; UNWERfirrvuB&AWK* FROPA(3ATION OF FOREST TREES HAVING COMMERCIAL VALUE AND ADAPTED TO PENNSYLVANIA. By GEORGE H. WIRT. Forester. PUBLISHED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY. 1902. WM. STANLEY RAY, STATE PRINTER OF PENNSYLVANIA. 1902. 53, P (2J The University Libraries at Penn State produced this volume to preserve the informational content of the original. In compliance with current copyright law, the University Libraries produced this replacement using digital technology and printed on paper that complies with the Permanent Paper Standard issued by the National Information Standards Organization (Z39.48-1984). 1998 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from LYRASIS Members and Sloan Foundation http://www.archive.org/details/propagationofforOOwirt Department of Forestry. Harrisburg, Pa., February 2, 191)2. The frequent demands made upon this office for information as to the best methods of propagating forest trees induced me to re- quest Mr. Wirt, our State Forester, to prepare this bulletin upon the subject. I believe it will be timely and useful. J. T. ROTHROCK. Commissioner of Forestry. (3) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. To Hon. J. T. Kothrock, Commissioner of Forestry: Dear Sir: I have the honor to submit herewith the following notes on the "Propagation of Forest Trees Adapted to Pennsylvania." Recognizing the needs of our farmers, I have endeavored to pre- sent in a brief and clear way such facts and methods as will bring reasonable success to the inexperienced planter, without making necessary any large expenditure of money. The nurseryman or the forester may find nothing new and may even take exception to many statements. The botanical names of the trees and their order, for the greater part, is in accordance with Gray's "Manual of Botany," sixth edi- tion. In addition I have added those given by Britton and Brown in their "Flora of North America and Canada." when differing from the nomenclature of Gray. Very respectfully, GEORGE H. WIRT, Forester. Harrisburg, Pa.. Februarv 1, 1902. (5) (6) THE FOREST NURSERY. Forestry work does not consist entirely of raising trees from s> cd and of planting them, although that is a very important part of it. Nor is all planting of trees forestry work. Forestry is a business and must be conducted on a financial basis. Planting individual frees is done mostly from an aesthetic standpoint and at a comparatively high expense. Planting for forestry purposes, under existing con- ditions, must be reduced to the least possible cost, but it must be understood that more may be lost in this operation from lack of care and attention to the young plants than by trying ro save time and money along some other line of work. The methods of raising trees are as varied and as numerous as the trees themselves, the people who plaut them and the localities in which they are planted. In other words, the conditions under which each planter has to work are so different that there can be no exact method laid down that will be applicable for all trees and all places. But there are certain laws of plant life in general, and facts in regard to particular trees that, being reinforced by observation of nature and by common sense, will undoubtedly lead to a measurable degree of success. For what fol- lows there is no claim of originality. It is merely a sifted collection of notes taken from the most reliable sources at hand and from the observation of successful nurserv work. Nursery. Location. — If many plants are to be raised and the planting is to extend over a number of years, a permanent nursery must be pre- pared. Its proximity to the house of the person in charge will afford the advantage of easy and quick accessibility. Time can be saved in going to and from it. A frequent inspection of its condition and requirements is more likely to occur, and work may be done at odd times. On the other hand, if the planting is to be done within one or two years the nursery might best be placed near the prospective plantation in order to save time in removing the young plants, and to decrease the danger of loss resulting from exposure of the roots to sun and wind. Less preparation is needed, perhaps, in this case, and less care, in some respects, but in either case the following hints are applicable. ( ) Aspect. — Tin- l.imt should have a very gradual slope, and face to- wards the northeast lo give ihe best results. (looil drainage will be olitained; llie direct rays of rite sun dining the growing season are avoided and in spring there is hh.it gradual thaw, a condition that is very desirable, for it is the sudden changes that ali'eet plants must, oilier slopes may be used of course, but protection from wind and from the son must be provided ror. As watering will often be necessary, a stream or a spring should be rinse at hand. Soil. — The soil should be. preferably, a sandy loam of moderate moisture — neither too wet nor loo dry. Heavy soil should be avoid- ed. Whatever land is used, ought lo be worked up thoroughly, to a depth ot at hasi 1-J feet, in ihe fall and again in the spring. More especially should this be done on new land Or on land that lias not been worked for a loug time. The top soil should be well and evenly fertilized. The more thoroughly the working is done the more oxygen for plant life there will be in the soil. The moisture will be belter maintained. If lite fertilizing is properly done, instead of raising seedlings with long. Miuggiing toots, which cause more or less dilliculfy in transplanting, there will be produced strong plants v.iik a compact system of rool lihros. which is a better result for many reasons. l'uds. — The size of the nuiser.v iiinsi be left entirely to the planter himself, but ii may be a safe estimate to allow sixteen square feet of bed For every three hundred broad-leaved seedlings and for every six hundred conifers expected from a medium thickness of broadcast sowing. If transplanting is to be done, lifteen ro thirty square feet may be allowed for every one hundred conifers and thirty to sixty square feet for every one hundred broad-leaved seedlings. To prepare the beds stake out Ihe paths or walks at right angles to each oilier. Shovel about six indies of soil from these and throw it on top of what will be I lie beds. These may be kepi it: belief shape, then, if boards are placed around the sides, otherwise alter each rain more or less soil is washed into the walks, often exposing the roots, or washing out entirely the plants along ihe edges. Loug beds should be about four feet across so as to be worked easily from each side. Of course these are a saving in ground-space, but it there is much danger of damage front mice it is best ro have small beds about live feet square. Or a ditch with perpendicular walls around the entire nursery will make it mouse-proof. For ta pi noted spoi ies of trees, such as oak. walnut, hickory, ash. etc.. special beds might be made, so as to prevent the forming of long iaproots. by placing on about a level with ihe walks a layer of boards or a very (dose layer of stones under the beds. Moisture. — Moisture is one of the most necessary conditions of plant life, consequently the needs of the nursery in this direction u must be carefully attended to. Frequent working of the soil ami weeding will make a line, loose cover for the beds. j.ie\ ruling evapo- ration lo a very great degree. If lie- soil be' nines loo dry. warning must be done. Very gtiod results are obtained if the water is allowed to How through the walks, and to reach the soil in the beds by capil- larity. Another good method is ro make small irrigation trenches on the beds, till them and allow the wafer lo soak into the ground. Sprinkling is likely to form a crust which will increase evaporation. After a rain the beds may be loo moist. If so, proper conditions can be made by sprinkling some dry sand over the ground. Young seed- lings are very likely, too. to have earth spattered over their steins. Especially is this so with conifers and they should be freed of this as soon as possible by running a stick gently over them. Weeding. — The nursery beds should be kept clean of weeds al all times. If the seedlings have been planted in rows, or in the case of transplants, weeds may be kepi out by small billet's of wood or by a layer of moss, or of leaves placed between the rows. Weeding should not be done after the first of September at the latest. Shade. — During the first season's growth, the young plants will be very sensitive and the\ should be given some protection from the sun. This can be done by making lath frames which will lei through about half the sunlight, and by placing ihein from two !o six feet above the beds. Or a frame may