it gives a component equal and opposite to the resultant of the pressure of the water at that depth, and of the surface tensions round the point. Whenever the Crookes’s force is not quite in the direction of this resultant, there will be a free tangential component, and this must produce surface cur- rents in the water. These, however, cannot be observed in the present experiment because they are of small amount, and too much mixed up with convection currents arising from the heat that reaches the water by radiation and diffusion. When the ball is lowered until it is quite submerged it will be surrounded on all sides by its envelope of polarized air, thinnest at _ * The heat which diffuses across a layer of gas passes under what are known as the laws of conduction if the number of gaseous molecules present is sufficiently large. If fewer molecules are present the heat passes under other laws, which may be distinguished: from the laws of conduction by calling them the laws of penetration. 58 Mr. G. JoHNSTONE STONEY, | the bottom, where the pressure of the water is greatest, thickest above. So long as there is any communication between the polarized layer and the atmosphere, the lateral stresses within the layer will be equal to P, while those in the direction in which the heat penetrates will be P+; but both of these will suffer an increase if the ball is plunged deeper after the communication with the atmosphere has been cut off. No one can see this splendid experiment for the first time without a feeling of astonishment. - A Crookes’s layer formed in the same way, but without the exquisite beauty which it has in this experiment, may be seen any day in a smith’s forge, whenever the smith has occasion to quench white-hot iron in water. A phenomenon closely resembling the experiment with the glowing ball was witnessed lately by my brother and two other friends while out walking. There was a shower when they reached some rather deep water. The afternoon had become chilly, and the phenomenon that presented itself shows that the water must have retained a temperature higher than that of the air. As the rain-drops fell into the water, some of them (estimated at one in twenty) became spheroidal drops floating on the water, and of these some (estimated at one in six) were visibly submerged before floating about as spheroidal drops. They sank, perhaps about half a centimetre before they rose to the surface, and while under water looked like silvered pills, owing to the total reflection from the boundary between the water and the film of polarized air which enveloped each drop. ~ Several times, in the course of this communication, I have had occasion to speak of the feebleness of conduction or penetration, compared with the rapid outpour of heat which takes place on direct contact between a very hot and a cold body. This is well illustrated ee an experiment of M. Boutigny, in which a spheroidal drop of water is formed inside a hot copper bottle, and the neck of the bottle partially stopped by a cork through which a thin tube passes. So long as the drop continues in the spheroidal state, a mixture of air and vapour slowly escapes through the tube in the cork, but the instant the spheroidal state ceases, and the water comes into contact with the copper, a suffi- cient portion of the water flashes off so suddenly into steam er the cork is driven out with explosive violence. On Crookes’s Layers at Atmospheric Tensions, 59 A still more instructive illustration of these facts is afforded by the familiar experiment, known to every smith, that an explosion will occur if a little water is dropped on an anvil, if a white-hot strap of iron is laid over the drop, and if the iron is then given a tap with the sledge-hammer. In this experiment the hot iron, when laid on the anvil, does not fit it accurately, but comes into contact only at a few points, and leaves a chink elsewhere. While the iron is descending towards the drop of water, a Crookes’s layer of polarized air is formed between it and the cold water, which-exerts a sufficient pressure upon the drop, both to flatten it out, and to keep it from coming into contact with the glowing iron, At this stage of the experiment the lower portion of the chink is occupied by water, and the upper portion by polarized air. The stratum of air moderates the flow of heat towards the water, so that the water is able to continue liquid by parting with as much heat downwards to the cold anvil as it receives from above, before it is itself warmed beyond the boiling point. But when the sledge-hammer descends, the soft iron yields, the chink is obliterated with a force greater than that which the Crookes’s layer can support, and the glowing mass comes, in many places, into direct contact with the water. The vastly augmented flow of heat which is consequent upon this direct contact, rushes across the film of water with a speed equal to the velocity of sound in water, which will carry it across a film the seventh ofa millimetre in thickness in the ten-millionth of a second. Within this brief period of time the greater part of the water is raised to a very high temperature, and its sudden conversion into red-hot steam causes the explosion. Before concluding this communication I wish to take the opportunity of publicly thanking my scientific friends for their kindness in bringing such remarkable instances of Crookes’s ~ layers at ordinary atmospheric tensions to my notice and giving me permission to publish an account of them. ON THE CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF THE COAL DIS- COVERED BY THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION OF 1875-6. BY RICHARD J. MOSS, F.C.S., Keeper of the Minerals, Museum of Science and Art. [Read November 19th, 1877. ] Durine the late Arctic Expedition an extensive seam of coal was discovered in Grinnell Land, close to. the winter quarters of H.MS. Discovery, 81° 43’ N.L., 64° 4° W.L. Dr. Moss, late of H.MS. Alert, presented a large specimen of the coal to this Society. It is now deposited in the Museum of Science and Art. The specimen was taken by Dr. Moss from the seam at about fifteen feet from its upper surface, the estimated thickness of the seam being about twenty-five feet. The coal possesses the lustre, fracture, and other external characters of bituminous coal of good quality, notwithstanding that the shale which overlies it is rich in fossil remains of a flora of the Miocene period. The coal cakes when heated, and leaves sixty-one per cent. of a coherent coke. Its specific gravity is 13. The following are the results of my analysis, every precaution having been taken to insure that the sample analyzed was a fair average of the entire specimen :— Carbon, . : ane ‘ 75°49 Hydrogen, . : . 5°60 Oxygen and Ni trogen, : : 9°89 Sulphur, *. ° . 0-52 Ash, “ : : ; 6:49 Water, : : : 2:01 100-00 The composition of the coal, excluding water, sulphur, and ash, 18 :— Carbon, . " : . 82:97 Hydrogen, : : 6°16 Oxygen and Nitr ogen, : : 10°87 100-00 * Including Sulphur in the form of iron pyrites, 0°36 per cent. 62 Mr. R. J. Moss, F.C.S. On Arctic Coal. I have analyzed the ash and found that it consists of ——- Silica, . ; ; : 5 34-69 Alumina, : : ; LT Oe Tron Sesquioxide, d : 5 6-72 Lime, . ie eee ee ; 7:79 Magnesia, : : : : 1:83 Potash, . ; ; pase ei 7:58 Soda, . ‘ . nA 0:10 Sulphuric Anhydride, ‘ A 4 13:79 Phosphoric ee : : : trace ; eplenisie; : A pa) irabe:ra- Sis) 80 The quantity of potash in the ash is unusually large. On comparing the composition of the coal with that of other coals of various geological ages it will be found that the Aretic coal most closely resembles those of the true carboniferous period. Coal from the great seam in the Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia,* possesses a chemical composition almost identical with that of the Arctic coal. On the other hand some lignites of the Miocene period bear a close chemical resemblance to the Arctic coal, if the composition, exclusive of water, sulphur, and ash, be compared. For example, a lignite from the Jaland. of Sardinia possesses the following .compositiont :— Carbon, 3 ; ‘ 4 82°26 Hydrogen, . REE ee Re uy 6°52 Oxygen and Nitrogen, . ; - 11-22 100-00 It has been shown = Tinea that it is impossible to deter- mine the geological age of coal from its chemical composition ; of ” this fact the Arctic coal affords a good ulustration. ; * Percy’s Metallurgy, Fuel, &e., p. 836. ft Ibid. 313. -- { Die*Physiographie der Braunkohle. NOTES ON THE SKELETON OF AN ABORIGINAL AUSTRALIAN. | BY A. MACALISTER, M.D., Professor of Comparative Anatomy, University of Dublin. | [Read November 19th, 1877. ] THE Museum of the Dublin University has recently received a fine skeleton of an aboriginal Australian, which is a valuable addition to its ethnological department. I am indebted to Dr. R. Tuthill Massy; of Brighton, for. this- interesting donation, and have made a careful series of measurements and observations on it, the results of which I have embodied in this paper. _ The stature was small, 5’ 12”, which is about the average for Australian natives; though I am informed by Dr. J ohnston, of this city, who has fad extensive experiences of these races, that in some tribes, much taller individuals are common; and that on one occasion he met with an encampment of natives on the Murray river, many of whom were six feet high. Such are, however, exceptional, for the general consensus of opinion is that “ very few could be said to be tall and still fewer to-be eel eae (Collins’ Account, p. 356.) _ The skeleton is that of a male, known and eit as & mes- senger, and who had been known to travel seventy miles in a day. The proportions are as follows compared with the standard in a Professor Humphry’ 8 Works — rs i. as Height. Spine. Humerus. Radius. Femur. Tibia. - Australian,. 