WrJP'HH HRH W&3 r&Xi HSU mm '!•'■•■"■■''•-'•'-'''' ::'V/:;-..:''. ..".■■■-■■: '^■■■•'■''' Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from University of Toronto http://www.archive.org/details/psychologicalind23prin P Year 1916, No. 23 psychological review publications Issued May, 1917 P sychological Index //• EDITED B Y MADISON BENTLEY, University of Illinois HOWARD C. WARREN, Princeton University {Review) JOHN B. WATSON, Johns Hopkins University {J. of Exp. Psychol.) JAMES R. ANGELL, University of Chicago {Monographs) and SHEPARD I. FRANZ, Gov. Hosp. for Insane {Bulletin) compiled with the co-operation of Hugo AvALDER, University of Upsala ; Adhemar Gelb, University of Frankfurt; Henri Pieron, Director of Z' Annie psychologique ; H. J. Watt, University of Glasgow; Prentice Reeves, Rochester, New York ; Helen Clark, Vassar College ; G. C. Ferrari, Director of Rivista di psicologia, A. T. Poffenberger, jr., Columbia University. C. E. Ragsdale, Princeton University. No. 23, Index for the Year 191 6 An Annual Bibliography of the Literature of Psychology and Cognate Subjects m'I bo published annually by PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW COMPANY 41 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. and PRINCETON, N. J. Agbwts: G. E. STECHERT & CO., London (2 Star Yard. Carey St.. W. C.) Leipzig (Koenigstr., 37); Paris 16, rue d* Conde) IZoZ /°?7 PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. EDITORIAL NOTE The Index includes original publications in all languages, to- gether with translations and new editions in English, French, German, and Italian. Offprints of magazine articles are not noted where the original sources are accessible to the compilers. Last year's titles received too late for insertion are included in this issue, but earlier titles are inserted only in exceptional cases. The cooperation of authors and publishers is requested in sending us particulars of books and articles for future issues. Notices of omissions or errors in the present list will be gladly received. Accuracy is especially desired in wording of title, journal or publisher, volume or place of publication, and pagination. Authors will con- fer a favor by indicating the suitable classification of such works as they bring to our notice. In 191 1 a uniform system of classification was adopted by the Psychological Index and the Bibliographie, published by the Zeitschrift fur Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane. Pub- lication of the Bibliographie has, for the time, been interrupted; but the editor of the Index hopes that cooperation with the Zeit- schrift may presently be resumed. The temporary suspension of many European journals is largely responsible for the decreased number of titles included this year in the Index. The lists usually transmitted by collectors in France, Germany, and Sweden have this year failed to appear. Most of the German and some of the French periodicals have been searched in this country, however, and the arrears from last year have, so far as possible, been made up. The Skandinavian titles have temporarily lapsed. Titles omitted by necessity from this volume will subsequently be included. The Index prints for the first time a limited list of bibliographies in allied subjects. Toward its extension or revision the editor will be glad to receive suggestions. We venture again to call the attention of authors and editors to certain embarrassments (noted more fully in our 1910 issue) which hamper the compilation and use of any bibliography: 1. The same material is sometimes published in two forms — iii iv EDITORIAL NOTE either in two distinct periodicals, or in a periodical bearing two different titles. Apart from the ethical question involved, this duplication causes much confusion in citation. 2. The omission of authors' initials is a frequent source of per- plexity in compiling and using references. To avoid confusion of identity, every contributor to science, however great his con- temporary fame, should feel bound to give at least his initials and full last name. 3. Accuracy of citation is greatly assisted if offprints are allowed to retain their original page numbers. 4. From the bibliographer's standpoint it is extremely desirable that every magazine should number its volumes consecutively, not merely with the year-number, and should avoid inserting "supple- mentary volumes." It is also desirable to avoid "new series" of old magazines under the same title. These peculiarities unneces- sarily complicate citations and cause loss of time in consulting the files of a journal. 5. It is desirable that Russian writers and others should uni- formly transliterate their names into the Roman alphabet, in order to avoid citing the same individual in two alphabetic places. Madison Bentley, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U. S. A. CONTENTS I. General: i. Psychological Textbooks and Systematic Trea- tises I- 10 2. Historical and Biographical 11-50 3. Relations to Other Sciences 51- 69 4. General Problems and Discussion 70-116 (Psychological Standpoint, Consciousness, Immor- tality, etc.) 5. Mind and Body 1 17-127 6. General Methods; Terminology 128-158 7. General Apparatus and Technique I59~I75 8. Collections 176-191 (Essays, Reports, Bibliographies, New Periodicals) II. Nervous System — Structure and Functions: 1. General 192-197 (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) 2. Elementary Structure 198-199 3. Nerves: a. Structure 200-207 b. Excitability 208-215 c. Conductivity 216-222 4. Spinal Cord and Autonomic System 223-249 5. Cerebellum and Brain Stem 250-251 6. Cerebrum: a. Structure 252-256 b. General Physiology 257 c. Localization of Functions 258-275 7. Pathological Anatomy 276-442 v vi CONTENTS III. Sensation and Perception: i. Sensation and Receptor Organs: General. . . . 443-450 (incl. Classification, Specific Energy, Synesthesia) 2. Lower Senses and their Organs: a. Visceral Senses 451-453 b. Cutaneous Senses 454-463 (Pressure, Cold, Warmth, Cutaneous Pain, etc.) c. Muscle, Tendon and Joint Senses d. Taste and Smell 464-470 e. Static Senses 471-472 (Equilibrium, Dizziness) 3. Hearing: a. General 473-477 (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) b. Physiological Acoustics; Structure and Functions of the Ear 478-482 c. Auditory Sensations; Tonal Fusion 483-492 4. Vision: a. General 493-518 (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) b. Physiological Optics; Structure and General Functions of the Eye 519—527 c. Accommodation, Errors of Refraction, Pupillary Reflex 528-530 d. Visual Sensations; Light and Color Theory 53 1—543 e. Adaptation, After-images, Contrast, Pur- kinje Phenomenon, Binocular Fusion and Rivalry 544-561 /. Direct and Indirect Vision, Blind-spot, Visual Acuity, Color Blindness 562-574 g. Eye Movements 575~58° (incl. Convergence) 5. Perception: General; Time, Motion, Rhythm 581-585 6. Space Perception and Illusions; Stereoscopic Vision 586-596 7. Psychophysics 597-602 8. Disorders of Sensation and Perception ...... 603-660 CONTENTS vn IV. Feeling and Emotion: i. General: Affection, Hedonic Tone 661-666 (Pleasantness and Unpleasantness) 2. Emotion and its Expression, Passion, Senti- ment, Temperament 667-683 3. Disorders of Feeling 684-686 V. Motor Phenomena and Action: 1. General 687-694 (inch Reaction Experiments, Dynamogenesis) 2. Structure and Functions of Muscles and Glands 695-733 3. Reflexes (III: 4, c) 734-746 4. Automatic Functions 747~75I (Circulation, Respiration, Locomotion, etc.) 5. Instinct and Impulse 752—759 (Imitation, Play, Mating, etc.) 6. Volition; Voluntary Actions 760-763 (Kinaesthesis, Determination, Motive, Responsi- bility of Normal Individual; cf. VII; 5) 7. Habit; Work and Fatigue: a. Motor Learning, Adjustment, Inhibition, Habit 764-773 (incl. Right-handedness) b. Mental and Physical Work; Fatigue . . . . 774-793 8. Disorders of Movement and Instinct 794—833 (incl. Speech Defects) VI. Attention, Memory, and Thought: 1. Attention and Interest 834-840 2. Memory and Imagery: a. General; Association, Retention, Repro- duction 841-869 (Acquisition, Practice, Disposition, Inhibition, Perseveration, Lapses) b. Imagery, Recognition, Expectation, Imag- ination 870-877 3. Thought: General 878-885 (incl. Meaning and Understanding) 4. Comparison, Abstraction, Ideation 886-890 5. Judgment and Belief; Reasoning 891-909 6. Psychology of Testimony; Diagnosis of Mental Situation 7. Disorders of Attention, Memory, and Thought viii CONTENTS VII. Social Functions of the Individual: i. General; Self and Objective World 910- 929 2. Psychology of Language: a. General; Speech and Song 930- 95° b. Writing, Drawing, Gesture Language. ... 951- 957 c. Reading, Interpretation 95$- 959 3. Psychology of Values 960- 968 (inch Empathy, Einfiihlung) 4. Psychology of Art 969- 981 (incl. Music) 5. Psychology of Conduct and Morals 982- 995 6. Psychology of Custom, Religion, Magic and Myth 996-1055 7. Special Functions 1056-1065 (Invention, Advertising, Acting, etc.) VIII. Special Mental Conditions: 1. Sleep, Dreams, Narcoses, etc 1066-1090 (Hallucinations; Psychology of Stimulants, Drugs, Ether, etc.; Death) 2. Hypnosis, Suggestion, Psychoanalysis, Sub- consciousness, etc 1091-1134 3. Psychical Research 1135-1143 (Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Occultism) IX. Nervous and Mental Disorders: 1. General 1144-1282 (Problems and Methods; Text-books, Reports, Dis- cussions, Mental Diseases of Childhood, Adolescence, and Senescence; Unclassed Disorders) 2. Maldevelopments 1283-13 17 (Idiocy, Imbecility, Feeble-mindedness; cf. XI: 1) 3. Ansesthesia, Aphasia, Apraxia, etc 13 18-13 32 4. Amnesia, Manias, Delusions; Senile Dementia, Paralyses, Syphilis, Poliomyelitis, etc I333-I455 5. Epilepsy, Chorea, Paralysis Agitans, etc 1456-1515 6. Hysteria, Altered Personality, Neurasthenia, etc 1516-1557 7. Dementia Prsecox 1 558-1 572 8. Manic-depressive Insanity 9. Psychoses of Intoxication, Traumatism, War, etc 1573-1668 10. Medical Jurisprudence 1669-1684 (Mental Disorders and Legal Responsibility) CONTENTS ix X. Individual, Racial, and Social Phenomena: i. Individual Psychology: a. General 1 685-1 697 (incl. Character, Genius, etc.) b. Psychology of Types 1 698-1 700 c. Sex, Age, and Occupation Differences . . . . 1 701-1725 2. Race Psychology and Anthropology 1 726-1 81 8 (incl. Craniology; cf. VII: 4, 5, 6) 3. Social Psychology 1819-1903 (incl. Psychology of War) 4. Degeneracy, Prostitution, Criminology, Sui- cide 1904-1939 XI. Mental Development in Man: 1. Mental Inheritance and Environment: a. General 1940-1960 b. Mental Tests 1961-2080 (cf. I: 4, 6) 2. Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. . . 2081-21 17 3. Educational Psychology: a. General Treatises; Problems of Education 21 18-2190 b. Problems of Instruction and of the School- room 2191-2239 XII. Mental Evolution: Behavior and the Animal Mind: 1. Organic Evolution and Heredity 2240-2297 (incl. Eugenics) 2. Plants; Organs and Responses 2298-2299 3. Animal Psychology and Behavior: a. General 2300-23 1 1 (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) b. Nervous System, Receptor and Effector Organs 2312-2352 c. Mental Processes and Functions (Sensa- tion, Perception, Emotion, etc.) 2353-2371 d. Animal Activities: Behavior (Instinct, Habit, and Higher Plastic Adjustments) 2372-2419 Index of Authors pp. 154-172 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF ALLIED SUBJECTS U. S. Surgeon General's office. Index-catalogue of the Library. Washington: Govt. Printing Office. Readers' guide to periodical literature: supplement. White Plains & New York: Wilson. International catalogue of scientific literature. London: Harrison. New international year-book, etc. New York: Dodd, Mead. American year-book. New York & London: Appleton. Index medicus; a monthly classified index of the current medical literature of the world. Washington: Carnegie Institution. Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature. Chicago: American Medical Association. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. Berlin: Friedlander. Bibliographia zoologica. Zurich: Concilium Bibliographicum. Zentralblatt fur Physiologic Leipzig & Wien: Deuticke. Physiological abstracts. London: Physiological Society. U. S. Bureau of Education. Monthly record of current educational publications. Washington: Govt. Printing Office. L'annee pedagogique. Paris: Alcan. L'annee philosophique. Paris: Alcan. Die Philosophic der Gegenwart, etc. Heidelberg: Weiss. Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaften, etc. Dresden: Bohmert. L'anthropologie. (Bulletin bibliographique.) Paris: Masson. I. General i. Psychological Textbooks and Systematic Treatises 1. Crile, G. W. Man, an adaptive mechanism. (Austin, A., ed.) New York & London: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. xvi + 337. 2. Frobes, v. J. Lehrbuch der experimentellen Psychologie fiir hohere Schulen und zum Selbstunterricht. (Vol. 1, Part 1.) Freiburg: Herder, 191 5. Pp. 198. 3. Ixgexieros, J. Principios de psicologia biologica. Madrid: D. Jorro. 4. Laxgfeld, H. S. Text-books and general treatises. Psychol. Bull, 1916, 13, 27-34. 4a. Laxgfeld, H. S. Psychology. Amer. Year Book, 1917 (1916), 666-669. 5. Laxgfeld, H. S., & Allport, F. H. An elementary laboratory course in psychology. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1916. Pp. xvi + 147- 6. Pillsbury, W. B. The fundamentals of psychology. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. viii + 562. 7. Poffexberger, A. T., Jr. Experimental psychology. Loose leaf laboratory manual. New York: Morningside Press, 1916. Pp. 100. 8. Sidis, B. The foundations of normal and abnormal psy- chology. London: Duckworth, 191 5. Pp. 416. 9. Spikes, W. H. An elementary text-book of psychology. Specially arranged for teachers in training. London, Glas- gow & Bombay: Blackie, 1916. Pp. 173. 10. Stadler, A. Einleitung in die Psychologie. Leipzig: Voig- lander, 1914. Pp. 191. 2. Historical axd Biographical 11. Bayliss, W. M. The physiological work of Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. Brit. Med. /., 1916 (No. 2919), 799-800. 12. Bexxett, C. A. Josiah Royce; notes. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 843-845. 1 2 GENERAL: HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL [I: 2 13. Bentley, M. The psychological antecedents of phrenology. {Univ. of Illinois Stud,) Psychol. Monog., 1916, 21 (No. 92), 102-115. 14. Bowman, A. A. Kant's phenomenalism in its relation to sub- sequent metaphysics. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 461-489. 14a. Brock, A. J. (Trans.) Galen on the natural faculties. (Loeb Classical Libr.) New York: Putnam, 1916. Pp. lv + 339- 15. Burns, C. D. Leibnitz's life and work. Monist, 1916, 26, 486-503. 16. Burns, C. D. William of Ockham on continuity. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 506-512. 17. Burrell, P. S. The plot of Plato's republic. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 56-83, 145-177, 329-364- 18. Cabot, R. C. Josiah Royce as a teacher. Phil. Rev., 191 6, 25, 466-473- 19. De Sanctis, S. Di alcune tendenze della psicologia con- temporanea. Riv. ital. di sociol., 1916, 20, 8-17. 20. Dewey, J. The pragmatism of Peirce. /. of Phil., Psychol., Wc, 1916, 13, 709-714. 21. Doxee, C. W. Hume's relation to Malebranche. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 692-710. 22. Dunham, J. H. Freedom and purpose. An interpretation of the psychology of Spinoza. Phil. Monog., 1916, 1 (No. 3). Pp. ii + 126. 23. Fischer, A. Oswald Kiilpe. [A notice of K's life and writ- ings.] Zsch. f. pad. Psychol., 1916, 17, 96-99. 24. Geyer, D. L. The pragmatic theory of truth as developed by Peirce, James and Dewey. 1914. Pp. 55. 25. Groves, E. R. Freud and sociology. Psychoan. Rev., 1916, 3, 241-253. 26. Haberlin, H. K. The theoretical foundations of Wundt's folk-psychology. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 279-303. 27. Horne, H. H. Royce's idealism as a philosophy of education. Phil. Rev., 1 91 6, 25, 473-479. 28. Howison, G. H. Josiah Royce: the significance of his work in philosophy. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 231-245. 29. Jastrow, J. Charles S. Peirce as a teacher. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 723-725. 30. Johnston, G. A. The influence of mathematical conceptions on Berkeley's philosophy. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 177-193. I: 2] GENERAL: HISTORICAL AXD BIOGRAPHICAL 3 31. Keex, \Y. W. Address at the dedication of the Mitchell Memorial Building of the Philadelphia Orthopedic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases. Science, 1916, 44, 255- 259- 32. Ladd-Fraxklix, C. Charles S. Peirce at the Johns Hopkins. /. of Phil., Psychol, &c.t 1916, 13, 715-722. 33. Lalaxde, A. Philosophy in France in 1915. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 523-545- 34. Lopatix, L. M. The philosophy of Vladimir Soloviev. (A. Bakshy, trans.) Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 425-460. 35. Meyerhardt, M. W. Paul Natorp's social pedagogy. Ped. Sent., 1916, 23, 51-63. 36. More, P. E. The Parmenides of Plato. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 121-143. 37. Peeters, E. Un Herbert Spencer olandese. Riv. di psicol., 1916, 12, 326-338. 38. Perrier, L. The permanent contributions of the pragmatists. /. of Phil., Psychol., tJc, 1916, 13, 267-273. 39. Proal, L. La psychopathologie historique. Rev. phil., 1916, 81, 135-164. 40. Putxam, J. J. The work of Alfred Adler, considered with especial reference to that of Freud. Psychoanal. Rev., 1916, 3, 121-140. 41. Riley, W. Historical contributions. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 1-4- 42. Royce, J. Words of Professor Royce at the Walton Hotel at Philadelphia, December 29, 191 5. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 5°7-5i5- 43. Royce, J., & Kerxax, F. Charles Saunders Peirce. /. of Phil, Psychol, Es?c, 1916, 13, 701-708. 44. Ruckmich, C. A. The last decade of psychology in review. Psychol. Bull, 1916, 13, 109-120. 45. Swexsox, D. F. The anti-intellectualism of Kierkegaard. Phil Rev., 1916, 25, 567-586. 46. Walk, G. E. Some recent tendencies in state normal schools. Ped. Sent., 1916, 23, 1-14. 47. Warrex, H. C. Mental association from Plato to Hume. Psychol Rev., 191 6, 23, 203-231 . 48. Warrex, H. C. Psychology as contraband. Science, 191 6, 44, 815. 49. Wheeler, W. M. Jean-Henri Fabre. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 74-80. 4 GENERAL: HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL [I: 2 50. Woods, J. H. (Trans.) The Yoga-system of Patanjali, or the ancient Hindu doctrine of concentration of mind. (Har- vard Oriental Series, ed. by Charles R. Lanman, vol. 17.) Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1914. Pp. 383. 3. Relations to Other Sciences 51. Allport, F. A review of the two years' work of the con- servation of vision committee of the American Medical Association. Chicago Med. Rep., June, 191 5. Pp. 14. 52. Brown, PL C. Structural levels in the scientist's world. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 337~345- 53. Cox, G. C. Ethics as science and as art. /. of Phil., Psy- chol., &c, 1916, 13, 204-219. 54. Davis, T. L. Theory as truth: a study of the logical status of scientific theory. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 236- 248. 55. Grove, C. C. Mathematics and psychology. Mathematics Teacher, 1916, 8, 182; 9, 3-10, 103-124. 56. Guthrie, E. The field of logic. /. of Phil., Psychol, 13 c> 1916, 13, 152-158. 57. Hocking, W. E. The Holt-Freudian ethics and the ethics of Royce. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 479-507. 58. Holland, T. The organization of scientific societies. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1915, 85, 781-786. 59. Kallen, H. M. Philosophic formalism and scientific imagina- tion. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 597-607. 60. Meyer, A. Objective psychology or psychobiology with subordination of the medically useless contrast of mental and physical. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1915, 65, 860-863. 61. Moore, J. S. Psychology and medical education. Science, 1916, 44, 890-891. 62. Philippe, J. Technique mentale d'un systeme de gym- nastique. La methode Suedoise Ling. Rev. phil., 1916, 81, 451-474- 63. Rey, A. La decouverte de la radioactivite et le mouvement des idees scientifiques. Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 340-373. 64. Schroder, T. Erotogenesis of Religion. New York: Guido Bruno, 1916. Pp. 59. 65. Schroder, T. Intellectual evolution and pragmatism. Mon- ist, 191 6, 26, 86-112. I: 3] GENERAL: RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 5 66. Schuster, A. The common aims of science and humanity. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1915, 85, 3-23. 67. Scott, J. W. On the competence of thought in the sphere of the higher life. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 1-15. 68. Swenson, D. F. The logical significance of the paradoxes of Zeno. /. 0} Phil., Psychol, &c.t 1916, 13, 515-524. 69. Troland, L. T. Philosophy and the world's peace. /. of Phil., Psychol., 13c, 191 6, 421-437. 4. General Problems and Discussion (Psychological Standpoint, Consciousness, Immortality, etc.) 70. Abbot, E. S. The biological point of view in psychology and psychiatry. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 1 17-128. 71. Armstrong, A. C. Philosophy and common sense. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 103-121. 72. Bauer, A. Le role de la force. Rev. phil., 191 6, 82, 43-57. 73. Bennett, C. A. Bergson's doctrine of intuition. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 45-59. 74. Bode, B. H. Ernst Mach and the new empiricism. /. of Phil., Psychol., t$c, 1916, 13, 281-290. 75. Bosanquet, B. Causality and implication. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 94-IOI. 76. Bourdon, B. Le reel, l'apparent, l'absolu. Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 316-339. 77. Bowman, A. A. Kant's view of metaphysics. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 1-25. 78. Chambers, L. P. The non-sensuous knowledge of reality. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 801-817. 79. Chase, H. W. Consciousness and the unconscious. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 10-12. 80. Cohen, M. R. Neo-realism and the philosophy of Royce. Phil. Rev., 1 91 6, 25, 378-383. \ybi. Coover, J. E. Formal discipline from the standpoint of experi- mental psychology. Psychol. Monog., 1916, 20 (No. 87), 1-307. 82. Costello, H. T. Professor Macintosh's pragmatic realism. /. of Phil., Psychol, l$c.t 1916, 13, 309-318. 83. Dauriac, L. Contingence et rationalisme. Rev. phil, 1916, 82, 105-134 84. Dearborn, G. V. N. Movement, cenesthesia, and the mind. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 190-203. 6 GENERAL: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION [I: 4 85. Dewey, J. Voluntarism in the Roycean philosophy. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 245-255. JS6. Dunlap, K. Thought-content and feeling. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 49-71. 87. Hartman, H. G. A revised conception of causation and its implications. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c.s 1916, 13, 477-491. 88. Henderson, L. J. The teleology of inorganic nature. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 265-282. 89. Henderson, L. J. Teleology in cosmic evolution: a reply to Professor Warren. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 6, 13, 325- 328. 90. Hughes, P. The two poles of the philosophical sphere. /. of Phil., Psychol., fcfc, 1916, 13, 631-634. 91. Janet, P. La tension psychologique et ses oscillations. /. de psychol. norm, et path., 1915, 12, 165-193. 92. Johnson, W. H. Does my neighbor exist? Princeton Theolog. Rev., 1916, 14, 529-544- 93. Lowenberg, J. Interpretation as a self-representative proc- ess. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 420-424. 94. Macintosh, D. C. The problem of knowledge. New York: Macmillan, 1915. Pp. 503. 95. Marvin, W. T. General standpoints: mind and body. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 4-10. 96. Mead, C. D. The relations of general intelligence to certain mental and physical traits. New York: Teachers' College, 1916. Pp. 117. 97. McClure, M. T. Perception and thinking. /. of Phil., Psy- chol, &c.t 1916, 13, 345-354- 98. McComas, H. C. Extravagances in the motor theories of consciousness. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 397-406. 99. Mendelssohn, M. L'activite psychique d'apres les donnees recents de la psychologie experimentale. Bull, instit. gen. psychol., 1916, 16, 41-72. 100. Mercier, C. A. Causation with a chapter on belief. /. of Ment. Sci., 1916, 62, 1-108, 241-350. 101. Mercier, C. A. The universal and the a fortiori. Mindt n. s. 1916, 25, 83-94. 102. Moore, J. S. Purpose and causality. /. of Phil., Psychol., tfc, 1916, 158-159- 103. Passano, L. M. Being and becoming. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 490-505. I: 4] GENERAL: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION 7 104. Pearson, N. Sub-human consciousness. Nineteenth Cent., 1916,80, 576-585.^ 105. Peres, J. La pensee symbolique du point de vue de l'intro- spection et dans ses applications a l'esthetique. Rev. phil., 1916, 81, 165-181. 106. Perry, R. B. The truth problem. /. of Phil., Psychol., I3c.y 1916, 13, 505-514, 561-572. 107. Piat, C. L'intelligence et la vie. Paris: Alcan, 1915. Pp. viii + 227. 108. Pratt, J. B. The confessions of an old realist. /. of Phil., Psychol., l$c, 1916, 13, 687-692. 109. Schleich, C. L. Vom Schaltwerk der Gedanken. Berlin: Fischer, 1916. Pp. 287. no. Sellars, R. W. Critical realism: a study of the nature and conditions of knowledge. Chicago & New York: Rand McNally, 1916. Pp. x + 283. in. Sheldon, W. H. The demolition of unreality. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 318-322. 112. Sidgwick, A. The indetermination of meanings. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 101-103. 113. Spaulding, E. G. Realistic aspects of Royce's logic. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 365-378. 114. Warren, H. C. A study of purpose. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 5-26, 29-49, 57-73. 115. Warren, H. C. Purpose, chance, and other perplexing concepts. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 441-442. 116. Wright, W. K. Conscience as reason and as emotion. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 676-691. 5. Mind and Body 117. Bussey, G. C, & Crane, M. D. Dr. Bosanquet's doctrine of freedom. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 711-730. 118. Chadwick, H. K. A suggested metaphysics to fit a func- tional epistemology. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 6, 365- 371- 119. Crile, G. W. Man, an adaptive mechanism. New York & London: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. xvi + 387. 120. Driesch, H. Leib und Seele. Eine Prufung des psycholo- gischen Grundproblems. Leipzig: Reinicke, 1916. Pp. iv + 109. 8 GENERAL: MIND AND BODY [I: 5 121. Elliot, H. A defense of scientific materialism. Hibbert /., 1916, 14, 551-562. 122. Heymans, G. In Sachen des psychischen Monismus. Zsck.f. Psychol., 1 91 6, 76, 217-231. 123. Hollingworth, H. L. The psychophysical continuum. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 182-190. 124. Lovejoy, A. O., & Spaulding, E. G. Topic for discussion at the 1916 meeting of the American Philosophical Associa- tion. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 573-580. 125. Mercier, C. A. Vitalism. Hibbert J., 1916, 14, 286-299. 126. Rogers, A. K. A statement of epistemological dualism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 169-182. 127. Pieron, H. L'objectivisme psychologique et la doctrine dualiste. Rev. phil., 1916, 81, 61-71. 6. General Methods; Terminology 128. Bayliss, W. M. " Neurone " or " neuron." Brit. Med. /., 1916 (No. 2895), 888. 129. Brown, A. J. Some uses of artificial daylight in the psycho- logical laboratory. (Minor Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. Cornell Univ., XXX.) Amer. J. of Psychol., 191 6, 27, 427-429. 130. Cohen, M. R. The use of the words real and unreal. /. of Phil, Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 635-638. 131. Dunlap, K. The results of a questionary on psychological terminology. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circular, 191 6, 285 (No. 5). Pp. 55. 132. Fuller, W. The necessity of revising the nomenclature of the anatomy of the brain. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 191 6, 67, 328-330. 133. Harris, J. A. On the influence of previous experience on personal equation and steadiness of judgment in the estima- tion of the number of objects in moderately large samples. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 30-49. 134. Isserlis, L. On certain probable errors and correlation coef- ficients of multiple frequency distributions with new re- gression. Biometrika, 1916, II, 185-190. 135. Isserlis, L. 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On some novel properties of partial and multiple correlation coefficients in a universe of manifold characteristics. Biometrika, 1916, II, 231-238. 143. Pearson, K. On the application of " goodness of fit " tables to test regression curves and theoretical curves used to describe observational or experimental data. Bio- metrika, 1 91 6, 11, 239-261. 144. Pearson, K. On the general theory of multiple contingency with special reference to partial contingency. Biometrika, 1916, 11, 145-158. 145. Ranzoli, — . Dizionario di scienze filosofische. Milano: Hoepli, 191 6. 146. Ritchie, S. A. Note on the probable error of the coefficient of correlation in the variable difference correlation method. Biometrika, 1915, 11, 136-138. 147. Ruml, B. The measurement of efficiency of mental tests. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 501-507. 148. Smith, H. B. Fact, definition, and choice. /. of Phil., Psychol., 13c, 1916, 465-470. 149. Smith, K. On the ' best ' values of the constants in fre- quency distributions. Biometrika, 1916, II, 262-276. 150. Thorndike, E. L. The technique of combining incomplete judgments of the relative positions of n facts made by n judges. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c.t 1916, 13, 197-204. 151. Toll, C. H. Introspection and general methods. Psychol. Bull., 1 91 6, 13, 16-20. 152. Turro, R. La methode objective. Rev. phil., 191 6, 82, 297-315, 462-488. io GENERAL METHODS: TERMINOLOGY [1:6 153. Wallis, W. D. Is introspection individual or social, within or without? Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 572-573. 154. Warren, H. C. Terminology. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 15-16. 155. Yerkes, R. M. A new method of studying ideational and allied forms of behavior in man and other animals. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 631-634. 156. Young, A. W. Note on the standard deviations of samples of two or three. Biometrika, 1916, II, 277-280. 157. Young, A. W., & Pearson, K. On the probable error of a coefficient of contingency without approximation. Bio- metrika, 1916, II, 215-230. 158. Yule, G. U. An introduction to the theory of statistics, (Ed. 3.) London: C. Griffin. Pp. 382. 7. General Apparatus and Technique 159. Amantea, G. Un estesiometro semplice e practice Riv. di psicol., 1 91 6, 12, 293-295. 160. Andrews, W. S. Apparatus for producing ultra-violet radiation. Gen. Elect. Rev., 1916, 19, 317-319. 161. Bachmann, G. An automatic spinning device for the Har- vard kymograph. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1916, 66, 188. 162. Dearborn, W. F., & Langfeld, H. S. Portable tachisto- scope and memory apparatus. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 383- 387. 163. Ellis, F. W. An electric counter for determining the rate of a free-swinging pendulum. Science, 1916, 43, 354-356. 164. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A simple daylight photometer. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 324-341. 165. Golla, F. L., & Symes, W. L. Simultaneous records of cerebro-spinal pressure and of respiratory movements. /. of Physiol., 1916, 50, xxxii-xxxiii. 166. Handrik, J. Ergograph und dynamometer. Brahn's pad.- psychol. Arbeiten, 1914, 5? 63-74. 167. Hartridge, H. An improved spectrophotometer. /. of Physiol., 1915, 50, 101-113. 168. Kent, A. F. S. The fixation of graphic records. /. of Physiol., 191 6, 50, xxi-xxii. 169. Klopsteg, P. E. The measurement of time with a moving coil galvanometer. Phys. Rev., 1916, 8, 195-206. 1:7] GENERAL APPARATUS: TECHNIQUE II 170. Ollino, G. Die Sphygmobolometrie Sahlis und ihre Kon- trolle. Berl. klin. Woch., 1915, 52, 377-381. 171. POFFENBERGER, A. T., Jr., & MORGAN, J. J. B. The Hipp chronoscope: its use and adjustment. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 185-199. 172. Ruckmich, C. A. New laboratory equipment. Amer. J. of Psychol, 1916, 27, 530-549. 173. Sherrington, C. S. A simple apparatus for illustrating the Listing-Donders law. /. of Physiol., 191 6, 50, xlvi-xlix. r/174. Warren, H. C, & Reeves, P. Apparatus and experiments for the introductory course. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 454-459- 175. Weiss, A. P. Pendulum and interval timer. 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Bull., 1916, 13, 101-108. 183. Kelley, T. L. Report of the twenty-fourth annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, De- cember 28-30, 191 5. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1916, 7, 111-116. 12 GENERAL: COLLECTIONS [I: 8 184. DeLaguna, T. The fifteenth annual meeting of the Ameri- can Philosophical Association. /. of Phil., Psychol., I3c.y 1916, 13, 97-103, 168-181. 185. Ogden, R. M. Report of the secretary of the American Psychological Association. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 41-101. 186. Ogden, R. M. The American Psychological Association. Science, 191 6, 43, 359-360. 187. Ogden, R. M. The twenty-fourth annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. School i$ Soc, 1916, 3, 252. 188. Poffenberger, A. T., Jr. New York Branch of the Ameri- can Psychological Association. /. of Phil., Psychol., 13 c, 1916, 13, 129-132, 293-299, 662-664. 189. Rand, B. A bibliography of the writings of Josiah Royce. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 515-522. 190. Schumann, F. 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J. of Physiol., 1916, 42, 16-35. 244. Ranson, S. W., & Billingsley, P. R. The conduction of painful afferent impulses in the spinal nerves. Studies in vasomotor reflex arcs. II. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 40, 571-584. 245. Schafer, E. A., & Feiss, H. O. Notes on the functional regeneration of the cut cervical sympathetic and vagus. Qt. J. Exper. Physiol., 1916, 9, 329-334. 246. Swanberg, H. The intervertebral foramina in man. The morphology of the intervertebral foramina in man including a description of their contents and adjacent parts with special reference to the nervous structures. Chicago: Chicago Scient. Pub. Co., 1915. Pp. 95. 247. Tsukaguchi, R. On the regeneration of the cervical sympa- thetic after reaction. Qt. J. Exper. Physiol., 1916, 9, 281- 328. 248. Weisenburg, T. H. The clinical value of defense and muscle reflexes. Importance of the latter in spinal localiza- tion. /. of Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1916, 44, 217-223. 249. Wheelon, H., & Shipley, J. L. The effects of testicular transplants upon vasomotor irritability. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1 91 6, 39, 394-400. H: 5] CEREBELLUM AND BRAIN STEM 1 7 5. Cerebellum and Brain Stem 250. Beck, O. Zur fronto-pontinen-cerebellaren Bahn. Monat. f. Ohrenhk., 1915, 49, 208-209. 251. Stopford, J. S. B. The arteries of the pons and medulla oblongata. /. of Anat. rd Physiol., 1916, 50, 1 31-165, 255-281. 6. Cerebrum a. Structure 252. Bryant, W. S. Sensory elements in the human cerebral hypophysis. Anat. Record, 1916, 11, 25-27. 253. Giannuli, F. L'interruzione dei solchi primari e la segmenta- zione dei giri, alia luce della semiologia morfologica cerebrale. Riv. di antrop., 1916, 20, 31. 254. Jackson, H. On the nature of the duality of the brain. Brain, 191 5, 38, 80-103. 255. Keegan, J. J. A study of a plains Indian brain. /. oj Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 403-421. 256. Pellacani, G. Dei lipoidi cerebrali e loro separazione. Ouaderni di psichiat., 1916, 3, 89-102. b. General Physiology 257. Rothmann, M. Die Hirnphysiologie im Dienste des Krieges. Berl. klin. Woch., 1915, 52, 338-341. c. Localization of Functions 258. Anderson, H. M., & Noel, H. L. C. Case of shrapnel injury to right parietal cortex, showing paresis of left lower extremity, together with cortical sensory loss and thalamic over-response. Lancet, 1916, 190, 79. 