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ISSUED JANUARY 201TH, 1921. The Authors of Papers are alone responsible for the statements made and the opinions expressed therein. PRINTED FOR THE SUCIETY BY H. POLE & CO. LIMITED, PRINTERS, ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE. 1921. Price: Ten Shillings. =/( (FRE); Roval Society of Queensland. Patron: HIS EXCELLENCY SIR MATTHEW NATHAN, G.C.M.G. aa. FB1eb- Sentleg V1 OFFICERS, 19205 President : F. B. SMITH, B.Sc., F.1.C. Vice- Presidents : H. A. LONGMAN, F.L.S. (ex officio) Cc. T. WHITE, F.1L:8: Hon. Treasurer : Hon. Secretary : JOHN SHIRLEY, D.Sc. W. D. FRANCIS. Hon. Librarian: Hon. Editor: W. H. BRYAN, M.Sc. H. A. LONGMAN, F.L.S. Members of Council: F. BUTLER-WOOD, D.D.S. B. DUNSTAN E. H. GURNEY Pror. T. H. JOHNSTON, M.A., D.Sc. Pror. H. C. RICHARDS, D.Sc. Trustees : R. BH. ROE, M.A. Hon. W. F. TAYLOR, M_EAC: Hon. A. J. THYNNE, M.L.C. Hon. Auditor: Pror. H. J. PRIESTLEY, M.A. No. No. “No. No. No. bo =I cS CONTENTS. VOLUME XXNITI. . Factors In Variation, by Heber A. Long- man, F.L.S. Issued 24th April, 1920. . Notrs ON THE CHALCID PARASITES OF Muscorip Fiirs in Austrauia, by Prof. T. Harvey Johnston, M.A., D.Sc., and M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc. Issued 28th April, 1920. . 3. EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA AS POSSIBLE TRANSMITTERS OF BOVINE Oncuocerciasis, by Prof. T. Harvey John- ston, M.A., D.Sc., and M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc. Issued 30th April, 1920 ae . NOTES ON THE OCCURRENCE OF PETROLEUM IN QUEENSLAND, by J. B. Henderson, FIC. Xssued ist June, 1920 THE Lire History or HABRONEMA IN RE- LATION TO Musca Domesstica AND NATIVE FLIES IN QUEENSLAND, by Prof. T. Harvey Johnston, M. A., D.Sc., and M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc. Issued lst June, 1920 ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CYANOPHORIC GLUCOSIDES IN THE FLOWERS OF SOME PROTEACEAE, by F. Smith, B.Sc., and C. T. White, F.L.S. Issued lst June, 1920 . New or LittLe KNown AUSTRALIAN CRANE- Fires (TrpuLipak, Diptera), by Charles P. Alexander, Ph.D. (Cornell). Issued 24th June, 1920 . THE ORIGIN OF BLACK CoATINGS OF IRON AND MANGANESE OXIDES ON Rocks, by W. D. Francis. Issued 6th August, 1920.. . CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND, by R. S. Rogers, M. A., M.D.,and C. T. White, F.L.S.° Issued 14th September, 1920 PAGE 19 61 110 bk? iv. No. No. No. CONTENTS. 10. Norges oN THE Lire History oF CERTAIN QUEENSLAND Fires, by Prof. T. Harvey Johnston, M.A., D.Sc., and M. J. Gam croft, B.Sc. Issued 14th September, 1920 11. THe PracuH-LEAF Porson Busu, by F. B. Smith, B.Sc, F.1.C., and’ CC.” 7) see F.L.S. Issued 14th January, 1921 . CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND, No. 2, by R. S. Rogers, M.A., M_D., and .C. T. White, tas Issued 14th January, 1921 ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS List oF PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED List oF MEeMBERS ts a, fe +e oe INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII v3 ot & % (PRESIDENTIAL ADDRESS) FACTORS IN VARIATION. By Heper A. Loneman, F.L.S., F.R.A.I. (Read before the Royal Soctety of Queensland, 31st March, 1920) INTRODUCTION. In his inaugural address in January, 1884, our first President, the late Hon A. C. Gregory. referred to the field of investigation by this Society as being ** Natural Science and its practical application.” That ideal of thirty-six years ago bears a far wider interpretation to day. In an official pronouncement as Secretary of State for the Colonies, Lord Milner has clearly pointed out that * there is scarcely any industry which can develop or even maintain its position without the aid of scientific research.”** He mentions the “liberal grant’ provided by the British Government to be expended in stimulating scientific research overseas, and gives his opinion that the ‘ greatest possible impor- tance ” is attached to this question. Lord Milner’s words are to be welcomed as a sign of the times, and we believe that they will be sympathetically endorsed by Austrahan statesmen. The recognition of the great value of scientific work has been too tardy, for, as Huxley pointed out long ago, science has been the world’s Cinderella, working mostly out of sight. With the recognition of the need for wide encouragement of scientific work, and the endowment of research, emphasised by the war, it is sincerely to be hoped that there will be a growth of the best scientific spirit : that is, of undeviating allegiance to truth and a sense ot fair play, for these ideals are of even greater value than thove of material importance. So far as this Society is concerned our activities are outlined in the report of your Council and need not he detailed here. * Science and Industry,’ Nov., 1919. p 403 2) FACTORS IN VARIATION. Since our last annual meeting Sir William MacGregor. G.C.M.G., who as Governor of Queensland, was Patron of this Society from 1910 tol914, has passed away. The name of this distinguished administrator will always be closely associated with the ethnology and the avifauna of Papua, and his collections, housed in the Queensland Museum, are a remarkable memorial to his energy and enthusiasm. An ex-member in the person of Thomas Parker, F.G.8., died during the vear. In 1914, Mr. Parker contributed two short papers on Underground Waters to our Proceedings. FACTORS IN VARIATION. The above title requires an immediate qualification. An adequate exposition of the facts and theories which may be associated with a study of variation would be beyond the powers of any one individual, even though he were given the three lives which Fredk. Bond* desired for the fruition of a naturalists work. No such exposition will be attempted in this address. My task is to record certain notes on evolution which have accumu- lated during many years of study, supplementing those given in a previous papery, and to point out that we have now definite knowledge of many of the factors which cause Variation. The facts of organic evolution are undeniable. Even in the days of Darwin they formed an incontrovertible array. Since that time innumerable supplementary observations have been tabulated by biological workers. No thinking, qualified person can ignore the fact that organisms have changed and are changing, and this is all that evolution implies when reduced to its simplest terms. But when we come to analyse the subsidiary theories associated with these facts, we find that the supposedly serene atmosphere of science is perturbed by violent. controversies. Circumspice! Compare the views of the Mendelians, the Lamarckians, the Darwinians and neo-Darwinians, the Weismannians, the transformists and the mutationists, *Quoted in ‘‘ The Entomologist,” XXII, 1889, p. 266. ;Longman: Proc. Roy. Soc. Q’ld., XXVI, 1914 BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. 3 to say nothing of philosophic implications ranging from rigid mechanistic conceptions to various forms of vitalism and to theological interpretations. If Darwin could return to-day he would certainly need the assist nce of his * bull-dog ’—Huxley. One wonders what the twain would have thought of the remarkable utterances in Australia in 1914 by Professor Bateson, who is prepared seriously to consider the whole course of evolution * as an unpacking of an original complex which contained within itself the whole range of diversity which living things present.’’* Professor Bateson also _ refers sympathetically to Lotsy’s views that all variations may be due to crossing: ~*~ to segregation and recombination of series of factors on pre-determined lines * (p. 15), or to a loss of factors. He goes on to say: “In spite of seeming perversity, therefore, we have to admit that there is no evolutionary change, which in the present state of our knowledge, we can positively declare to be not due to loss.”’ (p. 20). He also informs us that ** competent men are even denying that variation in the old sense is a genuine occurrence at all’’ (p. 11). If this view be summarily interpreted, it means that, in a novel sense, there is nothing new under the sun, that the course of evolution is topsy-turvy, that the microcosm holds the macrocosm, that all the wealth of the world’s biota to-day, to say nothing of myriad extinct forms, was segregated in definite factors in the primitive life of the past, that man himself would still be an ape had he not lost pre-human factors, and that progress is invariably the result of loss and not of gain. How will exponents of these views account for the advent of new structures? To quote a few instances (which might be indefinitely extended): how does this ultra-mendelian evolution account for the development of the pouch of marsupials, of the * flying-membrane ”’ of various mammals, of the venom fangs of snakes, of the pharyngeal teeth of fishes, the copulatory apparatus of the male dragon flyy, or, to quote a case which bears on *Bateson: Report British Assn., Australia, 1915, p. 17. +R. J. Tillyard: The Biology of Dragon Flies, 1917, p. 215 4 FACTORS IN VARIATION. the psychological evolution of man himself, of the rich development after birth of myelinated fibres in the brains of human beings ? These structures have surely evolved through gain and not by loss. How came about the adaptations of specialised animals to exceptional environments ? Did the germ cells of the progenitors of the mammalia contain, packed in inconceivable complexity, factors to account for all the morphological variations which have arisen within the order ? Professor Bateson smiles at the ~* teleological fustian ” which clothed the theory of evolution in Victorian days, but he has given us an inverted teleology which works backwards. Palaeontologists would need to turn their tables of strata and of the march of life up-side-down to bring nature into line with such views. In the same address, Professor Bateson says :—‘* We go to Darwin for his incomparable collection of facts.” And there he would draw the line. Recognising Bateson’s great ability and remembering the great amount of work he has accomplished, we go to Bateson for his * collection of facts,” but we cannot accept the views put forward, tentatively, it is true, on his authority. Jt may be that ‘the seed-pan and the incubator”’ do not provide the broad outlook which was gained by such men as Darwin, Huxley and Wallace who found in the wide world a laboratory for study. Professor Dendy is surely nearer the truth when he says:—" The fact that many new and apparently permanent combinations of characters may arise through hybridisation, and that the organisms thus produced have all the attributes of what we call distinct species, does not justify us in accepting the grotesque view—as it appears to me—that all species have arisen by crossing, or even that the organism is entirely built up of separately trans- missible unit characters.” He also adds :—‘‘I think it is a most significant fact that the only characters which appear to be inherited in Mendelian fashion are 1 BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. e~ 4 comparatively trivial features of the organism which must have arisen during the last stages of phylogeny.’’* It is interesting to note, as H. F. Roberts has pointed out,t that as a necessary application of his theory of pangenesis, Darwin in his ** Animals and Plants under Domestication ’’ gave what is virtually a statement of the Mendelian theory of the distribution and recombination of factors in hybrid offspring. A recognition of these facts is a very different thing from the sweeping generalisation which would use the formulae of Mendelism as a key to the whole course of evolution. Darwin did not believe that variations were due to ‘chance.’ On the contrary, he expressly points out that his use of this “incorrect expression’’ was due to ‘our ignorance of the cause of each variation. *f Darwin is greater than Darwinism. He outstripped his own theories and, here and there, exhibited a breadth and a depth of mind and a range of knowledge which might be envied by the controversialists of to-day. In certain quarters there is a tendency to restrict Darwin’s views in an unwarrantable way, and to present him as the exponent of arbitary principles. But his own books provide the material for an instauration, and we may often turn with advantage from present-day writers back to the pages of the great master. His transparent honesty caused him to extend some of his earlier views. Huxley gives an important quotation from a letter written by Darwin in 1876 to M. Wagner, where he says :—** In my opinion, the greatest error which I have committed has been not allowing sufficient weight to the direct action of the environments, 7.2., food, climate, etc., independently ot natural selection. . . . When I wrote the ‘ Origin,’ and for some years afterwards, I could find little good evidence for the direct action of the environment; now there is a large. body of.evidence. . . . .’’§ *Dendy: Report British Assn., Australia, 1915, p. 39 jt “ Nature,” August 14, 1919. tC. Darwin: The Origin of Species, 6th edit., 1886, p. 106. §Proc. Royal Society, Vol. 44, 1888. 6 FACTORS IN VARIATION. eh The ‘large body of evidence” is now far more impressive. In a notable work*, J. E. Adami states :— * To the worker in bacteriology the hesitancy on the part of biologists to accept environment as a most important factor in originating variation is almost incomprehensible.’’ Lat:r he adds (p. 161) :—* Individual variation is not primarily due to any inherent tendency on the part of living matter to vary. On the contrary, living matter is capable of being varied according to its environment.” Lloyd Morgan and others have restricted “* variation ~ to differences arising germinally, whilst acquired characteristics are called *‘ modifications,’ the former being a product of nature, and the other of nurture. Archdall Reid has shrewdly criticised these distinctions and has shown that they cannot logically be maintained. It might almost be stated that a variation, in this sense, is a modification so deeply rooted that the cause is obscure. In any case, light is now being shed on the origin of germinal variations. Lloyd Morgan suggests that plastic modifications may pave the way for them. The exponents of vitalism postulate potencies or entelechies in the germ which they claim are the real factors of variation. But this is but a confession of our ignorance of causes and is a mixture of metaphysics and science. Professor E. W. MacBride criticisest the views of Driesch *‘in calling up spirits from the void,’ and adds :—** We thus come to the conclusion that for the present we may dismiss the conception of the entelechy from our minds as a working hypothes's and adopt instead the conception of organ- forming substances. . . . .’ One may appropriately add here Dr. J. S. Haldane’s remark :—‘* We neither need, nor will have. any ghosts in physiology.” ft There is still much controversy on the inheritance or non-inheritance of acquired characteristics. It seems to the writer that the arbitary distinction made between somatogenic and blastogenic characteristics is due to our *J. G. Adami: Medical Contributions to the Study of Evolution, 1918, p. 151. +E. W. MacBride, Rep. Brit. Assn., 1916, p. 409. tJ. 8. Haldane: The New Physiology, 1919. BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. ~ taking as evidence a mere transverse section of the tree of life. At the most, only a few generations of the more complex organisms can be studied. Let me risk re-stating an old argument by outlining the development of an organism in a special and novel environment. It can be demonstrated by experiment, and it will be generally admitted, that most organisms tend to vary when subjected to unusual conditions, i.e., when placed in a novel environ- ment which is not so abnormal as to bring about extinction. In the lifetime of the first individual any variation would be classed as * transient " (Weismann), and the proof of its heritability is not accepted. But if the novel environ- ment be maintained, as in the substitution of fertile conditions for eremian plants, or lower altitudes for alpine species, each generation would be re-subjected to the same stimuli. Such changes in environment frequently occur in nature owing to geological and climatic factors. The cumulative effects of such responses on the race is to give specific and even generic distinctions from allies in an adjacent primitive environment. Ultimately we find in special environments, which have apparently existed for long periods, remarkable modifications to the needs of the organism in that environment. Natural selection would of course, weed out unsuitable individuals. Jt is surely more logical to assume that these once acquired characteristics are heritable to a very large extent and that each individual does not go through, as an individual, the whole process of transformation. To assume that natural selection has to wait for the occurrence of favourable fortuitous germinal variations is to blind one’s eyes to the many experiments demonstrating that a multitude of organisms are plastic, and that great modifications in a particular direction may be induced by an artificial change in environment. Sir Ray Lankester has criticised the two laws of Lamarck which have been summarised by Prof. Poulton, as follows :—Lamarck’s “first law assumes that a past history of indefinite duration is powerless to create a bias by which the present can be controlled ; whilst the second assumes that the brief history of the present can readily raise a bias to control the future.” Lankester points out 3 FACTORS IN VARIATION. that these first and second laws of heredity are contra- dictory the one of the other, and therefore may be dismissed.’’* But with all due deference to the great authority of Lankester, it is possible to outline developments of environments which would provide stimuli in consonance with the requirements of Lamarck’s two laws. It is obvious irom geological teaching, that environments have been stable and unstable. periods of fixation alternating with periods of change: an environment continually changing in a definite direction (such as the rise of the Himalayas, or the transforming of a fertile region into a desert), and then maintaining that changed condition, would enable Lamarckian laws to operate, providing one admits—though this contention would be strongly criticised—that cumulative effects of stimuli through many generations would be more potent than the stimuli apportioned to a single life-time. Modern biologists have, of course, gone far deeper than Lamarck, for they are giving us the key to the mechanism which brings about functional adaptations, which is not apparently to be found in the * entelechy ” of the organism. In his well-known book on Heredity, J. A. Thomson gives a comprehensive summary of the question.f He suggests that neo-Lamarckiang may be identifying post hoc with propter hoc, and states a formidable list of ** Misunderstandings. ” Although making judicial _ qualifications, he gives strong support to those scientific writers who, in defiance of Huxley's dictum, have adopted a creed—that acquired characteristics cannot be transmitted. From this standpoint all difficulties can be explained. If gout be inherited, then gout is not an acquired character, but a germinal variation made manifest by habits which give a stimulus to its expression. Whenever a modification is proved to be transmissible, it should be regarded as a congenital variation or else as a “reappearance.” If transmissibility be demonstrated for unicellular organisms, *Ray Lankester: The Kingdom of Man, R.P.A. Reprint, 1912, p..76. +J. A. Thomson: ‘* Heredity,’ 1908, Chapter VII. ; BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. o or for moulds, rule them out because of the lack of marked distinctions between soma and = germ-plasm. When experiments show that brine shrimps ( Arfemia) may be transformed from one type to another by lessening the salinity of the water, Professor Thomson suggests that “the altered salinity simply pulled the trigger of variability.” In a review of this subject, H. M. Fuchs quotes* a large number of experiments by W. E. Castle and J. C. Phillips. Kammerer and others which yield contradictory evidence. Kammerer’s results with ingrafted in salamanders demonstrate that the characters of the foster-soma had impressed themselves on the grafted ovary. Fuchs concludes that “we are compelled to question the teaching of Weismann regarding the total independence of the ~ germ-plasm.’ ”’ Experiments with plants are also contradictory. When the seeds of lowland Capsella were sown in high altitudes, plants of the distinct highland type developed, whereas the highland form remained true when bred in the lowlands. Alpine specimens of Solidago also retained their peculiarities when removed to lowlands, the acquired characteristics being heritable. Nigeli’s similar experiments with Hieracium, however, showed no stability, the environment being capable of transforming and retransforming them. Adami quaintly remarks that around this question ‘there has been developed such a muddle that no amount of midnight oil and wet cloths bound around the temples permit the ordinary mortal to disentangle and follow the course of one theory.” Although the writer has not been driven to the exigencies suggested, this address may demonstrate still further the truth of Adami’s remarks. One thing is clear: the processes of nature were not teleologically conceived to meet the needs of students 0: philosophical biology. There may be, as in the conflict over the hanging trophy shield of old, one side of which was golden and the other silver, two correct views. Just as in the long record Bie Me Huehsi: = Bedrock, 7 -Aipril, 1914: 10 FACTORS IN VARIATION. of palaeontology we have our Lingulas, the Nautilus and other forms remaining practically unchanged, so in the world of life to-day many organisms, largely by reason of their complete adaptation to a certain type of environment, remain invariable, the hereditary forces being more potent than the factors which make for change; , others, in contrast, are protean in their plasticity, and still in process of rapid evolution. In the * Origin of Species,’ Darwin definitely expressed his belief in the inheritance, of modifications caused in domesticated animals through the use or disuse of certain parts (Chapter V.) He also quotes an instance in free nature which affords valuable evidence on similar lines, natural selection not being lost sight of in the citation. The instance is that of the development of the eyes of the Pleuronectidae or flat-fishes, which in very early life are situated opposite from each other, the body being symmetrical, but which in the adult flat-fishes are found close together on the upper side of the head. Quoting Malm’s observations, Darwin* states : ‘‘ The Pleuronectidae whilst very young and still symmetrical, with their eyes standing on opposite sides of the head, cannot long retain a vertical position, owing to the excessive depth of their bodies, the small size of their lateral fins, and to their being destitute of a swim-bladder. Hence soon growing tired, they fall to the bottom on one side. Whilst thus at rest they often twist, as Malm observed, the lower eye upwards, to see above them: and they do this so vigorously that the eye is pressed hard against the upper part of the orbit. The forehead between the eyes consequently becomes, as could be plainly seen, temporarily contracted in breadth. On one occasion Malm saw a young fish raise and depress the lower eye through an angular distance of about seventy degrees. We should remember that the skull at this early stage is cartilaginous and flexible,’so that it readily yields to muscular action. . . . Judging from analogy, the tendency to distortion would no doubt be increased through the principle of inheritance. . . . We thus see that the first stages of the transit of the eye from one side of *Darwin: The Origin of Species, 6th ed., 1886, pp. 186-188. BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. 11 ) the head to the other . . . may be attributed to the habit, no doubt beneficial to the individual and to the species, of endeavouring to look upwards with both eyes, - whilst resting on one side at the bottom. . . . We should keep in mind as I have before insisted, that the inherited effects of the increased use of parts and perhaps of their disuse,* will be strengthened by natural selection. For all spontaneous variations in the right direction will thus be preserved : as will those individuals which inherit in the highest degree the effects of the increased and beneficial use of any part. How much to attribute in each particular case to the effects of use, and how much to natural selection, it seems impossible to decide.” There can be no question that the ability of the young flat-fish to move the lower eye to the position seen in the mature fish is now part of the inherited outfit of the organism, enabling it to respond to the stimuli of environ- ment. It does not appear as a novel character in each individual. The result, however, depends on favourable circumstances. To quote Alexander Agassiz on flounders : ‘There are right-sided and left-sided species, and it is curious to note that nature does not furnish the individual with an unfailing instinct as to which side it is fitting to le down on. In one case, out of fifteen individuals, no less than eight lay down on the wrong side, and perished of what appeared to be a sort of brain trouble.’ In his logical enumeration of “four different complexes of causes’ underlying variation of type, H. F. Osborn,t the well-known American scientist, regards environment as a powerful factor in evolution, but emphasises the energy of the organism. Obviously his Views cannot be summarised in this address. (We note parenthetically an important point made by Osborn on the origin of life itself by regarding it as “a continuation of the evolutionary process rather than an exception to the rest of the cosmos , . . .” A twentieth century *Italics ours. fife of Alexander Agassiz, 1913, p. 156. tH. F. Osborn: The Origin and Evolution of Life, 1918 ete. 12 : FACTORS IN VARIATION. Bastian will probably demonstrate this by undeniable laboratory experiments). The dominance in a variety of habitats of such a plant as Ovalis corniculata and such an animal as HKpimys rattus might be mentioned as an instance of the energy of an organism. But surely we must recognise that at the foundation of this energy or “initiative” there are physico-chemical causes. The character of the environment is obviously of vital importance. It is a mere truism to say that without a suitable environment, containing water, carbon dioxide and salts, life would be impossible. There are reciprocal relations between adaptations in organisms and special conditions in the environment. Changes in environment necessarily precede special adaptations in organisms. Thus, on primary grounds, environment is the dominant factor in evolution. Temperature and humidity are of paramount importance, and, as pointed out by Gadow, a ‘change into a colder environment is a more powerful factor than change into a warmer climate.’* A prolonged drought will change the character of the biota of a country and will exterminate whole species. Parallel effects must obviously have been associated with the great glacial periods of the past, and, in certain areas, with the great periods of volcanic activity. Subsequent changes doubtless provided special opportunities for organic extension. We may surely quote here from R. 8. Lull a record of palaeontology :—‘‘ The stream ‘of life flows so slowly that the imagination fails to grasp the immensity of time required for its passage, but like many another stream, it pulses as it flows. There are times of quickening, the expression points of evolution. and these are found to be coincident with geologic change.’ Darwin's inference ‘that variability mainly depends on changed conditions of life ’{ is now surely proven. It will probably be found, *H. Gadow: The Wanderings of Animals, 1913, p. 53. +R. S. Lull: The Evolution of the Earth and its Inhabitants, Yale, 1918. {Darwin: Variation of Animals and Plants, I., 2nd edit., 1890> p 413. BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. 13 1 as in a case noted by the writer in conjunction with C. T. White,* that most mutations arise when organisms are subjected to a novel environment. Unusual nutritive factors, as recognised by De Vries, are obviously of importance. Among instances of modifications in a_ particular direction as the result of a change in environment we may note three examples: several unrelated species of mangroves tend to develop in their usual habitat asparagoid pneumatophores, and if found on reclaimed land they tend to dispense with these, as pointed out by A. A. Hamilton.f Tf a change of environment cause a loss, surely the original gain was the result of environ- mental stimuli. In a dry habitat the stomata of plants are found, by comparison, to be fewer than those in allied species in more fertile zones.t In a marine environment such diverse mammals as the walrus, seal, dugong and various Cetaceans exhibit a simplification of the stapes, associated with disuse of the organ of hearing. It is difficult to conceive that such changes result from fortuitous germinal variations corrected by natural selection, although that great factor necessarily operates and eliminates the unfit. Many minor - structures, however, seem to be of no special utility, neither are they disadvantageous, as outlined in my previous paper. In a special environment factors may operate which bring about an orthogenetic development. But if a variety of environments is studied, developments in allied forms will be most complex and may be termed radiogenetic. M. O’Connell has instanced§ an interesting case of orthogenesis in tracing the development of the costae of Perisphinctes. If large numbers of different Ammonites were studied, however, the term orthogenesis would be too restricted to apply. Probably a variety in diet was an important factor in bringing about the extraordinary diversity of the Ammonites, as we have evidence for the operation of this cause in the mollusca to-day. *Longman and White, Proc. Roy., Soc., Qld. XXX., p. 162. +A. A. Hamilton, Proc. Linn. Soc., N.S.W., XLIV., 1919, p. 471. tWarming: Oececology of Plants, 1909, p. 105. §M. O'Connell, Amer. Journ. Science, Dec., 1919. 