EGTiVi INGS MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 Released; January 23, 1973 PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS - 1973 MONTANA HARD SPRING WHEAT ACREAGE UP 3 PERCENT; Montana growers plan to seed 1.9 million acres of hard spring wheat In 1973 according to the Montana Crop and Llveatock Reporting Service. If farmere carry out these January 1 intentions, It would mean a 3 percent Increase over last year, but would be 22 percent below 1971. DURUM WHEAT ACREAGE UP; Intentions indicate 190 thousand acres of durum wheat will Ue seeded this spring, 53 thousand more than last year and 22 thousand more than 1971. BARLEY ACREAGE UNCHANGED; Farmer and rancher intentions are to seed 1.8 million acres of barley this spring, the same as last year but 80 thousand acres less than 1971. OAT ACREAGE DOWN 12 PERCENT; Oat planting is expected to be 4,30 thousand acres, 12 per- cent below 1972 but 10 thotisand acres more chan 1971. CORN ACREAGE DOWN; Com planting at a prospective 75 thousand acres. Is 5 thousand less than last year but the same as 2 years ago. FLAXSEED UNCHANGED; Intentions are to plant 12 thousand acres of flaxseed, the same as last year. PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS - 1973 35 STATES **** Other spring wheat planted acreage, at an expected 11.7 million acres. Is up 17 percent from 1972. **** Durum wheat prospective plantings total 2.8 million acres, 9 percent greater than a year ago. **** Barley planted acreage Is expected to total 10.1 million acres, 1 percent less than in 1972, **** Oat planting intentions, at 20.3 million acres, are 1 percent greater than 1972. **** Com growers expect to plant 70,5 million acres of corn, 7 percent more than a year earlier. **** Flaxseed plantings are indicated to be 1.15 million acres, a decline of 3 percent from a year earlier. Intentions reported this early may be subject to greater departures from actual plantings than the regular Intentions Report Issued by the Crop Reporting Board in mid-March. This is particularly true -or this survey because the elimination of the mandatory set-aside reCjUirement under the 1973 wheat program was announced after the survey period. Any change in farmers' intentions resulting from this program change Is not reflected here. The regular 1973 March Prospective Plantings report will be released at 3 p.m. EST, March 15, 1973. Statistical Reporting Service 1. c oropRTMrwT Pt HGRiniiT'lRF and MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1973 WITH COMPARISONS PLANTED ACREAGE 1971 1972 Indicated 1973 1973 as percent of 1972 — Thousand acres * - - Pet - - MONTANA Com 75 80 75 94 All spring wheat 2,603 1,987 2,095 105 Other spring 2,435 1,850 1,905 103 Durum 168 137 190 139 Oats 420 490 430 86 Barley 1,740 1,820 1,820 100 Flaxseed 13 12 12 100 *35 STATES Corn, all 72,877 65,613 70,502 107.5 Durum wheat 2,943 2,597 2,837 109.2 Other spring wheat . . . 12,757 10,060 11,736 116.7 Oats 21,692 20,051 20,268 101.1 Barley 10,721 10,253 10,120 98.7 Cotton 12,329 13,972 12,955 92.7 Sorghums, all 20,756 17,455 19,123 109.6 Soybeans 43,048 46,538 48,763 104.8 Flaxseed 1,627 1,191 1,150 96.6 * Only the 35 States included in the special January 1 survey are included in the comparisons. In 1972, planted acreage in these States accounted for all of the durum wheat, flaxseed, and sorghum; 99 percent or better of the upland cotton, soybeans, and spring wheat other than durum; over 98 percent of the oats and com; and over 96 percent of the barley acreage. Daniel L. Herbert, DelRoy J. Gneitlng, Agr. Statistlcian-in-Charge Agr. Statistician UNfT«D rTATt* OeFAHTMBNT OF AamCULTURS rrATimcAL niFoirnNo ukvici AORICULTURAL STATYRTlCtAN P. O. FOX ITie HKLINA. MONTANA 89001 poarAMi AMO Pm pair w. 9. omRnmroFA'^ ojltvm AGR 101 OFFICIAU BU8INBM DOCUMENTS 0,^6.3.0113- ^ pfOSPECTIVE PLANTINGS ^ Released: March 19. 1973 MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS - MARCH 1, 1973 MONTANA MORE GRAIN TO BE SEEDED; Montana fanner and rancher seeding intentions on March 1 indicate 1973 spring wheat acreage will be up 2 percent and barley acreage up 7 percent over 1972 planted acres according to the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. Durum wheat acreage is expected to be up sharply but other spring wheat unchanged. Small increases in sugarbeet and potato acreages are expected, with moderate declines for com and oat acres. Flaxseed and dry bean acreages are expected to be about the same as last year. Farmers and ranchers expect to harvest the same amount of hay acreage as last year. The purpose of this report is to assist growers generally in making such changes in their acreage plans as may appear desirable. The acreage actually planted in 1973 may turn out to be larger or smaller than indicated for such reasons as weather conditions, economic factors, labor supply, agricultural programs, and the effect of this report itself upon farmers' actions. MONTANA PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS CROP PLANTED ACREAGE 1970 1971 1972 Indicated 1973 1973 as % of 1972 Corn 62 75 80 77 96 All spring wheat 1,868 2,603 1,987 2,030 102 Other spring 1,739 2,435 1,850 1,850 100 Durum 129 168 137 180 131 Oats 781 420 490 450 92 Barley 1,800 1,740 1,820 1,950 107 Flaxseed 38 13 12 12 100 Sugarbeets 58.0 50.3 45.8 48.0 105 Dry beans 11 11 11 11 100 Potatoes 7.8 8.0 7.7 7.9 103 All hay 1/ 2,447 2,355 2,520 2,520 100 Relates to acres for harvest. Daniel L. Herbert, Agr . Statistician-in-Charge K. Rudy Suta, Agr. Statistician Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED STATES UNITED STATES FARMERS INCREASE PLANTINGS: Spring wheat other than durum prospective ~ plantings total 12.3 million acres, up 22 percent from the 10.1 million planted last year but 4 percent below the 1971 acreage. Acreage Is now 5 percent above January intentions in the nine States surveyed on January 1. Durum wheat plantings are expected to total 3.1 million acres, 18 percent more than the 2.6 million in 1972 and 4 percent above 1971. All five durum producing States were Included in the January Prospective Plantings Report and acreage is now 8 percent above earlier intentions. Barley acreage is expected to total 11.0 million, 4 percent above a year earlier but 1 percent below 1971. In the 32 States surveyed on January 1 acreage is up 5 percent from earlier intentions. Oat