259. Baglioni, S. Sulla genesi centrale della scrittura speculare colla mano sinistra. Riv. di antrop., 1916, 20, 35. 260. de Barenne, J. G. D. Experimental researches on sensory localizations in the cerebral cortex. Ot. J. Exper. Physiol., 191 6, 9, 355-39°- 261. Bianchi, L. Sul significato dell'area corticale del lobo fron- tale la cui eccitazione produce dilatazione della pupilla. Riv. di antrop., 191 6, 20, 17. 1 8 CEREBRUM: LOCALIZATION [II: 6, c 262. Brodmann, K. Neuere Forschungsergebnisse der Gehirn- rindenanatomie, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung anthro- pologischer Fragen. (Abstract.) Med. Klinik, 1 913, 9, I95I- 263. Brown, T. G. Studies in the physiology of the nervous system. XXVI. 1. On the phenomenon of facilitation. 2. Its occurrence in response to subliminal cortical stimuli in monkeys. 3. " Secondary facilitation " and its loca- tion in the cortical mechanism itself in monkeys. 4. Its occurrence in the subcortical mechanism by the activation of which motor effects are produced on artificial stimulation of the "motor" cortex. Qt. J. Exper. Physiol., 1915, 9, 101-146. 264. Eschweiler, — . Starkstromverletzung der akustischen Zentren. Arch. f. Ohrenhk., 1914, 96, 115-120. 265. Franz, S. I. The functions of the cerebrum. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 149-174- 266. Holmes, G., & Lister, W. T. Disturbances of vision from cerebral lesions with special reference to the cortical repre- sentation of the macula. Brain, 191 6, 39, 34-73. 267. Hunt, R. The sensory field of the facial nerve: a further contribution to the symptomatology of the geniculate ganglion. Brain, 1915, 38, 418-446. 268. Jackson, H. On the anatomical and physiological localization of movements in the brain. Brain, 191 5, 38, 75-79. 269. Kreidl, A. Zur Frage der sekundaren Horbahnen. Med. Klinik, 1913, 9, 1550-1552. 270. Matti, H. Einfache Projektion der Gehirnzentren auf die Schadeloberflache ohne Kraniometer. Munch, med. Woch., 1915, 62, 861-862. 271. Nohte, — . Ueber Nystagmus bei Verletzungen des Fusses der II. Stirnhirnwindung. Dtsch. med. Woch., 1915, 41, 1217-1220. 272. Ranson, S. W. New evidence in favor of a chief vaso- constrictor center in the brain. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 42, 1-8. 273. Redlich, E. Zur Topographie der Sensibilitatsstorungen am Rumpfe bei der zerebralen Hemianasthesie. Neur. Centbl., 1915, 34, 850-856. 274. Schwab, S. I. Intentional hypertonia. A contribution to the cortical localization of muscular tonus. /. of Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1916, 44, 510-516. O: 6, c] CEREBRUM: LOCALIZATION 19 275. Valkenburg, C. T. van. 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Monog., 1916, 21 (No. 92), 55-79- 30 SENSATION, RECEPTOR ORGANS [HI: 1 448. Titchener, E. B. On ethnological tests of sensation and perception, with special reference to tests of color vision and tactile discrimination described in the reports of the Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 191 6, 55, 204-236. 449. Vidoni, G. Tre casi di sinestesalgia. Riv. di psicol., 1916, 12,317-325. 450. Winkler, F. Ueber das Zustandekommen von Mitemp- findungen. Leipzig & Wien: Breitenstein, 1915. Pp. 28. 2. Lower Senses and their Organs a. Visceral Senses 451. Carlson, A. J. The control of hunger in health and disease. Chicago: Univ. of Chicago Press, 1916. Pp. viii + 319. 452. Muller, L. R. Ueber die Hungerempfindung. Dtsch. med. Woch., 1915, 41, 1297-1301. 453. Pierce, G. J. Hunger and food. Scient. Mo., 1916, 2, 181— 188. b. Cutaneous Senses (Pressure, Cold, Warmth, Cutaneous Pain, etc.) 454. Bonheim, F. Zur Localisation des Tastsinns. Berl. klin. Woch., 1915, 52, 216. 455. Boring, E. G. Cutaneous sensation after nerve-division. Quart. J. of Exper. Physiol., 1916, 10, 1-95. 456. Carnes, M., & Shearer, L. C. Mechanical vs. manual stimulation in the determination of the cutaneous two- point limen. (Minor. Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. Cornell Univ., XXVIII.) Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 417-419. 457. Carr, H. Head's theory of cutaneous sensitivity. Psychol. Rev., 1 91 6, 23, 262-279. 458. De Laski, E. On perceptive forms below the level of the two-point limen. (Minor Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. Cornell Univ., XXXIII.) Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 569-571. 459. Dimmick, F. L. On cutaneous after-images. (Minor Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. Cornell Univ., XXXII.) Amer. J. of Psychol, 1 91 6, 27, 566-568. m:2,b] SENSES: CUTANEOUS 3 1 460. Franz, S. I. The constant error of touch localization. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1 91 6, 1, 83-98. 461. Harbin, R. M. Parodoxical pain. Boston: Sherman, French, 1916. Pp. xxi + 212. 462. Metcalf, J. T. Cutaneous and kinaesthetic senses. Psy- chol. Bull., 1916, 13, 138-142. 463. Philippe, J. Note sur les formes de perception des sensa- tions tactiles de Weber. Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 161-165. c. Muscle, Tendon, and Joint Senses d. Taste and Smell 464. Crozier, W. J. The taste of acids. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 453-461. 465. Gamble, E. A. McC. Taste and smell. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 134-138. 466. Henning, H. Der Geruch. II, IV. Zsch. f. Psychol., 1916, 74, 305-443;76, 1-127. 467. Henning, H. Die Qualitatenreihe des Geschmacks. Zsch. f. Psychol., 1916, 74, 203-219. 468. Kennel, P. Essai de classification des odeurs par la methode des majorites. Arch, de psychol., 191 5, 15, 375-378. 469. Kraupe-Runk, M. Perverse Geruchs- und Geschmacks- empfindungen nach Neosalvarsaninjektionen. Munch, med. Woch., 1916, 63, 46. 470. Titchener, E. B. A note on the compensation of odors. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 435-436. e. Static Senses (Equilibrium, Dizziness) 471. Barany, R. Zur Entwicklung der Lehre vom Bogengang- apparat. Med. Klinik, 1914, 10, 506-508. 472. Duel, A. B. Orientation and equilibration. A study of the sense of position and movement; its dependence on the vestibular apparatus and its importance in the whole field of medicine. N. Y. Med. J., 1916, 103, 577-581. 32 HEARING: GENERAL [HI: 3, a 3. Hearing a. General (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) 473. Hardy, W. B. Some problems of living matter. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 191 6, 28, 99-118. 474. Miller, D. C. The Henrici harmonic analyzer and devices for extending and facilitating its use. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 285-322. 475. Ogden, R. M. Hearing. Psychol. Bull, 1916, 13, 189-197. 476. Stocker, A. Ein neuer Gehormesser. Munch, med. Woch., 1915, 46, 1572. 477. Weiss, A. P. Apparatus and experiments on sound intensity. Psychol. Monog., 191 6, 22 (No. 95). Pp. 59. b. Physiological Acoustics; Structure and Functions of the Ear 478. Clark, H. Sub-Helmholtzian vibrations of a rubbed string. Phys. Rev., 1916, 7, 56i~579- 479. Stefanini, A. Confirmation experimentale de la theorie Contugno-Helmholtz sur la perception des sons. Arch. ital. de biol., 1915, 63, 335-340. 480. Tigerstedt, R. (Hrsg.) Die akustischen und nichtakust- ischen Funktionen des Ohres. Handbuch der physi- ologischen Methodik. III. Sinnesphysiologie. Leipzig: Hir- zel, 1914. Pp. 394. 481. Watson, F. R. An investigation of the transmission, reflec- tion, and absorption of sound by different materials. Phys. Rev., 1916, 7, 125-132. 482. Zange, J. Ueber das schallempfindende Endorgan im inneren Ohr. Med. Klinik, 191 4, 10, 330-335. c. Auditory Sensations; Tonal Fusion 483. Baley, S. Versuche iiber die Lokalisation von Tonen. Pas sow u. Schaefer's Beitrage z. Anat., Physiol., Pathol., u. Therap. d. Ohres, d. Nase u. d. liaises, 191 4, 7, 69-99. 484. Birnbaum, J. W. Ueber eine neue Versuchsanordnung zur Priifung der menschlichen Horscharfe fur reine Tone be- liebiger Hohe. Annalen der Physik., 1916, 49, 201-228. III:3,c] AUDITORY SENSATIONS, TONAL FUSION 33 485. Dunlap, K. Tonal volume and pitch. J. of Exper. Psychol., 1916, 1, 1S3. 486. Gradenigo, G. Ueber die Empfindlichkeit des Gehororgans fiir die verschiedenen Regionen des Tonleiters. Arch. f. Ohrenhk., 1914, 96, 103-114. 487. Miller, D. C. The science of musical sounds. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. viii + 286. 488. Peterson, J. The nature and probable origin of binaural beats. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 333-351. 489. Rich, G. J. A preliminary study of tonal volume. /. of Exp. Psychol., 191 6, 1, 13-22. 490. Seashore, C. E. Seeing yourself sing. Science, 1916, 43, 592-596. 491. Seashore, C. E. Vocational guidance in music. Univ. of Iozva Monog., 1916, 1st ser., No. 2. Pp. 11. 492. Stewart, G. W. Certain cases of the variation of sound intensity with distance. Phys. Rev., 191 6, 7, 442-446. 4. Vision a. General (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) 493. Black, N. M. A resume of the physical, physiological, and psychic phases of vision. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 191 5, 10, 562-586. 494. Cobb, P. W. Photometric considerations pertaining to visual stimuli. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 71-88. 495. Crittenden, E. C, & Richtmyer, F. K. An " average eye " for heterochromatic photometry, and a comparison of a flicker and an equality-of-brightness photometer. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, II, 331-366. 496. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A new method of heterochro- matic photometry. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 1-12. 497. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A spectroscopic apparatus for the investigation of the color sensitivity of the retina, central and peripheral. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 247-283. 498. Gardner, H. A. The light reflecting values of white and color paints. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 181, 99-108. 499. Goldschmidt, R. H. Beobachtungen uber exemplarische subjektive optische Phanomene. Zsch. f. Psychol., 1916, 76, 289-436. 34 VISION: GENERAL [HI: 4, a 500. Hartridge, H. Physiological aspect of photographic safe light screens. /. of Physiol., 1915, 50, 95-100. 501. Holt, E. B. Vision — General phenomena. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 122-131. 502. Hudson, A. C. Light spot perimeter. Amer. J. of Ophth., 1 9i 6, 33, 376-377. 503. Ives, H. E. A polarization flicker photometer. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 541-542. 504. Ives, H. E., & Kingsbury, E. F. Additional experiments on colored absorbing solutions for use in heterochromatic photometry. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 253-258. 505. Ives, H. E., & Kingsbury, E. F. On the choice of a group of observers for heterochromatic measurements. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 203-208. 506. Lewis, F. P. Light, a dominant force in life processes. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, II, 650-656. 507. Luckiesh, M. Yellow light. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 191 5, 10, 1015-1037. 508. Middlekauff, G. W., & Skogland, J. F. An interlaboratory photometric comparison of glass screens and tungsten lamps, involving color differences. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916 11, 164-186. 509. Munsterberg, H. Psychology and light. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 640-649. 510. Prentice, C. F. The fundamentals of achromatism. Ophth. Record, 1916, 25, 163-177. 511. Richtmyer, F. K., & Howes, H. L. A method of studying the behavior of the eye under different conditions of il- lumination. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, II, 100-113. 512. Schanz, F. Vergleichende Lichtmessung. Dtsch.med.Woch., 1916, Nr. 20. 513. Lens for light distribution. Proc Phys. Soc London, 1916, 28, 211-219. 514. Smith, T. The correction of chromatic aberrations when the external media are dispersive. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1916, 28, 235-241. 515. Steinmetz, C. P. The scope of illuminating engineering. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, XI, 625-628. 516. Taylor, J. B. The projecting lantern. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 4I4-435- IH: 4, a] VISION: GENERAL 35 517. Troland, L. T. Notes on flicker photometry: flicker- photometer frequency as a function of light intensity. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 261-263. 518. [Anon.1 Reports of the Committee on Glare. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 353-402, 987-1014; 1916, 11, 29-39, 92-99, 367-371, 5I8-524- b. Physiological Optics; Structure and General Functions of the Eye 519. Burge, W. E. Ultra-violet radiation and the eye. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 932-946. 520. Caldwell, F. C. On the effect of brightness of light source on general illumination. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 1 042-1 049. 521. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A substitute for an artificial pupil. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 380-382. 522. Goldschmidt, R. H. Die Frage nach dem Wesen des Eigen- lichtes, ein Hauptproblem der psychologischen Optik. Psychol. Stud., 1916, 10, 101-156. 523. Ives, H. E. Visual diffusivity. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 54°-54i- 524. Nutting, P. G. The needs of applied optics. Science, 1916, 43, 124-128. 525. Schmidt, — . Quantitative Ermittlungen iiber die Funktions- teilung im Sehorgan. (Diss.) Freiburg, 1914. 526. Vincent, S. B. The refractive power of lens and fluid media of the mammalian eye. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 334. 527. Woodworth, C. W. A new fundamental equation in optics. Science, 1916, 43, 824-825. c. Accommodation, Errors of Refraction, Pupillary Reflex 528. Hess, C. Messende Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Physiologie des Pupillenspieles. Arch. f. Ophth. (Graefe), 1916, 90, 382-390. 529. Howe, L. The fatigue of accommodation as registered by the ergograph. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1916, 67, 100-104. 530. Sarbo, A. v. Einige Worte iiber Pupillenuntersuchung und iiber die sogenannte paradoxe Lichtreaktion der Pupille. Wien. klin. Woch., 1916, 29, 409-411. 36 VISUAL SENSATIONS, COLOR THEORY [III:4,d d. Visual Sensations; Light and Color Theory 531. Alspach, E. M. Simplicity vs. complexity of color hues. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 273-283. 532. Blondel, A. Sur la perception limite des signaux lumineux produits par des fasceaux tournants de faible divergence, et sur un appareil permittant de composer des eclats de lumiere brefs donnant meme quantite d'eclairement en des temps differents. C. r. Acad, des sci., 1916, 162, 587-592. 533. Bradford, S. C. Colour and chemical structure. Sci. Progr., 1916, 10, 361-368. 534. Houstoun, R. A. A theory of color vision. Proc. Roy. Soc, A, 1 91 6, 92, 424-432. 535. Ives, H. E. Measurements of brightness difference per- ception and hue difference perception by steady and inter- mittent vision. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 542. 536. Ives, H. E. The minimum radiation visually perceptible. Astrophys. J., 191 6, 44, 124-127. 537. Kirschmann, A. Ueber die Herstellung monochromatischen Lichtes in grosseren Flachen. Psychol. Stud., 191 6, 10, 185-188. 538. Nutting, P. G. The retinal sensibilities related to illumi- nating engineering. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 1-21, 131-136. 539. Ramsbottom, J. Colour standards. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1 91 5, 85, 790-794- 540. Titchener, E. B. A note on the sensory character of black. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 113-121. 541. Titchener, E. B. A further word on black. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 649-655. 542. Troland, L. T. The heterochromatic brightness discrimina- tion threshold. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 112-114. 543. Ward, J, A further note on the sensory character of black. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1916, 8, 212-221. e. Adaptation, After-images, Contrast, Purkinje Phenomenon, Binocular Fusion and Rivalry 544. Almack, M., & Arps, G. F. On color induction with refer- ence to color recognition. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, I, 426-453. HI: 4, e] VISUAL ADAPTATION AND CONTRAST 2,7 545. Brav, A. The struggle for binocular single vision. N. Y. Med. J., 1 91 6, 104, 949-952. 546. Cobb, P. W. Vision and the brightness of surroundings. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, XI, 372-398. 547. Cook, H. D., & Kunkel, F. M. The qualitative relation between complementary and contrast colors. (Wellesley College Stud, in Psychol.) Psychol. Monog., 1916, 22 (No. 96), 1-41. 548. Edridge-Green, F. W. Demonstration, some subjective phenomena of vision. /. of Physiol., 1916, 50, xl-xli. 549. Edridge-Green, F. W., & Porter, A. W. The after-images of simple and compound colors. /. of Physiol., 1916, 50, ix. 550. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Some experiments on the eye with pendant reflectors of different densities. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 1 in— 1 136. 551. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. The efficiency of the eye under different conditions of lighting. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 407-SOi5 1 097-1 1 70. 552. Frohlich, F. W. Entstehung des Farbenkontrastes. (Ab- stract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 1915, 41, 212. 553. Hering, E. Das Purkinjesche Phanomen im zentralen Bezirke des Sehfeldes. Arch. f. Ophth. (Graefe), 1916, 90, 1-12. 554. Nutting, P. G. Effects of brightness and contrast in vision. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, 11, 939-946. 555. Nutting, P. G. The effects of brightness on vision. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 530-531. 556. Stargardt, — . Die Dunkeladaptation des Auges bei Sympathicuslahmung. Zsch. f. Augenhk., 191 5, 33, 149— 155- 557. Swindle, P. F. Positive after-images of long duration. Amer. J. of Psychol, 1916, 27, 324-334. 558. Troland, L. T. Apparent brightness; its conditions and properties. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1916, II, 947~975- 559. Troland, L. T. The absence of the Purkinje phenomenon in the fovea. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 111-112. 560. Troland, L. T. The reversal of a faded negative after- image by brightening the stimulus field. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 529-530. 561. Weiss, A. P. Purkinje demonstration. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 442-444- 38 INDIRECT VISION, COLOR BLINDNESS [HI:4,f /. Direct and Indirect Vision, Blind-spot, Visual Acuity, Color Blindness 562. Beuttenmuller, — ., & Best, F. Ueber Nachtblindheit im Felde. Munch, med. fVoch., 91 15, 62, 1207, 1121-1124. 563. Cobb, P. W. The effect on foveal vision of bright sur- roundings. III. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 419-425, 540-567. 564. Edridge-Green, F. W. The classification of the colour- blind. Ophth. Rev., 1916, 35, 10-16. 565. Feilchenfeld, H. Ein objektives Symptom zur Priifung der Nachtblindheit. Berl. klin. Woch., 1916, 53, 11 95-11 96. 566. Hayes, S. P. Vision — Color defects. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 131-134. 567. Hilbert, — . Ein Fall von Rotsehen nach Genuss der Samen von Solanum dulcanara L. Munch, med. Woch.y 1915, 62, 1785-1786. 568. Ives, H. E. An improved visual acuity test object. /. Franklin Instit., 1916, 182, 539. 569. Ives, H. E., & Kingsbury, E. F. A method of correcting abnormal color vision and its application to the flicker photometer. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 259-270. 570. Paul, — . Beobachtungen iiber Nachtblindheit im Felde. Munch, med. Woch., 191 5, 62, 1 548-1 550. 571. Peter, L. C. The principles and practice of perimetry. Philadelphia & New York: Lea & Febiger, 1916. Pp. 232. 572. Ponzo, M. Analogia fra le illusioni determinate dal punto cieco retinico e quelle dipendenti dalla zona linguale ageusica. Riv. di antrop., 191 6, 20, 4. 573. Trowbridge, C. C. The importance of lateral vision in its relation to orientation. Science, 1916, 44, 470-474. 574. Wolffberg, — . Beitrag zur Sehscharfepriifung nach Snellen. Arch.}. Ophth. (Graefe), 1916, 90, 249-255. g. Eye Movements (incl. Convergence) 575. Bikeles, G., & Ruttin, E. Ueber die reflektorischen kompensatorischen Augenbewegungen bei beiderseitiger Aus- schaltung des N. vestibularis. Neur. Centbl., 1915, 34, 807- 810. ID: 4, g] EYE MOVEMENTS 39 x 576. Dodge, R. Visual motor functions. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 421-427. - 577. Kunz, L., & Ohm, J. Ueber photographische Messung des Augenabstandes und der Pupillen bei Bewegung der Augen von unten nach oben in der mittleren Blickrichtung. Arch, f. Ophth. {Graefe), 1914, 89, 469-483. 578. Ohm, J. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Augenzitterns der Bergleute. Arch. f. Ophth. {Graefe), 1915, 89, 505-555. t 579- Walter, W. Clinical pathology of ocular muscle paralysis. A critique of the more recent literature on ocular movements, with special reference to the study of the control of ocular muscles. Arch. f. Ophth., 1916, 45, 172-194. 580. Walter, W. The etiology of nonparalytic ocular imbalance. Some original conceptions and interpretations based on the physiology and psychology of ocular movements. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1916, 67, 193-201. 5. Perception: General; Time, Motion, Rhythm 581. Curtis, J. N. Duration and the temporal judgment. Amer. J. of Psychol, 1916, 27, 1-47. 582. Dunlap, K. Time and rhythm. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 206-208. 583. Kollarits, J. Zur Schatzung der verflossenen Zeit und iiber ihre Rolle bei der Aufnahme von Krankengeschichten. Wien. klin. Woch., 191 5, 28, 8-9. 584. Myers, G. C. Incidental perception. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 339-35°- 585. Yoakum, C. S. The complication experiment and the after- image. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 99-121. 6. Space Perception and Illusions; Stereoscopic Vision 586. Buhler, K. Zeitsinn und Raumsinn. H andzuorterbuch d. Naturwiss., 1914, 10, 726-748. 587. Carr, H. Space illusions. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 265-266. 588. Dabney, T. G. Lateral vision and orientation. Science, 1 9i 6, 44, 749. 589. Foucault, M. La perception tactile de la forme. Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 547-568. 40 SPACE PERCEPTION, SPACE ILLUSIONS [IE: 6 590. Peterson, J. Illusions of direct orientation. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 225-236. 591. Pintner, R., & Anderson, M. M. The Muller-Lyer illusion with children and adults. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, I, 200- 210. 592. Rieffert, J. B. Grundlegung einer psychogenetischen The- orie der Raumwahrnehmung. Zsch. f. Psychol., 191 6, 76, 145-216. 593. Smith, W. G. The prevalence of spatial contrast in visual perception. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1916, 8, 317-326. 594. Starch, D. Auditory space. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 264-265. 595. Watt, H. J. Stereoscopy as a purely visual, bisystemic, integrative process. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1916, 8, 131-169. 596. Williams, M. C. Visual space. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 261-263. 7. PSYCHOPHYSICS 597. Boring, E. G. The number of observations upon which a limen may be based. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 315-320. 598. Fernberger, S. W. Psychophysical measurement methods. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 215-228. 599. Fernberger, S. W. The effects of practice in its initial stages in lifted weight experiments and its bearing upon anthropometric measurements. Amer. J. of Psychol., 191 6, 27, 261-273. 600. Harris, J. A. Personal equation and steadiness of judgment in the estimation of the number of objects in moderately large samples. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 65-69. 601. Ludemann, K. Ueber regelmassige Fehler bei Zehntelschatz- ungen. Mitteil. der Vereinig. von Freunden d. Astron. u. kosm. Physik., 1916, 26, 1-11. 602. Muller, C. Einiges uber Beobachtungsfehler beim Ab- schatzen an Teilungen geodatischer Instrumente. Fortschr. der Psychol., 191 6, 4, 1-33. 8. Disorders of Sensation and Perception 603. Allport, F. Some facts concerning the blind. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 191 5, 65, 868-869. 604. Arnoldi, — . Aphonia (Dysphonia) spastica. (Diss.) Wiirz- burg, 1915. HI: 8] SENSATION AND PERCEPTION; DISORDERS 41 605. Arps, G. F. A marked case of double inversion. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 203-217. 606. Axenfeld, T. Hemianopische Gesichtsfeldstorungen nach Schadelschussen. Klin. Monatsbl. f. Augenhk., 191 5, 55, 126-144. 607. Beck, 0. Kriegsschadigungen des inneren Ohres. Monat. f. 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The effect of uniform and non-uniform illu- mination upon attention and reaction-times, with especial reference to street illumination. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 155-182. 836. Dallenbach, K. M. The measurement of attention in the field of cutaneous sensation. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 443-460. 837. Morgan, J. J. B. The overcoming of distraction and other resistances. Arch, of Psychol., 1916, 35, 1-84. 838. Pillsbury, W. B. Attention and interest. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 205-206. 839. Woodrow, H. Outline as a condition of attention. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1 91 6, 1, 23-39. 840. Woodrow, H. The faculty of attention. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 285-318. VI: 2, a] MEMORY AND ASSOCIATION 57 2. Memory and Imagery a. General; Association, Retention, Reproduction (Acquisition, Practise, Disposition, Inhibition, Perseveration, Lapses) 841. Baird, J. W. Memory, imagination, learning, and the higher intellectual processes. — Experimental. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 333-354- 842. 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Zsch.f. angew. Psychol., 1915, 10, 285- 299. 857. Jones, L. W. Perseveration. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1915,85, 698. 858. King, I. A comparison of slow and rapid readers. School & Soc, 1916, 4, 830-834. 859. Littwin, M. F. Literature memorization in the light of experimental pedagogy. Ped. Sem., 1916, 23, 502-527. 860. Lodge, R. C, & Jackson, J. L. Reproduction of prose passages. Psychol. Clinic, 1916, 10, 128-145. 861. Lyon, D. O. The relation of quickness of learning to re- tentiveness. Arch, of Psychol., 1916, 34, 1-60. 862. Muller, G. E. Zur Analyse der Gedachtnistatigkeit und des Vorstellungsverlaufes. Zsch.f. Psychol., 191 1, Ergb. 5. Pp. xiv + 403; 1913, Ergb. 8. Pp. viii + 567. 863. Murphy, H. H. Distribution of practice periods in learning. /. of E due. Psychol., 1916, 7, 150-163. 864. Myers, G. C. Some correlations between learning and recall. /. of E due. Psychol., 1916, 7, 548. 865. Myers, G. C, & C. E. Reconstructive Recall. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 493-506. 866. Peterson, J. The effect of attitude on immediate and de- layed reproduction: a class experiment. /. of Educ. Psy- chol., 1916, 7, 523-532. 867. Phillips, F. M. A comparison of the work done in suc- cessive minutes of a ten minute practice period in the fundamentals of arithmetic. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1916, 7, 271-278. 868. Strong, E. K., Jr. The factors affecting a permanent impression developed through repetition. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, 1, 319-338. 869. Thorndike, E. L. Notes on practice, improvability, and the curve of work. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 550-565. VI: 2, b] IMAGERY, RECOGNITION 59 b. Imagery, Recognition, Expectation, Imagination 870. Bartlett, F. C. An experimental study of some problems of perceiving and imaging. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1916, 8, 222-267. 871. Clark, H. Visual imagery and attention: an analytical study. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 461-492. 872. Edgell, B., Bartlett, F. C, Moore, G. E., & Carr, H. W. The implications of recognition. Proc. Aristot. Soc, 1916, 16, 179-233- 873. Langfeld, H. S. Concerning the image. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 180-190. 874. Peters, A. Gefiihl und Wiedererkennen. Fortschr. d. Psy- chol., 1916, 4, 120-133. 875. Segond, J. La dynamique de l'imagination pure, I. Rev. phil., 19 16, 82, 402-430, 569-585. 876. Strong, M. H., & Strong, E. K., Jr. The nature of recog- nition memory and of the localization of recognitions. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 341-363. 877. Washburn, M. F. Movement and mental imagery. (The Vassar semi-centennial series.) Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1916. Pp. xv + 252. 3. Thought: General (incl. Meaning and Understanding) 878. Casalini, A. Studi filosofici sulla cognizione. Roma, Loescher, 1914. 879. Gore, W. C. Memory, concept, judgment, logic (theory). Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 355-357- 880. Keyser, C. J. The human worth of rigorous thinking. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1916. Pp. 314. 881. Mackenzie, J. S. Laws of thought. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 289-307. 882. Muller-Freienfels, v. R. Das Denken und die Phantasie; psychologische Untersuchungen nebst Exkursen zur Psycho- pathologie, Aesthetik und Erkenntnistheorie. Leipzig: Barth, 1916. Pp. 341. 883. Reed, H. B. The existence and function of inner speech in thought processes. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1916, I, 365-392. 884. Ross, E. A. The organization of thought. Amer. J. of Soc, 1916, 22, 306-323. 60 THOUGHT: GENERAL [VI: 3 885. Wright, H. W. The object of perception versus the object of thought. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 437-441. 4. Comparison, Abstraction, Ideation Descoeudres, A. Couleur, position ou nombre? Suite des recherches experimentales sur le choix suivant l'age, le sexe et l'intelligence. Arch, de psychol., 1916, 16, 37-69. 887. Fisher, S. C. The process of generalizing abstraction, and its product, the general concept. Psychol. Monog., 1916, 21 (No. 90). Pp. v + 213. 888. Jacobson, M. Ueber die Erkennbarkeit optischer Figuren bei gleichem Netzhautbild und verschiedener scheinbare Grosse. Zsch. f. Psychol., 1916, 77, 1-91. 889. Truc, G. Psychologie de l'idee de substance. Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 243-270. 890. Turner, J. E. The nature and geometry of space. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 223-229. 5. Judgment and Belief; Reasoning 891. Broad, C. D. The nature and geometry of space. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 522-524. 892. Cailler, C. L'influence du facteur a priori dans revaluation de la probability des causes. Arch, de psychol., 1916, 16, 1-23. 893. De Laguna, T. On certain logical results. Phil. Rev., 191 6, 25, 16-27. 894. Drake, D. May belief outstrip evidence? Int. J. of Ethics, 1916, 26, 414-419. 895. James, W. La volonte de croire. (L. Moulin, trans.) Paris: Flammarion, 1916. Pp. 345. 896. Jourdain, P. E. B. The flying arrow: an anachronism. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 42-56. 897. Lewis, C. I. Types of order and the system 2. Phil. Rev., 191 6, 25, 407-420. 898. Lloyd, A. H. 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Wolters, A. W. The process of negation. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1916, 8, 183-21 1. 6. Psychology of Testimony; Diagnosis of Mental Situation 7. Disorders of Attention, Memory, and Thought VII. Social Functions of the Individual 1. General; Self and Objective World 910. Barnett, S. In what sense two persons perceive the same thing. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 837-842. 911. Bourdon, B. La doctrine pluraliste. Rev. phil., 1916, 81, 409-432. 912. Calkins, M. W. The self in recent psychology. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 20-27. 912a. Fawcett, E. D. The world as imagination. London: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. xiii + 623. 62 SOCIAL FUNCTIONS: SELF, OBJECTIVE WORLD [VII: 1 913. Jones, A. H. The problem of objectivity. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 778-787- 914. Kehr, M. W. The doctrine of the self in St. Augustine and in Descartes. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 587-615. 915. Laird, J. Berkeley's realism. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 308- 327- 916. Larmor, J. Relativity: a new year tale. Proc. Aristot. Soc, 1916, 16, 130-132. 917. Le Dantec, F. L'objectif et le subjectif. Rev. phil., 191 6, 82, 1-25. 918. Leighton, J. A. Percipients, sense data, and things. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 121-129. 919. MacDougall, R. The self and mental phenomena. Psy- chol. Rev., 1916, 23, 1-30. 920. Marden, O. S. The victorious attitude. New York: Crowell, 1916. Pp. 358. 921. Merrington, E. N. The problem of personality. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. viii + 229. 922. Nunn, T. P. Sense data and physical objects. Proc. Aristot. Soc, 1916, 16, 156-178. 923. Oakeley, H. D. On the relation of the theoretic to the practical activity. Proc. Aristot. Soc, 1916, 16, 133-155. 924. Rayner, E. A. The origin and development of persons. Phil. Rev., 1916, 25, 788-800. 925. Reyburn, H. A. The ego-centric predicament. Mind, n. s. 1916, 25, 365-374- 926. Scott, J. W. On the common-sense distinction of appearance and reality. Proc Aristot. Soc, 191 6, 16, 63-103. 927. Todd, A. J. Primitive notions of the "self." Amer. 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Notes on speech development. Child- Study, 1916, 9, 83-86. 938. Epstein, I. La pensee et la polyglossie; essai psychologique et didactique. Lausanne: Payot. Pp. 220. 939. Froschels, E. Hygiene der Stimme und Sprache. Med. Klinik, 1914, 10, 1255-1259. 940. Glogau, O. The diagnostic value of records of breathing and of speech. N. Y. Med. J., 1916, 103, 108-m. 941. Ito, S. A comparison of the Japanese folk-song and the occidental. A study in the psychology of form. Univ. of Calif. Publ. in Psychol., 1916, 2, 277-290. 942. Jackson, H. Clinical remarks on emotional and intellectual language in some cases of disease of the nervous system. (Reprint.) Brain, 191 5, 38, 43-47. 943. Jackson, H. Notes on the physiology and pathology of language. (Reprint.) Brain, 191 5, 38, 48-58. 944. Jackson, H. On the physiology of language. Brain, 191 5, 38, 59-64. 945. Jackson, H. Words and other symbols in mentation. Brain, 1915,38, 17S-187. 946. MacMahon, C. Voice and speech. (Abstract.) Brit. Med. 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VIII: 2] HYPNOSIS, SUGGESTION, PSYCHOANALYSIS 75 1 13 1. White, W. A. Mechanisms of character formation: an introduction to psychoanalysis. New York: Macmillan, 1916. Pp. 342. 1 132. White, W. A. Symbolism. Psychoanal. Rev., 1916, 3, 1-25. 1 133. Yoakum, C. S., & Hill, M. C. Persistent complexes derived through free association. /. of Abnorm. Psychol., 1916, XI, 215-257. 1 134. [Anon.] Proceedings of the American Psychoanalytic So- ciety. Psychoanal. Rev., 1916, 3, 455-464. 3. Psychical Research (Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Occultism) 1 135. Frank, H. Psychic phenomena, science, and immortality, being a further excursion into unseen realms beyond the point previously explored in " modern light on immor- tality " and a sequel to that previous record. (Ed. 2.) Boston: Sherman, French, 1916. Pp. 543. 136. Kulamer, J. The gift of mind to spirit. Boston: Sher- man, French, 1916. Pp. 227. 137. Larson, C. D. In the light of the spirit. New York: Crowell, 1916. Pp. 194. 138. Lodge, O. Recent evidence about prevision and survival. Proc. Soc. Psy. Res., 1916, 72, 111-169. 139. Martin, L. J. A case of pseudo-prophesy. Psychol. Rev., 1916, 23, 163-164. 140. Murray, G. The fringe of consciousness. Presidential address. Proc. Soc. Psy. Res., 191 6, 72, 46-63. 141. Piddington, J. G. Cross-examination of a Gallic type. Proc. Soc. Psy. Res., 1916, 72, 1-45. 142. Verrall, A. W. Report on a series of experiments in "guessing." Proc. Soc. Psy. Res., 1916, 72, 64-110. 143. Yost, C. S. Patience Worth; a psychic mystery. New York: Holt, 1916. Pp. 290. 