14 FACTORS IN VARIATION. Had we the necessary knowledge to enable us fully to analyse the complex of stimuli afforded by environment —-using the word in its widest sense—we should probably be able to account for the origin of all variations which cannot be directly traced to Mendelian mechanisms. The factors of what may be called radial evolution (outlined by the writer in a former paper under the term radiogenesis) would then be made clear. It is difficult to realise the full significance and magnitude of the work done by such experimenters as Jacques Loeb in analysing the mechanism of animal conduct and in demonstrating the role of tropisms.* Loeb does not accept the inheritance of acquired characters as adequately proved, but he boldly states that “the quantitative laws prevailing in the effect of environment upon organisms leave no more room for the interference of a * directing force’ of the vitalist than do the laws of the motion of the solar system” (loc. cit., 1916, p: on 7), Although Weismann in his great work, ** The Evolution Theory.” gives no support to neo-Lamarckian views, it is noteworthy that in the second volume there is a whole chapter on ‘* Influence of Environment.’ He also records the influence on the germ-plasm of ** very minute nutritive changes ’’ (p. 196). The importance of food as a factor in variation is generally recognised. Charles Darwin stated :— Of all the causes which induce variability, excess of food, whether or not changed in nature, is probably the most powerful.” The great diversity to be found in land shells is well known, and this is probably due to divergencies in diet. The contours of the shells of Helicidae correspond with the shape of the visceral sac. According to the experiments of Simroth, quoted by Weismann,t “‘ a change of diet may evoke many kinds of changes in the structure of the food- canal, which may indirectly compel changes in the shell.” *J. Loeb: The Dynamics of Living Matter, 1906: The Organism as a Whole, 1916. Forced Movements, Tropisms and Animal Conduct, 1918. +Darwin: Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, [I., 2nd edit., 1890, p. 244. tWeismann: The Evolution Theory, II., 1904, p. 302 BY HEBER A. LONGMAN. 15 The extraordinary variation in the teeth of vertebrates may also be instanced. Many writers have pointed out the wide range of dental characters to be found in the Marsupialia, obviously illustrating adaptations to diet. Herbert Spencer was apparently the first to remark how plastic were the teeth of domesticated dogs, through use and disuse, and how they had degenerated in the pug-dog, King Charles Spaniel and other indoor dogs.* N. Hollister has demonstrated that lions reared in captivity show cranial differences which would be considered of specific value in wild animals. These differences are the result of the non-development of * gripping, holding, tearing, biting and shaking’’ muscles owing to methods of feeding in captivity. These changes ~ are thus produced in the life of a single individual within from five to seven years almost as rapidly as if by * mutation.” ”’’+ The megadont molars of a negro or of an Australian Aboriginal, when compared with those of a European reared on a comparatively soft diet, are of interest here. The third molar in these lower races is frequently larger than the second and may have five cusps. It is, of course, true that such characters remind us of those of anthropoid apes, and the occasional presence of a fourth molar may be a primitive feature,f accessory molars being common in apes. : Many well-known examples can be quoted with regard to insects. As Prof. W. M. Wheeler points out in his important study of ants, the food of the larva is ~ one of the most important of all stimuli.”§ By feeding larval workers with “royal jelly,” the period of development in the bee is accelerated and a queen is formed. (Parenthetic- ally, it may be noted that Wheeler criticises in this book Weismann’s views as to the powerful support given to his theories by the prevalence of neuters amongst certain Hymenoptera). The functions of endocrine organs or ductless glands (such as the pituitary body, the pineal gland, the thyroid *H. Spencer: Essays, I., 1891, p. 401. tN. Hollister: Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., LIII., 1917, p. 177. tLongman: Mem. Qld. Mus., VI., 1918, p. 4. SW. M. Wheeler: Ants, Their Structure etc., 1912 -p. 103 16 FACTORS IN VARIATION. gland and the suprarenal bodies), only investigated in recent years, show how greatly an organism may be modified from within. Prof. Arthur Keith, in his address to the Anthropological section of the British Association in 1919,* reviewed the morphogenetic mechanism of these glands. He gives the opinion that a reduction or alteration in the activity of the thyroid has been a factor in deter- mining some of the characteristics of the Mongol and Negro races and supports the theory that ** the conformation of man and ape and of every vertebrate animal is determined by a common growth-controlling mechanism which is resident in a system of small but complex glandular organs.”’ Some of the modifications effected are the result of abnormal conditions in these glands, initiated by an injury or by disease, the stimulus being derived from the environment. It seems probable that food may indirectly play an important part in stimulating or inhabiting the functions of these glands. According to W. W. Swingle’s experiments, metamorphosis in tadpoles is accelerated when they are fed with iodine, the thyroid being enlarged Dr. J. T. Cunningham has expressed the view that external stimulations may effect the genital cells through the chemical influences of these glands, ‘‘so as to produce some hereditary effect in succeeding generations. ’+ The origin of variations—the fundamental problem of evolution—is thus no longer wrapped in complete mystery. It seems that the vitalists are being gradually driven to restricted areas in the fields of biology. Samuel Butler said that all progress is based upon a universal desire on the part of every organism to live beyond its income. But it is surely the result of organisms living in an environment which supplies them with an income in excess of their needs. One thing is obvious: the less complex the environment the more uniform is the fauna and flora, whether we study the present or the past. The march of life through the long ages has developed in consonance with the growing complexity of environments, from the simplicity of vellurian conditions in the earliest geological periods on to the diversity of to-day. +A. Keith, ‘‘ Nature,” Nov. 13, 1919. tJ. T. Cunningham, P.Z.S., 1908, p. 434. BY HEBER A. LONGMAN 17 We find that the facts of evolution are far wider than ‘the theories. Such writers as Windle indirectly discredit ‘scientific work when they gibe at discrepancies in theories, Windle quotes, for instance, six different views as to the evolution of vertebrates.* But instead of stultifying the doctrine of evolution, these theories, in so far as they are entitled to serious consideration, provide new data for it, This may be illustrated by taking W. Patten’s book on the evolution of vertebrates.t Whether one accepts the main contention or not, we must recognise the value of many enumerated facts. The book demonstrates the relationships of organisms, and shows how the impress of common descent has been woven into the web of many groups now divergent. In conclusion, I venture to break somewhat away from the subject matter to claim that man—modern man— cannot be placed in the category of organic things as a servile subject of environmental forces. It is probably true, as J. Barrell points out,t that changes in climate causing disappearance of jungles may have influenced the evolution of bipedal man from arboreal anthropoids. But man to-day has power largely to make and control his -environment. In his wonderful epic-drama, ~** The Dynasts,’ Thomas Hardy has depicted man as a puppet in the thrall of circumstance. But man as a social and -a reasoning animal refuses to be bound Ixion-like to the ‘wheel of circumstances. He deliberately attempts to ‘mould nature to suit his needs: nay, more, he attempts to control and mould himself. In his remarkable Romanes ‘Lecture on Evolution and Ethics, Huxley claimed that the progress of society depended upon man’s combat with the “cosmic process’; man had long since emerged from the heroic childhood of our race, and he was now able to influence and modify the cosmic process, the dwarf bending the Titan to his will. Although there may be no millenium ahead, we are grown men and must play the amanys *B. Windle: ‘‘ Facts and Theories,” 1912, p. 121, meg 1, Patten: ‘“‘The Evolution of the Vertebrates and their Kin,” tJ. Barrell: Scientific Monthly, Jan., 1917. §Huxley: -Evolution and Ethics, 1895. B 18 FACTORS IN VARIATION. Biological workers have gone far beyond the portals of the great domain of knowledge. We realise a prodigious diversity of forms, living and extinct, ranging from the commonplace to the grotesque and to the beautiful, and varying in attributes from the malignant to the beneficent. A globule of fluid, seen under the microscope, may reveal a multitude of deadly bacteria. A tiny fragment of some organism may exhibit a complex structure of marvellous beauty. ‘‘ Whence this process. ; 2 To what end?” asked Herbert Spencer, at the close of a life spent in searching for truth. And the adequate answer is yet to be given. We dare not. dogmatise. Man gropes from the known to the unknown, from the measurable to the unmeasured. It is high task of scientific workers to win here and there definitely recorded facts of nature, as the years go by, and our hope is that the conquests of the future will bring a far wider- knowledge within the purview of the mind of man. NOTES ON THE CHALCID PARASITES OF MUSCOID FLIES IN AUSTRALIA. By Prof. T. Harvey Jounston, M.A., D.Sc., and M. J. Bancrort, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in. Economic Biology, University, Brisbane. ( Read before the Royal Society of Queensland 28th April, 1920). (Text-figures 1-7). On account of the economic importance of Muscoid flies, since they include not only the house fly or typhoid fly but also most of the various sheep maggot flies or blow- flies as well as the common “bush flies’? of Australia, considerable attention has been given to the study of their hymenopterous parasites, at least one of which has been utilised in New South Wales and Queensland as an agent to assist in controlling the spread of these Diptera. It has also been suggested to the Federal authorities by an eminent British entomologist that a number of species might, with advantage, be introduced from England to assist in this work. Mr. W. W. Froggatt has done a considerable amount of work on fly parasites, having dealt with no less than three, viz., Nasonia brevicornis, Chalcis calliphore and Dirrhinus sarcophage, which destroy pup of one or more of the sheep maggot flies. In this paper we propose (1) to give our own obser- vations on two species, one of which is now recorded for the first time as occurring in Australia ; (2) to briefly review the work on the parasites recorded as being already present in the continent; and (3) to discuss the suggestion that certain other wasps might be profitably introduced. The following five muscid-destroying chalcids are now known to occur in Eastern Australia : (1) Spalangia musctd- arum ; (2) Nasonia brevicornis ; (3) Chalcis calliphore ; (4) Dirrhinus sarcophage ; (5) Pachycrepoideus dubius. 'Thetirst,. second and fifth belong to the Pteromalide and to the subfamilies Spalangiinze, Pteromaline, and Sphegigasterine- 20 CHALCID PARASITES. respectively : while the others are members of the Chalcid- ide. The first, second and fifth are known from Queens- land, the second, third, fourth, and perhaps also the first, from New South Wales. (1) Spalangia muscidarum Richardson (Text-figures 1-7). During November and December, 1919, when numbers of Musca domestica L., M. fergusoni Johnston and Bancroft, M. vetustissima Walker. and M. terreregine Johnston and “Bancroft* were being raised in the laboratory at Eidsvold, Burnett River, Queensland, in connection with our work -on flies as transmitters of worm parasites of stock, it was ‘noticed that in several batches the percentage of flies emerg- ing was very low, viz., from 15% to 61%. Thus in one experiment with house flies the larvee pupated on November 2lst and a few flies emerged on November 29th and 30th. No more having emerged after the lapse of over a week, ‘the pup were collected and counted, when it was found that flies had emerged from only 15 per cent. of them. The remaining pupe were placed in tubes. On December 15th several small black chalcids averaging about 3 mm. in length were noticed, more emerging during the succeed- ing days. As they appeared, the little insects were trans- ferred to a large jar the end of which was covered with _a piece of cloth, and were fed by smearing honey and water -on the cloth. Copulation was observed to occur at once and females readily attacked fresh fly pupz on the day of -emergence. When about to oviposit, the female walks over the ‘pup testing the surface with her long flexible antennz. A suitable place having been found, the sharp piercing -stylet connected with the ovipositor is brought into play -and a tiny hole bored in the chitin of the puparium. A few minutes is usually sufficient to effect a puncture, the -stylet being thrust for its whole length into the wound. The eggs are minute oval structures measuring from ‘0.4 to 0.45 mm. in length by 0.1 mm. in breadth. The shell is minutely papillose except at one end which is drawn *If Townsend’s genera be accepted, then these flies are respectively -Promusca domestica, Viviparomusca fergusoni, Humusca vetustissima.and _Promusca terreregine. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT, DAL out into a blunt projection (fig. 1) varying somewhat in length. This point is not obvious in the uterine egg (fig. 2). The larva on hatching is a tiny white segmented creature which applies its mouth to the surface of the fly pupa and gradually increases in size at the latter's expense. When the chalcid larva pupates, it assumes the form of the adult. the structures being, however, soft and white and surrounded by a clear envelope. During the pupation stage the hard chitinous cuticle of the imago is developed. Text-figures—camera lucida drawings, all to the same scale. Spalangia muscidarum : fig. 1, egg from fly pup; 2, egg from uterus; 3, 4, fore and hind wing of female: 5, | antenna of male; 6, antenna of female: 7, third leg of male, 22 CHALCID PARASITES. When the insect is ready to leave the pupa case of its host, it gnaws an irregular hole at the anterior end and crawls out. Nothing is left of the fly pupa by this time but a dark shrivelled mass. Both sexes of the chalcid are capable of flight immediately upon emergence. © The sexes differ (as has been mentioned by Richard- son) in the form of the abdomen which is shorter and more spindle-shaped in the male, whereas that of the female has . a prominent projecting terminal region; and in the shape of the head, which in front view is seen to be relatively broader and shorter in the male. The antenne are also unlike, the difference being indicated in our figs. 5 and 6. As far as our experience goes only one chalcid develops in each parasitised fly pupa, thus from 53 pupa cases of which individual record was kept only 53 chalcids emerged, The size of the perfect insect depends upon the size of the pupa in which it developed. In one instance a pupa was examined two days after oviposition had taken place, six eggs and two small larve of the chalcid being found in it. Two Spalangia have occasionally been seen oviposit- ing at the same time in one pupa. The period of time elapsing during summer (December to February) between the laying of the egg and the emergence of the wasp is between three and four weeks (21 and 28 days). Pinkus (1913) found that in the laboratory in Texas during the winter months the period varied from 79 to 109 days when the average mean temperature was 56° Fahr. ; but that in a situation which was considerably warmer the period was shortened to 61 days; while in parasitised puparia kept out of doors during the winter the larve -developed very slowly and did not emerge, no doubt over- wintering in the pupe. Our results show that larval development is passed through very rapidly under Queensland summer conditions. This is a factor which renders it particularly valuable as a means for controlling the spread of noxious muscids in this State. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 23 Pupz of various muscids were collected and examined ‘during the summer in order to ascertain the percentage infection. | Species. No. examined | No. parasitised | Percentage M. domestica 76 | 64 84 M. fergusoni 214 84 39 MM. vetustissima 15 11 73 M. terreregine 33 16 73 Total 386 175 (45 In addition to these four flies, others were found to be liable to become parasitised and destroyed by Spalangia, viz., Musca hillt Jnstn. and Bancr.; Stomoxys calcitrans ; and certain blowflies (Pycnosoma rufifacies, P. varipes and Sarcophaga misera). We have not yet experimented with other local blowflies (Lucilia sericata, Neopollenia stygia, Anastellorhina augur, Calliphora spp. Sarcophaga spp., Ophyra, etc.), but there can be little doubt but that the parasite is able to attack them as well as local species of Fannia, Pyrellua and Pseudopyrellia.* The fruit fly, Tephritis tryoni, did not prove a suitable host in the one experiment carried out by us. As far as we have been able to ascertain this constitutes the first record of S. muscidarum from a locality outside the United States. Froggatt and Froggatt (1917, p. 32-3), gave a brief description and figures of an unidentified parasite obtained from a blowfly (? Ophyra nigra). Though the figures do not quite agree with those of our specimens they probably refer to S. muscidarum. In 1918 (p. 18) these authors referred to the species having been bred from pupze of Musca domestica, near Hay, N.S.W. * We have since found that Spalangia will parasitise N. siyyia; A. Augur; Calliphora incisuralis (so named in Mr. H. Tryon’s repo ts, but Dr. E. W. Ferguson informs us that it is known as Pyenosoma dux in Sydney); arid the two common species of Sarcophaga found in Brisbane, ‘one being apparently S. frontalis while the other is a large golden-faced species with an elongate abdomen. 24 CHALCID PARASITES. There appear to be three species of Spalangia described as parasites of fly pupe, viz., S. hirta Hal (Graham-Smith, 1919, p. 375, fig. 18) and S. nigra Boule from Europe : and S muscidarum Richardson from various localities in the United States. Spalangia sp. was figured by Hewict- (1914, p. 167). Howard (1911, p. 89) referred to finding one (S. musce,. MSS. name) parasitising house fly pupze in Washington D.C. This was not described until 1913 when Richardson. named it S. muscidarum, his material coming from Massa— chusetts (.Wusca domestica) and Texas (Stomoxys calcitrans).. Bishopp (1913, p. 124) reported that two species of Pteromalide parasitised the pupe of Stomoays, one of them being S. musce@ (i.e., S. muscidarum). Forty per cent. of the pup bred at Dallas, Texas, were found to have been destroyed by these wasps which were capable of killing the pup of the house fly and certain other muscids as well. Pinkus (1913) mentioned that S. muscidarum was the commone. t parasite of the stable fly at Dallas, Texas, and gave a description of its habits and larval stages. It was stated that the wasp did not discriminate. when given the opportunity to oviposit in the pupz of various specified muscids,. Girault (1913, p. 332-3) described three species of Spalangia, S. grotiusii, S. australiensis, and S. virginica as well as two of Spalangimorpha, Sp. fasciatipennis and Sp. frater (p. 334) all from North Queensland. The three species of Spalangia as well as another, S. parasttica (also- from North Queensland), and Sp. fascialipennis were further described by him in 1915 (pp. 345-6). As far as is known none of these attack flies. (2) Nasonia brevicornis Girault and Sanders.* This tiny chalcid was described in 1909, the account. being supplemented in 1910.+ The first record of its occurrence in Australia seems to have been made by *Reference to the habits of this and other hymenopterous parasites of flies is made by Howard (1911, p. 89-95) ; Hewitt (1914, p. 167-170) ;. Graham-Smith (1914, p. 242-4). +Girault, A.A. and Sanders, G.E. The Chalcidoid Bethe 8 of the: common house or typhoid fly and its allies. Psyche, 16, 1909, pp. 119- 132 ; 17, 1910, pp. 9-28. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 29 Girault (1913, p. 307) who found it in Brisbane in October, 1911, and subsequently reported it (1915, p. 316) as having been bred in October, 1913, by Mr. E. Jarvis, from the sheep maggot fly at Longreach and Aramac in Western Queensland. Jarvis (1913, p. 15) gave a brief account of. the parasite, but did not identify it. Froggatt (1914, p. 110) called attention to the presence in New South Wales of these active ant-like wasps (which he then believed belonged to a native species), parasitising certain blowflies, Calltphora villosa and C. oceanie (i.e., Neopollenia stygia and Anastellorhina augur respectively), as well as the prevalent ‘sheep maggot fly” C. rufifacies. The parasite (evidently a female) was figured and a short account of its habits published. Later in the same year he and McCarthy (1914), reported the chalcid to be WN. brevicornis which was stated to attack particularly those blowtlies which possessed smooth thin-skinned pupex, C. villosa, C. oceania and C. erythrocephala, only infesting the stoutly-spined pupe of C. rufifacies when the former were not available. A detailed account of the breeding habits was given (see also Froggatt, 1915 ; Froggatt and Froggatt, 1916, 1917, 1918—also quoted at length by Graham-Smith, 1916, p. 534, 536-7). Figures of both sexes as well as a short account of the breeding habits have been published recently by Graham-Smith (1919, p. 372-4, figs. 14, 15). The Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry has been engaged in rearing this chalcid species near Roma, Queensland, and distributing it where desired in order to control the “sheep blowfly ’’ pest. We have bred out numbers from pup forwarded from Roma by Mr. F. H. Taylor. The maximum number obtained by us from any one blowfly pupa was 18. Froggatt and McCarthy (1914, p. 763) reported finding as many as 75 and as few as two, the usual number being between 25 and 36 per pupa. We found that Nasonia will parasitise Musca domesitca, M. vetustissima, M. hilli and M. terre- regine as well as the blowflies already mentioned. We have not yet tested its action regarding other Muscoid flies, Froggatt and Froggatt (1917, p. 29), stated that in their 26 CHALCID PARASITES, laboratory experiments the wasp would indiscriminately lay eggs in fly pupe of any species (presumably muscoid) apparently showing no particular preference. (3) Chalcis calliphore Froggatt. This chalecid was described from the Hay district of New South Wales ‘by Froggatt (1916, p. 506), as a black wasp about the size of a house fly, with reddish-yellow antenne, oval shining red-brown abdomen and with thickened hind legs. It is a hardy species which breeds readily in captivity, a single insect killing and emerging from each parasitised pupa. The insect attacks the blow- fly (Calliphora oceania) while the latter is in the active maggot stage and apparently does not prevent its pupation. (See also Froggatt and Froggatt, 1917, pp. 29-31). (4) Dirrhinus sarcophage Froggatt. This rather large chalcid (6 mm. long) which is about the size of a large house fly, has been recently described by Froggatt (1919) as parasitising the pupz of the ““ common flesh fly ’’ (Sarcophaga aurifrons). It has highly modified hind limbs which are used to enable the wasp to burrow into ‘the loose soil to reach the pupz lying an inch or more Lelow the surface. A species D. biffardi Silvestri has been used in Hawaii against the fruit fly. (5) Pachycrepoideus dubius Girault and Sanders. This chalcid parasite belonging to the Pteromalide was recorded by Girault (1913, p. 330) as having been caught on windows at Nelson (March and April, 1912), Cooktown (February 1912) and Herberton (December, 1911), North Queensland. It was originally described as a house fly parasite in U.S.A. No doubt it attacks and destroys various flies in Queensland. Remarks on certain other hymenopterous parasites capable of controlling the spread of flues, and whach might be utilised in Australia against ‘‘ sheep maggol flies.” Graham-Smith in two excellent papers containing his observations on the habits and parasites of common flies in England (1916, 1919), has published interesting inform- ation regarding the hymenopterous parasites which attack BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 27 fly pupz or larve, ultimately destroying them. The most important as fly controllers seem to be Alysia mandueator, Aphereta cephalotes Hal. (both belonging to the Braconide) and WVelittobia acasta Waiker (Chalcidide). Alysia manducator: Graham-Smith’s observations (1916, p. 524-531, figs. 12, 138; 1919, p. 376-381, fig. 20), on this relatively large Braconid which is as long as a house fly, show that it is fairly common in England, parasitising as many as 83 per cent. of fly pup collected at certain times, being present particularly in those obtained from sheltered situations. ‘* These facts reveal the extraordinary destruction wrought by these parasites and indicate that larve feeding in warm and sunny situations are more liable to attack than those living in shady places”’ (Graham- Smith, 1916, p. 530). The female which lives only a few days in confinement, attacks and oviposits in larger living larve, not waiting for them to pupate. In one experiment Graham-Smith (1919, p. 380) found that a female deposited eggs in at least 206 out of 544 larvee provided; that 80 other larve died, possibly due to infection by the insertion of the ovipositor; and that no less than 343 eggs were still contained in the wasp’s ovaries. ‘Under more natural conditions it is likely that she would have infected -a@ greater number, as the ovaries contained at least 549 eggs.’ This wasp over-winters as a pupa, emerging in the spring. Its habits should make it a very desirable insect for use against sheep maggot flies in Australia. Aphereta cephalotes Hal. This ts a much smaller Braconid, being only half the length of the preceding wasp (Graham-Smith 1916, p. 531, fig. 15; 1919, pp. 381-2, fig. 21). From each parasitised blowfly pupa a number (7 to 14) of these insects have been bred out. The species appears to prefer sunny situations for oviposition, small larve being selected for the purpose. It passes through the winter while within the fly puparium. From the inform- - ation available it does not,seem to be as valuable a fly- controller as the preceding species. Melittobia acasta Walker. This is a tiny chalcid whose habits are described in an interesting account by Graham-Smith (1916, p. 532-548, figs. 16 and 17; 1919, 28 CHALCID PARASITES, p. 360-371, figs. 10-12). There is a véry marked sexual! dimorphism, the male possessing rudimentary wings and. eyes, as well as peculiarly modified antennez. The female can live in confinement for a long period (33 to 36 days average—5 the maximum noted) and lay up to 300 eggs. The males have a short life and do not leave the puparium in which they were developed. This remarkable insect also parasitises the larve of solitary wasps, as well as the pupe of the Tachinid fly which itself parasitises the wasps (Malyshev 1913, fide Graham- Smith 1919, p. 371). It is thus both a parasite and a hyperparasite. Howard and Fiske (1912) whose remarks are quoted by Graham-Smith (1919, p. 368, 370), found it. attacking several kinds of fly puparia (including Tachinids) and hymenopterous cocoons. Graham-Smith (1916, p. 533) reported that it was not only a parasite of fly pup, but acted as a hyperparasite towards the above mentioned Braconid Alysia. JM. acasta is ~ capable of causing an immense amount of destruction. If it is usually a hyper- parasite on the braconid larve it is not an insect to be encouraged, since it kills off large numbers of parasites very destructive to flies; if, on the other hand, it usually attacks fly pupe during the summer months it is most beneficial, its powers of destruction being so great; if, lastly, both braconid and fly larve are commonly parasitised,. its beneficial action is somewhat neutralised.”” In view of the above statement by such an authority as Graham-Smith, and in view of the fact that it is capable of parasitising Tachinid flies and solitary wasps which may be of considerable economic importance in controlling various insect pests, it-would probably be unwise to intro- duce into Australia sucha form as J/. acasta as an agent for controlling the spread of flies. Dibrachys cavus, another chalcid, seems to be of value as a parasite of fly pup, but little information is available to us regarding it (Graham-Smith 1919, p. 371-2, Fig. 13). None of the foregoing insects were bred out by Mellor (1919) during his work on the habits of various English flies. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 29 SUMMARY. 1. There exist in Eastern Australia at least five hymenopterous parasites which destroy flies (including sheep maggot flies) namely, Spalangia muscidarum: Nasonia brevicornis : Chalets calliphore : Dirrhinus sarcophage ; and Pachyocrepoideus dubtus. 2. Of the various hymenopterous parasites known elsewhere as destroying fly pup, three others appear to be of outstanding importance, viz., Alysia manducator, Aphereta cephalotes and JMelittobia acasta. The last named acts also as a hyperparasite of many useful insects (including A. manducator and Tachinids) and should not, in the light of our present knowledge, be introduced into Australia. The other two could apparently be safely introduced if desired to assist those parasites already present. The first named seems to be especially valuable in this connection. , LITERATURE CITED “1913 Bisnopr, F. C. The stable fly (Stomoays calcitrans) an important live stock pest. Jour. Econ. Ent. 6, 1913, p. 112-126. 1914 Froceatt, W. W. The sheep maggot fly and its parasite. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., 25, 1914, pp. 107-113. 1914 Froaeatr, W. W. and McCartruy, T. The parasite of the sheep maggot fly ( Nasonia brevicornis) Agric, Gaz, N.S.W. 25, 1914, pp. 759-764. 1915 Froeeatt, W. W. Sheep maggot flies, Farmers’ Bulletin 95,. Dept. Agric. N.S.W. 1915 (chalcid wasp parasite 30-37). 1916 Froggatt, W. W. A new parasite on sheep maggot flies. Notes and description of a chalcid parasite (Chalcis calliphore) Agric, Gaz, 27, 1916, p. 505-6, 1916 Froacarr, W. W. and Froceart, J. L. Sheep maggot flies No. 2. Farmers’ Bull. 110, Dept. Agr. N.S.W. 1917 Froaecatr, W. W. and Froeeart, J. L. Sheep maggot flies No. 3. Farmers’ Bull. 113, 37 pp. 1918 Froacatt, W. W. and Froceart, J. L. Sheep maggot flies No. 4, Farmers’ Bull. 122, 24 pp. 1919 Froeeatt, W. W. The digger chalcid parasite (Dirrhinus sarco- phage n.sp. on Sarcophaga aurifrons) Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., 30, pp. 853-5. 