PROCEEDINGS OF THK fopl ^oiktn of fftrtoriaL VOL. XXVIII. (New Series). PARTS I. AND II. Edited under the Authority of the Council. ISSUED NOVEMBER, 1915, and MARCH, 1916. (Containing Papers read before the Society during 1915). THE AUTHORS OF THE SEVERAL PAPERS ARK. INDIVIDUALLY RE8PONSIBI1R FOR THK SOUNDNESS OF THE OPINIONS GIVEN AND FOR THK ACCURACY OF THK STATEMENTS MADE THEREIN. MELBOURNE : FORD & SON, PRINTERS, DRUMMOND STREET, CARLTON. 1916. ' CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXVIII, Art. [.—Investigations into the Occurrence of Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals in Countries other than Australia. By Georgina Sweet, D.Se. (Plates I.-V.) 1 H. — Revision of the Australian Cistelidae. Order Coleoptera. By H. L Carter, B.A., F.E.S. (Plate VI.) ... ... r,2 III. — Notes on certain species of Pterostylis. By R. S. Rogers, M.A., M.D. (Plates VII.-IX.) * ... ... ... 105 TV. — Geological Notes Northern Territory, Australia. By E. J. Dunn. (Plates X. and XI.) ... ... ... ... 112 V. — Notes on some Victorian Species of Teredo. By J. H. Gat- liff and C. J. Gabriel. (Plates XII. and XIII.) ... 115 VI. — Notes on an occurrence of Quartz in Basalt. By Charles Fenner, B.Sc. ... ... ... ... ... 12-i VII. — An occurrence of Ammonium Chloride at Frankston. By E. J. Hartung and A. C. D. Rivett. ... ... ... 133 VIII. — On the Faunal Subregions of Australia. By Thomas G. Sloane ... ... ... ... ... ... 139 IX. — Further Notes on the Essential Oils of Australian Myrta- ceae. Part I. — The Essential Oil of Eugenia Sinithii; and Part II. — The Calculation of the Oil Content of Foliage from Measurements of the Number and Size of . the Oil Glands. By A. E. Dawkins, B.Sc. Part III. — The Essential Oil of Eucalyptus platypus. By J. C. Earl, A. I.C. ... ... ... ... ... 149 X. — New or Little-known Victorian Fossils in the National Museum. (Part XVIII. — Some Yeringian Trilobites). By Frederick Chapman, A.L.C., &c. (Plates XIV.- XVI.) ,. ... 157 XI. — Notes on the Geology of the Coburg Area. By G. A. Cook, B.Sc. (Plate XVII.) ... ... ... ... 173 XII. — -A Comparative Examination of the Blood of Certain Australian Animals. By Gwynneth Buchanan, M.Sc. (Plates XVIII. and XIX.) 183 XIII. — Phosphate Fertilisers. By Brenda Sutherland, B.Sc. ... 208 Art. XIV. — On the Generic Petition of " Asterolepis ornata, var. australis," McCoy: with Description of a New Variety. By Frederick Chapman, A.L.S., &c. (Plates XX. and XXI.) 211 XV. — Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 23. By Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, Ph.D. (Plate XXII.) ... 216 XVI. — Additional Notes on Australites : Darwin Glass. By E. J. Dunn, F.G.S. (Plate XXIII.) ... ... ... 223 XVII. — Notes on a New Acacia from Victoria Eiver, Northern Territory. By E. J. Dunn, F.G.S. (Plates XXIV. and XXV.) ... ... 228 XVIII. — Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. 24. By Alfred J. Ewart, D.Sc, and Percy J. Sharman, B.Sc. (Plates XXVL, XXVII. and XXVIII.) ... 230 XIX.— Teratological Notes, Part I. By A. D. Hardy, F.L.S. (Plate XXIX.) ... ... ... ... ... 240 XX. — The Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth. (Prelimin- ary Communication). By Ethel McLennan, B.Sc. ... 245 Index ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 251 [I'roc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.). Part I., 1916.1 Art. I. — Investigations into the Qccurrfince of Onchocerciasis in Cattle (ind Associated Animals in Countries other than Australia. I'.v GEORGINA SWEET, D.Sc. (With Plates I.-V.). [Read 11th March, 1915]. During the tour upon the occasion of which these investigations were made, I was aide to visit Java, the Straits Settlements, and Malay Federated States. Ceylon, India, Egypt, Europe, Great. Britain. United States of America, Canada and the Hawaiian Islands. In addition, enquiries have been made from responsible officials regarding the other islands of Netherlands India, Burma, Siam. Annam, Southern China, and the Philippines, but very little information has been available in the latter cases. I wish to thank very sincerely those officials in so many places who have given me any assistance in their power, in many instances taking considerable trouble to do the necessary work. In only two or three cases had we any previous knowledge of these "worm-nodules"; thus, one instance had been recorded (under the name of Spiroptera reticulata) of their occurrence near the shoulder of an Indian bullock in Malay (Daniels. 1 '. M > 4 > (Gilruth and Sweet, 1912), while they had been found in cattle in Java by J. De Does (1904), and others (Railliet et Henry. 1910) As may be seen in detail in previous papers on onchocerciasis in Australian cattle, there is considerable historical evidence pointing to the importation of the parasitic worm causing these muscle- embedded nodules into Australia from Southern or South-Eastern Asia. It may have been brought in either in 1826-8 in buffaloes from Timor (Cleland and Johnston, 1910 (d) ), or in 1824 or 18-10 in cattle from Coepang in Timor (Gilruth and Sweet. 1911, p. 34), this latter seeming the more probable, inasmuch as the buffaloes- found in considerable numbers in the Northern Territory, which are the descendants of buffalo imported in 1824 and 1826 from Timor and 1886 from India, are not known to harbour this para- site, although careful search was made for it. and for evidence 2 2 Georgwa Sweet: from hunters and hide exporters, of its existence, while " all the cattle depastured on the same country are mure or less affected " (Gilruth and Sweet, 1912, p. 23). On the other hand it was quite possible that it may have been introduced in Indian cattle about April, 1843 (Gilruth and Sweet, 1912, p. 24), inasmuch as the cross-bred descendants of the " Brahma " or Indian cattle in the Territory are more less infected. As there were, however, no records as to its existence in India, it appeared a matter of some interest to find out somewhat more definitely the actual distribution of this parasite, and to determine the extent of its occurrence elsewhere, especially in countries more or less adjacent to Australia; likewise to collect any information which might throw light on the life-history. Wherever possible I visited the Chief Veterinary Officer, both Government and Municipal, in each district entered, the Principal Medical Officer, where such was associated with the inspection of meat, Veterinary Schools where such existed, and often also the abattoirs, interviewing the Superintendent and his senior subordi- nates, and in many cases myself superintending the searching of carcases. Where I was unable myself to visit the district, a letter accompanied by a brief description of the condition under investi- gation, and a carefully drawn-up series of headings under which information was sought, was sent to the similar responsible officers, with a request that answers should be sent to me by a certain date. In several cases the officials of the various Governments concerned very courteously sent out these papers to their staffs, so giving the enquiry the aid of their authority and influence. Throughout much of the East the difficulties of such an investiga- tion, owing to various conditions which are indicated later, are considerably greater than in countries where European customs and ideas prevail, so that the response has been somewhat disappointing in its extent, though much material and information promised have still to come to hand, so that I hope to be able to report further later on. PART I.— GEOGRAPHICAL. Before passing on, it is necessary, in order to avoid confusion, to indicate the types of bovines considered in the following pages : — (1) Bos taurus: This term is used as including the well-known common tame ox of Europe and Northern Asia, and not in the restricted sense of Lydekker (1913, p. 12). Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. :\ (2) Bos indicus : This term is used as indicating not necessarily a zoological species, but the common domesticated humped cattle of India, etc., often known to naturalists as the Zebu. This name does not appear in Lydekker's catalogue of Ungulate Mammals, a most remarkable omission in view of the fact that ho quotes the names of other domesticated races of bovines in this which purports to be a complete catalogue of Ungulates. The humped Indian cattle are also called Brahman and sacred cattle, and are of several types of varying size and build, and useful in various ways, all having a very large sharply outlined hump on the withers, long ears, and a large loose dewlap and very full throttle. (See Fig. 1.) As to the origin of this form, we are not in a measure concerned, vet the question lias the possibility of considerable interest in regard to the original host and place of origin of Onchocerca gibsoni and its allies. Two views have been held — one that of Blyth, that Africa was the original home of the ancestors of Bos indicus; the other, first suggested by Rutimeyer in 1878 and upheld by Lydekker, and the theory to which evidence strongly points as being correct, that the ancestor of the Zebu is to be found in the Indo-Malay group of •cattle, which includes the Indian gaur (Bos (Bibos) gaurus), of which the Seladang of the Malay Peninsula is a variety (Bos gaurus hubbacki), and the Javan Bantin (Bos (Bibos) banteng — Bos son- daicus). As Lydekker states (1912, p. 153), since Rutimeyer's work, " the range of the Bantin (Bos sondaicus) has been found to extend into upper Burma. . . . and an examination of a large series of skulls and heads leads me to conclude that Rutimeyer was probably right in regarding this species — or possibly a nearly allied extinct type — as the ancestor of the Zebu." There are undoubtedly many hybrids of these two domesticated forms at least in Java, where also a certain admixture is stated to have taken place with the Bantin, and many of them are almost indistinguish- able from the purer domestic breeds, so that at times possibly hybrids are included under one or other of the terms Bos taurus, and especially, Bos indicus. (3) Bos (bubalus) bubalis : This is the recognised specific name of the Indian buffalo, water buffalo, Kerabau (in its various forms, e.g., Karibouw), or Arni, see Figure 2. This has thick, short limbs, and a massive neck, a dewlap being absent, its thick black skin carrying sparsely scattered, long, coarse black hair. The head, with its semicircularly curved horns, is carried well forward and low, so that the horns are more or less in the same plane with the neck. Rarely, a pinkish-skinned animal, with white hairs, may 2a \ Georgina Sweet; be seen. As their name indicates, they are invariably to be found, when not working or feeding, wallowing in water-pools and cover- ing themselves with mud. The Malay Archipelago. As already mentioned, the presence of "worm nodules" in the muscles of cattle in Java bad already been noted and recorded by De Decs and others, who have regarded them as being Onchocerca - i a i . While in Java. 1 had opportunities of conference with a number oi Veterinary Surgeons, some of whom were able to throw a certain amount of light on the question, and. further, the authorities of the Government Veterinary School at Buitenzorg were good enough to undertake to make enquiries throughout the Dutch possessions in this archipelago in order to determine the range, hosts, and Central conditions governing the occurrence ^i these nodules; so that it is hoped further information on these points may be forthcoming later.1 The nodules were first discovered by .Mr. Hellemans in cattle in 1901 at Kediri (S.W. of Soerabaja), when a thorough meat inspection hist began there, and have been constantly found there since, and in other parts of the valley of the River Brantas, such as Toelengagoeng, Blitar, and Pare, and at Rembang. Sloeke, and Madioen. Statistics given of their occurrence vary from 40 per cent, by earlier observers to SO or even 90 per cent, of carcases later, an increase possibly due to greater familiarity with their existence and appearance. They are almost invariably found near the mid-line of the sternum, sometimes in considerable numbers, e.g.. from 20 to occasionally 40 per carcase, and Hellemans re- ports having seen them rarely, in the stifle. Since the cattle are never killed until too old or weak to work, the nodules are unknown by post mortem examination except in 6, 7. or even up to 10 year- old animals, the worms being generally dead, and most of them is ous or much calcified, though it is stated by one observer that one may And a " very small young nodule beside the calcified ones. " He Docs reported to me having seen filarial larvae in blood- smears of infected animals, but admits that they may have been those of some filarial worm other than Onchocerca gibsoni, such as aortic filariae, etc. He has also seen larvae " not only in the tunnels Iddeodum -2. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. around the worm and in the connective tissue, but also in a vein in the wall of the same nodule. In this case, the larvae were quite probably those of 0. gibsoni, but may have been carried by the knife into the vein space, in sections of a whole nodule, so that one cannot accept either statement as proof of the occurrence of the larvae of this worm in the bloodstream. Helleinans was also able to find these nodules in Sumatra, when the more thorough meat inspection was instituted at Padang in 1904 — but, strangely enough, after his experience of finding them in Java in the brisket almost entirely, here in Sumatra he was unable to find them in that location, detecting them in 25 per cent, of cows, and then in the stifle only. Regarding Bali, nodules have also been seen in the brisket, and lately on the flanks of cattle imported into Batavia from Bali, but no work has been done on the island itself. In cattle imported into Soerabaja from Madura, nodules arc so far unknown. Nothing whatever is known of Lombok or Timor in this connec- tion, and the infrequent communication rendered any attempt on my part to visit these islands impossible. The term " cattle " used above undoubtedly includes Bos taurm from Europe, and Australia, and locally bred; and probably also pure-bred and hybrid Bos indicus. This term has been used here because of the difficulty of determining the absence of admixture even in so-called pure-bred cattle of either species; and it must be remembered that there is still some question as to the amount of interbreeding: which may have taken place l>etween those two domesti- cated races in Java, as authorities there are very conflicting on the point. It was naturally a point of some interest to discover whether the nodules were present in the pure bred descendants to the humped cattle or Zebus (Bos indicus). which had been imported from India (Bengal), and also in any known hybrids with the ordinary cattle. (Bos taurus). I was informed thai these nodules had not so far been seen in these pure-bred Bos indicus, nor in any of their hybrids, except as was stated by De Does, that he had seen them " in such hybrids in parts of West Java (where there are very few cattle), along the midline of the sternum, especially in animals of ■!-'■', vears. Naturally also, the Bantin or native ox of Java (Box banteng) forms a possible host for these worm-nodules, but I was unable to 1 But see Addendum 2. 6 Georgina Sweet : obtain any evidence of their occurrence in this animal in either Java or Sumatra. In the Karibouw, or water buffalo (Bos bubalis), worm-nests are well known to both Dr. Sohns and Mr. Hellemans. They occur at Kediri in Java, and also in Sumatra, always in the skin of the animal. Unfortunately I have not as yet been able to obtain any specimens suitable to determine whether the worm-nodules found in this constant position in the buffalo, belong to the same or a different species from 0. c/ibsoiri. Macroscopically no difference whatever has been seen in specimens from the two positions in Bos taunts and Bos bubalis in Java. Inquiries were made with regard to the general conditions of those places from which the infected cattle come, and as to the animals found there which might possibly act as intermediate hostsT if such be necessary for the completion of the life history. In Java,. Sumatra, and Bali all areas carrying infested cattle are similar ia being low-lying and swampy, or flat, with much stationary water, and, as might be expected under those conditions, mosquitoes are very numerous- Biting flies do not seem to be especially frequent. Although not immediately concerned with the object of the present investigation into forms found in the connective tissues, it is of interest, to remember the existence of tAvo kinds of filarial worms in the aortic Avails of bovines in these regions, viz.. Onchocerca armillata, Raill. et Henry. 1909, and Elaeophora ( = Filaria) poeli (B. Vryburg. 1897). The former, which lies sinuously beneath the lining epithelium of the aorta of cattle (Bos indicus), has been recorded by Railliet and Henry (1903, and 1912, p. 117), from Sumatra {vide infra also). The latter. E. poeli, forms tumours in the walls of the aortae, containing the head of the female worm and one or more males, the remainder of the female worm floating about in the direction of the bloodflow. It has been recorded already by B. Vryburg (1897^, and by Railliet and Henry (1912, p. 115), from the aorta of the Buffalo (Bos bubalis), and rarely of cattle (Bo* indicus) from Sumatra, and it was quoted to me also from Java. Pacific Islands. As time did not permit me to visit the Philippine Islands, en- quiries were made from the Bureau of Science at Manila, in reply to which the Director of the Bureau reported that " Onchocerciasis is not endemic in the Philippine Islands. It has been found in cattle shipped from Australia for slaughter in the Philippines, but no case has been reported in native cattle or carabaos." Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated, Animate. 7 Similar conditions appear to exist in the Hawaiian [elands which were visited. Malay Peninsula. As already known, worm-nodules were found by Mr. T. A. Ford in Malaya in 1904, and recorded under the name of Spirojitera reticulata by Dr. Daniels (1904, p. 17). These came from an aged specimen of Bos indieus. I visited a number of official Veterinary Surgeons in the Peninsula, and enquiries were made from others, but none so far seem to have been able to detect them elsewhere, though while this report was nearing completion, I received from Mr. Ford specimens from an old working Indian bullock, and from 17 small Siam bulls (from the west coast of Siam, about mid- way between Penang and Rangoon), the latter having been brought to Kuala Lumpur for slaughter. The nodules vary in number from 1-20. The fact that cattle are never killed unless incapable of work, naturally diminished the likelihood of the nodules being found, but it does not seem credible that they are so restricted in distribution in the Peninsula, especially in view of experiences else- where. Thus, at Penang inquiries were made, and finding that their existence had not been noted, I accompanied the Municipal Veterinary surgeon to the Abattoirs, where I interviewed his Chief Inspector, and made with them an examination of the carcases then in the houses. That they were well known to the Inspector, although he had not previously reported them, was quickly seen, as without any advice from myself he immediately cut in two inches to the side of the midline of the sternum of an Indian bullock, disclos- ing three nodules exactly similar to 0. gibsoni in appearance and position. These were found to be mature, and contained living and actively motile larvae. The nodules were present to the number of 1-3 in nearly all the cattle killed that day, but none could be found in any of the buffalo then in. I was assured, however, by tho Inspector, evidently a careful observer, that they are quite fre- quently found in Indian cattle (Bos indieus), and in more than 20 per cent, of the " native " brown Malay cattle, and in the small humped Siamese cattle, both of which appear to be varieties of Bos ifidictfs — always in the brisket, but usually only up to three per animal, varying up to the size of a walnut. They are also found but comparatively rarely in the "native'' buffalo or Karibouw (Bos bubalis). In the face of this evidence it seems credible that n more careful search will reveal the presence of these worm-nodules widely spread in the cattle and buffalo on the mainland. 8 Georgia a Sweet : It. would have been, of interest to find whether these nodules are present or not in the Seladang, or wild Malay gaur (Bos gaums hubbacki), but, unfortunately, no evidence whatever Avas forth- coming. The two bovine aortic worms previously referred to are also pre- sent, as I was able to see in Malaya and the regions to the North, as has been recorded already, though not always by name, by various authors, and first of all by Ford (1902); thus, 0. armiUata has also been recorded in bullocks, and rarely in buffaloes (less than 1 per cent.) by Tuck (1904, p. 30), from animals killed at the slaughter-house at Kuala Lumpur (F.M.S.). They are also described from cattle killed at Hue (Annam) by Bernard and Bauche (1912, p. 112) and Railliet and Henry (1912, p. 117), while E. poeli (under various names) has also been recorded by Von Linstow as Filaria haemophila (1904, p. 352), from buffalo, by Tuck (1904, p. 20), from buffalo and bullock (?) (p. 32) at Kuala Lumpur, by Ford (1907, p. 517) from buffalo (in 72 per cent, of carcases examined) at the abattoirs at Kuala Lumpur, and also in buffaloes in the country districts of Selangor, Negri Sembilan, and Pahang, by Bernard and Bauche (1912, p. 109) (83 per cent, of buffaloes and 1 per cent, of oxen being affected), and by Railliet and Henry (1903, p. 254; 1912, p. 115) from Hue (Annam). India and Ceylon. Hitherto worm-nodules in the connective tissues have never been recorded from India or Ceylon, and, except in one instance, have been quite unknown there. Leiper states that Lingard has recorded Onchocerciasis in India — this refers, however, only to Aortic worms. The difficulties of the investigation are considerably greater than elsewhere for several reasons. The number of cattle killed is pro- portionately small, and they are even then, as in Java and Malay, almost invariably aged (e.g., 7-10 years is the usual age in many parts), and are only killed because they are no longer able to work. Also, the amount of meat consumed is proportionately less than in colder countries; and, further, in many places, it is almost entirely one section of the native population alone which uses the flesh of the local animals for food, the meat supply for the European resi- dents being largely imported frozen. As a result of this, detailed meat inspection, even as Ave know it, is unknown, more especially in most parts of India. Although a form of meat inspection exists as elsewhere, the ordinary process Avas absolutely useless for my Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. (.t purpose, being conducted at the best chiefly by native veterinai'y ■officers watching for specific diseases, under the general super- vision of a fully qualified European Veterinary officer who, however, has not only a very extensive area to control in this respect, but has also charge of all matters affecting the health of the animal population of the district, and has often to combat outbreaks of disease under considerable difficulties. In the ordinary abattoirs the animals are often killed between midnight and 1 a.m., and are taken away almost immediately for consumption, after cur- sory examination for certain diseases, so that the parts of the carcass concerned in this question are very rarely examined. This, added to the method of killing used, made any personal investiga- tion neither easy nor pleasant. A somewhat similar condition as regards detailed inspection is normally found in the special abattoirs attached to meat drying Factories, which supply the trade to Burma more especially. In these, however, in some places more buffalo than bullocks are killed, and from these evidence was obtained, though no nodules could be found in the carcasses present at the time of my visit in one of these which I was able to visit personally. The religious importance of the cow to the Hindu, to whom this animal is most sacred, gives rise to further difficulties in the way of such investigations — even in Serum Institutes and Research Laboratories, the animals appear to be less frequently killed than in many similar institutions elsewhere, while at the various Veterinary Schools and Hospitals, even if their native Hindu owners allow the animals to remain there to die, permission to make post- mortem examinations can very rarely be obtained. However, through the courtesy of the Department of Revenue and Agriculture of the Government of India, official circulars were sent to all Local Governments and Administrations, requesting that the resources of the Civil Veterinary Department should be enlisted in this question. Circulars were also sent to Sanitary Commissioners and to Health Officers, as these sometimes control the meat inspection, and I was .able to visit personally a considerable number of Districts. In Burma the Superintendent of the Civil Veterinary Depart- ment (Colonel G. H. Evans) reports that these worm-nodules '"are pretty frequently present in oxen and buffaloes," but no details are forthcoming : in Assam, " they have not been observed "; similarly in Bengal. From Bihar and Orissa no information is available. In the Madras presidency, the Civil Veterinary Superintendent (Mr. Ware) was able to secure for me on two occasions specimens from 1 0 Georgina Sweet : Indian bullocks — and I am informed by Mr. J. A. Valladares that he had found them in five bullocks at Madras previously to my visit. In Ceylon, on my making enquiries, the Government Veterinary Surgeon, Mr. G. W. Sturgess, was able to obtain specimens from both Bos indicus and Bos bubalis killed in the local abattoirs, these nodules being evidently endemic in this Island. On examination of them in his laboratory, I found, although there were two or three liv- ing nodules from old cattle, most of them, large or small, were much caseated or calcified, or nearly absorbed. Central Provinces and Berar. — I am indebted to Mr. J. A. Valla- dares, Deputy Veterinary Superintendent at Nagpur, for a numbe* of specimens from four localities in this part of Central India, two- being in the far North of the District, though in other localities in this district, where search was made, they were not obtainable. In each case they were found 1-3 in number, in the brisket and in old cattle. Once only were as many as eight nodules, all small in size, observed. In the four localities where careful observation was made and statistics were kept, only six animals were found affected out of a total of 1203 examined — though it is stated that in general " the existence of worm-nodules is fairly common in the Central Provinces." United Provinces of Agra and Otid/i. — The very careful investi- gations made, in response to my requests, at slaughter houses and meat drying factories, under the direction of Major J. D. E. Holmes, C.I.E., Imperial Bacteriologist, and of Mr. C. W. Wilson. 2nd Civil Veterinary Superintendent of these provinces (who most kindly set apart an officer especially for the purpose) have resulted in the finding of these worm-nodules in a great part of the area concerned from Bareilly and Shahjahanpur in the North to Jhansi and Lalitpur in the South, and from Aligarh and Agra in the West to Unao in the centre, and it is probable that they are even more widely distributed through this region than as yet discovered. 1 am informed by Mr. Wilson that these nodules have been known to exist here, although the fact had not previously been recorded. They are found both in Bos indicus and in Bos bubalisA In cattle they occur the more usually about the base and side of the neck, but most commonly under the skin and in the intercostal spaces near the sternum, " between the 3rd and 13th ribs on the external oblique and pectoral muscles." In frequency affected cattle varied from 20 per cent, of the animals killed at the slaughter house and 1 See Addendum 1. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. ]\ meat drying factories at Bareilly to about 2 per cent, in other districts. Most usually only 1, 2 or 3 are present in each host, but occasionally from 6-10, or even up to 15 and 20, are seen; the animals available for examination were sometimes as young as five or six years, but as usual here, mostly older, e.g., 17 to 20 years. The nodules were found in all ages, but were more numerous in the older animals; calcification was often considerable. In buffaloes1 — and they are found in these in all districts and at Agra more commonly than in cattle — the nodules are found " ad- herent to the skin, which becomes thin and hairless just over these nodules, so that the skin is cut when they are dissected out. The worm-nodules among buffaloes are more red than those among oxen, which are white ones." As in the case of cattle, they ana generally attached to the right and left of the sternum at a distance of two or three inches, sometimes in " large numbers, especially in thinner animals," the size of the nodules varying from that of a pea to a pigeon egg. Again the animals in which they were found were 17 and 18 years old. The localities whence the Indian cattle carrying these nodules were derived, agree in being normally very dry and hot ,e.g., " Th© climate of Jhansi, as might be expected from the rocky nature of the ground, the rapid drainage, the absence of high jungle, and the general depth of the water level, is characterised by exceeding dry- ness, and by heat considerably above the average of the province " — which is exactly the reverse of the more or less swampy condition^ found wherever the nodules are known in Java, and might at first sight be considered to exclude the possibility of any necessity for the presence of water, either directly or indirectly, for the completion of the life history. But as we find that the soils in these parts- of the United Provinces are either black cotton soils, which " in season of heavy rainfall rapidly become over-saturated," or else- chiefly very good loamy soils, the conditions seem to be present which would allow of the occurrence of standing water in certain seasons at least — quite sufficient for the infection of cattle or buffalo, if such be associated in any way with the method of infec- tion or transmission. Before leaving this part of India, it is well to record the experi- ence of Mr. S. H. Gaiger, at one time Parasitologist to the Imperial Bacteriological Laboratory, and now of Lahore. In the course of the post mortems conducted by him at the laboratory at Muktesar 1 See Addendum 1. 12 Georglna Siveet : as well as elsewhere, in spite of the most detailed examination of all parts of the carcases, in the endeavour to find any new parasites, never once had he come across these nodules, or anything resembling them. The inference can only be that if these nodules be present at all in the hill cattle, which are chiefly used at the serum labora- tory, they are very rare indeed, a deduction which is in harmony with Lingard's statement (1905, p 36-37) in connection with the •occurrence of aortic worms in cattle, that he found only three animals infected out of 2000 autopsied. Punjaub. — During my enquiries as regards this province, I found from Colonel Pease, Director of the Veterinary School at Lahore, and his staff, to whom I am indebted for their active interest, that worm-nodules had never been recognised in the Pun- jaub, and that they were very doubtful about their occurrence. In communications seven months later. Colonel Pease informed me that he had since found that the nodules are known to the butchers, but are very uncommon. After considerable difficulty he had managed to obtain two or three from the brisket of a five-year-old buffalo, and five from the brisket of a eight-year-old cow, the latter being the result of special examination of 120 cattle ( = .83 per cent.). Sind, Baluchistan and Rajputana. — The Acting Civil Veterinary Superintendent (Mr. E. S. Farbrother) of this area writes that he has " made investigations in Sind, but can find no evidence of the presence of worm-nodules in cattle in this part of India." Bombay Presidency. — In spite of numerous enquiries in all direc- tions which might possibly yield any results, I have been unable to hear of any instance of the occurrence of these nodules in this Presidency, either from Veterinary Surgeons (one of whom, Mr. Sowerby, of Bombay, has been watching carefully for cases since my visit, without result), Inspectors or Superintendents of Abattoirs, I was not able to find any evidence of the occurrence of Oncho- cerca fasciata in camels in India, other than as already found by Mr. Leese in the Punjaub, and recorded by Railliet and Henry <1910, p. 248). In India we find the aortic worms represented so far as I have yet been able to find, by Onchocerca armillata only. This has already been recorded by Lingard (1905, p. 27) from the aortae of cattle .and buffalo — in 70 per cent, of " plains cattle," and in 15 per cent, of " bill cattle." Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 1.3 Egypt and the Sudan. So far, worm-nodules in bovihes have only been recorded for Africa, as present in parts of Algeria and Tunis, by Professor Neumann, who has described Onchocerca gutturosa, Neumann, 1910 (1910, p. 270) from the region of the cervical ligament in the neck of cattle killed at Constantine and at Tunis. I was informed by Mr. F. E. Mason, Government Veterinary Pathologist, Cairo, that worm-nodules are present in the subcutaneous connective tissue of any part of the body, but especially along the sides of the neck in the Egyptian Belady or village cattle. These animals, which are prevalent as far south as Wady Haifa, have a more gently curving, dome-shaped hump, somewhat more forwardly placed than in the case of the Sudanese cattle. Specimens from these are under promise to me; in the meantime I am unable to say whether they are similar to Onchocerca gutturosa, or to the Indian form, or even a different species from either of these. 0. gutturosa, as described by Professor Neumann, forms flattened nodules up to the size of the palm of the hand, situated in connective tissue on the inner face of the cervical ligament, in the region of the 2nd or 3rd dorsal verte- brae. These worm-containing nodules are very similar to those of 0. gibsoni, though differing in location, and formed by another species of worm. The Sudanese cattle have a more backwardly placed hump, shaped more like that of Bos indicus, of India, and are more prevalent south of Wady Haifa. So far as I have been able to obtain any evidence, either at the time of my visit or since from the Director of the Veterinary Laboratory at Khartoum, the nodules are unknown in these Sudanese cattle, and also in the buffalo of these countries. Mr. Mason also informed me that the subcutaneous worm-nodules of camels in Egypt, recorded by himself as " present in subcuta- neous positions, and similar to those found by Cleland in camels in Western Australia," but recorded nevertheless under the name 0. gibsoni (1912, p. 97), while found chiefly along the side of the neck, are also found over the quarters, then on the head, and some- times in the subcutaneous connective tissue of any part of the body. As no specimens have yet come to hand, I am unable to state whether or not these are caused by 0. fasciata. He has also recorded the presence of " mature filarial worms, presumably Filar ia evansi, in the blood-vessels of the lungs, testicle, and in the vas deferens of camels" in Egypt (1906, p. 120, and 1911, p. 329). J 4 Georgina Stveet : Europe. Investigations were continued in Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Ger- many, Denmark, France, and Great Britain, but all enquiries from those under whose notice the existence of worm-nodules, such as O. gibsojii must have come, did they occur, were met with negative replies. The genus Onchocerca is, however, represented in every department of France by a species (0. bovis, Railliet et Henry, 1912) (see Piettre, 1912, p. 509), which is found in as many as 95 per cent, of cases inspected at Les Halles Centrales in Paris. Here M. Piettre, their discoverer, who is in charge of the Veterinary Laboratory, enabled me to see several examples of this infection. These are, however, as already described by M. Piettre (Oct., 1912, p. 537, etc.), much more like 0. reticulata of the horse in their manner of occurrence, no nodular formation taking place. As recorded and shown to me by him, 0. bovis occurs almost exclusively in the region of the femoro-tibial articulation in the thickness of the internal and external articular ligaments, and in the tendons, generally nearer the tibial than the femoral surfaces. Two to five worms, males or females, or both, lie coiled in and out of the fibres, in the thickness of the ligaments and tendons, causing their degeneration, though free parasites may be found between the syno- vial membrane and the tendons. I have, therefore, not been able to find any evidence of the indigenous existence of these worm- nodules in Europe. United States of America. In a country of such extent as this, having a great range of latitude and of climate, many of the Southern States occupied in cattle-raising being similar in latitude to districts in the Eastern Hemisphere where these nodules are found, it is credible that one should find some form of worm-nodule similar to those found in the latter hemisphere. Moreover, considerable interest attached to enquiries here on account of the importation of " Brahman cattle " into South Carolina in 1849 (Mohler and Thompson, 1911, p. 84), into Southern Texas about the year 1880 (loc. cit., p. 81), and again in 1906 (loc. cit., p. 82-3), some at least being derived from districts in which worm-nodules are now known to exist. The chances of discovery of anything of this kind here are very considerable, in view of the admirable work of the Federal Bureau of Animal Industry at Washington, D.C. — the Zoological division Onchocerciasis in Cuttle and Associated Animals. 15 of which pays special attention to the parasites of domesticated animals— the widespread system of meat inspection by properly qualified Veterinary officers, and the numerous Agricultural Experi- mental stations throughout the States. Hitherto, a species Filaria lienalis (possibly to be referred to the genus Onchocerca) has been described by Dr. Stiles in 1892 from the capsule of the spleen of cattle in U.S.A., but nothing comparable in position and nodule structure with 0. gibsoni has ever been recorded from that country, nor in my visits to the Bureau of Animal Industry, or the State Veterinary Schools of Pennsylvania, Ohio, or the Agricultural Experiment Station of Illinois, was I able to hear of anything further. To test their possible existence in the most probable district, the Chief of the Bureau of Animal Industry {Dr. Melvin) and the Chief of the Zoological Division (Dr. B. H. Ransom) kindly undertook to have investigations made to determine definitely whether or not these worm-nodules exist in the descen- dants of the imported animals referred to above, and whether it has spread at all to the local breeds. As they have not so far, however, been recognised by the Veterinary Inspectors of this country, one may well assume that they are not present there.1 I was, unfortunately, unable to visit South America, and no definite information is yet forthcoming therefrom. However, a careful investigation has been very recently made into the cattle industry in South America by two independent and eminently quali- fied officials— Dr. Melvin (1914, p. 347) from the United States and Mr. Dunlop Young (Chief Meat Inspector, London) from Eng- land (1914, p. 522). Neither of these observers have any evidence of the existence of worm-nodules in South America, and such must surely have come under their notice, especially under that of Mr. Young, who has been familiar officially with their occurrence in Australian cattle. One may, therefore, conclude that so far they are absent from South America. It is, however, interesting to note that in 1906 (Gunn, p. 31) 200 young Ongole cattle were taken from the Madras Presidency, where these nodules are now known, to Brazil, so that it will be well to follow the effects of this importation in this respect. PART II.— SYSTEMATIC. The question of the specific identification of the nematode caus- ing the worm-nodules found in Indian cattle has been a matter of considerable difficulty in some respects — chiefly in view of the 1 See end of Addendum 2. It) Georgina Stveet : marked range of variation in size in certain structures. The almost certain derivation of the Australian Onchocerca gibsoni from cattle imported from India or Malaysia, coupled with Dr. Leiper's identification (1911, p. 10) of the parasite found by Ford in the Mala}7 States in 190-1 as 0. gibsoni, and the assertions of the same identity in the case of the Javan parasite by other workers, made one naturally expect to find the Indian species the same also. The absolute similarity of the position and manner of occurrence of the nodules in the body of the host and of their macroscopic structure still further strengthened this expectation. However, during the microscopic examination of one or two nodules as a matter of routine identification, I was impressed by the variation shown by them in some details of structure outside the range previously recorded for 0. gibsoni, and accordingly dissected more nodules. From these I obtained five females (four complete in essential parts} and six complete males. Onchocerca gibsoni has been already described by Dr. Gilruth and myself in detail in a Bulletin issued by the Commonwealth of Australia, as well as by Drs. Cleland, Johnston, Leiper and Breinl (see Bibliography). After careful measurements and comparisons with this and other forms, I have been forced to the conclusion that the form found in cattle in India is to be regarded as a different species, which I have called 0. iiidica, and a specific description of which is hereafter given ; nevertheless I have no doubt whatever as to the origin of these forms from one another, or else of both from a common ancestral form. In view of this it is doubly disappoint- ing to me not to have yet received other material from Javan and Egyptian cattle and buffaloes, and also from Malaysian and Indian buffaloes1 as this (especially that from Javan cattle) would prob- ably throw further light on the question. Nevertheless it seems- desirable to publish what I can up to date, and add to it later on. I have a certain amount of material from some of these hosts and localities, but, as previously stated, it was in such a condition as to be useless for this purpose. While this report was being completed I had the gratification of receiving specimens from Mr. Ford from an Indian bullock in Malaysia, and from Siain cattle, which will he referred to later.2 The nodules found in cattle (Bos indicus) in India resemble exactly in macroscopic appearance and position in the body those of 0. gibsoni found in cattle (Bos taurus) in Aus- 1 See Addendum 1. re <>. indiea in Bos bubalis. 2 see Addendum l, re 0. indiea in Bos bubalis. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 17 tralia.1 They are more frequently flattened like a broad bean in the former than in the latter, much as in 0. gnttnrosa, due natu- rally to compression between the muscles and between them and the skin. I have not seen any so large as those sometimes found in O. gibsoni, nor any with anything approaching the great thickness of fibrous tissue, such as occasionally occurs in the latter. A thick- ness of 5 mm. of fibrous capsule is abnormally great in 0. indica in cattle, 2 to 3 mm. being the more common. A larger proportion of nodules of 0. indica seen by me are calcified or caseated, t\ua undoubtedly to the fact that practically only aged cattle are killed in the country whence these come. The whole tissue of the nodule is Often permeated with larvae, even in cases where mature worms show no larvae in the genital tubes; also larvae (.12 to .16 mm. long) are to be found on the periphery of the nodule, and sometimes thickly in the loose connective tissue on the surface of the nodule. The connective tissue trabeculae, which form the walls of the net- work of tunnels, in which the worm lies, resemble exactly in nearly every case those of 0. gibsoni, but in two instances (see fig. 4) one was surprised to find within the dense fibrous capsule, which was 1.5 and 2 mm. respectively in thickness,- the worm lying quite freely in the interior, with only one or two delicate connective tissue strands 2 to 3 mm. long, in place of the intricate fairly substantial network otherwise present. Evidently either an inexplicable in- hibition of fibroblasts had taken place in the interior during the development of the nodule, or probably, some unusual degenerating factor had been at work, since in one case, the internal structure of the anterior part of the body of the female was almost undecipher- able, while that of the male was also affected. The simple relationship found in 0. gibsoni between the heads of the male and the female does not so frequently obtain here. There is always, however, a certain close association (see figure 3), and intertwining of these and of the tail of the male, which are generally to be found on one of the flattened surfaces, the body of the male sometimes coiling about in close proximity at several points to the other flattened side. In reference to the numbers of males and females associated together in each nodule, it is interesting to note that although Breinl (p. 9) has noted the occurrence of two males with one female in the case of 0. gibsoni, no one else has hitherto observed this condition, while in 0. indica, of the four females obtained entire, 1 See Addendum 1, re 0. indica in Bos bubalis. 18 Geary i it a Sweet .- two nodules had one male, and the two other nodules each had two males. In the other nodules dissected no male was found at all. In structure, the worm very closely resembles 0. gibsoni, to which it has undoubtedly close affinity, and in view of the detailed descrip- tions of that worm already published (and referred to above) it is unnecessary to repeat here a minute general description. I have therefore contented myself with a statement of the specific charac- teristics of the Indian worm, and a careful comparison with other allied forms as indicative of the reasons for the establishment of a new species. Incidentally, light is thrown on one or two points of general interest as regards the specific diagnosis of Nematodes. The characteristics of this worm may be summarised as follow? (cf. Tables 1, 2, 3, and Figures 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), the variations being discussed in detail later. Onchocerca indica, n. sp. Male. — 3.38 to 9.3 cm. long (average 5.69 mm.); diameter of central portion of body, .175 to .220 mm. (average, .198 mm.), tapering to each extremity. Anterior end straight and without in- terruption, posterior end often spirally coiled, having a cloaca! ■swelling on which the cloaca opens, behind which the tip of the tail is generally bent sharply towards the ventral surface, forming a hook. Cuticle, .003 to .004 mm. thick in the central region of the body, where also it has regular rounded transverse ridges, the depres- sions between which are .005 to .006 mm. apart at the maximum, these ridges becoming smaller and less conspicuous as they approach the two ends, where they are absent; finer striae were not detected Mouth terminal with three slightly marked lips and three papillae (not always easily seen) close behind the level of the opening. Oesophagus long, from over .847 to 1.22 mm. (average, over 1.051 mm.), thick-walled, .031 to .039 mm. (average. .036 mm.), and generally with a well-defined bulb (or " eardia "), .062 to .069 {average, .064) mm. long, and .047 to .060 (average, .053) mm. wide, at the junction of the oesophagus, with the typical thin-walled, straight intestine. Nerve ring surrounds oesophagus usually at .188 mm., though sometimes at .172 mm. (average, .182 mm.) from the anterior end, and where seen the excretory pore appeared to be situated at .219 to .282 (average, .250) mm. from the anterior end Oloacal opening at .062 to .086 (average, .07) mm. in front of the tip of the tail, the diameter of the body at the level of the opening being .042 to .062 (average, .053) mm. Anal papillae somewhat variable, generally eight or nine pairs in number, but sometimes Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals 19 asymmetrical, their range being as follows : — Eight- preanal 1. par- (or ad-) anal I (or rarely 3), postanal 1, precaudal 1, caudal 1 to 2. Left — preanal 1, parannl 3 to 4, postanal 1, preoaudal 1. •caudal 1 to 2. Two unequal spicules of characteristic shape, the longer .207 to .274 (average, .257) mm. long, and .001) to .012 (average, .011) mm. in diameter at middle of length, curved in harmony with the body curve, the proximal termination being •enlarged and funnel-shaped, and the distal termination pointed or rarely slightly bifid. Midway the median channel of the distal por- tion of the long spicule opens obliquely forwards and outwards to its surface. Short spicule .08 to .094 (average, .087) mm. long, ■enlarged proximally and flattened somewhat in the greater part of its length, being .006 to .012 (average, .007) mm. in its less -diameter, and .012 mm. in its greater diameter, its distal ter- mination having a shoe-shaped enlargement for the guidance of the long spicule. On one occasion the short spicule was missing, and no evidence could be seen of its having previously been present. Female. — May reach at least 100 cm. in length; diameter of central portion of body .38 to .63 (average, .47) mm., tapering at -each extremity, both ends being straight and uninterrupted. Cuticle .02 to .024 mm. thick in the central region, and thickened for greater part of the length of the body into prominent wavy ridges, which may be as much as .138 mm. apart; generally in one -continuous spiral, with occasional gaps at one or other side, and also occasionally a double spiral may be found; no network is present, and the spiral ridges are gradually lost anteriorly and posteriorly; no fine transverse striae could be seen. Mouth termi- nal, with three very small lips and three papillae, but no separation of the head from the body, and no cervical swelling. Oesophagus long, 1.1 to 1.