1-00 - 205°. SLD 286 226 ‘Trishmen, . 1:00 -340 194 154 270 ~— 295 Negroes, . 1:00 ‘311 195 -151 274 +939 Bushmen, . 100 314 “20 “153. 277 2389. Bushwoman, 100 333 182 131 +264 2108 To represent more accurately the relationships of the inter- membral lengths, I append the following three tables :-— 64 PROFESSOR MACALISTER, . TABLE IT. RELATIVE Proportion of FoREARM to HuMERUs in length. Humerus. Forearm. Australian, . : 1:00 T4 Bushman, . ‘ 1:00 “80 - Negro, . : : 1:00 ‘76 European, . : 1:00 6) The decimal obtained in this table or antebrachial index is in- teresting, as it shows that this individual had a greater propor-: tional length of forearm than the average of Europeans, a pithecoid character. TABLE III. RELATIVE PROPORTION of FEMUR to TIBIA. , Femur. Tibia. Australian, . : 1:00 80 European, . : 1:00 85 Negro, . : ‘ 1:00 “89 Bushman, . 2 1:00 78 - From this table it appears that the crural index is rather shorter than usual.. TABLE IV. RELATIVE PROPORTION of FoREARM and Arm to THIGH and LEG. Lower. Upper. Australian, . 5 1:00 69 Bushman, . : 1:00 “ON European, . : 1:00 ‘70 This intermembral index shows that in this Australian the proportion of the arm to the leg is smaller even than the European. The three methods of measurement adopted above are, I think, calculated to give us more definite results as to the relative regional developments of extremities than any other plans hither- to used. With many of the most interesting aboriginal tribes it — is impossible to get whole skeletons, and when got, the spinal unit, so important a factor in Professor Humphry’s whole number, is rather a vague one, on account of the varying thick- nesses of intervertebral substance, unless-the observer has obtaine the skeleton while fresh. Limb bones, on the other hand, 4 easily obtained, and by a series of measurements like those given above and carried out on an extensive scale, we can easily formu- late in the simplest possible manner, the relative developments of On the Skeleton of an Aboriginal Australian. 65 the portions of the limbs. One set, like that given here, tells us comparatively little of ethnological importance, as the original may have been a Rob Roy among his tribe, or else brachybrachial, but an extensive series of such measurements would, doubtless, be of value. The vertebral column showed no appearances of note. The third cervical had a trifid spine, as is not uncommonly the case. The spine of the sixth cervical was bifid, and the transverse pro- _eess of the seventh perforated at each side. The sacral laminze were mesially ununited, and the spinal curvatures were smaller than usual. The sacrum measured 3# inches in length, and 46 inches in breadth, the average male European sacrum being 3°9 inches by 5 inches. ‘The os innominatum is small, not unduly elongated, with no pre-auricular groove (Zaaijer), but with well-marked muscular impressions. The thigh bone has a small carina, and its neck forms a large angle (123°) with the shaft. The anterior inter- trochanteric and the ectogluteal ridges are strong and rough. The tibia has a tuberous external condyloid eminence for the attachment of the ligamentum iliotibiale (Maissiat and Merkel), a structure which I have always found to be of proportional strength in all persons, with great powers of endurance in their legs. The skull presents the usual Australian dolichocephaly, and is of the usual small size, with narrow frontal region. The sutures are open and are comparatively simple, the lachrymo-planal being reduced to a very short space 0°2" in length. There is a distinct double temporal crest (Hyrtl.), a double supra-orbital hole on the right side, the inner opening being for the supra-trochlear nerve. The spheno-parietal suture measures 0°4” on the left, 0°35” on the right. The occiput has two rough splenial ridges and a short fissure exists behind each. The tympanic is separated from the periotic by a distinct deficiency, and the post-glenoid process is separated from the tympanic bone by a fissure continuous with the glaserian. sitahieee Oe 44 a b 9 ge yy ie RENNES: Lh end pala yeony pie Ae eS a5 8 ep apt e ED egreetr a bs th raed thes ad eed Si ” ! ia, ae vd pagal rts i090 Ne aaryd all Latiled edetng wo a ") = fr + > + ee OM ut? ry he os a ! ry WHS : F a eh aid mork b ibaa ad dainet Deed? “U re coe hi we a) TH, B as eed | TAD Kiderewae on j ie Ae rhe ret a a ae a A FRAGMENT OF HUMAN SKELETON FROM NORTH LATITUDE 81° 42’, BY DR. EDWARD IL. MOSS. Late Surgeon H.M.S. Alert. [Read November 19, 1877.] At the time the Arctic Expedition of 1875, left England, all that was known of the migrations of the Eskimo appeared to warrant the hope expressed in the manual supplied to the expedition by the Royal Geographical Society that Ethnological results of interest might be obtained. That hope was based upon the con-. sideration that the route chosen for the expedition lay through’ an altogether exceptional region, exceptional in that it afforded the only ascertained. gap in the northern frontier line bounding the geographical distribution of man. In every other part of the circumpolar regions Hae fi had penetrated either to lands, such as Spitzbergen or Franz Joseph Land, that bore no trace of an indigenous people, or to a barrier of eastward drifting perennial floes, impassable alike by Eskimo or European, and which if their full import had been. appreciated might have saved much speculation as to the possi- bility of an inhabited Polynia in the middle of the Polar ice-cap. But on the eastern side of the Parry group, and along both. shores of Greenland, land spread continuously to the northward, and though each successive explorer had forced his way to a latitude never before reached on land, all had been obliged to confess that at their turning point the soos of their un- civilized predecessors still lead Poleward. When our ships started, the most northern known traces of man, were those found by Dr, Bessels, of the U.S.S. Polaris, at Cape Lupton. There, within a day’s march of the furthest point on land reached by his expedition, rings of stones that. had been used to fasten down the edges of tents, marked the. temporary camp of some travelling Eskimo, 68 ; Dr. EpwarD L. Moss, It was from this latitude that our continuous search along the coast-lines began. South of this point our visits to the shore on both the outward and homeward voyages were of the most flying character. Every movement of the ice had to be taken advantage of, and our naturalists had often less than twenty minutes to bundle together their specimens, Botanical, Zoological, and Geological; and yet abundant evidences of man were found on every beach, till Lady Franklin Sound intersected the coast- line. The Discovery wintered in a bay inside Bellot Island, on the north shore of Lady Franklin Sound, and in the same latitude as Cape Lupton, and the shores to the north instead of being merely visited at intervals, were traversed over and over again by our sledge parties. Lady Franklin Sound had not interrupted the Gee passage of the Eskimo. Tempted doubtless by the reindeer and musk-oxen, on Bellot Island and the neighbouring main-land, their hunters had crossed the sound, and several hearths, where splinters of burnt drift wood and bits of scorched bone lay amongst the blackened stones, where found on a long low spit of Bellot Jsland. On a little rocky island within a stone’s throw of the main-land : similar marks of summer hunting parties were discovered. For seventeen miles to the north-eastward the shore still affords a practicable path; but at Cape Beechey, the steep cliffs of Robeson Channel rise abruptly from the tumbling stream of Polar ice, that pours through the strait, under these cliffs and at the very end of the practicable coast, Captain Feilden discovered a broken sledge and a broken lamp. From this point northward our sledges followed the coast for 100 miles to the north-east, and for 250 miles to the north-west and found no further trace. | All the likely parts of the coast were traversed dozens of times both before and after the disappearance of the snow, and no spot where Eskimo had ever camped or cooked could possibly have escaped us. I feel quite confident that all who have travelled over the respective coasts will indorse the opinion already pub- lished by Captain Feilden,* that “the men whose tracks we followed to the 82° parallel never got round Cape Union, and that it is impossible for any Eskimo to have rounded the northern shores of Greenland.” iS * “ Naturalist,” Aug. and Sept., 1877. On a Fragment of Human Skeleton. 