30 CHALCID PARASITES. 1913 Grrautt,A, A, Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea (Pteromalide) | Mem. Q’land Museum, 2, pp. 303-334. ; 1915 Grravtt, A. A. Australian Hymenoptera Chalcidoidea (Pteromalide} Supplement Le., 3, pp. 313-346. 1914 Granam-SmirH, G. §S. Flies in relation to disease. Non-blood- . sucking flies. Cambr. Univ. Press, 1916 Granam-Smitru, G. 8. Observations on the habits and parasites of common flies. Parasitol., 8, 1916, pp. 440-540 (parasites pp. 523-537). 1919 Granam-SmitrH, G. 8S. Further Observations on the habits, ete. lc., 11, 1919, pp. 347-384 (parasites pp. 355-384). 1914 Hewitt, C. G. The house fly. Camb. Univ. Press. 1911 Howarp, L. O. The house fly. Disease carrier. New York. 1913 Jarvis, E. Report of Entomologist on Investigations into the Sheep Maggot pest. (Reports by A. H. Cory ana E. Jarvis. Gov. Printer, Brisbane, 16 pp.—Jarvis’ report pp. 8-16). 1919 Mxtior, J. E. Observations or the habits of certain flies, especially those breeding in manure. Ann. App. Biol. 6, (1), pp. 53-58. 1913 Pryxus, H. The life history and habits of Spalangia muscidarum Richardson, a parasite of the stable fly. Psyche, 20 (5), 1913, p. 148-158. 1913 RicHarpson, C. H. An undescribed hymenopterous parasite of the house tly. Psyche, 20, (1), pp. 38-9. 1913a RicHarpson, C. H. Studies on the habits and development of a hymenopterous parasite, Spalangia muscidarum Richardson.. Jour. Morphol., 24, pp. 513-557 (not available), EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA AS POSSIBLE ‘TRANSMIPEERS OF BOVINE ONCHOCKRCTANIS. By Professor T. Harvey Jounston, M.A., D.Sc.,; and M. J. Bancrort, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in “Economic Biology, University, Brisbane. (With 16 Text-figures). (Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 28th April, 1920), Onchocerca gibson Cleland and Johnston. A survey of the early work on bovine Onchocerciasis was published by one of us in 1911, while later work was again summarised in 1916 (Johnston 1911, 1916). The probable origin of the parasite and its geographical distribution have been dealt with by Cleland and Johnston (1910) and by Gilruth and Sweet (1911, 1915). The anatomy of the worm, pathological effects and seat of infection have been fully treated by the above mentioned authors and also by Leiper and Breinl. Nothing is yet definitely known regarding its life history. All efforts to find the embryos in the blood circulation have been unsuccessful, though Cleland showed! that they may occur in the subcutaneous tissue. In post. mortem examinations of infected cattle, they have been. found in smears from the reflected skin or subcutaneous tissue of various parts of the brisket, legs and neck, Cleland also found living embryos in thickened areas under the! skin of cattle. Breinl showed that embryos can pene- trate the skin of the beast, though he himself regarded the result as perhaps pathological. Nicoll, though unable to. confirm Breinl’s work demonstrated that the larve were capable of migrating through the thick capsule of the nodule in considerable numbers. 3. EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA. The possibility of direct transmission has not been overlooked but it is considered highly improbable. Sub- cutaneous injection of larve, smearing them on the skin and drenching them to a calf in milk have been tried un- successfully by several investigators. Various’ theories have been put forward as to the intermediary host. The idea that it might be (1) a carnivorous animal (Gibson 1893), (2) a leech (Gilruth and Sweet, Breinl), (3) a crus- tacean (Cleland and Johnston, Breinl), has each heen suggested and rejected with little attempt at investigation. * The theories that lice and flies are likely transmitters have received more attention. Gilruth and Sweet (1911) con- sidered that the calf louse Hematopinus vituli L. presented the most hopeful possibility. Later, however, as a result of their experiments they were compelled to abandon the idea that either of the cattle lice, H. vituli or H. eurysternus, could act as a means of transmission of O. gibsoni (1912). With regard to the fly theory, the most important work has been carried out by Cleland who examined numerous Stomoxys calcitrans after they had been allowed to feed on fresh nodules. Living Onchocerca. embryos were found in one case on the third day after feeding (1914). Attempts were also made by the same author in conjunction with Dodd and McEachran (1917) to infect calves by exposing them to the attacks of certain insects. Stomozys calcitrans, Tabanids and mosquitoes (Culicelsa vigilax and Scutomyia atripes) tested thus all gave negative results. Breinl examined Tabanids, Stomoxys calciirans and several species of mosquitoes fed over nodules, all with negative results (1913). McEachran and Hill (1915) carried out work similar to Breinl’s using Stomozxys calcitrans, Lyperosia exigua, several species of Tabanus and Silvius and also Hemat- opinus tuberculatus (buffalo louse), but were unable to shew any infection. The two similar experiments carred out in Darwin by McEachran and Hill (1915) and by D’ckinson and Hill (1917) have not lent support to the fly theory (Hill and *Miss M. Henry has apparently examined Cladocera as possible transmitters (P.R.S., N.S. Wales, 52, 1918, p. 463). BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 33 others, 1917). In both these experiments Victorian calves were imported: those allowed to run with the herd became infected, but those confined in an open pen with a concrete floor inclose proximity to the paddock containing infected cattle remained unaffected, as also did those kept in a fly-proof pen. More recently work has been carried out in New South Wales by Dr. Cleland and Miss Somerville (1919) who have made a “nodule survey” of certain parts of that State which shows that nodules are more common in parts of the State which have summer rains than in those where the rainy season occurs in the winter.* Large numbers of Tabanids have been examined at Kendall, N.S.W. by trained assistants under the direction of P-ofessors 8. J. Johnston and J. B. Cleland. Out of several thousands of flies dissected, worms were found in three (Cleland 1918, p. 27), but so far an account of these parasites has not been published. In 1914, Mr. Henry Tryon (Ann. Rep. Dept. Agric. Queensland 1914, p. 116) suggested the possibility that tha larval worms (Habronema sp.) which infest the cattle fly, Musca vetustissima, might represent a stage in the life history of ‘‘ Spiroptera (Onchocerca) gibsoni.”” Mr. Tryon informed us that he had some years previously mentioned the presence of these worms to several individuals interested in helmin- thology. We now know that the parasites in question are larval stages of Habronema musce and H. megastoma. Cleland stated in 1914 that Onchocerca larve were not found alive in the alimentary canal of Muscavetustissima 24 hours after ingestion. A further attempt to follow out the life history of O. gibsoni was made during the period November, 1918, to January, 1920. Lines of work were indicated firstly by the prevalent idea that the intermediary was a Tabanid, and secondly by the suggestion of Dr. Bancroft that the intermediary was to be found among the non-blood-sucking flies living in association with. cattle, eg., M. fergusoni (Johnston and Bancroft, 1919). *Robles (Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 12, 1919, p. 442) believes that certain species of Simulium are transmitters of O. cecutiens, a human Onchocerca related to O. volvulus, and recently described by Brumpt (Bull. Soc. Path. Exot. 12, pp. 464-473). Cc 34 EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA. The work of Breinl and Nicoll has shewn that the larve can penetrate both the capsule of the nodule and also the skin of the beast. It is also possible that the larve may travel in the lymphatics and reach a surface where the skin is tender, ¢e.g., round the lips and eyes. If this were the case, their ingestion by certain non-blood-sucking flies would be very probable, since such are commonly to be found round these mucous surfaces. Re-inoculation of the beast would occur by the escape of the larve from the fly, while the latter was feeding at a mucous surface. The investigation centred on the one hand round Tabanus circumdatus, the commonest Tabanid of the dis- trict, and on the other around Musca fergusoni and, to a less extent, WV. vetustissima, M. terrereginew, and a small black Fannia sp. The method of procedure was as follows :— (1) Attempt to infect flies by feeding them on fresh nodules. (2) Examination of wild flies, Only the latter method yielded at all interesting results, the former being consistently negative. Although the inyestigation failed in its main object there has been collected @ certain amount of information in regard to the helminth parasites of the flies dealt with. Among the Tabanidz of the Eidsvold district (Upper Burnett River, Queensland), specimens of the following species have been taken from time to time by Dr. T.. L. Bancroft, some of the identifications being made by E.. Austen, of the British Museum, and by F. H. Taylor, formerly of the Townsville Tropical Institute, but for most of them we are indebted to Dr. E. W. Ferguson, of the Bureau of Microbiology, Sydney, who has undertaken to work out the various species. There are at least 26 Tabanids, 19 belong- ing to Tabanus (12 named and 7 not fully identified), three to Silvius, three to Pangonia and oné to Erephopsis. Erephopsis qguttata Donovan Pangonia auriflua Donovan bancrofti Austin ( Erephopsis bancrofti Taylor) concolor Walker ’? BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 5G *Silvins australis Ricardo ‘ notatus Ricardo Lanes psarophanes Taylor Tabanus regis-georgii Macquart ~ cyaneus Wied. 5h circumdatus Walker a masterst Taylor ee doddi Taylor 36 parvicallosus Ricardo 3g duplonotatus Ricardo 3; oculatus Ricardo eeu tys rufinotatus Bigot oe dubiosus Ricardo 40 eidsvoldensis Taylor are australicus Taylor at Ee hacker’ Taylor ea F535 sp. near laticallosus, probably JT. batchelori Taylor A ae sp.? aa Waltert Taylor Ss sp. noy. Therioplectes group near 7. edentulus Macq. as pallipennis Macq. During the period November, 1918, to January, 1920, only the following species were taken, 7. circumdatus, T. dubiosus, T'. cyaneus. T. mastersi and T. «australicus. The first named was the only species at all plentiful and then only during March and April, 1919. A few specimens were taken in May, 1919, after wnich no more were seen until October. During the later months of 1919, and the beginning of 1920, they remained extremely scarce, prob- ably owing to the severe drought. TJ. circuwmdatus was found to be most plentiful in country thickly timbered with wattle and in the vicinity of scrubs even though several miles away from permanent water; the two striped Tabanids, 7. masterst and T. australicus were usually taken along the river. Many attempts were made to discover the breeding habits of these Tabanids but the few larvee discov- ered in the muddy sand at the edge of the river water have so far vielded only uncommon species of Tabanus and Silvius. Captured Tabanids were kept in captivity and fed on nodules when the latter were obtainable. The flies were fed on honey and water, dates (when procurable) and raisins. They usually lived well on this food and one *Those species marked thus were identified for us by Dr. E, W-. Ferguson. 36 EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA. was kept alive for thirty days, so that blood is not necessary to sustain life, though it may be for the production of fertile ova. Although all the flies dissected were females, very few were found to contain ripe ova and then usually only one ripe ovum was seen in each ovary in spite of the very large number of follicles present. Arrempts to INFECT TABANIDS ARTIFICIALLY. 1. On November 30th, 1918, seven 7’. circumdatus and five striped tabanids 7. mastersi and T. australicus, were given access to fresh nodules. These flies were examined at intervals of from two to four days but no development had occurred. 2. On December 30th, 1918, 20 7. circwmdatus were fed on a fresh nodule. These were dissected at intervals _of from one to ten days but no development had taken place. In one a living larva was found in the intestine one day after feeding, but in all other cases when found they were dead. 3. On April 4th, 1919, fifteen 7. carcumdatus were fed on a nodule. These were examined at intervals of from one to eight days, but no development had occurred. In one examined one day after feeding there were numerous fairly large filarial embryos encysted in the fat body. 4. On May 16th, 1919, one 7. circumdatus was fed -on a nodule. It died next day but no live embryos were seen. 5. On January 8th, 1919, two T. dubiosus were fed -on a worm nodule. On dissection after two and three days respectively, no embryos were seen. Total 43 7. circumdatus. . 5 Striped Tabanids (7. mastersi and T. australicus). 2 T. dubiosus. Cleland, Dodd and McEachran (1917) failed to infect ~ calves, using Tabanus regis-georgii, Diatomineura inflata and Silvius sp., also the mosquitoes Culicelsa vigilax and Stego- myta atripes. Hill, McEachran and Dickinson did not detect larvee in cattle ticks (Boophilus australis); Lyperosia exigua, Stomoxys calcitrans ; Tabanus mas erst and 7. nigritarsus ; and the mosquitoes Myzorhynchus bancrofti, Culicelsa BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 37 vigslax, Chrysoconops acer, Culex sttsens, Pseudoskusea basalis and Teniorhynchus umformis (1917). RESULT OF EFFORTS TO INFECT J. fergusons, M. vetusitssima, M. terre-regine AND THE SMALL BLACK Fannia WITH Onchocerca gibsoni. The method followed was to allow the caged flies to suck the juices from a freshly cut live worm nodule obtained as soon as possible after the slaughter of the bullock. The above species of flies which fed very eagerly on nodules were killed at varying intervals for dissection. In the case of WM. fergusont and M. vetustissima it was noticed that only a few flies out of each batch actually ingested the embryos in any quantity. Dead embryos were found in an undigested state in flies up to the 6th day after feeding. Living embryos were once found in a fly one day after feeding. In the case of the small black Fanma, on the other hand,embryos were ingested by the majority of flies in one batch experimented with, many remaining undigested, chiefly in the crop, for as long as 14 days after feeding. On another occasion undigested embryos were found in a fly of this species 16 days atter feeding. In all cases, however, the embryos were dead In no case was there any suggestion of development of the Onchocerca embryos within the fly, and, as far as these experiments go, they do not indicate any of the above flies as carriers of the parasite. It must be remembered, however, that the method of allowing flies to feed on an opened nodule is totally unnatural, since the majority of the embryos obtained in this way are liberated from the uterus of the female by the act of cutting and may not be in a fit state to commence development in the intermediate host. In nature the embryos in their passage from the parent to the exterior—however this may be accomplished —may become, asit were, strengthened and fitted to begin their cycle in the invertebrate host. Our results are given for convenience in tabular form. The number of flies dissected out of each batch, whether captured or bred in the laboratory, and the number of days which were allowed to elapse before dissection are indicated. Other parasites present are noted under ‘* Remarks.”’ 38 EXPERIMENTS WITH CERTAIN DIPTERA, an M. fergusons. Ki No. | of | No | experi-| of | ment. flies, 1 1] 2 | 95 3 ) 12 4 | 2 5 94 | 6 | 54 (| PX 8 | 69 | 9 5 Total /313 No. of days Bred or iafter feeding Captured. when dissected. captured ..| 2— 4 days 99 ee ..| 2-10 days bred cowdung | 3 days 16 captured ..| 3- 7 days 5 bred cowdung | captured .| 1-15 days bs ome ..| 1- 8 days bred cowdung: 3-14 days bred cowdung l- 5 days captured Sale! days | flies Remarks. No Onchocerca embryos seen Habronema in one, Half digested Onchocerca embryos seen in one fly on 3rd day. Agamospirura muscarum m 5: Habronema in one. No Onchocerea seen. No Onchocerea seen, Agamospirura muscarum in one captured fly. No Onchocerca seen, A. muscarum seen in 2 flies’ dissected on llth day. A large number of dead but undigested Onchocerca embryos seen in intestine of several flies dissected’ 1-6 days after feeding. Habronema spp. present in 5; A. muscarum im one and BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M J. BANCROFT. 65 Soon after the appearance of Hill’s work, Bull (1919) published an important contribution to the study of habronemiasis, in which he dealt briefly with the larvee of the three species in the fly hosts just referred to, his paper being’ mainly concerned, however, with a study of the granulomata found in horses and also of the nematode associated with the condition. Contemporaneous work has then been in progress in at least three Australian centres, viz., by Bull in Adelaide,- Hill in Meibourne, and ourselves at Eidsvold, Queensland. We have confined our study to the larval stages and their relation to domestic and native flies. Of these the most important are the house flv, Musca domestica, and the two flies which especially molest stock in Queensland, viz., Musca vetustissima Walker and Musca fergusoni Johnston and Bancroft. The latter was previously known in literature as M. australis Macquart, but we have lately redescribed the insect as M. fergusoni, since the specific name was preoccupied (Johnston and Bancroft, 1919). Ransom worked with one species of fly (MW. domestica) and one species of Habronema. Both Bull and Hill employed two species of flies (IJ. domestica and S. calcitrans), and three of Habronema, but dealt almost entirely with artificially-infected material. We have _ utilised nine distinct species of flies—eight belonging to the Muscide, and one to the Sarcophagide—and three of Habronema, our work showing that no less than six Muscids and one Sarcophagid species can harbour both H. musce and H. megastoma : that one Muscid (a blowfly) can become infected with Habronema sp. indet. ; and that the remaining Muscid can become parasitised by H. microstoma The characters of the larval worms have been so carefully described and illustrated by Ransom and by Hill that there is no need for repetition by us. Hill’s LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. llimetres (range and average) of mature larve. v = . 5 5 In'the following table we give a list of our measurements figures are inserted for purposes of comparison :—_ in mi - €80°-9F0° 980°-990° | G&1°—-GOL” c6L°—099° ELO*—9F0° | G18‘ 1-009" (suourtoeds 9) OcO* C6'T ‘uoumtoedg ouRgslig ‘(uouttoods 1) somnstf 8 {YH somnsty 8 [TH DULOJSOLIVUA * FT uietatoeds | C61 ‘suotutoedg L Jo opri0Ay Uo sphaU * FT | 6F0°-9F0° 680°—G80° OF —cEl OL6°—0&8° 990°—-6F0" ——_——<$— 1¥9°S- 8S (suotutoods 9) somndsty 81TH uottoeds T ed L60° 961° 8E°G ‘suouttoodg g JO oRIOAY “DOsnul * FT xuAreyd jo IQ5u0T [req Jo dy woay snuy ‘+ SUIT 9ATIOU 0} YANO snseydosa yo aseq 0} YQno]y (snseydosao jo oseq qe ypeorg yqoue] BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT 65 We have found the following ratio (expressed as a per- centage) to be a useful and ready means for identifying the larve of the three species, viz., the ratio which the distance from the mouth to the base of the cesophagus bears to the total body length. The average percentages -are about 37 in the case of H. musce, 28 tor H. megastoma, and 42 (38-44) for H. microstoma (based on Hill’s figures). Previous observers do not appear to have noted the presence of well-marked annulations on the anterior region -of many fully-developed larve of H. megastoma, AH. musce, and H. microstoma. Musca DOMESTICA qs an intermediary of H. Musc® and H. MEGASTOMA, Examination of captured flies. Flies were captured on several occasions in Eidsvold in stables where race-horses were kept. Only the one species, MW. domestica, was represented in the collection from this situation. Of 122 flies so caught, 10 were found to be infected with Habronema ; in one case no record of -species was kept; H. musce occurred alone 8 times ; while H. musce and H. meygastoma were present together once. Of 8 flies captured away from stables none were infected. Both sexes were present in the _ parasitised material. eee Infection. ele | = $ : i= 2 Dat aks |-2]4|8) 2 2! Pen ate, ols s/21s/s i155) vemarks. Oilie| ll © & Oo] o]| =| 17 |S lo SS S|) Po ae ie ae -— | 3 | 3 |) Small, encysted. | | |(20) || -|- - 4 4 || Small, encysted. | (21) || = | — | —| 1] 1 || Very small, encysted. | |(22) |} -| - | — | 1 | 1 || Very small, encysted. | | |(23) | — | — | 3 | 15, 18) Very small, encysted. | | |(24) || —|-|- | 4 | 4 || Very small, encysted. (25) || — | —|2)-— | 2 | H. megastoma. September | 328) 0 | 15th, 1919 | ! —December | 3rd. 1919 } January 3 | 20| 1/(26) | - 3 | - | -—| 3 || H. megastoma. January | | | 12th, 1920 | Naat 1 ao —-) 1176 26) ‘104 A record of the localities in which the flies were- captured was made, but as all places appeared equally infected the record is not given here. difference in regard to the infection of the two sexes. Bred flies—M. ferqusoni (Hidsvold). M. fergusoni when bred on intected material becomes very heavily parasitised by Habronema. There was no obvious 70 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. Experiment J.—During May-June, 1919, two larve and nine pupe of M. fergusoni bred on dung of horse * 8,” on examination were all found to be infected with Habronema. Owing to the small size of the embryos, very few could be found in the larve and very young pupe, but in older pupz considerable numbers of the parasite were noticed. In one pupa 35 days old, 32 worms were present in the head, 29 in the thorax and 30 in the abdomen, making a total of 91 worms in the whole insect (figs. 5-7). Experiment II.—During June-July, 1919, a few larve collected in cow dung were transferred to horse dung otf unknown origin ; eight flies which emerged were used to test the escape of Habronema from flies. The result of dissection after death is given. j | No of worms found in Now lp waar eae) Sail Sh eels Date. Of 9 || a2) Sa || = Remarks. flies Hi ner) co 6 | US Oe) 2 gel es Tn Pas ie 16/6/19 | 1 8 - | ll 25 44 | Both species present. 21/6/19 | 1 11 - | 16 50 77 | Both species present. 22/6/19 | 1 - — | 35 40 | 75 | Both species present. 95/6/19 | |) = — | 40 38 | 78 | Both species present. 25/6/19)| bello 6 —- | 20 50 76 | Both species present. 26/6/19 | 1 IOs it ess hy)" BO 65 | Both species present. 30/6/19 | 1 19 6 14 7 46 | Both species present. H. megastoma pre- dominating. 4/7/19 1 |) 22 2 2 - 26 | Both species present. H. megastoma pre- | | dominating. Total worms, 487 ; average per fly, 61. Experiment \JJ.—During July-August afew larve were collected and transferred to horse dung in the same manner as in Experiment Il. Some of these larve were almost full grown at the time of transference. Of 14 flies which were examined 13 were found to be infected with Habronema, both species being present. The numbers ranged from 18 to 46 in those in which a complete count was made. In one 27 worms occurred in the head, 10 in the proboscis, BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. rq six in the thorax and three in the abdomen, making a total of 46, of which 42 were H. megastoma and H. musce. Experiment 1V.—During September, 1919, a few larve found in cow dung were collected and transferred to horse dung as in the two preceding experiments. Seven flies were examined, all proving to be fairly heavily infected with Habronema of both species. Experiment V.—Seventeen pupz and one fly bred in horse dung from various sources were examined, one fly and one pupa were uninfected ; the remaining pupz were ‘infected with from 20 to 60 Habronema. TOTALS. Experiment I. 2 larve bred wholly on infected 11 infected 9 pupe horse dung Experiment II. 8 flies bred partly on infected 8 infected horse dung Experiment III. 14 flies bred partly on infected 13 infected horse dung Experiment IV. 7 flies bred partly on infected 7 infected horse dung Experiment V. 17 pupe \ bred on horse dung 16 infected Lily ff Thus out of 58 specimens of WW. fergusoni, no less than -55 (95 per cent.) became infected when given the oppor- ‘tunity. IJ.—Musca verustissmma Walker. Captured flies (Eidsvold). Specimens of this fly were captured in the same manner as those of MW. fergusont. The species, though common in the Eidsvold district during the late spring, summer and autumn, was very scarce throughout the winter and early spring. MW. fergusoni, on the other hand, was plentiful throughout the year with the exception of a few weeks ‘in the middle of winter (July-August, 1919). Of 280 specimens dissected, 14 were found to harbour Habronema, 1%.e., 5 per cent. In seven cases no record -of the particular species was kept; in three cases the ‘worms were too small for identification ; of the remaining four cases, H. musce occurred alone twice, H. megastoma 12 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. alone once, and both species were present in one fly. The- number of worms ranged from one to about 25.* Details of infection :— No ; of Worms : found in aS Aa = Date. = p= |e | | oie 3 Remarks. slot (size ale Ae ml’ |=| 8 | | Ay | B | 1g at Mee | a Ale ie 21 H. musce, 1 H. megastoma > m j|2/ —/; 2) —-|| 4° all #. megastoma ne f ah ieee ——elle Mee — 1, H. musce a f |2) -, 4| —|| 6:3 H. musce,3 H. megastoma x MHA) Dell pe) 1 | H. musce - f ||—| =| 2] =|) 2) A. musce +A f pe Sse be ee 1 A. musce . |f 3) -—| -—| -]) 3] All Z. musce ai f #1! —| —| 1] 21 All A. musce a Eyl =| =] = 1 , All H. musce Up to 10 | | days els Sea al 3 | All H. muscee 5 = —| 6} I} 7, 5 FH. musce, 2 H. megastoma =. } f 5 1) -| 6! All H. musce i my sas SP 2 | 8 | 5 H. musce,3 H. megastoma ut es Te 9 | 7 H. musce, 2 H. megastoma A f 1} -| -| - 1 | H. musce Fe f Dray = 2 | H. musce a m 3 =| = 3 | 2 H. musce,1 H. megastoma * Lea SHLS3 alfa hale ay 3 | All H. musce | 78 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. 1X.—The stable fly, STOMOXYS CALCITRANS Geoff, Both Hill and Bull have shown that this fly is apparently the normal transmitter of H. microstoma, but they have: pointed out that the parasite may at times undergo: abnormal development in Musca domestica. They, moreover, failed to infest Stomoxys with either H. musce or H. megastoma. Hill (p. 32), in one of his experiments in which he examined five pup# and 16 adult Stomozys, all infected, found them to contain from 4 to 50 larval. H. microstoma, the average being about 25. He mentioned having obtained as many as 60 in one fly, 35 being in the proboscis and head, and 25 in the thorax and abdomen (p. 33). Linstow (1875) discovered larve in the heads of two out of 41 stable flies examined by him. His figures. and measurements of Filaria stomoxeos from this host- species agree sufficiently with those given by Hill for the arve of H. microstoma for one to assume that the names- are Synonymous. Hill examined 63 captured Stomoxys, finding only— one infected, this containing only one larval Habronema. Ten pup and 12 larve were collected and examined with negative results. Both Hill and Bull, however, reported that experimental infection of the stable fly with H. microstoma was very readily brought about. Graham- Smith (1914, p. 241) found Stomoxys infected naturally at Cambridge, England, the percentage ranging from four in 1908 to 13 in 1910. The parasite was regarded as being probably H. musce. As Stomoxys was very scarce in the Eidsvold district. we were not able to carry out any experiments with it,. and had to content ourselves with examining only 18 specimens (June, July, 1919), none of which were found to harbour larve. We might mention that we did not observe in any of the flies examined there, any Habronema resembling the larval stages of H. microstoma. We have recently (February, 1920) examined four specimens of the fly bred out from horse dung collected in Brisbane, and have found two infected, one containing in its proboscis six worms, and the other only one, all of which agree with the description given by Hill for BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 79 H. microstoma. The measurements of one of our specimens are given in the table early in this paper, Musca domestica, M, mills and M. terre-regine bred out from the same material were not parasitised by this species, but by both of the others (H. musce ana H. megastoma). X.—The buffalo fly Lyprrosia Exiava Meij. We regard it as highly probable that Lyperosia exigua, the buffalo fly, whose habits have been studied by Hill (P.L.8., N.S.W. 41, 1916, p. 763-8) acts as a carrier of Habronema in the Northern Territory. It breeds in horse dung and readily attacks horses, much in the same way that its relative Stomoxys does. It would be of interest to test this fly experimentally as a possible carrier of Habronema spp., especially. H. microstoma. Its breeding habits and its relation to horses and ‘fly sores”’ on these animals, suggest that it may also be concerned in causing ‘“cutaneous habronemiasis ’’ or swamp cancer (see later). Escape of the larve from infected flies. Ransom (p. 15) found an active larva in moisture in a jar in which flies (M. domestica) had been confined since the previous day, but as many of the flies were dead, it was not known whether escape occurred before or after the death of the host, or whether the host had suffered: injury which allowed the worm to gain its liberty. ‘* The escape of larve from flies into water or into moist material liable to be ingested by horses is a possible mode by which infection of the final host may occur, but the fact that the worms, so far as observed, are unable to live more than a few days outside the body of a host goes to prove that this is not a normal occurrence in their life history. The fact that the proboscis is a favourite location of the larval worms suggests that they may abandon their intermediate host in some such manner as Filaria larve abandon the mosquito. It is conceivable that they might escape through a slight rupture of the proboscis occurring at a moment when the fly was sucking moisture from the mucous membrane of a horse’s lips, after which they could readily reach their final location in the stomach. As yet, however, no evidence of such an _ occurrence has been 30 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. obtained.”” He believed the accidental swallowing of living or dead infested flies was the means by which horses became infected with H. musce (p. 15, 23). Bull (1916, p. 193) in discussing Habronema larve as the causative agents of certain granulomata of equines, stated that it seemed certain that they were introduced by a biting fly, and suggested Stomoays as a possible vector. The larve found in the granulomata in Australia and in the ‘‘ summer sores’ elsewhere showed the characteristics of the last larval stage occurring in flies. They would be accidentally inoculated in such cases during the feeding operations of the fly. Lewis and Seddon (1918, p. 92) in dealing with habronemic conjunctivitis of horses in Victoria, referred to the possible infection of the eye by Habronema larve deposited accidentally by some species of fly. Hill failed to bring about the escape of larve from living and dead flies (p. 20, 34) by using moisture and also saline solution. He stated his opinion that the accidental ingestion of both living and dead infected flies provided the normal means by which the larva found its way to the horse’s stomach, there to be liberated by digestive agencies; in other words, he supported Ransom’s con- tentions. He mentioned, however (p. 63), that ne had not come across any flies in the 39 horses’ stomachs examined, though in 37 at least one species of Habronema was present. He found that heavily-infected Stomorys flies were not able to puncture a horse’s skin. Bull (1919, pp. 98, 100, 102) endeavoured, by using sugar solution, to ascertain how the larve of the three species escape from their hosts. Though a few larve were liberated, he did not know whether they came from living or dead flies, or whether there had been any injury to the ' proboscis as a result of handling. From dead flies placed in saline solution, larve were obtained. He found that worms could live in saline or in horse serum for 48 or even 72 hours, and for several days in the bodies of dead flies, if loss of moisture were prevented.