be made on which branches can In- laid. Some prefer simply sticking conifer branches into ihe beds in such a way that they form a slight cover. Lath frames are. perhaps. the most convenient, for the shade ought to be removed on cloudy days and during gentle showers. These covers, as well as the bil- lets to keep down weeds, will help to preserve the moisture in the beds. Seeds. Choice of Species. — In determining the species to be raised, it is well to observe what trees are growing in Ihe loealiiy. no! only with- in wooded districts but also along fences and in fields. They will give an idea of the quality of the soil and of what may be expected in the future, although this is not always the case, for other better spe- cies may have been forced out by some cause. Find out when these trees will have a good crop of seeds aud then have everything ready for work when it comes. Xot all trees bear seeds every year, as in the case of some oaks and conifers the period varies from two ro live years, or even longer. Xor do all seed years produce a full crop nC good seeds, as in the case of the tulip-tree. Then sonic seeds ripen in •arly summer, however, those of most trees do nor ripen till fall, or 10 even winter. From among- these trees in the neighborhood, if they are the proper species, select the healthiest ones ami gather their seeds as soon as ripe. Time of Sowing. — Seeds of ihe poplars, soil maple, white elm, paper and river birch, and others maturing in summer should be sown at mice. They lose their power of germination in a short time. Seeds of oaks, hickories, walnuts, conifers, and others which mature in fall may be sown at otiee. The freezing and thawing of winter will be beneficial 10 ihem. but the destruction by squirrels, mice, and birds that is likely to occur is snlucieni reason for not planting until spring, if tiie seeds can be preserved properly. They should not be allowed to dry out before planting nor should they be exposed con- stantly to much moisture if they are to be kept for auy length of time. Thickness of Sowing. — By making tests, either by cutting seeds or by placing them between wei ilaumls in a warm room, so as to pro- duce germination, or by seme other method, the percentage of good seed is determined and from ihis the thickness of the sowing. It is very easy to sow too thick, and iheu ihe seedlings will be weak, but it is cheaper to thin our. and perhaps set the young plants in other ground, than to have to till up blanks. Depth of Sowing. — The diiliciiity, in too many cases, has been that instead of the seeds being planted, they are buried. As a general rule, for depth of cover, the diann lor ot the seed is sufficient, but if the ground is left very loose, or if there is danger from frost late in spring, a heavier covering should be given. It is well, after sowing, to roll the beds or to press the ground with a spade or a board. In fail sowing cover the beds with a layer of leaves. It will prevent the ground from heaving during the time of frost and in the spring will prevent the heavy rains from washing out the seeds. This may be doue 10 advantage, too. after spring sowing. In botli eases a careful watch must lie kept and as soon as the seedlings appear the leaves should be raked oil'. Branches might then be spread thinly over them 10 keep the birds away, but these should not lie left on too long so as to in any way interfere with ihe growth. Small seeds may be coaled with red lead as .1 protection against birds. Manner of Sowing. — As a usual thing the smaller seeds are sown broadcast in the nursery, especially those of the conifers, the ash. the birch, etc. The larger seeds, as those of the oaks, hickories, walnuts, etc.. are usually sown in furrows, or rows, from six to twelve inches apari. on the nursery beds. The hitler are often sown in rows where the plains will remain perinan-.'Uily. This may be advisable with with (uprooted species. Broadcast sowing over a plantation is very expensive and is very seldom doue. ] 1 Transplanting. Age of Plants. — Most plants after they Lave remained in the seed beds for one season, may be set out where they are to stand iinally, especially broad-leaved ones. The spruces and firs grow very slowly during the first four or live years and may best be left two years in the seed bed. then transplanted to other nursery beds and allowed to remain there i\vo or three years. Small and weak seedlings of other species should be treated in the same way. Frequent transplanting is recommended for all species, when especially large and strong plants are needed. In all cases before setting out finally, whether on good or poor land, the object should be to grow and to use only the strongest and best plants. They will be able to resist enemies and hardships and to recover from injuries much better than weak ones. Time. — Transplanting can be done either in fall or iu spring. If done in fall, it should be after the growth has ripened or ceased. During winter the dirt will have a chance to settle about the roots, and by spring the loss of root fibre will be partly made up. On the other hand, frost may lift the plants out of the ground or storms may loosen them. Then, too, they will be exposed to damage from animals at a time when food is scarce. In spring the work should be done as early as possible, at least before the new growth begins. Spring is preferable lor conifers. Distance. — The distance at which plants should be placed finally depends upon the species, the age and the object in view. If fire- wood is the only object then perhaps more wood will be formed per tree by giving as much room and light as possible to the tops. Even in this case it is a question whether close planting is not better finan dally, if small wood can be used or sold at all. Where it is the pur- pose to get the soil covered quickly, to raise straight stems clean from branches, either for poles or posts, or later for timber, dose planting must be done. For plantations -of considerable size, to plant at regular distances and to do it in a systematic way is at all times cheapest. Cultivation may be done more quickly and easily. Blanks may be easily found and filled, and later management is facilitated. Of course mere filling of gaps in existing forests can be done only in a very irregular method. Roots. — There are numerous methods of planting, but. in all, the most important thing is to take care of the roots. Perhaps more failures could be traced to lack of care of them than to any other cause. They are very sensitive to sun and wind and should never be exposed long enough to become dried out. When the plants are removed from the nursery thev should be taken from Ihe beds as care- 12 fully ns possible so that very few roots be broken. Wrap the roots in wet burlap or cover them with moist moss, or place them in thin mud. The plants may then be carried safely to the place of plant- ing. If it is not done at once they should be -heeled iu." In plant- ing do not cramp the roots iu any way and see that the growing ends are down, and not up. Place hue soil among the roots and pack it thoroughly. If sod has been taken out. turn it upside down on the ground close to the tree. Young plants are sensitive to being planted too deep and so should be no deeper than they were in the nursery. Of course with larger plants, when a great deal of dirt has been loosened, allowance must be made for some settling, but this will not be necessary if packing is well done. When larger roots have been broken or bruised they should be cut oil' smooth with a sharp knife. Planting can not be done too carefully. Methods. — In loose and in sandy soil small plants may be set out quickly with the "dibble." This is simply a wooden peg or some iron instrument which will make a hole large enough to have the roots dropped into it. The hole should be made deeper than the roots are long. Place the plant in the hole as far as convenient and then raise it to the proper planting depth. In this way the roots will be in a natural position and not turned up. or to one side. The hole is closed by running the dibble into the ground near the hole and forcing the soil against the roots. This method may be used to good advantage within a forest to till up blanks if the soil is deep enough. The most common method, and that applicable under more condi tions than any other, is planting in holes that have had to be dug in some manner, as with a spade or hoe. It is necessary for large plants. It is the best method for small plants in heavy soils and in stony places. In fact it may be used anywhere but in the very wet soils. It is well to have the holes dug in fall and allowed to lie open during the winter for spring planting. Humus, rich ground, or manure