69 The frontier line of known migration is therefore complete. Henceforward any hypothesis that inhabited lands exist in the unknown North must be based only on the vague traditions of the tribes on both sides of Behring Strait that ee from their shores have reached Kellett’s Land. _ But the traces we have hitherto spoken of do not include any vestige of man himself. - Even at Norman Lockyer Island, where we found the remains of a whole city of not only tent circles but “yourts,” meant for winter habitations, we failed after hours of careful search to find anything like a burial place. When Captain Feilden discovered the lamp and sledge, the way in which the lamp was broken—so like the broken vessels left on the Indian graves of the far west— and the valuable pieces of wood that had been left lying beside it suggested the possibility at least that they had been left for the future use of their buried owner, but I could find no heap of stones or anything else like a tomb in the neighbourhood. But seventeen miles backward, along the coast on the northern shore of Lady Franklin Strait, and at the most southern point overlooking Kennedy Channel, the fragment of human femur which I exhibit this evening was picked up. I am not aware that any human bone has been found in a higher latitude than the Etah burial-ground at Port Foulke, and this fragment lay 200 miles beyond that spot. The spot where it was found was eighty feet above the beach, and 100 yards inland, opposite the spit of Bellot Island, and about three-quarters of a mile eastward from the marks of camps on “ Dutch ” Island—the rock already spoken of. It was embedded in the side of one of those little polygonal hillocks into which the frost splits clayey ground. Both ends of the bone are broken off, the one through the neck and trochanters, the other about two inches and a quarter from the lowest point of the articulating surface. It has been gnawed by either wolf or fox, though I think the jaws of the little arctic fox are hardly strong enough to break the ends off so strong a bone. Like every other trace of man found at high latitudes in Smith’s Sound it is very old; the tongue adheres to its surface, it is spotted with lichen, and a moss has found root in the can- cellous structure of its upper end. The fragment measures eleven G 70 Dr. Epwarp L. Moss, and a half inches in length, and by comparing it with femora from old Eskimo graves on an island near Egedesminde, I esti- mate its restored length at sixteen inches. When its front is placed on a level surface the antero-posterior curve deviates a quar- ter of an inch from the horizontal at either end. As may be seen: from the annexed section it is as carinate as most platycnemic femora. There are two nutritious foramina three and three- quarters and three inches below the lesser trochanter. Its mini- mum circumference is three inches below the lesser trochanter, and measures 3'43.inches. This with the estimated length gives a perimetral index of 214. If its index were taken at the English average, 1.€., 194, its restored length would be 17°68 inches, but the bone is evidently shorter than an average English femur, and the former estimate. is probably the more accurate. If Aeby’s statement that races do not materially differ in the relative proportions of their limbs is correct, we may roughly. estimate the stature of the man who owned this bone. The pro- portionate measurements of the skeleton given by Pruner Bey: make the femur 27°29 in 100 of total height. Humphry’s average is slightly greater, but calculating by either of them the man when living must have stood a little over 5 feet. A careful search was made round the spot where this bone ia The ground was very uneven. Some vertebree and the skull of a young musk-ox were found within 200 yards, - It seemed probable that a longer search would have led tes we discovery of some dilapidated cairn or cyst, for if the bone had been recent when first exposed to the attacks of carnvora, the medullary cavity would certainly have been broken into. © - But no other vestige of man or trace of anything like a burial- place could be discovered before movements of the ice between our boat and the ship put a peremptory stop to our proceedings, The Alert and Discovery were then only waiting for an opening across the ice of Lady Franklin Strait to begin their return voyage, and our visit to the spot was never repeated. On a Fragment of Human Skeleton. Section through the centre of the Bone, natural size. ee rad * ” s mfr ON THE ELECTRIC TELEPHONE. BY W. F. BARRETT, F.nr.s.% {Read November 19th, 1877. | The following paper does not lay claim to any originality. It is simply a brief description of an instrument which will probably play an important part in the future of the human race; together with an historical note of what had been accomplished by Reis fifteen years ago. The various attempts to communicate audible speech by means of electricity have culminated in the recent discovery by Professor Graham Bell of the articulating telephone. The discovery was not the result of chance but of long and patient endeavour. Every sound of the human voice is communicated from the speaker to the listener by means of aerial vibrations of a definite character. For the same sound the same wave-form is always reproduced. Starting from this fundamental axiom, Professor Bell’s first efforts were made with the view of visibly recording speech. A model of the human ear was constructed, to the tympanum of which a delicate style was attached, the movements of which recorded themselves on a moving slip of smoked glass. Thus the vowel sounds and a few simple words were readily recorded by this phonautograph ; which, however, differed but little from similar instruments previously constructed. These experiments revealed to Professor Bell the important point that the transmission of speech by electricity could onlybe accomplished by using what may be termed an undulatory current: that is to say, one that merely varied in strength without the occurrence of any actual interruptions which would give rise to a discontinuous or intermittent current. It is this principle of an unbroken current which distinguishes Bell’s telephone from all preceding efforts. The electric currents in this telephone are in simple proportion to the motions of the air produced by the voice, and further the electric waves sent to the distant extremity are (by a receiving arrangement precisely similar to the transmitting instrument), caused to reproduce motions of the air identically the same in character as those that gave birth to the currents. Thus not only is articulation heard perfectly, but moreover, the 74 PROFESSOR BARRETT, different qualities of different voices are heard, so that at 50 or 100 miles distance the individuality of the speaker is transmitted as well as his ideas. A section of the present form of this important instrument is shown in figure 1. A diagrammatic representation of the essential parts is given in figure 2: a permanent bar magnet (N.S.) (about four inches long), has a coil of fine wire (b) wound at one extremity, in front of the coil a disc (a) of thin sheet iron is fixed. The transmitting and receiving instruments are precisely alike, and no On the Telephone. 