76 NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [IX: 1 IX. Nervous and Mental Disorders i. General (Problems and Methods; Text-books, Reports, Discussions, Mental Diseases of Child- hood, Adolescence, and Senescence; Unclassed Disorders) 1 144. Abbot, E. S. Conference of Massachusetts Society for Mental Hygiene. IV. Preventable forms of mental disease and how to prevent them. (Publ. No. 12, Massachusetts Soc. of Mental Hygiene.) Bost. 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Environmental origin of mental disease in certain families. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 73, 223-240. 1 1 54. Briggs, L. V. How the state provides for its mentally ill. Bost. Med. & Surg. /., 191 6, 174, 703-708. 1 1 55. Brill, A. A. The psychopathology of noise. N. Y. Med. /., 1916, 104, 1134-1137. 1 156. Bronner, A. F. What do psychiatrists mean? /. of Nerv. y Ment. Dis., 191 6, 44, 30-33. 1 157. Brush, E. N. Our work as psychiatrists and its oppor- tunities. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 73, 1-17. IX: 1] NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL 77 158. Bumke, O. Gynakologie und Psychiatric Med. Klinik, 1913, 9, 1194-1196. 159. Burr, C. B. Art in the insane. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 73, 165-194; Psychoanal. Rev., 1916, 3, 361-385. 160. Busch, P. Parkinsonsche Krankheit und Unfall. (Diss.) Bonn, 1914. 161. Butler, P. Stage mad-folk in Shakespeare's day. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 73, 19-42. 162. Carbonell, — . La psychopathologie de Boliwar. Paris, Royer. 163. Child, C. M. 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R., & Rosanoff, A. J. Manual of psychiatry. 4th ed. New York: Wiley, 1916. Pp. ix + 522. 173. Dercum, F. X. Metabolism in insanity. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1916, 66, 1183-1188. 174. Dercum, F. X. Recent aspects of nervous and mental pathology. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1915, 65, 373-375. 175. Edel, M. Neurosen und Psychosen. (Abstract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 191 5, 41, 30. 176. Enge, — . Die Beziehung zwischen korperlichen Erkrank- ungen und Geistesstorungen. Med. Klinik, 1915, 11, 689- 691, 722-725. 78 NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [K: 1 1 1 77. Engelen, — ., & Rangette, — . Nachweis von Simulation durch das Assoziationsexperiment. Aerztl. sachv. Ztg., 22, 37-40- 1 1 78. Evarts, A. B. The ontogenetic against the phylogenetic elements in the psychoses of the colored race. Psychoanal. Rev., 1916, 3, 272-287. 1 1 79. Farrant, R. The causation and cure of certain forms of lunacy. Brit. Med. J., 1916 (No. 2895), 882-883. 1 1 80. Fein, A. 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Klink, — . Spattetanus und Krankenvorstellungen. (Ab- stract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 191 5, 41, 1 563-1 564. 1204. Kruger, H. Zur Frage nach einer vererbbaren Disposition zu Geisteskrankheiten und ihren Gesetzen. Zeitschr. f. d. ges. Neurol, u. Psychiat., 1914, 24, 1 13-182. 1205. Lamb, E. O. A survey of medical inspection in the city schools of California. Psychol. Clinic, 1916, 10, 124-127. 1206. Lambert, C. I. The clinical and anatomical features in Alzheimer's disease and related conditions. Psychiat. Bull, of N. Y. State Hosp., 1916, 9, 413-432. 1207. Lederer, V. Ein Beitrag zur Raynaudschen Krankheit im Kindesalter. Jahrb.f. Kinderhk., 1914, 80, 607-611. 1208. Lowrey, L. G. The Wassermann test in practical psychi- atry. An analysis of the results of the test on 1600 ad- missions to Danvers State Hospital. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 72, 601-610. 1209. Mason, B. H. Insanity by contagion. Bost. Med. fc? Surg. J., 1916, 174, 5-8. 8o NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [K: 1 1210. Mercier, C. Diet as a factor in the causation of mental disease. /. of Ment. Set., 1916, 62, 505-529; Lancet, 1916, 190, 510-513, 561-565. 1 21 1. Meyer, A. The scope of psychopathology. Psychiat. Bull. of N. Y. State Hosp., 191 6, 9, 297-305. 1 21 2. Meyer, — . (a) Pseudologia phantastica bei einem Psycho- pathen mit psychogenen Anfallen. (b) Psychogene Gang- storung. (c) Psychogene Lahmung eines Beins. (d) Psy- ' chogener Krampf. Dtsch. med. Woch., 191 5, 41, 842-843. 1 213. Meyer, — . Psychogene Storungen. (Abstract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 1915, 41, 332. 1 214. Morgenthaler, W. Bernisches Irrenwesen. Berne: Gru- nau, 1915. Pp. 154. 1215. Mullan, E. H. Mental hygiene. Public Health Reports, No. 164, 1914. Gov't Printing Office, Washington. Pp. 12. 1 21 6. Muller, — . Typhuspsychose. (Abstract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 1915, 41, 331-332. 1217. Neue, H. Moderne Diagnostik in Psychiatrie und Neur- ologie mit Hilfe von Liquor- und Blutuntersuchungen. Med. 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Problems of Instruction and of the Schoolroom 2191. Arnold, F. Weights and school progress. Psychol. Clinic, 1916, 10, 33-39. 2192. Baird, G. M. P. What one hundred freshmen read. School y Soc, 1916, 4, 254-257. 2193. Ballard, P. B. Norms of performance in reading. Child- Study, 1916, 9, 1-8. 2194. Barrows, S. T. Experimental phonetics as an aid to the study of language. Ped. Sem., 1916, 23, 63-76. 2195. Brown, E. F. Suggesting another method of teaching personal hygiene. School £s? Soc, 1916, 4, 148-151. 2196. Burnham, W. H. Posture as a condition of efficient brain activity. School fc? Soc, 1916, 4, 283-288. 2197. Cellerier, L. Le cinematographic dans l'enseignement. Veduc, 1916, 228. HO EDUCATION: SPECIAL SCHOOL PROBLEMS [XI: 3, b 2198. Deuchler, G. Beitrage zur Psychologie der Recheniibung und Rechenfertigkeit. I. Zsch. f. pad. Psychol., 1916, 17, 86-95. 2199. Farrell, E. E. 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School-books and eyesight. Further report of the committee consisting of G. A. Auden and others. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 191 5, 85, 234-238. 2226. Scofield, F. A. The difficulty of Ayre's spelling scale. School iff Soc, 1 91 6, 4, 339-340. 2227. Scott, W. Class B records in arithmetic. /. of Exp. Ped., 1916, 3, 358-364. 2228. Scott, W. Errors in arithmetic. /. of Exp. Ped., 1916, 3, 296-307. 2229. Smith, F. O. The relation of courses in general psychology to courses in education. School iff Soc, 1916, 4, 351-357. 2230. Snedden, D. The "project" as a teaching unit. School iff Soc, 1916, 4, 419-423. 2231. Stewart, S. F. A study of physical growth and school standing of boys. /. of Educ Psychol., 1916, 7, 414-426. 2232. Taylor, N. G. R. A sheaf of school verse. /. of Exp. Ped., 1916, 3, 364-369. 2233. Thorndike, E. L., &c. The effects of outside air and re- circulated air upon the intellectual achievement and im- provement of school pupils. School iff Soc, 1916, 3, 679- 684; 4, 260-264. 142 EDUCATION: SPECIAL SCHOOL PROBLEMS [XI: 3, b 2234. Tompkins, E. The pedagogue and the stammering child. Ped. Sem., 1916, 23, 127-129. 2235. Tupper, J. W. The teaching of English to engineers. School y Soc, 1916, 4, 53-58. 2236. Watson, E. E. The college freshman and mathematics. /. of E due Psychol., 1916, 7, 223-226. 2237. Winch, W. H. Additional researches on learning to spell: the questions of "transfer" and of "direct" versus "in- direct" methods. /. of E due. Psychol., 1916, 7, 93-111. 2238. Woody, C. Measurements of some achievements in arith- metic. School y Soc, 1 91 6, 4, 299-303. 2239. [Anon.] What becomes of the "special class" children? /. of Hered., 1916, 7, 248. XII. Mental Evolution; Behavior and the Animal Mind 1. Organic Evolution and Heredity (incl. Eugenics) 2240. Abbot, E. S. The causal relations between structure and function in biology. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 245- 250. 2241. Bagg, H. J. 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E., & Goodspeed, T. H. Hereditary reaction- system relations, — an extension of Mendelian concepts. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 6, 2, 240-244. 2252. Cook, O. F. Eugenics and agriculture. /. of Hered., 1916, 7, 249-253. 2253. Copeland, E. B. War selection in the Philippines. Scient. Mo., 1916,3, 151-154. 2254. Coulter, J. M. Evolution, heredity, and eugenics. (School and Science Series, No. 5.) Bloomington, 111.: Coulter, 1916. Pp. 133. 2255. Crichton-Browne, J. Bernhardi and creation; a new theory of evolution. Glasgow: J. Maclehouse, 1916. Pp. 72. 2256. Davenport, C. B. The form of evolutionary theory that modern genetical research seems to favor. Amer. Natural., 1 91 6, 50, 449-466. 2257. Davenport, C. B., & Muncey, E. B. Huntington's chorea in relation to heredity and eugenics. Amer. J. of Insan., 1916, 73, 195-222. 2258. Detlefsen, J. A. Pink-eyed white mice carrying the color factor. Amer. Natural., 191 6, 50, 46-49. 2259. Gini, C. Genetica e statistica rispetto all'eugenica. 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Newman, H. H. Heredity and organic symmetry in arma- dillo quadruplets. Biol. Bull., 1916, 30, 173-209. 2278. Osborn, H. F. The origin and evolution of life upon the earth. Scient. Mo., 1916, 3, 5-22, 170-190, 289-307, 313- 334, 502-513, 601-614. 2279. Otis, A. S. Heredity and mental defect. /. of Delinq., 1916, 1, 87-100, 125-128. 2280. Patterson, C. B. The rhythm of life. New York: Crowell, 1915. Pp. 303. 2281. Paulhan, F. Qu'est-ce que revolution? Rev. phil., 1916, 82, 505-546. 2282. Pearl, R. Modes of research in genetics. New York: Macmillan, 1915. Pp. vii + 182. 2283. Pearl, R. On the effect of certain poisons to the domestic fowl, with special reference to the progeny. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 1916, 55, 243-258. 2284. Pearl, R. The effect of parental alcoholism (and certain other drug intoxications) upon the progeny in the domestic fowl. Proc. Nat. Acad. Set., 191 6, 2, 380-384. Xn: 1] MENTAL EVOLUTION: HEREDITY 145 2285. Poponoe, P. 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[Anon.] Eugenics and military preparedness. /. of Hered., 1916, 7, 319. 2296. [Anon.] German suggestions for constructive eugenics. /. of Hered., 1916, 7, 262. 2297. [Anon.] War, immigration, eugenics. (Report of the com- mittee on immigration.) /. of Hered., 1916, 7, 243-247. 2. Plants; Organs and Responses 2298. Goebel, H. Das Rumphins-Phanomen und die primare Bedeutung der Blattgelenke. Biol. Centbl., 1916, 36, 49- 116. 2299. Osterhout, W. J. V. The nature of mechanical stimulation. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 237-239. 146 ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY: GENERAL [XII: 3, a 3. Animal Psychology and Behavior a. General (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) 2300. Donaldson, H. H. The rat, — data and reference tables for the Albino rat and the Norway rat. Memoirs of The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and Biology, No. 6. Phila- delphia, 1915. Pp. v + 278. 2301. Fenn, W. O. Similarity in the behavior of protoplasm and gelatine. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 6, 2, 539-543. 2302. Holmes, S. J. Studies in animal behavior. Boston: Badger, 1916. Pp. 226. 2303. Montane, L. A Cuban chimpanzee. (C. S. Rossy, trans.) /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 330-333. 2304. Rau, P., & Rau, N. The biology of the mud-daubing wasps as revealed by the contents of their nests. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 27-63. 2305. Sommer, — . Tierpsychologie in ihrem Verhaltnis zur Psychiatrie und experimentellen Psychologic (Abstract.) Dtsch. med. Woch., 191 5, 41, 272. 2306. Taliaferro, W. H. Literature for 1915 on the behavior of the lower invertebrates. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 375-382. 2307. Torrey, H. B. The physiological analysis of behavior. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 150-159. 2308. Turner, C. H. Literature for 191 5 on the behavior of spiders and insects other than ants. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 383-399- 2309. Vincent, S. B. Literature for 191 5 on the behavior of verte- brates. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 407-418. 2310. Wells, M. M. Literature for 1915 on ants and myr- mecophils. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 400-406. 231 1. Yerkes, R. M. Provision for the study of monkeys and apes. Science, 1916, 43, 231-234. b. Nervous System, Receptor and Effector Organs (cf. II) 2312. Arey, L. B. Changes in the red visual cells of the frog due to the action of light. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 429-448. XII: 3, b] ANIMALS: NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS 147 2313. Arey, L. B. The influence of light and temperature upon the migration of the retinal pigment of planorbis trivobis. /. of Comp. Neur., 191 6, 26, 359-391. 2314. Arey, L. B. The function of the efferent fibres of the optic nerve of fishes. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 213-247. 2315. Arey, L. B. The movements in the visual cells and retinal pigment of the lower vertebrates. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 121-203. 2316. Allen, W. F. Studies on the spinal cord and medulla of cyclostomes with special reference to the formation and expansion of the roof plate and the flattening of the spinal cord. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 9-79. 2317. Bailey, P. Morphology of the roof plate of the fore- brain and the choroid plexuses in the human embryo. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 79-120. 2318. Burr, S. Regeneration in the brain of the amblystoma. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 203-211. 2319. Cary, L. R. The influence of the marginal sense organs on the rate of regeneration in Cassiopea xamachana. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 21, 1-23. 2320. Cary, L. R. The influence of marginal sense organs on metabolic activity in Cassiopea xamachana bigelow. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 709-712. 2321. Chase, M. R. An experimental study of the vagus nerve. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 421-429. 2322. Coghill, G. E. Correlated anatomical and physiological studies of the growth of the nervous system of amphibia. II. The afferent system of the head of the amblystoma. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 247-341. 2323. Detwiler, S. R. The effect of light on the retina of the tortoise and of the lizard. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 20, 165— 192. 2324. Donaldson, H. H. The relation of myelin to the loss of water in the mammalian nervous system with advancing age. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 350-356. 2325. Erhardt, E. Zur Kenntnis der Innervierung und der Sinnesorgane der Flugel von Insekten. Zool. Jahrb., Abt.f. Anat. u. Ontog. d. Tiere, 191 6, 39, 293-334. 2326. Fasten, N. The eye of the parasitic copepod, Salmincola edwardsi Olsson (Lernaeopoda edwardsii Olsson). Biol. Bull., 1916, 31, 379-406. 148 ANIMALS: NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS [XII: 3, b 2327. Gley, E., & Quinquand, A. Des rapports entre la secretion surrenale et la fonction vaso-motrice du nerf splanchnique. Acad. d. set., 1916, 162, 86-88. 2328. Grey, E. G. On localization of function in the canine cerebellum. /. of Nerv. & Merit. Dis., 1916, 43, 105-120. 2329. Hammesfahr, C. Ueber eine neue Methode der inter- mittierenden elektrischen oder mechanischen Reizung von Organen und Nerven im chronischen Versuch bei sonst normalem Versuchstier. Berl. klin. Woch., 191 5, 52, 127- 129. 2330. Hilton, W. A. The nervous system of pycnogonids. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 463-474. 2331. Johnston, J. B. Evidence of a motor pallium in the fore- brain of reptiles. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 475-480. 2332. Kepner, W. A., & Taliaferro, W. H. Organs of special sense of Prorhynchus applanatus Kennel. /. of Morph., 1916, 27, 163-173. 2333. King, H. D. On the postnatal growth of the body and of the central nervous system in albino rats that are under- sized at birth. Anat. Record, 1916, 11, 41-53. 2334. Kocher, R. A. The effect of activity on the histological structure of nerve cells. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 341- 357- 2335. Lashley, K. S. Sensory physiology of animals. Psychol. Bull, 1916, 13, 3°9-3i5- 2336. Mayer, A. G. Further studies of nerve conduction in Cassiopea. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 721-726. 2337. Mayer, A. G. Nerve conduction and other reactions in Cassiopea. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 39, 375-393. 2338. Mayer, A. G. Nerve conduction in the non-medullated nerves of medusa cassiopea. (Abstract.) Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp., 1916, 27, 189. 2339. Parker, G. H. Nervous transmission in sea anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 437-438. 2340. Parker, G. H. The effectors of sea-anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 385-386. 2341. Parker, G. H. The effector system of actinians. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 21, 461-484. 2342. Parker, G. H. The responses of the tentacles of sea- anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 6, 2, 438-440. 2343. Parker, G. H. Types of neuromuscular mechanism in sea- anemones. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 19 16, 55, 340-342. XII: 3,b] ANIMALS: NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS 149 2344. Parker, G. H., & Titus, E. G. The neuromuscular structure of sea-anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 339-341. 2345. Parker, G. H., & Titus, E. G. The structure of Metridium (Actinoloba) marginatum Milne-Edwards with special reference to its neuro-muscular mechanism. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 21, 433-46o. 2346. Pfefferkorn, A. Das Nervensystem der Octopoden. Zsch.f. zviss. Zool., 1915, 114, 425-531. 2347. Smallwood, W. M. A short spinal cord in the toad. Anat. Record, 1916, 10, 515-516. 2348. Rasmussen, A. T. Theories of hibernation. Amer. Natur- al., 1916, 50, 609-625. 2349. Rasmussen, A. T., & Myers, J. A. Absence of chromato- lytic change in the central nervous system of the wood- chuck (Marmota monax) during hibernation. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 429-448. 2350. Smith, P. E. Experimental ablation of the hypophysis in the frog embryo. Science, 1916, 44, 280-282. 2351. Thompson, C. B. The brain and the frontal gland of the castes of the "white ant," Leucotermes flavipes, Kollar. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 553-603. 2352. Vitali, G. Sur les troubles fonctionnels et sur le lesions histologiques dependant de la destruction de l'organe nerveux de sens que j'ai decrit dans l'orielle moyenne des oiseaux. Arch. ital. de biol., 191 5, 64, 17-44. c. Mental Processes and Functions {Sensation, Perception, Emotion, etc.) 2353. Brun, R. Die raumliche Orientierung der Ameisen. Na- ture. Umschau d. Chem., 1916, 5, 1-9. 2354. Crozier, W. J. Regarding the existence of the "common chemical sense" in vertebrates. /. of Comp. Neur., 1916, 26, 1-9. 2355. Furness, W. H. Observations on the mentality of chim- panzees and orang-utans. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, 1916, 55, 281-290. 2356. Gruber, K. Denkende Tiere. Sitzber. d. Gesell. f. Morph. u. Physiol., Munch., 191 3, 29, 82-91. 2357. Hess, C. Messende Untersuchung des Lichtsinnes der Biene. Pfliiger's Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol, 1916, 163, 289- 320. ISO ANIMALS: SENSATION, DISCRIMINATION [XII: 3, c 2358. Hubbert, H. B., & Johnson, H. M. Habit formation and higher mental capacities in animals. Psychol. Bull., 1916, 13, 316-323- 2359. Johnson, H. M. Some recent experiments on vision in animals. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1915, 10, 502-514. 2360. Johnson, H. M. Visual pattern-discrimination in the verte- brates. /. of Animal Behav., 6, 169-221. 2361. Kempf, E. J. Did consciousness of self play a part in the behavior of this monkey? /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1916, 13, 410-412. 2362. Kempf, E. J. Two methods of subjective learning in the monkey Macacus rhesus. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 256-265. 2363. Lashley, K. S. The color vision of birds. I. The spectrum of the domestic fowl. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 1-26. 2364. Lillie, F. R. The theory of the free-martin. Science, 1916,43, 611-613. 2365. Myers, G. C. The importance of primacy in the learning of a pig. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 64-69. 2366. Peterson, J. Tone and noise perception in the white rat. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 327-329. 2367. Schanz, F. Zum Farbensinn der Bienen. Munch, med. Woch., 1 91 6, 63, 11. 2368. Stellwaag, F. Zum Farbensinn der Bienen. Munch, med. Woch., 1916, 63, 1915. 2369. Yerkes, R. M. A new method of studying ideational and allied forms of behavior in man and other animals. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 631-634. 2370. Yerkes, R. M. Ideational behavior of monkeys and apes. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 6, 2, 639-642. 2371. Yerkes, R. M. The mental life of monkeys and apes: a study of ideational behavior. Behav. Monog., 1916, 3 (No. 12), 1-145. d. Animal Activities: Behavior {Instinct, Habit, and Higher Plastic Adjustments) 2372. Allard, H. A. The synchronal flashing of fireflies. Science, 1916, 44, 7io. 2373. Allard, H. A., & Dunn, E. R. The song of Fowler's toad. Science, 1916, 44, 463-464, 784-790. XII: 3, d] ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR 151 2374. Allee, W. C. Chemical control of rheotoxia in Asellus. /. of Exp. Z00L, 1916, 21, 163-198. 2375. Bingham, H. C. Setting reactions of bird dogs to turtles. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 371-373. 2376. Buddenbrock, W. v. A criticism of the tropism theory of Jacques Loeb. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 341-366. 2377. Burtt, H. E. A study of the behavior of the white rat by multiple choice method. /. of Animal Behav., 191 6, 6, 222-246. 2378. Churchill, E. P., Jr. The learning of a maze by goldfish. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 247-255. 2379. Coward, T. A. A change in the habits of the black-headed gull. Proc. Manchester Lit. & Phil. Soc, 1916, 60, (3). Pp. 6. 2380. Coward, T. A. A note on the behaviour of a blackbird; a problem in mental development. Proc. Manchester Lit. y Phil. Soc, 191 5, 59, (7). Pp. 8. 2381. Craig, W. Synchronism in the rhythmic activities of animals. Science, 1916, 44, 784-786. 2382. Dahlgren, U. The production of light by animals. /. Franklin Instit., 1915, 180, 513-537, 711-727; 1916, 181, 109-125, 337-400, 525-556, 659-696. 2383. Dolley, W. L., Jr. Reactions to light in Vanessa antiopa with special reference to circus movements. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 20, 357-420. 2384. Du Porte, E. M. Death-feigning reactions in Tychius picirostris. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 138-149. 2385. Fletcher, J. M., Cowan, E. A., & Arlitt, A. H. Experi- ments on the behavior of chicks hatched from alcoholized eggs. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 103-137. 2386. Goodale, H. D. Note on the behavior of capons when brooding chicks. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 319-324. 2387. Grave, C. The process of feeding in the oyster. Science, 1916, 44, 178-181. 2388. Hamilton, G. V. A study of perseverance reactions in primates and rodents. Behav. Monog., 1916, 3 (No. 13). Pp. 65. 2389. Harris, J. A. The habits of oviposition of the beetle Bruchus. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 325-326. 2390. Henning, H. Kunstliche Geruchsfahrte und Reaction- struktur der Ameise. Zsch. f. Psychol., 1916, 74, 161-202. 152 ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR [XII: 3, d 2391. Howat, I. The effects of nicotine upon the reflex action of some cutaneous sense organs in the frog. Amer. J. of Physiol, 1916, 39, 447~454~ 2392. Kanda, S. Studies on the geotropism of the marine snail, Littorina littorea. Biol. Bull., 1916, 30, 57-97. 2393. Labbe, H., & Wahl, M. Recherches sur l'intoxication des insectes du genre pediculus par les vapeurs de differents corps mineraux ou organiques. /. de physiol. et de path, gen., 191 5, 60, 873-888. 2394. Lameere, M. A. Les moeurs sociales des animaux. Bull. instil, gen. psychol., 191 6, 16, 23-39. 2395. Langley, W. H. Observations upon tropical fishes and inferences from their adaptive coloration. Proc. Nat. Acad, of Sci., 1916, 2, 733-737- 2396. Loeb, J., & Wasteneys, H. The relative efficiency of various parts of the spectrum for the heliotropic reactions of animals and plants. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 20, 217-236. 2397. Macnamara, N. C. Instinct and intelligence. (Oxford Med. Publ.). London: Frowde, and Hodder & Stoughton, 1915. Pp. 224. 2398. Mast, S. O. The process of orientation in the colonial organism, Gonium pectorale, and a study of the structure and function of the eyespot. /. of Exp. Zool., 191 6, 20, 1-18. 2399. Mast, S. O., & Lashley, K. S. Observations on the ciliary current in free-swimming paramoecia. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 21, 281-293. 2400. McDermott, F. A. Flashing of fireflies. Science, 1916, 44, 610. 2401. Moore, A. R. The mechanism of orientation in Gonium. /. of Exp. Zool., 1916, 21, 431-432. 2402. Moore, A. R., & Kellogg, F. M. Note on the galvano- tropic response of the earthworm. Biol. Bull., 1916, 30, I3I-I34- 2403. Moore, H. T. A method of testing the strength of instincts. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1916, 27, 227-234. 2404. Morse, E. S. Fireflies flashing in unison. Science, 191 6, 44, 387-388. 2405. Muller, H. R., & Weed, L. H. Notes on the falling reflex of cats. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 40, 373-379. 2406. Parker, G. H. Locomotion of sea-anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1916, 2, 449-450. XII: 3, d] ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR 1 53 2407. Parker, G. H. The behavior of sea-anemones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci.} 1916, 2, 450-452. 2408. Rau, P., & Rau, N. Notes on the behavior of certain solitary bees. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 367-370. 2409. Sayle, M. H. The reactions of necturus to stimuli received through the skin. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 81-102. 2410. Schaeffer, A. A. On the behavior of amoeba toward fragments of glass and carbon and other indigestible sub- stances, and toward some very soluble substances. Biol. Bull., 1916, 31, 303-328. 241 1. Schaeffer, A. A. On the feeding habits of amoeba. /. of Exp. Z00L, 1916, 20, 529-584. 2412. Shannon, H. J. Insect migrations as related to those of birds. Scient. Mo., 191 6, 3, 227-240. 2413. Sokolowsky, A. Beitrage zur Psychologie der Anthropo- morphen. Der Nestbau der Menschenaffen. Med. Klinik, 1915, 11, 619-621. 2414. Torrey, H. B. Tropisms and instinctive activities. Psy- chol. Bull., 1916, 13, 297-308. 2415. Turner, C. H. Notes on the feeding behavior and ovi- position of a captive American false spider (Eremobates formicaria Koch.). /. of Animal Behav., 1916,6, 160-168. 2416. Walton, A. C. Reactions of Paramoecium caudatum to light. /. of Animal Behav., 1916, 6, 335-340. 2417. Wenrich, D. H. Notes on the reactions of bivalve mollusks to changes in light intensity: image formation in pecten. /. of Animal Behav., 191 6, 6, 297-318. 2418. Wheeler, W. M. The marriage-flight of a bull-dog ant (Myrmecia sanguinea F. Smith). /. of Animal Behav., 1 91 6, 6, 70-73. 2419. Young, R. T. Some experiments on protective coloration. /. of Exp. Z00L, 1916, 20, 457-508. INDEX OF AUTHORS Abbot, 70, 1 144, 1 145, 2240 Abelson, 1961 Abraham, 930 Adams, G. P., 996 Adams, H. F., 1056, 1057 Adams, J. B., 1940 Addinsell, 276 Adkins, 1819 Adrian, 208, 216 Albrecht, H., 1283 Albrecht, O., 794 Alexander, 176 Allan, 21 18 Allard, 2372, 2373 Allee, 2374 Allen, C. L., 1333 Allen, W. F., 2316 Allport, F., 51, 603, 2081 Allport, F. H., 5 Almack, 544 Alspach, 531 Alt, 277 Alvarez, 223 Amantea, 159 Amar, 1820 Ames, 21 19 Anderson, H. M., 258 Anderson, H. W., 1962 Anderson, J. E., 1985 Anderson, M. M., 591 Anderson, V. V., 1904 Andrews, 160 Angell, E. B., 1146 Angell, J. R., 667 Angelotti, 1726 Angerer, 278 Ansch, 279 Anschiitz, 774 Archer, 834 Archibald, 1334 Arey, 2312, 2313, 2314, 2315 Arlitt, 2385 Armstrong, 71 Arnold, 2191 Arnoldi, 604 Aron, 1 147 Arps, 544, 605, 847 Arreat, 1685 Asayama, 734 Aschaffenburg, G., 1516 Aschaffenburg, — ., 1 148 Ash, 795 Asher, 224 Ashley, 1335 Astwazaturof, 280 Athanassio-Benisty, 281 Auer, 1456, 1457 Auerbach, 282, 1149 Axenfeld, 606 Ayer, 951 Babcock, 1727, 1728 154 Bachmann, 161 Bacon, 997 Bagg, 2241 Baglioni, 259, 958 Bailey, 1458, 2317 Baird, G.pVI. P., 2192 Baird, J. W., 841 Bakewell, 960 Baldwin, 1963, 2120 Baley, 483 Ball, 283 Ballard, 1964, 2193 Ballou, 1965 Barany, 471 Barcroft, 695 Barenne, de, 260 Barker, 1573 Barnes, C. B., 1905 Barnes, J. C, 760 Barnett, 910 Barnum, 2121 Barrows, 2194 Bartlett, 870, 872 Barton, 11 50 Barwald, 1698 Bassoe, 284 Bateman, 931, 2122, 2123 Batson, 764 Batten, 1336 Bauer, 72 Bayliss, n, 128 Beanblossom, 1966 Beck, 250, 607, 1574 Behr, 1337 INDEX OF AUTHORS 155 Beier, 1459 Beifeld, 225 Bell, H. H., 285 Bell, J. C, 1967, 2053, 2082 Bell, W. B., 1 701 Benedict, 1066 Benedikt, M., 796, 1461 Benedikt, — ., 1460 Benisty (see Athan- assio-B.) Bennati, 192 Bennett, C. A., 12, 73 Bennett, F., 842 Bentley, 13, 177,443, 1821, 1822 Berger, 1575 Berghahn, 286 Bergl, 797 Bergonzoli, 1151 Bergson, 1823 Beritoff, 735 Bernhardt, 287 Bernheim, 1318 Berry, C. S., 1091 Berry, E. W., 1729 Bertschinger, 1558 Besch, 1686 Bess, 2124 Bessmer, 761 Best, 562 Bethe, 209 Beuttenmuller, 562 Beyer, T. P., 932 Beyer,—., 151 7 Bianchi, L., 261 Bianchi, V., 1824 Bickel, 210 Biedl, 696 Bigelow, 1338 Bikeles, 288, 289, 575, 1339 Billingsley, 242, 243, 244 Binet, 1284, 1285, 2083 Bing, A., 608 Bing, R., 1 1 52 Bingham, H. C, 2375 Bingham, W. V., 933, 1969 Binnie, 226 Binswanger, 1576 Birch, 1970 Birch-Hirschfeld, 609 Birnbaum, 484 Bisch, 1906 Bittorf, 290, 1577 Black, 493 Blanchard, 1825 Blanton, 798, 799 Bliss, M. A., 1340 Bliss, S. H., 1826 Blondel, 532 Blumer, 1193 Boas, 998, 999, 1047, 1730, 2242, 2243 Bobertag, 1971 Bode, 74, 176 Bohn, 2084 Boirac, 1000, 1092 Bois (see DuB.) Boldrini, 1699 Bolten, 1462 Bolton, 291 Bon (see LeB.) Bondurant, 1341 Bonheim, 454 Bonhoffer, 15 18 Boorstein, 1365 Boothby, 697 Boring, 455, 597 Bosanquet, 75 Boschi, 192 Bosner, 1972 Boswell, 843 Boule, 173 1 Bourdon, 76, 911 Bourgeois, 1827 Bourguignon, 211 Bourlon, 1732 Boutroux, 1827, 1828, 1829 Boven, 1559 Bovingdon, 2125 Bowers, E. F., 1067 Bowers, P. E., 1669, 1907 Bowler, 1973 Bowman, 14, 77 Bradford, E. J. G., 1974 Bradford, S. C, 533 Bradley, 934 Bramwell, B., 291 Bramwell, W., 610 Brandenburg, G. C, 935 Brandenburg, J., 935 Braun, 327 Brav, 545 Breed, 952 Brehem, 1342 Breiger, 1560 Breuer, 1519 Breuil, 1733, 1734, 1737 Bridges, 2275 Brigger, 1908 Briggs, 1 153, 1 154 Brill, 1 155 Brindel, 1520 156 INDEX OF AUTHORS Brink, 1942 Bristol, 1830 Broad, 891 Brock, 14a Brodmann, 262 Bronner, 11 56, 1916, 1975, 1976 Brouwer, 292 Brown, A. J., 129 Brown, A. R., 1047 Brown, E. F., 2195 Brown, H. A., 1977 Brown, H. C, 52, 936 Brown, R. G., 1001 Brown, S., 1578 Brown, S., II., 1002 Brown, T. G., 263 Brown, W., 1060, 1702, 1723 Brown, W. A., 1003 Browne (see Crich- ton-B.) Brownell, 1978 Bruce, A. N., 611 Bruce, H. A., 1286, 2085 Bruckner, 1979 Brugmans, 844 Brun, 2353 Brunn, 293 Bruns, 612 Brush, 1 157 Bryant, 252 Bryce, 1287 Bryse, 1735 Buddenbrock, 2376 Biihler, 586 Bumke, 1158 Bunker, 1405 Bunnemann, 1521, 1579 Burge, 519, 613 Burgess, E. W., 1831 Burgess, T. J. W., "93 Burkitt, 1734 Burnett, 724 Burnham, 178, 2196 Burns, 15, 16 Burpitt, 2086 Burr, C. B., 1068, 1159 Burr, S., 2318 Burrell, 17 Burrow, 1094, 1522 Burton-Opitz, 227 Bum, 835, 845, 2377 Bury, 294 Busch, 1 160 Buschan, G., 1580 Buschan, — ., 1736 Bussey, 117 Butler, 1 161 Butterworth, 2027 Byers, 2126 Byrnes, 1343, 1344 Cabot, 18 Cadwalader, 295 Cahen, 296 Cailler, 892 Caldwell, 520 Calkins, 912, 1004 Cameron, 959 Campbell, 1345 Camus, 1703 Canavan, 297, 1571 Cannon, 698, 699, 700, 701 Capitan, 1737 Carabellese, 983 Carbonell, 1162 Carey, 2087 Carlson, 451 Carnes, 456 Carr, A. M., 342 Carr, H., 457, 587 Carr, H. W., 444, 872 Cary, 2319, 2320 Casali, 1832 Casalini, 878 Cassirer, 298 Castle, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2247, 2248, 2249 Caullery, 2250 Cazzamalli, 1833 Cellerier, 2127, 2128, 2197 Cepelka, 1334 Chadwick, 118 Chambers, 78 Chapman, 776, 793, 846, 1980, 2129 Charlesworth, 2130 Chase, H. W., 79 Chase, M. R., 2321 Chassell, 1981 Child, 1 1 63 Christiansen, 1985 Church, 1346 Churchill, 2378 Cimbal, 1670 Ciulli-Paratore, 765, 982 Clark, H., 478, 871, 1834 Clark, L. P., 1463 Clark, T., 213 1 Clarke, 800, 1347 Claparede, E., 1069, 2088 Claparede, M., 1687 INDEX OF AUTHORS 157 Clausen, 2251 Claussen, 1581 Clerk, 2132 Climenko, 299 Cobb, 494, 546, 563 Cock, 2133 Coe, 1005 Coghill, 2322 Cohen, 80, 130, 179, ^1835 Cohn, 614 Collier, 300 Collin, 2089 Collins, 1348, 1349, I35°> I35i Commons, 2090 Conrad, 847 Consiglio, 1836, 1909 Conway, 1006, 2134 Cook, H. D., 547 Cook, O. F., 2252 Cook, P. H., 702 Coover, 81 Copeland, 1738, Copp, E. F., 969 Copp, O., 1 164 Corbei, 777 Corbett, 703 Cordier, 1070 Cords, 318 Core, 615 Coriat, 301, 1352 Corson-White, 1464 Costello, 82 Cotton, 1353, 1464 Coulter, 2254 Coupland, 1165 Courtier, 1095, 1901 Courtney, J. W., 1354 Courtney, W. L., 2135 Covington, 1058 Cowan, E. A., 848, 2385 Coward, 2379, 2380 Cowdery, 1910 Cowles, 1 166 Cowper, 302 Cox, 53 Coxe, 1982 Cozzi, 1739 Crafts, 180, 1911 Craig, C. B., 303, 304 Craig, W., 2381 Crane, 117 Crenshaw, 1071, ^ 1355, 146S Crichton-Browne, 2255 Crile, 1, 704, 1837 Crittenden, 495 Croft, 1 1 67 Cropp, 971 Crozier, 212, 464, 2354 Cruickshank, 1168 Csiky, 305, 1 561 Culp, 952 Culpin, 1 169 Cuneo, 1 1 70 Cunninghan, 1983 Curtis, 581, 778 Cushing, 306, 431, 1466 Cutler, 307 Dabney, 588, 752 Dahlgren, 2382 Dallenbach, 836 Dana, 1171, 1467 Dandouau, 1007 Dandy, 346 Danforth, 616, 2264 Dantec (see Le D.) Darier, 308 Darling, 1356 Dashiell, 2136 Dauriac, 83 Davenport, 2256, 2257 David, 2137 Davidson, 2041 Davis, 54 Dawkins, 2138 Dawson, 309 de (see also — , de) Dealey, 2139 Dearborn, G. V. N., 84, 668, 669, 753, 2091 Dearborn, W. F., 162, 1984, 1985 Dederer, 1387 de Fursac, 1172 Delacroix, 1008 Delage, 1072, 1073, 1074, 1096, 1688 DeLaguna, G. A., 445 DeLaguna, T., 184, 893 Delcourt, 1740 Del Greco, 1704 De Laski, 458 de la Vaissiere, 2184 De Lisi, 705 de Motos (see M — , de) Denker, 617 Denton, 754 Deonna, 1009 Dercum, 1173, 1174, 1468, 1562, 1671 De Sanctis, 19, 1075, 2179 153 INDEX OF AUTHORS de Sarlo, 1955 Descoeudres, 886 Detlefsen, 2258 Detwiler, 2323 Deuchler, 2198 Devine, 1357 Dewey, J., 20, 85 Dewey, R., 1193 de Zeltner (see Z — de) Dietrich, 310 Diller, 1358 Dimmick, 459 Dixon, 228 Dodge, 576 Doll, 1288, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989 Dolley, 2383 Dominick, 1582 Donaldson, 200, 2300, 2324 Donath, 1583 Donkin, 1672 Dooley, 670, 1097 Dore, 1673 Douglass, 2140 Downey, 953 Doxee, 21 Drack, 311 Drake, 894, 984 Draper, 1359 Drever, 1990, 2141 Drew, 1 01 2 Drewry, 11 93 Dreyfus, 312, 313 Driesch, 120 Drummond, M., 937 Drummond, W. B., 2092 Dryfoos, 1098 Drysdale, 1360 du (see — , du) Duane, 1059 DuBois, 747 Dubois, P. L., 1406 Duckworth, 1741 Duel, 472 Dufaux, 1838 Dugas, 661, 1705, . i839 Duncan, 1361 Dundas, 1010 Dunham, F. L., 1991 Dunham, J. H., 22 Dunlap, 86, 131, 485, 582 Dunn, E. R., 2373 Dunn, W. S., 1912 Dunton, 1362 DuPorte, 2384 Durkheim, 1011 Dwelshauvers, 1099 Dyroff, 970 Earley, 1374 Edaile, 201 Edel, 1 175, 1363 Eder, Dr. & Mrs., 2093 Eder, M. D., 1584 Edgell, 872 Edinger, 314 Edridge-Green, 548, 549, 564 Eichhorst, 1364 Elliot, 121 Elliott, 1365 Ellis, F. W., 163 Ellis, H., 1706 Ellwood, 1840, 1 841 Elsberg, 315, 316, 317 Emerson, 1100 Enge, 1 1 76 Engelen, 849, 850, 1177, 1523, 1585, 1586 English, 687 Epstein, 938 Erhardt, 2325 Eschweiler, 264, 318 ■ Estabrook, 1943 Eulenburg, 1076 Euziere, 1366 Evans, A., 418 Evans, E., 1533 Evans, J. E., 688 Evard, 1992 Evarts, 11 78 Everth, 1842 Fahr, 319 Farrant, 11 79 Farrar, 1367 Farrell, 2199 Fasten, 2326 Fauser, 1524 Fawcett, 912a Feilchenfeld, 565 Fein, 11 80 Feingold, 985 Feiss, 245 Feleky, 671 Fell, 320 Fenn, 2301 Ferguson, 1743 Fernald, G. G., 1993 Fernald, G. M., 191 3 Fernberger, 598, 599, 779, 2142 Ferrari, 672, 1843, 1844, 1845 Ferree, 164, 496, 497, 521, 550, 551 INDEX OF AUTHORS 159 Fiessinger, 1689 Findlay, 723 Finlayson, 1944 Fischer, A., 23 Fischer, E., 1744 Fisher, D. C, 986 Fisher, S. C, 887 Fitts, 2200 Flatau, 1101, 1181, 1182 Fleischhauer, 321 Fletcher, 801 Fleure, 1745 Flexner, 1368, 1369 Flood, 1469 Folliet, 1847 Forbes, 217 Forbush, 2094 Forster, 322 Forsyth, 1587 Foster, W. F., 1994 Foster, W. S., 662, 843 Foucault, 589 Fox, 1012 Frangenheim, 323 Frank, H., 1135 Frank, P., 