•BDBP • I j-\ FT i ;! 1 , \ •Til PRODUCTIV SOIL BY W.W,WI I O AGR1C. DEPT. " The first farmer was the first man, and all historic nobility rests on possession and use of land." — EMERSON. LIPPINCOTT'S FARM MANUALS EDITED BY KARY C. DAVIS, PH.D. PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURE, KNAPP SCHOOL OF COUNTRY LIFE, GEORGE PEABODY COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS, NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE; AUTHOR OF PRODUCTIVE FARMING, ETC. PRODUCTIVE SOILS BY WILBERT WALTER WEIR, M.S. FORMERLY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOILS, FIELD MAN, WISCONSIN STATE SOILS LABORATORY AND SOIL EXTENSION SERVICE, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN LiPPiNCOTT's FARM MANUALS Edited by K. C DAVIS, Ph.D. KNAPP SCHOOL OF COUNTRY LIFE, NASHVILLE, TENN. PRODUCTIVE SWINE HUSBANDRY 1915 BY GEORGE E. DAY, B.S.A. PRODUCTIVE POULTRY HUSBANDRY 1919 BY HARRY R LEWIS, B.S. PRODUCTIVE HORSE HUSBANDRY 1920 BY CARL W. GAY, D.V.M., B.S.A. PRODUCTIVE ORCHARDING 1917 BY FRED C. SEARS, M.S. PRODUCTIVE VEGETABLE GROWING 1918 BY JOHN W. LLOYD, M.S.A. PRODUCTIVE FEEDING of FARM ANIMALS 1916 BY F. W. WOLL, PH.D. COMMON DISEASES OF FARM ANIMALS 1919 BY R. A. CRAIG, D.V.M. PRODUCTIVE FARM CROPS 1918 BY E. G. MONTGOMERY, M.A. PRODUCTIVE BEE KEEPING 1918 BY FRANK C. PELLETT PRODUCTIVE DAIRYING 1919 BY R. M. WASHBURN, M.S.A. INJURIOUS INSECTS AND USEFUL BIRDS 1918 BY F. L. WASHBURN, M.A. PRODUCTIVE SHEEP HUSBANDRY 1918 BY WALTER C. COFFEY, M.S. LIPPINCOTT'S COLLEGE TEXTS SOIL PHYSICS AND MANAGEMENT 1919 - BY J. G. MOSIER, B.S., A. F. GUSTAFSON, M.S. FARM LIFE TEXT SERIES APPLIED ECONOMIC BOTANY 1919 BY MELVILLE T. COOK, PH.D. PRODUCTIVE PLANT HUSBANDRY 1918 BY KARY C. DAVIS HORTICULTURE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS 1919 BY KARY C. DAVIS LABORATORY MANUALS AND NOTEBOOKS ON THE FOLLOWING SUBJECTS SOILS, BY J. F. EASTMAN and K. C. DAVIS "is POULTRY, BY H. R. LEWIS wis DAIRYING, BY E. L. ANTHONY un FEEDING, BY F. W. WOLL "i? FARM CROPS, BY F. W. LATHROP "20 LiPPiNCOTT's FARM MANUALS EDITED BY K. C. DAVIS, PH.D. PRODUCTIVE SOILS THE FUNDAMENTALS OF SUCCESSFUL SOIL MANAGEMENT AND PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION BY WILBERT WALTER WEIR, M.S. FORMERLY ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF SOILS, FIELD MAN, WISCONSIN STATE SOILS LABORATORY AND SOIL EXTENSION SERVICE, COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN 235 ILLUSTRATIONS IN THE TEXT "If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the soil." POPE — Essay on Man PHILADELPHIA & LONDON J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY COPYRIGHT, IQ2O, BY J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Electrueyped and Printed by J. B. Lippincolt Company At the Washington Square Press, Philadelphia, U.S.A. DEDICATED TO THE INTERESTS OF BETTER FARMING "A SOWER WENT OUT TO SOW HIS SEEDJ AND AS HE SOWED, SOME FELL BY THE WAYSIDE; AND IT WAS TRODDEN DOWN, AND THE FOWLS OF THE AIR DEVOURED IT. AND SOME FELL UPON A ROCK; AND AS SOON AS IT WAS SPRUNG UP, IT WITHERED AWAY, BECAUSE IT LACKED MOISTURE. AND SOME FELL AMONG THORNS J AND THE THORNS SPRANG UP WITH IT, AND CHOKED IT. AND OTHER FELL ON GOOD 433002 PREFACE THIS book is designed primarily to meet a growing demand for definite, practical and complete information concerning soils and profitable crop production. This, therefore, is a book of fundamen- tals, and hence applicable to a wide range of country. The basic facts concerning soils, and the fundamental principles of success- ful soil management are essentially the same everywhere, but the method of application must necessarily vary because of different climatic conditions. This text represents an extensive experience on the part of the author — from practical farming before and after college gradua- tion to university teaching and Extension Service. It is hoped that the facts and principles herein presented will lead the prac- tical farmer and the student into a broad field of interesting and profitable knowledge. To one who is familiar with the crumbling of the soil as it moves over the moldboard, these chapters will not be entirely new and strange, but will present things both new and old. It is the hope that the new and the old are presented in such a way as to elim- inate the difficulty too often experienced by searchers after the fundamentals — namely, the failure to place the facts and prin- ciples in their true relation to successful farm practices— a dif- ficulty which has been the result of a lack of proper organization and correlation of the subject matter. In his teaching of many hundreds of farm boys as well as prac- tical farmers, the author has had the opportunity to test out vaii- ous methods of instruction and arrangement and correlation of the subject matter. Actual results have been the only guide in deter- mining the best plan. Even after this course of study was fully completed it was thoroughly tried out on several classes before it was put into publication. The plan of the book may readily be seen by studying the Contents. Special effort has been made to present the subject in as simple a form as possible while making it complete and authorita- tively correct. It is impossible to mention the many original papers, "research data and other agricultural literature consulted. vii viii PREFACE This course of study in the complete edition is designed to give it wide adaptation, to wit : (a) It may serve as a farmers' ready reference, or as a prac- tical guide in successful soil management. (6) In college short courses, and normals, the whole course as it is planned may be given. The object of each student should be to master the fundamentals. (c) In college long courses, this text in the hand of the first- or second-year student may supply him with the fundamentals, leav- ing the lecture hour free to the instructor for elaboration, for application of facts and principles to local conditions, and for the presentation and discussion of experimental and research data. The subject of Soil Management and Crop Production is truly large enough and of sufficient importance to be given a place in every agricultural curriculum. This subject should precede or may be given at the same time as the allied subject, Farm Crops. The latter subject could then be made a study, not so much of soils in relation to growing the crops, but rather of crop characteristics, crop importance, types, varieties, judging of grains, seed pro- duction, special cultural methods, harvesting, and care of crops and grains. At the close of each chapter suggestions are offered for demon-, strations, laboratory exercises, and for home experiments and projects. Many questions and practical problems are also given. The author wishes to express his appreciation to Prof. E. Truog of the Department of Soils, and to Prof. J. A. James of the Depart- ment of Agricultural Education, University of Wisconsin, for care- ful reading and approval of the manuscript; to Prof. E. R. Jones, University of Wisconsin, for verifying the chapters on water rela- tions and drainage; to Prof. C. F. Marbut, in charge of soil survey, Bureau of Soils, United States Department of Agriculture, for valuable suggestions concerning soil types and for approval of that part of Chapter II relating to that subject. W. W. WEIR. MADISON, Wis. January, 1920 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS OF ILLUSTRATIONS Yerkes Observatory — Fig. 1. M. C. Ford, Bowling Green, Ky. —Figs. 4, 34 and 199. The Macmillan Company— Figs. 13 and 43. L. W. Brown, Photographer, U. W. — Fig. 30 and frontispiece. American Chemical Company, Boston — Figs. 32, 142 and 169. Janesville Machine Company, Janesville,Wis. — Figs. 66, 68, 69, 71, 74, 85, 87, 92, 106, 107, 112, 143, 210 and 213. Deere and Company, Moline, 111. — Figs. 73 and 88. Moline Plow Company, Moline, 111.— Fig. 160. D. S. Bullock, U. W.— Fig. 144. Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., Milwaukee — Fig. 155. Rockfield Products Company, Milwaukee — Fig. 154. Jeffrey Mfg. Company, Columbus, Ohio — Fig. 157. J. S. Donald, Mt. Horeb, Wis.— Fig. 159. Mark W. Potter, Belhaven, N. C.— Figs. 195, 196 and 204. Mosier and Gustafson, authors of Soil Physics and Management — Figs. 18, 64, 67, 80, 93, 98. John W. Lloyd, author Productive Vegetable Garden- ing— Fig. 95. Kary C. Davis, author Productive Plant Hus- bandry—Fig. 93. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture — Figs. 170 to 187, inclusive. CONTENTS SOILS, THEIR ORIGIN AND CLASSIFICATION CHAPTER PAGE INTRODUCTION ............................................ 1 I. THE SOIL AND ITS ORIGIN ................................. 5 1. Soil Defined. 2. Soil is Forming from Rock all the Time. 3. The Weathering Agents: (a) Heat and cold, (6) frost, (c) wind, (d) ice, (e) water, (/) gases; aided by other forces of nature and by plants and animals. 4. Soil Formation Is a Complex and Slow Process. 5. Most Soils are Carried Away or Moved After They Form. 6. Soil of Many Kinds. II. SOIL COMPOSITION, CLASSES AND TYPES .................... 11 1. Common Meanings of Soil and Subsoil. 2. The Compo- sition of Soil: (a) Mineral particles — sand, silt, clay — from rock, (b) Organic matter — remains of plants. 3. Soil a Complex Medium for Plant Growth : (a) Sand, silt, clay con- stitute the framework — and contains : (6) water (moisture) ; (c) soil organisms; (d) air; (e) salts in greater or less amounts. 4. Soil Classification: (a) On the basis of texture (grouped into classes) : sand, fine sand, sandy loam, fine sandy loam, loam, slit loam, clay loam and clay, (b) On the basis of mode of formation: residual, cumulose, alluvial, glacial, marine, lacustrine, loess and colluvial. (c) On the basis of types (grouped into series): Dunkirk sand, Genesee loam, Knox silt loam, Cecil loam, etc., as types. SOILS FROM A CHEMICAL POINT OF VIEW III. CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS AND ITS RELATION TO PLANTS AND ANIMALS ..... .................................. 29 1. Soil Materials are Composed of Elements. 2. Chemical Composition of Soils. 3. The Fertilizing Elements — Nitro- gen, Phosphorus and Potassium. 4. The Supply of the Important Elements in Soils not Large. 5. Chemical Com- position of Soils Influences Plant Growth. 6. Crops Require Ten Elements— C, H, O, P, K, N, S, Ca, Fe, Mg. 7. Sources of Elements Plants Require: (a) The soil — nitrogen and mineral elements; (b) The soil water — oxygen and hydrogen; (c) The air — carbon and oxygen. 8. Ash of Animal Body is "Dust" of the Earth. 9. The Great Work of Plants and the Farmer's Business. IV. How ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS ................... 39 1. Rocks of Many Kinds, and They Undergo Changes. 2. A Rock is an Aggregate of Mineral Particles. 3. Rock Minerals the Sources of Mineral Plant-food Elements. 4. The Relation Between the Presence of Particles of Rock Minerals and the Richness of Soils. 5. Products of Rock Weathering: (a) Sand, silt, clay — breaking-up products; (6) True clay (kaolin), (c) Carbonate of lime, (d) Salts. 6. Different Soils from Different Rocks. 7. The Effect of Climate on Soils: (a) Soils in humid regions are leached. (6) Alkali soils — formed in dry regions, (c) Much organic xi xii CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE matter in soils in cool, moist regions, (d) Deficient organic matter in soils in warm, moist regions, (e) Sour or acid soils found in humid regions. SOIL AND PLANT RELATIONS V. SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR AFFECTING PLANT GROWTH 47 1. Conditions Surrounding Plants Must be Favorable. 2. Three Periods of Life History of Plant Passed in Contact with the Soil. 3. The Germination Period : (a) Life in seed strives for existence. (6) Requirements — moisture, oxygen, favorable temperature and good tilth, (c) Tilth, good tilth, poor tilth defined, (d) Absorption of water by seeds influ- enced by contact between soil and seed, moisture, warmth and presence of salts. 4. The Vegetative or Growing Period : (a) Period of greatest activity. (6) Conditions and require- ments, (c) Full meaning and importance of good tilth, factors affecting development, (d) Availability of plant-food elements, (e) Special function of the plant-food elements. 5. The Fruition Period. VI. CROPS AS FEEDERS ON THE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS IN THE SOIL 61 1. Soil Particles are not Plant Foods. 2. Amount of Ele- ments Removed by Harvested Crops. 3. Some Facts Con- cerning the Feeding of Crops: (a) Most of phosphorus goes into grain, and potassium into stalk and straw. (6) All plants do not take the same amounts of the elements, (c) Alfalfa a " heavy feeder." (d) Timothy is not a "soil rob- ber." (e} Some plants have strong feeding powers. (/) Barley requires a richer soil than oats. (#) Fertilizer needs best determined by tests. 4. Amount of Plant-food Ele- ments Removed by Fruit Crops. 5. Supply of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium in Soils: (a) Supply varies in different soils. (6) Per cent vs. pounds of plant-food ele- ments in soils, (c) Peat soils are usually deficient in the mineral elements (K and P). (d) Peat lands are sometimes deceptively advertised. (e) Subsoils contain plant-food elements. CROP PRODUCTION VII. CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY 75 1. Factors in Successful Crop Production: (a) Fertile soil, determined by moisture in soil, air in soil, good tilth, pres- ence of helpful organisms, plant-food elements, absence of harmful agents. (6) Good seed: high test, adaptability, purity, disease resistant, high yielding, etc. (c) Favorable temperature, (d) Light: some crops require much light, some less; shading a factor in weed-killing; weeds may shade crops; one crop may deprive another of light, (e) Protection from injury: proper fencing, spraying, treating seed, drain- age, etc. 2. Soil Fertility (Defined). 3. Factors which Determine Soil Fertility Same as Those Which Make a Fertile Soil. 4. Soil Exhaustion: (a) Illustrated by draft upon the phosphorus supply. (6) Soil exhaustion usually the result of: the removal of organic matter; the removal of available plant-food elements; the removal of carbonate of lime; improper tillage. 5. Most Soils can be Improved in Some Way. CONTENTS xiii FACTORS DETERMINING SOIL FERTILITY VIII. SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 89 1. Why Plants Require Water. 2. Crops Require Much Water. 3. Water Requirements of Some Crops — Based on Dry Matter Produced. 4. Water Commonly Limits Crop Production. 5. Forms of Soil Water — Gravitational, Capil- lary and Hygroscopic. 6. Capillary Water of Most Import- ance: Held by soils in form of films around the soil particles, in organic matter, and within soil crumbs. 7. Movements of Water in Soils: Percolation, seepage, capillary rise of water. 8. Water-holding Capacity of Soils. 9. Moisture . Conservation and Control — (a) Lessen surface run-off by aiding soils to trap water. (fr) Increase water-holding capacity by adding organic matter, (c) Aid capillary rise of moisture by compacting the seed bed. (d) Lessen surface evaporation by developing a soil mulch, (e) Conserve mois- ture by killing weeds. IX. LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION 109 1. Too Much Water is Harmful. 2. Benefits of Proper Drainage. 3. How Drainage is Accomplished: (a) Surface drainage. (6) Subsurface drainage, (c) Vertical drainage. (d) Combined methods. 4. Tile Drainage: (a) Drain tile and how they are laid. (&) Distance to lay lines of tile, (c) Systems of tile drainage — natural, gridiron, herring-bone and combination of systems, (d) Cost and benefits of tile drainage. 5. Drainage by Means of Pumps. 6. Irrigation Defined : (a) Objects of irrigation and how irrigation water is secured. (6) How irrigation water is applied — flooding, furrow irrigation, spray irrigation and sub-irrigation, (c) Irrigated farms require good management. (d) Many irrigated lands need drainage, (e) Profits in irrigation farming. (/) Irrigation an art of antiquity. X. TILTH AND TILLAGE 135 1. Tilth and Tillage in General: (a) Factors determining development of good tilth. (6) Tillage tools are many, (c) Objects and principles governing tillage. 2. Preparing the Seed Bed: (a) Plows and plowing, (fr) Subsoiling, deep till- ing and dynamiting soils, (c) Harrows and harrowing, (d) Rollers, plankers and clod crushers. 3. Seeding and Plant- ing: (a) Good firm seed bed favors planting. (6) Drills vs. broadcast grain seeders, (c) When discing is better than plowing. (d) Listing. 4. Cultivation and Intertillage : (a) Why crops are cultivated. (6) Cultivators and their adaptability, (c) When and how to cultivate. XI. SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 171 1. Organisms of Decomposition: (a) No crops without de- cay. (6) Organisms cause decay of organic matter, (c) Decay of organic matter aids decay of mineral particles, (d) Some fertilizers would be valueless without decay. 2. Bacteria Which Cause Nitrification: (a) Importance of nitrification. (6) Catch and cover crops conserve nitrates, (c) Nitrifica- tion results in loss of organic matter. 3. Bacteria which Fix Atmospheric Nitrogen in Soils: (a) Two groups of nitrogen- fixing bacteria. (6) Amount of nitrogen gathered per acre, (c) How nodule bacteria work, (d) How the growing of legumes improves soils, (e) Soil inoculation and methods. (f) Conditions favoring soil bacteria. xiv CONTENTS XII. NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 187 1. Fertilization and the Theory of Fertilizers. 2. Green , manuring: (a) Green manuring and its benefits. (6) Crops for green manuring — legumes best, (c) Plowing under the crop — when, how and for what crops, (d) Feeding vs. plow- ing under the crop, (e) Some hints on green manuring. 3. Commercial Fertilizers: (a) Four classes of commercial fertilizers. (6) Nitrogen fertilizers and their value. Legumes to solve nitrogen problem, (c) Phosphate or phosphorus fertilizers and their uses, (d) Potash or potassium fertil- izers and their value, (e) Mixed fertilizers. (/) Concerning commercial fertilizers in general, (g) Soils and crops deter- mine kind to use. (A) Home mixing of fertilizers, (i) How commercial fertilizers may be applied. (j) Lasting effect of fertilizers. 4. Manure as a Fertilizer: (a) Some facts about manure: (1) Fertilizing value about $2.34 per ton. (2) Manures differ in fertilizing value. (3) Feeding affects value of manure. (4) Amount of manure produced by farm animals. (5) Liquid portion of manure valuable. (6) Some practical pointers on use and care of manure: (1) Manure has three-fold value. (2) Manure a quick fertilizer. (3) Stall manure better than open-yard manure. (4) Hints on storing manure. (5) Light applications better than heavy applications. (6) Plowing under vs. discing in manure. (7) Applying manure to clover fields. (8) Manure not a perfect fertilizer. XIII. SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY .... 229 1. Soil Acidity Explained. 2. Soil Acidity Lowers Soil Fertility (Productiveness). 3. The Meaning of Liming. 4. How Liming Improves Acid Soils: (a) Available calcium is added for clover and alfalfa. (6) Absence of acidity favors the helpful soil organisms, (c) Plant-food elements are rendered more available, (d) Greater returns are secured from fertilization, (e) Lime tends to improve tilth on heavy soils. (/) Helps to control malnutrition diseases of truck crops, (g) Weeds may be better controlled. 5. Crops Benefited by Liming When Grown on Acid Soils. 6. Crops Which Tolerate Acidity. 7. How Acid Soils May be Deter- mined: (a) By the use of blue litmus paper; (6) by chemical tests; (c) by alfalfa and clover failures; (d} by the growth of certain plants. 8. Low Wet Lands not Necessarily Acid. 9. How Soils Become Acid— Extent of Acid Soils. 10. The Nature of Soil Acidity. 11. Kinds of Agricultural Lime. 12. Comparative Value of Agricultural Limes — the Best to Use. 13. Amount of Lime to Apply. 14. When, How and How Often to Apply Lime. 15. Deep Plowing Cannot be Substituted for Liming. 16. Soils Derived from Lime- stone May Become Acid. 17. Soil Fertility is Regulated Through Liming. XIV. HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY 255 1. Worms and Insects in Soils May Destroy Crops. 2. Diseases in Soils May Cause Crop Failures. 3. Too Much Water in Soils is Harmful. 4. Alkali Salts in Soils is Injurious. 5. The Toxin Theory of Infertility. 6. Other Harmful Agents. CONTENTS XV CROP PRODUCTION AFFECTED BY SYSTEMS OF CROPPING XV. CROP ROTATION AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 203 1. Crop Rotation Defined. Kinds of Rotation. One-Crop System. 2. Why Crops Should be Grown in Rotation: (a) Primary object to increase production and help main- tain it. (6) Specific benefits of rotation: (1) Helps to con- trol insect pests. (2) Helps to control certain plant diseases. (3) Favors accumulating of soil organic matter. (4) Tilth and workability of soils may be improved. (5) Rotation helps to conserve fertilizing elements. (6) Aids in fertiliza- tion and liming. (7) Weeds may be better controlled, (c) Rotation helps to maintain and increase soil fertility. 3. Roration Can Not Take the Place Of Fertilizers. 4. Fac- tors Determining a Good Rotation, (a) Proper combina- tion of crops. (6) Proper order in growing the crops. 5. Crop Rotation Important in Soil Improvement. 6. Some Practical Rotations. 7. Rotations for Truck Farming and Vegetable Growing. APPLICATION OF PRINCIPLES TO MANAGEMENT OF SPECIAL SOILS XVI. SOIL EROSION 283 1. Soil Erosion a Serious Problem. 2. Injuries Resulting from Erosion. 3. Causes of Erosion. 4. Kinds of Erosion. 5. Prevention of Erosion. 6. Stopping Washing and Re- claiming Eroded Lands. XVII. THE MANAGEMENT OF MARSH LANDS 293 1. Kinds of Marsh and Swamp Soils. 2. Advantages in Farming Marsh Lands. 3. Problems in Peat and Muck Management, and Solutions. 4. Crops for Marsh Lands. Rotations. 5. Types of Farming for Marsh Lands. XVIII. SANDS AND THEIR MANAGEMENT 309 1. Important Classes of Sandy Soils. 2. Advantages in Farming Sands. 3. Problems in Sand Management and How to Solve Them. 4. Crops for Sands. Crop Rotation. 5. Types of Farming. XIX. THE MANAGEMENT OF CLAYS AND DEPLETED SILT LOAMS S21 1. Clay Management: (a) Character of clay soils and their advantages, (ft) Important problems and their solu- tions, (c) Crops for heavy clays, (d) Rotations and types of farming. 2. Improvement of depleted silt loams: (a) Liming a common first consideration. (6) Importance of fertilizers and organic matter, (c) Proper rotation. PRINCIPLES OF SOIL FERTILITY APPLIED TO THE FARM AS A WHOLE XX. FARM MANAGEMENT AND CROP ROTATION 327 1. Soil Problems are Important Farm-Management Prob- lems. 2. Diversified Farming and Its Advantages: (a) It economizes in the use* of labor. (6) A more dependable income is assured, (c) It permits of crop rotation. 3 Crop xvi CONTENTS Rotation an Essential Factor in Successful Farm Manage- ment: (a) Aids in maintaining and increasing fertility. (6) Systematizes farm operations, (c) Aids in solving soil and crop problems. 4. Crop Rotation in Practical Farming. 5. Factors Which Determine Kinds of Rotations. 6. How to Plan Rotations: (a) When a farm is already stocked. (6) For a stock farm not yet stocked, (c) For a grain farm having soil problems, (d) For a truck farm having soil problems. 7. Rotations — Application and Illustrations. 8. Other Points on Crop Rotation. XXI. SYSTEMS OF FARMING AND THEIR RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 343 1. Systems of Farming — Grain, Stock, Truck and Combina- tion. 2. Grain Farming vs. Stock Farming: (a) Grain farming is important. (6) Grain farming has led to soil depletion, but revised, (c) Stock farming is popular, (d) Maintaining fertility by stock farming not probable, (e) Possible to maintain fertility by either grain or stock farm- ing. (/) Combination of grain and stock farming popular. f\ A_ A j_ TTT"il i 1 TVI , f t T-11 , • ~r^ of the plant-food elements in farming, (c) Rules for deter- mining losses and gains, (d) The nitrogen-phosphorus balance sheet. OTHER POINTS ON. SOIL MANAGEMENT XXII. How THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED 355 1. Chemical Analysis has Limitations. 2. Other Factors to be Considered First Before Chemical Analysis is Made of Soil. 3. Chemical Analyses and Their Value: Need of Lime, Tests for Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. 4. Pot Tests— Not Fully Reliable. 5. Field or Plot Tests Are Most Reliable: (a) Scientific tests by Experiment Stations. (6) Practical tests by farmers. 6. Value of Farm Examinations. XXIII. PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION 369 1. Large Crops not Necessarily the Most Profitable. 2. Profitable Crop Production Determines Successful Farming. 3. Profits Determine Fertilizer Practice. 4. Important to Determine the Point at Which Crop Production is Most Profitable. Value of Untreated Plot. 5. Proper Basis for Determining Most Profitable Fertilizer. 6. Proper Kind and Amount of Fertilizers Important : (a) Application of the law of the minimum, (b) Application of the law of diminishing returns. 7. Factors Favoring Greatest Profits Per Acre: (a) When soil is properly fertilized. (6) When high crop prices prevail. XXIV. FARMING IN REGIONS OF LIMITED RAINFALL 377 1. Dry-farming of Much Importance. 2. Water Problem and Soils. 3. Farming Methods — Summary of Results. 4. Crops for Dry-land Farming. 5. Dry-farming Practices. 6. Stock in Dry-land Farming. 7. Good Farming is Essen- tial to Successful Farming Everywhere. APPENDIX . . 383 PRODUCTIVE SOILS INTRODUCTION THE chief concern of the human race is its physical needs. Its greatest needs — food and clothing, depend entirely upon the soil which is intimately associated with life. Myriads of plants and animals have lived upon the earth for ages and ages because soil exists. Every nation is deeply interested in the soil and its crops. Shall we grow more wheat to meet the demands of our increasing population, or shall we import it? Shall we meet the demand for more cotton, or shall it be grown elsewhere? Are our working people to have meat on their tables in the years to come, or will the price of meat be beyond their means? These questions can be answered only by the soil. Relative Decrease in Wheat and Corn. — During the 30-year period between 1879 and 1909, the increase in corn production was 45.5 per cent, and in wheat production 48.7 per cent; while the increase in population for the same period was 83.4 per cent. The production of corn and wheat did not keep pace with the increase in population. During this period the exportation of wheat declined. Actual Decrease in Corn and Wheat. — The Thirteenth United States Census (1910) showed an absolute decrease in corn and meat production since the Twelfth Census (1900), while the popu- lation increased over 20,000,000 — and this in a comparatively new country ! The extra effort put forth by the farmers and agricultural organizations to increase production during the World War resulted in marked increases in the production of corn, grain, meat and dairy products (Report of the Secretary of Agriculture, 1918). The United States produces 71.5 per cent of the world's corn crop and consumes 70 per cent; it produces 18 per cent of the world's wheat crop and consumes 15 per cent; it produces 27 per cent of the world's oat crop and consumes 26 per cent; and it produces 6.5 per cent of the world's potato crop and consumes 7 per cent. Thus there is the possibility of only a small exportation of these food crops. If the productive power of this country is not increased, exportation of any food crop must necessarily cease, 1 2 INTRODUCTION and tne proplcni. of feeding o\ir people will become the more serious. Shall it be importation of food or shall it be home production? It is to be noted that there is already a small importation of potatoes. Relatively Low Yields. — The United States is far from being the leading nation in yields per acre, as is shown by the following 10-year averages : Average Yield Per Acre (Bushels) Crops England Germany United States Wheat 32.6 28.4 13.9 Oats 44.7 49.3 29.8 Rye 26.7 24.6 15.8 Potatoes 230.0 224.0 96.0 These facts place a responsibility upon every American farmer. The crop production problem is a national one. The farming of virgin soils is now practically a thing of the past, and soil depletion cannot long continue. What is the reason for the higher crop yields in European farm- ing? Theirs is an agriculture older than ours. Let us consider the answers of the agricultural leaders of some of the Old Countries in reply to the question as to why their average yields per acre of wheat and other cereal crops have almost doubled in the last 80 or 100 years. From England: "The factors at work in the increase have been . . . better cultivation and tillage. . . . The great factor has been the introduction of fertilizers and purchased feeding stuffs." From Germany: "In general I assume that of the 100 per cent increase in the yield can be attributed: To artificial fertilizers, 50 per cent; . . . better tillage of the soil, 25 per cent; to the use of better seed, 15 per cent; to the better crop rotation, 10 per cent." From France: "... we submit in the following figures ... the rela- tive importance of the different factors (increase in production taken as 100) : (Extensive Agriculture) . Effect of fertilizers, 70 per cent ; effect of preparation of the land, 15 to 20 per cent; effect of selection of seed and improved varieties, 5 to 10 per cent."1 It is to be observed that 85 to 90 per cent of the 100 per cent increase in their crop yields has been the result of better soil man- agement. Here is a lesson from Europe for us. Our National Problem. — Shall we wait yet awhile before con- sidering seriously the better management of our soils? Have we 1 European Practice and American Theory Concerning Soil Fertility. Illinois Circular No. 142, 1910. INTRODUCTION 3 not already enough acres of abandoned agricultural lands in this country? The United States does not stand first in yields per acre, but it does excel all other nations in rapidity of soil exhaustion. Nationally and individually, the time to adopt methods to maintain productiveness and to improve our soils is while we are prosperous. This task challenges every tiller of the soil, every farm boy and girl, the dwellers in cities, every agricultural organ- ization, and all other forces which strive for betterment through human endeavor. No greater force can man set into action than the power of the intellect — and this is accomplished through edu- cation. Then let it be education. The general sentiment among thinking farmers is — "How little we know about soils and how much there is to know ! " These farmers have not had the opportunities for agricultural training existing today. They cannot now go to school, hence instruction should be carried to them. This information, as well as that given to students in all practical or first courses, should not be technical and lop-sided, but simple, practical and well-balanced so as to enable our present-day farmers and those of the future to gain a happy living, and at the same time to conserve the great funda- mental asset of our Country — the soil. TO THE TEACHER It may not be necessary, or time may not permit, to perform all the exercises indicated. Only those should be selected which will best supplement the class work. Frequently it becomes necessary to combine class work, demonstrations and laboratory exercises, or to make the laboratory exercises demonstrational. Local conditions should determine in a large degree the exercises to be selected. Those listed here may suggest others more suitable to local conditions. Field trips should be carefully planned to include as many observations as possible. The leader, or teacher, should first go over the ground alone in order to map out the trip and determine what observations are to be made. The materials needed for demonstrations and laboratory work are based on one demonstration or exercise. The demonstrations which require time before the results may be shown should be started in time to be ready when needed. (Note demonstrations for Chapters V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, XI, XII.) 4 INTRODUCTION Students should keep laboratory note books when laboratory work is given. A definite order should be followed in writing up each exercise as follows : Exercise No. — (Number exercises in order performed.) Object of exercise. Procedure (state briefly how exercise was conducted). Results (make use of sketches and tabulated data). Conclusions (facts brought out or principles illustrated). Questions (write out questions with answers). CHAPTER I THE SOIL AND ITS ORIGIN What Soil Is. — In its broad meaning, soil is that friable, upper stratum of the earth composed for the most part of mineral matter resulting from the breaking up and decay of rocks. It extends to solid rock — varying in depth from an inch or so to many hundreds Fia. 1. — A spiral nebula. It is believed that the earth was at one time a revolving mass of gaseous material. of feet. Mixed with this mineral matter,1 especially at the surface, is more or less organic matter incorporated through the subsequent growth of vegetation. Soil Is Forming All the Time.— The fact that soil is derived from rocks implies that it is one of the later products of creation. All soil, however, was not formed in some particular period in the early history of the earth — some of it was formed millions of years ago and some is being formed today. 1 Generally speaking, mineral matter is any substance not formed by plants or animals. Organic matter is any substance formed by plants or animals. 5 6 THE SOIL AND ITS ORIGIN Rock Weathering the Soil-forming Process. — The formation of soil is the result of the slow process of rock weathering, meaning the breaking up and decay of rocks brought about by the destruc- tive action of the forces of nature. These forces include : (a) HEAT and COLD — causing cracking and splitting of rocks through sudden temperature changes. (6) FROST — causing splitting and cracking by freezing water. FIG. 2. — Sugar Bowl Rock, Dells of the Wisconsin River. disintegrate rocks. Water wears away and helps to (c) WIND — causing abrasion through the action of dust and sand particles carried by it. (d) ICE — causing grinding as in glacial action. (e) WATER — a wearing and dissolving agent, also producing chemical changes2 (Figs. 2 and 3.) f Oxygen,3 producing chemical change?, (/) GASES — { Carbon dioxide, or carbonic acid gas, producing [ chemical changes. 2 Chemical changes are the decay processes in rock weathering. 3 Oxygen is a gas composing 20.7 per cent of the air. Carbon dioxide is a heavy gas consisting of the elements carbon and oxygen (CO2). SOIL FORMATION NOT A SIMPLE PKOCMSS 7 Other Forces of Nature. — These weathering agencies are as- sisted in rock destruction by other forces of nature, such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, the force of gravity, etc., and to a greatey or less degree by plants and animals. Plants in their growth fre- quently crack and split rocks because of root expansion, and hasten rock decay through chemical action caused by certain substances excreted from their roots. Man "as a destructive creature has cut down forests and destroyed the natural soil covering of grass and shrubs. The washing away of the soil which follows very often ex- FIG. 3. — The " Dutch Wedding," Monumental Park, Colorado. Sandstone rocks sculptured by the erosive action of water (in past ages) and wind. New International Cyclopedia. poses new rock surfaces to the weathering agencies (Fig. 4). Bur- rowing animals also expose fresh rock surfaces, or openings made by them facilitate the entrance of weathering agents to lower levels. Fungi, and even the tiny bacteria lend their aid. Even after plants arid animals are dead they contribute further to rock decay, since in their decay acids are formed which hasten the changing of rock and rock particles into soil. Soil Formation not a Simple Process. — It is evident that soil formation is not a simple process, but rather complex and slow. It began no doubt as soon as the once gaseous and molten earth passed THE SOIL AND ITS ORIGIN FIG. 4. — From rock into soil. The lower stratum of the soil has a composition approach- ing that of crumbled and decayed rock. Lower down the rock characteristics appear more plainly, and still farther down occurs the solid rock itself. SOIL OF MANY KINDS 9 into a firm, stony sphere, and made more complicated because of the eternal forces which wrought such tremendous changes since the earth began — which forces brought into existence continents and oceans, lakes and rivers, mountains, hills and valleys, deserts and prairies. Weathering Continues Indefinitely. — Weatheringdoes not cease when it has reduced rocks to soil, but continues to act indefinitely upon the soil itself. If it were not so the best prairie soils would be incapable of supporting a single blade of grass. In this sense crops, vegetation and life are possible upon this earth largely because of decay. Soil from Rock May be Observed. — Soil wherever found is underlaid by some kind of rock — it may be the rock from which the soil was formed or some foreign rock. Where soil is found Under- laid by its parent rock there is no definite dividing line between the solid rock and the soil above it — the one grades into the other. The lower stratum of the soil has a composition approaching that of crumbled and decayed rock. Lower down the rock characteristics appear more plainly, and still farther down occurs the solid rock itself. Soils are Carried Away after They Form. — All the soil we see was not formed from the rock that may be found under it. This is due to the fact that many soils are carried away after they are formed and deposited on other rocks. Water, ice and wind are and have always been the main soil transporting agents. Soil of Many Kinds. — Because of the source of soil building materials, the nature of soil formation, the forces to which the earth has been and is being subjected, and because of the transporting and mixing action of water, wind and ice, all soil can not be the same, but must necessarily varyin composition, both physically and chemically. These variations give rise to. many kinds and types of soil, and necessitate convenient classification. A knowledge of these soil variations, classes and types becomes of primary importance. Illustration Material for Lessons. — Students should bring to class: 1. Specimens of rocks undergoing weathering. 2. Samples showing gradations of rock into soil. Field Studies. — 1. Observe if possible the weathering of native rock into soil, and note the action of the various weathering agents. 2. Observe the transportation and movement of soil. 3. Observe various kinds of soil — note location, etc. 10 THE SOIL AND ITS ORIGIN QUESTIONS 1. What is soil and when was it formed? 2. Name two classes of materials composing soil. 3. Distinguish between them. 4. What is meant by rock weathering? 5. Name some of the forces which break up arid cause rocks to decay. 6. In what ways do plants and animals aid in the weathering of rocks? 7. Is soil formation a simple process? Explain. 8. When does weathering cease? 9. What is the importance of "soil weathering"? 10. Is it possible to observe the stages in the changing of rock into soil? 11. What are the facts to be observed? 12. In every case is soil formed from the rock found underlying it? Explain. 13. Why should there be many different kinds and types of soil? 14. What kinds have you seen? 15. For an outline summary of this chapter see table of contents. CHAPTER II SOIL COMPOSITION, CLASSES AND TYPES Common Meanings of the Term " Soil." — In the previous chapter the term "soil" included the total residue resulting from rock weathering — being hundreds of feet deep in some places. In common usage the term soil has restricted meanings; viz., it may mean that portion of the ground which is tilled, or that portion which is black or dark in color. Subsoil Defined. — That portion of the ground below the tilled or dark colored portion is called "subsoil." (Prefix "sub" means "under.") By some it is considered as that portion below 6% inches deep and 20 inches deep. Soil to Mean Tilled Portion. — Soil as it is used in the following chapters is taken to mean that portion of the ground which is tilled. This is the more common meaning since it is that portion which is most important in supplying the needs of crops, and which is most, affected by farming operations. Subsoil May Differ Widely from Soil.— With this definition of soil in mind, it is easy to see that subsoil may have extreme varia- tions— it may have the same color and composition as the soil or it may show very little or no similarity either in color or composition. THE COMPOSITION OF SOIL The physical or mechanical make-up of dry soil may be briefly expressed in outline form as follows: ( 1. Mineral particles of various sizes (derived f (a) Sand Soil components from rocks) $ ®J* (\c) v^my { 2. Organic matter — mostly plant remains. Sand particles are the coarser and heavier soil grains which do not cohere when wet (Fig. 5). Between the fingers they feel rough and gritty. They are the first to settle out of running water carry- ing sediment — material washed from the upland. Clay particles are the finest of individual soil grains. When moistened they become sticky. They settle out of quiet water very slowly — the finest clay particles are so small that they are known to remain in suspension for months, or to be scarcely discernible under a powerful microscope. 11 12 SOIL COMPOSITION, CLASSES AND TYPES Silt particles are soil grains medium in size between sand and clay. When moistened, silt has a velvety "feel, " but not sticky like clay. Sand, silt and clay as used here refer simply to size of individual soil grains and nothing more. Organic matter in most soils occurs largely as a well-decomposed residue, black or dark in color and coating the soil grains. Fre- quently plant fiber of recent growth can be distinguished. Humus may be defined as a black, waxy, complex substance Very Fine clay FIG. 5. — Diagram illustrating the sizes of soil grains. The coarsest particles grade into the finest. of coating the soil grains, and which is derived from partial decay organic matter. All humus is organic matter, but all organic matter is not humus. The term humus is sometimes used as a general term meaning organic matter. In these chapters we shall use the term "organic matter" since that is more readily understood. Soil is a Complex Medium. — What we call soil is something more than a mere mixture of sand, silt, clay and organic matter. It is a composite, the framework of which is mineral matter. Aside from organic matter it contains : (a) Water (moisture) which in reality is a dilute solution con- taining weak acids and small amounts of any soluble substance found in the soil. (b) Soil organisms — bacteria, fungi and worms. These have MEANINGS OF TEXTURE AND STRUCTURE COMPARED 13 come to live in the soil by the millions because of the presence of organic matter which, because of the energy or food stored up in it, is the source of most of their sustenance and their energy. Some of these organisms are a detriment to soils, while others, because of fundamental changes they bring about, are of the greatest im- portance in crop production. (c) Air — Soil as a medium for plant growth must contain air. (d) Salts in greater or less amounts — in dry climates much. SOIL CLASSIFICATION Since the building materials of soils are largely mineral particles which remain more or less the same in size and amounts in any particular soil, we are afforded a basis whereby soils may be classified. Crummy structure Compact structure Sandy structure FIG. 6. — Diagrams illustrating soil structures. Soil Texture a Basis for Classification. — The most convenient and general scheme for soil classification is based on the amounts of sand, silt and clay soils contain — or in other words, on the basis of " texture. " What Soil Texture Means. — Soil texture may be defined as a quality denoting comparative coarseness or fineness of soils as is determined by the relative abundance of sand, silt and clay con- tained in them. For example, a soil having course sand predomi- nating is a course textured soil, whereas one having much clay is re- garded as fine textured. Meanings of Texture and Structure Compared. — Texture should not be confused with soil "structure" which means the arrangement of the soil grains (Fig. 6), or which describes the rela- tion of the soil particles to each other. It is important to remember that the soil components do not form a mere casual mixture in which every particle remains separate from every other particle. With the exception of sands, the soil components, because of the 14 SOIL COMPOSITION, CLASSES AND TYPES cementing nature of much of the organic matter, group themselves into compound particles and granules, thus developing a " crummy" or " granular" structure. When a " heavy" soil does not crumble, but is a hard, compact mass instead, it may be said to have a " compact " structure. A sand may be described as having a "loose" or "sandy" structure. Soils Classified According to Texture. — Eight principal soil classes based on texture are recognized. They are here given in an order ranging from the coarsest to the finest textured soils. Soil classes How distinguished 1. Medium sand Composed of 80 to 100 per cent sand (much medium and coarse sand). 2. Fine sand Composed mostly of fine sand. 3. Medium sandy loam . Having 50 to 80 per cent sand. 4. Fine sandy loam Having 50 to 80 per cent fine sand. 5. Loam Composed of 30 to 50 per cent sand and 50 to 70 per cent silt and clay. 6. Silt loam Containing 50 per cent or more of silt. 7. Clay loam Containing 20 to 50 per cent sand, 20 to 50 per cent silt, and 20 to 30 per cent clay. 8. Clay Having 30 per cent or more clay. A soil class is understood to mean all soil of the same texture. For example, soils consisting of about 50 per cent sand and about 50 per cent silt and clay belong to one and the same class regardless of where they may be found. By virtue of its texture this class of soil is named "loam." A loam is to be defined as a class of soil composed of about half sand and the remaining half silt and clay (more silt than clay). Again, a silt loam is to be defined as a class of soil, or a soil class, containing 50 per cent or more of silt. Of these classes of soils, silt loams are most widely distributed, loams take second place, and fine sandy loams third. In this classification no consideration is given organic matter. Soils containing much stone or gravel may be described as stony silt loam or gravelly loam, as the case may be. Gradations may also occur; such as, silty clay loam, loamy fine sand, etc. "Marsh" and "swamp" soils are to be regarded as class names though they are not included in the classification based on texture. Marsh is commonly interpreted to mean a wet level area covered with grasses. There are salt and fresh-water marshes. Swamp is usually understood to mean low, wet areas of fresh water formation covered with tree growth. Tamarack swamp, cedar swamp, and cypress swamp are familiar expressions. SOIL CLASSIFICATION 15 Mechanical Analysis and Mechanical Composition. — In order to be sure to which class a soil belongs, the amounts of sand, silt and clay it contains must be determined by laboratory methods designated as ''mechanical analyses." Such analyses give the "mechanical composition" of a soil; as, for example: Dry soil Mechanical Composition Per cent of Soil class Reason Sand Silt Clay* A — found to contain B — found to contain C — found to contain 15.7 16.9 63.0 68.1 37.9 21.0 15.8 44.4 12.0 Silt loam Clay Sandy loam Contains more than 50 per cent silt. Contains more than 30 per cent clay Contains more than 50 per cent sand. * Per cents total 99.6 — remaining 0.4 per cent consisted of stone and gravel. " Light " and " Heavy " Soils. — A sandy soil, because of its high sand content, is comparatively easy to work — for this reason it is usually regarded as a " light " soil. A soil like clay, on the other hand, is termed " heavy" because it is much more difficult to till. By weight sand is the heaviest soil — clay is much lighter. Soil Classification Based on Mode of Formation. — It is con- venient to study soils in relation to the manner in which they were formed or built up. This gives rise to quite a different classifica- tion, as follows : 1. Residual soils — remaining on rocks where formed. 2. Cumulose soils — deposits of partially decayed vegetation. 3. Alluvial soils — built up by alluvium deposited by flow- ing water. 4. Glacial soils — formed through glacial action. 5. Marine scils — formed by sediment carried into the sea. 6. Lacustrine soils — formed by sediment carried into lakes. 7. Loess (Zo'thing more than water that had undergone a mysterious change the soil. Only thin compara- rely recent years it been found it the chemical c o m p o s i t ion of plants is quite simi- lar to that of soils. The elements required by plants and without which they cannot grow are ten in number; viz., nitrogen, phos- phorus, potassium, calcium, mag- nesium, sulfur, iron, carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. All the mineral elements are to be found in ashes. Silicon, sodium, aluminum and other elements are found in ash but they are not neces- sarily essential to plant growth, since plants can grow without them. Ash, then, is the mineral portion of plants. Sources of Ele- ments Plants Re- quire. — Plants secure the elements they require from the following sources: 1. The soil — furnishing nitrogen and mineral elements. 2. The soil water — furnishing oxygen and hydrogen. 3. The air — furnishing carbon and oxygen. Fio. 15. — The root system of a potato plant in a per- meable soil. This also illustrates the sources of the elements required by plants. (After Rotmistrov.) 36 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS How Plants Secure Their Nitrogen and Carbon. — Plants do not and cannot use nitrogen in its gaseous form, hence they do not take in any nitrogen directly from the air through their leaves. All nitrogen used by plants is taken in through their roots.5 Practically all the carbon contained in plants is taken directly from the air through the leaves in the form of carbon dioxide (CO2) . Much Carbon is Used by Plants. — A bushel of shelled corn contains about 25 pounds of carbon and one pound of ash. A ton of clover hay contains 950 pounds of carbon and about 140 pounds ] IT (Carbon dioxide) PL A N T5 furmsh foods for An / ma Is (Man and beast) * ^ sQ I I (Water, nitrogen and mineral elements/ FIG. 16. — The relation of plants to the soil and air on the one hand and to animals on the other. of mineral matter (ash). These two facts show the importance of both carbon and mineral elements in the production of crops. Chemical Composition of an Animal Body is Similar to That of Plants and Soil. — Plants are consumed by animals, and this means that the elements composing the animal body are secured mainly from plants. Thus it is not surprising that the chemical composi- tion of an animal body should be similar to that of plants. The ash of an animal body contains the same kinds of mineral elements as are found in the ash of plants and in soils. In reality, therefore, the ash of an animal body is nothing more than the "dust" of the 5 This seems contrary to general opinion especially as regards clover, alfalfa and other legumes. The nitrogen gathered by the bacteria within the nodules on the roots of legumes is absorbed by the roots. THE FARMER'S BUSINESS 37 earth. In this connection no truer statement was ever made than that written more than three thousand years ago: In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken — for dust thou art and unto dust shalt thou return. — Gen. 3 : 19. The Great Work of Plants. — The elements which compose an animal body are gathered from various sources, and as such they are only in one of the stages or forms in the cycles through which they pass. A speck of phosphorus, for example, contained in an animal body may have been gathered from a cabbage head or a turnip ; it tarries there for a lifetime, then continues its wanderings through the ages; and the only way it can again become a " build- ing block" in an animal body is to become built up in the tissue of some edible plant. Plants not only furnish building materials for animal bodies, but they also supply them with fuel for heat and energy. Thus a great work of plants is to bring together carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, mineral elements and water and build them into foods for man and beast. The Farmer's Business. —Since man and beast must eat to live and grow, the farmer's big business is to raise those plants which have been found good for foods. Not only must he provide foods but materials for clothing as well. In order that the farmer might do this most successfully he must understand soils and the principles upon which crop production depends. Demonstration. — Materials Needed. — Material and apparatus necessary to generate and demonstrate characteristics of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon dioxide gas: Samples of the elements aluminum, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus and carbon; lime, wood ashes, one-fourth of a pound of dry grass or clover hay, a baking powder can. 1. Object. — To demonstrate the properties of oxygen, aluminum, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, carbon, hydrogen, lime and carbon dioxide. 2. Object. — To explain the true meaning of potash. Procedure. — Fill a baking powder can, having a perforated bottom, with wood ashes and leach out the potash. Evaporate. 3. Object. — To show that plants contain mineral matter. Procedure. — Burn about 4 ounces of dry grass or clover hay and note the residue. Questions. — (a) What are ashes? (6) Where did this material come from originally? (c) What escaped during the burning? (d} What part of clover hay is carbon? (e) What is the per cent ash content of clover hay? 38 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF SOILS QUESTIONS 1. How may the chemical composition of soils be expressed? Distinguish between element and oxide. 2. Name the more important elements of which soils are composed. Give symbol for each. (See table.) 3. In what form do the elements occur in soils? 4. Name four of the soil elements with which you are more or less familiar. 5. Describe the elements calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and phosphorus. 6. Which is the most common and abundant element on the earth? In the universe? 7. Name the common mineral elements contained in soils. 8. Name the essential elements which crops take from soils. 9. Which elements are most commonly deficient in soils and which affect crop yields the most? 10. Name the elements commonly regarded as the fertilizing elements. 11. What can you say concerning the amount of the four most important elements in soils? 12. How is nitrogen held in soils? 13. Of what importance is decay in plant growth? 14. What is meant by lime? 15. Distinguish between potassium and the common meaning of "potash." Between phosphorus and "phosphoric acid." 16. What is potash? 17. In what two ways are soils of use to plants? 18. How does the chemical composition of plants compare with that of soils? What are ashes? 19. Name all the elements required in plant growth. What are the sources of these elements? 20. Do plants take hi nitrogen through their leaves? How then do they get this element? 21. How do plants get their carbon? 22. What per cent of a corn kernel is carbon? Of clover hay? 23. How does the chemical composition of an animal body compare with that of plants and the soil? 24. What is a great work of plants? 25. What is the business of the farmer? 26. Compare the amount of wood fuel or coal burned in a stove in your home with the amount of ashes removed. Explain. 27. For summary of Chapter III in outline form see table of contents. CHAPTER IV HOW ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS AMONG the factors which determine soil types was mentioned "kind of material" which refers largely to the kind of rock from which the mineral particles came. Any traveler interested in soils can easily observe the marked effects that rocks and climate have upon soils in different sections of the country. In this chapter we shall consider some of these effects both from a physical and chemical point of view in order that we may understand certain facts and soil conditions that may come within our observation, experience, or reading. ROCKS IN THEIR RELATION TO SOILS Kinds of Rocks and Their Changes. — There are many kinds of rocks, all of which may be divided into three main groups, according to the manner in which they were formed. Igneous rocks were the first to form on the earth. They are also formed by the solidification of molten material from within the earth. Lava rocks formed through volcanic eruptions are, therefore, igneous rocks. , Other igneous rocks are granite, basalt, and syenite. Sedimentary rocks are bedded rocks formed from sediments such as sand, shells, mud, etc., deposited in sheets through the action of water and wind — mostly through water action. Through pressure and cementation these sediments gradually change into rocks; such as sandstone, limestone and shale. Most sedimentary rocks have been formed under sea water. All materials forming these rocks came originally from igneous rocks. Sedimentary and igneous rocks may change into metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks are so called because they are rocks which, through long periods of time, have changed their structure as a result of great pressure, heat, and water solutions. Slate, marble, quartzite, and schist are examples. A limestone may change into a marble, which, under proper conditions may further change its structure and become a schist. Thus a sedimentary rock may change into a metamorphic rock, and, in turn, may undergo a further change sufficient to be designated as another kind of meta- morphic rock; namely, a schist. 39 40 HOW ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS A Rock is an Aggregate of Mineral Particles. — On examining rocks closely we find them composed of mineral particles massed or cemented together.2 In some rocks, as sandstone, the particles are mostly of the same kind. In others they are of different kinds. In a granite, for example, the dissimilar particles may be easily distinguished by differences in hardness, color and crystal form. They are called "rock-forming minerals." Rock-forming Minerals of Many Kinds. — We shall not attempt to study all the many kinds of minerals of which rocks are com- posed, but only the more common and important ones as are given in the following table: The Common and Important Rock Minerals Minerals Relative abundance in crust of earth, % Elements of which they are composed (p. 30) Feldspars . Quartz . . . ]VIicas 48 35 8 1 8 Si, Al, Na, Ca, K, O. Si, O. Si, Al, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, K, O. Si, Al, Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, O. Ca, O, C. Ca, Mg, 0, C. Ca, P, O, Fl. Fe, O. Fe, S. Ca, S, O. Hornblenc Calcite Dolomite Apatite Hematite Pyrite Gypsum e, angite, etc all others A study of the chemical composition of these rock minerals will make clear to us the source of the mineral elements necessary for plant growth. No nitrogen is found in any of these minerals. Quartz particles are the grains of whicli sandstones are mostly formed. Why Some Soils Are Deficient in Some of the Important Mineral Elements. — A sandy soil composed of quartz sand, or derived from pure sandstone would naturally contain only a very small amount of the important mineral elements. Why? Soils composed of mineral particles derived from rocks contain- ing such minerals as feldspars, hornblende, micas, apatite, etc., are usually well supplied with the mineral plant-food elements. The fact that peat soils do not contain any appreciable amount 2 Lava or glassy rocks are exceptions. SALTS 41 of mineral particles containing the necessary mineral ele- ments explains why they are generally deficient in potassium and phosphorus. Muck soils usually contain more potassium and phosphorus than peats, because these soils contain considerable mineral matter (Chapter II). MORE ABOUT WEATHERING Products of Rocks Weathering. — We have learned that the framework of mineral soils3 consists of sand, silt and clay — the common products of rock weathering. When a granite, for example, is transformed by weathering into soil, many chemical changes occur during the transformation. A residual soil from granite is not merely a powdered form of that rock, represented by a combination of sand, silt and clay. Many of the soil particles, jt is true, are the same kind of mineral particles as are found in the granite; others, however, are quite different from any that ever occurred in the parent rock. The formation of the new kinds, or secondary minerals, is a result of the chemical changes, or decay. In the decay, or chemical changes, many of the complex rock minerals are split up, chemically, and their, ele- ments recombine in different ways, or unite with other elements, water and gases. In addition, therefore, to the common products of rock weather- ing— sand, silt and clay, there are formed other products, among which are true clay (kaolin), carbonate of lime, and salts. True clay (kaolin) is a definite, fine material originating mainly through the decay of feldspars and micas. Carbonate of Lime, or lime carbonate, is lime combined with carbon dioxide gas. (CaO + CO2). It is formed in rock decay when the calcium (Ca) in the rock enters into a new combination with and through the action of carbon dioxide and water. The mineral calcite is a pure form of carbonate of lime. Lime- stone, shells, coral, marble, dried lime mortar, air-slaked lime and marl are other forms of material containing lime carbonate. Salts. — Among the many salts formed during the process of rock decay are: Chlorides. — Common table salt is an example. Sulfates. — Glauber's salt is an example. 3 Soils made up of materials derived from rocks are commonly referred to as "mineral soils." 42 HOW ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS Carbonates. — Such as washing soda. Phosphates. — As lime phosphate. From Granite Into Soil. — A residual soil resulting from the weathering of a granite is usually a sandy loam or loam. The transformation of granite into soil is illustrated and summarized in the following diagram : From Rock into Soil The rock lineral composition Chemical composition of the rock minerals Products of rock weathering Resulting soil (classes) Quartz Si, O Sand, silt, clay * Sandy loam Feldspars Al, Si, Na, Ca, K, O True clay Granite* Micas Hornblende Al, Si, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, K, O Al, Si, Na, Ca, Mg, Fe, O Carbonate of lime or Apatite Ca, P 0 Salts loam Pyrite Fe,S * Sand, silt and clay particles are mainly the products of the breaking up of rocks, while true clay, carbonate of lime and salts are products of rock decay. Soils From Other Rocks. — Sandstone usually gives rise to sand or sandy soils; shale and slate to heavy clays, and limestone to silt loams and clay loams. THE EFFECT OF CLIMATE Soils in Humid Climates Are Leached. — In humid4 climates the heavy rainfall causes much soil to be washed away and carried into the ocean. Sand, silt and clay are not the only materials carried into the sea — carbonate of lime and salts are also thus carried. In a humid region much of the rainfall sinks into the ground, and as the water passes down through the soil it dissolves carbon- ate of lime and salts and carries them in solution until it comes to the surface in the form of springs; thence into rivers, and finally into the sea. All drainage waters, therefore, carry to the sea, carbonate of lime and salts in solution and sediments. 4 When a region has an average annual rainfall of more than 30 inches it is regarded as having a humid climate. A region having an average annual rainfall of between 20 and 30 inches the climate is commonly referred to as sub-humid. ALKALI SOILS 43 What Becomes of the Materials Carried Into the Sea. — The sand settles out near the shore, and in time becomes sandstone (Fig. 17). The clay settles to the bottom farther out and finally turns to shale. The salts remaining in solution become the "salt of the sea." Shells. — The carbonate of lime is taken out of solution in the ocean water by myriads of tiny shell animals, whose shells sink to the ocean floor when they die. Coral animals, certain water plants and bacteria also cause carbonate of lime to be deposited. Usually, however, on the sea bottom beyond the accumulations FIG. 17. — The ocean receives all the materials washed from the continents. The sand settles out of the river waters near shore, and the clay is carried farther out. The salts make the sea-water salty. The dissolved carbonate of lime is taken out of solution by tiny shell animals. of sand and mud there are deposited shells and particles of carbon- ate of lime which in time turn into limestone. As a general rule, whenever limestone, sandstone or shale is found, there at one time existed a sea or lake. The mud and sand, which are the impurities of limestone, con- stitute the soil-forming material when limestone weathers. Alkali Soils. — Soils in regions of little or no rainfall are not leached as they are in humid or sub-humid climates. The salts formed through weathering processes, therefore, accumulate in these soils. In places the soils are so salty that cultivated plants cannot grow in them (Fig. 18). Such soils are called "alkali soils." Salty crusts commonly form on their surfaces. When 44 HOW ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS these crusts are white the name "white alkali" is used, and " black alkali" when the crusts are brown or black. "Black alkali" dis- solves organic matter; hence the black crusts. Alkali Spots. — In sub-humid and humid climates small areas of alkali soils may be found varying in extent from a few square rods to several acres. These areas are usually depressions or areas kept wet by seepage water. In either case there has been an accumulation of salts in these areas, the quantity is usually not sufficient to prevent entirely the growth of crops; though in some cases much injury does result. FIG. 18.— An alkali area in Western United States. Alkali soils like these do not form in humid regions, because the salts which are formed as a result of rock weathering are dissolved and carried away. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.) Other Effects of Climate. — Soils in arid 5 and semi-arid climates are usually coarser textured and generally lighter in color than those of humid regions. Arid soils are deep and uniform with but little difference in texture between soil and subsoil; while those of humid or sub- humid regions are generally of fine texture and have subsoils which contain more clay than their surface soils. 5 Sections receiving less than 10 inches of rainfall annually are designated "arid," and "semi-arid" when the annual rainfall is between 10 and 20 inches. LEACHED AND SOUR SOILS 45 In cool, humid climates, organic matter decays slowly, hence soils in such regions are generally well supplied with organic matter. In warm, humid climates, vegetable matter in soils decays rapidly, hence the soils are usually low in organic matter. This accounts in part for the many red soils found in the South and the Tropics. Leached and Sour Soils. — Soils in humid regions are generally well leached of their soluble salts. Moreover, many of them, espe- cially the upland soils, have had the carbonate of lime so completely leached out of them that they have developed a condition generally referred to as " acidity." Soils which lack carbonate of lime are thus commonly termed "sour" or "acid." Illustration Material for Lessons. — A few hand specimens of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. (Include a sample of lava rock.) Speci- mens of the common rock-forming minerals. A sample of kaolin (true clay). Limestone and other natural carbonates. If possible show samples representing different stages in the formation of il from an igneous rock; from a sandstone; shale; and from a limestone. A sample of an alkali soil and of a red soil commonly found in the South. Demonstrations. — Material Needed. — A tablespoonf ul each of common salt id sodium carbonate; 4 tumblers; and about two-thirds of a cupful of a >lack soil. To Make Clear the Meaning of " White » and " Black " Alkali— Pro- cedure.— Place about a handful of black soil in each of two tumblers. Fill one about half full of a strong solution of common salt (a white alkali) and the other about half full of a strong solution of sodium carbonate (black alkali). Stir the contents of each tumbler and let stand at least twelve hours. Strain the liquid into two other tumblers and note difference in color. (Show the class samples of the two salts.) Questions. — (a) Which salt dissolves organic matter and which does not? (6) What would be the color of the drainage water in a section of "black" alkali? In an area of "white" alkali? (c) Why is the one salt called "white" and the other "black" alkali since both salts are white in color? (d) Where are alkali soils found? Why? Laboratory Exercises. — Materials Needed. — Specimens of common rock- forming minerals — feldspar, hornblende, quartz, white and black mica, calcite, gypsum, apatite, pyrite, etc.; specimens of common rocks, such as granite, trap rock, schist, shale, slate, limestone, marble, sandstone and quartzite. To Learn to Recognize the Common Rock-forming Minerals. — Procedure*. — Examine carefully the samples of rock-forming minerals provided for study. Record observations in tabular form with headings as follows: Name of mineral, color, essential plant-food element it contains, plains in which mineral can be split (plains of cleavate), common end product in weathering, and rela- tive hardness. The relative degree of hardness can be determined by scratching each with the other. (See Rocks and Rock Minerals — Pirsson.) Questions. — (a) Which are the two most common rock-forming minerals? (6) Suppose a sand (soil) contains many sand particles of apatite. What of its phosphorus supply? 46 HOW ROCKS AND CLIMATE AFFECT SOILS (c) A muck contains much silt and clay. What of its supply of mineral plant-food elements? (d) Suppose the mineral matter in a muck is all quartz sand. Would its supply of phosphorus and potassium be the same as that of (c)? Why? To Learn to Recognize the Common Rocks. — Procedure. — Examine with hand lens the different rock specimens provided. Record observations in •tabular form — headings as follows: Rock group, name of rock, color, texture, structure (dense, fine grained, granular, or laminated), and important min- erals of which composed. Questions. — (a) What kinds of soil form the following rocks — granite, sandstone, limestone, and shale? (6) What forms the soil in the weathering of a limestone? Field Studies. — When practicable, field trips may be made for studying the rock formations of the community. Note relation between the prevailing rocks and the kinds of soil. Note also whether the areas of soil visited are of residual or transported formation. QUESTIONS 1. Name the three large groups or classes of rocks. How do these three groups differ from each other as regards origin? Name some of the common rocks belonging to each group. 2. Tell of the changes that rock undergoes. 3. What is a rock? 4. Name some of the common rock-forming minerals. 5. What is the source of the important mineral elements required by plants? 6. Why are some sandy soils poor in mineral plant-food elements? 7. Why are peat soils generally deficient in potassium and phosphorus? 8. Do muck soils contain more or less mineral elements than peat? Explain. 9. Name the products of rock weathering. 10. Distinguish between clay and true clay. 11. What is carbonate of lime? Name some materials containing much lime carbonate. 12. What kinds of soils are formed from granite? From sandstone? From shale? From limestone? 13. Why is the water of the sea salty? 14. Explain how sandstone, shale and limestone are formed. 15. How can a soil form from a limestone? 16. What are alkali soils? Alkali spots? 17. Name other differences in soils of arid and humid regions. 18. In what kind of a climate are acid soils likely to occur? Explain. 19. Distinguish between "arid," "semi-arid," "sub-humid" and "humid" climates. 20. In which ones of these have you lived? CHAPTER V SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR AFFECTING PLANT GROWTH THE growth of plants has interested thoughtful men of all ages. Little by little knowledge concerning plant growth accumulated, and even today all is not known. Scientists will always study and investigate the growth and habits of plants. In order that a clear understanding might be gained of some of the fundamental principles of crop production, it is necessary to know a few facts concerning the growth of plants, and note in particular to what extent soils may affect this growth. Conditions Must be Favorable. — It is self-evident that a plant must have favorable conditions surrounding it before it can grow to its fullest development. These conditions must be favorable from the time the seed is planted to maturity. The life history of a plant may be conveniently divided into four periods; viz., the seed or dormant period, the germination period, the vegetative or growing period and the fruition or fruiting period. The average farm plant passes through three of these periods in contact with the soil. We shall now consider the con- ditions and requirements necessary to each of these three periods. THE GERMINATION PERIOD The Germination Period a Critical One. — Many poor crops are to be explained in no other way than that the conditions during the time of germination were not favorable. Frequently when the conditions are too unfavorable the seeds become moldy and fail to germinate. Life in a Planted Seed Strives for Existence. — When a seed is planted in the soil it is placed in a medium teeming with bacteria and fungi which would feed on the seed if no resistance were offered by it. Thus, as soon as a seed is placed in the ground there begins at once a struggle for existence on the part of the life in the seed against these bacteria and fungi. When conditions are favorable for the seed, it wins and sends out its roots and stem ; if unfavorable, the soil organisms win and cause the seed to decay. How .very necessary it is, "therefore, that the conditions be favorable during germination. 