75 the to and fro motion of the iron disc. On speaking into the Instrument vibrations of the disc are set up which give rise to magneto-electric currents in the coil of wire, one end of which is attached to the line wire. These electric pulsations produce corresponding changes in the intensity of the magnetic field at the receiving instrument, and hence give rise to motions of the iron disc analogous to those at the other end. The extraordinary feature of this instrument is its extreme sensitiveness, The amplitude of the vibrations of the transmitting dise must be wonderfully small, and yet every inflexion of the voice is faithfully transmitted. At the receiving end the ampli- tude of the vibrations of the iron disc is so small as to be immeasurable, nevertheless not a syllable is lost, and in the larger instruments the voice is heard at a distance of some feet from the instrument. | The question arises, is the sound due to a molar or a molecular motion of the disc? Jron when magnetized and demagnetized gives rise to a peculiar click due to molecular changes, to which reference will be made in the sequel. No motion of the iron would be apparent in this case, but if the sound sprung from any motion of the disc as a whole, such as would arise from currents of sensible strength fluctuating through the coil beneath, then the motion of the disc might be capable of detection. Attaching a mirror to the disc and reflecting therefrom a ray of light, no motion of this reflected ray was visible on speaking through the instrument. Other arrangements were tried by the author of the - present paper to test this question. A sensitive flame is an ex- tremely delicate acoustic re-agent. Removing the wooden mouth- piece of the telephone, a small metal chamber was substituted,into this chamber coal gas at high pressure was sent, and burnt from an orifice furnished with a suitable jet. The gas thus traversed the iron dise within two inches of which it issued as a sensitive flame, so that any sensible motion of the disc would be detected by a dis- turbance of the flame. Although a flame of extreme sensitive- ness was obtained, no effect was produced on the flame by any sounds shouted or hissed into the distant and electrically-joined telephone. These results confirm an experiment of Professor Bell’s, who glued the iron disc to a thick block of wood, and in this way spoke through and heard by the telephone. Here any molar 76 PROFESSOR BARRETT, motion would seem impossible. But if it be a molecular motion one would expect the sound to be of a peculiar quality, the mole- cular motions of solids having a crepitating character. The solution of the difficulty seems to be this: Lord Rayleigh has shown (Nature, vol. 16, p. 114) that sonorous vibrations may be heard although the amplitude of the waves generating them be of transcendent smallness, an amplitude of one ten-millionth of a centimetre, Lord Rayleigh states is perfectly audible. Hence it is probable that the varied motions set up in the iron disc are motions of the disc as a whole, but of surpassing minuteness, and if so the telephone has directly confirmed Lord Rayleigh’s edie tions, and added to the wonders of our organs of hearing. The greatest obstacle to the practical introduction of the tele- phone is at present the disturbing noises produced by induction from powerful battery currents traversing neighbouring wires. — Apart from this it would appear that conversation can easily be carried on two or three hundred miles apart, and breathing has been heard by Professor Bell at 150 miles distance. By employing a return wire instead of an earth connexion much of the inductive disturbance can be neutralized. In the trials of the telephone at the Royal Dublin Society, a loud ticking was heard every second . which much interfered with telephonic conversation. This ticking was not due to any neighbouring clocks, but was found to arise from the general electric clock system of the town. Instead of a return wire connexion was made with the gas-pipes of the . building; this “earth” happened to be the same as is employed in the electric clocks, and hence the disturbance. Substituting a second wire the disturbance was removed. Another obstacle at present before the telephone is the difficulty of its use in long submarine lines. This arises from the well- known cause termed “inductive embarrassment,’ the line with its insulating sheath and the sea around acting as a condenser, and thus preventing the rapid delivery of electric pulsations. Nevertheless, conversation has very successfully been carried on between Dover and Calais and Holyhead and Dublin. The mere resistance of along line but little impedes telephonic conversation. The author of this paper has spoken with great ease through an actual line of some thirty miles, with an added resistance exceed- ing that of the Atlantic cable. The addition of the artificial On the Telephone. 77 resistance simply renders the sound of the voice of the distant speaker fainter, as if he had gone further off, but in no way alters the quality of the sounds heard. Professor Bell has even spoken through a resistance of 60,000 ohms (the resistance of the Atlantic cable is equal to 7,000 ohms). Various practical] applications of the telephone at once suggest themselves. It is already largely in use in the United States for commercial purposes. It has been successfully tried in diving and mining operations in this country. In physical research it promises to be the starting point of new investigations, and as a_ delicate phonoscope, or sound test, it will doubtless be most useful both in the lecture-room and physical laboratory. The telephone also reveals the existence of very feeble electric currents by the audible vibration of its iron disc. So prompt and sensitive is it to the slightest fluctuation in the strength of the current traversing its coil that it is not unlikely it may be of use in searching out rapid and feeble variations in a current that may escape detection by a galvanometer, owing to the inertia of even a light magnetic needle. Information as to the duration and character — of rapidly intermittent currents is needed in medical science and not improbably the telephone may be able to furnish this infor- mation, when associated with a chronograph. The first attempt to transmit sounds by electricity is due to Philip Reis, teacher of natural history in a grammar school at Freidrichsdorf near Homburg. A brief reference to what Reis . accomplished may here be of interest. I am indebted to Dr. Messel, a name well-known to chemists, who was a former pupil of Reis and eye-witness of his early experiments, for the following interesting letter on this subject :— | * Reis’ first experiments date as far back as about 1852. But at that time ended in failure, and were not resumed as far as I know till 1860. The first publication about Reis’ telephone appeared in a daily paper of Frankfort-on-Main, which however I have not succeeded in procuring. Reis gave his first public lecture on October 26th, 1861, when he showed his telephone before the Physikalische Verein (Physical Society) of Frankfort-on-Main, and I send you herewith a copy of his paper. ‘ 2 being held firm by the link /; the pin of m is then set to the dis- tance V T (fig. 6), and by the vibration of B, Mr. Lassell’s eccentric motion can be given. This machine Mr. Grubb has superseded by one of great simplicity of construction. Mr. Grubb’s Second Machine. In figure 9 you have an isometric perspective view of the machine with which the great Melbourne telescope was ground and polished. A is the speculum in its box revolving on a vertical spindle, B the polisher, a portion of the weight of which is counterpoised by a lever attached to the bar a. The horizontal bars b,b’ are attached to a atc; these are moved by the cranks at dd’, which receive their motion (by means of bevelled wheels) from a hori- zontal bar connected with the driving pully D. By the adjust- ment of the length of the arms 6 0’, or of the cranks at dd’, a great variety of curves can be given to the bar a, carrying the polisher. By means of the handle at e the speculum was made to turn on its edge so as to view a distant artificial star, and thus to test the figure—thus a great saving of time was effected and the risk of accident diminished. 108 | Mr. SAMUEL HUNTER, Fig. 9. A curve produced from a similarly constructed machine set at random is given in fig. 10. Fig. 10 It is unnecessary to speak of Foucault’s process of hand abrad- ing or the American system of local polishers, as these require highly skilled artificers to be successfully used. The choice of machines evidently les between that of Lord Rosse’s and that of Mr. Grubb’s No. 2. The latter is so compact and admits of such a variety in the curves which the polisher On Apparatus for Polishing Specula for Reflecting Telescopes. 109 may be caused to describe, that it probably deserves the pre- ference. On the other hand, on looking at figure No. 5, and observing the variety of continuously varying curves described by the polisher in Lord Rosse’s machine, one has little doubt that with it there will be less liability to polish the surface in rings than with a machine which gives a uniform curve of whatever description. The objection that the polisher is kept too long over the edge by the eccentric (G, figure 4), is obviated by making the pully by which it is driven oval as in the machine for Lord Rosse’s 6-feet speculum. It is certain, however, that both machines have produced good results in the hands of their inventors. Note.