324 Frankel, E., 325 Frankel, L., 11 83 Frankel, M., 766 Franklin (see Ladd- 1104, 1 519, 1690, 1707, 1708 Friedlander, R. J., 326 Gay nor, 1749 Geissler, 182 George, 954 Gerard, 1850 Friedlander, W., 618 Gere, 1467 Friedman, 1289 Gerstmann, 289, 1339 Friesner, 327 Frobes, 2 Frohlich, E., 1588 Frohlich, F. W., 552 Froschels, 802, 803, 804, 939, 1848 Frost, E. P., 1077 Frost, H. P., 1 185 Fuchs, 1526, 1849 Fuller, J. K., 767 Fuller, W., 132 Furness, 2355 Fiirnrohr, 278, 328, 1470 Fursac (see also de F.) Gabelli, 987 Galletti, 1747 Gamble, E. A. McC 181, 465, 851, Gamble, M. F 1372 Gamper, 1589 Gardiner, 663 Gardner, 498 Garnett, 2143 F.) Franz, 265, 460, 1 1 84 Garte, 1013 Fraser, D., 1525 Garton, 1590 Fraser, F. R., 1370 Frassetto, 1746 Frauenthal, 1371 Freeman, 1995, 1996, 2201 Freud, 1102, 1103, Gaselberg, 619 Gaskell, 229 Geschelin, 706 Gesell, 230 Gessner, 329 Geyer, 24 Ghillini, 1 105 Giachetti, 1851 Giannuli, 253 Gibson, 673 Gierlich, N., 1373 Gierlich, — ., 330 Giese, 1997 Giessler, 674 Gifford, 620 Gilbreth, F. B., 781 Gilbreth, L. M., 781 Gilchrist, 855 Gill, 1014 Gilliland, 2218 Gilman, 782 Gilpin, 1374 852 Gini, 2259 H., Giraud, 1366 Giuffrida-Ruggeri, 1 75 1 Giuliano, 961 Gley, 2327 Glogau, 820, 940 Gliick, 1015, 1290 Goblot, 1752 Goddard, 1945, 2144, 2202 Gates, 780, 853, 854, Goebel, 2298 1709 Gold, 2013 Gaupp, 1527 Goldberg, 1375 Gautier, 1748 Goldenweiser, A., 1047 i6o INDEX OF AUTHORS Goldenweiser, A. A., ^1753 Goldschmidt, 499, 522 Goldstein, 331 Golla, 165 Goodale, 2386 Goodspeed, 2251 Gordon, A., 332, 1 136, 1320, 1321, 1376, 1377, H7I, 1674, 2260 Gordon, M. B., 805 Gore, 879 Gorfinkle, 989 Goring, 1675 Gosline, 1528 Gotjes, 1 591 Gottesberge (see Meyer zum G.) Gotzky, 373 Gould, 768 Grabner, 1047 Gradenigo, 486 Grady, 2145 Graefe, 621 Graham, 2146 Grandidier, A., 1016 Grandidier, G., 1016 Grasset, 333 Gratzl, 334 Graul, 335 Grave, 2387 Graves, G. M., 2203 Graves, S. M., 955 Gray, H. M. W., 336 Gray, L. H., 1017 Gray, P. L., 2204 Greco (see Del G.) Green (see Edridge- G.) Green, J. A., 2205 Gregg, 1529 Gregor, 1946 Gregory, 1078 Greve, 1472 Grey, 337, 338, 2328 Griffith, A. H., 1473 Griffith, J. P. C, " ^1378 Grigorescu, 1474 Grimberg, 1079 Groos, 1018 Grossman, J., 1379 Grossman, M., 1475 Grothuysen, 1380 Grove, C. C, 55 Grove, L. W., 13 81 Groves, 25, 1853 Gruber, C. M., 701 Gruber, K., 2356 Griinberg, 2095 Grupe, 2206 Gudden, 1592 Gunther, A. E., 714 Giinther, A., 856 Guthrie, 56 Gutzmann, 806, 1593 Haas, 748 Haberer, 707 Haberlin, 26 Haberman, 1998, 1999 Haeckel, 1019 Halbey, 1382, 1676 Haldane, 2147 Hall-Quest, 2096 Haines, E. L., 1187 Haines, T. H., 1914, 1915, 2000, 2001, 2002 Hall, A. J., 1530 Hall, G. S., 1947 Halliburton, 228, 231 Hallock, 339 Hammesfahr, C., 2329 Hammesfahr, — ., 1594 Hamilton, A. E., 2261 Hamilton, A. S., 340 Hamilton, G. V., 2388 Hammett, 684 Handrik, 166 Hannay, 1754 Harbin, 461 Hardy, 473 Harford, 622 Harpe, 1476 Harris, D. F., 153 1 Harris, J. A., 133, 600, 2262, 2389 Harris, J. R., 1020 Harrison, E., 990 Harrison, F. M., 1188 Harrison, G., 2148 Hartman, 87 Hartmann, 1595 Hartridge, 167, 500 Hartshorne, H., 1021 Hartshorne, I., 623 Harwood, 341, 1596 Hassin, 342 Hastings, 343 Havens, 1422 Hawkes, 1755 Hayes, 566 Hay ward, 1597 Head, 1322 Healy, 191 6 Hearnshaw, 2207 Heilbronner, 2003 INDEX OF AUTHORS 161 Hcilman, 2149 Hcinrichs, 1477 Heller, 1060 Hellwig, 1756 Henderson, D. K., 1564 Henderson, L. J., 88, 89 Henmon, 689 Henneberg, 11 89 Henning, 466, 467, 2390 Hering, 553 Hernaman-Johnson, 344, 7o8 Herrick, 193 Hertz, A. F., 624 Hertz, J. H., 1022 Herzog, M., 1409 Herzog, — ., 11 90, 1323 Hess, 528, 621, 2357 Heuer, 345, 346 Hewins, 2150 Heymans, 122, 844 Hezel, 347 Higier, 232, 807 Hilbert, 567 Hill, D. S., 2151, 2152 Hill, M. C, 1 133 Hiller, 749 Hilliard, 1962 Hills, 846, 2129 Hilton, 2330 Hill-Tout, 1047 Hinkelmann, 1478 Hinsberg, 406 Hirsch, 348 Hirschfeld (see Birch- H.) Hirt, 956 Hnatek, 1191 Hocart, 1023, 1757 Hoch, 1383 Hoche, 1532 Hocking, 57 Hodgson, 2153, 2208 Hodskins, 1479 Hoffmann, 349, 972 Hoke, 2154 Holbrook, 1384 Holland, 58 Hollander, 2097 Hollands, 1854 Holley, 2215 Hollingworth, H. L., 123, 1061, 2004 Hollingworth, L. S., 1710, 1715 Holmes, B., 1565 Holmes, E. G. A., 1855 Holmes, G., 266, 627, 821 Holmes, S. J., 2302 Holt, E., 501, 736 Hooper, 962 Hooton, 1758 Hopkins, 2155 Horn, 1598, 1599 Home, 27 Horton, 1080, 1081 Hoseman, 350 Hough, 963 Houstoun, 534 Hovelaque, 1856 Howard, G. E., 1759 Howard, W. L., 171 1 Howat, 2391 Howe, 529 Howerth, 1948 Howes, 511 Howison, 28 Hrdlicka, 1760, 1761 Hubbert, 2358 Hiibner, 1654 Hudson, A. C, 502 Hudson-Makuen, 1192 Huffakcr, 21 12 Hughes, 90 Hull, 1857 Hunt, J. R., 1385 Hunt, R., 267 Hurd, 1 193 Huth, 2098 Ingebrigtsen, 203 Ingenieros, 3 Ioteyko, 769 Irwin, 2005 Isenschmid, 233 Isserlis, 134, 135 Ito, 941 Ives, 503, 504, 505, 523, 535, 536, 568, 569 Izechowsky, 1386 Jackson, H., 254, 268, 35i, 942, 943, 944, 945, 1 194, 1324, 1325, 1326 Jackson, J. L., 860 Jackson, J. W., 1024, 1025 Jackson, S. F., 2156 Jacobj, 783 Jacobson, 888 Jacoby, 11 95 James, T. C, 1745 James, W., 895 Janet, 91 l62 INDEX OF AUTHORS Jarrett, 1196 Jastrow, J., 29 Jastrow, M., Jr., 1026 Jelliffe, 1 106, 1 1 97, 1198, 1387, 1533 Jellinek, 1480, 1603 Jennings, 2263 Johnson, A., 1291 Johnson, H. M., 136, 23585 2359, 2360 Johnson, W. H., 92 Johnson (see Herna- man-J.) Johnston, G. A., 30, 991, 992 Johnston, H. H., 2157 Johnston, J. B., 2331 Johnstone, E. R., 1292, 2158, 2209 Johnstone, K. L., 342 Jolly, 1604 Jolowicz, 1388 Jones, A. H., 913 Jones, B., 1027 Jones, D. F., 2264 Jones, E., 1858, 2099 Jones, F. W., 1762 Jones, G. E., 2159 Jones, H. W., 340 Jones, I. H., 391 Jones, L. W., 857 Jordan, 2265 Jourdain, 896 Judd, 2210 Jung, 1 107, 1 108 Juquelier, 808 Kafka, 1199, 1200 Kaliebe, 1389 Kalkhof, 1600 Kallen, 59 Kammel, 1712 Kanda, 2392 Kaplan, 1109 Karpas, 1566, 1917 Karplus, 352, 1601 Kass, 1918 Kastan, 1677 Kate (see ten K.) Kayfetz, 2006 Kayser, 1201 Keegan, 255 Kehr, 914 Keith, 1765, 2266 Keller, 1691 Kelley, A., 1293 King, C, 1482 King, G. B., 1859 King, H. D., 2333 King, I., 858, 1979, 2013 Kingsbury, 504, 505, 569 Kirby, 1602 Kirk, 354 Kirschmann, 537 Kirschner, 355 Kite, 1294 Kitson, 2160 Kittell, 2014 Klapper, 2015 Kelley, T. L., 137, Klink, 1203 183, 2007, 2008, 2009Klopsteg, 169 Kellner, 1481 Knollin, 1309 Kellogg, A. L., 1919 Koch, 204 Kellogg, F. M., 2402 Kocher, 205, 2334 Kelly, 2010 Koefod, 1429 Kempf, 2361, 2362 Kohs, 1295, 1296, Kendall, 709 1297, 2016, 2017 Kenn, 31 Kollarits, 583, 675 Kennedy, 770, 1327 Konschegg, 710 Kennel, 468 Korbsch, 426 Kent, A. F. S., 168, Kdrner, 356, 357, 358 1062 Kostir, 1950 Kent, G. H., 201 1, Krabbe, 359 2012 Kraskovic, i860 Keogh, 1202, 1949 Kraupe-Runk, 469 Kepner, 2332 Krause, 1390 Kernan, 43 Keyser, C. J., 880 Keyser, T. S., 737 Kidd, 234 Kreichgauer, 1766 Kreidl, 269 Krober, 1951, 2267 Kriiger, 1204 Kiernan, 1678, 1692, Krumholz, 1391 1920 Kuhl, 1483 Kilgore, 353 Kuhlmann, 1298, Kimmins, 2100, 2101, 1921 2211 Kulamer, 1136 INDEX OF AUTHORS 163 Leclere, 1694 Le Dantec, 917, 1084 Lederer, 1207 Lee, F. S., 714, 75° Lee, V., 973 Lehmann, E., 625 Lehmann, R., 2161 Leighton, 918 Lenz, 2270 Leppmann, 1393 Leszynsky, 362 Leuba, 1028, 1029 Leva, 363 Levy, J. H., 1063 Levy, M., 715 Lewandowski, 364, 1606 Lewe, 1484 Lewis, C. B., 2103 Lewis, C. I., 897 Kunkel, 547 Kunz, 577 Kiipferle, 360 Kurfez, 1693 Kuttner, 11 10 Laache, 1082 Labbe, 2393 Ladd, 1861 Ladd-Franklin, 32 Laguna (see also De-.) Lahey, 1496 Lahy, 1713 Laird, 915 Lalande, 33 Lamb, 1205 Lambert, 1206 Lameere, 2394 Langelaan, 711 Langfeld, 4,4a, 5, i62,Lewis, D., 354, 365 2018 Lewis, F. P., 506 Langley, J. N., 235, Librach (see Lipska- 712, 713 L.) Langley, W. FL, 2395 Liebmann, 809 Langstroth, 1083 Liebrecht, 626 Laquer, 2268 Lillie, F. R., 2364 Larmor, 916 Lillie, R. S., 1328 Larson, 1137 Lipska-Librach, 2019 . Lashley, 738, 739. Lipsky, 2020 2335, 2363, 2399 Lisi (see also DeL.) Laski (see also De-,) Lister, W. T., 266 Laski, H. J., 1767 Lister, — ., 627 Laspeyres, 361 Littwin, 859 La Torre, 2269 Lloyd, 898 Lattimore, 1392 Lobsien, 2021 Laudenheimer, 1605 Lodge, O., 1138 Lawrence, 171 4 Lodge, R. C, 860 Lawson, 2212 Loeb, 716, 2396 Lazar, 2102 Loffler, 366 Le Bon, 1862 Lomer, 1485 Longridge, 367 Lopatin, 34 Lough, 1064 Lourie (see Ossip-L.) Lovejoy, 124 Lovellete, 225 Lovett, 1394, 1395, I396, !397 Lowden, 2044 Lowenberg, 93 Lowenstein, 628 Lowie, 171 5, 1768 Lowrey, 1208, 1398 Lucas, 2104 Lucka, 1716 Lucke, 1399 Luckhardt, 236 Luckiesh, 507, 664, 2213 Liidemann, 601 Ludlum, 1567 Lugaro, 1261, 1863 Lumsden, 1534 Lyon, 861 MacCurdy, G. G., 1769 MacCurdy, J. T., i486, 1487 Macdonald, 1400 Macintosh, 94 Mackenzie, 881 MacMahon, 946 Macnamara, 2397 Madden, 1329 Maeder, 1085 Makins, 368 Makuen, G. H., 1535 Makuen (see Hud- son-M.) Malaguzzi-Valeri, 1770 164 INDEX OF AUTHORS Mangin, 1030 Manley, 717 Mann, A. L., 1259 Mann, F. J., 2105, 2214 Mann, L., 369, 1607, 1608 Mann, — ., 370 Marage, 1865 Marburg, 371, 1609 Marcus, 974 Marden, 920 Maresch, 1610 Margis, 2022 Marine, 717 Marsh, 1717 Marshall, H. R., 1086, 1866, 1867 Marshall, J. A., 1568 Martin, E. G., 237, 1397 Martin, L., 2023 Martin, L. J., 1139 Martin, W., 1401 Marvin, 95 Masci, 2024 Mason, 1209 Massarotti, 161 1 Mast, 2398, 2399 Mather, 2162 Matti, 270 Maxwell, 11 11, 1868 Mayer, A. G., 218, 1771, 2336, 2337, 2338 Mayer, C, 1612 Mayer, L., 372 Mayer, 0., 629 Mayerhofer, 810 McCall, 793 McClure, 97 McComas, 98 McCord, 718 Mc Cotter, 238 McCough, 1457 McCready, 2106 McDermott, 2400 McDougall, 919, 1864 Mcintosh, 217 McLaughlin, 1402 McManis, 1718, 2107 Mead, A. R., 2215 Mead, C. D., 96, 2026 Meade, 784 Means, 1772 Mecklin, 2163 Meiklejohn, 2164 Meissner, 2271 Meleney, 714 Meltzer, 1403 Melville, 1922, 2067 Mendelssohn, 99 Mercier, C, 1210 Mercier, C. A., 100, 101, 125, 1112 Merrington, 921 Metcalf, 462 Mettenheimer, 373 Meyer, A., 60, 121 1 Meyer, E., 374, 1613 Meyer, R., 1639 Meyer, S., 1614 Meyer, — ., 121 2, 1213, 1569 Meyerhardt, 35 Meyerhof, 630 Meyer zum Gottes- berge, 631 Miceli, 1869 Michalis, 375 Micheli, 1536 Michels, 1488 Michelson, 1773 Michon, 1923 Middlekauff, 508 Miles, 1087, 2027 Miller, D. C, 474, 487 Miller, F. R., 740 Miller, J. L., 719 Miller, L. H., 11 13 Milligan, 161 5 Milner, 219 Minchin, 198, 2272 Miner, J. B., 138 Miner, M. E., 1924 Mingazzini, 1489 Mitchell, D., 2216 Mitchell, P. C, 2273, 2274 Mohr, 1537, 1616 Moir, 1774 Molnar, 103 1 Monroe, 2028 Montane, 2303 Montesano, 676 Montessori, 2165 Mooney, 2166 Moraczewski, 720 Moore, A. R., 2401, 2402 Moore, C. B., 1870 Moore, E. C., 2167 Moore, G. E., 872 Moore, H. T., 2403 Moore, J. S., 61, 102 Morchen, 1404 More, 36 Morgan, C. L., 899 Morgan, J. J. B., 171, 837 Morgan, T. H., 2275 INDEX OF AUTHORS I65 Morgenthalcr, 12 14 Morse, 2404 Morselli, A., 685, 1490, 1 61 7 Morselli, E., 1775 Mosher, 957 Mosso, 785 Motos, de, 1734 Mott, F. W., 161 8 Mott, G. E., 1405 Mullan, 1215 Muller, A. L., 2108 Miiller, C, 602 Muller, G. E., 862 Muller, H. R., 2405 Muller, L. R., 452 Muller, — ., 1 21 6 Miiller-Freienfels, 882 Mumford, 1032 Muncey, 2257 Munroe, 1871 Munson, 1503 Munsterberg, 509, 1065 Munzer, 1619 Murphy, 863 Murray, G., 1140 Murray, M., 1033 Muscio, 1 1 14 Mussolini, 1872 Myer, 376 Myers, C. E., 865 Myers, C. S., 811, 1620 Myers, G. C, 584, 864, 865, 2168, 2365 Myers, J. A., 2349 Myerson, 377, 741 N-, 2172 Neal, H. V., 2276 Neal, J. B., 1406 Nearing, 1695 Nelson, 194 Nepper, 1703 Neri, 378 Netschajeff, 2169 Neue, 1217 Neumayer, 751 Neustadter, 1407 Neuville, 1776 Newburg, 241 Newcomb, 1356 Newman, 2277 Niceforo, 171 9 Nicholson, 206 Nissl, 379 Nitchie, 947 Noel, 258 Nohte, 271, 380 Nolan, 776 Nonne, M., 381, 1408, 1621, 1622 Nonne, — ., 382, 1538, 1623, 1624 Norman, 1218 Nudd, 2170, 2171 Nunn, 922 Nutting, 524, 538, 554 Nuzum, 1409 Oakeley, 923 Oberndorf, 812, 1539 Ogden, 185, 186, 187, 475 Ohm, 577, 578 Oldham, 2173 Oliver, 632 Ollino, 170 Oloff, 633 Olshausen, 1679 O'Malley, 634 Onodi, 383 Opitz (see Burton-O.) Oppenheim, 213, 384, 1625, 1626 Oppenheimer, 1680 Oppikofer, 635 Ordahl, 1925, 1926 Orensteen, 1777 Ormond, 624 Orton, 1410, 141 1 Osborn, 1778, 2278 Ossip-Lourie, 1873 Osterhout, 2299 Oswald, 721 Otis, 2029, 2030, 2031, 2279 Ottolenghi, 1779 Otzen, 1491 Owen, 139 Painter, 786 Pal, 722 Palante, 975 Pallary, 1780 Palmer, 1479 Panse, 636 Papanicolaon, 2291 Paratore (see Ciulli-P.) Parker, B., 2032 Parker, G. H., 2339, 2340, 2341, 2342, 2343, 2344, 2345, 2406, 2407 Parker, R. H., 2174 Parker, S. W., 1299 Parsons, 755, 1034, 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038, 1781, 1874, 1875 1 66 INDEX OF AUTHORS Passano, 103 Passow, 385, 1540 Paterson, D. G., 2034, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2111 Paterson, W. P., 1782 Paton, D. N., 723 Paton, I. L., 2137 Paton, S., 140, 1 219 Patrick, G. T. W., 690 Patrick, H. T., 1412, 1541 Patrizi, 976, 1927 Patterson, C. B., 2280 Patterson, T. L., 239 Paul, W. E., 386 Paul, — ., 637 Paulhan, 900, 2281 Payne, 1876 Peachell, 1492 Peake, 1783 Pearl, 2282, 2283, 2284 Pearson, K., 141, 142, H3, 144, 157 Pearson, N., 104 Peeters, 2109 Pellacani, 256 Penhallow, 1627 Peres, 105 Perkins, 1220 Perrier, E., 1877 Perrier, L., 38 Perrin, 768 Perry, R. B., 106 Perry, W. J, 1784, 1785, 1786 Perthes, 387 Peter, 571 Peters, A., 874 Peters, C. C, 2217 Peters, I. L., 1720, 1721 Peterson, 488, 590, 756, 771, 866, 2366 Pettazzoni, 1039 Petzetakis, 742 Peyrony, 1737 Peyser, 638 Pfefferkorn, 2346 Pforringer, 686 Philippe, 62, 463 Phillips, D. E., 1878 Phillips, F. M., 867 Phipps, 21 10 Piat, 107 Pick, A., 446, 948 Pick, I., 1928 Piddington, 1141 Pierce, 453 Pieron, 127 Pike, 240 Pilcz, 1221, 1413, 1628 Pilgrim, 1193 Pillsbury, 6, 838 Pincus, 1222 Pintner, 591, 2033, 2034, 2035, 2036, 2037, 2038, 2111, 2218 Piotrowski, 1363, 1414 Piroutet, 1787 Pitfield, 388 Pitt, 2175 Placzek, 1493, 1542, 1929 Plassmann, 901 Plessner, 389 PofTenberger, 7, 171, 188, 1088 Pollak, 823 Pollock, 1494 Ponzo, 572 Poponoe, 2285 Poppelreuter, 1629 Porte (see Du — ,) Porter, A. W., 549 Porter, L., 21 12 Porter, W. T., 241 Porteus, 2039 Portigliotti, 1040 Posey, 639 Potts, 1306 Poupon, 1788 Powers, 1495, 1496 Pratt, 108, 1041 Prentice, 510 Preston, 390 Pribram, 1630 Price, 1543 Prigione, 1223 Prince, M., 1116 Prince, W. F., 1544 Proal, 39, 1879 Pugh, 1880 Puini, 2286 Pulle, 1832 Putnam, J. J., 11 17, 1118, 1224, 1881 Putnam, J. W., 1681 Pyle, 2040 Quackenbos, 11 19, 1225 Quensel, 1631 Quest (see Hall-Q.) Quinn, 2287 Quinquand, 2327 INDEX OF AUTHORS 167 Rabaud, 2288 Racke, J., 1226 Racke, — ., 1930 Radin, 1882 Rae, 677 Rahn, 447, 691 Raimann, 1632 Ramsbottom, 539 Rand, B., 189 Rand, G., 164, 496, 497, 521, 551 Randall, 391 Rangette, 849, 850, 1177, 1523 Rank, 1120 Rankin, 1545 Ranson, 220, 242, 243, 244, 272 Ranzi, 371 Ranzoli, 145 Rasmussen, 2348, 2349 Rau, N., 2304, 2408 Rau, P., 2304, 2408 Ravenel, 2289 Rayner, 924 Read, C, 1042 Read, T. H. M., 1043 Reaney, 1883 Reasoner, 1415 Rebizzi, 1227 Recejac, 993, 1884 Redfield, 1952 Redlich, 273, 1416, 1633 Reed, C. A. L., 1497, 1498, 1499, 1500 Reed, H. B., 883 Reeves, 174 Regis, 1634 Rehorn, 214 Reichmann, 392 Rcinach, 1789 Reinhardt, 1121 Remsen, 1355 Rensi, 762 Resnicek, 813 Reuterskiold, 1047 Rey, 63 Reyburn, 925 Rhein, 1417 Rhese, 640 Ribot, 678, 1044, 1700 Rich, 489 Richards, 2041 Richardson, H., 1696 Richardson, M. W., 1418 Richmond, 2176 Richtmyer, 495, 511 Rieffert, 592 Rietz, 2219 Riggs, A. F., 1546 Riggs, C. E., 1419 Rignano, 902 Riley, 41 Ritchie, 146 Ritter, A., 21 12 Ritter, C. A., 1228 Ritvok, 977 Rivers, 1045, 1046, 1047 Robertson, A. R., 1420 Robertson, J. I., 1300 Robertson, J. M., 1885 Robertson, T. B., 724 Robinson, B., 1421 Robinson, G. W., 1570 Robinson, W., 291 Roese, 662 Rogers, 126, 903, 994 Rogoff, 681 Rohrer, 393 Ronne, 641 Root, 787 RosanofT, 1172, 1229, 1230, 1231 Rosenau, 1422 Rosenfeld, 1886 Rosenow, 1232, 1423 Ross, E. A., 884 Ross, R., 2177 Rossy, 2042, 2043 Roth, E., 1887 Roth, — ., 394 Rothe, 814, 815 Rothfuchs, 642 Rothmann, M., 257, 1301 Rothmann, — ., 395 Roubinovitch, 743 Rowland, 2044 Rows, 1635 Royce, 42, 43 Ruckmich, 44, 172 Rugg, 2178 Ruggeri (see Guiff- rida-R.) Ruggles, 1233 Ruml, 147, 2045 Rumpel, 396 Rumpf, T., 397 Rumpf, — ., 398 Runk (see Kraupe- R.) Runnalls, 2220 Rusk, 2046 Russeff, 643 Russell, S. B., 221 1 68 INDEX OF AUTHORS Russell, W. L., 1234 Rutherfurd, 1235 Ruttin, 575 Rychlik, 628 Sabine, 1888 Sachs, B., 1424 Sachs, H., 1 1 20 Sackett, 2221 Saemisch, 621 Saffiotti, 1790, 1953, 2047, 2068, 21 13 Sajous, 725, 1302 Salmon, 679, 11 22, 1547 Salvadori, 964 Samuels, 1425 Sanctis (see also bo-,) Sandfort, 1501 Sanger, A., 399, 656 Sanger, — ., 1636 Santayana, 995 Santee, 195 Santer, 400 Sano, 1954 Sarbo, 530 Sargent, 1362 Sarlo (see also de-,) Savage, 1637 Sawyer, 2043 Sayle, 2409 Saxby, 2222 Schafer, 245, 726 Schaeffer, 2410, 241 1 Schanz, 512, 2367 Scheer, 1303 Scheetz, 1236 Scheibner, 2223 Schierack, 788 Schiller, 904 Schilling, 1548 Schinz, 1889 Schlag, 2224 Schlapp, 1304 Schleich, 109 Schlesinger, E., 1305 Schlesinger, H., 401 Schmidt, C, 1237 Schmidt, G. B., 402 Schmidt, P. W., 1047, 1 79 1 Schmidt, — ., 525 Schmieden, 403 Schmiegelow, 1426 Schmitt, 1238 Schnee, 222 Schneider, 1638 Schneller, 816 Scholz, 817 Schonberg, 1427 Schott, 404 Schroder, C. I., 1048 Schroder, P., 405, 406 Schroder, T., 64, 65, 1048 Schuster, A., 789 Schuster, P. F., 1792 Schultz, I. H., 1239 Schultz, J. H., 1639 Schumann, 190 Schiirer, 312 Schiissler, 1697 Schuster, A., 66, 2225 Schuster, E., 710 Schuster, — ., 1640 Schwab, 274 Schwalbe, 1890 Scofield, 2226 Scott, J. W., 67, 926, 1049 Scott, W., 2227, 2228 Scott, W. D., 1 1 23 Scripture, E. W., 818, 819, 949, 1240 Scripture, M. K., 820 Schultze, P. E. O., ^ 1549 Schultze, — ., 407 Sears, 2026 Seashore, 490, 978, 1089, 2048, 2049 Sefton, 217 Segond, 875 Seiffer, 408 Seige, 1682 Sellards, 1793 Sellars, no Sergi, 1 891 Sewall, 727 Shahan, 644 Shamoff, 728 Shanahan, 1502, 1503 Shannon, 2412 Sharp, 645 Sharpe, N., 1428 Sharpe, W., 409, 410 Shaw, 1503 Shearer, 456 Sheldon, in, 905 Shepard, 665 Sherrington, 173, 729, 740 Shields, 284 Shimer, 2290 Shipley, 249 Shockley, 1241 Shuttleworth, 1242, 1306, 2180 Sidgwick, A., 112, 906 Sidgwick, Mrs. H., 2181 INDEX OF AUTHORS 169 Sidis, 8, 1243 Simmonds, 41 1 Simon, T., 1284, 1285, 1968 Simpson, 646 Singer, E. A., 680 Singer, K., 1641 Skinner, C. E., 2050 Skinner, H. D., 979 Skogland, 508 Skolaster, 1794 Smallwood, 2347 Smith, F. O., 2229 Smith, G. E., 1050, 1642, 1795, 1796, 1797 Smith, H. B., 148 Smith, K., 149 Smith, M., 790 Smith, M. H., 1683 Smith, P. E., 2350 Smith, S., 412, 772, 821, 1244 Smith, T., 513, 514 Smith, W. G, 593 Snedden, 2230 Sokolowsky, 2413 Solomon, H. C, 1245, ^ 1429, 1435 Solomon, M., 11 25, 1246 Somerville, 2137 Sommer, G., 1956 Sommer, — ., 1247, 2305 Sons, 1430 Sophian, 143 1 Southard, 1248, 1249, 1432, 1433, H34, 1435, I57i Spangler, 1504, 1505 Spaulding, E. G., 113, 124, 191 Spaulding, E. R., 193 1 Spear, 1250 Spearman, 2051 Spielmeyer, 1506 Spikes, 9 Spiller, 413, 414, ^ 1436, 1437 Spiro, 647 Springer, 2182 Stadler, 10 Stahle, 415 Starch, 594, 2052 Stargardt, 556 Star, 21 14 Stearns, 1932, 1933 Stecher, 692 Stedman, A. B., 822 Stedman, H. R., 1251, ^ 1252, 1253 Steen, 1572 Stefanini, 470 Stein, 823 Steinberg, 416 Steinebach, 1643 Steinmetz, 515 Stellwaag, 2368 Stepanow, 907 Stephens, 1438 Stern, A., 417 Stern, W. G., 1439 Sterz, 1550 Stevens, 1307 Stevenson, 1464 Stewart, G. N., 681 Stewart, G. W., 492 Stewart, H. E., 21 15 Stewart, P., 418, 1254 Stewart, S. F., 2231 Sticflcr, 419 Stier, 1255 Stiles, 237 Stock, 1892 Stockard, C. R., 2291 Stockard, L. V., 2053 Stocker, 476 Stoddard, 2054 Stoddart, 1256 Stoffel, 420, 421, 1257 Stopford, 251, 422 Storring, 666 Stossner, 2055 Stoutmeyer, 2183 Stracker, 423 Stratton, 757, 1722 Straubenmuller, 965 Strecker, 1551 Strong, E. K., Jr., 792, 868, 876, 1957 Strong, M. H., 876 Strumpell, 950 Stuurman, 199 Stursberg, 1644 Sturtevant, 2275 Suas, 1798 Sugisaki, 1723 Sutter, 1440 Sutton, 1258 Swalm, 1259 Swanberg, 246 Swanton, 1047 Sweet, 2082 Swenson, 45, 68 Swift, H. F., 1441, 1443 Swift, W. B., 824, 825, 1308, 1442, 1958, 2056 Swindells, 639 Swindle, 557 170 INDEX OF AUTHORS Symes, 165 Symington, 1799 Szasz, 648 Szily, 360, 649 Sztanojevits, 1260, 164S Taft, 424, 425 Talbot, 1800 Taliaferro, 2306, 2332 Talmey, 758 Tanberg, 730 Tanzi, 1261 Tastevin, 1801 Taylor, E. W., 1444 Taylor, I. B., 516 Taylor, J., 650, 1262 Taylor, *N. G. R., 2057, 2232 ten Kate, 1763, 1764 Terhune, 1507 Terman, 1309, 2058, 2059, 2060, 2061, 2062 Theobald, 1445 Thorn, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1959 Thomas, H. B., 1446 Thomas, J. J., 196, 1646 Thomas, J. L., 1647 Thomas, N. W., 1047 Thompson, 2351 Thomson, E. Y., 1802 Thomson, G. H., 2063 Thorndike, 150, 793, 869, 2064, 2065, 2233 Thurnwald, 1047 Thurstone, 682 Tietze, 426 Tigerstedt, 480 Timme, 731, i960 Tinel, 427 Tintemann, 1511 Tischbein, 1263 Tisdall, 1 168 Titchener, 448, 470, 540, 541 Titus, 2344, 2345 Tobias, 1648 Tobin, 1893 Todd, 1927 Toll, 151 Tombleson, 1126 Tompkins, 826, 827, 828, 2234 Tooker, 651 Topciu, 693 Torrey, 2307, 2414 Tout (see Hill-T.) Touton, 1894 Town, 1 127 Towne, 1423 Toyojiro, 695 Trabue, 2066, 2067 Tracy, 744 Traube, 1090 Traugott, 313 Treves, 2068 Trilles, 1047 Troland, 69, 517, 542, 558, 559, 56o Tromner, E., 829 Tromner, — ., 428, 429, 430, 1649 Trotter, 759 Trowbridge, 573 True, 889 Tsinimakis, 1512 Tsukaguchi, 247 Tucker, 21 16 Tuller, 13 10 Tupper, 2235 Turner, C. H., 2308, 2415 Turner, J. E., 890 Turner, W. A., 1650 Turro, 152 Uhthoff, 652, 653 Unold, 966 Urban, 967, 968 Urbantschitsch, 215, 1651 Vaissiere (see de la V.) Valeri (see Mala- guzzi-V.) Valkenburg, 275 Varley, 2185 Vas, 745, 830 Vasticar, 207 Verneau, 1803, 1804 Verrall, 1142 Vincent, 526, 2309 Vinchon, 808 Vitali, 2352 Vivioni, 449, 732 Vorkastner, 1447 Wacker, 733 Wahl, 2393 Walk, 46 Walker, 431 Wallace, 1264 Wallin, 831, 832, 1311, 1934, 2069, 2070 Wallis, 153 Walter, J. E., 928 Walter, W., 579, 580 INDEX OF AUTHORS 171 Walton, 2416 Wang, 2186 Ward, 543 Wardle, 1805 Warren, H., 980 Warren, H. C, 47, Weygandt, — ., 1658, 1659 Wexberg, 1655 Whale, 655 Wheeler, G. W., 1423 Wheeler, W. M., 49, 48,114,115,154,174 2418 Washburn, 877 Wheelon, 225, 249 Wasteneys, 2396 Waters, 1513 Watson, E. E., 2236 Watson, F. R., 481 Watson, J. B., 746, 1 1 28, 1265 Watt, 595 Webb, 1 05 1 Weber, E., 432, 433 Weber, L. W., 1652 Weed, 2405 Weeks, 654 Weidensall, 1935 Weihe, 373 Weil, 1552 Weisenburg, 248 Weiss, 175,477, S61 Wells, F. L., 694, 773, 1129, 1130, 1896 Wells, M. M., 2310 Wender, 1806 Wenger, 15 14 Wenrich, 2417 Westphal, A., 434, 1653, 1654 Westphal, — ., 1553 Werburg, 1052 Werner, 1807 Westropp, 1053 Weyert, 1656 Whipple, 1724 White (see Corson- W.) White, W. A., 1 131, 1132, 1198, 1268, 1269 Whitehead, 929 Whiting, 1936 Whittemore, 1448 Wiener, 908 Wiesinger, 197 Wight, 1449 Wilbrand, 435 Wilde, 1554 Wile, 1450 Willcutt, 436 Williams, G., 1270 Williams, H., 1937 Williams, J. H., 2292 Williams, M. C, 596 Williams, T. A., 1555, 1556, 1684, 2117 Wilms, 437 Wilson, A. A., 1660 Wilson, H., 2187 Wilson, J. G., 1 271 Wilson, L., 852 Wilson, L. B., 438 Wiltshire, 1661 Winch, 2237 Winkler, 450 Weygandt, W., 1266, Wintermute, 439 1267, 1657 Winthuis, 1808 Wissler, 981, 1809, 1810 Witmer, 1330, 2071 Wittermann, 1662 Wodak, 145 1 Wohlwill, 133 1 Wolf, 1452 Wolfer, 440 Wolff, 833 Wolffberg, 574 Wollenberg, 1272, 1273, 1663 Wolters, 909 Wood, A. B., 2188 W7ood, L., 2075 Woodrow, 839, 840 Woods, 50 Woodworth, C. W., 527 Woodworth, R. S., 763, 1811 Woody, 2072, 2238 Woolbert, 1897 Woolley, 2067 Woolston, 1 81 2 Wright, G. J, 1358 Wright, H. M., 2073 Wright, H. W., 885 Wright, W. K., 116, 1054, 1898 Wrightson, 13 12 Wunderle, 1899 Wundt, 1047, 1900 Wyatt, 1 81 3 Wyckaert, 1814 Yealland, 657 Yerkes, A. W., 2293 Yerkes, R. M., 2074, 2075, 2189, 2311, 2369, 2370, 2371 172 INDEX OF AUTHORS Yoakum, 585, 1133 Yost, 1 143 Young, A. W., 156, 157 Young, H. H., 2077, 2078 Young, M., 1 3 13 Young, M. H., 2076 Young, R. T., 2419 Yourievitch, 1901 Yule, 158 Zade, M., 1664 Zade, — ., 658, 659 Zahn, 1274 Zange, J., 482, 1665 Zange, — ., 660, 1666 Zeltner, de, 1815 Ziehen, 1902 Zuccari, 1667 Anon., 441, 442, 518, 683, 1055, 1134, 1275, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1279, 1280, 1281, 1282, I3H, 1315, 1316, 1317, 1332, 1453, 1454, 1455, 1515, 1557, 1668, 1725, 1816, 1 81 7, 1818, 1903, 1938, 1939, 2080, 2190, 2239, 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297 > Year 1917, No. 24 psychological review tublica tions Issued June, 1918 P sychological Index EDITED BY MADISON BENTLEY, University of Illinois HOWARD C. WARREN, Princeton University {Review) JOHN B. WATSON, Johns Hopkins University (/. of Exp. Psychol.) JAMES R. ANGELL, University of Chicago {Monographs) and SHEPARD I. FRANZ, Gov. Hosp. for Insane {Bulletin) this issue edited by CHRISTIAN A. RUCKMICH UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AND COMPILED WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF Hugo Avalder, University of Upsala ; Henri Pieron, Director of L' Annie psychologique ; H. J. Watt, University of Glasgow ; Prentice Reeves, Rochester, New York ; Helen Clark, Vassar College ; G. C. Ferrari, Director of Rivista di psicologia ; Dorothy Fox, Princeton, New Jersey ; A. T. Poffenberger, jr., Columbia University. No. 24, Index for the Year 19 17 An Annual Bibliography of the Literature of Psychology and Cognate Subjects published annually by PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW COMPANY 41 NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER, PA. and PRINCETON, N. J. Agknts: G. E. STECHERT & CO.. London (2 Star Yard. Carey St.. W. C.) Paris 16, (rue dc Conde) PRESS OF THE NEW ERA PRINTING COMPANY LANCASTER. PA. EDITORIAL NOTE The Index includes original publications in all languages, to- gether with translations and new editions in English, French, German, and Italian. Offprints of magazine articles are not noted where the original sources are accessible to the compilers. Last year's titles received too late for insertion are included in this issue, but earlier titles are inserted only in exceptional cases. The cooperation of authors and publishers is requested in sending us particulars of books and articles for future issues. Notices of omission or error in the present list will be gladly received. Ac- curacy is especially desired in wording of title, journal or publisher, volume or place of publication, and pagination. Authors will confer a favor by indicating the suitable classification of such works as they bring to our attention. Unfavorable conditions which surrounded the compilation of the last number of the Index were this year somewhat improved. Al- though the publication of many European and of several American journals was temporarily suspended and although nearly all German periodicals were entirely inaccessible, the editor was fortunate in receiving current titles from the French, British, Italian, and Scandinavian collectors. The Index again prints a selected list of bibliographies in allied subjects. Toward its extension or revision the editor will be glad to receive suggestions. We venture once more to call the attention of authors and editors to certain embarrassments (noted more fully in our 1910 issue) which hamper the compilation and use of any bibliography: 1. The same material is sometimes published in two forms — either in two distinct periodicals, or in a periodical bearing two different titles. Apart from the ethical question involved, this duplication causes much confusion in citation. 2. The omission of authors' initials is a frequent source of per- plexity in compiling and using references. To avoid confusion of identity, every contributor to science, however great his con- temporary fame, should feel bound to give at least his initials and full last name. iii iv EDITORIAL NOTE 3. Accuracy of citation is greatly assisted if offprints are allowed to retain their original page numbers. 4. From the bibliographer's standpoint it is extremely desirable that every magazine should number its volumes consecutively, not merely with the year-number, and should avoid inserting "supple- mentary volumes." It is also desirable to avoid "new series" of old magazines under the same title. These peculiarities unneces- arily complicate citations and cause loss of time in consulting the' files of a journal. 5. It is desirable that Russian writers and others should uni- formly transliterate their names into the Roman alphabet, in order to avoid citing the same individual in two alphabetic places. Christian A. Ruckmich, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U. S. A. CONTENTS I. General: i. Psychological Textbooks and Systematic Trea- tises i- 6 2. Historical and Biographical 7~ 51 3. Relations to Other Sciences 52- 99 4. General Problems and Discussion 100-157 (Psychological Standpoint, Consciousness, Immor- tality, etc.) 5. Mind and Body 158-177 6. General Methods; Terminology 178-202 7. General Apparatus and Technique 203-228 8. Collections 229-256 (Essays, Reports, Bibliographies, New Periodicals) II. Nervous System — Structure and Functions: 1. General 257-260 (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) 2. Elementary Structure 261-262 3. Nerves: a Structure 263-272 b Excitability 273-280 c. Conductivity 281-294 4. Spinal Cord and Autonomic System 295-329 5. Cerebellum and Brain Stem 330— 334 6. Cerebrum: a. Structure 335— 337 b. General Physiology 33^-34° c. Localization of Functions 341-354 7. Pathological Anatomy 355-5°5 v vi CONTENTS III. Sensation and Perception: 1. Sensation and Receptor Organs: General 506-511 (inch Classification, Specific Energy, Synesthesia) 2. Lower Senses and their Organs: a. Visceral Senses 512-513 b. Cutaneous Senses 514-521 (Pressure, Cold, Warmth, Cutaneous Pain, etc.) c. Muscle, Tendon and Joint Senses 522-523 d. Taste and Smell 524-528 e. Static Senses 529-532 (Equilibrium, Dizziness) 3. Hearing: a. General S33— 539 (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) b. Physiological Acoustics; Structure and Functions of the Ear 540-542 c. Auditory Sensations; Tonal Fusion 543-546 4. Vision: a. General 547-584 (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) b. Physiological Optics; Structure and General Functions of the Eye 585—594 c. Accommodation, Errors of Refraction, Pupillary Reflex 595-602 d. Visual Sensations; Light and Color Theory 603-618 e. Adaptation, After-images, Contrast, Pur- kinje Phenomenon, Binocular Fusion and Rivalry 619-622 /. Direct and Indirect Vision, Blind-spot, Visual Acuity, Color Blindness 623-640 g. Eye Movements 641-643 (inch Convergence) 5. Perception: General; Time, Motion, Rhythm 644-652 6. Space Perception and Illusions; Stereoscopic Vision 653-662 7. Psychophysics 663-671 8. Disorders of Sensation and Perception 672-733 CONTENTS Vll IV. Feeling and Emotion: i. General: Affection, Hcdonic Tone 7 3 4—7 3 9 (Pleasantness and Unpleasantness) 2. Emotion and its Expression, Passion, Senti- ment, Temperament 740-752 3. Disorders of Feeling 753—757 V. Motor Phenomena and Action: 1. General 758-762 (incl. Reaction Experiments, Dynamogenesis) 2. Structure and Functions of Muscles and Glands 763-821 3. Reflexes (III: 4, c) 822-845 4. Automatic Functions 846-861 (Circulation, Respiration, Locomotion, etc.) 5. Instinct and Impulse 862-872 (Imitation, Play, Mating, etc.) 6. Volition; Voluntary Actions 873-877 (Kinsesthesis, Determination, Motive, Responsi- bility of Normal Individual; cf. VII; 5) 7. Habit; Work and Fatigue: a. Motor Learning, Adjustment, Inhibition, Habit 878-892 (incl. Right-handedness) b. Mental and Physical Work; Fatigue 893-912 8. Disorders of Movement and Instinct 9!3~936 (incl. Speech Defects) VI. Attention, Memory, and Thought: 1. Attention and Interest 937~94i 2. Memory and Imagery: a. General; Association, Retention, Repro- duction 942~973 (Acquisition, Practice, Disposition, Inhibition, Perseveration, Lapses) b. Imagery, Recognition, Expectation, Imag- ination 974-982 3. Thought: General 983-992 (incl. Meaning and Understanding) 4. Comparison, Abstraction, Ideation 993~ 995 5. Judgment and Belief; Reasoning 996-1001 6. Psychology of Testimony; Diagnosis of Mental Situation 1002-1006 7. Disorders of Attention, Memory, and Thought 1007-1008 vui CONTENTS VII. Social Functions of the Individual: i. General; Self and Objective World 1009-1023 2. Psychology of Language: a. General; Speech and Song 1024-1038 b. Writing, Drawing, Gesture Language 1039-1045 c. Reading, Interpretation 1046-1052 3. Psychology of Values 1053-1061 (incl. Empathy, Einfiihlung) 4. Psychology of Art : 1062-1075 (incl. Music) 5. Psychology of Conduct and Morals 1076-1097 6. Psychology of Custom, Religion, Magic and Myth 1098-1146 7. Special Functions 1 147-1 169 (Invention, Advertising, Acting, etc.) VIII. Special Mental Conditions: 1. Sleep, Dreams, Narcoses, etc 1170-1193 (Hallucinations; Psychology of Stimulants, Drugs, Ether, etc.; Death) 2. Hypnosis, Suggestion, Psychoanalysis, Sub- consciousness, etc 1 194-1248 3. Psychical Research 1 249-1 274 (Clairvoyance, Telepathy, Occultism) IX. Nervous and Mental Disorders: 1. General 1275-1467 (Problems and Methods; Text-books, Reports, Dis- cussions, Mental Diseases of Childhood, Adolescence, and Senescence; Unclassed Disorders) 2. Maldevelopments 1468-1522 (Idiocy, Imbecility, Feeble-mindedness; cf. XI: 1) 3. Anaesthesia, Aphasia, Apraxia, etc 1523-1530 4. Amnesia, Manias, Delusions; Senile Dementia, Paralyses, Syphilis, Poliomyelitis, etc 1531-1721 5. Epilepsy, Chorea, Paralysis Agitans, etc 1 722-1 761 6. Hysteria, Altered Personality, Neurasthenia, etc 1 762-1 805 7. Dementia Praecox 1 806-1 827 8. Manic-depressive Insanity 1828-183 1 9. Psychoses of Intoxication, Traumatism, War, etc 1832-1944 10. Medical Jurisprudence I945_i97° (Mental Disorders and Legal Responsibility) CONTENTS ix X. Individual, Racial, and Social Phenomena: i. Individual Psychology: a. General 1 971-2000 (incl. Character, Genius, etc.) b. Psychology of Types 2001-2008 c. Sex, Age, and Occupation Differences 2009-2025 2. Race Psychology and Anthropology 2026-2066 (incl. Craniology; cf. VII: 4, 5, 6) 3. Social Psychology 2067-2129 (incl. Psychology of War) 4. Degeneracy, Prostitution, Criminology, Sui- cide 2130-2165 XI. Mental Development in Man: 1. Mental Inheritance and Environment: a. General 2166-2192 b. Mental Tests 2193-2273 (cf.I:4,6) 2. Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence. . . . 2274-2299 3. Educational Psychology: a. General Treatises; Problems of Education 2300-2394 b. Problems of -Instruction and of the School- room 2395-2456 XII. Mental Evolution: Behavior and the Animal Mind: 1. Organic Evolution and Heredity 2457-2516 (incl. Eugenics) 2. Plants; Organs and Responses 2517-2521 3. Animal Psychology and Behavior: a. General 2522-2532 (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) b. Nervous System, Receptor and Effector Organs 2533-2561 c. Mental Processes and Functions (Sensa- tion, Perception, Emotion, etc.) 2562-2574 d. Animal Activities: Behavior (Instinct, Habit, and Higher Plastic Adjustments) 2575-2658 Index of Authors pp. 170-189 CURRENT BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF ALLIED SUBJECTS U. S. Surgeon General's office. Index-catalogue of the Library. Washington: Govt. Printing Office. Readers' guide to periodical literature: supplement. White Plains & New York: Wilson. International catalogue of scientific literature. London: Harrison. New international year-book, etc. New York: Dodd, Mead. American year-book. New York & London: Appleton. Index medicus; a monthly classified index of the current medical literature of the world. Washington: Carnegie Institution. Quarterly cumulative index to current medical literature. Chicago: American Medical Association. Zoologischer Jahresbericht. Berlin: Friedlander. Bibliographia zoologica. Zurich: Concilium Bibliographicum. Zentralblatt fur Physiologic Leipzig & Wien: Deuticke. Physiological abstracts. London: Physiological Society. U. S. Bureau of Education. Monthly record of current educational publications. Washington: Govt. Printing Office. L'annee pedagogique. Paris: Alcan. L'annee philosophique. Paris: Alcan. Die Philosophic der Gegenwart, etc. Heidelberg: Weiss. Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaften, etc. Dresden: Bohmert. L'anthropologie. (Bulletin bibliographique.) Paris: Masson. I. General i. Psychological Textbooks and Systematic Treatises 1. Aliotta, A. La vita del pensiero. Napoli: Perrella, Pp. 207. 2. Baudin, E. Psychologic Paris: J. de Gigord, 1917. 3. Breese, B. B. Psychology. New York: Scribner's, 1917. Pp. x + 482. 4. Judd, C. H. Psychology; general introduction, (rev. ed.) Boston: Ginn, 1917. Pp. 358. 5. Langfeld, H. S. Textbooks and general treatises. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 17-22. 6. Pyle, W. H. The science of human nature; a psychology for beginners. Boston: Silver, Burdett, 1917. Pp. 229. 2. Historical and Biographical 7. Ahlberg, A. Sjalfmedvetandets problem i antik filosofi. Psyke, 1916, II, 41-65. 