may be used in planting, and if so. should be well placed among the roots, the poorer soil being placed on top. Each plant should be made firm. On hillsides where a plow can be used terraces may be formed by laying rows of stones along the hill side, or if more time can be taken, by putting in stakes and placing small branches on the uphill side. Run a furrow above this in autumn aud during winter the ground will be more or less broken up. facilitating spring planting a great deal. Where a plow can not be used on a slope the only resource is to dig holes just wherever possible and put in strong plants. In wet soils, swamps or marshes, mound planting may best be used. This is very similar to hole planting, except that the plant is put into the ground thrown out of the hole instead of placing it in the hole itself as in the other cases. If sod has been lifted, split it and 13 place the plant iu the crevice. Here. too. the ground must be thor oughly packed around the roots of the plant. When halls of dirt arc- taken out with the plants, holes must be dug somewhat larger than the size of the ball on the plant. When this is done the plants may be moved at any time of rear and to any place. If the plants are crooked or branchy after planting, cut them oil about an inch and a half above ground. A lew trees, such as willows and poplars, may be propagated by cut rings. It is recommended that the cuttings be gathered iu fall from last year's shoots and buried during winter. They should be planted in spring while the ground is still moist. They will do well if not gathered till spring, but before the new growth begins, and planted at once. -When planting leave one good bud above ground. The others may be rubbed off. Layers or root suckers may be used in a few instances but as a general rule, willows and poplars being an exception, it is better to raise trees from seed. CUCUMBER TREE, MOUNTAIN MAGNOLIA. Magnolia acuminata. L. This tree is nowhere common in Pennsylvania. It is. however, a tree that is worthy of being cultivated because of the peculiar fitness of its wood for pump stocks, watering troughs, etc. The fruit is a cylindrical mass resembling the cucumber, whence the tree's name. This becomes red in autumn and it is then time to watch for seeds, in order that they may be gathered as soon as ripe. About the last of September, or the first of October, when fully mature, scarlet seeds may be seen suspended from the fruit by delicate white threads. Owing to an oil in the pulp that encloses each seed they become rancid and lose their powerof germinationas soon as the pulp decays. They should be placed at once in water of 70 degrees to SO degrees Fahrenheit and macerated for about a week, when the seeds can be thoroughly washed. These should then be fixed in a box in alternate layers of sand and seeds, and kept in a cellar where they will not freeze. As soon as the ground is warm in spring, about the middle of May, they may be sown in furrows from six to eight inches apart, on well prepared seed beds and covered lightly. If any fer- tilizing is done a small quantity of wood ashes or of bone dust is best. It is said that manure should not be used. The seedlings, after remaining in the seed beds for two years, should be ready for being set out where they are to remain. If intended for lawn plant- ing they may be transplanted every two or three years until wanted. 14 The tree is found naturally iu valleys or rows of mountainous regions, and along' rocky streams, proferiug deep, rich soil. To do well they must be planted hi conditions as near as possible to those under which they do best naturally, l'lant in rows from two to five feet apart and from eighteen 10 twenty-four inches in the row. Close planting will prevent early branching. SWEET BAY. SWAMP SASSAFRAS. BEAYEE TREE. Magnolia glaaca, L. Magnolia Virginiana. E. See Britton & Brown, Vol. II. p. IS. The tree never reaches a very great size in this State and is of very little importance except as an ornamental tree. Its flowers appear- ing in June and continuing for several weeks are very beautiful and fragrant. It prefers moist or swampy suils in a sheltered position. Propagation from seed is the same as That for the cucumber tree, but it may be easily propagated from layers which, it is said, require two years to root. It is frequently grafii d upon a root of the encumber tree and seems to grow better there than on its own roots. UMBBELLA TREE. EEK WOOD.- Magnolia Umbrella. Lam. Magnolia tripetala. L. See Britton & Brown. Vol. II. p. 4S. Very seldom found in Pennsylvania, nor does it attain a great size here. Professor Sargent says that it is hardy in cultivation as far north as New England. The branches are very irregular, with leaves at the ends giving the appearance of an umbrella. Large white flowers appear about May. making a very attractive tree. Its propagation is similar to that of the cucumber tree. TULIP-TREE. TULIP POFLAE, YELLOW rOPLAB. Liriodendron Tulipifera, L. The tulio-tree is one of the most magnificent of the forest trees and its wood is valuable for many purposes. It is a fairly rapid grower and ''s it is becoming very scarce its propagation should be encouraged. 15 The fruit has a cone-like appearance, being made up of a number of scales, on a common axis, from which they fall during winter. Very few of these scales contain seeds and only about ten per cent, of the seeds formed are good. Loudon said that the best 'ones are found on the higher branches of aged trees. Iu autumn, as the seeds mature, the fruit turns to a brownish color. The cones should be gathered in October after the first few scales have dropped. Drying them in an ordinary living room for a short time ought to be suffi- cient to free the seeds from the scales. The seeds may be sown broadcast, or in shallow furrows, in fall, or they may be kept in a dry room until spring. Roil the beds after giving the seeds a slight cover. Soft mold or wood and leaf ashes are good fertilizers for them. In summer do not allow the beds to become too dry and give the young plants some protection from the sun. The plants may re- main in the seed beds for two years, to develop a good root system before being planted permanently, or if they are wanted for orna- mental purposes they may be transplanted and left two or mote years. After transplanting first time it is better to cut the stem off a couple of inches above the ground, allowing a new stem to be formed. Rich soil of coves and of cool slopes is its preference. It is known to come up in old fields after an advance growth of sassafras or locust, or with locust. Seedlings are plentiful in the forest near old trees after a winter or spring fire has burned the layer of leaves on the ground. It may be set out as the cucumber tree, with lo- cust or with walnut, or with both. Trees are said to be raised easily from cuttings. BASSWOOD, AMERICAN I.IXDEX. LIME TREE. LIX. Tiiia Americana. L. The linden has a one-seeded fruit which when it is matured in Sep- tember is hard, hairy, gray and about the si/.e of a pea. They should be sown at once in the seed beds, or if kept over winter, should be stratified with moist sand in a box which can be placed in well drained ground. In either case a good percentage will come up the first year, but if they have been kept dry over winter they are likely to wait until the second year before germinating. They are very slow growers from the seed and will have to remain in the nursery for two, three, or four years, and perhaps more, before they will be large enough to set out permanently. They may be then planted with oak, sugar maple, white ash. etc. As with other trees, if the 10 plams are crooked, or too branchy, cut them oil just above the ground and ailow ;i shoot 10 fonn. More rapid growth is obtained from layers, su it is ciisiomary 10 cm oli' an oid tree rk.se 10 the ground, and when a number of shoots have come up. to throw dirt among rhi'in that ihey may lake root for themselves. Iu one or two years they may be nit oil" and used as plants. Transplanting with balls of dirt is recnmmemled. !t prefers a moist situation but will grow 011 dry soil. As a shade tree it is probably not surpassed. WHITE RASSWOOD. Tilia heterophylla. Vent. The white bust-wood is more of a monuiaiu tree than the Tilia Americana. It is commonly found growing on the moist soil border- ing mountain streams, how*1- cr. it -.'