* The escape from the *Our experience in respect to these facts was similar. ~ BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 81 proboscis was found to depend upon the rupture of some portion of the organ, this apparently depending upon the pressure exerted by the larve, such. pressure being dependent on the number and activity of the worms present (p. 103). He showed that under certain experimental conditions, the larve could set up granulomata in the horse. In order to ascertain whether the worms could escape from living flies ave carried out some tests which were suggested to us by observation of the habit of these flies, especially M. australis and M. vetustissima, in frequenting the mouths and eyes of stock. Escape of Habronema from M. fergusoni. A few M. fergusoni bred partly on cow dung and partly on infected horse dung, and emerging from 18th to 23rd May, 1919, were placed in a cage and fed on drops of warm meat juice in a well-slide, the meat juice being obtained by teasing up a small piece of raw beef in a little water. The flies were also fed occasionally on honey and water. On May 18th 4 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 19th 4 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 20th 7 flies present .. .. 4 H. musce escaped On May 21st 5 flies present .. .. 13 H. musce escaped On May 22nd 4 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 23rd 5 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 24th 5 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 26th 2 flies present .. .. No Habronema escaped On May 27th 2 flies present .. .. 1 H. musce escaped. One of the two surviving flies lived for three days, and the other for seven days longer, but no more Habronema escaped. On 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th May, warm gravy from cooked beef was used instead of raw meat juice. The total number of flies used in this experiment was (ight, while the total number of H. musce escaping was 18. The escaping worms showed intense activity, as was also the case in succeeding experiments where warm human saliva was used instead of meat juice. Escape of Habronema from M. vetustissima. Experiment I.—On November 2¢th, 1919, about 18 M. vetustissima bred on infected material were placed in a F. 82 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA, cage and fed on moistened raisins. They were offered warm human saliva in a welled slide daily without result until November 28th, when two H. musce escaped, only two flies being alive on this date, though they died during the day. All these flies were heavily infected with Habronema, over 80 being counted in one fly. No specimens of H. megastoma were identified in this batch. Experiment Il.—On November 30th, six WM. vetustissima were placed in a cage and treated in the same manner as in Experiment J. On Ist December, one H. muscte escaped into warm human saliva. These flies also died off rapidly, and no more nematodesescaped. All flies were heavily infected with Habronema, both species being present. Experiment I11.—From 10th to 12th December about twelve M. vetustissima bred on infected material were placed in a cage. On December 13th, five flies were alive, and during the day a total of 49 Habronema (chiefly, H. musce) escaped into warm human saliva. On December 14th, all the flies were dead. Escape of Habronema from M. domestica. Experiment I.—On 13th and 14th January, 1920 about ~20 house flies bred on infected horse dung were placed in a cage and fed on moistened raisins. A drop of human saliva in a well-slide was placed in the cage on a slab of stone which had been previously warmed to about 40°C. The slide was withdrawn and examined from time to time, more saliva being added and the slab of the stone heated again. It happened occasionally that the saliva dried up in the well-slide before examination, and when this occurred it was difficult to determine the species of any which might have escaped, such worms Leing recorded merely as Habronema. The total number of nematodes. escaping each day is given :— . January 14th .. none escaped January 15th .. 2 H. musce and 1 Habronema sp. escaped January 17th .. 7 H. musce and 2 Habronema sp. escaped January 19th .. 10 Habronema sp. escaped January 20th .. 24 H. musce escaped January 2lst .. 5 H. musce escaped January 22nd .. none escaped January 23rd .. none escaped Total number of Habronema 51. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 83 Experiment II.—On January 15th, 1920, about 300 house flies bred on infected material were placed in a cage and the same routine followed as in Experiment [. On January 16th .. 11 Habronema escaped On January 17th .. 3 H. musce escaped On January 19th .. 1 H. musce escaped. On January 20th .. 8 H. musce, 1 H. megastoma escaped Total number of Habronema 24. Total number which escaped in the two experiments 75. These observations lead us to the opinion that when the larve have reached their final stage in the fly, they naturally make their escape from the proboscis by rupturing it when the fly alights around the horse’s mouth, moist with saliva. The worms are then readily transferred to the stomach with the saliva and proceed with their develop- ment. We are of opinion that the larvze will also be similarly liberated when the fly comes into contact with a suitable surface, e.g., the conjunctiva, where they may set up habronemic conjunctivitis; any abrasion or sore, where they could cause a granuloma; or they may reinfect a granuloma and such would afford an explanation of cases referred to by Bull, where parasites of different ages were found. The wound made by one fly, e.g., a biting fly, serves as an attraction for other flies, especially Stomozys calcitrans, M. fergusoni and M. vetustissima (see Johnston and Bancroft, 1919), and may become infected with Habronema larve. Of course, all which fail to reach the mouth are doomed to destruction. It seems to us probable that in Australia the chief transmitter of Habronema, whether H. musce or H. megastoma, is Musca vetustissima, whose habits are so closely associated with cattle. This species has a very wide range, embracing the whole continent, being not only the common “bush fly,’ but one which invades the towns and cities where it is commonly met with out of doors (Johnston and Bancroft, 1919). Our observations show that it becomes readily and heavily infected with Habronema when the opportunity occurs. The larger specics, MW. fergusoni, is also, no doubt, a very important 84 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. disseminator, but, though its habits are somewhat similar, its range is restricted to the more northerly parts of Australia. In Queensland, as far south as the Burnett River, it appears to be the commoner species. Though met with occasionally in the Brisbane district, the common outdoor Muscid fly there is M. vetustissima. M. domestica is essentially a house fly, i.e., it is in close association with man, houses and stables, and occurs especially indoors. The other two are, as already stated, outdoor species. In discussing ‘“‘ swamp cancer”? of horses in the Northern Territory, which Bull (1916; 1919) regards as a form of habronemiasis in opposition to the view held by Lewis (1914) and Seddon (1918), Bull mentioned the possibility of the condition being due to any one of the three species of Habronema (Bull, 1919, p. 120). He went on to say that evidence was not in favour of either H. musce or H. megastoma being the cause since they passed through their larval stages in M. domestica, a fly which was not usually found far afield. He believed (p. 121) that H. microstoma was much more likely to be the cause since its intermediate host, Stomoxys calcitrans, possessed a wider range. He thought it possible that swamp cancer might be due to other species of Habronema carried by some other Muscid, e.g., M. vetustissima, but that if this be responsible then one would expect to find lesions in the conjunctiva. Perhaps the discovery that the two widely distributed ‘‘ bush flies’ can carry infection may assist in elucidating the problem of swamp cancer. Both of these flies (as do also M. terre-regine and M. hillt) frequent injured surfaces, and will visit the puncture made by a blood-sucking fly. In the serum, worm larve could Le deposited from an infected fly and thus a granuloma Le initiated while frequent reinfection would lead to extensive tissue alterations. Bull (1919, p. 131) mentioned that the microscopic picture of ‘‘ swamp cancer ’’ which is present in 75 per cent. of horses in the Solomon Islands was very like that described as occurring in habronemic granulomata in Australia, larve, apparently of different.ages, being seen in the tissues. We might state that one of the flies with BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 809 which we worked, M. fergusoni, is almost certainly identical with M. australis Macquart (non Boisduyal), a type locality for which is the Solomon Islands. It would be of interest to know whether a similar condition is met with in Fijian horses, as Fiji is another locality where, according to Macquart, M. australis occurs. Patton and Cragg (1913, p. 345) mention that in Madras, Musca nebulo is frequently infected with larve of an Oxyuris (? O. curvula) from horses, these worms being ingested while the fly is a larva. Infected flies are said to soon die, being unable to feed owing to the proboscis becoming rigid on account of the large number of mature worms present. The short account suggests that the worms are Habronema spp. H. musce is known to occur in flies in Bombay. We have not had an opportunity to test whether M. fergusont, or M. vetustissima, can become infected with Habronema microstoma. SUMMARY. 1. Various flies, both native and introduced, are capable of acting (in Queensland) as transmitters of one or more of the three species of Habronema infesting the stomach of horses. 2. H. musce and H. megastoma may be transmitted by the Muscids, Musca domestica, M. vetustissima, M. fergusoni, M. terre-regine, M. hilli, and Pseudopyrellia (cobalt blue sp.)—also by Sarcophaga misera ; no doubt by other Sarcophaga spp. also. 3. Anastellorhina augu. can become infected with Habronema ; probably other blow flies with similar habits could also. They are not, apparently, normal transmitters of the parasites. 4. H. microstoma undergoes its larval development in Stomoxys calcitrans and not in M. domestica. We have not specially tested any of the other flies as possible transmitters of the parasite. Lyperosia exigua is suggested as an intermediate host for this species. 5. Habronema spp. can make their escape from infected flies into saliva. This is apparently the normal mode. Thus horses become infected by larve escaping from parasitised flies settling on the mouth. LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. 86 — we os SKS SE - >SS SSS — - BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 87 TEXT-FIGURES. 1. Mature larva of Habronema musce (glycerin preparation) from bred flies. 2. Mature larva of Habronema megastoma (glycerine preparation) from bred flies. The succeeding figures were drawn from specimens in saline solution 3. Young stage of Habronema from captured Musca fergusont. 4. Young stage of Habronema found in a M. fergusont which was bred in cow dung, and, after emergence [as an imago, was fed on infected horse manure. 5. Habronema embryo from a M. fergusoni larva—not more than 2 days in larva. 6. Habronema embryo from a M. fergusont pupa,—not more than 9 days in larva and pupa. 7. Habronema embryo from WM. fergusont pupa,—not more than 14 days in larva and pupa. Figs. 1 and 2 are to the same scale ; figs. 3 to 7 are to the same scale (shown beside fig. 4). REFERENCES TO LETTERING. a., anus; a.o., anal operculum; 06.w., body wall; 1., intestine ; 4.7., rudiment of intestine; w.7., nerve ring; oes., cesophagus; ph, pharynx. LITERATURE. 1916—Bull, L. B. A granulomatous affection of the horse, Habionemic granulomata, Journ. Comp. Path. Therap. 29 (3), 1916, pp. 187-199. 1919—Bull, L. B. A contribution to the study of Habronemiasis, ete. Pr. Roy. Soc. S. Austr. 43, pp. 85-141. 1914—Graham-Smith, G.S. Fliesin relation to disease, Non-bloodsucking flies. Cambr. Univ. Press, 1914. 1918—Hill, G. F. Relationship of insects to parasitic diseases in stock. Part I. The life history of Habronema musce, H. microstoma and H. megastoma. P.R.S. Vict., 31 (1), Dec. 1918, pp.. 11-76. 1912—Johnston, T. H. Notes on some entozoa, P.R.S., Q’land, 24, 1912, pp. 63-91. 1916—Johnston, T. H. A census of the endoparasites recorded as occurring in Queensland. P.R.S., Q’land, 28, 1916, pp. 31-79. 1618—Johnston, T. H. Notes on miscellaneous endoparasities. P.R.S. Q’land, 30, 1918, pp. 209-218. 1919—Johnston, T. H. and Bancroft, M. J. The life history of Musca australis Macq. and M. vetustissima Walker. P.R.S, Q’land, 31, 1919, pp. 181-201. 88 LIFE HISTORY OF HABRONEMA. 1920—Johnston, T. H. and Bancroft, M. J. Notes on the biology of some Queensland flies. Mem. Q’land. Museum, 7, 1920. 1874—Leidy, J. On a parasitic worm of the house fly. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 26, 1874, p. 129-140. 1914—Lewis, J. C. Equine granuloma in the Northern Territory of Australia. Journ. Comp. Path Therap. 27, 1914, p. 1. 1918—Lewis, J. C. and Seddon, H. R. Hanronemic conjunctivitis. Jour. Comp. Path. Therap. 31 (2), 1918, pp. 87-$4. 1913—Patton, W. S. and Cragg, F. W. A Text Book of Medica] Entomology. 1911—Ransom, H. B. The life history of a parasitic rematode, Habronema musce. Scieace (N.S.) 34, Nov. 191], pp. 699-2. 1913—Ransom, H. B. The life history of Habronema musce, etc. Bull. 163, B.A.L, U.S.DA., 36 pp. ON THE OCCURRENCE OF CYANOPHORIC GLUCOSIDES IN THE FLOWERS OF SOME PROTEACEAE. By F. Smiru, B.Sc., F.1.C., anp C. T. Wuirts, F.L.S. ( Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 31st May, 1920). In a previous paper! we have already drawn attention to the occurrence of hydrocyanic acid in the flowers of two Proteaceae Grevillea Banksii and Lomatia silaifolia, from the foliage of which it is absent. As fresh material has become available we have further investigated various Proteaceae, especially with a view to determining the dis- tribution of cyanophoric glucosides in the floral members, and the results to be here cited appear to us worthy of notice as being phytochemically new. The following are summarised accounts 0° the reactions with the floral parts of various Proteaceae examined since the publication of our last paper. Grevillea Banksii R. Br. | HCN. Foliage, floral rhachis, pedicels, anthers, hypogynous glands Negative reactions. Petals, ovary, style and stigma, capsules, | Strong positive reactions. seed. Dry capsules (from which the seed had been shed) | Positive reaction. The reaction of the green capsules was especially strong, an amygdalous odour being pronounced when the material was cut up. 90 CYANOPHORIC GLUCOSIDES IN FLOWERS Grevillea robusta A. Cunn., Common Silky Oak of Southern Queensland and New South Wales. Foliage, pedicels, petals, anthers, hypo- gynous glands. Pistil, capsules, seed. Dry capsules (from which the seed had been shed). HCN. Negative reactions. Strong positive reactions. Negative reaction. Hakea saligna Knight. Foliage, capsule, seed Flowers HCN. Negative reactions. Positive reaction. The test being carried out late in the flowering season, only the one with the flowers as a whole was made ; further material for individually testing the different floral members was not available. Lomatia silaifolia R.Br. — SS Ker (a) Foliage leaves, pedicels, petals, hypo- g p I YP gynous glands, capsules, seed. Anthers, pistil. b) Leaves, anicle branches, pedicels, Pp p petals, ovary, hypogynous glands. Anthers, style and stigma (c) Leaves, petals, hypogynous glands. ovary, Anthers, stigma Stigma (with the surface cleaned of pollen). Negative reactions. Strong positive reactions. Negative reactions. Strong positive reactions. Negative reactions. Strong positive reactions. Positive reaction. L. stlaifolia is of special interest owing to the reported properties of the flowers of killing flies.1 7 3 The flower- ing plant has also been suspected as the cause of mortality in calves.* BY F. SMITH AND C. T. WHITE. 91 The material for tests (a) and (b) was collected at Sunny- bank in May and November, 1919, respectively. As some doubt existed as to whether the positive reaction with the pistil was due to the pollen adhering to it, a further test c) was carried out with the stigmatic surface cleaned of pollen with the above results. This last material was collected in the Glass House Mountains district in February, 1920. The anthers of Lomatia flowers are strongly cyan- ogenetic. There is still some doubt in regard to the stigma owing to the difficulty of completely freeing the stigmatic surface of pollen grains, many of which are in a state of germination. The possibility of Lomatia flowers proving dangerous to bees owing to the cyanophoric properties of the pollen seems to us worthy of consideration by entom- ologists and apiarists. Lomatia silaifolia R.Br. var. induta F. v. M. This variety yielded in all its parts reactions identical with those recorded for the normal form. Both foliage and flowers of the following species have been tested with negative results :— Conospermum taxifolium Sm.; Strangea linearis Meissn.; Grevillea Hilliana F.v.M.; Grevillea pinna- tefida Bail; Stenocarpus sinuatus Endl.; Banksia integ- rifola Linn. f.; Buckinghamia celsissima F.v.M. REFERENCES. 1. Smrru, F., & Wuirz, C. T. Proc. Roy. Soc. Q. XXX, 1918, pp. 84-90. 2. Hamitton, A. G. Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., XLII, 1917, p. 20. 3. Mawen, J. H. Agric. Gaz. N.S.W., XXVIII, 1917, p. 30. 4, Waiter, C. T. Queens. Agr. Journ., XII, n.s., 1919, p. 256, pl. 24. NEW OR LIPTLE-KNOWN AUSTRALIAN CRANE- ELIES (IBULIDAE, DIPTERA). By CHartes P. ALEXANDER, PH.D. (Cornell), State Natural History Survey, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A. ( Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, May 28th, " 1920). In a small collection of crane-flies received from Dr.. James F. Illingworth from the vicinity of Cairns, North Queensland, several species of exceptional interest were included. Some of these species were described by Skuse thirty years ago and not recorded in the literature since that time, while a few others had not been discovered in Australia hitherto. Besides the described species a few others proved to be new to science and are discussed here- with. The types of the species are preserved in the collec- tion of the writer. I would express my sincere thanks to Dr. Illingworth for his many kindnesses at this time and in the 4 pas’. Family TIPULIDA. Subfamily Limnobiine. Tribe Limnobiini. Genus DicRANoMy1a Stephens. 1829, Dicranomyia Stephens, Catalogue of British Insects, vol. 2, p. 243. Dicranomyia illingworthi Alexander. 1914, Dicranomyia illingwortht Alexander, Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 7, pp. 239, 240, pl. 34, fig. 1; pl. 35, fig. 7. Two alcoholic females of this species were included in the collection. The fly was described from the Fiji Islands and has not been recorded from Australia. BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 93 The female sex has not been described and one of these specimens is made the allotype. Allotype. — Female, length 7.3-7.5 mm.; _ wing, 6.3 mm. Very similar to the male, differing as follows :— The flagellar segments are more oval, becoming more elongated toward the end of the organ. Legs with the coxe yellow, the bases brown; trochanters dull yellowish brown ; femora yellow with a narrow pale brown ring before tS tip ; tibie dull yellow, the tips narrowly but conspicuously dark brown ; first and second tarsal segments brownish yellow, the tips narrowly dark brown ; last three tarsal segments dark brown ; claws with a large vontk near midlength and a series of smaller denticles nearer the base. Abdomen, brown, the pleural membrane still darker brown. ‘Ovipositor with the tergal valves slender, only slightly ‘upeurved ; sternal valves compressed, almost straight. Allotype, 9, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. . pie worth). Taken at light. Genus Rurprpia Meigen. 1818, Rhipidia Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung, vol. Pe woo. Rhipidia pulchra de Meijere. 1904, Rhipidia pulchra de Meijere, Bijdragen tot de Dierkunde, vol. 17, p. 92, pl. 8, fig. 7. One female taken at light, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918, J. F. Ilingworth. Genus LispNotEs Westwood. 1876, Libnotes Westwood, Transactions of the Entomo- logical Society of London, 1876, p. 505. Libnotes parvistigma, sp.n. Belongs to the familiaris group; antenne pale; head dark ; pronotum and mesonotal prescutum pale brownish yellow with a broad dark brown median stripe ; femora with a narrow dark brown subterminal ring; wings sub- hyaline, the stigma small, dark brown, Sc very long, the basal deflection of Cu, near mid-length of the long cell spo: 94 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Female.—Length 9-10.4 mm. ; wing, 6.6-8.5 mm. The following description is made from alcoholic specimens. Rostrum and palpi dark brown. Antenne pale yellow, the scape and the terminal flagellar segments more brownish. Head dark. Pronotum pale with a broad dark brown median stripe. Mesonotum pale brownish yellow, the prescutum with a dark brown median stripe that is broadest in front, rapidly narrowed to a point at the suture, in front being confluent with the pronotal stripe ; each scutal lobe with a rectangular longitudinal mark; scutellum brown, with an indistinct paler median dividing line; postnotum with a distinct brown median stripe. Pleura yellow with a small brown spot beneath the wing-root. Halteres pale, the knobs large. Legs with the coxe and trochanters pale yellow ; femora brownish yellow with a narrow dark brown ring immediately before the tips; tibie pale brown, the tips indistinctly darkened; tarsi brown. Wings subhyaline, stigma small, dark brown, rounded and sending a short cloud basad along vein FR, ; veins dark brown. Venation : Sc very long, Sc, ending about opposite r-m, Scy far back from the tip of Sc,, nearly opposite the fork of Rs; r at the tip of R,: Rs almost straight, in alignment with the basal deflection of Ry+; which is about . one-half its length ; cell lst MW, long, closed, the basal deflection of Cu, at or beyond the middle of its length. Abdominal tergites brownish yellow, segments one to six with a large brown, roughly triangular area in the centre of each; sternites dull yellow. Ovipositor with the tergal valves very small and slender, the sternal valves much more powerful, compressed, almost straight. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Illing- worth). Paratopotypes, 25 Q’s. From the fact that the type series consisted only of females we may surmise that this material was taken at light. BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 95 Libnotes parvistigma bears a marked resemblance to L. indica (Brunetti) of India, a much smaller fly with dark brown legs, a dark cloud at the origin of the sector and a slightly different venation (Sc. shorter ; basal deflection of Cu, close to the fork of MW). Libnotes pulchripes, sp.n. Antenne dark brown, the flagellar segments oval, moniliform ; fore femora with the tips broadly blackened ; tibie white with a postmedial black ring ; tarsi white ; wings grayish subhyaline, stigma small, dark brown; anal angle of the wing lacking, cell lst 1M. open. Male —Length 5.3-6 mm.; wing, 5.7-5.9 mm. Mouth parts small, pale brown. Antenne dark brown, the segments oval, strongly moniliform. Head pale yellowish brown. Mesonotum pale brownish, the prescutum without apparent stripes. Pleura dull yellow, sparsely pruinose ; a brown mark on the mesosternum between the fore and middle legs. Halteres elongate, brown, the knobs dark brown. Legs with the coxe pale; trochanters brown ; femora yellow, the tips of the fore femora broadly blackened and incrassated; middle femora _ scarcely enlarged or darkened apically; hind femora slightly incrassated and infuscated ; tibize white, immediately before midlength with a conspicuous black ring ; tarsi white, the claws black. Claws long and but slightly curved, simple, the base with about two acute bristles; the last tarsal segment with a few slender setigerous tubercles bearing very long, powerful bristles. Wings grayish subhyaline; stigma small, oval, dark brown ; veins dark brown; wings cuneiformly narrowed at the base, the anal angle lacking. Venation: Sc moderately elongated, Sc; ending some distance beyond the origin of Rs and not far before its fork ; Sc. far from the tip of Sc,, slightly beyond or even proximad of the origin of Rs, Sc, usually being longer than As; Rs almost straight, about in alignment with fy+5; ccll lst M7, open by the atrophy of the outer deflection of 1/3 ; basal deflection of Cu, at the fork of M; 2nd Anal vein sinuous. Abdomen pale brown; hypopygium small. 96 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Habitat.— North Queensland. Holotype, 3, Gordonvale, February, 1918 (J F. Illingworth). Paratopotype, J. The types were from grass. The reference of this curious fly to Libnotes is somewhat provisional but the only other course would be the erection of a new genus. The almost simple claws, the open cell lst M, and the cuneiform wings are aberrant characters in the genus Libnotes. Tribe Antochini. Genus STYRINGOMYIA Loew. 1845, Styringomyia Loew, Dipterologische Beitrage, vol. 1, :, , Styringomyia bancrofti Edwards. 1914, Styringomyia bancrofii Edwards, Transactions of the Entomological Society of London, 1914, pt. 1, p. 222, pl. 23, figs. 44, 45 ; pl. 25, figs. 80, 81. Two fema'es from Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Illingworth). Tribe Eriopterini. Genus ERIOPTERA Meigen. 1803, Erioptera Meigen, Illiger’s Magazin, vol. 2, p. 262. Eriopiera (Hrioptera) angustifascia, sp.n. Antenne pale brown; head dark brown, paler along the inner margin of the eyes ; femora with a broad brownish ring before the tips; wings grayish subhyaline with a narrow brown seam along the cord; &j+43 short, at a marked angle with the end of the sector, r at the fork of R.+ 3. Female.—Length 4.8 mm.; wing, 3.5 mm. The following description is made from an alcoholic specimen. | Rostrum pale brown; palpi dark brown. Antennze pale brown, the segments beyond the sixth broken ; flagellar segments oval. Head dark brown, broadly yellowish adjoining the inner margin of the eyes. Mesonotum brownish yellow without distinct stripes. Pleura brownish yellow. Halteres pale. Legs with the BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 97 coxe and trochanters yellow: femora yellow, before the tips with a broad, indistinct brownish annulus; tibie and tarsi yellowish, the terminal segments of the latter darkened : claws very small. Wings grayish subhyaline : @ narrow brown seam along the cord, extending from r to the fork of M; veins brown. Venation: Sc, ending nearly opposite r, Sco a short distance beyond the origin of Rs: Rs long, almost straight ; R.+ 3 short, about equal to r-m, forming a marked angle with the end of Rs, r at its fork, oblique; cell Ist M. open: 2nd Anal vein strongly sinuous before its end. Abdomen pale brown. Ovipositor with the valves very slender : tergal valves strongly upcurved, the margins smooth. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Iling- worth). Erioptera ( Erioptera) illingwortht, sp.n. Antenne pale brown; legs yellowish, the terminal tarsal segments darkened : wings pale brownish yellow, r inserted on &,. Female.—Lengsth about 5.5 mm.: wing, 4.3 mm. > The following description is made from an alcoholic specimen. Rostrum pale yellowish brown ; palpi brown. Antenne light brown. Eyes rather small, widely separated by the vertex. Head pale brownish yellow. Mesonotum pale brownish yellow, the prascutum without distinct darker stripes. Pleura yellow. Halteres pale. Legs with the coxe and trochanters yellow; re- mainder of the legs yellow with only the terminal segments of the tarsi darkened. Wings pale brownish yellow: veins pale brown. Venation: Sc, ending nearly opposite r, Scg just beyond the origin of Rs; Rs long, straight ; ron R, about its own length beyond the fork of Ro+ 3: cell lst My open; 2nd Anal vein strongly sinuous before its end. Abdomen brownish yellow. Ovipositor with the tergal valves very long and slender, the upward curve almost & semicircle. G- 98 ' AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Ihing- worth). It is with the greatest pleasure that this interesting little Hrioptera is dedicated to its collector, my friend Dr. James F. [llingworth. Genus GONOMYIA Mergen. 1818, Gonomyia Meigen, Systematische Beschreibung, vol. 1, p. 146. Subgenus LEIPONEURA Skuse. 1889 Letponeura Skuse, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. 