47 48 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR Requirements and Conditions for Germination. — For a most vigorous germination seeds require (a) a favorable moisture supply in the soil ; (6) sufficient air for oyxgen ; (c) favorable temperature, and (d) good tilth. It is to be noted that a germinating seed requires no plant-food elements from the soil or carbon dioxide from the air. It does not need them, since nature has surrounded the germ in the seed with a storehouse of food. As soon as the dormant life quickens, this store of food is drawn upon to nourish it. Water and oxygen are required for the same reason that ani- mals require them; viz., for life processes. And warmth is just as essential in promoting these life processes in a germinating seed as it is in an animal body. Just as some animals can tolerate lower temperatures than others, so it is with germinating seeds. Farmers in different sec- tions of the country learn by experience when it is the best time to plant various seeds to meet favorable temperature conditions. No farmer in a temperate zone would think of planting beans and corn as the first crops in early spring. Again, corn will rot under temperature conditions that will permit germination of winter wheat and rye. When lands are wet and cold, a farmer can help in a large meas- ure to create more favorable temperature conditions in the soil by draining such lands. The supply of air and moisture and the temperature conditions for the planted seed are influenced in a large degree by the physical condition of the soil or seed bed. In this connection much is said and written concerning tilth. Tilth Defined. — Tilth refers to the physical condition of the seed bed with respect to mellowness and firmness, indicating whether or not the soil is capable of favoring germination or promoting plant growth. Good Tilth. — When a soil has a certain degree of mellowness and firmness favorable to seed germination and plant growth, it is said to have good tilth; for example, a loamy soil having a fair degree of firmness. Poor Tilth. — A soil is in poor tilth when it is too loose, very lumpy or very hard and compact. These conditions are unfavor- able to germination and plant growth. Tilth does not indicate a rich or poor soil. The poorest soil imaginable may have excellent tilth; a poor sand, for example. The only substance a germinating seed takes from the soil is THE PERIOD OF GREATEST ACTIVITY 49 water. Because of this, good tilth is of vital importance since firmness of the soil determines largely the ease with which the planted seed secures this moisture. Absorption of Water by Seeds. — As soon as a seed is planted in moist soil it begins to absorb water, and as a consequence, it swells to its fullest extent before it germinates. Some seeds absorb more than their own weight of water. When other con- ditions are favorable, absorption of water determines largely the welfare of the seedling and vigor in after-growth. The factors which influence the rate of absorption are (a) contact between the seed and the soil, (6) amount of moisture in the soil, (c) tem- perature, and (d) salts. These factors may seem unimportant; on the contrary they have direct bearing on successful farming. Contact between the seed and soil is the means whereby the moisture in the soil gets to the seed. The better the contact, therefore, the better the moisture supply for the seed, provided, of course, there is moisture in the soil. This explains in part why a firm seed bed is generally desirable. Alfalfa seed sown in a loose, ashy seed bed very often results in failure, because of the lack of good contact between the seed and the soil. Moisture. — Seeds cannot germinate in dry soil. The planting of soaked seeds in dry soil invariably results in failure. The more water in the soil does not necessarily mean a more rapid absorption and hence a more rapid germination. Too much water shuts out oxygen and it also creates unfavorable temperature conditions. Warmth favors and cold retards absorption of water by seeds. When water absorption is retarded germination also is retarded. Salts Retard the Rate of Absorption. — Under like condition seeds will absorb moisture more slowly and hence germinate some- what more slowly in a rich soil than in a poor one. If present in considerable amounts, salts act as poisons. Many alkali soils will not permit germination of seeds. Some salts are poisonous to plants even in small amounts. Sometimes a farmer greatly retards germination or even kills his corn seed, for example, by dropping too much fertilizing salts on the seed in the hills or drills. THE VEGETATIVE OR GROWING PERIOD The Period of Greatest Activity. — This is a most active period in the life history of a plant. During this period the plant carries on six distinct activities, namely: 4 50 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR 1. It respires. 2. It transpires — moisture is given off, particularly from the leaves. 3. It takes in substances (raw materials) : (a) Carbon dioxide, (6) water,1 (c) salts (containing nitrogen and mineral elements). 4. It converts the raw materials into foods: (a) Protein, (6) carbohydrates, (c) fats. 5. It grows. 6. It stores foods. The Plant a Factory. — As soon as the seedling establishes itself in the soil it shifts its dependence for food from that stored in the seed by its parent plant to that of its own manufacture. Thus /7o/es Fasten** W/f/7 FIQ. 19. — A plant culture in a fruit jar. the plant grows into a real manufacturing establishment, most wonderful and mysterious throughout. The plant cells correspond to the departments — the leaf cells being the most important; the content of the cells, chlorophyll,2 etc., represents the machinery; the raw materials taken in are carbon dioxide, water and salts (Fig. 19); the power is the energy of sunlight; and the products are foods, of which there are three classes — protein, carbohydrates and fats. The common carbohydrates are sugars and starches. Conditions and Requirements During Vegetative Period. — In order that the average farm plant might carry on all its activities 1 Only a comparatively small amount of the water taken in by plants is used in the manufacture of foods — most of it is transpired. 2 Chlorophyll is the substance in plants that gives them their green color. PERMEABLE SOIL IS IMPORTANT in the best possible manner, the following conditions and /eqir.e- ments must be met : (a) Sufficient moisture must be present in the soil. (6) The plant must have air from which to secure oxygen and carbon dioxide. (c) Favorable temperature must prevail. (d) The soil must be in good tilth. (e) The plant must be able to secure sufficient nitrogen and mineral elements from the soil. (/) The plant must have sufficient sunlight. It is to be observed that in this period the plant demands three other requirements and conditions in addition to those required during germination; viz., carbon dioxide, plant-food elements and sunlight. Temperature in Relation to Crop Growth. — The air temperature at which plants grow the best varies with different farm crops. The best for small grains is between 77 and 88 degrees F.; for cucumbers and melons, between 88 and 99 degrees; for corn and hemp, between 99 and 1 10 degrees. The lowest air temperatures at which crops can make some growth are as follows: for small grains, between 32 and 41 degrees F.; for corn, between 41 and 51 degrees; for tobacco, between 51 and 60 degrees; and for melons and cucumbers, between 60 and 65 degrees. Permeable Soil Is Important (Good Tilth). — If the soil covering a seed should become hard and very compact, the stem may not, or may with difficulty, succeed in breaking through. If the soil around and below it also becomes too hard and compact, the roots are checked in their development — a stunted plant is the result. If, on the other hand, the soil is in a condition to permit the stem to push itself through to the surface with ease, and the roots to penetrate the soil without hindrance, the seedling soon estab- lishes itself as a vigorous plant. A permeable soil, therefore, is an important condition, not only when the plant is very small but throughout its growing period. Much attention, therefore, should be given to the preparation of the most favorable condition that will enable a young plant to establish itself in the soil in the quickest and best possible manner. This attention is to be confined largely to the develop- ment of good tilth, or in other words, to the preparation of a good seed bed. The smaller the seed to be sown, the better the seed- bed preparation should be (Figs. 20 and 21). 52 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR What Good Tilth Implies. — Very often a farmer is deceived in thinking that the looser the soil or seed bed becomes through FIG. 20.— The secret in planting garden seeds properly. Place the seeds in a shallow trench made in a firm, moist seed bed, cover seeds lightly with fine, moist soil, press the soil on the seeds to secure good contact between the soil and the seeds (C), then cover with loose soil (D). FIG. ,„, 21 —The difference it makes. Radish seeds in row A were planted loosely in moist soil, while those in row B, though planted the same time, were pressed in close con- tact with the moist soil, as in Fig. 20. This principle in seed-planting applies generally. plowing and harrowing, the more excellent the tilth or seed bed. Good tilth does not imply just looseness or mellowness of the seed bed — it means a certain degree of firmness or compactness as well. WHAT GOOD TILTH IMPLIES 53 22. — The development and distribution of corn roots in permeable soil under field conditions. (King.) 54 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR The full meaning of good tilth and its importance as regards the seed and the young plant may be gained by studying the following brief outline. {a. Entrance of air. 6. Stem penetration. c. Root penetration. Good tilth implies 2 Firmnegs of geed bed to , Between soil particles. secure good contact (Fig. j 6. Between seed and soil. 20) [ c. Between roots and soil. Whenever a seed bed is too loose, therefore, it should be made firm even before planting, by the use of a roller, so that there will be good contact between the soil particles, between the seed and the soil when the seed is planted, and later on between the roots and the soil. The soil should be firm enough to make this good contact possible, yet not so compact as to prevent the entrance of air and the easy penetration of the stem and roots (Figs. 22 and 23) . Factors Affecting the Development of Good Tilth.— The devel- opment of good tilth through cultivation depends largely on the texture, structure, and moisture content of the soil. Heavy soils usually require careful management to secure good tilth. It is not difficult to develop a good seed bed on sandy and loamy soils, and on soils having a crummy or granular structure. A hard and lumpy or heavy clay if plowed in the fall will develop good tilth of itself as a result of the freezing and thawing during winter and early spring. All soils work up much better when they contain a proper amount of moisture. Plowing or cultivating a heavy soil when too wet invariably results in poor tilth, in that the soil becomes hard and lumpy. Plant-food Elements. — The so-called "raw materials" taken in by plants contain the essential elements which enter into the composition of the foods made by them, hence the term " plant- food elements." Availability of Plant-food Elements. — Nitrogen and the mineral elements enter the plants through their roots in the form of com- pounds or salts in solution.3 These elements must be in the form of soluble compounds, or in liquid form, before they can become available to the plants. In this respect we speak of " availability" of the plant-food elements. 3 Water enters a plant through its roots by a process called "osmosis." The entrance of salts in solution may be termed "diffusion." FUNCTION OF THE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS 55 When a soil has an ample supply of the necessary elements in soluble form or in a condition which may be easily converted into soluble form when needed for the production of a large crop, that soil is described as having sufficient "available" plant-food ele- ments for a good yield. The fact that crop produc- tion depends in a large measure upon the availability of the plant-food elements in the soil makes it necessary that farmers understand the . conditions whereby soils may give up these elements in the amounts de- manded by good crops. These conditions and principles are discussed in later chapters. Function of the Plant-food Elements. — It is of interest to note briefly the functions of the elements required by crops. Carbon is used in the mak- ing of carbohydrates, fats and protein. Nitrogen is used in the making of protein. Phosphorus is of much im- portance in the " filling out" and development of the grain, often hastening maturity. It is also used in the making of protein. Sufficient available phosphorus causes young plants to develop good, strong root systems. Potassiun is much needed by plants to aid in starch and protein formation. Such crops as corn, sugar beets, potatoes, alfalfa and clover, therefore, require large amounts of this element. Calcium seems to be used largely in leaf and stalk development. It is also regarded as a protective agent, in that it prevents harm- ful effects of acids formed within the cells. FIG. 23. — An argument in favor of a deep seed bed. The desirable type of sugar beet. . D. A.) 56 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR Sulfur enters into the composition of protein. Magnesium seems particularly necessary for leaf development. Iron is necessary for chlorophyll formation. THE FRUITION PERIOD During this period the plant arrives at its maturity. It reaches its object of life; viz., the production of fruit or seed to propagate itself. During this period grains "fill" and harden, and fruits mature and ripen. This is not a period of food manu- facture, but rather of translocation of foods from the stems and leaves to the fruit or seed. Air, moisture and favorable tempera- ture are the necessary requirements. Demonstrations. — Material Needed (not including demonstration No. 8). — About 12 ounces of corn (seed) ; a few wheat kernels, and a few clover, cucum- ber, oat and bean seeds; 6 tumblers; 1 balance; a tablespoonful or more of salt; 1 quart of quartz sand; 6 one-gallon crocks; 18 quarts of loam, or silt loam; and 10 quarts each of rich garden soil and a poor soil of the same class. To Show That Seeds Absorb Much Water Before They Germinate. — Procedure. — Weigh out 50 grams or 2 ounces of either corn, beans or small grain and soak in water for 24 hours. Then wipe off the adhering water and weigh again. Determine the per cent of water absorbed. (Use weight of dry seeds as basis.) To Show That Temperature Affects the Rate at Which Water is Absorbed by Dry Seeds. — Procedure. — Weigh out two lots of seed of 50 grams or 2 ounces each. Soak one lot in warm water and the other lot in cold water for about two hours. Wipe off the adhering water, weigh, and determine the per cent of water absorbed. To Show that Salt Retards the Rate of Absorption of Water by Seeds. — Procedure. — Place one 2-ounce lot of seed corn in fresh tap water, and another lot in a strong salt solution. Keep all at the same temperature for several hours. Then wipe the seeds and compare weights. To Show That no Added or Outside Plant-food Elements are Needed for Germination. — Procedure. — Plant large, medium and small seeds (corn, wheat, clover) in pure quartz sand. Keep moist with pure water. Keep in favorable temperature, light, etc., and note time in which plants appear. Continue observations until plants die. Questions. — (a) Name the essential conditions for germination. (6) Why are not plant-food elements from outside sources needed for germination? (c) Why do the lower leaves dry up first? (d) Will the dry material of the dead plants (roots and all) weigh more or less than that of the seeds? Why? (e) Will the amount of ash be greater or less? Why? To Show the Effect of Temperature on Plant Growth. — Procedure.— Plant either winter wheat or oats and cucumber seeds in each of two one-gallon crocks filled with loam or silt loam. Place both jars in a favorable place. Water. When the plants are well started, place one crock in a well-lighted place having a temperature between 35° and 40° F. and leave the other jar in the greenhouse under favorable temperature conditions. Observe results after 10 days or two weeks. CORN IN A RICH AND A POOR SOIL 57 To Make Clear the Meaning of " Carbohydrate."— Procedure.— Put a tablespoonful of sugar into a tumbler; add a little water to make a thick syrup (keep cool), then add about two tablespoonfuls of sulfuric acid. Note results (Fig. 24). Questions. — (a) Where did the carbon come from? (6) How did the plant get it? (r) Why is not sugar black since it contains so much carbon? (d) Of what is a diamond made? . (e) What is the difference between a diamond and a piece of charcoal? To Show that a Farmer Must Observe Temperature Conditions When Planting Different Seeds. — Procedure. — Proceed as in demonstration No. 5, and plant a few seeds of wheat, beans and cucumbers in each crock. Place one crock in the greenhouse and the other in a well-lighted place having a tem- Carbon FIG. 24. — What happens when the chemically-combined water is withdrawn from sugar? The carbon in the sugar is set free. Sugar is a carbohydrate = (carbon + water) = 12 atoms of carbon (C) combined with 11 atoms of water (H2O). In this case the water was withdrawn from the sugar by sulphuric acid. perature between 35° and 40° F. Observe results regarding germination and growth. Question. — Construct a table showing the best air temperature at which some of the common farm crops grow the best, and the lowest temperature at which crops can make some growth. To Compare the Rate of Germination of Corn in a Rich and a Poor Soil. — Procedure. — Procure about four quarts of a rich greenhouse soil and the same amount and kind of poor soil. Allow both soils to warm to the same temperature. Moisten both and place in two one-gallon crocks. In each plant about five kernels of corn. Place both in a favorable place, water when necessary, and observe which plants appear first. Continue observations until after four or five weeks. Questions. — (a) Give reason for the difference in germination and early growth. (6) Give reason for the difference in growth after four or five weeks. (Consult text.) 58 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR To Demonstrate the Need of Nitrogen and the Six Essential Mineral Ele- ments in Plant Growth. — Procedure.— Place 50 kernels each of wheat and oats between moist blotters, and germinate. When the seedlings are well started transfer the best ones to culture solutions (Fig. 19). By means of pins fasten at least 3 of each kind of seedlings in each cork. Start four cultures, as follows: (1) Distilled water, (2) full nutrient solution, (3) nutrient solution with- out phosphorus, (4) a culture without iron. Place in favorable place and observe growth. Prepare full nutrient solution as follows: Potassium acid phosphate .... 8 grams in Yz liter distilled water. Calcium nitrate 6 grams in y% liter distilled water. Magnesium sulf ate 15 grams in Y^ liter distilled water. Ferric chloride 0.05 grams in Yi liter distilled water. For use take 50 c.c. of each of the first three solutions and 4 c.c. of the ferric chloride solution, mix, and dilute to 500 c.c. with distilled water. For nutrient solution without phosphorus use 10 grams of potassium chloride instead of potassium acid phosphate. For nutrient solution without iron omit the ferric chloride solution. Cover each jar with brown paper. Keep jars full by using distilled water. Renew culture solution if plants are allowed to grow a long time. Observe the character of growth and root development. Laboratory Exercises. — Material Needed. — A handful each of corn, beans, oats and wheat seeds; 2 tumblers; 18 one-gallon crocks; a small amount of tincture of iodine; one mortar and pestle; 8 quarts dry fine sand; 8 quarts moist fine sand; 8 quarts wet fine sand; 4 quarts dry silt loam; 4 quarts moist silt loam; 4 quarts wet silt loam; 4 quarts black sandy loam; 4 quarts light colored sandy loam; a small amount pulverized muck and lime; 12 thermometers. To Demonstrate That Oxygen is Necessary for Germination. — Procedure. — (a) Place some corn, beans and wheat seeds in two tumblers of water. Change the water in one tumbler each day, but do not change the water in the other. (6) Plant some corn, wheat and bean seeds in each of two one- gallon crocks. Maintain favorable moisture conditions in one, and keep the other soil saturated and flooded with water. Record results. Questions. — (a) Why cannot seeds germinate in stagnant water? (6) Why do corn and beans often rot in wet, cold soils? (c) Why is oxygen necessary for germination? To Demonstrate the Importance of Good Contact Between the Soil and the Planted Seed. — Procedure. — Fill a two-gallon crock with a loam and tamp so as to make a good, firm seed bed. Make two shallow furrows with a stick and sow radish seeds in each. Cover seeds in one furrow with moist soil, press soil down on seed, then cover with loose dirt. Cover the seeds in the second furrow with moist soil but do not press the soil on the seed. (Before preparing the seed bed see that the soil is moist or contains a favorable moisture supply, Figs. 20 and 21.) Place the crock in a favorable place — do not water. Observe results. Questions. — (a) Why is it necessary to have good contact between the seed and soil? (6) What is the meaning of tilth? (c) What is good tilth? To Study the Effect Produced When a Clay or a Heavy Clay Loam is Worked When Very Wet. — Procedure. — Place a cupful of clay or a heavy clay loam upon a pie tin or saucer. Add sufficient water to form thick mud. Mold the mud into a ball and allow it to dry out in the sun. Repeat, using a sand. Note results. (Save hard clay ball for next exercise.) EFFECT OF COLOR, WATER AND TEXTURE 59 Questions. — (a) What is the result when a heavy soil is plowed too wet? (6) Why is clay called plastic? (c) Why does not the sand ball harden like the clay? (d) What has happened to make the clay ball become so hard on drying (Look up "puddled soil" in index.) To Study the Effect of Freezing and Thawing on a Puddled Soil. — Pro- cedure.— Thoroughly moisten the hard clay ball obtained in the previous exercise, and freeze it if the weather is cold, or use a freezing mixture. Place the frozen ball in the sun to thaw out and dry. Note results. Questions. — Explain why it is good to plow a hard, lumpy soil in the fall. To Determine the Effect of Salt When it is in Contact with Planted Seeds. — Procedure. — Fill a one-gallon crock with moist loam and plant 4 kernels each of corn and oats. On the first pair of seeds (corn and oat) do not put any salt; on the second one pinch; on the third two pinches; and on the fourth three pinches of salt. Cover with soil and observe results. Water when necessary. Questions. — (a) In what ways does salt affect a germinating seed? (6) Of what importance is this fact to farmers? (See text.) To Note the Effect on a Plant of Growing it in Darkness. — Procedure. — Plant corn and beans in each of two one-gallon crocks. Water both, and keep at the same temperature. Keep one in the greenhouse and the other in a dark room. Allow the plants to grow for 2 to 3 weeks and then test the leaves for starch with tincture of iodine. (A blue color indicates the presence of starch.) Questions. — (a) What did the plants in darkness live on? . (&) Why is there no starch in the leaves of the plants grown in darkness? (c) Why are the plants grown in the darkness white? (d) What is necessary in the manufacture of starch by the plant? (e) Why is it difficult to obtain a test for starch in the green leaves early in the morning? To Note the Effect of Color, Water and Soil Texture on the Temperature of Soils. — This exercise may be set up and students observe results. Procedure. — Fill 12 one-gallon crocks within one-half inch of the top as indicated below. Pack the soils uniformly and carefully, and have crocks filled to the same mark. This is to be done one day. Set the prepared crocks where the sun will not strike them and where all will remain at the same temperature till the next day. Avoid steam pipes. No. 1. — Fill with water. No. 2. — Dry fine sand. No. 3. — Moist fine sand. No. 4. — Dry fine sand with y± inch of ground muck on surface. No. 5. — Dry fine sand with Y± inch of powdered slaked lime on surface. No. 6. — Dry silt loam. No. 7. — Moist silt loam. No. 8. — Wet silt loam. No. 9. — Black sandy loam (dry). No. 10. — Light colored sandy loam (dry). No. 11. — Moist fine sand with surface at right angles to sun. No. 12. — Moist fine sand with surface slanting away from sun. Put thermometers which were previously tested for uniformity in the crocks so that the bulbs are 1 Yi to 2 inches below the surface. Do not have the soil cover them above the 20° mark. Put all the thermometers in at the same time and read them as soon as they have had time to register. Record results. Place the crocks in the sun with one side on a strip of board to incline the sur- faces somewhat toward the sun. (Remember that 11 and 12 have special treat- ment.) Read the thermometers every 20 minutes for 2 hours. Record results in tabular form as follows: 60 SOIL AN IMPORTANT FACTOR Temperature Treatment Start 20 min. 40 min. 60 min. 80 min. 100 min. 120 min. Water only etc Questions. — (a) Why does dry soil heat quicker than wet soil? (6) Why does sand heat quicker than silt loam? (c) Why are northern slopes preferable for orchards? (d) Give four reasons why a water-logged soil will not warm up so readily as a well-drained soil. (e) How can a farmer aid a low, wet field to warm up quicker in the spring? (/) Name the factors that influence soil temperature. Field Studies. — Become familiar with the meaning of tilth and seed bed by observing soil condition in several selected fields. Note the temperature of certain well-drained soils, sandy soils, heavy soils, peat and muck, poorly drained soils, and soil on south and north slopes. QUESTIONS Through what periods does 9. 10. 1. Name the periods in the life history of a plant. it pass in contact with the soil? 2. Why is it important to have favorable conditions surrounding a planted seed? What are these favorable conditions? 3. Can a farmer ever help to create more favorable temperature conditions for seed germination and plant growth? How? 4. What is meant by tilth? Good tilth? Poor tilth? Illustrate. 5. Does good tilth imply a rich soil? 6. What is the relation between the absorption of water by seeds and germination? 7. Name factors influencing rate of water absorption by seeds. Discuss each 8. Which is the period of greatest activity in the life history of a plant? Name these activities. How may a plant be compared to a factory? Name the requirements and conditions necessary during the growing period of a plant. How do these requirements compare with those of the germinating period? 11. Discuss temperature in relation to crop growth. 12. What is the importance of permeable soil in relation to the growth and vigor of young plants? 13. What is the importance of good tilth as regards the seed and the young plant? 14. Explain how texture, structure and moisture content of soils affect the development of good ti,lth through cultivation. 15. Why is it good to plow a hard, lumpy soil or a heavy clay in the fall? 16. What is meant by availability of the plant-food elements? 17. What becomes of the carbon taken in by plants? Of the nitrogen? Of the sulfur? 18. What seems to be the function of calcium in plants? Of magnesium? Why do plants need iron? 19. Give three reasons why it is important to have a good supply of available phosphorus in the soil. 20. Explain whv corn, sugar beets and potatoes require much potassium. Do alfalfa and clover crops need much potassium? Why? 21. What are the requirements of a plant in the fruition period? 22. For summary of Chapter V see the table of contents. CHAPTER VI CROPS AS FEEDERS ON THE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS IN THE SOIL THE elements most commonly studied in relation to crop pro- duction are nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. These four will receive careful consideration in further study. All crops are feeders on these important elements and hence they remove from the soil varying amounts. In this respect a soil actually gives up a part of itself in producing crops. Soil Particles Are Not Plant Foods. — It was thought at one time that crops consumed or digested soil grains, especially the finest ones.1 This thinking led some of the very early agricultural writers to advocate the reduction of soil to very fine dust so as to enable plants to obtain the amount of soil sufficient for good yields. It was an idea similar to this, no doubt, that gave to the word " manure" its original meanings, viz., "to till" and "to work by hand." Forms in Which Plants Secure Their Elements. — We have learned that plants secure the elements they require in the form of carbon dioxide, water and soluble salts. The soluble salts are derived largely through the decay of organic matter and the mineral soil particles. Amount of Elements Removed From Soil by Crops. — The accompanying table gives the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium removed by the more common crops. These amounts are based on crop yields that may be secured on a productive soil. The amounts contained in the grain, stalk and straw are given where called for. These figure repre- sent the averages of many hundreds of crop analyses made in many laboratories. It is to be observed that it requires approximately a pound of nitrogen to grow a bushel of oats or barley, and about one and one- half pounds per bushel of corn (Fig. 25.) A fifteen-bushel wheat crop would take from the soil about one- half the amounts removed by a thirty-bushel crop. The draft made on the elements by a seventy-eight-bushel corn crop would 1 Jethro Tull's theory— England, 1730. 61 62 CROPS AS FEEDERS Plant Food Elements Removed by Harvested Crops (Pounds per acre per year) Crops Yield per acre Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Alfalfa hay Barley, grain Barley, straw 5 tons 40 bu. 1 ton (238) 35.3 11 2 23.6 7.1 1 6 185.0 11.8 199 185.0 0.8 46 Barley, total crop 46.5 8.7 31.7 5.4 Beet, sugar (roots) Blue grass (Kentucky) . . . Buckwheat, grain 15 tons 2 tons 30 bu. 78.0 53.2 21.8 10.5 9.4 5.5 79.5 70.0 7.3 8.0 12.0 03 Buckwheat, straw % ton 12.5 0.85 14.1 10.3 Buckwheat, total crop . . . 34.3 6.35 21.4 10.6 Cabbage (heads) 15 tons 105.0 9.2 72.0 36.0 Clover hay, medium red . . Clover hay, alsike Clover hay, Japan 2 tons 2 tons 2 tons (82.0) (80.0) (77.6) 6.8 12.0 18.0 54.0 57.5 68.8 61.6 39.2 40.5 Corn, grain . 65 bu. 59.0 9.1 12.0 0.7 Corn, stover* Corn, cob 1% tons 900 Ibs. 33.0 3.0 6.8 0.3 40.0 4.0 12.2 0.1 Corn, total crop 95.0 16.2 56.0 13.0 Corn (for silage) Cotton, lint 12 tons 500 Ibs. 81.6 1.5 16.7 0.3 87.5 2.5 14.0 0.6 Cotton, seed 1000 Ibs. 31.5 5.7 9.5 1.8 Cotton, total crop 33.0 6.0 12.0 2.4 Cowpeas hay Flax, grain Flax, straw . . . 2 tons 15 bu. 0.9 ton (124.0) 30.4 20.6 16.4 5.5 1.5 137.0 6.6 15.6 36.0 2.0 9.3 Flax, total crop 51.0 7.0 22.2 11.3 Hemp (dry stalks) Millet hay (common) .... Oats, grain 3 tons 3 tons 50 bu. 20.0 80.0 31.7 4.0 9.5 5.6 44.0 107.0 7.4 30.0 16.2 1.1 Oats, straw 1M tons 14.5 2.4 31.1 7.5 Oats total crop 46.2 8.0 38.5 8.6 Onion (bulbs only) Peas, grain 500 bu. 20 bu. 60.0 44.0 11.0 4.5 52.0 10.1 31.0 2.0 Peas, straw \}/2 tons 30.0 2.5 26.4 42.3 Peas, total crop (74.0) 7.0 36.5 44.3 * When corn is shocked in the field weathering causes a loss of elements, especially potassium, from the stalk and leaves. RELATION BETWEEN ELEMENTS AND NUTRIENTS 63 Crops Yield per acre Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus d>) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Peas, green, total crop .... Potatoes, Irish (tubers). . . Potatoes, sweet (tubers) . . 7.5 tons 200 bu. 200 bu. (85) 42.0 35.0 7.2 6.3 5.0 35.0 53.0 51.0 55.0 2.4 Rye, grain Rve, straw 25 bu. 1*4 tons 26.5 12.0 4.5 3.0 6.6 16.4 0.5 5.5 Rye, total crop 385 7 5 23 0 60 Soybeans, grain Soybeans, straw 20 bu. 1 ton 70.0 35.0 7.1 5.4 24.6 32.7 2.2 31.3 Soybeans, total crop (105) 12.5 57!3 33.5 Timothy hay 2 tons 39 0 54 45 0 100 Tobacco, leaves * 1500 Ibs. 41 0 27 59 0 41 0 Tobacco, stalk 1250 Ibs. 26.0 2.5 33.0 6.8 Tobacco, total crop 67.0 5.2 92.0 47.8 Turnips (roots only) Wheat, grain Wheat, straw 15 tons 30 bu. 1.6 tons 60.0 35.6 16.0 13.0 6.8 1.8 72.0 7.9 19.6 15.0 07 4.3 Wheat, total crop 51 6 86 27 5 5 0 * Leaves and stalk containing 30 per cent moisture. be approximately one-fifth greater than that made by a sixty-five- bushel crop. In this way we can estimate the amounts of the elements removed by various yields. The greater the yields the heavier the draft upon the soil. The figures in parentheses in the nitrogen column indicate the total nitrogen content of the legume crops. Much of this nitrogen is gathered from the air by means of bacteria in the nodules on their roots. SOME INTERESTING AND PRACTICAL FACTS CONCERNING THE FEEDING OF CROPS Distribution of the Elements in Plants. — As a rule more nitro- gen is contained in the grain than in the stalk or straw. Phosphorus goes largely into the grain — the potassium and calcium into the stalk, straw and leaves. Calcium is found largely in the leaves. Relation Between Elements and Nutrients. — Crops which utilize large amounts of nitrogen are rich in protein. (Compare the preceding table with the table of nutrients in the appendix.) 64 CROPS AS FEEDERS Crops requiring large amounts of potassium are usually rich in protein or carbohydrates. Crops which require much calcium are rich in protein — alfalfa is a good example. Crops Vary in Their Needs of Plant-food Elements. — Crops vary in their requirements of the important elements. Cabbage, sugar beets, tobacco, alfalfa and corn are some of the " heavy feeders." Fia. 25. — A soil actually gives up a part of itself in producing crops. All crops remove nitrogen and mineral elements from the soil. Wheat requires more nitrogen and phosphorus per bushel than oats. It is interesting in this connection to mention that wheat stands up much better on a comparatively rich soil than oats. It is better to grow such crops as potatoes, corn, sugar beets or cabbage on land heavily manured or rich in nitrogen than to attempt to grow oats. Under such conditions an oat crop lodges badly. It is difficult to prevent lodging of grains on some soils. Lodging of Grains. — Lodging is explained on the theory that the crops do not secure nitrogen and the mineral elements in the proper proportion. A large amount of easily available nitrogen, TIMOTHY NOT A "SOIL ROBBER" 65 together with a comparatively low amount of available mineral elements in a soil invariably causes lodging of small grains. Too much nitrogen produces rank growth, much leaves and weak straw. It is not easy to overcome such conditions. It is good farm practice to try to prevent such conditions by maintaining in the soil a good supply of easily available mineral elements as well as a good nitro- gen supply. Alfalfa a " Heavy Feeder." — Much is said concerning alfalfa as a great soil enricher. Many believe that it takes only a small amount of the elements from the soil, and that somehow the more alfalfa is raised the richer the soil becomes in every respect. The fact is that in a year a five-ton alfalfa crop removes from the soil of one acre five and one-half pounds more phosphorus, one hundred thirty pounds more potassium and one hundred sixty-eight pounds more calcium than a sixty-five-bushel corn crop. It is not sur- prising, therefore, that alfalfa should require a rich soil, and that it fails on a poor soil. It is believed by some that alfalfa draws most of the mineral elements from the deep subsoil. In deep and porous soils con- siderable phosphorus and potassium, no doubt, is brought up from the deep subsoil; but in a soil having a heavy, silty clay or clay subsoil beginning a few inches below the surface it is doubtful that very much available mineral element is present to be ab- sorbed by the deep alfalfa roots. The fact remains, however, that when the seven or eight inches of surface soil is poor, alfalfa cannot be grown successfully without heavy fertiliza- tion. The reason for this is explained in the fact that most of the fibrous, feeding roots are to be found in the surface soil. The roots which penetrate the deep subsoil secure a good water supply for the alfalfa. In one respect the growing and feeding of alfalfa on the farm does enrich the soil, viz., in nitrogen. This can be said of all legumes. Timothy Not a " Soil Robber." — It is a common belief that timothy is "hard on the land." In studying the preceding table, we observe that this crop does not draw heavily upon the soil. No doubt timothy got its mean reputation in this manner : When a field no longer will grow profitable crops of grain or corn as a result of exhaustive cropping, it is seeded with timothy, because " it is usually a sure crop, not easily killed out, and it may be grown several years on such land without much attention being given to it. 5 66 CROPS AS FEEDERS Because its draft upon the soil is comparatively light and since it is able, because of its well-developed root system, to draw the last trace of available elements from the soil, this crop yields from fair to good even though the soil is too poor for other crops. In time, however, even timothy will yield poorly. The sod is plowed up, and if not manured, the crops on this poor timothy sod are scant. Farmers have often observed that when a field is sown half to clover and the other half to timothy, and both sods are plowed, manured and planted to corn, the corn on the clover sod is much the better crop. Since these facts have been generally observed, it is inferred that timothy must be a "soil robber." It is true, nevertheless, that clover is a much better crop to grow because of its higher feeding value, and because it can gather nitrogen from the air by means of bacteria that live in the nodules on its roots. Some Plants Have Strong Feeding Powers. — It has been demonstrated that some crops, better than others, can secure their requirements of mineral elements from insoluble substances in the soil. Buckwheat, for example, can secure its need of phos- phorus from soils low in available phosphorus better than oats, corn or millet. Perhaps this explains why buckwheat does so well on poor or exhausted soils, and why it is a good crop to grow to plow under as the first step in the improvement of such soils. In general, a plant that can grow well on poor soil may be regarded as having a strong feeding power, while a plant that can not grow well except on a very rich soil may be regarded as having a weak feeding power. Barley Requires a Richer Soil Than Oats. — When we compare the amount of the elements required by average good crops of barley and oats, we find but little difference. A soil capable of producing forty bushels of barley per acre would easily produce from sixty to sixty-five bushels of oats. In that case the oats would draw heavier upon the soil than barley. Nevertheless, it is generally recognized that a richer2 soil is required to grow common barley than oats. For an explanation we must study the habits of these two crops. Barley does not develop so extensive or deep a root system as the oat, and hence draws on less soil for its needs. It also has a weaker feeding power and it matures earlier. Thus barley 2 A rich soil is understood to mean a soil having a good supply of available plant-food elements, as indicated by good crop growth. FERTILIZER NEEDS BEST DETERMINED BY TESTS 67 must get its necessary amount of plant-food elements from less soil with less ease and in less time than oats. A richer soil, therefore, is necessary for barley to enable it to secure its requirements. Fertilizer Needs Best Determined by Tests. — Since the table gives the amounts of the important plant-food elements actually contained in crops harvested, it is useful in showing the draft that harvested crops make on soils. The figures are not to be taken to indicate exactly how much and in what proportion the fertilizing elements, in the form of fertilizers, should be supplied to crops growing on any particular soil. The only sure way to determine the fertilizer needs of any crop on a particular soil is by fertilizer tests — f or the following reasons : 1. The condition of the soil with respect to the " availability " of the elements is difficult to determine by chemical analyses. 2. The feeding power of certain plants may not be well understood. 3. Some plants vary in their chemical composition and hence in their requirements of some of the elements at different stages in their growth. Corn and potatoes, for example, contain the most potassium when well matured, while wheat contains the most when just heading out.3 Thus the potassium content of a corn crop when cut is a very good index of the potassium needs of corn, whereas the potassium content of a harvested wheat crop does not indicate the true potassium requirements of that crop. It has been found that a turnip crop requires much more phos- phorus during its growth than is indicated by its chemical compo- sition at harvest time. 4. Some harvested crops consist of the entire growth, while others consist only of the edible or usable portion. This fact must be remembered when the table is studied. For, example, in com- paring a twelve-ton corn crop and a fifteen-ton sugar beet crop, it would appear that the corn crop is the greater feeder on all the elements. The corn crop consists of the entire growth; the sugar beet crop only the marketable roots. In case of the fifteen-ton beet crop at least 6.2 tons of green leaves and tops are left on the field, containing about forty pounds of nitrogen, 6.5 pounds of phosphorus, 12.5 pounds of potassium and 30.5 pounds of calcium. Thus to grow a fifteen-ton sugar beet crop the soil on each acre 3 The amount not needed in later growth or development goes back into the soil, either washed from the leaves or migrates through the roots. CROPS AS FEEDERS must give up one hundred eighteen pounds of nitrogen, seven- teen pounds of phosphorus, ninety-two pounds of potassium and 38.5 pounds of calcium. In case of a fifteen-ton cabbage crop, at least eleven tons of material are left on the field. Thus a fifteen-ton cabbage crop requires for its production approximately one hundred eighty pounds of nitrogen, sixteen pounds of phosphorus, one hun- dred twenty-five pounds of potas- sium and sixty- two pounds of calcium. In case of hemp, it would seem that a soil needs to give up only small amounts of the elements to pro- duce a good crop, and that it ought to grow well on poor soils. On the contrary, it re- quires a fertile soil to grow a good crop of hemp. Root Systems of Crops Differ.— FIG. 26.— Root-hairs are the absorbing portion of plant Some plants have roots. These root-hairs come into intimate contact with the soil. /v.,.i.£kr.a:,,£k QT1.J -n^ll A, root-hairs of mustard plants, with soil adhering and with soil eXLeiJbWe d,nu Wei we™kJeilterfi' (After Sachs') wheat' when **** youns' and four developed root sy- stems enabling them to draw plant-food elements and water, particularly, from large volumes of soil (Figs. 26 and 27) . Corn and alfalfa are typical examples. Such crops as onions, cabbage and beets have much less extensive root systems. It is the nature of some plants to develop fibrous and much branching roots largely in the tilled portion of the ground — these are commonly called shallow rooted plants. Farm Plants are Interesting Subjects for Study. — In the PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS REMOVED 69 preceding paragraphs the importance of plant study is emphasized. If anyone wishes to grow any kind of a crop most successfully he should become familiar not only with the best cultural methods in growing it, but, as far as possible, with all its habits and charac- teristics as well. -1 FIG. 27. — The root-hair in the soil, hh, root-hair; e, portion of main root; 1, air space; 2, soil grain; 3, water film. (After Sachs.) Plant-food Elements Removed by Fruit Crops. — It is of interest to note the amounts of elements removed from the soil by some of the common fruit crops. The following table has been prepared from all available data : Plant-Food Elements Removed by Fruit Crops (Pounds per acre) Fruits Average annual yield per acre Number trees per acre Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Calcium (Ca) Apples . . 100 bbls. 50-100 13.8 2.0 14.5 1.0 Cherries (300 bu.) 300 cases 108 16.0 2.6 16.6 1.0 Peaches Pears Plums . (150 bu.) 450 bu. 500 bu. 250 bu 100 75 100 19.2 10.2 21.7 4.1 1.6 3.6 32.7 19.1 25.7 1.7 1.8 2.0 Raspberries. . . Strawberries . . 3000 qts. 6000 qts. 10.0 13.5 1.7 4.5 10.0 22.5 0.6* Strawberries need but little calcium, even in leaf and stem development. 70 CROPS AS FEEDERS Fruit cannot be produced without the formation of leaves and new wood. This requires additional amounts of the plant-food elements — between twenty and fifty pounds of nitrogen, two to four pounds of phosphorus, ten to twenty-five pounds of potassium and twenty-five to eighty pounds of calcium per acre. THE SUPPLY OF NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM IN SOILS Having studied the draft that crops make upon the important elements of the soil, let us now consider the soil reserve or supply of these elements. Since calcium and lime are fully discussed in relation to acid soils in Chapter XIII, our attention here is directed to nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Supply Varies in Different Soils. — It is to be expected that chemical analyses should show great variations in the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in different classes and types of soils mentioned in Chapter II (Fig. 28). The amounts of these elements in any particular soil expressed in terms of per cent mean nothing or very little to the average person when he has no standard for making comparisons. Simple Standards for Comparing Soils. — The following table, based on the averages of many analyses, will be of much help to the beginner in judging soils of similar classes and types when only chemical analyses are given. The Supply of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium in Soils Soils Per cent Pounds per acre 7 inches deep Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Nitrogen Phosphorus (P) Potassium (K) Productive silt loam or clay loam 0.25 0.08 1.00 3.00 0.1 0.02 0.1 0.12 2.0 0.5 0.75 0.3 5,000 2,000 10,000 15,000 2,000 500 1,000 600 40,000 12,500 7,500 1,500 Poor sand Muck (average) Peat (well de- composed) . . . Some soils may be rich in one or two of these elements and poor in others. It is not to be inferred that a silt loam is not a productive soil unless it contains at least one-quarter of one per cent nitrogen, one-tenth of one per cent phosphorus and two per cent potassium. SUBSOILS CONTAIN PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS 71 There are many productive silt loams that do not contain such reserves as here represented. It is well, to be sure, to possess a farm of silt loam having a supply of plant-food elements at least equal to that contained in an average, productive silt loam; or a sandy farm having soil analyzing much better than a poor sand. And it is more encouraging to possess peat that analyzes 0.15 per cent phosphorus and 0.5 per cent potassium than it is to have peat containing 0.07 per cent phosphorus and 0.2 per cent potas- sium. The cropping possibilities of a soil are greater when the supply of plant-food elements in it is good. Per Cent not the Best Basis for Comparing the Supply of Plant- food Elements in Soils. — When we compare the per cent in the table on page 70, we see that average peat contains twelve times the amount of nitrogen contained in a productive silt or clay loam ; but when we compare the amounts in pounds per acre seven inches deep, we find the comparison to be only three times. It is to be further observed that peat shows a higher per cent of phos- phorus than silt loam; but in an acre seven inches deep of peat there are only 600 pounds of phosphorus while in a silt loam there are 2000 pounds. The explanation of this lies in the fact that soils vary a great deal in weight. In round numbers an acre of each of these soils seven inches deep weighs when dry as follows : Sand 2,500,000 Ibs. Muck 1,000,000 Ibs. Silt loam or clay loam . . . 2,000,000 Ibs. Peat 500,000 Ibs. Peat Soils are Deficient in Potassium and Phosphorus. — In comparing the supply of plant-food elements of soils on the " pounds per acre" basis, we observe that peats are abundantly supplied with nitrogen, but are deficient in potassium and phosphorus (see Chapter IV). We can now fully understand why these soils require mineral fertilizers, viz., potash and phosphates. Peat Lands are Sometimes Deceptively Advertised. — To him who is unfamiliar with soils, a comparison of the per cents of the plant-food elements contained in them seems a reasonable basis for judging their agricultural values. A drained peat analyzing three per cent nitrogen and 0.1 per cent phosphorus may seem to him as good if not better soil than a prairie loam analyzing 0.26 per cent nitrogen and 0.08 per cent phosphorus. Such a compari- son is often used in advertising peat lands. It is well, therefore, to secure full information before investing (Fig. 28). Subsoils Contain Plant-food Elements. — It is important to bear in mind that subsoils also contain the important elements. 72 CROPS AS FEEDERS In general, the surface soil contains more nitrogen than the subsoil, owing to the presence of more organic matter. Some deep, black soils may have as high a percentage of nitrogen in the subsoil (to a limited depth) as is contained in the surface stratum. The percentage of phosphorus in the surface layer is conmonly greater than or equal to that contained in the subsoil. There is often a close relationship between the phosphorus content and the amount of organic matter in mineral soils. This accounts for the higher phosphorus content of the upper strata. During the virgin state the roots of grasses and other plants brought up considerable phosphorus from the subsoil from a depth of about The new analysis, as compared with the average of 100 fertile soils of Illinois, shows as follows and shows better than our own original analysis: Average % Wis. Nitrogen 1.25 Potash 75 Phosphates 14 The re of tl Average % 11.1. .30 .25 .24 FIG. 28. — How some peat land was advertised. This particular Wisconsin peat was compared with the best Illinois prairie soil, which averages about 0.25 per cent nitrogen, 1.8 per cent potassium and 0.08 per cent phosphorus. two or three feet, and this became stored in the organic matter accumulated in the top soil. On exhaustive cropping, the higher phosphorus content of the surface soil is gradually reduced until it equals at least the percentage contained in the subsoil. The potassium content is usually greater in the subsoil, espe- cially when they are fine textured. More potassium is found in subsoils in humid climates because of the presence of more fine particles which are not only richer in potassium than the coarser surface particles, but which absorb much of the potassium leached down from the surface stratum. In arid and semi-arid soils the phosphorus and potassium con- tent of the surface soil is very much the same as that of the subsoil, QUESTIONS 73 Since roots extend into the deeper layers of soil, the subsoil is to be regarded as a portion of the feeding ground for crops. Sub- soils which are porous, permiting air to enter freely, may contribute considerable amounts of plant-food elements to crop needs. The fact that in humid climates most feeding roots are to be found in the tilled portion of the ground, especially in the heavier soils, explains why the draft upon the surface layer is much greater. Exercises. — Compare an average yield of one of your local crops with the table of plant-food elements removed, and determine; the amount and value of plant-food elements removed from one acre. 2. Minor crops may be considered also. Projects in Crop Adaptations. — On a given field lay off small strips along one side where the soil is probably of average fertility. On these strips grow several useful crops as oats, barley, rye, wheat, buckwheat, millet, sorghum, corn, cowpeas, soybeans or others. Compare them in growth, yields, and study their probable needs. Keep careful records and notes and from the trials determine what crops are best suited to the soil. Buckwheat Project. — Try the growth of buckwheat on poor soil and thus decide whether it would aid in production of green manure for the improvement of that soil. Projects on Poor Soil. — Compare the growths of barley with oats on poor soil. Determine which requires the richer soil for good returns. 2. In like manner compare barley with rye, and compare oats with rye. 3. Any one of these as barley (or other crops) should be grown on both rich and poor soil. This will demonstrate the needs of the crop. Field Studies. — Make studies of soil conditions in a field where grain lodges badly. 2. Collect whole plants of a number of grasses, legumes, grains, etc. Compare their root systems to determine this depth of feeding. QUESTIONS 1. Name the elements most commonly studied in relation to crop production. 2. Are soil particles plant foods? What was taught at one time? 3. In what forms do plants secure the elements they require? 4. How much nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium is removed from one acre by a 65-bushel corn crop? By a 50-bushel oat crop? By a 1500-pound tobacco crop? Which of these crops require the most calcium? 5. A man grew the following crops on an acre: 1st year, cabbage yielding 15 tons; 2d year, corn yielding 12 tons; 3d year, barley yielding 40 bushels. How many pounds each of nitrogen, phosphorus and potas- sium were removed from that one acre during those three years? How much if there were 20 acres? 6. A ten-acre field was cropped three years as follows : 1st year, sugar beets averaging 12 tons per acre; 2d year, wheat averaging 25 bushels; 3d year, corn yielding 52 bushels per acre. How many pounds of each of the important elements were removed from this field during these three years? 7. How much nitrogen is required to grow a bushel of corn? A bushel of oats? In what part of crops is found the most phosphorus? The most potassium? The most calcium? 74 CROPS AS FEEDERS 9. What per cent of the total phosphorus in a wheat crop is lost to the soil on the farm when wheat is sold? What per cent of the potassium is sold? 10. What is the relation between the nitrogen requirement and the protein content of crops? Illustrate. What relation is there between the carbo- hydrate content and the potassium requirement of crops? 11. Name some crops that draw heavily upon the plant-food elements. What are the elements required by tobacco in large amounts? 12. A farmer says that wheat stands up better than oats on a field formerly a hog pasture. Explain why. 13. When grain lodges badly what crops should be grown instead? 14. What causes lodging of grain, and how may it be prevented? 15. Discuss alfalfa growing in relation to poor soil. 16. Is timothy more of a "soil robber" than oats? What do you think of tobacco as compared with corn in this respect? 17. Why can buckwheat and rape grow very well on poor soils? What indi- cates a strong feeding power in some plants? Weak feeding power? 18. Explain why barley requires a richer soil than oats. What is the meaning of "rich" soil? 19. How can the fertilizer needs of any crop on any soil be best deter- mined? Why? 20. Construct a table showing the amounts of "N," "P," "K" and "Ca" required to grow a 12-ton corn crop, a 15- ton sugar beet crop, a 15- ton cabbage crop and a 300-bushel apple crop. (See tables.) 21. How do the root systems of crops differ? 22. What are root hairs? Explain their function (Figs. 26 and 27). 23. What knowledge is necessary to grow a crop most successfully? 24. What is the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content 01 an average productive silt loam, expressed in per cent? What can you say of the cropping possibilities of soils well supplied with plant-food elements? 25. Why is not the per cent basis the best for comparing the amount of plant- food elements in soils? 26. Why do peat soils require potash and phosphate fertilizers? 27.' How may peat lands be deceptively advertised? Illustrate. 28. Tell of the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in subsoils. 29. What colors of soil and of subsoil have you seen? 30. See outline summary of this chapter in table of contents. CHAPTER VII CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY Factors in Crop Production. — Successful crop production depends upon five factors, viz. : (1) Fertile soil. (2) Good seed. (3) Favorable temperature. (4) Light. (5) Protection from injury. Fertile Soil. — Good soil is a fundamental factor. Not only should the soil be well drained and cultivated, but it should possess all the qualities, properties and conditions which impart to it pro- ductive power. The adjective " fertile" is commonly used in describing such a soil. It is not always possible to select fertile soil. Sometimes only a portion of a farm is productive. Sometimes the soil of a farm is ind, sometimes peat, and sometimes it consists of several kinds, and poor. Happily it is within the possibilities of any thinking ler to transform a poor or unproductive soil into a productive le; and he is a public-spirited man, indeed, whose ambition it is bring about such a transformation. What Makes a Soil Fertile. — The qualities, properties and mditions which impart productive power to a soil are as follows: (a) A Suitable Moisture Supply. — Without water nothing can )w. Many lands have been turned from deserts into gardens st by the addition of water through irrigation. Very frequently >ps even in humid climates and on good soil are much reduced, fail entirely because of drought. Sometimes there is too much in the soil — for this reason wet lands must be drained fore they can be made to grow any crop at all — excepting did hay. (6) Plenty of Air in the Soil. — Air in the soil is essential to ivor root growth, to favor the development of the helpful >il organisms and to enable the necessary chemical changes to ike place. (c) Good Tilth. — It is important that the physical condition of the soil should be such as to enable the young plants to get the .best possible start — to become quickly and firmly established in the soil and to favor their development (Chapter V). 75 76 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY (d) The presence of helpful soil organisms of which there are several kinds; viz., bacteria which cause the formation of the nodules on the roots of legumes; bacteria, molds and fungi which help make plant-food elements available, and are helpful in other ways. Angleworms may also be mentioned in this connection. (e) A good supply of available plant-food elements from which crops may secure sufficient nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, etc., to permit of good yields. (/) The absence of harmful agents in the soil, such as poisons; too much salt, such as alkali ; certain diseases ; too much water, etc. These factors are further discussed under "soil fertility," and in the following chapters. Good Seed. — It is generally recognized that good seed is a factor of much importance. Poor seed in poor soil means miserable failure. Good seed in poor soil renders just as little, if not less, for labor than poor seed in good soil. But the best combination is good seed in good soil. The emphasis put on good seed in agricultural development today leads some to think that this idea is a product of the twen- tieth century. Not so. Early agricultural writings reveal the fact that the value of good seed was much discussed in the old countries hundreds of years ago. The following quotation, taken from a book, "Way to Get Wealth/' by G. Markham, printed in London in 1660, is interesting in this connection : "... You shal then take your Seed which would be the finest, cleanest, and best Wheat you can provide, and after the manner of good Husbandry, you shal sow it on the ground very plentifully, not starving the ground for want of Seed (which were a tyrannous penury) nor yet choaking it with too much (which is as lavish a foolery) but giving it the full due, leave it to the earth and Gods blessing." Factors Involved. — In spite of the fact that much has been said and written in this generation about good seed, there are still many who fail to give this factor any serious con- sideration. A high germination test is not the only indica- tion of good seed. There is also involved a selection of size of seed, and for adaptability, purity, disease resistance, high yield and superior quality. Size and Weight. — There is a decided advantage in the use of large or heavy seeds over small ones, even though they may be of the same variety and all of high germination test. The Ontario Agricultural College (Canada) produced a seven-year average of LIGHT 77 sixty-two bushels of oats per acre from large seed and only forty- seven bushels from small seed. Both the small and large seed were selected from the same stock each year. Disease Resistance. — The Wisconsin Station has developed a variety of cabbage resistant to the disease of " yellows" (Fig. 165). Much work has already been done by investigators in developing disease-resistant plants. Seed Improvement. — The Cornell Station of New York has demonstrated a yield of 3.57 tons of timothy hay per acre with improved varieties as compared with 2.04 tons with ordinary timothy. The test was made on the same kind of soil and with seed of equally high germination test. This is a seventy-five per cent increase in favor of improved varieties. The quality of hay was also much better. As a result of working on the increase and decrease in protein and oil content of corn, the Illinois Station developed from a single variety of corn in ten years' time, one strain containing 65 per cent more protein than another, and a third strain containing 177 per cent more oil than a fourth strain. These are but a few of many examples illustrating the possi- bilities of good seed and the advancements that are being made in improving varieties. Favorable Temperature. — The temperature at which plants make their best growth varies with different farm crops. In diversified farming there is no weather but what is good weather, since when it is unfavorable for one or two crops it is favorable for the others. A hot sun, though favorable for corn, often causes injury to the Irish potato in " burning" the leaves (sun-scald). Cool and moist weather during the fore part of a growing season is favorable for grains, but unfavorable for corn. Our poor corn rears are usually the result of cold, wet weather during the summer id fall months. Excessive heat and much dampness generally cause much damage to grains in favoring the development of leaf and stem rusts. Since weather is beyond the control of man, except under artificial conditions, the best that a farmer can do is to plant his seed at such time as to enable the respective crops to take advan- tage of the favorable temperature conditions. In this the farmer is guided in his activities largely by the average weather of his section or locality (Chapter V). Light. — In Chapter V we learned that sunlight is necessary for 78 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY plants as the source of energy in the manufacture of foods. Under field conditions duration of light seems more important than inten- sity. Some plants require much sunlight while others do better when shaded. Crops which manufacture much starch and sugar require much sunlight. In order to increase the succulence and delicacy of such crops as asparagus, cauliflower, celery, lettuce and radish, they are sometimes grown under half-shade. In case of cauliflower more desirable heads are produced through shading brought about by bringing together and tying the leaves in the form of a head. Shading is employed in forcing rhubarb, in ginseng culture, and has proved of much importance in pineapple culture in Florida. The sugar beet is a crop requiring abundant sunlight together with plenty of moisture, especially during early growth. These conditions are found most favorable in the irrigated districts of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific States — hence in these districts the sugar content of beets is usually higher than those grown elsewhere. Shading a Factor in Weed Killing. — Many have experienced much difficulty or failed entirely in trying to establish a lawn under heavy shade, even when all other conditions were favorable. Lack of sunlight under such conditions is the cause of failure. Weeds may be killed through the use of so-called " smothering crops.'' These are fast-growing crops which quickly rise above the weeds in thick growths, and in so doing shut out the sunlight from the weeds beneath. It is commonly observed that a field growing a cultivated crop after good clover or alfalfa sod is exceptionally free from weeds, except when weed seeds have been introduced through manure application. The explanation of this lies mainly in the fact that the thick growth of clover or alfalfa killed the millions of small seeds which started to grow, mainly by depriving them of sunlight. Weeds May Smother Crops. — Many a seeding of alfalfa, or planting of potatoes, for example, has produced no returns because weeds were allowed to get ahead of the young plants, and thus they were robbed of sunlight as well as of moisture and plant food elements. One Crop May Deprive Another of Sunlight. — Lodged grain usually kills out the grass seeding. This killing is due mainly to the exclusion of sunlight. It is very important that seedings of clover and alfalfa, in particular, should not be entirely robbed of SOIL FERTILITY DEFINED 79 sunlight by too thick growth of grain. Clover and alfalfa seedings arc generally more successful when the nurse crops are not sown too heavily. A less amount of grain sown per acre enables the young seeding to get more sunlight. When nurse crops are drilled in a north and south direction, much more of the midday sunlight reaches the young clover or alfalfa, thus insuring a better stand of the hay crops than when the nurse crops are drilled east and west, or sown broadcast. This is especially true in the northern states. Protection From Injury. — A farmer may be defeated in his plans for raising good crops if he fails to protect them, if need be, from injury by animals, birds, flood-water, weeds; from injury by insects, as beetles, worms and aphids which feed on the foliage; from damage through lodging (smothering the seeding) ; and injury by diseases as smut, scab, blight, and if possible, by certain rusts. Proper fencing may be an important consideration in protection, likewise poison bait for rodents and grasshoppers, spraying, treating grain and onion seeds for smuts and seed potatoes for scab, killing weeds by cultivation, getting rid of surplus water by proper drainage, etc. SOIL FERTILITY Productive soils are commonly described as " fertile," also pro- ductivity of such soils is most commonly referred to as " fertility." Before proceeding further it is important to have a clear idea of the meaning of fertility. In the first place the word " fertility" is but the noun form of the adjective " fertile," and hence carries the same general meaning. Soil Fertility Defined. — Fertility means "state or quality of being fertile; f ruitf ulness ; productiveness." Soil fertility1, there- fore, is to be interpreted to mean the power of a soil to produce good or large yields. To maintain soil fertility means to maintain productivity. To increase fertility means to increase the productive power of a soil, or to cause it to produce still better yields. A soil is said to have lost its fertility when it ceases to be pro- ductive, or when it no longer possesses the ability for producing good yields (Fig. 29). Fertility does not mean the ability of a soil for producing the 1 E. J. Russell, Soil Conditions and Plant Growth. 80 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY highest possible yields. We can speak of degrees of fertility in a similar sense as degrees of richness, for example. Very fertile soil or very high fertility implies a very high pro- ductive power. Low fertility implies that the yielding power is not very good. " Infertility" means the lack of productive power. Fertility as applied to a soil in Wisconsin, for example, does not imply that that soil has the ability for producing good or high yields of all kinds of crops to be found in the world; but it has meaning only in relation to those crops grown in that particular climate or section. ' Jfc. FIG. 29. — Poor soil, poor crop. This soil is not fertile because it does not produce a good crop. Crops Indicate Fertility. — Crop growth is the only indicator of eoil fertility, and the use of good seed is the only proper means in testing fertility. Since the requirements and adaptability of different crops vary, a soil may be fertile for one or several kinds of crops and not for another (Figs. 30 and 31) ; for example, a soil may grow excellent crops of clover, potatoes (Fig. 32), corn, and grains, but fail absolutely to grow alfalfa, for lack of proper inoculation. Factors Determining Fertility. — The factors which determine soil fertility are discussed in the first pages of this chapter. They may be thus enumerated as positive and negative factors: FACTORS DETERMINING FERTILITY 81 FIG. 30. — A fertile soil This soil possesses all the qualities, properties and conditions which impart to it productive power. FIG. 31. — Harvesting hemp in Wisconsin. Crop growth is the indicator of soil fertility This particular soil is in a high state of fertility. Positive factors: (1) A suitable moisture supply in the soil. (2) Sufficient air in the soil. (3) Good tilth (Chapter V). (4) 6 82 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY Presence of helpful soil organisms. (5) Sufficient available plant- food elements, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium (carbon- ate of lime). A negative factor: (1) The absence of harmful agents in the soil. FIG. 32. — Having power for maximum production. Yield 550 bushels to the acre — following clover. A complete fertilizer was used at the rate of 2000 pounds per acre. (Maine.) Soil Fertility Illustrated.— Fig. 33 will help the student to gain a clearer idea concerning fertility. Let the tank represent a soil. The capacity of the tank for holding water represents fertility, or the power of the soil for producing a good or high yield. The staves which determine the water-holding capacity of the tank represent the positive factors which determine soil fertility. The tank being free from any leaks represents the negative factor, viz., the absence of harmful agents. UNFAVORABLE FACTORS 83 If all the staves were as high as the concrete sides of the tank, the tank would then hold its greatest amount of water. If all the fertility factors were most favorable, the soil would have power for producing maximum yields. Just as the water-holding capacity of the tank may be limited by the shortest stave, so fertility or the productive power of a soil may be limited or brought to naught by one deficient element or an unfavorable soil condition. Thus it is possible for a soil to FIQ. 33. — Soil fertility illustrated. Just as the water-holding capacity of the tank may be limited by the shortest stave, so fertility or the productive power of a soil may be limited or brought to naught by one deficient element or an unfavorable condition. lose its fertility or productive power through the depletion or loss of a single fertilizing element. Unfavorable Factors. — Many soils are unproductive because one or more factors are unfavorable. In case of drained peat, the common cause of poor crops, or failures, is the lack of potassium. This condition can be corrected through the use of potash fertil- izers— or in terms in harmony with Fig. 33, the shortest staves may be lengthened by applying fertilizers carrying potassium. In many instances, poor yields and failures in growing alfalfa, 84 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY soy beans, beans, peas and other legumes may be due to no other cause than the lack of proper nodule-forming organisms. In hundreds of cases soils fertile for corn, potatoes, and grains, fail to grow alfalfa because of both & lack of calcium (carbonate of lime) and alfalfa nodule-forming organisms. On many long-cropped prairie soils deficient available phos- phorus is a common cause of low fertility and poor crops. Soil Exhaustion. — Some soils which were at one time productive are now regarded as exhausted, depleted or "worn out/' because FIG. 34. — Depleted lands (in background), typical of the Appalachian and Blue Ridge . es. Wooded hillsides are cleared of timber, cultivated, and through erosion and exhaus- tive cropping are rendered useless, and allowed to revert to timber. In foreground, new land recently cleared is in tobacco. (Kentucky.) they no longer respond to cultivation as they formerly did (Fig. 34) . An exhausted or depleted soil implies that something has been used up or taken out of it. That " something" is commonly understood to mean the fertilizing elements; viz., nitrogen, phos- phorus and potassium. In some instances soil exhaustion may be attributed largely to the removal, mainly through cropping and leaching, of some one or all of the three named elements; not the removal of the " total" amount, for this is impossible, but the removal of the ' ' available " supply. If no phosphorus, for example, were lost through leaching, it would require only about sixty years SOIL EXHAUSTION 85 of exhaustive cropping to reduce the total phosphorus supply of a fertile silt loam one-half. The effect of exhaustive cropping on the phosphorus supply is well illustrated in the following study of two pairs of soils which represent two different silt loams. In each case the " virgin" and the "cropped" samples are the same soil; the one has never been under cultivation and the other has been subjected to exhaustive cropping for over fifty years. Effect of Exhaustive Cropping on the Phosphorus Content of Soils Soil Phosphorus content Virgin soil Cropped soil Per cent Pounds in 1 acre 7 inches deep Per cent Pounds in 1 acre 7 inches deep I II 0.12 0.074 2400 1480 0.06 0.04 1200 800 The following is a brief outline of the history of these two soils : I. "Cropped sixty years, largely to wheat during the first ten or twelve years; then corn and oats; clover ten years. The land is now in a depleted condition." II. "Cropped sixty-three years. During the first thirty-four years wheat was grown almost continuously. Since 1878 it has been rotated to corn, barley, oats and rye. It has never been seeded down or manured and is in a badly exhausted condition." Soil Exhaustion Not Confined to Just One Element orCondition. — Generally an exhausted or depleted soil is the result of several unfavorable conditions, which, acting together, bring about a state of infertility. All the fertility factors are necessarily affected; and instead of their acting favorably for good yields, they act unfavorably and thus cause poor crops or prevent any yields at all. The fertility factors are unfavorably affected largely by the removal of organic matter, by the removal of available nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, by the removal of available calcium in the form of carbonate of lime, and by poor tillage. It is not always easy, therefore, to restore the original fertility of a badly depleted soil. In many instances it has proved a tedious and expensive undertaking. 