.ill thrive upon limestone soil, or dry. gravelly and sandy soil, if moderately rich. The wood of this tree is not unlike that of ihe oilier specie* of basswood aud is sold as such. It ran be propagated the same as the basswood above, either from seed or Iron: cuttings, the latter being, perhaps, pre- ferable. AMERICAN HOLLY. Ilex opaca. Ait. While, the holly, under favorable conditions, becomes a tree of good size, and is then valual.de. it is not likely that, in this State at least, it v.iil ever be raised for other than ornamental purposes. The fruit is a small red berry, maturing in antrum and remaining on the tree all inter. The- berries may be gathered in December a»d at once macerated in water. After the seeds have been fhoronghly washed, they should be spread on a cloth and dried, and then mixed with sand and kept dry until needed for sowing in spring. Sow in fur- rows ten to twelve incites apart. Cover seeds lightly with line earth and roil it. A layer of leaves may then cover the bed which will per- haps hasten germination.. The seeds are slow to germinate and may noi i-oine up until the second year. The plants should be carefully transplanted every two years until set out finally. It seems to prefer the edge of streams or swamp*, under other trees, bin it will grow on higher ground. It makes a close hedge and requires little care when once started. It is also propagated by cuttings. L7 OHIO BUCKEYE.. FETID BUCKEYE. Aesculus glabra.. 'W illd. The wood of this tree is used for pulp wood and lot 1 1 1 <_- manu- facture of light wooden articles. Although there are other rapid growers, the wood of which i.s belter in ivmiliir and nun lake ;hc place of the buckeye, yet the facility with which it can be raised from seed together with its rapid growth may recommend it. The fruit resembles the common hoise-ehestum but is prickly when young. It matures in autumn and the seeds may be go . red from under ihe old tree afier '.he first frost. They should be planted at once, either where they are to remain, say two or three feet apart each way. or they may be planted in seed beds, in iows eighteen to twenty-four inches apart and twelve to fourteen inches in the row. Cover a little more ihau the thickness of the seed, unless Ihe beds are rolled. In one year the plants may be set out. They prefer moist soil, as along the banks of livers, but will do well in soil that it is not exceedingly dry. SWEET BUCKEYE. Aesculus llava. Ait. Aesculus octandra. Harsh. Pie Britfon & Brown. Vol. II. p. 101. The tree has a smooth fruit, has the same uses as the Ohio buckeye and may be propagated in ihe same manner. Either may be used as a shade tree, although the European horse-chestnut is superior and more frequently used for that purpose. SUGAR MAPLE. Acer saecharinuni. Wang. Acer Sacebaruin. Marsh. See Brifton & Brown. Vol. IT. p. G.OS. In the Forestry Rpporl for Ibis State issued in 18!).°;, it is stated that this is one of ihe largest and perhaps one of the commom -; trees in ihe Slate. It is apparent therefore that condilions here are favorable to its growth. It is a valuable nee anil will mow in al- most any locality. 2 IS The seeds, in samaras or keys about an inch long, are matured in September. They may be picked from the nee. or a little later swept together under the tree, as they are usually very plentiful. They are very sensitive 10 being dried out and therefore should be sown at once. The rows should be about eight inches apart and the seeds six inches apart ill the rows. A very light cover of earth is sulli- cient. but put a layer of leaves over the beds for the winter. The seeds may be kept over winter if stratified with sand just slightly moistened, then sown early in spring. During the first season the young plants will need shade. They may remain in the seed beds two years and then be set out permanently at three, four or live foot distances. Prune off any branches that may have formed. The sugar maple has been planted in pine plantations and also in mix- ture with white ash. walnut, oak. birch and others. It is among the best of the trees suitable for street planting. What is known as black sugar maple is a variety of Acer sacchar- iiuiin and is propagated in the same manner. The striped maple tAcer Tennsylvanicum. L.). so called from the striped appearance of its bark, is of little importance except as an ornamental tree. Its seeds ripen in September and may be raised as the above. It is found in cool ravines and endures considerable shade. SILVER MAPLE. WHITE Ul! SOFT MA I'LL. Acer dasyearpum. Ehrh. Acer sacchariuum. L. See I'.ritton & Brown, Vol. II, p. SOT. This is perhaps the most rapid grower among the maples, and it is adapted to any soil but it is of very little value. The keys are large, veiny and diverging. The seeds ripen early in summer, in Slay or June. They may be swept up under the trees and should be sown at once. If planted in moist beds and given a light cover of earth it will not be long before the young plants put in an appearance. Sow die set cis in rows about twelve inches apart and in distances of eight inches in the row. If started in good soil one year will be suffi- cient iimi in the nursery, bin if in poor soil rhoy will take two years to grow to a size suitable for planting. These plants are apt to branch young, so when planting, if they are branchy or crooked, cut them oil' just above the ground. The sprout thai will be formed will make up for the growth that has been lost. 10 RED MAPLE, SWAMP MAPLE. Acer rubrum, L. The red maple is a more valuable tree than the soft maple and as it thrives in swamps (although not confined to them) which are rarely of anv use, there is no reason why it should not be raised. The seeds ripen in May or June and perhaps can best be picked from the tree. They should be planted at once in moist soil, as with the soft maple. The first year they grow slowly and may have to remain in the seed bed two years. Pruning with these, too. may be necessary. Where the soil is good it makes a beautiful shade tree. BOX ELDER. ASH-LEAVED MAPLE. Xegundo aceroides. Moench. Acer Xegundo. L. See Britton & Brown. Vol. II, p. iOO. In wooded sections of the country this tree is of little value, but in the plains it serves as a splendid "nurse tree'' to other more use- ful species. It is a rapid grower and will thrive on any soil, hence, where a quick protection to the soil, or a quick shade is wanted, there is nothing better: for instance, for the protection of white pine seed- lings on a dry southern slope. It is short lived and when planted with other trees affords an early return in the way of Bre wood. The seeds are ripe in September and should be sown at once. In one year the seedlings can be planted out. With conifers, box elder may be planted in every other row at four foot distances, the rows be- ing three feet apart. With broad-leaved species every third row- would be sullicieut. STAGHORX SUMACH. Rhus typhina. L. Rhus hirta. (L.) Sudw. See Britton & Brown, Vol. II. p. 3SC. Mostly a shrub but at times reaches the dimensions of a small tree. The wood has a beautiful grain and will take a polish, making it suitable for panels, etc. The fruit (small, hard, strong seeds) is com- parted into an irregular, brown or scarlet mass. The seeds mature 20 about October, after which they ma}- be gathered and sown at once, or kept in a dry, cold plate until spring. The sumach is found in thickets, both on the borders of streams and on dry hill sides; it seems to grow more rapidly, however, on the moist soil and usually produces there a stem more or less free of branches. LOCUST TREE. BLACK; LOCUST, YELLOW LOCUST. Robinia Pseudacacia, L. The locust has many qualities that recommend it to the tree planter. The foliage and blossoms make it suitable for a shade tree, especially along country roads. It is n rapid grower and can be re- produced easily from seeds or from root suckers. It will grow on any soil that is not wet, and. like all leguminous plants, it improves the soil on which it grows. Moreover the wood is stroug and of great durability. Yellow locust wood is supposed to be more valu- able than white locust wood, but boih come from this species. The fruit, a pod enclosing several seeds, is matured in September and may be gathered from the tree any time after that, for frequently they remain on the tree all winter. The seeds may be threshed out with a flail and cleansed by running them through a winnowing ma- chine. Field mice are fond of them, consequently it is best to keep them for spiing planting, which is easily done if ihey are kept in a cool, dry atmosphere. Before planting, put them into scalding water and remove them as soon as they swell up. Repeat the operation until all are ready, then plant at once in the seed bed. about six inches apart each way. The young plants may remain in the beds one or two years when they may be set out permanently at four foot distances. At first sight of the borer's work cut olf the branch or the whole stem and burn it. If branchy when transplanted prun- ing will be necessary. It may be planted by itself or mixed with other species, as yellow poplar, catalpa. walnut, etc. JUDAS TBEE. BED CUD. Cercis Canadensis, L. Hardly more than a shrub. Its wood is seldom if ever used. In spring the bush is aflame with red flowers, making it worthy of a place1 on the lawn. The fruit is a legume, or pod. ripening in autumn. 