8. Amendola, E. II pensiero religioso e morale di F. Dostoiewski. Bilychnis, 191 7, 6, 262-277. 9. Bientinese, G. Vincenzo di Beauvais e Pietro Dubois con- siderati come pedagogisti. Atti d. r. accad. d. scienze di torino, 1917, 52, 191-206. 10. Brown, H. W. A literary forerunner of Freud. Psychoanal. Rev., 1 917, 4, 64-69. 11. Burrow, T. Notes with reference to Freud, Jung, and Adler. /. of Abnorm. Psychol., 1917, 12, 161-167. 12. Cunningham, G. W. A study in the philosophy of Bergson. New York & London: Longmans, Green, 1916. Pp. xii + 212. 13. Dauriac, L. L'idee de phenomene dans la philosophic de Charles Renouvier. Rev. phil., 1917, 84, 31-58. 14. De Vaux, C. Sur l'origine des chiffres. Scientia, 191 7, 21, 273-282. 15. Elliot, H. Herbert Spencer. (Makers of the Nineteenth Century Series.) London: Constable, 1917. Pp. 330. 2 GENERAL: HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL [1:1 1 6. Enjalran, L. Autour de l'experience de Wheatstone. Rev. phil, 1917, 83, 401-452. 17. Fernberger, S. W. On the number of articles of psychological interest published in the different languages. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 141-150. 18. Ferriere, A. La psychologie bibliologique d'apres les docu- ments et les travaux de Nicolas Roubakine. Arch, de psychol., 1916, 16, 101-132. 19. Flournoy, T. The philosophy of William James. (Holt, E. B., and James, W., Jr., trans.) New York: Holt, 1917. Pp. ix + 246. 20. Franz, S. I. The scientific productivity of American pro- fessional psychologists. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 197-219. 21. Franzoni, A. Gioberti. La pedagogia; dalla filosofia alia politica. Quad. d. pedag., 1917, I, 165-232, 233-290. 22. Franzoni A. Rousseau. Quad. d. pedag., 1917, 1, 1-163. 23. Galletti, A. I miti dell' imperialismo germanico. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 1-24. 24. Giese, F. Deutsche Psychologie. Band 1. Heft 1. Lan- gensalza, Wendt & Klauwell, 1916. Pp. 108. 25. Hall, G. S. A reminiscence. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 297-300. 26. Jastrow, J. Varieties of psychological experience. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 249-265. 27. Kempf, E. J. The psychology of "The Yellow Jacket." Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 393-423. 28. Lenoir, R. Psychologie et logique de Destutt de Tracy. Rev. phil, 1917, 84, 527-556. 29. Lloyd, A. H. Psychophysical parallelism: a psychological episode in history. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c.} 191 7, 14, 561 — 570. 30. Loewenberg, J. S. The James-Lange theory in Lessing. Amer. J. of Psychol, 1917, 28, 301. 31. Lugaro, E. La psichiatria tedesca nella storia e nell' attualita. Firenze: Press of "Rivista di patologia nervosa e mentale." 1917; Riv. d. pat. nerv. e ment., 1917, 22, 357. 32. Marvin, W. T. The history of European philosophy; an introductory book. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. ix + 220. 33. McClure, M. T. Francis Bacon and the modern spirit. /. of Phil. Psychol, 13c, 1917, 14, 520-527. 1:2] GENERAL: HISTORICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL 3 34. Mercier, C. Sir Oliver Lodge and the scientific world. Hibbert J., 1917, 15, 598-613. 35. Milhaud, G. Descartes et Bacon. Scientia, 1917, 21, 185- 198. 36. Muttinelli, F. II profilo intellettuale di S. Agostino. Bilychnis, 191 7, 6, 155-160. 37. Olgiati, F. Un pensatore Americano: Josiah Royce. Milano: Via Mazzini, 1917. Pp. 114- 38. Penney, A. T. The intellectual voluntarism of Alfred Fouillee. In Philosophical Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton. New York: Macmillan, 191 7. Pp. 95-111- 39. Pillsbury, W. B. The new development in psychology in the past quarter century. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 56-69. 40. Putnam, J. J. The work of Sigmund Freud. /. of Abnorm. Psychol., 1917, 12, 145-160. 41. Riley, W. Historical contributions. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 1-2. 42. Sergi, G. & Luzzatti, L. Guido Cavaglieri. Riv. xtal. d. sociol., 191 7, 2, 169-172. 43. Spiess, C. Imperialismes. La conception Gobinienne de la race, sa valeur au point bio-psychologique. Paris: Fi- guiere. 44. Stern, W. Hugo Miinsterberg: in memoriam. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1 91 7, 1, 186-188. 45. Stratton, G. M. Theophrastus and the Greek physiological psychology before Aristotle. London: Allen & Unwin; New York: Macmillan, 191 7. Pp. 227. 46. Villa, G. Armando Theodulo Ribot. Riv. d. fil., 1917, 9, 101-109. 47. Washburn, M. F. The last quarter century in psychology. Phil. R*ev., 1917, 26, 46-55. 48. Watson, J. B. Does Holt follow Freud ? /. of Phil, Psychol, tfc, 1917, M, 85-93- . 49. Wenley, R. M. The life and work of George Sylvester Morns : a chapter in the history of American thought in the nine- teenth century. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. xv + 332- 50. Wilde, N. Rousseau's doctrine of the right to believe. Mind, 1917, 26, 12-28. 51. [Anon.] Leibnitz and Locke. Monist, 191 7, 27, i37-!42- 4 GENERAL: RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES [1:3 3. Relations to Other Sciences 52. Adlerblum, N. H. A reinterpretation of Jewish philosophy. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 181-189. 53. Alexander, H. B. Rousseau and political humanitarianism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 589-611. 54. Bosanquet, B. Realism and metaphysics. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 4-15. 55. Cattell, J. M. Our Psychological Association and research. . Science, 191 7, 45, 275-284. 56. Chandler, A. R. Professor Husserl's program of philosophic reform. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 624-648. 57. Chase, H. W. Psychology and social science. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 216-228. 58. Cobb, C. W. The first antinomy of Kant. /. of Phil., Psy- chol., &c, 191 7, 14, 688-690. 59. Cowles, E. Research in pathological psychology and bio- chemistry. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 117-140. 60. Cuming, A. Lotze, Bradley, and Bosanquet. Mind, 1917, 26, 162-170. 61. Davenport, H. J. Scope, method, and psychology in econom- ics. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 617-626. 62. De Saussure, F. Cours de linguistique generale. Paris & Lausanne: Payot, 1916. Pp. xi + 336. 63. Dewey, J. Concerning novelties in logic: a reply to Mr. Robinson. /. of Phil., Psychol., i$c, 1917, 14, 237-246. 64. Drake, D. A cul-de-sac for realism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c9 1917, 14, 365-373- 65. Dupont, P. La logique phenomenale. Rev. phil., 191 7, 84, 297-324. 66. Ellwood, C. A. The present condition of the social sciences. Science, 191 7, 46, 469-475. 67. Franz, S. I. Psychology and psychiatry. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 226-229. 68. Grasset, J. Devoirs et perils biologiques. Paris: Alcan, 1917. Pp. 546. 69. Grasset, J. La biologie humaine. Paris: Flammarion, 191 7. Pp- 343- 70. Haldar, H. Leibniz and German idealism. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 378-394- 71. Hrdlicka, A. Phrenology. Science, 1917, 45, 64. 72. Jourdain, P. E. B. Logic and psychology. Monist, 191 7, 27, 460-467. 1:3] GENERAL: RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES 5 73. Jourdain, — . La fonction du symbolisme dans la logique mathematique. Scientia, 191 7, 21, 1-12. 74. Laing, B. M. Schopenhauer and individuality. Mind, 191 7, 26, 171-187. 75. Lloyd, A. H. Pragmatism and metaphysics. /. of Phil., Psychol., fcfc., 191 7, 14, 477-483- 76. Loeb, J. Biology and war. Science, 191 7, 45, 73-76. 77. Longwell, H. K. Philosophy as handmaid of society. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 178-190. 78. Lovejoy, A. O. On some conditions of progress in philo- sophical inquiry. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 123-162. 79. Lovejoy, A. O. Progress in philosophical inquiry. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 537-544- 80. Masson-Oursel, P. Etudes delogique comparee: evolution de la logique indienne; evolution de la logique chinoise. Rev. phil.y 1917, 83, 453-469; 84, 58-76. 81. Mecklin, J. M. The revival of the ontological argument. /. of Phil. Psychol., \$c.t 1917, 14, 124-135. 82. Mitchell, A. What is formal logic about? Mind, 1917, 26, 428-447. 83. Paton, S. Biology and preparedness. Science, 1917, 45> 173-178. 84. Riley, W. La philosophic francaise en Amerique. Rev. phil., 191 7, 84, 393-428. 85. Rivers, W. H. R. Sociology and psychology. Sociol. Rev., 1916, 9, 1-13. 86. Roback, A. A. Psychology as applied to the natural sciences. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, I, 144-160. 87. Robinson, D. S. An alleged new discovery in logic. /. of Phil., Psychol., Z3c, 1917, 14, 225-237. 88. Sabine, G. H. Philosophical and scientific specialization. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 16-27. 89. Schiller, F. C. Aristotle and the practical syllogism. /. of Phil., Psychol., fcfc., 1917, 14, 645-653. 90. Schiller, F. C. S. Mr. Bradley, Bain, and pragmatism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 449"457- 91. Sellars, R. W. The status of epistemology. /. of Phil., Psychol., 9Jc, 191 7, 14, 673-680. 92. Singer, H. D. Dynamic psychology and the practice of medi- cine. J. of Nerv. y Ment. Dis., 1917, 45, 324-336. 93. Tufts, J. H. Ethics in the last twenty-five years. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 28-45. ) GENERAL: RELATIONS TO OTHER SCIENCES [1:3 94. Turner, J. E. The philosophical basis of a fortiori. Mind, 1 91 7, 26, 71-76. 95. Van Riper, B. W. Philosophy and edification. /. of Phil., Psychol., yc, 191 7, 14, 55°-554- 96. Warren, H. C. Science as contraband. Science, 191 7, 45> 216. 97. Worms, R. Philosophic des sciences sociales. II Methode des sciences sociales. Paris: Giard & Briere, 1917. 98. Zimmern, — , & Logre, — . De l'utilisation en neurologie du phenomene appele reflexe galvano-psychique. (Soc. de neur.) Rev. neur., 1917, 24, 501-504. 99. [Anon.] Activities of clinical psychologists. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 224-226. 4. General Problems and Discussion (Psychological Standpoint, Consciousness, Immortality, etc.) 100. Ardigo, R. L'intelligenza. Riv. d. fil., 1917, 9, 1-26. 101. Bona ventura, E. Le qualita del mondo fisico. Firenze: Galletti & Coeci, 1916. Pp. 306. 102. Bosanquet, B. Causality and implication. Mind, 1917, 26, 197-204. 103. Bosanquet, B. The relation of coherence to immediacy and specific purpose. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 259-273. 104. Brown, H. C. Concerning Professor Woodbridge's "Com- ment." /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 380-381. 105. Brown, H. C. Matter and energy. /. of Phil., Psychol., tfc, 1 91 7, 14, 57-66. 106. Calkins, M. W. Purposing self vs. potent soul: a discussion of Professor Warren's "Study of Purpose." /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 197-200. 107. Carr, H. The nature of mental process. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 181-187. 108. Chase, H. W. Consciousness and the unconscious. Psy- chol., Bull., 1917, 14, 7-1 1. 109. Chatley, H. Idealism as a force. Monist, 1917, 17, 151-157. no. Cobb, C. W. Relativity. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 29-41. in. Coffey, P. Epistemology or the theory of knowledge. London: Longmans, Green, 1917. 112. Cooke, H. P. De propositionum aut iudiciorum problemate. Mind, 1 91 7, 26, 216. 1:4] GENERAL: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION 7 113. Cunningham, H. E. Theory as truth; a criticism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c., 1917, 14, 295-297. 114. Davis, T. L. On inductive inference. /. of Phil., Psychol., fcfc., 1917, 14, 421-441. 115. Davis, T. L. The contrast between scientific theory and the demand of the pragmatic prescription. /. of Phil., Psychol., 13c, 1917, 14, 93-102. 116. De Laguna, G. A. Phenomena and their determination. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 622-634. 117. De Laguna, G. A. The limits of the physical. In Philo- sophical Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. 175-183. 118. Demos, R. A discussion of a certain type of negative propo- sition. Mind, 191 7, 26, 188-196. 119. Dewey, J., et al. Creative intelligence. New York: Holt, 1917. Pp. v + 467. 120. Donati, G. La psicologia scientifica. Forli: Bordandini, 1917. Pp. 53. 121. Ferrari, G. C. Per l'insegnamento della psicologia speri- mentale. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 217-221. 122. Fuller, B. Man as he is; essays in a new psychology. London: John Murray, 191 6. Pp. 247. 123. Geyer, D. The relation of truth to tests. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 626-633. 124. Giddings, F. H. The method of absolute posit. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 20-22. 125. Grasset, J. L'idealisme positif. Rev. phil., 1917, 83, 171- 189; 245-270. 126. Hooper, C. E. The meaning of 'the Universe.' Mind, 1917, 26, 129-145, 273-290. 127. Jelliffe, S. E. Priority and progress. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 393-400. 128. Laird, J. Introspection and intuition. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 496-5I3- 129. Le Dantec, F. Energie et force. Rev. phil., 1917, 83, 2-36. 130. Lewis, C. I. The issues concerning material implication. /. of Phil., Psychol., fcfc., 1917, 14, 350-356. 131. Lindsay, J. The knowledge of other minds. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 545-547- 132. Mercier, C. A. Casuality and implication. Mind, 1917, 26, 77-80. 8 GENERAL: PROBLEMS AND DISCUSSION [1:4 133. Mercier, C. A. On causation, with a chapter on belief. London: Longmans, Green, 1916. Pp. 228. 134. Morgan, C. L. Enjoyment and awareness. Mind, 191 7, 26, 1— 1 1. 135. Naville, A. De quelques especes de libertes et de quelques- unes de leurs conditions. Rev. phil., 1917, 83, 60-89. 136. Ogden, R. M. Mental activity and conscious content. In Philosophical Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton. New York: Macmillan, 191 7. Pp. 290-306. 137. Parsons, E. C. The teleological delusion. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1 91 7, 14, 463-469. 138. Pepper, S. C. The nature of scientific matter. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 483-491. 139. Perry, R. B. Purpose as systematic unity. Monist, 1917, 27, 352-375- 140. Perry, R. B. Purpose as tendency and adaptation. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 477-495- 141. Pickard-Cambridge, W. A. Universals and a fortiori reason- ing. Mind, 1 91 7, 26, 205-215. 142. Pillsbury, W. B. Principles of explanation in psychology. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 191 7. Pp. 18-29. 143. Pillsbury, W. B. The datum. In Philosophical Essays in Honor of James Edwin Creighton. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. 162-174. 144. Rogers, A. K. The nature of certainty. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 585-601. 145. Titchener, E. B. The psychological concept of clearness. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 43-61. 146. Van Riper, B. W. On cosmic reversability. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 36I-377- 147. Wtarren, H. C. The mechanics of intelligence. Phil. Rev., 1 91 7, 26, 602-621. 148. Watson, J. B. An attempted formulation of the scope of behavior psychology. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 329-352. 149. Weiss, A. P. Relation between structural and behavior psychology. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 301-317. 150. Weiss, A. P. Relation between functional and behavior psychology. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 353-368. 151. Whitney, W. R. Research. Gen. 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The nature of the psychical. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 288-294. 161. Brown, T. G. Speculations on the working of the brain. Mind, 1 91 7, 26, 53-70. 162. Cohen, M. R. The distinction between the mental and the physical. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 261-267. 163. Dashiell, J. F. Spirit and matter: a philosophical tradition. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 66-74. 164. Dewey, J. Duality and dualism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 491-493- 165. Drake, D. Dr. Dewey's duality and dualism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 660-663. 166. Fite, W. Consciousness — where is it? /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 281-288. 167. Hoernle, R. F. A. The mental and the physical as a problem for philosophy. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 297-314. 168. Loeb, J. The organism as a whole; from a physiochemical viewpoint. New York & London: Putnam, 1916. Pp. x + 379- 169. Marvin, W. T. General standpoints: mind and body. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 3-7. 10 GENERAL: MIND AND BODY [1:5 170. Maudsley, H. Materialism and spiritualism. /. of Ment. Sci., 191 7, 63, 494-506. 171. Pratt, J. B. A defense of dualistic realism. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 253-261. 172. Rinaker, C. The dualism of Mr. P. E. More. Phil. Rev., 191 7, 26, 409-420. 173. Rougier, L. La materialisation de l'energie. Rev. phil., 1917, 84, 473-526. 174. Saunders, L. P. Mr. Russell's Lowell lectures. Mind, 1917, 26, 29-52. , 175. Temple, W. Mens creatrix. New York, Macmillan, 1917. Pp. xiii + 367. 176. Wright, H. W. Spirit and matter: a reply to Dr. Dashiell. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 400-403. 177. [Anon.] Body and mind. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 286-287. 6. General Methods; Terminology 178. Abbott, W. J. L. Prehistoric classification. Sci. Prog., 1917, 12, 272-281. 179. Bell, J. C. A detailed study of Whipple's range of infor- mation test. /. of E due. Psychol., 1917, 8, 474-482. 180. Boring, E. G. On the computation of the probable correct- ness of differences. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 454-459. 181. Dewey, J. The concept of the neutral in recent epistemology. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 161-163. 182. Doodson, A. T. Relation of the mode, median, and mean in frequency curves. Biometrika, 1917, II, 425-429. 183. Frost, H. B. The different meanings of the term "factor" as affecting clearness in genetic discussion. Amer. Natural., 1917, 61, 244-250. 184. Isseolis, L. On the representation of statistical data. Biometrika, 1917, II, 418-425. 185. Ives, H. E. The units and nomenclature of radiation and illumination. Astrophys. /., 191 7, 45, 39-49. 186. Jequier, C. L'emploi du calcul des probabilites en psychol- ogic Arch, de psychol., 1917, 16, 197-299. 187. Kelley, T. L. Tables to facilitate the calculation of partial coefficients of correlation and regression. /. of Educ. Psychol., 191 7, 9, 622-623. 1:6] GENERAL METHODS: TERMINOLOGY II 188. Lee, A. Further supplementary tables for determining high correlations from tetrachoric groupings. Biometrika, 191 7, 11, 284-291. 189. Miner, J. B. Correlation. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 176- 185. 190. Otis, A. S. The derivation of simpler forms of regression equations. /. of E due. Psychol., 1917, 9, 619-622. 191. Pearson, K. On the probable error of biserial 77. Biometrika, 1917, 11, 292-302. 192. Pearson, K. The probable error of a Mendelian class fre- quency. Biometrika, 1917, II, 429-432. 193. Pintner, R., & Toops, H. A. A chart for rapid computation of Point Scale scores. /. of Deli?iq., 1917, 2, 209-210. 194. Resta, R. Concetto di educazione. Riv. pedag., 1917, 10, 596-615. 195. Ruml, B. Coefficients of diagnostic value. /. of Phil., Psy- chol., &c, 1917, 14, 633-637. 196. Solomon, M. Need for stricter definition of terms in psy- chopathology. /. of Abnorm. Psychol., 191 7, 12, 200-201. 197. Soper, H. E., Young, A. W., Cave, B. M., Lee, A., & Pear- son, K. On the distribution of the correlation coefficient in small samples; Appendix II to the papers of 'Student' and R. A. Fisher. A cooperative study. Biometrika, 191 7, 11, 328-413. 198. ["Student."] Tables for estimating the probability that the mean of a unique sample of observations lies between — co and any given distance of the mean of the population from which the sample is drawn. Biometrika, 191 7, II, 414-417. 199. Thurstone, L. L. A method of calculating the Pearson correlation coefficient without the use of deviations. Psy- chol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 28-32. 200. Toll, C. H. Introspection and general methods. Psychol. Bull, 1917, 14, 11-14. 201. [Anon.] A nomenclature of smells. Lancet, 191 7, 193, 578- 579- 202. [Axon.] 1917 report of the Committee on Nomenclature and Standards of the Illuminating Engineering Society. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1917, 12, 438-448. 12 GENERAL APPARATUS: TECHNIQUE [1:7 7. General Apparatus and Technique 203. Amar, J. Instrument pour rnesurer et reeduquer les move- ments de pronation et de supination, le "gyrographe." C. r. acad. des sci., 1916, 163, 766-768. 204. Bartrum, C. 0. A clock of precision. Proc. Phys. Soc London, 1917, 29, 120-149. 205. Cannes, J. Presentation d'appareils pour l'etude du tremble- ment. C. r. soc. de biol., 1917, 80, 164-168. 206. Coleman, W. M. An apparatus for studying the effect of Hertizan waves on the beating of the heart. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1917, 29, 1-84. 207. Dearborn, G. V. N. Rare research material. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 141-142. 208. Dunlap, K. A new complication apparatus. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 89-91. 209. Dunlap, K. The Johns Hopkins chronoscope. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 249-252. 210. Dunlap, K. The stop-watch and association test. Psy- chobiol., 1917, 1, 171-175. 211. Erlanger, J. The role of Boyle's law in clinical sphyg- momanometry. Science, 191 7, 45, 284-384. 212. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A new method of heterochro- matic photometry — A reply to Dr. Johnson. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, I59-I73- 213. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. Radiometric apparatus for use in psychological and physiological optics. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 24 (No. 103). Pp. xvi + 65. 214. Goddard, H. H. The tilting board and rotation table. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 313-314. 215. Guilleminot, H. Sphygmographe a. contre-pression. C. r. soc. de biol, 1917, 80, 168-169. 216. Kellner, H. Symbols and designations for geometrical optics. /. of Opt. Soc, 1917, 1, 40-45. 217. Klopsteg, P. E. A new chronoscope and fall apparatus. /. of Exp. Psychol, 1917, 2, 253-263. 218. Kohs, S. C. The progressive error of the Smedley dyna- mometer. /. of Exp. Psychol, 191 7, 2, 304-312. 219. McComas, H. C. Apparatus for recording continuous dis- crimination reactions. /. of Exp. Psychol, 1917, 2, 171-177. 220. Nutting, P. G. A new type of comparison photometer. /. of Opt. Soc, 1917, 1, 83-86. 1:7] GENERAL APPARATUS: TECHNIQUE 1 3 221. Pardee, H. E. B. Concerning the electrodes used in electro- cardiography. Amer. J. of Physiol., 191 7, 44, 80-83. 222. Ponzo, M. Nouveau dispositif pour renregistrement gra- phique de la respiration, avec un exemple de son application a l'etude des modifications de la respiration durant la lecture mentale. Arch. ital. de biol., 1916, 64, 306-312. 223. Reeves, P. Color filters and neutral filters for visual ex- periments. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 249-253. 224. Richmond, H. A. An improved method of using the tele- graph reaction key. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 471-475. 225. Seashore, C. E. Apparatus. Psychol Bull., 1917, 14, 15-16. 226. Warren, H. C, & Reeves, P. Hipp chronoscope without springs. /. of Exp. Psychol., 191 7, 2, 114-116. 227. Weiss, A. P. A limen color mixer. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 409-418. 228. Weiss, A. P. The focal variator. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 106-113. 8. Collections (Essays, Reports, Bibliographies, New Periodicals) 229. Angier, R. P. (Ed.) Yale psychological studies. (New series, 2, No. 2). Psychol. Monog., 191 7, 23, (No. 100). Pp- 159-331. 230. Avalder, H. Bibliografi ofver skandinavisk psykologisk litteratur 1914. Psyke, 1915, 10, 239-252. 231. Balz, A. G. A. The sixteenth annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c.t 191 7, 14, 200-218. 232. Bentley, M. (Ed.) Psychological Index, No. 23 (1916). Lancaster & Princeton: Psychol. Rev. Co., 191 7. Pp. x -f 172. 233. Densmore, F. The Anthropological Society of Washington. /. of Washington Acad. Sci., 191 7, 7, 47-52, 139-140, 169- 172, 202-204, 273-276, 360, 395-396. 234. Edgell, B. (Ed.) Psychological studies from the psychologi- cal laboratory of Bedford College. University of London Press. 235. Fleming, J. A., & Sweet, D. H. The Philosophical Society of Washington. /. of Washington Acad. Sci., 1917, 7, 17-24, 79-8o, 112, 163-165, 189-193, 236-239, 269-271, 473-476, 543- 14 GENERAL: COLLECTIONS [1:8 236. Foster, W. S. A bibliography of the published writings of Edward Bradford Titchener. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 1917. Pp- 323-337- 237. Franz, S. I. Report of Committee on Reeducation Research. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 416-420. 238. Geissler, L. R. Proceedings of the twelfth annual meeting of the Southern Society for Philosophy and Psychology.. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 145-159. 239. Jourdain, P. E. B. The organization of scientific literature. Sci. Prog., 1 91 7, II, 686-690. 240. Kellner, H. (Ed.) Journal of the Optical Society of America. Rochester, N. Y.: Optical Society of America, 1917. 241. Kohs, S. C. An annotated bibliography of recent literature on the Binet-Simon scale (1913-1917): Parts I-IV. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 425-438, 488-502, 559-565, 609-618. 242. Langfeld, H. S. Psychology. Amer. Year Book, 191 7, 678-681. 243. Loewenberg, J. S. A bibliography of the unpublished writings of Josiah Royce. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 578-582. 244. Ogden, R. M. Report of the retiring secretary of the Ameri- can Psychological Association. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 33-8o. 245. Otis, F. E. Current literature on mental deficiency. Train- ing School Bull., 1917, 14, 102-103. 246. Owen, F. E. The psychological clinic of the Southern Cali- fornia Association of Applied Sciences. /. of Abnorm. Psychol., 1917, 12, 217-231. 247. Poffenberger, A. T., Jr. A library classification for books on psychology. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 328-331. 248. Poffenberger, A. T., Jr. New York Branch of the American Psychological Association. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 74-77, 328-330, 690-693. 249. Popenoe, P. The American Genetic Association. Science, 1917, 45, 95-96. 250. Schaub, E. L. The seventeenth annual meeting of the Western Philosophical Association. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1 91 7, 14, 403-418. 251. Titchener, E. B., & Weld, H. P. Psychology. Review of the literature of 1916. The Int. Year-Book. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1917. Pp. 565-569. 1:8] GENERAL: COLLECTIONS 15 252. Warren, H. C. Bibliographical. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 14-15- 253. Werner, C. Xllme reunion des philosophes de la Suisse romande. Arch, de psychol., 191 7, 16, 302-304. 254. [Anon.] Proceedings of the American Psychopathological Association: program and discussion. /. of Abnorm. Psy- chol., 1917, 11, 409-417. 255. [Anon.] Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research. New York: 1915-1917. Vol. IX, X, XI. 256. [Anon.] Proceedings of the sixteenth annual meeting of the American Philosophical Association. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 190-213. II. Nervous System — Structure and Functions 1. General (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) 257. Donaldson, H. H. Growth changes in the mammalian ner- vous system. (Abstract). N. Y. Med. J., 191 7, 105, 28-29. 258. Galli, E. Sensazioni delPapparato nervoso. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 229-276. 259. Pikler, J. Sinnesphysiologische Untersuchungen. Leip- zig: Barth. 260. Tilney, F. Opportunities in neurology. /. of Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1917, 46, 81-89; N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 105, 508- 509. 2. Elementary Structure 261. Dolley, D. H. Fallacy of denying functional size changes in nerve cells from collective cell averages. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 191 7, 68, 756-757- 262. Ricksher, C. A review of the nature and function of the neuroglia. Amer. J. of Insan., 1917, 74, 15-23. 3. Nerves a. Structure 263. Brookover, C. The peripheral distribution of the nervous terminals in an infant. /. of Comp. Neur., 191 7, 28, 349-360. 1 6 NERVES: STRUCTURE [II: 3, a 264. Compton, A. T. The intrinsic anatomy of the large nerve trunks of limbs. /. of Anat., 1917, 51, 103-117. 265. Dolley, D. H. Further verification of functional size changes in nerve cell bodies by the use of the polar planim- eter. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 27, 299-324. 266. Elsberg, C. A. Motor nerve regeneration and the direct neurotization of paralyzed muscles by their own and by foreign nerves. Science, 191 7, 45, 318-320. 267. Gage, S. H. Glycogen in the nervous system of vertebrates. /. of Comp. Neur., 191 7, 27, 451-466. 268. Glaser, O. C. On the mechanism of morphological differen- tiation in the nervous system. II. The relation between compression and development of a series of vesicles. Anat. Record, 191 7, 12, 195-220. 269. Gothlin, G. F. Relation entre le fonctionnement et la structure des elements nerveux. Upsala Ldkaref. Forhandl., 1917,22, 501-521. 270. Gutsell, R. S. An anomalous case of blood formation in the connective tissue of the sciatic nerve in man. Anat. Record., 191 7, 13, 409-418. 271. Haberlandt, L. Uber Stoffwechsel und Ermudbarkeit der peripheren Nerven. (Sammlung anatom. u. physiolog. Vortrage und Aufsatze, H. 29.) Jena: Fischer, 1916. 272. Ingebrightsen, R. Biology of peripheral nerves in trans- plantation. (Studies from the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. Vol. 25.) New York, 1916. b. Excitability 273. Black, D. The motor nuclei of the cerebral nerves in phy- logeny; a study of the phenomena of neurobiotaxis. I. Cyclostomi and Pisces. II. Amphibia. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 27, 467-564; 28, 379-428. 274. Bourguignon, G. La chronaxie chez l'homme determinee au moyen des decharges de condensateurs. Rev. neur., 1917, 24, 162-173. 275. Bourguignon, G. La chronaxie normale des muscles du membre superieur de l'homme. Rev. neur., 1916, 23, 591— 593; 1 91 7, 24, 16-23. 276. Burnham, W. H. The significance of stimulation in the de- velopment of the nervous system. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 38-56. II: 3, b] NERFES: EXCITABILITY 17 277. Coriat, I. H. The sensory evidence of nerve regeneration. Bost. Med. y Surg. J., 1917, 176, 192-201. 278. Kappers, C. U. A. Further contributions on neurobiotaxis. IX. An attempt to compare the phenomena of neuro- biotaxis with other phenomena of taxis and tropism. The dynamic polarization of the neurone. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 27, 261-298. 279. Meltzer, S. J. The disturbance of the law of contrary inner- vation as a pathogenetic factor in the diseases of the bile ducts, and the gall-bladder. Amer. J. of Med. Sci., 1917, 153, 469-477- 280. Pratt, F. H. The excitation of microscopic areas: a non- polarizable capillary electrode. Amer. J. of Physiol. , 1917, 43, 159-168. c. Conductivity 281. Baker, L. F., & Bridgman, E. W. Extreme prolongation of conduction time in the bundle of His; an example resulting from digitalis therapy. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1917, 68, 903-907. 282. Bayliss, W. M. On the origin of electric currents led off from the human body, especially in relation to 'nerve-leaks.' Brit. Med. J., 1917 (No. 2934), 387-388, 395. 283. Forbes, A., & Rappleye, W. C. The rate of discharge of central neurones. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 12-15. 284. Gesell, R. Some electrical phenomena of animal tissues. (Abstract.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 591-592. 285. Lillie, R. S. The conditions of physiological conduction in irritable tissues. III. Electrolytic local action as the basis of propagation of the excitation-wave. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 41, 126-136. 286. Lucas, K. The conduction of the nervous impulse. London: Longmans, Green. 287. Mayer, A. G. Formula for rate of nerve conduction in sea water. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 591-595- 288. Mayer, A. G. On the non-existence of nervous shell-shock in fishes and marine invertebrates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 597-598. 289. McClendon, J. F. Does the myelin sheath function as an electric insulator broken only at the nodes of Ranvier? (Abstract.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 614. 18 NERVES: CONDUCTIVITY [II: 3, c 290. McClendon, J. F. 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The effect of varying the calcium and potas- sium content of perfusion fluids on vagus inhibition. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, I7I-I75- _ 298. Burton-Opitz, R. Depressor action of the thoracic sym- pathetic nerve and its branches. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 41, 103-111. 299. Burton-Opitz, R. The depressor function of the thoracic sympathetic nerve and its connections. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42,498-5ii- 300. Carlson, A. J. Contributions to the physiology of the stomach. XLIV. The origin of the epigastric pains in cases of gastric and duodenal ulcer. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 45, 81-91. 301. Cyriax, E. F. Manual treatment of the cervical sympa- thetic. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 106, 1021-1025. 302. Eppinger, H., & Hess, L. Vagatonia. A clinical study in vegetative neurology. (Kraus, W. M., & Jelliffe, S. E., trans.) (2nd ed.) (Nerv. & Ment. Dis. Monog. Series No. 20.) New York: Nerv. & Ment. Dis. Pub. Co., 191 7. Pp- 93- H:4] SPINAL CORD, AUTONOMIC SYSTEM 19 303. Farnell, F. J. 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Ingvar, S. Bidrag till kannedomen om lilla hjarnans in- flytande pa talet. A Urn. Svenska Ldkaretidn., 191 6, 13, 989-995. 346. Lambert, — . Epilepsie Bravais-jacksonienne et troubles de la sensibilite d'origine corticale a disposition pseudo-radi- culaire. (Thesis.) Montpellier, 1917. 347. Leyton, A. S. F., & Sherrington, C. S. Observations on the excitable cortex of the chimpanzee, orang-utan and gorilla. Qt. J. of Exper. Physiol., 1917, II, 135-222. 348. Luthy, A. Verandert die langere Zufuhr von Antipyreticis die Erregbarkeit des Temperaturzentrums? Correspondenz- Blatt f. Schweizer Aerzte, 1917, 47, 1425-1438. 349. Minkowski, M. Zur Physiologie der vorderen und hinteren Zentralwindung und der Parietalwindungen. Correspon- denz-Blatt f. Schweizer Aerzte, 1917, 47, 353-376. 350. Monbrun, A. Les hemianopsies en quadrant et le centre cortical de la vision. Presse med., 1917, 607-609. 351. Ogden, R., & Franz, S. I. On cerebral motor control; the recovery from experimentally produced hemiplegia. Psy- chobiol, 1917, 1, 33-5°- 352. Sachs, E., & Green, P. P. Further observations on cerebral heat centers. (Abstract.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 191 7, 42, 603. 353. [Anon.] Is there a cerebral heat center? /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1917, 69, 124. 354. [Anon.] The physiology of the pre- and post-central and parietal convolutions. Lancet, 1917, 192, 924-925. 7. Pathological Anatomy 355. Abrahamson, I., & Climenko, H. A study of one hundred selected cases of pituitary disease. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1917, 69, 281-283. 356. Anderson, J. Treatment of cranial injuries in war. Brit. Med. /., 1917 (No. 2950), 42-44. 358. Antoni, N. Fall av ponsblodning jamte nagra ord om blickforlamning. Hygiea, 1916, 78, 1042-1051. 11:7] NERVOUS SYSTEM: PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY 23 359. Archambault, L. The symptomatology of certain infectious processes involving the ciliary ganglion or its connections. /. of Nerv. W Ment. 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Proprieta chimiche dei liquidi interni di animali tenuti in soluzioni Ringer isotoniche ed ipotoniche. Atti d. r. accad. d. lincei, 1917, 314, 180-186. 