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FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY IR(SH TOPOGRAPHICAL BOTANY COMPILED LARGELY FROM ORIGINAL MATERIAL BY ROBERT LLOYD PRAEGER B.A., B.E., M.B.LA. PRINTED AT THE By Ponsonsy & WELDRICK. Flate I. Proc, R.1.A. 8rd. 8. Vol. VII. IRELAND IN FORTY BOTANICAL DIVISIONS OOS par * ee cand L Donaghadee “igs firts P UOT EB xen PP Ackiltbes 1X, Clare 13 Beetle Brig Endre! Tisha SS ze Thales Inishbafin xj si nah har igs ef D Ballynakan x, 64 at Lert rete REE (rookie Horan ds Fe 7a} 1L of Howth. wa, anal Ong pe cas? SSS Fatkie®™ sy cp Golam 103i 5° WO” Catone ls Tennis ned : stones Trjohonasm 4 5 7; 5 s wih 7 pte ag ater Za, eS moter » 2 4 ; un Pa Os f ; i l . iii : ' , | ah es E ( ih Set ra a See Z Z ; | Breed He | Hogs 1% | Tircamee 2S Mal Bay A " = > ~ ¢ 1 i i Uy Pigg WES Noite yA tin aD Ballygprrvte) Cahorel* Gaatlepriddge Ge age = ne SeMT Sy yep teat go English Mites, €9°-18=2Day, ‘ad of Kinsale Capitals 6 Counties are underlined Lamond hmm = ies ; j fg “Or, | Three | Castle 2 Mizen Bart iGBaxthlomer. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL IRISH ACADEMY. Dhivd Series. Cy VOLUME VII. DUBLIN: PUBLISHED AT THE ACADEMY HOUSE, 19, DAWSON-STREET, SOLD ALSO By HODGES, FIGGIS, & CO. (Lrp.), GRAFTON-ST. ; By WILLIAMS & NORGATH, Lonpon: 14, Henrrerra-strEET, Covent GARDEN. EpinpurcH: 20, Sourn FrEpDERIcK-st. OxrorD: 7 Broap-st. 1901. 29- fl 62 J- ¢ dan 2 b Tue Acapemy desire it to be understood that they are not answerable for any opinion, representation of facts, or train of reasoning that may appear in the following Paper. The Author is alone responsible for the contents. PREFACE Tue need of an Irish ‘“‘ Topographical Botany ”’ was forcibly brought to my mind in 1895, when perusing a copy of the ninth edition of the ‘‘ London Catalogue of British Plants,” sent me by the editor, Mr. F. J. Hanbury, F.u.s., on noticing that Ireland was still necessarily excluded in the census-numbers appended to the species, owing to absence of detailed information concerning the distribution of plants in this island. In the ‘‘London Catalogue,” in fact, Ireland was placed on the same footing as the Channel Islands, its very existence being recognized only when a plant occurred in Ireland, but not in Great Britain. To assist in remedying this unsatisfactory state of affairs, if nothing more, I set about collecting information respecting the county-distribution of plants in Ireland. In Great Britain, Hewett Cottrell Watson had laid the founda- tions of a detailed knowledge of plant-distribution in 1873-74, by the publication of his ‘‘ Topographical Botany.’ The second edition of this work, edited by Mr. J. G. Baker and Rey. W. W. Newbould, and published in 1883, showed great progress in the mapping of the range of each species. My first idea as regards Ireland was to follow Watson’s book in detail as well as in general conception, and to aim merely at quoting one reliable authority for the occurrence of any plant in any county-division. The desirability soon appeared of giving, in place of a bare authority, a definite locality, date, and author for each county record, and v1 PREFACE this remained my object until the field-work was well advanced. It then became evident that the information which was accumu- lating would justify a further extension of the scheme, and would frequently allow of an attempt to intimate, in the briefest possible terms, the distribution or frequency of each species in each division. Thus the aggregate records for the county-divisions, prefaced by the description of the divisions in the Introduction, may be said to form forty exceedingly condensed county Floras. This work may fairly be described as a companion to ‘Cybele Hibernica.” Its aim is to supply detailed information of such a kind, and in such a form, as lay outside the scope of that book. It was the publication of the second edition of ‘‘Cybele Hibernica”’ © that made ‘Irish Topographical Botany ’’ a possibility. In the absence of the immense amount of critical sifting, of sweeping away of errors, and settling of innumerable doubtful points, which the editors of ‘‘Cybele’’ accomplished, it would not have been possible to have produced the present work, at least single-handed, and in a period of five years. Furthermore, the publication of ‘“Cybele’”’ allowed the present work to be largely curtailed, and to include, so far as was consistent with its scheme and purpose, only additional matter; the reader being referred to ‘‘ Cybele”’ for information which it would have required further time to acquire, and further space to publish. Neither could “Irish Topographical Botany’’ have been brought to its present state of completeness without the generous assistance which I have received from many fellow-botanists. The value of their contributions will appear from the notes on ‘The Field- work” in the Introduction, and from the body of the book. The publication of the records with which they have supplied ‘me is in many cases the only acknowledgment I can make. ‘The valuable lists compiled specially for the purposes of the present work by Prof. J. W. Carr, m.a., F.u.s.; Nathaniel Colgan, u.r.1.a.; Miss M. C. Knowles; Mrs. Leebody; Rev. HE. S. Marshall, m.a., F.L.s.; PREFACE vil R. A. Phillips; Dr. R. W. Scully, r.t.s.; A. Somerville,; and Rey. C. H. Waddell, 3.p., demand a particular acknowledgment. Willing assistance was rendered by G. EH. H. Barrett-Hamilton, B.A., F.zZ.S. ; Rev. Canon C. F. D’Arcy; Hon. R. E. Dillon, p.1.; Rev. W. W. Flemyng, u.a.; G. Fogerty, u.p.; W. A. Fogerty, u.p.; J. Ernest Grubb; Miss 8S. Grubb; H. C. Hart, B.a., F.u.s.; Rev. Canon T. Hartley, m.a.; Miss Isabel Horne; Prof. T. Johnson,, F..s.; Mrs. Frank Joyce; W. F. de V. Kane, p.u., u.a.; Rev. Canon H. W. Lett, m.a.; D. McArdle; C. B. Moffat, 3.a.; F. W. Moore, F.u.s.; Joseph Neale; W. F. Nicholson; R. D. O’Brien; P. B. O’Kelly; Mrs. D. D. Persse ; Miss Rosa Smith ; S. A. Stewart, r.z.s.z.; H,A.Stone ; Mrs. Allan Swan; W. N. Tetley, B.A. ; C. Waterfall; W. West, 3.a.; Prof. EH. P. Wright, u.p., F.u.s. To Mr. W. P. Coyne, m.a., of the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, I am indebted for unpublished statistics relating to agriculture and the present condition of the surface of the country ; and to Prof. Grenville Cole, F.¢.s., m.R.1.4., and to Mr. H. J. Seymour, r.a.s. of H. M. Geological Survey, for sug- gestions and assistance in the preparation of a petrographical map of Ireland. For welcome aid rendered in the later stages of the work, I desire to thank Miss Constance Adams; Mr. R. A. Phillips; and Miss Christiana Vance, B.a. Thanks are also due to many English correspondents, who rendered special service in the unravelling of critical genera. Mr. Arthur Bennett, r.u.s., passed through his hands many hundreds of specimens of Pondweeds, Sedges and miscellanea, collected in all parts of Ireland. Messrs. H. and J. Groves, F.u.s.; Mr. F. J. Hanbury, r.u.s.; Rev. HE. F. Linton, m.a., F.u.s.; Rev. H. S. Marshall, m.a., r.u.s.; Rev. W. M. Rogers, M.a., F.L.S. 5 and Mr. Frederick Townsend, m.a., F.u.s., freely lent their aid in other critical groups. My thanks are tendered also to the Royal Irish Academy for a generous grant towards the expenses of the last year’s field-work. Vill PREFACE Being in its nature in great measure supplementary to‘ Cybele,’” the convenience was clear of keeping this work in harmony with the other, as regards arrangement and nomenclature. This prin- ciple has been followed in several important points, and has, indeed, often been allowed to over-ride any personal ideas of the compiler’s on the subjects in question. Thus, the arrangement of genera and species in the two books will be found to be practically identical, with the exception that a few of the ‘‘excluded”’ plants of ‘“‘ Cybele” are inserted, each in its systematic position, distinguished by the usual marks. The omission of varieties and hybrids fur- nishes another exception. In all but a few cases, our knowledge of the distribution of these in Ireland is not yet sufficiently com- plete to make a minute analysis of any service. ‘Cybele’ supplies most of the information which is available concerning them, and what more has accumulated will be published separately. In the matter of nomenclature, also, the convenience of uniformity in the two books has been fully recognised, and, while the specific or other value allowed to certain plants may be found to vary, the names used are in all cases identical. The distribution recorded for many plants is still clearly incom- plete, and on this account it may be thought that publication is premature. To this I can only reply that I have conscientiously endeavoured to gather together all available information, published and unpublished; and, furthermore, that five summers of steady field-work was the most that I could afford to devote to the sub- ject. The chance of the remaining blanks in the distribution-lists being filled up is much increased by their being herein pilloried and exposed to public notice ; and, indeed, the definite task of seeking out known desiderata may appeal to many to whom the indefinite and laborious work of compiling long lists of species, on the chance of some of the records proving of service, possessed but little attraction. Thus, the very incompleteness of the work may justify its publication. PREFACE ix Being thus incomplete, care has been taken to arrange the information respecting the distribution of species in such a form that the present state of knowledge regarding each will be evident from the context, and so that it can be added to and completed; and it is to be hoped that when the more conspicuous hiatuses have been filled up, we shall have sufficient material for a scientific exposition of Irish phyto-geography. With a view to facilitate such studies, the present essay is accompanied by maps dealing with those physical conditions of the country—petrography and orography—which most effect plant-distribution within the area. When supplemented by meteorological maps of Ireland, such as may be found in Messrs. Bartholomew’s ‘ Physical Atlas,” we have displayed the main factors which influence the flora of the island. It may be pointed out, however, that at present, when comparing the vegetation of one portion of the country with another, or studying the range of any species, the facts shown on map IV., respecting the relative state of our knowledge of the flora of the different parts of the country, must be steadily borne in mind. On two points I wish to lay particular emphasis. Firstly, the body of the work cannot be understood without a knowledge of the explanatory portion of the Introduction; and secondly, “ Irish Topographical Botany’’ should not be used without reference to ‘“‘ Cybele Hibernica,”’ if the user wishes to possess all the informa- tion which is at present available with regard to the distribution of any plant in Ireland. Iit5 dutty 12% Nationau Lisrary or IRELAND, Dustin, May, 1901. LEAS AL bh @ Eye vie AakyS: J. Iretayp mn Forty Boranicat Drvistons, . to face Title-page II. Ture Mars sHowine Progress oF THE FIrip-work, to face page \xxxiv III. Kery-map ro tHe DIvisIons AND THEIR GROUPING, . . at end IV. Map sHowIneG PRESENT STATE OF BoranicaL KNOWLEDGE, . - VY. PrrroerapuicaL Map or [REbann, : : : ee VI. OrnoerapHicat Map or IrELanp, . ; : ; A CONTENTS INTRODUCTION— PAGE J,.—Puystcat Desoriprion oF IRELAND :— Position—size—surface—rain— wind—temperature— rocks and soils, . : : 6 : : ‘ : i I{.—Boranrtcat Features oF IRELAND :— Total Flora—Watson’s types. Topographical groups :— the South and West—South European plants, North American plants, low-level alpines—the Central Plain— the East coast. Plant-groups dependent on soil and moisture—calcicole and calcifuge species—plants of the sea-coast—plants of sands and gravels—plants of the bogs—plants of the marshes—plants of the rivers—the Shannon—plants of the lakes—Lough Neagh. Human influence on the flora—ceultivation, &e.—towns—inland navigation—railways—birds and tillage, . 0 4 2svall II1.—Borantcat Supprivision oF [RELAND :— History—nature of boundaries—list of the divisions— definition of boundaries—areas—numbering of divisions. Description of each division, , : : . 5 OGRE TV.—Tue Frerp-worx :— State of knowledge in 1895. Independent exploration, 1896-1900. Exploration carried out for the present work, 1896-1900--field of observation--impressions--methods, lxxxii V.—Tue County Recorps :— Principle of latest records. Explanation of the formula, V1I.—BrpBrroGRaPHy :— Principal materials used. Bibliography of Irish topo- graphical botany, Xc1x Vil.—Taste or Disrripurion, . : : : : exlyii IRISH TOPOGRAPHICAL BOTANY, ‘ : : ‘ 1 COP TDIDSK,, °C SO en cm R103 “hep tian 1 ae bine Res) INTRODUCTION As the most westerly portion of the continent of Europe, as it exists at present, Ireland possesses a peculiar interest to the student of botanical geography. This interest is heightened when we find, in the flora of Ireland, living evidence of changes in the distribution of sea and land—changes of great magnitude, involving the whole western edge of the continental plateau, and of consider- able geological antiquity. The range in Ireland of the plants referred to furnishes important testimony regarding the nature and extent of these changes. Furthermore, the distribution not only of these, but of other component groups in the Ivish flora, ig very suggestive when considered in connexion with the present conditions of situation, soil, and climate, under which they grow. An exact knowledge of the range of each species in the country is therefore for many reasons desirable; and the present work is an attempt at a detailed account of Ivish plant-distribution, on the lines of Watson’s ‘‘ Topographical Botany,’’ so far as rendered possible by the materials available. Let us, first of all, endeavour to obtain a clear general idea of the position and physical characters of the island with which we have to deal. I. PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF IRELAND. Size and Position.—Iveland is roughly elliptical in outline, the longer axis (about NNE. and SSW.) measuring about 300 miles, the shorter (about WNW. and ESE.) about 185 miles; its area is 22,524 square miles. The island extends from latitude 51° 26’N., to 55° 23’ N., and from longitude 5°26’ W. to 10°29’ W. On the north, west, and south, Ireland is fully exposed to the Atlantic Ocean, and these coasts have suffered much greater marine denu- dation, and are also bolder and more irregular, than the eastern shore-line. A channel, which varies in width from 133 to 150 X1V INTRODUCTION miles, and in depth, in the centre, from 45 to 150 fathoms, separates Ireland from Great Britain. The narrowest points are in the north-east between Antrim and Kintire (133 miles) and between Down and Wigton (283 miles), and in the south-east, between Wexford and South Wales (47 miles). Great Britain is, in its turn, separated from the continent of Europe by the Straits of Dover (20 miles), to the north of which is the shallow North Sea, and to the west the deeper English Channel. Surface.—The most noticeable surface-features of Ireland are a number of more or less detached mountain-groups formed chiefly of Paleozoic rocks, of elevations varying from 1500 to a little over 3000 feet, disposed mainly around the coast, and a great central plain of slightly undulating Carboniferous limestone, raised only a couple of hundred feet above sea-level, and broken occasionally by low hill-ranges, formed generally by simple folding. Ireland is, for its size, the flattest island in the world. Lakes are numerous, but irregularly distributed; the proportion of water to the whole area is no less than one to thirty-three. More remarkable is the creat extent of surface which is covered by peat bogs. In spite of the continual cutting of turf for fuel, the proportion of low- level bog to the whole area is at the present time 1 to 17. In the province of Connaught one-eighth of the entire surface is officially returned as peat bog. The present condition of the surface of the country is shown by the following figures’ :— Crops, 46 Pe .. 22:8 per cent. Grass, Ys ee sen to 2 calle rae Woods, oe oe oe 1:5 ”? Murt Boss! ..- es aa ts Sim ieaae Marsh, ie 6 ve 1:9 2 Mountain, <. 8 idole Water, roads, and fences, Ano aS 100°0 Climate.—The effect of the insular position of Ireland on its climate is marked. Extremes of temperature are obviated by the uniform thermal condition of the surrounding ocean; a feature 1 Parliamentary Return for 1899 (the latest issued). PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF IRELAND XV which is enhanced by the fact that the prevailing winds are westerly and south-westerly. The genial effects of the ocean and the ocean winds are most evident during the winter months. The winter isotherms of Europe bend sharply north-westward as they leave the continent ; Kerry has the same average temperature in Decem- ber as Bordeaux and Rome. The reverse applies to summer temperatures, when the cooling effect of the Atlantic is so great that in July, Sligo is no warmer than Archangel. On the other hand, the bitter easterly winds of spring which prevail in the northern portions of the adjoining continent, and which are so keenly felt on the east coast of Great Britain, reach Ireland mitigated and softened, and have no appreciable effect on the flora. While along the west coast of Ireland one has frequently to travel some miles inland before even a shrub puts in an appear- ance, and while all over the island the effect of the westerly winds may be seen in the bending of the trees to the eastward, no such result is noticeable as the effect of easterly winds, and in certain spots on the east coast trees rise on the very edge of the sea. The westerly winds strike the shores of Ireland heavily laden with moisture, which is precipitated, especially in the mountainous regions. A rainfall of from 70 to 90 inches is recorded from certain wet spots among the Kerry and Galway mountains. The average rainfall of the west coast, though considerably less than these figures, is still very high; the precipitation decreases as we pass eastward, and on the shores of the Irish Sea is no higher than on the low grounds of western England. Roughly speaking, the rain- fall west of the Shannon averages 40 to 60 inches, and east of the Shannon 30 to 40 inches; the mountain groups of both these areas haying a rainfall which exceeds the above figures. Rocks and Soils.—Iveland is formed mainly of Paleozoic rocks. The great projecting buttresses of the coast—the savage shores of Donegal, West Mayo, and West Galway, and the cliff-walls of North Mayo, Clare, and Waterford, are formed of ancient slates and sand- stones, quartzites and gneisses, and igneous rocks, of age varying from Cambrian to Carboniferous. The splendid mountain-promon- tories of Kerry and West Cork consist of slates and conglomerates laid down in Devonian times, now folded into grand simple arches and troughs. The high north-eastern corner of Ireland, with its XVI INTRODUCTION bold coast-line, has a very different origin, being, comparatively, a creation of yesterday, and built up by the outpourings of Eocene voleanoes. The recent inroads of the sea upon this lava-plateau have produced the bold coast scenery of Antrim and Derry. The ereat Central Plain, of Carboniferous limestone, touches the sea only at intervals, and the contact of these low-lying and more soluble rocks with the ocean often corresponds with deep inden- tations of the coast, as is noticeable in Donegal Bay, Clew Bay, and Galway Bay. Mesozoic rocks, which play so important a part in the building- up of England, are practically absent from Ireland, and the Tertiary sedimentary rocks, with their crumbling clays, light soils, and gravelly wastes, are likewise conspicuous by their absence. The only post-Carboniferous deposits which can be held to in any way affect the flora are those of the Pleistocene period, and these are of great importance. A vast sheet of Boulder-clay, often of consider- able thickness, is spread over the greater part of the country, except on the high grounds. In the Central Plain, this deposit is composed almost entirely of the débris of the limestone, and forms a tough blue clay full of pebbles and blocks of that rock. The soil which results from its decay is highly calcareous. The eskers, too, which raise their smuous green ridges all over the Central Plain, consist of limestone gravel. Around the flanks of the mountain-groups the drift is mostly coarse, often sandy, and is composed of the waste of the rocks which occupy the adjoining high grounds. In this way the surface geology may entirely upset any deductions as to soil and flora which might be drawn from the solid geology of an area. — For instance, the limestone valley of the Blackwater is so choked with non-calcareous drift from the Old Red Sandstone hills on either © side, that hardly one of the characteristic plants of the limestone is to be found there. In North Down, which is formed of grey Silurian slates and grits, the Boulder-clay is calcareous, bright red in colour, and full of blocks of basalt, the result’ of glacial denudation of the Chalk, New Red Sandstone, and Hocene lavas of the adjoining hills of Antrim. Or the surface deposits of higher grounds may actually represent the denudation of the rocks which now occupy the plain below, as on the northern slopes of the Dublin mountains, where the granite glens are choked with limestone BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND xvii eravel such as may be found on the low grounds which stretch northward and westward. The Glacial deposits are thinner towards the west, and along the Atlantic coast large areas are devoid of drift. In the metamorphic and igneous districts, such as Connemara, the bog lies directly on the gnarled rock, which continually breaks through the heathy surface ; and only here and there a ridge or patch of Boulder-clay produces an oasis of green pasture and crops. In the limestone areas, the grey naked stone, fantastically carved by rain and per- colating water, lies bare over hundreds of acres, its interstices filled with the sweetest of grasses, and often with the rarest of flowers. The esker-ridges, which form so remarkable a feature of the Central Plain, are, as stated above, composed chiefly of limestone gravel, with occasional clayey layers and much clean sand. In their characteristic form they are narrow and steep sided, like railway embankments, and from 20 to over 100 feet high. ‘Their course is irregular, and often does not coincide with the present drainage- lines of the country. Their grassy well-drained sides form the home of the few gravel-loving plants that haunt the Central Plain. The latest deposits of all are the bogs, which occupy no less than 13-5 per cent. of the surface of Ireland. These bogs are of two kinds—the black or mountain bogs, and the red or low-level bogs. The former cover much of the surface of the mountain groups, and along the bleak western coast extend over large areas at low eleva- tions, descending actually into the sea. The red bogs are the more interesting botanically. They spread over extensive tracts of the Central Plain, resting on the Boulder-clay and lapping round the flanks of the eskers. Owing to the continued growth of the plants which form them, they rise above the general level of the surround- ing country, like an inverted saucer on a table. They store up vast quantities of water, and have a limited and characteristic flora. II. BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND. Total Fiora.—The total flora of Ireland (Phanerogams and Vascular Cryptogams: Characee not reckoned), on the standard of Hooker’s ‘‘Student’s Flora of the British Isles” (1884), is set R.1.A. PROC., SER. Ill., VOL. VII. b XVili INTRODUCTION down in ‘‘Cybele Hibernica’”’ as in round numbers 1000 species and sub-species of native and fully naturalized plants, as against 1420 in England and Wales or 1480 in Great Britain. Reckoned on the standard of the ‘London Catalogue,” 9th edition (1895), this 1000 species would be increased to about 1160; and inter- mediate figures may be arrived at, according to the degree of ‘lumping’ or ‘splitting’? awarded to certain notorious genera, and also to the interpretation of the term “fully naturalized.”’ As enumerated in the following pages, the flora of Ireland numbers 1019 species, or 1188 species and sub-species; the former figure being arrived at by grouping the plants printed in italics in the body of the work under their natural aggregates. Watson’s Types.—The division of the Ivish flora into the various types of Watson’s ‘‘ Cybele Britannica,” and the comparison of the groups thus formed with the similar groups in the sister island, are matters which are so fully dealt with in ‘ Cybele Hibernica”’ that they need not be rehearsed here; the three years which have elapsed have brought forth nothing to materially affect the statistics there given, or the deductions drawn from those statistics. The following table, taken from ‘‘ Cybele ”’ (p. xlii), will remind the reader of the features which such a comparison brings forth :— Number in Number Type.* England and in ales. Ireland. British, . 2 : c 544 é 536 or 98 per cent. English, . ‘ “ c 381 : 246, ‘or 64:60 suues Scottish and Intermediate, 98 5 62) or iG3:oisnues Highland, ; - 4 67 2 41) or) 261¢2ae sees Atlantic, . 2 : : 62 : 34. (or) (50:0%eamees Germanic, 2 x ‘ 102 i 12) ore shieeesn aes * The Types ‘‘ may be briefly defined thus :— 1. British Type—species widely spread through 8.M.N. Britain. . English Type—species chiefly seen in S. or 8.M. Britain. . Scottish Type—species chiefly seen in N. or in N.M. Britain: Intermediate Type—species chiefly seen in Mid. Britain. 4. Highland Type—species chiefly seen about the mountains. 5. Germanic Type—species chiefly seen in East England. 6. Atlantic Type—species chiefly seen in West England. Local species, restricted to single or few provinces.” —Warson: ‘‘ Compendium to the Cybele Britannica,’’ p. 28. 1870. wre BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND X1x Tt will be seen that the most striking point is the poverty, in the Irish flora, of Germanic type plants. This is quite to be ex- pected, when we remember that the plants of this type are those which, in the sister island, are grouped along the eastern shores, fronting the German Ocean, where soil, climate, and proximity to the Continent no doubt affect, or have affected, their present distri- bution. Ireland has her due proportion, or nearly so, of the other types, excepting the British type. This, consisting as it does of plants of universal or very wide distribution in Great Britain, is represented in Ireland by 98 per cent. of the British list. Topographical Groups. The South and West Coasts.—The subject of topographical groups in the Irish flora, and of natural botanical provinces, must be reviewed in a less cursory manner. The most remarkable feature in the botany of the island, and one which gives it a special interest to students of plant-distribution, is the occurrence, in the southern and western counties, of a number of plants which have their head- quarters in the Pyrenees, or along the Mediterranean shores, and which reach in Ireland a latitude higher than that which marks the limit of their range on the Continent. A fewof them are also found in the south-west of England. Commingling with these plants, we find a small group of species of widely different origin—a boreal, almost sub-Arctic group, made: up of plants whose home is in the northern United States and in Canada. Also, owing no doubt to the same climatic conditions which allow of the continued existence of these northern species at such low latitudes, a number of plants characteristic of alpine situations, or of higher latitudes in Great Britain, descend from their usual boreal or mountain haunts, and flourish on the warm western coast, often in abundance, right down to sea-level. The range in Ireland of these three remarkable groups —the southern plants, North American plants, and low-level alpines —is in general well defined. With Kerry, Clare, or Connemara ag centres, they spread, with few exceptions, along a compavratively narrow strip of country up and down the west coast, the most widely-distributed ranging northward to Donegal, and south- eastward to Waterford. ba INTRODUCTION XxX vE | GE || DE | 6B | 8e || 46 | OT SIS Fl el| 2B) ez B B B ion og | a i) ® ® zh |} © a (cic) (cje} ie) 2/2] 2] 2 Sahil | aif a 3 “ayn-wonr |) ~$109.409];) Soa “IVOENO(T “|| + Ay oe “TV) = |{pue “WIMLIET|| sywiv9 -2NOQ ‘ONITY = M 41 | Sl | 6 @|2/ea Saal | 4D a) 2/8 4 |< — a| a | a . . oll 9 ° ° * “eedoino vid10qyqrg pm | | fas : , 3 : : * WIN YUTLOT}.LOA TANIVA) A —athy aun oo | me | ee | ee || ee | | C- . C * .*eureqry viqroydngy, —adhy 014) F -2000T {erpozTjod vrooaqeq “Weyovy, VOGT “BOUBIIOJIPOUL VOLITL — | om | ef | — | : : > “BIOPIPULIS B[NOINSUL aS | = : mee |e : : ‘ > ‘opouyg snynqty as, |) eo he ee : 2 |e : , c > OMNI) VSVIJIXVY {{VSOIGUAIN VSVAFIXVY —dnoig wor.sqnqung —SINVId NYZHLNOS G T (SI) Pe 9 @) (2) Q eB 5 Sa a 4 es ce | lap |) tar |) se << << a = s Sa] eH) & it ie Sa eaies |e “SINVId GNVITUT LO LSEA\ OMLSIUALOVUVAL "SNOAMDIPYO ‘AVMTIVY) “Of pure Lav TY) *8N09409)09 = U0 AT “KUUTY “MUON ‘CUOTUTLV AA ‘SENVId NUWLSAM OILSINALOVAVHO JO LSVOO LSAM AHL ONO'IV NOLLAATHLSTG XX1 BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND “ATWO ouojsotuT] UG “| OALTT QB puv YOO] g UT OSTY ¢y “Wy OARTT OY OFUL SPUIXT gy “ATWO oUOJSOUNT] UD “WY OAL, OZ OJUT spuozxG 1; “fjuo ouojsomr uQ “ge ‘9g “ez ‘OT OJUL SPUO}XA o7 “YSVULUL,], EE UL OSTY ¢ *AIIO(T OF UI OSTV ¢ olvt AIOA $ ALOT OP pur ‘YSvurry LE Ul osTy , "g OAV QB OFU SPUO}XT y "98 ‘gg “(J0UNx0 OZ) ‘OT ‘8 UT OSTY ¢ “ALOT OF pure “WEQUY Bg Ul OSTY + “Ajsurivds ‘yorowry g ULI OS[Y ¢ “a OAV, OY OJUT Spuoz xX z “9UOJSOUMT] WO IAAON' *G Aavaoddry, J, opUT spuop Xn { Ss |\-9 a : : : : i |e ° ° 9, SISMOSINGSTTRG visviqdny : — | — | — | : - ° oie hee : . z 7 CUIOA VULT}UOD oS | —|—|—| —| - : : : Palins : : : ‘aujsoApAs taney 5 . : oes || || ere tl ieee : s : 0 ; 3 : a > 7, “BSOOTINAF VI[IW9}OF —adha ys 099 — | — | — | me |) me | me |] ee | oe | ee || - : : : ° o |l-9 = : : or ‘BOTTI BIIOTSEG ee — | — — | — | —— | — il - : : : : sala: : : : ¢vlejodoyoo svg = |} 5 |) ol | SS I : : =| : : Se [a : : : * BUBOTT Bqviqg —adhy, amdy yy —SINVId NUGHLYON ANV ANICTV i ee 8 + | | —] > : ote : ° ‘oremsurjdos Wo[NVoorIy a 5 . 5 ees, ne : ° : ° ° . ° ° ° “STTIXO SvIV N : . o fool os Pco}les] s © oa |e ° : 9 ‘smmuo} snoune | : : of ffs il — |] — | — |} 9 : Oo. |e : * TUNTpOFYsnsue wmTyourtAstg J. ° . S : | — ‘ cE ws : > ,euvpozuvimoyy soyjuvidg —SINVId NVOIYTAV — ie — — . ° ° . . ° . ° . ° 9 840BYUL BIIVUIG FL —,, 2h2 UDLUMAQUTT 35 : : : : : Sen [re eae ed oo : = ‘aInyepoooury, wntme,dsy xxii INTRODUCTION The foregoing table will convey a general idea of the distribution of the more prominent members of these groups. With one or two exceptions, which are stated, the plants are confined to those county-divisions which border on the Atlantic. It is to be noted that the Atlantic seaboard of Ireland naturally divides itself into five geological districts, characterised alternately by a marked prevalence or absence of limestone. Many of the plants of the groups under consideration are distinctly calcicole or calcifuge (lime-loving or lime-avoiding), and it will be seen from the table that their distribution is profoundly affected by the petrological conditions which prevail. An attempt is made to show the head- quarters of each species by the use of a heavier or lighter line according to its abundance or rarity in each division. The divi- sions are enumerated in the order in which they lie along the coast. East Donegal is entered twice, as it forms the coast-line of two widely separated areas. : Though the Cantabrian and American plant-groups are members of widely separated floras, a stronger reason exists for considering them together than the fact of their similar distribution in Ireland. There can be little doubt that both arrived in the island, one from the south, the other from the north, over land-surfaces long since de- stroyed, and that with the alpine group they represent the very oldest components of our existing flora. What the period was when these land-connexions existed has not yet been determined with any degree of certainty ; but that it was pre-Glacial appears an almost neces- sary admission, despite the difficulty of accounting for the survival of the southern plants throughout the ‘‘ Great Ice Age.”’ The Central Plain.—The great Limestone Plain, which next demands consideration, stretches uninterruptedly from Dublin Bay on the east coast to Galway Bay on the Atlantic. So little has been written on its characteristics, physical or botanical, that a brief description appears desirable here. The Central Plain of Treland is the largest tract of Carboniferous limestone in Western Europe. It may be considered as a wide flat syncline, its axis parallel to the main NE. and SW. folding of the island. On the north, the plain terminates against the flanks of the limestone highlands of Cavan, Leitrim, and Sligo. In the south, its con- BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND XXill tinuity is first broken by the Old Red Sandstone ridge of Slieve Bloom and Devil’s Bit, an anticline that runs SW. from Mount- mellick in Queen’s County down into the North Tipperary highlands. But for botanical purposes the Central Plain may be considered as lapping round these hills, and stretching southward to the Suir, where it abuts on the great mountain-wall of the Galtees and Comeraghs. The average elevation of the plain is not more than two hundred feet above sea-level. The Grand Canal, which crosses from the east coast at Dublin, to the Shannon, attains its summit level at 279 feet in Kildare. The Royal Canal, with a rather more northerly course from Dublin, rises to 324 feet near Mullingar. Both of these summits are on the main watershed, which runs north and south about half way between the Irish Sea and the Shannon. The surface of the Central Plain is seldom absolutely flat. Low cultivated ridges and occasional knobby hills alternate with stretches of pasture and marshy meadow-land, and with the ereat red bogs. The absence of dominating ridges causes the river- basins to be basins in name only, and often indistinguishable in the field. This it is that makes any scheme for the subdivision of Ireland by river-basins a geographical, but in no sense a phyto- logical one. The same feature is accountable for the singularly extensive views that meet the eye of the traveller who ascends one of the few eminences of the Central Plain. From Knock Eyon, a limestone knob on the edge of Lough Deravaragh in Westmeath, rising only 400 feet above the surrounding country, sixteen counties, or half the counties of Ireland, may be easily numbered. Con- versely, insignificant hills in the Central Plain become peculiarly conspicuous. Croghan Hill in King’s County, a granite volcano- stump rising 500 feet from the plain, is a notable landmark over a couple of thousand square miles around. Although the rivers are generally slow-flowing, the area liable to inundation is not extensive. Lakes are irregularly distributed; and while some counties, such as Westmeath, Roscommon, &c., have an abundant lake-flora, in others, such as Kine’s Co., Queen’s Co., Kildare, were it not for the canals, or for the rivers in Waterford and South Tipperary, difficulty would be experienced in finding enough water to harbour the common hydrophytes. XXIV INTRODUCTION The flora of the Central Plain is essentially calcicole. The soil of the drier cultivated tracts is usually calcareous. The marshes are more so, and are underlaid with a tough grey limestone mud. The eskers are formed almost entirely of limestone débris. The bogs form a notable exception, their surface being cut off by the thick layers of peat from the limy materials on which they rest. The plants which grow in the bog-pools—even Charas, which have a peculiar faculty for collecting lime—are quite free from the incrustation which, from the botanist’s point of view, so often ruins aquatic :plants in limestone districts. The characteristic plants of the Central Plain are largely inhabitants of the abundant marshes and bogs. The subjoined list will exemplify the nature of the flora :— CHARACTERISTIC PLANTS OF THE CENTRAL PAIN. Pastures and dry ground. Carlina vulgaris. KE Orchis Morio. Orchis pyramidalis. Bogs. Drosera anglica. Rhynchospora fusca. W Vaccinium Oxycoccus. E Rhynchospora alba. Andromeda Polifolia. E Lastrea spinulosa. Marshes. Galium uliginosum. Carex filiformis. W Epipactis palustris. Carex paludosa. Juncus obtusifiorus. W Ponds and ditches. Ranunculus circinatus. Cladium Mariscus. W Utricularia intermedia. W Chara polyacantha. Potamogeton plantagineus. In the above list, the plants marked W become more abundant in the western portion of the Central Plain; those marked E are more frequently met with in suitable habitats in the east. As in the west we find alpine and northern species descending to unusually low elevations, so in the Central Plain and in the north and south we may trace a tendency in the flora to the same BOTANICAL FEATURES OF IRELAND XKV character. Thus, Saxifraga Hirculus, Vaccinium Vitis-Idea, Listera cordata, appear on bogs at low elevations. Selaginella selaginoides is widely spread over the low grounds down to sea-level; lowland lakes or rivers yield Subularia aquatica, Lobelia Dortmanna, Carex aquatilis, Isoetes lacustris; and Galium boreale abounds on the shores of the larger lakes. The East Coast.—-The east of Ireland presents, as might be expected from its proximity to Great Britain, a flora which more nearly approaches in character the vegetation of the neighbouring part of the adjoining island. Climate and soil no doubt contri- bute to produce this character. The climate is drier, colder in winter, warmer in summer, and the soils lighter, than in the west of Ireland. The east coast flora differs in a broad sense from that of the west coast (1) in the absence of the characteristic plants of the west coast—i.e. the Cantabrian group, the American group, and the low-level alpines; and (2) in the presence of a number of plants of light soils, many of which are in the British Isles characteristically English. These light-soil plants have their Ivish head-quarters in the south-east, and most of them reach their northern limit in Dublin or Louth. County Dublin forms another focus of this section of the flora. In the north-east this element hardly exists, and we find instead certain plants which have a more or less northern range in Great Britain. The table on next page shows the distribution along the east coast of some of its characteristic plants. It may be noted that except in Dublin and Meath, limestone is almost absent from the eastern sea-board. The flora of Ireland is especially characterised by the east and west contrast of its elements. A comparison between the plants of north and south exhibits no such striking differences. If we examine the list of ‘Southern Plants ’’—i.c. plants not found north of lat. 523°—given in ‘‘Cybele”’ (p. lv), it will be found to consist of rather heterogeneous elements—Cantabrian plants from the south-west, east coast plants which do not range north of Wexford, and critical plants the distribution of which has not yet been worked out. The “Northern Plants’’ list of ‘‘ Cybele” (p. lvi) is more homogeneous, and is composed mainly of plants of north-east Iveland, which in Great Britain have a more or less northern distribution. xxvi INTRODUCTION DistRIBUTION OF CHARACTERISTIC Hast Coast Puants. S.-EAST Mip-zast. N.-§East, |e) fiat | A £ 5 & d/¢/a/al8].| Warsonran NAR, = = ¥ 3 a = = iS 'B EP TYPE. S|FIFIE/4|S(S\al/4\4 5 | 6 | 12/ 20/21 | 22 | 31) 38 | 39 | 40 Trifolium scabrum, . ./—|.|—|/—|=/]./]./]. |. |. | English. {Sisymbrium Sophia,!. .| - |(-)| .|—/=—==].]. |. {© - | English? Diotis maritima, . . i.) <)|—|—| si. |.) . |. | Sy eeleeelisheg Asparagus officinalis, . .| ./—/—}-|- ].|.{|. |... | Atlantic. Juncus acutus,? . . .| .|—|—|—]|- |. |. | 2 et eeeBnele atlantic: Thalictrumdunense,? . .| - |). |—|/—|—=> |. | . | — ? Trigonella ornithopodioidest| . | . | —|—|— | . |—|(-) English. Trifolium glomeratum, -.}. | -|— |/—|- )./]. 1] . |). |). )|) Euelishe Festuca uniglumis, . .|. |. |==|—|—=_={—/|—|.].| - | Hngl.-Atlantic. INGhoMslquban, Moo) 6) a lea a loa ||—ail & Ilo, |} al ll o foo 2 Saxifraga granulata,®> . .|(-)| . | . |}—|— |—| ..|—|]—|—] Brit.-Intermed. Senecio erucifolius,® . .|~. |. |. j— —|.j|.{|. |. | English. Seillacvermayy 2) vate wile |. | Seite ee ==) ==! Atlant.-Scott. ? fiSisymbrium Trio... 20.) | .:). | so fee |}. |S Bie shears Hypericum hirsutum,’ .|. | -. | - | - |om|—]|. |. |—| . | British-English. +Epilobium roseum,® ...|.|./].]-.}/—J].|—|—|—] . | Bnglish: Atriplex farinosa, .. . .|. |. |- 4]. {— }|—|]—|-—_—_/—=| . | British-Local. Barbarea\imtermedia,? Si). 12s ee asa ipa | emer eee ee ? Elatine Hiydropiper,!?.). |.) 2 foc 1 et | ee poise tbocale Rosahibernica, © 200 |e Wy di |e | ES lntemmedsatens Geranium-pratense, . .|.|./].]-1{]. |.1]. 1] . |—=| . | British-English. Geranium)sylvaticum, IL-l L-F1 0-86 | G19 0-F L-8 G.0 G.T F-1 9-¢9 | §-86 | €0-0 | L-§ 8-LI | 9-98. | 6-8P 6-6 €-6 0-1 9-G 9-6 8-8¢ | 8-16 c-0 | 0-F O-L1 | 0-8G | 0:06 L-f L-9T €-¢ F-0 6-7 P-FG | 8-91 Fel 6°) ¢-1G 0-88 | G-96 ¢-P 1-8 8-G G-0 F-G 8-6¢ | 9-16 a G1 0-16 | 0-0F | 0-68 0-G €-¢ G:§ I-G 9-1 0-SG | 8-F% ane 0-2 0-SS | 0-GE | 0-16 v-P G:6G | 8-P 8-1 Tl G-6F | 6-91 T-0 | 0-2 0-66 | 0-68 | 0-GE 9-§ 0-GT 6 0-8 G1 6:0¢ | 6-61 6-0 | 0-9 0-16 | 0-F% | 0-€F 6-6 G-€§ | ¥-P 1-7 F-1 P-OPF | €-01 G:G | 0:GG | 0-96 | O-FZ | 0-96 sal S| ee | se fe eerie ees es See Re |e cio ger ee) sees | Sele tL Bul ae ale ee] es | & # eo eB Bp ee “MOTJIPUOD JUaSOIT “TMOTLVANTH 8éL 199 9F& 106 962 O18 Stel vOOT 0¢8 IGL ¢6L 0¢6 Gril &66 06° “SOT TUL arenbs ut voly “MA Avaes ‘as Avayey ‘0D S,ueent 2 NOP) * ployxe WW - KawosEyy Ny Axeroddry, 2 GTB) * YOLouy *g Aresoddry, PLOF-1072 AA = AGL HELD) PIAL 3200 ieee Ne 1209) * yy Any *g ALLOY “ote NT pue Toquan Ny es) mi N ‘HOVE JO VAUV AHL JO SHOVINEOUAd NI SNOISIAI(G IVOINVLOG AHL 40 MOVAUNS HHL JO NOILIGNOD WHEL YNIMOHG WIavViL XXX1 ] THE SUBDIVISION OF IRELAND ‘oyotmtxordde ore [eSouog pur ‘odvyy ‘AvMTey ‘amaoddry, ‘Arto yp STON TOF UoTPAoyo Fo soonjuoored oy J —"ALo N Lv G-G T-TT 6-¢ |¢-1 | 1-8¢ | 8-23 | 20-0 | 6-5 | 8-2T 9-98 | 4-0b | Fes'sE ep anG20 eal Oak Pa ING. Vom aneeO” Cole |) Gs6Gs || 16:90) 1G: G¥ae | OLS e.g | 9.0 | esr |¢.re | — | 0-8 | 9-Fo | 9-08 | 8-98 | T6IT e.0 | 1-6 | er | 9-1F | @-0 | 8-F | 6-OT | Le | 3-6% | 496 eG Osten GG S-chs le —" | al || Teno, | G08) |o-Ly long ¢.¢ | 3% | 0-eF | 8-08 | 40-0 | 2-7 | T-ge | 1-68 | 0-8 | O9@T €-01 | 8-0 | 1-2e | 0-FE | 3-0 | 0-6 | 0-62 | 0-83 | 0-F8 | ITOT 6-9 | 9-0 | 0-88 | 2-23 | 90-0 | 0-F | 0-60 |.9-38 | 9-78 | 698 e-— | FT | 9-69 | 2-66 | — | 8-3 | 6-81 | £-8e | 9->F | PIL 6-1 | 1 | 29 | 6-9e | — ‘| 2-0 || 9-61 | 7-09) | €-6e | 009 4-0 |%s | 6r | 8-68 | — |8-¢ | 2-¢ | O-LT | 9-8L | 9T8 o-¢ | 1-1 | T-9¢ | 6-22 | 20-0 | 0-F | 9-91 | 8.9% | 8:88 | 9FL TeGMNG UBABO * Wy TOT " + O8tTg "1M OAV "gg ode yy UWOTLULODSOY * — palopsuo'T {}VOTySA AX yee SUAVE MOPTOE A evepTT 8& LE ce && GE R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. Ixxxil INTRODUCTION IY.—THE FIELD-WORK. If smaller things may be compared to greater, it may be pointed out that a wide difference exists between the method of compilation of the Irish county-lists and that employed in the corresponding work dealing with Great Britain. Watson compiled his ‘‘ Topographical Botany ” from a mass of material, the labour of many botanists, already in his hands, and the author’s work consisted in the sorting and arrangement of this matter; whereas in the present case the bulk of the compiler’s task lay in the creation of the necessary records by means of systematic field-work. As the field-work thus carried out constitutes the most extended botanical survey yet made in Ireland, some notes on the circumstances under which it was undertaken, and the means employed in its execution, may be of interest. The state of knowledge as regards county-lists in 1895, when I projected ‘Irish Topographical Botany,’’ may be summarized as follows :— A.—Flora well known (say, not less than 400 species) :— Division. Cuier Sources oF INFORMATION. 3 Cork West Allin’s Flora (1883). 9 Clare Papers by Foot, Hart, Stewart, Corry, &c. 20 Wicklow Brit. Assoc. Guide (1878). 21 Dublin B.A. Guide (1878) ; Hart’s ‘“‘ Howth”’ and “Lambay.’” 33 Fermanagh Papers by Barrington & Vowell, and Stewart. 34 Donegal Kast i \ Hart’s Papers, and Flora (in press). 35 Donegal West 37 Armagh Praeger’s Flora (1898). 38 Dionsaah Stewart & Corry’s Flora (1888) and Supplement to same 39 Antrim (1895) 40 Derry B.—Flora partially known (say, 200 to 400 species):— Division. Curr Sources or [nrormation. 1 Kerry South Papers by Hart, Barrington, Scully, &e. 2 Kerry North aly Hart, Stewart, Scully, &e. 12 Wexford 55 Hart, Barrett- Hamilton & Moffat, &c. 16 Galway West 5 Babington, More, Hart, &c. 23 Westmeath 5 Barrington & Vowell, Levinge. 28 Sligo Ws Corry, Barrington & Vowell. 29 Leitrim AH Stewart, Barrington & Vowell. THE FIELD WORK Ixxxili C.— Of the remaining 22 divisions, 100 species per division would have been a high estimate of the average number of plant-records available. Of some of these divisions, such as North-east Galway, King’s County, Meath, Hast Mayo, and Monaghan, the flora was almost totally unknown. Again, the flora of an average Irish county-division might be reckoned at 600 to 700 species. Of these, say 100 would be rare or local species, few of which one could hope to meet in the course of a rough and hasty survey such as alone it would be possible to carry out, considering the many divisions to be explored, and the small number of workers. Thus 500 to 600 species per division was left as the available maximum to be aimed at, and I felt that publication might be undertaken if a minimum of 500 species per division could be shown—Watson published ‘‘ Topographical Botany ’”’ when for nine yvice-counties no information was available but scattered notes of rarer plants. Out of 20,000 county-records required (500 species in 40 divi- sions), it appeared from the summary given above that about 8000 were available in 1895, leaving about 12,000 to be got together by means of field-work. In addition, it was desirable that many old records which were included in these 8000 should be replaced by others of recent date; so that 15,000 might be taken as the number of new records required to make the county-lists reasonably com- plete and up-to-date. Dr.-Scully had been in recent years working out the distribution of plants in Kerry (divisions 1 and 2), Mr. Phillips in Cork (3, 4,and 5), and Mr. Colgan in Dublin (21), and from these six divisions there was therefore hope of obtaining full lists of recent date. For myself, I was willing to devote my holidays for five years to the work, which, taking 40 days per annum as the available total, would give 200 days field-work. Careful consi- deration showed that, with the assistance which I might hope to receive in other directions, there was reason to think that the end of five years might see the stipulated 500 species on record for each of the 40 divisions. The sequel has shown that these expectations were well founded. Only one county (Monaghan, 477 species) falls below the stipulated 500, and that on account of an accident; while the average number of plants now recorded for the 40 divisions is 628 {2 Ixxxiv INTRODUCTION It may be remarked here that the field-work necessarily included the re-survey of certain areas, the flora of which had been already examined and published. In some botanical reports the question of county-distribution had not entered into the author’s considera- tion, and the information given did not definitely state in which of two or more counties many plants were found. In other cases, the rarer plants only were published; and as the occurrence of commoner ones could not be assumed, the ground had to be gone over again for the completion of the lists of species. Livery effort was made to utilize published material to the full, and Mr. Stewart and Mr. Hart were particularly helpful in annotating their various papers to allow of each record being allocated to its proper topographical division ; but in other cases such information was not now obtainable, and certain records had, for the present, to be laid aside as indefinite. It has been particularly gratifying to me that the one doubt- ful item in the calculations—viz. the amount of assistance that I might receive from botanists not at that time working at the flora of any portion in Ireland—has proved to be under-estimated ; the generous aid that I received, sometimes from quite unex- pected quarters, was the pleasantest feature of the five years harvesting, and much lightened my own labours in the field. The accompanying maps will convey a good idea of the progress of the field-work. The same facts, with the area of each observer’s operations, are shown in detail in the following table, in which the relative extent of the lists compiled by the explorers referred to is shown roughly by the letters appended to their names. C signifies incomplete lists of the rarer plants, or general lists of not over, say, 100 species. The letter B is used for more complete lists of rarer plants, or for general lists of not over, say, 800 plants. A signifies good county lists—say from 400 to 700 species. Proc. R.I.A. 3rd. S. Vol. VII. Plate 2. Z PROGRESS OF FIELD WORK, STATE OF COUNTY LISTS IN 1895. ASSISTANCE RECEIVED BY COMPILER IN THE MAKING OF COUNTY LISTS, 1896-1900. AREA SURVEYED BY COMPILER, 1896-1900. a = = = a = : ee a Sees on |) < i toy | Ue Sop | %s | | AV | i & | cS ey \ | Bloody Forelan tae) | Bloody Foreland, Wy | Beta 4 | vA TAT PAWN; UT e 9 2 ATL AWN T TC ar Donegal S) A) | ATLANTIC = ° ¥ @ H | ae BF cal NAran DC So ints Pacadoacerny, | | N@aran ID} | LONDONDERRY =) ‘ t z feast O Af — LONDONDERRY = e OCEAN CWE Tatards see aha} itll OCEAN 287 | altond + seat 4 | OCEAN | eN pAmtrims fel! DONEGAL DONES TYRONE tough Bafast(/ & Danegal Bay q bust | | eS, 5 Arie } 7 I | oS | ow dia JIN AR | | eon Pe SOQ ens er) “3 | | Bolmily/ 3 ce Sig's ERMANAGI Bnaghs “ARHAG i Bohaulleg yee | y vas » “Ne ; B | PRS eT Vm 1GO > ee by AGHANLS D} 27 | erage C7 Caran \ Do SEEN eg "ty WES \\ y : gfe f E Achil T- uh y YU 26 CAVAN ‘ i] Peerdary, = Achil T- 7; SMAYO / ‘ “Arden 2 ‘1 MAYO | Clare LA feet West tortsmeenos ER . Clare LA fe aay | ss i C ADrogheda He : | pe Z is 5 rt 22 ON 2 |) | cuidate Lgtigh Lh o | igh Styne i S e: peer) AW fi ¢ From EAST GALW/ Y GW 5GaEE LW Ay 0 FORTY EAST GALWAY Se + / ao ek Dublin Bay I | LIGALWAY, i | iy Ga way 1B eC) ilps} Qe | Tar'*A a SS ATNGS COUNTY 5 hie — «hp, ay Lotighrea, 3 & sf KI LOARE or s 1 | Ge NOOUTH-EAST GALWAY S/- ~Rarsanstoyn ht ‘Kildiore” Widely I | Avon 1294 : i Di Wicklow | ~ th: | 7 QUEENS COUNTY ‘eG 2 () I | Y NORTH Caring SWICKEG eee || ; d — ( sar | {TIPPERARY | Ny, g {TIPPERARY TIPPERARY | | | | | 2 AER eit) fms —‘Gordy } RG NI Sion )) ersten I “ ‘Limeri cs | a a Ey merick) | Ron ; 4 5 | | ny iv Ks) 2 l2 | mE , 8 Ae Rives { LYMER)CK Tipperst g e | BA LYMERKCK Tipperatr: | Tras A { Ne TPSOUTH TIPPERARY) mWEXED EO Trak, S Sou } ew Ross! Tr es : : | Tos a i | eS ee a ec So +) RS Wexford \ WW Birr Wexford | Selralee J sy: zi | , 7 Sane oa > sdedong O Warton | Wari oe ay 4 NORTH sockets Oa oma l if ANE Fonturk, = MiNow BOO WATERFORD. gg 9 eA ats WATERFORD g, A a en eRRY bss WATERFORD Ay | i heey GDlahwar . TAD un gar van S ei? 4. aidaysd ‘ . Dungarvan 5? | 7 : n bey, ‘ \ PoDungarvan es \ Mio \east cork oY \ MID AEAST CORK | c Jy lee Cork on, Lie yee Corl ue | Qpeeagtow: F "Shad | yee mC Shay | Gq ze %, < ne se oo oh ives, mee ob Merboun our ¢ 3! é English Miles English Miles HW) | ynize ce ac ‘Clear I. 6-0 — 3539 —_ 1330 (IR js —s0 ier Cay = J i coi es. ee _ Eas : : | SSS SS — — $< on enor Lists of from 400 to 700 species Lists of say 200 to 400 species Division. 1 Kerry Sour 2 Kerry Norry . 3 Cork WEsT 4 Corx Mip. 5. Cork East 6 WATERFORD 7 Treperary S. 8 Limerick . 9 CLARE 10 Tiperrary N. 11 KILKENNY. 12 WEXFORD . 13 CarLow 14 QuEEN’s Co. 15 Gatway SE. 16 GaLway WEstT~. 17 Gatway NE. 18 Kine’s Co. 19 Kinpare 20 WickLow . THE FIELD WORK Principal Lists available in 1895. Barrington (B). Hart (B). Scully (B). Scully (B). Stewart (C), Power (C). Allin (A), . Power (B). Allin (B), . Power (B). Allin (B), . Hart (B), Hart (C), Stewart (B), . Foot (B). Hart (A). Corry (B). Stewart (B). Hart (C), Hart (C), Hart (B). - Moffat (C). B.-Hamilton & Glas- cott (C). B.-Hamilton & Moffat (C). Hart (C), Hart (C), More (B), Babington (C). More (A). Hart (B). Marshall & ’ Shoolbred (A). Hart (C), . | Brit. Assoc. Guide (A). Praeger (A). Colgan(B). Praeger (A). Ixxxv Principal Work done or made available during 1896-1900. Scully (A). Praeger (B). Scully (A). Phillips. (A). Phillips (A). Phillips (A). Flemyng (B). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Phillips (B). Limerick Field Club (B). Phillips (0). Someryille (A). Praeger (A). Colgan (B). Miss Knowles (A). Colgan (B). Phillips (B). Phillips (B). Marshall (A). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Praeger (B). Praeger (A). Phillips (C). Praeger (A). Mrs. Joyce (B). Colgan (B). Praeger (A). Marshall (B). Praeger (A). Colgan (B). Phillips (C). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Praeger-(A). Praeger (A). Ixxxvl 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 3l 32 338 34. 385 36 37 38 | 39 40 Division. DusBiin Meatu ‘WESTMEATH LonGForRD. Roscommon Mayo East Mayo West SLico Lritrm Cavan Louru MonacGuan FERMANAGH Donecau East . DoneGat WEST . TYRONE ARMAGH Down ANTRIM LoNDONDERRY . INTRODUCTION Principal Lists available in 1895. Brit. Assoc. Guide (A). Hart (A). Praeger (A). Barrington & Vowell (B). Leyinge (B). Barrington & Yowell (C), Stewart (B). Barrington & Vowell (B). Marshall & Shoolbred(A), Babington (C). Hart (C), Corry (C). Barrington & Vowell (B). Barrington & Vowell (B). Stewart (B). Stewart (B), . Hart (C), Barrington (A), Hart (B), Hart (B), More (A). Praeger (A), ) Stewart & Corry (A). Stewart & Praeger (A). Stewart & Corry (A). Stewart & Praeger (A). Stewart & Corry (A). Stewart & Praeger (A). Principal Work done or made available during 1896-1900. Colgan (A). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Linton (C). Carr (B). Prae- ger (A). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Mrs. Persse (B). Mar- shall (B). Praeger (A). Marshall (A). Colgan (C). Colgan (B). Praeger (A). Praeger (A). Somerville (B). Praeger(A). Somerville(B). Praeger(A),. Praeger (A). Somerville (B). Waddell (B). Praeger (B). West & Tetley (A). ger (A). Hart’s Flora (A). Hart’s Flora (A). Miss Knowles (A). Prae- Miss Knowles (A). ger (B). Mrs. Leebody (A). Prae- THE FIELD WORK Ixxxvli The valuable assistance which I received in working up the county floras will be evident from the right-hand column in the foregoing list. To summarize this, I may say that the preparation of lists for the following divisions was entirely taken off my hands by the botanists named :— 1 Kerry 8. R. W. Scully. 21 Dublin N. Colgan. 2 Kerry N. 9 Clare ) 3 Cork W. 36 Tyrone Miss Knowles. 4 Cork Mid ( R. A. Phillips. 39 Antrim 5 Cork EK. ’ 40 L’derry Mrs. Leebody. In addition to the above, the following divisions were well worked since 1895, not directly on account of “Irish Topographical Botany”; but in each case the full results were generously placed at my disposal. 8 Limerick Limerick Field Club. 16 Galw. W. ee S. Marshall and 12 Wexford 26 Mayo HE. ) W.A.Shoolbred. 27 Mayo W. bes. Marshall. Paying due regard to the information already available in 1895, and to the work in progress during the five-year period, 1896-1900, as shown above, my own work was divided between the various county-divisions as follows :— 6 Waterford, 7 days. 22 Meath, . : . 13 days. AUO DS Sky a te 23 Westmeath, . ay Betis 8 Limerick, 8) 24 Longford, 3) a) LOMLippseN:, Sh ty 25 Roscommon, . Salt sys 11 Kilkenny, lakes 5 26 Mayo E., . Aes 12 Wexford, . Die 27 Mayo W.,. Bess 13 Carlow, Sieas 28 Sligo, Lo earns 14 Queen’s, . A fy LO, 29 Leitrim, Bias 15 Galway SE., . PAA N hae 30 Cavan, A. "95 16 Galway W.., ela ROgsens 31 Louth, Siat,s 17 Galway NE., . 6 IAC es 32 Monaghan, 3 6p 18 King’s, . : Bt Oh. 33 Fermanagh, 4a 19 Kildare, 0) AOE ee -— 20 Wicklow, . . a Ode Total, 190 In addition, about ten days were spent in field-work in other divisions which circumstances led me to visit. In all, I spent just Ixxxvili INTRODUCTION the estimated 200 days in the field working up county-lists for use in the present compilation. The conditions which governed the dis- tribution of this field-work were somewhat complicated. First, an estimate‘in 1895 of the state of advancement of all the county- lists, reckoning both all work then in existence and work likely to ~ be done by others, gave me the relative number of days that ought to be devoted to exploring each division. Then the total number of days which I could hope to devote to the work during the five years had to be distributed among the divisions in these proportions. The number of days to be spent in each division being thus deter- mined, attention had again to be directed to the work already done, and a note made of the portions of each division already worked, so that unexplored regions should have preference. Then care had to be taken in planning expeditions that every kind of ground should be worked, so that mountain and stream, bog, marsh, sea-shore, lake, wood, esker-ridge, should all yield their quota to the flora; and the dates of visits had to be planned so that the plants neither of early spring, of summer, nor of autumn, should escape notice. Lastly came the dove-tailing of the various expeditions, so that the above conditions should be fulfilled without any unnecessary time being spent, in travelling. Fortunately, the most remote parts of the country—Cork and Kerry, Donegal, Derry and Antrim, were to be reckoned among those the flora of which had previously been worked out, or was already incapable hands. Still the area to be ex- plored was sufficiently extensive, stretching from Wexford and Louth westward to Connemara and Sligo, and from Waterford and South Tipperary northward to Fermanagh. ‘The portions of the country which had been previously examined were naturally the more interes- ting districts—the extreme South-west, Burren, Connemara, the Ben Bulben district, Donegal, Antrim, Dublin, and Wicklow: also the principal mountain-groups, lakes, and rivers—in fact, almost all the places to which the botanist would naturally turn his steps. Likewise, it was the rarer and more interesting species to which attention had chiefly been directed. In consequence, much of my work lay in the little-known Central Plain, and among plants which do not possess the fascination that pertains to the Cantabrian group or to the alpine flora. In some ways this restriction was beneficial, THEH FIELD WORK Ixxx1x as it led to the exploration of many districts which might have lone remained unvisited by the botanist, and to the finding of a number of interesting plants which otherwise might for years to come have escaped detection. My field-work, indeed, proved exceedingly in- teresting, and it has left behind the pleasantest of recollections. The long summer days spent in the Limestone Plain, where the gentle undulations of the ground only occasionally hid the distant rim of brown and blue hills; the marshy meadows, heavy with the scent of flowers; the great brown bogs, where the curlews alone relieved the loneliness; the bare limestone pavements and gaunt erey hills of Clare and Galway; the savage cliffs of the Mayo coast ; the flower-filled sand-dunes which fringe the Irish Sea; the fertile undulations of southern Ulster; the swift brown current of the Barrow; the fretted limestone shores of the great western lakes ; the towering cones of the Galtees: all have left memories that can never be effaced. Any account of the botanical excursions of the last five years would be out of place here, but brief narratives of the field-work of 1897, 1898, 1899, and 1900 will be found in the pages of the ‘“ Irish Naturalist.”! Ireland is a delightful country for the pursuit of work in the field. Enclosed or preserved ground is but seldom met with, and the country is free and open. Few rivers but can be forded ; few marshes or bogs but can be crossed; few precipiceg but yield their treasures to the mountaineer; few spots are so remote but they may be visited in a good day’s walking from the nearest stopping-place. As regards methods employed in the field-work, there is little to besaid. With a large vasculum, a ‘‘ London Catalogue,” and the one- inch hill-shaded Ordnance Survey map as my constant companions, progress was smooth and rapid. In marking the catalogues, letters were used to signify not only localities, but the dates on which the localities were visited. Thus, if a place was visited twice, a different letter would be used on the second occasion ; and the particulars relating to any plant could thus at any future time be determined 1 Vol. vit. 87-108, 1x. 185-149, 224-229, x. 29-41. x¢ INTRODUCTION by means of a key-list of letters and their equivalents at the begin- ning of the catalogue. A separate catalogue was used for each division. So far as possible, specimens were dried of all plants that could not be named in the field; but on account of the number of plants collected, and the amount of ground covered, it was soon found impossible to collect Rubi and other bulky specimens. The Willows suffered from the same cause, and on account of the impossibility of revisiting places at different times of year. My hasty surveys were likewise insufficient for the working out of the distribution of critical forms: our knowledge of such plants can only be acquired by slow and patient observation. In certain groups, however, notably Characee, large collections were made, which have much extended our Imowledge of their range in the country. In the case of each division, it was found advantageous, when about three days’ work had been carried out, to form, from the marked catalogue, a desiderata-list of all common plants not yet seen, and to keep this list prominently in view; otherwise there was a danger that even conspicuous plants of universal occurrence might escape being noted. The number of days devoted to each division was, as has been already stated, determined by the amount of work done in each by previous observers, and the first four years’ work was carried out according to this estimate. At the end of the fourth year, a table of distribution was constructed for the whole flora in the forty divisions, including both my own and previous work. From this table desiderata-lists were formed for each division, of all yet unrecorded plants likely to occur in each, and the last season’s work was distributed among the divisions in proportion to the length of these lists. In estimating the time devoted to each division, six hours or more in the field was reckoned as a ‘“‘ day’’; less than six hours as a half-day. The ordinary ‘“‘ day,’’ however, consisted of twelve hours —8.30 a.m. to 8.80 p.m.—and the walking distance covered per day averaged 20 to 25 miles, with a minimum of about 15, and a maximum of 85. Anything over a 25-mile day, however, generally meant a steady tramp as the beginning or end of the day’s work. The rate of growth of the county lists is a rather interesting THE FIELD WORK xcl point. Two typical cases from my catalogues may be quoted; Kil- kenny and Carlow may be taken as average inland counties! :— 11 KinKenny. First day, . May 19,1897. About Kilkenny, 244 species Second,, . July 30,1898. Thomastown, 135 ,, additional inden erage ss. 815, 55 L. Cullinand R. Suir, 70 ,, 3 Blount hee Ao Th Inistioge and Graigue, 37 _,, 5 Raith ee cA Ree Urlingford, Deo 3 Total for 5 days work, 508 species. 13 CarLow First day, . May 18, 1897. Bagenalstown, 251 species Second,, . Aug. 9, 1898. Carlow and Milford, 133 ,, additional ehirdieweeun es: (LO. 55 Borrisand Mt. Leinster, 48 ,, . IROCB G Pm llhe | a St. Mullin’sandGraigue, 29 ,, e Fifth ,, . June 4,1899. Tullow, 2m ss 5 Total for 5 days work, 488 species. The largest number of species noted in a single day’s work in any of the inland counties was between 370 and 380; this figure was reached in North Tipperary within a 5-mile radius west and south of Portumna, and again in Westmeath, within 5 miles north and east of Athlone. In each case there was a varied combination of river and lake, bog and marsh, but no maritime or mountain plants. One day spent in the Carlingford district, where there is a delightful variety of sea-shore, mountain, and fertile ground, yielded a list of over 400 species. It only remains to add that a large amount of detailed notes, referring to the greater number of the divisions, is left unpub- lished. The word ‘‘frequent,’’ so often appended to my own records, signifies a number of further records, localized and dated; and indirectly often some scores of miles of country explored. The material on which the records of most of the rare or critical species are based will be found in the National Museum, to the extent of some 5000 sheets of specimens, the critical plants named by recognised authorities; the bulk of the notes remains in my own hands, and is at the disposal of any fellow-botanist engaged in working up the flora of any district or the distribution of any group of plants. 1 The flora of an average maritime division is larger by 40 to 50 species than that of an inland division. xc INTRODUCTION VY. THE COUNTY RECORDS. General explanations.—In the succeeding pages, under each of the rarer species a list is given of the divisions in which it is known to occur. In the notes which follow the name of each division, an attempt is made to combine a definite record, on which the inclusion of the plant in the county-flora may be based, with such further information as is available regarding the frequency and distribution of the species in the division. In the case of those divisions of which the flora is well known (or, what comes to the same thing, in the case of the plants the distribution of which in the divisions is well known), the plan followed is to give (1) the latest localized and dated record, with authority ; and (2) a brief indication of the frequency or distribution of the species in the division. Where the information concerning both points is drawn from the same source these two notes are usually combined. In a large number of cases our knowledge of plant-distribution in the divisions is not sufficient to warrant generalizations such as “ fre- quent,’ ‘rare,’ ‘confined to the north,’ and so on. In such instances all the stations which are known are given, or else an in- dication of where they will be found, as material towards the fuller knowledge which will eventually allow of such generalizations being made, when the county-floras shall have been better worked out. Where these additional stations are, some of them published, others unpublished, and where space does not permit of the full citing of authorities, fuller information is given regarding the latter, as the source of, and authority for, the former is easily discoverable from ‘‘ Cybele” or elsewhere. In all cases, the object is to convey the fullest and latest information possible within the very narrow limits available—generally three-quarters of a line of type. In the consistent use of Jatest records, this work exhibits a de- parture from the practice usually followed in Floras, and other treatises on local plant-distribution. In the present case, the whole object is to exhibit a view of the flora of Iveland as it is; to give a present-day census of the plants of the country. This being so, where one localized and authenticated record has to be selected, the latest is clearly the one which should have preference. The objec- THE COUNTY RECORDS X¢lll tion to the plan is purely a personal one. It may be urged that, by this method, the original finder of a plant is ignored, the credit of discovery taken from its rightful owner, and the historical and biographical interest of Irish botany seriously impaired. The reply is that the plan of this work, as deliberately thought out, requires that the latest information respecting each species should be given ; that names of persons are here published, not with any reference to original discovery, but simply as vouchers for the records ; and that the historical element, and the claims of first discoverers, are so fully and excellently dealt with in the second edition of ‘ Cybele Hibernica,’’ as to render unnecessary their republication, and to justify the mode of treatment here adopted. In ‘‘ Cybele,’’ the first and subsequent discoveries of each rare plant are accurately and sympathetically traced, and the most captious field-botanist will find himself fully credited with whatever ‘‘new records’ he may claim to have made. In the present work, the personal name attached to a station is not claimed to represent more than the latest passer- by who published, or favoured the compiler with a note of his haying seen, the plant in the station quoted. For my own records, at least, I claim no more than this; and on account of the large amount of field-work which I have carried out during the last five years, in order to make the county lists complete, my name occurs with a frequency which I would willingly have avoided. The first portion of each’ line, then, following on the number and name of the division, gives the latest satisfactory record of the occurrence of the plant in the division, with locality, authority, and date. The second portion (where a full stop or colon intervenes) gives, in the briefest possible terms, a general indication of the dis- tribution or frequency of the plant in the division. Kach record or note consists of two parts, separated by a dash— (1) the Locatrry or other topographical or distributional item, with the year, when obtainable,.in which the observation was made; and (2) the aurnoriry for the record or note, giving the person’s name, or the reference or reference number showing the source of information, and also the date of publication or transmission of the note in cases where the date of observation is not obtainable. Thus ‘‘ Dundall °99—A.” signifies that A. found the plant at Dundalk in 1899. XG1V INTRODUCTION ‘‘Dundalk—A. ’99”’ signifies that A. stated in 1899 that he had found the plant at Dundalk. ‘‘Dundalk—A. ’99 136” signifies that A., in the paper numbered 1386 in the Bibliography which suc- ceeds, and published in 1899, has stated that he found the plant at Dundalk. Such expressions as ‘‘ C. throughout ’99—A.,” “f. in the north—A. 374,” &c., are to be similarly translated, “‘c.’”’ and ‘“= 1 O68L9S9 FECT OG ESO SF 77 tS G6 1 016) 892 OS Pekc TL =} 8) PA B46 II Lites S oa = POS) 5 6 OG8LIGFTECT OPS SG P= 6 ll OSG 3 Oe pein ee G7 D snsoqinq D * guodor 9 sIwov 0 snuLooLiMny VnSULyT ; > snarjoas ? VNU, IT : snqBiepoos * —- sneovropoy * Ipuvuoue'T : snjqyavdry ° * Thopneg " — snjyeqprorued c * gsnjvqjod sn{pAqdosoyoy : uUjanouy > snyAydoyorry suvjIng sHyVULOILD snyMouUNUE yy esOLOTIOU DUOMO : * wnarp : wNUIT[Oo ? > osuounp wnUrIdye wn.azO1[Vy J, EE AE OU OO ‘SNOISIAIC TVOINVLO@ ALWOT AHL NI SAIONdS JO NOLLNAIULSIC AHL ONIMOHS ATAVL— TIA exlix TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION Bs See eee —@€8h----- I ~-819-%--- -68------ I 0681L99%--- etn ye eer -68--¢---- O68L99FE-T ~-§-~----- I 068-9----- --§------ I ONGnS ip I VOBOLVOV= BI OGBLIYQH)=— eC it —--§---7--I OFSL9IIGEE ST O68LOGFHEZTI OBR La =} ea i SSooe o7rg-- ee ee ee ORGNSWNOnC ara cs cal O- BAe G57 SV = 6 89259 9 =o G1 OO RAV eae iE O68L9IFECT QGSEOETB= 1 Sere ees Z QO7TA CE PS 6H 23} —-—— = om a Saree ole) Heche 2 Cant QH2TLhOG= BE i Oe Shee Sho Po OO p= 6 = OBS aa eta sires I DG YVOeea WY i7&e > I ORS a Os Ce SOE Oar eae Obie leet Oli acta beret teenth Glee OO R= 47 8G I O68L99FECT ONGES OR Ser SG O68 91g 8 = 068 2.99 7 > SARE EOR A= Gee O68LOGHEZL VSO OGTEe= SAG kee Seale (3) - * taniqrydure : * oaysnted : 91}80A [As O[BUTIOTFO WNT}.INASv Ny WYO snyyUruoyy > BYBNUIS BLOTYIIVL : ST[BULOTO : vIOPISUOp : * stpemur : * esnyzuoo : ‘ wwuog VIOPIPT [VA virwwn iT * BJBTMOTARTO : Bony stT[vpAIOH.. sn{vur wWNIMOpTpeyy.. * TUNAVE wntonepy RoTAquBd sTsdouode {[ * wmprqég 4 e quoTHOS.Iy 4. : > winrqnp : > svayiy WINLOFIUTMOS TOAVAL Ty Q eqs veeydurd yy : taneyny reydn yy * SLIBSTNA vIsopMby * sneedorno sni][ory, : * suROoIpea * srysnyed vyq[B9 INTRODUCTION GeO GO TNO CBP Op Fea MN O13 29) Opn 5 TN On Gil) Oe) ie ffeil sidvurg (ONG) Se ae OU ees oe ee i) OP S20FSS6= | - 68 P97 ERT Wo 2c 2-2. eihige O6G8L9OGPEGT OG] 299 7 8s I O6SLONGPESGTL O68L9GVE CT % z ‘ uduyy vorssvig t : O@O Ca G) tate Wm sites Be a Ole ee a GSaBS5 €@1 |) * * voyenbe vrejnqng SQRSS> 9S R825 | Seah ais Qo, 2-1 Soa Pony @G ooo S| (SS a = ip = Se |e SOPLOYJUBILOYO WNUUISALT OBBLAODOVVB BT | OBB 2227861 O68 =—=7 8ST | OBBROER> Bm We 9 8 eee i it SSeS e>oeseoes | esos aoe soSs | ° : : . OWT Hl H@)\o me = Soe T|-------- Oi | OGSSS SSeS] | ==9=Oo>Saq PRESS oe eOT Oe ar O68LOSTECT 0O68L9N9TVECT O68L9N9FECT O68L9GPTECT . : ‘ * e[BUloTyo ORG HOR Nasi Vm taps tn Ole) Ors Gl alll OMeO mye GG. il OGG I OMG mr seinGr als ulti * aNUVTpeYyL, wnicq wAsty —-68----@-- Q0----qg@---- Q------c @-|;----- GPre-- |" : ST[LUOIZVUE STLOdSO TT y. 0 PP HOSS So S| See eee Sa [= || pao Smo oe Cal, jis eh tOeG yaeea ot oll : : * vorpsue ORGRSI Le Om iene ee) OSes SS ea I OS iO Gate Gk SiGe OG Rie G gieet IT é : y * woTuBp OG. 4-9 7S eit S668 2° >"> SiG, T OMe i ore MOC R RAE Cas =O = Oi? 18 6 A zs - STTVULOTFO VILVaTYOO/) OG 8 yi 4719 068 259 9 F € GT ONG) 8929) SSG Tt OG 4 OG 478 1 : * seesyna vprydorgy 0----@g@7---]|-684------ ----9g9----- |] --------+-- i ii? ‘ : * BUBOUT —-68-------] --------- Ti} ----- cre IT | ------ (p)-- = |] ° : 0 sTpvinue vqeag t O68L9OGFEST OGB8LIGTECI ORGUSELN ONG Tach GT O= 3 14 @ & 1? 86 I ; ‘ x ~ Bsonxo7 QUGHOMRONGEFAGHCEL Ml ONONS LEONG ey sGeGolmlll sO! 6) Git) 919) F.ShG Th] OlGsSele9r Gry) e.g Tels : s * BINS. 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SNUDDLOT : : Labia snyofysnhun *& sopnja0isn) : - — shyanqsoana : : - sunprunithd : : : : SIU : : : SnryOfrIAVY sumavul wyahuasdy 1402S) sapphydowanue . > snridadsay *A warshu : : : * snavnaprs * suaasaqna SHUDIVISNA snqvquUabav . . . . sngnub SYNDIyTA snunicayand sisuaruouump sypsourau snyofuumys snuryphsa SnUMLaIPULT INTRODUCTION elviii ah 8 PRS Oe “2 OBR RODS = B= OK See aia SS sila coe Se ee BBID9 BGT Se i OF /8571 Boge s = 8ST See = I Pea ne € 31 Seas Ss I See a Gee pele ee Cee OG ~ -sIpIyexes * smswo SnUDLNOfDg snyofyh.soa Unsozauinp * snjoouwns - snpury Paes = ERO > 1sayaoyy * snaonsot - snsoyof sabrsshyy 4aqvos snasng VUDxOIT nuophurqug snyyuhat snpnjaobhvo sipns snqnuryaa vINpVs > wala > 24a.tbog * sngsafir SNIWOLDSO) buon snqny clix TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION oso oO Oo oOo Oo Oo OS ArnMPrPADrra a oon nd 0 DH O CO Ber r= re - < ~ memo OD OHO OO OH © ID 10 19 WO 1 st HH HH Ht HH mm 2 CO OD OO OD OD OO VEN NNN NAN NAN ORGS ONCE VRC Gall OBB AOSV 6 I O68L99FECZT Saces eons VOEAOG? 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EG iL QOS — 1 OF 73 G O68 299 8S T OnGnsh 2 = 9h Sc T O- Vo O 27 & 6 i Os sek Serie OC hie OGBADE YE I ORGR SS SiS € Gl OWE f= = i728 6 I O68L9OIPEGT Oy 4) a7 ta 6 Il SlIvs[NA o[AjoooI1pATT e > eurde BUBIZOINE VAIITH > WNTpoFouTs[V : - oaqsnyed : twananasqo : * tuneso.t dk : tanuv}WOUL > winsoptared : > TUNYNSITY wntpoyysnsue win1qoptdy * BlivoTTeg wuniqyAryT S vpnytog stideg * > sIppUTINgne - — mnbunsnggo =f DIDINUDY : * syoubnys ‘ * synusad (‘whby) BUIOA OTOTAITT[RO + WNALOPTIUI}]V : tuanjzeords WNyVTLOTyAea tanypAydorrd PL > sriespna sianddiy : BIPOULOJUL ° > BoTLSuR BIFOFIPUNJOL VLOSOLT T1N.10}00} NATALIE Weg. -I1.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. INTRODUCTION elxii loo | TDD DDODHD DO O CO oo OD OD OD i= = & & YY I ORO ORO OM OMS iC: Oo Oo © NANN en ee Oommen a & & O& ee er eee OR One Cee eee OO Cee Dm CC a cg | a ai ip Zag ae ll ey ates ot et ES FORCE NW OB OL G7 06 | H=B8 209 7eaSs pra) rare a Li O=S==9==—6T | =68 =O G7 8 Bi SS ee SS 6 | WSS —-9-—=CCBl | =CBLOOT SET OBULOVPSCL | OBELOVPESCT | OBELOG7S Gi S=S=9 97 G6 |l OBBLHE78 EL | 0B =2O0QD=6= OZQSOOPS CL Il =B8=OO 761 | O08 9219 6 7 =i Q=SeSe D=6r ll OBBe@ = =PR=2 | OG SSses>se =6 9S S52] 662 || == S99 eee 2 (aes oeessae OC CHO T1226 iW Il OC ORO 8 ieee O08 2 Ot 17 eB 6 1 SSS) ie Se =SSS)S7SS=/ 0B92 O97 BET Ons S=s ONG) Fa Gn Calas CONGR Gen ONC) Fae Gillen RONGR SH OCR PACH Ge OG GLOME PEC Ih OBOKO 4786! | WE SRO Oars 6 i CBVSOUPR eT | OBDR= O47 86 |] OGRE D9? 8 wT OPS SSO RSS | SSOP SeQ Se == 0b =S=e2s== Sa HR) @2 Eo || 0=S=fese 2a g Se | 9 6 ik OER VRS =) Sa i Sy, I ml AG 7 th oa ONGt = ioe Gee a fos =| Sessa onoee OCOLOSP EEL OCR O76 WG Oh = O28 a1 OpGuSes29 Gre Got 1/0.6.8299 6 78 2 EF | 01608 29-9 F ec I ==9 = =SS6 0 OS] R= eS [6 | =6 OHO Os Gi Sea Ch) Okabe Gale | 0n6 Si sad) Te enGeta|) (OnGr Quin O0o) face Gal ONGEOR ONGU Par Gels 0168-21999) 7 e2G 1) | .016, Gi) .9) 4) vac cal OnGHCe) Oe Caracu celal OsGe SEONG) Tcuccls ||) Of OnGuLaQeGeracnGal Se a eS 6 NO => O 9S SG | -=B== OES Bei 0&—I¢ 0@—IT OI-T TL Ud * soprozpourdiard * ‘Bs0[nysy 9YJUvUAT) TUNUT} LIU TAN WE) 9[VULO FO eede) NS) ae OW = stysoapAs STIVS[NA STLOSTU UY STL9UI A -U9}OIT XTIPUBdG wnypnwuoey wnppAydoraeyyD * —- ByR.LOpO STULATA Te wnjzepnusp tuntpodouoy ‘vuUseUL VOVIFIXLY vipourdwurgy elIvisvpog wnipodosyy t * WHITOFYSusue WINTLOFLYV], wntg ~ TNAvs) cD WNYVI[LOI.AOA WHAIeD WMNAT}ES WNUT[OSO1]9 Tse : VSOILA BINIIC . wayepunutr : wWNIOYIPOU * guopooavis wunidy twanqyesntg wuradugt WNYLPNOVIM WNTUO; * vedoimme vpnorurg wn wants uAA Gy elxill TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION OB EAOORP?BIMNE | O32) G478 ik | 08 G29 OR BT | OBR 2 Ores? eT VOVBAOOGPECI | OBBLOGPEST | OBSAOOTEBT | OB9LOGZRER I === = S== 097 8 ==> || OC82 = 9 S63] 0s] 2]=6 23 4- OBSAOG PEELE | OBRBAOGVZSBETE | OB BROG7ECT | OBR LO G78 & i === -68 = = =)=@ 6 = 6 OGBADOPEB’ | OOVLOOGPSBE |] OO BDOGPECT | WROD OG He wi OFS) 9) SSS | =S=S55S5 y= 6 ll ©=9 a= 06-219 —-68------- | ------- @-1T || -6----=- Z- 6 - = = O6BL9OVF EST | OFC SL99VETT | OF6SL9SGFSST | O6SL1997e7%1 ere ee es, Se | ee SY Rede a || Oe Ee Se ae aes ae i ee 2 OGPLOGPE== | =$CBPOORS=S> ll ==S) 9 OSs] | OB Ses >=K i SSS SSS SSS hOrssSi || OFS 20956 = | =BRS60 78 ai OGRE OOZES | OBFLOG? EBT || OBB LOG ROBT | WABLO Geet OGTAOIPECT | OBBAOD7ZEMiT ll OG BLOG PRCT | OBS hOG#aRT OGBAOOPE B= | ~BOLOG==S71 |] O29 RZ=G9SE6r | OB DLOGP OBI OGHLOG PECL | OBBLOGDPSeT Il OBSAOGPE wT | OB 82909 #8 ai = (5) SS i a a i SS Sees Sess ee i | SS aS Ss SS eee Ss === (NOR =() = ==] -G@8>=9S>8siT | 069=SQQ@2= ONG Sh ONG te) eT O68L9SFEZT!] O6SLOSPTEZI 068 J ——}-—f | -==== OS =PN9=9 6 if | OG RLOOGRR wT DOBRA OPE BI OGSLUCFELESZI | O68) 9 07 ER 1 OBR AO OPE 1 OBGFROYGYSCT | OGBBLOGPEE OBBAD OPS BT OBBAOOPE CE | OBB HhOG WS wT 06---gF7e-- 068-997-ZT | -6819947e%- OBLLROO PBB OBBVOOPECT | OGBAXORPEBI 068 Q@P- >> | HR H =H HH See | HHH He He eee | HUW HH eee 068 GF 068 == eyetopo viniedsy > outed y wUNsOUTSTIN > aaysnqed orqsaATAs > 9Ttyexrs > OSNTLOT — ++ * tanqa10 : WINI9A * vqyvronin dh 9[VItog TANTTVs) Burisetod viqnyy wun wouIAPOTILO T RADOTUOTT snindg wnumaqr\ > snpnqay Se BISTU SNONGug VUIT[IJVIPPSOP, VXOP V vOUMsuULS SNUIO/ XT[OFT Vlopoyy t Bsopou SNOSMYJUW STpVonVe Bjorny shone tanipApuoydy wnopor1oyy WNATPVS TANTRpINNI J» aM SLIASOATAS BOTOSUY WNITJOOS TNOTISNSVT wnideudy vsnyy ay INTRODUCTION elxiv O68L9NGVECGT O68L9OGVECT O68L9GTECT O68L997E Gl CS a se Ok eae a Cat cea I O68 L9G TEDSs SiR Oe L CO ee oe O68L9GFTECT O— 8 FORK — eI O68L9NGCTEGT O68499FV-GI O68L9NGCVECT O68L9GVECGT OMG S ier sO es ea ia a ees he me ea a te 61 068199 7-C4TI Se ee Oa Fete Ora Sao oe ems ieee Ole Pee IL ORGRSI = ORGS Vaca Sn O) Leas eae aL O68L9GFECT O6G8LOGFECT O6SLOGTE-T OG A Oe vita O68L9GFVEGT O68L9GFVECT O68SLIOGTFTEGT O=— to, OO 7 eG tl O68L9G7VEGT OC SLO S 7 Gt aoe er pes giteaiet ee as 61 ONG ESL so aC OSS SS SEG aL See I Sea OU Sy cece al 0O68L9GF I GP-GI Sie fase ies v T eee ae aL = GS ie events ea peed Oh mia re 6 = of =6 82399 7s 6 - O68SLOGTECT O68L9GPVEGT O68L9IGFTEGT ge RTS Re 66> ite ts Ohare veer ad pay ees eS @---- (= ==-==----— QD=259 C2365 | ~B-= L988 el OGBTLZOEVSEG= =G=SO978 Gl O>= hk OG i72856 Vi O68L9OGVEGT O68LOGPEGT 0B 82 0 @ = te 1 (Qa ol A es Cl Sata ey 8 6 OSS a Oe 7 ts ou OG lh) 2 18 6 068-9EFVECT Oi G eer L tear See OS 1h OG SS Oh =O 9-9 G7 e 6 ll O68LOGVTECT O68L9NYFECT O68LOGVECGT Oo68LOaGFTECL O68L9GFECT ONG Se2e9. Serco O68L9NGFECT ONG) Sal. 919 7.6.Gek O68L9OGVEGT OnGr Cen 8c) a cacal Ornate Soa Oel O75 Oo) GAS 6S o68sL9GrECT 068 4 O 7 oo = th 8) 47 te OMe OE BV eG OG=-SO-17 5 6 Il =69 7,99 7% @ 1 Sg ee ae G1 Sse eel EVE Gara ee pe ge Qh Sets Ol O68L9ONGFEGT O6SLOSFECT VSG L OE 7 SG i O68LOGFTEST Si ee ONG caesar =G39= 90> > [61 0s—IT OI—-T : enu4ad SuopIg eoloyuosAp vIIvolNg * — gaprouyyi40 : * BULOT[RS * WINTUETA_Y v[NUTy. * — wunoryeAyAs wnsoulsi[n winrpeydevuy * eoloIp vIIvUue}Uy : * BUITUTUL + BOTULUTIES OSYILT : 9L0¥ UOIISTIY * wintpodi1y, 10ysV ; stuuered styoq * VAINVSILA OSVPTLOG wunuiqeuuvo wintoyedng : * sISueAIV - Bgloong vsoIqvag ‘ staqsoapAs snovsdry eyeyUIp ++ $+ : * BNOLINV VILOPI[O VI[OULTLOTV A. > JoqnA snyjULUdy). * MUTT DYOfLINQuIMS BULILOTV A * SISUDAIG VIPIBIOYS vorgouvuds vpnsedsy . elxv TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION i=) anne fh Selif i=! Ce es ee ee Soe sn aS st re =4AOYE?Y Ee => ete 2 4) Pan Ge Ole A987 SB 6 il SSSoR5e8 1, O47 8G I 3 4) 8 7 86 349 8 78 6 i SLOG? SE il GLAOGP? SEI Se 7 8 6 3 4 OO a7 & f il So) @ssa4 SL9GFE CTI =A9O G9 7 SE Il i=) SHAY 8° Tl COM Ca a tees SAOG TS il SAO 7 8 El 328 i7 8 6 I Se PA RSE GS SLOGTECT Ss a ey a= S © => > snjeydeoousAd snnpaeg : : wunipaulsagur : é - snuTur uUmnso.souwau snf{eu wnTyo1V SIIVS[NA BVUTLIBO SNOTUIOVIBS % snotjenbe > vaRqoove suprenbs 3 snotyeapas SIIVS[NA OTIBTIAG ST[BUTOTO SUBISVIF SOPISVIO Ge BIVJIV,T OSVTISSN, * BUTPTIVUE : : * suesyna * WUIQUIsYy vistuzyry t y OIVS[NA WNJOIVUL Tx. mUODICOSTD % : * BIOPOUT VILVOLIZLIAL : TUNITY JUBONIT twnjoses tuntmoyyursA1y9 . : . sypiqou gnjog stweyjuyt _ ELV OV OUCO EM KOT 2. Uv - POT Ty INTRODUCTION elxvi 068L9OGHEST ONGSSe leon Sat. SiG IL —“C38 LOPS 64> O68L9C FECT oe eee a a SR SSaS5aa5 4 a ee es I O68LOGTECT Sees Ore Fe Le ee OBO LYr eS == I ONGe8eL 989 78 GT 068299 FETT OD 8/4 Y Wiz 8 Gall O68L99CRV ECT OOS LeH 7 > 6 ll 0V—TI& S365 Colin mia ao Pee) Goma = | Roo aS @ 6M 0OBSRhas=s=5 0---9----- =>) 9==6 6 i OG GLOOPVECT | ODS LOGPOEBi| UBOLD O78 Ci OBEAOGSECE | OCG B=D OP EBT 10GB 070 0 P86 = =—sQSSse oss | 0 G>]=s55 55 O=9S99 pes OBB LOOP ECT Nl OB RTS 0478 © ILOG GY 0 Oi28 6 SO Cie ll (NG hats 1 dO) Gch) = Se SS Se | a Veo = | pea lee oaaes SS SSS (6 |) eS eS es a) poe ONG=SI"9) Se Ste | 06 81209 G eee | 016 8 9:9 FS eT ==) P= 6i | OBS 98 SB Wt | 93 Gabo Sos -~6----- Gee | Haass aoe Z-|06--99F ERI SS=—HW St ll OG SRO U7 Ot |= 69 FO Mi eae OF6SL9OG7 STI | OFC BLOGPETI |) O6SL9OCTE ZI Sei [a 02239 == S45 See fee a ei SS oa Sasa Ss EWG Se GS rg eB Os 8 t6 1 ORGn Cr nOn Gat Cece 016-89), 9) Ger 8a Te) 0161 eek 9.6 Fe oa ORONO ORGET Ge Gale 00865004980 7. Cail a OnGeee 91S t Ce Gel OBSRO GPE BEI OG SROO 7 OC 14 WOOO Oar et ONGHSa/=OnGET= Cece ell 0162802 O-Garael ci I) wera QS S55 PES -6s--G7 I ROS Sao= ----9g9----- —- @ z 6 Gas 0&8—Iz 0¢—IT OI—-T 5 Gals hay * Wnso[No00F : * WIMOTIT - ausofryqursan * wot sue : SUODSOUOS VIPOSO[I WNTMVIOLT 2 * esopnyed ‘ = BSE AG a : * — SUOIA VI[OFLOVXVI, STdeay tL * — Saprlorov1ory f * —- goprlormpoe SLOT, * stunwiuoo vuvsdey * snqAjuy WINWOOD. : > snuvio % : * BSOIqvag * BIST vaINeUWED * eurdye varnssneg wnueleyy, wnqATIC.. g * SISMOAIR : * stsuoqvad : > staysnjed * snyv[osoury snorug a > sndsto 5 suvInU SnNpsey elxvii TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION = O60 42 9478 =] 1 O68L9NGCTFECT O68L9OGFECT O68 L947 8 61 : : * sugary wopoyaoery Q--------- |] ---------- j} ----------]---------- 2 - Q * BIqvis O68L9OCIECTI O68L9NSFTECT O68LOGFECT ORGE SRL ONG SPAS Te |e : vyeorpes streypooddé Fy OnGa= = Ce Gea Se aS Ore OP StS 946 SS S11 0 G= > >See CECT g . * wnze_jequin 0B Sss=SSeS | =2=Ss555 BS=-t | OB====7 EHR | =aaeoees SS |S 2° f= 2 ecenan 0B QsSSseR5oq | =osesseses = = —==— | =-==—— ===] : Q : * uinyva0.10 =@60 23082265 | esses oer—— || Ss] 5222255 | SSeS eoe524 : : : * TWnyVINB VCO S20 63 sp | SeSeeoosess— ———— QoS | sasaSsoeseese : : > winsoqurd.109 (eS er a | = ee ° . : * uIMjOII4s QS eS Ses5eoq | seeeeteose | Se aeoSsescees | soeaeeeeuce : : > soproyjuvuotd ta Neg aL Meg ee @aRes = SS ee ee SSeeoeSsoeae ee SS ae Se elle c . * WMpTSrt —--=-9G7--- |] ---------- | ----------] ---------- : g > wintpojtsaeds -6g--g---- | ---------- (SS) =Sss | Ss55=4 Gea = SS tumoiaios H=§ee@sees | =a Seaescsas =@SSoSs255 —--—},------ : > : unprydnras OBB=9=7=1 | == 2e==Fe I ||| ORC Re 0 etal ed an |e seen aeenose | see eesocees || cosas eaeocece =§ —---—-—-9—-— |/- : > saprowmyaodliy ORG eS CO Io) ean a ae ea lat ay eal ae See OF ge ee te ar a coe ete: ; : i >. WEES 0@ereesesea | ses seeeeoses | cease ooseeos | Seeeeoseess : : 0 * sadasdna 0 Ges eees 6.9 = = a = a ee ee : . c * sedajouags ODGRS iia era T SoS? tel ag aie eae ee sa Ole eal tae Pees einer | eo Oleg elie AC ee Ga | (F ; : PEER SeGsso%eae | eee oes ones | Sse seaee oes | Soe eseecee . : : UUNIULAQLY pee Ch pe ee Se Be Se a ess Ses eS at Sys : sapauirto A unbo.wfruns Bea Me Bs Q@s2eas La Ses. 55554 SS SeSeeecece —_ = : . : > wnarzoas OP SSs==@eseqn | eseee5eces |f se seeoseeeoes | seca esseaseae C : - rgjafuauruoy sePee@eoes | Sess scoaes ----g-----]| ---------- . C ° TNd9}UI3AB =Gese@yoss | oes eos oes || peso See ee ee | See oeeeeses : : - wnpunaign.t Sg Se ome Le ae 0.60= = == = a ee eno a 7 ununno1d a a : : : * aSUaL DT INTRODUCTION elxvili -----¢---- || —--(g)------- | ----------— 9 : Blpoyipunjzou vporA J -})9----- => S>-9---—-=-=— | -~--=-=-------— > ° * wrpoyrjod vrooequa = L SS roped ee C) ea moos ~oewcr er er eK ee +} 2 . BOUB.LLOJTPoUL Che, Oat) Gad O68L9OSFPECI O68L9OGFECT : : ; * 'B9cOUTO -- _ SS 39-2 == — | a= = SS = HK = 5 S % ; 7. VUDYID IT 349 © in 8 % Il (0) 3 74) ) 7? 13 $6 II O0O68LOGTEZT ; 5 XT[VIZOT, BOM i MA OF i713 (61 O68L9N9 FP SSTI O6G8LIOGTFTECST i - * slivd[na vunqed teh) Pt 0G) UL OO 8 2S © 52 Si i COG ast : ‘ VI[OFOT Vpowoipuy -~)Jro----- ----9@---- —-§-------- : Isin-vAy) sopAqdvjzsoypory — — di | eC frr4 . \ i opouy BAO ORES OCB Be Qi || OB 2 Qi 8 i6 Th Ie O88 erent x9) 14) AP {3% 1 O68L9OIFPE ZI OGSLOIGEE ZS Tt ‘ ‘ sua, wanrU1998 A Shey 4 eee ete TL ONSs= Siar GS SO Seba aes . * BPT-STLA WNIUTIOV A AOS 47 3 = Tl 06S NOE GS Sr 0) SO) = 8 6, I é ; * BIfOFTpunzor = y= eT SS i | Se ee oes e os | ° : - goproynoundva i = —_ Sf SS te Sp) a ee Nae . WNTpOYoVly, vynuvdurg = = I 0 io = G —) 67 {20%6) IL ee . Boov.LOpoT, VIG.AOGUOTYR AA Soro S ses Sa (0) (3) 8) te 06 1 06> 4 OG P86 1 : . * — BUBJUOUU OTLOTSR (* CaO = 0 = 2 0) QS aa = (5) Se OS 6 AL | 2 y BUUBULO(T BITOGOTT RONG er, CeCele Nt eORO One OnCh Pacis Tall Oo Si) aad = — a) || asin usTenorerdanos0d0ce.iT; SLOGPTETZT OP Gr Sez 98S Pe cal O68L9ONGFETL 4 : . * SISUOATE SS 74 8) Y 97 {8 06 IL ONGESEL, ORG Ta Ch Ge il ONG Se 29NS PS2Go ‘ 5 2: . Lodse tS} /4 8) 2486 1 O68LOIOGFEST ONGESE/ On Ser Secu 9 e * snoeoBroelo sntTouog = te I 0).O SS Pv G 7 x ° ST[VATLUL vonjoury t i} 4 9) OO Fe (8 6 1 O68L9OSGFEST 0) 6}. 13374, O92 (8.76 II : O[VULOO WINOVKVIV], SLIOGPEST O0O68L9NGFECST 0O68L9OSGFECT . : i sTVUtUN NB PIP ECE | OGCBFOE PSC | OSOLORPQei |? 2 snprdsty wopoyuoo'y 0&—Izé 0G—TT ol—T elxix TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION == 0s I SSSS@6 | OBS -]]7 86 | ===20 O37 546 OGBLOMPAECH | OSTLOGP EBT | OC6SLOOPESL | ORSPOGOHR zi OBB=SO7B-t | ==SLO=7 EBLE || O=OLOOS=6= | OB G=9 002 i M@2=s=78=T | O=82 0907861 ll O69 299788] 08 6 Reape SH - = =QSse= SOS) G2 >= = - = SSS Sj = ‘a ==) G =e OOPLOMMZS Cl | OBRLOEZECL Il OBB LOO PERT hOGO2O Os 2 wi SSeS esas | SS S007 86H ll OB O20 © PS Bill O68 DOO RBH ~ See | SSSoe Ses == || =S=SSsc SSS SS SSS SS SP Pee 2] S]So5 fas sooosa = LP eS Sea Gea) || aoa oo eos ORC RSE RONG. VAGe Cees OnOn 81 ON Gey Caan 10,6) O00 > Goce nONG eu ona pienciT VOUMOG PRC | OGBLOE7ECT || OB SRO9 PRCT | OB R=9 O78 ci es =e — | oy == = = === 9 > ———— =B855S> 97821 OORNOGVEEH) VOGBVOG VEC hl Il OBR POO PEE El OREDOQ ase mi OUOREEAPONE Vash Gale | 109682979 7 S9e Tli| 016 S89 o 7 gage No oreei, ones ely 7. OGBAVGPS=T | -“CEReSs=6i ©0==2P9O==Se@7 | =BG=00%R Bi VGTLOVP EE | OSUROG7ES Lr ll OGBLOO peer | ORO PROGR ai ONGEGH RONG sr =o —"6—= = —"G j =6> = 360 le '6 == = = ee O68L9SFESZT | OFGSLOGFHEZI | oO6 8L99F Est | O68L9GFEZT OGER= YS! VGH=Y9O VEC || OBBLOGT Se | OBB Lh=onen i O6SLOGFESTT | OG BLOGFEZT | O68L9CF SST) 0O68L9GFEZT O[VULOYO tanssopsoudy VyVI[OJTAy soyguBduopy : staysoduea 2 VL LOIVULY VULOA VULIPTOD : * vpoyornd wnoeimmejuay veryy dug * eyvrpoyaod vaxopyQ STULLOFIY V[VOOLOTPL * OLVS[NA WH.YSNsrT * LOIS[9OXO SNUTXvAYT " TpUBIOTVA SNToUUIRY SNUUTUIUL sntnouNzUeD : > BTS} > SISUOAIR sIT[eS euy 7 BUTT} XNVED TIN.LOTHOU * BEIBTNULTAN Ny % SIIVA[NA vIpORUTIsAT : ST[VUTOJO " SNVSTNA vpNUMIIg suaysnted vrmojjo7t VUTYIIVUL VIIOULLW ST[v}U9pTOVO * - BIOPMRI 9dTV}g wlopynu sXyyidodApy : * ‘epunoos INTRODUCTION elxx a a en i Tt 9 5 Nas aad all ah aah | Nees eat eae a ae Q il 3 6 il 2 6 il SPeR Nn ee cree S| | acne ee Ge = =i(6) (8) erate SSSo9==GS(i) |) COSI O=PS6= | === 3098 bi OGSPIGEe Gl |=6-—-9¢9Pr->aL i Oes LOG PS a-| ~6 8, 9¢-y= oT ~ i gi i || O@=ss=>=> 6= i= AG) G = = = : = 9 = 6 VOB ALO@G POT | ORS Oy Peel OG = hOGS SG | O64 OGi28 Ci = 83 == Ot) I Gal Oe ae j 6 OeGe—s Cau ONGROH A ORGEPUGiG | (086880) 990% 6. 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Sats O68—--GPe-1T | —--Sl9G-CCTi*O-SLOSTETI | O68-9¢9¢7 ET OGELOE PR CW | OB SPOT EC ll OBS ROG ee UGG RO O47 6 v6 i OG8LOSFEST | OF68SL9OGFEZT |] OF 8SL9GFEST] OFGSLOSFEZTI DOVLYE PECL | OBTLVEP RCT OBE ROMO aT | OGIO 7S au O6BLOITFEST | 0O682-GFERT | O6824-SFERT | 0O68L99F881 0G===ORS6> |) S6S== 57657 | ==oaa- 7 Ste | SSS 2 OP Bei Oe SO poh OG Od? So> || 68 299r—-—-7T | 6 —-—— —(F)(e)—(p) =6 89 = ==9>5 | -=Sese5 gs 286 | ORS hag ores ONCHCE MCACMIAGECTeNONGn OW EONGhy Gh= Tl) OnG0G 2 919 Poe ST 1 016 OL Oo F oot ONCMCE MOLCMTACRCIMIOLG CL GRP eaatilogsso@gresLt | O6gs2 oars oI ONCRCH MOMCRTACECEIONGEOIE O OF Gis Til OG eS hOGPre at | 0692 9.0 7.6 oI (ONC aCT A OG OGCPeasrt || OF SLIGPreoL | O68 8296 F 8 oI = Se S OB==—=98 P= 6= || OGL OG i7s 0 J —¢-— 83 1 ONONGELA9EG tu CHCHT sORGNS 209 Geb Ch Gem |(0G 929.4 7 — G Tell One Se) 91g) tachcal or—I8 0s—Iz 0g—I1 1) fo . SISUOpLULd BOPOTT eyeoovd snxvy, p DuUpus sTunumo0d snaodrun ¢ unsaammop wan Aydoqznco/ > wunastu wnajodurny . ejnutecy snpudog > voandand dl, * BooLqLoY SI[VUTUOTA ++ * sunarehv erpoyrorpAyd * suodaa * werdeg - - Byane * voedouro age " osrsey ft vapurvyuod * BIPULRII} XITBY IMqoyy snotone) eurljoay snpAsog 2SOUTJNLS SNULY suoosoqnd VSOONAIOA VINJOY * oyeg vortAq elxxvil TABLE OF DISTRIBUTION OD 875 ye Gal ORE OR eGR pit VOB4 OE 7B 6 ul ORGS Seo oSVASe Gall OOS OE87 S61 OB =O 7 6. = 0168 729"9 7s) GT Fae ae ha tag tO ins ean lL O68L9ETECT OOR LOY 8S Gs O68LO9GFESZI SAO Ore 9 hei SS Sa he SaaS = O68LOGFHEZTL SSS) SoS 55 ==9 4 0 = 6 61 VOI AY EPS Gi ae OME cou ere O68L9NGVECT OG AOE PS=1 22219 H- BCI —68 29978 CT 3:9 4 OG Se I ie a hes = Il O68L99FEBT OGBLA=Ep>> i 0G 9 20 G7 8 i OBL ® Oi = Bi OBBAOOVR CI QOH =]O007>Ss Re ay al es al ate NEUE LOGPR= i =89 2, O0QS56 ii (6SLOGHEZTI O68L9GFHEZI =Sofgso>==ge OBEY O47 B66 I DBGLOSPE Ei O68LOGFTEZT OBBLOG? BCT 06°39 FOG SS 1 SSa 9 Goaaas Q=SSO 92% ii S oo ee Se ©& Aonra an & 1d 19 1 20 wD I O O84 OO i727 eS = OCB ADS 2S CG SS 9S9S55e45 = 3748) O47 BG OG Be OY Siz & 6 Ul OS JARS i ee ONGRSE 229) Se. SG al OG 84 OP SG i afjaeooaece a SEPP Sh, A A Oe ot eS OG3 4 OY = 86 = Sei a et Anat On| wuNTpOFSsN.Sue wantyourtAstg § > sn1oov-pnesq BULISSIPTJOF STI sy voneToLO| Yo BrOR SIPIMLA BprqTs BypOVyUL : vesdouod vIAvUEqe TT BALOFLIOSNUL vaoside skaydg > By VNoVUL RrCeOST VIVUIVOUT . . . ps * B[NosvUL O10 JT stpeprmuvidd styor() > stysnyed SMO NA-O.1}V yripaut * * wrforrqey stpoudrdyy * BljoyIsue vioyjurpeydey a BUBIFOZULULO YY > srjvutngne soyjuvardg . . . BVAO BIVpIOD VAOSVT : * SIAV-SNPINT B17}09 NT esopnyed stxvye yy m R.1.A. PROC., SER. JII., VOL. VII. INTRODUCTION eee elxxvili 9 9 DOBAVIPE = 1 Lee GLa SSa Br | OHNO 9 == CI BOB =O O78 bi O6SLOIFETI | O6SLOIFEST | O68L99F7EZT |] 068L99F ECT VGBAOGTPE CE | OSTA OG 7S 61 | OG B LOO PECi | UREN OO BGT OCSLOGFHSTCIT|O6SLOGTFEST | OF8BLOTFESI | O6 81994782 - pital CS aa aes Se aia hip a ch ae) (ad lle OCOL OEY IT | COL SPKR a= 6 || Wma LOPS 6 | Boao OTe 6 OOOO GT? 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Traveller’s Joy. Census 16—East 8, Centre 5, West 3. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney, naturalized, ’00—Scully. Cork Mid Rochestown, Monkstown, ’?00—Phillips. Rare. Cork E. Dunkettle ’00—Phillips. Castlemartyr; Rushbrook. Limrek. Limerick ’00—P. 9 Clare The Fountain, apparently native, *79—Corry 270. 10 Tipp. N. Near Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Ballina ’99—P. 12 Wexford Courtown sandhills ’95—P. 14 Queen’s Grantstown’98, Mountmellick—P. Bordwell— Cy). I. 18 King’s Tullamore ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Delgany ’93, and Enniskerry—P. 21 Dublin North Bull’00—P. Established in the east. 22 Meath Coonen Hill ’95, Bective ’96—P. 26 Mayo E. Near Cong ’96—Marshall. 31 Louth Termonfeckin ’96—P. 37 Armagh About Armagh ’92—P. co OF HE bo Apparently self-sown in most of the above stations. In Dublin and Kerry N. at least, it appears established. Occurs in many other divisions, merely run wild from gardens. Thalictrum alpinum L. Census 5—Kast 0, Centre 0, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. Brandon ’87—A. Ley 488. 16 Galw. W. Muckanaght and three other stations ’82—-Hart 38o. R.I.A. PROC., SER. I1I., VOL. VI. B 27 35 Mayo W. Sligo Dongl. W. Wextord Wicklow Dublin Dongl. W. Down Antrim Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Ferman. Dongl. E. Down Antrim RANUNCULACE [| Thalictrum Sheffry ’99—Colgan 22z. Croaghpatrick—Hart 380. Annacoona ’84—Barrington & Vowell 772. Slieve Snacht W.’84, Colgan—Cyb. II. Rare—#1. Don. Thalictrum dunense Dum. Census 6—East 5, Centre 0, West 1. Carnsore ’97—Marshall. Very frequent. N. of Arklow—More’72 6zz. Rockfield—Cyd. I. Malahide ’00—P. Rare—Colgan. Mouth of Ray river ’94—F7. Don. Ballykinler ’00—Waddell. Round Dundrum Bay only. Ballycastle ’00, Bushfoot—Mrs.Swan. Portrush. Thalictrum collinum Wallr. Census 20—East 2, Centre 7, West 11. Sugarloaf, and f. on Reeks ’81—Hart 373, 374. Killarney ’00: rare and local—Scully. Sugarloaf mountain 754, T. Wright—Allin 7. Muskry Lough ’00—P. Black Hd. ’99—Miss Knowles. Inishmore—Colgan 203. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent on Lough Derg. Dalystown ’98—P. Castle Taylor, and f. on L. Derg. Benwee ’99—Colgan. Frequent by L. Corrib, r. elsewhere. Annaghdown ’00, local on Lough Corrib—P. Hare Island ’99—P. Elfeet Bay ’00; common on Lough Ree—P. St. John’s Wood on Lough Ree ’99—P. S.of L. Mask ’95—M. &S8. 545. L. Carra—Mrs. Persse ! L. Conn, c.’00—P. Mweelrea, Doo L.,’82—Hart 380. Ben Bulben ’92—P. Annacoona ’84—B. & V. 7722. Glenade ’84—B. & V. 772. Gubbaroe ’00—West & Tetley. Lower L. Erne, rare. Brown Hall—F7. Don. Pigeon Rock ’90—S. & P. 873. Mournes only, rare. Basaltic rocks at Glenariff, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Chiefly on the lake-shores and ‘“‘ crags” of the western limestones. Ganunculus | RANUNCULACE A 3 Thalictrum flavum L. Meadow Rue. Census 28—East 10, Centre 11, West 2. 7 Tipp. 8S. 8 Limrck. 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 31 Louth 32 Monaghn. 33 Ferman. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 39 Antrim 40 L’derry Clonmel ’00—Phillips. F. along R. Suir—Hart 385. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Borrisokane ’95—Lilly zgo. Carrigahorig; Portumna. Ballyragget ’99—P. By Nore and Barrow occasionally, Alderton ’93, Miss Glascott—b. & M. IS. Barrow above Borris ’99, Graiguenamanagh ’98—P. Rathdowney ’98—P. F. by Barrow, r. in west. Garryland ’00—P. Frequent on Lough Derg. Clonbrock ’99—R. E. Dillon. E. of Cloughjordan ’99—-P. Barrow and Shannon, rare. Nurney ’97—P. By Barrow occasionally—Hart, and P. Murrough— Guide ’78. Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Frequent on the Boyne. Lough Iron ’99, and common on Lough Ree—P. Ballymahon ’00, and frequent on Lough Ree—P. Lough Key ’97; frequent—P. Baltray ’96—P. Glasslough ’00— Waddell. Killygowan I. in Upper L. Erne ’81—2—Barrington zo8. Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Portadown 792: north only, frequent—P. Crumlin ’99—Miss Knowles. L. Neagh only, frequent. Near Toome, D. Moore—FV. VE. Chiefly in the Central Plain: rare or absent in the coastal hill- regions. Anemone nemorosa L. Wood Anemone. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. No doubt universal. Ranunculus circinatus Sibth. Census 13+(1)—East 6+(1), Centre 6, West 1. (4 Cork Mid 8 Limrck, 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s Lough of Cork—Power F/.’45. Not there now.) Lough Gur ’00—P. Limerick canal ’?99—Somerville. Inchiquin Lough ’92, Levinge— Cy. IT. Borrisokane ’?00—Phillips. Youghal Bay ’99—P. Graigue ’98—P. Canal at Grattan aquaduct’98, Portarlington ’96—P. B2 4 RANUNCULACEA [Ranunculus 19 Kildare = Robertstown 798, Athy, Kileock, &c.: canals only—P. 21 Dublin Canal Clondalkin ’00 : local—Colgan. Occurs in Liffey. 22 Meath Lough Crew, and canal at Ferns Lock, ’97—P. 23 Westmth. Canal near Kenny ’99—P. Brittas L.—Levinge 485. 24 Longfd. Canal near Ballymahon ’85-6—B. & V. 773. 25 Roscomn. Mt. Talbot, Levinge— Cyd. II. L. Ree’85-6—B.& V. 773. 387 Armagh Lough Neagh, three stations, ’92—P. 38 Down Lagan Canal at Lough Neagh ’92—P. 696. Partial to the calm limy waters of the Central Plain canals, as will be seen from the above particulars, and may owe some of its stations to the transport of fragments by means of canal-boats. Ranunculus fluitans Lamk. 39 Antrim Antrim ’93—P. Six-mile River only, from Dunadry to mouth, Stewart—/7. VE. Ranunculus trichophyllus Chaix. Census 830—East 11, Centre 10, West 9. 1 KerryS. Derrynane ’92: rare—NScully. 2 Kerry N. Near Ballybunnion ’90: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’96: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Lough of Cork ’98: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’96: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Coumshingaun ’82-3—Hart 387. 7 Tipp. 8. Tipperary ’?00—Phillips. 9 Clare Inishmore ’93—Colgan 203. 10 Tipp. N. Roscrea’00—Phillips. Lough Ourna and Portumna—P. 12 Wexford Kilmokea, Miss Glascott—B. & G.’89 zoo. 14 Queen’s Erril’00—Phillips. Newtown and Maryborough—P. 15 Galw. SE. St. Cleran’s’99—P. Frequent, perhaps common. 16 Galw. W. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. 18 King’s Geashill Castle and Clonad wood ’96—P. 19 Kildare Kilcullen ’96—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’94: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Kildalkey ’00, Oldcastle ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Ballaghkeeran ’98—P. Rare. 24 Longfd. Granard’99, Longford ’98—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park ’97: frequent—P. Ganunculus] RANUNCULACE A 5 26 Mayo E. Hollymount, More; Ballinrobe, Miss Lindsey—Cyd. I. 28 Sligo Lough Arrow ’97—P. 82 Monaghn. Rossmore ’00— Waddell. 35 Dongl. W. Doaghmore’98—Hart 405. Fanet frequent—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Crowhill’71, B.N.F.C.—Hb. Belfast Museum ! 38 Down Clay Lake ’91—P. Frequent—/. VE. 39 Antrim Rathlin Island ’89—P. Frequent—/l. VE. 40 Liderry Magilligan, Corry—//. VE. The distribution of none of the Batrachian Ranunculi is as yet fully known. ‘The present species probably occurs in all divisions. Ranunculus Drouetii Godr. Census 12—East 5, Centre 3, West 4. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rare—Scully. 5 Cork EK. Whitegate ’97 (var. Godronii)—Phillips. 12 Wextord Wexford, Rosslare, Churchtown, ’?97—Marshall 539. 16 Galw. W. About Cong, ’95—M. & 8. 545. 18 King’s Tullamore River below Geashill ’96—P. 19 Kildare Nurney and (var. Godronii) 8. of Kildare ’97—P. 21 Dublin Near Foxrock, Vowell—Corry ’82 245. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin (type and G'odronii)—Levinge ’94 454. 26 Mayo E. About Cong ’95—M. &S8. 545. 27 Mayo W. Castlebar and Westport ’99—Marshall. 31 Louth South of Soldier’s Point ’96—P. 35 Dongl. W. Near Ardara—/7. Don. Ranunculus heterophyllus Fries. Census 20—East 8, Centre 7, West 5. 5 Cork E. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Stradbally ’99—P. Coumshingaun ’82-3—Hart 387. 9 Clare Inishmore’95—P. Ennis—Corry 240. Inishmaan. 10 Tipp. N. Lough Ourna ’99—P. 12 Wexford Gorey and Wexford districts f.’97—Marshall 539. 14 Queen’s River Erkina above Durrow ’98—P. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’00—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. Near Clonbur ’95—M. & 8S. 545. 21 Dublin Lusk ’00: local—Colgan. Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim RANUNCULACEA [Ranunculus Kildalkey ’00—P. River Inny below Lough Kinale ’85—P. 692. Below Drumsna ’00—P. Lough Ree—B. & V. 773. Near Athlone ’67—Stewart. Cong neighbourhood ’96—Marshall. Devenish Island ’81—-2—Barrington zo8. Throughout; frequent—F/. Don. Throughout, frequent—/V. Don. L. Neagh and Camlough River ’92—P. Helen’s Tower ’91—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Shaw’s Br., Crumlin, Corry; Belfast, Stewart—/?. VEZ. The remarks under &. trichophyllus probably apply also to the pre- sent species, though it appears less frequent, and is very rare in the south. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Monaghn. Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Ranunculus peltatus Fries. Census 22—East 11, Centre 7, West 4. Churchtown ’00: frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99: frequent—Scully. Ballyfeard ’00 (Scully): rare—Phillips. Doneraile—Allin /7. ’83. Suir below Templemore (floribundus) ’82—Hart 385. Shannon above Portumna ’98—P. Gorey ’97—Marshall. N. Wexford—B.& M. 703. R. Slaney, ¢. (florcbundus) ’81—Hart 377. R. Slaney, ec. (floribundus) ’81—Hart 372. Portmarnock ’94 : local (¢runcatus)—Colgan. Boyne below Navan (floribundus), D. Moore—Cyb. I. River Inny below Lough Kinale ’85—P. 692. Chapel Island in Lough Ree ’97—P. East of Foxford (truncatus) ’00—P. Near Foxford ( floribundus) and L. Cullin, More— Cyd. I. Castleblayney (elongatus F. Schultz) ’?00—Somerville. Creeve L. (truncatus) ’00—P. Finn River (truncatus) and other stations—/7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Money Lake ’91—P. Common—/7. WE. Lough Mourne, Stewart: frequent—/V. VE. Lough Beg, Corry; R. Bann, Stewart—//. WF. Ranunculus] GBI nakrk &w we Ne) Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Sligo Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Antrim L’derry Probably occurs in all the divisions. RANUNCULACEA 7 Ranunculus penicillatus Dum. Census 32—East 14, Centre 10, West 8. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Near Listowel ’90: rather rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’96 : common—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96 : common— Phillips. Midleton ’00: common—Phillips. Sheskin ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Very frequent. Doon’00—P. Corbally ’97, G. Fogerty—Hb. L.F.C.! Ennis ’85—6—Stewart 863. Roscrea and Templemore ’?00—Phillips. Nenagh—P. Kilkenny ’97, Ballyragget ’99—P. Gorey ’?97—Marshall 539. R. Boro—B. & M. z02. Aghade and frequent in R. Barrow ’99—P. Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. St. Cleran’s, ’99—Mrs. Joyce! Gort, R. Suck—Phillips. Athenry, Galway, ’00—Phillips. Abbeyknockmoy—P. Ballymore ’00, Athy ’99—P. Shillelagh ’99—P. Near Brittas ’94: local—Colgan. Navan ’96—P. Lough Tron ’99—P. Lough Owel—Levinge 7&7. R. Inny near Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Ballysadare ’00—P. Sligo ’84—B. & V. 772. Common in R. Glyde ’90—Butler 7385. Monaghan ’?00— Waddell. Ballycassidy R.’92—P.69z. Belleek—Barrington 708. River Erne ’98, and River Eske—/V. Don. Strabane ’75—Stewart. Maghery, Loughgall, Forkill, ’?92—P. Ballymena ’91—P. Frequent—/. VE. River Bann at Coleraine, Hyndman—/V. VE. Messrs. Groves write of specimens (from divisions 6, 7, 10, 11, 18, 17, 19, 20, 28), sent in 1900 :—“ R. pseudo-fluitans of Baker and Foggitt, quite a distinct plant from what we take to be Hiern’s form pseudo-fluitans.” Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. ' 9 Clare 12 Wexford 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 21 Dublin 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 37 Armagh Oo wm FP © HR RANUNCULACE [Ranunculus Ranunculus Baudotii Godr. Census 15—East 7, Centre 0, West 8. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Local. Ballybunnion ’90: frequent—Scully. Schull ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Rochestown ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Ballyvodock ’00: frequent—Phillips. Tramore’99—P. Near Waterford, Babington—Cy). I. Inchiquin L.’93, Levinge—W.B.E.C.’93-4. Local, f. Wexford’96—Marshall 537. Lady’s I. Lake—Hart 3&z. Inishbofin’75—More 676. Galway, Melville—Cyé. I. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. Portmarnock ’00—P. Rare—Colgan. South of Soldier’s Point ’?96—P. Fahan and Ballyshannon—/V. Don. . Tory Island ’77—Barrington zo6. Fanet—FV. Don. Tartaraghan glebe (confusus)’95, Lett—W.B.E.C. 95-6. Near the sea, chiefly on the south and west coasts. The var. con- Jusus inland in Armagh. 38 Cork W. Ranunculus tripartitus DC. Baltimore *96, and (var. intermedius) Adrigole ’94— Phillips. The second British station for the type. 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterid. 7 Tipp. S. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford Ranunculus Lenormandi F. Schultz. Census 12—East 8, Centre 1, West 3. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99: chiefly in the south—Scully. Inchigeela ’00: frequent—Phillips. Ballinhassig ’98 : common in south—Phillips. Whitegate ’98: frequent—Phillips. Cappoquin, Ballyscanlan,’99—P. Portlaw—Flemyng! Muskry L. and near Cahir ’00—P. Galtymore—Cyé. I. Brandon Hill ’98—P. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent—B. & M. 703. Ranunculus] RANUNCULACEA 9 13 Carlow Blackstairs °99, Mt. Leinster, Polmounty R.—P. 20 Wicklow Avondale ’99—P. Common. 21 Dublin Two Rock Mountain ’99—Colgan. Southern mountains. South and south-east only, from Kerry to Dublin. The Achill plant (Praeger 779, and Cyb. II.) is a peculiar form of R. hederaceus. Ranunculus hederaceus L. Divisions all. Distinctly calcifuge, and rare in the Central Plain, most of the records being from patches of non-calcareous rocks. Common off the limestone. Ranunculus sceleratus L. Census 34—East 15, Centre 9, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Inch ’94: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Near Ballybunnion ’90: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’96: frequent in south—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid — Carrigaline *00 (Scully): common near coast—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Queenstown junction ’00 : common near sea—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Clonea and Tramore ’99—P. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur ’00—P. Frequent by the Shannon. 9 Clare Clare Castle and Lough Senan ’85-6—Stewart 563. 10 Tipp. N. =‘ Friar’s Lough ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Lough Cullin ’99, and f. by tidal waters—P. 12 Wexford Wexford’97—Marshall. Not rare. 13 Carlow Near Ballymartin ’97—T. Hartley! 14 Queen’s Rathdowney '98—P. Ballybrittas ’84—Hart 383. 16 Galw. W. Inveran ’95—Colgan. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. Terryland River ’99—P. 18 King’s Geashill ’96— P. 19 Kildare Rathangan ’98, Athy ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Killoughter’97—-P. Frequent on coast. 21 Dublin Near Lusk ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’96: frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Iron ’99—P. Rare. 24 Longfd. Shannon below Roosky ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Athlone ’98—P. 27 Mayo W. Killala’00—P. Newport 199. Marshall. 28 Sligo Ballysadare and Mullaghmore ’97—P. 10 RANUNCULACEA [Ranunculus 31 Louth ~ Killencoole ’96; frequent throughout—P. 32 Monaghn. Monaghan, Clones, ’00—Someryille. Rockcorry. 34 Dongl. E. Trawbreaga Bay’98—Hart 705. Throughout—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet &c.: north only—J#?. Don. 36 Tyrone Lough Neagh ’96; rare—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. 38 Down Dundrum ’00—P. Common—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Portglenone ’00—-Miss Knowles. Rare—//. VE. 40 L’derry — Bellarena ’98: common in the north—Mrs. Leebody. Though occurring chiefly by the coast, this plant is widely dis- tributed in the interior. Probably it occurs in ali the divisions. Ranunculus Flammula L. Lesser Spearwort. Divisions all. Common throughout the country. Ranunculus scoticus Marshall. (2. petiolaris Marshall.) 27 Mayo W. Sraheens Lough at Achill Sound ’99—Marshall. (29 Leitrim? L. Bofin ’71, Dyer in Hb. Brit. Mus.—Marshall 537.) Ranunculus Lingua L. Great Spearwort. Census 28+(2)—East 13, Centre 10, West 5+(2). 1 Kerry 8. Near Stradbally ’883—Hart 387. 4 Cork Mid Blarney ’55—Woods 977. 6 Waterfd. Clonea ’82—Hart 384. Blenheim, c.—B. & G. zoo. 7 Tipp. 8. Thurles’98—P. Holycross ’82—Hart 385. 9 Clare Doonbeg ’99—Miss Knowles. Ennis—Mackay 522. 10 Tipp: N. NW. of Nenagh ’99, Portumna ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Foulkscourt bog, S. Madden— Cyé. I. 12 Wexford Ballycarney—G. E. J. Greene ’95. In the south, rare. 14 Queen’s Durrow ’84—Hart 388. 15 Galw. SE. Kilcolgan River ’99—Colgan. Kilmacduagh; L. Derg f. 16 Galw. W. Maam ’35—Babington 57. Letterfrack—More 6zz. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam district frequent ’99, and by R. Suck—P. 19 Kildare Rathangan’98, Monasterevan, Kilcock: canals only—P. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cy@. I. 21 Dublin Royal Canal at Lucan ’00 ; rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Bective ’00: frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Iron’99—P. Frequent in centre and west. Ranunculus] 24 25 26 30 31 32 30 Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Cayan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. RANUNCULACEA 1i Ballymahon and Saint’s Island ’?00—P. Rockville ’99: common throughout—P. Ballinrobe ’97—W. de V. Kane. Cong—M. & S. 545. Farnham and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Braganstown ’00—P. Frequent in centre. Abounds . . . near Drum, J. Bain—More ’72 67z. Enniskillen ’?00—P. Rare. (34 Dongl.E.? Ballyshannon, H. Allingham: not seen—/V. Don.) (35 Dongl.W.? Lough Eske—/V7. Hib. 736: not seen—J7. Don.) 37 Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Kalkny. Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cayan Louth Ferman. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Loughgall, and along Lough Neagh, ’92—P. Ballydugan Lough ’88—P. Rare—//. VE. Portmore ’86—P. In Bann basin only. Kilrea ’95—P. Bann basin only? Ranunculus Auricomus L. Goldilocks. Census 23—East 12, Centre 6, West 5. Blarney—Power FV. ’45. Leemount—Drummond 287. Carrickabrick and Rockville, Chandlee—Allin 7. ’83. Fethard ’97—P. Kilkenny and Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse. Lavally ’99—Mrs. Joyce! Lough Cooter ’00—P. East of Tuam ’99—Colgan. Barrow Bank House’84—Hart 383. Near Castletown ’00—P. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent. Churchtown ’00: frequent—Colgan. Athboy ’00—P. Belvedere—Levinge ’94 484. Ballinrobe ’93—Mrs. Persse! Westport demesne, J. Reilly—Barrington ’77 705. Near Annaghearly Lough ’99—P. Cavan ’96—P. Piperstown ’99—Miss R. Smith ! Common about Enniskillen ’00— West. Near Ramelton, Misses Kinahan—J/V. Don. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Knocknagoney ’00—P. Rare—/7. VE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VE. Bellarena’94—Mrs. Leebody. Loughinshollen—#7. VL. 12 RANUNCULACE [Ranunculus Ranunculus acris L. Meadow Crowfoot. Divisions all. Very common. Ranunculus repens L. Sitfast. Divisions all. Very common. Ranunculus bulbosus L. Divisions all. Less common than the two preceding, except in light soils. {Ranunculus parviflorus L. Census 6—East 4, Centre 1, West 1. 4 Cork Mid Robert’s Head ’99—Scully 835. Carrigrohane—287. 5 Cork E. Brick I.’00, Whitegate—Phillips. Eastferry— Allin FV. 7 Tipp.S. Cashel and Fethard ’00—Phillips. 11 Kilkny. New Ross ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny, Madden— Cy). I. 12 Wexford Native at Rosslare [’97 |—Marshall 537. V.f. insouth. 21 Dublin Bray Common ’75, Barrington—Cybd. II. Perhaps native, certainly naturalized, in the SE. A casual at Belfast. Ranunculus Ficaria L. Lesser Celandine. Divisions all. Common. Caltha palustris L. Marsh Marigold. Divisions all. Common. Caltha radicans Forster. 33 Ferman. Devenish Island ’81—2—Barrington 708. Trollius europzeus, L. Globe-flower. Census 3—East 0, Centre 1, West 2. 33 Ferman. Common on Bilberry Island in L. Melvin ’00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Deel R., Finn R., and Reelan Water—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Loughs Fern, Gartan, Akibbon: Lennan river basin only—/7. Don. North-west only, rare and local. Aquilegia] RANUNCULACE 13 OWRD MNP owe on Aquilegia vulgaris L. Columbine. Census 31—East 14, Centre 9, West 8. Kerry 8. {Blackwater bridge ’89—Scully. Kerry N. {Killarney ’96 : rare—Scully. Cork W. *Near Macroom ’00, Skibbereen ’96 —Phillips. Cork Mid }Belgooly ’00 (Scully): rare—Phillips. Cork E. jfLittle Island ’00: rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Frequent at Blenheim, Miss Glascott—B. & G. ’89 roo. Tipp. S. {Ballinure ’98—P. Limrek. {Curragh Chase ’00—P. Clare Dromoland’98—W.deV. Kane. Frequent in the north. Tipp.N. Bog at Carrigahorig, rocks Dromineer, ’00—Phillips. Kilkny. By R. Nore at Kilkenny ’97—P. Rare. Wexford Owenduff R. apparently native—B. & M. ’92 zo2. Queen’s Mountmellick ’00—Phillips. Looking wild, rare—P. Galw. SE. Moyode’99; f. in Woodford district ?98—P. Local. Galw. W. Thonabracky Mt.’91, Allman—Cyd. II. Galway—P. Galw. NE. Menlo looking native ’99--P. FF. along Lough Corrib. Kings Clonad wood looking native ’?96—P. Frequent. Kildare —- Dollardstown bog c.’89, Scully— Cyd. II. Frequent—P. Wicklow Devil’s Glen ’00—C. Waterfall. *Avondale ’99—P. Dublin {Leixlip ’94: rare—Colgan. Meath Beaupare on limestone rocks ’95—P. Westmth. L. Deravaragh ’95—Levinge 486. Centre and west. Roscomn. Mount Talbot’97—P. Mayo EK. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse! LL. Corrib—Cy). I. Louth High up on Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Ferman. Drumskew’00, Dunbar ’99—Tetley. Dongl. E. Brown Hall native, {near Moville—FV. Don. Armagh Near Armagh ’80—W.F. Johnson! Ardmore—Lett. Down Established at Newcastle ’89—S. & P. 873. Antrim *Shane’s Castle, &c., Stewart—/7. WE. L’derry L. Neagh near Salterstown, Flor. Hib. x—Hl. NE. It is difficult to determine the status of the Columbine, but the western limestone tracts especially (as in 9, 15, and 17), in some central divisions (10, 14, 18, 19, and 23) and in the east (in 12 and 31) it has claims for ranking as native. Much rarer and perhaps only as an escape in Ulster. 14 NYMPHAACHEA. PAPAVERACEA [Nuphar Nuphar luteum Smith. Yellow Water-lily. Divisions all, except 12 Wexford. Generally frequent. Nymphea alba L. White Water-lily. Divisions all, except 14 Queen’s Co.; but the records for $12 Wex- ford, *13 Carlow, {20 Wicklow, and *21 Dublin, are unsatisfactory, being qualified as shown. Elsewhere it is native, andincreases westward. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. S. Limerick Dublin 22 Meath 26 Mayo E. 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 88 Down pe onaran kh co ND eH *Papaver somniferum L. Opium Poppy. Census 13—East 6, Centre 3, West 4. Baliinskelligs ’00: rare and uncertain—Scully. Ardfert ’99 : rare—Scully. Baltimore ’96, Kilkern ’91—Phillips. By R. Lee—Power #7.’45, Carrigrohane—287. Midleton ’00: frequent as an escape—Phillips. Fethard ’97—P. ‘‘ Grows freely”’ at Castleconnell ’00—R. D. O’Brien. Howth ’00: rare—Colgan. Mornington, well established, ’96—P. Foxford, naturalized, ’00—P. Sands north of Boyne mouth, established, ’96—P. Buncrana and Bundoran, established—F7. Don. Near Rostrevor [’90 |—S. & P. 873. Established in at least some of the above localities. Occurs in many other stations as a casual escape. Papaver Rheas, L. Corn Poppy. Census 34+(3)—East 15, Centre 11, West 8+(8). (1 Kerry S. (2 Kerry N. 8 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 7 Tipp. 8. “Railway near Camp ’94, casual—Scully.) *Killarney 794, casual—Scully.) Baltimore ’96: rare—Phillips. Donoughmore ’94: frequent in south—Phillips. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. : Ballyscanlan ’99—P. Throughout, local. Cahir ’00, Ballinure, Fethard—P. Papaver| PAPAVERACE A 15 8 Limrck. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Askeaton—Hb. L.F.C.! 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’?00—Miss Knowles. F. in N. half. 10 Tipp. N. Rapla’99—P. Common. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’98: frequent—P. 12 Wexford {Enniscorthy ’98—P. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’99: locally common—P. 14 Queen’s Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Maryboro’, Dunmore—P. 15 Galw. SE. North of Gort ’?00—P. Frequent in SE. and SW. 16 Galw. W. {Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. Oranmore ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Tullamore ’99: common—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’96: frequent throughout—P. 20 Wicklow Bray and Greystones ’94—P. Very local ?. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: common—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare ’00: common—P. 23 Westmth. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Frequent in the west—P. 24 Longfd. Ballymahon and Newtowncashel only, common— P. 25 Roscomn. Athlone and Ballinasloe ’99—P. 26 Mayo EK. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse ! 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny, garden weed, ’99—Marshall. 28 Shgo Railway at Collooney ’96—Colgan. 29 Leitrim {Tullaghan ’99—P. 31 Louth Dundalk ’00: frequent along whole coast—P. 32 Monaghn. Glasslough ’00—P. (35Dongl. W. Rathmullan, casual—/V. Don.) 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Common near Armagh: casual elsewhere, ’92—P. 38 Down Killough ’98—P. Rare and local. 39 Antrim Lisburn established ’98—P. Casual elsewhere. 40 L’derry Magilligan ’94—P. Abundant in parts of the centre and east; the Field Poppy thins out westward and northward, and is practically absent from the extreme south-west and north-west. It is distinctly calcicole, and is rare in those divisions where limestone does not predominate. Papaver dubium L. Divisions all, except 28 Sligo, 29 Leitrim, 33 Fermanagh. Commoner than P. Rheas, with a similar distribution, being rarest in the north- west. Not so distinctly calcicole as the last. 16 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. Vigeuippanss 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 17 Galw. NE. 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 27 Mayo W. 31 Louth 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 Lderry PAPAVERACE [Papaver {Papaver Argemone L. Census 24—Kast 15, Centre 5, West 4. The Island at Clonakilty ’91—Phillips. Crosshaven ’98: rare—Phillips. Kilerea—Allin FV. Midleton, Little Island ’?00—Phillips. Ardmore, Miss Grubb— Cy). I. Vale of Aherlow ’00—P. . Kailfenora ’00—Miss Knowles. Corrofin—Cyé. 11. Fiddown bridge ’00—P. Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. South only, rare. Borris ’98—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Ahascragh ’96—P. Near Athy, Carroll— Cy. I. Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. F. on N. half of coast. Rogerstown ’00: rare—Colgan. Oldcastle, Kilmessan, Mornington, ’96—P. Athlone ’99—P. Lough Ree (B. & V.)—Levinge 784. Ballymahon ’00—P. Athlone frequent ’99—P. Kiltoom—B. & V. 773. Mallaranny, garden weed, ’99—Marshall. Greenore ’00—P. Frequent round Dundrum Bay. Lurgan and Armagh ’92—P. Dundonald, Stewart : north only, rare—/V. VE. Curran ’89—P. South only, very rare—/#/. VE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Very rare—/f. VE. Chiefly in the east, in gravel-pits and sandy fields, and by road- sides. Nowhere abundant. {Papaver hybridum L. Census 10+(1)—East 6+(1), Centre 2, West 2. (4 Cork Mid? Blackrock, Power—Allin F7.’83. ?—Phillips.) 5 Cork EK. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 12 Wexford Little Island ’00—Phillips. Askeaton ’?00—P. Muckinish ’95—Colgan. Frequent in N. half. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Glauciwwm| Galw. SE. Wicklow Dublin Longfd. Louth Down PAPAVERACE A Wi/ Chevy Chase’00—P. Frequent in the west. Greystones ’93—P. By coast in the north, rare. Portrane ’00 : rare—Colgan. Elfeet Bay on L. Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Greenore ’95— P. Killough ’98—Davyies 265. Holywood, Groomsport— Fl. NE. The remarks under the last species apply equally to this. Meconopsis cambrica Vig. Welsh Poppy. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Queen’s Galw. W. Wicklow Sligo Tyrone Down Antrim L’derry Census 11—Kast 5, Centre 3, West 3. Coumshingaun L.’93—Flemyng. Poulnagolm— Cy). I. Glancushnabinnian in the Galtees ’80— Hart 372. Sixmilebridge, C. B. Barrington—Hart ’81 369. Glendine Gap ’97—P. By the Barrow, D.Moore— Cy).I. Muckanaght ’82—Hart 380. Devil’s Glen ’00—C. Waterfall. Dargle; Glencree. Ben Bulben and King’s Mountain ’84—B. & V. 772. Ballyskeagh Hill ’69—Sigerson 838. Above Rostrevor ’97—P. Grey Man’s Path ’00—Mrs. Swan. Garron Point. Magilligan Braes, Brenan—S. & P. ’95 874. Glaucium flavum Crantz. Horned Poppy. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Watertfd. Clare Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Census 16—East 9, Centre 0, West 7. Near Rossbehy ’92—Scully. Near Tralee ’94: rare and local—Scully. Near Mizen Head ’96: frequent in south—Phillips. Currabinny ’00 (Scully)—Phillips. Ringaskiddy. Ballyvodock ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Not rare on the coast. Scattery I.’00—O’ Brien! Shannon and Inishmaan only. Courtown ’94—Mrs. Tatlow! Frequent—Hart 387. Tawin ’99—Mrs. Joyce. Rinville, Carrowmore, ’99—P. Salthill ?00—Phillips. Barna Head ’99—P. Ballyloughaun abundant’99— P. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. C 18 PAPAVERACEA. FUMARIACEA [Glaucowm 20 Wicklow Newcastle ’00—C. Waterfall. Coast f., especially in N. 21 Dublin Sutton ’00: rare—-Colgan. 22 Meath Gormanstown ’95--P. Mayden Tower—ZJr. FV. 31 Louth Greenore ’00, and f. round Dundalk Bay—P. 38 Down Glassdrumman ’97—P. S. half of coast, local. Along the east coast from Cork to above Strangford Lough. On the west coast extremely local: the Galway stations all lie within a three-mile radius. Absent from the north, including Donegal (Hart 400). *Chelidonium majus L. Celandine. Census 32—East 14, Centre 11, West 7. Divisions all, except 12 Wexford, 16 Galway W., 17 Galway NE., 27 Mayo W., 28 Sligo, 29 Leitrim, 50 Cavan, 32 Monaghan. Usually not far from houses. *Corydalis lutea DC. Yellow Fumitory. | 15 Galw. SE. Roxborough, Hart— Cyd. II. 20 Wicklow Ballyarthur’94 many years established, Bayly— Cyd. 11 35 Dongl. W. Fanet and Letterkenny established—/V. Don. 58 Down Hillsborough established ’92—P. 39 Antrim Crumlin ‘ quite naturalized” ’64—B.N.F.C. 277. Garden origin in all cases; but appears established in the above selected stations. Corydalis claviculata DC. Climbing Fumitory. Census 5—EHast 4, Centre 0, West 1. 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg’00—Grubb 357, and P. Along Blackwater. 11 Kilkny. White Horse Rock on R. Barrow ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Luggela’94—P. Chiefly in NW., frequent there. 21 Dublin Carrickmines ’00—Colgan. South only, rare. 34 Dongl. E. Culmore abundant ’74—W. E. Hart 708. Old records from 4, 16,17, 29, and 38 need confirmation. South- east, with an outlying station in Donegal. Calcifuge. Fumaria} FUMARIACE 2 19 Fumaria pallidiflora Jord. Fumitory (genus). Census 24—East 10, Centre 4, West 10. Kerry 8. Kell’s Bay ’92: rare—Scully. Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’96: frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore ’94: common—Phillips. Cork E. Youghal’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. Tipp. S. SE. of Slievenaman ’00—P. Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Frequent in N. half. Tipp. N. Roscrea ’?00—Phillips. Wexford Near Wexford ’97—Marshall 539. Queen’s Maryborough ’93—P. 772. Galw. SE. Loughrea ’00—Phillips. Portumna; Castle Taylor. Galw. W. {Inishbofin ’75—More 676. Galw. NE. Oranmore ’99—P. a I noanrwoowonwtoartk whe 20 Wicklow Shillelagh ’99—P. Greystones; Fassaroe. 21 Dublin Kilgobbin ’00: frequent—Colgan. 28 Sligo Strandhill ’97—P. 34 Dongl. EK. Malin Head ’93—P. 727. {F. throughout—/7/. Don. 35 Dongl. W. {Frequent throughout—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Armagh, &c.: rare, ’92—P. 38 Down Saul ’90—P. Common—/V. VE. (Se) le) Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/V. VE. L’derry Toome, Stewart—Fl. NH. Frequent ?—S. & P. 874. fie oS No doubt more wide-spread than would appear from the above records. The distribution of none of the Fumitories is yet worked out. Fumaria Borer Jord. Census 14—East 7, Centre 4, West 3. 2 Kerry N. Near Killarney railway station ’90—Druce. 10 Tipp. N. Cloughjordan ’00—P. 12 Wexford Near Carnew ’00—Marshall. SE., c.—Marshall 539. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99, St. Mullin’s ’98—P. 17 Galw. NE. By R. Suck at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. 18 King’s Clara ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Carnew ’00—Marshall. Shillelagh ’99—P. 21 Dublin Rathfarnham ’94—P. 20 24 25 28 31 38 39 “SID OP & DH — (o2) Longfd. Roscomn. Sligo Louth Down Antrim FUMARIACEA [Fumaria ~ Ballymahon ’00—P. Athlone ’98, and by R. Suck at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. Strandhill ’97—P. Dunleer ’00—P. Giant’s Ring, Stewart—/?. VEZ. Glenmore, Davies—Babington ’60 78. Probably common. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wextord Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Dongl. E. Tyrone 7 Armagh Down Fumaria confusa Jord. Census 29—East 10, Centre 8, West 11. Kenmare ’00: rather rare—Scully. Ardfert 99: frequent—Scully. Schull ’96: frequent—Phillips. Coachford ’96: common—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. NW. of Cahir ’00—P. Doon ’00—P. Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Rapla bog near Nenagh ’99—P. Granny ’98—P. Rosslare ’96—Marshall 537. Below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Portumna and Loughrea ’00—Phillips. Oughterard’95—M.& 8.545. Inveran; Inishbofin- North of Tuam, and Oranmore ’99—P. Near Wicklow—More ’72 672. Portrane ’00: frequent—Colgan. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 487. Granard ’99—P. West of Athlone ’99—P. Mallaranny ’?99—Marshall. Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Mohill ’00—Somervilie. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Inishowen, More—F¥. Don. By the Foyle ’00—Miss Knowles. Armagh and Newry: probably frequent, ’92—P. Mourne district f. *89-90—S. & P. 873. Stranmillis. No doubt common. Fumaria) FUMARIACEA 21 Fumaria muralis Sonder. Census 14—East 7, Centre 4, West 3. 3 Cork W. Inisherkin ’96—Phillips. 7 Tipp. S. Cahir and Carrick-on-Suir ’?00—P. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. 14 Queen’s Maryborough esker ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. South of Kinvarra ’00—P. 17 Galw. NE. By R. Suir at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. 18 King’s Common about Edenderry ’96—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’95, Colgan— Cyd. II. 22 Meath Oldcastle and Trim ’96—P. 25 Roscomn. By R. Suir at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. 31 Louth Boyne mouth and Dunany ’96—P. 37 Armagh Near Armagh ’92—P. 38 Down Saintfield ’93, Waddell— W.B.E.C. ’93-4. 39 Antrim Rathlin ’82—Stewart. Malone, Corry—Fl. VE. Probably frequent. Fumaria densiflora DC. Census 4—East 2, Centre 0, West 2. 17 Galw. NE. Frequent around Tuam ’99—P. 21 Dublin Finglas ’95—Colgan. Portmarnock ’90—Druce 284. 29 Leitrim Mohill ’00—Somerville. 37 Armagh NE. of Armagh ’92—P. Fumaria officinalis L. Census 28—East 14, Centre 6, West 8. 1 Kerry 8. Ballinskelligs ’92: rather rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull ’96: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Coachford ’96: common—Phillips. 5 Cork E. —Castletownroche ’00: common—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg ’?00—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Vale of Aherlow ’00, Slievenaman, Fethard—P. 8 Limrek. Limrck. ’99—Somerville. Ringmoylan—Stewart 863. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. Inishmaan, Inisheer—Hart 365. 10 Tipp. N. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan’00—P. 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Saltees ’82—Hart 3&4. FUMARIACEH. CRUCIFERA [fumaria Carlow Milford ’98—P. Queen’s Cullenagh ’97, Graigue ’98—P. Galw. SE. Loughrea’00—Phillips. Kalcolgan, Portumna—P. Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00, Ahascragh ’96—P. Kildare Kilkea Castle ’99, Kilcock ’96—P. Wicklow Frequent— Guide ’78. Dublin Skerries ’00: frequent—Colgan. Meath Bective ’96, Sheve Bregh ’?00—P. Trim—Stewart. Roscomn. Athlone ’98, R. Suck at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. Louth Dunleer ’00, Termonfeckin, Ardee—P. Dongl. E. {Common throughout—/7. Don. Dongl. W.tCommon throughout—/7. Don. Tyrone Strabane, ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down Tullymurry ’88—P. Frequent—S. & P. 872. Antrin Larne ’89—P. Frequent—S. & P. 872. L’derry Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent. Generally assumed to be a common plant, and probably so, but its distribution is stillimperfectly known, and is therefore enene in detail, so far as existing records go. 12 —" “ID Or BP O bO Oo eo Matthiola sinuata R. Br. Sea Stock. Census 2+(1)—East 1, Centre 0, West 1+(1). Kerry N. Beal Castle—Smith 1756 823. Not seen since). Clare Straw Island’94, O’ Kelly— Cyé. 11. Dough—Wadegoz. Wexford Ballyconigar, Tinnyberna, Kilmuckridge’81—Hart}37r. Extinct in Kerry, and very nearly soin Clare. *Cheiranthus Cheiri L. Wallflower. Census 27 —East 12, Centre 7, West 8. Kerry N. Ardfert ’99—Scully. Cork W. Bandon ’99—Phillips. Cork Mid Blackrock ’99 : frequent—Philhps. Cork E. Rocks at Myrtlehill, Cork, c., 00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Tipp. 8. Fethard ’?00—Phillips. Old walls in many towns. Limrek. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Tipp. N. Nenagh ’00—Phillips. Nasturtwm| CRUCIFERA 23 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Thomastown ’98—P. 13 Carlow Carlow ’00—Miss F. Wynne! 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’?00—Phillips. 16 Galw. NE. Galway ’00—Phillips. 17 Galw. NE. Galway ’00—Phillips. 19 Kildare Kildare ’97—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. 21 Dublin Drimnagh castle ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Trim and Bective ’00—P. 23 Westmth. Athlone ’98—P. 25 Roscomn. Athlone ’98—P. 28 Sligo Sligo ’97—P. 31 Louth Carlingford ! and Drogheda! ’00—Mrs. Swan. 32 Monaghn. Ballybay ’00—Somervyille. 34 Dongl. E. Redcastle—J/F7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Donegal, Doe Castle, Rathmullan—//. Don. 36 Tyrone Benburb ’80—B.N.F.C. 777. 38 Down Quoile castle ?00—P. Naturalized—S. & P. S74. 39 Antrim Larne ’98—P. Naturalized—S. & P. 874. On old buildings in all the above cases except the Cork East station: abundant and established about a large number of towns, and no doubt oceurs in all or nearly all divisions. Nasturtium officinale R. Br. Watercress. Divisions all. Common. Nasturtium sylvestre RK. Br. Census 10—East 4, Centre 4. West 2. 5 Cork KE. R&R. Suir near Fermoy ’84—Hart 388. 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg ’00—P. Lismore, c.,’96, Currey— Cy). II. 7 Tipp.S. Clonmel ’00—Phillips. Carrick-on-Suir’00—P. 8 Limreck. Shannon at Limerick, and f. by Lough Gur, ’?00—P. 11 Kilkny. Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. Barrow and Nore, r. 14 Queen’s Mountrath and Monasterevan, ’84— Hart 383, 388. 16 Galw. W. Quay wall at the Claddagh ’00—Phillips! 19 Kildare Barrow below Monasterevan ’84—Hart 383. 27 Mayo W. +{Roadside at Westport ’99—Marshall. 33 Ferman. Belleisle ?00—West and Tetley ! Chiefly about the river system of the south-east. 24 2 Kerry N. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. Ueekip pes: 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 380 Cavan 31 Louth 32 Monaghn. 33 Ferman. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 389 Antrim 40 L’derry CRUCIFERA [Nasturtium Nasturtium palustre DC. Census 34—East 14, Centre 12, West 8. Killarney ’88—Scully. Tralee—Scully 823. Lough of Cork ’96, Ovens—Phillips. R. Lee—Cyb. I1. Castletownroche ’00: frequent—Phillips. Cappoquin ’00—Phillips. Along the Blackwater only. Ardmayle ’98—P. F. along the Suir—Hart 355, and P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Aran Isles ’69—Hart 365. Bushfield ’99, Cloughjordan, Barracurra—P. L. Cullin’98—P. Bennett’s Bridge, ’84—Hart 388. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. Bagenalstown ’99—P. Fenagh, Browne—More 6z¢. Garryland, More— Cy). I. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Killower Lough ’99: frequent—P. Banagher ’98—P. Kilcock’96—P. F. along R. Barrow-—-Hart, and P. Blackrock ’00—P. Rare—Colgan. Coonen Hill 95, L. Crew, Whitewood, Droshet an L. apes 84 484. L. Te Cyb. I. Newtowncashel ’00—P. L. Ree v. r. ’85-6—B. & V. z73. Along the Suck. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Ballina ’00—P. Foxford, More— Cyd. I. Ardnaree ’00—P. Ballinamore ’00—Somerville. Frequent in 8. half. L. Oughter ’96, L. Ramor—P. Tomkin Road. Kerney’s Cross ’97, Clogher Head—P. Tinure—ZJr. F7. Rockcorry ’00—P. Frequent—Somerville, and P. Belleisle ?00—West. Frequent. Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Markethill: throughout, rare, ’92—P. Newtownards ’91—P. Frequent—F/. VEZ. Glendun ’93—-Shoolbred 837. Frequent—Fl. VE. Kilrea ’94—P. Frequent in Bann valley. Apparently absent from Donegal, but probably the other gaps in its distribution will be filled. Nasturtium| yer) Gar SS io.2) CRUCIFERAG 25 Nasturtium amphibium R. Br. Water Radish. Cork W. Cork E. Waterid. aie: Limrck. Clare Rips Ni. Kilkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE King’s Wicklow Meath ‘Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Census 30—East 10, Centre 12, West 8. R. Blackwater above Mallow ’84—Hart 358. Blackwaternear Fermoy’94—P. Ballyhooly—AlIlin 77. Clonmel ’97—P. Also on the Blackwater. Cahir ’00, Ardmayle, Thurles—P. Limerick ’00—P. C. by R. Shannon—R. D. O’Brien. Inchiquin L. ’99—Miss Knowles. Killaloe; Ennis. Youghal Bay ’99, Portumna ’97—P. Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. Borris—Hart 383. Bagenalstown ’99, Borris, Graiguenamanagh—P. Erkina R. below Durrow ’84—Hart 388. R. Barrow, r. Portumna ’98—P. . Killower Lough ’99, and frequent in the east— P. Near Clonmacnoise’99—Colgan. Shannonf., Barrow r. Murrough, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Beaupare ’00: local on the Boyne—P. L. Ree, Barrington—Levinge zéz. Athlone—Stewart. Lough Forbes ’00—P. L. Key ’97, along R. Suck—P. L. Ree—B. & V. 773. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse! Hollymount—More 600. West of Castlebar ’?99—Marshall. Ballina ’00—P. Ardnaree ’00—P. Ballinamore ’00—Somerville. Frequent in 8. half. L. Oughter and Mt. Nugent ’96—P. Tomkin Road. Portora ’99—West. Frequent. Erne below Ballyshannon—/?¥. Don. Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Portadown, Charlemont, and f. along L. Neagh’92—P. Lagan Canal ec. ’92—B.N.F.C. zz7._ Lagan only. Portmore ’86-——-P. Bann basin only, frequent. Kilrea ’94—P. Bann basin only, frequent. Barbarea vulgaris R. Br. Winter Cress. Divisions all. Frequent throughout. 26 28 Sligo 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry CRUCIFERA [Barbarea Barbarea intermedia Boreau. Census 5—East 4, Centre 0, West 1. Lough Key ’97—P. Armagh &c.,: frequent, especially in N., ’92—P. Saintfield ?98—P. Frequent—/7. VE. Stoneyford ’88—P. Frequent—//. VE. Kilrea ’94—Mrs. Leebody. ? Frequent. Almost confined to the north-east, where it is established and wide- spread. 1 Kerry 8. 8 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 21 Dublin 37 Armagh 38 Down *Barbarea preecox R. Br. Census 8—KEast 6, Centre 0, West 2. Kenmare ’90-—Scully. Baltimore ’97—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’96—Phillips. Passage—Power 7. Castletownroche’00, Dodge’s glen, Dunkettle—Phillips. Ardmore, J. Sullivan— Cyd. I. Garden wall at Lucan ’67-72, More— Cy). II. Lurgan ’92—P. Struell ’92—P. An introduced plant in all cases. Gelipps Ss: 29 Leitrim 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 5 Cork E. 7 Tipp. 8. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 15 Galw. SE. Arabis petrea Lamk. Near Lough Curra in the Galtees ’80—Hart 372. Glenade ’84—Barrington & Vowel 772. Arabis hirsuta Scop. Rock Cress. Census 27—East 10, Centre 6, West 11. Derrynane ’00—Scully. Rare and local. Abbeydorney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Castletownroche’00—Phillips. Castlelyons; Kilcoleman. Fethard ’?00—Phillips. Lough Gur ’00—P. Local, common on,the limestone. Blackhead’99—Miss Knowles. Common in N., rarein 8. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Frequent in centre and N.—P. Tullow ’99, Bagenalstown, Leighlinbridge—P. Gort 00, Oranmore’99—P. Castle Taylor—More 598. Cardamune| CRUCIFERA 27 16 Galw. W. Cong ’95—Marshall. Maumeen ’82—Hart 380. 17 Galw. NE. Knockmae ’99—P. Frequent. 19 Kildare Poulaphuca and Ballymore ’00—P. 21 Dublin St. Doolagh’s ’?99—P. 22 Meath Beaupare ’?00—P. 25 Roscomn. NW. of Athlone ’98—P. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe’94—-Mrs. Persse! About Cong’95—Marshall. 27 Mayo W. Killala ’59—Moore 5724. 28 Sligo Annaghmore ’00: frequent in east half—P. 29 Leitrim Glenade, L. Gill,’99—P. Faughrey Mtn. ’96—Colgan. 30 Cavan {Cavan railway station ’85—P. 31 Louth Ballymascanlan— Wade 1804 goz. 33 Ferman. Belmore Mountain ’00—West. Local. 34 Dongl. E. Greencastle, Ballyshannon: N. and 8., local— FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Ardara, &c.: from N. to 8.— Fl. Don. 38 Down Dundrum ’99—B.N.F.C. 739. Murloch—F7. Uist. 39 Antrim Tievebulliagh, Brenan—S. & P. 874. 40 L’derry Magiligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Benevenagh, Craig- nashoke. Very unequally distributed. Abundant on some of the stretches of limestone in the west, but usually local and rare, though with a wide distribution. Arabis ciliata R. Br. Census 5—East 0, Centre 0, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. Near Dingle’83—Hart 38z. Derrynane—Mackay 522. 3 Cork W. West extremity of barony of Bere—Drummond 719 287. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan’85—Murray 637. Inishmore—Hart 365. 16 Galw. W. Dog’s Bay ’85—Linton 502. Renvyle—Mackay 522. 35 Dongi. W. Kincashla Point ’94—/7. Don. There is room for confusion between A. ciliata and A. hirsuta var. glabrata. Inishmore specimens of mine collected as the former prove to be the latter (803). Rey. E. 8. Marshall believes that the West of Treland A. hirsuta may be A. ciliata var. hispida. Cardamine amara L. Bitter Cress. Census 6—East 3, Centre 2, West 1. 30 Cavan Killikeen, N. J. Halpin—/?. Uist. ’64. 384 Dongl. E. Near Ballindrait ’983—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Favour Royal ’87—Hart 392. Derryloan—J/l. Uist. 28 CRUCIFERA | Cardamune 88 Down Canal, Lisburn!’92—Davies. Belvoir Park; Ballyalloly. 39 Antrim Lagan near Belfast’95—P. Antrim, Stewart—F/. VE. 40 Liderry Castledawson and near Toome, D. Moore—Cybd. J. Confined to Ulster, where it is rare and local. Cardamine pratensis L. Lady’s Smock, Cuckoo-flower. Divisions all. Common. Cardamine hirsuta L. Divisions all. Common. Cardamine flexuosa With. Divisions all, except 9 Clare, where it no doubt occurs. Common. {Draba muralis L. Census 4+(1)—East 4+(1), Centre 0, West 0. (4 Cork Mid Cork—Power 77. Blarney—287. Casuals—Phillips.) 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97, Ballyragget and Jenkinson House ’99—P. 21 Dublin Common on walls at Glasnevin, Scully— Cy). II. 38 Down Walls at Roger’s nursery at Newry ’96—Lett ! 39 Antrim Old bridge at Armoy ’96—B.N.F.C. 732. Seems established on many old walls in Kilkenny, but it is still doubtful if it is a permanent member of the flora, as it has disappeared from several former stations, and appears to be a new-comer in Dublin and possibly elsewhere. Draba incana L. Census 8—East 1, Centre 0, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. South side of the Reeks ’81—Hart 373. 16 Galw. W. South shores of L. Mask (F. J. Foot)—More ’72 6z¢. 27 Mayo W. Killala on sandhills ’00—P. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben’00-—West and Tetley. East half frequent. 29 Leitrim Glenade, c.,’99—P. Faughrey Mtn. ’96—Colgan. 384 Dongl. KE. Near Buncrana and Ballyshannon—J/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Mulroy, Ardara, &c.: rare—F7. Don. 4) Lderry Magilligan sandhills ?97—Mrs. Leebody. Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 837. At intervals up the western side from Kerry to Derry. Cochlearia] CRUCIFERA 29 Erophila vulgaris DC. (Draba verna L.) Whitlow-grass. Divisions all, except 32 Monaghan and 36 Tyrone, in which it probably occurs. Frequent in almost all divisions, but becomes rare and local in the north. Cochlearia officinalis L. Scurvy-grass. All maritime and most sub-maritime divisions, on coasts and estuaries —namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 387, 38, 89, 40. Also on mountains (var. alpina) in 1, 3, 7, 16, 28, 29, 35, 40. Cochlearia danica L. Census 21—Kast 11, Centre 1, West 9. KerryS. Caherciveen’92—Scully. Dingle’56—Hind 427. Cork W. Baltimore ’96: frequent in the south—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshayven, ’00 : common—Phillips. Cork E. Whitegate ’00 : common—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonea’99—P. Dunmore East ’89—B. &G. zor. Clare Fisherstreet ’00—Miss Knowles. Common in N. half. 12 Wexford Courtown ’97—Marshall. Common on the south coast. 15 Galw. SE. Common at Oranmore ’00—P. 16 Galw. W. Cashel ’94—P. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 17 Galw. NE. St. Nicholas Church Galway ’99—P. F. about Galway. 20 Wicklow Bray Head’96, Scully—Cyb. II. Rare? 21 Dublin Kingstown ’00: frequent— Colgan. 28 Sligo Ballysadare and Rosses Point ’97—P. 29 Leitrim On the coast ’97—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00—P. 85 Dongl. W. Rosapenna, Dunfanaghy, Ballyvoyle : rare ?—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone By the Foyle, ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Newry River ’92—P. 38 Down Killough ’00—P. Rare—/V. VE. 39 Antrim Portrush ’00—Tetley. Rare—//. VE. 40 L’derry Portstewart ’?00—Miss Knowles. Rare? OoOnmarkr We Maritime divisions all, except 2, 8, 22, 27, 34. Rather local round the coast. 30 om Ok wr 11 12 36 40 3 4 oy) Kerry 8. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Kalkny. Wexford Tyrone L’derry CRUCIFERAE _ [ Cochlearia Cochlearia anglica L. Census 10— East 6, Centre 2, West 2. Kenmare ’99 (Scully)—Phillips. Skibbereen ’96—Phillips. Rochestown ’00: f. about Cork harbour—Phillips. Rossmore ’00 : frequent near Cork harbour—Phillips. Tramore ’99—Phillips. Foynes ’99—Somerville. Limerick—Hb. L.F.C! New Ross ’00—Phillips. Frequent by tidal waters—P. Courtown ’97—Marshall. C. on southern estuaries. By the Foyle, common, ’96—Miss Knowles! New Buildings at Londonderry ’95—Mrs. Leebody ! South coasts, with an outlying habitat along the Foyle. Possibly more widespread than would appear by the present records. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. 12 Wexford 20 25 Wicklow Roscomn. 380 Cavan 33 38 39 Bm co bo Ferman. Down Antrim *Hesperis matronalis L. Dame’s Violet. Census 10 —East 6, Centre 3, West 1. Near Schull, garden outcast, ’96—Phillips. Mountdesart, Blarney—Power F7. Outcasts—Phillips. Glanworth—Allin #7. Youghal—Power 7. Escapes — Phillips. Rockmount, J. Morrison—More ’72 6z4. Poulaphuca (Barrington), and Dargle—Gwide ’78. Rockingham, D. Moore—More ’72 674. Oldcastle, N. J. Halpm—/or. Ab. 36. Near Derrygonelly ’99— West. tBallylesson and Castlereagh—FV. Belfast. 63. Shane’s Castle, Corry—/V. VE. I include this species out of deference to the views of the editors of the second edition of Cybele. I have never seen it except as an obvious escape or casual, and not worth noting. Sisymbrium Thalianum J.Gay. Thale Cress. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Census 28—East 14, Centre 6, West 8. Caragh Lake ’00: rare and local--Scully. Killarney ’99 : rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’97 : rare—Phillips. Blackrock ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. Sisymbriwin| CRUCIFERAi 31 € a a 22 dl Cork E. Whitegate’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonmel ’97—P. Tipp. S. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Frequent. Limrek. Curragh Chase! ’00—O’Brien. Adare; Limerick. Clare Ballyvaughan’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore— Cy. II. Tipp. N. Ballina’99—P. Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Lismaine House ’99—P. Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Carlow Tullow ’99, Borris, Leighlinbridge—P. Queen’s Mountrath ’97, Maryborough ’96—P. Galw. NE. North-east of Galway ’00—Phillips. King’s Birr ’00—Phillips. Wicklow Coolkenna’99—P. Notrarein the NE. Dublin Bailey ’96, McArdle—Hb. Glasnevin! Rare—Colgan. Meath Drogheda ’96—P. Slane—ZJ/r. 77. Mayo EK. Ballinrobe ’93—Mrs. Persse! Mayo W. Moyne Abbey ’00—P. Leitrim Drumahaire ’99—P. Louth Louth abbey ’96—P. Dongl. E. Pennyburn, W. E. Hart—/V. Don. Armagh Lurgan & Portadown ’92 (P.); Ardmore (Lett) Down Movilla, Stewart—//. VE. Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/?. VE. LU’derry. Garvagh ’$9—Miss Knowles. Rare—Fl. VE. ee Oe Sisymbrium officinale Scop. Hedge Mustard. Divisions all. Common. + Sisymbrium Sophia L. Flixweed. Census 7+(1)—Hast 6+(1), Centre 1, West 0. Waterfd. Passage, Miss 8S. Grubb— Cyd. I. Limrek. {Limerick ’97, Bentley—Hb. L.F.C.! Kuldare {Kilcock, roadside, ’96—P. Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Dublin +Rogerstown ’00—Colgan. }Chiefly along the coast, f. Meath {Mornington ’?93—P. Louth +Blackrock, Anagassan ’96—P. Dundalk—/7/. Uist. (39 Antrim *Greenisland’98—Mrs. White Spunner! S.,rare casual.) Fully established along the coast of Dublin; little more than a casual in other stations. 32 21 22 CRUCIFERA [Stsymbrium {Sisymbrium Irio L. London Rocket. Dublin Windy Harbour ’00—P. Suburbs of Dublin, frequent. Sisymbrium Alliaria Scop. Jack-by-the-hedge. Census 33—KEast 14, Centre 11, West 8. Kerry 8. {Kenmare ’00—Scully. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. S. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Killarney ’99: rare and local—Scully. Leemount—Power /7. 45. Blarney—Drummond 287. Castletownroche ’00: rare—Phillips. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb 700. Cahir ’00—P. Frequent. Lough Gur and Doon ’00—P. Inishmore (Fitzgerald) ’95—P. 738. Inishmann—}65. Toomavara ’00, Silvermines ’99—P. Borrisoleigh. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Frequent along Nore—P. Ballintemple ’99, Borris ’98—P. | Mountrath ’97-—P. Frequent. Geashill’96—P. Frequent. Kilcullen ’96—P. Killoughter ’?97—-P. Frequent in NE. Drimnagh ’00: frequent—Colgan. Kilmessan ’?96—P. Common. Knock Drin and L. Deravaragh—Levinge ’94 487. Lough Forbes and near Roosky ’00—P. Killala ’00—P. Knocknarea ’97—P, Frequent. Manorhamilton ’99: throughout—P. Ballyconnell ’00—Somerville. Cavan ’95—P. Braganstown ’97, Killencoole ’96—P. Newbliss ’00—P. Near Clones—Corry ’82 243. Enniskillen ’?99—P. Common. Lag ’98—Hart zo5. Along the Erne—FV. Don. Above Fort Stewart ferry—/V. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Benburb—Cyé. L1. Loughgall, &c.: north only, frequent, ’92—P. Rostrevor ’?90—P. Rare—//. VE. Carnlough ’87—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Umbra Rocks, D. Moore—FV. VE. Very unevenly distributed in the divisions, as the above will show; and generally rare in the west, from Kerry to Donegal. Subularia] CRUCIFERA 83 *Erysimum cheiranthoides L. Census 13—East 3, Centre 7, West 3. 4 Cork Mid Sunday’s Well; Evergreen: casuals—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Ballinure casual ’98—P. 10 Tipp. N. Borrisokane ’00—Phillips. Frequent and established. 15 Galw. SE. Near Portumna, M. Dowd—More ’72 6rz. 16 Galw. W. Claddagh ’00—Phillips. 18 King’s Banagher ’98—P. 21 Dublin Templeogue—Threlkeld 1726 886. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 28. 24 Longfd. §Newtowncashel’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Hudson’s Bay on Lough Ree ’85-6-—B. & V. 773. 33 Ferman. Florencecourt station ’99 and ’00— West. 385 Dongl. W. Mulroy “ abundant garden weed ’—/7. Don. 39 Antrim Near Ballinderry ’37, D. Moore—Cyé. II. Except in Tipperary little more than casual, but it is increasing in Ireland, and will probably soon be a permanent member of the flora. Subularia aquatica L. Awl-wort. Census 6+(5)—East (4), Centre 0, West 6+(1) 1 Kerry S. Connor Hill ’30: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’94: south only—Scully. 3 Cork W. Gougane Barra, Harvey— Cy). I. 9 Clare Between Milltown and Kilkee, D. Moore—Cy). I. 16 Galw. W. Glendalough ’95—Praeger & Carr 80z. Rare, local. 27 MayoW. Mvweelrea ’82—Hart 38o. (35 Dongl. W.? Lough Carban—E. Murphy ’29 629. Not seen since— fl. Don.) (37 Armagh Lough Neagh—Cyéd.I. Canal at Newry—/V. Ulst. Not seen since—extinct ?) (38 Down Lough Neagh—Harris 1744. Canal at Newry—//7. Ulst. Extinct ?) (39 Antrim Common along Lough Neagh, D. Moore— Cyd. 1. Now extinct ?) (40 L’derry Lough Beg ’70, Bann near Coleraine—/V. VE. Now extinct ?) Apparently gone from the north-east, chiefly owing to the lowering in 1855 of Lough Neagh, where the plant formerly grew abundantly. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. D 34 CRUCIFERA [Brassica {Brassica Rapa L. var. Briggsii H. C. Wats. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare — Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Census 39—Kast 15, Centre 13, West 11. *Kenmare ’00: common—NScully. *Listowel ’99 : common—Scully. *Dunmanway 700: frequent—Phillips. *Donoughmore ’96 : common—Phillips. *Cork ’00: common asa relic of cultivation—Phillips. Curraghmore ’00, Clonmel ’97—P. Cahir’00: frequent—P. Limerick, Killonan, Lough Gur, Kilfenora ’00—Miss Knowles. {Cloughjordan ’00—P. Thomastown ’98—P. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Alderton—B. & M. HS. Tullow ’99, Leighlinbridge ’98—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Loughrea ’00—P. S. shores L. Mask, c., wild—Marshall ’99 547. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. Dunmore ’00—P. Birr ’00—Phillips. Edenderry ’96—P. Castletown ’00, Carbury, Ballymore—P. Enniskerry and Greystones ’94—P. Howth, &c. ’99—P. Kilmessan ’00—P. Frequent. Knock Drin ’95 Levinge—W.B.E.C. ’95-6 972. Lough Gowna and near Roosky ’?00—P. Athlone ’98—P. Foxford’00—P. S.shores L. Mask, wild—Marshall 547. Achill Sound, Mallaranny, ’99—Marshall. Ballina—P. {Ballinamore ’00—P. Not rare. Farnham ’96—P. Ballymascanlan ’00, Dunany, Drogheda—P. Annaghmakerig Lake ’00—P. Florencecourt ’?00—P. {Frequent throughout—/7. Don. {Frequent throughout—//. Don. By the Foyle ’00—Miss Knowles. Common ’92—P. Saintfield’99—P. Common—/?/. VE. °00—P. Rare. Brassica] CRUCIFERA 35 39 Antrim Rathlin ’89—P. 683. Common—/7. VEZ. 40 L’derry Magilligan ’94—P. Common—/FV. VF. This, the Brassica campestris of Irish records, is distributed in more or less abundance over the whole country, and in many districts appears thoroughly naturalized, growing profusely on rough banks and waste ground, and on bare limestone ‘‘ crags”’ in the west. Brassica nigra Koch. Black Mustard. Census 13+(2)—East 5+(2), Centre 2, West 6. 1 Kerry 8S. Waterville 00: rather rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Crookhaven’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Eastferry ’00: f£. about Cork Harbour—Phillips. 8 Limrek. {Limerick ’00—P. 9 Clare Kilfenora, Ballyvaughan,’00—Miss Knowles. N., rare. 12 Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. FF. and native in SE. 16 Galw. W. {Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 20 Wicklow Greystones ’?00—P. Blackstones, D. Moore—Cy). I. 21 Dublin Skerries ’00: seems native—P. Rare—Colgan. 31 Louth Dunany ’96—P. 35 Dongl. W.{Mountcharles—/V. Don. (39 Antrim Larne—More 674. *Belfast, &c.: casual—FV. VL.) (40 L’derry *Kilrea, D. Moore: casual—/7. VZ.) Native or naturalized on the south and east coasts (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 20, 21, 31),andinClare. Apparently not established elsewhere. Not seen in the north-east for half a century. Brassica Sinapis Visiani. Charlock. Divisions all. Abundant. Brassica alba Boiss. White Mustard. Census 33—Kast 13, Centre 9, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. *Derrynane ’96: little more than casual—Scully. 2 Kerry N. {Kolfenora ’94: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Baltimore’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ringaskiddy’00 (Scully): frequent on coast—Phillips. DZ 36 CRUCIFERA [Brassica 5 Cork E. Near Cork ’00: frequent —Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Not common. 8 Limrck. Limerick ’00—P. Singland’97, Bentley—Hb. L.F.C.! 9 Clare Kilfenora ’00— Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran. 10 Tipp. N. Toomavara ’00: frequent throughout—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98, Kilkenny ’97—P. 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Priesthaggard—B. & G. zoo. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99, Borris, Bagenalstown—P. Frequent. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96: frequent—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford ’98: frequent throughout— P. 16 Galw. W. Ross ’99—P. Frequent in SE., very rare elsewhere. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99: common throughout—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’97: throughout, not rare—P. 20 Wicklow Kilmacanoge ’94—P. Bray; Greystones. Rare? 21 Dublin Baldoyle ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Moate and Athlone ’99—P. 24 Longfd. | Newtowncashel and Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99: common in south half—P. 26 Mayo EK. Claremorris, common; Foxford, Ballyhaunis, ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Achill Sound ’?99—Marshall. Common. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00—P. Very frequent. 31 Louth Dunleer ’00: frequent throughout—P. 34 Dongl. E. {Glenmore and Laghy—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. {Churchill rare—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Castleisland ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. 38 Down Ardglass ?92—P. In S. half only, very local. 40 Lderry Abundant at Magilligan, Tennant—/7. VE. Quite unequally distributed, but probably in all divisions. Com- moner in the west than in the east, and becoming scarce and local in the north. {Diplotaxis muralis DC. Wall Mustard. Census 17—East 8, Centre 5, West 4. 3 Cork W. Clonakilty ’96 (Scully), Millstreet ’00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid East of Millstreet ’?00—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Fota and Tivoli ’?00—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ardmore, on cliffs and sand, J. Cooke— Cyd. I. Senebiera] — el Foo mst nak © WHF 12 eee Or we CoO — ID ¢ Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Sligo Louth Armagh CRUCIFERA 37 Bansha ’00—Phillips. Holycross, Vowell— Cyé. II. Killonan’00—P. Limerick ’97, O’ Brien—Hb. L.F.C.! Ballyvaughan ’?00—Miss Knowles! Templemore ’00—Phillips. Near Galway ’00—P. Wicklow ’90, Levinge— Cyd. IT. Sutton! ’00—Colgan. Local, chiefly on G. N. Railway. Laytown ’96, Enfield ’99—P. West of Moate ’99—P. West of Athlone, and east of Ballinasloe ’99—P. Ballysadare ’00—P. Sligo harbour ’96—Colgan. Dunleer ’00, Ardee, Castlebellingham—P. Wellington cutting near Newry ’92—P. 705. An interesting colonist, spreading rapidly along railways. First noticed at Portmarnock, Dublin, in 1837. Confined to railway tracks, except in 3, 6, 9, 21 and 28. Capsella Bursa-pastoris Moench. Shepherd’s Purse. Divisions all. Common. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. {Senebiera didyma Pers. Census 23—East 11, Centre 4, West 8. Kenmare ’99: rare, locally abundant—Scully. Tralee 99: rather rare—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: frequent in the south—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00: common—Phillips. Youghal ’00 : common— Phillips. Kilmacthomas ’99 : common throughout—P. Fethard ’97—P. Common in the south. Rathkeale ’97—O’Brien! F. along R. Shannon. Malbay ’99—Miss Knowles. Coast c., r. inland. Dromineer ’96—Colgan. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse! Suir, Nore, and Barrow, f. Fishertown—B. & M. ’93 r03. Frequent on coast. Leighlinbridge ’99 : common along R. Barrow—P. Graigue ’98—P. Gort ’00, Oranmore, Kinvarra—P. Frequent in west. Clifden ’98—Colgan. Coast, rare but widespread. Tuam, and common on coast, ’99—P. 38 CRUCIFERA [ Senebiera 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. 21 Dublin Booterstown ’00—Colgan. Rare, chiefly about Dublin. 27 Mayo W. Newport and Achill Sound ’99— Marshall. 31 Louth Carlingford abundant ’?00—P. 38 Down Killough ’98—Davies 736. Dundrum ’87—P. 39 Antrim Giant’s Causeway ’94—Miss Knowles! Magheramorne, Stewart—/7. WE. Chiefly about towns. Has its headquarters in the south, where it is abundant inland as well as near the sea. As we pass northward it becomes confined to the coast, and less frequent, and in Ulster is very rare, and only just establishing itself. The Portstewart plant of Suppl. Fl. NE. is S. Coronopus. Senebiera Coronopus Poiret. Swine’s Cress. Census 28— East 14, Centre 5, West 9. Kerry 8. Valentia ’92: rare, locally abundant—Scully. Kerry N. Ardfert 99: locally abundant—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’96: frequent in the south— Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: frequent near the sea— Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Dunmore ’97—P. Not common—Hart 384. Tipp. 8. Cashel ’98, Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. Limrek. Askeaton and Limerick ’00—P. Clare Blackhead ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent on coast. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’99—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent in tidal places. 12 Wexford {Enniscorthy—B. & M.’92 zo2. Frequent on coast. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99—P. 15 Galw. SE. Ardfry ’99: common on coast—P. 16 Galw. W. Clifden ’98—Colgan. Coast, at intervals. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam, and common on coast, ’99—P. 19 Kildare Curragh ’97, Athy, Leixlip—P. 20 Wicklow Greystones ’00—P. Rare? 21 Dublin Skerries ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath # Navan and Kilmessan ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Near Athlone (’85-6, B. & V.)—Levinge 484. 24 Longfd. | Newtowncashel and south of Lanesborough ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Killala’00—P. Downpatrick Head, Dickie—/7. Ulst. 31 Louth Dundalk ’00: coast, frequent—P. CON nanrFrwbhd = Lepidium| 34 Dongl. E. 38 39 40 ooo mh ohm 1 Down Antrim L’derry CRUCIFERAi 39 Doagh Island’98—Hart gos. {N.Inishowen— 77. Don. Newcastle ?99—P. Frequent—//. VE. Ballycastle °97—P. Frequent—//. VE. Portstewart ’94—Mrs. Leebody! Inland stations decrease as we pass northward, and in the north- west the plant becomes extremely rare, even on the coast. {Lepidium latifolium L. Dittander. Census 5+(1)—East 3, Centre 0, West 2+(1). Kerry 8. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Near head of Kenmare River—Smith 1750 823.) Near the Old Fort opposite Kinsale ’72—Allin zz. Kinsale ’92 —Phillips. Corkbeg’00—Phillips. Spike Island—Drummond 287. East side of Youghal harbour—Smith 1746 Sz. About Limerick, established ! ?00—R. D. O’Brien. Established near the sea in the south. ;Lepidium campestre R. Br. Pepperwort. Tipp. %. Limrck. Kilkny. Carlow Galw. SE. Armagh Down Antrim Census 8—East 5, Centre 2, West 1. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Ballysimon—Hb. L.F.C.! ‘“The Rocks ” Kilkenny, 8S. Madden— Cy). I. One mile west of Carlow, J. Sim—Cy). I. South of Kinvarra ’00—P. Benburb, c.,’00—Davies 272. North only, rare,’92—P. Killowen [’90 |—S. & P. 873. Crumlin ’86—D. Redmond! About L. Neagh only, f. The Cork, Dublin and Louth records (see Cybele) appear very doubtful. Lepidium hirtum Smith (Z. Smithii Hook). Census 26+(1)—East 15, Centre 8, West 3+(1). Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00: rather common—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: rather frequent —Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96 : common—Phillips. 40 5 6 Cork E. Watertd. Carlow Queen’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Cavan Louth Monaghn. CRUCIFERAL [Leprdium - Whitegate ’00 : common— Phillips. Bunmahon ’99 : frequent throughout—P. Clonmel and Carrick-on-Suir ’00— Phillips. Doon ’00O—P. +Limerick ’97, Bentley—Hb. L.F.C. ! Toomavara ’00: frequent in SW. half—P. Inistioge ’?00—Phillips. Frequent. Wexford ’?97—Marshall. Common. Common in eastern three-fourths ’98-9— P. West of Carlow ’98—P. Rathmore ’98—P. Ballitore, Mullaghcreelan—Cyb. 1. Avondale ’99 : frequent throughout—P. Howth ’00: local—Colgan. Frequent in south—P. Sheve Bregh ’00—P. Lough Gowna ’00—P. Drumhawnagh ’00, Lough Ramor ’96—P. Ballymascanlan ’00, {Ardee ’97—P. Drumreaske’00—Kane. L. Avaghon, Newbliss, ’00—P. (35 Dongl. W.* Manor Vaughan ’79—/7. Don.) 36 37 38 39 40 limit of this species. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Dungannon ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Cookstown. Common in southern two-thirds ’92—P. Ardglass ?00—P. Common—/7. VEZ. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VE. Errigal Banks ’93—P. Rare —/V. VEZ. Absent from the west and north-west. The line of the Shannon continued north-eastward to the Foyle, practically marks the western calcifuge. (3 (4 (5 In the area in which it does occur it is distinctly {Thlaspi arvense L. Penny Cress. Census 15+(3)—East 12+(2), Centre 1, West 2+(1). Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Wicklow Near Roscarbery—Power F.’45. Casual—Phillips. ) Cork, casual, ’91—Scully 832.) Weed at Fota ’96—Phillips.) Cappoquin plentifully—Smith 1746 82g. Askeaton ’85—6—Stewart 86}. Inishmore ’95—P. Freshford, S. Madden— Cyb. I. Very rare. Frequent near New Ross—B. & G. ’89 zoo. Clonmore Castle, T. Chandlee— Cyp. I. Murrough, D. Moore— Cy. I. Crambe} CRUCIFERA 41 21 Dublin Baldoyle ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Nayan and Nurney, Annot. in Threlkeld—- Cyd. I1. 28 Sligo Cliffony, and near Ben Bulben, ’79—Stewart. 31 Louth Clogher Head ’37—J. Ball 93. 37 Armagh Portadown ’92—P. Loughgall ’54—More 600. 88 Down Killowen [789 |—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim {Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/V. VE. 40 L’derry Umbra Rocks, D. Moore— Cyb. I. Magilligan—é629. A plant of uncertain appearance, and seldom permanent. Chiefly in the east, like many weeds of cultivation. ;Teesdalia nudicaulis R. Br. 36 Tyrone Washing Bay on L. Neagh’96, Mrs. Leebody—P. 747. 38 Down {Lambeg ’99—Davies 268. 39 Antrim {Glenmore ’98—Davies 264. Plentiful in the Lough Neagh station, where it makes a good claim to native or naturalized rank. Sand is brought by boats from the spot, and apparently by this means the plant has recently spread to its Down and Antrim habitats, which are beside the Lagan canal. Crambe maritima L. Sea-Kale. Census 6+(4)—East 5+(1), Centre 0, West 14+(3). (8 Cork W. Strand near Bantry—Drummond 719 287). 4 Cork Mid {Rochestown ’00—Phillips. Douglas ’40—Power /7. 5 Cork EK. +{Dunkettle ’00 and +Harpur’s Island ’98—Phillips. 9 Clare Black Head ’95, Colgan—Cyb. 11. Inishmore ’95—P. 20 Wicklow ‘‘The Breeches” on Murrough ’70, Hart—-More 6z¢4. 21 Dublin Ireland’s Eye’94—P. Sutton— Cyb. 11. Almostextinct. (34 Dongl. E. DoaghI.’96—Hart os. Norway Point. Extinct?) (35 Dongl. W. Tory I., Hyndman spec.—Corry ’82 243. Extinct?) 38 Down Knockinelder ’76, Stewart—/7. VE. (39 Antrim Rathlin, destroyed before Templeton’s time—/V. VV.) Now extinct in various additional stations mentioned by the older botanists, and still decreasing. The Inishmore station is the only one in which more than a stray plant now grows. 42 22, 31, 38, 39, 40. 34, CRUCIFERA [Cakile Cakile maritima Scop. Sea Rocket. In nearly all the east coast divisions—namely, 5, 6, 12, 20, 21, bo. Much rarer on. the west coast—1l, 2, 3, 9, 16, Absent from 4, 15, 17, 27, 28, 29. Raphanus Raphanistrum L. Wild Radish. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Census 835— East 14, Centre 10, West 11. Waterville ’00 : rather frequent-—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94: rather frequent—Scully. Baltimore ’96 : rare—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00—Phillips. Youghal’00: frequent—Phillips. Ballyscanlan ’99—P. Newtown ’00—R. D. O’Brien! {Limerick *00—P. Inishmore ’95—P. Inishmaan, Inisheer—Hart 365. Nenagh ’00—Phillips. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Carlow ’98—P. Roundstone’96,Oughterard—P. tInishbofin—More Oz. Saltees ’°82—Hart 384. Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00—P. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone *Clara ’99—P. Hills above Rathmore ’98—P. Kilmacanoge ’94—P. Portrane ’00 : frequent—Colgan. Slieve-na-calliagh and Slieve Bregh ’00—P. Drinmore—Levinge ’94 784; and rare in the west. Carn Clonhugh ’98—P. Claremorris ’00—P. Frequent. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Common. Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Garadice Lough ’00—P. Slieve Glah and Lough Ramor’96—P. Dundalk ’96: frequent on the coast—P. Culloville ’96—P. Frequent. Florencecourt ’00—P. {Frequent throughout—/V. Don. {Frequent throughout— /7. Don. Omagh ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. fieseda| CRUCIFERA. RESEDACEA 43 387 Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. 38 Down Dundrum ’98—P. Rare—F/. VE. F. in 8.—873. 39 Antrim Carrickfergus ?00—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VF. 40 L’derry. Between Kilrea and Garvagh ’94—P. Rare—Fl. VE. Distinctly calcifuge, and in the divisions where limestone prevails the stations are generally on patches of non-calcareous rocks: the Aran Islands form a notable exception. Raphanus maritimus Smith. Sea Radish. Census 14+(1)—East 6+(1), Centre 0, West 8. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’94 : rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Castle Island in Schull Bay ’72—Allin FV. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Frequent on coast—Hart 384. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. Inishmaan ’69—Hart 365. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Rare. 16 Galw. W. Roundstone ’96—P. And onseveral islands. 17 Galw. NE. Ballyloughaun ’99—P. (20 Wicklow Once found at Greystones— Guide 778). 21 Dublin Rogerstown 700 ; rare—Colgan. 28 Sligo Between Sligo and Ballina ’37—J. Ball 93. 31 Louth Whitestown ’00—P. 384 Dongl.E. Knockglass 98—Hart zos5. North only, rare. 38 Down Ballyhalbert ’97—P. Rare—/Fl. VE. 39 Antrim Curran of Larne’89—P. Rare— FV. VE. {Reseda lutea L. Wild Mignonette. Census 21—East 11, Centre 3, West 7. 1 Kerry 8S. Kenmare ’90— Druce 284. 3 Cork W. Desert, C. Longfield—Allin 77. ’88. 5 Cork E. {Midleton ’95—Phillips. Castlelyons—Power /7. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’40—Power 682. Fairy Hill— Cy). I. 8 Limrek. {Limerick ’00—P. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. 738. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’96—Mrs. Persse ! 12 Wexford Tinnyberna’81—Hart37z. {Fisherstown; Enniscorthy. 13 Carlow Bagnalstown ’99—-P. 14 Queen’s _R. Barrow below Athy, Scully— Cyd. II. 44 RESEDACEA—VIOLACEA [Reseda 17 Galw. NE. Lough Atalia ’99—P. 19 Kildare Leixlip ’94—P. 20 Wicklow North of Wicklow, Levinge— Cyd. II. 21 Dublin Rogerstown ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Kilmessan 796, Laytown, Gormanstown—P. Rare. 27 Mayo W. *Newport ’99—Marshall. 30 Cavan *Cavan railway station, Levinge— Cy). II. 31 Louth Clogher Head ’96--P. Not rare on the coast. 34 Dongl. E.*Greencastle, W. E. Hart—Hart 377. 35 Dongl. W.*Rosapenna ‘“ apparently established ”—F7. Don. 39 Antrim Ballycastle ’00—Mrs. Swan. Rare. Seems fully naturalized in Dublin, Meath, Louth, and Antrim: elsewhere its standing is dubious. Reseda Luteola L. Weld; Dyer’s Weed. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim, where it will probably be found to occur. Rather calcicole, and preferring gravelly soils. Helianthemum guttatum Mill. Rock-Rose (genus). 3 Cork W. Three Castle Head ’96—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. Inishbofin, abundant, ’97, Barrington— Cyd. II. Inish- ark, abundant, ’75—More 676. The var. Brewert accompanies the type at Three Castle Head and Inishbofin, and alone grows on Inishark. Helianthemum vineale Pers. 9 Clare Cliffs of Moher ’98, G. Fogerty—Hb. L.F.C.! Burren and Aran local. 16 Galw. W. Half a mile west of Salthill ’93, F. K. Boyd—Cyb. I. The Galway station is on one of several banks of limestone drift, on which some of the Burren plants find a home. Viola palustris L. Marsh Violet. Divisions all, except § Limerick and rg Kildare. No doubt uni- versal. 5. King’s River near Lackan (Dunlop)—More ’72 6z4. Near Brittas °97—Colgan. South only, very rare. Nr. Bailieborough( Thelkeld)—More’72 674.) R.1.A. PROC., SER. IlI., VOL. VII E 50 POLYGALEX — [ Polygala Polygala vulgaris L. Milkwort (genus). Census 37—East 15, Centre 11, West 11. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00: frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Cork Mid. Donoughmore 96: common—Phillips. Cork E. Whitegate ’00: common— Phillips. Waterfd. Cappagh ’99—P. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00: common—P. Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Tipp. N. Cloughjordan ’00 and (near calcarea) Devil’s Bit—P. Kilkny. Thomastown ’98, Ballyragget ’99—P. Wexford Macmine ’97—Marshall. Frequent. Carlow Tullow ’99—P. Queen’s Mountrath ’97, Maryborough ’96—P. Galw. SE. Chevy Chase ’00—P. Portumna ’96—Colgan. Galw. W. Inveran’95—Colgan. Frequent (type and orypiers). Galw. NE. Knockmae ’00: frequent—P. King’s Clonmacnoise ’99—P. Kildare Above Rathmore ’98: common—P. Wicklow Shillelagh ’99, Rathdrum ’94—P. Dublin Howth ’00: common—Colgan. Meath Kildalkey and Ballivor ’00—P. Westmth. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Coosan Lough ’98—P. Longfd. Longford ’98, near Drumsna ’00—P. Roscomn. Rockville 99, Athlone, Mount Talbot—P. Mayo E. Claremorris ’?00—P. Clonbur (oxyptera)—Marshall. Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Sligo Ballysadare ’00, Carrowkee—P. Skreen—Colgan. Cavan Cavan ’96, Drumhawnagh ’00—P. Louth Termonfeckin ’96—P. Ferman. Lower Lough Erne common ’92—P. Dongl. E. Frequent throughout—/V. Don. Dongl. W. Frequent throughout—fV. Don. Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Knockayoe—Sigerson 838. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down Holywood ’93-—-P. ? Common. Antrim Clinty Hill ’99—Miss Knowles. Common. Lderry. Magilligan’97; Kilrea’96 (near calearea)—Mrs. Leebody. Polygala | Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cayan Lough Monaghn. Ferman. Donegl. E. Donegl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down POLYGALEZ 51 Polygala serpyllacea Weihe. Census 88—East 13, Centre 13, West 12. Kenmare ’99—Scully. Common. Abbeydorney ’99: frequent—Scully. Millstreet ’00: frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore 796: frequent—Phillips. Near Templemichael ’94: frequent—Phillips. Galtees ’80—Hart 372. Curragh Chase ’00—Somerville. Slieve Elva ’96 (P. B. O’Kelly)—Colgan. Lough Ourna, Nenagh, Keeper Hill, ’99—P. Near Jenkinson House ’99—P. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Frequent. Aghade ’99, Bagenalstown ’97—P. Mountrath ’97, Maryborough ’96—P. Woodford River’96—Colgan. Cartron ’82—Mrs. Joyce! Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. And in Inishbofin and NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. Kinnitty 00, Banagher ’98—P. ‘2050 feet in Wicklow,” Colgan— Cyé. IT. Howth ’00: common—Colgan. Kildalkey and Slieve Bregh ’00—P. Lough Deravaragh—Levinge ’94 484. Lough Gowna ’?00—P. Corkip Lough ’99—P. L. Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. East of Foxford ’00—P. Clonbur’95—M. & 8. 545. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Common. Knockacree ’96—Colgan. ; Annaghearly Lough ’99—P. Slieve Rushen ’00—Somerville. L. Gowna ’00—P. Termonfeckin ’96—P. Bessmount ’00—Waddell. Frequent. SW. of Belleek ’00—P. L. Erne f.—Barrington 708. Frequent throughout—FV. Don. Frequent throughout—F7. Don. Mullaghcarn ’96—Miss Knowles. Knockayoe—838 Frequent throughout ’92—P. Ballygowan ’92—P. Frequent BE 2 4 Il. NE. 52 POLYGALH. CARYOPHYLLEZ — [Polygala 39 Antrim Slemish ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VE. 40 L’derry Toome, Stewart—/. VE. The above records show that this plant and the last are evidently spread over the whole country. *Saponaria officinalis L. Soapwort. Census 28—East 12, Centre 10, West 6. Divisions all, except 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 25; 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 35. Commoner in the east than the west, no doubt on account of the greater cultivation of the eastern counties. In all cases has had a garden origin, which may, however, be of great antiquity, as the plant was used in early times as a substitute for soap. Silene Cucubalus Wibel. Bladder Campion. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim. Generally frequent. Silene maritima With. Sea Campion. Census 25—East 11, Centre 2, West 12. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions, namely—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 84, 85, 36, 38, 89, 40; common round the whole coast. Inland in the following :— 1 Kerry 8S. Above Gap of Dunloe at 1400 feet ’81—Hart 373. 2 Kerry N. Killarney lakes ’00—Scully. 16 Galw. W. Derryclare Mtn. ’99—Colgan. F. on the mountains. 27 Mayo W. Birreencorragh, Nephin,’82—Hart 380. Croaghpatrick. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben range common ’84—B. & V. 772. 29 Leitrim Glenade cliffs ’°99—P. 85 Dongl. W. Lavagh More—/V. Don. Errigal—FV. Uist. 38 Down Conlig Hill abundant ’00—P. Streams in Mournes for 2 miles from sea—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim Cave Hill, and the entire basaltic range—/V. VEZ. 40 L’derry Benevenagh top ’92—P. Abundant on the basaltic range (D. Moore)—More 6z4. The inland stations all le near the coast (as do most of the Irish mountains), and it will be noticed that the ‘‘ Centre”’ is not represented in the above list. The Killarney station is only 70 feet above sea-level Conlig Hill 300 to 400 feet. Silene | CARYOPHYLLEA 58 +Silene anglica L. English Catchfly. Census 15—East 8, Centre 1, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Caragh Lake ’96: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. }{Killorglin ’?90—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull ’96: frequent in south—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate ’95—Phillips. Little Island—Power /7. 12 Wexford Tinnyberna ’81—Hart 377. Rare. 13 Carlow Near Carlow, J. Morrison— Cy). I. 16 Galw. W. Two miles west of Oughterard ’38—Mackay 332. 21 Dublin {Baldoyle 00: rare—Colgan. 81 Louth Greenore,’00—P. Castlebellmgham—Butler 7&5 34 Dongl. KE. {About Greencastle—F7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. {Gweebarra estuary—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Coalisland ’96—Miss Knowles. 38 Down Hilltown [’90 |—S. & P. 873. S. only, locally abundant. 39 Antrim Near Bellaghy, R. Tate—/V. VE. 40 Lderry Bellarena ’98, Magilligan ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Silene acaulis L. Cushion Pink. Census 4—East 1, Centre 0, West 3. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben ’00-—West. C. on Ben Bulben range. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99—P. ? Frequent on Ben Bulben range. 34 Dongl. E. Dunaff Head ’98—Hart zo>. 40 L’derry Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 537. Ben Bulben range, with an outlying station in N. Donegal, and one in N. Derry. {Silene noctiflora L. Night-flowering Catchfly. Census 8+(1)—EHast 6+(1), Centre 1, West 1. 2 Kerry N. {Ballybunnion ’99—Seceully. 18 King’s Tullamore ’38 (Miss Green)—Mackay 526. (21 Dublin *Dundrum—Mrs. Tatlow 8So). 22 Meath Mayden Tower, common in one field, °96—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00-—-P. Castlebellingham ’90—Butler 7&5. 37 Armagh Near Armagh ’92—P. 38 Down Rough I. ’65—Stewart. Very rare, not permanent. 39 Antrim Larne harbour f.’97—P. Lisburn, D. Moore—Cyb. T. 40 L’derry Magilligan, Hb. D. Moore—Cyé. JZ. Chiefly in sandy fields on the east coast; probably in all cases in- troduced with crops. 54 CARYOPHYLLEA [ Lychnis tLychnis vespertina Sibth. White Campion. Census 25+(1)—Kast 14, Centre 6, West 5+(1). 1 Kerry 8. {Railway at Caragh ’00—Scully. 2 Kerry N. {Killarney ’94—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballincollig ’98: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. 10 Tipp. N. {Nenagh ’99—P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97—P. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent in the south. 18 Carlow Bagenalstown ’99, Carlow ’98, telsewhere—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’00: frequent—P. (16 Galw.W. Ashford, casual, Miss Jackson— Cyd. IT.). 18 King’s {Clonmacnoise ’99, Tullamore—P. Mountmellick. 19 Kildare {Nurney ’97, {Carbury ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Kilmacanoge ’94—P. 21 Dublin Skerries ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Mornington ’96, Gormanstown, 1Enfield—P. 25 Roscomn. Yew Point and Higdon s Bay 35— 6—B. & V. 173. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse ! 31 Louth Louth and Braganstown ’96, and f. on coast—P. 34 Dongl. E. {Buncrana and Ballyshannon—/7. Don. 385 Dongl. W. {Fanet, Fintragh, &c.: rare—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Coalisland ’96 : rare—Miss Knowles. 38 Down Dundrum ’99—B.N.F.C. 239. Rare—/7. NE. 39 Antrim Magheramorne ’93—P. Rare— Fl. VE. 40 L’derry Castledawson ’71—Stewart. Commoner in the east than in the west, like most plants which favour light soils. Lychnis diurna Sibth. Red Campion. Census 32—East 18, Centre 7, West 12. 1 Kerry S. Derrynane ’00—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Cape Clear Island ’96: frequent in south Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Blarney—Allin 77.83. Carrigaline—Power /V. 5 Cork E. Near Fermoy (Chandlee) : rare—Allin FV. ’83. Lychnis | CARYOPHYLLEA 55 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs ’82—3—Hart 38r. 7 Tipp. 8. Muskry River in the Galtees ’00— P. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. 12 Wexford Courtown ’96—P. 13 Carlow Ballintemple and Aghade ’99—P. 15 Galw. SE. Dunsandle ’85—Mrs. Joyce! 16 Galw. W. Ross Hill on L. Mask, Miss Jackson— Cy). IT. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 19 Kildare Kilcullen ’96, Poulaphuca ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Avondale and Shillelagh ’99—P. Frequent. 21 Dublin Lambay Island ’96—P. Rare—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin abundant—Levinge ’94 484. 25 Roscomn. Lough Key ’97—P. 27 Mayo W. Inishturk ’75—More 676. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben’00—West & Tetley. Lough Arrow '97—P. 29 Leitrim Near Annaghearly Lough ’99—P. 30 Cavan Ballyconnell ’?00—Somerville. 31 Louth Ballymascanlan ’00—P. 32 Monaghn. Castleshane ’00— Waddell. Castleblayney ’96—P. 30 Ferman. Enniskillen’99—P. Frequent. 34 Dongl. E. Moville, Ballyshannon, &c.: local—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet, &c.: throughout, local—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh ‘Tanderagee ’92—P. And on L. Neagh shores. 38 Down Rockport ’?00—P. Frequent, local. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay! ’00—Mrs. Swan. Frequent—/7. VE. 40 L’derry __ Bellarena ’97—-Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—Fl. VE. Lychnis Flos-cuculi L. Ragged Robin. Divisions all. Common. {Lychnis Githago Scop. Corn-cockle. Census 28—East 15, Centre 4, West 9. Kerry 8. *Kilgobnet ’99—Scully. *Blaskets—Barrington 707. Kerry N. *Near Ballymalis ’92—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen’97: frequent in south—Phillips. Cork Mid Ballincollig 98: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Ballyvodock ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Ballyernan and Ardmore ’82—Hart 384. aOnrr © DY CARYOPHYLLEA [ Lychnis Clare Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent in Burren. Tipp. N. Near Nenagh ’00—Phillips. Kilkny. {Granny ’98—P. Wexford Courtown ’94—Mrs. Tatlow! Frequent. Carlow Slaney below Ballintemple ’81—Hart 377. Galw.SE. Garryland ’00—P. Galw.W. Ross, Oughterard, &c.’.99—P. Frequent on E. margin. Kildare Hills north of Kildare ’98—P. Wicklow Dunbur, D’Arcy— Cyd. II. Dublin Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. Meath Mornington ’93—P. 770. Westmth. Knock Drin, rare, Levinge—Cyd. II. Mayo E. _ Ballinrobe’90—Mrs. Persse ! Sligo Ballysadare and Strandhill ’97—P. Louth Greenore ’00—P. Dongl.E. Effishmore River ’98—Hart zo5. tRare—F. Don. Dongl. W. {Fanet, Killybegs, &e. : rare—/7. Don. Tyrone Lough Neagh ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down Killinchy ’90—P. }Frequent—/V. VE. Antrim Craigs ?99—Miss Knowles. {Frequent—Fl. VE. Lderry. Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. }Frequent—/l. VE. In crops, especially on light soils near the coast. Cerastium tetrandrum Curtis. Census 30—East 13, Centre 5, West 12. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99—Scully. Frequent on coast and islands. Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99; frequent—Scully. Cork W. Castlefreke 00: frequent by the sea—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: frequent— Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’00: common near the sea—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Common on the coast. Limrek. _—_ Limerick ’99—Somervyille. Clare Inishmore ’95—P. Kilrush ’85-6—Stewart 863. Tipp. N. fPortumna ’97—P. Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Coast, frequent. Galw. SE. Rinyille ’99—P. Galw. W. S. of L. Mask’96—Marshall 537. Inishbofin—More 676. Galw. NE. Barbersfort and Oranmore ’99—P. King’s North of Banagher ’98—P. Kildare Curragh ’97—P. Cerastium |] CARYOPHYLLEA 57 20 21 22 25 26 27 28 29 31 34 30 37 38 39 40 Wicklow Greystones ’94—P. ? Frequent on coast. Dublin Rush sandhills ’00: local—Colgan. Meath Mornington ’96—P. Roscomn. {Frequent on railways in the south ’97-9—P. Mayo E. S.of L. Mask’96—Marshall. Ballinrobe; Hollymount. Mayo W. Common round L. Conn ’00—P. Frequent on coast. Sligo Ballysadare ’?00—P. Coast, frequent. Leitrim Tullaghan on ruins ’99—P. Louth Dunleer ’00, and coast at Termonfeckin ’96—P. Dongl. E. Bundoran ’00—Tetley. In the north—/V. Don. Dongl. W. Aranmore, &c.: frequent on coast—JF7. Don. Armagh {Railway at Wellington cutting ’92—P. Down Giant’s Ring, C. Dickson: coast frequent—/V. WE. Antrim Lough Neagh f.—Stewart. Coast frequent—/7. VE. I’derry — Benbradagh ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Coast f.—F/. NE. All round the coast. Rare inland, on lake-shores (27, 39), moun- tains (40), sandy or bogey ground (10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 26, 38), old walls (29, 31) or railway tracks (25, 37). Cerastium semidecandrum L. Census 17—East 9, Centre 1, West 7. Kerry 8. Waterville ’00: rather rare—Scully. Kerry N. Ballyheige ’88: local—Scully. Cork W. Near Kilbrittain (Alexander)—Power FV. ’45. Cork Mid Friar’s Walk at Cork—Drummond 719 287. Cork E. Youghal and mouth of Fannisk R. ’73—Allin 76. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Clare Fanore ’?00—Miss Knowles. Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. Frequent on SE. coast. Wicklow Common on the sand-hills, D. Moore—Cyp. I. Dublin Rush sand-hills ’00: local—Colgan. Roscomn. {On railway at Mote Park ’97—P. Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Dongl. E. Malin Head, &c.: north coast only—/V. Don. Dongl. W. Kincashla, &c.: coast, local—FV. Don. Down Newcastle ’98—Davies. On the coast, rare. Antrim _ Ballycastle ’82-—Stewart. Lderry Benevenagh ’82—Hart 38z. Coast, rare—/l. VE. Sand-hills on the coast, except for the doubtful Roscommon station and Mr. Hart’s record from summit of Benevenagh, Co. Derry, 1100 feet. 58 CARYOPHYLLEA [ Cerastium Cerastium glomeratum Thuill. Mouse-ear. Divisions all. Common. Cerastium triviale Link. Mouse-ear. Divisions all. Very common. Cerastium arvense L. Census 10—East 5, Centre 0, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. Blaskets common ’80—Barrington 707. 5 Cork E. — Ballyvodock ’43—Power FV. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran c¢. 15 Galw. SE. Abundant on the coast ’?99—P. 16 Galw. W. Inveran’97, W. Colgan—Cyb. Il. Galway, c.—P. 17 Galw. NE. Oranmore to Galway common ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Greystones— Guide ’78. 21 Dublin Skerries ’?00-—-Colgan. Frequent on coast. 22 Meath Mornington ’96—P. 39 Antrim By L. Neagh at Massereene Park ’93—P. Extremely local. The plant is actually confined to a few colonies on the coast :—a large one in Galway Bay (9, 15, 16, 17), a smaller one on the east coast (20, 21, 22), and outlying ones in Kerry, Cork, and Antrim—the last-named being inland. Stellaria media Vill. Chickweed. Divisions all. Abundant. Stellaria Holostea L. Greater Stitchwort. Divisions all, except 27 Mayo W. No doubt universal. Frequent. Stellaria palustris Retz. Census 19+(1)—East 5+(1) Centre 9, West 5. 10 Tipp. N. Youghal Bay ’99, Portumna ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. R. Barrow near Borris ’*84—Hart 353. 13 Carlow Polmounty R.’98—P. Milford—Hart 3283, &e. 14 Queen’s Barrow below Athy and at Knockbeg ’84—Hart 3&3. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. Clonbur ’95—M. & S. 545. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam and Castlegrove ’99—P. Arenaria | 18 King’s 19 Kildare (21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth 33 Ferman. Chiefly in CARYOPHYLLEA 59 Banagher ’98—P. Near Portarlington’84—-Hart 383. Monasterevan ’99—P. Athy; Rathangan. Extinct at Curragha bog ?— Cyé. II). Boyne at Bective ’96—P. L. Iron’99—P. L. Ree, Owel, Ennel—Levinge 4872. Ballymahon and Lough Forbes ’00—P. Kiltoom, Lanesboro’, ’85-6—B. & V. 7z3. Knockview. Hollymount ’54— Moore 600. River at Ballysadare ’00—P. Rinn Lough ’?99—P. Tomkin Road’00—Someryille. Ballyhaise—Cyb. II. Kerney’s Cross ’97—P. Glack bog—Butler 785. Rare. Tully Devenish’00— West. L. Erne f.—Barrington z08. the centre, with many stations in the basins of the Shannon, Barrow, and Erne. 9 Clare 39 Antrim 40 L’derry 7 Tipp.S. 8 Limrck. 10 Tipp. N. 138 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. Attymon ’00—Phillips. Stellaria graminea L. Lesser Stitchwort. Divisions all. Frequent. Stellaria uliginosa Murr. Divisions all. Common. Arenaria verna L. Kilfenora ’00—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran c. Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent—/. VE. Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 837. Rare—fl. NE. *Arenaria tenuifolia L. Census 15—East 5, Centre 7, West 3. Bansha ’00—Phillips. Killonan ’00—P. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan, Portumna—P. Milford ’98—P. Ballybrophy ’00—Phillips. Loughrea and Ardrahan ’00—Phillips. Oughterard ’99—P. Woodlawn ’99—P. 60 CARYOPHYLLEA [ Arenaria 18 King’s Clara ’00—Phillips. Banagher ’98—P. 19 Kildare Curragh gravel-pit ’97, Celbridge ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Glenealy ’99—P. 21 Dublin Celbridge ’00—P. 22 Meath Drumree ‘00—P. 23 Westmth. Moate and Athlone ’99—P. 25 Roscomn. Athlone, and for some miles W. and N. ’99—P. A remarkable railway colonist, first observed in Ireland in 1897, and now known to extend over the greater portion of the Central Plain, on railway tracks only. In Britain it has an “‘ English” distribution, occurring chiefly in the SE., and being absent from Scotland and very rare in Wales. Arenaria trinervia L. Census 37—Kast 15, Centre 12, West 10. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: rather rare and local—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’00: local—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Ballinhassig ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Cork E. —Castletownroche ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Lismore and Cappoquin ’99—P. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00, Fethard, Kilsheelan, Vale of Aherlow—P. Clare Castle Lake ’98—Hb. L.F.C.! Killaloe ’96—Colgan. Tipp. N. Silvermines ’99—P. Frequent throughout. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. 12 Wexford Alderton, Miss Glascott—B. & G. ’89 zoo. 13 Carlow Borris and Milford ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’00—Phillips. Camross and Graigue—P. 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill ’98—P. 17 Galw. NE. Cloonkeelway L. ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Kinnitty abundant ’00, Frankford, Geashill—P. 19 Kildare Carbury ’96, Maynooth ’94—P. 20 Wicklow Shillelagh’99—P. Frequent in the NE. 21 Dublin Near Athgoe 797: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan and Hill of Down ’00—P. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin’99—P. Chiefly in the centre, frequent. 24 Longfd. Castlerea ’00, Longford, Moydow—P. 25 Roscomn. Boyle 97—P. St. John’s Wood ’85-6—B. & V. 773. 26 Mayo. Claremorris ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Castlemacgarrett, Brown Mascie. 1788—Cyb. Il. —" oon ouornrkwhbd & Sagina | CARYOPHYLLEA 61 28 Sligo Rosses Point ’97—P. Frequent in eastern half. 29 Leitrim Annaghearly L.’99—P. Glenade Mtn.—Murphy 629. 30 Cavan Ballyconnell ’00—Somerville. Cavan ’96—P. 31 Louth Ballymascanlan’00, Killencoole ’96—P. 38 Ferman. Castle Coole ’00—West & Tetley. Frequent. 34 Dongl. E. Camlin &c.: in north and south, very rare—V7. Don. 35 Dongl. W Greenfort in Fanet ’00—Hart. 36 Tyrone Dungannon ’96—Miss Knowles. Strabane’75—Stewart. 87 Armagh Crowhill, &c. : rare, ’92—P. 38 Down Tollymore Park ’00—P. Rare—/V. VE. 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VEL. 40 Liderry Limavady ’95—B.N.F.C. 730. Rare—Fi. VE. Distributed thinly but evenly over the whole country. Probably occursin all divisions, and is common in none. Arenaria serpyllifolia L. Divisions all, except 36 Tyrone. Local in many of the divisions, and rather calcicole. Arenaria ciliata L. 28 Sligo Seefin ’00—Tetley. Ben Bulben range, local. Arenaria peploides L. Sea Purslane. All maritime divisions, namely—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 81, 34, 35, 38, 39,40. Common on sandy and gravelly coasts. Sagina apetala L. Divisions all. Frequent. Sagina maritima Don. Census 21—East 12, Centre 0, West 9. 1 KerryS. Kenmare ’99—Scully. Coast and islands frequent. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’97: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven’00 : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate 00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Frequent—Hart 387. 9 Clare Kilrush ’85-6—Stewart S63. Frequent. 12 Wexford 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 Lderry Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. Wicklow ’97—P. Common. North Bull’00 : frequent—Colgan. Laytown ’96—P. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Inishmurry ’96—P. 745. Greenore ’00, Dromiskin, Blackrock—P. Greencastle, Bell’s Island, &c.: frequent—/7. Don. Sessiagh Bay ’98—Hart zo5. Frequent—#l. Don. Newry River ’92—P. Mahee Island ’90—P. Frequent--/7. VE. Portrush ’99—Druce. Frequent—/7. VE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—F7. VEZ. Sea coast only. Perhaps in all maritime divisions. 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 9 Clare 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 38 Down 39 Antrim Sagina ciliata Fries. Census 9—East 6, Centre 0, West 3. Waterville ’00 : rare—Scully. Near Ardfert ’92: rather rare—Scully. Near Moerne Head, D. Moore— Cy. I. Rosslare ’97—Marshall 530. Milford bridge ’84—Hart 383. Arklow and Wicklow—More ’72 6z¢. Howth ’00: rare ?—Colgan. Newcastle [’90 |—S. & P. 873. Ballycastle ’82—Stewart. Has not always been distinguished, and is perhaps frequent. Apparently almost confined to the coast. Sagina procumbens L. Pearlwort. Divisions all. Common. 1 Kerry 8. 3 Cork W. 9 Clare Sagina subulata Presl. Census 8—East 2, Centre 0, West 6. Brandon ’94: rare and local—Scully. Knockaphuca ’96: west, very rare—Phillips. Moher’92, Levinge— Cyé.II. Inishmore— Wright 920. Spergularia | CARYOPHYLLEAL 63 16 Galw. W. Maumeen ’82—Hart 380. Rare and local. 384 Dongl. E. Dunaff and Malin Heads—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Barra River, &c.: south only—/V. Don. 39 Antrim Fair Head ’97—P. Rare—//. VE. 40 Lderry Near Portstewart ’385, D. Moore— Cyd. II. Sagina nodosa Fenzl. Knotted Spurrey. Divisions all, except 36 Tyrone. No doubt occurs in all divisions, but is not a common plant in any. Spergula arvensis L. Corn Spurrey. Divisions all. Very irregularly distributed, owing to its being dis- tinctly calcifuge, and consequently local and often rare in the Central Plain divisions. Spergularia rubra Presl. Sand Spurrey. Census 9—East 7, Centre 1, West 1. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’96 (Scully), Schull, Ballineen— Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Marina ’96 and Custom House at Cork—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Kilcoleman—Allin F7. ’83. 12 Wexford Vinegar Hill’98—P. Carnsore—Marshall. F. in SE. 14 Queen’s Barrow above Tinnehinch Bridge, Hart—Cyb. JJ. 37 Armagh Portadown, Newry, and Narrowwater, ’92—P. 38 Down Lough Island Reavy [’90|—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim Dunluce ’98—Druce. Lough Beg, Stewart—/V. VE. 40 Liderry Toome’67—Stewart. Draperstown, D. Moore—/V. NE. Very rare and local. Spergularia media Presl. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Seow, 15,116, 17, 20, 21, 22) 27, 28, 29) 81, 34, 85, 87, 38, 39, 40. Spergularia salina Presl. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, except 37 Armagh: namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. 64 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexfor 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 27 Mayo W. 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 38 Down 39 Antrim Somewhat CARYOPHYLLEA. ELATINEA [Spergularia Spergularia rupestris Lebel. Census 19—East 10, Centre 1, West 8. Ballinskelligs ’92: frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent—Scully. Baltimore ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00 : common—Phillips. Ballycotton ’96: common—Phillips. Stradbally ’?99—P. Frequent—Hart 384. Ringmoylan ’85—6—Stewart 863. Spanish Pt. 700, G. Fogerty! Inishmore; Kilrush. Snowhill ’99—P. Carnsore ’97—Marshall. Frequent. Inishmacdara ’96—P. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. Bray Head ’00, Brittas Bay ’96—P. Rush ’00: frequent—Colgan. Dooagh on Achill Island ’99—Colgan. Clogher and Dunany Heads ’96—P. North and south coasts frequent—F7. Don. Coast frequent—/7. Don. , Rockport ’00-—P. Common—-//. VEZ. Mouth of Six-mile river on L. Neagh ’00—Davies. Common on coast—/7. VE. local around the coast. In one interesting inland locality, Lough Neagh, where several maritime plants occur. Montia fontana L. Water Blinks. Census 36—Kast 14, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 8 Limerick, 9 Clare, 22 Meath, 23 Westmeath. Strongly calcifuge, and consequently rare in the Central Plain, where it is generally confined to the patches of non-caleareous rocks. Will, no doubt, be found to occur in all divisions. Kerry $8. Kerry N. Cork W. Clare ow Ww rR Elatine hexandra DC. Water-wort. Census 10—East 3, Centre 0, West 7. Cloonee ’00: frequent and locally abundant—Scully. Killarney ’99: south only—Scully. Dunmanway ’00, Barlogue, Gougane Barra—Phillips. Doonbeg bog, D. Moore—Cyb. I. SW. only, rare. Elatine | ELATINEX. HYPERICINEA 65 16 Galw. W. Roundstone ’96—P. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 34 Dongl. E. Bannus Lough near Pettigoe—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Gweedore, L. Eske, &c.: very rare—/7. Don. 37 Armagh Mullaghmore Lough ’93—P. 38 Down Lough Briclan ’95—Lett! Lakes in centre, rare. 40 Lderry. Enagh Lough, Lough Beg, and R. Bann at Coleraine, D. Moore—/7. VE. The Rathlin Island record is doubtful. Elatine Hydropiper L. (37 Armagh Canal at Newry, W. Thompson—//. Ulst.’64. Extinct?) 38 Down Canal at Lisburn ’98—Davies! L. Briclan ’95—Lett ! Very rare—fl. NE. Apparently extinct in several of its old stations. Hypericum Androsemum L. Tutsan. Divisions all. Frequent throughout. “Hypericum calycinum L. St. John’s-wort (genus). 2 Kerry N. Naturalized at Killarney ’99—Scully. 5 Cork E. Midleton ’00, EKastferry ’96—Phillips. 12 Wexford Courtown sandhills c.’96—P. Enniscorthy— Cy). I. 20 Wicklow Powerscourt abundant ’98—P. Thoroughly established in the above stations and probably elsewhere. *Hypericum hircinum L. Cork Mid Crosshaven’00—Phillips. Monkstown, Carroll — Cyd. I. Cork E. Glanmire ’00, Kastferry ’96—Phillips. Local. Naturalized and spreading about Cork. Oo Hypericum perforatum L. Census 37—East 14, Centre 13, West 10. Divisions all, except 1 Kerry South, 28 Sligo, and 29 Leitrim. Calcicole, being generally scarcer on non-calcareous rocks, as in divisions 2, 12, 16, 20, 27, 30, 32, 35, 36, where it is distinctly rare. Frequent in the north-east, in spite of the absence of limestone. R.1.A. PROC., SER. II., VOL. VII. EF 66 — CoO MOI TO KB O&O De - = SS Rm co hb re ee © mo a1 O& bo bp ao © 26 [2W hw bb bw me © Or OD 2706 ww OW ont mD He OO oo Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Watertfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HYPERICINEA [| Hypericum Hypericum dubium Leers. Census 833—East 13, Centre 10, West 10. Killarney ’99 : frequent—Scully. Killarney 00: rather frequent—Scully. Skibbereen ’96: frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96: common—Phillips. Baliyhooly ’00 ; frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99: frequent throughout—P. Cahir ’00, Thurles, Vale of Aherlow—P. Askeaton, Mullagh, Curragh Chase, ’00—P. Inchiquin L. ’99—Miss Knowles. Gleninagh, ’95—P. Cloughjordan ’00, Portumna ’97—P. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Common throughout—P. Ballywilliam ’98—P. Frequentin N.—B. & M. 703. Tullow ’99 : frequent throughout—P. Stradbally ’97, Maryborough, Emo, Graigue—P. Moyode '99—P. Frequent, chiefly in the east. Moyeullen ’99—-P. Maam, Clonbur, ’95--M. & S. 545. Knockmae ’99: citrate I Killyon ’00, Clonad wood ’96—P. Nurney 97, Athy, Levitstown, Ballymore—P. Glendalough ’94: Ovoca River basin f.—P. Rare. North of Moate ’99, Killinure Lough ’98—P. Lough Key ’97—P. Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. East shore of Lough Conn ’00—P. Annaghmore ’00—P. Rinn Lough ’99 —P. Greenore and Ballymascanlan ’00, Braganstown ’96—P. Belcoo ’00—P. Omagh “96—Miss Knowles. Killylea, Newry, &c. : frequent throughout, ’92—P. Marino ’00—P., and along Lagan Canal only. Glenmore ’97—Davies 259. Belfast to Lisburn only. Ballykelly ’96, Mrs. Leebody—P. 774. Of general occurrence throughout the southern half of Ireland; much rarer and distinctly local in the northern half. Hypericum tetrapterum Fr. Divisions all. Frequent. Hypericum | Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Meath Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cayan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HYPERICINEA 67 Hypericum humifusum L. Census 34—East 14, Centre 9, West 11. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99 : frequent—Scully. Skibbereen ’97 : common—Phillips. Coachford ’97 : common—Phillips. Near Glanmire ’98 : common—Phillips. Clonea, Stradbally, ’99—P. Dunmore—Mrs. Tatlow ! Near Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. Limerick ’97, O’ Brien—-Hb. L.F.C. ! Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent in west. Bushfield ’99—P. Coppenagh ’98—P. Ballywilliam ’98—P. Frequent. Gowlin ’99, Polmounty River ’98—P. Mountrath ’97—P. Loughrea’00—Phillips. Chevy Chase, Kinvarra,’00—-P. Kylemore ’98—Colgan. Throughout, rather rare. Knockmae ’00—P. Avondale ’00, Laragh, Shillelagh—P. ? Frequent. Howth ’00: rare—Colgan. Shieve-na-calliagh ’00—P. Near Claremorris ?00—P. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Lough Conn ’00—P. Mallaranny; Westport. Ballinamore ’00—Somerville. Cootehill— Waddell. Collonbeg and Mount Oriel—/r. 77. 733. Creeve Lough and Lough Avaghon ’00—P. Gubbaroe Pt. on Lower L. Erne’81-2—Barrington 708. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Throughout, frequent—/V. Don. Newtownstewart ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. Narrow-water and Armagh: very rare, °92—P. Hilltown ’97—P. Frequent—//. VE. Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/. VE. A rare plant in most divisions, though it probably occurs in all. Distinctly calcifuge, and seldom on the limestone. F 2 68 Se OATH oT LP OO WH Se bo 138 wonnwd wv ve me OT © OD ow oo a oo cowo Bp —e co oOo oO Kildare Dublin Meath Antrim Kerry 8 Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Mayo W. Leitrim Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HYPERICINEA [| Hypericum Hypericum pulchrum L. Divisions all. Common. Hypericum hirsutum L. Census 4—East 4, Centre 0, West 0. Carton ’94—P. Woodlands ’00: local—Colgan. Near Navan ’96—P. Macedon Point ’93—-R. Hanna. Hypericum elodes L. Census 23—East 13, Centre 1, West 9. Kenmare ’99: frequent and locally abundant—Scully. Spa ’99: frequent and locally abundant—Scully. Skibbereen ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore 798: frequent—Phillips. Near Glanmire ’98: frequent—Phillips. Clonea, Ballyscanlan,’99—P. Coumduala R. —Hart 3ST. SW. of Cahir ’00—P. Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent in the west. Tory Hill ’99, Brandon Hill, Graiguenamanagh—P. Ferns ’97—D.N.F.C. 306. Frequent—B. & M. 703. Gowlin ’99: widespread and not rare—P. Roundstone ’96—P. Common. Drumgoff ’97—Colgan. Local. Three Rock Mountain ’00: rare—Colgan. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Very frequent. Tullaghan ’99—P. © Ravensdale ’?00—Mrs. Swan. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Throughout, frequent—f7. Don. West slope of Camlough Mountain ’96 (Lett)—Colgan. Conlig ’?00—P. Rare, and chiefly in south. Rathlin Island 199—P. Enagh Lough ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Strongly calcifuge. Local, and rare except in a few of those divi- sions from which limestone is absent, or nearly so. Absent from the whole Central Plain. Lavatera | MALVACEA 69 tAlthea officinalis L. Marsh Mallow. Census 12—EKast 2, Centre 2, West 8. 1 Kerry 8. {Waterville ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. tBallybunnion ’94: rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. {Cape Clear ’96: south only, rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal—Allin F7.’83. Castlemartyr—Power /1. 6 Waterfd. Kailfarassy, Miss A. Taylor—Cy). I. 9 Clare Lehinch—More 600. Limerick—Mackay 527. Rare. 16 Galw. W. One mile west of Roundstone ’91—Levinge ! 25 Rosemn. “Near Ballinasloe ’99—P. 27 Mayo W. Old head on Clew Bay, Miss Grubb— Cyd. I. 34 Dongl. KE. *Near Bundoran—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. *Bunbeg established, Dunkineely, Glen Bay—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96—-Miss Knowles. Established occasionally along the west coast. Lavatera arborea L. ‘Tree Mallow. Census 12+(4)—East 8, Centre 1, West 3+(4). 1 KerryS. Little Skelig—Delap ’93 273. {Rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. }Ballybunnion ’99: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W.. Cape Clear 96: frequent on coast—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Kinsale ’94—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00, Gyleen, Roche’s Point—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Newtown Head cliffs ‘‘ looking wild” ’82—Hart 384. (8 Limrek. *Foynes ’00—Miss C. O’Brien.) 9 Clare’ Inishmore ’95—P. Black Head; Spanish Point. 12 Wexford Duncannon Fort—B. & G.’89 zoo. +South coast. ( 15 Galw.SE.*Parkmore ’99—P.) 20 Wicklow Cliffs of Bray Head ’94-—P. 21 Dublin Ireland’s Eye abundant ’00—P. Rare—Colgan. (27 Mayo W. *Achill Sound ’99—-Marshall.) (28 Sligo *Rosses Point ’00—Tetley.) 38 Down {Killough ’98, Stewart—Hb. 8.& A.M.! 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay cliffs ’00—Miss Knowles. North coast frequent. Beyond reasonable doubt native on sea-cliffs and stacks in 1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 20, 21, 39. Its rank is uncertain elsewhere. 70 MALVACEA [ Malva Malva moschata L. Musk Mallow. Census 31—East 15, Centre 9, West 7. Kerry 8. {Kenmare ’99: rare— Scully. Kerry N. *Near Coolbane ’96—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’91: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Ballincollig ’98: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Whitegate 95: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Kilmacthomas’99I—P. Frequent throughout. Tipp. 8. Ardfinnan ’00, {Farranaleen, +Fethard, Carrick—P. Limrek. Mullagh’00—P. Frequent in the north. Tipp. N. Roscrea’00—Phillips. {Thurles ’98—P. Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Common throughout—P- Wexford Macmine ’97—Marshall 539. Frequent throughout. Carlow Leighlinbridge ’99: centre and south common—P. Queen’s Queen’s Co. (J. Douglas)—More ’72 674. Galw. W. Salthill’00—Phillips. Ashford, Miss Jackson— Cy). I1. Galw. NE. {Tuam ’99—P. King’s Ballyduff—Jr. F7. 33. Kildare {Curragh’97—P. Wicklow Wicklow Head ’85—C. F. D’Arcy. Very rare. Dublin Near Tallaght ’93—P. 7z9. Very rare. Meath Sheve-na-calliagh ’00 : widespread but rare—P. Westmth. Knock Drin once found—Leyinge ’94 4&4. Very rare. Longfd. Limestone rocks north of Ballymahon ’00—P. Roscomn. Mount Talbot ’97—P. Mayo KE. Cong ’95—M. & 8S. 545. Sligo {Knocknarea Glen, {Lough Arrow, ’97—P. Louth North of Dundalk, Templeton—/V. Uist. ’64. Dongl.E. {Carrigans ’92, Mrs. Leebody—F7. Don. Very rare. Armagh Newry and Tanderagee, and in north: rare, ’?92—P. Down {Near Comber ’90—P. }Rare—/V. VE. Antrim Crumlin ’99—Miss Knowles. }Rare—/FV. VE. Liderry §Moneymore, Whan—FV. Ulst.’64. }+Rare—//. WE. Very local. Common in the south-east, in 6, 11, 12, and 13, where it looks native. In many of its stations it is no doubt an escape. Malva sylvestris L. Common Mallow. Divisions all. Chiefly by the coast, and mostly near houses. Radiola | 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. a 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE, 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 31 Louth 33 Ferman, 36 Tyrone 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry MALVACKA. LINEA 7p Malva rotundifolia L. Dwarf Mallow. Census 23—East 11, Centre 5, West 7. *Aughils ’94—Scully. *Near Ballymalis ’96—Scully. Barley Cove ’96 : rare—Phillips. Crosshayen 00: rare—Phillips. Near Midleton and Killavullen—Allin 7. ’83. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. Doonbeg ’99—Miss Knowles. West, rare. Cloughjordan ’00—P. Kilkenny ’96—Mrs. Persse. Kilmanock and +Carnsore—B. & G. zo00, ror. Stradbally ’97—P. Common on the coast ’?99—P. Inveran ’95—Colgan. {Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. About Galway only. Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. Bray and Delgany—P. Skerries ’00 : local—Colgan. Slane ’95: {frequent—P. Blackrock ’00—Mrs. Swan. Whole coast frequent. tLevally ’00— West. By Lough Neagh ’96-—Miss Knowles. Downpatrick ’00—P. Rare—J/7. VE. Magheramorne’90—P. Rare, and south only—/7. VE. Portstewart ’00—Miss Knowles. Like the last, of somewhat doubtful status, the more satisfactory stations being situated on the coast. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Clare Wexford Carlow whore wm © & or — Radiola linoides Roth. All-seed. Census 20—East 9, Centre 2, West 9. Killarney ’00 : frequent on coast, rare inland—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94 : coast frequent, inland rare—Scully. Schull ’96: frequent in the south—Phillips. Ballintowtas and Kilbree—Allin //7. 783. Fairy Hill, Miss A. Taylor—Cy@. I. Near Kilrush ’85-6—Stewart 563. Rare. Greater Saltee Island ’82—Hart 364. Near Gowlin ’99—P. 72 LINEE [ Radiola 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Widespread and frequent. 26 Mayo E. Shore of Lough Cullin, More— Cy. I. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Pontoon ’00—P. Achill I. 28 Shgo Inishmurray ’96, Barrington !—P. 745. 31 Louth Anglesey Mountain ’99—Lett and Waddell. 34 Dongl. E. Malin Head c., Dunaff Head, ’98—Hart os. 35 Dongl. W Tory Island, &c. : frequent—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Bogsouth of Portadown ’92—P. 38 Down Newcastle ’99—Druce 286. Rare—Fl. VE. 39 Antrim Bushfoot ’87—P. Rathlin I.—Stewart 857. 40 L’derry Portrush to Downhill abundant, D. Moore—-Cyb. II. Strongly calcifuge, with a corresponding distribution. Linum catharticum L. Purging Flax. Divisions all. Abundant. Linum angustifolium Huds. Flax. Census 14+(1)—-East 10, Centre 1, West 3+(1). 1 Kerry S$. Kenmare ’99: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Coolbane ’96—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull ’98—Mrs. Swan. Frequent in south—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven’00: frequent in south— Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’98 : frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore’99—P. Portlaw—Flemyng. Coast frequent. 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00—Phillips. Clonmel—P. Powerstown. 11 Kilkny. ‘Tory Hill’99—P. Kilkenny ’97--Mrs. Persse! Borris. 12 Wexford Gorey ’97—Marshall 539. Frequent throughout. 13 Carlow Milford ’98——P. (15 Galw. SE. ? Near Woodford (M. Dowd)—More ’72 6zz. ?—-P.) 19 Kildare Leixlip ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Greystones ’97—P. Very rare. 21 Dublin Chapelizod ’99: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown’96—P. Gormanstown—More 6z¢. Excepting the single Galway station, which has never been con- firmed, this plant has a continuous range over the south and east, from Kerry to the Boyne. Geranium | GERANIACEA 73 Geranium sanguineum L. Bloody Crane’s-bill. Census 11+(3)—East 1+(3), Centre 4, West 6. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan’00—Phillips. Burren and Aran common. 10 Tipp. N. Esker near Cloughjordan, c.’00—P. L. Derg frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Garryland 00: SW.—P. L. Derg c.—Colgan. 16 Galw. W. NE. of Ross Lake’99—P. Oughterard ; Galway. 17 Galw. NE. Near Knockmae ’99, and common on Lough Corrib—P. 18 King’s Clonad Wood! ’94—Miss EK. Russell. (20 Wicklow Killincarrig and Bray—/r. FV. ’33. ? Extinct.) 21 Dublin Howth ’00—Colgan. Coast, locally abundant. 25 Roscomn. Bridewell near Athlone, P. Browne— Cyd. I. 26 Mayo E. Glen Corrib and Ballycurrin c., Miss Jackson— Cy). II. 34 Dongl. K. Ballyshannon—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. St. John’s Point—F7. Don. (38 Down Crawfordsburn, R.O. Cunningham— 7. VEZ. ?Extinct.) (39 Antrim Portrush, Dickie—/V. Ulst.’64. ? Extinct.) *Geranium Pheum L. Dusky Crane’s-bill. Census 10—Kast 5, Centre 4, West 1. 5 Cork E. *Midleton(Allin)—More’726zz. Lota Wood—Power F1. 8 Limrck. *Curragh Chase! ’00—O’Brien. *Glenstal—Hart 369. 22 Meath Ballybeg ‘‘ for many years,” G. Dawson—More’72 674. 30 Cavan *Cavan ’96—P. 33 Ferman. *Rossory, spreading, ?00— West. 34 Dongl. E. *Near Pettigoe—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Coalisland ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh *Mullaghmore Lough ’92—P. 38 Down *Ballykinler ’*86—P. *Knock Glen, Stewart—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Near Skerry ’99—Miss Knowles. Island-magee (R. Tate)—More 674. Has had a garden origin everywhere, but appears naturalized in some of its stations. Geranium sylvaticum L. (88 Down Near Holywood |? Marino |—J/7. Ulst. 64. Escape ?) 39 Antrim Glenarm ’90, Cairncastle ’83—P. Not unfrequent about Glenarm, and confined within a radius of a few miles of that place. Perhaps naturalized at Glenstal, Limerick (Hart 369). 74 GERANIACE As [ Geranium Geranium pratense L. 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay ’00—Mrs. Swan. Coast from Portrush to Ballycastle—S. & P. 874. Abundant in its limited range on the Antrim coast. Occurs as an escape in 3, 4, 15, 20, 34, 37. Geranium pyrenaicum L. Census 21+(2)—East 12+(2), Centre 6, West 3. 4 Cork Mid {Near Charleville (T. Allin)—More’72 6zz. (5 Cork KE. *Glanmire ’75, &e.—Allin #7. Casual—Phillips.) 6 Waterfd. Passage—B. & G.’89 zoo. Carrick-on-Suir— Cy). II. 9 Clare Ballyallia ’00—R. D. O’Brien! 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97—P. Rare. 12 Wexford Gorey and Wexford ’97—Marshall 539. 13 Carlow Tullow ’99, Bagenalstown, Carlow— P. 14 Queen’s Graigue’98—P. Barrow below Athy ’84—Hart 353. 15 Galw. SE. Near Craughwell ’99—Mrs. Joyce 472. 18 King’s Birr ’00, Edenderry ’96—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’97: frequent—P. 20 Wicklow Newcastle ’00—C. Waterfall. Frequent in NE.—P. 21 Dublin Sutton ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00: common throughout—P. 23 Westmth. North of Moate’99—P. Rare. 24 Longfd. Ballymahon ’00—P. 26 Mayo KE. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse ! 27 Mayo W. Near Belmullet, D. Moore— Cy). I. 31 Louth Dundalk! ’00—Mrs. Swan. Frequent. 36 Tyrone Newtownstewart ’96—Miss Knowles. (87Armagh *Loughgall ’54—More: not found—P.) 38 Down Saul ’90—P. Rare—Fl. VE. 39 Antrim Whitewell ’?90—W. D. Donnan. Generally rare and local. Attains its maximum along the east coast. Geranium molle L. Divisions all. Common. +Geranium pusillum L. Census 6—East 3, Centre 2, West 1. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00, Whitegate ’96—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore, Hd. T. Chandlee—Cyé. II. 8 Limrck. Ringmoylan ’85-6—Stewart 863. Geranium | GERANIACEA ' 9 21 26 ba | a ¢ Clare Miltown Malbay 730, Harvey’s Memoiw—Cyb. II. Dublin Old Connaught ’00—J. Meade! Portrane; Lambay I. Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’00—Stanhope Kenny ! Old records from 4, 11, 20, 39 are doubtful. Possibly introduced in all stations. — bo OO Or # OO Geranium rotundifolium L. Census 5—East 3, Centre 0, West 2. Cork W. Near Ballinadee—Allin 77. ’83. Rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Ring’00 (Scully), Blackrock, Douglas: local—Phillips. Cork E. Carrigtwohill ’00 : frequent in south—Phillips. Clare Near Ballyvaughan ! ’95—P. B. O’ Kelly. Wexford . Near New Ross ’99—Phillips 672. A few old records are discarded as probably erroneous. Geranium dissectum L. Dove’s-foot. Divisionsall. Frequent. Geranium columbinum L. Census 19—East 9, Centre 5, West 5. ‘Kerry 8. Kenmare ’98—P. Cork W. Inchigeela ’97: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Ballincollig ’99: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Near Castletownroche ’00: rare—Phillips. Tipp. 8. Clonmel ’97—P. Ardgeeha, Ballylinch— Cy). II. Limrek. Askeaton, Mullagh, ’00--P. Foynes—Stewart 863. Clare Ballyvaughan ! ’95—P. B. O’Kelly. Tipp. N. Lough Derg near Dromineer ’98—P. Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Wexford Near New Ross ’99—Phillips. Frequent. Carlow By R. Barrow above Borris ’99—P. Galw. SE. Gort ’00—P. Portumna—Cyb. I. Frequent in SE. Galw. NE. Between Kilcornan and Rahasane ’99—Mrs. Joyce sgr.- Kildare Poulaphuca ’00—P. Wicklow Poulaphuca ’00—P. Murrough, D. Moore—Cys. I. Dublin Feltrim Hill ’00—Coigan. Mayo E. Lough Mask unquestionably native—Marshall 99 577. Louth {Dundalk ’00—Mrs. Swan! C.bellingham—Butler 785. Tyrone Near Urney, Admiral Jones— Cy). I. Chiefly in the southern half of Ireland, generally on limestone rocks, where it has all the appearance of a native. 76 No re oar nm ok w 11 GERANIACEA [ Geranium Geranium lucidum L. Census 32+(1)—East 10+(1), Centre 11, West 11. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N Kilkny. Kenmare ’99: local—Scully. Abbeydorney 799: locally abundant—Scully. Inchigeela.’00: frequent—Phillips. Ballincollig ’99 : frequent—Phillips. Midleton ’00 : common—Phillips. Cappagh ’99—-P. Passage East ’93—B. & M. US. Fethard! ’00—Phillips. Cahir ’00—P. Lough Gur ’°00—P. Common in the north. Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent. Drominagh ’96—Colgan. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse. Frequent—P. (12 Wexford *Kilmanock ’92—B. & M. W/S.) 14 15 16 iUZ 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 28 29 30 30 34 36 39 40 Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Antrim L’derry Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Loughrea ’00—Phillips. Commonin W., rare in E. Bleanoran ’99—P. Clonbur, Cong, ’95—M. &S8. 545. Barbersfort ’99 : common in ea fo Birr! ’00—Phillips. Carton ’94, Poulaphuca “00—P. Poulaphuca ’00—P. Feltrim Hill ’93—Colgan. Bective °96—P. Frequent. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Frequent. Elfeet Bay ’?00—P. Lough Ree only, common. Mote Park ’97: common throughout—P. Ballyhaunis ?00—P. Throughout, frequent. Annaghmore ’00—P. Frequent, especially in the east. Drumahaire ’99—P. Widespread, frequent. Cavan ’96—P. Frequent in NW.—Stewart &54. Devenish ’00—West & Tetley. Common in SW. Belleek, &c. : extreme south only—/V. Don. St. John’s Point—/7. Don. Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent—/7..NVE. Mrs. Leebody. Beneyenagh ’85—P. Strongly calcicole, with a characteristic distribution, almost every station being on limestone (or on basalt in the north-east). Geranium Robertianum L. Herb Robert. Divisions all. Common. Krodium ] GERANIACEA fry Erodium cicutarium L’Hérit. Stork’s-bill (genus). Maritime counties all, except 29 Leitrim (the coast of which is rocky): namely 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Rare inland, as follows :— 5 Cork K. Limestone hill near Midleton ’96—Phillips. 8 Limrek. {Limerick ’97, Bentley—Hb. L.F.C.! 11 Kilkny. {}Kilkenny, roadside, ’96—Mrs. Persse! 16 Galw. W. {Kilbeg Ferry, wayside, ’99—P. 20 Wicklow }Kilmacanoge ’94— P. 38 Down {Castlewellan [’90]—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim L. Neagh at mouth of Six-mile Water ’?00—Dayvies. 40 Liderry = Benevenagh, 1100 feet, ’92—P. Erodium moschatum L’ Hérit. Census 20—Kast 9, Centre 2, West 9. Kerry 8. Bunaw ’94: rare and local—Scully. Kerry N. Ardfert ’94: rare and local—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’97: frequent near coast—Phillips. Cork Mid Douglas ’00: frequent on coast—Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’00: frequent near the sea—Phillips. Waterfd. Tramore ’89—W. W. Flemyng. Limrek. Newcastle’00—O’Brien! Limerick—Bentley! Glin. Clare Cliffs of Moher’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore’90—65r. Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. South chiefly, frequent. Galw. W. Clifden ’94, Miss Jackson— Cyd. IT. Galw. NE. Rinmore! ’00—Phillips. King’s {Killeagh ’96—P. Wicklow Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. Arklow and near Bray—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’95: rare—Colgan. 27 Mayo W. Achill Island ’40, Babington i Hb.—Cyb. II. 31 Louth Greenore ’00—P. 34 Dongl. KE. {Near Ballyshannon, H. Allingham—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. tRathmullan—/V. Don. 38 Down Dundrum ’99—B.N.F.C. z39. Very rare—/7. WE. 39 Antrim Ballycastle ’86—P. Very rare—//. VEL. ee ee OI nnw OOM rr - Co tS = i) oO Inland in Limerick and King’s Co. only, where it is probably an introduction. Chiefly about towns and roadsides by the sea. 78 GERANIACEA. RHAMNEA [ Hrodium Erodium maritimum L’Hérit. Census 11+(2)-—East 8+(2), Centre 0, West 3. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 9 Clare 12 Wexford 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 38 Down (39 Antrim? (40 L’derry? South and records. Schull &c., ’96: frequent on SW. coast—Phillips. Ringaskiddy (Carroll)—Allin 7. ’83. Ballycotton—Drummond 719 287. Tramore, T. Chandlee— Cy). I. Inishmore ’90—Nowers and Wells 657. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Frequent all round the coast. Shore at Aughris— Wade 1804 goz. Bray Head ’00—P. Howth ’00: local—Colgan. Laytown and Mayden Tower ’96—P. Dundrum ’99—B.N.F.C. 739. Rare—l. VE. Glenarm, R. Oulton; Ballycastle, Miss Hincks—FV. U/st.) Castlerock and Coleraine, W. T. Whan-—//. Uist. ’64). east coasts chiefly. I doubt the Antrim and Derry Oxalis Acetosella L. Wood Sorrel. Divisions all. Abundant. Ilex Aquifolium L. Holly. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. No doubt universal. Euonymus europeus L. Spindle-tree. Divisions all. Rather calcicole, and often rare off the limestone. Rhamnus catharticus L. Purging Buckthorn. Census 17+(2)—East 2+(2), Centre 9, West 6. 2 Kerry N. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow Kallarney ’00—Scully. Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Frequent in the NW. Ballingarry ’00, Barracurragh, Lough Derg f.—P. Maganey ’98—P. Not infrequent along the Barrow. Lough Fingall ’99—P. F. on L. Derg and in west. Bleanoran ’99—P. On L. Corrib and L. Mask, rare. Clonbrock ’00—R, E. Dillon. IL. Corrib frequent—P. Clonad wood ’96, Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Nurney ’97—P. And by the Barrow occasionally. Luggela and Murrough, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Ulex | RHAMNEA. LEGUMINOSA 79 23 Westmth. Knock Eyon—Levinge 94454. L. Ree frequent—P. 24 Longfd. Chapel Island in Lough Ree ’97—-P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park, Mount Talbot, Galey, ’97—P. 26 Mayo EK. NW. of Claremorris ’?00—P. L. Mask; L. Carra. 27 Mayo W. Lough Cullin, More—Cyé. I. 30 Cavan Farnham ’96—P. 33 Ferman. Heron Island ’92—P. Lower L. Erne only, common. (39 Antrim L. Beg and L. Neagh, D. Moore—Cyb. I. ? Extinct). (40 Lderry L. Beg and Salterstown, D. Moore—Cyé. I. ? Extinct). Chiefly by the lakes and rivers of the Central Plain, and very rare off the limestone. Not seen in the north-east since Lough Neagh was drained half a century ago. Apparently extinct in Cork, if it ever was there. Rhamuus Frangula L. Alder Buckthorn. Census 12+(2)—EHast 3+(2), Centre 5, West 4. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99—Scully. 9 Clare Glanquin ’92—Levinge 482. 10 Tipp. N. Friar’s Lough ’97—P. 14 Queen’s Mountmellick bog 1732, Annot. in Threlkeld— Cy). II. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford ’98—P. L. Derg and the south-west, rare. 16 Galw. W. South shore of Lough Mask ’95—M. & S. 545. 18 King’s Clonad wood ’96-——P. 19 Kildare Near Enfield ’84, E. P. Wright—Cyé. II. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cy. I. 24 Longfd. Inchcleraun on Lough Ree ’97—P. 26 Mayo E. Lough Mask 8S. shore ’95—M. & S. 545, and E. shore "91, Vowell—Cyd. II. L. Carra ’37—Ball g3. (38 Down Near Ballynahinch and Ballygowan, Templeton—/V. Ulst.’64. ? Extinct). 89 Antrim Shane’s Castle ’91—P. ? Extinct in other stations. (40 Liderry Creagh I. in L. Beg, D. Moore—Cyb. I. ? Extinct). Drainage and turf-cutting have almost exterminated this shrub in the north-east. Several other records (14, 20) are in need of recent confirmation. Ulex europeus L. Gorse; Whin. Divisions all. Common, but more abundant and widespread in the east than in the west. 80 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 1K) 20 21 22 31 52 34 36 36 37 08 39 40 Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LEGUMINOS A [ Ulea Ulex Gallii Planch. Census 29—East 15, Centre 6, West 8. Kenmare ’99 : frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99 : frequent—Scully. Skibbereen.’97 : common in south—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96 : common—Phillips. Near Whitegate ’98 : common—Phillips. « Dungarvan ’99: abundant— P. Slevenaman ’00—P. Frequent on mountains in south. Inishmore ’95—P. 738. Arra Mountains c.’99—P. Glenstal ’80—Hart 369. Tory Hill ’99 : common off the limestone—P. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent, especially near coast. Tullow 799: frequent—P. Ballybrophy ’00—Phillips. Dalystown ’97, Chevy Chase ’00—P. Clifden ’98—Colgan. Common. Birr ’00—Phillips. Kilcullen ’96, hillsnear Baltinglass and Blessington—P. Avondale ’99 : common—P. Howth ’00—P. Locally abundant—Colgan. Sheve Bregh ’00—P. Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Creeve Lough ’00—P. Near Moville and Burt (J. Hunter)—Hart ’99 405. In Fanet only—/7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Fews mountains and common on hills in 8. ’92—P. Ballynahinch ’00—P. Frequent. Skerry ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VE. Loughinshollen, &c., D. Moore: rare—//. VE. Strongly calcifuge, and consequently absent from the greater part of the Central Plain. Absent also from large areas in the west. No doubt some of the gaps in the list will be filled. Cytisus scoparius Link. Broom. Divisions all. Strongly calcifuge, and distributed accordingly, generally appearing as soon as the limestone is left. Bog banks occasionally furnish a suitable habitat on the limestone. Ononis | LEGUMINOS A 81 Ononis repens L. Rest—harrow. Census 30—Kast 14, Centre 6, West 10. Kerry 8. {Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Kerry N. {Near Ardfert ’?92—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’97 : frequent— Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Cork KE. Youghal ’00 : common—Phillips. Waterfd Dungarvan ’99: frequent throughout—P. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00—Phillips. Common in the south—P. Timrek. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Clare *Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Kilkny. _Inistioge ’?00—Phillips. Abundant—P. Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Coast frequent. Carlow Milford ’99—P. Frequent throughout. Queen’s Abbeyleix ’98, Grantstown, Maryborough—P. Galw. SE. Ardrahan ’00, Oranmore, Ardfry—P. Galw. W. Moycullen ’99—P. Galw. NE. Tuam ’99—P. Kildare Kildare ’97 : throughout, frequent—P. 20 Wicklow Blessington ’98, Wicklow, Greystones—P. Dublin Skerries ’00 : frequent—Colgan. Meath Kilmessan ’00 : frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Esker near Moate’99—P. Ladywell—B. & V. 273. Longfd. |§ Newtowncashel ’00—P. Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse! Cong ’95-—M. &S. 545. Mayo W. Ballina ’?00—P. Louth Ardee’97—P. Chiefly on coast, locally common. Dongl. E. Fahan (W. KE. Hart) and Kilderry—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Rinboy ’98—Hart 7405. Down Killough ’92—P. Coast, frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Ballycastle’96—P. L. Neagh v.r., coast f.—F7. VF. Lderry Sands at Benone ’94—Mrs. Leebody ! ee oOo TIFF HM hwOnrdndr re OANnounfh wWW eH aS) No Re co co co WD WwW bO ee ATO ey) (oe) aN i=) Round almost the whole coast, and abundantly inland in the south- east, thinning out northward and westward. I have no reason to doubt its being indigenous in any of the stations I have seen—that is, im all the recorded divisions excepting 1 to 5, 9, 34, 85 and 40. Mr. Hart considers it native in Donegal (06). R.1.A. PROC., SER. II., VOL. VII. G 82 LEGUMINOSA [ Trigonella Trigonella ornithopodioides DC. Census 5+(1)—East 5+(1), Centre 0, West 0. 5 Cork E. Currabinny ’00 (Scully )—Phillips. 12 Wexford Rosslare, Greenore, Lady’s Island L.’97—Marshall 5 39. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. About Wicklow only. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: very rare—Colgan. 31 Louth Clogher Head ’387—J. Ball 93. (38 Down Holywood 1799, Templeton WS.—Cyb. II. Extinct. South-east coast only. *Medicago sativa L. Lucerne. Census 13—East 8, Centre 3, West 2. Cork W. Schull ’96—Phillips. Cork EK. Little Island ’00, Ballycroneen ’98—Phillips. Waterfd. Tramore ’99—Phillips. Limrek. Mullagh ’00—P. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan ’00—P. 12 Wexford Plentiful by Blackwater ’96, Miss M. D’ ATV Ie 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Mornington and Oldcastle ’96—P. 23 Westmth. West of Moate ’99—P. 37 Armagh Richhill ’92—P. Armagh ’80—W. F. Johnson! 38 Down Craigavad ’92—P. Rare. 39 Antrim Larne ’77, Corry—/7. VE. And in many other places as an obvious introduction. Rush sand- hills, Co. Dublin, is its most satisfactory station: it appears quite naturalized there. In all cases it has sprung from introduced seed. {Medicago sylvestris Fries. 21 Dublin Sand-dunes at Portmarnock and Malahide ’99—P. May have been introduced, but has the appearance of a native, and has grown there for at least half a century. Medicago lupulina L. Black Medick. Divisions all. Generally common, but appears rare in Donegal. Trifolium | LEGUMINOSZ 83 *Medicago maculata Sibth. Spotted Medick. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’96, Scully—Cyd. II. About Cork harbour. 12 Wexford Plentiful by Blackwater ’96, Miss M. D’Arcy— Cy). II. 20 Wicklow Rathnew, one large patch, ’?98—G. Pim 687. Apparently established in Cork and Wexford. Several merely casual occurrences are omitted. {Melilotus officinalis Lamk. Melilot (genus). Census 9—East 7, Centre 1, West 1. 4 Cork Mid Blackrock (Alexander)—Power 7. ’45. {—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal, Queenstown Junct., ’96—Phillips. Rare. 9 Clare *Near Ballyvaughan ’95, Colgan—Cyd. II. 11 Kilkenny Ferrybank ’95—M. & 8. 545. There for 40 years. 12 Wexford *Kailtrea, Aughnaclappa—B. & M.’92 zo2. Very rare. 20 Wicklow At Fassaroe occasionally, Barrington— Guide ’78. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: frequent near coast—Colgan. 37 Armagh “*Bessbrook on railway ’98—P. 7o5. 39 Antrim Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Larne; Portrush. Fully naturalized and abundant along the coast of Dublin, and appears naturalized also at Ferrybank. Frequent as a casual. *Melilotus arvensis Wallr. Census 6—East 3, Centre 2, West 1. 5 Cork E. {Midleton not established—Allin FT. ’83. 7 Tipp. 8. Railway at Cahir c. (Wright)—Carroll ’57 zgz. 8 Limrek. {Limerick ’00—P. 15 Galw. SE. Garryland ’00, little more than casual—P. 31 Louth About Termonfeckin and Queensborough ’96—P. 39 Antrim Kilroot and Larne, abundant, naturalized—S. & P. 874. As a casual in Dublin, Down, and elsewhere. Its Antrim stations alone entitle it to a place in the flora. Trifolium subterraneum L. 20 Wicklow Riverside at Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall ! First found here in 1867. Trifolium pratense L. Red Clover. Divisions all. Common. G 2 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 7 Tipp. 8. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 31 Louth 32 Monaghn. 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 385 Dongl. W 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 388 Down 39 Antrim 40 Lderry LEGUMINOS& [Trifolium Trifolium medium Huds. Zigzag Clover. Census 29---East 13, Centre 8, West 8. Mouth of Dingle harbour ’85—Hart 387. East of Tralee ’88—Scully. Donoughmore ’96: rare—Phillips. Fermoy ’97: rare—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Ballinure ’98—P. Widespread but not common. Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore—65r. Cloughjordan ’00, Thurles, Portumna—P. Between Courtown and Gorey ’81—Hart 377. Emo 796: frequent and widespread—P. . Tillyra near Ardrahan ’00—Mrs. Joyce! Tullamore and Clara ’99—P. Nurney ’97, Ballymore ’00—P. West of Great Sugarloaf ’94—P. Rockfield—Cyb. I. Glenasmole ’00: local—Colgan. Kilmessan and frequent about Navan ’00—P. Carrowkeribly L. ’00—P. Near Foxford—Cy8. I. Crossmolina and common in the NE.—P. Annaghmore’00—P. Skreen, Dromore W.—Colgan. Whitestown ’00, north base of Carlingford Mtn.’93—P. Monaghan ’00—Somerville. Bilberry Island in L. Melvin ’00—P. Frequent. North of Belleek’00—P. N.and 8. frequent—FV. Don. . Aranmore, &c.: frequent—FV. Don. Strabane ’00—Miss Knowles. About Navan Fort ’92—P. Newcastle ’86—P. . Portavoe, Corry—/V. VE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—AFV. VE. Near Castlerock ’85—P. Frequent—-/l. VEZ. Widely but unevenly distributed over Ireland, and local in most of the divisions. Trifolium arvense L. Hare’s-foot Trefoil. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. Census 15—East 11, Centre 0, West 4. Lislee, Inisherkin, Glandore—Allin FV. ’83. Rare. Blackrock—Power /7. ’45. Cork—-Drummond 287. Ballycotton and Youghal—Allin #7.’83. Trifolium | LEGUMINOSAE 85 Waterfd. Helvick Head, &c.,’82— Hart 38z. Frequent on coast. Clare Inisheer [’69 ] Hart—More 6z4. Kilkny. {Between New Ross and Inistioge ’97—Mrs. Persse! Wexford Wexford Harbour ’96——Marshall 537. Coast, rare. Wicklow Arklow Head ’81— Hart 377. Dublin Howth ’00: rare-—Colgan. Mayo W. Inishturk ’75—More 676. Louth Clogher Head ’90—Butler 785. Dongl. E. Inishowen Head, Malin, Ballyshannon—/V. Don. Down Bailykinler ’88—P. Rare-—/7. VE. Antrim Portrush ’98—Mrs. Swan. Rare—/7. NE. Lderry Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. L. Neagh—/V. VL. Sandy places by the coast, chiefly in the east. Inland by Lough Neagh, the Kilkenny plant being probably casual. 12 20 Trifolium striatum L. Census 9—East 6, Centre 0, West 3. Kerry N. Kailfenora ’94, and west of Ardfert—Scully. Cork W. Glandore, J. Sullivan— Cy). I. Cork Mid Carrigaline ’00 (Scully)—Phillips. Clare Inishmore ’90—Nowers & Wells 657. Wexford 8S. of Greenore, N. of Wexford Hbr. ’97—-Marshall 539. Wicklow Wicklow ’00--C. Waterfall. Greystones ’96—P. Dublin Feltrim Hill ’00: rare—Colgan. Louth Summit of Clogher Head ’37—Ball 93. Antrim Whitehead 66, G. C. Hyndman spec.—Fl. VE. Very local, on the coast. Trifolium scabrum L. Cork E. Fanisk near Youghal ‘00—Phillips. Wexford South of Carnivan Head ’82—Hart 384. Wicklow Wicklow ’00—-C. Waterfall. Thence to Greystones f. Dublin North Bull ’00: rare—Colgan. South-eastern coast only. Trifolium glomeratum L. Wexford Near Rosslare House ’97—Marshall 539, 5¢r. Wicklow Wicklow ’69--Moore 587. A mile and a half N. of Wicklow ’94, Scully——Cyé. IT. 86 LEGUMINOS® [Trifolium *Trifolium hybridum L. Alsike Clover. Divisions all, except 9, 16, 24, 25, 29, 34, 55. Appears established in the north-east, and is possibly so elsewhere. Trifolium repens L. White or Dutch Clover. Divisions all. Common. Trifolium fragiferum L. Census 11+(1)—East 8+(1) Centre 0, West 3. 1 KerryS. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Feohanagh ’83—Hart 387. 2 Kerry N. Banna’92—Scully. Rather frequent. (5 Cork E. Two plants on roadside at Tivoli ?99—Phillips. ) 6 Waterfd. Tramore abundant ’99--P. 11 Kilkny. New Ross ’00—Phillips. Granny ’98—P. 12 Wexford Alderton ’89—B.&G. zor. Barrow estuary frequent. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge and mouth of Polmounty River ’98—P. 20 Wicklow Kilcoole ’95—P. 21 Dublin Hazelhatch ’93—Colgan 207. Frequent on coast. 22 Meath Laytown and Mornington ’96—P. 28 Sligo Drumeliff ’97—P. 31 Louth Queensborough and Clogher Head ’96——P. Rare and local, chiefly on the east coast. Absent from Ulster. Occurs inland in Carlow and Dublin only. *Trifolium agrarium L. Census 7—Kast 4, Centre 1, West 2. 10 Tipp. N. Youghal Bay on Lough Derg ’99--P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown’98—P. 12 Wexford Courtown ’93--Mrs. Tatlow! 17 Galw.NE. Knockmae ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Kilmacanoge ’94—P. 34 Dongl. E. North of Kilderry, casual—FV. Don. 38 Down Drumbo ’97—Dayies 260. An introduced species, but spreading beyond the limits of cultiva- tion in some of the above stations, and will probably become naturalized, as in England. Lotus | LEGUMINOS A 87 Trifolium procumbens L. Hop Trefoil. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim, where it, no doubt, will be found. Frequent. Trifolium dubium Sibth. (7. minus Smith.) Shamrock. Divisions all. Common. Trifolium filiforme L. Census 13—-Kast 6, Centre 2, West 5. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’89—Scully. Kerry N. Rahaneen ’92: rare—Scully. Cork Mid Currabinny ’00 (Scully)—Phillips. Cork KE. Youghal, Miss A. Ball—Hd.S8.&A.M.! Tipp. 8. Fethard ’00—Phillips. 9 Clare In Co. Clare, Hb. D. Moore—- Cyd. II. 12 Wexford Carnsore, Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. }Kilmanock. 14 Queen’s By Erkina River above Durrow ’98—P. 16 Gatw. W. Leenane ’35—Babington 57. 19 Kildare Curragh ’97, and near Ballymore ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. Greystones—-P. Arklow. 21 Dublin St. Anne’s at Clontarf-—/7. Howth ’87. 35 Dongl.W. {Glenalla House—/V. Don. 37 Armagh Tynan Abbey ’89—B.N.F.C. 277. In some cases believed to have been originally introduced with grass-seed. Io DO eH Anthyllis Vulneraria L. Lady’s Finger. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim, 30 Cavan, 32 Monaghan. Probably throughout the country, but local. Generally commoner on the coast than inland, and on the limestone than off it. Lotus corniculatus L. Bird’s-foot Trefoil. Divisions all. Common. {Lotus tenuis Waldst. and Kit. 6 Waterfd. Waterford ’58, Babington in Hb.— Cyd. II. 12 Wexford Near Alderton House, Miss Glascott—B. & M. HS. 21 Dublin Howth, Vowell—/7. Howth ’87. 35° Dongl. W. tRosapenna ’96—Hart or. (39 Antrim Near Larne ’69, Stewart: gone now—/V. VE.) 88 LEGUMINOSA © [ Lotus Lotus uliginosus Schk. Census 35——EKast 14, Centre 11, West 10. Divisions all, except 17 Galway NE., 19 Kildare, 25 Roscommon, 26 Mayo E., 28 Sligo. A plant of very irregular distribution, but is abundant in parts of most of the divisions, and probably occurs in all. Commoner off the limestone than on it, and reaches its maximum in the north. Astragalus Hypoglottis L. Purple Milk-Vetch. 9 Clare Inishmore *95—P. Inishmaan’3é5 (R. Ball)—Patterson 923 Avan Islands only. Ornithopus perpusillus L. Bird’s-foot. 3 Cork W. Goleen’96—Phillips. 12 Wexford Ballyconigar—Carroll ’54 z92. 21 Dublin Howth—/7. Howth’87. Vicia hirsuta Koch. Hairy Tare. Census 30—East 15, Centre 6, West 9. 1 Kerry 8. Parknasilla 92: rare—-Scully. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’94: rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’97 : rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Midleton ’00: common in the south—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir and Knocklofty ’00—P. 8 Limrck. Askeaton ’00—-P. Foynes—Stewart 563. 9 Clare Inchiquin L. ’99, Castlepark—R. D. O’Brien. 11 Kilkny. ‘Thomastown ’98—P. 12 Wexford Arklow Head’81—Hart 377. N.&S8.,r.—B.&M. zoz2. 13 Carlow Marley dispensary near Borris—T. Hartley ’00. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Woodford—More 6rz. - 16 Galw. W. Near Clonbur’95--M. & 8. 545. 19 Kildare Curragh ’97—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow’97—P. About Bray, Barrington—-Guide’78. 21 Dublin Near Rush ’94 : rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Ardtranan ’48, Hb. Dr. Steele—Hd. 8.& A.M. 23 Westmth. {Knock Drin, rare—Levinge ’94 784. Vicia | LEGUMINOS & 89 26 Mayo E. Near Ballinrobe ’94—-Mrs. Persse ! 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00——-P. 31 Louth Ardee ’00—Mrs. Swan. Frequent. 32 Monaghn. Iniskeen and Creeve Lough ’00—P. 383 Ferman. Inishfree and Long I. on Lower L. Erne ’92—P. 6gr. 34 Dongl. EK. Near Malin ’98---Hart 705. {Inishowen f.—/7. Don. 385 Dongl. W. {Fanet, Ramelton, Rathmullan—/7. Don. 37 Armagh Frequent ’92—P. 38 Down Holywood ’00--P. Frequent——FV. VE. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay ’?00—-Mrs. Swan. Frequent—/7. VEZ. 40 Lderry _—_ Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/7. VE. Rare except in the north-east, and sometimes in suspicious situa- tions. }Vicia tetrasperma Mcench. Smooth Tare. Census 6—East 5, Centre 1, West 0. 4 Cork Mid Kinsale-junction, &.—Allin /7.’83. }{Rare--Phillips. 5 Cork E. — Ballyvodock ’00—Phillips. 21 Dublin Knockmaroon ’95 and Skerries ’?94—Colgan. 22 Meath Liscaton——/r. #7. ’33. Ann’s Brook——Murphy 629. 23 Westmth {Knock Drin rare-—Levinge 94484. Mullingar——Cyd. I. 38 Down *Giant’s Ring, C. Dickson—/V. VE. Seems established in Dublin (Knockmaroon), but hardly deserves inclusion in the Ivish list. Vicia Cracea L. Tufted Vetch: Divisions all. Common. Vicia Orobus DC. Bitter Vetch. Census 4—East 1, Centre 1, West 2. 16 Galw. W. Bilberry Island on L. Corrib’97, Miss Jackson— Cy). I. East only, very rare. 17 Galw. NE. Castle Lambert and Coolaran ’99:—Mrs. Joyce! Creg- more ’91, Miss N. P. Decie. 18 King’s Wood within four miles of Cloughjordan, R. Hodgens— fl. Hib. 36. 39 Antrim Sallagh Braes ’82, Stewart—/7. VE. The Down record (Ray’s Synopsis 1696) is more than doubtful. 90 aNINarnrhwnbd Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterid. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim L’derry Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrick. LEGUMINOSA [ Vicia Vicia sylvatica L. Wood Vetch. Census 22—Kast 11, Centre 3, West 8. Killarney ’99—Scully. Near Bantry—Drummoné ’19 287. Ballybrittain, Hb. Chandlee— Cy). II. Blackwater below Fermoy—Power /7. ’45. Ballyvoyle Head and Mine Head ’82—Hart 38z. Ringmoylan wood ’85 -6—Stewart 863. South of Slieve Elva ’95, O’ Kelly— Cy). II. Wilton, 8S. Madden— Cyd. I. Duffearrick ’81—Hart 377. Doon, Prof. Melville— Cyd. I. Streamstown——/r. F7.733. Arklow Head ’81—Hart 37z. Rockfield; Devil’s glen. Glenasmole ’94 : rare—Colgan. Near Houndswood, Miss Jackson— Cy). II. Ben Bulben 1815, Templeton Jowrnal— Cy). I1. Glenade and Arroo Mountain’84—B. & V. 772. Carlingford ’78—Stewart. Ballinamallard ’00—P. Frequent on Lower L. Erne. Moville and Donegal—F7. Don. Throughout, rare : frequent on Donegal Bee Don. Dundrum ’98—P. Rare—/V. VE. Fair Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/fV. WE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—#F7. VE. Vicia sepium L. Bush Vetch. Divisions all. Common. Vicia angustifolia Roth. Census 33—East 15, Centre 10, West 8. Kenmare ’00 : frequent—Seully. Abbeydorney ’99 : frequent—Scully. Skibbereen ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96 : common—Phillips. Little Island ’00 : common—Phillips. South of Clonmel ’97—P. Frequent thronenont Cahir ’00 : throughout, being common in the south—-P. Askeaton ’00—P. Limerick; Longpavement. Vicia | confined to the coast is misleading. Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd, Mayo E. Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone 7 Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LEGUMINOSA 91 Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Rapla’99-—P. Kilkenny ’97—P. Ballinlaw Ferry—B. & G. zoo. Courtown ’97—P. Frequent on the coast. Goresbridge ’99, Bagenalstown ’97—-P. Ballybrophy ’00—Phillips. Garryland ’00—P. Inishbofin’75—More 676. West of Baltinglass’99—P. Woodenbridge and Shillelagh ’99 : frequent—P. Sutton ’95 : local—Colgan. Trim ’?00—P. Reynoldstown ’99 : frequent—P. Ballinrobe ’94—-Mrs. Persse ! Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Leitrim ’99—P. Sheve Glah ’96, Drumhawnagh ’00—P. Kallencoole ’96—P. Newblss ’00—P. Enniskillen ’?00—P. Inishmacsaint ’92—P. 69gz. Leenane and near Urney—7. Don. Lough Shannagh ’98—Hart 7o5. By L. Neagh ’96——Miss Knowles. Urney—/7. Don. Armagh ’92 : frequent throughout—-P. Killyleagh ’98—P. Frequent throughout—/V. VE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout. Magilligan ’97—-Mrs. Leebody. Frequent on coast and Lough Neagh—-/7. WZ. The above records show the accepted idea that this plant is almost It is tolerably evenly distributed over the country, being rather commoner in the east, and becoming rare and local on the west coast. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 34 Dongl. E. 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 Lderry Vicia lathyroides L. Census 6—Hast 5, Centre 0, West 1. Arklow ’94—Scully 833. Baldoyle ’?00--P. Very rare—Colgan. Dunaff Head ’98—Hart os. Stroove-—F. Don. Ballymacormick Point’86—P. North half of coast, r. Ballycastle ’82 [Stewart |—/7. NH. Very rare. Magilligan ’94—-Mrs. Leebody. 92 LEGUMINOSA. ROSACEA [ Lathyrus Lathyrus pratensis L. Meadow Vetchling. Divisions all. Common. Lathyrus palustris L. Census 9+(2)—Hast 3+(1), Centre 5+(1), West 1. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’98—P. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Dunganstown— 525. 22 Meath Lough Sheelin ’96—P. 23 Westmth. L. Iron’99, Athlone—P. L. Owel—7&z. Temple Ik 24 Longfd. RR. Inny olen Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Clooneigh R.’97—T.A.Mapother! L. Key, Athlone—P. 30 Cavan By Lough Erne—Moore ’59 573. 33 Ferman: Common near Belleisle House ’81—2—Barrington zo8. (86 Tyrone Islet in L. Neagh nr. Maghery—/V. Ulst. Extinct.) 37 Armagh Closet River ’92—P. West of Lagan Canal— (Cy). I. (39 Antrim Several stations on L. Neagh till about 1840—/7. VZ.) Drainage has nearly extinguished this plant on Lough Neagh. Elsewhere, its stations lie in the basins of the Shannon and Erne, with two outliers on the Wicklow coast. Lathyrus maritimus Bigel. Sea Pea. (1 Kerry 8. Castlemaine Bay, last seen in 1845—see Cyd. II. Pro- bably extinct.) Lathyrus macrorrhizus Wimm. Heath Pea. Census 36—East 14, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 22 Meath, 23 Westmeath, 24 Longford, 29 Leitrim. Probably universal. Though distinctly calcifuge, it frequently occurs on the limestone. Frequent generally. Prunus spinosa L. Blackthorn; Sloe. Divisions all. Common. *Prunus insititia L. Bullace. Census 28+(1)—East 12, Centre 8, West 8+(1). 1 Kerry 8. *Kenmare ’99: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. *Listowel ’99: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. +Skibbereen ’96—Phillips. Prunus | a wonr onto ff Ww eR ROSACE AL 93 Cork Mid +Coachford ’97: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare ? Tipp. N. Kalkny. Galw. W. King’s Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Sligo Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Rathcooney ’98: frequent—Phillips. Near Carrickbeg ’?00—Phillips. Cahir and Knocklofty ’00—P. Limerick, Lough Gur, Doon, ’00—P. Inishmore, L. Ogilby—Cyb. I. Not seen since.) Roscrea ?00—Philhps. Nenagh district ¢.—P., Ballinalina, 8. Madden— Cy. I. Bilberry Island in Lough Corrib— Wade 1804 goz2. Clara ’99—P. Carbury *96—P. Santry wood—/r. [.’33. Near Merrion—F7. Hib.’36. Navan ’00, Laytown ’96—P. Knock Drin *95—Levinge 486. Sligo ’97—P. Garadice Lough ’00—P. Collon ’00—P. Newbliss ’00—P. Drumlyon House, Lakeview, &c. ’00— West. Dongl. KE. *Buncrana and Ballyshannon—/7. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Dongil. W. *Fanet and Donegal—/7. Don. Omagh’96—Miss Knowles. Artigarvan—Sigerson 838. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Holywood ’00—P. Frequent—//. VE. Ballycastle ’97—-P. Frequent—//. VE. Ballynascreen,' D. Moore, &c. : frequent—/l. VE. Chiefly in hedges, but often self-sown. Naturalized in the NE.— Benes BS 72. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Prunus Avium L. Wild Cherry. Census 27—East 14, Centre 9, West 4. Kenmare ’98—P. Killarney, D. Moore—Cypb. I. Cork Mid }Rochestown ’98: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Near Belvelly ’96: frequent—Phillips. Shevenaman, native, 00: {Fethard ’98—P. Bilboa river glen, native, ’00—P. Thomastown ’98, looking native—P. Frequent. Glen at Courtown ’97—P. Borris, Ballintemple, Aghade, ’99—P. ROSACEA — [ Prunus Queen’s }Mountrath ’97, north of Graigue ’98—P. Kildare Hills north of Kildare ’98—P. Wicklow Avondale ’99—P. Frequent. Dublin Near Carrickmines ’95: rare—Colgan. Meath {Beaupare ’96, {Navan, {Laytown—P. Westmth. Knock Eyon looking wild ’99—P. {Knock Drin—z&z. Roscomn. +Near Athlone ’98—P. Sligo Co. Sligo, J. Wynne— Cy). I. Cavan {Cavan ’96—P. Louth {Ballymascanlan ’00, {Boyne Obelisk ’96—P. Monaghn. {Creeve Lough and +Lough Avaghon ’?00—P. Ferman. Florencecourt, native? ’?00—P. Frequent. Dongl. E. +Throughout frequent—F7. Don. Dongl. W. Lough Fern “looking native’: local—F7. Don. Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. HolyhillSigerson 838. Armagh Frequent ’92—P. Down Dundonald looking native’00—P. Native, £ —Fl.NE. Antrim Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Native, £—F/. VE. L’derry Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Native, f£.—F7. WE. Appears native in upland glens in the north, and in Tipperary and Limerick, and at least naturalized in Kilkenny, Carlow, Wicklow, Westmeath. Probably an original native, whose habitats have been disturbed by cultivation. {Prunus Cerasus L. Dwarf Cherry. Census 36-—East 15, Centre 12, West 9. Kerry 8. *Kenmare ’98—P. Cork W. South Cork, J. Sulliivan—Cy). I. Cork Mid lLeemount and Blarney—Power 1. ’45. Cork E. Fermoy, T. Chandlee— Cy. I. Waterfd. Dungarvan’99, Bunmahon, Clonmel, Mt. Congreve—P. Tipp. S. Shevenaman ’00: frequent—P. Limreck. Doon ’00 : common in the north—P. Tipp. N. Barracurragh ’98, Nenagh, Cloughjordan, Thurles—P. Kilkny. Near Lismaine House ’99: frequent—P. Wexford Churchtown, Gorey, ’97—Marshall 539. Ballyhyland. Carlow Milford ’99: frequent—P. Queen’s Mountrath ’97: frequent—P. Galw. SE. Ardrahan, Dalystown, and Gort, ’?00—P. Galw. W. Clonbur ’95—M. &S8. 545. Prunus | hedges, but often self-sown (or bird-sown) on rough banks. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ROSACH Ak 95 Clara ’99: frequent—P. Kildare ’97 : frequent—P. Greystones ’94 : local—P. Santry ’95 : rare—Colgan. Hill of Down ’00—P. Knock Drin’95—Levinge 756. Killinure L.’98—P. Kilteevan ’97, Mapother—Hd.8.& A. M.! Rare—P. Carrowkeribly Lough and Ballyhaunis ’00—P. Achill Island ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Lough Arrow, Sligo, Lough Gill, ’97—P. Garadice Lough ’00, and frequent in north—P. Sheve Glah ’96, Scrabby ’00—P. Dunleer ’96, Killencoole, Carlingford—P. Creeve Lough ’00—P. Frequent. Castle Coole ’99 : widespread—P. In the south-west—Hart ’00. In the south-west—Hart ’00. Sperrin Mountains ’92—P. Loughgall: frequent throughout, ’92—P. Crossgar ’60 : frequent—P. Ballycastle ’97—P. Frequent—S. & P. 874. Draperstown ’92—P. Frequent ? A plant of frequent occurrence throughout Ireland. Generally in Probably introduced originally. Kerry $8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Limrek. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. Prunus Padus L. Bird Cherry. Census 26—Kast 7, Centre 9, West 10. *Kenmare in hedges ’99—Scully. “Abbeydorney in hedges ’99—Scully. Near Bandon ’00—Mrs. Swan. *Carrigaline (Alexander)—-Power /7. ’45. *Near Castletownroche, &c. tGlenstal (C. B. Barrington)——-Hart ’81 369. Allin #7. ’83. Bridgetown, ’00—R. D. O’Brien. {North base of Keeper Hill ’99-——P. *Ballyhyland frequent, and Chapel—B. & M. WS. Woods at Maryborough ’97 : telsewhere——P. Woodford ’98—P. Roxborough hills—Mrs. Joyce. Clonbrock, Donamon, ’97—P. Ballinasloe—Cy). I. 96 ROSACE 2 [ Prunus 18 King’s Clonad wood ’96——P. 22 Meath Ross Castle ’85—P. 23 Westmth. {Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 487. 25 Roscomn. Kilteevan’98—T. A. Mapother! Mote Park ’97—P. 28 Shgo By Lough Achree ’96—Colgan. 29 Leitrim Lurganboy ’99—P. Larkfield, Wynne—Cyé. I. 32 Monaghn. Cornacassa and Monaghan ’00-—W. de V. Kane. 33 Ferman. Cooneen, W. J. Browne—Cy). II. 34 Dongl. E. River Finn c., &c.: centre and north—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Throughout sparingly—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Favour Royal—Hart 392. 38 Down Tullycairn, Dickson & Corry—/7. NE. 39 Antrim Skerry ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—//. VE. 40 L’derry Near Limavady, D. Moore: rare—Fi. VE. Native in most of its stations, which generally lie in old woods and upland river-glens. Absent as a native from the southern uplands, and rare on the Central Plain. Spirea Ulmaria L. Meadow-sweet. - Divisions all. Abundant. Spirea Filipendula L. Dropwort. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Boston—Cyb. II. Glencolumbkill abundant—Foot 32,7. 15 Galw. SE. Abundant from Gort to Burren ’?00—P. Portumna ’44 —Moore 563. Rubus Ideeus L. Raspberry. Divisions all. Frequent. Rubus fruticosus L. Bramble; Blackberry. Divisions all. Abundant. [The arrangement and nomenclature of the Fruticose segregates follow Moyle Rogers’s Handbook of British Rubi, 1900. | Mr. Rogers distinguishes in his book the Irish counties from which he has seen specimens, those which are recorded on other reliable authority, and those from which, in the present state of our knowledge, he considers it is desirable to have confirmation. Census numbers are omitted below, since the country has been so irregularly worked for Rubi that they would have no significance. | Eiubus] ROSACEA 97 Rubus fissus Lindl. Cork W. Castletownsend ’97 : frequent in the south——Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballinhassig’97 : rare—Phillips. 23 Westmth. Drinmore—Levinge 94 487. 32 Monaghn. Rossmore ’00—Waddell. 34 Dongl. E. Finn River and Pettigoe—/V. Don. 38 Down Near Saintfield, Stewart—/7. VE. 40 Liderry Near Londonderry, D. Moore— Cy). I. oo Rubus suberectus Anders. 3 Cork W. Millstreet mountains (Carroll)—Allin 7. ’83. 17 Galw. NE. Near Headford, Shuttleworth——/7. Hib. 36. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 4&z. 34 Dongl. KE. Frequent in north and south——/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Probably frequent throughout—A/V. Don. 38 Down Castlewellan Lake ’93, Stewart—B.E.C. ’93. 40 L’derry Limavady, D. Moore— Cy). I. Rubus Rogersic Linton. 38 Down Gillhall ’96, Saintfield ’94, Waddell— W.B..C. ’ 96-7. 39 Antrim Toome ’98—Druce 285. 40 L’derry Toome ’98—Druce 285. Rubus plicatus Wh. & N. 3 Cork W. Ballydehob’96: frequent in south-~Phillips. 4 Cork Mid East of Bandon’98 : rare-—Phillips. 12 Wexford Macmine Castle ’97—Marshall 539. 13 Carlow Near Graiguenamanagh ’00——Phillips. 15 Galw. SE. Lough Derg below Woodford ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & S. 545. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 22 Meath Co. Meath, D. Moore— Cyd. I. 23 Westmth. Drinmore and Crooked Wood ’95—Levinge 486. 26 MayoE. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. &S. 545. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny district common ’99—Marshall. 28 Shgo Lough Arrow ’97—P. 32 Monaghn. Kilmore Lake and Killy Lough ’?00—Waddell. 33 Ferman. White Island (var. hemistemon) ’81-2—Barrington 708. 34 Dongl. E. Frequent in Inishowen—/7. Don. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. H 98 35 36 37 38 40 23 38 1 oe) Oo) i (So) Nh) et COM COMOSM COM INE INS Oo co oO Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down L’derry ROSACE Ai [Rubus Magherawarden and Knockalla (var. hemistemon)’98— Hart os. Glen Lough-—F7. Don. Co. Tyrone ’96—Miss Knowles. Church Hill (var. hemistemon) ’92—P. Anacloan ’96, Waddell—W.B.E.C. ’96-7. Lough Neagh [| Toome | ’98—Druce 286. Clady and Kilrea, D.Moore—/7. VE. Probably common throughout Ireland. Westmth. Leitrim Down Kerry N. Wextord Kerry 58. Kerry N. Galw. W. Dublin Westmth. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Wexford Galw. W. Westmth. Dongl. E. Liderry Rubus nitidus Wh. & N. Crocked Wood (2. opacus Focke) ’95—Levinge 486. SE. corner of Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Altnadua Lake [’89 |—S. & P. 873. Rubus afinis Wh. & N. Killarney, Babington— Cy). I. Rubus cariensis Genev. Near Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Rubus carpinifolius Wh. & N. Derrynane, Babington— Cyb. I. Tore Mountain, Babington— Cy. I. Inishbofin ’75—More 6z6. Maam °35—Babington 57. Howth, Hd, J. Ball—Focke ’91 320. Crooked Wood ’95—Levinge 786. Inishowen frequent—F7. Don. Owencarrow River: frequent in the north—/F7. Don. Newcastle[’89 |—S.&P. 873. Frequent—Fl. VE. &e. Rathlin [’81], Stewart: frequent—/V. VE. Rubus incurvatus Bab. Near Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Clonbur’96—Marshall 537. Knock Drin ’94—Levinge 485. Crooked Wood—so3. Glengad Head and northwards—F7. Don. Toome Bridge ’98—Druce 286. Rubus] ROSACE Ai 38 11 16 27 Rubus Lindlevanus Lees. Kilkny. Ferrybank ’95—M. & 8. 545. Galw. W. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Westmth. Knock Ross—Levinge 794 484. Mayo E. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Monaghn. Newmills and Tydaynet ’00—Waddell. Armagh Lough Gilly ’99—Druce 285. Frequent. Down Aghaderg ’96, Lett—W.B.E.C. ’96-7. Antrim Glendun ’94—Brenan 767. Glenariff—Shoolbred 837. L’derry — Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Evidently common in Ireland. Rubus erythrinus Geney. Galw. W. East of Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Westmth. Knock Drin ’94—Levinge 485. Mayo KE. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. &S. 545. L’derry _ Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Rubus rhamnifolius Wh. & N. Wexford Rosslare ’96—Marshall 537. Galw. W. Maam, Clonbur, ’95—M. & S. 545. L. Inagh—320. Dublin Clontarf and Balbriggan ’93—P. 775. Meath Mornington ’93—P. 775. Westmth. Knock Drin ’94—Levinge 785. Dongl. EK. Inishowen frequent—//. Don. Dongl. W. West Kilmacrenan frequent—/7. Don. Armagh Near Armagh ’92—P. Down Aghaderg ’96, Lett—W.B.E.C. ’96-7. Frequent. Antrim Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred &37. Frequent. L’derry Magilligan, Hd. J. Ball—Focke ’91 320. Common in the north, and probably elsewhere. Rubus nemoralis P. J. Muell. Down White Water, Donard Lodge, and (var. glabratus Bab.) Ghann R. ’89—90—S. & P. 873. Rubus dumnoniensis Bab. Kilkny Ferrybank ’95—M. & 8. 545. Galw.W. Maam ’95—M. &S. 545. Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. H2 99 100 12 Wexford 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 32 Monaghn. 387 Armagh 38 Down 39 40 ROSACEA [Rubus Rubus puicherrimus Neum. Rosslare ’96—Marshall 537. Maam and Clonbur ’95—M. & 8. 545. Lough Dan ’938—P. 775. Glenasmole and Balbriggan ’93—P. 775. Mornington ’93—P. 775. Cong ’95—M. & BS. 545. Mallaranny, Achill Sound, Westport, '99—Marshall. Bessmount and Rossmore ’?00— Waddell. L, Gilly ’98—Druce 286. Ballymore (Lett)—P. 7oz. Saintfield’95, Waddell_W.B.E.C.’95-6. Frequent. Cushendall, &c., 96, Bailey—B.E.C.’96. Frequent. Toome ’98—Druce 285. Ballinderry’94—Brenan 767. Evidently abundant in Ireland. The Westmeath record (Rogers: Brit. Rubc) is not quite certain. Kerry N. Waterfd. Clare Galw. W. — rn OM bw 22 Meath 23 Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Dongl. E. Armagh Down Dongl. W. Rubus villicaulis Koehl. Killarney, Babington— Cyé. I. Waterford, Babington— Cy@. I. Sixmilebridge ’85-6— Stewart 863. Inishbofin ’75—More 6z6. Clonbur, Cong f., 96 (Sel- mert)—Marshall 537. Maam, Babington—Cyb. I. Co. Meath, D. Moore—Cyé. I. L. Derarareh and Ballynegall ’95 (Selmer7)-—Levinge 486. Knock Drin (rhombzfolius), Linton—Cyb. II. Clonbur and Cong f. ’96 (Selmer’)—Marshall 537. Newport (Selmerz) and Mallaranny ’99 (Selmeri and rhombifolius )—Marshall. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Lough Ramor ’96—P. Rossmore, Clontibret, Ballinode, ’00 (all Selmerr)— Waddell. Glengad Head, &c. (type); Pettigoe (calvatus Blox.)— Fl. Don. Carrick (Selmer?) [’91], Hanbury—Cyé. II. L, Gilly (Selmer?) ’99—Druce 285. Frequent (type and Selmeri). Aghaderg (Selmer) 96, Lett—W.B.E.C. ’96-7. quent (type and Selmer?). Fre- Rubus] ROSACE Ad 101 39 40 Antrim Glenarm (Selmeri)—Druce 285. Frequent (type and Selmert). Lderry _ Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Toome ’98 (type and Selmert)—Druce 284, 285. The aggregate is common, and &. Selmert Lindeb. appears to be more abundant than the type. 26 38 16 20 21 38 16 26 ono re oe Rubus gratus Focke. Armagh fallymore ’94, Lett—Cyb. II. Antrim Glendun (Lett)—S. & P. 874. Rubus argentatus P. J. Muell. Mayo KE. Cong ’95—M &&. 545. Rubus rusticanus Mere. (R. discolor Wh. & N.) Divisions all. Abundant. Rubus pubescens Weihe. Down Near Saintfield (Waddell)—S. & P. 874. Rubus silvaticus Wh. & N. Galw. W. Maam’95—M. & S. 545. Wicklow Lough Dan ’93—P. 775. Dublin Howth ’938—P. 775. Down Saintfield 94, Waddell—W.B.E.C. ’94-5. Near Clon- allen (Lett)—S. & P. 874. Rubus myrice Focke var. hesperius Rogers. Galw. W. Oughterard, Maam, Clonbur, common, ’95—6 (Marshall) —Rogers 875. Mayo E. Cong, common, ’95-6 (Marshall)—Rogers 875. Rubus macrophyllus Wh. & N. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’90—Druce 284. Kerry N. Killarney, Babington— Cy), I. Cork W. Inchigeela (Schlechtendalit) ’97, Ballydehob—Phillips. Glengariff—Druce 284. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00—Phillips. Cork KE. Whitegate (type and Schlechtendali) ’97—Phillips. 102 40 Clare Wexford Queen’s King’s Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry. ROSACE AL [Rubus Doonbeg ’85-6—Stewart 863. Near Wexford (Schlechtendaliv) ’96—Marshall 537. Maryborough ’93—P. 775. Portarlington ’93—P. 775. Luggela (type) ’983—P. 775. Var. Schlechtendali fre- quent, amplificatus rare. Howth ’98—P. 7z5. Var. Schlechtendali frequent. Knock Ross (Schlechtendalii and amplificatus)—Levinge "94 484. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Lough Ramor (Schlechtendalit) ’96-—P. Rossmore ’?00— Waddell. Glengad Head—FV. Don. Killybegs, Marshall— FV. Don. Newry (Schlechtendalit) ’92—P. Saintfield (Waddell)—S. & P. 874. Frequent (type and Schlechtendalir). Between Glenarm and Glenariff ’98—Druce 286. Fre- quent (type and Schlechtendalit) ; amplificatus rare. Between Magilligan and Umbra ’96, C. Bailey—B.E.C. 796. Frequent. Rk. Schlechtendalia Weihe appears to be as common as the type: both probably occur throughout Ireland. 16 Galw. W. 37 38 Armagh Down B Cork B: 11 Kailkny. 12 Wexford 21 Dublin 40 L’derry Rubus Salter? Bab. Cromlyn [795 ], E. F. Linton— Cyd. II. Near Newry ’92—P. Shrigley, Stewart—//. WE. Rubus Sprengel: Weihe. Near Mitchelstown ’97—Phillips. Ferrybank ’95—M. & 8. 545. Two miles west of Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Rubus micans Gren. & Godr. Howth ’93—P. 778. Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Liubus| 27 oo pots SG Or 26 27 Clare Kalkny. Wexford Galw. W. Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Down L’derry Cork W. Cork E. Galw. W. Mayo E. Mayo W. ROSACEA 103 Rubus hirtifolius Muell & Wirte. Inishmore (mollissimus) ’?95—P. 740. _ Ferrybank, common, (danicus) ’95—M. & 8. 545. Churchtown, Wexford f., (danicus)’97—Marshall 537. Near Cong’96—Marshall 537. Inishmacdara (mollissv- mus) ’95—P. 740. Knock Drin (type and danicus) ’95—Levinge 486. South of Lough Mask (danicus) ’96—Marshall 537. Mallaranny (type and mollissemus) ’99—Marshall. Lough Allen, common, ’84—Stewart 850. Saintfield (Waddell); Aghaderg (Lett) (both mollissi- mus )—W. M. Rogers. Cross-road to Carnabridge and Portrush (mollissimus) "96, C. Bailey—B.E.C. ’96. Rubus irieus Rogers. Ballydehob ’96—Phillips. Near Whitegate ’97—Phillips. Common at Maam, Oughterard, Clonbur, ’95—6 (Mar- shall)—Rogers S75. Common at Cong ’95—6 (Marshall)—Rogers 875. Mallaranny and Newport ’99—Marshall. A form apparently endemic in Ireland. Wexford Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim Rubus pyramidalis Kalt. West of Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Clonbur ’95—M. & 8. 545. Monasterevan ’93—P. 775. Lough Dan and Glendalough ’98—P. 775, 778. Balbriggan, and frequent in the south, ’93—P. 775, 778. Knock Ross—Levinge ’94 484. Lough Corrib near Cong ’?95—M. & 8. 545. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Near Dromore West ’96, Colgan Drumahaire ’99—P. Carrick ’91, Hanbury—/7. Don. Ballymore (Lett), and Lurgan, ’92—P. 7oz. Tollymore Park [’90 |—S. & P. 873. Frequent. Glenariff ’?93—Shoolbred 837. And about Belfast. Cyb. TL. Evidently common in Ireland. 104 12 Nowe Ow Dm Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Queen’s Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ROSACEA [Rubus Rubus leucostachys Schleich. Killarney, Babington— Cyd. I. Schull ’96—Phillips. Whitegate’97—Phillips. Fermoy (Chandlee)—Allin FV. Between Kilrush and Moyne Point ’85-6—Stewart 563. Common at Ferrybank ’95—M. & 8. 545. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Maryborough and Portarlington ’93—P. 775. Clonbur, Maam, Oughterard, ’95—M. & S. 545. R. leucanthemus at Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Near Portarlington ’93—P. 775. Monasterevan ’93—P. 775. Enniskerry ’?98—P. 775. Kelly’s Glen ’98—P. 775. Crooked Wood and Knock Ross ’95—Levinge 486. Clonbur, Cong, ’?95—M. & 8. 545. R&R. leucanthemus at Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Ox Mountains ’96 (Colgan)—W. M. Rogers. Lough Allen and Lough Scur ’84—Stewart 359. Lough Oughter ’96—P. Carrick—F7. Don. Near Lurgan ’92—P. Dundonald, R. Tate: frequent ?—Fl. WE. Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent. Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Doubtless common throughout Ireland. Rubus lasioclados Focke var. angustifolius Rogers. Wexford Down Down Galw. W. Westmth. Mayo E. Gorey and plentiful near Wexford ’97—Marshall. Rubus criniger Linton. Loughbricland (Lett)—S8. & P. 874. Rubus Boreanus Geney. Aghaderg, Lett— Cyd. II. Rubus cinerosus Rogers. Near Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Knock Drin ’95 (E. F. Linton)—W. M. Rogers. South of Cong ’96—Marshall. Fiubus | 21 23 26 36 o7 38 39 40 bo or 39 40 Dublin Westmth. Mayo KE. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Dublin Down Armagh Antrim Dublin L’derry Wexford Galw. W. Dublin Westmth. 7 Armagh Wexford Mayo W. 7 Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ROSACE AL 105 Rubus mucronatus Blox. Howth and Foxrock ’93—P. 7r5. Knock Drin ’94—Levinge 485. Lough Corrib near Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. Co. Tyrone ’96—Miss Knowles. Near Armagh ’92—P. Saintfield (Waddell)—S. & P. 874. Cave Hill ’?98—Druce 286. Whiterock—/FV. VE. By L. Neagh [ Toome, ’98] (Druce)—W. M. Rogers. Rubus Gelertii Frider. Brackenstown, Colgan—Cyb. IT. Loughbricland (var. Lette7) Lett—W.B.E.C. ’99-’00. Rubus anglosavonicus Gelert. Tartaraghan and Newry ’92—P. Glenarm ’98—Druce 286. ~ Rubus infestus Weihe. Ballybetagh, Colgan—Cyb. II. Cross-road to Carnabridge and Portrush’96, C. Bailey— BAB Co 96: Rubus Borrert Bell-Salt. Frequent near Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. Maam ’95—M. & 8. 545. Sheve Thoul, Colgan—Cyé. IT. Crooked Wood (var .dentatifolius)’94 (EK. F. Linton)— W. M. Rogers. Lough Gilly ’98—Druce 286. Near Newry ’92—P. Rubus Drejert G. Jensen. Near Wexford (Leyanus) ’96—Marshall 537. Newport ’99—Marshall. Ballymore (Leyanus) (Lett)}—P. 7or. Saintfield [794], Waddell; Aghaderg [796], Lisnagade, Lett (all var. hibernicus)—Rogers: Brit. Rube. Toome bridge (Leyanus) ’98—Druce 286. Toome bridge (Leyanus) ’98—Druce 256. Var. Mibernicus is not known elsewhere. &. Leyanus appears to be the prevailing variety, 106 22 38 16 39 Kerry N. Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Wicklow Dublin Meath Armagh Antrim Galw. W. Down Cork Kk. Dublin Westmth. Down L’derry Down Galw. W. Down Galw. W. Antrim ROSACEA [Rubus Rubus radula Weihe. Muckross, A. Ley—Cyé. II. Walshestown and Ballyboghil (echinatoides), Colgan— Cyb. II. Knock Drin (echinatoides) ’95—Levinge 486. South end of Lough Mask ’?96—Marshall 537. Co. Tyrone (echinatoides) ’96—Miss Knowles. Tanderagee (echinatoides) (Lett)—W. M. Rogers. Tollymore Park ’98—Druce 286. Apparently frequent. Near Giant’s Causeway ’96, C. Bailey—B.E.C. 796. Frequent (type and echinatordes). Ballinderry ’94—Brenan 767. Rubus echinatus Lindl. Wicklow, Moore— Cyd. I. (as R. rudis). Walshestown’95, Colgan—Cyé. II. Balbriggan’93—P. New Grange, Babington— Cy). I. (as R. rudis). Markethill ’98 (Druce)—W. M. Rogers. Glenariff, Glendun, Cave Hill, ’?93—Shoolbred 837. Rubus rudis Wh. & N. L. Corrib SW. of Cong ’96 (Marshall)—W. M. Rogers. Loughbricland (Lett)—S. & P. 874. Rubus orgocladus Muell. & Lefy. Mitchelstown ’97—Phillips. Seecawn Mountain (Mewbouldit) Colgan— Cyb. II. Crooked Wood (Newbouldic) ’95—Levinge 786. Aghaderg (Mewbouldiz) ’96, Lett—W.B.E.C. ’96—7. Kilrea (Newbouldi), D. Moore— Cyd. I. Rubus regillus A. Ley. Gillhall demesne [’96] Lett—-Rogers: Brit. Rubi. Rubus Babingtonit Bell-Salt. Between Clonbur and Mount Gable "95-—M. &S. 545. Ballintaggart, Lett-— Cyd. II. Rubus Bloxamii Lees. L. Corrib SW. of Cong, ’96 (Marshall)—-W. M. Rogers. Black Mountain—-Babington: Brit. Rudbz. Fubus| ROSACEA 107 Rubus fuscus Wh. & N. 12 Wexford Near Wexford (obsewrus)—Marshall ’99 547. 16 Galw. W. Frequent about Clonbur and Cong ’96—Marshall 537. 21 Dublin Howth and Balbriggan ’983—P. 775. Slieve Thoul (macrostachys), Colgan—Cyb. II. 23 Westmth. Knock Ross (type and macrostachys) and Knock Drin-— Levinge 794 482. 26 Mayo HE. Frequent about Clonbur and Cong ’96—Marshall 537. 38 Down Aghaderg (Lett)—S. & P. 874. Rubus scaber Wh. & N. 16 Galw. W. Clonbur and west of Cong ’96—Marshall 537. 20 Wicklow Glendalough ’93—P. 775. 21 Dublin Clontarf ’98—P. 775. Howth (Waddell)—P. 736. 22 Meath Mornington ’98—P. 775. 23 Westmth. Crooked Wood, Knock Drin, &c. ’95—Levinge 786. 37 Armagh Lurgan and Newry ’92—P. 38 Down Loughbricland (Lett)—S. & P. 877. Rubus thyrsiger Bab. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin ’95—Levinge 4856. Rubus foliosus Wh. & N. 38 Down Tollymore Park, Stewart—/7. VE. 40 L’derry Between Kilrea and Garvagh, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Rubus rosaceus Wh. & N. 2 Kerry N. Killarney, Babington— Cyd. I. 3 Cork W. Glengariff (hystrix) ’90—Druce 284. 8 Limrek. Rinekirk ’85—6—Stewart S63. 6 Galw. W. Near Clonbur and Cong (adornatus), Marshall— Cyé. IL. 1 Dublin Kilakee River, Colgan—Cyb. II. Carrickmines, &c. (hystrix) ’?93—P. 775. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin (hystrix) ’95—Linton 486. 38 Down Maralin (Lett)—S. & P. 874. 39 Antrim Glenariff (hystrix) ’93—Schoolbred 837. Rubus Koehleri Wh. & N. 2 Kerry N. Killarney (type and pallidus) Babington— Cyd, I. 5 Cork W. Fermoy (T. Chandlee)—Allin /7. ’83. Limrck. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. (o ) 20 Clare Galw. W. Dublin Mayo E. Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Wicklow Kerry Wexford Galw. NE. Westmth. Down Wicklow Dublin Down Limrek. Kalkny. 2 Wexford Queen’s Galw. W. ROSACE AL [Rubus Ballycar ’85-6—Stewart 863. Oughterard, &e. (type); south of Lough Mask (cog- natus)’95-——M. & 8. 545. Kelly’s Glen ’93—P. 778. South of Lough Mask (cognatus) ’?95—M. & 8. 545. Frequent in the north-west ’?8i1—Stewart S57. Kilmore Lough ’00—Waddell. Frequent in the south-west ’81—Stewart 854. Tanderagee (type, pallidus Bab., and dasyphyllus), Lett —(Cyb. II. and W. M. Rogers. Near Aghaderg (cognatus and dasyphyllus) ’96-99, Lett—W.B.E.C. Type and pallidus frequent. Glenariff and Glendun ’93—Shoolbred 837. Common. Toome bridge (dasyphyllus) ’99—Druce 285. Common. Rubus viridis Kalt. Altadore Glen ’93——P. 775. Rubus Bellardi Wh. & N. Killarney, Babington— Cy. I. Rubus hirtus W. & K. Wexford, common (rubiginosus), ’96—Marshall 537. Clonbrock ’96—P. Knock Drin and Knock Ross ’95—Linton 503. Aghaderg (Kaltenbachti) (Lett)—S. & P. 874. Rubus saxicolus P. J. Muell. Lough Dan ’938—P. 776. Three Rock Mountain, Raheny, Foxrock, ’983—P. 778. Saintfield (Waddell) —W. M. Rogers. Rubus dumetorum Wh. & N. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. Ferrybank (ferox) ’95—M. & 8. 545. culatus), Babington— Cy), I. About Wexford (type and diversifolius) ’96—Marshall. Portarlington (diversifolius and tuberculatus) ’93——P. Oughterard and Clonbur (feror) ’95—M. & SB. 545. Roundstone (fasctculatus), Oliver—Cyb. I. Kilkenny (¢uber- Rubus] 18 19 20 21 22 23 38 Io bb 14 King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Down Antrim L’derry. Limrck. Clare Kalkny. Wexford Queen’s Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Monaghn. Dongil. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Queen’s ROSACEA 109 Portarlington (between ferox and diversifol/us) ?93—P. Monasterevan (diversifolius) ’93—P. 775. Luggela (diversifolius) ’93—P. Raheny (¢uberculatus) ?98—P. 775. Clontarf (diversi- folius) ?93—P. 778. New Grange (tuberculatus), Babington— Cy). I. Knock Drin to Mullingar ( ferox) ’95—Linton 503. Aghaderg (dwersifolius) (Lett)—S. & P. 877. Var. Jasciculatus not rare—Fl. VE. Glendun ’94—Brenan 767. Not rare. Near Ardtrea (fasciculatus), Stewart—/V. VE. Rubus corylifolius Smith. Askeaton (cyclophyllus): type not rare in north, ’85-6— Stewart 563. Inishmore ’95—P. 770. Ferrybank (sublustris)’?95—M. & 8S, 545. Wexford (type and cyclophyllus) ’96—Marshall. Maryborough (sublustris and cyclophyllus)’93—P. 775. Roundstone, Oliver— Cyd. I. Near Portarlington (swblustris) ’93—P. 775. Monasterevan ’938—P. 775. Enniskerry (swblustris)’93—P. 775. Wicklow— Cy). I. Howth Junction ’93: common in its various forms—P. Knock Drin (sublustris) ’94—Levinge 485. Cong (sublustris and eyclophyllus) ?95—M. & 8. 545. Drumreaske, &c.: frequent, ’00—Waddell. River Eglish ’91 (Hanbury); Killybegs—/7. Don. Co. Tyrone ’96—Miss Knowles. Tartaraghan (cyclophyllus), Armagh (sublustris),’92—P. Cultra, Stewart: common—/V. VE. Larne (conjungens) ’93—Shoolbred 837. C.—H/. VE. Common—/1. VE. Rubus Balfourvanus Blox. Killarney, Babington— Cyd. I. Currabinny ’00—Phillips. Whitegate ’?00—Phillips. Clonmel ’?00—Phillips. Portarlington ’93—P. 778. 110 21 23 26 32 bn OT HD vr 21 28 Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Monaghn. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Antrim Kerry N. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. ROSACEA — [Rubus Howth and Balbriggan ’98—P. 775. Mullingar ’94—Levinge 485. South of Cong ’96—Marshall 537 Bessmount ’00—Waddell. Rubus cesius L. Dewberry. Cloonee ’00: frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99 : frequent—Scully. Glengariff (Carroll)—Allin FV. ’83. Whitegate ’97—Phillips. Fermoy, Babington— (% vb. IB Tramore and Ballyscanlan ’99—P. Fethard and Cahir ’00—Phillips. Inishmore ’?95—P. Burren and Aran common. Cloughjordan ?00—P. Lough Derg, Colgan—(Cyé. II. Between Kilkenny and Callan ’00—Phillips. Rosslare ’?97—Marshall. Frequent on the coast. Near Portarlington ’93—P. 775. Lisdufi—Phillips. Lough Fingall ’99—P. Uastle Taylor; L. Derg. Lough Corrib, Miss Jackson— Cyd. II. Clonbrock ’96—P. Parsonstown (M. Dowd)—More ’72 6r4. Co. Wicklow, 6. J. Ball—Focke ’91 320. Little Forest, Colgan— Cyd. IT. Knock Ross and Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 484. S. of L. Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. L. Carra—Focke 320. Lough Erne, Hd. J. Ball—Focke ’91 320. Foyle above Derry (D. Moore)—Larcom ’37 468. Lough Akibbon and Lough Eske—/¥. Don. Lough Neagh—More ’60 doo. Near Doagh, Stewart: L. Neagh, Babington—//. VE. Rubus saxatilis L. Stone Bramble. Census 29—East 9, Centre 10, West 10. Killarney ’00 : south only, locally abundant—Scully. Doon, and abundant at Mullagh, ’00—P. . Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane. Burren and Aran e. Cloughjordan ’00, L. Derg below Portumna ’97—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Glenbarrow ’84—Hart 383. Moyode ’99—P. Frequent in W. and on Lough Derg. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. Eastern lakes f., mtns. r. South-west of Knockmae ’99—P. Dryas] 18 IS) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 dl 30 34 30 36 37 38 39 40° 36 40 King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Tyrone L’derry Clare ROSACEA 111 Philipstown and Clonad Wood ’96—P. Edenderry. Monasterevan—Threlkeld 1726 886. Dargle, and between L. Dan and Luggela—Jy. F7. 33. Kelly’s Glen, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Not found—Colgan. Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Knock Ross—Levinge ’94 484. L. Ennel; L. Ree. Elfeet Bay ’00—P. Frequent by Lough Ree. Yew Point on Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. N. of Claremorris ?00—P. F. by L. Mask & L. Corrib. L. Conn f.’00—P. Doo L., Croaghpatrick—Hart 380. Ox Mountains ’96—Colgan. Frequent on hills in E. half. Glenade ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Carlingford Mountain ’78—Stewart. Florencecourt ’00—P. Common by lakesin NW. half. Brown Hall ’00—P. extreme N. and 8S.—FV.Don. Ards, &e. : local—F7. Don. , Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Patten’s Glen— Cy). I. Camlough Mtn. ’00—Lett & Waddell. S. Gullion—P. Slieve Muck ’96—P. Frequent in Mournes. Fair Head ’97—P. Frequent—//. VE. Magilligan ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—//. VE. Rubus Chamemorus L. Cloudberry. Sperrin Mountains west from Dart ’92, very sparingly— Hart & Barrington 707. Dryas octopetala L. Mountain Avens. Census 10—Kast 2, Centre 1, West 7. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Abundant in Burren. Galw. SE. L. Fingall ’99—P. OC. Taylor; Kinvarra district c. Galw. W. Gentian Hill’00—Phillips. Barna Head; Lisoughter. Galw. NE. Castle Lambert ’99—Mrs. Joyce zo. Sligo Leitrim Ferman. Ben Bulben ’92—P. Abundant on this range. Glenade ’99—P. North only: frequent ? Knockmore ’00—West & Tetley. Poulaphuca—goz. Dongl W. Slieve League—FV. Don. Antrim L’derry Cliffs north of Knock Dhu ’97 (Lett)—Stewart 867. Benevenagh ’92—P. Has its headquarters on the Clare-Galway and Sligd-Fermanagh limestone uplands, with a few outlying stations in the west and north. 112 Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ROSACEA - [Rubus Geum urbanum L. Wood Avens. Divisions all. Common. Geum rivale L. Water Avens. Census 35—East 11, Centre 13, West 11. Kenmare ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. Killarney ’00: rather rare—Scully. Near Millstreet ’00: rare—Phillips. Blarney bog ’41—Power /7. Near Buttevant (Carroll)—Allin F7. 83. Thurles ’00—Phillips. L. Muskry ’80—Hart 372. Mullagh ’00—P. Lisdoonvarna ’0U—Miss Knowles. Burren e.—Foot 324. Silvermines ’?99—P. Frequent. Enniscorthy (Miss A. Preston)—B. & M. WS. Tullow and Ballintemple ’99—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Frequent. Dalystown’97—P. Frequent. Muckanaght ’82—Hart 38o. Pallas Lough ’00—P. Frequent. Kilcullen ’?96—P. Frequent. R. Slaney below Baltinglass ’81—Hart 377. Woodlands ’00 (Miss Hunter): rare—Colgan. Glynnwood House ’99—P. Rare. Woodlawn ’98, Ballymahon, Saint’s Island—P. Mount Talbot ’97—P. Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse! Derreen ’00—P. Loughty Mountain ’82—Hart 3So. Head of Owenduff R. ’96—Colgan. F. in east half. Annaghearly L., L. Gill, Glenade, ’99—P. Farnham ’96—P. NW.—Stewart 85~. Rockcorry ’00—Someryille. Florencecourt ’00—P. Common. Frequent in centre and south—/V. Don. Creeslough, &c.: frequent—F/. Don. Ardtrea ’96—Miss Knowles. Loughnashade ’80 (Johnson !): rare—P. Zor. Holywood Waterworks! ’95—Mrs. Swan. Muckamore ’93—P. Common—/?. VE. Near Ardmore’97—Mrs. Leebody. Common—//. VE. Rather local, but probably occurs in all divisions. Potentilla} 5) ROSACEA 113 Fragaria vesca L. Wild Strawberry. Divisions all. Common. Potentilla Fragariastrum Ehrh. Barren Strawberry. Divisions all. Common. Potentilla Tormentilla Neck. Tormentil. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Divisions all. Abundant. Potentilla procumbens Sibth. Census 32—KEast 12, Centre 12, West 8. Inchigeela ’00—Phillips. Ballyphehane—Power LV. ’45. Youghal ’00—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Ardmayle ’98, and common in the south—P. Lough Gur and Doon ’00—P. Dromineer ’?00—Phillips. Common in NW. half. Wexford and Courtown ’96—Marshall. Kalledmond and base of Blackstairs ’99—P. Grantstown ’98—P. Loughrea ’00—Phillips. Chevy Chase ’?00—P. Oughterard ’99—P. Inishbofin and ec. on E. margin. Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99, Annaghdown ’00—P. Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Wicklow ’97—P. Ballycorus ’00 : local—Colgan. Near Knock Body ’95—Levinge 786. Ballymahon, L. Gowna, ’00—P. L. Ree—B. & V. 773. Arigna ’?00—P. Claremorris ?00—P. Common in the west. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Ballysadare ’00, Lough Gill, Lough Gara—P. Ballinamore ’00: common throughout—P. Cavan ’96—P. Belturbet, Ballyconnell—Somerville. Ballymascanlan ’00—P. Monaghan ’00—Somerville. Frequent. Florencecourt and Belcoo ’00—P. Bridge End and Galliagh (Hunter)—Hart ’99 405. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IIT., VOL. VII. I 114 ROSACEA [Potentilla 37 Armagh Frequent throughout ’?92—P. 38 Down Marino ’?93—P. Local. 39 Antrim Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent. 40 L’derry Kilrea’94—P. Rare? Local, but frequent throughout the greater part of Ireland. Potentilla reptans L. Divisions all, but unequally distributed, being rare in some, as in 17 Galw. NE., and 23 Westmeath. Potentilla Anserina L. Silverweed. Divisions all. Common. Potentilla fruticosa L. Shrubby Cinquefoil. 9 Clare Black Head’99—Miss Knowles. Locally abundant in N. 16 Galw. W. Lemonfield near Oughterard—Wade 1804 goz. 17 Galw. NE. Near Headford, Shuttleworth— FV. H7b. ’36. 26 Mayo E. Between Ballycurrin and Castletown, Miss Jackson— Cyb. I. Confined to about forty miles of the western edge of the Limestone Plain. Potentilla palustris Scop. Marsh Cinquefoil. Divisions all. Frequent. Rather calcifuge. Alchemilla arvensis Scop. Parsley Piert. Divisions all. Common. Alchemilla vulgaris L. Lady’s Mantle. Divisions all. Frequent. Alchemilla alpina L. 1 Kerry 8. Brandon ’94—Secully. 20 Wicklow Cliffs above Lough Ouler’95—P. The records for West Galway (Jr. F/.) and Sligo (FV. Uist.) are discredited. Agrimonia Eupatoria L. Agrimony. Divisions all. Frequent. Poterium| Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Kalkny. Carlow Galw. W. Wicklow Meath Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Calcifuge, ROSACEA 115 Agrimonia odorata Mill. Census 20—Kast 10, Centre 1, West 9. Valentia ’92: rather rare—Scully. Killarney ’96: rather rare—Scully. Timoleague ’97 : rare—Phillips. Near Ballinhassig ’99 : rare—Phillips. Near Whitegate ’99 : rare—Phillips. Tramore, Mt. Congreve, ’99—P. Carrickbeg—Phillips. Doon ’?00—P. West of Ballinlaw ferry ’99—P. South of Carlow ’98, Borris ’99—P. L. Mask ’95—M. &.8. 545. Roundstone; Clifden. Enniskerry—More ’72 677. Kilberry ’00—P. L. Conn ’00—P. Bartragh I., More—Cyé. II. Strandhill ?97—P. Common by Lough Gill ’99—P. Bellurgan ’00—P. Lag ’98—Hart zo5. NW. of Moville—/FV. Don. Near Srule [’91 ], Hanbury and Hart—/7. Don. Downpatrick ’00, Comber ’95—P. Near Glenarm ’98—Druce 286. Glendun, Shane’s Castle, Crumlin—/V. VE. the only stations situated on the limestone being those in Mayo, Sligo and Leitrim. Widespread, but rare. Poterium Sanguisorba L. Salad Burnet. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Census 21—Kast 10, Centre 7, West 4. Kinsale (Stopford), Bandon—Allin FV. ’83. Rare. Near Midleton ’97 : rare—Phillips. North of Clonmel ’97—P. Mullagh abundant ’00—P. Ballinalackan ’00—Miss Knowles. Burrenand Aran c. Rapla’99—P. Roscrea—Phillips. Dromineer—Colgan. Thomastown ’98—P. Nore valley frequent. Knockmore in N. Wexford—Moffat 789 552. 12 116 . ROSACEA [| Poterivum 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’97—P. 14 Queen’s Ballybrophy ’00—Phillips. Attanagh—P. Grennan. 15 Galw. SE. Moyode ’99: frequent in the south-west—P. 17 Galw. NE. Merlin Park ’99—Mrs. Joyce! 18 King’s Near Birr ’00—Phillips. 19 Kildare Curragh’97, Maynooth, Leixip—P. Athy—Cy#. I. 20 Wicklow South of Greystones ’94—P. North-east corner only. 21 Dublin Howth ’00 : frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Bective ’96, Gormanstown ’95—P. 23 Westmth. Rinardo Bay on L. Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. 24 Longfd. St. Kevin’s ’99—Miss Rosa Smith! 34 Dongl. E. Ballyshannon, Admiral Jones— Cy). I. 39 Antrim Glenmore ?95—Davies 255. Calcicole andlocal. Almost absent from northern half of Ireland. Considered by A. G. More as probably introduced in Antrim, but evidence is wanting. Lisburn is the home of several other calcicole plants very rare in the north—e.g., Papaver Rheas, Saxifraga tridacty- lites, Orchis pyramidalis. Poterium officinale Hook. fil. Great Burnet. Census 4—East 3, Centre 0, West 1. 27 Mayo W. L. Conn abundant ’700—P. LL. Cullin, More— Cyp. I. 38 Down Donaghadee ’93—J. H. Davies! 39 Antrim Near Carnlough ’98—Adams 3. Rasharkin— Cy). I. 40 L’derry. Near Agivey, D. Moore—Cy6. I. Rosa spinosissima L. Burnet Rose; Scotch Rose. Census 36—East 14, Centre 10, West 12. Divisions all, except 7 Tipperary S., 11 Kilkenny, 30 Cavan, 32 Monaghan. Chiefly on the coasts and on the shores of the large lakes. Probably in all divisions. Rosa involuta Smith. Census 8—East 4, Centre 2, West 2. 3 Cork W. Glengariff ?90—Druce 284. 6 Waterfd. Near Lismore, Miss E, Currey—Cyé. II. 16 Galw. W. Between Clonbur and Cong ’96—Marshall 537. Rosa) 26 Mayo E. Ferman. Down Antrim Lderry ROSACE AK 117 S. of Lough Mask (var. Doniana) ’95--M. & S. 545. L. Carra, More— Cy). I. Lower Lough Macnean (var. Wecholsonz) ’00--P. Hilltown [790 |—S. & P. 874. Rare—F%. VE. Glenarm Park ’95—Waddell 898. Frequent. Dungiven, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Rare. Occurs chiefly in the north-east, as var. Sabine. Down Antrim L’derry Rosa hibernica Smith. Near Holywood ’97—P. Formerly at Stranmillis. Glenarm, D. Moore—Cy). I. Umbra and Beneyenagh, D. Moore—Cy/. I. North-east only, where it has been rather lost sight of since Dr. Moore’s time (about 1835). Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Meath Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Rosa mollis Smith. Census 17—East 9, Centre 4, West 4. Kilmorna ’94: rare—Scully. Glengariff ’90—Druce 284. Passage ’85 (Carroll), 4d. Queen’s Coll. Cork—Phillips. Enniscorthy ’?98—P. Borris ’99, and below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Emo ’96—P. Castle Taylor—More 55 598. Beaupare ’95—P. Castlebellingham ’96—P. Creeve Lough ’00—P. Devenish Island ’81-2—Barrington rod. Killybegs ’91 (Marshall), Lough Gartan ’85—/V. Don. By the Foyle ’00—Miss Knowles. Lough Ross and frequent about Armagh ’92—P. Saintfield’95, Waddell—W.B.E.C.’95-6. R.—F1. VE. Ballycastle ’97—-P. Frequent. Kilrea ’?95—P. R.—/1. VE. Probably frequent: the lvish roses are as yet very little known. 118 . ROSACE Ai [ fos Rosa tomentosa Smith. Divisions all: apparently distributed tolerably evenly throughout the country. Rosa rubiginosa L. Sweet Briar. Census 24—East 10, Centre 8, West 6. . Kerry 8. {Cahirciveen ’94: rare and local—Scully. _ Kerry N. {Castleisland ’89 : rare—Scully. Cork W. Glengariff ’90 (Druce) : rare—Phillips. Cork Mid +Passage—Drummond’20 287. Tipp. 8. Thurles ’98—P. Limrck. Castleconnell ’00—R. D. O’Brien! Clare Clare Castle ?99—Miss Knowles. Tipp. N. Near Portumna ’00—Phillips. {Lough Ourna’99—P. Wextord Near Wexford, probably bird-sown, ’96—Marshall 537. Carlow Goresbridge ’99—P. Queen’s Abbeyleix ’00—Phillips. {Maryborough ’96—P. Galw. SE. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Wicklow Glenmacnass, Hart—Cyd. I. Rare. Meath Frequent by Boyne below Navan ’00, Laytown ’96—P. Westmth. {Loughlanstown (Groves)—Levinge ’94 784. Cavan fLough Ramor ’96—P. Louth Togher and +Louth ’96—P. Ferman. Florencecourt ’99 and Portora ’00— West. Dongl. E. {Near Derry, W. E. Hart—/V. Don. Tyrone Omagh and by Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Lough Neagh apparently native, {Newry, &c. ’92—P. Down Saintfield ’97—-Waddell S898. Rare—FV. VEZ. Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent. L’derry Coleraine ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Localiy frequent. Standing rather uncertain, but in the north has all the appearance of a native. Rosa micrantha Smith. 2 Kerry N. Pyrmont near Tarbert ’90: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Cork 00, Ovens, Kinsale: frequent in $.—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Castletownroche ’00: frequent—Phillips. Confined to the extreme south. Rosa| 10 15 23 26 37 38 39 40 maInanaPrh WW re Tipp. N. Galw. SE. Westmth. Mayo E. ROSACEA 119 Rosa sepium Thuill. Lough Derg near Portumna ’00—Phillips. Lough Derg near Portumna ’00—Phillips. Knock Eyon and Knock Body ’95—Levinge 486. Common by L. Corrib south of Cong ’96—Marshall 537. Distribution not yet worked out. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Rosa canina L. Dog Rose. Divisions all. Common. Rosa glauca Vill. Mullaghmore Lough ’99—Druce 285. Three stations near Saintfield ?94-6— Waddell 808. Cave Hill’99—Druce285. Belfast, Larne—S. & P.873. Near Lough Neagh ’99—Druce 285. Possibly frequent : range unknown. Rosa arvensis Huds. Trailing Rose. Census 37—East 15, Centre 10, West 12. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Kenmare ’99: rare and local—Scully. Killarney ’99: rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’96: frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven:’00: frequent—Phillips. Whitegate ’00: frequent—Phillips. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99: frequent—P. Cahir ?00—P. Frequent. Curragh Chase’00—P. Askeaton, Foynes—Stewart 863. Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane. Rare in N., c. in 8S. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent, widespread. Thomastown ’?98—P. Frequent. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Very frequent. Killedmond ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Abbeyleix ’00—Phillips. Very frequent. Dalystown ’97—P. South-west f., south-east r. Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. Kilbeg wood ’99—P. Clara ’99—P. Frequent throughout. Kildare 98, Carbury, Kilcullen—P. 120 Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ROSACEA [Rosa Wicklow ’97, Vale of Clara ’94—P. Greenhills ’00 : frequent—Colgan. Trim abundant ’00, Navan ’96—P. Moate ’99—P. Local. Saint’s Island and near Roosky ’00—P. Mote Park ’97: widespread but rare—P. Westport ’99—Marshall. Annaghmore ’00, Lough Gill ’99—P. Lurganboy ’99: frequent—P. Kerney’s Cross ’96: south half frequent—P. Bragan ’00—Waddell. Devenish Island ’00—West. Frequent. Pettigoe and Laghy—/7. Don. Croaghross, &c.: local and rare—/7. Don. Kinnego on Lough Neagh ’96—Lett! Killyleagh ’98: locally frequent—P. Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred. Rare—/7. VE. Garvagh, D. Moore: rare—Fl. VE. Rather unequally distributed, as will be seen. Rare in the north. Pyrus Aria Ehrh. White Beam. Census 25+(1)—East 7+(1), Centre 9, West 9. Kerry N. Tipp. S. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Killarney ’00: south only—Scully. Ardfinnan and Vale of Aherlow ’00—P. Curragh Chase! ’00—O’ Brien. Pallasgreen—Hb.L.F.C.! Carrowgar Bay on L. Derg ’96—Colgan. Dromineer 99, Friar’s Lough, Portumna—P. Thomastown ’98—P. Kilmanock y.r., tAlderton—B. & G.’89 zoo. Kalledmond ’00—Miss Lindemann! On cliffs, &ce., rare. Maryborough esker, and Portarlington, ’96—P. St. Clerans ’99—P. Frequent in W., rare on L. Derg. Clonbur ’95—M. & 8. 545. Many places—Mackay 522. Knockmae ’99, Donamon, and f. on Lough Corrib—P. Philipstown, Derryad’96—P. Portarlington—Hart383. Avondale looking wild’99—P, Glencree— Cyd, I. Treland’s Eye’94—P. Howth—/. Howth. Hare I. on L. Ree’99—P. +{Knock Drin—Levinge 4éz. Chapel I. ’97 and Elfeet Bay ’00, both on L. Ree—P. Saxifraga| ROSACEA. SAXIFRAGEA 121 25 Roscomn. St. John’s Wood ’99: telsewhere—P. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris’00—P. About Clonbur ’95—M. &S. 545. 28 Sligo Lough Gill ’?99—P. Frequent in east half. 29 Leitrim Lough Gill ’?99—P. 34 Dongl. E. Near Brown Hall— FI. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Glenveagh—/7. Don. (388 Down Mourne Mountains, Templeton— FV. VE. Extinct ?) 39 Antrim Carrick-a-rede, Corry: very rare—/V. VZ. 40 L’derry Umbra and near Benevenagh, D. Moore—CyJ. I. Chiefly on the limestone, notuncommon. Very rare in the south ; also in the north, where it has not been seen recently except in Donegal. Pyrus Aucuparia L. Mountain Ash; Rowan. Divisions all. Frequent. Pyrus Malus L. Crab Apple. Divisions all. The native form (acerba) and the introduced form (mitis) are about equally abundant: I have noted both as frequent in almost every division I have worked in, acerba often occurring in rocky uncultivated ground, where it is no doubt native. Crategus Oxyacantha L. Hawthorn. Divisions all. Common. Saxifraga oppositifolia L. Purple Saxifrage. Census 7—East 1, Centre 0, West 6. 16 Galw. W. Lisoughter ’98—Colgan 227. Rare on the mountains. 27 Mayo W. Cushcamcarragh Mountain ’99—Colgan. Very rare. 28 Shgo Annacoona ’84—B. & V. zz2._ Ben Bulben range f. 29 Leitrim = Glenade, both sides, ’99—-P. Arroo ’84—B. & V. 772. 34 Dongl. E. Glengad’98—Hart 405. Bulbin Mount—F7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Poisoned Glen, &c. : rare—FV. Don. 40 Lderry Benevenagh ’92—P. Mountains of the north-west, from Galway Bay to Lough Foyle. Saxifraga nivalis L. 28 Sligo Near Annacoona ’84—B. & V. 772. 122 SAXIFRAGEA [Saxifraga Saxifraga stellaris L. Census 17—East 7, Centre 3, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. Near Sneem ’92: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’96: frequent in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Hungry Hill ’94: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs, two stations, ’82-3—Hart 387. 7 Tipp. 8. Muskry Lough’00—P. Frequent on Galtees—Hart 372. 8 Limrck. Galtymore and Carrignabinnian ’80—Hart 372. 12 Wexford Mount Leinster ’98—P. 13 Carlow Mount Leinster ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh river ’?99—Colgan 227. Mountains, f. 20 Wicklow Lugnaquilla’97—Colgan. L. Nahanagan; L. Ouler. 21 Dublin Upper Glenasmole ’96—Colgan. 27 Mayo W. Nephin ’00—P. Frequent on the mountains. 34 Dongl. E. Frequent—7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Frequent throughout—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Dart ’92—P. 687. 38 Down Slieve Donard ’98—P. Mournes only, local. 40 Liderry Dart ’92—P. Sawel and Clontygeragh—//. VE. Saxifraga Geum L. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: locally abundant—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: confined to the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Adrigole ’94—Phillips. Confined to the west; rare. . 5 Var. S. hirsuta has a similar distribution. Saxifraga umbrosa L. London Pride. Census 11—East 2, Centre 2, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: confined to the south—Seully. — 3 Cork W. Millstreet ’00, Mizen Head ’96: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Inniscarra and Macroom ’98: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs ’82-3—Hart 387. 7 Tipp. S. Muskry L.’00—P. Galtees & Knockmealdowns, local. 16 Galw. W. Derryclare ’99—Colgan 227. F. except on limestone. 26 Mayo EK. Glendaduff ’?00—P. Saxifraga] SAXIFRAGE AA 128 27 Mayo W. Nephin ’00—P. Throughout, frequent. 34 Dongl.E. Knockglass, Dickie—/7. Uist. ’64. 85 Dongl. W. Errigal, &c.: local—/7. Don. Conspicuously calcifuge throughout its range. Often cultivated, and sometimes run wild, as at Altadore Glen (Wicklow), Strabane (Tyrone), Rockport (Down), and elsewhere. Saxifraga Hirculus L. Census 6—East 1, Centre 4, West 1. 10 Tipp. N. Three miles from Cloughjordan, Hodgens—/7. Ab. ’36. 14 Queen’s Near Mountrath (J. Morrison)—More ’72 674. 18 King’s Bog of Allen near Portarlington, R. Tucker— Cy). I. 23 Westmth. Lisclogher bog ’88—Leyinge 7&4. 27 Mayo W. Bog near Ballycastle, H. D. B. Dillwyn—Cy#. I. 39 Antrim Garron Point ’86—P. Lough Naroon’84—Brenan 166. On low-level peat bogs except in Antrim (and Mayo ?). Saxifraga aizoides L. Census 5—KEast 1, Centre 0, West 4. 28 Sligo Ox Mountains ’93, Miss Kinahan—Cyb. II. Ben Bulben range common. 29 Leitrim Glenade’99—P. Faughrey Mountain ’96—Colgan. 34 Dongl. E. Ballyward Lake ’93—J/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Slieve League and Alt Mountain—Z/7. Don. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay ’00—Mrs. Swan. NE. corner only, locally abundant. Round the northern coast, from Killala Bay to beyond Fair Head. The Kerry record is more than doubtful. Saxifraga tridactylites L. Census 33—East 12, Centre 9, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94: rare—Scully. , 2 Kerry N. Lerrig ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’97—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballincollig ’90 : common—Phillips. Cork KE. Whitegate ’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Stradbally 99: frequent—P. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00: frequent—P. ID 124 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw.W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 MayoW. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry SAXIFRAGEA [Saxsfraga Lough Gur ’00—P. Common in north. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. C. in N., r. in S. Nenagh ’99—P. Widespread, frequent. Thomastown ’98: frequent—P. New Ross ’91: not unfrequent—B. & M. JS. Tullow ’99: frequent—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Dalystown ’97—P. Common throughout. Roundstone ’96—P. F. on east margin, r. elsewhere. Knockmae ’00: frequent—P. Birr ’00, Philipstown ’96—P. Athy ’99, Carton ’94—P. Rush sandhills ’00 : local—Colgan. Drogheda ’96: Lough Sheelin ’85—P. Moate ’99—P. Frequent. Edgeworthstown ’99, Ballymahon, Cashel Lodge—P. Roscommon ’97: throughout—P. Ballinrobe ’?00—Mrs. Persse! Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Achill Island ’98—P. Rosses Point ’?00—West. Knocknarea ’97—P. Glenade ’99—P. Bundoran ’99—West. In N. and 8., rare—FV. Don. Frequent, but absent from south—/V. Don. Cloughy ’91—Waddell. Lisburn—Dayvies 263. Near Lisburn ’98—Davies 263. Bellarena ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent along coast, D. Moore—/V. VE. Rare off the limestone, as in the north and the south-east. Abun- dant over the Central Plain. Census 7+(3) (3 Cork W. (4 Cork Mid (5 Cork E. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 37 Armagh Saxifraga granulata L. East 7+(2), Centre 0, West (1). Near Bandon ’00—Mrs. Swan. Introduced—Phillips). Blarney—Power /7.’45. Planted—Phillips.) Trabolgan demesne ’98, introduced—Phillips.) _ S. of Mizen Head ’90, Scully— Cyd. II. Brittas—6zz. Baldoyle racecourse ’96, Scully—Cyd. II. Very rare. Slane (De Luc) Templeton IS.—Cy). II. Rathtrillick °72—B.N.F.C, z77. Saxifraga| SAXIFRAGEA 125 38 Down +Belvoir Park ’70; {Castlereagh Hill—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Near Carnlough, D. Moore—Cyb. I. 40 L’derry ~. Near Moneymore, D. Moore—Cys, I. Native? Possibly so in 20, 21,22. Mr. Phillips scouts it as regards Cork, and I feel very doubtful about its northern stations. Saxifraga hypnoides L. Mossy Saxifrage. Census 8+(1)—KEast 2, Centre 1, West 5+(1). 9 Clare Throughout Burren—Foot ’64 32,. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor and Garryland—More 755 598. (17 Galw. NE.? Knockmae—Wade 1804 go2. Not there now—P.) 28 Shgo Lugnagall ’96—Colgan. Frequent in E. half. 29 Leitrim _— Both sides of Glenade ’99—P. 33 Ferman. Belmore Mtn.’00—West and Tetley. Frequent in SW. 34 Dongl. E. }Ballyvicstocker Bay—/7. Don. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay ’97—P. F. near coast, absent inland. 40 Lderry. SBenbradagh ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Benevenagh ’92—P. The above records refer to segregate S. hypnoides (gemmifera, Syme). Saxifraga sponhemica Gmel. Census 7—Kast 3, Centre 2, West 2. 1 Kerry 8. Hag’s Glen ’90—Druce 287. Brandon’8838— Hart 387. 2 Kerry N. Baurtregaum—Hart ’82 374. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs ’82—3—Hart 387. 7 Tipp. 8. Muskry L.,c.,’00—P. Galtees and Knockmealdowns, r. 8 Limrek, Corrignabinnian ’80—Hart 372. 9 Antrim Garron’52, Babington; Cushendall, Cave Hill—/7. VL. 40 Liderry Benevenagh ’92—P. Saaxifraga decipiens Khrh. 1 Kerry S$. Shevemish ’88: rare but locally abundant—Scully. Kerry N. Slievemish ’89: very local—Scully. bo Saxifraga Sternbergi Willd. Census 4—East 0, Centre 1, West 3. Kerry 8, Macgillicuddy’s Reeks ’81—Hart 373. Tipp. 8. Galtymore ’80—Hart 372. Clare Black Head ’99, Playfair—W.B.E.C,’99-’00, Burren and Inishmore abundant. 35 Dongl. W. Aranmore ’81—/7, Don. OT = 126 1 Kerry S$. SAXIFRAGE [ Saxifraga Saxifraga grenlandica Eng). Brandon ’85—Linton 502. 16 Galw. W. Muckanaght ’82—Hart 3So. ‘‘ This, rather than S. cespitosa L.””—Cyé. II. CO “I OD 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 25 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 51 32 390 34 Chrysosplenium oppositifolium L. Golden Saxifrage. Divisions all. Common. Parnassia palustris L. Grass of Parnassus. Waterid. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Census 33—East 11, Centre 13, West 9. Dunmore ’97—P. Cahir ’00—Phillips. Ballinure ’98—P. Mullagh ’?00—P. Not rare in the north. Finlough ’97, G. Fogerty—#b. L.F.C.! Rapla bog ’99: common in NW. half—P. Thomastown 798, &c.: local—P. Goresbridge ’99, Carlow ’98—P. Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. Woodford ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Lough Ross ’99—P. East only, not common. Barbersfort 799: frequent—P. Lough Goura and Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Kildare ’97: frequent—P. Blessington ’98, Enniskerry ’?94—P. Portrane’00 : frequent—Colgan. Lough Sheelin and Enfield ’96—P. Moate ’99—P. Common in west, frequent in centre. Woodlawn ’98, and frequent on Lough Ree—P. Roscommon ’97 : frequent—P. Clare ’00—P. Callow; Ballinrobe; Clonbur. L. Conn and Killala’00—P. Castlebar ’99—Marshall. Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Common in east half. Glenade’99, &c.: north only—P. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Ardee ’97—P. West of Monaghan, G. C. Hyndman—F/. Ulst.’64. Castle Caldwell ’00—West and Tetley. Frequent. Glennagivney and frequent in the south—A#7. Don. Frequent. 35 Dongl. W. Kincashla, &c.: south half only—FYV. Don. Sedum | SAXIFRAGEA. CRASSULACEA 127 36 Tyrone L. Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Loughnashade (Johnson!)—P. 7or. Northonly, rare. 39 Antrim Ballycastle 00—Mrs. Swan. Frequent—/7. VE. 40 Lderry Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—//. WE. Rather unequally distributed, as the above shows. Rare off the limestone. Its absence from Kerry, Cork, and Downis apparently real. Cotyledon Umbilicus L. Pennywort. Divisions all, except 14 Queen’s Co. A plant of quite uneven dis- tribution. It has a calcifuge tendency, yet is sometimes abundant on limestone areas. On granite and slates it attains its greatest profu- sion. Apparently rare in 7, 17, 18, 22, 23, 24, 25, and occurs chiefly on non-calcareous rocks in these divisions, in all of which lime- stone predominates. Sedum Rhodiola DC. Rose-root. Census 16—FEast 5, Centre 1, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Near Waterville ’92: on most of the mountains—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Mangerton’96: southern mountains only—Scully. 3 Cork W. Hungry Hill ’94: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs ’93—Grubb 356. 7 Tipp. 8. Muskry L. abundant ’00—P. L. Curra ’80—Hart 372. 9 Clare Cliffs of Moher ’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore ’95—P. 16 Galw. W. Benwee ’99—Colgan 227. Frequent on the mountains. 20 Wicklow Lugnaquilla ’97—Colgan. 27 Mayo W. Achill’98—P. Locally frequent. 28 Sligo Lugnagall’96—Colgan: and f. on Ben Bulben range. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’96—Colgan. 31 Louth Carlingford Mountain ’?00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Glengad ’98—Hart os. C. except in centre—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Common throughout—/7. Don. 38 Down Slievemuck ’794—P. Mourne Mountains only, rare. 39 Antrim Fair Head’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent in north-east. {Sedum Telephium L. Orpine. Census 19—Kast 8, Centre 5, West 6. Kerry N. *Near Listowel ’94—Scully. 4 Cork Mid Carrigaline—Drummond 719 287. *“Rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Fermoy (Chandlee)—Allin V7. ’83. *Rare—Phillips. _" 128 CRASSULACEA [Sedum Clare + Burren, local—Foot’62 324. Kilfenora, Foot— Cy). I. Wexford An escape from cultivation, Carroll— (yf. I. Carlow An escape from cultivation, Carroll— Cys. I. Queen’s }Mountrath and Cullenagh ’97—P. Galw. SE. Near Woodford, (M. Dowd)—More ’72 674. Galw. W. *Oughterard and Maam’95—M. & 8. 545. Lemonfield. Meath Oldcastle, N. J. Halpin—//. Hib. 36. Westmth. Carberry Island in Lough Ree—Foot 64 328. Longfd. Near Ballinalee, ‘‘ wild ”—Foot’64 328. Sligo Ben Bulben ’82—Corry 248. Hazelwood—Cyp. I. Monaghn. }Rockcorry ’00—P. +Dartrey ’00—Someryille. Dongl. W. {Roosky ’83, A. Stuart, appearing native—/7. Don. Tyrone {Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Coagh-—F/. Uist. Armagh +Armagh Palace demesne ’92—P. Down Ballygowan ’91—P. {Frequent—//. VEZ. Antrim Craigbilly ’99—Miss Knowles. |tRare—#F/. VE. Some old and unconfirmed records are omitted. Well established in certain places, as in the north-east, but probably nowhere native. *Sedum album L. Census 17—East 9, Centre 6, West 2. Cork W. Glandore ’96 (J. Groves), Glengariff ’94—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven and near Cork ’00—Phillips. Cork E. Castletownroche ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonmel’00—Phillips. Cappoquin ’99—P. Tipp. 8. Clonmel ’00—Phillips. Thurles ’98—P. Limrek. Maullagh ’00—P. Foynes—Somerville. Castleconnell. Tipp. N. Roscrea, plentiful, *?00—Phillips. Kilkny Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Carlow Tullow ’99, Bagenalstown’97—P. Queen’s Abundant at Mountmellick ’96—P. Galw. SE. Loughrea’00—Phillips. King’s Frankford c. ?00—P. Shinrone c. ’?00—Phillips. Kildare Levitstown ’99, Nurney ’97—P. Louth Drogheda ’96—P. Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Occasionally, escaped, ’92—P. Antrim Shane’s Castle ’94—Miss Knowles. About Antrim, Fully naturalized in Cork, spreading to wild ground. On old walls of many of the above towns it is abundant likewise. Sedum] CRASSULACEA 129 *Sedum dasyphyllum L. 4 Cork Mid About Cork (Carroll)—Allin F7.’83. Blarney—Smith 5 Cork E. 1760 Sgz. Midleton c. on limestone rocks, and walls at Ballina- curra, ’97—Phillips. Naturalized about Midleton in Cork, where it grows abundantly, looking quite native. Casual merely in Armagh (7oz) and Antrim (879, and Fl. NE.). Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Watertid. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Cavan Louth Sedum anglicum Huds. Census 30—KEast 13, Centre 7, West 10. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Crosshayen ’00 : common—Phillips. Little Island ’00: frequent—Phillips. Stradbally ’?99—P. Common throughout. Lough Gur’00—P. Foynes ’99—Somerville. Fanore ’00—Miss Knowles. West coast and Aran f. Mullinayat ’99-—P. Frequent in the south. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Common, on the coast at least. Near Bagenalstown (R. C. Browne)—More ’72 6z~. Kylemore ’98-——Colgan. Frequent throughout. Lough Atalia ’700—P. Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. Frequent? Howth ’00: common on coast—Colgan. By Shannon below Roosky ’00—P. Co. Roscommon, F. J. Foot—Cyb. I. {Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse ! Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Mullaghmore ’97—P. Cavan and L. Ramor ’96, Drumhawnagh ’00—P. Clogher Head ’96—P. Rare. Monaghn. {Creeve Lough ’00—P. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Common throughout—FV. Don. Common throughout—/7. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Sheve Gullion, &¢.: very rare, ’92—P. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IlI., VOL. VII. K 130 CRASSULACEA [Sedum 38 Down Saintfield’00—P. Coast common, inland rare—FV. VE. 39 Antrim Chnty Hill ’99—Miss Knowles. Coast ec., inland r. 40 L’derry Bellarena’98—Mrs. Leebody. Coast common—¥F7. VE. Distinctly calcifuge, and preferring the neighbourhood of the sea. This and the following species are sometimes grown about cottages in districts where they are naturally rare or absent. Sedum acre L. Wall Pepper. Census 40—East 15, Centre 18, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Derrynane ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: frequent—Scully. 2 bw 3 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: common—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg’00—P. Common’on coast. 7 Tipp. 8.‘ Ballinure ’98: very frequent—P. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur ’00—P. Common in the north, 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Common. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh’99: common—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98: frequent throughout—P. 12 Wexford Wexford’97—Marshall. Common on coast. 13 Carlow Borris’99—P. Rather rare. 14 Queen’s Maryborough’96, Grantstown, Shrule—P. 15 Galw. SE. Rinyille’99: common except in centre—P. 16 Galw. W. Inveran’95—Colgan. Widespread but rare. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort’99: frequent throughout—P. 18 King’s Clonmacnoise ’99, Edenderry, &c.: local—P. 19 Kildare Carbury ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Kailcoole’00—P. ? Common on coast. 21 Dublin Rush’00 : common on coast—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan’00, Bective, and on the coast—P. 23 Westmth. Mullingar’97—Carr. Moate and Coosan Point—P. 24 Longfd. | Newtownforbes’00, and frequent about L. Ree—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park’97: frequent throughout—P. 26 Mayo E. NearClaremorris’00—P. Frequent. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny’99—Marshall. Killala’00—P. 28 Sligo Rosses, Carrowkee, &c.: frequent, ’97—P. 29 Leitrim Annaghearly Lough ’99—P. Locally common. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. Sedunv| ol 32 38 34 35 36 Oo” 38 09 40 Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CRASSULACEA 131 Ballymascanlan ’00: coast frequent—P. Castleshane, Clontibret, ?00—Waddell. Ballybay. Paris Island ’?00—West & Tetley. Local, not common. Common throughout—J/7. Don. Common throughout—/7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Coagh—/?. U/st. L. Neagh west of Ardmore Point ’?92—P. Dundrum ’00—P. Common—FV. VE. Portrush ’00—Miss Knowles. Common—F7. VEZ. Magilligan’97—Mrs. Leebody. Common—F!. VE. Much commoner inland than was previously supposed. *Sedum reflexum L. Crooked Stonecrop. Cork Mid Cork EK. Watertd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wextord Queen’s Dublin Cayan Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Census 20—East 10, Centre 6, West 4. Cork—Power /7. 745. Conna and Mallow—Allin #7, ’83. Rare—Phillips. Kilmadock abbey ’74, H. G. Carroll—H0b.8.&A.M.! Rock of Cashel, T. Chandlee—Cy@. I. Kilmallock, Carroll— Cy. I. Newmarket ’85—6—Stewart 563. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Wilton, 8. Madden— Cyd. I. Co. Wexford, J. Morrison— Cy. I. Camross ’?00—P. Finglas—Mackay ’25 522. Chapelizod—Wade goo. Cavan ’?96—P. Ardee ’97—P. Ballytrain 1805, Templeton I7S.— Cyd. II. Near Carrigans—FV. Don. Ray and Ramelton—/7. Don. Benburb, Hyndman—/V. Uist. 64. Limestone rocks near Armagh ’92—P. Newtownbreda, Stewart: naturalized—/V. VEZ. Antrim ’93—P. Naturalized—J/V. VE. Muff and O’Cahan’s Rocks, D. Moore: Limavady, Templeton—/V. VEZ. Run wild, chiefly in the north, where it is naturalized on rocks, old walls, and roofs of houses. eZ 132 . CRASSULACEA. DROSERACEA [Sedum *Sedum rupestre L. Census 11—East 8, Centre 2, West 1. 3 Cork W. Rosscarbery ’?00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Douglas and Crosshaven ’00—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Little Island ’99: rare—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8S. Near Clonmel—Anderson ’50 22. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’00—Phillips. 20 Wicklow Walltopsnear Laragh ’88—Colgan. Bray—Guwide’78. 21 Dublin Between Dundrum and Rathfarnham—F7. H7b. 36. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Keady ’92—P. 39 Antrim Glenariff ’98—Adams 3. Shane’s Castle ’91—P. 40 L’derry _ Ballykelly, D. Moore—#7. VE. Outcast or planted in all cases, and now naturalized. *Sempervivum tectorum L. House-leek. Divisions all, except 12, 19, 20, 27, 28, 33, where it no doubt occurs. Planted on houses in all cases, not spreading, and undeserving of a place in the Ivish flora, even when starred. Drosera rotundifolia L. Round-ieaved Sundew. Divisions all. Frequent. Drosera anglica Huds. Great Sundew. Census 34—East 9, Centre 13, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Glencar’99 : rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Gneevgullia’98—P. Rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Inchigeela 758, J. Sullivan—Cyd. II. Rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Bluefort bog near Newmarket—Allin FV. ’83. 7 {lipp: is: ballinure 298——E- 8 Limrck. Castleconnell bog ’?00—R. D. O’Brien ! 9 Clare Carrigaholt ’86—Stewart. Lisdoonvarna; Crusheen. 10 Tipp. N. Cloughjordan ’00—P. Frequent. 11 Kilkny. __Urlingford ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’98: locally common—P. 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown ’98 : frequent in east, rare in west—P. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh’98—Colgan. Very frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99: frequent throughout—P. 18 King’s Geashill and Tullamore ’96, and frequent in west—P. 19 Kildare Nurney ’97, Carbury ’96—P. 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Lonefd. 25 Roscomn. _ 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Shgo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth 32 Monaghn. 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry DROSERACE 133 West of Navan ’96: in the north and west, rare—P. Inny Junction, Twy L., ’98—P. Lisclogher— 8&z. Trillickacurry ’98 : common in the west—P. Corkip Lough ’99 : frequent in south, rare in north—P. North of Claremorris ’00—P. Frequent. Mallaranny ’?99—Marshall. Very frequent. Annaghmore ’00—P. Widespread but rare. Uragh Lough ’99—P. North r., extreme south f. Near Killikeen and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Ardee bog ’97—P. Kilmore Lake ’00—Waddell. Belleek, c. about Florencecourt,’00—P. Legland—&>5z. Throughout: locally frequent—/V. Don. Throughout: locally common—/7V. Don. Omagh ’96 : frequent—Miss Knowles. Near Portadown, and common along L. Neagh, ’92—P. Cotton Moss ‘‘ still’ —/7. VE. ’88. Glarryford ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent. Garvagh ’94—P. Frequent—/V. VE. The distribution of this plant depends entirely on that of the peat- bogs, and it varies in abundance accordingly. Rare on mountain bogs except in Antrim. Apparently absent in the south-east, from Cape Clear to Dublin. 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo Droséra intermedia Hayne. Census 19—East 2, Centre 5, West 12. Cloonee ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. Listowel ’94: frequent—Scully. Dunmanway, Millstreet, ’00: frequent—Phillips. Slieve Elva ’95—Colgan. Near Kilrush—Stewart 563. Near Portumna ’00—Phillips. Base of Cullenagh ’97—P. Woodford ’00—Phillips. Castle Taylor—More 5968. Glen Inagh ’98—-Colgan. Very frequent. Tuam ’99: frequent—P. Mount Talbot ’97—P. Cloghan Lough—Foot ’64 328. North of Claremorris ’00—P. Frequent. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Very frequent. East of Cliffony ’00—P. 134 _ DROSERACEA. HALORAGE A [Drosera 29 Leitrim Drumod and Uragh Lough ’?99—P. 88 Ferman. Florencecourt bogs c., and south of Belleek, ’?00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Throughout: frequent locally—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Throughout : locally common—F’. Don. 37 Armagh Annagarriff Lake ’92—P. Along Lough Neagh only. 38 Down By the Kilkeel River ’92—P. Exhibits a strong western tendency, irrespective of the distribution of bogs. Hippuris vulgaris L. Mare’s-tail. Divisions all. Common. Myriophyllum verticillatum L. Water-Milfoil (genus). Census 25—East 11, Centre 10, West 4. Ho Cork Mid Ballyphehane ’96—Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’96 : rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonea marsh ’82—Hart 384. Tipp. 8. Ardmayle’98—P. Turtulla mill ’82—Hart 3&5. Limrek. Primrose Bank ’97, W. Fogerty—Hb. L.F.C.! Lime- rick plentiful, Harvey—/7. Ab. ’36. 10 Tipp. N. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Friar’s L., Portumna, ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Ballyragget 99, Urlingford, Johnstown—P. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99, Borris, Carlow—P. 14 Queen’s Mountmellick and Portarlington ’96, Graigue—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford ’98—P, Portumna ’00—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. L. Corrib below Carn Seefin ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99: frequent throughout—P. 18 King’s Shannon Harbour’98—P. Portarlington; Garryhinch. 19 Kildare Robertstown ’98—P. Not rare. 20 Wicklow Murrough—Gwide ’78. 21 Dublin Canal at Clondalkin ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath West of Navan, L. Sheelin, Enfield, ’?96—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Iron ’99—P. Rather common. 24 Longfd. Longford ’98, and common in west half—P. 25 Roscomn. Rockville ?99: in the north and south, local—P. 26 Mayo E. Hollymount and Lough Carra ’54—More 600. 31 Louth Ardee ’97—P. cnr OS ON Myriophyllum| HALORAGE At 135 34 Dongl. E. Gallagh road—F7. Don. 36 Tyrone Favour Royal ’87—Hart 392. 39 Antrim Portmore ’74—Stewart. Distinctly calcicole, favouring especially limy pools in the Central Plain. Rare in, or absent from all divisions where limestone does not predominate. Myriophyllum spicatum L. Census 35—Kast 14, Centre 10, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. JDerrynane ’96: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’96: rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Lough of Cork ’98: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. Glanmire ’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99—P. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur’00—P. King’s I.’00—R. D. O’Brien! 10 Tipp. N. — Cloughjordan ’00—P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97—Mrs. Persse! Lough Cullin ’98—P. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Not rare. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99—P. 14 Queen’s Mountmellick ’?00—Phillips. Not rare. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor—Mrs. Joyce! 16 Galw. W. Ross Lake and Galway docks ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. Killower Lough ’99—P. 18 King’s Geashill ’96, Edenderry, Shannon Harbour—P. 19 Kildare Nurney ’97—P. 20 Wicklow Murrough ’92, D. McArdle—/#H0. Glasnevin! 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Lough Sheelin ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Owel and Kilmaglish—Levinge ’94 487. 24 Longfd. Woodlawn ’98 : frequent—P. 25 Roscomn. Rockville’99—P. In north and south, local. 27 Mayo W. Crossmolina and Rathroeen Lough ‘00—P. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00, L. Arrow—P. L. Gill—B. & V. 772. 29 Leitrim Lough Gill ’99—P. L. Allen c. ’84—Stewart 859. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 33 Ferman. Near Enniskillen ’00—West! 34 Dongl. E. Near Cloonea Lough—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet, Ardara, &c.: rare—JU. Don. 136 HALORAGEA [Myriophyllam 36 Tyrone Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Armagh, &c.: frequent in north, ’92—P. 38 Down Quoile ’92—P. Frequent—FV. VE. 39 Antrim Portmore abundant ’86—P. Frequent—/7. VE. 40 Liderry Kilrea ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Common in R. Bann—P. This and the next have not always been distinguished: their dis- tribution is now given in full, as far as known. Both, no doubt, occur in all divisions. : Myriophyllum alterniflorum DC. Census 37—Hast 12, Centre 138, West 12. Kerry 8. Glencar ’99: frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Listowel ’99 : frequent—Scully. Cork W. Skibbereen ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Ballyphehane ’98: frequent.—Phillips. Cork E. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. Tipp. 8. Thurles ’98—P. Limrck. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Clare Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. L. Senan—Stewart 863. 10 Tipp. N. Lough Ourna’99—P. Frequent. 11 Kilkny. Near Ferrybank ’99—P. Extreme south only. 12 Wexford Macmine ’97—Marshall. 13 Carlow Borris ’00—T. Hartley! Polmounty River ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Emo ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford’98—P. Widespread but local. 16 Galw. W. Roundstone ’96—P. Throughout, frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort’99 : common—P. 18 King’s Geashill ’96, Shannon Harbour ’98—P. 19 Kildare Nurney ’97—P. 22 Meath Whitewood Lough ’97—P. 23 Westmth. Twy Lough ’98—P. Centre and west frequent. 24 Longfd. Woodlawn ’98: very frequent—P. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99: frequent throughout—P. 26 MayoK. Ballymore L.’00, Claremorris—P. Clonbur—Marshall. 27 Mayo W. Newport’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Sligo Keishcorran ’97, L. Arrow—P. Easkey L.—Colgan. 29 Leitrim Tullaghan ’97—P. LL. Allen rare ’84—Stewart S59. 30 Cavan Lough Oughter and Lough Ramor ’96—P. 31 Louth Ardee ’97—P. aorwroe co bor de} Callitriche] HALORAGE A 187 32 Monaghn. Creeve Lough and Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—P. 38 Ferman. Cleenishgarve ’92—P. 697. Frequent. 34 Dongl. E. Throughout common—/7/. Don. 35 Donel. W. Throughout common—A7. Don. 366 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Derg River ’69—Stewart. 37 Armagh Common ’92—P. 38 Down Clandeboye ’91—P. Common—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Portglenone ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/?V. VF. 40 L’derry Kalrea ’94--P. Common—/V. VE. Commoner than the last, and frequently in streams, while JZ. spr- catum prefers still waters. Strangely rare (or absent ?) in Wicklow and Dublin. Callitriche verna L. Water-Starwort. Divisions all. Common. The distribution of the segregates is still far from being worked out; C. stagnalis appears to be much the most abundant. Callitriche vernalis Koch. 12 Wexford Wexford ’97—Marshall. 21 Dublin Huntstown ’94 : rare, Colgan—Cybd. II. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh ‘Tanderagee ’92, Lett—W.B.E.C. ’94-5. 38 Down Common—/fV. VE. 39 Antrim Common-—-/7. VE. 40 L’derry Common—//. VE. Possibly common, but the above records are the only ones which refer to the segregate. Callitriche stagnalis Scop. (C. platycarpa Kuetz.). Census 32—East 15, Centre 7, West 10. 1 Kerry S$. Kenmare ’99: common—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99 : common—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen’97: common—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: common—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. 6 Waterfd Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. Common. 10 Tipp. N. Deyil’s Bit and Knockanora ’98—P. 11 Kilkny. _Inistioge ’98—P. 138 12 13 15 16 19 20 21 22 26 27 28 29 30 2 v 32 30 34 30 36 37 38 39 40 Wexford Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HALORAGEE [Callitriche Wexford ’96—Marshall. Milford ’98—P. Portumna ’98—P. Kylemore ’98—Colgan. Maam ’95—M. & 8. 545. Kilmeage and hills above Rathmore ’98—P. Common— Guide 78. Near Lusk ’00 : common—Colgan. Kildalkey and Slieve Bane ’00—P. East of Foxford ’00—P. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Common. Ballysadare ’97—P. Common. Lough Gill ’99—P. Lough Ramor ’96—P. Dunleer ’00 : common—P. Creeve Lough ’00—P. Frequent on Lough Erne ’81-2—Barrington oS. Dooagh—Hart ’00. Aranmore, &e.: probably common—/7, Don. Omagh 96—Miss Knowles. Tanderagee ’94, Lett—W.B.E.C. 794-5. Anacloan’96, Tet W. B.E.C.’96-7. F.—F. WE. Pe gen NE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/V. VE. Probably common everywhere. Callitriche hamulata Kuetz. (C. pedunculata DC.) Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. 2 Wexford Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Census 21—East 10, Centre 5, West 6. Killarney ’99 : frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Baltimore ’97: frequent—Phillips. Near Macroom ’98: frequent—Phillips. Dodge’s glen ’98 : rare—Phillips. Ballyscanlan Lake, Barrington—Cyé. II. Bay Lake in Knockmealdowns ’82—3—Hart 387. Rinekirk ’85-6 —Stewart S63. Glenstal ’80—Hart 369. | Rosslare’97—Marshall 539. Chapel’89—B. & G. zor. Maam’95—M. & 8. 545. Apparently local. Lugnaquilla, Colgan ; Lough Dan, More— Cy). II. Loughlinstown ’?94—Colgan 273. Rare—Colgan. Callitriche| HALORAGE A 139 23 Westmth. Lough Deravaragh (H. & J. Groves)—Levinge 794 48. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. 32 Monaghn. Bragan ’00—Waddell. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—P. 33 Ferman, Hay Island ’92—P. Poulaphuca; Carrick. 35 Dongl. W. Gweedore Hotel: rare—/7. Don. 37 Armagh Cusher River at Clare: common, ’92—P. 38 Down Mournes [’89 |—S. & P. 873. Common—/V. VE. 39 Antrim Frequent—/l. VE. 40 L’derry Frequent—/l. NE. Appears to be decidedly calcifuge, and almost absent from the Central Plain. Calhitriche obtusangula Le Gall. Census 12—East 5, Centre 4, West 3. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’90: rare—Scully. 8 Cork W. Enniskeane ’96—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’96—Phillips. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. 12 Wexford Rosslare frequent, and Churchtown, ’97—Marshall 539. 19 Kildare Maynooth ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Murrough, Barrington— Cy. II. 23 Westmth. Lough Deravaragh (H. & J. Groves)—Levinge ’94 gé4. 26 Mayo E. North of Claremorris ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Newport and west of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. 30 Cavan Near Lough Gowna ’00—P. 38 Down Victoria Park ’98—Druce. Killough ’98—Stewart So. Callitriche autumnalis L. Census 13—East 5, Centre 3, West 5. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: very local—Scully. 12 Wexford Macmine Junction (truncata Guss.) ’97—Marshall 539. 15 Galw. SE. North of Gort ’00—P. 26 Mayo E. Cong, Babington; east of Foxford, More— Cy). I. 28 Sligo River at Sligo abundant, ’84—B. & V. 772. 32 Monaghn. Creeve L., Annaghmakerig L., L. Avaghon ’00—P. 34 Dongl.E. Bridgetown and Bridge End (Hunter)— Hart ’99 7o5. 85 Dongl. W. Cloonea Lough and frequent in Fanet—J/V. Don. 386 Tyrone Omagh and canal at Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. 140 37 38 39 40 Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HALORAGEA. LYTHRARIEA [Callitriche Near Markethill and in Lough Neagh ’92—P. Derry L. ’96, Lett—W.B.E.C.’96-7. Rare—fl. VE. Bushfoot ’87—P. Rare—F/. NE. Kilrea ’94—P. River Bann only—/7. VE. Very local, and chiefly in the north. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Peplis Portula L. Water Purslane. Census 29—East 12, Centre 7, West 10. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99 : frequent—Scully. Skibbereen ’97 : common—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Waterfd. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Dong]. E. Whitegate ’98 ; frequent—Phillips. Clonea ’99—P. Coumshingaun ’82-3—Hart 333. Tullaher and Scattery Island ’85—6—Stewart 863. Templemore ’98—P. Wexford’96--—Marshall. Saltees—Hart 354. Kilmanock. South of Gowln ’99——P. Maryborough ’96—P. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Frequent. Lough Dan ’94--P. Frequent. Glenasmole ’00 : rare——Colgan. Lough Gowna’00, Carn Clonhugh ’98——P. Glendaduff ’00--P. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Pontoon ’00-—P. Not common. Inishmurray ’96——P. Ballinamore, Garadice L.,’00—P. L. Allen—S5o9. Lough Ramor ’96—P. Belpatrick below Collon—Zr. 7. 733. Rossmore ’00—Waddell. Creeve Lough ’00—-P. Inishowen and Ballyshannon : rare—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Arranmore, &c.: throughout, rare—//. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Mullaghearn ’96—Miss Knowles. Camlough, Lough Ross, Carrigatuke, ’92——P. Downpatrick ’90—P. Frequent—Fl. VE. | Lough Beg ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. VE. Enagh Lough ’94—-Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—l/. VEZ. Strongly calcifuge in its distribution. Epilobuum| LYTHRARIEA. ONAGRARIEA 144 Lythrum Salicaria L. Purple Loosestrife. Divisions all. Common. Epilobium angustifolium L. Rose Bay. Census 7+(3)—East 4+(1), Centre (2), West 3. (18 King’s {Philipstown ’96-—P.) 20 Wicklow Cliffs over Lough Nahanagan ’94—-P. (23 Westmth. {Abundant by railway on bog west of Killucan ’99—P.) 29 Leitrim Glenade’96—Colgan. Truskmore, Arroo—B. & V. 772. 34 Dongl. E. Glennagivney—-/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Bluestack Mountains—//. Don. Errigal—f/. Ulst. (37 Armagh {Not unfrequent, but near cottages, ?92—P.) 38 Down Eagle Mountain and Blue Lough [’89 |—S. & P. 573. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay ! ’00—-Mrs. Swan. Frequent. 40 L’derry Umbra, D. Moore: frequent-—//. VE. Native in 20, 29, 84, 35, 38, 39, 40. Well established in 18, 23, and 37. Occurs as an escape in many other divisions. Epilobium hirsutum L. Divisions all. Common. Epilobium parviflorum Schreb. Divisions all. Common. Epilobium montanum L. Divisions all. Common. {Epilobium roseum Schreb. 21 Dublin Garden at Dundrum, c. in ’97, v.r. in ’00—P. 31 Louth Wall at Queensborough ’96—P. 37 Armagh Lurgan ’00—Davies 272. 38 Down Ballyskeigh near Lisburn ’98—Davies 267. 39 Antrim Glenmore near Lisburn ’98—Davies 267. Claimed as native in the north-east by Mr. Davies. Epilobium obscurum Schreb. Divisions all. Common. 142 29 28 29 31 33 34 30 36 37 38 39 40 Oo boo ee Leitrim ONAGRARIEA. UMBELLIFERA [Epilobium Epilobium palustre L. Divisions all. Frequent. Epilobium alsinefolium Vill. Glenade, in two spots, ’84—Barrington zo9. Circeea lutetiana L. Enchanter’s Nightshade. Divisions all. Common. Circeea alpina L. Census 11+(2)—East 5+(1), Centre 2, West 4+(1). (16 Galw.W.? Ballynahinch—Cyb. I. Drimcong—Wade 1804 go2.) (20 Wicklow {Ballinrush Lodge near Roundwood ’94—P.) Sligo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Lough Gill’99—P. Ben Bulben’82—Corry 278. Glenade, L. Melvin, L. Gili’99—P. Arroo—vz2. Between Omeath and Carlingford ’93—P. Inishdoney ’00—-West. Lower Lough Erne c.—P. Inishowen Head, Dickie—/V. Ulst. ’64. Lough Gartan, &c.: rare—F7. Don. Strabane, Omagh, Newtownstewart,’96—Miss Knowles. By L. Neagh south of Ardmore Point (Lett !)—P. 7or. Tollymore Park ’00—P. F. asa garden weed in N.—P. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—FV. VE. Limavady ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/V. VE. Both the type and var. intermedia occur frequently as introduced garden weeds about Belfast, and the Wicklow plant has probably a similar origin. The native plant has a well-defined northern range. Hydrocotyle vulgaris L. Marsh Pennywort. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Divisions all. Common. Eryngium maritimum L. Sea Holly. East 9, Centre 0, West 9. Derrynane ’00: frequent—Scully. Banna ’92: rather frequent—Scully. Mizen Head ’96: frequent—Phillips. Census 18 Apiwum| Oo > or 12 16 16 20 21 22 dl 34 00 38 39 40 Cork EK. Waterfd. Clare Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim L’derry UMBELLIFERA 143 Youghal’00; rare—Phillips. Dungarvan’99—P. Common. Seafield 00, G. Fogerty—Hd. L.F.C.! Frequent, local. Courtown ’94—P. Frequent. Kilcolgan ’97—Mrs. Joyce! Roundstone ’96—P. Arklow ’94, and common on the Murrough—P. Sutton ’00: frequent—Colgan. Laytown to Boyne mouth abundant ’96—P. Bellurgan ’?00—Mrs. Swan. Common. Clonmany ’?98—Hart zo5. North only—J/. Von. Glen Bay, &c.: local—FV. Don. Ballykinler’00—Waddell. Chiefly in south—FV. VE. Redbay ’99—Miss Knowles. Chieflyin north—F7. VZ. Between Black rock and Portrush, D. Moore-—/V. VE. Common on sandy shores on the east coast, local on the west, and apparently absent from Roundstone in Galway to Glen Bay in Donegal. Sanicula europea L. Wood Sanicle. Divisions all. Frequent. Conium maculatum L. Hemlock. Divisions all: frequent. Chiefly near the sea, and about villages. Be co We o> Or tSmyrnium Olusatrum L. Alexanders. Census 35—East 15, Centre 11, West 9. Divisions all, except 16 Galway W., 17 Galway NE., 25 Roscom- mon, 29 Leitrim, 830 Cavan. Probably in all divisions, but rather rare except in certain districts near the coast. Kerry §. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Apium graveolens L. Wild Celery. Census 24—East 13, Centre 1, West 10. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent—Scully. Skibbereen 797: frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00: common—Phillips. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Coast frequent. 144 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wextor 15 Galw. SE. 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry UMBELLIFER [Apium Askeaton ’00—P. Shannon estuary c.—Stewart 863. Doonbeg ’95—Miss Knowles. Inishmore ; Shannon ec. Granny ’98—P. Local in the south. Carnsore ’97—Marshall. Frequent. Kilcolgan and Kinvarra ’99—P. Oranmore and Lough Atalia ’99—P. Wicklow ‘97—P. Frequent. Raheny ’00—Colgan. Local. Nanny and Boyne estuaries common ’96—P. Newport ’99—Marshall. Rosserk abbey ’00—P. Ballysadare ’99—P. Drumeliff ’82—B. & V. 772. Dundalk and frequent southward ’96—P. Trawbreaga Bay, &c.: in north and south—F7. Don. _ Creeslough, &c.: local—/V7. Don. About Newry ’92—P. Comber ’00—P. Rare—/7. VE. Redbay ’99—Miss Knowles. Carrickfergus; Larne. Boom Hall ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Magilligan and Foyle. Locally round almost the whole coast. Apium nodifiorum Reichb. fil. Divisions all. Common. Apium inundatum Reichb. fil. Divisions all, except 6 Waterford and 13 Carlow. No doubt occurs in all, but is abundant in none. 17 Galw. NE. 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth Cicuta virosa L. Water-Hemlock. Census 15—East 6, Centre 7, West 2. Near River Suck at Donamon ’97—P. Cruicetown and Whitewood L. ’97, L. Crew ’96—P. Lough Iron ’99—P. Centre and west, not common. Derrymacar L. ’00, and frequent along the Shannon-—P. Rockville 99, L. Key ’97—P. Lanesboro’—B. & V. 773. Ballinamore ’?00—Someryille. Frequent in S. hall. Tomkin Rd.’00—Somerville. L. Oughter, Farnham—P. Ardee bog, Mansfieldstown, Blackmills—/r. F7. °33. Carum | UMBELLIFERA 145 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske’00—Kane. F. in SW.—Someryille, and P. 33 Ferman. Belleisle ?00—Tetley. Crum; Kinarla; west of Clones. 36 Tyrone Arboe ’97—Brenan! By L. Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Mullaghmore L., L. Gilly, N. and E. margins,’ 92—P. 38 Down Tullycairne, Corry: very rare—//. VE. 39 Antrim Portglenone ’99—Miss Knowles. Bann and Lagan, rare. 40 L’derry Bann occasionally, D. Moore—/7. VE. Northern half of Ireland, but absent from the west. Two lines joining Galway with Dublin and Derry cut off its whole range. *Petroselinum sativum Hoffm. Parsley. Census 19—East 6, Centre 7, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Beaufort ’00—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ardfert abbey’99—Scully. Abbeydorney, &e.— Cyd. II. 3 Cork W. Sherkin Island ’96—Phillips. Rare. 4 Cork Mid Blarney, Monkstown (Alexander)—Power /7. ’45. 5 Cork E. _Little Island ’98 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Wall near Ballybricken ’?00—Phillips. 7 Aya os tee tock of Cashel ’98—P. Near Clonmei—Anderson 22. 8 Limreck. Askeaton on rocks and ruins’00—P. Limerick— Cy). I. 11 Kilkny. Granny castle ’98——P. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’00——Phillips. 21 Dublin Ballyboghil church ’94—-Colgan. Dunsoghly ’95—P. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin established—Levinge ’94 484. 24 Lonefd. Old castle on Elfeet Bay ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Moyne abbey ’00—P. 28 Shgo Lough Dargan castle ’99——P. 30 Cavan Drumhawnagh, roadside fence, ’?00—P. 33 Ferman. Crum Castle ’81—2—-Barrington 708. 35 Dongl. W. Rathmullan abbey— Cy. II. 38 Down Ringhaddy ’00—-P. Reagh I. (Waddell)—S. & P. 874. Naturalized on old buildings. Carum verticillatum Koch. Whorled Caraway. Census 6—East 2, Centre 0, West 4. —_ Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: frequent and locally abundant—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Castlemaine ’96: chiefly in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Near Millstreet 00: rare, and in west only—Phillips. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. L G ~ 146 2 UMBELLIFERA [Carum 35 Dongl. W. Lough Eske—/7. Don. 39 Antrim Carnsampson ’97, Giant’s Causeway ’95—P. 40 L’derry Abundant by R. Bann below Coleraine ’95——P. Very local, in the north and south. *Carum Carui L. Caraway. Census 18—East 6, Centre 6, West 6. Divisions all, except 1, 2, 4, 5, 7 to 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 29, 30, 31, 36. Only a casual over the greater part of Ireland, becoming more abundant northward, and seems naturalized in Armagh and Antrim. Sium latifolium L. Water-Parsnep (genus). Census 11+(4)—Kast (3), Centre 8, West 3+(1). 8 Limrck. Shannon fields near Limerick ’97, Bentley —H0. L.F.C.! 9 Clare Ennis’79—Corry 240. L. Derg—Hart! Corofin— Cyd. I. 10 Tipp. N. Frequent about Portumna ’97—P. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’00—Phillips. L. Derg near Woodford—P. 17 Galw. NE. R. Suck near Ahascragh ’96—P. Tuam; Ballinasloe. 18 King’s Banagher and Shannon Harbour ’98—P. 23 Westmth. L. Ree [’85-6, B. & V. j—284. a7. I. 24 Longfd. About the mouth of the Inny ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Ballinasloe ’99, Carrick—P. L. Ree—B. & V. 773. 30 Cavan Tomkin Road 00 Somerville. (31 Louth? Near Slane—/r. F7. ’33.) 33 Ferman. Enniskillen c. ’00, Ballycassidy River mouth ’92—P. (34 Dongl. E.? Culmore 85, D. Moore— Cyd. IT.) (39 Antrim IL. Neagh, D. Moore [about 1835]; Portmore, Temple- ton, &e.——#/. NE. and Cyb. I. Extinct ?) (40 L’derry Near Portstewart [?] and Lough Neagh, D. Moore [about 1835 |—/7. NZ. and Cyd. I. Extinct?) All the recent Irish records lie in the basins of the Shannon and Erne. Not seen in the Bann basin (39 and 40) since Lough Neagh was drained about 1850. ‘The Slane, Culmore, Portstewart and other old records appear doubtful. Sium angustifolium L. Census 35+(1)—East 14, Centre 12, West 9+(1). 1 Kerry $8. Derrynane ’00: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ardfert ’92: rather rare—Scully. Aiigopodium| UMBELLIFERA 147 3 Cork W. Dunmanway’00: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Near Buttevant ’00: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Clonea marsh ’99—P. 7 Tipp.S. Fethard ’98, Ardfinnan, Ballinure, Carrick—P. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur ’00—P. Drumkeen ’80—Hart 369. 9 Clare Ennis and Doonbeg ’85-6—Stewart 63. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99: frequent in west—P. 11 Kilkny. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse! Frequent along Nore—P. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Curracloa ’81—Hart 377. 13 Carlow Carlow ’98: by the Barrow occasionally—P. 14 Queen’s Mountmellick’96, Grattan aqueduct—P. Durrow—388. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’98 : frequent—P. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99, Ballinasloe : frequent in centre—P. 18 King’s Tullamore ’99—P. Centre and east, frequent. 19 Kildare Rathangan 799 : frequent throughout—P. 20 Wicklow Kuilcoole ’94—P. Murrough only. 21 Dublin Canal at Clondalkin ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Bective ’00: frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Owel’99—P. F. in centre, and c. on L. Ree. 24 Longfd. Longford ’98, and frequent by the Inny—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park ’97—P. Frequent by Suck and Shannon. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse! Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. 28 Sligo Lough Gara and Rosses Point ’97—P. 29 Leitrim Carrick-on-Shannon ’99—P. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Braganstown ’97: frequent in the centre—P. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’00— Waddell. 33 Ferman. Common near Enniskillen ’81-2—Barrington zo8. 34 Dongl. E. NW. of Ballyshannon ’98—F7. Don. (35 Dongl. W.? Mt. Charles and Donegal—/J. Ulst. ?— Fl. Don.) 38 Down Strangford ’97—P. Downpatrick and Killinchy f. 39 Antrim Island-magee’96—P. L. Neagh, D. Moore—Cyd. 1. 40 L’derry Coleraine, Stewart—/. VE. Lough Neagh—Cyb. I. A rare plant in many divisions, and thins out rapidly in the north. {Hgopodium Podagraria L. Gout-weed. Divisions all. Generally, common. 148 UMBELLIFERA [Pimpinella Pimpinella Saxifraga L. Burnet-Saxifrage. Census 86—East 15, Centre 12, West 9. Divisions all, except 1 Kerry S., 27 Mayo W., 29 Leitrim, 32 Mon- aghan. A local plant in several divisions, but common in the majority. Very rare in West Cork and Kerry. Pimpinella magna L. Greater Burnet-Saxifrage. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrcek. Clare Tipp. N. Queen’s Galw. W. Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. Hee Or OO ON DP C| WL bo (or) Very local Census 14—East 3, Centre 5, West 6. Glencar ’90: rare and local—Scully. Killarney ’99 : local, chiefly in south—Seully. Castletownsend—Allin FV. ’83. Near Waterfall ’00 : rare—Phillips. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Carrickbeg ’00—P. Above Lismore—Hart 388. Limerick Junction ’00—Phillips. Kilmallock ’00—Phillips. Very abundant in N.—P. Scattery I. ’93—O’Kelly! Local in Burren and Aran. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. About Newport ’82—Hart 369. Abbeyleix and Lisduff ’00—Phillips. Moycullen to Oughterard abundant ’99—P. Cong district ¢.’95—Marshall. Foxford, More— Cy). I. West of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. , but often in great abundance where it occurs. Confined to the south-western half of Ireland: a line drawn from Killala to Waterford defines its range. Conopodium denudatum Koch. (Bunium flewuosum With). Pig-nut- 16 Galw. W. 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim Divisions all. Common. *“Myrrhis odorata Scop. Sweet Cicely. Census 183—KEast 5, Centre 3, West 5. Ashford abundant ’?94—Mrs. Persse ! Bective and Oldcastle ’96—P. *Crossadree (Miss E. Reynell)—Levinge ’94 487. *Ballysadare ’99—P. *Ballinamore ’00—P. 32 Monaghan Drumreaske ’00—W. de V. Kane. Scandia | UMBELLIFERA 149 Dongl.E. *Manorcunningham: occasionally established—/7. Don. Dongl.W. *Killybegs looking native: rare—FV. Don. Tyrone {Newtownstewart ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Kglish, &c.: not rare, ?92—P. Down Dundonald ’98—P. }Frequent—//. VE. Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. {Frequent—/V. VE. Lderry Magilligan ’97: frequent—Mrs. Leebody. Chiefly in the north-east, where it is naturalized. Cherophyllum temulum L. Rough Chervil. Census 17—East 10, Centre 6, West 1. Limrek. Lough Gur ’00—P. Clare Finnevara 795, O’Kelly—Cyb. II. Tipp. N. Dromineer 99, Thurles ’98—P. Kilkny. Between Kilkenny and Ballyragget frequent ’99—P. Carlow Leighlinbridge ’97—-P. Barrow valley very frequent. Queen’s Grantstown, and c. from Graigue to Maganey, ’98—P. King’s Edenderry ’96—P. Kildare — Kilkea Castle ’99, Athy, Carbury, Thomastown—P. Wicklow Kilcoole and Killincarrig ’70, Hart— Cy. II. Dublin Lucan ’96—P. Rare—Colgan. Meath Nayan ’00: common throughout—P. Longfd. Saint’s Island ’$9—Miss R. Smith! Cavan Kilmore and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Louth Braganstown ’97—P. Frequent in the centre. Armagh Keady, and frequent by Lough Neagh, ’92—P. Antrim Derrymore! ’86—Stewart. Ballycastle—/l. Ulst. Lderry Near Ballyronan, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Rather partial to the vicinity of houses, but is undoubtedly native in many of its stations. Decreases rapidly westward. TIO KF Ye Scandix Pecten-Veneris L. Shepherd’s Needle. Census 31—FEast 13, Centre 10, West 8. Kerry 8. East of Dingle ’83—Hart 387. Kerry N. {Abbeydorney ’00: rare and local—Scully. Cork Mid Crosshayen ’98: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. _— Ballycotton ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Ardmore ’82—Hart 387. Tipp. 8. Farranaleen ’98—P. 150 8 Limrck 9 Clare LOR Tippee 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw.W. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 22 Meath 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 28 Sligo 30 Cavan 31 Louth 32 Monaghn. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Donel. W. 37 Armagh 38 Down 389 Antrim 40 L’derry UMBELLIFERA [ Scandix Hollypark ’00, R. D. O’Brien! Askeaton—Stewart 863. Gleninagh ’95—J. A. Audley! Kilrush—Stewart 863. Nenagh ’98—P. Thomastown ’98—P. Rare. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. Grantstown ’98: frequent—P. Gort ’00—Phillips. Garryland, Loughnahulla, ’?99—P. Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. Frankford ’00, Shannon Harbour, Tullamore—P. | Nurney and Athy ’97—P. Lusk ’93: rare—Colgan. Navan, Oldcastle, ’96—P. Ardbraccan——-H0.8.&A.M. Newtowncashel 00, Woodlawn ’98—P. East of Ahascragh ’96—P. Lough Ree—B.&V.77}3. Claremorris ’00—P. Ballinrobe ’92—Mrs. Persse! Ballymote ’97—P. Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Dundalk ’96--P. Clontibret ’?00—Waddell. Monaghan ’00—Somerville. Ballyliffan ’98—P. 72z. Throughout, rare—FV. Don. Doorin Point, &c.: throughout, rare—FV. Don. Loughgall, &c.: frequent, ’92—P. Clay Lake ’91—P. Frequent—JFV. VE. Gobbins ’92—P. Frequent—//. VE. and 874. Magilligan ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7. VE. Probably in all divisions, but not common in any. Stated by Allin to be common in Cork West, but not seen in that division by Phillips. Anthriscus vulgaris Pers. Beaked Parsley. Census 24+(3) 2 Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford Ca TO oe We) East 12+(2), Centre 8, West 4+(1) Tullig ’90—Seully. Blackrock—Allin /7. Carrigaline. Casuals—Phillips.) Ballyvodock—Allin #7. Casual—Phillips.) Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. Clonmel—Cy8. II. Fethard ’97—P. Carrick-on-Suir ’00—Phillips. Inishmore ’69—Hart 365. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny ’99—P. Frequent, local. Rosslare ?97—Marshall. South, frequent. Feniculum) UMBELLIFERA 5 i 13 Carlow Tullow ’99—P. Barrow valley frequent. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’98, Maryborough, Mountrath—P. 15 Galw. SE. {Woodford ’98—P. 17 Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00—P. 18 King’s Philipstown ’96, and frequent in the west—P. 19 Kildare Monasterevan and Athy ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Arklow ’94—P. Frequent in NE. corner. 21 Dublin Rush ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Trim ’96, and frequent on the coast—P. 23 Westmth. Killinure Lough’98: centre and west, rare—P. 24 Longfd. Ballymahon ’00—P. West only, rare. 25 Roscomn. Rindown castle ’98, Galey, Athlone—P. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse! Foxford ’00—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00, Louth—P. F. round Dundalk Bay. (34 Dongl. E. *Culmore ‘ casually’? W. E. Hart—/7. Don.) 38 Down Killinchy ’99—Waddell. Frequent on coast—fV. VE. 39 Antrim Larne ’89—P. Rare—//. VE. 40 Lderry. Magilligan’97—Mrs. Leebody. Partial to sandy soils, and consequently found chiefly near the sea: occasionally abundant on eskers in the Central Plain. Favours also the vicinity of villages, and ruins. Thins out in the north and south. Anthriscus sylvestris Hoffm. Cow-Parsley. Divisions all. Occasionally local, generally abundant. {Feeniculum officinale All. Fennel. Census 17+(1)—East 10+(1), Centre 2, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. *Valentia’92: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. *Barrow Harbour ’96: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Near Baltimore ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Carrigaline ’00 (Scully): frequent on coast—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. Youghal, &c. ’00: common near the sea—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’97—Mrs. Persse. Coast local. 7 Tipp. S. {SE. of Slievenaman ’00—P. Clonmel—Cy). I. 8 Limrck. Askeaton looking wild ’00—P. Foynes—Stewart 863. 9 Clare Near Quin abbey ’79—Corry 270. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98—P. 12 Wexford *Kilmichael Point, and Curracloa, ’81—Hart 377, 387. 152 13 Carlow 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 38 Down *Balrothery 700: (39 Antrim Darr whW re = re CO po pore HH OS® bw 27 qo co © Or He re co 9/2) 4 5 UMBELLIFERA [Feniculum tLeighlinbridge ’98—P. *“Near Galway, Melville— Cyd. I. {Mizin Head 796, {Bray, {Delgany—P. local—Colgan. | Mornington ’96—P. Killough Bay looking native, Stewart—/7. WE. *Curran, D. Moore—Cyé. 1. Extinct—FV. VE.) Abundant on wild ground in some of its southern stations, but possibly an escape from cultivation in all cases. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wextord Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Mayo W. Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Crithmum maritimum L. Samphire. Census 18—East 9, Centre 1, West 8. Derrynane’00: frequent—Scully. Rahaneen ’92 : rather frequent—Scully. Baltimore ’97 : common—Phillips. Crosshayen’00: common—Phillips. Youghal ’00 : common—Phillips. Dungarvan’99—P. Frequent. Shannon above Kilrush ’85—6—Stewart 863. Ballinalackan ’00—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran c. Snowhill ?99—P. Carnsore ’97—Marshall 539. Roundstone ’96—P. Ne ot common. Bray Head’94—P. ? Frequent. Howth’00: local—Colgan. Achill Island ’99—Colgan. Clogher Head! ’99—Miss R. Knockglass ’98—Hart 405. Sessiagh Bay ’98—Hart zo5. Local—V. Don. St. John’s Point ’98—B.N.F.C. 736. Carnalea and Kearney Point—Stewart S66. Very frequent. Smith. Malin peninsula—//. Don. Very local on the coasts, being rare in many divisions, and apparently absent from several, notably Sligo, Antrim, and Derry. Ascends the Shannon and Barrow estuaries for some miles. nanthe fistulosa L. a (genus). Cork Mid Cork E. Census 26 , West 4. Tle’ ANS eee Near Buttevant ’00: rare—Phillips. nanthe | 5 mmely=—=Iy2'3, 4-5. 6,18, 9) U1, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Louth Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry UMBELLIFERA 153 Cappoquin’99—P. Near Bunmahon ’82—Hart 38,. Carrick-on-Suir’00—P. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Frequent about Limerick. Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Thomastown, Granny, ’?98—P. Ballyneale—Hart 388. Enniscorthy ’81—Hart 377. Alderton; Kilmanock. Borris’99, St. Mullin’s, Polmounty River—P. Canal at Grattan aqueduct ’98—P. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Clare River near Tuam ’99—P. Banagher ’98—P. Athy ’97, Kilcock, Monasterevan—P. Newcastle abundant ’94—P. Baldoyle ’00: local—Colgan. Beauparc ’00, Bective, Drogheda—P. L. Ennel’97—Carr. Occasionally on Lough Ree. Ballymahon ’00—P. Kerney’s Cross and Ardee bog ’97—P. Between Inch and Bridgetown—/7. Don. By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Canal near Portadown and frequent by L. Neagh’92—P. Along the Newry canal, Stewart—//. VE. Portglenone ’99—Miss Knowles. Bann basin only. Coleraine ’96—Mrs. Leebody. East and north margins. Very rare in the north+west, from Mayo to Derry. Absent from Kerry and apparently also from Cork West (Phillips), though stated by Allin to occur there. Cork E. (nanthe pimpinelloides L. Trabolgan ’99—Phillips. See Phillips 660. Possibly elsewhere, passed over as G. Lachenalii. Census 24 (Enanthe Lachenalii C. Gmel. East 12, Centre 1, West 11. Salt marshes in nearly every maritime and sub-maritime division, 22, 27, 28, 31, 84, 35, 38, 39, 40. 154 _ SCO ANDO K WN on a =S ep Cr C&S) iS bo — 22 own bw bw oo ON OS ow www ow co NID CF We Hm CO CO So © 0 Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wextord Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Mayo EK, Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry. UMBELLIFERA | Gnanthe Cnanthe crocata L. Census 33—East 14, Centre 8, West 11. Kenmare ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. Abbeydorney 799: frequent—Scully. Macroom ’00 : common—Phillips. Donoughmore 796 : common—Phillips. Whitegate ’00: common—Phillips. Dungarvan ’?99—P. Common throughout. Fethard ’98: common in the south—P. Askeaton ’?00—P. Common in the north. Inchiquin Lough ’99—Miss Knowles. F. in south. Youghal Bay and base of Keeper Hill ’99—P. Lough Cullin ’99—P. Frequent by the Barrow. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Carlow ’99: frequent throughout—P. Dalystown ’98, Lough Cooter ’00—P.. Roundstone ’96—P. Clonbur ; Leenane. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent throughout. Kelly’s Glen ’94: local—Colgan. Navan ’00, and frequent by the Boyne; Laytown—P. Ballinrobe ’?94—Mrs. Persse! Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Inishmurray ’96—P. 745. Glenade ’99, and on the coast—P. Lough Ramor and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Dunleer ’00: frequent—P. Ballybay ’00, Castleblayney ’96—P. Ballycassidy R.’00—West. L.Erne f—Barrington zoS. Keenagh River ’98—Hart 705. Rare—Jl. Don. Dunglow, &c.: local—F7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Common throughout ’?92—P. Conlig ’00—P. Common—/V. NV. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/fV. VE. Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Common—/V. VE. A local plant, and in a broad sense calcifuge. The divisions from which it is not on record (14, 17, 18, 19, 28, 24, 25) are those in which limestone most prevails: those in which it is most frequent (3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18, 20,37, 38, 39,40)are characterized by an absence of limestone. Peucedanum] UMBELLIFERA 155 Gnanthe Phellandrium Lamk. Horsebane. Census 33—East 14, Centre 13, West 6. Divisions all, except 1 and 2 Kerry, 3 Cork W., 12 Weaxford, 16 Galway W., 34 and 35 Donegal. Abundant throughout the Central Plain, thinning out towards the hilly margins, and absent from Kerry and Donegal. 4Ethusa Cynapium L. Fool’s Parsley. Census 37—East 15, Centre 12, West 10. Divisions all, except 27 Mayo W., 28 Sligo, 32 Monaghan. Probably universal. Frequent. Ligusticum scoticum L. Scottish Lovage. Census 5—East 3, Centre 0, West 2. 34 Dongl. K. Lenan ’98—Hart zo5. North only—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Doaghmore’98—Hart zo5. Extreme N. only—J/. Don. 38. Down Mew Island, Corry; Donaghadee; Copelands—J//. VE. 39 Antrim Island-magee ’99—Lilly! Garron Point; Bushfoot. 40 L’derry E. of Portstewart ’97, Downhill ’94—Mrs. Leebody ! Coast from Tory Island in Donegal to Donaghadee in Down. Angelica sylvestris L. Divisions all. Common. *Peucedanum sativum Benth. Wild Parsnep. Census 25—East 11, Centre 6, West 8. 2 Kerry N. *Tralee ’92: an escape—Scully. 38 Cork W. {Rathclaren—Allin FV. ’83. Rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Between Dooniskey and Macroom ’97 : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. {Glanworth ’94—P. Rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ardmore ’82—Hart 387. Frequent on the coast. 7 Tipp. 8. Fethard ’00—Phillips. *Base of Slievenaman ’?00—P. 8 Limrck. Askeaton ’97—W. Fogerty! Foynes casual—863. 9 Clare Doonbeg well established ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare. 11 Kilkny. Near Lismaine house established ’99—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare’97—Marshall 539. Established and frequent. 156 Was 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 25 27 30 34 30 og 40 obo = arta awk Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Roscomn. Mayo W. Ferman. UMBELLIFERA { Peucedanum S. of Portarlington c. and established ’00: rare—P. Castle Taylor—More ’55 598. Oughterard in cultivated ground ’56—Hind 423. Clara, common on esker, ’99 : “Shannon Harbour—P. Ballitore, an escape, Chandlee and Carroll— Cy). I. Murrough in cultivated fields, D. Moore— Cy). I. *Finelas quarry naturalized ’95, Colgan— Cyd. II. Rare. Mayden Tower on sandy banks ’94—P. Esker west of Athlone abundant ’98—P. Newport ’82—Hart 380. Drumskew, an escape, ’?00— West. Dongl. KE. {Donegal abbey—/V. Don. Dongl. W. {Rathmullan and Drimnacraig—J//. Don. Antrim L’derry Stoneyford ’88—P. 696. Very rare, and casual. Magilligan abundant and naturalized ’95—P. Naturalized and locally abundant on the coasts of Waterford, Wexford and Derry, and on esker ridges and dry banks here and there in the Central Plain, as in Queen’s Co., King’s Co., and Roscommon. Heracleum Sphondylium L. Cow-Parsnep; Hogweed. Divisions all. Common. Daucus Carota L. Wild Carrot. Divisions all. Common, particularly on the coast. Caucalis Anthriscus Huds. Hedge-Parsley. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Divisions all. Common. Caucalis nodosa Scop. Census 26—FEast 13, Centre 6, West 7. Kenmare ’99: rare—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Baltimore ’96: frequent in the south—Phillips. Blackrock ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Ballyvodock ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan to Bunmahon ’00—P. Mine Head—38z. Cahir frequent, Fethard, ’?97—P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Cornus | UMBELLIFERA. CORNACE A 157 9 Clare Fanore’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent in N., rare in S. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99—P. 11 Kilkny. Near Jenkinson House ’99—P. 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent in the south. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge ’99, Milford, Borris, Killedmond—P. 15 Galw. SE. Carrowmore’99, Kinvarra—P. Portumna’96—Colgan. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. Oranmore ’99—P. Headford. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97, Bray ’94—P. 21 Dublin Old Bawn ’00: rare—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Athlone ’99—P. 24 Lonegfd. Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Castle Sampson ’99—P. 31 Louth Dundalk and frequent in NE. ’00—P. 34 Dongl. EK. {Greencastle W. E. Hart—/V. Don: 37 Armagh Dromantee ’93, Jonesborough, Portadown—P. 38 Down North of Portaferry ’97—P. 767. F. along the coast. 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay ’97—P. Rare, and on the coast only. 40 Lderry Ballyronan, W. T. Whan—//. Uist. 64. Hedera Helix L. Ivy. Divisions all. Abundant. Cornus sanguinea L. Dogwood. Census 13+(6)—KHast 3+(3), Centre 5+(2), West 54+(1). (3 Cork W. *Cullenagh Lake—Allin 77. ’83.) (4 Cork Mid *Near Passage ’00: rare—Phillips.) (5 Cork EK. *Whitegate ’00: rare—Phillips.) 8 Limrek. Limestone rocks at Askeaton and Mullagh ec. ’?00—P. 9 Clare Ballinalackan ’?00—O’ Brien. Burren & Aran f., native. 10 Tipp. N. _Bounla I. appearing native ’96, Colgan— Cyd. II. 11 Kilkny. Kalkenny ’00—Phillips. Along the Nore f.—P. 13 Carlow Near Borris, in a hazel copse and by Barrow, ’99—P. 15 Galw. SE. Limestone rocks at L. Fingall and near Gort ’?99—P. 18 King’s Portarlington c.’84—Hart 383. +Philipstown—P. 19 Kildare Athy ’97, {Kilkea Castle, {near Baltinglass—P. 23 Westmth. Killinure Point ’99—P. Knock Ross—Levinge 4&z. 25 Roscomn. t+Mote Park ’97—P. 28 Shgo Keishcorran cliffs ’97—P. Seefin, Colgan— Cyd. II. 29 Leitrim L. Gill on limestone rocks, {Rinn L., ’99—P. (32Monaghn. Croaghan wood—W. de V. Kane.) 34 Dongl. KE. By the Erne, etc.: extreme S. only—ZJ7. Don. 158 CORNACEA. CAPRIFOLIACEA [ Cornus (36Tyrone {Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles.) (37Armagh Loughgall ’53—More 600. Not seen ’92—P.) Undoubtedly native on limestone ‘ crags,’’ rocks, and cliffs in 8, 9, 10, 15, 28, 28, 29, and 34. I have no doubt that the Dogwood is indigenous also along the Nore and Barrow (11, 18, 18, 19), where it grows in thick copses of Hazel, Holly, Blackthorn, and other native trees. The stations in 3, 4, 5, 32, 36, 37 are very dubious. Adoxa Moschatellina L. Moschatel. 39 Antrim Cave Hill’86, P.; Milewater’78, Corry—/7. VE. Nearly extinct in its only Irish habitats. Sambucus nigra L. Elder. Divisions all. Though showing a preference for ruins and the sites of former habitations, this tree appears to be an original native, if not throughout the country, at least in limestone districts. “Sambucus Ebulus L. Dwarf Elder. Census 32—East 12, Centre 9, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Near Derrynane ’89: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ardfert ’99: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Goleen ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Near Bandon (Allman)—AlIlin F7.’83. Rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dunmore ’97—P. 7 Tipp. 8. Fethard’00—Phillips. Clonmel; Tipperary ; Carrick. 8 Limreck. Mullagh ’00—P. Common in the north. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent. 10 Tipp. N. Borrisokane ’00—Phillips. Frequent. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Rare. 12 Wexford Mangan, Killanne, Rathduff—Moffat ’89 552. 13 Carlow Near Milford ’99—P. Leighlinbridge—Hart 383. 15 Galw.SE. Castle Taylor—More ’55 598. 17 Galw. NK. Annaghdown and Dunmore ’00—P. i ee) King’s Near Moneygall ’82—Hart 385. 20 Wicklow Glendalough—Mrs. Wynne ’00. Frequent in NE. 21 Dublin Sutton—Hart ’97 403. 25 Roscomn. Termonbarry ’99—Colgan. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris’00—P. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse! 27 Mayo W. Burrishoole ’99—G. P. Farran. Lubia | CAPRIFOLIACEA. RUBIACHAL 159 28 Shgo Castlerock ’96—Colgan. 29 Leitrim Manorhamilton, Drumahaire, Tullaghan, ’99—P. 32 Monaghn. Stranoodan, Mt. Anketell, ’00—Kane. Culloville—P. 33 Ferman. Castle Hume, Temple Nephern,’00—West. Belecoo—P. 84 Dongl. E. Gleneely ’98—Hart gos. N. and 8., rare—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Rosapenna, &c.: north and south, rare—J/7. Don. 36 Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96-—Miss Knowles. 87 Armagh Kglish and Loughgall’92—P. Armagh—/V. Uist. 38 Down Ballynahinch ’?00—P. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—Z/. VE. 40 L’derry Agivey, D. Moore: frequent—//. VE. Now frequent over the country, but obviously originally intro- duced. Viburnum Opulus L. Guelder Rose. Divisionsall. Frequent. Lonicera Periclymenum L. Woodbine; Honeysuckle. Divisions all. Common. Rubia peregrina L. Madder. Census 16—East 6, Centre 2, West 8. KerryS. Derrynane ’00: local—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99: local, chiefly in south—Seully. Cork W. Cape Clear’96 : frequent in the south—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: frequent near the coast—Phillips. Cork KE. Whitegate ’00 : frequent near the coast—Phillips. Waterfd. _ Dungarvan, Ballyvoyle, ’?99—P. Coast e.—Hart 3&4. Limrck. Askeaton ’00—P. Ringmoylan, Foynes—Stewart S63. Clare Lisdoonvarna ’?00—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran ec. Wexford Arthurstown—B.& M.’93 703. Extreme SW. only, f. Galw. SE. Lough Fingall, &., ’99—P. SW. only, local. Galw. W. Ross district f.,’99—P. Little Killery ’98—Colgan. Galw. NE. Terryland River and Menlo ’99—P. 20 Wicklow South end of Bray Head ’98—P. a ID orw © OM or Ke OW re 21 Dublin Howth ’00, Dalkey ’95—Colgan. 26 Mayo EK. 8S. of L. Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. LL. Carra—Ball 93. 27 Mayo W. Mvweelrea ’98—Colgan. Locally up the west coast as far as the Killeries, and the east coast as far as Howth. Never far from the sea. Flourishes equally on or off the limestone. 160 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 6 Waterfd. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 39 Antrim 40 L’derry RUBIACEA [Galiwm Galium boreale L. Bedstraw (genus). Census 22—Kast 4, Centre 7, West 11. Near the Gap of Dunloe ’90—Scully. Killarney ’00 : locally about the lakes—Scully. Croan bog near Clonmel, about 1850 —Miss S. Grubb! Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Locally abundant in north. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Abundant on L. Derg. Lough Cooter ’00—P. SW., and along Shannon. Ross Lake ’99 : abundant along E. margin—P. SW. of Knockmae, and common on L. Corrib, ’99—P. Hare Island’99 : common on Lough Ree—P. Elfeet Bay ’00: common on Lough Ree—P. Lough Ree frequent ’98 ; Lough Gara rare ’97—P. L. Mask ’97—Kane. L.Maskc. L. Carra—Ball 93. L. Beltra’99—Colgan 227. L.Conn common; L. Cullin. Lough Gara ’97—P. L. Melvin, Harvey—Cyd. Il. LL. Bofin, Dyer—ézz. Garrison on L. Melvin’00—P. Lower L. Erne common. Near the River Erne only—J7. Don. St. John’s Point and near Glen—/V. Don. By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Lough Neagh frequent ’92—P. . Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Locally frequent. Clontygearagh mountain ; Magilligan; L. Neagh and L. Beg f.— fl. VE. Chiefly on the western limestones, and along the Shannon and Erne, and round Lough Neagh. In Antrim and Derry alone it occurs as an upland plant, along mountain streams and on cliffs. 33 Ferman. 388 Down 5 Cork E. 9 Clare +Galium Cruciata Scop. Crosswort. Colebrooke ’69 (‘T. O, Smith)—More 6zz. Downpatrick rath ’?00—P. Galium verum L. Lady’s Bedstraw. Divisions all. Abundant. tGalium erectum Huds. Census 5—East 6, Centre 1, West 1. {Trabolgan ’98 : rare—Phillips. Inishmore ’94, O’ Kelly— Cyd. 1. Galiun } RUBIACE At 161 12 Wexford Near Killurin, Hart— Cyd. II. 19 Kildare Kilkea Castle (J. Douglas)—More 6zz. 21 Dublin Sutton ’96—P. Rare—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Coosan Lough ’98—P. 38 Down Aghaderg ’86 (Lett), and Saintfield—Davies 2509. 39 Antrim Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—Davies 2509. Commoner than the above scanty notes would indicate, but authenticated records are rare. Probably introduced with grass-seed, now naturalized. +Galium Mollugo L. Census 16—Kast 8, Centre 6, West 2. 6 Waterfd. }+Cappagh ’99—P. {Blenheim ’89—B. & G. zor. 7 Tipp. 8. {Gravel-pit in Vale of Aherlow ’00—P. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. 10 Tipp. N. +}Roadside at Cloughjordan ’00—P. 12 Wexford {Alderton’89—B. &.G. zoz. | Killoughrim—Moffat 552. 14 Queen’s {By railway for 2 miles E. of Portarlington c. ’00—P. 18 King’s {Lawn at Geashill ’95—P. 20 Wicklow Rathdrum’83, Glencree, Hart—Cyd. II. Vallombrosa. 21 Dublin ({Crumlin, &c. ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath By the Boyne east of Hill of Down ’00—P. 24 Longfd. Saint’s Island looking wild ’00—P. 31 Louth Sandy banks at Greenore ’00—P. 35 Dongl.W.*Rosapenna ’96—Hart zor. 36 Tyrone Strabane (var. znsubricum) ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh ‘Tanderagee’92—P. Near Armagh —W. F. Johnson! 40 L’derry Eglinton ’97 (Mrs. Leebody)—Davies 259. Widespread, but generally in places to which it may have spread from sown stock. Galium saxatile L. Divisions all. Strongly calcifuge, and distributed accordingly, being rare and local in those counties where limestone most prevails ; but in all, on patches of non-calcareous rocks or on the edges of bogs, it finds a home. Galium sylvestre Poll. Census 6—Kast 0, Centre 0, West 6. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: rare and local—Scully. 9 Clare Inishmore ?95—P. Burren and Aran common. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. M 162 RUBIACEAL [Galium 15 Galw. SE. Garryland and abundant south of Kinvarra ’00—P. Castle Taylor ’79—Corry 220. 17 Galw. NE. Knockmae’00, Keekil, Annaghdown—P. Coolaran— Mrs. Joyce ! 28 Sligo Ben Bulben ’85—Linton 502. 29 Leitrim Glenade rare ’°84—B. & V. 772. On the western limestones only. Galium palustre L. Divisions all. Common. Galium uliginosum L. Census 13—East 4, Centre 6, West 3. 2 Kerry N. Near Spa ’00: rare and local—Scully. 5 Cork E. ¥Fota ’98—Phillips. 7 Tipp.S. Ardmayle’98—P. 10 Tipp. N. Near Portumna ’00—Phillips. Rapla ’99—P. 13 Carlow Goresbridge 799, Milford, Carlow—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford River ’96—Colgan. Portumna ’98—P. 17 Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura’98, Shannon Harbour, Clonmacnoise—P. 19 Kildare Rathangan 798, Curragh, Rathmore—P. Ballitore. 20 Wicklow Blessington ’98—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Iron °99—P. Common in centre, rare in west. 24 Longfd. Mouth of Bilberry River ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Lough Ree between Ballybay and Curry Point ’85-6— DSS tsgunihe wrareees Probably distributed thinly all over the Central Plain. A plant formerly misunderstood, and old records from 16, 19, 20, 21, 31, 39 cannot be accepted. Galium Aparine L. Goose-grass ; Robin-run-the-hedge. Divisions all. Common. Asperula odorata L. Woodruff. Divisions all except 27 Mayo West. No doubt universal, but not a common plant, and rare in many divisions, Valeriana | RUBIACEA. VALERIANEA 163 Asperula cynanchica L. Squinancywort. Census 8—East 1, Centre 0, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. _ Ballinskelligs ’92: chiefly in Dingle peninsula—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99 : frequent—Scully. Waterfd. Tramore, 8. Madden— Cy). I. Limrek. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. North c., SW. r. 15 Galw. SE. Ardfry’99: very abundant in the west—P. 16 Galw. W. Barna Head ’99—P. Kast margin v.c.; elsewhere v.r. 17 Galw. NE. Knockmae ’00: coast and L. Corrib common—P. Chiefly on the limestones and sand-dunes of the west. Miss Ball's Youghal plant is Galium saxatile! Confirmation of the Tramore record is desirable. Sherardia arvensis L. Field Madder. Divisions all. Common. Valeriana officinalis L. Wild Valerian. Divisions all. The aggregate is common. Valervana sambucifolia Mik. Divisions all. Common. Valeriana Mikanit Syme. Census 13—East 5, Centre 2, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Willarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Listowel ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 38 Cork W. Millstreet ’?00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballea ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Dodge’s glen ’00 : frequent—Phillips. 7 Tipp. S. Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. 9 Clare Cappanawallia mountain ’95, Colgan— Cyd. LI. 15 Galw. SE. Lough Cooter ’?00—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98—P. 22 Meath Oldcastle ’96—P. 28 Sligo Lough Key ’97—P. 38 Down Sheve Muck ’89-"90—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim Common on the coast’93—Shoolbred 837. Mazetown —Stewart 837. Undoubtedly rare in the middle parts of Iveland. M 2 164 Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Kilkny. Wextord Dublin Louth Dongl. E. Occurs frequently as a garden escape. appears to be established beyond the limits of gardens. except in Cork and Louth, where it has spread to rocks. *Centranthus ruber DC. VALERIANEZ [ Centranthus Red Valerian. Census 9—East 7, Centre 0, West 2. Castletownsend ’97, Bandon ’96—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’99 : locally abundant—Phillips. Cork, Queenstown, ’00: locally abundant—Phillips. Carrick, Waterford,’00—Phillips. Passage—Hart 3&4. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Towns frequent. Tintern Abbey and New Ross—B. & M. ’92 zo2. Chapelizod ’00: rare—Colgan. Dundalk ’00—Mrs. Swan. Carlingford abundant—P. Buncrana established, J. Hunter—/7. Don. In the above stations it On old walls Abundant about Cork, and perfectly naturalized. Valerianella olitoria Pollich. Corn-salad (genus) ; thea Lettuce. — SK OMIT aA PRP &| WH He ee Om - ww b bo bk = © Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Louth Census 28—KEast 15, Centre 6, West 7 Kenmare ’00: rather frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion 794 : rather rare—Scully. Baltimore ’96: frequent—Phillips. Ovens ’96: common—Phillips. Midleton ’00: common—Phillips. Dungarvan and Cappagh ’99—P. Cahir and SE. of Slievenaman ’00—P. Askeaton ’97, Bentley—H6. L.F.C.! Kailfenora 00 —Miss Knowles. Inishmore—Hart 1 Kilkenny ’97—P. Carnsore, Wexford, Gorey, ’96—Marshall. Tullow ’99: frequent—P. Maryborough ’96, north of Graigue ’98—P. Inveran ’95-—Colgan. East of Robertstown ’98—P. Delgany and Greystones ’94—P. Skerries ’00: frequent—Colgan. Bective °00, Drogheda, Kildalkey, Hill of Down—P. Elfeet Bay on L. Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Near Athlone ’98—P. Killencoole ’96, Boyne—P. Carlingford—Stewart. Frequent. Valerianella | VALERIANEA 165 Dongl. E. Inishowen, Ballyshannon, &c.: N. to 8.—FV. Don. Dongl. W. Rosapenna, &c.: north only, frequent—/V. Don. Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down Holywood’00—P. Frequent—//. VE. Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/l. VE. Lderry _— Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/V. VEZ. Chiefly on sandy ground near the sea. Inland on dry banks and gravelly ground, and on limestone rocks. D> oe co to tValerianella Auricula DC. Census 17—East 9, Centre 5, West 3. Cork W. Creagh ’00, Baltimore, Kilkerin : rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Coachford ’97: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Doughtan’s (T. Allin)—More ’72 6zz. Tipp. N. Roserea, Dromineer, ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan—P. Kilkny. Thomastown and Inistioge ’98—P. Wexford Nook—B. & G.’89 zoo. Carlow By the Barrow above Borris ’99—P. Queen’s Emo ’96—P. Galw. SE, Castle Taylor—More 755 598. Galw. W. Oughterard ’35—Babington 57, 54. King’s Edenderry ’96—P. Dublin Sutton and Portmarnock ’94—P. Meath Cruicetown ’97, Bective ’96—P.. Navan—Cy). II. Longfd. | Newtowncashel ’00—P. Mayo E. Foxford [’64 |, More—Cy@. I. Louth Ravensdale ’00, Braganstown—P. Castlebellingham— Butler 755. Clogher Head—Ball 93. Rare in the west, and absent from the north. tValerianella dentata Pollich. Census 833—East 15, Centre 11, West 7. Kerry N. Barrow Harbour ’96: rare—Scully. Cork W. Baltimore ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Coachford ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Castletownroche ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Waterford, Carroll— Cyd. I. — bo “ID oO He Co oo © Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Cavan Louth Monaghan Ferman. Dong]. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Kerry Ne Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. VALERIANEA. DIPSACEA | Valerianella Cahir ’00, Farranaleen ’98—P. Limerick ’99—Somervyille. Near Ballyvaughan ’79—Corry 220. Dromineer, Roscrea, ’?00—Phillips. Cloughjordan—P. Thomastown, Inistioge, Graigue,’98—P. Kilmacow. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. Goresbridge *99—P. Frequent. Graigue ’98, Emo—P. Noreyille—More 674. Near Ardrahan ’00—Mrs. Joyce! SE. and SW. Kilbeg ferry "99—P. Oughterard—Babington 57. Clonbrock’96— P. Edenderry ’96—P. Hills N. of Kildare’98—P. Ballitore, Carroll— Cyd. L. Greystones, Kilmacanoge, ’94—P. Bray—Oyb. 1. Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. Bective ’?96—P. Rather frequent. Athlone ’98—P. Belvedere Lake, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Newtowncashel and Meanespenen °00—P. Ballinasloe ’99, Athlone ’98—P. Lisnabrin, N. J. Halpin—FV. Ulst. ’64. Bellurgan ’00—Mrs. Swan! Braganstown ’97—P. Newmills ’00— Waddell. Enniskillen ’00—Tetley ! Near Ramelton—/7. Don. Lough Ross, Newry, and frequent in north, ’?92—P. Clay Lake’91—P. Rare—/f7. VE. Island-magee, Stewart : rare—L7. WE. By Lough Foyle, E. Murphy— Cy. I. Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. Teasel. Census 17—East 10, Centre 3, West 4. {Beal Point ’90—Scully. Clonakilty ’91, Berehaven ’94 : rare—Phillips. Monkstown °00 (Scully): south only, rare—Phillips. Whitegate ’00: frequent in the south—Phillips. Near Mount Congreve common ’?99—P._ F. in E. half. Carrick-on-Suir ’?00—P. Knocklofty ’82—Hart 3&5. Askeaton ’00—P. Common in the north. Meelick ’97—Bentley! Kilrush, Doonbeg—&63. Youghal Bay and Dromineer ’99—P. Erigeron | DIPSACEA. COMPOSITA 167 11 Kilkny. Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. C. by tidal waters. 12 Wexford Fisherstown c.—B. & M.’92 zo2. SW. frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Rosshill ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Arklow Head—Mrs. Wynne ’00. 21 Dublin Corballis, Donabate, ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare ’00, Bective, Laytown—P. 31 Louth Boyne Obelisk and Queensborough ’96—P. 38 Down Cranfield Point ’89—P. Greencastle—Stewart. Native in the south, and up the east coast as far as Down, and the west as far as Galway. Inland by the larger rivers and lakes, rare. Appears to be merely casual in Donegal. Scabiosa Succisa L. Devil’s-bit. Divisions all. Abundant. Scabiosa arvensis L. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim. Generally frequent, thinning out towards the west and north-west. Eupatorium cannabinum L. Hemp-Agrimony. Divisions all. Frequent. Solidago Virgaurea L. Golden Rod. Divisions all, except 22 Meath, 52 Monaghan. Local in many divisions. Bellis perennis L. Daisy. Divisions all. Abundant. Aster tripolium L. Sea Starwort. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all; namely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,9, 11, 12, 18, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28. 29, 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. A plant which ascends the rivers almost to the extreme verge of tidal influence. Erigeron acre L. Blue Fleabane. Census 17—East 7, Centre 7, West 3. 7 Tipp. $8. Cahir ’00—Phillips. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan rare ’95—Colgan. 10 Tipp. N. Roscrea’00—Phillips. L. Derg, Miss Jackson— Cy). II. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny—P. South r. 168 COMPOSIT Ai | Hrigeron 12 Wexford Killanne—B. & M.’92 zo2. Enniscorthy— Cy). I. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’00—Phillips. Local. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’00—P. Frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor ’85—Mrs. Joyce! 16 Galw. W. Golden Bay on Lough Corrib, Miss Jackson— Cyd. II. 18 King’s Clara and Kinnitty ’00—P. 19 Kildare Poulaphuca’00—P. Ballitore, Carroll—Cyb. I. Rare. 20 Wicklow Between Enniskerry and Lough Bray—ZJr. FV. ’38. 21 Dublin Skerries ’00—P. Local—Colgan. 23 Westmth. West and north of Moate’99—P. 24 Longfd. |§Newtowncashel and Elfeet Bay ’00—P. 26 Mayo E. Near Cong cross, Miss Jackson—Cyb. II. 38 Down Ballykinler ’86—P. North of Newcastle—S. & P. 874. Sparingly distributed over the middle third of Ireland, thinning out rapidly north and south. Filago germanica L. Cudweed (genus). Census 31—East 14, Centre 8, West 9. 1 Kerry 8. Glencar ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ovens’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Aghada’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Opposite Youghal: frequent on coast, ’82 7 Tipp.S. Knocklofty ’82—Hart 385. 9 Clare Inisheer ’69—Hart 365. Ballyvaughan—Foot 322. 10 Tipp. N. Ballina’00, R. D. O’Brien—H6é. L.F.C.! 11 Kilkny. Ullard wood near Borris ’00—T. Hartley ! 12 Wextord Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent in the south-east. 13 Carlow Rathanna ’00—T. Hartley! Tullow’99—P. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’?98—P. 15 Galw. SE. Lough Cooter’00—P. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard’99—P. Local, not rare. 20 Wicklow Bray Head’99—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Slieve Bregh’00, Mornington, Oldcastle—P. 24 Longfd. Newtowncashel ’00—P. 26 MayoE. Claremorris ’00: frequent—P. 27 Mayo W. Pontoon’00—P. 30 Cavan Cavan ’96—P. Hart 384. Antennaria | COMPOSIT A 169 31 Louth Ballymascanlan ’00——Mrs. Swan! Locally frequent. 32 Monaghn. Bragan’00—Waddell. Rockcorry ’00—-P. 34 Dongl. E. Greencastle, Carrickfad, &c.: in N. and 8.—¥#7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet, Magheragh, &c.: local and rare—/7. Don. 386 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Shieve Gullion’92—P. Raughlan—H. W. Lett! 38 Down Lough Island Reavy ’90—P. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Cushendun’86—P. Rare—//. VL. 40 L’derry Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7/. VE. A local plant, irregularly distributed. Most of its stations are off the limestone. Rare in the Central Plain. Filago minima Fr. Census 18—East 11, Centre 2, West 5. 1 Kerry 8S. Kilgarvan’00: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Loo Bridge ’99: chiefly in the south, rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway’00: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Inniscarra’93: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. Fermoy, Chandlee—Cyb. Ii. Great Island—287. 7 Tipp. 8. South base of Shevenaman’00—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare abundant ’82—Hart 384. Local and rare. 13 Carlow Gowlin ’99, St. Mullin’s ’98——-P. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’99—P. UL. Mask c. ’95—M. & 8. 545. 20 Wicklow Drumgoff’97—Colgan. Widespread but not common. 21 Dublin Frequent along base of Three Rock Mountain ’00—-P. 22 Meath Mayden Tower ’00—P. 384 Dongl. K. Fahan, Bridge End (Hunter)—Hart’99 gos. Veryrare. 36 Tyrone Omagh and Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh By Lough Neagh ’92—P. 388 Down Tyrella ’00—P. Common on coast—f7. VE. 39 Antrim Ballymena’99—Miss Knowles. Locally e.—//. VE. 40 Lderry _ Bellarena’98—Mrs. Leebody. Locally c.—/V. VE. Strongly calcifuge, the only station on the limestone area being the sand-dunes at the mouth of the Boyne (22). Antennaria dioica R. Br. Mountain Cudweed. Divisions all, except 4 Cork Mid. A local plant, irregularly dis- maibated: Rare in 1,2, 3) 5,.6, 7, 11, 18, 19, 21, 22, 31, 32, 37. Abundant in 15, 16, 17, 18, 25, 27, 35. More or less frequent else- where. 170 COMPOSIT A | Gnaphalium Gnaphalium uliginosum L. Cudweed (genus). Census 37— East 14, Centre 11, West 12. Divisions all, except 18 King’s Co., 19 Kildare, 23 Westmeath. Cal- cifuge, and generally rare in the Central Plain. Gnaphalium sylvaticum L. Census 31—East 14, Centre 6, West 11. KerryS. Near Kenmare ’94: rare—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’96: chiefly in the south, rare—Scully. Cork W. Gouganebarra ’97 (W. H. Shaw): rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore—Allin F/. ’83. Rare—Phillips. Cork E. Near Fermoy (Chandlee)—Allin 77.’83. Rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. Clare Glounagalliagh Mountain ’96—Colgan. Wexford Woodbrook (Miss V. Cooper)—B. & M. ’92 zoz2. Carlow Myshall (R. C. Browne)—More ’72 674. 14 Queen’s Mountrath ’97—P. 15 Galw. SE. Chevy Chase ’00—P. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Centre and east, frequent. 17-Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00—P. 19 Kildare Ballitore, Carrol— Cyd. I. 20 Wicklow Kilbride ’91—Colgan. Widespread, but not common. Lee! © O Or & — ee aw bw 21 Dublin Near Brittas ’95—Colgan. 22 Meath Sheve Bregh ’00—P. 26 Mayo EK. Foxford, Carrowkeribly L., ’00—P. Cong—5z5. 27 Mayo W. Carrickkennedy ’99—Colgan. Frequent. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00—P. L. Easky and Mass Hill—D’ ary 30 Cavan Slieve Glah and Lough Ramor ’96—P. 31 Louth Carlingford ’00—P. Omeath—Hart 3Sz. Mt. Oriel. 32 Monaghn. Clontibret ’00—Waddell. Mullyash Hill; Falkland. 33 Ferman. Gubbaroe Point ’81-2—Barrington z08. 34 Dongl. E. Strass River’98 35 Dongl. W. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout, frequent—f. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent. 37 Armagh ~ South of Newry f.’92—P. Derryadd, Lett !—P. 7oz. 38 Down Hilltown ’97—P. Frequent—//. VE. 39 Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VL. 40 L’derry. Bellarena’92—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Has an essentially calcifuge distribution, stations on the limestone being extremely rare, if any. Off the limestone it is local, and frequent only in West Connaught and Ulster. Inula | ap fer) (xt (IY eS) | op) (yy [te] Ao) 90 © © WH WH W& bo Ont WS OI SD © He co Co CO S) ke) 2) Sy Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Wexfd. Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo 3 Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim COMPOSIT & r(a *Inula Helenium L. LElecampane. Census 22—East 8, Centre 4, West 10. *Ballinskelligs ’00: rare—Scully. *Ardfert ’99: f. in north, rare elsewhere—-Scully. “Near Goleen ’94: frequent in the south—Phillips. {Near Youghal (Carroll)—Allin F7/. ’83. Between Lismore and Tallow—Smith 1746 Sz. Redmondstown and near Clonmel—-Miss 8. Grubb ’00. {Cliffs of Moher ’?00—Miss Knowles. Local in the NW. Ballyconigar, Carroll— Cyé. I. *Garryland ’00—P. {Inishmacdara ’96—P. Rare. Whalley Abbey, Ogilby— Cw. I. {Near Headford ’85—Linton 502. Milford—Cyd. II. {Moyne Abbey ’00—P. Newport ’99—G. P. Farran. Near Sligo, Miss 8. Wynne—Cyd. II. Devenish Island ’00— West. Maln’98—Hart gos. *B.shannon, Donegal—/7. Don. *Fanet, St. Juhn’s Point, &c.: N.andS8., rare—/V. Don. {Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. | West of Goraghwood ’92—P. Derryadd——Lett ! tSaul ’97, Ballynahinch ’88—P. tCarninny ’99—Miss Knowles. {Frequent--//. WE. Liderry. }Near Kilrea’94—P. {Rare—/l. VE. A more or less obvious relic of cultivation. Characteristic of the sites of early ecclesiastical settlements, as in 16, 27, 33, 38. 10 Tipp. N. Inula salicina L. Youghal Bay ’99, Portumna ’97—P. Curraghmore and Boynas Island ’95— Lilly zgo. 15 Galw. SE. Below Woodford ’98—P. North half of Lough Derg 1 3 shores, frequent. Confined in the British Isles to the limestone shores of Lough Derg, where it is frequent. Inula crithmoides L. Golden Samphire. Kerry 8. Jjork W. Census 5—Kast 3, Centre 0, West 2. Near Dingle, D. Moore— Cy). I. Castlefreke—Allin FV. ’88. COMPOSITA [Inula 6 Waterfd. Ballyvoyle Head’99—P. Frequent ’82—Hart 384. 22 26 27 2 Wexford Hook Head, Baginbun, Saltees, ’82—Hart 3&2. Dublin Howth ’00—Colgan. Lambay I., Dalkey promontory. Sea-rocks from Kerry up the east coast to Dublin, locally. Pulicaria dysenterica Girtn. Fleabane. Divisions all. Frequent. Bidens cernua L. Bur-Marigold (genus). Census 39—East 14, Centre 18, West 12. Kerry 8S. Glencar 99: rather frequent—Scully. Kerry N. ‘Rahaneen ’92: rather rare—Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Ovens ’96: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Midleton 794: frequent—Philhips. Waterfd. Ballygunner—Miss Horne ’99. Clonmel—Miss Grubb. Tipp. 8. —- Littleton ’98—P. Limrck. Lough Gur abundant ’00—P. Clare Lough Senan ’85-6—Stewart 863. Tipp. N. Barracurragh ’98—P. Kilkny. Lough Cullin ’98—P. Wexford Boro valley—Moffat ’89 552. Rare. Carlow Above and below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Queen’s Maryborough ’96, Grattan aqueduct—P. Ballybrittas. Galw. SE. Woodford ’00—Phillips. Throughout, not common. Galw. W. Recess ’99—Colgan. ? Very rare. Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’00: south half frequent—P. Kang’s Tullamore ’99 : frequent—P. Kaldare = West of Robertstown ’98—P. Dublin Bog of the Ring ’00—Colgan. Meath Near Navan ’96—P. Frequent. Westmth. Lough [ron ’99, Twy Lough, Athlone—P. Longfd. Longford ’98, Ballymahon, Lanesborough—P. Roscomn. Arigna ’00, Drumsna, Lough Gara—P. . Mayo E. Claremorris ’00, Ballaghaderreen—P. | Mayo W. Lough Conn ’00—P. Frequent. Sligo Mullaghmore ’97—P. Leitrim Ballinamore ’00—Somerville. Common in south half. Cavan Ballyconnell and Tomkin road ’?00—Somerville. Louth Ardee bog and Mansfieldstown—/. FY, 738. Bidens | 32 30 34 30 36 37 58 39 40 Hm CoO be (© GC HD or 10 11 12 13 15 16 vy 18 21 24 25 26 27 28 29 50 31 52 398 Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry COMPOSITA 173 Drumreaske ’00—W. de V. Kane. Frequent. L. Coole, L. Galliagh, ’?00—West. Crum—zod. Stranorlar, &c.: centre and south, rare— FV. Don. Fanet and near Ardara—Jl7. Don. Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Leckpatrick— 838. Mullaghmore Lough, &c.: frequent, ’92—P. Downpatrick ’99—P. Frequent—//. VE. Portglenone ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VE. Enagh Lough ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/V. VE. Rarer in the south than in the north, and in the east than in the west. Kerry 8S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wextord Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Dublin Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Bidens tripartita L. Census 34—East 12, Centre 10, West 12. Glencar ’99: frequent—Scully. Abbeydorney *99 : frequent—NScully. Clonakilty ’91: frequent—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’98: frequent—Phillips. Near Buttevant ’00: frequent — Phillips. Bunmahon ’99—P. Lough Gur abundant *00—P. Lisdoonvarna’00— V. Kane. And in south, rare. Cloughjordan ’00—P. L. Cullin ’99—P. Castle Blunden—More 6r4. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Ferns; Urrin valley. Ballymartin ’°00—Miss Wynne! Woodford.’00—Phillips. Chevy Chase ’00—P. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Rare and local. Ballyloughaun ’99—P. Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Bog of the Ring ’95—Colgan. Near Roosky ’00—P. Arigna and Lanesborough ’00—P. Cong ’95—M. &S. 545. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Lough Arrow ’97—P. Drumahaire ’99, and common in the south—P. Cavan and Lough Ramor ’96—P. Collon and Mansfieldstown—ZJr. F7.’33. Monaghan ’00—W. de Y. Kane. Frequent. Ballycassidy River ’00—Tetley ! 174 COMPOSIT A [ Bidens 84 Dongl. E. Clonmany ’98—Hart zo5. Belleek—//. Don. 25 Dongl. W. Fanet, Glen Bay, &c.: in N. and 8., rare—F7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh and by the Foyle ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Mullaghmore Lough, and frequent in the north,’92—P. 38 Down Crossgar 790—P. Rare—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Portglenone ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/F7. VE. 40 L’derry Magilligan’95—P. Rare—//. VE. As widely spread as the last, and often growing with it, but de- cidedly rarer, as the records show. Achillea Millefolium L. Yarrow; Milfoil. Divisions all. Common. Achillea Ptarmica L. Sneezewort. Divisions all, except 5 Cork East, 6 Waterford, 7 Tipperary S. A plant with a peculiar distribution. In non-limestone districts it is generally abundant, occurring chiefly as a common weed of cultivated land. This applies, for instance, to divisions 12, 16, ?20, 27, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 88, 39, 40. On the limestone, on the contrary, it is practically confined to lake shores, and to land lable to inundation, and in such situations usually occurs in profusion. This is well seen in its distribution in 10, 15, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28. Diotis candidissima Desf. Cottonweed. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’50—Carroll zg2. Dungarvan ’45—Allman DP 12 Wexford Lady’s Island Lake, Tacumshin Lake, ’82—Hart 384. South-east coast, very rare. The Kerry record is dubious. tAnthemis Cotula L. Stinking Chamomile. Census 30—East 12, Centre 10, West 8. Kerry 8. Churchtown ’96: local—Scully. Kerry N. Ballymalis ’92 : local—Scully. Cork Mid Near Cork ’98: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Cork ’94 : frequent— Phillips. Waterfd. Ballyernan ’82—Hart 38z. Tipp. 8. Cahir and Ardfinnan ’00—P. Limrck. Limerick, Askeaton, Mullagh, ’00—P. Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. IH OF Ww oOo we Anthemis | COMPOSIT 4 175 10 Tipp. N. Cloughjordan ’00, Youghal Bay ’99—P. 11 Kilkny. Kilmacow ’98—P. Ballyragget ’84——Hart 3385! 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. 13 Carlow Graiguenamanagh and St. Mullin’s ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. Ardfry ’99 : west frequent, south-east rare—P. 16 Galw. W. Lough Bofin’99: east only, rare—P. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99: frequent throughout—P. 18 King’s Clara ’99—P. 19 Kildare Nurney 797, Carbury, Levitstown—P. 21 Dublin Blanchardstown 795 : local—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare 00, Kilmessan, infield—P. 23 Westmth. Moate, Mullingar, ’99—P. Knock Drin—Levinge 78z. 24 Lonefd. Newtowncashel and Saint’s Island ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Ballinasloe ’?99, Athlone ’98—P. 27 Mayo W. Ballina ’00—I’. 32 Monaghn. Rockcorry ’00—P. 30 Ferman. Enniskillen casual ’99— West. 384 Dongl. KE. Fahan—/’. Don. 37 Armagh Richhill and Newry ’92—P. 88 Down Lough Island Reavy ’92—P. Rare and casual. 39 Antrim Ballygalley ’90—P. Frequent and increasing. Generally about houses, roadsides, and on waste or cultivated land: acolonist, rare in the north. My thanks are due to Mr. Colgan for pointing out that most of the Irish records of Iuatricaria Chamo- milla are referable to forms of A. Cotula, and a re-examination of all the specimens available confirms this. At present the only certain stations for IZ, Chamomilla are Howth (Hart), and Westport and New- port ’99 (Marshall) : it is probably casual in Ireland. Anthemis nobilis L. Chamomile. Census 21—East 11, Centre 3, West 7. Kerry 8. Kenmare’98—P. Locally abundant—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99: chiefly in the south—Sceully. NS 3 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Lough of Cork—Power /7.’45. Rave —Phillips. 5 Cork E. Midleton, Kileoleman, Fermoy—Allin /7. 83. 6 Waterfd. Ardmore ’50—Miss 8. Grubb! Ballycaroge—észz. 12 Wexford Lady’s Island’82—Hart 387. Frequent throughout. 13 Carlow Killedmond ’99, Gowlin ’98—P. 176 COMPOSITA [ Anthemis 14 Queen’s Great Heath of Maryborough abundant ’96—P. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’99—P. Inveran— Colgan. Renvyle—go2. 20 Wicklow Rocky Valley ’00—P. Near Lough Bray—F7. Ad. 21 Dublin *Glenasmole, introduced, ’92, Colgan—Cyb. II. 23 Westmth. Near Mullingar—Marshall ’99 sr. 26 Mayo E. Ballymore L.’00—P. ‘‘ Narrow Lake”—M. &S8. 545. 27 Mayo W. UL. Conn, L. Cullin, ?00—P. Birreencorragh ; Delphi. 34 Dongl. KE. Lagawollen’98—Hart zo5. N. &8., r.—. Don. 722. 385 Dongi. W. Fanet, Killybegs, &c.: N. and 8., rare—/I. Don. 37 Armagh Maghery, Johnson!—P. 7or. *Tartaraghan ’92—P. 38 Down South of Comber ’00—P. 39 Antrim Lough Neagh, D. Moore—Cyb. 1. +—/l. NE. 40 L’derry Near Toome, D. Moore: trare—f/. WE. Indigenous in the south and west, but not certainly so in the east and north-east. Avoids the limestone. Chrysanthemum segetum L. Corn Marigold; Gilgowan. Divisions all. Calcifuge, and in the Central Plain generally con- fined to those districts where non-calcareous rocks prevail. Abundant almost everywhere except in the Central Plain. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum L. Ox-Eye; Dog Daisy. Divisions all. Common. Matricaria inodora L. Scentless Feverfew. Divisions all. Common. *Matricaria discoidea DC. Census 16—East 4, Centre 8, West 4. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Westside of Nenagh ’99—P. 15 Galw. SE. Ballinasloe’00—Phillips. Athenry’99—P. Railways. 16 Galw. W. Claddagh ’00—Phillips. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam, roadside,’99—P. Ballinasloe, Athenry, railway. 18 King’s Clara fair-green ’99—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’00—P. Three stations in south—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan station ’00—P. E. and S., chiefly on railways. 23 Westmth. Mullingar c., Athlone, 99, about railways—P. 24 Longfd. Ballywillan on railway ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Roscommon ’00, Ballinasloe, Carrick, on railways—P. Maitricaria| COMPOSITA 177 26 Mayo KE. Foxford roadside ’?00—P. C. along lines of railway. 27 Mayo W. Newport, Westport, roads, ce. ’99—Colgan. Foxford, Ballina, roads, c. ’?00—P. 30 Cavan Railway at Drumhawnagh ’00—P. 31 Louth Drogheda, Oldbridge, roadsides, ’00—Colgan 222. 32 Monaghn. Railway at Monaghan ’00—Somerville. 37 Armagh Railway between Portadown and Lurgan ’00, R. Hanna —Stewart 877. The above records convey a good idea of the amazing spread of this North American plant over Central Ireland in recent years. First observed in 1894 in Co. Dublin (Colgan 272). Still almost confined to railways and roadsides near towns. *Tanacetum vulgare L. Tansy. Divisions all, except 10, 15, 17, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 32. Thoroughly naturalized, but never far from houses, and at best an obvious escape. {Artemisia Absinthium L. Wormwood. Census 18—East 10, Centre 1, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’00—Scully. 3 Cork W. Cape Clear and Sherkin Island ’96: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Gyleen ’98: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Frequent. 9 Clare Inishmore ’66—Wright 920. 11 Kilkny. ‘Thomastown ’98: Nore valley frequent—P. 12 Wexford Nethertown and Lady’s Island ’82—Hart 387. Rare. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’99: frequent along the Barrow—P. 14 Queen’s Grantstown ’98—P. 15 Galw. SE. Kailcolgan ’99—P. Frequent in the west. 16 Galw. W. Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. Oranmore, Ballindooly, Kilbeg, ’99—P. 19 Kildare Near Levitstown ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97: frequent, chiefly on the coast—P. 21 Dublin Glenasmole ’00—Colgan. Lambay I.—Hart 376. 31 Louth Whitestown ’00, Killencoole ’96—P. 35 Dongl.W. Kindrum, Fanet, Ray—/V. Don. 38 Down St. John’s Point ’66, Stewart—/7. VL. Chiefly in the southern half of Ireland, about villages and houses. Well established, but probably nowhere native. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IJI., VOL. VI. N 178 COMPOSITA [Artemisia Artemisia vulgaris L. Mugwort. Divisions all. Frequent. Artemisia maritima L. Census 7—East 3, Centre 1, West 3. 8 Limrck. Shore above Foynes abundant ’85-6—Stewart 863. 9 Clare Killydysert, Canon Island, Gleninagh,’79—Corry 240. 15 Galw. SE. Parkmore to Kinvarra, c.,’99—P. Carranroe—Cyb. II. 16 Galw. W. Barna ’00—Mrs. Joyce ! 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: very rare—Colgan. 22 Meath By Boyne below Mornington ’96—P. 31 Louth Below Dundalk’96—P. Clogher Head, Butler— Cy. II. The stations of this plant divide themselves into three well-marked groups: (1) the Shannon estuary; (2) Galway Bay ; (3) the east coast from Killiney to Dundalk. Tussilago Farfara L. Coltsfoot. Divisions all. Common. *Petasites fragrans Presl. Winter Heliotrope. Census 34—East 14, Centre 11, West 9. Divisions all, except 2 Kerry N., 16 Galway W., 17 Galway NE., 33 Fermanagh, 37 Armagh, 40 Derry. Aun escape from shrubberies, rapidly spreading. Though so widely distributed, it is local or rare in most divisions. Petasites officinalis Mench. Butterbur. Divisions all. Irregularly distributed. One station only for divisions 15, 16, 86. Frequent, though often local, elsewhere, and apparently common only in King’s County and Antrim. Senecio vulgaris L. Groundsel. Divisions all. Abundant. Senecio sylvaticus L. Divisions all, except 23 Westmeath, 32 Monaghan. Strongly calci- fuge, and in the Central Plain chiefly on dry bog-banks. Not common species in any of the divisions. a Carlina| COMPOSITA 179 *Senecio squalidus am 8 Cork W. Bandon ’00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Cork ’00, Crookstown: locally abundant—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Cork ’00, Glounthaune: locally abundant—Phillips. 21 Dublin Inchicore ’00—Phillips 675. Thoroughly naturalized in Co. Cork, chiefly about Cork city. A recent importation to Dublin, where it appears to be establishing itself. Senecio erucifolius L. 19 Kildare West and north of Leixlip ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Old Court near Bray (Barrington)—More ’72 6r4. 21 Dublin Malahide ’00: common—Colgan. 22 Meath At, and also one mile south of, Laytown ’96—P. 31 Louth Between Drogheda and Dundalk, D. Moore—Cy. |. A common plant in Co. Dublin, but extends beyond the county boundary into the adjacent divisions only for a mile or two, excepting the indefinite Louth station, which it would be desirable to confirm. Senecio Jacobea L. Ragwort. Divisions all. Abundant. Senecio aquaticus L. Marsh Ragwort. Divisions all. Common. *Senecio saracenicus L. Census 12—FEast 6, Centre 3, West 3. Divisions 3, 7, 9, 14, 19, 20, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Quite established in many places, and occasionally looking wild, but gener- ally an obyious escape. Carlina vulgaris L. Carline Thistle. Census 28—East 12, Centre 10, West 6. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00 (Scully), Kinsale : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Midleton ’00 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan, Tramore,’99—P. Stradbally—Hart 387. 7 Tipp. 8. Near Cahir ’00, Ballinure ’98—P. N2 180 | COMPOSITA [Carlina 8 Limrck. Mullagh and Askeaton abundant ’00—P. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. North c., south v. r. 10 Tipp. N. Rapla ’99: NW. half frequent—P. Lough Derg ec. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98 : local—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare’96—Marshall. Coast frequent, v. r. inland. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge ’97 : frequent, local—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96—P. Throughout frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’97 : common—P. 16 Galw. W. Roundstone ’96—P. Abundant along east margin. 17 Galw. NE. Knockmae ’00 : common—P. 18 King’s Clara ’99: throughout, very frequent—P. 19 Kildare Robertstown ’98—P. Rather frequent. 20 Wicklow Glenmalure ’97—Colgan. Coast f., inland v.r. 21 Dublin Greenhills ’00 : frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Lough Sheelin ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Knock Eyon ’99, and common in the west—P. 24 Longfd. | Newtowncashel ’00 : common on Lough Ree—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park’97: common in the south—P. 26 Mayo E. Callow ’00—P. Common in the south. 27 MayoW. Lough Conn ’00—P. West of Castlebar ?99—Marshall. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 385 Dongl. W. St. John’s Point—/. Don. 38 Down Ballykinler ’00—Waddell. Rathmullen ’00—P. 39 Antrim Ballycastle, Miss Hincks—/7. Ulst. ’64. Strongly calcicole. A characteristic Central Plain species, extend- ing sparingly into the extreme north and south along the coast sand- hills. Occasionally absent from or rare on the limestone, as in Meath and the north-west, or found far from it, as in Wicklow. A line drawn from Killala to Drogheda marks the limit of its continuous range. Arctium majus Bernh. Burdock (genus). Census 6—East 4, Centre 2, West 0. 21 Dublin St. Doolagh’s ’96—P. 22 Meath Near Oldcastle ’96—P. 25 Roscomn. Ballinasloe ’99—P. 30 Cavan South end of Lough Ramor’3I6—P. 31 Louth Blackrock ’96—P. 37 Armagh Near Loughgall ’92—P. Possibly frequent; Irish Burdocks have not been investigated except in one or two localities. Arctium| 21 Dublin 28 Sligo 33 Ferman. 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry COMPOSITA 181 Arctium nemorosum Le}. Census 7—East 5, Centre 1, West 1. The Burrow at Howth ’95—P. Sligo ’97—P. Knockmore ’81—Stewart 857. Navan Fort’92—P. Tynan ’89-—B.N.F.C. 777. Neweastle [’90|—S. & P. 873. ? Frequent—/V. VE. Fair Head ’93—Shoolbred 837. ? Frequent—//. VE. Benevenagh, Stewart—/7. VEZ. Probably frequent in the north-east; undoubtedly rare over the greater portion of Ireland. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Arctium minus Bernh. Census 29—East 10, Centre 8, West 11. Waterville ’92: frequent-—Scully. Listowel ’94 : frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Coachford ’97 : common—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. Adare ’99—Somerville. Limerick ’00—P. Ballyvaughan’95—Colgan. Clare Castle, Ballycar—s63. Dromineer ’96—Colgan. Ballingarry (paniculatus)—P. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Courtown ’94—P. Borris ’99, Leighlinbridge ’98—P. Maryborough (paniculatus) ’96—P. Portumna ’96—Colgan. Ardfry (paniculatus) ’99—P. Glen Inagh’98—Colgan. Maam, Clonbur—M. & 8. 575. Carbury ’96—P. Newcastle ’94—P. Loughshinny ’00: frequent—Colgan. Moate ’99—P. Killashee ’?00—P. Ballinasloe ’99—P. Claremorris ?00—P. Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Mallaranny district frequent ’99—Marshall. Ballysadare ’96—Colgan. Lough Gill’99—P. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Baltray and Castlebellingham (pandeulatus) ’96—P. Enniskillen ’?00—Tetley ! 182 , COMPOSITA | [Arctium 34 Dongl. E. Clonmany ’98—Hart 405. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet—Hart ’00. 38 Down Benderg, Moygannon— 8. & P. 874. Marino ’85—P. 39 Antrim Crumlin and Larne (majuscula), Stewart—S. & P. 874. Probably common over the greater portion of Ireland, but un- doubtedly rare in the north. Arctium intermedium Lange. Census 28—East 10, Centre 7, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Waterville 92: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Listowel ’94: probably frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Near Macroom (nemorosum Bab.) ’97—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Coachford ’97: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate ’98: frequent—Phillips. 8 Limrck. Doon ’00—P. 9 Clare On the three Isles of Aran ’69—Hart 365. 10 Tipp. N. Toomavara and Ballingarry ’00—P. 13 Carlow Borris ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Timahoe ’97, Maryborough ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. Clarinbridge and Ardfry House ’99—P. 16 Galw. W. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 17 Galw. NE. Near Galway ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97, Enniskerry ’94—P. 21 Dublin Malahide ’94, Baldoyle—Colgan. Howth—P. 22 Meath Laytown and Mornington ’96—P. 24 Longfd. Killashee and Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Slieve Bane ’00; Arigna, Ballinasloe—P. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris, Callow Lough, ’?00—P. Foxford— Cy). I. 27 MayoW. South of Derreen ’60—P. 28 Shgo Sligo ’97—P. 29 Leitrim § Drumshanbo frequent ’84—Stewart S59. 31 Louth Togher and Clogher ’96—P. 385 Dongl. W. Tory Island ’77—Barrington z06. 36 Tyrone Washing Bay on Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 388 Down Copeland Island’98—Moffat 558. ? Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Ballygalley, Stewart: ?frequent—//. VE. and 874. 40 L’derry Toome bridge ’98--Druce 285. Magilligan ’94—P. Apparently frequent throughout the country. Carduus | Oar oF © be 23 24 25 COMPOSIT Ai 183 Carduus pycnocephalus Jacq. Census 31+(1)— East 14, Centre 8, West 9+(1). Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 5. Limrck. Clare Kailkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. {Ballinskelligs ’00—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94—Scully. Baltimore ’96 : common on the coast—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00: common near the coast—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common near the coast—Phillips. Bunmahon ’99—P. Frequent on the coast. Clonmel ’82—Hart 385. About Limerick ’00—P. Ballyvaughan ’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore—P. Kilkenny ’?00—Phillips. Nore valley frequent—P. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Coast frequent. Leighlinbridge ’?98—P. Ballintemple; Garryhundon. Maryborough ’96—P. North of Gort ’00—P. And in the west, rare. Frequent in Galway neighbourhood ’99—P. Clonbrock ’96, Oranmore ’95—P. Clara ’99 : frequent throughout—P. Robertstown ’88 : throughout frequent—P. Newcastle ’00—C. Waterfall. Coast frequent. Skerries ’00: frequent—Colgan. Navan ’00: centre, east, and south, v.f.—P. Knock Eyon ’99—P. Centre v.f., west v.r. Castlerea and Newtowncashel ’00—P. Athlone f., Lanesborough, ’?00—P. Yew Point—zz3. 26 MayoK. {Ballaghaderreen ’99—P. (27 Mayo W. *Mallaranny by railway ’99—Marshall.) 28 ol Sligo Louth 34 Dongl. E. 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry Generally Strandhill’97—P. Ardee ’97, and common on coast—P. Greencastle, &c.: Lough Foyle only—/7. Don. Ardmillan ’98—P. Coast frequent—/V. VE. Head of Glenariff ’85, P.: coast frequent—/V. VEL. Bellarena ’98—P. Coast frequent—/V. VE. abundant round the coast, though rare in the NW. Inland on esker-ridges, dry banks, and waste ground, frequent and often abundant except in the north, and I do not doubt usually native. 184 COMPOSITAL [Carduus Carduus nutans L. Musk Thistle. Census 5—East 1, Centre 0, West 4. 5 Cork E. Little Island ’00, Power Head ’98—Phillips. 9 Clare Inishmore ’96—O’ Kelly! Aran and Burren, local, r. 12 Wexford {Caim’90, Aughnaclappa—B.& M. ZS. Tinnyberna. 15 Galw. SE. Oranmore, ’85—Mrs. Joyce! OC. Taylor; Kiltartan. 26 Mayo W. Clare Island, Hon. Emily Lawless— Cyd. II. The West Cork, Kildare, and Antrim records appear to be referable to casuals or errors. Carduus crispus L. Welted Thistle. Census 19—KHast 9, Centre 7, West 3. 8 Limrek. Limerick ’00—P. 9 Clare Corofin ’92, Levyinge— Cyd. II. 11 Kilkny. Kalkenny ’00—Phillips. 14 Queen’s Stradbally ’98: not rare—P. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor—More 755 598. 18 King’s Edenderry ’96—P. 19 Kildare Robertstown ’98 : frequent in north and centre—P. 21 Dublin {Near Mulhuddart ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00 : throughout, frequent—P. 23 Westmth. By canal near Kenny ’99—P. And in the west, v.r. 24 Longfd. Newtowncashel and Ballymahon ’00—P. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Dunleer ’99 : frequent—P. 32 Monaghn. Rockcorry ’00—P. Clones—Stewart. Cremorne. 34 Dongl. KE. Lag’98—Hart gos. Rare: N. and 8. only—J#l. Don. 387 Armagh Armagh ’94—W. F. Johnson! North only, local— P. 38 Down St. John’s church ’96—P. 759. Very rare—/. NE. 39 Antrim Larne ’95—P. Very rare—/7. VE. 40 L’derry Magilligan ’95—P. Chiefly about villages and waste ground in the east, and Dol introduced in many of its stations. Cnicus lanceolatus Willd. Spear Thistle. Divisions all. Common. Cnicus palustris Willd. Divisions all. Common. Silybum| COMPOSIT Ai 185 Cnicus pratensis Willd. Divisions all, but not seen recently in Dublin or Wicklow. A local plant. Rare in 13 Carlow, 22 Meath, 31 Louth, 37 Armagh, 38 Down, 40 Derry. Abundant in 16 Galway West, 27 Mayo West, 33 Fermanagh, 34-35 Donegal. In the other divisions it may be classed as frequent, or as locally abundant. Cnicus arvensis Hoffm. Creeping Thistle. Divisions all. Common. *Silybum Marianum Gertn. Milk Thistle. Census 283—East 13, Centre 5, West 5. Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94: very rare and local—Scully. Kerry N. MRahaneen ’92: rather rare and local—Scully. Cork W. Glandore (Miss Hungerford)—Allin 77.’83. Rare. Cork Mid Carrigaline (Scully): rare—Phillips. Cork E. Mallow (Chandlee)—Allin 77. ’83. Rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Waterford, Carroll— Cyd. I. Tipp. 8S. Near Tipperary, Scully—Cyé. II. Limrek. Askeaton! ’00—R. D. O’Brien. 9 Clare Muckinish ’95—Colgan. Inishmore (Hart)—6zz. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’96, Colgan— Cyd. II. 11 Kilkny. Lacken Hill, 8. Madden— Cyé. I. 12 Wexford Chapel railway station—B. & M. ’92 zo2. 14 Queen’s Rock of Dunamase, T. Chandlee— Cy). I. 16 Galw. W. Beach near Galway, Melville— Cy). I. 19 Kildare Near Ballitore, J. Morrison—Cy@. I. 20 Wicklow Coast near Wicklow— Guide ’78. 21 Dublin Near Donabate ’00: rare—Colgan. 31 Louth Roadside near Castlebellingham ’90—Butler 7385. 36 Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96— Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Maghery ’80(W. F. Johnson!): very rare—P. 7or. 38 Down Crawfordsburn ’85—P. Near Newtownards— /7/. Uist. 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay ’95—P. Frequent—/7. VL. 40 Liderry Magilligan ’95—P. Very rare. orn oar FS WH Fe A plant of uncertain appearance, long established in sandy or waste ground in some of its stations, but always an escape from cultivation, and hardly deserving a place in the flora. 186 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 7 Tipp. 8. 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 27 Mayo W. 34 Dongl. EK. COMPOSIT& [ Saussurea Saussurea alpina DC. Census 9—East 2, Centre 1, West 6. Glanbehy ’92—Scully. Brandon, Glencar— Cy. II. Mangerton ’94: very rare and local—Scully. | Galtymore ’80—Hart 372. Muckanaght’98-—Colgan. Ben Lettery ’82—Hart 350. Cliffs over Lough Ouler ’84—Colgan zg9. Sheffry ’99—Colgan 227. Croaghpatrick—Hart 380. Bulbein Mount—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Dunlewy ’84, Colgan—Cyb. Il. Rare—f/. Don. 38 Down 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. (Lipps: 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s Sheve Muck North ’93—P. Centaurea nigra L. Black Knapweed. Divisions all. Abundant. Centaurea Scabiosa L. Great Knapweed. Census 21—Kast 11, Centre 6, West 4. Near Kinsale ’91—Phillips. Dunderrow—Alln /7. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Frequent near the coast. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb. Rathkeale ’98, O’ Brien—H6. L.F.C.! F. in north. Ennis ’95—M. & 8. 545. Burren and Aran common. Kilkenny ’?00—Phillips. Locally abundant. New Ross frequent—B. & G. ’89 zoo. SW. only, f. Ueighlinbridge ’97: abundant in west and south—P. Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. SE. half frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’?00—Phillips. Abundant in west—P. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Rare in W., c. on E. margin. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99: common except in the east—P. 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 31 Louth Chiefly in limestone. Kaldare ’97, Kilecock—P. Ballitore, &e.— Cy). I. Greystones to Kilcoole ’?00—P. NE. corner only. Greenhills ’00: local—Colgan. Kilmessan 700: local—P. Between Moate and Athlone ’00—P. Near Ballinasloe ’99—P. Ballyhaunis ’?00—P. Common in SW. Ardee ’97—P. the southern half of the Central Plain. Rare except on Cichorium | Eo NO COM Or 10 12 28 29 ol 32 30 34 35 36 ov 38 39 40 Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Westmth. Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry COMPOSIT 187 Centaurea Cyanus L. Corn Bluebottle. Census 21—East 9, Centre 5, West 7. Glencar ’90: rare—Scully. Farranfore’92: rare—Scully. Occurs occasionally—Allin 77. 83. Occurs occasionally—Allin FV. ’83. Near Midleton ’90 (J. Griffin) : rare—Phillips. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. Gleninagh ’95—P. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Ballyhyland—Moffat ’89 552. Rosslare—B.&M. WS. Knock Drin—Levinge 94 484. Glenade ’84—B. & V. 772. Greenore ’00—P. Rockcorry ’00—P. Rossclare on Lower Lough Erne ’81—2—Barrington zo8. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Throughout, frequent-—/7. Don. Newtownstewart ’96—Miss Knowles. NW. rare—S38. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Holywood ’00—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. VL. Frequent—//. VL. Perhaps little more than casual in its southern stations. In NE. and NW. Ulster it is frequent and established. Cork W. Cork Mid. Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. *Cichorium Intybus L. Chicory. Census 24—KEast 14, Centre 3, West 7. {Skibbereen ’97: frequent in south—Phillips. {Carrigrohane, &c.—Power //.’45. Rare—Phillips. {Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Tramore ’97—Mrs. Persse. Ardmore Head; Clonmel, Longpavement, ’00—R. D. O’Brien. *North, rare. *Ballyvaughan ’00—R. D. O’Brien. Inishmore ’95—P. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny; Ballyonskill. }Kalmanock ’89—B. & G. zor. Very frequent in SW. *Carlow ’98—P. *Carrowmore 799, Garryland, Kinvarra }Moycullen ’99—P. Ee 188 COMPOSITA [ Cichorium 18 King’s Birr ’00—W. de V. Kane. 19 Kildare Co. Kildare, F. Haughton— Cy). I. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore-—Cyd.1. Fassaroe—-More 674. 21 Dublin *Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath *Lough Sheelin ’96, Gormanstown ’95—P. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse!: Mount Falcon; Cong. 27 Mayo W. Cloghans ’99—Miss A. C. Lewin 457. Rare. 31 Louth Dundalk ’99—Mrs. Swan. Frequent in SE.—P. 34 Dongl. E. Greencastle ’96—Mrs. Leebody. *Inch—//. Don. 35 Dongl. W. *Near Ramelton, Dean Gwynn—/V. Don. 38 Down Killough ’98—B.N.F.C. 736. Very rare—fV. VE. 39 Antrim Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. V.r.—/FV. WE. 40 L’derry _— Salter’s Castle—/V. Ulst. Very rare—fl. VE. A mere casual in most of its Irish stations. In sandy fields in SE. Louth it is abundant and appears naturalized, and the same remark probably applies to SW. Wexford: elsewhere it would seem to be a wait of cultivation. Lapsana communis L. Nipplewort. Divisions all. Common. }Picris echioides L. Bristly Ox-tongue. Census 7—Kast 6, Centre 0, West 1. 4 Cork Mid Ballincollig, J. Sulivan— Cyd. TI. 5 Cork E. {Rostellan and Gyleen °98 : rare——Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Near Dungarvan ’82—Hart 38%. Passage—Cyb. II. 12 Wexford Wexford harbour’96—Marshall 537. South, local. 21 Dublin Donabate ’00 : very rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown on rough banks ’96—P. 39 Antrim Black Head ’90—-P. Island-magee, Stewart—/l. VL. {Picris hieracioides L. 7 Tipp. 8S. Vale of Aherlow, c. in old gravel-pit, ?00—P. 13 Carlow Railway banks N. of Athy abundant ’99—P. 14 Queen’s Railway banks E. of Portarlington abundant ’99—P. Thoroughly established and abundant in these stations, but the absence of previous records would seem to indicate that it is a modern immigrant. Old stations in Cork and Dublin refer to casuals or errors. Crepis| COMPOSITA 189 +Crepis taraxacifolia Thuill. Hawk’s-beard (genus). Census 18—East 6, Centre 9, West 3. 6 Waterfd. Clonmel ’97—P. Blenheim rare—B. & G. zoo. 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00, Fethard ’97—P. Clonmel ’00—Phillips. 8 Limrek. Mungret’00, O'Brien—WHO. L.F.C.! 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’96, O’Kelly— Cy. II. 10 Tipp. N. Thurles ’98--P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97—P. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’97—P. 14 Queen’s Mountrath’97, Maryboro’—P. Mountmellick — Cyd. II. 15 Galw. SE. Ballinasloe ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. Ashford bridge ’95, Miss Jackson— Cy). II. 19 Kildare Naas ’99, Curragh, Leixip—P. 20 Wicklow Greystones ’00, Delgany, Bray—P. 21 Dublin Portmarnock ’00 : common—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Athlone district common ’98—9—P. 24 Longfd. Saint’s Island on Lough Ree ’99—Miss R. Smith ! 25 Roscomn. Kiltoom ’97, and common about Athlone—P. 26 Mayo HE. Lisloughry ’95, Miss Jackson— Cyd. I. 33 Ferman. Belleek ’00—P. Chiefly near towns in the Limestone Plain. More common about Athlone and Dublin than elsewhere. Appears to be spreading rapidly. Crepis virens L. Divisions all. Abundant. *Crepis biennis L. Census 18+(1)—East 7, Centre 6, West (1). 4 Cork Mid Carrigaline (Scully) and Cork, ’00—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Near Cork ’00—Phillips. Fermoy, Currey—Cyb. 11. 6 Waterfd. Near Cappoquin ’80, F. EK. Currey—Cyb. II. 8 Limrek. Near Tarbert, Scully—Cyé. II. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer and Youghal Bay abundant ’99—P. 18 King’s Geashill ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Rathdrum ’95, W. Guinness ; Bray’91, More—Cy). II. 24 Longfd. Newtownforbes ’99, near Longford ’98—P. (28 Sligo Lough Gill, casual, ’?99— P.) 32 Monaghn. Monaghan, Castleshane, Mullaghmore L.’00— Waddell. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 190 37 38 39 | rPwONe CHO WaIQm Ook WS WH a Oo CoO QD ON bo bo f=) SS) 22 bo bo or 09 26 bo ~I oeow wo bd bb BP olmr © O CO Armagh Down Antrim COMPOSIT At [Crepis Armagh ’92—P. Marino ’00, Crossgar ’99—P. Ballymena spreading ’99—Miss Knowles. Now com- mon in S. half—P. Naturalized and spreading, so far chiefly in Antrim, Down, Mon- aghan, and Tipperary N. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp..N. Kalkny. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. | Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Crepis paludosa Mcench. Census 37—East 15, Centre 12, West 10. Listowel ’90—Scully. Millstreet (Carroll)—Allin F7.’83. Near Healy’s Bridge ’95: rare— Phillips, Midleton—Allin 77. ’83. Glenbower Wood—Power 7. Dunmore, Lismore, ’99—P. Comeraghs f.—Hart 3&2. Muskry L.’00—P. Frequent in the south. Doon ’00—P. Limerick—Someryille. Glenstal—369. Glounagalhagh mountain ’96, Colgan— Cyd. IL. Silvermines 799: frequent in SE.—P. | Inistioge ’00—Phillips. Borris ?84—Hart 38}. Macmine ’97—Marshall 539. Ballintemple ’99 : throughout, rare—P. Cullenagh ’97 ; widespread, rare—P. Dalystown ’98 : south-centre, common—P. Glen Inagh ’99—Colgan 227. Frequent. Clonad wood ’96, Slieve Bloom f.—P. Portarlington. Nurney ’97—P. Frequent. Lugnaquilla ’97—Colgan. Frequent—P. Ticknock ’00—Colgan. Extreme south only, frequent. Navan ’00, Beauparc, Bective—P. Loughanstown and L. Deravaragh—Levinge 794 484. Corkip Lough ’99, Lough Key ’97—P. Claremorris ?00—P. Common. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Very frequent. Ballysadare ’00—P. Frequent throughout. ° Lurganboy ’99: common in the north—P. Lough Oughter ’96—P. Locally common. Kerney’s Cross ?97—P. Carlingford; Mt. Criel. Drumreaske ’00—Waddell. Frequent. Florencecourt ?00—P. Common in SW. Finn valley, &c.: common—//. Don. Hieracium] COMPOSITAE 191 35 Dongl. W. Poisoned glen, &c.: common—J/. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96: frequent---Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Centre and south, rare, ’?92—P. 38 Down Hilltown ’97—P. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim ‘Ticloy ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. VE. 40 Lderry Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent. A widespread plant, commoner in the north than in the south. More abundant off than on the limestone, but this is chiefly due to its preference for the skirts of the mountains. Hieracium Pilosella L. Mouse-ear Hawkweed. Divisions all. Common. Hieracium senescens Backh. 38 Down By the river in Tollymore Park ’00— Waddell. An interesting discovery, being the first time that one of the a/pina group of Hawkweeds has been found in Ireland. Hieracium anglicum Fr. Census 19—Kast 6, Centre 3, West 10. 1 KerryS. Near Kenmare ’00: local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: very local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Muiullstreet mountains 00: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs [’82—8 |—Hart 390. 7 Tipp. 8. Above Lough Curra in Galtees ’80—Hart 372. 9 Clare Burren ’92, O’ Kelly— Cyd. 11. Inishmore’98—203. 6 Galw. W. Lisoughter ’95—Carr! Salruck, Muckanaght—38o. 20 Wicklow South slope of Lugnaquilla ’81—Hart 377. 27 Mayo W. Nephin: frequent on the mountains, ’82—Hart 380. 28 Sligo Keishcorran ’97—P. Ben Bulben range frequent. 29 Leitrim Lough Gill ’99—P. Ben Bulben range frequent. 30 Cavan Tent’s mountain, &c. ’81—Stewart Ss5¢. 31 Louth Carlingford mountain ’?00—P. 33 Ferman. Knockmore and elsewhere in SW. ’81—Stewart 854. 34 Dongl.E. Slieve Snacht’98—Hart zo5. WN. only, r—J7. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Muckish, &c.: throughout, frequent—/V. Don. 38 Down Common on the Mournes ’89-’90—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim Fair Head ’97—P. Common—/?V. VEZ. 40 L’derry Benevenagh ’98—Shoolbred 837. Frequent. Occurs on most of the mountain-groups. 192 35 ow wo = 15 16 ly 27 28 29 31 o4 35 09 40 38 39 40 te 0 09 CO bw bY BO eC WwW bw Oo wm or Dongil. W. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Clare Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Antrim L’derry COMPOSITA [Hieracium Mieracium cerinthiforme Backh. River Eglish ’91, Hanbury—F7. Don. Slieve League (var. Harter) ?91 (Hart)—Hanbury 360. Hieracium iricum Fr. Census 15—East 3, Centre 0, West 12. Summit of Kenmare-Glengariff road ’98—P. Killarney ’99: very local—Scully. ! Millstreet mtns. ?00—Phillips. Sugarloaf—Allin F7. Ballyvaughan ’92, Levinge—Cyé. II. North f. S. of Kinvarra, Garryland, ’00—P. C. Taylor—éoo. Benwee ’99—Colgan 227. Frequent. Esker 4 miles N. of Tuam abundant ’99—P. Rosserk, L. Conn, ’00—P. Doo L.—Hart 38o. Knockacree ’96—Colgan. Ben Bulben—Corry 278. Glenade and L. Gill’99—P. Faughrey ’96—Colgan. Carlingford mountain ’93—P. Finn River, &c.: centre and south, rare—FV. Don. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout, rare—/V. Don. Garron Tower ’00—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent. Downhill ’95—P. Very plentiful [on Benevenagh ] °93—Shoolbred. Chiefly in the west. Down Antrim L’derry Kerry N. Cork W. Shgo Leitrim 4 Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Hieracium flocculosum Backh. Spinkwee River [’90|—S. & P. 573. Sallagh Braes ’86—Stewart 865. Tieracium Leyt F. J. Hanb. Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred &37. Hieracium Schmidtii Tausch. Census 8—East 2, Centre 0, West 6. Ross Island ’85—Linton 502. Killarney—Backhouse 82. Near Bantry ’78 (Carroll), near Millstreet—Allin F7. Goat Island in Lough Gill ’84—B. & V. rz2. Arroo Mountain ’84—B. & VY. 772. Effishmore ’98— Hart zo5. North only, rare—/V. Don. Glenties and Sheve League ’91—#%. Don. Bencrom [’90|]—8. & P. 873. Ballintoy ’95— Brenan 768. Hieracwum| 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 33 Ferman. 35 Dongl. W. 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry 39 Antrim 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 34 Dongl. E. 34 Dongl. E. 385 Dongl. W. 39 Antrim 16 Galw. W. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 308 Down 35 Dongl. W. 40 L’derry 35 Dongl. W. COMPOSITA 193 Tieracium lasiophyllum Koch. Census 7—East 3, Centre 1, West 3. By Lough Corrib near Bleanoran’99—P. Menlo ’99—P. Knockmore, Carrick, Badmore, ’81—Stewart &5~. Bluestack Mountains ’91—#/7. Don. Ballykinler sand-dunes ’86—P. Rostrevor—//. VE. Saliagh Braes, Stewart : very rare—//. VE. Benbradagh ’69, Stewart—/V. VE. HMreracium Farrense F.J. Hanb. Sallagh Braes ’90—Stewart. Mreracium proximum ¥. J. Hanb. By the Liffey at Poulaphuca and Ballymore ’00—P. By the Liffey at Poulaphuca ’00—P. River Finn above Stranorlar’93—F7. Don. Mieracvum rubreundum FE. J. Hanb. Mintiaghs—/7. Don. Glenties and Lennan River—#F7. Don. Sallagh Braes ’?90—Stewart. Hieracium argenteum Fr. Muckanaght and Maumeen [’82 |—Hart 3go. Mintiaghs and near Stranorlar—/7. Don. Poisoned Glen—/1. Don. Sheve Donard, &c. in Mourne M. ’89-90—S. & P. 87}. Hieraccum Sommerfeltii Lindeb. Knockalla—/7. Don. Benevenagh (Stewart)—S. & P. 874. Hieracium scoticum EF. J. Hanb. Glenties?98, Carrick River ?92—/7. Don. Mieracium saxifragum Fr. var. orimeles F. J. Hanb. 34 Dongl. E. 385 Dongl. W. Mintiaghs ”91—/. Don. Near Glenties—/7. Don. R.I.A. PROC., SER. Ill., VOL. VII. ra) 194 34 38 39 40 te) 20 28 o4 st9) 39 40 Dongl. E. Down Kerry N. Cork E. Clare Queen’s Kildare Shgo Louth Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Sligo Leitrim Antrim L’derry Antrim L’derry Clare Wicklow Sligo Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Antrim L’derry COMPOSITA [Hieraciwm Meracium hibernicum ¥. J. Hanb. Moynalt near Laghy—/V. Don. Broughnamaddy near Rostrevor ! ’92—Stewart. Hieracium murorum L. Census 11—East 7, Centre 1, West 8. {Killarney ’97—Scully. {Fota ’95—Phillips. Midleton—Allin 77. Ballyvaughan ’95—P. Maryborough ’96, abundant on railway bank—P. Railway bank at Curragh abundant ’97—P. Ben Bulben and Lough Gill’84—B. & V. z72. Carlingford Mountain, Stewart— Cyd. II. Dobbin’s Walk at Armagh (v. pelluecdum) (Hart)—P.795. R. Bann in Mourne M. [’89 |—S. & P. 873. Rostrevor, Newtownards—/7. VE. Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent—/V. VE. Newtowncrommelin and Garvagh (v. microcladium), ?95 —Brenan 76S. Rare. Hieracium stenolepis Lindeb. Carrowkee ’97—P. Shore of Lough Gill’99—P. Garron and Glenariff ’?93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent. Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 837. Hreracium euprepes F.J. Hanb. Cave Hill ’96, Stewart—B.K.C. ’96. Redbay—Shool- bred 837. Sallagh Braes abundant—Stewart. Benevenagh [’86] (Stewart)—P. 696. Hieracium cesium Fr. East 3, Centre 0, West 4. East of Ballyvaughan ’92, Levinge— Cy. II. Dargle—Hart ’86 390. Ben Bulben and L. Gill (var. Smthit) °84—B. & VY. 772. Coolcross—/7. Don. Aghla Mountain—/7. Don. Glenariff ’°89—Stewart. Fair Head—Cyd. I. Benevenagh, Stewart-—/V. VL. Census 7 Hieracium| COMPOSITA 195 Hieracium hypocheroides Gibs. (H. Gibsont Backh.) 3 Cork W. Millstreet mountains (var. saworwm) ’00—Phillips. 9 Clare Eagle Rock on Slievecarran ’79—Corry 270. This plant should be looked for on Ben Bulben. Corry, the dis- coverer of the species in Ireland, recorded it definitely in his notes on the Ben Bulben flora (228), but Barrington and Vowell (zz2) state there “seems to be some doubt” about the specimens. Stewart collected on Ben Bulben a plant which Backhouse named ‘‘ H. Gibsoni apparently : agrees with my specimens.” Hieracium vulgatum Fr. Census 16—East 7, Centre 3, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Brandon mountain ’83—Hart 387. 2 Kerry N. Mangerton ’99—Scully. 14 Queen’s Maryborough (var. znaculeatum) ’96—P. 16 Galw. W. Galway city ’?00—Phillips. Muckanaght—Hart 38o. 17 Galw. NE. Galway city ’?00—Phillips. 19 Kildare Liffey above Leixlip, More—Cyb. I. [Probably 19]. 20 Wicklow Powerscourt—/f/. Hib.’36. Devil’s Glen—Mackay 522. 21 Dublin By the Liffey at Lucan ’95, Colgan— Cyd. IT. 27 Mayo W. SW. shore of Lough Conn ’00—P. 30 Cavan Slievenakilla very rare ’84—Stewart S59. 31 Louth Carlingford ’78—Stewart. 34 Dongl. KE. Finn River above Stranorlar ’93—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh and Newtownstewart ’96 —Miss Knowles. 38 Down Conlig Hill c. ?00—P. Mourne Mtns. r.—S. & P. 873. 39 Antrim Glenariff ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent—//. VE. 40 Lderry Dungiven, Stewart: frequent—/. VE. Often lowland, on walls and dry banks. Mieracium sciaphilum Uechtritz. 7 Tipp. S. Cahir on limestone rocks ’00—P. 19 Kildare Railway bank at Curragh ’97—P. 85 Dongl.W. Near Kilmacrennan (probably this)—/V. Don. 38 Down Saintfield (D. Redmond)—S. & P. 874. Hieracium gothicum Fr. Census 6+(1)—East 3+(1), Centre 0, West 3. 3 Cork W. Bantry (Carroll)—Allin /V. 83. O 2 196 (4 16 20 36 38 39 34 395 36 33 35 40 20 34 30 39 40 Cork Mid Galw. W. Wicklow Dongl. W. Down Antrim Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Ferman. Dongl. W. L’derry Wicklow Dongl. EK. Dongl. W. Antrim L’derry 18 Carlow 20 ol 34 30 38 39 40 Wicklow Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim L’derry COMPOSIT# [| Hieracvwm Carrigrohane ’98, one plant, casual ?—Phillips.) Connemara—Backhouse 756 82. Head of Glenmalure, Carroll— Cy). I. Eanymore water—J/7. Don. Tollymore Park and R. Bann in Mourne Mountains (var. Stewarti) ’G2 (Stewart)—Hanbury 360. Glendun ’93—Shoolbred $37. Very rare—/7. VE. Hieracium sparsifolium Lindeb. Mournebeg river—/7. Don. Carrick ’91—#7. Don. Mournebeg river—JL7. Don. Hieracium rigidum Hartm. Marble Arch (v. érzdentatum) (Brenan)—More ’72 674. River into Dunlewy Lake (var. pullatum), Owengarve River (vars. aerifolium, glabrescens, tridentatum), Doochary bridge (var. glabrescens\—Fl. Don. Hieracium prenanthoides Vill. Garvagh—Backhouse 756 $2. Bovevagh, D. Moore— Cyb. I. Hieracium strictum Fr. Census 5—East 2, Centre 0, West 3. Glenmalure ’52—Carroll 792. River Eglish (var. opscanthum)—F1. Don. Falcarragh, &e.: rare (var. opsvanthum)—FIl. Don. Garron Head—Backhouse ’56 S2. Garvagh, D. Moore—CyJ. I. Hieracium corymbosum Fr. Census 8—East 6, Centre 0, West 2. By the Barrow at Graiguenamanagh [’84|—Hart 390. Head of Glenmalure ’52—Carroll z92. Above Omeath [’83 |—Hart 390. By the Finn River—/V. Don. Glenties, &c.: local—/7/. Don. Spinkwee River [82], Stewart—/V. VEZ. Glendun ’98—Shoolbred 837. Rare—/V. VE. Garvagh, Magilligan, D. Moore— Cyd. I. and Fl. VE. Mieracium| COMPOSITA 197 Hieracium auratum Fr. 34 Dongl. EK. By the Mournebeg River—/. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Glenties, &c.: very rare—/7. Don. 38 Down Tollymore Park ’?98—Druce. Mourne Mountains f. 39 Antrim Cranfield on L. Neagh ’97—B.N.F.C. 734. Frequent. North only: one of the commoner Hawkweeds in the north-east. Hieracium crocatum Fr. Census 6—East 4, Centre 0, West 2. 16 Galw. W. Ballynahinch—Backhouse 56 82. 31 Louth North base of Carlingford Mountain [’83 |—Hart 390. 34 Dongl. KE. Glennagivney—/7. Don. 38 Down Shimna River [’90|—S. & P. 873. Rare. 39 Antrim Glendun, &c. ’93—Shoolbred $37. Frequent. 40 Liderry §Benevenagh, Stewart—Cyb. I. Dungiven—Hart 390. Hieracium boreale Fr. | Census 12—KHast 8, Centre 2, West 2. 1 Kerry 8. Morley’s Bridge ’99: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Glengariff, Babington in hb.— CyB. II. 11 Kilkny. Barrow at Graiguenamanagh ’84—Hart 353. 13 Carlow Borris ’98—P. Slaney below Clonegall ’81—Hart 37z. 14 Queen’s Near Maryborough ’96—P. 19 Kildare Ballitore hill, Carroll— Cy8. I. 20 Wicklow Annamoe, Laragh, Glendalough, ’93—P. Centre f. 21 Dublin Dodder above Old Bawn 796, Colgan— Cyd. II. 23 Westmth. Coosan Point on L. Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. 38 Down Shimna River ’97—P. 39 Antrim Cave Mill’90—P. Very rare—/7. WE. 40 Liderry Near Garvagh and Magilligan, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Hieracium umbellatum L. Census 17—East 5, Centre 3, West 9. 1 Kerry S. « River Caragh, Scully— Cyd. II. Rare. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Inchigeela lakes ’?97—Phillips. 9 Clare Lushag Rocks, &c. on Lough Derg ’96—Colgan. 10 Tipp. N. Ryan’s Point and Scilly I. on Lough Derg ’96—Colgan. 198 COMPOSITA [Hieracium 11 15 16 20 40 Oma aR CO De Kilkny. Granny, Chandlee— Cy. I. Galw. SE. Hare Island, &c. on L. Derg ’96—Colgan. L. Derg f. Galw. W. L. Inagh ’98—Colgan. Maam—Marshall. L. Corrib. Wicklow Devil’s Glen ’98—Colgan. Frequent in centre. Dublin R. Dodder at Old Bawn ’00: rare—Colgan. Westmth. Hare Island on Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Mayo W. Lough Conn ’00—P. Lough Cullin, More—Cy). I. Ferman. Namanfin I. on Lower L. Erne ’82-3—Barrington 708. Dongl. E. Finn River and frequent in the south—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Ray River: throughout, frequent in south—J/V. Don. Antrim Glenariff, D. Moore—Cyd. I. (Extinct on Harbour I.) Lderry §Benevenagh, D. Moore— Cy). I. Hypocheris radicata L. Long-rooted Cat’s-ear. Divisions all. Abundant. Hypocheris glabra L. L’derry. Magilligan ’00—Lett and Waddell zo. Leontodon hirtus L. Hawkbit (genus). Census 37--East 14, Centre 11, West 12. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Listowel ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: common—Phillips. Cork E. Glanmire ’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99: frequent throughout—P. Tipp. 8. Ballinure ’98, Fethard ’97—P. Limrek. Askeaton ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Inishmore ’95—P. Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99: frequent—P. Kilkny. Thomastown ’98: frequent—P. Wexford Wexford ’97—Marshall. Frequent throughout. Carlow Ballintemple ’99: frequent throughout—P. Queen’s Maryborough ’96: common—P. Galw. SE. Loughrea ’97: frequent throughout—P. Galw. W. Inishmacdara ’96—P. Common. Galw. NE. Knockmae ’99: local—P. King’s Lough Goura ’98: frequent throughout—P. Kildare Kildare ’97: north and centre common—P. Leontodon] 20 21 22 23 24 “-s THOR wo We (ee) 10 1d 12 13 14 15 16 it7 18 19 Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim COMPOSIT AS 199 Avondale ’99: common——P. Portrane ’00: common—Colgan. Bective ’00: common—P. Knock Eyon ’99, and frequent in west—P. Woodlawn ’98, and frequent by Lough Ree—P. Mote Park ’97 : common—P. Callow ’?00—P. Frequent. West of Castlebar ?99—Marshall. Rosses Point and Ballymote ’97—P. Glenade and Annaghearly Lough ’99—P. L. Oughter, Farnham, Mount Nugent, ’96—P. Braganstown ’97: frequent in south half—P. Crum Castle ’81—2—-Barrington zo8. Below Kilderry and near Donegal—/7. Don. Lough Eske—FV. Don. Near Armagh: north only, frequent, ’92—P. Craigavad ’?00—P. Very rare and local. Macedon ’86—P. Lagan, Templeton—/7. VEZ. Becomes rare in the north. Leontodon hispidus L. Census 24+(1)—East 10, Centre 9, West 5+(1). Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Castlegregory, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Killarney, Babington— Cyd. LI. Not rare—Allin #7. ’83. Not seen— Phillips.) Flat Head ’99—Seully 835. Frequent—Phillips. Youghal ’00 : frequent——Phillips. Lismore ’97, Clonmel ’99—P. Cahir ’00: frequent throughout—P. Mullagh ’00—P. Templemore ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny ’00— Phillips. Thomastown—P. Kilmacow. Rosslare ’82—Hart 3&4. Very rare. Goresbridge and tnear Gowlin ’99—P. Mountrath ’97—P. Common. Moyode ’97, Portumna ’98—P. NE. of Ross Lake ’99—P. Galway, Melville— Cy). I. Knockmae and north of Tuam ’99—P. Clara ’99 : frequent—P. Kildare ’98 : north and centre common—P. 200 COMPOSITA [Leontodon. 20 Wicklow Blessington’98—P. Roundwood—érz. Murrough. 21 Dublin Greenhills ’00 : frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Kilmessan ’00: frequent in centre and west—P. 23 Westmth. Moate ’99—P. Centre and west, rather rare. 24 Longfd. Elfeet Bay ’00, Priest’s Island ’99—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park ’97: throughout, not common—P. 26 Mayo KE. Manulla’00—P. Cong, Hollymount—Cy). I., I. Southern half of Ireland ; very rare on the west coast, elsewhere more or less frequent. Distinctly calcicole. A line joining Drogheda and Killala defines its northern limit. Records from 34 and 40 are omitted as probably errors. Leontodon autumnalis L. Divisions all. Common. Taraxacum officinale Web. Dandelion. Divisions all. Abundant. {Lactuca muralis Fresen. Lettuce (genus). Census 7—East 5, Centre 1, West 1. 2 Kerry N. *Glenflesk Castle ’?97—Scully. 4 Cork Mid *About Cork ’00—Phillips. 19 Kildare Ballintore, an escape, Carroll— Cyd. I. 20 Wicklow Laragh in some abundance ’97, Scully—Cy). II. 21 Dublin Bank at St. Anne’s near Clontarf ’94, Hart— Cyd. II. 23 Westmth. {Ballynagall ’99—P. 31 Louth Abundant at Collon, Mackay—/7. Hib. ’36. Sonchus oleraceus L. Sowthistle (genus). Divisions all. Common. Sonchus asper Hoffm. Divisions all. Common. Sonchus arvensis L. Divisions all. Locally common. Lobelia] COMPOSITA. CAMPANULACEA 201 Tragopogon pratensis L. Goat’s-beard. Census 23—East 8, Centre 11, West 4. 5 Cork E. = Castletownroche ’97 : rare— Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Goold’s Cross’00—Phillips. Frequent on S.margin—P. 8 Limrck. Askeaton ’00—P. Frequent in the north. 10 Tipp. N. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Friar’s Lough ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse! Frequent along the Nore—P. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge and Borris ’99—P. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’00—Phillips. Throughout frequent. 15 Galw. SE. L. Cooter, Craughwell, ?00—P. Garryland—Cy). I. 16 Galw. W. Near Galway, Melville—Cy0. I. 17 Galw. NE. Near Ahascragh ’96—P. 18 King’s Near Frankford ’00—P. Frequent. 19 Kildare Curragh ’97—P. Frequent in the south and east. 20 Wicklow Near Bray ’94—P. Rathnew; Fassaroe; Murrough. 21 Dublin Near Malahide ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00: frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Athlone ’99—P. Killua demesne ’94—Levinge 485. 24 Longfd. Saint’s Islandin L. Ree ’99—Miss R. Smith! 25 Roscomn. West of Athlone ’99—P. 26 Mayo K. Hollymount, More—Cy). I. 27 Mayo W. Westport and west of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. 31 Louth Dunleer ’00: frequent as far north as Dundalk—P. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’?00—W. de Y. Kane. Chiefly in middle Ireland, commoner in the east than the west. Absent from the north and from the extreme south. , Lobelia Dortmanna L. Water Lobelia. Census 18—East 6, Centre 1, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Waterville ’00: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: frequent in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Inchigeela ’00: frequent in the west—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99—P. 9 Clare L. Effernan ’?96—West. Monmor bog—Carter 795. 15 Galw. SE. Esker Lough near Kinvarra ’97—Mrs. Joyce ! 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Very frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Wet bog near Killower Lough ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Lough Dan ’94—P. Glendalough; Lower L. Bray. 26 MayoHK. Ballymore L.’00—P. L. Corrib—sz5. L. Mask. 202 27 28 o4 35 37 38 39 40 a 9 10 11 14 18 19 21 26 28 dl 32 37 FP onwmnrR woh rr bs be Mayo W. Sligo Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CAMPANULACE [Lobelia Achill Sound ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Easky Lough, &c. in Ox Mountains ’96—Colgan. Meendoran ’96—Hart gos. Throughout f.—#7. Don. Aranmore &c.: throughout frequent— FV. Don. Lough Ross ’92—P. Frequent along L. Neagh shores. Blue Lough ’92—P. Very rare—Jfl. VE. Craigfad L.’90—P. Portmore, L. Neagh—//. VE. Lough Beg, D. Moore— Cy). I. Local, and chiefly about the mountains. Jasione montana L. Sheep’s Scabious. Census 29—Hast 14, Centre 6, West 9. Strongly calcifuge, and in consequence very irregularly distributed. Common in 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 12, 18, 16, 20, 27, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40: local or rare in the following :— Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Queen’s King’s Kildare Dublin Mayo E. Sligo Louth Monaghn. Armagh Shevenaman and Galtees ’00—P. Lisdoonyarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Local. Keeper Hill ’80—Hart 369. Tory Hill ’99—P. Frequent in south. Arderin ’97—P. Near Arderin’97—P. Rathmore 798, Kilcullen, near Baltinglass—P. Howth ’00 : local—Colgan. Clonbur ?95—Marshall. L. Easky ’96--Colgan. L. Gara ’97—P. Clogher Head ’96, and common in NE.—P. Castleblayney ’96—P. South only, common, ’92—P. » Not yet recorded for 8, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29,30, 33, 36. Wahlenbergia hederacea Reichb. Ivy-leaved Bell-flower. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Wexford Wicklow Dublin Census 7—East 4, Centre 0, West 3. Kenmare ’94: rare, locally abundant—Scully. Clydagh ’99: rather frequentin the south—Scully. Near Skibbereen ’97 : rare—Phillips. Near Inniscarra ’?96 : rare—Phillips. Ferns ’97—D.N.F.C. 306. Centre and NW. frequent. Glencree ’99—D.N.F.C. 3zz. Sugarloaf; Gold Mine R. Glencullen ’99—Colgan. South and south-east. Campanula] CAMPANULACEA 203 Campanula Trachelinm L. Netile-leaved Bell-flower. 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 18 King’s Census 4—Kast 2, Centre 2, West 0. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse. Nore v. f., Barrow vy. r. By the Barrow above St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Nore near Abbeyleix and Durrow ’84—Hart 388. Barrow Bank House ’84—Hart 383. Occupies an inland area in the south-east. An escape in 4, 10, 20, 21, and probably elsewhere. 11 Kilkny. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 24 Lonefd. 31 Louth 386 Tyrone 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry *Campanula rapunculoides L. Census 10—East 8, Centre 2, West 0. Near Kilkenny ’60~94, J. G. Robertson— Cyd. II. Murrough— Guede ’78. Rush established ’93—Colgan. Bray ’72—More 674. Sandy fields at Laytown ’96—P. Railway near Longford ’00—P. Shore at Termonfeckin established ’96—P. Dungannon ’96—Miss Knowles. Dry fields at Newcastle ’95, and Rostrevor ’97—P. Established near Broughshane ’91—P. Kilrea ’94—P. Appears quite naturalized along the east coast. i Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 6 Waterfd. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 23 Westmth. 24 Lonefd. 25 Roscomn. Campanula rotundifolia L. Hare-bell. Census 28—East 8, Centre 8, West 1z. Caragh Lake ’00—Scully. Frequent. Killarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Millstreet ’00, Mount Gabriel ’96: rare—Phillips. Muskry Lough ’00—P. Galtees and Knockmealdowns. Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. N., ?rareinS. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent on Lough Derg. Woodford ’98—P. Common in W. and in §.E. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. Common. SW. of Knockmae and common on Lough Corrib ’99—P Lugnaquilla’97—Colgan. Frequent. Rush sandhills 700: local—Colgan. Hare Island on Lough Ree ’99—P. Castlerea ’00, and common on Lough Ree—P. Athlone ’99, Galey ’97—P. 204 26 27 28 29 30 31 30 34 30 36 37 38 39 40 27 36 o7 38 39 40 Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Donel. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CAMPANULACEA. VACCINIEAD [Campanula Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse! Clonbur—M. &8. 545. South end of Lough Conn ’00—P. Frequent. Ballysadare ’00—P. Frequent throughout. Drumahaire ’99, and frequent in the north—P. Frequent in the north-west ’81—Stewart 85z4.. Carlingford ’00—P. Heron Isle on Lower L. Erne’92—P. Locally frequent. Brown Hall’00—P. Throughout, frequent—/V. Don. Throughout, frequent—/V. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Centre and south, rare, ’°92—P. Newcastle ?97—P. Common—/V. VE. Galgorm ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/?. VE. Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Common—/V. VE. A very local plant, being almost confined to the coasts, the larger lakes, and some of the mountain groups. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Tipp. N. Carlow Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo W. Shgo Cavan Louth Ferman. Donel. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Vaccinium Vitis-Idea L. Cowberry. Census 19—East 9, Centre 6, West 4. | Above Stilloge Loughs ’82—3—Hart 387. L. Borheen and L. Muskry in Galtees ’80—Hart 372. Keeper Hill ’80—Hart 369. . Blackstairs—Hart ’83 3&7. Croaghanmoira ’97—Colgan. I. on the high grounds. Seecawn Mountain ’?00—Colgan. Bracklin bog ’78, D. Moore— Cy. II. Nephin ’00—P. Rare on the mountains. Cloonacool Lough’96—Colgan. Ben Bulben— Cyd. II. Tent’s Mountain, &c. ’81—Stewart Ss. Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Drumbad, &¢. ’81—Stewart &s5z. Slieve Snaght ’98—Hart zo5. N. only, v. r.—/V. Don. Magherawarden ’98—Hart zo5. Local—£f7. Don. Dart ’92—P. 687. Dungannon—/7. Ulst. Drimquin. Sheve Gullion ’98—P. Bogs 8. of L. Neagh— Cyd. II. Slieve Bearnagh ’92—P. Mourne Mountains frequent. Bog near Randalstown ’98—Adams 3. Rare—/. WE. Between Kilrea and Garvagh ’94—P. Rare—/Z/. VE. Chiefly on the high grounds of the east and north. At low levels (100 to 400 feet) on bogs in 23, 36, 37, 39, 40. Vaccinium) 22 'gn-<4 20d Kerry 8S. Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw.SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Meath Westmth. 4 Lonefd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry. VACCINIE & 205 Vaccinium Myrtillus L. Bilberry. Divisions all. Common. Calcifuge. Vaccinium Oxycoccus L. Cranberry. Census 30—East 11, Centre 9, West 10. Glencar ’89—Scully. Gneevgullia ’?98—P. Castleisland ’*88—Scully. Near Dunmanway, E. Murphy— Cy. I. Near Clonmel, Miss 8. Grubb! Glenagad— Cy). I. Ballinure ’98—P. Lisdoonvarna ’?00—W. Fogerty. Monmor bog—863. Rapla ’99, Barracurragh ’97—P. North of Tory Hill ’99, Urlingford ’98—P. On cut-away bog near St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Maryborough ’96, Boleybeg bridge *98—P. St. Clerans ?00—Mrs. Joyce! Woodford; Castle Taylor. Clonbrock ’97—P. About Tuam—ZJ/r. F'1. Near Philipstown ’00: freqnuent—P. Nurney ’97, Carbury ’96—P. Glencree, Scully—Cyb. Il. Northern half, rare. Near Navan ’96, Kildalkey, L. Sheelin, Drumcondra—P. Knock Drin, &e.—Levinge ’94 454. Inny Jnet.—Hart. Near Saint’s Island ’99—Miss R. Smith! F. in west. Mount Talbot and Lough Gara ’97—P. Hollymount, More— Cy). I. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Rathroeen L, ?00—P. Lough Gara ’97—P. Drumod ’99—P. Ardee Bog ’97—P. Lough Keenaghan near Belleek—/7. Don. Verner’s Br.’96—Mrs. Leebody. L. Ouske; Tamnamory. Bogs along Lough Neagh ’92—P. Saul Camp ’?90—P. Becoming rare. Slemish ’?00—Miss Knowles. Rare—s. & P. 87. Lough Ouske ’92—P. Rare—/V. VEL. Widely spread all over the Central Plain, thinning out on the east and west coasts and towards the north and south. The distribution generally follows that of the red bogs; in the north-east and south- east, drainage is interfering with it. 206 21 bo OD oP © LO web wb bd bw bv co oO Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. ERICACEM [Arbutus Arbutus Unedo L. Strawberry-tree. Cloonee ’00: local—Scully. Killarney ’00: south only, locally abundant—Scully. | Glengariff and Adrigole’94—Phillips. SW. only, rare. Now very rare except in the Killarney neighbourhood. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi Spreng. Bear-berry. Clare Galw. SE. Galw. W. Mayo W. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Antrim Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Lonefd. Rosemn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Census 7—East 1, Centre 0, West 6. Near Cratloe ’97, Bentley—#H6. L.F.C.! Burren e. Lough Fingall’99—P. Castle Taylor ’85—Mrs. Joyce! Derryclare ’99—Colgan. Widespread and frequent. Achill Island ’99—Colgan. Widespread, frequent. Near Dunree—/7. Don. Aranmore, &c.: throughout, local—F7. Don. Fair Head 737, G. C. Hyndman !— Cyd. I. Andromeda Polifolia L. Census 24—East 9, Centre 10, West 5. Ballinure ’98—P. Castleconnell bog ’?00—R. D. O’Brien! Opposite Plassy, Carroll; Tulla, Warren— Cy. I. Lough Ourna ’99—P. Frequent. Urlingford ’98—P. Near St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Mountrath ’97 : frequent—P. Marble Hill and near Woodford ’98—P. Barbersfort ’99,.Clonbrock ’96—P.. Frankford ’00 : frequent throughout—P. Robertstown ’98, Nurney, Carbury—P. Ballitore. South of Lough Bray ’94—P. North-east only, v. r. Kippure ’93—P. Near Navan ’96, Ferns Lock, Kaldalkey, L. Sheelin—P. Coole ?99—P. Frequent. Trilliickacurry ’98: common in W., rare in K.—P. Mote Park ’97: throughout, frequent—P. Hollymount ’54—More 600. Lough Gara ’97—P. Drumod and Rinn Lough ’00—P. Lough Oughter’96, Mount Nugent, Drumhawnagh—P. Erica) HRICACEK A 207 31 Louth Ardee bog ’97—P. 387 Armagh Tartaraghan (G. Robinson)—More 6oo. 38 Down Wolf Island hog [’65 ], Stewart—/7. VEL. Essentially a Central Plain plant, as the census numbers will show, abounding on the red bogs. Becomes rare in the north even in inland divisions, and likewise in the south. Calluna vulgaris Salisb. Ling. Divisions all. Common. Erica Tetralix L. Cross-leaved Heath; Bell-Heather. Divisions all. Common. Lrica Mackaivi Hooker. 16 Galw. W. Craigga More ’96—P. Carna ’74—More 6z5. One mile from Roundstone ’45—Ogilby 653. | Erica cinerea L. Heather. Divisions all, except 23 Westmeath, 24 Longford. Locally abundant. Requiring drier ground than Calluna and #. Tetraliz, this species does not often grow on the red bogs, where its allies are so abundant; and being like them strongly calcifuge, suitable habitats are frequently wanting in the Central Plain, where hmestone predominates. /. cinerea generally appears on rough ground as soon as the limestone is left. On limestone mountains, the covering of peat is often sufficiently thick to allow the plant to grow luxuriantly. There are a few marked exceptions to its calcifuge proclivities. In Galway NE. the only station (Coolaran) is bare limestone ‘‘ crags,’’? amid a characteristic ealcicole flora; and in Galway W., near Ross Lake, it is abundant on esker-like ridges formed entirely of limestone gravel and boulders. It also occurs on the Aran Islands, which are mere shelves of lime- stone, devoid of a peaty covering. Erica mediterranea L. Mediterranean Heath. 16 Galw. W. Urrisbeg’96—P. Kylemore andSalruck, J. MacKinnon — Cyb. II. 27 Mayo W. Bothsides of Lough Conn ’?00—P. Locally abundant along the coast. 208 ERICACEAE | [Dabeocia Dabeocia polifolia D. Don. St. Dabeoc’s Heath. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh’98—Colgan. Throughout, often abundant. 26 Mayo E. Between Lisloughry and Lackafinna, Miss Jackson— Cyb. II. +Martin’s Island in L. Mask below Ballin- robe ’91—Mrs. Persse! 27 Mayo W. Curraun Achill, Dillwyn—Cyé. Il. S. half, local. I am not satisfied about the Lough Mask station. Only one plant was seen, and introduced trees are near. Pyrola rotundifolia L. Winter-green (genus). (18 King’s ‘Bog by Roscre”—How: Phytologia, 1650. Probabiy this species). 23 Westmth. Scraw Bog and Lisclogher Bog — Levinge ’94 4&4. Multyfarnham ’71—Moore 592. Pyrola media Sw. Census 8—East 3, Centre 1, West 4. 9 Clare Above Gleninagh ’95—O’Kelly! Burren only, frequent. 28 Sligo Ben Whiskin, Adm. Jones; Hazlewood, Wynne— Cy). I. 34 Dongl. E. Carrowkeel, &c.: Inishowen only—/V. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Truskmore ’98—Hart 705. North only, £—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Near Pomeroy— Cy). II. 38 Down Conlig Hill’00—P. (Ballygowan bog, 1797—/. NE£.) 39 Antrim Skerry ’?99—Miss Knowles. Rare—FV. VE. 40 Liderry NW. of Kilrea! ’94—Miss Knowles. Rare—/V. VEL. Confined to the north and west. Pyrola minor L. Census 6+(1)—Hast 4, Centre 1, West 1+(1). 20 Wicklow Vale of Ovoca (spec. sent to. D. Moore)— Cyd. I. 23 Westmth. Ballynegall, Tyrrell’s Pass, D. Moore—6z4 and Cyb. I. 29 Leitrim Wood near Lurganboy ’99—P. (35 Dongl. W. Dunfanaghy, E. Murphy—/V. Hd.’36. ?—. Don.) 38 Down Tollymore Park ’00— Waddell. 39 Antrim Slemish ’98—Miss Knowles. Rare—/V. VE. 40 L’derry Errigal Banks near Garvagh ’95—-P. Rare—//. VE. Widely but very sparingly distributed. Not recently seen in Wicklow, Westmeath, or Donegal, though searched for, but in view of its sparse growth this has not much significance. Statice] 389 Antrim 40 L’derry ERICACEA. PLUMBAGINEA 209 Pyrola secunda L. Glenarm, Sallagh Braes, Agnew’s Hill [about 1835], D. Moore— Cyd. I. Errigal Banks near Garvagh ’35, D. Moore—/V. Hib. and Cyd. I. Not seen in Ireland since Dr. Moore’s original discovery of it: specimens of Dr. Moore’s gathering, at Glasnevin and*the National Museum, are right! Hypopithys multiflora Scop. Yellow Bird’s-nest. 2 Kerry N. 8 Limrck. 15 Galw. SE. 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 28 Sligo Census 6—East 2, Centre 1, West 3. Killarney ’94—Scully. Curragh Chase !’00—G. Fogerty. Castle Taylor—More ’55 598. Moore Abbey— Wade 1804 go2. St. Catherine’s—Mackay ’25 522. Dooney Rock on Lough Gill’96—Colgan. Hazelwood °71, Miss Wynne— Cy). II. Statice rariflora Drej. Sea-Lavender (genus). 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath Census 21—East 12, Centre 1, West 8. Kenmare ’99 : locally abundant—Scully. Barrow Harbour ’92 : locally abundant—Scully. Creagh ’97, Goleen ’96 : rare—Phillips. Rochestown ’00 : frequent— Phillips. Youghal ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. Tramore—Mrs. Persse! Youghal. Foynes ’00—Miss C. O’Brien! Ringmoylan—8&63. Gleninagh ’95, O’Kelly—Cyé. ILI. Snowhill ’99—P. Ballinlaw ferry—B. & G. zoo. SW. corner of Wexford Harbour ’97—Marshall 539. Kailcolgan abundant, Oranmore, Kinvarra, ’99—P. Gentian Hill, Barna Head,’99—P. Clfden—Cyb. I. Wicklow ’00—C. Waterfall. Baldoyle ’00: frequent—Colgan. Laytown ’96—P. R.1.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. P 210 ! PLUMBAGINEA | Statice 27 Mayo W. Killala, Rosserk,’00—P. Croaghpatrick—Hart 3So. 31 Louth Blackrock ’00—Mrs Swan. Boyne and Dundalk c.—P. 35 Dongl. W. Glinsk’98—Hart 405. Extreme N.and8.,r.—/. Don. 37 Armagh Abundant by Newry River ’92—P. 38 Down Mahee Island ’00—P. Frequent; c. on Strangford L. 39 Antrim Larne Lough ’98—P. Local on the coasts, but widely distributed. - Statice occidentalis Lloyd. Census 11—East 7, Centre 0, West 4. 2 Kerry N. Barrow Harbour ’92—Scully. 5 Cork E. Near Ballycotton, Carroll— Cyd. I. 6 Waterfd. Ballyvoyle Head’99-—P. Frequent. 9 Clare Fanore ’00—Miss Knowles. Burran and Aran, local. 12 Wexford Courtown’94—P. Baginbun, Hook, ’82—Hart 3&4. 20 Wicklow Wicklow’00—C. Waterfall. Brittas Bay; near Arklow. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: common—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown ’96—P. 31 Louth Clogher Head! ’99—Miss R. Smith. Bee "96—P. 34 Dongl. E. Knockglass ’98—Hart gos. 35 Dongl. W. Horn Head, &c.: rare—FV. Don. Local. Absent from the greater part of the west coast, and from the north-east. Armeria maritima Willd. Sea-Pink; Thrift. Census 27—East 13, Centre 2, West 12. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, including Kilkenny, Tyrone, and Armagh, Common around the coast. Inland in the following stations in the west and north :— 1 Kerry S. Very frequent on the mountains. 2 Kerry N. Ross I. at Killarney, 80 feet above sea-level— Cyd. II. 16 Galw. W. Bencorr &c. ’99—Colgan. F. on the Twelve Bens. 27 Mayo W. Nephin’00—P. Rare on the mountains. 385 Dongl. W. Errigal, Muckish, &e.—J/7. Don. 40 Liderry Top of Benevenagh ’92—P. The Ross Island station is interesting as being the only inland low- level habitat for the plant in Ireland. Primula] PRIMULACE AL 211 {Hottonia palustris L. Water- Violet. (21 Dublin *Pool on top of Howth ’98—Miss R. Mahaffy 533. 388 Down Downpatrick ’98—B.N.F.C. 736. Crossgar ’97—P. (*Holywood ’91-—P.) (39 Antrim ~*Bog meadows abundant ’86—P. *Cushendun’86—P.) Known to have been introduced except at Crossgar and Down- patrick, where it has been known to grow fora hundred years. No doubt permanently established also at Bog Meadows, but in the other stations its circumscribed area will probably prevent its remaining long. Primula vulgaris Huds. Primrose. Divisions all. Common. Primula officinalis Jacq. Cowslip. Census 35—East 14, Centre 11, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’98—P. Local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99: rather frequent—NScully. 3 Cork W. Millstreet ’00, Skibbereen ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: common—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate ’00: common—Phillips. 7 Tipp.S. Ardmayle ’98, Fethard ’97—P. 8 Limrck. Curragh Chase, &c.’00—P. Frequent in the north. 9 Clare Cahir River ’92—Levinge 482. 10 Tipp. N. Lough Ourna ’99—P. Common in north half. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent. 12 Wexford {Duncannon ’90: local—B. & M. I/S. 13 Carlow Borris and Corries ’?00—Miss F. Wynne. 14 Queen’s Maryborough 96, Mountrath ’97—P. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’97—P. Widespread, frequent. 16 Galw. W. Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Near Galway ’95—P. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99, Menlo, Clonbrock—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98: frequent—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’97 : frequent in north and centre—P. 20 Wicklow Blessington ’98, Delgany ’94—P. 21 Dublin Lusk ’00: common—Colgan. 22 Meath Bective ’00: common except in the north—P. 3 Westmth. Knock Drin’99—P. Frequent throughout, 24 Longfd. Reynoldstown ’99, near Roosky, Newtowncashel—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park ’97: throughout, not common—P. iP 2 212 PRIMULACE Ai [Primula 26 28 29 30 dl 33 30 37 38 39 40 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse! Clonbur ’96—Marshall. Sligo Co. Sligo, Wynne— Cy. I. Leitrim Rinn Lough ’99—P. Cavan Lough Sheelin ’85—P. 692. Louth Killencoole ’96—P. Ferman. Castle Coole’00— West. Belleisle, Lower L. Erne—zo8. Dongl. W. Near Marble Hill, and *L. Swilly shores—#V. Don. Armagh t{Armagh, &c.: north only, rare—P. 7oz. | Down +Rostrevor, W. Gray: very rare—H/. WE. and 874. Antrim *Near Crumlin established ’91—P. {tRare—/fV. VE. Lderry Dungiven, tDerrynoid, Moore—Cyb. I. {—#Fl. WE. Distribution very unequal, and not yet worked out. Practically confined to the limestone, there being reason to suspect its being native in 12, 85, 37, 38, 89 and 40. Even in the Limestone Plain the Cow- slip varies greatly in abundance. 1 om tnarrt Ww bw 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Lysimachia vulgaris L. Yellow Loosestrife. Census 40—East 15, Centre 13, West 12. Kerry 8. Beaufort 90: rare—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rare—Scully. Cork W. Bantry ’94: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Inchagaggin (Alexander)—Power FV. ’45. Rare. Cork E. Castletownroche ’00, Youghal ’96: rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Blackwater above Lismore ’84—Hart 388. Tipp. 8. Ardmayle ’00—P. Loughmoe, Camus br.—Hart 385. Limrck. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Reboge, Doonass—Z0. L.F.C.! Clare Killaloe ’96—Colgan. Shannon and Fergus frequent. Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99, and common on Lough Derg—P. Kalkny. Thomastown ’98: frequent along the Nore—P. Wexford - Macmine ’?97—Marshall. Courtown; Wilton Ponds. Carlow Graiguenamanagh ’98—P. Queen’s Mountmellick’96—P. Nore, Barrow—Hart 383, 388. Galw.SE. Marble Hill ’98: thr baehonth frequent—P. Galw. W. Oughterard ’99—P. F. along east mar gin—More 600. Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96, Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. King’s Banagher ’98: Shannon f.—P. Barrow r.—Hart 38}. Kildare Barrow at Moore Abbey ’84—Hart 383. Wicklow Ballinglen, Miss Kinahan—Cyé. LI. Dublin Delvin River ’98—Colgan 207. And in the north, rare. Meath L. Sheelin ’96, and frequent along the Boyne—P. Lysimachial PRIMULACE 213 23 24 25 26 Westmth. Lough Iron’99—P. Centre frequent; Lough Ree e. Longfd. Lough Gowna ’00, and frequent on the Shannon—P. Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99: common throughout—P. Mayo E. Claremorris’00—P. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Mayo W. Lough Conn and Lough Cullin ’?00—P. Sligo Annaghmore ’00, L. Arrow—P. L. Gill—Colgan. Leitrim Lough Melvin ’99—P. Frequent in south half. Cavan Farnham, L. Oughter, L. Ramor, ’96—P. Louth Kerney’s Cross ’97—P. Monaghn. Ballybay Lough ’98—W. de V. Kane. Frequent. Ferman. Belcoo’00—P. Common on L. Erne—Barrington 708. Dongl. E. River Erne and Bundrowes River—F?7. Don. Dongl. W. St. Johnston’s (Mrs. Leebody), Lough Fern—/V. Don. Tyrone Strabane, Omagh,’96—Miss Knowles. Killybrick—392. Armagh Dartrey Lodge’98— V. Kane. Frequent’92—P. Down Lough Leagh ’90—P. Very rare. Antrim Antrim ’00—P. Lagan r.; Lough Neagh basin f. L’derry Lough Beg ’98—Druce. Lough Neagh basin frequent. Chiefly along the courses of the larger rivers, and by the great lakes. *Lysimachia Nummularia L. Moneywort; Creeping Jenny. Census 20—East 11, Centre 3, West 6. Cork W. *Rosscarbery ’91—Phillips. Waterfd. {Near Tramore (Chandlee)—Carroll ’57 793. Clare Dromoland ‘ apparently wild,’ T. Warren— Cy). II. Kilkny. By the Nore above Ballyragget ’99—P. Wexford Courtown ’96—P. Monart (Miss Farmer)—More 6z¢. Carlow By the Barrow near Borris ’99—P. Galw. NE. River Suck at Mount Talbot ’97—P. Kildare Athy ’99—P. Liffey at Lodge Park, Douglas— Cy). I. Meath Oldbridge ! ’99—Miss R. Smith. Roscomn. Mount Talbot ’97—P. Leitrim Mouth of Bonet River ’99—P. Louth About Collon—/r. F7. 733. Ferman. Ballycassidy R.’99, Inishdivan’00— West. Local. Dongl. E. *Near Guystown— FV. Don. Dongl. W. *Near Ramelton looking native, Dean Gwynn—JfV. Don. Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Grange ’94, Tanderagee ’92—P. Down Quoile below Downpatrick’92—P. Rare—FV. VE. 214 | PRIMULACEA [Lysimachia 39 Antrim Crumlin waterfoot ’99—Miss Knowles. R.—/1. WE. 40 Lderry. Bann at Coleraine ’94—-P. Very rare—/7l. VE. Well established in most of the above stations, but more thoroughly naturalized round Lough Neagh than elsewhere. Lysimachia nemorum L. Yellow Pimpernel. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Frequent. Glaux maritima L. Sea Milkwort; Black Saltwort. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, including Kilkenny, Tyrone, and Armagh. Common on the coast. Anagallis arvensis L. Scarlet Pimpernel ; Shepherd’s Weather-glass. Divisions all. Frequent, but local in places. Anagallis tenella L. Bog Pimpernel. Divisions all. Frequent. Centunculus minimus L. Bastard Pimpernel. Census 15—East 7, Centre 1, West 7. 1 Kerry 8S. Near Upper Lake of Killarney’99 : rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull ’96 : rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Rye Court (Carroll)\—Allin FV. ’83. 5 Cork E. — Ballycotton ’96 : rare—Phillips. 9 Clare Dunbeg c., Kilkee to Loop Head, D. Moore— Cyd. I. 16 Galw. W. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. Clifden; Ballynahinch. 22 Meath Sand-dunes at Boyne mouth ’96—P. 27 MayoW. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Erris, D. Moore—Cy). I. 28 Sligo Near Cliffony, Syme—/V. Ulst. ’64. 33 Ferman. Gubbaroe Point on Lr. L. Erne ’81-2—Barrington zoé. 35 Dongl. W. Rossgull, &c. : north only, rare—/7. Don. 37 Armagh In two stations on Lough Neagh ’92—P. 388 Down Near Comber! ’00—Waddell. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Bushfoot ’°87—P. Rathlin Island—Stewart 557. . 40 L’derry Lough Beg, Stewart: f. on the north coast—/7. VH. Chiefly on the coast, and off the limestone. Extremely rare except in the north-east and south-west. bo Chlora | PRIMULACEA. GHENTIANEA 215 Samolus Valerandi L. Brookweed. Divisions all, except 7 Tipperary South. Rare in a few of the inland divisions ; common by the coast and on the shores of the large lakes. Fraxinus excelsior L. Ash. Divisions all. Frequent. Ligustrum vulgare L. Privet. Divisions all, except 25, 26, 27, 31, but with little or no claim to be included in the indigenous flora, except in the following :— 6 Waterfd. Cliffs of Ballyvoyle Head, sandhills at Tramore, ’99—P. Native and frequent on sea-cliffs—Hart 382. 15 Galw. SE. Limestone ‘“‘crags” at Garryland, with Rhamnus, Taxus, &e. ’00—P. 21 Dublin Howth ‘“‘native on steep grassy cliffs,” Hart—F7. Howth, Microcala filiformis Hoffm. & Link. 1 Kerry 8. Cloonee ’99: locally abundant—Scully. Kerry N. Lough Guitane ’98: south only, rare—Scully. Cork W. Passof Keimaneigh’97: frequent in the west—Phillips. [e) Chlora perfoliata L. Yellow-wort. Census 25—EHast 10, Centre 9, West 6. Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’89—Scully. Cork W. Lislevane ’96: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshayen ’00 : rare—Phillips. Cork E. Rushbrook ’00: frequent on limestone—Phillips. Waterfd. Tramore, Mt. Congreve, ’99—P. Portlaw—Flemyng. Tipp.S. Fethard ’98—P. Limrek, Adare ’00—P. Common in the north. 9 Clare Fanore ’?00—Miss Knowles. Burren c., Aran local. 10 Tipp. N. Lough Ourna’99—P. North half common. 11 Kilkny. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse. South half frequent. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent throughout. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’?00—Miss Wynne ! 14 Queen’s Emo’96—P. Frequent in the north-east. 15 Galw. SE. Ardfry 99: c. in west—P. C. on L. Derg—Colgan. 16 Galw. W. Roundstone’96—P. Inveran—Colgan. C. on E. edge. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99: common throughout—P. aan ok C b 216 GENTIANEA [ Chlora 18 King’s Frankford ’00: centre and west, frequent—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’97: frequent throughout—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97, and f. on the coast northwards—P. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’97: centre and east, not common—P. 23 Westmth. Near Killucan’96—Colgan. Frequent in west—P. 24 Longfd. | Newtowncashel ’00: Lough Ree frequent—P. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99: frequent in the south—P. 26 Mayo E. Balla’00—P. Ballinrobe—Mrs. Persse. Clonbur. Rare in Kerry and Cork. Frequent northward till it reaches a line drawn from Drogheda to Westport, where it stops rather abruptly. Essentially a Central Plain plant, and calcicole, its frequency in Wexford furnishing a notable exception. Erythrea Centaurium Pers. Centaury. Divisions all. Frequent. Erythrea pulchella Fr. Census 6—East 4, Centre 1, West 1. 3 Cork W. Bantry, Glandore, J. Sullivan— Cyb.1. Cape Clear—287. 5 Cork E. Youghal (Miss Ball)—Power fV. ’45. 6 Waterfd. Back strand at Tramore abundant ’99—P. 2 Wexford Rosslare, Carnsore, Baginbun, Saltees, *82—Hart 384. Curracloa (Morrison)—More 6r4. 14 Queen’s Emo ’96-—P. 21 Dublin North Bull! ’00: rare—Colgan. South and east coasts, with one inland station. 1 Gentiana verna L. Spring Gentian. Census 5—East 0, Centre 1, West 4. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran e. 15 Galw. SE. Moyode ’99—P. Locally c. in W., especially i SW. 16 Galw. W. Gentian Hill ’00—Phillips. Thence to Oughterard frequently—P. Cong, D. Moore—Cyd. I. 17 Galw. NE. Knockmae ’00: Lough Corrib and coast frequent—P. Castle Lambert and Athenry—Mrs. Joyce! 26 Mayo E. Lough Carra near Moore Hall’94—Mrs. Persse. Has a well-defined range on the limestone from Clare to Mayo. Gentiana | GENTIANEA 217 Gentiana Amarella L. Felwort. Census 29+(2)—East 10+(2) Centre 11, West 8. 8 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 7 Tipp. 8. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22. Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 30 Cayan 31 Louth 83 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. (389 Antrim ? (40 L'derry ? Frequent Ballinadee and Castlehaven—Allin F7.’83. Rare. Near Dunderrow—Allin FV. ’83. Near Doneraile (T. Wright)—Allin FV. ’83. Ballinure and Farranaleen ’98—P. Mullagh and Askeaton ’00—P. Lehinch ’98, Mrs. Harris—H6. L.F.C.! Throughout f. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. NW. half frequent. Thomastown and Urlingford ’98— P. Courtown ’95—P. Frequent in NW.—B. & M. 703. Milford and Carlow ’98—P. Abbeyleix ’98, Maryborough, Emo—P. L. Cooter ’00, coast e.—P. Lough Derg f.—Colgan. Gentian Hill ’00—Phillips. Barna Head ’99—P. Ballindooly ’99 : frequent—P. Clara ’99, Tullamore, Edenderry—P. Near Rathmore ’98—P. Blessington ’98—P. Near Lough Dan—C. F. D’Arcy. Portmarnock ’00: local—Colgan. Boyne mouth °96, Drogheda ’95—P. Moate’99—P. Drinmore—Levingez&. Athlone—zz3. Near Ballymahon ’00, and common on Lough Ree—P. Common about Ballinasloe ’99—P. Claremorris ’?00—P. Ballinrobe; south of L. Mask. Killala ?00—P. Bartragh Island—Mackay 522. Lough Talt ’?96—Colgan. Common in NE. ’97—P. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Termonfeckin ’96—P. Lower Lough Erne ’81—-2—Barrington 708. Common between Bundoran & Ballyshannon—/V. Don. Kinbane Head, Templeton—/7. VEZ.) Keady Hill, D. Moore——Cyé. I.) throughout the Central Plain, thinning out northwards and southwards, and very rarely found off the limestone. The north- eastern records have never been verified. 1 Kerry 8. Gentiana campestris L. Census 29—Kast 11, Centre 7, West 11. Caragh Lake ’90: rare—Scully. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterid. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Lderry GENTIANER. BORAGINEE [Gentiana Rahaneen ’96: rather rare and local—Sceully. Bantry 798: frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00: rare—Phillips. Dunbullogue (D. Murray)—Power #7. ’45. West of Bunmahon ’82—Hart 384. Mullagh ’00—P. Inishmore ’69—Hart 365. Burren common—Foot 324. Cloughjordan ’00—P. Courtown ’94—P. 726. Frequent in N., ? rare in 8. Knockaun Grania ’80—Mrs. Joyce! Kittarton—zog¢. Roundstone ’96—P. Frequent throughout. Oranmore and Menlo ’99-—P. Clara ’99—P. Brittas Bay ’96—P. ? Frequent. Treland’s Eye ’97—P. Rare—Colgan. Boyne mouth ’96—P. Glynnwood House ’99—P. Collum Point and Saint’s Island on L. Ree ’00—P. Callow and Carrowkeribly L.’00—P. Ballinrobe. Newport ’99—Colgan. Pontoon—P. Westport—522. L. Talt ’96—Colgan. Knocknarea: c. in NE. ’97—P. Ballymascanlan ’00—P. Legland Mountain ’81—Stewart 854. Malin Head ’98—Hart zo5. Throughout f£.—F7. Don. Burton Port, &c.: throughout frequent—/7. Don. Ballykinler ’00—Waddell. Frequent—//. VE. Skerry ’94—B.N.F.C. z26. F. throughout—/l. WE. Magilligan ’95—P. Frequent—/7. VL. A widely distributed plant, more common off than on the limestone.. Menyanthes trifoliata L. Bog-bean. Divisions all. Common. Cynoglossum officinale L. Hound’s-tongue. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Kailkny. Census 14. Kast 12, Centre 2, West 0. Rochestown ’93 (Miss Martin)—Phillips. Douglas. Near Youghal—Allin 77. ’83. Rare. Tramore ! ’99—Phillips. Ardfinnan, and NW. of Cahir ’00—P. Lismaine House, Jenkinson House ’99—P. Kilkenny. Lycopsis | BORAGINE A 219 12 Wexford Carnsore’97—Marshall. Very frequent on the coast. 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99, Leighlinbridge—P. Bagenalstown. 14 Queen’s Timahoe ’97—P. 19 Kildare Moone, I. Carroll— Cyb. I. 20 Wicklow Brittas Bay ’?96—-P. Common on the Murrough. 21 Dublin Portmarnock ’00 : local—Colgan. 22 Meath Boyne mouth ’96: frequent on the coast—P. 31 Louth Killencoole ’96, and very frequent on the coast—P. 38 Down Tyrella ’00—P. Very frequent on the coast. East coast from Cork to Donaghadee, and on dry banks inland in the south-east, Dublin, and Louth. {Symphytum officinale L. Comfrey. Divisions all, except 16 Galway West. Quite naturalized, but has little claim to be considered native. In many cases clearly an outcast from cultivation. Rarer in the west, as is the case with most plants of cultivation. *Anchusa sempervirens L. Alkanet. Census 10+(1)—East 6+(1), Centre 1, West 3. (5 Cork E. *Glanmire, Mayfield—Allin #7. R., not established.) 19 Kildare Leixlip’88, J. 8. Gamble— Cy). II. 21 Dublin *Near Dunsink ’94—P. 28 Sligo tRosses Point ’00— West. 34 Dongl. E. *Fahan, Bogay—/V. Don. Churchtown— Cy). II. 35 Dongl. W. *Fanet and Glenalla—-7. Don. 36 Tyrone Bessy Bell ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh *Tanderagee—J/V. Uist. 64. 38 Down Greyabbey ’95—z28. Naturalized, f.—/. VE. 39 Antrim Clinty ’99—Miss Knowles. Naturalized, f.—//. VE. 40 L’derry Limavady, &c., D. Moore : naturalized, f£.—/7. VE. Naturalized in the north-east, but clearly of garden origin every- where. Merely casual in Cork (Phillips). Lycopsis arvensis L. Bugloss. Census 14—East 9, Centre 2, West 3. 7 Tipp. 8. Ardfinnan—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. 11 Kilkny. Three Castles, P. Duffy—Cyé. I. 12 Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall. South coast common . 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cy. I. 220 BORAGINEZ | Lycopsis 21 22 28 31 34 35 36 38 39 40 Dublin ‘Rush ’00 ; local—Colgan. Meath Laytown ’96 : coast frequent—P. Sligo Strandhill ’?97—P. Mullaghmore, Adm. Jones—Cyb. IL. Louth Dundalk ’00: coast frequent—P. Dongl. E. {Culdaff 98—Hart 405. Inishowen only—J#V. Don. Dongl. W. {Fanet, Rossgull, and near Ardara—FV. Don. Tyrone {Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Down Tyrella’00—P. Common on coast— FV. WE. Antrim Ballycastle ’97—P. Common on coast—Fl. WE. U’derry Magilligan’97—Mrs. Leebody. Coast e.—Fl. VE. Chiefly on the east coast, where it is locally abundant. Perhaps introduced in its few inland stations. An unconfirmed casual in Cork. 20 Mertensia maritima 8. F. Gray. Sea Gromwell; Oyster-plant. Census 7+(1)—East 5+(1), Centre 0, West 2. Wicklow Near Kilcoole 80, Hart—Cyb. 11. Murrough, nowv.r. (21 Dublin Between Balbriggan and Skerries—/7. Hib. ? Extinct.) 31 Louth Dundalk Bay sparingly ’90—Butler 7&5. 34 Dongl. E. Near Malin Hd. ’98—Hart 405. Dunaff Hd.—F7/. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Rossgull—/7/. Don. 38 Down Near Newcastle’99—West. South, v. r.—//. WE. 39 Antrim Garron Head, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Island-magee 1794. 40 L’derry West of Portstewart ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Castlerock. East and north coasts, from Wicklow Head to Sheep Haven, decreasing. Myosotis cespitosa F. Schultz. Scorpion-grass (genus). Divisions all. Common. Myosotis palustris With. Forget-me-not. Divisions all. Frequent. Lowland. Myosotis repens G. Don. Census 84—East 15, Centre 9, West 10. 1 Kerry S. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Sceully. 2 Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. Myosotas| the plain. 6 Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. 5 Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim Lderry Replaces the last species in hilly or mountainous ground. Almost every station is off the lmestone. Waterfd. BORAGINE A 221 Ring ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. Dodge’s glen ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99—P. Slevenaman ’00—P. Frequent in SW. Woodcock Hill ’97—W. Fogerty! Lisdoonvarna. Base of Keeper ’99, Devil’s Bit ’98—P. Barleeagh Wood ’98—P. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Ballyhyland, Killanne—s 52. Near Gowlin ’99—P. Inveran ’95—Colgan. And locally in the north-west. West of Baltinglas ’?99—P. Avondale, Shillelagh, ’99—P. Frequent. Kilmashogue ’94: local—Colgan. Sheve Bregh ’00—P. Lough Gowna ’00, Carn Clonhugh ’98—P. Boyle and Lough Arrow ’97—P. Glendaduff ?00—P. Nephin ’00—P. Common. Lough Gill 99, Lough Arrow ’97—P. L. Gill’99—P. L. Allen, Shevanieran—Stewart 859. Sheve Glah ’96, Scrabby—P. Shevenakilla—&5o. Collon, Ravensdale, Carlingford, ’00—P. Creevye Lough ’00—P. Locally frequent. South of Belleek ’00—P. Brown Hall’00—P. Throughout, ?frequent—FV. Don. Throughout, ? frequent—/7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Sperrin mtns. ec. ’92—P. Common in the south ’92—P. Crossgar ?90—-P. Rare: common in the Mournes. Fair Head ’97—P. Frequent—//. VE. Upperlands ’94—P. Common in the west—/V. VE. Rare in Myosotis arvensis Lamk. Divisions all. Common. Myosotis collina Hoffm. Census 12—Kast 9, Centre 1, West 2. Tramore ’?99—Phillips. 222 Wextord Carlow Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Meath Mayo E. BORAGINE Zi [ Myosotis Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Coast common. Tullow ’99, Bagenalstown ’97—P. Knockmae ’99—P. Arklow Head ’81—Hart 37z. Murrough c.— CyB. I. . Portmarnock ’00: local—Colgan. Boyne obelisk’96—P. Laytown, Barrington— Cy). II. Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse ! Dongl. W. Rosapenna.’93, Falcarragh—/7. Don. Down Antrim L’derry Up the east coast from Waterford to Donegal. Karkiston and Newcastle ’94— Waddell. L. Neagh at Six-mile R.’91—P. N.coastrare—/V. VE. Portstewart ’90 (Miss Davies)—Stewart 862. Inland on old walls in Carlow and Meath, on bare limestone in Galway and Mayo, and | gravelly lake-shore in Antrim. Myosotis versicolor Reichb. Divisions all, except 14 Queen’s Co. and 25 Westmeath, in which no doubt it will be found. Frequent. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limerick Clare Kalkny. Wextord Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath ‘Westmth. Lithospermum officinale L. Gromwell. Census 30—East 13, Centre 8, West 9. Near Macroom ’00 (W. H. Shaw)-—Phillips. Durscombe’s wood, J. Sullivan—Cyd. II. Rare. Ballygannon—Allin F7.’83. Rare. Blenkeim—B. & G. ’89 zoo. Lismore ’82—Cyb. LI. Fethard ’97—P. Mullagh ’99, O’Brien— H0. L.F.C! Fanore ’00—Miss Knowles. Inishmore; Ballyvaughan. Kilkenny, Thomastown,’00—Phillips. Sion; Kilmacow. North of Courtown ’97—P. Not unfrequent— Cyé. II. Maryboro’ ! ’00—Phillips. Mountrath ; Rathdowney. St. Clerans ’99—P. Gort; Portumna; Castle Taylor. Bunowen, I. Carroll— Cy). I. North of Menlo ’99—P. Philipstown ’96—P. Levitstown’99—P. Near Straffan, J. Douglas— Cy). I. Rathnew ’96—P. Fassaroe (Barrington)—More 6r4. Near Malahide ’00 : local—Colgan. Kells ’00—P. Local, and chiefly in the east. Edmonton (Miss E. Reynell)—Levinge ’94 g&z. Eichiwm} BORAGINE A 293 24 Longfd. North of Ballymahon ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Frequent round Lough Conn, and at Ballina, ’00—P. 28 Sligo Near Collooney ’99—W. de V. Kane. 81 Louth Queensborough and Boyne obelisk ’96—P. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske’96— V. Kane! Raconnell—Cy). I. 84 Dongl. E. About Ballyshannon—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Rathmullan, Carrigart—//. Don. Ballyhooriskey—6 rz. 36 Tyrone Cookstown ’81—Stewart. 37 Armagh lLoughgall’92—P. Killeavy—Lett! Armagh. 39 Antrim Cave Hill!’85—Stewart. are, and in south only. 40 L’derry Near Cookstown, W. McMillan: rare—FV. VE. Thinly but evenly distributed over the country, being rare in all divisions, and yet probably absent from very few. Lithospermum arvense L. Census 17—East 11, Centre 4, West 2. 3 Cork W. Roscarbery (Miss Hungerford), Shepperton—-Allin 7. 4 Cork Mid Ballinlough—Power /7.’45. Rare. 5 Cork E. Killawillin ’84—Hart 388. Fermoy—Cyé. I. 6 Waterfd. Near Youghal ’84—Hart 388. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. 12 Wexford {Aughnaclappa ’89—Moffat 552. 13 Carlow Between Carlow and Mageney ’84—-Hart 383. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor, More-—Cyd. I. 21 Dublin Whitehall, Miss A. G. Kinahan—Cyd. II. 22 Meath Below Drogheda, Barrington— Cyd. II. 23 Westmth. North of Athlone ’98——P. 24 Longfd. L. Slawen, Clawinch, Black Is., ’85-6—B. & V. rz3. 25 Roscomn. Near Athlone ’98, by R. Suck west of Glenmore-—P. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’?00— Waddell. 37 Armagh ‘Tartaraghan ’54—More 600. 388 Down Near Bangor, Stewart : very rare--/7. VE. 39 Antrim Carrickfergus, Millen—/V. Ulst.’64. V.r.—Fl. VE. Rare and local, and mostly in cultivated land, where it may have been introduced. Echium vulgare L. Viper’s Bugloss. Census 16+(1)—East 11+(1), Centre 3, West 2. 3 Cork W. Cape Clear Island ’96 : rare—Phillips. 224 _ BORAGINEA. CONVOLVULACEA [Echium Cork Mid Ballincollig (Sullivan)—Allin FV. ’83. Rare. Cork E. +Midleton ’00: rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Opposite Youghal ’82—Hart 387. Tipp. 8. Cahir on old walls’00—Phillips. Rahill—Cyé. I. 8 Limrck. Rathkeale 97, Foynes on railway—R. D. O’Brien. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown, walls, ’00—Phiilips. New Ross—383. 12 Wexford Near Bree Hill’89—B. &G. zor. Frequent throughout. 14 Queen’s {Maryborough ’96—P. ‘15 Galw. SE. Sand-pit near Craughwell ’99—Mrs. Joyce! 20 Wicklow Common about Wicklow, Vowell—Cyé. II. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00 : rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Gormanstown : frequent on coast, ’96—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00, and local on southern shores—P. 38 Down Tyrella’00—P. Shores, &c., of southern half—F7. VEZ. 39 Antrim Larne, Stewart: very rare as a native—FV. VE. (40 L’derry Moneymore, W. T. Whan—FV. Uist. ’64. - ? casual.) IO Hp Native on the east coast from Waterford to Strangford Lough or perhaps Larne. Inland, it appears to be indigenous in Wexford, but none of the other stations are altogether satisfactory. Undoubtedly casual occurrences are frequent—for instance, in 8, 11, 14, 19, 20, 34, 38, 39. Calystegia sepium R. Br. Great Bindweed. Divisions all. Common. Calystegia Soldanella R. Br. Sea Bindweed. Census 14+(1)—East 9, Centre 0, West 5+(1). Kerry 8. Derrynane ’00: local—Scully. Kerry 8. Banna ’92: very local—Scully. Cork W. Lough Hyne and Mizen Head ’96: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’00— Phillips. Ballycotton—Drummond 287. Waterfd. Tramore! ’99—Phillips. 9 Clare Murrough, Westropp— Cyd. 11. Aran—Hart 365. 12 Wexford Courtown ’97—Marshall. South coast, frequent. 20 Wicklow Arklow ’?94—P. Common on the Murrough. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00: very rare —Colgan. 22 Meath Boyne mouth ’96—P. 31 Louth Near Clogher Head ’96— P. (34Dongl. E. Ballyshannon, Allimgham: ?—/. Don.) mPnw ds Convolvulus | CONVOLVULACEZ 295 35 38 39 OT ah & WYO = Je) Dongl. W. Near Horn Head—FV. Don. Glencolumbkille—/f/7. Ulst. Down Ballykinler!’86—Stewart. Very rare, S. only—FV. VL. Antrim Bushfoot ’97—Mrs. Swan. Very rare—//. VE. Absent from a great part of the west coast. Convolvulus arvensis L. Census 36—East 15, Centre 11, West 10. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Kerry N. {Killarney ’98: rare—Scully. Cork W. Macroom ’00: frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Blarney ’98 : common—Phillips. Cork E. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99, and in the east, not common—P. Tipp.S8. Cahir 00: frequent—P. Limrck. Askeaton ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Clare Quin ’79—Corry 2g0. Inishmore ’69—Hart 365. Tipp. N. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Kalkny. Thomastown ’98: frequent from north to south—P. Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent in the south. Carlow Bagenalstown ’99—P. Frequent. Galw. SE. Kilcolgan ’99—P. About Portumna and f. in west. Galw. W. Ross Lake ’99—P. East only, frequent. Galw. NE. Menlo, Ballyloughaun, Oranmore, ’99—P. Kildare Curragh ’97, Kilcock ’96—P. Straffan—Cy)d. I. Wicklow Wicklow ’97, Newcastle, Delgany—P. Dublin Greenhills ’00: frequent—Colgan. Meath Bective, Enfield, Mornington, ’96—P. Westmth. Athlone ’99—P. Longfd. |§ Newtowncashel ’00—P. Roscomn. Ballinasloe and frequent about Athlone ’99—P. Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’90——Mrs. Persse! Cong; Lisloughry. Sligo Ballysadare ’97--P. Widespread, frequent. Cavan Belturbet ’99 (Allen)— West. Louth Whitestown ’00, Braganstown, Clogher Head—P. Monaghn. Castleblayney, Rockcorry, ’60--P. Newbliss—Kane. Ferman. Newtownbutler ’96, Colgan ; Enniskillen—Cyé. I1. Dongl. E. Leenane Hd., Ballyshannon: N. to 8., local—/V. Don. Dongl. W. Kincashla, &c.: local, rare in west—F7. Don. Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh Frequent about Armagh and Newry ’92—P. R.I.A. PROC., SER. II., VOL. VII. Q 226 _ CONVOLVULACEA. SOLANACEA § [Convolvulus 38 Down Killough ’92—P. Rare—//. VE. 39 Antrim Antrim ’99—Miss Knowles. S. only, rare—FV. VE. 40 L’derry Bellarena ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—F!. VE. Evenly distributed, and usually found where light soils occur. Spreading along the railways in parts of the country. Many stations are open to suspicion, but it is impossible to separate them from those in which the plant is indigenous. tCuscuta Epithymum Murr. Dodder (genus). 2 Kerry N. Banna ’87—Scully. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan’99—P. Near Tramore’92, Grubb— Cyé. II. 35 Dongl. W. Rosapenna ’96—Hart zor. Apparently established at Dungarvan, where it has been known for — fifteen years. { Cuseuta Trifolit Bab. Census 7+(2)-—East 4+(2), Centre 1, West 2. (5 Cork E. Near Midleton—Allin F7.’83. Casual—Phillips.) 8 Limrck. Curragh Chase ’00—Miss Bennis! 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. 12 Wexford Ferns’96—G. E. J. Greene! Aughnaclappa; Alderton. (19 Kildare Kilkea, once found (J. Douglas)—More ’72 674.) 20 Wicklow Ballyarthur ’89, R. Bayly—Cyb. II. Fassaroe—6rz. 21 Dublin Portrane ’94: very rare—Colgan. 28 Shgo Mullaghmore ’00—P. 31 Louth Baltray and Lurgan Green ’96—P. Castlebellingham ’90—Butler 785. Appears establisheé in sandy ground by the sea in Clare, Sligo, Dublin, and Louth. Most of the other stations being in cultivated land, the plant will probably have little chance of effecting a perma- nent lodgment. Solanum Dulcamara L. Bitter-sweet. Kast 15, Centre 10, West 9. 1 Kerry 8. Waterville 00: var. marinum f., type *v. r.—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Barrow Harbour ’92: marinum r., type tv. r.—Seully. 4 Cork Mid Cork ’98, Blarney ’96 : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Castletownroche ’00: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Cappoquin ’99—P. Census 34 Solanum | 20 24 29 1 Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim Lderry SOLANACE Ai 227 Fethard’97—P. Holycross ’82—Hart 385. Adare ’97, G. Fogerty— Hd. L.F.C. ! Cahircon ’99—G. Fogerty ! Widespread, ?rare. Near Lismaine House ’99—P. Frequent, chiefly in 8. Courtown ’96—P. Edermine—}37z. Enniscorthy. Borris ’99, Graiguenamanagh ’98—P. Grattan aqueduct ’97—P. Garryland ’00—P. Salthill ’99—Mys. Joyce! Clonbur; Renvyle. Donamon’97—P. Menlo, Hd. J. Reilly—Cys. II. Barrow below Portarlington ’84—Hart 333. Kileock ’96—P. Straffan, J. Douglas—Cyb. I. Kailloughter ’97—P. Around Lusk ’00: common—Colgan. Frequent about Bective ’00—P. Near Woodlawn ’98—P. fockville’99, Lough Key, Mount Talbot—P. Lough Mask shores and islands—W. de V. Kane. In Co. Leitrim rare, J. Wynne— Cyd. I. River at Kerney’s cross ’97—P. {Castleblavney ’00— Somerville. {Little Paris Island’92—P.6g9z. Rare. {Near Donegal, Ballybegley, &c.: N. and 8., r.—#V. Don. {Near Donegal— FV. Don. Strabane and Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh ’94—W.F. Johnson! Lurgan lake—H.W.Lett! Comber ’93, Stewart—Hb.8. & A.M.! Rare—Fil. VE. Ballymena’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/V. VE. Dungiven ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/V. VE. Seems native in the east; by the larger rivers, &c., in the centre; and on seashores (var. marinum) and elsewhere in the west. In the stations to which my name is appended there was no evidence of introduction. ‘Solanum nigrum L. Black Nightshade. It is frequently grown about cottages. Census 12+(4)—East 4+(4), Centre 3, West 4. Kerry 8. {Dromore ’90—Seully. 2 Kerry N. *Fenit’94—Scully. 3 Cork W. 5 Cork E. *Timoleague abbey—Drummond 719 287. tossmore ’?00—Phillips. Brown Island; Kastferry. Q2 228 SOLANACE A [ Solanum 6 Waterfd. Clonmel ’00—Phillips. Cappoquin—More J/S. 12 Wexford *Enniscorthy’98—P. Occasionally on south coast. 16 Galw. W. Salthill’00—Phillips. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore! ’00—Phillips. Ballyloughaun ’99—P. 18 King’s Edenderry 754, T. Chandlee— Cyd. I. (19 Kildare Kilkea once seen (J. Douglas)—More ’72 677). 20 Wicklow Ovoca’82, near Wicklow ’78—Cyd. ILI. (21 Dublin Easton Lodge ’73—4 very abundant, G. Pim— Cy). II.) 23 Westmth Knock Drin, in garden ground—Levinge ’94 784. _ 26 Mayo E. Lough Mask near Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse ! (38 Down Copeland Is. and mainland, Campbell—/7. Ab. 736). (39 Antrim Greenisland ’00, Glenarm, Cushendun—casual only.) Is perhaps established on the Wexford (where it has grown for nearly seventy years) and Galway coasts. Most of the other records refer to casual and temporary appearances. *Lycium barbarum L. ‘Tea Plant. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’96—Philhips. 6 Waterfd. Bunmahon ’99—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare established ’82—Hart 387. 21 Dublin Well established at Howth—J/V. Howth. 34 Dongl. E. Buncrana and Bundoran established—FV. Don. Becoming naturalized on sandy shores in these and perhaps other localities. Hyoscyamus niger L. Henbane. Census 80—Kast 15, Centre 7, West 8. 1 Kerry 8. Magheree Islands’90—Scully. Kilshannig—Hart 387. 2 Kerry N. Fenit ’92—Scully. 3 Cork W. Clonakilty ’96, Mrs. Wolfe— Cyd. I1. Rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Marina at Cork ’92—Phillips. Carrigrohane—287. 5 Cork EK. — Baliyvodock ’00: rare-—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyvoyle Head ’99 -P. Dungarvan— Cyd. I. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur ’94, Mrs. R. Gibson—L.F.C. zor. 9 Clare Kilrush River, O’ Kelly— Cyd. I1. 10 Tipp. N. Holycross, 8. Madden— Cys. I. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny’97—Mrs. Persse. River View ; Kilmanagh. 12 Wexford Wexford ’96—Marshall. South coast £.—Hart 3&,. 13 Carlow Browne’s Hill, R. C. Browne— Cyé. I. 14 Queen’s {Dunmore’98—P. Maryborough (Morrison)—More6z4. 16 Galw. W. Shore at Galway ’99—P. Verbascum| SOLANACH A. SCROPHULARINEA | 229: 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 24 Lonefd. 26 Mayo E. 28 Sligo 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry Ita, 1225 ITA Rinmore’00—Phillips. Ballyloughaun, }Oranmore—P. Esker at Edenderry ’?96—P. Rahan; Parsonstown. Straffan, J. Douglas—Cyé. I. Near Neweastle 791, D. M‘Ardle—/7/é. Glasnevin. Howth ’00 : rare—Colgan. Kilmessan ’97, Mayden Tower ’94—P. {Newtowncashel ’?00—P. Ballinrobe ’?00—Mrs. Persse ! The Point, S. Madden— Cyd. I. Bellurgan ’?00—Mrs. Swan ! C.bellingham—Butler 785. Greencastle, one plant, W. E. Hart—FV. Don. L. Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. C. at Arboe—/7. VE. Armagh, W. Thompson— FV. Ulst. ’64. Killard Point, Corry : rare—/. VL. Ballyeastle ’?97—P. Rare—/l. VE. Magilligan, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Rare—/7. VE. 18, 21, 36 at least, it appears to be established. This 18 a plant of very uncertain appearance in many of its stations, often disappearing and reappearing quite irregularly. Verbascum Thapsus L. Mullein. Census 32—EKast 14, Centre 10, West 8. K erry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrek. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE, Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Ce omNTNOKO RFR wWONrF OO OAND ah ® WH Waterville ’00 : rather rare—Scully. Ardfert ’99 : rather rare—Scully. Macroom’00: frequent—Phillips. Carrigaline ’00 (Scully): frequent—Phillips. Whitegate ’00 : common—Phillips. Bunmahon ’99—P. Opposite Youghal ’82—Hart 384. Cahir ?00—P. Very frequent, chiefly in the south, Lough Gur ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane. Common inthe north. Roscrea ’?00—Phillips. Thomastown ’98: frequent—P. }Enniscorthy ’98—P. Rare. Leighlinbridge ’98 : rather common—P. Stradbally and +Mountrath ’97—P. Shore N. of Kinvarra ’99: frequent, chiefly in W.—P. Annaghdown ’00—P. Not rare. Near Frankford ’00, Edenderry ’96—P. }Near Glen of the Downs ’?93—P. 230 .-- SCROPHULARINEE [Verbascum 21 Dublin Treland’s Eye ’94—-P. Very rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare ’00, Laytown’96—P. 23 Westmth. Esker N. of Moate’99—P. {Knockdrin—Levinge 784. 24 Longfd. Elfeet Bay and north of Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Ballinasloe’99, Athlone—P. Yew Point—B. & Y. 773. 26 Mayo E. Clonbur ’95 and ’96—Marshall. 27 Mayo W. Moyne abbey, Dickie—/7. Uist. ’64. 31 Louth Greenore ’78—Stewart. 34 Dongl. E. *Near Fahan and towards Derry—FV. Don. 86 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh *Near Armagh ’92—P. 38 Down tDownpatrick’00—P. Rare and often sporadic—/V. VE. 39 Antrim Rathlin established ’92—P. Rare, often sporadic. 40 L’derry Dungiven ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare, often sporadic. A calcicole plant, and almost all the more satisfactory stations le in the Central Plain. My own records given above, in which the plant is treated as indigenous, are from limestone rocks, esker-ridges, and lake- and sea-shores, where the plant has often all the appearance of a native. But itis frequently grown in cottage gardens, from which it escapes. *Linaria Cymbalaria Mill. Ivy-leaved Toadflax. Divisions all, except 24 Longford. Generally abundant, but rather local, and rare in some of the western divisions. tLinaria Elatine Mill. Fluellin. Census 8—East 4, Centre 1, West 3. 3 Cork W. Schull, Skibbereen, Cape Clear, ’96: f. in 8.—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshayven ’00 : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate and Power Head ’98 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’99—P. 8 Limrck. MRathkeale (H. Hardy)—Mackay ’25 522. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan *95, O’ Kelly—Cyd. I i Burren only, r. 12 Wexford Ballycarney ’91, Chowne Cyb. II. South, rare. 15 Galw. W. S. of Kinvarra ’00—P. Castle Taylor ’85—Mrs. Joyce ! Southern half of Ireland, chiefly on the coasts. Linaria repens Mill. Census 5—East 3, Centre 0, West 2. 38 Cork W. Bandon ’91, Desert ’89 ; rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Between Bandon and Innishannon ’91—Phillips. Linaria} SCROPHULARINE A 231 35 Dongl. W. +Near Ramelton, Dean Gwynn—/V. Don. 37 Armagh Canallocks below Newry ’92—P. 38 Down Killowen to Seafield abundant ’97—P. The Carlow and Dublin records are doubtful. +Linaria vulgaris Mill. Yellow Toadflax. Census 25—East 12, Centre 7, West 6. 2 Kerry N. {Killarney ’94—Scully. 3 Cork W. Ballineen and Schull ’96: rare—Phillips. 4.Cork Mid. Blackrock ’99: Cork f.—Phillips. Bandon—Allin FV. 5 Cork E. Midleton and Tivoli’00: frequent near Cork—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. South of Lismore ’96, F. E. Currey—Cyb. II. 8 Limrek. Railway at Adare ’00, O’Brien—/O. L.F.C. ! 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent in N., rare in 8. 13 Carlow Carlow ’00—Phillips. Frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Gort ’60—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. West of Galway, Melville— Cy). I. 18 King’s Esker at Clara ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Rathnew ’00, Shillelagh ’99—P. Murrough—Cyb. I 21 Dublin {Knockmaroon ’93—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Near L. Sheelin (Miss E. Reynell)—Levinge 794 434. 24 Lonefd. Lough Gowna ’00—P. 30 Cavan Scrabby 00, Drumhawnagh ’96—P. 31 Louth Dundalk ’00—Mrs. Swan. 32 Monaghan Iniskeen ’?00—P. 34 Dongl. E. {Bridge End (J. Hunter)—Hart ’99 405. 35 Dongl. W.*Lough Thorn and Burton Port—F/. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. 38 Down Downpatrick ’00: frequent—P. 39 Antrim Galgorm ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—P. 40 L’derry Magilligan ’95—P. Rare—J//. VE. Calcifuge, and hardly appears except as an escape till the imestone is left, when in the south-east and north it becomes frequent, and in the north-east is possibly native. Very rare in the west. *Linaria minor Desf. Census 27+(1)—East 10+(1), Centre 10, West 7. 1 KerryS. Near Castlemaine ’99: local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Near Millstreet ’00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid. Sunday’s Well, a weed in gardens—Carroll 54 zg2. 232 SCROPHULARINE | Linaria 5 Cork E. Midleton gravel-pit ’00: f. on railways—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Lismore ’70, F. E. Currey— Cy). II. 7 Tipp. S. Fields at Knocklofty ’00: railways frequent—P. 8 Limrck. Kilmallock’00—Phillips. Railways in north, common. 9 Clare Longpavement ’00, O’ Brien— 7d. L.F.C. ! 10 Tipp. N. Roadside at Ballingarry ’00, and f. on railways—P. 11 Kilkny. Among barley at Thomastown: railways common—P. (12 Wexford Railway near Enniscorthy once, J. Morrison—Cyb. I.) 13 Carlow Railways c. ’98-9—P. Waste ground, Carlow—zog2. 14 Queen’s Potato fields at Emo ’96—P. Abundant on railways. 15 Galw. SE. Roadside at L. Cooter ’00—P. Common on railways. 17 Galw. NE. Railway from Ballinasloe to Galway common—P. 18 King’s Boggy ground at Shannon Harbour’98: railways f.—P. 19 Kildare Tilled ground at Nurney ’97: common on railways—P. 20 Wicklow Baltinglass ’00, and frequent on Wexford railway—P. 21 Dublin Howth, garden weed—/7. Howth. Common on all railways except Great Northern—P. 22 Meath Carbury, tilled ground, 96; M.G.W.R. system e.—P. 23 Westmth. Mullingar ’99: railways very common—P. 24 Longfd. Longford ’00: railways common—P. . 25 Roscomn. Drumsna ’99: railways frequent—P. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Ballina ’00—P. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00—P. 30 Cavan Drumhawnagh ’00—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00--P. A remarkable colonist, first observed near Cork about 1819, and in Carlow and Dublin thirty or forty years later. Now spread along railways over the whole south and west (M.G.W., G.S. & W., and D.W.& W. systems), but as yet absent from the Great Northern system and its connections, excepting an isolated station at Greenore. Much rarer in cultivated or waste land, and by roadsides. Excepting the Lismore record (of which I have no knowledge) every station where the plant did not occur on a railway line is expressly stated in the above list. {Antirrhinum Orontium L. Lesser Snapdragon. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’96, Lough Hyne’89: f. in south—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid. Coachford ’97, Inniscarra ’92: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. — Carrigtwohill ’00, Great Island ’92: rare—Phillips. Naturalized in Cork. An occasional casual elsewhere. Scrophularia| em © De “IO oO co oO 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Meg 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 37 38 39 40 SCROPHULARINE 233 Scrophularia aquatica L. Water Figwort. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Timrcek. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim Lderry Census 37—East 15, Centre 10, West 12. Derrynane ’00: rare and local—Scully. Listowel ’94: frequent in north, rare elsewhere—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. Carrigaline ’00 (Scully): frequent —Phillips. Castletownroche ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Clonea ’99—P. Common. Fethard ’97—P. Common along the Suir. Askeaton ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Meelick ’97—Bentiey! Ennis, Kilrush—Stewart 863. Toomavara ’?00—P. Frequent. L. Cullin ’99—P. Local: frequent in south. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. Tullow ’98, and frequent in the south—P. Durrow ’00-—Phillips. Loughrea ’00—P. Throughout, rather frequent. Clifden ’98—Colgan. Frequent. Barbersfort and common about Galway ’99—P. South of Clara ’99—P. Kilkea ’99, Robertstown ’98—P. Altadore ’93, Glen of the Downs, Bray—P. Near Lusk ’00: frequent—Colgan. Beaupare to Navan abundant, Bective, ’?00——-P. Clonhugh ’99—P. Clondaliever: rare—Levinge 77. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 8509. Claremorris’00—P. Ballinrobe—Mrs. Persse! Cong. Newport’99—Marshall. Mweelrea—3So. NE.—P. Ballysadare ’00—P. Not rare. Drumahaire ’99—P. Dunleer ’00, Killencoole ’96--P. Collon—/r. F7. Lough Ayaghon ’00—P. About Burnfoot and Pettigo: very local—/7. Don. Horn Head, Donegal, &c.: very local—/7. Don. Lurgan demesne ’00—Davies. Castlewellan Lake ’91—Stewart. Very rare—J/7. VL. Crumlin and Doagh Water, Stewart—/7/. VE. Coleraine ’?94—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent and widespread, diminishing in frequency from south to north, and rare in Ulster. 234 SCROPHULARINE A [ Scrophularia Scrophularia umbrosa Dum. 19 Kildare Above Leixlip ’95—-P. 803. 21 Dublin Below Lucan ’00—Colgan. Lucan demesne to Knock- maroon—Colgan 270. Confined, as at present known, to a few miles of the course of the Liffey. Scrophularia nodosa L. Knotted Figwort. Divisions all. Frequent. *Mimulus guttatus DC. Yellow Monkey-flower. Census 20—East 8, Centre 5, West 7. 1 Kerry 8S. Sneem ’90—Seully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’92: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Bandon ’97—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Innishannon and Myrtleville, Carroll— Cy ih JGL. 6 Waterfd. Suir at Carrickbeg’00, Cappoquin abundant ’99—P. 7 Tipp. 8. Abundant by the Suir below Carrick ’00—P. 8 Limrck. Near Limerick ’99—Somerville. 9 Clare River Fergus at Ennis abundant ’85-6—Stewart 563. 1 Kalkny. Suir below Carrick ’00—P. 0 Wicklow Enniskerry ’00, Liffey above Blessington "99__P. 1 Dublin Frequent along the Dodder above Templeogue ’00—P. - y) 2 KS hs) tS bo Leitrim Glenade, Saddle Hill, ’99—P. L. Melyin—B. & V. 772. Monaghn. Castleshane’00—Waddell. Monaghan’00—Somerville. 8 Ferman. Lower L. Ernef.’00—Tetley. Ballinamallard ’00—P. 9 Ww 09 isis) 34 Dongl. EK. R. Foyle, Pettigoe, &c.: widespread, local—FV. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Glenveagh, &c.: locally abundant—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh and Strabane abundant ’96—Miss Knowles. 38 Down Tollymore Park ’98—Druce 285. Clandeboye ’97—P. 39 Antrim Glynn ’95—P. Shane’s Castle, Carrickfergus—Fl. VE. 40 Lderry Coleraine c.’94—P. Cookstown, Macmillan—/V. VE. Established and often abundant along streams, generally near the mountains, but sometimes in estuaries. Absent from the centre and much of the west. Limosella aquatica L. Mudwort. 9 Clare Fisherstreet ’00—Miss Richardson! Inchiquin Lough (O’ Kelly )—Leyinge 48}. Veronica] SCROPHULARINE At 235 15 Galw. SE. Gort race-course ’00—P. Tirneevin and Loughmanna, 94, O’Kelly— Cyd. I. So far known only from a limited area of the western limestones. Wade’s Connemara record has remained unconfirmed for a century. Mr. Pim’s station (680) coincides with Miss Richardson’s, and my own record with Mr. O’Kelly’s ‘‘ Newtown” (Cyé. I1.). 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. Sibthorphia europea L. Connor Hill ’94—Scully. Dingle peninsula frequent. Slieve Mish ’92—Scully. Digitalis purpurea L. Foxglove. Divisions all, strongly calcifuge. Generally abundant on non- calcareous rocks; occasionally on the Limestone Plain, where there is a covering of peat or humus. Veronica hedereefolia L. Speedwell (genus). Divisions Census 86—-East 15, Centre 11, West 10. all, except 8 Limerick, 27 Mayo W., 28 Sligo, 32 Monaghan. Often abundant, but rather locally distributed, and not common in the Central Plain. 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 7 Tipp. 8. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. Veronica agrestis L. Census 38—East 14, Centre 13, West 11. Kenmare ’99: ? frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99: probably frequent—Scully. Gouganebarra 97, Skibbereen’96: frequent—Phillips. Coachford ’97 : common—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common—Phillips. Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. Cahir ’00: frequent—P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Kilfenora ’00—Miss Knowles. Three Isles of Aran. Nenagh ’99—P. Frequent. Kilkenny ’98——-Mrs. Persse! Widespread, probably f. Fisherstown ’90: frequent—B. & M. WS. Base of Blackstairs ’99, Borris, St. Mullin’s—P. Maryborough ’96—P. Woodford ’98, and common in the west '99—P. 236 20 21 27 29 oOmItInanrrk Wd — re © Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin ‘Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry SCROPHULARINE [Veronica Gentian Hill ’99—P. Inishbofin—More 626. Near Tuam ’99: frequent-—P. Birr ?00—Phillips. Carbury 796, above Rathmore ’98—P. Wicklow ’97, Blessington ’98—P. Skerries ’00.: common—Colgan. Moate ’99—P. Granard ’00, and common in the es aaa Athlone ’99—P. Claremorris, Foxford,’00-—P. Ballinrobe——Mrs. iene Mallaranny ’99—M eral Frequent. Mohill ’00--Somerville. Garadice Lough ’00—-P. L. Sheelin ’96--P. Common in NW.—Stewart S54. Greenore ’00, Lurgan Green, Soldier’s Point-—P. Drumreaske ’00— Waddell. Florencecourt ’00--P. Common in SW.—Stewart 854. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Bessy Bell ’?96—Miss Knowles. Near Armagh *80, W. F. Johnson !—P. 7oz. Holywood ’00—P. Common—/V. VE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/?. VE. Magilligan ’95-—-P. Common—/?. VF. The distribution of this and the succeeding species in Ireland is given in detail, as some doubt has existed as to their range and frequency. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Veronica polita Fr. Census 36—East 14, Centre 10, West 12. Derrynane ’00: frequent——Scully. Killarney ’00: frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Coachford ’97 : common—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common——Phillips. Portlaw ’00, Waterford ’99—P. Cahir ’00: common in the south—P. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Doon—P. Foynes—863. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. B.vaughan, Inishmore. Nenagh ’99—P. Frequent. Kilkenny ’97: widespread, probably frequent—P. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Ballyhyland—B. & M. JZS. Veronica] SCROPHULARINEA 237 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill ’97: common in W., rare in E.—P. 16 Galw. W. Inveran ’?95—Colgan. Widespread, ? local. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99: frequent—P. 18 King’s Frankford ’00: frequent—P. 19 20 21 99 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Kildare Carbury ’96—P. Wicklow Baltinglass ’99, Wicklow, Greystones, Bray—P. Dublin Baldoyle ’00: frequent—Colgan. Meath Bective ’96: frequent throughout—P. Longfd. Granard ’00: widespread, frequent—P. Roscomn. By River Suck north of Ballinasloe ’96—P. Mayo Mayo Sligo E. Near Claremorris *00—P. W. Near Newport ’99—Colgan. Frequentin NE. ‘00—P. Ballysadare ’?97—P. Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Leitrim Manorhamilton and Lough Gill ’99—P. Cavan Dongl Dongl Tyron Cavan ’96—P. . E. Near Ballyshannon, casual—/V. Don. . W. Glenalla and Rossnakill, casual— FV. Don. e Strabane *96——Miss Knowles. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down Cultra ’00—P. Frequent—/7. VEL. Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VE. L’derry Castlerock ’95—P. ? Frequent JEN, INTER, Frequent in most parts of Ireland: apparently less so in the north. *Veronica Tournefortii C. Gmel. (V. Buxbaumii Ten.) Divisions all. Common. Veronica arvensis L. Divisions all. Common. Veronica serpyllifolia L. Divisions all. Common. Veronica officinalis L. Divisions all. Common. Veronica Chamedrys L. Germander Speedwell. Divisions all. Common. 238 bo bw bo co Re woww wb w& oor m co Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Clare dips iN. Kalkny. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Kang’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin 3 Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Frequent, SCROPHULARINE At [ Veronica Veronica montana L. Census 36—East 13, Centre 11, West 12. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Millstreet ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dunscombe’s Wood 796: frequent—Phillips. Glanmire ’99: frequent—Phillips. Cahir 00, Shevenaman, Fethard—P. Ballycar: rare, ’85-6—Stewart 863. Lough Ourna ’99—P. Cloughjordan ’00—Phillips. Kells ’97, Hartley—Cyé. II. Kilkenny, Inistioge—P_ Courtown ’96—P. Near New Ross—B. & M. z02. Aghade and Ballintemple’99—P. Borris—Cyb. I1. Mountrath ’97, Maryborough, Cullenagh—P. Chevy Chase and Lough Cooter ’?00—P. Oughterard ’99—P. Maam—s5z. Ballynahinch—go2. Clonbrock ’96—P. Konnitty ’00, Clonad wood ’96—P. Carton ’94, Poulaphuca ’00—P. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent. Woodlands ’00: local—Colgan. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 484. Centre and west, rare. Moydow ’98—P. Mote Park ’97: frequent—P. Claremorris ’00, Kilmovee ’99—P. Derreen and Pontoon ’00—P. Knocknarea and Lough Arrow ’?97—P. Mohill’00—Somerville. Annaghearly L., Glenade—P. Ballyconnell ’00—Somerville. Farnham ’96—P. North slope of Carlingford Mountain ’*83—Hart 387. Florencecourt ’00—P. Frequent along the Erne. Clonmany, &c.’98—Hartzo5. By the Erne—Fl. Don. Ballymacoole ’98—Hart zo5. Glenalla—FV. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Rare. Loughgall, &c.: north half frequent, ’92—P. Tollymore Park ’00—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VEZ. Bellarena ’94—-Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—FV. WE. especially in hilly country. Bartsia| SCROPHULARINE A 239 Veronica scutellata L. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Frequent, and probably universal. Veronica Anagallis L. Divisions all, except 20 Wicklow. Generally frequent. Veronica Beccabunga L. Brooklime. Divisions all, Common. *Veronica peregrina L. Census 8+(1)—East 1+(1), Centre 3, West 4. 15 Galw. SE. Roxborough ’73—Hart 362. 25 Roscomn. Rockingham (D. Moore)—More ’72 6zz. 28 Sligo Hazelwood (D. Moore)—More ’72 6r¢. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’?00—Waddell ! 34 Dongl. E. Stranorlar’97—Mrs. Leebody. Centre, rare—F/. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Horn Head, Killybegs, &c. : local— FV. Don. 36 Tyrone Baronscourt’97—Mrs. Leebody ! Widespread, frequent. (39 Antrim Belfast 56 —Hind 420. Gone now—R. Hanna.) 40 L’derry Magilligan ec. 97, Londonderry ’96—Mrs. Leebody ! Naturalized and now abundant in the north-west. Euphrasia officinalis L. Eycbright. Divisions all. Abundant. Euiphrasia Salisburgensis Funk. Census 6—East 0, Centre 2, West 4. 8 Limrck. Askeaton abundant, Mullagh very abundant ’00—P. 9 Clare Near Ballyvaughan abundant ’95—Colgan 278. Aran Islands ’52 (D. Oliver)—Townsend Sgo. 5 Galw. SE. Garryland’00—P. C.Taylor’56 (More)—Townsend 890. 7 Galw. NE. Knockmae’00—P. Menlo ’92—Grovyes 352. 6 Mayo E. South of L. Mask ’95 (Marshall) —Townsend Sgo, Sgr. 9 Leitrim Glenade ’99——P. Widespread on the western limestones. Range not yet determined. Bartsia Odontites Huds. Divisions all. Abundant. 240 ~SCROPHULARINEA. OROBANCHEA $ [Orobanche Bartsia viscosa L. Census 7— East 3, Centre 0, West 4. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99 : frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Ardfert ’99 : frequent in south, rare in north—Scully. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Cork Mid Currabinny ’00, Coachford, Millstreet : rare—Phillips. Cork E. Fermoy, Chandlee—Cyé. I. Muidleton—Power 1. Waterfd. North of Lismore 95, F. E. Currey—Cyd. II. ~ 34 Dongl.E. Buncrana ’91, J. Hunter; Inch ’81—/7. Don. I do not doubt this being native in Donegal. nN Re aD Or Pr CO Pedicularis palustris L. Lousewort. Divisions all. Common. Pedicularis sylvatica L. Red Rattle. Divisions all. Common. Rhinanthus Crista-galli L. Yellow Rattle. “Divisions all. Abundant. Melampyrum pratense L. Cow-wheat. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Generally frequent in rough ground. Rare in the Central Plain, and usually off the limestone, but this appears to be due to its preference for hilly ground, and the fact that the hills are mostly formed of non-calcareous rocks, rather than to any objection on the plant’s part to limestone. Melampyrum sylvaticum L. (35 Dongl. W.? Near L. Eske—Corry ’82 243. Not found since.) 39 Antrim Glenariff ?90—P. Rare—F/. VE. 40 L’derry Errigal banks near Garvagh ’94—P. Mr. Hart has vainly sought this plant in its Donegal station, and believes a mistake was made. Orobanche major L. broomrape (genus). Census 5+(1)—East 4+(1), Centre 0, West 1. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway (C. Longfield), &c.—Allin F7/.°83. 4 Cork Mid Currabinny ’00 (Scully) : rare —Phillips. Orobanche| OROBANCHEA 241 5 12 20 Cork E. Castlemartyr and Inch Castle, Chandlee—Cyb. 1. Rare. Wexford Killoughrim ’90, Moffat—Cydb. II. N.andS&., rare. Wicklow Dunran ’*96—B. T. Patterson! Kilbride—Cyd. I. Ovoca River basin frequent. (21 Dublin Rathfarnham, Kingstown—see Cyb. II. Notseen fora century.) Orobanche rubra Smith. Census 5—-East 2, Centre 0, West 3. Clare West of Ennis ’00—P. H. Grierson! Extreme N., f. Galw. W. Woodstock ’38 (Mackay)—Fraser 332. L.Corrib—}336. Dongl. W. Rossgullf., Misses Kinahan— FV. Don. Ards—629. Antrim Whitepark Bay ’97—P. Frequent——//. VEL. L’derry Castlerock ’94—P. Frequent—/V. IVE. The rediscovery of this plant in Connemara is desirable. Orobanche Hedera Duby. Census 22—East 9, Centre 4, West 9. Kerry 8. Near Derrynane ’90—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99 : rather rare—Scully. Cork Mid Rochestown &c. ’98: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Castletownroche &c. ’00: rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Lismore ’94—P. Stradbally—Hart 384. Clonmel. Tipp. 8. . Cahir castle ?00—W. W. Flemyng. Ardfinnan ’00—P. Limrck. Askeaton’00—P. Foynes—éS6}. Carrigogonell. Clare Inishmore’95—P. Not rare in Burren and Aran. Kalkny. Thomastown ’98—P. Graigue, and f. along Nore. Wexford Duncannon fort—B. & M.’92 203. Carlow Near Borris’00—T. Hartley ! Queen’s Sir R. Staples’ woods [ Dunmore |—/V. 7b. 736. Galw. SE. Church Island near Portumna ’96——Colgan. Galw. W. Killeries, W. Andrews—Cy@. I. Kaldare Near Castletown ’00—P. Wicklow Silver Strand’95, Luggela— Cyd. II. Arklow Hd.—377z. Dublin Loughshinny ’00 : local—Colgan. Roscomn. Rindown castle! ’99—W. de V. Kane. Mayo E. Congabbey ’54—More 600. Sligo Ballysadare ’97, Rockwood—P. Hazelwood—Colgan. Leitrim Lough Gill ’99—P. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IJT., VOL. VII. k 242, OROBANCHE A [Orobanche 31 Louth Castle woods at Castlebellingham ec. ’90—Butler 785. 84 Dongl.E. West of Malin—//. Don. 385 Dongl. W. About Ramelton and Rathmullan—/V. Don. Local, and chiefly in the south. *Orobanche minor Sutt. Census 16—East 12, Centre 3, West 1. 3 Cork W. Near Kinsale ’91 and Clonakilty ’90—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Flat Head’99 (Scully), near Kinsale ’91— Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal’00: frequent— Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore’99—Phillips. Cappagh’99—P. Dungarvan. 7 Tipp. 8. Vale of Aherlow, Knocklofty, Carrick-on-Suir, ’00—P. 10 Tipp. N. _—_ Borrisokane ’?00—Phillips. 11 Kalkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. North to south, f.—P. 12 Wexford Ballycarney ’95—G. E. J. Greene. C.imN., r.inS. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge’99—P. FF. in south, rare elsewhere. 14 Queen’s Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Very rare. 19 Kildare Curragh ’97--P. Near Athy, L. McDonnell—Cyp. II. 20 Wicklow Greystones !’00-—Phillips. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Mornington ’94—P. 81 Louth Ardee’00, Braganstown—P. C. bellingham==Betee 185. 38 Down Craigavad! ’92 (Marshall)—P. 696. Ballylesson ’81, C. Dickson—-/7. VE. Rapidly establishing itself, especially in the south-east. Has a markedly south-eastern distribution, and a line drawn from Belfast to Bantry cuts off its whole range. Lathrea Squamaria L. Toothwort. Census 26—East 13, Centre 8, West 5. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’94—-Scully. 38 Cork W. Desert (C. Longfield)— Allin /7. 88. 4 Cork Mid Between Blarney and St. Anne’s’00—G. Pim! Rare. 5 Cork E. Blackwater below Mallow c.—More ’72 6rg. Rare. 6 Waterfd. Lismore’96, F. KE. Currey—Cyb. 11. Tourin; Clonmel. 7 Tipp. 8. Heywood near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. 8 Limrck. Knockaderry ’97, O’Brien—ZHb. L.F.C.! 9 Clare Co. Clare ’98, EK. Montgomery—_Hd. Glasneyin! Ennis. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’96—Mrs. Persse! Castlecomer—Cy). II. Utricularia] OROBANCHE A, LENTIBULARIEA 243 ooaonrtoaanph WS WH eH 15 (16 Galw. W.? 17 Galw. NE. 18 19 Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Louth Ferman. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Ballintemple’99—P. Burton Hall’75—Cy). II. Capard ’00—K. Walker! St. Clerans’98—Mrs. Joyce! Ashford, Miss Jackson— Cyé. II. Geashill, Clonad, ’96—Russell 878. Parsonstown. Baltinglass, J. M, Emerson— Cyd. I. Rare. Woodlands ’00 : very rare—Colgan. Sommerwell ’85—P. Belvedere woods—Levinge 94 484. Co. Roscommon (Miss Acton)—More ’72 674. Ravensdale ’92, Castlebellingham—Cy). II. Whitepark (T. O. Smith)—More ’72 6r4. Strabane glen—Delap ’96 275. Tanderagee 96, Ardmore—Lett 475. Loughgall. Dundonald ’98—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Cullybackey ’00-—-Miss Knowles. Frequent-—/%¥. VA. Bellarena’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7. VE. Widely distributed: rare in the north-west. Utricularia vulgaris L. Bladderwort (genus). Census 37+(2)—East 14+(1), Centre 12, West 11+(1). Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Kine’s Kildare Waterville ’92: rather rare—Scully. Lixnaw’90: rather rare—Scully. Inchigeela ’99: frequent—Phillips. Carrigrohane’98 : rare—Phillips. Youghal’96: rare—Phillips. Clonea ’99—P. Ballinure ’98—P. Mullagh ’00—P. Athlunkard ’97—G. Fogerty! Monmor bog—zg;5. Cloughjordan’00, Friar’s L.—P. Portumna—Phillips. Lough Cullin ’99, and frequent in NW.—P. Not uncommon about Kilmanock——B. & M.{J/S. Borris ’99—P. Cullenagh’97-—P. Widespread but rare. Loughrea’98—P. South only, not common. Ballynahinch— Wade 1804 go2.) Barbersfort 799, Terryland River, Clonbrock—P. Geashill and Edenderry ’96—P. Kildare ’97, Leixlip ’96—P. R2 244 20 Wicklow (21 Dublin ? 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 —_ & ao PB o bo Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Dublin Dongl. E. Armagh LENTIBULARIEA [ Utricularia Kilcoole ’98—P. Raheny, Hart—/7. Howth. Colgan finds neglecta only.) West of Navan ’96: frequent—P. Glynnwood ’99—P. Frequent in centre. Elfeet Bay 00, Woodlawn ’98—P. Athlone ’98, and frequent in NW.—P. Claremorris ?00—P. Ballinrobe—Mrs. Persse! Cong. Rathroeen Lough and Ballina ’00—P. Ballysadare ’00, L. Arrow, L. Gara—P. L. Gilland Rinn L.’99—P. L. Allen—Stewart 8509. Lough Oughter and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Braganstown and Ardee ’?97—P. Dundalk—Stewart. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—P. Port Lough, &c.: throughout, rare—F7. Don. Burton Port, &c.: rare—/V. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Near Armagh, &c.: north only, frequent, ’92—P. Helen’s Tower ’91—P. Frequent—//. VE. Frocess ’"99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—Fl. VE. Kilrea ’94—P. Derry, Garvagh, D. Moore—//. VE. Utricularia neglecta Lehm. Census 6—East 38, Centre 0, West 3. Kilgarvan 94 : rare—Scully. Kallarney ’90 : rare—Scully. Near Belgooly ’99 (Scully)—Phillips. Near Chapelmidway and Balbriggan ’93—Colgan 207. NE. of Ballyshannon—/V. Don. Mullaghmore Lough ’98—Druce 285. Possibly frequent : has not been distinguished from U. eulgaris. Utricularia minor L. Census 39—KEast 14, Centre 13, West 12. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Glencar ’99 : frequent—Scully. Listowel ’94 : frequent—Scully. Inchigeela ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Near Macroom ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Youghal ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Clonea and Ballyscanlan ’99—P. Utricularia] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 LY 18 19 20 1 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’94: rare and local Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LENTIBULARIEA 245 Ballinure and south of Cashel ’99-—P. Castleconnell bog ’00—R. D. O’Brien! Mullagh ’00—P. Lisdoonvarna ’?00—P. Frequent in south—Stewart. L. Ourna ’99, Cloughjordan—P. Portumna—Phillips. Tory Hill ’99, Lough Cullin, Urlingford—P. Ballykelly bog (Miss Glascott)-—B. & M. soz. Gowlin ’99 : frequent—P. Cullenagh ’97, Emo, Ballybrophy—P. Near Woodford ’98—P. Castle Taylor—More 598. Roundstone ’96—P. Frequent throughout. Barbersfort ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. Clonmacnoise ’99, Banagher ’98—P. Kildare ’97, Carbury ’96—P. Callary bog, W. Archer—Guide ’78. West of Navan ’96—P. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Centre and west frequent. Trilickacurry ’98: west half frequent—P. Corkip Lough ’99 : rare—P. Claremorris, Ballymore L.’00—P. Ballinrobe. Newport ’99—Marshall. Frequent. East of Cliffony ‘(00—P. Near L. Easky ’96—Colgan. Uragh Lough and Dromod ’99—P. Lough Oughter ’96—P. Braganstown ’97—P. Not rare in centre. Bragan, &c. : not rare in the north, ’00—Waddell. South of Belleek ’00—P. Port Lough, &c.: throughout, frequent—/V. Don. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout,frequent—/7. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Leckpatrick bog—838. Frequent ’92—P. Helen’s Tower ’91—P. Frequent—//. VEZ. Rasharkin ’94—P. Frequent—J/7. VE. Maghera, Garvagh,’94—-P. Common, Moore—/7. VE. Rare in the south-east. Utricularia intermedia Hayne. Census 22+(1)—East 3+(1), Centre 8, West 11. Kerry S. 3 Cork W. Glencar ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Scully. Durrus ’72, Leap ’71 (Allin) : rare—Phillips. 246 LENTIBULARIE AR | Utricularia (4 Cork Mid? Ballyphehanebog—Drummond’19 287. Not seensince.) 7 Tipp. 8S. Between Cashel and Fethard ’98—P. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna’00—W. de V. Kane! Crusheen—Corry 20. 10 Tipp.N. Portumna ’00—Phillips. L. Ourna, Youghal Bay—P. 15 Galw.SE. Marble Hill, and Lough Derg below Woodford, ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. Roundstone ’96—P. Frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Terryland River and Menlo ’99—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura, Banagher, Shannon Harbour, ’98—P. 19 Kildare Marsh near Curragh, and south of Kildare, ’97—P. 23 Westmth. Tullaghan bog ’95 (E. F. Linton)—Levinge 466. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough and Ballinasloe ’99—P. 26 MayoK. Near Cong ’96—Marshall 537. 27 MayoW. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent, local. 28 Sligo Lough Gara ’97—P. 30 Cavan Near Lough Oughter ’96—P. 83 Ferman. Between Pettigoe and Ballyshannon, Hart—Cyé. LU. Scottsborough—Mackay 522. 34 Dongl. E. Ballyshannon district only—#7. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Gweebarra, &c. : local—/V. Don. 389 Antrim Near Lough Naroon ’94—P. , 40 L’derry Foyle above Londonderry, D. Moore— Cys. I. Kssentially western in its distribution. Pinguicula vulgaris L. Butterwort (genus). Divisions all, except 4 Cork Mid, 5 Cork L., 6 Waterford. Becoming rare in the south, where it gives place to P. grandiflora. Elsewhere frequent. Pinguicula grandiflora Lamk. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99 : frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99 : chiefly in the south—Scully. Cork W. Inchigeela’00 : common—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Carrigacunna castle and Mallow—Allin FV. ’83. Rare. Confined to the south-west, where it is often abundant. Introduced and spreading at foot of Blackstairs, Co. Wexford (Miss Cooper 228). or Hw Gt WO pe Pinguicula lusitanica L. Census 31—Kast 138, Centre 6, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: widespread—Scully. Verbena| 1 2 3 Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LENTIBULARIEA. VERBENACEA Near Listowel ’94 : rather frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Rathcooney ’97 : rare—Phillips. Clonea marsh ’99—P. Glenagad, Miss Grubb—— Cy). I. Kilbeheny ’97—Phillips. Below L. Curra—Hart 372. Foynes ’99—Somerville. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Lisdoonvarna—2zo. L. Cullin and Brandon Hill’98—P. Woodstock—goz. Sleighbury ’95—G. KE. J. Greene! NE. chiefly, rare. Polmounty R., and along base of Mt. Leinster, ’98—P. Mountmellick bog—Wade 1804 go2. Dalystown ’98, Chevy Chase ’00—P. And in SW., r. Muckanaght ’98-—Colgan. Frequent throughout. Near Clonbrock ’96—P. Drumgoff ’98—D.N.F.C. 308. Centre and NE.. f. Three Rock Mountain ’00 : local—Colgan. Near Athlone ’98—P. Callow Lough and Carrowkeribly Lough ’00—P. Nephin ’?00—P. Frequent. Ballysadare ’?00—P. L. Talt—Colgan. Near Manorhamilton ’84—B. & V. 772. Ravensdale ’00——-Mrs. Swan. Carlingford Mtn.—38r. Throughout frequent—/V. Don. Throughout frequent—FV. Don. Bessy Bell ’96—Miss Knowles. Sheve Gullion 93, Camlough Mountain ’92—P. Slieve Bearnagh ’94—P. F., chiefly in south—//. VEZ. Slemish ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. VEL. Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/7. VE. Cliffony. Mostly follows the.hills, and is in consequence commoner round the margin of Ireland than in the centre, and off the limestone than on it. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. 4 Cork Mid. 5 Cork EH. {Verbena officinalis L. Vervain. Census 24—-East 12, Centre 4, West 8. Kenmare ’99 : rather rare and local—Seully. Tralee ’99: rather rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’97: frequent——Phillips. Ringaskiddy ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. Carrigtwohill ’00 : frequent—Phillips. 248 VERBENACEA. LABIATA [Verbena 6 Waterfd. Cappoquin ’99—-P. Not rare in the west. 7 Tipp. S. Fethard ’00——Phillips. Frequent in the south. 8 Limrek. Askeaton ’00—-P. Patrick’s Well ’98—H6.L.F.C.! 9 Clare Ballyvaughan! ’00——-Miss Knowles. North only, rare. i0 Tipp. N. Dromineer ! ’?00—Phillips. 11 Kilkny. Innistioge !’00—Phillips. Very frequent. 12 Wexford Ferns ’96—G. E.J.Greene! F.inS.—B.&M. WS. 13 Carlow Kalledmond ’98, Milford, Borris, Bagnalstown—P. 15 Galw. SE. Kilcolgan ’99--P. Frequent in the west: 16 Galw. W. Kilbeg ferry ’99—-P. Clonbur—M. & 8. 545. 17 Galw. NE. Lough Atalia ’99 —P. 19 Kildare Athy, Nurney, Monasterevan, ’97-——P. 20 Wicklow Bray ’94—P. Kilmacanoge—#7/. Hib. 21 Dublin Loughlinstown ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare ’00, Bective ’96—P. 26 Mayo E. Cong frequent ’95—-M. & S. 545. 31 Louth Boyne obelisk ’96—P. 384 Dongl. E. Pettigo ’85—FY. Don. 38 Down Half a mile from Poyntzpass ’92—Lett! Thoroughly established and often abundant, chiefly about villages, in the southern half of Ireland. Much rarer and obviously an intro- duction in the northern half. The majority ofits stations are situated on the limestone. tMentha rotundifolia Huds. Mint (genus). Census 18—East 10, Centre 3, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. *Kenmare ’99: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. *Killarney ’90: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. {Bantry ’98, Skibbereen, Goleen: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Crosshaven ’00: rare-—Phillips. 5 Cork E. +Ballyvodock ’00, Eastferry : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Near Lismore clyplata wild” ’84—Hart 386. 7 Tipp. S. Kailsheelin, Miss Grubb— Cy). I. 11 Kilkny. Snowhill ’89—B. & G. zor. 12 Wexford *Rosdroit, R. Urrin—Moffat’89 552. Fethard—Cyé. I. 14 Queen’s = Erril and Durrow ’00-—Phillips. 17 Galw. NE. Near Galway aaa) = More "12 O74. 20 Wicklow Enniskerry—Gwide ’78. Roundwood; Glendalough. 21 Dublin *Loughlinstown’94 &c., Colgan— Cyd. LI. 26 Mayo K. Ballinrobe ’91——Mrs. Bersee Mentha} LABIATA 949 27 Mayo W. *Foot of Nephin near a cottage (Hart)--More ’72 6r¢. 37 Armagh “*Rare, and only as an escape, ’92——P. 38 Down {Saul ’92--P. *Frequent—/l/. VE. 39 Antrim *Crumlin, &c.: rare—/7. VE. All the mints easily establish themselves. “This and several other species are frequently grown in cottage gardens, and no doubt originated there in all their Irish stations. The present species and IL. piperata appear to have spread and established themselves sufficiently to justify their inclusion in the Ivish list. {Mentha piperata L. Peppermint. Census 24—East 11, Centre 6, West 7. Kerry 8S. *Kenmare ’90: rare—Scully. Cork W. {Between Innishannon and Ballinadee—Allin 77. ’83. Cork Mid {Near Coachford ’97: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Midleton, &c.—Allin #7. ’83. Rare—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonmel, Miss A. Taylor—-Cyé. I. Limrck. —Bilboa River glen ’00——P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’00--Phillips. {Thomastown ’98—P. 13 Carlow By the Barrow at Bagenalstown ’99—P. 14 Queen’s {Maryborough ’99, {Mountrath, {Cullenagh—P. 16 Galw. W. Streamstown—Zr. FY. 33. 17 Galw. NE. +South-west of Knockmae ’99—P. 19 Kildare Monastereyan ’*98—P. Ballitore—Carroll 292. 21 Dublin By the Dodder near Rathfarnham’93, Colgan— Cb. II. 25 Roscomn. {Sleve Bane ’00, {Corkip Lough ’99—P. 26 Mayo EK. {Carrowkeribly Lough ’00—P. 29 Leitrim {Garadice Lough ’00—P. 30 Cavan Farnham—/V. Hib. 36. 34 Dongl. KE. *Cloghorna, well established,’98—Hart 405. Local, rare. 35 Dongl. W. *Fanet and near Lough Eske—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone Canal bank at Strabane ’?96—Miss Knowles! 37 Armagh {Tartaraghan and Killylea ’92—P. — 38 Down Near Ballynahinch (R. Hanna)—S. & P. 874. Rare. 39 Antrim Massereene Park’90—P. Carnmoney!—Stewart. Rare. 40 L’derry Curleyburn, Muff, D. Moore—Cy). I., Fl. Ulst. See remarks appended to the last species. OD OP Ww @ Mentha hirsuta Huds. Water Mint. Divisions all. Abundant. 250 Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Tipp. N. Kilkny. 12 Wexford — omMNTHO NO KH | We — a 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 24 Lonefd. 25 Rescomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 81 Louth 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry LABIATA | Mentha Mentha sativa L. Census 834—KEast 15, Centre 11, West 8. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Killarney ’00: frequent—Scully. Skibbereen and Enniskeane ’96: frequent—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’98: type f., JL. rubra rare—Phillips. Glanmire ’00: type c., IZ. gentilis rare—Phillips. Tramore ’99—Phillips. Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb. Fethard (JL. gracilis v. cardiaca) ’?00—Phillips. Longpavement ’97, Bentley—Hb. L.F.C.! Dromineer, Portumna, ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Frequent, probably common. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Bloomfield and Clohass bog (Jf. rubra), Miss Farmer—More 6z,. St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Ballytrain (JL rubra)—Cyb. I. Portarlington (JZ. gentilis v. Pauliana)’96, Graigue—P. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Woodford (v. paludosa)—s02. Clara ’99 (v. paludosa)—P. Frequent. Leixlip ’96—P. Straffan, J. Douglas— Cy yo. le Kalmacanoge ’94—P. R. Dodder near Tallaght ’00: rare—Colgan. Oldcastle ’96—P. Ballymahon ’00, and common by Lough Ree—P. Slieve Bane ’00—P. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. By the Moy, More—Cy). I. Lough Conn south of Derreen ’00—P. Ballysadare ’97—P. Slgo ’85, Linton—B.E.C. ’85. Garadice Lough ’?00—P. Throughout, ?frequent. Lough Ramor (JZ. gracilis v. cardiaca), Mount Nugent, ’96—P. Common in the north-west—Stewart 854. Boyne mouth ’96—P. Lower L. Erne c.’92—P. South-west c.—Stewart 854. S. of Bundoran’98—P. Near Ballyshannon-—FV. Don. Fanet——fl. Don. L. Neagh ’96—-Miss Knowles. Glenmornan R.—838. Frequent throughout ’92——P. Downpatrick ’99—P. Common—//. VE. Ballycastle’97—P. Common—/V. VE. Bellarena ’98—-Mrs. Leebody. Common—FV. VE. If. sativa as here given includes If. rubra, IL. gracilis, and M1. gentilis. The above records refer to the type except where otherwise stated. Lycopus] LABIATA 251 Mentha arvensis L. Corn Mint. Divisions all. Common. +Mentha Pulegium L. Penny-royal. Census 11+(2)—Hast 6+(2), Centre 1, West 4. 1 Kerry 8. +Kenmare ’99: rather frequent-—Scully. 2 Kerry N. {Killorglin ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Goleen’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Near Kinsale—Allin (7. ’83. Rare—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Near Mallow—Allin FV. ’83. Rare—Phillips. 8 Limrek. Rosbrien ’97 (var. erecta), Bentley-—H). L.F.C.! 9 Clare Ennis ’92, Levinge—Cybd. II. 12 Wexford Fethard, J. Morrison—Cyb. I. 20 Wicklow Base of Great Sugarloaf, D. Moore—Cyé. I. (21 Dublin Howth (Miss R. Mahaffy)—-P.’95 736. ? Casual.) (88 Down Tullybranagan mountain——/r. #7.’33. Not there now.) 39 Antrim Lough Beg ’94——Miss Knowles and P. 40 Lderry Creagh bog plentiful, D. Moore— Cy). I. _ Very local, and chiefly in the south, where it is possibly native. Lycopus europeeus L. Gipsywort. Census 37—East 14, Centre 12, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’98—-P. Frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99.: frequent—Scully. 38 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent——Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Belgooly ’00 (Scully): frequent—-Phillips. 5 Cork E. Rostellan ’98: frequent——Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyscanlan L. ’99--P. SW.—Hart 384, 358. 7 Tipp. 8. Carrick-on-Suir’00—P. Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb. 8 Limrek. Lough Gur ’00—-P. Common in the north. 9 Clare Doonbeg ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent throughout. 11 Kilkny. Inistioge ’98—P. Frequent in the south-east. 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. 13 Carlow Borris ’99—P. Frequent along the Barrow. 14 Queen’s Grattan aqueduct ’97, Mountmellick ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford ’98: SE. and SW., not rare—P. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Throughout, frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Ballyloughaun and Terryland River ’99—P. 252 18 1) 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 365 36 o7 388 oo 40 King’s Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LABIAT As [Lycopus Tullamore ’99, Shannon Harbour, Banagher—P. Robertstown ’98, Maynooth ’96—P. Clondalkin ’00: local—Colgan. Beaupare ’00—P. Widespread but rare. Kiltoom—Levinge ’94 484. Lough Gowna and Ballymahon ’00—P, Ballinasloe ’99, Lough Key ’97—P. Pontoon ’00—P. Ballinamore ’00—Somerville. Garadice L., Rinn L.—P. Scrabby ’00—P. Frequent. Bellurgan ’00, Braganstown bog ’98—P. Mullaghmore L.’00—Waddell. Dartrey—Somerville. Castle Caldwell, Inishdivan, ’00— West. Crum—zo8. Clonmany, Meendoran, ’?98—Hart 705. Greencastle. Carrablagh, Killybegs, &c.: local and rare—#7. Don. Strabane’96—Miss Knowles. Dunganuon’76—Stewart. Frequent throughout ’?92—P. Killinchy ’99—P. Frequent—/V. VE. L. Neagh ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/f/. VE. Kilrea ’94—-P. Frequent. Will probably prove to be frequent in the greater number of the divisions. . Kerry 8. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Watertd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkenny Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Origanum vulgare L. Marjoram. Census 34—East 15, Centre 11, West 8. Kenmare ’99: very local—Scully. Glengariff ’94: rare—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’98 : rare—Phillips. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99, Cappagh, Clonmel—P. Fethard ’00—Phillips. C. on lower course of R. Suir. Adare ’00—P. Locally abundant in north. Ballyvaughan ’00—O’Kelly! Inishmore; Limerick. Lough Ourna ’99—P. Frequent. Thomastown! ’?00—Phillips. Frequent. Fethard ’82, Newtownbarry ’81—Hart 384, 37z. Rare. Bagenalstown ’99: c. by Barrow—P. Rare by Slaney. Maryborough ’96: frequent—P. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Frequent in SW.—P. Common around Cong ’95—-M. & 8. 545. Near Galway ’96--P. Calamintha| LABIATA 2538 18 King’s Clara ’°99--P. Frequent throughout. 19 Kildare Curragh.’97, Newbridge, Monasterevan—P. 20 Wicklow Enniskerry abundant ’00—P. And thence to Bray. 21 Dublin Near Tallaght ’00: locally abundant—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00: frequent except in N. and 8.—P. 23 Westmth. Near Glynnwood House ’99—P. 24 Longfd. Elfeet Bay 00: common along Lough Ree—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park ’97: southern half frequent—P. 26 Mayo E. Common around Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. 27 Mayo W. Ballina ’00—P. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Braganstown ’97, Killencoole, Boyne obelisk—P. 34 Dongl. E. {River Erne and Brown Hall—/’. Don. 36 Tyrone Newtownstewart and Strabane ’00—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Loughgall and Tynan ’92—P. 38 Down tPortavoe House ’90—P. +{Very rare—/. VE. 39 Antrim Antrim! ’86—D. Redmond. tVery rare—/7. VE. 40 L’derry Eglinton ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Ballygillan; Fincairn. A calcicole plant, abundant over the greater part of the hmestone area, yet rare in or absent from some of the divisions where limestone prevails, such as Westmeath and Sligo. Of doubtful standing in the north, and possibly an escape there. Thymus Serpyllum L. Wild Thyme. Divisions all, except 13 Carlow, 23 Westmeath, and 386 Tyrone. A plant of most uneven distribution. One station only in 24 Longford, 32 Monaghan, and 37 Armagh. The only feature which the above six divisions have in common which might influence plant-distribution is that they are all inland. But the Wild Thyme, though generally more plentiful near the coast, is abundant in many inland divisions likewise. Lhymus Chamedrys Fr. 2 Kerry N. Near Ardfert ’89—Scully. 5 Cork E. Near Whitegate ’98—Phillips. {Calamintha Acinos Clairv. Basil Thyme. Census 8—Hast 4, Centre 4, West 0. 7 Tipp. 8. Gravel-pit NW. of Cahir abundant ’00—P. 10 Tipp. N. Near Nenagh ’97, Vowell— Cyd. II. 12 Wexford *Knockmore and Mangan—Moffat’89 552. Ballyhyland. ~TeO>) Crust sComtoa co oO 24 25 26 31 34 plants. Queen’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Longford LABIATA | [Calamintha Maryborough in three stations ’96—P. Curragh gravel-pit c.’97—P. Athy—Mackay 526. Murrough on gravelly banks, D. Moore— Cy@. I. Portmarnock ’00—P. Very rare, ?casual—Colgan. St. Martin’s Well ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Rare and local. Well established in its stations in 7, 14, 19 at least. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wextiord Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo EK. Louth Calamintha officinalis Mcench. Calamint. Census 25 Hast 11, Centre 6, West 8. Kenmare ’99: rare and local—Scully. Killarney ’00: rare and chiefly in the south—Sceully. Ballylickey ’98, Timoleague : rare—Phillips. Carrigaline ’00 (Scully): f. on limestone—Phillips. Midleton ’00: frequent—Phillips. Passage, Balinamona—B.&G.’89 zoo. Rare. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Ardfinnan abundant ’00—P. Askeaton ’00—P. Inishmore ’95—P. And in Burren, rare. Cloughjordan ’00—Phillips. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Very frequent. Island quay, Dollar Point (Miss Glascott)—B, & M. JZS. Bagenalstown ’99, Leighlinbridge, Milford—P. North of Gort ’00—P. Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. Galway—g2. Oughterard—}36. Kailcornan ’37—Ball 93. Co. Kildare—-.Cyb. I. Vallombrosa ’94—More. Several old records [ ? ]. Knockmaroon ’00—Colgan. Beaupare ’00—P. Newtowncashel and Elfeet Bay ’00—P. Lough Ree, F. J. Foot— Cyd. I. Cong ’?95—Marshall, and Cyd. IL. Boyne Obelisk ’96—P. Dongl. E. {Near Ballyshannon, H. Allingham—/¥. Don. — Strongly calcicole, and almost confined to the limestone. The Wicklow locality, which seems an exception, is really not so, as the limestone drift of the Bray River valley harbours several calcicole The East Waterford and West Cork stations appear to be genuine exceptions, but possibly limestone drift occurs. There seems no reason for doubting the Donegal station’s being aboriginal. Nepeta| Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 31 Louth mo ow ve) LABIATA 255. Salvia Verbenaca L. Clary. Census 10—East 7, Centre 1, West 2. Baltimore ’96, Clonakilty : 8. only, rare—Phillips. Youghal ’?00—Phillips. Ballinacurra—Power #7. Clonea ’99—P. Ardmore ’82—Hart 38z. Askeaton ’00—P. Fort Fergus ’96 (Miss Kathleen Ball)— West. Kilkenny, J. Sim; Lackenhill, 8. Madden— Cy). I. Rosslare ’97—-Marshall. Frequent in the south. Murrough, D. Moore—Cybd. I. Howth ’00 : very rare—Colgan. Queensborough ’96—P. N. of Drogheda— Cy). I1. Rare and local, and chiefly in the SE.; absent from the north. *“Nepeta Cataria L. Cat Mint. Census 16+(4)——East 4+(3), Centre 7, West 5+(1). (3 Cork W. i Shippas: 8 Limek. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 18 King’s (19 Kildare 21 Dublin 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo HE. 27 Mayo W. 33 Ferman. 35 Dongl. W. 38 Down (39 Antrim (40 L’derry Timoleague—Drummond 719 287. Not seen since.) Clonmel, Miss 8. Grubb— Cy. I. *Timerick ! ’00—R. D. O’ Brien, Ballyvaughan ’54—More 600. Near Limerick. Danesfort, Ballykeefe, 8. Madden—Cyéb. I. Rare. {Near Carlow, J. Morrison— Cyd. I. Kinvarra ’92, Levinge—Cyb. II. Loughrea—}36. *Clonbur ’96—Marshall. NW. of Galway— Cy). I. Parsonstown (M. Dowd)—More ’72 6zz. Curragh 1732, Annot. in Threlkeld—Cy)d. II.) Rush and Skerries—/r. FV. 733. Newtowncashel and Elfeet Bay abundant ’00—P. Bracknagh ’85-6—B. &V. 773. Perryborough— Cy#. II. Cong ’95, Miss Jackson— Cyd. II. {Between Newport and Castlebar ’387—Ball 93. Colebrooke River (T. O. Smith)—More ’72 6zz. *Mulroy and Dunfanaghy—/V. Don. tArdglass, Stewart—/7. WE. Ballyeastle, Miss Hincks—/7. Uist. 64.) Magilligan, one plant, ’63—B.N.F.C. zz7.) At best but an established escape, now extinct in many of its old stations. bo Or lor) Ont D oe &- DY eH 12 arr er | “Im OG He CO bob b to On = © bo Or ee Db bw bw Oo CO co i=) 32 qo 09 He OO ew co Go O CO Oo aot mo ON ee i= LABIATA | Nepeta Nepeta Glechoma Benth. Ground Ivy. Divisions all. Common. Seutellaria galericulata L. Skull-cap (genus). Kerry 5S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Census 33—East 12, Centre 10, West 11. Rossdohan ’92 : rare and local—Sceully. Killarney ’00: rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’96 : rare—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Midleton ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99—P. Bog at Rehill ’41—Miss 8S. Grubb! Ballycar ’85-6—Stewart 863. Miltown Malbay. Courtown ’96—P. Below Macmine ’81—Hart 377. Borris demesne ’99—P. Nore below Durrow ’84—Hart 388. Garryland 00, Portumna’98—P. Inyeran ’95—Colgan. Local and rare. Donamon ’97—P. Ballykean ’81, Miss A. G. Kinahan—Cyé. II. Canal below Lucan, about ’87 (Scully )—Colgan 207. Whitewood Lough ’97—P. W. of Mullingar ’99—P. L. Owel—Levinge 482. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. Rockville ’99 : frequent—P. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Lough Arrow ’97—P. Rinn Lough and Lough Gill ’99—P. Farnham ’96—P. Not rare. Glasslough ’00—Waddell. Rather frequent. Inishfree, &c., ?00—West and Tetley. Frequent. Port Hall and along the Erne—FYV. Don. Mulroy, Milford, Killybegs—#7. Don. Newtownstewart ’'96—Miss Knowles. Lough Gilly ’?94—W. F. Johnson! fF. in the north. Above Hilltown’00—Waddell. Rare—F/. WE. Shane’s Castle ?00—Miss Knowles. Rare—#F7. VZ. Kilrea, D. Moore: rare—F7. VE. ees. Marrubwm | Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Mayo E. Mayo W. LABIATA 257 Scutellaria minor Huds. Census 16—East 8, Centre 2, West 6. Kenmare ’99 : frequent—Scully. Abbeydorney ’99 : f. in south, r. elsewhere—Scully. Dunmanway ’00 : common—Phillips. Donoughmore 796 : frequent—Phillips. Near Rathcooney ’90 : frequent—Phillips. Ballyscanlan Lough ’99—P. Not rarein SW. Bog at Rehill ’41—Miss 8. Grubb! Monmor bog ’45—Carter zg5. Tory Hill ’99 : frequent in the south-west—P. Ballywilliam ’98—P. Frequent. Polmounty River’98—P. Near Borris—Hart 387. Oughterard’99—P. Throughout, frequent. L. Dan ’83 (D’Arcy)—Colgan. Centre and NE., ? rare. Howth ’00—P. Iveland’s Eye—Cyb. II. Near Foxford [’64]—More WS. Pontoon ’00—P. Near Foxford—More WS. Southern half of Ireland, ranging further up the west coast than the east, like several other species. Prunella vulgaris L. Self-heal. Divisions all. Common. *Marrubium vulgare L. White Horehound. Kerry S$. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Census 11—East 6, Centre 1, West 4. Derrynane, an escape, Scully— Cyd. II. Tralee, an escape, Scully—Cyb. II. Carrigaline ’96——Phillips. Ringaskiddy—Allin 7. Great Island (Scott), Eastferry—Power 7. ’45. Fanore ’00—Miss Knowles. N. frequent, S. rare. Dromineer ’99—P. Kalkenny ’98—Mrs. Persse. Rosslare ’96—Marshall 537. Curracloa— Cyé. I. Oughterard ’94—Mrs. Persse! Kilcoole’00—P. Several old records—see Cyd. II. Rush, Woodlands, Miss A. G. Kinahan— Cy). II. On the same footing as Wepeta Cataria. R.1.A. PROC., SER. Il., VOL. VII. s 258 1 Kerry S$. 2 Kerry N. 6 Waterfd. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 35 Dongl.W. 37 Armagh 39 Antrim 40 L’derry LABIATA [ Stachys Stachys Betonica Benth. Betony. Census 11—East 6, Centre 2, West 8. Kenmare ’?00—Scully. Killarney ’99 : local, chiefly in the south—Scully. Near Waterford ’86, A. R. Friel—Cyé. II. West of Cappoquin—Smith 1746 Sz. Near Waterford (Chandlee)—Carroll ’57 793. Rosdroit and Curraghmore—B, & M.’92 zo2. Bannow bay, MacMillan— Cy). I. ; Lough Ree at Noughaval Bay ’99—Miss R. Smith! Saint’s Island ! ’99—Miss R. Smith. Lough Fern ’92—Hart 397. In North Armagh ’99—Johnson 438. Crowhill ’77, (Stewart)—P. 7oz. Broughshane ’96—Brenan! Shane’s Castle— Wade goo. Kilrea ’00—Mrs. Crookshank ! Very rare and local. Old records from West Cork, N. Tipperary, Dublin, and Clare need confirmation. Stachys palustris L. Marsh Woundwort. Divisions all. Common. Stachys sylvatica L. Hedge Woundwort. 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. fe Lippos: 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 18 Carlow 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 18 King’s Divisions all. Common. Stachys arvensis L. Census 26—East 13, Centre 4, West 9. Valentia ’92 : rather frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94 : rather frequent—Scully. Schull ’96, Millstreet ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Donoughmore ’96 : common—~Phillips. Midleton ’00 : common——Phillips. Dungarvan ’99, Tramore, Dunmore—P. Tipperary, Miss Grubb— Cy. I. Inishmore ’95—P. Rare and local. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent in the south-east. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Bagenalstown ’00—Phillips. Local, frequent. Parkmore ’99, south of Kinvarra ’00—P. Clifden ’98—Colgan. Very rare. Near Tullamore-—Mackay ’25 522. Galeopsis | LABIAT At 259 20 Wicklow Kilmacanoge ’94—P. Shillelagh; Wicklow. 21 Dublin Ballybrack ’00 : rare-—Colgan. 26 Mayo HK. Foxford [’64], More—Cy). I. 27 MayoW. Pontoon ’00—P. 31 Louth Ballymascanlan ’00: N. half c.—P. Mansfieldstown. 34 Dongl. KE. Culdaff ’98—Hart o5. {Extreme N. only—FI. Don. 35 Dongl. W. {Horn Head, &c.: extreme north only—FV. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’?00—Miss Knowles. 87 Armagh Clare ’92—P. 38 Down Saul ’90—P. South f., north v.r.—/M. VE. and 874. 39 Antrim Broughshane ’91—P. Rare—VF/. VEL. 40 L’derry Kilrea’94—P. Lough Foyle, D. Moore—#F7/. VE. A calcifuge plant, but sometimes on limestone, as in the Aran Isles. Local, even on non-calcareous soils. Galeopsis Ladanum L. Hemp-Nettle (genus). Census 7+(2)—East 6+(2), Centre 1, West 0. (5 Cork E. Little I. ’54-6, Sullivan—Cyd. II. Not seen since). 11 Kilkny. ~~ Bellevue and Freshford, $8. Madden— Cy. I. (12 Wexford Caim, one plant—Moffat ’89 552). 19 Kildare Ballitore, Carroll; Straffan, Douglas— Cy). I. 20 Wicklow Fassaroe (Barrington)—More ’72 6zz. Greystones, D. Moore— Cy). I. : The above records are placed under the aggregate species, as it is not known which segregate they refer to. Gaieopsis intermedia Vill. 14 Queen’s Emo ’?96—P. 92 Meath Bective ’96—P. Galeopsis angustifolia Ehrh. 13 Carlow Bagenalstown ’99, Milford, Carlow—P. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix ’98, Maryborough ’96—P. 19 Kildare Leixlip ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Kilmacanoge ’94—P. 21 Dublin Skerries 00—P. Not infrequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Kilmessan, Enfield, Laytown, Drogheda, ’96—P. G. angustifolia is the prevailing Irish plant, but possibly G. inter- media is not so rare as would appear. Excepting the Cork occurrence, which was apparently casual, the aggregate species has a continuous range confined to the province of Leinster. $2 260 . LABIATA [ Galeopsts Galeopsis versicolor Curt. Census 17+(3)—East 8+(3), Centre 4, West 5. (5 Cork KE. Near Midleton—Allin 77. ’83. A casual—Phillips). 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny, 8. Madden—Cy). I. 12 Wexford Ferns, common in one field, ’95—G. E. J. Greene! 13 Carlow Kalledmond ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96—P. 16 Galw. W. Near Foxford [’64], More— Cy). I. (21 Dublin Glasnevin (Underwood )—Mackay ’25 522. Not aco 22 Meath Cruicetown ’97—P. 26 Mayo E. Callow ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Pontoon ’00—P. 28 Sligo Annaghmore ’00—P. Near Sligo, J. Wynne— Cy. I. 31 Louth Ardee ’97—P. .Termonfeckin, Tullyesker— Cyd. I. 32 Monaghn. Bessmount, Miss Maffett— Cyd. I. 34 Dongl. KE. {River Scale &c.: throughout, frequent—ZV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. {Horn Head, &c.: north and south, frequent—F7. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. (37 Armagh Tanderagee, C. O’Meara—Cyb. I. Not there now—P.) 38 Down Conlig ’93—Stewart. Very rare—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Cushendall ’90—P. Rare—/Vl. VEL. 40 Lderry Eglinton ’94—Mrs. Leebody! Rare—/V. WE. A plant of rather uncertain appearance, particularly partial to potato fields. A few doubtful early records are omitted, and modern confirmation of its occurrence in 21 and 37 is desirable. Chiefly off the limestone, and becoming frequent in Donegal only. Galeopsis Tetrahit L. Divisions all. Locally abundant. More plentiful off than on the limestone. Lamium amplexicaule L. Henbit. Census 23—EHast 18, Centre 4, West 6. Kerry 8. {Blaskets ’80—Barrington z07. Cork W. Crookhayen ’96: rare, and south only—Phillips. Cork Mid Robert’s Cove (Carr aye —Allin 77.83. Rare—Phillips. Cork E. —_ Ballycroneen ’98 : rare—Phillips. Clare Muckinish ’95—Colgan. Wexford Baginbun Head—B. & M.’92 zoz. Saltees ’82—38y. Carlow Carlow ’00—Phillips. aonwmon kr wre Lamm] 14 19 20 21 22 Queen’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Mayo E. Sligo Louth Dongl. E. LABIATAG 261 Maryborough ’93—P. Kilkea Castle (Douglas)—More ’72 6z4. Abundant on the Murrough, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Skerries 00 : rare—Colgan. Nayan, Oldcastle, Mornington, ’96—P. Newtowncashel ’00—P. Foxford [’64 |], More— Cy). I. Cliffony [’82] (Corry IZS.)—B. &. V. rz2. Dunleer ’00, Dundalk, Louth, Greenore—P. Greencastle ’93—P. 72z. North only, rare—/7. Don. Dongl. W. {Dunfanaghy, &c.: north only, rare—Fl. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Loughgall, Sheve Gullion, &c.: rare, ’92—P. Killough ’92—P. Rare—//. VE. Craigbilly ’?00—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VE. Dungiven ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Lough Foyle—Cyd. I. Lamium intermedium Fr. Dead-Nettle (genus). Cork Mid Tipp. 8. Limrck. Tipp. N. Galw. SE. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Lonegfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Dongl. E. Dongi. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Census 20—Kast 7, Centre 6, West 7. Inniscarra ’96—Phillips. Cahir and Bansha ’00—Phillips. Foynes ’99—Somerville. Mungret; Corbally; Doonass. Roscrea ’?00—Phillips. Gort and Loughrea ’?00—Phillips. North of Tuam ’99—P. Near Davistown ’81—Hart 377. Rush! ’00 : rare—Colgan. Ballymahon, Castlerea, ’?00—P. Lanesborough—zz}. Kast of Foxford ’00—P. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Ballina’00—P. Mullaghmore, Syme—/7. Ulst.’64. Ben Bulben—g3. Near Kinlough’84—B. & V. rz2. Ballyliffan ’93—P. 72z. North only, local—/”. Don. Dunfanaghy, &c.: north only, local—#7. Don. Newtownstewart ’?96— Miss Knowles. Maghery ’92—P. Armagh (Johnson!)—P. 7oz. Downpatrick ’?98—P. Common—/?. VE. and 874. Ballycastle ?97—-P. Common—J/V. VE. Magilligan ’95—P. Frequent along the coast. Chiefly in the north. 262 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W., 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. wi Lipps: 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 17 Galw. NE. 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 24 Longfd. 29 Leitrim 34 Donel. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 Lderry. LABIATH [| Lamiwm Lamium purpureum L. Divisions all. Frequent. Lamium hybridum Vill. Census 21—East 9, Centre 4, West 8. Caragh Lake ’00: rather frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Timoleague ’97: frequent in the south—Phillips. Near Cork ’98 : rare—Phillips. Castletownroche ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Fethard and Thurles ’?00—Phillips. East of Wexford ’97—Marshall 539. Rare and local. Maryborough ’00—Phillips. Gort ’?00—Phillips. Dunmore ’00—P. Ballymore ’00—P. Howth ’94—Colgan. Balbriggan ’94—P. Lough Gowna and below Drumsna ’00—P. . Rinn Lough ’99—P. Stroove and Malin—/#7. Don. Dunfanaghy, &c.: extreme north only—F7. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Portadown ’00—J. H. Davies! Glasdrumman [89 |—S. & P. 873. Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VE. Salterstown, &c., D. Moore: rare—/7. VE. A rare plant apparently; chiefly in the north and south. A few old records of doubtful value are omitted. Census 23+(3) (3 Cork W. (4 Cork Mid (5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. Lamium album L. White Dead-nettle. East 12+(2), Centre 8, West 3+(1). Near Enniskeane ’97, casual—Phillips.) *Blackrock, Douglas—Cyb. I., II. Outcasts—Phillips. ) *Great Island (Scott)—Power 7.45. Outcast—Phillips. ) Dunmore East—Miss I. Horne ’00. Odogh, 8S. Madden— Cy. I. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Ferns—Cyb. Il. Monart—ss2. Maryborough ’96—P. Portumna ’98—P. Ballota] LABIATA 263 18 King’s Clara ’99, Edenderry ’96—P. 19 Kildare Kildare ’?97—P. Frequent. 20 Wicklow Bray (Barrington)—More ’72 6rz. 21 Dublin Rush ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00: frequent throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Widespread, local 24 Longfd. Ballymahon ’00, Granard, Finnea—P. 25 Roscomn. Boyle’97, Athlone—P. Ballybay—B. & V. eT63y. 28 Sligo Near Sligo, J. Wynne— Cyé. I. 30 Cayan Cavan 796, Mount Nugent, Finnea—P. 31 Louth Dundalk ’00—Mrs. Swan. Common—P. 32 Monghn. Castleblayney ’00--Somerville. Frequent. 34 Dongl. EK. *Kilderry, W. E. Hart—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Dungannon ’96—Miss Knowles. Winey—Cyé, I. 37 Armagh Crossmaglen ’92, and locally common in north—P. 7oz. 388 Down Downpatrick ’91-—P. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—FV. VF. 40 Liderry Limavady ’95—B.N.F.C. z30. Rare—Fl. NE. Chiefly along the east side of Ireland, from Kildare to Derry. P: Lamium Galeobdolon Crantz. Yellow Archangel. Census 3+(1)—East 3, Centre (1), West 0. 12 Wexford Near Enniscorthy, J. Morrison—Cyé. I. 20 Wicklow Dargle 96, Scully—Cys. II. Powerscourt—522. 21 Dublin Tymon Castle ’00: rather rare—Colgan. (28 Westmth. Lough Ennel, Foot—Cyb. I. ? Not there now.) Chiefly in the southern half of county Dublin. Confirmation of the Wexford station is desirable. The Westmeath station should probably be expunged. {Ballota nigra L. Black Horehound. Census 23—EHast 13, Centre 7, West 3. 3 Cork W. *Near Moragh Lake (C. Longfield)—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid {Carrigaline ’00 (Scully) : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork K. {Lahard ’98 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Co. Waterford, Carroll—Cy#. I. ~J Tipp. S. Near Clonmel—Miss S. Grubb ’00. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. 11 Kilkny. Odogh, S. Madden— Cy@. I. 12 Wexford Rosslare ’82—Hart 384. 14 Queen’s }Maryborough ’?93—P. 264 LABIATA [Ballota 18 King’s {Edenderry ’96—P. 19 Kildare {Nurney ’97—P. Rather frequent. 20 Wicklow {Bray ’94—P. Murrough, D. Moore—Cy). I. 21 Dublin {Skerries 00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath {Bective ’96 : throughout—P. 23 Westmth. Tourin (Miss E. Reynell)—Levinge ’94 484. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’91-—Mrs. Persse! 30 Cavan Belturbet, D. Moore— Cy). I. 31 Louth Dundalk ’96: frequent throughout—P. 34 Dongl. KE. *Tullagh ’98—Hart gos. *Fahan—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. *Near Salt Hill—/7. Don. 38 Down Coney Island ’98—Davies 265. {Rare—/Fl. NE. 39 Antrim Randalstown ’99—Miss Knowles. | Rare—/. VE. 40 L’derry Coleraine, an escape, D. Moore—Cy#é. II. An escape from cultivation at best, but quite naturalized. Teucrium Scordium L. Water Germander. Census 7+(1)—East 0, Centre 4+(1), West 3. (8 Limreck. Shannon near Limerick—K’ Hogh 1735 273.) 9 Clare Rineacrush Point on Lough Derg ’96 — Colgan. Glanquin (O’Kelly)—Levinge 4é2. 10 Tipp. N. Derry Island to Ryan’s Point on Lough Derg, abundant, ’96—Colgan 279. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’00—Phillips. C. on L. Derg ’96—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Hare Island’99: abundant on Lough Ree—P. 24 Longford Below Roosky ’00, and abundant on Lough Ree——P. 25 Roscomn. Galey ’97—P. Abundant on Lough Ree. 29 Leitrim Shannon below Roosky ’00—P. Confined to the Shannon, except for the Glanquin station in Clare. Confirmation of the old Limerick record is very desirable. Teucrium Scorodonia L. Wood Sage. Census 38—KEast 14, Centre 12, West 12. Divisions all, except 22 Meath, 23 Westmeath. A pecuharly distributed plant. It is usually calcifuge in a marked degree, appearing in quantity the moment the limestone is left, and in many divisions is strictly confined to the non-calcareous rocks ; but in other places it occurs abundantly on bare limestone ‘‘ crags” and on lime- stone cliffs. Local in many divisions: rare in 10, 18, 24, 25, 80, 33; common in 3, 4, 5, 6, 18, 15, 16, 20 and 34 to 40. Plantago| LABIATA. PLANTAGINEA 265 Ajuga reptans L. Bugle. Divisions all. Common. Ajuga pyramidalis L. 9 Clare Ballyryan abundant ’95, O’Kelly—B.E.C. ’95 zéz2. Poulsallagh ’93, Dr. Leitch— Cyd. II. Inishmore ’93 —Colgan 203. Plantago major L. Way-bread; Plantain (genus). Divisions all. Common. *Plantago media L. Lamb’s-tongue. Census 14—East 8, Centre 2, West 4. 4 Cork Mid “Douglas and Bessborough—Allin 7/7. ’83. 5 Cork KE. *Fota ’95—Phillips. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’?00—-Miss Knowles. North, rare. 11 Kilkny. Rough bank near Lismaine House ’99—P. 12 Wexford Killanne ’00 (Miss Cooper)—Moffat 5509. 16 Galw. W. Cong, Miss Jackson—Cyb. II. 19 Kildare Near Straffan (J. Douglas)—More ’72 674. 21 Dublin Kingstown ’00—P. Malahide, Hart—/7. Don. 26 Mayo HK. Lisloughrey, Miss Jackson; Hollymount— Cy. I., Il. 28 Sligo Roadside near Cliffony ’00—P. 35 Dongl. W. Ramelton (the Misses Kinahan), Glenalla—/f7. Don. 36 Tyrone Cookstown ’96—Miss Knowles. Dungannon—Cyb. II. 39 Antrim Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare. 40 L’derry Bellarena ’97 (Mrs. Leebody)—P. 774. Introduced in all cases, but often on wild ground, and seems to be spreading in Ireland. Plantago lanceolata L. Ribwort. Divisions all. Common. Plantago maritima L. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, including Kilkenny, Tyrone, and Armagh. Common on the whole coast. Inland in the ollowing divisions :— 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer! ’?00—Phillips. 15 Galw. SE. Garryland’00—P. Castle Taylor—More 598. 16 Galw.W. Whole east margin c.’99—P. On the mountains v. r. 17 Galw. NE. Common in western half ’?00—P. 266 PLANTAGINEA. ILLECEBRACEA [| Plantago 26 Mayo KE. Claremorris ’00—P. Common except in the east. 27 Mayo W. Lough Conn abundant ’00—P. F-. on the mountains. 28 Shgo Collooney hills ’00—P. Ben Bulben ’82—Corry 248. 34 Dongl.E. Brown Hall district common—¥FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Breaghy: on the mountains occasionally—FV. Don. 40 L’derry Carntogher, &c., to 1500 feet, D. Moore— Cy. I. These inland stations divide themselves into two groups: (a) Low- level limestones (10, 15, 16, 17, 26, 27, 34); and (6) mountains (16, 27, 28, 35, 40). Excepting the Derry stations, all lie in the west of Treland. Plantago Coronopus L. Buck’s-horn. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, namely, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21,22, 27, 28 29, 81, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Common round the whole coast. Littorella lacustris L. Shore-weed. Census 35—East 10, Centre 13, West 12. Divisions all, except 12 Wexford, 13 Carlow, 18 ee s, 21 Dublin, 31 Louth. asa, but somewhat local. Scleranthus annuus L. Knawel. Census 16—East 10, Centre 2, West 4. Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid Blarney (R. Mills)—Allin F7. 783. Rare—Phillips. Cork E. Great Island, Rathpeacon, Cove—Power 7. ’45. 8 Limrck. Castleconnell ’?00—R. D. O’Brien! 11 Kilkny. Ullard ’96—T. Hartley. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Murrough—Gwide ’78. 21 Dublin Glenasmole ’00—Colgan. Very rare. 27 MayoW. Near Levally Lough ’00—P. 31 Louth Ballymascanlan ’00—P. Omeath—Hart 38z. Collon. 32 Monaghn. Lough Avaghon ’00—P. 35 Dongl. W. Near Kindrum ’98—Hart zo5. Fanet vy. r.—l. Don. 87 Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. 388 Down Newcastle ’97—P. Frequent—Fl. VE. 39 Antrim Bushfoot ’94—Mrs. Swan. 40 L’derry Enagh Lough ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—Vfl. VE. Strongly calcifuge, and distributed accordingly, but becomes frequent only in the north-east. Oe Chenopodium | CHENOPODIACEA 267 Chenopodium album L. Goose-foot (genus). Divisions all. Common. Chenopodium rubrum L. Census 12+(3)—EHast 5+(8), Centre 2, West 5. Kerry 8S. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Limrck. Clare Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. NE. Dublin Meath Westmth. Louth (38 Down (39 Antrim Derrymore on Tralee Bay ’88—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94: rare—Scully. Glasheen—Power FV. ’45. Error or casual—Phillips.) Kileoleman (Allin)—More ’72 6zz. Spike I.—Cyé. I. Lough Gur ’?00—P. {Limerick! ’00—R. D. O’Brien. Inishmore ’95—P. Rosslare ’96—Marshall 537. Frequent on south coast. Newtown near Gort ’94, P. B. O’Kelly— Cy). II. Ballyloughaun ’99—P. Near Tallaght ’00: rare—Colgan. Drogheda and Boyne mouth ’96—P. Lough Deravaragh and Lough Drin ’95—Levinge 486. Baltray ’96—P. Holy wood—/V. Belfast.’63. Ballyhalbert. ? Extinct.) Belfast, Templeton—/V. VE. Extinct). “Chenopodium Bonus-Henricus L. Allgood. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kalkny Wexford Galw. SE. King’s Kaldare Wicklow Dublin Meath Census 30—Kast 13, Centre 7, West 10. Kenmare ’99: rare and local—Scully. Killarney ’96—Scully. Near Bandon ’97: rare—Phillips. Ovens ’96: rare—Phillips. Castletownroche & Carrigtwohill ’00 : rare—Phillips. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. L. Gur ’00—P. Patrick’s Well, Bentley—Hé. L.F.C. ! Doonbeg ’99—Miss Knowles. Ballyvaughan; Tullagh. Near Jenkinson House ’99—P. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Rather frequent. Castle Taylor—More 755 598. Clara ’99, Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Athy ’99—P. Newtownmountkennedy ’94—P. Rare. Balrothery ’00 : rare—Colgan. Beaupare ’00: frequent—P. 268 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 26 Mayo E, 27 Mayo W. 28 Shgo 29 Leitrim 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry CHENOPODIACE A [| Chenopodium Near Multyfarnham—Levinge ’94 484. Granard and Ballymahon ’00—P. Neale, and near Ballinrobe, Miss Jackson—Cyé. II. Killala ’00—P. Ballysadare ’99, Strandhill ’97—P. Jamestown ’99—P. Kinlough—B. & V. rzz. Dundalk ’96 : frequent throughout—P. Pluck, &c.: throughout, rare—/V. Don. Ramelton, Killybegs: rare—/7. Don. By Lough Neagh ’96: rare—Miss Knowles. Lough Ross ’92—P. Benburb bridge—F7. Ulst. Downpatrick, Hyndman—J7. Ulst. Rare—F/. VE. Cullybackey ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare—FV. VE. Kilrea ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/V. VEZ. Generally on roadsides, and near houses. In all cases derived from cultivation. 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 28 Sligo 31 Louth 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 37 Armagh Beta maritima L. Sea-Beet. Census 24—East 18, Centre 1, West 10. Derrynane ’00 : frequent—Scully. Ballybunnion ’94: frequent—Scully. Bantry ’98 : common on the coast—Phillips. Crosshayen ’00 : common near the sea—Phillips. Youghal ’00: common near the sea—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99: frequent—P. Foynes ’85—6—Stewart 563. Moher ’99—-G. Fogerty! Burren and Aran local. - Ballinlaw and Snowhill ’99—P. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Frequent on south coast. Kilcolgan and near Kinvarra ’99—P. Inveran ’?95—Colgan. Galway ’?99—P. Oranmore and Lough Ataha ’99—P. Kilcoole ’94—P. Skerries ’00: frequent—Colgan. Boyne mouth and Gormanstown ’96—P. Near Mullaghmore, Syme—/V. Ulst. ’64. Queensborough, Termonfeckin, Dundalk, ’96—P. Malin Head ’98—Hart 405. Coasts frequent—J//. Don. Whole coast frequent—LV. Don. Newry ’92—P. Atriplesx | CHENOPODIACEA 269 38 Down Portaferry ’00: local—P. 39 Antrim Fair Head ’00—Mrs. Swan. Rare, and chiefly in N. 40 Liderry Downhill’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rather local on the coast. Atriplex littoralis L. Orache (genus). Census 7—Kast 6, Centre 0, West 1. 4 Cork Mid Hop Island, Carroll— Cy. I. 9 Clare Seattery I. ’85—Stewart. Inishmore—Hart 365. 12 Wexford Wexford ’97—Marshall. S. coast f.—Hart 377, 382. 20 Wicklow Below Newtownmountkennedy, D. Moore—Cyé. I. 21 Dublin Sutton ’00: rather rare—Colgan. 38 Down Holywood abundant ’00—P. Rare—/7. VL. 39 Antrim Whitehouse ’86—-P. Macedon and Kilroot, Stewart— Fl. NE. Atriplex patula L. Divisions all, except 13 Carlow and 26 Mayo East, in which it no doubt occurs. Common in its various forms. Atriplex hastata L. Census 22—East 12, Centre 3, West 7. Divisions all, except 1, 2, 7, 10, 13, 14, 16,19, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33. Rarer than the last, and apparently commoner on the coast than inland ; but very possibly occurs in all divisions. Atriplex Babingtonii Woods. Census 24— Hast 12, Centre 1, West 11. In. most of the maritime divisions, namely :—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, i elewiie20) 21,2297, 98 99 31, 34, 85, 87, 38, 39, 40, Pro- bably common on the whole coast. Atriplex farinosa Dum. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00 : local—Colgan. 22 Meath Boyne mouth ’96—P. 31 Louth Baltray ’96, Greenore—P. Lurgan Green—Cyé. IT. 38 Down Ballykinler ’?00—Waddell. Frequent—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Redbay ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare—//. VE. and 874. Confined to the east coast, from Dublin Bay to Bengore Head. 270 CHENOPODIACEA. POLYGONACEA [Airiplex Atriplex portulacoides L. Census 11+(1)—Hast 2+(1), Centre 0, West 9. 1 Kerry 8. Between Dingle and Castlemaine Bay, D. Moore— Ce If (2 Kerry N. Near Calnafersy—Smith 1756 873.) 4 Cork Mid Between Currabinny and Ring ’95, Scully—Cyé. II. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00, Cork Beg, Ballyeotton : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Tramore—Phillips. Helvick Hd. 9 Clare West of Ballyvaughan ’99—P. B. O’Kelly! 12 Wexford Cahore Point ’81—Hart 377. 21 Dublin Rogerstown ’00 : locally abundant—Colgan. 22 Meath Nanny and Boyne estuaries ’96—P. 31 Louth Dundalk !’00—Mrs.Swan. Linns, Clogher, Boyne—P. 37 Armagh Narrow-water ’92—P. 38 Down Narrow-water ¢. ’97—P. Dundrum (R. Hanna)—87z. Ranges from Galway Bay round the south and east coasts to Dun- drum Bay. Local. Salicornia herbacea L. Glasswort. Divisions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40. In all maritime and sub-maritime divisions, except 29 Leitrim. Common on the coast. Sueda maritima Dum. Sea-Blite. Distribution the same as the last, except that it is not recorded from 11 Kilkenny. Salsola Kali L. Saltwort. Maritime divisions nearly all, namely :—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Gomnten on aa “hanes Polygonum Convolvulus L. Black Bindweed. Divisions all. Common. Polygonum aviculare L. Knot-grass. Divisions all. Common. Polygonum Raii Bab. Census 18—East 10, Centre 0, West 8. 1- Kerry 8. Lehid ’94 : local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Near Ballybunnion ’90: local Scully. Polygonum | 3 5) 6 9 12 15 16 20 21 22 ol 34 35 38 39 40 Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Clare Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Lderry POLYGONACE A 271 Barley Cove’96: rare—Phillips. Youghal ’00: rare—Phillips. Bunmahon’99—P. Local on the coast. Inishmore ’95—P. Inishmaan; Malbay ; Lehinch. Greenore and about Patrick’s Bay ’82—Hart 384. Near Ardfry House ’99—P. Near Galway, Melville— Cy). I. Murrough, D. Moore—Cy). I. Near Balbriggan ’00 : rare—Colgan. Laytown, Gormanstown, Boyne mouth ’96—P. Dunany ’96, Termonfeckin, Queensboro’, Greenore—P. White Strand Bay ’93—P. Malin, Bundoran—F/. Don. Ballymastocker Bay ’98—Hart zos. Rare—Jl/. Don. Tyrella’00—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Redbay ’?90—P. Rare—F/. VE. and 872. Lough Foyle, D. Moore— Cy). I. Rare on the west coast, frequent on the east. Polygonum Hydropiper L. Water-Pepper. Divisions all, except 18 King’s Co.,19 Kildare. Strongly calcifuge, and very local in the Central Plain. Kerry N. Cork Mid Tipp. 8. Queen’s Galw. NE. Kildare Wicklow Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Polygonum minus Huds. Census 22—KEast 7, Centre 8, West 7. Killarney ’90: rare—Scully. Ballincollig castle (Carroll)—Allin F7.’83. Near Cahir, D. Moore—CyJ. I. Great Heath of Maryborough ’96—P. About Tuam—ZJr. F7. 33. Near Robertstown, D. Moore— Cy). I. Near Enniskerry, J. Ball— Cy). I. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. Lough Allen at Arigna ’00—P. Lough Cullin, More—Cy). I. Lough Conn ’00—P. Lough Cullin, More—Cyé. I. Near Sligo, J. Wynne— Cy. I. Garadice Lough abundant ’00—P. Lough Ramor abundant ’96—P. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—P. Locally abundant. Gubbaroe Point on L. Erne ’81-2—Barrington zo8. 272 POLYGONACEA [ Poiygonum 34 Dongl. E. Malin Well, Dickie—/7. Ulst. ’64. 35 Dongl. W. Between Gweedore and Dunglow, Dickie—F7. Ulst.’64. 37 Armagh Scarva (Stewart), Clay L. and L. Neagh ’92—P. 7or. 38 Down Hollymount ’98—B.N.F.C. 7377. Rare—Fl. VE. 39 Antrim L. Neagh at Six-mile R.’00—Davies 272. Whitehouse. 40 L’derry Coleraine; D. Moore—FV. Hib.’36. Rare—Fl. NE. Chiefly in the northern half of Ireland, where it is often abundant on stony lake-shores off the limestone. Recent confirmation for 4, 17, 19, 20, 28, 34, 35, 40 is desirable, as the plant has not always been correctly diagnosed. Polygonum mite Schrank. Census 4—KEast 2, Centre 1, West 1. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99—P. 30 Cavan Lough Ramor ’96—P. 87 Armagh Raughlan Point on Lough Neagh ’00—J. H. Davies. 39 Antrim Lough Neagh near Shane’s Castle’00—J. H. Davies. Possibly frequent in Ireland. Polygonum Persicaria L. Persicaria. Divisions all. Common. Polygonum lapathifolium L. Census 33—East 11, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 19, 23. Probably universal. Polygonum maculatum Trimen and Dyer. Census 4+(2)—East 3+(2), Centre 1, West 0. 4 Cork Mid Ballincollig ’53 (Carroll), Hb. Babington— Cy). II. (11 Kilkny. Rubbish-heap at Ferrybank ’95—Marshall.) (12 Wexford Wexford quay ‘‘ mere casual”? ’96—Marshall 537.) 13 Carlow Goresbridge ’99—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Deravaragh near Knock Body ’95—Levinge 486. 38 Down Dundrum ’94— Waddell S96.” Not distinguished in Ireland, and range unknown. Polygonum amphibium L. Divisions all. Common. Oxyria] 28 390 Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Limrck. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Dublin Sligo Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry POLYGONACEA 273 *Polygonum Bistorta L. Snakeweed. Census 17—East 7, Centre 4, West 6. Near Tralee—Smith 1756 843. Near Bantry (Miss Hutchins)—Mackay ’25 522. Hill of Slatwood—Smith 1746 84. Ballingarry, Mrs. Gubbins— Cy). I. St. Mullin’s ’?00—T. Hartley. S. of Mageney ’84—Hart 38}. Stradbally—zgz2. Banks of the Suck near Ballinasloe ’65—Foot 328. Near Monkstown—Mackay ’25 522. South of Shgo, Dickie—F1. Ulst. ’64. Ely Lodge ’81—2—Barrington 708. Castlewray, Dean Gwynn—/7. Don. Reelan Water ’89—Mrs. Leebody. Killygordon. Near Milltown, Admiral Jones— Cy). I. Ardmore Glebe (Lett !)—P. ’92 7oz. Saintfield and Knock’95— Waddell 896. Rare—F7. VE. Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare—FV. VF. Near Moneymore, D. Moore— Cy). I. A relic of cultivation, apparently rarer now than formerly. Kerry 8. Sligo Dongl. W. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Tipp. 8. Galw. W. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Dongl. W. Polygonum viviparum. L. Brandon ’83—Hart 387. Ben Bulben ’84—B. & V. zz2. Ben Whisken ’82 (Dickson )—Corry 248. Bulbein Mount and Slieve League—/7. Don. Oxyria digyna Hill. Mountain Sorrel. Census 8—East 0, Centre 1, West 7. Glanbehy mountains ’92—Scully. Reeks & Brandon f. Mangerton ’92: rare, and in south only—Scully. Muskry Lough ’00—P. Galtees, locally abundant. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. Maamtrasna—M. & S. 545. Cushcamcarragh ’99—Colgan. Rare. Ben Bulben ’?00—West. F. on Ben Bulben range. Glenade ’99—P. SlieveSnaght West ’85—Colgan. Poisoned Glen, Slieve League—/7/. Don. Absent from the eastern mountains. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. T 274 POLYGONACE A [Rumex Rumex conglomeratus Murr. Dock (genus). Divisions all. Common. Rumex nemorosus Schrad. Divisions all. Common. Rumex maritimus L. Golden Dock. 5 Cork E. Kilcoleman (Allin, Carroll)—More’72 6zz, & Allin 7. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur!’00—Canon O’Brien. 12 Wexford Lady’s Island Lake ’82—Hart 387. (21 Dublin Garristown 783, Hart—//. Howth. ? Extinet—Colgan. ) The Youghal record is dubious; the Ballycotton record an error. tRumex pulcher L. Fiddle Dock. Census 38+(4)—Kast 2+(3), Centre (1), West 1. 38 Cork W. tBaltimore ’97, Cape Clear ’96—Phillips. (4 Cork Mid Friar’s Walk—Mackay ’25 522. Gone now—Phillips. ) 5 Cork KE. fYoughal, Cork Beg, Whitegate, ’00—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. {East of Dungarvan ’99—P. (10 Tipp. N. Nenagh, one plant, ’00—Phillips.) (20 Wicklow Bray ’67—’72—More 674.) (21 Dublin Baldoyle sparingly ’68—More 6zz. Very rare.) Established along the southern coast; elsewhere apparently not permanent. Perhaps an introduction in all cases. Rumex obtusifolius L. Divisions all. Common. Rumex crispus L. Curled Dock. Divisions all. Common. - Rumex Hydrolapathum Huds. Great Water-Dock. Census 35—Kast 14, Centre 12, West 9. | 1 Kerry 8S. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. 3 Cork W. Castlefreke ’91: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid About Kinsale and Bandon—Smith 1750 Sgr. 5 Cork E, Power Head ’99 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Clonea’99—P. And along the Blackwater. Hippophae] POLYGONACEH. BLAAGNACEA 275 a 8 9 10 11 12 Tipp. 8. Limrek. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Down Antrim L’derry H. of O’ Brien’s Bridge (C. B. Barrington)—Hart’81 360. Lough Gur and Castleconnell ’00—P. Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane. Shannon, rare. Youghal Bay ’99, Portumna ’97—P., Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Nore and Barrow, rather rare. Courtown’96—P. Rather frequent in the south. Bagenalstown 99, c. on Barrow—P. Slaney—37z. Between Athy and Carlow ’84—Hart 383. Portumna, Ballinasloe, below Woodford, ’98—P. Near Clonbrock ’96—P. Banagher ’98—P. Barrow below Athy’99—P. Below Monasterevan—38}3, Plentiful on the Murrough, D. Moore—Cyé, I. Near Fieldstown ’94 : very rare—Colgan. Navan ’00: throughout, but not common—P. Lough Iron ’99—P. Centre and west, sparingly. Lough Forbes ’00, and frequent on Lough Ree—P. Rockyille ’99 : throughout, not common—P. Westport ’36—Babington 54. Ballysadare ’00, Lough Arrow ’97—P. Rinn Lough and Leitrim ’99—P. Lough Oughter and Farnham ’96—P. Braganstown ’00, Kerney’s Cross, Ardee—P. Rockcorry ’?00—P. Enniskillen ’00—P. River Erne above Ballyshannon—J7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Downpatrick abundant ’00—-P. Rare—F/. NZ. Antrim! ’86—D. Redmond. About L. Neagh only, r. Ballymacpeak, Ferguson-—/V. Ulst.’64. Portglenone —Wade go2. Rumex Acetosa L. Sorrel. Divisions all. Common. Rumex Acetosella L. Sheep’s Sorrel. Divisions all. Abundant. Calcifuge. *Hippophae rhamnoides L. Sea Buckthorn. Wexford Ardamine on cliffs ’97—Marshall 539. Courtown sandhills y. ec. ’96—P. Raven Point—More 6rz. me 276 ELHAGNACEH. EUPHORBIACEA [Hippophae 21 Dublin Spreading on Rush sandhills ’98, Colgan—COyé. II. Thoroughly naturalized on the Wexford coast, and becoming so in Dublin. Planted also in Kerry (1 and 2), where it will perhaps. spread similarly. (Euphorbia Peplis L.) 6 Waterfd. Garraris Cove ’59, Hb. Mackay—Cy). II. Searched for repeatedly in recent years without success. Euphorbia Helioscopia L. Sun Spurge. Divisions all. Common. Euphorbia hiberna L. Irish Spurge. Census 11—EKast 3, Centre 1, West 7. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00: c., but r. in Dingle peninsula—Scully. Kerry N. Listowel ’99 : common, less soin the north—Scully. Cork W. Cape Clear ’96: common—Phillips. Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96 : common—Phillips. Cork E. Fermoy ’00: SW.c., r. elsewhere—Phillips. Waterfd. Ballyduff ’00—Phillips. Dungarvan—J. Britten, in Hart 358. Cappoquin, R. Nier, Miss Grubb— Cys. I. 8 Limrek. Abbeyfeale c.’90—Scully 827. Adare, More—Cyé. II. 15 Galw. SE. Owendalulleegh R. c. ’00—P. Derryea—Hart 367. 27 Mayo W. Inishturk ’75—More 676. 34 Dongl. E. Dunree River ’91 (J. Hunter)—Hart 397. 35 Dongl. W. Poisoned Glen ’67 (N. Moore)—More 6zz. The Slieve Bane (Roscommon) record is doubtful: the plant does. not appear to grow there now. South of Ireland, with outlying stations along the west coast to Donegal. oO or © DOH +Euphorbia amygdaloides L. Wood Spurge. 38 Cork W. Near Kinsale—Allin ’74 77, Castle Bernard—287. 4 Cork Mid Oyster Haven ’00 (Scully)—Phillips. Dunderrow. 35 Dongl. W. Glenalla woods, very rare—/7. Don. Thoroughly naturalized, if not native, in Co. Cork. Euphorbia Paralias L. Sea Spurge. Census 15—East 9, Centre 0, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Rossbehy ’00: local—Scully. Euphorbia) Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Clare Wexford Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Louth Dongl. W. Down Antrim EUPHORBIACEA 277 Banna ’92: local—Scully. Barley Cove ’96: frequent—Phillips. Near Youghal ’00: rare—Phillips. Tramore!’99—Phillips. Near Whiting Bay—Hart 38¢. Fanore ’99—G. Fogerty! Burren and Aran rare. Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Whole coast frequent. Inveran ’95—Colgan. Near Galway ’99—P. Brittas Bay ’96—P. Coast common. North Bull! ’00: frequent—Colgan. Laytown and Mornington ’96—P. Greenore ’00, Dromiskin, Baltray—P. Fanet ’91—FV. Don. Tyrella ’00—P. Frequent—/?. V £Z. Bushfoot ’68—B.N.F.C. z77. Sandy shores, rather local, and rare in the west. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterid. Clare Wexford Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Euphorbia portlandica L. Census 17—East 10, Centre 0, West 7. Derrynane ’00: rather frequent—Scully. Ballyheige ’92: rather rare—Scully. Baltimore ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00: frequent—Phillips. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Tramore ’97—Mrs. Persse ! Fanore ’00—Miss Knowles. Fort Fergus—West. Aran. Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Frequent. Near Slyne Head ’96—P. j S. of Wicklow ’?00—C. Waterfall. Locally abundant. Portrane ’00: rare—Colgan. Boyne mouth ’94—P., Queensborough ’96—P. Bundoran ’00—Tetley. Binnion— vos. N. and &., r. Sessiagh Bay ’98—Hart 405. North only, r.—/V. Don. Ballykinler ’00—P. South only, frequent. Portrush ’99—Miss Knowles. Bushfoot ’87—P. East coast frequent, west coast rare. Euphorbia Peplus L. Divisions all. Common. 278 5 9 14 Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Cavan Louth KUPHORBIACEA [Huphorbia Euphorbia exigua L. Census 31—East 15, Centre 9, West 7. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. Crosshaven ’00 (Scully): frequent—Phillips. Midleton ’00 : common—Phillips. Tramore ’99—P. Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. Cahir 700: frequent—P. Hollypark ’00—O’ Brien! Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan, L. Ourna—P. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent in centre and south. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Throughout ; common in south. Goresbridge ’99, Carlow, Milford, Borris—P. Emo ’96—P. Ardrahan ’00—Phillips. Common in SW.—P. Ross Lake and Kilbeg ferry ’99—P. Keekill: common in SW. ’99—P. Tober 99, Banagher, Edenderry—P. Kildare ’98: frequent—P. South of Bray Head ’86—P. Portrane’00: rare—Colgan. Oldcastle *96—P. Newtowncashel abundant ’00—P. Ballinasloe and Athlone ’99—P. Frequent in the south. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Greenore ’00, Braganstown, Ardee—P. Foynes ’99—Somerville. Dongl. E. {Greencastle, W. E. Hart; Inch—JV. Don.. Dongl. W. {Carraghblagh: north only, rare—/7. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Cookstown ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Ardglass ’98—Davies 265. Frequent—//. VE. Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—J/V. WE. Ballyscullion ’94—-Mrs. Leebody. Frequent. Local, and rare on the west coast. Cork KE. Clare Queen’s Mercurialis perennis L. Dog’s Mercury. Census 11—East 5, Centre 4, West 2. {Near Castletownroche ’97—Phillips. Khyber Pass ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren and Ennis, v.r. Abbeyleix ’87, Vowell—Cydb. II. Durrow—Hart 388. Humulus} WKUPHORBIACEA. URTICACEA 279 18 King’s Birr demesne abundant ’?00—W. de V. Kane. 21 Dublin {Near Finglas ’98—Colgan. 24 Longfd. Near Ballymahon ’00—P. 28 Sligo Hazelwood, J. Wynne--Cyb. I. 32 Monaghn. Glasslough ’00, Monaghan ’98—W. de V. Kane! 37 Armagh ‘Tanderagee demesne ’92—P. 38 Down Loughbricland ’93, Lett—B.N.F.C. z25. Very rare. 39 Antrim Glenoe ’95—B.N.F.C. z29. Very rare—/7. VE. {Mercurialis annua L. Census 8—Kast 5, Centre 1, West 2. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’92 (C. Longfield)—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Sunday’s Well ’96: frequent near Cork—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. Tivoli’00—Phillips. Youghal—Allin F7. 6 Waterfd. Waste ground at Waterford ’99—P. 7 Tipp. 8. Carrick-on-Suir ’99—P. 9 Clare Ennis ’79-—Corry 220. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Callan ’00—Mrs. Persse. 21 Dublin Rathmines *00—Colgan. Abundant around Dublin. Established about towns in the southern half of Ireland, being especially abundant near Dublin. The Beal Castle record of Smith’s Kerry (1756) has never been confirmed. \Ulmus montana With. Elm. Divisions all, except 9, 16, 17, 19, 23, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, and probably occurs in all as an introduced tree. In the following stations alone it appears to have claims to be considered native :— 8 Limrck. Mountain glen above Doon ’00—P. 18 King’s Glen in Slieve Bloom above Kinnitty ’00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Brown Hall and Laghy “‘ apparently native” — 7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Glen above Lough Eske—/7. Don. 39 Antrim Frequent in mountain glens—Stewart, and P. There can be little doubt that this tree is truly indigenous, but between the destruction of the natural woods, and the replanting of the country, the record is most confusing. Asa native it appears to be now confined to upland glens, chiefly in the north. *Humulus Lupulus L. Hop. Census 22+(2)—East 9+(2), Centre 8, West 5. 1 Kerry 8. Beaufort ’00—Scully. Cloonee ’98—P. 280 URTICACE [Humulus 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rather rare—Scully. 3 Cork W- Schull’94—Phillips. Glandore, Blind Hbr.—Allin FV. 4 Cork Mid Inniscarra(Alexander)—Power /7.’45. Rare—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Near Fermoy ’94—P. Rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Whitefork—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. 7 Tipp. 8S. RB. Suir below Ardfinnan established ’82—Hart 385. 8 Limrck. Castleconnell ’?00—O’ Brien. Limerick—Someryille. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. Widespread but rare. 10 Tipp. N. North of Templemore ’82—Hart 385. Very rare. © 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97—P. Rare. 12 Wexford Sandhills north of Courtown established ’96—P. Rare. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96—P. Rather frequent. 18 King’s Shannon Harbour and Banagher ’98—P. 19 Kildare Athy ’97—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97—P. 21 Dublin Near Tynan ’96: rare—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Near Mayne, well established—Levinge ’96 486. 26 Mayo E. Foxford ’00—P. 385 Dongl. W. Carrablagh, Carrick, Donegal—/F/. Don. 86 Tyrone By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 387 Armagh Near Loughgall ’92—P. (38 Down Grey Abbey—Z/r. FV. 33. Very rare.) (39 Antrim Newforge—Fl. Belfast.’63. Very rare.) little inclination to spread. Established in many places, especially in the south, but showing In the north-east a mere outcast, not seen for many years. Urtica dioica L. Nettle (genus.) Divisions all. Common. Urtica urens L. Divisions all. Frequent. Parietaria officinalis L. Wall Pellitory. Census 35—East 15, Centre 10, West 10. Divisions all, except 24 Longford, 29 Leitrim, 32 Monaghan, 33 Fermanagh, 85 Donegal W. Rather local: only one station noted for 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 25, 27, 28. Frequent in most of the remaining divisions. Commoner in the east than in the west, and in the west than in the centre. Corylus] MYRICACEA. CUPULIFERA 281 Myrica Gale L. Bog Myrtle. Census 38—East 13, Centre 13, West 12. Divisions all, except 13 Carlow, 21 Dublin. Rare in the east, but the last named is probably the only division in which the plant does not occur, Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Tipp. S. Tipp. N. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Kildare Wicklow Meath Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo EK. Leitrim Cavan Betula verrucosa Ehrh. Birch (genus). Census 19—East 5, Centre 7, West 7. {Kenmare ’00: rather frequent—Scully. {Listowel ’94: rather frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00—Phillips. }Queenstown Junction ’97—Phillips. Fethard ’97—P. +Cahir ’00—Phillips. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Lough Derg only, frequent. Bog at St. Mullin’s, {Carlow, ’98—P. Abbeyleix ’98—P. Woodford ’98—P. Frequent on Lough Derg. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Clonbrock ’96—P. Carbury ’?96—P. Avondale ’99—P. Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Lough Forbes ’00—P. Mote Park ’97, Athlone ’98—P. Claremorris ’00—P. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Rinn Lough ’99—P. Lough Oughter and Farnham ’96—P. Lowland, and as a native generally in peaty soil round the edges of the great bogs, and of lakes and rivers in the Limestone Plain. Often planted in shrubberies and woods. Apparently absent from the north. Divisions Betula pubescens Ehrh. all. Frequent, both in the plain and on the hills. Alnus glutinosa Medic. Alder. Divisions all. Common. Corylus Avellana L. Hazel. Divisions all. Abundant. 282 CUPULIFERA. SALICINE AG [Quercus Quercus Robur L. Oak. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Usually common. Salix triandra L. Willow, Sallow (genus). 5 Cork E. Teli pys: 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 23 Westmth. 338 Ferman. 388 Down 39 Antrim Census 11—FEast 6, Centre 5, West 0. Fermoy—Allin FV. ’83. Castle Hyde. 4—Phillips. North-west of Cahir 700 —P. Cloughjordan ’00—P. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Thomastown, Ballyragget—P. Alderton ’89—B. & M. IS. R. Barrow at Borris and below St. Mullin’s ?98-9—P. By the Barrow at Graigue ’99—P. Knock Drin ’95—Levinge 486. Florencecourt—/7. Hib. ’36. Ballyalloly—/7. Belfast ’63. Balmoral ! ’86—Stewart. Rare, south only—F?. VE. Is probably native along the Blackwater, Barrow, and Nore. Else- where its standing is difficult to determine. Salix pentandra L. .Bay Willow. Census 27+(3)—East 8+(1) Centre 10, West 9+(2).. (1 Kerry S$. (3 Cork W. (4 Cork Mid 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. *Castle Cove 00: local and rare—Scully.) *Dunmanway and Dunboy (Sullivan)—Allin F7.’83.) {Blarney—Drummond 719 287. ? Planted—Phillips.) River Annagh ’45—Carter 795. Johnstown ’98—P. Maryborough ’97—-P. Frequent in east, rare in west. R. Suck near Ballinasloe—Foot ’65 328. Kylemore ’94—-P. Very rare? 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Shgo 29 Leitrim Lough Goura ’98, Edenderry ’96: frequent—P. Kildare and marsh at Curragh ’?97—P. Enfield ’96—P. Near Mullingar—Levinge ’94 484. In west, rare—P. Castlerea ’00: not rare—P. Near Athlone ’98—P. Lough Carra ’94—Mrs. Persse! Lough Conn and {Ballina ’?00—P. Annaghmore ‘00—P. Not rare. Glenade ’99—P. Frequent in north half. 39 40 SALICINE 283 Farnham ’97—P. Dunleer ’00—P. Drumreaske ’00—Waddell. Frequent. Enniskillen ’99—P. Frequent. Meendoran ’98—Hart zos. Northr., south £.—F/. Don. Glenalla, and frequent in the south—/7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Sperrin Mountains f.—P. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Holywood hills ?00-—-P. Frequent-—/7. VE. Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VE. Garvagh ’94—-P. Common, D. Moore—/V. VE. Frequent and native in the north. Thins out southward, till in Cork and Kerry it appears only as an introduction. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Kilkny. Wexford Queen’s Dublin Westmth. Longfd. Leitrim Monaghn. Dongl, E. Dongl. W. Antrim L’derry {Salix fragilis L. Crack Willow. Census 17—East 6, Centre 5, West 6. Kenmare ’00 : rather frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99 : frequent—Scully. Inchigeela ’00 : frequent—Phillips. Carrigrohane ’98 : common—Phillips. Midleton ’00 : common—Phillips. Thurles and Fethard ’98—P. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Thomastown ’98—P. River Urrin, and near Rosslare—B. & M. WS. Boleybeg bridge ’98—P. Portrane ’00 : frequent, probably planted—Colgan. Quarry bog—Levinge 794 7&4. Longford ’98—P. Lough Melvin ’99—P. Monaghan ’00—Waddell. Ballybay ’00—Someryille. Glentogher River, &c.: rare—//. Don. Glenlough looking native, Fanet—/V. Don. Shane’s Castle, D. Moore—Cyd. I. Near Dungiven and Limavady, D. Moore— Cy). I. Probably introduced in all stations; but, as with the other lowland willows, its status is very difficult to decide. Division all, except 16 Galway West and 26 Mayo East. {Salix alba L. White Willow. Probably an original native of the river-sides, but now generally planted. 284 SALICINE [Sali Salix cinerea L. Sallow. Divisions all. Common. Salix aurita L. Divisions all. Common. Salix Caprea L. Divisions all. Frequent. Salix repens L. Census 32—East 13, Centre 8, West 11. Divisions all, except 7 Tipperary S., 19 Kildare, 24 Longford, 29 Leitrim, 30 Cavan, 32 Monaghan, 36 Tyrone, 37 Armagh. One station only in 8, 14, 22, 31. A local species. Salix phylicifolia L. Census 6—East 2, Centre 0, West 4. 27 Mayo W. Mvweelrea ’82—Hart 380. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben’85—Linton 502. Ben Bulben range f. 29 Leitrim Near Kinlough ’84—B. & V. 772. 35 Dongl. W. Glenlough—/7V. Don. 39 Antrim Glenballyeamon, D. Moore—Cyé. I. 40 Liderry Enagh Lough ’34, D. Moore—#fV. Hid. Apparently very rare. Planted in Westmeath (Levinge 756). Salix nigricans Sm. 34 Dongl. E. Urris Mountains, C. Moore—Cyé. II. 39 Antrim Glendun, &c:, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Rare—FV. NE. 40 L’derry Near Dungiven, &c., D. Moore— Cyd. I. Not seen in Ireland for many years, and its rediscovery is desirable. Planted in Westmeath (Levinge 786). {Salix viminalis L. Osier. Divisions all. Frequent. Probably originally introduced. Salia] SALICINE A 285 Salix herbacea L. Census 17—East 6, Centre 3, West 8. Kerry 8. Waterville 92: on most of the mountains—Scully. Kerry N. Mangerton ’96: rare, and in south only—Scully. Cork W. Sugarloaf and Priest’s Leap (Carroll)—Allin F7. ’83. Waterfd. Commeraghs c., Knockmealdowns r. ’82-3—Hart 38z. Tipp. S. L. Muskry ’00—P. Galtees f., Knockmealdowns r. Limrck. Galtymore ’80—Hart. Galw. W. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. ‘Twelve Bens frequent. Wicklow Lugnaquilla’97—Colgan. High grounds, very rare. Mayo W. Nephin’00—P. High grounds frequent. Sligo Cloonacool L. ’96—Colgan. Ben Bulben range rare. Louth Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Dongl. E. Sleve Snacht ’98—-Hart zo5. North only—FV. Don. Dongl. W. Aghla, &c.: very frequent—/7. Don. Tyrone Dart ’92—P. Down Slieve Donard ’97—-P. Mourne summits common. Antrim Shevenanee ’86—P. _L’derry Benevyenagh ’92—P. Rare—/l. VE. {Salix purpurea L. Rose Willow. Census 34— Kast 12, Centre 12, West 10. Kerry 8. *Hillville near Clahane ’94: local—Scully. Kerry N. *Knockamore ’94—Scully. Cork W. +{Macroom’00—Phillips. Millstreet (Carroll)—Allin 77. Cork Mid }Dooniskey ’97 ; frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Near Castletownroche ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Cappoquin’99—P. Limrck. Drumkeen’00—P. Tipp. N. Roscrea ’00—Phillips. Cloughjordan,-L.. Ourna—P. Kilkny. Nore at Thomastown ’98, and above Ballyragget—P. Carlow Borris ’?99—P. Queen’s {Maryborough ’96—P. Galw. SE. Ballinasloe ’00—Phillips. Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96, {Dunmore ’00—P. King’s Birr ?00-—Phillips. Frequent—P. Kildare —- Robertstown ’98: frequent—P. Dublin {Portmarnock and near Finglas ’94—P. Meath Boyne Obelisk ’97, Enfield, Coonen Hill—P. 286 SALICINE A [Salia 23 Westmth. {Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 484. West, rare—P. 24 Longfd. Near Roosky ’00, {Granard, {Longford—P. 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 38 34 35 36 oF 38 39 40 a) NoUMmN AA wH w WO 13 Roscomn. Boyle and Mount Talbot? 97, telsewhere : frequent—P. Mayo E. Ballyhaunis ’00, Ralllysiae flame "98—P. Mayo W. LL. Conn’00—P. *“Newport—Marshall. Killery. Shgo tL. Arrow ’97,*Annaghmore—P. Glencar—B. & V. 772. Leitrim Drumahaire ?99—P. Throughout. Cavan Farnham ’96—P. Monaghn. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—P. Ferman. Enniskillen’00, Florencecourt, Ballyoneede River—P. Dongl. E. *Reelan Bridge: throughout, rare—FV. Don. Dongl. W. *Fanet, Killybegs, &c: rare—FV. Don. Tyrone +Sperrin mountains frequent ’92—P. Armagh Frequent throughout ’92—P. Down {Craigavad’00—P. +tRare—f1. VE. and 87. Antrim Ballycastle ’97—P. +Frequent—F/. VE. and &74. L’derry Upperlands ’94—-P. }Rare—Fl. VEL. Looks native along many of the streams in the Central Plain. Populus tremula L. Aspen. Census 32—East 11, Centre 10, West 11. Kerry 8. {Kenmare ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Kerry N. {Listowel ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. }+Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid }Blarney ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Cork E. +fGlanmire’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. }Cappoquin ’99—P. Tipp. 8S. Fethard’98, Clonmel ’97—P. Limreck. jfAdare ’99—Somerville. {Lough Gur ’00—P. Clare Woodcock hill near Cratloe native ’97—Bentley ! Tipp. N. Dromineer ’97, Portumna, Cloughjordan—P. Wexford Killoughrim forest—B. & M. WS. Carlow Borris ’?99, below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Queen’s Meee perder and Emo ’96—P. Galw. W. Clonbur ’95—Marshall. Inishbofin—More 676. Galw. NE. Annaghdown on Lough Corrib ’00—P. King’s Clonad wood ’96, Shannon Harbour, and }frequent—P. Kildare North of Levitstown ’99, {Maynooth—P. Wicklow Glendalough cliffs and about Luggela ’94—P. Meath tAlong the Boyne near Beauparc ’00—P. Hmpetrum) 24 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 40), &c., and on the edges of bogs and rivers. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Ferman. Dongl. E. SALICINEA. EMPETRACEA 287 Elfeet Bay on Lough Ree ’00—P. Glendaduff cliffs ’00—P. L. Conn ’00—P. Achill Sound—Marshall. Inishturk. Knockachree ’96—Colgan. lL. Gill, +L. Arrow—P. tGaradice Lough ’00—P. Lough Oughter and Farnham ’96—P. Goat Island ’92: native on L. Erne and L. Melvin—P. Malin, &c.: extreme north only—F7. Don. Dongl. W. Barra River: frequent—/7. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Mullaghcarn ’96—Miss Knowles. Throughout, frequent in north-west, ’?92—P. Cliffs over Blue Lough ’92—P. Very rare as a native. Glarryford ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—F/. VE. Near Garvagh ’95—P. Frequent—/7. VE. Native on mountain cliffs (as in 20, 26, 38, 39), rocky lake-shores (10, 16, 17, 24, 27, 28, 30, 33), wild ground (7, 9, 13, 14, 18, 19, 27, Mr. Colgan finds it nowhere native in Dublin. Kerry 8S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Tipp. N. Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Longtd. Empetrum nigrum L. Crowberry. Census 30—East 11, Centre 9, West 10. Derrynane ’92: local—Scully. Mangerton ’96: rare and local—Scully. Millstreet mountains ’00: rare—Phillips. Mushera mountain (Gollock)—Allin FY. ’83. Stilloge and Coumshingaun lakes ’82-3—Hart 387. Bog at Ballinure’98—P. Frequent on the mountains. Carn Seefin’99—Miss Knowles. Burrenc. ; Ballycar. Summit of Keeper ’80—Hart 369. Blackstairs ’99, Mount Leinster ’98—P. Blackstairs 799, Mount Leinster ’98—P. Mountrath ’97, Arderin—P. Capard—Hart 383. Lough Derg below Woodford ’98—P. Muckanaght ’?98—Colgan. Locally frequent. Frankford ’00, Tullamore, Shannon Hbr., Arderin—P. Nurney ’97, Carbury—P. Edenderry—D.N.F.C. 305. Thonelagee ’94—P. Frequent on the mountains. Seecawn ’00: locally abundant—Colgan. Lisclogher bog—Levinge ’94 4&4. Bog near Roosky ’00—P. 288 EMPETRACE AA—CONIFERA [Empetrum 27 MayoW. Nephin’00—P. Frequent. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99—P. Lough Allen—Stewart S59. 30 Cavan In the north-west ’84—Stewart 359. 33 Ferman. Legland Mountain’81—Stewart &5z. 34 Dongl.E. Throughout, common—//. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Throughout, common—FfV. Don. 36 Tyrone Mullaghcarn ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Slieve Gullion’93: bogs and mountains frequent—P. 38 Down Slieve Donard’00—Tetley. Frequent—FV. VE. 39 Antrim Slemish ’97—Miss Knowles. Frequent—Fl. VE. 40 L’derry Mullaclogha ’83—Hart 38z. Frequent—H. WE. At low levels (under 300 feet) in 1, 2, 7, 9, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 23, 24,27, 29, 84, 35, 37, 38, 39. Ceratophyllum demersum L. Hornwort. Census 10—East 6, Centre 2, West 2. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’?99—Scully and Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Lough of Cork ’98—Phillips. Blarney L.—Allin F1. 6 Waterfd. Melbrook near Clonmel, Miss A. Taylor—Cyd. I. 8 Limerick Lough Gur ’00—P. 9 Clare By the Fergus near Ennis ’00—R. D. O’Brien! 22 Meath Navan (Scott)—Mackay ’25 522. 23 Westmth. Lough Deravaragh ’92—Levinge ! 38 Down Carrickmannan Lake (Waddell)—S. & P. 874. Rare. 39 Antrim Ushet Lake on Rathlin Island ’82—Stewart. 40 L’derry Near Jackson Hall, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Wade’s Connemara record is probably erroneous. Dr. Moore’s station ‘‘ above Derry” is indefinite as regards the county to which it belongs: Mr. Hart failed to find it on the Donegal side. Juniperus communis L. Juniper. Census 12—East 0, Centre 2, West 10. 1 KerryS. Killarney ’96: very rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Mountains in Bere (Hincks)—Power FV. ’45. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent on Lough Derg. 15 Galw. SE. L. Derg below Woodford’98—P. F. about L. Derg. 16 Galw. W. Lisoughter ’98—Colgan. Roundstone ’96—P. 17 Galw. NE. Merlin Park near Galway ’99—Mrs. Joyce! Taxus | CONIFERA 289 26 27 MayoE. Lough Carra ’94—Mrs. Persse ! MayoW. Glencullen Mtn.’98—Colgan. Delphi Mtn.—Hart 380. Sligo Knockachree ’96—Col gan. Dongl. HK. Near Greencastle ’?93—P. Very rare—/. Don. & 405. Dongl. W. Fanet and Glenveagh—/V. Don. ‘ Confined tothe mountains and lake shores of the west. Juniperus nana Willd. Census 14—FEast 3, Centre 0, West 11. Kerry 8. Cloonee ’00: rare—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99—Scully. Cork W. Dunboy ’94—Phillips. Bere promontory only, rare. Clare Carn Seefin’99—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran f. Galw. SE, Ardrahan ’00—P. Frequent in the west. Galw. W. Derryclare ’99—Colgan 227. Frequent throughout. Mayo W. Croaghaun ’99—Colgan. Local, frequent. Sligo Ben Bulben ’84—B. & V. z72. Leitrim On the coast’97—P. Dongl. E. Throughout, frequent—F7. Don. Dongl. W. Throughout, frequent—/7. Don. Down Sleeve Bearnagh ’98—P. Mournes, local—S. & P. 873. Antrim Glenariff *86—P. Local—/l. VEZ. L’derry Benevenagh ’00—Lett and Waddell. Ballygaylagh— Sampson S27. The Kilcornan (17) record of John Ball (93)is withheld pending confirmation: J. communis and J. nana have not always been distin- guished. Confined to the west and north-east. 15 16 Taxus baccata L. Yew. Census 17+(3)—East 4+(1), Centre 2+(2), West 11. KerryS. Cloonee ’98—P. Rather rare—Scully. Kerry N. Ardfert’99: chiefly in the south—Scully. Cork W. Near Macroom’97: rare—Phillips. Cork Mid. Blarney, Carrigrohane—Power /7.’45. Rare—Phillips. Cork E. {Castletownroche ’00: rare in a wild state—Phillips. Clare Rocks at Doonass’97, Bentley —H0d. L.F.C. Burren f. Galw.SE. Garryland’00—P. Kilmacduagh’97—Mrs. Joyce ! Galw. W. L. Inagh’98—Colgan. Craigga More and L. Corrib—P. R.I.A. PROC., SER. II., VOL. VII. U 290 CONIFERAH. HYDROCHARIDEA [| Taxus 17 Galw. NE. Wild ground by the Suck at Donamon ’97—P. 18 King’s {Clonad Wood among Rhamnus &c. ’96—P. (20 Wicklow {Rough wood at Avondale ’99—P.) (24 Longfd. *Inchcleraun, one old tree, ’85-6—B. & V. 773). (26MayoEK. {By Lough Mask below Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs, Persse !) 27 Mayo W. Rocks on SW. shore of Lough Conn ’00—P. 28 Sligo Cliffs of Seefin ’96-—Colgan. 29 Leitrim Lough Gill on rocks’99—P. Glencar—B. & V. 772. 33 Ferman. Carrick and Knockmore’81—Stewart S54. 35 Dongl. W. Glenveagh and Lough-an-ure—/V. Don. 39 Antrim Glenarm and Cavehill ’39—Hd. D. Moore. Glenariff, Templeton— Cyd. II. 40 L’derry Benevenagh 735, D. Moore—/. VE. Rocks, cliffs, old woods, and lake shores, now almost confined to the west: formerly more abundant. The Wicklow, Longford, and E. Mayo records very possibly represent the last remnants of aboriginal stock, but itis impossible now to say, and introduced trees grow around. *Elodea canadensis Michx. Water-Thyme. Census 35—East 14, Centre 13, West 8. 2 Kerry N. Listowel ’99—Seully. 4 Cork Mid Ballyphehane ’96: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Castlemartyr and Ightermorrough Castle—Allin 77.’83. 6 Waterfd. Blackwater at Cappoquin most abundant ’99—P. 7 Tipp. 8.. Fethard ’?00—Phillips. 8 Limrek. Lough Gur’00—P. Limerick ’99—Somerville. 9 Clare Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Killaloe’96—Colgan. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer’00—Phillips. Portumna ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. St. Mullin’s—}8&3. 12 Wexford Enniscorthy ’98—P. Frequent. 13 Carlow Tullow ’99: common—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’96: rather rare—P. 15 Galw. SE. Woodford ’98—P. South-east only, frequent. 16 Galw. W. Moycullen ’99—P. L. Corrib, L. Mask-——M. &8. 575. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96, and frequent in the south-west.—P. 18 King’s Philipstown ’96, and Shannon—P. Barrow—Hart 383. 19 Kildare Kileock’96, Athy—P. Near Monasterevan—Hart 338}. 20 Wicklow Hollybrook near Bray (Barrington)——More ’72 6r,4. 21 Dublin Canal at Clondalkin ’00: frequent——Colgan. Hydrocharis| 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 36 37 38 39 40 29 30 31 30 od 38 39 Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry HYDROCHARIDEA 291 Laytown ’95: frequent—P. Mullingar ’99—P. Frequent in centre and west. Longford 98 : common —P. Mote Park’97—P. Frequent. Kilmovee ’?99—P. LL. Corrib, L. Mask—M. & 8S. 545. Ballysadare’99, L. Arrow—P. Sligo, Colgan— Cy). II. Drumahaire ’99 : frequent throughout—P. Ballyconnell’00---Somerville. Cavan, Mt. Nugent—P. Barmeath ’90—Butler zSs5. Boyne Obelisk ’96—P. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00—-P. Not rare. Belcoo’00—-P. Frequent along the Erne. Erne and Bundowes rivers—/7. Don. By Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Downpatrick ’00—P. Frequent. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Abundant—/7. VEZ. Kilrea ’94—P. ? Rare. Rare in the mountainous portions of the country, widespread over the low grounds, in rivers, lakes, ponds and canals. First introduced into Ireland about 1836; now decreasing in many places. Hydrocharis Morsus-rane L. Frog-bit. Clare Galw. SE. Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Leitrim Cavan Louth Ferman. Armagh Down Antrim Census 13—Kast 6, Centre 4, West 8. Ennis plentiful ’85-6—Stewart 863. Portumna ’98—P. Bog of the Ring ’00: rare—Colgan. Beaupare ’00: centre and north frequent—P. Lough Iron ’99--P. Centre and west very frequent. Rinanny Point on Lough Ree ’85-6--B. & V. 773. Near Carrick-on-Shannon ’99—P. Near L. Oughter’96—P. Belturbet, D. Moore——Cyd. I. Castlebellingham ’00—W. de V. Kane. Centre c.—P. Near Pettigoe, Miss Young—Cyd. II. South of Derryadd Bay on L. Neagh ’92—P. Near Portaferry, Templeton—//. VE. Portmore and Gawley’s Gate ’86-—-P. “Cushendun. Middle and east of Ireland chiefly, with Louth and Meath as centre. The Connemara record (Wade go2) is probably an error. U 2 292 _ HYDROCHARIDEA. ORCHIDEA [Stratiotes tStratiotes aloides L. Water-soldier. 4 Cork Mid *Bailyphehane ’96—Phillips. 33 Ferman. Belleisle ’00—West. 39 Antrim Mill-dam near Carrickfergus ’96—B.N.F.C. 733. The above are the only stations where at present the Water- soldier is known to grow. It is also recorded from the Boyne and Shannon, and mill-dams about Belfast, and as abundant in the upper part of the Erne basin, but has not been recently found in any of these stations. There can be no doubt that it is an introduction in its Belfast and Cork stations. About Lough Erne it has been known for nearly a century, and is naturalized there, but probably originally introduced. Malaxis paludosa Swartz. Bog Orchis. Census 11—East 6, Centre 0, West 5. 1 Kerry S. Cahersiveen’96: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Between Inchigeela and Macroom, Sullivan—Cyé. I. 9 Clare Near Lisdoonvarna, T. Warren—CyJ. I. 13 Carlow Hills about Old Lochlin, Templeton I2S.—Cy6. II. 15 Galw. SE. Lough Derg south of Woodford, Hart—Cyé. II. 16 Galw. W. Base of Carn Seefin! ’95—J. A. Audley. 19 Kildare Bog south of Thomastown ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Upper Lough Bray ’70-—Hart. Rare. 21 Dublin Glendhu Mountain ’94—Colgan. Southern hills, v.r. 37 Armagh Moyntagh bogs, Hyndman—FYV. U/st. ’64. 39 Antrim Lough Naroon ’78—Stewart. Very rare—F7. VE. Neottia Nidus-avis Rich. Bird’s-nest. Census 23—East 10, Centre 6, West 7. 1 Kerry 8S. Uragh woods ’84—Hart 388. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rare and local—Scully. 6 Waterfd. Curraghmore ’00—Flemyng. Cappoquin; Lismore. 8 Limrck. Curragh Chase’00—P. Mt. Trenchard’98—H@. L.F.C.! 11 Kilkny. —_Ullard Wood near Borris ’?00—T. Hartley. 12 Wexford Near Courtown ’96—P. 13 Carlow Borris demesne ’96—T. Hartley. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’93—Mrs. Persse! Ashford ’95—Cy). II. Listera| 17 Galw. NE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 23 Westmth. 25 Roscomn. 28 Sligo 30 Cavan 383 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry ORCHIDE AK 293 Clonbrock ’96—P. Powerscourt ’97—D.N.F.C. 304. Dargle—Cyb. I. Luttrellstown wood ’14 (Templeton J/S.)—Colgan. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 4&z. Rockingham (D. Moore)—More ’72 6r¢. Lough Gill ’99—P. Frequent around Lough Gill. Farnham ’96—P. Hill west of Ely Lodge ’99—P. Crum Castle—zoé. Brown Hall—/#7. Don. Ards (M. Murphy)—More ’72 6z4, and £7. Don. Favour Royal ’96, Miss F. Leebody—Cyb. Il. Rare. Gosford Castle ’92—P. Tollymore Park ’90—P. Belvoir Park—J/i. VE. Garron Tower ’00—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—J//. VE. Limavady ’95—B.N.F.C. z30. Rare—Fl. VE. Widely but very sparingly distributed. More frequent in the north-east than elsewhere. 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 8 Cork W. 6 Waterfd. i kippes. 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 16 Galw. W. 18 King’s 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 27 MayoW. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 380 Cavan 31 Louth 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. Listera cordata R. Br. Census 25—East 10, Centre 6, West 9. Kells ’92 : rare—Scully. Derrycunihy ’98—P. Millstreet mountains 00—Phillips. Coumshingaun and near Coumduala ’81-2—Hart 387. Shevenaman ’00—P. Bay Lough ’82—-3—Hart. Near Ballycarney ’91—G. E. J. Greene. Arderin’97—P. Cullenagh (Bradbury)—Mackay 522. Corcogemore ’82—Hart 38o. Arderin ’97—P. L. Bray’94—P. L. Nahanagan; Maulin Mtn.; Glencree. Glencullen ’99—Colgan. Mountains in south, rare. Bog by Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Corslieve ’59—Moore 574. Ben Bullen range frequent ’84—B. & V. 772. Shevanieran ’84—Stewart 850. Shevenakilla ’84—Stewart 859. Carlingford Mountain ’83—Hart 38z. Mountain above Florencecourt ’00—P. L. Naminn, &c. : Inishowen only, frequent—/7/. Don. Muckish, &c. : frequent—/V. Don. 294 ORCHIDEX — [Listera 36 Tyrone Bessy Bell ’96—Miss Knowles. Mullaghclogha—3&z. 37 Armagh Slieve Gullion: southr.,’92—-P. Montiaghs—Lett. 38 Down Slieve Bearnagh’92—P. F. in Mournes, r. elsewhere. 39 Antrim West of Ballycastle ’?97—P. Frequent—fl. VE. 40 Liderry | Benevenagh’89—P. Frequent—/V. VE. Widespread, but very rare except on the northern hill-ranges. At low levels (under 300 feet) in 22, 34, 35, 37, 58, 39. Listera ovata R. Br. Twayblade. Divisions all. Frequent. Spiranthes autumnalis Rich. Lady’s Tresses. Census 16—Kast 5, Centre 4, West 7. . Kerry 8. Cahersiveen c. ’00—W. H. Beeby! Local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Rahaneen ’92: very local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Cape Clear ’96: frequent in the south—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven ’96 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate ’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore’00—Flemyng. Coast f., r. elsewhere. 7 Tipp. 8. Cashel’96—Miss Butler-Lowe ! Ballybrada— Cyd. I. 8 Limrck. Askeaton ’?00—P. 9 Clare Ballyallia ’00—-R. D. O’Brien. Widespread but local. 10 Tipp. N. Eastern shore of Lough Derg, D. Moore—Cy). I. 12 Wexford Baliyhyland’99 (Moffat): rare--B. & M. zo} and ZS. 15 Galw. SE. Kilcolgan’99: west v.c—P. Portumna— Cyd. I. 16 Galw.W. Roundstone’96—P. Ashford, Oughterard—Cy)d. I1. 17 Galw. NE. Ballindooly and abundant in south-west ’99—P. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00—P. And in extreme south, very rare. 26 Mayo KE, Lough Carra ’94—Mrs. Persse! Houndswood, Miss. Jackson— Cyb, II. Southern half of Ireland, commoner in the west than in the east, and rare off the limestone. Spiranthes Romanzoffiana Cham. 3 Cork W. SBerehaven ’91, Leitch—Cyd. II. East of Dunmanway °73—Allin 75. Near Desert’74 (Longfield)—Allin F%, 37 Armagh Bog in North Armagh ’92—P. 688. 40 Lderry _—_ Kilrea ’00—Mrs. Crookshank! A mile below Kilrea! ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Epipactis | ORCHIDEA 295 Cephalanthera ensifolia Rich. Census 10+(2)—Hast 3+(2), Centre 1, West 6. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Carlow Galw. SE. Wicklow Westmth. Mayo W. Dongl. W. (38 Down (39 Antrim Head of Lough Caragh (Battersby)—More ’72 674. Derrycunihy ’91—Scully. Mucross ’88—Scully S2z. Glengariff (Allman)—Allin F7.’83. Adrigole— Oyb. I. Curraghmore ’?94—W. W. Flemyng! Ballintemple ’85, Lady Butler—Cyé. II. Derryyunlam wood ’00—Miss Mary Amber! Glenealy ’97, Jonathan Pim— Oyé. II. Hare Island abundant ’99—P. Crow I.—B. & V. 773. Close to the bridge at Pontoon ’98—W. de V. Kane! Ardnamona Wood ’86—/7. Don. Derry Lough 1694 (Sherard)—Ray: Synopsis 1696. Extinct.) Muckamore, Glenavy, Shane’s Castle—see 77. WE. Extinct ?) Epipactis latifolia All. Helleborine (genus). Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Cavan Louth Census 31—East 13, Centre 9, West 9. Killarney ’99 : local—Sceully. Whitehall near Skibbereen—Allin #7. ’83. Castle Hyde ’94—P. Buttevant, Blackwater—Allin FV. Portlaw ’00, near Clonmel ’97—P. Kiltinan near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00! Curragh Chase ’99—Somerville. Foynes—Stewart 563. Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane! Cloughjordan ’00—Phillips. Ullard wood ’00—T. Hartley. Kilmanagh— Cy). I. Courtown ’96—P. Slaney & tributaries—B. & M. 703. Kilcornan ’99, C. Taylor—Mrs. Joyce! Garryland—P. Between Galway and Oughterard ’83—Hart 706. Killoughter ’97—P. Frequent around Enniskerry. Abbotstown woods ’95 : rare—Colgan. Beaupare and thence towards Navan ’00—P. Hare Island ’99, Killenure Lough ’98—P. Near Ballinrobe ’94—D. D. Persse! Derreen ’00—P. Hazelwood ’96—Colgan. Farnham ’96—P. Collon—ZJr, FV. ’33. 296 21 39 15 17 Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ORCHIDE As | Epipactis Glasslough ’00—Waddell. Drumreaske; Dartrey. Castle Coole ’00—West. Very frequent. Buncrana (Hunter) and Brown Hall—FV. Don. Ards, &c.: rare—/7. Don. Favour Royal ’96—Miss Knowles. Gosford Castle: frequent in north half, ’92—P. Holywood ’00—P. Frequent—//. VE. Crumlin ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. VE. Bond’s glen, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Frequent—/V. VE. Commoner in the north than in the south: rare in the centre. Kerry N. Dublin Westmth. Antrim Epipactis media Fr. Muckross woods, Levinge— Cyd. II. Co. Dublin, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Knock Drin ’95—Levinge 756. Glenarm, Stewart— Cyd. I. Apparently very rare. Clare Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Epipactis atro-rubens Schultz. Carn Seefin ’?99—Miss Knowles. Near Dromoland— Foot 32z. Locally abundant in Burren. Hills south of Kinvarra ’00—P. Near Cong ’95—M. & 8S. 545. Knockmae ! ’99—-Mrs. Joyce. Confined to the western limestones ; mostly on bare hills, Epipactis palustris Crantz. Census 29+(2)—East 9+(2), Centre 9, West 11. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Ferriter’s Cove, Babington 7n Hb.— Cyd, II. Tarbert ’90—Scully. Near Tralee—Scully $22. Curraghmore ’90—W. W. Flemyng. Cashel ’96—Mrs. Nicholson ! Rathronan—Miss Grubb! Castleconnell’97, Bentley—/d. L.F.C. ! Foynes—863. Near Ballyallia ?00—P. H. Grierson! Frequent. Dromineer! ’00—Phillips. F., especially on L. Derg. Thomastown and Urlingford’98—P. Wilton—Cyd. I. Wexford ’96—Marshall. Frequent along the east coast. South of Carlow ’98—P. Borris ’96—T. Hartley. Maryborough ’96—P. Frequent. Orchis] ORCHIDEA 297 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill ’98—P. Very frequent. 16 Galw. W. Ross Lake ’99, by R. Corrib above Galway ’95—P. 17 Galw. NE. N. of Menlo ’99, S. of Headford, near Clonbrock—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98—P. 19 Kildare Nurney and near Curragh ’97—P. Ballitore— Cyd. I. 20 Wicklow Between Ovoca and Arklow—Mrs. Wynne ’00. Rare. 21 Dublin Portmarnock ’00—P. South only, very rare. 22 Meath Riverstown near Trim, Miss Cuppage—Cyé. LI. 23 Westmth. Balrath ’99—Miss E. Reynell! Athlone district f. 25 Roscomn. Athlone ’98—P. Mount Talbot ’95—R. K. Dillon. 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse! L. Carra, More—Cy). I. 27 Mayo W. Castlebar ’99—Marshall. Killala and Ballina ’?00—P. 28 Sligo Lough Talt ’96—Colgan. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99—P. 31 Louth Near Castlebellingham ’90—Butler 7&5. 33 Ferman. Near Crum Castle (Scott), Templeton IS.— Cy). LI. 34 Dongl. KE. Near Ballyshannon—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Horn Head, Ardara, and Lough Eske—J/7. Don. (388 Down Knocknagoney ’20, Templeton—/V. VE. ? Extinct.) (39 Antrim Ballintrae, D. Moore—Cyd. I. ? Extinct.) A characteristic plant of the Central Plain, thinning out in the north and south. Apparently extinct in the north-east. Orchis pyramidalis L. Census 88—East 15, Centre 11, West 12. Kerry 8. Derrynane ’96: rather frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Kilkern, &c. ’91: rare, and south only—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00: rare—Phillips. Cork E. Whitegate ’99: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Cappagh ’99, Portlaw ’00—P. Clonmel—Miss Grubb. Tipp. 8. Cahir’00: frequent throughout—-P. Limrck. Kilmallock ’00—Phillips. Askeaton ’00—P. North ec. Clare Carn Seefin ’?99—Miss Knowles. Frequent. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99—P. Frequent, especially in NW. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown’98—P. Widespread but local. 12 Wexford Gorey and Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Frequent, local. 13 Carlow Milford ’99—P. Frequent by Barrow and Slaney. 14 Queen’s Cullenagh’97--P. Widespread but not common. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna’98, and frequent in the south-west—P. oem rim oak Ww Ww Re 298 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 dl o2 33 o4 30 37 38 39 40 Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ORCHIDE A [Orchis Gentian Hill! ’00—Phillips. Tuam district common ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. Lough Goura ’98—P. Local, not common. Kildare ’97: frequent throughout—P. Arklow—-More ’72 6r4. Very rare. Baldoyle ’00—P. Throughout—Colgan azz. Beaupare ’00: centre and west frequent—P. Mullingar ’99—P. Frequent in centre and west. Elfeet Bay ’00, Priest’s Island, Lough Forbes—P. Corkip L. ’99, Athlone ’98—P. Roscommon—Cy9. I. Claremorris ’00—P. Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse! West of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. Mullaghmore ’00, Carrowmore ’92—P. Drumecoura Lough ’00—Somerville. Ballymascanlan ’00, Ardee ’97—P. Bragan ’00— Waddell. Florencecourt ’99-—West. Near Enniskillen—FV. U/st. Bundoran ’00-—West. Greencastle, R. Erne—/7. Don. Near Ardara, &c.: throughout, rare—/7. Don. About Loughgall and Armagh ’92—P. Ballyholme ’73, two plants—Stewart. Magheragall near Lisburn ’88—P. Magilligan ’95—P. Strongly calcicole, and in the north and south, where limestone is absent, usually found on sand-dunes, where lime is often abundant. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Orchis Morio L. Green-winged Orchis. Census 20——East 9, Centre 7, West 4. Sugar-loaf Hill—-Miss I. Horne. Fethard !’00—Phillips. Very frequent. Rapla ’99—P. Frequent—Hart, and P. Kilkenny ’97--P. Frequent. ; Ballyhyland—Moffat ’89 552. Enniscorthy; R. Bann. Tullow 799, Leighlinbridge, Bagenalstown-—P. Camross ’97--P. Widespread and frequent. Woodford ’98—P. Frequent. Ross Lake ’99, Roundstone district frequent—-P. Knockmae ’99——P. Frankford ’00, Geashill, Tullamore, Cadamstown—P. Kilcullen ’96—-P. Punchestown, Straffan— Cy). I., II. Orchis| ORCHIDE A 299 20 Wicklow Baltinglass, Chandlee ; Woodenbridge, Moore—Cyf. I. 21 Dublin Near Lusk ’00 : local—Colgan. 22 Meath Hill of Down ’?00—P. Laytown! ’94—G. Pim. 23 Westmth. Kilmaglish and Knock Eyon—Levinge ’94 484. 25 Roscomn. Corkip L. ’99, Mote Park, Mt. Talbot--P. Athlone. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris ’00—-P. 27 MayoW. Near Rosserk abbey ’00—P. 31 Louth Killencoole ’96—P. A characteristic Central Plain species. Absent from Cork and Kerry (the Cork records being ‘“‘ probably errors ”-—Phillips), and from the whole of Ulster. Orchis mascula L. Early Purple Orchis. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Frequent. Orchis incarnata L. Divisions all, except 9 Clare. Appears to be common throughout the country. Orchis latifolia L. Marsh Orchis. Census 10——East 2, Centre 4, West 4. 6 Waterfd. Kilmacthomas’82 (Britten & Nicholson)—Marshall 547. ~8 Limrek. Curragh Chase ’99——Someryille. 12 Wexford Rosslare and Raven Point ’96-—Marshall. 16 Galw. W. Maam ’96—Marshall. ; 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Kiltoom ’91—Levinge. 26 Mayo E. Cong ’96—Marshall. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99——Marshall. 28 Sligo Inishmurray ’96—P. 32 Monaghn. Dartrey ’00—Somerville. Possibly frequent. The segregate O. latifolia has been so much misunderstood in Ireland that I give only such occurrences as have been noted or verified by critical botanists acquainted with the plant. The Waterford and Wexford plant is var. brevifolia H. G. Reich., which is perhaps the prevailing Irish form. Orchis maculata L. Spotted Orchis. Divisions all. Common. s00 ORCHIDEA [Ophrys Ophrys apifera Huds. Bee Orchis. Census 26+(1)—East 9+(1), Centre 10, West 7. 38 Cork W. Kilkern ’91: rare, and in south only—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven ’00 : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’96 : rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Cappoquin ec. ’94, Miss Chearnley——-Cyd. II. Local. 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00—P. Frequent in the south. 8 Limrck. Adare and Limerick ’99—Somerville. 9 Clare Inishmore’90—Nowers & Wells 657. Centre and NW. f. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’99: frequent—P. 11 Kilkny. Drummin wood ’00, and Ullard—T. Hartley. 12 Wexford Rosslare’98—S. Armstrong! Frequent, chiefly in south. 13 Carlow Borris and St. Mullin’s ’96—T. Hartley. 14 Queen’s Abbeyleix’98—P. ‘Tuinnehinch bridge ’84—Hart 38}. 15 Galw. SE. St. Clerans! ’00—Mrs. Joyce. SE. and SW., rare. 16 Galw. W. Gentian Hill ’99--P. Frequent in Cong district. 17 Galw. NE. Merlin Park’99—Mrs. Joyce. Clonbrock!—D. McArdle. 18 King’s Geashill! ’?96——-Miss E. Russell. F. along Shannon—-P, 19 Kildare Co. Kildare—Cyb. I. (20 Wicklow Bray Head—/FV. Hib. ’36, &c. : no recent record). 21 Dublin Near Malahide ’00: very rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Kilmessan ’00—P. 23 Westmth. Hare Island in L. Ree ’99—-P. And in centre, rare. 25 Roscomn. Athlone ’98—-P. Mount Talbot ’95—R. E. Dillon. 26 Mayo E. Near Claremorris ’00--P. Frequentin SW. 27 Mayo W. West of Castlebar ’99—-Marshall. 28 Sligo Sligo Harbour, J. Wynne—-Cyd. I. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’00, canal near Monaghan ’98——Kane. 33 Ferman. Long Island in Lower Lough Erne ’00-—West. Strongly calcicole, with a distribution corresponding to that of the Carboniferous limestone. Ophrys muscifera Huds. Fly Orchis. Census 8—Kast 2, Centre 2, West 4. 9 Clare Turlough Hills *°92—O’Kelly! Glanquin—-Corry 238. 11 Kilkny. Johnstown ’43, Castlecomer, J. Despard— Cyd. I. & 526. 15 Galw. SE. Moyode ’99—P. F. in west--Mrs. Joyce and P. 16 Galw. W. North-east of Ross Lake ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. Coolaran’00—P. Near Headford, Miss'Lindsey— Cy). I. Habenaria] ORCHIDE A 301 18 King’s Annaghmore plentiful, M. P. Edgeworth—CyA. I. 19 Kildare Near Athy ’45, Miss Haughton: rare—Cyé. I. & 526. 26 Mayo EK. Lake View ’95 (Miss Jackson)—Mrs. Persse. A limestone plant, ranging sparingly over the Central Plain, and frequent only on the western limestones. Habenaria conopsea Benth. Fragrant Orchis. Census 38——EHast 14, Centre 13, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94—-Scully. 2 Kerry N. Tarbert ’90: rather rare and local—Scully. 4 Cork Mid By the Lee near Cork—-Drummond ’20 287. 5 Cork E. Near Youghal (C. Ball)—Allin 77. ’83. 6 Waterfd. Sheskin ’00—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Widespread but rare. 8 Limrck. Mullagh ’00—P. Frequent in the north. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh ’99: common except in the south-west.—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown, Urlingford, ’98—-P. Wilton; Bellevue. 13 Carlow South of Carlow ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Mountrath ’97—P. Throughout, frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Rinville ’99: frequent but local— P. 16 Galw. W. Ross district abundant ’00-—-P. Clonbur’95——Marshall. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99: frequent throughout—P. 18 King’s Birr ’00—Phillips. Frequent throughout—P. 19 Kildare Leixlip ’96, and abundant in the centre—P. 20 Wicklow Between Enniskerry and Dargle— Jr. FV. 733. 21 Dublin Raheny ’00: frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Bective ’00: frequent—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Iron ’99—P. Very frequent. 24 Longfd. Longford ’98, Saint’s Island ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Roscommon ’00: common in south half—P. 26 Mayo EK. Claremorris ’00—-P. Common. 27 MayoW. Newport ’99—Colgan. Ballina to Killala ’00—P. 28 Sligo Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Common in east half. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99: in the north and south, frequent—P. 30 Cavan Lough Oughter and Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Braganstown ’97—P. Tinure—/r. 1. 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske’00, Tireran— V. Kane. Newbliss—P. 383 Ferman. Florencecourt, Belcoo, ’00—P. Ely Lodge—zoé. 34 Dongl. E. Ballindrait, &c.: throughout, local—FV. Don. 302 ORCHIDE A [Habenaria 35 Dongl. W. Horn Head, &c.: throughout, local—F?. Don. 36 Tyrone Cookstown ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh About Loughgall and Armagh ’80 (Johnson !)—P. 7oz. 38 Down Carngaver ’92—P. Conlig Hill!, Stewart—#/. WE. 39 Antrim Slemish ’?00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/l. VE. 40 L’derry Near Portstewart ’87--P. Very rare—/l. VE. Widespread, but rare or local in many divisions, as will be seen from the above records. Usually follows the limestone. Habenaria intacta Benth. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’00—P. B. O’ Kelly ! Locally ec. in Burren. 15 Galw. SE. Moyode and Lough Fingall’99—P. Frequentin west. - 16 Galw. W. Two stations near Ross Lake ’99—P. 17 Galw. NE. By Lough Corrib at Keekill ’99—P. FrequentinSW. 26 Mayo E. By Lough Corrib near Cong ’72 (D. Moore)-—More 6zz. Has a limited and probably continuous range along the western edge of the Limestone Plain from Burren to Cong. Habenaria albida R. Br. Census 24—East 7, Centre 6, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Killarney Upper Lake ’99: rare—-Scully.. 2 Kerry N. Lough Guitane ’90—Scully. 38 Cork W. Near Dunmanway ’00—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Dunbullogue glen—Power /V. ’45. 6 Waterfd. Comeraghs ’91—Miss I. Horne! Ballymacarbry. 9 Clare Kilmoon ’96——P. B. O’Kelly. Rare. 10 Tipp. N. Hill west of Devil’s Bit ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Glendine’97—P. Very rare. 15 Galw.SE. St. Clerans ’00, Moyode—Mrs. Joyce ! Centre rare. 16 Galw. W. Benwee ’99—Colgan. Rare. 20 Wicklow Glencree, Scully—Cyd. II. Rare. 21 Dublin Glenasmole ’94—K. J. M‘Weeney ! 26 Mayo E. Ballinrobe ’91—Mrs. Persse! Near Foxford—Cy). 1. 27 Mayo W. Mweelrea ’82—Hart 380. 28 Sligo Ballysadare’99—P. Ben Whiskin, King’s Mtn.—zz2. 29 Leitrim —_ Bruse Hill near Mohill (Foot)—More 772 6z4. 382 Monaghn. Near Creeve Lough ’00—P. 33 Ferman. Poulaphuca’81—2—Barrington zo8. 34 Dongl. E. Greencastle, Cliff, &c. :. north and south, rare—/7. Don. Habenaria) 30 36 38 39 40 morro Or WS WO Fe Dongl. W. Tyrone Down Antrim L’derry Habenaria viridis R. Br. ORCHIDEA 303 Poisoned Glen, &c.: throughout, rare—/V. Don. Co. Tyrone, Admiral Jones— Cyd. I. Carngayver and Conlig Hill ’91—P. Skerry ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—//. VE. Near Dungiven, D. Moore—Oyb. 1. Very rare—F. NE. Frog Orchis. Divisions all, except 37 Armagh. Frequent. Habenaria bifolia R. Br. Census 36—EKast 11, Centre 138, West 12. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. ‘Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Meath Westmth. 4 Lonefd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Butterfly Orchis. Glencar ’99 : rather frequent—Scully. Abbeydorney ’99: frequent—Scully. Skibbereen’99—Phillips. Not uncommon—Allin £7. Donoughmore ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Near Mitchelstown ’97: rare—Phillips. Kilmacthomas ’99—P. Near Cahir’99: not rare—P. Curragh Chase and Foynes ’99—Someryville. Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. F., Burren. Lough Ourna ’99, Portumna ’97—P. Near St. Mullin’s ’00--T. Hartley! Urlingford—P. Rosslare ’97-—Marshall. Not rare. Mountrath ’97.: frequent throughout-—P. Loughrea ’98: centre and west frequent—P. Lough Bofin ’?99—P. Frequent locally. Knockmae’00: frequent—-P. Frankford ’00 : frequent in the west-—P. Curragh and Athy ’97—P. Marshes near Newcastle——More ’72 6zz. Slieve Bregh ’00, Mathews’ Hill ’97—P. Inny Junction °99-—P. Frequent. Trillickacurry ’98: frequent——P. Lough Key ’97 : frequent—P. Claremorris ’00--P. South-west common—Marshall. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Mullaghmore ’?00: common in east half—P. Annaghearly L. ’?99—P. Drumshanbo—Stewart 859. Lough Oughter ’?96—P. Frequent. Ballymascanlan ’00, Ardee ’97—P. BO ORCHIDE [Habenaria 32 Monaghn. Kilmore Lough ’00—Waddell. Not rare. 38 Ferman. Florencecourt ’00—P. lL. Erne, two stations—zo¥w. 34 Dongl. E. Brown Hall ’00—P. Rare—/F. Don. 35 Dongl.W. Lough Fern, Glen Bay, &c.: rare—FI. Don. 36 Tyrone Mullaghearn ’96—Miss Knowles. 38 Down Near Tollymore Park ’90—P. Rare—/Fl. VE. 39 Antrim Clinty Hill ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/FV. VE. 40 Liderry Sconce Hill ’95—P. Rare—J/H. VE. Evenly spread over the greater part of the country; rare in parts of the east. Habenaria chloroleuca Ridley. Butterfly Orchis. Census 39—East 15, Centre 12, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Killarney ’99: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway ’00: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid. Carrigaline ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Castletownroche ’00: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Curraghmore abundant ’00—W. W. Flemyng. 7 Tipp. S. Ballinure ’98—P. Kilbeheny.’97—Phillips. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Burren c.—Foot 322. 10 Tipp. N. Near Nenagh’99—P. Frequent. 11 Kilkny. Near Borris ’84—Hart 383. 12 Wexford Courtown ’96—P. Frequent in north—Moffat 552. 13 Carlow Near Borris ’00—T. Hartley ! 14 Queen’s Mountmellick ’00—Phillips. Frequent throughout. 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown ’98: frequent on the hills—P. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard’99—P. Kast only, frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99, Dunmore, Clonbrock—P. 18 King’s Birr ’00—Phillips. Kinnitty ’00—P. 19 Kildare West of Baltinglass ’99-——P. 20 Wicklow Lough Dan ’94—P. Glendalough—Colgan. Rare. 21 Dublin Glenasmole ’00: rare—Colgan. 22 Meath Slieve Bregh ’?00—P. 23 Westmth. Lough Owel ’99—P. Common in centre and west. 24 Lonegfd. Lough Forbes ’00, Carn Clonhugh ’98—P. 25 Roscomn. Roscommon ’00—P. Common in north, rare in south, 26 Mayo EK. Claremorris ’00—P. Frequent. 27 MayoW. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Sligo Inishmurray ’96—P. Frequent throughout. 29 Leitrim Drumcoura L. ’00—Somerville. Frequent throughout. Iris] Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry ORCHIDEA. IRIDEA 305 Lough Oughter ’96—P. . Not rare. Ravensdale ’?00—P. Creeve Lough/00—P. Common in NW., rare elsewhere. Florencecourt ’00—P. Common. Brown Hall’00—P. Throughout frequent—F7. Don. Throughout, frequent—/V. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Hilltown ’?92—P. Frequent—Fl. VE. Clinty Hill ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VE. Sconce Hill ?95—P. Frequent—/V. VF. No doubt throughout the country, but rare in the east. The dis- tribution of this and the last are given in detail, as they were not separated by the older observers. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Mayo E. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down L’derry *Tris foetidissima L. : Gladdon. Census 22—Kast 9, Centre 6, West 7. Sneem 794: rare even as an escape—Scully. Killarney 799: rare—Scully. Blarney—Power 7.45. Carrigrohane—287. Castletownroche ’00—Phillips. Glanworth—Cyé. I. Fethard ’97—P. Curragh Chase ! ’?99—Somerville. Murrough 795, O’Kelly—Cyé. Il. Near Ennis—863. Ballingarry ’00—P. Kilkenny ’98—P. Very rare. Mountrath ’97—P. And at Erril and Portarlington. Near Loughrea f. ’00—Phillips. Castle Taylor—doo. Clonbrock ’96—P. Near Edenderry, Melville—Cy. I. Narraghmore wood and Ballykillane, Carroll— Cy). I. Tythtewer—ZJr. F1.’33. Fassaroe—Wade go2. Lambay Island—Hart ’82 376. Rare. Ballinrobe ’?90—Mrs. Persse! Near Shrule—Cyd. IL. Brown Hall—//. Don. Culmore, D. Moore— 6s. Rathmullen—/¥. Don. Armagh ’?92—P. Tartaraghan Clandeboye ’00—P. Very rare. Near Coleraine, D. Moore—Cy). I. Stewart. Naturalized, generally near the sites of old gardens, and sometimes spreading. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IlI., VOL. VIL. x 306 ; IRIDEA—LILIACEA [Iris Iris Pseud-acorus L. Yellow Flag. Divisions all. Common. {Sisyrinchium angustifolium Mill. Blue-eyed Grass. 1 Kerry 8. Cloonee ’00: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. East of Killorglin ’99—Scully. 3 Cork W. Near Schull ’98—-Mrs. Swan! Berehaven; Bantry. 9 Clare Scarriff ?99—W. A. Fogerty! 5 Galw. SE. Woodford abundant; thence to near Portumna, ’98—P. No doubt an escape at Mullingar (627). “Narcissus biflorus Curtis. 4 Cork Mid Blarney, Carrigrohane—Power /7. ’45. *x—Phillips. 9 Clare Inishealtra ¢. ’96—Colgan. Inishmore —Cy). I. 12 Wexford Bannow established ’93, Barrett-Hamilton—Cyé. IT. 14 Queen’s Six miles from Portarlington, D. Moore—Cy@. I. 21 Dublin Killiney obelisk plentiful, More— Cyd. I. Very rare. A cultivated plant, naturalized in a few places. Note—Inishealtra belonged formerly to Galway, but now belongs to Clare. tLeucojum estivum L. Snowflake. 6 Waterfd. Kilbarry ’00—Nicholson! {R. Clodiagh—Flemyng. 8 Limrck. _Parteen ’00 (R. D. O’Brien !)—P. So3. 12 Wexford Macmine ’97, looking wild—Marshall 577. The rank of this plant is discussed in the papers numbered 547, $03. Though thoroughly naturalized, with a better claim, for instance, than Warcissus biflorus, there is still a strong probability of its having escaped from cultivation originally. Asparagus officinalis L. Asparagus. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’?99—Phillips. 12 Wexford Bannow Island and Ballyteigue Bay ’82—Hart 38z. Near Wexford— Mackay 526. Simethis bicolor Kunth. 1 Kerry§. Derrynane ’00—Scully. Extending for about eight miles east of Derrynane, and a mile inland—Scully 826, 827. Allium] OP © WH dl 34 LILIACEA 307 tAllium Babingtonii Borrer. Census 6—East 0, Centre 0, West 6. Inishmore ’?95—P. Common in the Aran Islands. Roundstone ’92—Leyinge! Inishbofin ’75—More 676. . Menlough, More— Cy). II. Between Croaghpatrick and the sea—More ’72 6r4. Tullagh and Malin ’98—Hart 7o>. Fanet, Inver Bay, &c.: widespread, rare—FV. Don. Thoroughly naturalized on the west coast. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid. Cork E. tAllium Scorodoprasum L. Sand Leek. Derrynane ’00: rare and local—Scully. Killarney and Tralee ’99—Scully. Bantry ’98, Castlefreke ’90—Phillips. Above Mallow railway bridge, Vowell— Cyé. II. Fota ’96—Phillips. Near Fermoy and Mallow ’84—- Hart 388. Possibly a relic of early cultivation, but now perfectly wild. Con- fined to the south. Allium vineale L. Crow Garlic. Census 15+(1)—Kast 10+(1), Centre 38, West 2. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Kalkny. Wexfor Carlow Kildare Wicklow Dublin Mayo E. Louth Dongl. E. (38 Down 39 Antrim East of Killorglin ’99—Scully. Ballinamought near Cork (D. Murray)—Power F’7. 45. Tivoli 94 : rare—Phillips. Fethard ’00—Phillips. Askeaton ’?00—P. Limerick ; Loghil; Longpavement. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent in the south-east. Near Macmine ’81—Hart 37z. F. along the Barrow. Aghade ’81—Hart 377. Poulaphuca ’00—P. Poulaphuca ’00—P. Rockfield, D. Moore—Cy). I. Greenhills ’00 : local—Colgan. Cong church, Miss Jackson— Cy. IT. Near Queensborough ’96—P. By the Foyle above Derry—J/7. Don. Rockport, Millen—FV7. Belfast.’63. ? Extinct.) Antrim !’86—D. Redmond. Shane’s Castle—F7. VE. A very local plant, occurring chiefly in the south and east. Though its occurrence in Waterford is probable, Smith’s record (S44), describing itas in ‘‘ most of the pasture lands,”’ is clearly erroneous. xX 2 308 7 LILIACEA [Allium tAllium Schenoprasum L. Chives. 26 Mayo E. On limestone ‘‘ crags” south of Lough Mask, ’95-6— Marshall 522. Claimed by Mr. Marshall as native, but further research appears necessary before so common a plant of cultivation can be admitted unquestioned as a member of the indigenous flora. Allium ursinum L. Ramsons. Census 37—East 14, Centre 11, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Glencar ’90: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Tralee ’90: local, and chiefly in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Skibbereen ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballinhassig ’98 : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Near Glanmire’91: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Stradbally ’99—P. 8 Limrck. Near Limerick ’00—G. Fogerty ! 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna—Miss Knowles. Cahircon—H0d. L.F.C.! 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’96—Mrs. Persse. Woodstock ’84—Hart 388. 12 Wexford Courtown ’96—P. Frequent im south—B. & M. US. 13 Carlow About Borris ’00, and St. Mullin’s—T. Hartley. 14 Queen’s Mountrath’97—P. Glenbarrow ’84—Hart 383. 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown ’98—P. Frequent in the south. 16 Galw. W. Derryclare Lough ’99—Colgan. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Clonad wood near Tullamore ’96—P. 19 Kildare Poulaphuca ’00—P. 20 Wicklow Avondale ’99—P. Frequent in the north-east. 21 Dublin Near Drimnagh ’00: local—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Coosan Lough ’98—P. 24 Longfd. Near Roosky ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park and Lough Key ’97—P. 26 Mayo. Ballinrobe ’90—Mrs. Persse ! 27 Mayo W. Derreen’00—P. Crampaun River ’82—Hart 380. 28 Sligo Lough Gill ’99—P. 29 Leitrim Glenade, L. Gill,’99—P. Glencar Lake ’96—Colgan. 30 Cavan Lough Oughter ’96—P. 31 Louth Beaulieu ’99—-Miss R. Smith! 32 Monaghn. Glasslough and Rossmore ’?00—Waddell. 33 Ferman. Garrison ’00—P. Lough Erne c.—Barrington zoé. Juncus | LILIACEA. JUNCACEA 309 34 Dongl. E. Buncrana, Brown Hall, &c.: N. and 8., local—FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout, very local—FV. Don. - 386 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Frequent throughout ’?92—P. 388 Down Downpatrick ’92—P. Frequent—//. VE. 39 Antrim Cullybackey ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—JFV. VE. 40 L’derry Near Magilligan ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—F/. VEZ. Widespread, but a rare plant in most of the divisions. Scilla verna Huds. Vernal Squill. 20 Wicklow Murrough 796 and Rockfield ’93, Scully—Cyé. II. 21 Dublin Howth ’00 : local—Colgan. 31 Louth Clogher Head, Castlegar Hill, J. B. Hamil!on—Cy). I. 38 Down Orlock Point’99—P. Frequent—/l. WE. 39 Antrim Whitepark Bay’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—@7/. VE. 40 L’derry Downhill to Portrush abundant ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Confined to the east coast from Wicklow to Derry. Scilla nutans L. Wild Hyacinth ; Bluebell. Divisions all. Common. Colchicum autumnale L. Meadow Saffron. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Near Callan’98—T. Hartley. Frequent in the Nore valley. 13 Carlow Near Carlow, 8. C..H. Cooper—#fl. Hib. ’36. Old records from Limerick, Dublin, Armagh and Down have never been confirmed. The re-finding of the plant in Carlow is desirable ; excepting this station, its range as at present known is imited to the Nore basin. Narthecium ossifragum Huds. Bog Asphodel. Divisions all, Frequent. Juncus bufonius L. Toad Rush. Divisions all, Common. Juncus squarrosus L., Rush (genus). Divisions all, except 19 Kildare, 23 Westmeath, in which it no doubt occurs. Strongly calcifuge, and distributed accordingly, being rare in the Central Plain. 310 JUNCACEA [ Juncus Juncus Gerardi Loisel. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, including Kilkenny, Tyrone, and Armagh. Common on the whole coast. {Juncus tenuis Willd. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: rare, but locally abundant—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Upper Lake of Killarney ’98 : south only—Scully. 38 Cork W. Berehayen, Dunboy, Adrigole, ’94—Phillips. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. B. O’Kelly ! Frequent in the extreme south-west: other stations on the west coast will probably be found. Juncus glaucus Ehrh. Divisions all, except 1 Kerry South. A calcicole plant, abundant everywhere on the limestone, rare and local elsewhere. Juncus effusus L. Divisions all.. Abundant. Juncus conglomeratus L. Divisions all, but appears to be distinctly less abundant than the last. Juncus maritimus Lamk. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all except 29 Leitrim: namely 1,2. 3,'4, 5, 6, 8, 9,11, 12, 15, 16,17, 20, 21, 22, 27,28 sateuo-mesom 86, 37, 88, 89, 40. One station only in Antrim, but usually common on the coast. Juncus acutus L. 38 Cork W. Near Lough Hyne ’96: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99—P. Frequent in the extreme east. 12 Wexford Rosslare’97—Marshall. Whole east coast—Hart 384. 20 Wicklow Brittas Bay ’96—P. Arklow to Wicklow frequent. Locally abundant on the south and east coasts from Cape Clear to Wicklow town. Juncus supinus Mcench. Divisions all. Common. Calcifuge. Juncus | 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. te Lippe. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 31 Louth 34 Dongl.E. 38 Down JUNCACE 311 Juncus obtusiflorus Ehrh. Census 26—East 8, Centre 7, West 11. Castlegregory 94: rare and local—Scully. Barrow Harbour ’92: rare and local—Scully. Near Bandon, Hb. Mackay— Cy). IT. Cahir ’?00—Phillips. Common in east half—P. Adare’00—P. Frequent in the north. Inishmore ’?95—P. Creagh R. mouth, Moore— Cy). II. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Very frequent. Urlingford and Johnstown ’98 —P. Carlow and Milford ’98—P. Grantstown, ’98: frequent—P. Woodford ’00—Phillips. Centre and W. common—P. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Abundant—P. Barbersfort ’99 : common in west half—P. Rathangan ’98, Kildare, Curragh—P. Kilcoole ’98—P. Frequent on the Murrough. Raheny ’00: lecal—Colgan. Nayan ’97—P. Kenny ’99—P. Centre and west frequent. Corkip Lough ’99—P. Claremorris, Ballyhaunis, Carrowkeribly L., ’00—P. Newport ’99—Colgan 227. Widespread. Annaghmore ’00—P. West and north frequent. Uragh Lough ’99—P. Braganstown, Kerney’s Cross, ’97—P. Coast rare. Along the Erne : extreme south only—J/7. Don. Near Ardglass ’98— Waddell. Dundrum Bay—Stewart. Generally conspicuously calcicole, but its abundance in parts of West Mayo and West Galway furnishes a marked exception. A char- acteristic plant of the Central Plain marshes, where it is often by far the most abundant Rush. Juncus lamprocarpus Ehrh. Divisions all. Common. Juncus acutiflorus Ehrh. Divisions all. Common. 312 JUNCACE [Luzula Luzula vernalis DC. Wood-Rush (genus). Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork EK. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Kilkny. Carlow Galw. SE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Mayo E. Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Census 25—East 12, Centre 7, West 6. Cloonee ’00: rather rare and local—Seully. Killarney ’00: rare, and chiefly in south—Scully. Castletownsend 796: frequent—Phillips. Mountdesart ’98: frequent—Phillips. Glanmire ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Lismore ’99—P. Fethard ’97—P. Thomastown ’98—P. Frequent in the south-east. Ballintemple’99, Bagenalstown ’97—P. Woodford ’00—Phillips. Chevy Chase, Dalystown—P. Clonad wood ’96—P. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent. Glendhu ’95: rare—Colgan. Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Crooked wood ’99—P. Frequent in the centre. Kilmovee ’99—P. Glasslough ’00—Waddell. Castleblayney—P. Frequent on Lough Erne ’81—2—Barrington zoS. Kilderry, W. E. Hart: north and south, rare—/V. Don. Glenalla, Lough Eske, &c.: rare—F7. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Downpatrick ’97—P. Common—/V. VE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Common—/F/. VE. Castlerock ’95—P. Common—/7. VE. Local, and chiefly in the north and south. Rare in the west. Divisions all, except 22 Meath. Luzula maxima DC. Calcifuge ; abundant in woods and copses off the limestone. Luzula campestris DC. Divisions all. Common. Luzula erecta Desy. Divisions all, frequent. Calcifuge. Sparganium| TYPHACEA 313 Typha latifolia L. Reed-mace (genus). Divisions all. Frequent. Typha angustifolia L. Census 8+(1)—East 4+(1), Centre 3, West 1. 11 Kalkny. Lough Cullin ’99—P. (21 Dublin Formerly grew at Sandymount and Irishtown.) 23 Westmth. River Inny near Inny Junction ’99—P. 24 Lonegfd. Lough Gowna ’00—P. 30 Cavan Lough Gowna ’00—P. 35 Dongl. W. Fanet, four stations—//. Don. 37 Armagh Lough Gullion ’?92—P. And along Lough Neagh. 388 Down North of Portaferry ’97—-P. Very rare. 39 Antrim Portmore Lough ’82, Lett: very rare—/1. VE. Sparganium ramosum Huds. SBur-Reed (genus). Divisions all. Common. Sparganium simplex Huds. Census 86—East 14, Centre, 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 6 Waterford, 10 Tipperary N., 18 King’s Co., 29 Leitrim. Frequent. Sparganium affine Schnizl. Census 20—East 7, Centre 4, West 9. 1 KerryS. Waterville ’92: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’96: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Schull promontary ’96 : rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Near Dooniskey ’98— Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyscanlan Lake (Barrington)—More ’72 674. 7 Tipp.S. River Suir near Thurles ’98—P. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna’00—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh’98—Colgan. Widespread, frequent. 22 Meath Whitewood Lough ’97—P. 24 Longfd. Canal north of Ballymahon ’00—P. 26 MayoEK. SKE. corner of Lough Mask ’?95—M. &S. 545. 27 MayoW. Last shore of Lough Conn ’00—P. Rare. 28 Sligo L, Ramduff and L. Glendarragh ’96—Colgan. 32 Monaghn. Rossmore ’00—Waddell. Frequent. 314 34 35 37 38 39 40 Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry TYPHACEA [ Sparganium Near Ballyshannon and Pettigoe—/7. Don. Aranmore, &¢.: common—J7. Don. Lough Gilly ’94—W. F. Johnson! Rare—P. 7or. Altnadua L. 92, Cotton Moss—P. Very rare—FV. VE. Lough-na-cranagh ’97—P. Rare—/l. VE. Kilrea, &c., D. Moore: very rare—fl. VE. Lakes and streams; chiefly among the hills, but occurs here and there in the Central Plain. No doubt more widespread than the few segregate records show. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford . Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Sparganium minimum Fr. Census 85—East 12, Centre 12, West 11. Near Waterville ’92: rather rare—Scully. Killarney ’99: rather rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’97: frequent in the south—Phillips. Ballyphehane ’96: rare—Phillips. Dunsfort, Midleton, Kilcoleman—Allin 77. ’83. Clonea marsh, Ballyscanlan Lough, ’99—P. Ballinure ’98—P. Rare—Hart 387, 385. Lough Gur ’00—P. Not rare in the north. Fin L.’97— #0). L.F.C.! Frequent in 8.—Stewart 863. Lough Ourna ’99, Thurles, Cloughjordan—P. Lough Cullin ’99, Urlingford ’98—P. Rare. Knockie bog, &c.—B. & M. IS. Clohamon—}7z. South of Carlow ’98—P. Maryborough ’98—P. Near Brittas—Hart 383. Castle Taylor—More 755 598. Roundstone ’96—P. Frequent. Menlo and along L. Corrib 799: rare—P. Clara ’99—P. Parsonstown (M. Dowd)—More 6zz. Rathangan ’98, Nurney, Athy—P. West of Navan ’96—P. Lough Iron ’99—P. Very frequent. Woodlawn ’98—P. Corkip Lough ’99, Athlone ’98—P. Ballinrobe ’94—Mrs. Persse ! South only, rare. Lough Conn ’00—P. Not common. Ballysadare ’00—P. Near Carrick-on-Shannon ’99—P. Ardee and Braganstown ’97—P. Lemna| TYPHACEA—LEMNACE A 315 32 Monaghn. Drumreaske ’96—Kane! Clones (J. Bain)—More 6z,4. 33 Ferman. Near Enniskillen ’81—-2—Barrington zo8. 35 Dongl. W. Muckish ’84, Colgan—Cyb. II. Rare ?—/1. Don. 36 Tyrone Fymore Lough ’87—Hart 392. 37 Armagh Near Portadown and Armagh ’92—P. 38 Down Conlig Hill ’00—P. Very rare—S. & P. 877. 39 Antrim Near Scawt Hill’87—P. Very rare—/7. VE. Is generally present where bogs occur, in pools and drains. Arum maculatum L. Cuckoo-Pint. Divisions all. Very rare in Donegal, and generally rarer in the west than in the east. *Acorus Calamus L. Sweet Flag. 22 Meath Canal below Navan ’00, Boyne at Bective ’96—P. (32 Monaghn. Monaghan ’00—Someryille. An importation—Kane. ) 38 Down Montalto ’98—P. Lagan Canal abundant—87z. 39 Antrim Lagan Canal abundant—S. & P. ’95 874. Lemna trisulca L. Ivy-leaved Duckweed. Census 32—Kast 14, Centre 12, West 6. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’92—Scully. 5 Cork E. Power Head ’98: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Kilbarry bog ’00—Miss I. Horne! 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00, Thurles ’98—P. 8 Limreck. Lough Gur ’00—P. Limerick, Carroll— Cyb.1. 9 Clare Ennis abundant ’85-6—Stewart 863. 10 Tipp. N. Lough Ourna ’99, Friar’s Lough ’97—P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny ’97, Ballyragget ’99—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare’89—B.&G.zoz. Enniscorthy,and SW.: rare. 13 Carlow Borris ’99—P. 14 Queen’s Emo’96—P. Frequent. 15 Galw. SE. Portumna ’98—P. 17 Galw. NE. Near Galway ! ’00--Phillips. Tuam-——Wade go2. 18 King’s Banagher ’98——P. 19 Kildare Athy ’97--P. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore— Oy). I. 21 Dublin Near Lusk ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Ferns Lock ’96—P. Navan—Mackay 522. 23 Westmth. Near Mullingar ’99—P. C. in centre, r. in west. 316 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 30 37 38 39 40 Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry LEMNACEAG [Lemna Ballymahon ’00, Longford ’98-—P. Lough Key ’97, frequent on Lough Ree—P. Claremorris Lake ’?96—Marshall 537. West of Castlebar ’99— Marshall. L. Arrow ’97—P. Near Sligo ’84—B. & V. 772. Tomkin Road ’00—Somerville. L. Oughter’96—P. Braganstown’97—P. Frequent. Drumreaske ’00—Waddell. Frequent. Lough Galliagh ’?00—West. Frequent. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Loughinisland ’92—P. Common—/7. VE. Kallagan ’94—P. Common—/l. VE. Magilligan ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Common—/FV. VE. Very rare in the NW. and SW., and generally scarce in the west. 17 21 Waterfd. Limrck Wexford Dublin Meath Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Lemna minor L. Common Duckweed. - Divisions all. Abundant. Lemna gibba L. Census 13—East 9, Centre 4, West 0. Kilbarry bog ’89—B. & G. zor. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Churchtown ’98-—Marshall 537. Portrane ’95 : rare—Colgan. Drogheda ’96—P. Queensborough ’96—P. Ardee-—Jr. #7. and Cyb. I. Clones ’79——-Stewart. Near Enniskillen ’81-2—Barrington 708. By Lough Neagh near Maghery ’96—Mrs. Leebody ! Newry and mouth of Closet River ’92—-P. Quoile River ’?99—P. Rare-—F7. VE. Bog meadows, Corry : very rare, 8. only—FV. WE. Magilligan ’97—Mrs Leebody. Lemna polyrhiza L. Census 7+(1)—East 38+(1), Centre 3, West 1. Limrck. Carlow Limerick and Lough Gur ’00—P. Graiguenamanagh ’98—P. Galw. NE. Menlo ’99-—-P. Dublin Phoenix Park, More—Oyb. I. Very rare. Sagittaria| LEMNACEA. ALISMACEA: 317 23 Westmth. Portnashangan—-Levinge’94 4784. Centre f., west v.r. 24 Longfd. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. 31 Louth Dundalk ’75 (W. H. Phillips)—Stewart. (39 Antrim Lagan Canal! ’84, Malcomson : introduced—/V. VL.) Alisma Plantago L. Sagittaria sagittifolia L. Water-Plantain (genus). Divisions all. Common. Alisma ranunculoides L. Divisions all. Frequent. Arrow-head. Census 21—-East 9, Centre 10, West 2. 8 Limrck. Limerick ’99—Somerville. 10 Tipp. N. Slevoir Point ’96—Colgan. Portumna-—Mackay 522. 11 Kilkny Barrow at Graigue ’00—Phillips, and Ullard——Hartley. 13 Carlow Carlow ’98--P. Barrow, frequent. 14 Queen’s Mountmellick’96—P. Barrow and Royal Canal only, f. 15 Galw.SE. Woodford River ’96-—-Colgan. Portumna !—-Phillips. 18 King’s Tullamore 796: Royal Canal only, frequent—-P. 19 Kildare Athy 799, Kilcock ’96—P. 21 Dublin Clondalkin ’00—Colgan. Canals f., r. elsewhere. 22 Meath Slane 95: Boyne and Royal Canal, rare—P. 23 Westmth. L. Deravaragh and R. Inny common—Levinge ’94 48z. 24 Lonegfd. Longford ’98—P. Inny mouth; Lanesborough; canal f. 25 Roscomn. Drumsna’99—P. Lough Key—Foot 3209. 28 Sligo River at Sligo ’84—B. & V. 772. 380 Cavan Tomkin Road ’00—Somerville. Widespread, rare. 33 Ferman. Devenish and Kinarla ’00—West. Very rare. 36 Tyrone Blackwater mouth ’96—Mrs. Leebody. L. Neagh only. 37 Armagh L. Neagh, Blackwater, Bann, and canals, ’92—-P. 388 Down Scarva ’00—-P. River Lagan and Newry Canal. 39 Antrim Bushmills ’87—-P. Bann basin chiefly. 40 L’derry Bann v.f. ’94-5—P. Lake above Kilrea— Cyd. II. Canal traffic has no doubt assisted the spread of this plant from its original home in the lakes and rivers chiefly of the centre and north. Absent from some of the larger rivers, as the Lee and Blackwater, Nore and Suir, and from the great lakes of Galway and Mayo. 318 ALISMACEA. NATADACEA [Butomus Butomus umbellatus L. Flowering Rush. Census 16+(1)—East 8+(1), Centre 6, West 2, 4 Cork Mid Between Buttevant and Charleville ’00—Phillips. | 5 Cork E. Near Buttevant ’00: rare—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Lismore ’99—P. 8 Limrck. Near Limerick ’00—G. Fogerty. Shannon only, rare. 9 Clare Ennis ’92, Levinge—Cyb. Il. Shannon f.; Corrofin. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh River near Dromineer’96—Colgan. (12 Wexford Pond near Bannow (Mrs. Boyce)—B. & M. ’93 703.) 15 Galw. SE. Teeneran Lough near Gort ’45—Carter zg5. 18 King’s R. Brosna at Parsonstown (M. Dowd)—More’72 6r4. 19 Kildare Grand Canal near [ Hazelhatch |—Mackay ’25 522. 30 Cavan Belturbet ’99 (J. E. R. Allen)—West. 31 Louth Mattock R., Hamilton; Boyne near Obelisk—Cyb. I., II. 32 Monaghn. Canal at Bragan ’?00—Waddell. 36 Tyrone Blackwater mouth c., ?96—Mrs. Leebody. Doon Point. 37 Armagh LL. Neagh and waterways connected with it, c., "92—P. 38 Down Lough Leagh’91—P. Rare—FV. VE. 39 Antrim Glenavy ’?00—Waddell. Rare—/V. VE. and 874. A plant of uncertain standing in many of its stations, but probably an original native. Triglochin palustre L. Arrow-grass (genus). Divisions all. Common. Triglochin maritimum L. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all, namely :—1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8,9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 97, 98, 29, 81,84, S5naemeammisee 39, 40. Whole coast common. Potamogeton natans L. Pondweed (genus). Divisions all. Frequent. Potamogeton polygonifolius Pourr. Divisions all. Frequent. Strongly calcifuge. Potamogeton fluitans Roth. (24Longfd. River Inny below Ballymahon abundant (name some- what doubtful) ’85-6—B. & V. 773.) 37 Armagh Lough Neagh near Maghery ’92—P. Potamogeton| NAIADACEA 319 Potamogeton Kirkii Syme. 16 Galw. W. Maam River ’95—M.&S. 545. 1 Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Louth Potamogeton plantagineus Ducr. Census 23—Kast 7, Centre 9, West 7. Near Bantry, Babington— Cy). I. Ballincollig ’?98 : rare—Phillips. Near Rathcooney ’98—Phillips. Farranaleen ’98, south of Cashel, Clonmel—P. Lough Gur and Mullagh ’?00—P. Fin Lough ’97, W. Fogerty—H0.1L.F.C. ! Lough Ourna ’99: frequent in north half—P. Urlingford and Johnstown ’98—P. South of Carlow ’98—P. Maryborough ’96: frequent—P. Loughrea ’97: frequent except on the hills—P. Moycullen ’99—P. Barbersfort ’99: frequent throughout—P. Lough Goura ’98, Geashill 796: frequent—P. South of Kildare ’97—P. Rare. Oldcastle ’96, Enfield, Nobber —P. Lough Iron ’99, and frequent in west—P. Centre, rare. L. Ree at Elfeet Bay and near Ballymahon ’00—P. Mote Park ’97—P. Ballaghaderreen ’99—P. Hollymount, More— Cyd. I. Ballina ’00—P. Ballysadare ’00—P. Coolgagh Lough (Stewart)—H0. A. Bennett. Ardee and Braganstown ’97—P. Strongly calcicole. A characteristic plant of the Central Plain. I omit the Cybele, ed. I., records for Wicklow, Dublin, Antrim.and Derry. The plant has not been refound in any of these well-worked counties, and such habitats as ‘‘ common in ditches on the bogs among the Dublin mountains ” are quite inapplicable to the present species, which is low- land and calcicole, but would well fit some form of P. polygonifolius, to which, I believe, these records should be referred. Kerry 8. Potamogeton rufescens Schrad. Census 27—East 8, Centre 11, West 8. Glencar ’99: rare——Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rare—Scully. 820 NAIADACE At [Potamogeton 3 Cork W. East of Lough Hyne—Allin 77. ’83. 4 Cork Mid Blarney (R. Mills)—Allin 47.’83. Rare—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Castletownroche ’00: frequent—Phillips. 7 Tipp.S. Fethard and Clonmel ’00—Phillips. 8 Limrek. Near Limerick ’00—P. 9 Clare Lough Senan ’85—6—Stewart 563. 10 Tipp.N. Cloughjordan ’00—P. 11 Kilkny. Kilkenny, Thomastown, Graiguenamagh, ’00—Phillips. 14 Queen’s Below Athy, Scully—Cyd. Il. Mountrath—ézz. 16 Galw. W. Near Galway, Melville—Cyd. I. 18 King’s Near Mountrath (J. Morrison)—More ’72 674. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cy)d. I. 23 Westmth. Twy Lough’98—P. Centre and west, rare—zz}3, 456. 24 Longfd. Lough Gowna ’00—P. 27 MayoW. Newport and west of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. 30 Cavan Tomkin Road ’00—-Somerville. Belturbet— Cy). I. 32 Monaghn. Creeve Lough ’00—-P. 33 Ferman. Carrick Lake ’81—Stewart 85z. 34 Dongl. E. Pettigoe—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Near Churchill, &c.: rare—f7. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh and in Lough Neagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Tynan Abbey ’92—P. 38 Down Neweastle ’97—P. Frequent—/. VEZ. 39 Antrim Glendun, Brenan: frequent—//. VEZ. 40 L’derry River Roe, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Rare. Probably frequent, but appears rare in the Limestone Plain. Potamogeton lanceolatus Smith. 9 Clare Cahir River ’92 (P. B. O’Kelly)—Levinge 782. 7 Galw. NE.. Grange R. at Barbersfort’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. The Galway plants are of the large form for which Mr. Bennett has suggested the name var. hibernicus (779). — Potamogeton heterophyllus Schreb. Census 30—Kast 12, Centre 8, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory 94: rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rare—Scully. 3 Cork W. Inchigeela ’?00—Phillips. ‘‘ Common”—Allin FV. 4 Cork Mid Inniscarra ’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork KE. Mitchelstown ’96: frequent—Phillips. Potamogeton | 1 2 6 1] 14 16 17 18 Waterfd. Limrck. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Monaghn. Ferman. Dongil. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L'derry NAIADACE A 321 Cappoquin ’99—P. Near Limerick, Harvey—/7. Hrd. ’36. Nore above Ballyragget ’99, and c. in Barrow—P. Goresbridge ’99, &c. : common in Barrow—P. Graigue ’99, &c. : common in Barrow—P. Lough Derg ’81 (Bolton King)—#Hd. A. Bennett. L. Cregduff ’85—Linton 502. Cong—M. & 8. 545. Near Ballindooly ’99, and f. in River Suck—P. River Barrow at Mageney ’99—P. River Liffey near Lucan ’00: rare—Colgan. Boyne near Navan ’93, Scully—B.E.C. 793 zé2. Lough Owel—Levinge ’94 48z. Lough Gowna ’00—P. Frequent in River Suck ’97-8—P. Cong and south end of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. West of Castlebar ’99—Marshall. Glenade Lake ’99—P. Lakes in Monaghan, Whitla—/V. Uist. ’64. Lower Lough Erne frequent ’81-2—Barrington 708. Loughinn River and Pettigoe— FV. Don. Gweedore, &c: throughout, rare—7. Don. Lough Ross ’92—P. Lough Neagh! Lett—P. 7or. Ballynahinch 1818, Templeton—/7. VE. L. Neagh below Glenavy ’00—B.N.F.C. 773. Rare. Kilrea’93 and-elsewhere in R. Bann—P. Typical in the lakes, var. graminifolius frequently in the rivers. Kerry S. Kerry N. Waterfd. Kilkny. Queen’s Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s 19 Kildare 23 Westmth. Potamogeton nitens Weber. Census 19—East 5, Centre 5, West 9. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Killarney ’99—Scully. River Blackwater at Cappoquin ’99—P. River Nore at Inistioge ’?00—Phillips. River Barrow above Monasterevan ’84—Hart 387. Ross Lake ’99—P. Grange River near Tuam ’99—P. Black River above Monasterevan ’84—Hart. River Barrow above Monasterevan’84—Hart 387. Lough Deravaragh—Levinge ’94 484. 27 MayoW. UL. Conn S. of Derreen’00—P. Achill I.—More 623. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. oY 322 Sligo Leitrim Monaghn, Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down Antrim Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Tipp. 6. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry NAIADACEE [ Potamogeton Ballysadare ’00—P. Lough Bofin’71 (W. T. Dyer) 4b. Brit. Mus.— Cyd. it Castleblayney ’00—Somerville. Lower Lough Macnean ’00—P. River Erne below Cliff—F¥. Don. Fanet and near Lough Gartan—FV. Don. L. Aghery ’87, Annsboro’ L., Stewart—/V. NE. & 874. Dunadry ’84 (Stewart)—Hd. A. Bennett. Potamogeton lucens L. Census 28—East 9, Centre 9, West 10. Killarney ’99: very local—Scully. Inchigeela ’00—Phillips. Carrigaline, River Lee (Alexander)—Power /7. 45. River Suir below Thurles ’82—Hart 385. Limerick ’97, Bentley—0. L.F.C.! Annacarriga ’96—Colgan. Killaloe ’80—Hart 369. Portumna ’97—P. And in Lough Derg, rare. River Slaney below Tullow ’81—Hart 377. Woodford R. mouth ’96—Colgan. Portumna—Phillips. Terryland River ’99 and River Suck—P. Clonmacnoise ’?99—P. Shannon, Brosna, and Barrow. Lough Dan, &e.— Guide ’78. River Liffey near Leixlip 94: local—Colgan. Oldcastle ’96—P. L. Deravaragh, L. Owel, L. Ennel—Levinge ’94 7&y. Canal at Killashee ’00, and in Lough Ree—P. Claremorris and Callow Lough ’00—P. West of Castlebar ’?99—Marshall. Lough Conn ’00—P. Ballysadare ’?00—P. Lough Gill, Dickie-—F1, Ulst. Lough Melvin ’99—P. Drumreaske ’?00—Waddell. Upper and Lower L. Erne, c., ’81- DSB amine I08. Roshin Lough, &c.: extreme south only—FV. Don. L. Fern, L. Eske, &c.: north and south— FV. Don. Loughgall ’92—P. Frequent. Frequent in Newry Canal ’73—Stewart. Lagan Canal f. ’94—Stewart. L. Neagh c.—/V. VE. Magilligan ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent--/V. VE. Potamogeton | _ Dublin Meath Westmth. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Meath 3 Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl.W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry NATADACE A 823 Potamogeton decipiens Nolte. Census 5—East 2, Centre 1, West 2. R. Liffey near Leixlp ’94 (Praeger): rare—Colgan. River Boyne near Navan ’97, Scully—-Cyd. II. Lough Deravaragh ’95—Linton 503. North-east of Ballyshannon—/7. Don. Rathmullan—/7. Don. Potamogeton Zizii Roth. Census 22—KEast 7, Centre 5, West 10. River Laune ’88—Scully. Kallarney ’94—Scully. Near Askeaton ’86 (Stewart)—Hé. A. Bennett. Lough Senan ’85-6—Stewart 863. River Nore at Thomastown ’98—P. About Cong, L. Corrib near Maam, ’95—M. & S. 545. River Suck in several places ’96-7—P. Boyne at Bective abundant ’96—P. Lough Ree (B. & V. ’85-6), Lough Drin, Lough Dera- varagh—Levinge ’94 484. River Suck at Mt. Talbot &.’97—P. L. Ree—zz3. About Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. Westport ’99—Marshall. River at Shgo ’84—B. & V. zz2. L. Melvin and R. Drowse ’99—P. Glenade L.—zrz2. River Dee below Ardee ’97—P. Kesh Rivermouth’81—Barrington zo8. Carrick—é54. Drowse River ’97—P. Pettigoe, Bundoran—/V. Don. Fanet and near Ramelton: rare—/7. Don. Benburb and Callan ’00—Davies. L. Neagh ’92—P. Lagan Canal near Blaris ’?94—Stewart. Kilrea ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Bann basin f.; L. Mourne. Kilrea ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Bann basin only, rare. Commoner in the west than elsewhere. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Limrck. Potamogeton prelongus Wulf. Census 12—KHast 3, Centre 3, West 6. Lough Acoose ’92—Scully. Killarney ’99—Scully. Blackwater, Taylor—Cy)d. I. Castleconnell and Plassy ’34, Harvey—Cy). II. 2Y B24 16 Galw.W. 22 923 Westmth. 26 27 29 35 Dongl.W. 39 40 cont oO bd Oo Be © bO Meath Mayo E. MayoW. Leitrim Antrim L’derry NAIADACEA [ Potamogeton Ballynahinch ’81 (Bolton King)—/6. A. Bennett. Canal near Beaupare and Navan ’00—P. Lough Owel—Levinge ’94 48z. L. Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Foxford, More—Cy). I. Lough Cullin, More— Cyé. I. Carrickaport Lough ’80 (Stewart)—#6. A. Bennett. Lough Finn and Mullaghderg Lough—/#7. Don. Rathlin Island ’82—Stewart. Rare—J/. VEZ. Lakes about Kilrea, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Potamogeton perfoliatus L. Divisions all, except 17 Galway NE., 20 Wicklow, 81 Louth. Fre- — quent. Potamogeton crispus L. Divisions all, except 1 Kerry South. Generally frequent. Kerry N. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Queen’s King’s Kildare Dublin Potamogeton densus L. Census 12—East 5, Centre 5, West 2. Blennerville ’92—Scully. Killarney—Cyd. I. Carrickbeg ’00—P. Fethard ’?00—Phillips. Frequent. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Shannon only, local. Killaloe ’80—Hart 369. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Lough Derg frequent. Urlingford, Thomastown, Dunkitt, ’98—P. Macmine ’97—Marshall 539. Enniscorthy— Cyd. I. Canal at Grattan aqueduct ’97—P. Tullamore ’99, Kilbeggan canal ’96—P. Rathangan ’98—P. Not rare in the Barrow. Canal near Lucan ’00: local—Colgan. Southern half of Ireland, local. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Potamogeton obtusifolius Mert. & Koch. Census 20—East 10, Centre 4, West 6. Killarney ’94—Scully. Union Hall ’96—J. Groves. Shepperton—Allin F7. Ballyphehane ’96: rare—Phillips. Cork and Youghal ’96: frequent—Phillips. Potamogeton | 30 5 8 15 16 23 26 32 1 Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Galw. SE. Meath Westmth. Mayo W. Cavan Louth Monaghn. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry. NAIADACEA 325 Lough Gur ’00—P. Farrihy Lake, P. B. O’Kelly— Cyd. II. Lough Cullin ’99, Johnstown ’98—P, Rossmore ’85—Linton 502. Whitewood Lough ’97—P. Near Athlone ’98—P. Rathroeen Lough ’00—P. Lough Ramor ’96—P. Belturbet, D. Moore— Cy). I. Braganstown bog ’97—P. Glack bog—Butler 785. Castleblayney ’00—Somerville. Frequent. Ramelton ’89—P. Near Killybegs, Milford —#FV. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Fymore—Hart 392. Mullaghmore Lough ’92: frequent—P. 7or. Loughinisland ’97—P. Rare—#F/. VE. Portmore, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Killelagh Lough ’94—P. Rare—/V. VE. Distinctly calcifuge. In the few of the above stations which are on the limestone, the plant grows in bog drains and pools where it is cut off from calcareous soils. Frequent in a few places only off the limestone. Potamogeton Fries Rupr. (P. mucronatus Schrad.) Cork E. Limrck. Galw. SE. Galw. W. Westmth. Mayo E. Monaghn. Kerry §8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. Census 7—East 1, Centre 4, West 2. Youghal bog, Phillips and Scully—Cyé, II. Near Foynes’85-6—Stewart 863. Lough Derg near Portumna ’85—Linton 502. Roundstone ’85—Linton 502. L. Derayvaragh and L. Ennel ’95—Levinge 786. Claremorris Lake ’96— Marshall 537. Castleblayney Lake ’?00—Somerville. Potamogeton pusillus L. Divisions all. Frequent. Potamogeton pectinatus L. Census 28—EHast 12, Centre 7, West 9. Waterville ’00 : rare—Scully. Near Tralee ’94: rather frequent—Scully. Kilkern Lake ’91: frequent by the sea—Phillips. 326 Cork E. Watertid. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim Lderry. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s NAIADACEA | Potamogeton Youghal ’00 : rare—Phillips. Clonea marsh ’82—Hart 384. Limerick ’97, Bentley—d. L.F.C.! Killaloe, Mount Shannon, ’96—Colgan. Very rare. Lough Derg at Dromineer ’96—Colgan. Granny ’98, and frequent in the Barrow—P. Near Wexford ’96—Marshall 537. 8. coast—Hart 384. Frequent in the Barrow ’98—P. Frequent in the Barrow ’99—P. Kilcolgan estuary ’99—P. Inishbofin ’75—More 626. Pools east of Galway ’99—P. Barrow below Portarlington ’84—Hart 38}. Athy ’97: frequent in the Barrow—P. Wicklow *97—P. Abundant on Murrough—Gwide’78. Liffey near Knockmaroon ’00 : local—Colgan. Lough Ennel and Ballynegall Lakes—Levinge ’94 484. Carrick Lake ’81—Stewart S52. About Inch—/7. Don. Kinnylough and Kindrum—J/7. Don. By the Foyle ’96—Miss Knowles. Lough Neagh frequent, and Newry, ’92—P. Downpatrick ’00—P. Frequent—/l. VE. Carnlough River ’85—P. Frequent—/7. VE. Eglinton ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Coleraine—/7. VEZ. Potamogeton flabellatus Bab. Census 20—East 7, Centre 7, West 6. Castlegregory ’94—Scully. Lixnaw ’90: local—Scully. Kilkern Lake ’91—Phillips. Clonakilty—Allin FV. Youghal—Allin 77.’83. Ballycotton, Fermoy— Cy). I. River Suir near Clonmel, D. Moore—Cyd. I. River Suir near Clonmel, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Curragh Chase ’00—P. River Fergus at Ennis ’86 (Stewart)—H0d. A. Bennett. Graiguenamanagh, &c. : f. in R. Barrow, ’98—P. Macmine ’97—Marshall 539. Coast frequent. Milford, &c.: common in River Barrow ’98—P. Frequent in the Barrow ’98—P. Ruppia | NAIADACEA 327 18 King’s Canal south of Edenderry ’96—P. 19 Kildare Canal near Straffan, J. Douglas— Cyd. I. 23 Westmth. Shannon above Athlone ’99—P. 24 Longfd. R&R. Inny [mouth ’85 | (Barrington)—/é. A. Bennett. 25 Roscomn. Shannon at Athlone ’99—P. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’97—P. Glencar Lake--B. & V. r7z2. 31 Louth Pools at Greenore ’00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Near Ballyshannon—//. Don. Apparently commoner in the south than the north. Not always separated from P. pectinatus, and no doubt more frequent than the above records show. Potamogeton filiformis Nolte. Census 10—East 1, Centre 5, West 4. 16 Galw. W. South end of Lough Mask, floating, ’95—Marshall. 23 Westmth. Lough Ree (’85-6, B. & V.)—Levinge 484. 24 Longfd. _—_—Priest’s Island in Lough Ree ’99—P. 25 Roscomn. Galey on Lough Ree ’97—P. 26 Mayo E. Lough Cullin at outlet 64, More—Cy)d. II. 27 MayoW. L. Cullinnear Pontoon ’00—P., and at outlet—Cyb. I. 29 Leitrim Annaghearly Lough and Lough Melvin ’99—P. 33 Ferman. Garrison’00—P. Near Kesh—Barrington zo8. 35 Dongl. W. Kinnylough—/V. Don. 37 Armagh Lough Neagh at Ardmore Point ’92——P. Northern half of Ireland, in lakes chiefly on the limestone. . Ruppia spiralis Hartm. Tassel Pondweed (genus). Census 8—East 5, Centre 0, West 3. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94 : rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Barrow Harbour ’92: rare—Scully. 12 Wexford Wexford Hbr. ’97—Marshall 539. Courtown ’94—P. 21 Dublin Head of Malahide estuary ’93—Colgan 207. 385 Dongl. W. Mulroy House—/7. Don. 38 Down Castle Espie ?00—P. Rather frequent. 39 Antrim Magheramorne ’97—Stewart. South only——//. VL. 40 L’derry Carrickhugh ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Commoner in the north-east than 2. rostellata. 328 Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Wexford Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. Wicklow Dublin Mayo W. Shgo Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Down L’derry NAIADACEA [Ruppia Ruppia rostellata Koch. Census 21—Kast 9, Centre 1, West 11. Derrynane ’00: frequent—Scully. Near Ballybunnion ’94: frequent—Scully. Skibbereen, &c., ’96: frequent—Phillips. Rochestown ’98: frequent—Phillips. Dunkettle and Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan and Tramore ’99—P. Clonea—Hart 384. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. Lehinch ’00—R. D. O’Brien! Kilrush—Stewart 863. Wexford Hbr. c. ’97—Marshall. Raven Point—}8&z. Kilecolgan and Oranmore ’99—P. Seaweed Point near Barna ’99—P. Ballyloughaun ’99—P. Arklow ’94—P. Near Corballis ?00: local—Colgan. Newport ’?99—Marshall. Ballysadare ’97—P. Greenore ’00—P. Mouth of the Erne, Vowell— Cyd. II. Letterkenny, Glen Bay, &c.: frequent—/7. Don. Blackstaff Bridge near Kircubbin ’90-—-P. Mouth of River Bann ’94—P. Commoner in the south than in the north. Zannichellia palustris L. Horned Pondweed. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare Wextord Wicklow Roscomn. Mayo E. Dongl. E. Census 17—East 8, Centre 4, West 5. Near Tralee ’94; rare—Scully. Skibbereen ’96: frequent on the coast—Phillips. Blackrock ’98: frequent near the sea—Phillips. Youghal and Glanmire ’00: frequent—Phillips. Clonea ’82—Hart 384. Rinekirk ’85-6—Stewart 863. Inishmore ’90—Nowers and Wells#65z. Wexford ’97—Marshall. Frequent on south coast. West of Wicklow (J. Ball)—Briggs ’76 506. Near Kiltoom on Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. rz}. Cong ’95—M. & BS. 545. Buncrana (J. Hunter), Inch—/V. Don. Zostera | NAIADACE A . 329 85 Dongl. W. Glen Head—/V. Don. 36 Tyrone By the Foyle ’?96—Miss Knowles. Ardtrea—J//. Uist. 38 Down Holywood, G. Dickie—/7. Ulst. ’64. 39 Antrim River Lagan, Corry—L. VE. 40 Lderry _Portstewart ’?00—Miss Knowles. Frequent. The stations given for 2, 12, 20, 36 refer to Z palustris, sensu _restricto. Some of the other records may be referable to one or other of the following‘ segregates. Z. brachystemon Gay. Census 5—EHast 2, Centre 1, West 2. 2 Kerry N. Castleisland ’88, Scully—Cyd. IT 9 Clare Sheve Elva ’96, Colgan— Cy). II. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer harbour ’96—Colgan. 21 Dublin Near Portrane ’00: local—Colgan. 38 Down Near Kircubbin ’90—P. Downpatrick ’80—Stewart. Z. pedunculata Reichb. 1 KerryS. Castlegregory ’94: rather rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Banna ’92: rather frequent—Scully. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97—P. Z, polycarpa Nolte. 38 Down Victoria Park’99—P. Behind Queen’s Quay—Stewart. Zostera marina L. Grass-wrack. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all except 29 Leitrim, namely :— 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28 31, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 89, 40. Common on muddy shores. Zostera nana Roth. Census 7—EHast 3, Centre 0, West 4. 2 Kerry N. Spa ’94—Scully. 12 Wexford Locally abundant in Wexford Harbour ’97—Marshall. 16 Galw. W. Gentian Hill! ’00—Phillips. 21 Dublin Portmarnock ’97—Hart 403. Baldoyle, More—Cy#. I. 22 Meath Nanny River at Laytown ’96—P. 384 Dongl.E. Trawbreaga Bay ’98—Hart 705. 85 Dongl. W. Ards abundant—Z7. Don. Further exploration of mud-flats will probably yield other stations. 330 hoe me co 37 Kerry 8. Kerry N. Galw. W. NAIADACEA. CYPERACEA [ Naas Naias flexilis Rostk. Glencar’99—Scully. Lough Caragh’96, Scully—Cyé.11. Killarney ’99: south only, very rare—Scully. Lough Cregduff ’96—P. Eriocaulon septangulare With. Pipewort. Kerry 8. Cork W. Clare Galw. W. Galw. NE. Mayo W. Dongl. W. Census 7—East 0, Centre 0, West 7. Cloonee ’00: rare, but locally abundant—Scully. Lough NW. of Adrigole ’84—Hart 388. Monmor bog ’45—Carter 95. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Throughout, frequent. Wet bog near Killower Lough ’99—P. Newport ’99—Marshall. South half, locally frequent. Portnoo ’00—Mrs. Leebody. aks in Boylagh barony—F7. Don. Ranging up the whole west coast, but avoiding the limestone tracts. Kerry S. Kerry N. Clare Tipp. N. Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth, Longfd. Roscomn. Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Tyrone Armagh Eleocharis acicularis R. Br. Census 23—East 8, Centre 10, West 5. River Laune ’88—Scully. Killarney ’99 : rare—Scully. Inchiquin L.’99—Miss Knowles. Shekamore Lough. Near Portumna bridge—Mackay 1806 52z. Portarlington ’97: canals only, frequent—P. Lough Derg near Portumna, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Philipstown ’96: throughout Grand Canal—P. Rathangan ’98: canals only, frequent—P. Canal near Lucan ’00: local—Colgan. Canal at Enfield ’96—P. Canal near Kenny ’99—P. Lough Gowna, and canal at Ballymahon, ’00—P. Lough Ree near Clooneigh River ’85-6—B. “ Wo Hee Lough Oughter ’96—P. Pool at Clogher Head ’96—P. Canal at Bessmount’00—Waddell. Knockninny ’00—Tetley! Lower L. Erne frequent. River Erne opposite Camlin—/7. Don. Canal at Strabane—Murphy ’29 629. Lurgan lake ’00—Davies. North only, rare—P. 7oz. Eleocharis} CYPERACEA 301 388 Down Lough Neagh at Annaghdroughal (Lett)—S. & P. 874. 39 Antrim L. Beg ’95—P. Lagan canal, L. Neagh, R. Bann, f. 40 L’derry L. Beg’98—Druce. Frequent in L. Beg and R. Bann. Tn various lakes and rivers near the margin and north of the island. From the Shannon, presumably, it has spread along the canals all over the Central Plain. Mr. Phillips considers that the Cork records (287, 682) are probably errors. Eleocharis palustris R. Br. Divisions all. Common. Eleocharis uniglumis Link. Census 10—EKast 6, Centre 1, West 3. 1 Kerry 8S. Ballydavid Head ’91, Butler—Cyd. II. Very rare. 8 Limrck. Limerick ’99—Somervyille. 12 Wexford Macmine, &c. ’97—Marshall 539. South coast f. 20 Wicklow Newecastle’94—P. Arklow—More 6o¢. 21 Dublin Raheny ’00: rare—Colgan. 27. Mayo W. Newport ’99—Marshall. 31 Louth Salt-marsh at Soldier’s Point ’96—P. 34 Dongl. E. Ballyshannon estuary—J/7. Don. 388 Down Groomsport ’00, Killough—Davies 272, 265. Bangor. 40 L’derry Magilligan ’95—P. Eleocharis multicaulis Smith. Census 30—East 11, Centre 7, West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Killarney ’99: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Miullstreet 00: common—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Near Rathcooney ’98: common—Phillips. 7 Tipp.S8. Muskry Lough in the Galtees ’00—P. 9 Clare Monmor bog ’85-—6—Stewart 863. 11 Kilkny. Lough Cullin ’99, Brandon Hill ’98—P. 12 Wexford Ballyhyland frequent, Alderton—B. & M.’93 703. 13 Carlow Blackstairs ’?99—P. Mount Leinster—Hart 387. 15 Galw.SE. Near Loughrea ’00—Phillips. 16 Galw. W. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. Common. 17 Galw. NE, Killower Lough ’99, Dunmore ’00—P. 332 CYPERACEA | Eleocharis 18 King’s Geashill ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Callary bog ’93—P. 26 Mayo E. Ballymore Lough’00—P. 27 MayoW. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Sligo Ballysadare °00—P. North and west, rare. 29 Leitrim Lough Scur ’84—Stewart 859. 30 Cavan Lough Oughter ’96—-P. 31 Louth Carlingford Mountain ’83—Hart 38r. 382 Monaghn. Bragan, Kilmore L.,’00—Waddell. Drum—More 6rz. 33 Ferman. South of Belleek’00—P. 384 Dongl. E. Glengad Head ’98—Hart zo5. Frequent—JV. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Muckish, &c.: frequent throughout—/7Z. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Loughadian and frequent on bogs in north ’92—-P. 388 Down Saintfield’99—-Waddell. Rare : common on Mournes. 39 Antrim Fair Head ’97--P. Rare—F7. VE. - 40 L’derry Coleraine, Stewart ; mouth of Roe, D. Moore—F/. VE. A local plant, occurring chiefly in the mountainous parts of the country, and off the limestone. Scirpus pauciflorus Lightf. Census 33—East 10, Centre 12, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Cloonee ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Banna ’94: rather rare—Scully. 7 Tipp. 8S. Farranaleen and Fethard ’98—P. 9 Clare Carrowgar Bay on Lough Derg ’96—Colgan. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Rapla, Thurles—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown, Urlingford, Johnstown, ’98—P. 13 Carlow Above Borris ’99, below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Rathdowney and Dunmore ’98—P. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea’98—P. Frequent in the south. 16 Galw. W. Inveran ’96—Colgan. East margin frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort ’99: common—P. 18 King’s Kinnitty ’00, Geashill, Lough Goura—P. 19 Kildare Rathangan ’98, Nurney, Kildare, Leixlip—P. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00—P. Frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Enfield ’96, Laytown ’95—P. 23 Westmth. Glynnwood ’99—P. Lough Ree c., centre f. 24 Longfd. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Near Athlone ’98—P. Scirpus | CYPHRACE A 333 26 Mayo KE. Claremorris ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’?00—P. Widespread. 29 Leitrim Glenade ’99: frequent in the north—P. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Greenore ’00—P. 82 Monaghn. Castleblayney Lake, Templeton—/V. Ulst. ’64. 83 Ferman. Belcoo’00—P. Lower L. Erne rare—zo8 and P. 384 Dongl. KE. Trawbreaga Bay, &c.: in N. and 8.—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Adara, &c.: local—FV. Don. 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Bogs in the north rare ’92—P. 38 Down Bloody bridge ’94—-Waddell. Very rare—/. VE. 39 Antrim Rathlin Island ’82—Stewart. Rare—//. VE. 40 Lderry Mouth of River Bann ’95—P. A local plant, commoner on than off the limestone. Apparently absent from the south-east. Scirpus ceespitosus L. Divisions all. Locally abundant. Scirpus parvulus R. & S. 2 Kerry N. River Cashen near Ballybunnion ’89—Scully. 20 Wicklow Arklow ’96—Barrington! Scirpus fluitans L. Census 34—East 15, Centre 9, West 10. Divisions all, eacept 8 Limerick, 23 Westmeath, 28 Sligo, 29 Leitrim, 33 Fermanagh, 36 Tyrone. Frequent, and probably universal. Rather calcifuge. Scirpus Savii S. & M. Census 26—Hast 14, Centre 2, West 10. Kerry 8. Derrynane ’00 : frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Near Ballybunnion ’94: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Baltimore ’96: frequent near the coast—Phillips. Cork Mid Crosshaven ’96: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Glanmire ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Tramore ’99—P. Limrck. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. OnRaRr Ww WH eK 334 CYPERACEA [Scorpus 9 Clare Doonbeg ’85-—6—Stewart 863. Rare. 11 Kilkny. Snowhill ’99, Granny—P. Ballinlaw—B. & G. zoo. 12 Wexford Wexford Harbour’81—Hart 377. S. coast frequent. 13 Carlow Barrow below St. Mullin’s ’98—P. 15 Galw. SE, Kilcolgan ’99—P. 16 Galw. W. Inveran’96—Colgan. Not common. 20 Wicklow Brittas Bay ’96, Great Sugarloaf ’94—P., 21 Dublin Near Skerries 95: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown ’96—P. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Sligo Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Mullaghmore—//. Uist. 31 Louth Dunany Point ’?96—P. 34 Dongl.E. Mournebeg River, &c.: throughout, c. in N.—/V. Don. 85 Dongl. W. Horn Head, &c.: frequent—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone River Foyle ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Estuary of Newry River ’92—P. 38 Down Glasdrumman ’97—P. Rare—#F/. VE. 39 Antrim Rathlin Island ’94--P. Rare—/7. VE. 40 Liderry Castlerock ’89—P. Rare—/V. VL. Round almost the whole coast. Very rarely beyond tidal influence, in Kerry (850 feet, Hart), Wicklow (700 feet, P.), and Donegal East (300-550 fect). Scirpus setaceus L. Divisions all, except 19 Kildare, 31 Louth. Thinly distributed over almost the whole country, and no doubt occurs in all divisions. Scirpus lacustris L. Bullrush. Divisions all eacept 6 Waterford, in which, if present, it is apparently rare. Generally abundant. Scirpus Tabernemontant Gmel. Maritime and submaritime divisions all, except 29 Levtrim: namely, 1, 2, 8, 4, 5, 6; 8, 9, 11,12, 15, 16,17, 20, 21, 29 87 woemmonmmad 35, 86, 37, 38, 39, 40. Frequent along the coast. Inland on Lough Neagh (27. VE.). Scirpus triqueter L. 8 Limrck. Shannon at Limerick! and abundant for five miles down stream, ’00—R. D. O’Brien. 9 Clare Abundant in the Shannon for five miles below Limerick, and sparingly in Cratloe Creek, ’00—R. D. O’Brien. Scirpus | CYPERACEA 335 Scirpus maritimus L. Maritime and submaritime divisions all, including Kilkenny, Ty- rone, and Armagh. Common round the coast. Inland on Lough Neagh (Fl.NE.). 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 6 Waterfd. 7 Tipp. 8. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 14 Queen’s 18 King’s 32 Monaghn. 383 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 36 Tyrone 387 Armagh 88 Down 89 Antrim 40 L’derry Very local : Scirpus sylvaticus L. Census 16—East 7, Centre 7, West 2. Between Cork and Carrigrohane ’98—Phillips, Castletownroche ’00 : rare—Phillips. By the Blackwater above Lismore ’84—Hart 388. R. Suir at Cloughabready and near Cahir ’82—Hart 385. Plassy, I. Carroll—Cy9. I. Parteen ’00—R. D. O’Brien! River Barrow at Two-mile bridge ’84—Hart 383. Barrow at Garryhinch, and furtherdown,’84—Hart 383. Drumreaske and Rossmore ’00—W. de V. Kane! Near Enniskillen, O’ Beirne—Mackay ’25 522. Donagh R. ’98—Hart zos. Widespread, v.r.—J//. Don. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Favour Royal—Hart 392. Clare ’92—P. Frequent in north, rare in south. Killyleagh ’97—P. Rare—/7. VE. Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—//. VZ. Kilrea ’94—P. Frequent in south and east. chiefly in the south and north; rare in the west. Scirpus rufus Schrad. (Blysmus rufus Panz.) 1 Kerry S. 2 Kerry N. 12 Wexford 16 Galw. W. 21 Dublin 27 Mayo W. 28 Shgo 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry Census 12—Kast 5, Centre 0, West 7. Derrynane '89: rare and local—Scully. Rahaneen ’92: very local—Scully. North side of Wexford Harbour ’81—Hart 377. Custrower Bay near Ballynahinch— Wade 1804 goz. North Bull ’00: local—Colgan. Kallala and Rosserk abbey ’00—P. Ballysadare’97—P. Drumcliff R. (Corry)—B. &V.z72. Tullagh ’98—Hart gos. N.and&., local—/V. Don. Killybegs’96—P. Throughout, local—/f/. Don. Killough ’98—Davies 265. Frequent—//. VE. Ballintoy ’95--—Brenan 768. Rare—l7l. VL. Mouth of R. Roe ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Local—/V. WE. Very local round the coast, with wide gaps between some of the stations. 336 CYPERACEA [Eriophorum Eriophorum vaginatum L. Cotton-grass (genus). Divisions all, except 6 Waterford, in which it no doubt occurs. Frequent. Eriophorum angustifolium Roth. Divisions all. Common. Eriophorum latifolium Hoppe. Census 9+(1)—EHast 2+(1), Centre 1, West 6. 1 Kerry 8. Glencar’99: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Tarbert ’90—Scully. 8 Cork W. North of Adrigole, Scully— Cyd. II. 7 Tipp. 8. Aughakilleen below Holycross ’82—Hart 385. 15 Galw. SE. Woodlawn (E. Hill)—Babington 736 54. 16 Galw.W. North-west side of Urrisbeg ’69—More 6z4. 19 Kildare Marsh north of the Curragh ’97—P. (20 Wicklow Enniskerry—L7. Hib. ’36. Long extinct.) 385 Dongl.W. North-west of Ardara—F/. Don. 39 Antrim Flow bog near Rasharkin, D. Moore—Cy). I. Rhynchospora fusca R. & 8. Census 19—East 0, Centre 8, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Cloonee ’98—P. F. and locally abundant—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Listowel’94: frequent in south, rare in north—Scully. 8 Cork W. Adrigole and Glengariff ’94—-Phillips. West, rare. 7 Tipp. 8. Oldtown bog near New Birmingham, Vowell—Cyé. II. 9 Clare Dunbeg bog, D. Moore—Cyb. I. 10 Tipp. N. Near Portumna ’00—Phillips. Barracurra ’97—P. 15 Galw. SE. By Lough Derg below Woodford ’98—P. 16 Galw.W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Common in the east. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam district frequent ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Lough Boora ’00: frequent in the west—P. 23 Westmth. Twy Lough near Athlone ’98—P. 24 Longfd. Roosky to Inny mouth: common in the west, ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. East of Slieve Bane ’00, Athlone ’98—P. 26 Mayo EK. Claremorris ’00—P. Frequent in west half. 27 Mayo W. Nephin ’00—P. Castlebar—Marshall. Foxford. 28 Sligo Behind Cliffony ’?00—P. 29 Leitrim ~— Uragh L. near Kinlough, Dromod, Rinn L., ’99—P. 33 Ferman. Near Florencecourt ’00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Near Belleek ’00—P. Western half of Ireland. Cladium| CYPERACEA 337 Rhynchospora alba Vahl. Census 36—East 12, Centre 12, West 12. Divisions all, except 6 Waterford, 12 Wexford, 21 Dublin, 32 Monaghan. Probably Dublin is the only division from which this plant is actually absent. Its distribution coincides with that of low- level peat-bogs. One station only in Carlow and Kilkenny. Very rare on mountain bogs. Much rarer in the east than in the west. Schenus nigricans L. Divisions all, except 6 Waterford; probably universal. Frequent. Cladium Mariscus R. Br. Census 28+(1)—East 8+(1), Centre 8, West 12. 1 KerryS. Cloonee ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: chiefly in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Inchigeela ’00—Phillips. Frequent in the west. 4 Cork Mid Blarney—Power Ff7.’45. Summerstown—287. 9 Clare Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare. 13 Carlow S. of Carlow ’98—P. Tullow (Browne)—More 6z¢. 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill ’98—P. Throughout, frequent. 16 Galw.W. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Common. 17 Galw. NE. Annaghdown ’00: common on Lough Corrib— P. 18 King’s Frankford ’00, Pallas Lough, Lough Goura—P. 19 Kildare Marsh N. of Curragh v. ce. ’97—P. Dollardstown. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore—Cyé. I. 22 Meath L. Sheelin ’96, Ardee bog ’97—-P. And in E., v.r. 23 Westmth. Ballinderry Lough ’99—P. Lough Ree c., centre f. 24 Longfd. Derrymacar Lough ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Rockville ’99: throughout, frequent—P. 26 Mayo EH. Callow’00—P. Frequent in the west. 27 MayoW. Lough Conn ’00—P. Locally frequent. 28 Sligo Lough Arrow ’97—P. 29 Leitrim Uragh Lough and Glenade ’99--P. 30 Cavan Lakes in Cavan, D. Moore—Cyd. I., and Templeton. 31 Louth Near Castlebellingham ’90—Butler 785. 32 Monaghn, Drumreaske ’00—Kane. Dartrey ’00—Somerville. 33 Ferman. Heathery Island in Lough Melvin ’00—P. 34 Dongl.E. Lough Naminn and frequent in south—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Portnoo’00—Mrs. Leebody. Chiefly in S., f£.—/V. Don, 37 Armagh _Loughgall ’92—P. B.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. Z 338 38 Down (39 Antrim 39 CYPERACEA [ Cladvum Near Killough ’00, Strangford, Castlewellan—P. Lough Neagh at Portmore and Selshan—F/. VE., &c. ? Extinct.) Rare in the east ; locally common in the west. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Clare Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Carex dioica L. Sedge (genus). Census 20—East 7, Centre 4, West 9. Glencar ’99: frequent but local—Scully. Lough Guitane’90: rather frequent—Scully. Priest’s Leap ’78 —Allin #7. Inchigeela—287. Near Crusheen ’79—Corry 270. Clonbur ?95—Marshall. : Devil’s Glen ’00—C. Waterfall. Three Rock Mountain ’95—Colgan. Loughanstown, Lisclogher bog—Levinge ’94 4&4. Glendaduff and near Claremorris’00—P. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Widespread, rare. Ballysadare ’00—P. Truskmore—B. & V. 772. Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Mullyash Hill ’?00—Somerville. Bulbein Mount, &c.: in north and south—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Glenties, &c.: throughout, local—/7. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Strabane ’00—Miss Knowles. Sheve Gullion ’92—P. Killeter—Stewart. Bloody Burn *97—P. Frequent—//. NE. Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—FV. VEZ. Draperstown, D. Moore: frequent—f7. VEZ. Rare, and generally on mountains. Antrim Wextord Dublin Carex pulicaris L. Divisions all. Common. Carex pauciflora Lightf. Mountains above Carnlough ’98—Adams 3. Parkmore ’89—Lett 776. Carex divisa Huds. Fisherstown marshes abundant ’93, Miss Glaseott— B. & M. MS. Notrare in the Barrow estuary. East Wall in Dublin Harbour ’94—Colgan. North bank of the River Liffey only, very rare. The Cork and Connemara records have never been confirmed. Carex] Divisions all. 1 2 7 CYPERACEA 339 Carex disticha Huds. Generally common, but very rare in Kerry, Cork, and in the greater part of Donegal. Carex arenaria L. In all divisions where sandy coasts occur: namely 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 12, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 81, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Kerry 5S. Kerry N. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wextord Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo EH. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Down Antrim L’derry Carex teretiuscula Good. Census 30—Kast 9, Centre 11, West 10. Castlegregory ’90—Scully. Gallarus ’83—Hart 387. Near Spa ’90—Scully. Ballinure and south of Cashel ’98—P. Lough Gur! ’00—O’Brien. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Dunbeg bog, D. Moore— Cy). I. Lough Ourna ’99: frequent in northern half—P. Johnstown ’98—P. East of Wexford ’97—Marshall 539. Abbeyleix ’98, Rathdowney, Portarlington—P. Loughrea ’98, Marble Hill’97—P. Woodford— Cyé. I. Castlegrove ’99, Clonbrock ’96——P. Lough Goura ’98: frequent throughout—P. Nurney ’97—P. Royal Canal near Lucan ’00——Colgan. Kildalkey ’00, Mathews’ Hill ’97—P. Lough Iron’99—P. Frequent. Woodlawn ’98, and frequent in the west—P. Athlone ’98, Lough Gara ’97—P. Claremorris ’96—Marshall 537. Hollymount— Cyé. I. Mallaranny, &c. ’99—Marshall. Very local. Annaghmore ’00: frequent—P. Rinn Lough ’99—P. Ardee bog ’97—P. Drumreaske ’00—Waddell. Dartrey ’00—Somerville. About Ballyshannon and Pettigoe—FV. Don. Fanet, Dunfanaghy, Barra River—/7. Don. Lough Muck near Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Near Giant’s Ring ’96—Davies 257. Killymurry, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Very rare—/. VE. Killelagh Lough above Maghera ’94—Mrs. Leebody. The Cork record (287) is disallowed. Z 2 340 CYPERACEA [ Carex Carex paradoxa Willd. 23 Westmth. Ladiston, &e. Levinge ’94 484. Centre, rare. Carex paniculata L. Divisions all. Generally frequent, but rare in 17, 21, 28, 30, 31, 36. Carex vulpina L. Census 383—Kast 14, Centre 9, West 10. Divisions all except 13 Carlow, 16 Galway West, 17 Galway NE, 23 Westmeath, 25 Roscommon, 26 Mayo East, 32 Monaghan. Rare in 18, 24, 30, 88, 36. More or less frequent in the remaining divisions. Though generally rare except near the sea, this is a plant of constant occurrence in South Tipperary and Queen’s Co. Carex muricata L. Census 16+(1)—Hast 7+(1), Centre 4, West 5. 2 KerryN. Fenit ’90: very rare—Scully. 3 CorkW. Near Kinsale ’92: rare—Phillips. 4 CorkMid Carrigaline ’00 (Scully) : rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate ’00: rare—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8S. Cahir and Knocklofty ’00— P. 8 Limrck. Limerick ’?99—Somerville. 9 Clare Near Ballyvaughan, O’Kelly— Cyd. II. 10 Tipp.N. Lough Ourna ’99, Friar’s Lough ’98—P. 12 Wexford Wexford’97—Marshall. Enniscorthy, Slaney— Cyd. I. 13 Carlow Milford ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Graigue ’98—P. Shrule Castle ’84—Hart 383. 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’35—Babington 57. 19 Kildare Grand Canal near Monasterevan ’84—Hart 383. 20 Wicklow’ Fassaroe (Barrington)—More ’72 6z4. (21 Dublin Stepaside, D. Moore—Cyb. I.; &e. ?—Colgan.) 28 Sligo Rosses Point ’97—P. 39 Antrim Giant’s Causeway ’98—L. Watt! Near Belfast. . Almost confined to the southern half of Ireland. Carex divulsa Good. Census 19—FEast 9, Centre 6, West 4. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’90: local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: local, chiefly in south—Scully. Carea| Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrcek. Tipp. N. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Durrow ’00—Phillips. CYPERACHA 341 Bantry—Allin’71 8. Rather common—Allin 77. Carrigaline ’00 (Scully): common in south—Phillips. Dunkettle ’00: frequent—Phillips. Carrickbeg ’?00—Phillips. Cappoquin ’99—P. Cahir ’00-—P. South and west frequent. Adare ’99—R. D. O’Brien! Limerick ’99—Somerville. Lough Ourna ’99—P. Courtown ’?94—P. Dunbrody Park—B. & G. zoo. Leighlinbridge ’98—P. Tullow; Brown’s Hill. Graigue ’99-—P. Garryland ’00—P. Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Near Athy, Carroll; Lodge Park, Douglas— Cy). I. Wicklow’97—P. Common in the north-east. Portrane ’00: local—Colgan. Nayan ’00, Laytown ’96—P. Knock Ross ’95—Levinge 786. Distributed almost without a break over the southern half of Ire- land, being rare in the west. Carex echinata Murr. Divisions all. Common. Carex remota L. Divisions all. Frequent. Carex axillaris Good. 4 Cork Mid Near Kinsale ’66 (I. Carroll)—More 6z~. 14 21 25 Queen’s Dublin Roscomn. By the Barrow near Monettia bog ’84—Hart 353. Near Malahide ’94—Colgan 27z. Near Rockville House ’99—P. 797. Several old records are disallowed. Carex Bonninghausiana Weihe. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99—Scully. 35 Dongl. W. Near Mount Charles ’88—4—Hart 350. 33 Ferman. (39 Antrim Carex elongata L. Marsh near Crum Castle ’81—2—Barrington zo8. Lough NeaghatSelshan’38, D. Moore—Oyd.I. Extinct —f. NE.) 342 . CYPERACE [Carex Carex curta Good. Census 22—KEast 7, Centre 8, West 7. 2 Kerry N. Duagh ’94—Scully. River Finnow—Seully 824. 7 Tipp. 8S. Near Cahir—Mackay 1806 527. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’99—P. B. O’Kelly! 14 Queen’s Between Cullenagh & Strata ya 1806 527. 16 Galw.W. Near Maam ’95—M.& 8. 545. 17 Galw. NE. Near Tuam ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Shillelagh’99—P. And in NE., not common. 21 Dublin Curragha bog—Cyb. I. Three Rock Mtn.—/r. F1. 22 Meath Near Navan ’96—P. 24 Longfd. Carn Clonhugh ’98, Lough Forbes, Lough Gowna—P. 25 Roscomn. Lough Arrow ’97—P. 29 Leitrim Ballinamore ’?00—Somervyille. 30 Cavan Drumhawnagh ’99, Mount Nugent ’96—P. 32 Monaghn. Kilmore L., Bessmount, ’00—Waddell. Dartrey. 83 Ferman. Near Crum Castle ’81-2—Barrington 708. 84 Dongl. KE. Near Scalp (Hunter), Pettigoe, &c. : rare—FI. Don. 35 Dongl.W. Lough Gartan, &c.: local and rare—F7. Don. 36 Tyrene Strabane glen ’?96—Miss Knowles. 87 Armagh Annagarriff Lake ’92: rare, north only—P. 38 Down Carngaver ’95—P. Frequent—/V. VEZ. 82° Antrim Ballymena ’99—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/V. VEZ. 40 Lderry Kilrea’95—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7. WE. Rere, and chiefly inthe north. A few old records are dubious, and for several others which are given above (7, 14, 21) recent confirma- tion is desirable. Carex ovalis Good. Divisions all. Frequent, usually avoiding the limestone, and frequenting the hills. Carex Buxbaumii Wahl. (C. fusca All.) 39 Antrim Harbour Island in Lough Neagh near Toome '86, Stewart : nearly extinct—//. VE. A close search for this plant round the little explored western shores of Lough Neagh appears most desirable, in view of its probable approaching extinction in its old station. Carex] 1 2 4 20 CYPERACEA 343 Carex Hudsonii Ar. Benn. (C. stricta Good.) Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow (21 Dublin 22 23 24 265 26 27 28 29 30 ol 32 30 o4 37 39 40 Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Shgo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Armagh Antrim Lderry Census 34—East 138, Centre 12, West 9. Killarney ’00: rare and local—Scully. Killarney ’99: local, and chiefly in the south—Scully. Ballyphehane bog (Carroll)—Allin 77. ’83. Clonea marsh ’82—Hart 384. Farranaleen ’98—P. Curragh Chase ’00—P. Nenagh ’99, Thurles, Friar’s Lough—P. Lough Cullin ’99, Urlingford, Johnstown—P. Morris Castle ’81—Hart 377. South of Carlow ’98—P. Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Dunmore ‘98—P. Marble Hill ’97—P. Throughout, frequent. Derryclare L.’94—P. Frequent, especially in the east. Castlegrove 799, Keekill, Donamon—P. Pallas Lough ’00—P. Widespread, not common. Rathangan ’98—P. Along the Barrow—Hart 353. About the lakes in Wicklow— Guide ’78. Royal Canal— Guide ’78. Never found—Colgan.) Beaupare ’00, Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Lough Iron ’99—P. Centre frequent, west common. Lough Forbes ’00, Woodlawn ’98—P. Corkip Lough ’99, Athlone, Lough Key—P. Near Clonbur ’95—M. &8. 545. Newport ’?99—Marshall. Lough Gill ’99—P. Glenade ’99, and frequent in the south—P. Lough Oughter and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Braganstown bog ’97—P. Glasslough and Rossmore ’00— Waddell. Rare. Belcoo, Garrison, ’?00—P. L. Erne c.—Barrington s08. By the River Erne—/7. Don. Loughgall, Lough Neagh, Lough Gilly, ’92—P. Portmore ’92, and frequent in Bann basin—P. Lough Beg ’98—Druce. Bann basin, rare—f/. VE. A characteristic plant of the lakes and rivers of the Central Plain, becoming rare in the north and south. 344 aa 23 Kerry N. Cork E. Limrck. Tipp. N. Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Meath Westmth. Sligo Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CYPERACE {| Carea Carex acuta L. Census 19—East 7, Centre 7, West 5. Killarney ’90—Scully. Youghal bog 700—Phillips. Curragh Chase! ’?00—Miss Knowles. Lough Derg below Portumna ’98—P. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Not rare on the Shannon. River Suck at Donamon ’97—P. By the Shannon north of Banagher ’98—P. Canal at Rathangan, D. Moore—Cyé. I. Beaupare and Navan ’?96—P. Drogheda—Cyb. I. Near Glynnwood House ’99—P. Lough Key ’97—P. Tomkin Road ’00—Somerville. Killykeen ’96—P. Dartrey ’00—Somerville. ‘ Enniskillen ’83—Stewart. Kske River, &c.: south only, rare—J/7. Don. Loughgall ’77—Stewart. Lough Neagh—Lett! Gillhall ’84—Stewart. Rare—//. VE. Portmore ’92—P. Rare—/V. VE. Toome, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Moneymore—J/V. Uist. Widely but locally distributed. Certain recorded stations are held over pending confirmation: some of them appear referable to C. paludosa. Carex trinervis Deel. 16 Galw. W. Near Roundstone ’85—Linton 797. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Wexford Carlow Galw. W. Carex rigida Good. Census 15—East 5, Centre 2, West 8. Glanbehy ’92: on most of the mountains—Scully. Mangerton ’96: southern mountains frequent—Scully. Adrigole Mountain ’94—Phillips. Above Stilloge L. and Coumshingaun ’82-8—Hart 387. Slievenaman ’00—P. Galtees ; Knockmealdowns. Blackstairs summit ’99—P. Mount Leinster and Blackstairs ’99~00—P. Benwee ’99—Colgan. Carea| CYPERACE Ai 345 20 Wicklow Lugnaquilla—More ’72 6rz. 27 Mayo W. Croaghaun ’99—Colgan. Higher mountains frequent. 28 Sligo Ben Bulben and Truskmore ’84—B. & V. 772. 34 Dongl. E. Bulbein Mount—J7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Knockalla ’98—Hart zo5. Local—Jl7. Don. 36 Tyrone Mullaghclogha ’83—Hart 357. Sperrins, rare. 40 Liderry Dart ’92—P. Sperrin mountains rare. Chiefly on the mountains of the south and west. Carex aquatilis Wahlb. Census 11—East 2, Centre 4, West 5. Kerry 8. Glencar ’99—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Near Upper Lake of Killarney ’94—Scully. 16 Galw. W. By the Maam River ’95—M.&S. 545. 22 Meath River Blackwater near Daly’s bridge ’96—P. 23 Westmth. River Inny below Ballinalack ’99—P. 25 Roscomn. South end of Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 86o. 30 Cavan River Blackwater below L. Ramor abundant ’96—-P. 384 Dongl. E. Along R. Finn--/7. Don. R. Eske, Hart-—Cyb. IL. 385 Dongl. W. Barra River, Finn River above Clady—J/¥. Don. 36 Tyrone Finn River near Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. 39 Antrim Ballymena! ’99—Miss Knowles. Shane’s C.’91—P. Chiefly in the north, and always at low levels. —" Carex vulgaris Ir. Divisions all. Common. Carex glauca Scop. Divisions all. Common. Carex limosa L. Census 23+(1)— East 6+(1), Centre 6, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Owenreagh River ’99: rather frequent—Sceully. 2 KerryN. Gneeygullia ’98—P. Rather rare—Scully. 38 Cork W. Near Schull ’96—Phillips. Sugarloaf—Allin 77. 4 Cork Mid Newmarket ’70—Allin 7. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’99—P. B. O’Kelly! Rare. 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill ’98, Dalystown—P. Woodford—Cy). I. 16 Galw. W. Recess ’95—P. Widespread, frequent. 346 CYPERACEA [Carex 17 Galw. NE. Near Killower Lough ’99—P. 18 King’s Frankford ’00, Lough Goura ’88—P. 19 Kildare South of Thomastown ’96—P. (21 Dublin Curragha bog—Wade 1804 go2.) 22 Meath Carbury, and between Athboy and Navan, ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Loughanstown, &c.—Levinge 94 484. Very rare. 24 Longfd. Near Roosky ’00—P. 26 MayoK. MHollymount, More—Cyd. I. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. 28 Shgo Near Cliffony ’00, Lough Gara ’97—P. 33 Ferman. South of Belleek ’00—P. 384 Dongl.E. Lough Unshin, &c.: rare—fl. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Gamble’s Lough ’98—Hart zo5. Local—#V. Don. 36 Tyrone Lough Ouske ’92—P. 687. 38 Down Saul camp ’90—P. Very rare—/V. VE. 39 Antrim Killagan ’94—P. Very rare. 40 L’derry Lough Ouske ’92—P. 687. Chiefly on wet bogs in the west. Carex pilulifera L. Divisions all. Generally on hilly ground, but has a number of stations in the Limestone Plain. Carex preecox Jacq. Divisions all, except 56 Tyrone. Frequent. Carex pallescens L. Census 28+(1)—East 8+(1), Centre 9, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99: chiefly in the south—Scully. 3 Cork W. Dunmanway, &c., ’00: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ballinhassig, St. Anne’s Hill—Allin 7. ’83. 5 Cork E. Near Mitchelstown ’97: rare—Phillips. 7 Tipp. S. Near Kilbeheny ’97—Phillips. 9 Clare Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. North half f. 11 Kilkny. _—_Inistioge ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Camross’97—P. Tinnechinch ’84—Hart 383. 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown ’97, Woodford, Chevy Chase—P. 16 Galw. W. Carn Seefin ’95—P. Benbaunbeg—Hart 380. 18 King’s Cadamstown ’00, Arderin ’97—P. Carex] 20 Wicklow (21 Dublin 24 Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CYPERACEA B47 Annamoe ’84, Hart—Cyb. II. Glendalough—Oyp. I. Kelly’s Glen—Mackay ’25 522; &e. ?—Colgan.) Longford ’98, Lough Forbes, Carn Clonhugh—P. Near Foxford, More—Cy. I. Delphi, Mweelrea, Doo Lough, ’82—Hart 38o. Ben Bulben ’82—Corry 2248. Carrick ’?99—P. Drumod (Dyer)—More 6zz. Ballyconnell ’00—Somerville. Shannon Pot—Stewart. Drumreaske, Rossmore, ’00—Waddell. Bessmount. Enniskillen ’99—P. Frequent. Castleforward, &c.: centre and south, rare—/7. Don. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout, rare—/V. Don. Omagh and Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Armagh (Johnson !), Ardmore (Lett !)—P. ’93 7oz. Tollymore Park ’90—P, Rare—/7. VE. Cullybackey ’00—Miss Knowles. Rare—F/. VE. Kilrea ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7. VE. Very rare in the east, except in the north-east. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Wicklow Carex panicea L. Divisions all. Common. Carex pendula Huds. Census 28—Kast 11, Centre 9, West 8. {Valentia ’92—Scully. {Near Tralee ’92: rather rare—Scully. Glandore and Myross—Allin 77. 83. Mountdesart 798: rare—Phillips. Glanmire 99: rare—Phillips. Cappoquin and Stradbally ’99—P. Cahir ’?00—P. Carrick-on-Suir ’00—Phillips. Doon ’00—P. Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Inishealtra. River below Nenagh ’99—P. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Centre and SE., frequent. Courtown ’97—P. Frequent in north, rare in south. Near Stradbally ’97—P. Chevy Chase ’73—Hart 362. Clonad wood ’96—P. River above Bray ’94—P. North-east only, rare. 348 21 Dublin 26 Mayo E. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth 33 Ferman. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 88 Down 39 Antrim CYPERACEA [Caree Near Drimnagh ’00: rare—Colgan. {Ashford ’96—Marshall 537. Hazelwood ’96—Colgan. Above Glencar Lake ’96—Colgan. Near Swanlinbar— Mackay 1806 527. Bellingham Castle demesne c. ’?00—W. de V. Kane. Florencecourt ’00—-P. Marble Arch—Stewart 854. Eske River and Eanymore Water—/7/. Don. Strabane’96—Miss Knowles. Favour Royal—Hart 392. Tanderagee demesne ’92—P. Montalto, Stewart—/7. VE. Glenariff ’?93—Shoolbred 837. Rare—Fl. NE. It is difficult to distinguish native stations from others in which the plant may have been introduced for ornamental purposes, as its favourite habitats—woods and wooded river-banks—are generally to be found in large demesnes. Carex strigosa Huds. Census 15+(1)—East 7+(1), Centre 4, West 4. 2 Kerry N. (4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 7 Tipp. 8. 12 Wexford 14 Queen’s 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 28 Sligo 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongi. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 388 Down 39 Antrim Near Listowel ’90: very rare—Scully. Dunscombe’s wood—Power 7. ’45. Not seen since.) Doneraile (C. Longfield)—Allin 7. 838. Knocklofty ’82—Hart 3385. North of Courtown plentiful ?97—Marshall 539. Dunmore woods, Mackay 1806—Cyb. I. Dargle—Wade 1804 go2. Near Drimnagh ’00: rare—Colgan. West end of Glencar Lake’84—B. & V. rz2. Florencecourt ’00—P. By the Erne below Cliff—/7. Don. Mount Charles—/V. Don. Donegal, Dickie—/7. Uist. Favour Royal ’87—Hart 392. Ardmore (Lett !)—P. ’92 7oz. Belvoir Park ’70—B.N.F.C. 777. Crawfordsburn. Muckamore ’93—P. Frequent—/7. VEZ. Carex sylvatica Huds. Divisions all except 19 Kildare. Frequent, and no doubt universal. Carex] aS eS ORwWNr OMT HM art wb re 16 CYPERACE At 349 Carex levigata Smith. Census 33—East 12, Centre 10, West 11. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. ERP Sos Limrck. Clare Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. King’s Wicklow Dublin Longfd. ; Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Divisions all. Cloonee ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Castletownsend ’97 : rare—Phillips. Mountdesart ’96: frequent—Phillips. Glanmire ’00: frequent—Phillips. Dungarvan, Clonea, ’?99—P. Gurteen—Cyb. I. Fethard ’97—P. Foynes ’99—Somervyille. Lisdoonvarna ’00— Miss Knowles. Near Borris ’84—Hart 38}. North-east base of Mount Leinster—Hart. Ballintemple, Aghade, ’99--P. Newtownbarry—6zz. Ballybrophy ’98—P. Dalystown, Marble Hill, ’98—P. Chevy Chase—36z. Near Clonbur ?95—M. &8. 545. Kainnitty ’00, Clonad wood ’96—P. Devil’s Glen ’00—C. Waterfall. Frequent. Kilmashogue ’94—Colgan. Woodlawn and Cloonee ’98—P. Near Foxford, More— Cy). I. Newport ’99—Marshall. LL. Cullin, More—Cyd. I. Ballysadare ’99—P. Ben Bulben ’84—B. & V. 772. Lurganboy ’99—P. Kinlough ’84—B. & V. 772. Ballyconnell ’00—Someryille. Sheve Glah—P. Dartrey ’00—Somerville. Castleblayney ’96—P. Crum Castle ’81-2—Barrington zo8. Bridge End (Hunter)—Hart’99zo5. R. Erne—J/. Don. Killybegs ’?96—P. Fanet and Lough Eske—J/7. Don. Strabane’96—Miss Knowles. Favour Royal—Hart 392. Clare ’92—P. Armagh ’80—W. F. Johnson ! Kilmore ’93—Waddell! Rare—/V. VE. Cullybackey ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VE. Limavady ’95—B.N.F.C. 730. Rare. Carex binervis Smith. Strongly calcifuge, and consequently local and sometimes rare in those divisions where limestone predominates. S500) CYPERACE [Carex Carex distans L. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions all except 36 Tyrone, 37 Armagh: namely, 1, 2,/3, 4, 5, 6,.8, 9, 11, 12, 15, Nomi 20siies2 2: 27, 28, 29, 31, 34, 85, 38, 39, 40. Very rare inland, as follows :— 17 Galw. NE. Barbersfort, and by Clare River north of Tuam ’99—P. 383 Ferman. Cleenishgarve on Lower Lough Erne ’92—P. 6gz. Carex punctata Gaud. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent but local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Kerry Head ’88—Scully. 38 Cork W. Schull ’96: south only, rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Kinsale ’91—Phillips. Oysterhaven ; Kilgobbin. 5 Cork E. Between Power Head and Ballycotton’98—Phillips 670. Carex Hornschuchiana Hoppe. Census 35—East 12, Centre11, West 12. Divisions all except 8 Limerick, 12 Wexford, 22 Meath, 51 Louth, 36 Tyrone. Frequent, but local in many divisions. No doubt occurs in all. Carex extensa Good. Census 23—East 12, Centre 1, West 10. Kerry 8S. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Kerry N. Near Ballybunnion’94: frequent—Scully. Cork W. ‘Timoleague ’97: frequent—Phillips. Cork Mid Belgooly ’00 (Scully) : frequent—Phillips. Cork E. = Little Island’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Clonea’99—P. Common. Limrck. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. Clare Inishmore ’90—Nowers and Wells 657. 11 Kilkny. Ballinlaw and Snowhill’99—P. Estuaries frequent. 12 Wexford Macmine ’97—Marshall. Frequent in the south. 15 Galw. SE. Kilcolgan estuary ’99—P. 16 Galw. W. L. Corrib below Oughterard’99—P. Coast frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97—P. Frequent. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00: local—Colgan. 22; Meath Laytown and Mornington ’96—P. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. aon ow bo Je) Carex] CYPERACE A 351 31 Louth Greenore ’00, Clogher Head, Queensborough—P. 34 Dongl. E. Malin Head ’98—Hart gos. N.r., 8. £.— FV. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Roross’98—Hart 405. Local—F7. Don. 38 Down Comber River ’00—P. Frequent—//. VE. 389 Antrim Cushendall, Larne L., Belfast L., D. Moore—Cy), I. 40 Lderry _— Bellarena ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—Fl. VE. Rather local round the coast. The Lough Corrib station is the only inland habitat in the British Isles. Carex flava L. Divisions all. Common. Carex filiformis L. Census 22+(2)—Kast 4+(2), Centre 8, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Killarney ’96—Scully. 2 KerryN. Killarney ’99—Scully. Lixnaw—Scully 27. 8 Cork W. Inchigeela ’00—Phillips. Glengariff; Sheep’s Head. 4 Cork Mid Ballyphehane—Drummond ’20 287. Not there now.) 9 Clare Monmor bog, D. Moore—Cy. I. 10 Tipp. N. Below Portumna ’97—P. 13 Carlow Milford ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Near Maryborough ’96—P. 15 Galw. SE. Marble Hill’97—P. Throughout, local. 16 Galw. W. Glen Inagh’98—Colgan. Throughout, frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Castlegrove, and common on Lough Corrib, ’99—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98—P. 19 Kildare East of Rathangan ’98—P. 22 Meath Between Navan and Drogheda, D. Moore— Cyd. I. 23 Westmth. Scraw bog ’92—Levinge! Lough Ree frequent—P. 24 Longfd. Derrymacar L., Saint’s I. ’00—P. Rathcline—zz3. 25 Roscomn. Rockville ’99, Corkip Lough, Athlone, L. Key—P. 26 Mayo HK. Near Cong ’95—M. & 8. 545. Hollymount—Cy@. I. 27 MayoW. Birreencorragh, Crampaun R., Erriff R.,’82—Hart 3So. 33 Ferman. West of Ballyshannon ’83—4—Hart 380. 34 Dongl. KE. L. Napaste, &c. : centre and south, very local—/V. Don. 380 Dongl. W. Gamble’s Lough ’98—Hart zo5. Very local—/V. Don. 38 Down Lake near Strangford ’97—P. 765. (39 Antrim Selchin on L. Neagh, D. Moore: extinct—S. & P. 874.) Increases westward. 352 Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Leitrim Cavan Armagh Antrim Cork W. Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford CYPERACE [Caren Carex hirta L. Divisions all. Frequent. Carex Pseudo-cyperus L. Census 22—East 8, Centre 9, West 5. Ballincollig ’98 : rare—Phillips. Youghal ’96: rare—Phillips. By G.S. W. railway north of Dundrum ’00—P. Curragh Chase ’?00—P. Plassy, Carroll—Cyb. I. Inishealtra ’99—W. Fogerty! Frequent in south. Portumna ’00—Phillips. F. near the Shannon. Borris demesne ’?99—P. Mountmellick ’96—P. Dunmore—Mackay 527. Rinmaker on L. Derg ’96—Colgan. Portumna-—P. Between Galway and Moycullen ’95—M. & 8. 545. Menlo Castle ’99—P. Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Neweastle—More ’72 6z4. Old Dargle—Wade goz2. Brackenstown and Curragha-—Wade 1804 go2. Near Enfield ’96—P, Twy Lough ’98—P. Lough Forbes ’?00—P. Near Ballybay ’98—P. Rinn Lough ’99—P. Lough Oughter, Farnham, ’96—P. Belturbet—Cyé. I. Tartaraghan ’92—P. Near Lurgan (Robinson)—P. 7oz. Bog meadows ’86—P. Carex paludosa Good. Census 26—East 13, Centre 9, West 4. Macroom ’?97—Phillips. Dunmanway—Allin /7. Dunsfort bog—Allin ’71 8. Clonea marsh ’99—P. Ardmayle ’98—P. Whole course of River Sur, f. Curragh Chase ’99—Somerville. Dromkeen ’00-—-P. River Fergus near Ennis ’79—Corry 270. Nenagh ’99, Dromineer—P. Frequent along Suir. Thomastown ’98, Kilkenny, Ballyragget—P. Ballymadder and near Enniscorthy, Hart—Cyé. II. Carex| 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Oar Owe © b co 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 19 20 21 Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Leitrim Cavan Louth Armagh Down L’derry CYPERACEKA 353 Goresbridge ’99 : Barrow and Slaney frequent—P. Rathdowney ’00—Phillips. Common. Loughrea ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Tullamore ’99, Edenderry ’?96—P. Rare. Kilkea Castle 799: frequent throughout—P. Blessington ?98—P. Murrough—More 6r¢. Near Drimnagh ’00: local—Colgan. Nayan ’00: widespread, not common—P. Glynnwood*House ’99—P. Centre frequent. Longford ’98 : frequent in west half—P. Lough Key ’97—P. Glencar ’96—Colgan. Farnham and Mount Nugent ’96—P. Braganstown bog ’97—P. L. Neagh ’00—Davies. Loughgall, Tynan Abbey—P. Lough Neagh shore frequent ’00—Davies. River Bann below Coleraine (D, Moore)—S. & P. 874. A characteristic plant of the swamps and rivers of the Central Plain, thinning out in the north and south. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. Kildare Wicklow Dublin Carex riparia Curtis. Census 28—East 14, Centre 6, West 8. Abbeydorney ’99: rather rare—Scully. Kilkerrin L. 796, Scully—Cyé. Il. V.r.—Allin FV. Ballyphehane, &c.—Power /7/.’45, Rare—Phillips. Youghal ’96—Phillips. Shanagarry bog—Cyd. I. Bunmahon ’99—P. Frequent, Thurles ?00—Phillips, Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. Limerick ’00—-P. Rinekirk—Stewart 863. Ennis and Ballycar ’85-6—Stewart 863. Toomavara ’?00—P. Templemore ; Portumna. Ballyragget ’99—P. Common by rivers in 8. and E. Macmine ’97—Marshall, Slaney and E. coast, rare. Milford ’84—Hart. Maryborough ’98—P. Loughrea ’98-—P. Lough Corrib near Keekill ’99—P. Headford—Cy). 1. Ballitore, Carroll-—Cyd. I. Killoughter’97, Kileoole—P. Powerscourt—Hart 706, Donabate ’00: local—Colgan. B.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. 2A 354 22 24 27 31 34 30 36 38 39 40 Meath Longfd. Mayo W. Louth Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Down Antrim L’derry Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. CYPERACEA [Carex Coonen Hill ’95: frequent in the extreme east—P. Near Ballymahon ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Kallala ’00—P. Dundalk ’96, and frequent further south—P. S. of Donegal and W. of Ballyshannon—/7. Don. St. John’s Point—/7. Don. River Finn, Admiral Jones—Cy). I. Killough ’00—P. Rare—FV. VE. Portmore ’91—P. Rare—/l. NE. River Bann below Coleraine ’94—P. Carex ampullacea Good. Divisions all. Abundant. Carex vesicaria L. Census 37—East 13, Centre 18, West 11. Glencar ’92: rare—Scully. Killarney ’94: chiefly in the south—Scully. Near Buttevant ’00: rare—Phillips. Midleton ’00: rare—Phillips. Clonmel ’97—P. Frequent on the Blackwater. Thurles ?00—Phillips. Frequent in the north. Limerick ’?99—Somerville. Rinekirk—Stewart 863. Castletown and Carran, P. B. O’Kelly— Cy). II. Roscrea ’?00—Phillips. Templemore; Portumna. River Nore at Ballyragget ’99—P. Macmine ’97—Marshall. Enniscorthy—Hart 377. River Barrow at Milford ’98—P. Near Abbeyleix ’84—Hart 38S. Rather frequent. Portumna ’00—Phillips. Lough Cooter’00—P. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. Near Clonbrock’96—P. Tullamore ’99, Banagher—P. Portarlington—}38}. Levitstown ’99—P. Moore Abbey ’84—Hart 383. Between Wicklow and Arklow, L. Dan, Hart— Cyd. 11. Coosan Lough and Athlone ’98—P. Lough Gowna and Lough Forbes ’00—P. Athlone ’98, and frequent along River Suck—P. Kilmovee, &c. ’99—P. Widespread. SW. shore of L. Conn ’00—P. Foxford, More— Cyd. I. Milium) 28 Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry GRAMINEA 355 Lough Gill ’84—B. & V. rz2. L. Gill, Rinn L. ’99—P, L. Allen—Stewart 859. Farnham, Lough Oughter, ’96—P. IL. Erne—Cy). I. Near Castlebellingham, Butler— Cyd. IT. Rockcorry ’00—P. Glasslough— Cy). I. Devenish, &c. on Lough Erne—Barrington zoé. Brown Hall, and along the Erne—//. Don. Lennan River—//. Don. Dungannon ’96—Mrs. Leebody. Strabane ; Fymore L. Frequent throughout ’92—P. Kilmore ’99—Waddell. Frequent—/7. VE. Cullybackey ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/?. VE. Lough Beg ’98—Druce. Frequent—fl. NE. Phalaris arundinacea L. Reed-grass. Divisions all, Common. Anthoxanthum odoratum L. Vernal Grass. Divisions all. Common. Alopecurus geniculatus L. Divisions all, except 15 Carlow. Frequent. Alopecurus pratensis L. Fox-tail. Divisions all, except 33 Fermanagh. By no means common ; from a number of the divisions, only one station is noted. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Kalkny. Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Westmth. Milium effusum L. Millet-grass. Census 21—East 10, Centre 3, West 8. Waterville ’00: rather frequent—Scully. Listowel ’99: south frequent, north rare—Scully. Castlefreke ’91—Phillips. Dunderrow—Allin ’74 77. Mountdesart—Power 71. Glanmire ’99—Phillips. Castle Hyde—Drummond 287. Lismore ’99—P., Inistioge ’?00—Phillips. Along Nore and Barrow f. Aghade ’99 : along Slaney and Barrow frequent—P. Dalystown ’98—P. North-west of Oughterard ’99—P. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent in the north-east. Knock Ross—Levinge ’94 454. 2A2 356 GRAMINE [Miliwm 26 Mayo E. Southof Claremorris ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Lough Cullin and Lough Conn, More—Cys. I. 28 Sligo Near Sligo, J. Wynne— Cy). I. 85 Dongl. W. Lough Eske and Eanymore Water—/7/. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Rare. 87 Armagh Killooney, Johnson! near Newry, Lett !—P.’92 7or. 38 Down Rostrevor ’?97—P. Rare-—. WE. 39 Antrim Colin Glen—Hb. D. Moore! Extinct elsewhere. 40 Liderry Near Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Generally occurs where rocky woods or deep wooded glens are to be found, and is distributed accordingly. Phleum pratense L. Timothy-grass. Census 33—East 12, Centre 12, West 9. Divisions all except 6 Waterford, 11 Kilkenny, 14 Queen’s Co., 16-17 Galway W. and NE., 19 Kildare, 28 Sligo. One station only in 15, 22, 24, 26, 35, 36. Common in 5, 28, 29, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40. A local plant. Phleum arenarium L. Census 17—East 10, Centre 0, West 7. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94: rare but locally abundant—Scully. 2 KerryN. Banna’94: rare, locally abundant—Scully. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00—Phillips. Ballycotton—Power FV. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’99—Phillips. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. 12 Wexford Carnsore ’97—Marshall. Frequent. 20 Wicklow Arklow’95—P. Murrough, D. Moore—Cyb. I. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00 : common—Colgan. 22 Meath Boyne mouth ’96—P. Gormanstown—More 6z4. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. 28 Sligo Rosses Point! ?00—West. Strandhill ’97—P. Cliffony. 31 Louth Baltray ’96—P. 34 Dongl. E. Buncrana, Bundoran, &c.: N.and §., local—F¥. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Dunfanaghy, &c. : local—FV. Don. 38 Down Tyrella ?00—P. Round Dundrum Bay only. 39 Antrim Portrush ’98 (L. Watt)—A. Bennett. 40 Liderry JBellarena’97—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent. Local on sandy coasts; commoner on the eastern seaboard than on the western. Deschampsia] GRAMINE A B57 Agrostis canina L. Bent (genus). Divisions all, except 14 Queen’s Co., 15 and 17 Galway SE. and NE., 19 Kildare, 24 Longford, 25 Roscommon. No doubt universal. Agrostis alba L. Fiorin. Divisions all, except 14 Queen’s Co., 24 Longford, 25 Roscommon. No doubt universal. Agrostis vulgaris With. Divisions all. Abundant. Calamagrostis Epigeios Roth. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’99—P. B. O’Kelly ! Inishmore f.’95—P. 16 Galw. W. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. 40 Liderry Formoyle Hill ’95—Miss Knowles & P. Between Maghera and Garvagh— Cy. I. Calamagrostis stricta Nutt. var. Hookeri Syme. 36 Tyrone Scawdy I.’92—P. Washing Bay, Robinson—/7. VE. 37 Armagh Lough Neagh at Lagan Canal ’92—P. 39 Antrim Shane’s Castle ’86—P. N. shores of L. Neagh, rare. 40 L’derry Lough Beg near Church Island ’66—Stewart. Around Lough Neagh and the adjoining Lough Beg only, extinct in some of its former stations, Psamma arenaria R. & 8. Marram; Bent. Maritime divisions all, except 4 Cork Mid, 15 and 17 Galway SE. and NE., 29 Leitrim: namely, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 38, 39, 40. Generally common on sandy shores. Aira caryophyllea L. Hair-grass (genus). Divisions all, Frequent. Aira preecox L. Divisions all, Frequent. Deschampsia cespitosa Beauy. (Avra cespitosa L.) Divisions all. Common. 358 . GRAMINEA [Deschampsia Deschampsia alpina R. & 8. 41 Kerry 8. Brandon’85—Linton 502. Reeks frequent —Hart 373. 2 Kerry N. Horse’s Glen on Mangerton ’83—Ridley 872. 27 MayoW. Mvweelrea and Ben Gorm ’82—Hart 380. The editors of Cybele, ed. II., suspect that some of the foregoing records are referable to D. ce@spitosa var. pseudo-alpina. Ihave not seen specimens. Deschampsia flexuosa Trin. Divisions all, except 4 Cork Mid, 17 Galway NE. Conspicuously calcifuge, and preferring mountainous situations. Usually abundant wherever suitable conditions occur; necessarily rare and local in the Central Plain. Deschampsia discolor R. & 8. 16 Galw. W. Craigga More Lough ’97—P. Clifden to Kilkieran frequent—More 6z¢. Holcus mollis L. Soft-grass (genus). Divisions all. Frequent. Holcus lanatus L. Divisions all. Common. Trisetum flavescens Beauv. Census 38—East 15, Centre 13, West 10. Divisions all, except 16 Galway West, 355 Donegal West. Calcicole. Usually abundant on the limestone, rare and local off it. One station only in 24, 26, 29, 32, 38, 36, and generally scarce in the north-west. Avena pubescens Huds. Oat (genus). Census 836—KEast 14, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 27 Mayo W., 80 Cavan, 81 Louth, 52 Monaghan. Calcicole: generally frequent on the limestone, rare and local off it. One station only in 6, 11, 12, 138, 26, 34, 35, 36, 37. Commoner in 7, 28, and 25 than elsewhere. Arrhenatherum avenaceum Beauy. Oat-grass. Divisions all. Common. Keleria) 9 Clare 10) Lipps N- 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. ihe 23 26 27 28 29 33 34 30 conwrnwdw we we) 10 15 16 17 GRAMINEA 359 Triodia decumbens Beauy. Heath-grass. Divisions all. Frequent. Phragmites communis Trin. Reed. Divisions all. Common. Sesleria ceerulea Arduin. Moor-grass. Census 13—East 0, Centre 4, West 9. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren and Aran ec. Dromineer ’?99—P. Common on Lough Derg. Moyode ’99—P. Lough Derg and west half common. Roundstone ’96: abundant along east margin—P. Galw. NE. Knockmae ’00: common in W. and SW.—P. Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. By the Shannon at Athlone, Vowell—Cyé. II. S. of L. Mask ’95—M. & 8. 545. LL. Carra—More 600. Killala ’?00—P. Ballina, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Ballysadare ’00, Knocknarea—P. Ben Bulben—so2. Lough Gill and common in Glenade ’99—P. Florencecourt’00—P. Locally abundant 8. of L. Erne. Brown Hall ’00—P. Pettigoe to Bundoran—/V. Don. L. Eske, &c.: extreme south only—/F7. Don. Widely spread over the western limestone tracts, often occurring in great abundance. On sand-dunes at Roundstone. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Galw. SE, Galw. W. Galw. NE. Cynosurus cristatus L. Dog’s-tail grass. Divisions all. Common. Keleria cristata Pers. Census 28—KEast 8, Centre 9, West 11. Sneem ’00: local—Scully. Ballybunnion ’99: frequent near the sea—Scuily. Corkbeg ’97 : rare—Phillips. Fethard ’?00—Phillips. Knocklofty ’?00—P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Frequent in the north. Lehinch ’?00—Miss Knowles. Frequent in the north. Dromineer ’99, Portumna ’97—P. Near Woodford ’98, and on the coast, rare—P. Lough Ross ’99—P. Inishbofin; E. margin frequent. Knockmae ’00: common in west half—P. 360 | GRAMINEA [Keleria 18 King’s Clonmacnoise ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Wicklow ’97—P. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Killinure Lough ’98—P. 24 Longfd. _— Priest’s Island in Lough Ree ’99—P. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99: frequent in south half—P. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris, Callow, ’00—P. South of L. Mask—sz>. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. — 28 Sligo Ballysadare ’00—P. Frequent. 29 Leitrim Glencar ’75—Stewart. 31 Louth Dromiskin and Clogher Head ’96—P. 33 Ferman. Derrygonelly ’99, Marble Arch ’00—West. 34 Dongl. E. Brown Hall ’00—P. North, rare—/7. Don. 35 Dongl.W Kincashla, &c.: throughout, local—f/. Don. 38 Down Ballyhalbert °97—P. Rare—/?. VE. 39 Antrim Portrush ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/V. VE. 40 Lderry Castlerock ’85—P. Frequent—J/7. VE. Molinia czrulea Moench. Divisions all. Locally abundant. Catabrosa aquatica Beauv. Divisions all, except 8 Limerick, 16 Galway W. Frequent in most of the divisions: one station only for 9, 10, 12, 31, 32. Melica uniflora Retz. Census 35—-Kast 14, Centre 11, West 10. Divisions all, except 9 Clare, 10 Tipperary N., 19 Kildare, 25 Ros- common, 27 Mayo W. Nowhere abundant; one station only in 6, 7, 17, 22, 31, 32, 36. | Dactylis glomerata L. Cock’s-foot grass. Divisions all. Common. Briza media L. Quaking-grass. Divisions all, but varies considerably in abundance. Poa annua L. Meadow-grass (genus). Divisions all. Common. Poa| GRAMINEA 361 — Poa alpina L. Kerry 8. Brandon ’85, Colgan— Cyd. II. Sligo Ben Bulben and Annacoona ’85-6—B. & V. rz2. Poa nemoralis L. Census 16—FEast 10, Centre 2, West 4. Kerry N. {Glenflesk Castle ’97—Scully. Cork W. Castle Bernard ’97—Phillips. Cork E. —_Ballyvodock wood ’00—Phillips. Clare Ballyvalley near Killaloe ’96—Colgan. Carlow Near Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. Kildare Near Castletown ’00—P. Frequent along east margin. Wicklow Poulaphuca ’00—P. Dargle—Mackay 522. Dublin Woodlands ’00: rare—Colgan. Meath Near Navan ’97, Scully—Cyo. I. Westmth. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 78. Dongl. E. Inch (J. Hunter)—Hart ’99 405. Tyrone Cookstown ’97—Miss Knowles. Armagh _Beechpark near Lurgan ’97— Waddell. Down Myra Castle ?00—P. Locally frequent. Antrim _—_ Ballymena ’00—Miss Knowles. Chiefly in centre, rare. L’derry About Limavady, D. Moore—Cyé. II. A very local plant, occurring chiefly in the east. {+Poa compressa L. Census 9+(1)—East 6+(1), Centre 0, West 3. Cork Mid Friar’s Walk—Power 7.45. ? Error—Phillips), Wexford }Enniscorthy ’98—P. fAughnagoppal bridge—s52. Galw. NE. Between Galway and Tuam—White 1808 gzz. Dublin Foot of the Dublin Mountains, White—Cyé. I. Mayo W. {Railway at Ballina ’00—P. Louth Tighmhuillin and Tullyallen— White 1808 gzz. Dongl. E. North outskirts of Derry ’00—Mrs. Leebody! Derry walls ’88—Stewart. Armagh JHalfmile NE. of Portadown (McMillan)—More’72 6z,/. Down Hillsborough ’99—Davies 270. Antrim Doagh ’00 (R. Hanna)—Stewart &7o. Rare. A plant of uncertain standing, and requiring further observation. 362 22 Meath GRAMINEA [Poa Poa pratensis L. Divisions all. Common. Poa palustris L. Boyne from Beaupare to Navan frequent ’?00—P. The only other British station is by the Tay below Perth. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Kalkny. Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Cavan Louth Ferman. Tyrone L’derry Poa trivialis L. Divisions all. Common. Glyceria fluitans R. Br. Divisions all. Common. Glycerva plicata Fr. Census 21—East 8, Centre 6, West 7. Rossbehy ’00 : seems frequent—Scully. Killarney ’00: seems frequent—Scully. Inchigeela ’00, Skibbereen ’97—Phillips. Coachford ’97 : frequent—Phillips. Dodge’s glen ’98: probably frequent—Phillips. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Camross ’97, Maryborough ’96—P. Castle Taylor—More 755 598. Inishbofin ’75—More 676. Craigga More L.—g2. Nurney ’97, Carbury, Leixlip—P. Near Glasnevin and Dublin, More—Cyé. I. Slieve Bregh’00, Boyne mouth, Oldcastle, Bective—P. Knock Drin’95—Levinge 786. Near Hollymount, More— Cy). I. Newport ’99—Marshall. Ballina’00—P. Rosses Point’97—P. Ben Bullen—B. & V. zzz. Lough Ramor ’96—P. Soldier’s Point ’96—P. Castle Hume ’81-2—Barrington zo8. Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Formoyle Hill’95—P. Apparently common in Ireland. Glyceria] Cork Mid Waterfd. Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Down GRAMINEA 363 Glyceria aquatica Smith. Census 17—FEast 10, Centre 6, West 1. Near George IV. bridge at Cork’98—Phillips. Clonea marsh ’99—P. Portumna ’97—P. Graiguenamanagh ’00—Phillips. Barrow and Nore f. New Ross ’89—B. &G. voz. East, and c. on Barrow. Leighlinbridge ’99: common along the Barrow—P. Grattan aqueduct ’97: Barrow and canals frequent—P. Portumna’98—P. Tullamore 99: Barrow and Grand Canal frequent—P. Nurney ’97—P. Barrow and canals f., elsewhere r. Murrough, D. Moore— Cy. I. Clondalkin ’00: locally abundant—Colgan. Ballivor ’00: whole course of Boyne frequent—P. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Athlone, Royal Canal f.—P. Near Killashee’00, and frequent in Royal Canal—P. West of Athlone’96—P. About L. Ree not common. Downpatrick ’97—P. ‘Chiefly in the southern half of the Central Plain, where it has spread widely from the rivers along the canals. Absent from the west, and with only one station in Ulster. PmGESe Oe I, 12, 15, 17, 20,21, Glyceria maritima M. & K. Maritime and sub-maritime divisions nearly all, namely: 1, 2, 3, 4, 29, 27, 81, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40; not yet recorded for 16, 28, 29, 36. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Wexford Wicklow Dublin Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim Glyceria distans Wahlenb. Census 11—East 7, Centre 0, West 4. Not rare—Allin 77. ’83. Crosshaven’00: frequent near the sea—Phillips. Aghada, &c. 00: frequent near the coast—Phillips. Wexford Harbour ’96—Marshall 537. Not rare. Wicklow ’97—P. Near Rush ’00: local on the coast—Colgan. Foyle River and Lough Swilly—/V. Don. Swilly River—/7. Don. Narrow-water ’92—P. Warrenpoint [’90 |—S. & P. 873. Frequent—fl. VL. Greencastle’86—P. Frequent—ll. VE. Probably frequent round the coast. 364 GRAMINE A [Glyceria Glyceria Borreri Bab. 12 Wexford Wexford railway station, and north of the harbour, ’96 —Marshall 537. 21 Dublin Booterstown ’00—Colgan. Around Dublin Bay only. Festuca rigida Kunth. Fescue (genus). Census 36—East 14, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 29 Leitrim, 383 Fermanagh, 36 Tyrone, 40 Derry. Generally abundant, especially on the limestone, except in the north. Common in 4, 5, 6, 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 21, 22, 28, 25. Frequent in 1, 2, 3,7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 19, 24, 31, 37. Rare in the following :— 16 Galw. W. Oughterard ’99—P. East margin only, frequent. 20 Wicklow Wicklow’97, Bray’94—P. 26 Mayo E. Clonbur and Cong ’95—M. &S. 545. 27 Mayo W. Ballina’00—P. 28 Sligo Rosses Point ’00—West. Ballysadare ’00—P. 30 Cavan Mount Nugent ’96, Drumhawnagh ’00—P. 32 Monaghn. Glasslough’00— Waddell. Monaghan ’00—Somerville. 34 Dongl.E. Near Ballyshannon—J/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Rathmullan—/7. Don. Glencolumbkill— Cy). I. 38 Down Ardglass’92—P. Very rare—/7. VE. 39 Antrim Magheramorne ’93—P. Festuca rottbeellioides Kunth (/" loliacea Huds.). Census 21— East 10, Centre 0, West 11. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: ‘rather frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Bantry ’98: frequent on coast—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshaven’00: frequent on coast—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Whitegate, &c. ’00: frequent on coast—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Tramore ’00—Phillips. Dungarvan ’99—P. 9 Clare Murrough ’96—O’Kelly. Frequent on the Aran Isles. 12 Wexford Carnsore’97—Marshall. Coast, local. 15 Galw. SE. Rinville ’00—P. 16 Galw. W. Near Galway’99—P. Inishbofin—More 676. 17 Galw. NE. Rinmore ’00—Phillips. 20 Wicklow Arklow’94—P. Frequent on coast. 21 Dublin Howth ’00: frequent by coast—Colgan. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. 28 Sligo Strandhill ’97—P. Festuca| GRAMINE# 365 31 Louth Greenore ’00—P. 34 Dongl. E. Clonmany ’98—Hart 405. Inishowen only. 35 Dongl. W. Bloody Foreland, &c.: throughout frequent—/V. Don. 38 Down Ardglass’"97—P. Rare—//. VE. 39 Antrim Rathlin’93—P. Rare—/l. VE. 40 Lderry Castlerock ’88—P. Portstewart—J/V. Uist. Around the coast, rather local. Festuca uniglumis Soland. Census 5—EHast 5, Centre 0, West 0. 12 Wexford Courtown’97—P. East coast frequent. 20 Wicklow Arklow and northwards to Rockfield—More ’72 6ry4. 21 Dublin Portrane ’00 : local—Colgan. 22 Meath Laytown and Boyne mouth ’96—P. 31 Louth Baltray’’96—P. East coast from Wexford Harbour to the Boyne. The northern records of #7. Ulst. are errors. Festuca Myuros L. Census 22—KEast 9, Centre 7, West 6. Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: rather frequent but local—Scully. Kerry N. Abbeydorney ’99: rather frequent—Scully. Cork W. Timoleague, &c. ’96: frequent in south—Phillips. Cork Mid. Blackrock ’00: common—Phillips. Cork E. Little Island ’00: common—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99: common throughout—P. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’?00—P. Common. Limrck. Adare ’99—Somerville. Glin; Doon; Askeaton. 9 Clare Killaloe ?99—P. Ballyvaughan (Allin)—More 674. 10 Tipp. N. Nenagh and Ballina ’99—P. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’98: common throughout—P. 12 Wexford Wexford, Gorey, ’?97—Marshall 539. Enniscorthy. 13 Carlow Leighlinbridge ’99: common in Barrow valley—P. 14 Queen’s Durrow ’98, Mountrath ’97—P. 15 Galw. SE. North of Gort ’00—P. 17 Galw. NE. Tuam ’99—P. 18 King’s Frankford ’00, Kinnitty, Birr, Clara—P. 19 Kildare Kilkea Castle ’99, Levitstown, Athy, Leixlip—P. 20 Wicklow Baltinglass’°99—P. Arklow, Wicklow—More 6z4. Orrin oP co to 366 GRAMINE [Festuca 21 Dublin Near Knockmaroon ’00: very rare—Colgan. 23 Westmth. Moate ’99—P. 26 Mayo E. Near Hollymount, More—Cy. I. Common in the southern half of Ireland. The northern records of Fl. Hib., &c., no doubt refer to F’. scturoides. Festuca sciuroides Roth. Divisions all. Common. Festuca ovina L. Divisions all. Abundant. Festuca rubra L. Divisions all, Common. Festuca sylvatica Vill. Census 18—East 9, Centre 3, West 6. 2 Kerry N. Derrycunihy ’98—P. Listowel—Scully S30. 5 Cork E. Glanmire ’00—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Lismore ’99—P. Morgan’s glen, Miss Grubb—Cyé. os 11 Kilkny. Inistioge ’00—Phillips. 12 Wexford Newtownbarry—Wade 1804 go2. 14 Queen’s Cullenagh Mountain ’96—P, 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown ’98—P. 20 Wicklow Avondale ’995—P. Frequent towards the north-east. 23 Westmth. Knock Ross—Levinge ’94 484. 27 Mayo W. Lough Cullin and Lough Conn, More— Cy. I. 28 Sligo Knocknarea glen ’97—P. 34 Dongl. E. Buncrana—J//. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Glenties, &c.: in N. and 8., very rare—-F7. Don. 36 Tyrone Mullaghearn and Strabane glen ’96— Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh ‘Tanderagee demesne ’?92—P. 38 Down Tollymore Park ’00—P. Rostreyor—-Wade'go2. 39 Antrim Glendun, &c., D. Moore—-Cyb. I. Very rare—FV. VE. 40 L’derry Errigal Banks ’94—-P. Very rare. ~ Festuca elatior L. Divisions all, except 6, 18, 16, 32. Frequent, and no danke uni- versal. Bromus | GRAMINEA 367 Festuca arundinacea Schreb. Divisions all, except 24, 25. Frequent, especially on the coasts; probably in all divisions. Bromus giganteus L. Divisions all, except 51 Louth. Widely ‘distributed, but generally not common. Bromus asper Murr. Divisions all, except 27 Mayo West. Frequent, but somewhat local. Bromus erectus Huds. Census 9—East 8, Centre 3, West 3. 7 Tipp. S. Railway bank at Cahir ’00—P. 9 Clare Glenforth near Ballyvaughan, c., O’Kelly— Cy). II. 12 Wexford *Clonroche, one plant—B. & M. ’92 zo2. 14 Queen’s Railway banks near Portarlington—More ’72 614. 15 Galw. SE. Garryland, More— Cy). I. 20 Wicklow Bray Head—More ’72 6rz. 21 Dublin Raheny ’60: local—Colgan. 23 Westmth. {Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 2&4. 34 Dongl. E. *By Great Northern Railway above Derry—//. Don. {Bromus madritensis L. (2. diandrus Curt.) 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg!’00—Phillips. *Waterford—B. & G. zoo. 7 Tipp. 8. Carrick-on-Suir ’00—P. 21 Dublin “*Liffey Junction ’94—P. Long established at Carrick-on-Suir, where it grows abundantly on walls. Probably merely casual elsewhere. Bromus sterilis L. Census 32—East 15, Centre 9, West 8. 1 Kerry 8. {Castlegregory ’94: rare and local—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Spa’99: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Timoleague ’97: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Ovens ’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Dungarvan ’99: frequent—P. 7 Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00: common—P. 8 Limrck. Lough Gur and Limerick ’00—P. 368 Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Louth GRAMINEA [Bromus — Ballyvaughan’95—Colgan. Near Kilnaboy—Corry 270. Nenagh ’99—P. Dromineer ’96—Colgan. Kilkenny ’98, Ballyragget, Thomastown—P. Rosslare ’97—Marshall 539. Frequent in the south. Leighlinbridge ’99: frequent—P. Abbeyleix ’98, Stradbally ’97—P. Near Woodford ’98, Lough Cooter ’00—P. Barbersfort ’99—P. Birr ’00—Phillips. Frequent—P. Kilkea Castle ’99, Carbury, Kildare—P. Bray ’00—P. Skerries 700: frequent—Colgan. Navan ’00, Bective, Enfield, Oldcastle—P. Athlone ’99—P. Elfeet Bay ’00, Priest’s Island ’99—P. Roscommon ’97, Athlone ’98—P. Ballymascanlan ’00, and frequent southward—P. Dongl. E. {Near Londonderry and Ballyshannon—/7. Don. Dongl. W. {Fanet—/7. Don. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Loughgall and Navan Fort ’92—P. Marino ’?00—P. Rare— 7. VE. Ballycastle ’93—P. Rare—/V. VE. Kilrea ’93—Mrs. Leebody. Limavady—/V. WE. Widely spread over the southern half of Ireland. Rare and local in the northern half, and almost absent from the western portion. Prefers the limestone. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Wexford Dublin Louth Dongl. W. Tyrone *Bromus secalinus L. Census 12—East 9, Centre 1, West 2. Castlefreke ’90—Phillips. Ovens 796 : rare—Phillips. Tivoli ’94 : rare—Phillips. Cappoquin ’99—P. Enniscorthy ’98—P. Greenfields—/'7. Howth ’87. Very rare. Queensborough ’96—P. Collon— White 1808 grz. Lennan River—/V. Don. Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Bromus | GRAMINE AL 369 38 Down Holywood, casual only, ’?96—P. 39 Antrim Lisburn ’88—P. Very rare. 40 L’derry Ballyronan, W. T. Whan—J. Ulst. ’64. Round the east side of Treland from Cork to Donegal. Apparently little more than a casual except at the southern extremity of its range. Bromus commutatus Schrad. Census 18—EHast 5, Centre 7, West 6. 4 Cork Mid Donoughmore ’96: frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork EK. Youghaland Ballycotton’96: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Carrickbeg ’00—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Bansha ’00—Phillips. Near Golden—Hart 335. 8 Limrek. Limerick ’99—Somerville. 2 Wexford Two miles south of Wexford ’97—Marshall 539. 14 Queen’s Maryborough’96—P. Near Two-mile bridge—Hart3és}3. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor—More’55 598. Near Portumna— Cy). I. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Geashill’94—P. Portarlington, Mountmellick—38}. 23 Westmth. Knock Drin ’94—Levinge 435. 27 Mayo W. Railway at Newport ’?99—Marshall. 28 Sligo Near Milltown ’84—B. & V. 772. 30 Cavan Lough Ramor ’96—P. 384 Dongl. E. By Finn, Termon, and Eske rivers—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Milford Lake—F!. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Armagh’80—W.F. Johnson! Tartaraghan—More 600. The claim of this species to native rank has sometimes been questioned, but it appears indigenous in most of its stations. Distribu- tion not yet worked out. Bromus racemosus L. Census 10+(1)—East 4+(1), Centre 3, West 3. 8 Limrck. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 963. 9 Clare Kilrush ’85-6—Stewart 863. 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. (fide A. Bennett.) (21 Dublin Between Dublinand Glasnevin—Zr. /V.’33. ?—Colgan. ) 23 Westmth. Knock Drin—Levinge ’94 487. 25 Roscomn. Arigna’84—Stewart 859. 29 Leitrim Drumshanbo ’84—Stewart 8509. R.1.A. PROC., SER. UI., VOL. VII. 22 do 370 31 Louth 38 Down 89 Antrim 40 L’derry GRAMINEA [Bromus Soldier’s Point ’?96—P. (jfide'A. Bennett). Holywood ’86—P. (fide A. Bennett). Templepatrick, Stewart: frequent—l/. VL. Near Coleraine, D. Moore—/V. VE. Possibly frequent. Not sufficiently distinguished from the pr lites species, to which some of the records given may possibly belong. Bromus mollis L. Divisions all, except 24 Longford. Common. 6 Waterfd. Brachypodium sylvaticum R. & 8. Divisions all. Common. Brachypodium pinnatum Beauv. Sandhills at Tramore! ’99—Phillips. The plant looks perfectly native in this, its only Irish habitat. Lolium perenne L. Rye-grass. Divisions all. Common. {Lolium temulentum L. Darnel. Census 30—East 13, Centre 8, West 9. Divisions all, except 8, 10, 13, 26, 27, 29, 30, 33, 35, 37. Frequent, and no doubt in all or nearly all the divisions. Agropyron caninum Beauy. Wheat-grass (genus). 3 Cork W. 4 Cork Mid 5 Cork E. 8 Limrck. 9 Clare 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 15 Galw. SE. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 23 Westmth. 30 Cavan Census 18—East 9, Centre 5, West 4. Bantry ’98—Phillips. Blarney and Coolmore—Power #7. ’45. Rare—Phillips. Fermoy (Chandlee and Carroll)— Allin 77. ’83. Rare. Shannon estuary ’?85—Stewart. Inishmore ’90—Nowers & Wells 657. Shannon—- 863. Kilmacow, Chandlee— Cyd. I. . Ballintemple’81—Hart 377. Garryland wood, More— Cyd. I. Powerscourt woods, D. Moore— Cyé. I. Lucan ’96—P. Rare—Colgan. Knock Ross—--Levinge ’94 484. Ballyconnell ’00 --Somerville. Agropyron| GRAMINEA 871 33 Ferman. Left bank of R. Erne below Belleek, More— Cys. II. 84 Dongl. E. Buncrana and along the Erne—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Victoria mills 700, Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. 37 Armagh Mullaghmore Lough ’92—P. 38 Down Newcastle ?97—P. Rare—/F7. NE. 39 Antrim Craigbilly ?00—Miss Knowles. Apparently rare, but its distribution is not yet worked out. Agropyron repens Beauv. Divisions all, except 24 Longford, 27 Mayo West. Generally common, and no doubt universal. Agropyron pungens R. & 8. Census 6—East 5, Centre 0, West 1. 5 Cork E. Little Island ’91— Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Waterford, Babington 7m hb.— Cyd. II. 12 Wexford North side of Wexford Harbour ’96—Marshall 537. 15 Galw. SE. Kilcolgan estuary ’99—P. 20 Wicklow Frequent on the Murrough—More ’72 674. 21 Dublin Shore near Skerries ’00: ? rare—Colgan. Distribution not yet worked out. Agropyron acutum R. &. 8. Census 9—East 5, Centre 0, West 4. 1 Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94: rare-—Scully. 3 Cork W. Castlefreke ’90—Phillips. Rosscarbery—Allin 27. 5 Cork KE. Youghal ’00—Phillips. 20 Wicklow Murrough— Cyd. I. 31 Louth Near Queensborough ’96—P. 34 Dongl. EK. In the north and south, frequent—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Throughout the coast, frequent—//. Don. 38 Down Ballyhornan (Stewart)—S. & P. 872. 39 Antrim Redbay ’93—Shoolbred 837. Distribution still quite imperfectly known: perhaps frequent round the coast. Agropyron junceum Beauv. In most of the maritime divisions, namely :—1], 2, 3,5,6,9,12, - 16, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 31, 34, 35, 38,39, 40. Frequent on sandy coasts. 2 B2 372 GRAMINEA | Lepturus Lepturus filiformis Trin. Census 19—East 13, Centre 0, West 6. Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94: very local—Scully. Kerry N. Barrow Harbour ’92: rare, locally abundant—Scully. Cork W. ‘Common by the sea’’—Allin FV. ’83. Cork Mid Rochestown ’00: rare—Phillips. Cork EK. Near Glanmire ’00: frequent near the sea—Phillips. Waterfd. Tramore ’99—P. Clare Aran—Mackay 1806 527. 11 Kilkny. Granny ’98—P. 12 Wexford Fisherstown ’93 (Miss Glascott)—B. & M. IS. 20 Wicklow Newcastle ’94—P. 21 Dublin North Bull ’00: local—Colgan. 22 Meath Boyne and Nanny estuaries '96—P. 31 Louth Dundalk ’96: frequent—P. 34 Dongl. E. Buncrana and Donegal—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Gweebarra River, &c. : rare—/I. Don. 87 Armagh Estuary of Newry River ’92-—P. 388 Down Victoria Park ’00—Waddell. Rare—J/7. VE. 39 Antrim Larne Lough (D. Moore)—S. & P. ’95 874. 40 L’derry Lough Foyle and mouth of Roe, D. Moore—/V. VE. Local round the coast, but possibly overlooked in some divisions. There is only one recorded West Coast station between Kerry and Donegal, but it is entered in Cyd. I. as occurring in Districts VL, VIII., and IX. oma bh ow vd = Nardus stricta L. Matweed. Divisions all, except 23 Westmeath, in which it will no doubt be found. Calcifuge. Locally abundant. Hordeum secalinum Schreb. Barley (genus). Census 10+(2)—East 9+(1), Centre 1+(1), West 0. Cork Mid Near Blackrock ’94—Phillips. Douglas—Power FV. Cork E. = Little Island ’00—Phillips. Waterfd. Marsh under Blenheim Hill—B. & G. ’89 zoo. Limrck. | Newtown ’00—O’Brien! Ringmoylan—Stewart 863. 11 Kilkny. Ballinlaw ’99—P. Near Ballyneale ’84—Hart 388. 12 Wexford Kilmanock and New Ross frequent—B. & G. ’89 zoo. 20 Wicklow Murrough, D. Moore— Cyd. I. 21 Dublin Broad Meadow ’91 (Barrington) : rare—Colgan. Doan Hymenophylium] GRAMINEA. FILICES 373 (23 Westmth. Knock Drin, one large plant—Levinge ’94 484.) 37 Armagh _‘Tartaraghan ’80 (G. Robinson)—P. voz. (38 Down Connswater 1806, Templeton—/7. VF.) 39 Antrim Springfield Road ’86 [now destroyed—Stewart |, White- house ’*69—/l. VE. Very local, and almost confined to the coast on the eastern side of Treland. {Hordeum murinum L. Census 10+(3)—East 7+(8), Centre 2, West 1. (4 Cork Mid Near Douglas—Power /7.’45. Casual—Phillips.) 5 Cork KE. *Fort Carlisle and Haulbowline ’00—Phillips. 8 Limerick Limerick ’97, Bentley—H6. L.F.C! 15 Galw. SE. Ballinasloe, Foot—Cyé. I. 11 Kilkny. Thomastown ’00—Phillips. Gowran—Cyé. II. 19 Kildare Leixlp ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Bray, More—Cyb. II. Murrough, D. Moore— Cys. I. 21 Dublin Baldoyle ’00 : frequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Navan ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Athlone, Foot— Cyd. I. 31 Louth Carlingford castle, Hyndman—/V. Ulst. ’64. (38 Down Holywood, casual, ’86—P.) (39 Antrim Garrron Point ’61 (Lett)—S. & P. 874.) Thoroughly established and possibly native about towns in eastern Treland, especially in Co. Dublin ; becoming merely casual in the north and south, and also (?) in the west. Elymus arenarius L. Lyme-grass. Census 5—East 2, Centre 0, West 3. 12 Wexford Carnsore ’?97—Marshall. South-east, very local. 21 Dublin Skerries ?00—Colgan. Introduced near Bray. 28 Sligo Mullaghmore, Admiral Jones— Cy). I. 34 Dongl. E. Glennagivney Bay, &c.: rare—J/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Kincashla, &c.: very local—/V. Don. The Cork stations are doubtful, and the Down records errors. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense Smith. Filmy Fern (genus). Census 23—Kast 8, Centre 6, West 9. 1 Kerry S. Waterville ’00: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: local, and south only—Scully. 3 Cork W. Ballydehob ’96 : rare—Phillips. Oar nwbdys = 12 13 14 15 16 20 21 26 27 28 Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kilkny. Wexford Galw. W. Longfd. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Louth Ferman. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Antrim FILICES © [Hymenophyllum Ballinhassig glen ’98 : rare—Phillips. Glenbower woods ’98—C. N.F.C. 23z. Rare—Phillips. Comeraghs’93—Grubb 356. Rare. Above Lough Curra in the Galtees ’80—Hart 372. Glenstal ’80—Hart 369. Clare River—Kinahan 463. Owenslieve R. ’79—Corry 240. Chiefly in west, rare. Castlewaller—Kinahan ’59 763. Keeper range—¢gz. Near Brandondale, Miss Farmer— Cyb. I. Tara Hill ’92—Cuthbert 250. Belmont—B. & M. I/S. Skultha mountain ’98—Colgan. Widespread, frequent. Six miles south of Longford—F oot ’64 327. Croaghaun’99—Colgan. Achill district chiefly, frequent. South shores of Lough Gill—Foot ’66 329. Slieve Anieran (J. Butler)—Foot ’66 330. Ferry Hill near Narrow-water ’93—P. Carrick ’00—West & Tetley! Florencecourt—678. Glenveagh, Lough Eske, &c.: very local— FV. Don. Near Favour Royal ’87—Hart 392. Clogher—6z¢. Ferry Hill near Narrow-water ‘93—P. . Glendun—Brenan ’84 766. Chiefly in the south, west, and north. Local and usually rare. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Clare Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Wicklow Dublin Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Hymenophyllum unilaterale Bory. Census 26—East 9, Centre 6, West 11. Glencar ’99: frequent—Scully. Derrycunihy ’98—P. Local, and south only—Scully. Berehayen ’94 : rare—Phillips. Frequent on the Comeraghs ’82—3—Hart 387. Muskry L. in Galtees’00—P. Knockmealdowns—Hart. Cloonagroo, Feakle, Glendree, *60—Kinahan 445. Near summit of Blackstairs—B. & M. ’93 703. Mount Leinster ’00—T. Hartley! Blackstairs—Hart. Arderin ’97—P. Derrygoolin ’60—Kinahan 475. Lisoughter ’98—Colgan. Widespread and frequent. Lugnaquilla ’97—Colgan. On the mountains, rare. Upper Glenasmole ’83 (C. F. D’Arcy)—Colgan. Glendaduff ’?00—P. Nephin ’00-——P. Frequent. Knockachree ’96—Colgan. Annacoona; Moygara. Adiantum] 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth 33 Ferman. 34 Donel. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 38 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry FILICES 375 Glenade ’99—P. Slieveanieran, Benbo—Stewart. Slievenakilla ’84, f. in NW. ’81—Stewart 854, 859. Carlingford Mountain ’93—P. Carrick glen ’00—West and Tetley! Frequentin SW. Raughtin More ’98—Hart gos. N., f. in S. Errigal, &c.: in north and south, frequent—/V. Don. Gortin Gap ’57—Kinahan 460. Tollymore Park ’00—P. Mournes frequent. Fair Head! ’99—Miss Knowles. Rare—/7. VEZ. Benbradagh, &c., D. Moore: rare—/V. VE. Trichomanes radicans Swartz. Killarney Fern. Census 12+(1)—Hast 8+(1), Centre 4, West 5. Kerry S. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Limrck. Clare 10 Tipp. N. (20 Wicklow 33 Ferman. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone Brandon ’85, D’Arcy—Cyb. II. Very rare. Tore ’89: now very rare— Scully. Near Adrigole ’94: very rare—-Phillips. Clashgariffe river near Coachford—Drummond ’20 287. Near Kildorrery ’52—Carroll zg2. Very rare. Blackwater valley ’52—Kinahan 460. Very rare. Near Glenstal (C. B. Barrington)—Hart ’81 369. V.r. South-west of Ennis ’*79—Corry 220. Near Glenstal (Croker Barrington)—Hart’81 369. V.r. Powerscourt, Hermitage Glen—/7. Hib.’36. Extinct.) Near Carrick ’00—Tetley ! Poisoned Glen ’84 (Mahony), L. Eske ’84—#77. Don. Near Strabane 791 (G. G. Delap)—Delap 277. No doubt extinct in Wicklow, and being rapidly exterminated in the south, where it was formerly locally abundant. Adiantum Capillus-Veneris L. Maidenhair. 9 Clare 16 Galw. W. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 35 Dongl. W. Census 6—East 0, Centre 0, West 6. Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren local, Aran f. Lough Bollard ’96—P. 754. Croaghaun ’82—Hart 380. Sheffey—Kinahan 478. Dromore’91—Warren go5. Rosses; Grange; Drumeliff. Glencar—Wynne ’56 g2r. Slieve League to Muckross Point—/V. Don. West coast from Clare to Donegal, generally on limestone ; in quantity in Clare only. Reported from Antrim and elsewhere, but no specimens forthcoming. 376 FILICES [ Pterts Pteris aquilina L. Bracken. Divisions all. Abundant. Cryptogramme crispa R. Br. Parsley Fern. Census 6—East 4, Centre 1, West 1. 31 Louth Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. 33 Ferman. Cuilcagh, J. McDonald—Cy@. I. 35 Dongl. W. Alt Mountain—FV. Don. 388 Down Blue Lough ’92—P. Mournes only, very rare. 39 Antrim Fair Head ’97, D’Arcy—Cyé. II. Very rare. 40 L’derry Clontygearagh Mountain, D. Moore— Cy. I. North only, extremely rare in all its stations. Blechnum Spicant Roth. Hard Fern. Divisions all, except 23 Westmeath. Locally abundant; con- spicuously calcifuge. Asplenium lanceolatum Huds. Spleenwort (genus). 1 Kerry 8. Camp ’92—Scully. 3 Cork W. Cape Clear ’96: rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Coachford ’97, Kinsale ’93—Phillips. Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum L. Black Spleenwort. Divisions all, frequent; usually more abundant on non-calcareous rocks. Rare in 14, 18, 22, 28, 24, 25, and 33: and it will be observed that in all these divisions limestone largely predominates. Asplenium marinum L. Sea Spleenwort. Census 20—East 10, Centre 0, West 10. 1 Kerry 8. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Ballybunnion ’94: frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Baltimore ’96: frequent—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Crosshayen ’00 : frequent—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Power Head ’98: frequent—Phillips. 6 Waterfd. Ballyvoyle Head’99—P. Frequent—Hart 354. 9 Clare Ballyvaughan ’95—Colgan. Common. 1 Kilkny. Snowhill ’99—P. 2 Wexford Near Tara Hill ’92—Cuthbert 250. Frequent. Athyrium | FILICES 377 Galw. W. Inishmacdara’96—P. ? Rare. Wicklow Bray Head ’00—P. Silver Strand— Miss C. L. Adams. Dublin Howth Head ’93 : rare—Colgan. Mayo W. Achill Island ’98—P. Sligo Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Inishmurray ’96—P. Leitrim On the coast ’99—P. Dongl. EK. Coast in north and south, frequent—/V/. Don. Dongl. W. Frequent—/V. Don. Down Newcastle ’?90—P. Portavoe—W. H. Patterson! Antrim Murlough Bay ’97—P. Frequent—/V. VEZ. L’derry Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 837. Frequent—/7. VE. On rocky coasts of the open sea except for the interesting station by the Upper Lake of Killarney (see Cybele), the Kilkenny habitat by the tidal Suir, and the cliffs of Benevenagh in Derry. Ow oe wy] 16 27 28 29 33 34 35 Asplenium viride Huds. Green Spleenwort. Census 12—Kast 1, Centre 2, West 9. Kerry 8. Brandon ’94: rare and local—-Scully. Kerry N. Mangerton ’96—Scully. Tore Mtn.—Mackay 522. Cork W. Millstreet mountains ’00—Phillips. Very rare. Waterfd. Near Knockmealdowns ’94, Miss Chearnley— Cy). II. Tipp.S. Muskry Lough ’00—P. Galtees frequent—Hart 372. Galw. W. Lisoughter’00—Colgan. Very rare—Hart 380, &c. Mayo W. Croaghpatrick ’82—Hart 380. Dromin—Kainahan 77/8. Shgo Knocknarea ’97, G. P. Farran! Limestone mtns. f. Leitrim Glenade ’00—P. Faughrey mountain ’96—Colgan. Ferman. Near Florencecourt (T. Plunkett)—Phillips & P. 678. Dongl. EK. Convoy and about Lock Eske—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Muckish, Sheve League, &e. : very local Ft. Don. Mountains of the south and west, from Waterford to Donegal. Asplenium Trichomanes L. Maidenhair Spleenwort. Divisions all. Frequent. Asplenium Ruta-muraria L. Wall Rue. Divisions all. Frequent. Athyrium Filix-femina Roth. Lady Fern. Divisions all. Locally abundant. Strongly calcifuge. S78)! FILICES [Ceterach — Ceterach officinarum Willd. Scale Fern. Divisions all. Calcicole: often abundant on the limestone, especially in the south and west; generally local on non-calcareous rocks. Rare in the east and north, in 20 to 22, and 80 to 40; for these divisions particulars are subjoined :— 20 Wicklow Near Laragh ’94 and Delgany ’93—P. Very local. 21 Dublin Whitestown ’00: rare-—Colgan. 22 Meath Beaupare ’00: widespread but rare—P. 30 Cavan Ballyconnell ’?00—Somerville. 31 Louth Anagassan ’96—P. 32 Monaghn. Monaghan *00—Waddell. 33 Ferman. Carragh Creagh ’00—West and Tetley. 34 Dongl. E. Near Derry, Belleek, &c.: very rare—/7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Near Ardara, &c.: very rare—J/7, Don. 36 Tyrone Near Cappagh—Kinahan ’58 460. 37 Armagh Armagh ’92: rare——P. 38 Down Crossgar and Saintfield ’00—Waddell. Rare—J/V. VE. 39 Antrim Park mill above Glenarm ’87—P. Rare—//. WE. 40 Lderry Near Derry [’94] (Mrs. Bernard)—S. & P. 874. Scolopendrium vulgare Smith. Hart’s-tongue. Divisions all. Common. Cystopteris fragilis Bernh. Brittle Fern. , West 12. 1 Kerry 8. Brandon ’94: rare aed localSoully. 2 Kerry N. Mangerton ’96: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Millstreet mtns. ’00—Phillips. Glengariff—Allin 77, 6 Waterfd. Coumshingaun ’82-3—Hart 38z. Dunmore E.—é6zz4. 7 Tipp. 8S. Muskry L.’00—P. L. Curra—Hart 372. Galtees only. 9 Clare Black Head ’99—Miss Knowles. Burren ec.; Scarriff. 10 Tipp. N. Keeper Hill ’80—Hart 369. 13 Carlow Killedmond ’98—P. Carlow (R. C. Browne)— O14. 14 Queen’s Ballybrophy’00—Phillips. Glenbarrow—Hart 383. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’97—P. Throughout, not rare. _ 16 Galw. W. Muckanaght’98—Colgan. Centre and east, rare. 17 Galw. NE. Near Tuam ’99—P. Clonbrock ’96—R. E. Dillon! 19 Kildare Monasterevan ’84—Hart 383. 20 Wicklow Lugduff ’99, and Maulin mountain ’80—C. F. D’Arcy. Aspidium | _ FILICES 379 woe OID Or ow Meath Slieve-na-calliagh ’00—P. Westmth. NearSonna House’99—P. Near Ballymore—Foot 325. Longfd. Cashel Lodge’99—W. de V. Kane! Roscomn. Arigna ’84—Stewart S59. Local, not common. Mayo KE. Claremorris 00, Callow, Kilmovee—P. Cong—5¢;5. Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Loughty mtn.—Hart 380. Sligo Knocknarea ’97 : frequent in eastern half—P. Leitrim Annaghearly L. ’99: common in N., rare in 8.—P. Cavan Common in the north-west ’81—Stewart Ssz. “Monaghn. Anketell Grove, Miss Maffett— Cyb. I. Ferman. Florencecourt’00—P. Frequent in the south-west. Dongl. E. Brown Hall ’00—P. InN. and 8., local—/7. Don. Dongl. W. Muckish, &c. : north to south, local—/7. Don. Tyrone Near Strabane ’97—W. 8. Johnson! Dart—Cyb. I. Armagh Near Keady ’91—W. F. Johnson. Down Rademon *85—P. Frequent on Mournes—S. & P. 873. Antrim Murlough Bay ’97—P. Rare—/V. VE. L’derry Benevenagh ’93—Shoolbred 837. Rare. Rare in the east. Aspidium Lonchitis Swartz. Holly Fern. Census 6—East 0, Centre 0, West 6. Kerry 8. Brandon ’94—Scully. L. Googh—Hart 373. Glencar. Kerry N. Mangerton’96—Scully. Galw. W. Muckanaght ’98 (C. F. D’ Arcy)—Colgan. Sligo Octogorea, &c. on Ben Bulben range ’84—B. & V. rze. Leitrim Glenade frequent ’99—P. Dongl. W. Sleve League—/. Don. On the western mountains only. Aspidium aculeatum Swartz. Prickly Shield Fern. Census 87—Kast 13, Centre 13, West 11. Kerry 8. Glencar ’90: rather rare and local—Scully. Kerry N. Listowel ’99: rare and local—Scully. Cork W. Millstreet mountains ’00—Phillips. Rare. Cork E. Rathcooney ’96—Phillips. Rockmills—Kinahan 763. Waterfd. Near Waterford—Miss I. Horne. Tipp. 8. Vale of Aherlow, and SE. of Slievenaman, ’00—P. Limrek. Foynes ’85-6—Stewart 863. 380 bo Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry FILICES [ Aspidium Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequentin N. & E. Dromineer’99—P. Keeper range—Kinahan 44g. Tory Hill ’99—P. ‘Wexford ’96—Marshall. Ballyhyland—B. & M. IS. Aghade ’99—P. Brown’s Hill, &c. (Browne)—6rz. Maryborough ’96: frequent—P. Marble Hill ’98—P. Frequent throughout. Muckanaght ’82—Hart 380. Local and rare. Near Tuam ’99: frequent—P. Clonad wood ’96, Edenderry, Shannon Harbour—P. Kilcullen ’96, Ballymore’00—P. Levitstown—zéo. Avondale ’99—P. Frequent. Navan ’96: rare—P. Knock Eyon ’99—P. Longford ’98: frequent—P. Mount Talbot ’97—P. Claremorris ’00—P. Knockachree’96—Colgan. L.Guill’99, Knocknarea—P. Glenade ’84—B. & V. rz2. . Cavan *96—P. Frequent in NW.—Stewart S52. Killencoole ’96, Carlingford Mountain ’82—P. Culloville ’96—-P. Frequent in the north-east. Carrick ’00—West & Tetley. Frequent in SW.—é54. Dunree (Hunter)—Hart ’99 gos. Local—FV. Don. Throughout, local—/7. Don. Strabane’ 96—Miss Knowles. Aughnacloy; Dungannon. Loughgall ’92: frequent—P. Saintfield ’?98— Waddell. Frequent—/f/. VEZ. Glenariff ’00—Miss Knowles. Frequent—/7. IVE. Limavady ’94—Mrs. Leebody! Frequent—/V. VE. Unequally distributed, and rare in many divisions. Aspidium angulare Kit. Divisions all. Lastrea Thelypteris Presl. Soft Shield Fern. Frequent, especially off the limestone. - Marsh Fern. Census 13+ (1)—East 3+(1), Centre 6, West 4. Kerry N. Clare Galw. SE. Killarney ’00—Scully. Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane! Near Ennis—saz. Lough Fingall ’?99—P. Portumna; Castle Taylor. Lastrea | 19 Kildare (20 Wicklow 22 23 24 25 26 30 ot 36 39 20 26 Meath Westmth Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Cavan Donel. E. Tyrone Antrim Lastrea Oreopteris Presl. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. W. King’s Wicklow Dublin Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Louth Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Census 30 FILICES 381 Lullybeg near Robertstown (Mrs. Cooke Trench)—6rz. Glencree—Mackay °25 522. Not seen since.) Drumeonrath (Brenan)—More ’72 674. Two stations on Lough Ree’98—P.; and two in centre— Leyinge ’94 484. Lough Ree below Ballymahon ’00—P. Above Athlone *99—P. Rockingham (D. Moore)—6rz. Lake View ’96, Miss Jackson— Cyd. II. Moore Hall. Near Belturbet, D. Moore— Cy). I. Below Belleek and near Ballintea—/V. Don. Near Caledon, Armstrong--B.N.F.C.’89 777. V.r. Portmore, D. Moore--Cyb. 1. Ballyclare-—F/. U/st. Sweet Mountain Fern. East 11, Centre 10, West 9. Castlegregory ’94: locally abundant—Scully. Killarney 96 : chiefiy in the south—Scully. Comhoola valley near Bantry ’98: rare—Phillips. Near Coumduala ’82-38—Hart 387. Clonmel— do. South-west of Cahir ’00—P. Glen of Bilboa River ’00—P. Lisdoonvarna ’00—Miss Knowles. Widespread but rare. Near Devil’s Bit ’98—P. Keeper district frequent. Barleeagh wood ’98—P. Urrin valley and base of Blackstairs c.—Moffat’89 552. Blackstairs ’99, Killedmond—P. Mt. Leinster— Hart, Glendine in Slieve Bloom ’97—P. Skultha mountain ’98—Colegan. Clonad wood ’96—P. Avondale and Shillelagh’89—P. Locally abundant. Glenasmole ’00—Colgan. South only, rare. By Lough Gowna ’00—P. Sheve Bane and Gayfield—Foot 66 329. Mweelrea ’82—Hart 350. Owenmore River —57,. Glenade ’99—P. Scrabby ’00—P. Above Narrow-water’93—P. Florencecourt ’99—West and Tetley. Clonmany ’98—Hart 405. Local—F’. Don. Near Glenties, &e.: throughout, local—F/. Don. Frequent locally. 382 FILICES [Lastrea 36 Tyrone Omagh ’96—Miss Knowles. Local, frequent. 37 Armagh Narrow-water ’93, Tanderagee demesne ’92—P. 388 Down Tollymore Park ’00—P. Holywood y.r, Mournes f. 39 Antrim Slemish ’00—Miss Knowles. Loeal, £—/7. VE. 40 I’derry Glenomna Water ’92—P. Local, frequent—/. VL. Chiefly about the higher grounds. Rare on the limestone, even where it rises into mountains. Lastrea Filix-mas Presl. Male Fern. Divisions all. Common. Lastrea spinulosa Presl. Census 34—East 10, Centre 138, West 11. Kerry 8. Cahersiveen ’56—Kainahan 460. Kerry N. Killarney ’96—Seully. Cork W. NearLough Hyne’96—Phillips. ‘‘Common’’—AIhn FV. Cork Mid Rochestown ’98 : frequent—Phillips. | Cork E. Glanmire ’00: ?frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Curraghmore—Kinahan’58 460. Tipp. 8. Fethard ’97—P. Limrck. Near Doon ’00—P. Tipp. N. Barracurra’98, Friar’s L.—P. Annagh Inch—g5>5. Kilkny. Urlingford ’98—D. Carlow Ballintemple ’99, St. Mullin’s’98—P. 14 Queen’s Wood south of Maryborough ’96—PF. 15 Galw. SE. Dalystown and by L. Derg below Woodford ’98—P. 16 Galw. W. Connemara—Moore: Ferns of Gt. Britain and I, 755: 17 Galw. NE. Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Banagher ’98, Edenderry ’96: frequent—P. 19 Kildare Nurney’97, Carbury ’96—P. 20 Wicklow Wood above Shillelagh abundant ’99—P. Very rare. So Pwr OO ONTO OH KK WS PO Re 22 Meath Near Navan, Oldcastle, Lough Sheelin, ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Two stations in W.,’98—P., and two in centre—4&g. 24 Lonegfd. Trilickacurry ’98, Woodlawn, and near Roosky—P. 25 Roscomn. Mote Park’97, Lough Arrow, Athlone—P. 26 Mayo KE. Kilmovee’99—P. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny, Newport, ’99—Marsnall. Lough Cullin. 28 Sligo Annaghmore ’00, L. Arrow—P. Hazelwood— Cy). I. 29 Leitrim Lurganboy and frequent in the south-east’99—P. Lastrea | FILICES 383 30 Cavan Lough Oughter and Mount Nugent ’96—P. 31 Louth Ardee and Braganstown bogs ’97—P. 32 Monaghn. Dartrey(Newman)—Moore: Fernsof Gt. Britain § L.’55. 33 Ferman. Enniskillen’00—P. 34 Dongl. KE. Near Barnesmore—/V. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Lough Eske—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Near Verner’s Bridge ’96—Mrs. Leebody ! 40 Liderry Near Limavady’94—Mrs. Leebody! Kilrea’94—P. Chiefly on the drained and cut-away portions of low-level bogs. Rare in woods, as at Maryborough and Shillelagh. Lastrea dilatata Presl. Broad Fern. Divisions all. Common. Lastrea emula Brackn. Bree’s Fern. Census 37—East 13, Centre 12, West 12. Kerry 8S. Kenmare ’98—P. Common—Scully. Kerry N. Listowel ’99: frequent—Scully. Cork W. Inchigeela ’00: common—Phillips. Cork Mid Ovens ’96: frequent—Phillips. Cork E. Glanmire ’00: frequent—Phillips. Waterfd. Dungarvan’99—P. Frequent, especially in west. Tipp. 8. Cahir ’00—P. Frequent and locally abundant. Limrck. Doon ’00—P. Clare Lisdoonvarna’79—Corry 2g0. NE. and NW. local. 10 Tipp. N. Bushfield’99—P. Keeper range—Kinahan zzz. 11 Kilkny. Coppenagh, Barleeagh wood, ’98—P. Pilltown—-zéo. 12 Wexford Wexford’96—Marshall. Chiefly in the south, rare. 13 Carlow Kalledmond and Polmounty River ’98—P. 14 Queen’s Glendine in Sheye Bloom ’96—P, 15 Galw.SH. Dalystown’98, Chevy Chase’00—P. Woodford—zg5. 16 Galw. W. Lough Inagh’98—Colgan. Widespread and frequent. 17 Galw. NE. Dunmore ’00--—P. 18 King’s Clonad wood ’98—P. 20 Wicklow | Shillelagh’ 99—-P. Frequent in the centre. 21 Dublin Cot Brook glen, &c., very rare—Kinahan 754 449. 23 Westmth. Knock Body—Levinge ’94 434. 24 Longfd. Lough Gowna ’00—P. 26 Mayo KE. Claremorris, Callow, Glendaduff, ’00—P. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny’99—Marshall. Very frequent. OMTID a SP &w YS 384 FILICES [ Lastrea 28 Shgo Lough Talt’96--Colgan. Last half very frequent. 29 Leitrim Garadice L.’00, Glenade, and frequent in the north—P. 30 Cavan Lough Sheelin and Lough Gowna ’85—P. 31 Louth Carlingford Mountain ’00, Ferry Hill ’93—-P. 32 Monaghn. Creaghan wood ’00—W. de VY. Kane. 33 Ferman. Carrick’00—Tetley! Frequent in the west. 34 Dongl. E. Clonmany ’98—Hart zos. Frequentin N.and S. 35 Dongl. W. Mulroy’94—Miss Thompson S85, Frequent—F7. Doi. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. Frequent. 37 Armagh Ferry Hill above Narrow-water’93—P. 38 Down Saintfield ’00—Waddell. Frequent—//. VE. 39 Antrim Murlough Bay ’97—P. Frequent—//. VEZ. 40 L’derry Eglinton ’98—Mrs. Leebody. Local. In more or less abundance in all the upland portions of the country. Avoids the Limestone Plain. Attains its maximum in Cork and Kerry. Polypodium vulgare L. Polypody. Divisionsall. Common. Polypodium Dryopteris L. Oak Fern. Census 4+(1)—EHast 1+(1), Centre 0, West 3. 9 Clare Between Broadford and the Cliffs of Moher, T. H. Wright — Cyd. II. 20 Wicklow Sheenabeg near Aughrim ’79, G. H. Kinahan—Oyé II. Hillside overlooking Glendalough ’79—Marshall 577. 28 Shgo Lough Talt (Warren)—More’72 674. 29 Leitrim Benbo Mountain, J. Wynne—Cyd. I. (39 Antrim Knocklayd, D. Moore—Cyb. I. Not seen since.) Old records from Kerry, Galway, King’s Co., and Down are no doubt erroneous. Polypodium Phegopteris L. Beech Fern. Census 20—East 7, Centre 3, West 10. Kerry 8. Owenreagh River ’00: rare and local—Scully. Kerry N. Mountains east of Killarney ’89—Scully. Cork W. Near Millstreet’00: rare— Phillips. Clare Glendree ’60—Kinahan 475. Very rare. 14 Queen’s Glendine in Slieve Bloom ’?97—P. 15 Galw. SE. SW. of Sheve Aughta (G. H. Kinahan)—Foot ’62 324. ow Ne Osmunda | 16 Galw. W. 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 27 Mayo W. 29 Leitrim 31 Louth 30 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 36 Tyrone 37 Armagh 388 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry FILICES 385 Muckanaght ’98 (C. F. D’Arey)—Colgan. Rare. Lugduff Prisons’97—Colgan. Centre, rare. Glenasmole ’00—Colgan. SW. of Dromin chapel—G. H. Kinahan’71 448. V.%. Glenade Mountain, J. Wynne— Cyd. I. Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Brookeborough (Brenan)—More ’72 6zz. Cooleross, &c. : north only—FV. Don. Gweebarra, &c.: throughout, locally c.—F/. Don. Strabane glen (Phillips)—Phillips & P. ’87 678. Slieve Gullion (Lett)—P. ’93 7orz. Craigauntlet’90—P. Frequent in the Mournes. Glenariff ’90—P. Rare—/FV. VE. Dungiven ’72—B.N.F.C. zz7. Very rare—FI. NE. Osmundaregalis L. Royal Fern. Census 38+(1)—East 15, Centre 11+(1), West 12. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Watertd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. OTIS MP ovo We) Kenmare ’98—P. Frequent—Scully. Killarney ’00: frequent—Scully. Dunmanway ’00: common—Phillips. Ballinhassig ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Clonea ’99—P, Chiefly near the coast, local. South-west of Cahir ’00—P. Doon ’00—P. Althea—Kinahan 463. Ennistymon ’99—Miss Knowles. Common except in N. Lough Ourna ’99, Portumna ’97—P. Lough Cullin and Brandon Hill ’99—P. Ferns ’97—D.N.F.C. 306. Frequent. Gowlin ’99, St. Mullin’s, Polmounty River—P. Castletown ’99, Portarlington—P. Ballybrittas—}38}3. Chevy Chase ’00—P. Eastern half frequent. Glen Inagh ’98—Colgan. Common. Barbersfort ’99 : throughout, frequent—P. Frankford ’00, Clonad wood, Banagher—P. Near Thomastown ’96—P. Cushaling bog ’97—3o05. Annamoe and Lough Dan ’94—P. Chiefly in centre, r. Howth—/l. Howth’87. Kelly’s Glen—Mackay 522. Near Ferns Lock ’96—P. Robinstown and Quarry bog—Levinge 794 484. R.I.A. PROC., SER, III., VOL, VII. 2C 386 . FILICES [ Osmunda 24 Longfd. Derrymacar Lough ’00—P. 25 Roscomn. Corkip Lough ’99, Lough Key, &c. : frequent—P. 26 Mayo E. Claremorris’00—P. Frequent. 27 Mayo W. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Very frequent. 28 Sligo L. Talt ’?96—Colgan. L. Arrow, L. Gara, 197—P. 29 Leitrim Leitrim ’99, Lough Melvin, and on the const =I 31 Louth Ardee ’00—Mrs. Swan. Braganstown bog ’00—P. (32 Monaghn. {Dartrey ’00—Somerville.) 383 Ferman. Carrick ’00—West. Frequent in the west. 384 Dongl. E. Rarein the north, common elsewhere—F7. Don. 35 Dongl. W. Throughout, common—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Arboe ’97—Miss Knowles. Strabane (Phillips)—678. 37 Armagh _ S. of Portadown, and frequent on bogs in north, ’92—P. 38 Down Killinchy !’90—J. Wilson. Very rare. 39 Antrim Near Kilrea ’94, Shane’s Castle ’91—P. Very rare. 40 L’derry Near Maghera’94—P. Very rare—/V. VE. Drainage, and in some cases the depredations of dealers, have much reduced this fern in the east, so that it is now extremely rare in 12, 20, 21, 38, 39, 40. Calcifuge, and in the Central Plain confined to the bogs and deep swamps. Ophioglossum vulgatum L. Adder’s-tongue. Census 35—East 14, Centre 10, West 11. 1 KerryS. Roughty River ’00: rather rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’00: rather frequent—Scully. 3 Cork W. Desert (Longfield), &c.— Allin F7.’83. Rare—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Blarney ’94: rare—Phillips. 5 Cork E. Trabolgan ’98: rare—Phillips. 7 Tipp. 8. Fethard ’99—Phillips. Near Clonmel ’97—P. 8 Limrek. Lough Gur ’00—P. Foynes—R. D. O’Brien. 9 Clare Dromoland ’98—W. de V. Kane. Common. 10 Tipp. N. Dromineer’99—P. Widespread, frequent. 11 Kilkny. Coppenagh ’98—P. 12 Wexford Rosslare ’97—Marshall. Frequent. 13 Carlow Ballintemple ’99—P. 14 Queen’s Mountrath ’97—-P. Frequent in east half. 15 Galw. SE. Loughrea ’97, Garryland—P. Frequent in east half. 16 Galw. W. South of Lough Mask ’95—M. & S. 545. 17 Galw. NE. Near Clonbrock ’96—P. 18 King’s Lough Goura ’98, Geashill ’96—P. Botrychiwum] 19 20 21 eH Poo artnanP w NH 12 Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Louth Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry FILICES 387 Kildare ’97, Rathmore, Carbury—P. Blessington ’98—P. Rare—Guide ’78. Near Lusk ’00: frequent-- Colgan. Ballivor ’00—P. Knock Eyon ’99, Coosan Lough, Athlone—P. Rockville ’99, Mote Park ’97—P. South of Lough Mask’95—M. & 8. 545. Lough Arrow ’97—P. Annaghearly L.’99—P. ArrooMtn.’84—B. & V. 772. Mount Nugent ’96—P. Boyne Obelisk ’96—-P. Drumreaske ’00— Waddell. Leenane, near Ballyshannon, &c.: local—#7. Don. Horn Head, &c. : north and south, very local—/V. Don. Loughgall ’92: north only, frequent—P. Clandeboye ’00—P. Frequent—/F7. VEZ. Ballyclug ’99(C. F. D’Arcy)—Miss Knowles. Frequent. Kilrea ’94—Mrs. Leebody. Frequent—/V. VE. No doubt occurs in all divisions. Botrychium Lunaria Swartz. Census 35—East 14, Centre 10, West 11. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Waterfd. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Wexford Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Moonwort. Near Glengariff tunnel ’00: rare—Scully. Barrow Harbour ’92: rare—Scully. Castletownsend ’97: rare—Phillips. Currabinny ’00 (Scully): rare—Phillips. Dungourney—Allin FV. ’83. Rare—Phillips. Ballyscanlan ’75—Miss Horne! Carrickbeg—J. Grubb. Above Muskry Lough ’00—P. Clonmel—Kinahan 460. Near Feenagh ’00—R. D. O’Brien. Glin—Kinahan 463. Dromoland’98—W.deV. Kane. Frequent throughout. Keeper range (F. J. Foot)—Kinahan ’60 g¢z. Coppenagh ’98—P. Talbot Hall (Miss Fothergill) ’92—B. & M. WS. Gowlin ’99—P. Borris ’96 (T. Hartley)—Colgan. Mountrath ’97, Glendine—P. SBorris—Hart 388. Moyode ’99—P. Widespread but not common. Inveran ’92—Colgan. Near Galway ’95—P. Knockmae and Keekill ’99, Clonbrock ’96—P. Near Portarlington ’84—Hart 383. Doon—Foot 328. 2c2 388 ; FILICES. EQUISETACEA [| Botrychium 20 Wicklow Lough Dan ’94—P. Chiefly in the centre, rare. 21 Dublin Dundrum ! ’98—Mrs. Tatlow. Not infrequent—Colgan. 22 Meath Near Laytown ’94—B.N.F.C. 777. 23 Westmth. Knock Eyon, &c.—Levinge ’94 484. Centre and W., r. 24 Longfd. Carn Clonhugh ’98—P. 27 Mayo W. Rathroeen L.’00—P. Near Louisburgh—Kinahan 478. 28 Shgo Dromore West ’96—Colgan. Frequent in east half. 30 Cavan Slieve Glah !’96—Miss Kelsall. L. Sheelin ’85—P. 31 Louth Collon (J. White)— Wade 1804 goz. . 32 Monaghn. Bragan ’00—Waddell. 34 Dongl. KE. Leenane, &c.: ? frequent— 77. Don. 385 Dongl. W. Near Glinsk’98—Hart 405. North only, f.—/7. Don. 36 Tyrone Strabane ’96—Miss Knowles. 87 Armagh Navan Fort (Johnson), Ardmore (Lett !)—P.’93 7oz. 388 Down Saintfield ’99—Waddell. Rare—FV, VF. 39 Antrim Bushfoot ’97—Mrs. Swan. Frequent—/7. VE. 40 Liderry § Benbradagh, Stewart: rare—//. WE. Equisetum maximum Lamk. Horsetail (genus). Census 837—East 14, Centre 138, West 10. Divisions all, except 11 Kilkenny, 27 Mayo West, 28 Sligo. A plant of uneven distribution. Rare in 4, 7, 10, 15, 17, 18, 22, 28, 24, 31, 82, 34, 35. Frequent or locally abundant elsewhere. Appears to be a common plant in the north-east only. Equisetum arvense L. Divisions all. Common. Equisetum pratense Ehrh. 34 Dongl. E. Culdaff, G. Dickie—/7. Ulst. ’64. 85 Dongl. W. Mount Charles, and between Dunfanaghy and Gwee- dore, G. Dickie—/7. Uist. ’64. 39 Antrim Crow Glen ’97—B.N.F.C. zz7. Rather rare—FV. VE. North only, local and rare. Equisetum sylvaticum L. Census 36—East 12, Centre 12, West 12. Divisions all, except 11 Kilkenny, 19 Kildare, 22 Meath, 23 West- meath. A local plant, avoiding the limestone, and favouring the uplands. One station only in 6, 7, 18, 17, 26. Much more frequent in Ulster than elsewhere. ELquisetum | 39 40 Kerry N. Cork Mid Wextord Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Ferman. Dongl. W. Tyrone Down Antrim. L’derry Wexford Wicklow Kerry S$. Cork Mid Galw. SE. Mayo W. Sligo Dongl. E. Antrim L’derry EQUISETACEA 389 Equisetum palustre L. Divisions all. Very frequent. Equisetum limosum L. Divisions all. Common, Equisetum hyemale L. Dutch Rush. Census 16—Kast 9, Centre 4, West 3. Killarney ’94: very local—Sceully. Ballincollig( Alexander), Ovens—Power f7.’45. Courtown ’?94—P. Near Enniscorthy ’81—Hart 377. Aghade and Goresbridge ’99, St. Mullin’s ’98—P. Mountrath’97, Grantstown—P. Abbeyleix; Dunmore. Dalystown ’98--P. Kinnitty ’97, Clonad wood ’96—P. Celbridge Abbey’97—P. Leixlip Castle—Babington’52. Enniskerry 00—-P. Bray River valley f., Slaney v.r. By Liffey below Lucan ’93: very rare-—Colgan. Colebrooke River (T. O. Smith)—More ’72 6z4. River Eske—/7. Don. Victoria Bridge ’00—Miss Knowles! Lagan below Edenderry ’92—P. Mournes frequent. Glenariff ’92—P. Rare—/F!. VEZ. Magilligan ’97—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/l, WE. Equisetum Moorer New. Coast occasionally as far south as Raven Point ’81— Hart 372. Three Castle Head ’92, Scully—B.E.C, ’92. from Wicklow to Arklow. Coast Equisetum trachyodon Braun. Census 8—East 3, Centre 0, West 5. By the River Laune ’89—Scully. St. Azine’s woods ’?00—G. Pim! Dalystown’97—P, Chevy Chase’73—Hart 364. Lough Cullin, More—B.E.C, ’64. Near Glencar Lake ’84—B. & V. 772. Bundrowes River and south of Pettigoe—/V. Don. Colin glen! ’93—Stewart. Very rare—f/, VE. Ballyharrigan glen ’92—Mrs. Leebody. 390 EQUISETACEH. LYCOPODIACEH [Equwisetum Equisetum variegatum Schleich. Census 15—East 4, Centre 4, West 7. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’99—Scully. The Paps, Scully—Cyé. Tl. 9 Clare Inishmore ’95—P. 14 Queen’s Maryborough ’93—P. Athy; Tinnehinch bridge. 15 Galw. SE. Castle Taylor ’79—Corry 220. 16 Galw. W. Lough Bollard—More ’72 672. 17 Galw. NE. Lough Corrib south of Keekill ’99—P. 18 King’s Glen above Kinnitty ’00—P. Tullamore district f. 19 Kildare Canal at Kilcock and Leixlip ’96—P. 21 Dublin Portmarnock ’00 : vy. r.—Colgan. Royal Canal; Dodder. 22 Meath Canal at Enfield ’96—P. 23 Westmth. Coosan L. ’98—P. L. Drin—Levinge. Canal frequent. 26 Mayo E. Lough Carra ’37—J. Ball 93. 28 Sligo Lough Talt ’96—Colgan. Mullaghmore— Cy@. I. 29 Leitrim Glencar ’75—Stewart. 40 Liderry Magilligan, D. Moore—Cy@. I. The prevailing Irish plant is var. majus Syme. To this form all the above records are referable except those for Killarney, which represent var. Wilsoni Newm., and those for the sandhills of Dublin, Mullaghmore and Magilligan, en are var. arenarvum Newm. THA some of its Central Plain stations var. majus has invaded the Royal Canal, and now fringes it abundantly for miles, in Dublin and Kildare especially. Lycopodium Selago L. Club-moss (genus). Divisions all, except 8 Limerick. Frequent on mountains, and on bogs in the plain. Lycopodium inundatum L. 2 Kerry N. Lough Guitane ’96—Scully. 8 Cork W. Dunmanway ’73(Allin)—Hbd. Queen’s Coll. Cork. V. r. 16 Galw. W. W. of Maam’95—M. &S. 545.Letterfrack—Moore 573. Lycopodium clavatum L, Census 24—East 11, Centre 6, West 7. 2 Kerry N. Mangerton ’94: rare and local—Scully. 3 Cork W. Mount Leader near Millstreet ’00—Phillips. 4 Cork Mid Rochestown (Alexander), Willsville—Power 77. ’45. 5 Cork E. Templemichael glen ’59 (T. Wright), Hd. Queen’s Coll. Cork—Phillips. Dunbulloge glen—(Cyé. II. Selaginella] LYCOPODIACEA. SELAGINELLACEA 6 te) Watertd. Tipp. 8. Kalkny. Carlow Galw. W. King’s Wicklow Dublin Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo W. Shgo Cayan Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry Cork W. Clare o91 Near Clonmel—Miss 8. Grubb ’00. Kilduff Mountain ’82—Hart 385. Brandon Hill (Miss Burtchaell)—T. Hartley ’00. Mount Leinster (R. C. Browne)—More ’72 6zz. Killaguile, Miss Jackson— Cyd. IT. Sheve Bloom above Cadamstown ’00—P. Lugnaquilla ’?97—Colgan. Centre, local. Glenasmole ’00 : rare—Colgan. Carn Clonhugh ’98—P. Common [?]| on the Curlew Mountains—Foot ’66 329. Bengorm ’82—Hart 38o. Lough Talt ’96—Colgan. Sleve Glah ’96—P. Slieve Snacht ’98—Hart 705. Rare—F/. Don. Ardara, &c.: rare—F, Don. Co. Tyrone— Cy). I. Brackagh bog south of Portadown ’93—Lett! Slieve Donard [’89 |—S. & P. 873. Mournes, very rare. Glenshesk ! ’97—Miss Hopkins. Rare—FV. VEZ. Crockbrack ’92—P. Rare—/FV. VE. Lycopodium alpinum L. Census 12-—Kast 4, Centre 1, West 7. Carrantual, More— Cy. II. Mangerton— FV, Hib. ’36. Near Maumeen ’82—Hart 350. Very rare. Cliffs over Lough Ouler ’94—P. Centre, local. Sheffry ’99— Colgan 227. Higher mountains, local. Mountains of Shgo, J. Wynne—Cy). I. Sheve Main and Slieve Snacht ’98—Hart 705. Aghla Mountain, &c.: throughout, rare—J/7. Don. Aghla, Admiral Jones—Cy). I. Sleve Bearnagh ’92—P. Mournes frequent. Little Trosk ’?92—P. Rare—/7. VE. Dart and Slieve Gallion, D. Moore— Cyd. I. Selaginella selaginoides Gray. Census 832—East 12, Centre 10, West 10. Knocknayeigh ’98—W. H. Shaw and Phillips. Carn Seefin ?95—P. Frequent in Burren. 392 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 12 Wexford 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw.W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 31 Louth 32 Monaghan 33 Ferman. 34 Dongl. E. 35 Dongl. W. 37 Armagh 88 Down 39 Antrim 40 L’derry SELAGINELLACE [Selaginella Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Frequent in the north-west. Urlingford ’98—P. Near Wexford ’96—Marshall. Milford ’98—P. : Dunmore ’98, Emo—P. Tinnehinch bridge—Hart 353. Lough Cooter ’00—P. Castle Taylor; Lough Derg. Muckanaght ’98—Colgan. Frequent. Barbersfort ’99 : frequent—P. Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Kildare ’97—P. Glencree, &¢.— Guide ’78. Portrane sandhills ’00: frequent—Colgan. Laytown sandhills ’96—P. Mullingar ’97—Carr. Frequent in the centre. Saint’s Island in Lough Ree ’00—P. Near Athlone ’98—P. Claremorris, Callow, ’?00—P. Clonbur; L. Carra. Mallaranny ’99—Marshall. Frequent. Lough Talt ’96—Colgan. East half frequent. Glenade ’99—P. Lough Oughter ’96—P. Ballymascanlan and Carlingford Mountain ’00—P. Creeve Lough ’00—P. Knockninny ’00—Tetley! Local. Throughout common—J/V. Don. Throughout common—/V. Don. Camlough Mountain ’92—P. Mournes frequent ’89-90—-S. & P. 873. Rare elsewhere. Glenariff ’89--P. Frequent—-/l. VE. Magilligan sandhills ’94--P. Frequent—/7. VE. Almost unknown in Munster; elsewhere widespread but not common. In the Central Plain is of frequent occurrence on damp, gravelly ground. 1 Kerry 8. 2 Kerry N. 3 Cork W. 6 Waterfd. 16 Galw.W. Isoetes lacustris L. Quillwort. Census 17—East 6, Centre 3, West 8. Glencar ’99: frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99: frequent in the south—Scully. | Inchigeela ’97, Adrigole ’94: rare——Phillips. Ballyscanlan L. ’99--P. Coumduala L.—Hart 3&z. Glendalough ’95—P. Rare. Chara | 20 25 27 16 27 Wicklow Roscomn. Mayo W. Leitrim Monaghn. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry SELAGINELLACEA. CHARACEA 393 Lough Dan, L. Ouler, ’94—P. Centre and north, f. Kilmore Bay on Lough Ree ’85-6—B. & V. 773. Newport ’99—Marshall. Rare. South end of Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Castleblayney Lake, Whitla—/V. Ulst. 64. Meendoran ’98—Hart 705. Throughout—F7. Don. Magherawarden ’98—Hart zo5. Frequent——/V. Don. Co. Tyrone-—Cyb. I. | Cashel Lough, &c.: south half, rare, ’?92——P. Blue Lough ’92—P. South halt, rare. Lough Neagh ’99-—Davies 269. Widespread, rare. Lough Beg and Enagh Lough, D. Moore— Cy). I. Frequently descending into the lowland region. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Galw. W. Mayo W. Kerry 8. Galw. W. Tyrone Antrim L’derry Isoetes echinospora Durr. Caragh Lake ’90: rather rare—Scully. Killarney ’99: rare and local—-Scully. TInishbofin ’75—More 676. Newport ’99—Marshall. ‘Has probably a wider distribution than this. Pilularia globulifera L. Pillwort. Census 5—East 2, Centre 1, West 2. Killarney ’89—Scully. Glendalough ’95—P. L. Mask—5z5. Kylemore. Lough Neagh near Washing Bay ’96—Miss Knowles. Selshan, Portmore, D. Moore—/F7. Ulst.’64 and 874. R. Bann at Coleraine, D. Moore—FV. Hib. ’36. Chara fragilis Desvy. Stonewort (genus). Divisions all, except 40 Derry, in which it no doubt occurs. Common in one or other of its forms. Chara connivens Braun. 12 Wexford Lagoon north of Wexford Harbour ’97—Marshall. 1 Kerry 8. Chara aspera Willd. Census 31—East 12, Centre 8, West 11. Castlegregory ’94 : rare—Scully. 2 Kerry N. Killarney ’96: local—Scully. Wexford Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Leitrim Cavan Ferman. Dongl. W. Tyrone Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CHARACEZ [Chara Skibbereen ’96 : frequent—Phillips. Near Monkstown ’98 : frequent—Phillips. Youghal ’00: frequent—Phillips. Inishmore ’90—Nowers & Wells 652. Kilkenny ’00—Phillips. Ardamine ’97, near Wexford ’96—Marshall 539, 537. Portarlington ’96—P. Frequent. Kilcolgan ’99—P. Frequent on Lough Derg. Barna ’00—Phillips. Chiefly in the east, frequent. Terryland River ’99—P. Canals at Edenderry and near Kilbeggan ’96—P. Maynooth ’96, Kilcock, Monasterevan, all in canal—P. Murrough (D. Moore)—Groves ’95 349. Royal Canal at Lucan ’94—P. ? Frequent. Oldcastle, and canal at Enfield, ?96—P. Canal at Mullingar ’99—P. Central lakes frequent. Longford ’98 : common throughout Royal Canal—P. Lough Corrib near Cong ’95—M. & 8S. 545. Lough Cullin (More)—Groves 339. Newport ’99—Marshall. Frequent. L. Arrow ’97—P. L. Gill River ’84—B. & V. 772. Lough Melvin ’99—P. Glenade ’84—B. & V zz. Belturbet (D. Moore)—Groves ’95 349. Enniskillen ’83, Carrick L. ’81 (Stewart)—342, 854. Gortnaglar Lough ’98—Hart 7o>. Arboe ’91—S. A. Brenan! Navan Fort and common in Lough Neagh ’92—P. Money Lake ’91—P. Rare—F/. WE. L. Neagh ’94 (Stewart)—Groves 350. Rare—Fl. NE. Lough Beg and River Bann below Coleraine ’94—P. Chara aspera subsp. desmacantha H. & J. Groves. Tipp. S. Limrek. Tipp. N. Kilkny. Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Census 21—East 4, Centre 11, West 6. Farranaleen ’98—P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Dromineer ’00 (Phillips)—Groves. Youghal Bay—P. Johnstown ’98—P. Canal at Portarlington ’96—P. Marble Hill ’97—P. L. Derg’91 (B. King)—Groves. Oughterard ’85 (E. F. Linton)—Groves. Chara] 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 21 Dublin 23 Westmth. 24 Longfd. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo EH. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 29 Leitrim 30 Cavan 33 Ferman. 38 Down 5 Cork E. 7 Tipp. S. 8 Limrck. 10 Tipp. N. 11 Kilkny. 13 Carlow 14 Queen’s 15 Galw. SE. 16 Galw. W. 17 Galw. NE. 18 King’s 19 Kildare 20 Wicklow 21 Dublin 22 Meath 23 Westmth. 25 Roscomn. 26 Mayo E. 27 Mayo W. 28 Sligo 32 Monaghn. 37 Armagh CHARACE AG 395 L. Corrib below Keekill’99—P. Ballindooly—Groves. Pallas Lough ’00, Kilbeggan, EKdenderry—P. Kileock and Maynooth ’96—P. Canal at Blanchardstown ’89 (Scully)—Groves 355. Mullingar ’99—P. L. Owel, L. Ennel, Brittas L. Canal at Ballymahon ’60 and Killashee ’98—P. Lough Ree above Athlone ’98 and at Galey ’97—P. Claremorris, Foxford, ’?00—P. Cong—Marshall. Rathroeen Lough’00—P. Ballina(Someryille)—Groves. Ballysadare ’00, Lough Arrow ’97—P. Lough Melvin ’99—-P. Oldcastle ’96—P. Lough Melvin at Garrison ’?00—P. Tullyratty’99 (Dayies)—Groves. Money Lake ’91—P. Chara polyacantha Braun. Census 22—East 8, Centre 9, West 5. Shanagarry bog (Carroll)—Groves ’80 339. Between Cashel and Fethard ’98—P. Lough Gur, Curragh Chase, Mullagh, ’00—P. Lough Ourna ’99: frequent throughout—P. Johnstown ’98—P. Milford ’98—P. Maryborough ’96: widespread and frequent—P. Loughrea and Marble Hill ’97, and frequent in SE.—P. Moycullen ’99—P. Barbersfort, Keekill,’99—-P. Headford—Groves 339. Pallas Lough ’00, L. Ourna, Shannon Harbour—P. South of Kildare ’97, and frequent in Grand Canal—P. Near Newcastle ’92—Groves 350. Royal Canal at Lucan ’94—P. Lough Crew ’96—P. Canal near Mullingar’99—P. Centre & west common. Corkip Lough ’99, Athlone ’98—P. Foxford (More)— Groves ’80 339. West of Castlebar ’?99—Marshall. Ballysadare ’00—P. Drumreaske ’00— Waddell. Loughgall ’92—P. A strongly calcicole plant, of common occurrence in the Central Plain. 396 23 Kerry 8. Tipp. N. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. ‘Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Dongl. W. Armagh Down L’derry Westmth. Tipp. N. Galw. SE. Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. CHARACE Ai [Chara Chara contraria Kuetz. Census 22—East 7, Centre 8, West 7. Near Rossbehy ’88—Scully. Dromineer ’00—Phillips. Thurles ’98—P. Goresbridge 99, Milford ’98—P. Rathdowney ’98, Mountmellick, Monasterevan —P. Lough Derg near Woodford ’98—P. L. Derg. Cong ’85 (C. Bailey )—Groves 345. River Suck at Bellagill bridge ’?96—P. Canal at Shannon Harbour ’98, and at Edenderry—P. Kilmeage ’98, Monasterevan, Kilcock, all in canal—-P. Canal at Lucan ’94——P.; and at Glasnevin—}37}3. Near Oldcastle ’96—-P. L. Owel’95 (Levinge)—Groves 355. Central lakes c. Canal north of Ballymahon ’00—P. River Suck at Bellagill bridge ’96—P. Cong ’85 (C. Bailey)—Groves 345. Ballina ’00-—-P. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart 859. Lough Sheelin ’96—P. Gortnaglar Lough ’98—Hart 705. Not rare. Lough Neagh ’80—H. W. Lett! Clandeboye Lake ’91—P. Limavady Junction ’89—W. D. Donnan and P. Chara denudata Braun. Brittas Lake ’94—-Levinge 785. Chara tomentosa L. Census 5—East 0, Centre 4, West 1. Lough Derg below Portumna ’98—P. Lough Derg near Woodford ’98—P.; and near Por- tumna (D. Moore)-—Groves 339. Coosan Lough ’98—P. Central lakes c., Tita Ree f. Elfeet Bay on Lough Ree ’00-—-P.~ Athlone’98—-P. Rindown castle-——B. & V. zz3: Lough Ree only. Confined to the Westmeath lakes and the expansions of the Shan- non ; all lie within the Shannon drainage area. Chara | 36 Tyrone. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork Mid Cork E. Tipp. 8. Limrck. Clare Tipp. N. Kalkny. Carlow Queen’s Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Sligo Cavan Louth Dongl. W. Armagh Down L’derry CHARACEA 397 Chara hispida L. Census 31—East 12, Centre 10, West 9. Castlegregory 794: rare—Scully. Killarney ’96: local—Scully. Summerstown bog (Alexander)—Power /7.’45. Rare. Ballynoe bog and Midleton—Power #7. 45. Farranaleen ’98, Clonmel, and near Cashel—P. Lough Gur ’00—P. Common in the north. Newmarket ’85—6—Stewart S63. Lough Ourna ’99: frequent throughout—P. Ballyragget ’99, Urlingford ’98—P. Goresbridge 99, Carlow ’98—P. Near Maryborough 793: common in east half—P. Loughrea ’98—P. Common in Lough Derg. Moycullen ’99—P. Clonbur—Marshall. Roundstone. Barbersfort ’99: frequent—P. Pallas Lough ’00, Edenderry, Shannon Harbour—P. Rathangan ’98—P. Commonin the canals. Murrough ’77 (D. McArdle)—Groves 379. Canal at Lucan ’94, Raheny ’93: ? rare—P. Lough Crew and canal near Enfield ’96—P. Lough Tron ’99—P. Common. Longford ’98: Lough Ree and Royal Canal—P. Corkip Lough ’99—P. R. Suck and L. Ree common. Claremorris ?00—P. 8. end of L. Mask—M. &S. 575. Lough Conn and Ballina ’?00—P. Ballysadare ’?00—P. Frequent in east half. Lough Sheelin ’?96—P. Greenore ’00—P. Frequent throughout. Gortnaglar Lough ’98—Hart zos. About Armagh and Loughgall ’92—P. Money Lake ’91—P. Rare—fl. VE. Magilligan ’92—Mrs. Leebody. Rare—/7. VE. Chara vulgaris L. Census 36—East 14, Centre 11, West 11. Divisions all, except 6 Waterford, 32 Monaghan, 34 Donegal East, No doubt universal. 398 CHARACE Ai [Chara 21 21 no 17 23 20 Chara canescens Loisel. Kerry 8. Castlegregory ’94—Scully 83z. Wexford Lagoon north of Wexford Harbour ’?97—Marshall. Galw. NE. By the shore east of Galway ’00—Phillips. Tolypella glomerata Leonh. Census 11—East 3, Centre 5, West 3. Limrck. Limerick ’99—Somerville. Tipp. N. Slevoir Point on Lough Derg ’96—Colgan. Wexford Lagoon north of Wexford Harbour ’?97—Marshall. Galw. SE. Rinmaher Point on Lough Derg ’96—Colgan. King’s Canal at Shannon Harbour ’98—P. Kildare Canal at Rathangan and Kilmeage ’98; ponds at Carton ’92—P. Dublin Royal Canal at Glasnevyin ’?95—P. Grand Canal near Dublin ’90, Scully— Cyd. II. Westmth. Lough Deravaragh and Lough Ennel’98—Groves 348. Sligo Glencar Lake ’84 (Barrington)—Groves 343. Leitrim Lough Melvin ’99—P. Glenade Lake—B. & Y. 772. Ferman. Lough Erne at Belleek ’00—P. Tolypella prolifera Leonh. Dublin Royal Canal near Glasnevin (D.Moore)—Groves’80 339. Not gathered since it was first discovered. Tolypella intricata Leonh. Dublin Royal Canal near Glasneyin ’96, F. W. Moore and D. McArdle— Cy. II. 'Nitella Nordstedtiana H. & J. Groves. KerryS. Caragh Lake ’99—Scully. Kerry N. Killarney ’99—Scully. Nitella tenuissima Kuetz. Galw. NE. Ballindooly ’983—H. & J. Groves 348. Westmth. Scraw bog near Lough Owel ’93, Levinge—B.E.C. ’93. Nitella gracilis Agardh. Wicklow Luggela and Lough Dan ’92 (Barrington & Groves)— Groves 350. Nitella | Too) (Ov co iS Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Galw. W. MayoW. Armagh Down Antrim L’derry CHARACEA 399 Nitella translucens Agardh. Census 11—East 6, Centre 0, West 5. Glencar ’99 : frequent—Scully. Killarney ’99: very local—Scully. Inchigeela ’97 : frequent in the south—Phillips. Vernonmount (Harvey )—Power /7. 45. Mayfield ’96—Phillps. Rathcooney—Power //. L. Cregduff ’85—Linton 502. Clifden (More)—339. Newport ’99—Marshall. Cashel Lough ’92—P. Lake at Clandeboye ’00—P. Rare—JFV. VE. Rathlin Island ’82—Stewart. Rare—FI. VE. Killelagh Lough near Maghera’94—P. Rare—FV. VE. Very local, and absent from the whole Central Plain. Nitella flexilis Agardh. Census 10+(2)—Kast 1+(2), Centre 5, West 4. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork Mid Cork E. Longfd. Roscomn. Mayo E. Leitrim Monaghn. Ferman. Armagh Glencar ’99: rather rare—Scully. Killarney ’99: local—Scully. Inchigeela, Gougane Barra, ?97—Phillips. Glengariff. Ducloyne bog—Power /7. ’45. Ballyphehane—287.) Riverstown (D. Murray)—Power #7. ’45.) Lough Gowna ’00—P, Lough Allen at Arigna ’00—P. Cong ’85—Linton 502. Lough Allen ’84—Stewart S59. Annaghmakerig Lough ’00— P. Rossford Point ’37 (W. Thompson)—Groves 34}. Near Camlough ’92—P. Confirmation of the Cork Mid and Cork East records is required. Kerry 8. Kerry N. Cork W. Cork E. Watertfd. Tipp. 8. Nitella opaca Agardh. Census 30—East 11, Centre 9, West 10. Kenmare ’99: frequent—Scully. Near Killarney ’94: frequent—Scully. Inchigeela ’97, near Skibbereen ’96—Phillips. Fermoy (Chandlee)—Groves ’95 349. Dungarvan ’82 (G. Nicholson)—Groves 3409. Ballinure ’98—P. 400 Limrck. Carlow Galw. SE. Galw. W. Galw. NE. King’s © Kildare Wicklow Dublin Meath Westmth. Roscomn. Mayo E. Mayo W. Leitrim Cavan Monaghn. Ferman. Dongl. E. Dongl. W. Armagh Down Antrim Lderry. CHARACE [Nitella Blue Lough ’85-6—Stewart 863. Slaney at Tullow’99, Barrow at Bagenalstown’97—P. Chevy Chase ’00——P. Mouth of Maam R.’95—M. & S. 545. Kylemore—}zZ9. Clonbrock ’96—P. Tullamore River below Geashill ’96——P. Canal at Levitstown lock ’99—P. Kilmacurragh ’84 (F. W. Moore)——Groves 795 Nae Howth ’94—-P. Oldcastle ’96-—P. Lough Deravaragh and Brittas L.—Levinge ’94 484. Mount Talbot ’97—-P. L. Allen c., ’84—Stewart S59. Kilmovee ’99—P. Cong ’95--M. & 8. 545. Newport, and west of Castlebar, ’99—--Marshall. L. Melvin ’99—P. L. Allen—Stewart 7 L. Bofin. Near Cavan ’96—P. Rockcorry ’00—P. Lower L. Macnean ’?00—P. Lough Erne frequent. L. Namin’92—Mrs. Leebody. Ballyshannon ; Pettigoe. Ards—f7. Don. Lough Neagh c., Markethill, Loughgall, °92—P. Money Lake ’91—P. Frequent—/. WE. Whitehead ’90—P. Frequent—/7. VE. Killelagh Lough near Maghera ’94—P. Frequent. A Achillza Millefolium, 174. Ptarmica, 174. Acorus Calamus, 315. Adder’s-tongue, 386. Adiantum Capillus-Veneris, 375. Adoxa Moschatellina, 158. 4Egopodium Podagraria, 147. /®thusa Cynapium, 155. Agrimonia Eupatoria, 114. odorata, 115. Agrimony, I14. Hemp, 167. Agropyron acutum, 371. caninum, 370. junceum, 371. pungens, 371. repens, 371- Agrostis alba, 357- Canina, 357- vulgaris, 357- Aira caryophyllea, 357- cespitosa, 357- przcox, 357- Ajuga pyramidalis, 265. reptans, 265. Alchemilla alpina, 114. arvensis, 114. vulgaris, 114. Alder, 281. Alexanders, 143. Alisma Plantago, 317- ranunculoides, 317. Alismacez, 317. Alkanet, 219. Allgood, 267. Allium Babingtonii, 307. Schznoprasum, 308. Scorodoprasum, 307. ursinum, 308. vineale, 307. All-seed, 71. Alnus glutinosa, 281. Alopecurus geniculatus, 355. pratensis, 355- Althzea officinalis, 69. Amaryllidez, 353. Anagallis arvensis, 214. tenella, 214. _ Anchusa sempervirens, 219. Andromeda Polifolia, 206. Anemone nemorosa, 3. Wood, 3. Angelica sylvestris, 155. Antennaria dioica, 169. Anthemis Cotula, 174. nobilis, 175. INDEX Anthoxanthum odoratum, 355. Anthriscus sylvestris, 151. vulgaris, 150. Anthyllis Vulneraria, 87. Antirrhinum Orontium, 232. Apium graveolens, 143. inundatum, 144. nodiflorum, 144. Apple, Crab, 121. Aquilegia vulgaris, 13. Arabis ciliata, 27. hirsuta, 26. petrza, 26. Araliacez, 157. Arbutus Unedo, 206. Archangel, Yellow, 263. Arctium intermedium, 182. majus, 180. minus, 181. nemorosum, 181. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi,206. Arenaria ciliata, 61. peploides, 61. serpyllifolia, 61. tenuifolia, 59. trinervia, 60. verna, 59. Armeria maritima, 210. Aroidez, 315. Arrhenatherum avenaceum, 358. Arrow-head, 317. Artemisia Absinthium, 177. maritima, 178. vulgaris, 178. Arum maculatum, 315. Ash, 215. Mountain, 121. Asparagus officinalis, 306. Aspen, 286. Asperula cynanchica, 163. odorata, 162. Asphodel, Bog, 309. Aspidium aculeatum, 379. angulare, 380. Lonchitis, 379. Asplenium Adiantum-nigrum, 376. lanceolatum, 376. marinum, 3706. Ruta-muraria, 377. Trichomanes, 377. viride, 377. Aster tripolium, 167. Astragalus Hypoglottis, 88. Athyrium Filix-fcemina, 377. Atriplex Babingtonii, 269. farinosa, 269. R.I.A. PROC., SER. IlI., VOL. VII. Atriplex hastata, 2609. littoralis, 260. patula, 269. portulacoides, 270. Avena pubescens, 358. Avens, Mountain, 111. Water, 112. Wood, 112. Awlwort, 33. B Ballota nigra, 263. Barbarea intermedia, 26. przcox, 20. vulgaris, 25. Barley, 372. Bartsia Odontites, 239. viscosa, 240. Basil Thyme, 253. Beaked Parsley, 150. Beam, White, 120. Bear-berry, 206. Bedstraw, 160. Lady’s, 160. Beech Fern, 384. Beet, Sea, 268. Bell-flower, Ivy-leaved, 202. Nettle-leaved, 203. Bell- Heather, 207. Bellis perennis, 167. Bent, 357: Beta maritima, 268. Betony, 258. Betula pubescens, 281. verrucosa, 281. Bidens cernua, 172. tripartita, 173. Bilberry, 205. Bindweed, Black, 270. Great, 224. Sea, 224. Birch, 281. Bird’s-foot, 88. Bird’s-foot Trefoil, 87. Bird’s-nest, 292. Yellow, 209. Bitter Cress, 27. Bitter-sweet, 226. Blackberry, 96. Black Saltwort, 214. Blackthorn, 92. Bladderwort, 243. Blechnum Spicant, 376. Blinks, Water, 64. Blite, Sea, 270. Bluebell, 309. 2D 402 Bluebottle, Corn, 187. Blue-eyed Grass, 306. Blysmus rufus, 335- Bog Asphodel, 300. Bog-Bean, 218. Bog Myrtle, 281. Boraginez, 218. Botrychium Lunaria, 387. Brachypodium pinnatum, 370. sylvaticum, 370. Bracken, 376. Bramble, 96. Stone, r10. Brassica alba, 35. campestris, 35+ nigra, 35. Rapa, 34. Sinapis, 35. Bree’s Fern, 383. Brittle Fern, 378. Briza media, 360. Broad Fern, 383. Bromus asper, 367. commutatus, 360. diandrus, 367. erectus, 367. giganteus, 367. madritensis, 367. mollis, 370. racemosus, 369. secalinus, 368. sterilis, 367. Brookweed, 215. Broom, 80. Broomrape, 240. Buck’s-horn, 265. Buckthorn, Alder, 79. Purging, 78. Sea, 275. Bugle, 265. Bugloss, 219. Viper’s, 223. Bullace, 92. Bullrush, 334. Buntum flexuosum, 148. Burdock, 180. Bur-Marigold, 172. Burnet, Great, 116. Salad, 115. Burnet-Saxifrage, 148. Greater, 148. Bur- Reed, 313. Butomus umbellatus, 318. Butterbur, 178. Butterwort, 246. Cc Cakile maritima, 42. Calamagrostis Epigeios, 357. stricta v. Hookeri, 357. Calamint, 254. Calamintha Acinos, 253. officinalis, 254. Callitriche autumnalis, 139. hamulata, 138. obtusangula, 139. pedunculata, 138. platycarpa, 137. stagnalis, 137. truncata, 139. verna, 137. vernalis, 137+ INDEX Calluna vulgaris, 207. Caltha palustris, 12. radicans, 12. Calystegia sepium, 224. Soldanella, 224. Campanula rapunculoides, 203. rotundifolia, 203. Trachelium, 203. _ Campanulacee, 201. Campion, Bladder, 52. Red, 54. ea, 52. White, 54. Caprifoliacez, 158. Capsella Bursa- pastoris, 37. Caraway, 146. Whorled, 145. Cardamine amara, 27. flexuosa, 28. hirsuta, 28. pratensis, 28. Carduus crispus, 184. nutans, 184. Pycnocephalus, 183. Carex acuta, 344. ampullacea, 354. aquatilis, 345. arenaria, 339. axillaris, 341. binervis, 349. Boeenninghausiana, 341. Buxbaumii, 342. curta, 342. dioica, 338. distans, 350. disticha, 339. divisa, 338. divulsa, 340. echinata, 341. elongata, 341. extensa, 350. filiformis, 351. flava, 351. Susca, 342. glauca, 345. hirta, 352. Hornschuchiana, 350. Hudsonii, 343. leevigata, 349. limosa, 345. muricata, 340. ovalis, 342. pallescens, 346. paludosa, 352. panicea, 347. paniculata, 340. paradoxa, 340. pauciflora, 338. pendula, 347. pilulifera, 346. przecox, 346. Pseudo-cyperus, 352. pulicaris, 338. punctata, 350. remota, 341. rigida, 344. riparia, 353- stricta, 343. strigosa, 348. sylvatica, 348. teretiuscula, 339. trinervis, 344. vesicaria, 354. Carex vulgaris, 345. vulpina, 340. Carlina vulgaris, 179. Carline Thistle, 179. Carrot, Wild, 156. Carum Carui, 146. verticillatum, 145. Caryophyllez, 52. Catabrosa aquatica, 360. Catchfly, English, 53. Night-flowering, 53. Cat Mint, 255. Cat’s-ear, Long-rooted, 108. Caucalis Anthriscus, 156. nodosa, 156. Celandine, 18. Lesser, 12. Celastrinez, 78. Celery, Wild, 143- Centaurea Cyanus, 187. nigra, 186. Scabiosa, 186. Centaury, 216. Centranthus ruber, 164. Centunculus minimus, 214. Cephalanthera ensifolia, 295. Cerastium arvense, 58. glomeratum, 58. semidecandrum, 57. tetrandrum, 56. triviale, 58. Ceratophyllez, 288. Ceratophyllum demersum, 288. Ceterach officinarum, 378. Chzrophyllum temulum, 149. Chamomile, 175. Stinking, 174. Chara aspera, 393- canescens, 308. connivens, 393. contraria, 396. denudata, 396. desmacantha, 394. fragilis, 393. hispida, 397. polyacantha, 395. tomentosa, 396. vulgaris, 307. Characez, 393. Charlock, 35. Cheiranthus Cheiri, 22. Chelidonum majus, 18. Chenopodiacez, 267. Chenopodium album, 267. Bonus-Henricus, 267. rubrum, 267. Cherry, Bird, 95. Dwarf, 04. Wild, 93. Chervil, Rough, 149. Chickweed, 58. Chicory, 187. Chives, 308. Chlora perfoliata, 215. Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, 176. segetum, 176. Chrysosplenium oppositifolium, 126. Cichorium Intybus, 187. Cicuta virosa, 144. Cinquefoil, Marsh, 114. Shrubby, 114. Circza alpina, 142. lutetiana, 142. Cistinez, 44. Cladium Mariscus, 337. Clary, 255. Clematis Vitalba, r. Cloudberry, rrr. Clover, Alsike, 86. Dutch, 86. Hare’s-foot, 84. Red, 83. ibe, 86. igzag, 84. Club-moss, 390. Cnicus arvensis, 185. lanceolatus, 184. palustris, 184. pratensis, 185. Cochlearia anglica, 30. danica, 20. officinalis, 29. Cock’s-foot grass, 360. Colchicum autumnale, 300. Coltsfoot, 178. Columbine, 13. Comfrey, 210. Composite, 167. Conitferz, 288. Conium maculatum, 143. Conopodium denudatum, 148. Convolvulacez, 224. Convolvulus arvensis, 225. Cornacez, 157. Corn-cockle, 55. Corn Marigold, 176. Corn-salad, 164, Cornus sanguinea, 157. Corydalis claviculata, 18. lutea, 18. Corylus Avellana, 281. Cotton-grass, 336. Cottonweed, 174. Cotyledon Umbilicus, 127. Cowberry, 204. Cow-Parsley, 151. Cow-Parsnep, 156. Cowslip, 211. Cow-wheat, 240. Crab-Apple, 121. Crambe maritima, 41. Cranberry, 205. Crane’s-bill, Bloody, 73. Dusky, 73. Crassulacez, 127. Cratzgus Oxyacantha, 121. Creeping Jenny, 213. Crepis biennis, 189. paludosa, 190. taraxacifolia, 189. virens, 189. Cress, Bitter, 27. Penny, 40. Rock, 26. Swine’s, 38. Thale, 30. Water, 23. Winter, 25. Crithmum maritimum, 152. Crosswort, 160. Crowberry, 287. Crowfoot, Meadow, 12. Crow Garlic, 307. INDEX Cruciferz, 22. Cryptogramme crispa, 376. Cuckoo-flower, 28. Cuckoo-pint, 315. Cudweed, 168, 170. Mountain, 169. Cupulifere, 281. Cuscuta Epithymum, 226. Trifolii, 226. Cushion Pink, 53. Cynoglossum officinale, 218. Cynosurus cristatus, 359. Cyperacez, 330. Cystopteris fragilis, 378. Cytisus scoparius, 80. Dabeocia polifolia, 208. Dactylis glomerata, 360. Daisy, 167. Dog, 176. Dame’s Violet, 30. Dandelion, 200. Darnel, 370. Daucus Carota, 156. Dead-Nettle, 261. White, 262. Deschampsia alpina, 358. czespitosa, 357. discolor, 358. flexuosa, 358. Devil’s-bit, 166. Dewberry, 110. Digitalis purpurea, 235. Diotis candidissima, 174. Diplotaxis muralis, 36. Dipsacez, 166. Dipsacus sylvestris, 166. Dittander, 39. Dock, 274. Curled, 274. Fiddle, 274. Golden, 274. Great Water, 274. Water, 274. Dodder, 226. Dog Daisy, 176. Dog’s-tail Grass, 359. Dogwood, 157. Dove’s-foot, 75. Draba incana, 28. muralis, 28. verna, 20. Dropwort, 96. Water, 152. Drosera anglica, 132. intermedia, 133. rotundifolia, 132. Droseracee, 132. Dryas octopetala, 111. Duckweed, Common, 316. Ivy-leaved, 315. Dutch Rush, 389. Dyer’s Weed, 44. E Echium vulgare, 223. Elwagnacez, 275. Elatine hexandra, 64. Hydropiper, 65. Elatinez, 64. Elder, 158. Dwarf, 158. Elecampane, 171. 403. Eleocharis acicularis, 330. multicaulis, 331. palustris, 331. uniglumis, 331. Elm, 279. Elodea canadensis, 200. Elymus arenarius, 373. Empetracez, 287. Empetrum nigrum, 287. Enchanter’s Nightshade, 142. Epilobium alsinefolium, 142. angustifolium, 41. hirsutum, r4r. montanum, 141. obscurum, 141. palustre, 142. parviflorum, r4t. roseum, 141. Epipactis atro-rubens, 290 latifolia, 295. media, 296. palustris, 206. Equisetacez, 388. Equisetum arvense, 388. hyemale, 389. limosum, 380. maximum, 388. Moorei, 380. palustre, 389. pratense, 388. sylvaticum, 388. trachyodon, 389. variegatum, 340. Erica cinerea, 207. Mackaii, 207. mediterranea, 207. Tetralix, 207. Ericacee, 206. Erigeron acre, 167. Eriocaulon septangulare, 330. Eriocaulonez, 330. Eriophorum angustifolium, 336. latifolium, 336. vaginatum, 336. Erodium cicutarium, 77. maritimum, 78. moschatum, 77. Erophila vulgaris, 29. Eryngium maritimum, 142. Erysimum cheiranthoides, 33. Erythrza Centaureum, 216. pulchella, 216. Euonymus europzus, 78. Eupatorium cannabinum, 167. Euphorbia amygdaloides, 276. exigua, 278. hiberna, 276. Helioscopia, 276. Paralias, 276. Peplis, 276. Peplus, 277: portlandica, 277. Euphorbiacez, 276. Euphrasia officinalis, 239. Salisburgensis, 239. Eyebright, 239. 404 F Felwort, 217. Fennel, 151. Fern, Beech, 384. Bree’s, 383. Brittle, 378. Broad, 383. Filmy, 373- Hard, 376. Holly, 379. Killarney, 375. Lady, 377. Male, 383. Marsh, 380. Mountain, 381. Oak, 384. Parsley, 376. Royal, 385. Scale, 378. Shield, 379. Sweet Mountain, 381. Fescue, 364. Festuca arundinacea, 367. elatior, 366. Zoliacea, 364. Myuros, 365. ovina, 360. rigida, 364. rottbeellioides, 364. rubra, 366. sciuroides, 366. sylvatica, 306. uniglumis, 365. Feverfew, Scentless, 176. Field Madder, 163. Figwort, Knotted, 234. Water, 233. Filago germanica, 168. minima, 169. Filices, 373. Filmy Fern, 373- Flag, Sweet, 315. Flax, 72. Purging, 72. Fleabane, 172. Blue, 167. Flixweed, 31. Flowering Rush, 318. Fluellin, 230. Foeniculum officinale, 151. Fool’s Parsley, 155. Foxglove, 235. Fox-tail, 355. Fragaria vesca, I13. Fraxinus excelsior, 215. Frog-bit, 201. Fumaria Borzi, 19. contusa, 20. densiflora, 21. muralis, 21. officinalis, 21. pallidiflora, 19. Fumariacee, 18. Fumitory, 10. Climbing, 18. Yellow, 18. G Galeopsis angustifolia, 250. intermedia, 259. Ladanum, 259. INDEX Galeopsis versicolor, 260. Tetrahit, 260. Galium Aparine, 162. boreale, 160. Cruciata, 160. erectum, 160. Mollugo, 161. palustre, 162. saxatile, 161. sylvestre, 161. uliginosum, 162. verum, 160. Garlic, Crow, 307. Gentian, Spring, 216. Gentiana Amarella, 217. campestris, 217. verna, 216. Gentianez, 215. Geraniacez, 73. Geranium columbinum, 73. dissectum, 75. lucidum, 76. molle, 74. Phzeum, 73. pratense, 74. pusillum, 74. pyrenaicum, 74. Robertianum, 76. rotundifolium, 75- sanguineum, 73. sylvaticum, 73. Germander, Water, 264. Geum rivale, 112. urbanum, 112. Gilgowan, 176. Gipsywort, 251. Gladdon, 305. Glasswort, 270. Glaucium flavum, 17. Glaux maritima, 214. Globe-flower, 12. Glyceria aquatica, 363. Borreri, 364. distans, 363. fluitans, 362. maritima, 363. plicata, 362. Gnaphalium sylvaticum, 170. uliginosum, 170. Goat’s-beard, 201. Golden Rod, 167. Golden Samphire, 171. Golden Saxifrage, 126. Goldilocks, 11. Goose-foot, 267. Goose-grass, 162. Gorse, 79. Goutweed, 147. Graminee, 355- Grass, Blue-eyed, 306. Cock’s-foot, 360. Cotton, 336. Dog’s-tail, 359. Hair, 357. Heath, 350. Lyme, 373. Meadow, 360. Millet, 355. Moor, 350. of Parnassus, 126. Quaking, 360. Reed, 355. Grass Rye, 370. Soft, 358. Timothy, 356. Vernal, 355. Wheat, 370. Grass-wrack, 329. Gromwell, 222. Sea, 220. Ground Ivy, 256. Groundsel, 178. Guelder Rose, 159. H Habenaria albida, 302. bifolia, 303. chloroleuca, 304. conopsea, 301. intacta, 302. viridis, 303. Hair-grass, 357. Haloragex, 134. Hard Fern, 376. Hare- bell, 203. Hart’s-tongue, 378. Hawkbit, 1908. Hawk’s-beard, 189. Hawkweed, ror. Hawthorn, 121. Hazel, 281. Heath, Cross-leaved, 207. Mediterranean, 207. Heath, St. Dabeoc’s, 208. Heath-grass, 359. Heather, 207. Bell, 207. Hedera Helix, 157. Hedge Mustard, 31. Hedge-Parsley, 156. Helianthemum Breweri, 44. guttatum, 44. vineale, 44. Heliotrope, Winter, 178. Helleborine, 295. Hemlock, 143. Water, 144. Hemp-Agrimony, 167. Hemp-Nettle, 250. Henbane, 228. Henbit, 260. Heracleum phondylium, 156. Herb-Robert, 76. 5 Hesperis matronalis, 30. Hieracium anglicum, rot. argenteum, 193. auratum, 197. boreale, 197. czsium, 104. cerinthiforme, 192. corymbosum, 196. crocatum, 197. euprepes, 104. Farrense, 193. flocculosum, 192. Gibson, 195. gothicum, 195. hibernicum, 194. hypochzroides, 195. iricum, 192. lasiophyllum, 193. Leyi, 192. Hieracium murorum, 104. Pilosella, ror. prenanthoides, 196. proximum, 1093. rigidum, 196. rubicundum, 193. saxifragum, 193. Schmidtii, 192. sciaphilum, 195. scoticum, 193. senescens, Iol. Sommerfeltii, 193. sparsifolium, 196. stenolepis, 194. tridentatum, 100. umbellatum, 197. vulgatum, 195. Hippophae rhamnoides, 275. Hippuris vulgaris, 134. Hogweed, 156. Holcus lanatus, 358. mollis, 358. Holly, 78. Sea, 142. Holly Fern, 379. Honeysuckle, 159. Hop, 279. . Hop Trefoil, 87. Hordeum murinum, 373- secalinum, 372. Horehound, Black, 263. White, 257- Horned Pondweed, 329. Hornwort, 288. Horse-bane, 155. Horsetail, 388. Hottonia palustris, 211. Hound’s-tongue, 218. House-leek, 132. Humulus Lupulus, 279. Hyacinth, Wild, 309 Hydrocharidez, 290. Hydrocharis Morsus-ranz, 201. Hydrocotyle vulgaris, 142. Hymenophyllum tunbridgense, 373. unilaterale, 374. Hyoscyamus niger, 228. Hypericinez, 65. Hypericum Androsemum, 65. calycinum, 65. dubium, 66. elodes, 68. hircinum, 65. hirsutum, 68. humifusum, 67. perforatum, 65. pulchrum, 68. tetrapterum, 66. Hypocheris glabra, 198. radicata, 198. Hypopithys multiflora, 209. I Ilex Aquifolium, 78. Tlicinez, 78. Illecebracez, 266. Inula crithmoides, 171. Helenium, 171. salicina, 171. INDEX Tridez, 305. Tris foetidissima, 305. Pseud-acorus, 306. Isoetes echinospora, 393. lacustris, 392. Ivy, 157. Ground, 256. J Jasione montana, 202. Juncacez, 309. Juncus acutiflorus, 311. acutus, 310. bufonius, 309. conglomeratus, 310. effusus, 310. Gerardi, 310. glaucus, 310. lamprocarpus, 311. maritimus, 310. obtusiflorus, 311. squarrosus, 309. supinus, 310. tenuis, 310. Juniper, 288. Juniperus communis, 288. nana, 289. K Kale, Sea, 41. Knapweed, Black, 186. Great, 186. Knawel, 266. Knot-grass, 270. Keeleria cristata, 359. L Labiatz, 248. Lactuca muralis, 200. Lady Fern, 377. Lady’s Finger, 87. Mantle, 114. Smock, 28. Tresses, 204. Lamb’s Lettuce, 164. Lamb’s-tongue, 265. Lamium album, 262. amplexicaule, 260. Galeobdolon, 263. hybridum, 262. intermedium, 261. purpureum, 262. Lapsana communis, 188. Lastrea emula, 383. dilatata, 383. Filix-mas, 382. Oreopteris, 380. spinulosa, 382. Thelypteris, 380. Lathrza squamaria, 242. Lathyrus macrorrhizus, 92. maritimus, 92. palustris, 92. pratensis, 92. Lavatera arborea, 69. Lavender, Sea, 209. Leek, Sand, 307. 405 Leguminose, 70. Lemna gibba, 316. minor, 316. polyrhiza, 316. trisulca, 315. Lemnacez, 315. Lentibulariez, 243. Leontodon autumnalis, 200. hirtus, 198. hispidus, 199. Lepidium campestre, 39. hirtum, 39. latifolium, 39. Smithtz, 39. Lepturus filiformis, 372. Lettuce, 200. Lamb’s, 164. Leucojum zstivum, 306. Ligusticum scoticum, 155. Ligustrum vulgare, 215. Liliacez, 306. Lily, Water, 14. Limosella aquatica, 234. Linaria Cymbalaria, 230. Elatine, 230. minor, 231. repens, 230.. vulgaris, 231. Linez, 71. Ling, 207. Linum angustifolium, 72. catharticum, 72. Listera cordata, 293. ovata, 294. Lithospermum arvense, 223. officinale, 222. Littorella lacustris, 265. Lobelia Dortmanna, 201. Water, 201. Lolium perenne, 370. temulentum, 370. London Pride, 122. Rocket, 32. Lonicera Periclymenum, 159. Loosestrife, Purple, 14x. Yellow, 212. Lovage, Scottish, 155. Lotus corniculatus, 87. tenuis, 87. uliginosus, 88. Lousewort, 240. Lucerne, 82. Luzula campestris, 312. erecta, 312. maxima, 312. vernalis, 312. Lychnis diurna, 54. Flos-cuculi, 55. Githago, 55. vespertina, 54. Lycium barbarum, 228. Lycopodiacez, 390. Lycopodium alpinum, jor. clavatum, 390. inundatum, 390. Selago, 390. Lycopsis arvensis, 2109. Lycopus europzus, 251. Lyme-grass, 373- Lysimachia nemorum, 214. Nummularia, 213. vulgaris, 212. Lythrariez, 140. Lythrum Salicaria, 141. 406 M Madder, 150. Field, 163. Maidenhair, 375. Malaxis paludosa, 292. Male Fern, 383. Mallow, Common, 70. Dwarf, 71. Marsh, 60. Musk, 70. Tree, 60. Malva moschata, 70. rotundifolia, 71. sylvestris, 70. Malvacez, 60. Mare’s-tail, 134. Marigold, Bur, 172. Corn, 176. Marsh, 12. Marjoram, 252. Marram, 357. Marrubium vulgare, 257. Marsh Fern, 380. Marsileacez, 393. Matricaria Chamomtlla, 175. discoidea, 176. inodora, 176. Matthiola sinuata, 22. Matweed, 372. Meadow-grass, 360. Meadow Rue, 3. Meadow Saffron, 300. Meadow-sweet, 06. Meconopsis cambrica, 17. Medicago lupulina, 82. maculata, 83. sativa, 82. sylvestris, 82. Medick, Black, 82. Spotted, 83. Melampyrum pratense, 240. sylvaticum, 240. Melica uniflora, 360. Melilot, 83. Melilotus arvensis, 83. officinalis, 83. Mentha arvensis, 251. hirsuta, 249. piperata, 249. Pulegium, 251. rotundifolia, 248. sativa, 250. Menyanthes trifoliata, 218. Mercurialis annua, 279. perennis, 278. Mercury, Dog’s, 278. Mertensia maritima, 220. Microcala filiformis, 215. Mignonette, Wild, 43. Milfoil, 174. Water, 134. Milium effusum, 355. Milk-Vetch, Purple, 88. Milkwort, 50. Sea, 214. Millet-grass, 355. Mimulus guttatus, 234. Mint, 248. Cat, 255. Corn, 251. Pepper, 249. Water, 249. INDEX Molinia czrulea, 360. Moneywort, 213. Monkey-flower, Yellow, 234. Monotropez, 209. Montia fontana, 64. Moonwort, 387. Moor-grass, 359. Moschatel, 158. Mountain Ash, 121. Avens, IIt. Fern, 381. Sorrel, 273. Mouse-ear, 58. Mudwort, 234. Mugwort, 178. Mullein, 220. Musk Thistle, 184. Mustard, Black, 35. Hedge, 31. Wall, 36. White, 35. Myosotis arvensis, 221. czspitosa, 220. collina, 221. palustris, 220. repens, 220. versicolor, 222, Myrica Gale, 281. Myricacez, 281. Myriophyllum alterniflorum, 136. spicatum, 135. verticillatum, 134. Myrtle, Bog, 281. N Naiadacez, 318. Naias flexilis, 330. Narcissus biflorus, 306. Nardus stricta, 372. Narthecium ossifragum, 300. Nasturtium amphibium, 25. officinale, 23. palustre, 24. sylvestre, 23. Neottia Nidus-avis, 292. Nepeta Cataria, 255. Glechoma, 256. Nettle, 280. Dead, 260. Hemp, 259. Nightshade, Black, 227. Enchanter’s, 142. Nipplewort, 188. Nitella flexilis, 399. gracilis, 398. Nordstedtiana, 308. opaca, 399. tenuissima, 398. translucens, 399. Nuphar luteum, 14. Nympheza alba, 14. Nymphzacez, 14. 0) Oak, 282. Oak Fern, 384. Oat, 358. Oat-grass, 358. C£nanthe crocata, 154. fistulosa, 152. Lachenalii, 153. pimpinelloides, 153. Phellandrium, 155. Oleacez, 215. Ononis repens, 81. ‘ Ophioglossum vulgatum, 386. Ophrys apifera, 300. muscifera, 300. Orache, 269. Orchidez, 292. Orchis, Bee, 300. Bog, 202. Butterfly, 303, 304. Early Purple, 209. Fly, 300. Fragrant, 301. Frog, 303- Green-winged, 298. incarnata, 299. latifolia, 299. maculata, 299. Marsh, 299. mascula, 299. Morio, 208. Spotied, 290. Origanum vulgare, 252. Ornithopus perpusillus, 88. Orobanche Hedere, 241. major, 240. minor, 242. rubra, 241. robanchez, 240. Orpine, 127. Osmunda regalis, 385. Oxalis Acetosella, 78. Ox-eye, 176. Ox-tongue, Bristly, 188. Oxyria digyna, 273. Oyster-plant, 220. P Pansy, Mountain, 49. Wild, 48. Papaver Argemone, 16. dubium, 15. hybridum, 16. Rhezas, 14. somniferum, 14. Papaveracez, 14. Parietaria officinalis, 280. Parnassia palustris, 126. Parsley, 145. Beaked, 150. Cow, 151. Fool’s, 155. Hedge, 156. Parsley Fern, 375. Piert, 114. Parsnep, Cow, 156. Water, 146. Wild, 155. Pea, Heath, 92. Sea, 92. Pearlwort, 62. Pedicularis palustris, 240. sylvatica, 240. Pellitory, Wall, 280. Penny Cress, 40. Penny-royal, 251. Pennywort, 127. Marsh, 142. Peplis Portula, 140. Pepper, Water, 271. Pepperwort, 39. Persicaria, 272. Petasites fragrans, 178. vulgaris, 178. Petroselinum sativum, 145. Peucedanum sativum, 155. Phalaris arundinacea, 355. Phleum arenarium, 356. pratense, 350. Phragmites communis, 359. Picris echioides, 188. hieracioides, 188. Pig-nut, 148. Pillwort, 393. Pilularia globulifera, 393. Pimpernel, Bastard, 214. Bog, 214. Scarlet, 214. Yellow, 214. Pimpinella magna, 148. Saxifraga, 148. Pinguicula grandiflora, 246. lusitanica, 246. vulgaris, 246. Pink, Cushion, 53. Sea, 210. Pipewort, 330. Plantaginez, 265. Plantago Coronopus, 266. lanceolata, 265. major, 265. . Maritima, 265. media, 265. Plantain, 265. Plumbaginez, 209. Poa alpina, 361. annua, 360. compressa, 361. nemoralis, 361. palustris, 362. pratensis, 362. trivialis, 362. Polygala oxyptera, 50. serpyllacea, 51. vulgaris, 50. Polygalez, 50. Polygonum amphibiun, 272. aviculare, 270. Bistorta, 273. Convolvulus, 270. Hydropiper, 271. lapathifolium, 272. mite, 272. minus, 271. Persicaria, 272. Raii, 270. viviparum, 273. Polypodium Dryopteris, 384. Phegopteris, 384. vulgare, 384. Polypody, 384. Pondweed, 318. Horned, 328. Tassel, 327. Poppy, Corn, 14. Horned, 17. Opium, 14. Welsh, 17. Populus tremula, 286. Portulacez, 64. INDEX Potamogeton crispus, 324. decipiens, 323. densus, 324. filiformis, 327. flabellatus, 326. fluitars, 318. Friesii, 325. heterophyllus, 320. Kirkii, 310. lanceolatus, 320. lucens, 322. mucronatus, 325. natans, 318. nitens, 321. obtusifolius, 324. pectinatus, 325. perfoliatus, 324. plantagineus, 319. polygonifolius, 318. przlongus, 323. pusillus, 325. rufescens, 319. Zizii, 323. Potentilla Anserina, 114. Fragariastrum, 113. fruticosa, 114. palustris, 114. procumbens, 113. teptans, II4. Tormentilla, 113. Poterium officinale, 115. Sanguisorba, 116. Primrose, 211. Primula officinalis, 211. vulgaris, 211. Primulacez, 211. Privet, 215. Prunella vulgaris, 257. Prunus Avium, 93. Cerasus, 94. insititia, 92. Padus, 95. spinosa, 92. Psamma arenaria, 357. Pteris aquilina, 376. Pulicaria dysenterica, 172. Purslane, Sea, 6r. Water, 140. Pyrola media, 208. minor, 208. rotundifolia, 208. secunda, 209. Pyrus Aria, 120. Aucuparia, 121. Malus, 121. Q@ Quaking-grass, 360. Quercus Robur, 282. Quillwort, 392. R Radiola linoides, 71. Radish, Sea, 43. Wild, 42. Water, 25. Ragged Robin, 55. Ramsons, 308. Ranunculaceze, 1. 407 | Ranunculus acris, 12. Auricomus, II. Baudotii, 8. bulbosus, 12. circinatus, 3. confusus, 8. Drouetii, 5. elongatus, 6. Ficaria, 12. Flammula, ro. SHlortbundus, 6. fluitans, 4. Godrontz, 5. hederaceus, 9. heterophyllus, 5. Lenormandi, 8 Lingua, to. parviflorus, 12. peltatus, 6. penicillatus, 7. petiolaris, 10. pseudo-fluttans, 7. repens, 12. sceleratus, 9. scoticus, Io. trichophyllus, 4. tripartitus, 8. truncatus, 6. Raphanus maritimus, 43. Raphanistrum, 42. Raspberry, 96. Rattle, Red, 240. Yellow, 240. Red Rattle, 240. Reed, 350. Reed, Bur, 313. Reed-grass, 355. Reseda lutea, 43. Luteola, 44. Resedacez, 43. Rest-harrow, 81. Rhamnez, 78. Rhamnuus catharticus, 78. Frangula, 79. Rhinanthus Crista-galli, 240. Rhynchospora alba, 336. fusca, 337- Ribwort, 265. Robin-run-the-hedge, 162. RKock Cress, 26. Rock-Rose, 44. Rocket, London, 32. Sea, 42. Rosa arvensis, 110. canina, 119. glauca, 119. hibernica, 117. involuta, 116, micrantha, 118. mollis, 117. rubiginosa, 118. Sabint, 117. sepium, 119. spinosissima, I16. tomentosa, 118. Rosacez, 92. Rose, Burnet, 116. Dog, 1109. Guelder, 159. Scotch, 116. Trailing, 119. Rose Bay, 141. Rose-root, 127. Rowan, 121. 408 Royal Fern, 385 Rubia peregrina, 159. Rubiacez, 159. Rubus adornatus, 107 affinis, 08. amplificatus, 102. anglosaxonicus, 105. argentatus, IOI. Balfourianus, 109. Bellardi, 108. Bloxamii, 106. Borzeanus, 104. Borreri, 105. czesius, II0. calvatus, 1900. cariensis, 98. carpinifolius, 98. Chamzmorus, rit. cinerosus, 104. cognatus, 108. conjungens, 100. corylifolius, ro09. criniger, 104. cyclophyllus, 109. danicus, 103. adasyphyllus, 108. azscolor, 101. adiverstfolius, 108. Drejeri, 105. dumetorum, 108. dumnoniensis, 99. echinatoides, 100. echinatus, 106. erythrinus, 99. SJasctculatus, 108. ferox, 108. fissus, 97. foliosus, 107. fruticosus, 96. fuscus, 107. Gelertii, 105. gratus, IOI. Aespertus, 101. hirtifolius, 103. hirtus, 108. hystrix, 107. incurvatus, 98. infestus, 105. iricus, 103. Kaltenbachtz, 108. Koehleri, 107. lasioclados, 104. Leyanus, 105. leucanthemus, 104. leucostachys, 104. Lindleianus, 99. macrophyllus, ror. macrostachys, 107. micans, 103. mollisstmus, 103. mucronatus, 105. myricz, 101. nemoralis, 99. Newbouldiz, 106. nitidus, 98. obscurus, 107. oigocladus, 106. opacus, 98. Babingtonii, 106. pallidus, 107. plicatus, 97. pubescens, 101. pulcherrimus, roo. pyramidalis, 103. INDEX © Rubus radula, 106. regillus, 106. rhamnifolius, 99. rhombtfoltus, 100. Rogersii, 97. rosaceus, 107. rubiginosus, 108. rudts, too. rusticanus, IOI. Salteri, 102. saxatilis, 110. saxicolus, 108. scaber, 107. Schlechtendaliz, tot. Selnzert, 100. Sprengelii, 102. suberectus, 97. sublustris, 109. sylvaticus, Ior. thyrsiger, 107. tuberculatus, 108. villicaulis, roo. viridis, 108. Rue, Meadow, 3. Wall, 377. Rumex Acetosa, 275. Acetosella, 275. conglomeratus, 274. crispus, 274. Hydrolapathum, 274. maritimus, 274. nemorosus, 274+ obtusifolius, 274. pulcher, 274. Ruppia rostellata, 328. spiralis, 327. Rush, 300. Dutch, 389. Flowering, 318. Toad, 300. Wood, 312. Rye-grass, 370. iS) Saffron, Meadow, 309. Sage, Wood, 264. Sagina apetala, 61. ciliata, 62. maritima, 61. nodosa, 63. procumbens, 62. subulata, 62. Sagittaria sagittifolia, 317. St. Dabeoc’s Heath, 208. St. Johh’s-wort, 65. Salad Burnet, 115. Salad, Corn, 164. Salicinez, 282. Salicornia herbacea, 270. Salix alba, 283. aurita, 284. Caprea, 284. cinerea, 284. fragilis, 283. herbacea, 285. nigricans, 284. pentandra, 282. phylicifolia, 284. purpurea, 285. repens, 284. triandra, 282. viminalis, 284. Sallow, 282, 284. . Salsola Kali, 270. Saltwort, 270. Black, 214. Salvia Verbenaca, 255. Sambucus Ebulus, 158. nigra, 158. 6 Samolus Valerandi, 215. Samphire, 152. Golden, 171. Sand Leek, 307. Sanicle, Wood, 143. Sanicula europza, 143. Saponaria officinalis, 52. Saussurea alpina, 186. Saxifraga aizoides, 123. cespitosa, 126. decipiens, 125. gemmuifera, 125. Geum, 122. granulata, 124. groeenlandica, 126. Hirculus, 123. hypnoides, 125. nivalis, 121. oppositifolia, 121. sponhemica, 125. stellaris, 122. Sternbergii, 125. tridactylites, 123. umbrosa, 122. Saxifrage, Burnet, 14r. Golden, 126. Mossy, 125. Purple, r21. Saxifragez, 121. Scabiosa arvensis, 166. Succisa, 166. Scabious, Sheep's, 202. Scale Fern, 378. — Scandix Pecten- Veneris, 149. Schcenus nigricans, 337. Scilla nutans, 309. verna, 309. Scirpus czspitosus, 333- fluitans, 333. lacustris, 334. maritimus, 335- parvulus, 333. pauciflorus, 332. rufus, 335- Savii, 333. setaceus, 334. sylvaticus, 335. Tabernzmontani, 334. triqueter, 334. Scleranthus annuus, 266. Scolopendrium vulgare, 378. Scorpion-grass, 220. Scrophularia aquatica, 233. nodosa, 234. umbrosa, 234. Scrophularinez, 229. Scurvy-grass, 20. Scutellaria galericulata, 256. minor, 257. Sea-Beet, 268. Sea-Blite, 270. Sea Buckthorn, 275. Sea Gromwell, 220. Sea-Kale, 41. Sea-Lavender, 209. Sea Milkwort, 214. Sea-Pink, 210. Sea Purslane, 61. Sea Rocket, 42. Sea Starwort, 167. Sea Stock, 22. Sedge, 338. edum acre, 130. album, 128. anglicum, 120. dasyphyllum, 129. reflexum, 131. Rhodiola, 127. Tupestre, 132. Telephium, 127, Selaginellaselaginoides, 301. Selaginellacez, 3or. Self-heal, 257. Sempervivum tectorum, 132. Senebiera Coronopus, 38. didyma, 37. Senecio aquaticus, 179. erucifoliu s,179. Jacobza, 179. saracenicus, 179. squalidus, 170. sylvaticus, 178. vulgaris, 178. Sesleria czerulea, 359. Shamrock, 87. Sheep’s Scabious, 202. Shepherd’s Needle, 149. Purse, 37. Weather-glass, 214. Sherardia arvensis, 163. Shield Fern, 370. Shore-weed, 265. Sibthorpia europza, 235. Silene acaulis, 53. anglica, 53. Cucubalus, 52. maritima, 52. noctiflora, 53. Silverweed, 114. Silybum Marianum, 185, Simethis bicolor, 306. Sisymbrium Alliaria, 32. Irio, 32. officinale, 31. Sophia, 31- Thalianum, 3o. Sisyrinchium angustifolium, 306. Sitfast, 12. Sium angustifolium, 146. latifolium, 146. Skull-cap, 256. Sloe, 92. Smyrnium Olusatrum, 143. Snake-weed, 273. Snapdragon, Lesser, 232. Sneezewort, 174. Snowflake, 306. Soapwort, 52. Soft-grass, 358. Solanacez, 226. Solanum Dulcamara, 226. nigrum, 227. Solidago virgaurea, 167. Sonchus arvensis, 200. asper, 200. oleraceus, 200. Sorrel, 275. Mountain, 273. Sheep’s, 275. Wood, 78. INDEX Sowthistle, 200. Sparganium affine, 313. minimum, 314. ramosum, 313. simplex, 313. Spearwort, Great, 10. Lesser, 10. Speedwell, 235. Germander, 237. Spergula arvensis, 63. Spergularia media, 63. rubra, 63. rupestris, 64. salina, 63. Spindle-tree, 78. Spirzea Filipendula, 96. Ulmaria, 96. Spiranthes autumnalis, 294. Romanzoffiana, 2094. Spleenwort, 376. Black, 376. Green, 377. Maidenhair, 377. Sea, 376. Spurge, Irish, 276. Sea, 276. Sun, 276. Wood, 276. Spurrey, Corn, 63. Knotted, 63. Sand, 63. Squill, Vernal, 309. Squinancywort, 163. Stachys arvensis, 258. Betonica, 258. palustris, 258. sylvatica, 258. Starwort, Sea, 167. Water, 137. Statice occidentalis, 210. rariflora, 209. Stellaria graminea, 59. Holostea, 58. media, 58. palustris, 58. uliginosa, 59. Stitchwort, Greater, 58. Lesser, 59. Stock, Sea, 22. Stonewort, 393. Stork’s-bill, 77. Stratiotes aloides, 292. Strawberry, Barren, 113. Wild, 113. Strawberry-tree, 206. Suzeda maritima, 270. Subularia aquatica, 33. Sundew, Great, 133. Round-leaved, 133. Sweet Briar, 118. Sweet Flag, 315. Swine’s Cress, 38. Symphytum officinalis, 219. iT Tanacetum vulgare, 177. Tansy, 177. Taraxacum officinale, 200. Tare, Hairy, 88. Smooth, 89. Tassel Pondweed, 327. Taxus baccata, 280. R.I.A. PROC., SER. III., VOL. VII. 409 Tea-plant, 228. Teasel, 166. Teesdalia nudicaulis, 41. Teucrium Scordium, 264. Scorodonia, 264. Thale Cress, 30. Thalictrum alpinum, tr. collinum, 2. dunense, 2. flavum, 3. Thistle, Carline, 179. Creeping, 185. Milk, 185. Musk, 184. Sow, 200. Spear, 184. Welted, 184. Thlaspi arvense, 40. Thrift, 210. Thyme, Basil, 253. Water, 200. Wild, 253. Thymus Chamezdrys, 253. Serpyllum, 253. Timothy-grass, 356. Toadflax, Ivy-leaved, 230. Yellow, 231. Toad Rush, 309. Tolypella glomerata, 398. intricata, 398. prolifera, 398. Toothwort, 242. Tormentil, 113. Tragopogon pratensis, 201. Traveller’s Joy, 1. Trefoil, Bird’s-foot, 87. Hop, 87. Trichomanes radicans, 375- Trifolium agrarium, 86. arvense, 85. dubium, 87. filiforme, 87. fragiferum, 86. glomeratum, 85. hybridum, 86. medium, 84. minus, 87. pratense, 83. procumbens, 87. repens, 86. scabrum, 85. striatum, 85. subterraneum, 83. Triglochin maritimum, 318. palustre, 318. Trigonella ornithopodioides, 82. Triodia decumbens, 359. Trisetum flavescens, 358. Trollius europzus, 12. Tussilago Farfara, 178. Tutsan, 65. Tway-blade, 204. Typha angustifolia, 313. latifolia, 313. Typhacez, 313. U Ulex europzus, 79. Gallii, 80. Ulmus montana, 279. Umbelliferz, 142. 25 410 Urtica dioica, 280. urens, 280. Urticacez, 280. Utricularia intermedia, 245. minor, 244. neglecta, 244. vulgaris, 243. Vv Vacciniez, 204. Vaccinium Myrtillus, 205. Oxycoccus, 205. Vitis-Idza, 204. Valerian, Red, 164. Wild, 163. Valeriana Mikanii, 163. officinalis, 163. sambucifolia, 163. Valerianez, 163. Valerianella Auricula, 165. dentata, 165: olitoria, 164. Verbascum Thapsus, 220. Verbena officinalis, 247. Verbenacez, 247. Vernal Grass, 355. Squill, 300. Vetch, Bitter, 80. Bush, oo. Milk, 88. Tufted, 80. Wood, oo. Vetchling, Meadow, o2. Veronica agrestis, 235. Anagallis, 230. arvensis, 237. Beccabunga, 239. Buxbaumiz, 237. Chamzdrys, 237. hederifolia, 235. montana, 238. officinalis, 237. peregrina, 239. polita, 236. serpyllifolia, 237. scutellata, 239. Tournefortii, 237. INDEX Vervain, 247. Viburnum Opulus, 159. Vicia angustifolia, go. Cracca, 80. hirsuta, 88. lathyroides, ot. Orobus, 89. sepium, go. sylvatica, go. tetrasperma, 80. ~ Viola arvensis, 49. canina, 46. Curtisii, 49. hirta, 46. Zactea, 46. lutea, 40. odorata, 45. palsies, 44. eichenbachiana, 46. Riviniana, 46. stagnina, 47. tricolor, 48. Violacez, 44. Violet, Dame’s, 30. Dog, 46. Hairy, 46. Marsh, 44. Sweet, 45. Water, 211. Wood, 46. Ww Wabhlenbergia hederacea, 202. Wall-flower, 22. Wall-Mustard, 36. Wall Rue, 377. Water Blinks, 64. Cress, 23. Dropwort, 152. Hemlock, 144. Lily, White, 14. Yellow, 14. Milfoil, 134. Parsnep, 146. Pepper, 271. FINIS, Water Purslane, 140. Radish, 25. Soldier, 202. Starwort, 137. Thyme, 2g0. Violet, 211. Waterwort, 64. Way-bread, 265. Weld, 44. Wheat-grass, 370. . > 79- White Beam, 120. Whitlow-grass, 20. Willow, 282. Bay, 282. Crack, 283. Rose, 285. White, 283. Winter-Cress, 25. Winter-green, 208. Woodbine, 159. Woodruff, 162. Wood-Rusbh, 312. Wood Sage, 264. Sorrel, 78. Wormwood, 177. Woundwort, Hedge, 258. Marsh, 258. iv: Yarrow, 174- Yellow Bird’s-nest, 209. Yellow Rattle, 240. Yellow-wort, 215. Yew, 280. Z Zannichellia brachystemon, 320. palustris, 328. pedunculata, 320. polycarpa, 320. Zostera marina, 320. nana, 320. Printed by PONSONBY & WELDRICK, Dudlzn. Proc. R.1.A. 8rd. 8. Vol. VII. 9 $$ | KEY-MAP TO THE BOTANICAL DI) eal | | | ian | t Bloody Foreland | | ie AT LAN Th C ‘i | \ | A I | veel ts J/ tone | | | FS z | Gweeb. | | | | O ifforambrian | | cea ee | ie ee DO eee. ¢ aie | . | =