86 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY Diagnosing Infertility. — Knowing the meaning of fertility and the factors determining it, any one can diagnose a case of infer- tility or low productive power with a fair degree of accuracy, or gain an idea, at least, as to the cause of failure or low yields. A knowledge of the cropping history and past management of the soil in many instances will greatly aid in arriving at any definite FIG. 35. — This crop yielded 75 bushels of corn per acre. Rows were four feet apart and hills in the rows three feet apart — one stalk in each hill. The secret — each stalk pro- duced a little less than IK pounds of ear corn. (Mississippi.) conclusion. For example, alfalfa failure on some soils may be due to no other cause than the absence of alfalfa nodule- forming organisms. The Secret in Growing Good Crops. — The secret of a good yield of corn consists in causing each stalk in the field to produce at least one good ear (Fig. 35) . To attain this object a good farmer, because of experience, selects a workable and desirable soil, pre- pares a good seed bed, increases the richness of the soil by adding manure or commercial fertilizers, cultivates the growing crop as well as he knows how, and trusts to the weather for the rest (Fig. 36). MOST SOILS CAN BE IMPROVED 87 When we analyze this method of procedure, we find that the farmer unconsciously brings into play the factors which determine fertility; in other words, his whole program centers on soil fertility. It is true in respect to growing a good yield of any crop. This emphasizes the importance of soil fertility and explains why so much study is given to it. Most Soils Can be Im- proved. — In the next six chapters we shall study in detail the several factors which determine fertility in their relation to soil im- provement and to the maintenance of fertility. There are very few soils that cannot be improved in some way. To maintain and increase soil fertility should receive the serious consideration of every farmer, because fertile soil is the basis of a successful and prosperous agriculture. It is, indeed, a patriotic duty of every farmer to maintain the fertility of his soil, and to pass his land on to his children, or fellow farmers in as good if not better condition than when it came into his hands. FIG. 36. — Twenty-six potatoes from a single hill, totaling 6K pounds — all from a piece of potato having two strong " eyes." A good seed bed, a good supply of available plant-food ele- ments, thorough cultivation, a good moisture supply, the absence of any disease, and protec- tion from insect pests were factors which made this yield possible. Exercises With Seeds. — With the use of a hand lens examine specimens of good and poor seeds. The samples should include fresh and old clover seeds, chaffy and clean grass seeds, heavy and light grain, pure seeds compared with others foul with weeds, etc. Project Studies. — -Compare the growth of crops where poor lots of seeds have been used in contrast with the best seeds. These may be on small plots. 2. Grow several lots of seed that have been selected for disease resistance. Test their efficiency by contrasting them with others grown in similar surround- ings. These may include cabbage which resists yellows, tobacco and tomato which resist wilts, or others. 3. Sweet potatoes which have been selected from plants which are immune to black rot disease should be grown as a home project. From the crop select those which are perfectly immune and that are the best in yield, etc. 88 CROP PRODUCTION AND SOIL FERTILITY 4. Project in seed improvement for various farm and garden crops may be conducted at homes of students. Field Studies. — 1. Compare growth where the tillage is thorough with the same crops under poor tillage. 2. Find examples where weeds have been smothered by heavy seeding of crops as grains, cowpeas, millet, buckwheat, etc. 3. Make field studies to attempt to diagnose the fertility or infertility of field at home or on other farms. See the suggestions in this and other chapters. QUESTIONS 1. Name the factors upon which successful crop production depends. 2. What is meant by a fertile soil? 3. What makes a fertile soil? 4. What is a good combination to have in order to raise good crops? 5. What is good seed? 6. What advantage is there in planting large seeds rather than small ones of the same variety? In planting disease-resistant varieties? In planting improved varieties? 7. How may weather conditions affect crop growth? 8. What relation has the weather to the farmer's activities? 9. Discuss the relation of light to crop production. 10. What are the best conditions under which to grow sugar beets? 11. What are "smothering crops"? Explain how clover and alfalfa may serve in this capacity. What about weeds? 12. What precaution should be observed in sowing nurse crops? 13. How may a farmer protect his crops from injury? 14. What is the meaning of soil fertility? 15. Give meaning of "to maintain fertility." "To increase fertility." 16. When is a soil said to have lost its fertility? What is infertility? 17. Fertility of a soil in your locality has meaning only in relation to what crops? 18. What indicates soil fertility? 19. Name the factors determining fertility. 20. When is it possible to obtain maximum yields? 21. How may a soil lose its fertility or be limited hi its productive power? 22. Explain why peats are frequently unproductive. Give remedy. 23. What are common causes for failure of legumes? 24. What is the meaning of "soil exhaustion"? What is a common cause of soil depletion? 25. What is the effect of exhaustive cropping on the phosphorus supply of soils? Illustrate. 26. Explain why it is not easy to restore the original fertility of a badly ex- hausted soil. 27. Illustrate how the cause of infertility or low yields may be reasoned out. 28. What is the secret in growing a good crop of corn? 29. Suppose corn is planted in hills 3 feet 8 inches apart each way, 3 stalks in the hill, and each stalk produces an ear weighing three-quarters of a pound when cured. What would the yield be? What would you do to grow such a crop? 30. For an outline summary of this chapter see table of contents. CHAPTER VIII SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY Water is a most important though variable factor affecting soil fertility. Crop yields may be much reduced by a lack of water or by too much of it. The life processes and special activities of plants as well as of animals are at all times dependent on the water supply. Why Plants Require Water. — In relation to plants, water serves a number of purposes, as — a. A nutrient. It may without change become a part of the plant cell, or it may contribute to the making of foods. b. A carrier for plant-food elements and plant-food. The salts of the soil which contain nitrogen and the mineral elements, and the carbon dioxide of the air, which contains the carbon must be brought to the leaf cells in soluble form before they can be utilized in food manufacture; and when the foods are made, they are translocated within the plant in soluble form by means of water (p. 50). c. To keep the cells turgid, or expanded, to prevent wilting. When plants cannot get all the water they need they wilt, and when they remain wilted they die. d. A cooling agent. The evaporation of water from the leaves prevents their getting too warm. It has been found that even with evaporation the leaf temperature may be ten to fourteen degrees higher than that of the surrounding air. e. An aid in life processes. Water is necessary to permit of certain physical and chemical changes (life processes) within the plant. Further Importance of Water. — Water is a great solvent in soils, and without it the necessary chemical changes in soils cannot take place; nor can the helpful soil organisms develop and do their work without moisture. Crops Require Much Water. — Crops require tremendous amounts of water; for example, in a humid climate like that east -of the Missouri River, about 152 barrels of water are required to produce one bushel of corn (Fig. 37). This means that in the 90 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY production of a seventy-five-bushel yield for each twenty-three-foot square area, the area necessary to grow one bushel must furnish to the corn growing on it at least 152 barrels of water during the growing season, or an equivalent of about thirteen inches. All this water passes up through the plants and evaporates from the leaves. This current of water passing up through the plant and evaporating from the leaves is called the " transpiration current." Approximately 140 barrels of water are transpired by the oat Fia. 37. — One hundred fifty-two barrels of water are required to produce one bushel of corn. The corn uses this amount of water. Water is an important factor in crop production. plants for each bushel of oats produced. The same amount is required per bushel of barley. In a similar manner about 3800 barrels are required to grow a ton of clover hay, and about 4200 barrels to produce a ton of alfalfa hay. " Water Requirement " of Plants. — The expression "water requirement" of a plant refers to its needs and means the amount of water that passes up through it and evaporates for every pound of dry matter produced. Plants differ in their water require- ments, and, for the same plant, climate influences this require- ment considerably. In this country scientists have found the water requirement of some crops to be as shown in the following table: IMPORTANCE OF RAINFALL AT THE RIGHT TIME Water Requirements of Some Crops 91 Crop Pounds of water transpired per pound dry matter produced In a climate similar to that east of the Missouri river In sections having 10 to 20 inches of rainfall, as in Colorado Corn 271 385 464 504 576 368 636 534 597 789 831 584* Potatoes Barley ; Oats Clover (red) Alfalfa Common weeds * Average of four weeds — purslane, pigweed, lamb's quarter and ragweed. Soil Gives up More Water Than That Transpired.— The figures in the table indicate only the amount of water that passes through the plant. In addition to this there is about one-fifth this amount of water lost by evaporation from the soil under conditions of good soil management.1 Factors Influencing Water Requirement of Plants. — The factors which influence the water requirement of crops are: (a) The weather. If the air is hot and dry much more water is required than when the air is cool and moist. Wind and much sunshine also increase the amount of water transpired (last column in table). (b) The water supply in the soil. When the soil contains a large supply of available water, plants are more lavish with it than when there is a low supply or when the soil gives up its moisture more slowly, as in a clay loam or silt loam. (c) Richness of the soil. When other conditions are the same, a plant requires about one-half the amount of water when grown on a rich soil than when grown on a poor one. (d) Manure and fertilizer treatments. The use of manure or commercial fertilizers on poor soils not only increases the yield but may decrease the water requirement of plants from thirty to fifty per cent. Importance of Rainfall at the Right Time. — If the rainfall came at the right time and were evenly distributed in sufficient amounts, wonderful results would be obtained. The size of the hay crop .is largely determined by the character and amount of the rainfall 1 King's Soil Management. 92 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY during the earlier stages of growth. .The oat yield is less dependent on the character of the rainfall than is the hay crop. An ideal oat year is fairly dry and warm during the time of sowing. During the growing season, however, oats should have from three and one-half to four inches of rainfall per month — about two inches every fifteen days. If the rainfall should be less than this the grain would not fill properly; if more, the oats generally grow too rank and lodge easily, especially on manured lands. Temperature also affects the yield. If the temperature should average rather warm while the oat crop is just heading out, the yield may be reduced from three to ten bushels per acre even though the moisture conditions be favorable. The yield of winter wheat is determined largely by the rainfall during September and October, and by the snowfall and tempera- ture during the winter. Water the Limiting Factor in Dry-farming. — In dry climates the water requirement of plants is greater than in a humid climate; and, since the rainfall is so much less, water is the all important problem and the limiting factor of production in dry-land farming. Dry-land farming means the profitable production of useful crops without irrigation in districts receiving an annual rainfall of from ten to twenty inches. Every effort is made, therefore, in these dis- tricts to conserve the rainfall for use by crops. Moisture Often a Limiting Factor in Humid Climates. — In a climate having an annual rainfall of more than thirty inches it would seem that moisture can never be a factor limiting soil fer- tility. The fact is, few seasons pass in which some important crop is not reduced from one-fourth to two-thirds in yield because of the lack of sufficient moisture, owing to the character and distribu- tion of the rainfall. Sometimes the rain comes in torrential showers, and much of the water is lost as surface run-off; sometimes the snow melts rapidly while the ground is still frozen, and again much water runs away; at times the rain comes in light showers and is soon lost from the soil by evaporation; and frequently rains come at the wrong time or do not come at all when most needed. Water Problem in Semi-arid vs. Humid Climates. — The real problem that confronts the dry-land farmer is, "Is it possible to conserve and use the rainfall so as to make it available for the production of profitable crops?" In humid climates, because of water losses and irregularities in rainfall which materially affect crop yields, the question arises, HOW SOILS HOLD CAPILLARY WATER 93 "How and to what extent can farmers conserve the rainfall and control the moisture in the soil to prevent any reduction in yield because of short dry periods or to lessen the damaging effects of drought?" Before taking up the study of moisture conservation and con- trol, it is necessary to consider first the forms of soil water, how water is retained by soils for crop use, the movements of water in the soil, and the capacity of soils for holding water for crops. SOIL WATER Forms of Soil Water. — Water in relation to soils may occur in je forms or conditions; as — (a) Gravitational or free water. Water which, if opportunity given it, will flow off or run down through the soil and away tuse of gravity. (6) Capillary water. Water which is held by the soil against ivity after all free water is allowed to drain out, but which is to move from soil particle to soil particle. (c) Hygroscopic water. Moisture which exists in air-dried soil, or in soil in which plants permanently wilt. Usually a small amount of capillary water is also present in soils when plants wilt. Capillary Water Most Important. — Free or gravitational water in wet lands should receive first consideration, since that is the water which should be gotten rid of before such lands can be brought under cultivation. In all soils having good drainage, however, capillary water is the most important, because this is the form which constitutes the soil moisture reserve from which crops draw their water requirements. Free water is detrimental to most culti- vated crops. Rice and cranberries are crops which are peculiarly adapted to wet or saturated soils. How Soils Hold Capillary Water. — Capillary water may be held in soils in three ways, viz. : (a) In form of films around the soil grains. (b) In organic matter as in a sponge. (c) In some of the pore spaces within soil crumbs or granules (Fig. 6A). A mineral soil can hold its greatest amount of capillary water when moisture can be retained in all the three ways mentioned. A clean sand can hold capillary water only as films around the sand grains. A coarse sand is capable of retaining a compara- tively small percentage of capillary water because of the less amount 94 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY of surface per unit volume to which water films can cling. A fine sand, on the other hand, can hold a larger percentage of capillary water because there is a much larger amount of surface over which water films can form. A black silt loam or clay loam containing much organic matter and being crummy in structure can hold a large amount of capil- <£W' ^u-. -^m^ m mm wm?y . FIG. 38. — Checks and cracks aid entrance of water into the soil, and facilitate perco- lation of water through it. Silt loams, clay loams and clays check and crack when they dry out. lary water, for three reasons: (1) its fine texture affords much surface for water films; (2) the organic matter has a high- water absorptive capacity, and (3) the crumbs contain pore spaces, many of which may become filled with water. Peat holds the greatest amount of water per unit weight. Movements of Water in Soil. — There are three important move- ments of soil water — percolation, seepage and capillary rise of water. Percolation is the passing of free or gravitational water straight down through the soil (Fig. 38). This movement takes place through the pore spaces in between the soil particles or crumbs. SEEPAGE 95 This movement is fast in a coarse sand and very slow in a clay loam of compact structure and in a clay. Percolation Prevents or Lessens Soil Erosion. — If water can penetrate and percolate through a soil easily, soil erosion is pre- vented. A stubble field of heavy silt loam or clay loam on a hill- side washes badly during a heavy rain because the water cannot readily soak into and percolate through it, and because the silt and clay particles are easily carried away by running water. If such a field were plowed so as to permit the water to enter the soil, erosion may be checked or much lessened. Drainage Depends on Percolation. — When the ground is very muddy the pore spaces in the soil are filled with water; in other words, the soil is saturated or nearly so. If it were not possible i FIG. 39. — Diagram showing difference between percolation and seepage; A, the tilled Boil; B, permeable subsoil through which free water percolates; C, sandy gravel substratum through which ground water moves laterally; W, area at foot of slope kept wet by seepage of water out from the upland; O, place to put tile to catch the seepage water. for this surplus water to pass down and away, workable soils would soon become unfit for cultivation. It is through percolation largely that soils rid themselves of any free or gravitational water whenever opportunity be given it to flow away. Percolation Aided by Roots and Worms. — Many upland soils are given better drainage through the penetration of roots into the deep subsoil, and through the action of earthworms. When roots of trees and of plants like alfalfa die there remain the openings made by them. These openings, together with those made by earthworms, facilitate percolation. Checks and cracks in the soil also favor this movement of soil water. Seepage is generally understood to mean slow lateral movement of free soil water (Fig. 39). It is common in some localities to observe water seeping out of hillsides. Soils occurring on the borders of marshes are often much wetter than the interior of the marsh, owing to the seepage of free or gravitational water out from the upland. 96 SOIL WATER 'AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY Capillary Rise of Water in Soils. — This is the upward move- ment of water from the subsoil to the surface. This movement of soil moisture concerns capillary water only. A good illustration of this is the upward movement of water or oil in a lampwick. Suffice it to say that the force which causes this rise of water either in the soil or a lampwick is " capillarity." When capillary water rises in soils it does not fill the pore spaces in between the soil particles, but rises or moves from soil grain to soil grain in films which surround the soil particles; thus capillary water may move not only upward, but in all directions, from a greater to a less amount of soil moisture. It is important that the pore spaces do not all become filled with water, because it is through these openings that air enters a soil; and air is one of the factors determining fertility. Factors Influencing Capillary Rise of Water. — There are several factors influencing the rise of water in soils, but we shall consider here only those which are of practical importance to the farmer; viz., soil texture, compactness or firm- ness of soil, and obstruction. Influence of Soil Texture. — Soil texture has a decided influence on the rise of soil moisture. In a fine textured soil water rises much higher showing 4how~ SpiliaS but more slowly than in one of coarse texture water rises in soils— in (Figs. 40 and 41). Capillary water cannot rise films from soil particle v to sou particle, s, soil uptnroughgravel or coarse sand; thus a seed bed having a coarse sand subsoil is supplied with no appreciable amount of moisture from the subsoil through capil- larity. A seed bed of silt loam underlaid by silty clay, on the other hand, may be supplied with considerable capillary water from the subsoil to a depth of from four to five feet during a drought. King concluded that moisture may rise in silt loam soils from depths of ten feet in forty-five weeks. Another investigator has shown water to rise in a very heavy soil to a height of only forty-six inches in twenty-eight weeks. Since in a humid climate a drought seldom extends over a period of six weeks, a seed bed of silt loam on silty clay subsoil would probably not secure any moisture from depths greater than four or five feet. Since in most soils in humid climates roots of farm crops extend to depths of three to OBSTRUCTION 97 four feet, and since moisture can rise to heights of from at least three to five feet in fine textured subsoils below the root zone, it is reasonable to assume that a crop growing on a silt loam having a deep silty clay subsoil draws its moisture supply from six to nine feet of soil during a drought. Compactness. — Compactness or firmness means good contact FIG. 41. — Capillary rise of water in soils. between the soil grains and crumbs within the seed bed. Since capillary rise of water is possible because of the films which extend from soil particle to soil particle, we can readily understand how compactness or good contact between the soil grains facilitates this movement of water. Obstruction. — Under field conditions practically the only obstruction that may at times interfere with the rise of soil water is too much coarse material plowed under; it may be too much coarse manure or litter, a rank growth of clover, or too much 7 98 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY strawy rye. Rye is commonly plowed under to add organic matter to soils. For best results it should be plowed under before it develops stiff straw. In either case cavities are formed which impede or prevent the capillary rise of water from the subsoil to the seed bed. This is especially true when sod is improperly plowed just prior to a dry period. When much coarse litter is to be turned under it is best to plow in the fall, and whenever it is done a short time before planting good contact should be secured, if possible, between the soil and subsoil by working the land and rolling it. The Soil a Reservoir. — In the preceding chapter it was learned that soils act as reservoirs in storing a portion of the water supplied to them and giving it up again to growing crops. Soils vary in this capacity because of differences in texture, content of organic matter and structure. Thus it is that we speak of "water-holding capacity" of soils. Water-holding Capacity of Soils. — Water-holding capacity of a soil is generally understood to mean the greatest amount of water it can retain when all free water is given a chance to drain out. The water thus held includes capillary and hygroscopic moisture, and is expressed in per cent of the dry weight of the soil; for example, if fifty pounds of a perfectly dry soil can hold fifteen pounds of water after allowing all free or gravitational water to drain out, that soil has a water-holding capacity of thirty per cent, the greater portion of it being capillary water. The following table shows how different soils vary in the amount of water they can hold against gravity: Water-holding Capacity of Soils The approx- Soils Water-holding capacity (capillary and hygroscopic The equivalent in terms of inches of water in one imate amount that crops can use from one acre one foot water) per cent acre one foot deep* (Available or capillary water) A coarse sand 15 3.2 inches 3.0 inches A fine sand 22 4.2 inches 3.6 inches A light colored silt loam 30 4.4 inches 2.6 inches A black silt loam 45 6.0 inches 4.0 inches A well-decomposed peat 134 10.2 inches 6.8 inches * Obtained by multiplying the weight of soil by the per cent water-holding capacity, and reducing result to inches. t Roots cannot absorb the last trace of capillary water held in soils, because when the water films become very thin the attraction between the soil grains and the thin films becomes as great or greater than the absorptive power of the roots. The finer the soil the more hygroscopic or unavailable moisture held. Crops may wilt and cease to grow in silt loams and clays when still carrying 12 and 14 per cent moisture, respectively, while they may grow well in coarse sand possessing but 1 to 3 per cent water. SOME SOILS ARE DROUGHTY 99 Moisture Supply Better in Silt Loams Than in Sand. — Sandy soils give up their water much more easily and completely than silt loams and clays, nevertheless the latter soils generally furnish to crops a much better moisture supply. The figures in the last column of the table seem to indicate that crops would suffer less for want of water on a coarse sand than on a light colored silt loam during a drought. On the con- trary, crops suffer much more on the sand, for two main reasons: FIG. 42.— A droughty soil. A fine loam about 14 inches deep underlaid by coarse sand and gravel. (1) Sand gives up its water more easily than silt loam and hence plants are more lavish with it. (2) In the coarse sand, roots cannot secure moisture by capil- larity from depths below the root zone. Thus it is that corn on sand grows faster than on a silt loam and shows no injury because of lack of rain during the beginning of a dry period, but suffers much for want of water later on as the dry weather continues. Some Soils are Droughty. — Soils which are unable to furnish crops with sufficient moisture during short dry periods are called "droughty" — a deep coarse sand is a good example (Fig. 42). Often the best appearing loam or silt loam proves droughty, because it is underlaid at a shallow depth by a coarse and porous subsoil, 100 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY such as coarse sand or gravel. During a dry period the main source of moisture that crops can draw on is the capillary water stored in the shallow surface stratum, since no water is supplied to the seed bed by capillarity from lower depths. Furthermore, roots extending into a gravelly subsoil can secure but little moisture. In contrast to this, a silty clay subsoil, for example, furnishes much water to the seed bed, and to the deep roots extending down into it. Moreover, a seed bed underlaid by a fine textured subsoil can hold more capillary water than if the subsoil were sand or gravel. In buying a farm it is important to examine into the nature of the subsoil to ascertain whether or not it can furnish the seed bed with any capillary water and supply the deep roots with sufficient moisture; and whether or not it can permit percolation sufficient at least to favor proper drainage. MOISTURE CONSERVATION AND CONTROL, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO HUMID FARMING The loss of water from rainfall may occur by running off the surface of the soil, by percolating through it, and by evaporating from it. Roughly speaking, only about twenty-five to thirty per cent of the rainfall in a humid climate is used by crops — the rest is lost (Fig. 43). Moisture conservation and control consists (a) in preventing surface run-off as much as possible; (6) in increas- ing water-holding capacity of soils; (c) in aiding capillary rise of soil moisture; (d) in lessening the loss by evaporation either from the soil or through weeds; (e) in draining wet lands, and (/) in supplying water through irrigation. How Run-off May be Lessened. — Loss of rainfall through surface run-off may be much lessened by aiding soils to catch or trap water. This may be accomplished in several ways: (a) by fall plowing; (6) deep hillside plowing; (c) by loosening up any hard and compact soil and subsoil; (d) by plowing at right angles to the slope or hillside, and (e) by terracing. Any one of these methods permits more of the rainfall to soak into the ground, and that which is not stored or retained by the soil passes on down and away. In some sections, and especially on hillsides, the storage of water by the soil during late fall, winter and early spring, or at any other time, is greatly hindered, because no provision is made whereby soils can catch the rainfall. Any other method whereby soils may be aided in "trapping" and storing water from rainfall is worthy of consideration. MOISTURE CONSEK.VATION 101 a-OOOOOOOW- T OK°-------° C §i i f |f 1 1|| I a 102 SOIL W'ATER AND. JJS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY How Water-holding Capacity May Be Increased. — Since the amount of water retained against gravity by most soils is deter- mined largely by texture, organic matter and structure, it is plainly seen that the water-holding capacity of a sand, for example, cannot be increased by improving its texture. Texture of a sand, or of any soil, remains practically the same, and the structure of a sand cannot be materially changed in a short time. Thus the only course open, in case of sand, is to increase the organic matter. In case of a "heavier" soil, water-holding capacity may be improved by increasing the organic matter and by loosening it if it is very compact. The addition of organic matter also tends to develop a crummy structure which is favorable to water-holding. Organic matter may be increased by plowing under clover or green rye, by plowing under a good sod as often as possible, through the application of farm manure and through the application of peat, if convenient. Aiding Capillary Rise of Water. — Good contact between the soil particles favors capillary rise of water. This is an important reason why a firm seed-bed is generally desirable. Not only should the seed bed be firm, but there should also be good contact between the seed bed and the subsoil — in this respect fall plowing is advan- tageous, also working the land and rolling it. A seed bed too loose and lacking good contact with the subsoil is not a favorable environment in which to plant seeds, especially if they be small like clover and alfalfa. If frequent rains do not occur when such conditions exist, germination is poor and the crops may be failures. Special attention should be given to compacting the seed bed when deep plowing is done just before seeding or planting — par- ticularly when the soil is sandy or loamy. Subsoiling heavy soils to enable them to trap and store more water is to be recommended in some instances, but subsoiling land having sand or sandy subsoil is to be discouraged, since it is desir- able to maintain compactness of a sand subsoil to favor capillary rise of soil moisture, to retard loss of water through percolation, and to lessen excessive leaching. Lessening Evaporation of Soil Moisture. — Under field condi- tions losses through evaporation may be decreased more or less by developing a top layer of loose, dry soil. Such a protective layer is called a "soil mulch" (Fig. 44). A soil mulch may be developed and maintained throughout the growing period only in HOW A SOIL MULCH CONSERVES MOISTURE 103 fields planted to crops like corn, potatoes, cotton, or any other crop planted in rows so as to permit of intertillage. What Constitutes a Good Soil Mulch. — On silt loams, clay loams and clays a good mulch consists of a layer of loosened and dry soil composed either of crumbs or a mixture of crumbs and small lumps. A dust mulch is undesirable because it becomes a hard crust when a hot sun shines upon it after a rain, whereas a crummy layer does not crust and bake so easily. A good mulch on sandy soils consists of a loosened and dry layer of sand FIG. 44. — How a soil mulch conserves moisture. The footprints are kept moist because the soil moisture is permitted to move to the surface and evaporate. After awhile the foot- prints will become hard and dry, while the soil beneath the mulch will be mellow and moist. In a humid climate it is not generally necessary to make a soil mulch deeper than three inches. Many are very effective when only an inch or two in depth, especially in gardens and on heavy soils. How a Soil Mulch Conserves Moisture. — The protective action of a soil mulch in lessening the loss of moisture is based on three principles: (1) The looseness of the soil hinders the movement of capillary water from soil particle to soil particle. (2) The dry surfaces of the soil particles and crumbs offer resistance to the up- ward movement of water films. (3) A surface layer of dry soil keeps the soil below it somewhat cooler, thus lessening the ten- dency of the soil moisture to evaporate. When the surface layer of a soil is loosened, therefore, the capillary rise of moisture is 104 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY immediately checked, hence the loosened layer soon dries out. When dry, each soil particle and crumb aids in lessening the escape of moisture from below by offering resistance to the rise of the water films (Figs. 40 and 44). Cultivation Is Necessary to Maintain Mulch. — In order to maintain both a loosened and dry condition of a soil mulch it is necessary to rework the ground even though no rain falls, because the loosened layer, owing to its own weight, gradually reestablishes a greater or less degree of compactness which in turn favors capillary rise of film moisture. Rain generally destroys the effec- tiveness of a soil mulch; so that if the mulch is further desired, it should be reestablished through cultivation (Fig. 44). Mulch of Greatest Value During Dry Periods. — A soil mulch is of the greatest value during dry periods. When frequent rains keep the soil well supplied with moisture the main object of cultivation during such periods is to kill weeds and to aerate the soil, and not so much to establish a mulch to conserve moisture. Aside from the fact that a mulch conserves moisture, it is important to mention here that heavy soils are much easier to work during dry periods especially, when a mulch is maintained. Self-forming Mulches and Protective Crusts. — Very rapid evaporation causes the surface few inches of a sandy soil, peat or muck to become quickly dried out even though no cultivation be given it, and because of this rapid drying out, the films of soil water become broken, so that the dried surface zone acts as a mulch. This explains why some uncultivated soils lose more water through evaporation in a humid than in a semi-arid climate. On certain loams and silt loams of crummy structure, self- formed crusts, which break away from the soil beneath, become effective in lessening water losses. These detached crust-like layers vary from a fourth to about two inches in thickness, and are formed as a result of rapid evaporation. Crusts not so loosened from the soil beneath would increase evaporation. Mulches of Other Kinds. — Straw, manure, leaves, grass and other materials are used to a more limited extent for mulching; in many instances to conserve moisture, to keep down weeds, for fertilizing, to avoid soil washing, and in other cases to prevent injury from repeated freezing and thawing during winter and early spring. Weeds Are Moisture Robbers. — The water requirement of weeds is greater than that of corn; thus a growth of weeds in a SOIL MULCH IN CONSERVING MOISTURE 105 crop represents an enormous loss of moisture which should go to the crop (see first table in this chapter). The killing of weeds, therefore, is an important factor in moisture conservation. Demonstrations. — Material Needed. — One balance; a baking-powder can; a piece of cheese cloth; 6 student lamp chimneys, or j^-inch glass tubes 12 to 16 inches long; a few pieces of lump sugar (cubes); a few teaspoonfuls of powdered sugar; red ink; a saucer; a few fine needles; some road dust; a piece of dusty board; 2 one-gallon crocks; about a quart each of air-dried loam, fine gravel, coarse sand, fine sand, silt loam; and 8 quarts of loam or silt loam. To Make Clear the Meaning of the Three Forms of Soil Water. — Procedure. — A. Allow the plants in the crock that was kept in the greenhouse (Demonstration No. 4, Chapter V) to dry up and die. Now take out of the crock 100 grams, or about 4 ounces of soil, and dry it at 105° C. or 221° F. (to prevent burning of organic matter) for 3 to 5 hours. Weigh again and deter- mine the per cent of water contained in the air-dried soil. Most of this water is hygroscopic water. Plants are wilted and dying in a sand and a clay loam. Which soil contains the more hygroscopic water? B. Over the perforated bottom of a baking-powder can, or over the open- ing in a funnel, place a piece of cheese cloth. Fill the can or funnel nearly full of air-dried loam. Pour on the soil a measured amount of water and allow to drain. Questions. — (a) Did all the water drain through the soil? (6) What is the water called that drained through? (c) Name the water that was retained by the soil. To Observe the Rise of Capillary Water in Soils and to Study Some of the Factors Which Influence This Process. — Procedure. — Tie some cloth over the lower end of student lamp chimneys, or %-inch glass tubes (Fig. 41). (Tubes should be at least 12 to 18 inches long.) Fill student lamp chimneys or tubes with dry soil as follows: No. 1. — Fill with dry gravel; tamp well. No. 2. — Fill with dry coarse sand; tamp well. No. 3. — Fill with dry fine sand; tamp well. No. 4. — Fill with dry silt loam; tamp well. No. 5. — Fill as in No. 3 to within one inch of the top; tamp well. Fill to top with dry, crummy silt loam — do not tamp. (This top layer of loose, dry crummy soil serves as a soil mulch.) No. 6. — Fill as in No. 3 to within 6 inches of the top; tamp well. Now place on top of this soil column half an inch of cut up straw, dry grass, or hay; then fill to top with dry fine sand — tamp well (see Fig. 40). Place soil columns in a pan in a vertical position, then pour about half an inch of water into the pan. Observe results at end of 5 minutes; after 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 days, respectively. Questions. — (a) Why is it necessary to have good contact between the soil particles within the seed bed. Between the soil and subsoil? (6) What is a droughty soil? (c) What effect has texture on the capillary rise of water in soils? To Demonstrate the Principle of Soil Mulch in Conserving Moisture. — Procedure. — A. Observe results in tube No. 5, previous experiment. B. Sprinkle as much powdered sugar on top of a lump (do not press down the powdered sugar) as it will hold, and place the lump in a pool of about 12 drops of red ink poured out on a white dish. Observe results. The lump of sugar represents soil, and the powdered sugar a soil mulch. C. Fill a saucer with water; place a perfectly dry, fine needle carefully on the surface film of the water. The needle will float. Why? Take a pinch 106 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY of dust and let drop carefully into the water. What happens to the finest, dry particles? Explain. Why do drops of water roll off a dusty board like so many shot? To Note the Effect of a Soil Mulch on the Rate of Evaporation from a Silt Loam or Loam. — Procedure. — Fill one gallon crock level full of air-dry silt loam or loam. (In filling establish good contact between the soil particles.) Determine weight of soil in the filled jar. Moisten with water until a good supply of capillary water is held throughout the soil. Weigh again and deter- mine the per cent of capillary water contained in the soil. Fill a second crock in a similar manner as No. 1, only fill within two inches of the top. Water, and determine the per cent capillary water as in No. 1. Now fill crock to level full with dry, crummy soil (soil mulch). Place both crocks in a breezy place and determine the per cents of capillary water in the two soils in the two crocks at the end of a week or ten days. Do not water. Have students record results. Questions. — (a) What constitutes a good soil mulch? On sand? On silt loam? (6) When is a soil mulch most effective? (Consult text.) Laboratory Exercises. — Mate-trials Needed. — Three large and 3 small baking powder cans; some cheese cloth; one 20-mesh screen; one 40-mesh screen; one pie tin; one soil auger; one balance; 4 quarts each of dry coarse sand, fine sand, and a mixture of coarse and fine sand; one quart each of dry crummy silt loam, peat, muck and pulverized peat. To Determine the Porosity of Soils. — Procedure. — Punch a hole in the bottom of a baking-powder can. Place a piece of cheese cloth over the bottom on the inside, and fill the canfull of dry, coarse sand (screen out all fine material). Now set the can into a dish of water so that the surface of the soil is about on a level with the surface of the water on the outside. Allow the soil to become saturated so that free water is noticed on the surface of the soil. Place finger over the hole in the bottom of the can, take can out, and allow all free water to drain into another can to be measured. The amount of water in cubic inches represents the amount of pore space in the soil. Determine the per cent of pore space in the coarse sand. (3!£ X square of radius of soil column X height of soil column = cubic inches.) Record results as follows: Soil Number cu. in. soil used Cu. in. water used to saturate soil Per cent pore space by volume Repeat the experiment by using a fine sand (screen out all coarse material), and a mixture of coarse and fine sand. Questions. — (a) What is the relation between the size of soil grains and porosity of a soil? (6) Would the pore space in clay be greater or less than in sand? Why? (c) How does'porosity of a soil affect the rate at which water will percolate through it? (d) Will dry clay loam weigh more or less than fine sand? Why? (e) What are the conditions producing the least amount of pore space in a soil? (Note pore space in mixed sand.) To Observe the Movement of Capillary Water in Soils.— -Procedure. — Pour a cupful of dry sand or loam on a pie tin in a conical pile. Pour about a third of a cupful of water into the tin (not on the pile of soil) and observe results. QUESTIONS 107 Questions. — (a) What is meant by capillary movement of soil water? (6) In what direction does capillary water move in soils? (Consult text.) (c) What determines the direction of movement? To Study the Power of Soils for Holding Capillary Water. — Procedure — Fill ;i small baking-powder can having a perforated bottom, with air-dried, coarse sand. Determine the weight of the soil by subtracting the weight of the can from the weight of can plus the dry soil. Pour water on the soil until thoroughly wet. Allow all free water to dram out, and determine the per cent of capillary water retained. (Use weight of air-dried soil as basis.) Repeat the experiment by using an air-dried, fine sand, a crummy silt loam, and a peat or a muck. Record results in tabulated form. Questions. — (a) Name the factors determining the water-holding power of soils. (6) Of what importance is the fact that soils can retain moisture? (Con- sult text.) To Determine the Effect of Organic Matter on the Water-holding Power of Soils. — Procedure. — Take a baking-powder can one-half full of the same air-dry, fine sand used in the previous exercise and mix with it an equal volume of pulverized peat, or some other suitable organic matter. Determine the water- holding power of this mixture. (Allow the organic matter to become well soaked before draining off the water.) Compare results with those obtained in the previous experiment. Questions. — (a) What is the effect of organic matter on the per cent of capillary water held? (6) Does this mixture actually contain more capillary water than the fine sand alone? Determine. (c) How may the water-holding power of a sand be increased? Of a silt loam? To Determine to What Extent Weeds Use Soil Moisture. — Procedure. — Secure a pint sample of soil (to depth of at least 8 inches with soil auger) from an area in the garden or field where weeds are growing thick and thrifty. Collect a similar sample from another portion of the same field or garden where land has been well cultivated and weeds killed. (Do not collect these samples soon after a rain, but rather near the close of a dry period.) Place these samples in baking-powder cans to prevent drying out. Weigh, and dry at temperature of 105° C. or 221° F. Determine the per cent of moisture in the two samples. (Use weight of soil as collected in field for basis.) Question. — (a) Name several reasons why weeds should be destroyed. (Consult index.) Field Studies. — Determine if possible why some soils dry out so easily. Observe different conditions which aid soils to trap water. Observe the effect of a good soil mulch and of any other kind of mulch. QUESTIONS 1. What is the relation of moisture to soil fertility? 2. What use do plants make of water? What is the importance of moisture in the soil itself? 3. What can you say concerning the amount of water used by crops? 4. What is meant by "water requirement" of a plant? How do crops differ in this respect? 5. About how much water is lost by evaporating from the soil in growing a crop? 6. What are the factors which influence the water requirement of crops? 7. Tell of the importance of rainfall at the right time during growth. 8. What is dry-land farming? What is the limiting factor of production in this kind of farming? 108 SOIL WATER AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 9. Is moisture ever a limiting factor in production in humid farming? Explain. 10. What is the problem that confronts the dry-land farmer? What is the problem concerning the water supply in humid farming? 11. Name and define the three forms of soil water. Which is of most import- ance in crop production? 12. How do soils hold capillary water? When can a soil hold its greatest amount of capillary water? 13. Compare a coarse sand with a fine sand in the amount of water it can hold for crop use. 14. Why can a black silt loam hold a large amount of capillary water? 15. What is percolation? 16. What is the relation between percolation and soil erosion? 17. What is the importance of percolation in land drainage? What facilitates percolation under field conditions? 18. What is seepage? Illustrate. 19. What is meant by capillary rise of soil moisture? Give other illustrations of this phenomenon. How does capillary water rise in soils? 20. Name and discuss three factors influencing capillary rise of soil water which farmers should consider. 21. What is meant by water-holding capacity of a soil? How do soils vary in this capacity? 22. What forms of soil moisture does "water-holding capacity" include? Can plants use all the water indicated by* 'water-holding capacity"? Explain. 23. Compare the available moisture supply a light-colored silt loam can hold with that of a coarse sand. 24. What are "drouthy" soils? What is an important point to consider with respect to subsoil in buying a farm? 25. Mention ways in which water from rainfall may be lost to the crops. 26. Name ways in which moisture may be conserved and controlled. 27. How may surface run-off be lessened? 28. How may the water-holding capacity of soils be increased? 29. How can a farmer aid capillary rise of soil moisture? Why is it best not to subsoil land having sand as subsoil? 30. What is a soil mulch? Under what conditions can it be maintained? 31. What constitutes a good soil mulch in humid farming? In dry-land farming? 32. Explain by use of a diagram how a soil mulch conserves moisture. How may a soil mulch be maintained? 33. When is a soil mulch of greatest value? How does a soil mulch aid cultivation? 34. What are self -forming mulches and "protective crusts"? 35. Explain the uses of straw and other materials used as mulches. 36. What bearing have weeds on moisture conservation? PROBLEMS 1. A barrel of water weighs 263 pounds and an acre of water one inch deep weighs 113 tons. How many inches of water are required to grow a 50-bushel oat crop? A 2-ton clover crop? A 5-ton alfalfa crop? 2. If on a certain farm % of the rainfall during the growing period is used by the crops, & is lost by percolation, % lost as surface run-off and % the amount used by the crops is lost through evaporation from the soil, how many inches of rainfall would be required to grow the crops in problem 1? 3. What per cent more water is used by the clover plant in a semi-arid than in a humid climate? Assuming this would apply to alfalfa, about what would be the water requirement of alfalfa in a humid climate? CHAPTER IX LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION THIS chapter may be considered as a continuation of the sub- ject of "Moisture Conservation and Control/' which was partly considered in the preceding chapter. Land drainage may be defined as getting rid of free or excess water from wet lands. This subject is a broad one, touching both the field of engineering and of soil management. Because of lack of space, we shall study in this chapter the relation of good drainage to soil fertility, and consider the fundamental principles 'of land drainage and irrigation. Too Much Water is Harmful. — It is common knowledge that water standing long on a cultivated field either injures or destroys the crop. This injury is largely the result of the shutting out of the air and the checking of the soil activities, because of too much water. Other Harmful Effects of Too Much Water. — Wet soils are cold, and this retards germination and plant growth. Too much water makes fields, or portions of them, unfit for cultivation. Much injury is done poorly drained soils when they are worked too wet. Injury of crops by heaving (through frost action) is greater on wet lands than on those having good drainage. Wet fields which become dry enough to permit of late planting are less profitable than when well drained; moreover, such conditions make crop production uncertain (Fig. 45). It is generally recognized that wet swamp lands are detrimental to public health. Benefits of Proper Drainage. — Many direct benefits are to be derived through proper drainage. The most important are the following: 1. Soils Warm Up Better. — Water requires much heat to warm it, and a very great amount to evaporate it.1 A little of the heat of the sun is absorbed by the water in a wet soil, but the moat of it is used up in evaporation. Thus it is that a wet soil is a cold soil (Fig. 46). If the same land were well drained, the heat of the sun would be absorbed by the soil instead. 1 To raise the temperature of a pound of water (1 pint) 1° F., requires 1 British heat unit. To evaporate a pound of water requires 966.6 heat units. It requires no more heat to raise 7 pounds of dry loam one degree than to warm a pound of water one degree. 109 110 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION The free movement of air, possible only in a well-drained soil, aids materially in warming it. The most effective soil-warming agent is warm rain water. We all know how quickly the dormant vegetation starts growing in early spring when a warm rain sinks into a well-drained soil. Water-logged soils are not benefited in this way by warm rains, because all the rain water is forced to run away as surface water. FIG. 45. — A crop on a well-drained soil has a better moisture supply than when planted on a wet soil. A, diagram showing root development in a wet soil; W, high water-table; showing root development in the same soil but tile drained; T, tile; M, lowered B, diagram water-table. (Page 95.-) 2. Roots Grow Deeper and Stronger. — Plants growing in soils that are wet or water-soaked develop shallow root systems (Fig. 45). Marsh grasses and tamarack, for example, are shallow rooted. Corn and other crops will not send their roots into a water-soaked subsoil, but will develop them near the surface. Drain a marsh, and the wild grasses and the tamarack die, because the surface soil dries out, and the shallow roots are left without water — capillary rise not being rapid enough to supply sufficient moisture from lower depths. This helps to explain why corn planted on land that is wet during the early growing period suffers for want of water during the summer when the land becomes dry. It seems strange, but it is true, that crops are able to get a better MORE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS BECOME AVAILABLE 111 supply of moisture in a well-drained soil than in a wet one — all on account of more and deeper roots. Not only are plants able to secure more water when they develop deep roots, but they are able, also, to secure more of the plant-food elements. 3. Soil Organisms Develop Better. — Water-soaked soils are practically devoid of helpful organisms, while those well drained are usually abundantly supplied with them (Chapter VII). FIG. 46. — Wet and cold subsoil injured the corn crop. For many years nobody sus- pected that seepage water was the cause of poor corn crops on a large portion of this field even though heavy applications of manure were made. To the left, good corn; to right, injured corn. (See Fig. 39.) 4. Injurious Substances May be Removed. — Proper drainage may be the means of getting rid of certain injurious substances in soils. In some wet marshes, acids have accumulated to such an extent that the soils have become extremely acid in character. When such soils are drained, the accumulated acids are leached out, sometimes almost completely, during the first three or four'years after thorough drainage has been established. The thorough drainage of alkali spots is the best treatment recommended. Drainage is the method sometimes used to elimi- nate injurious salts from alkali soils (Chapter IV). 5. More Plant-food Elements Become Available. — The entrance of more air in the soil, a warmer soil, the development of 112 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION helpful soil organisms, and the growth of more and deeper roots are results of proper drainage, which, in turn, become important factors in making available the plant-food elements. Thus a well-drained soil can perform its functions in relation to plant growth much better than if it were too wet, or water-logged. 6. Good Drainage Favors Better Farm Management. — When all the fields on a farm are well drained, the farm can be managed more profitably — cultivation is made easier, square fields are made possible, fields can be laid out to best advantage, seeds can be planted better, crops can be planted earlier and hence are given a longer growing period, fall frosts are delayed, bigger crops can be produced, and farm work in general is not hampered unneces- sarily because of wet fields. Why Lands are Wet. — Some depressions on uplands are wet because of lack of surface drainage, coupled with impervious subsoils which prevent the water from soaking away. Some level and fine textured uplands having "tight"2 subsoils are wet largely because the surface water runs away very slowly. Seepage accounts for many wet areas, both on uplands and lowlands. Many low- lands and uplands are periodically wet because of flood water. Some lowlands are wet because they are so nearly on the same level with streams or bodies of water that the escape of free water is impossible. Much Land Needs Drainage. — There are in the United States a total of about 122,000 sections (square miles) of land unfit for cultivation because of too much moisture, but which could be profitably drained. This is equal to the combined areas of Iowa, Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island. How Drainage is Accomplished. — Wet lands can be made dry in different ways, depending largely upon the nature or source of the damaging water. 1. Surface Drainage. — Getting rid of surface water is called surface drainage. When the offending water is that which stands on the surface after rains, drainage may be effected by giving it a chance to flow away through furrows or shallow ditches. If the damaging water is that which flows from uplands to lower, 'and across lower areas, during flood flow, drainage may be accom- plished by controlling the course of the water through the use of surface-runs and shallow ditches. 1 A "tight" soil or subsoil is one through which water cannot pass except very slowly. METHOD OF DRAINAGE 113 2. Subsurface Drainage. — When the damaging water is in the soil, or when the water-table3 is too high, " subsurface" or "under- drainage" is necessary. This may be done through the use of open ditches and underground or covered drains. 3. Vertical Drainage. — Occasionally water standing in upland depressions and on some flat upland fields may be given a chance to escape by making openings through the tight sqil, or subsoil, so that the water may move downward into an open and dry soil below, if such a substratum is to be found. 4. Combined Methods Necessary .—It is generally necessary to combine different methods of drainage. On nearly all large areas the best combination for thorough drainage is large open ditches for outlets, and underground drains. Under certain other con- ditions a surface-run combined with underdrainage gives best FIG. 47. — Dead furrows as drains. On tight soils, especially on fields having little slope, surface drainage may be had by plowing in narrow " lands " up and down the gentle slopes. The surface water drains from the back furrows to the dead furrows, thence down the dead furrows and off the field. B, back furrow; D, dead furrow. (See Fig. 68.) results. In many large areas effective drainage is accomplished only through the combined use of open ditches, underdrains and surface-runs (Figs. 48 and 50) . Method of Drainage Depends Upon Why Land is Wet. — The only reasonable and safe way to begin any efforts towards drainage is to ascertain why the land is wet, and this knowledge should determine the manner and system of drainage to be employed. In most cases it is easy to determine when surface drainage is needed; but underdrainage is too often overlooked. On many a field the farmer never suspects a lack of sufficient drainage to be the cause of low crop yields. To eliminate any guessing in ascertaining the need of sub- surface drainage, dig a post hole about four or five feet deep, preferably during seeding time or when the ground seems too wet and cold to work; and if, when the hole is left open, the water comes within three feet of the surface, the land is in need of underdrainage. Many grasses make good growth on land satu- 3 The surface of the free water, or ground water, in a soil, is called the " ground water-table." When the free water comes near the surface, the ground water-table is said to be high. 8 114 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION rated with water to within three feet or even eighteen inches of the surface. Most farm crops, however, do best when such lands are thoroughly drained. Use of Spade May be All That is Necessary. — Frequently water standing in a cropped field may be gotten rid of by spading a shallow trench to some drain or roadside ditch. Sometimes the placing of a galvanized steel culvert under a road-bed, or the mere lowering of such a culvert, is all that is necessary to enable the water to escape, or to prevent its backing up on the land. FIG. 48. — A well-sodded surface-run. The grass prevents soil washing. (Wisconsin Station.) Plow Furrows as Drains. — On tight soils, and where fields have little slope, water from rainfall causes much injury because of insufficient natural surface drainage. The plowing of these fields in narrow strips of about four rods wide up and down the gentle slopes often provides good surface drainage. When this method is practiced, the "back furrows" should form slight elevations running lengthwise through the middle of each plowed strip, and the "dead furrows" should be kept open. In this manner the water from rains or melting snow drains from the back furrows to the dead furrows, thence down the dead furrows and off the field (Fig. 47). Surface-run a Necessary Drain. — A surface-run is a shallow low runway for water — about one and one-half feet deep and ten OPEN DITCHES 115 feet wide at the top (Fig. 48). It is used to remove surface water during heavy rains and melting snows. Such a run may be con- veniently used to protect depressions, and to prevent surface water from entering a lower area. These drains should be kept well sodded. As a rule a drainage system is not complete unless surface-runs are provided to take care of the excess water during flood flow. Open Ditches. — Frequently small open ditches about 3 to 5 feet deep are employed, in place of surface-runs, to prevent flood water from flowing on to low lands; the water is thus carried around the low area or to one side instead. =•' ,c I!" '" ''• '" =' if. 'iH * •J.' - •- = r L W| = FIG. 49. — A small open ditch properly located. This serves as a makeshift outlet for the tile system until the bed of the stream is lowered by a dredge. (Wisconsin Station.) A small open ditch about four feet deep and seven feet wide at the top is sometimes dug through a low marsh kept wet by a slug- gish stream, to serve as a temporary outlet for a system of tile or underdrainage, until the stream is lowered and straightened by a dredge (Fig. 49). Open ditches of considerable width and depth are employed in large marshes where much water is to be removed and where the fall is slight. Such ditches are of primary importance because they form the outlets. They are dug by means of dredges. In many marshes having winding and sluggish streams these ditches are made by straightening and deepening the water-courses. On extensive marshes large open ditches, or canals, are con- structed every mile or half-mile, with large tile at regular intervals in between them. 116 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION Good open ditches do not afford complete underdrainage except for a few yards on either side of them. In order to secure thorough underdrainage through the use of open ditches, they must FlQ. 50. — A good outlet ditch. This was dug with a floating dredge. It is 20 feet wide at the top and 7 feet deep. (Wisconsin Station.) be dug about every four or eight rods; but many open ditches take up considerable space, they cut farms and fields into incon- venient and irregular shapes, they require the building of many A B C D FIG. 51. — Covered drains other than tile. A, B, C, cobblestone and rock drains ; D, pole drain. farm bridges, they are unsightly, they are difficult and expen- sive to keep open and clean, they present a constant source of danger to farm animals, they provide harborage for obnoxious weeds, and are excellent breeding places for injurious and dis- agreeable insects. TILE DRAINS MUST HAVE FALL 117 Covered Drains. — The only way to eliminate the objections to many small open ditches is to use covered drains, among which may be mentioned tile drains, cobblestone drains, rock drains and pole drains (Fig. 51). Cobblestone, rock and pole drains are not commonly used, except in certain localities where these materials are available. They are usually of short duration, because they become easily clogged. The universal covered or under- drain is tile, and because of its importance, it shall be given special consideration. TILE DRAINAGE Drain Tile. — Drain tile are pipes usually of circular form from one to two feet long and varying in diameter from three to thirty inches (inside measurements). Most drain tile are made of burnt clay; some are made of cement. When well made, tile are very durable. Clay tile have been in operation on a farm in New York since 1837; and in France some have been in use 200 years and more. How Tile Are Laid. — (Fig. 52). Drain tile are laid end to end in narrow trenches and covered. A drain constructed by placing tile end to end in a trench is called a "line of tile." It is quite necessary that they be laid deep enough to escape tillage tools, to give deep underdrainage, and to escape freezing, if possible. In clay the usual depth is three feet, in sandy soils four and one- half feet. Occasionally conditions do not permit their being laid more than about two or two and one-half feet deep. In peat and muck soils tile should be laid especially deep (four and one-half feet and more), because these soils settle rapidly after they are tile drained. On some marshes the settling of the peat brought the tile so near the surface that they had to be taken up and laid deeper. The size of the tile to use depends upon the amount of water to be removed. It is a safe rule to follow not to use smaller than five- inch tile. The digging of a trench for a line of tile is always begun at the outlet, and it is generally necessary to lay the tile as soon as the bottom of the trench is made ready, although it is better to finish the trench and start laying the tile at the upper end, or head. Tile Drains Must Have Fall.— Every line of tile should be so laid that water entering it at any point will flow to the outlet. This descent or fall of a line of tile is called the "gradient." It is 118 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION desirable to have a gradual fall of three inches in 100 feet if pos- sible. On flat areas, one and one-quarter inches, which is considered the minimum grade, is frequently used. It is important to remem- ber that the less the fall or gradient, the bigger should be the tile. When a good fall is apparent, it is comparatively easy to lay tile so that they will carry off the water properly. On level ground however, much care should be exercised in securing sufficient fall. Fia. 52. — Samples of drain tile and the necessary tools used in constructing systems of tile drainage. (Wisconsin Station.) The level is the common instrument used in determining the amount of fall. Some experienced tilers determine the grade by the flow of the water in the trench before the tile are laid. Tile may be properly laid on a level area through the use of grade lath (Fig. 53). For example, a line of tile 600 feet long is to be laid, and it can be given a depth of four and one-half feet at the outlet. To give this line a fall of two inches in 100 feet the tile must be laid three and one-half feet deep at the upper end of the line. Two stakes (a, 6) are driven about three and one-half DISTANCE APART TO LAY LINES OF TILE 119 feet apart, one on either side of the proposed trench at the outlet, and a lath (c) is nailed to them horizontally one foot from the ground (from top of lath), which would be five and one-half feet from the proposed grade line (0, X), or the bottom of the trench. Two other stakes (d, e) are driven in a similar manner at the upper end, and a lath (/) is nailed to these two feet from the ground, which would likewise be five and one-half feet from the grade line. Other pairs of stakes are driven in line with the first ones at inter- vals of about 100 feet and to them lath are nailed horizontally and in line of sight over the top of the laths " (c) " and " (/) . " The trench is now dug until the top of a stick five and one-half feet long held vertically on the bottom of the trench is in line with the top of the laths. In this way a perfect grade can be obtained, Grade L/ne FIG. 53. — The use of grade lath in laying of tile. D, outlet ditch; N, proposed outlet for tile; OX, proposed grade line. (See page 117.) because the line of sight over the laths is parallel to the proposed grade line. On extended flat areas it is necessary to lay tile deep at the outlet and shallow at the upper end, in order to secure sufficient fall. On all large areas, especially if they are level or nearly so, it is best to secure the services of a competent drainage engineer to lay out the system of drainage and to supervise its construction. Covering the Tile. — As soon as the tile are laid, sufficient amount of soil should be shoveled in to cover them, and to hold them in place until the trench is filled. Covering and anchoring the tile in this manner is called "blinding." Filling the trench may be done by hand, or by the use of a plow or a scraper. Distance Apart to Lay Lines of Tile. — Frequently a single line of tile is all that is necessary to drain a narrow wet strip. In draining a narrow, wet depression (draw) between two areas of high land, it is often best to lay two lines of tile, one at the foot of each slope, or one on each side of the lowest center line. On all 120 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION broad, flat areas several lines of tile are necessary. Just how far apart these drains should be placed to secure adequate drainage depends largely on the character of the subsoil. In some very heavy soils and in springy areas, it is necessary to lay them not more than two rods apart, while in porous and open soils they may be placed as far apart as eight to twelve rods. In ordinary loams and silt loams, and in peat and muck, four rods is the common distance. =20 RODS M, main; FIG. 54. — Natural systems of tile drainage. Three systems in an 80-acre field. L, lateral; S, sub-main. (Wisconsin Station.) How Tile Works. — Water gets into tile drains through the joints between the tile (Fig. 59). In case of porous tile, a little water goes through the walls, but at least ninety-five per cent enters through the joints. Care should be taken in laying tile not to leave cracks between them so big as to permit soil to fall in, yet not so close together as to exclude the water. In tight clays it is well to " blind" the tile with black soil to facilitate the entrance of water. In sand it is necessary to blind the tile with black soil to keep the sand from entering. It is a mistake to think that thorough underdrainage is harmful to crops, particularly in dry seasons. Tile cannot "draw" water out of soil, nor can they drain a soil too thoroughly. It is impos- THE NATURAL SYSTEM 121 sible to remove the capillary, or the useful water, by tiling; it is only the free or harmful water that is drained out. Tile may drain somewhat deeper than the depth they are laid. The capil- lary rise of water may cause the water-table to drop below the tile. Drainage during the wet period may cause the water-table to drop lower during the dry period than it would if no water had been removed. The deeper root development encouraged by early drainage compensates for this apparent loss. Systems of Tile Drainage. — A tile system simply means the arrangement of the lines of tile designed to drain any particular area. Usually tile systems are made up of " mains," "laterals" Qrocfs ^— * -« ! Xi 1 ~4 rods ] \ • 'rail .Kn 100 \ , t \ 5V//^ j3v/y« 1 a ' % r \ v ^i-ti/f '6- tile FIG. 55. — The gridiron or parallel system of tile drainage. Troublesome outlets are avoided by having several laterals discharge into a single main. A line of tile is located at the edge of the high land to cut off seepage. (Wisconsin Station.) and "sub-mains " (Fig. 54). A main carries and discharges the water from an entire system. A lateral is a single branch drain into which no other line of tile discharges. One or several laterals may discharge into a "sub-main" which, in turn, empties into a main. } The water of the areas to be drained and the slope of the land necessarily call for different systems of tile drainage, of which four are generally recognized — the "natural" system, the "grid- iron" or "parallel" system, the "herringbone" system and a "combination" of two or all three of these systems. 1. The Natural System. — When an irregular area is to be drained, the laterals and sub-mains have varying directions, and they must necessarily join the main in an irregular manner (Fig. 54). This is called the "natural" system. 122 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION 2. The Gridiron or Parallel System. — When an area requiring several lines of tile slopes uniformly in one direction, or when it slopes uniformly towards two adjacent sides, the "gridiron" or ''parallel" system is the most economical (Fig. 55). This system may also be used on level areas. 3. The Herringbone System. — Sometimes land slopes towards a middle and lower area. In such a case the " herringbone " system is most convenient (Fig. 56). This system may like- wise be employed on level areas. Fia. 56. — A combination of three systems of tile drainage. A, natural system; B, parallel system, C, herringbone system. 