intentions, at 20.5 million acres, are 1 percent above the 20.3 million planted a year ago but 7 percent below 1971. In the 33 States surveyed on January 1 acreage Is about the same as earlier intentions. Corn plantings are expected to total 71.6 million acres, 7 percent more than the 66.8 million planted last year but 3 percent below 1971. In the 35 States surveyed on January 1 acreage is about the same as earlier intentions. Soybean acreage is expected to total a record 53.8 million, 14 percent above the 47.0 million acres planted in 1972 and 24 percent above 1971. Acreage now exceeds the earlier intentions by 9 percent in the 27 States surveyed on January 1. Hay acreage for harvest is anticipated at 60.9 million acres, up 2 percent from 1972 but 1 percent below the 1971 total. PLANTED ACREAGES, UNITED STATES 1971 All corn White corn (10 States)^./ All sorghums Oats Barley Durum wheat Other spring wheat Rice Soybeans Flaxseed Peanuts Cotton Potatoes 2^/ Winter Spring Summer Fall Total Sweetpotatoes Tobacco _3/ Dry beans Dry peas Hay Sugarbeets 74,055 1,131 20,756 21,956 11,115 2,943 12,807 1,826.0 43,472 1,627 1,528.9 12,354.9 18.0 112.1 149.5 1,152.8 1,432.4 119.6 839.4 1,506 213.7 61,405 1,404.3 1972 Indicated 1973 1973 as % of 1972 Thousands 66,753 473 17,455 20,296 10,639 2,597 10,098 1.824.0 47,003 1,191 1.531.3 13,999.7 16.1 97.1 137.4 1,054.5 1.305.1 116.7 843.3 1,481 148.0 59,783 1.419.3 71,571 554 18,568 20,474 11,041 3,054 12,339 2,005.5 53,801 1,317 1,536.0 13,081.3 13.7 3/ 63.8 134.7 1.067.9 3/ 1,280.1 115.2 898.7 1,365 141.5 60,894 1.388.9 Percent 107 117 106 101 104 118 122 110 114 111 100 93 85 98 101 99 107 92 96 102 98 -planted; spring-planted and intended plantings acreage as of March 1. Excludes California 2./ Included in "all com"! 197^ winter- as of March 1; summer and fall-intended spring crop. Harvested acreage. UNnrO STATES DEPAIfTMEKT OF ACRICULTURK STATISTICAL REPORTINO SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN e. o. BOX I7t« HELENA. MONTANA 89601 POSTAM AMO m • PAID U. 6. MPARTMINTOi* AOAICULTUU AGR 101 OFFICIAL BUSINESS ■■MALrV POM PWVATX i 900 1305 MONT ST LBRY GOVT DOC SEC 930 E LYNDALE HELENA MT 59601 5 G30. 4 Y^OSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 197i) STATE DOCUMENTS 3--‘y-7v Rj]^easedJ_Januar2_24jl974 MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE p. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 MONTANA hard spring wheat acreage intentions up 16 PERCENT: Montana wheat growers Intend to plant 2.2 million of their cropland acres to hard spring wheat In 1974 according to the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. If spring planting conditions permit and the current intentions are unchanged, this will be an increase of 16 percent from last year. DURUM WHEAT ACREAGE UP 51 PERCENT: Montana's durum wheat plantings are expected to total 280,000 acres in 1974 compared with 185,000 acres last year. This is the largest durum wheat acreage since 1968 when 379,000 acres were seeded. BARLEY ACREAGE DECREASES 31 PERCENT: If current intentions remain unchanged , Montana's 1974 barley acreage will be the lowest in 6 years at 1.5 million acres. A record high 2.1 million acres were planted in 1973. OAT ACREAGE DOWN; Preliminary oat acreages arc estimated at 325,000 acres— down 36 per- cent from last year's 510,000 acres. CORN ACREAGE UP 9 PERCENT: Montana's corn acreage continues the trend for the past several years, with another increase in plantings. As of January 1, intentions are to plant 100,000 acres to com, most of which will be harvested for silage. SUGARBEET ACREAGE DOWN 2 PERCENT: A prospective 45,000 acres will be planted to sugarbeets in 1974 — down 2 percent from last year's 45,900 acres. FLAXSEED ACREAGE DOWN 33 PERCENT; Farmers are expected to seed 10,000 acres to flaxseed in 1974 — down 33 percent from last year. THIRTY-FIVE STATES **** Other spring wheat — 14.6 million acres, up 14 percent from last year. **** Durum wheat— 4.5 million acres, 47 percent greater than 1973. **** Barley 9.3 million acres, 15 percent less than in 1973. **** Oats— 18.8 million acres, down 1 percent from a year earlier. **** Corn — 77.4 million acres, 10 percent more than a year earlier. **** Sugarbeets — 1.2 million acres, an increase of 3 percent from 1973. **** Flaxs_eed — 1.77 million acres, down less than 1 percent from last year. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in acreage plans as might appear desirable. Acreages actually planted this year may be more or less than indicated because of weather, economic conditions, farm programs, labor supply, and the impact of this report itself on farmers' actions. The 1974 March Prospective Plantings report will be released on March 14, 1974. Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE m m PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1974 WITH COMPARISONS PLANTED ACREAGE 1972 1973 Indicated 1974 1974 as percent of 1973 — Thousand acres - — - - Pet. - - MONTANA Com 80 92 100 109 All spring wheat (1,987) (2,035) (2,430) 119 Other spring 1,850 1,850 2,150 116 Durum 137 185 280 151 Oats 490 510 325 64 Barley 1,820 2,100 1,450 69 Flaxseed 12 15 10 67 Sugarbeets 45.8 45.9 45.0 98 *35 STATES Com, all 65,832 70,393 77.440 110.0 Durum wheat 2,592 3,042 4,483 147.4 Other spring wheat . . . 10,100 12,738 14,551 114.2 Oats 19,933 18,986 18,769 98.9 Barley 10,245 10,943 9,281 84.8 Cotton upland 13,876 12,398 14,505 117.0 Sorghums, all 17,295 19,303 19,562 101.3 Soybeans 46,420 56,785 54,910 96.7 Flaxseed 1,191 1,777 1,765 99.3 Sugarbeets 1,335.4 1,206.3 1,240.0 102.8 Rice 1,824.0 2,181.3 2,134.0 97.8 * Only the 35 States included in the special January 1 survey are included in the comparisons. In 1973, planted acreage in these States accounted for all of the durum wheat, flaxseed, rice and sorghum; 99 percent or better of the upland cotton, soybeans, and spring wheat other than durum; over 98 percent of the oats and com; over 96 percent of the barley; and over 94 percent of the sugarbeet acreage. Daniel L. Herbert, Loren D. Nordhausen, Agr. Statistician-ln-Charge Agr. Statistician UNriTD STATES OEPARTMBMT OF AORICULTURK STATISTICAL REPORTINO SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN F. o. BOX 17I« HELENA, MONTANA BOSOI OFFICIAL BUSINESS KHALW rOK nuVAlB MOO FOSTAOS AND FO* PAID U. •. DBPARTMBNTeF AOmeubTUM AGR 101 100 U 000 60U 