4 (ser. 2), pp. 795, 796. Gonomyia ( Leiponeura) cairnensis, sp.n. Antenne dark brown, the scape conspicuously light yellow; mesonotal prescutum with three dark brown stripes: pleura yellow, longitudinally striped with dark brown: wings grayish yellow with small brown spots at the tips of Sc, and Ry+ 3; Sc, short with Sco at its tip ; basal deflection of Ay4; long; abdominal tergites brown, ringed caudally with yellow. Male.—Length, 6.6 mm.; wing, 5.7 mm. The following description is made from an alcoholic specimen. Rostrum and palpi dark brown. Antenne with the scape light yellow, the flagellar segments dark brown. Head yellow ; a linear brown mark on the anterior part of the vertex between the eyes. Mesonotal przscutum yellow with three broad dark brown stripes, the long median stripe very indistinctly divided by a capillary pale line ; scutal lobes dark brown, the median area pale with a very indistinct brown median dash: scutellum and postnotum pale, the latter darker behind. Pleura yellow, longitudinally striped with dark brown, the stripe beginning as two narrow brown lines on the propleura, continued caudad, including the extreme base of the fore coxa, passing through the base of the hal- teres and continuing to the abdomen. Mesosternum dark brown, the pale stripe between this mark and the pleural stripe broad and distinct. Halteres pale. Legs with the BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 99 coxe pale, the base of the fore coxe darkened ; trochanters pale ; remainder of the legs broken. Wings with a strong grayish yellow suffusion; stigma oval, slightly darker gray ; a small dark brown spot at the tip of Sc; and another at the tip of R24 3; veins dark brown, deepest along the cord. Venation: Sc short, ending far before the origin of Rs, Scy at the tip of Sc,: the distance on R between Sc, and the origin of Rs is about equal to the basal deflec- tion of Cu, : Rs rather long, strongly angulated at origin ; basal deflection of A,+, long, about equal to 7-m: basal deflection of Cu, just before the fork of WM. Abdominal tergites dark brown, broadly ringed caud- ally with yellow to produce an annulated appearance ; sternites dull yellow, the segments with a very narrow and indistinct brown lateral stripe that is interrupted at the incisures. Male hypopygium with the pleurites rather stout, the inner caudal angle produced caudad into a small blackened chitinized point and a blunt fleshy pro- tuberence that is covered with about 15 short setz ; a single pleural appendage, elongate, flattened, blade-like, the tip obtusely rounded and a little darkened, at the base with a small rounded lobe that is densely covered with short hairs. Outer gonapophyses large, heavily chitinized, bifid, the apical point about three times as large as the subterminal spine. Penis-guard subtended on either side by a slender, curved hook with the subacute tips heavily chitinized. Hahitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 3, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Illing- worth). fronomyia (Levponeura) queenslandica, sp.n. Antenne brown; mesonotum dark brown; pleura brownish yellow. indistinctly marked with brown, wings with a strong grayish brown tinge, vein Sc short, Sco far before the tip of Sc, ; cell lst W, closed. Female.—Length 4.6 mm.; wing, 4mm. The following description is made from an alcoholic specimen. Rostrum pale; palpi short, dark brown. Antenne dark brown, the first scapal segment paler. Head dark ; vertex protuberent, 100 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Pronotum pale. Mesonotal prescutum dark brown, the lateral margins and humeral angles paler. Pleura brownish yellow, indistinctly marked with brown. Hal- teres pale, the knobs a trifle darker. Legs with the cox brownish on their outer faces : trochanters pale brown ; remainder of the legs pale brown. Wings with a strong grayish brown suffusion : stigma indistinctly darker ; veins brown. Venation: Sc short, Sc, ending far before the origin of Rs, this distance nearly equal to the length of Rs alone ; Scy far removed from the tip of Sc,, Sc, alone being longer than Rs: Rs short, strongly arcuated at its origin ; basal deflection of ki+° very short, subpunctiform ; veins Rots and k,+, strongly divergent; basal deflection of ” Cu, a short distance before the fork of M. Abdominal tergites dark brown; sternites yellow. Ovipositor with the tergal valves slender, acute, slightly upcurved. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Llling- worth). Gonomyia queenslandica is closest to G. brevwena (Skuse) but Sco is not at the tip of Sc, and cell lst M2 is scarcely one-half the length of cell 2ndM/ >. (second posterior). Genus Conosia van der Wulp. 1880, Conosia van der Wulp, Tijdschrift voor Entomologie, vol. 23, p. 159, pl. 10, figs. 5-7. Conosta trrorata (Wiedemann). 1828, Limnobia irrorata Wiedemann, Aussereuropiische zweifl. Insekten, vol. 1, p. 574, A female specimen, taken at Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F. Illingworth). Tribe Limnophilini. Genus LEcHRIA Skuse. 1889, Lechria Skuse, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. 4 (ser. 2), pp. 830, 831. The genus Lechria is a very isolated group that has been referred almost without question to the tribe Eriopterini although the fact that the insects possessed tibial spurs BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. CODE has been pointed out by several writers. De Meijere was the first to remove the genus from the Eriopterini to the Limnophilini, to where it runs by means of the existing keys, but it seems very possible that a new tribe may be required for it when the immature stages are made known. The chief venational. peculiarities of Lechria ‘are the apparent fusion of R, with A, near the tip of the latter, a condition that is quite comparable with that found in the tribe Pediciini as discussed by the writer in another paper, (Entomological News, vol. 29, pp. 201-205, pl. 12; 1918), and the union of r-m directly with the sector before its fork. Some features of structure are suggestive of Dicranoptycha, and more evidence may show these two genera to be closer than their present arrangement would indicate. Lechria rufithorax, sp.n. Antenne dark brown ; vertex very narrow ; mesonotal prescutum dull rusty brown without stripes, the scutellum and postnotum dark plumbeous brown; femora brownish yellow, the tips dark brown, apical tarsal segments darkened ; wings faintly grayish, the costal cells more infumed. Male.—Length about 5 mm. ; wing, 6.9-7 mm. Female.—Length about 7.5 mm.; wing, 7.8 mm. Rostrum reddish yellow ; palpi dark brown, the basal segment pale. Antenne dark brown, the scapal segments paler brown. Eyes very large, separated by a very narrow, linear strip of the vertex in both sexes. Head dark gray, provided with numerous black sete. Mesonotal prascutum dull rusty brown without apparent stripes: scutal lobes, scutellum and postnotum dark plumbeous brown. Pleura pale, very sparsely gray pruinose. Halteres short, brown, the base of the stem paler. Legs with the coxe pale, sparsely grey pruinose, the outer face near the apex with a group of short black setz ; trochanters pale brown, the posterior inner face with. a conspicuous blackened area that is produced into an acute chitinized tooth ; femora brownish yellow, the tips dark brown ; tibiz and tarsi brown, the terminal tarsal s2gments: dark brown. Wings with a faint grayish tinge, cells (C,. Sc, and Sc, strongly infumed ; stigma linear, darker brown ; wing-apex faintly margined with brown ; veins dark brown ; a 102 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. veins with dense, moderately long macrotrichie#, a group of about four macrotrichiz at about midlength of the basal deflection of Cu,. Venation: Sc. at the tip of Sc, ; r-m connecting with Rs at a distance, before the tip of the latter about equal to its own length; R.2 apparently fused with R,, the fusion less than one-half of the section of R, between Sc. and the juncture of R, ; basal deflection of Cu, about one-third the length of cell lst Wo. Abdominal tergites dark brown, the lateral margins of the segments broadly paler; sternites pale brownish yellow, the ninth segment entirely dark brown. Male hypopygium with two pleural appendages, the outer append- age shortest, ending in an abrupt, slightly curved chitinized point, the inner face before the point microscopically denticulated ; inner appendage pale, shaped like a boomerang. Gonapophyses four in number. the lateral pair flattened, blade-like, the proximal pair slender with the tips acute and slightly divergent. Ovipositor with the tergal valves long, strongly upcurved, greatly exceeding the sternal valves. Habitat.—North Queensland. ) Holotype, 2, Gordonvale, November, 1917 (J. F. Illingworth), Allotopotype, 9. Paratopotype, 3. The types were found resting on tree-trunks. Lechria rufithorax agrees most nearly with L. bengalensis Brunetti (India) which species is known to the writer only from the figure and description. From these it is seen that the Indian species is much smaller (length 4 mm.) with the front broad and flat; the coloration of the thorax, legs and abdomen and the venational details differ as indicated in the accompanying key. Key to the Spectes of the Genus Lucuria Skuse. 1. Ry beyond the stigma bent down to Rg to form an apparent X (New South Wales)..L. singularis Skuse No such X-shaped combination of veins in the radial field, Ag being apparently fused with #, for a varying distance back from the wing-marcin..... 202 .5- oe sees eon eee BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 103 2. Tarsi conspicuously white. (Java) ............ L. leucopeza de Meijere ALES TEES EO MV MME To teteta) as cian e se NORE Oe oles sie Sea Fn ote Tee clas eek 3 3. Thorax shiny blackish brown, the humeral regions and margins reddish yellow; femora blackish brown. (Java)......... L. lucida de Meijere Mhoraxayellowishiorimeddishias..q-rweets eis) 2011 sis tae eee oe ees 4 4. Mesonotum yellowish, the scutellum livid brown ; fusion of Rg and Rj, extensive, more than one-half of the free portion of R, beyond* IS Cong LTC) Wepre says ogcrereetecct a caer eos. L. bengalensis Brunetti Mesonotum rusty brown, the scutal lobes, scutellum and postnotum dark plumbeous brown; fusion of Ry and fy slight, less than one-half of the free portion of Ry beyond Sco, (Queensland) ..............-- L. rufithoraz, sp.n Tribe Hexatomini. Genus ERioceRA Macquart. 1838, Hrtocera Macquart, Dipteres exotiques, vol. 1, pt. 1, pai. The genus Hriocera has not been recorded from Australia hitherto. The present collection includes two species, both of which are undescribed. Ervocera australiensis, sp.n. Antennal flagellum yellowish brown: mesonotal prescutum brownish yellow with four dark brow, stripes ; scutal lobes dark brown ; femora brownish yellow, the tips faintly darkened ; wings pale brown: cell lst My closed ; abdomen dull yellow, the segments narrowly ringed caud- ally with dark brown. . Female.—Length 11-13.5 mm. ; wing, 10.5-11.5 mm. The following description made trom alcoholic specimens. Rostrum and palpi light brown. Antenne with the scapal segments brown, the flagellum yellowish brown, the terminal segments darker ; antennz with eight segments, the first flagellar segment longer than the second and third taken together: the remaining segments gradually de- crease in size to the end of the organ; ‘ast segment con- stricted at midlength and evidently formed by the fusion of two small segments. Vertical tubercle large and conspicuous, with a broad V-shaped notch. Head brown. 104 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Mesonotal prescutum brownish yellow with four dark brown stripes, the median pair separated by a much narrower pale line, broadest in front, narrowed behind and not attaining the suture : scutal lobes conspicuously dark brown ; seutellum and postnotum pale brown. Pleura pale brown, marked with darker blotches. Halteres pale, the knobs dark brown. Legs with the coxe and trochanters yellowish brown : femora brownish yellow, the tips but faintly dark- ened ; tibize and tarsi brown. Wings with a pale brown suffusion, the costal and subcostal cells somewhat darker ; stigma lacking: veins brown. Venation: Sc. long, ending beyond the fork of Rs, Scg not far removed from the tip of Sc, : Rs. shorter than Rs, alone: Ry+ 3 about equal to or a little shorter than R, alone: r on Ry about its own length beyond the fork of Ro+ 3: cells R and lst Wp, in alignment, much shorter than cell AR; : cell lst M., closed, elongate, subrectangular, about as long as vein M@,+. beyond it; the basal deflection of Cu, at about one-third the length of cell Ist WM. : cell 7, lacking: Cu, and the basal deflection of Cu, subequal. Abdominal tergites dull yellow, the posterior margins of the segments narrowly ringed with dark brown to produce a distinctly annulated appearance: sternites similar but the pattern even better defined. Ovipositor with the valves long and powerful, the tergal valves much exceeding the sternal valves. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2, Meringa, near Cairns, 1918 (J. F- Uhngworth). Paratopotypes, 25 Q's. Eriocera wperta, sp.n. Antennal flagellum dark brown; mesonotum dark brown ; femora brown, paler basally ; wings brownish gray ; cell lst JJ, open by the atrophy of m ; abdomen dark brown, Female.—Length 10.8 mm. ; wing, 9 mm. tostrum and palpi brown. Antenne with the scapal segments light brown, the flagellar segments dark brown ; only four flagellar segments are evident in the type, these gradually decreasing in length from the basal to the terminal. Head brown, grayish pruinose. BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 105 Mesonotum dark brown, the prescutum without distinct stripes. Pleura dark brown. indistinctly varie gated with paler. Halteres dark brown. Legs with the coxe and trochanters yellowish brown; femora brown, paler basally ; remainder of the legs dark brown. Wings brownish gray, the costal and subcostal cells darker ; veins dark brown. Venation: Sc rather short, Sc, ending a little beyond the fork of Rs, Sc, a short distance from the tip of Sc, and opposite the fork of Rs; Rs longer than in P. austrahensis, being longer than that portion of R,4; beyond r-m ; cell lst M, open by the atrophy of m; cell Mz very small, shorter than its petiole; Cu, about equal to the basal deflection of Cw,. their angle slightly greater than a right angle. Abdomen dark brown, the caudal margins of the segments very narrowly and indistinctly yellowish. Ovi- positor with the valves long and slender, dark-colored. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 2. Gordonvale, June, 1918 (J. F. Bling- worth). The type was collected along a+tre m. Hriocera aperta is the first species of the genus known to the writer in which cell Ist JJ, is open. The condition is probably a normal one since both wings of the type are quite the same. Subfamily Tipuline. Tribe 'Tipulini. Genus PHYMATOPSIS Skuse. 1890, Phymatopsis Skuse, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. 5 (ser. 2), pp. 97, 98. Phymatopsis brevipalpis, sp.n. Antenne very short, ll-segmented, the’ distal five segments nearly globular and conspicuously crowded ; palpi very short, the last segment equal to the third ; mesonotal prescutum dull yellow with indistinct stripes ; wings gray, the subcostal cell darker ; abdomen yellow, the segments narrowly ringed Caudally with brown. 106 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Male.—Length 9.5-10 mm.; wing, 9-9.3 mm.; hind leg, femur, 7.2 mm. ; tibia, 8 mm. ; metatarsus, 10.8 mm. ; remainder of tarsus, 6.8 mm. The following description was made from alcoholic specimens. Frontal prolongation of the head rather slender, longer than the head, the outer half on the dorsal surface with numerous black hairs that are most dense at the apex ; no distinct nasus; palpi very short, the third segment nearly globular, the last segment but little longer than the third. Antenne with but 11 segments, the scapal segments dull yellow ; flagellum brown ; first scapal segment much longer than the oval second segment ; first flagellar segment elongate, strongly narrowed at the base, enlarged distally ; second to fourth flagellar segments gradually deercasing in size, a little narrowed basally ; the five terminal flagellar segments subglobular, crowded; flagellum verticillate. Front and anterior part of the vertex yellow, remainder of the head dark brown, narrowly paler adjoining the inner margins of the eyes; vertical tubercle conspicuous. Mesonotal prescutum dull yellow with three very broad light reddish brown stripes that are narrowly mar- gined with darker brown and are confluent; the broad median stripe is split by a capillary brown line; scutum dull yellow, the median area brownish; scutellum dull yellow, brownish posteriorly ; postnotum dull yellow with an indistinct brownish median line. Pleura dull yellow. Halteres brown, paler basally. Legs with the cox and trochanters dull yellow ; femora brownish yellow, the tips narrowly darkened; tibiz and tarsi dark brown ; tarsi very long, the metatarsi longer than the tibiz ; claws simple. Wings gray ; cell Sc brown; stigma very pale ; veins dark brown; Venation: Sc, preserved, at the tip of Scz; cell 2nd R, short-rhomboidal ; cell J7, sessile in the paratype, petiolate in the type ; fusion of Ow, with M734, transient ; cell 2nd A very narrow. Abdomen dull yellow, the segments narrowly and rather indistinctly ringed caudally with brown; eighth segment dark brown; pleural membrane dark. Male hypopygium of very simple structure, very similar to the BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. lu7 type found in the Limnobiine ; ninth tergite with a broad U-shaped notch, the lateral lobes broadly rounded ; pleurites cylindrical ; pleural appendages meeting across the genital ehamber. Habitat.—North Queensland. ' Holotype, 3, Meringa, near Cairns, I918 (J. F. Illingworth). Paratopotype, 3. Phymatopsis brevipalpis agrees well with the genotype and only described species, P. mgrirostris Skuse, in the prominent tubercle on the vertex, the long rostrum without a nasus, the short antenne with the terminal segments distinctly smaller, the simple male hypopygium and the details of venation, especially the small. rhomboidal cell 2nd R, and the very narrow cell 2nd A. It departs from the characters of the genus in the unusually short palpi, the terminal segment being very small and not at «ll flagelli- form, and in the antenne having but eleven segments. Genus CTENACROSCELIS Enderlein. 1912. Ctenacroscelis Enderlein, Zoologische Jahrbucher, vol. PANNE 0 Taal WAN 0 ems a Clenacroscelts conspicabilis (Skuse). 1890, Holorusia conspicabilis Skuse, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. 5 (ser 2), pp. 120. 121. One female specimen taken at light, Babinda, North Queensland, June 18th, 1919 (J. F. Illingworth). The female has never been described and the present specimen is made the allotype. Allotype, Female.—Length, 26 mm. ; wing, 27 mm. Similar to the male, the following characters, additional to those given in the original description being noted : Flagellar segments of the antennz with the tips narrowly and indistinctly pale to produce a somewhat bicolorous appearance. Mesonotal prescutum with the lateral margins dark brown. Femoral ctenidium distinct ; claws of female simple. The pale wing-apex includes the outer end of cell R3, the outer half of Rs and all of M,. Ovipositor with the tergal valves very slender, the tips a little expanded ; sternal valves much shorter. 108 AUSTRALIAN CRANE-FLIES. Ctenacroscelis aberrans, sp.n. Antenne brown; mesonotal prescutum yellow .with four indistinct brownish gray stripes; pleura unmarked ; wings grayish fulvous; abdomen dark brown, the tergites broadly margined laterally with buffy gray. Male.—Length, 19.5 mm.: wing, 22 mm.: hind leg, femur, 15 mm. ; tibia, 18 mm. ; metatarsus, 21 mm. Frontal prolongation of the head brown. more yellowish beneath ; nasus distinct: palpi dark brown, the segments. paler at the tips. Antenne short, brown, the flagellar segments darker ; verticils distinct. Head brown, narrowly paler adjoining the inner margins of the eyes; vertex with a capillary brown line. Mesonotal preescutum dull yellow with four indistinct brownish gray stripes, the intermediate pair narrowly: separated ; scutum yellow, each lobe with two indistinct darker marks; scutellum and postnotum dull yellow. Pleura pale fawn-yellow, unmarked. Halteres brown, the knobs darker, the extreme base of the stem paler. Legs with the coxe and trochanters pale yellow : femora yellowish brown, the tips narrowly dark brown: tibie pale brown, the tips very narrowly and indistinctly darker : tarsi brown ; ctenidium distinct; metatarsus longer than the tibia; claws large and powerful with a conspicuous basal tooth and a similar blunt tooth at about one-third the length of the claw, the space between these teeth nearly circular. Wings with a strong grayish fulvous tinge, deeper in the costal cell, saturated in the subcostal cell: stigma small, indistinct ; veins bright chestnut brown ; obliterative areas very restricted, represented only by a small spot before the stigma, the end of Rs, the basal deflection of 17,4, and the outer deflection of M3+,. Venation: Vein Rs but little arcuated ; cell R; considerably widened at the wing-margin ; Rs short. Abdomen with the first segment yellowish, the re- mainder of the organ dark brown: caudal margin of the segments very narrowly, the lateral margins broadly, buffy gray ; sternites similar, the caudal margins narrowly ringed with pale. Eighth tergite concealed beneath the seventh, visible only laterally. Male hypopygium with the ninth BY CHARLES P. ALEXANDER. 109 tergite subquadrate, with a small U-shaped median notch, the lateral lobes broadly subtruncate. Pleural appendages at the end of the rather short fused sterno-pleurite. Eighth sternite unarmed. Habitat.—North Queensland. Holotype, 3. Gordonvale, December, 1917 (J. F. Illingworth). The type specimen was taken at light. This species must be considered as being an aberrant member of the genus Clenacroscelis. The structure of the male hypopygium and the ctenidium are quite character- istic of this genus but the course of vein R, differs from that of other species of Ctenacroscelis and very nearly approximates the normal condition in the genus Tipula. Genus NEPHROTOMA Meigen. 1803, Nephrotoma Meigen, Illiger’s Magazin, vol. 2, p. 262. Nephrotoma australasie (Skuse). 1890, Pachyrrhina Australasie Skuse, Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, vol. 5 (ser. 2), p. 126, pl. 5, fig. 20. 3 2, Cairns, September, 1917 (J. F. Illingworth). 3 , Mossman, May, 1919 (J. F. Illingworth). THE ORIGIN OF BLACK COATINGS OF TRON AND MANGANESE OXIDES ON ROCKS. By W. D. Francis, Assistant Botanist, Queensland Herbarium. ( Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, June 30th, 1920). (Plate I.) The coatings or incrustations dealt with particularly in this paper are found on rocks in or near freshwater streams in the Kin Kin district, which is situated about 100 miles north of Brisbane, and about 10 miles from the coast. Humboldt! describes and discusses coatings of apparently similar chemical composition observed by himself and others in the cataracts of the Orinoco, Nile and Congo. These will be referred to in the latter part of the paper. So far as I am aware, no explanation of the origin of the coatings has been advanced except that offered by direct chemical deposition upon the rock surfaces. Kin Kin district is an area of about 30 or 40 square miles in extent originally consisting of dense rain forest land, much of which has been felled and grassed during the past 15 years. The soil of the greater part of the area, especially in the east, is derived from schists and slates, which, as stated by L. C. Ball?, have been referred to the Gympie Formation (Permo-Carboniferous). In the western part are ranges strewn with boulders of a granitic rock. The streams, which flow in an eastward or north-castward direction, contain clear water flowing over rocks of schist, slate, quartz and grano-diorite (?). (1) LicHeEns. The black coatings are divided into two kinds for the purpose of this paper. The kind that is less frequent will be discussed first. It is of a dull black colour, with a BY W. D. FRANCIS. I somewhat granular surface, is fairly uniform in thickness, varying from .085 to .136 mm., has only been observed on the schists and slates, and can be removed in. small pieces with a penknife. The small pieces thus removed are quite opaque when examined with the microscope, and appear structureless. When fused with sodium carbonate, they produced the green colour reaction indicating the presence of manganese. In hydrochloric acid they partly dissolved, forming a pale brown solution and a residual bleached or whitish matrix. On the addition of ammonium hydroxide to the pale brown solution an abundant precipitate of ferric hydrate indicated the presence of iron in considerable quantities. Microscopic examina- tion of the residual matrix showed that it consisted of fine filaments and small round or subangular cells, evidently the remains of the thallus of a lichen. Crustose lichens are very abundant on the schists and slates of the dense rain forests of the district, and it appears quite clear that the iron and manganese compounds are deposited in, or partly replace, the substance of the lichen thallus to form the black coating. The incorporation of iron compounds in the substance of the thalli of incrusting lichens is not unrecorded in scientific work. De Bary? states :—‘‘ Another series of infiltrations and imbeddings is composed of inorganic matter. First and foremost is the rust colour not unfrequently assumed by individuals (* formae oxydatae ’) of many crustaceous lichens which are typically of another colour ; it has often been stated and has now been proved by Gumbel that this colour is due to the infiltration of a salt of iron, perhaps of a vegetable acid.” (2) ALGAE. The other kind of black coating is more difficult to investigate. It is much thinner, varying from about 3u to 41u in thickness, and is more firmly adherent to the rock surface. It is very abundant on all kinds of rocks in the streams, both in cleared and _ uncleared areas, Hydrochloric acid was applied to it in order to assist in the removal of minute pieces. It gave the same reaction for manganese as the lichen-formed coating and dissolved 112 ROCK INCRUSTATIONS. in hydrochloric acid, forming a pale brown solution which yielded a precipitate of ferric hydrate on the addition of ammonium hydroxide, indicating the presence of iron in the coating. A minute quantity of bleached residue, which appeared to be structureless, was recovered in some cases. Rarely the coating completely envelopes the rocks. . Generally, there is a small or great part of the surface of the rock unincrusted, and the margin of the coating is mostly very irregular in outline. Sometimes small uncoated | patches appear on a coated surface. Field observations first suggested that the black coatings may be the altered remains of an incrusting alga. This conclusion is supported by the following facts: (a) correspondence in distribution; (b) comparability of thickness ; (c) the presence of the cellular structure of the thallus of the alga in 50 per cent. of the examples of the black coating rendered transparent by hydrochloric acid. The fine, red-coloured, incrusting alga grows on the rocks in the streams flowing through the rain forests. A specimen of it was sent to Mr. J. H. Maiden, Government Botanist of New South Wales, who replied :—* Mr. Lucas (Honorary Algologist to the National Herbarium, Sydney), thinks that the plant collected by Mr. Francis is a species of Hildenbrandtia, a red incrusting alga. The species are common on rocks on the Coast.’’ It consists of a very thin coating, varying in thickness from about 5u to 8ly, is very closely and firmly adherent to the rock surface, and is composed of a variable number of super-imposed cells (see Fig. 1, Plate I.). When small pieces are scraped from the rock and examined under the microscope, they present the appearance of a meshwork of minute cells which are angular or rounded, and vary from 3u to 8u in breadth. (See Fig. 2, Plate I). The variation in the thickness of the plant is proportionate to the number of cells which are super-imposed in any particular portion of the thallus (which constitutes the plant). The very thin portions of the thallus may be only one or two cells in thickness, and probably represent the young, growing margins. No special organs of reproduction were observed BY W. D. FRANCIS. HS in my preparations, but the size and shape of the cells and their. arrangement in the thallus are closely similar to that described 4+ > ® 7 and figured ® © “ under Hilden- brandtia. Both marine and freshwater species are included in the genus which is widely distributed in different parts of the world. The peculiar distribution of the black coatings on rock surfaces, as outlined above, is exhibited by the alga growing on the rocks; the irregular margins and uncoated patches on coated surfaces are common features of its growth, When seen by me four years ago, the alga was as abundant on rocks in streams of the rain forests (which have since been felled) as the black coating was in felled areas. I have seen the rocky bed of a stream coated with the alga over an area of several square yards. The confinement of the alga to the rain forests on the one hand, and the - maximum abundance of the black coatings in the felled areas on the other, suggested that the process of clearing may have accelerated and increased the production of black coatings by killing the alga. The occurrence of the alga on all kinds of rocks in the streams is another feature in which it corresponds with the black coating. Unlike lichens, which are generally dependent upon the substance of the rock they incrust for mineral food material, the alga is sustained by dissolved (and suspended) material in the water and is independent in that respect of the rock it incrusts. Rock sections showing the thickness of the incrusting alga and the black coating were prepared by a lapidary. Unfortunately, only small portions of the black coating survived the grinding process, but sections of considerable extent of the alga remained in position, incidentally showing its extraordinary adherence to the rock surface. To supplement the material for studying the thickness of the black coating, a small piece of the black-coated rock with two plane surfaces, was ground. From these prepara- tions, the following measurements were ascertained :— Alga from about 5u to 8luw; black coating from about 3u to 41u. The black coating is appreciably thinner than the alga. It appears feasible that a considerable amount of reduction in size may take place in the thickness of the H 114 ROCK INCRUSTATIONS. thallus of the alga during partial decomposition, unless its whole substance, including its very high percentage of water, were replaced by iron and manganese compounds. (See Figs. 1 and 4, Plate IL.) Six black-coated rocks, each from different parts of two streams, were chosen for microscopical investigation. The small pieces of the coating removed by scraping were opaque and apparently structureless. Samples were then carefully treated with hydrochloric acid in order to render them transparent, when it was found that three out of the six examples definitely showed the cellular structure of the thallus of the alga. REVIEW. While these investigations do not absolutely prove the second kind of black coating to originate from the incrusting alga, they indicate, at least, that such a conclusion is highly probable. Absolute proof would consist of the production of the black coating by experimental processes in the streams. Some experiments of that kind were begun, but the rocks were lost trace of through the action of floods. The black coatings described by Humboldt! from the Orinoco, Nile, and Congo, and the brown ones observed by Darwin’ at Bahia, in Brazil, are only known to me from the authors’ descriptions. The following extracts from Humboldt’s! work summarise his remarks :— ‘Among the cataracts and wherever the Orinoco, between the missions of Carichana and of Santa Barbara, periodically washes the rocks, they become smooth, black and as if coated with plumbago. The colouring matter does not penetrate the stone which is coarse grained granite. The black crust is 0.3 of a line in thickness. On breaking the stone with a hammer, the inside is found to be white. . . . M. Roziere, who had travelled over the valley of Egypt, the coasts of the Red Sea and Mt. Sinai, pointed out to me that the primitive rocks of the little catarcts of Syene display, like the rocks of the Orinoco, a glossy surface, of a blackish grey or almost leaden colour. . . . . The English naturalists were struck with the same appearance in the rapids and shoals BY W. D. FRANCIS. 