4. Combination of Systems. — In actual practice it is usually necessary and convenient to combine the different systems of drainage, since conditions vary even in comparatively small areas. Figure 56 illustrates this. Outlets of Mains Should be Protected. — Exposed outlets of mains should be constructed to withstand frost, flooding or washing and tramping of livestock. Moreover, they should be protected by a screen to prevent their becoming clogged by anything that might enter the mouth of the drains. Generally, it is best to use glazed sewer pipe for about six to ten feet at the outlet, laid in firm soil, or imbedded in concrete (Figs. 57 and 58). Tile Cheaper and Better Than Open Ditches. — In the long run TILE COMBINED WITH A SURFACE-RUN 123 it is best and less expensive to drain with tile than with open ditches whenever possible. With a few exceptions, an open ditch smaller than six feet deep, three feet wide at the bottom, and fifteen Fro. 57. — The two protected outlets to the drainage system on this marsh of 125 acres Two steel pipes screened by iron rods. FIG. 58. — An open ditch should be deep enough to permit tile to empty into it. With few exceptions, an open ditch smaller than six feet deep, three feet wide at the bottom, and fifteen feet wide at the top, has no excuse for an existence. (Wisconsin Station.) feet wide at the top, has no excuse for an existence; large tile should be used instead, or a surface-run combined with tile will work best. Tile Combined With a Surface-Run. — In constructing this 124 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION combination it is usually better to make the surface-run at one side of the tile after the tile is laid and when the land is dried sufficiently to permit horses to work (Fig. 59). When completed, the surface-run carries the water during flood flow, while the tile works throughout the year. Cult/voted . — Tile combined with surface-run. The surface-run carries the water when there is a flood, while the tile works throughout the year. (Wisconsin Station.) Tile Drainage is Profitable.— (Figs. 60 and 61.) It costs from twenty to forty-five dollars an acre for complete tiling, but the benefits to be derived far exceed the cost, as is shown by the four typical examples in the following table: Cost and Benefits of Tile Drainage Acres Conditions before drainage Cost of drainage Conditions after drainage 90 A 60-acre field was poor $2,200 Pasture improved 300 per pasture, and a 30-acre cent. The 30-acre field now field was cultivated, but most of the crops failed grows six times the amount of grain as formerly, and no failures 16 Was worthless for pasturing $ 700 Fine corn, clover and other and cultivation crops are now produced 40 Grew willow brush $1,000 Now grows most excellent corn 240 Land was of little value for $2,360 Splendid crops of hay and pasture, and it produced grain have been raised since no hay drainage. The value of one crop offsets cost of tiling Vertical Drains. — Some vertical drains consist of openings or cracks in underlying bed-rock, and cracks or openings made in hard-pan 4 by the use of dynamite. It sometimes happens that a 4 A hard and impervious substratum is commonly called a hard-pan. It may vary in thickness from a few inches to three feet and more. VERTICAL DRAINS 125 sinkhole, or a cavern in the underground rock, affords a splendid outlet for a system of tile drainage. FIG. 60. — Can any good thing come out of this marsh full of brush, cat-tails, reeds, and rushes? (See Fig. 61.) Fia. 61. — Corn that will fill the silo to good measure has been grown on the same marsh as shown in Figure 60, after being properly drained. Now and then a drilled well, or one dug and filled with stones, furnishes the only possible means whereby water in basins can be drained out. Not all wells made for such a purpose prove success- ful— this one may fill with water, while another may bring to 126 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION the surface even more water. The successful ones never fill, no matter how much water may drain into them. The most common vertical drains consist of ordinary drain tile placed in the ground vertically, end on end (Fig. 62). It should be remembered that the only conditions under which such a drain can work are : first, a porous or gravelly stratum should underlie the impervious hard-pan or sub- soil ; and, second, that stratum should be dry so that the drain- age water may flow away. Drainage by Means of Pumps. — The drainage of many low-lying lands is made possible only through the use of pumping machinery to lift the drainage water over levees into adjacent streams or other drain- age channels. The drainage of such areas is done by open ditches and tile — but all the drainage water discharges into reservoirs, and from them it is pumped over the levees. This kind of drainage, though suc- cessful in a number of the Euro- pean countries, is but little ¥i? • I \ 1 f&H i »*£* AVI 1 i •t'.>i p— ^ | CLAV I 6 *• p* | CLAY .-i»- ifiS 1 1 m J& f lfc*t« •m ir 1 4. i ! - ^~,I-T 4££x 1 \ '*':J St ~ |?"t^ANO '..;:*- " '<: V: • ••';.":'-L> rrr1 '•+• .'•''•: •'•'•' developed in the United States. One of the most interesting FIG. 62.— A vertical drain. A porous or pumping drainage projects gravelly stratum should underlie the impervi- .-, j TT i ous hard-pan or subsoil, and the water must known IS the great Haarlem have a chance to flow away. (Wis. Station.) Lake Q£ Holland Until 1852j this lake was fifteen feet deep and covered about sixty-five square miles. Now this area, formerly a lake, is traversed by well- improved highways and is occupied by about 20,000 people. In a similar manner the Dutch Government (1913) authorized the undertaking of the complete reclamation of about 781 square miles of what is now the southerly portion of the Zuider Zee. IRRIGATION Irrigation Is the Artificial Watering of Land. — It is the opposite of land drainage. Irrigation is commonly thought of as a practice OBJECTS OF IRRIGATION 127 confined to dry regions, but this is not necessarily the case. In arid climates, irrigation is absolutely necessary to produce any crops at all, while in semi-arid sections, irrigation, where possible, makes crop production sure, and greatly increases the yield. In sub-humid and even in humid regions, because of the irregulari- ties in the time and amount of rainfall, irrigation is practiced to a greater or less extent. Both China and Japan, for example, have a large and a well distributed rainfall, yet irrigation is generally FIG. 63. — Furrow irrigation in orchard in dry climate. (U. S. D. A.) practiced. In Japan alone, water is artificially applied to at least 12,500 square miles of land, or about two-thirds of her culti- vated area.5 Objects of Irrigation. — The primary object of irrigation is to supply needed water to crops. Without irrigation, many thou- sands of square miles of land in the world would be deserts instead of fit places to live in; and hundreds of square miles of desert wastes are today being made to produce bountiful harvests just by supplying water to these thirsty lands. In the United States irrigation is confined largely to the western states, where many large irrigation projects are in operation or 6 "In China and Japan, where they must raise large crops or starve, they have been compelled to irrigate, although they have a larger summer rainfall than we ... but they also fertilize heavily." — King. 128 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION under construction, bringing under cultivation millions of acres. According to the Thirteenth Census, there are in all about 14,000,000 acres of irrigated land in the continental United States (Fig. 63). Irrigation or flooding proves beneficial and necessary in growing certain crops, such as rice and cranberries. On irrigated lands flooding is extensively used to moisten fields preparatory to plowing; and flooding, instead of tillage tools, is frequently employed to firm a seed bed prior to planting. In some sections irrigation is extensively practiced, supple- menting a good and evenly distributed rainfall, to make highly fertilized lands produce the highest possible yields. This is espe- cially true in densely populated countries, like China, for example. In some places irrigation is the means whereby fertilizing material is carried to the land — sewage from great cities like Paris and Edinburgh, for example. In several countries the water of rivers is used to fertilize meadows, and, in most cases, to supply needed water at the same time. How Irrigation Water is Secured. — Before any area of land can be irrigated a source of water must be -provided. The most common sources are rivers. In such cases, a portion of the river water is diverted and conducted by means of canals, conduits and huge pipe lines to the area to be reclaimed, where it is turned from the main canal to branch canals which carry the water to the farms to be irrigated, to which it is delivered by still smaller branches. It is interesting to read about or to see some of the wonderful engineering feats accomplished in some of the great western irrigation projects (Fig. 64). Other sources of irrigation water are lakes, large reservoirs made by constructing dams across gorges or narrow valleys, and flowing wells. Water may also be secured by pumping it from wells, streams and canals. How Irrigation Water is Applied. — There are four ways in which irrigation water may be applied to land — by flooding, through the use of furrows, by spraying, and by subsurface irrigation. Flooding and the furrow method are the two approved methods of irrigation in irrigated sections. Whichever method is used depends upon the character of the soil, the lay of the land, the kind of crops, the water supply, and the "head," or the volume of water supplied to the unit of time. Under some systems of irrigation management, farmers are given large streams of water for short FURROW IRRIGATION 129 times, and under other systems, they are given small streams for longer periods. 1. Flooding. — Flooding is a method of surface irrigation. The water applied covers the whole surface of a field either as a thin sheet of running water, continued until sufficient water has soaked into the ground, or as a sheet of standing water which is allowed to remain until the soil has absorbed enough. Flooding is usually practiced when the land is not too sloping and when irrigation i. FIG. 64. — Roosevelt Dam, Salt River, Arizona. One of the big dams of the world. Date of construction, 1905-11. Approximate cost, $10,000,000. Used to irrigate 219,000 acres. (U. S. Reclamation Service.) water is abundant. It is commonly done on fields cropped to small grains, alfalfa, and grasses. 2. Furrow Irrigation. — Furrow irrigation is a second method of surface watering. By this method the water is guided over the land in furrows, or channels, which traverse the whole field — the water covering only a part of the soil surface. Furrow irriga- tion is one of the most common methods, and is one of the best for all conditions. When crops like potatoes, corn sorghum and sugar beets are grown, it is usually best to irrigate by the furrow method after the crop is on the ground. This is also the commonly adopted method of all orchard irrigation (Fig. 63). 9 130 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION 3. Spray Irrigation. — Spray irrigation is the process of applying water to the surface of soils or to crops in the form of small drops, spray or mist. The first systems of spray irrigation were the out- growth of city lawn and garden sprinkling. It was soon found that through such spraying, small amounts of water could be applied advantageously to delicate crops, especially for supplementing an uncertain rainfall. The water used is conveyed to the field under pressure through pipes or hose. This system of irrigation is well adapted to those conditions in humid sections which demand small and frequent Fia. 65. — The Skinner system of irrigation. A field piped for overhead spray irrigation. (U. S. D. A.) applications of water in the preparation of the soil for transplanting, and for supplying quick-growing, market-garden crops and berries with the moisture they so much need for best growth, and especially to keep them thriving during dry periods (Fig. 65). 4. Sub-irrigation. — Underground or subsurface irrigation im- plies that the irrigation water is applied from below the surface. This may be accomplished through the use of open ditches and underground tile, or pipes of iron, concrete, or wood. The open ditch method of sub-irrigation has proved successful to a limited extent in western America and in Florida. The underground pipe system of irrigation has not met with success, except under exacting soil conditions found in only a few localities. At Sanford, Florida, the same tile used in sub- irrigation also serves for drainage during wet seasons. PROFITS IN IRRIGATION FARMING 131 Irrigated Farms Require Good Management. — Farms in irri- gated sections require cultivation and good management as do farms in humid regions. It has been found that cultivation after irrigation is very effective in conserving the soil moisture. Weed control is another important consideration. The diversification of crops on individual farms and in each irrigation section, and the production of livestock, should be given careful attention — not only to utilize labor effectively, but to help maintain soil fertility. Maiiy Irrigated Lands Need Drainage. — At first thought it seems strange, especially to one unfamiliar with irrigation condi- tions, that irrigated lands should need drainage. Nevertheless, some areas, either directly or indirectly, have been converted into swamps by irrigation; other areas have become water-logged and are unproductive; still other irrigated lands have passed from a state of high productivity to a condition fit only for wet pastures. Often the result of over-irrigation is manifested in an accumulation of alkali salts on or near the surface without any apparent wet condition. Other areas not irrigated also require drainage. Deep underdrainage is necessary and is the only possible means whereby these lands may be reclaimed. Aside from the objects sought in draining any soil, the thorough underdrainage of some of these irrigated lands has an important additional object; and that is, to provide an outlet for the down- ward moving water used to dissolve out the harmful alkali salts. For irrigated areas, drains of clay or shale tile are the best. The tile should be hard-burned, impervious, and free from foreign ingredients so they can withstand the harmful action of the alkali salts. Other Irrigation Problems. — Irrigation farming has many features quite different from farming without irrigation. Aside from the problem of water supply, application of water, and the other problems already mentioned, there are many others that an irrigation farmer must either solve for himself or have solved for him. These problems relate to the best methods of irrigation under particular conditions, to the economic use of water, to the amount of water best for different crops, time best to apply water, frequency of application, the maintenance of soil fertility, etc. Much information on these points is available, but lack of space here prohibits further discussion. Profits in Irrigation Fanning. — It costs more to produce crops 132 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION under irrigation than under rainfall. It follows, therefore, that the farmer's profits must be less with irrigation than without, unless the yields are larger or the prices he receives for his produce are higher. The prosperity of some of the irrigated sections of the West has been more largely due to increases in the value of land than to the profits in growing crops. This may also be said of many sections in humid regions. According to some investigations made on irrigated farms in Utah and in an irrigated section in Montana, the average farmer's labor income6 on these farms seems to compare favorably with the average labor income received by farmers of other states. Irrigation an Art of Antiquity. — When we learn of the advance- ments that have already been made in reclaiming arid lands in the United States, and of the almost magic transformations resulting from irrigation, we cannot but wonder at it all, and com- ment on the wonderful age in which we are living. Yet, when we consider the remains of canals and certain other ruins of ancient lands, including what is now Southwest United States — ruins which give us but a glimpse of the elaborate systems of irrigation operated by ancient and prehistoric peoples — we reflect the same sentiment expressed nearly three thousand years ago by that wise oriental king — " There is no new thing under the sun." The art of irrigation has thus come down to us as a prehistoric heritage to be improved by succeeding generations. Demonstrational Exercises. — Material Needed. — 2 large baking-powder cans; 2 cubic feet of sandy soil; a thermometer; 3 three-inch clay tile; 2 10 X 12 X 10-inch wooden boxes. To Demonstrate That a Warm, Spring Rain Warms a Well-drained Soil Quickly, While a Saturated Soil Remains Cold. — Procedure.— Fill 2 large baking-powder cans within one-quarter inch of the top with a sandy soil. One can should be water tight and the other should have the bottom perforated. Saturate and flood the one soil with cold water. Bring the other soil to the same temperature by passing cold water through it. Determine the tempera- ture of the two soils. Now pour on each soil at least one-half a pint of warm water. (The warm water will pass through the drained soil but will run off the other.) Take temperature readings again and record results. Questions. — (a) Explain why warm spring rains do not warm saturated soils. (6) Why do warm rains warm cold well-drained soils most effectively? (c) Name other benefits of good underdrainage. 6 In comparing the profitableness of different systems of farm management or in determining the profits in farming, the farmer's "labor" or "managerial income" is the most convenient and accurate basis. Labor or managerial income means profits above total costs — total costs including interest on money invested and unpaid family labor. QUESTIONS 133 To Demonstrate How Tile Works. — Procedure. — Obtain three 3-inch clay or shale tile and two water-tight wooden boxes about 10 X 12 X 10 inches. Cut two holes in each box in opposite sides near the bottom, large enough to allow the tile to enter. Place one tile in the first box so that the two ends will project from either side. Place the other two tile end to end, with the joint in the middle of the box and the ends of the tile projecting from opposite sides of the box. Make both boxes water-tight by means ot paraffin or paint (do not seal the joint between the tile in the box containing the two tile) and fill each box with sandy soil. Saturate the soil in both boxes with water and note results. Questions. — (a) How do tile work under field conditions? (6) Are there any objections to the use of glazed tile? (c) About what per cent of the drainage water passes through the walls of the tile? Laboratory Exercises (optional). — Material Needed. — Ditching spade; tile hook; a number of tile; a few laths; a drainage level; and whatever other tools found necessary. To Construct a Trench for Drain Tile. — The teacher can determine the method of procedure. To Become Familiar With a Drainage Level. — The teacher should deter- mine the need of such an exercise, and plan sufficient work to meet the needs. Field Studies. — Observe wet areas, especially those due to seepage. Note the conditions of the subsoil. Observe any system of drainage: open ditches, systems of tile drainage, outlet, results, benefits, etc. QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by land drainage? 2. Why do crops suffer when water stands too long on a field? 3. Name other harmful effects of the lack of drainage. 4. Name and discuss the benefits of thorough drainage. 5. Give reasons why some lands are wet. 6. Discuss the need of land drainage in the United States. 7. How may wet lands be drained? Describe briefly the different methods, • and conditions under which used. 8. What is the first step in draining land? How may this information be obtained? 9. What can be done with a spade in land drainage? 10. How can plow furrows serve as drains? Illustrate by a diagram or sketch. 11. What is a surface-run? What is its use and how made? 12. Explain the uses of open ditches in land drainage. 13. What are the objections in constructing many small ditches? How can these objections be overcome? 14. What is meant by tile drainage? What are drain tile? 15. How are tile laid, and how deep? 16. What is meant by "line of tile"? Gradient? What relation is there between gradient and the size of tile to use? 17. How may the grade line be determined in digging the trench for tile? Explain by use of diagram the use of grade lath. 18. What is meant by "blinding" tile? 19. How far apart should lines of tile be laid? 134 LAND DRAINAGE AND IRRIGATION 20. Explain why it is often best to lay two lines of tile in a wet draw between two areas of upland. 21. How do tile work? Can land be too thoroughly drained? Explain. 22. Explain and illustrate by use of a diagram what is meant by a system of tile drainage, mains, laterals, and sub-mains. 23. What are the systems of tile drainage commonly used? Illustrate each by diagram. 24. Why is it best to have one instead of many outlets to a system of tile drainage? 25. What is the smallest ditch that should, under most conditions, be con- structed? Explain. 26. Is drainage profitable? Give an example. 27. What are vertical drains? Describe by use of a diagram the conditions under which a vertical tile drain can work. 28. How is it possible to drain low-lying and flooded lands? 29. Describe a drainage system which you have seen installed. 30. What is the meaning of irrigation? To what kind of climate is irri- gation confined? 31. Give the objects of irrigation. 32. What are some of the sources of irrigation water? 33. Name and describe the methods of irrigation. 34. Do irrigated farms require less attention than farms not irrigated? 35. Why do some irrigated lands need drainage? 36. What are some of the special problems that confront the irrigation farmer? 37. Is irrigation farming profitable? 38. Who invented the art of irrigation? 39. Describe an irrigation system which you have seen. CHAPTER X TILTH AND TILLAGE FROM earliest times it has been the experience of husbandmen that cultivated plants grow best in soils that are stirred or tilled. In this modern age good tilth, good seed bed and intertillage are especially emphasized as important factors in successful crop- production. Good tilth is one of the factors determining fertility; and it has been defined as that physical condition of the seed bed with respect to mellowness and firmness that is favorable to plant growth (Chapter V). This condition is developed largely through tillage. A good seed bed is not merely a layer of very loose, fine soil; it consists, rather, of the tilled portion of the ground, loosened and pulverized until it is mellow, and at the same time possessing a fair degree of firmness (Fig. 66) . The proper prepara- tion of the seed bed is fundamentally important in securing good yields of practically all farm crops; and, in case of crops planted in rows, subsequent cultivation, or intertillage, is indispensable. Factors Determining Good Tilth. — The development of good tilth, or of a good seed bed, depends largely upon three factors: (1) the moisture content of the soil when worked; (2) soil struc- ture, and (3) the kind of tillage tools used. Any one who has ever operated a tillage tool knows that soils pulverize and work best when they contain a proper amount of moisture. Each farmer must determine for himself just when the soils on his farm are in fit condition to work. The easy workability of soils of a sandy and crummy structure is well known. Heavy soils of compact structure require the most attention and effort to get them into good tilth. The crummy structure of the heavier soils depends largely upon the amount of organic matter they contain, since the organic matter binds the soil particles into crumbs or granules. It is a common experience with some farmers that certain soils are much more difficult to work and pulverize now than years ago, for the reason that the organic matter has been largely removed or used up, and too little attention was given to maintain or increase it through the growth of grasses and clover, and through the use of manure. The fre- quent growing of grasses and clover on heavy lands greatly aids 135 136 TILTH AND TILLAGE in changing the structure of such soils, because the fine roots and other organic matter prevent the individual grains from running together. This explains why sod ground and some black, crummy soils can be plowed when quite wet without any appreciable harm. When the roots and organic matter are used up, the soil loses its acquired looseness and crumbly characteristic. Even sandy soils till better when they contain a good supply of organic matter. Because of its influence on soil structure and on tillage, the organic r FIG. 66. — An excellent seed bed prepared for alfalfa. matter of soils should be maintained, and in many soils, increased if possible. Tillage Tools. — Numerous kinds of implements have been devised to prepare the ground for planting, and especially to care for many of the crops during early growth. There are many differ- ent kinds of plows, harrows, rollers, clod crushers, weeders and cultivators. Aside from these there are many seeding and planting implements which in themselves perform various tillage opera- tions in addition to sowing the seed. Frequently the real purpose of a tillage implement, or the principle upon which it is built, is overlooked; and too often a machine is purchased merely because of some new device, or some extra lever, rather than on the quality of the work it can do, or PRINCIPLES GOVERNING TILLAGE 137 because of its adaptability to the soil in which it is to be used. It should be remembered that every good implement is designed to do a certain kind of work, and, in most cases, in a particular way; and each one is built with certain adjustments so that it can be regulated to meet varying conditions. The " How " of Tillage Depends Upon the " Why."— When the specific objects of tillage are kept in mind, and the principles governing the methods of tillage are clearly understood, there can be little difficulty in deciding upon the kinds and types of machines to use, and when best to operate them. The Objects of Tillage. — The objects of tillage are: to loosen and pulverize the soil, to deepen the seed bed, to crush lumps and break crusts, to turn under coarse litter and vegetation, to com- pact the seed bed, to kill weeds, to enable soils to catch and thus store more moisture, to conserve soil moisture, and to mix fertil- izers and other materials into the soil. Two or more of these objects may be accomplished in one operation. Principles Governing Tillage. — Some of the principles govern- ing tillage may be stated as follows: (a) A mellow and firm seed bed is necessary to favor ger- mination, and to enable young plants to develop good, strong root systems. (6) The liberation of plant-food elements through the action of organisms and other agencies is favored when soils are well aerated. Aside from drainage, tillage promotes the exchange of air in soils. (c) The fact that capillary water in soils rises from soil particle to soil particle makes it necessary that the soil particles within the seed bed and between the seed bed and the subsoil be in close contact with each other (Chapter V). (d) Since soil moisture readily evaporates when the surface soil is firm and compact, it is essential that a soil mulch be developed, wherever necessary and practicable, to check or lessen this loss of moisture (Chapter VIII). (e) Heavy, compact soils can be made to trap and thus store more moisture when they are loosened, plowed or subsoiled. (/) The natural, crummy structure of the heavier soils may be easily destroyed when they are worked too wet. This creates a "puddled" condition which is unfavorable to plant growth. (g) Weeds should be destroyed. In the following paragraphs these objects and principles are 138 TILTH AND TILLAGE considered in relation to the different tillage implements. It is convenient to divide the discussion into three parts: (1) Prepara- tion of the seed bed; (2) seeding and planting, and (3) cultiva- tion and intertillage. PREPARING THE SEED BED The Plow the First Implement. — The first tool commonly used in the preparation of the seed bed is the plow. Because of its importance, it has been called the greatest tool in the advance- ment of agriculture. Long before the invention of the modern plow, tillers of the ground so fully realized the great necessity of some kind of implement to loosen the soil preparatory to planting FIG. 67. — Diagram illustrating the pulverizing action of the moldboard. (King.) that many of them used a crooked, wooden stick. A modern moldboard plow is a comparatively plain tool and seems a simple invention, yet the history of its evolution reads like a romance. Because of its ingeniously devised steel moldboard, the modern plow can turn practically any kind of soil, and at the same time pulverize it more or less (Figs. 67 and 68). Certain equipment is required to increase the efficiency of the plow; such as, jointers and coulters, to cut sod into strips so it can be turned and to aid in turning under weeds, grass and litter; the gauge wheel, to aid in regulating the depth of plowing;: and clevises, for draft adjustments (Figs. 69 to 74). Plowing Stubble Land. — Stubble land, or old ground, is land on which small grains and cultivated crops have been grown. Plows designed for such lands are called stubble plows. Their moldboards are short, high and have an abrupt turn. Because of PLOWING STUBBLE LAND 139 FIG. 68. — The work of the plow. The center of this plowed area is the back furrow. FIQ. 69. — The way a good plow does its work. When one becomes interested in the action of the plow, plowing ceases to be a drudgery. 140 TILTH AND TILLAGE this type of moldboard, the soil is thoroughly pulverized when turned — provided it is in fit condition to be plowed (Figs. 71 and 72-1). FIG. 70. — The parts of a plow: a, moldboard; b, share; c, point; d, shin; e, handles; /, beam; g, brace rods; h, standard; i, landside; /, jointer; k, gauge wheel; I, bridle; m, beam clevis; n, hitch clevis; ot clamp; p, heel. FIG. 71. — First prize stubble plowing. Plowing Sod. — The only way to turn a prairie sod, or any old, tough, grass sod, is to use a prairie-breaker type of plow (Figs. 72 and 79). This type is built with an easy-turning moldboard which turns the furrow slice over flat, against the preceding one PLOWING SOD 141 FIG. 72. — Three types of plow bottoms: 1, stubble bottom; 2, general purpose; 3, sod. B A FIG. 73. — Adjustment of coulter. A, ordinarily set coulter one-half inch from landside (c). In deep plowing or for sod one-quarter inch. Secure a full furrow slice to keep shin covered with dirt. B, set middle of rolling coulter about three inches back from point. In loose or trashy soils, one or two inches back. In hard or sticky soils, about four inches back. • • * o 74-— Different types of coulters and jointers. Note proper jointer; 2, rolling coulter; 3, blade coulter or hanging cutter; 4, fin coi combination rolling coulter and jointer; 6, knee cutter or coulter. adjustment. 1, coulter or cutter: 5, 142 TILTH AND TILLAGE without breaking it very much, and in a way which facilitates the decomposition of the sod. Ordinary sod is turned best with a sod plow, or one having a moldboard adapted for either sod or stubble (Figs. 72 and 78). The moldboards of such plows are somewhat longer, and turn the Fia. 75. — Wrong way of plowing sod. (Humid farming.) furrow slice more slowly than those of the stubble plows. Sod turned properly is much more easily made into a good seed bed than when poorly or improperly plowed (Figs. 75, 76 and 77). A stubble plow, under average conditions, cannot turn sod the way it should be turned (Figs. 78 and 79. Compare with Fig. 77). FIG. 76. — Right way of plowing sod. (Humid farming.) When Disk Plows Are Used. — Some soils, because of their con- dition or peculiar characteristics, can be plowed successfully only with a disk plow; these are dry and hard, sticky, waxy or gumbo soils, and other soils in which a moldboard plow will not scour l (Fig. 80). The disk plow may be used on stubble land when the depth of plowing is five or more inches. It is not recommended for 1 Moldboards, disks, cultivator shovels, drill shoes and hoes should always be kept clean and free from rust when not in use. Most farmers use axle grease to keep them from rusting. Frequently plows refuse to scour simply because their moldboards were allowed to rust. WHEN DISK PLOWS ARE USED 143 FIG. 77. — What happens when sod is plowed with a stubble plow. Fio. 78.— First prize sod plowing. It is not so tiring, sir, to plow well, For your mind is interested. (English Plowman.) sod or light, loose soils when it is desirable to plow less than five inches deep. The moldboard plow is recognized as a universal plow. The disk plow is brought into service only when the mold- 144 TILTH AND TILLAGE board plow cannot be used. The disk plow may be used success- fully in plowing loose peat soils. Fio. 79. — A prairie breaker. Best Time to Plow. — The best time to plow depends largely upon the object to be attained. Since nearly all plowing is done in the fall and spring, it would be well to consider here a few important points concerning fall and spring plowing. Fio. 80. — One type of disk plow. Fall Plowing. — Usually farmers find it convenient to plow in the late fall, because farm work then is not so pressing as in other seasons; moreover, the congestion of work in the spring is much relieved when the plowing is done at this time. When soils are to be plowed deeply, or when the seed bed is to be deepened, late FALL PLOWING 145 fall plowing is best. This results in less loss of nitrogen through leaching, and in the development of a firm seed bed. Furthermore, Fia. 81.— Subsoil plow. FIG 82. — A subsoil plow in action. Fia. 83. — The work of a subsoil plow. j when any "raw" subsoil is turned up, it becomes thoroughly weathered before planting time. 10 146 TILTH AND TILLAGE Other advantages of late fall plowing are: (a) It favors the development of granular or crummy structure, and hence good tilth, in lumpy and heavy soils; (6) many crop pests are destroyed, such as white grubs and aphis; (c) coarse litter turned under is permitted to decompose partially, thus establishing better contact between the seed bed and the subsoil, and providing a better supply of available plant-food elements; (d) soils plowed in the fall are seldom too wet. Fall plowing is usually best for wheat, and is commonly practiced when corn follows sod. In dry-farming sections it is often best to plow immediately after a grain crop is harvested; for two main reasons: (a) the soil plows better because of the moisture it contains, and (6) soil moisture is conserved. In some sections farmers hesitate to plow much of their 'young" sod land in the fall, because if they do, they may be left without any hay land the next season if, perchance, the new or spring seeding is winter-killed. Land that is fall plowed should be left rough, unless it is plowed early and sown to a cover crop or winter grain. Spring Plowing. — Usually much plowing is done in the spring, largely because time does not permit all of it to be done in the fall. At this time of the year there is much danger of plowing some of the heavier soils when too wet. This is harmful, because the crummy structure of the soil is destroyed, and a " puddled" condition results. This explains why some heavy silt loams, clay loams and clays are so hard and lumpy. A puddled soil is not necessarily mud. When a wet clay, for example, is worked, the crumbs, if any, are broken up and the soil particles run together, forming an impervious mass; in other words, the clay is puddled. On drying the mass becomes hard. The action of the plow is sufficient to produce a puddling effect when a heavy soil is plowed too wet. Spring plowing is best for sands that are subject to "blowing." Late spring plowing permits the plowing under, for soil im- provement, of green crops which ordinarily do not make suffi- cient growth in the fall to turn under at that time. Rye is a good example. Moderately Deep Plowing Best. — In general, best results are secured when soils are plowed moderately deep — from six to nine inches. In a deep seed bed most plants develop deep, strong root systems, thus enabling them to secure a good supply of moisture SUBSOILING AND DEEP TILLING 147 and plant-food elements. On deep, rich soils deep plowing is not absolutely necessary. On the better soils it is not necessary to plow deep for small grains — three to four inches is usually better than six inches. On the poorer soils fall plowing to a depth of six inches for grain is often more desirable than shallow spring plowing. For corn, and especially for the sugar beet, a deep seed bed is to be preferred. Deep hillside plowing is frequently recommended for fields that wash easily (Fig. 84). This causes much of the rainfall to soak into the ground, thus checking or lessening the run-off. All hillside plowing should be done at right angles to or across the slope. FIG. 84.— Hillside plow. (Walking type.) New or virgin lands seem to produce best when initial plowing is comparatively shallow. Since in such soils the helpful soil organisms necessarily inhabit a shallow surface zone, too deep plowing buries them so deep that they cannot properly perform their function in making plant-food elements available. It is good farm practice to vary the depth of plowing from year to year. If a soil is always plowed at the same depth, the tramping of the horses and the weight of the plow on the furrow bottom tend to compact and harden it, causing the formation of a so-called " plow-sole." This danger is greatest in wet clay soils. A plow- sole is detrimental because it retards or prevents percolation, entrance of air and root penetration. Subsoiling and Deep Tilling. — Plows have been built to stir the soil at greater depths than can be accomplished by the^common plow. These implements are called subsoilers and deep-tillers (Figs. 81, 82 and 83). A subsoil plow is used when the subsoil is so compact that water and roots cannot penetrate it. This imple- 148 TILTH AND TILLAGE ment follows the common plow, and cuts a thin, deep gash in the bottom of the furrow; thus loosening the subsoil without mixing it with the surface soil. Subsoiling is not a general practice in humid farming, since results do not seem to warrant the extra expense, except under unusual conditions. The subsoiler should never be used in light, sandy loams, sand or gravelly soils. Deep tilling through the use of other plows designed for this purpose generally do not give the returns above the extra cost to encourage this practice. Fro. 85. — " Striking out a land " with a two-bottom gang plow. Dynamiting Soils. — Dynamite has been used in some places to break up and loosen impervious subsoils to facilitate the entrance of air, water and roots. Though it proves a good practice, when necessary in tree planting, its general use is still an open question.2 More About Plows and Plowing. — Special plows are designed for hillside plowing (Fig. 84). The bottoms of the walking types swivel for right- and left-hand furrows, and the sulky types consist 2 Subsoiling, deep tilling, and soil dynamiting are all operations that increase the expense of production over that of ordinary plowing. Experi- ments conducted in both dry-land and humid farming all lead to the conclusion that yields cannot be increased nor the effect of drought overcome by tillage below the depth of ordinary plowing. — Jour. Agril. Research, Sept. 9, 1918. PLOWING DOES NOT MAKE A SEED BED 149 of two bottoms, a right-hand and a left-hand plow. The use of these plows enables the operator to work back and forth across the field, throwing the furrow slices all the same way. He ascends the hill as he progresses and leaves no back furrows (Fig. 86) or dead furrows. While the walking plow is still used by many farmers, the sulky type is coming into general favor. With its modern improvements the sulky plow lessens the draft, is simple to operate, and saves the strength of the operator. 1 FIG. 86. — The first round. The back furrow. The gang plow is also becoming a common implement (Fig. 85) . With such a plow one man can operate two or more bottoms, and it can be drawn with horses or a light tractor. This helps to solve the labor problem. The three-bottom gang is a common light- tractor plow, though on the smaller farms the two-bottom gang is usually preferred. On large prairies, where immense tracts are farmed, ten, twelve and fourteen-bottom, large-engine plows have been in use (Figs. 87 and 88). Plowing Does Not Make a Seed Bed. — Seldom can a seed bed be properlypreparedthroughplowing only — other tillage operations are necessary, depending on the condition of the plowed ground, the kind of crops to be grown, and the method of fertilization. TILTH AND TILLAGE FIG. 87. — A three-bottom tractor plow at work. £: FIQ. 88. — A 14-bottom big engine plow in action. AFTER PLOWING, HARROWING 151 Just what to do to complete the preparation of the seed bed depends largely upon how clearly the farmer understands what constitutes a good seed bed, or good tilth. FIG. 89.— The full disk harrow. FIG. 90.— A double disk harrow. Cutaway disk in rear. T, truck or forecarriage. After Plowing, Harrowing. — The implements commonly used after the plow are the disk and smoothing harrows (Figs. 89, 90, 91 and 92). No other tillage tool can pulverize the soil so thor- oughly and quickly as the disk harrows. Of these, the full disk is in most general use. When the ground is very hard, stony, or when it is tough sod, the cutaway disk is especially good. The spading 152 TILTH AND TILLAGE disk harrow is frequently used on fields infested with quack grass, to bring the roots to the surface. It is always best to lap the disk Fia. 91. — A spading disk. FIQ. 92. — The smoothing harrow. (Drag.) harrow half to get best results in pulverizing fall plowed lands, sod or lumpy soil — except when two disk harrows are used in tandem. The degree of pulverization depends upon the angle at which the disks are set. SPRING TOOTH AND ACME HARROWS 153 Commonly, the disk harrow is all that is required to prepare a good seed bed for small grains on potato and corn land. For weeding and summer fallowing3 these machines are indispensable. Sometimes it is desirable to use the disk harrow on land before it is plowed; to break up the surface crust or lumps, to cut up and work trash into the seed bed, and to conserve moisture. When disking is done for the first two reasons, the furrow slice comes into more intimate contact with the subsoil. When the seed bed has been made sufficiently mellow or loose through disking, the smoothing or drag harrows are used to give the finishing touches. Flo. 93. — Acme harrow. Spring-Tooth and Acme Harrows (Figs. 93 and 94).— The spring-tooth harrow is a most efficient tool on rough and stony ground, and on new land in wooded sections. It may also be used instead of the disk harrow, for pulverizing sandy and gravelly soils; and it may be used effectively in alfalfa fields to loosen the soil and eradicate weeds and grass. It is a more effective tool than the spike- tooth harrow. The Acme or blade harrow is used to a considerable extent in some sections for pulverizing, compacting and for killing weeds. This machine gives best results on loamy soils free from stones. 3 Summer fallowing is the tilling of uncropped land during the summer. This may be done with the plow or narrow. The common objects of summer fallowing are : to kill obnoxious weeds, to store rainfall of one year for the next, and to conserve moisture. 154 TILTH AND TILLAGE Flankers. — Sometimes, as in tobacco culture, and in market gardening, the planker is used when it is desirable to leave the surface particularly even and finely pulverized without firming it FIQ. 94. — Spring tooth harrow. (Fig. 95). This tool is usually made out! 'of three to four eight- inch or ten-inch planks bolted together with their edges overlapping. The planker is not a compacting implement. FIG. 95. — Planker. Rollers and Clod Crushers. — Lumps are easily broken by means of rollers and clod crushers (Fig. 97). Very often, after harrowing, the seed bed is too loose or has not sufficient contact with the sub- soil. If such be the case, rolling is necessary to compact the soil. Of all tools used for this purpose there is none better than the cor- ROLLERS AND CLOD CRUSHERS 155 rugated roller, or, as it is often called, the cultipacker (Fig. 96). This machine crushes lumps, compacts the soil and at the same time leaves a thin mulch in the form of a corrugated surface. FIG. 96. — The corrugated roller or cultipacker. Whenever a smooth or drum roller is used, it should be followed by a light spike-tooth harrow, with the spikes tilted, to form a mulch to conserve the soil moisture. FIG. 97.— Three other types of rollers. A, pipe or tee bar roller; B, smooth or drum roller; C, crowfoot pulverizer (roller). Muck, peat, sand, sandy loams and many loose silt loam soils are especially benefited by a cultipacker. When muck and peat soils are made firm they warm up quicker than when left loose. The roller should never be used on the heavier soils when they are wet, but rather when they are in good working condition. 156 TILTH AND TILLAGE SEEDING AND PLANTING Soil conditions determine largely the different methods and types of machines used in seeding and planting; and the prepara- tion of the seed bed is a most important factor in getting seeds well planted. Good Seed Bed Favors Planting. — The advantages of a firm seed bed thus far discussed have been in relation to the germinating seed and the plant. Another advantage in having a firm seed bed is, the depth of planting can be easily controlled. Too often, grain, for example, is planted too deeply because little or no con- FIG. 98.— Press drill. sideration is given to the looseness of the soil. If a drill is set to sow at a depth of one and one-half inches and the wheels sink down three inches in the loose soil, then the seeds are dropped at a depth of four and one-half inches. Grain seeds planted so deep may die for want of sufficient air, the stems may meet with too much resistance and never get through, or the food stored in the seed may become exhausted before the shoots reach the surface. Planting Seeds in Close Contact With Soil. — The importance of having good contact between the seed and the soil, or having the soil pressed on the seed, is emphasized in the fact that corn planters, beet seeders, cotton planters and other planting machines are provided with press wheels. The use of water in transplanting is not only to supply easily available water, but also to cause the soils to come in close contact with the roots. Press grain drills and press-wheel attachments for the ordinary grain drills are also DRILLS VS. BROADCAST SEEDERS 157 in use (Fig*. 98). Such grain drills are recommended for sandy soils and when trouble is experienced in planting, due to high winds blowing the soil and displacing the seed. In either case, the soil is pressed firmly on and around the seed; thus making germination more sure, and, in case of blowing, the seed with the soil pressed around it is held more firmly. Other drills are shown in Figures 99 to 101. It is especially desirable to have excellent tilth when sowing grass seeds. Usually when alfalfa is to be sown broadcast on loose, loamy soils, best results are secured when the ground is rolled FIG. 99. — Single disk grain drill. after harrowing or disking, then "dragged" with a light, spike- tooth harrow, the seed sown, the land dragged again to cover the seed, and finally the seed bed rolled with a corrugated roller. This provides a fine, firm seed bed, insures proper depth of planting, creates good contact between the seed and the soil, and provides a thin mulch to lessen evaporation. If an alfalfa drill is used, then only the roller is necessary after seeding. Drills vs. Broadcast Seeders. — There are two classes of grain sowers— drills and broadcast sowers. Compare Figures 100 and 101. Of each of these there are several types. In some sections, farmers have definite knowledge as to which kind is best and most economi- cal; while in other localities much difference of opinion prevails. The drill has several advantages over the broadcast sower, viz.. the seed can be planted at a uniform depth, less seed is required, 158 TILTH AND TILLAGE yields are better, and grass, clover and alfalfa have a better chance when grain js sown in drills. In general farming, the single disk drill is the most common, because it can do first-class work in any soil capable of being seeded. Many soils do not permit a satisfac- FIG. 100. — Broadcast grain sower. tory use of the shoe drill, because the shoes do not scour. On stony ground and in breakings full of roots, the hoe drill gives especially good results. Broadcast sowers are in general favor in the oat and corn sections (Fig. 100), and many are in use elsewhere. These imple- A B FIG. 101. — Two other types of grain drills. .4, hoe drill; B, shoe drill. ments scatter the seed on the ground, and some other machine must follow to do the covering. Some of these machines are broad- cast sower and cultivator combined (Fig. 105) . Here the seed is scat- tered over the loosened soil and is covered by the cultivator teeth. Many farmers, especially those in the oat sections, simply broadcast the seed on unplowed and undisked corn land, then cover the seed by disking. This is possible only where soils are fertile WHEN DISKING IS BETTER THAN PLOWING 159 and where they seldom become hard and compact. This may seem a careless way of farming to those unfamiliar with the conditions encouraging this practice, yet it proves economical and gives good returns. Disking the corn or potato land to a shallow depth before broadcasting is the common practice with many farmers, and this is considered better than when no disking is done before seeding. Fia. 102. — Lister. When Disking is Better Than Plowing. — When oats are to be sown on potato or corn land in a high state of fertility, disking proves better than plowing. Many farmers have found that they can also grow better barley when the land is disked instead of plowed. This is especially true on black, crummy prairie soils, and crummy silt loams on many dairy farms. It is the experience of many dairy farmers that oats and even barley stand up better when such lands are not plowed. Listing is primarily a method of planting corn in dry sections 160 TILTH AND TILLAGE particularly in the southern and southwestern states where light soils predominate, and where hot and dry weather often prevails during the growing season. The seed is planted in the bottom of FIG. 103. — Work done by a lister. (Kansas Station.) furrows made by a lister or middle-breaker, and later on, the fur- rows are rilled by cultivation after the corn is up. This method FIG. 104. — Middle-breaker, or middle-buster. enables the roots to penetrate the soil deeply, and insures a better moisture supply (Figs. 102, 103 and 104). One method of listing corn is to fall plow, give the land a fair amount of disking or cultivation in the spring, then plant by using a machine which is a lister and planter combined. Another CULTIVATION TO CONSERVE MOISTURE 161 way is to list the land in the fall — and in the spring, the corn is planted in the furrows made by opening the previously made ridges or beds. The opening of the ridges is done by a lister or middle-buster. The middle breaking and planting are commonly done at the same time by the combination lister and planter. Frequently corn is planted with such a combination machine with- out any previous preparation of the land. Especially is this true when corn follows corn or cotton. Cotton is commonly planted in furrows in a similar manner as listed corn. FIG. 105. — Broadcast seeder and cultivator. CULTIVATION AND INTERTTLLAGE Cultivation, in its broad sense, means the act of tilling — but it is commonly understood to mean tillage done by cultivators. There are some tools designed to cultivate the land before planting, others that cultivate to cover the seed sown by them, and still others are designed for alfalfa fields (Fig. 105). The ordinary cultivators, however, are used for intertillage. Why Crops Are Cultivated. — The objects of intertillage are commonly given as: (1) to kill weeds; (2) to conserve moisture, and (3) to aerate the soil. In humid farming it is generally recognized that the killing of weeds is the primary importance of cultivation. This is espe- cially true on soils in good tilth, and when frequent rains occur (Chapter VIII). Cultivation to conserve moisture is good practice in all dry-land farming, and in sand management. On silt loams in humid 11 162 TILTH AND TILLAGE sections conservation of moisture and aeration are sometimes questioned, because different results have been attained under different conditions. A few of these results are of interest. In Illinois. — On the common corn-belt soil of Illinois (brown silt loam) the following nine-year averages in corn were obtained : Method of cultivation Yield per acre (a) Land plowed, seed bed prepared, weeds allowed to grow (6) Land plowed, seed bed prepared, no cultivation, weeds kept down by scraping with hoe (c) Land plowed, seed bed prepared, cultivated 3 times 7.4 bushels 48.9 bushels H 43..S bushels In Minnesota, during a dry year, the following corn yields were secured on a " black loam soil containing considerable sand": Method of cultivation Yield per acre (a) When all weeds were allowed to grow (6) When weeds were cut with hoe without stirring soil (c) When cultivated 6 tunes (3 times each way) 0.4 bushels 45.8 bushels 50.6 bushels In Wisconsin. — On a heavy silt loam (Miami) the following results were secured during a year in which no beneficial rain fell during the period between July 3 and August 12: Method of cultivation Yield per acre (corn) Rated quality of corn Character of growth (a) Land plowed, seed bed prepared, weeds kept down with a sharp hoe, soil not stirred in the least. (6) First two cultivations 3.5 inches deep; subsequent cultivation shallow, and as often as was necessary to kill weeds and maintain a good mulch. 44.6 bushels 74.8 bushels 70 per cent 99.5 per cent Uneven Excellent and uniform During a dry summer following a wet spring (1916), the follow- ing results were obtained in growing soybean hay in rows on sand at Hancock, Wisconsin. Very little rain fell between June 30 and August 15. Method of cultivation Yield of hay per acre (a) No cultivation, but weeds were cut with a hoe; soil stirred the least possible. (6) Frequent cultivation 1875 pounds 3660 pounds CULTIVATORS 163 Most farmers know the value of cultivation if for no other reason than to kill weeds; and when this is well done, the soil is usually kept well mulched and aerated. Crops on heavy soils, in particular, should receive careful attention in regards to culti- vation. Too often cultivation is done as a matter of routine. Some plan to go through their corn, or other fields, three times or FIG. 106. — A 6-shoveled sulky cultivator. four times, with no thought as to the proper time in which it should be done, and with little thought as to why. Cultivators. — Intertillage may be done through the use of sev- eral types of cultivators — each type designed to do its work in some particular way or to meet particular soil conditions. The shovel cultivators are the universal or most common implements. Of these, the six- or eight-shoveled sulky or riding cultivator has met with greatest favor, because of its general adaptability (Figs. 106 and 107). Many prefer the three-shoveled gang, while others the four-shoveled. Many different styles of these and other types of cultivators are made, each with various adjustments. 164 TILTH AND TILLAGE The spring-tooth gang cultivator (Fig. 108-A) is a very effective tool and it can be used under varied conditions, though in the heavier soils cultivators with rigid teeth do better work as a rule. The surface cultivator gives good results in loamy soils and when they are comparatively dry (Fig. 108-C). In soils free from stones the blades may be sharpened to cut such weeds as thistles, quack grass, etc. When soils are comparatively moist, this machine does not stir the soil sufficiently to cover and kill small weeds, because the soil simply slides over the blades and the tiny weeds are but little disturbed. FIG. 107. — A two-row riding cultivator. The disk cultivator is quite commonly used in some localities. They do not seem to meet with general favor, though many were purchased when they first appeared on the market (Fig. 108-B). This type of cultivator is looked upon by some as a fad. Lister cultivators are made especially for listed corn for first cultivation (Fig. 108-D) . The ordinary two-horse, shoveled culti- vator is used for the later cultivating. Many styles of walking cultivators are in use (Figs. 109 and 110). In some sections these are generally used, while in others the common walking type is used when corn becomes too high for the sulky. Walking cultivators are especially favored by gardeners. When to Cultivate. — The best time to kill weeds is when they are small or when the seeds are germinating. In order to do this WHEN TO CULTIVATE 165 at the proper time the farmer must observe closely and often the condition of the different fields. Growing weeds may be killed FIG. 108. — Other types of riding cultivators. A, four-shovel, spring-tooth gang; B, disk cultivator; C, surface cultivator; D, single row lister cultivator. through cultivation in three ways: (a) They may be loosened and exposed to the drying sun; (b) they may be covered and FIG. 109. — Two types of walking cultivators. 4. seven-shovel one-horse cultivator; B, fourteen- tooth cultivator. smothered with soil, and (c) they may be cut off or covered with soil to prevent their manufacturing any food. In the last one, much diligence and close watching is required. Some prefer to 166 TILTH AND TILLAGE kill obnoxious weeds in the third manner by summer following, quack grass and Canada thistles especially. Cultivation to conserve moisture should be done before the land is allowed to dry out. A good mulch should be prepared at the beginning of a dry period. Fio. 110. — Two other types of walking cultivators. A, four-shovel; B, two-shovel cultiva- tor, or double shovel plow. B is a cultivator commonly used in the South. Crops on heavy soils are best cultivated, especially for the first time, when the moisture conditions are right. When this is done subsequent cultivations are made much easier because a layer of well-loosened soil prevents baking. Some soils, particularly the black lowland silt and clay loams, shrink considerably when they dry out causing big cracks to form. Such lands should be cultivated frequently to prevent as much as possible the formation of these cracks, and to fill them when they do occur (Fig. 111). LEVEL CULTIVATION GENERALLY BEST 167 Shallow Cultivation Gives Best Results. — In humid farming results in general are in favor of shallow cultivation. The only time when it is safe to cultivate deep at all is when the plants are very young, and before they send their feeding roots into the surface soil. Much harm results in deep cultivation (four to five inches), in cutting these feeding roots. The only way to determine whether or not cultivation is too deep is to investigate what the cultivator teeth are actually doing. If the shovels next to the row •T FIG. 111. — Cracks like these are moisture chimneys. are going too deep and cutting the roots, they may be raised ; and if all the teeth are doing injury they should be set for more shallow work. Level Cultivation Generally Best. — Hilling corn does not increase the yield, hence level cultivation is more desirable. In some localities hilling the corn is a common practice because it has always been the custom. A farmer gets the hilling habit when he allows the weeds to get ahead of him. It then becomes neces- sary to throw much dirt on the rows in order to cover the weeds. If this must be done, and in some instances it is necessary to cover such weeds as the wild morning-glory later cultivation should be done, if possible, at right angles to the ridges to level them. In 168 TILTH AND TILLAGE this respect planting corn in check rows is advantageous. Because of the action of the shovels, proper cultivation leaves a slight slope between the rows. The high hilling of potatoes has no particular advantage. When this is done more surface is exposed and hence more moisture is lost through evaporation. When potatoes are grown on the heavier, compact soils, digging is made easier when they are ridged a little; and, moreover, the throwing of some loose dirt FIG. 112.— Walking weeder and its work. on the hills becomes necessary as the potatoes advance in growth to protect the tubers from sunburning, since in many silt loams the growth of the tubers causes cracks to form around the hill, which let in the light. Weeders. — (Fig. 1 12) . The weeder is a weed-killing and mulch- ing tool consisting of many narrow spring teeth. It is adapted for killing very small weeds in corn, potatoes, etc., either before or after the plants are up. This is not an effective tool when weeds are quite large or when the ground is at all hard or heavy. A light, spike-tooth, smoothing harrow is often used in place of a weeder. QUESTIONS 169 Emergency Tillage Operations. — Sometimes it is not convenient to compact the seed bed or break lumps before planting. In this case, if the soil is still too loose or lumpy/ grain and even corn land may be rolled after the crop is up. This should be done when the plants are small. When grain is grown on heavy soils, it is best to leave the seed bed covered with a layer of small, loose lumps. This is not so favor- able for the formation of crusts as in case of finely pulverized soil. Heavy rains often pack the soil so firmly after the crop is planted that hard crusts form, which prevent the penetration of shoots and stems. A spike-tooth harrow is often used to break the crust, and sometimes a roller gives best results. Beans often break their necks in trying to get through a hard, crusty soil. In such a case the hoe or the careful use of a cultivator is best to break the crusts. Home Experiments and Projects. — To Demonstrate That it Pays to Culti- vate corn. Procedure. — Secure a small plot of ground, preferably heavy, silt loam (about J4 acre), and divide equally into three parts. Treatment up to culti- vation time should be the same on all plots. Plant each plot to the same kind of corn. Give the corn on plot No. 1 thorough cultivation, and maintain a good mulch especially during dry periods. Plot No. 2 is to receive no culti- vation at all, but all weeds should be kept down with a sharp hoe. The soil should not be stirred in the least. All weeds should be allowed to grow in plot No. 3. At harvest time cut out the row between adjoining plots. Dis- card. Determine yield of corn on acre basis. Keep cost accounts to ascertain comparative profits. (During seasons of frequent and sufficient rains, but little difference may result in yields on the first two plots. It would be best to continue this project for at least 3 or 4 years.) To Determine the Advantage, if any, in Hilling Corn. — Procedure. — Select 14 rows of corn in a corn field. Practice level cultivation on seven of the rows and hill the other seven rows. Discard the middle row, and determine comparative yields. What are some of the disadvantages of hilling? Field Studies. — Examine different plows, harrows, cultivators, rollers, and planting machines. Study their action in relation to the soil. It would be well, if possible, to compare the work of a stubble plow in plowing sod with that of a sod plow. QUESTIONS. 1. What is the relation of good tilth to soil fertility? Give the meaning of good tilth. 2. What constitutes a good seed bed? What is intertillage? 3. Name and discuss the factors influencing the development of a good seed bed. 4. Name the common tillage tools. What should guide the farmer in his purchase of tillage and planting implements? 5. What are some of the common objects of tillage? 6. State some (eight) of the principles governing tillage. 7. What is the use of the plow? 170 TILTH AND TILLAGE 8. Name the parts of a common walking plow. What is a jointer? Coulter? Illustrate by sketch the proper adjustments of jointers and coulters (Fig. 74.) 9. Describe the pulverizing action of the moldboard; illustrate by diagram or otherwise. 10. How does stubble plowing differ from sod plowing? 11. What constitutes good plowing? (Figs. 68, 71, 76, 78, and 87). 12. What is a disk plow and when is it used? Why are they not recommended for light, loose soils? 13. Name some of the advantages of late fall plowing. Disadvantages. Whv leave fall plowed land rough? 14. What is a puddled soil? 15. Discuss spring plowing— advantages and disadvantages. 16. Why and when is deep plowing generally best? When is shallow plow- ing best? 17. Why is it not good practice always to plow at the same depth? What is a better way? 18. What is subsoiling? Is it generally recommended? Why? What about deep tilling? 19. How may dynamite be used in connection with tillage? 20. What is a hillside plow and how used? What are gang plows— their advantages? 21. What are harrows? Name and describe the use of the different typss. 22. What is meant by summer fallowing? 23. What is a planker and for what is it used? 24. Name and describe the common rollers or clod crushers. When should they be used? When not? What is a precaution to observe in the use of a smooth or drum roller? 25. Why are light, loose soils especially benefited by cultipackers? 26. What are the advantages of good tilth or a firm seed bed in relation to planted seeds and growing plants? Discuss another advantage in having a firm seed bed. 27. What has been the effect of the principle of good contact between the seed and the soil on the construction of many planting and seed- ing machines? 28. What is a good program to follow when alfalfa is to be sown broadcast on loose, loamy land? 29. Which is better to use for sowing grain — drills or broadcast sowers? Do all drills give the same satisfaction? Explain. 30. Under what conditions is disking better than plowing for grain, particu- larly oats? Why? 31. What is listing? Where and how is it done? What is a "middle-buster"? 32. Give the meaning of cultivation. What are cultivators? 33. Name and discuss the objects of intertillage. 34. Name and discuss the use of the different implements used in intertillage. 35. What should guide the farmer as to what particular tool to use, and how and when to cultivate? 36. What is the depth of cultivation best for humid farming? Why? 37. How is a farmer to know when he is cultivating too deep? 38. Wliat machine adjustments may be made to eliminate injury in cultivation? 39. Discuss level cultivation and hilling. 40. What are weeders, and when do they prove effective tools? 41. Does it injure grain or corn if it is necessary to roll land when the plants are small? 42. How may crusts be broken after crops are planted? 43. Have you ever known of cases of harrowing small grain while young? What were the results? 44. For an outline summary of this chapter, see table of contents. CHAPTER XI SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY IN Chapter II it was stated that millions of organisms live in the soil, and that many of them bring about changes that are fundamentally important in determining fertility. These many organisms may be classed as bacteria, fungi, yeasts (Fig. 113), algae (al'je), worms, insects, and rodents. The first three groups are classed as "microorganisms" because they are of microscopic dimensions. The majority of the bacteria are not more than A FIG. 113. — Other soil organisms. A, a common mold; B, yeast plants. 0.0000197 of an inch in diameter, and it is believed that some are too small to be seen with the aid of the most powerful microscope. In one-third of a thimbleful (one gram) of normal field soil have been counted from 140,000,000 to 400,000,000 microorganisms; and in manured soil, as high as 750,000,000. The most tiny ones (bacteria) are in greatest abundance, and it is they which play a large part in nature's plans, and stand in close relationship to the practices which make possible successful crop production. In this chapter will be considered in particular three groups of the helpful soil organisms, viz.: (a) Those which cause decomposi- tion or decay; (6) those which cause nitrification, and (c) those which gather nitrogen from the air. ORGANISMS OF DECOMPOSITION Microorganisms Clear the World of Trash (Fig. 114-A).— What would this world be were it not for the fact that all plants 171 172 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY and animals finally disappear after they die? If this were not so the world long ago would have become choked with dead material. Most of the rubbish of the earth is buried in or is thrown upon the soil, and through decay, it is reduced to the fundamental elements, becoming again the dust of the earth, water and gases. This decay is the work of many kinds of microorganisms, particularly the bacteria and fungi. It is a wise provision of nature that all organic matter can again break down into the elements of which it is com- posed, since through these changes sustenance is provided to pro- long the life on the earth and to make possible new life. a c FIG. 114. — The important soil bacteria. A, common bacteria causing decompo- ition; B, nitrifying bacteria ; C, nitrogen-fixing bacteria; a, free nitrogen-fixing; b, nodule Sltl bacteria. No Crops Without Decay. — Soils continue to weather1 after they are formed from rocks; and because of weathering, crops are able to secure from the mineral rock particles the mineral elements so necessary for their growth. But crops also require nitrogen — and the nitrogen in the soil is held there, not in the mineral par- ticles, but mainly in complex, insoluble compounds in the form of organic matter. Crops cannot absorb this organic matter any more than they can consume the mineral particles of the soil. Before plants can secure any nitrogen from this organic matter, and before any crops can be grown successfully at all, the organic matter must first undergo decomposition. Herein myriads of microorganisms do a most important work. Crops Secure Mineral Elements From Two Sources. — At the 1 Weathering is a broad term meaning the breaking up and decay of material things wrought by natural forces. Decay of soil is largely the result of chemical forces acting independently or through the aid of microorganisms. NITRIFICATION EXPLAINED 173 same time that the nitrogen compounds in the soil organic matter pass through the changes necessary to provide available nitrogen, the mineral elements, which this organic matter contains, likewise become available. Thus a crop such as corn, for example, secures its supply of nitrogen from one main source — the soil organic mat- ter; and its supply of mineral elements from two sources— from the mineral soil particles and from organic matter. Decay of Organic Matter Aids Decay of Mineral Particles. — The organisms which cause the decomposition of the soil organic matter perform a two-fold work. They not only bring about the necessary changes in the organic matter to provide available nitrogen and mineral elements for use by plants, but in an indirect way they aid in the liberation of mineral elements contained in the mineral soil particles. This is explained through the fact that in all organic decay, acids are formed which are effective agents in dissolving mineral matter. We can now understand more clearly why it is important to maintain a good supply of organic matter in soils to enable crops to secure needed and sufficient elements. It is significant that rich, garden soils usually have a high content of organic matter, and that they are much more abounding in life than ordinary field soils. We can explain, too, why some light-colored soils rich in all the important mineral elements and having a low productive power, can be made to pro- duce much larger yields simply by plowing under a good growth of green rye. Some Fertilizers Valueless Without Decay. — Were it not for the organisms of decomposition, fertilizers such as tankage, blood meal, cottonseed meal, etc., would be of little or no value. More- over, some insoluble mineral fertilizers, such as rock phosphate, would be practically useless, but for the presence of decomposable organic matter in the soil, or because of the organic matter in which the fertilizer may be mixed when applied. Rock phosphate has been found to give best results in most soils when it is mixed with manure or plowed under with green rye or clover. NITRIFICATION Nitrification Explained. — The accompanying diagram (Fig. 115) is helpful in gaining a clear idea of the meaning of nitrification. This diagram explains that the nitrogen in organic matter is held there in the form of complex, insoluble compounds which must be broken down, through decomposition, into simpler com- 174 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY pounds, and much of it finally into ammonia (gas) before the nitrogen can be converted into available form suitable for plants. This breaking-down process is brought about by fungi as well as by bacteria. As soon as the ammonia is formed, other bacteria, called nitrifying bacteria or nitrifiers, convert it into soluble nitrogen-containing salts, called nitrates.2 This conversion of ammonia into nitrates by nitrifying bacteria (Fig. 114-B) is termed "nitrification." The opposite of nitrification is denitrification, which means the breaking down of nitrates by certain organisms which work only when the air is shut out of the soil. Under good soil management we need not concern ourselves about this destruc- tion of nitrates.3 What Becomes of the Nitrates Formed. — Nitrification is usually most rapid during the growing period. The nitrates then formed are almost completely and immediately absorbed by the growing crops, unless too much is manufactured. If no crops are present to utilize the nitrates, or when too much is formed, they are leached out of the soil and lost. Ordinarily more nitrates are produced in a rich, cultivated soil than are used by the crop. An idea as to the rate at which nitrification goes on in some soils may best be gained by studying the nitrogen needs of good crops of corn, sugar beets, and cabbage. During cold weather nitrification ceases. The Use of Catch and Cover Crops. — Since certain crops are harvested early, some soils are left bare during the fall months. It has been found that much nitrates are formed during this time and lost from the soil. To conserve this nitrogen, rye or some other crop is sown immediately after the harvesting of these early crops. Such crops are commonly called " catch" or " cover" crops. They not only prevent nitrogen losses, but they prevent soil washing and blowing, and improve the soil when plowed under. In the South, rye, either alone or with hairy vetch or crimson clover, is frequently sown as a winter cover crop. In cultivated orchards, the most common cover and catch crops are rye and clover. 