305 00 PLSb MONT ST LBRY govt OOC SEC- 0 <310 E I YNOALE HELENA- MT 5<)60I l-O C.iO.'SLOlll. A < PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS MARCH 1, 19 7 A MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK STATE DOCUMENTS REPORTING SERVICE Montana 59601 Releasedjtlarchl9jl9M MONTANA INCREASED SPRING WHEAT ACREAGE: Montana farmers and ranchers intend to increase their 1974 planted acreage of all spring wheat 27 percent (550,000 acres) from the 1973 level according to the Montana Crop and Livestock Report- ing Service. Some of this spring wheat will be planted on acres originally seeded to winter wheat since winter weather usually takes its toll on fall-seeded winter wheat acreage. Durum wheat acreage is expected to be up 81 percent and other spring wheat up 22 percent. Com, dry beans, and all hay also show increased planted acreages from last year. Barley , flaxseed and oat acreages show substantial acreage decreases from last year. Potato acreage is unchanged and sugarbeet acreage dropped 2 percent. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in their acreage plans as may seem desirable. The acreages are interpretations of the past relationships of grower reports and acreages actually planted. Acreages actually planted can vary from those indicated for such reasons as weather, economic conditions, availability of production Inputs, such as fuel, fertilizer and labor, farm programs, and the effect of this report itself on farmers' actions . Producers' intentions from the March Survey are not significantly different from planting intentions experienced in January. MONTANA PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS CROP PLANTED ACREAGE 1971 1972 1973 Indicated 1974 1974 as % of 1973 Thousand Acres - - - - Corn 75 80 92 97 105 All spring wheat 2,603 1,987 2,035 2,585 127 Other spring 2,435 1,850 1,850 2,250 122 Durum 168 137 185 335 181 Oats 420 490 510 305 60 Barley 1,740 1,820 2,100 1,430 68 Flaxseed 13 12 15 10 67 Sugarbeets 50.3 45.8 45.9 45.0 98 Dry beans 11 11 9 10 111 Potatoes 8.0 7.7 7.0 7,0 100 All hay U 2,355 2,520 2,450 2,500 102 1^/ Relates to acres for harvest. Daniel L. Herbert, Loren D. Nordhausen, Agr. Statistician- in-Charge Agr . Statistician Statistical Reporting Service g^d MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MONTANA STATE ilBRARX 930 East Lyndole Avenue Heleno, Mcniono 59601 UNITED STATES U. S. ALL WHEAT ACREAGE INTENTIONS UP 20 PERCENT; Planting of all wheat for the 1974 crop is expected to total 70.7 mil- lion acres based on March 1 prospective plantings for all spring wheat and the December 1, 1973 estimate for winter wheat. If realized, this will be the largest acreage since 1953, 20 percent above last year and 29 percent above 1972. Prospective acreage of durum wheat totals 4.24 million acres— 39 percent above last year and 64 percent above 1972 seedings . Prospective planted acreage of spring wheat other than durum at 15.4 million is up 20 per- cent from 1973 and 52 percent above the 1972 acreage. Acreage planted to barley last fall plus intended plantings this spring for the 1974 crop is 9.5 million acres. This is 16 percent less than 1973 and 10 percent less than 1972. Growers anticipate seeding a total of 18.9 million acres to oats. Combined seedings last fall and intentions for this spring are off 1 percent from the 1973 acreage. Acreage devoted to oats has shown a downward trend since the mid-1950s and the intended 1974 seed- ings would be the smallest of this century. Growers intend to plant 78.8 million acres of com for all purposes in 1974. This is 10 percent more than 1973 and 18 percent more than the 1972 planting. The Nation's dry bean producers intend to plant 1.7 million acres in 1974. If realized, this acreage will exceed the 1.4 million acres seeded in 1973 by 20 percent and would be the largest acreage since 1949. Increases are expected in every State except Utah. Growers expect to harvest 61.6 million acres of hay in 1974 — 1 percent below 1973. A small increase in hay acreage is expected in the Western Region. CROP 1972 1973 Indicated 1974 1974 as % of 1973 All corn 66,972 Thousands 71,611 78,803 Percent 110.0 White com (8 States) 1/ 443 517 578 111.8 All sorghums 17,295 19,303 19,017 98.5 Oats 20,178 19,208 18,930 98.6 Barley 10,639 11,335 9,534 84.1 Durum wheat 2,592 3,042 4,243 139.5 Other spring wheat 10,138 12,811 15,378 120.0 Rice 1,824.0 2,181.3 2,377.0 109.0 Soybeans 46,885 57,297 55,041 96.1 Flaxseed 1,191 1,777 1,790 100.7 Peanuts 1,532.8 1,541.4 1,525.3 99.0 Cotton 14,001.3 12,500.7 14,806.5 118.4 Potatoes 2/ Winter 16.1 14.0 13.8 98.6 Spring 96.9 99.9 101.6 101.7 Summer 136.1 129.2 128.3 99.3 Fall 1,051.2 1,084.6 1,098.8 101.3 Total 1,300.3 1,327.7 1,342.5 101.1 Sweetpotatoes 116.8 117.7 123.3 104.8 Tobacco 3/ 842.4 891.5 978.5 109.8 Dry beans 1,487 1,417 1,705 120.3 Dry peas 148.0 146.6 197.5 134.7 Hay 3/ 59,821 62,190 61,613 99.1 Sugarbeets 1,419.7 1,282.2 1,269.8 99.0 Included in "all com' as of March 1; summer and 1974 winter-planted; spring-planted and intended plantings fall-intended acreage as of March 1. V Harvested acreage. UNrrcO STATES DEPARTMENT OP AGRICULTURE STATISTICAL REPORTING SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN P. O. BOX ITXB HELENA, MONTANA 8B0O1 OFFICIAL BUSINESS roN mvA-m uac. POBTASS AND FOB PAID U. B. DBPABTMCMT OF AORICULTUBB AGR 101 iOO OL L. OOO OOlkJUO UU KLbO MONT ST LORY GOVT DOC SEC- 0 930 E LYNOALE HELENA MT 59601 i-0 c»3o-ao//a. § PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 19 7 5 MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 Released; January 24. 