115 that obstruct the River Congo Dr. Koenig has placed in the British Museum, beside the syenites of the Congo, the granites of Atures (Orinoco). . . . The black crust is composed, according to the analysis of Mr. Children, of the oxide of iron and manganese. . . Some experiments made at Mexico, conjointly with Senor del Rio, led me to think that the rocks of Atures which blacken the paper in which they are wrapped, contain, beside oxide of manganese, carbon and super-carburetted iron.” Incrusting organisms may have caused these foreign coatings. Evidence which is suggestive of organic origin is afforded by Humboldt and Senor del Rio’s experiments indicating the presence of carbon and super-carburetted iron in the Orinoco incrustations. The environment of the incrusted rocks of the Orinoco, as described by Humboldt, resembles that of the Kin Kin examples in at least two respects, namely, clear streams and abundant vegetation. Acknowledgments. 1am indebted to Mr. C. T. White, F.L.S., Government Botanist, and Dr. J. Shirley, F.M.S., for some suggestions: to Professor T. H. Johnston, M.A., D.Sc. for kindly allowing me to use the photo- micrographic apparatus of the Biology Department of the University ; and to Mr. O. W. Tiegs, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Biology, for his assistance with the photo- micrographs. REFERENCES. 1 Humsoupt. ‘Personal Narrative,’ translated and edited by Thomasina Ross, 1852, Vol. II., pp. 243-246. 2. L. C. Batt. ** Queensland Government Mining Journal,’ Feb., 1918 WO, DADS, 1s Oe 3. Dr Bary. ‘“‘ Comparative Morphology and Biology of the Fungi Mycetozoa, and Bacteria, English translation, 1887, p. 408. 4. Dr Tont. Sylloge Algarum, 1897, Vol. IV., p. 1714. 5. H.J. Carter. “‘Seeman’s Journal of Botany,” 1864, Vol. IJ., p. 225, Plate XX. 6. Raspenuorst. ‘* Flora Europaea—Algarum,” 1868, section IIT.. p- 409, with figure 7. Francts Wouie. ** Fresh-water Algae of the United States,’’ 1887. text pp. 61, 62, Plate LXIX, figs. 17 and 18. 8. Darwin. “A Naturalist’s Voyage Round the World,” 2nd Edn. pp- 12 and 13, under Bahia. 116 ROCK INCRUSTATIONS. as wy EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. PLATE I. Photomicrograph of rock-section (quartz) ground at right angles to alga-incrusted surface, showing thickness and transverse section of the alga (Hildenbrandtia). The parallel series of minute, super-imposed cells arranged transversely to the rock surface are evident in parts of the picture. % 250 diameters. Photomicrograph of a flat, expansive fragment of the alga ( Hilden- brandtia) scraped from rock surface showing the meshwork of cells. > 670 diameters. Photomicrograph of a flat, expansive fragment of the black coating scraped from rock surface and rendered transparent by the action of hydrochloric acid. Outlines and impressions of the alga ( Hildenbrandtia) cells are shown in the picture. x 670 diameters. Photomicrograph of rock section (quartz) ground at right angles to incrusted surface, showing the thickness of the black, opaque coating whose origin is attributed to the incrusting alga. x 250 diameters. Notse.—In comparing figures 2 and 3, the slightly larger size of some of the cells in figure 3 is accounted for by the fact that the cell contents and not the cell walls are alone prominent in figure 2, whilst in figure 3 the impressions of the cell walls are chiefly conspicuous Rock INcRuSTATIONS,—Fvancis. mone —ve forse a7s ; ae = nn La be CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ORCHIDACKOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND, Nos h* By RK. 8S. Rocrrs, M.A., M.D., and C.-T. Waits, F.L.S. (Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 30th August, 1920). Acianthus amplexicaulis (Bail.), Rogers and White, n. comb. (Text-fig. 1.) Microstylis amplexicaulis, Bail., Bull. No. 9, Dept. Agric., Brisbane (1891), p. 18. Listera ampleaxicaulis Bail., Queensl. Flora. V. 156 (1902). Eudlo Creek, F. M. Bailey (Field Naturalists’ Club Excursion, March, 1891). This plant, originally placed in the genus Microstylis by the late F. M. Bailey, and subsequently removed by him to the genus Listera, is more correctly referable to the genus Acianthus. This species may be distinguished from other Australian members of the genus by the shape of its dorsal sepal; this is narrow linear, and shows no tendency to * hooding,’’ which is so characteristic of all the others. Even in 4A. caudatus the base of this sepal is cucullate, although the apex is prolonged into a tail. The lobulation of the leaf is interesting, because this condition in lesser degree is not unfrequently met with in Acianthus. In A. caudatus, one of us (R.S.R.) has seen a specimen in which there are no fewer than five well-defined lobules. *The present paper is the first of a series of contributions to our knowledge of Queensland orchids, and is the result of a critical examina- tion of material in the Queensland State Herbarium. In addition to descriptions of new species and critical notes, the opportunity is taken of recording any locality records that add to our knowledge of the distribution of any particular species. 118 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND The deeply-dissected leaf-margins in A. amplexicaulis may therefore be regarded merely as an extreme form of a physical feature not uncommon elsewhere in this genus. Text-fig. 1.—Acianthus amplexicaulis (Bail.), Rogers and White n. comb. A. Plant, nat. size. B. Single flower, enlarged. It seems strange that this little orchid growing within sixty miles of Brisbane has not been gathered again since the original specimens were collected nearly thirty years ago. Dipodium ensifolium /. v. J. Dunk Island, EF. J. Banfield; Johnstone River, W. R. Kefford; Walsh River, T. Barclay Muller. BY R. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE 119 Eulophia venosa, feichb.f. Yarrabah, nr. Cairns, Rev. N. Michael. Geodorum pictum Lindl. Johnstone River, H. G. Ladbrook: Barron River, F. M. Bailey, E. Cowley. Zeuxine, Lindl. Sepals nearly equal; the posterior erect, concave ; the lateral ones spreading, free. Petals narrow, cohering with the dorsal sepal into a galea. Labellum very shortly adnate to the base of the column, erect, cymbiform or saccate in its lower half, two calli or spurs within the sac near the base, contracted beyond the sac, and then dilated into a shortly-clawed or sessile entire two-winged terminal lobe. Column very short, two-winged or keeled in front; stigmatic lobes two, lateral. Anther erect or inclined forward with contiguous cells; pollinia two, pyriform, attached by an oblong or elliptical gland to the erect rostellum with often an intermediate appendage or linear caudicle. Pollen coarsely granular (sectile). Capsule small erect, ovoid or nearly globular. Slender terrestrial herbs, with a creeping rhizome. Leaves with petioles expanding at their bases into loose membranous sheaths. Flowers small, sessile on a dense or lax spike. Distribution.—Species approximately 60, mostly Indian or Malayan with a few tropical African species and one endemic in 8. Africa. Several species have also been recorded from the Philippines ( Adenostylis) and Formosa, likewise from New Guinea, Bismarck Archipelago, Samoa and Fiji. No member of the genus has hitherto been recorded from Australia. The genus Zeuxine, as defined by Bentham and Hooker f. in the Genera Plantarum, absorbs Adenostylis Bl. (1825), but there seems to be a tendency of late, on the part of certain botanists, to re-establish Blume’s genus. Hooker in a note on the genus (Flora British India, vi. 106) states :—‘ The appendage between the gland of the pollinia and the pollinia itself is a very curious organ, and its real nature has not yet been ascertained, whether ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND 120 bees Sp 2.—Left.—Zeuxine oblonga, n. sp. Right.—Zeuxine attenuata, n. sp. Text-fig. BY R. S. ROGERS AND C.-T. WHITE 121 rostellar or pollinar; it occurs only in some species and in these under very various forms, so that it cannot be . relied.on as a generic character. It is further so difficult of analysis in dried specimens, that much allowance must be made for my description of it.”’ The appendage referred to is figured in his Icones Plantarum XXII., pl. 2173, figs. 4 and 5; also pl. 2174, fig. 5. This appendage is not present in the Australian Z. oblonga, but in this species there is a definite inflexion of the margins of the caudicle (asin pl. 2174), although the actual attachment of the pollinia to the lower end of the caudicle appears to be normal. Such inflexion of the margins of the caudicle together with an abnormal attachment of the pollinia (as figured by him), Hooker regards as an early stage in the evolution ef his ~ appendage.” Zeuxine oblonga, sp. nov. (Text-fig. 2). Planta circiter 30 cm. alta. Caulis ascendens, gracilis. I olia 6 vel 7 alternata, elliptica vel oblonga-elliptica, 2.5-7.5 em. longa; petioli basibus vagini-formes dilatati. Bracteae 2, vel 3, sub-hirsutae, acuminatae, membranaceae, basibus vagini-formes dilatatae. Flores parvi, sessiles, extus hirsuti; spica 4-7.5 c.m. longa. mediocriter dense florifera. Sepalum dorsale cum petalis in galeam coherente, circiter 3 mm. longum. Sepala lateralia libera, patentia, late lanceolata, 3-3.5 mm, longa, l-nervosa. Labellum circiter 3 mm. longum inferum (interdum superum ?) sessile ; basi columnae adnatum brevissime ; basi cymbiforme, in medio contractum deinde in apicem terminalem bilobatum abrupte dilatatum, alae oblongae divaricatae; intus bicallosum. Columna .brevissima, antica (parte) bicarinata ; anthera rostrata rostello aequans. Rostellum profunde bipartitum, erectum. Pollinia 2, ope caudiculae linearis glandulae longae lineari-ellipticae affixa. Stigmata 2, magna, lateralia. Plants about 30 cm. in height, slender, with hairy stems on a creeping rhizome. Leaves six or seven, « Iter- nate on the lower half or third of the stem, the base of the petiole dilated into a loose membranous tubular sheath ; elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 2.5-7.5 cm. long, with a tendency Text fig. 2.—Plants natural size. a. anther; col., column; g. galea formed by the union of the dorsal sepal and the petals; gl., gland: Jlab., labellum: J.s., lateral sepals; ov., ovary; 7, rostellum; s., stigma; all enlarged. 122 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND to become deciduous above the expanded portion of the petiole. Stem bracts two or three, slightly hairy, acuminate, membranous, forming a loose tubular sheath towards their bases. Flowers small, sessile, hairy on the outside, in a moderately crowded spike about 47.5 em. long (occasionally reversed ?); 3-3.5 mm. long (not including the ovary); bracts hairy awn-like, shorter than the ovary. Perianth segments nearly equal, the dorsal sepal connate with the petals to form a galea over the column. Lateral sepals free, broadly lanceolate, rather blunt, 3-3.5 mm. long, l-nerved; galea erect on a wide base or slightly inclined forward, blunt, about 3 mm. long. Labellum inferior (occasionally superior ?) sessile, adnate to the base of the column; cymbiform in its lower half, suddenly contracted about its middle, then abruptly dilated into a terminal expansion with two large divaricate entire oblong lobes; lamina traversed by three longitudinal lines or nerves, a claw-like callus on each side within the saccate portion near the base. Column-bed very short, two-keeled anteriorly. Anther ovate-lanceolate behind the rostellum, rostrate, the beak reaching as high as the latter. Rostellum deeply bipartite ; segments slender erect, surmounted by a long vertical linear-elliptical gland. Pollinia two, connected with the gland by a common linear caudicle with inflexed margins; gland readily detached from between the segments of the rostellum. Stigmas (stigmatic lobes) two, one on each side of the upper part of the column, separated by the base of the rostellum, relatively large. Kamerunga (Barron River), #. Cowley; Mackay, L. J. Nugent; Daintree River, Gus. Rosenstrom. In addition, there is one sheet containing several specimens, but with no particulars attached as to locality or name of collector. This Australian orchid rather closely resembles the Asiatic species Z. flava Benth., of which it may possibly be a variety. In the material represented by it in the Queensland National Herbarium all the plants are old, and there is no information as to time of blooming. Some of the specimens are in a state of advanced seed, and the BY BR. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE 123 dehiscence of the capsules has been completed. In these specimens the flowers are reversed. It is thought that this may be the result of torsion changes in the ovaries due to age and weathering, and should not be regarded as the normal condition. Z. attenuata, sp. nov. Materiae vitiosissimae. Planta gracillima, 15-17.5 em. alta. Radix tuberosa? Caulis hirsutus, gracillimus. Folia 2 vel 3, prope basin, ovata, 5-nervosa, reticulata; lamina circiter 1.5 em. longa, 1 em. lata; petioli interdum laminae aequantes, basibus vaginiformes dilatati. Bracteae 3 vel 4, acuminatae, circiter 4 mm. longae, membranaceae, basibus vaginiformes dilatatae, Uniflos vel flores pauci; laxi-racemosi, extus hirsuti; pedicelli breves graciles. Sepala lateralia fere ovato-lanceolata, libera, circiter 5 mm. longa; sepalum dorsale cum petalis in galeam cohaerente ; galea circiter 4 mm. longa. Labellum circiter 6 mm. longum, pellucidum, membranaceum. basi columnae adnatum; in parte infero anguste eymbiforme, 3 nervosum. intus 4-callosum biseriatum; ultra medium contractum, deinde in apicem terminalem bilobatum dilatatum, alae divaricatae cuneato-oblongae marginibus remotis laceratis. Columna brevissima, antica bicarinata. Rostellum profunde bipartitum, erectum, supra basin columnae circiter 3 mm. alia. Anthera anguste elongata rostello aequans Plants very slender, apparently not exceeding 15-17.5 cm. in height. Root tuberous (7) with loose fibrous invest- ment. Stems very slender, hairy. Leaves basal or very near the base, two or three, ovate, five-nerved, reticulated as in a dicotyledon ; lamina about 1.5 cm. long and about 1 cm. wide; petioles sometimes equalling the lamina in length, dilated at their bases into loose transparent tubular (often imbricated) sheaths. Stem-bracts three or four, acuminate, about 11 mm. long, membranous, converted for some distance above their insertion into loose tubular sheaths. Flowers single, or in a few-flowered loose raceme; hairy on the outside, on short slender pedicels. Lateral sepals almost ovate-lanceolate, free, about 5 mim. long; dorsal sepal connate with the lateral petals to form a galea about 4 mm. long. Labellum about 6 mm. long, thin, membranous, adnate to the base of the column ; the lower part narrowly cymbiform, 3-nerved, with four (or three ?) linear calli on each side near the base ; contracted beyond the middle into a wide bi-lobed apex, the lobes divaricate, cuneate-oblong with lacerated outer margins. 124 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND Column very short, bicarinate in front. Rostellum deeply bipartite, erect, its segments lanceolate, membranous, reaching about 3 mm. above the base of the column. Anther narrowly elongated, membranous as high as the rostellum. Stigmata two, rather small, lateral, at the base of the rostellum. Mackay, L. J. Nugent, 13-9-1895. The material available for examination is fragmentary ; no further specimens having apparently been gathered since Nugent collected the original material nearly twenty- five years ago. The habit of the species is entirely different from that of the other Australian representative of the genus, the stem being exceedingly slender with basal leaves, and terminated by a single bloom or by two or three pedicellated flowers in a loose raceme; whereas in Z. oblonga the stem is much stouter with alternate leaves distributed over its lower half or third and ending in a moderately-crowded spike of sessile flowers. Further, in the former the labellum is relatively much longer, more slender and narrow, with very different calli and with wider and differently-shaped terminal lobes. Owing to poverty of material, the structure of the pollinarium could not be definitely ascertained, but there is reason to suppose that it differs considerably in type (especially as regards connection between pollinia and gland) from that which prevails in Z. oblonga. Indications point to a root of tuberous origin. NOTES ON THE LIFE HISTORY OF CERTAIN QUEENSLAND TABANID FLIES. By Proressor T. Harvey Jounston, M.A., D.Sc., and M. J. Bancrort, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Economic Biology, University, Brisbane. (Text-figures 1-8.) ( Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 30th August, 1920). In 1911, Mr. W. W. Froggatt, in his -bulletin dealing with March flies (1911, p. 4), mentioned that nothing was known regarding the life history of any of the Australian Tabanide. As far as we are aware, no information has been published since. Taylor (1916, p. 753), has described the egg mass of Silvius australis Ricardo, a species which occurs. at Eidsvold, Burnett River, where the material forming the subject of this paper was collected. Since the Tabanide have been considered as possible transmitting agents of the nematode parasite, Onchocerca gibsoni Cleland and Johnston, which causes the formation of *“‘ worm nodules” in Australian cattle, considerable attention has been paid to them in Queensland and New South Wales. We have already published (J. and B., 1920, p. 34-5), a list of those recorded as occurring at Eidsvold, most of the identifications having been made by Dr. E. W. Ferguson, Sydney, who, with Miss Henry, has recently published an account of those met with at Kempsey, N.S. Wales (P.L.S., N.S.W., 44, 1919, p. 828), where work on Qnchocerca is also in progress. Since none of the Tabanids oviposited in captivity: we endeavoured to ascertain the life history of local species by breeding out such larve as were found under natural conditions, especially in damp soil along the banks of the 126 QUEENSLAND TABANID FLIES. Burnett River. We do not yet know the complete life history of any one species, but in view of the importance of the group we have deemed it advisable to publish the following notes on the larval and pupal stages of two species of Tabanus (T. pallipennis Macquart and TT. batchelori Taylor) and one of Sihius (S. notatus Ricardo). The identifications were kindly made by Dr. E. W. Ferguson, who examined all the flies which emerged. In all cases mud from a similar situation to that in which the larvee were found, was placed in the jar with them. This mud contained numerous delicate red Oligochetes as well as small dipterous larve (Tipulide) which probably served as food for the Tabanids. Tabanus circumdatus Walker. Though this is by far the most common March fly locally, we did not find its larva or pupa. The female genitalia are of the usual Tabanid type. Each ovary contains about sixty follicles. The oviduct of each side, as well as the common oviduct, are very short since the ovaries are situated in the apex of the abdomen. The accessory glands are elongate thick organs, while the three spermathecz are very long fine tubes doubled back on themselves so that, in their natural position, the slightly-expanded tips lie near the junction of the ducts with the common oviduct. Though a large number of females belonging to this species were dissected, very few were found with large ova, and even in such cases it was usual to find only one or two well-developed ova in each ovary. The almost mature ego measures 1.8 mm. by 0.4 mm. Captured females kept in cages for varying periods of time up to thirty days have failed to oviposit or to exhibit any further develop- ment of ova. Ferguson and Henry (1919, p. 846), record this as being the commonest species at Kendall, N.S. Wales, and as one which lives well in captivity. Tabanus pallipennis Macquart. (Text-figures 1 to 3). Four large larve were collected in wet mud in the bed of a creek on 14th October, 1919, one being preserved (fig. 1) while the other three were allowed to pupate in a BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT. 127 jar containing wet mud and small-chopped earth worms. No further food was given, but the mud was kept moist by the addition of water. On November 11th and 13th, 1919, a male fly emerged ; on the 18th, a female. From EXPLANATION OF TEXT FIGURES.* Figs. 1 to 3—Tabanus pallipennis. 1, mature larva; 2, pupa; 3), view of 8th abdominal segment. *All figures were drawn for us by Mr. Hubert Jarvis, Assistant Entomologist, Brisbane. 128 QUEENSLAND TABANID FLIES a large larva collected on December 7th, a fly emerged on January 19th, 1920. On 4th January, 1920, a number of larve were taken in muddy sand at the edge of the Burnett River at the Euroka crossing; some of the smaller were preserved, whilst from the larger, after pupation, flies emerged on 17th February. In no case were the jars disturbed after the larve were placed in them, consequently the date of pupation was not ascertained, but as the larve appeared to be full-grown when collected, the pupation period during summer was between four and six weeks, probably less in some cases. It was noticed in all cases observed by us that when the imago was about to emerge, the pupa had worked its way up to the surface of the mud, so that, after emergence of the fly, the empty pupa case was seen projecting for about half its length. Larva (fig. 1). The general colour is whitish, with narrow bands of light smoky grey on each segment dorsally. The skin is smooth except for the presence of very fine longitudinal striations. Each segment from the fourth to the tenth bears six fleshy tubercles. The largest larve (killed in hot water and preserved in formalin), measured 30 mm. in length, and 3 mm. in maximum breadth. Puparium (figs. 2 and 3). The puparium is pale greyish, measuring 17 to 18 mm. long and 3 mm. broad. Each segment is provided posteriorly with a ring of long stiff hairs. On the eighth abdominal segment are three pairs of spines whose arrangement is shown in fig. 3. The male and female flies which emerged were examined by Dr. Ferguson, who reported that the specimens agreed rather closely with the description of 7. pallipennis Macquart, and that though certain small differences were noticeable, he preferred at present to regard them as belonging to that species rather than describe them as representatives of a new species. Tabanus batchelort Taylor. (Text-figures 4 to 6). Three large black and white larve found in muddy sand at the edge of the Burnett River on December 7th, 1919, were allowed to pupate. One pupa died, a male BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT 129 fly emerged on 8th January, 1920, and a female on 14th January. Others collected in December were preserved for description, whilst six collected on January 4th, 1920, were allowed to pupate in a jar containing wet mud. From these pupz one fly emerged on February 17th, two on 18th, and three on 2lst February. The maximum pupation period during summer ranged from four to six weeks. Larva (fig. 4). This is a characteristically-coloured organism, possessing well-defined black markings on the dorsal surface of each segment except the first and last. The bands are faint anteriorly, but become more distinct posteriorly, being very prominent on segments five to ten. Each band consists of a transversely-situated portion, with a thicker median and two smaller lateral backwardly- projecting prolongations. Fleshy tubercles are prominent on segments six to ten. The larva when nearly mature measures from 27 to 33 mm. long by 3 mm. broad. Puparium (figs. 5, 6). The length is 20 mm. and the breadth 3 to 4 mm. The general colour, which is greyish, and form closely resemble those of the preceding species,. Each segment is provided with a row of stiff backwardly- projecting hairs. The form and arrangement of the spines on the eighth abdominal segment are, however, quite different, as will be noted by comparing figs. 3 and 6. Dr. Ferguson identified the emerging flies as 7. batchelori Taylor, remarking that the species was closely related to, if not identical with, 7. laticallosus. Silvius notatus Ricardo. (Text-figures 7 and 8). Three large larve, 23 mm. long and 4 mm. broad, of a greyish colour, and possessing fine longitudinal striations on the cuticle were found in the muddy sand at the edge of the water of the Burnett River on 5th October. They were allowed to pupate. .One pupa died, while one fly (a male) emerged on November 18th, and a female on November 20th. The pupation period was thus not more than six weeks. Puparium (figs. 7,8). The thoracic region is yellowish- brown, the abdominal segment brown. Each segment is J 130 QUEENSLAND 'TABANID FLIES provided with a ring cf stiff hairs pestericrly. The structure of the eighth abdominal segment is shown in fig. 8. The puparium measures from 19 to 20 mm. in length and 3 mm. in breadth. EXPLANATION OF TEXT FIGURES.* Figs. 4 to 6—Tabanus batchelori. 4, mature larva; 5, pupa; 6, view of 8th abdominal segment. Figs. 7 and 8—Silvius notatus. 7, pupa; 8, view of 8th abdominal segment. *All figures were drawn for us by Mr. Hubert Jarvis, Assistant Entomologist, Brisbane. BY T. HARVEY JOHNSTON AND M. J. BANCROFT 131 The flies bred out were determined by Dr. Ferguson as Silvius notatus Ricardo, of which species he informed us S. psarophanes Taylor is a synonym. As a result of our observations during the summer 1919-1920, the pupation period of the three species collected was ascertained to be less than six weeks, with four weeks as a possible maximum. Since these periods included an unknown number of days spent in the larval stage, our figures are merely approximations. Davis (1919, p. 97, 99) reported that in the case of Tabanus sulcifrons and 7’. atratus common species in the eastern parts of the United States, the complete life cycle occupied about a year, the larve living through the winter and pupating in early spring, the pupal stage occupying about a month and a fortnight, respectively, for the two March flies mentioned. Hindle (1914, p. 228-30), stated that Tabanid larve in temperate countries live through the year, pupating in the following spring, the whole life cycle occupying eleven to twelve months, the pupal period being usually three to four weeks. O LITERATURE CITED. 1919—Davis, J. J. Contributions to a knowledge of the natural enemies of Phyllophaga. Bull. Nat. Hist. Survey Illinois, 13 (5), 138 pp. 1919—Ferguson, E. W. and Henry, M. Tabanide from the Camden Haven district, N.S.W., ete. P.L.S., N.S.W., 44, 1919 (1920). pp- 828-849. 1911—Froggatt, W. W. March Flies. Science Bull. No. 3, Dept. Agric. N.S.W., Sept. 1911, 16 pp. 1914—Hindle, E. Flies and Diseases. Bloodsucking flies. Cambr, Univ. Press. 1920—Johnston, T. H. and Bancroft, M. J. Experiments with certain Diptera as possible transmitters of bovine Onchocerciasis. P.R.S. Q’land., 32, pp. 31-57. 1916—Taylor, F. H. Australian Tabanide ii. P.L.S., N.S.W.- 41, 1916 (1917), pp. 746-762. THE PEACH LEAF POISON BUSH, TREMA ASPERA BLUME: ITS OCCASIONAL TOXICITY. By Frank Smitu, B.Sc., F.1.C., anp C. T. Waits, F.L:S. (Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 29th November, 1920). Concerning many plants recorded as poisonous or injurious to stock in Australia there is much diversity of opinion among stockowners. As a case in point may be cited Trema aspera, common in the eastern states and variously known as “‘ Peach-leaf Poison Bush,’ * Wild Peach,’ “Peach Poison,’ etc. This plant’is regarded by some as a good and sate forage plant, but by others as one of our worst poisonous plants. There are numerous references to Trema as a dangerous fodder in the writings of Australian botanists. The bark is very fibrous, and it has been held that the harmful effects attributed to the plant are due to its tough and indigestible nature when ingested by stock in the absence of softer and more palatable feed : this especially in view of the fact that the plant belongs to a family of plants—the Ulmaceae—the members of which as a general rule are quite wholesome and free from poisonous properties. This is the opinion of Bailey and Gordon!, and of Ewart”, though the latter states that Ferd. von Mueller recorded the plant as poisonous. Maiden?,* records the plant as believed poisonous by many stockowners, but personally expresses no opinion on it. It is referred to by Greshoff® as a suspected poison plant in Australia. Bancroft® states that the most carefully made extracts of both the green and dried plant were not bitter nor did they have any effect on frogs. W. D. Francis’ writing of weeds and scrub-undergrowth eaten by stock in a south-eastern dairying district (Kin Kin) during drought periods, states that Trema is extensively eaten but very few if any losses in the district have been caused by it. Cleland® quotes Shepherd (N.S.W. Med. Gaz. 11. 