2 Ammonia is a gas composed of one atom of nitrogen and three atoms of hydrogen, hence the chemical formula, NH3. The strong smell of washing ammonia-water is due to this gas. The last stage of decomposition in which ammonia is formed is called " ammonification." 3 It is to be noted that the decomposition is a breaking-down process, and nitrification is a building-up process. A common nitrate formed in soils is calcium nitrate [Ca(NOs)2], which is a more complex substance than ammonia. NITROGEN FIXATION BY NODULE BACTERIA 175 Nitrification Means Loss of Organic Matter. — The bacteria engaged in nitrification do not add one atom of nitrogen to the soil supply; they simply change insoluble forms of nitrogen jnto soluble forms which are either used by plants or are leached from the soil. This explains in a large measure how the soil organic matter is used up; and it also emphasizes the necessity of maintaining a good supply of this material in soils as a source of easily available mineral elements as well as of nitrogen. ORGANIC MATTER (containing complex, insoluble nitrogen compounds) Nitrates ' = soluble salts containing nitrogen ;\ (Plants absorb these salts) \ Nitrified f/on= the con version of j ammonia into nitrates by ) nitrify inj bacteria. Ammonia (<]Qs) FIG. 115. — Diagram illustrating nitrification. Some Soils Lack Nitrifying Organisms. — Some peat and muck soils, on being reclaimed through drainage, fail to produce satis- factorily even though mineral fertilizers be supplied. Such results are sometimes due to a lack of " available" nitrogen, in spite of the fact that these soils may be well supplied with, or are composed almost entirely of, organic matter. Decomposing and nitrifying organisms may be lacking. Since good manure, especially horse manure, contains myriads of these kinds of organisms, they may be supplied to such soils through manuring. This explains in part the beneficial effect of manure, as a first treatment, to many peat and muck soils. NITROGEN FIXATION BY SOIL BACTERIA Nitrogen Fixation by Nodule Bacteria. — For many years scientists were puzzled to know three things: (a) Why a clover plant could grow perfectly well when no available nitrogen was 176 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY supplied to it; (6) why legumes, that is, such crops as clover, peas, beans, etc., should enrich the soil considerably in nitrogen, and (c) why a crop like wheat or turnips, for example, should pro- i FIQ. 116. — Nodules on the roots of soybean. (Wisconsin Station.) duce much larger yields on clover sod than when grown on such a sod as timothy. It was known centuries ago that certain plants had bunches or nodules on their roots; and it was known for forty years that these nodules contained bacteria. Yet it was not until 1886 that two German investigators proved conclusively that these bacteria within the nodules actually have the power of taking the free NITROGEN FIXATION BY NODULE BACTERIA 177 FIG. 117.— Crimson clover nodules. (U. S. D. A.) FIQ. 118. — Nodules on roots of medium red clover. (Wisconsin Station.) 12 178 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY nitrogen from the soil air and converting it into a form suitable for the plant (Figs. 114-C, 116, 117, 118 and 119). There are three main differences between legumes and other plants: (a) They are very rich in nitrogen; (6) they usually have nodules on their roots, and (c) they may increase the nitrogen supply of the soil through the action of the nodule bacteria. Nodule organisms are also called "symbiotic bacteria." They have the power of independent existence, but when they enter the roots of legumes both the bacteria and plants are benefited by the close association. Nitrogen Fixation by Free Soil Bacteria. — Aside from the bacteria which cause the formation of nodules, there are bacteria Fia. 119.— Different forms of alfalfa nodules. (U. S. D. A.) in the soil which have the power of fixing or gathering nitrogen independently of any roots or plants. These are commonly called the free nitrogen-fixing organisms, or non-symbiotic bacteria. From what has been said it can be concluded that nitrogen fixation in soils is the fixing or gathering of atmospheric nitrogen by nodule bacteria and by free nitrogen-fixing organisms. Nitrogen fixation may also be accomplished artificially through the use of electricity. Certain molds and algae in soils also seem to have the power of fixing free atmospheric nitrogen. • Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are classed as plants, as are the other important soil bacteria. Amount of Nitrogen Gathered. — Under field conditions it has been estimated that the free nitrogen-fixing bacteria gather and add to the soil annually from fifteen to forty pounds of nitrogen HOW NODULE BACTERIA WORK 179 per acre. The amount gathered by the bacteria may vary from forty to two hundred pounds to the acre per year, depending upon the amount of crop growth and soil conditions. This does not mean that the nodule bacteria actually add to the soil this amount of nitrogen, but rather it is the amount the bacteria furnish to the legume. How Nodule Bacteria Work. — Nearly everyone is interested in knowing how the minute nodule bacteria aid legumes in getting "fe-p^Ht^ FIG. 120.— The inside of a lupine nodule, magnified. (U. S. D. A.) (See Fig. 121.) their nitrogen. These organisms naturally live in the soil, and when they come in contact with the legume root they enter it and grow rapidly, causing an abnormal growth known as tubercles or nodules. As the plant grows, the bacteria multiply and the nodules increase in size and in number (Figs. 120 and 121). Each nodule contains millions of these bacteria. They feed upon the plant juice and, in return, furnish the plant with nitrogen which they take from the air in the soil and combine it in a form suitable for the plant. About the time seeds form on the legume the nodules cease grow- ing, lose their plump appearance, begin to shrink, and finally die, 180 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY the bacteria returning to the soil in vast numbers. Here they may remain for a considerable length of time before they have an opportunity to enter other plants and again gather nitrogen and multiply. How the Growing of Legumes Improves Soils. — The growing of legumes may improve soils directly in two ways: by adding organic matter and by increasing the nitrogen content. The amount of nitrogen that may be actually added to the soil in grow- ing a crop of clover, for example, depends upon the soil and especially upon what disposition is made of the crop. The crop FIG. 121. — A few of the bacteria which fill the cells, highly magnified. (U. S. D. A.) may be plowed under, it may be cut for hay and sold off the farm, or it may be fed on the farm, either as pasture or hay. In studying the clover plant, it has been found that practically two-thirds of the total nitrogen contained in it (roots and all) is in the hay, and one-third in the roots. Under average, normal soil conditions, the clover gets about two-thirds of its nitrogen from the nodule bacteria, and one-third from the soil reserve. Thus when the crop is taken off the field, there is left in the roots practi- cally the same amount of nitrogen as was taken from the soil supply. The nitrogen content of the crop harvested, there- fore, represents the amount fixed or taken from the air by the nodule bacteria. It follows that when a clover crop is plowed under, the soil is enriched by the amount of nitrogen contained in the clover plowed under. This amounts to about forty pounds for every ton of hay CROP FAILURES 181 equivalent; that is to say, if a crop of clover that would yield two tons of hay were plowed under, the soil would be enriched by about eighty pounds of nitrogen per acre. When the clover is cut for hay and sold off the farm, the field growing the crop is not enriched. If at the start the soil were very rich the nitrogen content would even be less after the growing of the clover. On the other hand, if the soil were comparatively poor in available nitrogen, a gain would result. When the clover crop is fed on the farm, the amount of nitrogen that may be gained is equal to the amount contained in the hay minus the loss in feeding. When manure is well cared for, there is a possibility of regaining about sixty per cent of the nitrogen in the hay, or about twenty-four pounds for every ton of clover hay fed. What was said of clover may apply to alfalfa except that one ton of alfalfa hay contains fifty pounds of nitrogen. Information concerning other kinds of legumes is meager; nevertheless, it remains true that a legume can add about twice as much nitrogen to the soil when it is plowed under as when it is fed and the manure returned to the land. Certain investigations have shown that the roots of cowpeas, soybeans, crimson clover, etc., contain a very low per cent of the total nitrogen. Very probably when these crops are removed from the land, some nitrogen is removed from the soil. Clover Sod Better Than Timothy. — Under like conditions it is well known that a corn crop, for example, on clover sod yields much better than on a timothy sod. This is largely because clover roots are very rich in nitrogen, and they decompose rapidly, thus causing the liberation of a good supply of plant-food elements. Crop Failures Owing to Lack of Nodule Bacteria. — Poor yields, and even absolute crop failures, are not rare experiences resulting from a lack of proper nodule bacteria. Lack of alfalfa nodule organisms was the cause of twenty -six per cent of the alfalfa failures studied in the south half of Wisconsin in the period between 1912 and 1917. It is a common mistake to think that because one kind of legume grows well on a certain soil any other kind of legume would necessarily thrive there. This is not the case, however, since different species of legumes require quite different species of nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Many farmers have experienced absolute failure in alfalfa because they thought that 182 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY since they could grow excellent clover and corn, alfalfa should likewise do well. It is necessary that legumes have these bacteria to help them secure the large amount of nitrogen they demand. In exceptionally rich soils the nodule bacteria are not so necessary, because there the plants are able to secure their nitrogen requirement directly from the soil. It is usually true that wherever a certain legume has never been grown, there a lack of the proper bacteria prevails — except in cases where the same bacteria can grow on one legume as well as on another. Alfalfa bacteria grow without difficulty on sweet clover, bur clover and black medick; or vice versa. The bacteria causing the formation of nodules on medium red, alsike, crimson, mammoth and white clovers may be grown interchangeably. The nodule bacteria on the following legumes can grow on one as well as on another: Garden, field, and sweet peas, and vetch. Soil Inoculation. — It is a comparatively simple matter to add to a soil the necessary legume bacteria. This process is called "soil inoculation." Usually, whenever a particular legume is to be grown on a field for the first time, and especially when for the first time in that locality, it is a safe rule to inoculate the soil. If the legume is soybean, inoculate with soybean bacteria; if alfalfa, inoculate with alfalfa bacteria; if it is field pea, inoculate with field pea bacteria, etc. The successful growing of the com- mon garden pea may depend largely on proper inoculation. (Fig. 122.) Methods of Soil Inoculation. — Several common methods are used in inoculating soils. Soil may be taken from one field growing the legume successfully and applied to another field upon which is to be grown the same legume. The soil is taken from the surface six or eight inches. A bushel of well pulverized soil is sufficient to inoculate one acre, though farmers usually use about a wagon-box full for three to four acres. Usually the soil is spread by hand. Since sunlight is a destroyer of germ life, it is necessary, if the soil is quite dry and the sun is shining bright and warm, to harrow the land immediately after the inoculating soil is applied. The seed-agglutination method of inoculating for legumes is now commonly used. Procure a peck of soil which has plenty of the right kind of bacteria. Put half of this into a tub of clean water. Stir thoroughly and while stirring add a pint of liquid glue. METHODS OF SOIL INOCULATION 183 Now wet the seeds by sprinkling this muddy water over them and stirring them with a hoe or rake until all are wet. This wetting FIG. 122. — Effect of inoculation on garden peas. Inoculation alone will often increase the yield of peas. 1, no inoculation; 2, inoculation. (Wisconsin Station.) can easily be done with the seeds in a shallow box or on a smooth floor. Next sift the remainder of the good soil over the seeds and 184 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY stir until the moisture is taken up by the soil. The seeds are now ready to be drilled in the field. Another common way to inoculate is to apply the bacteria to the seed as pure culture at the time of seeding or planting. Pure inoculation cultures are bacteria grown in the absence of all other kinds of bacteria on sterilized foods. These pure cultures may be sent out to farmers in liquid form, on vegetable jelly, or in steril- ized soil. Good results are secured through this method of inocu- lation only when fresh cultures containing the proper organisms are used. Farmers may secure pure inoculation cultures from the United States Department of Agriculture, from their State Experi- ment Station, or from reliable seed houses. Full directions for using accompany the cultures. Some recommend the sowing of about a pint of alfalfa seed per acre in with the usual seeding mixture of- clover and grass as a means of inoculating the soil for alfalfa. In actual practice this is not a safe and sure method of inoculation. It is rather a test to determine whether or not the soil conditions are right for alfalfa. Moreover, an acid soil is usually lacking in the alfalfa nodule- bacteria, so that any attempt to grow a few alfalfa plants on such a soil results in failure, not only because of the lack of the proper organisms, but also because of the lack of lime. To be sure of inoculation on non-acid soils it is best to inoculate with soil or pure culture. On acid soils, the only sure way to succeed, especially with alfalfa, is to lime the land first, then inoculate. How Often to Inoculate. — Usually when a soil becomes inocu- lated and grows a certain legume successfully, further inoculation for that particular legume is unnecessary, provided the soil con- ditions remain favorable for the bacteria. Conditions Favoring Soil Organisms. — As in case of all living things, the growth and activity of all the helpful soil organisms are promoted only when favorable conditions surround them. Aside from food and suitable moisture and temperature conditions, they particularly require a well-aerated soil, a soil containing a sufficient amount of organic matter, and most of them require a soil not sour or acid. These last three conditions are within the control of the farmer, thus making it possible for him to plan and direct his farming operations in such a way as to foster these tiny workers in the soil. QUESTIONS 185 Illustration Material for Lessons. — Show nodules on the roots of some of the common legumes. Demonstrations. — Material Needed. — Five one-gallon crocks; about 12 quarts of loam; about 10 quarts of soil void of alfalfa nodule organisms; a few corn and grain seeds; 2 grams each of nitrate of soda and sodium acid phos- phate; a few hundred alfalfa seeds; and alfalfa inoculation soil or culture. To Study the Effect of too Much Water on Plant Growth in Relation to Nitrification. — Procedure. — Plant 3 one-gallon crocks of sandy loam, or loam taken from the field, to corn and small grain. Water them and keep them under the same favorable growing conditions. To crock No. 1 apply 2 grams each of dissolved sodium nitrate and sodium acid phosphate (to enrich the soil). When the plants are about 3 to 4 inches high, treat them as follows: Crock No. 1 — Keep flooded with water. Crock No. 2 — Keep flooded with water. Crock No. 3 — Water normally. Start moisture treatments all at the same time. Continue these treat- ments for at least 2 weeks, or until results are definite. Questions. — (a) Why did the plants in crock No. 2 turn yellow so soon? (6) Explain the results secured in crock No. 1. (c) Define nitrification. (d) Name conditions in the field that favor nitrification. To Demonstrate the Importance of Inoculation. — Procedure. — Fill two one-gallon crocks with soil free of alfalfa nodule organisms. Provide proper conditions in each crock for growing ali'alfa. Inoculate one crock, but do not inoculate the other. Seed both crocks to alfalfa, water, and observe results. Field Studies. — Observe nodules on the roots of clovers and other legumes. Do not pull roots but dig them, and rinse off the soil in water. Examine the roots of "yellow" alfalfa, and of vigorous plants for nodules. Home Experiment. — It would be of interest as a home experiment to plant two strips side by side of some legume not commonly grown in the com- munity. One of the strips should be inoculated, and the other left uninocu- lated. (Consult text.) Note results in nodule development and in yield. QUESTIONS 1. Name the different classes of soil organisms. What are microorganisms? Tell of their number in soils. 2. Into what three classes may the helpful soil organisms be grouped? 3. What becomes of all dead organic material? Of what importance is this fact? 4. How is it possible that the nitrogen in organic matter becomes available? 5. From what main source does a crop like corn get its nitrogen? Its min- eral elements? 6. Explain why the fertility of some light-colored soils rich in the mineral elements may be increased just by plowing under a crop of green rye. 7. Upon what depends the value of an organic fertilizer, like dried blood? Of some insoluble mineral fertilizer, like rock phosphate? 8. Explain by aid of a diagram how plants are able to secure nitrogen from the organic matter in soils. What is the meaning of nitrification? 9. What becomes of the nitrates formed as the result of nitrification? 10. What do "catch crops" catch? Why are some crops called "cover" crops? 11. Does the process of nitrification increase the nitrogen content of soils? Explain. 12. What is meant by denitrification? 13. How may the beneficial effect of manure on peat and muck soils be partly explained? 186 SOIL ORGANISMS IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY 14. What is meant by nitrogen fixation in soils? How else is nitrogen fix- ation accomplished? 15. What are the main differences between legumes and non-legumes? 16. From what sources do legumes get their nitrogen? 17. How much nitrogen may be added to the soil by the free nitrogen- fixing organisms? 18. Tell how the nodule bacteria work. 19. How much nitrogen may be added to the soil on a farm in growing clover? In growing alfalfa? 20. Explain why, under like conditions, corn should yield better on clover sod than on timothy. 21. Discuss the relation of crop failure to a lack of nodule bacteria. Why is it necessary that legumes should have these nodule bacteria? 22. What is the meaning of soil inoculation? Cross inoculation? Illustrate. 23. Suppose a field is to be inoculated for alfalfa; explain how it should be done. 24. If, after growing alfalfa, soybeans are to be grown, would inoculation be necessary for soybeans? Why? 25. How often should inoculation for the same legume be made? 26. Have you ever seen legumes that probably needed inoculation? 27. What are the soil conditions favorable to the growth and activity of the helpful soil organisms? 28. For an outline summary of this chapter, see table of contents. CHAPTER XII NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM IN RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY An Important Controllable Factor. — " Sufficient available plant-food elements'' is a fifth positive factor determining soil fertility (Chapter VII). The maintenance of fertility may be FIG. 123. — Feed the soil and you feed the crop. When this peat soil was supplied with the necessary elements of plant food this splendid crop of corn was the result. accomplished in a large measure by maintaining in the soil a good available supply of the important elements (Fig. 123). Outside the irrigated sections the source of "water" is the rain- fall; thus, so far as the farmer is concerned, the water problem is mainly a question of conserving and controlling this moisture for crop use. As regards " air, " it is free and abundant — and the supply of carbon dioxide contained in it remains practically the same. With drainage and good tillage a lack of air in the soil need never be a cause, either directly or indirectly, of low yields. "Good tilth" can neither be bought nor sold, leached out of the soil or 187 188 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM added to it. It is a soil condition that good soil management maintains and poor management destroys. " Helpful soil organ- isms" perpetuate themselves, and they remain in the soil so long- as the farmer maintains soil conditions favorable to them. But as regards the " plant-food elements," a virgin soil may become depleted, and crops consequently fail. Moreover, some soils are unproductive because they especially lack some one essential element (Chapter VI). The only way to restore a depleted supply FIG. 124. — Sixty-four bushels of potatoes for nine dollars. When a necessary fertilizer was added to this soil a 64 per cent increase in yield was obtained. of elements, or to nullify the effect of a lack of any one or two ele- ments, is to add plant-food material to the land (Fig. 124). It is entirely possible for the farmer to add fertilizing elements to the soil, and to maintain in the soil a sufficient available supply, so that his efforts concerning moisture conservation, aeration, tillage, etc., shall not be in vain. Compare Figures 125 and 126. Of the elements essential to plant growth, four are much dis- cussed in relation to crop production, viz., nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium (lime).1 Since the liming of soils is so 1 Commonly, the word "lime" is used instead of calcium, though it is the oxide of calcium (CaO). AN IMPORTANT CONTROLLABLE FACTOR 189 FIG. 125. — Sixty-nine and one-half bushels of oats per acre. Unfertilized. (See Fig. 126.) Bundles represent growth on one square rod. (Wisconsin Station.) FIG. 126. — Eighty-seven bushels per acre when fertilized with three hundred pounds of acid phosphate per acre. (Wisconsin Station.) important a subject, it will be discussed in a chapter by itself. In this chapter special consideration will be given nitrogen, phos- phorus, and potassium. 190 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM Substances Contributing to the Supply of Available Plant- food Elements. — When the pioneer farmer tilled the virgin soil, he reaped bountiful harvests of corn and grain — not for one year only, but for many years. What contributed to the crop needs of nitrogen and mineral elements? Three substances, viz.: (a) A small amount of soluble salts in the soil. (b) Organic matter. (c) Mineral soil particles. As time went on, crop yields fell off, and the farmer began to realize that soils can become " exhausted" or "worn out." From times immemorial tillers of the soil have been advised to keep up the "strength" of the land by adding substances to it. Herein lies the theory of fertilizers. The process of adding fertilizing elements to the soil or rendering available the elements present in the soil is fertilization. The substances commonly used to add fertilizing elements to the soil, or to render available those already there are: (a) Vegetation and crop residue, as roots, stubble, straw, etc. (6) Green crops plowed under (green manuring). (c) Commercial fertilizers. (d) Manure. Vegetation produced the organic matter found in virgin soils. Its value is well known. All plant residue such as roots, stubble, etc., aids materially in maintaining the organic matter. Thus leaf mold, grass, etc., should always be plowed under wherever possible, and not burned. The further discussion in this chapter will be under three main headings: (1) Green Manuring; (2) Commercial Fertilizers, and (3) Manures. GREEN MANURING Green Manuring and Its Benefits. — Green manuring is the plowing under of green crops for soil improvement. The benefits to be derived through this practice are : The organic matter may be maintained; nitrogen is added to soils, in case of legumes; the available supply of nitrogen and mineral elements is increased; soil structure is improved ; the development of good tilth through tillage is made easier; and soils become less difficult to work. Some green manuring crops may also serve as catch and cover crops. Legumes are the best crops to use whenever possible. In AN OLD PRACTICE 191 southern California it was found that it required from 270 to 1080 pounds of nitrate of soda2 together with a green manuring crop of barley to produce as good a yield of corn as when a legume was plowed under. In either case the same amount of organic matter was added. In a test made in Canada, increases of twenty-eight per cent in potatoes and forty per cent in corn resulted in growing these crops following clover. In Alabama the plowing under of a legume (cowpeas) gave a clear gain of 696 pounds of seed cotton per acre (Fig. 127). A legume crop (crimson clover) plowed under in Maryland gave an increase of twenty-seven bushels in potatoes and seven bushels in corn (Fig. 128). At the Virginia Truck Station, Norfolk, " cowpeas plowed under green in the fall gave as large a yield of cabbage per acre as twenty tons of stable manure." On the better soils where good clover or alfalfa can be grown often, the need of a special green manuring crop is seldom felt. It is Necessary to Maintain Organic Matter. — Many farmers fail to appreciate the necessity of replenishing the organic matter in soils, and too often clover is left out of the cropping plans. On many farms clover does not grow so well as it used to, or fails entirely. This should be taken as a warning that something is wrong with the soil or the system of farming. When clover is left out of the cropping system, and the organic matter of the soil is allowed to become depleted, it is only a question of a few years when the other crops will cease to give paying returns. An Old Practice. — Green manuring to add organic matter and nitrogen is not a new farm practice. Its value has long been known. Twenty centuries ago Varro told the Roman farmers the following: 2 A soluble nitrogen fertilizer. Fio. 127.— Cowpea. (U. 8. D. A.) 192 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM "Certain things are to be sown, not with the hope of any immediate profit being derived from them, but with a view to the following year, because being plowed in and left in the ground, they render the soil afterwards more fruitful." Crops for Green Manuring. — Many crops may be used for plowing under: legumes, rye, buckwheat, rape, oats, etc. The Fia. 128.— A, Hairy vetch. B, Crimson clover. (U. S. D. A.) clovers and vetch (Fig. 128) can be seeded one year with grain and turned under in the fall or in late spring. Alsike clover is suit- able for low lands. Mammoth clover is well adapted for poor soils to get rank growth. Cowpeas, soybeans (Fig. 129), rape, and crimson clover3 may be sown in between the rows when a cultivated crop is "laid by."4 3 Crimson clover is commonly grown as a green manuring and forage crop along the Atlantic seaboard from New Jersey to the Gulf States. 4 "Laid by" means last cultivation. PLOWING UNDER THE CROP 193 When the crop is harvested, the cowpeas, clover, etc., serve as catch crops, and are plowed under later in the fall. Cowpeas, soybeans, common vetch, field peas, and velvet beans are the legumes best adapted to single summer growth. Sweet clover is a biennial (Fig. 130). Green manure is much needed in the South. There each year the season is long enough to permit the growing of one or two crops for sale and at least one crop for plowing under. For this reason soybeans, cowpeas and velvet beans are used more than any other crop. Fia. 129.— Soy beans. (U. S. D. A.) Fia. 130. — Sweet clover. (U. S. D. A.) Plowing Under the Crop. — Generally, the best time to plow under a legume crop is when it is still green. Rye, or any other grain crop, should be turned under before it becomes too strawy. Sometimes when a heavy growth is plowed under at the begin- ning of a prolonged dry period, injury results, because of the drying out of the seed bed. In such cases, good contact should be created, if possible, between the seed bed and the subsoil. In this, good plowing is advantageous (Figs. 75 and 76). . 13 194 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM It is always best to turn the green crop immediately under. In this work jointers and coulters are useful (Fig. 74). A chain may also aid in getting the growth turned under the furrow slice (Fig. 131). Sometimes disking before plowing is helpful. Green Manures for Cultivated Crops. — It is a general practice to follow green manures with cultivated crops such as corn, cotton, FIQ. 131. — Turning under weeds with the aid of a chain. cane, tobacco, potatoes, etc. Cultivation favors the decomposi- tion of the green crop, thereby rendering available more plant- food elements. Green Manuring Necessary in Soil Improvement. — In practi- cally all soil improvement plans, green manuring occupies an important place. In some cases the growing and plowing under of a crop of buckwheat proves the best method in making possible the regeneration of very poor or exhausted soils. Many sands are so poor that rye is the only possible first crop. When the rye crop is plowed under, it makes possible the growing of other green ma- nuring crops, as soybeans, cowpeas, or mammoth clover, which, SOME HINTS ON GREEN MANURING 195 together with lime and certain fertilizers, make productive sands a reality. The improvement of the lighter colored and long-cropped soils is dependent upon the addition of organic matter and nitrogen. This becomes a primary object, and whatever other soil treat- ments are necessary, they are made not only to produce the organic matter, but at the same time to benefit all other crops. In Australia many soils are so poor that they are incapable of producing a paying crop; but when cowpeas are grown and plowed under, these soils can be regenerated. Feeding vs. Plowing Under Crops. — The question often arises, "Is it not better to feed the crop than to plow it under?" This is to be determined by the good judgment of the farmer. If the soil is a black loam, or a black silt loam, and is in a good state of fertility, feeding the crop and returning the manure, no doubt, is the better practice. On the other hand, if the addition of organic matter and nitrogen is the key to the improvement of any soil, then plowing under the crop would be the better plan. In this respect the advice given by Varro is still good today. In many cases when a farmer has sufficient hay and a good second growth (rowen) comes on, this second growth may better be turned under than be cut for hay or allowed to go to seed. Some Hints on Green Manuring. — In the regeneration of very poor soils, it is necessary to plow under the year's crop to make improvement possible. In such cases the crop is sacrificed for the good of the land. Under good soil management, it is not necessary to lose a crop in order to be able to grow green manure. When two grain crops are grown in succession, the first crop may be seeded to mammoth clover which is plowed under in the fall. The second grain crop is then seeded with medium, alsike, or crimson clover for hay or pasture to follow the grain. In potato sections, rye may be scattered over the field at harvest time, the digging covers the seed, and the growth is plowed under in the spring, previous to planting. Or the rye may be seeded to clover, the rye cut as a cash crop, and the clover plowed under for the potato crop the following year. A green manuring crop may be planted in between the rows of a cultivated crop at the last cultivation, and plowed under in the fall. Sometimes a rank growth of weeds may prove very effective as a green manuring crop. 196 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Commercial fertilizers are manufactured preparations used to add plant-food elements to the soil, particularly nitrogen, phos- phorus and potassium. These elements in fertilizers are commonly expressed as " nitrogen (N)," ''phosphoric acid (P20s)," and "potash (K2O)," respectively. Nitrogen (N) is sometimes expressed as "ammonia (NH3)." To avoid any misconceptions, the names of the elements are retained in this discussion. Some substances, as common salt, for example, are called soil stimulants, or indirect fertilizers, because they do not contain any nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium, but cause changes in the soil liberating the plant-food elements already there. Four Classes of Commercial Fertilizers. — Commercial fertil- izers may be grouped into four classes, viz.: (a) Nitrogen fertilizers; (6) phosphorus or phosphate fertilizers; (c) potassium or potash fertilizers, and (d) mixed fertilizers. Nitrogen Fertilizers. — The common nitrogen fertilizers are: Common names Per cent nitrogen Availability (a) Nitrate of soda, or sodium nitrate. (b) Ammonium sulfate, or sulfate of ammonia 15 20 Very readily available. Readily available. (c) Dried blood, or blood meal (d) Cottonseed meal 6-15 4-8 Becomes quickly available. Nearly equal todried blood. Other nitrogen fertilizers are : Dried meat scraps, tankage, dried ground fish scrap, hoof meal, guanos, wool waste, peat, calcium cyanamid, calcium nitrate, and others. Nitrate of Soda. — The best known and most widely used nitrogen fertilizer is nitrate of soda. This is a salt obtained from natural deposits found particularly in northern Chili. The origin of this large deposit is not definitely known. Nitrate of soda can be utilized directly by plants without first undergoing decomposition changes. Because of its solubility and the ease with which it is leached from the soil, the amount applied to the acre at any one time is not very large. The usual application is from 100 to 400 pounds applied in frequent small amounts during the early growing period. It is often used in small quantities to force plant growth, as on tobacco beds. Market gardeners and truck growers use this fertilizer more than do general farmers, and it is used more extensivelyin theEastern states than in the West. Ammonium Sulfate. — Sulfate of ammonia is a salt made as PHOSPHATE FERTILIZERS 197 a by-product in the manufacture of coke and illuminating gas. In the soil this fertilizer undergoes decomposition and nitrification. It has been found that corn, peas and rice can use nitrogen directly from this salt. This fertilizer has about nine-tenths the efficiency of nitrate of soda, and it may be used in a similar manner. The use of ammonium sulfate will no doubt become more general than formerly, since the nitrate deposits are destined to exhaustion in a few generations. Dried blood is the evaporated, dried and finely ground blood of slaughtered animals. This is one of the best organic nitrogen fertilizers. Under proper soil conditions it proves about ninety per cent as efficient as nitrate of soda. Cottonseed meal is a product formed when oil is removed from cotton seed. The extracted residue is ground fine. It is extensively used as a fertilizer in the South. This material, as well as all other available nitrogen-containing substances, are much used in the manufacture of mixed fertilizers. Legumes to Solve Nitrogen Problem. — The demand of all crops for nitrogen is greater than for the other elements. (See Table of Crop Requirements, Chapter VI). This, together with the fact that the conditions of life in the civilized quarters of the globe are such as to cause a constant loss of nitrogen, has caused the question of the available nitrogen supply of the world to be looked upon as lying at the very foundation of agriculture, and to demand most careful consideration. One of the greatest prob- lems in the maintenance of soil fertility is how to secure and keep a sufficient supply of available nitrogen at the least cost. This is too large a problem to be solved through the use of commercial nitrogen fertilizers alone. It is now generally agreed that legumes must play the larger part in the solution of the nitrogen problem. Moreover, it should be remembered that fertilizers can never become a substitute for the organic matter so essential in all soils. Phosphate Fertilizers. — The common phosphate fertilizers are: Common names Per cent phosphorus (P) Per cent phosphoric acid (PaOs) Availability of phos- phorus-containing ingredient a) Rock phosphate '. . . 6) Basic slag, or Thomas slag c) Ground steamed bone meal* 11.8 to 13.5 4.5 to 8 10 to 11 = 27 to 31 = 10 to 18 = 23 to 25 Insoluble. Less than bone meal. Medium. (d) Acid phosphate 5.7 to 8 = 13 to 18 Readily available. * Ground steamed bone meal also contains 2 to 3 per cent nitrogen. 198 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM Expressing Equivalents. — The fertilizing constituent of phos- phate fertilizers may be expressed in three ways: as "phosphorus (P)," as " phosphoric acid (P2O5)," and as "bone phosphate of lime (BPL)." The per cent of "phosphoric acid" is always higher than the per cent indicating the phosphorus content of a fertilizer; and the per cent expressing the equivalent of bone phosphate of lime is higher still ; to illustrate, thirteen per cent phosphorus (P) equals thirty per cent phosphoric acid (P2O5) equals sixty-five per cent bone phosphate of lime»(BPL). Phosphoric acid (P2Oo) and bone phosphate of lime (BPL) may be reduced to the common elemental name as follows : Per cent or pounds phosphoric acid X 0.436 = per cent or pounds of phos- phorus, respectively. Per cent or pounds of bone phosphate of lime X 0.2 = per cent or pounds of phosphorus, respectively. Rock Phosphate. — Rock phosphate is finely pulverized phos- phate rock. The main sources of this fertilizing material' in the United States are deposits in Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Arkansas, Kentucky, Utah, Wyoming, Montana and Idaho. Because of its insolubility, this fertilizer gives best results on most soils when it is mixed with manure or plowed under with a green manuring crop. On some muck and peat lands it has given very good results when applied directly to the soil and thoroughly mixed with it, at the rate of about 800 pounds per acre. In soil improvement plans, especially when the phosphorus supply is to be increased and maintained, it has been found good practice to mix rock phosphate with stall manure by sprinkling it in the gutters in the barn during winter feeding, at the rate of from fifty to one hundred pounds to the ton of manure produced. This is equivalent to approximately two to four quarts to the cow daily. Rock phosphate may also be dusted over the manure when loaded on spreaders. Basic slag, or Thomas slag meal, is pulverized slag of Bessemer steel converters. The phosphorus is withdrawn from the molten phosphorus-containing iron. This fertilizer is much used in Euro- pean countries and to a certain extent in eastern United States — it being imported from Europe. The phosphorus-containing iron- ore in Alabama, which is being converted into steel, may prove a valuable source of this fertilizer. Ground Steamed Bone Meal. — This fertilizer is pulverized steamed bone. The bones from meat-packing plants are steamed, or otherwise treated, to remove the fat- and sometimes the gelatine AVAILABLE PHOSPHATE 199 also. After the extraction, the bones crumble readily and are easily ground. Bone meal is a much-used fertilizer, especially by truck gardeners. About 100 to 300 pounds and more may be applied per acre. Acid Phosphate. — Acid phosphate is made by treating an insoluble phosphate with an acid and thereby changing it into a soluble phosphate. This is the most easily soluble phosphate fertilizer. The name " superphosphate " is sometimes applied to it. The manufacturing process consists mainly in treating rock phosphate with sulphuric acid. Because of its availability, or solubility, acid phosphate is very generally used, especially when immediate results are desired. Applications may vary from 100 to 500 pounds per acre. Many Soils Need Phosphates. — Many soils are particularly deficient in phosphorus, either because they never contained any appreciable supply, or because of exhaustive cropping. Phos- phorus deficiency is especially prevalent in sections where, during the early days, wheat was the one crop raised. So far as the soil is concerned, that was a period of most wasteful farming.5 Noth- ing was returned to the land, the grain and other products were sold, and the straw was burned. The organic matter was rapidly used up and the phosphorus was carried away with the wheat. The only way to correct this phosphorus deficiency and to maintain a sufficient supply in the soil is to buy phosphorus and add it to the land. Phosphorus may be purchased in the form of fertilizers and, to a lesser extent, in the form of feeds, such as bran, for example. The feeds when fed enrich the manure produced. It is common experience to obtain crop increases of from ten to fifty per cent and more by using phosphate fertilizers. The important effects produced by supplying sufficient phosphorus are : (a) The grain fills better and consequently weighs more per unit volume; (6) plants develop strong and extensive roots, and (c) crops often mature earlier. In general, the following soils are benefited by phosphate fertilizers : Soils exhaustively cropped, peat and muck soils, sands, and black, acid loams, and silt loams. Available Phosphate More Important Than Total.— The amount of phosphorus that crops can secure is of more importance 5 The pioneer wheat-farmer can hardly be blamed for his system of farm- ing. The fact that the soils were rich enough to grow good crops of wheat made possible the construction of roads, the building of cities, and general developments which are enjoyed today. 200 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM 1! ii THE CHOICE OF PHOSPHATES 201 than the " total" amount contained in soils. Some soils may con- tain a very good supply but still respond to phosphate fertilization. Other soils containing lower amounts may give no indication of phosphorus deficiencies. When a silt loam, for example, has had its original phosphorus supply reduced one- third to one-half, and is in need of phosphates, it is not necessary to add an amount of fertilizer to raise the phosphorus content to the original amount, but to fertilize sufficiently to enable the soil to furnish the phos- phorus demanded by profitable crops. FIG. 133. — What happened when the fertilizer missed. This particular peat soil responds best to a mixture (1 to 1) of muriate of potash and acid phosphate. The Choice of Phosphates. — When immediate results are desired and when top-dressings are to be made, a soluble fertilizer should be used. Acid phosphates, or superphosphates, are, there- fore, especially adapted to all cases where spring top-dressing is practiced; as, for example, on grass land, for clover, alfalfa, and winter grains. Bone meal gives excellent results on soils that are open and inclined to be sandy or gravelly. Rock phosphate has given good results on peat and muck soils and on upland soils exceptionally rich in decomposable organic matter. Compare Figures 132 and 133. 202 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM Basic slag, bone meal and rock phosphate are good fertilizers to use for crops like corn, grain, and potatoes, when grown on acid soils. Basic slag acts well on clayey soils. For plants and soils which need liming, phosphates give more economical returns when lime is added to the land. This is particu- larly true in case of acid phosphates. Rock Phosphate vs. Acid Phosphate. — The comparative fertil- izing values of rock phosphate and acid phosphate have been much discussed. Most available data seem to indicate that, in general, acid phosphate is the more profitable.6 On some of the black prairie soils of the Middle West, certain results have shown that rock phosphate is to be compared favorably with acid phosphate. Potash Fertilizers. — The common potash fertilizers are: Common names Per cent potassium (K) Per cent "potash" (K20) Availability (a) Muriate of potash, or potas- sium chloride 41.5 to 44 50 to 52 Soluble. (6) Sulfate of potash, or potas- sium sulf ate (c) Kainit 40 to 42 10 to 12 48 to 51 12 to 14.5 Soluble. Soluble. (d) Wood ashes 2 to 10 2.5 to 12 Potash soluble. The fertilizing constituent of potash fertilizer may be expressed either as the element potassium (K), or as the oxide of the element " potash" (K2O). To reduce " potash" to the element equivalent, multiply the number of per cent or pounds of " potash" by 0.83. Sources of Potash. — The main source of potash fertilizers is crude salts mined near Strassfurt, and in Alsace. No other deposits of potassium salts are so extensive as these. It has been estimated that the Strassfurt mines alone are capable of supplying the world with potash for thousands of years. There are several sources of potassium in the United States, among which are : Dried-up salt lakes, sea weed, wood ashes, potas- sium-containing rock minerals, and as a by-product in cement manufacture. The potassium salts obtained from these sources have thus far been used in making mixed fertilizers. Tobacco stems used as potash fertilizer are shown in Figure 134. Muriate of Potash. — Muriate of potash is a prepared product derived from crude potash salts. This is the most common of the potash fertilizers. It is all soluble in water. 6 This conclusion is based on prices paid for fertilizers before the World War. USE OF POTASH FERTILIZERS 203 Sulfate of Potash. — This is another product derived from crude potash salts. It is not so generally used as the muriate. This fertilizer is likewise all soluble in water. Kainit is a crude potash salt, unprepared except by grind- ing. It is water soluble, and is used mainly in the making of mixed fertilizers. Wood ashes vary in the amount of potassium they contain. Thoroughly leached ashes are of little or no value as a potash fertil- izer. Hardwood ashes are generally richer in potassium than those of soft woods. Woods burned at high heat produce ashes much lower in potassium than when burned at low heat, as in a kitchen FIG. 134. — Tobacco stems are a good potash fertilizer. range. In addition to potash, wood ashes contain from fifty to seventy per cent carbonates of lime and magnesia. Use of Potash Fertilizers. — Peat, muck and sands are soils particularly in need of potash fertilizers. Though the heavier soils contain an abundant supply of potassium, yet some of them respond to potash treatment. Crops demanding an abundant supply of potassium are: Sugar beets, clovers, alfalfa, cabbage, tobacco, turnips and corn (Figs. 135 and 136). For most soils needing potassium, muriate of potash is suitable and the cheapest. From 100 to 200 pounds to the acre per year, applied broadcast, is the usual application of either the muriate or sulfate for corn, turnips, potatoes and clover; and from 200 to 300 pounds for onions, cabbage and sugar beets. Certain results seem to indicate that sulfate of potash produces a better quality of potatoes and tobacco than the muriate. Other results show that when soil conditions are right as regards car- 204 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM bonate of lime and moisture, the muriate may give as good results as the sulfate. Kainit is much used in the South. FIG. 135. FIG. 135. — For corn (in a pot test) this peat soil responded to phosphate treatment. O, no treatment; N, nitrogen fertilizer; P, phosphate treatment; K, potash; PK, phosphate and potash. (See Figure 136.) FIG. 136. — For cabbage, potash fertilizer gave the greatest response. Same soil as in Figure 135. A, response to phosphate; B, response to potash. Wood ashes are excellent for acid, peat soils. From one to two tons per acre is a common application.7 No mixture of commercial fertilizers gives the results on acid marsh soils as do ashes. 7 When containing 30 to 40 per cent moisture. COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS IN GENERAL 205 Mixed Fertilizers. — Commercial fertilizers containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are called mixed fertilizers. Those containing all three of the fertilizing elements are called " com- plete" fertilizers. In this respect, manure is to be regarded as a complete fertilizer. Hundreds of brands of mixed commercial fertilizers are to be found on the market — sold under various trade names; such as, Corn and Cotton Grower, Dreadnaught Fertilizer, Prolific Crop Producer, etc. These fertilizers are commonly spoken of in terms of the per cents of the fertilizing constituents contained in them; for example, a mixed fertilizer containing two per cent nitrogen (N), twelve per cent phosphoric acid (P205) and two per cent potash (K2O) is called a "2-12-2" fertilizer.8 A "0-12-4" fertil- izer means one containing no nitrogen (N), twelve per cent phosphoric acid (P2O5) and four per cent potash (K2O). The following shows the meaning of some mixed fertilizers in terms of the elements: Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent P.er cent nitrogen (N) phosphoric acid (P206) potash. (K20) nitrogen (N) phosphorus (P) potassium (K) 4 8 4 4 3.5 3.3 2 12 2 2 5.2 1.7 0 10 8 0 4.4 6.6 Use of Mixed Fertilizers.— Mixed fertilizers are very generally used. Applications vary from 50 to 1500 pounds and more to the acre. It is better to purchase these fertilizers on the basis of what they contain rather than because of their names. Commercial Fertilizers in General. — Many erroneous ideas are prevalent regarding the use of commercial fertilizers, especially in sections where fertilizers are little used or practically unknown. Some believe they injure the soil, and that when once used their use must be continued. It is not because the "soil gets a bad habit" that many farmers continue the use of fertilizeps, but be- cause of profitable returns. Fertilizers sometimes fail for the following reasons: The wrong kind of fertilizer may have been used; it may have been applied in the wrong manner; the soil may lack proper underdrainage, and there may have been a deficiency of moisture. 8 In some Southern states phosphoric acid is usually mentioned first, then nitrogen and potash. A "10-4-3" fertilizer in those states means, therefore, 10 per cent phosphoric acid, 4 per cent nitrogen and 3 per cent potash. 206 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUA1 No farmer, however successful, should ever think of trying to maintain the fertility of his soil through the use of commercial fertilizers alone. Legumes, grass, green manuring crops and barn- FIG. 137. — Four rows without fertilizer in the drill. To the lett and right 125 pounds of a 1-8-1 mixed fertilizer were applied per acre in the drill with a fertilizer attachment on the planter. (See Fig. 138.) FIG. 138. — An eighty-one per cent increase in silage corn at harvest time. To left, unfer- tilized, 8.7 tons per acre; to right, fertilized, 15.8 tons per acre. A long-cropped soil. yard manure are indispensable. Except for truck crops and pota- toes, it is wise economy to use commercial fertilizers in a definite plan of more permanent soil improvement and fertility mainte- nance rather than to make light applications mainly to stimulate PROFITS DETERMINE USE OF FERTILIZERS 207 the one crop to which it is applied. Though it may be good business practice to apply fertilizers to a crop and increase the net profits, yet it is still better practice to accomplish this in such a way as to effect a more permanent improvement of the soil, which will serve to benefit several crops in succeeding seasons. Profits Determine Use of Fertilizers. — The use of commercial fertilizers depends mainly upon whether or not the value of the increased yields more than offset the cost of the application (Figs. 137 and 138). On many soils the use of commercial fertilizers does not pay (Fig. 139). The best returns from fertilizers are FIG. 139. — Corn stimulated by complete fertilizer applied in the hill (125 pounds per acre). No appreciable difference in yield at harvest time. Soil in good state of fertility. (See page 208.) obtained when soils are sufficiently supplied with moisture and organic matter (compare Figs. 140 and 141). The cost of fertilizers varies in different sections, depending largely upon the distance from distributing centers. Fertilizers are usually purchased on the unit basis. One per cent of a ton, or twenty pounds, is called a unit. Normal prices for nitrogen have been about three dollars per unit; phosphoric acid (P2O5) from twenty to forty-five cents in rock phosphate, and about one dollar in soluble phosphates; and potash about one dollar to one dollar and forty cents per unit. The World War had a decided effect on fertilizer prices. The price paid for nitrogen was six to seven dollars per unit; soluble 208 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM phosphoric acid about two dollars, and " potash" seven dollars and more per unit. FIG. 140. — Corn responded during early growth to about 100 pounds of a mixed fertilizer (1-8-1) applied in the drill. (See Fig. 141.) FIG. 141. — No appreciable difference in the yield at harvest time, because the land was well manured. Same field as shown in Figure 140. Soils and Crops Determine Kind of Fertilizer to Use. — The soil supply of the available plant-food elements and the kind of SOILS AND CROPS DETERMINE KIND OF FERTILIZER 209 crop to be grown are two factors determining largely the kind of fertilizer to use (Figs. 135 and 136). The growing of sugar beets on peat, for example, requires liberal applications of a potash fertilizer. The forcing of lettuce and other garden crops requires an abundant supply of available nitrogen (Fig. 142). The appli- cation of soluble phosphate fertilizer on many soils proves the most profitable fertilizer treatment, especially on long-cropped prairie soils. The improvement of poor soils generally requires the addition of all the fertilizing elements. FIG. 142. — Making a second application of fertilizer to head lettuce. The fertilizer is scattered along the rows and stirred in. (N. Y.) Mixed or complete fertilizers in comparison with single fertil- izers commonly give the highest average increases and profits. This is particularly true in case of wheat, potatoes and cotton. Frequently a mixture of phosphate and potash gives best results. Many experiments have shown that the full effect of one fertilizing element is obtained only when it is associated with the other two. Moreover, the addition of phosphorus and potassium usually increases the need of nitrogen for bigger crops. In other tests a fertilizer, either single or complete, used in conjunction with a green-manuring crop is the best means to obtain higher crop yields. 14 210 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM These results show that the plant, as well as the animal, requires a "balanced ration" to enable it to use its food materials most economically. This emphasizes the necessity of keeping a balanced condition in the soil in regards to the fertilizing elements. No general rule can be given for fertilizing soils, since condi- tions are so variable and soils differ so widely in their characteris- tics. A certain fertilizer may prove a "best fertilizer" for one soil, while on another it may be of no value whatever. The only sure way of determining the fertilizer needs of a crop on any particular soil is by actual field tests. How the fertilizer needs of soils and crops may be determined is discussed fully. High Grade Fertilizers More Economical. — High grade fertil- izers are usually considered as those containing a relatively large amount of plant-food elements. Another distinction is: High grade fertilizers are made of high grade, standard materials like nitrate of soda, ground bone, acid phosphate, muriate and sulfate of potash. The low grade preparations, on the other hand, are usually made by mixing cheaper, inferior and less soluble materials, like low grade tankage, wood ashes, kainit, peat, etc. When the amount and quality of the fertilizing ingredients, freight, and cost of handling are considered, the high grades are the cheaper. Home Mixing of Fertilizers. — By home mixing is meant the mixing of purchased fertilizing materials on the farm. This is commonly recommended, because the cost per pound of plant-food elements is lowered, mixtures can be varied to suit particular soils and crops, and better knowledge is obtained concerning kinds and quality of different materials carrying fertilizing elements. The mixing operation is simple. A clean floor, one or two shovels, a pair of scales, and a sand sieve having about four meshes to the linear inch is all the apparatus needed. The materials are first weighed out and placed in a pile on the floor — the bulkiest material at the bottom. All lumps are broken with the shovel. The pile is then shoveled over about three times, and the mixture passed through the sieve. Lumps are broken and added to the mixture, which is again shoveled over, if necessary, until thor- oughly mixed: Home Mixing Rules. — The following rules may be helpful in home mixing: (a) Determine the number of pounds of each fertilizing element contained in one ton or any other araount,of theproposedmixture. HOW FERTILIZERS ARE APPLIED 211 (6) Determine the number of pounds of the materials required to furnish these amounts of plant-food element. (c) Add the amounts of the materials required to make the mixture, and, if the sum is less than 2000 pounds, or less than the required amount, add enough fine, dry muck, or any other inert material (filler) to make a ton, or the required amount of the mixture. An illustration: Out of nitrate of soda (fifteen per cent N), acid phosphate (seven per cent P) and muriate of potash (forty- two per cent K) a complete 3-10-3 fertilizer is to be compounded, or one containing three per cent nitrogen, 4.4 per cent phosphorus and 2.5 per cent potassium. (a) One ton of the proposed fertilizer contains sixty pounds of nitrogen, eighty-eight pounds of phosphorus and fifty pounds of potassium. (6) Amounts of materials required per ton are: 400 pounds of nitrate of soda, 1260 pounds of acid phosphate, and 120 pounds of muriate of potash. (c) The total amount of materials required is 1780 pounds; 220 pounds of filler are required to make the mixture equivalent to a ton. Materials Unsuitable for Mixing Together. — Some mixtures are to be avoided. These are shown here. Lime ] Wood ashes f should not be mixed with Basic slag j Acid phosphate pnospri lived b( Dissolved bone Sulfate of ammonia Tankage, blood meal, etc. Manure How Fertilizers are Applied. — Fertilizers may be applied broadcast, in the hill or drill, in the bottom of furrows, beside the rows after the plants are well above ground, and mixed with manure. In orchards and for crops whose roots are broadly dis- tributed, the greatest part of the fertilizer, at least, should be applied broadcast before the crop is planted or before harrowing. When applied broadcast a much heavier application is usually made than when applications are made in other ways. About 100 to 300 pounds are common applications for grain; 200 to 500 pounds for grass and corn; 500 to 1000 pounds for orchards; 300 to 1200 pounds for root crops and tubers; and 500 to 1200 pounds for vegetables and truck crops. The fertilizers applied in the hill or drill, and those used when heavy applications are made, are generally mixed or complete fertilizers. 212 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM When much fertilizer is applied, fertilizer distributors are used. All good makes of grain drills have fertilizer attachments for distributing fertilizer broadcast at the time of sowing. When fertilizers are intended to promote rapid growth or to give the young plants a quick start, they are applied in the hill or drill. This is usually done through the use of fertilizer attach- ments on the planters (Fig. 143). Usually 100 to 200 pounds are applied to the acre in this manner. In case of cotton, 400 and 500 FIG. 143. — A fertilizer attachment on the corn planter. Note the fertilizer spreader (S). pounds are common applications. In Maine as much as 2000 pounds per acre is sometimes applied in the row at the time of planting potatoes. When fertilizers are applied in the hill or drill, special care should be taken that the fertilizer is not dropped on the seed. All good fertilizer attachments can be regulated so that soil will fall in between the fertilizer and the seed, or the fertilizer distrib- uted along the sides of the row and not on the seed (Fig. 143). When fertilizer is applied in the bottom of a furrow it should be mixed thoroughly with the soil before the seeds are planted. The higher the grade of fertilizer the greater must be the pre- caution in applying it in the hill, drill or furrow. SOME FACTS ABOUT MANURE 213 In some cases the greater portion of the fertilizer is applied broadcast, and a little is dropped in the hill or drill to promote quick growth. Because nitrate fertilizers are easily leached away, they are commonly applied beside the rows after the plants are well up (Fig. 142). This method of application is also used at times whenever fertilizers are not at hand to be ap- plied otherwise. Lasting Effect of Commercial Fertilizers. — In all liberal fertil- ization a residual or after-effect is secured on the crops following — often extending through three and four years or more. Results from broadcast distribution are the most favorable. Often the growth and ripening of grain is very uneven when it follows a cultivated crop fertilized in the drill or hill. In this connection it is of interest to mention the absorptive power of soils for the fertilizing elements. Nitrogen in the form of nitrates is easily leached out of the soil. Nitrogen in the form of ammonia (NHs) in ammonium compounds, such as sulfate of ammonia, is usually readily absorbed by soils in such a way that it is less subject than nitrates to immediate losses by leaching. As regards phosphorus and potassium, these elements are readily absorbed and retained by soils, the heavier types having greater absorptive power than sandy soils. Practically all the phosphorus and potassium, therefore, added in commercial fertilizers, and which is not used by the crop fertilized, increases the soil supply, and is drawn upon by succeeding crops. BARNYARD MANURE AS A FERTILIZER Barnyard manure, farm manure, or stall manure generally means the waste materials from the care of livestock. In some sections it is the only, or the most important, fertilizer used. The best results with manure, as with any fertilizer, depend upon how intelligently it is used. There are many facts to be learned about manure. In the following few paragraphs are mentioned some important facts about it, and after that are discussed some practical pointers concerning its care and use. Some Facts About Manure. — A ton of average, mixed yard manure contains approximately ten pounds of nitrogen, two pounds of phosphorus and eight pounds of potassium. When nitrogen is valued at fifteen cents a pound, phosphorus at ten cents and potas- sium at eight cents, one ton of such manure has an intrinsic 214 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM fertilizing value of $2.34. When fertilizer prices were greatly advanced by the World War, a ton of ordinary manure had a value of about eight or nine dollars. The value based on the returns from a ton of barnyard manure under average, general farming conditions is usually higher than this — depending on the soil, method of cultivation and crops grown. The returns per ton of yard manure on poor soil amounted to $4.69 in a five-year test made at the Ohio Station. Corn, oats, wheat, clover and timothy were the crops grown. Eight tons of manure were applied to the acre — four to the corn and four to the wheat. On some farms manure is regarded more as a waste product only to be gotten rid of (Fig. 144). Usually, however, it is given a value of from one dollar to one dollar and a half a ton. On most dairy farms the value of the manure produced much more than offsets the labor cost of feeding and caring for the herd (milking not included). The annual total labor cost per cow is figured at sixteen to twenty-three dollars, and the value of manure produced at twelve to seventeen dollars. (Manure at about a dollar and a half per ton.) Manures Differ in Fertilizing Value. — The accompanying table shows the composition of fresh manure produced by various farm animals. Composition of Fresh Manure (The figures give the number of pounds of fertilizing elements in one ton of manure, including liquid, solid and bedding.) Animal Average per cent water Nitrogen (N) Phosphorus Potassium (K) Cow 78 9-10 2.5-3 6-8 Horse 63 10-15 2-3 8-14 Hog 74 11-13 5-6 6-12 Sheep * . 63 27-34J 3.5-5 20-23 Kent - 58 20 8 15 Made by fattening lambs. from three states. Feeding Affects Value of Manure. — The kinds of feed fed an animal determine in a large measure the richness of the manure produced. If a cow were fed timothy hay only, the manure would be poor indeed as compared with that produced when a cow is fed alfalfa, bran, corn, etc. When cows are fed bran, the LIQUID PORTION OF MANURE VALUABLE 215 manure produced is necessarily enriched in phosphorus (Feed table in Appendix). The age of the animal also affects the value of manure. Grow- ing animals remove much more elements, especially nitrogen and phosphorus, from the ration than do mature animals. The character and amount of bedding and litter also have much to do in determining the value of manure. Sawdust and shavings add little or no value, and may even lower the value of manure. FIG. 144. — Dollars are trickling from this manure pile into the pond. No farmer can afford to care for manure in this way. The more bedding and litter incorporated with the excrement, the more bulky the manure becomes. Amount of Manure Produced by Farm Animals. — Roughly speaking, it requires about twenty-five cows to produce a ton of manure in one day, including what is actually collected in the stables; about thirty-three to forty horses when kept in the stable all day, and about sixty when they are working; 160 hogs; and about 500 to 800 lambs when fed in the feeding pen. Liquid Portion of Manure Valuable. — Of the total amounts of the fertilizing elements contained in manure, about one-half of the nitrogen and sixty per cent of the potassium are found in the liquid excrement. Thus, the liquid manure is practically as valuable in fertilizing elements as the solid. This fact emphasizes 216 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM the need of suitable absorbents to take up and conserve this valuable fertilizing material. Some Practical Pointers on Manure. — The results secured in the use of manure do not come from the fertilizing elements only, but also from the organic matter and the organisms added. In one gram (one-fifth the weight of a nickel coin) of cow manure voided in the stable have been found from a million to 120 millions of organisms, and in horse manure from 100 to 150 millions. Manure a Quick Fertilizer. — Manure has the quality of being FIG. 145. — The manure from this dairy barn goes directly to the field. a most effective fertilizer, largely because of the fact that it con- tains immediately, medium, and more slowly available plant-food material. About one-half of the nitrogen .is soluble, about one- sixth of the phosphorus and about one-half of the potassium. This makes manure a good fertilizer to use as a top-dressing on pastures, hay land and clover and alfalfa fields. Stall Manure Better Than Open-yard Manure. — Manure hauled directly to the field and there applied is twice to three times as valuable as that which has been allowed to accumulate in an open yard for a period of from three to six months. Large amounts of the fertilizing elements are leached out of open-yard manure by rains. No farmer can afford to follow the practice of throwing the manure carelessly from the stables into the open yard and there WHEN MANURE HAS TO BE STORED 217 allow it to become exposed to the weather and the water from the stable roof. Hauling it directly to the field or storing it properly is universally recognized as the only way to get full value from the' manure produced. When Manure Has to Be Stored. — It is not always convenient to haul it directly to the fields (Fig. 145). It then becomes neces- sary to store and conserve it for future use. Three points should be kept in mind in storing manure, viz.: (a) It should be kept moist; (6) it should be kept well compacted, and (c) any loss of FIG. 146. — A manure spreader increases the returns per ton of manure. (Indiana Station.) seepage water from the manure pile should be avoided. Losses of nitrogen from fermentation may be practically eliminated when a manure heap is kept moist and compact. The covered manure shed is a popular method of caring for manure. Such a shed should be provided with a water-tight con- crete floor and with sides sufficiently high to hold the manure in. This may be called a manure pit. It should be so built that a manure spreader (Fig. 146) can be run in at one end and out at the other. The manure should be spread out on the floor and allowed to be tramped on by the stock. Hogs may work it over without danger of losses. Manure is often allowed to accumulate in box stalls or in covered feeding sheds. It is tramped on by the animals and kept 218 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM moist by the liquid excrement, sufficient bedding being used to absorb the excess and to keep the stock clean. This is good prac- tice provided the manure is hauled out in time and not allowed to dry out and heat and decompose long after the animals have been turned out to pasture. When manure is stored in the open, it should be placed in a pile having a flat top and nearly vertical sides. Never should the manure within the pile get so dry as to cause "fire-fanging" or burning. Piled as in Figure 147 it will heat. FIG. 147. — Another farmer has forgotten that manure has a value. Gardeners make use of compost heaps when they desire well- rotted manure. Often other materials are mixed with the manure when it is being piled, such as phosphate fertilizer, garbage, garden wastes, etc., to make the manure a better fertilizer to meet their needs. Hen manure can be better conserved and made a more adaptable fertilizer to general trucking and gardening pur- poses if twelve to fifteen pounds .of acid phosphate, four to eight pounds of muriate of potash, and five to ten pounds of gypsum, or land-plaster, were added to every 100 pounds of the fresh manure. Manure cisterns and very deep pits are sometimes used to store manure, especially the liquid. But because of the difficulty in getting the manure out, comparatively few farmers in the United States are using them. Gypsum, or land-plaster, is often recommended as a conserva- PLOWING UNDER VS. DISKING IN MANURE 219 tive material to mix with manure; but the results have not been sufficient to encourage its use.9 Lime of any kind should not be mixed with manure when it is being stored, because it favors fermentation. It also liberates the ammonia. Good Practice to Mix Horse and Cow Manures. — Horse manure is a warm, dry manure, and cow manure, cold and wet. The mixing of these two manures in a manure shed is advantageous, since the one will absorb the liquid of the other, and the resulting mixture is much more easily handled. Light Applications Better Than Heavy. — It has been clearly shown that, in general farming, it is better to use medium to light applications of manure rather than heavy. In a thirty-five year test made at the Pennsylvania Station, a twenty-ton application per acre in a four-year rotation resulted in crop increases valued at only $5.38 per acre more than when twelve tons were applied. The applications were made twice in the rotation or at intervals of two years, at the rate of ten and six tons per acre, respectively. Corn, oats, wheat and mixed clover and timothy were the crops grown. Similar results were secured at the Ohio Station in a seventeen- year test in which eight-ton and sixteen-ton applications, made once in five years, were compared; and at the Indiana Experiment Station, where comparisons were made between 14.2-ton and 8-8- ton applications, extending through twenty-three years. These results show that when the supply of manure is limited, it is better to cover as much land as possible at the rate of six to eight tons per acre than to get over comparatively few acres with a heavy application (Fig. 148). Herein lies the great value of the manure spreader (Fig. 146). It is also well worth remembering that frequent light applications prove more profitable than heavy applications at long intervals. Plowing Under vs. Disking in Manure. — The plowing under of manure is usually recommended, especially on the heavier soils, largely because of the loosening effect produced in addition to its fertilizing value. It is best to plow under coarse litter (in the 9 In a 15-year test made at the Ohio Station in which forty pounds of gypsum were mixed with each ton of manure used, the average results showed a gain, above the cost of the gypsum, of eighteen cents in case of yard manure, and a loss of five cents per ton when it was mixed with stall manure. The gypsum cost six dollars per ton. 220 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM fall), and it is easier to incorporate manure in a heavy soil by plow- ing than by disking. Many tobacco growers have found it an excel- lent practice to disk in a light application of manure on crummy silt loams, in addition to the manure plowed under. On light soils best results are usually secured when fine manure is disked in. Concerning the Application of Manure to Clover Fields.