-44 (average, 1.23) mm., and equally thick walled with that of the male, .031 to .034 (average, .032) mm. in diameter. Bulb (or cardia) more frequently indefinite than in the male, but when present is .062 mm. long, and .045 to .055 (average, .050) mm. in diameter. Nerve ring at .188 mm. from the anterior end; excretory pore not seen. Anus at .125 to .232 (average, .187) mm. from the posterior end. Vulva in mid- ventral line, generally on a slight swelling, at .55 to .75 (average*. .63) mm. from anterior end, leading internally into a thick-walled sometimes twisted vagina. Segmented ovum .026 x .017 mm., egg* containing fully developed larvae .0251 to .0329 mm. long, and .0172 to .0251 mm. wide; larvae just free from egg, which has a very thin shell, .12 to .196 mm. long, and .0021 to .0024 mm. in 3a 20 Georgina Sweet: diameter; all stages up to free embryos being found in the genital tubes of the female larva, with very bluntly truncated head, and gradually tapering to a very long fine point posteriorly, no sheath being observed. (Larvae were insufficiently well preserved to allow of accurate observation of histological structure, being also easily broken in making smears.) In a previous paper on 0. gibsoni (Gilruth and Sweet, 1911) the* very considerable amount of variation in important structures was. pointed out, as had also been done by myself on two or three pre- vious occasions (e.g, see Sweet, 1910, p. 243 et seq., and p. 24? et seq.) when describing new species, which, so far as I am aware, have not yet been recorded from elsewhere, and which are undoubt^ edly and most naturally closely allied to analogous forms in the same host in "older" countries. It would seem that the trans- ference in these latter cases of the domesticated host from its older habitat to a new environment in Australia has fairly quickly influ- enced the structure of some of the contained parasites to an unex- pected degree. On the other hand, although in most cases the older workers gave no indication of any variability in measurements given, it is probable that a considerable amount of variation exists even, in well-known species elsewhere. In view of this it is of interest while considering the value of measurements in specific diagnoses to compare work summarised in a paper by Fracker (1914, p. 22), in which he seeks " to ascertain the extent to which the proportions, of the worm (O.ryurias vermicular is) were constant, and the parts which undergo the greatest variation," considering especially the use of the formula suggested by Cobb in 1890, and since invariably used by him. Fracker concludes that while " an individual should never be identified on the basis of the formula alone, or of the< proportions alone," " the proportionate size of the organs in the Nematoda is an important factor in their identification, and should be stated in any description of a new species." With these con- clusions, in so far as they emphasise the necessity for a statement of measurements, most workers in the group of Nematodes will agree, in view of the paucity of marked specific characters. Curiously, however, in the case of the two species of Onchocerca* which I have studied in this special connection, measurements pro- portionate to the length of the body even of the male, such as are emphasised by Fracker, are useless for the purpose of specific diag- nosis, such measurements having no relation to one another, while within a stated range, there is a marked similarity in certain absolute measurements, quite irrespective of the length of the Onchocerciasis in Guttle and Associated An limits. 21 »nimal, and such variations as do occur, are independent of the size of the worm. All measurements given in the paper on Oncho- cerca gib&dni previously quoted (Gilruth and Sweet, 1911), and those given here for Onchocerca indica, have been made under identical conditions — the specimens being cleared in carbolised absolute alcohol, just before measurements were made with a stan- dardized screw micrometer eyepiece — so that in comparison of thesi two sets of figures all extraneous influences are eliminated, except any differences which might be due to a different preserving fluid. Since, however, the action of the above clearing fluid freshly applied in the way indicated is to " plim " the body of the worm into its apparently normal condition as when living, I think this may be ignored, and we may regard the figures given as strictly comparable. Reference is made to figures given by other workers as- indicated, since although perhaps not strictly comparable with the two sets given by myself (on account of the slightly varying amount of swelling or contraction caused in certain parts by dif- ferent clearing reagents), they may at least be taken to indicate that variations in excess of those present in the worms examined by me, were encountered by these workers, so must be taken into account in separating two species so closely allied as the two under consideration. Reference to Tables -i and 5 included herein will facilitate such comparison. As will be seen (Table 4), the range in length of mature nude worms is considerably greater than in 0. gibsoni, O. gutturosa, or 0. f>oi>is, the other forms of this genus occurring in the connective tissues of cattle, the average length also being greater ■than in those species. Further, the worm is markedly stouter than any others, the specimens of 0. indica exceeding in average diameter the stoutest of 0. gibsoni, both anteriorly and in the middle part of the body. The stoutness, however, bears no relation to the length of the worm, as will be seen on glancing at Bii, and Dii, and R in Tabic 1. In spite of this, the variation in position of the nerve ring from the anterior extremity is exactly the same as found by ourselves and Cleland and Johnston in 0. gibsoni, though greater than that re- corded by Breinl, and less than by Leiper. Rather unexpectedly, moreover, in the two longest specimens of 0. indica, I find that it is slightly further forward than in the others, though one would naturally have thought to find the reverse. The oesophagus of the male again always exceeds in length the highest range given for 0. gibsoni by all workers, except Breinl, and, as a rule, that found in 0. gutturosa or 0. bovis, while in diameter it greatly exceeds 22 Gmrginu Sweet: that of other forms (with the same exception), being often twice the* thickness in those forms. The oesophageal bulb or " cardia " also- is unusually conspicuous, occupying on an average the terminal .064 mm. of the oesophagus. In specimens of 0. gibsoni examined by me, it was not seen, though from Leiper's and Breinl's descrip- tions of the occasional thickness of the posterior end of the oesopha- gus, something of the sort was evidently present in some of their specimens, this probably accounting for this exception in regard to the thickness of the oesophagus mentioned above. A glance at the averages of length and diameter of the oesophagus of 0. indica and 0. gibsoni will show the extent to which that in the former exceeds that in the latter. The Cloacal opening is also often further from the posterior end than in specimens of 0. gibsoni examined by me, though the range in 0. indica corresponds approximately with that given by other workers for 0. gibsoni. The spicules show a certain amount of variation from other forms, most marked, however, in the case of the long spicule. This in general exceeds that of any of the other forms, the range of which it overlaps, except the greatest length of 0. gutturosa, while its lowest^range only slightly overlaps the highest range of 0. gibsoni (Breinl)1 and of 0. bonis. Further, the average length of the long spicule of 0. indica is considerably greater than the greatest length given by any one for 0. gibsoni ; though the range of thickness of the long spicule in 0. indica is included within the total range found in 0. gibsoni. Not only does the long spicule most nearly approximate that of 0. gutturosa in range of length, but also in the fact that the long spicule of 0. indica sometimes appears bifid as in 0. gutturosa. The range in length and diameter of the short spicule agrees approximately with the total ranges found by others and myself in O. gibsoni, though the average, both of length and diameter of the short spicule, is greater than the average of all forms of 0. gibsoni described. The anal papillae also show considerable variation, as was pointed out by us to occur, though to a less extent in 0. gibsoni. The highest number of papillae described by any observer (with the exception mentioned immediately) for the latter species, was seven pairs — one preanal, three ad- (or par-) anal, one post-anal, one precaudal, and 1 If the figures yiven by Or. Breinl for his male specimens of Onchocerca gibnoni lie analysed, it will he seen that the three individuals in which the length of the lone spicule overlaps the lower end of the range found in O. indica do not show the concurrent characteristics found in O. indica, except that in one case (No. 19), a length of oesophagus (1.074 mm.) which is unique and extra- ordinary for O. gibsoni, is found in a worm having a length of .210 mm. for the lon^r spicule. Apart from this one worm there does not appear to be any regularity of variation in (>. gibsoni, in the features referred to, as characteristic of O. indica. A study of these tables will emphasize the- extreme and irregular variability of Australian specimens of O. gibsoni. Onchocerciasis in ('attic and Associated Animals. 2',\ one caudal (the latter three being grouped together in those descrip- tions as three post-anal). In one specimen seen by Breinl, and one side of one specimen from our material, an additional papilla was present anterior to the usual preanal ones, making eight in those two isolated eases. The exact way in which these occur in the six male specimens of 0. indica referred to is shown in Table 2 and Figure 9, where it will be seen that, with the exception of one side in one ease, the smallest number of papillae is eight on each side, while nine are present nearly as often as eight; and, also, the arrangement is different from that of 0. gibsoni, the additional papillae being adanal and caudal in position, not preanal. It is also interesting to note the occasional occurrence of only threo adanal papillae, as is characteristic of 0. gibsoni, though in two out of these three occurrences the number of postanal (four) characteristic of 0. indica are certainly present; in the other case I could not be positive on the point. Transverse ridges are present at a distance of .005 to .006 mm. apart, cf. .0045 to .0060 mm. in 0. gibsoni (.045 mm. given by Leiper must surely be a printer's error for .0045), and .005 to .006 mm. in 0. bovis, and contrast Neumann's measurements for 0. gutturosa. In the case of the female worms (see Table 5) the length and thick- ness of 0. indica falls within the range found in O. gibsoni, with the exception of the tail, which is markedly thinner; the average thickness is, however, distinctly less in 0. indica (except in the middle of the body, while the average diameter of the tail of 0. indica female is less than the minimum given for the tail of O. gibsoni female. The position of the nerve ring is constantly the same as in the highest range given for 0. gibsoni. The length of the oesophagus in the four females of 0. indica, in which it, was measurable, always exceeds that of 0. gibsoni, with the exception of two instances quoted by Breinl. In thickness it is fairly constant in 0. indica, and within the range found in O. gibsoni. The average length and thickness is much greater in 0. indica than in 0. gibsoni. The position of the vulva and that of the anus varies much less than in 0. gif>soni, and like each of the other species of Onchocerca, they fall within the range found in 0. gibsoni, though their average positions are much nearer the tip of the head and tail respectively than in that species. The v\z\i. when segmentation is complete, is similar in size to that of O. gibsoni. Eggs contain- ing fully developed larvae are smaller than those of other species, and the larva when just freed from the egg shell is distinctly shorter, .12 to .196 mm. being the length in 0. indica, this range over- 24 (jreorgina Swe/'f : lapping that of 0. gutturosa only. In diameter it is often only half that found in other forms. The cuticle in the female 0. indica is distinctly thinner than in O. gutturosa, but twice at least - as thick as in O. gibsoni. Moreover, the ridges of the cuticle so. char- acteristic of the female Onchocerca are further apart in the middle of the body than in 0. gibsoni, and are often much more prominent. Comparative measurements in some of these cases may possibly be regarded as misleading, and further observations may render the range in size much nearer, still the greater number: and different arrangement of the anal papillae, and the greater length of the long spicule, the generally thicker head of the male and thinner head and tail of the female, and the usually longer oesophagus in both male and female seem to eall for the separation of the new species, which it will be seen is in some respects intermediate between 0. gibsoni and 0. gutturosa. This being established, one expected to find, even more than a possible geographical delimitation of the species, a definite, relation to the special host ; and in examining the material which so recently arrived from an old Indian bullock (Bos indicus) from the Malay States, and from Siam humped cattle (Ho* indicus) freshly imported into Kuala Lumpur (P.M. 8. ) for slaughter, I certainly expected to find that these nodules, especially in the former case, were 0. iiulica, and in the latter either that, or quite possibly a form intermediate between it and 0. gibsoni, and perhaps rendering the separation of the former from the latter untenable. To my surprise, the nodules from all of these contained worms belonging without any doubt whatever to 0. gibsoni, the measurements, etc., of those parts men- tioned above on which the separation is based being almost invariably those of average specimens of 0. gibsoni, or even nearer the limit of the range in 0. gibsoni, away from that which approaches the range of 0. indieaA This fact corroborates some years after, and on varied material from Bos indicus from Siam as well as Indian bullock (Bos indicus) long domiciled and possibly bred in Malaya, the identification by Leiper of Ford's original material, also from an old Indian Zebu in Malaya. Johnston (1911, p. 223) quite obviously misinterprets Leiper in stating that he identified " aortic worms " in Malayan buffaloes recorded by Ford, 1902 (not 1903) as Onchocerca gibsoni. Leiper's identification (1911, p. 10) was of the material referred to by Daniels (1904, p. 17) as coining from " near the shoulder in bullock beef." For purposes of comparison I 1 See Addendum 1. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 1~) append in Tables 6 and 8, the measurements made of the worms found in these Siamese and Malayan nodules. One nodule from the Indian bullock was particularly interesting, as it was found to eon- tain two females. 4 iv. and 4 v., and three male worms, 4 i., I ii. and 4 iii. No. -'5 was also from the same animal, Nos. I and 2 being from the Siamese bulls. Also, in Table 7 and Figure 10, I have showTn the number and arrangement of the anal papillae, which are emphatically not those of O. indica, and which vary considerably among themselves. It is interesting to note in Fig. 10 (3, left side) one solitary and unilateral example of four adanal papillae (cf. the usual four adanal papillae of 0. indica), though even here the total number of papillae is only seven on that side. CONCLUSIONS. It is evident then that we have in India itself a different species of nodule-forming worm from that present in the same host species in Siam and Malaya, and in Bos taurus in Java and Australia. The exact geographical limitation of 0. indica, I am unable to state further, and it is more than possible, as hinted before, that with additional material from Burma and Bengal, or elsewhere, one may find a complete mergence of the one species into the other in view of the remarkable extent of variation in each, but especially in O. gibsoni, and of the already known overlapping in some measure- ments. Still there is the most definite and constant means of separation in the association of a shorter long spicule, with a smaller number and different arrangement of anal papillae in O. gibsoni. It would appear that 0. indica is the true species of the Peninsula •of India, and 0. gibsoni as seen in these Siamese and Malayan cattle that of the Malay Peninsula, and immediately adjacent coun- tries. Further, either (1) the 0. gibsoni seen in Australian cattle and that of the Malayan and Siamese cattle are undergoing a process of modification parallel with one another, from 0. indica, or (2) O. indica has arisen from the Malayan 0. gih&oni; or (3). and most probably, both 0. indica and the Malayan 0. gibsoni have arisen together from the original form, and from this Malayan form either directly or indirectly the Australian form (introduced at least 70 years ago) has continued to be modified, its variability being quite remarkable. Although the greater length of the large spicule of 0. indica is fairly constant, and its shorter length in the Malayan 0. gibsoni is likewise fairly constant, the anal papillae 20 Geonjlva Sweet : certainly show some slight indication of a not very distant common ancestry, and there is no doubt in my mind that the host animal of the original Asiatic nodule-worm will yet be found in the Indo- Malayan gaur or wild ox (Bos (Bibos) gaurus), or its variety, the Seladang, or the nearly allied species, the Javan Bantiri. It is to be noted further that in the regions where these nodules occur in Australia, the number of animals affected is much greater than in similar parts of India and apparently of Malaya. This greater frequency in Bos taurus is undoubtedly due to its having less resistance to the development of the parasite than has Bos indicus, which is at least more closely allied to the presumptive original host. As to Java, I have been unable to obtain definite information as to the relative frequency of the nodules in introduced or locally bred Bos taurus or Bos indicus.1 One is justified in the light of the evidence in expecting to find in Javan nodules character- istics closely similar to those of the Australian form, though whether they have been introduced into Java from Malaya or from India, is as yet unknown, though one would judge the former to be the more probable. It is, of course, quite probable if the In-do-Malayan gaur were the original source of infection that also the Seladang of Malaya was and is likewise infected, and that this was the imme- diate source of the infection of the Malayan cattle. Whether the Javan Bantin was also infected, either originally or secondarily, or whether the infection came there from the Malay Seladang or from Malay cattle, we cannot yet tell. The greater variability of the Australian form is only analogous to what I have pointed out previously (vide supra), that the ten- dency is when parasites are introduced into this continent, even in their normal European (or other) domesticated host, for con- siderable variation to take place at times resulting in the forma- tion of what appears to be a distinct and new species. It is greatly to be regretted that material is not yet forthcoming from the Malay Archipelago for close comparison with these forms. as it would appear from the above that the entrance of the nodule- worm into Australia cannot be credited to the introduction of Indian cattle into the Northern Territory, but rather to that of cattle from further East, and so quite probably from Timor — as previously emphasised— sometime between 1824 and 1840. It is to hoped that information and material from Timor may soon be forthcoming, in which one may expect to find a link between the Malayan and the Australian 0. gibsoni. 1 See Addendum 2. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 27 The contention of Dr. Gilruth and myself (1912, p. 24) that the buffalo was probably not the means of introduction — since the buffalo hunters of the Northern Territory (who used the brisket for food and the skins for export) have never seen these nodules — is- strongly supported by the fact that both in Java and in India, whence buffalo have been imported into Australia, although nodules are present, they are found closely attached to the skin, a fact which was unknown to us at that time.1 The intermediate character of 0. indica in some respects between 0. gibsoni and 0. gutturosa suggests the possible origin of the latter form from 0. indica at some earlier period in some way not yet known. No definite evidence is forthcoming from any source as to the- life-history of these forms. SUMMARY. 1. Worm-nodules in the connective tissues, caused by species of Onchocerca are now known to exist in cattle and associated animals as follow : — Place. Host Animal. Previous record. Present record." 40-90'3 Java - Bos taurus 0. gihsoni (De Does, etc.) - 0. gibsoni (?) „ - Bos indicus — - 0. sp. (?) " - Hybrids of above - — - 0. gibsoni (?) (subcutaneousl y )■ " - Bos bubalis — - 0. sp. (?) (subcutaneously) „ - Bos banteng — _3 Sumatra - Bos taurus — - 0. gibsoni (?) M - Bos indicus — - O.sp. (?) » - Bos bubalis — - O.sp. (?) (subcutaneously 1 „ - Bos ban ten g — — Bali - Bos taurus — - 0. gibsoni (f) Madura _ — — Lombok _ — - Timor _ — - Poeloe Laoet - Bos indicus — - O.sp. (?) Philippine Is. - Bos indicus (?) - — — » - Bos bubalis — - 1 See Addendum 1. 2 The mark (?) In this column indicates that, although I have now evidence of the existence of the nodules as indicated, either the material available is useless for exact Specific determination, or else material for this purpose is not yet in hand. 3 The mark — indicates that such nodules are as yet unknown in these cases. '28 Georglna Sweet Place. Hawaiian Is. Singapore Kuala Lumpur Penan g Malaya Siam Burma Assam Bengal Bihar and Orissa Ceylon Madras Central Provinces and Berar ■Central Provinces and Berar United Provinces of Agra and Oudh United Provinces of Agra and Oudh Punjaub Sind, Baluchistan - and Rajputana Sind, Baluchistan - and Kajputana Bombay Presidency Egypt Sudan Host Animal. Bos taurus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos taurus hub- backi Bos indicus Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus (-5%) Bos bubalis Bos indicus (2-20%) Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Camelus bact- rianus Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus Bos bubalis Bos indicus (?) Bos bubalis Camelus drome- darius Bos indicus (?) Bos bubalis Previous record. O. gibsoni (Daniels, Ford, Leiper) O. fasciata (Leese, Railliet) O. fasciata (?) (Mason) Present record. 40-90% O. gibsoni O.sp. (?) O. gibsoni O. sp. (?) O. gibsoni O. sp. (?) O. sp. (?) O. indica n.sp. (?) O. indica n.sp. (?) O. indica n.sp. O. indica n.sp. O. indica n.sp. {?) (subcutaneously) O. indica n.sp. O. indica n.sp. (?) (subcutaneously) * O. indica n.sp. O. indica n.sp. (?) O. sp. (?) 1 See Addendum 1. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. %% I'lace. Algeria and Tunis - Host Animal. Bos taurus (?) Previous record. - 0. gutturosa Present record. 4ii-'.xr Italy Austria Bos taurus (Neumann) - Germany Denmark " " — — Switzerland „ — _ France » " - O.bovis(Piettre) - not nodule form- Q. In. vis Great Britain ing United States of - „ ,, - 0. (?) lienalis - — America (Stiles) in cap- United States of - Bos indicus and sule of spleen America South America hybrids Bos taurus " Bos indicus and hybrids — — 2. Allied parasitic worms are present as previously known in the- main aortae of cattle and buffalo, as follow : — Place. Host animals. Parasite. Java Bos indicus (rarely) - Elaeophora poeli „ Bos bubalis ,, „ Sumatra Bos indicus Onchocerca armiJ „ Bos indicus (rarely) - E. poeli „ Bos bubalis „ ,, „ Bos bubalis (rarely) - 0. armillata Malay States Bos indicus „ „ „ „ Bos indicus (rarely) E. poeli » >> Bos bubalis ,, „ Bos bubalis' (rarely) - 0. armillata Annam Bos indicus „ „ „ Bos indicus (rarely) - E. poeli ,, Bos bubalis „ ,. Bos bubalis (rarely) - 0. armillata India Bos indicus „ „ Bos indicus (rarely) - „ „ 3. The new species herein described from cattle in India,1 while overlapping in some respects the allied species 0. gibsoni and 0. gutturosa, differs from those, in the association in the male worm of a certain range of length of the larger spicule intermediate between those two species with a greater number of differently arranged anal papillae than is found in either of them, and from 1 And see Addendum 1, re its presence in buffalo in India. :30 Georgina Sweet: O. gihsoni further in the thicker head of the male, the thinner head and tail of the female, and the generally longer oesophagus in both. 4. The limitations of these species appear to he geographical lather than otherwise: — thus. 0. gutturosa is characteristic of Northern Africa, presumably in Bos taurus; 0. indica is found in Bos indicus*- in the peninsula of India, and 0. gibsoni in Bos indicus in the Malay Peninsula, and as a very variable form in Bos taurus in Australia, and most probably the Malay Archipelago. The occurrence of such nodule-forming worms is probably much ■wider than is at present suspected. 5. The evidence supports the theory that worm-nodules were introduced probably by cattle from the Malay Archipelago, and not by cattle from India, and therefore almost certainly they came in the cattle brought from Coepang in Timor in 1824 pr 1840. 6. The Buffalo cannot be implicated so far. 7. The original parasite and its original host are probably to be nought for in the Indo-Malayan gaur or wild ox (Bos (Bibos) gaum*), from which also 0. gutturosa may be derived indirectly through 0. indica. 8. No evidence is forthcoming as to the life-history, from any source. In conclusion, I wish to express my thanks to Professor Baldwin Spencer and to Professor H. A. Woodruff for permission to use their laboratories in this University for the purpose of this research, and to them and to Dr. T. S. Hall and Mr. H. K. Seddon, for their kind interest and ready help. ADDENDUM 1. Since the foregoing report was presented, I have received a further supply of nodules (a) from cattle (Bos indicus) from Southern Siam, sent by Mr. S. L. Symonds from Serembam, F.M.S., and (b) from 3 Indian buffaloes (Bos bubedis) from Mr. C. W. Wilson, from Aligarh, United Provinces, India. (a) These are typical nodules of 0. gibsoni, with the characteristic dense fibrous capsule much thicker than in 0. indica. In one nodule no male could be found, although the female contained fully de- veloped eggs and larvae. Caseation was considerably advanced in parts of this nodule, and neither the head nor the tail of the female could be found. In the second nodule there was much Addendum 1, re its presence in buffalo in India. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. ;>l extravasation of blood into the worm-tunnels, and the anterior end of the female and most of the male were caseated. In the third nodule there was also much extravasation into the worm-tunnels, and caseation of nodule and worms, but the heads of both male and female, and the tail of the male, were obtained, and served but to confirm tho observations made in the body of this report on nodules from Siam, provided by Mr. T. A. Ford, these worms being certainly 0. gibsoni. One or two peculiarities in this specimen are specially note- worthy, the remarkable distance (1.24 mm.) of the opening of the vulva from the anterior end, even for 0. gibsoni, in which it is often so much greater than in 0. indica (cf. Leiper's description of 1.23 mm.). Also in the male, are found a remarkably short, thin oesophagus (length .314 mm., and diameter .0094 mm.), and a very short " long " spicule (.138 mm.), which are quite unique even for O. gibsoni. These features, with the abnormally thin head and body of the male, emphasise the statement made in connection with the previous material of 0. gibsoni from Siam, that where any special variations from the average measurements of 0. gibsoni exist therein, those variations are in an opposite direction to those mea- surements which are characteristic of 0. indica. A similar state- ment is true here id' the anal papillae, which are as follow : R., preanal 0, adanal 2, postanal 1, caudal 2; L., preanal 0, adanal 2, postanal 1, caudal 2, making a total of five on each side — again a smaller number than is usually found in 0. gibsoni. (b) The nodules from the buffalo differ somewhat in external appearance from those found in cattle, the capsule of free nodules being at times much thicker than in Bos indicus, and the fibrous tissue much less compacted in the outer part of the capsule than in either Bos taurus or Bos indicus, though at the same time it is very tough and resistant to cutting or tearing. At other times, a continuous capsule wall is absent, only a trifling amount of fibrous tissue being present, and then forming long independent strands. A quantity of muscular tissue, more or less degenerated, surrounds the nodule in place of the ordinary capsule. Very frequently the nodule is closely united with the skin (see Fig. 12). There may be then also no true capsule wall, the nodule ( = worm-area only) lying in the subcutaneous muscular tissue. There is present a very small amount of white fibrous tissue forming long bundles emerging irregularly from the worm-area and mingling with the fibrous tissue of the subdermal layers. The trabeculae forming the walls of the .'!2 Georgina Stveet : worm-tunnels have a considerable quantity of fibrous tissue. These nodules are inseparable except by cutting from the skin, as con- trasted with the smooth surfaced compact capsule of 0. gibsoni in either Bos taunt* or Bos indicus, or of 0. indica in Bos indicus. This firm attachment to the skin in the buffalo is attributed by Mr. Wilson "to the density of the subcutal structures in that animal." He also states that "the ' nests' show more tendency to calcify quickly in the buffalo than in cattle," but that he has " failed to notice any variation in colour " such as was mentioned by one observer. The hairlessness of the skin over the nodule, noted by the same observer, is apparent slightly, in one of the specimens, but I cannot detect any thinning of the skin in that position. These nodules were taken from the vicinity of the sternum in three buffaloes, 8, 11 and 12 years old respectively, considerable caseation being present in several, e.g., in II., in which the head and tail of the female were not found, and III., in which the head of the male is missing. (See Tables 9, 10 and 11.) Nodule II. had two males with the one female, while one male only was present in each of the others. Commencing caseation also accounts for some uncertainty in regard to the anal papillae in the males II. 1 and II. 2, while the tail of the male III. was much distorted, the long spicule having torn through the postanal tissues. Reference to the tables (9, 10, and 11) herewith added, and their comparison with those previously given will be found to establish the conclusion that these nodules in Bos bubal is in India are caused by the same species of worm as causes those in Bos indicus in India, viz., 0. indica. In the male the thicker anterior end, the longer thicker oesophagus, the slightly more anterior cloacal opening, the thick and longer large spicule characteristic of 0. indica are all present, while in I., and as far as can be seen in II. I and II. 2, the anal papillae are such as are found in that species. In the female, the thinner anterior end characteristic of 0. indica is found, with a fairly long oesophagus, and also a more posteriorly placed anus, but the other features are not so character- istic, though still such as are found in other specimens of 0. indica. It will be seen that this further material entirely confirms the conclusions arrived at in the body of this Report (1) that the nodule worm of India is a new species different from that of Aus- tralia, (2) that the nodule worm of Siam or Malaya is similar to that of Australia, (3) that the Indian buffalo has not been the carrier of this parasite into Australia, and (4) that Malaya or the Malay Archipelago has been the source of the infection of Australian cattle. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 33 A.DDENDUM 2. Since i he foregoing has been printed, I have received from Dr. L. de Blieck, Director of the Government Veterinary School at Buitenzorg, Java, a statement by Dr. Sniit of the results of the enquiries made by the Dutch authorities at my request, into the occurrence of worm nodules in Netherlands India. The following is a translation of this report : — " I have often observed the ' worm-nodules ' caused by Onchocerca gibsoni at tho abattoir at Buitenzorg. They have been seen in native as well as in cross-bred cattle (i.e.. of native with European, Australian, and Bengal (Zebu) cattle). They have been mostly found in cattle originating from Gombong, and Poerworedjo, principally in Javanese cattle. Several times, however, they have been seen in animals originating from the Buitenzorg district and Bantam, also in cross-bred Australian and in the few Australian cattle killed at Buitenzorg. " At Batavia, Mr. Jenne found them to occur in nearly every animal killed (these being imported Australian). " In native cattle they were only found in the breast muscles; in Australian cattle at Batavia, however, they were found also in the abdominal muscles in front of the stifle. " Out of about 4000 karbouws inspected, two were found to have one worm-nodule each — in both cases in the breast muscles — which macroscopic-ally differed in no way from the worm-nodules in cattle. It is seen from this, that they .only very rarely occur in karbouws. Mr. Sohns was able to inform me that they have been repeatedly found by him in the residencies of Rembong and Kediri, in the breast muscles of native cattle. He also found them in the karbouws. but only very seldom. " Finally, it may be stated that Mr. de Does a short time ago personally intimated to me, that he had also seen them in cattle at Poeloe Laoet, an island at the S.E. point of Borneo. " Briefly stated, it may therefore be accepted that worm-nodules caused by Onchocerca gibsoni occur over the whole of Java in native as well as cross-bred native cattle, and in karbouws. Further, that the said disease has also been found on other islands (Poeloe Laoet) of the Archipelago." The term, native cattle, employed in Dr. Smit's report, cannot obviously refer to the original wild ox of Java, the Bantin (Bos (Bibos) banteng). It is, however, undoubtedly applied to animals of the Bos indicus type bred in Java, and possibly the direct 34 Georgina Siveet.- descendants — either pure bred or hybrid — of the Bantin, which, as pointed out above (see p. 3), is regarded as being, at least, closely allied to the ancestor of the Zebu. Material has been sent to me from Java, but is not yet to hand. The results of its examination, and the relationship of the nodule worms in the Javanese Bos indicus, in the hybrid Bos indicus (Javanese X Bengalese), and in the Javanese Karbouw, will form the subject of a later report by myself. In reference to the Indian cattle, Bos indicus, imported into the United States of America from infected areas in India (see p. 14), I am informed by'Dr. B. H. Ransom that so far as the officers of the Bureau of Animal Industry have heen able to make any observa- tions, worm-nodules have not been discovered. 26th May, 1915. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Bernard and Bauche : 1912. " Filariose et atherome aortique du bufrle et du boeuf." Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exo- tique V. (2), 1912, p. 109. Breinl, A. : " Morphology and Life History of Onchocerca gib- soni "—Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine — Report for year 1911. Cleland, J. B., and Johnston, T. H. : 1910. (a) " Worm-nests in Cattle due to Filaria gibsoni — Preliminary Report." Agric. Gazette, N.S. Wales, XXL, Feb., 1910, p. 173. 1910 (b) " Worm-nests (Filariasis) in Cattle." Annual Re- port of Govt. Bureau of Microbiology for 1909 (Sydney, N.S. Wales), August, 1910, p. 91. 1910 (c) " Worm-nests in Australian Cattle due to Filaria (Onchocerca) gibsoni, etc." Jour. Proc. Roy. Soc, N.S.W., XLIV., 1910, p. 156. 1910. (d) " On the Anatomy and Possible Mode of Trans- mission of Filaria, (Onchocerca) gibsoni." Jour. Prop. Roy. Soc, N.S.W., XLIV., 1910, p. 171. Cleland, J. B. : 1913. " Further Investigations into the Etiology of Worm- nests in Cattle due to Onchocerca gibsoni." Bulle- tin of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1913. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 35 De Does, J. : 1904. " Worm Fibromen en Filaria-embryonen in Het Bloed." Geneeskundig Tijd. v. Ned. Ind., Deel. XLIV (5), Batavia, 1904.1 Daniels, C. W. : 1904. " Observations on the Diseases of British Malaya" : Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Fede- rated Malay States, III., 1904, p. 17. Ford, T. A. : 1902. " Aortic worms." Veterinary Record, June 14.2 1907. " Aortic worms Found in the Buffalo in the Federated Malay States," Sept., 1907, p. 517. Fr acker, S. B. 1914. " Variation in Oocyurias : Its Bearing on the Value of a Nematode Formula." Journal of Parasitology I., 1914, p. 22. Gilruth and Sweet : 1911. " Onchocerca gibsoni, the Cause of Worm-nodules in Australian Cattle." Bulletin of the Commonwealth of Australia, 1911; and in Australasian Association for Advancement of Science, XIII. , 1912, p. 316. 1912. " Further Observations on Onchocerca gibsoni, the Cause of Worm-nodules in Cattle." Proc. Roy. Soe. Victoria, XXV. (N.S.), 1912, pt. 1, p. 23 (See also Sweet). Gunn. W. D. : 1909. "Cattle of Southern India." Dept. of Agric, Madras, III., Bull. 60, 1909, p. 31. Hickman, R. W. : 1913. "Importation and Exportation of Live Stock." Bureau of Animal Industry (U.S.A.), 28th Annual Report, for 1911. p. 91. Johnston, T. H. : 1911. " On the Occurrence of ' Worm-nodules ' in Cattle — a Summary." Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, XXIII.. 1911, p. 207. (See also Cleland and Johnston.) Lingard, A. : 1905. " Observations on the Filarial Embryos Found in the General Circulation of the Equidae and Bovidae." Fasc. I. Bursati (Part I.), 1905. 1 I have not been able to see these papers. Their contents were however told me by the authors personally. 2 See Footnote 1. 4A 36 Georgina Siueet : Lydekker, R. : 1912. " The Ox and its Kindred." 1913. Catalogue of Ungulate Animals in the British Museum I. Mason, F. E. : 1906. " Filariae in the Blood of Camels in Egypt." Jour. of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, XIX., 1906, p. 118. 1911. Journal of Comparative Pathology and Therapeutics, XXIV., 1911, p. 329. 1912. Department of Public Health, Egypt, Annual Report for 1910, published 1912. Melvin, A. D. : 1914. " South American Meat Industry." Yearbook of Department of Agriculture, U.S.A., for 1913, p. 347. Mohler, J. R. . and Thompson, W. : 1911. Bureau of Animal Industry, U.S.A.. 26th Annual Report for 1909, published 1911, p. 81. (See also- Hickman.) Neumann, L. G. : 1910. " Un nouveau Nematode parasite du Boeuf (Oncho- cerca gutturosa).'''' Revue Veterinaire, No. 5, May, 1910, p. 270. Piettre, M. : 1912. " Un Nematode des Tissus fibreux chez les Bovides." L'Hygiene de la Viande et du Lait. 1912, Sept., p. 473, and Oct., p. 537. Railliet et Henry : 1903. " Sur un Nematode de l'aorte des Ruffles et des Boeufs Indiens." Rec. Med. Vet., Paris. X., 1903, p. 254. 1910. " Les Onchocerques." Comptes Rendus des Seances de la Societe de Biologie, LXVIII., 1910, p. 250. 1912. " Nematodes vasi-ulicoles des Bovins Annamites." Bulletin de la Societe de Pathologie Exoti<]ue, V. (2), 1912, p. 115, p. 242. Sweet, G. : 1910. " Endoparasites of Australian Chickens." Proc. Roy Soc, Victoria, XXIII. (1), 1910, p. 242, etc. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 37 Tuck, G. L. : 1904. "Observations on some Worms found in aortas of Buffaloes and Bullocks." Studies from Institute for Medical Research, Federated Malay States, III. (1 and 2). 1904. p. 19, etc. Von Linstow, O. : 1904. " NeueHelminthen." Centralbl. Bakt. Jena. AM. 1. XXXV., Orig., 1904. Young, T. D. : 1914. Veterinary Journal. LXX.. Oct., 1914, p. 522. LIST OF TABLES. Table 1. Measurements of male specimens of Onchocerca indica, n.sp., from nodules B, C, D and E, from Bos indicus, India. Table 2. Number and arrangement of anal papillae of male speci- mens of 0. indica, n. sp., from nodules B, C, D and E. from Bos indicus, India. Table 3. Measurements of female specimens of 0. indica, n. sp., from nodules A, B, C, D and E, from Bos indicus, India. Table 4. Comparison of measurements of various species of Oncho- cerca— male worms. Table 5. Comparison of measurements of various species of Oncho- cerca— female worms. Table 6. Measurements of male specimens of 0. gibsotti from nodules 1, 2, 3 and 4, from Bos indicus, Siam and Malaya. Table 7. Number and arrangement of anal papillae of male speci- mens of 0. gibsoni from nodules 1, 2, 3 and 4, from Bos indicus, Siam and Malaya. Table 8. Measurements of female specimens of 0. gibsoni, from nodules 1, 2, 3 and 4, from Bos indicus, Siam and Malaya. Table 9. Measurements of male specimens of 0. indica, from nodules I., II. and III., from Bos bubalis, India. Table 10. Number and arrangement of anal papillae of male speci- mens of 0. indica from nodules from Bos bubalis, India. Table 11. Measurements of female specimens of O. indica, from nodules I., II. and III., from Bos bubalis, India. Fig. 1 Fig- 2 Fig. 3 Fig. 4. 38 Georgina Sweet DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Photograph of Indian Bull (Bos indicus). Photograph of Buffalo (Bos bubalis), Malaya. Normal nodule after dissection. (Micro-photograph). Abnormal nodule after opening up of capsule only. (Micro- photograph). Fig. 5. Head of male worm, in nodule E, of Onchocerca indica, n. sp., from Bos indicus, India, showing mouth and three oral papillae. Fig. 6. Tail of male worm, in nodule Bi, of 0. indica, n. sp., from Bos indicus, India, (a) anus. Fig. 7. Tail of male worm (i), in nodule D, of 0. indica, n. sp.. from Bos indicus, India, (a) anus. Fig. 8. Tail of male worm (ii), in nodule D, of 0. indica, n. sp., (a) anus. Fig. 9. Tails of six male specimens of 0. indica, n. sp., from Bos indicus, India, drawn to scale from ventral surface, to show anal papillae, (a) anus. Fig. 10. Tails of six male specimens of O. gibsoni, from Bos indicus, from Siam and Malaya, drawn to scale to show anal papillae, (a) anus. Fig. 11. Tails of three male specimens of 0. indica, from Bos bubalis, India. Fig. 12. Showing relationship of superficial nodule in Bos bubalii to skin and subdermal tissues — microphotograph. All other figures than photographs outlined by camera lucida. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animak 39 ' © cc c r- c a m o x o r 10 10 « t- 10 co — © £ © — <00(M-h-00000 N o © o c .r> ^ in x os o © to (N03XX«CtO'NMX (N r- IQOI-- • © © -N © © I I I I I I I I ioo-j| ::::::.§ »| «,§ : :^ 2 U O T1 C c O *M jg.Z g » S cu : s •' s o c o § : : : : ^ : : : ^ s : £ £_o H « g ^o g^ . s iti! I k1tl]r 5 I lit : » n fi^:* ^ _ i "ill r |g.i :=sia j j§ i -in* 40 Georgina Siveet : 2 if (3 J 1 1 3-4 3-4 1-2 1-2 OS 1 x OS 1 w J OS 00 Q "N -+"** _^-_^ OS OS P c£ OS 30 d A CO CO OS S (vj (M 06 s PS JO O* OS 1 >> -o o pq o 0) TS CO Preanal Par- or acl-anal Postanal Precaudal Caudal o Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. II < mm. •089 •47 ■106 •162 183 107 ■062 •050 1-23 ■032 •63 ■187 •0298 X -021 L •156 X 0022 6 c l- -«■ n^o-H©©e~© ••••-< -i xx W mm. •069 •63 •096 ■125 •> 1-44 ■031 •75 •204 •0314X -0204 •196X 0024 P u"5 IN Cl O O O _: c-5 co ■* cm oo c-jirt -* in-- v y fc.. CJ IN o d cm. 100 mm •075 •527 •096 •189 •183 105 ) Very < 5 slight \ 1-1 ■031 •60 232 0282X -0235 182X 0023 « mm. •082 •47 •124 (Not seen) (Not 3een) •188 1-C3 (Ill-deflned) •055 1-17 ■031 •62 (Not seen) •0251 X -0172 ■12x 0021 ^ mm. •096— 117 •38 . -103 •63' •0314 X -0196 c5 £ Length of female Diameter 15 mm. from anterior end „ at middle ,, just in front of vulva level of anus Excretory pore from anterior end Nerve ring from anterior end " Cardia " from anterior end length diameter (Esophagus, length „ diameter Vulva from anterior end Anus from posterior end Cuticle thickness (middle) Spiral ridges (middle) Segmented ovum Eggs containing developed larva Larva just escaped from egg 42 Georgina Sweet : •S3 CO o c5 '<- 3 8 ■ || b £ oS •_ a o o «,o *2 oo 35 H 2 •- c -£.2 0) c §1 3. J* ° ■si I! B 1 a g | a c Average of all observers' Measure- ments. cm. 4-297 mm. •054 •167 ■044 •256 •104 •742 •020 •066 •177 •075 •0083 •0068 gggj cm. 4-6 mm. •059 •145 ■078 •045 ■251 •180 •68 •0155 •054 153 •083 ■0089 •007 •c 11 5 X r~0 CO cn ea-H-N-t x Nin^ON^o : i n - m co cooxo x oi coina^sse -, — r- = 7 | | ! ! 1 Fi | IS 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 "f co >fi ■* o •«■ r- in **i^ioco — • O-hOO — '£> O^OOOOO « « CO H 04 g. cm. 5 mm. ■15 ■'04 [?'-05] •8 ■02 — -05 •07 •18 •08 •005 •002—005 •045'[?G.S.] R. L. 0 0 4 4 0 0 2 2 m m g BMXh3 S < i co co • • S Oh O 01~ "OOONOOO =5 ^A iu g • • • •fc'-i • • g5 I I I • 1 • I I • •- i I ii i I I • • 85 h? m ci co o xo ^^mfinrrNB w CO TJ. f CO CO ■* — « — rtfSOO O (V N • -►> O ~ o Nh -* O O i-l O O O £ Wicoco- < s c cj o ■si 15 O mm. •15 at -65 •085 •18 :: •072. •14 and -197 •047 and 082 100 to -5 = 005 R. L. 0 0 4 4 2 2 • "5 Length of male Diameter 15 mm. from anterior end at middle •5 mm. from anterior end .. ,, at level of cloacal opening Cervical dilatation Kxcretory pore from anterior end Nerve ring from anterior end " C'ardia " from anterior end length . . ,, diameter CEsophagus length ,, diameter Cloacal opening from posterior end Spicules — length . . . . . . . . ( long . . ( short „ diameter . . . . . . ( long . . ) short Cuticle thickness Transverse ridges apart Oral papillae and lips (Side of body . . Preanal Par- or adanal Postanal Caudal ' . . Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 43 i 5 x: a O o 'o & CO O d il cm. 8-87 mm. •190 •195 •12C .1 OS > 8 (?) mm. •175— -20 2-3—2-4 •330—350 •100— -120 R. 1.. 1 1 4 4 2 i dl cm. mm. •150 •200— -260 •100— -120 R. L. 2 3 4 4 0 2 1 1 3 of o cm. 2-0—4-5 mm. •150- 200 • 166— ■ 230 ■080— 082 R. L1. 1) 0 4 4 0 1 2 2 1 | o B M c 3 Si O m J= 3 Eg ■i§ &! ill £-5 ° is = SSg « ° 3 > o XI d cm. 4—5-6 mm. •085—095 •75 — -80 pointed •180— -210 •065—075 •005— -006 R. L. 0 0 4 4 2 2 g 3 3 til d c-3 oS'Jf1 * 3 >n x c -i ~ ^1 ?• locos'0 in s c 00 ^ t-l 00 t~ »-i o is So CO • CO • © 1^ • • • iC5 CM CM in y o<~ 5 S o £T **'i-(-C7)iH •••!>- ©1^©) o > o J o c < ^s - _cj o 3 JD 3 en a . co . ^ co » 00 1- ooo o> co oo-hc: O CO O • CD t~ CD CO CO — I OI 00 C"- © c3 ST Tf^Ol •*HCOOI-C»HO .2 © J2 ^ -3 o o * c3«t- t> OJ 00 NO r-00r^O i- I - O O •* c CO mo i~ x co cd ■* oi oi m © rH -r .-h ^* -♦CM nrt!»OOSC-MC ?