1975 MONTANA HARD SPRING WHEAT ACREAGE INTENTIONS DOWN 8 PERCENT; Montana farmers Intend to plant 12 percent fewer acres of farmland to hard spring wheat in 1975 according to the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. If the current intentions are unchanged, a total of 1.8 million acres would be seeded. DURUM WHEAT ACREAGE UP 22 PERCENT; Montana's durum wheat seedings are expected to rise again, with 22 percent more acres planted in 1975 than 1974. An estimated 330 thousand acres are expected to be seeded this spring. BARLEY ACREAGE DCWN 7 PERCENT; 7 years. The 1975 barley acreage is expected to be 1.3 million acres — down 7 percent from 1974 and the lowest level in OAT ACREAGE DOWN; Preliminary oat acreages are estimated at 380 thousand acres — down 10 percent from last year's 420 thousand acres. CORN ACREAGE DOWN; A prospective 84 thousand acres will be planted to corn this year, down 15 percent from last year. SUGARBEET ACREAGE UP SLIGHTLY; acres last year. A total of 45 thousand acres of sugarbeets are expected to be planted this spring compared with 44.7 thousand FLAXSEED; The 1975 flaxseed acreage is expected to be down 13 percent to 20 thousand acres. THIRTY-FIVE STATES **** Other spring wheat — 14.0 million acres, down 4 percent from last year. **** Durum wheat — 4.5 million acres, 10 percent greater than 1974. **** Barley — 9.4 million acres, 8 percent more than in 1974. **** Oats — 17.3 million acres, down 4 percent from a year earlier. **** Corn — 76.1 million acres, down 0.4 percent from a year earlier. **** Sugarbeets — 1.4 million acres, an Increase cf 22 percent from 1974. **** Flaxseed — 1.83 million acres, up 5.5 percent from last year. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in acreage plans as might appear desirable. Acreages actually planted this year may be more or less than indicated because of weather, eco- nomic conditions, farm programs, labor supply, and the impact of this report Itself on farmers' actions. The 1975 March Prospective Plantings report will be released on March 17, 1975. MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE :‘a state Library P si i'.Tidale Avenue M ,.:..r.o 50601 PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1975 WITH COMPARISOMR *35 STATES Corn, all Durum wheat Other spring wheat Oats Barley Cotton upland Sorghums, all Soybeans Flaxseed Sugarbeets Rice I ■ L A N T E D acreage 1973 1974 Indicated 1975 1975 as percent of 1974 MONTANA Thousand acres - Percent - Com 84 (2,080) 1,750 (2,035) 1,850 185 510 2,100 15 45.9 (2,270) 2,000 85 Other spring Durum 92 88 Oats / ^0 330 122 Bariev 380 90 1,300 93 20 87 45.0 101 70,694 76,451 76,132 99.6 2,952 4,074 4,469 109.7 12,721 14,596 14,007 96.0 18,925 17,891 17,252 96 L 10,837 8,728 9,420 107.9 12,377 13,876 9,500 6fi.n 19,231 17,733 19,434 109.6 56,163 53,031 57,106 107.7 1,742 1,739 1,834 105.5 1,204.2 1,181.0 1,438.0 121.8 2,181.3 2,588.0 2,520.0 97.4 ^ Included In the Daniel L, Herbert, Agr. Statistician-in-Charge Loren D, Nordhausen, Agr. Statistician INrrEO tTATIS DEPABTMEWT OF AORICULTUlU STATISTICAL REPORTING SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN e. O. BOX I7X« HELENA, MONTANA 80SOI OPFICIAL BUSINESS PXMA1.TT worn raiVATl U«X. MOO AGR 101 first class ->() UUO MONT ST LBRY govt DOC SEC* 93n E LYNOALE HEl ENA MT 59601 1- 3 G30 :iona- f PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS MARCH 1, 1975 f ^TE OOCUMEfffS MONTANA CROP AND LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 MONTANA SPRING WHEAT ACREAGE DECREASES; Montana fanners spring planting plans reveal less hard spring wheat and barley will be planted than a year ago, but the all wheat acreage will probably be above last year because of large winter wheat plantings last fall reports the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. Based on farmers' intentions as of March 1, hard spring wheat acreage will be 15 percent less than last year. However, adding in winter wheat planted last fall brings total wheat acres to a potential 2 percent increase. Barley is 7 percent less. Sugarbeet growers plan to seed 1 percent more acreage than last year. Intended plantings of oats are ex- pected to be 7 percent above 1974. Other crop plan changes from last year are: corn — down 24 percent; durum wheat — up 11 percent; flaxseed — up 9 percent; hay for har- vest— down 1 percent; potatoes — up 4 percent; and dry beans — unchanged from a year ago. Compared to the January 1 intentions survey, growers plan for 18 percent more oats acreage, but 3 percent fewer spring wheat acres. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in their acreage plans as may seem desirable. The acreages are interpretations of the past relationships of grow- er reports and acreages actually planted. Acreages actually planted can vary from those indicated for such reasons as weather, economic conditions, availability of production inputs such as fuel, fertilizer and labor, farm programs, and the effect of this report itself on farmers' actions. MONTANA PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS CROP PLANTED ACREAGE 1972 1973 1974 Indicated 1975 1975 as % of 1974 - - - Thousand acres - - - Corn 80 92 99 75 76 All spring wheat 1,987 2,035 2,270 2,000 88 Other spring 1,850 1,850 2,000 1,700 85 Durum 137 185 270 300 111 Oats 490 510 420 450 107 Barley 1,820 2,100 1,400 1,300 93 Flaxseed 12 15 23 25 109 Sugarbeets 45.8 45.9 44.7 45.0 101 Dry beans 11 9 11 11 100 Potatoes 7.7 7.0 7.2 7.5 104 All hay 1/ 2,520 2,450 2,390 2,360 99 1^/ Relates to acres for harvest. Daniel L. Herbert, Raymond C. Stack, Agr. Statistician-in-Charge Agr. Statistician Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE and MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE 930 Eci*' Avenue UNITED STATES % U. S. ALL WHEAT ACREAGE INTENTIONS UP 3 PERCENT: Planting of all wh^at for the 1975 crop is expected to total 73.2 million acres, 3 percent above last year and 24 percent above 1973. This acreage is based on March 1 prospective plantings for all spring wheat and the December 1, 1974 estimate for winter wheat. If realized, it will be the largest acreage since 1953, when nearly 79 million acres were seeded. Prospective acreage of durum wheat totals 4.3 million acres — 5 percent above last year and 45 percent above 1973 seedings. Prospective planted acreage of spring wheat other other than durum at 13,4 million is down 9 percent from 1974 but 5 percent above 1973. Acreage planted to barley last fall plus intended plantings this spring for the 1975 crop is 10.2 million acres. This is 12 percent more than 1974 but 9 percent less than 1973. Seeding of oats for the 1975 crop is expected to total nearly 18.2 million acres based on growers intentions as of March 1 this year. This is about one-half percent above last year. Growers intend to plant 75.3 million acres of com for all purposes in 1975. This is 3 percent less than 1974 but 5 percent more than the 1973 plantings. Growers in the 5 flaxseed producing States intend to plant 1.8 million acres of flax in 1975. This prospective acreage reflects a 3 percent increase from last year, with Minnesota and Texas each showing a 60,000 acre increase over 1974. Growers indicated on March 1 they intend to plant 1.55 million acres of sugarbeets in 1975 — an increase of 23 percent from a year earlier and the largest acreage planted since 1969. PLANTED ACREAGES, UNITED STATES CROP 1973 1974 Indicated 1975 1975 as % of 1974 All corn 71,912 1,000 Acres 77,746 75,290 Percent 96.8 White corn 1/ 538 659 734 111.4 All sorghums 19,231 17,733 18,855 106.3 Oats 19,147 18,100 18,189 100.5 Barley 11,229 9,117 10,184 111.7 All wheat 58,978 71,169 73,218 102.9 Winter 2/ 43,232 52,407 55,540 106.0 Durum 2,952 4,074 4,294 105.4 Other spring 12,794 14,688 13,384 91.1 Rice 2,181.3 2,588.0 2,561.0 99.0 Soybeans 56,675 53,580 56,632 105.7 Flaxseed 1,742 1,739 1,795 103.2 Peanuts 1,530.2 1,521.6 1,528.7 100.5 Cotton 12,479.7 13,979.1 9,951.6 71.2 Potatoes 3/ Winter 14.0 13. 