509. Galli, E. Sensazioni dell' apparato nervoso. Riv. di psicol., 1 91 7, 13, 229-276. 510. Singer, E. A., Jr. On sensibility. /. of Phil., Psychol., l$c, 1917, 14, 337-3SO. 511. Swindle, P. F. Visual, cutaneous, and kinesthetic ghosts. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 349-372. 2. Lower Senses and their Organs a. Visceral Senses 512. Boring, E. G. Organic sensation. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 99-101. 513. Boring, E. G., & Luce, A. The psychological basis of appe- tite. (Minor Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. of Cornell Univ., XXXVI. Commun. by E. B. Titchener and H. P. Weld.) Amer. J. of Psychol, 1917, 28, 443-453- b. Cutaneous Senses (Pressure, Cold, Warmth, Cutaneous Pain, etc.) 514. Alrutz, S. Om skillnaden mellan varma och heta bad. Allm. Svenska Ldkaretidn., 191 6, 13, 527-544. 515. Boring, E. G. Cutaneous sensation after nerve division. Qt. J. of Exper. Physiol., 1916, 10, 1-96. 34 SENSES: CUTANEOUS [HI:2,b 516. Curtis, J. N. Tactual discrimination and susceptibility to the Miiller-Lyer illusion, tested by the method of single stimulation. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commem- orative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 191 7, Pp. 308-322. 517. Fitt, A. B. The estimation of distances by sight and passive touch: some investigations into the sense of touch. /. 0/ Exp. Psychol., 191 7, 2, 264-288. 518. Haggqvist, G. Studien uber die Temperatursinne der Haut des Menschen. Sv. Vetenskapsakad. Handl. 53: 2; Upsala: Almqvist & Wiksell 191 5. Pp. 20. 519. Metcalf, J. T. Cutaneous and kinesthetic senses. Psychol. Bull, 191 7, 14, 94-99- 520. Moyle, H. B. Pain as a reaction of defence. Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 198-208. 521. Thomas, A., Levy-Valensi, J., & Courjon, J. Sur la douleur au pincement dans les blessures des nerfs peri- pheriques. Bull. soc. de biol., 1917, 80, 872-875. c. Muscle, Tendon, and Joint Senses 522. 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On the acoustic efficiency of fog signal machinery. /. of Franklin Instit., 1917, 183, 259-286. 537. Ogden, R. M. Hearing. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 159-164. 538. Richmond, H. A. Quantitative tonal stimuli without qualita- tive change. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 100-105. 539. Wente, E. C. A condenser transmitter as a uniformly sensitive instrument for the absolute measurement of sound intensity. Phys. Rev., 191 7, 10, 39-63. b. Physiological Acoustics; Structure and Functions of the Ear 540. Key-Aberg, H. Om polyneuritis cerebralis minieriformis. Hygiea, 191 6, 78, 1009-1022. 541. Streeter, G. L. The development of the scala tympani, scala vestibuli, and pinoticular cistern in the human embryo. Amer. J. of Anat., 1917, 21, 299-320. 36 HEARING: ACOUSTICS AND THE EAR [III:3,b 542. Watt, H. J. The typical form of the cochlea and its varia- tions. Proc. Roy. Soc, Part B, 1917, 89, 410-421. c Auditory Sensations; Tonal Fusion 543. Cameron, E. H. Effects of practice in the discrimination and singing of tones. (Yale Psychol. Stud.) Psychol. Monog., 1917, 23 (No. 100), 159-180. 544. Stewart, G. W. Binaural beats. Phys. Rev., 1917, 9, 502- 528. 545. Watt, H. J. The psychology of sound. Cambridge: Uni- versity Press, 1917. Pp. viii + 241. 546. Weiss, A. P. Preliminary report on the relative intensity of successive, simultaneous, ascending and descending tones. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 154-156. 4. Vision a. General (Text-books, Reports, Apparatus, Discussion) 547. Andrews, N. S. An apparatus for separating visible from invisible light. Gen. Electric Rev., 191 7, 20, 817-818. 548. Andrews, W. S. Some general notes on the protection of eyesight. Gen. Electric Rev., 191 7, 20, 903-905. 549. Berger, E. Untersuchungen iiber die Psychologie und die Physiologie des Sehens. Correspondenz-Blatt f. Schweizer Aerzte, 191 7, 47, 892-898. 550. Blaauw, E. Visual requirements of military aviators. Ophth. Record, 191 7, 26, 323-324. 551. Boring, E. G. Delboeuf disks and the Kirschmann photom- eter. (Notes from the Psychol. Lab. of Cornell Univ., II.) Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 279-280. 552. Clayden, A. W. A diffraction color box. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1917, 29, 176-183. 553. Coblentz, W. W., & Emerson, W. B. Glasses for protecting the eyes from injurious radiations. /. of Franklin Instit., 1917, 183, 629. 554. Crampton, G. S. Fundamentals of vision from the oph- thalmologist's standpoint. (Abstract). Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1917, 12, 201. Ill: 4, a] IISION: GENERAL 37 555. Edridge-Green, F. W. The relation of ophthalmology to the theory of vision. Brit. J. of Ophth., 1917, 1, 423-426. 556. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. A note on the needs and uses of energy measurements for work in psychological optics. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 191 7, 14, 457-463. 557. Foote, P. D. A visibility equation derived from Ives and Kingsbury new luminosity equation. /. of Washington Acad. Sci., 1917, 7, 317-318. 558. Fuchs, H. E. Text-book of ophthalmology. (Duane, A., trans.) (12th trans, ed.) (5th Eng. ed.) Philadelphia & London: Lippincott, 191 7. 559. Gage, H. P. Road illumination by means of automobile headlamps. Gen. Electric Rev., 1917, 20, 723-730; Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1917, 12, 179-187. 560. Guild, J. Chromatic parallax and its influence on optical measurements. Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 1917, 29, 311-338. 561. Halvorson, C. A. B., & Hussey, R. B. Evolution of light projection. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1917, 12, 245-259. 562. Holt, E. B. Vision (general phenomena). Psychol. Bull., 1 91 7, 14, 82-94. 563. Ives, H. E. Lippmann color photographs as sources of monochromatic light in photometry and optical pyrometry. /. of Opt. Soc, 1917, 1, 49-63- 564. Jackson, E. (Ed.) The ophthalmic year book. Vol. 13. Denver, Col.: Herrick, 1917. 565. Laurens, H., & Hooker, H. D., Jr. Studies on the relative physiological value of spectral lights. I. Apparatus. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 504-516. 566. Little, W. F., Edwards, E. J. A survey of the automobile headlight situation. Gen. Electric Rev., 191 7, 20, 246-251, 881-884. 567. Little, W. F., Rogers, S. C, Edwards, E. J., & Cravath, J. R. A survey of the automobile headlamp situation. Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 191 7, 12, 124-157, 1 58-1 71, ijz-ij-j, 188-190. 568. Luckiesh, M. Linking science and art with practice in lighting. (Abstract). Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 191 7, 12, 96-98, 199. 569. Mees, C. E. K. The optical properties of light filters. /. of Opt. Soc, 1917, 1, 22-30. 570. Nutting, P. G. The fundamental principles of good lighting. /. of Franklin Instit., 1917, 183, 287-302. 38 VISION: GENERAL [HI: 4, a 571. Orange, J. A. Practical limitations in the projection of light. Gen. Electric Rev., 1917, 20, 553-559. 572. Parsons, J. H. The apocritic principle and the evolution of visual perceptions. Brit. J. of Ophth., 1917, I, 426-433. 573. Peter, L. C. Campimeter versus arc perimeter. Ophth. Record, 191 7, 26, 79-83. 574. Podesta, H. 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Visual Sensations; Light and Color Theory 603. Abney, W. D. The fourth colorless sensation curves when measured by the center of the retina. Proc. Roy. Soc, Part A., 1917, 94, 1-12. 604. Cox, R. S. Color and its application to fabrics. (Abstract.) Trans. Ilium. Eng. Soc, 1917, 12, 103. 605. Dawson, S. The experimental study of binocular color mixture. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1917, 8, 510-551. 606. Dawson, S. The theory of binocular color mixture. II. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1917, 9, 1-22. 607. Ferree, C. E., & Rand, G. The selectiveness of the eye's achromatic response to wave-length and its change with change of intensity of light. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 191 7. Pp. 280-307. 608. Foote, P. D. Criteria for gray radiation. /. of Washington Acad. Sci., 1 91 7, 7, 573-576. 609. Gothlin, G. F. Studien iiber die Energieschwelle fur die Empfindung rot in ihrer Abhanghigkeit von der Wellenlange der Lichtstrahlung. (Kungl. 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Das akustische Trauma. Arch. f. Ohrenhk., 1915,98, I52-I57- 709. Mutschenbacher, T. v. Sehstorungen bei Schadelver- letzungen. Dtsch. med. Woch., 1916, 42, 1471-1473. 710. Parker, W. R. Report of a case of total loss of vision in one eye and partial loss in the other completely relieved by a seller decompression operation. Amer. J. ofOphth., 191 7, 34, 236; Arch, of Ophth., 1917, 46, 528-532. 711. Raujard, M. Contribution a l'etude du diagnostic de la surdite de guerre. C. r. acad. des sex., 191 7, 164, 289-291. 712. Riddoch, G. Dissociation of visual perceptions due to occipital injuries, with especial reference to appreciation of movement. Brain, 191 7, 40, 15-57. 713. Schirmer, 0. A case of optic hallucinations with hemianop- sia. Arch, of Ophth., 1917, 46, 247-250. 714. Schlittler, E. tJber die Erkrankungen des Gehororgans in der schweizer Armee. Correspondenz-Blatt f. Schweizer Aerzte, 1917, 47, 721-734, 7S7~77^ 715. Shambaugh, G. E. Vertigo as a symptom of primary disease of the labyrinth. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 191 7, 69, 805- 807. 716. Solomon, M. Are there subjective pains? Med. Record, 19*7, 92, 3H-320. 717. Stirling, W. Quotations, notes and illustrations to supple- ment a lecture on curiosities and defects of sight. De- livered to working men and women at the British Associa- tion meeting, Manchester, 191 5. 718. Stopford, J. S. B. Thermalgia (causalgia). Lancet, 1917, 193, I95-I99- 719. Thomas, A. Syndrome sympathico-radiculaire et causalgie. Bull. soc. de biol, 1917, 80, 868-872. 720. Thomas, A., & Caillier, H. Hemianesthesie cerebrale par blessure de guerre. Rev. neur., 1917, 24, 34-38. 721. Timme, W. Dyspituitarism with limitation of the visual fields; symptoms disappearing under the use of internal glandular therapy, with a return of the visual fields to nor- mal. Arch, of Ophth., 1917, 46, 1 51—153. 48 SENSATION AND PERCEPTION: DISORDERS [01:8 722. Traquair, H. M. Bitemporal hemiopia: the latter stages and the special features of the scotoma. With an examina- tion of current theories of the mechanism of production of the field defects. Brit. J. of Ophth., 1917, 1, 216-239, 281- 294, 337-352. 723. Weisenburg, T. H. Vertigo due to intracranial disease. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1917, 69, 809-811. 724. Wells, W. A. Labyrinthine vertigo and past-pointing.. N. Y. Med. J., 191 7, 106, 921-924. 725. Wilson, J. G. Further report on the effects of high explosives on the ear. Brit. Med. /., 1917 (No. 2940), 578-579. 726. Wilson, J. G. The effects of high explosives on the ear. Brit. Med. J., 1917 (No. 2933), 353~355- 727. Wilson, S. A. K. An address on concussion injuries of the visual apparatus in warfare, of central origin. Lancet, 1917, 193, i-5- 728. Woods, A. C. Ocular anaphylaxis. II. A contribution to the anaphylactic theory of sympathetic ophthalmia. Arch, of Ophth., 1917, 46, 8-26. 729. [Anon.] An appearance of color spectra to the aged. Lancet, 1917, 193, 867. 730. [Anon.] Auricular disturbances of military aviators. Med. Record, 1917, 91, 1098. 731. [Anon.] Concussion injuries to the visual apparatus. (Ab- stracts.) Lancet, 1917, 192, 814-815. 732. [Anon.] Deafness from corticocerebellar commotion. Med. Record, 191 7, 92, 421. 733. [Anon.] War deafness. Lancet, 1917, 193, 576-577, 622. IV. Feeling and Emotion 1. General: Affection, Hedonic Tone (Pleasantness and Unpleasantness) 734. Gardiner, H. N. Affective phenomena (descriptive and theoretical). Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 166-169. 735. Geissler, L. R. The affective tone of color-combinations. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 191 7. Pp. 150-174. IV: 1] EMOTION: GENERAL 49 736. Moore, H. T. The sense of pain and pleasure. New York: Moffat, Yard, 1917. Pp. xv + 174. 737. Rignano, E. Le role des tendances affectives dans l'atten- tion et dans la conscience. Rev. phil., 1917, 84, 325-344. 738. Shepard, J. F. Affective phenomena (experimental). Psy- chol. Bull., 1917, 14, 164-166. 739. Titchener, E. B. Professor Stumpf's affective psychology. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 263-277. 2. Emotion and its Expression, Passion, Sentiment, Temperament 740. Armstrong-Jones, R. The psychology of fear and the effects of panic fear in war time. /. of Ment. Set., 191 7, 63, 346-389; Med. Record, 1917, 91, 858; Alienist fcf Neur., 1917, 38, 198-203. 741. Bonnier, P. L'affre et 1'instinct de conservation. Bull. soc. de biol., 1917, 80, 74-77. 742. Burge, W. E., & Burge, E. L. The effect of the emotions on the catalase content of the liver. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 75-79- 743. Carr, H. Relation between emotion and its expression. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 3 69-3 75. 744. Del Greco, F. Tormentate coscienze. Riv. ital. d. neur., psich., ed elettr., 191 7, 10, 73-95. 745. Grzegorzewska, — . Essai sur le developpement du senti- ment esthetique, Bull, instit. gen. psychol., 1916, 16, 117-243. 746. Huot, L., & Voivenel, P. Le courage. Paris: Alcan, 1917. Pp. vii + 358. 747. MacNevin, M. G. Emotional influences in gastro-intestinal diseases. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 106, 491-494. 748. Marston, W. M. Systolic blood pressure symptoms of de- ception. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 1 17-163. 749. Moore, H. T. Laboratory tests of anger, fear, and sex in- terest. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 390-395. 750. Nepper, H. Emotions et reactions psycholmotrices dans l'aviation. Bull, instit. psychol., 191 7, 17, 5-20. 751. Watson, J. B., & Morgan, J. J. B. Emotional reactions and psychological experimentation. Amer. J. of Psychol., 191 7, 28, 163-174. 50 EMOTION: EMOTIONAL EXPRESSION [IV: 2 752. Wohlgemuth, A. On the feelings and their neural correlate, with an examination of the nature of pain. Brit. J. of Psychol., 191 7, 8, 423-474. 3. Disorders of Feeling 753. Del Greco, F. Gli ansioso-emotivi. Riv. ital. d. neurop., psich., ed elettr., 1917, 10, 169-183. 754. Heckel, F. 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J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 508-518. 2. Structure and Functions of Muscles and Glands 763. Allen, B. M. The effects of thyroid removal upon the de- velopment of the gonads in the larvae of rana pipiens. Science, 1917, 46, 216-218. V:2] MUSCLES AND GLANDS 5 1 764. Alvarez, W. C. V. Differences in irritability and latent period in different parts of the wall of the stomach. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 41, 321-332. 765. Alvarez, W. C. VI. Differences in latent period and form of the contraction curve in muscle strips from different parts of the frog's stomach. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 422- 434- 766. Alvarez, W. C. VII. Differences in latent period and form of the contraction curve in muscle strips from different parts of the mammalian stomach. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 435-449- 767. Baumgartner, E. A. The development of the serous glands (von Ebneis) of the vallatepapillae in man. Amer. J. of Anat., 1917, 22, 365-384. 768. Bottazzi, F. Le attivita fisiologiche fondamentali: III. L'attivita secretiva. Scientia, 1917, 21, 388-398. 769. Bourguignon, G. Chronaxie normale des muscles du membre inferieur de l'homme. Leur classification fonctionelle et radiculaire par la chronaxie. C. r. acad. des set., 1917, 164, 866-868. 770. Bourguignon, G. Chronaxie normale du triceps brachial et des radiaux chez l'homme. C. r. acad. des set., 1917, 164, 243-245. 771. Boyd, W. A case bearing on the function of the pituitary body. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 191 7, 68, 111-113. 772. Brunacci, B. Su la funzione secretoria della parotide umana. Influenza dell'attenzione rivolta a stimoli olfattivi; Id. id. a stimoli acustici; Id. id. a stimoli luminosi. Arch, di fisiol., 1917, 15, 169-197. 773. Burget, G. E. Attempts to produce experimental thyroid hyperplasia. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 492-503. 774. Cannon, W. B. A note on the effect of asphyxia and afferent stimulation on adrenal secretion. Science, 1917, 45, 463- 464. 775. Cannon, W. 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L. A test for memory of names and faces. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, 1, 321-324. 956. Henmon, V. A. C. The relation between learning and re- tention and the amount to be learned. /. of Exp. Psychol., 1917, 2, 476-484- 957. Humpstone, H. J. Some aspects of the memory span tests: a study in associability. {Exper. Studies in Psychol, and Ped., No. 8). Philadelphia: Psychol. Clinic Press, 1917. Pp.31. 958. Hunter, W. S. A reformulation of the law of association. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 188-196. 959. Laird, J. Recollection, association, and memory. Mind, 1 91 7, 26, 407-427. 960. May, M. A. The mechanism of controlled association. Arch, of Psychol., 1917, No. 39. Pp. iv -f 74. 961. Morgan, J. J. B. The effect of sound distraction upon mem- ory. Amer. J. of Psychol, 1917, 28, 191-208. VI: 2, a] MEMORY AND ASSOCIATION 65 962. Mulhall, E. F. Tests of the memories of school children. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 294-302. 963. MuLLER, G. E. 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Rev., 191 7, 24, 244-247. 973. Woodrow, H., & Lowell, F. Children's association fre- quency tables. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 22 (No. 97). Pp. no. b. Imagery, Recognition, Expectation, Imagination 974. Baird, J. W. Memory, imagination, learning, and the higher intellectual processes (experimental). Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 303-322. 975. Clarke, H. M. A note on recognition. In Studies in Psy- chology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wil- son, 1917. Pp. 175-180. 976. Hammer, B. Den skapande fantasien. Svenskt Ark. J. Ped., 1916, 4, 121-158. 977. Hammer, B. Fantasien i nagra av dess yttringar. Svenskt Ark.f. Ped., 1916, 4, 1-86. 66 IMAGERY, RECOGNITION [VI: 2, b 978. Moore, T. V. Meaning and imagery. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 318-322. 979. Parsons, C. J. Children's interpretations of ink-blots; a study in some characteristics of children's imagination. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1917, 9, 74-92. 980. Segond, J. La spontaneite organisatrice et la perception pure. 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Mo., IW, 5, 523-544- 1003. Leclere, A. Les attitudes mentales et la memoire. Rev. phil., 1917, 84, 105-151, 228-264. 1004. Morgan, C. S. A study of the psychology of testimony. /. of Crim. Law fcf Criminol., 1917, 8, 222-232. 1005. Roback, A. A. The psychology of confession. (Reprinted from the University Magazine, Montreal, April, 1917.) Pp. 20. ico6. Whipple, G. M. Psychology of testimony. Psychol. Bull, 1917, 14, 234-236. 68 ATTENTION, MEMORY, THOUGHT: DISORDERS [VI: 7 7. Disorders of Attention, Memory, and Thought 1007. Hull, C. L. The formation and retention of associations among the insane. Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 419-435. 1008. Maccolini, T. La bugia infantile e la pedagogia. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 298-304. VII. Social Functions of the Individual 1. General; Self and Objective World 1009. Bliss, H. E. The subject-object relation. Phil. Rev., 1917, 26, 395-408. 1010. Calkins, M. W. The case of self against soul. Psychol. Rev., 1 91 7, 24, 278-300. ion. Eastman, M. 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The place of the self in psychology. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 258-259. 1020. Severn, E. The psychology of behavior: a practical study of human personality and conduct with special reference to methods of development. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1917. Pp. ix + 349. VII: 1] SOCIAL FUNCTIONS: SELF, OBJECTIVE WORLD 69 102 1. Thorburn, W. M. What is a person? Mind, 191 7, 26, 291-317. 1022. White, W. A. Individuality and introversion. Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 1— 1 1. 1023. Wilm, E. C. Selfhood. In Philosophical Essays in Honor of James Ed-win Creighton. New York: Macmillan, 191 7. Pp. 277-289. 2. Psychology of Language a. General; Speech and Song (cf. V: 8; IX: 3) 1024. Barat, D. Le langage. Rev. phil., 1917, 83, 107-13 1. 1025. Bateman, W. G. Papers on language development. Fed. Sem., 1917, 24, 391-398. 1026. Bolin, I. & M. De tva forsta arens sprakutveckling hos en svensk flicka. Svenskt Ark. f. Ped., 1916, 4, 159-222. 1027. D'Abundo, G. 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Svenska Lakartidn., 191 7, 14, 33—53- 1327. Gilpin, S. F. Case of traumatic pachymeningitis. (Ab- stract.) /. of Nerv. fcf Ment. Dis., 1917, 45, 444-445. 1328. Gluck, B. Adler's conception of the neurotic constitution. Psy choanal. Rev., 191 7, 4, 217-225. 1329. Gluck, B. The place of a psychiatric clinic in a prison system. N. Y. Med. J., 191 7, 105, 748-749. 88 NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [E: 1 1330. Gordon, A. A case of persistent subjective manifestations in the domain of the fifth nerve without pain or marked objective sensory disturbances. (Abstract.) /. of Nerv. y Ment. Dis., 191 7, 45, 270-271. 1331. Gordon, A. Intraspinous injections of neosalvarsanized serum in nervous and mental diseases. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 105, 873-877. 1332. Gordon, A. Psychoneuroses, psychoses and mental der ficiency in 2000 cases considered especially from the stand- point of etiological incidents and sex. Amer. J. of Insan., 1917, 73, 721-736. 1333. Gosline, H. I. 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A., & Abramovitz, M. Undifferentiated ex- citement. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 105, 211-214. 1349. Jarrett, M. C. Possibilities in social service for psycho- pathic patients. Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 191 7, 176, 201-204. 1350. Jelliffe, S. E. Dispensary work in diseases of the nervous system, III. /. of Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 191 7, 45, 46-56. 1351. Jelliffe, S. E. Dr. Watson and the concept of mental disease. /. of Phil., Psychol., &c, 1917, 14, 267-275. 1352. Jelliffe, S. E. Dispensary work in diseases of the nervous system. IV. /. of Nerv. y Ment. Dis., 1917, 46, 333-346. 1353. Jelliffe, S. E. Notes on the history of psychiatry. XV. Alienist & Neur., 1917, 38, 41-56, 147-159. 1354. Julliard, C. L'accoutumance aux mutilations. Paris: Alcan, 1916. Pp. 264. 1355. Keniston, J. M. The kingdom of the mind; how to pro- mote intelligent living and avert mental disaster. New York & London: Putnam, 1916. Pp. x + 245. 1356. Kenna, W. M. Some reasons why hospitals for the insane are overcrowded. Med. Record, 191 7, 92, 890-892. 1357. Keschner, M. Neurological pitfalls in general practice. Med. Record, 191 7, 91, 458-461. 1358. Lattes, L., & Goria, C. Alcune considerazioni attorno alle psiconeurosi d'origine bellica. Arch, di antr. crim., psich. e med. leg., 1917, 38, 193-210 1359. Lott, Y. C. Observations and technique of lumbar punc- ture in seven hundred cases. Med. Record, 191 7, 92, 717- 719. 1360. Lowrey, L. G. Cerebrospinal fluid tests, especially the gold reactions in psychiatric diagnosis. /. of Nerv. £i? Ment. Dis., 1917, 46, 186-210. 1361. Lowrey, L. G. The mastiche and potassium permanganate tests applied to the cerebro-spinal fluid of the insane. Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 191 7, 177, 11 5-1 17. 90 NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [IX: 1 1362. MacDonald, J. B. The community value of the out- patient department of the hospital for the insane. Ment. Hygiene, 1917, I, 266-273. 1363. Marks, H. K. Virilism — forme fruste. A preliminary report. /. of Nerv. & Ment. Dis., 1917, 46, 17-34. 1364. McCready, E. B. Mental and physical hygiene of children. Alienist & Neur., 191 7, 38, 423-431. 1365. Mercier, C. A. Madness and unsoundness of mind. /. of Ment. Sci., 191 7, 63, 488-494. 1366. Meyer, A. Progress in teaching psychiatry. /. of Amer. Med. Ass., 1 91 7, 69, 861-863. 1367. Meyer, A. The aims and meaning of psychiatric diagnosis. Amer. J. of Ins an., 1917, 74, 163-168. 1368. M'Kenzie, D. The city of din: a tirade against noise. London: Adlard, 1916. Pp. viii + 115. 1369. Monrad-Krohn, G. H. On psychosensory and psycho- motor disturbances. /. of Ment. Sci., 1917, 63, 555- 565. 1370. Moore, T. V. Psychotherapy. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 236-243. 1371. Morselli, E. Psichiatria ed istologia: II tramontato dominio e le insufficenze tecniche della fine anatomia del sistema nervoso. Quad, di psich., 191 7, 4, 1-18. 1372. Muschallik, E. Eye symptoms in idiocy. (Inaug. Diss.) Breslau, 1913. 1373. Myers, J. C. 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The use of institutions for the insane as military hospitals. Ment. Hygiene, 1917, I, 354-363. 1398. Sandy, W. C. The care and treatment of the insane in the county institutions of Pennsylvania. Ment. Hygiene, 1917, I, 279-290. 1399. Savage, G. Dr. Hughlings Jackson on mental disorders. /. of Ment. Set., 1917, 63, 315-328. 1400. Schelven, T. van Oorlogsneurologie : Ervaringen over Verwondigen van het Zenuwgestel en over Neurosen. Amsterdam: Scheltema & Holkema. Pp. 164. 1 401. Schwab, S. I. The newer concepts of the neuroses: an esti- mate of their clinical value. Amer. J. of Med. Sci., 1917, 154, 338-35I- 1402. Senise, T. L'obliterazione sperimentale regionale dei vasi cerebrali. Ann. di nevrol., 191 7, 34, 81-96. 1403. Seppilli, G. I disturbi mentali nei militari in rapporto alia guerra. Riv. ital. d. neur., psich. ed elettr., 1917, 10, 105-114. 1404. Sigg, E. Im Nervenlazarett. Correspondenz-Blatt f. Schzveizer Aerzte, 1917, 47, 129-147. 1405. Silk, S. A. 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IX: 1] NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL 93 1412. Southard, E. E. Alienists and psychiatrists; notes on divisions and nomenclature of mental hygiene. Ment. Hygiene, 191 7, I, 567-571 • 1413. Southard, E. E. General psychopathology. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 193-215- 1 41 4. Southard, E. E. Proposals for a sequence of disease-groups to be successively considered in the practical diagnosis of mental diseases. (Abstract.) /. of Nerv. i$ Ment. Dis., 191 7, 46, 277-279. 141 5. Starr, M. A. The king's evil and its relation to psycho- therapy. Med. Record, 191 7, 92, 1103-1106. 141 6. Stedman, H. R. Recent progress in psychiatry. Bost. Med. y Surg. J., 1917, 176, 574~577- 141 7. Stefani, S. La valutazione psichia del malato. Psiche, 1915 (issued 1917), 4, 353-363. 1418. Stern, A. The bringing up of children and nervous diseases. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 106, 777-780. 1419. Stern, A. The functional neuroses. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 106, 261-264. 1420. Stoddart, W. H. B. Mental nursing. 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Lancet, 191 7, 192, 693-694. 1462. [Anon.] The mental hygiene movement. N. Y. Med. J., 191 7, ios, 989-990- 1463. [Anon.] The problem of the insane sailor and soldier. Lancet, 1917, 193, 612-613, 622-623. 1464. [Anon.] The psychopathic laboratory. Brit. Med. J., 191 7 (No. 2944), 740-741. 1465. [Anon.] War and insanity: lunacy and mental deficiency in 1915. Lancet, 1917, 192, 922. 1466. [Anon.] War and other causes of insanity. Brit. Med. J., 1917 (No. 2931), 301-303. 96 NERVOUS AND MENTAL DISORDERS: GENERAL [IX: 1 1467. [Anon.] Why they laugh at alienists. Med. Record, 1917, 92, 463-464- 2. Maldevelopments (Idiocy, Imbecility, Feeble-mindedness; cf. XI: 1) 1468. Adler, H. M. Observations on cranial asymmetry. Amer. J. of Insan., 1917, 74, 89-99. 1469. Alexander, G. Nachtrag zu: "Das Gehororgan der Kreti- nen." Arch. f. Ohrenhk., 1915, 98, 122-124. 1470. Anderson, V. V. A comparative study of feeble-minded- ness and psychopathic personality among offenders in court. /. of Crim. Law. & Criminol., 1917, 8, 428-434; Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 191 7, 177, 210-213. 1471. Baldwin, B. T. A study of mental retardation in relation to etiology. Med. Record, 1917, 91, 141-147. 1472. Bernstein, C. The various phases of feeble-mindedness and the stigmata of degeneration, physical types, etc. (Abstract.) Med. Record, 191 7, 91, 876. 1473. Bernstein, E. J. Amaurotic family idiocy or infantile de- generation with symmetrical bilateral blindness. Med. Record, 1917, 92, 1074-1075. 1474. Blake, M. B. The defective girl who is immoral. Bost. Med. y Surg. J., 1917, 177, 492-494- 1475. Bliss, G. S. The danger of classifying as merely backward children who are feeble-minded. /. of Psycho- Asthenics, 1916, 21, 43-45- 1476. Bronner, A. F. The psychology of special abilities and disabilities. Boston: Little, Brown, 1917. 1477. Burrow, T. The genesis and meaning of homosexuality. Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 272-284. 1478. Carstens, C. C. What it means to have non-committed feeble-minded in the community. Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 1917, 177, 487-489- 1479. Clark, L. P. A discussion of the mechanism of mental torticollis. /. of Ab norm. Psychol., 1917, 12, 257-259. 1480. Cornell, W. B. Psychology vs. psychiatry in diagnosing feeble-mindedness. (Abstract.) Med. Record, 1917, Qi, 877. 1481. Crafts, L. W., & Doll, E. A. The proportion of mental defectives among juvenile delinquents. /. of Deling., 1917, 2, U9-I43- IX: 2] IDIOCY, FEEBLE-MINDEDNESS 97 1482. Doll, E. A. Anthropometry and fceble-mindedness. Train- ing School Bull., 1917, 14, 30-33. 14S3. Doll, E. A. On the use of the term 'feeble-minded.' /. of Crim. Law & Criminol., 1 91 7, 8, 216-221. 1484. East, E. M. Hidden feeble-mindedness. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 215-217. 1485. Epstein, J. Amaurotic family idiocy. N. Y. Med. J., 191 7, 106, 887-889. i486. Fernald, W. E. Standardized fields of inquiry for clinical studies of borderline defectives. Ment. 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A comparison of the auditory memory and tactual sensitivity of the blind with those of persons who have normal vision. /. of Educ. Psychol., 191 7, 8, 21-26. 2199. Bowler, A. C. A picture arrangement test. Psychol. Clinic, 19 1 7, 11, 37-54. 2200. Brigham, C. C. Two studies in mental tests; (i) variable factors in Binet tests, (2) the diagnostic value of some mental tests. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 24 (No. 102). Pp. 254- 2201. Brown, L. F. Testing epileptics. Training School Bull., 1917, 14, 12-16. 2202. Burtt, H. E. Professor Miinsterberg's vocational tests. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, 1, 201-213. 2203. Claparede, E. La psychologie de l'intelligence. Scientia, 1917, ", 353-368. 2204. Clark, T. Mental examination of school children. (Pub- lic Health Report No. 358. United States Public Health Service.) 2205. Cornell, C. B. A graduated scale for determining mental age. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 539-550. 2206. Cummins, R. A. Individual differences in a normal school class. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 403-412. 2207. Dearborn, W. F. The measurement of intelligence. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 221-224. 142 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: MENTAL TESTS [XI: 1, b 2208. Doll, E. A. A brief Binet-Simon scale. Psychol. Clinic, 1917, 11, 197-211. 2209. Doll, E. A. Mental tests and methods of testing. Training School Bull., 191 7, 14, 3-6. 2210. Doll, E. A. The painted cube construction test. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 176-178. 221 1. English, H. B. An experimental study of the mental capacities of school children, correlated with social status. (Yale Psychol. Stud.) Psychol. Monog., 191 7, 23 (No. 100), 266-331. 2212. Freeman, F. N. A critique of the Yerkes-Bridges-Hard- wick comparison of the Binet-Simon and Point Scales. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 484-490. 2213. Freeman, F. N. Tests. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 245-249. 2214. Garrison, S. C. Yerkes's Point Scale for measuring mental ability as applied to normal adults. School iff Soc, 191 7, 5, 747-750- 2215. Gemelli, A. Sull'applicazione dei metodi psico-fisici all' esame dei candidati all'aviazione militaire. Riv. di psicol., 1917, *3, 157-190. 2216. Gilliland, A. R. The diagnosis of feeble-mindedness. /. of Delinq., 1917, 2, 22-26. 2217. Gilliland, A. R. The mental ability of 1000 inmates of the Columbus (0.) workhouse. /. of Crim. Law & Criminol., 1917, 7, 857-866. 2218. Goddard, H. H. Mental tests and the immigrant. /. of Delinq., 191 7, 2, 243-277. 2219. Goddard, H. H. The place of intelligence in modern war- fare. U. S. Naval Medical Bull., 191 7, 2 (No. 3). Pp. 9. 2220. Green, J. A. Normal performance in elementary arithmetic. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 96-100. 2221. Hard wick, R. S. The weighting of Point Scale tests. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 416-424. 2222. Henmon, V. A. C. The measurement of ability in Latin. Part I.: Vocabulary. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 515— 538. 2223. Henmon, V. A. C. The measurement of ability in Latin. Part II. Sentence tests. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 9, 589-599- 2224. Herrick, J. L. Mentality and intelligence tests. (Ab- stract.) Med. Record, 191 7, 91, 876-877. XI:l,b] HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: MENTAL TESTS 1 43 2225. Johnson, R. H. Select army aviators by test, not by edu- cation. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 425. 2226. Jones, E. S. A suggestion for teacher measurement. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 321-322. 2227. King, I. The relationship of abilities in certain mental tests to ability as estimated by teachers. School. & Soc, 1917, 5, 204-209. 2228. Kitson, H. D. Psychological measurements of college students. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 307-311. 2229. Kitson, H. D. The scientific study of the college student. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 23 (No. 98). Pp. 81. 2230. Kohs, S. C. The intelligence quotient and borderlinity. /. of Deling., 1917, 2, 14-21. 2231. Kohs, S. C. The Stanford (1915) and the Vineland (1911) revisions of the Binet scale. Psychol. Rev., 191 7, 24, 174- 179. 2232. Lacy, W. I. A study of 880 children in Bloomington, Ind., tested by the Binet scale. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 206-209. 2233. Loades, H. R., & Rich, S. G. Binet tests on South African natives — Zulus. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 373-383. 2234. Mateer, F. Some criteria for the evaluation of mental tests and test series. Ment. Hygiene, 1917, I, 241-251. 2235. McCall, W. A. Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements with special attention to the measurement of mental ability. School iff Soc, 1917, 5, 24-30. 2236. Melvile, N. J. Standard method of testing juvenile men- tality by the Binet-Simon scale with the original questions, pictures and drawings: a uniform procedure and analysis. Lippincott, 1917. Pp. xi + 142. 2237. Miner, J. B. The evaluation of a method for finely grad- uated estimates of abilities. _/. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, I, 123-133. 2238. Monroe, W. S. A report on the use of the Kansas silent reading tests with over one hundred thousand children. /. of E due, Psychol., 1917, 9, 600-608. 2239. Mullan, E. H. The mentality of the arriving immigrant. Public Health Bulletin No. 90. Washington, Gov't Printing Office, 1917. Pp. 132. 2240. Netschajeff, A. A new method for the investigation of intelligence. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 12-24. 144 HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: MENTAL TESTS [XI:l,b 2241. Otis, A. S. A criticism of the Yerkes-Bridges Point Scale with alternative suggestions. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 129-150. 2242. Pintner, R. A mental survey of the school population of a village. School & Soc, 1917, 5, 597-600. 2243. Pintner, R., & Paterson, D. G. A scale of performance tests. New York & London: Appleton, 1917. Pp. x + 218. 2244. Pintner, R., & Reamer, J. C. Children tested by the Point Scale and the performance scale. Psychol. Clinic, 1917,11,142-152. 2245. Pintner, R., & Toops, H. A. A mental survey of the popu- lation of a workhouse. /. of Delinq., 1917, 2, 278-287. 