21 These may be gathered and kept until spring, the seeds to be sown early. It does not seem to be particular as to soil and may be planted under other trees or shrubs. In growth it is fairly rapid. KENTUCKY COFFEE TREE. COFFEE NUT. Gymnoeladus Canadensis. Lam. Gymnocladus dioiea. (L.) Koch. See Britton & Brown, Vol. II. p. 261. Very similar to the locust in qualities and requirements. Like all other broad-leaved species it reaches its best development on moist, rich soil. The seeds mature in October and may be taken from the pods readily after a severe frost, or the pods may be gathered and macerated in warm water. Dry the seeds and treat as locust see-ds. The growth is rapid, so close sowing is not necessary, neither is the tree so apt to branch as the locust. HONEY-LOCUST. GleditscMa triacanthos. L. This tree as yet has very little value other than as an ornamental tree. It requires rich soil. The pods may be gathered in Septem- ber or October and macerated in water until the seeds can be washed clean. Thoy ran be treated then as those of the locnst and coffee tree. The taproot should be cut off before transplanting. WILD CHERRY. WILD BLACK CHERRY. I'runus serotina. Ehrh. A neglected but valuable tree. It is a fairly rapid grower, not particular in regard to soil, and furnishes a fine wood for the manu- facture of furniture. The fruit is matured in August. It can then be gathered from the tree and macerated in water until the stones can be cleaned. These may be sown at once, but it is well to preserve them until spring by mixing them with sand and placing the box either in a dry, cool cellar or in the ground where the stones can be frozen, They must mil b<- allowed lo heroine moist. Sow in fur- rows six 10 eight iiu-l.es apari and l wo or three inches in a furrow. They will be- of sufflcion! size in two years ro be moved safely. They may then be mixed wiih seedlings of ash, elm. oak. piue. spruce, etc.. at four fool distances. Primus Pennsylvaniara. L. ill., or ibo lire cherry, is of little value other than as a nurse tree 10 bet lev ami weaker species. It may be used as the box elder. Propagation is the same as for the blade cherry. The fruit is ripe in July. A.MKIIK'AX r.IAJ; AlTl.K. Pyrns I'oroaaria, L. Mains roronarin. ih.i Mili. See Drkiou & Iliown. Vol. II. p. 233. The tree never reaches a very great size and iis wood is of little value except for tool handles or .ornery work. As an ornamental tree, however, it is worth some consideration. Its flowers are numer- ous, fragrant and of delicate tints. The fruit matures late in fall. when it may be gathered and ma. -orated in water i.i order to obtain the seeds. Several years in the nursery may be required before the seedlings will be large enough to be planted out with safety. Prun- ing may be necessary in order to avoid a straggling form. It is usuallv found in rather moist soil. .MOUNT. MX ASli. Pyrus Americana, DC. Porous Aiuerbanus. Marsh. See Britton £ Drown, Vol. II, p. 203. UI no value other than as an ornamental tree. It grows both on highlands and on lowlands. The berry-like fruit grows in clusters and matures about October. The seeds may be obtained by macera- tion, and after being dried on a cloth should be kept in a dry, cool place for sprint: planting. Pre. iient transplanting before setting out permanently will no doubt secure ihebest results for ornamental use. COCKSITR TlJoKN. Crataegus Crus-galli. I.. Except for hedges the cockspnr thorn is liitle used. It is occa- sionally found as a lawn tree because oi Us white dowers, which ap- pear in June. The fruit matures in October, The seeds may be ob- tained by maceration and can be sown at once or kept for spring sowing. JUXE BE12KY. SdAD ill Si!. SERVICE BERRY". Anielanchior Canadensis, T. & ft. Another tree, more often a shrub, which is more ornamental than useful. It is among the lirst of our trees to bloom in spring and is very attractive because of its many white llowers. The fruit matures in June or July and is then edible. The seeds are obtained by mac- eration and should be sown at once. It has been found on soil vary- ing from dry "barrens" to The wet borders of swamps. GUM. SWEKT-.IL'M. BILSTED. Li'juidainbar Styraeiflua, L. A tree that grows to large size and furnishes a hue grained lumber suitable for veneer and interior finishing. The fruit, a ball with rough projections, marines in autumn, when the seeds drop out. They may be gathered in September or October and sown at once in the seed beds, either scattered Thinly broadcast, or in furrows four 10 six inches apart. Uive them a light cover of soil and as with other seeds sown in fail, spread leaves over the beds to protect them dur- ing the winter. Two years may be required to allow The seedling's to become of sufficient size to transplant. They may be set in ainiosc any soil, but because of their tendency to branch set the plants not more than three feet apart each way. It presents a beautiful ap- pearance in autumn and is suitable for a lawn tree. DOGWOOD, FLOWERING DOGWOOD, BOXWOOD. Cornus liorida. L. As the name implies the iree Is conspicuous for iis llowers. Its autumn colors are ju.-r as atuaciive. hence as an ornamental tree it is well worth rt.usiiteraiion. Id order to si c'.-.ro a straight trunk, and a regular shape, plant the young tree, then when it has a year to "root itself" fairly. cut the slvm off fin spring or : arly sirnmeri i li se to the ground. It will then produce several shoots. Select the uoe 24 you prefer and remove the rest. As this retained shoot grows and makes its branches, keep cutting oil' the lower ones until the stem is as high as you desire, alter which it may lie trusted to care for itself, li rarely attains great size but the wood is valuable for tool handle.-;, nialleis. etc., where it will undergo hard usage. As a forest tree it is scarcely belter than a weed, permitting no other species to gel a start beneath its shade. The fruit is a small, red berry maturing in September. The berries may be nicked from the tree and macerated until the pulp ran be removed from the seeds. Mix these with damp sand and place in we'll drained ground over winter. Plant early in spring. During summer protect from the hot sun. Alter two years the plants ma}' be set our, either in ihe open or under i he shade of other trees. The alternate-leaved dogwood, having a "blue-black" berry, is of little value even as an ornamental tree. TLTEJLO. PEPPEPJDGE. BLACK 01! SOUR UUM. Nyssa sylvatica. Marsh. Black gum. in favored localities, often grows to a large size. It prefers damp, rich soils but will grew in dry situations. It may be used for landscape work. The wood is hard to spiit and is used where such characteristic is needed. The fruit ripens in Septem- ber and may be picked from the uee. Macerate in warm water until the seed or stone is clean. Mix with damp sand and place in ground we'll protected from moisture. In spring sow about two inches apart in rows. Keep the bods moist. In two years The plants may be moved ami should be set two To [hrce feet apart. They are, other- wise. likcU 10 branch. LAUREL, MOUNTAIN LAUKEL, CALICO-BUSH. Kaimia latifolia. L. RHODODENDRON. ROSE-RAY. GREAT LAUREL. Rhododendron maximum L. These two shrubs are of little value other than for ornamental use. They are comparatively easy to transplant from ihe woods. The young plants should be taken up in early spring wilU consider- able dirt lo the roots. After transplanting pack a thick layer of leaves about the foot of the shrub and keep ihem moist until a good growth is evident. Propagation from seed is said to be dil'lieult and expensive. For planting in open grounds it is best to secure speci- mens whirl: have grown in open grounds. I'EJGSniHOX. Diospyros Viryiiiiami, 1.. This tree is more valuable for its fruit tlmn for any Oilier \>v.