9‘ 14.6 105.0 Spring 99.9 100.7 84.0 83.4 Summer 129.2 135.1 120.1 88.9 Fall 1,085.0 1,161.2 1,098.4 94.6 Total 1,328.1 1,410.9 1,317.1 93.4 Sweetpotatoes 117.7 122.9 121.4 98.8 Tobacco 4/ 886.6 961.8 1,070.1 111.3 Dry edible beans 1,394.7 1,647.4 1,515.4 92.0 Dry edible peas 146.6 220.0 201.0 91.4 Hay 4/ 62,099 60,546 61,018 100.8 Sugarbeets 1,280.1 1,254.1 1,546.9 123.3 Ten-State total is included in "all com"; Nebraska and Ohio included in 10-State total in 1973 were replaced by Alabama and Georgia in 1974 and 1975. 1] Indicated 1975 crop acreage is data published in the winter wheat and rye report, December 1974. 3/ 1975 winter planted; spring-planted and intended plantings as of March 1; summer and fall-in- tended acreage as of March 1. Harvested acreage. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURB STATISTICAL REPORTING SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN P. O. BOX ITt« HELENA. MONTANA B00O1 OFFICIAL BUSINESS POBTAttt AND FnS PAID U. B. OKPARTMOfrOF AOmeuLTUU AGR 101 PCNALTY rOR PAI^Vl^TX U«, 100 30 000 6011305 MONT ST LBRY GOVT DOC SEC- 930 E LYNOALE HELENA HY 59601 1- |ir«is|iecfivc lilasitSiigs >5 iflTS <^T^TE DOCUMENTS JANUARY \, 1576 Released: January 26, 1976 MONTANA CROP AND -LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 MONTANA HARD SPRING WHEAT PLANTING INTENTIONS UP 9 PERCENT; Montana fanners reported intentions to plant 1.8 million acres of hard spring wheat as of January 1, 1976 — up 9 percent from last year’s planted acres, according to the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. DURUM WHEAT DOWN 14 PERCENT; Durum wheat growers expect to seed 325 thousand acres this year — down 14 percent from 1975's durum wheat plantings. BARLEY DOWN 8 PERCENT; Acres intended to be seeded to barley in 1976 at 1.25 million acres would be down 8 percent from a year ago. OAT PLANTINGS EXPECTED HIGHER; through . Farmers intend to plant 410 thousand acres of oats in 1976 — an increase of 3 percent from 1975 if followed CORN ACREAGE UNCHANGED; Corn growers plan to plant the same amount of acres as last year, 90 thousand as of January 1. SUGARSEETS REMAIN SAME; carried out. Planted acres of sugarbeets should be about the same as last year at 49,000 acres if grower intentions on January 1, 1976 are FLAXSEED ACRES DOWN: Farmers report intentions to grow 20 percent fewer flaxseed acres in 1976 at 13 thousand acres. UNITED STATES **** Other spring wheat — 14.8 million acres, up 5 percent from last year. **** Durum wheat — 5.2 million acres, 8 percent greater than 1975. **** Barley — 9.5 million acres, virtually unchanged. **** Oats — 17.1 million acres, down 1 percent from a year earlier. **** Corn — 80.8 million acres, up 4 percent from a year earlier. **** Sugarbeets — 1.59 million acres, down slightly from 1974. **** Flaxseed — 1.36 million acres, down 16 percent from last year. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in acreage plans as might appear desirable. Acreages actually planted this year may be more or less than indicated because of weather, economic conditions, farm programs, labor supply, and the impact of this report itself on farmers' actions. The 1976 April Prospective Plantings report will be released on April 15, 1976. Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1976 WITH COMPARISONS PLANTED ACREAGE 1974 1975 Indicated 1976 1976 as percent of 1975 - Thousand acres ------- - Percent - MONTANA Com 99 90 90 100 All spring wheat (2,270) (2,030) (2,125) 105 Other spring 2,000 1,650 1,800 109 Durum ............. 270 380 325 86 Oats 420 400 410 103 Barley 1,400 1,360 1,250 92 Flaxseed 23 15 13 87 Sugarbeets 44.7 48.8 49.0 100 UNITED STATES Corn, all 77,787 77,902 80,822 104 Durum wheat 4,174 4,820 5,200 108 Other spring wheat .... 14,826 14,112 14,800 105 Oats 17,967 17,386 17,126 99 Barley 8,994 9,526 9,528 100 Cotton upland 13,616 9,623 11,225 117 Sorghums, all 17,676 18,275 18,581 102 Soybeans 53,507 54,577 50,921 93 Flaxseed 1,759 1,612 1,358 84 Sugarbeets 1,251.5 1,590.9 1,588.9 100 Daniel L. Herbert, Richard J. Icami Agr. Statistician- in-Charge Agr. Statistician UNITED STATES DEPAHTVIENT OF AOmcOLTURE STATISTICAL REPORTING SERVICE AGRICULTURAL ffTATimclAN r O. POX 17X4 HELENA. MONTANA SSSOI OPPICIAL BUSINESS ^■^77 7D« P«I«ATB UM. POSTAOI AMO ma PAID U. S. OCPARTMCMrOP AOmcULTUIIS AGR 101 ; l<> 30 uuo0iiJ03-i 1 MONT ST LBRY GOVT DOC SEC-RLSE 930 E LYNDALE HELENA MT 59601 1 too.soiia- • „„ • |iroS|ICCtivc smEB'''''*- i»laiitiiif|s APRIL 1 . 19 7 6 MONTANA CROP And LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE P. 0. Box 1726 - Helena, Montana 59601 MONTANA SPRING WHEAT ACREAGE INCREASES : Montana's farmers intend to plant more spring wheat but less barley than a year ago according to the April 1 planting intentions report of the Montana Crop and Livestock Reporting Service. The total wheat acreage for the State including winter, hard spring and durum is expected to total 5,585,000 acres — 9 percent above a year ago. Spring wheat acreage intentions are up 27 percent, while durum is down 25 percent. Barley, the second most important grain grown in Montana is expected to be seeded on 15 percent fewer acres. Sugarbeet farmers intended to plant slightly less acreage than last year but the effect of the delay in negotiating a sales contract has not yet been fully evaluated. Other crop plan changes from last year are: oats down 7 percent; com down 3 percent; flaxseed down 13 percent; hay for harvest unchanged; potatoes up 10 percent; and dry beans the same. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in their acreage plans as may seem desirable. The acre- ages are interpretations of the past relationships of grower reports and acreages actually planted. Acreages actually plant- ed can vary from those indicated for such reasons as weather, economic conditions, availability of production inputs such as fuel, fertilizer and labor, farm programs, and the effect of this report itself on farmers' actions. MONTANA PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS CROP PLAN r E D A C R : A G E 1973 1974 1975 Indicated 1976 1976 as % of 1975 Pet. Corn 92 99 90 87 97 All spring wheat 2,035 2,270 2,030 2,385 117 Other spring 1,850 2,000 1,650 2,100 127 Durum 185 270 380 285 75 Oats 510 420 400 370 93 Barley 2,100 1,400 1,360 1,150 85 Flaxseed 15 23 15 13 87 Sugarbeets 45.9 44.7 48.8 48.0 98 Dry beans 9 11 12 12 100 Potatoes 7.0 7.2 7.7 8.5 110 All hay 1/ 2,450 2,390 2,400 2,400 100 Relates to acres for harvest. Daniel L. Herbert, Raymond C. Stack, Statistician-in-Charge Agr. Statistician Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE And MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED STATES U. S. ALL WHEAT ACREAGE INTENTIONS UP A PERCENT; Planting of all wheat for the 1976 crop " ^ is expected to total 78.4 million acres* 4 percent above last year and 10 percent above 1974. This acreage is based on April 1 prospective plantings for all spring wheat and the December 1, 1975 estimate for winter wheat. If realized, it will be the largest acreage since 1953 when nearly 79 million acres were seeded. Prospective planted acreage of durum wheat totals 4.7 million acres, 2 percent below last year but 13 percent above the 1974 crop secdings. The indicated acreage is 10 percent below the January 1976 prospective plantings of 5.2 million acres. Acreage planted to barley last fall plus intended plantings this spring for the 1976 crop totals 9.2 million acres. This is down approximately 3 percent from 1975 and would be the second lowest acreage planted since 1952. Current acreage intentions are 3 per- cent less than indicated on January 1. Seeding of oats for the 1976 crop is expected to total 16.8 million acres based on growers intentions as of April 1. This is about 4 percent below last year and the lowest planted acreage since records began in 1926. Growers intend to plant 82.7 million acres of com for all purposes in 1976. This is 6 percent more than the 1975 and 1974 planted acres. Growers in the 5 flaxseed States plan to seed 1.1 million acres in 1976, down from Che intentions of 1.4 million on January 1. The Nation's sugarbeet producers expect to plant 1,540,000 acres in 1976. Acreage at this level if realized is 3 percent less than in 1975. However, as of April 1 growers were still negotiating their 1976 contracts. Until these negotiations have been completed, Che indicated acreage is subject to significant changes. PLANTED ACREAGES, UNITED STATES 19 74 1975 Indicated 1976 1976 as % of 1975 All corn 77,787 - - 1,000 acres 77,902 82,727 Pet. 106.2 White corn 1/ 659 696 598 85.9 All sorghums 17,676 18,275 17,897 97.9 Oats 17,967 17,386 16,757 96.4 Barley 8,994 9,526 9,201 96.6 All wheat 71,354 75,095 78,374 104.4 Winter 2/ 52,354 56,163 57,227 101.9 Durum 4,174 4,820 4,705 97.6 Ocher spring 14,826 14,112 16,442 116.5 Rice 2,555.0 2,818.0 2,361.0 83.8 Soybeans 53,507 54,577 49,330 90.4 Flaxseed 1,759 1,612 1,088 67.5 Peanuts 1,519.6 1,531.9 1,537.7 100.4 Cotton 13,699.4 9,690.7 11,255.8 116.2 Hay 3/ 60,571 61,863 62,623 101.2 Dry edible beans 1,624.4 1,496.2 1,458.6 97.5 Dry edible peas 220.0 196.5 155.0 78.9 Potatoes 4/ Winter 13.9 14.4 14.6 101.4 Spring 104.3 85.4 100.0 117.1 Summer 136.3 120.8 124.5 103.1 Fall 1,166.5 1,076.8 1,117.2 103.8 TOTAL 1.421.0 1,297.4 1,356.3 104.5 Sweetpotatoes 125.6 122.9 128.2 104.3 Tobacco 3/ 962.6 1,083.5 1,009.3 Suearbeets 1,251.5 1,590.9 1,540.6 96.8 10-State total is included in "All corn". 7^1 Indicated 1976 crop acreage is data published in the winter wheat & rye report, December 1975. Harvested acreage. 1976 winter-planted; spring-planted & intended plantings as of April 1; summer and fall-intended acreage as of April 1. UNrTED STATES OE^ARTMEhfT OF AGRICULTUM STATISTICAL REPORTING SERVICE AGRICULTURAL STATISTICIAN P O AOI t7t« HELENA. MONTANA 80001 OFFICIAL BUSINESS FOSTAOl AMD PSXB PAID U. •. DCFANTMtMT OF AOMICULTUU AGR 101 roa was. • . > 30 006011305*1 1 MOnT ST L8RV GOVT DOt SEC=RLSE 930 E LYNDALE HELENA mT 59601 1 3 i>So.,^o//oP M 3] PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS Oi/.iii u jUUr/lLNI MONTANA jCROP & LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE JANUARY Released: January 24, 1977 19 7 7 Slatistical Kepurting Service-USDA Montana Department of Agriculture RO Box 4369' Helena. Montana LCWIANA FARMERS PUtN LESS WHEAT ACREAGE-ICRE BARLEY: Ifcntana farmers’ current of t*^t but more barley and oats according to a January^s^e^by Se ^Sna'^op Livestock Reporting Service. The all wheat acr^which Lcludes ^^if ”t will be 6 ^cent less if present intentions are carried acTMg^^ ^ intentions, up sharply, will largely offset the decrease in wheat PROSPECTIVE PIAOTINGS 1977 WITH COMPARISONS Com All spring wheat . . Other spring . . Durum Oats Barley ...... . , . , Flaxseed Sugarbeets PLANTED ACREAGE 1975 1976 Indicated 1977 19/7 as Percent of 1976 Ihousand acres - - Percent - 90 90 90 100 (2,030) (2,380) (2,180) 92 1,650 2,080 2,000 96 380 300 180 60 400 380 418 110 1,360 1,220 1,700 139 15 13 15 115 48.7 46.5 44.0 95 The purpose of this report is to assist growers in tiaking such changes in acreage plans as might appear desirable. Acreages actually planted this year may be more or less than indicated because of weather, economic conditions, farm programs, labor siq^ply, and the inpact of this report itself on farmers’ actions. The 1977 April Prospective Plantings report will be released on April 14, 1977 Daniel L. Herbert, Statistician- in-Charge Fa^Tnond C. Stack, Agr. Statistician PROSPECTIVE PLAOTINGS 1977 VrnU CCt^ARISONS PLANTED ACREAGE 1975 1976 Indicated 1977 1977 as Pet. of 1976 Thousand acres - Percent - UNITED STATES Com, all . , . . 78,166 84,121 84,526 101 Durum wheat 4,830 4,748 2,879 61 Other spring ^sheat .... 