2246. Pintner, R., & Toops, H. A. Mental tests of unemployed men. Part I. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, I, 325-341. 2247. Richards, G. L. Hearing tests from a practical standpoint. Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 191 7, 177, 213-216. 2248. Rogers, H. W. Psychological tests for stenographers and typewriters. /. of Appl. Psychol., 1917, 1, 268-274. 2249. Rosenow, C. The analysis of mental functions. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 24 (No. 106). Pp. 43. 2250. Ruml, B. The reliability of mental tests in the division of an academic group. Psychol. Monog., 1917, 24 (No. 105). Pp. 63. 2251. Sackett, L. W. Comparable measures of composition. School & Soc, 1917, 5, 233-239. 2252. Sprague, H. A. Score-card for rating student teachers in training and practice. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 72-80. 2253. Stevens, H. C. A revision of the Rossolimo tests. In Studies in Psychology: Titchener Commemorative Volume. Worcester: Wilson, 1917. Pp. 128-149. 2254. Strong, E. K., & Gilchrist, E. P. A method of recording errors in form board tests. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 238- 241. 2255. Wallin, J. E. W. The individual tests in the Binet-Simon scale. Psychol. Clinic, 1917, II, 79-85. 2256. Wallin, J. E. W. The phenomenon of scattering in the Binet-Simon scale. Psychol. Clinic, 1917, 11, 179-195. 2257. Wallin, J. E. W. Wide range vs. narrow range Binet- Simon testing. /. of Delinq., 1917, 2, 315-330. 2258. Wells, F. L. Alternative methods for mental examiners. /. of Appl. Psychol, 1917, 1, 134-143- XI:l,b] HUMAN DEVELOPMENT: MENTAL TESTS 145 2259. Wells, F. L. Aphasic performance in the Terman vocabu- lary test. /. of E due Psychol. , 1917, 8, 483-487. 2260. Williams, L. A. Standard tests in an ungraded class. School y Soc, 191 7, 6, 568-570. 2261. Wilson, E. E. Physical ability vs. mental ability. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 30. 2262. Woody, C. Tests and measures in the school-room and their value to teachers. School y Soc, 191 7, 6, 61-66. 2263. Yerkes, R. M. The Binet vs. the Point Scale method of measuring intelligence. /. of Appl. Psychol , 1917, I, 111- 122. 2264. Yerkes, R. M., & Burtt, H. E. The relation of Point- Scale measurements of intelligence to educational perform- ance in college students. School y Soc, 1917, 5, 53 5-540. 2265. Yerkes, R. M., & Rossy, C. S. A point scale for the meas- urement of intelligence in adolescent and adult individuals. Bost. Med. y Surg. J., 191 7, 176, 564-573. 2266. Zimmerman, J. The Binet-Simon scale and the Yerkes Point Scale: a comparative study based on the examination of 100 cases. /. of E due Psychol., 1917, 8, 551-558. 2267. [Anon.] Mental examinations. N. Y. State Bd. of Char- ities, Eugenics and Social Welfare Bulletin, No. XL, 1917. Pp. 73- 2268. [Anon.] Performance norms for thirteen tests. (Eugenics and Social Welfare Bulletin No. 8.) New York State Board of Charities, 1917. 2269. [Anon.] Psychological examination at the army canton- ments. School y Soc, 191 7, 6, 494-495. 2270. [Anon.] Psychopathological examination of recruits. Sci- ence, 1917, 46, 156-157. 2271. [Anon.] Some racial considerations necessary in making mental examinations of negroes. Med. Record, 1917, 91, 243-244. 2272. [Anon.] The importance of certain factors in the perform- ance of mental tests. Med. Record, 1917, 91, 597. 2273. [Anon.] The psychological examination of recruits. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 432-433; Science, 1917, 46, 355~356; Scient. Mo., 191 7, 5, 478-479. 146 CHILDHOOD, ADOLESCENCE [XI: 2 2. Psychology of Childhood and Adolescence 2274. Baldwin, B. T. Adolescence. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 335-341- 2275. Blanton, M. G. The behavior of the human infant during the first thirty days of life. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 456- 483- 2276. Bruce, H. A. Handicaps of childhood. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1917. Pp. viii -f- 310. 2277. Campbell, C. M. The subnormal child — a survey of the school population in the Locust Point district of Baltimore. Ment. Hygiene, 191 7, I, 96-147. 2278. Clark, T. The mental status of rural school children of Porter County, Indiana. Bulletin No. yy, U. S. Public Health Service. (Reprint No. 377.) 2279. Davenport, C. B. On utilizing the facts of juvenile promise and family history in awarding naval commissions to un- tried men. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 404-409. 2280. Day, L. C. A small boy's newspapers and the evolution of a conscience. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 180-203. 2281. De Busk, B. W. The vital index in development. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 1-18. 2282. Doll, E. A. Sense discrimination of feeble-minded children. /. of Exper. Ped., 191 7, 4, 94-96. 2283. Formiggini, S. E. Per la psicologia dell'adolescenza femmi- nile. Riv. pedag., 1917, 10, 646-660. 2284. Freeman, F. N. How children learn. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1917. Pp. xiv + 322. 2285. Groszmann, M. P. E. The exceptional child. New York: Scribner's, 1917. Pp. xxix + 764. 2286. Guillet, C. The growth of a child's concepts. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 81-96. 2287. Hauck, A. A. Report of sensory and mental tests at the Idaho Industrial Training School. St. Anthony, 1917. 2288. Healy, W. Mental conflicts and misconduct. Boston: Little, Brown, 1917. Pp. 330. 2289. Luckey, G. W. A. The essentials of child study, including class outlines, brief discussions, topical references, and a complete bibliography. Chicago: University Pub. Co., 1917. Pp. 219. 2290. McHugh, M. A. What children think. Educ. Rev., 191 7, 53, 146-150- XI: 2] CHILDHOOD, ADOLESCENCE 1 47 2291. McManis, J. T. The study of the behavior of an individual child. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1916. Pp. 54. 2292. Milnes, N. Some aspects of the infant welfare question. Sociol. Rev., 1916, 9, 121-128. 2293. Mitchell, D. Child psychology. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 35I-36I. 2294. Mullan, E. H. Mental status of rural school children. Bulletin No. 77, U. S. Public Health Service (Reprint No. 377.) 2295. Paget, S. Adolescence. London: Constable. Pp. 59. 2296. Remy, — . L'interet pour le dessin. Bull. soc. pour. V'etude psychol. de V enfant, 191 7, 17, 17-36. 2297. Saxby, I. B. Some conditions affecting the growth and permanence of desires. Brit. J. of Psychol., 1917, 9, 93-149. 2298. Stalfelt, E. Om barns tidningslasning. Svenskt Ark. f. Ped., 1917, 5, 137-167. 2299. Yerkes, R. M. How may we discover the children who need special care? Ment. Hygiene, 191 7, I, 252-259. 3. Educational Psychology a. General Treatises; Problems of Education 2300. Amar, J. L'apprentissage. Revue scient., 191 7, 364-369. 2301. Adams, J. The teacher and his masters. Contemp. Rev., 1917, 112, I7I-I77- 2302. Ashton, P. S. The encouragement of public interest in science by means of popular lectures. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1916, 571-576. 2303. Baldwin, B. T. Educational psychology. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 341-351- 2304. Benedetto, L. L'umanizzazione dello spirito e la coltura classica. Riv. ped., 1917, 5, 365-379. 2305. Betts, G. H. The mind and its education. (Rev. ed.) New York: Appleton, 1916. Pp. xvi + 311. 2306. Bott, E. A. Re-educational work for soldiers. University of Toronto Monthly, April, 191 7. Pp. 4. 2307. Brewer, J. M. Vocational guidance through the life-career class. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 541-545. 2308. Bridie, M. F. An introduction to special school work. New York: Longmans, Green; London: Arnold, 1917. Pp. 238. 148 EDUCATION: GENERAL PROBLEMS [XI: 3, a 2309. Buckingham, B. R. Correlation between ability to think and ability to remember, with special reference to United States History. School 13 Soc, 191 7, 5, 443-449. 2310. Carroll, R. S. The mastery of nervousness, based upon self re-education. New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. 346. 231 1. Chrysostom, Brother Development of personality; a phase of the philosophy of education. Philadelphia: McVey, 1916. Pp. 379. 2312. Coe, G. A. A social theory of religious education. New York: Scribner's, 1917. Pp. xiii -f- 361. 2313. Colazza, G. A. II successo nell'opera educativa. Riv. pedag., 1917, 5, 325-344- 2314. Collie, F. Education of women in mediaeval France. /. of Exper. Ped., 191 7, 4, 70-80. 2315. Dealey, W. L. Educational control of national service. Ped. Sem., 191 7, 24, 244-262. 2316. Dealey, W. L. Educational control of the pre-school period. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 1 14-140. 2317. Dearborn, G. V. N. The 'new education' and practical affective wisdom. At.Educ. /., 1917 (November), 119-121. 2318. De Cristo, D. Considerazioni intorno alia costituzione scientifica della pedagogia correttiva. Infanzia anormale, 1917, 10, 105-108. 2319. De Francesco, G. Prolegomeni di flsio-psicologia peda- gogica. Compobasso: Colitti, 1916. Pp. 325. 2320. Descoeudres, A. L'education des enfants anormaux. Neuchatel: Delachaux et Niestle, 191 7. Pp. 433. 2321. Doll, E. A. A talk to teachers. Training School Bull., 1917, 14, 110-113. 2322. Eliot, C. W. Latin and the A. B. degree. New York: General Education Board, 1917. Pp. xxi -f- 21. 2323. Evans, A., et al. Popular science lectures. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1916, 326-351. 2324. Fairchild, M. The national institution for moral instruc- tion. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 108-109. 2325. Ferrari, G. C. Per i bambini della guerra. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 308-309. 2326. Fernald, M. R. Practical applications of psychology to the problems of a clearing house. /. of Crim. Law y Criminol., 191 7, 7, 722-731. 2327. Flexner, A. Education as mental discipline. Atlantic Mo., 1917, 119, 452-464. XI: 3 a] EDUCATION: GENERAL PROBLEMS 1 49 2328. Foster, W. T. Should specialists specialize? Educ. Rev., 1917, 53, 312-317. 2329. Franz, S. I. Reeducation and rehabilitation of crippled, maimed and otherwise disabled by war. /. of Amer. Med. Assoc, 191 7, 69, 63-64. 2330. Franzoni, A. Metodo Montessori. (I particolari). Quad. d. pedag., 1917, 1, 235-313. 2331. Fullegar, J. J. A pedagogical survey of a Scots school. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 34-38. 2332. Gerlach, F. M. Vocabulary studies: studies in education and psychology. Colorado College, Colorado Springs, 1917. Pp. 123. 2333. Gordon, K. Educational psychology. New York: Holt, 1917. Pp. vi + 294. 2334. Gould, R. L. Manual accuracy in prevocational school boys. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 439-441. 2335. Gowen, H. H. The teacher and his ideals. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 559-568. ^ 2336. Gray, H. B. The importance of combining literary and scientific subjects in the course of general education. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 191 6, 524-525. 2337. Green, J. A. Mental and physical factors involved in education. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1916, 307-325. 2338. Haggerty, M. E. Measurement and diagnosis as aids to supervision. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 271-285. 2339. Hall, G. S. University research. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 97-H3- 2340. Harlan, C. L. A case of educational retardation. Psy- chol. Clinic, 1917, II, 212-224. 2341. Hartle, H. H. Some notes on American schools and train- ing colleges. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 30-38. 2342. Hemphill, J. C. Problems of negro education. North Amer. Rev., 1917, 206, 436-445. 2343. Howerth, I. W. Aim in education. Educ. Rev., 1917, 53, 61-71. 2344. Jones, E. S. The Woolley-test series applied to the detec- tion of ability in telegraphy. /. of Educ. Psychol., 1917, 8, 27-34- 2345. Jones, W. H. S. How we learn; a short primer of scientific method for boys. Cambridge: University Press, 1916. Pp. 64. 150 EDUCATION: GENERAL PROBLEMS [XI: 3, a 2346. Kandel, I. L. Federal aid for vocational education. A report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. (Bulletin No. 10.) New York: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, 1917. Pp. 127. 2347. Kelley, R. W. Vocational guidance in the Technical High School, Fall River, Mass. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 631-639. 2348. King, I., & Adelstein, M. The permanence of interests and their relation to abilities. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 359-360. 2349. Legge, J. G. The place of handicraft in schools. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 191 6, 523-524. 2350. Lincoln, E. A. The relative standing of pupils in high school and on college entrance examinations. School & Soc, 1917, 5, 417-420. 2351. Lorand, A. Building human intelligence. (Fischelis, P., trans.) Philadelphia: Davis, 1917. Pp. xii + 451. 2352. Marchesini, G. II 'trapasso' dei sentimenti nell'educa- zione. Riv. pedag., 191 7, 10, 577-595. 2353. Marrett, R. R. Anthropology and university education. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1916, 458-467. 2354. Marriott, J. A. R. Educational reconstruction. Hibbert J., 1917, 15, 547-56o. 2355. Marsden, M. E. Science training which should be given to girls who propose to become teachers of domestic craft or to devote themselves to a domestic life. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 191 6, 526. 2356. Martinazzoli, A. Per la prevenzione della delinquenza minorile. Infanzia anormale, 1917, 10, 44-48. 2357. McCallister, W. J. An experiment in the use of the refer- ence library. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 43-50. 2358. McMillan, M. The education of an imperial race tomor- row. Sociol. Rev., 1917, 9, 68-73. 2359. Meredith, C. M. The educational bearings of modern psychology. Boston: Houghton, MifHin, 1916. Pp. 143. 2360. Meyerhardt, M. W. University reform in Germany. Ped. Sent., 191 7, 24, 149-179. 2361. Miller, W. E. The interpretation of school grades. Ped. Sem., 1917, 24, 384-390- 2362. Moore, E. C. Does the study of mathematics train the mind specifically or universally. School & Soc, 1917, 6, 481-491. XI: 3, a] EDUCATION: GENERAL PROBLEMS 151 2363. Nicoli, P. L'Ecole des Roches c la formazione di una pedagogia nuova. Riv. pedag., 1917, 5, 345-364. 2364. Nutting, H. C. General discipline and the study of Latin. School fcf Soc, 1917, s, 261-263. 2365. Nutting, H. C. Two phases of mental discipline. School y Soc, 1917, 6, 261-264. 2366. Nyssens, P. Comment lire et etudier avec le plus de profit. Geneve: Kundgi, 1913. Pp. ^8. 2367. Patterson, H. Pedagogy and the decalog. Ped. Sent., I9i7> 24, 346-349- 2368. Peabody, F. G. The religious education of an American citizen. New York: Macmillan, 1917. 2369. Peaks, A. G. A renaissance in the science of education. Ped. Sem., 191 7, 24, 278-289. 2370. Peters, W. Einfuhrung in die Padagogik. Leipzig: Meyer, 1916. Pp. in. 2371. Pittenger, B. F. Problems of teacher measurement. /. of Educ Psychol., 191 7, 8, 103-110. 2372. Raymont, T. The future development of training colleges for teachers in elementary schools. /. of Exper. Ped., 1917, 4, 1-11. 2373. Regnier, P. De la reeducation fonctionnelle des blesses de la guerre. Bull, de l'inst. gen. psychol., 1917, 17, 51-86. 2374. Salvoni, M. La riforma educativa e didattica dopo la guerra e il sesso degli insegnanti. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 277-289. 2375. Schoen, M. Music and educational standards. Educ. Rev., 1917, 53, 312-317. 2376. Seashore, C. E. Avocational guidance in music. /. of Appl. Psychol., 191 7, 1, 342-349. 2377. Shatsky, V. N., & Shatsky, S. T. Vocational training for children. Moscow, Russia: The Gramotey Co., 191 5 Pp. 183. 2378. Smith, A. T. Demand for vocational education in the countries at war. (Bulletin No. 36, 1917.) Washington: Gov't Printing Office, 1917. Pp. 16. 2379. Smith, A. T. Education and educational institutions. Amer. Year Book, 1916, 773-800. 2380. Smith, H. B. (Ed.) Education by life; a discussion of the school education of younger children. Baltimore: War- wick & York, 1914. Pp. 211. 152 EDUCATION: GENERAL PROBLEMS [XI: 3, a 2381. Soderlund, A. Till den tyska stilskrivningens psykologi och metodik. Svenskt Ark. f. Ped., 1917, 5, 1-49. \ 2382. Starch, D. Educational measurements. New York: Mac- millan, 1916. Pp. 202. 2383. Starch, D. Experiments in educational psychology. (Rev. ed.) New York: Macmillan, 1917. Pp. ix + 204. 2384. Stoner, W. S. Manual of natural education. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill, 1916. Pp. 216. 2385. Temple, W. Education. (Presidential address.) Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Sci., 1916, 512-523. 2386. Valentine, C. W. An introduction to experimental psy- chology in relation to education. Baltimore: Warwick & York, 1916. Pp. 194. 2387. Vidari, G. La cultura dello spirito come ideale pedagogico. Atti d. r. accad. d. scienze, 1917, 52, 492-500. 2388. Vincent, G. E. The state university in America. Sociol. Rev., 191 6, 9, 40-44. 2389. Whipple, G. M. How to study effectively. Bloomington, 111.: Pub. School Pub. Co., 1916. Pp. 44. 2390. Williams, M. H. Science in the education of girls, par- ticularly those hoping to be medical students. Rep. Brit. Ass. Adv. Set., 1916, 526-527. 2391. Witmer, L. Diagnostic education — an education for the fortunate few. Psychol. Clinic, 1917, II, 69-78. 2392. [Anon.] Report of a conference on the reeducation and rehabilitation of maimed and crippled soldiers. Psychol. Bull., 191 7, 14, 229-232. 2393. [Anon.] School reform in the future. Lancet, 1917,^2,696. 2394. [Anon.] Vocational secondary education. (Bureau of Edu- cation Bulletin, 1916. No. 21.) Washington: Government Printing Office, 1916. Pp. 163. b. Problems of Instruction and the Schoolroom 2395. Bell, J. C, & McCullum, D. F. A study of the attain- ments of pupils in United States history. /. of Educ. Psy- chol., 1917, 8, 257-274. 2396. Berry, C. S. A study of retardation, acceleration, elimina- tion, and repetition in the public elementary schools of two hundred and twenty five towns and cities of Michigan. Univ. of Michigan, 191 7. Pp. 48. XI: 3, b] EDUCATION: SPECIAL SCHOOL PROBLEMS 153 2397. Bird, G. E. Pupils' estimates of teachers. /. of Educ. Psychol., 191 7, 8, 35~4°- 2398. Boggs, L. P. The psychology of teaching. Ped. Sem., 191 7, 24, 367-372. 2399. Breed, F. S. 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No. 1, State Teachers College, Greeley, Colo., 1 91 6. Pp. 16. 2416. Hoesch-Ernst, L. Beitrag zur Psychologie der Schulkinder beim Betrachten von Bildern. Berlin: Fritz Giese. (Deutsche Psychologie, Vol. 1, Nos. 3 and 4.), 1917, 233- 280. 2417. Hoopingarner, D. L., Kelley, T. L., & Sackett, L. W. Laboratory experiments in educational practice. Austin, Texas: Published by the authors, 1916. Pp. 95. 2418. Hoopingarner, N. L. Visual instruction. School iff Soc, 1917, 6, 590-592. 2419. Howell, A., Hopson, L., & Washburn, M. F. Accuracy of visual memory and speed of verbal perception in poor spellers. (Minor Stud. fr. Psychol. Lab. of Vassar College, XXXIII.) Amer. J. of Psychol., 1917, 28, 157-158. 2420. James, B. B. Underlying principles of assigning grades. School y Soc, 1917, 5, 739-741. 2421. Kallom, A. W. Some causes of misspellings. /. of Educ. Psychol., 19 1 7, 8, 391-406. 2422. Kallom, A. W. 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Milford, Oxford Univ. Press, 191 6. Pp. x + 197- 2485. Osborn, H. F. Application of the laws of action, reaction and interaction in life evolution. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 7-9- 2486. Osborn, H. F. The origin and evolution of life, on the theory of action, reaction, and interaction of energy. New York: Scribner's, 191 7. Pp. 322. 2487. Osborn, H. F. The origin and nature of life. N. Y. Med. J., 1917, 106, 1126-1128. 2488. Patten, S. N. The track of evolution. Scient. Mo., 191 7, 5, 350-358. 2489. Pearl, R. The probable error of a Mendelian class fre- quency. Amer. Natural., 1917, 51, 144-156. **•" 2490. Peters, W. Uber Vererbung psychischer Fahigkeiten. Leipzig: Teubner, 1916. Pp. 382. 2491. Pirotta, R. L'origine di nuove specie secondo la teoria dell'incrocio. Scientia, 191 7, 21, 29-40. 2492. Punnett, R. C. Eliminating feeble-mindedness. /. of Hered., 191 7, 8, 464-466. 2493. Rabaud, E. La valeur de l'espece dans la biologie contem- poraine. 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Color inheritance in mammals. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 224-235. 2512. [Anon.] How do you clasp your hands. /. of Hered. 1917, 8, 155- 2513. [Anon.] Large families. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 299-302. 160 MENTAL EVOLUTION: HEREDITY [XII: 1 2514. [Anon.] The biology of twins. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 243- 248. 2515. [Anon.] The nature of heredity. Bost. Med. & Surg. J., 191 7, 177, 707-708. 2516. [Anon.] The standards of sexual selection. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 173. 2. Plants; Organs and Responses 2517. Loeb, J. A quantitative method of ascertaining the mech- anism of growth and of inhibition of growth and dormant buds. Science, 1917, 45, 436-439. 2518. MacDougal, D. T., & Spoehr, H. A. The behavior of certain gels useful in the interpretation of the action of plants. Science, 1917, 45, 484-488. 2519. Pensa, A. Fatti e considerazioni a proposito di alcune for- mazioni endocellulari nei vegetali. Monit. zoolog. ital., 1917, 18, 9-14. 2520. Ricca, U. Solution d'une probleme de physiologie: la pro- pagation de stimulus dans la sensitive. Arch. ital. de biol., 1916, 65, 219-232. 2521. Vuillemin, P. La pretendue heterotaxie des fleurs de Capucine. C. r. acad. des sci., 1916, 163, 592-595. 3. Animal Psychology and Behavior a. General (Text-books, Methods, Reports, Discussion) 2522. Botti, L. Psicologia animale. Riv. di psicol., 1917, 13, 221-225. 2523. Davey, W. P. The effect of X-rays on the length of life of tribolium confusum. Gen. Electric Rev., 1917, 20, 174-182. 2524. Dolley, W. L. The rate of locomotion in vanesa antiopa in intermittent light and in continuous light of different illumi- nations, and its bearing on the 'continuous action theory' of orientation. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 23, 507-518. 2525. Dunlap, K. An outline of psychobiology. (2nd ed.) Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1917. Pp. 145. 2526. Nels, Q. Cell intelligence. Minneapolis: Colwell Press, 1916. Pp. 460. XII: 3, a] ANIMAL PSYCHOLOGY: GENERAL 161 2527. Saint-Saens, — . La psychologie humainc ct la psychologie animale. Revue scient., 1917, 193-194. 2528. Taliaferro, W. H. Literature for 1916 on the behavior of the lower invertebrates. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 396-404. 2529. Turner, C. H. Literature for 1916 on the behavior of spiders and insects other than ants. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 405-419. 2530. Vincent, S. B. Literature for 1916 on the behavior of verte- brates. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 435-443. 2531. Wells, M. M. Literature for 1916 on ants and myrmeco- phils. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 420-434. 2532. Yerkes, R. M. Methods of exhibiting reactive tendencies characteristic of ontogenetic and phylogenetic stages. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 11-28. b. Nervous System, Receptor and Effector Organs 2533. Allen, W. F. Distribution of the spinal nerves in Polisto- trema and some special studies of the development of the spinal nerves. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 28, 137-213. 2534. Child, C. M. The gradient in susceptibility to cyanides in the meridional conducting path of the ctenophore Mnemiop- sis. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 43, 87-112. 2535- Dahlgren, U. The production of light by animals. /. of Franklin Instit., 1917, 183, 79-94, 211-220, 323-348, 593- 624. 2536. Fawcett, E. The primordial cranium of microtus amphibius (water rat) as determined by sections and a model of the 25 mm. stage with comparative remarks. /. of Anat., 1917, 51, 309-361. 2537. Gault, C. C. The physiology of the atrio-ventricular con- nection in the turtle. III. The influence of the vagi and of the sympathetic nerves on its rhythm-forming power. Amer. J. of Physiol, 1917, 43, 22-42. 2538. Harvey, E. N. A physiological study of noctiluca, with special reference to light production, anaesthesia and specific gravity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 15-16. 2539. Harvey, E. N. What substance is the source of the light of the firefly. Science, 1917, 46, 241-243. 162 ANIMALS: NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS [XII: 3, b 2540. Hatai, S. Metabolic activity of the nervous system. I. Amount of non-protein nitrogen in the central nervous system of the normal albino rat. /. of Comp. Neur., 191 7, 28, 361-378. 2541. Herrick, C. J. The internal structure of the midbrain and thalamus of necturnus. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 28, 215-348. 2542. Hilton, W. A. The central nervous system of simple Crustacea. /. of Comp. Neur., 1917, 28, 429-440. 2543. Jordan, H. Integumentary photosensitivity in a marine fish, Epinephelus striatus Bloch. Amer. J. of Physiol., 191 7, 44, 259-274. 2544. Koeppen, M. Uber das Gehirn Blindtieres Chrysochloris. Monat.f. Psychiat. u. Neur., 1915, 38, 201-216. 2545. Laurens, H. The physiology of the atrio-ventricular con- nection in the turtle. II. Irritability and rhythm forma- tion. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 513-543. 2546. Laurens, L., & Williams, J. W. Photomechanical changes in the retina of normal and transplanted eyes of Amblys- toma larvae. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 23, 71-84. 2547. Mayer, A. G. Further studies of nerve conduction in Cassiopea. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 469-475. 2548. Mayer, A. G. On the non-existence of nervous shell-shock in fishes and marine invertebrates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 597-598. 2549. McClendon, J. F. The effect of stretching on the rate of conduction in the neuro-muscular network in Cassiopea. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 7, 3, 703-704. 2550. McIndoo, N. E. The olfactory organs of Lepidoptera. /. of Morp., 1917, 29, 33-54. 2551. Moore, A. R. Chemical differentiation of the central ner- vous system in invertebrates. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 7, 3, 598-602. 2552. Palmer, C. C. The influence of partial thyroidectomy in pigs. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 572-581. 2553. Parker, G. H. Nervous transmission in Actinians. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 22, 87-94. 2554. Parker, G. H., & Van Heusen, A. P. The reception of mechanical stimuli by the skin, lateral-line organs and ears in fishes, especially in Amiurus. (Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College. No. 298.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 463-489. XII: 3, b] ANIMALS: NERVOUS SYSTEM, ORGANS 163 2555. Rasmussen, A. T. Demonstration of Nissl preparations indicating an absence of chromatolytic changes in the central nervous system of the woodchuck, Marmota monax, during hibernation. (Abstract.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 42, 619. 2556. Reagan, F. P. The role of the auditory sensory epithelium in the formation of the stapedial plate. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 23, 85-108. 2557. Shelford, V. E. Color and color-pattern mechanism of tiger beetles. (Illinois Biological Monog., Vol. 3, No. 4.) Urbana: University of Illinois, 1917. Pp. 135. 2558. Sugita, N. Comparative studies on the growth of the cere- bral cortex I. On the changes in the size and shape of the cerebrum during the postnatal growth of the brain: albino rat. II. On the increase in the thickness of the cerebral cortex during the postnatal growth of the brain. /. of Comp. Neur., 191 7, 28, 495-591. 2559. Van Heusen, A. P. The skin of the catfish, Amiurus nebu- losus, as a receptive organ for light. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 212-214. 2560. Wood, C. A. The fundus oculi of birds, especially as viewed by the ophthalmoscope: a study in comparative anatomy and physiology. Chicago: The Lakeside Press, 1917. Pp. 200. 2561. [Anon.] The firefly's light. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 368-372. c. Mental Processes and Functions (Sensation, Perception, Emotion, etc.) 2562. Clayberg, H. D. The effect of ether and chloroform on certain fishes. Biol. Bull., 1917, 32, 234-248. 2563. Hess, C. v. New experiments on the light reactions of plants and animals. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 1-10. 2564. Kepner, W. A., & Foshee, A. M. Effect of light and dark- ness on the eye of Prochynchus applanatus Kennel. /. of Exp. Zool, 1917, 23, 519-532. 2565. Lashley, K. S. Sensory physiology of animals. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 276-283. 2566. Nicolle, C. De l'emploi du cobaye comme animal reactif pour le diagnostic experimental de la rage des rues. C. r. soc. de biol., 191 7, 80, 788-789. 1 64 ANIMALS: SENSATION, DISCRIMINATION [XII: 3, c 2567. Parker, G. H., & Van Heusen, A. P. The responses of the catfish, Amiurus nebulosus, to metallic and non-metallic rods. (Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, No. 296.) Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 44, 405-420. 2568. Pearce, B. D. A note on the interference of visual habits in the white rat. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 169-177. 2569. Polimanti, O. Sur le sens chromatique de poissons, rech- erche au moyen de reactions dans le rhythme respiratoire. Arch. ital. de biol., 191 6, 64, 293-300. 2570. Reeves, C. D. Moving and still lights as stimuli in a dis- crimination experiment with white rats. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 160-168. 2571. Utsurikawa, N. Temperamental differences between out- bred and inbred strains of the albino rat. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 111-129. 2573. Yoakum, C. S. Similar behavior in cow and man with a note on emotion. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 334—337. 2574. [Anon.] How bees recognize each other. /. of Hered., 1917, 8, 285-286. d. Animal Activities: Behavior {Instinct, Habit, and Higher Plastic Adjustments') 2575. Allard, H. A. Synchronism and synchronic rhythm in the behavior of certain creatures. Amer. Natural., 191 7, 51, 438-446. 2576. Allard, H. A. The song of the grasshopper sparrow. Science, 1917, 45? 362. 2577. Arps, G. F. Important factors in the question of responsible behavior. Scient. Mo., 1917, 5, 239-258. 2578. Baldwin, F. M. Diurnal activity of the earthworm. /. of Animal Behav., 191 7, 7, 187-190. 2579. Carr, H. 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The behavior of holothurians in balanced illumination. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 43, 5I°-*SI3- 2587. De Fenis, M. F. Contribution a l'etude des cris et du chant des oiseaux dans ses rapports avec la musique. Bull, de Vinst. gen. psychol., 1917, 17, 87-130. 2588. Fisher, H. G., & Muller, H. R. Unilateral destruction of the semicircular canals in cats. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1916, 41, 267-274. 2589. Franz, S. I., & Lashley, K. S. The retention of habits by the rat after destruction of the frontal portion of the cere- brum. Psychobiol., 1917, I, 3-18. 2590. Garrey, W. E. Proof of the muscle tension theory of helio- tropism. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 602-609. 2591. Gates, F. C. Synchronism in the flashing of fireflies. Science, 1917, 46, 314. 2592. Goldsmith, M. Acquisition d'un habitude chez le poulpe. C. r. acad. des sci., 1917, 164, 737-738; Rev. gen. des sci., 1917, 398. 2593. Goldsmith, M. Quelques reactions sensonelles chez le poulpe. C. r. acad. des. sci., 191 7, 164, 448-450; Bull, instit. psychol., 191 7, 17, 25-44. 2594. Hamilton, C. C. The behavior of some soil insects in gradients of evaporating power of air, carbon dioxide and ammonia. Biol. Bull., 1917, 32, I59"182- 2595. Holmes, S. J. Continuous stimulation vs. transitional shock in the phototactic response. Psychobiol., 1917, I, 65-70. 2596. Hubbert, H. B., & Lashley, K. S. Retroactive association and the elimination of errors in the maze. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 130-138. 166 ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR [XH:3,d 2597. Hunter, W. S., & Yarbrough, J. U. The interference of auditory habits in the white rat. /. of Animal Behav., 191 7, 7, 49-65- 2598. Hussey, R. F. A study of the reactions of certain birds to sound stimuli. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 207-219. 2599. Jordan, H. Rheotropic responses of Epinephelus striatus Bloch. Amer. J. of Physiol., 1917, 43, 438-454. 2600. Jordan, H. Rheotropism of Epinephelus striatus Bloch. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 1917, 3, 157-159. 2601. Kempf, E. J. The social and sexual behavior of infra-human primates with some comparable facts in human behavior. Psychoanal. Rev., 1917, 4, 127-154. 2602. Kempf, H. D. C. The preferential use of the hands in monkeys, with modification by training and retention of the new habits. Psychol. Bull., 1917, 14, 297-301. 2603. Knowlton, F. P., & Moore, A. R. Note on the reversal of reciprocal inhibition in the earthworm. Amer. J. of Physiol., 191 7, 44, 490-491. 2604. Lashley, K. S. A casual factor in the relation of the dis- tribution of practice to the rate of learning. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 139-142. 2605. Lashley, K. S. Modificability of the preferential use of the hands in the rhesus monkey. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 178-186. 2606. Lashley, K. S. The criterion of learning in experiments with the maze. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 66-70. 2607. Lashley, K. S. The effects of strychnine and caffeine upon the rate of learning. Psychobiol., 1917, I, 141-170. 2608. Lashley, K. S., & Franz, S. I. The effects of cerebral de- struction upon habit-formation and retention in the albino rat. Psychobiol., 1917, I, 71-140. 2609. Laurens, H. The reactions of the melanophores of Ambly- stoma tigrinum larvae to light and darkness. /. of Exp. Z00L, 1917, 23, 195-205. 2610. Laurent, P. The supposed synchronal flashing of fireflies. Science, 191 7, 45, 44. 261 1. Loeb, J., & Northrop, J. H. Heliotropic animals as pho- tometers on the basis of the validity of the Bunsen-Roscoe law for heliotropic reactions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 7, 3, 539-544- XII: 3, d] ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR 167 2612. Mast, S. O. The relation between spectral color and stimu- lation in the lower organisms. /. 0} Exp. Zool., 1917, 22, 471-528. 2613. Maxim, H. Mimicry in animals; a new theory. North Amer. Rev., 1917, 206, 1 15-122. 2614. McColloch, J. W., & Yuasa, H. Notes on the migration of the hessian fly larvae. /. of Animal Behav., 191 7, 7, 3°7-323- 2615. Murphy, R. C. Winter activity of the brown bat. Science, I9I7> 45, 565-S66. 2616. Newland, C. B. What is instinct? Some thoughts on telepathy and subconsciousness in animals. London: Murray, 1916. Pp. xv + 217. 2617. Newman, H. H. A case of synchronic behavior in Phalan- gidae. Science, 191 7, 45, 44. 2618. Olmsted, J. M. D. Geotropism in Planaria maculata. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 81-86. 2619. Parker, G. H. Actinian behavior. /. of Exp. Zool., 191 7, 22, 193-230. 2620. Parker, G. H. Pedal locomotion in Actinians. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 22, 111-124. 2621. Parker, G. H. The activities of corymorpha. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 24, 303-322. 2622. Parker, G. H. The movements of tentacles in Actinians. /. of Exp. Zool., 191 7, 22, 94-110. 2623. Parker, G. H. The responses of hydroids to gravity. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 191 7, 3, 72-73. 2624. Paterson, D. G. The Johns Hopkins circular maze studies. Psychol. Bull., 1 91 7, 14, 294-297. 2625. Patten, B. M. Reactions of the whip-tail scorpion to light. /. of Exp. Zool., 1917, 23, 251-276. 2626. Peairs, L. M. Synchronous rhythmic movements of the fall web-worm larvae. Science, 1917, 45, 501-502. 2627. Peterson, J. Frequency and recency factors in maze learning by white rats. /. of Animal. Behav., 1917, 7, 338— 364. 2628. Peterson, J. The effect of length of blind alleys on maze learning: an experiment on twenty-four white rats. Behav. Monog., 1917, 3 (No. 15). Pp. 53. 2629. Poulton, E. B. 'Fascination' of birds by a snake. Nature, 1917, 100, 244. 