—In Mr. Grubb’s Machine No. 2, one revolution of the speculum coincides with 14 strokes of the eccentrics, of which there were 33 per minute in the rough grinding, and 24 in fine grinding and polishing. ON BABBAGE’S SYSTEM OF MECHANICAL NOTATION AS APPLIED TO AUTOMATIC MACHINERY, BY HOWARD GRUBB, C.E., F.R.A.S. Read December 17th, 1877. In the year 1826, the celebrated mathematician, Mr. Charles Babbage, presented a paper to the Royal Society of London, on a method of expressing by signs the action of machinery. The ingenious and elegant system Mr. Babbage describes in this paper appears to have been paid but little attention to by engineers, and I can only find one mechanical author, and that of old date, treating of Mr. Babbage’s system. The fact of this (as it seems to me), most useful system of notation, having been apparently buried in oblivion, has induced me to bring the matter under the notice of this Society in the hope that it may prove as useful to many others as it has been tome. I may also say that I am further induced to notice this matter, from the fact that my father, who made considerable use of this system in planning his automatic printing, and other machinery, found the system capable of extension in directions, certainly not recorded, and perhaps never contemplated, by Mr. Babbage. I shall first endeavour to explain the object which Mr. Babbage had in planning this notation, then the principle of the system, and lastly the uses to which it may be applied. Firstly. The object Mr. Babbage aimed at was to supply a serious want which he felt existed in graphically representing an elaborate piece of machinery. He desired to devise such a method of graphical representation as would present to the mind of the mechanic a true representation, not so much of the general form and disposition of the small parts, for that can be done by ordinary draughtsmanship, but of the quantity and nature of the different movements, the time each movement occupies, and the sequence of such movements, &c. Such a re- presentation could no doubt be made by a series of drawings of 112 Mr. HowarD GRUBB, each part, showing the machine in every possible position, but this would require enormous labour, and numerous sets of draw- ings for each individual position of the machine, and such, even if accomplished, would not fulfil the required conditions, for it would be almost impossible for any person to properly follow the various motions through these elaborate drawings, and carry in his mind the true nature of the movements. Mr. Babbage’s system, however, enables a person who has a slight mechanical knowledge, and a very little practice, to per- fectly understand the complicated movements of a piece of machinery like this automatic numbering machine,* from a few minutes study of a single chart, on which all its motions are laid down according to his system. Secondly. The principle of this system of notation may be thus described :—The various movements of the machine are classified, and named, and placed, one under the other in the first column of the sheet. Opposite them is a portion ruled into small vertical columns, which in its total horizontal dimensions is sup- posed to represent a certain space of time, in fact the time occupied by the machine in completing one period or cycle of its duty. This may be divided into any convenient number of parts. In the present case as the machine completes a cycle in about six seconds, I have divided the space into six parts, and each of these again into ten, representing tenths of seconds. The vertical distances represent, on various empirical scales, “spaces” travelled over by that particular part of the machine specified in the first column. As the horizontal distances represent “tome,” and the vertical space, any portion of a machine at rest for any particular number of seconds, or tenths of seconds, is represented by a horizontal line, thus :— : Ht ORE : nL * An automatic numbering machine, the invention of Mr. Thomas Grubb, ¥.Rs , was exhibited as an illustration to this paper. On Babbage’s System of Mechanical Notation. 113 A uniform motion is represented by an inclined straight line, inasmuch as the spaces passed over in each unit of time ‘are equal :— A crank motion which begins gradually, attains its greatest velocity in the centre of its half-stroke, and ends also gradually, is represented thus :— : In fact the space passed over in any particular unit of time, is represented by the difference of the ordinates at beginning and ending of that unit. A glance therefore at the accompanying chart will show the actual positions of all parts of the machine at any particular tenth of a second during the whole six seconds. Thus, for example, it will be seen in the first line that the inking rollers roll backward and forward by a crank motion (or motion analogous to it) six times during a cycle. In the second line it will be seen that the inking rollers rise uniformly, and attain their highest level in three-tenths second; then they continue (rolling backward and forward, as the first line has previously informed us), for 1:1 seconds; they then uniformly de- scend and ascend again (to change position of rollers) in 0°6 second, continue at their highest level, inking the rollers for 0°6 second, and then uniformly descend and spend the remainder of this time, 3°0 seconds, in taking up fresh ink. I might go through all the lines in the same way, but as the same principle applies, it is hardly necessary as a very little study will render the matter quite plain. Thirdly. The uses to which this system is capable of being applied are numberless, and seem to continually increase as one gets 114 Mr, Howarp GRUBB, more conversant with the principle and practical working of the system. They may, however, be classified into three heads :— (a). The designing of the machine. (b). The working out of the details of construction. (c). The putting together of the machine. (a). Let us first consider the designing of the machine. What- — ever difficulties there are in understanding the working of a complicated machine from accurate drawings made after the ma- chine is completed, or even from the machine itself, much greater are the difficulties to be encountered in designing the machine, for in this case the designer has neither machine nor drawings to guide him, and the only representation of the machine lies in his own brain; while, therefore, he mentally plans one part, he has to keep in his mind (if he can) the relative positions and actions of all the other parts, and frequently to go back in his work and modify and remodify various parts in his mind’s eye, and all this must be thought out before he puts pen to paper; for after all, mechanical drawings represent, not the actions and motions of the machine but the appliances (levers, wheels, cams, dc.), by which these motions are produced. We cannot plan these appliances before we know what is required for each part to do. What we do want, therefore, is a means of graphically repre- senting the various motions and actions of the machine without reference, in the first place, to the nature of the mechanical ~ appliances by which these various motions and actions are effected. I have said enough I think to show that this part is most ad- — mirably tulfilled by this system of notation, for as the designer plans motion after motion, and action after action, he represents the nature, direction, quantity, and quality of each by these various curved lines, and can go backwards and forwards touching up and modifying the various actions (without taxing his brain to carry the nature of all or any one of these acta until he gets all to his satisfaction, and in proper sequence. (6.) The next task of the designer is that of working out the details of construction of the machine, and here again the system assists him, for he can decide from the nature of the curve on his chart (which curve he has before decided on to be the best On Bubbage’s System of Mechanical Notation. 115 possible for that particular purpose),” what class of motion, whether crank, link motion, wheels, or cam work, he should adopt, and supposing he is required to adopt the more compli- cated form of cam work, the curve on the chart will enable him to sketch directly,and without any calculation the shape of his cam. (c.) Now as to the putting together of the machine. I do not mean by this, simply the reputting of the machine together after it has been once completed, but I mean the putting together for the first time of the various parts which have been separately and disjointedly completed to scale drawings, the ascertaining of the exact position in which to place each wheel, levers, and cams, so that all may work properly, and each part fulfil its proper duty, and at the proper time. In complicated machines, this is the one operation in which above all others, workmen are apt to make mistakes, for as the appliance for each motion has to be placed and “keyed” independently, it is very difficult indeed to say, except by a laborious tentative system of trial, whether that particular motion tallies perfectly with all the other motions, not only these already attached, but those to be attached. Here again Mr. Babbage comes to our assistance, for by attaching to the main shaft of the machine (which makes one revolution for each cycle), a cardboard disc divided into the same