14,062 17,759 15,972 90 Oats 17,366 17,549 17,816 102 — Barley 9,536 9,296 10,713 115 Cotton upland 9,423 11,639 12,807 110 Sorghums, all 18,345 18,639 17,131 92 Soybeans 54,732 50,327 53,101 106 Flaxseed 1,630 1,044 1,580 151 Sugarbeets 1,595.0 1,527.2 1,423.0 93 UNnrO 9TATC8 OCFANTMCNT OF ACmCULTUM STATISTICAC MEPOfTHNC SEKVICK AGfUCULTUKAL rrAHSTlCLAN P.O. BOX i»369 nkuCNA. MONTANA 8G601 OFFtOAl. 8U8INKW MVTAM AMD AOD PAID u. a. DmjmtaMT or AAiueui.TUM AGR 101 BULK THIRD CLASS 112 30 MONT ST L'^RT 16011305-1 1 (T OOC SEC-RLSE 930 E LTNOALE HELENA MT 59601 Hs Rl MOfsTTANA ROP & UVESTOCK REPORTING SERVia Statisticai Reporting Service-USDA Montana Depamnent of Agriculture P.O. Box 4369— Helena, MDNT Released; April 15, 1977 MONTANA Montana farmers plan to seed less spring wheat but more barley and oats than last year. Farmers’ spring wheat seeding plans based on an April 1 survey, added to the winter wheat acres seeded last fall, reveal about 5,320,000 acres of all wheat will be seeded for harvest in 1977. This is a reduction of 5 percent from last year. Spring wheat acreage intentions are down 1 percent and durum is down 27 percent. Barley acres are expected to increase 23 percent and oat acreage 29 percent. Other crop plan changes from last year are: sugarbeets, up 1 percent; potatoes, down 4 percent; flaxseed, up 31 percent; hay, up 4 percent; com and dry beans, the same. Total acreage seeded to spring crops is expected to be up 2 percent from a year ago. Compared to farmers January 1 Intentions the April survey shows 4 percent more all spring wheat, 12 percent less barley, ^d 17 percent more oats. The purpose of this report is to assist growers in making such changes in their acreage plans as may seem desirable. The acre- ages are interpretations of the past relationships of grower reports and acreages actually planted. Acreages actually plant- ed can vary from those indicated for such reasons as weather, economic conditions, availability of production inputs such as fuel, fertilizer and labor, farm programs, and the effect of this report itself on farmers' actions. MONTANA PLANTINGS CROP PLANTED ACREAGE APRIL I INTENTIONS 1977 1974 1975 1976 Indicated 1977 1977 as % of 1976 ----- Thousand acres Pet. Com 99 90 90 90 100 All spring wheat 2,270 2,030 2,380 2,2 70 95 Other spring 2,000 1,650 2,080 2,050 99 Durum 270 380 300 220 73 Oats 420 400 380 490 129 Barley 1,400 1,360 1,220 1,500 123 Flaxseed 23 15 13 17 131 Sugarbeets 44.7 48.7 46.5 47 101 Dry beans 11 12 9 9 100 pota toes 7.2 7.7 8.5 8.2 96 All hay V 2,390 2,400 2,270 2,360 104 W Relates to acres for harvest. Daniel L. Herbert, Raymond C. Stack Statistician-in-Charge Agr. Statistician Statistical Reporting Service U. S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MONTANA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE UNITED STATES HIGHLIGHTS Food grain acreage (wheat, rice and rye) is expected to decrease 7 percent from last year to 79.5 million acres. (Includes the December 1 estimate of 55.8 million acres of winter wheat and 2.9 million acres of rye seeded.) Feed grain acreage (com, sorghum, oats and barley) is expected to total 129.6 million acres, nearly equal to last year. Other spring wheat prospective planted acreage of 15.3 million acres is down 14 percent from 1976 and down A percent from intentions on January 1. Durum wheat plantings are expected to total 3.3 million acres, down 31 percent from last year but up 14 percent from January 1. Sugarbeet intentions point to 1.3 million acres, down 12 percent from 1976 plantings. Com plantings are expected to total 83.9 million acres, virtually the same as last year and down 1 percent from that Indicated by the January 1 intentions. PLANTED ACREAGES, UNITED STATES 1975 1976 April 1 Intentions 1977 1977 as % of 1976 - - - 1,000 acres ----- Pet. All com 78,166 84,121 83,923 100 White com 1/ 696 552 521 94 All sorghums 18,345 18,639 16,500 89 Oats 17,366 17,549 18,166 104 Barley 9,536 9,296 10,974 118 All wheat 75,078 80,215 74,387 93 Winter 2/ 56,186 57,708 55,845 97 Durum 4,830 4,748 3,276 69 Other spring 14,062 17,759 15,266 86 Rice 2,818 2,510 2,161 86 Soybeans 54,732 50,327 55,678 111 Flaxseed 1,630 1,044 1,612 154 Peanuts 1,531.9 1,548.6 1,548.3 100 Cotton 9,492.6 11,684.2 13,689.1 117 ILiy 3/ 61,673 60,915 61,555 10] Dry edible beans 1,515.2 1,526.8 1,463.6 96 Dry edible peas Potatoes 4/ 196.5 130 161 124 Winter 14.4 14.6 13.6 93 Spring 85.4 100.9 91.9 91 Summer 120.8 123. 7 120.3 97 Fall 1,081. 1 1,167.2 1,119.5 96 TOTAL 1,301.7 1,406.4 1,345.3 96 Sweet potatoes 122 123.7 122.4 99 Tobacco 3/ 1,086.4 1,042.6 947.9 91 Suearbeets 1, 595 1.527.2 1,341.4 88 T7 10-State total is included in '*A11 com", "ij Indicated 1977 crop acreage is data published in the winter wheat and rye report, December 1976. V Harvested acreage. _4/ 1977 winter-planted; spring-planted and intended plantings as of April 1; summer and fall- intended acreage as of April 1. UNnrO STATES DEFAirTMEKT OF ACmCUCTUMB STATISTICAL REPORTING SCRVICB AGPUCULTURAL STATISTIOAN P.O. BOX 4369 HBUENA. MOHTANA SSSOI OFfnClAJ. SUS4NCM AOSTAM AMD mS FAJD U. S. OCRAATICSMT OF AORICULfVRS AGR 101 BULK THIRD CLASS 112 30 MONT ST (J060n305-1 1 LBRV govt doc SEC“RlSE 930 E LYNOALE HELENA MT 59601 3> c- s 3®, Q.0 ' cfCF " ^^PROSPECflVE PLANTINGS JANUARY 1, 197 S- ; ■MONTANA iCROP & LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE 7ATE OOCUMCNTS inomics, Statistics, and raoves Service— USOA J/JM I Released^^anua^20jl978 1978 ^o^tana DepL of Agriculture WON^-^a STATE IIBRAI^V^ 4369-Helena, MT 930 E Ljmdate Av®. I 8966! M^^IANA FARflERS PLAN LESS ACREAGE FCR M3ST CROPS : Montana's farmers current planting intentions indicate a 7 percent reduction in acreage of the main crops usually planted. According to a January survey of the State's farmers, there could be 10 percent less hard spring wheat, 12 percent less barley. 6 percent less com, 1 percent less sugarbeets, but 9 percent ncre oats. Winter wheat planted last fall for harvest in 1978 at 2.9 ndllion acres was down 5 percent; therefore, the all wheat acreage could be down 6 percent. MONTANA PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1978 WTIH O^PARISONS PLANTED ACREAGE 1976 1977 Indicated 1978 Percent Chg. Com 86 -Thousand acres- 90 85 Percent - 6 All spring wheat .... (2,380) (2,350) (2,200) - 6 Other spring .... 