1 68 ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR [XII: 3, d 2630. Prince, A. L. The effect of rotation and of unilateral re- moval of the otic labyrinth on the equilibrium and ocular reactions in kittens. Amer. J. of Physiol., 191 7, 42, 308-317. 2631. Rau, P. The courtship of Pieris protodice. /. of Animal Behav., 191 7, 7, 1 43-1 44. 2632. Redfield, A. C. 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The feeding of nestling birds. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 191-206. 2642. Stockard, C. R., & Papanicolaou, G. N. Rhythmical "heat period" in the guinea pig. Science, 191 7, 46, 42-44. 2643. Sutherland, A. H. Complex reactions of the dog. (Yale Psychol. Stud.) Psychol. Monog., 1917, 23 (No. 100), 241-265. 2644. Swindle, P. F. Relevant and irrelevant speech instincts and habits. Psychol. Rev., 1917, 24, 426-448. 2645. Thompson, E. L. An analysis of the learning process in the snail, Physa gyrina, say. Behav. Monog., 1917,3 (No. 14). Pp. iii + 97. 2646. Torrey, H. B. Tropisms and instinctive activities. Psy- chol. Bull., 1917, 14, 265-276. 2547. Turner, C. L. A culture medium for Euglena with notes on the behavior of Euglena. Anat. Record., 191 7, 12, 407- 413- XII: 3, d] ANIMALS: INSTINCT AND BEHAVIOR 169 2648. Walcott, C. D. Story of Granny, the mountain squirrel. /. of Animal Behav., 1917, 7, 454-455. 2649. Watson, J. B. The effect of delayed feeding upon reaction. 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Individuality, tempera- ment, and genius in animals. Amer. Mus. J., 1917, I7> 235-243- INDEX OF AUTHORS Abbe, 913 Abbot, 1762 Abbott, E. S., 158 Abbott, W. J. L., 178 Abercromby, 1062 Aberg (see Key-A.) Abney, 603, 672 Abrahamson, 355, 1532 Abramovitz, 1348 Abramson, 1531 Achilles, E. M., 1971 Achilles, P. S., 1971 Adams, H. F., 1147 Adams, J., 2301 Adams, J. B., 275, 1063 Adelstein, 2348 Adler, 862, 1276, 1277, 1278, 1468, 1832, 1945, 2130 Adlerblum, 52 Adrian, 1833 Agduhr, 878 Agnew, 909 Ahlberg, 7, 873 Ahlfeld, 1 1 70 Aime, 1834 Albeggiani, 1171 Alexander, G., 1469 Alexander, H. B., 53 Alford, 1279 Alfven, 1763 Aliotta, 1 Altera, 1533 Allard, 2575, 2576 Allen, B. M., 763 Allen, W. F., 2533 Alrutz, 514, 623,1194, 1 195, 1764 Alspach, 942 Alvarez, 764, 765, 766, 814 Amar, 159, 203, 879, 893, 914, 2300 Amendola, 8 Amoss, 1534, 1535, 1578, 1579, 1580, 1693 Anderberg, 993 Anderson, J., 356 Anderson, J. E., 880 Anderson, M., 943 Anderson, V. V., 1470, 1946, 213 1 Andre (see Thomas, A.) Andrews, N. S., 547 Andrews, W. S., 548 Angier, 229, 330 Anthony, 335 Anton, 1280 Antoni, 358,641,1536 Archambault, 359 Ardigo, 100 Armstrong, 863 Armstrong-Jones, 740,1172, 1 173 Arnold, 533 Arps, 624, 894, 2577 170 Aschaffenburg, 1836 Aschieri, 944 Ash, 910 Ashton, 2302 Assagioli, 1174 Athanassio-Benisty, 360 Atwood, 1537 Aubaret, 673 Auer, 1538, 1539, I540, 1745, 1837 Auerbach, 674, 1541 Austin, 758 Avalder, 230 Ayer, 1281 Babcock, H. D., 580 Babcock, H. L., 2193 Babinski, 1765, 1766, 1767 Baccari, 846 Backman, 524, 525, 526 Baglioni, S., 295 Baglioni, T., 341 Bailey, A. A., 778 Bailey, P., 1282, 1283, 1838 Baillie, 945 Baird, 534, 946, 974 Baker, 281 Baldwin, B. T., 1471 2194, 2274, 2303 Baldwin, F. M., 2578 Balfour, 1249, 1250 Ballantyne, 675 INDEX OF AUTHORS I7I Ballard, 1284, 1839 Ballet, 1630, 1881 Balz, 231 Bancroft, 1947 Banker, 2457 Banzhaf, 1649 Barat, 1024 Barclay, 1722 Bargy, 676 Barker, 1972 Barnes, 1768 Barrell, 2026 Barrow, 1098 Barry, 1099 Bartrum, 204 Bassoe, 361, 1379, 1542 Bateman, 1025 Bates, 677, 678 Batten, 1196, 1543 Bauchal, 1076 Baudin, 2 Baudisson, 1840 Baudouin, 1175 Baumgartner, 767 Baxter, 947 Bayfield, 1251 Bayliss, 282 Beccari, 296 Becker, 1285 Bedell, 362 Bedford, 847 Beerman, 1375 Beers, 1286, 1287 Beling, 363 Bell, 179,2195, 2395 Benedetto, 2304 Benedict, 1769, 2458 Benisty (see Athanas- sio-B.) Bennati, 1841 Bennett, 822 Blanton, S., 915, 2166 Bennheim, 1771 Bleuler, 1289 Benon, 1770 Bliss, G. S., 1475 Bentley, D. F., 1674 Bliss, H. E., 1009 Bentley, M., 232, 506 Bloch, 365 Bentley, M. Moore-B.) Benton, 2027 Berg, 1544 Berger, 549 Bergmark, 823 Berillon, 2028 Bernard, L. L., 2067 Bernard, R., 1545 Bernheim, 1197 Bernoulli, 1723 Bernstein, C, 1472 (seeBlock, 1290 Bloomfield, 1252 Blumer, 1347 Boardman, 2197 Boas, 1 291 Bode, 160 Bodkin, 366 Bogan, 1301 Boggs, 2398 Boirac, 1253, 1254 Bolin, I., 1026 Bolin, M., 1026 Bernstein, E. J., 1473 Bonaventura, 101,983 Berry, C. S., 1176, Bond, E. D., 367, 1292 2396 Bond, N. J., 2198 Berry, E. L., 855 Bondurant, 1806 Berry, R. J. A., 2029 Bonhomme, 1795, Betts, 2305 1845 Bianchi,L., 1842,2068 Bonilla, 2460 Bianchi,V., 1288, 1843 Bonjour, 1293 Bickersteth, 2196 Bonnier, 342, 741, 864 Bientinese, 9 Benola, 1523 Billingsley, 838 Boorstein, 1547 Bing, 364 Borchardt, L., 368 Bingham, 1100, 2400 Borchardt, 1846 Binswanger, 1844 Boring, L. D., 644 Bird, C, 2009 Bird, G. E., 2397 Bjerre, 1198 Blaauw, 550 Black, D., 273 Black, J. H., 1546 Blackman, 2459 Blake, E. M., 679 Blake, M. B., 1474 Boring, E. G., 180, 512, 513, 515, 535, 551, 644, 663, 664 Bosanquet, 54, 102, 103 Bostrom, 625 Bott, 2306 Bottazzi, 768 Botti, 2522 Blanton, M. G., 2275 Bouderlique, 1924 172 INDEX OF AUTHORS Bourgeois, 680 Bourguignon, 274, 275, 769, 770 Boutroux, 1077, 1078 Boven, 1807 Bovet, 865 Bowen, 2069 Bowers, 2132 Bowler, 2133, 2199 Boyd, 771 Bramann, 1280 Brandenburg, 2167 Braun, 400 Breed, 1039, 2399 Breese, 3 Brehier, 866 Brewer, 2307 Bridges, 2010 Bridgman, 281 Bridie, 2308 Briggs, 2134 Brigham, 2200 Brine, 297 Brink, 1222 Brock (see Clutton- B.) Brock, G. W., 1948 Brodsky, 1294 Bronner, 1476, 1973 Brookover, 263 Brown, C. P., 1628 Brown, H. C, 104, 105, 2070 Brown, H. W., 10, 2071 Brown, L. F., 2201 Brown, M. W., 1295, 1847 Brown, S., 1101, 1102 Brown, T. G., 161, 338, 343, 370 Bruce, A., 331 Bruce, H. A., 2276 Bruhl (see Levy-B.) Bruhn, 1040 Brunacci, 507, 508, 772, 937 Brunschweiler, 369 Bryant, 2461 Buckingham, 2309 Buisson, 626 Bulkley, 1144 Bull, C.G., 1548, 1549 Bull, T., 1296 Burge, E. L., 742 Burge,W.E.,742, 895 Burgess, 1347 Burget, 773 Burke, 1978 Burnell, 2401 Burnham, 276, 824, 896, 1 1 77 Burr, 2462 Burrow, 11, 867, 1 199, 1200, 1477 Burton-Fanning, 1772 Burton-Opitz, 298, 299 Bum, 645, 653, 2202, 2264 Bush, 984 Bushnell, 2030 Caillier, 720 Calhoun, 681 Calkins, 106, 1010, 1201 Cambridge (see Pick- ard-C.) Cameron, 543 Camp, 1550 Campbell, C. M., 1297, 2277, 2402 Campbell, H., 2072 Canavan, 1823 Cannes, 205 Cannon, 774, 775 Carel, 1887 Carhart, 2403 Carlill, 1298, 1848 Carlson, 300, 858 Caro, 1724, 1725 Carpenter, 332 Carr, 107, 654, 743, 2579, 2580, 2581 Carroll, 1299, 2310 Carstens, 1478 Castellanos, 2031 Castex, 682 Castle, 2463, 2464 Cattell, 55, 775, 2168 Cavazzini, 1524 Cave, 197 Ceni, 776, 868 Chambers, 371 Chandler, 56 Chapin, 2073 Chapman, C.;M.,2I35 Chapman, J. C, 897, 898 Charpentier, 1849 Charron, 1850 Chase, 57, 108, 2169 Chatelin, 372 Chatley, 109 Chenoweth, 2582 Chesney, 1535 Child, 2534 Christian, 1300 Christopherson, 373 Chrysostom, 23 11 Churchman, 1851 INDEX OF AUTHORS 173 Ciarlantini, 2074 Claiborne, 916 Claparede, 899, 1148, 1 178, 2203 Clark, L. P., 1479, 1551, 1552, 1553, 1726, 1727, 1728, 1729 Clark, S. N., 1407, 1828 Clark, T., 2204, 2278 Clarke, F. B., 374 Clarke, H. M., 975 Claude, 1852 Clausen, 2468 Clayberg, 2562 Clayden, 552 Climenko, 355, 1391, 1554 Clunet, 1853 Clutton-Brock, 1270 Cobb, C. W., 58, no Cobb, I. G., 777 Cobb, M. V., 2170 Cobb, S., 778 Coblentz, 553, 627 Codrelle, 2001 Coe, 2312 Coffey, in Cohen, F., 2436 Cohen, M., 375, 1617 Cohen, M. R., 162, o I079 Coissard, 1528 Colazza, 2313 Cole, L. G., 848 Cole, W. H., 2583, 2584 Coleman, 206 Coler, 2010 Colin, 683 Colledge, 1555 Collet, 684 Collie, 1949, 2314 Compere, 628 Compton, 264 Cone, 376 Conklin, E. G., 2171, 2465 Conklin, E. S., 1041 Connett, 333 Consiglio, 2075 Cooke, 112 Coombs, 802 Coover, 1255 Corbus, 1556 Coriat.,277, 685, 1 179, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1808 Cornell, C. B., 2205 Cornell, W. B., 1480 Cotting, 377 Cotton, F. J., 377 Cotton, H. A., 1302 Courbon, 1789 Courjon, 521 Courtney, 378 Cowdrick, 665 Cowles, 59 Cox, 604 Crafts, L. M., 1557 Crafts, L. W., 1481, I950 Craig, C. B., 1558 Craig, M., 1303 Craig, W., 869, 2585 Crampton, 554 Crandall, 533 Crane, 619 Cravath, 567 Crenshaw, 1304 Crider, 900 Crile, 779 Crookshank, 1305 Crothers, S. M., 1974 Crothers, T. D., 1854 Crozier, J. B., 1256 Crozier, W. J., 2586 Cruickshank, 379,380, 381 Cumberbatch, 1559 Cuming, 60 Cummins, 2206 Cunningham, G. W., 12 Cunningham, H. E., "3 Cunningham, W. C, I590 Curl, 904 Curschmann, 1306 Curtis, H. S., 870 Curtis, J. V., 516,938, 1052 Cuthbert, 1103 Cutting, 595-i307 Cyriax, 301 D'Abundo, 1027, 1855 Dahlgren, 2535 Dallenbach, 1104 Dana, 686, 1308 Dantona, 382 Dashiell, 163, 1064 Dauriac, 13 Davenport, C. B., 1975, 2279 Davenport, H. J., 61 Davey, 2523 Davidenkof, 1525 Davidson, 383 Davis, 114, 115 174 INDEX OF AUTHORS Dawson, J. W., 384, 1560, 1 561 Dawson, S., 605, 606 Day, 2280 Dealey, 2315 Dean, A. L. Jr., 861 Dean, C. F., 2584 Dean, M. M., 1309 Dearborn, G. V. N., 207, 2316, 2317 Dearborn,W.F.,2i98, 2207 De Blasio, 2032 De Busk, 2281 De Camp, 655 De Cristo, 2318 Dederer, 1625 Dedichen, 1951 De Fenis, 2587 De Francesco, 2319 De Fursac, 13 10, 13 11 Delacroix, 1105 Delage, 1205 De Laguna, G. A., 116, 117 De Laguna, T., 1080 Del Greco, 744, 753 Delmas, 1858 Delorme, 13 12 Del Rio, 780, 2076 Demos, 118 Densmore, 233 Dercum, 917, 1206, 1313, 1314, I562, 1809, 1952 De Sanctis, 2136 De Saussure, 62 De Schweinitz, 475, 781 Descoeudres, 2320 Desogus, 1730 Desplas, 461 De Vaux, 14, 1028, 1315 De Vries, 2466 Dewey, J., 63, 119, 164, 181, 2077 Dewey, R., 1347 Dickson, 1563 Diena, 2078 Diller, 13 16 Dixon, 1564 Dodge, 901 Doll, 1481,1482, 1483, 1950, 2208, 2209, 2210, 2282, 2321 Dolley, D. H., 261, 265, 385 Dolley, W. L., 2524 Donaldson, 257 Donati, 120 D'Onghia, 1774 Donkin, 2137 Doodson, 182 Dornau, 1029 Doty, 1565 Down, 1039 Downey, 880, 881, 1042, 2404, 2405, 2406 Doyle, 2406 Drake, 64, 165 Draper, 1566, 1567, 1568 Dresser, 1106 Drewry, 1347 Dripps, 1953 Drouet, 687 Drysdale, 1810 Dub, 688 Duckworth, 2033 Dugas, 948 Dumas, 1775, 1856, 1857, 1858 Dundon, 849 Dunham, 173 1 Dunlap, 208,209, 210, 782, 918, 949, 2525 Dunn, E. H., 386 Dunn, J., 596 Dunn, J. S., 1555 Dunton, 1317 Dupont, 65, 656 Duprat, 13 18, 1859 Dupre, i860 Durante, 1889 During, 387 Duvigneaud (see Ro- chon-D.) Dymling, 1732, 1861 Eagleton, 388 East, E. M., 1484 East, W. N., 2138 Eastman, G. R., 1 149, 1150 Eastman, M., ion Ebright, 1569 Eder, 1862 Edgell, 234 Edridge-Green, 555 Edwards, A. S., 950 Edwards, E. J., 566, 567 Ehrnberg, 1570, 1733 Eisenberger, 783 Eldridge, 1915 Eliot, 2322 Elliot, 15 Ellis, 1207 Ellwood, 66, 2079, 2080, 2081 Elsberg, 266, 389, 1734 INDEX OF AUTHORS 175 Emerson, E. B., 1863 Emerson, H., 1571 Emerson, W. B., 553, 627 Emmet, 1270 Enebuske, 13 19 English, 221 1 Enjalran, 16 Epiphanio, 1208 Eppinger, 302 Epstein, 1485 Erickson, 2407 Erismann, 1107 Erlanger, 211 Ernst, J. R., 1811 Ernst, L. (see Hoesch- E.) Erskine, 1320 Esterbrook, 2172 Evans, A., 2323, 2467 Evans, B. D., 1572 Evans, L. H. N., 1 108 Evarts, 391, 1812 Fairbanks, 392 Fairchild, 2324 Fanning (see Burton- F.) Fantus, 850 Farnell,303, 393,1321 Farrar, 1322, 1864 Farrell, 1753 Fawcett, 2536 Feder, 898 Feingold, 1209 Fell, 1573 Ferebee, 1776 Ferenczi, 12 10 Fernald, G. G., 2140 Fernald, G. M., 2139 Fernald, M. R., 2326 Fernald, W. E., i486, 1954 Fernandez, 689 Fernberger, 17, 666, 667 Ferrand, 1777 Ferrari, 121,996,2082, 2325, 2408 Ferree, 212, 213, 556, 597, 607, 620, 643 Ferrero (see Lombro- so-F.) Ferriere, 18 Fewkes, 2034 Fish, 1151 Fisher, D. W., 1053 Fisher, E. D., 394 Fisher, H. G., 2588 Fisher, J. H., 784 Fisher, L., 690, 1575 Fisher, S. C, 994 Fisk, 395, 1 180 Fite, 166, 1054 Fitt, 517 Fitts, 2409 Fleming, 235 Fletcher, 919 Flexner, A., 2327 Flexner,S.,i576,i577, 1578, 1579, 1580 Flournoy, 19 Fliigel, 1081 Foa, 396 Foix, 1530 Folsom, 1012, 1976 Foote, 557, 608 Forbes, A., 283, 785 Forbes, B. C, 1977 Forbes, W., 997 Fordyce, 1581, 1582 Formiggini, 2283 Forsberg, 951 Forster, 1583 Forsythe, 613 Foshee, 2564 Foster, M., 1323 Foster, M. L., 691 Foster, W.S., 236,535, 938 Foster, W. T., 2328 Francois, 1043 Franz, 20,67,237,344, 351, 2329, 2589, 2608 Franzoni, 21, 22, 2330 Fraser, C. F., 692 Fraser, J. S., 693 Fraser, L. McP., 790 Frauenthal, 1584 Frazer, 1109 Frazier, 397 Freeman, 2212, 2213, 2284 Freese, 1627, 1628 Frenkel, 1585 Frets, 398 Freud, 1211, 1212 Friedlaender, 694 Friesner, 399 Frink, 1213, 1214, 1586, 1606 Froment, 1765, 1766, 1767 Fromentin, 1181 Frost, 183 Fry, 1778, 1779 Fuchs, 558 Fullegar, 2331 Fuller, 122 Furbush, 1324 Furbust, 1383 176 INDEX OF AUTHORS Fursac (see Rogues de F.) Gadelius, 1325, 1326, 1780 Gage, H. P., 559 Gage, S. H., 267 Gage, W. V., 304 Gaines, 1587 Gale, 2410 Galletti, 23, 2083 Galli, E., 509 Galli, F., 258 Gardiner, 734 Garrey, 2590 Garrison, C. G., 1978 Garrison, S. C, 2214 Gastex, 825, 826 Gates, A. I., 952, 201 1 Gates, F. C., 2591 Gaucher, 1588 Gault, C C, 2537 Gault, R. H., 2084, 2085 Gautier, 1030 Geiger, 1589 Geijerstam, 1215, 1216 Geissler, 238,735,953 Gemelli, 668, 2002, 2086, 2215 George, S. S., 998 George, W. L., 2012 Gerlach, 2332 Gerster, 1590 Gesell, 284 Geyer, 123 Geyser, 1591 Ghisleri, 2087 Giddings, 124 Giese, 24 Gilchrist, 2254 Gill, 1592 Gilles, 1781 Gilliland, 2216, 2217 Gilpin, 1327 Gilson, 1065 Ginestous, 695, 696 Girod, 1593 Githens, 786 GiufTrida-Ruggeri, 2035 Glaser, 268 Gley, 787 Globus, 1594 Gluck, 1328, 1329, ^1955, 2141 Goddard, 214, 1487, 1488, 2218, 2219 Goerdt, 401 Goldberger, 2436 Goldenweiser, 11 10 Goldsmith, 2592, 2593 Goldstein, 402 Goodhart, 403 Goodspeed, 2468 Gordier, 1773 Gordon, A., 404, 1330, 1331, 1332, 1595, 1596, 1735, 1736, 2469 Gordon, K., 954,2333 Goria, 1358 Gortner, 241 1 Gosline, 405, 1217, ^1333, 1813 Gothlin, 269, 609, 625, 630 Gould, 955, 2334 Go wen, 2335 Grabfield, 669, 1334 Gradenigo, 1597 Graham, mi Granger, 1335 Grasset, 68, 69, 125, 1865, 1866 Gray, A. C. E., 1704 Gray, H. B., 2336 Gray, H. M. W., 406 Greeley, 1598, 1599, 1600 Green (see Edridge- G.) Green, E. M., 1829 Green, E. M. N., 1867 Green, J. A., 2220, 2337 Green, P. P., 352 Green well, 1601 Gregg, 1330, 3337 Grimberg, 1737, 1738, ^1739 Grimbert, i860 Grinker, 1782 Groholm, 598 Grossman, 1602, 1603, 1604 Groszmann, 1605, 2285 Groves, 11 12, 11 13, 121 8, 2036 Gruber, 788, 827,851, 902 Grumbine, 985 Griinbaum, 1783 Grundy, 1152 Grushlaw, 407 Grzegorzewska, 745, 1066 Guggenheim, 871 Guibord, 2142 Guild, 560, 585 INDEX OF AUTHORS 177 Guillcminot, 215 Guillet, 2013, 2286 Gulick, 1082 Gullick, 1338 Gunning, 792, 852, 853, §54, 855 Guthrie, C. C, 879, 1868 Guthrie, D. V., 610 Gutsell, 270 Guttich, 529 Guyer, 2470 Guyon, 408 Gyllensward, 1869 Haberlandt, 271 Habermann, 1339, 1340, 2143, 2144, 2471 Haddon, 2037 Hadfield, 1270 Haeberlin, 1219 Hagemann, 1341 Haggerty, 2338, 2412 Haggqvist, 518 Haines, 1489, 1784, 1956, 1957 Halberstadt, 1850 Haldar, 70 Hall, A. S., 1 1 14 Hall, G. S., 25, 1 1 15, 1979, 2339 Hall, G. W., 409 Hallock, 1 182, 1606 Halsey, n 16 Halvorson, 561 Hamill, 1607, 1608 Hamilton, C. C, 2594 Hamilton, W. I., 2413 Hammer, 976, 977, 2414 Hammes, 1669 Hammond, 1609 Hansell, 410 Hardwick, 2221 Harford, 697 Harlan, 2340 Harris, C. T., 411 Harris, W., 412 Harris, W. S., 1117 Hartle, 2341 Hartmann, 790, 791 Hartwell, 413 Harvey, 2538, 2539 Harwood, 1342 Hashimoto, 432 Haslebacher, 1343 Hassin, 365, 414, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613 Hastings, 1344 Hatai, 2540 Hauck, 2287 Ha worth, 161 4 Hayes, 1615 Haynes, 1501 Healy, J. J., 1616 Healy, W., 2145, 2288 Hearnshaw, 2088 Heckel, 754, 1785 Hedinger, 415 Heilman, 2415 Heist, 1617 Hektoen, 161 8 Hellpach, 1013 Hemphill, 2342 Henderschott, 1153 Henderson, D. K., 1870 Henderson, L. J., 2472 Hendrick, 2014 Henkel, 1257 Henmon, 759, 956, 2222, 2223 Henry, 755 Herbert, 2015 Hernandez (see Res- trepo-H.) Herrick, C. J., 2541 Herrick, J. L., 2224 Herrman, 1619 Hess, C. v., 2563 Hess, L., 302 Heusen, (see Van H.) Heymans, 1980 Hickman, 1958 Higier, 305 Hill, J. A., 1258 Hill, M. C., 2189 Hilton, 2542 Hinshelwood, 1526 Hirst, 1083 Hitchcock, 416, 417 Hitschmann, 1220 Hoch, 1 871 Hocking, 2089 Hodskins, 1740 Hoernle, 167 Hoesch-Ernst, 2416 Hoisington, 670 Holliday, 11 18 Hollingworth, H. L., 527, 1 1 54 Hollingworth, L. S., 1490, 1978 Holloway, 418, 698 Holmes, B., 1814, 1815 Holmes, G., 657, 1345 Holmes, S. J., 2595 Holt, 562, 828 i78 INDEX OF AUTHORS Holtz, 778 Hooker, D. R., 306, 333 Hooker, H. D., 565 Hooper, 126 Hoopingarner, D. L., 2417 Hoopingarner, N. L., 2418 Hoover, 1 155 Hoppe, 1872 Hopson, 2419 Hotchkis, 1873 Houston, 611, 612 How, 781 Howe, 599 Howell, 2419 Howerth, 2343, 2473 Hrdlicka, 71 Hubbert, 2596 Hudson-Makuen, 1491 Hughes, 419 Hull, C. L., 1007 Hull, H. R., 2016 Humphrey, 2038, 2474 Humpstone, 957 Hunt, E. L., 1346, 1621 Hunt, J. R., 339 Hunt, W. R. S., 2003 Hunter, 760, 958, 2597 Huntington, 903 Huot, 746 Hurd, 1347 Hiirlimann (see Meyer-H.) Hurst, 1786, 1787, 1874, 1875 Hussey, R. B., 561 Hussey, R. F., 2598 Hyde, E. P., 613 Hyde, I. H., 904 Hyslop, 1265 Imboden, 1876 Immerman, S. I., 1830 Immerman, S. L., 1622, Inge, 1259 Ingebrightsen, 272 Ingvar, 345 Inman, 420 Isaacs, 1 185 Isenschmid, 307 Isseolis, 184 Ives, 185, 563, 614, 631 Jacks, 1260 Jackson, E., 564 Jackson, J. A., 1348 Jackson, J. W., 1120, 1121 Jacobowsky, 615 Jacobs, 1623 Jacobson, 1981 Jahss, 1624 James, 2420 Jarrett, 1349 Jastrow, 26, 1002 Jelliffe, 127, 421, 1067, 1068, 1 122, 1182, 1221, 1222, I350, 1351, 1352, 1353, 1625, 1816, 2146 Jennings, 2475 Jeppson, 2017 Jequier, 186 Jobson, 699 Johnson, G. L., 632, 1261 Johnson, G. R., 2090 Johnson, R. H., 2225 Johnson, W. L., 1600 Joltrain, 1877 Jones (see Armstrong- J-) Jones, A. B., 1878 Jones, D., 103 1 Jones, E. S., 2226, 2344 Jones, I. H., 700 Jones, L. A., 633 Jones, S. E., 1752 Jones, W. H. S., 2345 Jordan, D. S., 646 Jordan, E., 761 Jordon, 2543, 2599, 2600 Joseph, 793 Joteyko, 701, 882, 883 Jourdain, 73 Jourdain, P. E. B., 72, 239 Judd, 4 Julliard, 1354 Jung, 1223, 1224 Kahlmeter, 336, 422, 920 Kaiser, 423 Kollom, 2421, 2422 Kanavel, 424 Kandel, 2346 Kantor, 11 27 Kappers, 278 Karpas, 2147 Karpman, 528 1XDEX OF AUTHORS 179 Kearney, 425, 426, 1741 Keeler, 427 Keith, 2039 Keller, 1085 Kelley, R. W., 2347 Kelley, T. L., 187, 2148, 2417 Kellner, 216, 240 Kellogg, 2149 Kclsey, 2091 Kelso, 1492 Kemble, 2172a Kemp, 2173 Kempf, E. J., 27, 1069, 1527, 2601 Kempf, H. D. C, 2602 Kenagy, 2092 Keniston, 1355 Kenna, 1356 Kepner, 2564 Kerr, 2423 Kerrison, 702 Keschner, 1357 Ketcham, 2424 Key-Aberg, 540 Kieffer, 2425 Kimmins, 2093 Kinberg, 1225, 1879, 1959 King, I., 1046, 2227, 2348, 2407 King, J. L., 829 King, L. V., 536 Kirkaldy, 2094 Kitson, 2228, 2229 Klasi, 1880 Kleinberg, 1626 Klerckeraf, 428 Klopsteg, 217 Knapp, 429 Knowlton, 2603 Knox, 1742 Koeppen, 2544 Kohs, 218, 241, 2230, 2231 Kolmer, 1617, 1627, 1628 Kortsen, 1788 KotzarefF, 1181 Kramer, 1743 Kraus, 430 Kreuzpointner, 11 56 Kroeber, 1032, 1982 Krohn (see Monrad- K.) Krueger, 1629 Krug, 389 Krumholz, 634 Kruse, 2442 Kudo, 1620 Kuhlmann, 1493 Kuroda, 586 Lacroix, 530 Lacy, 2232 Lagrange, 43 1 Laignel, 1630, 1789, 1881 Laing, 74 Laird, 128, 959, 1014 Lambert, 346 Landau, 337, 1835, 2040 Landon, 340 Landtman, 1123 Langdon, 1817 Langfeld, 5, 242, 671 Langley, 432 Lashley, 433, 874, 2565, 2589, 2596, 2604, 2605, 2606, 2607, 2608 Last, 1226 Lattes, 1358 Lattimore, 1494 Laurens, H., 565, 2545, 2609 Laurens, L., 2546 Laurent, 2610 Lautier, 1495, 163 1, 1882 Lavastine, 1630, 1789, 1881 Lawrence, C. E., 1 184 Lawrence, T. J., 2095 Lay, 1227 Leavitt, F. H., 1744 Leavitt, M. J., 1632 Le Boutillier, 1633 Leclere, 1003 Le Dantec, 129, 1015 Lee, 188, 197 Leeson, 2150 Legge, 2349 Lemchen, 1634 Lenoir, 28, 1124 Leonti (see Rizzo-L.) Leopold, 921, 1635, 1745 Lepine, 1883 Leri, 334 Leroy-Perrier, 1983 Leuba, 1125, 1126, 1 1 27, 2041, 2096 Levin, 434 Levy, R. L., 794 Levy-Bruhl, 2097 Levy-Valensi, 521 Lewis, C. I., 130 Lewis, M. R., 795 1 8o INDEX OF AUTHORS Lewis, W. H., 795 Ley ton, 347 Lhermitte, 1852, 1912, 1913 Liebault, 1528 Lillie, R. S., 285 Lillie, W. I., 1790 Lincoln, 2350 Lind, 1884, 2042 Lindley, 1047 Lindsay, 131 Lipmann, 2018 Lippencott, 621 Little, 566, 567 Llewellyn, 1878 Lloyd, A. H., 29, 75 Lloyd, R. I., 703 Loades, 2233 Locke, 1 1 28 Lockhart-Mummery, 383 Lodge, 1262, 1263 Loeb, 76, 168, 2517, 261 1 Loewenberg, 30, 243 Logre, 98, 843, 844, 1315 Lombroso-Ferrero, 1791, 2019 Long, 1228 Longley, 2476 Longwell, H. K., 77 Longwell, S. E., 11 29 Lorand, 2351 Loria, 2098 Lortat, 1529 Lott, 1359 Lovejoy, 78, 79 Lovell, 2477 Lovett, 1636, 1637, 1638 Lowell, 973 Lowrey, 435, 436, 437, 1360, 1361, 1408, 1639 Lowy, 308 Lucas, 286 Luce, 513 Luckey, 2289 Luckiesh, 568, 616, 658 Lugaro, 31 Lumsden, 1885, 1886 Luna, 438 Lundahl, 439 Lundberg, 1496 Luten, 309 Luthy, 348 Lutz, 922 Luzzatti, 42 Lyde, 2043 Lyford, 2426 Lynch, 1086 MacAuliffe, 1887 MacBride, 2478 Maccolini, 1008 MacCurdy, 440, 1746, 1888, 2099 MacDonald, J. B., 1362 MacDonald, J. S., 905 MacDougal, 587, 2518 MacDowell, 2479 Macht, 1 1 85 MacKenna, 1186 MacKenzie, 1640 MacMurchy, 1497 MacNevin, 747 Mairet, 1889, 1890 Maixandeau, 1641 Makuen (see Hud- son-M.) Malinowski, 1130 Mallet, 1 891 Mallock, 856 Mannelli, 1033 Manuel, 1044 Marage, 704 Marchand, 1902 Marchesini, 2352 Marcus, 2480 Marie, A., 1840 Marie, P., 1530 Marks, H. K., 1363 Marks, J., 1892 Marrett, R. R., 2044, 2353 Marriott, 2354 Marsden, 2355 Marston, 748 Martin, A. D., 1131 Martin, L. J., 1016, 1229 Martin, W., 1642 Martinazzoli, 2356 Marvin, 32, 169 Marx, 923 Masini, 1984, 2151 Massaere, 1893 Masson-Oursel, 80 Mast, 2612 Mastin, 1498 Mateer, 2100, 2234 Matsunami, 1627 Matti, 441 Maudras, 705 Maudsley, 170, 2101 Maxim, 2613 May, M. A., 960 May, S., 2446 INDEX OF AUTHORS 181 Mayer, A. G., 287, 288, 2547, 2548 Mayer, E. E., 1678, i960 Mayo-Robson, 1643, 1644 McBride, P., 706 McBride, R. B., 1546 McCall, 2235 McCallie, 1499 McCallister, 2357 McCarrison, 796 McChesney, 1157 McClelland, 1500 McClendon, 289, 290, 2549 McClure, J. C, 1792 McClure, M. T., 33 McColloch, 2614 McComas, 219, 230 McCord, 1 501 McCready, 1364, 1502 McCullum, 2395 McDougall, 1087 McDowall, 1894 McHenry, 442 McHugh, 2290 Mclndoo, 2550 Mclver, 797 McLaren, 2102 McManis, 2291 McMillan, 2358 McPhedran, 791 McQueen, 939 McRoberts, 443 Mead, A. R., 2427 Mead, C. D., 1048 Mecklin, 81 Mees, 569 Meine, 1627 Meltzer, 279 Melvile, 1961, 2236 Mendel, 798 Menten, 857 Meredith, 2359 Merton, 11 58 Mercier, 34, 132, 133, 1264, 1365, 1985 Metcalf, H. C, 1159 Metcalf, J. T., 519, 999 Meyer, 708 Meyer-Hiirlimann, 444 Meyer, A., 1366, 1367 Meyer, J., 858 Meyerson, 2481 Meyerhardt, 2360 Miceli, 1088 Michaud, 600 Michels, 2045 Michelson, 1034, 2046 Milhaud, 35 Millech, 647 Miller, K., 2482 Miller, W. E., 2361 Milnes, 2292 Miner, 189, 2237 Minkowski, 349 Mitchell, A., 82 Mitchell, D., 2293, 2428 Mitchell, E. V., 1962 Mixter, 445, 446 M'Kenzie, 707, 1368 MofTett, 1747 Moir, 1 1 60 Monakow, 2103 Monbrun, 350 Mondolfo, 2104 Monrad-Krohn, 1369 Monroe, 2238 Montembault, 1895 Montesano, 1231 Moore, A. R., 906, 2551, 2603 Moore, E. C, 2362 Moore, H. T., 736, 749 Moore, T. V., 978, 1397 Moore-Bentley, 2483 Morgan, C. L., 134 Morgan, C. S., 1004 Morgan, T. H., 751, 884, 961, 2484 Morse, 447 Morselli,A.,756, 1645 Morselli, E. A., 1232, I37i Mott, 310, 448, 449, 1688, 1896 Motzfeldt, 799 Mourgue, 683 Moxcey, 2020 Moyle, 520 Moynihan, 450 Muirhead, 907 Mulhall, 962 Mullan, 2239, 2294 Muller, 963 Muller, 2588 Mummery (see Lock- hart-M.) Munson, 1748 Miinsterberg, 1161 Murphy, G., 2004 Murphy, J. P., 1503 Murphy, R. C, 2615 Muschallik, 1372 Mussen, 451 182 INDEX OF AUTHORS Mutschenbacher, 709 Muttinelli, 36 Myers, G. C, 964, 965 Myers, J. C, 1373 Myers, J. L., 2047 Myerson, 2174 Naccarati, 1646 Naegeli, 1 97 Nageotte, 452, 453, 454 Nash, 2429 Nathan, 1690 Naville, 135 Neave, 1374, 1647 Nelles, 1963 Nels, 2526 Nepper, 750 Netechajeff, 2240 Neuhof, 455 Neustaedter, 1648, 4649 Nevins, 2105 Newburgh, 314 Newland, 2616 Newman, 2617 Newmark, 1375 Neymann, 1898 Nice, 1035 Niceforo, 2005 Nicholls, 311 Nichols, 456 Nicoli, 2363 Nicoll, 1 1 87 Nicolle, 2566 Nissen, 411 Nitchie, 1045 Noboru, 1 81 8 Noguchi, 1620 Nonne, 1650, 1793 Nordenson, 601 Noren, 1899 Northrop, 261 1 Numelin, 1749 Nutt, 1 65 1 Nutting, H. C.j 2364, 2365 Nutting, P. G., 220, 570, 617 Nuzum, 1652, 1653 Nyssens, 966, 1986, 2366 Nystrom, 522, 523 Oberndorf, 1794 Ochsner, 1964 Oesterreich, 1132 Ogden, 136, 244, 351, 537, 986 Ogilvy, 1654 Ohrwall, 625 Olgiati, 37 Olmsted, 2618 Onuf, 1376 Opitz (see Burton- O.) Oppenheim, H., 1900 Oppenheim, R., 1655 Orange, 571 Orbison, 312 Ordahl, G., 2152, 2153 Ordahl, L. E., 2153 Osburn, 2175, 2485, 2486, 2487 Osnato, 457 Otis, A. S., 190, 241 Otis, E. F., 245 Otis, F. E., 1504 Oursel (see Masson- O.) Overholser, 1656 Owen, 246 Packard, 800 Pactet, 1795 Page, 2048 Paget, 2295 Palmer, 2552 Pandit, 1133 Pansini, 1657 Papanicolaou, 2642 Pardee, 221 Park, 801 Parker, G. H., 291, 2553, 2554, 2567, 2619, 2620, 2621, 2622, 2623 Parker, S. W., 1018, 2176 Parker, W. R., 710 Parkyn, 1036 Parsons, A. R., 1658 Parsons, C. J., 979 Parsons, E. C, 137, 2049, 2050, 2051, 2106 Parsons, H. C, 1965 Parsons, J. H., 572 Pastore, 1134 Paterson, 2006, 2007, 2243, 2624 Paton, L., 602 Paton, S., 83, 1378 Patrick, 458, 1379 Patrizi, 1070 Patry, 1071 Patten, B. M., 2625 Patten, S. N., 2488 Patterson, H., 2367 Patterson, T. L., 859 Patterson, W. M., 648 INDEX OF AUTHORS 183 Pattison (see Pringlc- P.) Payson, 881 Peabody, F. E., 2368 Peabody, F. W., 1659 Peairs, 2626 Peaks, 2369 Pear, 1919 Pearce, 2568 Pearl, 2489 Pearson, 191, 192, 197 Pechstein, 885, 886 Pende, 313 Penney, 38 Pensa, 2519 Pepper, 138 Peres, 1233 Perkins, 459 Perol, 1 93 1 Perrier (see Leroy-P.) Perry, R. B., 139, 140, 1055 Perry, W. J., 2052 Pershing, 1750 Peter, 573 Peters, C. C, 1049 Peters, E. A., 1787 Peters, W., 2370, 2490 Peterson, 659, 887, 2627, 2628 Petrie, 11 62 Petzetakis, 860 Pfeiffer, 460 Pfister, 1234 Phelps, 1660 Phemister, 1380 Phillipe, 875 Pick, 1901 Pickard-Cambridge, 141 Pieron, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834, 835, 1890 Pighini, 757 Pike, 493, 802 Pikler, 259 Pilgrim, 1347 Pillsbury, 39, i42, H3, 940 Pilsbury, 1381 Pintner, 193, 2006, 2007, 2242, 2243, 2244, 2245, 2246, 2430 Pioli, 2107 Pirotta, 2491 Pitres, 1902 Pittenger, 2371 Podesta, 574 Poffenberger, 247, 248, 527, 1154, 1188 Pogue, 1505 Policard, 461 Polimanti, 2569 Pollitz, 2154 Pollock, H. M., 1382, 1383 Pollock, L. J., 462, 1 661, 1662 Ponsonby, 1987 Ponzo, 222 Popenoe, 249 Poppelreuter, 1903 Porter, E. L., 836, 837 Porter, \V. T., 3i4, 1904, 1905 Porteus, 2155 Portigliotti, 1751, 1984 Portundo, 2108 Pottenger, 315 Potter, 1384 Potts, 1663 Poulton, 2629 Poynter, 2053 Pratt, F. H., 280, 803 Pratt, J. B., 171 Preble, E., 967 Preble, J. L., 1019 Pressey, 1819 Price, G. E., 1664 Price, N. \Y., 575 Prince, A. L., 2630 Prince, M., 1235, 1906, 2109 Prince, W. F., 1265, 1988 Pringle-Pattison, 1135 Prior, 1752 Puglisi, 1989 Punnett, 2492 Putnam, 40, 2054 Pyle, 6 Quervain, 463 Rabaud, 2493, 2494, 2495, 2496 Radosavljevich, 2055 Rand, 212, 213, 556, 597, 607, 620, 629 Ranschburg, 464 Ranson, 838 Rappleye, 283, 785 Rasely, 1163 Rasmussen, 2555 Rathmann, 2431 Rattray, 1164 Rau, 2631 Raujard, 711 184 INDEX OF AUTHORS Rawnsley, 2156 Raymont, 2372 Read, 2056 Reagan, 2556 Reamer. 2244 Redfieid, A. C, 2632, 2633 Redfieid, C. L., 876, 1990, 2177, 2178, 2497, 2498 Redfieid, E. S. P., 2634 Reed, H. B., 968 Reed, R., 183 1 Reede, 804 Reeman, 1 136 Reese, 2635 Reeve, 924 Reeves, C. D., 2570 Reeves, P., 223, 226, 588,589,635 Regis, 1907 Regnier, 2373 Reid, 1385 Reinheimer, 2499 Remond, 969 Remy, 636, 2296 Renaux, 1908 Rensi, 1089 Repond, 1909 Resta, 194, 1 138 Restrepo-Hernandez, 2057 Reymert, 2432 Rhein, 465, 1665, 1666, 2157 Ribot, 21 10 Ricca, 2520 Rich, G. J., 2433 Rich, S. G., 2233 Richards, E., 21 11 Richards, G. L., 2247 Richardson, M. W., 1667 Richardson, W. W., 1668 Richmond, 224, 538 Rickser, 262, 1386 Riddle, 2500 Riddoch, 712 Rider, 590 Riggs, 1669, 1910 Rignano, 737, 1000, IOOI Riley, 41, 84 Rinaker, 172 Rio (see Del R.) Riper (see Van R.) Ritter, 660 Ritti, 1387 Rivers, 85, 1139, 1236, 1796 Rizzo-Leonti, 191 1 Roback, 86, 1005 Robertson, A. W. D., 2029 Robertson, W. F., 1388 Robinson, D. S., 87 Robinson, G. W., 1670 Robinson, M. E., 1 1 40 Robinson, W. W., 900 Robson (see Mayo- R-) Rochfort, 390 Rochon-Duvigneaud, 591 Rodella, 839, 840 Rodhe, 1237, 1671 Roger, 292 Rogers, A. K., 144, 1056, 2112 Rogers, A. S., 649 Rogers, F. T., 316, 841 Rogers, H. W., 2248 Rogers, J. F., 908 Rogers, S. C, 567 Rogoff, 321, 809, 810, 811, 812 Rolleston, 1672 Root, 904 Rorschach, 1238 Rosanoff, 131 1, 1390, 1391 Rose, 1 133 Rosen, 1673 Rosenberg, 1546 Rosenberger, 1674 Rosenow, C, 2249 Rosenow, E. C, 1675, 1676 Ross, 466 Rossy, 2265 Roth, G. B., 805 Roth, H. L., 1 165, 1166 Roth, O., 1880 Rougier, 173 Roussy, 1912, 1913 Ruckmich, 650 Ruggeri, (see Giuf- frida-R.) Ruh, 1500 Ruhrah, 1677, 1678 Ruml, 195, 2250 Rush, 806 Russell, E. S., 2501 Russell, H. N., 637 Russell, S. B., 877, 88* Russell, W. L., 1392 INDEX OF AUTHORS I85 Ruttmann, 2021 Ryan, 909 Sabine, 88 Sachs, B., 1679 Sachs, E., 352 Sackett, 2251, 2417, 2434 Saens (see Saint-S.) Sailer, 807 Sainsbury, 1393 Saint-Saens, 2527 Sajous, 1820 Salmon, T. S., 1914 Salmon, T. W., 1394, 1395, 1396, 1397 Salter, 1239 Salvoni, 2022, 2374 Sandy, 1398 Sanford, 970 Sanger, 491 Satterlee, 1915 Saunders, 174 Sauthoff, 1797 Sautter, 1680 Savage, 592, 1399 Savory, 2636 Saxby, 2297, 2435 Schaeffer, A. A., 2637, 2638 Schaeffer, J. P., 806 Schaller, 1681 Schaub, E. L., 250, 1141 Schehaye, 1037 Schelven (see Van S.) Schiller, 89, 90 Schirmer, 713 Schlittler, 714 Schneider, 1057, 1058, 2023 Schoen, 2375 Schroder, 1916 Schroeder, 1682 Schultis, 2415 Schwab, 1401 Schwarz, E., 1821 Schwarz, O. L., 1991 Scott, 488 Scripture, 1038, 1683 Seashore, 225, 2376 Sedwick, 467 Segond, 980 Seligman, 2058 Sellards, 2059 Sellars, 91 Senise, 1402 Seppilli, 1403 Sergi, 42 Sessions, 1506 Severn, 1020 Sfondrini, 21 13 Shadall, 2639 Shambaugh, 715 Sharpe, N., 1609, 1684 Sharpe, W., 468, 469, 1753 Shatsky, 2377 Shaw, C. G., 1 142 Shaw, H. L. K., 1685 Shearer, 317 Shelford, 2557 Shepard, 738, 2640 Sherrington, 347, 1917 Shook, 576 Shornol, 1992 Sidgwick, 1266 Sidis, 925, 1993 Sigg, 1404 Silk, 1405 Singer, E. A., Jr., 510 Singer, H. D., 92, 1406, 1407, 1822 Sinnett, 1267 Sittig, 1918 Skinner, 1072 Skoof, 318 Skrine, 1268 Skversky, 470 Small, 531, 577, 578 Smith, A. J., 2436 Smith, A. T., 2378, 2379 Smith, C. E., 1408 Smith, E. R., 1409 Smith, G., 471 Smith, G. E., 1919, 2060 Smith, H. B., 2380 Smith H. P., 2179 Smith, J. H., 319 Smith, J. W., 1609 Smith, L. G., 889 Smith, S. A., 472 Soderhjelm, 971, 981 Soderlund, 2381 Solis, 1617 Sollier, 1920 Solomon, H. C, 1686 Solomon, M., 196, 716,926,995, 1410, 1798, 1799 Somerville, 1800 Sommer, 141 1 Soper, 197 Sourdille, 680 Southard, 1412, 1413, 1414, 1686, 1823, 1921 Souttar, 473 Spadolini, 320 186 INDEX OF AUTHORS Spaeth, 808 Speed, 474 Spier, 2061 Spiess, 43 Spiller, 475, 698, 1678 Spindler, 579 Spinner, 2158 Spoehr, 587, 2518 Sprague, H. A., 2252 Sprague, R. J., 2502 Spurrell, 2503 Stahli, 532 Stalfelt, 2298 Stansfield, 1688 Starch, 910, 2180, 2382, 2383 Starkey, 1240 Starr, M. A., 1415 Starr, S., 393 Stawell, 1269 Stearns, 1966 Steckel, 11 89, 1241 Stedman, 1416 Steen, 1190 Stefani, A., 293 Stefani, S., 1417 Stein, 1507 Stepanow, 987, 1191 Stephen, H., 1258 Stephen, T. C, 2641 Stern, A., 1418, 1419 Stern, F., 927 Stern, W., 44, 1994 Stevens, H. C, 928, 2253 Stevens, M., 929, 2181 Stevenson, B. L., 2062 Stevenson, W. W., 1302 Stewart, G. N., 321, 809, 810, 811, 812 Stewart, G. W., 544 Stewart, R. M., 370 Stier, 1754 Stirling, 717 St. John, 580 Stockard, 2642 Stoddart, 1420 Stodel, 1926 Stone, 2437 Stoner, 2384 Stopford, 718 Stowe, 2438 Strasser, 1922, 1967 Stratton, 45, 972 Strauss, 479, 1689, 1690 Strecker, 1421, 1824 Streeter, B. H., 1270 Streeter, G. L., 541 Strong, 2254 Strongman, 294 Strunsky, 11 67 "Student," 198 Sugita, 2558 Suker, 1691 Sullivan, 2063 Sundberg, 642 Sunne, 2439 Sutherland, 2643 Swanson, 813 Swanton, 2064 Sweet, 235 Swift, H. F., 1692 Swift, W. B., 930 Swindle, 476, 510, 762, 2504, 2644 Symonds, 476 Tabni, 618 Taft, A. E., 477 Taft, J., 1422 Taliaferro, 2528 Tallman, 1508 Tamburini, 1423 Tanner, 2440 Tarozzi, 1091 Tashiro, 2505 Tattersall, 478 Taylor, E. W., 1424, 1693 Taylor, F. B., 814 Taylor, F. W., 11 68 Temple, 175, 2385 Terman, 1995, 2441 Terrien, 1923 Terry, 2506 Thacher, 1968 Thalhimer, 479 Thelin, 1092 Thorn, 1755 Thomas, A., 521, 719, 720, 1835 Thomas, F. W. (see Watkyn-T.) Thomas, J. J., 480, 481 Thomas, J. M., 2412 Thomas, N. W., 1143 Thompson, E. L., 2645 Thompson, H. E., 482 Thompson, T., 1756 Thompson, W. S., 2114 Thorburn, 1021 Thorn, 1694 Thorndike, 911, 941, 982, 1050, 1051, 1073, 2442 INDEX OF AUTHORS Thornc, 1572 Valentine, 2386 Walton, 1756 Throckmorton, 1695, Van Heusen, 2554, Wang, 2444 187 1696 2559, 2567 Thurstone, 199 Van Riper, 95, 146 Tilney, 260, 487 Van Schelven, 1400 Timme, 721, 815 Vaught, 1997 Titchener, 145, 251, Ventura, 2116 739, 1 271 Vesselitsky, 1144 Todd, 2443 Vevers, 1426 Toledo, 1801, 1825 Vicari, 2479 Toll, 200 Tolman, 890, 988 Ward, 2507 Warren, H. C, 96, 147,226,252,2119, 2508 Warren, L. F., 487 Washburn, 47, 947, 2120, 2419, 2446, 2509 Wasserfall, 1758 Waterman, 661 Watkyn-Thomas, 488 Watson, H. B. M., 1272 Vidari, 2387 Vidoni, 933, 1510 Tompkins, 931, 932 Viets, 1925 Toops, 193, 2245, Vigouroux, 1852 2246 Villa, 46 Torrey, 872, 2646 Vincent, G. E., 2388 Watson, J. A. S., Townsend, 989 Vincent, H., 1926 2510 Tracy, 322, 842, 1757 Vincent, S. B., 2530 Watson, J. B., 48, Traquair, 722 Visser, 2117 i48, 751, 2649 Travis, 1509, 2182 Voivenel, 1084 Watson, L. F., 817 Volkmann, 495 Voss, 1927 Vuillemin, 2521 Trettien, 1425 Tribondeau, 1697 Tristan, 600 Trivero, 1996 Troland, 593, 622, 638 Trotter, 21 15 Truelle, 1924 Tufts, 93 Watt, 542, 545 Webb, 2650 Webster, 1093 Weed, 323, 2651 Weese, 2652 Weidensall, 651 Weisenburg, 723,935, Waddell, 816 Wagner, 1427 Walcott, 2648 Walker, C. B., 639, 1700 64° Weiss, 149, 150, 227, Turner, C. H., 2529 Walker, J. W. T., 483 228, 546 Turner, C. L., 2647 Wallace, G. L., 1511 Weld, 251, 990, 1271 Turner, J. E., 94 Wallace, R., 1428 Wells, F. L., 1242, Turtle, 1698 Ulrich, 1699 Urban, 1059, 1061 Utsurikawa, 2571 Wallis, W. D., 2065, Wells," W. A., 724 2118 Wells, W. R., 1146, Valensi (see Levy- Wamsley, 485 2445 V-) Walthard, 486 Welton, 489 Waller, 1192 1429, 2183, 2184, Wallin, 934, 1512, 2258, 2259 ISI3, 2159, 2255, Wells, G. R., 891 1060, 2256,2257 Wells, M. M., 2531, Wallis, G. F. C, 484 2653 1 88 INDEX OF AUTHORS Wenley, 49 Wilm, 1023 Yamada, 947 Wente, 539 Wilson, D. W., 333 Yarbrough, 2597, Werner, 253, 1094 Wilson, E. E., 2261 2657 Wheeler, 2654 Wilson, G. B., 1703 Yawger, 496, 936 Whipple, 1006, 1052, Wilson, J. G., 493, Yealland, 1833 2389 725, 726 Yerkes, A. M., 2658 White, A., 1998 Wilson, L.N., 1 169 Yerkes, R. M., 155, White, E. C, 2160 Wilson, M. H., 1096 156, 1930, 2263, White, E. P. C, 1302 Wilson, S. A. K., 727, 2264, 2265, 2299, White, J. R., 490 1704 2532, 2658 White, S. D., 2446 Wissmann, 1803 Yoakum, 2189, 2573 White, W. A., 1022, Witmer, 1515, 2187, Young, 197 1243, 1244, 1245, 2391 Younger, 1438 1246, 1273, 143°, Witt, 494 Yuasa, 2614 1431, 1432, 1433 Wohlegmuth, 752 Whitehead, 991 Wolf, 1705 Zeleny, 818 Whitney, 151 Wolfsohn, 1706 Zentmayer, 819 Wholey, 1826 Wood, 582, 583, 584, Zerre, 2450 Wicksteed, 2121 1516, 2560 Zimmerman, 2266 Wickwar, 1193 Woodbridge, 152, 153 Zimmern, 98, 843, Wieman, 1095 Woodbury, 324 844, 193 1 Wigert, 1701 Woodrow, 528, 973, Zingher, 1707 Wiggers, 861 892 Anon., 51,99, 157, 177, Wilbrand, 491, 581 Woods, A. C, 728 201, 202, 254, 255, Wilde, 50 Woods, E. L., 2447 256, 325, 326, 327, Wilder, 2655 Woods, F. A., 2188 328, 329, 353, 354, Wilgus, 1434 Woodworth, 1247 497, 498, 499, 500, Williams, F. E., 1514, Woody, 2262 501, 502, 503, 504, 1847 Wordsworth, 652 505, 594, 729, 730, Williams, J. H., 2161, Worms, 97 731, 732, 733, 820, 2185, 2186 Worsley, 992 821, 845, 912, 1074, Williams, J. W., 2546 Wright, H. W., 154, 1075, 1248, 1274, Williams, L. A., 2260 176, 1436, 1437 1439, 1440, 1441, Williams, M. C, 662 Wright, J. D., 1097, 1442, 1443, 1444, Williams, M. H., 2448 1445, 1446, 1447, 2390 Wright, S., 2511 1448, 1449, 1450, Williams, T. A., 492, Wright, W. K., 1145, 1451, 1452, 1453, 1435, 1702, 1802, 2122 1454, 1455, 1456, 1928 Wulzen, 2656 1457, 1458, 1459, Williamson, 1929 1460, 1461, 1462, Willy, 1653 Yale, 2449 1463, 1464, 1465, INDEX OF AUTHORS 1 89 1466, 1467, 1517, 1934, 1935, 1936, 2190, 2191, 2192, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1937, 1938, 1939, 2267, 2268, 2269, 1521, 1522, 1708, 1940, 1941, 1942, 2270, 2271, 2272, 1709, 1710, 171 1, 1943, 1944, 1969, 2273, 2392, 2393, 1712, 1713, 1714, 1970, 1999, 2000, 2394, 2451, 2452, 1715, 1716, 1717, 2008, 2024, 2025, 2453, 2454, 2455, 1718, 1719, 1720, 2066, 2123, 2124, 2456, 2512, 2513, 1721, 1759, 1760, 2125, 2126, 2127, 2514, 2515, 2516, 1761, 1804, 1805, 2128, 2129, 2162, 2561, 2574 1827, 1932, 1933, 2163, 2164, 2165, *-i> msm m :•■. .••'•.•■•■■:_ ■ : ■■. ■:■