number of parts as the chart, we have in keying on any par- ticular motion, only to bring the shaft round till the divided disc reads such a division as corresponds to some certain action of that particular cam, or lever—say the commencement or end of some particular action, and then turn the cam or lever on the shaft until that action does actually take place, and there key . it, and so on through all the motions: so that really the work- man might put the whole machine together, find out the position for all the motions, key them on, and be perfectly satisfied in his own mind, that the machine will work perfectly correctly, even though he never tried it once. | It may be said that a mathematician could describe and note down the nature and quality of all these actions without reference to a graphical representation. No doubt; but in the first place the mathematics required even for very simple machinery would be far higher than what we can expect mechanics to be conversant with, and J think we need no argument to show that a mathe- = iy otieat explanation of oe mechanical er v _ the requirements even of a highly educated m¢ find Mr. Babbage himself, one of the , greatest t ma _ this century, actually engaged i in devising this sys ; representation. GOR DE ROR SERED ASI ROARS Cee Eee il AIBUNG Ub } ea ee ‘ HUNAN DS WUVeanananua untnvannevnvanuaneavoanalaVOa aUU04(Gl Peeeeeeeees:- mr coca tara ns ANU HOGA AERRRAARAL AARRTHR PVE OEE SU ARIU ec as ea cleearece LaLISUL LIAL NOLLOW GONVH Wann vee qOU 9g 77a PIYSIL fT AZAZ 7, LO2° Pa1aM? IG Se ine AAAI? LOG LINDT buryao TT GIYPLOL UO YIOT saeeee -- patted Yur ar SIILD J LUTEAL) exzewscre aren Ped FT TMT) orn seer ag pesmees sesseecors asses ——— ; oe fine UE aA A eee — CTT sees omy Par MTT TTT “ecm PP ger TOTTI] etsy eter ety TTT TTT ae ee say Beep aq pasag poze pag pang jas aa pe a % eR NTN ib sizing Bisap Il 0) NOILOW JIDVILOLOV SUGGESTIONS FOR AN EXPERIMENT TO DEMON- STRATE THE POLARIZED STATE OF THE GAS IN CROOKES’S LAYER. BY GEORGE FRANCIS FITZGERALD, M.A., F.T.C.D. {Read 21st January, 1878.] I DESIRE to apologise to the Society for bringing before them only a proposed instead of a performed experiment, but my excuse is that it will probably be some time before Iam able to perform the experiment myself, and as I desire to get credit for having at least proposed it, I take this opportunity of publishing it, and of giving my reasons for supposing it likely to be successful, by showing that the quantities involved are quite within the reach of our present methods of observing them. I would first notice that, according to both Clausius and Max- well’s theories of the conduction of heat in gases, the existence of a force like Crookes’s depends essentially upon the distribution of the velocities among the molecules, it being easily seen from either of their investigations (as is also evident from many other obvious considerations) that it is quite possible to imagine such a distribution of velocities among the molecules as that, though heat be propagated through the medium, yet the pressure in all directions shall be the same. Hence, any independent method of demonstrating a polarized state of the gas is of considerable im- portance ; and the experiment I am about to propose is for the purpose of doing so. When any homogeneous transparent substance is in a state of stress, its refractive index for light, polarized in certain planes, is different from that for light polarized in other planes, and conse- quently a ray of plane polarized light, when passed though such a medium in certain directions, emerges elliptically polarized. If the gas in a Crookes’s Layer be in the state of stress that theory indicates, it ought to behave similarly, and a plane polarized beam when transmitted along it should emerge ellipti- K 118 Mr. G. F, FitzGEra.p, cally polarized. Now, the amount of elliptic polarization, we may — - expect, can be calculated in the following manner :—I have esti- mated by aseries of unfortunately rather rough experiments that when a red hot ball is plunged into cold water to a depth of half a centimetre, the thickness of the Crookes’ Layer formed, is about a quarter of a millimetre. This is, of course, only a rough ap- proximation, but it will give us results which determine with what order of quantity we are dealing. Hence, the excess of pressure in the vertical over that in the horizontal direction that I measured was half a gramme per sq. centimetre, which is about the ‘0005 of the atmospheric pressure. Now, I will make an as- sumption which is, however, only partially true, but as one object of the experiment is to determine to what extent itis so it is legiti- mate provisionally, and it is that we may treat the strain in the gas as due entirely to a difference of density in different directions. That we may do so to some extent, at least, is manifest, for, ac- cording to theory, the number of molecules moving in the direction of the strain is greater than the number moving in other di- rections. To what extent this is true could only be determined either by elaborate theoretical investigations into the state of the gas or else by experiments such as I am proposing. Assuming then the strain to be wholly due to a difference of density we can proceed as follows :—The law connate the refractive in- dices of a gas at different densities is * Ben ind oda ai so that in air when p= 1:0002940, and in the case we are considering where aoa 1:0005 we have p’ = 1:0002941. As there are 100,000 vibrations of light per five centimetres in vacuo there will be 100029'40 when the density is », and 100029°41 when it is py’, and consequently a difference of phase of ‘01 of a wave length will be introduced per five centimetres or a twentieth of a wave length in 25 centimetres. Now, as the intensity of light in the analyzer depends upon the square of the sine of the difference of phase, this will give the intensity as the square of the sine of 9°, which is ‘02 or 2th. Hence I conclude that if a ray of cee polarized light be transmitted through 25 centimetres of a Crookes’s Layer between two surfaces, one of On the Polarized State of the Gas im a Crookes’s Layer. 119 which is red hot, and the other below the temperature of boiling water, and with an interval between them of a quarter of a millimetre, then one-fiftieth of the light will be restored in an analyzer which was so turned as to extinguish the beam before transmission between the plates. Such an effect could be easily observed, but asit is very unlikely that the whole of the strain in a Crookes’s Layer is due to a difference of density of the gas in different directions, itis very unlikely that so great an effect would be produced. One object, however, in trying the experiment would be to determine to what extent the strain is due to a difference of densities. ON THE BARYTES MINES NEAR BANTRY, BY EDWARD T. HARDMAN, F.C.S., of the Geological Survey of Ireland. [Read January 21st, 1878. ] SULPHATE of Barytes or Heavy Spar is a mineral of not very common occurrence in Ireland, and is only met with in a few localities in sufficient quantity to be of commercial value. In various places in the county Cork it is found in some abundance ; and near Bantry it has been, and I believe is at present, being extensively worked. Having visited these mines some time ago, I propose giving a brief description of them. The most extensive lode is met with in the townland of Derry- ginah, Middle, about two miles east of Bantry. It bears nearly due east and west, N. 80° E. & S. 80° W.; cutting the strike of the Old Red Sandstone slates, at an angle of about ten to fifteen degrees. The lode is ten to fifteen feet thick, and has been fol- lowed for some 200 or 300 yards, the workings extending to a depth of about fourteen fathoms. About one-third of the lode in the centre consists of extremely pure Barytes, but the sides of it consist of an impure variety called cawk, which contains a quan- tity of quartz, carbonate of lime, green carbonate of copper, Peacock copper ore, and micaceous or specular iron. The last is found in considerable quantity—so much so, that the manager of the works was of opinion it might prove commercially valuable could it be smelted. Besides the difference in purity of the Barytes, two varieties occur in this lode. One a crystalline glassy-looking specimen ; the other a granular saccharoidal variety, and the last is the kind most valued, as it is the most easily ground in the process of preparation. From this mine a considerable quantity of mineral has been obtained and exported by the Bantry Barytes Mining Company, who are now working it. When in full work they can easily turn out twenty tons per day. But the mine is capable of yield- 122 Mr. E. T. HARDMAN, ing a much larger quantity, being in fact so far only limited by the amount of labour obtainable, and the state of the market. Owing to the cost of carriage also, the price of