\ nose. The heartwood. which lakes almost a century 10 form. is vii; dark. The wood's "capacity for enduring friction is phenomenal." The fruit is mature in autumn and may be picked from ihe ground under the trees after several frosts. Remove '.he pulp from the seeds, mix them with moist sand and preserve in a cool cellar. Sow in rows in spring: and. as with ail slow growing species especially, cultivate well. Iu two years they may he removed from tlie seed bed. It glows on light, sandy soil or in bottom land. Occasionally it is found grow- ing on high dry ground. In pans of the United States persimmon cul- ture has become quite common and several improved varieties of the fruit are alreadv produced. WHITE ASH. Fraxinus Americana. I.. A magnificent ami valuable forest tree. Irs wood is extensively used in the manufacture of furniture, wagons-, farming implements and oars. It docs nor seem to be particular as ro location, but if ihe wood of tiie more rapid growing trees is best, then moderately rich soil where the roots ran get plenty of moisture is preferred, as along streams. The fruit is winged and matures in August or September. It should be sown broadcast at once in well raked beds. During the first summer provide shade for it and. if necessary, moisture. The seedlings may lie removed when one year old. If tie- taproot has not been retarded it is belter to cut it oil' than to run the risk of turning the growing end up when planting. It may be mixed with walnut, oak. maple, hickory, etc.. at throe or four foot distances. The green ash and red ash are somewhat inferior to the white ash in respect ;o their timbor qualities. If cultivated at all. iliey may be propagated in ihe same manner as the white ash. BLACK ASH. HOOP ASH. Fraxinus sambueifolia. Lam. Fraxinus nigra. Marsh. See liritton & Brown. Vol. IT. p. i>02. The black ash. growing in wet ami swampy soils, although capable of growing; on dry soils, is used very much for hnov.s. basket weaving and interior finishing. Its seeds ripen sow ral w ■•■■ ' < luier ilian those of the white ash but are treated in a like manner. •J(i CATALPA. RF.AN TJIEE. 1XDIAN 11KAX. CK.1AH TREE. Catalpa bignonioides. Walt. Camliia Catalpa. ii..'i ICarst. See Britten & Crown. Vol. II. p. 190. A tree to which a great deal of attention lias been railed of late. Il is a rapid grower on almost any soil, producing, in a very short time, stems large enough for railroad ties or even telegraph or tele- phone pok'S. The fruit is a pod enclosing numerous small winged seeds. These pods remain on the trees during winter and may be gathered any time after October. Remove the seeds and keep ill a cool, dry atmosphere until the ground can be worked in spring. Sow the seeds broadcast mid cover with sine' dirt. Uy the next spring the seedlings can be set out in rows. If by themselves, three or four foot squares will make proper distances for planting. They may be planted with locust, maple, ash. pine. ere. It has been recom- mended io plant them ill alternate rows with held corn. This will aifi id some cultivation after the plants 'nave been set our. White pine might iheu be set along the corn rows after one or two crops have bee:! renh.-ved. If any damag" comes to the young plant, cut ir oil' a.: ilie ground, for as long as the rout is healthy a sprout will soon rone' up wirch >-.;: I prohahh produce a better tree than the seedling stems. This indeed, is the best way to secure a trunk long enough and straight enough for a telegraph pole. Cuttings may lie used for propagation. The wood, whilst it resists decay in the ground, appears to lack strength sniiicient for a good railroad tie. WESTERN CATALPA. Catalpa speciosa, Warder. It is said ill;: t lite wood of this species is mote durable in contact with the ground than that of the Catalpa above mentioned. As a rule it produces straightcr stents and is freer from branches. The growth is rapid iit almost any soil, producing a good crop of telephone poles, etc.. in twenty-five years, or less. It can be propagated as the above, either from seed, or from innings. Its value for railroad ties has been great lv overestimated. SASSAFRAS. Sassafras oihrinalo, Xees. Sassafras Sassafras. iT-.l ICarst. See Rrittou & Brown, Vol. II. p. 97. Although a rapid grower, the tree will hardly be planted much in Pennsylvania because of its timber qualities. It is very frequently found iu old lields. preparing the- soil lor a more valuable =peeies and acting as a nurse to ir. As such it may be used to advantage. The fruit matures in September. The pulp must be washed from the stone, which should be plained at once in rich, moist soil. Two years will not be too long for the seedlings to remain under nursery care. After they have had a start in the plantation, yellow poplar. sugar maple, white pine and perhaps hemlock might be mixed with it in alternate rows. It sprouts readily and may be raised from suckers or from bits of root. SLirPEKY EDI. RED ELM. MOOSE ELM. Ulruus fulva. Michx. A tree which is suitable to plant in wet locations, although it is sometimes found on the hillsides. By some the wood is said to be superior to that of the white elm. The fruit is mature in June. It may be gathered from under the tee and sown at once in the nursery beds. If They are dry, moisture should be applied to the beds artifi- cially. Give protection during summer from the sun. If she moisture has been sufficient, the plants may be set oat that fall, but it may be best to allow them to remain for another year. Fall transplanting is preferred. It may be mixed with beech, oak. ash. or sugar maple. WHITE ELM. WATER ELM. AMERICAN ELM. Limits Americana. L. The white elm rivals the sugar maple in size. Its wood is very hard to split and is used where such resistance is necessary. It. too prefers moist, rich soil, but will grow in other situations. The fruit is mature in Jure and should be treated as. that of the slippery elm. It may be mixed with birch, beech or maple. HACKBEEBY. SEGAL BEERY. Celtis occidental is. L. Although this tree reaches a fair size, its wood is of no practical importance. The fruit is a small drupe, maturing iu autumn. The 2S seeds may be obtained by maceration and should be sown in moder- ately moist beds at once. Two years are often required for the seeds to germinate. The young seedlings should have some protection from the sun for several seasons and their roots kept moist. They may be propagated by cuttings. OSAGE ORANGE, BOW WOOD. BOIS d' ARC. Madura aurantiaca, Xutt. Toxylon pomiferuni, Raf. See Britton & Brown. Vol. I. p. 5)29. Another valuable but neglected tree. It is a rapid grower and not particular in choice of soil. Its wood has been found to be very valuable in the manufacture of wagon wheels, and has also been used with good success as railroad ties. The fruit matures in October but as it is frequently seedless, and as the tree is readily propagated from cuttings, it may be cheapest to use the latter method. If seeds are obtained after macerating the fruit, they should be kept in a cooi. dry atmosphere and sown in spring. The tree is frequently used for hedges, when it needs considerable pruning. In plantations it should be planted closely. It is not a native of Pennsylvania, but is introduced from the southwest. RED MULBERRY. Morns rubra. L. The fruit, resembling an elongated blackta cry. is mature in July. Ii should be picked from the tree and macerated in water, elm seeds cleaned and rhvu kept in a cooi. dry atmosphere until spring. Sow thinly over the beds and cover with fine dirt. Keep the beds moist and protect the young plants, from ihe sun. After two seasons growth .hey can safely be placed in the plantation. They endure some shade so may be set among other trees. It prefers low. rich soils. r.ri'TOxwooD, sycamore. rinlanus occidentals, L. A rapid grower, of I en reaching a very large size, and not particular as lo location. The wood, how-ever, is of very little value, except in 29 the manufacture of tobacco lioxes. The common ''button balls" are made u|i of a number of seeds which mature about October. Sow them as soon as ripe, ami cover lightly, or keep them dry over wiiiTcr and plant early in spring. The seedlings may be plained when one vear old. BLACK WALNUT. Julians nigra. L. A tree valuable botli for irs wood and its fruit. That it is almost exterminated in Pennsylvania is well known and yet it is a fairly rapid grower and readily propagated from seed. The nurs mature in fall and after a slight frost may be picked up from under the old trees in quantities. Where there is uo serious danger from mice and squirrels the nuts may be planted at once (after slightly bruising rile hull) in rows about a foot apart, and from four to six inches apart in The row. for they branch early. To prevent the raproot from becom- ing too long a close layer of stone may be laid before the nursery beds are formed, or the plants may be started in boxes about six imhes deep, having holes in the bottom and sides to allow proper drainage. Transplant when one year old. To keep the nuts over winter, re- move the ••hull" and mix them with moist sand and bury in the ground. Plant as soon as taken up in the spring. If desired, the nuts can be planted at once where the tree is intended to remain. Locust, maple, beech, or ratalpn could be mixed with it in the plan- tation. It might be raised with iieid com. Tin- white walnut or butternut, having an oblong, pointed nut. may be raised in the same manner. It will grow on both high ami low ground, whereas the black walnut rarelv does well in a drv situation. SHELL -15AHK. SIIAG-BARK HICKORY. Carya alba. Xutt. Hicoria ovata. (Mill.] Brirron. See Britton & Brown. Vol. I. p. i^~>. There are said to be nine species of hickory on the continent, but there arc only three that are of any importance to us. The shag- bark, so called from the appearance of its bark, prefers rich, damp soil and in such is a rapid grower. The fruit matures in October and may then be gathered from under the trees. They should be placed in moist sand and kept for spring planting. Because of the GO taproot it may be best lo plant at once permanently, and if possible raise some iieid crop with the young plants. Make furrows about three 1'eet apart and drop the urns about every half-foot. Weeds will have to be kepi down. If raised in a nursery, rare will have to be taken in irunsplaniiug. bemuse of ihe long taproot. Cui oft any bruised or broken roots. WHITE-HEART I-IICKUHY. HICKORY., KLXtl XUT. MOCKER XUT. < 'arya tomeulosa. X'utt. Hicoria alba. 1L.1 liriltOJi. See lSritton K Crown. Vol. I. p. 4S(i. The young shoots of ibis tree are hairy: the nut angular and pointed. It may be found more frequently and is perhaps the best of tin; family from the standpoint of forestry because of its choosing the poorer soils. ai[hu::gh i.s slow growth is against it. It is raised as ihe shag-bark hitkorv. TIG XIT. BROOM HICKORY. SWITCH BUB IIICKOKY. Carya porcina. Xui t. Hicoria glabra. iMill.j Britten. See Briilon A; IJrown, Vol. I. p. 4S7. The bark is furrowed on older trees: the fruit is thiu shelled. The wood rivals ili.it of Ihe shag-bark, said by some even Lo surpass it. it will glow both in high and low situations, bm in Pennsylvania at least it prefers moist soil, li is also treated as the shag-bark hiekorv. BIRCHES. Betula, L. Of the five bit, lies i-ommonly round in ibis Suite all are more or lesd valuable or worthy oi cultivation. The fruit of the red or river bireh and of the canoe birch matures in summer, about Juuo. The small seeds should be removed from the cone-like fruit and sown broadcast at once in moist beds. Of coarse the plants must be 31 shaded, at least during the hist season's growth. They had better remain in the seed hods for i'.vn years. The fruil of the throe oilier birches, black, y el lev and while, matures in fall. Their seeds should be kept in damp sand iimil spring. Sow as early as possible ami keep the beds moist inning the summer, also shade tin- plains. In one year these may be removed. Most of the birches will glow on poor soil and may bo used as nurse trees for more valuable broad- leaved species. Conifers sutler from having their tender shoots whipped oil' in a strong wind In the action of the slender srenis of these trees and const" inently should nol be plained with rhem. SMOOTH ALDER. Alnr.s serrulata. Willd. Alnus rngosa. D;i Roil K. Ktn-h. See IBritton & Ihovvu. Vol. I. p. 312. Seldom if ever more than a shrub, but of value, especially for hold- ing soil on banks of s; reams. The seeds should be [licked in Octo- ber and sown broadcast at once on fresh, sandy soil and covered lightly. Roll the beds and give a revering of leaves for the winter. The seeds are frequently sewn upon (he snow. If seeds are pre- served until spring, when ihey miisi he sown very early, keep them in damp sand and in a cold [dare Shade the beds during the summer. IROX WOOD. UOl'-UORXREA.M. Ostrya Virginica. Willd. A slow growing tree of Ihe poorer soils. It is usually found in the shade of oaks, maples and ihi larger trees. The fruit resembles the hop. It matures in September. The nut-like seeds should be sown at once and even I lien may not sproul until Ihe yeai following. It may be used, hi plain up blanks, or open places on rocky slopes. WATER REEl.'II. HORN UEA1I. Carpinus f.'aroliuiana. Walt. Usually nothing more than a slirnb. 1 hough sometimes becoming a tree 2o feet high and a foot in diameter, growing along sirr-ams in rich soil. The wood, similar to that of iron wood, is e.sed for levers and turnery work. The fruit matures in autumn and the nut-like seeds should be sown at once in moist, sandy soil. Usually they will not come up until the second year. 32 OAKS, nucleus. L. Tlie oaks may be- ilivitlctl into iwn general classes, namely the white and the black oaks. Thr whin' oaks aru those having leaves with round lobes, noi being bristle-pointed. The acinus ripen in one year and arc sweet 10 the rasle. The black oaks are those the leaves of which have bristle pointed lubes. The acorns mature in the second year and arc hitler 10 the taste Of the tit st class i here are in Pennsylvania, worthy of being cul- tivated, i lie following : White Oak. nucleus alba. I.. Post Oak. (Juercus stellata. Wane.. (lucicus minor. (Marsh.) Sat".. See BriitOll & P.I M u n. Vol. I. p. ."2(1. Bur Oak. Quereus luacrorarpa. Michx. Swam]) White Oak. (jnen-us hieolor. Willd. Quereus plata- noides. il.am.i Sudw. See Britton >x Brown. Vol. I. p. 521. Chestnut Oak. oucieiis Prinns. L. Yellow Oak. Quereus Mulileubergii. Engelin. Qiiercns ncunib nata. iMich'x.i Savg. Sec Britten & Brown. Vol. I. p. ."2'2. Those ol t In- black oaks are: lied Oak. Quereus rubra. L. Scarlet Oak. Quereus coceinea. 'Wang. Black Oak. Quereus tinctoria. P.artrani. Quereus veluriua. Lam. See Brilion ..V Brown, Vol. I. p. -"IT. Pin Oak. Quereus ptllustvis. l)u Roi. Spanish Oak. Quereus falcata. .Michx. Quetcns digitara. (Marsh.) Smlw. See Britton & Brown. Vol. I, p. ."IS. All of the oaks will grow on poor soil, but since rapid growth of oak produces better wood the better part of soil allotted to forest should he given to them. The acorns mature in fall and may easily be gathered from under the old trees. Those of (he black oak class may be sown at once, because of their luilkiness for keeping and be- cause there is no danger from rodents. Those of the while oaks. chile they lose their power of germination very soon, hut because of the danger from rodents, should be kept until spring in damp sand and in a cool room, or buried with sand in a well drained place. The plains have long taproots and some suggest that the acorns be sown at once in the plantation where the seedlings are to remain. If so done, plough shallow furrows every three feet apart and drop the acorns at a distance of even" two or three inches in the furrow. For 33 several rears the seedlings may lie cultivated as convenient. If sown in beds scatter from three to four hundred acorns on a lied four feet each way. In one year file plants may lie removed and sor mn: foot apart in rows three feel from each other. CUEsSTXUT. Castanea sativa. Mill., car. Americana, Watts. & Ooult. Castanea deurata. illarsh.) Borkh. See Brittou & Drown. Vol. I. p. 513. In the Forestry Report issued by this State in LSilo the following reasons are given for the cultivation of chestnut: "1. It will grow on almost any kind of soil, from a river llat to a mountain top. although ii is not at its best on limestone soils. "i. It grows with great rapidity. ":j. When cut it reproduces a valuable coppice growth in a few years. "4. Its product, wood and fruit, will always be in demand. ".j. There will lie an increasing demand for it in the future be- cause of the lantiin which ii contains." The fruit matures in October, being released from the burs by i lie first frost. The chestnuts may bo sown at once, which is preferable, or they may lie mixed in moist sand and buried mill] spring. Have the soil well prepared. Some sand mixed in the beds will he good. Shade the seedlings during summer. Set out as the oaks, in tows three feet apart and at a. distance of one foot from eaidi oilier in the row. Alternate rows may be set with white pine, or in order to afford cultivation corn might be planted in alternate rows. BEECH. Fagus ferruginea. Air. Fagus Americana. Sweet. See Britlon & Brown. Vol. I. p. ."It. The beech is a Tree which should lie planted in soil where its roots can get plenty of moisture. The fruit is mature in October ami may be gathered from under the old trees. Sow in furrows six inches 3 :'4 apart, the seeds touching each other in fhe furrows. Shade well. If possible sow vlie seeds broadcast within an ■ » i j l- 1 1 pine woods, after having raked oil the needles. Cover ihe seeds iighlly. The plants may lie set oar at from two 10 live years eld. it endures shade and may be set uiulei' oak. pine, etc. WILLOWS. Salix. I.. All of the willows are so easily propagated from entfings that it is not necessary io waste time by frying 10 raise them from seed. Last year's shoots ran be ml and buried ever winter. In spring take an iron bar and make a hob large enough for the entting to go in. Leave one bud above ground a;ui pack ihe soil l:: inly about the re- maining part of the etuting. ASl'KX. 