_ oo i l§ :l 1 1 1 1 1 M M J! :x| ■OiO-O O 2 1 OI I i 5MO 1 M 2 ° a S 3 ! Is 21 ■— _u CO CO = CO CO COC-J i-l t-l I9t» _ * COCO CO 1^ © lO "* 1H CO CO Oi 0< CD t~ O « ,— Oi I* •0 CO. - 1 So c3 3 ' in o co^h OHmooieOf^o ft coomo « ' x x CO o O ■* © ° o u o c in _ o o '3 if. i ::::::: :^?« : : : .: : :x X O O o CM P.O OQ fca O 11 3 3 CO O ■** CM -* 01 CO CM CO - i^ Oi go cm in t^ o (5 CO r«b OI 4 e o 1 J 2 a iio'H^ d :.„«£o^° : : : : : : : : :-o * 5.11-2 .2 ■§■§ | fol.* © ^3-t." 3360 iwz: 9 >*^3coo uoa bB &o 0) £ £ o c e in 01 s o u p. c« o 3 3' be 1 I a) 5 OS > c3 Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. L5 C3 s o o 03 '3 & j= O 2 g cS O m 5 -o< CO £ • O o in °!f 9 mm. •40 2-4 •375— -410 13 -S cm. 76+ mm. •30 3-5 •40— -58 oil > in co -+- co r- if g : L : ::: ::::::i :::: ::: : ° l S O o o co in to od 01 in - o ■* i Cj o ^ £ J3 || c a Og . 3|| as > a o — o.c p *- C5 ©" ' «•"§ c*~ 31 > O 6 < a' + g O — > © O • — i • + l- l-©"*ll-©CC^-StiO • © — i © t- !- © O © © • • •CO©© — ©©©O© • • © bO c . 1 c + JNOOM CO 3 co oc r- Tf co a?^?° r i i i i . i . • tj< »o io — i r- 00 © © CO — © «o ci i- © r- — © © • — ©©—©©©© ■: °° ^ 1 .7 1 ! 1 ! 1 1 1 2 *~ ■+ ° ^ O 13 W M M I" « M I Si — © *G CD © © © 1 O©© — ©©©© -^ »• ^ + 2M so-oo • c. • • O O » CO 1- ^ ■* o *" M-il'ODt-OOOO • — •CO©© — ©©©©©J -f- a &©* '-? S 00 ; io o o a a O M t* M • • • • s0rt0° • • • • + ^ ©cot-e^cocw©^^ . • © © © — © © © © © ^ _j_ '-* . + Tt< lO C X » N l^ X 3 • • • I- c i- © < 00 © (M © -^ «C (OMiflt-OX Ol — X © © © H © O H — 1 r-( —1 1- O ^ ^ © © X I- CO — © . CO O "-< (Ml- © ■* lO © © © C © © CO • 00 O • • • © * j3 o X ' X © oo o o • © I- CO (MOO ©t- CO© f 00 t> £ © © © -oooo • • -t-^ic ■ i-i —i oo • • '•* G © A' eg 53 © © r-i • (M — i • • • 00 © O • © r-i © o © t- "# l> (M "Til ■<* © CO X »o rt g ,J t- © M I— t ©I— Tft- I— t- © l> © g • 00 — - ■ 43 • -* • U rtf s 1 'g§- jS m "5 ° £ c; a o S ° «, c .2 S 'S 'g p "§3*fe"B...fa§S.. • -' ^ ra 5 S C J a. O.O ^ ^•^rvrffp £gl& -2 c o {! If 88 !3 fl w^- O > a * U U^ KJ y U OP u 5Y1 «*• ■>* O ooo (Mfl O o onn c^ /£^T c-n - Fig. 9. pq CVT) O 0 Fig. 10. Proc. R.S. Victoria, L915. Plate IV Fig. 3. Fig. 4. : I M>ut': ^ .$$ Zm.m Fig. 12. Proc. E.S. Victoria, 1915. Plate V. I 1 I I 'l I • Im.Tn. Fig. 11. Onchocerciasis in ('attic and Associated Animals. 49 J. ** © © — CO —I © © © © © 4 © © © © © O CO © Oi • t^ in oo © a © — © © p • • • •• r- © co ~ co oo © co — . i-i >>5©©©©(N©© © t- © © CO . IC © Ol -h CO • 1^ ,J C5 tf ^ a © &0"cs t_ a c ..2 a * - O u O S a 2 I fl 5 "". s «a o § c a-o .*, £ rf 3t? a o- - a a'- - r -s ° © ^ s - * * u > -» &©a "So 3 to -g .3 &c "8 SO 5 5:2° .2 ^ S 8 3 h Ph © <£ © > Ph 50 GeurgiiKi Sweet: to «' _< Tf _, _< ss • -f —i — < r>\ 1 C5 1 - J .: oj * -5-~^ + oo T- J + ^. ,- • ■* —i — csi + CO CO -j- - P3 ^+_.hM co :+ CO C3 Preanal Par- or ad-anal Postanal Procaudal Caudal o H Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Associated Animals. 51 ONOO-Xli- OOWhO 3NOO 00 CD CD — i CO 00 a I i i I 2 I 5 CM a CM ■<* o CM • t- © © H O © IT OMOO-iN • © CO CM © — . 7 i i i 1 1 IC CO -h « « oo « -* o m » « h a en o "* P-! o o X XX CO U5 cm »o t- © © O © © — © 1 I I I | I ©CM —MO© - O M< — < — —i f-< CO 00 35 lO CO CO 00 CO —i — < © © Tj< w © CO «5 © CM J • £ © 3 8 o "3 "3 go 3 r, - s a -0 a -a a o 0 §3 a 0 a c 3 a E. a »3 r s .3 > © >- 0 a c a © "© S • s e8 0 ■§ •_ o M .5 © > u o 12 eg Q W£ : be 3 ,2 -5 • © © 3 a " 5 h ►. a •=- a ^1.2 .2 --£§ M 5 0/ oj m t3 ^ c cs *3 +j © 0-.2 ,: t*i S § rvj a a s d u ICQ [Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Pt. I., 1915]. Art. 11. — Revision of tlie Australian Gistelidae Order Coleoptera. By H. T. CARTER, B.A, F.E.S. (With Plate VI.). [Kead May 13th, 1915]. There is considerable difficulty in determining the species and sometimes the genera of insects of this family. The ill-defined genera and the uncoordinated work of individual authors have alike contributed to this. The following attempt to clear the atmosphere may be some assistance towards the coherent classification of the whole group. A great quantity of material has been placed at the author's disposal, for which special thanks are due to the follow- ing museum authorities and private collectors : — The British Museum of Natural History (specimens sent from which have been compared with the types' of Pascoe, Bates and Blackburn), National Museum, Melbourne, South Australian Museum, Queensland Museum, Mr. A. M. Lea (who owns the best private collection in Australia), Dr. E. W. Ferguson. The author's own collection con- tains material largely taken by himself in various parts, -of Australia, while an examination of Maeleay's types has been made in the Australian and Macleay Museums in Sydney, the latter also containing the valuable collection made by the late Mr. G. Masters. In the new catalogue of Junk (Berlin), this family has been edited by Herr Borchmann, under the name Atteculidae, the genus Cistela, F. (Sys. Ent., 1775), being placed as a synonym of Gonodera, Muls. (Col. Fr. Pect., 1856). Not having been able to' procure the papers by Seidlitz, which apparently discusses this point, I have kept to the historically earlier name Gistelidae, as employed by Lacordaire. The earliest reference to Allecula, F., is Sys. El. ii., 1801, p. 21. According to Leconte and Home the only two characters that isolate this family are — (1) The pectinate claws; (2) Anterior coxal cavities closed behind. The family is also clearly separated from the Tenebrionidae by flie presence of lamellae on the tarsi ; in the Australian species there an- in general two on each of the four anterior tarsi, and a single- Australian Cisteiidae. 53 lamella on the penultimate joinl of the ] >« > s t tarsi. Our genera may be readily arranged into two groups Group I. — Mandibles simple, acutely pointed, head produced into a muzzle. Group II.— Mandibles bifid at apex, head little produced. The genera belonging to Group I. may be tabulated as follows : — Group I. Mandibles simple, acutely pointed. Head produced into a beak. 1 8 Prothorax oblong or eylindric *2 6 Antennae with joint 11 nearly or quite as long as 10, body navi- cular 3 Prothorax eylindric, intercoxal process truncate or rounded aethyssins, Pasc atr actus, Lac neoatractus, Porch 4 6 Prothorax move depressed, intercoxal process sharply triangular 5 Elytra brilliantly metallic, rf with post tibiae excised and flattened alemtonis, Bates 7 Prothorax truncate at base and apex, Bub-cylindric and slightly flattened, feebly nan-owed and rounded in front, posterior angles obtuse, finely and evenly punctate, without medial line, and with a round depression near base. Scutellum widely rounded behind. Elytra considerably wider than prothorax at base, shoulders rather prominent and round, flanks slightly depressed in middle, moder- ately tapering to the apex; striate punctate, the punctures in striae round and regular, the two sutural intervals convex, the rest Hat, intervals finely punctate, underside with short, sparse white pube- scence, and finely punctate. Hind femora of cf swollen, but not ■dentate, last segment of abdomen in cf with small quasi-forciculate appendages. Dimensions. — (>-!> x 2-3 mm. Habitat. — Rockhampton (Bates's Coll., Brit. Mus.), Port Denison (Macleay Mus.) . Var. — One speeimen in the Brit. Mus. has the legs and under- side entirely black, but is, I consider, eonspeeifie with the others, though labelled by Bates with a different MS. name. Type in Brit. Mus. Alcmeonis, Bates. Prothorax red, elytra blue, abdomen black pulclier, Bates Prothorax, elytra and abdomen metallic c? with post femora dentate punctulaticollis, Blackb o* with post femora undentate excisipes, n.sp. Whole surface metallic black paradoxus, n.sp. This genus is very doubtfully distinct from Aethyssius in the slightly flatter form, wider prothorax (its base feebly bisinuate) and post intercoxal process sharply triangular. In Aethyssius the metasternal plate is not in general excised behind, thus forming a truncate limitation of the triangular intercoxal process. In Alcmeonis and Chromomoea this plate is also triangularly excised. so that the triangular process is fully completed — not rounded or truncate at apex. The distinction between Alcmeonis and Aethys- sius can searcely be defined by sexual characters, the dentate femora in the $ of Aethyssius only being found in the first three sp. of my table; while from an examination of eight specimens of J. pulcher, I can find no leg character indicating sex; certainly nothing like the •curious male characters displayed in the post tibiae of A. punctulati- collis and A. excisipes. In A. paradoxus the post-tibiae of the cf .are a little flattened and feebly hollowed on the basal half. 58 H. 1. Carter: Alcmeonis excisipes, n. sp. Elongate, navicular, upper and lower surface bronze purple, with short white pubescence, this scanty above, denser beneath, basal joints of antennae, legs and tarsi pale testaceous, with knees black and apical two-thirds of antennae fuscous. Head densely and rather coarsely punctate, eyes large and distinct, epi stoma arcuate, antennae with joint 1 thickened, 2 short. 3 longer than 4, 4-8 sub- equal, somewhat filiform, but thickened at outer end; 9-11 thinner than 10, but of some length, 11th finely pointed. Prothorar oblong, depressed, slightly narrower than head, feebly narrowed at apex, posterior angles slightly obtuse, rather closely punctate and a little rugose, a faint medial line terminating in a large foveate depres- sion before the base, the latter slightly transversely ridged. Scutellum very transverse. Elytra wider than protborax at base, shoulders squarely rounded, sides tapering rather straightly towards apex, striate punctate, the seriate punctures irregular in size and somewhat transverse, intervals convex and strongly punctate. Sternum closely and strongly, abdomen very minutely punctate, posterior intercoxal process narrowly triangular, abdomen with 6 segments in ignorant when describing />. foveicollis (Trans. Ent. Soc, 1 808. p. 272). In a later paper (I.e., p. 317) lie expressed doubts as to tin' sex of the specimen so described, while stating that Licymnius is quite distinct from Chromomoea without giving any reason. Having subjected many specimens to a microscopic scrutiny, the only distinctions to lie noted are — (1) The rather (not "much shorter," as the author states) shorter terminal joint of antennae; (2) no pronounced sexual features in the posterior legs of J. 1 Species unknown to, or not definitely determined by the author. 2 For varietal coloration of this readily determined species see description infra. Avstraliwn Gistelidae. tif Bates's note as to the punctures and rugosity of the antennae is valueless. I find the same feature in many sp. of Chromomoea. Finally, there seems little doubt but that L. foveicdllis, Bates, had already been described by (Icrmar as Allecula fastigiata, a name omitted from Borchmann's catalogue, and unnoticed by Blackburn, though a common insect in South Australia. Licymnius strigicollis, Fauv., is quite unknown to me, and has therefore been omitted from the above table. /.. bicolor, Blackb. — This insect is so unlike L. foveicdllis, Bates, in the structure id' the prothorax and antennae that it cannot be included in the same genus. It will be found later under my n. gen. Atoichus. G. pitta, Pasc. — It may be considered doubtful whether picta, pascoei, Bates, and vittata, Bates, are not merely varieties of the same species. Specimens compared with the types have been sent from the British Museum, and I am unable to separate pascoei from vittata, which must be considered as synonyms. In C. picta the yellow colour largely predominates on the elytra, only the suture and sides being black, while the legs and antennae are yellow (except the apex of the hind femora). I have only seen specimens of G. picta from Queensland, and Northern New South Wales. Paseoe gives Brisbane as its habitate. Most Australian collections have used the three names rather indiscriminately, and I have hitherto regarded the common Sydney species (C. pascoei, Bates) as picta, Pasc. Specimens from Dorrigo, N.S.W., winch I regard as Pascoei var., are unusually dark in colour, with the elytral vitta reduced, and the legs sometimes quite black. It is very probable that Eutrapela australica, Bohem., is the same as G. pascoei, Bates, in which' case the latter name becomes a synonym. G. nigriceps, Champ. — I have never seen an authentic specimen of this, even from an old Tasmanian collector like Mr. Lea. From the description I am unable to separate it from pallida. Bates, though its author says he has compared it with all Bates's types. While placing it under pallida in my table, I do not necessarily imply that it is a synonym of that species, which, however, is a very variable insect, and may well include its Tasmanian ally. G. maculicornis, Blackb. — I think I have identified this, which again may be considered but a variety of pallida. G. Mastersi, Macl., only differs from G. Deplanchei, Fob, in the colour of the legs, and shade of the antennae — characters of doubt- ful value. I have a specimen from Sydney like the Queensland type. I include under Chromomoea several species that Blackburn 62 H. I. Carter: called Anaxo — a genus very narrowly differentiated from Ghro- niomoea, but which must be more strictly limited if retained as distinct from Chromomoea. Evidently Blackburn's idea of differs from Bates's, since A. aereus, Blackb. =C. unicolor, Bates. The latter author specially excluded the narrower navicular species from Anaxo, while the wider, more depressed form, short terminal joint of the antennae, black colour, more robust head (less con- tracted behind the eyes), are characters which in combination are true of the speeies retained below under Anaxo. Synonymy. — C. pascoei, Bates = (7. vittata, Bates = {1) Eutrapela australica, Bohem. C. (allecula) fastigiata, Germ. =C. (Licymnius) fovei- collis, Bates. ('. Deplanchei, Fauv. =C. rufipennis, Blackb. var. C. mastersi, Macl. C. rufescens, Bates = puncticeps, Blackb. C. unicolor. Bates = An axo aereus, Blackb. va r . sydn eya n u s , Blackb. var. lindensis, Blackb. The first two cases above have been already discussed. The synonymy of rufipennis, Blackb., with Deplanchei , Fauv., has been noted by Borchmann. Evidently C. masters/', Macl., is only a slight colour variety, the antennae being castaneous brown instead •of black, and the legs, except the apex of post femora, red. Anaxo puncticeps, Blackb. — There are three specimens so named in the Melbourne Museum, probably by Blackburn, from Victoria, the original habitat. These correspond with the description, and are certainly conspecific with what I consider is C . rufescens, Bates, a fairly common insect in New South Wales. Anaxo aereus, Blackb. — The synonymy of this with G. unicolor, Bates, is confirmed by Mr. Blair, who has compared the types. Blackburn himself surmised this in his note under A. sydneyanus (Trans. Hoy. Soc, S. Aus., 1893, p. 1:54), the latter having slight colour differences in the antennae. With regard to lindensis the author gives slight differences of size, colour and the relative width of head to that of prothorax to distinguish its from at reus. The size and colour are of no account. 1 have seen so-called specimens from the South Aus. Mus. of both species, of varied size, and colour without any distinction, as is also the case with labelled speci- mens from the Brit. Mus. The head wider or narrower than the prothorax, is again a variable character, so difficult to assess, that with eighl so-called aereus and seven so-called lindensis before Auatraliam Gistelidae. 63 me, four of each showed little, if any difference. I think it extremely likely thai .1. affinit, Blackb., is only another variety, but not having seen any authoritative specimen, I must withhold any opinion on this. My specimens are largely from the Blackburn collection, kindly lent by Mr. A. M. Lea. C. (atractus) vittipennis, Macl. — A species generally easy to identity, from its large size, and the ninth antennal joint clear yellow, the others being black (except the basal joints). Two smaller insects from Cairns are probably males of this species, and are without this yellow joint, a fact noticed by Macleay. SynatractuS variabilis, Macl. (misspelt syntractus in the Junk catalogue), is well named, and exhibits more than the usual colour variations of this group, the elytra being red, black or variegated, the thorax always red. The species is readily determined by its marked antennal characters, as well as by the distinct but small basal angles of the prothorax, formed by the raised collar-like basal margin. Hemicistela discoidalis, Blackb., is apparently a common insect in New South Wales and Victoria. It has very much the facies of apellatus, from which it differs in its transverse round-sided pro- thorax. I have specimens taken near Sydney, identical with a co-type in the South Aus. Mus. Having examined it under a Zeiss binocular, I find it has one-pointed mandibles — not bifid — as sur- mised, but not ascertained by Blackburn (Trans. Roy. Soc. , S.A., 1891, p. 332). Chromomoea ornata, n. sp. Ovate, depressed, clothed with short, recumbent hair; head, antennae (except apical joints),- underside, tarsi and legs (except middle part of front femora) black; prothorax red, elytra red with a large circular macula behind scutellum, and the apical third black; apical joints of antennae and middle part of front femora red. Head strongly produced in front, narrower than prothorax, eyes moderate, not prominent, surface closely punctate, antennae with joint 3 scarcely longer than 4, cylindric; 4-10 subtriangular and successively shorter, 11th oval, narrower than 10. Prothorax trapezoidal, slightly wider at base than at apex, truncate at both, sides straight, rounded anteriorly, subrectangular behind, medial line impressed throughout and foveate at base, recumbent hairs on surface lying transversely on each side of medial line. Scutellum black, small and round. Elytra wider than prothorax at base, ovate and rather flat, widest behind middle, apex bluntly 64 H. I. Carter: rounded; finely striate, any puncturation obscured by the close recumbent clothing; sternum closely and finely punctured, abdomen; with a short, sparse and line reddish pubescence. Dimensions. — 9 x 3 mm. . Habitat. — Endeavour River (South Aus. Mus.), Coen River (\Y. Dodd). Far. J. ---With elytra black, shoulders and sides near base nar- rowly red, sometimes also with a red spot on each elytron near middle, and the middle femora with a variable amount of red. Var B. — Elytra red, apex black, without the black circular spot near base. Eight specimens examined, two of which are coloured as in Var. A. one as Var. B. It is easily distinguished from all de- scribed species by its depressed and more ovate form, trapezoidal prothorax and coloration. Types in the South Australian Museum. Ghromomoea fusca, n. sp. Narrowly elongate ovate, navicular; upper surface opaque fuscous, sometimes reddish brown, covered with fine adpressed reddish hair, underside and legs black (or nearly so), tibiae under-- side of the femora, ami parts of abdomen, sometimes reddish, tarsi, palpi and basal joints of antennae red. Head as wide as prothorax, eyes prominent, oral parts less produced than usual, apical joint of maxillary palpi shortly securi- form ; antennae short, joint 3 cylindric. slightly longer than 4. 4-10 triangular, nearly equal, 11th oval as long as 10. Prothorar subcylindric, longer than wide, slightly rounded in front, sharplj rectangular at base, truncate, and of equal width at apex and base ; like the head, thickly clothed with hue adpr.essed hair, longitudinally arranged, sometimes with a faint indication of a medial line at base. Scutellum oval, larger than usual. Elytra convex, narrowly ovate, wider than prothorax at base, shoulders rounded, sides tapering to a pointed apex; finely seriate punctate, the seriate punctures visible, though more or less obscured by hirsute clothing; underside, especially sternum, closely punctate ami clothed with whitish pubescence, legs without sexual distinction, the ses easily seen by the usual structure of the last segment of abdomen, excavate with a small quasi-sixth eejrmpnt in the x 2-.'? mm. Habitat. — Galston (Sydney district, Dumbrell), Mackay, Queens- land (Adelaide and Melbourne Museums). Thirteen specimens examined, show an insect very near some of the ligther coloured specimens of C. fusca, but evidently differing, apart from colour distinctions, in the shorter, squared, prothorax, greater size, more robust form, and quite differently shaped an- tennal joints. Type in the South Australian Museum. Chrowomoea opacicollis, n. sp. Elongate, elliptic ; dark chestnut brown, prothorax reddish, and (with the head) opaque, elytra very nitid, underside nitid piceous red, almost black at apex of abdomen, upper surface sparsely clothed with long upright white hairs. Head and pronotum coarsely, con- (36 H. I. Carter: fluently punctate with short white hairy pubescence, eyes prominent and widely separated, last joint of maxillary palpi securiform, antennae moderately long, joint 1 tumid, 2 considerably shorter and thinner, 3 subcylindric and as long as 4, 4-8 elongate, enlarged and rounded at apex, 9-10 of same length as preceding but finer, 11 as long as 10, finely pointed. Prothorax convex, wider than long, truncate at apex and base, sides well rounded, widest near (or rather in front of) middle, widely rounded before the narrowed apex, basal half slightly converging, nearly straight, posterior angles sub- rectangular, slightly blunted, a faint medial depression near base, but without distinct medial line, or the usual basal foveae. Scutellum widely rounded behind. Elytra one and a-half times wider than prothorax at base (24; : \\ mm.), narrowly elliptic, striate punctate, the striae well marked, punctures regular and round, sutural intervals slightly convex at apex, all intervals with a single distinct row of setiferous punctures, each bearing a long upright white hair. Procoxae contiguous, post intercoxal process rather widely triangular, sternum closely and coarsely punctate, abdomen finely setose punctate, the hairs shorter than on elytra, and very sparse. Legs slender, tibiae curved. Dimensions. — 5-6 x 1.7-2 mm. Habitat. — Sydney (Dr. E. W. Ferguson and the author). Seven specimens of this puzzling little species are before me. They show no sexual characters in legs and antennae. At first con- sidered as a neoci stela. I find the antennae, head and especially the prothoracie structure quite exclude this classification. Though differing in the wider and rounded prothorax from the typical Chromomoea, it is so close to the species which Blackburn called Anaxo occidentalism in structure, that it must be placed in the same genus as that species. Possibly these two insects will be placed on further evidence in a separate genus. The nitid setiferous elytra, with the pale coloured but quite opaque pronotum, renders it easy to identify. The legs vary in colour from red to piceous-red. Types in the author's coll. Table of Anaxo, Rates. 1 8 Elytra black 2 5 Punctures of head evidently closer than those of prothorax 3 5 Interstices of elytra closely punctate 4 Legs black, femora of $ angulate Uiter, Blackb Legs partly yellow, femora of $ simple brevicornis, Bates 6 8 Punctures of head and prothorax equally (or nearly so) close l Species unknown to, or not definitely determined by the author. Australian Cistelidae. <>7 7 Interstices of elytra finely and sparsely punctate 1 sparsus, Blackb 8 Interstices of elytra more closely and strongly punctate cylindricus, Germ 9 Elytra violaceus T-fusco-violaceus, Fairm Notk.— The above table is largely following Blackburn (Trans. Roy. Soc, 181)1, p. 312), omitting the species placed now in Chrnmomoea (vide supra). Tablk of Apellatus. 1 3 Elytra with suture, apex and sides black 2 Eyes of J1 nearly contiguous lateralis, Boh palpalis, Macl Mastersi, Maci 3 Eyes of less enlarged and not hollowed beneath. Dimensions. — $ 6x2 mm., ? 8.5 x 3 mm. Habitat. — Brisbane' (H. Hacker), Killarney (the author), Sydney {Lea), Clarence River (Zietz, South Aus. Mus.). Twenty-six specimens examined. Very near A. amoenus, Pasc, so that female specimens can be easily confused, but for the very different sculpture. Under a Zeiss binocular the difference is strongly mark'ed in the closer and coarser punctures of the head and thorax. The males may easily be differentiated by their simple tibiae and the antennal joints not at all toothed, nor the apical joints flattened as in Pascoe's species. It cannot be very near A. nigricornis, Blackb., which has a black suture, and apical joint of antennae longer than joint 10. Types in the author's coll. Apella-tus plebejus, n. sp. Elongate, subparallel, pale-brown, sometimes piceous, glabrous, antennae piceous or reddish, femora pale yellow, underside tibiae and tarsi red, head black, labrum and palpi red. Head, eyes large, separated by a space about half the diameter of one eye, closely punctate, antennae joint 3 rather shorter than 4, 4-11 of about equal length, subfiliform (slightly enlarged at apex). Prothorax rounded in front, rectangular behind, base sinuate; closely punctate with a large post-medial and two small basal foveae. Scutellum rather widely rounded behind. Elytra wider than prothorax at base; striate punctate, the striae well marked, the punctures small and close, intervals minutely and sparsely punctate. Underside ■closely punctate. Tibiae simple in both sexes. 70 H. 1. Carter: Dimensions. — 6 x 1.5 mm. Habitat, — Murray River, South Australia (H. S. Cope). Ten specimens examined show very slight sexual, or other, dif- ferences. The males have joints 7-8 slightly flattened beneath. The antennae are much slenderer and more filiform than usual, and in this respect are like those of A. tasmanicus, Champ. It is a rather characterless insect, of uniform colour, and of narrower form than usual, without the usual pubescence. Types in the South Aus. Mus. Apellatus li neat 'us, n. sp. Elongate, subcylindric. Head black or piceous, antennae, palpi, underside, tibiae and tarsi red, prothorax reddish or testaceous. elytra pale testaceous, with dark red lines following the striation throughout. Underside yellow, apex of abdomen piceous, femora pale testaceous. Head, eyes large, prominent and rather approxi- mate, space between about J diameter of one eye; closely and strongly punctate, antennae with joints 3 and 4 of about equal length. All joints subfiliform, 4-9 slightly widened at apex, 10-11 very thin, 11th finely pointed. Prothorax rounded in front, sub- rectangular behind, with rather blunted angles; densely and finely punctate. Scutellum widely rounded behind. Elytra wider than prothorax at base, rather cylindric ; finely punctate striate, and clothed with a hairy pubescence; intervals minutely punctate. Underside finely punctate, all tibiae straight and simple. Dimensions. — 6-7 x 2 mm. Habitat. — Geraldton, West Australia (Lea). Two specimens, the sexes in Mr. A. M. Lea's collection, differ from all described species in their subcylindric form, and the elytra with dark red lines on a testaceous ground. The antennae are somewhat as in plebejus (above), but the joints are more enlarged at apex, except the apical two. In the female the eyes are wider apart, and the prothorax is wider and darker in colour (the last probably individual). Types in Mr. Lea's coll. Apellatus concolor, n. sp. Elongate ovate, pubescent ; whole surface, legs and appendages pale testaeeous. the apical half of antennae slightly piceous. Head and prothorax closely punctate (forehead more sparsely so). Eyes more widely separated than usual, the distance between them fully Australian Cistelidae. 71 half diameter of one in the J rather wider apart in the ?. Antennae subfiliform, joints 4-Kt subequal, very slightly enlarged at apex, 3rd shorter than 4th, 11th shorter than 10, the two penultimate joints in cf slightly flattened. Prothorax rather wider than usual, and of the typical shape, rounded and narrowed in front, rectangular behind, with three subequal foveae at base. Scutellum arcuate triangular. Elytra wider than prothorax at base, ovate elliptic, finely striate punctate, the intervals quite flat and strongly punctate. Underside minutely punctate. Legs simple, tibiae straight. Dimensions. — 5-6.5 x 1.5-2 mm. Habitat. — Brisbane (A. M. Lea). A pair in Mr. Lea's collection are the only specimens I have seen. It is quite distinct from plebejus in its lighter colour, and pubescent clothing, while from ni gripes besides colour it may be distinguished by its flat elytral intervals. Types in Mr. Lea's coll. Apellatus nigripes, n. sp. Elongate navicular, pubescent; head, prothorax, elytra, under- side, base of femora, and tarsi, red; antennae, tibiae and apex of femora, black. Eyes very large and almost contiguous, epistoma closely and deeply punctate, antennae rather short, joint 3 cylindric as long -as 4, 4-10 nearly equal in length and thickness, obconic, moderately enlarged, but not produced apically, 11th as long as 10, thin and finely pointed. Prothorax closely punctate, narrowed and rounded in front, sides parallel on base half, posterior angles rectangular, medial line marked throughout by a wide depression, foveate at base with two transverse basal foveae. Scutellum rounded behind. Elytra only slightly wider than prothorax at base, soon widening and gradually tapering to the apex; striate punctate, the striae deeper, the punctures therein larger than usual, intervals distinctly convex and quite impunctate. Under- side, especially meso and metasternum, very closely dotted with deep round punctures, abdomen with smaller punctures. All tibiae straight, hind tibiae nodulose on the inside near apex. Dimensions. — 6.5 x 1.5 mm. Habitat. — Nicol Bay, West Australia. A single $ (?) specimen, with locality label, and a second label with " F. Bates, 81-19," thereon, has been sent from the British Museum. It differs from its congeners in colour, large seriate punc- tures, and smooth raised intervals. The antennae are rather fine, 72 H. I. Carter: and equal jointed, not excavate beneath. The nodular hind tibiae suggests the male sex from analogy. Type in the British Museum. Neocistela, Botch. Pseudocistela, Blackb. (nom-praeocc). Having dissected and examined N. ovalis, Blackb., very closely, I find that the maxillary palpi have the last joint securiform, not triangular, as the author states, with the apical edge much longer than the longer side. The antennae are remarkable in having the 2nd joint nearly as long as, but less tumid than, the first joint. The eyes are somewhat as in Chromomoea. Atoichus, n. gen. Head prolonged into a beak, mandibles simple and acutely pointed, maxillary palpi last joint cultriform, labial palpi last joint triangular, antennae robust, 2nd joint nearly as long as the 1st, 3-10 obconic subequal, 11th as long as 10, finely pointed. Prothorax widest at base, arcuately narrowed, or nearly straightly converging to the apex. Elytra ovate, wider than prothorax at base, procoxae contiguous without separating partition, posterior inter-coxal process sharply triangular, tibiae straight and slender, claw-joint very slender, minutely pectinate. A genus which includes the insect named by Blackburn, Licym- ii ins l>i color, which may be taken as the type. It differs from Neocistela in having the elytra wider than prothorax at base, and in the procoxae being contiguous, without any separating partition. The species may be differentiated inter se as follows : — Atoichus, n. gen. 1 3 Head, elytra and legs black 2 Prothorax yellow or red bicolor, Blackb 3 Prothorax black tasmanicus, n.sp. 4 6 Upper surface (mostly) and legs yellow 5 Base of head and eyes black, knees piceous flavus, n.sp. 6 Elytra with black markings crassicornis, n.sp. Atoichus tasmanicus, n sp. Ovate, nitid black, glabrous, tibiae, base of femora, prosternum, ;in. . widest at base, thence arcuately narrowed to apex, and there as wide as the head, posterior angles acute. Scutel/um small, trans- verse. Elytra slightly wider than prothorax at base, glabrous, and strongly striate punctate, the seriate punctures large, the intervals transversely rugose punctate and slightly raised at apex, underside nearly smooth; tibiae simple and straight. Dimensions.— 6-7 x 1.6-2 mm. Habitat. — Hobart, Tasmania. Six specimens examined, one pair in the author's coll., possibly taken by himself, three in Mr. Lea's coll., and one in the South Aus. Mus. It is readily separated from neocistela oralis by its strongly punctate and glabrous upper surface, the well-defined striation of the elytra, the narrower head and prothorax, and con- tiguous procoxae. Types in the author's coll. Atoichus flarus, n. sp. Oval, base of head and eyes black, rest of surface and appendages reddish-yellow, knees piceous, elytra with sparse hairy pubescence. Head and prothorax closely subeonfluently punctate, the punctures coarser than in N. oralis, but finer than in X tasmanicus, eyes small and flat, antennae as in those species, but joints rather more elon- gate than in N. ovalis. Prothorax shaped as in A. tasmanicus, sub- convex, widest at base, the posterior angles subrectangular (slightly blunted), base Insinuate. Elytra slightly wider than prothorax at base, clearly striate punctate, the seriate punctures finer and closer than in tasmanicus, intervals quite flat and minutely punctate, under,side finely punctate, post-intercoxal process narrowly trian- gular; tibiae straight. Dimensions. — 5-6 x 1.2-2 mm. Habitat. — Dividing Range, Victoria. (South Aus. Mus.). Var. — Head and prothorax black. Ten specimens examined, including two coloured as in car., which are indistinguishable otherwise from the rest (the more so since both specimens have mutilated antennae). The species is intermediate in sculpture between neocistela oralis and .4. tasmanicus, but while quite differing in colour is nearer the latter in form. The $ specimens are smaller, narrower, with the apical joints of the antennae more enlarged than in the $. Types in the South Aus. Mus. 74 H. I. Carter.- Atoichus crassicornis, n. sp. Narrowly ovate, head, prothorax, and legs yellow, elytra yellow with irregular black or piceous markings, and the extreme apex black, abdomen, apical joints of tarsi, antennae (except the two basal joints yellow) also black. Head and prothorax sparsely punc- tate, eyes prominent, as in N. ovalis, making the head slightly wider than base of prothorax, antennae short, unusually stout and hairy, joint 2 nearly as long as 1, 3 cylindric, 4-10 subequal, subovate (wider at apex than at base), 11th shorter than 10. Pro- thorax widest at base, rounded and narrowed in front, anterior sides deflexed, posterior angles obtuse and slightly blunted. Elytra slightly wider than prothorax at base, subcylindric or narrowly elliptic, finely punctate striate, intervals flat and sparsely punctate setose. Legs simple, tibiae straight, underside finely punctate. Di?nejisio»s. — 4.5 x 1.5. Habitat. — Brisbane, Queensland (H. Hacker). Two specimens examined (sex ?). It can readily be distinguished from flavus by its smaller size, black underside and antennae, and the short, thick joints of the last. There may be a doubt' as tt> whether this insect may not require separate generic rank, but at present the combination of pointed mandibles, obeonie prothorax,. widely separated eyes, justifies its inclusion under atoichus. Type in the Queensland Mus. Tanychilus, Newm. 1 3 Colour metallic (sometimes greenish) black, elytral intervals convex, 15-25 mm. long 2 Meta- and epi-sterna densely and finely punctate, legs black striatus, Newm 3 Meta- and epi-sterna sparsely and coarsely punctate, legs red ihihius, Newm var. legs black, splendenSi Bless 4 Colour brilliant purple, elytral intervals nearly flat pulcher, n.sp. 5 Prothorax back, elytra red, 10 mm. long minor, n.sp. 6 Whole surface red ruber, n.sp. There are also two species T. metallicus, White, and T. sophorae, Brown, from New Zealand, and one T. kanelensis, Perroud, from N.\\ Caledonia, which are not included in the above table. The first of these has been omitted from Junk's catalogue (edited by Borchmann). '/'. dubius, Newm., should really be considered as the var. of T. splendens, BU-ss.. hut it has priority of publication in its favour.. Australian Gistelidae. 75 Immature specimens of all the black species are red, but the distinc- tion between striatus and splendens is very marked in the sculpture of the undersurface, while the seriate punctures of striatus arc smaller and less defined than in splendens and dubius. T. minor and T . ruber differ from the first four species in the above table, in the forehead between the eyes being wider, and with- out the raised subcarinate impression shown in those species. Tanychilus pulcher, n. sp. Ovate and convex; upper surface brilliant metallic purple, pro- thorax darker, sometimes greenish, the suture and apex of elytra brilliant green, antennae underside and legs black, abdomen with purple reflections. Head and prothorax very similar to that of T . striatus, Newm., but more decidedly, but not strongly punctate, antennae long, joint 3 longer than 4, 4-10 successively shorter than the preceding, two apical joints, narrower than the 9th, 11th as- long as 10. Prothorax widest and truncate at base, arcuately nar- rowing to apex, posterior angles rather widely acute, a small basal depression, without medial line. Scutellum, scutiform, punctured. Elytra scarcely wider than the prothorax at base, ovate and convex, striate punctate, the punc- tures in striae small, close and regular, the intervals flat, or nearly so, minutely punctate; meso and metasternum coarsely punctate, abdomen finely striotate. Legs, especially the posterior, long, tibiae and femora simple in both sexes. Dimensions — 14 x 5 mm. Habitat. — Mary River, Northern Territory (Dodd). Five specimens examined, two (slightly damaged) in the author's coll., from Mr. Dodd, one old specimen labelled " New Holland " in the British Mus. consignment, and two fresh specimens (type cf and ?) in the South Aus. Mus. While very similar in structure to the common southern species, striatus, Newm., and splendens. Bless., it is readily differentiated by its brilliant colour, and flat elytral intervals. Types in the South Aus Mus. Tanychilus minor, n. sp. Elongate, navicular, glabrous, prothorax black, head, elytrar abdomen and basal points of antennae red, apical joints obfuscate, tips of mandibles black, legs and palpi yellow, the knees sometimes- piceous. Head, labrum strongly produced; closely punctate, eyes very large and prominent, separated by a distance less than the 76 H. I. Carter: apparent diameter of one, antennae long, joints sublinear, 3rd little longer than 4. 4-7 equal, 8-11 successively shorter. Prothorax at base a little wider than the length, sides parallel on basal half, then areuately narrowed to apex; this considerably narrower than base, narrowly margined at base and apex, medial line impressed and terminating in a large basal foveate depression ; disc closely and rather coarsely punctate. Scutellum transverse, widely rounded behind. Elytra narrowly elliptic, slightly wider than prothorax at base and three and a-half times as long, shoulders rounded, apex finely pointed; striate punctate, seriate punctures large and close, intervals convex and finely punctate; sternum distinctly and closely, abdomen minutely and sparsely punctate, mid-tibiae curved. Male without sexual characters, except the extended quasi-sixth segment, with its small external forceps; pos- terior intercoxal process rounded. Dimensions. — 10 x 3 mm. Habitat. — Sydney (the author). Four examples taken by the author are superficially like Chro- momoea rufescens, Bates, but the following are amongst the many structural differences: — (1) Long, linear joined antennae; (2) large prominent eyes, width of head across eyes 2 mm., space between .5 mm. ; (3) prothorax black, much wider at base than at apex, apical half areuately narrowed; (4) widely rounded intercoxal process. Types in author's coll. Tanychilus ruber, n. sp. Elongate, sharply ovate, the whole red except the eyes, tips of mandibles, and apex of femora (sometimes) black. Haul elongate in front, closely punctate, the clypeus more coarsely so than the forehead, and separated from it by an arcuate depression; forehead wider ami natter between the eyes than in T. splendens, Bless., space between eyes about two-thirds of the diameter of one eye; last joint of maxillary palpi securiform, of labial triangular; antennae with joints filiform and elongate, 2nd very short, 3 longer than 4, 4-11 successively and very gradu- ally shorter than the preceding. Prothorax narrower than the head and truncate at apex, feebly bisinuate at base, slightly areuately widening from apex t.o base; sides not so much constricted and rounded as in a typical Tanychilus. distinctly margined through- out, but only basal and apical margins visible from above, closely and distinctly punctate, with a defined medial line and large basal fovcatv depression, and two narrow transverse foveae near basal Austral id ii Oistelidae. 77 margin. Scutellum widely rounded behind, finely punctate. Elytra wider than prothorax at base, and more than three times as long. finely pointed at apex, striate punctate, the punctures in striae less defined and mure irregular than in T. minor, the intervals convex, and more distinctly and closely punctate than in that species. Underside rather finely and distantly punctate, mid-tibiae curved, legs simple, femora tumid, posterior tarsi with basal joint as long as the rest combined, $ with distinct anal clasping appendage. Dimensions. — cf 9-11 x 2.6-3 nun., J 13 x 4 mm. Habitat. — Dorrigo (Tillyard), Tambourine Mountain (Hacker). Blue Mountains (Dr. Ferguson). Five examples. Both this species and T . minor differ from the typical Tanychilus (striatus and splendens) in the wider and flatter forehead, and in the less subconic form of the prothorax, with the anterior part less constricted and rounded (in section). In these respects they form a link between Chromomoea and Tanychilus. The filiform and elongate antennae, very large eyes, head wider than apex of prothorax, the latter not cylindric or oblong, justify their inclusion under Tanychilus unless another ill-defined genus is to be founded for their reception. The type S in the Queensland Mus., the 9 in the author's coll. Group II. Mandibles bifid at apex, head little produced. 1 19 Winged. 2 Mandibles grooved (scarcely bifid) at apex (one sp. one pointed?) Dimorphochilus, Borclr 3 25 Mandibles distinctly bifid at apex 4 14 Hind femora much longer than the distance from their base to the external margin of the elytra. 5 12 Head much narrower than apex of prothorax 6 9 Antennal joints more or less elongate and slender 7 13 Elytra striate punctate 8 Eyes, in general, more or less widely separated Homotrysis, Pase 9 Eyes large and approximate in £ Hybrenia, Paso 10 14 Antennal joints short and widened at apex 11 Upper surface metallic, colour dark nypsius, Champ 12 Upper surface non-metallie, colour yellow Jophon, Champ 13 Head scarcely narrower than apex of prothorax Ommatophorus, Mac! 14 Elytra finely striate, prothorax as wide as elytra Barycistela, Blackb 15 19 Hind femora scarcely longer than the distance from their base to the external margin of the elytra 16 Body very convex and oval (facies of Cholera) Nocar, Blackb 17 19 Body more depressed, elytra parallel on basal half 18 Head very narrow (facies of Harpalides) Scalefmnerus, Blackb Otys, Champ 78 H. I. Carter: 19 Head wide (facies of Alphitobius) Taxes, Champ 20 25 Aipterous , 21 Eyes small, widely separated, body ovate, epipleurae wide (facies of Otiorrhyncus) Simarus, Borch Ismarus, Haag 22 Eyes large, more approximate, $ obvate, epipleurae narrow 1Metistete, Pasc Lisa, Haag '23 25 Epipleurae scarcely separated from elytra, labial palpi oval or clavate 24 Legs without sexual characters, elytra striate punctate Melaps, Cart (?) Oocistela, Boroh 25 Tibiae dentate, femora hollowed and laminated in J1, elytra tuberculate Notocistela, n.gen. Synonymy. — Scaletomerus, Blackb. = Otys. Chump. By comparison of types in the Brit. Mus. Mr. Blair notes that — S. proximus, Borch. = 0. harpilinus, Champ. Simarus, Borcli. = Ismarus Haag. (nom pre-occ). The former name was substituted by Borchmann for Ismarus. Metistete, Pasc. = Lisa, Haag. (?) Melaps, Cart. = Oscistda, Borch. The synonymy of Lisa, Haag., with Metistete is pointed out under Metistete below. I am not quite sure as to the synonymy of oocistela with Melaps, having been unable to understand the last phrase in Herr Borch - mann's description, " rundlich-viereckige Eudglied der Maxillar- taster." If this last word is a misprint, as would appear from the figure and description, and applies to the labial and not the maxillary palpi, I think the synonymy would hold good. In Melaps pilosus the palpi and mentum are very similar to those in the figure of Oo. convexa. My original classification of Melaps as a T enebrionid was an error, the tarsal claws being finely pectinate. Dimopphochilus, Borch. Herr Borchmann has described three species, D. apicalis, D. diver- sicollis and D. sobrinus. It seems quite possible that all three are but varieties of a very common insect, which I have taken myself in West Australia, and which is found in all collections. Having closely examined by microscope several specimens of D. diver sicollis, I find that the mandibles distinctly place the genus in my second group, having a broad apex, more or less distinctly divided, as in fig. given (Fauna Sud., West A us., 1905, p. 354), though in general 1 The ^ of Metittete gtbbieollit, Newm., is winged. A a si nil ian Cistelidae. 7 9 facies this species most resembles Tanychilus, but with much less prolonged muzzle. 1). apicalis was described from a single specimen, in which both mandibles bad lost their points, so that the state- ment, " jaws probably one-pointed " (oberkeifer wahrschemlich einspitzig) seems rather hazardous. The character chiefly relied on for distinguishing this species may be merely individual (the inner edge of eaeh elytron at apex widened and forming two points). D. sobrinus, also described from a single specimen, is stated in the very brief description to have one pointed mandibles. As the only other distinctions of this species from I), divers icollis are the want of yellow edging to the clypeus (which I find in some specimens of diver sicollis), shorter and more compressed form, very slight differ- ences of sculpture and more curved tibiae, this species requires further investigation. The figure given by the author of a mandible of D. sobrinus is so different from any I have examined, as to sug- gest the possibility that this also has been mutilated. The insect described by Macleay as Metistete Pascoei is certainly congeneric with D. diver sicollis, and, indeed, is very close to it as a species. Macleay might well have been misled by Pascoe's scanty diagnosis of metistete, with its final and erroneous clause, " rest as in Tany- chilus," but the insect is actually widely separated from metistete. I). Pascoei may be readily distinguished from D. diversieollis by the following differences : — (1) Without strong sexual dimorphism. (2) Mandibles very clearly bifid at apex. (3) Prothorax longer, more Tanychilus like, with larger and coarser punctures on the basal half, the apical half, especially near sides, nearly smooth. (A character noted by Borchmann for D. sobrinus.) The species of Dimorphochilus may thus be tabulated : — DimorphocJiilus, Borch. Apex of mandibles distinctly bifid Pascoei, Macl Apex of mandibles slig-htly grooved diversicollis, Borch var. (?) Uipicalis, Borch Apex of mandibles, one pointed (?) hobrinus, Borch Homotpysis, Pasc. Group I. The " Carbonaria" group. — Form very convex, sexual dimorphism pronounced. Size generally large (12-15 mm. long). Eyes widely separated. 1 7 Whole upper surface black _2 Prothorax strongly pilose carbonaria, Germ 1 Species unknown to author, of doubtful value. 80 H. I. Carter: 3 7 Prothorax smooth (or nearly so) 4 6 Elytral intervals punctate . 5 Antenna* and middle of tibiae red ruficomis, Mac! 6 Antennae and legs black (striae subgeminate) subgeminatus, Mad 7 Elytral intervals laevigate reijularis, Macl 8 Elytra obscurely bronze, intervals clearly punctate debilicornis, Haag 9 11 Elytra brown, intervals rugose 10 Scutellum smooth ( $ with elytra sometimes red or pale brown) cistdoides, Newm 11 Scutellum albo-pilose canescens, Hope 12 14 Elytra variegated with patches of white hair 13 Ground colour reddish-brown, patches irregularly placed maculata, Haag 14 Ground colour black, patches regularly placed ornata, n.sp. Group II. — Sexual dimorphism not pronounced (at least in size and colour), less convex, size smaller than in Group I. (7-12 mm. long, except with H. Juctuosus, Champ., which is 14^-17 mm.),, eyes in general less widely separated. 