the mineral is necessarily rather high. The next locality for Barytes is.a little more than a mile south-— east of Bantry, in the townlands of Ardargh and Darreengreanagh, and so far as I know of, has not been mentioned in any list of localities of that mineral ; although the occurrence of the lode is marked in the field maps of the Geological Survey. And the mode in which it oecurs is sufficiently curious to deserve a passing notice. | This deposit occurs in similar grits and slates to those enclos- ing the first named, but instead of forming a lode it consists of a thick pipe-like mass of nearly pure Barytes. This pipe is about thirty feet long, and fifteen wide, and it has been proved to extend downwards for at least ninety feet, having been entirely excavated to that depth. Atthe corners it throws off small branches or veins, from two to five feet thick, and some of these have been found at the surface some distance from the n main body, but appear to thin away on every side. ! | This great mass is almost entirely composed of the very purest sulphate of Baryta. An analysis of it showed it to contain over ninety-five per cent. of sulphate. The “ seconds” or “cawk” (which forms but a very small proportion of the lode, being prin- cipally confined to the walls), contain various copper ores, the green carbonate, Peacock ore, and copper pyrites, as well as galena, all in very small quantity. The walls of the lode are coated in some places with steatite; or chlorite. The rocks = it strike N. 80° E., with a high dip of 75° to 80° _ This deposit a been worked for a considerable time by the Scart Barytes Mining Company, and the principal mass of ore has. been removed to the depth above stated—ninety feet. There is always an amount of mystery kept up as to the uses for which Barytes is intended, arising from the fact that it is chiefly in demand for purposes of adulteration, its high specific gravity being taken advantage of. Thus it is principally in re- quest for the adulteration of white lead and other paints; and some even say that it is employed as a commercial substitute for ~ On the Barytes Mines. 128 sugar. Such at least is the Bantry native opinion. It is besides occasionally useful for the manufacture of glazes for porcelain*, The mineral is worth about £1 per ton, delivered free on board at Bantry, but when ground and prepared it fetches £4 per ton. A few words on the probable mode of formation of this mineral may not be out of place. And first I may mention that many of the Irish localities for veins of sulphate of Barytes appear to lie in the Old Red Sandstone. ‘Thus Portlock records its occurrence inthe Old Red Sandstone of Ballynascreen and Desertlyn, county Derry, and Clogher, county Tyrone. But this is merely a coinci- dence, because is it found here as in other counties in many other rocks, crystalline and sedimentary, and in England it occurs largely in the Carboniferous limestone. Now it is tolerably easy to account for the presence of veins of this mineral in limestone, which is easily soluble and quickly worn into fissures or pipes by ordinary atmospheric water, in which, under some circumstances, Barytes might be deposited, but the first difficulty with which we have to contend in this case is the solution of such rocks as sand- stone and slate. The Derryginagh deposit can be accounted for by a simple fissure, but this will not account for the other case, in which the original material has been removed in the form of a nearly square pipe, which could never have been produced solely by fissuring. There can be no doubt but this receptacle has re- ceivedits present form through the action of water. Doubtless such pipes are due to fissures in the first instance which, allowing the water to percolate freely, 2 are eaten Po bit by bit into their present form. Age of these Veins.— As sh dae veins run partly sibs and partly across the strike of the strata, which lie in flexures dipping at high angles, it follows that they must be of more recent date than that of the upheaving and flexuring of the Old Red Sandstone and Carboniferous rocks of the south of Ireland. Now, as Pro- fessor Hull has shown, these flexures are due to forces acting at the close of as and previous to the Permian Periods. It * It appears to me that the seeaticlat varieties might, with advantage, be substituted for alabaster, for statuary and ornamental purposes. The mineral can be obtained in large blocks. - |! + Jour. Roy. Geol. Soc., Ireland, iv., pt. iii, p. 114. 124 Mr. E. T. HARDMAN, ‘ is certain therefore that these lodes, as well as the copper lodes of the other parts of Cork as well as Kerry, are younger than the Carboniferous period, and may be therefore about the same age as those of Cornwall. It is, of course, impossible to determine at what period past the Carboniferous they have been deposited, since there are no newer strata in this part of Ireland; but however this may be, we may suppose that the original fissures were most likely opened during the disturbances which produced the flexures of the Old Red Sandstone in the south-west of Ireland. Deposition of the Barytes and associated Minerals —Barytes being one of the most insoluble substances known, it is unlikely that it could have been deposited from solution in cold water; on the other hand it is so very infusible that the heat necessary to reduce it to a plastic condition would be more than sufficient to melt the surrounding rocks. Its deposition is therefore to be ascribed with most probability to the action of thermal springs, the waters of which were forced upwards into these fissures, while the strata at present exposed were still buried under a great mass of superincumbent rocks. The waters at first warm enough to hold small quantities of such difficultly soluble minerals in solution would, as it came nearer the surface, become somewhat cooler, and these minerals would be then deposited along the sides ot the fissure. This point, which is insisted on by Delesse, is demurred to by Bischof, who considers that the waters of ascend- ing hot springs cannot produce these deposits, but it is evident he left out of consideration the cooling of the water as it rose, Source of the Sulphate of Barytes—This is to be sought for either in the immediately outlying or surrounding rocks, or in masses of rock at some distance, from which some compound of barium may be carried down into springs. Carbonate of barium is by no means an uncommon mineral, and barium in some form is of common occurrence in minute proportion in limestone. Sili- cate of barium is also found occasionally in igneous rocks, and might, therefore, also occur in parts of the Old Red Sandstone which are derived from the debris of such rocks*. ‘Those com- * The very small quantity of Barium compounds disseminated through rocks, is of little moment in this consideration. As Bischof well remarks, the minimum quantities in rocks may become the maximum quantities in odes. On the Barytes Mines. 125 pounds of barium are to a small extent soluble in water, and would be brought down through the strata to rise again from deep-seated springs. Meeting now with soluble sulphates, these salts of barium would be converted into sulphate, and as the water cooled in rising to the surface, this would be deposited. As a matter of fact crystals of sulphate of barium have been found on the granite of Carlsbad, where a hot spring, con- taining in solution traces of that substance, burst out. Chloride of barium is sometimes noticed in spring waters, and this would also give rise to sulphate in the manner pointed out. In fact it is only through the medium of hot water that the sulphate of Barytes of Bantry, and the very insoluble minerals associated with it, can be supposed to have been deposited. ON THE ARTIFICIAL. PRODUCTION OF MINERALS AND PRECIOUS STONES, BY MM. FEIL anp FREMY. [Read January 21st, 1878. ] THE artificial production of minerals presents, in a scientific pomt of view, an interest which everybody understands, It has long afforded a wide field of research to many scientific men, among whom may be mentioned Ebelman, Senarmont, Deville, &c. We thought it might be interesting, even after the works of these eminent scientific men, to publish the result of our researches on the crystallization of alumina and of divers silicates. If we place in a furnace, heated to a high temperature, a mix- ture of alumina and oxide of lead, we obtain white crystals. alumina, and, by adding a metallic oxide as colouring matter, —either chromium for obtainmg a red colour, or cobalt for blue,— we can produce rubies in the first case, and sapphires in the second. It is necessary, however, in order to procure chemically pure crystals, from the mass obtained to separate the lead which may yet remain in combination with the vitrifiable earth proceeding from the crucible, and which may itself have been eombined during the fusion. We may separate these