— It is often asked, "Is it not better to apply the manure as a top- dressing to the clover field rather than apply it for corn ? "• This . ^fe A B C FIG. 148. — The returns from one ton of manure. Eight-year average. A, Produce from one ton yard manure; B, produce from one ton stall manure; C, produce from one ton stall manure reinforced with 40 pounds of rock phosphate. (Ohio Station.) can best be determined definitely on any particular field or farm by trying out the two systems. Soil conditions may also determine the course to follow. Since soil improvement depends largely on the growing of good clover, it seems best, when a soil is low in fertility, to apply the manure as a top-dressing on the clover. This favors growth and root development, so that more hay is secured for feeding, and a better sod is formed which greatly increases the organic matter of the soil when plowed under. A light application of manure on the better clover sod produced in this manner, enables the produc- tion of good corn or any other cultivated crop. MANURE NOT A PERFECT FERTILIZER 221 When the soil is in a good state of fertility, applying the manure for corn seems the better practice. Concerning Winter Application. — The common opinion is that severe losses occur when manure is applied to land during winter. On steep hillsides there is danger of heavy losses, since heavy rains and melting snow wash many of the small particles of manure from the field. It is better, therefore, to apply manure to steep hillsides just prior to plowing. On level or gently rolling land, losses are generally quite small; and, no doubt are much less than the losses which occur in the average barnyard when the manure is allowed to accumulate there. Residual Effect of Manure. — The beneficial effect of manure on soils of the heavier types may be of long duration. The best known experiment is the one made at an Experiment Station in England (Rothamsted). For eight successive years manure was applied to a piece of land at the rate of fourteen tons to the acre. The land was then left in grass without manuring or fertilizing for fifty years. The yields of hay were compared with those on a simi- lar field on which no fertilization was made. The average increases in yield for each decade, resulting from the previous applications of manure, were fifty-seven, twenty-four, six, fifteen and twenty- eight per cent, respectively.10 Manure Not a Perfect Fertilizer. — General results demon- strate conclusively that manure alone cannot maintain fertility nor can it be used exclusively in regenerating soils. The continued use of such manure on many dairy farms has led to an unbalanced condition in the soil. Oat crops especially, secure so much nitro- gen that they lodge badly. Many dairy farmers who purchased "run-down" farms, and who sought to improve the soil through the use of manure, have found that phosphate fertilizers, in particu- lar, are quite necessary to supplement the manure to give the results desired. On sands, the reinforcing of the manure with both phos- phates and potash proves most profitable. Of all the materials that may be used in reinforcing manure, there are none better than phosphate fertilizers. The Ohio Station has produced conclusive results on this point. The follow- ig table gives the average results of a fifteen-year test on silt soil with manure reinforced with phosphates made at that station (Fig. 148). 10 The Book of the Rothamsted Experiments, 1917, page 156 222 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM Net Value of the Increases per Ton of Manure Reinforced with Phosphates Manure and treatment Net value of increases per ton of manure * (Including 3 crops) Yard manure (untreated) f Stall manure (untreated) Yard manure +40 pounds rock phosphate per ton . Stall manure +40 pounds rock phosphate per ton . . Yard manure +40 pounds acid phosphate per ton. . Stall manure +40 pounds acid phosphate per ton . . $2.55 3.31 3.54 4.49 4.10 4.82 * Eight tons of manure were applied to the acre once in a three-year rotation of corn, wheat and clover. The yard manure was taken from the open yard, where it had been ex- posed to the weather for 3 or 4 months during the winter. The stall manure was hauled from the stable directly to the field and spread at once in the early part of winter. The fertilizer was dusted over the manure-spreader loads. t The cost of the fertilizer was deducted before computing the net values of increases per ton of manure. Though farming with livestock is recognized as an excellent way to keep up the fertility, because of the opportunity of returning to the land much of the fertilizing elements,11 yet it cannot be assumed that because a farmer has stock on his farm he need give no thought whatever to the future of his soil. Manure is often poorly cared for, causing enormous losses annually. It is evident that the farmer who understands the care, reinforcing and proper use of manure will secure far greater returns from his land, and be able to pass his farm on to others in a much better condition, than the man who farms it without livestock or who farms it without any definite plan for maintaining the fertility of the soil. Illustration Material for Lessons. — Have on hand four-quart samples of the fertilizers important in your section. Include the four classes, also a few miscellaneous samples. Demonstrations. — Material Needed. — Enough unproductive soil to fill 8 two-gallon jars; 16 quarts of a light sandy soil; about 3 pounds of green clover finely chopped, or its equivalent in dry clover chaff; 12 two-gallon jars; 3 one- quart Mason jars; some corn and oat seeds; 8 grams each of sodium nitrate, sodium acid phosphate and potassium sulfate; about 2 quarts of fresh horse dung; and a few strips of red litmus paper. 11 It is commonly believed that when all crops are fed on the farm, and the manure is carefully cared for and hauled to the fields, soil fertility can be maintained indefinitely. This is impossible, because in the feeding transaction unavoidable losses of the fertilizing elements occur — particularly of phos- phorus. LABORATORY EXERCISES 223 To Demonstrate the Beneficial Effect of Active Organic Matter in Soils. — Procedure. — Mix with 16 quarts of a light, sandy soil an amount of green clover equivalent to 3 tons of clover hay per acre. Put the mixture into 2 two-gallon jars, and plant one to corn and the other to grain. Fill two other jars with the same soil, but without the green clover, and plant one to corn and the other to grain. Observe results. Questions. — (a) Why are legumes generally the best green manuring crops? (6) Mention ways in which organic matter improves soil fertility. To Demonstrate the Fertilizer Needs of an Unproductive Soil by a Pot Fertilizer Test. — Procedure. — Thoroughly mix a quantity (enough to fill 8 two-gallon jars) of an unproductive soil and fill 8 two-gallon jars. (Provide each jar with an opening at the bottom for drainage.) Number the jars and treat them as follows: Jar No. 1 — Give no treatment. Jar No. 2 — Add 3 grams sodium nitrate (N). Jar No. 3 — Add 3 grams sodium acid phosphate (P). Jar No. 4 — Add 3 grams potassium sulfate (K). Jar No. 5 — Add 3 grams each of sodium nitrate and sodium acid phosphate. Jar No. 6 — Add 3 grams each of sodium nitrate and potassium sulfate. Jar No. 7 — Add 3 grams each of sodium acid phosphate and potas- sium sulfate. . Jar No. 8 — Add 2 grams each of the three fertilizing salts. The fertilizing salts may be pulverized and mixed with the soil. Plant each jar to corn, place all in a favorable place, and observe results after about 4 or 5 weeks. To Show that Ammonia is Given off from Fermenting Manure. — Pro- cedure.— Put some moist horse dung into a quart Mason jar and keep it covered in a warm place for about 2 days. Then hold a piece of moistened red litmus paper over the mouth of the jar. Note odor of the escaping gas, and note change in the color of the litmus paper. (Ammonia gas turns red litmus paper blue.) To Show How the Loss of Ammonia from Manure May be Reduced or Largely Prevented. — Procedure. — Fill a quart jar about two-thirds full of horse dung; wet with water, and tamp down well. Place in a warm place for about 2 days. Make similar tests as in the previous experiment. Laboratory Exercises. — Material Needed. — Four-quart samples of at least four of each class of commercial fertilizers; 3 tumblers; several strips of blue litmus paper; a saucer; a little sulfuric acid; 5 one-gallon jars; enough loam or silt loam to fill 5 one-gallon jars; a handful of corn; one-half cupful pulverized peat; 2 flasks or vinegar bottles; and a few ounces of ammonium carbonate. To Learn to Know the Common Commercial Fertilizers. — Procedure. — Study the samples of fertilizers provided, and record observations, etc., in tabular form as follows: Class Name of fertilizer Availability of fertilizing constituent Per cent fertilizing elements Character- istics, odor, color, physi- cal condition, etc. Applica- tion per acre Cost per ton N P K (Keep in mind local conditions). 224 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM Questions. — (a) Which of these fertilizers are true salts? (6) Which of these fertilizers should be used with special caution when applied in the hill? Why? (c) What is the difference between acid phosphate and rock phosphate? (d) Which of the phosphate fertilizers is the most available? (e) Is all the material composing acid phosphate soluble in water? (Try it.) (/) How should rock phosphate be used for best results? To Continue the Study of Acid Phosphate. — Procedure. — A. Place about a teaspoonful of acid phosphate in a dish and pour on about a tablespoonful of water. Mix thoroughly. Now dip a piece of blue litmus paper into the mixture. What does this indicate? (Soluble phosphate salts are acid in char- acter.) Should lime be mixed with acid phosphate and applied as a mixture? (Consult text.) Why? Should acid phosphate and agricultural lime be applied to the same soil the same season? Explain. B. Weigh out five grams (the weight of a nickel) of rock phosphate. Place it in a porcelain dish and add 5 grams of hot (130° F.) sulfuric acid. (Handle acid with great care.) Stir well with glass rod, and note changes. Questions. — (a) How is acid phosphate usually made? (6) How does the resulting material compare with the acid phosphate on the market? (c) Tell briefly the steps in the manufacture of acid phosphate. (Consult any book on fertilizer manufacture.) (d) Should a farmer attempt to make his own acid phosphate from rock phosphate? To Study the Effect of Applying Commercial Fertilizers on the Seed in the Hill. — Procedure. — Fill 5 one-gallon jars with loam or silt loam and plant two hills of corn in each jar. Treat jars as follows: Jar No. 1 — No treatment. Jar No. 2 — Apply one-half an ounce of muriate of potash on the seed in one hill, and one-half an ounce of a mixed fertilizer on the seed in the other hill. Jar No. 3 — Same as Jar No. 2, only apply the fertilizer in the soil on the side of the hills. Jar No. 4 — Apply one ounce of rock phosphate on the seed in one hill and the same amount of mixed fertilizer in the other hill. Jar No. 5 — Apply muriate of potash broadcast at the rate of 200 pounds per acre. Mix the fertilizer well into the soil. Plant 4 kernels of corn. (One acre equals 43,560 sq. ft.) Label jars properly, and place in the greenhouse. W^ater. (Students may work in groups of five on this exercise.) Questions. — (a) When corn is planted in hills 3 feet 8 inches each way, how much mixed fertilizer should be applied per hill when 100 pounds are applied per acre? (6) What precaution should be observed in applying fertilizers in the hill or drill? To Determine Why Barnyard Water is Colored. — Procedure.— Every farm boy has observed the peculiar color of barnyard water and has detected strong ammonia odors in the horse stable. The one condition is closely related to the other in this way: the nitrogen of an animal body is excreted through the urine. The principal nitrogenous substance in urine is urea. Urea is acted upon by fermenting organisms producing ammonium carbonate which, QUESTIONS 225 with moisture, has the ability to dissolve organic matter. This accounts in a large degree for the brownish color of barnyard water. We can observe this solvent action in the following experiment: Place a good tablespoonful of organic matter (peat) provided in each of two flasks, and add 75 c.c. of ammonium carbonate solution to one and a like amount of water to the other. Shake each well for five minutes, then let stand for 20 minutes, after which time shake again for a few seconds. Run the liquid contents through filters into tumblers and note color of liquids. Explain results. Home Experiments and Projects. — To determine the profitable use of acid phosphate on soil deficient in phosphorus. Procedure. — Apply 300 pounds of acid phosphate on an acre of soil needing phosphate. Another acre beside this should be left unfertilized. Keep account of all costs, measure yields, and compute net profits. (One-tenth acre plots could be used as well.) Other Fertilizer Projects. — To determine the effect of an application of mixed fertilizer applied on corn at the rate of 125 or 150 pounds per acre, in the hill, with a fertilizer attachment on the corn planter. A whole field of corn may be fertilized in this manner, but leave at least 4 or 6 rows through the field for a check. Determine increased yields at harvest time, and determine profits in the use of the fertilizer (Figs. 137 and 138). Tests may be made determining: (a) The value of green manuring on sand or on any soil poor in organic matter. (6) The value of manure reinforced with acid phosphate. (c) The more economic use of manure when applied at the rate of 8 tons per acre over a 16-ton application. Keep account of all costs, determine yields, and compute net profits. QUESTIONS 1. Discuss the importance of available plant-food elements in relation to soil fertility. 2. What are the elements most considered in crop production? 3. What materials in a virgin soil contribute to the crop requirements of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium? Is this supply inexhaustible? 4. What is the theory of fertilizers? 5. What are the substances commonly used to add needed elements to soils, or to render more available what is there? 6. Of what value is leaf -mold, grass, etc.? 7. What is meant by green-manuring? What are the benefits to be derived through this practice? 8. Does green-manuring ever prove profitable? Is it always necessary to apply green manure? 9. What are the best kinds of green manuring crops? Why? 10. Why is it important to maintain the organic matter in soils? 11. Name some crops used in green-manuring. Discuss their adaptability to different conditions. 12. What are some points to bear in mind in plowing under green crops? 13. What crops usually follow green-manuring? Why? 14. Discuss the importance of green-manuring in soil improvement. 15. What should determine whether or not a crop should be plowed under instead of being cut for hay? What is rowen? 15 226 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM 16. In good soil management, is it necessary to sacrifice a crop (for green- manuring) to make soil improvement possible? Explain. 17. What are commercial fertilizers? How are the fertilizing elements hi fertilizers commonly expressed? 18. Name the four classes of commercial fertilizers. 19. Name the common nitrogen fertilizers, and mention some facts about each. 20. Are farmers to rely on nitrogen fertilizers as the source of nitrogen? Discuss this point. 21. Name the common phosphate fertilizers. Tell of their phosphorus content, and availability. 22. In what three ways may the fertilizing constituent of phosphate fertilizers be expressed? 23. How is rock phosphate made? Discuss its use as a fertilizer. 24. What is basic slag? TeU of its use. 25. Compare ground steamed bone meal and acid phosphate as fertilizers 26. Distinguish between phosphorus, acid phosphate and phosphoric acid. 27. Discuss in general the necessity of fertilizing with phosphates. 28. In what special ways do phosphates affect crops? 29. A soil of low fertility was found to have lost one-half of its original phos- phorus supply through exhaustive cropping. Is it absolutely necessary to add phosphates to raise the phosphorus content to the original amount before the soil can produce maximum yields? Explain. What kind of fertilizer should be used during the first few years of improvement? Later on what substitution may be made? 30. WTiat phosphate is best to use for top-dressing? When does bone meal give best results? Basic slag? Rock phosphate? 31. Under what conditions do phosphates give best results on some soils? 32. Which seems the more profitable, rock phosphate or acid phosphate? 33. Name the common potash fertilizers, and give some facts about each 34. Distinguish between potassium and "potash." 35. Are potash fertilizers very generally used? What soils are particularly in need of potassium? Name some crops requiring large amounts of this element. 36. Discuss the use and value of wood ashes, muriate and sulfate of potash, and kainit. 37. What are mixed and complete fertilizers? In practice, how are these fertilizers designated? 38. What can be said of the use of mixed fertilizers? 39. Discuss the relation of commercial fertilizers to the maintenance of soil fertility. 40. What really determines whether or not a farmer should use, or continue to use, commercial fertilizers? 41. What are the factors determining the kind of fertilizer to use? Discuss and illustrate. 42. Compare high and low grade fertilizers as to meaning and value. 43. What is to be said concerning home mixing of fertilizers? What materials should never be mixed? 44. Discuss the ways in which fertilizers may be applied. 45. Are there ever any beneficial after-effects produced by commercial fertil- izers? What makes this after-effect possible? PROBLEMS 227 46. What is meant by manure? About what is the fertilizing value of a ton of average farm manure? Are all manures of equal fertilizing value? Illustrate. 47. Explain how feeding affects the value of manure. 48. Of what value is the liquid portion of manure? 49. What is the three-fold benefit derived through manure applications? 50. Why is manure such an excellent fertilizer? 51. Discuss the care of manure. 52. Which is more economical, light or heavy applications of manure? How has this been demonstrated? 53. Should manure be plowed under for best results? 54. When is it good practice to apply the manure to the clover field? 55. Is winter application of manure a good practice? 56. Tell of the residual effect of manure. 57. Can manure alone be used in regenerating soils, or to maintain fer- tility? Explain. 58. What is reinforced manure? What are some materials used for this purpose? 59. What is the best reinforcing material for manure? Give a good illustration. 60. For an outline summary of this .chapter, see table of contents. PROBLEMS 1. A man applied muriate of potash (43 per cent K) to a peat soil at the rate of 100 pounds pier acre and grew 8 tons of silage corn per acre. Can he maintain the potassium supply of that soil if he continuest his method of fertilization for corn production? 2. A farmer applied a 3-12-4 fertilizer in the drill at the rate of 125 pounds to the acre, and thereby increased his corn crop 10 bushels per acre. Should he continue this practice? 3. "A" and "B" sell the same general grade of rock phosphate. A offers his for $10 per ton with a guarantee of 13 per cent phosphorus. B sells his for $12, guaranteeing a phosphoric acid content of 28 per cent. Who sells the cheaper fertilizer? 4. A land owner wishes to compound a fertilizer containing 5.25 per cent phosphorus and 10.5 per cent potassium for his marsh land. In what propor- tions should he mix acid phosphate (7 per cent P) and muriate of potash (42 per cent K)? 5. Compound a 2-8-3 fertilizer out of sodium nitrate (15 per cent N) acid phosphate (7 per cent P) and muriate of potash (42 per cent K). 6. A silt loam contains 0.04 per cent phosphorus. Its original content was 0.09 per cent. How much acid phosphate (7 per cent P) would be required to raise the phosphorus content of the soil to its original amount? How much rock phosphate (13 per cent P)? (See question 29.) 7. Determine the approximate, normal prices of the following fertilizers per ton: Sulfate of ammonia (20 per cent N), rock phosphate (30 per cent P2O5), acid phosphate (16 per cent PzOs), nitrate of soda (15 per cent N), kainit (14 per cent K20), muriate of potash (52 per cent K2O), and sulfate of potash (50 per cent K2O). 8. At 15 cents a pound for nitrogen, 10 cents for phosphorus, and 8 cents for potassium, determine the fertilizing value of sheep manure. Of good nen manure. 228 NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS AND POTASSIUM 9. A land owner grows corn averaging 65 bushels per acre, barley averaging 40 bushels per acre, oats yielding 50 bushels, red clover averaging 2 tons, and timothy yielding 2 tons per acre, in a 5-year rotation. _He manures once in the rotation, for corn, at the rate of 15 tons of average manure per acre. Assuming no loss of fertilizing elements through leaching, can the farmer expect to maintain the fertility of his soil by continuing this- practice? Would it be possible if it were a 3-year rotation with oats and timothy left out? 10. In a test, some horse manure containing 10.2 pounds of nitrogen, 1.84 pounds of phosphorus, and 8.8 pounds of potassium per ton, was left exposed to weathering for 6 months during the summer. During that time 36 per cent of the nitrogen, 50 per cent of the phosphorus and 60 per cent of potassium were lost. Suppose 50 tons were thus exposed, what would have been the total loss of each of the three fertilizing elements? Their total value at 15 cents, 10 cents and 8 cents per pound, respectively? 11. In the table, page 222, determine the per cent increase in net returns per ton of manure due to the use of phosphates as reinforcing materials. CHAPTER XIII SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING IN RELATION TO FERTILITY Soil Acidity Explained. — Many soils in humid regions are sour or acid in character, because they manifest certain chemical properties similar to acids. For example, an acid soil when sufficiently moistened with pure, distilled water, turns blue litmus paper1 red just as vinegar does, or the juice of an orange. This condition is commonly spoken of as "soil acidity." Soil Acidity Lowers Fertility. — Soil acidity is harmful in several ways: (a) It causes a lack of available calcium (Ca) to meet the demands of crops like alfalfa and clover; (6) it renders the plant- food elements less available; (c) it favors the development of malnutrition diseases, especially of truck crops; (d) it causes soils to be less responsive to fertilizer and manure treatments, and (e) it favors the growth of certain weeds. It is important, there- fore, that soil acidity be corrected to increase productiveness. Liming Defined. — The only economic way to correct soil acidity is through liming. This means the application of neutraliz- ing substances containing lime (CaO). In popular language " agricultural lime" is a general name given these substances, which may be either lime carbonates (CaO + carbon dioxide gas), lump or burnt lime (CaO), or hydrated lime (CaO -|- water). Whenever any such material is mixed in an acid soil, there begins at once a chemical reaction between the "lime" added and the soil, resulting in a disappearance of the acid conditions if a sufficient amount be applied. How Liming Improves Acid Soils. — Liming may improve acid soils in several ways: (a) Available calcium is added; (b) acidity and certain poisonous substances are neutralized, thus creating an environment much more favorable to the growth and .activity of the helpful soil bacteria, and to the growth of tender roots; (c) plant-food elements in soils are rendered more available; (d) greater returns are secured from fertilization; (e) the contin- ued use of lime on acid clays and clay loams tends to improve their 1 Blue litmus paper is paper saturated with blue litmus, and is commonly used as an indicator for acids. Litmus is a dyestuff extracted from certain lichens. It has the property of turning blue in an alkaline solution and red in an acid. 229 230 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING structure, and hence favors the development of good tilth; (/) weeds can be better controlled. Calcium is to be regarded as an important plant-food element, particularly in growing alfalfa, clover, peas, etc. Alfalfa fails on an ordinary acid soil because it cannot secure sufficient calcium to meet its needs. Such crops as corn and grain, on the other hand, may grow quite well on acid soils, because there is still sufficient calcium in such soils to supply the needs of these crops (table on page 62; Figs. 149 and 156). Any acids formed in soils through natural processes are neu- tralized by lime if it is present. In soils certain substances other than acids may be formed which may prove injurious if allowed to accumulate. Lime destroys the poisonous effect of many of these substances. The helpful soil organisms especially are injured when soils become acid. Most of them favor soils that are suffi- ciently supplied with lime. This explains why it is best to lime an acid soil before it is inoculated, particularly for alfalfa. It has been shown that plant-food elements are more available in non-acid than in acid soils.- This is especially true in the case of phosphorus. Often in a field of uniform silt loam, for example, crops suffer for want of phosphorus on acid areas, while on the areas not acid a phosphorus deficiency is not manifested— even though the acid soil contains more total phosphorus than the non-acid areas. Acid soils are generally in need of phos- phate fertilizers. It is wise economy to lime an acid soil if for no other reason than to enable the soil to give greater returns from manure and fertilizers. Some interesting results from the Ohio Station are presented in the following table. These are the results of an experi- ment extending through twelve years in a five-year rotation of corn, oats, wheat, clover and timothy, on an acid, long-cropped soil. This experiment is being continued. These results, and many others, plainly show that liming is the first step in the improvement of an acid soil. When crops like alfalfa and clover fail, or are poor and thin because of soil acidity, weeds have a better chance to grow, owing to the fact that they meet with little or no competition. On the other hand, when alfalfa and clover grow thick and strong under favorable conditions as regards lime, etc., the weeds are smothered. Sheep sorrel, or field sorrel, thrives especially well on acid fields in which clover or alfalfa fails. WHEN LIMING IS MOST PROFITABLE Effect of Liming an Acid Soil 231 Average value of crops per acre Average cost of lime and fertilizer Net gain per acre Treatment (once in 5 years) per rotation! per acre per rotation per rotation Unlimed Limed Unlimed Limed Unlimed Limed No manure, no fertilizer. . $49.40 $61.40 $ $ 5.00J $ $ 7.00 Manure (8 tons per acre) . 78.58 94.49 16.00 21.00 14.96§ 25.87 Acid phosphate (320 Ibs. per A.) 67.80 81.80 2.60 7.60 15.20 24.20 Complete fertilizer* 87.76 104.49 17.60 22.60 23.46 35.09 * Application per acre consisted of a mixture of 240 pounds nitrate of soda, 480 pounds acid phosphate and 240 pounds muriate of potash. f Corn was rated at 40 cents per bushel, oats at 30 cents, wheat at 80 cents, corn stover at $3.00 per ton, straw at $2.00 and hay at $8.00. t The equivalent of 4 tons of carbonate of lime (pulverized limestone) was applied to the acre in the 12 years. Average cost, $3.00 a ton laid on the land. § Increases were calculated not on the average of all the unfertilized plots, but on the average of two unfertilized plots, one on either side of a treated plot. Liming Beneficial in Conjunction with Green Manuring. — An acid soil is unfavorable to the decomposition of green-manuring crops and to nitrification. Moreover, during the decomposition of green crops plowed under, acids are formed, causing a temporary increase in the degree of acidity. For most crops the presence of lime to neutralize these acids as soon as they form proves bene- ficial. At the Virginia Truck Station best results were secured with peas and beans when lime was used in conjunction with cow- peas plowed under green or dry in the fall. For best results it is desirable, therefore, to lime an acid soil before planting a green- manuring crop, or in some cases, to lime just after the crop is turned under. When Liming is Most Profitable. — Liming is most profitable when growing alfalfa. It is common to obtain increases from 100 to 600 per cent in the growth of alfalfa by liming acid soils, or to secure a successful producing stand over absolute failure (Fig. 149). Seventy per cent of the alfalfa failures studied in Wisconsin in the period from 1912 to 1917 were due to acid soils. Liming acid soils for alfalfa, particularly,, may be the means of saving much expense in hay production, since it is more economical to produce twenty-five tons of alfalfa from five acres properly prepared than from fifteen acres in need of lime. Just liming alone has proved about as beneficial as manuring in growing corn on some very acid, black, sandy soils.2 2 These soils are so strongly acid, farmers consider them barren. 232 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING CQ £ "O O S O l 11 HOW TO TELL ACID SOILS 233 Liming, and also inoculation, may prove very profitable in growing peas3 (Fig. 122). Other Crops Benefited by Liming. — Aside from alfalfa, medium red, Japan, and mammoth clovers, and peas, the following field crops are directly benefited by liming when grown on acid soils: Cabbage, sugar beets, tobacco, and to a lesser extent, soybeans, barley, peanuts, hemp, muskmelons, and rape. The following garden crops grow best on soils sufficiently supplied with lime: Asparagus, common beets, celery, lettuce, onions, parsnips, peppers, salsify, spinnach, and to a lesser extent, the eggplant. Crops Which Tolerate Acidity. — There are many crops that grow well on slightly or medium acid soils — lupines,4 cowpeas, vel- vet beans, vetch, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, oats, wheat, cotton, rye, buckwheat, alsike, crimson and bur clovers, beans, millet, red top, watermelon, blackberry, raspberry and strawberry. Alsike clover, soybeans, velvet beans, crimson clover and bur clover are well adapted to acid soils, though they grow best on limed soils, especially if strongly acid. Certain citrus fruits, such as grape-fruit, are harmed by liming. Other crops, like pineapple, have been injured by an excess of lime on sandy soils. In some cases, liming favors the development of certain crop diseases, such as scab in potatoes; and in other instances it is the best remedy — club-root in cabbage and nematodes on root crops, for example. The fact that there are many crops that can tolerate soil acidity does not mean that they are not benefited in any way by liming. Most of these crops respond to liming because of its general renovating effect. When clover, for example, is benefited through the use of agricultural lime and a prime sod is produced, the crops following must necessarily be increased because of the better clover and improved soil conditions. It is fortunate, never- theless, that there are so many good crops that can tolerate slight to medium degrees of soil acidity, since soil acidity is so prevalent in humid regions. How to Tell Acid Soils. — Acid soils may be determined in different ways, as follows: 3 A 3-year test at Columbus, Wisconsin, gave an average increase of 32.4 per cent due to liming alone. Field had been inoculated. Soil, silt loam. 4 Lupines generally do not respond to liming, but are frequently injured, instead. Cowpeas seem to grow well without liming. 234 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING (a) By the Use of Blue Litmus Paper. — This method consists in allowing well-moistened soil to come in contact with blue litmus paper, which can be secured of any good druggist. When the soil is moist from rain or on thawing, make a slit in it with a clean knife blade and insert one end of a piece of blue litmus paper, then press the soil over it and allow it to stand for fully three minutes. If the paper becomes pink in spots or over the whole end, the soil is acid. This test may also be made by placing the litmus paper hi between two halves of a ball of wet soil; and, also, if the soil is dry, by placing a small amount of soil in a clean dish and moisten- ing it with boiled, soft water to a stiff mud. By means of a clean stick, the litmus paper is placed between two portions of the wet soil. Another way is to place a strip of blue litmus paper on a piece of clean window glass, make a mud ball, break it into halves, place one of the halves flat side down over the paper on the glass, press the soil down firmly, and allow it to stand for five minutes. Precautions. — Do not mistake a fading of the blue color of the paper as an acid reaction; the change of color should be from blue or light blue to pink or pink-red. Keep the litmus paper, when not testing, in the dark and in a clean bottle or box. Do not allow the portion of the litmus paper which is to be placed in the soil to come in contact with perspired fingers or hands. Perspira- tion is acid in character. Use water that has been previously boiled. The litmus paper test is simple and reliable for field use, but it cannot determine the " degree" of acidity very accurately. (b) By Chemical Tests. — Several chemical tests may be used, not only to detect an acid condition, but also to determine the degree of acidity and the amount of lime necessary to correct this condition.5 (c) By Alfalfa and Clover Failures. — Since alfalfa and medium red and mammoth clovers are more or less "sensitive" to acidity, the failure of these crops usually indicates acid soils (Fig. 149). (d) By the Growth of Certain Plants. — Peat beds on which blueberry, huckleberry and cranberry grow are acid. Uplands on which blueberries grow are also acid. Clover and alfalfa fields 5 The Truog Soil Acidity Test devised at the Wisconsin Station may be mentioned as a simple and accurate test for determining the degree of acidity in soils, and the amount of agricultural lime to use in specific cases. Simple apparatus for making this test may be purchased of school supply houses. HOW TO TELL ACID SOILS 235 Fia. 150. — Two weeds that thrive on acid soils when clover or alfalfa fails. To left, horse- tail rush; to right, sheep sorrel, or horse sorrel. (Wisconsin Station.) 236 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING infested with sheep sorrel, horsetail rush (Fig, 150), common plantain, paintbrush, corn spurry and wood horsetail are usually acid. The fields become infested with such weeds because the soil conditions are unfavorable to the clover or alfalfa. Conversely, soils on which alfalfa, sweet clover and the June- berry grow are usually not acid. Marsh lands, or other low soils, which become thinly coated with a white substance invariably are not acid (Fig. 151). This white substance in humid climates is usually mild alkali. FIQ. 151. — This marsh soil is not acid because it becomes coated with a thin, white coating of mild alkali. Low Wet Lands Not Necessarily Acid. — It is commonly believed that all low, wet soils are sour. In a general sense, there is no relation, whatever, between wet lands and acidity. In sections in which both acid and non-acid soils occur, the low soils are the least acid or not sour at all; either because of seepage which brings carbonate of lime and other substances to the surface, or because carbonate of lime is washed down from the surrounding uplands, as in a limestone country. Acidity is rarely found in soils or valleys which are frequently flooded by streams coming from limestone regions. Peat and muck soils surrounded by high, limestone soils are ACID SOILS ARE EXTENSIVE 237 generally not acid, or only slightly so; whereas those in sections where limestone is absent are generally strongly acid. How Soils Become Acid. — Soils become acid when they lose carbonate of lime and other substances of a similar chemical nature. In mineral soils, deficiency of carbonate of lime is brought about by leaching and cropping. Leaching is the greater factor. Certain determinations have shown that on ordinary cropped fields the total amount of lime removed annually by leaching is equivalent to 300 to 500 pounds of carbonate of lime per acre to a depth of four feet. From uncropped, cultivated fields the losses may double these amounts. FIQ. 152. — Soil acidity is increased by dust from zinc-ore roasters. Vegetation in back- ground destroyed by sulfur fumes. (Wisconsin.) In undrained peat and muck soils, acidity develops through the accumulation of acids resulting from the decomposition of the organic matter; and in drained and cropped peats, deficiency of lime may be brought about in the same manner as in mineral soils. Acid Soils Are Extensive. — The great majority of soils of the East, South and portions of the Middle West are in immediate need of liming, not to mention extensive areas elsewhere. Three- fourths and more of the soils of New York, Wisconsin and Indiana are acid ; most of the soils of Massachusetts have not sufficient lime for highest productivity; the soils of the greater portion of Tennessee are acid ; large areas of Missouri and Oregon are in need of liming; the same may be said of Georgia, Mississippi and other states. 238 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING The Nature of Soil Acidity. — In practically all upland, acid mineral soils, the acid characteristics are imparted to them mainly by insoluble acid substances which in themselves are soil particles. In such soils, therefore, reduction of acidity through leaching is impossible. In some cases, upland soils may be acid because of the accumu- lation of certain organic or mineral acids (Figs. 152 and 153). In undrained, cumulose soils, acidity is due, in a large measure, to the presence of soluble organic acids which may be largely leached out when the marsh is thoroughly drained. On low sand islands in undrained acid marshes, the soils are usually strongly acid because they are saturated with the organic acids from the surrounding peat. When the marshes are drained these sand islands become less acid. Permanent acidity in peat must neces- sarily result from the presence of insoluble, acid organic substances. Loss of lime increases the acidity of drained, acid peats. Kinds of Agricultural Lime. — Many materials are suitable for liming soils, such as: ' a. — Pulverized limestone. 6. — Air-slaked lime. c. — Marl. d. — Waste lime. e. — Pulverized shells. /. — Marble dust. g. — Pulverized coral. h.— Chalk. B. Lump or burnt lime (CaO). C. Hydrated lime (CaO+water) Pulverized Limestone. — Strictly speaking, limestone is calcium carbonate (Fig. 154). When a rock consists of a combination of calcium and magnesium carbonates it is called magnesian lime- stone or dolomite. The name " limestone" is commonly applied to both rocks. Limestone may be distinguished from other rocks by the fact that it gives off bubbles of gas when treated with dilute acid (muriatic acid). This is a common test for any carbonate. Limestone is prepared for direct agricultural use by crushing and pulverizing (Fig. 155). When it is pulverized so that about fifty to sixty per cent of the material will pass through a sixty- mesh sieve6 it may be considered of standard fineness (Fig. 156). The fine material produces immediate action in soils, while the 6 A 60-mesh sieve means a sieve having perforations & of an inch in diameter. A. Carbonates of lime (CaO+CO2) PULVERIZED LIMESTONE 239 FIG. 153. — Soil acidity caused by mineral acid. Sulfide sludge washed over bottom-land. Weathering of sludge destroyed vegetation. (Wisconsin.) FIG. 154. — A limestone quarry. A source of agricultural lime. coarse particles give to the soil a reserve of lime carbonate. The best grades of limestone contain from 90 to 100 per cent carbonates. 240 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING In sections far from railroads and from limestone-pulverizing plants, and in which outcrops of good limestone occur, farmers may find it much more economical to pulverize their own limestone by using small pulverizing machines (Fig. 157). Limestone is often found on farms where the fields are acid (Figs. 158 and 159). FIG. 155. — Limestone pulverizers are built on the swing-hammer principle. Limestone screenings from crushed rock are frequently used for liming. Sometimes this material is as fine as pulverized lime- stone, but more often it is rather coarse, and hence slow acting. Magnesian limestone in general is equally as good as pure limestone for liming. Pulverized limestone is considered best to use on sandy soils. PULVERIZED LIMESTONE 241 *?•' FIG. 156. — Limestone converted into soil improvement material. This soil is acid even though it is underlaid by limestone. FIG. 157. — This farmer is pulverizing his own limestone for soil improvement. 16 242 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING FIG. 158. — This farmer found a good outcrop of excellent limestone. strongly acid. Most of his soils are FIG. 159. — A soil derived from limestone and underlaid by crumbled limestone. This soil is acid to a depth of three and one-half feet, within two inches of the rotten limestone. Air-slaked Lime. — This is formed when lime used in making plaster and mortar is exposed to the air. On exposure, the carbon dioxide gas of the air is absorbed and this action converts the lime LUMP OR BURNT LIME 243 into lime carbonate again. Air-slaked lime is usually finely divided and can be applied directly to the land. Marl is a name given to earthy deposits, usually more or less friable in character and containing varying amounts of carbonate of lime. Marl beds are usually found in marshes. If a farmer has a deposit of good marl and his soils are acid, he can utilize such a deposit as a source of agricultural lime. Marl should be allowed to air-dry before using (Fig. 8). Pulverized kiln-dried marl may be purchased for liming in some sections. In New Jersey, the term "marl" is applied to Greensand material which contains some potassium. Deposits of shells partially disintegrated and more or less cemented together are found in some localities. Such deposits are commonly called " shell marl." Waste lime is a by-product from industries, such as lime- kilns, gas works, paper mills, beet sugar factories, tanneries and water-softening processes. Some of this material may contain substances that might be injurious to plant growth ; and sometimes it is very wet, making its application difficult and transporta- tion unprofitable. Pulverized Shells and Coral. — Oyster shells, clam shells, and coral, when cleaned of dirt and organic matter, contain from ninety to ninety-five per cent carbonate of lime. When pulverized these make excellent materials for liming. Shell dust may be secured in some places as a waste product from button and chicken grit factories. Marble Dust. — In the East, limited amounts of marble dust as waste from marble works are available. This is high-grade liming material. Natural chalk is carbonate of lime that has been deposited in much the same way that marl has been. Chalk has been used to a considerable extent in European countries. In this country such deposits are of insufficient extent to be considered a source of agricultural lime. Lump or Burnt Lime. — This is quick or caustic lime — the most concentrated form of lime that may be used. It is produced by heating limestone to a red heat in kilns, thus driving out the carbon dioxide gas and leaving the common lump lime. This form of lime can be procured in every town. When used in proper amounts little or no injury can come from its use, especially on 244 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING the heavier soils. It should be finely ground, water-slaked or air-slaked before applying. When lump lime is finely ground the term " ground lime" is given it. Lump lime for agricultural use is more generally used in the Eastern States than in the Middle West. Hydrated Lime. — When lump lime is treated with water or steam, in the absence of air it becomes a powder quite like ground lime in appearance, if the proper amount of water or steam is used. The names "hydrated lime," "limoid" and "lunate" are given this product by manufacturers. It is finely divided and ranks next to lump lime in concentration. This material is not commonly purchased for liming. Land-plaster Cannot Correct Acidity. — Land-plaster, or gyp- sum, is sulfate of lime, a material quite different from carbonate of lime. Under certain conditions it supplies calcium and sulfur as plant-food elements, but when pure it has no value in correcting acidity. Usually common land-plaster contains a trace of car- bonates as impurities, but not enough to give it any value as a neutralizer. Comparative Value of Agricultural Limes. — The neutralizing value of any material used in liming depends upon its content of lime (CaO) or the equivalent in carbonates, and on its fineness. Pure limestone, for example, contains fifty-six per cent lime (CaO), or it is 100 per cent lime carbonate — forty-four per cent being carbon dioxide gas (CO2). It is the calcium and magnesium or their oxides (CaO and MgO) which produce the beneficial effect in acid soils; and the finer the material, the quicker the action. Accordingly, the comparative value of the different forms of lime may be stated as follows: (a) On the basis of lime content — one ton of lump lime equals 1.3 tons of hydrated lime equals 1.8 tons of carbonate of lime. (6) On the basis of neutralizing value when dry and of equal fineness — one ton of lump lime equals 1.3 tons of hydrated lime equals 1.8 tons of carbonate of lime. (c) On the basis of quickness of action, considering pulverized limestone as it is commonly used — one ton of lump lime finely divided is equal to about three tons or more of pulverized limestone. Finely pulverized limestone is much more effective than coarsely crushed limestone. Best Material for Liming. — For first application to benefit special crops like alfalfa, it is desirable to use finely divided WHEN AND HOW TO APPLY LIME 245 material. Coarse material may be used for subsequent applica- tions. For quick results, lump lime, hydrated lime or finely divided air-slaked lime may be used. Pulverized limestone, marl, ground shells, or marble dust is usually preferred on sandy soils. Lump and air-slaked lime may also be used, but never in excessive amounts. On acid peats and mucks, lump lime, hydrated lime and fine air-slaked lime are good. Ordinarily, the best agricultural lime to use is that material which is finely divided and which contains the most lime, or car- bonate equivalent, in a dollar's purchase (all cost and labor to get it applied to be considered). It is important, therefore, to know the moisture and lime, or carbonate, content of any material before buying. Whenever agricultural lime is secured through transportation, it is cheapest to purchase it in carload lots. Amounts of Lime to Apply. — The following rates of application to the acre may serve as guides in liming: One ton pulverized limestone, marl On light soils (per acre) Of slight acidity Of strong acidity or shell dust (preferred) 500 to 1000 pounds lump lime or 1 ton air-slaked lime Two to 4 tons pulverized limestone, marl or shell dust (preferred) One to \1A tons lump lime, or from 2 to 3 tons air-slaked lime tons pulverized limestone, On the heavier soils (per acre) f One to (Of slight acidity On<™ { or hydrated lime ton lump Two to 4 tons pulverized limestone, or other carbonate. (Heavy appli- cations for crops like alfalfa, clover Of strong acidity \ and peas) One and one-half to 2 tons lump lime. (Especially good for clay loams and clays) The coarser or more wet the material, the heavier should be the application. Poor acid soils are in greater need of lime than rich acid soils. When and How to Apply Lime. — In liming it is well to remember that the place for lime is in the soil and not on top of it; and the more thoroughly it is mixed with the soil, the better the results. Commonly, the full effect does not show until two to four years after the lime application is made. Any rational method whereby lime may become thoroughly incorporated in the soil is recom- mended (Fig. 160). 246 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING Liming should be done previous to planting the crop to receive the direct benefit. To be most effective, lime should be applied to plowed land and thoroughly mixed in by harrowing or disking. Application may be made at any convenient time. It is good prac- tice, when alfalfa and clover is to follow corn, to apply the lime when the ground is fitted for corn, particularly if a carbonate form is used. In so doing the acidity is much reduced before the alfalfa or clover is sown. In such cases pulverized limestone may be conven- iently applied by spreading it over the spreader-loads of manure. FIG. 160. — Applying lime with a lime spreader. Lime is most conveniently applied through the use of lime spreaders (Fig. 160). When only a few acres are to be limed at a time, the material may be spread by hand directly from the wagon if it is damp enough to prevent excessive blowing; otherwise it is best to place the material in small piles, then spread it over the ground by means of shovels. Lump lime is best applied by placing it in small piles about two rods apart each way on plowed ground. If a ton, for example, is to be applied to the acre, fifty pounds should be placed in each pile. When the lime becomes slaked, it is spread and disked. It is usually best to shovel the pile over at least once to facili- tate slaking. Dry air-slakod lime, quicklime, hydrated lime and kiln-dried CROPPING CONSERVES LIME 247 marl are disagreeable to handle because of the dust inhaled. Wearing a moist sponge over the nose is a good precaution. Applying Lime As a Top-Dressing. — The application of finely pulverized limestone, marl and thoroughly air-slaked lime as a top-dressing on sandy soils for young clover or alfalfa may prove quite beneficial, though best results may be obtained by liming the plowed field sufficiently before seeding. The openness of a sandy soil enables the fine lime particles to be carried down more or less into the soil. Top-dressings on heavy silt and clay loams have not given satisfactory results, for these soils do not permit the entrance of lime particles as do sandy soils. Sometimes a farmer wishes to lime his spring's seeding of clover on open silt loam, for example. In such a case, partially air- slaked or hydrated lime, finely divided, applied at the rate of a ton and a half or two tons to the acre early the following spring before the frost is out may prove beneficial. Such an application should not be made after the young plants have started their new year's growth, because sufficient caustic lime may be present in the mate- rial to injure them. The application of lime as a top-dressing for pasture and per- manent hay lands rarely proves profitable. The lime, exposed to rain as it lies on the firm surface, loses its fine physical state, and is taken but slowly into the body of the soil. How Often to Lime. — The effect of even a moderate application of lime on an acid soil lasts a number of years. Leaching experi- ments have shown that the lime added to an acid soil does not leach out so rapidly as is commonly believed. Some experiments and field tests have shown that when agricultural lime is mixed into the top six inches of an ordinary acid soil, it passes downward very slowly. On some fields which were limed more than ten years ago, the effect of the lime seems to be just as apparent now as then. When an acid soil is given an application of lime sufficient to neutralize all the acidity in the surface six or eight inches, subsequent liming may not be necessary for many years. The need of more lime can easily be determined by testing the soil for acidity. Cropping Conserves Lime. — On an acid silt loam at the Cornell Station, New York, an application of burnt lime, at the rate of 3000 pounds per acre, did not increase the amount of lime found in the drainage waters from that soil.7 These leaching experiments 7 Cornell Sta. Memoir 12, 1918. The soil was acid in the first 3 feet and not acid at the fourth foot in depth. 248 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING show an average annual loss of about 433 pounds of carbonate of lime per acre to a depth of four feet when the land is cropped, and a loss of 918 pounds per acre when the land is left bare without any vegetation. The equivalent of thirty-three pounds of carbonate of lime was removed by the crops. Thus the equivalent of 452 pounds of carbonate of lime was conserved by cropping the land. These experiments show that cropping conserves the lime in the soil as compared with the same soil left bare, and that the annual loss of carbonate of lime per acre to a depth of one foot is probably not much more than about 108 pounds when the land is cropped.8 Deep Plowing Cannot Be Substituted for Liming. — It is some- times reasoned that the lime which leaches out of the soil is caught and held in the subsoil, and that if the land is plowed deeply, this lime can again be brought to the surface. When soils are medium to strongly acid, this is impossible, since to a depth of a foot or more the subsoil is just as acid as, or more acid than, the first six or eight inches of surface soil.9 Residual Soils from Limestone Become Acid. — It is usually difficult for farmers in certain sections in which are found soils derived from and underlaid by limestone to understand how it is possible for them to become acid. Frequently in such cases the carbonate of lime has been so thoroughly leached out of them that the subsoils to depths of fifty inches or more, or to within two or three inches of the rotten, underlying limestone, possess extremely high degrees of acidity (Fig. 159). The Surface Soil the Critical Zone. — It is a common belief that soil acidity has a direct injurious action on the roots of plants. Alfalfa, if any, would be most affected, since it so often fails because of acidity. On the contrary, no such injury has ever been found in ordinary acid soils.10 Again, it is often thought 8 Illinois Station concludes that the equivalent of 540 to 760 pounds of carbonate of lime is leached from the surface 21 inches of soil annually. 111. Bui. 212, 1919. 9 Based on the Truog test for acidity. Author's conclusions based on the tests of more than 300 samples of soil collected in 6-inch zones from more than 50 widely scattered fields. ' 10 Hundreds of alfalfa roots extending into deep, strongly acid subsoils have been examined by the author on widely scattered fields. Recent investi- gations at the Wisconsin Station show that the acidity of the plant sap is sometimes higher than that of most acid soils. The acidity within the root, therefore, is often greater than that outside in the surrounding soil. USE AND MISUSE OF LIME 249 that it is unnecessary to lime an acid soil underlaid by limestone, because the plant roots would quickly penetrate deep enough to feed on the carbonate of lime. Numerous experiments show clearly that when an acid soil is limed and the material thoroughly incor- porated in the surface five to eight inches, alfalfa can be grown most successfully; and if not limed, failure results, regardless of the facts that the acid soil may be underlaid at depths of two feet or more by partially decomposed limestone, and thorough inocu- lation made (Fig. 149). Alfalfa Can Grow Well on Rich Acid Soils. — In some sections it is not rare to see most excellent crops of alfalfa growing on quite acid soils without liming and inoculation. These are either tobacco fields which have been heavily manured annually for several years, or rich and well-drained new lands. In either case the alfalfa feeds on the soil as corn does, for example — being able to secure its requirements without liming and without the aid of nitrogen-fixing, nodule organisms. In some of these fields the alfalfa roots were fairly well supplied with nodules, though not nearly so well as compared with alfalfa growing in normal non- acid soils: Usually, however, it is profitable to lime even these soils as well as those only slightly acid when growing alfalfa. It has also been found that the richer the soil the higher the degree of acidity alfalfa can tolerate. Not Necessary to Neutralize All Acidity at Once. — Some soils are so strongly acid that it would be prohibitive to apply sufficient lime to neutralize at once all the acidity in the surface six or eight inches. For most general farm crops it is not necessary. In such cases, a three-ton or four-ton initial application of pulverized limestone, for example, may be sufficient to give desirable results (Fig. 149). Use and Misuse of Lime. — The use of lime in agriculture is perhaps one of the most striking illustrations of the tendency on the part of the farmer to seek some panacea, or cure-all, for soil ailments. Its use in farming dates back to 1100 B.C., and earlier. History shows that in some places liming has been encouraged and again discouraged, doubtless because of its misuse. The two following quotations are good illustrations: "Now that this lime [meaning lump or quicklime] is of excellent use, and wonderful profit, do but behold almost all the Countries of the Kingdom where there is any barrenness, and you 250 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING shall find and see how frequently Lime is used, in so much that of mine own knowledge in some Countries where (in times past) there was one Bushel made or used, there is now many loads, and all risen from the profitable experience which men have found in the same." (Published in London, Eng., 1660.) "We must guard against its [referring to lump or quicklime] abuse, for it has been abused terribly hi times past, so much so as to give rise to two dictums — inexact it is true: 'Lime enriches the father and impoverishes the son'; and again, 'Lime once and make a fortune. Lime twice and lose it/ In either case the blame ought not to be put on the lime, but on the person who has abused it. It would be better to say, 'When lime has impoverished the soil it is because the farmer does not know how to use it. ' ' (Pub- lished in London, Eng., 1916.) Too much should not be expected of agricultural lime. It contains no nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium,11 and hence it cannot supply any of these elements. It alone can never maintain fertility or restore a depleted soil to its original productive- ness. An eminent liming authority12 in this country has written the following: "Lime will not take the place of fertilizer or manure; on the contrary, lime will only produce its full effect on land that has been previously well fertilized or manured." Fertility Regulated Through Liming. — The benefits to be derived through liming are so fundamentally important that sufficient lime in the soil may be regarded as a fertility regulator. Its proper use in increasing crop production and in maintaining fertility presupposes the presence of a good supply of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Just lime alone, therefore, is not the only material to add to a depleted soil to grow good clover or alfalfa, or to regenerate that soil. Liming is a necessary first step towards improvement, to be supplemented or followed by the use of phos- phate fertilizers, manure, green manure and, on some soils, a general use of fertilizers including potassium. Lime, acid phos- phate, and manure may be added the same season. It is best, however, to mix the lime thoroughly into the soil before applying any soluble phosphates. An old slogan said: "Lime and lime without manure makes both farm and farmer poor." "Waste lime from beet-sugar factories contains small amounts of these elements. 12 Director Thome of the Ohio Station. LABORATORY EXERCISES 251 Whenever liming alone increases general crop production, fertilizer needs become more urgent, since the increases make a heavier draft on the soil reserve of the plant-food elements. Though there are many crops that can tolerate acidity, yet most of them will respond to liming because of the favorable con- ditions created within the soil by the added lime. It is, indeed, a deplorable fact, that in some sections farming without the use of agricultural lime represents much waste of time, money and effort. Illustration Material for Lessons. — Show 3 forms of agricultural lime — burnt lime, hydrated lime and air-slaked lime (carbonate of lime). Show 2 or 3 other lime carbonates. Show a good grade of pulverized limestone, or other forms of agricul- tural * lime. Demonstrations. — Material Needed.— -Several strips of blue litmus paper; a little vinegar; an orange; an apple; a little ammonia water; a pint each of strongly acid upland soil and undrained acid peat; a Truog soil-acidity testing outfit; a small baking-powder can; a bottle of muriatic acid; several materials containing lime carbonate; 12 tumblers; a 20-mesh screen; a 100-mesh screen; 2 tablespoonfuls of coarsely crushed limestone; and a teaspoonful of very finely pulverized limestone. To Demonstrate the Reaction of Acid Substances, Including an Acid Soil, on Blue Litmus Paper. — Procedure. — With blue litmus paper test the reaction of vinegar, of water, ammonia water, apple juice, orange juice, and of strongly acid soil. Question. — When is a soil said to be acid or sour? To Demonstrate the Truog Acidity Test. — Procedure. — Follow directions accompanying testing outfit. A. Demonstrate the reaction of a strongly acid soil. B. Test the same soil, only use hard water instead of distilled water. Ex- plain results. To Demonstrate the Nature of Soil Acidity. — Procedure. — A. Fill a small baking-powder can with an acid sandy soil. (Perforate the bottom and place a piece of cheese cloth over the bottom.) Allow about 4 quarts of hot soft water to percolate through the sand. Dry a sample and retest for acidity. Compare the results with first test. Question. — Why is it not possible to wash out the "acidity" in the sandy soil? B. Repeat the experiment and use 'an undrained acid peat soil. Ex- plain results. To Show How to Test for a Carbonate. — Procedure. — Put a teaspoonful of lump lime into a tumbler and pour on it about a tablespoonful of dilute muri- atic acid. Repeat test and use air-slaked lime, limestone, shells, coral, etc. To Demonstrate that the Fine Material in Pulverized Limestone is the Quick-acting Material. — Procedure. — A. Obtain about 2 teaspoonfuls of crushed limestone (from a sample of pulverized limestone) that will not pass through a 20-mesh screen. Wash this coarse material thoroughly several times with acidulated water to remove all adhering fine particles. Obtain a teaspoonful of fine material that will pass through a 100- or 200-mesh screen. Fill a tumbler half full of water and add a few drops of muriatic acid to make distinctly acid to blue litmus paper. Mix thoroughly. Pour one-half of the acid solution into a second tumbler. Into one put the two teaspoonfuls of coarse particles of limestone, stir, and let stand 30 or 45 minutes, then test 252 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING again with blue litmus paper. Into the other tumbler pour the teaspoonful of the fine material, stir for a few seconds, and test with blue litmus paper. Explain results. B. Repeat the test but use pure gypsum (calcium sulfate) instead of the finely pulverized limestone. Laboratory Exercises. — Material Needed. — Several small strips each of blue and red litmus paper; 8 tumblers; about a cupful each of 3 soils to test for acidity; a half cupful each of a common salt solution, soapy water, vinegar solution sweetened with sugar, and sour milk or whey; four or five saucers; a piece of window glass; a small amount of pure gypsum (calcium sulfate); 4-quart samples of agricultural limes; a bottle Of muriatic acid; and a quart of coal ashes. To Determine the Reaction of Different Solutions by the Use of Litmus Paper. — Procedure. — A. Dip a small piece of blue litmus paper into an acid solution provided. What happened? Try a piece of red litmus paper. Any reaction? Acid turns blue litmus paper red. B. Dip a piece of blue litmus paper into an alkaline solution. Any reac- tion? Test with a piece of red litmus paper. What change takes place? An alkaline solution turns red litmus paper blue. An alkaline solution has an opposite reaction to that of an acid solution. C. Test pure water with blue and red litmus paper. Water is a neutral material, neither acid nor alkaline. D. By the use of blue and red litmus paper determine the reaction of the following solutions: A common salt solution; soapy water; vinegar solution sweetened with sugar; and sour milk or whey. Question. — -What is litmus? To Test for Soil Acidity by the Use of Blue Litmus Paper — Procedure. — A. Place about 3 tablespoonfuls of soil in a clean saucer and moisten to a thick mud with clean, soft water, previously boiled. With a clean stick separate the mud into two portions and lay on one portion a piece of blue litmus paper. Press the other portion of wet soil firmly down on the paper; leave for about 3 to 5 minutes, then carefully remove the upper portion of the soil and examine the paper. Note results, and interpret. B. Test another soil, but this tune place the piece of blue litmus paper between the two halves of a mud ball. C. Test a third soil. This time lay litmus paper on a piece of window glass, and cover with one-half of a mud ball. To Show that Lime Will Correct Soil Acidity. — Procedure. — A. Place about three tablespoonfuls of acid soil in a clean saucer and thoroughly mix with it about a quarter of a teaspoonful, or less, of air-slaked lime. Moisten the mixture and test with blue litmus paper as before. (Select either one of the three methods.) B. Repeat and use pure gypsum (calcium sulfate) instead. Question.— What effect did the lime have on the acid soil? To Study Different Forms of Agricultural Lime. — Procedure. — Examine carefully the samples of different agricultural limes provided and record facts and observations in tabular form as follows: Common name Carbonate, hydrate or quick lime Application per acre Cost per ton Characteristics: color, fineness, moisture content, carbonate content QUESTIONS 253 Test the different materials for carbonates by placing about a quarter of a teaspoonf ill in a tumbler and pouring on a few drops of dilute muriatic acid. Questions. — (a) What kind of gas is given off when a carbonate is treated with acid? 6) What becomes of much of this gas after it escapes into the air? c) What is a carbonate? d) Name three carbonates. (e) What kinds of carbonates are present in pure limestone, wood ashes, and air-slaked lime? (/) Would you use coal ashes as a neutralizer for acid soils? As a fertilizer? Home Experiments or Projects. — Object. — To demonstrate the profitable use of agricultural lime on acid soil for alfalfa, clover, lespedeza or peas. Procedure. — Select an acre or half an acre of well-drained acid soil. Divide into two portions. Thoroughly lime one plot and leave the other plot unlimed. Sow alfalfa, peas, lespedeza or common medium red clover. Inoculate both plots. Determine to what extent the use of lime increased the value of the land as an income producer. (Consider the crop grown.) Determine net profits in the use of lime (Fig. 149). To Demonstrate the Need of Both Lime and Phosphate on a Long- cropped Acid Soil. — Procedure. — Select an area of acid soil, divide into two strips, and lime, as described in above project. After the lime is thoroughly mixed into the soil by disking, apply acid phosphate on one-half of each strip at the rate of 300 pounds per acre. "Drag" the fertilizer into the soil. Plant corn the first year, grain the second, and clover the third. Apply 200 pounds of acid phosphate for grain the second year. Apply the fertilizer to the same end receiving the phosphate for corn. Do not fail to inoculate the whole area for the clover. Determine the net profits from liming and the use of lime and phosphate for the 3-year period. Field Studies. — 1. Collect sample of soils from a few fields showing indi- cations of acidity and test for acidity either in the field or laboratory. 2. Collect samples of soil from areas growing good clover or alfalfa and from areas where the clover or alfalfa failed or is growing poorly. Test the soils for acidity. QUESTIONS 1. What is the meaning of soil acidity? 2. Why is soil acidity harmful? How can this condition be corrected? 3. What is meant by liming? Agricultural lime? 4. Discuss the beneficial effects of liming. 5. Under what conditions does green manuring give best results? 6. What crops in particular give most direct profits from liming? Name other crops benefited directly by liming. 7. Name several crops especially adapted to "acid agriculture." 8. Besides clover, a farmer grows corn, wheat, oats and timothy in a five-year rotation on acid soil. If he were to lime his land could he expect profit- able returns from the other crops as well as from the clover? (Table, page 231.) 9. How may acid soils be determined? 10. Describe the blue litmus paper test for acidity. 11. How may certain weeds indicate acidity? 12. What relation is there between soil acidity and low wet lands? Discuss this point. 13. How do soils become acid? 14. How extensive are acid soils? 15. Can soil acidity be reduced through leaching? Explain. 254 SOIL ACIDITY AND LIMING 16. Name several kinds of agricultural lime. Into what three groups may they be classified? 17. What is limestone and how is it prepared for agricultural use? What is a test for limestone, or for any carbonate? 18. What may be considered standard fineness for pulverized limestone? 19. When may farmers find it economical to pulverize their own limestone? 20. What is air-slaked lime? How does it differ from limestone? 21. What is marl? Waste lime? Tell of their values. 22. What are lump Hme, ground lime and hydrated lime? 23. What may be said of lump lime for liming? 24. What is land plaster? Can it be used to correct soil acidity? 25. Compare the value of lump lime, hydrated lime and carbonate of lime as regards lime content^ neutralizing power and quickness of action. 26. What is the best material to use for liming? 27. How much lime should a farmer apply to his acid soil? 28. What facts should guide in determining the time and manner of apply- ing lime? 29. How may agricultural lime be applied? 30. Should a farmer apply lime as a top-dressing? 31. How often should lime be applied? 32. Why cannot a farmer, instead of liming, plow deep and turn up the carbon- ate of lime leached from the surface soil? 33. Can residual limestone soils become acid? Explain. 34. Does soil acidity have any direct injurious effect on the roots of plants? Discuss. 35. Is it necessary to inject lime into the subsoil for best results? Explain. 36. Under what conditions can alfalfa grow well on acid soils without any special treatment? In such cases does liming prove beneficial? 37. A farmer finds his soil requires the equivalent of six tons of pulverized lime- stone to completely neutralize the acidity in the seven inches of surface soil. Is it necessary to add that much Hme in the first application? 38. What gave rise to such a saying as "Lime enriches the father and impover- ishes the son"? 39. Discuss the proper use of lime in relation to soil improvement and fertil- ity maintenance. 40. Give an account of a particular case of liming about which you know. Give the effects. PROBLEMS 1. Determine the per cent increase in net profits per acre per rotation due to liming for each of the fertilizing treatments indicated in the table, page 231. Determine the net profits per acre in the use of lime alone. 2. About how many tons of lump lime may be made from twenty tons of good limestone? 3. A small field 12 rods square is to be given an application of one ton of lump lime to the acre. (a) How many pounds of lump lime would be required? (6) For convenience, the lime is to be spread from small piles placed two rods apart each way. How many piles should be made in the field? Draw a diagram of the field to a scale of one-fourth inch equals a rod, and indicate the placing of the piles. (c) When each pile becomes thoroughly air-slaked, how many pounds of material would there be in each pile? The application of lump lime would be the equivalent of how many pounds of carbonate of Hme for the field? CHAPTER XIV HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY "ABSENCE of harmful agents in soils" is the one negative factor named with the positive factors determining soil fertility. Water, air, good tilth, helpful soil organisms, and available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and sufficient lime are all necessary to create within the soil the power for producing large crops; but the presence of any harmful agents may nullify the effect of all these positive factors. In considering a case of low yield or infer- tility, it is important, therefore, not only to examine into the posi- tive factors determining fertility, but that investigation be extended to a consideration of harmful agents within the soil as well. Some of these harmful agents are discussed in the following paragraphs — not fully but sufficiently to illustrate the importance of this nega- tive factor. Worms and Insects May Destroy Crops. — Frequently a farmer is at a loss to know why some particular crop should " stand still" or fail when all conditions seem favorable. The white grub, wire worm, the corn rootworm, the maggot, and eel worms or nema- todes are common " worms" that live in the soil and which often injure crops by feeding on their roots. White Grub. — In some fields, as in southwestern Wisconsin, northeastern Iowa and northwestern Illinois, the white grub often causes complete loss of the corn crop. It may also cause much injury to timothy, potatoes, lawns, strawberries and beans. These grubs are the larvae, or the young, of the May beetles or "June bugs." They feed on the roots of various plants and on potato tubers. Early October plowing will destroy many of these grubs. The wire worm is the young of the click beetle, and is generally harmful to corn on old sod. These worms, like the white grub, live in the soil two years before they change into the beetle form. This explains why the wire worm often causes more injury the second year after an old sod is broken than the first year. Corn Rootworm. — Corn growers in the Southern states, particu- larly, suffer much damage from the corn rootworm or "bud worm." In some seasons it is difficult to get a stand of corn in the lowlands on account of these worms which are but the young of the twelve- 255 256 HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY spotted cucumber beetle. These worms are slender and yellowish- white with a dark-brown head. They not only feed on the corn roots, but in young corn they bore into the stems and eat the inte- rior, boring out the crown, and killing the bud. Burning over waste places and growing other crops on fields badly infested, thick plant- ing and enriching the soil are suggested remedies. Root Maggot. — Some truck crops, such as cabbage, radish and onions, are injured by the maggot (Fig. 161). Other crops are injured by eel worms or nematodes which cause the root-knot FIG. 161. — Injurious work of maggot on radish. (Geneva Station, N. Y.) disease, as on cabbage and tomato (Fig. 162). The growing of other crops has been found the most effective remedy. The aphis (a'fis) is a common insect which injures crops. There are many species, many of which feed on the juices of plant roots.1 The corn root-aphis, or root-louse, is perhaps the best known. Ants are largely responsible for aphis injury to roots, since they carry the eggs of these insects into the soil and care for them in their nests. When the eggs hatch the ants tunnel into the ground and place the helpless aphids first on the roots of cer- tain weeds, such as smart weed, then on the corn roots (Fig. 163). Aphids are often called "ant cows." Since the corn root-aphis 1 Cotton and asters are also commonly injured by the corn root-aphis. CROP DISEASES MAY CAUSE FAILURE 257 usually attacks corn that is grown continuously on the same land, crop rotation is an effective means of control. Another complete and effective means of controlling the corn root-aphis is thorough stirring of the soil previous to planting, to disturb the ant colonies and scatter and kill the aphids. FIG. 162. — Roots of tomato plant affected with root-knot. (Florida Station.) Crop Diseases May Cause Failure. — A great many diseases attack plants. Many of them are caused by fungi and bacteria which live in the soil; among which may be mentioned potato scab, pea blight,2 wilt, root rot, cabbage yellows, brown rot in tomatoes, black-leg in cabbage and cauliflower, and club root (Fig. 164), soft rot and black rot, as in cabbage. Rotation of crops and avoiding 2 Pea blight fungus stays in the soil so long as diseased tissue of the pea plant remains in the soil. Potato scab on the potato may be treated, but when soils become infested with the scab fungus other crops should be grown. 