2,080 2,120 1,900 -10 Durum 300 230 300 +30 Oats 260 312 340 + 9 Bariev 1,220 1,650 1,450 -12 Flaxseed 5 5 5 0 Sugarbeets 46.4 46.4 46.0 - 1 The purpose ot this report is to assist growers in making such changes in acreage plans as might appear de- sirable. Acreages actually planted this year may be more or less than indicated because of weather, economic condi- tions. farm program participation, labor supply, and the impact of this report itself on farmers' actions. The 1978 April Prospective Plantings Report will be released on April 13, 1978. Daniel L. Herbert. State Statistician Raymond C. Stack. Agr. Statistician UNITED STATES PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS 1978 WITH OCMPARISQNS PLANTED ACREAGE . . 1976 ■'». 1977 Indicated 1978 Percent Change Thousand acres Pet. Com, all 82,789 81,011 79,295 - 2 Durum wheat 4,730 3,179 4,172 +31 Other spring wheat . . 17,681 15,576 13,674 -12 Oats 16,531 17,585 17,370 - 1 Barley 8,724 10,152 10,125 0 Cotton upland 11,534 13,501 12,516 - 7 Sorghums, all 18,130 16,706 17,236 + 3 Soybeans 49,619 58,331 63,087 + 8 Flaxseed 1,076 1,510 1,275 -16 Sugarbeets 1,438.8 1,213.8 1,269.0 + 5 The prospective plantings survey for January 1, 1978 was made in 34 States. The 1977 planted acreage in these 34 States accounted for all the rice, flaxseed and sunflower seed acreage; 99 percent or more to the Up- land cotton and spring vAieat acreage; 98 percent or more of the com, sorghum, oats and soybeans acreage; almost 96 percent of the barley acreage; and 95 percent of the sugarbeet acreage. For all crops surveyed, the 34 States accounted for 98.4 percent of. the 1977 planted acreage. UNrTTD STATES De^ARTMCNT OF AGmCULTUM Montana Crop & Livestock Reporting Service P.O. BOX 't369 HCLXNA. MOKTANA 89G01 OFFICiAl. SUSINCM POOTAOK AMD FOS FAIO u. •. OSFAarMSBfT OF Aafl»CUi.TUM AGR 101 BULK THIRD GLASS 112 30 006011305-1 1- MONT ST L9RY GOVT DOC SEC-RLSE 930 E LYNOALE HELENA MT 59601 fc'Jo.ppIlQ, W "'^^PROSPECTIVE PLANTINGS STATE DOCUMENTS COLLECTltlN APR 2 0 1978 APRIL L Released: April 15, 1978 197 , > STATE iiVTTW 930 E Lyndsle Avu. Helena, Montana 5960! A MONTANA jCROP & LIVESTOCK REPORTING SERVICE Economics, Statistics, and Cooperatives Service-USDA Montana DepL of AgnculCure P.O. Box 4369— Helena MT rent ^"taiia's total wheat acreage is now forecast to be 5, 000, 000 --down 7 ner- rL:^™ninboTz-^rJLrfrthtlU?^^^^^^^^^^ ---- — -- wm , Growers seeded 2,900,000 acres of winter wheat last fall--5 percent less than is^oercent^froili "heat seedings are expected to total 1,800,000 acres--down if nni last year^and the smallest acreage since 1975. Durum wheat intentions siyeai’averagi p^cent above the Abntana barley growers intend to plant 1,560,000 acres- -down 5 nerrent fmm last year. The record high was 2,100,000 acres in 197^ ™'" are expected to be up 4 percent from a year earlier However, many acres were grazed last year due to drought conditions and not harvested report is to assist growers in making such changes in their acreage plans as may seem desirable. Acreages actually planted can vary from those indicated for such reasons as weather, economic conditions, farm programs, and the effect of this report itself on farmers' actions. The next acreage report based on actual plant- ings will be released June 30, 1978. CROP Coin All spring wheat Other spring Durum Oats Barley Flaxseed V Sugarbeets Dry beans Potatoes All hay 1/ MOhTANA PLAm^INGS PLANTED ACREAGE APRIL 1 INTEOTIONS--1978 1975 1976 1977 Indicated Percent 1978 change — Ihousand acres 86 86 90 85 - 6 2,030 2,380 2,350 2,100 -11 1,650 2,080 2,120 1,800 -IS 380 300 230 300 +30 260 260 312 400 +28 1,360 1,220 1,650 1,560 - 5 6.0 5.5 5.5 — 48.7 46.4 46.4 46.0 - 1 12.0 9.0 6.7 9.0 +34 7.7 8.5 8.5 8.0 - 6 2,330 2,210 2,240 2,320 + 4 1/ Discontinued in 1978 T/ Relates to acres for harvest Daniel L. Herbert, State Statistician Raymond C. Stack, Agr. Statistician UNITED STATES HIGHLIGHfS Food grain acreage (wheat, rice and rye) is expected to decrease 11 percent from last year to 70,9 million acres (28.7 million hectares). Feed grain acreage (com, sorghum, oats and barley) is expected to total 123 million acres (49.6 million hectares)* -down 4 percent from 1977. Other spring wheat prospective planted acreage of 13.2 million acres (5.36 million hectares) is 15 percent below the 1977 acreage and compares with a 12 percent indicated decline January 1. Durum wheat plantings are expected to total 4.11 million acres (1.66 million hectares)--up 29 percent from 1977 but 2 percent below the January 1 intentions. Sugarbeet acreage is expected to total 1.33 million acres (538 thousand hectares)--an increase of 4 percent from a year earlier. Com plantings are expected to total 80.2 million acres (32.5 million hectares) --3 percent below the 1977 acreage and 1 percent below the Januarv' 1 intentions. INTENDED PLANTINGS- -UNITED STATES CROP 1976 1977 Indicated 1978 Percent change All com 84,374 — 1,000 acres-- 82,680 80,237 - 3 IVhite com V 552 515 451 -12 All sorghum 18,402 16,994 15,925 - 6 Oats 16,734 17,793 16,408 - 8 Barley 9,157 10,586 9,998 - 6 All wheat 80,202 74,804 65,492 -12 Winter -/ 57,668 55,980 48,141 -14 Durum 4,748 3,183 4,105 +29 Other spring 17,786 15,641 13,246 -15 Rice 2,489.0 2,261.0 2,594.0 +15 Soybeans 50,226 59,080 63,664 + 8 Flaxseed 1,076 1,510 1,005 -33 Peanuts 1,548.6 1,544.6 1,551.5 -- Sunflower seed 1/ 834 2,305 2,700 +17 Cotton 11,655.5 13,711.2 12,915.1 - 6 Hay i/ 60,311 60,493 60,831 + 1 Drv edible beans 1,541.8 1,394.7 1,481.0 + 6 Dr\' edible peas 130.0 173.0 196.0 +13 Potatoes Winter 14.6 13.6 12.6 - 7 Spring ±' 100.4 92.8 91.9 - 1 Summer 122.4 118.7 112.0 - 6 Fall 1,169.9 1.164.3 1.389.4 1,157.6 - 1 TCTTAL 1,407.3 1,374.1 - 1 Sweet potatoes Tobacco 1' 122.8 117.3 123.7 + 5 1,044.5 965.6 944.1 - 2 Sugarbeet s 1,525.4 1,277.5 1,329.2 + 4 1/ 10-State total is included in "All com". T/ Indicated 1978 crop acreage is data published December 22, 1977 in the winter ” wheat and rve report. 3/ Minn., N. Dak., S. Dak., and Tex. for 1977 and 1978; Minn, and N. Dak. for 1976. 4/ Harvested acreage T/ Indicated 1978 planted acreage published previously. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Montana Crop & Livestock Reporting Service P. 0. Box 4369 Helena , Montana 59601 official BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 POSTAGE AND FEES PAID U S DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGR 101 BULK THIRD CLASS lid 10 OOhO 1 1 lOu- 1 1 - MONT 5T I M.VY (,OVT DOC bl-:C-^^LS^■ "^30 C LYNoALF. hFLFna MT