1 14 Upper surface black 2 4 Upper surface very nitid 3 Prothorax at base almost, or quite, as wide as elytra, surface smooth laticollis, Boh 4 Prothorax at base much narrower than elytra, surface with short erect pile tenebrioides, Blackb 5 9 Upper surface subnitid black 6 Size large, intervals almost laevigate Juctuosus, Champ 7 9 Size small, intervals densely punctate 6 Eyes approximate, antennae and tibiae red rufulicornis, Borch 9 Eyes more distant, antennae and tibiae black Vugubris, Blackb 10 14 Upper surface opaque black, prothorax widest anteriorly 11 13 Prothorax normally convex 12 Size larger, elytral intervals nearly flat, seriate punctures small Pascoei, Macl 13 Size smaller, elytral intervals convex, seriate punctures large lobscura, Borch (?) 14 Prothorax depressed on disc, size smaller than 13 planicollis, Macl 15 Upper surface cyaneous, form narrow and parallel, elytra sub- sulcate leurticornis, Haag 16 Upper surface brown 17 Prothorax as wide as elytra at base, elytral intervals slightly convex fktvicornis, Macl 18 Prothorax not as wide as elytra at base, elytral intervals flat Master si, Mad Upper surface wholly red cf with triangular tooth on inside of front tibiae Prothorax not widened anteriorly Prothorax canaliculate rufipes, F Prothorax not canaliculate rubicunda, n.sp. Prothorax widely rounded and widened anteriorly callabonensis, Blackb 19 33 20 24 L>1 23 22 23 24 Amtralum Ciatelidac. 81 25 33 J without triangular tooth on front tibiae 2t> 28 Prothorax narrowed to a] ox. Little rounded on sides 27 Head strongly and closely punctured between eyes larida, Blackb 23 Ibad finely and sparsely punctured between eyes isitiens, Blackb 29 33 Prothorax short and strongly transverse 30 -i2 Third joint of antenna* longer than the fourth ;il Elytral intervals finely and closely punctate fused, Blackb :52 Elytral intervals subgranulate Ucabrosa, Champ 33 Third joint of antennae shorter than the fourth rubra, n.nom. rufa, Blackb \U Elytra obfuscate or black biculor, Champ ;}5 Elytra with lateral vittae obfuscate or black limbata, Blackb Synonymy. — (1) //. carhonaria, Germ.—//, tristis. Germ. (2) H. (allecula) cisteloides, Xewm.=//. fuscipennis, Bless. =//. microderes, Pasc. (3) H. (Helops) rufipes, F.=H. (allecula) angusticollis, Boh.=H. (allecula) australis, Bois. (?) (4) //. rufulicornis, Borch.=//. ruficornis, Blackb. (noiii praeocc). (5) //. rubra, Cart. =H. rufa, Blackb. (nom praeocc). With regard to (1) Blackburn has pointed out that carhonaria is tl)P * and tristis the 2 of the same species. (2) Specimens of //. cisteloides, Newm., and of //. microderes, Pasc., sent me from the Brit. Mus., show their identity with //. fuscipennis, Bless. This very common insect occurs in all the eastern States, from Queensland to South Australia, and. like all common insects, is very valuable in size and colour, the $ being generally darker, sometimes nearly black. It can be distinguished from other species by the confused transversely rugose punctate sculpture of the elytral intervals. It is doubtful if //. canescens, Hope, is specifically distinct. Specimens labelled canescens, Hope, in the Blackburn coll., is a smaller insect with a white scutellum, caused by a close clothing of white recumbent hair, which I have only seen from Brisbane and Northern New South Wales. (Black- burn's specimens were from Werris Creek, N.S.W.) These are also identical with a specimen from the Brit. Mus. labelled with a MS. name by Bates. For the present I have followed Blackburn's deter- mination in this until it is possible to clear up Hope's species. I have been much disappointed in failing to get the Hope types for examination. (•')) A specmen of Helops rufipes, F., compared with type, was sent from the Brit. Mus.. and is identical with the common Sydney 1 Species determined from description only. more or less ovate in S Surface subdepressed, prothorax densely rugose punctate and sni. opaque gibbicollis, Newm '■' 5 Surface convex 4 Prothorax closely punctate (scarcely rugose) and nitid omophloides, Hope pimeloides, Blackb. (nee Hope) ( Lisa) singvlaris, Haag- 5 Prothorax with round irregularly and not closely placed punc- tures punctipennis, Mad Axixtral'mn Cisteiidae. <)7 6 Prothorax impunctate ebeninus, n.sp. 7 12 Elytra elongate ovate 8 1 1 Elytral intervals little raised 9 Prothorax densely rugose punctate, fore tibiae dentate armata, n.sp. 10 Prothorax obsoletely, but frequently, punctate, tibiae unarmed Uncognita, Blackb 11 Prothorax sparsely and subobsoletely punctate Lindi, Blackb 12 Elytral intervals costiform CGstatipennis, Champ ( I ) The species determined by Blackburn as pimeloides, Hope, and fully described by him (Proc. Linn. Soc, X.S. Wales, 1888, p. 1436) lias been definitely determined by Mr. Blair as M. (Allecula) omophoides, Hope., while .1/. gibbicollis, Newm. (which Pascoe named as the type of the genus), is not synonymous with that species. .1/. omophloides, Hope, is common in South Aus., N.W. Victoria, western parts (if X.S. Wales, and South Queensland, while the gibbicollis, Newm., is found near Sydney, the Blue Mountains, and other parts of New South Wales. From identified specimens in the British Museum, the elusive genus Lisa has been tracked down, as a synonym. Thus M. (Allecula) omophloides, Hope = pimeloides, Blackb. (nee Hope) = 7/?'sa singularis, Haag. Allecula puncti peiiuis, Macl. — An examination of the type of this in the Aus. Mus. shows it to be clearly a Metistete, while there is little doubt but that A. Cisteloides, Newm., placed in this genus by Borchmann, is a Homotrysis=#. fuscipennis, Bless. =etc. (vide infra). The a* is winged. A. pimeloides, Hope, is almost certainly the insect described by Blackburn as Homotrysis princeps, which is. in the author's opinion, a true Hybrenia. and has been dealt with above as Hybrenia pime- loides, Hope. Metistete armata. n. sp. Elongate, subparallel, nitid brownish-black, with moderate cloth- ing of short, upright reddish hair, labium, palpi and tarsi red, antennae and tibiae darker red. Head and pronotwm closely rugose punctate, the head and anterior part of pronotum longitudinally rugose, the basal pari of pronotum closely and rather coarsely punc- tate. Eyes larpe, prominent and separated by a distance equal to the diameter of one, antennae wanting beyond the fifth joint, joint 3 considerably longer than 4. Prothorax bulbous, with sides and angles deflexed, as long as wide, about as wide at base as at apex, widest in front of middle, anterior angles widely rounded, posterior 1 Species unknown to the author. 98 H. I. Carter; angles obtuse, sides well rounded, without any medial line or foveae. Scutellum widely triangular. Elytra wider than prothorax at base, subparallel and subcylindric on basal two-thirds; punctate striate with about ten rows, besides a short scutellary row of rather large, deep, rectangular punctures, separated by subcancellate ridges, the two lateral rows less distinct and not impressed in striae; intervals convex, with a single row of punctifonn impressions on each. Presternum with very coarse punctures, rest of undersurface rather strongly and sparsely punctate, anal forceps strongly protruding (evident from above), reddish in colour. Legs long, front and middle femora angulately swollen and tomentose within, front tibiae with large triangular tooth on the inside at the middle, hind tibiae flat- tened on the inside and very sinuous, posterior tarsi with basal joint as long as the rest combined. Tarsi bilamellate on the four anterior feet, unilamellate on the posterior. Dimensions. — 13.5 x 4 mm. Habitat. — Cue, West Australia (H. W. Brown), Kalgoorlie (F. H. Duboulay). Two male specimens in my coll. might possibly be the male of .1/. incognita, Blackb., but the words, " prothorace obsolete, crebre et subtilius punctatis," and of the elytra " puncturis in striis " (his leviter impressis), " interstitiis subplanis," are inconsistent with this view7. The strong tibial and femoral characters (and certainly the anal forceps) are probably sexual. Type in the author's coll. Metistete then inns. n. sp. $ ovate, ? obovate, very nitid ebony black, glabrous, palpi and antennae piceous red. Head, with fine, shallow punctures on epistoma and neck, generally smooth between eyes (in one ex.. also punctate there), labrum showing yellow membrane at base and red cilia at apex, arcuate clypeal suture well marked ; eyes large, equally distant in both sexes (about half diameter of one eye), antennae of moderate length, joint 1 very tumid, 3 longer than four. 4-11 of nearly equal length, 9-11 attenuated. Prothorax convex, and strongly transverse (about 2 x 3 mm.), apex and base of about equal width, slightly arcuate at apex, front angles wide, dehVxod. and a little advanced, sides widely rounded, widest at middle. slightly sinuate before the subrectangular (subacute as seen from above), posterior angles, base bisinuate, with rather thick margin, lateral margins not evident from above, apical margin very fine, disc very convex, quite smooth and mirror-like, a shallow basal Australian < ■istelidae. 99 medial and two transverse depressions near hind angles. Scutel- lum wide, rounded behind, smooth. Elytra considerably wider than prothorax at base, and about four times as long (about 9 x 4.8), convex striate-punctate, with a short scutellary, and nine other rows of large oval punctures, rapidly becoming smaller on apical half, and almost concealed in striae on declivity; striae subsulcate on basal half, narrow on apical, epipleurae with a single row of large punctures. Prester- num with large round punctures, apex of mesosternum, and the -episterna coarsely punctate, abdomen finely striolate, submentum with large yellow patch at base, legs stout and moderately long, mid and hind tibiae curved, 6* with short, thick anal forceps. Dimensions, — 11-13 x 4-5 mm. Habitat.— M.t. Barker and Swan R. (A. M. Lea), Cleve, S.A. mm. Habitat. — Bridgetown, W.A. (the author), Champion Bay (Dubou- lay, Brit. Mus.), Port Augusta. S.A. (Brit. Mus.), Port Lincoln, S.A. (A. M. Lea), Ardrossan, S.A. (T. G. Tepper). Five specimens examined. I have been unable to see any sexual distinctions, though I believe one specimen at least to be male. The species is clearly distinguished by its shorter, wider prothorax, and strongly pilose surface. Type in the author's coll. Notocistela, n. gen. Body ovate, elliptic, convex, prothorax cordate, elytra without well-defined epipleurae, apterous; mandibles bifid at apex, mentum very transverse, upper edge faintly three-sided, with slightly convex middle lines, maxillary palpi, with last joint widely triangular, with the apex as long as the other joints combined, labial palpi with last joint subclavate (subquadrate, with rounded angles), elytra with setiferous pustules on the intervals, fore and mid tibiae den- tate in both sexes, posterior tibiae of cT enlarged, laminated and hollowed as in Alcmeonis ; rest as in melaps. Notocistela tibialis, n. sp. Ovate, glabrous, head and prothorax subopaque black, elytra nitid metallic black, underside pitchy red, oral organs, antennae and legs red. Head moderately elongate, epistoma truncate in front with rectangular angles, closely and strongly punctate and limited behind by deep, straight suture, forehead densely subconfluently punctate and a little rugose, eyes (from above), round and widely separated, antennae rather long, setiferous, joint 2 half as long as 1, 3 con- siderably longer than 4. 4-11 successively and gradually diminish- ing in length, the apical three slightly attenuated. Prothorax sub- cordate and convex, widest in front of middle, apex truncate, and about as wide as the feebly arcuate base, very finely margined at apex, more widely so at base, side margins not evident from above, anterior angles defined and obtuse, sides rounded anteriorly, slightly sinuately narrowed before the (from above) subrectangular posterior angles, disc densely, subrugosely punctate as on forehead, with a few sparse short hairs, without medial line or distinct foveae. Scutellum transverse and convex. Elytra convex and narrowly ovate, of same width as prothorax at base, shoulders distinct, finely striate punctate, punctures in striae small, round ami closely placed, intervals with general surface flat, the 3rd, 5th Australian Cistelidae. 103 and Till, with rather large conical tubercles placed widely apart, each bearing a short, upright hair, a few irregular smaller tubercles at apex outside the 7th interval. Sternum finely punctate, abdomen almost smooth, or very finely striolate. Legs long, femora tumid, fore and mid tibiae with sharp tooth on the inside at middle, all tibiae curved ami somewhat flattened, posterior tibiae of r? enlarged, flattened and hollowed (as in Alcmeonis, but more so). Tarsi bilamellate on four anterior, unilamellate on posterior feet . Dimensions. — 1) x 2.8 mm. Habitat. — Perth (H. Giles and the author). Champion Bay (Duboulay, Brit. Mus. coll.). Three specimens examined, all apparently $ of which one was taken by the author in a rotten " Nuytsia " trunk at South Perth. The British Museum specimen is apparently immature, and reddish- brown in colour, but being glued to a card I have not examined the last segment of abdomen, the other two show the distinct for- cipital process. The special elongate elliptic form, sculpture and tibial characters seem sufficient to separate this and the suceeed- ign species generally from Melaps. Type in the author's coll. Notocistela pustulatus, n. sp. Very similar to the preceding in form, but differing essentially in the following : — Elytra reddish-brown, upper surface and legs thickly clothed with long, upright red hairs. Elytra with all intervals more closely studded with smaller, less raised setiferous pustules, these more elevated towards apex. Tibial characters very much as in X . tibialis, but less accentuated, especially in the pos- terior tibial characters. Rest as in .V. tiJiinlis. Dimensions. — 7.5-!) x 2.5-2.8 mm. Habitat.— Shark Bay (Blackburn coll.. South Aus. Mus.). Hoe- buck Bay (Melbourne Mus.). Hermannsburg, Cent. Aus. (H. J. Hillier, Brit. Mus. coll.). Three specimens examined. 2 cf, the 3rd specimen (Brit. Mus. coll.), shows a small tooth on the fore and mid tibiae, but is without the enlargement of " hollowing out " of the posterior tibiae. The differences between this sp. and X . tibialis are constant, and too distinctive to allow it to be treated as a ear. Type cf in South Aus. Mus., $ in Brit. Mus. 104 H. I. Garter; Australian Clstelidae. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Fig. 1. — Forciculate anal appendage of H. nitida, Blackb. cf (dissected). 2. — Penis of H. nitida, Blackb. (dissected). 3. — 5th abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of //. cisteloides. Newm. 4. — 5th abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of //. rvfiptts, F. 5. — 5th abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of Hybrenia H. rugicollis, n. sp. 6. — oth abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of H. vittata, Pasc. 7. — 5th abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of H. femorata, n. sp. 8. — 5th abdominal segt., showing appendages, etc., of Metistete, omo2)hloides, Hope. Text-figure of Notocistela tibialis, n. gen. and sp. Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1915. Plate VI. 5'' SVy/HCKj" 8 [Pkoc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.), I'art I., 1915.] Aim'. III. — Notes on certain aperies <>f Pterostylis. By R. S. ROGERS, M.A., M'.D. (With Plates VII.-IX.). [Read March 11th, 1915]. It has recently been discovered that botanists in Victoria and South Australia when referring to the orchid Pterostylis cucullata, Br., were dealing with two very distinct species of the genus. In South Australia the name has always been applied to the plant known in Victoria as Pterostylis Mackibbini, F.v.M. This deter- mination had the sanction of Tate. and. as I personally renieiniiei , of Baron von Mueller also. This is a plant of sturdy habit, radical leaves very large and generally crowded, flowers pubescent with char- acteristic chocolate markings and usually rather docked sepals. In Victoria the name is retained for a plant of very different appearance; a slender plant, whose leaves are not particularly large and not crowded at the base, whose flowers are glabrous and green without any brown markings, and whose sepals have long caudae. Reference to the National Herbarium in Victoria shows that the Baron held the opinion for very many years that the plant with the brown facings was the true P. cucullata, Br. One of his earliest specimens (1848) from St. Vincent's Gulf, South Australia, is marked "P. cucullata, var.," and another bearing a much later date (1882) from Mt. Lofty, S.A., is marked " P. cucullata" What caused him to change his views in this matter is not clear, unless it was the receipt of very striking specimens, almost a foot high, collected by Mr. Mackibbin in King's Island in 1888. He published his description of P. Mackibbini in the Victorian Naturalist in 1892 (vol. IX., p. 93). The inadequacy of mere verbal description and the great advan- tage of illustrations becomes evident on reference to Brown's original description of his species (Prod. 327), and that of Bentham (Fl. Aust., VI., 357). Making the usual allowances for variations, geographical and otherwise, these descriptions serve almost equally well for the South Australian P. cucullata, or for the very dissimilar Victorian plant known by the same name. In order to correct this anomaly an application was made to Kew (England) for typical specimens of the true plant. This has afforded 106 B. S. Rogers: me the opportunity of examining nine specimens from the Hooker Herbarium. The sheet contained ordinary-sized and dwarfed plants collected by R. C. Gunn (Hooker's collector) at Circular Head, Tasmania, in 1836. They are unquestionably identical with the plant known as P. cucullata, Br., in this State and P. Mac- kibbini, F.v.M., in Victoria. Quite recently Dr. Rendle, of the British Museum, supplied me with a photograph (and some notes) of the type specimen in that Herbarium. This confirms the opinion I had previously formed that Brown's species and P. Mackibbini , F.v.M. , are one and the same. The type comes from Port Dalrymple in Northern Tasmania. The identity of Brown's species having thus been established, it becomes necessary to give a description and a new name to the plant which has usurped its place in Victoria. With the fate of this plant, is also involved that of another orchid, which has hitherto ranked as one of its varieties, but which, I feel satisfied, is entitled to full specific rank. These will be described as P. faleata and P. alpina respectively. It would seem appropriate here to say also a word regarding the plant known as P. furcata, Lindl.. which has been recorded from Victoria, Tasmania, and South Australia. Its rank lias been questioned by F. von Mueller and also by Bentham. Lindley's specimens came from R. C. Gunn's collection (Tasmania); so also did Hooker's (Fl. Tasmania, II., 20). A careful analysis of plants from the same collection has enabled me to supply the accompanying illustration of P. furcata. which, together with the incidental re- marks on the differential diagnosis between this and the two new species, will serve to support Lindley's view that it is entitled to specific rank. The illustrations of P. furcata, P. faleata and P. alpina are from herbarium specimens. That of P. cucullata is from the living plant. Pterostylis faleata, sp. nov. Plant varying in height, usually five to nine inches. Basal leaves present, seldom strictly rosulate ; ovate-lanceolate or oblong- lanceolate; sessile, or almost so; 7-9 nerved; rarely exceeding 1 A incites. Stem slender, glabrous; bracts 2 to 3, lanceolate, sheath- ing, upper one usually some little distance below the ovary and rarely including it. Flower solitary, glabrous, very large (often 2 inches from top of ovary to tip of galea), green ; galea erect, very acuminate, sickle-shaped ; conjoined sepals cuneate at the base. Notes on certain species of Pterostylk hi; including rather a wide sinus of 70-80 deg., produced into long filamentous caudae almost equal in length to the dorsal sepal. Labellum considerably longer than column, curved forward in its distal fourth so as to protrude through the sinus of conjoined sepals ; rather blunt, lanceo-spathulate ; traversed throughout its upper surface by a longitudinal ridge very prominent in its anterior half, with a corresponding groove on lower surfaee of the lamina ; upper surface of lamina convex on transverse section ; appendage densely penicillate. Column ahout J as long as labellum, wings hatchet-shaped, upper lobe toothed and ciliated, lower lobe obtuse and ciliated. Stigma rather narrow, oblong-lanceolate, point upwards, lower end rounded. The following table shows the chief points of distinction between this plant and P. cucullata, Br. : — 1'. falcata P. cucullata Plant Basal leaves Bracts Flower Galea Conjd. Sepals Labellum Column Stigma Time of flower- ing 5-9 inches, slender Not crowded ; not un- usually large ; rarely exceeding lj inches Ovary rarely included in upper bract Very large, often 2 ins. (without ovary) ; gla- brous; green and white Produced into long point Lobes tapering into fila- mentous antennae; sinus 70Q-80° Lanceo-spathulate Much shorter than label- lum Narrow, long, oblong- lanceolate October and November 2-10 inches, stout, often dwarfed Generally crowded; often 3-3. > inches; generally wider and blunter than in P. falcata. Ovary usually included in up- per bract ; larger, wider and more leaf-like than in P. falcata. Not exceeding li inches (with- out ovary) ; pubescent; gen- erally green dorsal sepal with chocolate petals, labellum and lateral sepals. Acute or shortly acuminate. Lobes tapering into short, sharp points ; sinus 35°-4(T. • Oblong -elliptical or narrow- elliptical. Quite as long as labellum. Broad, short, ovate-lanceolate or elliptical. A ugust and September. I have seen specimens of this plant from the following Victorian localities : — Upper Yarra (Chas. Walter). Orbost (E. E. Pescott). 108 R. S. Rogers: Dandenong Creek, near Oakleigh (C. French, jun.). Near Dandenong Ranges (C. French, jun., 1890). In addition to these localities, Mr. C. French, jun., has recorded the following : — Sandringham, Cheltenham, Mordialloc, Frankston, Beaconsfield. It has not been recorded in South Australia, but it is said to occur in Tasmania. Pterostylis alpina, sp. nov. Plant glabrous, slender, often very tall, varying in height from 7 to 19 inches. No radical rosette ; leaves, leaf-like bracts or bracts generally 5, more rarely 4, of varying size and shape, usually lanceolate, ovate-lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, clasping at the base, the larger ones sometimes attaining a length of 3 inches, the lowest often represented by a mere scale-like bract, but sometimes leaf-like and large, though not exceeding the one immediately above it in size, the second and third from the base of the stem usually the largest, occasionally nearly all equal. Flower single, erect, glabrous, green, large, 1-1| inch (not including the ovary); galea gradually curved forward above the anther, not produced into a fine point, but rather blunt; conjoined sepals narrowly cuneate at the base, including a sinus of about 100 deg., lobes produced into filiform points embracing the galea, and about as long or slightly longer than dorsal sepal. Labellum linear-lanceolate, curved for- ward at the tip, rather blunt; lamina of nearly equal breadth until the bend, tapering towards the tip, under surface of lamina convex in transverse section, traversed throughout its length by a well- marked mesial raised line, concave below with groove correspond- ing to raised line; appendage rather densely penicillate. Column rather shorter than labellum, anther oblique ; upper lobes of wings toothed ; lower lobes rather narrow, blunt, ciliated. Stigma promi- nent, wide, ovate-lanceolate with the point upwards. The shape of the fknver is very similar to that of /'. carta, Br., but in no other respects does it resemble that species. The differen- tial diagnosis between P. alpina, P. falcata and P. furcata, Lindl., is shown in the following table: — Notes on certain species of Pterostylii L09 h '■* 1 S 9) o a: -s * S « '£ £ °* "hr a «, .a * J3 is M -m " q '5 a be « J3 * be 5 5 is © 73 r-5 ^ ^ ^ o ■^ j5 tj o- 5c 3 — 03 g a f § g g 1 is ... o ® a '3 ,3 -a 3 be T3 rt S i S (8 si 110 ft. 8. Rogers.- I have examined specimens of this plant from the following Vic- torian localities : — Summit of Mt. Dandenong (C. French, jun.). Watts River, Healesville (C. French, jun., and E. E. Pescott). Fernshawe (C. French, jun.). Condah (F. M. Reader). I believe that we owe the discovery of this orchid to Mr. C. French, jun. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Platk VII. Pterostylis cucullata, Br. The plant is shown natural size. 1. Column from the side. x 2. 2. Three-quarter view labellum, showing longitudinal raised line and appendage, x 2. 3. Labellum, showing the upper surface of the lamina. x 2. 4. The stigma. x 2. 5. The conjoined sepals (natural size), showing the narrow sinus. The drawings are from the living plant. Platk VIII. Pterostylis furcata, Lindl. The plant is shown natural size. 1. Three-quarter view labellum, showing longitudinal raised line and very long basal appendage. x 2. 2. Labellum, showing upper surface of lamina and upturned margins, longitudinal raised line and appendage. x 2. 3. Labellum. showing lower surface of lamina with longitudinal groove corresponding to the raised line on upper sur- face, x 2. 4. Column from the side, x 2. 5. The narrow stigma. x H. The drawings are from herbarium specimens. Plate IX. Pterostylis falcata and /'. alpina. The plants ate shown natural size. Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1015. Plate VII. P. cucullata, R. B Proo. R S. Victoria, L915. Plate VIII. P. furcata, Li ml Proc. U.S. Victoria, 1915. Mate IX. P. falcata. P. alpina. (All natural size) Notes on certain species of Pterostylis. I I 1 /;. falcata. 1. Labellum from the side, showing raised longitudinal line on upper surface of lamina and basal appendage. Seen in this position the labellum is markedly falcate in shape. The drawing is natural size. 2. Labellum from top. The narrow base and raised line on upper surface of the lamina are shown, but not the tip, owing to its curvature. Drawing natural size. 3. Labellum from below, showing groove corresponding to the raised line. Natural size. 4. Column from side. Natural size. 5. Stigma, rather long and narrow. Enlarged. Drawings from herbarium specimens. P. a! pi tut. 1. Labellum from the side, showing the raised longitudinal line on upper surface, and basal appendage, x 2. 2. Labellum from above. Owing to the curvature the free tip of labellum is not seen in this view, but the raised line and the appendage are both shown. x 2. 3. Labellum from below, showing the lower surface with groove corresponding to the raised line, x 2. 4. Column from the side, x 2. 5. Front view of the short and rather Avide stigma, x 2. The drawings are from herbarium specimens. [Proc. Rot. Sue. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Part 1.. 1915] Akt. IV. — Geological Notes Northern Territory, Australia. By K. J. DUNN. , (With Plates X. and XL;. [Read June 10th, 1915] . Remarkdble Sedimentation. The accompanying plate is a faithful representation, natural size, of the surface of a two-inch core obtained in boring for coal in No. 1 Hoie, Borroloola, McArthur River, at a depth of 255 feet from the surface, in sedimentary rocks, considered by Dr. Jensen. Government Geologist, as of Carboniferous age, and known as the Bukalara Beds. In the plate the white portion represents very fine white siliceous sand, now altered to quartzite; the dark portions represent black to dark grey shales that were originally deposited as mud or silt in thin laminae. In some places extremely thin layers of sand alternate with layers of black shale. What renders this core specially remarkable is the complicated nature of the sedimentation and the manner in which it has been modified and interfered with subsequently to deposition, and while yet in a soft condition. The original deposition no doubt was in thin layers more or less horizontally disposed, but this condition was very different to its present confused structure. The plate, of course, does not represent a straight vertical section through the bedding, but a circular section through the beds. By joining the edges at a and 1>, the original cylindrical form of the core would be restored. Dr. Jensen, to whom 1 am indebted for the specimen from which the photograph was taken for the plate, is of the opinion (Plate III., Bulletin No. 10, Geological Survey, Northern Territory) that worms were the cause of the extraordinary structure seen in the core, and with this view the writer coincides as the only feasible explanation. The worms must have burrowed into ami through the soft, recently deposited layers of sand and silt, with the result that, in places the lamination was disturbed, or interrupted, as at the points marked c, d, e, f. g, on the plate, and at other places. In all cases the burrows were filled in with hue sand, and these sand- Proc. U.S. Victoria, L915. Plate X. Surface of 2 inch core. Borroloola, Northern Territory, Australia. (Natural size). Proc. K.S. Victoria, L915. Mate XI. Saltwater Pebbles. Northern Territory, Australia. Geological Notes Northern Trri'itor;/. 1 L3 filled burrow's were sometimes nearly vertical, while the normal bedding was horizontal. The section cuts these sand filled burrows at all angles, hence the strange and curious markings. Saltwater Pebbles. During a visit in June, 1913, to the Victoria River, Northern Territory, an interesting and to me novel method of pebble forma- tion came under notice. The Victoria River rises in the Barkly Highlands, and in the lower part of its course flows through a sunken valley, which has been tilled to its present level by fine silt brought down by flood waters from the higher country drained by its sources. At the river's mouth a great delta is being formed of similar material, which extends as islands for miles out to sea. Most of this deltaic material is just covered at spring tides, and is being consolidated by the agency, of two or three species of man- groves. Where the river debouches into the sea, silt constitutes about one twenty-fifth in bulk of the muddy water. The mangroves perform the initial work of settling this sediment and converting it into solid land. Along the main valley and in the branch valleys the silt has accumulated to a level only covered by high tides, and forming narrow and in places wide mud flats. When the.*e impinge upon the hills high-water mark is strewn with blocks and fragments of rock that have rolled down the gene- rally steep slopes on to the edge of the mud flats. The hills are formed of shales, with bands of extremely hard quartzite of various shades of colour, that range from a few feet to over 100 feet in thickness. Inland these quartzite bands form precipices that make very secure boundaries quite inaccessible for miles on end. Later on, when the country becomes occupied, these may be utilised as portions of enclosures. As the rocks crumble down the shales quickly become disin- tegrated, and the quartzite blocks are principally represented along the high-water line. At first the blocks and fragments of quartzite are angular, as they reach the edge of the mud flats. At high tides the salt water reaches these blocks as they lie in the mud and the wind causes the spray to cover them with salt water. When the tide recedes an incrustation of saline material coats the surface of the quartzite. Alternately the quartzite blocks are wetted with salt water and dried by a tropical sun, with the result that the water enters every minute crack and fissure in the surface, and is 9 114 E. J. Dana: Notes Northern Territory. then evaporated, causing the salts in the sea water to crystallise, and so gradually, grain by grain, the rock is disintegrated, leaving the surface quite rough and disclosing the original sand grains, of which the sandstone was constituted before the interstices between these grains were filled in by secondary silica, and the rock trans- formed into quartzite. When the rock is wetted mechanical effects are produced on its texture by the crystallisation of the salts present in the sea-water. Whether in addition any chemical effects are produced is not cer- tain. Such might be the attacking of the secondary silica present, which acts as a cementing substance, binding the grains of sand together. Certain appearances suggest that this cementing sub- stance has been removed. The sharp edges of the blocks are first attacked, and all angles are removed; in time the whole mass is reduced to a rounded form simulating the rounded forms due to moving water, except for the rough granular surfaces. Every stage is in progress, and perfectly rounded pebbles such as shown in figures 1 and 2 ulti- mately result. The blocks are not moved but disintegration takes place in situ. The solid quartzite at high water mark is disinteg- rated in the same way as the loose blocks. As to the time occupied in reducing a large angular block of quartzite to a well-rounded pebble no idea could be formed. The quartzite is unusually hard, breaking with a clean, even fracture, and under other conditions would remain unaltered indefinitely, and it seems remarkable that such a resistant, material to ordinary disintegrating agencies should yield so readily to salt water. Whether the process is slower than where attrition by moving water occurs is uncertain, but probably the alternate wetting and crystal- lising effects a fairly rapid reduction in size. The process by which these salt-water pebbles are produced is not unlike that which is universal where fresh water attacks rock surfaces by penetrating cracks and fissures, perhaps originally caused by expansion and contraction of the rock mass. The water in these cracks and fissures becomes frozen, expanding in the process, and thrusting the particles and fragments asunder. Crystal- lisation is the prime cause of the energy exerted in both cases. [Pboc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.), Part I., 1915]. Art. V.— Notes on some Victorian Species of Teredo. BY J. H. GATLIFK AND C. J. G A URIEL. (With Plates XII., XIII.). [Read Juue 10th, 1915]. Through the courtesy of Mr. G. Kermode, Engineer of Ports and Harbours, and Mr. H. Hopcraft, contractor, of Flinders, an oppor- tunity has been afforded us of examining closely the depredations of our Victorian shipworms, and of ascertaining the specific identity of the creatures responsible for this ravaging work. The alterations at Lakes Entrance provided some excellent material for examination. Mr. Kermode kindly forwarded a piece of Oregon pine about two feet in length, completely riddled by these vermiform mollusks — many of them being alive — the result of eighteen months' immersion. In March, 1914, the Portsea Pier was in course of repair, nine of the piles, of a species of Eucalyptus, being removed. They were badly infested, and with the generous assistance of Mr. Hopcraft, specimens with the animal, shell, and pallets complete were pro- cured. From time to time, considerable attention has been paid to the shipworms, owing to their damaging effects; and from a scientific standpoint, these peculiar mollusks have provided much scope for the anatomist and systematist. Much has been written on the subject and the synonymy will sIioav how, more or less, the species have been misunderstood, many early writers, and engineers' reports, attributing the work of these "worms " to Teredo navalis, whereas the mischief has been caused by several species. To quote Forbes and Hanley, " Writers of the Linnaean school,, both British and Foreign (with the honourable exception of Spengler), contented themselves with classing all the shipworms under the one appella- tion navalis, describing the tube, but neglecting the more important anterior valves and the characteristic pallets." We have experienced difficulty in separating the species by the valves, and, apart from the animal, we regard the pallet as the one certain means of identification. 1 ] 6 Gatliff and Gabriel : Early in the field of Victorian writers was the Chief Harbour Master of Willi aihstown, Captain Ferguson, who, in a report on Class III. Indigenous Vegetable Substances Catalogue of the Vic- torian Exhibition of 1861, pp. 8-11, issued a " Return, showing the approximate injury dune by the Teredo navalis, and other sea- worms, to submerged timbers within the waters of Victoria," giving interesting and commendable particulars under the following head- ing :— £ o i-gj o 2 a. "3 c = -C > 1- o || ■a*' 1 *" fa c .2 _a; '— ' § ° 2 c £ .2 P o ~ = jz Z > C 5s -3 c3 O 8-8 i -: r 5 ?3-S 3 b c« uj Q is a-z Q"3.> (^ c o Q'3. «'Si= fc is Bed Guru, So many Stringy-bark; inches in Blue Gum, so many White Gum, years. Blackwood, SheoaK, Teak (vessel) Swan River — Mahogany. Attributing the injury to Teredo navalis, whereas, it is probable that a scientific examination would have revealed the existence of all the species under question. Under the name of Galobates saulii, E. P. Wright, in 1866, described a form, the type locality of which is given as Port Phillip, Australia. Following this, the " Victorian Naturalist," Dec, 1888, published one of the first lists of Victorian Marine Mollusca, com- piled by the senior author of this paper, in which will be seen a record of T. navalis, Linn. In a paper, entitled " The Marine Wood-Borers of Australasia and Their Work," read before the Aus- tralasian Association for the Advancement of Science, year 1901, Mr. C. Hedley discussed at length the shipworms under the fol- lowing headings :— General Aspect, Propagation, As an Esculent, Natural Enemies, and Classification. In the latter we are unable to concur in all his decisions. Firstly, Mr. Hedley remarks neither the species navalis nor the genus Teredo are present in our waters." Here we differ, and report its undoubted existence in Victoria. The other points of difference are detailed in the observa- tions of each species. Pritchard and Gatliff also dealt with the forms in their catalogue of the Marine Shells of Victoria, but, as will be seen, alterations have been found necessary. Victorian Species of Teredo. 117 The destruction of these pests has proved a matter of considerable anxiety. Countless schemes having been advanced, adopted, and found wanting. An American plan, as quoted by Marshall in tin- Journal of Conchology, 1914, p. 2<>7, shows sonic practicability, and should have a fair measure of .success. It is as follows: — "The latest method to he adopted for overcoming this destruction and loss to wharves, harbours, and submarine works generally, has been successfully carried out by American contractors who can now electrocute them by millions, and although the process is not altogether permanent in its effects, yet by occasional applications it is proving sufficient to overcome the difficulties experienced in many extensive operations, and to supersede the use of divers and other highly-skilled operatives. The method of electrocution is carried into effect by the use of a floating electric-power plant, capable of generating heavy current* of electricity at a compara- tively low intensity. A net work of wires is first lowered into the sea facing the wharf or harbour to be attacked, and these are coupled with one of the poles of the dynamo on the vessel; similar wires are then suspended beneath the ship in electrical contact with the other pole. Directly the current is switched on, electrolytic action occurs in the sea water between the two metal nets, and chlorine gas is thereby liberated. This deadly gas envelopes the Teredines in their borings, and speedily causes death." From the timber mentioned in this paper we have obtained and critically examined over 300 pallets.' Four species, all of which Avere detected in the one piece of timber, at Lakes Entrance, three of them also being present in the timber of the piles at Portsea Pier, constitute the representation of shipworms in Victoria, as far as we have been able to ascertain; three at least most probably having been introduced by ships from European localities. They are as follow : — Teredo navalts, Linn. 1767. Teredo navalis, Linn. Syst. Nat. ed. 12, p. 1267. 1806. Teredo navalis, Linn. Home, Phil. Trans., pi. 12. f. 7-10. 1828. Teredo navalis, Linn. Chiaje, Memorie. , Vol. IV., pp. 23 and 32, pi. 54, f. 2 and 8. 1853. Teredo navalis, Linn. Forbes and Hanley, Brit. Moll., Vol. I., p. 74, pi. 1, f. 7. 8, and pi. 18, f. 3. 4. 1862. Teredo navalis, Linn. Chenu, Man. de Conch., Vol. II.. p. 10, f. 59. 118 Gatliff and Gabriel: 1875. Teredo navalis, Linn. Reeve, Conch. Icon., pi. lr f. la, b. 1884. Teredo navalis. Linn. Tryon, Syst., Conch., Vol. III. ^ p. 120, pi. 104, f. 48. 1884. Teredo navalis, Linn. SoAverby, Thes. Conch., Vol. V., pi. 469, I'. 1, on plate not f. 2 (numerals on plate reversed). 1893. Teredo navalis, Linn. Clessin, Conch. Cab., Vol. XI. r p. 67, pi. 15, f. 3-6. Hab. — Lakes Entrance. Obs. — The characteristic little pallet readily serves to distinguish the species. It is composed of a thick, shelly plate, flat on one side and convex on the other, with its extremity bifurcated. The plate, devoid of a central rib, has a strong cylindrical stalk of lesser length. European specimens in the National Museum, Melbourne, cannot be separated from our series. Teredo bruguieri, Delle Chiaje. 1792. Teredo norvagicus, Spengler. Skriv. Nat. Selsk., Vol. II., p. 102, pi. 2, f. 4-6, B (not binomial). 1822. Teredo navalis, Linn. Turton, Dithyra Brit., p. 14. pi. 2, f. 1-3. (?) 1822. Teredo navalis,. Linn. Sowerby, Genera, Vol. 1., pi. 1827. Teredo navalis, Linn. Crouch. Introd. Lam. Conch. T pi. 2, f. 10. 1828. Teredo bruguieri, Delle Chiaje. Memorie., Vol. IV.. pp. 28 and 32. pi. 54, f. 9-12. 1844. Teredo navalis. Linn. Brown. 111. Conch. G. Brit., p. 116, pi. 50, f. 3, 6. 7. 1852. Teredo navalis, Linn. Sowerby, Man. (4th edition), p. 291, pi. 2, f. 48, 49. 1853. Teredo norvagica, Spengler. Forbes and Hanley, Brit, Moll., Vol. I., p. 66, pi. 1, f. 1-5, and pi. F, f. 1. 1856. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. H. and A. Adams. Genera., Vol.. II.. p. 332, pi. 90. f. 6, a, b, c, d. 1862. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Chenu, Man. de Conch., Vol. II., p. 11, the third figure only of fig. 60. 1873. Teredo antarctica, Hutton. Cat. Mar. Moll., p. 59. 1*75. Teredo norvagica, Spengler. Reeve, Conch. Icon., pi. 1. P. Lc, d: 2a, b, c. Victorian Species of Teredo. 119 1880. Teredo antarctica, Hutton. Man. N.Z., Moll., p 133: 1880. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Woodward, Man., p. 507, i. 270 (in text), and pi. 23, f. 26, 27. L884. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Tryon, Syst. Conch.; Vol. III., p. 120, pi. lof), f. 70-73. 1884. Teredo (Xylotrya) antarctica, Hutton (?). E. A. Smith, " Alert," Zool., p. 93, pi. 7, f. E-E2. 1884. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Sowerby, Thes. Conch., Vol. VT., pi. 469, f. 2, on plate, not f. 1 (numerals on plate reversed). 1887. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Fischer, Man. de Conch., p. 1138, f. 869. 870. 1893. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Clessin, Conch. Cab., Vol. XL, p. 64, pi. 15, f. 7-9, in explanation of plate (not f. 1-3 as in text). 1893. Teredo antarctica, Hutton. Clessin, Conch. Cab., Vol. XL, p. 76, pi. 20, f. 12, 13, in explanation of plate (not f. 11-13, as in text). 1894. Teredo edax, Hedley. P.L.S.N.S.W., Vol. IX., pp. 501-505. pi. 32, f. 1-5. 1894. Teredo antarctica, Hutton. Hedley, P.L.S.N.S.W., Vol. IX., p. 503. pi. 32, f. 6, 7. 1898. Teredo antarctica. Hutton. Hedley, P.L.S.N.S.W., Vol. XXIIL, p. 95. 1901. Nausitoria antarctica, Hutton. Hedley, Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. VIII. , p. 248, pi. 10, f. 9 in ex- planation of plate (erroneously 8 on plate), is japonica, Clessin, and not antarctica after Clessin. 1901. Nausitoria edax, Hedley. Aust. Ass. Adv. Sci., Vol. VIII. , p. 248, pi. 10, f. 5 in explanation of plate (erroneously 6 on plate). 1903. Nausitora edax. Hedley. Pritchard and Gatlifi, P.R.S., Vic, Vol. XVI. (X.S.), p. 98. 1913. Teredo bruguieri, Delle Chiaje. Suter, Man. N.Z. Moll., p. 1019, i.l. 55, f. 7. a-d. 1914. Teredo norvegica, Spengler. Marshall, Jo'urn. of Conch., Vol. XIV., p. 207. Hal). — Drift timber, Balnarring, Western Port; San Remo ; Lakes Entrance; Portsea Pier; Port Albert. Obs. — Spengler's name being non-binomial, the employment of norvegica is inadmissable. Much confusion has arisen in regard 120 Oatliff find Gabriel: to this species. The earlier writers, more particularly those of the British school, discussing and figuring the various parts under the appellation of Teredo navalis. Forbes and Hanley grasped the dis- tinction, minutely describing and illustrating the animal, valves, pallets, and tube. That the species has since been misunderstood is obvious from the following observations. The description of T. ant- arctica, Hutton, leaves no doubt as to its identity with T. nor- vegica, Spengler. Endeavouring to establish T. antarctica, Hutt., Mr. Hedley (loc. cit) figured the type valves and later on illustrated the pallet (after Clessin). Through an unfortunate discrepancy in the text-figure numerals in the Conchylien Cabinet, Mr. Hedley erroneously copied the pallet figure of T. japonica, Clessin, to repre- sent antarctica. Clessin's text-figure numbers of T. antarctica, Hutton, are 11 to 13, while the shell is illustrated by two figures only, 12 and 13, as in the explanation of Plate, figure 11 being the pallet of japonica, and not antarctica. Mr. H. Suter, in his Manual of the New Zealand Mollusca, p. 1021, notes Mr. Hedley's wrongful figure of the pallet of antarctica, and remarks, " is certainly the bipinnate pallet of T. navalis, but not T. antarctica." In this respect we disagree with Mr. Suter. Clessin's figure depicting T. japonica. Actual comparison of British examples of T. norvegica in the National Museum, Melbourne, with a specimen kindly identified from the type by the author as being his T. edax, fails to disclose any differentiating characters, and we regard them as abso- lutely synonymous. Closely allied is the British form T . megotara, Hanley, but, as the author remarks, the species may be separated by the pallets being less elongated in the handle, and they taper to a fine point at the apex. In the other they are blunt at the termina- tion and solid throughout. We have examined specimens of 7'. megotara in our museum collection, and notice the distinction. The calcareous tube of T . norvegica exhibits a strong concamerated struc- ture at the posterior extremity, vanishing anteriorly where the tube becomes fragile; these characters showing better development in some cases than in others. The largest burrow we have examined was from the Portsea Pier; it attained a length of two feet six inches, and the large bat-shaped pallet abstracted therefrom mea- sured 28 mm. The size and structure of the tube lend aid as a means <>f identification. We wrote to Mr. II. Suter stating that we considered T. c*w 'v v © v / / \. f\ V v v v / >^ ^Sv^v / V V v„ *(((5) \ v v\> v v ©v v\ / J7 * V, j y rj v \1 Yj V •~~*-*^z^\ ty ( v v Y V v °9y^\ V vt V © n/Vy v v \ ( V V \ V v/ |r*\/' v v) f v v\ \/ / \r v st 1 ' 0v v/S )U/ v™ *^v v v vf 5c The remainder of the flow, extending as a sheet southward, and locally known as part of Nicholl's plains, is of a less fine- grained type, often with a coarse doleritic texture, occasionally vesi- cular, and generally resembling the material so common in the road metal quarries of Ballarat or Melbourne. The general characters of these three types are set out below, especially with reference to the quartz content as seen in the hand specimen, and under the microscope. (a) The quartz in the scoria is generally very small in size; the largest seen formed the centre of a small bomb, and was about j> in. in greatest length. Crystals of 1 in. diameter are common, and in a section cut where only one small piece of quartz was visible to the eye, a dozen were revealed by the microscope. The scoria con- tains abundant tiny idiomorphic felspars, a good deal of irivgular- shaped augite, and son livine, with abundant glass. No sign of 128 Charles Fenver: reaction rims could be detected around the microscopic quartz; grains, although the shapes suggested that corrosion had taken place. Hyalite is common, lining cavities in the scoria. (b) The second type of basalt hardly appears to contain any quartz, ruder the microscope the rock consists of a ground-mass of glass and oxides of iron, packed with tiny acicular felspars, and dotted with porphyritic olivine. There is very little augite present, which is rather a contrast to the third type of rock, where augite is common. The most definite augite present in this dense type con- sists of the tiny green pyroxenic needles forming the reaction rim around one of the rare pieces of contained quartz. (c) This third type is that of the main flow. As stated, the appearance in hand specimen is quite similar to that of the great majority of the Victorian newer basalts, except that in places throughout the mass it is thickly mottled with corroded quartz. In addition, quartz fragments occur sparsely right throughout the flow. These are quite uncommon as microscopic pieces, but range from | in. diameter up to f in., and even larger, one mass seen being 14 inches in diameter. In the hand specimen the quartz shows a great amount of frac- turing, and is sometimes surrounded by a minutely vesicular discon- tinuous border. It very frequently has a peculiar chalcedonic lustre, but is mostly dull-grey in colour. Where the quartz is most abun- dant, hyalite occurs, and was always noted on the roofs of the containing cavities (Fig. 2). Under the microscope the rock is of a coarse doleritic texture, with large felspar laths, interspersed with granular augite, and abundant porphyritic olivine. Apatite is present, in bunches of needle-like crystals, and iron oxides occur throughout. " Con- traction vesicles " are also common. Where the quartz comes into contact with the other minerals of the rock, there is always a reaction rim of pyroxenic material, with sometimes a thin band of glass separating it from the quartz. This border is sometimes granular, darkened apparently by the presence of iron oxides; at other times the pyroxene prisms are parallel, roughly normal to the edge of the quartz, presenting under crossed nicols a very pretty appearance. Fig. •'? shows these typical relations diagrammatically. The quartz shows abundant inclusions, running in lines through the mineral, and negative crystals were observed. The larger pieces of quartz are not single crystals. Along many of the fractures. Quartz in Basalt. 129 seams of brown glass occur. In shape the quartz is irregular, and embayed, and cavities occasionally occur in it. lined by a rim of pyroxene. hud life a ,f- FfcA. Fig. 2. Sketch of hyalite as it occurs on the top of the cavities. Fig. 3. Diagrammatic representation of the general relations of the quartz to the basalt, as seen under the microscope — q., quartz ; g., glassy border ; p., pyi-oxenic rim ; v., part of vesicular border ; o., olivine ; a, augite ; f ., felspar. VI. — Other occurrences in Victoria. A fact worthy of note in connection with these occurrences is that, in the area within 30 miles of Ballarat, where basalt is generally abundant, an investigator who is trying to find fragments of quartz in the basalt rarely fails to do so. Certainly no extreme cases have been found, such as those at Mt. Greenock, nor have any been found with the wonderfully abundant and uniform distribution recorded by Diller and Iddings. A list of localities in Victoria, where pieces of quartz have been found in the basalt, follows : — Baringhup, J. Cosmo Newbery, Des. Cat. Vic. Rocks, 1894. Mt. Franklin, Selwyn. Catalog. Vic. Rocks, 1868. Gleeson's Hill, Selwyn. Catalog. Vic. Rocks, 1868. Kilmore, with hyalite, Selwyn. Catalog. Vie. Rocks, 1868. Skipton, near the basalt caves at Mt. Widderin, 1914. Ballan, near the railway station, 1914. Lake Burrumbeet, north and east shores, 1914. Piggoreet, in the " Devil's Kitchen," 1914. 130 Charles Fenner : Warrion Hills, in scoria, 1914. Warrenheip, in scoria, 1914. Flow above Pike's dam, at Ballan. 191-5. Near new Moorabool dam, Ballarat, 1915. Mount Elephant, in scoria, 1915. VII.— WoHd-wide occurrence. The occurrence of quartz in basalt and allied basic rocks is world- wide, and a large amount of literature exists concerning the same " Quartz basalt " as a rock type appears to be generally recog- nised-, and in such cases as those of North America, described by Diller, Iddings, and others, it seems impossible to doubt that " the quartz is just as much a primary constituent of the rock as is the olivine." Daly gives the total area covered by quartz basalts in North America as eight square miles. The occurrence mentioned in this paper can only be claimed, at most, as a " quartziferous basalt " — analogous to some of the recorded occurrences of South Africa, Scotland, etc. Daly, in " Igneous Rocks and Their Origin.*' records quartz basalts " or their allies " from practically every corner of the earth — from Antarctica to Greenland. VIII.— Literature. Books and articles that have been consulted include : — (a) " A late volcanic eruption in Northern California, and its peculiar lava." J. 8. Diller Bull. 7!). U.S. Geol. Survey, 1891. (b) "The occurrence of primary quartz in certain basalts." J. P. Iddings, Bull. 66, U.S. Geol. Survey. 1890. (c) " Igneous Bocks and Their Origin," R. A. Daly. 1914. (d) A.J.S., Art. XX. J. P. Iddings. 1888. (e) "Tertiary Igneous Hocks of Skye." A. Ilarker. chap. XX.. etc., L904. (f) Intrusions of Kilsyth. Croydon district, Scotland. G. W. Tyrell. Geol. Mag.. 1909. (g) Q.J.G.S. J. \Y. Judd, pp. 175-186, May, 1889. (h) Lamprophyres of X. England. Geol. Mag., pp. 109-206. A. Barker, 1892. /' the Number and Size of the Oil Glands. By A. E. DAWKINS, B.Sc. The collection and distillation of oil-containing materials is often a matter involving much labour. Since therefore the oil is well known to occur in the case of many species in small, well-defined oil-dots or oil-glands, it was thought that it might be possible to forecast the oil content of any particular species by making a few measurements of the size and number of the oil-dots, weight of leaf, etc. Let -^ be the average volume of the glands in c.c, 6 n the number per sq. cm., i/ the specific gravity of the oil, w the weight of leaf per sq. cm., p the ratio of the weight of leaves to the total weight of leaves and stalks as usually taken for distillation. Then assuming that the oil glands are spherical the percentage yield of oil will be 52Apd?ng w The measurement of the size and number of the oil-glands can readily be accomplished microscopically, using an eye-piece pro- vided with suitable micrometer scales.1 The specific gravity of the oil can of course only be determined when a sample of the oil is available. For most oils, however, a sufficient approximation will be attained by giving g the value of 0.!). The value p is determined by stripping one or two typical branch- lets, and weighing the leaves and the stalks separately. The accuracy of this method may be judged from the following series of measurements on several species of oil-bearing plants which we have recently had the opportunity of distilling. 1 A convenient scale for counting the number of oil-dots can be easily made by ruling of squares on a thin sheet of mica. 154 J. C. Earl Species. Eucalyptus radiata. Eucalyptus ) viminalia. 5 Eucalyptus \ kitsoni. ) Leptospernum ~} lanigerum { Eugenia f Smithii. { Nature of leaf. large small lari small largfe Oil-glands. Mean i diani. pel mnis. c .113 - 13 Percentage yield of oil. calc'd. realized. .097 .113 .155 .075 .078 .091 1465 850 227 1090 960 475 940 .88 .92 .91 .86 .0208 .039 .032 .017 .013 .033 .037 .82 - 2.10 ^ - 1.03 - - .95 - - .60} - .82* ■ •"? - »i 2.70 1.32 .85 .56 .36 The distillations were carried out on fresh material, from a half to three hundred-weights of foliage being used in each case. It will be seen that the agreement is as close as can be expected in view of the difficulty of obtaining a representative sample. The method and formula may, therefore, be applied to indicate the approximate yield of oil to be expected from any oil-producing plant. Part III. — The Essential Oil of Eucalyptus platypus. By J. C. EARL, A.T.C. By courtesy of the Director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, a supply of the leaves of Eucalyptus platypus, a tree indigenous to Western Australia, was obtained from the Gardens for the purposes of distillation. The yield of oil obtained on distillation of the fresh leaves was 1 per cent. The oil had the following constants : — Specific gravity at 15715° - 0.9045 Optical rotation in 100 mm. tube at 12° C, «„ +9.1° Refractive index at 20" C, nD - - - 1.4675 Saponification number ... Q Saponification number after acetylation - 24 Aldehyde-and ketone-content detetermined by absorption with 30 % sodium bisul- phite solution - nil Cineole content by direct absorption with 50 % solution of resorcin - - - - 59 % by weight. Essential Oils of Australian Myrtaceae. 1 55 The results of a fractional distillation of 50 c.c. of the oil under atmospheric pressure, and of the examination of the fractions obtained^ are given in the following table: — Fraction. Temperature. Volume of oil distilled. S.G. lS'C/lS-C 15°C «D nii.6-c A - - Up to 163.5°C - 2.15 c.c, B - - 163.5°C - 167°C ■ 9.3 c.c. - 0.886 - + 20.8° - 1.4680 C - - 167 °C-170°C ■ . 10.05 c.c. - 0.893 - + 16.13 - 1.4673 D - - 170 °C-175°C - 9.55 c.c. - 0.903 - + 8.5° - 1.4667 E - - 175 °C-184°C ■ ■ 8.75 c.c. - 0.916 - + 0.2° • - 1.4660 F - - 184 °C-206°C ■ 2.95 c.c. - 0.926 - — - 1.4692 G - - 206 °C-240°0 - 2.85 c.c. - 0.937 - — - 1.4845 H - ( Residue boiling I "it above 240°C 1 4.4 c.c - 0.952 - - - 1.5040 The low initial boiling temperature combined with the positive rota- tion of the oil, indicated the probable presence of pinene. In con- firmation of this, a crystalline nitroso-chloride of melting point 106° C was prepared from fraction B. Fraction D yielded a small quantity of a crystalline nitrosite which could only be purified by dissolving in chloroform and precipitating with petrol ; thus obtained it had a melting point of 104° C. This indicated the presence of a small pro- portion of phellandrene in the oil. The residue, H, was dissolved in dry ether, and dry hydrochloric acid gas passed through; no crystal- line hydrochloride could be isolated from the resulting product. For further examination of the oil and confirmation of the results of the above preliminary investigation, 200 c.c. of the oil were fractionated at 32 to 34 mm. pressure. The following results were obtained: — Fraction. ^ST' SiUed. SG" ^-C/15'C aDat!9°C I. - - Upto72°C - 33.75 gms. - 0.879 - + 21.4° II. - - 72°C - 75°C - 53.73 gms. - 0.882 - + 15.5° III. - - 75°C - 79°C - 37.70 gms. - 0.900 - + 6.7° IV. - 79°C - 92°C - 27.70 gms. - 0.912 - - 1.5° V. - - Residue + loss - 28.02 gms. - 0.946 ■ — Pinene — Fraction I. yielded a nitroso-chloride similar to that pre- viously obtained. The nitrol-piperide prepared from this compound melted at 118-119° C. Phellandrene. — Fraction II. yielded a small quantity of nitrosite, which after purification melted at 105-106° C. There seems little doubt that this was phellandrene nitrosite. !:,(') ,/. G. Earl: Essential Oils of Australian Myrtaceae. Cineole (eucalyptol).— The cineole-iodol addition compound, melting at 113° C, after recrystallisation from benzene, was readily obtained from a portion of fraction III. Aromad'.ndrene. — The residue, V., gave the colour reactions attrib- uted by Baker and Smith to aromadendrene. Summary. The following approximate composition may be assigned to the oil:— Pinene - - - - - 20-25% Phellandrene - - - - - 10-15% Cineole 55-60% Aromadendrene - 10-15% Alcohols, free, and combined as esters, up to - - - - - 5° I have to acknowledge my thanks to Professor Masson for en- couragement and permission to use the University laboratories, to Dr. Green for many suggestions in the course of the work, and to Mr. St. John for assistance in the distillation of the oil from the leaves. [Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Part I., 1915]. Akt. X. — New or Little-known Victorian Fossils in the National Museum. Part XVIII. — Some Yeringian Trilobites. By FREDERICK CHAPMAN, A.L.S., &c. (Palaeontologist to the National Museum, Melbourne). (With Plates XIV XVI.). [Read July 8th, 1915] . Introduction and Summary. Descriptions of five Victorian trilobites appeared in Part XIV. of this series1, four of which arc restricted to the Melbournian horizons. In the present paper some trilobites of the Yeringian group are dealt with, many of which have already been found in a similar fauna in New South Wales. Our knowledge of the Vic- torian Silurian trilobites shows that the majority of the New South Wales species are found in our upper series, or Yerin- gian, beds; and it seems fairly certain that the Silurian beds in the neighbouring State, are, as at Bowning and Yass, of an Upper or Newer Silurian facies. Not only do the trilobites of this upper series point to a younger phase of the Silurian, but some of the species are closely related to Lower, Middle and Upper Devonian trilobites in Bohemia and North America, such as Goldius greenii, sp. nov. (Lower Devonian), and Cheirurus sterubergi, Boeck sp. (Silurian to Upper Devonian). On the other hand, forms like Goldius cresswelU, sp. nov., Proetus euryceps, McCoy sp., Gyphaspis lilydalensis, sp. nov., C. yassen- sis, Eth. fil. and Mitch, (with its Arethusina-like cephalon), Caly- mene angustior sp. nov., and G. blumenbachi, Brongn., are more or less Silurian in aspect Eleven species of trilobites are included in this paper: — Goldius greenii, sp. nov. Goldius cresswelU, sp. nov. Proetus euryceps, McCoy sp. Gyphaspis bovmingensis , Mitchell (Also N.S.W7.). 1 Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. xxiv., pt. ii., 1912, pp. 293-300, pis. Ixi.-lxiii. on mi ] 58 Frederick Chapman : Gyphaspis lilydalensis, sp. no v. Cyphaspis yassensis, Eth. fil. and Mitch. (Also N.S.W.). Calymene angustior, sp. nov. Calymene cf. blumenbachii, Brongn. (Also Brit. Ids., c tinent of Europe, N. America and N.S.W.). Gheirurus sternbergi, Boeck sp. (Also England and c tinent of Europe). Phacops crossleii, Eth. til. and Mitch. (Also N.S.W.). Phacops serratus, Foerste. (Also N.S.W.). DESCRIPTION OF THE FOSSILS. Trilobita. — Order Opisthopakia. Fain. Goldiidae, Raymond (Bronteidae, Angelin). Genus Gold i US, De Koninck.1 Goldius greenii, sp. nov. (Plate XIV., Figs. 1, 2). Description of Uolotype. — Form short, broadly ovate. Cephalon short, arcuate. Glabella unusually small at the base, expanded in front; only the middle furrow is well marked, the anterior and posterior being shallow and indistinct. Anterior margin of gla- bella sulcated, with a narrow and fairly deep furrow, the surface of which is ornamented by a faint undulate striation more or less parallel with the border. Neck-ring distinct. Palpebral lobes rugosely ornamented. Thorax with ten slender segments, the distal extremities of which appear to be free; their surface relieved with fine, strongly curved or wavy transverse striae. Axal furrows of thorax practically parallel and deeply incised. Pygidium moderately large, semi-circular; with seven radial ribs or coalesced segments, and one caudal which is bifurcated for more than half its length. Pygidial axis small, roundly angular at the distal apex; the central ridge divided by seven transverse furrows, the segments convex. Pygidial margin entire. General surface of the pygidium convex proximally, gradually becoming depressed and concave towards the posterior margin. Surface of radiating pygidial ribs ornamented by thin raised wrinklings <>r 1 The well-known genus-name Bronteus has unfortunately to give place, according to priority ruling, to De Koninck's leas known name, Goldius. The position may he thus stated. In 1833 <:<.Ht„ss named this generic type, Brontes, but the name was already occupied for a genus of col- eoptera by Fabricius (1801), whilst Montfort had similarly named a genus of mollu.ica (1810). See- ing this, Goldfusa in 188! (cl Barrande, Syst. Sil. Boheme, vol. i„ p. S30) changed the name to Brontetts, but the genus had in the meantime been renamed (lulditix by De Koninck, in 1841. Victorian Fossil*, Part XVIII. L59 striae, which are transverse or norma] in the median, bifurcated rib, but in maintaining approximately the same direction on the lateral ribs as on the median rib, the striae are disposed in an increasingly oblique manner as the thoracic region is approached. The interspaces between the pygidial ribs, and even the proximal ends of the ribs, are traversed by microscopic raised striae disposed parallel to the margin of the pygidial shield. Dimensions. — Total length, 39.5 mm. ; greatest width at thorax, 35.25 mm. Length of cephalon, including neck-ring, 11.25 mm.; length of thorax, 10.25 mm.; length of pygidium, 18 mm. Greatest width of pygidium, 3d. 5 mm. Width of thoracic axis, 8 mm. Width of pygidial median ridge, 2.25 mm. Observations. — The same quarry from which the above holotype was obtained, has yielded several other, more or less imperfect examples, chiefly pygidia, which I tentatively refer to the same species. They range from the moderate-sized and neatly-ornamented flabellated pygidial specimens, to some nearly of twice the dimen- sions, having a slightly coarser rugose ornament. No distinction can be drawn between them. Differences of size and ornament probably represent, in some cases, sexual features. The whole carapace in this species is remarkably short; other- wise it compares rather closely with Barrande's Brontens formosusA The Bohemian species, moreover, differs in its narrower frontal margin to the glabella, and the shallower and broader posterior furrow. A related but much longer form is Hawle and Corda's Brouteus oblongvs,2 with similar ornament; the axial ridge of the pygidium in this species, however, is proportionally smaller. In general form, Hawle and Corda's Bronteus berkeleyanus ,3 from the red limestone of Mnenian, Bohemia (Ff2 of Barrande, or Lower Devonian), is almost identical. It differs in having the axis of the thorax narrower, the pygidial axis expanding terminally, and the median ridge bifurcated to one-third of its length, instead of to more than one-half as in G. greenii. In reference to the Devonian aspect of a portion of our Silurian fauna, it is interesting to note that the Bohemian allied species. G . formosus, occurs at Dvoretz, in Lower Devonian strata, of the same group of beds as that containing G. oblongus above mentioned. 1 Syst. Sil. BohOme, vol. i., 1852, p. 851, pi. xlvi., fig. 14 ; pi. xlvii., figs. 1-5. 2 Prodrom Monogr. d. bohm. Trilobiten, 1874, p. 60. See also Barrande, Syst. Sil. Boheme, 1852, p. 853, pi. xlvii., figs. 1317. 3 Hawle and Corda, Prod. Mon. Tril., 1847, p. 61, pi. !v„ fig. 34. I r,ii Freeh' rick Chapman: Horizon end Occurrence. — .Silurian (Yeringian), Ruddock's Quarry, near Lilydale. Holotype presented by Mr. J. S. Green, after whom the species is named. Also several other fragmentary specimens from the same locality, in the Museum collection. Goldius cressivelli, sp. nov. (Plate XIV., Fig 3 ; Plate XVI., Fig. 17). Description of pi/gidium. — Comparatively short, one-third broader than long. Surface gently convex below the pygidial axis and falling away to a plane surface round the circumference. Pygidial axis prominent, surface covered with distinct, rounded granules, rather closely set, and extending over the whole of the flabellate portion. Pygidial fused segments six on each side of the median ray, which is simple except for a short bifurcation close to the margin. Pygidial segments fairly conspicuous around the axis, flatly rounded; slightly sinuous and concave towards the median axis; divided by a very narrow groove, which disappears near the outer margin of the pygidium. Dimensions. — Width of pygidium, IT mm.; length, 11 mm. Length of pygidial axis, circ. 3.5 mm. Observations. — Although the above species is founded on a pygidium, the characters of this portion of the carapace are so well denned as to afford a good basis for its specific identification; moreover, the pygidial characters are especially distinct in this genus. There is already one described species of the genus which bears a striking resemblance to the present form, namely,- Goldius ed- wardsi, Barrande sp.1; found in the Silurian of Bohemia in Etage Ee2, the upper led of the Silurian in the present interpretation of that system, and which practically agrees with the Yeringian series of the Victorian Silurian. G. edwardsi, although agreeing will, ','. cresswelh in form, general style of ornament, and non- bifurcation of the median axial rib, has more convexly rounded ribs anterior region; the median axis is more swollen; and the granulal ions are coarser. Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Cooper's Creek, Gippsland. Presented by the late Per. A. W. Cresswell, M.A., after whom lb.' species is named, in recognition of bis valued collecting in the Silurian of this Slate. i t;,..,)inii; tdwardsi, Barrande, Syst. sil. Boheme, vol. i., 1852, i>. 882, pi. xlii., figs. 30-33. Victorian Fossils, Part XVII I. 1(51 Fam. Proetidae, Corda. Genus Proetus, Sbeininger. I 'roetus eurycejia, McCoy sp. (Plate XIV., Fig. 4). Forbesia euryceps, McCoy, 1870. Prod. Pal. Vict., Dec. III. p. IT. pi. XXII., figs, lo. 10a. Observations. — Since McCoy's description, several specimens have come under my notice. A finely preserved example from Ruddock's quarry near Lilydale, in the possession of Mr. J. S. Green, shows the surface of the cara- pace to be minutely granulated. This serves to clear up any doubt regarding the surface ornament; for McCoy remarked, in his description of the species1 : " The surface is indistinctly pre- served, but 1 think it is minutely granular." A small, but nearly perfect example of the same species was found by Mr. Annear, near Lilydale, and is now in the Museum collection. It measures only 7 nun. in length. In this specimen the free cheeks and genal spines are distinctly granulate. In a series of Silurian fossils from Loyola submitted for descrip- tion by Mr. Ceo. Sweet, F.G.S., there is another example of the above species. This has since been presented to the collection. The cephalon is fairly well preserved, and the rest of the carapace can be generally made out, showing the rapidly tapering axis. The granulation above referred to is well shown, especially on the glabella and anterior rings of the thorax. This example is also small, measuring only 7.5 mm. in length. Horizon and Occurrence. — Holotype (described by McCoy) in Nat. Mus. Silurian. Broadhurst's Creek. E. of Kilmore. Bbl8. Ceo]. Surv. Vict.2. Also specimens from the Silurian (Yeringian) of Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale, coll. by Messrs. J. S. Green and R. H. Annear; and from Loyola, near Mansfield, coll. by Mr. Geo. Sweet. F.G.S. 1 Loc. supra eit., p. 17. 2 In my paper " on the Palaeontology of the Silurian of Victoria," (Rep. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Melbourne Meeting-, 1913, vol. xiv.), p. 208 and lists, this locality was included in the Mel- bournian Series. Further considerations of the faunal assemblage of these and the allied beds at. Wandong', containing Dalmanites meridianus, lead me to place them low down in the Yeringian, or probably representing a passage series. 12 1 <;2 Frederick Chapman : Genus Cyphaspis, Burmeister. Cyphaspis bowningensis, Mitchell. (Plate XIV., Fig. 5 : Plate XVI., Fig. 18). Cyphaspis bowningensis, Mitchell, 1888, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. II., 2nd ser., pt. III., p. 418, pi. XVI., fig. 3. Ether- idge, junr., and Mitchell, 1891, Ibid., vol. VIII. , 2nd ser., p. 170, pi. VI., figs. 3, 3a-h; pi. VII., figs. Si-k. Observations. — In the Sweet collection from Loyola, near Mans- field, there are two examples of Ci/]jhaspis, somewhat crushed and otherwise distorted. One of these, showing the cephalon and upper part of the thorax, is here figured. At first sight it appears to be distinct from C. bowningensis. on account of its large palpebral lobes, elongate glabella and depressed genal spines. A detailed examination, however, shows that all these differences are due to gentle lateral compression which the carapace has undergone; and a second specimen, still more compressed, confirms this view. As in typical specimens of G. bowningensis, the glabella is distinctly granulate and the pleura characteristically grooved with broad sulci. G. bowningensis, or a closely related species, is represented in the Melbournian series by a specimen from South Yarra, consisting of a cephalon with sickle-shaped or incurved genal spines and a few anterior thoracic rings with grooved pleura. The glabella of this specimen is proportionately smaller than any figure of G. bown- ingensis, but this feature is variable amongst the known examples. Another probable Melbournian occurrence is that of a diminutive specimen from Whittlesea, measuring only 7.5 mm. in length, as against 12 mm. in a normal specimen. It is rather more elongate in habit than usual, but has not suffered lateral compression, as in the Loyola specimen, occurs in a typical, undisturbed sandy mudstone. The locality of this specimen (Bbl2) is described in the Geological Survey notes as "Hills in township of Whittlesea." This is probably situated on the Whittlesea anticline of Jutson,1 the i-oeks on which line of strike contain Melbournian fossils, as at Tan Yean to the south. Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Loyola, near Mansfield. Presented by Mr. Geo. Sweet, F.G.S Also examples probably referable to this species from the Silurian (Melbournian) of South i'arra (coll. by Mr. F. V. Spry); and from Whittles-;, (roll. Geol. Surv. Vie.). I Prop. Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. xx. (n.s.). pt. i.. 1908, p. 213. Victorian Fossils, Part XVIII. 16B Cypkaspis lilydalemis, sp. dov. (Plate XIV, Fig. 6; Plate XVI., Pig. 19). Description. — Body suboval. Cephalon large in proportion to the rest, rapidly tapering to the pygidial extremity. Cephalon semi-circular, anterior border rounded and deeply folded behind. Glabella of moderate size, inflated towards the back; basal lobes pyriform, more deeply incised towards the lateral glabellar sulci. Free cheeks missing. .Facial sutures deeply incised in the middle, widely divergent to the anterior border, behind, sweeping outwards to cut the posterior margin near the genal angles. Glabella finely granulate. Thoracic segments 12; axis strongly inflated, slightly wider than pleura ; axal furrows deeply incised. Pleura strongly convex proximally, rapidly falling away from the fulcrum and becoming concave at the outer margins; pleura medially furrowed, ends bluntly rounded, or curving downwards to a blunt angle. Pygidium small : axis less than one-third of the width. Dimensions. — Total length of specimen (imperfect), 9 mm. Approximate length when complete, 10.75 mm. Greatest width of thorax. 6.5 mm. Greatest width of axis, 2.5 mm. Greatest width of pleura. 2.25 mm. Length of cephalon, including neck- ring, 3.6 mm. Length of glabella measured from neck-furrow, 2 mm. ; width, 2 mm. Relationships. — This trilobite belongs to the G. burmeisteri type described by Barrande1, from the Ordovician and Silurian of Bohemia. The axis in that species, however, is slenderer, and the glabella longer, whilst the posterior extremity is not so tapering. G. bowningensis, Mitchell,2 somewhat resembles G . lilydalensis, dif- fering in the longer and larger glabella, the narrower axis and the broader posterior extremity. The British species, G. megalops, .McCoy sp.,3 is perhaps most closely related to ('. lilydalensis, the chief points of difference in the latter being the more oval outline of the body, absence of a thoracic spine (although this may have become detached before fossilisation), and the neater or smaller cranidial characters, as the glabella together with the basal lobes. It may, therefore, be reasonably regarded as a southern variant of the British form. 1 S\sf. Sil. Boheme, vol. i., 1852, p. 484, pi. viii., figs. 61-71. . 2 Pro<\ Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. ii., 2nd ser., pt. III. , 1S88, p. 418, pi. xvi., fig. 3. EHieridge jnr. and Mitchell; ibid., vol. viii., 2nd ser., 1894, p. 170, pi. vi., figs. 3, 3l>ous, usually not so inflated as the glabella. Eyes situ- ated on the elevated portion of the free cheeks and slightly anterior to the middle lobe of the glabella. Furrows between glabella and free cheeks deep. Neck ring thick in middle, thinning out later- ally. Thorax. — The body axis is of about the same width as the pleura, and at the sides invariably thickened into tubercles. Axis rings deeply furrowed. Fulcra of pleura situated about half-way to the lateral border; ends posteriorly rounded and bent forward. Pleura deeply ridged. Pygidium almost semi-circular, strongly convex. The axis is deeply incised at the junction with the lateral ribs. Axial rings gently arched. The prominent lateral ribs are medially furrowed half-way to the margin. Surface of carapace finely tuberculate. apparently with granules of one size. Dimensions. — Total length of holotype, 54 mm. ; made up as fol- lows : — Cephalon, 17.5 mm.; thorax. 25 mm.; pygidium, 11.5 mm. (these measurements are approximate, especially for the thorax. which has undergone compression and recurvation); width of cephalon between genal angles, 39 mm. Relationships. — This species show relationship to two British forms. C. tuberculosa, Dalman,1 and G. blumenbachi, Brongniart.2 as well as to a North America species, G. niagarensis .3 The narrow, elongated glabella and the deep and extended neck furrow separate the Victorian species from G. tuberculosa, the glabella hi that form being short and anteriorly tapering. The lateral riblets of the pygidium in G. angustior arc furrowed or bifurcated distally, but in G. tuberculosa they are simple. In both species the lateral ends of the axial rings of the thorax are tuberculate. In the latter feature, C. niagarensis is related to the Victorian, 1 C. blumenbachii, var. a, tuberculosa, Dalman, Ueber die Paliiaden Oder die sogenannten Tril- obiten, a. d. Schwedischen iibersetzt von Fr. Engelhard, 1828. C. tuberculosa, Dalman, Salter, Mem. Geol. Surv. Gt. Brit., vol. ii., pt. i., 1818, p. 342, pi. xii. 2 C. blumenbachii, Brongniart, Crust. foss., vol. ii., pt. i., 1822, pi. i., fig. 1A-C. Barrande, Syst Sil. Boheme, vol. i., 1852, p. 566, pi. xix., fig. 10; pi. xliii., figs. 46-48. Brit. Trilob. (Pal. Soc. Mon.), pt. ii., 1865, p. 93, pi. viii., figs. 7-16 ; pi. ix., figs. 1, 2. 3 C. niagarensis, J. Hall. Geol. N. York, pt. 4, 1843, p. 102, fig. 3. Weller, Bull. Chicago Acad. Sci., No. iv., pt. ii., 1907, p. 261, pi. xxiii., figs. 9, 10. 12b ]t',(; Frederick Chapman: and it also has a narrow glabella; the body, however, is not so -elongate as in C. angustior, and it is a typically smaller form. G. blumcnbachi has a wider and more evenly convex gabella, and the neck furrow is, as a rule, not so strongly marked. Moreover, the r.ings of the axis are not conspicuously tuberculate, as in G. tuberculosa, G. angustior and C. niagarensis. The granulose sur- face agrees with that of C. tuberculosa rather than with G. blumen- bachi. //or r.on and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Holotype and paratype from Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale; in olive brown mudstone.1 Presented by Mr. J. S. Green. Silurian (probably Yeringian). Range on E. side of commonage, Kilmore; Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. (Bl> 23.) — A nearly complete eephalon in reddish coloured sandstone. Also Kilmore Creek, north of the special survey. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. (Bb 20). — A cephalon in indurated mudstone. Calymene cf. bhimenbacht, Brongniart.2 (Plate XV., Fig. 11). Remarks.- — A cephalon, tentatively referred to the above species, is found in the Victorian Yeringian series. It is characteristed by its broad and strongly convex glabella, and in this respect quite unlike the previously described G. angustior. The anterior limb bordering the glabella is deeply furrowed behind, and its horizontal margin gives a subquadrate aspect to the cephalon. The lateral tubercules are even larger than G. angvstior. To the above species I have also referred a well-preserved speci- 1 1 i+i i from the Melbournian of Moonee Ponds Creek, Flemington. This consists of thorax and pygidium, in which the width of the -carapace exceeds that of the Yeringian species, G . angustior. G. blumetibachi also appears to occur in New South Wales, in the Hume beds of the Bowning district, if I am correct in referring i" i hat species the form figured by ('. Jenkins3 under the name of Calymene duplicata, Murchison. Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Yellow, sandy mudstone; sect. 12, parish of Yering, Geol. Surv. Vict. i Vttaohed t., the same slab as the holotype is a cast of Nucula opima, .1. Hall, var. austraiit, < htipm.,a variety already described from both the Melbournian and Yeringian facies >■! the Vie- '.mum Silurian (Mem. Nat. Mus. Melbourne, No. 2, 1908, p. 31, pi. mil. , figs. 30-43). 2 For references see antra. :: I'roe. Linn. Soc, \ .8 Wales, vol. iii., 1879, p. 27, pi. \i., fig. 4. Victorian Fossils, Port XVIII. 167 Fain. Cheiruridab, Salter. Genus Cheirurus, Beyrich. Cheirurus sternbergi, Boeck sp. (Plate XV., Figs. 12, 13; Plate XVI., Fig. 22). TrUobites sternbergi, Boeck, 1827, Not. til laeren, Trilob., Mag. for Naturvid., vol. VIII., p. 37. Burmeister, 1843, Organ, d. Tri- lob., p. 132, pi. III., figs. 7, 8. Cheirurus sternbergi, Beyrich, 1845, Ueber bohm, Tril., p. 15, fig. 4. Hawle and Corda, 1847, Prod. Monogr. d. bohm. Trilo- biten, p. 135. Barrande, 1852*, Syst. Sil. Boheme, vol. I., p. 795, pi. XLL, figs. 29-39. Description. — A rather undersized, but fairly complete specimen found near Lilydale shows the eephalon and seven thoracic seg- ments; the remainder with the pygidium having split off the rock, a brittle mudstone, during extraction. The whole of the eephalon has a granulate surface. The thoracic body rings are Avell marked and the distal ends of the pleura are free, and curved downwards to a greater degree than are shown in Barrande's fig. 31 on PI. XLI. (loc. supra cit.). This specimen probably measured when complete about 16 mm. in length. The width of the eephalon is 10 mm. The eephalon of a larger example, coll. by Mr. J. S. Green, from Seville, measures 30 mm. in width and 21 mm. in length. The greatest width of the glabella, in front of the anterior furrow, is 16 mm. Observations. — Several cranidia of a Cheirurus have been found at various times in the Victorian Yeringian beds in the neighbour- hood of Lilydale and Seville. The shape of the anterior part of the glabella in these specimens and the character of the anterior and median furrows in cutting transversely across the central area, together with the inclined posterior furrow, which makes an X-shaped figure with the neck furrow, shows it to belong to the above species. The only other species comparable with the Victorian appears to be C. gibbus, Beyrich.1 This species, however, has a narrower body, a more inflated glabella, straighter anterior and median fur- rows, and a less salient anterior angle to the middle of the neck ring. 1 Ueber bohm. Trilob., 1845, p. 16, fig. 5. Also BarVande, Syst. Sil. Boheme, vol. i., 1852, p. 792, pi. xl., figs. 35-39 ; pi. xli., figs. 17-27 ; pi. xlii., figs. 12-15. I ( ; s Frederick Chapman: The Rev. G. F. Whidborne has described from the Middle Devonian of Lummaton, Devonshire, England, a species named G. pengettii,1 which appears to be midway between C. sternbergi and C. gibbus. The glabella is not so broad as in the Victorian specimens, and the posterior lateral wings of the fixed cheeks not so extended. The Victorian specimens show the fixed cheeks to he finally granu- lated, as in typical specimens of C. sternbergi. The stratigraphical distribution of the three species above re- ferred to affords an interesting comparison with regard to the Vic- torian occurrence. G. gibbus and G. pengettii are both found in the Devonian alone, whilst C. sternbergi, with which the Victorian specimens are identified, has a range extending from the Silurian to the Upper Devonian (Etages E-H). Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Tn mudstone. Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale. Presented by Mr. J. S. Green. In dark grey limestone, Wandin Yallock, near Seville, coll. by F. Chapman. Also a wax squeeze from a specimen in Mr. J. S. Green's collection, from the same localitv. Fam. Phacopidak. Genus Phacops, Eramrich. Phacops crossleii, Etheridge fil. and Mitchell. (Plate XV., Figs. 14, 15). Phacops crossleii, Etheridge, jnr., and Mitchell, 1896, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S. Wales, vol. X., 2nd ser., p. 489, pi. XXXIX., figs. 9-11. Observations. — This species has been described by the above authors from the Upper Trilobite bed of Bowning, near Yass, N.S. Wales. In Victoria it lias been met with in the Yeringian synclinal fold of the Lilydale district, and it thus agrees in stratigraphical position with its occurrence in New South Wales. The specimen here figured from the Lilydale district is almost perfect (fig. L4). It measures about 41 mm. in length, and equal to that of Etheridge and Mitchell's type from Bowning, judging from tin- figures of the thorax and pygidium given by those authors. One of the eves is well preserved, and the vertical rows of lenses number about -J I ; the New South Wales specimens average about IT. The Devonian Fauna of the S. of England, pt. i. (Mon. Pal. Soc), vol. xlii., 18S9, p. S, pi. i. 10- 12, 18, IB. Victorian Fossils, Part XVIII. 169 Another locality in Victoria for /'. crossleii is on a branch of the Saltwater River, one mile west of Gisborne. Tt is interesting to note that the rock in which this specimen occurs bears a strong resemblance to the Keilor graptolite-bearing mudstones, tin' latter series showing relationships in- regard to the trilobitic and grapto- litie contents, to the Newer Silurian scries.1 This specimen, except for a certain amount of crushing, is fairly complete, and its essen- tial characters are easily seen; it occurs in olive grey mudstone. The only other trilobite with which it could be compared is P. serratus, Foerste, which also is a Yeringian form in Victoria. In the museum collection there is a fine specimen of P. cross- leii, from Kinglake West, measuring 44 mm. in length. The rock in which this occurs is a black indurated mudstone, and contains several Yeringian fossils, among which are Pleurodictyum mer/as- tomum and Dalmanites meridianus . The granulate thorax and absence of dorsal spines place it with the species P. crossleii. Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale; collected by Mr. R. H. Annear. Also from Kinglake West; presented by Mr. Allan M. Savage. Also Silurian (probably Yeringian), from a branch of the Salt- water River, one mile west of Ph'shorne ; coll. bv Geol. Surv. Vict. Phacops serratus, Foerste. (Plate XV., Fig. 16). Phacops serratus, Foerste, 1888, Bull. Sci. Lab. Denison Univ., vol. III., p. 126, pi. XIII., fig. I. Etheridge, jnr., and Mitchell, 1896, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.Wales, vol. X., 2nd ser., p. 495, pi. XXXIX., figs. 7, 8; pi. XL., figs. 7, 8, 11. Observatio?is. — Etheridge and Mitchell point out the rather close relationship which this species bears to P. crossleii. I have found the Victorian examples of P. serratus considerably smaller than P. crossleii, and this, with its feebler granulation on the thorax and the development of the spiny or angular axis, serve to show that there is a distinction, which, as Etheridge and Mitchell observe, may be only a sexual one. The larger of the two Victorian specimens of P. serratus has a length of 21 mm. Horizon and Occurrence. — Silurian (Yeringian). One and a-half miles below Simmond's Bridge Hut, on the Yarra. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict, (B16). 1 See Chapman, Pal. Sil. Vict. Rep. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., Melbourne meeting, 1913, p. 210, and lists of fossils. 17 0 Frederick Chapman: EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XIV. Fig. 1. — '''oh/ ins greenii, sp. nov. Holotype. Silurian (Yeringian). Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale. Pies. J. S. Green. 2. — G. greenii, sp. nov. Paratype; pygidium of a larger example. From the same locality. Pres. by J. S. Green . 3. — Goldius cresswelli, sp. nov. Holotype; pygidium. Silu- rian (Yeringian). Cooper's Creek, Gippsland. Pres. Rev. A. W. Cresswell, M.A. (See also fig. 17.) ,, 4. — Proetus earyceps, McCoy sp. Silurian (Yeringian). Rud- dock's quarry, near Lilydale. Coll. R. H. Annear. 5. Cyphaspis bowningensis, Mitchell. Silurian (Yeringian) Loyola, near Mansfield. Pies. G. Sweet, F.G.S. (See also fig. 18.) (i. — Cyphaspis lilydalensis, sp. nov. Holotype. Silurian (Yeringian). Wilson's quarry, near Lilydale. ('(ill. R. H. Annear. (See also fig. 19.) 7. — Cyphaspis yassensis, Etheridge fil. and Mitchell. Silurian (Yeringian). Wombat Creek, N.E. Gippsland. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. (See also fig. 20.) All figures on this plate about natural size. Plate XV. Fig. 8.—Calymene angustior, sp. nov. Holotype. Silurian (Yeringian). Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale. Pies. J. S. Green. '••. — C. angustior, sp. nov. Paratype. Same locality. Coll. J. S. Green. ,, 10. — C. angustior, sp. nov. Silurian (probably Yeringian). Kilmore Creek, north of the special survey. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. Rb 20. .. II. Calymeni cf. blumenbachi, Brongniart. Silurian (Yeringian). Parish of Yering. Geol. Surv. Vict. ell. L862. .. 12. Cheirurus sternbergi, Boeck sp. A wax squeeze from a mould in limestone. Silurian (Yeringian). Wamlin Yallock, near Seville. Coll. J. S. Green. E.S. Victoria, 1915. Plate XIV Mi ' A Yeringian Trilobites. Proc. E.S. Victoria, 1915. Plate XV. Yeringian Trilobites. I',-,,,- K'.s. Victoria, L915. Plate XVI. .('., ad. Mat, de Yeringian Trilobites. Victorian Fossils, Part XVI II. 171 ,, 13. — C. sternbergi, Boeck sp. Silurian (Yeringian). Rud- dock's quarry, near Lilydale. Pros. J. S. Green. (See also fig. 22.) ,, 14. — Phacops crossleii. Eth. fil. and Mitchell. Silurian (Yerin- gian). Ruddock's quarry, near Lilydale. Coll. R. H. Annear. ,, 15. — P. crossleii, Eth. fil. and Mitch. Pygidium. Silurian (Yeringian). Same locality. Pres. J. S. Green. ,, 16. — Phacops serratus, Foerste. Silurian (Yeringian). H miles below Simmons' Bridge Hut. on the Yarra. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict, B16. All figures on this plate about natural size. Plate XVI. Fig. 17. — Gold/' us cresswelli, sp. nov. Holotype; pygidium. Silurian (Yeringian). Cooper's Creek. Gippsland. Pics. Rev. A. W. Cresswell, M.A., x 2. ,, 18. — Gyphaspis bowndngensis, Mitchell. A distorted example. Silurian (Yeringian). Loyola, near Mansfield. Pres. G. Sweet, F.G.S., x 4. ,, 19. — Gyphaspis lilydalensis, sp. nov. Holotype. Silurian (Yeringian). Wilson's quarry, near Lilydale. Coll. R. H. Annear. x 4. ,, 20. — Gyphaspis yassensis, Eth. fil. and Mitch. Cephalon. Silurian (Yeringian). Wombat Creek, N.E. Gipps- land. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. x L ,, 21. — G. yassensis, Eth. fil. and Mitch. Pygidium. Silurian (Yeringian). Same locality. Coll. Geol. Surv. Vict. x2. ,, 22. — Gheirurus sternbergi, Boeck sp. Cephalon and thorax. Silurian (Yeringian). Ruddock's quarry, near Lily- dale. Pres. J. S. Green. x 3. END OF VOLUME XXVIII., PART I. [Published October, 1915.] Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1916. THOMAS SERGEANT HALL. BORN 23RD DECEMBER. 1858. DIED 21ST DECEMBER. 1915. THOMAS SERGEANT HALL. It is with deep regret that we have to record the death, on December 21st, 1915, of Dr. T. S. Hall. Thomas Sergeant Hall was born in Geelong on December 23rd, 1858, and was educated at the Geelong Grammar School where he remained until 1877. At an early date he began to take great interest in natural history, more especially in geology and palaeon- tology. In 1879 he held a mastership in Wesley College, and in 1884 and 1885 secured exhibitions in Ormond College in the Uni- versity, taking the degree of B.A. in the latter year with honours in Natural Science. At a later date, in 1908, the University conferred upon him the Degree of D.Sc. in recognition of his valuable original scientific work. In 1887 he was teaching in Bendigo but the following year found him once more in Melbourne, working at the University where the new Chemical, Physical and Biological Laboratories had been equipped since his earlier student days. He passed through the complete three years' course in Biology. From 1890 to 1893 he was Director of the School of Mines in Castlemaine where, though his energies were largely devoted to organizing work and teaching a wide range of science subjects, he managed to find time in which to study the geology of the district and became especially interested in graptolites. Though obscure, the group is an important one, because certain species have definite relationships to the gold-bearing rocks of the Bendigo and Castle- maine district, and his most important paper is probably that on " The Geology of Castlemaine, with Sub-divisions of Part of the Lower Silurian Rocks of Victoria, etc.," published by the Royal Society of Victoria in 1894. The last paper that he published was entitled " Victorian Graptolites, Part IV.," which was read in July 1914. In 1893 he succeeded Dr. Dendy as Lecturer on Biology in the Melbourne University, a post that he held until his death. In 1888 he had published his first paper on "Two New Species of Fossil Sponges from Sandhurst" and when he returned to Melbourne he identified himself closely with the work of the Royal Society, devoting a large amount of time to its interests. In 1896 he became a member of Council ; from 1897-1899 he was Librarian; for fifteen years, from 1899-1914, he was Hon. Secretary, taking the leading part in everything concerned with it. In 1914 and 1915 he was President, i. though failing health and strength prevented him from attending its meetings during the last year of his term of office. In all he contrib- uted twenty-nine papers to the "Proceedings" of which six dealt with graptolites, nine with the Tertiary Deposits of Victoria (written in conjunction with Dr. G. B. Pritchard) and fourteen with various other palaeontological and geographical subjects. He made a special study of Graptolites and was regarded as the one authority in Australia on this group, his work in connection with which was recognised by the award to him of the "Balance of the Murchison Fund" by the Geological Society of London in 1901. Not only did Dr. Hall take a large share in the work of the Royal Society but he devoted much time to that of the Field Naturalist' Club and was closely associated with the Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science of which he was Secretary for Victoria from 1907 onwards and President of the Geology Section at the Hobart meeting in 1902. During the recent visit of the British Association in 1914 he was local Secretary of the Zoology Section and his wide general knowledge of Australian Zoology and Geology enabled him to be of great service to many visiting, overseas members. He was keenly interested in all that referred to the fauna of Australia and took a leading part in securing the reservation of Wilson's Promontory as a National Park, of the Committee of Manage- ment of which he was an active member. In 1899 he published a valuable "Catalogue of the Scientific and Technical Periodical Literature in the Libraries of Victoria" and in 1911 a second and much enlarged edition of the same. He was always ready to place his knowledge, time and services at the disposal not only of institutions and societies engaged in the organ- isation and furtherance of science work but at that of individual workers also and his death at the comparatively early age of 57 leaves a gap which will not easily be filled. In him many of our members have lost a personal friend respected not less on account of the solid, unostentatious work that he did for science in Victoria, than for his modesty of character and generous nature. [Peoc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.). Ft. II., 1916]. Art. XI. — Notes on (he Geology of the Coburg Area. By G. A. COOK, J3.Sc. i Kt-niot Research Scholar in Geology, University of Melbourne). (Communicated by Professor E. W. Skeats). (With Plate XVII.) Head 12th August, 1915 . Introduction. The area that will he discussed in tin's paper is about four square miles of country to the east and north of Pentridge Stockade* It has been mapped by the Geological Survey of Victoria on quarter sheets (Nos. 1 X.E. ami 1 N.W.), hut the independent mapping of the writer shows slight differences from that of the quarter sheet. (For this independent mapping the contours were obtained from a map published by the Metropolitan Board of Works.) The following stratigraphical horizons occur : — Palaeozic - Silurian sediments. ! Basic dykes. Tertiary sands. Sub basaltic gravels and sands. Newer Basalt. Recent - River alluvium. Physiography. The area constitutes a portion of the peneplain around Mel- bourne, and is drained by the Merri Creek. The country is of an average height of 200 feci above sea level. To the West and North basalt occurs, and forms a nearly uniformly flat plain, the highest level of which is about 240 feet. Through this basalt plain in the North, the Merri Creek follows a rather sinuous course, flowing between narrow V-shaped valleys, and over rapids and miniature waterfalls, with an average grade of 1 in 170. These are all characteristics of a stream young in development. To the South, however, where the stream is flowing through Silurian or along the junction of Silurian and basalt, the grade flattens to 1 in 480, 174 G. A. Cook: and the valleys widen out. The pre-basaltic Merri was a mature stream, and did most of the work in the peneplanation of the area. After, however, the outpouring of the basalt it was rejuve- nated, and now in the Northern area is rapidly cutting down into the basalt, and into the Silurian in places towards the South. There is also evidence in the area of the Merri having changed its course in recent times. Just North of the Pentridge Stockade, on the North bank of the Merri a recent alluvial flat occurs. Through this flat a creek meanders, which may be termed " Falls Creek." From its headwaters down to the alluvial flat this creek is verv young; in fact, it enters the flat over a waterfall formed by a bar of Silurian rock. In all probability the Merri Creek, which now cuts across the South boundary of the alluvial flat, formerly flowed right round its Northern boundary. This would account for the sudden change in the grade of Falls Creek. This change of course of the Merri is post basaltic in age, for the alluvial flat contains occasional boulders of Silurian and of basalt. Stratigraphy. Silurian. — This series consists of the fine sandstones and shales of the Melbournian division of the Victorian Silurian. South of the Hell Sheet bridge a river cliff section shows a very good ripple marked surface on an exposure of one of these beds. The hollow* average three inches in diameter. Xo fossils were found in these rocks. The beds are only folded to a medium extent, giving a general strike 10 dcg. Fast of North, and the dips in general are about .'50 deg. In the area studied the beds usually dip to the West, but occasionally a small anticline and syncline occur, giving a few minor Easterly dips. The preservation of the North and South ridge to the Fast of Kails Creek is probably due to the compression of the rocks caused by such a local pucker. This method of preservation is also exemplified by the Silurian ridge North of the Coburg Cemetery. The road section just to the West. of the cemetery shows a somewhat complicated pucker in the Silu- rian, which pucker can Ik- traced South over Hell Street. In this connection it is significant that these two ridges have a North and South direction, i.e.. a direction parallel to the strike, and to the major fold axes of the rocks. The Silurian also shows evidence of faulting in a North and South direction. In the bend (concave to Pentridge) of the Merri just North of Pentridge, Silurian outcrops in the bed of the stream. Geology of Cobvuvg Area. 'This outcrop is much shattered and fractured, and it is difficult to •determine bhe strike and dip of the beds. A bard hand of breccia striking North and South forms a miniature waterfall. This breccia is composed of angular and rounded Silurian fragments set in -,\ finer paste of the same material, and the whole is iron-stained and cemented with limonitic material. Siliea solutions also seem to have played a part in the cementation, for some of the breccia has the nature of a quartzite. The breccia is probably due to a North .and South fault. The hade is obscured, hut what evidence there is points to a Westerly one. A similar breccia occurs in an inlier of Silurian to the North-West of this last outcrop. The direction of the fault is obscure, there being only the one outcrop in the walls of a road section running North and South. The fault, however, appears to he an East ami West one. hading to the South. This would suggest that pressures along both North and South, and East and West lines have occurred, and have produced both folding and faulting along these directions. This conclusion is further borne out by a road section cutting through the Silurian inlier. The latter is seen to he the axis of an E. and W. syncline. to which fact it probably owes its preservation. To the N.E. of this inlier Sechon along Murray Vrrhc*/ S<~le f '—" > +0O ilcnc, ABC •again, in a river section near the waterfall on Falls Creek, the same E. ami W. folds are again seen, this time in an anticlinal axis. These East and West folds show very low dips, and un- doubtedly the dominant fold movements are those in a North and South direction. A liver section just N.E. of the northern end of Sydney Road, and just North of Pentridge Stockade, shows the basalt rent- ing upon the tilted and eroded surface of the Silurian sediments. The Silurian mudstones dip in a Westerly direction at 25 to 30 deg. The joint planes and bedding planes just beneath the basalt 17*) G. A. Cook : are filled with an impure limestone, which represents materiaF leached out of the basalt, and deposited in the spaces in the Silurian rocks below. Some of this calcareous material has been analysed by Mr. C. E. Crooke in the Agricultural Chemistry School, under Dr. Heber Green. The result is as under : — CaO =13.82% MgO =8.01 Al.A *»(1 Fe2Oa = °-46 Soluble Si0.2 = 0.31 Insoluble residue = 55. 1 8 Organic matter and C02 (after ignition) = 19.70 Hygroscopic moisture (1 05°C) = .06 Alkalies = n.d. 97.54 The low summation is probably due to the fact that the alkalies were not determined. Expressed as carbonates the alkaline earths are CaC03 = 24.68 ; MgC03= 16.82. Total, 41.50. The total expressed as oxides is 21.83. Organic matter is practi- cally absent since the difference between these figures, viz., 19.67, practically agrees with the figures obtained for C0.2 and organic matter, viz., 19.70. The insoluble residue was obtained by digest- ing the limestone with hydrochloric Acid (strength 182.5 grams per litre). Tertiary Dykes. — A dyke very much decomposed and basic in character occurs in the Silurian river cliff South of Bell Street bridge. It is about 1(H) feet away to the West of the axis of an anticline in the Silurian, which anticline strikes a little East of North. The dyke has the same strike, and dips 70 degs. to the West. Its age is probably Tertiary, and it is probably a member of the lamprophyric series of dykes found in other places penetrating the lower Palaeozoic series of Ballarat, Bendigo and Daylesford. At Coburg the relation of the dyke to the Tertiary sands is not clear. li appears, however, to be overlain, both by the newer basalt, and l>\ the outcrop of Tertiary sands, which latter form a -mall outlier South of the Bell Street bridge. This would make the dyke pre newer basaltic, and also pre-Tertiary sands. This would mean that it is connected not with the newer basalts, but with older earth movements, possibly those of the time of the outpouring of the Geology of Coburg Area. 177 Victorian Tertiary alkalic basalts. In this connection F. L. Still well,1 M.Sc. has suggested that this alkalir basalt horizon is the age of the monchiquite dykes, which come up along the anticlinal axes of Uendign. Nowhere in the Melbourne district are dykes similar to that at Coburg found penetrating the Tertiary sands, so that the upper age limit of these dykes is certainly the horizon ol the sands. As to the lower Unlit it is obviously Silurian. There is the possibility of the Devonian being the age of the dyke. The evidence of the other areas is against this, however, e.g., at Beildigo the quartz reefs are connected with the Devonian granodiorite to the South, and these reefs are frequently cut across by younger monchiquite dykes. Tertiary Sands. — This series is composed for the main part of a system of unfossiliferous, iron-stained sandstones. Similar sand •deposits are also found capping the Silurian hills in many parts around Melbourne, e.g., Studlev Park, Kew and Hawthorn. At Coburg the finer grained beds have grains as much as 3 millimeters in diameter. Occasionally a coarser band of quartz pebbles occurs, pebbles up to .'3 cm. in diameter being frequent. The series now recurs capping the hills. Its lower limit is about 1G<> feet above .sea level. The series was laid down in pre-basaltic time, the area uplifted and the sands partly eroded away before the outpouring of the basalt. Whether they are of marine or fresh-water origin still remains a problem. Many of the grains are angular, indicating a source near at hand. The basalt filled up the low level portions of the area, which portions were low lying, partly because their burden of sands had been eroded away. Hence it is difficult to get the relation between the basalt and the sand series. However, in places, e.g., on the banks of the Menu North id' Pentridge, basalt is seen to overly a thin deposit of quartz pebbles, which again, rest on Silurian. This pebble bed is probably re-sorted Tertiary sands, and the busalt a later formation than the sands. A sample of the fine sand deposit was taken and boiled in hydrochloric acid to get rid of the ferruginous coating. The sand was then washed in water and agitated, so getting a division into coarse sand and fine sand. This latter was then dried and examined under, the microscope. It consists almost entirely of quartz grains, but there is a very slight content of a black mineral. Some of this is strongly magnetic, and hence is magnetite. Other 1. Proc. Hoy. Soc. Victoria, vol. xxv. (n.s.), 1913, p. 1. 178 G. A. Cook: crystals arc not so magnetic, and are probably ilmenite. Then again some of the crystals are not magnetic at all, but they show pleochroism, high polarization colours, and all the characters of tourmaline. The coarse sands were then examined, and a non- magnetic Mark crystal picked out and examined chemically. This examination showed the presence of iron and boron, thus confirming the presence of tourmaline. This presence of magnetite, ilmenite and tourmaline is not very important from the point of view of origin of the sands, as they occur in such small quantities. How- ever, it is interesting to note that N. R. Junner,1 ft.Sc., finds then* all in the Silurian sediments of Diamond Creek to the North-East of Coburg. North of the Coburg cemetery in the V-shaped outcrop of tin* series a small watercourse only 400 yards long has given rise to> miniature buttes and canyons. The boundary of sands and Silu- rian is V-shaped, with the apex of the V pointing Westwards, This is due to the sands tilling up a depression in the Silurian, possibly a pre-Tertiary stream valley. After the uplift of the area following the deposition of the sands obliterating this stream, this little local area was placed in a very unstable state as regards erosion. It only required the digging of a gutter, some few years back, for water to get a start down the site of the old pre-Tertiary stream. The result has been a very rapid deepening of the bed of the present watercourse, so that now it is in places 20 feet deep; ami everywhere has vertical walls. A short distance down from the highest portion of these " bad lands" the stream in places has up to four parallel paths, each separated by a few yards. During storms water flows rapidly at the bottom of these watercourses, often 20 feet l>elow the surface, and rapidly undercuts the soft sands. The result is that often the different courses converge towards one another, and further down the hill unite in various places, forming a complicated network of watercourses under the hard surface of matted soil on top. This top hard surface is often undercut to Bueli an extent that it caves in, leading to the formation of little islands or buttes. These buttes are generally only a few feet in diameter, and stick up as pillars sometimes 2(1 feet high. They are protected from rapid erosion by the top hard crust. Discussing this area in 1900 Dr. Lpach2 emphasises the importance of surface tension in the formation of these "bad lands.*' He Proc. Roy, Soc. Victoria, vol, xxv. (n.s.), Pt. ii., 191:?, p, ;s;J3. Proi Roy. Soc, Victoria, vol. xix. (n.8.), Pt. ii., 19QE, pp 54-59. Geology of Cobvnj Area. 170 states that the water is in too small a quantity to splash about. During storms this is not so, but usually; however, the quantity i* only small, and as the run off after a storm dies away, the water merely trickles over the edges, and then undoubtedly surface tension (■onus into play. However, surface tension alone can only explain the formation of a vertical face, and it is difficult to explain the complicated system of watercourses at Coburg by any other agent than running water. Erosion as pictured by Dr. Leach is neces- sarily a slow process, and it is most probable that the water running over the canyons after a heavy fall of rain, does more erosive work than six months of water just trickling over. During some periods- of the year several months may elapse during which no heavy rain occurs. During this time surface tension is steadily at work after showers of rain, and certainly gives the walls of the canyon those characteristics enumerated by Dr. Leach. These, however, are more or less obliterated after the next heavy fall of rain. The exact, stratigraphieal horizon of this sandstone series is difficult to determine, for they are unfossiliferous. One has to leave Coburg and examine neighbouring localities. At Koyal Park, to- the South, a similar series appear to overly a fossiliferous bed outcropping in the railway cutting. This latter series is generally regarded as Kalimnan in age. Also at Keilor in Green Gully thick, unfossiliferous sands overly thin beds of highly fossiliferous- limestones of Barwonian and Kalimnan a«je. The horizon of the Coburg sands then appears to be post-Kalimnan and pre-newer basaltic. Newer Basalt. — This occurs in the West of the area. Petrologi- cally it can be divided into two types — (a) Low level, (b) High level. (a) Low Level Type. — The low level basalt is chiefly found filling up the pie-basaltic depressions, such as river beds, etc. In the hand specimen the rock is compact and medium fine grained, with a few small phenocrysts of olivine. In the bed of the Merri just East of Pentridge, it exhibits columnar jointing, seen in a basalt pavement. A study of this particular pavement shows that the cracks radiate in threes from a centre, and at various angles to one another. The angle between cracks in this limited exposure is always greater than 90 (leg., so that the prisms in plan are never less than five-sided. The centres frequently seem to be joined by a crack, making the other cracks symmetrical about it. The result is that the five cracks resemble the arms of, say, Tetragraptus quad- ribrachiatus. The distance between centres varies from 2 inches. to 24 inches. ]gO G. A. Cook: Mi( n.scopically the rock from this pavement is .typical of the law level basalt found in the area. Olivine is sparingly present in large, perfectly fresh phenocrysts. Light green augite is very plentiful in smaller crystals. A feature of the rock is the ophitie structure, which this augite shows witli plagioclase needles. These latter are very plentiful, and show typical How-structure. The angle of extinction of the lamellae of a number of laths has a maximum of .SO (leg. This would indicate labradorite. There is also a very slight content of another untwinncd felspar. This has verv low polarization colours, and a very low extinction angle. It iR possibly anorthoclase, which F. L. Stillwell1 finds in tlie newer basalt at Broadmeadows. An examination of a number of slides would l>e necessary to confirm its presence, The order of crystalliza- tion^ was -olivine first, then plagioelase, and then augite; for large •crystals of olivine are frequently seen completely surrounded by aureoles consisting of ophitie augite and labradorite. Oxide of iron is also rather frequent in the rock. The -majority of the crystals are long and needle shaped, and hence most of them are ilmenite. Glass, dusty green in- colour, and containing many needles of ilmenite, is also very common. This high glass content is typicaj of the low level basalt in the area. The rock at the pavement also contains a fairly large content of a greenish-brown zoned material filling up what appear to be cavities. Under crossed nicols this material shows low polarization colours masked by the greenish colour of the mineral. No clear interference figures are obtainable, probably due to the material being an aggregate of small crystals. It is faintly pleochroie. Another characteristic is that it is invariably associated with the glass in the rock. It is probably chlorite. 1 I'roc. Roy Soc. Victoria, x\iv. (n s.), Pt i., p. 1 Hi, 111! 1. s. R.S. Victoria,^19l6. Plate XVI I. GeoUxjy of Cobury Area. A chemical analysis of the rock is : — l«1 A. H. C. SiO, 49.01 46.43 44.95 ALA 16.60 17.60 15.50 Fea03 2.97 8 51 2.04 FeO 8.55 2.44 10.47 MgO . - 7.81 8.03 7.43 €aO 8.21 - 8.12 8.24 K„0 0.85 0.92 1.98 Na,<) 2.91 3.56 3.04 H.O + 0.44 1.20 2.60 H20 - 1.24 0.81 0.52 Ti02 1.56 2.25 2.77 PA 0.32 0.37 0.52 (NiC<>)0 0.07 - CO., 0.18 100.48 - MnO 0.22 - MnO 0.21 100.53 100.4: A. Rock from basalt pavement in bed of Merri, East of Pentridge. G. A. -Cook. B. Fine grained basalt, C4reensborongh. N. R. Junner. Proe. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1913, p. 335. C. Older basalt, A quarry, Tiillamaiine. F. L. Stillwell. Proc, Roy. Sec. Victoria, 1911, p. 165. Analyses B and C are given for purposes of comparison. Following the method of the American classification of rocks, the norm, of the rock from Coburg was calculated. It is: — Orthoelase A 1 bite Anorthite- Corunduni Hypersthene Olivine Magnetite Jlmenite - Apatite Percentage. 6.0 21.2 38.6 2.9 21.8 2.5 4.0 2.9 0.20 100.0 182 G< A. Cook: Geology of Cobuvy Area. The rock is therefore classified : — Class 2 - Dosalane Order ") - Perfelic - Germanare Rang 4 - Docalcic - Hessase Sub-rang 3 - Presodic - Hessose Typical low level basalt occurs in the area between the heights of 125 i'eet and 14-0 feet above sea level. High Level Basalt. — This occurs typically at heights of about L'40 feet. It is a more vesicular rock than the low level type. It is- also coarser in grain, with larger and more plentiful phenocrysts, and. following Harker's nomenclature, may be classed as a dolerite. Microscopically it is seen to contain a larger proportion of olivine- than the low level type. This olivine is generally iron stained, due- probably to the porous character of the rock. Augite is present, but is not nearly so ophitic as in the low level type. Another chief point of difference between the two is the almost total absence of glass. Ilmenite and labradorite occur similarly to the occurrence in the- low level type. The chief points of difference then between the two types are: — The high level type is coarser in grain, has no glass,, and is richer in olivine. All'these characteristics tend to show that the high level type has cooled more slowly than the low level. This conclusion is also helped by the field characters and relations. The low level basalt frequently shows prismatic cleavage, indicating rather rapid cooling. The high level type on the other hand is more massive, the joints being more irregular and further apart. As the first specimens of the two types were collected from localities- separated by the Silurian inlier North of Pentridge, it was at first thought likely that two distinct basalt flows occurred in the district. Further field work, however, showed that the flows were united to the West of the inlier, and further penological work showed that the types grade into one another, ami that the differ- ences probably arose due to different conditions of cooling rather than to different composition of magma. Specimens collected from heights intermediate between 140 and 240 feet shew characters- midway between the two extreme types, more and more glass developing as the traverse goes down hill from the top of an outcrop. In conclusion 1 would gratefully thank Professor E. W. Skeats for his help and valuable suggestions throughout the prosecution of the work ; also for his very kind criticism of this paper. I would also like to thank Dr. 11. S. Summers for many discussions on debatable points thai frequently arose. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Pt. If., 1916.] Aht. XII. — A (Comparative Examination of the Blood of Certain Australian Animals. By GWYNNETU BUCHANAN, M.Sc. (With Plates XVIII. and XIX.). [Read August 12th, 1915]. The study of the histology of the blood is a comparatively recent one. since it appears only to have been taken up in earnest in the latter half of the 19th century. These early workers were neces- sarily hampered by imperfections in the apparatus at their disposal. Gulliver (I) in 187") published the results of an exhaus- tive examination of the shapes and sizes of red corpuscles of vertebrates, and this had been preceded by a paper on the taxo- nomic import of the nucleus of these cells. He was followed in 1878 and *7it by the appearance of two publications by Erhlich, whose name in connection with histology and reactions of the blood is. of course, a household word to all students of the subject to- day. So lately as 18.92, however, Newton Parker (2) writes: "The fact that the white corpuscles of the blood are not all alike is now well known in the case of most vertebrates, although it is not pos- sible, in most cases at any rate, to state definitely whether these do or do not correspond to stages in the development of one and the same thing, and whether different functions are performed by these different kinds of leucocytes." In later years the intimate relation between the state of the blood and various conditions of disease, together with the very perfect methods of manipulation which the modern knowledge of staining and fixing has evolved, have produced an extensive litera- ture >-ii the histology of the blood. The work done in this direction being principally descriptions of pathological conditions or com- parisons ,.f normal blood with that of diseased individuals, is. mainly confined to an examination of man and the domesticated animals. In a recent paper (■''>) Drs. Cleland and Harvey Johnston have, however, endeavoured to point out that some indication of the probable line of evolution of vertebrate forms may be deduced from a comparative study of the shapes and sizes of the red cells of the blood. In the present paper I have essayed to collect some 1 y 4 Gwynneth Buchanan r data in regard to the native Australian animals, and have tried to obtain as many types in each group as possible. The chief difficulty has been the fact that the native animals available can seldom be said to exist under normal conditions, being principally captive specimens, mainly from the Zoological "Gardens; and in many cases the smears were so distinctly patho- logical as to be useless for comparative purposes. Bearing this in mind I have been careful in forming generalisations from my results unless the material has been sufficient and reliable enough to warrant so doing. I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Spencer and Dr. Sweet, of the Biological School. Mel- bourne University; for the use of books, specimens, and apparatus; to Dr. Gilruth, sometime Professor of Veterinary Pathology ; Acting-Professor MacDonald, Dr. Dodd, and Mr. H. R. Seddoii — all of the Veterinary School. Melbourne University — for the use •of books, smears, and for advice as to methods of staining, etc. ; also to the members of the Biological Laboratory, past and present, •especially to Mrs. J. L. F. Woodburn, for smears from wild and native forms of X.S.W. Methods. Actual (Jounts were only made in a few cases-. The instrument used was the Thoma Zeiss Haemoeytometer, with Hayem's diluting fluid. Where possible the blood was taken from the ventricle, imme- diately after death; and in most cases, for lack of time, the white corpuscles were counted with the red. Smears. — Wherever possible the smears were fixed in alcohol before staining, and several specimens were obtained, so that at least two varieties of stains might be employed. Those stains found to give the most consistent results were those of .Tenner and (iifinsn •("Tabloid" brand). These, however, do not both react in the same way to the various classes of white cell, making the determi- nation of a differential count somewhat uncertain at times. Thus most cells were found to differentiate Letter with Giemsa, and in some cases only with that stain, though Burnett (-1) describes mast cells whose granules take a purple stain with .lenner. Mononuclear forms, especially of amphibia, showed best with Giemsa; while ■cells with eosinophil characteristics stained more satisfactorily with Jenner — with the doubtful exception of one marsupial form — and the crystalloid eosinophil cells showed their preference for this slain markedly. These observations are borne out by the •tfttemeot of Daniels in " Laboratory Studies in Tropical Medi- Blood of A ustmliaii Anitnnh. \nr> cine," p. 67, where he remarks, in reference t<> slides stained with Irietiisa. "They (eosinophile granules) do not toim as conspicuous objects as specimens stained by Louis .Tenner's stain.". Nomenclature. These facts have given rise to a difficulty in arriving at a com- pletely satisfactory method of naming the various forms of leu- cocyte, and probably as Fantham (5) remarks, p. 726, " The differences in opinion of the various investigators are explicable by reference, to slight variations in the stains." In arriving at any satisfactory nomenclature it has been neces- sary to compare the several methods employed by different investi- gators. Erhlich, (6) dealing with human blood, distinguishes six normal types— 1, Lymphocytes; 2. Large mononuclear leucocytes. Between I and 2 he states there are no transitional forms. .'5. Transitional forms derived from 2. 4. " Polynuclear " leucocytes. 5. Eosino- phil cells. ('). Mast tells. In addition he describes various patho- logical forms. Burnett (4) distinguishes five varieties of leucocyte in normal blood — 1, Lymphocytes. 2. Large mononuclear and intermediate forms between I and 2. .*$. Polymorphonuclear forms, or finely granular oxyphils. In this group he includes those cells in the- blood of birds which contain large spindle granules. 4. Eosino- phils. 5. Mast, which he describes as coarsely granular basophiles, but which I have usually found to be distinguished by their meta- chromatic staining properties. He also notes many degenerate forms of leucocyte, evidently present under fairly normal con- ditions, such as swollen or irregular nuclei; degenerating nuclei; ruptured cell bodies and pale nuclei, etc. ; beside many forms found under pathological conditions, such as myelocytes, plasma tells, and various abnormal kinds of erythrocytes. The blood dust described by Burnett perhaps corresponds to the substance attributed by Cullen (7) to the free granules of the mast cells, and to which the same name is given. Cullen (7) describes four kinds of leucocytes in fishes and birds. 1. Small mononuclear, which closely resemble the corresponding cells in man, and which I take to mean the lymphocytes of most classifications. 2. Large mononuclears. 3. Eosinophils, in which he distinguishes a granular form, and an oxyphilic spindle form, in this respect differing from Burnett. From my own observations \S6 Givynneth Buchanan : 1 am inclined to agree with Cullen in placing the spindle granules of birds as eosinophile forms just as the spindle granules of the cat .are described under that heading by Burnett. (Goodatt (8) also re- marks that neutrophile cells are absent in the fowl, their place being taken by eosinophils, with oxyphilic spindles.) 4. Ma^t cells. F ant ham (5) distinguishes, in the normal blood of the grouse (a), Erythrocytes, among which he finds normal cells, cells without nuclei, and erythroblasts — evils which are rounder and have more spherical nuclei than the ordinary form, and whose cytoplasm stains blue with Giemsa. (b) Leucocytes, under which he puts — 1. Lymphocytes, both large .and small, the large variety merging into small mononuclears.1 2. Large mononuclears, whose protoplasm is basophil, staining deeply with Giemsa, and less darkly with Jenner. •"!. Polymor- phonuclear leucocytes (Burnett), or crystalloid eosinophil cells (Cullen, Warthin). 4. Eosinophile leucocytes (Burnett) or coarsely granular eosinophile (oxyphile) cells. 5. Mast cells (coarsely granular basophile cells). • >. Thrombocytes, which suggest very narrow and slightly small erythrocytes. The whole cell is basophile in its reactions, staining rather faintly blue with .Tenner's stain. Gruiier (14) gives a classification of the human blood cells based on biological principles, and. following this, a valuable summary of the work done on their comparative cytology, together with an exhaustive bibliography. Deriving all blood corpuscles from the primordial cell he describes various forms in both normal and pathological blood : — 1, Bed Cells, which are only present in verte- brates, and may be divided into — (a) orthochromatic, (b) poly- chromatic, and (e) megaloblasts. Platelets are absent where the red cells are nucleated. Spindle cells occur in all vertebrates below mammals, and are pear-shaped, or almond-shaped plaques, which in birds are sometimes regarded as identical with tlm mammalian thrombocytes, and physiologically have the same func- tion as the platelets. 2. Lymphocytes, uninuclear, basophile, non- granular cells, which may be divided int..— (a i small, and (b) large lymphocytes, and (c) large mononuclear cells, with transitional forms between the two former and the latter, ami characteristic of infra-mammalian species. 3, Large mononuclear cells, which are of two types -(a) lymphoid, ami (b) granular, and which are preseid in all animals in which blood may be detected. They I In this connection we must not,' Erhlich's statement that in human Mood there arc no transi- tional i. .mi. between lymphoc^tes-and mononuclears. This raises tin- question ;.* to the homo] i.\ ..i iii~ forms in the various groups of animal. Mood of Australian Animal*. ]S7 .appear to play the part of macrophages in reptiles and amphibia, and are frequently possessed of so-called "secretory vacuoles." 1. Neutrophile leucocytes, consisting of an oval, large, basophile •cell body, fibrillar in structure, with oxyphilic paraplasm; round, indented, or polymorphous nuclei; not found far back in the vertebrate scale, and probably not corresponding to the phagocytes of cold-blooded vertebrates. These apparently correspond to the polymorphonucleate cell of other writers, and arc regarded by Gruner as being absent in their true specific form in cold-blooded vertebrates, tin' part of the human polymorph being played by the macrophage in the frog and reptiles. In birds he includes under this group mast cells, eosinophile cells, with rod-like granules (pseudo-eosinophiles), and cells of the same size full of minute oxyphilic granules. 5, Eosinophiles, with granules of various shapes and sizes, (i. Mast cells, which ate mono- or pol\ nucleate, variable in size, with a vacuolated cell body. They are divided into those containing Hue, irregular granules, staining red-violet with Giemsa, and those containing scanty, coarse granules. Be- sides these there are forms more or less characteristic of certain pathological conditions, such as plasma cells, giant cells, etc. ; as well as various structures which may represent stages in the life history of the normal blood cells. For the work under discussion I have adopted the following terms in an attempt to reduce the blood cells of the various groups of animals to a common classifica- tion. 1. Erythrocytes. Nucleated or non-nucleated cells, according to the group of animal. Normally staining yellow-orange or brick- red, but polychromatic or basophil forms were common in all species. In all cases irregular forms were present, even when the blood was not apparently pathological. In amphibia, reptiles, and some birds, I noted, besides these ordinary forms, structures which 1 have called spindle cells, and which I take to correspond to the thrombocytes of Burnett ami Fantham. In the lower vertebrates these cells are thought to perform the function of blood platelets (Gruner). In many cases these cells were distinctly bi-polar, though in the majority they were drawn out at one end only. They were not as consistently basophil as the authors quoted describe, but their tendency seemed to be decidedly towards basic or polychro- matic reactions. They have been described to me as artefacts, but as I have repeatedly observed them in the haemocytometer while making an estimation of corpuscles, and once in an examination of fresh frog's blood during a laboratory demonstration, while [gg Givynncth Buchanan: 1 have frequently found them elongated at right angles to the- length of the smear, I adhere to my hist belief that they are fairly usual constituents of the blood of certain animals. 2. Leucocytes. (a) Lymphocytes. Small, round <>r irregular cells, with basophil and practically homogeneous protoplasm. Deeply basophil nucleus filling the greater portion of the cell. (b) Mononuclear. Larger basophil forms, frequently con- taining basophil granules, and with large and often- excentric nuclei. (c) Volymorphonucleate. Large forms, with irregular and frequently excentric basophil nucleus, the cell proto- plasm often exhibiting faint acidophil properties, or even granules. (d) Transitional forms. Basophil cells, whose nuclei pre- sent intermediate stages between (b) and (e). (e) Eosinophile, containing large or small acidophil granules,. and irregular nuclei. (f) Mast cells, containing granules, staining more or less metachromatically, and faintly basophil cytoplasm. Fishes. (Plate XVII 1. ;. Figs. 1-6.) Only one form was examined — the teleostean Sea-hedgehog (i)iodon histrix (I)) — and the smear contained many bacteria. Tlic red cells were much rounder than those of batraehians or rep- tiles, averaging 12.5/j. x 9.2ju.. The protoplasm of many took a basic stain. One doubtful spindle form was observed, measuring 13. 2U x 8.3/*.. The lymphocytes were round, and the most con- spicuous leucocytes were mononuclear forms, with deeply basophil granules, averaging 12.4//. in diameter; while others resembling (lie polymorph type in general characteristics, but containing basophil protoplasm, averaged 11.6/a, No eosinophil forms were apparent on treatment with either .leuner's or (iiemsa's stain. lNewton Parker (2) gives the average sizes of the red as much larger (40-46M x 25-27/*), but Johnston and (Viand (3) remark thai they find a wide diversity among tishes. dipnoi running as high as 2!>/. x 23/a, while in some teleosts their reading is as 1 Qruner (14) notes that in general the lymphocytes are fairly typical in this group, showing transitions to the large mononuclear type ; also the fact, that, the mononuclear forms aw typical of ti,«- lower vertebrates, occasionally replacing the polymorphs in function, lie also draws atten- tion to the absence of eosinophil and innst cells in fishes. Blood of Australian Animals. 189 low as 6/y. x (i/jL. As these latter observers point out, the Teleostei have evidently branched off from the main stem, giving rise to liatrachians and reptiles, so that there is little of comparative interest in this reading. Batrachia. (Plate XVIII. ; Figs. 7-17.) Red Corpuscles. — Considerable variations in the size of all types of eell were observable in this group; but, with the doubtful excep- tioi) of one slide from a tadpole, the young forms have larger eor- puscles than the adult. Spindle cells were found in Lymnody- nastes dorsalis, averaging 2'6fi x 12.45//, also in fresh blood of lhil-. ™ £> c (JcjiSftO-HO'Js j c« j& ce 5 &> s W 53 tn n: ^ > a » 1<»2 Givynneth Buchanan : Reptiles. (Plates XVIII. and XIX.; Figs. 18-33.) Red Corpuscles. — The founts of the absolute number of red' cells varied, probably due to the effect of different seasons. For instance, Ghelodina longicollis would not give enough blood for a haemocytometer count when pricked in May, apparently because the animal was then hibernating, and the estimation of its cells could nor be made until it was killed in July. The red corpuscles varied in size, the largest observed being found in Ghelodina longicollis, and measuring 21.9/* x 13.3//, which is- a larger reading than that given by Cleland and Johnston (3), viz., 18.5/* - 19.5/4. x 12.5/*. The increase in size in young forms as compared with adults of the same species characteristic of batrachia, is no longer apparent, except in Tiliqua scincoides, which ranked next in size to Ghelodina longicollis ; but for pur- poses of comparison I was not, in this case, able to obtain the adult. My measurement (19/x x 10.3/*.) is, however, a slightly larger trading than is given by Cleland and Johnston for the same form (presumably adult). In one case, Til. nigra-lutea, the cells varied enormously, running from 19.9/* x 1 1 6/* to 9.9/* x Q.6/JL ; and in Gramatophora barbata there were some small round cells, appearing normal in reaction to stain (microcystes), while in Trachydosaurus rugosus these small forms were also observed, hearing in this case a very darkly staining nucleus. Anaplastics were common in the cell of Chel. longicollis, while others showed different stages of vacuolation, and variously disintegrated structures, closely resembling those of Hyla aurea were found. In other cases the rvil cells seemed to be losing their nuclei, e.g., in Tiliqua scincoides (10). In some the nuclei of the ordinary forms tended to become irregular, with a distinct appearance of budding, and in the young specimen of Gramatophora muricata one was observed in a state of division. The reaction to stain was fairly normal, but in some the cytoplasm of ordinary red tells took on a green tinge with .lenner. I'1 reptiles, in distinction to batrachia, the larger forms of leucocyte approach more nearly the size of erythrocytes, the largest observed being the eosinophil cells of Chd longic, which measured 21.5/i. Spindle cells were very common in all speci- mens, and might he pointed out at one or both ends. They rather inclined towards basophil characteristics, and among such cells binucleate forms were fairly numerous, as well as among the ordinary spin, lies. I„ the young Tiliqua scincoides. in which Blood <>/ Australian Animals. 193 these cells were first observed, they averaged slightly smaller than the ordinary erythrocytes, with rounder nuclei. The smaller cells tended to be basophil, the larger staining normally. Normal baso- phil cells were also common, their nuclei being larger, and taking the stain less darkly than the ordinary forms, and showing a great tendency to branch or bud ; in fact, in T . rugosus one was observed showing three nuclear masses. Lymphocytes varied in size, the largest being found in young Gramat. muricata. These were distinctly oval in shape, measuring 1 1.9//. x 6.6/x. On the other hand those of young Tiliqua scin- coides ran smaller than any other form, viz., 4.8/j.. The percent- age counts also varied, being fairly high in young individuals. The fringe of ragged protoplasm observed in some batrachia was also seen in this group (Track, rugosus and Til. nigra-lutea). In the former these cells were most distinct when treated with .Tenner's stain, and an appearance was obtained resembling division. The general shape varies from oval in Gram, muricata to round in Track, rugosus, while in other cases it Avas almost impossible to distinguish lymphocytes from free nuclei. Mast cells were common in this group, averaging larger than the mononuclear forms, but they were not present to any large percentage. The greatest number was found in the young of Gram, barbata, where they were present to the extent of 13.8 per •cent, of the total white cells. They were common in Ckel. longicollis, in which, as in Track, rugosus, they showed both large and small varieties. In Track, rugosus also, one was seen apparently in a state of division, and in this species the granules of the corpuscle were distinctly divided into large and small ; while some cells appeared transitional in staining between the mononuclear and the mast variety, staining more darkly purple than the ordinary mono- nuclear forms, and with a few characteristic granules in the proto- plasm. Transitional forms of ordinary type were not observed. Mononuclear cells varied in size, and might be divided into two classes — (a) Small, ranging from T.9//.-9.9//. ; (b) those correspond- ing more nearly to those of other forms, and ranging from 11.7/t- 15.4//., while in the carpet snake (specimen in very pathological condition) they ran up as high as21.1//.. The percentage counts were fairly high, but it was difficult in many cases to make a rigid distinction between large specimens of class (a) and small specimens of class (b). The small forms of Ckel. longicollis were distinguished from the lymphocytes by the presence Hi I Gwynneth Buchanan : of many basophil granules. In others (Gram, barbata) the proto- plasm tended to be vacuolated, and in Til. scincoides this vacuo- lation extended to the nucleus (cf. Erhlich, p. 86). As in amphibia Cnuier regards these cells as playing the part of macrophages, true polymorphs being absent. Polymorphonucleate Cells. — These were roughly about the same- size as the eosinophiles, but gave a small percentage count except in young Gramat. muricata, where they ran up to 42 per cent, of total leucocytes; while in the Monitor it was not possible to dis- tinguish them from the eosinophil cells. In smears from Chel. longicollis, large cells were seen in which the nucleus was pressed to one side, and the protoplasm scarcely stained at all. In other cases, e.g., Gram, barbata forms containing a horseshoe-shaped nucleus,, and faintly pink protoplasm, scarcely to be distinguished from <'osinophils, and comparable to those of some frogs, were seen. Similar cells were noted in Til. nigra-lutea. In other cases, e.g. Gram, muricata. the protoplasm was vacuolated, and the nucleus not so strongly basophil, as in the ordinary types. These, under Gruner's classification, must be regarded as eosinophils Eosinophil Cells. — These were fairly well marked, though giving small percentage counts, except in Chel. longicoUis, in which the L-ra miles could be distinctly divided into small and large. The latter closely resembled the spindle-shaped structures of birds, and were much more numerous than the former, the total eosinophil count giving 40 per cent, of leucocytes present. In size, with the exception of Chel. longicoUis, which ran as high as 21.5m, these- cells average about the same as the polymorph forms. The eosinophils of Chel. longivollis are further peculiar in showing, besides the spindle-shaped granules already mentioned, finely and coarsely granular cells, the latter not unlike those of Lymnody- nas.tes dorsalis, among the amphibia, though not staining so dis- tinctly. In most cases, also, in this species, the eosinophil granules.. with the exception of the large ones, did not stain with Jenner at all. so making it hard to distinguish true polymorphs from eosinophils, both of which carry nuclei pressed to the side. The -■iimc fact was also observed in Gram, barbata. In Til. nigra-lutea these cells did not show- up with either Jenner or Giemsa; while Trach. rugosus, both young and adult, showed scattered granules staining hest with Jenner, some cells being not clearly granular, while all had the nucleus pressed to one side. On the other hand, in Til. scincoides the nucleus was round iii distinction to that of the polymorph cells, and the granules were few and refractive. Gruner questions the analogy between the cells containing spindle- Blood oj Australian Animals. 1(.»"> shaped granules (crystalloids), and the eosinophil cells of mammals (human), just as in places the " pseudo-eosinophile " cells of birds in the polymorph scries. It' the structures 1 have railed polymorphs in amphibia and reptiles, and which show amphophil or acidophil affinities, are to be regarded as eosinophils, then this class of cell is certainly the most characteristic of amphibian and reptilian blood. REPTILIAN CORPUSCLES. Reds. Whites. -=?> er c.inni per c. mm. = >> (taken with red) 2 55 a 2 3-2 S-5, Gramatophora - 1,589,41(5 - 50,000 - 14.5 - - 65 - 12.2 - 8 03 barbata Gramatophora - - 37.9 - 13. 8 - - 42. f> - muricata (young) Tiliqua nigra- 988,095 - 21.873 ----- lutea Trachydosaurus 753,125 - 12,500 - - - - - rugosus T.rugosus -1,222,222 - 33,333 - 2S.3 - 3.5 - 51.1 - 16.2 - .6 T. rugosus - 1,522.222 - 4-3,333 - 55.0 - 2.4 ■ 40.0 - T.rugosus - 646,423 - 32,812 - 42.0 - 4.2 - 40.0 - 19.5 - 1.4 (young) Tiliqua scinco- 721,428 - 15, 33 - 65.6 - - 30.6 - 1.8 - 2.S ides (young) Chelodina longi- 102,380 - 7,386 - 26.1 - 1.5 - 23.7 - 8.4 - 40.0 collis (taken in (taken in Winter) Winter) Varanus (varius - - 47.9 - - 29.9 - 22.3 or gouldi) 196 Gwynneth Buchanan iM CO 0> -f. ^ W «C W3 rf OS 3 CD ;» £ 9 N (O {. g; « '-O ? — < OC © Ci 00 © © M OS os •>*< t» x co i^ d l(j CO OS O -w = S 3 £-5 o ». Blood of Australian Animals. 1*>7 Aves. (Plate XIX. ; Figs. 34-37.) Bed Corpuscles. — The actual counts varied, but scarcely beyond the limits of the figures given by Burnett (4) for the blood of the domestic fowl, the highest being found in the Black Mountain Duck, and tlu- lowest in the White Pekin. In size they averaged smaller than those of reptiles, the largest being found in the Spoonbill .(1 6. 1/x x .S.7/x). The cells of young individuals showed an increase in size as compared with those of the adult. Basophil types (thrombocytes or erythroblasts of Fantham?) were not common, but were observed in the Chestnut Breasted Teal and young Mud- lark and Heron, and averaged smaller than the ordinary forms. In the Heron a few cells resembling the spindle forms of reptiles were seen, but this smear was full of cocci, and in all probability not normal. In the Spoonbill, young Mudlark, and young Moun- tain Duck the basophil cells were also well marked, and showed £reat variety of shape, some even approaching that of spindle -cells. It is worthy of note, from the standpoint of evolution, and in view of the occurrence of these cells in amphibia and reptiles, that they were more conspicuous in the younger forms of the birds examined, which is to be expected if they are a primitive type. ■Gruner, however, states they are present in all vertebrates below mammals. In the Spoonbill and young Mudlark also, the nuclei of many red cells were slightly moniliform, and in some cases almost completely divided, with the most dense chromatin at the centre of the nucleus. This aggregation of chromatin was best marked in the basophil forms, in which also division of the nucleus was well seen. Degenerate cells, resembling those found in reptiles, and Name. ■a per c.mni, g Whites. 6 . .2 "3 e OL, O o ■? % Muscovy Duck 2,350,000 - 91,600 - 67.0 - 5.06 - 28.1 >• Asarca tadornoides 3,000,000 ■ 55,555 - 75.0 • 5.35 - L8.4 (chestnut-breasted teal) Anas superciliosa 4,450,000 • ■ 50,000 - 64.9 - 6.5 - 32.4 (black mountain duck) Ardea (Sp. ?) (heron) - 56.4 - 27.9 - 15.6 Spoonbill - - 69.6 - 1.35 - 29 .0- Ibis - 65.9 - 25.5 - 8.5 Gralliua picata (young 3,768,750 ■ 103,125 - 15.8 - 28.0 - 3.5 - 53.5 mudlark) AVIAN CORPUSCLES. Sizes Measured in j>. L. I?. L. B. Muscovy Duck - - 10.6 6.6 - Asarca tadornoides - 10.8 5.7 - 8.2 (chestnut-breasted teal) Anas superciliiosa - - 10.6 6 (black mountain duck) Anas superciliosa - 13.9 7.4 - (young) Ardea sp (?) (heron) - 13 8.5 - Spoonbill - - - 16.1 8.7 - Ibis .... Grallina picata (young 12.6 7.3 - 10.9 8.3 mudlark) Small. La rye. 4.2 - 7.4 - 9 5.4 - 6.8 - 11 - 8.9-11 3.8 - • 8.5 - 8.7 -5 - 8 - 14.5 - 12 - 6.7 - - 13.2 -6-9 - 13.6 - 10-11 - 6.6 - 7.4 - 11.6 - ■ 6.2 - 11.6-10. Mammalia. (Plate XIX. ; Figs. 38-44.) The representatives examined in this group all belonged to the Metatheria, being either marsupials or nionotrenies. Platelets were observed for the first time in t his group, being absent in all forms with nucleated red corpuscles (Gruner); and were very common in all species. In some of the marsupials they appeared to have a definite outline. Sehafer (12), p. 47, mentions- oi\] well as an increase, in size (12.8//. 1 cS. l^n). Percentage counts were never very Large, reaching the highest in P. breviceps (female with young), where these cells numbered 35.7 per cent, of the total leucocytes. Degenerating cells (cf. Burnett) were common, while in others the nucleus tended to become vacuolated (cf. Erhlich (6), and f the nuclei in many showed very distinctly. Transitional forms, between the mononuclears and the poly- morphs, were observed in four cases, and in size corresponded most nearly with the polymorphs, hut in no ease did they amount to .'5 per cent, of the total leucocytes. Polymorphonuclear cells were numerous, reaching as high as 70 per cent, of the total leucocytes in the female wombat. In size they approximated, on an average, to the eosinophils, being particularly small in one species of Echidna histrix, in which the cyloplasm stained very indistinctly. In T . vulpecula, on the other hand, they showed hue acidophil granulations (cf. Schafer (11) p. 34). Eosinophil cells never gave a high percentage count, falling particularly low in echidna, in which, neither in the young nor adult form, did they reach 1 per cent, of the total leucocytes. They seemed to average slightly larger than the polymorphs, though this was not an absolute rule. The granules of some were very scattered, while in others they were very fine, resembling the finely granular polymorphs of some forms. In the young platypus they were only distinguishable with Giemsa's stain. Erhlich (<>), p. 179, notes among the atypical forms of white corpuscles which may be present, dwarf forms of the eosinophil variety, and I found that these were also very common in many marsupials. Macrophages were also present in the form of large basophil mononuclear cells, con- taining partially disintegrated corpuscles of various types. 202 Gwyimeth Buchanan : O M a »1 30 N l> I- CO M ri — ■ t^ CD >f5 c u 'I N 35 I 10 OS OS §^ IO CD i^. « M H r-C •* 3 -H T? t- X l>» O 1^ iO O 30 N O — X IO so CD^ «5 tC cd" © o be br. § g »3 s a Blood of Australian Animals. 203 so co LO 1- ■>} 05 t- CO CO l!i lO ^ eo <* CO lO O O O -h O CO CO £ ' CM 1-- CM cd id cd oi — cq -* i~ <* x co i io cd cd cc cd to cd aj | P a 43 s; E - 3 © g '£ CJ 204 Gwynneth Buchanan : Summary. Red Corpuscles. — Miss Clay-Pole (12) notes the decrease in size of red evils in passing from generalised to specialised types, and asso- ciates this with an increased haemoglobin capacity. I have found the same fact borne out by my observations, as well as a correspond- ing increase in the actual number of red cells, which, by increasing ill.- total surface of the reel cells, augments the area over which oxygen may be absorbed. There was a tendency towards larger size in young forms, which was, however, hardly apparent in mar- supials. Spindle cells, when present, tended to be polychromatic or basophil in reaction, and were only found in any number in am- phibia and reptiles. Leucocytes. — (a) Lymphocytes, as a general rule, seem to be- more numerous in young forms. The size was also greater in the young, and increased in passing through the various groups, being largest in marsupials. This large size in the young is evidently a reversion to the primitive type. (b) Mast cells seemed to be more characteristic of the lower groups, as they were observed only once in marsupials, though they were- numerous in reptiles. (c) Mononuclears were more numerous in young animals, and the only form of white corpuscle found in the tadpole was nearest this type — primitive, according to Gruner. The average number of these cells became much less in monotremes and marsu- pials. In amphibia there were three distinct classes, according to- the sizes, a giant type being well marked in the young. In reptiles only two classes were apparent, and the average size in the adults was lvss than in amphibia ; while in birds they were smaller again, but still of two kinds. Monotremes resembled reptiles; but in marsupials we find otic size with no marked difference between the young and adult. (d) Polymorphonuclears in amphibia were not easy to distin- guish from mononuclears by staining, and were also few in num- bei ; loth facts being more clearly marked in the young. In reptiles also they were not clearly differentiated, and were only distinct in one bird. In monotremes, and still more in marsupials, they were numerous and apparent, except in the case of the adult female Petaurus breviceps, which was suckling its young when the smear was taken. Perhaps this fact may account for the extraordinary decrease in polymorphs, and rise in number of mononuclears in this particular specimen. Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XVIII * 1 % * % Fig.4 F|'S-5 Fig. I Fig 2 Fig.3 Fig.6 Fig8 ^ Fig.7 *> p g.9 ~ . W -Cf1 P m * k e F,g.,2 Figjo Fidia # r I C. 1 3 *i ■ ■ I ■ ■ Fig.14 Fig.15 'W&" Fig.16 Fig.17 $ • ~c 1 k 1 0 f* K ''■' 'b Fig.18 * o e Fig.9 •,,:* * . i, ■g^V '* Fig.22 W^^2Z Fig.24 . Fjg25 Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XIX . \ A Fi£28 *-\:" FiS.27 Fig.29 b Fi$.26 a. Fis>.32 b Flg.50 •t % ^ F'S53 b Fig.31 / Fl'3'35 i&., Fig.36 b a. 0 b ■A. • Si e cl R3.37 Fig 34 Fig.38 * ■ • ^ • Fig.39 FiS*° F13.42 Fig.4l ,. v ^flP&S&i^' ^ i a, a m*. - e Fig.43 Fig. 44 Blood of Australian Animals. 205 The above differences in reaction to stain raises the question aw to whether tho polymorphs of mammalia are strictly to be compared with those of lower forms — a fact denied by Gruner, as I have stated. (e) Eosinophils were few in amphibia, and frequently contained large, round granules. They were also poorly marked in reptiles, though in Chel. longicollis there were distinctly two kinds of granules, some cells containing large spindle structures compar- able to those of birds, and about half as numerous as the ordinary foini, containing round granules. Eosinophil cells were much more numerous in birds, and showed two kinds of granules in many forms. They were few in number in monotremes, and never exceeded 8 per cent, of the total number of leucocytes in marsu- pials. Platelets were only apparent in mammals. Conclusion. There is a general decrease in size and increase in number of red tells in ascending through the various vertebrate groups. There is a corresponding decrease in number, but increase in size of the lymphocytes. The mononuclears remain fairly constant in size, but decrease in numbers.. The reptilian relationship of the monotremes is suggested by the similarity of the mononuclear corpuscles in the two groups. The polymorphs also increase in per- centage counts as we rise in the scale of vertebrates. The eosino- phils are only really numerous in birds and the higher reptiles (e.g., Chel. longicollis), where there are also two kinds of granules — a round and a crystalloid variety — possibly pointing to an avian relationship. The absence of those cells as Avell as that of mast cells in the fish points to their being a specialised nature. There is a slight decrease in the size of the eosinophils in passing through the various groups, but it remains fairly constant. The variations in reaction to staining of different classes of cells in the various groups raises the question as to the homology of the several types of leucocyte in vertebrate animals. EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. Figs. 1-G. — Porcupine Fish. Drawn with camera lucida. 1, Mono- nuclear cell, stained with Giemsa. 2 and 3, Red Cor- puscles, stained with Giemsa. 4 and 5, Lymphocytes, stained with Jenner. 6, Polymorphonueleate cell, stained with Giemsa. 206 Gwynneth Buchanan : Figs. 7-12. — Young Hyla A urea, stained with Giemsa. 7, Degene- rating form. 8, (a and b), Mononuclear. *). (a and b), Cells with irregular nuclei. 10, (a and b), Polyruor- phonucleate cell. II, (a and b), Eosinophil cells. 12, (a, b and c), Basophil reds. Iml's. 13 and 14. — Adult Hyla Aurea, stained with Giemsa. 13, Mast cell. 14, Lymphocyte dividing. Figs. 15-17 '. — Lymnodynastes, dorsalis. L5, Spindle cell, stained with Giemsa. 16, Eosinophil cell, stained with .Tenner. 17, Eosinophil cell, stained with Gienisa. Figs. L8-21. — Tiliqua scincoides. 18, a-f, Stages in appareni dis- tortion of red corpuscles; g. normal red corpuscle; h-o. Spindle cells. l!>, a-c, Eosinophil cells, stained with Giemsa. 20. Basophil red cells, stained with Giemsa. 21, Vacuolated mononuclear cells, stained with .Tenner and Giemsa. Figs. 22 and 23. — Trachydosaurus rugosus, stained with Giemsa. 22, Polychromatic red cell dividing and normal red cell. 23. Mast cell. Figs. 24-28. — Trachydosaurus rugosus, stained with .Tenner. 24. Lymphocytes. 25, Basophil and polychromatic reds. 26, Mononuclear. 27, Polymorphonucleate. 28, (a and 1>). Eosinophils. Figs. 29-33. — Gramatophora barbate. 2i), (a), Polychromatic, (b) normal red cells, stained with Giemsa. 30, Spindle cell. 31, Lymphocytes, stained with Giemsa. 32, (a and b). Mononuclears, stained with .Tenner. 33. (a and b), Eosinophils, stained with Jenner. Fig. 34. — Spoonbill, stained with Giemsa (?) a. 1). c, Basophil red cells, showing chromatin in nuclei. A normal red cell. Figs. 35 and 36. — Ibis, stained with Giemsa. 35, Lymphocyte. 36, (a and b), Eosinophils. Fig. 37.—Grallina picata (young Mudlark). Polymorphonuclear. stained with .Tenner. Figs. 38 and 39.- Echidna histrix. Polymorphonuclears, stained with Giemsa. Figs. W-42. — Trichosurus vulpecula, stained with Giemsa. 4i>. Fosinohlast. 11, Macrophage, with platelet-like bodies. 42, Vacuolated mononuclear. Fig. 43. Phascolmys wombat. Finely granular eosinophil. Fig. -14. Omithorhynchus anatinus. Macrophages, stained with Jenner. Blood of A uxtralian A nimaU. BIBLIOGRAPHY. 1. Gulliver. — " Observations on the Shape arid Size of Red Blood Corpuscles of Vertebrates." Proc. Roy. Soc, Lond., IS75. Vol. XLIII. 2. Newton Parker. — "The Anatomy of Protopterus." Trans. Roy. Irish Academy. Vol. XXX., 1892. 3. Clelandand Johnston.— ''Red Blood Cells." "The Emu," Vol. XI.. Pt. 3, Jan.. 1912. 4. Burnett. — " Clinical Pathology of the Blood of Animals." 5. Fantham. — "Observations on the Blood ofthe Grouse." Proc. Zool. Soc, 1910. 6. Erhlicb and Lazarus.— " Histology of the Blood." 7. Cullen. — "Leucocytes of Fishes and Birds." Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Baltimore, 1903, Vol. XIV. 8. Goodall. — "Blood Corpuscles in Certain Animals." Journal of Pathology, Vol. XIV., Oct., 1909. 9. Stephens and Christophers. Practical Study of Malaria. 10. Price Jones.— "Red Blood Cells in Chick." 11. Schafer. — "Essentials of Histology." 12. Clay-P<»le. Edith J. — " Notes on the Comparative Histology of Blood and Muscle." American Monthly Micros. Jour- nal, Vol. 18, March, 1897. 13. Burnett. S. H. — " Notes on the Clinical Examination of Bl 1 of Domesticated Animals." American Veterinary Re- view, Dec., 1903. 14. Gruner, O. C— " The Biology of the Blood Cells." 19,13. Pkoc. Rot. Soc. Victoria, 2 8 (X.S.i. Part II., 19K Art. XIII. — Phosphate Fertilisers. Bv BRENDA SUTHERLAND, B.s«. Bead Oth September, 1915]. The most important artificial manures used in Australia are- those supplying phosphorus. Potassium and nitrogen applications are of occasional value only, but even small quantities of super- phosphate may double or treble the yield. Experiments have shown superphosphate to be more effective than either bone dust or basic slap:, but it remains to be seen if superphosphate is the best obtain- able fertiliser. It. of course, precipitates as normal calcium phos- phate in the presence of soil lime, and always tends to sour the soil. A neutral fertiliser in which this precipitation did not occur might be less deleterious and more effective, because more readily available. Metaphosphates and pyrophosphates were the most obvious com- pounds to try. as the results obtained from them by previous investigators seemed indecisive. FLrLrertz and Nilson (Bied. Cent.. 1893) gives potassium metaphosphate as being two per cent, less effective than potassium dihydrogen phosphate. Nilson (Bied. Cent., 1894) gives potassium metaphosphate and potassium ortho- phosphate as equally effective, and Marcker (Bied. Cent.. 189E records that potassium metaphosphate gave good results with barley. original papers were not available, but-, judging from the abstracts, the authors do not state which polymer of potassium metaphosphate was used. There are six polymers known, and among them trimetaphosphate (which is difficult to obtain and there- fore not likely to have been used), is sharply marked off by the solubility of all its salts. So while all the other metaphosphates would, by double decomposition with the calcium carbonate of the soil, produce insoluble calcium salts, calcium trimetaphosphate would remain in solution, and so be immediately available. Field experiments were therefore run. in which sodium ortho- phosphate, sodium pyrophosphate, and sodium trimetaphosphate • ciupaied with one another, and with ordinary superphos- phate. For the management of the plots I have to thank Mr. Whelan, Field Officer, and Mr. Adcock. Principal of the Ruther- Phosphate Fertilisers. 209 glen Viticultural College. They were arranged in four sets, planted respectively with early and late wheat, and early and late oats. Each set contained nine plots, of which four were check plots, not fertilised at all, and the remaining five were dressed with different phosphates, as shown in the accompanying table. The application was in each case such that the phosphorus pentoxide applied would be equal to a dressing of good superphosphate at 100 pounds to the acre. The fertiliser was sowed with the seed, except in one case, in which it was applied as a top dressing in the spring. The area of each plot was 106 links by 5 links, and of this three links at either end was discarded on harvesting, so thai the area on which results were based was 100 links by 5 links ( = l-200th acre). The results are given as total produce per acre, tut when ripe enough for grain. The increase by manuring is reckoned as the difference between plot considered and adjacent check plot. (In the case of superphosphate take the average of the check plots on either side.) College Eclipse Federation Wheat Wheat Brown Oats Algerian Oats (early ripening) (later ripening) (very early ripening) (later ripening) lb. lb. lb. lb, lb. lb. lb. lb. - 412 - - 725 - - 575 - - 575 - Nil - Metaphosphate 578 - 166 - 981 - 256 - 1075 - 500 - 875 - 300 (applied with seed) Metaphosphate 459 - 53 - 778 - (50 - 002 - 37 - 700 - 125 (top dressed in Spring) Nil - - - 406 - - 712 - - 625 - - 575 - Pyrophosphate- 543 - 137 - 803 - 91 - 800 - 175 - 800 - 225 (applied with seed) Orthophosphate 600 - 157 - 862 - 150 - 825 - 250 - 787 - 2G2 (applied with seed) Nil - - - 413 - - 712 - - 575 - - 525 - Superphosphate 631 - 154 - 916 - 228 - 812 - 212 - 862 - 262 (applied with seed) Nil - - - 512 - - 725 - - 625 - - 075 - 210 Brenda Sutherland: Phosphate Fertilisers. The lour main points to be noted in the tabulated figures are : — < I i Metaphosphate gives in all cases a better crop than superphos- pbato. but with some plots the difference is negligible. (2) Pyrophosphate is in every case less satisfactory than super- phosphate. (.'5) .Metaphosphate applied as a top dressing in spring does very little good. Apparently the value lies in the initial start to the very young plant. (4) In the case of brown oats, which grow rapidly, the advantage of using metaphosphate is very marked. This suggests that further experiments might be tried to find its value with rapidly growing crops, vegetables, etc. We unfortunately lost the opportunity of determining yield of grain as distinct from total produce. The plants were damaged by a tornado to an extent which made threshing impossible. This point, and the question as to whether composition and quality of the grain is altered by the use of metaphosphate, are still unapproached. In conclusion I desire to express my thanks to Dr. Heber Green, in whose department I worked, for continued advice and assistance. [Paoc. Roy. Sec. Victoria 28 (N.8.), Part II., 1916.1 Art. XIV. — On the Generic Position, of " Astevolepis ornata, var. australis" McCoy: with Description of a New Variety. By FREDERICK CHAPMAN, A.L.S , &c. (Palaeontologist to the National Museum, Melbourne.) (With Plates XX. and XXI.). [Read October 14th, 1915]. Introductory Note. The holotype of the above species and another specimen, practi- cally a surface impression, were the only known examples when McCoy published his description in 1876.1 Since then W. H. Ferguson, of the Geological Survey of Victoria, discovered a cranial shield at the same locality, Buchan, in Gippsland. This latter specimen 1 showed to Mr. D. M. S. Watson during his visit to .Melbourne with the British Association last year, and lie concurred with me in the view that the fish showed coccostean affinities. Comparison has also been made with some good examples in the National Museum of the Canadian species of Phlyctaenaspis, the genus to which I refer this Devonian fish. Original Description. — The following is McCoy's description of the holotype. " Plates of body covered with close stellated tuber- culations ; tubercles rounded, sub-equal, smooth, each with about 12 short radiating ridges nearly equally spaced round its base, irregularly placed, averaging less than their diameter apart, rarely arranged more closely in lines, and rarely anastomosing into short vermicular ridges. Average number of tubercles, 5 in 3 lines. Interstices between the tubercles, granulo-punctate. Thickness of plates about '2 lines." Neither the presence or disposition of sutures and sensory canals were mentioned by McCoy, although traces of the latter are well marked in the holotype and accompanying specimen. The feature of the stellate tubercular ornament of the dermal armour seems alone to have been relied upon for determinative purposes. This form of ornament of the dermal shield is, however, found both in the Asterolepidae and the Coccosteidae ; hence the discovery of a more perfect specimen from Buchan showing the coccostean 1 Prod. Pal. Victoria, dec. i\\, p. 19, pi. xxxv, %». 7. 7r<, ~J>. [Figure reversed]. 212 Frederick Chapman : arrangement of the elements of the cranidial shield necessitates the removal of this interesting Australian Devonian type of fish to tho latter family. Generic and Specific Relationships. — The Australian specimens agree with Phlyctaenaspis (Traquair, 1890) rather than with Cocco- steus, in the more ovate form of the cranial shield, and in the fusion of the separate elements with the exception of the ethmoidal. Traquair has shown1 that the notch in the external angle of the cranial shield in Phlyctaenaspis was occupied by a small plate, which he terms the angular, and which is absent in Coccosteu* ; the remains of this plate are seen on the left side of the Buchan specimen of the variety confertituberculata, here described. The Victorian specimens agree more closely with the Canadian species Phlyctaenaspis acadica, Whiteaves sp., than with the- English, P. anglica, Traquair, in having the tuberculatum somewhat regularly arranged in concentric lines parallel to the margin of the plates. Additional Description of Phlyctaenaspis australis, McCoy sp. The figured specimen (loc. cit., pi. XXXV., fig. 7) of McCoy shows definite sensory canals, and under a lens the sutures can be partly deciphered. The latter present some difficulty as they are closely fused. The disposition of these lines shows that the specimen con- sists of nearly two-thirds of the cranial shield in the anterior portion, the fracture of the .posterior margin representing the anterior border of the left external occipital, the posterior of the central plates, and a part of the anterior of the median occipital; the fractured margin then cuts longitudinally through the right marginal, along the sensory canal, emerging about the middle of the plate (see pi. XX., fig. 3). The sutures and sensory canals ara disposed, so far as they are visible, exactly as in Phlyctaenaspis. Measurements. — The actual width of the holotype of Phlyctae- naspis australis is 55 mm., and the greatest length, .'55.5 mm. The cranial shield, when complete, would approximately measure 55.25 nun. in length. Description of Phlyctaenaspis australis, var. confertituhercxdata, nor . In this variety the tuberculate ornament is very dense, and the tubercles smaller and more prominent. They are, moreover, 1 Ann. Mag. Nut. Hist., ser. vi., vol. \h., 1894, i<. 869, woodcut. Asterolepis ornata, var. australis. 213 arranged in a sub-parallel manner along the outer margins of the shield, and in places along the sutures of the inner area, this resulting in a particularly striking and ornate appearance. The specimens consist of the larger part of the cranial shield, only the anterior portion, comprising the orbital plates and parts of the marginal plates, being wanting. The sutures, where visible, are much the same in form and direction as in Phlyctaenaspis acadica, Whiteaves sp.,1 with the exception that the sensory canals travers- ing the external occipital plate from its outer posterior angles extend farther into the cranial shield before meeting with that coming down from the marginals. The tuberculatum in /'. acadica, whilst showing the same micro- scopic characters, is much less dense than in either the Australian species or variety. Measurements. — The type of P. australis, var. confertituber- cztlata, has a total length of 59.25 mm. Its approximate width, measured from the traces of the marginal plates, is about 69 mm. The width inside the marginal plates is 47 mm. Distribution of Phlyctaenaspis. In his paper descriptive of Phlyctaenaspis, Dr. Traquair records'2 two species of the genus, viz. — P. acadica. Whiteaves sp., from the Lower Devonian of Canada; and P. anglica, Traquair, from the Cornstones (Lower Old Red Sand- stone) of Herefordshire. Dr. A. S. Woodward records1' an undetermined species of Phlyc- taenaspis (recorded as Coccosfeus by Alth) from the Lower Devonian ■of Russian Poland. To this we now add P. australis, McCoy, and the variety conferti- tuberculata, nov., from the Middle Devonian of Buchan, Gippsland, Victoria. From the above data we may infer that this genus made its appearance in the Australian region at a later stage of the Devonian than in Canada and England. 1 Coccosteux acadicus. Canadian Naturalist (n.s.), vol. x., 1881, p. 94, woodcut. Whiteaves. Trans. R. Soc. Canada, vol. vi., sect, iv., p. 9;;, woodcut, fig. 2, pi. ix. Phlyctaenaspis acadica, Whiteaves sp., Traquair, Geol. Mag., vol. vii., 1890, p 55; pi. iii., figs. 1, 2. Idem, Annals Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. vi., vol. xiv., 1894, p. 369 and woodcut. 2 Geol. Mag., vol. vii., 1890, p. 60. 3 Cat. Fogs. Fishes, Brit. Mus., pt. ii., 1891, p. 299. •_>1 |. Frederick Chapman: Structure and Condition of the Rock in which Phlycfaenaspis australis was embedded '. The holotype described by McCoy, and the accompanying speci- men, was found in a pale chocolate-coloured, fine-grained mud- stone. The onlv other organic remains to be seen in these hand specimens are fragments and impressions of the common Middle Devonian Spirifer, S. yassensis ( = S. laevicostata , McCoy, non Valenciennes). The variety, confertituberculata, occurs on a weathered surface of hard, nearly black bituminous limestone full of the remains of Spirifer yassensis; a low power shows the matrix to contain numbers of small ostracoda, probably belonging to the genus Primitia. Ostracoda seem to have formed part of the food supply of these- early palaeozoic fishes, and it is interesting to notice in this respect that the rock in which the National Museum specimens of Phlyc- taenaspis acadica are found, literally swarms with several genera of ostracoda. including IKloedenella and ILeperditia. Phlyctaenaspis was evidently more at home in the muddy Devonian sea with its accompanying crustacean and brachiopod life than in the clearer waters where the coral fauna existed. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Plate XX. Pig. 1. — Phlyctaenaspis australis, McCoy sp. Holotype of "Aster- olepis ornata, var. australis," McCoy. Middle Devo- nian. Buchan, Cippsland, Victoria. Cir. nat. size. Fig- 2. — Phlyctaenaspis australis, McCoy sp. Specimen showing a natural impression of the tuberculated plates of the cranial shield. Middle Devonian. Buchan. Cippsland. Cir. nat. size. Fig. 3.- Diagram of plates of cranial shield of Phlyctaenaspis- anglica, Traquair; with outline of holotype of P. australis (shaded) to show relative area. Fig I Phlyctaenaspis australis, McCoy, var. confertituberculata, var. iiov. An almost complete cranial shield. Middle Devonian. Buchan, Gippsland. Cir. nat. size. froc. R.s. Victoria, L916. Plate XX. F.C., del. et photo. Phlyctaenaspis.— Devonian : Victoria. Proc. K'S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XXI. F.C., del. et photo. Phlycteenaspis.— Devonian : Victoria and Canada. Asterolepis omata, vav. australit Plate XXI. Fig. 5.— Restored diagrammatic outline of sutures and sensory canals in Phlyctaenaspis awtralis, var. eonfertituber- culata, based on the described specimen. Fig. 6. — Phlyctaenaspis acadica, Whiteaves sp. Cranial shield; for comparison with Australian examples. Lower Devonian. Campbelltown, Canada. Specimen in the National! Museum coll. Cir. nat. size. [Proc. Rot. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.), Part II., 1916]. Art. XV '.— Contributions to the Flora of Australia, No. ALFRED J. EWART, D.Sc , Ph.D. (Government Botanist of Victoria and Professor of Botany and Plant Physiology in the University of Melbourne). (With Plate XXII.). [Read October 14th, 1915]. Amakanthus albus, L. " Tumble Weed or White Amaranth." (Amarantaceae). Ballarat, Victoria, H. B. Williamson. 1915. A new locality for this naturalized alien, which has hitherto not been plentiful in this State. Andropogon erianthoides, F. v. M. (Gramineae). This grass, a native of Queensland and New South Wales, was recorded in the Victorian Naturalist, Vol. XXIV., page 12, 1907, from Victoria on the basis of specimens from Shepparton, December, 1900. These were from the Herbarium of Mr. C. Walter. Mr. E. Pescott informs me that he grew the grass in his garden at Shep- parton during the years 1900-1904, and forwarded many specimens of it to Mr. C. Walter, who apparently in his locality record omitted the word " Cult i rated." As the grass seems to have died out since at Shepparton, its name cannot even be retained on the list of naturalized aliens for the State. Artemisia vulgaris, L. " Mugwort." (Compositae). Near Williamstown. J. J. Palmer, March, 1915. A native nf Europe, previously only recorded from Coode Island, Victoria. Caladenia Cairnsiana, F. v. M. (Orchidaceae). Lowden, Preston River, West Australia, Max Koch, September, 19 in. 1 No 22 in Proc. Roj Soc. Victoria, vol. xxvii. (n.s.), p. 297, 1914. Flora of Australia. 21/ The figure here given is a drawing of the original specimen, which Tate described in the Trans, and Proe. of the Roy. Soc. of South Australia, IX. (1887), 60, as a new species under the name, (J ata- ri enia cardiocMla, showing the natural colours. The anterior perianth lobes are possibly a trifle broader than the type C. Cairn- siana, but the plant can hardly be distinguished even as a variety. In the Index Kewensis Suppl. primum, 0. cardiochila is given as a synonym to C. Cairnsiana (PI. XXII). The curious specimen shown on Plate XXII. was found by Mr. ( .!. French at Ring- wood, Oct., 1913. It has an imperfect lower flower, which is male, and has only two perianth parts, anterior and posterior, and a simple column, with a terminal pair of anther lobes. The labelium is entirely absent. Ohilianthus dysophyllus, Bentham. " Dense-leaved Ohilianthus (Loganiaceae). Cheltenham, J. W. Audas, 7/9/1915. A native of South Africa, and is a garden escape. Crataegus oxyacantha, L. " Common Hawthorn." (Rosaceae). Berwick to Narre Warren, J. W. Audas, October, 1914. This common hedge plant, a native of Europe, is now spreading in the above district, but apparently it has not yet established itself sufficiently to be considered naturalized. Cuscuta racemosa, Mart. " Scented Dodder." (Convolvulaceae). Sale, Victoria, Mr. T. Brittlebank, April, 1914. This parasite, a native of Brazil, has now made its appearance in the Sale District, and may possibly occur in other localities, but has been confused with ordinary Dodder. It can be recognized by the long stalks of the flowers, and by having a sweet scent, especially noticeable at night time. At present it is hardly sufficiently established to be considered naturalized. Eciiium violaceum, L. " Pater so ii 's Curse or Purple Bugloss." (Boraginaceae). Cobram, Victoria, Rupert R. Chomley, Oct., 1915. A specimen with white flowers. 218 Alfred J. Ewart: Eriochloa punctata, Hamilt. (Graniineae). Near Echuca, per T. Purves, 14/11/1914. Baton von Mueller gives one species, E. polystachya, as Victorian. In the Herbarium there was only one specimen from a Victorian locality , from Herbarium C. Walter, which proved to be wrongly named. Baron von Mueller, in his first Census of Australian Plants, and Bentham, in his Flora Australiensis, give two Australian species, Eriochloa punctata and E. annulata, the latter differing in size, hairiness, and in its rather more pointed spikelets. It is possible that both E. punctata and E. annulata may lie varieties of E. polystachya. Freesia repracta, Klatt. (Irideae). East Camberwell and Canterbury, C. French, jnr., 1915. The plant is spreading as a garden escape along the railway at East Camberwell and Canterbury. The spread of this handsome decorative plant is to l)e welcomed in the localities mentioned. It has no injurious properties, and may in years to come become definitely naturalized here and in other localities. Olharia, exul, Lindi. (Compositae). Recorded from the Victorian Alps, in Vict. Naturalist, Vol. 27, 1910, page 113, should be Olearia Frostii, F.v.M. Lepidium oxytrichum, Sprague = L. papillosum, F. v. M. (Oruciferae). Sprague (Kew Bulletin No. •".. p. 123, L915) raises this name as denoting a plant having a different clothing of hairs and a triangular sinus instead of a straight-sided sinus at the apex of the silicule. In the original description of L. papillosum (Linnaea, Vol. XXV., 370, 1852), the sinus is given merely as being narrow. In the Crystal Brook specimen the sinus varies from straight-sided to triangular, and the same is shown on many others. Mueller attached too much importance to the "papillose hairs." Oldfield's Murchison River specimen, which was examined by Bentham, has the slender linear subulate hairs of " L. oxytrichum "; oiImi- specimens show hairs of intermediate character, and in the variety intermedium described by Reader, the plant has a tendency '" •'• perennial habit, and the papillose hairs are very small or reduced to mere points. Hence too much importance should not be attached bo a character derived from hairs. Flora of A astral la. 219 Lomandra, Labill (1804); X e rotes, R. Br. (1810). (Liliaceae). In Bentham's Flora Australiensis, Vol. VII., p. 94, the name of this Genus occurs as Xerotes, Banks. This must lie an error, as no publication by Banks on Xerotes can be found. The first use of the term Xerotes for a genus of plants is made by Robert Brown in Prodromus, 1810, hut the genus had been previously described by La Billardiere in PI. Nov. Holl., I., p. 92, L804, under the name Lomandra, with full descriptions and admirable plates of certain species. The Index Kewensis and Bentham in his Flora Aus- traliensis adopt Xerotes, but Engler's Pflanzen Familien and Britten, in Bot. Cook's Voy., correctly adopt Lomandra. The Genus as given in Mueller's Census of Australian Plants must therefore be altered as follows : — Lomandra, Labill, in PI. Nov. Holl., Vol. 1, p. 92, 1804. (Xkrotks, R. Br., 1810). L. Banksii (R. Br. Prod. 26.3, 1810), Q. L. dura (F.v.M. in Trans. Viet. Inst. 42. 1854), S.A.. V.. N.S.W. L. longifolia, Labill. PI. Nov. Holl., 92, t. 11!), 1804, S.A.. T., V., N.S.W., (,)., W.A. L. rigida, Labill. PL Nov. Holl., 9:5. t. 120. 1804, W.A. L. Drummondii (F.v.M. in Benth. Fl. Aust. VII., 99, 1878), W.A. L. Sonderi (F.v.M. in Fragm. VIII. , 2()(i, 1874), W.A. L. odora (Endl. in Lehm., PL Preiss., II.. p. 50, 1846), W.A. L. multiflora, J. Britt. in Bot, Cook's Voy. 95, 1905 (Xerotes Brownii, F.v.M.), S.A., V.. X.S.W., Q., W.A. L. Ordii (F.v.M. in Fragm. XL, 23. 1878), W.A. L. sororia (F.v.M. Sec. Gen. Pep. 15, 1854), S.A., V.. N.S.W. . Q. L. Endlicheri (F.v.M. in Fragm., Vol. VIII., p. 205, 1S74L W.A. L. sericea (Endl. in Lehm.. PL Preiss.. Vol. II.. 51. 1846). W.A. L. purpurea (Endl. in Lehm., PL Preiss., II., 4!), 1846), W.A. L. Preissii (Endl. in Lehm., PL Preiss., II.. 50. 1846). W.A. L. effusa (Lindl. in Mitch., Three Exped., II., 101, 1838). W.A.. S.A., V., N.S.W., Q. L. micrantha (Endl. in Lehm,. PL Preiss.. II.. 49. 1846), W.A.. S.A., V., N.S.W. 220 Alfred J. Ewart : L. filiformis, J. Britt. in Bot. Cook's Voy., 95, 1905 (Xerotes- Thunbergii, F.v.M.), S.A., V., N.S.W., Q. L. caespitosa (Benth. in Fl. Aust., Vol. VII., p. 104, 1878), W.A. L. pauciflora (R. Br. in Prod., p. 2(51, 1810), W.A. L. flexifolia (I!. Br. in Prod., p. 260, 1810), N.S.W. L. glauca (R. Br. in Prod., p. 260, 1810), W.A., S.A.. V., N.S.W. , Q. L. elongata (Benth. in Fl. Aust.. VII. , 10(5, 1878), S.A.,. N.S.W., Q. L. rupestris (Endl. in Lehm., PI. Preiss., II., 50, 1846), W.A. L. collina (R. Br. in Prod., 260. 1810), W.A. L. suaveolens (Endl. in Lehm., PI. Preiss., II., 50, 1846), W.A. L. turbinate (Endl. in Lehm.. PI. Preiss., II., 51, 1846), W.A. L. spartea (Endl. in Lehm., PI. Preiss., II., 51, 1846), W.A. L. juncea (F.v.M. in Trans. Vict. Inst., 1:55, 1855), S.A., V. L. Leucocephala (R. Br. in Prod., 260, 1810), W.A. , S.A. , V.. N.S.W., Q. L. hastilis (R. Br. Prod., 263, 1810), W.A. In addition F. von Mueller, under Xerotes, included in his Census three species, which were included under Ghamaexeros and Acdn- thocarpiis by Bentham in his Flora Australiensis, Vol. VII. These two Genera are distinguished from Lomandra (Xerotes) by the hermaphrodite flowers, single long style and small stigma, hut cannot he satisfactorily distinguished generically from each other. As Acanthocarpm is the older name the three species should read as follows : — ACANTHOCARPUS, Lehm. PI. Preiss, II, 274, 1847. (Chaniaexeros, Benth., 1878). A. Preissii, Lehm. in PI. Preiss., II.. 274, 1847 (Xerotes echinata, A. Cunn.), W.A. A. Serra (Endl. in Lehm., PI. Preiss., II., p. I!>. 1846), W.A. A. fimbriatus (F.v.M. in BYagm., VIII., p. 211, 1874), W.A. Maktyma PROBOSOlDEA, Glox. (Pedalineae). Narramine, N.S. Wale., per J. Harris. July, L915. This plant is a native of North America, sometimes grown in gardens, and state*! to he growing wild on a sheep run at Narra- mine. Its Large hooked fruits catch the hoofs of sheep, cattle or horses, or fix themselves in the hairs or fleeces. The incurved points of the fruit may even in time here into the flesh, if not removed. Flora of Australia. 221 Meskmbkyanthkmum i.axu.m, Haw. " Loose- flowered Pig's-'f ace." (Ficoideae). Cheltenham, J. II. Tovey, September, 1915. This hardy evergreen trailer, a native of South Africa, may be classed as an exotic not yet sufficiently established to be considered naturalized. Myagrum PKKFOLIATUM, I '. " Musk Weed.'' (Cruciferae). Dimboola, St. Eloy D'Alton, 15/10/15. This weed,- whose presence in wheat crops seriously interferes -with harvesting, and which was recently proclaimed for the whole State. is rapidly overrunning the Shire of Dimboola. Pin us INSIGNIS, Dong. '" Monterey Pine." (Coniferae). Cheltenham and Mentone Districts. J. 11. Tovey, September, 1915. New localities for this tree, ltdiaving previously been recorded from the Beaconsfield and Emerald Districts, as evidently establish- ing itself as a naturalized alien. Poi.ypodium pustulatum, G. Forst. (Filices). Tidal Creek. Wilson's Promontory, A. J. Ewart, 28/12/1913. Recorded in the Vict. Nat., Vol. XXV., p. 147, 1909, as Poly- podium Billardieri. Willd. Polypooium pustutatum, G. Forst. (Filices). Upper Tidal Creek. Wilson's Promontory, F. G. A. Barnard, December, 1914. Recorded in the Vict. Nat., Vol. XXXI., p." 152 (1915), provision ally as Polypodium scandens, Forst. Polypodium Billardieri, R. Br. (Filices). Doughboy Island. Wilson's Promontory, J. W. Audas, December, 1912. Recorded in the Vict. Nat., Vol. XXIX.. p. 177 (1913), as Poly- podium pustulatum, G. Forst. The synonymy of these two ferns has been extremely confused. P. pustulatum has thinner fronds and narrower leaf segments. P. Billardieri has more coriaceous fronds and broader leaf lobes. Both may have entire or compound fronds. In Baron von Mueller's Census P. pustulatum and P. scandens are given. The former is. hoAvever. a synonym to P. Billardieri. and P. scandens is a synonym to the true P. pustulatum. In the National Park (Wilson's Promon- tory) records, the Census was followed, and hence the above correc- tion is necessarv. !22 Alfred J. Kimrt: Flora of Australia. Senecio Behhianus, Sond. and F. v. M. "Stiff Senecio." (Compositae). Gannawarra, near Koondrook, Victoria, H. B. Williamson (1915). 'Phis species appears to be rather rare, it being represented in the National Herbarium previously only from two localities, namely, Murray River, Victoria. F. v. Mueller, and Darling River, N.S. Wales. Dallachy. Sisymbrium Irio, L. " London Kocket." (( Yuciferae). Near Anderson Street Bridge, Melbourne, W. R. A. Baker, 11/10/15. This introduced weed is a native of South Europe to the Caucasus, and grows in a few localities in Great Britain, where it was prob- ably introduced from Europe. The name is derived from the fact that it sprang up in great abundance on the ruins after the great fire of London. Trifolium pilulare, Boiss. "Syrian Trefoil.'" (Leguminosae). Gunbower, Victoria, E. W Curtis. October, 1914. A native of Asia Minor and Syria. An exotic not yet sufficiently established to he considered naturalized. It is loo hairy to be of iimch use as a pasture plant. Xaxthorrhoea hastilis, R. Br. "Spear Grass Tree."' (Liliaceae). In Mueller's Second Systematic Census of Australian Plants, this species is given from Victoria. There is a specimen in the National Herbarium given as from New South Wales, near the Victorian border, bul as there were no specimens from any Victorian locality -Mine doubt existed as to its being a native of Victoria. Specimens have, however, been received from Croajingolong (Oct.. 1915), which belong to this species, and have the usual paler-yellow coloured resin, instead of the darker ami reddish resin of V. australis. The resin of the grass tree yields as much as 20-30, or even more, per ■cent, of picric acid when treated with nitric acid, and seems likely '" prove an important source of high explosives. The resin of A. ImstiHs. though less valuable as a varnish than that of A. aus- tralis, yields more picric acid, and hence it is of importance to find the plant growing in Victoria. Many other cases are known of typical N.S. Wales plants, which extend into Victoria down the Easl coast, where the neighbourhood of the sea makes the conditions more equable for plants of warmer regions. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XXII. Caladenia Cairnaiana, I'.v.M. Plant with abnormal flower, and figure iti natural colours. Pro.-. R.S. Victoria, HHt>. Plate XXII. [Pk.>,. Rot. Soc. Victoria 28 (N.S.), Part II.. L916]. Art. XVI. — Additional Notes on Australites: Darwin Glass. JJv E. J. DUNN, F.G.S. [With Plate XXIII.J. (Read November 11th, 1915). Since my notes dated 4/7/13, and published in Records of the Geological Survey of Victoria, Vol. III., Part 3. were penned, further examples of Australites have come to hand that demand attention as affording valuable evidence of the manner in which they were formed. Among those dealt with are probably the smallest pet described ; their importance, however, is not to tie measured by their size, for the series, as illustrated, affords useful data not liitherto obtained. Apparently they show the progressive steps by which the original drop of fluid glass became moulded hit" the symmetrical australite. The several examples show individuals arrested at different stages of the process. The glass of which they ■uiisisi having become rigid in some cases at an early stage, in othei; sases at later stages. In three examples they are deformed, and appear to have reached the surface of the earth while still in a semi-plastic condition. The smaller figures in the illustration are natural size. The larger figures are the same objects magnified two diameters. Fig. I shows an early stage, the drop of glass has assume! a liscoidal form, there is a short line in the centre of the upper sur- face, and the outer edge of the rim is turned slightly up. There must have been a stage preceding this in which the molten glass was drop like. In Fig. 1 the thin short line is the only indication of a 3ore. It seems as though a rotary impulse had been imparted to die dro]) of molten glass, and that the small body through loss of heat became rigid at this stage, and fell to the surface of the earth. Fig. 2 shows an advance on Fig. 1, for a small conical pit has formed in the centre of the upper surface, but there is still no actual core present. This example may have rotated longer while ■^t i 1 1 in a molten or plastic condition than was the case with I'd-. I. The rim has become more defined also. Fig. 3 shows an advance on Fig. 2, and a small core appeal- in the centre, where only a pit existed in Fig. 2. This example may- have rotated still more than was the case with Fig. 2 before the glass became rigid. 22 1 E. J. Dunn.- Fig. 4 shows still further development; the core became enlarged,. and tlic rim became more strongly developed before the glass lost its viscosity. Fig. 5. This example has bee'n broken across, but enough re- mains to show the core much enlarged, and the rim to have become- much more like that of normal australites, while the proportions of the rim to the core approximate more nearly to these found in normal australites. There is one feature, however, in this example- which differentiates it from the usual forms, and that is its thick- ness, which is only H millimetre, and quite out of proportion to its diameter (15 millimetres) as eonipared with normal types. Although go thin that the alass is nearly transparent, there are the usual rudely spiral ridges on the underside. Comparison of the above tortus with normal types of australites leaves no doubt as to both being formed in the same way, though in the case of those now dealt with conditions seem to have prevailed which caused some modification in their forms, for they are exceptionally thin as com- pared with their diameter. All the above examples evidently reached the surface in a rigid condition, though in different stages of development. Possibly this may have resulted from the varying distances above the surface at which their careers began. Rapid rotation would he necessary to produce such forms before rigidity set in. Fig. 6 shows a deformed example. It was apparently in an early stage of development (between Figs. 1 and 2) when it reached the surface in a semi-plastic condition, with the result that impact with the soil or some hard object caused an interference Witt) its symmetrical form, and distorted it as shown in the plate = Fig. 7 shows a symmetrical ovoid form, with a centre or core less tegular. It belongs to one of the aberrant types such as occur in the larger australites. It is quite symmet rical at its periphery, and evidently has not had its shape interfered with by impact with another body, hut may have resulted from rotary action. Fig. 8 is remarkable as being cup-shaped, and is the only example the writer has seen approaching this form,. In its present state ''"• 'up has been ilattened. This also appears to he an example ,llir reached the surface while still in a semi-plastic condition, with ,l;'' I'esull that it collapse. 1 on its side when it came in contact with the ground. Ki'-r ■' is the smallest of the series, weighing drily .'2044 gram- It is deformed like Fig. (i and apparently reached the earth in an. ,:!llv stage of formation and while still semi-plastic. Notea qii Austvcplites. 22~> fjg. 10 is an example *. ► i' Pele's Tears, cigar-shaped, and consist- ing <>t' very scoria*, nms grey pumice with a smooth skin on the sur- face, hut so .friable as to readily crush between the finger and thumb. Fig. 11 is a dumb-bell shaped Pele's Tear similar to Fig. lo in material. These examples of Pele's Tears are for comparison with some of the forms of australites. They arc of volcanic origin, heing found on the Hanks of Kilauea, Sandwich Islands, and were pre- sented to me by Professor Moore, of the State College, Pennsylvania, r.s.A. Figures 1 to !) suggest that llie small australites may owe their form to rotary action. There is no process or remains of such a process around the periphery as would favour the theory of their forming part of a bubble, and. here 1 may say that the theory that .australites were the lower portions of bubbles was suggested by the hollow sphere 2 inches across in the Melbourne National Museum, and by other hollow examples. Further, on making sections across button-shaped examples, the broken edges marked c in the photo- graphic illustrations in Bulletin No. 27 of the geological Survey of Victoria and the flow structure appeared to confirm this view. The broken edges at c may, however, have been accidental. Tdie flow structure as shown in the photographic plates in the above Bulletin sevm difficult to explain if australites were formed by rotary action, and the relation of the rim to the core seems a difficulty, for the Jjullefin. illustrations above referred to appear "■to, indicate that the c-entre or core was first formed, and then the rim, while the examples of small australites here dealt with appear to imply the reverse, or that these bodies at the beginning were •disc-like, and all rim, aijd tjiat a portion of the centre of the disc was absorbed to form the core, and that this core increased in size at the expense of the rim by continued rotary movement until the glass became rigid. The formation of hollow spheres by a rotary process also presents difficulties, and tbe presence of perfectly spherical bubbles so common in the cores of australites is also diffi- cult to understand if the core was rapidly rotated while yet in a viscous condition. If these small objects were moulded by rotary movements, the rotation must have been about an axis at right angles to the plane of the disc, and if so then the more abnormal types such as ovoidal, elongated and dipnb-bell forms must also have resulted from rotation about the shorter axes of these bodies, and in planes corresponding to the plane of the disc. 226 H- J- Dunn ■ Professor Grant,1 Dr. Summers;2 Profeisor^Skeats,3 and others have suggested that the forms of australites arc due to rotary action, and these small examples certainly appear to favour this view. Darwin and the licv. W. B. Clarke were the first to suggest that the forms of australites were due to rotary movement. It is for the phvsicist now to demonstrate by actual experiment whether molten ^lass by rotation would form such bodies, and also- whether the flow structure so well shown in sections of australites. could be produced by rotary action alone. Experiments might result in determining how long such small bodies would remain plastic in the atmosphere, and in this way the- height "above the surface at which they commenced their career could be determined, also the speed of the revolutions necessary to- produce these forms from molten trlass before it lost its original viscosity ami became rigid. Should such experiments prove that australites owe their* form' to- rotary movement, and that they are not the blebs of bubbles, then the problem of their distribution remains still to be solved, : and in this connection it may be mentioned that in the auriferous alluvial gold working at Stony Creek, Grampians, 'Victoria, an irregular fragment of obsidian 2 inches long and J inch broad, finely pitted on the surface and showing How structure, was found in the wash-dirt associated with examples of australites. It is somewhat water worn and appeal's to have lain long in the gravel. A chip has quite recently been detached which shows its vitreous nature. The speci- men belongs to Mr. Ferguson, an officer of the Geological Survey, and ii is in the Geological Survey Museums. Melbourne. The same means that transported this fragment from its volcanic source could have also transported the australites found with it. In the groove between the core and the rim of some australites there is a white substance that under the lens appears to be silica. Dr. Du Toit. of the South African Geological Survey, drew my attention to Hue lines that radiate from the centre of the underside of ^om<- of the button-shaped australites. This feature occurs on several examples. List of Localities of Australites shewn on Plate. Pig. I- Mt. William Col, IHeld. Grampians, Victoria. do. do. do. do. -- ••'.. do. do. do'. do. I Proc. Roj Soc. Victoria, vol. \\i., part ii.. ]>. 413. Australian Association for the Advancement of science, vol. xiv.*, Melbourne, 1918. I' Roy. Soc. Victoria, vol. xxvii., part ii., p. :{<>."!. Proc. E.S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XXIII. Nvtes on A n,*l r< 1 1 ites. . 227 Fig. 4. Ml. William Goldiield, Grampians, Victoria. 5. dp. do. do. do. . 6. In auriferous load 30 ft. below surface, Kokewood, "Vie. 7. Mt. William (loldfield,. Grampians, Victoria. 8. Lintons, near Ballarat, Victoria (on surface). !). Mt. William Goldheld, Grampians, Victoria. .. 10. Tele's Tear. Kilauea (volcano). Sandwich Islands. ,, 11. do. do. do. do. Darwin Glass (Tasmania). On comparing this glass with fulgurites from Gfiqualand, West 8<>uth Africa, there appears to be more than a cursory resemblance. The high percentage of silica. 89.813, according to Ernest Ludwig, separates it from volcanic glasses, but not from fulgurites, which in some cases have a still higher percentage of silica. The peculiar ropy structure and the highly glazed channels traversing this glass greatly resemble some forms of fulgurites such as the tubes that result where lightning traverses sand. Professor Gregory's sugges- tion in relation to the glassy australites owing their origin to lightning may be quite applicable to the Darwin glass. Mr. Loftus. Hills, M.Sc. in the Tasmanian Geological Survey Record, No. 3, lias given a very complete account of the occurrence of this glass, which lie considers to be of meteoritic origin.1 ' 1 Darwin Glass.' Geological .Survey Record, Xo. :<, Tasmania, l!)]f [Pkoc. Rot. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Part II., 1916]. ■7 Art. XVII.— Notes on a Neiv Acacia from, Victoria River, Northern Territory. By E. J. DUNN, F.G.S. [With Plates XXIV. and XXV.]. (Read November 11th, HU5). In the latter part of May, 191.'J, on a visit to Blunder Bay, about 10 miles up the Victoria lliver from its mouth, and in a gully called Gouty Gum Gully (Lat, 15° H' S., Long. 129* 39' E.), about H miles from the anchorage I found an acacia remarkable for its beautiful foliage. The stems, of which three or four grow out of a woody knob, are round, less than one inch thick at their basw, and grow to a height of 12 or 14 feet. They are quite white. The phyllodes, commonly known as leaves, hang vertically on the stem. are leathery, strongly veined, lobe-shaped and of olive green colour, with a bloom on tliem that gives them a silvery sheen in the sun- shine. At the top of each shoot there is a spray 12 to 18 inches long, of light yellow acacia blossom. The flowers are spherical, large and sparsely arranged. They appear in May, and the seed pods mature in June, and are probably dry in the month of July. At the base of the stem, the phyllodes attain to 17 inches or more in length, and they gradually become smaller as they ascend the stem. It is a superb foliage plant, and ranks among the most beau- tiful of all the acacias. The first plant observed was found growing in poor sandy soil, <>n the side of a small watercourse; but their proper habitat is on the quartzite ridges that rise to a height of about 150 feet above sea level. 1 mile S. from the anchorage. Here these plants grow without soil in intensely hard bare quartzite rock, as shown in the photo- graph, the roots penetrating the cracks and fissures of the rock. Very tew seed pods form, only one or two were noticed on any of i he sprays, and on some there was not a single pod. The photograph of the plant and the writer was taken by Mr. R. J. Winters. Geologist, of the Northern Territory Geological Survey, ami kindly presented to me. On my return to Melbourne, dried specimens of the phyllodes, flowers and pods were submitted to Mr. Maiden. F.L.S., Govern- Proc. R.S. Victoria, L916. Plate XXIV New Acacia. Victoria River, Northern Territory. Ptoc. l.'.s. Victoria, L916. Plate XXV. -6 12 ^17 INCHES Phyllode (leaf) of New Acacia. Victoria River, Northern Territory. K. J. Dunti : Notes on New Acacia. 229 ment Botanist, Sydney, who has determined it as a new variety, and has furnished the following botanical description : — "Stems mealy. Phyllodes to he separately described-. Flowers? Flower-heads in two's. Calyx long and narrow, united irregularly about half way, more or less, distinct central nerve, thickened at the top, with hair reach- ing more than half way up the petals. Petals, also narrow, united about two-thirds up, distinct central nerve; thickening at the apex, with hairs, 5-merous, very trans- parent. Bracts, long and narrow, with capitate head of hairs, 5-merous." "P-koc. Roy. -Sec. Victoria, 28 (N.Si), Pr. II., l<r Art. XVIII. — Contributions to the Flora of Australia, Nv. %Jh ALFRED J. EWART, D.Sc. (Government Botanist and Professor of Botany and Plant Physiology in Melbourne University), PERCY J. SHAMAN. (With Plates XXVI., XXVII. and XXVIII.) [Read 11th November, 1915]. Acacia Beauverdiana, n. sp. Phyllodia rigid, erect, long linear, flattened, falcate, slightly nar- rowed Towards base and apex, not so long as in A. coriaeea, reaching some !<• cm. long and 1.5 mm. wide, thickly coriaceous, with numerous fine longitudinal nerves, finely perceptible with naked eye. Peduncles in pairs, each bearing globular heads very slightly cylindrical. Flowers. ."> merous. Calyx tubular, slightly pubescent lobes. Petals rather longer, divided about the middle, but quite glabrous. Pod not seen. By Bentham's classification, this Acacia is very closely related to- A. coriaeea, from which it is separated by having much shorter phyllodes, and in the very marked difference of its corolla, which is quite glabrous in A. Beauverdiana, and very pubescent in A. coriaeea {ride Mueller's Iconography of Australian Acacias). Its calyx ami corolla are somewhat similar to A. aciphylla, and it may possibly be an intermediate link between this species and A. coriaeea. Locality. — CowcoAving, \Y. Australia. Max. Koch, 1!><>4, No. 1289. Named in honour of Gustave Beauverd, Conservator of Herbarium Boissier, Geneva, Switzerland. No. '23 in the Maine isHue of the Society's Proceedings. Flora Of Australia. 231 Claytoma PBRt'OLIATA, Don. " Perfoliate (Jlaytoiiia." (Portulaeeae). Baulkamaugh, near Sheppartori, W. H. Callister, October, 1915; Smythesdale, Mabel White, October, 1915. It is a native of Ninth America, naturalised as a weed in Europe, raid now apparently in process of establishing itself as a naturalised alien in Victoria. It has no poisonous or injurious properties, and in pasture it will do no harm, as it is oaten by stock, and has also» been used as a salad vegetable or spinach. In cultivated land or in gardens it would be troublesome, owing to its rapid powers of seed- ing. The plant can hardly be regarded as definitely "naturalised as- yet, and. may not be permanently established in the Shepparton locality, as it was found by a farmer growing near a boot scraper at his kitchen door, apparently from seeds picked up on the boots when walking through the fields, but no other plants could be found growing in the open fields. They might, however, have died down after seeding, and may reappear later on. Homekia collina, Benth, var mimata, Sweet. Cape Tulip. (Irideae). This poisonous weed, a native of S. Africa, has in the past 1(> years spread at Carisbrook, until it now cover? about 500 acres, a few fields containing more of it than of any other plant. The bulbils produced above and below ground make the plant very hard to sup- press when once established. Thorough cultivation and leafy crops gradually suppress it. Where the ground is not broken frequent cutting is necessary. If dug out and the ground left bare, it soon reappears in greater abundance than before, owing to the small bulbils and seeds left behind in the soil. Orthocarpus pdrpukascbks, Benth. Purple Orthocarpus. (Scro- phulariaceae). Euroa, J. G. Saunderson, November, 1915. This plant, a native of California, is injurious in pastures oit account of its roots being parasitic on the roots of grasses. It is a freely seeding annual, introduced with fodder imported from N. America, but not sufficiently established to be considered naturalised. It is not poisonous, bub suddenly appeared in many localities in 1915.. Species of Pterostylis. Much confusion has existed in the determination of many of the species of this group. $32 Alfreil J. h'irart : Three species that arc closely related are: — 1. P. revoluta. li Br. •1. P. reHexa. U.Br. .'5. P. praecox, bindl. I. Bentham grouped the first two in one group : 1'. reHexa, vide pp. 359^ Flora Anst. — " In Brown's 1'. revoluta tlie flowers arc considerably larger, and the lahellnni tapers towards the end; l»nt without the long point of P. reHexa. . . . The long and short pointed lahella. and large and smaller Howers, however, pass so mueh into one another, that I have been unahh' to sort the specimens into inet variet ies. " II. In his "Australian Orchids," Fitzgerald figures 1'. striata as a new species; hut it is undoubtedly synonymous with P. praerox. Lindl. — ('.;/., compare the plate with that of Disperis alata, Labill. IM. Nov. Uoll.. ii.. ;>!). t. -Jin. It agrees also with specimens in Melh. Herb., collected by Million. Flinders Is., and by Karon ■von Mueller at Wilson's Promontory. III. There exists a larger form of P. praecox, which Bentham has placed in P. reflex a— r .. >/. . Hampden. W . A . . W. Clarke. Baron vim Mueller sometimes classed it as P. reflex a ; but often also as P. praecox. One specially Hue example of this type we have figured. It was collected in 1S% at Encounter Bay. South Australia, by Miss Hussey. and is noted in the Herbarium by the Baron as the I rue P. pvaepox. IV. As there evidently existed a larger form of P. praecox, and since Bentham had grouped this in P. reHexa. Prof. Hwurt eaine to the conclusion that the true type of P. praecox must essentially be placed in the one group of P. reHexa, and acting upon this classi- fication he renamed P. praecox as P. reHexa. var. intermedia. V. But when 0. H. Sargent discovered and named P. constricta it was evidently related to this group of P. praecox. Oddly enough Bentham had evidently taken an orchid, identically similar to Sar- gent's as one of his type, P. reHexa — e,g.} No.. !). Greenoxigh Hat, 'Ch. Gray. If Bentham's classification be correct, then Sargent's P. ■constricta could only he a variety. VI. After a very exhaustive examination of the specimens in the Melbourne Herbarium, in which the flowers were subjected to a thorough microscopic examination, we have come to the following •conclusions : — 1. The column and its appendages, and the appendage on the lahellum do not serve as a constant and sure guide in this group of orchids. Flora of Australia. 2'-\:> 2. That evolution is evidently taking plaee in these related groups, and that so many stages in the seale are represented that it is difficult to limit the peculiarities, and to say that one type can be definitely separated from another. 3. That the arrangement of the vegetative leaves, the labella, and the characters of the petals and sepals in the galea and tlie claw are the surest guide to a clear distinction. Acting on these conclusions', we have arrived at the following classification, which to us appears satisfactory. (i.) That taking the species we have mentioned, there is one group having the two lateral petal* of the galea long and pointed. (ii.) And another group, having the two lateral petals of the- galea broader and more rounded at the ends. Thus— Group (a) includes P. reflexa and /'. revoluta. Group (1)) includes /'. praecox, a larger form of P. praecox, men- tioned above, and for which we have suggested the name P. praecox, var. robusta, and P. constricta. Qrotip A. — Petals and sepals of galea elongated, and ending in fine- points, even when flower small. 1. P. reflexa, It Br., broad label I um, terminating in a tine- point, e.g., PI. Preiss, 2203, Bentham's type. Localities— Victoria — Grampians. I'pper Murray, C. French, Junr. Bacchus Marsh, C. French, Junr. Upper Avoca, A. Purdie, May, 189o. Port Fairy, Rev. W. Whan, 1889. Lower Yarra, G. Coghill. April, 1885. Yarra, April, 1867. Tarangower. New South Wales — Quildong, No. 442, W. Ba.mrlen. Near Sydney, Fitzgerald. Near Scone, N.8.W., Miss H. Gaiter, 1883. South Australia — Near Mount Lofty, A. Tepper, 1882. 2. P. revoluta, R. Br., long narrow, strap -like lahellutti. Localities — Victoria — Grampians. White Hills, Bendigo, A. Haggard, 1880. 234 Alfred J. Eivart : Western Port. Snowy River, John Cameron, 1889. Near Nhill, Mallee, C. Walter, June, 1892.. Black Ranges, near Grampians, 0. Walter, 1892. New South Wales — New England, C. Stuart. Blue Mountains, E. Daintree. Queensland — South Queensland, Hartmann, 1875. Group H. — Petals and sepals of galea short, the petals ending in blunt or rounded ends. 1. P. praecox, Lindl (P. striata, Fitz.), (P. reflexa, var. inter- media, Ewart), flower small, broad labelluni. Localities — Victoria — Flinders Establishments, July, 1847. Dandenong Ranges, C. French, Senr. Men tone, May, June, July, 1907, J. R. Tovey. Brighton, July, 1882, C. French, Senr. Portland, July, 1906, S. Johnson. Queenseliff, 1908, G. Coghill. Dimboola, July, 1897, C. Walter. Cheltenham, April, 1809. Kewell, July, 1908, C. French, Junr. Albacutya, September, 1887, C. French, Senr. Wilson's Promontory, F. Mueller. Moyston, 1883 1). Sullivan. County Follett, August, 190G, F. M. Reader. South Australia — Kangaroo Island, July, 1882, tt. S. Rogers. Tasmania — Mdligan. Port Arthur, August, 1892, Rev. S. Bufton. 2, P. praecox (Lind.), var. robusta (Ewart), P. reflexa, ( 11. Br.). The whole habit of this plant is similar to that of P. praecox, but is larger and stouter, e.g., Encounter Bay, S.A., 1896; Miss Hussey. Localities-^— Victoria — Loddon, MeKibbin, 1882. Dimboola, F. M. Reader, July, 1887. Wedderburn, Fi\ Colvin, May, 1880. I. it vie River, Fullagar. Fhra of Australia : 2:;:. South Australii — Encounter Buy, Miss Hussey, 1S9*1. Mount Lofty Range. Western Australia — Vassey River, Oldtield. Hampden, W. Clarke. Tasmania — Cordon River, Miss Warburton, 1(S96. 3. P. cunstricta. — O. H. Sargent. Localities — Western Australia — 1. Cut Hill, York, No. 472, O. H. Sargent, July, 1907. 2. Cowcowing, No. 1073, M. Koch, 1904. 3. Creenough Flat, Ch. Cray, No. 9. P. lvvoluta tiexa. P. praecox, P. praecox. var. robusta. P. comtrieta. group a. group h common ancestor. This din grain suggests a very interesting phylogenetic change. Group A — Has long pointed petals and sepals in the galea, but the two species hi to which it divides have broad and strap-like labella indicated 1>\ the single and double lines respectively. Group B — Has characteristic short, broad pettils in the galea ; and the two main species into which it is divided have broad and strap-like labella re- spectively. It is quite possible in the evolution of the group that there could thus be divergence of external features of the flower, and likewise that both types of Jabella should be represented in the subsequent divergences P. TOVEYANA, n. sp. Leaves alternate, under 1 inch long, ovate or broadly oblong Scape 1 flowered. Petals and sepals of galea short and broad. Labellum much longer than column, broad at the base, and slightly tapering towards anterior end. Slightly but very distinctly bifid. Appendage hairs very pronounced. Locality. -^Vic, Mentone. J. R. Tovey, 1907. 1908. 1909, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914. 1915. Mentone. A. Tadgell, July. 1909. 236 Alfred J. Burnt : This orchid was hist discovered by Mr. Tovey at Mentone, in* June, 1907, and was' growing near both P. praeeox and P. concinna. Its chief distinguishing features were that the vegetative leaves- were arranged alternately along the stem as in P. praeeox, while the labellum was slightly bifid; but not nearly so pronounced as in P. concinna. In examination of several fresh specimens, the label- lum of P. Toveyana was found to be broader and longer than either of the two before-mentioned. In some cases it was found that the rule was departed from. Occasionally some of the plants had the higher leaves alternately arranged as in P. praeeox, and two or three basal ones as a radical rosette as in P. concinna. This latter feature suggested hybridisation, and the orchids were- exhibited in June, 1907, at the Field Naturalists' Club meeting as- such. However, it was suggested that Mr. Tovey should keep the orchid under observation. He has done so, and during the eight years that have elapsed since that date it has kept time to its original characteristics. But he has note,d that when the plant is young, and first flowers, some of the leaves show as a basal rosette; but that the stem quickly elongates, and the leaves then take up the alternate arrangement, so that what was apparently a hybrid feature is thus shown to be only a question of the age of the plant. Specimens for the years 1907, 1909, 1913, 1914, 191?, are pre- server! in the Melbourne Herbarium. This orchid flowers in June, and we were able to visit the locality and see the orchid in its habitat, and obtain drawings from fresh specimens. Notes on other Orchids. 1. A very large specimen of P. praeeox, var. robusta, collected by Miss Bunbury, Geography Bay, W. Aust.. suggests a very great similarity to P. truncata, Fite. It agrees in many respects with that species, and especially so in a very striking feature — i.e., in having a gland in the sinus of the column. 2. /'. grandifiora, B.Br., a most characteristic feature, apart from its very distinct type of labellum, is the wing-like character of the lateral sepals of the galea. Both are broadened out, and have a somewhat pinnate veining. This was noted by Mr. Tovey. 3. P. grandifiora (R.Br.), var. Frenchii (Mueller). Upper Avoca, May. 1895, Alex. Purdie. is undoubtedly a typical form of P. reflexa. Flora of Australia. 237 4. In his " Australian Orchids," Fitzgerald has greatly exagger- ated the width of tin- mid-rib of the labellum of P. reflexa. 5. /'. obtvsa, as determined by the Baron from the hills near Pt. Elliot, Miss Hussey, No. 427, in 1895, is undoubtedly P. pedun- culata. No specimen of this orchid has therefore been recorded from the mainland of South Australia, vide Dr. Rogers, in " South Aus- tralian Orchids." Restio ustulatus (F. Mueller, M.S.) Steins erect, terete, sometimes divided, 1 to 2 ft. high. Lower sheathing scales closely imbricated, about 1 inch in length. The upper ones longer — L1, ins., and looser. All acute and well sheath- ing the stem. The floral bracts acute. That below the lower spikelets i in. in length, while that below the terminal spikelet only \ in. in length. Spikelets in both sexes somewhat different. The male are more conical, with very imbricate, appressed glumes. Those of the female are broader, with larger glumes, and not nearly so appressed. Glumes in every rase are obtuse. Spikelets in both sexes few at the end of the stem, 1 to 3, sessile, or nearly so within the bracts, or one within a lower bract on a long pedicel that may extend to almost same length as terminal spike. Spikelets oblong, conical, 1 in. long, of a dark brown, and very closely resembling the solitary terminal spikelet of Ecdeiocolea, monostachya; but the chief differences are: — 1. Xo. of spikelets on each stem. 2. Closeness of .sheathing scale to spikelet. .'$. Length of sheathing scale. 4. No. of sheathing scales. 5. R. ustulatus more flattened, and redder spikelet. It also resembles in appearance the spikelets of Lepiconia among the ( 'yperaceae. Glumes ovate, obtuse, very numerous, rigid, and closely imbricate. The outer ones shorter and empty. Perianth in both sexes very flat, about as long as the glumes, glabrous, or very hairy near the tips. The three outer segments of the perianth hairy near the tips, the three inner ones quite glabrous and hyaline. In the male flowers : Stamens .*}, filaments free. Anthers of two distinct cells as seen in drawing. Attached to centre only. Female flowers : Ovary 2-celled, style 2, free and stigmatic. almost from the base. 6 238 Alfred J. Ewart : This Restio in no way resembles any hitherto described ; but adopting the classification as given in Bentham's key, it would come near to R. deformis, from which in general appearance and spikelets it is very dissimilar. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Platk XXVI. Acacia Beauverdiana, and Restio ustulatus. (Figs. 1-11.) (Figs. 14-18.) Fig. 1. — Branch of Acacia Beauverdiana (I natural size-). Fig. 2. — Flower hud (magnified). Fig. •'!. — Single Mower (magnified). Fig. 4. — Portion of corolla (magnified). Fig. 5.- — Processes from corolla (magnified). Fig. 6. — Portion of calyx (magnified). Fig. 7. — Haiis from calyx (magnified). Fig. 8. — Single bract from flower (magnified). Fig. 9. — Stamen (magnified). Fig. 10. — Compound pollen grains (magnified). Fig. II. — Transverse section of edge of phyllode (magnified). Fig. 12. — Restio ustulatus. — 5 inflorescence (| natural size) Fig. 13. — $ inflorescence (h natural size). Fig. 1 4. — Abnormal c? inflorescence ( i natural size). Fig. 15. — Single male flower (magnified). Fig. 16. — Pistil (magnified). Fig. 17.— -T.S. two-celled ovary (magnified). Fig. 18. — Single stamen (magnified). Fig. 19. — Transverse section of anther. Platk NX VI I. Pterostylis revoluta. Pterostylis reflexa. Pterostylis praecox, P. praecox var, robusta. Pterostylis constricta. Fig. 1. — Flower of P. revoluta (h natural size). Fig. 2. — Labellum of P. revoluta (enlarged). Fig. 3.— Flower of P. reflexa (\ natural size). Fig. 4.— Flower of P. reflexa (smaller variety). (| natural size). Fig. 5.— Labellum of P. reflexa (enlarged). Fig. G. — Labellum of P. reflexa without terminal point (enlarged). Fig. 7. — Plant of P. praecox, var. robusta {\ natural size). Fig. 8. — Labellum of P. praecox (enlarged). Proc. K.S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XXVI. Proc. &S. Victoria, iftiii. Plate X.WII. Proc. R.S. Victoria, 1916. Plate XXVIII. Fiord of Australia. 239 Fig. 9. — Flower of P. praecox (h natural size). Fig. 10. — Labellum of P. praecox (enlarged). Fig. 11.— Plant of P. constricta (A natural size). Fig. 12. — Labellum of P. constricta (enlarged). Plate XXVI 11. Pterostylis Toveyana. Fig. 1. — Plant and flower of P. Toveyana (natural size). Fig. 2. — Labellum (enlarged). Fig. •'}. — Column (enlarged). Fij_r- 4. — Claw (enlarged). [Pkoc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), Part II., 1916]. Akt. XIX. — Teratological Notes; Part 1. By A. D. HARDY, F.L.8. (Forests Department, Melbourne). (With Plate XXIX.). [Read December 9tli, 1915]. By means of this and other papers to follow, it is intended to place on record occurrences of interest to specialists in vegetable teratology which have come under my notice during the past few years. The present paper includes references to seedlings only, leav- ing to future parts notes on heterotaxy and morphological devia- tions in foliage, etc., of older plants, particularly with regard to some of our indigenous flora. Abnormal Seedlings.1 Cotyledonary leaves, regarded as of diagnostic value by Ray at the end of the 17th century, but not used by him in the genesis of the natural system of classification, were placed in commission, as it were, by Jussieu, in limiting the primary divisions of the angiosperms. Since then the cotyledons have been recognised with due regard for their importance in association with other characters, but occasionally — and in some cases frequently — polycotylous forms appear among normal contemporaries of the same species of dicotyle- dons; and other aberrations are not uncommon — at least in culti- vated plants. The most frequent abnormality noted by me was the polymerous whorl of cotyledons; the next, polyphylly (in the subsequent pro- duction of foliar leaves); the third in frequency was the cohesion of members of a cotyledonary whorl; the fourth was the bifurcation of the axis of the cotyledon; the fifth, fission or lobing of the cotyle- don ; and, last, stem abnormalities — bifurcation of the seedling axis, and hypocotylous supplementary shoots, being rare within my experience. The specimens have all been taken from cultivation, and, further, my inquiry, as far as the seedlings are concerned, has been spread over a field limited to three nurseries and a suburban garden and to one season only excepting one species- CopJ'osma lucida. 1 In '• A Contribution to our Knowledge of Seedlings" (Avebury) will be found a w.altli of in- formation as to normal plants, and a comprehensive bibliography. Teratological Notes. 241 Facilities were afforded me by the Conservator of Forests, Mr. H. Mackiiv; the Director of the Melbourne Botanic Gardens, Mr. J. ■Cronin ; and Messrs. Brunning and Son. to examine the seedling l>tds in the respective nurseries. The State Forests Nursery, estab- lished principally for the sowing and nursing of eucalypts, is at Broadford; the other plants were observed in my private garden at Kew. Nothing like an exhaustive search was made or attempted in the limited time available, and though many genera were noticed, the quest was made with the study of seedlings of Eucalyptus as the main object in view. Polycotyly. — In some species there appears to lie a tendency to polycotyly, the deviation from normal conditions ending there; in others this tendency seems to have strengthened into a habit without subsequent growth of the plant being affected, while in a third phase the impulse given is continued into successive foliar organs in their arrangement relative to the axis. In frames containing some thou- sands of Pittosporum nigrescens, I failed to find a single dicotylous plant, although 3-merous and 4-merous forms were common, and 5-merous seedlings were in the proportion of about 1-100. The species of which 1 exhibited specimens with increased number of cotvledons are as follows : — Cupress us m ar roca rpa ( 'uprosma ludica1 Eucalyptus Muelleriana „ resinifcra „ radiata - ,, Risidoni - ., cornuta - Dillwynia cinerasce»s Ligu&trum (chinensis ?) Sterculia (sp.) Pittosporum tenuifolium „ floribundum „ Buchanianum „ nigrescens ,, undulatum Cytisus proli/erus Maudevillea (sp.) Gleditschia triacanthos Callistemon lanceolatus 3-, 4-, 5-, and 7-meroiis forms, fre- quent ; 2-inerous forms not seen 3-merous, in proportion of about 6:100 3-merous, rare. 3-merous, 1 : 500. 3-merous, about 1 : 100. 3-merous, about 1 : 100. 3-merous, i-are. 3-merous, 1.22. 3-merous, 9:140. 3-merous, ] :20. 3-, 4- and 5-merous. 3-merous 3:80. Only two out of 17 in one lot were dicotylous, five were 3-merously whorled, nine 4-merously and one 5-merously. 3-, 4- and 5-merous (see above). Many 3-merous whorls seen. 3-merous, about 3: 100. 3-merous, numerous. 3-merous about 3 : 1000. A few, not counted. Result of observation di seasons of seedlings of the same t« A. D.. Hardy: Angophora intermedi Magna I i a gra » diflo ra Clematis (sp.) Schinus molle Acacia stricta Cytisus alba - Thujopsis boreaiis Bursaria spinosa Of five seedlings at Broadford, two were 8- and four were 4-merous. As the seed came from the native habitat in Croajingolong the ab- normal growth could not be cred- ited to repeated cultivation. 3-merous, 3:17. 8-uierous, 1:4. 3-merous, 8:2000. 3-merous, 1:30. Account not kept. 3-merous, 3:100. 3-merotis, a small percentage. With few exceptions the whorls were characterised by radial sym- metry, and this, taken with other characters such as venation, points to the numerical increase originating in corresponding superfluity of leaf primordia in the young seed rather than to early fission of the growing cotyledon. Polyphylly. — Occasionally the whorl of cotyledons was found to be accompanied by a similarly increased whorl of foliar leaves, and in a few instances increase was repeated at successive nodes. Amongst 40 normal Linaria plants several had four whorls, includ- ing that of the cotyledons. The undermentioned species yielded forms with increase of foliar leaves supervening on tricotyly. ( 'oprosma lucida. Enrol;/ pt us cladocalyx. E. resinifera. E. Risdoni. Liu a fiy their inner margins, or that the fusion has been due to the crowding of primordial papillae. Thus tho following species, in which the forenamed conditions were evident, may be listed as having afforded specimens : — Vittosporum tenuifolium. /'. floribundum. < 'ojtrosmu lucida. Schinus molle. Sterculia (hybrida?). Raphanus (Sp.). — In the radish there occurred a form witli trilobed seed leaves due to each leaf consisting of a fuse! pair. I have not observed any but lateral cohesion of two members of polymerous whorls. Fusion of opposed members by their bases, thus giving a perfoliate appearance, may have existed among the many seedlings seen. This feature is less conspicuous, however and if present was unnoticed. The Sterculia had an asymmetric whorl composed id' the two fused leaves and an aborted third. Sterculia (liybrida?) : Amongst '2\. one with bifid leaf. Vittosporum tenuifolium; One only with a bifid leaf. P. Buchanianum : One leaf of a trimerous whorl of cotyledons slightly bifid. Daucus Carota.- One cotyledon bifid slightly. In another plant one leaf bifid and the other unequally trifid. (Guppy found 2") out of 135 seedlings of Lepidum sativum with tripartite cotyledons.) Other Abnormalities. — The only instance seen where axillary growths occurred in a very young seedling was in the case of Eucalyptus cor nut a, in which buds were present in both cotylar and foliar axils. The cotyledons were verticillate, and the foliar leaves normal. Li 7i aria (purpurea?) cultivated at Kew showed a tendency to pro- duce supernumerary shoots of hypocotylous origin (about o per cent.). When the plants had produced less than a fourth of their mature foliage, or earlier, they were found with a shout developing near the ground, or sometimes hypogeal, and producing 3-merous whorls of foliar leaves. (Masters records a similar occurrence in ].. vulgaris, Anagalis arvensis, Euphorbia peplus and some umbel-liferae. ) Malposition of cotyledons occurred in Acacia stricta, the pair. instead of retaining an opposite position, being forced round by the vigorously growing, humiphilous shoot until they were to one side 244 -4. D. Hardy.- Teratological Notes. of the axis, and almost laterally connate. This was noticed in 7 of the 19 plants examined. In the case of Pittosporurn tenui folium, the arrangement of the five cotyledons before expansion was noted. They were curled up within the seed, like straps rolled with flat surfaces in contact, but, as shown in the drawing, there was provision for radially symmetric growth after expansion; the outer leaves being slightly shorter than the inner, with petioles twisted obliquely in order to have the blades in mutual contact. The members, after artificial withdrawal from the seed coat, separated with a knife and immersed in- water, soon assumed an approach to the radial form. This observation makes less tenable the fission theory of multiplication of linear cotyledonary leaves. (See Figs. 23 and 24 a, h.) The many instances of seedling abnormalities given above, and a review of records by Avebury (Lubbock), Mueller, Masters. Guppy, Duchartre, Bailey, Schrenk, etc. (their observations affecting culti- vated plants chiefly), leads one to think that there is ground for further interesting inquiry among the seedlings of native plants in their habitats. F. V. Mueller's1 investigation, in 1882, of poly- cotyly in New Zealand species of the genus Persoonia, resulted in the surprising record of there being amongst 23 species examined only four with dicotylous seedlings; and. he wrote: "It may he fairly assumed that in the genus as a whole the pluricotyledonary embryo by far preponderates." This fact adds interest to the data given for Pittosporurn nigrescens mentioned above, and perhaps to observations on other species such as P. tennufolium and P. undulatum. EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Figs. 1 to 5 — Coprosma lucida. ,, 6 and 7 — Eucalyptus radiate. „ 8, 9 and 10— E. Risdoni. ,, 11 and 12 — Dillwynia cinerascens. ,, 13 and 14 — Acacia stricta. ,, 1") to 18 — Pittosporurn Buchanianum „ 19 —P. tenuifolium. „ 20 —P. Buchanianum. „ 21 and 22 — Daucus carota. ,, 23 and 24— Pittosporurn tenuifolium. ,, 25 — Linaria (purpurea ?). ,, 26 Eucalypl us cornuta. Note. All figures semi-diagrammatic. N.Z. Jour. Sc. [., p 1! Proc. U.S. Victoria, 1916. Mate XXIX. [Pkoc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 28 (N.S.), IN., II., 1916]. Art. XX. — The Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth. (Preliminary Communication). By ETHEL McLENNAN, B Sc. [Read 9th December, 1915]. The British Association for the Advancement of Science granted the sum of £50 for the purpose of carrying out a research, " On the Influence of Varying Percentages of Oxygen, and of Various Atmospheric Pressures upon Geotropic and Heliotropic Irritability and Curvature." This sum was expended on apparatus necessary for the above research, which, for the most part had to be obtained from England, and some delay was experienced owing to difficulties arising from the war. In consequence work so far has been mainly of a pre- liminary character, but a description of the apparatus employed and a summary of the results obtained to date may be of a littlu interest. According to Pfeffer (Pfeffer's Physiology of Plants. Vol. II., p. 114): — " A mere rise of gaseous pressure, if sufficiently great, will produce a retardation and ultimate cessation of growth.1' He explains this by stating that a high gaseous pressure outside the plant will antagonise turgor. This could only lie a temporary effect, since the protoplasm and the cell wall are permeable to oxygen and nitrogen in solution, so these gases will pass through until the partial pressure of the dissolved gases inside the cell produces an increased osmotic pressure corresponding to the increased gaseous pressure outside the cell, thus producing a gaseous equilibrium. Jaccard (Rev. Gen. d.Bot., 1893) states that growth in air at from ."'-() atmospheres, is not retarded, and may even in some cases be accelerated. In order to test these results and those of other observers, I have been performing some experiments under more favourable con- ditions than was previously the case. It is important that the observations should be made under conditions where immediate responses can be observed in short intervals of lime; this can only lie done by the aid of the horizontal microscope watching the growth of seedlings in a pressure chamber. I I R P A P V I _ 2 (-6 Ethel McLennan : The seedling, the growth of which was to he determined, was fixed' to the roof of a pressure chamber by means of plasticene. In the. first observations the seedling was fixed to a plate of cork. A curious error was noted- namely, the expansion and contraction of the cork under varying pressures gave apparent growth movements to the seedlings which did not actually take place. It is better to fix seedling to plasticene by means of metal rods, test experiments showed this was not affected by varying gas pressures. The radicle was so arranged, that it could he clearly seen from the exterior through the glass ends of the chamber. The aii- was kept constantly moist by means of a lining of wet cotton wool. A gauge was attached which registered the pressure to which the seedling was subjected. The chamber was connected to a high pressure pump, and so a pressure of any desired value could lie produced in it. A horizontal microscope was used for the readings. It was levelled carefully, and the tip of the root of the seedlings was fecussed on to a scale in the eyepiece of the microscope. The divisions on the scale = .064 of a mm. In order to be as accurate as possible, the eye should he kept at the same level at each reading. To ensure this, a rod of certain length was placed in the same position, and the observer's chin rested on it at each reading. The initial position having been read, the seedling is left for one hour, and then its position is again read; this gives directly the amount of growth in fractions of a mm. during that time. Before subjecting any seedling to pressure, the rate of growth in air was first determined, for this varies according to the indi- vidual, and having obtained its rate of growth in air a pressure of known amount was developed in the chamber, and readings were taken at intervals of an hour. The effect of the pressure does not manifest itself immediately I'll the growth, at any rate such pressures as 1 have experimented with. so apparently the direct mechanical effect of increasing the gaseous pressure upon turgor is practically negligible as a factor which influences growth, contrary to Pfeffer's suggestion. Generally in one day retardation became noticeable, the amount of retardation being dependenl on the pressure; broadly speaking, the higher the pressure the greater the retardation. It seems thai al such pressures as 1 have experimented with, this retardation is not permanent, hut the plant accommodates itself i" the pressure and the rate of growth is gradually raised. The temperature was noted throughout the experiments. Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth. 2 17 Not only does a fluctuation in the temperature affeci the rate of growth, but also some seedlings appear to have inherently a highei rate of growth than others. Nevertheless, the effect of raised gaseous pressure is a relatively constant one, irrespective <>t' temperature or of the inherent rate of growth of the seedling. The seedlings used for all the experiments have been Pimm arvense (field pea), and so far as possible 1 have chosen those of about equal age and size. Whether the retardation caused by increased gaseous pressure is due to an increase in the partial pressure of the dissolved oxygen or not has still to be determined. Jentys found that oxygen under a pressure of from .'5-4 atmo- spheres (= the same density as in air under a pressure of from 14-19 atmospheres) caused retardation of growth. Since, however, air under 3-4 atmospheres pressure produces a similar retardation this is not due wholly to the increased oxvgen pressure, but is due in part at least to increased gaseous pressure. Summary of Results. I. — Average rate of growth in air = .275 mm. per hour. IT. — Atmospheric Air + 15 lbs. Temp. Rate of growth per hr. °C. ram. (a) Beginning of experiment 16 .32 End of 1st day - - - 16 - .25 /. retardation = .07 in 1 day. (b) Beginning of experiment - 14 - .192 End of 1st day - 16 - .097 /. retardation = .09-"> in 1 day. III. — Atmospheric Air + 30 lbs. Temp. Rate of growth per hr. °C. mm. (a) Beginning of experiment 13.5 - .25 End of 1st day - 14 .128 .*. retardation = .122 per hr. (b) Beginning of experiment 15 - .448 End of 1st day - 14 .32 .'. retardation = .128 148 Ethel McLennan IV.— Atmospheric Air + 45 lbs. Temp. °C. Rate of growth per hi mm. (a) Beginning of experiment 14.5 .25 End of 1st clay 16 " .019 .*. retardat ion = .231 (b) Beginning of experiment 20 .67 End of 1st day 21 .128 (c) Beginning of experiment End of 1st day /. retardation = .542 17 .704 18.5 - .12 .-. retardation = .584 Complete Set of Readings for One Seedling-. Atmospheric Pressure + 15 lbs. Seedling in Air. Temp. °C. Time read. mm. 1 hours' growth mm. (a) H 9.25 0 12.10 .95 .192 (b) 14 - 12.20 1 1.40 1.5 .226 Atmospheric Pressure + 15 lbs. Temp. °C. Time read. mm. 1 hours' growth (a) 14.5 1.40 1.5 2.40 1.8 .192 (b) 14.5 . 2.40 1.8 3.50 2.2 .192 (c) 14.5 - 3.55 2.2 4.55 2.45 . 1 6 (d) - 12+ - 5.20 2 55 9 5.3 .097 t Minimum temperature. (e) 16 9.10 1 10.10 1.17 .097 (f) 16 - 10.10 1.2 11.30 1.4 .096 (g) 16 - 11.30 1.4 12.55 1.65 .097 Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth, 249 Atmospheric Pressure + 30 lbs. Seedling in Air. Temp. °C. Time read. mm 1 horns' g- (a) 11.5 9.15 10.15 0 .3 .192 (b) 14 - 10.15 .3 11.25 .3 .32 (c) 14 - 11.25 .9 12.25 1.4 .32 Atmospheric Pressukk + 30 lbs. Temp. Time read. mm. 1 hours' £ (a) 14.5 12.30 1.4 1.30 2.1 .448 (b) - 15 1.30 2.1 2.30 2.8 .44 (c) 15 2.30 2.8 3.30 3.6 .51 (<') 15 3.30 3.6 5 4.9 .512 (e) - 10f 5 0* 9.15 8.4* .32 tMi uiuiuni tenipe: ratui-e. # Pressuve fallen 2< HI*. (f) - 12 9.25 0 10.25 .5 .32* (g) - 13 10.25 .5 11.25 1.05 .35 do 14 11.30 1 12.40 1.6 .32 (i) - 14 12.40 1.6 1.50 2.2 .32 (J) - 14.5 1.50 2.2 2.50 2.7 .32 (k) - 15 2.50 2.7 3.50 3.2 .32 (1) - 15 3.50 3.2 4.50 3.8 .38 (n.) - lOf 5.5 0* 9.5 6.4* .25 f Minimum temperature. * Pi ■essure fallen to 20 lbs. .250 Ethel McLennan: Gaseous Presswre. Temp. 1 hours' growth C. Time read. mm. mm. (n) - 12 - 9.5 - 1 10 5 - 1.35 - .224 (o) 13 - 10.5 - 1.3 12.5 - 2.05 - .226 p) 13 12.5 2 12.5 - 2.75 - .224 Atmospheric Pkessurk + 45 lbs. Seedling in Air. Temp. l hours' grow tii °C. Time read. mm. hum. (a) - 20.5 -11.5 - 1 12.5 - 2.1 - .70 (I,) - 20.5 - 12.5 2 1.5 - 3 - .64 (c) - 20 - 1.5 3 1.50 - 3 85 - .70 Atmospheric Pressure + 45 lbs. Temp. l hours' growth ( . Time read. mm. mm. (a) 20 - 2 - 1 3 - 2.05 - .07 (b) - l'O - 3 - 2.05 5.55 5.25 - .07 (c) - 0 1* 10. 15 - gr. off scale* - * Pressure fallen 35 lbs. (d) - 20 - 10.30 - 1 11.30 - 1.09 - .057 (e) 20 - 11.30 1.2 12.30 - 1.25 - .032 (f) 20 - 12.30 1.2 1.40 - 1.42 - .098 ■(g) 20 1.40 - 1.4 2.40 - 1.0 .128 (h) 21 - 2.45 - 1.0 3.45 1.S5 - .16 (i) - 21 3.45 - 1.8 4.45 - 2.15 - .10 (j) 12f 4.50 1 10.10 4.45* - .08 t Minimum temperature. * Pressure fallen to 28 lbs. I N 1) E X The names <>/ new genera and species are printed in italics. Acacia from Victoria River, XT.. Notes on a Xe.v, 228. Acacia Beauverdiana, 230. Acanthocarpus, 22u. Aethyssius, 54. Aethyssius atriceps, 56. Alcmeonis, 57. A. excisipes, 58. A. paradoxals, 58. Ainavant litis albus, 216. Ammonium Chloride at Frankston, Occurrence of, 133. Anaxo, Ci6. Andropogon erianthoides, 216. Apellatus, 67. Apellatus simplex, 68. Apellatus plebejus, 69. Apellatus lineatus, 70. Apellatus n menhir. 70. Apellatu nigripes, 71. Artemisia vulgaris, 216. Asterolepidae, 211. Asterolepis ornata, var. australis, McCoy, 211. Atoichus, 72. Atoichus tasmanicus, 72. Atoichus flams. 73. Atoichus crassicornis, 74. Australites, Additional notes on, 223. Aves, 197. Batrachia, 189. Bifurcation of Axis, 242. Blood of Certain Australian Ani- mals, A comparative examina- tion of the, 18:?. Buchanan, Grwynneth, 183. Ca'adenia Cairnsiana, 216. Calobates saulii, 116. Calymene angustior, 164. Calymene blrmenbachi, 166. Carter, H. I.. 52. Chapman, P., 157. 211. Chilianthus dysophylius, 217. Cheimirus sterabergi, 167. Chromomoea, 59. Chromomoea ornata, 63. Chromomoea fusca, 64. Chromomoea ochrocea, 63. Chromomoea opacicollis, 65. Cistelidae, Revision of the Austra- lian, 52. Cay ton ia perfoliata, 231. Coccosteidae, 211, 212. Cohesion of Cotyledons, 242. Cook, G. A., 173. Crataegus oxyacantha, 217. Cuscuta racemosa, 217. Cvphaspis bowningensis, 162. C. lilydalensis, 163. C. yassensis, 164. Darwin Glass, 227. Dawkins. A. E., 149, 153. Dimorphochilus, 78. Diodon histrix, 188. Dunn, E. J., 112. 223. 228. Earl, J. C, 149. Echium violaceuin. 217. Erioohloa punctata., 218. Erythrocytes, 187. Essential Oils of Australian Myr- taceae, Further N tes on the 149. Eucalyptus platypus, 154. Eugenia myrtifolia, 152. Eugenia Sniithii, 149. Ewart, A. J.. 216, 230. Falls Creek, 174. L75. Fauna"! Subregions of Australia, 139. Fenner, C, 124. Fishes, 188. Flora of Australia. No. 23, 216. Flora of Australia, No. 24, 230. Fossils, Victorian. 157. Freesia refracta, 218. Gabriel, C. J., 115. Gatliff, J. H., 115. Geological Notes, Northern Terri- tory, Australia. 112. Geology of the Cbburg Area, 173. Goklius cre&swelli, L60. Goldius greenii, 158. Growth, Influence of Gaseous pressure on, 245-250. Hardy, A. D., 240. Hartung, E. J.. 133. High Level Basalt, 182. Homeria collina, 231. Homotrysis, 79. Homotrysis ornata, 84 Homotrysis rubicunda, 85. Hybrenia, 85. Hybrenia femorata, 89. Hybrenia nit id tor. 90. Hybrenia pallida, 89. Hybrenia planata, 88. Hybrenia rugicollis, 87. Influence of Gaseous Pressure on Growth, The, 245. . I .inner, X. R., 178, 181. Leach, Dr., 178, 179. Lomandra, 219. Lepidium oxytrichum, 218. Leucocytes, 188. McLennan, Efcbel, 245. Mammalia, 199. Martynia proboscidea, 220 Merri Creek, 173. 174. Melaps, 99. Melaps victoriae, 99. .Me.aps pilosus, 101. Proceedings of the Royal Society : Index. Melaps punctata, 100. Mesembryanfchemum laxum, 221. Metistete, 96. Metistete armata, 97. Metistete ebeninus, 98. MyagTum perforatum, 221. Neocistela, 72. Newer Basalt, 179. Noca.r, 93. Nocar ruqosus, 93. Notocisteta (new genus), 102. N. pustulatus, 103. N. tibialis, 102. Nypaius, 91. Olearia, 218. Ommatophorus, 92. Ommatophorus atripes, 92. Onchocerca indica, 18. Onchocerciasis in Cattle and Asso- ciated Animals, 1. Orthocarpus purpura seen-, 231. IVe's Tears. 225. Phosphate Fertilizers, 208. Phacops erossleii, 168. Phacops, serratus, 169. Phlyctaenaspis, 211, 212, 213, 214. Phlyctaenaspis acadica, 212, 213, 214. Phlyetaenaspis anglica, 212, 213, Phlyctaenaspis australis, var, con- fertitubercvlata, 212. 213, 214. Pinus insignis, 221. Polycotyly, 241. Polyphylly, 242. Polypodium Billardieri, 221. Polypodium pustnlatum, 221. Proetus euryceps, 157, 161. Pterostylis, 231. Pterotsylis, Notes on Certain Species of, 105. Pterostylis alpina, 106, 108, 109. Pterostylis enrta, 108. Pterostylis cucullata. 105. 107. Pterostylis falcata, 106, 107, 109. Pterostylis furcata, 106, 108, 109. Pterostylis grandiflora, 236. Pterostylis Mackibbini, 105. P. obtusa, 237. P. praeeox, 232. 233, 234, 235. P. refiexa, 232, 233, 234, 235. P. revoluta, 232, 233, 235. P. Tore IflUKI, 235. Quartz in Basalt, Notes on the oc- currence of, 124. Reptiles, 192. Restio ustulatus, 237. Rivett, A. C. D., 133. Rogers, II. S., 105. Saltwater Pebbles, 113. Scaletomerus, 94. Stoaletomerus, bicolor, 95. Senecio Behrianus, 222. S barman, P. J., 230. Silurian, 174. Sdmarus, 95. Simarus elongatus, 95. Sisymbrium Irio, 222. Sloane, T. G., 139. Stilwell, F. G., 177, 180. 181. Sutherland Brenda, 208. Sweet, (i., 1. Tanychilus, 74. Tanychi'lus minor, 75. Tanychilus pulcher, 75. Tanyc'hilus ruber, 76. Teratological Notes, Part I., 240. Teredo navalis, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120. Teredo bruguieri, 118. Teredo pedicillatus, 121, 123. Teredo saulii, 121, 122, 123. Tertiary Sands, 177. Tertiary Dykes, 176. Trifolium pilulare, 222. Victorian Species of Teredo, Notes on some, 115. Xanthonhoea hastilis, 222. Yeringian Trilobites, 157. END OF VOLUME XXVIII. [Part II. Published March, 1916.] PROCEEDINGS OF THR §opI Ratitty of fktcria, VOL. XXVIII. (New Series) PART I. V* Edited under the Authority of the Council. ISSUED NOVEMBER, 191 5. (Lmiliriiting Papers read before the Society during the months of March to July, /p/j). IK AUTHOR* OK THK SKVKRAL PAPKR8 ARK INDIVIDUALLY RKHKONSIKLK KOR THK SOIINONKHS OK THK OPINIONS OIVKN AND KOR THR ACCURACY OK THK 8TATRMKNT8 MADK THBRBIN. MELBOURNE: FORD & SON, PRINTERS, DRUMMOND. STREET, CARLTON. 1915. Publications of the Royal Society of Victoria, and of the Societies amalgamated with it. Victorian Institute for the Advancement of Science. Transactions. Vol. 1. 1855. Philosophical Society of Victoria. Transactions. Vol. 1. 1855. These two Societies then amalgamated and became: — Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions. Vols. 1-4. The Society then became : — Roval Society of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings -(Vol. 5, entitled Transac- tions). (8vo). Vols. 5-24. Transactions. (4to). Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Pt. 1 only was pub- lished), 4, 5. 1888-1909. Proceedings (New Series). (8vo). Vols. 1- .1888 . Microscopical Society of Victoria. Journal (Vol. 1, Pt. 1, entitled Quarterly Journal). Vol. 1 (Pts, 1 to 4), 2 (Pt. 1), title page and index [all published]. 1879-82. [The Society then combined with the Koyal Society of Victoria] Note. — Most of the volumes published before i8qo are out of print. mm. PROCEEDINGS OK THE §opl %mu\\) of #ittarra. VOL. XXVIII. (New Series). PART II. A ■ • v. , Edited under the Authority of the Council ISSUED MARCH, 1916. {Containing Papers read before the Society during the months of July to December, 1915). THE AUTHORS OF THE SEVERAL PAPERS ARE INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR TUB SOUNDNESS OF THE OPINIONS GIVEN AND FOR THE ACCURACY OF THE STATEMENTS MADE THEREIN. MELBOURNE : FOED & SON, PRINTERS, DRUMMOND STREET, CARLTON. 1916. Publications of the Royal Society of Victoria, and of the Societies amalgamated with it. Victorian Institute for the Advancement op Science. Transactions. Vol". 1. 1855. Philosophical Society of Victoria. Transactions. Vol. 1. 1855. These two Societies then amalgamated and became : — Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Transactions. Vols. 1-4. The Society then became : — Royal Society of Victoria. Transactions and Proceedings (Vol. 5, entitled Transac- tions). (8vo). Vols. 5-21. Transactions. (4to). Vols. 1, 2, 3 (Pt. 1 only was pub- lished), 4, 5, 6 1888 . Proceedings (New Series). (8vo). Vols. 1 1888 , Microscopical Society of Victoria. Journal (Vol. 1, Pt. 1, entitled Quarterly Journal). Vol. 1 (Pts. 1 to 4), 2 (Pt. 1), title page and index [all published]. 1879-82. [The Society then combined with the Royal Society of Victoria]. Note. — Most of the volumes published before 1890 are out of print. Ill ) WHSE 00608