'jl'AKIXt; ASP. I'opulas irehinioidi s. Miiiix. The pomurs are rapid growers. They are found usually along hanks of streams, bill also on higher ground. In the west the aspen is found eouiing up on laud that has been cleared of other trees, either by "slashings" or by tires. There it prepares the soil for better species, as for instance white pi. e, and it protects the young piants. The fruii ripens in .May or -Jane. The seed is small and "cottony/' It should be sown at once in a cool situation and covered lightly. When one or two years old set oui in a plantation, as close as con- venient. It may branch when young but permits pruning. It may be raised easily from cuttings. COTTONWOOD. CAROLINA POPLAR I'ouiilus monilifera. Air. Populus deltoides. Marsh. See I'.rillon & lirown. Vol. I. p. 40.1. A tree whose wood is being extensively used for paper pulp. It is a rapid grower and adapts itself easily so almost any soil. The most vigorous growth, however, is found on rather moist soil. Thirty 35 cords of pulp wood to the acre: under average circumstances, might be expected after tifteeri or twenty-live years. The tree is freoiienrly found here as a shade nee. The seeds mature in July and should bo sown at once. The seed beds should lie kept moist. By the next fall seedlings could be set out in the plantation at four or Live foot dis- tances from each other. Ii will make a good nurse tree for white pine, if mixed with it. The cjuickest ami cheapest method of propa- gation is from cuttings. WHITE VISE. Pinus Strobus. L. It is not necessary to state the uses of this nee nor should it be necessary to state that it ought to be cultivated extensively. It is a rapid grower and prefers poor soil, yields early returns and is very valuable when mature — what more is wanted'.' The seeds mature in fall of second year and as soon as the cones become pitchy lin August or September) pick them and keep in ordinary living room or some other dry place during winter in bags or on a slat frame, having something to catch the seeds as they fall from the cones. Seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit is sufficient heat to open the cones that the seeds may drop our. Sow broadcast early in spring. Cover lightly and roll the beds. They must be protected from lie- sun in summer. If the beds become very wet sprinkle dry sand over them as soon as possible. '•Damping oil" is said to be prevented in this way. If one year old plants are not used in the plantation they had better be transplanted to nursery rows, the lows six inches apart and plants about two inches apart in the rows. During the winter cover with leaves and transplant in spring. Two year old plants may be used safely. If possible have some nurse tree two or three years in advance of the pine, or a rapid grower, set in alternate rows, or two rows of pine to one of the other. Three feet in the row is sufficient. It is worthy of a place as an ornamental tree. PITCD TINE. YELLOW PINE. JACK PINE. Pinus rigida. Miller. This pine has needles in threes. The cones take two or three years to mature. They should be gathered and treated as white pine. Willi all pines I In- seeds musl lie kcpl dry during ihe winter. Tile "il in llielll wiii |il'esi'l"\"e llielll so llu-l-e is very lillie danger of their losing i lie |m wit nf germinal ion for si- vera 1 years if ihev are not exposed in liinis! are. Sow i In- seeds In-iiiiiliiisi iii sandy beds in spring. Seedlings i-iui lie ser mil iii spring when two years old. The\ an- very sensitive in being transplanted so rheir roots should lie earei'ulh proroitod. Il grows whore ihe soil is extremely poor. bin slowlv. sl'IIIVK i'lNK. VELLOW I'lXE. I'inus aiii is. iliehx. i'inns eeliinaia. Mill. Sec llriiion & itrown. Vol. 1. p. 32. Leaves usually in pairs. The rones are soniewliai longer than rliose ui the pitch pile- lint not so largo in diameter, proportionally. They ma i me in mi.' season, l'oriiiei-lv I here was rousidernble yel- kiw pine in i his Stale bat it has beeouie very sraree. The tree reaehes a largo size ami iis wood is valuable, h is not hard to raise lri 1 1 u seeds, whieh should be irealed as ihose of Ihe other pines. Ii is a fairly rapid grower and is adapied lo dry. sandy soil and to poor slopes. 'I'iie red or Norway pine il'inns reshiosai may be propagated as easilv from seed as ihe oilier pines. Krli.) sl'Kl'L'E. l'ire.t nigra, var. rubra. Engelin. 1'icea rubra. iLamb.i Link. See IJrilton A. i!rowu. Vol. 1. p. 33. A i rev of ihe higiiest ridge's and eool northern slopes. The cones are small and unusuaily plentiful. They may be gathered any time after Oelober. !>\ hearing ihe cones some, the seeds will readily fall from the scales. They should lie sown in early spring in soil somowhal sandy. Cover Ihe seeds lightly and roil ihe beds. Shade ihe s. edlillgs well and do not lei the beds become loo dry. The plains may In- put in ihe plantation when two years old or they may be iransplnnred in nursery rows ami sel out when four years old. They have shallow tools and may be used on rocky slopes. In regu- lar plantations three feet is ihe proper distance at which the plants should stand from each other. BLACK SFEUCE. Fieea ni.ura. Link. l'icea mariana. iMill.i ]!. S. r. See Britten & Brown. V..i. 1. ji. .".">. Somewhat smaller than the led spruce. It prefers "spliagnuni- covered swamps." 1 'r<> pag a lion is same as for rhe red sprme. HEMLOCK. HEMLoCK-Sl'lU'CE. Tsuga Canadensis, (.'air. The cones of the hemlock niainre in une year. They are smail and egg-shaped, drooping from little lout sialks wbeu ripe. Caiher in October. Alter the seeds have been removed from ihe nines, keep liieni iii a dry. eool room until spring. Sow broadcast in well pre- pared beds. Uotten weed mixed wiili the soil will no doubt insure lie tier success. Moisture and shade are neeessar\ foi rhe young plants. In iwo years ilu-v may be sec out liuallv or iraiispiaiiri-d and set oiu when four years old. While ihe tree is found in moisi and cool places it seems 10 du well in other siinai bins. Tbe liemiock is. w nen young, perhaps ihe slowesi grower of all our fores I irees and will be ihe bardesi to perpeiuale as a foresi tree. BALSAM Fill. BALM (IF OILEAI> F53!. Abies balsamea. .Miller. Frequently found in the norlhern and colder pans of ihe Siaie. It makes a fairly rapid growth in well draim-d soil ami can lie used for planting along roads or walks. The nines may !»■ gaibered in am umn and dried slighlly. Tbe scales of ihe cones will liave ro Ije separated from the seeds. They can ihen be treated as ibose of lie- biaek spruce. LARCH. TAMAKAl ,\. HACKMATACK. Larix Americana. Mb-h.x. Larix laricina. (Dti Roil Koch. See llrii ton & Bi own. Vol. !. p. r>4. Tbe tamarack is a northern Iree and is found only in the i-ooler parrs of Hie Stale. While it may 1 e grown on dry soil it prefers and is usually round in i:ool swamps. It is u valuable iree and is said to he raised easily from seeds. The, small roues mature in September and may then be gathered from [lie irecs. Drying the rones will re- lease Lhe seeds whirh may be kepi in a rool dry plare until spring. Sow thinly over rite beds and press the seeds into the ground, giving them a slight rover. Protect well during summer. The next fall they may be easily plattTed oui ai aboui live fool distances. Their growth is fairly rapid. ARBOR VJTAE. Thuya ocridentalis. L. A tree that is of more value perhaps as an ornament than as a free for forestry purposes, in this State. The stems are used for poles and posts. The pones mature in September or October. It is grown easily from seeds if treated as the ether conifers. Two years in the nursery beds is sufficient for the young plants. They may then he placed in the plantation. It occurs naturally, hut sparingly in this State. CEDAR. RED CEDAR. SAVIN. .Tuniperus Virginiana. L. Wry common throughout the Slate, bin never reaching a very large size. It is a slow grower. The fruit is a berry made up of sev- eral llosln scales enclosing two or three seeds. The berries may be gathered in N'ovemher. They should be macerated in warm water or pin in siroug lye made from wood ashes for several days until the seeds can lie washed clean. Keep the seeds dry and cool and sow early in spring, ('over the beds with leaves as it is likely that the plants will not come up until the next year. They may he set out after two years, or transplanted when four or live years old. Set at three feet from each other. This tree is very calualdo for fence P09TS. __ ■' ■■■ -:^VJSWml^ WP:n^ PENN STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES ADDDD33SSnMH