17 258 HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY disease infested fields are remedies suggested to control these diseases or to avoid injury from them. Sometimes plants may be developed that are resistant to certain diseases. Cabbage resistant to yellows is a good illustration (Fig. 165). Too Much Water Is Harmful. — On lowlands the harmful effect of too much water is commonly observed, but the lack of proper drainage on some upland fields having good surface drain- age is very often least suspected. Frequently certain fields or portions of them are found to grow good crops of hay and grain FIG. 163. — Diagram showing how ants foster the corn root-aphis. Upper right, the corn root-aphis, enlarged. (U. S. D. A.) but fail in growing corn, in spite of the fact that manure and fertilizers may have been added. In almost every case the cause of the poor corn is due to seepage water from higher land, which keeps the subsoil too wet and cold to favor the growth of corn. Tile drainage is the remedy (Fig. 166). Alkali Is Injurious. — In regions of deficient rainfall, alkali in soils often proves injurious, and in some sections in humid climates, alkali spots occur. Frequently the irrigation of land in irrigated sections causes the accumulation of salts near the surface (being brought up from the subsoil through capillary rise of applied moisture) in sufficient amounts to cause the most fertile lands to ALKALI IS INJURIOUS 259 become unproduc- tive. Other lands in the arid and semi- arid sections are so saturated with alkali salts naturally that they are barren, and are not fit lands for irrigation. The per- manent remedy con- sists in removing the injurious salts by means of tile drains, scraping it off, and by flooding. The grow- ing of alkali-resisting crops, such as salt grass, has been sug- gested as a means of avoiding injury. Sweet clover grows well when alkali is quite abundant. As a general rule, deep rooted plants can tolerate alkali soils better than those that are shallow rooted. Land-plaster is sometimes used to neutralize black alkali, the most harmful of the alkali salts (sodium car- bonate). Retarding evaporation by mulching and shad- ing, and deep plow- ing may retard the accumulation of salts at the surface. FIG. 164. — Club-root of cabbage, showing swollen and dis- torted roots and.undeveloped head. (Vermont Station.) 260 HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY • FIG. 165. — A soil infested with cabbage yellows. A strain of cabbage has been developed to resist this disease. Two rows to left are non-resistant cabbage. (Wisconsin Station.) FlG. !§(?. — Unproductive spot on a low field due to high water-table. Variation in sub- soil the cause of the difference in water-table. THE TOXIN THEORY OF INFERTILITY 261 The Toxin Theory of Infertility.3 — A few investigators are supporting the theory that infertility of many soils is due largely to the presence of certain poisons or toxins which probably owe their origin to plant-root excretions and to decomposition of soi| organic matter. The supporters of this theory maintain that the beneficial effect of fertilizers on poor soils is due to the power of. the fertilizers to neutralize or counteract the effect of these toxins, rather than to the available plant-food elements added. 167. — Diseased wheat on wheat-sick soils. Dead roots and blighted leaves. 40 years in wheat. (North Dakota Station.) Soil They have presented data endeavoring to show that increasing the amount of available plant-food elements through the use of fertilizers has practically nothing to do with the maintenance of soil fertility. This theory, however, has been accepted by only a few, since other investigators have shown definitely that soils which produce large yields contain more available plant-food material than do soils that produce low yields. Furthermore, 'numerous field tests have demonstrated that crops on poor land are directly benefited by fertilizers and lime. Nevertheless, it is conceded that some toxins do form in soils 3 Conclusions drawn by Whitney and Cameron of the Bureau of Soils, United States Department of Agriculture. 262 HARMFUL AGENTS IN SOILS AFFECTING FERTILITY and which may prove injurious to certain crops and fruit trees if allowed to accumulate. Recent investigations seem to show that most soils are so constituted that through good drainage, proper tillage and the presence of sufficient lime the injurious action of these toxins may be entirely or in a large measure prevented. Other Harmful Agents. — Among other harmful agents that have been named in certain instances to explain low yields or fail- ures are: (a) An excessive amount of aluminum and iron in soils renders some of the plant-food elements unavailable. The effect of soluble phosphates on certain red, tropical soils is of short dura- tion because of the presence of excessive amounts of iron and aluminum; (b) too much magnesium in proportion to calcium may disturb the normal function of plant cells; (c) too much lime in some soils may prove harmful to some crops, as grape-fruit, pineapple and certain lupines; (d) certain mineral acids may make soils sour; (e) it is advocated by some that certain soil micro- organisms accumulate to such an extent that they greatly retard the activity of the helpful soil organisms. Collect specimens showing the work of insects which attack roots of crops in any way. Specimens of these insects may be collected and preserved according to directions given in many good insect books. Diseased root specimens of field crops may be brought to class and kept for study. v Projects in growing crops in spite of insects and diseases should be con- ducted, using the most approved methods in each case. QUESTIONS 1. What negative factor should be considered in diagnosing a case of infertility? 2. What may some of these agents be? 3. Discuss infertility due to worms which feed on plant-roots. 4. Name methods of control. 5. What is the corn root-louse? 6. Name some plant diseases caused by certain fungi and bacteria that live in soils. 7. How may a farmer avoid crop failure due to these diseases? 8. Explain how too much water within soils may prove a harmful agent. 9. Suggest a remedy. 10. Illustrate by diagram. 11. Discuss the relation of alkali to soil fertility. 12. What is the toxin theory of the infertility of many soils? 13. What are toxins? 14. According to this theory, what is the action of fertilizers? 15. Do any poisonous substances form in soils? How? 16. What do recent investigations seem to show as regards these toxins? 17. What harmful agents in soils do you know from your own experience or observation? CHAPTER XV CROP ROTATION AND ITS RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY Crop Rotation Defined. — Crop rotation is a system of growing different kinds of crops in recurring succession on the same land. For example, on a certain field a farmer grows clover one year, corn the second, oats the third, clover the fourth, corn the fifth, oats the sixth, etc. This is a three-year rotation, since each crop recurs every third year. Another farmer may grow these same crops in a rotation as follows: clover followed by corn, then another crop of corn, which in turn is followed by grain seeded to clover. This is a four-year rotation since it requires four years for the complete succession of these crops to recur. Some systems of cropping are designated as fixed rotations, and others as definite rotations. A fixed rotation is a system of cropping in which the different crops recur at regular intervals, and which occupies a fixed number of years. Clover followed by potatoes, then rye seeded to clover, is a good example of a fixed three-year rotation practiced by some potato growers on sandy soils. Some fixed rotations may occupy four years, others five and six years or more. A definite rotation may be defined as a system of cropping in which the different crops continually recur in a definite order, but is not fixed as to the number of years it occupies. Many farmers, for example, grow alfalfa, corn and grain on the same land in the order named, in anything from a five-year to a ten-year rotation — alfalfa three to six years, corn one to two years, and grain one to two years. Another common, definite rotation is, hay (clover) followed by pasture, then corn, then grain seeded to clover and grass. In such a rotation the land may be pastured one to three years. Very often in a rotation some one crop is grown two or more years in succession; as, tobacco (three years), followed by wheat (one year), clover (one year), tobacco (three years), etc. Nearly all farmers practice crop rotation in some form or other. Comparatively few adhere to fixed rotations, since they prefer to follow a cropping system that is more or less flexible so that a shift can be made when prices or seasonal variations should make 263 264 CROP ROTATION necessary a change in the cropping plan. Moreover, varying soil conditions and the desire of the farmer to meet feeding require- ments often prevent the establishment of a fixed rotation for the entire farm. One-crop System. — In contrast to crop rotation is the one-crop system in which one kind of crop is grown year after year on the same land. This is often called "continuous cropping." There are many examples of this in the corn belt, wheat belt, cotton belt, etc. Why Crops Are Rotated. — Crop rotation has largely been the outgrowth of farming experience. Its beneficial effects have long been known, though the reasons were not understood. Even today some of the effects of crop rotation are not clearly under- stood. The primary object of rotation is to increase crop pro- duction and to help maintain productive farming. This is the cumulative effect of several specific benefits derived through this practice, which are: (a) It helps to eliminate injury due to certain insect pests; (b) it aids greatly in avoiding injury from certain diseases; (c) it favors the accumulation of soil organic matter; (d) tilth may be improved; (e) it favors the conservation of fertilizing elements; (/) it aids in solving certain liming and fertilizing problems; () V. c^ ^ s /2. acres (2) Oafs (seeded} /3 acres (40) Qoverasrd 7/mot/w 5 x Cor/i Corn /a acres (^) /$ acres /4-6) House Bar/7 j So///r?y ! Crops J?/faJfa Oafs (seeded} FIG. 218. — Crop rotation on an eighty-acre farm. (Problem II.) 336 FARM MANAGEMENT AND CROP ROTATION Because of the twelve acres of alfalfa the farm must necessarily be divided into six units of twelve and thirteen acres each. The following rotation chart shows the final cropping plans and fertilizer treatments for this farm. Rotation Chart for Problem II Year Field I (a) (12 acres) Field I (6) (12 acres) Field II (12 acres) Field III (12 acres) Field IV (a) (13 acres) Field IV (b) (13 acres) 1.. .. Corn Corn Oats Alfalfa Clover Oats (manured) (seeded to and (seeded) mammoth timothy clover to plow under) 2. ... Oats Oats Corn Alfalfa Corn Clover (seeded) (seeded to (manure + (manure + mammoth phosphate) acid phos- clover) phate or bone meal) 3.... Clover Corn Barley Alfalfa Oats Corn (manured) (seeded to (seeded) (manure + alfalfa) (soluble phosphate) phosphate) 4.... Corn Oats Alfalfa Corn Clover Oats (manured) (manured) (seeded) 5.... Oats Corn Alfalfa Oats Corn Clover (seeded) (manured) (seeded to (manured) clover) (acid phos- phate) Problem III. — Plan a system of cropping on an eighty-acre grain farm in Arkansas, on which are to be grown cotton, corn, cowpeas and oats as the main crops. Sufficient pasture is to be provided for the horses and mules and for a few head of cattle. As many hogs are to be kept as conditions well permit. Soil problems to be met are, drainage and deficiency of organic matter and phosphorus. Figure 219 illustrates the conditions before reorganization. Figure 220 shows how the farm was remapped. The drainage problem was easily solved by tiling. The following four-year rotation was adopted : 1 — Cotton followed by a winter cover crop, such as winter grain, crimson clover and bur clover, plowed under. 2 — Cowpeas, planted in May and harvested in August. 3 — Oats or wheat. (Followed by cowpeas, plowed under). 4 — Corn (The corn may be interplanted with cowpeas, soybeans or velvet beans, which will furnish hog feed and also serve as a green manuring crop for next year's cotton. APPLICATION AND ILLUSTRATIONS 337 The cowpeas, velvet beans or soybeans planted in the corn may be used to fatten hogs. HIGH WA Y FIG. 219. — A farm unorganized. (See Fig. 220.) The land surrounding the building-lot and garden may be used for the growing of some sweet potatoes, and for hog pasture. The /£ acres /e acres /£ acres 20 acres Cowfieas Cotton Oafs Wood and Pasture 2. 12 acres Corn tiog Pasft/re Pasture %*%«*** FIG. 220. — The same farm organized. three acres for hog pasture may be divided into three one-acre fields and cropped to different crops for successive pasturing. Oats and rye may constitute early pasture, clover for later pasture and soybeans or velvet beans later on. 22 338 FARM MANAGEMENT AND CROP ROTATIONS The plan of rotation and fertilization for this farm is sum- marized in the following rotation chart: Rotation Chart for Problem III Year Field I (12 acres) Field II (12 acres) Field III (12 acres) Field IV (12 acres) 1 Cowpeas Corn (500 Ibs Cotton (800 Oats (followed 2 Oats (cowpeas acid phosphate per acre) Cotton (500 Ibs. acid phos- phate + 600 Ibs. cotton-seed meal per acre) Cowpeas by cowpeas) Corn (manure 3... to plow under) Corn (500 Ibs Ibs. acid phos- phate + 600 Ibs. cotton-seed meal) Cowpeas Oats (followed + 500 Ibs. acid phosphate per acre) Cotton (500 4 acid phosphate + available manure) Cotton (500 Oats (followed by cowpeas to be plowed un- der) Corn (500 Ibs Ibs. acid phos- phate + 600 Ibs. cotton-seed meal per acre) 5 Ibs. acid phos- phate + 600 Ibs. cotton-seed meal) Cowpeas by cowpeas) Corn (500 Ibs. acid phosphate per acre) acid phosphate per acre) Cotton (phos- phate fertilizer) Oats (followed by cowpeas) Problem IV. — Sometimes it becomes necessary to produce much more hay than either corn or grain. This does not necessarily mean that a definite rotation is not possible. For example, on a certain farm 125 acres are under cultivation, and 115 acres are permanent pasture. The farmer wishes to raise each year in rota- tion twenty-five acres of oats, thirty-five acres of corn and sixty acres of hay. One hundred twenty acres may be laid out into three forty-acre fields, and each field cropped as is shown in Figure 221. Problem V. — Plan a system of cropping on a 160-acre farm in Wisconsin, which consists of twenty acres of drained peat, twenty acres of fine sand, twenty acres of permanent pasture, and the remaining portion of the farm consists of silt loam. All soils are sufficiently supplied with lime. The following crops are to be grown : Forty acres of corn, about thirty acres of hay (about ten of alfalfa), thirty to thirty-five acres OTHER POINTS ON ROTATION 339 of grain, twenty acres of pasture in rotation, four acres of sugar beets', and four acres of cabbage. Figure 222 shows the organization of the farm into eight fields of nineteen and twenty acres each, except field VII, which contains sixteen acres. The plan of cropping is shown in the accompanying rota- tion chart: Rotation Chart for Problem V Year Field (20 A) sand Field II (20 A) Field III (19 A) Field IV (20 A) Field V (20 A) peat Field VI (19 A) Field VII (16 acres) 4 acres 4 acres 4 acres 4 acres 1 Rye Corn Clover Pasture Corn Alfalfa Clover Cab- Sugar Oats (mam- (9KA) bage beets (seeded) moth Oats clover) 2 Clover Oats Pasture Corn Corn Alfalfa Cab- Sugar Oats Clover (10 A; (rape) Corn bage beets (seeded) Wheat (9MA) (10 A) 3 Corn Clover Pasture Oats Corn Alfalfa Sugar Oats Clover Cab- (rape) Barley beets (seeded) bage (Alfalfa) 4 Rye (fol- lowed Pasture Corn Clover Oats Corn (10 A) Corn Oats (seeded) Clover Cab- bage Sugar beets by soy- (10 A) Oats Alfalfa beans) for hay (seeded) 5 Corn Pasture Oats Corn Oats Oats Clover Cab- Sugar Barley for hay (seeded) (9M A) Alfalfa bage beets (seeded) Hay (10 A) 6 Rye Corn Clover Barley Pasture Clover Cab- Sugar Barley Clover (9KA) (10 A) (9K A) bage beets Corn (Alfalfa) Alfalfa (9X A) Corn Note the cropping plan on the sand field, on the peat soil and on field VII. Fields VI and IV are the two best fields on which to grow alfalfa. Manure is judiciously used. Some commercial fertilizers are used on the sand field. Potash and acid phosphate are applied to the peat soil. Both acid phosphate and rock phosphate are used to reinforce the manure used on the silt loam. Rape is sown in the corn on the peat for pasturage and for soil improvement. Other Points on Rotation. — In cropping hillsides, care should be given to lessen erosion. Such fields should be kept in grass as much as possible. In growing alfalfa, it is often convenient to divide a portion of the farm into strips or units and on each strip practice a five-year 340 FARM MANAGEMENT AND CROP ROTATIONS Veld I Field H Field HI Year I Year 2 Year 3 Corn (35 acres) Oats (seeded) (25 acres) Clo ver and timothy Peas and oafs (10 acres) ^ Peas and oats Clover and timothy Timothy and clover Peas and oats Oats (seeded) (25 acres) Clo ver and timothy Corn Peas and oats (35 acres) Cloyer and timothy Timothy ondclover Peas ' and ' oats Clover and timothy Clover Peas and oats (10 acres} timothy Timothy and clover Corn (35 acres) Oats(seeded) (25 acres) Fio. 221. — Sixty acres of hay, thirty-five of corn and twenty-five acres of oats in rotation. rotation : for example, a thirty-acre field may be divided into five six-acre strips and cropped as follows: Rotation Chart far Alfalfa Strip Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 YearS Year 6 I II III IV V Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Grain (seeded to alfalfa) Corn Corn Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Grain Grain Corn Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Grain Corn Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Grain Corn Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Alfalfa Grain Corn When clover fails, a suitable legume should be sown in place of it, such as soybeans. Often oats or oats and peas are sown for hay when the clover kills out. If in problem V, for example, the SUMMARY 341 clover on field III should kill out, the first year, the field could be seeded to oats or oats and peas for hay. The oats should be seeded to clover and timothy to provide pasture the following year. Suppose further, the clover on field I should winter-kill the second (5) 20 acres (Peat) \ \ Corn \ ^ (*) 20 acres Pasture (?) /9 acres Clover < 20 acres Permane.nt pasture (6) Alfalfa 19 acres Oafs (2) 20 acres Corn 4 acres (T) Clover a) 20 acres (sand) Rye 4- acres Cabbage 4 acres Sugar beefs B Ida's . r . etc. 4- acres (jram FIG. 222. — Rotations meeting several problems. year — soybeans could be sown for hay, and corn planted on the field the third year as it is planned. Summary. — Crop rotation is possible on any farm. It should be the first duty of a farmer to adopt definite cropping and fertil- izing plans for his land. It matters not where the farm, there are adaptable legumes that can be grown in the rotation not only for forage and seed, but for soil improvement as well. Systematic farming has its beginning in systematic crop rotation. 342 FARM MANAGEMENT AND CROP ROTATIONS Field Study. — Study some particular farm having soil and crop problems, and suggest proper rotations. Home Projects. — Each of the rotations given in this chapter may be used as the basis for starting good home projects. Vary them to suit local conditions. Planning Farms. — Farms of the region should be drawn to show the plans of the fields and the rotations. After the foregoing studies have been made many suggestions for the improvement of the rotations may be made. QUESTIONS 1. Name some of the problems which present themselves in farm management? 2. Discuss the importance of the problems involving soil relations. 3. What is meant by diversified farming? 4. Discuss the advantages in growing different crops. 5. Discuss the importance of crop rotation in farm management. 6. Explan briefly how crop rotation is practiced on the farm. 7. Can this be simply done on all farms? 8. Name the factors which determine the rotations best suited to any par- ticular farm. Discuss each point. 9. Under what conditions is it best to allow two or three years before definite rotations can be fully adopted? 10. How is it best to proceed in planning rotations for a farm already stocked? 11. For a farm intended for stock but not yet stocked? 12. For a grain farm? 13. In truck farming? 14. Discuss the advantages of a rotation chart. Illustrate. 15. Explain the solution to Problem I. Go to the blackboard. 16. Explain the rotation system in Problem II. 17. Explain the reorganization and cropping plans in Problem III. 18. Explain the rotation principle involved in- Problem III. 19. In Problem V, extend the rotation chart over the seventh, eighth, ninth and tenth years. 20. Suppose in the third year all the clover and alfalfa should winter-kill, what can be done to meet the situation? 21. Explain a scheme for growing alfalfa in rotation. 22. Plan rotations for a farm with which you are familiar. CHAPTER XXI SYSTEMS OF FARMING AND THEIR RELATION TO SOIL FERTILITY THE important problem in agriculture concerns the main- tenance of soil fertility which, in a large measure, determines the future welfare of a state or a nation. Good farming is commonly regarded as the proper method wherein soil fertility may be main- tained, or permanent agriculture established. Does good farming necessarily mean stock farming? Systems of Farming. — Three main systems of farming are recognized, namely: (a) grain farming; (6) stock farming, and (c) truck farming. Aside from these there are combinations of two or all three systems. The first two systems are the most common. Grain farming, in its strict sense, may be defined as that system of farming in which crops are raised and sold off the farm. Crops include corn, small grains, cotton, seeds, etc. Stock farming consists in the raising of stock. The crops grown are fed on the farm. The sources of income are stock and animal products (Fig. 223). GRAIN FARMING VS. STOCK FARMING Grain Farming Is Important. — A large percentage of the farmers in the United States are grain farmers. Many have found it more profitable than stock raising. A well-balanced national agriculture demands that a large portion of the farmers be grain growers, because grains constitute the great source of human foods. This fact is emphasized the more in densely populated countries, as in China.1 Furthermore, many more people can be fed on the grain that can be grown on an acre, for example, than on the animal products that may be produced when the grain is fed to livestock.2 It follows, therefore, that the greater the density 1 Farmers of Forty Centuries, by King. 2 It has been roughly estimated that twenty-four per cent of grain is recovered for human food in pork, about eighteen per cent in milk, and only about three and five-tenths per cent in beef and mutton. Science, Vol. XLVI., No. 1181, page 160. An acre of wheat yielding twenty bushels will furnish more than thirteen times as much energy as an acre devoted to beef production. — U. S. Farmers' Bulletin, 877. 343 344 SYSTEMS OF FARMING of population of a country the greater the necessity for grain production. Grain Farming Has Led to Soil Depletion. — It is common knowledge that wherever grain farming has been practiced exten- sively in the United States soils have become rapidly depleted. The growing of wheat in the pioneer days is a good example. It is for this reason that grain farming is commonly regarded as a soil-robbing or " soil-mining " enterprise. FIG. 223. — Stock farming is popular. It puts life into farming. Grain Farming Revised. — Fortunately, the relation of crop production to soil fertility is now better understood, so that it is possible for a grain farmer to realize a profit and at the same time maintain, and actually increase, the fertility of his soil. The old system of grain farming consisted in the growing of one kind of grain after another, or growing the same crop continu- ously. No effort was made to restore any of the plant-food ele- ments removed by the crops. The straw was burned because it was considered of no value, not even as a fertilizer. Scientific research and good farming methods have taught that on most soils the nitrogen and organic matter may be main- tained and increased by practicing a proper rotation including a legume as a green manuring crop, or including both a green manuring crop and another legume as a cash crop. The phos- phorus supply may be maintained by using phosphate fertilizers. The potassium is given little consideration because most of the heavier soils are abundantly supplied with this element. When- MAINTAINING FERTILITY BY LIVESTOCK 345 ever, potassium is deficient, potash fertilizers may be used. More- over, scientific grain farming demands that all stalks and straw be returned to the soil. In this manner the draft on the soil supply of potassium is greatly lessened. An Ohio Trial in Grain Farming. — At the Ohio Station the following system of grain farming has been under test for eight years : Year 1 — Corn (400 pounds acid phosphate per acre; stalks left on field). Year 2 — Soybeans for sale as seed (straw returned to the land). Year 3 — Wheat (300 pounds acid phosphate per acre; straw returned to land, mostly for corn; wheat seeded to clover). Year 4 — Clover (plowed under for soil improvement, or first crop cut and left on ground and second crop cut for seed). This test is on acid soil limed with pulverized limestone. This system thus far has resulted in an increase of corn from 49.6 bushels as the average for the first two years (1910-1911), to 63.5 bushels as an average yield for the seventh and eighth years. The yield of wheat, likewise, was increased from 29.5 to 32.7 bushels. Stock Farming Popular. — Stock raising is commonly regarded as the best system of farming. Grain growers are usually advised to become stockmen. It is certain that all farmers cannot be live- stock farmers in the strict sense, because meat and other animal products can never take the place that grains do in human feeding. It is generally believed that stock farming is the solution of the soil fertility problem. This, however, is not an established fact. It is true, nevertheless, that crop yields are usually better on stock farms than on grain farms — considering the ways in which these two systems of farming are ordinarily carried on. This is because the production of manure in the care of stock has made it possible for the stock farmer to fertilize his land whether he believed in soil enrichment or not. Maintaining Fertility by Live-stock Not Probable. — Accord- ing to the thirteenth census there is in the United States the eqiva- lent of one animal of the horse or cattle kind3 to furnish manure for the maintenance of the fertility of 9.07 acres (farm lands, only, considered). One cow at best can, on an average, take care of about two acres a year — considering a three-year rotation of corn, grain and clover. Under these conditions soil fertility in a national sense cannot be maintained without the aid of other fertil- 3 When ten sheep or ten hogs are regarded equivalent to one horse or one cow for fertility maintenance.— Ohio Station Bulletin 328; 1918, 346 SYSTEMS OF FARMING izing materials. On only a comparatively few stock farms is there sufficient manure produced by the feeding of the crops raised to permit the application of about fourteen or sixteen tons of manure per acre once in three or even four years on all the cultivated fields. Even when this is done unavoidable losses occur, especially of phosphorus, which compels recourse to outside sources, particu- larly the mineral commercial fertilizers. Grain Farming and Stock Fanning Compared. — Parallel to the system of grain farming already mentioned, the Ohio Station is running a system of stock farming in which the same amounts of acid phosphate and limestone are used and the same crops are raised. All the crops, except the wheat and whatever clover seed is produced, are either fed to livestock or passed into the manure as bedding.4 The manure made each year is applied to the corn land. These two tests occupy nine acres which are divided into two parts — one-half of which is farmed in livestock and the other in grain farming. The experiment is so planned that each crop is grown every year. The animals are kept in a large box stall, heavily bedded on a cement floor under cover, so that all manure, both solid and liquid, is saved and applied to the land in the spring. The results for the first eight years are given in the table. Grain Farming vs. Stock Farming in Maintaining Sort Fertility Crops Average Yields per Acre in Grain Farming Average Yields per Acre in Stock Farming Grain or Seed Hay, Stover or Straw Grain or Seed Hay, Stover or Straw Corn Soybeans. . Wheat Clover.. . . Bu. 58.6 19.0 28.7 Notg Tons None harvested 0.87 1.32 athered Bu. 64.6 21.9 32.4 Tons 1.55 1.00 1.55 2.23 Relative profits were not discussed, since these tests are not concluded. The amount of labor and equipment required in these two systems of farming are important factors to be considered in determining net profits. At the Illinois Station similar tests have been carried on since 1902.5 The crops grown in rotation, soil treatment and yields are given in the next table. 4 Ohio Station Bulletin 328. 5 University of Illinois Bulletins 125 and 219 and Circular 193. NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS ' Grain Farming vs. Stock Farming in Maintaining Fertility 347 Soil Treatment 10-year average 1908-1917 7-year average 6-year average Corn Oats Clover Wheat Alfalfa No treatment (same rota- tion) Bu. 52.6 72.0 73.7 20.3 Bu. 49.3 67.2 66.8 17.7 Tons 1.97 2.30 3.07 0.72 Bu. 21.9 42.5 40.1 19.4 Tons 2.33 3.56 3.58 1.24 Residue,* lime, phosphate Grain farming Manure, lime, phosphate Stock farming Increase in good farming * Residue means grain straw, corn stalks, clover straw, chaff, etc. Lime. — Application of 250 pounds air-slaked lime per acre in 1902; 600 pounds pulverized limestone per acre in 1903; beginning with 1911, pulverized limestone is added at the average rate of two tons per acre every four years. Manure is applied at the rate of one ton for every ton of produce. Phosphate. — 200 pounds of bone meal were applied to the acre annually up to 1908, then plot was divided and one-half continued to receive bone meal at the average rate of 200 pounds per acre per year. To the other half is applied rock phosphate at the average rate of 600 pounds per acre per year. These results show clearly that a good grain farmer can main- tain and increase the fertility of the soil. Combination of Grain and Stock Farming. — The fact that considerable roughage is produced on grain farms has encouraged the keeping of more or less livestock to convert this by-product into useful animal products, and at the same time manure is pro- duced for use as fertilizer. Thus, roughages of one kind or another will, no doubt, give the dairy cow and the beef animal especially, a place in our agriculture for a long time to come. AN ACCOUNT WITH THE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS IN FARMING Nitrogen and Phosphorus Balance Indicative of Good Farming. — There are several factors which determine the productive power of soils. When all other conditions are favorable, how- ever, the balance of nitrogen and phosphorus in the soil in any rational system of farming will indicate very clearly the tendency towards soil enrichment or soil depletion. For example, the draft per acre on the plant-food elements on a grain farm during a four- year period when the corn is " snapped"6 and no straw is returned, may be as follows : 6 When the ears are jerked off the stalks in the field this method of harvest- ing is called "snapping the corn." The stalks are left in the field. 348 SYSTEMS OF FARMING Crop Yield Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium Lbs. 11 9 23 46 Corn Corn . Bu. 60 50 25 60 Lbs. 54 45 43 56 Lbs. 8 7 7 9 Wheat .... Oats Total amount rerr loved by crops 198 31 89 It isclearthat the above system tends toward rapid soil depletion. The Balance Shown in a Grain Rotation.— On the other hand, if a rotation like that mentioned in the Ohio trial were practiced, the following would represent the exchange of the elements on one acre during the four-year period (when the composition table in Chapter VI is used in computing). Exchange of Fertilizer Elements in Grain Rotation Removed Crop Average yield Nitro- Phos- phorus Lbs. Potas- sium Lbs. Nitro- Phos- phorus Lbs. Corn 58.6 bu. 53 8 11 Acid Phosphate 49 (700lbs.)(7%P) Soybeans. . . . 19.0 bu. 7 24 Wheat 28.7 bu. 34 6 7 Clover 113 Clover 2.75 tons Soybeans * 8 Total for 4-year period. 87 21 42 Total added 121 49 Added *The nineteen bushels of soybeans will carry about sixty-six pounds of nitrogen, and the straw about thirty-five pounds, or 101 pounds in the seed and straw. There is also some nitrogen to be accounted for in the roots and stubble, which, according to experiments, amounts to about one-tenth of the total amount in the whole soybean plant, or about ten pounds. In the soybeans on one acre there are contained, therefore, 111 pounds of nitrogen, of which two-thirds, or seventy-four pounds, are taken from the air. Since sixty-six pounds are sold in the grain, there are left eight pounds of gain per acre (all straw returned). The balance in this case shows a gain per acre of about thirty- four pounds of nitrogen, twenty-eight pounds of phosphorus, and a loss of forty-two pounds of potassium for each rotation period. The above system tends to increase soil fertility, as it has been demonstrated. The loss of ten and one-half pounds of potassium per acre is small, and can be easily restored, when necessary, by a little potash fertilizer. No account was taken of the leaching of nitrogen from the soil. Increase of Fertility on a Dairy Farm. — The following repre- sents the losses and gains of nitrogen and phosphorus on one acre on a dairy farm. A three-year rotation is practiced, manure is LOSSES IN THE FEEDING TRANSACTION 349 applied at the rate of ten tons per acre once in three years, 300 pounds of acid phosphate per acre are applied with the manure for corn, and the second growth of clover is plowed under. Losses and Gains in Fertilizing Elements in a Dairy Farm Rotation Removed per Acre Added per Acre Crop Yields Nitro- gen Lbs. Phos- phorus Lbs. Nitro- Sn *. Phos- phorus Lbs. Corn (silage) .... Oats 12 tons 60 bu. 2.5 tons 82 55.5 16.5 9.5 8.5 Manure (10 tons). . . . Acid Phosphate (7% P) Clover (1 ton) 100.0 41 20.0 21.0 Clover (red) .... Total Total 137.5 34.5 141 41 The above system of stock farming tends to increase soil fertility. Loss and Gain of Plant-Food Elements Illustrated. — In stock feeding, as in dairy farming especially, considerable feeds are usually purchased which help to offset the losses. Commercial fertilizers are often used. Cash crops are often raised. Moreover, considerable nitrogen may be leached from the soil. It is only when a farmer understands clearly how the fertilizing elements may be lost and the sources of gain, that he is able to direct his farming towards the maintenance of fertility. As it has been mentioned, the best way to determine this is to study the crop yields and to note the gain or loss of nitrogen and phos- phorus, particularly. The sources of loss and gain to the soil on the farm are illus- trated in Figure 224. The losses by leaching concern nitrogen, particularly. Experi- ments show wide differences in the amount of nitrogen lost in this manner. On grass lands and on cultivated fields of low fertility the annual loss per acre is slight; on cultivated fields of moderate fertility the loss is about twelve to twenty pounds per acre per year in regions having thirty inches of rainfall; and on cultivated fields heavily manured, or in a high state of fertility, the annual loss per acre may approximate forty pounds when the rainfall is heavy during July, or the middle of the growing period. The annual loss of nitrogen by leaching from uncropped or bare fields may exceed 150 pounds per acre. Losses in the feeding transaction include the elements retained 350 SYSTEMS OF FARMING by the animals for milk production, growth, etc., and the unavoid- able losses sustained in handling the manure. When the manure is given the best care that can be given it under ordinary farm conditions, these losses may be estimated at forty per cent for nitrogen which is contained in the feeds fed, thirty per cent for the phosphorus, and about twenty per cent for the potassium. When the manure is left exposed to rains in an open yard even for three months, these losses may run as high as fifty-six per cent for nitrogen, forty-six for phosphorus, and seventy-one for potassium. Feed i no Transact lot . (Nitrogen - about 40 LOSS of < Phosphorus -about 30 (.Potassium- about 20' Loss of N. P, K in crops sold FIG. 224. — Diagram illustrating the sources of loss and gain of the fertilizing elements in farming. In bedding no losses are to be considered except when manure is carelessly handled. It is possible for a good stock farmer to return to the soil about seventy per cent of the fertilizing elements contained in the feeds fed and in the bedding. Fertilizers may be applied directly to the soil or mixed with manure, as in case of phosphates. When feeds are purchased the manure is enriched by an amount equal to the fertilizing elements contained in the feeds minus the losses in the feeding transaction. Summary of Losses and Gains. — The sources of loss and gain DETERMINING THE LOSSES AND GAINS 351 of the soil supply of the important plant-food elements may be briefly summarized as follows: How losses occur: (a) In the sale of crops (6) In the feeding transaction. (c) Leaching from the soil — nitrogen particularly (d) Soil erosion Sources of gain: (a) Feeds purchased (6) Fertilizers purchased (c) Nitrogen fixation, especially by legume bacteria 7 (d) Bedding purchased, particularly straw 8 Determining the Losses and Gains. — When the manure pro- duced is well cared for and all straw and other material like clover chaff and uneaten shredded corn stalks are passed into the manure as bedding, the approximate losses and gains of the plant-food elements, particularly nitrogen and phosphorus, may be ascer- tained. In constructing the balance sheet, the following rules should be observed : 1. The amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium con- tained in any crop sold, except the nitrogen in legumes sold, is to be considered lost to the soil on the farm. (Consult the composition table, Chapter VI, and also the table on page 393, for the amount of the fertilizing elements contained in crops and feeds.) 2. Losses sustained in the feeding transaction may approxi- mate forty per cent of the nitrogen, thirty per cent of the phos- phorus, and twenty per cent of the potassium contained in the feeds used. 3. The nitrogen in clover and alfalfa hay sold is to be regarded neither loss nor gain to the soil. 4. Losses in pasturing may be considered as follows: Nitrogen, thirty per cent; phosphorus, fifty per cent, and potassium, twenty per cent. (Good pasture may be considered the equivalent to the production of one and one-quarter tons of mixed grass hay per acre.) 5. Loss in leaching may be considered at twelve to twenty pounds of nitrogen per acre per year on cultivated fields of moder- ately rich soil in humid regions, and about forty pounds per acre on heavily manured fields or on soils of very high fertility , and under heavy rainfall, especially during the middle of the growing period. 7 A small amount of nitrogen is washed from the atmosphere as ammonia. This amounts to about five pounds per acre per year. 8 Shavings possess little or no fertilizing value. 352 SYSTEMS OF FARMING} 6. The fertilizing elements contained in purchased feeds fed minus the loss in feeding is to be regarded as gain to the soil.9 7. The nitrogen in clover, alfalfa and other legumes fed on the farm minus the loss in feeding is to be regarded as gain to the soil. 8. The nitrogen in clover, or other legume plowed under, is to be regarded as gain. (Estimate yields in terms of hay.) 9. The fertilizing elements contained in straw purchased for bedding are to be regarded as gain. 10. The fertilizing elements contained hi fertilizers purchased are gain. The Nitrogen-Phosphorus Balance Sheet. — The application of these rules can best be illustrated by the following problem: On a dairy farm of 120 acres the following crops are grown: Crops Acres Average Yield per Acre Corn Oats 25 25 12 tons silage, 65 bu. corn 50 bushels Clover (medium red) 15 2 tons (1 cutting) Alfalfa 10 Q/2 tons (3 cuttings) Pasture in rotation Barley 25 10 Equivalent to 1M tons mixed grass hay per acre 30 bushels All the milk produced is sold. All crops harvested, except the barley, ten tons of clover hay and 250 bushels of oats, are fed on the farm. Manure is hauled directly to the field or stored in a manure shed when it cannot be hauled directly to the fields. Two hundred fifty bushels of oats and all the barley are sold. Ten tons of clover hay (red clover) are sold. Seventeen acres of corn are made into silage. Eight acres of corn are shredded. About one-half the shredded stalks is used for bedding. All straw is used for bedding. The second growth of clover is plowed under (equivalent to one ton of hay per acre). Ten tons each of wheat bran and gluten feed (high grade) are purchased and fed annually. Three hundred pounds of acid phosphate (seven per cent phosphorus) are applied per acre to the corn land. Determine the annual loss or gam of nitrogen and phosphorus in this system of fanning. 9 When the skim milk is fed on the farm it should be considered as pur- chased feeds, since the losses in the feeding transaction include milk production. CONCLUSIONS 353 The balance sheet may be constructed as follows: The Nitrogen-Phosphorus Balance Sheet Nitrogen Balance Sheet Phosphorus Balance Sheet Crops, Feeds and Fertilizers Loss of Nitrogen Gain of Nitrogen Loss of Phosphorus Gain of Phosphorus Corn silage (204 T.) (Rule 2) . 555.0 84.5 Corn (520 bu.) (Rule 2) 188.0 26.0 Shredded corn stalks (7 tons fed) (Rule 2) 52.5 .... 8.0 Oats (1,000 bu. fed) (Rule 2) . 253.5 34.0 Oats (250 bu. sold) (Rule 1) . . 158.5 28.0 .... Clover hay (20 tons fed) (Rules 7 and 2) 492.0 20.5 Clover hay (10 tons sold) (Rules 3 and 1) 34.0 Clover plowed under (15 T.) (Rule 8) .... 615.0 Alfalfa hay (45 tons fed) (Rules 7 and 2) 1285.0 63.5 .... Pasture (Rule 4) 229.6 .... 49.0 .... Barley (300 bu. sold) (Rule 1). 265.0 53.0 Wheat bran (10 tons fed) (Rule 6) 307.0 180.0 Gluten feed (10 tons fed) (Rule 6) 487.0 38.0 Acid phosphate (7500 Ibs.) (Rule 10) 525.0 Leaching (corn land) (Rule 5). 300.6 Totals 2001.5 3186.0 400.5 743.0 Net loss or gain 1184.5 342.5 This system of farming tends towards soil enrichment and the increasing of soil fertility. The crops grown also indicate this tendency. The potassium balance sheet may be worked out in a similar manner as that for phosphorus. Conclusions. — Good farming may be either stock farming or grain farming. It is possible to increase and maintain soil fertility under either system. The crop yields and the nitrogen-phosphorus balance sheet in any rational system of farming may indicate whether the system tends towards soil depletion or soil enrichment. Fertility Surveys. — Make surveys of a number of farms of the region including farms of different types. Obtain data to calculate the amounts of plant-food elements removed by the chief crops and also the amounts returned in green manure, barnyard manure, etc. Make comparative studies of these data and determine what types of farming are best for maintaining the soil fertility. Home Projects in maintaining the soil fertility with any of the permanent lines of farming may be started. 23 354 SYSTEMS OF FARMING QUESTIONS 1. What is the important problem in agriculture? Why? 2. Name and describe briefly the different systems of farming. 3. What is the importance of grain farming? 4. What has been the result of grain farming in the past? Illustrate. 5. How is it possible, even in grain farming, to maintain and increase soil productivity? Give an illustration. 6. Why is livestock farming popular? 7. What are the probabilities of maintaining soil fertility by livestock farming? 8. What comparisons have been made between livestock farming and grain farming? Describe these tests briefly and give results. 9. What are the advantages to be gained in combining stock raising with grain growing? 10. Aside from crop yields, what may indicate good farming as regards soil fertility? How can this be determined on different fields? 11. Explain and illustrate by aid of a diagram the sources of loss and gain of the fertilizing elements in farming. 12. Summarize the sources of loss and gain of the soil supply of plant-food elements in farming. 13. How may the losses and gains be determined in the following cases: (a) When corn or barley is sold. (6) When clover or alfalfa hay is sold. (c) When alfalfa hay is purchased and fed. (d) When soybean seed is sold. (e) When straw is purchased for bedding. (/) When corn silage is produced and fed on the farm. (g) When commercial fertilizers are applied to the soil. (h) Leaching from the soil. (?') When a crop of green clover is plowed under for soil improvement. (j) When the straw produced is used for bedding. (A;) When stock is pastured. (I) When concentrates are purchased and fed. (m) When clover hay is produced and fed on the farm. 14. Give the important conclusions of this chapter. PROBLEMS 1. When the manure is well cared for, how many tons of wheat bran or cotton-seed meal must be fed to offset the loss of phosphorus in feeding twenty tons of alfalfa and sixty-five tons of corn silage? 2. Assuming good care in handling the manure, construct a nitrogen- phosphorus balance sheet for a farm on which all the crops, except cabbage, are fed — as follows: No feeds are purchased; 250 tons of corn silage are fed (all corn made into silage) ; sixty tons of clover hay (medium red) ; six tons of oat straw are fed, the remainder is used for bedding; 1000 bushels of oats; thirty acres of pasture equivalent to 0.8 ton of mixed grass hay per acre; eighty tons of cabbage are sold, (a) How many pounds of acid phosphate carrying sixteen per cent phosphoric acid (P2 O6) must be used to offset the loss of phosphorus? (b) How many pounds of rock phosphate analyzing 13.5 per cent phosphorus? 3. Suppose on a stock farm the following crops were fed: Twenty acres of corn yielding twelve tons of silage per acre, forty acres of medium red clover, yielding two tons of hay per acre, and 19.2 acres of oats averaging fifty bushels per acre (all straw used for bedding). Ten tons of gluten feed (high grade) were purchased and fed. Assuming good care in handling the manure, what per cent of the fertilizing elements contained in the crops and purchased feed may be regained in the manure? CHAPTER XXII HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED Chemical Analysis Has Limitations. — At first thought it would seem that since the requirements of the different crops are known, the fertilizer needs of any particular soil can be determined simply by a chemical analysis of that soil. This, however, is not the case, because several factors must be considered in addition to the quantity of the plant-food elements contained in the soil — such as, the plant characteristics, the kind of soil, availability of the elements, and all the other factors which determine fertility. What might be the fertilizer needs of a particular soil which analyzes 0.3 per cent nitrogen, 0.08 per cent phosphorus, 1.3 per cent potassium, and is not acid? 1 No one can tell with any degree of certainty without considering carefully all the factors named and to which reference is made (p. 80). It is evident, therefore, that the chemical analysis of a soil has certain limitations. It is not to be understood, however, that chemical soil analyses are of no value. Because of these limitations, other methods than determining the total amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potas- sium in soils have been devised to ascertain the fertilizer needs or the cropping possibilities of soils; such as, availability tests, pot tests made in the greenhouse, cylinder tests made indoors or out of doors, and fertilizer tests made on the farm under field conditions. Other Factors First. — Before deciding upon a chemical analysis to solve a soil fertility problem, the following factors should be considered: (a) Drainage. — Very often crop yields are low, or some crop fails entirely, because of the lack of proper underdrainage, even though the soil may be rich in all the elements. This factor should be considered on sloping fields, on hillsides and at the foot of slopes or hills as well as on lowlands (Fig. 46, Chapter IX). (6) Moisture Supply. — Frequently the lack of sufficient mois- ture, even in humid climates, is the cause of low yields. This lack of moisture may be the result of insufficient rainfall during 1 This particular soil responded well to acid phosphate and potash in the field. 355 356 HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED the growing period, and especially because of gravel or coarse sand subsoils (Fig. 42) . (c) Physical Condition of the Soil. — Since there is a close relationship between the physical condition of a soil and its fertility, attention should also be given this factor in diagnosing infertility or the cause of low yields. A striking difference in growth of plants due to physical improvement of the soil is shown in Figure 225. Cultivation improved the poor growth as shown by Figure 226. (d) Inoculation. — In determining the cause of failures or unsatisfactory crops in growing any legume, especially for the first time, it is important to determine whether or not the soil is properly inoculated. This can best be done by digging up several plants with a spade arid examining the roots for nodules. If none are found and the soil is not acid, the lack of proper organisms must necessarily be the limiting factor, provided, of course, other conditions are favorable. If the soil is acid, liming is the first aid, then inoculation (see index). (e) Harmful Agents in the Soil. — Not only should injury from diseases like rust, barley stripe and blight, and from insects like leaf aphids, boll-weevil and beetles be considered, but also the harmful agents which may infest the soil. These may be diseases, insect pests, certain poisonous substances, etc. (Chapter XIV). (/) Organic Matter. — Organic matter (see index) in soils affects practically all the factors which determine fertility. It is important, therefore, to note the amount of organic matter in any soil under examination, especially upland soils. The color of the soil usually indicates the amount present. CHEMICAL ANALYSES AND THEIR VALUE Total vs. Available Plant-food Elements. — Chemical analysis which shows the total quantity of the important plant-food ele- ments contained in a soil is not always an index to its productive- ness, because it is not so much the total supply as it is the amount that is available, or which can easily become available to meet the needs of the crop, that determines the productivity of the soil. When this fact became established, chemists tried to dis- cover some method to measure the availability of the elements, or ascertain to what extent the crop can secure its requirements from any particular soil. Attempts, therefore, have been made to imitate the action of the plant roots in securing the elements, TOTAL VS. AVAILABLE PLANT-FOOD ELEMENTS 357 FIG. 225.—' Not a fertilizer test — only a difference in plowing To left, clover sod was fall plowed as in Figure 75. To right, same kind of plowing but done in the spring. To left, nitrification was retarded. (See Fig. 226.) FIG. 226. — Proper cultivation overcame conditions shown in Figure 225. No difference in yield at harvest time. 358 HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED but little progress has been made. Some of these methods, however, have come nearer than the total analysis in ascertain- ing the cropping possibilities of a soil, or in determining its fertilizer needs. Uses for Chemical Analysis.— Soil fertility investigators and field men usually prefer to know the chemical composition of the soils on which they work. In this respect, chemical analyses are of great value, especially in continued experiments, in studying the effect that certain methods of fertilization and cropping have upon the chemical properties of a soil, or upon the supply of the plant-food elements. In soil survey, chemical analyses are especially valuable in comparing soil types and in tracing any correlation between the chemical and physical properties of certain types. Frequently, farmers desire chemical analyses of soils in order to determine their quality as compared with other soils. Four things are commonly determined by chemical analyses, namely: (a) the need of lime; (b) the supply of nitrogen and organic matter; (c) the phosphorus supply, and (d) the potassium content.2 Testing Soil for Its Need of Lime.— Since an acid soil is detri- mental to economic crop production, testing a soil for acidity or for its need of lime is of primary importance. Some farmers have limed certain soils because they thought they were acid, when, later on, tests showed that no lime was needed. This represents a typical case of wasted energy and money because of guesswork. Many farmers have failed again and again trying to grow alfalfa on acid soils, all because they did not consider the necessity of determining beforehand whether or not the soils were adequately supplied with lime. Again, many farmers do not know whether it would be best to lime their soils or not. Simple acidity tests can answer such questions definitely (p. 234). 2 Trustworthy samples for full chemical analyses should be collected by trained men. A soil auger is commonly used in getting the samples. At least ten different borings from different parts of the field examined should consti- tute the sample to be taken into the laboratory. Samples of the surface soil are usually taken to depths of six and two-thirds to eight inches. The subsoil should be examined to a depth of at least three to four feet for texture, struc- ture, permeability to water, etc. For practical purposes it is not necessary to make chemical analyses of subsoils. When the soil sample reaches the chemical laboratory, it is air- dried, screened of its stones, coarse gravel, etc., thoroughly mixed and finely pulverized. PHOSPHORUS DETERMINATIONS 359 Nitrogen and Organic Matter. — Nitrogen is an index to the supply of organic matter. When the percentage of nitrogen is high, the organic matter is abundant; when very low, the need of organic matter becomes evident. Many highly productive silt loams, for example, contain 0.25 per cent and more of nitrogen, while many others, particularly the lighter-colored types, contain about 0.15 per cent. Frequently the nitrogen content of certain long-cropped silt loams is as low as 0.09 per cent. Such a low percentage, together with field observations, generally indicates the urgent need of more nitrogen and organic matter. Thus, special manuring may be recommended, the plowing under of some legume as a green manuring crop, and the growing of more and better clover. Whenever possible, it is instructive to compare the nitrogen content and organic matter of any long-cropped soil with a virgin sample of the same soil collected along the fence. Such comparisons usually support the reasons commonly given why crop yields are much less now than in former years. Phosphorus determinations are not only interesting but of much value, since this element is regarded by many as the key to the maintenance of soil fertility. Highly productive silt loams commonly analyze 0.09 to 0.12 per cent, or more, of phosphorus. Some long-cropped silt loams contain no more than 0.03 per cent. Practically all low determinations of phosphorus indicate the need of phosphate fertilizers. When examining into the phosphate needs of any particular soil, it is also important to take into con- sideration soil acidity, the fertility factors, the cropping history of the fields, and the character of the crops grown. Some silt loams, for example, are comparatively well supplied with phosphorus, as high as 0.08 per cent, but because they are deficient in active organic matter, or because of poor aeration, they respond to soluble phosphate fertilizers (Fig. 126). Again, most acid, black silt loams are in need of phosphates even though they may contain fairly good supplies of phosphorus (see index) (Fig. 137). It is important to know that certain soils are well supplied with phosphorus, because this fact will decide whether it is neces- sary to rely wholly upon commercial fertilizers for the source of phosphorus, or to adopt such measures as to render available the phosphorus already present in the soil. During the improvement of such soils by the addition of organic matter and by liming, it is usually necessary to supply available phosphorus in the form 360 HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED of acid phosphate or bone meal. Later on rock phosphate may be used. Phosphorus determinations of ordinary sands, mucks and peats are valuable in ascertaining the quality of these soils. If any one doubts that a soil can ever become depleted by exhaustive cropping, let him compare the phosphorus analyses of long-cropped and depleted lands with those of virgin soils of the same kinds, or of similar soils that have had their phosphorus supplies maintained or increased through good farming methods. No arguments are so convincing. Potassium Analyses. — On many soils, especially the heavier types, potassium determinations are important largely because of their inventory value. On other soils analyses show surprisingly low supplies of this 'element, particularly in case of peats. Usually, when a soil is found to contain a low amount of potassium, potash fertilizers are required. Soils abundantly supplied should be so managed as to enable them to render available sufficient amounts to meet the needs .of crops (see "Potash" in index). POT TESTS Pot Tests Not Fully Reliable. — It has been the hope of chemists to determine by pot tests what chemical analyses do not or can not show as regards the fertilizer needs of a soil or its cropping possibilities. This method consists in filling several jars or cylinders with the soil to be studied, treating the pots in different ways, and growing a crop to indicate the proper treatment (Fig. 192). This method seems most reasonable and sure. Moreover, it can be carried on under absolute control as regards moisture and temperature conditions. The results of some pot tests are of special value in determining the fertilizer needs of any particular soil and serve to reinforce field observations and chemical analyses (Figs. 135 and 136). In general, however, such results can not be fully relied upon as guides in the practical operations of the farm, because it is impossible in such tests to reproduce the natural conditions found in the field.3 FIELD OR PLOT TESTS Field Tests Are Best. — Fertilizer tests made on the farm, or on the land in continued plot experiments, are the most reliable. 3 Tests made in large cylinders usually extend over several years. It is not practicable to make pot tests on the farm. FIELD TESTS ARE BEST 361 / _ No treatment 2 Acid 5 Muriate of \ potash 4- A/o treatment -4- tons on\corr\ 22 No b/ood 2.4 Same as /?, but nitro'q No phosphate - T~t Phosphate FIG. 230. — How to demonstrate the value of lime and acid phosphate. (See page 232.) it is important to continue to demonstrate the value of agricultural lime on individual farms and on different soils. Such tests are valuable, not only from an educational point of view, but, when rightly conducted, afford the farmer a basis for figuring the in- creases in net returns from this method of soil improvement. When an entire field is to be limed, an acre strip, or a one-half or a one-fourth acre area, may be left unlimed (Fig. 228). When only a small area is to be limed as a trial, the limed strip may extend through a field or project into it; or a portion of a field may be limed. Both limed and unlimed areas should be cropped the same, the same quality of seed used, and the lots should receive like treatment, except for the lime (Figs. 229 and 230). Trying Fertilizers. — In trying fertilizers, it is comparatively HOW FARMERS CAN CONDUCT FIELD TESTS 365 easy to fertilize a strip through the center of a field, or to leave an unfertilized area for comparison. When fertilizers are used in the drill for corn, for example, a few rows could be left unfertil- ized (Figs. 133 and 137). Sometimes the problem is to determine the proper combina- tion of fertilizers or which are the best to use. It then becomes necessary to make a more elaborate test. Figure 225 represents a Muriate of potash, 200 I bs. per acre /\ Muriate of potash, 200 Ibs. per acre D Acid phosphate, 400 Ibs. per acre No treatment (check) C Muriate of potash, 200 Ibs. per acre Rock phosphate, 800 Ibs. per acre Manure, 25 tons per acre FIG. 231. — Diagram of a manure and fertilizer test made on a marsh soil. (See Figs. 132, 232, and 233.) test made on a marsh area in Wisconsin. Four different treat- ments were compared. Each strip represents one-quarter of an acre. Figure 226 shows the results secured on plots A and B. Figures 232 and 233 combined, compare the results of B with no treatment C. Figure 233 shows the results on plots C and D; and Figure 132 shows the results on D and E. Similar tests may be made on sands and on other upland soils. When the soils are acid, one-half of each fertilized plot or a portion of each end, should be limed, so that results may be secured both with and without lime. 366 HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED Points to Observe. — In making liming tests, best contrasts in results can be secured when a definite line is made between the "limed" and "no lime" areas. To accomplish this, the west portion of a field should be limed when the wind blows from the east, or the east portion when the wind blows from the west. When the limed plot extends through a field, the windward border of the plot, at the time the lime is applied, should be selected for the best contrasts. The same point should be observed in applying certain fertilizers broadcast. Sometimes when two or more adjacent plots are to be fertilized differently, it becomes necessary to mix certain of the fertilizers ^ . POTASH ACID PHOSPHATE IPl FIG. 232. — Potash alone compared with potash and acid phosphate. (Wisconsin Station.) with moist soil to prevent the wind from blowing the fertilizer over the other plots. In such tests it is usually best to apply the fertilizers by hand, and then mix them thoroughly with the soil by disking or "dragging." Avoid the laying out of test plots adjoining and parallel to fences. Extend them into or through the field away from fences. Long strips are better than square plots. Observing the difference in growth on the various plots is not sufficient in determining the final and comparative results. It is always best to obtain the results by weighing the whole crop and determining the actual yields. When it is not convenient to harvest each plot separately, the crop on an average square rod on each plot may be properly harvested, and results calculated to acre basis. POINTS TO OBSERVE 367 368 HOW THE NEEDS OF SOILS MAY BE DETERMINED FARM EXAMINATIONS Farm Visits Are Essential. — Whenever a farmer wishes definite information concerning the needs of his soil, drainage, crop rota- tion, etc., it is most satisfactory, if such provision is made, for a representative to visit the farm. In this way a soil fertility expert is able to consider all conditions, note the character of the subsoil, observe the growing crops if circumstances permit, obtain the cropping history of each field if necessary, and if he thinks it important, take samples of soil for chemical analyses. The farmer should receive a report with recommendations for soil improvement. When several farmers in a community become interested in such farm examinations it is often advisable to " follow up" or reinforce such work with field demonstrations. Field demonstrations may be conducted as home projects to determine the values of each of the methods of soil improvement which are considered profitable. These may include projects in liming, inoculation, green- manuring, use of barnyard manure, use of commercial fertilizers, drainage, irrigation, subsoiling, dry farming methods, mulching, etc. In each trial check plots should be left for contrast. This will make the trials more conclusive. Consult chapters XII and XIII. QUESTIONS 1. Can the fertilizer needs of a soil or its cropping possibilities be determined by chemical analysis? Explain. 2. What other methods have been devised to answer these questions? 3. Name and discuss the conditions which should be considered before deciding upon chemical analysis for the solution of a soil fertility problem. 4. State specifically how organic matter in soils affects the fertility factors. 5. Why were methods of chemical analysis devised to determine the availa- bility of the elements? What success has been attained? 6. In general, mention some benefits to be derived in determining the total amount of each of the important elements contained in soils. 7. For practical purposes, what analyses are commonly made? Discuss the value of each determination. 8. Discuss the results secured in pot tests in relation to practical operations of the farm. 9. How are pot tests usually made? 10. What is the best method whereby the fertilizer needs of soils may be determined and principles governing fertility maintenance established? 11. How do experiment stations conduct such tests? 12. Explain how farmers can conduct simple lime and fertilizer tests. 13. Mention some points to be observed in making these tests. 14. Discuss the advantages in having the soils examined on the farm by a soil fertility expert. CHAPTER XXIII PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION Large Crops Not Necessarily the Most Profitable. — It is commonly assumed by farmers that large crop yields per acre are the most profitable, and that he who raises the most per acre makes the most money. This may or may not be true. High yields per acre are profitable when consistent with low cost per unit of produce. Low-priced land, rich, virgin soil, favorable seasons and cheap labor are important ^actors which lend to such possibilities; but ordinarily the general principle is that the higher the yield on a given soil, the greater the cost per acre. The product per dollar of expense will usually increase up to a certain point as a result of increased expenditures per acre, but a point is certain to be reached with continued increase of expenditures when the returns per dollar will be less and less. On high-priced land excessively fertilized a yield of 120 bushels of shelled corn per acre may be just as unprofitable as a yield of twenty-six bushels on land never fertilized. In the first case, expensive and excessive fertilizers may swallow all profits, while in the second case the yield may not be sufficient to pay for the labor and machinery costs. Profitable Crop Production Is the Foundation of Successful Farming. — It is very necessary, therefore, for every farmer, if he wishes to put his farming on a money-making basis, to produce a large enough yield to cover all production costs and have net profits besides. The net profits per acre, of course, should be as large as possible if thechange in method does not reduce the number of acres the farmer can raise. Increasing the yield on a given soil also means increasing the expenses per acre in producing the crop, though at the same time the profits may be increased. Doubling the yield may not necessarily mean doubling the profits; but, on the contrary, it may reduce the profits. It is not so much a question of maximum yields, therefore, as it is a question of maximum profits in crop production which, in a large measure, determines successful farming. Profits Determine Fertilizer Practice. — In fertilizer practice and in soil improvement, the question arises, "Does it increase 24 369 370 PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION the farm profits?" Few farmers, indeed, could be induced to use fertilizers and agricultural lime were no profits forthcoming. It is quite evident that when crop increases are profitably obtained by improving the soil through fertilization and otherwise, the farm profits, or managerial income,1 should likewise be larger. Much, of course, depends upon the manner in which the crops are disposed of. This explains why soil fertility investigators extend their investigations into farm management just so far as to enable them to arrive at their conclusions by determining the "value of crop increases above cost of fertilizers." Commercial fertilizers are profitable when they are judiciously used. The fertilizer practices in the Eastern and Southern states, as well as in the countries of the Old World, are sufficient evidence of this fact. The Crop-production Problem. — A most rital problem which confronts the land owner in his farm management is to determine the point at which his crop yields are the most profitable. To do this he must consider such factors as the value of his land,2 the cost of labor, machinery cost, cost of fertilizers and the price he expects to receive for his produce. In such determinations the cost of fertilizers is an important factor, because the fertilizers may be largely responsible for high yields and at the same time lower, or even consume the profits, if excessively or unwisely used. In a certain corn contest a boy won the prize because he pro- duced the greatest number of bushels per acre. However, when the total cost was considered, the value of the crop at market price was not sufficient to cover the cost. The largest item was the cost of the fertilizer treatments — he fertilized excessively. The Value of a Plot Left Untreated.— The actual profits derived through the use of commercial fertilizers on the farm are too frequently matters of guesswork. A check on increases due to fertilizers may be secured by comparing fertilized plots with a plot left unfertilized. It is just as important that leading farmers establish test plots on the farm to determine economic crop pro- duction as it is for experiment stations to do so — the only difference 1 Managerial or labor income means farm profits above total costs; total costs including unpaid family labor and interest on total investment. Family labor means all work done by wife and children on the farm, not including the household. 2 Land rental is an expense considered in crop production. When the land is owned by the farmer it is usual to charge five per cent on the value of the land in lieu of rent. DETERMINING THE MOST PROFITABLE FERTILIZER 371 being the farmer's system should be much more simple (Chapter XXI). Determining Profits From Fertilizers. — The almost universal method of interpreting fertilizer tests is to subtract the cost of fertilizer from the increased value of the crop. If the value of the increase is greater than the cost of the fertilizer, the fertilizer is considered profitable. Authorities on farm management and agricultural economics criticise this method because all the other costs, such as interest, hauling and applying fertilizers, and har- vesting, storing and marketing the increased crop, are disregarded.3 All authorities would not count interest on " materials in process," such as fertilizers and feeds. Since profits determine fertilizer practice, it is quite necessary to give business interpretation of results of fertilizer tests. Net value of the crop increase, therefore, should determine the conclu- sions regarding profits from fertilizers. A check plot is necessary to obtain the increased value of the crop. The value of the increase minus the increased cost for fertilizer and additional labor, etc., gives the net value of the increase. In all liberal fertilization it is usually best to obtain the net value of the increases for the rota- tion rather than for one year only. When the increase in yield gives only a small margin above the mere fertilizer cost, the chances are the cost of application and other increased costs would cancel this margin. An Example. — On a soil deficient in available phosphorus, a farmer applied 300 pounds of acid phosphate per acre for oats in a three-year rotation of oats, clover and corn. A plot was left unfertilized for a check. The increases per acre in three years were seventeen bushels of oats, one-half ton of clover hay and ten bushels of corn, the total valued at $22.50 (including straw and stover). The cost of fertilizer, interest, application and all other costs to harvest and care for the increase was calculated to approxi- mate $9.00 for the three years. In this case $13.50 is the net value of the increase per acre. These results clearly show that acid phosphate was profitable. Determining the Most Profitable Fertilizer. — Frequently on lands in need of fertilizers, it becomes necessary to determine by field tests which of two or more fertilizers, combinations of fertil- izers or different amounts applied is the most profitable. The net 3 Warren, Farm Management. 