1871, 74) as saying that the plant is alleged poisonous to goats and cattle in Queensland but though frequently eaten in New South Wales no ill effects are noticed. BY FRANK SMITH AND C. T. WHITE. 133 Hydrocyanic Acid in Trema aspera.—Recent obser- vations of the writers:would, however. definitely show that the plant is at times capable of producing mortality in stock, and is worthy of the reputation imputed in the popular naming. The closely allied Trema timorensis Blume (Syn. 7. virgata Blume, Sponia virgata Planch) is recorded as cyano- phoric in Greshoff’s original lists® 1°. In course of a survey of the Queensland Flora made by us!! for the occurrence of prussic acid (cyanogenetic glucosides), the occasional presence of faint traces of this poison in Trema aspera was noted. Latterly (March, 1920) in connection with an enquiry into cases of fatality among stock in the Beaudesert district, Southern Queensland, portions of Trema aspera were gathered which evidenced the presence of an amygdalin- like glucoside both in the ** bitter-almond ” odour when the leaves were rubbed between the hands and also by pro- nounced positive reactions in the usual test made with Guignard’s soda picrate paper. The record of tests (Guignard reaction) on specimens of Trema from various localities is as follows :— | ; | Sas) 2) | Bresence of Date. Name of Plant. Locality. Hydrocyanic | | Acid. | 30/6/17 Trema aspera .. ..| Ithaca Creek ..| Faint positive 28/5/18 | Sunnybank .. : | Faint positive 16/6/18 | Moreton Bay .| Negative 30/6/18 Ithaca Creek ..| Negative 13/2/20 Beenleigh .. ..| Negative 22/2/20 | Beaudesert | Fairly strong | positive 23/2/20 Beaudesert (second | Fairly strong test confirmatory) |} positive 6/3/20 | McPherson Range ..| Negative 30/3/20 | Marmor a ..| Negative 29/1/18 | Trema aspera var. | viridis ef ..| Malanda oe ..| Negative 29/1/18 | Trema amboinensis .. Malanda | Negative 134 PEACH LEAF POISON BUSH. The transitory appearance of hydrocyanic acid has been noted by Greshofft? in Hydrangea and certain ferns, and its periodicity in economic plants of the Sorghum group is well-known. Similar occurrence of the poison, as here shown, in Trema aspera in sufficient amount in certain situations or at certain seasons is in accord with the sporadic and sudden fatalities occasionally observed among stock grazing where the plant is abundant. —_—0Q0—— REFERENCES. 1. Barttey, F. M., and Gorpon, P. R. Plants Reputed Poisonous and. Injurious to Stock, 1887, p. 93. 2. Ewart, A. J., and Tovey, J. R. Weeds, Poisonous Plants and Naturalised Aliens of Victoria, 1909, p. 36. 3. Maren, J. H. Agricultural Gazette of N.S.W., Vol. VIII., 1897, p- 19. 4. Maren, J. H., Agricultural Gazette of N.S.W., Vol. XIL, 1901 p. 663. GresHorr, M. Beschrijving der giftige en bedwelmende planten bij de vischvangst in gebruik (Tweede gedeelte) Mededeelingen uit ’s Lands Plantentuin, XXIX (1900), p. 145. 6. Bancrort, T. L. Research into the Pharmacology of Some Queensland Plants, 1888, p. 2. Francis, W. D. Queensland Agricultural Journal, Vol. XIII. n.s., 1920, p. 70. 8. CLELAND, J. B. Third Report, Bureau of Microbiology, Sydney 1912, p. 198. 9. GreEsHoFF, M. Brit. Ass. Adv. Se., York, 1906, pp. 138-144. 10. GresHorr, M. Bull. Sc. Pharm., 1906, pp. 589-602. 11. Sirs, F., and Wurtz, C. T. Proc. Royal Soc. Queensland, Vol. XXVII., 1920, pp. 89-91. On account of the faint positive reactions recorded for the plant at the time it was not here recorded as definitely cyanophoric. - 12. Gresnorr, M. Kew Bull., 1909, p. 411. Or CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND, No. 2.* A REVISED ACCOUNT OF THE QUEENSLAND SPECIES OF HABENARIA WITH A KEY TO THE AUSTRALIAN MEMBERS OF THE GENUS. By R. 8. Rogers, M.A., M.D.; anp C. T. Wuirs, F.L.S. (Read before the Royal Society of Queensland, 29th November, 1920). HABENARIA, R.Br. 1. Habenaria elongata, Rk. Br., Prodr. 313, Lindley Gen. et. Sp. Orchid. 317; Reichb. f. Beitr. Orchid. 6; Benth. Flora Austr. vi. 594; F.v.Muell. Fragm. VII, 15 ; Bail. Queensland Flora V. 1590: Kraenzlin, Orchid. Gen. et. Sp. I. 386. Habitat. Rockhampton, O'Shanesy (ex F. v. Muell l.c.), Mt. Cook, near Cooktown, Miss Lovell. Distribution. Tropical Australia (Type from Arnhem’s Land). In Miss Lovell’s specimens a notch (sometimes a dis- tinct bifurcation) is shown at the base of each lateral petal, an important departure from the type. 2. Habenaria Millari, Bail. in Bull. No. 9 Dept. Agri- culture and Stock, Brisbane (1890) p. 19; Queensland Monat .« 1590; Habitat. Walsh River, 7. Barclay Millar. Distribution. Endemic in Queensland. *No. 1. These Proceedings pp. 117-124. tAlways quoted by the late F. M. Bailey as “‘ Botany Bulletin III.” It was the third of the Bulletin series issued by the Queensland Department of Agriculture devoted to Botany, the title “‘ Botany Bulletin IIL.” does not, however, appear on the title page. 136 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND. 3. Habenaria divaricata, sp. nov. Planta subrobusta, circiter 62.5 cm. alta. Folia 3 vel 4, sessilia, basibus vaginiformia, alternata, ascendentia, in bracteas foliaceas gradatim transeuntia. Bracteae circiter 6; inferae lanceolatae, + 8 cm: longae ; superae subulatae, + 3 cm. longae. Spica subdensa, + 9 cm longa. Flores fere sessiles; bracteolae subulatae, ovariis paulo breviores ; ovarium cylindraceum, = 1.5 em. longum. Sepalum dorsale anguste ovatum, obtusiusculum, 3-5-nervosum, + 4.5 mm. longum, 2 mm. latum ; sepala lateralia semiovata, obtusiuscula, 3-nervosa, sepalo dorsali longiora, + 6.5 mm. longa, + 2.25 mm. lata; petala cum sepalo dorsali conniventia, falco-lanceolata, obtusiuscula, 2 nervosa, —- 5 mm. longa, + 1 mm. lata. Labellum + 6 mm. longum, profunde tripartitum ; partitio intermedia anguste linearis, apice obtusiuscula, subter eanaliculata, -+ 5 mm. longa; partitiones laterales anguste lineari- lanceolatae, divaricatae, acuminatae, -—+ 2.5 mm. longae; basi callus semicirculus ; calcar lineari-teres, clavatum, —- 10 mm. longum. Columna brevis; staminodia lateralia, verrucosa, prope a basibus canalium antherae; canales processus stigmaticos fere aequantes; processus stigmatosi longiusculi, carnosi, glandulosi, suboblongi, porrecti, apicibus rotundati. Plant moderately robust, about 62.5 em. high ; a sheath- ing scale at the extreme base. Leaves 3 or 4, sessile, with vaginate bases, alternate, ascending, lower ones imbricate, merging insensibly into stem bracts; increasing in length but decreasing in width from below upwards; the lowest, near the base, ovate, about 4 ¢m. long; the next in succession about 11.5 cm. long, 1.5 em. wide; the third in succession about 13 cm. long, 0.75 cm. wide ; stem-bracts about six, diminishing in length from below upwards; the lower ones lanceolate, 8 cm. or less in length; the upper ones subulate, about 3 cm. long. Spike rather dense, about 9 em. long. Flowers nearly sessile; bracteoles subulate, somewhat shorter than the ovaries; unimpreg- nated ovary cylindrical, about 1.5 em. long. Dorsal sepal narrowly ovate, blunt, 3-5 nerved, about 4.5 mm. long, 2 mm. wide ; lateral sepals semi-ovate, rather blunt, 3 nerved, longer than the dorsal sepal, about 6.5 mm. long, 2.25 mm. wide; petals connivent with the dorsal sepal, falco-lanceolate, rather blunt, 3 nerved, about 5 mm. long, about 1 mm. wide. Labellum about 6 mm. long, deeply tripartite; middle division narrow linear, apex rather blunt, channelled below, about 5 mm. long ; lateral divisions narrowly linear lanceolate, divaricate, acuminate, about 2.5 mm. long; semi-circular callus at the \ lend BY R. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE 137 base; spur linear terete, clavate, about 10 mm. long. Column short ; staminodes lateral, warty, situated near the base of the anther canals ; the canals almost equal in length to the stigmatic processes; stigmatic processes rather long, fleshy, glandular, somewhat oblong, stretching for- ward. rounded at the free ends. Habitat. This fine Habenaria comes from Dunk Island off the North East Coast of Queensland. As in the case of Habenaria Banfieldii Bail. and Habenaria ovoidea, we are indebted to Mr. E. J. Bantield for the discovery of this species. 4. Habenaria graminea, Lindl. Gen. ef Sp. Orchid. 318; Benth. Flora Austr. VI. 394; F. v. Muell. Fragm. VII. 16: Bail. Queens. Flora. V. 1590; Kraenzlin Orchid. Gen. et. Sp. L. 383. Habitat. Rockingham Bay, Dallachy (ex F. v. Muell. l.c.); Pioneer River, L. J. Nugent; Magnetic Island, J. W. Fawcett; Cairns, C. T. White. Distribution. Tropical Australia, New Guinea and India. 5. Habenaria xanthantha, 7.2. Muwell. Fragm. VII, 16; Benth. Flora. Austr. VI, 395; Bail. Queens. Flora Y. 1591: Kraenzlin. Orchid. Gen. et Sp. I. 378. Habitat. Rockingham Bay, Dallachy (ex. F.v.Muell l.c.) ; Kelsey Creek near Proserpine, Rev. N. Michael (No. 854). Distribution. Endemic in Queensland. This ill-defined species greatly interferes with any attempt at a clear-cut systematic arrangement of Aus- tralian forms. It was at first thought that the founder might have accidently included within it more than one member of the genus, but an examination of his material* in the National Herbarium, Melbourne, reveals the nature of the difficulties which confronted him. This material was collected by J. Dallachy at Rockingham Bay, Queensland, and Baron *Courteously lent by the Curator of the Herbarium. 138 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND. Mueller’s description was publishedin June, 1869 (Fragmenta, VII, 16). The plants which constitute it, bear a strong resemblance to each other as regards leaves, stature and ~ general habit, but much variation was observed in the reproductive and accessory organs. These variations were chiefly noticeable in the lateral lobes of the labellum and in the spur, not only in different plants but actually on the same spike. In one individual it was possible to find flowers in which the lateral lobes of the labellum were symmetrical, extremely asymmetrical, or absent. These lobes were usually small or deltoid in shape, but in one flower the lobe on one side of the labellum was rudimentary, whereas on the other side its base was deltoid and its acum- inate point attained at least half the length of the rather long middle division. Jn another spike the spur varied from 1.5 mm. to 4 mm. in length. In some instances the spur was extremely short, not exceeding .6 mm. The type of spur common to all the plants was conical and incurved, not filiform. The few plants available could be roughly divided into those in which the anther canals and stigmatic processes were approximately equal in length, and those in which the anther canals were only about half the length of the ‘‘ processes.” It was further noticed that the former plants were provided with rudimentary spurs, and the latter as a rule with relatively long spurs. The suggestion that some of these variations might be the result of kybridization was almost irresistible. but until ample and suitable material is available, this polymorphic species must continue to embrace within its limits many doubtful forms. In the Queensland Herbarium, von Mueller’s species is represented by specimens collected by the Rev. N. Michael at Kelsey Ck., near Proserpine, Queensland. These specimens are superficially very much alike. The leaves are rather narrower and shortcr than in Dallachy’s speci- mens. They exhibit however, similar variations to those found in the latter. In some cases the lateral lobes of the labellum are nearly as long as the middle lobe, and have a tendency in several instances to become circinate. as in H. ochroleuca Br.. The leaf of the latter species is, however, very much lon er and wider, and the spur more than double the length. BY BR. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE : 139 In many of the flowers ~ the Kelsey Creek specimens, the spur is so rudimentary, that it becomes extremely difficult to trace. In other specimens it may attain a length of 3 mm. Im all of them the stigmatic processes consider- ably exceed in length the anther canals, irrespective of the length of the spur. The staminodes are in all instances very distinct. The locality where these specimens were collected is about two degrees (120 miles) of latitude south of Rock- ingham Bay where von Mueller’s original material was obtained. 6. Habenaria propinquior, Reichh. f. Beitr. Orchid (1871) 53; Kraenzlin, Orchid. Gen. et Sp. I 381. Habitat. Cape York Peninsula Rockingham Bay. Distribution. Endemic in Queensland. This species is reduced to a synonym of H. xanthantha, F.v.M. in the Flora Australiensis, but is not so regarded by Kraenzlin in Orchid. Gen. et Sp. 378 and. 381. Although this plant is unrepresented in Australian National collections, it would appear to differ materially from H. xanthantha in several important respects, such as inequality in shape and length of perianth segments, and also in regard to the shape and length of the spur. The following description is included for purposes of convenience. Stem about 20-25 cm. high. Leaves at the base, linear-lanceolate, 3-4 cm long, 3-4 mm. wide, most of them awned and _ scale like. Raceme few-flowered. Dorsal sepal widely ovate, obtuse; lateral ones longer, triangular ; petals shorter, ligulate, obtuse. The lateral lobes of the tripartite labellum narrowly triangular; the middle one longer and wider. Spur filiform, inflexed, acute at the apex, hardly widening at the base; equal in length, either to the whole or half of the pedicellated ovary. Stigmatic processes very short, equal in length to the anther canals. Flowers among the smallest of the genus; more constant than those of H. ochroleuca, R.Br. 140 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND. 7. Habenaria Banfieldii, Bailey, Queens. Agric. Journ. XVI (1906) 564; Compr. Cat. Queens., Pl. pp. 539 and 540, fig. 528. Habitat. Dunk Island, FE. J. Banfield. Distribution. Endemic in Queensland. 8. Habenaria ovoidea, sp. nov. Planta erecta, gracilis, glabra, circiter 19-35 cm. alta. Folia 2 vel 3, basilaria, elliptica vel oblongo-elliptica, sessilia, multi-nervosa, —+ 4-9 cm longa, .75 cm. lata. Bracteae 3 vel 4, ovato-lanceolatae, acuminatae, 1.25-2.5 em. longae. Spica laxiflora, circiter 4-7.5 cm. longa. Flores sessiles, in speciem albicantes, ovaria elongata, gracilia; bracteolae ovariis breviores. Sepala lateralia obtusiuscula, -+ 4.5 mm. longa, 3-nervosa, falco-lanceolata, basi labelli prope a calcari brevissime adnata ; sepalum dorsale ovatum, cucullatum, obtusissimum, circiter 5 mm. longum, 3-nervosum; petala basibus contracta, 3-nervosa, libera, elliptico- lanceolata, -—¢ 4.75 mm longa. Labellum inferum, sessile, circiter 5 mm. longum; basi columnae brevissime adnatum; tridentatum ; segmentum intermedium circiter 1.5 mm. longum, strictum, lineari-oblongum, acuminatum ; segmenta lateralia divaricata, falco-lanceolata, —+ 3 mm. longa, segmento intermedio longiora latioraque; callus fere quadratus a basi unguis ad medium; calcar brevissimum, ovoideum. Columna brevissima, canales antherae breves; processus stigmatici minutissimi, ovati. Scape glabrous, from 19-35 cm. high. Leaves 2 or 3, basal, elliptical or oblong-elliptical, sessile, multi-nerved, with rather prominent midrib, from about 4-9 cm. long, 0.75 cm. wide. Stem-bracts 3 or 4, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate from 1.25-2.5 em. long. Spike laxi-flowered, about 4-7.5 cm. long. Flowers sessile, apparently white, on long slender ovaries, 4-5 mm. long (not including ovary). Flower bracts generally much shorter than the ovaries. Lateral sepals blunt, + 45 mm. long 3-nerved, falco- lanceolate, very shortly adnate to the base of the labellum near the spur: dorsal sepal ovate cucullate, very blunt, about 5 mm. long, 3-nerved; lateral petals contracted at the base, 3-nerved ; about 4.75 mm. long, elliptic-lanceolate, free. Labellum inferior ; sessile, about 5 mm. long; very shortly adnate to the base of the column; tridentate ; ‘central lobe about 1.5 mm. long, linear oblong, straight, shortly acuminate ; lateral lobes divergent from the central, about 3 mm. long, falco-lanceolate, longer and wider than the middle segment; a somewhat raised widely oblong (almost quadrate) callus along the centre of the claw for BY R. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE 14] almost half its length ; spur very short (about as long as the column), ovoid. Column very short; anther canals short, glands 2; pollen sectile ; stigmatic processes ovate, minute, on each side of the base of the column. Habitat. Dunk Island, FE. J. Banfield. This species in its general habit is very unlike H. Banfieldii, Bail. and H. dwaricata, Rogers and White, which come from the same locality. It is more slender, with foliage more definitely basal and a much less bract- eated stem than either of these species. In H. Banfieldts the labellum is traversed from the base almost to the tip of the middle lobe by a linear oblong callus ; whereas in this new species the callus is almost quadrate and confined to the lower half of the claw. In H. Banfieldii the middle lobe is wider and at least as long as the lateral lobes ; whereas in H. ovoidea the middle lobe is narrower and much shorter than the other segments. The stigmatic processes are cristate and much longer, but the flowers relatively smaller, in H. Banfieldit than in the new species. The specific name ovoidea has reference to the egg-shaped spur, a feature which it shares in common with H. Banfieldi. Key to AUSTRALIAN SPECIES. The following analytical table will serve to show the relation of the different Queensland species to other Aus- tralian Habenariae. Petals bipartite. Stems leafy. Labellum 3-partite; segments equal, narrow-linear, divergent. Spur filiform, inflated at apex, as long as ovary (7 mm.)...... H. trinervis Petals undivided. Spur more or less filiform-clavate, 8 mm. or more in length. Labellum deeply tripartite ; segments long, narrow-linear or filliform. Spur 2.5 c.m. (1 inch) or more in length. Leaves basal or nearly so. Segments of labellum linear ; lateral ones much shorter than central one. Lateral petals sometimes notched. Stigmatic processes horizontal terete, cristate....H. elongata Segments of labellum filiform ; lateral ones about 2.5 em. (1 inch); middle one shorter. Stigmatic processes erect, with Wager, wedAlaotoste, lNeEOsn Aoedsho ns cbcode H, Millari 142 ORCHIDACEOUS FLORA OF QUEENSLAND Spur clavate, longer than the labellum, but not exceeding 1.5 ec.m. (about $ inch). Labellum deeply 3-partite, with well- developed lateral lobes. Leaves distributed well up the stem beyond the middle. Middle segment of labellum linear, about 5 m.m. long; lateral ones about half as long, spur about LO} mm\)| lone hey.2ee eee H. divaricata Leaves at the base. Leaves linear to oblong. Labellar seg- ments about equal, approximately 4.25 mm. long, linear. Spur about 8 mm., genu-flexed in the middle.... H. eurystoma Leaves linear, under 7.5 c.m. (3 inches) long. Middle segment labellum linear ; lateral ones filiform, gener- ally circinate, diverging at right angles with the middle one. Spur about 12 mm., rather longer than the ovary) 7 skis. (sce eke bt Leaves oblong or spathe-like ; sometimes distant. Middle segment labellum linear ; lateral ones a little shorter lanceolate-falcate, divaricate. Spur about 8 mm. long, much shorter H. graminea than ovary and p:dicel combined.... H. ochroleuca Spur conical or filiform, sometimes obliterated, not exceeding 6 mm. (} inch). Lateral lobes of labellum seldom well marked, sometimes absent. Leaves distributed well up the stem; linear to oblong. Lateral segments labellum many times shorter than the middle segment, deltoid or semi-circular; middle segment filiform-linear, about as long as sepals. Spur filiform clavate, about 6 mm. long... Leaves at the base linear. Lateral segments of labellum often asymmetrical, usually minute or obsolete ; middle segment linear- oblong or lanceolate, about as long as the sepals. Spur conical, incurved, sometimes .H. Holtzet obliterated, not exceeding 4 mm. in length. H. Xanthantha BY R. S. ROGERS AND C. T. WHITE 143 Spur filiform, about the same width throughout, rather long, equal to at least half the length of the pedicellated ovary. Leaves basal, linear ‘lanceolate. Lateral lobes of the labellum narrowly triangular, acuminate, shorter than muGaLer LOPS it \eae wares potions: fcdeyNte ctopte e H. propinquior Spur ovoid or rotund, very short, approximating in length to the column. Labellum tridentate. Leaves distributed over lower half of stem, widely elliptic; stem markedly bracteate. Plant rather stout. Middle lobe of trident wider and either equal to or longer than lateral lobes; a linear-oblong callus extending along centre of lamina from base of claw neatly to tip of middle lobe ............ H. Banfieldir Leaves at the base, oblong-elliptic. Plant slender, stem-bracts few. Middle lobe of trident about 1.5 mm. long, narrower and much stouter than lateral lobes; lateral lobes about 3 mm. long, falco-lanceolate; an almost quadrate callus occupying the posterior halt of the claw..:-................ H. ovoidea EXCLUDED SPECIES. Habenaria mesophylla, Kraenzlin, Orchid. Cen. et Sp. I 204. Kraenzlin (l.c.) includes this species among Australian representatives of the genus. The material was supplied by Baron von Mueller from the Melbourne Herbarium, but, as it was unaccompanied by names of locality and collector, it is unsafe to assume that it is of Australian origin. It has, in fact, the features of Ceratopetalae, an African section of Habenaria. The dried flowers show an apparently undivided labellum, owing to the adhesion between the lateral lobes of that organ and the anterior divisions of the petals. Owing to defective data, it has not been included in the above key. og S= BB Eh Ronal Society of Queensland. Abstract of Pr. -eedings. REPORT OF CoUNCIL FOR 1919. To the Members of the Royal Society of Queensland. Your Council have pleasure in submitting their Report for the year 1919. We desire to place on record our gratification over the official announcement of Peace, and our intense admir- ation for the part played by men of our race and their allies in the late gigantic struggle. Taking into consideration the effect of the influenza epidemic, the work of the year has been very satisfactory, twelve papers being accepted for reading and publication. During the visit of the Royal Australasian Ornithologists’ Union to Queensland, a lecture on Central Australia was delivered before the Society, by Captain S$. A. White, C.M.B.0.U., of Adelaide, and the meeting was the largest held within recent years. We have to express our indebtedness to the Queensland Government, who have again voted a sum of £50 to assist the Society in the publication of scientific work. Our thanks are also due to the Trustees of the Walter and Eliza Hall Fund, for assistance in the publication of the paper on ‘The Life Histories of Musca australis Macq., and M. vetustissima Walker,’ by Prot. T. H. Johnston and Miss M. J. Bancroft, Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Economie Biology. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Vi. There have been twelve meetings of the Council, the attendances being as follows :—H. A. Longman (President), 11 ; C. D. Gilhes, 12; T. H. Johnston, 10; J. Shirley, 12 ; A. B. Walkom, 0* ; F. Butler-Wood, 3; E. H. Gurney, 8 ; iH Cakichards, 7; KF. South, 3° 8. B. Watkins, 8; C. T. White, 11. Our roll of members consists of ten Corresponding, and eighty-nine Ordinary Members, making a total of ninety-nine. During the yeafive members were admitted to the Society, and five resignations were presented and accepted. ' The thanks of the Society to Mr. C. D. Gillies, M.Sc., who now retires from the position of Honorary Secretary, are placed on record, and we wish him all possible success in his new work. Our thanks are also due to the University of Queens- land for accommodation for meetings and for housing the library. The attention of members is directed to the provision made in the rules for the enrolling of associates at the moderate subscription of half-a-guinea per annum. The Financial Statement forthe past year shows a credit balance of £68/7/4, but against this there is a printer’s bill amounting to £99/8/6. Stgned, HEBER A. LONGMAN, President. Signed, C. D. GILLIES, Hon. Secretary. 4th March, 1920. *Dr. Walkom left for Sydney in March, 1919. K OCEEDINGS. > v PI OF ABSTRACT Vil. "MOTAS TOAVd ‘19Upny ‘uoH “AUTUIHS NHOL “Oinsvory, ‘QouR[Vq JO GWT} OY} Fe PUBY OF JOU SUA TY XY [OA 10} UNO [wUz S19oJUIg Oy L, 6 L 99TF 6 L 99IF Seo "* es we a ane ne eourleg ° 0 8 °° axe 30 ne nd 5 eo], | 0 g 0 ** Ci ** * “* * ODUBYOX OP 2G) a ais Te ais res “* osieyy yueg Oe 16 ia Ta “a oF I ate airs re ro its “ syuoutestq10A py OF I Ac ne aie oe Drea 0 ae sae ae aes hp LOINSVOLT, “UO Ov O00: ae ‘ i, aetious os” oo of ors as we oouevinsuy 0 0803 C _ eee | ens Si sie gue ee AIvJolO9G “UOTT (ay (0) is % as 6 6 €8 oe ee ef oe “* ee ouljgUuI oe ‘p's F “LUMA LIA NA XO] ‘SLAIMOW YY “Ib 616} ‘AOQuieseq 35;E pepue weeX 40} LAAHS AONWIYA axe suordwosqng ** gdurpoed01g jo eyeg SSULPe9001,7 0} SoTpIsqng Apisqng queuruseao%y "* 6161 ‘98, Arsnuse —ooureg yurg Ag “Ip ‘AaNWISNGAANO FTO ALAIOOS I1WAOUYU AHL ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Vili. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, 3lst Marcu, 1920. The Annual General Meeting of the Royal Society was held on Wednesday, 31st March, 1920, at 8 p.m., in the Geology Lecture Theatre, University. Mr. H. A. Longman, F.L.S., President, in the chair. The minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs. H. Tryon, A. Cayzer, B.Sc., and L. E. Cooling were proposed for membership. The Annual Report of the Council and the Annual Financial Statement were adopted on the motion of Mr. J. B. Henderson, F.I.C., E. W. Bick seconding. The following officers were elected for 1920 :— President: F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.LC. Vice- Presidents: H. A. Longman, F.L.S. (ex officio): CT Witte, Hues: Hon. Secretary: W. D. Francis. Hon. Treasurer: J. Shirley, D.Sc. Hon. Editor: H. A. Longman, F.L.S. Hon. Inbrarian: W. H. Bryan, M.Sc. Members of Council: F. Butler-Wood, D.D.8., B. Dunstan, E. H. Gurney, Prof. T. H. Johnston, M.A., D.Se., Prof. H. C. Richards, D-Se. The newly-elected President was installed, and returned thanks for his election. The retiring President delivered his Presidential Address on ‘“‘Some Factors in Variation”’ At its con- clusion, Professor T. H. Johnston moved a vote of thanks. which was seconded by Mr. C. T. White, and carried unanimously. Mr. Longman suitably responded. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, APRIL 28TH, 1920. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society was held on Wednesday, April 28th, 1920, at 8 p.m., in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University. Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sec., F.I.C., President, in the chair. ie ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. The President referred to the death of the late Governor of Queensland, His Excellency Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, G.C.M.G., C.B., etc., and the Secretary was instructed to convey a message of condolence to Lady Goold-Adams. The meeting expressed its sympathy by rising. The minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and confirmed. Messrs. H. Tryon, A. Cayzer, B.Sc., and L. E. Cooling were elected to ordinary membership of the Society. Mr. O. W. Tiegs, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Biology, was proposed for ordinary membership of the Society. Mr. B. Dunstan exhibited a series of specimens, illus- trating the occurrence of precious opal in the basaltic country at Tintenbar, near Ballina, in New South Wales, comprising (1) Tripolite, which forms the source of the silica ; (2) scoriaceous’ basalt containing amygdules of precious opal ; (3) precious opals weathered out of the basalt ; (4) ‘‘ shin-cracker > or common opal formed from tripolite in situ; and (5) opal decomposed or devitrified to a white, _ earthy rock. References were made to the conditions under which the opal was formed, the peculiarities of the opal produced, and the prospects of obtaining similar opal on the Queensland side of the border. Dr. J. Shirley, F.M.S., exhibited a remarkable band of eggs, lately received at the Queensland Museum, from Mr. Eric McConnel, of Mount Brisbane, of a vinaceous-pink colour and shaped like a gnomon; one arm 1300 mm. by 130 mm., the short arm 440 mm. by 170 mm. The eggs are in rows of 40 to 50 capsules, containing about 30 eggs each, and there are hundreds of rows. The band was found at Southport, and belongs to an unknown cephalopod. From Mr. E. J. Banfield, of Dunk Island, were shown two wood-boring mollusks—WMartesia striata Lin., and a Xylophaga, probably new. These had penetrated deeply into the timber of a damaged jetty. The methods of ’ ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. X. boring were referred to at length, and various theories, mechanical and chemical, advanced by leading conchologists, were compared, In a late visit to Baffle Creek, Mr. C. T. White, Govern- ment Botanist, collected a few land shells, the principal being Thersites parsoni Cox and Thersites bloomfieldi Cox. These were commented upon by Dr. Shirley. Mr. H. A. Longman, F.LS., exhibited a Pleropus poliocephalus Temminck, which had been forwarded to the Queensland Museum by Mr. 8. C. Smith, from Dulbydilla, beyond Mitchell, Western Queensland, this being a remarkable extension into the interior of the range of this “* flying-fox.”’ Mr Ceara White, iL. 5.;, exhibited : (1) photographs showing variation in the bark of Eucalyptus hemastoma, Sm., var. micrantha (D.C) Benth., the common * white ”’ or “ scribbly gum,” also a photograph of a stringy-barked form common on the ranges about Toowoomba, which he considered worthy of distinct varietal rank; (2) tubers of the ‘* Weir Vine,” Ipomoea calobra, Hill and F.v.M., gathered by Mr. Donald Gunn, M.LA., between Goondiwindi and St. George. Mr. Gunn stated that the vines had the same effect on stock as the Darling Pea, or “Indigo” (Swainsona). The tubers, however, were used -as food by people in the districts where the plant occurred. “Mr. Gunn’s account of the effect of the plant on stock was corroborated by other practical stockmen. Mr. H. Tryon and Professors Richards and Johnston took part in the discussions on the exhibits. Professor T. H. Johnston, M.A., D.Sec., read the following papers by himself and Miss M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc. - (a) ‘* Experiments with Certain Diptera as Possible Transmitters of Bovine Onchocerciasis”’ ; (b) ‘* Notes on the Chalcid Parasites of Muscoid Flies in Australia.’ The papers were accompanied by an exhibit of specimens. “The discussion was deferred to the monthly meeting of the Society. sae ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Mr. J. B. Henderson, F.1.C., read a paper entitled :— ‘* Notes on the Occurrence of Petroleum in Queensland.’’ He also exhibited material obtained in the State and by means of apparatus demonstrated the effects of pressure on gas and oil in bores. The discussion on the paper was deferred to a later date. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, May 3lst, 1920. A Special Meeting of the Royal Society of Queensland was held on Monday, 3lst May, 1920, at 8 p.m., in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University. Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.I.C., President, in the Chair. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. After discussion the following alterations and additions to the rules of the Society were carried :— Rule 21, line 2, delete ‘“‘ and’”’ and insert ‘“‘ and under direction from the Council may take steps to recover arrears, he shall” Rule 29, add ‘‘ Authors shall receive 25 copies of their printed papers. Blocks for illustrations other than line blocks and the extra cost of printing of same shall be at the cost of the author.” It was also decided to reduce the number of the annual volumes of Proceedings of the Society printed each year’ from 400 to 300. This procedure and the addition to Rule 29, as above, were decided upon as temporary measures only, on account of the high cost of printing, etc. Mr. O. W. Tiegs, B.Sc., Walter and Eliza Hall Fellow in Biology, was elected an Ordinary Member of the Society. Mr. H. A. Longman, F.L.S., exhibited Queensland Museum skins of the common opossum, T'richosurus vulpecula Kerr, showing brown and fawn varieties, as well as the characteristic grey. These varieties have been tabulated by A. 8S. Le Souef (Australian Zoologist, I, p. 62, 1916), whilst the first-named corresponds with Ramsay's “ T. johnston.” ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Xil. Professor T. H. Johnston, M.A., D.Sc., read the follow- ing paper by himself and Miss M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc.: “* The Life History of Habronema in relation to Musca domestica.” Mr. H. Tryon discussed the foregoing paper as well as the same authors’ paper entitled ‘‘ Experiments with Certain Diptera as possible Transmitters of Bovine Onchocer- ciasis *’ which was read at the previous monthly meeting. Owing to the late hour, the following papers were taken as read :— ; By. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.LC., and’ C. T. White, F.L.5., “On the Occurrence of Cyanogenetic Glucosides in the Flowers of Some Proteacee.”’ By C. P. Alexander, ‘* New or Little Known Australian Crane Flies’? (Communicated by Professor Johnston). The President referred to the departure of Professor Johnston to America in the near future, and on behalf of the Society wished him a successful and pleasant voyage. He also congratulated Miss M. J. Walker, M.Sc., upon her appointment as Lecturer in Biology at the University. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, JUNE 30TH, 1920. The ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University, on the 30th June, 1920, at 8 p.m. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc, F.I.C., in the Chair. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Dr. H. I. Jensen was proposed for ordinary member- ship of the Society. Mr. H. A. Longman, F.L.S., exhibited a number of marsupial crania showing variations in the perforations of the cribriform plate, and pointed out that members of the Polyprotodontia (Perameles, Myrmecobius, Thylacinus, Sarcophilus, Dasyurus, Phascologale, etc.) were characterised by the presence of two major perforations situated near the superior median margin. Xili. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. Mr. C. T. White, F.L.S., exhibited (1) pieces of the stem of Vitis acris F.v.M. When collecting in the Rosedale district recently Mr. Schmieden had told him that when the stem of this vine was chewed, the tongue and lips became inflamed, the secretion of saliva was increased . and intense pain ensued. (2) Seeds of Macrozanomia macrocarpa Cogn., collected in the Aru Islands by Mr. Snowden, who had forwarded them to Mr. M. J. Colclough, of the Queensland Museum. Mr. Snowden stated that these beautifully “winged seeds were sometimes found floating about in the-air 10 miles out to sea and not uncom- monly fell on schooners’ decks. The exhibitor stated that he had observed specimens on the road between Bioto and Mafulu, in Papua, while collecting in that region.. The seeds had previously been described by the late F. M. Bailey in the Society’s Proceedings (xviii, 3), as those of an unknown Bignoniaceous _ plant. For the correct identification Mr. White was indebted to the Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (Lieut.-Colonel Sir D. Prain), who, in forwarding the determination, stated that an article on this interesting plant had been prepared for an early number of the Kew Bulletin. The President and Mr. H. Tryon took part in the discussion on the exhibits. Mr. W. D. Francis read a paper entitled : “* The Origin of Black Coatings of Iron and Manganese Oxides on Rocks,’’ which was discussed by Dr. Shirley, Messrs. Tryon, White, and Longman. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, JULY 26TH, 1920. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society, was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University, on the 26th July, 1920, at 8 p.m. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.I.C., in the Chair. An apology was tendered by the President on behalf of Professor H. C. Richards, D.Sc., who was absent from Brisbane and proceeding to the Pan-Pacific Science Con- gress at Honolulu. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XIV. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Dr. H. I. Jensen was elected to Ordinary Membership of the Society. Mr. J. B. Henderson, F.I.C., made some general remarks on the subject of Petroleum in Queensland, and exhibited apparatus demonstrating how oil or gas bearing strata may be bored through, and the oil or gas missed or only obtained in small intermittent quantities, also demonstra- ting conditions under which gas-flows in bores containing water may be stopped and started again. Mr. W. H. Bryan, M.Sc., delivered a short lecture on ‘“The Origin of Petroleum Deposits,’ and outlined the various hypotheses which have been advanced to explain petroleum deposits. Mr. A. Moore, officer in charge of the Government Oil Bore, Roma, described some of the conditions prevalent at the Roma Bore. Messrs. W. E. Cameron, L. C. Ball, and J. B. Hender- son took part in the subsequent discussion. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, AuGusT 30TH, 1920. A Special Meeting of the Royal Society of Queensland was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University on the 30th August, 1920, at 8 p.m. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.1.C., in the chair. The President referred to the death of Sir Samuel Griffith, who was a life member of the Society, and the Secretary was instructed to convey the condolences of the Society to the bereaved relatives. The minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and confirmed. On the motion of Dr. Shirley, seconded by Mr. Bick, the following sentence was deleted from Rule 10, paragraph 2, of the Society’s Rules :— XV. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. “Any Member or Associate, who, after notification from the Secretary or Treasurer that his subscription is due, fails to pay it before the Ist of April, shali cease to receive any benefit from the ROC: but may regain his privileges on payment of arrears.’ Dr. Shirley moved, Mr. White seconding, that the amended rules of the Society be printed and incorporated in the volume of proceedings at the end of the present year: Carried. On the motion of Mr. Tryon, seconded by Dr. Shirley, it was decided to supply all new members with a copy of the rules. ; Dr. J. Shirley, F.M.S., exhibited specimens of Strombus labiosus Gray, and Strombus papilio Chemnitz from Torres Strait; Strombus columba Lamarck from Rabaul, New Guinea, and Strombus succintus Linneeus from Manilla, and commented on the colouration, methods of progression, and perfect eyes of the species of this genus. Mr. O. W. Tiegs, B.Sc., communicated a paper by Professor T. Harvey Johnston, M.A., D.Se., and Miss M. J. Bancroft, B.Sc., entitled, ‘‘ Notes on the Life History of Certain Queensland Tabanid Flies.” Mr. C. T. White, F.L.8., read a paper by himself and Dr,. R. 8S. Rogers, M.A., M.D., entitled ‘‘ Contributions to the Orchidaceous Flora of Queensland,’’ which was discussed by Mr. H. Tryon. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, SEPTEMBER 27TH, 1920. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University, on September 27th, at 8 p.m. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.1.C., in the Chair. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. Acknowledgments of letters of condolence from Lady Goold Adams and Lady Griffith were read. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XVi. The President referred to Professor Richards’ return from the Pan-Pacifie Science Congress at Honolulu. Me. W.E. Appleby and Dr. E. O. Marks were nomin- ated for Ordinary Membership. Mr. H. A. Longman, F.LS8., exhibited a specimen of the Phyllopod, Lepidurus viridis Baird, which had been found in a “melon hole” at Tara, Darling Downs, and forwarded to the Queensland Museum by Mr. Wm. Hewins. Although well-known in other Australian States and in New Zealand, this is apparently the first record for Queens- land. Specimens referred to the allied species, Apus aus- traliensis, Spencer and Hall, had been sent in recently from Barcarolle, W. Queensland, by Mr. F. L. Berney. Mr. Longman briefly referred to the way in which the cggs of these Phyllopods retain their vitality when transported in mud adhering to the feet of aquatic birds. Dr. J. Shirley, F.M58., exhibited a flowering specimen of Ginkgo biloba, L., showing male cones or rather cat] ins. This tree has leaves like the fronds of the maiden-hair fern, and so has been called the maiden-hair tree. A synonym is Salisburia adiantiaefolia. It is a native of Eastern Asia, and may be found planted about Buddhist temples in China and Japan. Recently it has been stated that its true habitat is in one of the ranges of E. China. Like plants of the order Cycadaceae, it is remarkable for producing spermatozoids, by which the ovules of the female cone are fertilized. The fruit is nut-like, one-seeded and edible. Ten fossil plants, belonging to Gingkoales, have been reported from the Ipswich Beds of Denmark Hill, Queens- land. Four are species of Ginkgo, and four belong to Baiera, and two are classified under Stachopitys. Professor H. C. Richards, D.Sc, exhibited a hemi- spherical pebble of chalcedony from near Tripoli at the foot of Lebanon, Syria. The specimen was found by Mr. V. G. Harris, a member of the A.L.F. The specimen which was one of many commonly termed * petrified olives,’’ is hemispherical in shape and has XWin ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. the appearance’ of one half of a biaxial elliptical pebble which has been cut in two and polished on the sliced surface. It has a diameter of 35 mm. each way and a depth of 15 mm. The pebble has four or five concentric layers of chaleedony forming an outer coating which is about 5 mm. thick. Mr. Harris states that the pebble is in its natural condition and that it was found loose on the surface of the ground and that he handled several specimens of the same size and shape from the same locality, and saw others further south, near Beelah. The polished surface has the characteristics of a wind polished surface with minor dimples, pits and grooves as one might expect, and the edges of the “ polished ’’ area are quite sharp. The only feasible explanation that could be offered as to the origin of a number of pebbles of this shape is that it formed portion of a conglomerate which had been sheared. so as to cut through the pebble and that the sheared surface had been subjected to wind erosion following on which the pebble had been weathered out of its matrix. This ex- planation might hold for an isolated pebble but cannot be offered as the cause of frequent specimens of a similar shape in different localities. Professor H. J. Priestley, M.A., delivered a lecture entitled ‘‘ The Einstein Theory.” At its conclusion a vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer on the motion of Pro- fessor Richards and Dr. Shirley, supported by the President and Mr. Longman. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, OcTOBER 25TH, 1920. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University, at 8 p.m., on the 25th October, 1920. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.I.C., in the chair. ; His Excellency the Lieutenant-Governor, the Hon. Wm. Lennon, Mrs. Lennon, Miss Lennon, and Captain Plant, A.D.C., were among the visitors. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS. XVill. The minutes of the previous monthly meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. W. E. Appleby and Dr. E. O. Marks were elected to ordinary membership of the Society. Professor H. C. Richards, D.Sc., delivered a lecture en- titled ‘“‘The Hawaiian Islands.”’ he lecturer gave an account of the recent .Pan-Pacific Scientific Conference at Honolulu and made some remarks on the origin, structure and character of the Hawaiian Islands. The lecture was illustrated by a large series of excellent lantern slides, a number of hand-colored photographs of the active volcano of Kilauea, and specimens collected from the recent lava flows. A vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer on the motion of the Hon. A. J. Thynne, M.L.C., seconded by Mr. E. C. Barton. Professor Richards suitably responded. ABSTRACT OF PROCEEDINGS, NOVEMBER 29TH, 1920. The Ordinary Monthly Meeting of the Royal Society was held in the Geology Lecture Theatre of the University, at 8 p.m., on the 29th November, 1920. The President, Mr. F. B. Smith, B.Sc., F.I.C., in the Chair. The Minutes of the previous Monthly Meeting were read and confirmed. Mr. C. Morton, A.T.C.8S.M., was proposed for Ordinary Membership. The following papers were taken as read :— ‘*The Peach-leaf Poison Bush,” by F. B. Smith, B.Sc., BaC:,.and: Cy T.. White, FAa8:. ‘* Contributions to the Orchidaceous Flora of Queens- land, No. 2,” by Dr. R. 8. Rogers, M.A., M.D., and C. T. White, F.L.S. Dr. J. V. Danes delivered a lecture entitled, ‘‘ The Czecho-Slovakia Republic,’ which was illustrated by a large number of lantern slides. At its conclusion, His Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, Hon. Wm. Lennon, proposed, and Dr. J. Shirley seconded, a vote of thanks to the lecturer. Xix. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Publications are received in exchange from the following Institutions and Societies, and are hereby acknowledged. AFRICA. Government of the Gold Coast. Natal Mueum, Pietermaritzburg, Natal. South African Association for Advancement of Science. AMERICA. BRAZIL. Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio Janeiro. Museu Paulista Suo Paulo. Minesterio da Agricultura Industria and Commercio, Rio Janeiro. Servio Geologio e Mineralogico de Brazil, Rio Janeiro. CANADA. Dept. of Mines, Ottawa. Institute of Natural Science, Nova Scotia. Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto. Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto. Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa. UNITED STATES. Academy of Natural Science, Philadelphia. American Geographical Society, New York. American Museum of Natural History, New York City. American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia. ‘Californian Academy of Science, San Francisco. | Bureau of Standards Dept. of Commerce, Washington. Florida Geological Survey, Tallahassee, Florida. Illinois State Laboratory, Urbana, Illinois. Indiana Academy of Science, Indianopolis, Indiana. Kansas Academy of Science, Topeka, Kansas. Librarian of Congress, Washington. Librarian University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Missouri Botanic Gardens, St. Louis, Missouri. National Academy of Science and Smithsonian Institute, Washington. Librarian Ohio State University, Columbus. University of California, Berkeley. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Wilson Ornithological Club, Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. OCEANIA. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Hawaii Islands. MExico. Instituto Geologico de Mexico, Mexico. Sociedad Cientifica. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. ASIA. INDIA. Director Agricultural Institute, Pusa, Bengal. Board of Scientific Advice for India, Calcutta. Director Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. Superintendent of Govt. Printing, Calcutta. JAVA. Department van Landbrouw. PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. Librarian Bureau of Science, Manilla. AUSTRALASIA AND NEW ZEALAND. New ZEALAND. Auckland Institute, Auckland. Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Geological Survey of New Zealand, Wellington. New Zealand Institute, Wellington. New Zealand Board of Science and Art. QUEENSLAND. Department of Mines, Brisbane. Geological Survey of Queensland. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. New Sourn WALEs. Australian Museum, Sydney. Consul-General for the Czecho-Slovakia Republic, Sydney. Director of Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Department of Agriculture, Sydney. Geological Survey of N.S.W., Sydney. Linnean Society of N.S.W., Sydney. Naturalists’ Society of N.S.W., Sydney. Royal Society of N.S.W., Sydney. University of Sydney. Sourn AUvsTRALTA. Geological Survey of South Australia, Adelaide. Public Library of S. Australia, Adelaide. Royal Geographical Society, Adelaide. Royal Society of S$. Australia, Adelaide. TASMANIA. Geological Survey of Tasmania, Hobart. National Park Board. Royal Society of Tasmania. University of Tasmania. VicToRIA. Advisory Council Science and Industry, Melbourne. xX Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers, Swanston St., Melbourne. Commonwealth Statistician, Melbourne. Department of Agriculture of Victoria, Melbourne. XXi. PUBLICATIONS RECEIVED. Department of Fisheries, Commonweaith, Melbourne. Department of Mines. Field Naturalists’ Club ot Victoria, Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. Scientific Australian, Melbourne. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Geological Survey of W. Australia, Perth. Royal Society of W. Australia, Perth. EUROPE. BELGIUM. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique. ENGLAND. Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Conchological Society, Blackpool. Imperial Institute, S. Kensington, London. Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, London. Royal Colonial Institute, London. Royal Society of London. FRANCE. Le Prince Bonaparte, Paris. ITay. Rassenga Monsile di Botanica, Catania. Societa Africana d'Italia, Naples. Societa Toscana de Scienze Naturale, Pisa. PORTUGAL. Academia Polytechnica, Porto. SooTLanp. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Royal Society of Edinburgh. SPAIN. Academia Real de Ciencias, Madrid. Academia Real dell Ciencias y Artes, Barcelona. SWEDEN. Geological Institute, University of Upsaia. SWITZERLAND. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Ziiich. Société de Physique et d’ Histoire, Geneva. LIST OF MEMBERS XXil. List of Members. CORRESPONDING MEMBERS. t Danes, Dr. J. V. David, Professor T. W. E., EUR:S:. t Domin, Dr. K. + Hedley, C., F.L.S. Liversidge, Prof. A., F.R.S. ~ Maiden, J. H.,1.8.0., F_R.S., E.L.S. t Maitland, A. Gibb., F.G.S. Pollock, Prof. J. A., F.R.S. Rennie, Professor E. H. t Skeats, Professor EK. W. Consulate-General for Czecho-Slovakia, Sydney. The University, Sydney, N.S.W. Czech University, Prague, Bohemia. Assistant Curator, Australian Museum, Sydney, N.S.W. Fieldhead, Coombe Warren, Kingston Hull, Surrey, England. Botanic Gardens, Sydney, N.S.W. Geological Survey Office, Perth, W.A. The University, Sydney, N.S.W. The University, Adelaide, S.A. The University, Melbourne, Vic. ORDINARY MEMBERS, Etc. Appleby, W. E Archer, R.S. Bage, Miss F., M.Sc. + Bagster, L.S., B.Se. tt} Bailey, J. F. Ball, L. C., B.E. tt Bancroft, T. L., M.B. t Bancroft, Miss M. J., B.Sc.. Barton, E. C., A.M.1.C.E. Berney, F. L., t Bennett, F., B.Sc. Bick, E. W. Bradley, H. Burton, M. B. Ch.M. Buotherton, se H.. M. ge = Brunnich, J. C., F.LC. t Bryan, W. H., M.Sc. Brydon, Mrs. Bundock. C. W., B.A. Butler-Wood, F., D.D.S. .. Butler-Wood, Miss I. V., B.D.S. ha t Byram, W. J Sugar Refinery, New Farm. Gracemere, Rockhampton. The Women’s College, Kangaroo Point, Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. Botanic Gardens, Adelaide, S.A. Geological Survey Office, George St., B’ bane Eidsvold, Queensland. Medical School, The University, Sydney. Boundary Street, Valley, Brisbane. Barcarolle, xa Longreach. State School, Toowong, Brisbane. Botanic Gardens, Brisbane. Longueville, Nort’: Shore, Sydney. Stephenson Street, Newmarket. Agricultural Chemist’s Lab., William St., Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. Department Public Instruction, Brisbane. “ Kooralbyn,” Beaudesert. Central Chambers, Queen Street, Brisbane. Dornoch Terrace, West End. Adelaide Chambers, Adelaide St., B’bane. + Life Members. ~ Members who have contributed papers to the Society. XXill. Cameron, W. E., B.A. Cayzer, A. A., B.Sc. Chisholm, A. H. { Colledge, W. R. Colvin, Joseph Cooling, L. E. Cullen, J. R. 4A Dodd, Alan P. te ++ Drewitt, G. E. Dunstan, B. t Francis, W. D., t Gailey, R 36 t Gillies, C. D., M.Sc. Graff, R., B.Sc. t Gray, Mrs. B. B. Greene, Miss A. Greenfield, A. P. } Gurney, E. H. t{ Hamlyn-Harris, R., D.Sc. Hardcastle, Mrs. T., B.Sc. t{ Hawken, Prof. R. W., B.A. { Henderson, J. B., F.1.C. .. Hulsen, R. .. . Illidge, T. ttJack, R. L., FRGS. Jackson, A. G. Jensen, Dr. H. I. + Johnston, J. { Johnston, Prof. T. aE M.A., D.Sc. Kesteven, H. Leighton, DS. M.B., Ch.M. { Lambert, C. A. Lloyd, W., M.L.A... { Longman, H. A., F.L.S. t Love, W., M.B., Ch.M. Marks, Hon. Dr., Marks, Dr. E. O. WICK sac LIST OF MEMBERS Geological Survey Office, Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. Office of Daily Mail, Brisbane. Friendly Societies’ Dispensary, George Street, Brisbane. George Street, Brisbane. Health Department, Brisbane. Puriri St., Eastbourne, Wellington, N.Z. Sugar Experiment Station, Gordon Vale, via Cairns. New York, U.S.A. Geological Survey Office, George Street, Brisbane. Botanic Gardens, Brisbane. Courier Buildings, Queen Street, Brisbane. 61 Wellington Street, Windsor, Melbourne. Grammar School, Ipswich. ‘/o Queensland Trustees Ltd., Margaret St., Toowoomba. High School, Wynnum. George Street, Brisbane. Agricultural’ Chemist’s Lab., William St., Brisbane. ‘“Updown,” Stanthorpe, Queensland. Jinbiggaree, near Dugandan. The University, Brisbane. Govt. Analyst, Brisbane. Mooloolah, N.C. Line. Markwell Street, Toowong. Norwich Chambers, Hunter Street, Sydney, N.S.W. Synchronome Co., Ann Street Brisbane. Geological Survey Office, George Street, Brisbane, Dept. of Public Instruction, Brisbane. George St.. George St.. The University, Brisbane. Bulladelah, N.S.W. C/o Bank of N.S.W., Melbourne, Victoria. Q’land Corr. College, Adelaide St., B’bane. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. 1 Wickham Terrace. Brisbane. 101 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. 101 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. + Life Members. t~ Members who have contributed papers to the Society. LIST OF MEMBERS Xoxlvic tt McCaliG ers) E.1-C. Morris, L. C., A.M.I.C.E Morton. C. A.T.C.S.M. Parker W R., L.D.S + Pearce, Mrs. t Pound,C J ,F.R.M.S. Priestley, Prof. H. J., M.A. t Richards, Prof. H. C., D.Sc. + Riddell, R. M. . jekvoes It. Hee MAS. Saint-Smith, E.C., A.S.T.C. Sankey, J. R. Nr Saunders, G. J., B.E. { Shirley, J., D.Sc. t Smith, F., B.Sc., F.1.C. Soul, A. Valentine Steele, Prof. B. D., D.Sc. E.B.S. t Steel, T. 7 Stevens, Hon. E. J., M.L.C. Government Analyst’s Dept., Brisbane. Dept. of: Public Instruction, George St., Brisbane. Geological Survey Office, George Street, Brisbane. 185 Edward Street, Brisbane. Elcho, 41 Belmont Rd., Mossman, Sydney Bacteriological Institute, Yeerongpilly. The University, Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. Department Public Instruction, Brisbane. Queensland Club, Brisbane. Geological Survey Office, George Street, Brisbane. F lavelle’s, Queen Street, Brisbane. Central Technical College, Brisbane. Abbotsford Rd., Bowen Hills, Brisbane. Hutton’s Factory, Zillmere. c/o Y.M.C.A., Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. “Rock Bank,” Stephens Street, Pennant Hills, Sydney, N.S.W. Courzer Office, Brisbane. Sutton, Dr. A., C.B., C.M.G., Paddington. Swanwick, K.ff., B.A., L.L.B. The University, Brisbane. Swain, E. HF. Sylow, Paul t Taylor, Hon. W. F., M.L.C. Thynne, Hon. A. J., M.L.C. { Tiegs, O. W., B.Sc. ut MWe wore Neb. Gc : fedunnen, Dr: Acd M.D., FE.E.S. Wallker-yaAc, (Ri2 IDsD:Si: L.DS. Walker, Miss Mavis J., M.Se Watkins, S. B., M.Sc. Wearne, R. A.. B.A. t We2¢cr, W. White: G: 1., F.L. S. Director ot Forests, Brisbane. Sugar Refinery, New Farm. Preston House, Queen St., Brisbane. 195 Edward Street, Brisbane. The University, Brisbane. Department of Agriculture, Brisbane. 131 Wickham Terrace, Brisbane. Edward Street. City. The University, Brisbane. Central Technical College, Brisbane. Central Technica! College, Brisbane. « Innisfail,’ Wickham Terrace, Brisbane Government Betanist. Botanic Gardens Brisbane. > } Life Members. } Members who have contributed papers to the Socicty. XXV. INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. index to Volume XXXII. Acianthus amplexicaulis Agamofiiaria tabanicola Agamonema fannie Agamospirura muscarum Alysia manducator Anastellorhina augur Aptereta cephalotes & ‘ Appleby, W. E.: elected iene DEE Apus australiensis Bancroft, see Johnston & Bancroft Cayzer, A., B.Sc. ; elected Member Chalcedony, hemispherical pebble of Chaleid Parasites of Muscoid Flies in Australia, Notes on Chaleis calliphore Conosia irrorata ae Cooling, L. E.; elected Member Crane-Flies, New or Little-known Australian Ctenacroscelis nbersine oe Cyanophoric Glucosides in the Flowers of some Proteacew, On the Occurrence of Czecho-Slovakia Reppblic, on ae Lecture Danes, Dr. J. V.: Lecture on the Czecho-Slovakia Republic Dibrachys cavus Dicranomyia illingworthi Dipodium ensifolium Dirrhinus sarcophage Einstein Theory Erioptera angustifascia nA illingworthi Eulophia venosa Eriocera australiensis 3 aperta XViii xviii 28 92 118 26 xvii 96 97 119 103 104 Eucalyptus haemastoma var aicronthid x Fannia sp Filaria lienalis 5, trichosuri Filaria, Birds harbouring Francis, W. D.: The Origin of Black Coatings of Iron and Manganese Oxides on Rocks Geodorum pictum Ginkgo biloba Ac 119 Xvi Pag Gonomyia cairnensis an Ec 98 = queenslandica Aye 99 Habenaria banfieldiit 140 35 divaricata 136 33 elongata 135 re graminea 137 rf Holtzet 142 5 millari 135 nD mesophylla 143 a ovoidea 140 “5 ochroleuca 142 3 propinquior 139 a zanthantha 137 Habronema in relation ny eee Domestica and Native Flies in Queensland, The Life History of 61 Hematopinus eurysternus A 32 = vituli # he 32 Henderson, J. B.: Occurrence of Petroleum in Queensland apa 58 Hawaiian Islands, Lecture on xviii Herpetomonas spp a AA 54 Hildenbranatia sp. .. lie Ipomoea calobra ote aie ay x Jensen, Dr. H. I.: elected Member xiv Iron and Manganese Oxides on Rocks, The Origin of Black Coat- ings of, W. D. Francis .. og) HIG Johnston, Prof. T. Harvey, and M. J. Bancroft: Notes on Life History of Certain Queensland Tabanid Flies =e a a2. 125 —— The Life History of Habronema, etch ee ue aie a 61 —— Onchocerciasis, Bovine on 30 —— Chalcid Parasites of Muscoid Flies as ae af 19 Libnotes parvistigma os eis 93 - pulchripes Ss oe 95 Lechria rufithorax Ae por skank Lepidurus viridis .. Bo Lent Mongman., | HAs Presidential Address ate aa io a8 i Lyperosia exigua.. ie ar 79 Macrozanomia macrocarpa aa xiii Marks, Dr. E. O.: elected Member xviii Martesia striata ae aA ae ix Melittobia acasta .. = do 27 INDEX TO VOLUME XXXII. Page Musca domestica 61-68 a fergusoni BO te oi, 08 hilli ate of is 74 ss terra-reginae Ao Be) oily 03 >, vetustissima ive ee Sila: Nasonia brevicornis ate a 24 Nephrotoma australasie .. ve 09 Onchocerca bovis 26 me oe 40 gibsont 31 125 Onchocerciasis, Bovine, Experiments with certain Diptera as Possible Transmitters of .. é5 ae 30 Opals we Avs ae a ix Orchidaceous Flora of Queensland, Contributions to is sae LN Pachycrepoideus dubius vs: Ae 26 Peach-leaf Poison Bush .. sey lB Petroleum in Queensland, Notes on the Occurrence of 58, xiv Phymatopsis brevipalpis .. ee LOS Polyprotodontia a ah Bad xii Priestley, Prof. H. J.: Lecture on The Einstein Theory .. spn Uh Pseudopyrellia sp. oo 23 74 Pteropus poliocephalus ae “+ De Rhipidia pulchra a a 93 Richards, Prof. H. C.: Lecture on Hawaiian Islands ae sa 2aAil Rogers, R. S., and C. T. White: Contributions to the Orchidaceous Flora of Queensland, No. 1 Se ehilyg == 5p bo NO aS em hs) Salisburia adiantiefolia .. net xvi Sarcophaga misera Silvius notatus 5 se 0 Smith, F., and C. T. White: On the Occurrence of Cyanophoric Glucosides in Proteacez 89 Trema aspera, occasional toxicity a 132 Spalangia muscidarum 20 Stomoxys calcitrans 78 Strombus columba XV Pe labiosus XV rf papilio XV a suceintus Xv Tabanidae of Eidsvold District 34 Tabanidae as Possible Transmitters of Bovine Onchocerciasis 2-57 Tabanid Flies: Life History of 125 Thersites bloomfieldi x Parson ate ie >.¢ Tiegs, O. W., D.Sc. : elected Member xi Tipulidae . .92-109 Trema aspera 132 rh timorensis 133 Trichosurus johnstonii xi 5 vulpecula xi Tryon, H.: elected Member ix Variation, Factors in 1-18 Vitis acris xiii White, see Rogers and White; also Smith and White Xylophaga sp. ube Zeuxine attenuata 123 “2 oblonga 121 > -!. P ™ *) iba me r) Si ate, ay tte Sar ¥ 7 a m nt Ty es = cod . ey - ja / ‘ ‘ 4 . = , : 1 — * « aie . v ” - F j i j « A 7, i iK & 7 A a ae ce! TAC a. na i Way: ATE ae: Gg 7 ’ ’ A i . if 7 etry 7 ‘7 Aa S| Os inl Aa x PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY - OF QUEENSLAND FOR 1920. —— Vou. “*XXXIL. ISSUED JANUARY _20rs, 1921. oe PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY H. POLE & CO. LIMITED, PRINTERS, ELIZABETH ST., BRISBANE, 1921, * Price: Ten Shillings. SE ST ES Ne SESE SE SEE OI SES f, OU a ’ ; Ue b 4 HAYS haihr ein ' iy yeh Je ie Magne et ee nee ome Y SS ata aieas Se x a . ~: ‘ FI¥ nye ~ ip age Se a 2 eran = “ —— ar n wena ~ - ee oe 43° f at > rr 44 i 100136753