bodies by different processes, either by the action of hydrofluoric acid or by potash in fusion, or by prolonged ‘calcination in hydrogen, and subsequent treatment with alkalies and acids. The following are the properties of the rubies we obtained :— They scratch quartz and topaz. Their density is 40041. They lose, like natural rubies, their pink coloration when they are strongly heated, and regain colour on cooling. They are as hard as natural rubies. s When submitted to optical examination—that is to say, to the microscope of polarization of Amici—our rubies, which have the form of hexagonal prisms, present the characteristic black cross and coloured rings. | The crystals we obtained, and which we had cut by a lapidary, have not yet the requisite limpidity for commercial pur- poses neither do they present to the lapidary favourable facets 128 MM. Fern AND FREmy. for cleaving ; but they have the colour and the hardness, &c., and we have prepared large masses in which crystals have been found which leave absolutely nothing to be desired. Besides, we are still studying this interesting question, and without doubt we shall soon arrive at a perfect result in every point of view. The second part of our investigation, i.c., that on the crystallized silicates, will serve to demonstrate the infuene of the fluorides as crystallizing agents. By submitting to heat, during a determined time, a mixture of fluoride of aluminum and vitrifiable earth, we — noticed that, by the mutual reaction of the two bodies, fluoride of silicium is evolved, and we obtain a crystallized body which seems to be disthene—that is to say, a silicate of alumina. It appears under the form of acicular double refracting crystals, which extinguish the light obliquely towards their edges. These crystals afforded on analysis the following results :— Vitrifiable earth, * : ; ‘ “ 47°65 Alumina, ; : 5 A > 51°85 Loss, . r - : 0:50 It is about the same as for disthene, or its varieties, trebolite, bucholzite and bamlite, and sillimanite. By operating in a certain manner, and by heating to a high temperature a mixture of alumina and fluoride of barium, we obtained prismatic needles several centimetres in length. Their analysis afforded :— Vitrifiable earth, . ° . 4 ‘ 34:32 Baryta, - . ° 2 . 35:04 Alumina, . : : . : . 30°37 M. Jannettez has ascertained that these long prisms are often composed of four blades with parallel faces forming the surfaces of a hollow prism ; they extinguish the light under the microscope, or rather they let the obscurity persist between two crossed prisms. They may be cut at angles of 60° 42’ and 119°. In the course of the reaction which generates the crystallized double silicate just described, some corundum is formed. These bodies are the results of the following changes :— By heating the mixture of alumina and fluoride of barium, fluoride of aluminum and barium is formed. * This term is doubtless used as a synonym of silica.—Eds. On the Artificial Production of Minerals and Precious Stones. 129 Having once first produced fluoride of aluminum and decom- posed it again under the influence of steam, hydrofluoric acid is formed and corundum is crystallized. By acting at the same time on the vitrifiable earth of the crucible, there is first produced some silicate of alumina, which by uniting itself with baryta, has produced the beautiful crystals of double silicate of aluminum and of barium which we have presented. Such is the theory we think rational; and it seems to result from our experiments that fluorides are not only excellent mineralizers in the mass, but that they can carry along with them the most fixed bodies. As a proof of this assertion one can instance that reraarkable formation of orthose felspar produced artificially in the upper part of a copper furnace at Mansfeld. The use of the fluoride of calcium in the bed of fusion, which produced that felspar, permits us to suppose that the fluorine served here as a transporting agent or vehicle. Thus, we are justified in expecting that, by prosecuting our studies, we may be able to produce crystals capable of application in jewellery and watchmaking. The last experiments have shown us that we are making good progress. We have already obtained cut crystals of remarkable value. We hope they will shortly be presented for inspection. / + nae’ = . : * ee = = r s ate , Poet. ore REL sascowe aisapoys Lt -nrooah Das i Bh EWS O1'CO! ioak re re : ae ceria ae aie fo. cit oft Jp #, a id £ + e “ay w 4 r a Se ee arene: = OF oy . #8 O59 i-2)3" SUUTOMLT € BOE On OW 2 FE 4 ¢ ? ¢ aad 2 > : ' a San Y XO) cdi48 betes ne ys a bos ey 9, ¥ yr % ‘ . . Se eer ee : pe oe —— 2s en . mh, : ; Pre al: re 131 ‘THE FOLLOWING PAPERS were also read and ordered to be printed in the Transactions of the Royal Dublin Society :— 187% < -- Nov. 19th.—Wentworty Ercx, LL.D., F.R.A.S., ‘On the Satellites of Mars.” Dec. 17th.—Epwarp ae, F.R.S., and E. T. Harpmay, F.C.S., “On the Nature and Origin of the Chert-beds in the Upper - Carboniferous Limestone of Ireland.” - 1878. Jan. 21st.—T. Romney Roginson, D.D., F.R.S., “On the places of 1,000 stars observed at the Armagh Observatory.” VERBAL COMMUNICATIONS were also made to the Society on the following subjects :— 1877. Nov. 19th.. —On Phenol-phthalein as a test of Alkalinity by Professor _ J. Emerson Reynorps, M.D. » » On Specimens of Crystallized Phosphorus, exhibited by Mr. R. J. Moss, F.C.S. » » . On the limits of Geological dime by. Rev. S. Havuenron, M.D., : On the ie of Science to Practical Engineering by Rosert Mannine, C.E. o Bec. 17 th. — On a simple form of Telephone exhibited by Professor W. F. Barrett, F.R.S. E. On a new form of Spectroscope, exhibited by Mr. Howarp Gruss, M.E., F.R.A.S. On the discovery of Brine in the Valley of the Mersey at Warrington by Professor Hutt, F.R.S. On Specimens of ornamental and other stones from Jypore, India, exhibited by Professor E. Hull, F.R.S8. On Specimens of Idocrase rock from Cumberland, exhibited by Professor Harkness, F.R.S, On Nests of the oven-bird (Furnarude), exhibited by Pro- fessor MacauisTER, M.D. = », On an Automatic Numbering Machine, exhibited by Mr. Howarp Gruss, M.E., F.R.A.S, aor ys 3) 2? 9 1878. Jan, 2ist.—On M. Cailletet’s experiments on the liquefaction of Oxygen and other gases, by Professor J. EMERSON - | Reynoips, M.D. x a On the Phonograph, by Professor W. F. Barrett, F.R.8.E. Jan. 21st. 20 the relation between the electric and capillary cont . 9) 132 ties of a surface of mercury in contact with different — liquids, by Mr. G. F. FirzcErap, F.T.C.D. On new forms of Laboratory apparatus for obtaining heat and light, exhibited by Mr. R. J. Moss, F.C.8. On the Glacial phenomena of upper and lower Longh Bray, by the Rev. M. H. Cross, M.A. On Totanus Haughton, (Armstrong) a new species of Greenshank from India, exhibited by Professor A. Macatister, M.D. On Specimens of Barytes and associated Minerals from Bantry, exhibited by Mr. E. T. Harpman, F.C.S. On Nests of Mason-bees from Rayal Pindi, Ladakh, ex- hibited by Mr. J. W. Havuauron, junr. On a series of Human Vertebre with anomalous processes, exhibited by Professor A. Macauister, M.D. On Nests of Trapdoor Spiders from Jamaica, exhibited by Professor A. Macauister, M.D. On the skull of a Fanti from West Africa, exhibited by Professor A. Macauister, M.D. On a new form of Tell-tale clock, exhibited by Mr. W. HANCOCK. | On a Gas-light improver; also on a new form of gas engine, used with the Gramme Magneto-electric machine, exhibited by Mr. Jonn R. WicHam, Evening Scientific Meetings. The Evening Scientific Meetings of the Society and of the associated bodies (the Royal Geological Society of Ireland and the Dublin Scientific Club) are held in Leinster House on the third Monday in each month during the Session. The hour of meeting is 8 o’clock, p.m. The business is conducted in the undermentioned sections. Section I.— PHYSICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL SCIENCES. Secretary to the Section, R. J. Moss, F.c.s. Section TI.—-Naruran Scrmncrs (including Geology and Physical Geography). Secretary to the Section, R. M‘Nax, m.p. Section I[].—Screncr APprPLieD TO THE USEFUL ARTS AND INDUSTRIES. Secretary to the Section, Howarp GRuBB, M.E., T.C.D. Authors desiring to read papers before any of the sections of the Society are requested to forward their communications to the Registrar of the Royal Dublin Society (Mr. R. J. Moss), or to one of the Sectional Secretaries, at Jeast ten days prior to each evening meeting, as no ‘paper can be set down for reading until examined and approved by the Science Committee. } | The copyright of all papers read becomes the property of the Society, and such as are considered suitable for the purpose will be printed with the least possible delay. Authors are requested to hand in their MS. i a complete form and ready for transmission to the printer. 7 ‘a Ee SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTIO oe il il