372 PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION value of the increased yield for each fertilizer treatment must necessarily be obtained in a similar manner as described in the foregoing paragraphs. Basis of Computing Returns. — The following questions now arise: " Upon what basis should the profits be computed? Should the profits be expressed in terms of per cent of the cost of the fertil- izer, or should they be expressed in terms of net profits per acre? " In all farm accounting, the cost of fertilizer is considered an expense and is charged against the crop. To be consistent, this expense should not be considered as capital permanently invested. The two main benefits derived through proper fertilization are : (a) the productivity of the soil is increased, and (b) the soil reserve of some of the important elements of plant-food is increased or maintained. These benefits result in an " appreciation " which is an increase in the value of the land. Moreover, expressing profits in terms of per cent on money paid out, or invested, is deceiving. Some business men have gone into bankruptcy because they relied too much upon what per cent seemed to show. In business administration it is recognized that actual profits above total costs determine which of two invest- ments or business ventures, for example, is the more profitable. An Example .-"A." gamed a net profit of 400 per cent on money he invested. "B" gained a net profit of ten per cent. This does not necessarily mean that "A" made the more profitable invest- ment. "A" had one dollar of ready money and invested it in popcorn, and in so doing gained a net profit of four dollars. "B," on the other hand, did not have any ready money, but seeing an opportunity to make a safe investment, he borrowed ten thousand dollars at six per cent interest for one year. He made the invest- ment, "turned" the property within the year, and received eleven thousand six hundred dollars. He returned the ten thousand dollars which he borrowed, paid six hundred dollars interest, and had one thousand dollars left as profit. It would be needless to say that "B" made the more profitable investment- Acre Profits. — As regards crop production, farmers and land owners think in terms of acres, and they plan to secure the most profits per acre. Ordinarily when they fertilize, they hope to increase these profits even though the cost .of producing the crop is augmented. Any fertilizer treatment, therefore, which gives the greatest value of crop increases above the fertilizer and other increased cost per acre will usually be the most profitable. THE LAW OF THE MINIMUM 373 An Illustration. — On a certain soil two different fertilizers were tried — the applications being made once in a three-year rotation. The following are the three-year results concerning profits: Fertilizers Cost per acre Net value of increase per acre per rotation Per cent profit on cost of fertilizer A B $4.00 8.00 $15.00 21.60 375 270 It is to be noted that the fertilizer "A" gave a net return of $15.00 per acre, or 375 per cent profit on the cost of fertilizer; and "B" gave a net return of $21.60 per acre, which is 270 per cent profit on the cost of the fertilizer. The fertilizer which gave a net profit of 270 per cent returned $6.60 more per acre than the fertilizer which gave a net return of 375 per cent on cost of fertilizer. Suppose a man had fifty acres of similar land and had only $200 of ready money to expend for fertilizers. He would be a poor business man, indeed, if he could not see that if he borrowed $200 one year to enable him to fertilize every acre with fertilizer "B," he could realize $330 more net profits, and in so doing realize at least 165 per cent profit on the money borrowed. When such conditions prevail as regards the use of fertilizers the land owner must first determine whether or not the change in method of crop production will reduce the number of acres he can raise, since the goal in profitable farming is " greatest amount of profits per man." If the method of fertilization does not reduce the number of acres of crop he can raise under his system of farm- ing, then both fertilizers (A and B) would be profitable — and the one which gives the greater net profits (dollars) per acre is the more profitable. Proper Kind and Amount of Fertilizers. — Two important factors come into play in determining the profitable use of com- mercial fertilizers, namely, the proper kind of fertilizers and the right amounts that should be used. These two factors may be expressed in terms of two economic laws, as follows: The "lav of the minimum" and the "law of diminishing returns." The law of the minimum as related to fertilizers and crop pro- duction may be stated as follows: // the soil is deficient in one particular element of plant-food, the yield of a given crop will be limited by the amount of that particular element contained in the 374 PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION fertilizer added. For example, if a soil contains an abundant and available supply of all the plant-food elements except phosphorus, and all other factors and conditions are favorable, the yield, in a large measure, will be proportional to the amount of available phosphorus added in the fertilizer. No excess of the other elements will make up for the shortage of phosphorus (Chap. VII, Fig. 33). The law of diminishing returns as it is applied to fertilizers may be stated as follows : The first expenditure of a proper or needed fertilizer is usually the most effective. Each additional increase in application produces smaller and smaller returns, until a further increase causes no increase in the yield. This is well illustrated by an experiment on wheat, begun in 1852, at Rothamsted, England, the oldest experiment station in the world. Several adjoining plots received mineral fertilizers such as phosphates and potash, in greater amounts than were removed by the crops. In addition to the mineral fertilizers, a nitrogen fertilizer was applied in different amounts. One plot received no nitrogen fertilizer, another 200 pounds per acre, a third 400 pounds, a fourth 600 pounds, and a fifth 800 pounds per acre.4 The fertilizers were applied every year and each year wheat was grown. At the end of the thirteenth year the following average results were secured: Diminishing Returns from Nitrogen Treatments per Acre Average Yield for 13 years Increase Increase per 200 Ibs. Nitro- gen Fertilizer Mineral fertilizers but no nitrogen . . Mineral fertilizers + 200 Ibs. nitrogen fertilizer Bu. 18.3 28.6 Bu. 10.3 Bu. 10.3 Mineral fertilizers -f 400 Ibs. nitrogen fertilizer Mineral fertilizers + 600 Ibs. nitrogen fertilizer 37.1 39.0 18.8 20.7 8.5 1.9 Mineral fertilizers + 800 Ibs. nitrogen fertilizer 39.5 21.2 0.5 The fourth column shows that the first 200-pound application of the nitrogen fertilizer returned 10.3 bushels. Increasing the application by 200 pounds caused an additional increase of 8.5 4 Equal parts of ammonium sulfate and ammonium chloride. The Book of the Rothamsted Experiments, 1917, pages 34 and 46. The experiment is still being continued. SUMMARY 375 bushels. The third 200-pound increase returned 1.9 bushels, and the fourth 200-pound increase of the nitrogen fertilizer returned only one-half a bushel. These results clearly show that increasing the application of a needed fertilizer does not necessarily mean a corresponding increase in the yield. Doubling or trebling the application does not necessarily mean doubling or trebling the increase. The relation between cost of production and profits may be shown by the diagram in Figure 234, which indicates the profits in per bushel No fertilizer Properly fertilized Excessively fertilized Fia. 234. — Diagram showing the relation between cost of production and profits. corn production on poor land without fertilization, when properly fertilized, and when excessively fertilized. It is to be noted that when the market value of the crop is high, the profits per acre are much greater than when prices are low. Ordinarily, the greatest net profits per acre can be realized when the soil is properly fertil- ized, and when high crop prices prevail. Summary. — Successful farming is determined in a large measure by maximum profits in crop production and not necessarily by maximum yields. High yields may not always mean large profits. Doubling the yield may not mean doubling the profits. The use of fertilizers has a direct bearing upon the net profits to be secured in growing crops. The value of the crop increase per acre above 376 PROFITABLE CROP PRODUCTION cost of fertilizer and other increased costs should be the basis for determining profits from fertilizers. When the use of fertilizer does not reduce the number of acres operated per man, the profits per acre above fertilizer and other increased cost per acre determine profitable fertilizer practice. When two or more fertilizers are found profitable on the same soil, the most profitable is the one which gives the greatest amount of net profits per acre. The greatest net profits per acre are obtained when the fertilizer needs of the soil are properly met and high crop prices prevail. Home projects in fertilizing should be started by students and farmers. Common local crops should be grown with and without the fertilizers contain- ing the elements which those crops remove from soils. A number of strips may be grown on which the fertilizers differ in amount and kind. Keep records of the cost and yield and determine the net profit per acre in each case. QUESTIONS 1. Are large crop yields per acre the most profitable? Explain. 2. Discuss the relation of profitable crop production to successful farming. 3. What determines fertilizer practice? Discuss. 4. Why is it not necessary for soil fertility investigators to determine the effect that soil improvement measures have upon managerial income? 5. What is meant by managerial income? Land rental? 6. What is a most important problem which confronts the farmer as regards his farm profits? How may this be determined? 7. How should profits from fertilizers be determined? Discuss. 8. When two or more fertilizers are compared what should determine which is the most profitable? Discuss. 9. What two factors come into play in determining the profitable use of commercial fertilizers? These factors may be expressed in terms of what two economic laws? 10. State the "law of the minimum" as it is applied to fertilizers. Illustrate. 11. State the "law of diminishing returns" as it is applied to fertil- izers. Illustrate. 12. Summarize the important points discussed in this chapter. CHAPTER XXIV FARMING IN REGIONS OF LIMITED RAINFALL Dry-Farming. — Dry-land farming, or dry-farming, is com- monly understood to mean the profitable production of crops without irrigation on lands receiving less than thirty and at least fifteen inches of rainfall annually. In reality there is no such thing as dry-farming. No crops can be produced on dry land. So- called dry-farming has for its object the reclamation of vast areas of unirrigable lands which were formerly thought to be of no agri- cultural value. It is a striking fact that about sixty-three per cent of the whole area of the United States receives less than thirty inches of rainfall annually. Eighteen Western states are included in this area. About twenty per cent of this area, or about 240,- 000,000 acres, receive less than fifteen inches. There are, therefore, more than a billion acres that may be called dry-farming lands in Western United States. Information Has Been Meager. — In the past only meager and unreliable information could be secured concerning dry-land farming. Within recent years, however, experimental data have been secured which will greatly aid in solving many of the problems confronting the dry-land farmer. It is to be understood that the climate in the dry-farming region is not uniform, but variable. One season may have almost humid, and another almost arid conditions. The distribution of the rainfall, likewise, is variable. It is not an unusual occur- rence to have a single torrential downpour of rain which exceeds in the amount the normal rainfall for the month in which it occurs. At other times a monthly precipitation of 1.9 inches may come in nine light showers and prove of no practical value because all the moisture evaporates before it can penetrate the soil mulch. The Water Problem. — The main problem thus far in growing crops without irrigation in regions of limited rainfall concerns the conservation of the rainfall for crop use (Chapter VIII). It has been demonstrated that by proper methods there need be no com- plete crop failure on suitable soils wherever the annual rainfall is 377 378 FARMING IN REGIONS OF LIMITED RAINFALL above fifteen inches. In some sections twelve inches or less of rainfall is sufficient for dry-farming. The amount of rainfall during the growing season is a better criterion of crop production than the annual rainfall. Soils in Dry-Farming Regions. — Soils in dry and semi-arid climates are rich, because of the comparatively small amount of leaching during past ages. A great variety of soils exist — ranging from heavy clay and alluvial loam to fine sand and coarse gravel, and varying in depth from a few inches to many feet. A dry-farm soil should be intermediate in texture, uniform and deep, and should support a good growth of natural vegetation, preferably sagebrush. The success of dry-farming is determined in a large measure by the deep, congenial subsoils so generally characteristic of arid and semi-arid regions. This enables the roots of crops to pene- trate deeply, thus enabling them to secure deep as well as broad pasturage. Farming Methods. — Many wrong ideas have prevailed con- cerning dry-farming methods. Recent experiments, however, seem to warrant the following statements:1 (a) No definite " system" of dry-farming has been or is likely to be established that will apply generally to all or to any con- siderable part of the dry-land area. (6) No hard and fast rules can be adopted to govern the methods of tillage or of the time and depth of plowing. (c) Deep tilling does not necessarily increase the water-holding capacity of the soil or facilitate root development. (d) Alternate cropping and summer tillage can not be relied upon as a safe basis for a permanent agriculture or to overcome the effect of severe and long-continued droughts. (e) The farmer can not be taught by given rules how to operate a dry-land farm. Crops for Dry-Farming. — In dry-land farming the selection of proper crops and their proper seeding, care and harvesting are as important as choosing a suitable soil and preparing it properly. In general, crops cultivated in humid regions are also grown on semi-arid lands. However, varieties especially adapted to dry- farming conditions must be used. In some sections it is most important to select those crops which will make most of their 1 United States Department of Agriculture Yearbook, 1911. CROPS FOR DRY-FARMING 379 growth during the period of most rainfall, and those which will make the most efficient use of the soil moisture. Some dry-farm crops are here mentioned in the order of their importance. Wheat is the leading crop — including winter and hard spring varieties.2 This crop shows a closer relation between the yield and the moisture content of the soil than any other crop. In the northern portion of the dry-land area corn or other cultivated ground makes the best preparation; in the central portion, early fall plowing and cultivated ground is good; and in the south- ern section winter wheat seeded late on small grain stubble is most profitable. In the southern portion, land preparation for winter wheat should begin immediately after the harvest of small grains.3 Oats is a promising dry-land crop. Summer tillage has produced higher yields than any of the other cultural methods, but the great- est profits per acre have been realized when oats were sown on disked corn land. Where listing has been tried, it proved more profitable than fall plowing. Barky grows fairly well on dry-farms, especially those varieties belonging to the beardless and hull-less types. Largest yields are produced on summer tilled land, but slightly more profits per acre have been realized when the ground is prepared with a lister instead of a plow. Rye is one of the surest dry-land crops. The winter varieties are usually most satisfactory. Corn is a most excellent crop to grow for fodder and to prepare the land for a crop of small grain. It has been found that no one method of seed-bed preparation seems essential to the production of this crop, especially in the Great Plains. Sorghums promise to become excellent crops for dry-farming. Alfalfa is a most valuable crop to grow in the valleys especially, on account of the more favorable moisture conditions. Some- times alfalfa is planted in rows to permit of intertillage, and to lessen the draft on the moisture supply. Peas have been found an excellent legume in some sections, and may be substituted for summer fallowing. 2 The hard winter wheat, especially — Kharkow and Turkey Red of the Crimean group. The varieties of common spring wheat usually grown are the Blue Stem and Red Fife. Durum or macaroni wheat is also much grown. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 268, and Farmers' Bulletin 895. "IT. S. Farmers' Bulletin 895, 1917. 380 FARMING IN REGIONS OF LIMITED RAINFALL DRY-FARMING PRACTICES Cultural Methods. — On fourteen different Experiment Station farms within the Great Plains area, experiments have been con- ducted, some extending over eight years, in determining the com- parative value of fall plowing, spring plowing, disking corn stubble, subsoiling, green manuring and summer tillage4 in preparation of the soil for wheat, oats, barley, corn, milo and kafir.5 Listing was also tried.6 The following general conclusions were reached: (a) When the climatic conditions are as favorable as those often experienced in all parts of the Great Plains area on all the types of soil repre- sented, profitable crops can be produced by any one of the several different cultural methods such as are in common use; (6) when the climatic conditions are unfavorable, no profitable crop of any kind tested can be produced by any of the cultural methods under investigation. Plows and Depth of Plowing. — Disk plows are commonly used. Evidence so far obtained goes to show that nothing is gained by stirring the soil to a depth greater than is done by ordi- nary plowing, eight inches or less in depth. Whether plowed or not, it is important to leave the ground in a condition which will retain the maximum quantity of snow during winter. Fall plowing is usually best. Depth, Rate and Time of Seeding. — Depth of seeding seems to be of less importance than the proper time of seeding, which, of course, varies in different sections. Results seem to show that thin seeding is more favorable than when ordinary amounts of seed are sown per acre in humid regions, though in some sections where the rainfall is more favorable, ordinary rate of seeding is better. The grain drill is better than the broadcast sower. On the lighter soils the press-wheel drills give excellent results (p. 156). Moisture Conservation. — Difference in depth of plowing seems to have no effect on moisture conservation. In some sections it has been found necessary to leave the soil uncropped but culti- vated during each alternate. year in order to save up enough mois- ture for a crop. Cultivation is an important operation in dry- 4 Summer tillage means the tillage of an uncropped fallow field during an entire season. 6 Milo and kafir are two varieties of kafir corn, one of the classes of sorghum. 6 U. S. Department of Agriculture Bulletin 268. QUESTIONS 381 land farming to conserve moisture. Some investigators believe that cultivation to establish and maintain a soil mulch is not so important a factor in moisture conservation as cultivation to kill weeds. Use of Fertilizers. — Since the soils in dry-farming regions are generally rich, especially in the mineral elements, commercial fertilizers have not been used. Crop Rotation. — In general, little has been done in determining proper rotations for dry-farming. A rotation of oats, corn and wheat has been tried with good success in some sections. For further information, see page 277. Stock in Dry-land Farming. — Early dry-land farming was devoted almost exclusively to the production of crops, especially wheat. No thought was given to the maintenance of fertility. Even now little attention is being given to maintaining the pro- ductiveness of the soils. Semi-arid soils are rich in the mineral elements, but are deficient in organic matter. It seems advisable to introduce stock to utilize roughage, and especially to aid in establishing crop rotation and in maintaining fertility. Thus far dairying seems the most profitable type of stock farming. Good farming is as essential to successful dry-land farming as it is elsewhere. Good farming means practicing the best methods of producing the largest crops with the greatest net profits, and leaving the soil in the best condition for the production of the crops which follow. Dry farming projects may be conducted not only in regions of limited rainfall but also in regions where there is danger of summer drought. Such projects may include the growing of dry region crops, the practice of deep plowing, subsoiling, sub-surface packing, maintenance of dust mulch, use of other mulches, etc. QUESTIONS 1. What is meant by dry-farming? Is this kind of farming of much import- ance? Why? 2. Discuss the uniformity of climate and distribution of rainfall in the . dry-farming regions. 3. What is the important problem in dry-land farming? What is the mini- mum amount of rainfall necessary? 4. Discuss the character of arid and semi-arid soils. 5. Discuss the importance of the character of the subsoil in dry-farming. 6. Have "iron-clad" farming methods been established for dry-land fanning? Discuss this point. 7. Name some crops, that are especially well adapted to dry-farming. 382 FARMING IN REGIONS OF LIMITED RAINFALL 8. In general, what have been some of the results of experiments in deter- mining the value of different cultural methods in dry-farming? 9. What is gained by deep plowing over shallow plowing? 10. Discuss the depth, rate and time of seeding in dry-farming. 11. What is the most important farm practice in moisture conservation? Why? 12. Is stock farming possible in dry-farming? Discuss its importance. 13. Is good farming essential to success in dry-land farming? What is meant by good farming, generally? 14. What dry-farming methods have you seen used, even in humid regions? APPENDIX 383 APPENDIX Composition of Feeds Average Dry Matter, Digestible Nutrients arid Fertilizing Constituents in Some Common Feeds* Amount in 100 Pounds Feeds Dry matter Digestible Nutrients Fertilizing Constituents Crude pro- tein Carbo- hy- drates Fat Nitro- ?N> Phos- phorus (P) Potas- sium (K) Alfalfa hay . 91.4 90.7 92.5 87.7 89.4 88.2 87.1 91.4 87.8 89.5 87.8 88.7 26.3 90.6 92.1 88.4 90.3 91.1 91.3 90.9 89.9 9.4 13.6 9.9 87.5 87.2 90.8 88.5 90.9 21.2 90.5 90.6 90.1 91.4 16.4 92.5 88.4 89.8 89.9 89.6 89.9 7.5 10.6 9.0 21.5 7.9, 9.7 8.6 7.6 10.9 4.0 7.5 7.7 6.9 1.1 2.2 31.6 19.4 13.1 16.5 21.6 30.2 2.9 0.8 3.3 3.6 5.0 4.3 9.7 1.0 30.2 1.1 7.3 9.9 30.7 11.7 1.2 56.3 3.0 9.2 12.5 13.3 9.6 1.0 39.0 66.8 30.5 36.9 36.8 41.1 39.3 38.2 39.7 67.8 66.1 69.0 15.0 47.8 25.6 54.5 33.7 42.6 51.9 43.9 45.0 6.4 4.9 5.1 46.0 44.3 52.1 42.6 32.6 15.8 48.1 68.4 22.8 39.2 12.6 42 '.8 67.5 41.6 46.3 47.3 4.5 09 1.6 6.1 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.8 0.7 1.1 4.6 4.6 3.5 0.7 1.0 7.8 1.1 1.0 10.4 3.2 4.4 1.0 0.0 4.3 0.2 1.8 1.2 3.8 0.9 6.7 0.0 10.6 1.2 14.4 1.2 0.04 12.7 1.2 1.5 3.0 4.3 3.6 0.7 2.38 1.84 4.24 2.05 2.26 1.94 2.05 2.32 1.38 1.62 1.66 1.49 0.34 0.94 6.02 3.78 3.09 3.62 4.06 5.68 1.06 0.22 0.56 0.61 1.33 1.22 1.98 0.58 5.42 0.35 1.89 1.89 5.84 2.56 0.26 9.7 0.99 1.98 2.56 2.77 2.13 0.16 0.236 0.37 0.431 0.305 0.27 0.45 0.17 0.29 0.2 0.3 0.296 0.283 0.069 0.196 1.16 0.44 0.41 0.575 0.27 0.24 0.183 0.017 0.083 0.096 0.157 0.157 0.353 0.09 0.742 0.052 0.32 0.594 0.296 0.035 2.14 0.135 0.375 1.286 0.92 0.322 0.052 1.85 0.614 0.075 1.44 1.86 1.72 1.35 1.05 1.58 0.332 0.324 0.31 0.36 1.07 1.49 1.24 3.43 0.21 0.19 0.1 0.94 0.18 0.14 0.14 1.78 1.36 0.465 1.245 1.054 0.044 0'.473 2.05 1 93 0.265 0.72 1.13 0.44 1.344 0.98 0 63 0 215 Brewers' grains (dried) Clover hay, crimson Clover hay, sweet (white) Clover and timothy hay (mixed) Corn, flint Corn silage (well matured) Corn stover (ears removed, very dry) . Cowpeas Germ oil meal (high grade) Gluten feed (high grade) Johnson grass hay Mangels . . Milk, skim Mixed grasses, hay Oats . . Oil meal (old process) > Potatoes . Rye Soybeans . Soybeans hay Sugar beets (roots) Tankage (high grade) Timothy hay Wheat . Wheat middlings (shorts) Wheat screenings Whey For other feeds consult Productive Feeding of Farm Animals, Woll. * Compiled from Feeds and Feeding, Henry and Morrison, 15th Edition, 1915. INDEX Absorption of water by seeds, 49 favored by contact, 49 retarded by salts, 49 Acid phosphate fertilizer, 197, 199 absorption by soil, 213 acid character of, 224 application of, 199, 299, 312, 324 availability of, 197 choice of, 201, 202 mixed with other materials, 211 on acid soil, 202 vs. rock phosphate, 202 soils, extent of, 236 how to tell, 233 lime for, 231 on limestone, 242, 248 Acidity of soils. (See Soil acidity) Acre profits from fertilizers, 372 Air, for soil medium, 13 source of carbon, 13 Agricultural lime, defined, 229 comparative value of, 244 kinds of, 238-244 laboratory exercises on, 252 source of, 154 testing value of, 232, 362 Alfalfa a heavy feeder, 65 amount elements removed by, 62 and crop rotation, 329, 339, 340 for sands, 316 good as a weed-killer, 78, 268 inoculation for, 230 lime for, 230-232 needs much potassium, 203 on acid soils, 231, 232, 249 rich in calcium (lime), 64 rich in protein, 64 root system of, 68 rotations for, 276, 277 when successful on acid soils, 249 where grown, 275 Alkali in soil, injurious, 258 soil, defined, 43, 44 deep rooted plants for, 259 drainage for, 259 management of, 260 spots, 44 remedy in drainage, 111 Alluvial soil, defined, 15 origin and value of, 17 Alsace, potash in, 202 Alsike clover, adaptation, 275 elements removed by, 62 response to liming, 233 Alumina, defined, 30, 31 Aluminum, defined, 30, 31 Ammonia gas, defined, 174 in horse stable, 224 Ammonium sulfate fertilizer, 196 Analyzing soils, 355-368 for lime needs, 358 for nitrogen needs, 359 for organic matter, 359 for phosphorus needs, 359 for potassium needs, 360 methods of, 358 Apatite, defined, 40 25 Aphids and yields, 256, 258 Apples, elements removed by, 69 Arid climate, defined, 44 soil, characteristics of, 44, 378 Availability of elements, defined, 54 affected by iron in soil, 262 of nitrogen fertilizers, 196 of phosphate fertilizers, 197 of potash fertilizers, 202 of, vs. total amount, 199, 356 Bacteria and crop failure, 181 are plants, 178 for soil medium, 13 in soil, 171-2 legume, 172, 180 nitrogen-gathering, 172, 175 number of in manure, 216 soil, 13, 171 size of, 171 Backfurrow, 113, 139, 148 Barley, elements removed by, 62 for sands, 317 response to liming, 233 rotations for, 275, 276, 280 Barnyard manure. (See Manure) water, why colored, 224 Basic slag fertilizer, 197, 198 availability of, 197 choice of, 202 Basalt, defined, 39 Beans, where grown, 281 Bench terraces, defined, 289 Beet, sugar, elements removed by, 62 root system of, 68 (See under Sugar beets) Black alkali, defined, 44 Blank test plots, 360 Blinding tile, defined, 1 19 Blood meal fertilizer, 196, 197 availability of, 196 in relation to decay, 173 Blue grass, elements removed by, 62 litmus paper, 229 Bog cutter, 297 "Bogus" spots in marsh soils, 302 Bone meal, fertilizer, 197, 198 availability of, 197 choice of, 201 Broadcast grain sower, 158 Brome grass for sands, 317 Buckwheat, elements removed by, 62 for green manuring, 66, 192, 194 for sands, 317 rotations for, 278 Burnt lime for peat, 245 for soils, 243 Business of the farmer, 37 Cabbage, a heavy feeder, 64 club root of, 233, 257, 259 elements removed by, 62, 68, 203 resistance to yellows, 258, 260 response to liming, 233 root system of, 68 yellows and fertility, 257, 260 Calcite, defined, 40 385 386 INDEX Calcium, defined, 30, 31 amount removed by crops, 62, 63 amount removed by fruit, 69 and protein relations, 64 function of, in plants, ">"> how distributed in plants, 63 Capillary rise of water, 96 factors influencing, 96, 97 how aided, 102 laboratory exercises on, 105 water, denned, 93 importance of, 93 how held by soil, 93 Carbon, defined, 30, 32 dioxide, defined, 6 function of, in plants, 55 how plants secure, 35, 36 much used by plants, 36 Carbonate of lime, defined, 41 deposit of, 239 for liming, 238 laboratory exercises on, 251 origin of, 41 test for, 238 Carbohydrates, defined, 57 and potassium relations, 64 laboratory exercises on, 57 Catch crops, defined, 174 value and uses of, 193, 272 Chalk, natural, 243 Chemical analysis of soils, 30, 356 has limitations, 355 uses and value of, 257, 258 changes in soils, 6 composition, of animals, 36 plants, 36 soil, 29, 30 elements, defined, 29 how exist in soil, 30 formula, defined, 30 symbol, defined, 30 test for carbonates, 238 for soil acidity, 234 Chloride of potash, fertilizer, 202 Chlorophyll defined, 50 Cherries, elements removed by, 69 Classification of soils, 14 on basis of origin, 15 of texture, 14 of type, 22 Clay, defined, 11, 12, 14 advantages of, 321 clearing, 324 crops to grow, 325 drainage in, 322 erosion problem in, 324 field studies on, 326 home projects on, 326 loam, defined, 14 mechanical composition of, 14. 15, 321 lime, use of in, 323 nitrogen problem in, 323 organic matter problem in, 323 particles, defined, 11, 12 phosphates in, 324 plowing in, 325 plowing of, 15, 142, 325 rotations for, 325 soil class, 14 soil management, 321, 325 special problems in, 321 sweet clover for, 323 tilth (good) in, 322 types of farming, 325 true, 41 Climate, arid, defined, 44 effect of, on soil, 42 humid, defined, 42 relation to fertility, 80 semi-arid, defined, 44 sub-humid, defined, 42 Clod crushers, 154, 155 Clover, adaptation of, 275 elements removed by, 62 for green manuring, 191, 193 maintaining farming, 177, 191 marsh lands, 304 sand farming, 316 good, a weed-killer, 78, 268 sod better than timothy, 181 where grown, 275 Club root of cabbage, 233, 258, 259 Colluvial soil, defined, 15 origin and value of, 22 Commercial fertilizers. (See Fertilizers'* Complete fertilizers, defined, 205 determining equivalent of, 198, 202 expressing equivalent of, 205 use of, 205, 206 Composition of feeds, 383 soil, 11, 29, 30 influences plant growth, 34 Conservation of soil moisture, 100-105 in sand farming, 313 laboratory exercises on, 105, 106 Continuous cropping defined, 264 Coral, as agricultural lime, 243 Corn, cultivation of, 162 elements removed by, 62 for sands, 316 home projects on, 169 on peat soils, 125, 187, 201, 204 production on decline, 1 response to fertilizers, 200, 201, 206-208 root development of, 53, 68 root-worm and fertility, 255 rotations for, 275-280 where grown, 279 Corrugated roller, 155 Cost of fertilizers, an expense, 372 Cotton, elements removed by, 62 for sand farming, 317 rotations for, 279, 280 where grown, 279 Cottonseed meal, fertilizer, 196, 197 availability of, 196 relation to decay, 173 Coulters, 141 Cover crops, 193, 272 for soil erosion, 288 Cowpeas, illustrated, 191 elements removed by, 62 for green manuring, 191, 192 Crimson clover, illustrated, 192 for green manuring, 191, 192 for sands, 316 Crop production, and fertilizer practice, 369 determines fertilizer use, 369" relation between cost of, and profits, 375 profitable, 369-376 the farmers' problem, 370 rotation, defined, 263 alfalfa in, 329, 331, 339, 340 application of principles, 332, 342 best for soil improvement, 274 benefits of, 264, 270 chart, 331 controls insects and diseases, 264 cropping problems solved by, 329 INDEX 387 Crop rotation, definite, defined, 263 in practice, 263, 275 economic yields resulting from, 272 factors determining kind of, 328 proper, 272 farm management in relation to, 327 fertilizers do not take place of, 271 fertilizing elements conserved by, 2 field studies on, 2S2, 342 fixed, defined, 263 for all farms, 341 for clay soils, 325 for cotton, 336 for cowpeas, 338 for depleted silt loams, 326 for dry-land farming, 277 for gardening, 280, 281 for general farming, 331, 342 for marsh soils, 304 for North Atlantic States, 277 for North Central States, 275 for Pacific States, 280 for sandy soils, 317 for South Atlantic States, 278 for South Central States, 279 for stock farming, 329 for truck farming, 280, 281 helps to maintain fertility, 268-270 home projects on, 282, 242 how to plan, 329 for grain farming, 330 for stock farming, 330 for truck farming, 331 illustrated, 332-342 increases organic matter, 265, 274 legumes in, for best results, 272 liming problems solved by, 276 not always beneficial, 271 on hillsides, 288 other points on, 339 practical, 328 problems, in illustrated, 332-342 remedy for diseased soil, 257 short better than long, 274 soil fertility in relation to, 263 soil problems solved by, 329 some systems of, 274 special, for alfalfa, 340 summary on practical, 341 systematizes farming, 328, 341 tilth improved by, 266 to meet several soil problems, 338, 341 weeds controlled by, 268 wheat yields increased by, 271 Crops, advantages in growing different, 327 and soil determine fertilizer needs, 208 as feeders, 61-63 because of decay, 172 benefited by liming, 232, 233 change of, not always beneficial, 271 demanding much potassium, 203 factors in growing, 75 failure of, and bacteria, 181 failure of, due to diseases, 257 fertility indicators, 80 for heavy clay soils, 325 for marsh lands, 305 for sands, 316 grow, in right combinations, 272 order, 273 grown, in dry-land farming, 277 in North Atlantic States, 277 in North Central States, 275 Crops grown in Pacific States, 280 in South Atlantic States, 278 in South Central States, 279 growth of, and light, 77, 78 and weeds, 7x increased by rotation, 268-271 injured by liming, 233 large, may not be most profitable, 369 plowing under, for green manure, 193 plow under or feed, 195 remove mineral elements, 33, 62, 63 secret in growing, 86, 87 secure elements from two sources, 172 tolerating soil acidity, 233 vary in their requirements, 64 yields of, affected by temperature, 51 in England, 2 in France, 2 in Germany, 2 in United States, 2 relatively low, 2 Cultivation, defined, 161 favors nitrification, 161, 174, 357 level vs. hilling, 167 objects of, 161 right time for, 164 shallow is best, 167 to conserve moisture, 162 Cultivators, 161, 166 Culti packer, 155 Culture solution, how to make, 58 Cumulose soil, defined, 15 origin and extent of, 16 Cylinder fertilizer tests, 360 Diary farms, use of manure on, 221 of fertilizers on, 222, 345, 353 Deadfurrow, defined, 113 Decay, and crops, 172 of rocks, 1-9 of soil, 9 organisms of, lacking, 175 Deep tilling, 147 Depleted soils, defined, 84 improvement of, 326 Disk drills, 157 harrows, 151 Disking, the seed bed, 151 before plowing, 153 for summer fallowing, 153 potato land for grain, 153 to conserve moisture, 153 vs. plowing, 159 Disintegration of rocks, 1-9 Dolomite, defined, 40 Drag (harrow), 152 Drainage, defined, 109 and percolation, 95 benefits of, 109-112 by means of pumps, 126 erosion prevention, 287 factor considered in fertility, 355 field studies on, 133 how accomplished, 112 in clay soil farming, 321 laboratory exercises on, 132, 133 lands needing, 112 of alkali soils, 131, 258 of marsh lands, 294 noted projects, 126 sub-surface, 113, 115, 117 surface, 112, 114 vertical, 113 tile, 117-126. (See under Tile drainage) what determines method of, 113 388 INDEX Dried blood fertilizer, 196, 197 Drill application of fertilizers, 201, 206-208 Droughty soil, 99 Dry-climate soil, 377 Dry-land farming, denned, 377 crops for, 277, 378 crop rotations for, 277, 381 cultural methods in, 380 dairying in, 381 extent of dry-farm lands, 377 farming methods in, 378 fertilizers for, 381 good farming in, 381 listing for, 159 moisture conservation in, 380 planting and seeding in, 380 plowing in, 380 plows for, 380 projects (student) in, 381 rainfall in, 377 seeding and planting in, 380 soils best for, 378 stock raising in, 381 water problem in, 92, 377 water requirement in, 91 Dune sand, 309 "Dust" of the earth, 36 Dynamiting soils, 148 Earth, formative period of, 5 Elements, denned, 29 amount removed by crops, 61-63 conserved by rotation, 267 contained in subsoil, 72 distribution of, in crops, 63 exchange of, in farming, 350 forms in which plants secure, 61 function of, in plants, 55 how exist in soil, 30 how plants secure, 36, 54 laboratory exercises on, 58 made available by liming, 230 minerals,1 denned, 33 pass through cycles, 37 plant-food, denned, 54 removed by fruit, 69 required by plants, 35 source of, for plants, 35 supply of, in soil, 33 why some soils rfre deficient in, 40 (See under Plant-food elements) Erosion. (See Soil erosion) Experiment Station fertilizer tests, 362 Experimental fertilizer plots, 360-368 Exportation on decline, 1 Fall plowing, 144 retarded nitrification, 357 Farm crops consumed in U. S., 1 Farm management, 327 and crop rotations, 327-338 crop rotation chart aids in, 331 drainage relations, 112 soil problems common in, 327 successful, 327 systematized by rotation, 328, 341 Farmer's business, 37 Farmers conduct fertilizer tests, 362 Farm soil examination, 368 survey, 368 Farming, account with plant-food elements in, 347-353 clay lands, 325 for profit, 369-376 grain, and soil depletion, 344 Farming, grain, revised, 344 and stock, combined, 347 vs. stock, 343, 346 in irrigated sections, 131 in regions of little rainfall, 377 in relation to soil fertility, 343 marsh lands, 293-307 N and P balance in, 347-353 sandy soils, 309-319 types of, 318 stock, and fertility, 345 is popular, 345 vs. grain, 343, 346 systems of, 343 trials in Illinois, 347 in Ohio, 345,346 Feeding of crops, 61, 63 power of plants, 66 stock, elements lost in, 350, 351 Feeds, fertilizing constituents in, 383 nutrient composition of, 383 Feldspar, defined, 40 Fertile soil, defined, 75 factors determining, 75 Fertility. (See Soil fertility) Fertilization, defined, 190 and liming, 231 by alluvial deposits, 18 Fertilizer, attachments, 212 cost of, an expense, 372 practice and profits, 369 law of diminishing returns in, 374 of the minimum in, 373 tests, 67, 204, 223, 360-368 how experiment stations conduct, 363 how farmers can conduct, 362 in general, 360-373 on marsh soils, 200, 201, 204, 298, 300, 303 points to observe, 366 value of untreated plot, 370 Fertilizers, 196-213 absorption of, by soil, 213 amount to apply, 211, 299, 312-313, 324 broadcast vs. hill application, 213 chemical analysis to tell need of, 355 classes of, 196 commercial, defined, 196 computing profits from, 372 cost of, 207 determined by soil and crop, 208 determining profits from, 371 diagnosing soils for need of, 355 drill and hill application of, 211-213 economic laws in relation to, 373 effect of lime on, 230 efficiency of, increased by green manure, 209 liming, 230, 231 moisture in soil, 205 organic matter, 173 fertility and fertilizer relations, 206 for marsh soils, 297-300 for peat soils, 297, 303 for sands, 311-313 green manuring helps, 209 high grade vs. low grade, 210 hill and drill application of, 211-213 home mixing of, 210 projects on, 225, 376 how elements in, expressed 196 to apply, 211-313 to determine need of, 355-368 indirect, 196 INDEX 389 Fertilizers, in general, 205 in maintaining fertility, 206 laboratory exe* rises on, 223, 224 lasting effects of, 213 low grade vs. high, 210 most profitable, 371 need of, determined by chemical analy- sis of soil, 355-358 examining soil conditions, 355, 356 fertilizer tests in field, 67, 364- 368 pot tests, 204, 298, 360 soil and crop needs, 2O4, 208 pot tests for, 204, 298, 360 how to make, 223 profits determine use of, 207, 369 from, how to compute, 372 rules for use of, 210 soil and crop determine need of, 208 testing in the field, 360-368 importance of, 67, 68 in pots, 204, 298, 360 how to do, 223 not fully reliable, 204, 360 units, defined, 207 use of, determined by profits, 207, 369 by economic laws, 373 valueless without decay, 173 when fail, 205 most profitable, 371, 375 Fertilizing elements, defined, 33 account with, in farming, 347-353 balance sheet of, for a grain rota- tion, 348 on dairy farms, 348, 353 conserved by crop rotation, 267 exchange of, in farming, 350-353 gained from purchased feeds, 350- 362 in feeds, 383 lose and gain of, in farming, 349, 350 lost by soil erosion, 283 in feeding transaction, 349, 350 regained in manure, 350 Field tests, 67, 188, 189, 200, 201, 204, 206- 208, 303, 360 Fine sandy loam, defined, 14 Fire-fanging of manure, 218 Flax, elements removed by, 62 crop rotation for, 276 Floating bogs, 16 Flooding (irrigation), 129 Food manufactured in plants, 37, 50 production per acre, 343 as grain vs. as meat, 343 Frost, effect of, on rocks, 6 on marsh lands, 302-303 Fruit, elements removed by, 69 Fruition period, 56 Furrow irrigation, 130 Garden crops and liming, 233 Gases as weathering agents, 6 Germination (period), 47 contact with soil, a factor, 49 critical, 47 fertilizers affecting, 49 laboratory exercises on, 56 moisture in relation to, 49 requirements and conditions for, 48 salts in relation to, 49 temperature in relation to, 49 water in relation to, 49 Glacial soil, defined, 15 origin of, 18 quality of, 21 Glaciers, effects of, 19-21 story of the, 18 Good farming, 381 Grade lath, use of, 118 line, illustrated, 119 Gradient, defined, 117 Grain drills, 156-158 for sand farming, 315 farming, defined, 343 for densely populated countries, 343 has led to soil depletion, 344 importance of, 343 maintaining fertility in, 347 revised, 344 stock and, compared, 346 on potato land, 153 Grains, lodging of, 64 Granite, defined, 39 soil from, 42 Grass on clay soils, 325 on sands, 316 Green manuring, defined, 190 an old practice, 191 benefits of, 190, 191, 194 best time for, 193 crops for, 192 cover crops for, 190 cultivation important in, 194 feeding the crop vs., 195 fertilizer relations, 209 for clay soils, 324 for cultivated crops, 194 for depleted silt loams, 326 for sands, 310 for soil improvement, 194 hints on, 195 in relation to liming, 231 importance of, in South, 193 legumes best for, 190 plowing under the crop, 193 precautions in, 193 to maintain organic matter, 191 Varro on, 191, 192 vs. fertilizers, 191 weeds for, 194 Greensand, 243 Gridiron system of tiling, 122 Ground bone fertilizer, 197, 198 water table, defined, 113 Growing period of plants, 49 activities in, 50 conditions and requirements in, 50,51 Gully erosion, defined, 286 Gypsum, defined, 40 for alkali soils, 259 for conserving manure, 218 for liming, 244 Hardpan, defined, 124 Harmful agents in soil, 255-262, 356 Harrows, 151-154 Harrowing, 151 Heat and cold, effects of, 6 Heavy soil, defined, 14 Hematite, defined, 40 Hemp, elements removed by, 62 response to liming, 233 soil for, 68 Herringbone system of tiling, 122 Hoe drill, 158 390 INDEX Home mixing of fertilizer, 210 materials not to mix, 211 mixing rules, 210 Hornblende, defined, 40 Humid climate, denned, 4 Humus, denned, 12 Hydrated lime, 238, 244 Hydrogen, defined, 30, 33 Ice, a weathering agent, 6 the Ice Age, 18 Igneous rocks, defined, 39 Illinois grain vs. stock farming test, 346, 347 Infertility, defined, 80 causes of, 85 diagnosing, 86 toxin theory of, 261 Inoculation, defined, 182 a fertility factor, 182, 356 fails on acid soil, 232 field studies on, 185 for better crops, 182 home projects on, 185 how often, 184 laboratory exercises on, 185 methods of, 182 when succeeds on acid soil, 184, 232 Intertillage, 135, 161, 163 Iron, defined, 30, 31 function of, in plants, 56 rust, defined, 30, 31 Irrigation, affected by soil erosion, 284 an art of antiquity, 132 defined, 126 farming under, 131 how water is applied, 128 secured, 128 methods of, 129, 130 much land needs, 131 objects of, 127 profits in irrigation farming, 131 Jointers, 141 adjustments of, 141 Kafir corn, rotation for, 277, 280 where grown, 277 Kainit, fertilizer, 202, 203 Labor income, defined, 370 Laboratory instructions, 4 Lacustrine soil, defined, 15 origin and value of, 21 Land clearing, on marsh, 295 on steep slopes, 285 drainage. (See Drainage) rental, defined, 370 Land-plaster. (See Gypsum) Landslides, defined, 286 Lateral (tile), defined, 121 Law of diminishing returns, 374 the minimum, 373 Leaching of manure, 350 of nitrogen from soil, 349 Legumes, compared with non-legumes, 178 for dry-land farming, 277 for green manuring, 191-193 for North Atlantic States, 278 for North Central States, 275 for Pacific States, 280 for South Atlantic States, 278 for South Central States, 279 how they improve soils, 180 nitrogen gathered by, 178, 180 nodules on, 176-183 to solve nitrogen problem, 197 Light and crop growth, 77, 78 "Light" soil, defined, 15 Limate, defined, 244 Lime, agricultural, defined, 229 amount to apply, 245 as toxin destroyer, 261 carbonate of, defined, 41 carbonates, forms of, 238 comparative value of, 244 conserved by cropping, 247 defined, 30, 34 for clay soils, 243, 245, 323 for improving tilth, 323 for marsh soils, 245, 291 for pastures, 247 for quick results, 245 for root zone, 248 for sandy soils, 245, 312 from beet sugar factories, 243, 250 how it acts in soil, 229 to apply, 245 often to apply, 247 to determine good, 245 hydrated lime, 238, 244 kinds of agricultural, 238 laboratory exercises on, 252 lump or burnt, 243 misuse of, 249 mixing with manure, 219 fertilizers, 211 soil toxins relations, 262 spreader, 246 testing soil for need of, 232, 358, 362, 364 too much may prove harmful, 262 use and misuse of, 249 waste, 243 Liming, alfalfa response to, 232, 233 beneficial in green manuring, 231 benefits of, 229 best material for, 244 better than manure, 231 clay soils, 243, 245, 323 club root in relation to, 233 crops benefited by, 232, 233 injured by, 233 deep plowing no substitute for, 248 defined, 229 fertility regulated by, 250 for all crops 233 for quick results, 245 • for tilth improvement, 323 frequency of, 247 home projects on, 253 improves acid soils, 229 labor saved through, 231 land-plaster for, 244 marsh soils, 245, 301 only one of fertility factors, 250 pastures, 247 peas respond to, 233 peat soils, 245, 301 poor soils, 245 potato scab in relation to, 233 problems solved by rotation, 267 relation to soil toxins, 262 remedy for club root, 233 restoring worn-out soils, 250 sandy soils, 245, 312 to reduce total acidity, 249 when most profitable, 231 Limestone, acid soil possible on, 242 coarse, is slow acting, 240 defined, 39 dolomitic, 238 INDEX 391 Limestone, formation of, 43 home grinding of, 240, 241 how soils form from 42, 43 laboratory exercises on, 251 pulverized, 238 pulverizers, 240, 241 quarry, 239 Limoid, meaning of, 244 Line of tile defined, 117 Liquid manure, 215 Lister, 159 cultivator, 164 Listing, defined, 159, 160 Litmus paper, defined, 229 laboratory exercises on, 251, 252 test for acidity, 234 Loam, defined, 14 rotations for, 276 Loess soil, defined, 15 origin and value of, 32 Lodging of grain, 64 Lump lime, defined, 243 Magnesia, defined, 30, 31 Magnesium, function of, in plants 56 defined, 30, 31 Main (tile), defined, 121 Maintaining fertility, 206, 271 Mammoth clover for sands, 316 Managerial income, defined, 370 Manure (barnyard), a quick fertilizer, 216 affected by age of animal, 215 by bedding, 215 by feeding, 214 amount produced by stock, 215 application to clover fields, 220 as a fertilizer, 213 availability of, 216 bacteria in, 216 "burning" of, 218 care of, 216-218 compost heap, 218 cow, 214 defined, 213 demonstrations on, 223, 224 differ in fertilizing value, 214 facts about, 213 fire-fanging of, 218 for gardening, 218 for marsh soils, 200, 300 for maintaining fertility, 222 for sands, 310 for soil improvement, 216, 250 gypsum for conserving, 218 hen, 214, 218 j hog, 214 horse, 214 land-plaster for conserving, 218 lasting effects of, 221 leaching of, 216, 222, 350 light vs. heavy applications, 219 lime in manure heaps, 219 liquid, valuable, 215 loss of ammonia from, 223 mixing horse and cow, 219 phosphate with, 220, 221 not a perfect fertilizer, 221 open yard vs. stall, 216, 222 pig, 214 pits for, 217 plowing under vs. disking in, 219 poultry, 214, 218 prod action of, by stock, 215 reinforcing, 220-222 residual effects of, 221 Manure (barnyard), rock phosphate for, 220- sheds for, 217 sheep, 214 solubility of elements in, 210 stall vs. open yard, 216, 222 storing, 217 three-fold value of, 216 top-dressing with, 220 value of, 213, 214 vs. mineral fertilizers on marsh, 220, 300 winter applications of, 221 yard vs. stall, 216, 222 Mapping of soils, 22 Marble, defined, 39 dust for liming, 243 Marine soils, defined, 15 origin and value of, 21 Marl, defined, 243 for liming, 243 origin of, 17, 243 Marsh, defined, 14 soils, 16, 293 advantages in farming, 293 "bogus" spots in, 302 clearing and breaking, 295 clover for, 304 crop for, 302, 305 crop rotation, 304 drainage of, 117, 294 extensive farming on, 306, 307 fertilizer tests on, 200, 201, 204, 298, 300, 303 fertilizers for, 199, 203, 297-300 field studies on, 307 frost on, 302, 303 home projects on, 307 kinds of, 293 management of, 293 manure for, 300 most desirable, 294 types of, 293 of farming on, 306 Marsh-border soils, 293 drainage of, 294 Maximum production, 83 Meadow, defined, 25 Mechanical composition of soil, 14, 15 Medium red clover, elements removed by, 62 for sands, 316 Metamorphic rocks, defined, 39 Mica, defined, 40 Micro-organisms, 171 Middle-breaker, 160 Mineral elements, defined, 30, 33 removed by crops, 33 fertilizers on marsh, 200 matter, defined, 5 rock-forming, 40 laboratory exercises on, 45 soils, defined, 41 Mixed fertilizers, defined, 205 advantages in using, 209 application of, 209 determining equivalents, 198, 202 expressing equivalents, 198, 202, 205 for sands, 313 home mixing of, 210, 211 use of, 205-208 vs. single, 209 Moisture, and germination, 49 conservation and control, 100 laboratory exercises on, 105 supply on sands, 313 Molds, soil organisms, 171 392 INDEX Muck soil, as soil type, 25 advantages in farming, 293 characteristics of, 293 denned, 16, 25 fertilizers for, 199, 203, 297-300 least desirable, 294 most desirable, 294 origin of, 16, 17 problems in cropping, 294 value of, 16 why better than peat, 41 Mulches, 104. (See Soil mulch) Muriate of potash, fertilizer, 202 Natural systems of tiling, 120. 121 Nitrate fertilizers. (See Nitrogen fertilizers) of soda, 197 Nitrates, denned, 174, 175 Nitrification, explained, 173, 175 destroys organic matter, 175 favored by cultivation, 357 laboratory exercises on, 185 retarded by fall plowing, 357 Nitrifying bacteria, 174, 175 lacking in some soils, 175 Nitrogen, defined, 30, 31 amount removed by crops, 62, 63 by fruit, 69 an account with, in farming, 347 analyzing soils for, 359 balance sheet in farming, 347-353 contained in feeds, 383 fertilizers, 196 function of, in plants, 55 gain in farming, 351-353 how held in soils, 33 much fixed by bacteria, 178 plants secure, 35, 36 in relation to fertility, 187 losses by soil leaching, 351 from manure, 216, 350 problem in sand farming, 310 solved by legumes, 197 supply of, in soils, 70, 71 Nitrogen fertilizers, 196 ; availability of, 196 for sands, 310 leached from soil, 196, 213 needs increased, 209 fixation, defined, 178 amount of nitrogen fixed, 178, 180 by molds, 178 by soil bacteria, 175-180 by use of electricity, 178 how accomplished, 179 Nitrogen-phosphorus balance sheet, 347-353 illustrated, 352-353 in grain farming, 348 on a dairy farm, 348 Nodule bacteria, 172, 175, 180 are plants, 178 conditions favoring, 184 different kinds of, 182 discovery of, 176 how they work, 179 in relation to crop failure, 181 same for different legumes, 182 Nodules, defined, 179 alfalfa, 178 crimson clover, 177 garden pea, 183 inside of lupine, 179 medium red clover, 177 soybean, 176 Nutrient solution for plants, 58 Oats, elements removed by, 62 for green manure, 192 for sand farming, 317 response to phosphates, 189 rotations for, 275, 276 vs. barley to grow, 66 where grown, 276 Ohio grain-farming trial, 345 grain vs. stock farming, 346 test plots in field, 361-363 One-crop system, defined, 264 danger in, 264 Onions, elements removed by, 62 root system of, 68 Organic matter, defined, 6 aids decay of soil, 173 chemical composition of, 30, 175 decomposition of, 175 destroyed by nitrification, 175 fertility relations, 356 improves tilth, 266, 323 increases water-holding capacity, 98, 102 increased by rotation, 265 by fertilization, 266 in sand farming, 310 laboratory exercises on, 223 lessens soil erosion, 287 maintained by green manures, 191 maintains farming system, 191 makes fertilizers more effective, 173 rapid reduction of, 266 rotations to increase, 274 Organisms in soil, 13, 171 causing decay, 171, 172 in relation to fertility, 171 Osmosis, defined, 54 Outlet ditch, defined, 115 of tile drains, 122, 123 Oxygen, defined, 6, 30 and germination, 48 laboratory exercises on, 58 Parallel system in tiling, 122 Pasture on sands, 317 Pasturing and soil erosion, 286 loss of elements in, 351 Peaches, elements removed by, 69 Peanuts, response to liming, 233 rotations for, 279 Pears, elements removed by, 69 Peas, elements removed by, 62, 63 injury from blight, 257 response to liming, 233 rotations for, 276, 278, 280 Peat soil, advantages in cropping, 293 as soil type, 25 bogs on, 297 burning of, 295 characteristics of, 293 'cabbage on, 204, 305 clover for, 304 corn on, 187, 201, 236, 296, 298, 303, 305 crop rotation on, 304 crops for, 303, 305 deficient in mineral elements, 72 defined, 16, 25 drainage for, 294 extensive farming on, 306, 307 fertilizers for, 187, 201, 297-300, 303 firm seed bed important, 302 for blueberries, 234 for cranberries, 234 for sand improvement, 315 INDEX Peat soil, grain on peat, 300, 305 home projects on, 308 how wrongly advertised, 72 least desirable, 294 lime for, 245, 301 manure for, 300 mild alkali on, 236 most desirable, 294 nitrogen fertilizer for, 299 problem on, 301 origin of, 16, 17 phosphates for, 299, 300 plowing, 295, 2€6 potash fertilizer for, 204, 299 problems in farming, 294 rape for, 306 rock phosphate on, 200, 201, 299, 300 roller for, 155, 302 seed-bed preparation, 297, 302 types of farming on, 306, 307 value of, 16, 294, 307 when acid, 236 non-acid, 236 why deficient in K and P, 40 wood ashes for, 301 Percolation, defined, 94 aided by roots and worms, 95 importance of, 95 Phosphate fertilizers, 197 acid vs. rock, 202 availability of, 197 choice of, 201 cost of, 207 determining equivalents, 198 expressing equivalents, 198 fertility relations, 222 for acid soils, 202 for clay soils, 324' for marsh soils 201, 299 for reinforcing manure, 221, 222 for sandy soils, 312 for soil improvement, 326 home projects on, 253 results from, 188, 189, 199-201 rock vs. acid phosphate, 202 soils needing, 199 testing value of, 189, 364, 365 rock. (See Rock phosphate) "Phosphoric acid," defined, 30, 34 Phosphorus, defined, 30, 32 amount removed by crops, 62, 63 by fruit, 69 analysis, value of, 359 available rather than total, 199 contained in feeds, 383 distribution of, in plants, 63 fertility relations, 85, 187 function of, in plants, 55 lost in growing tobacco, 267 purchased in feeds, 199 supply of, in soils, 70, 72 Phosphorus-nitrogen balance sheet, 347 illustrated, 352, 353 in grain farming, 348 on a dairy farm, 348 Planker, 154 Plant, a factory, 50 growth of, affected by soil, 34, 51 by temperature, 51 in nutrient solutions, 58 laboratory exercises on, 59 relation to soil and air, 34, 36 to animals, 36 Plants, conditions for growth of, 47 Plants, feeding power of, 66 great work of, 37 growth of in darkness, 59 subjects for study, 67 Plant-food elements, defined, 54 account with in farming, 347-353 amount regained in manure, 350 available vs. total, 356 crops feed on, 61 exchange of, in farming, 350-353 gain and loss of, in farming, 349 gain of, how determined, 351-353 gained from purchased feeds, 350- 352 in soils, 71 in subsoils, 72 laboratory exercises on, 58 loss and gain of, illustrated, 349, 350 losses of, how determined, 351-353 lost by pasturing, 351 by soil erosion, 283 leaching, 349 in feeding transaction, 349, 350 materials supplying, 190 total vs. available amount, 356 Planting and seeding, 156 Plow, 138-150 best time to, 144 disk, 142 equipment for the, 138 gang, 149, 150 general purpose, 141 hillside, 147 its work, 138-140 left-hand, 148 parts of a, 140 prairie breaker, 144 right-hand, 148 sod, 141 stubble, 141 subsoil, 145 walking, 140, 141 Plowing, 138-150 chain for turning weeds, 194 clay soils, 325 fall, 144, 146 hillside, 147, 149 moderately deep best, 146 no substitute for liming, 248 retarded nitrification, 357 sands, 315 sod, 140, 143 spring, 146 stubble land, 138 tractor, 149, 150 vs. disking, 159 when green manuring, 193 with subsoil plow, 145 Plow sole, defined, 147 Pot tests for soil needs, 204, 223, 298, 360 not fully reliable, 204, 360 Potash, defined, 30, 34 true meaning of, 34 Potash fertilizers, 202 absorbed by soils, 213 availability of, 202 cost of, 207 determining equivalents, 202 expressing equivalents, 202 for clay soils, 324 for marsh lands, 203, 204, 297 for peat soils, 203, 208, 297 for sands, 312, 313 soils needing, 360 source? of, 202 394 INDEX Potash fertilizers, uses of, 203, 204 Potassium, amount removed by crops, 62. 63,69 carbohydrate relations, 64 chloride, fertilizer, 202 denned, 30, 32 distribution of, in plants, 63 fertility relations, 187, 360 fertilizers. (See Potash) function of, in plants, 55 in feeds, 383 protein relations, 64 sulfate, 202 supply in soils, 70, 71 in subsoils, 72 Potato, cultivation for, 168 elements removed by, 63 for clay soils, 325 for marsh lands, 305 for eandy soils, 316 high yield of, 82, 87 response to fertilizers, 188 rotations for, 276 scab, disease, 265 lime and, 233 rotation a remedy, 265 Press drills, 156, 314 Profitable crop production, 369-375 acre profits, 371 fertilizer, determining, 371 liming, 231, 232 Profits and fertilizers, 207 basis on which to compute, 372 : determining from fertilizers, 371 per acre, 371 relation of, to cost of production, 375 Protein and nitrogen in crops, 63 Pulverized limestone, 238 Pulverizers, 152-155 Pyrite, defined, 40 / Quartz, defined, 40 Quartzite, defined, 39 Quicklime for liming, 243 Rainfall, at right time, 91 amount evaporated, 91 lost, 100 used by crops, 100 map of the United States, 101 Rape for green manure, 192 Raspberries, elements removed by, 69 Residual soil, defined, 15 origin and extent, 16 Rice, rotation for, 280 Rich soil, defined, 66 Ridge terraces, defined, 288, 289 River bottom erosion, 287 Rocks, affecting soils, 39 classes of, 39 defined, 40 field studies on, 46 laboratory exercises on, 46 Rock phosphate, fertilizer, 197, 198 availability of, 197 choice of, 201, 202 deposits of, 198 for black, prairie soils, 201, 202 for clay soils, 324 for depleted silt loams, 326 for marsh soils, 200, 300 for reinforcing manure, 220, 222 for sands, 313 how to use, 198 in relation to decay, 173 Rock phosphate, results with manure, 220, vs. acid phosphate, 202 weathering, defined, 6-9 products of, 41 Rock-forming minerals, 40 laboratory exercises on, 45 Roller and tilth, 54, 154-156 for marsh soils, 302 for sandy soils, 313 Rollers, 154, 155 Roosevelt Dam, 129 Root, growth and drainage, 110 hairs, 68, 69 of corn plant, 53 maggots, 256 systems of plants, 68 Root-knot, 257 Rotation. (See Crop rotation) chart, 331 Rothamsted Experiment Station, 374 Rowen, defined, 195 Rye, elements removed by, 63 for green manure, 192 lor marsh soils, 305 for sands, 316 rotations for, 276 Salt of the sea, 43 Salts, and germination, 49 in soil medium, 13 products of nitrification, 175 of rock weathering, 41 Sand grains, defined, 12 soil, defined, 14 Sands, advantages in cropping, 309 blowing of, 314 crop rotations for, 317 crops for, 315 dune, 309 fertilizers for, 310-313 field studies on, 320 grain drills for, 315 green manuring for, 194, 310 home projects on, 320 improvement of, 311 kinds of, 14, 309 lime for, 240, 245, 312 liming, 312 management of, 309-320 manure for, 310 mixed fertilizers for, 313 moisture supply in, 313 nitrogen fertilizer for, 311 organic matter important in, 310 pasture on, 317 peat for improving, 315 phosphates for, 312 plowing, 315 potash for, 312 problems in cropping, 310 • rock phosphate for, 313 rotation improves, 266 rotations for, 276 seed-bed preparation, 313 soybeans for, 312, 316 stock farming on, 329 subsoiling, 313 sugar beets for, 317 tiling, 120 types of soils, 309 of farming on, 318 vegetation indicates value of, 309 velvet bean for, 310 water-holding power of, 98, 313 INDEX 395 Sands, weight of, 15, 71 Sandstone, defined, 39 soil derived from, 42 Sandy loam, defined, 14 rotation for, 276 Sandy soils, defined, 14 kinds of, 309 (See under Sands) Schist, denned, 39 Sedentary soils, 15 Sedimentary rocks, 39 Sediments, amount in streams, 17 carried into Gulf of Mexico, 18 soils from, 17 source of, 17 Seed bed, 48, 49, 135, 156 good, defined, 54 favors planting, 156 for peat soils. 302 for sandy soils, 313 preparation of, 48, 138 Seeders, 157, 158 Seeding and planting, 156 Seeds, absorption by, 49 contact with soil, 49, 156 fate of, when planted, 47 laboratory exercises on, 47 relation to seed bed, 51, 156 what constitutes good, 76, 77 Seepage, defined, 95 Semi-arid climate, 49 soils, 378 Shale, defined, 39 formation of, 43 soil derived from, 42 Shavings for bedding, 351 Sheet erosion, defined, 286 Shells, for liming, 243 form limestone, 43 origin of, 43 Shoe drills, 158 Silica, defined, 30, 31 Silicon, defined 31 Silt, defined, 12 loam, defined, 146 Skinner svstem of irrigation, 130 Slate, defined, 39 soil' derived from, 42 Smoothing harrow, 152 Sod plowing, 140, 142, 143 Sod plows, 141, 144 Sodium, defined, 30, 32 nitrate fertilizer, 196 Soil, defined, 5 acidity, defined, 45, 229 alfalfa and clover indicating, 234 blueberries indicate, 234 cause of, 237 chemical tests for, 234 cranberry indicating, 234 crops injured by, 233 crops tolerating, 233 demonstrations on, 251 fertility relations, 229 field studies on, 253 gypsum for, 244 harmful effects of, 229 horsetail rush indicates, 236 how determined, 233 laboratory exercises on, 253 land-plaster for, 244 lime to correct, 229 litmus paper test for, 234 lowers fertility, 229 low wet lands indicating, 236 Soil, mild alkali indicating, 236 mineral acids cause of, 239 nature of, 238 not harmful to roots, 248 not necessary to correct all, 249 organic acids cause of, 237 plants indicating, 234 prevalence of, 23? roots not injured by, 248 sheep sorrel indicating, 235, 236 Truog test for, 234 unfavorable to bacteria, 230 weeds indicating, 235 a complex medium, 12 alluvial, defined, 15, 17 a reservoir, 98 bacteria, 171. (See Soil bacteria) affected by liming, 230 conditions favoring, 184 nodule bacteria, 180 non-symbiotic, 178 number in soils, 171 symbiotic 178 barley, 66 carried away, 9 chemical analysis of, 355, 356 collecting for, 358 for lime needs, 358 for nitrogen, 359 for organic matter, 359 for phosphorus, 359 for potassium, 360 how made, 358 uses of, 358 composition of, 29 affecting plant growth, 34 classes of, 14 classification, 14 on basis of origin, 15 on texture, 14 on type, 22-24 laboratory exercises, 26, 27 colluvial-soil, 15, 22 components of, 11 common meaning of, 11 cumulose, defined, 15, 16 depletion, defined, 84, 85 indicated by nitrogen analyses, 359 phosphorus analyses, 85, 250 in grain farming, 344 in stock farming, 345 descriptions of, 22 erosion, 17, 95, 283 a serious problem, 283 causes of, 285 causing loss of elements, 283, 350, 351 effect of, on irrigation, 284 on water power, 284 field studies on, 292 grazing in relation to, 286 injures crop production, 285 injuries resulting from, 283, 284 interferes with navigation, 284 in the United States, 17, 18, 283 kinds of, 286 on steep slopes, 285 pasturing in relation to, 286 prevention of, 287 problem in clay management, 324 soil organic matter relations, 287 projects on, 292 exhaustion. (See Soil depletion) factor in plant growth, 47 396 INDEX Soil fertility, defined, 79 affected by harmful agents, 255, 262 determined by chemical analysis, 355 diseases affecting, 255, 261 factors determining, 80 in maintaining, 271 to be considered, 355 grain farming and, 344 home projects on, 353 how to test, 80 illustrated, 82 indicated by crop yields, 80 in relation to fertilizing elements, 187, 206 fertilizers, 206 grain farming, 344 liming, 229, 231, 250 soil organisms, 171 stock farming, 345 systems of farming, 343 lowered by acidity, 229 maintained in grain farming, 344, 347 maintained in stock farming, 345 maintaining, 206, 271 not restored by liming, 250 problems on, 354 regulated by liming, 250 surveys, exercises, 353 unfavorable factors, 83 work problems on, 353 field studies on, 27, 46, 73 formation of, 5-9, 16-22, 40-45 forming processes, 6-7 from limestone, acid, 242, 248 glacial, defined, 15, 18 grains. (See Particles) heavy, defined, 15 how described, 22 humid vs. arid, 44, 378 improvement, general, 87 crop rotations for, 263-274 by legumes, 180 green manuring for, 194, 195 home projects on, 368 in clay management, 321 in marsh management, 294 in sand management, 310 in silt loam management, 325 liming, first step in, 230 rotations best for, 274 in dry climates, 44, 378 in humid climates, 44 kinds of, 14, 15, 24 lacustrine, 15, 21 leaching of, 349, 351 light, defined, 15 loess, defined, 15, 22 mapping, 22-25 exercises on, 27 management increase crops, 2 in England, 2 in Germany, 2 in France, 2 marine, defined, 15, 21 mechanical compostion of, 15 mineral, defined, 41 moisture, 89-132. (See Soil water) amount soils give up, 91 capillary rise of, 96 conservation of, 100, 313, 380 control of, 100 cultivation to conserve, 104,313,380 Soil moisture, factor in crop production, 92 forms of, 93 how held in soils, 93 importance of, in soil, 89 in relation to germination, 49 in soil medium, 12 laboratory exercises on, 105, 107 most important form of, 93 movement of, 95-98 mulches to conserve, 103, 104, 313 robbed by weeds, 104, 380 supply in soils, 98-100 mulch, cultivation to maintain, 104, 313 defined, 102 how conserves moisture, 103 laboratory exercises on, 105, 106 . self-forming, 104 value during dry periods, 104 of, in dry-farming, 380 what constitutes a good, 103 needing phosphates, 199 needs, determining, 355 chemical analysis for, 355 factors to consider in, 355 of many kinds, 9, 14, 15, 24 of national interest, 1 organisms and fertility, 171. (See Soil bacteria) origin of, 5 our nation's problem, 2 particles, names of, 11 composition of, 29, 30 not plant food, 61 size of, 11, 12 porosity of, exercises on, 106 relation to seeds, 49 rich, defined, 66 rocks in relation to, 39 series, defined, 24 sour, 45, 229 source of mineral elements, 35 standards for comparing, 72 structure, defined, 13 and mulch formation, 104 destroyed by plowing, 54, 322 illustrated, 13 in clay management, 322 organic matter relations, 266 renewed, 54, 322 rotation relations, 266 seed-bed relations, 54, 135 tilth relations, 54, 322 survey, 22-25 temperature, 48, 109 and germination, 49 drainage relations, 48, 109 field studies on, 60 laboratory exercises on, 57, 59, 132 of clay soils, 322 marsh soils, 302 sands, 309 plant-growth relations, 51, 77 texture, defined, 13 basis for soil classification, 13 clay of fine, 13 drainage relations, 120 dry-farming relations, 378 factor in capillarity, £6 in water-holding, 98, 99, 102 fertility relations, 40, 72, 81 influence on capillarity, 96, 97 laboratory exercises on, 26 liming relations, 247 percolation and teepage relations, 95 INDEX 397 Soil texture, plowing relations, 142, 147, 148 sand of coarse, 13 seed-bed relations, 54, 135, 155, 322 soil classes determined by, 14 mulch relations, 103, 104 tilth relations, 54, 135, 322 unchangeable, 13 tight, denned, 112 transported, denned, 15 transporting agents, 15 tropical, 45 type, denned, 24 washing. (See Soil erosion) water, 89 laboratory exercises, 105, ICG (See Soil moisture) weight of, 71 exercises on, 27 when formed, 5 why some deficient in K and P, 40 Soybeans, elements removed by, 63 for green manuring, 192 for sands, 312, 316 illustrated, 193 response to liming, 233 Spading disk harrow, 152 Spray irrigation, 130 Springs, why some dry up, 285 Stock farming, defined, 343 crop rotation in, 329 grain and, compared, 343, 344 popularity of, 344, 345 soil fertility relations, 343 Strawberries, elements removed by, 69 Stubble land, defined, 138 plows for, 141 plowing, 138 Sub-humid climate, defined, 42 Sub-irrigation, 130 Sub-main, tile, defined, 121 Subsoil, defined, 11 plant-food elements in, 72 tight, defined, 112 Subsoiling, 145, 147, 148 for sandy soils, 313 Subsurface drainage, 113 covered drains for, 116, 117 open ditches for, 115 Succession of crops, defined, 280 Sugar beets, desirable type, 55 a heavy feeder, 64 elements removed by, 62, 67 for marsh soils, 305 for sands, 317 need potash, 263 response to liming, 233 root system of, 68 rotation for, 2SO where grown, 280 Sugar cane, rotation for, 280 Sulfate of ammonia, 196 of potash, fertilizer, 202, 203 Sulfur, defined, 30, 32 as fertilizing element, 33 function of, in plants, 56 Summer fallowing, defined, 153 in rotation, 277 Superphosphate fertilizer, 199 Surface drainage, defined, 112 plow furrows for, 114 surface runs for, 114 use of spade for, 114 run, defined, 114, 123 with tile, 123, 124 Swamp, defined, 39 Sweet clover, illustrated, 193, 323 for alkali soils, 258 for clay soils, 323 for green manuring, 193 for soil improvement, 193 323 Syenite, defined, 39 Systems of farming, 343 in relation to fertility, 343-353 of tile drainage, 121, 122 Tankage, fertilizer, 196 Temperature. (See Soil temperature) Terracing, defined, 288 Testing soils for needs, 355-368 (See under Fertilizers) (See under Lime) Thomas slag, fertilizer, 197, 198 Tile (drain), defined, 117 drainage, defined, 117, 126 better than open ditches, 122 for alkali soils, 131, 258 for alkali spots, 44, 111 for "bogus" spots, 302 for heavy clays. 322 for irrigated lands, 131 for marsh soils, 110, 304 for slopes, 95, 111 gridiron system of, 121, 122 herringbone system of, 122 in relation to toxins, 262 natural system of, 120, 121 parallel system of, 121, 122 profitable, 124, 125 systems of, 121 tools for, 118 drains, explained, 117 better than ditches, 122 distance apart to lay, 119 how to cover, 119 how to make, 117, 119 how they work, 120, 124 laboratory exercises on, 133 must have fall, 117 protected outlets for, 122, 123 with surface runs, 123 Tillage, general discussion, 135 in relation to toxins, 262 objects of, 137 of clay soils, 212 of dry-farming lands, 378, 380 of marsh soils, 295, 297 of sands, 313, 315 principles governing, 137 relation to erosion, 287 seed-bed preparation, 138 tools, 136-169 Tilth, defined, 48 cultivation and, 135 factors determining good, 135 in development of good, 54 fertility relations, 356 field studies on, 60, 88 full meaning of good, 52-54 good, defined, 48 green manure and, 190 importance of good, 49 influences plant growth, 51 laboratory exercises on, 58, 59 liming favors, 230 of clay soils, 321 organic matter and, 266 poor, defined, 48 rotations to improve, 266 seeding and planting relations, 156 Timothy, elements removed by, 63 398 INDEX Timothy, not a soil robber, 65 where grown, 275 Tobacco, a heavy feeder, 63, 64, 199, 203 phosphorus lost in growing, 267 response to liming, 233 rotations for, 276, 278, 280 stems as fertilizers, 202, 203 where grown, 277 Toxin theory of infertility, 261 Transported soils, 15 Tropical soils, 45 Truck crops and liming, 233 rotations for, 280 where grown, 281 True clay, denned, 41 Truog test for acidity, 234 Turnips, as feeders, 63, 67 for clay soils, 325 Unferilized plot, value of, 370 Vegetative period, defined, 49 activities in, 50 conditions and requirements, 50, 51 Velvet bean, for green manure, 193 for sands, 310, 312, 316 for soil improvement, 310 Vertical drainage, defined, 113, 124, 126 forms of, 124, 126 Vetch, for green manuring, 193 for sands, 316 rotations for, 280 Waste lime, 243 Water, a part of soil medium, 12 amount crops require, 89, 90 soils give up, 91 held by peat, 94 by soils, 93, 98 available water in soils, 98 capillary, defined, 93 conservation and control, 100 forms of, in soil, 93 free, defined, 93 gravitational, defined, 93 hygroscopic, defined, 93 laboratory exercises on soil, 105, 106, 133, 185 limiting factor in dry farming, 92 limits yields in humid regions, 92 movements of soil, 94 percolation of, 95 Water problems in farming, 92 required for germination, 49 required by plants, 89 too much is harmful, 109, 258, 260 why crops require, 89 Water-holding capacity of soils, 98, 99 how to increase, 102 laboratory exercises on, 107 Watermelon, response to lime, 233 Water requirement of plants, 90 factors influencing, 91 Water-table, defined, 113 Weathering, defined, 6, 172 agents, 6, 7 continues indefinitely, 9 products of rock, 41 Weed problem on marsh soils, 301 Weeders, defined, 168 illustrated, 168, 315 light harrows for, 168 Weeds, as moisture robbers, 104 controlled by liming, 230 controlled by clover, 78 exercises on, 87 field studies on, 107 for green manure, 195 how to kill, 164, 166 killed by shading, 78 Weight of soils, 71 Wheat, elements removed by, 63 production on decline, 1 rotation for, 275-277 where grown, 276, 277 White alkali, defined, 44 grubs, 255 Wind, a transporting agent, 15, 22 a weathering agent, 6 breaks in sand farming, 314 Winter wheat, rotations for, 267, 279 where grown, 276 Wire worm, 255 Wood ashes, as fertilizer, 202, 203 for acid peats, 204 for marsh soils, 301 for mixed fertilizers, 211 Yeast plants, illustrated, 171 Yield, affected by temperature, 51 relation to cost expense, 369 to profits, 369 relatively low, 2 YC UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY