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All rights reserved

PA ἜΞΩ ες O6G7



ΙΕ ee ea

THE 150 texts in the present volume are all non-literary documents, like those in Part XII. They comprise (a) two sections, Contracts and Private Accounts, for which there was not space in that volume these papyri being chiefly from the excavations of 1904-6; (6) some official documents ; (c) a number of private letters, nearly all from the excavations of 1897. Their range is from the second century 8. c. to the end of the fourth century, third-century papyri predominating. Facsimiles are given of some dated contracts belonging to the middle decades of the first century B.c., a period which is still very sparsely represented by papyri. In the interpretation of the contracts and official documents we are much indebted to the generous and valuable assistance of Prof. M. Rostowzew.

Part XV, which is in active preparation and will be somewhat larger than the present volume, will include in the literary section some new lyric fragments and hexameters, and a papyrus giving a series of biographies of Thucydides, Demosthenes, Aeschines, and others. Frag- ments of Sophocles, Zvachiniae, Plato, Republic, Isocrates, Πρὸς Anpévexor, and Theocritus (first century) have been identified. The non-literary documents illustrate the fifth, sixth, and seventh centuries, and include a second instalment (the first was in Part I) of the Oxyrhynchus papyri in the Cairo Museum from the 1897 excavations. In editing these Mr. H. I. Bell is collaborating with us. Mr. J. de M. Johnson’s edition of the long Theocritus papyrus from Antinodpolis is also in preparation.












Contracts (1626-49) : (2) Contracts with Officials (1626-7) (ὁ) Leases (1628-32) . (c) Sales and Cessions (1633-6) (4) Divisions of Property (1687-8) (e) Loans (1689-41) . (7) Appointments of Renresentrives (1642- 3)

(g) Settlements of Claims and Receipts (1644-6) .

: Apprenticeship (1647) (7) Abstracts of Contracts (1648-9) PrivaTE Accounts (1650-8): (2) Accounts of Transport (1650-2) (2) Miscellaneous Accounts (1653-6) . (c) Lists (1657-8) TaxiNG-accounts (1659-60) ΟΡΈΙΟΙΑΙ, CoRRESPONDENCE (1661-2) PrIvATE CORRESPONDENCE (1663-84) Minor eee (1685-1777) : (1) Leases (1685-95) . (2) Sales and Cessions (1696-1709) (3) Loans and Deposits (1710-14) (4) Receipts (1715-20) coe: (5) Miscellaneous Contracts (1721-3) . (6) Abstracts of Contracts (1724-5) (7) Private Accounts (1726-40) . (8) Lists (1741-2) . (9) Taxation and Official eee a743- -50) (10) Orders for Payment (1751-4) . (11) Private Correspondence (1755-77) .

Ao - w SS) Or (Cy Or = Ov =

WaT + CO



Kincs, Emperors, ReGnat Years, Eras . ConsuLs AND INDICTIONS . MontTus AnD Days .

.. PersonaL Names




Minitary TErms


Weicuts, Measures, Coins



Passacres Discussep .

List OPP ares

1628, 1629 . 1635, 1644 . 1639 .


1626. 1627. 1628. 1629.

1630 1631.

1632. 1633. 1634. 1635. 1636.


1638. 1639. 1640.


1642. 1643. 1644. 1645. 1646. 1647. 1648. 1649. 1650,


1652. 1653. 1654. 1655. 1656.

1650 (a).


(An asterisk denotes texts not printed in full)

Payment for Superintendence of Transport .

Appointment to a Liturgy :

Lease of Catoecic Land (Plate i).

Lease of Catoecic Land (Plate 1) .

Lease of Land at an increased Kent :

Contract for Labour in a Vineyard and Lease of a Fruit-garden

Lease of a Palm-grove

Bid for Purchase of Land from the State

Sale of Mortgaged House-property .

Cession of Catoecic Land (Plate ii)

Cession of Land

Division of Landed Property

Division of an Inheritance .

Payment in Advance for Wheat (Plate τ

Loan of Wheat .

Loan with Right τ τα ;

Appointment of a Representative and {πτήσει

Appointment of a Representative

Settlement of Claims (Plate ἢ)

Receipt for Personal Effects

Receipts for Rent

Apprenticeship to a Weaver

Abstracts of Contracts, &c. .

Abstracts of Contracts ;

Accounts of Freight to ‘Memenis :

Account of Freight

Accounts of Transport

Account of a Steward.

Account of Notarial Expenses

Baker’s Account.

Account of Food

DATE 325 342 Bice

B.C. 44 222?

B.C, 73 OF 445 ΠΡ




B.C. 63-62 308 268-9 .

Late 2nd cent. Late 2nd cent. After 280

Late rst or 2nd cent.

3rd cent. 3rd cent. 306

About 150 3rd cent.

Late 4th or 5th cent.

94 95

[00 IO!


DATE PAGE 1657. List of Utensils. : : : : : τ wlatessrd cent...) 5: υ ΤΟΣ 1658. List of Articles. : : p . ζει επί, es “195 1659. Account οἵ Crown-tax : : : . 218-21 ; ; tio, 1660. Account of Taxes in Kind ς : : τ gthocentss | 77: ; AMDT 1661. Letter to a Dioecetes : : : A . : : οι 15 1662. Appointment of a Deputy-prytanis . : Ἐπ 246 τ : : | VETO 1663. Letter of Recommendation : : : . 2nd or 3rd cent. . of EAE, 1664. Letter toa Gymnasiarch . : 4 : 810 (επί ς : . 118 1665. Letter of a Gymnasiarch . : : : 5. 5|0] ζεῖ. ς : 120 1666. Letter of Pausanias concerning a Recruit . . Sha Conen nln : Ba a 1667. Letter of Dorion to Apion : 5 : 5 πὶ (χες. ς : BG 125 1668. Letter οἵ Charmus to Sopatrus . : : a oudicent an. recy 1669. Letter of Horion to Serenus . : : ereSlGcent am : - E25 1670. Letter of Palex to Chinthonis . : : ἀπο cen, a: : 526 1671. Letter of Dionysius to Zoilus . : : gts Cents o : ο΄ τ 1672. Letter to Pausanias from his two Sons : πη ξής- : ; 3 ΠΩ 1678. Letter of Hermes to Sarapiacus. : : = 200] ΘΕ τ΄ δ - ΠΕ 1674. Letter of Theon to his Son Apollonius : ee eST Gu cence ar : 5. πο 1675. Letter toIschyrion . : : 5 5 ΠΟ Cen tan meer. - τ 1676. Letter of Flavius Herculanus to ‘Aplonarion 2 Sgndicentag ς : ENE 1677. Letter of Agathus to Aphrodite . : : a) QIduceninn a: : =f 36 1678. Letter of Theon to his Mother . - 5 . ΟΥπῦ τεῆς, le: : 197 1679. Letter of Apia to Serapias : : - 5 Orducent st) ος : ας Πρ 1680. Letter to Apollo from his Son . : : . Late 516 ὉΥ 4th cent. . 140 1681. Letter of Ammonius to Julius and Hilarus . pe gtcneent. ς : . 4a 1682. Letter οἵ Heraclides to Antiochia . : ᾿ς ΤΠ (ἴοι. ς : AS 1683. Letter of Probus to Manatine . : : . Late 4th cent. . - 14g 1684. Letter of Horion to Timotheus . : see, bate ath centa” 2: 246 1685. Lease of Land. : : : : : tte aor Lee : : - ΠΧ 1686. Lease of Land . es : : : - αὔριο : ee” 1687. Lease of Land. : : : : : ul ea of 0. : : nae 1688. Lease of Land. : : : : : Wy Sardbeent,’ ς 5 “119 1689. Lease of Land. : : : : ; 2206) f : . 148 *1690. Lease of Land. : : : : : 5 ΚΣ : : - 170 1691. Lease of Land . : : : . μι ς : . 149 1692. Contract for Labour ina Vineyard : ecUSS), Ue : : το 1693. Lease of a Courtyard : ; 5 : . Late 3rdcent. . . 50 1694. Lease of House-property . : : ; A EZOOrs | es ; : - πο 1695. Lease οἵ House-property . : : : 2 360-7): 3 : ΠΗ

1696. Sale of a Courtyard . : : : : Se OW - : : . 152

1697. 1698. 1699. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1708. 1704. 1705. 1706. 1707. 1708. 1709. S710: 1711. 1712. 1718. 1714. 1715. 1716. 717. 1718. 1719. 1720. 1721. 1722. 1723. 1724. 1725. 1726. 1727. 1728.


Sale of a Courtyard

Sale of House-property

Sale of House-property

Sale of Land and House-property Sale of Mortgaged House-property Sale of Building-land

Cession of House-property Cession of Buildings and Land . Sale of a Loom

Sale of Slaves

Sale of an Ass .

Sale of an Ass .

Fragment of a Sale

Loan of Money

Loan of Money

Loan of Money

Deposit of Money

Deposit of Money

Repayment of a Loan

Repayment of a Loan

Receipt for Wages of Nursing Receipts for Official Payments Receipt for Rent : Payment in Advance (?) for Wine Contract concerning an Inheritance Contract with a Princeps

Protocol of a Contract

Abstracts of Contracts

Abstracts of Contracts

Account of Contracts Shopkeeper’s (?) Account

Account of Receipts and Expenses

1729-380. Accounts of Expenses .

1791. 1792. 1733. 1784. 1735. 1736. 1737.

Baker’s Account Farming Account Farming Account Account of Provender Account of a Vintage Account of Oil (?) Weaver's Account

DATE 242



Late 3rd cent. 3rd cent.


3rd cent.







TAG ae : Late 3rd cent. 394








4th cent. : θην" : : Late 3rd or 4th cent. B.C. 114-108 Early 3rd cent. After 22

Early 3rd cent.

Late 2nd or 3rd cent.

3rd cent. 4th cent. 3rd cent. Late 2nd cent. Late 3rd cent.

Late 2nd or 3rd cent.

4th cent, 3rd cent. 2nd or 3rd cent.

1738. 1739. 1740.


1742. 1743. 1744. 1745. 1746. 1747. 1748. 1749. 1750.


1752. 1753. 1754. 1755. 1756. 1757. 1758. 1759. 1760.

1761. 1762.

1763. 1764. 1765. 1766. 1767. 1768. 1769. 1770.

7 ivhe

1772. 1773. 1774. 1775. 1776. by iy bre


Account of Timber

Account of Colours

Account of Implements, &c.

List of Clothes .

List of Articles .

Land-survey list

Land-survey list

List of Land-holders .

Account of Seed-corn

List of Persons Requisitioned Account of Donkey-drivers Account of Transport

Receipt for Transport-charges Order for Payment of Wine Order for Payment of Wine Order for Payment of Money Order for Payment of Pitch Invitation to Dinner .

Letter of Sarapion to his F ἘΠῚ Letter of Horeis to Horion Letter of Diogenis to Didymas Letter of Demetrius to an Athlete Business Letter . ; : Letter of Callirhoé to Sarapias . Letter of Chaereas to his Father. Letter of Sopatrus to his Sister . Letter to Pindarus : Letter of Kousenna to Apammon Letter to Horion

Letter to Hermione

Letter of Heraclius to his Children Letter of Ammonas to his Sister Letter of a Son to his Mother Letter of Serenus to a Tenant Letter of Dionysius to Sarapion . Letter of Eutycheis to Ametrion Christian Letter : Letter of Plutarchus to Theon as Letter of Paulus to Demetrius Letter of Choous to Tyrannus

DATE 3rd cent.

2nd or early 3rd cent.

Late 3rd or 4th cent. Early 4th cent.

4th cent.



Early 3rd cent.

4th cent. : Late 3rd or 4th cent. 3rd cent.

4th cent.





Late 4th or sth cent.

2nd or early 3rd cent. .

Ist cent. 2nd cent. 2nd cent. 2nd cent. 2nd cent.

Late 2nd or ad cent.

2nd or 3rd cent. After 222

3rd cent.

3rd cent.

3rd cent.

3rd cent.

3rd cent.

3rd cent.

Late 3rd cent. Late 3rd or 4th cent. Late grd cent. 3rd cent.

Early 4th cent. 4th cent.

Late 4th cent. Late 4th cent.



PAGE 173 173 7.5

174 174 175 176 176 177 178 178 178 179 179 179 180 180 180 180 181 181 182 182 182 182 183 183 183 184 184 184 185 185 186 186 187 187 187 188


THE general method followed in this volume is practically the same as that in Part XII. The texts, being non-literary, are given in modern form with accentuation and punctuation. Abbreviations and symbols are resolved ; additions and corrections are usually incorporated in the text, the former being indicated by © ’, and the occurrence of the latter being recorded in the critical apparatus, where also faults of orthography, &c., are corrected, if they seemed likely to give rise to any difficulty. Where additions or corrections are distinguished by types differing from that of the main text, those by the same hand as the body of the text are in small thin type, those by a different hand in thick type. Iota adscript has been printed when so written; otherwise iota subscript is employed. Square brackets [ | indicate a lacuna, round brackets ( ) the resolution of a symbol or abbreviation, angular brackets { δ a mistaken omission in the original, braces { | a superfluous letter or letters, double square brackets [] ]] a deletion in the original. Dots placed within brackets represent the approximate number of letters lost or deleted ; dots outside brackets indicate mutilated or otherwise illegible letters. Letters with dots under them are to be considered doubtful. Heavy Arabic numerals refer to the texts of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri in this volume and Parts I-XIII; ordinary numerals refer to lines, small Roman numerals to columns.

The abbreviations used in citing papyrological publications are practically those adopted in the Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung, viz. :— Archiv = Archiv fiir Papyrusforschung. B. G. U. = Aeg. Urkunden aus den k. Museen zu Berlin, griechische Urkunden. C. P. Herm. = Corpus Papyrorum Hermopolitanorum, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. C. P. R. = Corpus Papyrorum Raineri, Vol. I, by C. Wessely. Griech. Texte = Griechische Texte aus Aegypten, by P. M. Meyer. M. Chr. = L. Mitteis, Chrestomathie. O. G. I. = Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones selectae, by W. Dittenberger. P. Amh. = The Amherst Papyri, Vols. I-II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt.



ἘΣ . Reinach = Papyrus grecs et démotiques, by T. Reinach and others.


. Basel = Papyrusurkunden der 6ffentlichen Bibliothek der Univ. zu Basel, by

E. Rabel.

. Brit. Mus. = Greek Papyri in the British Museum, Vols. I-V, by Sir F. G.

Kenyon and H. I. Bell.

. Cairo = Catalogue des Antiquités égyptiennes du Musée du Caire, Greek

Papytisby,b. Β΄ Grenfell and A: 5. Hunt:

. Cairo Masp. = Catal. des Antiq. égypt. du Mus. du Caire, Papyrus grecs

d’époque byzantine, Vols. I-III, by J. Maspero.

. Cairo Preisigke = Griechische Urkunden des Aeg. Museums zu Cairo, by

F, Preisigke.

. Fay. = Fayim Towns and their Papyri, by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt, and

D. G. Hogarth.

miilonm— Ραμ Fiorentini, Vols) P and IIL by G. Vitelli ; Vel Il by

D. Comparetti.

. Freiburg = Mitteilungen aus der Freiburger Papyrussammlung, II, by J. Partsch. . Gen. = Les Papyrus de Genéve, Vol. I, by J. Nicole. . Giessen = Griechische Papyri zu Giessen, Vol. I, by E. Kornemann, O. Eger,

and P. M. Meyer.

. Goodsp. = Greek Papyri from the Cairo Museum, &c., by E. J. Goodspeed.

. Gradenwitz = Griech. Papyri der Sammlung Gradenwitz, by G. Plaumann.

- Grenf. = Greek Papyri, Series I and II, by B. P. Grenfell and A. S. Hunt.

. Halle = Dikaiomata, &c., by the Graeca Halensis.

. Hamb. = Griech. Papyrusurkunden der Hamburgischen Stadtbibliothek, by

P. M. Meyer.

. Hibeh = The Hibeh Papyri, Part I, by B. P. Grenfell and A. 5. Hunt. . Iand. = Papyri Iandanae, by E. Schafer and others. . Leipz. = Griech. Urkunden der Papyrussammlung zu Leipzig, Vol. I, by

L. Mitteis.

. Leyden = Papyri Graeci Musei antiquarii publici Lugduni-Batavi, by C.


. Lille = Papyrus grecs de Lille, by P. Jouguet, J. Lesquier, and others. Munich = Veroffentlichungen aus der Papyrussammlung zu Miinchen, Part 1,

by A. Heisenberg and L. Wenger. Oxy. = The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts I-XIII, by B. P. Grenfell and NS Sy LLU,

. Par. = Les Papyrus grecs du Musée du Louvre, Wotices et Extratts, t. xviii. 2,

by W. Brunet de Presle and E. Egger. Petrie = The Flinders Petrie Papyri, Part III, by J. P. Mahaffy and J. G. Smyly.


rd) "5


5 9

. Rev. Laws = The Revenue Laws of Ptolemy Philadelphus, by Β. P. Grenfell.

. Ryl. = Catalogue of the Greek Papyri in the Rylands Library, Vol. II, by J. de M. Johnson, V. Martin, and A. S. Hunt.

. S. I. = Papiri della Societa Italiana, Vols. I-V, by G. Vitelli and others.

. Strassb. = Griech. Papyrus der k. Universitatsbibliothek zu Strassburg, Vol. I, by F. Preisigke.

. Stud. Pal. = Studien zur Palaeographie und Papyruskunde, by C. Wessely and others.

. Taur. = Papyri Graeci regii Taurinensis Musei, by A. Peyron.

. Tebt. = The Tebtunis Papyri, Parts I and II by B. P. Grenfell, A. S. Hunt,

J. G. Smyly, and E. J. Goodspeed ; Part III in preparation.

Thead. = Papyrus de Théadelphie, by P. Jouguet.

. A. M. = Studi della scuola papirologica di Milano.

B. = Sammelbuch griechischer Urkunden aus Aegypten, by F. Preisigke.

W. Chr. = U. Wilcken, Chrestomathie. Wilcken, Ost. = Griechische Ostraka, by U. Wilcken.


(α) Contracts with Officials. 1626. PAYMENT FOR SUPERINTENDENCE OF TRANSPORT. 26-7 X15 cm. A. D. 325.

An agreement between the decanz, i.e. chief guards of some kind (1. 3, n.), of the village of Paneuei (1. 3, n.), and an epimeletes, for him to act as ῥαβδοῦχος (1. 9, n.) in charge of animals sent to Babylon in connexion with an anticipated visit of an Emperor (θεία ἐπιδημία). For the payment of the salary of the epimeletes, which was at the rate of 2,000 drachmae a day, the μείζων of the vil- lage (1. 5, n.) becomes surety, two months’ pay being provided in advance. The papyrus stands in close relation to 1261, written 44 months earlier, an acknow- ledgement on oath by an epimeletes, who is probably identical with the epimeletes in 1626, concerning produce transported to Babylon partly on account of the troops, partly on account of an ἐπιδημία, which in the light of 1626 is to be referred to an emperor, not, as suggested in 1261. 5, n., to a catholicus. That Constantine himself actually came to Egypt in 325, the year of the Council of Nicaea, is not recorded by the authorities for the period, and is improbable, but his presence may well have been expected. That θεία ἐπιδημία refers not to Constantine himself but to one of his sons, who did not become Augusti till 337, is unlikely.

1626 is a palimpsest, the original document, which was much shorter, having

been effaced.

᾿Ομολογοϊθσ]ν ἀλλή]λοις Αὐρήλιοι ᾿Αλόις Χωοῦτος καὶ ρακλῆϊς] Πούδεντος καὶ οἱ κοινωνοὶ οἱ πάντες δεκανοὶ ἀπὸ κώμης] Πανευεὶ μετ᾽ ἐγγυητοῦ εἰς ἔκτισιν τῶν φανηϊσοἹμένων μισθῶν Πτολεμαίου Πτολεμαίου μείζονος τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης καὶ Αὐρήλιος Ἡρακλείδης Σ᾽ κυλακίου ἐπιμελητὴς ζώων





ἀποστελλομένων εἰς τ]ὴν Βαβυλῶνα πρὸς θείαν ἐπιδημίαν, οἱ μὲν δεκανοὶ συνηλλαχέναι τῷ ἐπιμελητῇ χώραν μίαν ῥαβδούχου ἑνὸς ( OAUTH NOP OH TE pa! X ~ ~ / > Ν ΄ ~ a SN 10 τῶν αὐτῶν ζῴων ἀπὸ ὀγδόης τοῦ ὄντος μηνὸς Παῦνι, λαμβάνοντος τοῦ ἐπιμελητοῦ παρὰ τῶν δεκανῶν ὑπὲρ μισθοῦ ἡμερησίως δραχμὰς δισχιλίας. ἐντεῦθεν δὲ ὁμολογεῖ ἐπιμελητὴς ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ τῶν δεκανῶν ὑπὲρ μισθοῦ ἊΣ ~ 4 Ν ~ ᾿Ξ τος > 66 3 , 15 μηνῶν δύο ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ὀγδόης ἀργυρίου , » \ \ , » 7 τάλαντα εἴκοσι, τὰ δὲ φανησόμενα ἄχρι συνπληρώ- lol > 7 7 Ν ~ σεως τῆς ἐπιμελείας ἀπολήμψεται Tapa τῶν αὐτῶν δεκανῶν, ἐμὲ δὲ τὸν Πτολεμαῖον παρασχεῖν τὰ φανησύμενα σαλάρια πρὸς τὸ ἀπαρενοχλή- 20 τοὺς καὶ ἀσκύλτους καὶ ἀζημίους παρέχειν περὶ τῶν τῇ αὐτῇ ῥαβδουχίᾳ διαφερόντων. κύριον τὸ συνάλ- Aaypla| δισσὸν γραφέν, καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες ὡμολόγησαν. ὑπατείας ΠᾳαυἸλίνου καὶ ᾿Ιουλιανοῦ τῶν λαμπροτάτων ]]αῦνι α. 2nd hand Αὐϊρήλιοι ᾿ἀλό]ις καὶ ᾿ Ἡρακλῆς [εὐἸδοκοῦμεν πᾶσι ΄ 5 ΄ / 25 τοῖς προκ(ειμένοις) Kal ἐπερωτηθ(έντες) ὡμολ(ογήσαμεν). «ΑΑὐρήλ(ιος)

Πτολεμαῖος ἐγ[γνῶμ]αι ὡς πἰρ]όκ(ειται) γρά(ψας) κία!δ ὑπὲρ] αὐτῶν μὴ εἰδ(ότων) γρά(μματα). 3. εγ᾽ γυητου. 12. ὕπερ. 19. σ Of σαλαρια corr. from A, and « from a. 20. First e οἴπαρεχειν corr. from ao, 21. συναλ᾽λαγμα. 22. w@pohoynoa, 23. ὑπατίειας εν ν Ἰουλίανου.

‘Aurelius Aloys son of Choous and Aur. Heracles son of Pudens and their associates, all decanz from the village of Paneuei, with their surety for payment of the pay found to have accrued, Ptolemaeus son of Ptolemaeus, headman of the said village, and Aur. Heraclides son of Scylacius, superintendent of animals which are being sent to Babylon for the Imperial visit, jointly agree, the decan7 that they have contracted with the superintendent for him to fill the single post of ῥαβδοῦχος of the said animals from the 8th of the present month of Pauni, the superintendent receiving from the decani as pay 2,000 drachmae a day. And the superintendent forthwith acknowledges that he has received from the decanz as two months’ pay dating from the said 8th day 20 talents of silver, and shall receive from the said decant the sums found to have accrued up to the termination of his duties as superintendent, and that I, Ptolemaeus, am to provide the salary found to have accrued, in order to make the decanz free from any trouble, annoyance, or loss in all matters pertaining to the said office of ῥαβδοῦχος. This contract, written in duplicate, is valid, and in answer to the formal question they gave their consent. In the consulship of Paulinus and Julianus


the most illustrious, Pauni 1.’ Signatures of the two decan7 and Ptolemaeus, all written by the last-named.

3. δεκανοί : cf. P. Ryl. 196. 6-9, n., where the evidence for δεκανοὶ φυλακιτῶν (Ptolemaic), πλοίων, νυκτοφυλάκων, πυροῦ, &c., is collected, and 1512, which shows that there were at least g Sexaviae at another Oxyrhynchite village, though apparently these were distributed among only three persons. Here the decanz seem to have numbered at least 4, and to be concerned with land-transport rather than boats, since a ῥαβδοῦχος was required; cf. 1. g, n.

Πανευεί : a village in the Western toparchy (1285. 74), and perhaps in the 3rd pagus (1559. 9).

5. μείζονος τῆς αὐτῆς κώμης : this is the earliest example of the use of μείζων, which is common in the sixth to eighth centuries, to denote a particular village-official as distinct from a ‘higher’ official in general (e.g. in P. Brit. Mus. 214. 22 and 900. 19); cf. Wilcken, Οὐκ. τ22. int:

5-6. Αὐρήλιος “Ἡρακλείδης Σκυλακίου ἐπιμελητὴς ζῴων : he is probably identical with Αὐρ. Ἡρακλέους Κοιλακίου (i.e. (Σ)κ(υ)λακίου) βουλ(ευτοῦ) ... ἐπιμελητοῦ.. [. .]. - (possibly ζ[φ]ων) in 1261. 4-5 ; cf. int.

8. θείαν ἐπιδημίαν : cf. 1261. 7 and int., and for ἐπεδημίαι of high officials Wilcken, Grundz. 33.

9. ῥαβδούχου: cf. 1750, an official receipt for a payment on account of an ass and paBdovxos sent to Memphis in 306, B. G. U. 244 (reign of Gallienus), the beginning of a sworn declaration of surety for a person ἀναδ᾽ εδομέἠΪνον εἰς ῥαβδουχίαν a . |. .., and P. Leipzig 85-6 (372-3), two acknowledgements by comarchs to a ῥαβδοῦχος of the return of an ass employed at the mines. ‘The ζῷα in the present case are likely to have been mainly asses, but may have included camels, horses, and oxen. ῥαβδοῦχοι is used by Georgius Cedrenus (Migne, G. cxxi. 336) to translate decan7 in the sense of court-officials of low rank.

19. σαλάρια: this confirms Oertel’s reading (Die Leturgie 87") cad{alpjca in P. Flor. 39. 9 (= W. Chr. 408).

23. In 1261, written on Tubi 18 (Jan. 13), the names of the consuls were not yet known.

1627. APPOINTMENT TO A LITURGY. 25: X 10-7 cm. A.D. 342.

This papyrus throws an interesting light on the method of appointment to public duties. Usually persons were appointed, whether by the senate or by an official, to some definite liturgy ; but in the present case a citizen of Oxyrhynchus and his son had been selected to perform an unspecified liturgy for eight months, and they make a contract with the συστάτης, the official in question (l. 5, n.), whereby in return for receiving a very light duty, i.e. that of guarding the temple of Thoéris (1. 12, n.), they agree to perform it for a whole year. The body of the contract seems to have been drawn up by the agent of a pro- fessional writer of contracts, who appends his signature (1. 29, n.).

4 ~ ς ~ K 7 Ν ΄ Υπατίας τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου τὸ γ

- (4 4 καὶ Κώνσταντος τὸ β' τῶν Αὐγούστων Mecopi) 10. Αὐρήλιος ᾿ἀπφοῦς Παθερμουθίου ἀπὸ τῆς

B 2


λαμίπρᾶς) καὶ λαμπί(ροτάτης) ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως

Αὐρηλίῳ Διογένου Σαραπίωνος συστάτῃ


ies > ΟΝ, [4 Μ᾿ 7 τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως τῆς VUVL λειτουργού- σης φυλῆς χαίρειν. ἐπιδὴ αἱρῖται Ve A « ᾽΄ tn , ἐμοί TE καὶ τῷ ἡμετέρῳ υἱῷ Θωνίῳ


ἐν τῷ ἑξῆς ἐνιαυτῷ ὀκταμηνιαῖος , 7 7 7 10 χρόνος ALToupyias, ἠξιώσαμεν δέ σαι εἰσ- αγγεῖλαι ἡμᾶς εἰς κουφοτάτην χρίαν, , > 7 « ~ , τουτέστιν εἰς φυλακίαν ἱεροῦ Oonpiov, διὰ τὴν περὶ ἡμᾶς μετριότητα καὶ πίστις συνέθου ἡμεῖν κατὰ ταῦτα, Ν \ ~ =) NW. - 15 καὶ αὐτοὶ ὁμολογοῦμεν ἀντὶ ἴσης ἀμοιβῆς καὶ χάριτος ἐπάναγκες ἡμᾶς ὅλον τὸν ἐνιαύσιον χρόνον πληρῶσαι ἐν τῇ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἱεροῦ Θοηρίου ἀρχιφύλακος χώρᾳ ἀντὶ τῶν μηνῶν ὀκτώ. πρὸς 20 δὲ ἀμεριμνίαν cov τήνδε τὴν ὁμολογίαν ) 7 4 ΄ \ Ν σοι ἐξεδόμην, ἥτις κυρία ἔστω, καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡμολόγησα. 2nd hand [4ὐρ]ήλιος Amgods Πατερμουθίου [εὐδοκῶ πᾶσι τοῖς προκειμένοις Τ᾽ ᾿ , ς 7 25 [Kal ἐπ]ερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. [Αὐρήλ)]ιος “Ρουφίων ‘Amroddwviov yw ig Ἂς >) ~ ) / [....Ju ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ μὴ εἰδό(τος; ἱγράἸμματα. |

ard (?) hand δ᾽ ἐμο]ῦ Διογένους ἐγρά(φη).


5. 1, Διογένει. 8. ὕω. 10. l. σε, εἰσαγ᾽ γειλαι. 14. 1, πίστιν. 15. ἴσης. 18. ἵερου. 20. ομολογιᾶ.

‘In the consulship of our lords Constantius for the 3rd time and Constans for the 2nd time, the Augusti, Mesore 19. Aurelius Apphous son of Pathermouthius, of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, to Aur. Diogenes son of Sarapion, delegate of appointments in the said city for the tribe now undertaking public duties, greeting. Whereas in the coming year an eight months’ period of public duty is selected for me and my son Thonius, and we requested you to assign to us a very light duty, that is to say, the guarding of the temple of Thoéris, you owing to your clemency to us and confidence in us agreed to this proposal, and we for our part acknowledge ourselves bound as an equal


recompence and favour to carry out a whole year’s service in the post of chief-guard of the said temple of Thoéris in place of 8 months. And for your security I have issued to you this contract, which shall be valid, and in answer to the formal question have given my consent.’ Signatures of Aur. Apphous and Diogenes, the writer of the contract.

5. συστάτῃ : this official is only known from fourth-century Oxyrhynchus papyri, being perhaps identical with the φυλάρχης of the third century. For his functions in connexion with appointments to liturgies cf. 86, 1116, 1509, P. Flor. 39 (= W. Chr. 405), and Oertel, Lifurgie 176. 1551 is a notice of death addressed to him, in which he is called συστάτης of the πόλις, whereas in 86 he is συστ. φυλῆς, and in 1116 over. aupddov. In 1627 φυλῆς follows πόλεως as a secondary genitive, while in P. Flor. 39. 3 τῆς . . . πόλεως precedes συστάτης ths... φυλῆς, ἀπό being omitted before the first τῆς, as is shown by 1116. 5.

9. ὀκταμηνιαῖος χρόνος : many liturgies were for a year, and for φύλακες in particular there is reason to believe that a year was the normal period of office ; cf. ll. 16-17 and Oertel, op. cif. 266. Shorter periods for liturgies are, however, also attested, e.g. in P. Thead. 34-6 (324-7; cf. Oertel, of. οἵ. 87), where payments occur for 3 or 2 months’ work by ἐργάται for whom the village was responsible, though it is possible that these payments represent instalments of a longer period of work.

12. ἱεροῦ Θοηρίου : ἱεροῦ is in apposition to Θοηρίου, not an adjective. 48 verso. iv, 14-23 shows that soon after 295 there were 7 guards in this temple besides 1 outside it (πρός) ; the corresponding figures at the Serapeum (ii. 5-13) were 6 and 1, while the Iseum (ii. 14-17) was smaller, requiring only 1 and τ. A priest of Thoéris in 339 is mentioned in P.S. 1. 215.6. This hippopotamus-goddess was identified at Oxyrhynchus with Athena ; Celt]. 1; ni

13-14. μετριότητα καὶ πίστι(ν) may refer not, as in the translation, to the συστάτης, but to Apphous and his son, in which case the words mean ‘our good conduct and honesty and may be connected with εἰσαγγεῖλαι instead of συνέθου. But then ἡμῶν rather than περὶ ἡμᾶς would be expected.

18. ἀρχιφύλακος : ἀρχιφύλακες are known in the first to third centuries (cf. Oertel, of. c77. 268), and the word is appropriate enough here in view of the number of guards at the Thoéreum (I. 12, n.); but the reading of the first four letters is insecure, especially xs, for which there is barely room, and possibly the « was omitted. Neither παραφύλακος (cf. mapa- φυλακὴ τῆς πόλεως in 904. 4) nor ἱεροφύλακος nor ἑνὸς φύλ. are satisfactory.

29. For other early instances of δ ἐμοῦ... ἐγράφη cf. P. Thead. το. 22 (307), 1716. 30 (333), and P. Leipz. 13. 25 (366). Diogenes is presumably a private συμβολαιογράφος, not identical with the συστάτης of |. 5. That the subscription δ ἐμοῦ... ἐγράφη is here in a different hand from the main text is not certain; but the words need not mean more than ‘written in my office’. That ἐγράφη ever meant engefragen, i.e. ‘entered on an official list’, as suggested by Gardthausen in S/d. Pal. xvii. 7, is most unlikely

(ὁ) Leases. 1628. LEASE OF CATOECIC LAND.

15°3 X14 cm, Bc. 73s, Plate I:

The present volume makes several additions (1628-9, 1635, 1644; cf. 1639) to the scanty number of documents dated in the last two reigns of the Ptolemaic dynasty, which have been represented hitherto, so far as Oxyrhynchus is con-


cerned, by 236 (fragments of protocols) and P.S.I. 549 (translation of a demotic contract concerning service). 1628 is a lease of part of a κλῆρος at Sepho (1. 9, n.) from a κάτοικος ἱππεύς to a Persian of the epigone for one year. Both parties belonged to the ἀγυιὰ Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης at Oxyrhynchus (I. 8, n.), which is mentioned in other papyri of this period. The formula is in general similar to that of P. Tebt. τοῦ (B.C. τοῦ) 277 (B.C. 19), and 1124 (A.D. 26), but presents some peculiarities; cf. Il. 11, 13-14, τό, 21-3, nn. Probably the earliest extant instance of κλῆροι with permanent names occurs in it (J. 10, n.). The end of the lease with the signatures of the six witnesses (cf. P. Tebt. 106 and 1644) is missing. The day of the month has, as is usual in late Ptolemaic contracts from Oxyrhynchus, been inserted by a second hand, which has made a few other alterations in the text. The papyrus had been glued to another contract of which a few letters are preserved. 1629 is another lease of catoecic land with practically the same formula, written 29 years later but less complete.

[Βασιλευόντων Πτολεμαίου καὶ Κλεοπάτρας ἱτῆς καὶ [Τ]ρυφαϊί]νης θεῶν Φιλοπὶ αἸτόξρηων [Φ)λαδέλφων ἔτο]υϊς θ,

τὰ [δ᾽] ἄλλα τῶν κοινῶν ὡς ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρείαι γράφεϊται, μηνὸς ArredNaliov καὶ Φαῶφι ve ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει] τῆϊς Θηβαΐδος. ἐμίσθωσεν Σ᾽ αραπίων ᾿ἀπολλωνίου Make δὼν


τῶν κατοίκων ἱππέων ᾿Απολλωνίωι τῶι καὶ ITayj.. . ᾿Ισχυρίωνος τοῦ καὶ Νεχθενείβιος Πέρσηι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς [οἱ] δύο ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφρίοδίτης ἀπὸ τοῦ κλήρου αὐτοῦ “Ὁ » δὶ > 4 4 , Ν Ψ ALG as ἔχει περὶ Σεφὼ ἀρούρας δεκάπεντε εἰς TO ἔνατον ἔτος, A \ ) A ΄ ΄ ΄ Γ -

10 ὥστε τὰς μὲν ἐν τῶι Διοκλέους κλήρωι apovpla|s τ᾽ρε]ϊς πυροσπίο]ρῆσαι, τῶν δ᾽ ἐν τῷ Φίλωνος ἀρουρῶν δεκ[ά]δίνο τὸ μὲν ἥμ[ισ)» κριθῇ τὸ 8 ἄλλο ἥμισυ φακῶι, ἐκφορίο]υ [κἸα- (0 ἑκάστην a plovpav ἐκ γεωμετρίας τοῦ δοθέντος «is! σπορὰν σιτἰικ]οῖς ἀρταβῶν τεσσάρων. καὶ ὁμολογεῖ ) , κ ΄ ΄

15 AmoAA@vios ἔχειν παρὰ Σ᾽ αραπίωνος εἰς σπέρματα καὶ τὴν ἄλλην τῆς κατασπορᾶς δαπάνην ἀδιαφόρους ἱκριθη]ς μὲν ἀρτάβας ἑπτὰ ἥμισυ, φακοῦ δὲ ἀρτάβας ἱἑπτὰ ἥ]μισυ, καὶ εἰς θρυοκοπίαν τῆς γῆς ἀναποδότους ἰχαλκοῦ δραχμὰς χι]λίας πεντακοσίας ἀκινδύνους

20 ἱκαὶ ἀνυπολόγους ἀπ]ὸ παντὸς κινδύνου. ἐπὶ δὲ τῶν ἐκφορίων πλὴν τῶν τελώϊν, ἐάν Tle πραχθῇ ᾿Απολλώνιος εἰς τὸ βασιλικὸν

> , tle , e PS \ , εἰς ἕτερόν τι καθ᾽ ὁν)τινοῦν τρόπον ὑπὲρ Yapatriwvos


ἱτῆς γῆς, ὑπολογείτω ἀπὸ τῶν €Ex\plopiwy, τῶν] δὲ καρπῶν

Γ 7 7 a x ΄ ΄ . ἱκυριευέτω Σαραπίων ἕως av τὰ ἐκφόρια κομίσητἾαι καὶ

On the verso (2nd hand) (ἔτους ?) θ μίσθω(σις) |

‘In the reign of Ptolemy and Cleopatra also called Tryphaena, gods Philopatores Philadelphi, the gth year, and the rest of the formula as written at Alexandria, the 15th of the month Apellaeus which = Phaophi, at Oxyrhynchus in the Thebaid. Sarapion son of Apollonius, Macedonian of the catoecic cavalry, has leased to Apollonius also called Pan. .. son of Ischyrion also called Nechthenibis, Persian of the epigone, both parties being from the street of Cleopatra Aphrodite, from his holding the 15 arourae owned by him near Sepho for the gth year, on condition that the lessee may sow the 3 arourae in the holding of Diocles with wheat, and of the 12 arourae in the holding of Philon half with barley and the other half with lentils, at a rent of 4 artabae for each aroura in accordance with the survey of the land assigned for sowing with corn. And Apollonius acknowledges that he has received from Sarapion for seed and the other expenses of sowing without interest 74 artabae of barley and 74 art. of lentils, and for clearing the land from rushes 1,500 drachmae of copper, which are not repayable, all free from risk and not subject to any kind of risk. And with regard to the rent, if apart from taxes any demand is made upon Apollonius for the government or for any other purpose whatever on account of Sarapion or the land, the amount shall be deducted from the rent ; and Sarapion shall retain the ownership of the crops until he receives the rent and...’

5. Ch 236. γ τ΄

5. Μακεδών : the letters are broken, but the κάτοικοι ἱππεῖς in 1644. 5 are Macedonians, and in the later Ptolemaic period Macedonians and Persians outnumber other nationalities among cleruchs ; cf. 1635. 3 and Lesquier, /nstitutions militaires sous les Lagides 303 sqq.

8. ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφρ[οδίἤτης : no names of ἀγυιαί at Oxyrhynchus were known, but ἐν ἀγυιᾷ Occurs commonly in the protocol of Oxyrhynchite contracts of the earlier Roman period, e.g. 261.8. In B.G.U. 1084. 22 (=W. Chr. 146; Δ. Ὁ. 149) an Alexandrian citizen and his wife are stated to be ἀγυιᾶς ᾿Αρσινόης Νείκης, and in P. Tebt. iii. 883 (6. B.c. 200) two members of a list of (apparently) Alexandrian citizens belong to the ἀγυιὰ ᾿Αρσινόης Kapro- φόρου. In P. Petrie iii. 4 (1). 9 (a fragment of a will; B.c. 238-7) ἐν ἀγυιᾶι ᾿Α[ρσινόης.. is a not unlikely restoration, and though the situation of it is obscure owing to the loss of the context (the preceding word is εχωτι and there is a long gap between this and τὴν οἰκίαν in 1. 8), the ἀγυιά in question is more likely to have been at Crocodilopolis-Arsinoé than at Alexandria. The ἀγυιὰ Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης, which may have been named after a temple (cf. W. Chr. 146. 22, n.), was no doubt at Oxyrhynchus; cf. 1629. 7, 1644. 8. The goddess must have been Tryphaena or one of her predecessors, not Cleopatra VI.

9. Σεφώ: a village in the Thmoisepho toparchy ; cf. 1659. g1 and ]. το, n.

ἀρούρας δεκάπεντε : in the later Ptolemaic period the κλῆροι of κάτοικοι tended to be much smaller than the 1oo arourae which they usually owned in the third century B.c. The κάτοικος ἱππεύς in 1629 was a τριακοντάρουρος (Il. 7-8), and 15 arourae may well have been 4 the κλῆρος of Sarapion.

10. ἐν τῶι Διοκλέους κλήρωι : this and the Φίλωνος κλῆρος in 1. 11 seem to be the earliest instances of catoecic κλῆροι with permanent names (without πρότερον) derived from previous owners; cf. 488. 5, n., and P. Tebt. 108. 3 (B.c. 93 or 60) τὰς (πρότερον) Kaddi(xpdrous). Wilcken (Grundz. 303*) had supposed that the permanent names were fixed in the time


of Augustus. ‘That 1628 is not a sub-lease is clear not only from αὐτοῦ in |. 8, but from its general resemblance to 277 and other Ptolemaic leases of κλῆροι (1629, P. Tebt. 106 and 816), as distinct from sub-leases (P. Tebt. 105 and 820), in which the secondary character of the lease is definitely stated. Moreover the Φίλωνος κλῆρος in]. ΓΙ may well be identical with the Φίλωνος κλῆρος in 277. 3, since Παζῶνμις (277. 3; cf. 1285. 122) was in the same toparchy as Sepho (1. 9, n.), and the question of a sub-lease does not arise in connexion with 277. That the Διοκλέους κλῆρος here is to be connected with the Διοκλέους kai Πτολεμαίου ἱππικὸς κλῆρος at Pela mentioned in 506. 24 is unlikely, for Pela was in the Western toparchy (1285. 81).

11. πυροσπ᾽] ο]ἱρῆσαι : cf. 1629. 9. ‘The word is apparently new.

τῷ Φίλωνος : οἵ. 1. το, n. The Φίλωνος κλῆρος near Kerkemounis in the Upper toparchy (Ρ. 5.1. 320. 10) probably has no connexion,

13-14. τοῦ δοθέντος ¢lis|| σπορὰν σιτ[ ικ]οῖς : this phrase is new. On the fixing of the crops by the government cf. Wilcken, Os¢. i. 200, P. Tebt. 5. 202, n., Rostowzew in Pauly- Wissowa, Realenc. vii. 134 sqq. Owing to a break in the papyrus and the unevenness of the writing at the ends of lines it is doubtful whether the vestige supposed to belong to the a οἵ xja| in ]. 12 belongs to that line or to 1. 13. In the latter case εἰ ἐς is inadmissible, and for eis karla) there is not room, unless the writing was very cramped, though κατασπορά occurs in |. τό.

16. For σπέρμα and δαπάνη paid by the lessor (probably) cf. P. Tebt. 108. 4 (B.c. 93 or 60).

ἀδιαφύρους : this word, which is new in this context (ἀδιαφορεῖν in P. Brit. Mus. 144. 15 and ἀδιαφόρως in Ρ. 5.1. 452. 9 are not parallel), evidently corresponds to χωρὶς διαφόρου (sc. ἀποδώσειν) in 1474. 14 (a loan of corn in a.p. 216), a phrase contrasted with the customary difference of the ἡμιολία (cf. 1040. int.) or ἐκ τρίτου (1640. 7; cf. P. Strassb. 71. 8 and 1474. 18, n.) in repayment of a loan of seed-corn. Where there was no διάφορον, the lessee simply repaid the loan with the rent. For another Ptolemaic instance of the word practically in the sense of ‘interest’ cf. P. Par. 63. iv. 108-9 δανει[ ζομ]ένους ἐπὶ τοῖς ἐκφορίοις μειζόνων διαφόρων. In later times διάφορον is used as a mere synonym for τόκος ; cf. 1040. TONS Ore

1g. |xadkov δραχμὰς χι]λίας : Spay|uas could be read, but there is not room before it for ἰχαλκοῦ νομίσματος (cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 104. 1 I):

21-3. Cf. 277. 8-10, 1124, 3-5, P. Tebt. 105. 48. The addition of πλὴν τῶν τελῶΪν isnew. This implies that the taxes were paid by the tenant.

23-4. Cf. P. Tebt. 105. 46-7 καὶ τῶν δὲ k[apra |v κ[αὶ τῶν] γ[ε]νημάτων κατ᾽ ἔτος κυριευέτω “Qpi@y ἕως ἂν τὰ ἑαυτοῦ ἐκφόρια ἐκ πλήρους κομίσηται καὶ τἄλλα πάντα τὰ κατὰ τὴν μίσθωσιν σ[υν]τελεσθῆι, and 1124. 5-- τῶν [δὲ καρπῶν) κυριευέτω Διονύσιος [κ]αὶ οἱ παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἰξ]ωΐς ἂν τὸ

ἀπότακτο, v| κομίσηται. i could be read in place of ra, but not Ἵν.

1629. LEASE OF CATOECIC LAND. 0.5 X05 Rem. BiG; 44. Plate sl.

The first part of a lease of a tptaxovtdpoupos κλῆρος by a κάτοικος ἱππεύς to a Persian for one year, corresponding closely to 1628, but less complete; cf. 1628. int. and nn. It was written on Epeiph 27 of the 8th year of Cleopatra and Ptolemy, gods Philopatores (July 26, B.C. 44), and is the first Egyptian record to mention Cleopatra VI in association with Ptolemy XV. The statement of


Porphyry that a separate reckoning of this king’s years was employed is not confirmed, and the papyrus throws some light on the date of his death; cf. 1. 1, n.

Βασιλευόντων KXelolradrpals| καὶ [ΠἸτολεμαίου θεῶν Φιλο- πατόρων ἔτους ὀγδόου, τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα τῶν κοινῶν ὡς ἐν Ἀλεξανδρείαι γράφεται, μηνὸς Γορπιαίου καὶ ᾿Εἰπεὶφ κί ev ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει τῆς Θηβαΐδος. ἐμίσθωσεν Θέων

5 Θέωνος τῶν κατοίκων ἱππέων ᾿4πολλωνίωι τῶι καὶ ApBixet ᾿Δπολλωνίου τοῦ καὶ “Αρβίχιος Πέρσηι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς οἱ δίύ]ο ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας Αφροδίτης τὸν ὑπάρχοντα αὐϊτ]ῶι περὶ ΠΠαῖμιν κλῆρον ἀρουρῶν τριάκοντα, ὥστε πἰυρ]οσπορῆσαι μὲν εἰς τὸ ἔϊνατον ἔτος τὸ ἥμισυ,

10 τὸ δ᾽ ἄλλο ἥμισυ ξυλαμ[η])σία!ι ἀράκωι, ἐκφορίου [ἑκάστης ἀρούρας τῆς μὲν πυρ[ῶι πυ]ρ[ο0] στερεοῦ ἀκρίθου ἀρταβῶν ἕξ. τῆς δὲ ἀράκωι πυροῦ ὁμοίως στερεοῦ ἀκρίθου ἀρ[ταβῶν .... ὁμολ)ογεῖ δ᾽ ᾿ἡπολλώνιος ἔχειν [π]αρ[ὰ

lal 7 4 ἰτοῦ Θέωνος εἰς σπέρματα

‘In the 8th year of the reign of Cleopatra and Ptolemy, gods Philopatores, and the rest of the formula as written at Alexandria, the 27th of the month Gorpiaeus which = Epeiph, at Oxyrhynchus in the Thebaid. ‘Theon son of Theon, of the catoecic cavalry, has leased to Apollonius also called Harbichis, son of Apollonius also called Harbichis, Persian of the epigone, both being from the street of Cleopatra Aphrodite, the holding of 30 arourae which belongs to him at Paimis, on condition that Apollonius shall sow half of it for the gth year with wheat and cultivate the other half with aracus, at a rent for each aroura sown with wheat of 6 artabae of hard wheat, unmixed with barley, and for each sown with aracus likewise {.| artabae of hard wheat, unmixed with barley. And Apollonius acknowledges that he has received from Theon for seed .. .’

1. The extant Greek datings which mention Cleopatra Philopator by name all belong to the period when she was associated with Ptolemy Caesarion, Philopator Philometor ; cf. O. G.I. 194 and 1685. 1 (year lost), P. S. 1. 549 and Lefebvre, Melanges Holleaux (both in the rith year); Lefebvre, Annales du Serv. des Antig. 1908. 241 is undated. According to Porphyry (ap. Euseb. Chron. ed. Schéne, i. 168-70) in years 1-4 of her reign she was associated with Ptolemy XIV, and in years 5-8 with Ptolemy XV, these corresponding to his years 1-4, while during the 8th-15th years she reigned alone, and her 16th-22nd years corresponded to years 1-- (of Antony?; cf. 1453. 22,n.), That Porphyry was wrong in assigning a double reckoning by regnal years to the period of association with Ptolemy XV had alweady been inferred from the existence of a coin dated (ἔτους) ς Κλεοπάτρας βασιλίσσης (Poole, Ca/al. p. 122) and demotic stelae of the 5th and 6th years; cf. Strack, Dynaste der Piol. 212. 1629 not only provides the first definite piece of evidence for the application of the title Philopator to Ptolemy XV, and additional evidence for the use of a single reckoning


by regnal years during the period of his association with Cleopatra, but indicates that the death of the king was not known at Oxyrhynchus on July 26, Β. 6. 44. Concerning the precise date and circumstances of that event there has hitherto been no clear evidence. Josephus (Aw/. Jud. xv. 4. 1) states that Ptolemy XV was poisoned at the age of 15 by Cleopatra, and Porphyry /. c. attributes his death ταῖς Κλεοπάτρας ἀπάταις in his 4th and her 8th year, i.e. B.c. 45-44. Mahafly (Zmpore of the Piol. 463) and Bouché-Leclercq ΖΔ des Lagides, ii. 227) suppose that he perished at Rome in the confusion attending the assassination of Caesar on March 15, 44, especially as Cicero (Ad AV, xiv. 8) on April 15 refers to the flight of Cleopatra, and on May τι (Ad A¥. xiv. 20) mentions the queen and her son Caesar, but says nothing in either place about her brother. Dio, who mentions the presence of Ptolemy XV with Cleopatra at Rome (xliii. 27), seems to imply (xlviii. 24 τοὺς ἀδελφοὺς αὐτῆς ἀπὸ τοῦ ev ᾿Εφέσῳ ᾿Αρτεμισίου ἀποσπάσας ἀπέκτεινε) that he was put to death with Arsinoé by Antony, i.e. in Β. 6. 41; but according to Appian, δεῖ]. civ. ν. 9, the Ptolemy who was put to death with Arsinoé claimed to be Ptolemy XIV, having escaped from drowning in the Nile. That Ptolemy XV returned to Egypt with Cleopatra was sup- posed by Stahr (C/eopatra 56), but without any evidence, as is remarked by Bouché-Leclercq, /.c. Since Cleopatra left Rome not more than two or three weeks after March 15, 44, she presumably reached Egypt some weeks before July 26, and if Ptolemy XV died at Rome before his sister’s departure, the news would on the whole be expected to have reached Oxyrhynchus by the date of 1629, although in the Roman period instances occur of papyri dated by an emperor who had been dead for as many as five months; cf. Hohmann, Chronol. ὦ. Papyrusurk. 50 sqq. We are therefore disposed to date the death of Ptolemy XV later than March 44, and to place it in Egypt rather than Rome, though allowance has to be made for the circumstance that the figure (27) of the month in I. 3 is a later insertion, and the protocol may have been drawn up early in Epeiph, which in B.c. 44 began on June 30.

8. Παῖμιν : a village in the Western toparchy; cf.1659. 41. Mr. Crum refers us to Lemm, /erica, 1906, pp. 5 and 13, where it is stated that the body of James, the Persian martyr, was brought to Egypt to ‘a little χωρίον some 5 στάδια on the east of Pemje (Oxyrhynchus), named masas in the Egyptian tongue’. If the geographical indication is correct, the Western toparchy reached to within a kilometre of Oxyrhynchus.

LO. ξυλαμ[η] σία]: ἘΠ ΕΣ ΕἸ πη 2. ὁ, τὸ

ΓΙ. στερεοῦ : cf. 1689. 8, n.

1630. LEASE OF LAND AT AN INCREASED RENT. 18 x 18-8 cm. A. Do22en(e).

Of this novel application from a certain Heron for a lease of land, at a higher rent than that previously offered by himself and others, the upper portion is lost besides the beginnings of lines, and it does not appear to whom the document was addressed. The mention of various bids (αἱρέσεις : 1. 8,n.) and the general tenour of most of the application, which resembles a petition to an official, rather suggest that the land in question belonged to the government ; but the contrary view that it belonged to a private individual is strongly indicated, first by the concluding words ἐπιδοχὴ κυρία, which occur in private contracts (e. g. 1631. 33), whereas applications for δημοσία or οὐσιακὴ γῆ generally end with ἐὰν φαίνηται


μισθῶσαι followed by . .. ἐπιδέδωκα, secondly by the apparent reference in |, 3 to Claudia Isidora as the existing owner of the land (1. 2, π.). Probably therefore the application was made to her representative, who may have been an ἐπίτροπος (cf. 1. 3, n.) or οἰκονύμος (cf. P. Ryl. 171. 1). If ll. 2-4 are restored on the right lines, Heron had sub-leased Claudia Isidora’s land situated in the (Small) Oasis from two of her lessees. From 1. 4 onwards the narrative becomes clear. Heron had begun the sowing for the current year when two individuals whom he was employing in connexion with the agriculture offered to pay 200 drachmae a year more as rent. Heron made no objection to surrendering his lease to them, pro- vided that he recovered the expenses which he had already incurred. ‘To assert his claim he brought an action before the strategus, and after a λογοθεσία (I. 12, n.) was awarded 3 talents 400 drachmae. This sum, however, his opponents failed to pay, and in order to bring matters to a head Heron by the present application offered 1,552 drachmae a year more than they, making the whole rent 1 talent 3,000 (?)drachmae. This bid was accepted by the representative of the land-owner, the intermediate lessees being apparently ignored, just as they seem to be in the negotiations between ὑπομισθωταί of οὐσιακὴ γῆ and government officials in B. G. U. 1047 (131). As Rostowzew, who has discussed the Berlin papyrus in Gesch. d. Rom. Kolonates 183 sqq., remarks, the management of Claudia Isidora’s estates, which probably constituted a large private οὐσία like that of M. Antonius Pallas in P. Brit, Mus. 1223, and perhaps that of Claudia Athenais in P. Strassb. 78, seems to have been conducted on a system which differed from that applying to ordinary γῆ ἰδιόκτητος, and approximated to that employed in regard to State οὐσίαι. The provision of a surety (ll. 18-19) is an unusual feature in a lease of private land in the Roman period, but is known from P. Iand. 30 to have existed in connexion with the leasing of γῆ δημοσία.

The papyrus belongs to the early third century, probably to the reign of Elagabalus (1. 20, n.). It seems to be a draft, several alterations in 1]. 15-18 having*been made in a small hand which is probably distinct from that of the original scribe, though the latter supplied we which was omitted at first in I. 14.

Traces of 1 line. [ἐμισθωσάμην παρὰ Πτολ]εμαίου τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αστοπαρίσωνος καὶ Ἀμμωνίου τοῦ καὶ Ἡρακλείου [aro σιτικῶν ἐδαφῶ τὴν τῶν περὶ] τὴν "Oacw ὑπαρχόντων τῆς Κλαυδίας ᾿Ισιδώρας [(ἀρούρας) ., ἃς ἔχουσι ἐν τα]ύτης μι[σθώσ]ει, καὶ τὴν πρὸς τὸ ἐνεστὸς

ἔτος κατασπορὰν τῶν


, > 4 Ν ; 4 a Ν 7 - 5 [δηλουμένων ἐδαφῶν) ποιήσας |ka\t ἐπικουρήσας τοῖς κατὰ τόπον γεωργοῖς τά τε σπέρματα [καὶ τὰς δαπάνας ?, ἐπ)]οφθαλμ[ιῶν)τες τοῖς ἔργοις μου “Eppoyévns Iezeve- φώτου καὶ |'Ioidwpos......, ols ἐγὼ κα[τ]ὰ τὸ ἀνθρώπινον πρὸς τὴν τῶν πραγ- μάτων ὑπηρεσίαν [ἐ éX 2 , > ~ Ἂν δέ 4 π' ἐδ ἐπωφέλησα ? χορηγή]σας αὐτοῖς τὰ δέοντα, προσήνεγκαν δι᾿ ἧς ἐπέδωκαν αἱρέσεως [ἄλλας ἐτησίας δραχμὰς διακοσίας, τοῦ ἑνὸς αὐτῶν ᾿Ισιδώρου ὑποβλήτῳ χρησαμένῳ Ser 2) 2 91. cf ef. = 3 ΄ ᾿ ΄ 19 [ὀνόματι : ....|yevlous 9)" ἥνπερ αἵρεσιν αὐτῶν ἀσπασάμενος καὶ μήτε ἔχειν ΄ ? 4 r / 7 > > ~ σι ἱμήτε παρέχειν πράγματα ἰβ]ουλόμενος ἠξίωσα παρ᾽ αὐτῶν ἀπολαβεῖν ἣν εἶχον [wap ἐμοῦ πρόχρεια]ϊν καὶ ἄλλα ἀναλώμαϊΪτ]α, λογοθετηθεὶς πρὸς αὐτοὺς μετοξὺ ἡμῶν [kal τιν ων avdplaly ἀξιολόγων ἐξ ἀντικαϊτασ]τάσεως γενομένης ἐπὶ τοῦ τοῦ νομοῦ ἱστρατηγ)οῦ, οὖσαν ἐν ταλάντοις τρ[σὶ καὶ (δραχμαῖς) ‘v'. τίοϊύτων δὲ ἀγνωμονούντων ‘pe’ καὶ μηδὲ πρὸς τὸ

υπ. [-7.«-- [-] καὶ μὴ ἀγνωμ[ο]ν[ἡ]σίαν τες (Ὁ) πεποίημαι προχρείᾳ 15 [βῆμα] ὑπαντησάϊνίτων προσφέρω κατὰ τῆς [αἸίἱρέσεως αὐτῶν ἄλλας ἐτησίας

(δραχμὰς) ᾿Δφνβ | τοῦ εἰ[95] τοὺς φόρουϊς 1 [εἰς σ)υϊμ᾿πλήρωσιν ἐτησίίου] (ταλάντου) a καὶ [(dp.)| T, [[χωρὶς}}] τῶν διὰ τῆς αὐτῆς αἱρέσεως δηλουμένων ἰἀποϊτάκτων émi.|.... κ]αὶ χρόνῳ τοῖς διὰ τῆς αὐτῆς αἱρέσεως αὐτῶν καὶ διαστολαῖς TPL οἸυμένων. | ἱπά)σαις. παρὼν δὲ ἐγὼ] Αὐρήλιος Σ᾽ αραπόδωρος ἐγγυῶμαι τὸν προκείμενον ἽἭρωνα [εἴς] τε ἔκτεισιν τῶν φόρων καὶ ἐπιμέλειαν τῶν ἔργων, καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες

20 [ὡμ]ολογήσαμεν. ἐπιδοχὴ κυρία. (ἔτους) ε ΤΊ Ό]βι λ. 3. ὕπαρχ. . . . ἴσιδωρας. 7. ὕπηρεσιαν. 9. ἴσιδ, Ἰ. χρησαμένου. 14. υ after

(δραχμαῖς) written above ᾧ, which is cancelled. 15. ὕπαντησαΐ] ν͵των. 18. εγ᾽γυωμαι (or evyvepat).


‘... (When) I leased from Ptolemaeus also called Astoparison and Ammonius also called Heraclius from the corn-land in the Oasis which is the property of Claudia Isidora . arourae which they have on lease from her, carrying out the sowing of the said land for the present year and providing the local cultivators with both seed and expenses, through envy of my operations Hermogenes son of Petenephotes and Isidorus son of... , whom I humanely (helped) in the management of the business, providing them with necessaries, offered in the bid which they presented to pay 200 drachmae a year more, one of them, Isidorus, using a false name,... genes. This bid from them I welcomed, and being desirous neither to suffer nor to cause any trouble I claimed to recover from them the loan which they had received from me and other expenses, being subjected as regards them to a reckoning of accounts between us and certain honourable persons as the result of a con- frontation before the strategus of the nome, the sum in question being 3 talents 400 drachmae. But as they pay no attention to me and even failed to appear before the court . .., I offer against their bid to pay 1,552 dr. a year more, making the whole annual rent τ tal. 3,000 dr., the stipulations laid down in their said bid being preserved as regards the ...and period stated in their bid and all its provisions. JI, Aurelius Sarapodorus, am surety for the aforesaid Heron in respect of both the payment of rent and care of operations, and in answer to the formal question we gave our consent. This offer of lease is valid. The 5th year, Tubi 30.’

2. Πτολ]εμαίου might be a father’s name, in which case a father’s name would become necessary at the beginning of |. 3, where the restoration is in any case somewhat uncertain. The sentence probably began with a conjunction such as ἐπεί, for where a new subject enters in 1. 6 ἐπ]οφθαλμ ιῶνἾτες there seems to be no connecting particle. A different inter- pretation of the nature of the application would be obtained by restoring something like τὰς Tpoyewpyoupévas OF τὰς πρότερον μεμισθωμένας ὑπό instead of mapa ; cf. 6. g. P. Ryl. 99. 3-4 τὰς δηλουμένας διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ οὐσιακοῦ λόγου πρότερον μεμισθῶσθαι ὑπὸ Ovadepiov Βερενικιανοῦ καὶ

. οὐσίας μὲν (πρότερον) Δορυφόρου ἀμέστου (ἀρούρας) ς. The document might then well be addressed to one or more government officials (6. g. ἐπιτηρηταί : the strategus is excluded by 1. 13), and be closely parallel to e.g. SB. 5670. But it then becomes very difficult to account for ἐν τα]ύτης puloOoo|e, which is a fairly certain restoration in 1. 4, and Claudia Isidora (1. 3, n.) seems to be the present, not the past, owner of the land, since there is no πρότερον (cf. Rostowzew, op. εἰ]. 120-2) before ὑπαρχόντων, apart from the evidence in ll. 19-20 that 1630 is a private contract; cf. int.

᾿Αστοπαρίσωνος (?): this seems to be all one unusual name. ε or 7 or σ᾿ can be substi- tuted for ao, v or v for π, and yo for oa, but (᾿ Δ)ετοῦ ᾿Αρίσ(τγωνος is not satisfactory, and Πτολλαρί fy} vos is inadmissible.

3. σιτικῶν ἐδαφῶ)ν: σιτικῶν (cf. e.g. 1578. 6) is a mere conjecture, but ἐδαφῶν is expected here in conjunction with ὑπαρχόντων ; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 1223. 5 ἀπὸ [τῶ]ν ὑπαρχουσῶν (stc) σοι ἐδαφῶν .. . (dpovpav) ..., P. Ryl. 166. 6—7 ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων Ταίῳ ᾿Ιουλίῳ ᾿Αλεξάνδρου (sic)... ἐδαφῶν. Owing to the occurrence of the genitive, not the dative, with ὑπαρχόντων that word ought strictly to be a substantive ; but ἀπ)ὸ τῶν is less satisfactory as a reading than ἐδαφῶ]ν τ[ῶν, and cf. e.g. the mixture of the genitive and dative in P. Ryl. 166 just quoted, and ras ὑπαρχο(ζύ)σα(ς) pou οἰκίας in P. Ryl. 160 (c). 1. 4.

τὴν "Oaow: the Small Oasis was joined to the Oxyrhynchite nome for administrative purposes at this period ; cf. 1489. int.

τῆς Κλαυδίας Ἰσιδώρας : the use of the article suggests that she had been already mentioned, probably in the title of the person to whom 1680 was addressed ; cf. int. 919. 7 (A.p. 182 or 214}; a consignment of honey for Κλ. Ἰσιδ.) and 1578 (4th year of an unnamed third-century emperor, perhaps Elagabalus), a series of demands for moneyaddressed


in Col. ii Αὐρ(ηλίῳ) Σαραπάμμωνι ἐπιτρύπῳ KXavdias) ᾿Ισιδώϊρας (there is no κλ(ηρυνόμων) : Col. iii has +... ἐπιτρόπῳ Κλ(αυδίας) {᾿1}} 2 ᾿Ισιδώρας τῆς ἀξιολογωτάτης), probably refer to the same individual, who may also well be identical with KA. Ἰσιδ, καὶ ᾿Απία in 1046. 8 (218-19), 1634 19 (222?), and 1659. 5 (218-21). [Κλ]αυδία “iowe[pa who made a dedication at Coptos in the reign of Domitian (SB. 4961) may have belonged to the same family. The occurrence of many women of high rank owning estates in Egypt in the Roman period is noticeable ; οἵ. Claudia Athenais (I. 4, n.), Norbana Clara (P. Brit. Mus. 1213-15; cf. Archiv v. 543), Flavia Epimache (P. Tebt. 402. 1). As Rostowzew suggests, this circumstance may well be connected with the prohibition of senators from entering Egypt.

4. Amention of the arourae at the beginning of this line combines well with the apparent reference to them in the next line. If [rijs καὶ "Arias (cf. the preceding n.) is restored, there would be room for no more than ἐν τα]ύτης μι[σθώσΊἾει, for which phrase cf. P. Strassb. 78. 5 ἀφ᾽ ὧν ἔχεις ἐν μισθώσει Κλαυδίας ᾿Αθηναΐδος ἀπὸ οὐσίας ἹΤροφητιανῆς.

5. δηλουμένων ἐδαφῶν]) : or possibly [σιτικῶν ἐδαφῶν] (cf. e.g. 1578. 6 κατασπορὰν σιτ. €6.), if σιτικῶν did not occur in |. 3; but that supplement would be rather short.

6. καὶ τὰς δαπάνας : the conjunction of σπέρματα and ἄλλη δαπάνη is common in Ptolemaic papyri, 6. g. 1628. τό.

8. aipécews: cf. 716. 22, B. G. U. 656. 9, 889. 15, 890. ii. 7, 904. 9; P. Ryl. 427.

10. Perhaps Ὥρῳ Acolyérjous|. “Ἑρμο]γέι᾽ ους] (cf. 1. 6) is not long enough, if ὀνόματι (or προσώπῳ Ὁ) is right. ὑπομνήματι, i.e. ‘application’, is less satisfactory. ὑπόβλητος in papyri elsewhere occurs only in the phrase μὴ θέσει μηδὲ ὑπόβλητον (e. g. 257. 43), and in Gnomon des [dios Logos 176, where ὑπόβλητοι refers to ‘dummy’ persons.

12. mpdxpealy: cf. 1. 15, 729. 13:

λογοθετηθείς : λογοθέται, i.e. assessors appointed to investigate disputed points in an action at law, and λογοθεσία are well-known terms ; cf. Mitteis, Lehre v. d. Libellen 122 and P. Αγ]. 116. το, n.; but there is no clear instance in papyri of λογοθετεῖν (in B. G. U. 9609. ii. 23 Aoyo|Gerou[ the substantive may be meant and the context is obscure), and the restoration ἱκαί τινων in 1. 13 is uncertain. But that the ἄνδρες ἀξιόλογοι in question were λογοθέται appointed by the strategus is clear from the parallels in P. Cattaoui verso and P. Brit. Mus. 196. ἡμῶν, if not a plural mazes/af’s, may refer to the writer’s supporters (e.g. his surety ; ch ls τὸ, m.):

14. οὖσαν κτὰλ., which refers to πρόχρεια]ν in |. r2, is placed at the end of the sentence to indicate that it was the sum assigned to Heron by the Aoyodecia.

15. μή 1s almost certain (pe, pov, and pot are inadmissible), but dyvop[o]v[qjolav res (cf. |, 14) seems inappropriate, besides being somewhat unsatisfactory as a reading.

16. could be read in place of a after (rad.), but is less likely, especially since τῶν cannot be read in place of τοῦ in the interlinear insertion.

17. Possibly ἐπὶ σἱ πόρῳ, the nature of the crops being commonly specified in leases ; but the vestige of a stroke after ἐπί suggests a straight letter, such as y, ν, or π᾿ rather than one curved at the bottom. φόροις (cf. 1. 16) is unsuitable as a reading and is not wanted immediately after ἀποτάκτων, which primarily refers to φόροι.

18. tp[o|upev[wv: the traces suit tm very well, but all the rest is very doubtful. ‘This word is, however, expected after the cancelling of χωρίς in 1. τό.

19. The plural ἐπερωτηθέντες includes the surety.

20. (ἔτους) «: the supposed ε is written rather large ; but it is not possible to read xy and refer the reign to Caracalla. If ε is right, Elagabalus rather than Severus Alexander or Gordian is probably the emperor in question ; cf. |. 3, n.



23-8 X 19-9 cm. A.D. 280.

This interesting contract is in the form of an application to Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion, who is known from other papyri (1. 1, n.), from three persons, who offer to continue for a year the lease of (1) the ἀμπελουργικὰ ἔργα of a vineyard and adjacent reed-plantation in return for a payment in money, corn, and wine (11. 5-20), (2) the produce of the older part of the vineyard, which contained palms and other fruit-trees, and for which a rent in fruit is paid (Il. 20-5), undertaking (3) to supply the labour required for a fruit-garden near the vineyard without any extra payment (ll. 25-8). The concluding provisions (ll. 28-34) are those of an ordinary lease of vine- or garden-land.

Arrangements for the performance of ἀμπελουργικὰ ἔργα are usual in leases of vineyards (729, P. Amh. ΟἹ, Flor. 84, 369, Brit. Mus. 163, C. P. R. 244, Giessen 56, Hamb. 23, Cairo Masp. 67104, SB. 4481-2, 4486, 4774) ; but for the leasing of the ἔργα as such the only other instance is 1692, which closely resembles 16381, but was written a century earlier and is incomplete. B. G. U. 1122 (B.C. 13), which is now in the light of the two Oxyrhynchus papyri more intelligible (cf. 1. 7, n.), is an ἔκληψις of vine-land somewhat resembling a μίσθωσις ἔργων, but is concerned with planting of new vines, while in 1631 and 1692 the vines were already yielding wine. 58, 4490 (7th cent.), in which an individual leases himself to perform [τὰ κ]ελευόμε(να) . . . ἔργα (So probably for ε.. .) ἔν τε τῇ πόλει Kal κατ᾽ ἀγρούς, is also somewhat similar, but the form of other contracts for labour, P. Flor. 80 and τοῖ (θερισμός of corn), Fay. 91 (oil-manufacture), is different. With the section concerning the lease of palms and fruit-trees cf. 1632, B.G. U. 591, 603-4, 862, 1118-20, C.P.R. 45, Flor. 16, Hamb. 5, Ryl. 172, P.S. I. 33, Cairo Masp. 67100, 67170, SB. 4483, 4485.

The long lists of operations in 1631. g-18 and 1692. 10-25, arranged mainly in chronological order from Hathur 1 (Oct. 28) onwards throughout the year, are much more elaborate than any which have been previously found in papyri, and include several new technical terms and usages. The custom of allowing vines to grow on the ground, which Pliny, Wat. /ist. xvii. 185, attributes to Egypt amongst other countries, is not exemplified, reeds being employed as supports, on which subject the two papyri usefully supplement the information given by 729 and B.G. U. 1122. The list in 1631 begins with the gathering of the reeds, arrangements for their disposition, pruning the vines, cleaning up the vineyard, propagation of new vines, digging of various kinds, and employment


of the reeds (ll. 9-12), all these being winter operations. The spring and summer operations of other kinds of digging, removal of shoots and leaves, trenching the reed-plantation, irrigation, weeding, banking up, preparation of jars, follow in ll. 12-16. For the gathering of the vintage, and pressing of the grapes the landlord seems to have been responsible, the remainder of the list (Il. 16—18) being concerned with autumnal operations connected with wine-making. The list in 1692 is largely identical, but offers some variations in order and occasionally supplements the statements of 1631, from which 1692 diverges in |. 20, where it becomes mutilated. Details are reserved for the commentary, in which Prof. Rostowzew has rendered valuable assistance.

Αὐϊρηλίῳ Σερήνῳ τῷ καὶ Sapariors Ayalbeivov μητρὸς Ταποσειριάδο 9] ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμ-

ἱπροτάτης ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν)] πόλεωϊς ]

παρὰ Αὐρηλίων Κτιστ)]οῦ “Ρ]ο]ύφου [puntplos Διονυσίας καὶ τοῦ υἱοῦ Πτολεμαίου μητρὸς Τ᾽ αύριος ἀμφοτέρων

ἀπὸ ἱτῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λ]αμπροτάϊτης] ᾿Ο ξυρυϊ γ]χ[ιτ]ῶν πόλεως καὶ Πελωΐου ἩΡρακλήου μηί(τρὸς) Τ᾽απονθεῦτος

5 ἀπὸ κἰώμης Τανάεως ἢ) ἐἑκουϊσί]ωϊς ἐπι]δεχόμεθα μισθώσασθαι ἐφ᾽ ἑνιαυτὸν



ἕνα ἔτι ἀπὸ a Ἁθὺρ τοῦ

ἐνεσϊτῶτος ἕκτου ἔτους] τὰ ἀμπελουργ[κὰ ἔργα πάντα τοῦ] ὑπάρχοντός σοι περὶ κώμην Tavdey

ἀμπεϊλικοῦ κτήματος Kall τῆς πρἰο]σ᾿οὐσ]ης [καλ]αμείας ὅσ[ο]ν ἕκαστ] ὁ]ν ἐστιν ἀρουρηδοῦ, ἡμεῖς μὲν οἱ πε-

pi τὸν Αὐρήλιον Κτιστὸν] κατὰ τὸ ἥμ[ζισυ,) ἐγὼ δὲ Πελώϊος κατὰ τὸ λοιπὸν ἥμισυ, ἅπερ ἔργα ἐστὶν

τῆς ἀϊμπέλου τ]ιλμὸς καλάμου, συλλογὴ] καὶ μεταφ,ο]ρὰ τούτου, ξυλοτομία δικαία, ἀνκαλισμὸς καὶ δέσις,

10 ἀϊπὶοκϊοπὴ Kali? mplooglopa| φύλλων καὶ ἐμβολὴ ἐκτὸς] πλαστῶν, ἀπωρυ-

γισμὸς ὅσων δεῖ ἀπωρύγων, σκαφη-

TOs, γίύ]ρίω)σις καὶ π]αραϊγρ]αφή, τῆς δὲ καλ᾽α]μουργίας οὔσης πρὸς σὲ τὸν γεοῦχον, τῆς δὲ ταύτης ὑπουργίας

οὔσης πρίὸ]ς ἡμᾶς, τῶν δὲ λοιπῶν ἔργωϊν] μετὰ τὰ προκείμενα ὄντων πρὸς ἡμᾶς, ἅπερ ἐστὶν σκαλ-

μός, βλαστολογία, ᾿π]αραμυθιακὴ ἐργασίᾳ, διάστασις, ἀνάλημψις, φυλλο.

΄ (hd) / ~ \ λογίαι αἱ ἐνχρῃζουσαι, τῶν δὲ



, 7 ΄ « ᾽’ ᾿ \ Ν 4 καλαμίων διτομία καλαμίου ἑκατέρου, ἐπάρδευσις Kai βοτανισμὸς διηνεκής, ἔτι δὲ καὶ στῆναι ἡμᾶς Ν »Γ Ua Va κε ΄ Ν᾿ ~ » γι map|& σοὶ ἐΐν τῷ] κτήματι καὶ ἐν TH καλαμείᾳ πρὸ τῶν ὄνων χωφορούντων πρὸς τὸ ὅπου δεῖ τὸν χοῦν βάλλε- A ᾽ὕὔ A ~ , Ν a Γ vA ΄ σθαι, καὶ πο[ιἸησόμεθα τὴν τῶν χωρούντων εἰς τὸν οἶνον κούφων κομπασίαν, ~ , Ni καὶ ταῦτα λαβόντα τὸν > , τ ΄ ΓΖ. , κ ΄ κ᾿ οἶνον ᾿σ]υνθήσομεν ἐν τῷ ἡλιαστηρίῳ καὶ ἐπαλείψομεν καὶ κεινήσομεν καὶ μεταδιαιράσομεν καὶ πα- ΄ . ε ΄ any, ~~ A ΄ ραφυλάξομεν ἐς ὅσον ἐν ἡλιαστηρίῳ ἀπόκ[ε)ιται, μισθοῦ τῶν προκειμένων ἔργων πάντων ἀργυρίου δρα- χμῶν τετρακισχειλίων πεντακοσίων καὶ πυροῦ ἀρταβῶν δέκα καὶ οἴνου παρὰ ληνὸν κεραμίων τεσσάρίω]ν, οὕσπερ μισθοὺς ἀπολημψόμεθα κατὰ μέρος κατὰ προκοπὴν τῶν ἔργων. καὶ ὡσαύτως ἐπ’- 7 « ~ » a διεἰχόμεθα μισθώσασθαι ἐφ᾽ ἑνιαυτὸν [ἕνα καρποὺς] τῶν ὄντων ἐν TH παλ[α)ᾳ ἀἸμίπέϊλῳ φοινείκων καὶ ἀκρο- ΄ , CEN - , re arid » ΄, Rs δρύων πάντων, ὑπὲρ ὧν τελέσομεν ἐκϊφόρια] ἔκτακτα φοίνικος χλωροῦ ) i ~ a\lpraBnyv μίαν ἥμισυ, πατητοῦ 3 ¢ ~ ~ a ἀρτάβην μίαν ἥμισυ, Kaplvlorod ἀρτάβην μίαν ἥμισυ, edal@ly μελαινῶν ἀρτάβης ἥμισυ, περσικῶν - ͵΄ ΄ ) ΄Ό ~ , , exAe| KT lov πεντακοσίων, κιτρίων δεκάϊπεϊντε, σύκων θερινῶν μέχρι ἀναβάσεως τετρακοσίων, ~ rc rc » χειμερινῶν πεϊν)]τακ[οσίων, [σικύ ?|\d.a λευκοπείίοννα μεγάλα τέϊσσ]αρα. ἔτι δὲ Γ Ν Ἂς Ν 4 ε kja\t TO προσὸν πωμάρι- ον ἐξ νότ Ἴ] fov ὁμοίως ἐπὶ ἰΠς ἐϊπά ᾿ιἸσθοῖς ἀρώϊσο])μεν νότου τοῦ ᾿χ]ωρίου ᾿ὁμοίως ἐπὶ) τοῖϊς ἐπάνω μι ι]σθοῖς ἀρώϊσοἸμει [καὶ] ποιήσομεϊν] τὴν ἐπάρδεϊυσιν,) βοτα- νολογία]ν καὶ τὰ ἄλλα τὰ κατὰ] καϊρὸν Eplyla πάντα, τῆς τούτου] καλαμουργίας μόνης καὶ τῆς στρώσεως ΄ σι Υ͂ X \ ΓΝ a 7 x A τοῦ χοῦ ὄντων πρὸς σὲ τῇὸϊν [γεοῦϊχον, ἀκινδύνων παντὸς κινδύνου. ᾽ὔ « ~ ~ ,’ βεβαιουμένης δὲ ἡμῖν τῆς ἐπιδο- χῆς ποιήσομεν τὰ τῆς ἀμπέλου καὶ πωμαρίου καὶ καλαμείας κατὰ καιρὸν vy ἔργα πάντα εὐκαίρως Kai εὐ- αρέστως, τῶν σῶν ἐπακολουθούντων ἅπασι, καὶ ἀποδώσομεν τὰ ἔκτακτα

τῷ δέοντι καιρῷ c L


ἀνυπερθέτως, Kal μετὰ τὸν χρόνον παραδώσομεν τὰ μισθούμενα σύμφυτα, ἐπιμεμελημέ- να τοῖς ἔργοις καὶ ἀπὸ θρύων καὶ βοτάνης καὶ ἀγρώστεως πάσης, γεινο- μένης σοὶ τῆς πράξεως παρὰ {[AA]] ἡμῶν ἀλληλ[εγ)γύων ἰὄ)ντίων) εἰς ἔκτεισιν, ὡς καθήκει. κυρία ἐπιδοχή, καὶ ἐπερωτη- θέντες ὡμολογήσαμεν. ἰ(ἔτους) ἕκ του ᾿ΔἸυτ]οκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου IIpéBov Περσικοῦ εγίστ[ ο]υ 35 Τοθθικοῦ Μεγίσϊτοιν Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Χοίακ κε. (2nd hand) Αὐρήλ(ιοι) Κτιστὸς καὶ υἱὸς Πτολεμαῖος] καὶ Πελώϊος ἐπεδεξάμεθα εἰς μίσθωσιν τὰ ἀμπελουϊργικὰ Elpy|a| πάϊν)τα ἐπὶ τοῖς ἐπάνω μισθοῖς, καὶ ἀποδώ- σομεν τὰ [ἔκτακ]τα ὡς πΙρ]όκειται, [κ]αὶ ἐπερωτηθέν τες] ὡ- μολογήϊσαμεν. ΤιβἸ)έριος Κλαύδιος ‘Qpiov ἔγρα(ψα) ὑπὲρ [αἸὐτῶν 4o μὴ ἰδότίων γράμματα. Verso

(1st? hand) [ἐπ] δ᾽ οχἹὴ [A(dpyAlov) Κτισ]τοῦ ἀλλαγεῖσα. //

3. viov... αμφοτερῶ. 4. meAwiov: so in Il. 8 and 36. d of ηρακληου corr. 5. ep ἐνιαυτὸν eva QVver an expunction. 16. 8 of AaBovra corr. 17. |. μεταδιεράσομεν. 24. τετρακοσιῶ. 26. 1]. ἐκ νότου. 33. Second κ of καθηκει corr. from θ. 35. vios. 36. 6 of εἐπεδεξαμεθα corr. from τ. 40. idor| or.

‘To Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion, son of Agathinus and Taposirias, of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, from the Aurelii Ctistus son of Rufus and Dionysia, and his son Ptolemaeus, whose mother is Tauris, both of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, and Peloius son of Heracleus and Tapontheus, of the village of Tanais(?). We voluntarily undertake to lease for one year more from Hathur 1 of the present 6th (?) year all the vine-tending operations in the vineyard owned by you in the area of the village of Tanais and the adjoining reed-plantation, whatever be the extent of each, a half share being assigned to us, the party of Aur. Ctistus, and the remaining half to me, Peloius, which operations are, concerning the vineyard, plucking of reeds, collection and transport of them, proper cutting of wood, making into bundles and binding, pruning (?), transport of leaves and throwing them outside the mud-walls, planting as many vine-stems as are necessary, digging, hoeing round the vines and surrounding them with trenches, you, the landlord, being responsible for the arrangement of the reeds and we for rendering you assistance in this, we being responsible for the remaining operations after those mentioned above, consisting of breaking up the ground, picking off shoots, keeping the vines well tended, disposition of them, removal(?) of shoots, needful thinnings of foliage; and concerning the reed-plantations, digging up both reed-plantations, watering, and continual weeding; and further we agree to superintend together with you in the vineyard and the


reed-plantation the asses which bring earth, in order that the earth may be thrown in the proper places, and we will perform the testing of the jars employed for the wine, and will put these, when they have been filled with wine, in the open-air shed, and oil them, move them, and strain the wine from one jar into another, and watch over them as long as they are stored in the open-air shed, the pay for all the aforesaid operations being 4,500 drachmae of silver, τὸ artabae of wheat, and 4 jars of wine at the vat, which payments we are to receive in instalments according to the progress of the operations. And we likewise undertake to lease for 1 year the produce of the date-palms and all the fruit-trees which are in the old vineyard, for which we will pay as a special rent 14 artabae of fresh dates, 14 art. of pressed dates, 14 art. of walnut-dates, 4 art. of black olives, 500 selected peaches, 15 citrons, 400 summer figs before the inundation, 500 winter figs, 4 large white fat melons. More- over we will in consideration of the aforesaid wages likewise (?) plough the adjoining fruit-garden on the south of the vineyard, and will do the irrigation, weeding, and all the other operations required from season to season, only the arrangement of reeds in it and the strewing of earth being done by you, the landlord, the rent being secured against all risks. If our undertaking is guaranteed to us, we will perform all the operations from season to season concerning the vineyard, fruit-garden, and reed-plantation at the proper times and to your satisfaction, with the concurrence of your agents in everything, and we will pay the special rent at the proper season without delay, and at the end of the period deliver the land leased to us under cultivation, well cared for by our operations, and free from rushes, weeds and all coarse grass, you having the right of execution upon us, who are mutual securities for the payment of the rent, as is fitting. ‘This undertaking is valid, and in answer to the formal question we gave our consent. The 6th (Ὁ) year of the Emperor Caesar Marcus Aurelius Probus Persicus Maximus Gothicus Maximus Pius Felix Augustus, Choiak 25.’ Signature of the lessees written by Tiberius Claudius Horion, and title.

I. Αὐρηλίῳ Σερήνῳ τῷ καὶ] Σαραπίωιζι : other mentions of him in contracts from 249 to 279 are 1209. 8, 1276. 3, 1558. 8, 1633. 2, 1636. 1, 1646. 8, 1689. 1, 1699. 3, 1713. 1.

3. Knorjod: the nominative, as appears from 1. 35, is Κτιστός, not the known form Κτίστης.

5. k| opns Tavdews?|: cf. 1. 6. This village was in the Μέση romapyia; cf. 1659. 64.

6. ἀμπελουργικά: 1692. 5 adds χερικά; cf. P. Hamb. 23. 22 ἀμπελουργικήν τε καὶ χερικὴν ἐργασίαν.

ἢ: ἀμπεϊλικοῦ κτήματος: Cf. 1. 15 and 1692. 8. In B.G.U. 1122. 7 and 38 ἀμπελικ(οῖς) κτήμασι 18 NOW practically certain in spite of Schubart’s doubts, and in ll. 4--5 ἐξ] εἰληζφασιν) is preferable to the simple verb in view of ἔγλημψις in Il. 21 and 31; cf. int.

τῆς mplo|a[ove|ys [καλ]αμείας : for the cultivation of reeds in connexion with a vineyard cf. Geop. v. 53, where a chapter περὶ φυτείας καλάμων concludes a book devoted to vine- growing ; Colum. iv. 30. 2 arundinel’ singula iugera vigents tugandis (sc. sufficere possunt) ; Pliny, Wad. hist. xvii. 141 sqq.; 729. 3-5, 22-7, a lease of a καλαμεία coupled with a κτῆμα; 1692. 8-9 ἀμπελικοῦ κτήματος καὶ καλαμείας ; P. Brit. Mus, 163. 22 (lease of a vineyard) τὴν οὖσαν καλαμίαν ἀναχώσομεν ; B.G.U. 865. 15 κτήματος καλαμοτόμου; P. Giessen 56. 6-12 χωρίον ἀμπελικὸν... σὺν... Kadapia... mpos... καλαμοστασίαν Kai καλαμουργίαν ; C.P.R. 19. 4 ἀμπελικὸν χωρίον ὑποτελοῦς (so better than ὑπὸ τέλους, as in ]. 6) (ἀρουρῶν) ηΖις΄ λβ΄, καλαμίας (ἀρ.) yn’, πωμαρίου (οἴ. 1681. 25) (ἀρ.) Ζη ; Ρ. Flor. 50. 4, καλαμεία near an ἀμπελών ; Ρ. 5.1. 286. 14-15 ἀμπέλου (ἄρουραι) ια, πωμαρίου (ἄρ.) Bd, καλαμείας (ἄρ.) Bs’; 1687. 28-9 ἀμπελικὰ [κἸγήμ(ατα) β καὶ καλ(αμείας). On the employment of reeds as supports of the vines, i.e. kadapoupyia, see l], 11-12,n.

ἀρουρηδοῦ: cf. 729. 31, where 1. ὅσου ἐστὶν ἀϊρουρηδοῦ, as here.

9. τῆς ἀϊμπέλου : 1692. 10 omits these words, which refer in general to the succeeding

ἴο: Ὁ)


operations, though the three which immediately follow concern the καλαμεία, not the vines ; cf. the next nn. and Il. 13-14 τῶν δὲ καλαμίων.

τ]ιλμὸς καλάμου: so in 1692. το; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131. 391, 397 (operations concerning a vineyard in Tubi) ὁλοτίλλο(ντες) κάλαμο(ν) ... maid(es) ὃ, 406 epy(drov) κόπτοντο(ς) Kadapo(r) ; Tebt. 585 ὑπὲρ κοπῆς καλάμου μυρίωΪν ----; 1141. 4 κοπ(ῆς) καλαμειφυῆς ; Β. G. U. 840. 3 τίλσις χόρτου. The operations concerning the planting and care of the καλαμεία come later in ll. 13-14 owing to the chronological arrangement of 1631. 9-18; cf. int.

συλλοΪγὴ] καὶ μεταφ]ο]ρὰ τούτου : 1692. ΓΙ OMits συλλογὴ καὶ and adds εἰς τὸν συνήθη τόπον, for which cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131. 376-7 μισθ(οῦ) ἐργ(ατῶν) β ἀράντω(ν) κάλαμο(ν) Tapeo(s) (ste ; not τώλμεω(ς}) εἰς τὸ Εὐρυαί )(?) ἡλιαστήριο(ν) (cf. 1. 17, n.) ὡς τῶν δεσμ(ῶν) μ (πεντωβόλου). κάλαμος was of course used for other purposes than those connected with the cultivation of vines, e. g. for making pens, and in the weaving industry (P. Tebt. 413. 11, 414. 14), and in connexion with a fruit-garden (1. 27).

ξυλοτομία δικαία : in 1692. 5-6 ξυλοτομία is made an exception to the other ἔργα and retained by the landlord; 729. 29 agrees more or less with 1631 in regard to the ξυλοτομία of the vineyard, which was to be performed by the lessees under the landlord’s supervision, while the ξυλολογία of a rose-garden contained in the κτῆμα was apparently retained by the landlord, as in 1692. Though ξυλοτομία is mentioned here between operations con- cerning the καλαμεία, it refers in our opinion to the vines and means ‘pruning the branches’; cf. 1673. 29 τῶν ἀμπελουργῶν τὰς μισθώσις πέμψον [ἵνα τῆς ξυλοτομίας ἄρξωνται; P. Brit. Mus. 131. 375-424 ἀμπελοτέμνοντες, 163. 20 τὴν ἀμπελου τομὴν μέσην καὶ δικαΐαν par? alkplo|ropov ; Hamb. 27. 26 κλαδοτομῆσαι δικαίαις κλαδοτομίαις. This operation, called in Latin putato (cf. e. g. Colum. iv. 10), was very important (cf. Geof. iii. 6. 3 κλάδους ἀποτεμεῖν, 13. 7, 14.1, and v. 23, a chapter περὶ κλαδείας ; Theophr. Caus. plant. iii. 14 κλάσις), and there is no other suitable place for a mention of it in either 1681 (cf. 1. 10, n.) or 1692. There seems to be a reference to carrying away the branches after the pruning in Ρ, Brit. Mus. 131. 394, where 1. ἐκφέρο(ντες) ἀμπεληνιξυλ(α 2) (szc) ἀπὸ τῶν ἀνδή(ρων) παῖδ(ες) ὃ. The corrupt substantive compounded of ἄμπελος and ξύλον is not to be divided into two words, for in ll. 425 and 420, where the phrase recurs, it is abbreviated ἀμπί ) or aumed( ). The alternative to the identification of ξυλοτομία with the κλαδοτομία of the vines is to refer it to cutting of wood from other trees for use like the κάλαμος as supports for the vines; cf. Varro i. 8. 2 24 Ὁ7 127) genera fere quatuor, pertica, harundo, restes, vites; Plin. Nat. hist. xvii. 141 restat earum ratio quae proplter alias seruntur ac vineas maxime, caeduo ligno, the most important being the willow, harundo, chestnut, and oak. Willows might well grow in a καλαμεία, and some wood could have been obtained from the palms and fruit-trees in the παλαιὰ ἄμπελος (1. 21); cf. P. Flor. 369. 17, where the lessee of a vineyard containing fruit-trees undertakes to pay annually ξύλων καθάρσεων γόμον ἕνα. The cutting of trees in a vineyard was also done some- times partly in order to expose the grapes to the sun; cf. SB. 5807. 8-11 γράψον μοι πότε δεῖ αὐτὰ (Sc. τὰ iréiva) κοπῆναι, ἵνα ai ἄμπελοι μὴ σκιάζωνται. But we much prefer the first explanation, especially since the delicate nature of the operation of pruning vines accounts very well for the exception of ξυλοτομία from the other ἔργα in 1692.

ἀνκαλισμὸς καὶ δέσις : ἀγκαλισμός is a new word. 1692 omits these terms, which evidently refer to the κάλαμος ; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131. 437 (Tubi) δεσμεύων ἀγκάλας ἐν τῶ(ι) χωρίω(ι) ; Ρ. 5.1. 317. 7-10 ἐὰν μέλλῃς καλαμουργεῖν, γράϊψο]ν poe προλήμψῃ δὲ ἵνα ἐπὶ καιροῦ γένηται. πέμ[ ers | δέ μοι καὶ τὰς ἀγκαλίδας. ἀγκάλη χόρτου is found in P.S.I. 286. 4, and cf. 935. I9,n.

10, ἀϊπ]οκ[οπὴ Kai? πρ]οσφ[ορὰ] φύλλων : ajo is very probable, but there may be a letter lost between it and the supposed «, for which «, », or Ψ, but hardly ¢, can be substituted. From its position the first word might refer either to the καλαμεία, like the two preceding


terms, or to the vines, like those following; but the latter hypothesis is much more probable, for 1692. 11-12 has at this point cdpo { {σις φύλλων, συντομὴ καὶ μεταφορὰ τούτων.

so that the word beginning alz|o would be expected to correspond to σάρωσις or αὐ τ μη! σάρωσις refers to the sweeping up of dead leaves (cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131. 400 σαροννύο(ντες) φύλλα παῖδ(ες) ε, Colum. iv. 27 vmela .. . emundare), συντομή apparently to cutting off leaves that remained after the pruning (ξυλοτομία : 1. 9, n.), and ἀϊπ]οκίοπή as a variant for συντομή seems fairly suitable. To identify συντομή and az|o|x| om (or e.g. ἀπίό 5 |x k|Aaats) with the pruning is unsatisfactory, seeing that φύλλα, not κλάδοι, are concerned in 1692 and probably here too. πρ]οσφίορά! appears to be merely a variant for the more appropriate μεταφορά found in 1692.

ἐμβολὴ ἐκτὸΪς] πλαστῶν: ἐκβολὴ could be read. Cf. 1692. 12-13 μεταφορὰ τούτων ἐκτὸς πλαστῆς εἰς ἐπιτηδείους τύπους. πλασταί Were apparently brick walls of the vineyard; cf. 729. 30 τὴν ἐντὸς πλαστῶν χερσάμπεϊλον; P. Flor. 369. 20 καὶ tali)s πλαστα(ί)ὴς συνεστώσαις ; SB. 4482. 4, 4774. 2 ἀμπέλου περιπεπλαστευμένης καὶ περιτετειχισμένης, the τείχη being presumably of stone. In P. Brit. Mus. 131. 88 πλασταί and κάλαμος are used for strengthening an em- bankment. The form πλάτη also occurs, e. g. in 1674. 8-10 θὲς τὴν ὀπτὴν πλίνθον παρὰ τὴν πλάτην, Kai ἔρχεται 6 οἰκοδόμος καὶ οἰκοδομεῖ τὴν νοτινὴν πλάτην ; Cf. 1674. 9,

ἀπωρυγισμὸς ὅσων δεῖ ἀπωρύγων: cf. 1692. 132 ἀπωρυγισμὸς τῶν δεομένων τόπων, this operation being placed after παραγραφή which comes here in |. τι (cf. n.). The Latin equivalent of ἀπῶρυξ is mergus, and this method of propagating vines by bending down the stem into the earth so that it takes root again is described in Geof. v. 18. 1 τὴν καλουμένην ἀπώρυγα κληματίδα φυτεύσομεν οὕτως xrd., Colum. iv. 15, and Pallad. iii. 16 (February). Cf. P. Flor. 369. 5 καὶ ἀπορυγιῶι κατ᾽ ér[os| ἀπόρυγας εἴκοσι, Brit. Mus. 163. 24-5, where ἀπωρυγιοῦἾμεν κατ᾽ ἔτος ἀπώρυγας εἴκοσι is possible, LAX Ezek. xvii. 6 ἐγένετο εἰς ἄμπελον καὶ ἐποίησεν ἀπώρυγας.

IO-I I. σκαφητύς, γί ὑ]ρ[Ἶ σις κ[αὶ π)αραϊγρ]αφή: cf. 1692. 13-14 ἰσ᾽καφητός, παραγραφή, while ἀπωρυγισμός (cf. the preceding n.) follows. On the necessity for repeated digging‘ in a vineyard see Geop. 111. 3. 6 (March), 4. 5 (δεύτερος σκάφος in April), ae (May), 6. (June), Io. I (July), ΠΡ 1 (August), 10245 (October), V. 21. 3 τοῖς ἐξ μησὶ κατὰ μῆνα σκαπτέον, 25. 1 σκάπτειν δὲ χρὴ πρὸ βλαστοῦ προβολῆς: Theophr. Caus. plant. iii. 16 ; Varro i. 20: Τ᾿ 31. 1, 32. 2; Colum. iv. 27, De arbor. 5 tugerum vineae quingue operts ablaqueatur, guingue foditur, tribus occatur; Pallad. ii, 1 (ab/aqueatio; January), iv. 7 (venearum_fossto; March), Vv. 2 ieee Sfossio: April), vi. 4 (eccatio; May), vii. 3 (occato; June), vill. 1 (effodz ; July), ix. 1 (occatio; August); Plin. Nat. hist. xvii. 22 ter anno confodi, 188-9; Virg. Geor. ii. 354, 399 fergue quaterque solum scindendum; P. Brit. Mus. 163. 34 σκαφητοῖς δυσί; Giessen 59. 1 περίσκαψιν πέμπτον (i. 6. πεντάκις) κατ᾽ ἔτος ; SB. 4114: 6 σκάψαι τὴν γῆν αὐτῆς δεύτερον τοῦ ἐνιαυτοῦ. σκαλμός (which = = σκαλισμός in 1692. 18) is distinguished in ]. 12 from σκαφητός, coming in both papyri next before βλαστολογία. σκαφητός refers particularly to the preliminary digging, and γύρωσις, which is omitted in 1692, corresponds to ablaqueato, the digging of a circle round the vines, i.e. ‘earthing up’; cf. Geop. iii. 13. 3 (October) γυροῦν τὰς ἀμπέλους, IV. 3. 1 ἐπειδὰν τὰς μεγάλας ἀμπέλους ἅπαξ καὶ δεύτερον γυροῦν, τουτέστι περισκάπτειν, ἀρξώμεθα, ν. 21. 4, 26. τ--2. Withregard tothe reading γ[ύ]ρίω]σις, p and o are nearly certain ; o|d|p[@|ors could be read, but that operation, which is mentioned in 1692. ΤΙ, would be out of place at this point, the cleaning up of the vineyard having been already accounted for; cf. 1. 10,n. σκαλμός or σκαλισμός, being a later operation than σκαφητός, seems to correspond to occatio, the breaking up of clods, σκαλισμός is a new form, and σκαλμός elsewhere means the pin of an oar, but σκάλσις is contrasted with σκαπάνη by Theophr. est, plant. ii. 7. 5. σκάλλειν is explained by Hesychius and Suidas as σκάπτειν, but Arist. AZraé. 91 couples the two words, which must have had a slightly different connotation, perhaps referring to the tools used. The meaning of παῤαγραφή, which


evidently has a new technical sense, is more obscure; but it too seems to refer to some kind of trenching, probably in connexion with the γύρωσις, so that -ypapn apparently reverts to the primitive sense of γράφειν, scraping’ or ‘digging’. Rostowzew compares Plin. Was. hist. xvii. 185 ts gquoque quae sparguntur in terra breves ad limitandum caveas ctrcumdant, scrobibus per ambitum factis, ne vagt palmites inter se pugnent occursantes. ‘That method of allowing vines to grow on the ground is, however, different from the system employed in 1631 ; cf. int.

ΤΙ1--12. τῆς δὲ καλ[αἰμουργίας .. . ἡμᾶς : cf. 1692. 15-16 συντομὴ τοῦ εἰς καλαμουργίαν καινοῦ καλάμου, καλαμουργία, τοῦ γεούχου παρεχομένου κάλαμον καὶ φλοῦ [υἐν τὸν αὐτάρκη ; B.G.U. 1122. 19--20 τοῦ Γαίου (the landlord) παρέχοντος αὐτοῖς ‘rd φυτὸν ἐπὶ τοῦ βοθύνου καὶ ΄ χάρακας καὶ φλοῦν καὶ τὸν κάλαμον τὰ αὐταρκ(οῦντα) ; C. P. R. 244. 11-12 —]ov καλαμουργίαν ἐκ καινῆς τε n καὶ ἐξ|--- (01. τε καὶ νέαϊς περιστάσεως ἐμοῦ χορηγοῦντος, as in P, Flor. 369) τ]ὸν αὐτάρκη κάλαμον καὶ σχοινία ; P. Flor. 369. 2-5, where 1. ΤΠ ΠΣ klar’ élros ἐκ καινῆς καὶ νέας περιστάσεως (Ἢ material εἴκοσι (SC. ἀμπέλους ; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 163. 25) καὶ τῶν λοιπῶϊν Ἰτὸν ὑποστυλισμόζν), [ἐμ]οῦ Tis” ΑἸφροδισίας ΡΣ κάλαμον καὶ [ σἸχοινία ; Hamb. 23. 27 ὑφορθΐ ste 7am infinitive meaning support’) [ror ?]s ὑμετέροις μέντο[ι] καλάμοις ; Giessen 56. 12 quoted in ΠΣ anes) obit: Mus. 163. 23-4 kat τὸ]ν ἀμπ]ε Ἰλῶνα τῆι καϊλ]αμουργίᾳ OOS ma] (cf. P. Giessen δύ. 13, ἢ.) dpovpas . . . [ἀϊποκαλαμουργο[ υμ]ένων ἐκ τοῦ τ[ εἰ]χο(υς) ; Tebt. 120. 141 καὶ καλαμουργή(σει).. |... .] -- ἕκαστος ; P.S. I. 317. 8 (cf. 1. 9, n.), 393. 6. The καλαμουργία refers to the employment of reeds in the vineyard (and, as appears from 1. 27, in a fruit- garden also), as distinct from the cultivation of them in the καλαμεία, for which see 1]. 7, n. For ancient references to this practice see Varro i. 8. 2 quoted in]. 9, ἢ. ; Colum. iv. 1 calamoque applicetur, 16-17, 30; Pallad. iii. 11. 1, iv. 1. 3; Plin. Was. hist. xvii. 15, 166, 174; Virg. Geor. ii. 358. According to Plin. ΩΣ hist. xvii. 146 \harundo) vineis anno siccata utthor quam viridis, but several of the papyri lay stress on the ‘new’ κάλαμος, i.e. that obtained from the gathering of the reeds as described in 1681. 9 and 1692. το.

12. oxaApés: cf. ll. to—-11, n.

13. βλαστολογία: cf. 1692. το, where it occupies the same position ; P. Brit. Mus. 131. 102 (Phaophi), where 1. καθαρίζ(ων) ὁμοίως] ἐν τῷ νεοφύτ(ῳ) τοῦ x@( piov) Ta περισσ(ὰ) βλαστή- pata, 507 (Pharmouthi) Bractodoyor(vtes) ἐν τῷ χωρίῳ, 131” Pea (Pharmouthi). On this

important operation (in Latin pampinatio) see Geop. iii. 6. 1 (June), 11. 4 (August), and v. 28, a chapter περὶ pees 29; Theophr. Caus. plant. iii. 14, 16; Varro i. 31. 2; Colum. iv. 24-8, xi. 2. 28; Pallad. vi. 2 (May); Virg. Geor. ii. 400.

ἱπ π]αραμυθιακὴ ἐργασία : ἘΠΕ probably refers to digging ; ch Geop. ili. 5. 4 (May) σκάπτειν χρὴ τὰς ἀμπέλους καὶ μάλιστα ἀνομβρίας γενομένης" παραμυθεῖται γὰρ σκάφος τὴν διψῶσαν ἄμπελον, διαπνεῖσθαι γὰρ αὐτὴν ποιεῖ καὶ γῆ ἐπανισταμένη ἀναψύχει τὴν διψῶσαν ἄμπελον. 1692 omits this operation.

διάστασις, ἀνάλημψις : in 1692. 19-20 more precisely διάστασις φύλλων [καὶ] ἀνάλημψις βλαστῶν. διάστασις probably refers to the disposition of the leaves so that the grapes should get the right amount of sun; ἀνάληψις probably implies lopping off superfluous shoots, especially those at the top. Theophr. Caus. plant. ii. τό. 3 καιρὸν δέ τινα ζητεῖ καὶ διαστολὴ καὶ κόλουσις apparently refers to the same two operations; cf. Geop. iii. 6. 2 (June) νυνὶ δὲ Kal TOUS προκύπτοντας βλαστοὺς τῶν νέων ἀμπέλων ἀφαιρετέον, and vil. 18. 1 quoted in the next n.; Colum. iv. 27 cacumina flagellorum confringere luxuriae comprimendae causa, vel e dura parte aut a trunco surgentes pampinos submovere, De arb. τὰ ante dies decem quam vinea florere encipit pampinalam habeto. quidguid supervacut enatum fuerit tollito. quod in cacumine aut wm brachits natum erit decerpito, dumtaxat quae uvam non habebunt. cacumina virgarum ne luxurtentur demutilato; Pallad. ix. 3 (August) nunc ἐρεῖς frigidis pampinatur, locis vero Sirventibus ac stccts obumbratur potius uva ne vt solts arescat, st aut vineae brevitas aut facullas operarum permittil.


φυλλολογίαι : in 1692. 20 the singular is used. Cf. P. Hamb. 23. 27 βοτανολογῆσαι καὶ φυλλολογῆσαι 3 Geop. v. 28. 4 ὅταν δὲ θερμότης τοῦ ἡλίου ἄρχηται ἀμβλύνεσθαι, ἀφαιρεῖν τὰ φύλλα χρή, ἵνα πάντες οἱ βότρυες ὑπὸ τοῦ ἡλίου θερμαινόμενοι πεπαίνωνται, 29. 2 τὰς δὲ σηπούσας τὸν καρπὸν ἀμπέλους καὶ μόλις ποτὲ πεπαινούσας διὰ τὴν τῆς γῆς ὑγρότητα καὶ τὴν τῶν φύλλων πυκνότητα προ- καθαίρειν δεῖ ἐκ πλαγίου τὰ φύλλα πρὸ λ΄ ἡμερῶν τοῦ τρυγητοῦ, ἵνα εἰσπνέοντες οἱ ἄνεμοι ἀναψύχωσι τὴν σταφυλήν, vil. 18. 1 ἐν Βιθυνίᾳ... πρὸ τριάκοντα ἡμερῶν τοῦ τρυγητοῦ τὸ φέρον κλῆμα τοὺς βότρυας λυγίζουσι καὶ ἀφαιροῦσι πᾶσαν τὴν φυλλίδα; Colum. iv. 28 γἼοἠς omnibus nudare; Virg. Geor. ii. 400, 4το. 1631 does not mention the τρύγη, which in 1692. 21 follows the φυλλολογία, and presumably the landlord in 1681 made his own arrangements for gathering the vintage.

13-14. τῶν δὲ καλαμίων διτομία καλαμίου ἑκατέρου : that the καλαμεία (1. 7) was divided into two καλάμια had not been stated previously. καλαμε ων could be read, but the word is neuter, not feminine. The punctuation τῶν δὲ καλαμίων διτομία, καλαμίου ἑκατέρου ἐπάρδευσις would be contrary to the usage of 1631 and 1692 with regard to the position of genitives, and τῶν καλαμίων seems to balance τῆς ἀμπέλου in |. 9. διτομία is a new form, but hardly requires correction to δι(χο)τομία (τρίτομος is known, but not δίτομος). It refers apparently to the initial breaking-up of the ground in the reed-plantation, of which the gathering of the crop has already been mentioned in 1. 9 owing to the chronological arrangement of 1681: cf. Mosch. 2. 81 ὦλκα διατμήγει and Apoll. Rhod. i. 628 διατμήξασθαι ἀρούρας. 1692 after φυλλολογία diverges from 1631: cf. the previous n.

14. ἐπάρδευσις καὶ βοτανισμὸς διηνεκής : οἵ. 1692. 18, where these operations are placed earlier, preceding σκαλισμός (1] 10-11, n.) and following καλαμουργία (ll. 11-12, n.), and evidently apply to the vineyard primarily. Here, since τῶν δὲ καλαμίων has just intervened, they probably apply to the reed-plantation as well as the vineyard, Provisions for irrigation are naturally a common feature in leases of vineyards; cf. e.g. 729.24, and P. Flor. 369. 6, where |. τὸν ἀντλητὸν ποιήσονται, as Rostowzew suggests. For βοτανισμός cf. P. Giessen 56 int. p- 97° and Geof. iii. το. 3 (July) πᾶσαν ἀγρίαν βοτάνην καὶ ἀκάνθας ἐκτέμνειν προσήκει. In]. 26, referring to the fruit-garden, Boravodoyia is used, as in P. Giessen 56. 11.

15. Cf. 1. 27 and e. g. 729. 5-7, where the arrangements for the χωματισμός are given in greater detail, the landlord and lessees being jointly responsible, as here.

16. K[olipov: κεράμια is to be supplied with κοῦφα; cf. Geop. vii. 24. 2 κεράμια κοῦφα, and κουφοκεραμουργός in e.g. SB. 4488.11. The word is often used in papyri substantivally, especially in the phrase σοῦ τὰ κοῦφα παρέχοντος (e.g. P. Strassb. 1. 10), but Wilcken (Osz. i. 766) is not justified in treating κοῦφον as a distinct kind of measure. In the three instances which he gives from his ostraca κούφον (= κούφων) λαγ(ύνων) in Nos. 43 and 150 means ‘empty flasks’, not κοῦφα of flasks’ (cf. P. Flor. 314. 8 κνιδίων κούφων), and in 1483 the empty διπλᾶ (διπ(λα) rather than διπ(λοκέραμα) or διπ(λοκεράμων) is rendered probable by P. Brit. Mus. 1656. 6-7 κοῦφα διπλᾶ) are definitely contrasted with διπλᾶ filled with wine. Lines 6-8 of that ostracon are to be restored / διπ(λα) φξη. L. (= ὧν) οἴνου διπ(λα) φίλε,] λοιπ(ὰ) κοῦφα διπ(λα) Ay.

κομπασίαν : with this new word for ‘ringing’ jars to test their soundness cf. κομπεῖν χύτραν λοπάδα in Diog. Laert. vi. 30, as restored from Eust. p. 896. 61, and κύμπους κωδωνοκρότους in Eur. Rhes. 383. The process is described in Geop. vi. 3. 2 τινὲς μὲν οὖν ἀρκοῦνται (ev) τῇ δοκιμασίᾳ τοῦ καλῶς κεκεραμευμένου πίθου τῷ κρουσθέντα αὐτὸν ἀποδοῦναι ἦχόν τινα ὀξὺν καὶ τορόν.

ΤΠ [σ]υνθήσομεν : ἐνθήσομεν is a less suitable reading.

ἡλιαστηρίῳ: cf. 1. 18, 729. 25 as restored below in 1]. 18, n., 985 οἶνον τὸν ev ἡλια(στηρίῳ) Μουχινώρ (a village); P. Brit. Mus. 131. 85 βοτανίζ(οντες) ἐν τῷ ἡλιαστη(ρίῳ) τοῦ χωρίο(υ), 374 (similar), 574-5 οἰκοδ(όμον) οἰκοδ(ομοῦντα) τὸ τεῖχ(ος) τοῦ ἡλιαστηρίου, 131%. 80 σκάπ(τωνῚ ᾿Αμβρύω(ν) [ἐν τῶι] ἡλιαστη(ρίῳ) ὡς εἰς (Ὁ) pu [--; Flor. 20. 77 ἐνοικίου ἡλιαστηρίου, 50. 17


(cf. 98 and 103) πίθῳ] καὶ [WAclaornpil@, 67-8 ἡλιαστήριον [σὺν χρηστΊ]ηρίοις καὶ ἀνήκουσι [πᾶσι καὶ εἰσόδο]ις καὶ ἐξόδοις ἐν elore κερ]αμικὸν ἐργαστήριον : Amh. ΣΝ 275 where 1]. ee) ke(pa- μίων) αἰρο(μένων) ἀπὸ ἡλι(α)στ(ηρίου) εἰς πλοῖον, and 35, where |. ἐνοικ(ίου) ἡλι(α)στ(ηρίου) ; Ry]. 206. 47-9 παραδείσ(ου) οὗ τὸ 8 ἡλιαστήριο(ν) ἐπὶ Πόλ(εως) Λι(βὸς) ἀμπελικὸν κτῆμα... In P. Giessen 31. i. 14 the context of διὰ Μηνᾶ ἡλιαστί ) is obscure. Strong wine (as Egyptian probably was) was placed in the open air; cf. Geof. vii. 2. 1 τὸν ἰσχυρότερον οἶνον ὑπαίθριον θετέον, ἀπεστράφθω δὲ δύσεως καὶ μεσημβρίας τοίχων τινῶν προστεθέντων.

ἐπαλείψομεν : this refers to the διάχρισις of jars; cf. Geop. vi. 9. μετὰ τὴν πίσσωσίν τινες ὀλίγον πρὸ τοῦ ἐμβληθῆναι τὸ γλεῦκος διαχρίουσι τοὺς πίθους"... δὲ διάχρισίς ἐστι πίσσα μετὰ ἑψητοῦ καὶ θαλαττίου ὕδατος. ἄλλοι δὲ πίσσῃ ὑγρᾷ καὶ ἅλμῃ εἰς τὸ ἑψητὸν ἐμβληθείσῃ καταχρίουσι τὰ στόματα διὰ σπογγιᾶς. ἄλλοι δὲ μόνον τῇ ἀμόργῃ χρίουσι τὰ πώματα.

κεινήσομεν : οἵ. 729. 25, where ]. κ]είνησιν (sc. ποιήσονται). On moving wine cf. Geop. vii. 4. 2 εἰ δὲ τὸ τρυγηθὲν γλεῦκος ἀσθενέστερον εἶναι καταμάθοις, . . . εὐθὺς μεταχέωμεν αὐτὸν εἰς ἑτέρους πίθους, 111. 5. 2 (May) τοὺς οἴνους μεταγγίσομεν, Vil. 6, a chapter περὶ μεταγγισμοῦ οἴνου καὶ πότε χρὴ μεταντλεῖν τοὺς οἴνους, 15. 1 ἐμβληθέντος τοῦ οἴνου ἐν τῷ πίθῳ μετά τινα χρόνον μετακενωτέον εἰς ἕτερον ἀγγεῖον πράως.

μεταδι(ε)ράσομεν : this compound is new. Cf. the preceding ἢ. and Geof. vii. 37 περὶ τῶν διηθουμένων οἴνων. Φλωρεντίνου. τὸν ὑλιστῆρα eis ἅλμην καθ᾽ ἑαυτὴν εἰς θαλάττιον μετὰ ποτίμου ὕδατος μιχθὲν ἔμβαλε ἐπὶ β΄ ἡμέρας καὶ μετὰ τοῦτο οἴνῳ διάβρεχε κτλ.

17-18. παραφυλάξομεν.... ἀπόκ εἼιται : οἵ. ]. 17, n., and 729. 25, where ]. κ[αὶ παραφυλακὴν ᾿ (sc. ποιήσονται) ἐφ᾽ ὅσον ἐν ἡλιαστῃρίῳ ἀπόκει)νται. φυλάξί(ενι ἐν ἀγρῷ τὸ συνηΪ--- in 1692. 22 possibly corresponds.

21. xaprovs|: cf. B.G. U. 591. 13, 603. 11, 604. 6, 862. 6, Hamb. 5. 11, P.S.1. 33. 9. In 1682. τι, 16 the singular is used.

παλ[α] alu[ré|Ao: cf. P. Brit. Mus. 131%. 45, where 1. Sdao[rodoyod(vres) ἐν τῇ] παλαιᾷ ἀμπ(έλῳ). For fruit-trees in an ἀμπελών cf. P. Flor. 369.

22. ἐκ[φύρια] ἔκτακτα : cf. ll, 30 and 38, where τὰ ἔκτακτα is used substantivally, as in 1207. 8, where ἔκτακτα are contrasted with ἐνοίκιον and correspond to ἐξαΐρετα (Berger, Strafkiauseln 150°, Wohnungsmiete 394 ; 1207. 8, n.). ἐκφόρια is, however, the word to be supplied with ἔκτακτα, as is indicated by the present passage, in which the restoration éx|pépea| can hardly be doubted. &{raxra] ἐκλεκτά, though just possible as a reading, is not at all satisfactory, especially in view of the occurrence of περσικῶν ἐκλε[κτ]ῶν ἴῃ]. 23. The essential point of ἔκτακτα is that they were in kind, being ‘excepted’ from the φόρος in money. In the present case there happened to be no φόρος, owing to the fact that the lessee was doing the épya.

πατητοῦ : cf. B,G.U. 591. 22, where it is contrasted with Syrian dates; P. Hamb. 5. 17; Flor. 369. 12, where it is contrasted with ἐνκάρπου (cf. χλωροῦ here); P.S.1. 33. 14 φοίνικος ξηροῦ πατητοῦ povog|vAolv.

23. καρ[υ]ωτοῦ: the fact that 14 artabae are paid, as in the two preceding cases, indicates that a kind of dates is meant, and cf. P. Cairo Masp. 67100. 18-19 φοινίκια ξηροῦ ἀρτάβας δώδεκα καρηοτῶν (= καρυωτῶν). Strabo p. 800 mentions the cultivation of the καρυωτὸς φοῖνιξ in the Delta.

ἐλαι[ῶ]ν μελαινῶν : cf. B. G. U. 603. 17-18, P.S. 1. 33. 16-17.

24. The distinction between summer and winter figs seems to be new.

25. ἰσικύ ῥἼδια λευκοπε[ίοἶνα : there does not seem to be space for λευκοπέϊποἾ]να (an unknown word), though σίκυος πέπων is well known; cf. πεπόνια τέσσαρα in SB. 4483. 15. λευκοπίων is only known from Schol. Ar. /vogs 1124.

πωμάριον : cf. Ῥ. Hamb. 23. 18, n.

26. ἐπὶ] roils €|rave μ[ιἸσθοῖς : cf. 1. 37. Boravodoyialy: cf. 1. 14, n.

27. καλαμουργίας : cf. 1]. 11-12, ἢ. στρώσεως τοῦ you: cf. 1. 15, nD.


34. [(€rous) ἔκ]του : mpolrov is excluded by the day of the month (Choiak 25 = Dec. 21), for Probus’ accession took place in the spring or summer of 276, Tacitus being still regarded as reigning in June of that year; cf. 1476. int. πέμπ]του and rerdp|rov are too long for the lacuna, while, if rpi|rov had been written, some traces of the «, which is generally long, would rather have been expected to be visible. Moreover the occurrence of the title Περσικὸς Μέγιστος indicates one of his later years, his earlier years being devoted to campaigns in the west. In papyri of the 2nd and 3rd years he is called Σεβαστός simply ; for the 4th year there is no evidence, but in the 5th and 6th years titles derived from his eastern campaigns appear (Γοθικὸς Méy., Περσικὸς Μέγ., Γερμανικὸς Méy. in 1694. 36 written on Phamenoth 11 of the 5th year, i.e. March 7, 280; Τερμανικὸς Méy., Μηδικὸς Méy., ΠΠαρθικὸς Méy.in P. Amh. 106 written on Mesore 1 of the 6th year, i. 6. July 25, 281). In 1562. 1 and 27 (year lost) and P. Brit. Mus. 1243. 19 (7th year, Phaophi 2, i.e. Sept. 29, 281) his titles apparently begin, as here, with Περσικὸς Μέγ., Γοθικὸς Méy., but include others, while 1688. 32 (7th year, Pharmouthi 24,i.e. April 19, 282) seems to agree with 1681. Go/ficus is already found in 27. 1 1 xii. 1178 Ὁ:

41. The readings before ἀλλαγεῖσα are very insecure, and that this line contained the title or was even connected at all with the writing on the recto is not certain, But the ink has the same reddish tinge, and the writing in spite of its greater size may be by the first hand. ἀλλαγεῖσα, if the restoration of the preceding words is correct, would mean ‘substituted ’, i.e. for the original lease of which 1681 was a continuation (I. 5 ἔτι) ; but the phrase is unusual.

1632. [LEASE OF A PALM-GROVE. 22:5 X 16-5 cm. A.D. 353-

An application, incomplete at the end, made in 353 to a senator of Oxyrhynchus for the lease of a palm-grove for one year at a rent of 8,000 talents. A list of Roman and Byzantine leases of palm-groves and gardens has been given in 1681, int.; the formula of 1632, which is the only fourth-century specimen of its class and is not very correctly written, is mainly parallel to that of the nearly contemporary applications for leases of other kinds of iand in the Oxyrhynchite nome, 102-3, P.S.I. go, 316, 469.

The chief interest of the papyrus lies in the mention of ‘the current 47th, 29th, 2nd year’, which has an important bearing on the question of the eras employed from the 4th to 7th centuries at Oxyrhynchus for dating purposes in preference to indictions, which were commonly thought sufficient elséwhere in Egypt. The evidence of 1632 has already been taken into consideration in the discussion of those eras in 1481. 5, n.; but fresh evidence has thrown much new light on the matter, which is rediscussed in detail in ].9,n. The 47th year can now be recognized as an era dating from the accession of Constantine I, who became Caesar in 306. This era is simply a continuation of his ordinary regnal years for sixteen years after his death, and is parallel to the continuation of the datings by the era of the κράτησις Καίσαρος (which coincided with the regnal years of Augustus) into the reign of Tiberius. The 29th and 2nd years have nothing


to do with eras, but refer to the reigning sovereigns, who happen to be also the consuls, Constantius Augustus, and Constantius (i. e. Gallus) Caesar.

“Ὑπατείας τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν Kovotav7|(\ov Αὐγούστου τὸ ς΄ καὶ Κωνσταντίου τοῦ ἐπιφανεστάτου Καίσαρος τὸ β΄ Μεσορὴ a. Αὐρηλίῳ Ἡρακλε ἔδῃ ᾿Ηρακλείδου γυμ(νασιαρχήσαντι) πρυτ(ανεύσαντι) 5 βουλ(ευτῇ) τῆς λαμίπρᾶς) καὶ λαμ(προτάτης) Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλ(εως) παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Κάστορος ΠΠ]αθερμουθίου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως. ἑκουσίως ἐπιδέχομαι μισθώσασθαι πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστὸς (ἔτος) pe KO β γενήματος το ιβ ἰνδικτίωνος καρπὸν φύνικος χωρίων σου δύο, βορινοῦ καὶ νοτινοῦ ψαλίου, ἐπὶ τῷ μαι τὴν συνλογὴν τἰούτ]ων ποιήϊσ]ασθῆαι καὶ] ἀπενέγ- ἱκασθ]αι εἰς τὸ ἴδιον δεόντως καὶ τελέ- [5 σιν ἐμὲ ὑπὲρ φόρου ἀποτάκτου ὅλου τοῦ καρποῦ τῶν αὐτίῶ]ν φοι!σὶνί- κων ἀργυρίου τάλαντα ὀκτακισχίλια, yverat) ἀρ(γυρίου) (rad. ?) ᾽Η, [ἀκίνδυνα)] παντὸς κιν- δύνου. βεβαιοζυμένης δὲ ἐμοὶ τῆς ἐπι- 20 ἰδο]χῆς ἀποὶ δἰώσω τὸν φόρον ev δόσεσίι [τρισὶν ἅπα ὄντα καταδόσι τῶν ἀπὸ Μεσορὴ ἕως] Ἁθὺρ τάλαντᾳ ᾿Βχξγ 'B [18 letters|s mapad) .

On the verso traces of the title.

I. ὑπατειας. 10. ov Of καρπὸν corr. from ous. |. φοίνικος. Woe ie 17. oxra of οκτακισχιλια Corr.

‘In the consulship of our masters Constantius Augustus for the 6th time and Constantius the most noble Caesar for the 2nd time, Mesore 1. To Aurelius Heraclides son of Heraclides, ex-gymnasiarch, ex-prytanis, senator of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, from Aur. Castor son of Pathermuthius, of the said city. 1 voluntarily undertake to lease for the present 47th, 29th, 2nd year only, from the produce of the r2th indiction, the date-crop of your two estates, the northern and southern ring, on condition that I gather the crop and transport it to my own property in the right manner,


and shall pay as the fixed rent of the whole of the said date-crop 8,000 talents of silver, total silv. tal. 8,000, secured against every kind of risk. If this lease is guaranteed to me, I will deliver the rent in three instalments in all, paying for the period from Mesore to Hathur (?) 2,663 talents 2,000 drachmae.. .’

4-5. γυμ(νασιαρχήσαντι).. .. βουλ(ευτῇ) : less probably γυμ(νασιαρχήσαντος) . . . βουλ(ευτοῦ) referring to the father.

9. τὸ ἐνεστὸς (έτος) μέ κθ 8: each figure has two strokes after it, as has a at the end of 1. 3; but the sign for ἔτος cannot be read. The r2th indiction is 353~4, and since the date- harvest is in the autumn, and indiction-years in Egypt generally began in the summer months Pauni or Epeiph, we formerly (in 1481. 5. n.) supposed that the 47th = 29th = end year corresponded to the rath indiction, i.e. began in the summer of 353 before Mesore 1 (July 25). Hence we regarded 307, 325, and 352 as the starting-points of the three years in question, and combining this with the evidence of 92, 1481, and 1575, in each of which the first two out of the three joint years mentioned were evidently reckoned on the same system as the first two years here, we were led to suppose the existence of local eras at Oxyrhynchus beginning in 307, 325, 334, 341, and 352 in addition to the two well- known eras of that city dating from 324 and 355, which continued in joint use down to the seventh century. Since then, however, much new evidence is available, and our views have been materially altered. An Oxyrhynchus papyrus to be published in P.S. I. vi, of which Professor Vitelli has kindly supplied us with the text, is dated in Phamenoth of the year after the consulship of [Sergius] and Nigrinianus (Feb.-March 351), and mentions τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος pe (ἔτους) καὶ (ἔτους), which implies 306 and 343 as starting-points, and suggests that the ‘47th year’ in 1682 is 352-3, not 353-4. The reading με (ἔτους) is, according to Vitelli, not absolutely certain, and the ‘8th year’ fails to correspond to either the second or the third of the three joint years in 1682 (v. 77f); but that the 47th year in 1632 is 352-3, not 353-4, is rendered practically certain by Ρ. 5.1. 469, which is also from Oxyrhynchus. This is dated in the consulship of Optatus and Paulinus, Thoth 21 (Sept. 18, 334), and is a lease πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστίὸς | ta (ἔτος) 8. Here the rith and 2nd years are obviously calculated on the same system as the 13th and 4th years in 92, where the 31st and 13th years are clearly on the same system as the 47th and 29th in 1632. Vitelli restores the passage τὸ ἐνεστζὸς κθ (ἔτος) ιθ (ἔτος) | ta (ἔτος) 8, and regards the years as regnal, the 29th referring to Constantine I Augustus, whose years in Egypt are counted from his accession as Caesar in 306 before Choiak 4 (cf. 1750), the 19th to Constantine I] Caesar, whose years are reckoned from his accession on March 1, 317 (Pauly-Wissowa, Realenc. iv. 1026), the 11th to Constantius Caesar, whose years are similarly reckoned from Nov. 8, 324 (op. cit. iv. 1045), and the znd to Constans Caesar, whose years are reckoned from Dec. 25, 333 (op. cit. iv. 948). There is no doubt that Vitelli’s restoration «6 (ἔτος) and explanation of the 29th, 11th, and 2nd years are correct, but whether the rgth year (of Constantine IT) is to be restored is uncertain ; for 92 mentions only three joint years (the 31st, 13th, and 4th), and omits the year of Constantine II. On the other hand in the earlier part of Constantine I’s reign, when Licinius was also Augustus, mentions of Constantine II’s years occur (6. g. P. Thead. 6), and in P. S. 1. 316, another fourth-century lease from Oxyrhynchus, but not dated by the consuls, Vitelli reads in 1]. 4 τὸ ἐνεστὸς] ky (ἔτος) καὶ .. (ἔτος) καὶ ε (έτος). Here the 23rd and βίῃ years seem to refer to Constantine I and Constantius, and the undeciphered figure is probably cy, referring to Constantine II. In any case the 47th and 29th years in 1632 are to be brought into line with the 23rd and 5th in P.S.I. 316, the [29th] and rrth in P. S.I. 469, the 31st and 13th in 92, the 32nd (Ὁ) and [14th] in 1575, and now the 41st and 23rd in 1751; and the 47th year in 1632 presumably refers to the same reckoning as the 45th year in the unpublished papyrus in P.S. I. vi.


The whole evidence of papyri concerning datings by numbered years other than indictions during the period from the defeat of Licinius in 323 to Julian’s death is combined in the following table, which replaces that given in 1481. 5, n., where 92, 1431, and 1575 are placed a year too early. An asterisk denotes the papyri which are independently dated by the consuls. ‘To show the connexion with the familiar 5th-7th century datings by eras at Oxyrhynchus a sixth-century specimen is added.

Starting-point of the yearly reckoning.

Year Day 306 316 324 333 340 343 351 355 ΡΘΗ 316 -¥328—9 23 ake rate ee τς a τί ll ISS AG) 334 Sept. 18 [59 πα ites 2 92 “30 Oct. τῶν 21 Ἐπ 13 4 1575 338 May 26 ΟΣ peek alia aimee 1751 347 Pebu τῇ 41 ὃ: 2 4 : 14381 ayer Jan. 4 45 τ 27 ᾿ rt ne + Pls ΤΥ! 351 Feb—March 45 wi ὃν ὡς ae 8 at *1632 353 July 25 47 ἘΝ 29 ks " 2 2 3 1056 360 Oct. 10 τὶ Ξὲ ayy τς ἈΞ ek iA 6 1695 360 Dec. 19 Sh 37 ἧς 6 1057 262 Feb. 9 2 ὡς 38 ὃς τ ἘΞ τς 7 “125 500 ΘΕΟΣ 15 ne ΤΥ ΗΠ 4 τὰ Ξ - <1 206

The explanation of all these joint years is now clear with two exceptions. There is in the first place a general presumption that they are regnal years counted in the traditional style from Thoth to Mesore, as was observed in the earlier part of Constantine I’s reign and in the joint reigns of Valens, Gratianus, Valentinian II, and Theodosius, now illustrated by 1752 (378) and 1041 (381). ‘There is, moreover, some definite evidence (1116. 11-15 ; cf. 1481. 5, n.) that the year on the eras of 324 and 355 began on Thoth 1, and a com- parison of the figures of the years in P. S.J. 469 (Sept. 18) and 92 (Oct. 15) with 1632 (July 25) indicates that the year on the eras of 306 and 324 began between July 25 and Sept. 18, i.e. on Aug. 29 (Thoth 1). This results in making the produce of the rath indiction’ in 1682 fall after the end of the 47th, 29th, and 2nd year; but there is no real difficulty in that conclusion. ‘The 12th indiction had probably begun in May or June 353 before 1632 was written, so that the scribe could not speak of it as the εἰσιούσης ἰνδικτίωνος, which often occurs in this context, and since leases were often written soon after Thoth 1, it is not very surprising that the scribe (who was in any case not very exact) should speak of a lease ‘for the current 47th, 29th, 2nd year’, in spite of the fact that that year had only another month to run.

The numbers in the first column, dating from 306 as a starting-point, refer to the regnal years of Constantine I, Ῥ. 5.1. 316 and 469 and 92 belonging to his lifetime, 1575, 1751, 14381, P.S.I. vi, and 1682 to the sixteen years following his death on May 22, 337 (Pauly-Wissowa, Realenc. iv. 1023). There was thus at Oxyrhynchus an era of Con- stantine I, but it lasted for only a short time, having been apparently abandoned by 360.

The numbers in the second column, dating from 316, refer to the regnal years of Constantine IJ, but the employment of these even during his lifetime seems to have been irregular, for while he died shortly before April 9, 340 (of. c7/. iv. 1028), they are ignored in 92 certainly, in 1575 probably, and perhaps in Ρ. 5.1. 469. ‘That the reckoning of them was not continued after his death is clear, but it is possible that the reckoning in the fifth column, starting from 340, is an era connected with that event; cf. p. 30.


The years in the third column, starting from 324, refer to Constantius, who died on Nov. 3, 361 (of. cif. iv. 1094), so that all the references to his regnal years in P. S. I. 316- 1695 belong to his lifetime. The reckoning by them continued in common use at Oxyrhynchus after his death till the Arab invasion, thus forming an era, which was uniformly associated with another era reckoned by the regnal years of Julian; v. 2η7.

The years in the fourth column, starting from 333, refer to Constans, and all belong to his lifetime, his death taking place in Jan. 350 (of. εἴ]. iv. 952).

To postpone for a moment the consideration of the fifth and sixth columns, which present great difficulties, the solitary example in the seventh column of a reckoning from 351 refers to Constantius (Gallus), who became Caesar under Constantius Augustus in 351 (op. cit. iv. 1066), and died in 354 (0. εἴ]. iv. 1074) without becoming Augustus. It is true that there is an inconsistency between the ‘second year’ in 1632 and the state- ments of the Consularia Constantinop. and Chron. Pasch. (Mommsen, Chron. Alin. i. 238) that the elevation of Gallus took place on the Ides of March 351; for if that date is correct, the new Caesar ought to have been recognized in Egypt before Thoth 1 (Aug. 29th), 351, so that July 25, 353, the date of 1632, would belong to his third, not his second, regnal year. The figure 8 is perhaps one of the mistakes which not infrequently occur in fourth- century datings in papyri (v. 7f.; 8 for y may be due to the occurrence of τὸ β' in the men- tion of Gallus’ consulate in |. 3); but the evidence for March in preference to e. g. October or November 351 as the date of Gallus’ elevation is not very strong. The Consularta Con- stantinop. mention the events of 351 out of their normal chronological order, referring to the battle of Mursa (on Sept. 28) before the elevation of Gallus ; the Chron. Pasch. is decidedly confused about the chronology of this period, placing the battle of Mursa in 354, while Eutropius, x. 12. 2, Jerome, and Prosper (cf. Clinton, Mast’ Rom. i. 420) place it before the elevation of Gallus. Hence there is not much difficulty in supposing that Eutropius was right in the sequence of events, and that the elevation of Gallus took place after the year 351-2 (the 28th of Constantius) had begun. In any case it is quite unnecessary to assume that the second year’ refers to a local era at Oxyrhynchus distinct from any regnal year.

The years in the eighth column, starting from 355, refer to Julian, who became Caesar with Constantius as Augustus on Nov. 6, 355 (of. cz. iv. 1078), and Augustus on Nov. 3, 361 (v. sup.). After his death in 363 this reckoning along with that of Constantius Augustus remained in use at Oxyrhynchus until the Arab invasion. 1056 and 1695 both fall within the period when Julian was only Caesar; but 1057 belongs to his sole reign, and the view that his regnal years in Egypt started from his accession as Caesar is supported not only by the analogy of the datings by both earlier and later fourth-century emperors, but by the references to his death in his ‘7th year’ in Socrat. ii. 21 and Eutrop. x. 16. This point is a matter of some interest; for in the previous absence of any contemporary evidence concerning the mode of reckoning Julian’s years, P. Fay. 20, a rescript of an unnamed emperor on the aurum coronartum, dated on Pauni 30 (June 24) of his rst year, was ascribed by Dessau (Rev. phelol. xxv. 285) to Julian as against our ascription of it to Severus Alexander. Seeing that the dating in that papyrus is evidently Egyptian, Dessau’s explanation comes into direct conflict with the new evidence, and since the handwriting of P. Fay. 20 certainly suggests an earler date than 362, his view seems to be hardly tenable any longer, though the Severus Alexander date too is admittedly open to objections.

There remain to be explained the fifth and sixth columns, the 11th year reckoned from 340 in 1431 and the 8th year from 343 in P.S.I. vi, the two papyri being written in 351 within a few weeks of each other during the period when Constantius was reigning as Augustus alone after the death of Constans and before the elevation of Gallus to the rank of Caesar (Ὁ. swp.). In 1481 the other two joint years refer to the era of Constantine


and the regnal year of Constantius respectively, and present no difficulties; but in P.S. I. vi it is remarkable that the regnal year of the Augustus Constantius is ignored, the era of Constantine being the only other year associated with the mysterious ‘8th year’. These two isolated instances must be explained in one of three ways. (1) The analogy of the other datings at this period would lead us to expect that both the r1th and the 8th years refer to a reigning Augustus or Caesar. In the East in 351 no other Augustus than Constantius or other Caesar than Gallus is known, and, while neither of these is suitable, it is impossible in view of the well-known childlessness of the sons of Constantine I to suppose the existence of a Caesar ignored by the historians of this epoch. Hence if the rith year in 1481 and 8th year in P.S.I. vi refer to a reigning Augustus or Caesar, the individual or individuals in question must have reigned in the West. There in the spring of 351 the state of affairs was much disturbed, and the constitutional position not quite clear. On Jan. 18, 350, Magnentius seized the purple in Gaul, and soon conquered Italy and most of the western provinces except Illyria, where Vetranio assumed the purple. Constantius at first recognized both Vetranio, who made his submission at the end of 350, and Magnentius, who towards the end of 350 elevated his cousin Decentius to the rank of Caesar. Constantius was not strong enough to attack the usurpers till the spring of 351, the decisive battle of Mursa taking place on Sept. 28 of that year (of. εἴ). iv. 1067). 1481 and P.S.I. vi therefore belong to the brief period when, owing to the recognition of Magnentius, a mention of him in Egyptian datings is possible; but there is the difficulty that the years in 1431 and P.S. I. vi are inconsistent with each other, and start from years (340 and 343) which have no apparent connexion with Magnentius and his family. How long Magnentius had been in Gaul prior to his revolt seems to be unknown, but he would certainly be expected to have reckoned his regnal years from 350, not earlier. Hence the reference of the rith and 8th years to Magnentius as Augustus and one of his family as Caesar cannot be regarded as at all satisfactory, apart from the general improbability that in Egypt Magnentius’ years were taken into account at all. (2) Another solution of the difficulty is to suppose that the 11th and 8th years refer to local eras observed at Oxyrhynchus starting from 340 and 343, but not merely, as in the case of the eras of Constantine I, Constantius, and Julian, forming a continuation of the regnal years of an Augustus after his death. Constantine II died shortly before April 9, 340 (cf. p. 28), and since his regnal years, though certainly ignored in 92 (336), were mentioned in earlier papyri (v. szp.), the 11th year in 1481 might be regarded as an era dating from his death. This hypothesis, however, is open to the grave objection that Constantine II’s death occurred several months before Thoth 1 (Aug. 29), 340, so that the figure of an era dating from this event ought to have been at the date of 1481 12 not 11; for the rst year ought to be April-August 28, 340, not a year ending Aug. 28, 341, as is implied in the case of the 45th and 27th years which are there associated with the 11th. Hence (3), so long as the figures rr in 1481 and 8 in P.S.I. vi remain unsupported, it is probably safest to regard them as erroneous. Mistakes in figures in connexion with the very complicated system of dating employed in fourth-century papyri are frequent, e.g. P. Grenf. ii. 74. 7, where 7 is a mistake for 4, and P. Strassb. 43. 13, where πέμπτης ἰνδικτίονος is wrong. There is no reason to suppose that either the 11th or the 8th year refers to the current indiction (the 9th), and the simplest change is to alter both figures 11 and 8 to 18, and refer the year to Constans, on the hypothesis that for a time after his death his reign became an era like that of Constantine I. There is no doubt concerning the reading ca in 1431, and Vitelli is confident about the reading η in P. S.I. vi, but it is not very difficult to suppose a scribe’s omission of an ε there between καὶ and ἡ. Fresh light may, however, be expected from the unpublished fourth-century material from Oxyrhynchus, which is very large. In the meantime it is satisfactory that the era of Constantine I is established, and


the origin of the two principal Oxyrhynchite eras dating from 324 and 355 is explained. The Christians may have preferred the one, the pagans the other, but they were always used together, and it is remarkable that the memory of the Apostate should have been kept

alive for three centuries.

10. καρπόν: cf. 1. 16, where the use of the singular is clear, and 1681. 21, n.

12. Ψψαλίου : the use of this word in a description of a place is not elsewhere attested, and it should perhaps be printed Ψαλίου as a name.

18. The traces of letters at the beginning of this line are irreconcilable with a number in hundreds, and the figures in |. 22 seem to be meant for 4 of 8,000 talents, though the arithmetic is not quite exact ; cf. ll. 21-2, ἢ.

19-20, BeBaolvpérns . . . ἐπιϊδοϊχῆς : the readings of the faint traces are all rather uncertain, but this clause is usual at this point; cf. 6. σ. 102. 18, 108. 16.

21-2. "Byéy Β: 4 of 8,000 talents is 2,6662 talents, but the fourth figure is clearly y, nots. The fifth is very like the first and suggests ’B (2,000 drachmae) rather than ’A. The scribe seems to have regarded the remainder in the tens to be divided by 3 as 10 instead of 20, and so to have put 33 instead of 62. Whether three δόσεις were at regular intervals throughout the year, or were all made between Mesore (the month of the lease) and Hathur (the month of the date-harvest) is not clear. The remains of ]. 23 rather suggest παραδὶ ὦ]σω, i.e. a clause referring to the return of the land in good condition (cf. e.g. 1681. 31), and in that case there is hardly room in ]. 23 for a mention of later months. But in i, 21 the formula is unusual, and the restoration of Il. 21-3 is in the absence of a close parallel uncertain

(c) Sales and Cesstons.

16338. BID FOR PURCHASE OF LAND FROM THE STATE. 29°3 X 7-9 Cm. A.D. 275.

A bid from Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion (cf. 1631. 1, n.) for the purchase of unsold State land (1. 8, n.), which was originally private land but had been confiscated, perhaps on account of its being left unsown (1. 12, n.). Similar applications are 370 (probably the last word is to be restored ὑποσχέσεως). 721, 835, 1188. 18-26 (the last three addressed to the idiologus), P. Amh. 68. 17-24, 97, and Brit. Mus. 1157 verso. i (ili. 110) (all three addressed to the strategus), SB. 5673 ; and οἴ. 518,4 receipt for the repayment of the price of con- fiscated house-property to the first purchaser by a higher bidder. Those docu- ments all belong to the first century, except P. Brit. Mus. 1157, SB. 5673, and 513, which are of the second century, so that 1633 is much the latest of the series. The formula presents some novelties, and, since the ends of lines are lost through- out, the restorations are in one or two places doubtful, especially as the Greek is poor and the constructions are liable to become confused (ll. γ 8, 28-30, nn.). One or two lines are missing at the beginning, so that the title of the official who is addressed is not preserved; but he was doubtless the strategus or basilico- grammateus, not the idiologus, for a docket appended by him to the end of the


application suits a local, not an Alexandrian, official, and in 518. 4 it is the strategus who gives the κύρωσις, The date of this docket, Mesore 30 (Aug. 23) of the 6th year of Aurelian, is important for determining the chronology of that emperor, and has already been discussed in 1476. int., p. 233. [ πα-} pla Αὐρηλίου Σ᾿ εἸἰρξήνου τοῦ καὶ Σ᾽ alpariwvos τ᾽ οῦ ᾿Α]γαθείνου [ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρίἂ)ς καὶ [λαἹμπροτάτηϊς ᾽Οξυ- 5 ρυγχειτῶν πόλεως. βούϊλομαι ὑπερ- βαλεῖν Αὐρήλιον Σερῆνϊον .... κάμμωνος ὑποσϊ χἸομένου ἱπρὸς w- viv ἀπὸ ἀπ͵ράτ]ων τῆς διϊοικήσε- ὡς πρότεροϊν] Σ᾽ αραπίωνος |Tov 10 Ζωίλου περὶ κώμην Ila iu τοῦδε τοῦ νομοῦ ἐκ τοῦ ΘΊ..... καὶ Μηνοδώρου κλήρων ἰδ᾽ιωτικῆς ἀσπόρου ἀρούρας ἕξ, ἐκ δὲ τοῦ ....... κλέους apolvpas| πέντε, τὰς ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ 15 ἀρούρας ἕνδεκα, ἀκολούθωϊς τοῖς γρα- φεῖσι ὑπὸ ᾿ΙουλΠου Μονίμου τὶοῦ κρατίστου διοικητοῦ, προσφέρων μίεθ᾽ ἃς ὑπέ- σχετο ὑπὲρ τιμῆς Spaxpals ἑξακοσίας ἑξήϊκοντα τὰς τ]οῦ ὑπερβϊολίου 20 δρα[χ]μὰς ἑκαϊτ]ὸϊν τεσσ]αράκοντία, ὥστε civalt] τιμὴν σὺϊν ὑἸπερβολίῳ [δραχμὰς ὀκτακοσίας, ἅσπε]ρ κυρωθεϊὶς διαγρά- po ἐπὶ τὴν τοῦ] νομοῦ δημοσίαν τράπεζαν σὺν τοῖς ἑπομίένοις mplos| τὸ] μένειϊν ἐμο]ῦ καὶ τοὺς map’ ἐ- Hold) μεταλημψοϊ μ]ένους βεβαίας ἀπὸ παντὸς καὶ κι αθ]αρὰς ἀπὸ πάϊσης ἐπιβο-

λῆς καὶ φητήϊσεω)ς" ἥτις κίυρία ἔστω ?

[Ὁ σι

διὰ τὸ ἀπὸ τίο]ῦ ταῖμε ϑ]ίου (τὸ ὃ) ὑπερβόλιον τοῦ- ?

30 TO BeBjialiiol. [(ἔτους) ¢ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Λίο)]υκίοίυ 4Δομ)ιττίίου Αὐρηλιανοῦ


Γερμαϊν)ικ[οὉ] Mielyiojro Περσικοῦ Μεγίστου ΤΙο]θθικοῦ Μεγίστου Kapmikolt| Μεγίσϊτου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Μεσοϊρὴ .. 2nd hand «“ὐρή(λιος) ΣΊ εἸρῆνϊος] κ[αὶ) Σ᾽ αραπἰίων 36 ἐπιδέδωκα. 3rd hand δημίοσίᾳ) προετέθ(η) καὶ κατεχω(ρίσθη) (ἔτους) ς Μεσορὴ X.

5 ὑποσ[χ)όμενον. 10. ζωΐλου. 11. |. ἐκ τῶν. 16. iovd|clov. 25-6. 1]. epoli καὶ T\Ois ... μεταλημψοϊμΊένοις. 30. |. βέβ α][οἹν ἢ. 33. γ[ο]θ᾽θικου. 39. ¢ Corr. from e.

‘To ... from Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion, son of Agathinus, of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus. I wish to outbid Aurelius Serenus son of .. . cammon, who promised to buy 6 arourae of private unsown land belonging to the unsold property of the Government, formerly owned by Sarapion son of Zoilus in the area of the village of Paimis in this nome in the holdings of Th .. and Menodorus, and 5 arourae in the holding of .. . cles, making 11 arourae in all, in accordance with instructions of his excellency the dioecetes, Julius Monimus, adding to the 660 drachmae, which Serenus promised for the price, 140 drachmae of the increase, making the price including the increase 800 drachmae, which sum I will pay on ratification to the public bank of the nome with the extra charges, in order that the land may remain the property of myself and my successors guaranteed against all risks and free from any imposition or inquiry, which offer is to be valid, because this increased bid is guaranteed from the Treasury (?).’ Date, signature of the applicant, and official docket ‘Publicly exposed and registered in the 6th year Mesore 30’.

5-6. ὑπερ]βαλεῖν : cf. 1. r9, n., P. Halle 14. 3 bmepBeBdj|oO|ai με ὑπὸ Πετενύριος, and 518. 25 ἕνεκα Tov ὑπερβεβλῆσθαι τὴν ... οἰκίαν ὑπὸ σοῦ.

7-8. πρὸς ὠ]νήν : after ὑποσχ)ομένου a sum would be expected, as in 1. 17, but the accusative is ἀρούρας (]. 13). Apparently the scribe started the sentence with the intention of mentioning the higher bid, but proceeded as if he had begun with the usual formula in applications of this kind, βούλομαι ὠνήσασθαι.

8. dn|par|ov τῆς διοικήσεως : so 513. 7; cf. ἀπράτων τοῦ ἰδίου λόγου in Β. G. U. τορ1. 13, τὰ ἐν ἀπράτοις ὑπάρχοντα ἴῃ 5. τὸ: 4, ἐπιτηρη(τοῦ) ἀπρά(των) ὑπαρχ(όντων) i in ἘΣ Ryl. 217: 11. The present passage confirms our translation of ἄπρατα in 518. 7 ‘unsold’, which is supported by Rostowzew, Aolon. 150, against Preisigke’s translation (P. Strassb. i, p. 55) not for sale’.

10. Παείϊμιν : cf. 1699, a contract for the purchase of house-property at this village by Aur. Serenus also called Sarapion, and 1629. 8, ἢ. Παλ[ῶσιν and ΠαώΪμιν are inadmissible, though a Μηνοδώρου κλῆρος at perhaps one of those two villages occurs in 1534. 2.

ze Μηνοδώρου : cf. the preceding n.

ἰδ᾽ ιωτικῆς] d ἀσπόρου: cf. Β. G. U. 703. 8- ἰδιω(τικῆς) (so better than ἰδιω(τικοῦ)}) σπο(ρίμου) ἄρ(ουραι) |. .| νυνὶ ἀσπόρου καὶ ἀβρόχζου], Ῥ, Flor. 64. 7, 15, &c. ἰδιζωτικῆς) aes ἀσπί(όρου). Land sold by the State generally belonged to the ὑπόλογον category (e.g. P. Amh. 68. 3). The circumstance that ἀσπόρου here immediately follows ἰδ[ιωτικῆς, which refers to the



previous, not to the existing, condition of the land, suggests that the land in question was taken over by the State just because it was unsown by its owner.

15-17. ἀκολούθαϊς τοῖς... διοικητοῦ : this connects with ὑπερ]βαλεῖν in 1. 5; cf. 518. 28 παραδεδόσθαι σοι ταύτην ἐξ ἐπιστολῆς τ]οῦ κρατίστου διοικητοῦ. On the dioecetae of this period see 1409 and 1412. intt.

19. brepBlodiov: cf. 1. 21, P. Tebt. 61 (2). 408, 302. 14. The usual word is ἐπίθεμα : cho. τ τ

24. ἑπομένοις : cf. 518. 12, n.

27-8. ἐπιβυ]λῆς : cf. P. Ryl. 202. 1, n., Rostowzew, Kolon. 195, Oertel, Li/urgie 103.

28. ζητήσεως : cf. 518. 45, 57 ἐάν τις ζήτησις περὶ. τούτου γένηται, ... ἐγὼ αὐτὸς τοῦτο ἀναδέξομαι.

28-30. The last clause ἥτις κυρία κτὰ. is something new, and cannot be restored with certainty in the absence of a parallel. We suppose ἥτις to refer to a word like ὑπόσχεσις or ἐπιδοχή understood (cf. e. g. 1680. 20), not to ζητήϊσεω]ς. ἡ(σ)τινοϊσοῦν ἄλλης could be read, but κυρία is very appropriate. ταἰμε]ίου is very doubtful; » or π, but not τ, can be read instead of ι. eA[ali{oly seems to be a mistake for βέβαιον (εἶναι being understood), unless βεβαιοῦ(σθαι) was meant. The supposed second § is very insecure, being unlike the first.

32-4. The titles of Aurelian agree with those in 1455. 20-5, dated in Phaophi 21 of the 7th year.

37. προετέθ(η) : cf. P. Amh, 85. 18 ἐὰν φαίνη(ται) προτεθῆναι τῆσδε τῆς μισθώσεως ἀντίγραφον

΄ A ΄σ ig ἐπὶ τὰς καθηκούσας ἡμέρας δέκα ὅπως μηδενὸς προσαγαγόν(τος) ἐπίθεμα μένηι ἡμῖν μίσθωσις βεβαία κτλ.


241 X 14:3 cm. AND 2 212.

This papyrus, which is of considerable juristic interest, is a sale of house- property and building-land at Oxyrhynchus, which had been made security (κατοχή, 1. 11, n.) for a loan from the purchaser to the vendors of 2 talents , 3,600 drachmae. The full price of the property being 3 tal. 3,600 dr., only the balance of 1 talent was actually paid. The only direct parallel for this in papyriis 1701, also a contract for sale of mortgaged (ἐπὲ ὑποθήκῃ) house-property, in which the balance was paid after deducting two loans with accrued interest. Usually, where a loan on mortgage was not repaid at the proper time, the creditor took possession of the hypothecated property after calling in the assis- tance of the government; cf. Mitteis, Grands. 158-65, Schwartz, Hypothek und Hypallagma 67 sqq. In P. Brit. Mus. 1164 (2) (iii. 166 ; 212) a debtor cedes house-property to his creditor in place of the loan and interest, but there is no mention of a mortgage, and similarly there is none in C. P.R. g (270-1), where three χειρόγραφα of loans are cancelled as part payment of the purchase- money of house-property. As Rostowzew observes, there may be an indirect reference to such sales as 1684 and 1701 in the clause commonly found in loans on mortgage (e.g. P. Flor. 1. 8) μὴ ἐξέστω... . πωλεῖν μηδ᾽ ἑτέροις ὑπο- τίθεσθαι. Besides a few lines lost at the end, the beginnings of lines are missing


throughout. The length of the lacunae is considerable, amounting, if the restora- tions in Il. 5, 9, and 15-16 are correct, to about 107 letters in ll. 1-7, about 8 more letters being lost in ll. gq—10, 13, 16, 10 more in Il. 8, 11-12, 18-19, 22-3, 26-7, 13 more in 1]. 14-15, 17, 20-1, 23 more in 1]. 25-6, 25 more in Il. 27-31, and 30 more in].24. The general sense of the contract is, however, clear, and, though 1701 is also too incomplete to be of great assistance, much of the formula can be restored from the ordinary third-century sales of house and landed property from Oxyrhynchus, 1200. 14-43, 1208. 6-28, 1276, 1475. 10-40, 1697-1700, P. Giessen 100. At the end is appended a copy of a συστατικόν (1. 20, n.), which is here apparently an application to some official from one of the two vendors con- cerning the appointment of a representative to act for them, not a contract with such a representative like 1642-3; but it is hopelessly mutilated. The buyer, Claudia Isidora also called Apia, who also acts through an intermediary, is men- tioned in several papyri of A.D. 218-22 (cf.1630. 3, n.), and there is hardly any doubt that the reigning emperors (1. 20) were Elagabalus and Severus Alexander, the year being apparently the 5th, not the 4th (1. 11, n.). The handwriting, which distinctly suggests an earlier date in the third century than the reign of the Philippi, supports this view.

τ] Ἀντίγραφον) τρισσ[ῆ)ς ἐνγράφης ἀσφαλ[ζε]ίας σὺν ταῖς ὑπὸ αὐτὴν ὑπογραφαΐς. 2 [— καὶ θυγατέρες —vos γενομένου εὐθηνιάρχου τῆς λαμπροτάτης

πόλεως τῶϊν Ade~avdpéwy καὶ ὡς ἐχρημάτιζεν “Pwpaia καὶ ἀσταί, ig »Ἤὔ Ν ἑκατέρα δὲ

ἰδιὰ τοῦ συσταθέντος κατὰ συστατικὸν γενόμενον —, ὡς διὰ τοῦ ὑποτε-


ταγμέ]νου ἀντιγράφου ὑπόκειται, Τίτου Αἰλίου Μαξίμου, Κλαυδίᾳ ᾿Ισιδώ σιδώρᾳ τῇ Ν > - Ν 2 ~ 4 [καὶ Ania —— Ovyarpi —olv καὶ ὡς ἐχρημάτιζεν διὰ Αὐρηλίου Sapa ~ ~ ~ βουλευτοῦ τῆς Οξυρυγχειτῶν aN Ν ε 4 ? 7 « ~ 4 Ων 5 ἱπόλεως καὶ ὡς χρηματίξει χαίρειν. ὁμολογοῦμεν πεπρακέναι σοι ἀπὸ ~ ~ ; XX SN , Ν ¢ 4 ς om 2 a Sy ν δὶ τοῦ νῦν εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν ἡμῖν ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει

elm ἀμφόδου Χηνοβοσκῶν οἰκίαν λιθίνην καὶ αἴθριον ὑφ᾽ κατά-

6 [γειον καὶ τὰ τούτων χρηστήρια —, ὧν γείτονες νότου —, Bolppa σοϊῦ τῆς] Κλα]υδίας ᾿Ισιδώρας τῆς καὶ ‘Arias, ἀπηλιώτου δημοσία 7 ῥύμη,

7 [λιβὸς ----, καὶ ψειλοὺς témovs —|....[...... μὶένων, ὧν ὅλων γείτονες

νότου πρότερον Σ᾽ αραεῦτος D2


8 [—, βορρᾶ —,] λιβὸς δημοσία ῥύμη, ἀπηλιώτου ‘“Hpwdiaivns τῆς Kat Zapa- 9 [middos? τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημένης πρὸς ἀλλήλους τῆς προκειμένης οἰκίας καὶ χρηστηρίων καὶ ψειλῶν τόπων ἀργυρίου Σ᾽ εβαστῶν νομίσ- ματος δ)]ραχμῶν δισμυρίων καὶ χειλίων ἑξακοσίων, αἵ εἰσι ἀργυ- 10 [ρίου τάλαντα τρία καὶ δραχμαὶ τρισχείλιαι ἑξακόσιαι, ---- πρὸς ? τάλαντα δύο δρ]αχμὰς τρισχειλίας ἑξακοσίας ὀφειλόμενά σοι ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν τι [κατὰ ἀσφάλειαν yeyovviay ---- τῷ προδιεληλυἸ]θότι τρίτῳ ἔτει Θὼθ ἐπὶ κατοχῇ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἡμῶν ἈΝ AN ~ ~ > 7 4 a 7 > 7 t on 12 [—, τὸ de λοιπὸν τῆς τιμῆς ἀργυρίου τάλαντον ἕν αὐτόθι ἀπεσχηκέναι ἡμᾶς Ν A Ν ? ͵΄ Ν ? ? (oy 70) 7 13 ἱπαρὰ σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους —-, kal παρὼν ev τῷ O€v|pvyxeitn ἐγὼ Αἴλιος Μαξιμῖνος [τ]ῇ ἰδίᾳ μου πίστει ἀκο- 14 [ἰλούθως τῷ συστατικῷ ? κρατεῖν οὖν καὶ κυριεύειν ole τῶν πωλουμένων σοι ἐνγαίων κἸα[] ἀποφέρεσθαϊι τ]ὰ 15 [ἐξ αὐτῶν περιεσόμενα πάντα εἰς τὸ ἴδιον ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν χρᾶσθαι καὶ οἰκονομεῖν περὶ αὐτῶν ὡς ἐὰν alph,| ἅπερ] καὶ ἐπάναγκον παρέξοϊμέν σοι] καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σο]ῦ πα- 16 [ραλημψομένοις βέβαια διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσει καὶ A 3 Ν A σι 4 , ~ » lot καθαρὰ ἀπὸ ἀπογραφῆς ἀνδρῶν καὶ γεωργίας βασιλικῆς καὶ οὐσιακῆς γῆς καὶ παϊντὸς εἴδους καὶ ὀφειλῆς πάσης καὶ alo παντὸς οἰὑτινο]σ- 17 [ody ἄλλου, --- τάλαντα δύο ")] καὶ δραχμὰς τρισχειλίζας ἑξακοσίας, καὶ ἈΝ μηϊδὲ)ν 18 [ἐγκαλεῖν δεδ]ανεικέναι ὑμῶν |...].[. τα. περὶ δὲ τοῦ |. .]. 1. .Ἰς τ9 [—] σ[ο]Ἱὲ τῇ Κλαυδίᾳ ᾿Ισιδώρᾳ τῇ καὶ [ΑἸπίᾳ, καὶ [...] δα[νε]ίου [— (ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Ἀἀντωνινοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς καὶ Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Σεουήρου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου Καίσαρος

Σε]βαστῶν Μεχεὶρ κε. ἔστι δὲ τοῦ συστατικοῦ τὸ ἀντί.

21 ἰγραφον' --- παρὰ —]. νος γενομένου εὐθηνιάρχου θυγατρὸς “Ῥωμαΐας

22 [καὶ ἀστῆς βούϊλομαι ἀναγκαιοτέρων poly πραγμάτων χάϊρ])ιν

23 [--]τγ....... . Ἵντουτι Κλαυδίᾳ ᾿Ισιδώρϊᾳ] τῇ καὶ Ania διὰ

24 [Av ΩΝ Σαρᾶ βουλευτοῦ οἰκίας καὶ αἰθρίου καὶ ---Ἴ. ψειλῶν

τόπω)ν] ἐπὶ τὶ οὔ 25 ἱΧηνοβοσκῶν ἀμφόδου ἡ- - βιβλιοφυλακ.. ? εἸνκτ]ήσεων τοῦ ΓΟ ξἸυρυϊγχί- του] ν᾿ οἹμοῦ

26 ἰ-- τῆς ὅλης] τειμῆς ἐϊν] τρισὶ τί αἸλάντϊοις


27 [kat δραχμαῖς τρισχειλίαις ἑξακοσίαις ---Ἰ. ς wdvta .[.].. αὐτοῦ πίστει 28 {---- |. τωτα σὺν [.. κ]αταγράφουσι 29 [— ψειλϊῶν τόπων |... τ ]ηῆς πίστεαϊς 30 [—]. vos Καὶ: ----: ηκα (ἔτους) εἶ 31 {----ωμαι dof Ye eae Eaten 32 mers ΟΣ eats es 5 and το. ὑφ. 13. ἴδια. 18, ὕμων. 19. iodwpa,

1-17. ‘Copy of a deed of security written in triplicate with the signatures appended

(ΧΟ) Ais ς gee ΕΠ daughters οἵ... ἢ, late eutheniarch of the most illustrious city of Alexandria and however he was styled, Romans and citizens (of Alexandria), both acting through the representative appointed by a deed of representation made . . ., as stated below

in the appended copy, Titus Aelius Maximus, to Claudia Isidora also called Apia, daughter of.,.andas he was styled, through Aurelius Saras, senator of Oxyrhynchus and as he is styled (3), greeting. We acknowledge that we have sold to you from the present time for ever the stone house and court, with a cellar underneath, and appurtenances . . . owned by

us at the said city in the Gooseherds’ quarter, ... of which the adjacent areas are on the south ..., on the north the land of you, Claudia Isidora also called Apia, on the east a public road, on the west ..., and vacant ground .. ., of all of which the adjacent areas

are on the south the land formerly belonging to Saraeus ..., on the north... ., on the west a public road, on the east the land of Herodiaena also called Sarapias (?), at the price agreed upon between us for the aforesaid house, appurtenances, and vacant spaces, 21,600 drachmae of Imperial silver coin, which make 3 talents 3,600 dr.,... reckoned against (?) 2 tal. 3,600 dr. owed to you by us in accordance with a deed executed . . In the last year but one, the third, Thoth, upon the security of our names. .., and we have received from you on the spot from hand to hand in full the balance of the price, 1 talent,..., and I, Aelius Maximinus, being present in the Oxyrhynchite nome, by my own pledge in accordance with the deed of representation... You are therefore to possess and own the landed property sold to you, and appropriate all the profits obtained from it from the present year onwards, and have power to use and administer it as you choose, and we are bound to deliver it to you and your successors guaranteed always against all claims with every guarantee, and free from persons’ property-returns and the cultivation of royal or patrimonial land, and from every obligation or debt of any kind and all other liabilities whatsoever. ...

1. ὑπογραφαῖς : cf. B.G.U. 710, a fragment of, apparently, a sale, with a συστατικόν appended in ll. 13-16 (cf. ]. 20, n.) and numerous signatures following in ll. 17-31.

2. For the restoration of the initial lacuna cf. ]. 21.

‘Popaia καὶ dorai: the collocation, which is unusual, is probably intended, as Rostowzew observes, to distinguish the sisters, who belonged to a family of high standing, from the newly created Aurelii, who were not called Ῥωμαῖοι (cf. Wilcken, Chr. 35. i. 9, n.).

3. [διὰ τοῦ συσταθέντος : 505 is arranged differently, the representative using the first ae (as also happens here in 1. 13) ΠΕ ΕΙΣ εἷς συσταθεὶς ὑπὸ... κατὰ συστατικὸν γενόμενον διὰ τοῦ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ μνημονείου τῷ ἐνεστῶτι μηνὶ οὗ ἀντίγραφον ὑπόκειται: but cf. 715. 35 (an

official docket) διὰ ἹἹπποδί γραμμ(ατέως) συσταθ(έντος), and 1646. 22 and P. Gen. 44. 29 δι


ἐμοῦ... ἀποσυσταθέντος. συνεσταμένος is also used, 6. g. in 248. 1, and συνιστανόμενος in 727. zine Ck 1.20; ἢ:

Μαξίμου : in 1. 13 he is called Μαξιμῖνος. For Claudia Isidora see int.

5. καὶ ὡς χρηματίζει can be omitted, but cf. ll. 2 and 4. A shorter restoration, more- over, is not wanted; cf. ll. 15-16. πεπρακέναι is guaranteed by πωλουμένων in |. 14; cf. 1276. 5, 13, 1699. 13, 23. καὶ παρακεχωρηκέναι might be added after it, as in 1200. 17, 1208. 8, 1475. 13, in which case καὶ παραχωρητικοῦ could be added after τιμῆς in |. 9, as in 1208. 15, 1475. 24 (in 1200. 22 τιμῆς alone). But even in the third century it was an occasional practice to have distinct contracts for πρᾶσις and παραχώρησις ; cf. 1686. int.

7-9. For καὶ ψειλοὺς τόπους cf. 1]. 24 and 29, and for τιμῆς... τόπων cf. 1699. 8-9, 1701. 13-14.

10. πρὸς is merely a guess to express the sense and account for the accusative. 1701. 15 is equally incomplete. About 56 letters are lost between ἑξακόσιαι and τάλαντα. P. Brit. Mus. 1164(4). 8-10 has ἀνθ᾽ ὧν προφέρεται ‘Eppilas ὀφείλεσθαι αὐ͵τῷ ὑπὸ τοῦ αὐτοῦ ᾿Ισιδώρου .. . δραχμῶν, C.P.R. 9. ἀντί τε ὧν ὀφείλω... δραχμῶν καὶ ὧν νυνὶ προσλαμβάνω, ... δραχμῶν τρισχειλίων (ὧν Kal) αὐτόθι ἀπέσχον: cf. Rabel, Zettschr. d. Savigny-Stift. xxviii. 313.

1. [κατὰ ἀσφάλειαν γεγονυῖαν... : Cf. 1701. 15-16 κατὰ ἀσφαλείους (I. -eias) δύο γεγονυίας ἐπὶ ὑποθήκῃ τῶν ἱπροκειμένων οἰκιῶν. Here ἐπὶ κατοχῇ τῶν ὀνομάτων ἡμῶν... corresponds to ἐπὶ ὑποθήκῃ in 1701, but the sense is probably not very different. κατοχή, which is a wider term than ὑποθήκη, is used with reference to a contract of the nature of a ὑποθήκη in 506. 49 ἐξόντος τῷ δεδανεικότι ὁπόταν αἱρῆται κατοχὴν [αὐτῶν (Sc. τῶν ὑπαρχόντων) ... . οἸχίσα[σθ]αι πρὸ τοῦ τῶν ἐνκτήσεων βιβλιοφυλακίου ; cf. Schwartz, of. οἱ]. τ46---ὼ. ‘There may have been a reference to the registration of the κατοχή in the ἐγκτήσεων βιβλιοφυλάκιον in |. 12; cf. 1. 25, ἢ.

τῷ προδιεληλυἸθότι τρίτῳ ἔτει : | καὶ τρίτῳ and διελθ]όντι τρίτῳ are inadmissible ; the traces suit 607, and is certain. ‘The custom at Oxyrhynchus was to use the aorist not the perfect participle of διέρχεσθαι with ἔτος. Severus Alexander was not associated as Caesar with Elagabalus (cf. 1. 20 and int.) until July 221 (Prosopogr. Imp. Rom. i. 215), i.e. near the end of the latter’s 4th year, so that 1634, being dated on Mecheir 25 (Feb. 19), cannot belong to that year. The 5th year is also indicated probably by 1. 30, where the sign for ἔτος seems to be connected with the following ε, not with the preceding κα.

12. If there was a reference to interest on the loan, it may have occurred ‘here. In 1701. 18-20 the interest is reckoned separately and added to the capital, which was not done here.

13. πίστει: Cf. ll. 27 and 29, where this word recurs in obscure contexts. From the much discussed ὠνὴ ἐν πίστει, a kind of fiduciary sale (cf. P. Ryl. 160 (c). int.), 1684 is quite distinct.

14. ἐπερωτηθεὶς... ὡμολόγησα may well have occurred before κρατεῖν, as in 1698. 13, 1699. 12, P. Giessen 100. 14-15.

ole: the usual order is κρατεῖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν, but κυριεύειν cannot be read, the vestige of a letter suiting only e ors. One of the two verbs may have been omitted.

15. For [ἐξ αὐτῶν... ἔτους cf. 1698. 15-16, P. Flor. 1. 7, and for ἐξουσίαν . . . αἱρῇ 1699. 15, P. Giessen 100. 17. Line 18 of the last-mentioned papyrus is to be restored ἅσπερ [καὶ ἐπάναγκον παρέξομαι...

16. Cf. e.g. 1699. 18, 1700. 13-14. Ρ, Giessen 100. 15-17 should probably be read and restored διὸ ἀπὸ τοῦ vilv κρατεῖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν exyd|vors κ]αὶ τοῖς mapa σοῦ μετα- λ[ημψομένοις τῶν πωλουμένων σοι a|povpar] kai. .., With οἰκονομεῖν for ἐπιτελεῖν.

17-20. Here 1634 diverges from the usual formula of a sale, and evidently deals with the wiping out of the debt. καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα may have followed ἄλλου in |. 17, but is more likely to have come in the lacuna in 1. 19, especially if mept δὲ rod [..]. [. .]s (|6p|@[a|s is possible) corresponds to the usual conclusion περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς γενέσθαι


ἐπερ. ὧμολ. (e.g. 1698. 26). The rest οἵ]. 19 may be part of a signature of the vendors or their representative. If ἐπερ. ὡμολ. occurred in |. 20 before the date, the Emperors’ names there can hardly have been given in full, since they require 107 letters, and to this hypothesis there is the objection that the abbreviation of the titles of Elagabalus and Severus Alexander neither occurs in papyri of their joint reign, nor would be expected in a contract so elaborate as 1634.

20. συστατικοῦ : cf. B. G. U. 710. 13-16, where the remains indicate that the συστατικόν was a document similar to P. Grenf. ii. 71, SB. 4651, 4653 (all from the Great Oasis and using the third person in place of the second). The συστατικόν mentioned in 505. 2 (cf. ], 3, n.) is not preserved. The other third-century documents of this character, 1274, 1642-3, B.G. U. 1093, are ordinary χειρόγραφα, using the second person. The remains of Il. 21-32 do not contain anything corresponding to the usual formula of a contract with a representative, and the circumstance that this συστατικόν apparently began with a name in the dative followed by παρά and the name of one of the two vendors (cf. p{olv in 1. 22) suggests that the person addressed was a high official (the praefect ?), not the representative, who is, moreover, possibly alluded to in the third person in 1]. 27 (cf. n.). That a contract of representation of the usual character was appended to the application in the lost conclusion of 1634 is improbable. On σύστασις in general see Wenger, Dre Stellvertretung im Rechte der Papyrt.

22-3, βούΪλομαι is extremely doubtful. The word before Κλαυδίᾳ would be expected to be an infinitive meaning ‘sell’ or ‘cede’. |vrovy or Ἶητουν can be read, but suggests no suitable word.

25. βιβλιοφυλακ..... ἐ]κτ]ήσεων : cf. 1. rz, n., and for the registration of a κατοχή at the archives 718 (= M. Chr. 314).

28, κ]αταγράφουσι: cf. P. Flor. 56. 11, where a petitioner for the execution of a mort- gage begins καταγέγρα(μμαι) κατὰ τὰ mp| oo |rer[ aypeva. For καταγραφή see 1636. 42-3, 0.

30. |nka (ἔτους) ε: probably the 5th year (of Elagabalus and Severus Alexander), not the 21st year (of Caracalla), is meant; cf. 1. τα, n. That the Emperors’ names followed is unlikely, since the remains of ]. 31 do not belong to a date. yxa therefore seems to be the termination of a perfect. The doubtful a of καί can be A, but no other letter.


14 X 11-3 cm. 44-37 Bac. Plate ΠΕ

A fragment of a cession (παραχώρησι") of catoecic land by a cavalry soldier in the reign of Cleopatra VI with Caesarion, i. e. in some year between her gth and 15th. Near the end of her 8th year she was still associated with Ptolemy XV (1629. 1), and from her 16th year onwards she was associated with, probably, Antony (cf. 1458. 22, n.). The only extant datings of the period of association with Caesarion belong to the 11th year (1629. 1, n.). 26 letters are lost at the beginning of 1. 1, which may have projected by 2 or 3 letters beyond Il. 2-15. At the ends of the lines about 50 letters are lost in ll. 1 and 13-14, 4 letters less in ll. 2-12, and 2 letters more in 1. 15.. No other Ptolemaic cession of catoecic land is extant, but the general construction and sense of 1635 can be restored from three Oxyrhynchus cessions of catoecic land in the earlier Roman



period, P. S. I. 320 (18), Ryl. 159 (31-2), and 504 (early 2nd cent.), which are more complete than 1685 and adhere closely to the Ptolemaic formula. In addition to (or possibly in place of) the usual παραχωρητικόν (504. 18) the acquirer of the land seems to have undertaken to pay the βασιλικά, i. e. taxes of various kinds (ll. 10-11, n.), with regard to which the owner was probably in arrears.

[Βασιλευόντων Κλεοπάτρας θεᾶς] Φιλοπάτορος καὶ ΠΙτολεμαίου τοῦ κ[αὶ Καίσαρος θεοῦ Φιλοπάτορος Φιλομήτορος ἔτους —, τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα τῶν ἱκοινῶν ὡς ἐν ᾿ἀλεξανδρείαι γράφ]εται, μηνὸς Δύστρου καὶ Τῦβι ¢ ἐν [Οξυρύγχων πόλει τῆς Θηβαΐδος ? ὁμολογεῖ --- [ 18letters τῶν κατοίκων ἱππέων Σ'παρτάκωι Πτολεμαίου Μαϊκεδόνι --- 20 παρακεϊχωρηκέναι αὐτῶι ἀκολούθως τοῖς ὠκοϊνομημένοις διὰ τῶν ἐκ τοῦ ἱππικοῦ ad οὗ ἐπεδέδωκεν

5 [ roletters ὑπομνήματος Arelédvdpar τῶν mp[d|rov φίλων καὶ πρὸς τίοῖς

καταλοχισμοῖς τὰς ὑπαρχούσας αὐτῶι περὶ --- τῆς ἱτοπαρχίας ἐκ τοῦ --- κλήρου) κατοικικῆς γῆς σπορίμου ἐξ ὀρθογαϊνίου ἀρούρας —, ὧν

ἱμέτρα ἀπὸ μὲν ἀπηλιώτου εἰς λίβα σχοινία δύϊο ἥμισυ, ἀπὸ δὲ νότ[ου εἰς βορρᾶν σχοινία —, γείτονες [ 26 letters Ἰων, καὶ τὸν πρὸς ταύταις ἀνηγμένοϊν ----, iva ὑπάρχωσι τῶι Σπαρτάκωι καὶ ἐκγόνοις καὶ [Tots παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ μεταλημψομένο]ις αἱ προκείμεναι πρὸς οἷς ἔχει κλήρ[οις καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις σημείοις Kal κυρί- 10 [ws τὸν πάντα χρόνον ἀκολούθως] τοῖς περὶ τούτων προστεταγμένοις [Kal ἐπεσταλμένοις, ἀνθ᾽ ὧν ἔλαβε παρὰ τοῦ Σ' παρτάκου [ 26 letters |rov βασιλικῶν, καὶ τὰ κατὰ τὸν βίον ε. |--- καὶ μηδὲν παρα- συγγραφήσειν μηδὲ κακο- ἱτεχνήσειν μηδ᾽ ἐγκαλέσειν περὶ τῶν προκειμένων παρευρέσει μηδεμίιᾶι, ἀλλὰ καὶ παντελῶς παρέξεσθαι τῶι Σ᾽ παρτάκωι [αὐτὰς διὰ παντὸς μὲν βεβαίας, καθαρὰς δὲ ἀπίὸ βασ]ιλικῶν Kali [ 26 letters 1 αὐτοῦ avnxov7[........ ] rovrol Tipe ie gees lav, ka). |*.<\.0 ieee 11. πί

2. ζ ΟΟΙΓ. from A. It is not quite certain that the correction is in a different hand.

1-2. For the restorations cf. Ῥ, 5.1. 549. 2, 1629. 1-4. 3. ΜαΪκεδόνι: cf. 1628. 5, ἢ. τῶν κατοίκων ἱππέων may ‘have followed, and then οἱ δύο ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης, as in 1628. 8, 1629. το.


4-5. Cf. Ρ. 5.1. 320. 5-7, Ryl. 159. 5-7, 504. 8-10, as restored in P. Ryl. 159. 5-7, n. (in the two last papyri φκονομημένοις is to be restored in the place of mpooreraypevos). ‘The name lost is that of the owner of the land. 866 (probably 14-15, not 41-2), a fragment of a similar cession of catoecic land at Paimis, has ὑπομνήματος [roi|s παρὰ Ἡλιοδώρου καὶ ΕἸ]ίρη- ναίου τῶν πρὸς τοῖς καταὐλοχισμοῖς Corresponding to 1. 5.

5-6. Cf. P.S. 1. 320. 9-το, Ryl. 159. 8,504. 10-11. After the number of the arourae, which was probably small (cf. 1. 7, n.), there may have been something corresponding to P.S. I. 320. 11-12 σὺν τοῖς ἐπετησίοις ἐκ ..[...].avj.]..... Tov γεωργοῦ μισθώσει.

6-7. For ὧν μέτρα cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 383. 22. διατεινούσας can also be read on the analogy of e.g. B.G. U. 1037. 29. The other Oxyrhynchus cessions omit the μέτρα, but give the γείτονες, which were probably mentioned here in ll. 7-8; cf. 1. 8, ἢ.

7. σχοινία: the σχοινίον was the side of an aroura and 100 cubits in length. This piece of land was apparently oblong, and if the number of σχοινία lost in the lacuna was δύο, the number of arourae was 5.

8. Ἰων: perhaps γείτονες δὲ δηλοῦνται διὰ τῶν περὶ αὐτῶν προκτήσεων οἰκονομι]ῶν ; Cf. 504. 12--13, where δηλοῦνται Comes at the end.

8-9. For iva imdpyoor . . . μεταλημψομένο]ις cf. P. Ryl. 159. 14, 504. 13-14. Before ἵνα a word of 5 or 6 letters is sufficient. τὸν πρὸς ταύταις ἀνηγμένον probably refers to land of some kind recovered’ for cultivation; cf. P. Tebt. 61 (6). 127 ὑπολόγου ἀναχθείσης, and the πρόσθεμα in P. Petrie 20. ili, 12-13. τόπον, suggested by Rostowzew, is perhaps better than κλῆρον, though cf. 1. g πρὸς ois ἔχει κλήροις, where the subject of ἔχει seems to be the person ceding the land. That phrase with the datives following corresponds to σὺν τοῖς ἄλλοις τε[κμηρίοις ὃ... «1. «Ὁ νον νος (1. καὶ | σημείοις ὃ) in P. Αγ]. 159. 15-16 and to σὺν τοῖς ἄλλοις σημίοι[ς kai 9. mows (not τεκμηρίοις) in 504, 15-16. The σημεῖα are more probably ‘boundary-marks’ than ‘title-deeds’ (the edd. of P. Ryl. 159 suggest both interpretations).

9-10. For κυρίως... ἐπεσταλμένοις cf. P. Ryl. 159. 16-17, where there is a lacuna of about 9 letters between ἐπεσταλμένοις and ἀνθ] ὧν, and 504. 17, where the participles are 7[poav laypapopevors καὶ ἐπ(ζε)σταλμένοις. Cf. the next n.

to-11. Cf. P. Ryl. 159. 18-19 ἀνθ᾽] ὧν ἔλαβε παρὰ τῆς Τα χόιτος... ... ΠΥ Ι in talents of copper?) τοῖς δέο]υσι καιροῖς (ἀπέχω τὶ παραχωρητικὸν Occurs in the signature in ]. 46), and 504, 17-20 [ἀΪνθ' οὗ ἀπέσχεν αὐτὴ ᾿ΑἸ φροδιτοϊῦς παρὰ τοῦ Φλαυ | y} ἰου ᾿ΛἈπίωνος παραχωρητικοῦ ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος] χειλέων δρ᾽ αχμ᾽ῶν ἐκ πλήρους μηθὲν παρασυνγραφή- σαΐσαν πἸερὶ τοῦτο (?) τὴν ὁμολογοῦσαν κτλ. ‘Iwo participles in 1. 10 are quite enough (cf. the preceding n.), and after [καὶ ἐπεσταλμένοις there remain before |rov (Σπαρτάἤκου is inadmissible) about 55 letters to be accounted for. ἀνθ᾽ ὧν ἔλαβε (or ἀπέσχε) mapa is practically certain, and if the end of 1. ro is rightly restored, there is room for e.g. ἰταλάντων δύο καὶ τῶν .........|rov βασιλικῶν (possibly ὀφειλομένων ὑπ᾽ αὐἸτοῦ with ταλάντων in the preceding line), βασιλικά here are clearly, as in ]. 13, dues to the king, corresponding to what in Roman times were called δημόσια (cf. 504. 24). For this use of the term cf. P. Tebt. 29. 13. 14 τῶν πο[κε]ιμένων τῆς χρήϊας] βασιλ[ικῶν and 140. I λόγος βασιλικῶν καὶ δαπάνης, ΘΕ Ege: 13 βασιλικὰ ὀφειλήματα. ‘The payment by Spartacus of the βασιλικά due from the person who makes the cession is, we suppose, supplementary to his payment of a παραχωρητικόν, but in l. 11 ἀνθ᾽ ὧν ἔλαβε παρ᾽ adjrov βασιλικῶν might be restored, in which case the payment of the βασιλικά would take the place of παραχωρητικόν, and there was some longer phrase than ἐπεσταλμένοις in ]. 10.

καὶ τὰ κατὰ τὸν βίον ε. [: if Kai pydev.. . ἐγκαλέσειν, Which is restored from P. Ryl. 159. 19-20, is right, the word beginning ¢ .[ is probably a verb connecting with the following infinitives, the subject being the person who cedes the land, and a quite short word would suffice, for τῶι Σπαρτάκωι may have been written after ἐγκαλέσειν (cf. P. Ryl. 159. 20). The

(a sum


letter following « seems to begin with a vertical stroke, i.e. 7, », 4, Or Kk. κατὰ τὸν βίον is more likely to mean ‘for his lifetime’ than ‘for his livelihood’, but in the absence of a parallel the context remains obscure. It is difficult to connect kai τὰ xara τὸν βίον with what precedes without altering the text.

12-13. For ἀλλὰ καὶ... βεβαίας] cf. P. Ryl. 159. 21-3, 504, 21-3.

13. [βασ]ιλικῶν : cf. Il. to-11, ἢ.

14-15. The remains of these two lines do not correspond to the formula of P. Ryl. 159. 24-8, 504. 24-9.

1636. CESSION OF LAND. 35 X II-2 cm. A.D. 249.

A contract for the {cession (παραχώρησις, |. 33) of 2 aroura of corn-land at Seruphis, a village in the Western toparchy (1285. 71), from Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion (cf. 1631. 1, n.), in return for 400 drachmae. This is the first clear example from Oxyrhynchus of a third-century cession as distinct from asale. In 1200. τό, 1208. 8, and 1475.13 πεπρακέναι and παρακεχωρηκέναι are combined. The land is not stated to have been catoecic, but since it formed part of a κλῆρος it may have belonged to that category, like the lands which are the subjects of contracts of παραχώρησις in e.g. C. P. R. 6 (238) and B. G. U. 94 (289). In place of the usual signature of the person ceding the land there is the signature of the other party, acknowledging the cession, which is here called a καταγραφή. 1704 (298) is apparently another contract of cession, but with a somewhat different formula, in which there seems to be no mention of a price. 1703 (3rd cent.) is the beginning of a similar contract, but with καταγεγραφέναι as the principal verb. 1702 (290) may be a sale or cession or both combined, but the fragmentary P. Giessen 51 (202; also from Oxyrhynchus), where in 1. 6 τοῦ καταγραφ]ομένου refers to the object of the contract, is probably parallel to 1708 rather than a sale. The bearing of the new evidence concerning καταγραφή is discussed in ll. 42-3, ἢ.

[4ὐρήλιος] Σερῆνος καὶ Σ᾽ αραπίων Ayabeivov [μητρὸς ΤἸ]αποσειριάδος ἀπ᾿ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως [4ὐρηλί)ῳ Πανεσνεῖ Πτόλϊλιδος μητρὸς Av-

leghoeec toys Ἰς ἀπὸ κώμης Σερύφεως χαίρειν. [ὁμολογῶ] παρακεχωρηκέναι ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν

[εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ] χρόνον ἀπὸ τοῦ ὑπάρξαντός μοι ἀγορα- ἱστικῷ δικ]αίῳ περὶ [τ]ὴν αὐτὴν Σερῦφιν ἐκ τοῦ ee ee Ἰς κλήρου Stpotpov μέρους σειτικῆς [ἀρούρης plas ev θ]ρύοις μεθ᾽ ἀϊπε]δόμην υἱοῖς

1636; CESSION ΟΝ 43

10 [4ὐρηλί(ίου) Sloriw[vols γυμνασιαρχ(ήσαντος) τίῆ)ς αὐτῆς πόλεως καὶ τ ὩΣ Ἰ. nue Στεφάνου yupvaciap|y(joavros)| τῆς αὐτῆς πό(λεωΞς) ἰτρίτον μ]έρος τὸ λ[ο]ιπίὸ]ν τρίτον μέρος πρότερον [Κατιλλιανο]ῦ τοῦ καὶ Οὐάρου, ἧς ὅλης γείτονες νότον - »] βορρᾶ γύης, ἀπηλιώτου ἑτέρων ἰδιωτική,

15 [λι]β[ ὸ]ς [cod το]ῦ παραχωρουμένου, τὰς δὲ συμπεφω- [ν]ημέναϊς πρ]ὸς ἀλλήλους ὑπὲρ παραϊχ]ωρητικοῦ τοῦ αὐτίοῦ μ]έϊρο]υς τρίτου ἀϊργ]νρίοζυ Σεβαστοῦ νομίσ- [uJaros δ᾽ραχ]μὰς τετρακοϊσ]ίαϊς] αὐϊτόϊθι ἀπέσχον ἱπ]αρὰ σοῦ παραχρῆμα διὰ χ[ειρ]ός, καὶ ἐπά(ναγγκες

20 παρέξοϊμαί colt καὶ ἐϊκγόνοις [κ]αὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μετα- ἰλ]ημψομένοις τὸ τ]ῆς ἀρούρης τρίτον βέβαιον [ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐμοῦ ὀνόϊμα]τος καὶ ἀπὸ παντὸς τοῦ ἐξ ὀ- [ν]Ἱὐματός μου ἐπελεϊυσομένου σοι, ἀρκουμένου σοι τῇ εἴς με ἀπὸ τίοῦ] προτεταγμένο[υ] μου προκτήτο-

25 |plos {pov} Κατιλλια[νο]ῦ τοῦ καὶ Οὐάρου το]ῦ αὐτοῦ ἀρού- ἰρ]ης τρίτου βεβ[αι]ώσει, ὅπερ καὶ παρέξομαί σοι [ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπὲρ αὐτ[ο]ῦ τελουμένων δημοσίων καὶ ἐπιμεϊρ!ισμῶν παντοίων τῶν μέχρι τοῦ διελθόντος] s (ἔτους) καὶ αἰὐτ]οῦ τοῦ διελθόντος ς (ἔτους) διὰ τὸ

30 τὰ ἀπὸ Told ἐνεστῶτ]ος a (ἔτους) τούτου πρόσφορα εἶναι σοῦ τοῦ παραχαϊρ)ουμένου, πρὸς ὃν καὶ ε[ζ]να[ε τὰ ἀπὸ τοῦ αὐτοῦ α (ἔτους) δημόσια παντοῖα. κυρία [ἡ πἸ]αραχώρησις ἰδ)]σσὴ γραφεῖσα, ἣν ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ δημοσιώσεις δι[ὰ] τοῦ καταλογείου, οὐ

35 προσδεόμενος μεταλήμψεως μου διὰ τὸ ἐν- τεῦθεν εἰὐ]δοκεῖν με TH ἐσομένῃ ὑπὸ σοῦ δημοσιώσει, περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα οὕτως ὀρθῶς καλῶς γενέσθαι ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολόγησα.

(ἔτους) a Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Tailojy Μεσσίου

40 Κυίντοϊυ] Δεκίου Τραιανοῦ Εὐσεβοῦς Εἰὐτυχοῦς

Σεβαστοῦ Χοίακ α.

4 «ς 7 A 3 6 \ ἰταγραφὴ]ν ὡς πρόκειται, καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς


[ὡμολόγησ]α. Αὐρήλιος Θέων καὶ ᾿Ασκληπιά- 45 [Ons ἐπικαλ]ούμενος Ζωίλος ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ [μὴ εἰδότος γ)ράμματα.

23. 1. σου for σοι after ἀρκουμενου. 27. δημοσιῶ. 45. ζωϊλος.

Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion, son of Agathinus and Taposirias, of Oxyrhynchus, to Aur. Panesneus son of Ptollis and An ..., of the village of Seruphis, greeting. I acknowledge that I have ceded to you from the present time for ever from my property by right of purchase in the area of the said Seruphis in the holding of ..., consisting of the 2 part of 1 aroura of corn-land overgrown with rushes, after deducting the ΖΦ part which I sold to the sons of Aurelius Sotion, ex-gymnasiarch of the said city, and to... son of Stephanus, ex-gymnasiarch of the said city, the remaining 4 part formerly owned by Catillianus also called Varus, of all of which the adjacent areas are on the south

. ., on the north a field, on the east private land of other persons, on the west land of you, to whom the cession is made, and I have received on the spot from you straightway from hand to hand the sum agreed upon between us for the cession of the said 4 part, 400 drachmae of Imperial coin, and I am bound to deliver the 4 aroura to you and your descendants and successors guaranteed from claims made against you in my name or by any other person in my name, you being satisfied with the guarantee of the said 4 aroura which I received from my above-mentioned predecessor, Catillianus also called Varus, which land I am also to deliver to you free from the taxes paid upon it and imports of all kinds up to the past 6th year and including the said 6th year, because the profits of it from the present 1st year onwards, belong to you, to whom the cession is made, who are also responsible for the taxes of all kinds from the said 1st year onwards. ‘This deed of cession, of which there are two copies, is valid; and whenever you choose you are to publish it through the record office without requiring my concurrence, because I hereby agree to the publication to be made by you; and having been asked by you the formal question whether this is done rightly and fairly I gave my consent. The 1st year of the Emperor Caesar Gaius Messius Quintus Decius Trajanus Pius Felix Augustus, Choiak 1. I, Aur. Panes- neus, have received the conveyance, as stated above, &c.’

11. γυμνασιαρχ(ήσαντος) : Or γυμνασιαρ[χ(ήσαντι).

13. [Κατιλλιανο]ῦ τοῦ καὶ Οὐάρου: οἵ. 1. 25. Κατίλλιος Οὐαριανός in 1201, 16, who died in 258, is possibly the same person.

21. β[έϊβαιον : in 1475. 29 βέβαια καὶ καθαρὰ ἀπὸ μόνου τοῦ ἡμετέρου ὀνόματος κτλ. ; Cf. 1702. 11. There is also an ellipse of καθαρόν, as often, before ἀπό in 1. 27.

23-5. dpkoupevov . . . προκτήτο[ρ]ος : cf. 1475. 30, 1702. 12-13.

29. 5 (ἔτους): sc. of the Philippi.

41. Χοίακ a: this date (Nov. 28) is the carliest mention of Decius in Egypt. The Philippi entered on a 7th year in Egypt, as is proved by P. Brit. Mus. 950-1 (no month) and coins ; but Decius was Augustus on Oct. 16, 249, according to Cod. Justin.

42-3. ἔσχον τὴν καϊταγραφή ν: 1. 6. the conveyance has been made to me’: cf.1704. 25, and on καταγραφή in general Mitteis, Grundz.177—-8. His remarks require modification in the light of the new evidence (cf. int.); for καταγράφειν is now known from 1708 to occur in third-century contracts of cession, and καταγραφή in the signatures of 1686 and 1704 means not the contract by which the land is conveyed, but, as is indicated by ὡς πρόκειται, the actual cession itself, so that it is something more than a ‘relationsweiser Ausdruck fiir die Auflassung’. But the new evidence supports Mitteis in his rejection of Preisigke’s view


(Girowesen 441) that xaraypapy refers to registration in the public archives. A better dis- cussion of the term has now been provided by Partsch in his commentary on P. Freiburg 8, a contract for the sale of slaves in 143, which mentions περὶ καταγραφῆς cvyxwpnoes. He explains καταγραφή not as Niederschrift’ (so Mitteis), but as ‘die rechtsgeschiftliche Aner- kennungserklarung die der Verdusserer in der Urkunde abgibt’. For καταγραφῆς τέλη see 1697. 33 and n.

(α) Divistons of Property. 1637. DIVISION OF LANDED PROPERTY.

27-6 X 14-6 cm. A.D. 257-9.

On the verso of 1581, a taxing-list of payments in corn, is a much abbre- viated copy ofa contract for the division of landed property in the Oxyrhynchite and Hermopolite nomes among five persons, including a brother and sister (11. 1-2) and probably two brothers (ll. 5-6). How the property, which is described in quite general terms as an οὐσία, came into the possession of the contracting parties does not appear: it was divided by the contract into two halves, of which one was assigned to the three men in proportions which are not preserved, the details (ll. 19-20) being for the most part omitted, while the other half was assigned to the two women, who receive 2 and respectively of the whole, the details (ll. 27-36) presenting some new geographical information. All the parties to the contract were acting with or through some one else, and the technical distinctions of phraseology with regard to various kinds of guardianship are noticeable (I. 3, n.). The division was made in accordance with the decision of a judge appointed by Mussius Aemilianus, who was first vice-praefect and then praefect in 257-9 (l. 9; cf. 1468. 1-2, n., and Lesquier, L’armée romaine 517). The title of this judge, a centurion who was princeps of the praefect’s staff, is of some interest (1. 10, n.). The writing reaches the end of a column, but may have been continued in a second column, for the papyrus is broken vertically on the right-hand side, and the ends of lines are missing throughout. That the length of the lacunae sometimes extended to 15-20 letters is indicated by practically certain restorations in ll. 17-18 and 24; but some lines (e.g. 12, 14, 22) were probably shorter, and abbreviations may have been used more extensively than we have supposed. The writing becomes larger towards the bottom of the column. Other contracts from Oxyrhynchus concerning division of property are P. Ryl. 156 (ist cent.), 503 (118), 1278 (214), 1688 (282) ; cf. also 1721 (187).

[Ὁμολογο]ῦσιν ἀλλήλοις Αὐρήλιοι ᾿ἀμμωνιανὸς καὶ τούτοϊυ ὁμοπατρία καὶ ὁμομητίρία) ?




25 =)


[ἀδελφὴ ᾿Η]ρακλειδίαινα ἀμφότ(εροι) Αὐρηλί(ίου) Ἡρακλείδου γεν[ο(μένου) 17 letters

[ὁ μὲν ᾿Δμ]μωνιανὸς μετὰ κουράτορος AvpnX(iov) Πασίωνος [ 18 letters

τ ν.- 1 πόλ(εως) καὶ ὡς χρη(ματίζει), δὲ ἙἩρακλειδίαινα per ἐπιτρόπίου 16 letters

[τῆς ᾿Οξυρυγ]χιτῶν πόλεως, καὶ Avravds καὶ ΗἩρακλειανὸς καὶ [Πασίων καὶ ᾿ἀπολ(λώνιος) ἀμφότ(εροι) ?

ἔν ] τοῦ καὶ Amod(Awviov) dud) Παθερμουθίου τοῦ καὶ Σ᾿ ιλβαν[ο]Ὁ ΠΕΣ ΧΉΝΣ καὶ ᾿Ισεῖς

[... ἸἸφίλον χρημ(ατίζουσα) χωρὶς κυρίου τέκνων δικαίῳ παρόντος καὶ εὐδοκ(οῦντος) τοῦ

[ἀἹνδρὸς αὐτῆς Αὐρηλίου ᾿Επιμάχου γενο(μένου) εὐθη(νιάρχου) βουλ(ευτοῦ) τῆς λαμπί(ρᾶς) | 16 letters δι-

ῃρῆσθαι πρὸς ἑαυτοὺς ἐξ ἐνκελ(εύσεως) τοῦ λαμπίροτάτου) Μουσσίου Αἰμι- λ[ιανοῦ διὰ κριτοῦ τοῦ ?

δοθέντος Anpnrpiov (ἑκατοντάρχου) τοῦ ἀξιολ(ογωτάτου) πρίγκιπος τῆς ἡγεμονίας ἐκ συμφώ(νου)

καὶ ἴσου μερισμοῦ τῆς οὐϊσί]ας καὶ λελογχέναι κοινῇ τὰ ὑπογεγραμμένα

ὑπάρχοντα ὄντα περὶ τὸν ᾿᾽Οξυρυγχίτην καὶ ᾿ Ἑρμοπολείτ[ην νομὸν. .««..ονος :

καὶ λελογχέναι κοινῇ τὸν μὲν Αὐρήλ(ιον) Aupoviavoy κατὰ μέρος ΄, τὸν

δὲ ᾿Ἁννιανὸν καὶ Ilaciwva τὸν καὶ ᾿ἀπολλώνιον κατὰ μέρος ΄,

ὡς εἶναι μέρος ἥμισυ τῆς πάσης οὐσίας. As δὲ [συνέλαχον γῆς οἱ προ- κ(είμενοι) ?

τὸ Kal’ ἕν τῆς τοποθεσίας διὰ τῶν ὑπογεγραμμένων [ὑπαρχόντων ?

δηλοῦται. ἔστι δὲ ὧν συνέλαχον εἰς τὸ κατ᾽ αὐϊτοὺς ἥμισυ μέρος οἱ περὶ

τὸν Αὐρήλιον Aupoviavoy καὶ ᾿ἀννιανὸν τὸν καὶ ᾿Ηραϊκλειανὸν καὶ Πασίωνα

τὸν καὶ ᾿ἀπολλώνιον τῶν ὑπαρχ(όντων) τὸ καθ᾽ Ev- περ[ὶ κώμην. .......- (apovpas) . .,

᾿Οξ(υρυγχίτου) νομοῦ πίερὴ κώμην Χῦσιν ὡς ἐκεῖ δεδήλ(ωται), καὶ [π(ερὴ 17 letters

καὶ Ta ἑξῆς.

τὴν δ᾽ Ἡρακλειδίαιναν κατὰ μέρος δίη΄ καὶ τὴν ᾿Ισεῖν [κατὰ μέρος η΄,

ὡς εἶναι καὶ τούτων τὸ λοιπὸν ἥμισυ μέρ(ος) τῆς πάσης οὐσίας, καὶ ?

ὁμοίως λελογχέναι ἐκ συμφώ(νου) ὁμοίως καὶ ἴσου μερισμοῦ τῆς οὐσίας

τὰ ὑπογεγραμμένα ὑπάρχ(οντα), ὧν τὸ καθ᾽ ἕν τῆς [ 18 letters


γῆς τοποθεσίας διὰ τῶν ὑπογεγραμμένωϊν ὑπαρχόν- tov δηλοῦται. ἔστι δέ + πί(ερὶ) ᾿Ιβιῶνα Xvalews (ἀρούρας) . ., ᾽Ο ξί(υρυγχίτου)

νομοῦ ?

[ἐν μὲν τῇ ἄνω τοπί(αρχίᾳ) per ἄλλα, καὶ πίερ)ὴ Θῶλθιν ᾿ἀρταπίάτου ἀμπελικὰ

[κἸτήμίατα) B καὶ καλ(αμείας) καὶ ἐποίκ(ια) καὶ χρησί(τήρια) καλί(άμινα) Apramdrov) [δι(ὰ) -.....ὅ.

30 (ἀρούρας) KO's’ καὶ τὰς συνμισθ(ουμέναΞ) τοῖς κτή(μασι) σι(τικὰς) (ἀρούρας)

[xJat m(epi) Tact Avra “Npov (apov.) τ καὶ Od) [......... (apov.)..,

[κ]αὶ δι(ὰ) Φαὕὔλλου (ἀρού.) va, [καὶ] δι(ὰ) δὲ Ζωίλου (dpov.) 1, δι(ὰ) [δὲ Ἐπ λοις (apov.). .,

[κ]αὶ wept) ‘Avrimépa (Πέλα) δι(ὰ) ᾿Ιούστουν καὶ perdy(wv) (dpov.) Aal, Kal δι(ὰ) Παθερ-

μουθί[ο]υ (ἀρού.) ιβηΐ, καὶ δι(ὰ}) Ep. . - - -. ἀροῦν BACs, iowa, ci. «

eile ρ΄. 171: - per Ὁ] ἄλλα πα!ραλειφθϊενταυ 7.27... 3: ΠΕ οἰ εξ εϑι, (7b αἱ. πο οὺ-

Χ : = : Io. δημητριου p- 11. ἰσου. 12. vmapyxovra ; SO In ib 25- Ig. of τὸν corr. 22. ioe. 24. ἴσου. 5 Ὁ. 51, 33: π΄ 33. p Of ἀντίπερα corr. from (or to?) A,

1-31. ‘The Aurelii Ammonianus and his sister on his father’s and mother’s side Heraclidiaena, both children of Aurelius Heraclides, late . . ., Ammonianus acting with his curator, Aur. Pasion ...and as he is styled, Heraclidiaena with her //or, ... of Oxyrhynchus, and Annianus also called Heraclianus and Pasion also called Apollonius, both (?) sons of. .. also called Apollonius, through Pathermuthius also called Silvanus . . ., and Iseis daughter of... philus, acting without a guardian by the zws berorum, in the presence and with the consent of her husband Aur. Epimachus, late eutheniarch and senator of the illustrious . . ., acknowledge that they have divided among themselves by the command of his excellency Mussius Aemilianus through the appointed judge, Demetrius the centurion, the most honourable prznceps of the praefecture, by a harmonious and just division of the estate, and have had assigned to them in common the appended properties, situated in the Oxyrhynchite and Hermopolite nomes . . ., and have had assigned to them in common, Aurelius Ammonianus for his share . . ., Annianus and Pasion also called Apollonius for their share... ., making a half share of the whole estate. Details of the situations of the land jointly obtained by the aforesaid persons are given in the appended properties. Details of the properties which the party of Aur. Ammonianus and Annianus also called Heraclianus and Pasion also called Apollonius obtained jointly for their half share are as follows: in the area of the village of... arourae ; in the Oxyrhynchite nome in the area of Chusis what is there stated, and in the area of ..., and so on. And Heraclidiaena has had assigned to her for her share 2 and Iseis for her share 3, this making the remaining half share of the whole estate, and they have likewise obtained by a likewise harmonious and just division of the


estate the appended properties ; of which the details of the situations are given in the appended properties. These are: in the area of Ibion Chuseos. ..arourae ; in the Oxyrhynchite nome in the Upper toparchy, &c., and in the area of Tholthis Artapatou 2 vineyards and reed-plantations and farmsteads and appurtenances of the reed-plantations at Artapatou, cultivated by. .., 274% arourae, and... arourae of corn-land which are leased with the vineyards ; and in the area of Paimis, cultivated by Antas son of Horus, 10 arourae.. .’

3. pera κουράτορος : on the distinction between κουράτορες and ἐπίτροποι as guardians of orphans see 888. 3, n., Mitteis, Grwndz. 248. Curatores were for those under 25 years, tutores for those below the age of puberty (14), though the distinction is not always observed so nicely as here. κύριος (1. 7) applies only to a fu/or for women. A different relationship is presumably implied in 1]. 6, where διά, not μετά, is the preposition, and [φροντιστοῦ may be the word lost after SABar[old; cf. e.g. 1686. 2. φροντιστής (cf. Mitteis ἡ. εἰς P. M. Meyer, Griech. Texte, p. 57) is often used practically in the sense of /ufor or curator, but here might correspond, as often, to procura/or, for διά indicates a representative or agent of some kind. In 1645, 2 a woman acts δι᾿ ἐπιτρόπου. whereas here μετά is the preposition in 1. 4.

6. The lacuna after Σιλβαν οἹῦ may be filled by ᾿φροντιστοῦ (cf. 1. 3, n.) or a patronymic or an official title.

7. παρόντος καὶ εὐδοκ(οῦντος) : the combination of these two participles is common, and ch ee Gens rt. 3 (35°) συνεστῶτος. . . καὶ συνευδοκοῦντος. παρών is here equivalent to συμπαρών OF συνεστώς, on which terms see Wenger, Séellvertretung 179-81, Castelli, 5. A. M.i. 50-6. After the general introduction of Roman citizenship a κύριος could be dispensed with, but Egyptian tradition maintained the custom of a woman having a kind of acting κύριος.

9. For διὰ κριτοῦ cf. 1195. 1 κριτῆι δοθέντι ὑπὸ... τοῦ κρατίστου ἡγεμόνος, Mitteis, Ber. ὦ. Sachs. Gesellsch. τοῖο. 124, Grundz. 43. Where the judge was appointed by agreement between the parties, not by the praefect, κριτὴς καὶ μεσίτης is found.

10. (έκατοντάρχου) .. . ἡγεμονίας : cf. 1722. 1 (about the reign of Diocletian) πρί]νκιπι τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγουμένου Αἰγύπτου, and the cenfurio princeps in 1424 (about 318). No instance of prznceps is quoted in Lesquier’s index of L’ armeée romaine. Rostowzew compares Cagnat, Zuscr. Gr. ad res Rom. pert. 111. 1230 (Arabia ; 185 or 231) ἑκατόνταρχον Aey(tavos) δ΄ Σκυθικῆς πρίνκιπα |... ... ] ἸΙουλ(ίου) Saropveivov [πρεσβ(ευτοῦ) SB (acrov)| ἀντιστρ(ατήγου), where Domaszewski restores ἡγεμονίας after πρίνκιπα, 1264 (Arabia ; 3rd cent.) β(ενε)φ(ικιάριος) καὶ ἀκομενταρήσιος καὶ κορνικουλάριος καὶ ἑκατόνταρχος γενόμενος τῆς ἡγεμο(νίας), Domaszewski, Rangord- nung 97 sqq., who remarks that the πρίγκιψ ἡγεμονίας is to be regarded as chief of the offictum of the praefect, and the predecessor of the princeps offictd praesidzs of the fourth century. Cf. also Cagnat, of. εἴ]. i. 629 mpiykup ὀφηκίου ἡγεμόνος, iv. 131 στρατιώτης ἱππεὺς... ἐξ ὀφικίου τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡγεμόνος καστρίου Kevaoravtos. An ἀντίρρησις addressed τῇ τάξι τοῦ πρίγκιπος τῆς ἐξουσίας τοῦ κυρίου μου τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡγεμόνος ἐπαρχίας ᾿Αρκαδίας in 426 will be published in Part xv. Parallel to the position of a centurzo princeps as chief of the praefect’s staff was probably, as Rostowzew observes, the position of the π(ριμι)π(ιλάριος) ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου in B.G. U.13. 535 (ch P.S. ΤΠ 460 ite: in 1416. 209, n. 1: π(ριμι)π(ιλάριος) for π(ραιγπ(όσιτος), this officer ranking one degree higher than the cenfurvo princeps.

10-11. ἐκ συμφά(νου)] καὶ ἴσου : cf. 1. 24 and B.G.U. 444. 8 συμφ]ώνου διαιρ[ἐσε]ως.

11. κ[οινῇ : cf. 1. 152. The apparent repetitions of the same word or phrase at very short intervals, and the awkward constructions (cf. Il. 21-7, n.), may well be partly due to omissions from the longer original contract.

16. [ὑπαρχόντων : cf. 1. 25 and |. 26, where, however, a word different from ὑπαρχόντων would ease the structure of the sentence.


19-20. repli κώμην... : according to the restoration and punctuation adopted in the text this village was in the Hermopolite nome (cf. 1. 12), as we suppose the first village in the list in 11. 27 sqq. to have been; cf. 1. 27, n. If τοῦ is substituted for (ἀρούρας) . ., and there is no stop before τοῦ] ’0€., it becomes necessary to suppose the omission of a number of arourae and καί after νομοῦ, which is unsatisfactory. For rod ρμ(οπολίτου) vop(od) in place of κώμην there is hardly room, and the Hermopolite nome was almost certainly not mentioned in 1. 27. The circumstance that in 1. 12 the Oxyrhynchite nome is mentioned before the Hermopolite, while in Il. 10--21 and 27-34, as restored by us, a Hermopolite village comes first, is outweighed by the advantage gained by providing actual mentions of the Hermo- polite section of the οὐσία in the abbreviated contract. If all the villages mentioned in the two lists are Oxyrhynchite, the Hermopolite section must be included under καὶ τὰ ἑξῆς in |, 21.

20. Xiow: a village in the "Avo τοπαρχία of the Oxyrhynchite nome; cf. 1285. 67, 1659. 12. In 1724. 7 land περὶ Χῦσιν is stated to be in the κωμογρα(μματεία) ἸΠασκώ, which was a district in the Hermopolite nome known from P. Amh. 88. 8-9 ἐν τῶι Πασκὼι περὶ Μνᾶχιν, B. G. U. 553 A. ili. 7, 554. 7 Πασκὼ Toot, P. Ryl. 99. 2 ἐν τῷ Πασκὼ περὶ κωμόγρ(αμμα- teiav) Too’. The point at which Πασκώ occurs in B. Ὁ. U. 553-4 indicates that this was at the extreme north of the Hermopolite nome (cf. 1659. int.), and evidently Χῦσις was close to the boundary between that and the Oxyrhynchite nome, while ᾿Ιβιὼν Χύσεως (I. 27, n.) seems to have been actually inside the Hermopolite nome. The ἙἭ ρμοφίλου κλῆρος is mentioned in connexion with both villages (1724. 8 and 13).

21-7. The construction does not agree exactly with that of 1]. 13-19. καί in |. 23 can be omitted. In 1. 26 ons or τῆς can be read instead of yys, and 6. g. τῆς [ris συλληχθεί᾽ σης τοποθεσίας OL τῆς |THs συλληχθείσης | γῆς Toro. is possible ; but 1. 16 has τῆς τοποθεσίας simply, and these words may have been written twice in ll. 25-6 by mistake. For τοποθεσία cf. P. Giessen 100. 9 and P.S. I. 300. 11, where Rostowzew suggests ἐπὶ ταῖς οὔσαις γειτνί]αις τε καὶ τοποθεσίαις. ὑπαρχόντων in 1], 26—7 (cf. Il. τό, 25) is open to the objection that, if the antecedent of ὧν is ὑπάρχ(οντα), something of a tautology is produced. cv or yer could be read in place of των.

27. ᾿Ιβιῶνα Xvolews: cf. 1442. 2,1724. 13. This village, which presumably was near Χῦσις (1. 20, n.), would at first sight be expected to be also in the “Av@ τοπαρχία of the Oxyrhynchite nome, but we prefer to assign Ἰβιὼν Χύσεως to the Hermopolite nome and refer ᾿Οξ(υρυγχίτου) νομοῦ to what follows, as in ]. 20; cf. 1]. t9g-20,n. If ’ISi@v Χύσεως was in the Oxyrhynchite nome, μέν in |. 28 becomes superfluous. The absence of δέ to answer it creates no difficulty, for in the original contract ἐν δὲ τῇ μέσῃ τοπαρχίᾳ no doubt occurred in the section here indicated only by per’ ἄλλα before καὶ π(ερὶ) Θῶλθιν ᾿Αρταπίάτου. That village is evidently Θῶλθις in the Middle toparchy (1285. 104), to which ᾿Αρταπάτου belonged (1285. 110). Since ᾿Αρταπάτου is always used in the genitive, there is nothing to show whether it is here dependent on Θῶλθιν, as Χύσεως is ON ᾿Ιβιών, or two normally distinct villages are here combined, like Bacchias and Hephaestias (P. Fay. 15. 4, n.); but the former alternative is the more probable, especially on account of the mention of ᾿Αρταπάτου by itself in 1. 29 and the existence of two more villages called Θῶλθις in other toparchies (1285. 123, 141), from which this Θῶλθις was distinguished by the addition of ᾿Αρταπάτου. In 1285. 40, where[...... javp . [. corresponds to Ψώβθεως in 1]. 133, [Ψψώβθ(εως) .|avp . |. is probable, there being two other villages called Ψῶβθις in the list.

28-9. ἀμπελικὰ κἸγήματα β καὶ καλ(αμείας): cf. 1681. 7, n.

31. Παεῖμιν : a village in the Λιβὸς τοπαρχία ; cf. 1629. 8, n.

33. ᾿Αντιπέρα (Πέλαν: cf. 1659. 42, where ᾿Αντιπ(έρα) Heda follows Πέλα and Παεῖμις at the end of a list of villages in the Λιβὸς torepyia, this being the only other mention of it. Whether the penultimate letter here was corrected to p or p corrected to is not clear ;



but if the name of this village, which was evidently facing Meda on the other side of a river or canal (the ancient representative of the Bahr Fusuf?), was ᾿Αντιπέλα. a mistake must be supposed in 1659. 42.

55. μετ᾽] ἄλλα : cf. 1. 28. There would be room for 2 more letters in the lacuna after [Aa. xalraderpO[e .. . cannot be read.

1638. DIVISION OF AN INHERITANCE. A 27: Χ 18-4 cm.; B 14-6 x τὸ cm. ἈΠῸ 2o2.

A contract for the division of the property of Psenamounis, a deceased inhabitant of Senokomis, a village in the Western toparchy, among his two families by different wives. The elder family, consisting of a brother and sister, received a house and adjoining ground, 3% arourae of corn-land and part (probably 2; cf. 1. ΤΙ, n.) of 4 slaves, while the rest of the property was assigned to the younger family, which consisted of two brothers of full age and three minors. The formula of the contract is somewhat unusual owing to the circumstance that the elder family consented to take less than the full amount to which they were entitled, in consideration of the payment of the deceased’s debts by the younger family. Provision was made for obtaining the consent of the minors to the contract when they reached full age. Owing to the loss of the ends of lines throughout the construction of 1]. 6-18 is not quite clear ; but most of the document can be restored, and apparently the apodosis to ἐπῴελί in |. 3 does not begin until 1.17. After that point a fragment of a duplicate (B) in a different hand, but with the signatures in the same hands, is of assist- ance in filling up the lacunae ; the supplements derived from it are under- lined in our text of A. Practically certain restorations of ll. 22, 24, 26, 28-30 show that in ll. 1-31 about 50 letters (in 1. 28 45, in 1. 29 61) are missing at the ends. In ll. 32-4 the lacuna is about 12 letters longer, and in 11. 35-9 about 5 letters longer still, but the writing of the second and third hands (Il. 33-9) is more spaced out than that of the first. The other contracts of the same class from Oxyrhynchus are mentioned in 1687. int.: of third and fourth-cen- tury contracts from other nomes for division of property, P. Tebt. 319 resembles 1638 in beginning with a long clause headed by ἐπεί; P. Brit. Mus. 978, Strassb. 29, and probably Flor. 50 are of the more usual type, ὁμολογοῦμεν . . . διῃρῆσθαι ... καὶ λελογχέναι. P. Gen. 11 (350), a contract concerning the roofing of a court, which is supplementary to a division of property, also begins like 1638, as does 1721.

Αὐρήλιοι ‘Adods καὶ Τααρπαῆσις ἐκ μητρὸς Σινθώνιος καὶ of ὁμοπάτριοι ἀδελφίοὶ Apét καὶ Σαρᾶς ἐκ μητρὸς Ταμμωνᾶτος οἱ τέσσαρες Ψεναμού-




, κ ΄ ΄ « * = κ , vios Ilavcetpios ἀπί(ὸ) κώμης Σενοκώμεως, δὲ Taaprajnors χωρὶς κυρίου τέκνων [δικαίῳ παρόντος καὶ εὐδοκοῦντος 20 letters ἀλλήλοις

7 b] « « ~ Ν Ν 4 4 ~ , 4 χαίρειν. ἐπὶ κοινὸς ἡμῶν πατὴρ καὶ δηλούμενος Ψεναμοῦνις ἐτελεύτησεν ἐπί τε ἡϊμῖν τοῖς προκειμένοις καὶ τοῖς ἀφήλιξιν ἡμῶν ἀδελφοῖς --- (GR ---- Ν 4 Ν ,’ =~ « ἈΝ 7 καὶ Σάμμι ἐκ μη(τρὸς) τῆς προτεταγμένης Tappewvaros τοῖς ἑπτὰ κληρονύμοις, καὶ τὰ ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ καταλειφθέντα πάντα ὄντα ἐν ψιλῷ τόπῳ καὶ σιτικαῖς ἀρούραις καὶ evdo- + N\ BA \ 7 Ν “~~ 7 7 μενικοῖς σκεύεσι καὶ ἄλλοις καὶ τετραπόδοις καὶ δουλικοῖς σώμασι τέσσαρσι ΤΠΙανεχώϊτῃ ὡς (ἐτῶν)... καὶ --- ὡς (ἐτῶν)... καὶ Σινθῶνιν ὡς (ἐτῶν) κε καὶ τὴν ταύτης θυγατέραν Τ᾿απάτριν ὡς (ἐτῶν) lox) lod ι, κοινὰ ὄντα ἰδιηρήκαμεν ἢ, ἔδοξεν δὲ τῷ Αφοῦτι καὶ τῇ Τααρπαήσει τῶν καταλει-

, J Ν 7 SS “A ἊΝ: » \ φθέντων ἐπὶ μόνοις τεισεὶν ἀρκεσθῆναι καὶ λαβεῖν εἰς TO κατ᾽ αὐτοὺς

- a 7 4 bd 7 μέροίυ)ς τῆς κληρονομίας τὸν ἐν κώμῃ Σενοκώμει μετὰ τῆς πατρικῆς οἰκίας αὐτῶν ψειλὸν τόπον βίκου ἑνός. οὗ γείτονες νότου ψιλὸς τόπος ? ---, βορρᾶ —, ἀπηλιώτου

εἴσοδος καὶ ἔξοδος, λιβὸς ᾿Οννώφριος καὶ ἄλλων, καὶ περὶ τὴν αὐτὴν

κώμην ἐκ τοῦ |— κλήρου ἀπὸ τῶν προκειμένων ? σιτικῶν ἀρουρῶν.- ? :) 4 ~ ae ed 7 7 «οὐ ~ 4 ἀρούρας τρῖς ἥμισυ, ὧν ὅλων γείτονες νότου ὁδός, βορρᾶ ΠΠ]αταύριος καὶ λιβὸς Yapa-

πίωνος ἄρξαντος ἀλεξανδρίας, καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν προκιμένων δουλικῶν σωμάτ]ων

ἄλλων, ἀπ[ηλιώτου —, μέρη δύο ἀπὸ μερῶν ἑπτὰ - τῶν ἐπιβαλλόντων αὐτοῖς ? μερῶν ἀπὸ τῶν προκιμένων καταλιφθέντων παντοίων πάντων ὑπὸ τοῦ XQ ? ΄ πατρὸς --- καὶ μηδεμίαν δὴ / \ "“ἷ we 7 ~ σι fe Ν ἔφοδον ἐπέλευσιν αὐτοὺς ἔχειν εἴς τινα ἕτερα τῶν τῆς κληρονομίας παρὲξ τοῦ προκιμένου ψιλοῦ τόπου καὶ τῶν σιτικῶν ἀρουρῶν τριῶν ἡμίσους Ν ~ las ΄ ~ ΄ dere? τ δὶ \ \ x καὶ τῶν μερῶν δύο τῶν δουλικῶν σωμάτων, Ep TE Kal τοὺς περὶ τὸν Apér [kai τὸν Sapav τελέσαι πάντα τὰ ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρὸς κατα- λειφθέντα δημό- old τε καὶ γεουχεικὰ καὶ ἰδιωτικὰ ὀφ(ει)λήματα, κ[αὶ τὴν ἀπόδοσιν το]ύϊτ]ων ποιήσασθαι ἅμ[α τοῖς ἑτέροις ἀδελφοῖς 2, καὶ ἀπαρενοχλήτους καὶ ἀξημί- 4 / , ΄ \ Ν ᾿ ΄ ~ ous παρέξειν τόν τε Αφοῦν καὶ τὴν Τααρπαῆσιν περὶ παντὸς τοῦ > ᾽ὔ δὴ 5] - ) « ΄ ͵ὕ ͵΄ ἐπελευσομένου [ἢ ἐμποιησομένου καθ᾽ ὁνδηποτοῦν τρόπον, παρέξειν

δὲ τὸν ᾿Αρὲτ καὶ



τὸν Σαρᾷν ἰτο]ὶὺς ἑτέρους καὶ δηλουμένους ἀφήλικας ἀδελφοὺς ἐν ἡλικίᾳ γενομένουϊς εὐδοκεῖν τῇδε τῇ ὁμολογίᾳ ?, τῶν ἐπιβαλλόν- των αὐτοῖς μερῶν τῶν τῆς κληρονομίας ταῖς ἐνγεγραμμέναις αἱρέσεσιν IVT A 7 θέ 9 αλ]---- περὶ πάντων πεισθέεν- : t ΤΩΣ Χ \ x ~ ΓΖ « ΄ \ Tes ὁμολογοῦσιν of μὲν περὶ τὸν Δἀφοῦν καὶ Τ᾽ααρπαϊῆ᾽)σιν ἑκουσίως καὶ

Ar 7 bd 4 9 ΄ αὐθαιρέτως καὶ ἀμετανοήτως τῶν

, I om os ΟΝ ~ ~ > Ν JEN v4 \ 7 ἐπιβαλλόντων αὐτοῖς μερῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον Kai μηδεμίαν yw δ 2 EX 4 6 YP ven wy ον Ler) = 2 [epodov ἐπέλευσιν ποιήσασθαι περὶ ὧν ἔσχαμεν μερῶν, ἐφ᾽ οἷς Ν > fp ~ ee a 7 Ν A ~ καὶ ἠ(ργ)γκέσθησαν, τοῦ TE προκιμένου ψειλοῦ τόπου Kal τῶν σιτικῶν

΄“ “ἢ ~ ~ ~ ἀρουρίῶν τριῶν ἡμίσους καὶ τῶν μερῶν δύο τῶν δουλικῶν σωμάτων,

κυριεύειν δὲ « 7 >, ὧν “- ~ Ν SN , Ν ~ ς ia \ = ὁμοίως ἀπὸ τοῦ viv εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον Kai χρᾶσθαι ἡμᾶς καὶ διοικῖν καὶ

Saar ow) Ν > ~ id IN « ’΄ 7 \ Ld olkjovopely περὶ αὐτῶν ws ἐὰν αἱρώμεθα ἀνεμποδίστως σὺν ἐκγό-


\ > ς ox ΄ ε \ \ Ν XN νοις Kal τοῖς παρ ὑμῶν μεταλημψομένοις, of δὲ περὶ τὸν Apert καὶ ~ ~ θέ « ΄ ? Ν. Σαρᾶν [........7@0... τῶν καταλειφθέντων ws πρόκειται ? ὑπὸ τοῦ πα-

Ν . ΄σ Ce 4 ¢ ᾽» Can Tpos ἅμα τοῖς ἑτέροις ἀδελφοῖς καὶ χρήσασθαι Kai αὐτοὺς ws ἐὰν αἱρῶντε ΄ \ ) 7 Ν ~ ~ ,

ἀνεμποδίστως σὺν ἐκγόνοις Kal τοῖς Tap αὐτῶν μεταλημψομένοις Ν \ ye μι re 7 ~ ’΄ 7 ig Ν ~ 7. καὶ τὴν ἀπόδοσιν ποιήσασθαι τῶν πάντων ὀφιλομένων ὑπὸ τοῦ πατρός, ᾿ > 7 7 Ν. ~ ‘\ ~ Ν κ[αὶ ἀπαρενοχλήτους παρέξειν τὸν Αφοῦν καὶ Τ'ααρπαῆσιν περὶ

Ν ~ 7 \ , \ 4 - a lot παντὸς τοῦ ἐπελευσομένου, Kai παρέξιν τοὺς ἀφήλικας εὐδοκῖν τῇδε τῇ « ΄ ) « ΄ 2 Ν ΄ ~ \ X , ~ Oplodoyia ev ἡλικίᾳ γενομένους, καὶ βεβαιώσιν τοῖς περὶ τὸν Adody τὰ ἐν αὐτοῖς 3 Ls Ψ XQ 4 ’΄Ἱ 7 A , ~ ἐνγεγραμμένα ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσι καὶ καθαρὰ ἀπό τε ὀφιλῆς καὶ

~ 7 Ν Ἂς «ς “΄- » \ Ἂν > Ἂν καϊτοχῆς πάσης καὶ ἀπὸ παντὸς οὑτινοσοῦν ἄλλου, ἔτι δὲ καὶ ἀπὸ τῶν

« \ ΄“ / ΄ x 7 4 ? ὑπερ αὐτῶν τελουμένων δημοσίων Kal τελεσμάτων πάντων Kal ἐπικλασ- ~ ~ ~ “d ~ “A ἱμῶν Kal ἐπιμερισμῶν παντοίων τῶν ἕως τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ¢ (ἔτους) \ Daa ~ ; ~ » ἈΝ Ν δ ΩΝ ~ la καὶ αὐτοῦ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος (ἔτους) διὰ TO τἀπὸ τοῦ εἰσιόντος (ἔτους) ΄ ΄ > ra \ x ~ x “Ὁ ᾿Ν ὩΣ \ τούτων πρύσφορα εἰναι τῶν περὶ τὸν Αἀφοῦν, πρὸς οὺς καὶ εἶναι τὰ

“- “- »» 7 LA ΄ τοῦ αὐτοῦ (ἔτους) δημόσια τελέσματα. κύρι-

a τὰ τῆς ὁμολογίας γράμματα ὀκτασ(σ)ὰ γραφέντα πρὸς τὸ ἑκάτερον μέρος

yw ΄ὕ fa « ΄ IN ἜΞΩ ΄ I-A ΄ὕ EX ELV δ[ισσόν, ΑἼΤΕΡ OTNVIKHA εαν ALP@VTAL Καὶ TLS AUTWYV avol-

σουσι διὰ δημοσίου, fe ~ ~ « 7 va \ « 7 Pe οὐ προσδεόμενοι τῆς τοῦ ἑτέρου μεταϊλήμ͵ψεως οὐδὲ ἑτέρας συ]νευδοκίήσεως

\ SN A ΄ a 0.2 ΄ Χ ~ ΄ ΄ ia τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐδοκεῖν τῇ ἐσομένῃ διὰ τοῦ καταλογείου δημοσιώ-



σει, καὶ éemEepwTioar|res ἀϊλλήλ[ο]υς [ἐπὶ τούτ]οις ὡϊμ]ολόγησαν. {|(Erovs) ¢ Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου ΠΙρόβον Περσικοῦ

[Μεγίστου Γοθ ?\txot Melyilorov Εἰ ὑσε]βο(ῦς) Εἰὐτ[υχ)οῦς Σεβαστοῦ Φαρ- [Hoda Kd. (2nd hand) “Αὐρήλιοι ᾿Δπποῦς καὶ Τ᾿αερπαῆσις ἐλάβομεν

--- τῶν

μερῶν τῆς πάσης [π]ατρικῆς ἰκλη)ρονομ[ίας] κ[αὶ ἠρκέσθημεν ἐπὶ πᾶσι τοῖς

eyyeypappévolg....... Τοῦ Ev-?

35 yallolv καὶ τῶν μερῶν [δ]ύο τῶν δ᾽ου]λικῶν σωμάτων ἐπὶ πᾶσι τοῖς προ- ' κιμένοις. καὶ ἐπερωτηθέντες ὡμολογή- pt Paw | σαϊμεῖν. Αὐρήλιος Aewvidns Καλλιστράτου Ἰἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν μὴ εἰδότων

γράμματα. (3rd hand) Αὑ]ρή[λ]ο]. ‘Alper καὶ; Σ᾽ αρᾶς εὐδοκοῦμεν πᾶσει τοῖς προκειϊμένοις καὶ πάντα ποιήσομεν καὶ ἀξφημίους καὶ ἀπαρε-

νοχλήτοϊυς παρ]έξομεν τοὺς περὶ τὸν ᾿Αφοῦν ὡς πρόκειται, καὶ ἐπερωτηθέν-

τες ὡμολογήσαμεν. --- ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν μὴ εἰδότων γράμματα.

6. 1. Σινθώνει . .. καὶ τῇ KTA. 12. uso; So in |}. 25. 14. aper : so in]. 23. 18. ταις evyeypappevas αιρεσεσιν COTT. from τοις ενγεγράαμμενοις. .... OLS. 21. π of προκιμενου corr. from Ψ. 22. a of ae corr. ικ Of διοικιν corr. from κι. 23. 1. ἡμῶν for ὑμῶν. 24. |. αἱρῶνται. 28. ὕπερ. 30. τὰ τ corr. from της. 33. 1. ᾿Αφοῦς καὶ Τααρπαῆσις. 37. εἰ Of mace: corr, from 7.

‘The Aurelii Aphous and Taarpaésis, whose mother is Sinthonis, and their brothers on the father’s side Aret and Saras, whose mother is T’tammonas, all four children of Psenamounis son of Pausiris, from the village of Senokomis, Taarpaésis acting without a guardian by the zws Ziderorum, in the presence and with the consent of . . ., to each other, greeting. Whereas our common father the aforesaid Psenamounis died leaving us the above-mentioned and our brothers who are minors, ...and...and Sammis, whose mother is the aforesaid Tammonas, the seven of us, his heirs, and (we have divided ἢ) all the property left by him, consisting of a vacant space, corn-land, household furniture, &c., four- footed animals, and four slaves, Panechotes aged about ..,... Sinthonis aged about 25 and her daughter Tapatris, aged about το, being held in common, and Aphous and Taarpaésis decided to be content with only certain portions of what was left, and to receive for their share of the inheritance . .. at the village of Senokomis with the paternal house a vacant space to the extent of 1 βῖκος, of which the adjacent areas are on the south a vacant space(?)..., on the north ..., on the east an entrance and exit, on the west the land of Onnophris and others, and in the area of the said village in the holding of . . . from the aforesaid corn-land 3% arourae, of all of which the adjacent areas are on the south a road, on the north the land of Patauris and others, on the east . . ., on the west the land of Sarapion (?), ex-magistrate of Alexandria, and from the aforesaid slaves two shares out of seven (?), (and to renounce any other ?) shares due to them from all the aforesaid property


of all kinds left by their father ..., and(?) to bring no claim or action against any other parts of the inheritance except the aforesaid vacant ground, 34 arourae of corn-land, and two shares of the slaves, on condition that the party of Aret and Saras discharge all the debts, whether public, or attaching to the land, or private, left by our father, and pay them in conjunction with the other brothers (?), and shall secure Aphous and Taarpaésis against any trouble or injury in respect of any claim or action of any kind whatever, and that Aret and Saras shall obtain the consent of the other previously mentioned brothers, who are minors, to this contract when they come of age, ... the shares due to them from the inheritance according to (?) the choices written therein . . ., the parties to the contract acknowledge, on the one hand the party of Aphous and Taarpaésis that they have voluntarily and of their own choice and irrevocably (renounced ?) the shares due to them from the present time for ever, and will bring no claim or action about the shares (?) which we have received, with which they are also satisfied, namely the aforesaid vacant ground, 3% arourae of corn-land, and two shares of the slaves, and that they own these likewise from the present time for ever, and we have the use, disposition, and administration of them as we choose without hindrance with our offspring and successors, and on the other hand the party of Aret and Saras that they . . . the property left by the father together with the other brothers, and they too have the use of it as they choose without hindrance with their offspring and successors, and will pay all their father’s debts, and secure Aphous and Taarpaésis against any trouble in respect of any claim, and will obtain the consent of the minors to this contract when they come of age, and will guarantee to the party of Aphous all the property described in it against all claims with every guarantee, as free from any debt or liability or any other claim whatsoever, and also from all public dues, taxes, extra levies, and rates of all kinds payable on it up to the present 7th year and including the present 7th year, because the profits of this property from the coming 8th year onwards belong to the party of Aphous, who are responsible for the public taxes of the said 8th year. This deed of contract is valid, there being 8 copies of it in order that each party may have 2, and whenever they or any one of them choose, they may register it publicly without requiring the participation of the other side or any further agreement, because they forthwith agree to the publication to be made through the record-office, and having asked each other the formal question they gave their consent on these terms.’ Date and signatures.

2. For παρύντος καὶ εὐδοκοῦντος cf. 1637. 7, n., and for ἀλλήλοις in similar contexts P. Amh. 99. 4, Brit. Mus. 978. 4, Ryl. 157. 3.

4. For ψιλῷ τόπῳ (including the house mentioned in 1. 8) and σιτικαῖς ἀρούραις (perhaps followed by a figure; cf. 1. 9) cf. 1. 21.

4-5: ἐνδο]μενικοῖς σκεύεσι : cf. P. Leipz. 28. 20 ἐνδομενικοῖς διαφόροις σκεύεσει.

5. ΠανεχώΪτῃ : this is a common masculine name at Oxyrhynchus, the feminine form being Τανεχῶτις (e g. 1208. 3); hence καὶ τῇ ταύτης θυγατρί (cf. Ib 6) is unsuitable. Πανε- xa\r7, which is also masculine, cannot be read.

6. For διῃρήκαμεν ch Ps Gen: Ta, 5 ἐπειδὴ see [δ]ιαιρήκαμεν πρὸς ἑαυτ]ούς. With e. δ. διαιρεῖται OF κατήντησε (cf. P. Tebt. 519. 4) the accusatives in ll. 5-6 are not accounted for ; but in any case these ought to have been datives. For ἔδοξεν δὲ cf. P. Tebt. 319. 10.

8. οἰκίας : this is apparently ignored in Il. 4 and 21.

βίκου : a land-measure of unknown size; cf. 100. το, P. Halle, p. 199.

ψιλὸς τοπός ?: or e.g. Ψ|εναμούνιος.

11. For μέρη δύο cf. ll. 14 and 35. ἀπὸ μερῶν ἑπτά is restored on the analogy of 508. 6-7 μέρη δύο ἀπὸ μερῶν πέντε. For ἑπτά cf. 1. 4 and κοινὰ ὄντα in |. 6, which suggests that before division the property was owned in equal shares by the brothers. τεσσάρων is improbable, for since there were four slaves to be divided, these would probably, if the elder


family received two shares out of four, have been assigned as individuals. For fractions of a slave cf. 722. int. and P. Freiburg 8. 13-14.

12. μερῶν ἀπό: the second word is not δύο or ἑπτά. For the preceding restoration τῶν ἐπιβαλλόντων αὐτοῖς cf. 11. 17-18 and 19-20, where too the verb which apparently governs μερῶν is missing, That lost in ]. 19 may well have been the same as here, and if ἐπιβαλλόντων refers to the claims of the elder family upon the property prior to the division, ἀφίστασθαι would be suitable ; but if ἐπιβαλλόντων refers to the present contract, a word like κρατεῖν or κυριεύειν is required; cf. 1. το, ἢ. In place of καί, which leaves ἔχειν in 1. 13 dependent on

ἔδοξεν in 1. 6, ὥστε or ἐφ᾽ (cf. ἐφ᾽ τε in 1. 14) can beread. That the main sentence began “in |. 12 and ἔχειν is dependent on ὁμολογοῦσι to be supplied there is improbable, since ὁμο- λογοῦσι Occurs apparently for the first time in ]. 19, and the general correspondence between ll. r2-18 and 19-26 is quite intelligible if I]. 12-17 belong to the en(e)é clause, but not if they belong to the main sentence.

15. ὀφ(ελήματα : οἵ, 1. 25 ὀφιλομένων.

ἅμα τοῖς ἑτέροις ἀδελφοῖς : cf. 1. 24. An adverb (6. g. ἀμέμπτως) is possible.

ἀπαρενοχλήτους καὶ ἀζημίους : for the combination cf. P. Brit. Mus. 932. 20. [ἢ]. 25 there is hardly room for two words, and in Il. 37-8 ἀπαρενοχλήτους apparently occurred second.

17. For τῇδε τῇ ὁμολογίᾳ cf. 1. 26; but since this clause still belongs to the ἐπεί sentence (chy ly x2, n.), another word than ὁμολογίᾳ (e. g. διαιρέσει OF τούτοις) may have been used here.

18. The position of zepin| (or wepey.|) in B indicates only a short lacuna between it and res, SO that ἀλ[λήλους --- περὶ πάντων ἐπερωτήσαν)τες is unsuitable, and cf. P. Freiburg 8. κατὰ πᾶν συνπεπεισμένοι. :

τ9. For καὶ ἀμετανοήτως, which can be omitted, cf. P. Strassb. 29. 31. The doubtful 1 before τῶν ἐπιβαλλόντων in B can be », so that e.g. either ἀφίστασθαι τῶν or κρατεῖν τῶν could be read, or εἰληφέναι τὸ πᾶν τῶν (cf. λαβεῖν in 1]. 7, eAdBoper(?) in 1. 33, and ἔσχαμεν in 120); cf. 1. 12, n. The verb in |. 23, which balances that in 1. 19, is also uncertain.

21. There does not seem to be room for κρατεῖν δὲ καὶ κυριεύειν, which are usually found together in this context.

23. [αὐθαιρέτως (cf. 1. 19) is possible after Sapav. In B there is hardly room for κρατῖν between |ras [ and τῶν καταλιϊφθέϊντων (κεκλη]ρῶσ| θαι is inadmissible).

(ΣΙ mh. Ne andi si.

28. The supplement (cf. 1208. 22, 1700. 19) is rather short (44 letters besides the sign for ἔτους), compared to that in 1. 29 (6r letters, which can hardly be diminished except by omitting τόν).

30. δ[ισσόν ought strictly to have been τετρασσόν, since there were 8 copies ; cf. 1704. 20,1717. 4. B has ερωνται κε τις. For ἀνοίσουσι διὰ δημοσίου cf. 1208. 24 (as corrected Heb. ΚΥ] τόϑ: τ5-- τὴ. n.) ἀνοίσις διὰ Synp. That the after ἐσομένῃ in B belongs to διά rather than δημοσίωσει is not quite certain; but without διὰ τοῦ καταλογείου, for which cf. 1698. 24 (it is omitted in 1208. 25), the supplement is only 42 letters.

32-3. On the titles of Probus see 1631. 34,n. As far as the lacunae in A are con- cerned, Περσικοῦ Μεγίστου Vo@txod | Meyiorov Παρθ)ικοῦ Meyiorov might be restored, but the shorter restoration, which omits Παρθ. Mey., suits B better, and in A there may have been a space before the date.

33. For ἐλ]άβομ[εν in B cf. 1. 7. If the genitive μερῶν in 1. 34 is right, something like τὸ πᾶν is expected to account for it (uereA|dSop[ev cannot be read in B, unless Ταερπαῆ(σις) was written, which is unlikely), The body of the contract does not help at this point ; οἵ. 1 το: ἢ:

37-8. That B had more than ἀπαρενοχλήτους is certain, for even ἀζημίους καὶ ἀπαρενόχλη]


τὸν (sic) παρέξομεν gives Only 20 letters in a lacuna corresponding to [dorwv . . . evdoxov| in the line preceding; cf. 1. 15, n. One of the adjectives here may have been ἀνεισπράκτους, which is often coupled with ἀπαρενοχλήτους in papyri.

38. B omits τὸν before ᾿Αφοῦν,

(e) Loans. 16389. PAYMENT IN ADVANCE FOR WHEAT. 20:5 X 13-6 cm. Bc. 73/00 447 Plate wie

An acknowledgement from two Persians of the epigone to a κάτοικος ἱππεύς of the receipt of the price of 30 artabae of wheat, which were to be delivered after the harvest. The formula, which closely resembles that of P. Reinach 30 (late and cent. B.C.), is largely that of a loan. The papyrus, which certainly belongs to the first century B.C., is dated in Phaophi of the 9th year of an unnamed sovereign, and the resemblances between the first hand of 1639 and 286 c (reign of Auletes ; Part ii, Plate v) and P. Grenf. ii. 39 (2nd year of Auletes?; Plate v) and between the third hand of 1639 and P. Tebt. 103 (21st year of Auletes ? ; Parti, Plate vii) suggest the gth year of Auletes (B.C. 73) or of Cleopatra VI (B.C. 44; cf. 1629. 1, n.). The payment is, however, made through the private bank of Heraclides at the Serapeum of Oxyrhynchus (Il. 3-5, n.), and though banks other than βασιλικαὶ τράπεζαι existed in Ptolemaic Egypt, the earliest known reference to an ἰδιωτικὴ τράπεζα is in B.C. 6 (P. Brit. Mus. 890. 2, from Hermo- polis). Moreover the docket of the bank in Il. 30-1, certifying the payment of the price in question, is identical in form with bank-dockets on first-century receipts from Oxyrhynchus (1. 31, n.). We are therefore not prepared to exclude the attribution of the gth year to Augustus, though 1639 presents a more strongly marked Ptolemaic appearance than the Oxyrhynchus papyri from the earlier part of his reign, e. g. 277.

The juristic character of that class of documents to which 1639 belongs has been much disputed. Rabel (Ze7tschr. d. Savigny-Stift. xxviii. 315 and P. Basel 5. int.), Preisigke (P. Strassb. 1. int.), and now P. M. Meyer (Gviech. Texte 7. int., in opposition to P. Hamb. 21. int.) distinguish those examples, in which, as in 1639, the price is not stated, from those in which it is given, and which are to be regarded as payments in advance (e.g. P. Tebt. 109). The former class they consider to be instances of datio tn solutum, Hingabe an Erfillungsstatt ’, i. e. undertakings for the cession of property in payment of a previously existing debt, couched in the form of a fictitious sale of the property inadvance. We (P. Hibeh 84 (a). int., Tebt. 379. int.), in common with Wenger (Gott. gel. Anz. 1907. 316), Berger (Strafklauseln 143), and Mitteis (Cir. 139), have regarded both sets of


examples as genuine sales in advance. Wilcken (Archiv v. 253) and Bell (P. Brit. Mus. 1656 and 1774. int.) are undecided. The simpler hypothesis that the omission of the price, which is no uncommon feature of sales (cf. e.g. B. G. U. 177, 584, 806; P. Brit. Mus. 282), is really immaterial, and that the money for which a receipt is given actually changed hands, even though its amount is not stated, gains much support from 1639, which, without giving the actual sum, not only mentions the bank making the payment, but has a docket similar to those found in receipts involving an actual payment. Evidently the omission of the price is here to be explained by the circumstance that the amount of it was not an essential element in the contract, which is mainly concerned with the delivery of the produce bought, and the same explanation holds good in the other exam- ples in which the price is not specified. The datéo in solutum explanation of these instances seems to us over-subtle, like the theory of the fictive Mitgift ’, for which see 266. int. There is indeed an example of a datio in solutum in P. Gradenwitz Io (B.C. 215-214) ; but there the price of the asses surrendered by a fictitious sale is given, and a clause in the contract, to which there is no parallel in 1639, definitely states that the transaction was made in settlement of a loan, and the formula of P. Gradenwitz 10 develops into that of a sale, not like P. Hibeh 84 @ and 1689 into that of a loan, so that it does not provide any support for a datio in solutum explanation of 1639. In the absence of a definite indication that such contracts as 1639, in which goods are paid for but not delivered, conceal a prior relationship of creditor and debtor between the parties, making the pay- ment for the goods fictitious, these documents are to be explained simply as acknowledgements of payments in advance, and the converse of such contracts as 914 and B.G. U.1146, in which goods are delivered but not paid for, i.e. are bought on credit.

᾿Ορσενοῦφις Kai ΠΠἼεκῦ σις ἀμφίόϊτεροι Iletocipios Πέρσαι τῆς ἐ- meyovns Θέω]νι τῶι καὶ [Θ]οώνει Θέωνος τῶν κατίοἸίκων ἱππέων χαίρειν. ὁμο]λ]ο[ γ]οῦμεν ἔχεϊιν πα]ρὰ σοῦ ἐπὶ τοῦ πρὸς ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει Σ᾽] αἱραπιείου [καὶ δ)ιαγράφεται

διὰ] τῆς ἩἩραϊκλε]ίδου ἰδιωτικῆς τραπέζης τιμὴν

δώσομέϊν σοι ἐν τῶι 1Π|αῦνι μἸη] ν]Ἱὲὸ τοῦ] ἐνεστῶτ] οἣὺς ἐνάτ᾽ οἷυ


| [ou (m[vp|od στε]ρεοῦ ἀκρίθου ἀρταβῶν τρι]άκοντα, ἃς καὶ ἀπο- [ [ἔτους m\vpoyv στερεὸν [véov καθαρὸν adloXov ἄκριθον

ἱμέτρῳ τοῦ 3] τῆς πἰ[όϊλεω[ς Σ᾽ αραπιείου καταἸστήσαντες 10 τοῖς ἰδίϊοις] ἀνηλώμαϊσιν οἷς ἂν συντάσ ?\ons ἐπὶ τίο]ῦ αὐτοῦ

« ro 4 \ Ἂν A , ΄ ἱεροῦ. ἐὰν δὲ μὴ ποιώϊμ)]εν [κ]Ἰαθὰ γέγραπται, ἐκτεί-


aloluev σοι dt’ ἐγγύων ἀλλήλων τιμὴν ἑκάστης ἀρτάβης ἧς ealv [μὴ] ἀϊπ]οδῶσι χαλκοῦ δραχμὰς τετρακισχιλίας, τῆς πράξεως σοι οὔσης ἔκ τε ἀμφοτέρων καὶ ἐξ οὗ ἐὰν 15 αἱρῆι καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μὴῖν πάντων καθάπερ ἐκ δίκηϊς,.] μὴ μενουσῶν ἡμῖν πίστεων [κ]αθ᾽ ὁντινοῦν τρόπον, τ]ῶν δ᾽ ἐπενεχθησομένων ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν ἀκύρων ~ 3 7 7 XN 2 / , 7 ~ οὐσῶν. ἀϊγ]ώγιμοί colt δὲ] ἐσόμεθα ἐπί τε τοῦ προωνο- c7 7 \ J ἋΣ XX 7 ἈΝ μασμίέν]ου Σ᾽ αραπιείου καὶ ἐπὶ παντὸς ἀσύλου καὶ 20 apyxov7|o|s καὶ ὅπου ἂν τῶι καθόλου περιπίπτῃς ἡμῖν. κυρία Τὴ x\elp πανταϊχῆ]ι ἐπιφερομένη καὶ παντὶ τῶι ) ar emipe| po|vTt. (ἔτους) 0 Dawg: κ. . 2nd hand ᾿Ορσενοῦφις καὶ ΠΕεκῦσις ἀποδώσομεν 25 tas] τ[ο]0Ὁ πυροῦ ἀρτάβας τριάκοντα ἐφ Ἷς καθότι πρόκειται. ‘Appoévios Σ᾽ ω]σιπάτρου γέγραφα ὑπὲρ or ΄“ Ν \ Ν Ν > 4 αὐϊτ]ῶν ἀξια[θ]εὶς διὰ τὸ μὴ ἐπίστασ-

Bale αἰὐτοὺς γράμματα. (ἔτους) 0 Φαῶφι κ.

3rd hand ἔτους 0 Φαῶφι x, διὰ ᾿Ηραί(κλείδον) ae) 5)" [γέγ]ονεν διαγρα(φή).

On the verso

ἔτους 0 Φαῶφι, χειρό(γραφον) (πυροῦ) (ἀρταβῶν) λ ᾿Ορσενούφιός τε καὶ Πεκί(ύσιος) πρ(ὸς) Θέω(να) τὸν καὶ


31 π]οδῶμεν. 18. Final ¢ of al γ]ωγιμοι corr. from s.

‘Orsenouphis and Pekusis, both sons of Petosiris, Persians of the epigone, to Theon also called Thodnis, son of Theon, of the catoecic cavalry, greeting. We acknowledge that we have received from you at the Serapeum at Oxyrhynchus the sum paid through the private bank of Heraclides as the price of 30 artabae of hard wheat unmixed with barley, which we are to deliver to you in the month of Pauni of the present gth year in hard, new, pure, unadulterated wheat, unmixed with barley, by the measure of the Serapeum (?) of the city, transporting it at our own expense to whomever you may appoint at the said temple. If we fail to perform these conditions, we will forfeit, being jointly sureties for each other, to you the price of each artaba which we fail to deliver, 4,000 drachmae of bronze, you having the right of execution upon us both or whichever you choose and upon all our property, as if by a legal decision, no plea of any kind remaining to us, and any that we


may produce being invalid. And we shall be liable to arrest by you at the aforesaid Serapeum and in any place of asylum and before any magistrate and in any place whatsoever where you may encounter us. This bond is valid wherever and by whomever it is pro- duced. The gth year, Phaophi 20.’ Signature of Orsenouphis and Pekusis, docket of the bank, and on the verso the title.

3-5. Cf. 1182. 8-12, n., 1411. 4, n., where this papyrus is referred to, and Preisigke’s discussion of the evidence for banks at the Serapeum of Oxyrhynchus in Girowesen 20-7. To his seven instances should be added (besides 1689) 305 τῆς Δρποκρατίωνος τοῦ ᾿Απερῶτος ἰδιωτίκῆς tp. (A.D. 20), 319 τὴς MWrof............ Jovos tp. (37), 804 τῆς ᾿Αμμωνίου καὶ ᾿Επιμάχου τρ. (55), 1132. 9 τῆς ἐπὶ τοῦ πρὸς ᾿Οξ. πόλ. Σαρ. Φανίου ἀρχιερατεύσαντος καὶ Πτολεμαίου τῶν σὺν Αὐδασίῳ Παυλείνῳ ἐπιτηρητῶν tp. (162), 14°73. 6 τῆς ἐπὶ τοῦ πρ. ᾽Οξ. πόλ. Sap. rp. (201). Preisigke, who owing to the brevity of our description of 305 did not realize that the ἰδιωτικὴ τράπεζα οἵ Harpocration was at the Serapeum, considered that there were two kinds of banks there, (1) the δημοσία τράπεζα (‘ Staatskasse’), and (2) a bank leased by the govern- ment (‘Staatsbank’), having specially close relations with the State, and distinct from the ἰδιωτικαὶ τράπεζαι, which were purely private companies. It is, however, clear from 305 and 1639 that there was an ἰδιωτικὴ τράπεζα at the Serapeum, and if that was distinct from the bank leased by the government and sometimes administered by ἐπιτηρηταί (91, 518, and 1132), four of Preisigke’s six instances of a Staatsbank’ (267, 264, 269, and 98) together with 319 and 304 are more likely to refer to an ἰδιωτικὴ τράπεζα : for all these instances are concerned with private, not official, transactions, and that banks named after individuals often belonged to the class of ἰδιωτικαὶ τράπεζαι in spite of the omission of the word ἰδιωτική is clear from (1) 805, where ἰδιωτικῆς is omitted in the docket διὰ τῆς ‘Aproxpa(riwvos) [τρ]ά- (mens) yéyolven διαγρα(φή), (2) P. Brit. Mus. 1168, where ἰδιωτική is once inserted (1. 21), and once omitted (1. 54), in connexion with the Σύρου τράπεζα at Hermopolis in a. ἢ. 44, and (3) the probable identity of the Πτολ(εμαίου) tp. at Hermopolis in P. Brit. Mus. 1168. 49 with the Πτολεμαίου ἰδιωτικὴ rp. in P. Ryl. 173. 1 (10 years earlier). The question of the relation of private banks to those leased by the government has not yet been definitely decided; cf. Wilcken, Grundz. 160. If the view which we put forward in connexion with 513 is correct, and the Ptolemaic bank-monopoly continued in the Roman period, there is no need to suppose the existence of more than one bank besides the δημοσία τράπεζα at the Serapeum of Oxyrhynchus ; if Preisigke is right in distinguishing the leased from the private banks, it becomes necessary to suppose the existence of at least two. The use of the term ἰδιωτική, Which is evidently contrasted with δημοσία, is not inconsistent with our view, and as far as Oxyrhynchus is concerned the evidence concerning private banks is decidedly unfavourable to Preisigke’s distinction between them and ‘Staatsbanken’. Of the six instances of private banks at Oxyrhynchus quoted by him (of. c/. 37) the first, concerning the bank of Harpocration at the Serapeum (305 ; v. swp.), refers to a private transaction, but the other five (from 288-9) occur in receipts for payments of taxes to the State ; and of four more 312 (37) διὰ Awpi(wvos) καὶ Iroh(epaiov) τρα(π.), 808 (45) διὰ Awpi(wvos) καὶ Διον(υσίου) τρα(π.), and 313 (47) διὰ Κολ(λούθου) (or διὰ κολ(λυβιστικῆς) 3), καὶ [. .| fe Ge”) τρα(π.) also occur in tax-receipts, while only 828. διὰ τῆς ΣΡ Ἰθέωνος τραπ. γέγονεν διαγραφή and διὰ τῆς Π]αμφίλου τοῦ Σαραπίωνος τραπ. περιλέλ(υται) διαγραφήι refers to a private transaction, ‘The phenomenon of tax-receipts issued by banks called τοῦ δεῖνος appears first in Theban ostraca of Augustus’ reign (Wilcken, Os/. i. 92-3; Preisigke’s proposal in Op. Cis ἘΠῚ to identify Κεφάλου τράπ. in these with ἐν Διοσπόλει τῇ μεγάλῃ τράπ., Of which Κέφαλος was τραπεζίτης according to Osé, 1345, is vitiated by the difference of about roo years between the dates of Os¢. 1345 and 1365, &c.). Wilcken with some hesitation regarded these as issued by the δημοσία τράπ., and if it is once admitted, as is done by Preisigke


following Wilcken, that at Thebes in the early Roman period the δημόσιαι τράπ. were called after the names of individuals, the Oxyrhynchus examples of tax-receipts issued by banks may after all refer to the δημοσία τράπ. ‘Their formula is just the same as that found in Wilcken’s Os/. 361, 1317, 1319-20, in which the substitution of διὰ τῆς τοῦ δεῖνος τραπ. for ἐπὶ τὴν τοῦ δεῖνος τράπ. found in his 1365, &c., probably does not affect the meaning mate- rially. The only instance of an official bank with a name in the genitive is P. Tebt. 587 (about α. Ὁ. 1) ἐπὶ τὴ(ν) [ἐν Πτολ(εμαίδι}} Εὐεργ(έτιδι) δημο(σίαν) τρά(π.) Awpiwvo(s) τρα(πεζίτου), but this variation from the usual description of an official bank as one ἐφ᾽ ἧς δεῖνα is hardly parallel to the examples of banks called τοῦ δεῖνος simply. At Arsinoé Preisigke considers that the bank τοῦ δεῖνος in the Ταμείων quarter was a Staatsbank’ because some of its trans- actions concern official payments ; but the banks at Oxyrhynchus which he regards as private were to an even larger extent, so far as is known, concerned with official payments, and the case for separating the bank Ταμείων from the other banks at Arsinoé is not at all strong. At Hermopolis there was a bank known as μισθωτῶν τράπεζα, all the transactions concerning it being of a private character. ‘This too Preisigke on the evidence of the name regards as a Staatsbank’; but he classes the ἐπιτηρουμένη τράπεζα at Hermopolis (P. Flor. τ. 3, &c., Strassb. 52. 8, A/elanges Nicole 193, P. Ἀγ]. 176. 2) with the private banks, though the parallelism between it and the bank at the Serapeum of Oxyrhynchus administered by ἐπιτηρηταί (cf. p. 59) suggests that it was a bank which was normally leased, and, if so, it ought on Preisigke’s theory of Staatsbanken’ to be identical with the μισθωτῶν τράπεζα. We are therefore not prepared to accept his account of official and private banks in the Roman period as satisfactory. Our own view may be briefly expressed as follows. [ἢ the Ptolemaic period besides the βασιλικαὶ τράπεζαι there were banks called in P. Rev. Laws Ixxv—vi τράπεζαι simply, which were all leased by the State and apparently called after the names of the lessees, as illustrated by the Σωτίωνος τράπεζα at Acoris (P. Reinach 7. 9); but whether the Πτολεμαῖος τραπεζίτης at a village of the Arsinoite nome (P. Fay. 12) was, as Preisigke (of. cz/. 10) supposes, a lessee rather than a βασιλικὸς τραπεζίτης is very doubtful. As soon as the Romans took Egypt, probably even earlier, ἰδιωτικαὶ τράπεζαι make their appearance, and banks which were evidently not δημόσιαι τράπεζαι are found in connexion with official payments. Such banks are distinguished from the δημόσιαι τράπεζαι by being called after individuals; but the bank-monopoly of the government still survived, and the persons who gave their names to banks, whether these were called idtwrexai or not, are probably to be regarded as lessees. In the second and third centuries these banks are sometimes found under the administration of official ἐπιτηρηταί, a circumstance which may be due to the difficulty of finding private persons willing to become lessees of banks, just as it became difficult to obtain tax-farmers (cf. 44) and agoranomi (cf. 1642). The existence in each metropolis of a single leased ‘Staatsbank’, which was specially privi- leged in regard to official transactions, side by side with a number of purely private banks owned by individuals and not leased to them, seem to us unwarranted by the evidence which is so far available.

5-6. τιμὴν π᾿υρ]οῦ : cf. int. and 1. 13, where the value per artaba in case of failure to deliver the wheat at the proper time is 4,000 drachmae. This sum, which is unusually high, probably represents twice, or at any rate, 14 times the amount of the price paid by Theon; cf. Berger, Strafklauseln 34-5, 111, 143-6; P. Tebt. 105. 46, 109. 15, nn.

ὃ, στερεὸν ἱνέον καθαρὸν ἄδολον: cf. 836, 1629. 11, P. Reinach 9. 20, &c. Reinach translates στερεόν ‘compacte’. We suppose it to mean ‘hard’, i.e. ‘ripe’.

9. ἱμέτρῳ τοῦ ἢ) τῆς πόλεως Σαραπιείου : a mention of a temple-measure is in any case rendered probable by z[o|0 αὐτοῦ ἱεροῦ in 1]. 10-11, and for Sapameiov cf. Il. 18-19 τοῦ προωνομασμ[έν]ου Sap. (though the reference there, as in 1. 11, can be to the mention of the Serapeum in 1, 4) and P. Tebt. 10g. 20-1 ἱμέτρωι] ἑξαχοινίκωι δρόμου τοῦ ἐν τῆι προ]γεγραμμένηι


κώμηι Zovxteiov. But only seven letters are expected in the initial lacuna, and ¢ adscript elsewhere in 1639 is not omitted except in subjunctives (cf. the next n.), so that there is barely room for τοῦ, and though π[ζόΪλεως suits the traces and s of τῆς is fairly certain, there may be a letter between s and the supposed π.

Io. ois ἂν συντάσ]σῃς : cf. P. Reinach 28. g—10 καταστήσωι oils ἂν συντάσσηι ἐν τῆι [’Axepeos, and for the omission of « adscript 1. 20 περιπίπτης. The vestige of a letter joining ns is very slight and indecisive, but ἐξ ἀλληλεγγ]ύης is not expected at this point, especially as δ ἐγγύων ἀλλήλων occurs in]. 12, and ἄνευ δίκης (cf. e.g. P. Reinach 20. 25-6 τοῖς idioles ἀνηλώμασι ἄνευ] δίκης καὶ κρίσεως καὶ πάσης κακοτεχιίας) is not long enough.

15: ΘΠ ΕΞ ὁ: n.

16. πίστεων: cf. e.g. B.G.U. 1156. 24-5 μὴ ἐξῖ(ναι) αὐτοῖς ἐπιφέρειν πίστεις μήτε καταφεύγειν ἐπὶ...

18, αἀγ]ώγιμοι : the connexion between the occurrence of this clause and Persians of the epigone (1. 1) is once more illustrated (cf. 1471. int.) ; but 1639 is noteworthy for not being a συγχώρησις, like the other contracts in which the clause occurs.

27. Σ[ω]σιπάτρου : ’A[v|rerarpov is unsuitable, but the first letter might begin with a straight Strekes es wa) ΠῚ.

30. τρα(πέζης) : or τρα(πεζίτου), since there is no τῆς before Ἡρα(κλείδου). 31. [γέγ]ονεν διαγρα(φήγ: cf. int. and 264. 26, 267. 34, 269. i. 22, 305 and 323 (quoted on p. 59), and Preisigke, Girowesen 232-3.

1640. LOAN OF WHEAT. 15 X 14-5 cm. A.D. 252.

This conclusion of a contract (χειρόγραφον) for a loan of wheat is chiefly interesting on account of the mention of a new measure called πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα and apparently identical with the μέτρον τετραχοίνικον (ll. 4-5, n.). Other Oxyrhynchus loans of corn in the Roman period are 988 recto (224) and 1040 (225); and like them and 1711 (a late third-century loan of money), &c., 1640 was written in duplicate in parallel columns. We omit Col. i, of which only the ends of lines are preserved.

[ ἀποδώσω ἐν μηνὶ 11αῦ-] νι τοῦ ἐν[ε]σϊτῶτος τρίτου] ἔτουΪς πυροῦ νέου καθαροῦ ἀδόλου ἀβώλου ἀκρίθου κεκοσκινευμένου μέτρῳ \ «ς Ν 7 ) ΄ 5 πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα ἀνυπερίπε; θέτως. » ἈΝ le J 7 ~ Ag 7 εἰ δὲ μή, ἐκτείσω σοι τοῦ ὑπερπεσόντος - 7 7 χρόνου διάφορον ἐκ τρίτου, γεινο- μένης τῆς πράξεως παρά τε ἐμοῦ

καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάντων.


4 Ν A, Ν a 10 κύρια τὰ γράμματα δισσὰ γραφέντα παν- ταχῆ ἐπιφερόμενα [kai πἸ]αντὶ τῷ ὑ- Ν ~ , Ν , δὴ πὲρ σοῦ ἐπιφέροντι, [καὶ ἐπ]ερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. (ἔτους) γ [4 ὐ]τοκρατόρων Καισάρων Ταίου Ovi Bijov Τρεβωνιανοῦ 15 Γάλλου καὶ Γαίου Οὐιβ[ί)ου ᾿Αφινίου Τάλλου Οὐελδουμιανοῦ ΟὐολουΪσ]ιανοῦ Εἰ ὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σ᾽ εβ[᾽αἸστῶν Φαῶφι κ. 2nd hand Αὐρήλιος Κιαλπούρνιος ἔσχον καὶ παραμεμέτρημαι] τὰς τοῦ πυροῦ > ΄ 7 ‘\ Ψ 20 ἀρτάβας δεκάπεντε καὶ ἀποδώσω lal iy 4 \ τῇ δηλουμένῃ προθεσμίᾳ, καὶ ἐπε-

ρωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα.

16. ευσεβω.

‘...I will repay in the month Pauni of the present 3rd year in wheat that is new, pure, unadulterated, free from earth and barley, and sifted, by the measure οἵ (?) ten hundredths without delay; or, if I fail, I will forfeit to you for the overtime an extra payment at the rate of one-third, you having the right of execution upon myself and all my property. This deed written in duplicate is valid wherever and by whomever on your behalf it is produced, and in answer to the formal question I gave my consent.’ Date and signature of the borrower.

2. τρίτου] ἔτουϊς : Col. i has apparently τρίτ]ου ér[o|(s) at this point, certainly not δ]ευτέμ[ ο]υ or 1 τρί ο]υ.

4-5. μέτρῳ πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα : the clause introduced by πρός generally refers to the standard to which the actual measure in use was equated, the accompanying participle, where expressed, being συμβεβλημένῳ ; cf. P. Lille 21. 23-5 and Ryl. 166. 15-16, n. Here, how- ever, if a participle is to be supplied at all, συμβεβλημένῳ is hardly appropriate, and the phrase is in any case novel and not parallel to e.g. P. Amh. 43. 9 μέτρωι δικαίωι τῶι πρὸς τὸ βασιλικὸν χαλκοῦν. 31,95 presumably refers to an artaba, of which the fraction 345 is known (cf. 1446. int.), and the phrase is, we think, merely a variant for μέτρῳ δεκάτῳ, which would be parallel to the instances of μέτρῳ τετάρτῳ, ἕκτῳ, and ὀγδόῳ. On these concrete measures containing 4, 4, and 1 of artaba see Hultsch, Archiv ii. 290, and Bell, P. Brit. Mus. v. Ρ. 158. With an artaba of 40 choenices, such as is found in 9 verso and elsewhere, a measure containing 51, of it would be a μέτρον τετραχοίνικον, and though Hultsch wished to identify this with the μέτρον ἕκτον and refer both to the artaba of 24 choenices, the μέτρον τετραχοίνικον Can apply just as well to an artaba of 4o. Another possible explanation of μέτρον πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα would be to connect it with the μέτρον ἑνδεκάμετρον in a corre- sponding position in P. Fay. go. 14, i.e. an artaba of 11 μέτρα or 44 Choenices, as contrasted with an artaba of presumably 40 choenices in which the original loan was made (cf. Hultsch, Archiv il. 293). ‘The 31% would on this view represent the difference between the standards used in the payment and repayment of the loan, and ἑκατοσταί as extra charges, probably

1640. LOAN OF WHEAT 63

sometimes connected with differences of measures, are well known ; but the first explanation seems to suit πρὸς ἑκατοστάς better. The phrase recurs in 1748. 8.

7. διάφορον ἐκ τρίτου : ἐξ ἡμιολίας is more usual; cf. 1474.18 and 1628. 16, nn.

13. (ἔτους) y: only the bottom of y is preserved, but a is excluded by the month in 1. 17, since Decius was still reckoned as reigning on March 4, 251 (cf. 1476. int.), and £ is not a suitable reading.

1641. LOAN WITH RIGHT OF HABITATION. 14:5 X16 cm. A.D. 68.

The concluding part of a contract (χειρόγραφον) for the loan of 80 drachmae, the lender having in lieu of interest the right to inhabit the borrower's house. An allusion to a document of this description occurs in 1105 ; but 1641 is the first specimen of this class from Oxyrhynchus, and the formula is worded somewhat differently from the parallel contracts B. G. U. 1115 (Alexandria; B.C. 13) and P. Hamb. 30 (Arsinoite nome; 89), while P. Brit. Mus. 1168 (Hermopolis; 44) is phrased as a lease. The juristic character of these contracts, especiaily in rela- tion to the law of mortgage, has been much discussed, most recently by P. M. Meyer in P. Hamb. 30. int. In 1105 ὑποθήκη and ὑποθέσθαι are used with regard to the property (2 of a house) in which the right of habitation was ceded by the borrower in lieu of interest; but Meyer is not justified in accepting Levy’s assumption that the antecedent of ὧν ὑπέθετο in 1105. 14 is οἰκίας... συνκυρόντων rather than the μερῶν τριῶν ἀπὸ μερῶν πέντε. Owing to the loss of the beginning of 1641 it is impossible to be certain on the question whether ὑποθέσθαι or some kindred term occurred in it; but no reference to a mortgage is found in the extant portion of the papyrus, and it is likely to have agreed on this point with B.G. U. 1115, P. Hamb. 30, and Brit. Mus. 1168, which have none; cf. Manigk, Gliubigerbefriedigung, 21 sqq., Partsch, Archiv v. 511-13.

Vestiges of 2 lines. [....]...a@..[.] ἀϊπὸ] τῆς ἐζνε)στώσης ἡμέρας χρωμένου σοῦ καὶ τῶν

lol ~ ~ 7 a 2 παρὰ σοῦ τῶν ὑπὸ σ]οῦ εἰσοικισθησομένων τῷ τε οἴκῳ καὶ πυ-


λῶνι καὶ δώματι καὶ αὐλῇ καὶ εἰσόδῳ καὶ ἐξόδῳ καὶ τοῖς ἄλλοις = ee, , ~ ) 7 ; by ΠΑΝῚ » τῆς οἰκίας χρηστηρίοις πᾶσι ἀκολούτως, οὐκ οὔσης PE οὐτ ἄλλῳ οὐδενὶ ἐξουσίας ἐκβάλλιν σε οὐδὲ τοὺς παρὰ σοῦ ἐκ τοῦ ἐνοικι- ~ col ~ - ~ σμοῦ μέχρι τοῦ τὸν χρόνον πληρωθῆναι, Ep οἷς καὶ βεβεῶσαί (cor) ~ \ a“ BN ) Ν ΄ ΄ - ΄ καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ τὸν ἐνοικισμὸν πάσῃ βεβαιώσει. καὶ τοῦ χρί(νογυ πλη(ρω)- θέ > 4 Ν ~ > 7 Ν Σ 4 SN 10 θέντος ἀποδώσω σοι τὰς τοῦ ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς ὀγδοήκοντα, ἐὰν

Ν ~ δι ~ δὲ mapacuvypape μὴ ποιῶ καθὰ γέγραπται, ἐκτείσω σοι τοῦ μὴ


A Ν 3 ὯΝ ᾽΄ , 7 μὲν βεβεῶσαι τὸν [ἐν]οικισμὸν @|s πὶρόκειται ἀργυρίου ὁραχμὰς τεσσαράκοντα καὶ ἰς τὸ δημόσιον τὰς ἴσας, τὸ δ᾽ ἀργύριον παρα-

tiie ζὰ \ eS 2 94) @ IN χρῆμα μεθ᾽ ἡμιολίας σὺν τοῖς καθήκουσι ab οὗ ἐὰν παρασυν-

κι A N97 es 15 γραφήσω χρόνου τύκοις, τῆς πράξεως σοι οὔσης ἔκ TE pod καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων μοι πάντων, καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης. κομι- σαμένου δέ σου τὸ ἀργύριον μετὰ τὸν χρόνον ἐκχωρήσις

~ ~ > » ς 7 « ἐκ τοῦ ἐνοικισμοῦ ἐν ἄλλαις ἡμέραις ἑξήκοντα, παραδοὺς ἣν ἂν παραλάβῃς θύραν καὶ κλεῖδαν. κυρία χεὶρ πανταχῆ > 7 Ν Ν ) wo

20 ἐπιφερομένη Kal παντὶ τῷ ἐπιφέροντι. (ἔτους) τεσσαρασκαιδε- κάτου Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Γερμανικοῦ Αὐτοκράτορος μηνὸς Γερμανικείου tc. (2nd hand) Σαραπίων Yapariwvos τοῦ Σ᾽αραπίωνος μητρὸς Yapmarvpiis? ...)... wvidov Ν. ἊΝ ~ 7 Ν ἔχωι παρὰ τοῦ Τε.. Ko . κου τὰς Told] ἀργυρίου] Spal χ)μὰς

25 ἰ[ὀγδοήκο]ντα κ[αιφαἸλέου καὶ an[odaom?............ τ ΄-- ΠΕ ---- Ἰς βὶ--- 6. |. ἀκωλύτως... . μοι. 8. ]. βεβαιῶσαι ; so in]. 12. g. a Of βεβαιωσει Corr. from e. 14. ov corr. from ὦ. 18. of παραδοὺς corr. from τ. 20. ντι (ἔτους) over an expunction. 25. 1. κ[εφαΪλαίου.

‘,..from the present day you and your agents who shall be installed there by you are to use the house, pylon, roof, court, entrance, exit, and all the other appurtenances of the house without hindrance, neither I nor any one else having the right to expel you or your agents from the habitation until the expiration of the period, on condition that I also guarantee the habitation to you and your agents by every guarantee. And when the period has expired, I will repay you the 80 silver drachmae, or, if I violate the contract or fail to perform its conditions, I will forfeit to you on account of failure to guarantee the habitation as aforesaid 40 silver drachmae and to the Treasury an equal amount, and the original sum increased by one half together with due interest from the date of my violation of the contract, you having the right of execution upon both myself and all my property, as if by a legal decision. And when you recover the money at the end of the period you are to surrender the habitation within 60 days more, delivering up the door and key which you receive. ‘This deed is valid wherever it is produced and for any person who produces it.’ Date and signature of the borrower.

5. δώματι : ‘roof’; cf. Luckhard, Das Privathaus im plol. und rim. Aeg. 74-5.

16-19. κομισαμένου . . . κλεῖδαν - this clause corresponds to, Β΄ (ἡ ΤΠ III5. 45-53: but not to Ρ. Hamb. 30. 27-8, if the remains of those unintelligible lines have been rightly deciphered.

22. Germaniceus (Pachon) 16 is May 11. A still later date in Nero’s 14th year, Pauni 4, occurs in 289. 1.9. By Mesore Galba was recognized; cf. 877 (which is wrongly assigned to the year 67 instead of 68) and Wilcken, Osv. ii. 21.

25. For dn|odoow οἴ. 6. g. P. Tebt. 390. 21; but ἀντὶ τῶν τούτων τόκων can be read on the analogy of P. Hamb. 30. 33



(f) Appointments of Representatives.


A deed whereby Aurelius Demetrianus appoints his ‘brother’ to represent him at a trial in the Oxyrhynchite nome concerning the nomination by Deme- trianus of Aurelius Agathinus also called Origenes (1475. Io, n.) as his successor in the office of agoranomus. Other Oxyrhynchus deeds for the appointment of representatives to appear in court are 261 (55), 376 (77), 865 (late first cent.), 97 (115-16), 726 (135); cf. also 1274, 1643, P. Grenf. ii. 71, SB. 4651, 4653, B.G. U. 286 and 1093, which are all third or early fourth century deeds appointing repre- sentatives to go to Alexandria for other purposes. 1642, which is called in]. an ἀποσυστατικόν (cf. 505. 2 συστατικόν), is, as usual, a χειρόγραφον, but has at the end the concluding phrase of a letter, which is abnormal. Below the deed and in the same hand is a much corrected draft of instructions for the representative. This is continued on the verso, and later a somewhat different and shorter version of ll. 12-30 was added in ll. 44-55. The beginnings of lines in the instructions are missing on both sides: on the recto, to judge by fairly certain restorations in ll. 18 and 20, about 17 letters are lost; on the verso, to judge by ll. 48 and 5o, about 25 letters seem to be wanting in ll. 44-55, but the writing there is some- what smaller than in ll. 31-43, where the initial lacunae probably do not exceed 20 letters. These estimates can be reduced in size if abbreviations were more freely employed than we have supposed, and the external appearance of the papyrus, which in 1]. 1-5 has an adequate margin on both sides, hardly suggests that the loss is so large; but though in 1. 20 καὶ ὡς xpyu(ari¢er) can be omitted, an initial lacuna of only 8 letters seem irreconcilable with 1. 18.

The decipherment and restoration of the interesting but very cursively written instructions are difficult, especially in Il. 44-55, where the ink is faint and the surface of the papyrus damaged ; but the general sense can as a rule be made out. After apparently a heading (1. 12 corresponding to 1. 44), comes a series of argu- ments to be used by the representative in answer to various pleas which might be put forward by Agathinus ; the sections often take the form ἐὰν... λέγῃ (or another verb), λέξεις οὕτως, e.g. Il. 13, 29, 33. The first section (Il. 13-28 = 45- 54), which is the longest and most intelligible, gives a general statement of Demetrianus’ and his opponent’s actions with regard to the filling up of the office of agoranomus. That this office in combination with that of eutheniarch had towards the end of the third century fallen into desuetude at Oxyrhynchus owing to lack of candidates, but was revived by a praefect who was probably Valerius Pompeianus shortly before 288, was already known from 1252 verso. ii. In that



papyrus the τάγμα οἵ gymnasiarchs and the prytanis of the senate are found taking action in regard to the nomination of eutheniarchs, the responsibility for whose appointment ultimately rested with the praefect. Here, too, there is a reference (l. 14 = 45) to the long-existing vacancy in the office, but the mode of appoint- ment described is slightly different, the holder of the office being called upon by the praefect to nominate his successor (l. 15 = 46), a procedure which is also found in the case of πράκτορες and comarchs; cf. 1405. int. Demetrianus, who had himself filled a term of office as agoranomus, was summoned before the prae- fect to take part in the nominations, and somewhat against his will was induced on March 19 (probably 288) to nominate as his successor Agathinus, who was not only well off himself but had children under his anus owning property (Il. 16-20 = 47-50). A month later (apparently) Agathinus appealed to the praefect against this nomination (Il. 20-2 = 50-2). The answer of the prae- fect to this petition (ll. 27-8) is obscure; but he seems to have referred the matter to the local authorities, i.e. more probably the strategus (1. 42) than the epistrategus (1. 32), for the services of the representative of Demetrianus were re- quired in the Oxyrhynchite nome (1. 2). The sentence in Il. 22-4, which is ignored in the second draft, is hopelessly broken : in ll. 24—6 Demetrianus argues that Agathinus and his sons were, owing to their wealth and the orders of the praefect, the proper persons to be chosen, and (Il. 26—7 = 52-3) claims that they should be made to do their duty.

The second section (ll. 29-30 = 54-5), which provides an answer to the charge that Demetrianus’ action was due to private enmity against Agathinus, introduces a mention of Demetrianus’ wife, who ‘knows her own business’ (1. 55), and did not require the assistance of the representative, if the second person in 1. 30 refers to him, as usual.

The third section (I. 31 and perhaps 1. 32) apparently refers to a possible claim by Agathinus to substitute for himself an ex-scribe of the public bank, the answer being that this individual was not sufficiently wealthy, and that his children were not available for sharing the responsibilities of the office. Another section (Il. 33-4) deals with the possible proposal of Agathinus to give up his property rather than accept office, an extreme measure which in the third century was not uncommonly employed (cf. 1405. int., P.S. I. 292). The answer is only partially preserved, but seems to refer to the fact that Agathinus had already undertaken equally onerous duties. The following section (ll. 35 or 34-43) is of a more general character, somewhat like the first; but it is too incomplete for restoration. That Demetrianus was successful in his efforts to get Agathinus appointed is shown by 1208. 16, where the latter is called agoranomus in 291.

The reference to the property of the ὑποχείρια τέκνα affords an interesting


piece of evidence for the introduction into Egypt by the constitutio Antoniniana of the Roman conception of patria potestas, concerning which the silence of papyri has been sometimes misinterpreted ; cf. 1. 5, n.



Αὐρήλιος Anpntpiavis καὶ ὡς χρηματίζω Αὐρηλίῳ A[...jo Διδύμῳ τῷ 3 7 ἀδελφῷ χαίρειν. ΄ - ΄΄ὕλ ~ ἀποσυνίστημί σε κατὰ ταῦτά pov τὰ γράμματα παραστῆναι mapa σοὶ ἐν ᾿Οξυρυγχεί τῷ PUY ΧΕΙ τῇ ὀνομασίᾳ τῇ ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ γενομένῃ παρὰ τῷ διασημοτάτῳ ἡγεμόνι > 7 Ovarepio ΠΙομπη- A ΄ 2 ~ ιανῷ εἰς τὴν ἀντ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἀγορανομείαν Αὐρηλίου Ayabeivou τοῦ καὶ ~ Nptyévovs Οὐαριανοῦ x « ΄ὕ EN , ς σι κ A « , , καὶ [os] χρηματίζει ἐπὶ πόρῳ ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν ὑποχειρίων τέκνων Καὶ πάντα πρᾶ- a 4 ᾽ὔ "“ » A 4 ~ > ~ ἈΝ [fac ὅϊσα κἀμοὶ παρόντι ἔξεστιν εἰς τὸ μήτε ἐκποιηθῆναι αὐτοῦ τὴν εὐπορίαν ἀκίει- 4 ? dle Ν δὲ Ν 5: a” ) Ν los [νήτων pndle καὶ κεινητῶν, μηδὲ μὴν προχωρεῖν TL αὐτῷ ἐπὶ περιγραφῇ “- ΄σ ᾿΄ Q ~ , [THs πολι]τικῆς χορηγίας. κύριον TO ἀποσυστατικὸν πανταχῆ ἐπ[ιφ)ερ[όμενον, [καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς [ὡμ]ολόγησα. ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, ἀδελφέ. ror a ΄ eran - Nt κ , Qe [(Erovs) τοῦ κυρίου] ἡμ[ῶ]ν Διοκλητιανοῦ Kai (ἔτους) 6 τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν

Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν

[21 letters]rov . πί ) [ αν. .]] «Αὐρήλ(ιον) ᾿4γαθ]εῖνον τὸν καὶ ᾿Ωριγένην

καὶ ὡς χρημί(ατίζει) [ἐὰν ? 201. κελευσθῶμεν τὴν ἔκδειαν εἰπεῖν, λέξεις οὕτως" [20 1.1 τὸν τῆς ἀγορα(νομίας) στ]έφανον πλείστῳ χρόνῳ ἐκλελοιπότα [92 ..].. διὰ τὸ ἐξ ἀντονομασίας συνίστασθαι ταύτην [πὴ ἀρχῆι... ἐγὼ δὲ ἐν τοῖς χειροτίοἸνήμμασι ἔτι τε ἐπὶ τοῦ ἡγεμόνος [ἐτύγχανον ὧν κατὰ τὴν τοῦ ἡγ(εμόνος) πρόσταξιν [171.}. καὶ ὅμως εἶξα [ διὰ τὸν τοῦ ἡγεμόνος φόβον καὶ κελεύσαντος τοὺς [πληρώσαντας ὀνομάζειν ἀνθ᾽ ἑαυτῶν καὶ αὐτὸς πληρώσας ἐχειροτόνησᾳ > 2 \ [εἰς ἀρ[χὰ]ς γί. .] - «1: τ Th Ky τοῦ Φαμενὼθ [[Adp]] τὸν προκείμενον «ΑΑὐρήλί(ιον) Ayabeivoy τὸν καὶ [ΩἸριγζέϊνηϊν F 2






[kal ὡς χρημίατίζει) ἐπὶ πόρῳ ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν ὑποχειρίων τέκνων] ἐπειδὴ ὑπ᾽ αὐτόν ἐστιν, καὶ ὅμως

[15 1. πλ]ηρωθείσης αὐτῷ τῆς ὀνομασίας τῇ] Ky [τοῦ Φαρμίοῦθι}}]}] ἐκκέκληται

[17 οἸσαντος ἀλλ᾽ ἵνα ἐν τῷ μεταξὺ τὰς ἀϊρχὰ]ς μὴ ἐκφορήσῃ. οὗτος δὲ TOLOUT|. « ].- ρίζεσθαι

[1.16] : ἄζοντες αὐτῷ καὶ τῶν τέκνὼν [..[.].......-.. uKal] ἐπὶ

[17 ,ματων. καὶ γὰρ εἰς τὰς ἄλλας ἀρχὰς μάλιστα δὲ ταύτην δὶς

(4.5 5

~ Σ IZ « Ν 4 ἐς [17 ,, τῶ]ν ἐν περιουσίᾳ τυγχανόντων αἱροῦνται καὶ μάλιστα κεκελευσμέ-

ἐννόμως ἵνοι τ41ν καὶ ἀξιοῦμεν αὐτὸν ἔχεσται τῆς adyopa(vopias) [κατὰ τοὺς νόμους] ὀνομασθέντα γ]ενάμενον καὶ αὐτὸν πληρώσαντα ἀντονομάσαι (16 Ly. ὑπέγραψεν γὰρ τῇ ἐκκλήτῳ αὐτὸς ἡγί(εμὼν) ὥστε μενουσῶν Tapa [16 Ly. ὑπέγραψεν γὰρ τῇ ἤτᾳ ς ἡγί(εμὼν) μ ν παρα- γραφῶν παρὰ Tol ς΄ [14 ,, αἸἰὐτοῖς τὰς παραγραφάς. [ἐὰν δὲ λέγῃ με Ex...J... [μίας ὠνομακέναι αἰὐϊτὸν πρὸς ἔχθραν, λέξεις οὕτ(ως) οὐδεμία μοί ἐστι ἔχθρα πρὸς αὐτί(όν) 2, οὐδὲ γ]ὰρ κοινωνίαν ἔχει ὑπαρχόντων πρὸς τὴν ἡμετέ XUpa πρ D5 DANI ΟΥ̓ 'S PX pos THY ἡμετερὰν

σύμ β]ιοῖν.] οὐδὲν τοῦτο πρὸς σέ ἐστῖι.


[ἐὰν δὲ λέγῃ 11 1.] τῶν πρὸ αὐτοῦ ypapparéeov τῆς δημοσίας Tpamé ns

ὠνομάσθαι εἰς ἀγορα(νομίαν)Ὶ, οὐδὲ γὰρ ἐξουσίαν ἔχων ..[....] 6 ἐπιστρά(τηγοΞ) ἀλλὰ ἵνα ὑπάρχειν ἐξα... ... [19 1. ὀϊνομάζφεσθαι ᾿ αξι [μίαν ἀυτῶν [[γραμμ ?\aréwr || δόξας Ξαραπίω : eae WN iS ΣΝ ΝΣ ent ταύτης τῆς TOA( EWS)

exkare(t)o bat dpt(as) ob

re ry \ , yo ΄ τ ΄ ; ΄, κληροῦ(χοΞ) αὐτὸς

[15 ,, ἐὰν δὲ] λέγῃ περὶ ἐκστάσεαϊς, λέξεις ὅτι ἐξεφόρησεν 1M NN) πάντα αὐτοῦ ἄπεστι.

20. ,͵σαι μηδὲ ἐν δι. οὗ... -..ἢ}

L [20 ,,] ἀλλ᾽ ἐκείνον μὲν ἀξιῶ ya ὃς ταύ ὴν ἀρχὴ 20 ,, ε μὲν ἀξιῶ γὰρ πρὸς την τὴν ἀρχὴν [2 lee ἐπειδὴ ἐξ a ἘΠ 4 L ava

[20 ,,,εεἰ ἐπειδὴ ἐξ ἀντονομασίας σύνκειται Kal ἀνάγκη

Ν , ΄ a Tov το l.Joklolvra κατέχεσθαι. παρενεχθήτωσαν οὖν

J... te... Yo.. 0. ὠ[Ἴῳφα.. ἐλευθερίας, καὶ γὰρ τὰ ἀρχεῖα καὶ .. ἁρματειαν ἔφερον [. .2] is 2) ip ) αἱ ΤΈΙΑΡ ἜΘ ΕβΟν Als {20 1.1. τῇ εὐπορίᾳ κ[αὶ τ]ῶν ὑπίοχ]ειρίων τέκνων ([nv]] ἣν αὐτὸς ἅμα τῇ ὀνο- ᾿ : : pacia

[20 |. Tiv σχ.. λιαν, ἀλλὰ ἀντέχω πρὸς τὰς ἐπικει-


40 ἱμένας 15 1. [καὶ] κἂν yap τὰ ἀληθῆ ἐκεῖ μὴ ὁμολογῶσι διά τινα [20 1.1] - [.] ods ἐὰν καταταξώμεθα ἀναγκαῖον εἶναι τῆ €e- [16 ,, τῇ δηανοίᾳ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ [κἀκεῖνο δὲ ἀξιῶ... [.].. . . [1]. ator]

{{20 .1] . - - δευτέρᾳ φυλῇ καταταγῆναι καὶ δέομαι] παρα. [.... .}

[25 ,1..- - [] τ «ὑπ... soe J. [] [25 ,,]|Χήσατο τὸν τῆς ἀἸγορα(νομία5) σἰτέφ]ανον πλείστῳ χρόνῳ ἐκλελοιπότα [29 ,,]- διὰ τὸ ἐξ ἀντονοϊμασ]ίας συνίστασθαι ταύτην τὴν ἀρχὴν [29 ,,]- καὶ τὸ févov...[.].Ka.......[.. duos εἶξα κατὰ τὴν τοῦ [ἡγεμόνος πρόσταξιν τοὺς πληρώσανἾτας τὸν χρόνον ἀνθ᾽ ἑαυτῶν [ὀνομ]άξειν, καὶ αὐτὸς ἀκόλουθα ἱποιῶν 22 1, κα]τακαλῶν τῇ Ky τὸν προκίμενον ’Ayabeivoy τὸν καὶ ᾿Ὠριγί(ένην) , 50 [ἐπὶ πόρῳ ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν ὑποχει]ρίἸων τέκνων ἐπειδὴ. [ὑπ᾽ αἰὐτόν ἔστι]ν, ππΠΠΠὋὃο τὼ - poo.. [ἰπληρωθείσης αὐτῷ τῆς ὀνομασία ὃ)ς ἐκκέκληται τῇ [κγ᾿ τοῦ Φαρμοίῦθι .] Base ae διὸ ὑπαρχον- [20 1. ἀγορανομίαν καὶ ἀξιοῦμεν αὐϊτ]ὸν ὀν[οἱμα[σθέν)τα ἔχεσθαι τῆς ἀρχῆς [24.,, λ]όγους πεποιηκενΐ. .]. σ΄... ««[...1- ας μου εἶναι ἀϊπ]οφάντως [23 ,, ἔχ]θραν πρὸς αὐτὸν [. .1. [1]. val.) περιουσίαν ὑπαρχόντων .. [1 - καὶ

55 [25..,]. mara πρὸς τὴν ἡ[με]τ[έρ]α[ν] γυναῖκα, [} εἰ] ἐκείνη οἶδεν τὸ ἑαυτῆς.

3. Un, 4. θ of ayaGevov corr. from y. 6. οι Of exwomOnva Corr. 13. of εκδειαν corr. from y. 22. iva. 26. |. ἔχεσθαι. τη Of τῆς corr. 37. x Of παρενεχθητωσαν

corr. from

1-11. Aurelius Demetrianus and as I am styled to Aur. A ... Didymus, his brother, greeting. 1 appoint you by this my deed to appear at home in the Oxyrhynchite nome as my representative at the nomination made by me to his excellency the praefect Valerius Pompeianus of Aur. Agathinus also called Origenes, son of Varianus and as he is styled, as my successor in the office of agoranomus upon the security of his property and that of the children in his manus, and to perform every act lawful for me if I were present, in order that his wealth whether immovable or movable may not be alienated, and he may obtain no advantage to the injury of the city’s provision of supplies. This deed of representation is valid wherever it is produced, and in answer to the formal question I gave my consent. I pray for your health, brother. Date.

3. Οὐαλερίῳ Πομπηιανῷ : cf. 1416. 29, n.

5. ἐπὶ πόρῳ ἑαυτοῦ καὶ τῶν ὑποχειρίων τέκνων : Cf. ll. 20, 53, 1418. 8 ὀνομασθεὶς ἐπὶ τῷ ἰδίῳ πόρῳ ὠνομάσθη. Mitteis (Grundz. 275) considered that the Roman idea of pasria ῥοϊεδίας was of practically no account in Egypt, but evidence for its influence is now coming to light. The present passage shows that the property of children did not escape liabilities attaching


to that of their father. In 1708 a father is found executing the καταγραφή of property which his ὑποχείριοι υἱοί (by different wives) had bought through him, this procedure being parallel to that found in 1268, where in the case of house-property belonging to a daughter (I. 8) the καταγραφή is performed by the father and uncle (1. 5), τοῦ πατρὸς ἔχοντος αἰὐτὴ(ν) ὑπὸ τῇ χειρὶ κατὰ τοὺς Ῥωμαίων νόμους (1. 9). In 1208. 6 a seller of land inherited from his mother acts μ[ετ]ὰ συνβεβαιωτοῦ τοῦ πατρὸς τοῦ καὶ ἔχοντος αὐτὸν ὑπὸ τῇ χειρὶ κατὰ τ. “Pop. νόμ.: Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 977. 13-15 (ὁμολογῶ mempaxevar ...) τὸν ὑπάρχοντά μοι καὶ ἀ[ν]ηθέντα ὑπὸ (or inlép) τῆς | ex’ ἐξουσίας μοι θυγατρὸς Eitporiou . . . διεξελθούσης τὸν βίον ἐπ᾿ ἐμοὶ κατὰ πάντας τοὺς νόμου In SB. 5692. 11 ὁμολογῷ πεπρακέναι σοι... τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν τῷ ἀφήλικι μου υἱῷ καὶ Ξ 5 letters ιῳ κατὰ τ]οὺς νόμους it is tempting to restore ὑποχειρ]ήῳ. The most recent dis- cussion of patria potestas in Egypt is by Taubenschlag, Zecfschr. d. Savigny-Stift. xxxvii. 177-230.

6. ἐκποιηθῆναι : for this verb in the sense of ‘alienate’ cf. P. Brit. Mus. 483. 41. The allusion is to ἔκστασις ; cf. |. 33.

8. πολι]τικῆς χορηγίας : the agoranomus, besides his duties as notary, was concerned in the bread-supply at this period ; cf. 1252 verso. 17, n.

τι. The month can hardly be earlier than Pharmouthi, for the events described in the instructions apparently refer to the same year. Since the appeal of Agathinus was made on the 23rd of that month (]. 21 = 51), and the praefect had already given his answer (I. 27), the deed is likely to have been written in the period Pachon—Mesore.

14. ἐκλελοιπότα : On this analogy ἐκλελοιϊπότων rather than ἐπιλελοιϊπότων is to be restored in 1252 verso. 17.

15. ἀντονομασίας : cf. int. and 1405. 17 ἀντωνομάσθαι.

16. χειροτ[ οἰνήίμασι €?]re: χειροτοἸνη[θεῖσι is less likely. €]re is not satisfactory, but χειροτο νήϊμα᾽σι is hardly long enough. At the end of the line ὧν was perhaps included in the deletion.

20. ὅμως : cf. 1. 17. The supposed μ is more like » or z.

21. exxexAnrac: cf. 1408. 7, n.

23. orlolv|Safovres, but not ὀν]ομάζοντες, can be read.

24. disa...[: or dei aa..

27. αὐτὸς ἡγ(εμών) : Or adrd(s) ἦγ. OF αὐτο(ῦ) 6 Hy.

παραγραφῶν : the meaning here is not clear, perhaps exceptions’, as in P. Leipzig 38. il. 4 αἱ ἐκ τῶν νόμων ἁρμόζουσαι δικαιολογίαι καὶ π[αρ]αγραφαί.

30. oe: apparently not με.

43. δευτέρᾳ φυλῇ : cf. 1418. 12, n.

45. alyopa(vopias): the traces are not very suitable, but this word is required by the context ; cf. 1. 26 and 1252 verso. 16. Ἰγήσατο is perhaps ἀποκατεσ]τήσατο (30. ἡγεμών). ἀνεἸδήσατο (cf. 1252 verso. 20) cannot be read.

51. Φαρμοίῦθι .| or Bapp(ot). .[....] can be read.

1643. APPOINTMENT OF A REPRESENTATIVE. 25°5 X 11-3 cm. A.D. 298.

A deed whereby an athlete, who bears an interesting list of titles (ll. 1-3, n.), appoints a friend to go to Alexandria in search of a fugitive slave. The docu- ment, though called an ἐπίσταλμα (1. 13), hardly differs in form from an ἀποσυ-


στατικόν (cf. 1642. int.). 1428, a fourth-century ἐντολή for the arrest of a slave, is similar ; cf. 1422. int., where the evidence concerning fugitive slaves is collected.


[4 ὐρήλ(ιος) Σ᾽ αραπ]άμμων καὶ [4]ίδυμος ᾿᾽Ο ξυρυγχεί- [πῆρ ν. ] καὶ ᾿Αθηναῖος π[ερι]οδονίκης κράτιστος [ξυστάρχης δ]ιὰ βίου καὶ als} χρημαί(τίζω) [Δὐρηλί(ίῳ) ... καὶ ὡς xpnpa(rifers) ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ’O€upvy- 5 [χειτῶν τς χαίρειν. ἀποσ[υ]νίστημί σε κατὰ τόδε τὸ [ἐπίσταλμα ὥσ]τε σε ἀποδημοῦντα εἰς τὴν λαμπροτά- την ᾿ἀλεξάνδριαὶν ἀναζητῆσαι δοῦλόν μου ὀνόμα- πὰ -πτ τος lv ὡς (ἐτῶν) Ae, ὃν καὶ σὺ αὐτὸς γνωρίζξεις [.-.-2-2+-..-..-|, ὅνπερ ἀνευρὼν παραδώσεις, το [ἐξουσίας σοι] οὔσης ὅσα κἀμοὶ παρόντι ἔξεστιν log to G conn -- Ἰασθαι καὶ εἴργιν Kai μαστιγοῖν καὶ éva- on ποιεῖν ? él ὧν δέον ἐστὶν πρὸς τοὺς ὑποδεξα- μένους αὐτὸν] καὶ αἰτεῖσθαι ἐκδικείαν. τὸ δὲ ἐπί- ΐσταλμα τοῦτο] μοναχόν σοι ἐξεδόμην, ὅπερ κύ- 15 [ριον ἔστω] πανταχοῦ ἐπιφερόμενον, καὶ ἐπερωτη- [θεὶς ὡμολό]γησα. (ἔτους) tO καὶ (ἔτους) ty τῶν κυρίων [ἡμῶν 4Διοκλ]ητιανοῦ καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν καὶ (ἔτους) ς [τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν [ἐπιφανεστάτων Καισάρων Παχὼν is, ὑπατίας Φαύστου 20 [καὶ Γάλλου.] 2nd hand [4 ὐρήλιο)ὶς Σαραπάμμων καὶ Δίδυμος [κράτιστοὶς ξυστάρχης διὰ βίου ἐπέστει- [Aa πάν)τα τὰ προκείμενα ὡς πρό-

ἱκειται.] 5- αποσ᾽ υ]νίστημι. 23. α οἵ προκείμενα (ΟΙΓ. from ous.

Aurelius Sarapammon also called Didymus, a citizen of Oxyrhynchus, ... and Athens, victor in the whole cycle of games, of the rank of excellency, president for life of the xystus, and as I am styled, to Aurelius ..., and as you are styled, of the said city of Oxyrhynchus, greeting. I appoint you by this my instruction as my representative to journey to the most illustrious Alexandria and search for my slave called ..., aged about 35 years, with whom you too are acquainted ...; and when you find him you are to deliver him up, having the same powers as 1 should have myself, if present, to .. ., imprison him, chastise him, and to make an accusation before the proper authorities against those who harboured him, and


demand satisfaction. ‘This instruction I have issued to you in a single copy, which is to be valid wherever produced, and in answer to the formal question I gave my consent.’ Date and signature of Sarapammon.

1-3. Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 1178. 50-4 (as restored from C.I.G. 5909) ἐπ[ὶ dp}xte[pe]ov τοῦ σύμπαντος ξυστοῦ καὶ ξυσταρχῶν διὰ βίου καὶ [ἐπὶ βαλανείων τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ M. Avp. Anpoorpdrov Δαμᾶ ἱΣαρδιανοῦ ᾿Αλεξανδρέως ᾿Αν]τινοέως ᾿Αθηναίου ᾿Εφεσίου Σμυρναίου Περ[γαμηνοῦ Νε]ικομηδέως Μειλησίου Λακεδαιμονίου Τραλλιανοῦ παγκραϊτιασ Ἰτοῦ δὶς περιοδονείκου πύκτου ἀλείπτου παραδόξου. (Α. Ὁ. 194), and Kenyon-Bell’s notes. κράτιστος (egregius) was the customary epithet of epistrategi and other imperial procurators of equestrian rank, but by the end of the third century was applied to persons of less importance, 6. g. a ducenarzus in 1711. 4. Another mepiodovikns occurs in C. P. Herm. 7. ii. 4.

tr. Ἶασθαι: or Ἶεσθαι or Ἶησθαι. For ἐνα[γωγὴν ποιεῖν cf. ἐνάγειν in P. Leipzig 38. i. 14 and 16.

(5) Settlements of Claims and Receipts.

1644. SETTLEMENT OF CLAIMS. 15 X13°5 cm. B.C. 63-62. Plate II.

A nearly complete contract, written in the reign of Ptolemy Auletes (cf. 1628), whereby three brothers belonging to the catoecic cavalry renounce any claims against their nephew Moschion with regard to a loan of an unspecified amount of silver, borrowed by him some years previously from their mother, who had lately died, a renewal of the loan having been arranged (1. 19,n.). A few lines at the end, containing the list of (six) witnesses and signatures, are missing. The formula resembles that of settlements of disputes or repayments of loans, of which the other first century B.C. examples are all Alexandrian συγχωρήσεις of Augustus’ reign (B.G.U. 1148, &c.), while of the second century B.C. examples only the illegible P. Amh. 42 (B.C. 179; Arsinoé) was (apparently) a ἑξαμάρτυρος συγγραφή, like 1644, the others being notarial agreements (e.g. P. Grenf. ii. 26, Taur. 4, Reinach 12) or χειρόγραφα (P. Reinach 11).

BaoiAevovro|s Πτολεμαίου θεοῦ Νέου Atovialoly Φιλ[οπάτορος Φιλαδέλφου ἔτουϊς ἐνν]εακαιδεκάτου, τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα τῶν κοινῶν] ὡς ἐν ᾿Αλ[εξ]ανδρείᾳ γράφετίαι, μηνὸς ΠΕεριτίου καὶ Χοίαχ ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει τῆϊς Θηβαΐδος. ὁμολογοῦσιν Πασίων καὶ Πτολεμαῖος καὶ

5 ἈἈπ[οἸϊλλζώ)νιος, οἱ τρεῖς Διονυσίου Μακεδόνες τῶν ἐν τοῖς κατοίκοις ἱππεῦϊσιν, τῶι τῆς γ[εἸ]νομένης αὐτῶν] ἀδελφῆς Βερενίκης τετεϊλε]υ[τ]ηκυίας υἱῶι Μοσχίωνι.. [. . .1.. [- .(1ς Μακε- δόνϊι τῶν κατοίκων ἱππέων, πάντες ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας

᾿Αφροδίϊτ]ης, μηθὲν ἐγκαλεῖν αὐτοὺς μηδ᾽ ἄλλον ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν


10 μηδ᾽ ἐγκαλέσειν pnd ἐπελεύσεσθαι τῶι Μοσχίωνι μηδὲ τοῖς map αὐϊτο]ῦ περὶ οὗ ἔθετο Μοσχίων τῆι τῶν ὁμολογούντων μητρὶ αὐτοῦ δὲ Μοσχίωνος κατὰ μητέρα μάμμηι ᾿Αρσινόηι ΠΙτολ]εμαίου καὶ ταύτης μετηλλαχυίας τὸν βίον δ[ανείου ἐντόκου ἀργυρικοῦ κεφαλαίου ἄλλως χρηματί-

15 σθβέντος] κατὰ συγγραφὴν διὰ τοῦ ἐν τῆι προειρημένηι πόλει μνημονείου ἐν τοῖς ἔμπροσθεν χρόνοις, μηδὲ περὶ ἄλλου μηδενὸς ἁπλῶς τῶν κατὰ τὴν δηλουμένην τοῦ δανείου συγγραφήν, ἕνεκα τοῦ τὸν Μοσχίωνα διά τινας αἰτίας τὸν καινοχωρισμὸν τῆς προειρημένης ἀργ[υ]Ἱρικῆς συναλλάξεως

20 εἰς τὴν Δἀρσινόην ἐν πίσίτει] διὰ τὴν προγεγραμμένην ἰδιότητα πεποιῆσθαι. [ἐϊὰν δέ τις ἡμῶν παρὰ τὰ προγε- γραμ[μ]ένα παρασυγγραφ[ῇ] ἐπέλθῃ τίωι] Μοσχίωνι, χωρὶς τοῦ τὴν ἔφοδον ἄκυρον] εἶναι καὶ πἰρο]σαποτεισάτω ἐπελθὼν ὑπὲρ αὐτ]οῦ ἐπελευσ[όμ]εν[ο]ἷς Μοσχίωνι

25 [ὧ]ε ἐζὰ]ν ἐπέλθῃ τῶϊν mlap αὐτοῦ ἐπίτιμ]ον ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς πεϊντ]ακοσί,ας] καὶ εἰς τὸ βασιλικ[ὸ]ν τὰς ἴσας, καὶ μηθὲν ἧττον. ἐπί[ὶ dle πᾶσι τ]οῖς προγεγραμμένοις συν- ευδοκοῦσιν [οἱ τ]ῶν ὁμ[ολο]γούντων μ[άρτυ)ρες, τοῦ μὲν [Πασίωνος Διονύσιος. [----

380. [12 letters]Aod[— ἔτ erect

On the verso ἔτους 18 Χοίαχ, [ὁμολο]γίᾳ Πασίωνος καὶ τῶν ἀδελφῶν

m[pos| Μοσχίωνα.

‘In the reign of Ptolemy, the god Neos Dionysus Philopator Philadelphus, the 1gth year, and the rest of the formula as written at Alexandria, the of the month Peritius or Choiak, at Oxyrhynchus in the Thebaid. Pasion, Ptolemaeus, and Apollonius, all three sons of Dionysius, Macedonians of the catoecic cavalry, acknowledge to the son of their late deceased sister Berenice, Moschion son of ..., Macedonian of the catoecic cavalry, all the parties being from the street of Cleopatra Aphrodite, that neither they nor any one else on their behalf have or will have any ground of complaint or will proceed against Moschion or his agents concerning the loan of money at interest which Moschion made from the mother of the three acknowledging parties and maternal grandmother of Moschion


himself, Arsinoé daughter of Ptolemaeus, who too has died, which loan has been otherwise specified by a contract drawn up through the record-office in the aforesaid city in former times, or concerning any other provision whatever of the above-mentioned contract of loan, because Moschion for various reasons has effected the renewal of the aforesaid money- agreement with Arsinoé under a pledge (?) on account of the above-stated kinship. If any of us violates the contract or proceeds against Moschion, apart from aggression being invalid, the aggressor or his representative shall in addition forfeit to Moschion, or any representative of Moschion against whom aggression is committed, a fine of 500 drachmae of silver, and to the State an equal amount, and nevertheless (this contract shall be valid). The witnesses of the acknowledging parties join in consenting to all the above-mentioned provisions, they being, for Pasion, Dionysius...’ Title.

. ἐνν]εακαιδεκάτου : the vestiges of the letter after the lacuna do not suit ἐπ]γακαιδεκάτου. Choiak in Β. 6. 63 began on Dec. 7.

9. ἀγυιᾶς Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης : cf, 1628. 8, n.

I. ἔθετο: for this term in reference to the borrower cf. P. Grenf. ii. 22. 5, 31. 8, Leipz. γ᾿ πὶ:

14. ἀργυρικοῦ qualifies δ᾽ α]νείου, not κεφαλαίου ; cf. 1. 19 ἀργ[υ]ρικῆς συναλλάξεως.

xpnpario6|évros|: cf. 99. 11-12 διὰ ᾿Ανδρομάχου καὶ Διογένους] ἀγορανόμων κεχρημάτισται, and 1648. 35, n.

1g. καινοχωρισμόν : this word, which seems to correspond to ἀνανέωσις in e.g. 1105. 21, isnew. There is hardly any doubt about the reading, καταχωρισμόν being inadmissible.

20. ἐν mio[re|: this might mean merely ‘in good faith’, but more probably implies a security of some kind given by Moschion.

25-6. ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς me|vr|axooias|: the circumstance that the penalty, like the loan itself (Il. 14, 19), was in silver is unusual, private payments in the late Ptolemaic period being generally in bronze. ‘The penalty to the State (also 500 silver drachmae) is higher than the customary too silver drachmae for the State in the Pathyris papyri, but in P. Taur. 4. 25-6 (B.c. 126) an ἐπίτιμον of 20 talents of bronze with 400 silver dr. to the State occurs. In the Alexandrian συγχωρήσεις 500 drachmae occurs as an ἐπίτιμον (6. g.

B. G.U. 1107. 20-1), but the amount of the customary ὡρισμένον πρόστιμον to the State is nowhere mentioned.

2 τ ΟῚ I

1645. RECEIPT FOR PERSONAL EFFECTS. 21-5 X 30-6 cm. A.D. 308.

An acknowledgement addressed to a man through his wife by a woman acting through her ἐπίτροπος, who was in this case appointed by the ὑπομνηματο- γράφοι (ll. 2-3, n.), of the receipt of money, furniture, and clothing belonging to her lately deceased mother. B.G.U. 419 (276-7) is a somewhat similar acknowledgement, but as the result of an arbitration.

[Ὑπατείας τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν 4)](οἸκλητιανοῦ τοῦ πατρὸς [Αὐγούστων] τὸ ι΄ καὶ Γαλερίζου ΟἸὐαλερίου Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ἕβδομον πρὸ μιᾶς Καλανδίῶν) Σ᾿ επτεμβρί(ίωνν).


[4ὐρηλία Διδύμη θυγάτηρ Apiolv, δι’ ἐμοῦ τοῦ κατ[ασ]ταθέϊντος αὐτῆς ἐπιτρόπου κατὰ τοὺς γεγονότας ἐπὶ Αὐρηλίων Γληγορίου τοῦ καὶ Θέωνος

[26 letters] . τους ‘Apoeviou [γενομένων ἐνάρχων ὑπομνηματογράφων ὑπομνη- ματισμοὺς τῷ ιὃ (ἔτει) καὶ β (ἔτει) Μεχεὶρ

[-. Μάρκου ΑὐἹρηϊλίου ‘Q\pimvos Μάρκ[ο]ν Αὐϊρηλίου ᾿4Ἰπολλωνίου τοῦ ᾿Ισιδώρου Σ᾽ ωσικοσμίου τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αλθαιέως, Αὐρηλίῳ Μέλανι Μαξίμου κοσμη-

5 [τεύσαντοὶς τῆς λαμπρίᾶς Kali λαμπροτάτης ᾿Οξυρυγ[χἡτῶν πόλεως διὰ τῆς συμβίου Αὐρηλία[ς] Θεοδώρας Εὐδαίμονος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς χαίρειν. [ὁμολογῶ ἀπεσχηϊκ]έναι καὶ πεπληρῶσθαι παρὰ σοῦ τὰ εὑρεθέντα παρὰ σοὶ

τῆς μητρός μου Apreputros τὸν βίον ἀναπαυσαμένης


[χρυσοῦ] μὲν πρώτου στα]θμῷ ᾿Δλεξ]ανδρινῷ οὐγκίας δύο γράμματα τέσσαρα παρὰ κ[ερ]άτιον ἕν, καὶ ἀφ᾽ ὧν εἶχες [παρ] αὐτῆς κατὰ χιρόγραφον

[.......] πραγματίας ἀργυρίου [τ]αλάντων εἴκοσι] τάλαντα] δεκατέσσαρα πλήρη ἀριθμοῦ διὰ χιρός, τῶν δὲ ὑπολοίπων ταλάντων

[e€ ἀποδοθέν]των [αὐτῇ τῇ μητίρί] μου περιούσῃ, κἰλεινίδ ἡ]ιον ξύλινο]ν, τἰυ]ρίῖα μικρὰ τριβακὰ δύο, στρωμάτια τριβακὰ δύο,

MOMs vis ne cy τ ι: ] ἰδιόχρωμον μεσοτριβ]ακόν, ὑπολύχνιον, τραπέζιο]ν, κιθώνιο]ν

πεδικὸν τριβακόν, τὰ πάντα ἐκ πλήρους

προ: τ δΣ || oo, Sal yen ὐφι Σ Wa .[.. οὐϊδὲ περὶ ἀϊλλου ov[devols ἁπαξαπλ[ῶ]ς τῷ κα[θόϊλου Evypla|pov ἀγράφου πράγματος ὀφειλήματος

[45 letters] τὸ σύνολον ἀπὸ τῶν ἔϊμττροσθεν χρόνων μέχρι τῆς ἐνεστώσης

[ἡμέρας καθ᾽ ὁντιναοῦν τρόπον ἢ, καὶ ἀναδεδωκέναι εἰς ἀκύ]ρωσιν τὸ πρ[οἸκί- μενον [τ]ῶν ταλάντων εἴκοσι γραμμάτιον. τὴν δὲ

Ἰώποχ ταύτην τ :-. σοι ἐξεδόμην πρὸς ἀσφάλ]ειάν [cooly διὰ τοῦ ἐπιτρόπου ἀγραμμάτων ὄντων ὑπογράφοντος, ἥτις

15 [κυρία ἔστω πανταχοῦ ἐπιφερομένη, καὶ ἐπερωτηθεΐἾσᾳ [ὡ)μολόγησα. (2nd hand)

Αὐρηλεία Διδύμη ‘Apiov δι’ ἐμοῦ τοῦ ἐπιτρόπου Μάρκου

[Avpnrclou ᾿Ὡρίωνος ἔσχον παρὰ ΔΑὐρηλί)ου Μέλ]ατος διὰ τῆς συμβίου Αὐρηλίας Θεοδώρας τὰς προκιμένας

[χρυσοῦ ovy|kias δύο ypldupata τέσσαρα παρὰ] κεϊρ᾽άτι[οἱν ἕν καὶ τὰ τῆς λοιπάδος ἀργυρίου τάλαντα δεκατέσ(σ)ερα πλήρης,

[καὶ ἔσχον] τὴν προκιμίένην κατασκευὴν ?| ἐκ πλήρους, καὶ οὐδένα λόγον

ἔχω πρὸς αὐτὸν περὶ οὐδενὸς τοῦ καθόλου

76 THE OXYRHAYNCHUS PAPVERE [eis τὸ λοιϊπόν, καὶ ἐπίερωτηθεῖσα ὡμολ]όϊγίησα ὡς πρόκιτε. Αὐρήλειος “Ὠ]ρείων] ἔγρεψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῆς κελεύσει

20 [τῆς προγεγραμμένης Αὐρηλίας 4ιδ]ύμης γράμματα μὴ εἰδυείης.

Ε πο 2. up Of αυρηλιων corr. from ρ. 1. Γρηγορίου. 7. « of etxes corr. from o. 9. περιουση Pap. 1. τἰυἸλεῖα. 10. 7 Of πεδικον corr. from x? . παιδικόν. 14. wy of aypappatey corr. from ov. 16. 1. ΜέλΊἼανος. 18. θ and υ of καθολου corr. 1g. |. πρό- κειται . . . ἔγραψα. ec Of avpndecos corr. from uw. ὕπερ.

‘In the consulship of our masters Diocletianus father of the Augusti for the roth time and Galerius Valerius Maximianus for the 7th time, the day before the Calends of September. Aurelia Didyme daughter of Arius, through me her guardian appointed by memoranda drawn up before the Aurelii Gregorius also called Theon...and... son of Arsenius, formerly hypomnematographi in office in the 14th and 2nd year, Mecheir . ., Marcus Aurelius Horion son of Marcus Aurelius Apollonius son of Isidorus, of the Sosicosmian tribe and Althaean deme, to Aurelius Melas son of Maximus, ex-cosmetes of the illustrious and most illustrious city of Oxyrhynchus, through his wife Aurelia Theodora daughter of Eudaemon, of the said city, greeting. I acknowledge that I have received and been paid in full by you the property of my deceased mother Artemeis found in your possession, consisting of 2 ounces, 4 grammes less one carat of gold of the first quality on the Alexandrine standard, and out of 20 talents of silver belonging to her, received by you in accordance with a deed of . . . administration, 14 talents, the complete amount, from hand to hand, the remaining 6 talents having been paid to my mother in her lifetime ; a wooden bed, 2 small worn cushions, 2 worn mattresses, a partly worn undyed . ..., a lampstand, a small table, a worn child’s frock, all complete, and (I make no claim concerning this) or any other matter, debt, or ... at all of any kind whatever, whether secured in writing or not, from former times up to the present day, and I have given up to you for cancellation the aforesaid bond for 20 talents. And I have issued to you for your security this receipt .. . through my guardian, who signs since I am illiterate, which receipt shall be valid wherever it is pro- duced, and in answer to the formal question I gave my consent.’ Signature of Didyme written by Horion.

1 For the dating cf. P. Grenf. ii. 72, 75, as corrected by Mommsen, Hermes XXXIl. 544.

2-3. The local official who was generally addressed in regard to the guardianship of minors (ἐπιτρόπου implies that Didyme was a minor ; cf. 1637. 3, n.) was the exegetes; cf. 888. int. and B.G.U. 1070. The hypomnematographi ranked at the head of the muni- cipal officials; cf. 1412. 1-3, ἢ. ὑπομνηματισμούς probably implies an application in court ; cf. 898. 26-7 Φιλονίκου τοῦ στρα(τηγοῦ) καθ᾽ ὑπομνηματισμοὺς κρείναντος ἕτερόν μου ἐπίτροπον κατασταθῆναι. The 14th year (of Galerius) and 2nd (of Severus) was 305-6.

4. Μέλανι: in 1. 16 Me[Alaros, probably less correctly.

4-5. koopn||tevoavro|s : ¢ is doubtful and Jou could be read; but κοσμητεύσαντος βουλευ- τ]οῦ here does not suit Il. 6--7 and g, where the initial lacuna is of the same size and a much shorter restoration is preferable.

7. The meaning of the interlinear addition is quite obscure. χρυσὸς πρῶτος is a novel expression in papyri, apparently referring to the quality of the gold. This is the earliest reference in a papyrus to the Alexandrine standard of Byzantine gold, which is frequently mentioned later. Cf. 154. 13, n.

7-8. χιρόγραφον [.. .....] πραγματίας : this seems to mean a deed appointing Melas to


be the πραγματευτής of Artemeis. The lacuna may have contained an adjective, or |rpayparias may be the termination of a compound word.

10. The word before ἰδιόχρωμον is likely to have been a dress of some kind; cf. B.G. U. 327. 7 σουβρικοπάλλιον ἰδιόχ. μεσοΪτριβ)Ἱακόν is new form. πεδικόν παιδικόν) is very uncertain: the first letter was certainly « or « originally, and there was apparently another letter (o or ?) between it and ε, while between and « there is a lacuna in which a narrow letter like p might be lost; but, though there is no clear evidence of any correction having taken place, κεδίρ]ικόν (i.e. ‘cedar-coloured’) is not a known form, and ced is an unsatisfactory combination. There is a space after κιθώνιο]ν, but that does not prove that this is separate from the following word.

11. Something like καὶ οὐδένα λόγον ἔχω πρὸς σὲ περὶ τούτου οὐδὲ is expected at the beginning of this line; cf. 1. 18. The traces of 4 letters near the beginning might be read οὐδένα, Or λόγον οὐδέ]να πρὸς] σὲ περὶ is possible later.

14. Probably ἁπλῆν or δισσὴν is to be restored after ταύτην. ἀγραμμάτων ὄντων (sc. ἡμῶν) seems to be a plural mazes/atis in order to avoid connecting ἀγραμμάτου with ἐπιτρόπου.

15. For the restoration cf. e. ¢. 1648. 14-15.

1646. RECEIPTS FOR RENT. 12-7 X 22-5 cm. A.D. 268-9.

Part of a series of receipts for rent paid by Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion (cf. 1681. I, n.) to various agents of the heirs of a veteran, who had been officialis on the praefect’s staff, in the 15th year of Gallienus (267-8) and following years. The chief interest of the papyrus lies in the date Phaophi 23 of the 3rd year of Claudius II (ll. 32-4), i.e. Oct. 20, 269, which is important for the chronology of that emperor and has been discussed in 1476. int. There were two systems of reckoning the years of Claudius, one assigning him three years by making his first year coincide with the 15th of Gallienus, the other assigning him only two by making his first year coincide with the 16th of Gallienus. 1646 evidently agreed with the coins in ignoring the 16th year of Gallienus, and making 268-9 the 2nd year of Claudius in opposition to e.g. P. Tebt. 581 and Flor. 265, which are dated in the 16th year of Gallienus after his death, and 1698, which apparently makes 268-9 the Ist year of Claudius; cf. 1698. int.

Colle (ΠΟΙ Κληρονόμοι Οὐιβίου ΠΙουπλίου and hand οἱ αὐτοὶ κληρονόμοι “- ~ 7 mu οὐετρανοῦ τῶν ἐντείμως ἀπο- ΠΟουπλίου δι’ αἰμοῦ ‘Av- ) λελυμένων ἀπὸ ὀφφικιαλίων {Av} δρομάχου ἀποσυΐσῚ - 49 pe 7 , θέ A ILA ἐπάρχου Αἰγύπτου γενομένου βου- σταθέντες τῷ αὐτῷ λ(ευτοῦ) 25 Σαραπίωνι χαίριν. ἀπέσ-

5 τῆς λαμπροτάτης πόλεως χον παρὰ σοῦ ὑπὲρ ἀργυ-


τῶν Ande~avdpéwy δι᾽. ἐμοῦ ρικῶν φόρων τοῦ αἶνεσ- Πλουτογένους πραγμαί(τευτοῦ) Av- στῶτος τρίτου αἴτους ὧ(νν γε- ρηλίῳ wpyis περὶ Παεῖμιν ἐδα- Σερήνῳ τῷ καὶ Σ᾽ αραπίωνει χαίρει(ν. 30 pov ἱπερὶ Παεῖμιν) ἐπὶ λόγου ἀπέσχον παρὰ σοῦ τοὺς apyu(pl)Kovs τραχμὰς (akoolas, καὶ ἐπε- 10 φόρους τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ιε (ἔτους) ὧν ρωτηθὶς ὁμολόγησα. αἴτους γεωργεῖς Γἀρουρῶν) περὶ Παεῖμειν τρίτου Κλαυδίου Σ᾽ εβαστοῦ ἐν χλωροῖς (ἀρουρῶν) (24 ἀργυρίου Φαῷφι τρίτη [καὶ εἰϊκάς. δίρ)α- Traces of 2 lines. ν ΤΕΥ ; χμὰς τρειακοσίας ὀδδομήκον- Col. iii

τα πέντε, / (dp.) Toe, πλήρης. ; : 5. G ae ee 97 3rd hand. Beginnings of 20 lines. 15 κυρία ἀποχὴ οὐσά μου εἰδιόγρα-

gov, καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὁμολόγησα. Verso. ἔτους ve Γαλλιηνοῖῦ SeBalorob 4th hand 57 ἀϊποχ]) φόρων Οὐιβίου Μεχεὶρ ὃ. Πουπλίου 1 ὑπο: διὰ τοῦ αὐτοῦ Πλουτογέ- 20 [vjous rei α(τευτοῦ) I. ουΐϊβιου. 13. 1. ἑβδομήκοντα. 15. 1]. ἰδιόγραφος. 22. |. ἐμοῦ. 23. |. ἀποσυ- σταθέντος. 27. 1. ἐνεστῶτος. 28, 32. |. ἔτους. 31. |. δραχμὰς διακυσίας.

1-18, ‘The heirs of Vibius Publius, an honourably discharged veteran, sometime officcalis of the praefect of Egypt, ex-senator of the most illustrious city of Alexandria, through me, Plutogenes, agent, to Aurelius Serenus also called Sarapion, grecting. I have received from you the rent in money for the present 15th year for the 74 arourae of land which you cultivate in the area of Paeimis with green- -stuffs, 375 drachmae of silver, total 375 dr., in full. This receipt, which is written in my own hand, is valid, and in answer to the ‘formal question I gave my consent. The 15th year of Gallienus Augustus, Mecheir 4.’

23. ἀποσυσταθέντζο)ς : cf. 1684. 3, n., 1642. 2 (hk) Apprenticeship. 1647. APPRENTICESHIP TO A WEAVER.

18-9 x 6-8 cm. Late second century.

A contract whereby Platonis also called Ophelia apprenticed her female slave for four years to a weaver to be taught the trade. The conclusion with the date is lost ; but Platonis is mentioned again in 1721, which was written in 187,


and 1647 is approximately contemporary with 725 (183), which closely resembles it in formula. Earlier contracts with weavers from Oxyrhynchus are 275 (66) and 322 (36) ; B. G. U. 1021, which also concerns a slave at Oxyrhynchus, is with a κτενιστής and of the third century, being less complete. Similar contracts with weavers from other nomes are P. Tebt. 385 (117), 442 (113), B. G. U. 855 (147), P. Grenf. ii. 59 (189), P.S.1. 241 (3rd cent.) ; cf. also B.G. U. 1125 (B.C. 13), 96 (3rd cent.), 724 (155), P.S. I. 287 (377), which concern other trades. In P. Tebt. 384 (10) apprenticeship to a weaver is combined with a loan from him; cf. P. Flor. 44 (158). 1647 mentions a new tax on apprenticeships (ἐκδόσεις : ll. 44-6, n.). On the verso is a much effaced letter of Apia (?).

“Oporoyodjow ἀἸλλ[ήλ]ο[]ς [Πλα-


ne 6 rye ὩΣ ΟἹ \ N 5 Χνῇ, μισθοῦ ἐπὶ μὲν Tov

τωνὶς καὶ ᾿Ωφεϊλί]α ‘Npeialvos πρῶτον ἐνιαυτὸν κατὰ ae) ΄ X ~ ~ δ ΄ ἀπ’ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως μετὰ ἴκυ- μῆνα δραχμῶν ὀκτώ, ρίου τοῦ ὁμογνησίου ἀδελφοῦ ἐπὶ δὲ τὸν δε[ύτ]ερο]ν ὁ- 5 Πλάτωνος καὶ ἰΛ]ούκι[ς] ᾿Ισίωϊ- μοίως κατὰ Ϊμ]ῆν[α]Ἱ d[pa- SN > ἊΣ “᾿ 4 \ > vos μητρὸς Τισάσιος amo 30 χμῶν dexddvio,| καὶ ἐ- τοῦ Adpoderciov τῆς Mexpals πὶ τὸν τρίτον ὁμῖο ἴζως ᾿Οάσεως γέρδιος, μὲν Πλ[α- κατὰ μῆνα δραχμῶν τωνὶς καὶ ᾿Ὠφελία ἐκδ[εδό- δεκάεξ, καὶ ἐπὶ τὸν [τ]έτ[αρ- ΄ BA Va δ Ν / 10 σθαι τῷ Aovkiw ἣν ἔχει ἀφή- τον ἐνιαυτὸν ὁμοίας λικα δούλην Θερμούθιον 35 κατὰ μῆνα δραχμ[ῶν πρίὸ]ς μάθησιν τῆς yepdia- εἴκοσι, λήμψεσϊθαι dle κῆς τέχνης ἐπὶ] χρόνον ἔ- τὴν παῖδα κατ᾽ ἔτος εἰς τη τέσσαρα ἀπὸ νεομηνίᾳϊς ἑορτῶν λόγον ἀργίας ἡμίέ- 15 τοῦ ἑξῆς μηνὸς Τῦβι τοῦ pas δεκαόκτω, ἐὰν δὲ ἡ- ἐνεστῶτος ἔτους, eb θρέψ᾽ιν 49 μέρας τινὰς] ἀργήσῃ ἀσέ]ε- καὶ ἱματειῖν τὴν παῖδα νήσίῃ, το]ύτων ἐπ[ὶ] tas ἴ- καὶ παρέξεσθαι αὐτὴν τῷ σας παϊραμἸενεῖ τῷ διδία- διδασκάλῳ καθ᾽ ἡμέραν σκάλῳ)] μετὰ τὸν χρίόνον, 20 ἀπὸ ἀνατολῆς ἡλίου μέ- τῶ]ν τῆς τέχνης χ[ειρω- χρι δύσεως ἐκτελοῦσαν 45 ναξίων καἰ] ἐκδόσεων τίελεσ- πάντα τὰ ἐπιτραπησόμε- μάτων ὄντων πρὸς να αὐτῇ ὑπ᾽ αὐτοῦ ἀνήκον- [τὸν διδάσκαλον: δὲ [

Ta τῇ [πὶ]ροκειμένῃ τέ-

17. ἵματειιν. 47. COTT.


‘Platonis also called Ophelia, daughter of Horion, of Oxyrhynchus, with her guardian who is her full brother, Plato, and Lucius son of Ision and Tisasis, of Aphrodisium in the Small Oasis, weaver, mutually acknowledge, Platonis also called Ophelia that she has apprenticed to Lucius her slave Thermuthion, who is under age, to learn the trade of weaving for a period of 4 years dating from the rst of the coming month Tubi of the present year, for which period she is to feed and clothe the girl and produce her to her instructor daily from sunrise to sunset in the performance of all the duties to be imposed on her by him appertaining to the aforesaid trade, her pay being for the first year at the rate of 8 drachmae a month, for the second year 12 dr. a month, for the third year 16 dr. a month, and for the fourth year 20 dr. a month, and that the girl is to be allowed annually 18 days’ holiday on account of festivals, while, if there are any days on which she does no work or is ill, she shall remain with her instructor for a number equal to these at the end of the period, the taxes upon the trade and imposts upon apprenticeship being chargeable to the instructor; and Lucius on his part...’

7. τοῦ ᾿Αφροδεισίου : this is probably a village in the Small Oasis called after a shrine of Aphrodite (Hathor), rather than a temple itself; cf e.g. 719. 10 ἀπὸ rod Τρύφωνος ᾿Εἰσείο]υ, referring to an Oxyrhynchite village. The Small Oasis had a metropolis (Psobthis, 485. 18), and therefore presumably included a few villages.

13-14. ἔτη τέσσαρα : in B.G.U. 1021 the term is three years, in 725 five, in 822 and P, Tebt. 385 two, in P. Grenf. ii. 59 20 months, in B,G. U. 855 18 months, in 275, Ρ ΘΙ 4 τ ΠΝ ΘΟ 59 ΟἿῈ seat

16. [ἔτου]ς : there is not room for {A érov]s (sc. of Commodus; cf. int.), much less for two figures.

16-17. In B.G. U. to21. 14-15 the master of the slave was, as here, responsible for the food and clothing, and similarly in 725. 15 the guardian of the apprentice was responsible for the food. In 275. 14 sqq. an allowance of 5 drachmae a month for food and 12 dr. at the end of the period for clothing was made to the father of the apprentice by the instructor, who was not responsible for the food and clothing in the first instance, and paid no wages. In 822 and P. Tebt. 385 the arrangement was somewhat similar to that in 275, the instructor paying 4 drachmae a month for food and providing the clothing, but no wages.

22. ἐπιτραπησόμενα: 80 B. G.U. 1021. 16; émrpar|noopeva rather than ἐπιταχθ]ησόμενα is probably to be restored in 725. 13, though cf. 275. 11 ἐπιτασσόμενα.

25. μισθοῦ: in 725 the apprentice was paid nothing for 2 years and 7 months, then 12 dr. a month for the rest of the 3rd year, and 16 and 24 dr. a month in the 4th and 5th years respectively ; in 275, 322, and P. Tebt. 385 no wages were paid; cf. ll. 16-17, n. In P. Tebt. 384 wages are mentioned in |. 20, but not specified.

39. δεκαόκτω: in 725. 37 20 holidays in a year were allowed.

44-6. This is the first mention of ἐκδόσεων τελέσματα. Possibly the tax in P. Tebt. 384. 11 doubtfully read as τοῦ ἐπιτρίτου, which was paid by the relatives of the apprentice in contrast to the Aaoypadia and χειρωνάξιον paid by the instructor, is really identical. Weavers at Oxyrhynchus were organized in a kind of guild, one of the ἄμφοδα of the city being called the Τερδιακόν, and it is not surprising that the government took the opportunity of levying an impost on the right of entrance. 822 (cf. 275. 17, n.) also mentions the χειρωνάξιον, which was apparently paid, as here, by the instructor, whereas the poll-tax, χωματικόν and ὑική were paid by the mother of the apprentice. In 275 all the δημόσια were paid by the father of the apprentice ; but in P. Tebt. 385 they were paid by the instructor. 725 makes no provision for the payment of taxes. The annual χειρωνάξιον on weavers at


Oxyrhynchus was generally 36 drachmae in the first century (288. int.), but somewhat higher rates occur in second-century Fayfim papyri; cf. P. Tebt. 305. int.

47. The papyrus probably continued δὲ [ Δούκιος εὐδοκῶν τούτοις πᾶσι καὶ ἐκδιδάξειν τὴν παῖδα τὴν δηλουμένην τέχνην κτὰ., AS in 725. 47 sqq.

(2) <Adstracts of Contracts.

1648. ABSTRACTS OF CONTRACTS, ETC. 15 X 44-7 cm. Late second century.

On the recto are parts of four columns of a list of abstracts of contracts and other documents concerning the property of a family, similar to a Strassburg papyrus edited by Wilcken in Archzv iv. 130-42. The papyrus was reduced in height and joined to at least one different document (of which traces survive to the left of Col. i), in order to receive on the verso an account of proceedings before an emperor (33), and only the middle portions of the columns on the recto are pre- served, while the beginning and end of the whole list, which may have extended over other columns in each direction, are lost. The Strassburg papyrus, which is complete at the end, has the signature of an official, who was no doubt connected with the record-office where the documents in question were kept, but to whom it was addressed is unknown. Both it and 1648 may have begun "EyAnpwis ἐκ τῆς δημοσίων λόγων (or δημοσίας) βιβλιοθήκης ἐκ... ., like 1649, Ρ. 5. I. 450 verso, and Β. α. . 861, which contained very similar lists of documents, generally in abstracts. 1724, 1725, and probably 962 verso are also of the same character as 1648. This group of abstracts of miscellaneous documents of different dates relating to a particular family is to be distinguished from (1) the official abstracts of documents concerning real property (διαστρώματα) drawn up in the βιβλιοθήκη ἐγκτήσεων With marginal annotations, exemplified by 274, P. Amh. 98, and B.G.U. 1072, and (2) returns of contracts sent in monthly to the βιβλιο- φύλακες ἐγκτήσεων, Such as P. Flor. 24 and probably 25, Leipz. 31, Brit. Mus. ΤΠ] ΠΟΥ 5%, Cairo Preisiske-31, B. Gx U. 540, Ry 9. ΤΠ τοῦ (5). 225 (ὃ), SB: 5167-73. These two classes of lists, besides the actual documents themselves, probably formed the material on which lists like the present one were based.

The earliest date mentioned in 1648 is A. Ὁ. 57 (1. 65), and the latest certain date in it is 169-70 (1. 4); but in 1. 70 there is probably a reference to the 25th year of Commodus (A.D. 185); cf. ἢ. The recto of the papyrus is in any case likely to be earlier than the reign of Severus both on account of the hand- writing and because the emperor with whom 38 is concerned is probably Marcus Aurelius or Commodus. At least six generations of the family in question can



be distinguished. These are in chronological order: (1) Petosorapis (ll. 39, 59) ; (2) Sarapion (ll. 38, 46-7, 58); (3) Zoilus I (Il. 26, 37-8, 46-7, 58; living in a. Ὁ. 117-18); (4) Saras (Il. 4, 18, 37, 41-2, 46; living in A.D. 154), who married Hermogenis (1. 18) and had a brother Theon (Il. 46-7) and a sister Terathonis (1. 58); (5) Zoilus II (ll. 4, 9, 18, 42; living in 165-g), who married Herais (1. 14 living in 168); (6) Taaphochis also called Ta. onutis (1. 17 ; living in 168). Since the order of the entries in 1648 is not, like those in 1649, chronological, and many of them are quite short, dates being frequently omitted, the relationship of several individuals mentioned to the six generations of the family in question is not clear. Thus Sarapion who was living in A. Ὁ. 80~1 (Il. 43-4) must with his father Sarapion be distinct from (2); but possibly (1) Petosorapis was the son of one of them. Saras son of Zoilus surnamed Amois (I. 68) is possibly identical with (4); but he is more likely to have been the son of (5), since the entry con- cerning him probably refers to A. Ὁ. 185, and this Zoilus with a surname may be distinct both from (3) and (5).

The documents described include sales of slaves (ll. 4-12), house-property (11. 13-31), land (probably ll. 35-6), workshops and materials connected with dyeing (ll. 50-64), receipts for taxes on the inheritance of catoecic land (Il. 37-42), divisions of property (Il. 43-7), a loan on mortgage, which had been subjected to δημοσίωσις (Il. 68-71), receipts of an uncertain character (ll. 72-4, 83-90), ὑπομνήματα (Il. 75, 91-3), a μεταδόσιμον (1. 32, n.), perhaps a διαστολικόν (1. 82, n.), προκτητικὰ δικαιώματα (1. 66), contracts of uncertain character (ll. 76-8), and an extract of some kind (ll. 79-81).


Parts of 3 lines.

ι (ἔτους) Αὐρηλίου ‘Avr@vivov Ζωίλος Σ᾽ αρᾶτος ὠνή(σατο)


παρὰ ]ΠΠετεχῶντος Κάστορος τὴν ὑπάρχί(ουσαν) αὐτῷ δούλ(ην) Θερμούθ(ιον) ἐπικεκλ(ημένην) ᾿Ισιδώραν ὡς (ἐτῶν) ιη. s (ἔτους) Αὐρηλίων Avtwvivov καὶ Οὐήρου Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων Ζωίλ(ος) ὠνήσατο παρὰ Φα- Ιο τρῆτος Φατρέ(ους) δοῦλον Ψάιν νυνεὶ ἐπικεκλί(ημένον) Ayaboy Δ(αίμονα) (ἐτῶν) γ καὶ ἕτερον Ψάιν ἐπικεκλ(ημένον) Appa(viov) ὡς (ἐτῶν) n (ἔτους) Αὐρηλίων ‘Avtwvivov Καίσαρος τίοῦ κυ]ρίου

καὶ θεοῦ Οὐήρου Τῦβι in ἐπρ[ί]ατο ραϊς


15 Kavdiwvo(s) τοῦ Κανδαίου μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ υἱοῦ Ἁρονήτου Σ'αραπίω(νος) το] Τροφί(μου) ἑαυτ(ῆς) θυγα(τρὴ Ταᾳφώχει τῇ Kal Ταϊ.]ωνύτίει ?) Ζωίλου τοῦ Σ᾿ «ρᾶϊτοὶς μητ(ρὸς) “Eppoyevid(os) παρὰ Διογένους Oc..... ov τοῦ Διδύ(μου) 2920 [rob καὶ .,.---- (Ὶ μ[ητίρος KndiAAas Aovkiov ἀστῆς καὶ A[...... Πηαυσείριος [το]ῦ Sapamiwvos μητί(ρὸς) [...... Ἰαρίου τὴν [ὑπά)ρχ(ουσαν) αὐτοῖ[ς] οἰκί(αν) [em ἀμφό]δίου) Π αἰμἸμέ(νους) Παραδείσου. ]

10, 12. airy 14. npais.

Col= it: Traces of 1 line. 26 β (ἔτους) Ἁδριανοῦ ἐπρίατο Zwidros Yaparia(vos) παρὰ “Ηρωνος καὶ ‘Qpiwvos τὴν ὑπάρχί(ουσαν) αὐτοῖς τῷ μὲν ἽἭρωνι κατὰ τὸ δ΄ τῷ δὲ ‘Npiovt κατὰ τὸ λ(οιπὸν) δ΄ οἰκίας καὶ alOpijoly καὶ αὐλ(ῆς) καὶ ἕτερα χρηστίήρια) καὶ παρὰ τούτί(οις) εἴσοδ(ον) καὶ ἔξοδίον) καὶ τὰ συνκύ[ρον)τ(α) [ἐπ᾿ ἀ]μφό(δου) Παμμέ(νους) Παραδιείσου). μεταδόσιμον Κλεάρχι(ου) . .. ( ) μεταδοθ(ὲν) Σ᾽ αραπίω(νι) ᾿Αθηναίου ἐπιτρόπί(ῳ) Ai... κί ) περὶ epyaar(nyp (ov βαφικῶν. 35 χρηματισμὸς (ἀρουρῶν). δ΄ κατὰ Παλῶσιν. χρηματισμὸς (ἀρουρῶν) περὶ Τεποῦιν καὶ Σενῦριν. τέλος καταλοχ(ισμῶν) Σ᾽ αρᾶτος Ζωίλ(ου) τῶν κατηντ(ηκυιῶν) εἰς αὐτὸν ἀπὸ ὀνόμ(ατος) Ζωίλου Σ᾽ αραπίωνος τοῦ Πετοσοράπίιος) περὶ Παλῶσιν (ἀρουρῶν) > 4o καὶ περὶ Τεποῦιν καὶ Τεοῦχίιν ?) (ἀρουρῶν) yd. τέλος καταλοχ(ισμῶν) Σ᾿ αρᾶτοϊς καὶ τῶν ἀδελ(φῶν). τέλ(ος) καταλοχισ(μῶν) Ζωίλ[ο᾽ν Σ᾽ αρᾶτος ἀπὸ τοῦ πατρός. ἀντίγρα(φον) διαιρέσεως Yapaniwvos καὶ Ἥρωνος ἀμφο(τέρων) Σ᾿ αραπίω(νος) ἐπὶ τοῦ γ (ἔτους) Τίτου. G2



45 GX(Ao) ὁμοίως ἐπὶ τοῦ ιζ (ἔτους) Avrwvivev Παῦνι ty




Σαρᾶτος καὶ Θέωνος apudgiolr(épwv) Ζωίλ(ου) τί οῦ Yapam(iwvos).

ἄλ(λο) ὁμοίως Σ'αρᾶτος καὶ Θέω(νος) ἀμφοτίέρων) Ζωίλ(ου) τοῦ Σ᾿ αραπίίωνος).

Remains of 1 line.

29. 1. οἰκίαν καὶ αἴθρι[οἹν καὶ αὐλ(ήνν.

Col. iii.

Remains of 1 line. καὶ τῶν ἐγ λιβὸς τοῦ ἐργαστηί(ρίου) ἐν διαψἰ εἸίλ(οις) τόπί(οις) ἐκ χίὐσεων)Ὶ, τῶν προκ(ειμένων) τῆς L χρῆσις ᾿Επεῦτι Yaparia(vos) ἀπελ(ευθέρου) ΖΔημητροῦτί(ος) Πλουτάρχί(ου) ἀπὸ τῆς α(ὐτῆς) πόλ(εως) ἐφ᾽ ὅσον (ῇ ἀκολ(ούθως) τῇ σημαινομίένῃ) διαθήκῃ, τῷ δὲ ἐργαστηρίῳ ἐργε. ( ) καὶ ἐκχύσίεσι), γίί(τονες) νότ(ουῚ κληρονό(μωνῚ Aaparos, βορρᾶ Φιλονείκου, ἀπί(ηλιώτου) ῥύ(μη), λιβὸς παράδιεισος).

Σαραπιὰς καὶ Αὖγχις ἀμφότίεραι) Ἁρθώνιος Παάπιος

καὶ τούτων μήτηρ Τεραθῶνις Ζωίλ(ου) Σ᾽ αραπίίωνος) τοῦ Πετωουσοράπιος πεπράκ(ασι) τὰ ὑπάρχίοντα) αὐτῇ ΄ - A , φορτία καὶ δόκωσιν καὶ τὰ συνῳκοδομημίένα) βαφικὰ ἐργαστήρια ἐν τῷ ἀποδεδίειγμένῳ) βαφείῳ, se ΩΝ D4 7 ~ ~ \ kal ἔχουσιν ἐν τούτῳ χαλκεῖον μολυβοῦν καὶ πίθον ὀστράκ(ινον), ἔτι δὲ καὶ ods ἔχουσι ἀπὸ λιβὸϊς)

τοῦ ἐργαστηρίου ψειλ(οὺς) τόπίους).

65 γ (ἔτους) Νέρωνος Κλαυδίου Καίσαρος Φαρμοῦθι a διὰ τοῦ


ἐν ᾿᾽Οξυρύγχί(ων) πόλ(ει) ἀγορανομείου προκτητικ(ὰ) δικαιώμ(ατα) τῶν ἀπὸ λιβὸς τοῦ ἐργαστηρίου.

δημοσίωσις Σαρᾶτος Ζωίλου προσωνομασί(μένου) ᾿Αμόιτος"

ἐδανείσατί(ο) (δραχμὰς) "A τόκου κατὰ μῆνα (δραχμῶν) > ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστ(ῶτος) μη(νὸς) Παῦνι κε (ἔτους ?) [ἐφ᾽ ὑπίοθήκῃ) οἰϊκ(ίας) 2 μέροιυς κοι(νῆ 9) πρὸς

Ζώσιμον Παυσεϊίριος κατὰ τὸ λ]ο(ιπὸν) 2 σὺν tots) αὐτῆ(ς)

an 59. ]. αὐταῖς.


Col. iv. ἀποχὴ [.] - [— 85 (πρώτη) ἀποχὴ τῶν [--- καὶ ἐπιτροπί ) α΄--- ἑτέρα ἀποχὴ ᾿Ισιόνίης --- (ἔτους) ἀποχὴ Σαβείνοϊυ --- ‘Avtwvivou 75 ὑπόμνημα Π΄-- καὶ Οὐήρου Καισάρίων τῶν κυ- συμβόλ(αιον ὃ) περὶ . | ρίων ὁμολογίία) Ave|— πάντων τῶν [|--- ἑτέρου αὐτῶν |— ἀνδρὸς αὐτ(ῆς). [---- eyAnpwis) ἐκ [-- 990 Ζωίΐλου μηϊτ(ρὸϑ) ---- 80 Πτολλαροῦς καὶ. [--- περὶ ἀντίγρα(φον) ὑπομνήμ]ατος ---- Τεποῦιν καὶ Σενῦϊριν ἀντίγρα(φον) ὑπομνή(ματος). |--- avriypa(pov) διαστολι[ κοῦ --- ἐπὶ τοῦ (ἔτους). [ ἀποχὴ ᾿Ισιόνης [— (ἔτους) Traces of 1 line.

“Α(ὐρηλίου) καὶ Οὐήρου Καισάρ[ων

τῶν κυρίων 84. a και. 85. a amoyn. 88. ev of παντων corr.

‘roth year of Aurelius Antoninus, Zoilus son of Saras bought from Petechon son of Castor the female slave belonging to him, Thermuthion surnamed Isidora, aged about 18 years.

6th year of the Aurelii Antoninus and Verus Caesars the lords, Zoilus bought from Phatres son of Phatres his slave Psais now surnamed Agathodaemon, aged 3, and another Psais surnamed Ammonius, aged about 4.

8th year of the Aurelii Antoninus Caesar the lord and the deified Verus, Tubi 18, Herais daughter of Candion son of Candaeus with her guardian, her son Harouetes son of Sarapion son of Trophimus, bought for her daughter Taaphochis also called Ta . onutis daughter of Zoilus son of Saras, his mother being Hermogenis, from Diogenes son of The ...son of Didymus also called. .., his mother being Cedilla daughter of Lucius, an Alexandrian, and A ...son of Pausiris son of Sarapion, his mother being . . . arion, the house belonging to them in the quarter of Pammenes’ Garden.

2nd year of Hadrian, Zoilus son of Sarapion bought from Heron and Horion their property, owned as regards 3 by Heron and as regards the remaining 3 by Horion, con- sisting of a house, yard, and court and other fixtures, and an entrance and exit by the side of these, and appurtenances, in the quarter of Pammenes’ Garden.

A memorandum served by Clearchus son of... upon Sarapion son of Athenaeus, guardian of Di. .., concerning dyeing-workshops.

A contract concerning . 3 arourae at Palosis.

A contract concerning 4 arourae in the areas of Tepouis and Senuris.

Tax on land-distribution paid by Saras son of Zoilus upon 6 arourae in the area of Palosis inherited by him from Zoilus son of Sarapion son of Petosorapis, and 34 arourae in the areas of Tepouis and ‘Teouchis (?).


Tax on land-distribution paid by Saras and his brothers,

Tax on land-distribution paid by Zoilus son of Saras on land inherited from his father.

Copy of a division of property between Sarapion and Heron, both sons of Sarapion, in the 3rd year of Titus.

Ditto in the 17th year of Antoninus, Pauni 13, between Saras and Theon, both sons of Zoilus son of Sarapion.

Ditto between Saras and Theon, both sons of Zoilus son of Sarapion.

. and the drains in vacant spaces on the west of the workshop, the use of 4 the above-mentioned being reserved for Epeus son of Sarapion, freedman of Demetrous daughter of Plutarchus, of the said city, for his lifetime in accordance with the aforesaid will, and... at the workshop and drains. The adjacent areas are on the south land of the heirs of Damas, on the north land of Philonicus, on the east a street, on the west a garden.

Sarapias and Aunchis, both daughters of Harthonis son of Paapis, and their mother Terathonis daughter of Zoilus son of Sarapion son of Petosorapis have sold the produce and roof and dyeing-workshops constructed jointly, which belong to them in the aforesaid dyeing-place, and the leaden pot and earthenware cask which they possess there, and further the vacant spaces which they possess on the west of the workshop.

3rd year of Nero Claudius Caesar, Pharmouthi 1, through the office of the agoranomi at Oxyrhynchus, deeds concerning previous ownership of the ground on the west of the workshop.

Publication effected by Saras son of Zoilus surnamed Amojis. He _ borrowed 1,000 drachmae at 6 drachmae a month interest from the present month Pauni of the 25th year on the security of a half share of a house owned jointly in respect of the remaining half by Zosimus son of Pausiris with its fixtures...’

14-18. Herais was married twice, having a son by Sarapion (1. 16) and a daughter by Zoilus (]. 18). The dative in ]. 17, apparently in the sense of ὑπέρ with the genitive, is unusual, but it seems impossible to read τροφί(μου) and connect the dative with that word.

20. μ[ητ(ρὸς)) Κηδίλλας : there would be room for 2 or 3 more letters in the lacuna, but μητρός is regularly abbreviated in 1648, and there seems to have been a blank space before Κηδίλλας, though that is not a known name.

32. peraddomov: cf. P. Tebt. 316. 12. Here, however, a document concerning δημοσίωσις Seems to be meant; cf.], 68 and 1472. int.

33. ἐργάστρων is not a known form (though cf. ἄλεστρον, ἤπητρον, ὕφαντρον, &c.) and seems to be only a misspelling ; cf. βαφικὰ ἐργαστήρια in |. 61.

35- χρηματισμός: οἵ. 1649 passim and P. Strassb. (Archiv iv. 134-5), where in ili. 41 xpnp. refers to a διαίρεσις, and in iv. g to a πρᾶσις, probably, as Wilcken remarks, implying a notarial contract in contrast to a χειρόγραφον. Here and in]. 36 a sale is probably meant. Palosis was in the Thmoisepho toparchy ; cf. 1659. 88.

36. Tepouis and Senuris were in the ἔλνω τοπαρχία ; cf. 721. 9, 1285. 63.

37. τέλος καταλοχ(ισμῶν) : this tax was payable on the grant or transfer of catoecic land, whether by cession or inheritance ; cf. P. Tebt. 357. 3, ἢ.

40. Teodx(w?): this village, which was no doubt in the “Avo τοπαρχία like Tepouis (1. 36, n.), is unknown, and the reading of the first four letters is very doubtful ; but ’A@dx(w), a village in that toparchy known from 1659. 14, is not suitable here.

50. ἐκχ(ύσεων) : cf. ἐκχύσ(εσι) in 1]. 54, P. Brit. Mus. 1177 (an account of water-works). QI τιμῆς ἐκχύσεω(ν) καὶ κάδων ὀστρακ(ίνων), LIT τιμῆς ἐκχύσεων ὀστρακ(ίνων) εἰς προβ(ολήν), 186 τιμῆς ξύλ(ων) ovKapuri| va(v)| els ἐκχύσις Kal ἀμποτ ) (= ἀναποτισμὸν Ὁ) μηχ(ανῶν) καστέλλου


λλσους, 218 EvA(wr) συκαμεινίνω(ν) β εἰς ἐπισκ(ευὴν) ἐκχύσεω(ν), 237 εἰς κήλωνα ἐκχύσεω(ν) καινῶ(ν») B pvalv) y, 247 | εἰς ἐπ[ισκ(ευὴν}] ἐκχύσεω(ν) μηχ(ανῶν) μνῶ(ν) η, 1220. 16 ἐκχυσιαίους ἥλους. Reil (Gewerd. 65, 83, 85) in those instances explains ἐκχύσεις as baskets for receiving and emitting water in a shaddé/ or sakiyeh; cf. Etymol. Magnum 6xeréxpava* τὰ κηλώνεια ἐκχύσεις ai λεγόμεναι τῶν μηχανημάτων, to which Photius and Suidas add εἰσὶ δὲ αὗται ξύλιναι κεράτιναι. But here at any rate they seem to mean pipes for introducing and letting off water of a βαφεῖον, for ll. 50-6 apparently refer to the same property as Il. 57-67 ; cf. especially 1. 50 with Il. 63-4, 67. A stop should perhaps be placed after the symbol for ἡμισείας in 1. 51 instead of after ἐκχ(ύσεων).

53-4- The construction of τῷ δὲ κτλ. is not clear. épye.( 1) is possibly ἐργ(άσ)ετ(αι). The letter following y could be ὠ, but not a. The ε of δε is raised slightly above the line ; but δε(δηλωμένῳ) is a more extensive abbreviation than is usual in 1648 (though cf. Α(ὐρηλίου) in 1. 84 and ἀπελ(ευθέρου) in |. 52), and a dative does not connect well with the preceding sentence, while 7@(v) . . . ἐργαστηρίω(ν) is not suitable.

59. Πετωουσοράπιος : he is obviously identical with Πετοσαράπί(ιος) in) 15. 50.

60. δόκωσιν : οἱ. LXX Eccles. x. 18 ταπεινωθήσεται δόκωσις, and Hesych. δόκωσις" στέγη.

66. προκτητικὰ δικαιώματα : cf. 1636. 23-5.

68. δημοσίωσις : cf, 1472. int.

69. 6 drachmae per 1,000 a month is less than the usual rate of interest. which is 10 per 1,000; but τριωβολεῖος τόκος (5 per 1,000) is not uncommon. :

70. κε (ἔτους ?): the tip of a stroke coming high above the line suits the symbol for ἔτους very well, but κα is possible. The 25th year is not likely to refer to Augustus, so that Commodus is presumably the emperor in question, but the 21st year might refer to Hadrian or Antoninus, besides Augustus and Tiberius. ἐνεστ(ῶτος) μη(νός) is merely a quotation from the original document, and has no bearing on the date of 1648. For [ἐφ᾽ ὑποθ(ήκῃ) oi|x(tas), for which cf, e.g. 270. 16, there is not room, and either [ἐφ᾽ ὑπ(οθήκῃ) οἰἸκ(ίας) was written (cf. 1]. 53-4, n.), or [ἐφ᾽ ὑπο]θ(ήκῃ) (οἰκίας) should be read. The vestige of a stroke joining the symbol for 4 is inconclusive.

71. χρηστηρίοις Or συγκύρουσι is to be supplied after r(ois) αὐτη(:).

75. ὑπόμνημα: cf. 1649, where contracts are regularly accompanied by an ἐπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνημα.

76. συμβόλ(αιον) OF συμβολ(ικόν) is More probable than σύμβολ(ον), since περί follows. Cf. P. Strassb. iil. 55 (Archiv iv. 134) συμ[ βο]λεκ]ὸν γράμμα.

82. διαστολι[κοῦ : the reading of all the letters after δια is very uncertain, but διαιρέσεως (cf. 1. 43) is inadmissible. διαστολι[κοῦ (or διαστολῆς) can mean either ὑπόμνημα to an official concerning a claim (e.g. about a pledge; 68. 33) or an order for payment (cf. 516. int.).

84. This line probably connects with |. 83, though it is not indented. A’ may have been an afterthought, especially as the names of emperors are not elsewhere abbreviated in 1648 ; cf. ll. 53-4, ἢ.

1649. ABSTRACTS OF CONTRACTS. 22-2 X 13-6 cm. After a. p. 280.

A series of extracts from the records of the βιβλιοθήκη δημοσίων λύγων at Oxyrhynchus, containing brief abstracts of documents concerning the property of a family, similar to 1648, but about a century later; cf. 1648. int. The ends


of lines are lost, and fairly certain restorations of Il. 3, 6, 10, 14, and 21 combine to suggest that about 25 letters are missing in ll. 1-17 and 10 more after that point ; cf. 1. 2, ἢ. The heading of the list, showing the source of it, is partly preserved (1. 1, n.). The items are arranged chronologically, beginning in A. Ὁ. 257 (1. 3), the latest referring to a year which is not earlier than 279-80 (I. 29 ; cf. 1. 27). The lower margin of the column is partly extant, and that the list was continued in one or more columns now lost (cf. 1648) is not very likely, for the handwriting suits the concluding portion of the reign of Probus better than the fourth century. The first two entries (ll. 2-8) mention a woman called Sarapias, and a different Sarapias found in 1. 12 may be her daughter; but most of the other names are lost. With three exceptions (ll. 2-8 and 18-19) each entry men- tions (1) a ὑπόμνημα (i.e. memorandum or application to some official ; cf. 1648. 75) which had been officially examined, (2) one or more contracts accompanying the ὑπόμνημα, the verb παρέθετο, i.e. ‘deposited in the archives, being apparently supplied in each case (cf. 1. 6). Most of these contracts were simply called χρηματισμοί (i.e. notarial documents; cf. 1648. 35, n.), their character not being specified ; others were apparently χειρόγραφα of the nature of ἀσφάλειαι (Il. 14-37, 25-7), and both classes had in some cases been subjected to ἐκμαρτύρησις (cf. 1562). A will, also accompanied by a ὑπόμνημα, is the subject of ll. 5-8: the nature of the documents mentioned in 11. 2-4 and 18-19 is obscured by the lacunae.

"EyAnpyis ἐκ τῆϊς δημοσίων λό]γίων) βιβλιοϊθήκης ἐκ 18 letters Σαραπιὰς Γεμελλείνου μη(τρὸς) ρμιταρίου μεῖ 25 letters καὶ τῶν ἀδελφῶν ὡς περιέχει ἐπὶ τοῦ ε (ἔτους) [Οὐαλεριανοῦ καὶ Γαλλιηνοῦ καὶ Κορνηλίου Οὐαλεριανοῦ Σεβαστῶν ΧΙο]ακ .. 5 ta (ἔτους) ὁμοίως τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Γαλλιηνοῦ Σεβαστοῦ 14 letters μεθ᾽ ὑ- πομνήμαί(τος) παρέθετο ἀντίγρα(φον)ὴ “Ῥωμαϊκῆς διαθήκης τῆς ἑαυτοῦ μὲν γυναι- Kos τῆς δὲ ΣΧαραπιάδος καὶ τῶν ἀδελφῶν ἀϊδελφῆς 19 letters ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ὡς περιέχει. [ ἐπισκ(εφθὲν ?) ὑπόμνη(μα) ἐξ ὀνόμα(τος) Αὐρηλίου ᾿Ατμήτ[ου 17 letters ἀπὸ τῆς Ιο αὐτῆς πύλεως καὶ τὸν συνπαρατεθένϊτα μοναχὸν χρημαί(τισμὸν) ὡς περιέχει ἐπὶ τοῦ ἑξῆς ιβ (ἔτους) Χοίακ λ. ἐπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνη(μα) καὶ τὸν ἐπενεχθίέντα) χρημαί(τισμὸν) [ἐξ ὀνόμαί(τος) ? 14 letters Yapa-

πιάδος Απολλωνίου ἐπὶ τοῦ ve (ἔτους) ὁμοίως. [


ἐπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνη(μα) ἐξ ὀνόμαί(τος) αὐτ(ῆς) καὶ τὰ συνπ[αρατεθίέντα) χειρόγρα(φα) ? ἐκμαρτυρηθ(έντα) διὰ τοῦ 15 ἐνθάδε μνημονίου, ὧν (μία) ἀσφάλεια 19 letters, ἑτέρα δ ἧς ἐξεχωρήθη ὑϊπ]άρχοντα ὑπὸ ΠΙ 27 letters ὡς περιέχει ἐπὶ τοῦ ς (ἔτους) τοῦ κυρίου [ἡμῶν] Αὐτ[οἸκ[ράτορος AvpynAtavod.......... a (ἔτους) τοῦ κυρίου ἡμῶν Τακίζτου Σεβαστοῦ 20 letters ᾿Ισι- δώρας Σεπτιμίου Εὐδ[αίμονος ὡς περιέχει ? 20 ἐπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνη(μα) ἐξ dvdpa(ros) Tod 25 letters καὶ τὸν συν- παρατεθ(έντα) μοναχὸν χρημαί(τισμὸν) ἐκμαρτυρηθίέντα) διὰ τοῦ ἐνθάδε μνημο- νείου ὡς περιέχί(ει) ἐπίὶ Tod . (ἔτους) --- ἐπισκ(εφθὲν)Ὶ ὑπόμνη(μα) ἐξ ὀνόμα(τος) [avr(od)? καὶ τὸν συνπαρατεθίέντα) μοναχὸν χρημαίτισμὸν) ἐκμαρτυρηθίέντα) διὰ τοῦ ἐνθάδε μνημονείου ὡς περιέχει ἐπὶ τοῦ. (ἔτους). 25 ἐπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνη(μα) ἐξ ὀνόμαί(τος) [33 letters καὶ ἀντίγραφα ἑτέρων ἀσφαλειῶν γενομίένων 26 letters ὡς περιέχ(ουσι) ἐπὶ τοῦ ε (ἔτους) Πρόβ[ου Σ᾿ εβαστοῦ ἐϊπισκ(εφθὲν) ὑπόμνη(μα)) ἐξ ὀνόμα(τος) [αὐτί )? καὶ τὸν συνπαρατεθίέντα) μοναχὸν χρημαί(τισμὸν) ἐκμαρτυρηθί(έντα) διὰ

τοῦ [ἐνθάδε μ]νημονείου ὡς περιέχει ἐπὶ Tod . (érovs)

6. ρωμαΐκης. 9. ὕὑπομνη(μα) ; Soin ll. 12, &c. 1. ᾿Αδμήτίου. 15. ova. τό. ὕπο.

1. Cf. B.G.U. 274. 1 ἐκ βιβλιοθήκης δημοσίων λόγων κολ(λήματος) on τ(όμου) ιζ, followed by an extract from taxing-list, 861. 1 ἐκ βιβλιοθήκης [δημοσίων λόγων ἐξ) ἐπισκέψεως μ[ εθ᾽ ἕτερα, followed by an abstract of a lease, 870. I ἐκ βιβλ. δημ(οσίων) λόγων ἐξ ἐπισκέψεως ἡμερησίας oiko(medou?)... (ἃ year?) κώμης Σοκνοπαίου Νήσου ped (]. μεθ᾽} ἕτερα, followed by a description of house-property, Ρ. 5.1. 450 verso. 48 ἔγλ(ημψι:) ἐκ τῆς τῶν ἐνκτήσεων ἐκ διαστρώματος κωμητῶν Σεφώ, followed by an abstract of παραχώρησις of land, 69 ἔγλ(ημψις) ἐκ δημο(σίας) βιβλ(ιοθήκης) ἐκ παιδιακ[ῆς] (1. wed.) ἐπικρίσεως O (ἔτους) θεοῦ ᾿Αλεξάνδρο[υ] κολ(λήματος) 5 ἀμφόδου ἙἭ, ρμαίου, followed by entries about the ownership οἱ house-property, 1287. 1 ἐγὰλ. ἐκ δημ. βιβλ. ἐκ πεδιακῆς ἐπικ(ρίσεως) (so Vitelli from Ρ, 5.1. 450) ιδ (ἔτους) κολ(λήματος) ν Σενέπ(τα).

2. μετὰ κυρίου followed by a proper name is unlikely, for in ll. 6—7, 12-13, and το the women concerned seem to act without κύριοι, and a verb like παρέθετο (cf. 1. 6), an accusative (e. g. διαίρεσιν), and a proper name have to be supplied in this line, while a lacuna of e. g. 50 letters here does not suit Il. 6, ro, 14, and 21.

4. Cornelius Valerianus is the elder, not the younger, son of Gallienus, though Saloninus too is apparently called Augustus in an Alexandrian coin of the 4th year (Prosopogr. imp. Rom. ii. 273).

5-6. pe ὑἸπομνήμα(τος).. . . [διαθήκης : cf. 1725. 20-1.


9. ἐπισκ(εφθὲν ?) ὑπόμνη(μα) : one at least of the two words has to be in the accusative, and the aorist participle here is in accordance with συνπαρατεθέντα (Il. το, &C.), ἐπενεχθέντα (1. 12), and ἐκμαρτυρηθέντα (Il. 24, &c.), while ἐπίσκ(εψιν) ὑπομνή(ματος) is unsatisfactory. ἐπισκ(εφθέν) corresponds to ἐξ ἐπισκέψεως in the headings of B. G. U. 861 and 870 quoted in 1. 1, n.

14. For χειρόγρα(φα) cf. 1724. 21-32. γράμματα is also possible; cf. γράμμα in P. Strassb. iii, 29 (Archiv iv. 134).

22. Since Tacitus did not have a 2nd year, and Probus is mentioned in 1]. 27 for apparently the first time, the figure of the year here and in |. 24 is likely to have been a (or τοῦ αὐτοῦ ; cf. |. 18).

25. For ἀντίγραφα cf, 1648. 43, 82, 91-2.


(a) Accounts of Transport.

1650 and 1650(a). ACCOUNTS OF FREIGHT TO MEMPHIS. 1650 18-7 x 16-4 cm.; 1650 (a) 18-4 x8-6 cm. Late first or early second century.

These two papyri, which were found together and were written probably about the end of the first century, contain accounts relating to the transport of wheat and beans(?) to Memphis by water (cf. Wilcken, Grundz. p. 378), and emanating presumably from a ναύκληρος or κυβερνήτης. 1650 is in two columns, each concerned with a different boat, carrying respectively 550 and 540 artabae of wheat, the various charges connected with which are nearly identical in the two accounts and are put in the same order. 1650 (a), referring to another commodity, is in a different hand and shows some other differences of detail, though many of the items mentioned in 1650 recur. 1651, though a century at least later in date, is closely similar. Other more or less cognate accounts are P. Paris 60 225 (= W. Chr. 30) and Hibeh 110 recto. 21 sqq. of the third century B.C., and of the later Roman period P. Fay. 104, Ἀγ]. 224 (a), Flor. 335.

1650. (Οἱ. 1. Col. ii. Aoyos Mépudea(s) xd: Aoyos Μέμφεως KO- λόγος πάκτωνος ||(dpTaBar ?)]| 20 ἄλλί(ου) πλ(οίου) θαλαμηγοῦ (πυρῶν) (πυροῦ) (ἀρταβῶν) pv (δραχμαὶ pd, (ἀρταβῶν) pp [[(δρ.) μγ]} νέων (dp.) δ. ὡς τῶν (ἀρτ.) p (δρ.) (δρ.) py,

5. γένους (δρ.) ὃ, νέων (δρ.) ς,


ἐραυνητικ(οῦ) (δρ.) ὃ, γένους (δρ.) δ, τραπεζείτῃ (δρ.) a, ἐραυνητίικοῦ) (dp.) 9, χειριστικοῦ (δρ.) €, 25. τραπεζείτ(ῃ) (dp.) a, adday7(s) (dp.) a, χειριστικοῦ (δρ.) ε, το ἑρμηνεῖΐς! (δρ.) B, ἀλλαγῆς (δρ.) α, πηδαλίου (δρ.) ιδ(τετρώ.- ἐἑρμηνεῖ (δρ.) β, βολονὶ, πηδαλίου (δρ.) «0 (πεν- φύλαξ ἀπὸ γίῆς 2?) καὶ κυδίάρῳ 9) (τε- ToB.), TpoB.), 30 γραμματεῦσι (dp.) ὃ, γραμματεῦσι (δρ.) δ, ᾿Αρτεμεῖτι (δρ.) α, A prepetre (dp.) a, χειρογρα(φίας) (δρ.) α, 15 χειρογρα(φίας) (δρ.) α, πιττακίου (rerpaB.), πιττακίου (τετρώβ.), / (Op.) mE (τριώβ.).

ἐραυνητικί(οῦ) εἰς λ(όγον) σπονδί(ῆς) (δρ.) B, J (ὁρ.) φα.

22. νεὼν OVer an expunction.

‘Memphis account, the 29th. Account of a wherry : 550 artabae of wheat 44 drachmae, repairs 6 dr., tax 4 dr., examination-dues 4 dr., to the banker 1 dr., commission 5 dr., exchange 1 dr., to an interpreter 2 dr., rudder 14 dr. 4 ob., a guard from the land (?) and for a boat (9) 4 ob., to clerks 4 dr., to Artemeis 1 dr., affidavit 1 dr., receipt 4 ob., examina- tion-dues for a libation 2 dr., total gt dr.’

‘Memphis account, the 29th. Another boat with a hold, for 540 artabae of wheat at SUL. pel Loo art, 43/dr.,; cc.

2. At the end of the line a faint dot with a stroke above it appears to represent an expunged artaba-sign.

3. Cf. 1. 21, where the payment is at the same rate, 8 dr. per 100 artabae. This sum probably represents cost of transport.

4. Cf. 1. 22 and 1650 (a). 2, where 5 dr. 5 ob. are paid νέου, but the meaning is obscure. Possibly the reference is to tackle of some kind for the boat; cf. πηδαλίου in Il. 11, 29, 1650 (a). 2, 1651. 5, and ξυλικοῦ in 1651. 12.

5. Cf. P. Hamb. 17. iii. 6, where [γ]ένο(υς), as suggested by the editor, is probably the right restoration and διαζφόρου) may well precede. In 1651. 4 7[é|Aovs apparently corre- sponds to γένους here and in 1650 (a). 3; cf. P. Flor. 335. 6 τέλους αὐτῶν, and the τέλη Μέμφεως advanced to a κυβερνήτης in 919, with which must be associated the charge λιμένος Μέμφεως found in Fayfim customs-receipts. The item γένους or τέλους in this group of accounts is thus probably to be explained as a form of octroi-duty. γένη in connexion with the rent of δημοσία γῆ occur in P. Flor. 18. 19 544. ἐκφορίων καὶ προσμετρουμένων καὶ γενῶν καὶ μονοδεσμίας χόρτου. Cf. the common use of εἶδος in reference to taxation, 6. g. Bo Βα 5. 6:


6. ἐραυνητικ(οῦ) : cf. 1.24 and 1651. 2, where the charge is at the same rate, P. Fay. 104, where several payments are entered ἐραυνηταῖς (evidently customs officials), and P. Paris 60 vs. 15 ἐρευνηταὶ πλοίου. Regulations concerning ἔρευνα are given in P. Tebt. 5. 22-7.

8. χειριστικοῦ : cf. P. Tebt. 121. 49, where χειριστικὸν ox has been explained as a pay- ment for the services of a χειριστής, as in P, Tebt. 188 δαπά(νης) xe ρ]ιστῆι, a meaning which would be suitable enough in the present passage. χειριστικόν is also used in the sense of a current-account book, 6. g. 1257. το, P. Goodsp. 30. iv. 5 ἐν πιττακίῳ Σωτηρίχῳ ἐτάγη καὶ ἐν χιριστικοῖς οὐκ εὑρ(ίσκεται). But χειριστικός is found as an epithet of πυρός in 1444. 4 and 1526. 4, and it is perhaps rather with that use and the χειρισμὸς Νέας πόλεως especially concerned with the transport of corn to Rome (cf. Wilcken, Grundz. 369, P. Giessen 11. 11, mn.) that χειριστικόν here should be brought into connexion. An analogous form διαχειριστικόν, Which is coupled with φόρετρον and paid to ναύκληροι, occurs in an unpublished British Museum papyrus of the third century s.c.

9. Cf. P. Flor. 335. 18 ἀλλαγῆς.

10. The dative singular was doubtless intended, as in 1. 28.

12. This entry does not recur in Col. ii nor in 1650 (a), and the abbreviations are obscure. κυδ(άρῳ) is restored on the analogy of 1651. 15, but καί is doubtful and κικυδί ) could be read ; ἀπὸ (js) was proposed by Rostowzew. The charge for a φύλαξ may be taken to correspond to those for a στρατιώτης in 1650 (a). 7, and a βενεφικιάριος and στατιωνάριος in 1651. 13, 19. Cf. e.g. the φυλακιτικά in P. Hibeh r1o recto. 22.

13. γραμματεῦσι : cf. the γραμματικόν in P, Hibeh 110 recto. 23 sqq., and P. Fay. 104. 15 taBou|Aapile.

16. πιττάκιον is a word applied to documents of various kinds—letters, accounts, memoranda, receipts, &c. The meaning of receipt or ticket seems most likely here ; cf. e.g. πιττάκιον καμήλων, πιττάκιον σφραγισμοῦ, &c., in the Coptos tariff (O. G. I. 674. 21 sqq.).

17. This extra charge σπονδῆς, for other examples of which cf. 1744. 3 and P. Tebt. 347. 2, n., is not repeated in Col. ii or in 1650 (a). In 1651. 18, however, 1 dr. 1 ob. are entered ἐραυνητῇ in addition to 4 dr. ἐραυνητικ(οῦ).

1650 (a). |. , λόγος Μέμφεος' κεάμου (δραχμαὴ ριθ, | νέου (δρ.) (πεντώβολον), πηδαλίου (δρ.) ιδὃ (πεντώβ.), | τραπεζίτῃ) (δρ.) a, γένους (δρ.) ἡ, ἐραυν[ητικ(οῦ) (δρ.) . , ταμίου (dp.) 4, χιριστικοῦ (dp.) ιδῖ, 5 ἀλλαγὴ (δρ.) β, συνβολικὰ (δρ.) β, γραμματέων (δρ.) δ, χιρογραφίαϊς (dp.) . , στρατιώτῃ (δρ.) 6, πίε) ιττακίου (δυόβολοι). [

1. 1, Μέμφεως κυάμου (or κεράμου). Te ΘΌΤΙΣ

‘The .. th, Memphis account, For beans(?) 119 drachmae, repairs 5 dr. 5 ob., rudder 14 dr. 5 ob., to the banker 1 dr., tax 8 dr., examination-dues . . dr., storage 10 dr., commission 14 dr., exchange 2 dr., receipt-charges 2 dr., clerks 4 dr., affidavit . dr., to a soldier 4 dr., receipt 2 ob.’

1650 AND 1600 (ἡ. ACCOUNTS OF FREIGHT 93

1. A stroke above the vestige before λόγος shows that the day of the month stood at the beginning of the line. The initial sum 11g dr. is much larger than the corresponding figures in 1650, so that, unless something other than cost of freight was included, the cargo must have been proportionately greater.

4. ταμίου here is more likely to mean ‘storehouse’ than ‘treasury’, as e.g. in P. Fay. 300 Aour(ai) ἐν ταμίωι (dpr.) v8. Cf. P. Brit. Mus. 928. 3-6 (ili, p. 190), where the entry tapetov (dpr.) a is placed between Aaxavo|omeppov τῆς (ἀρτ.) (dp.) a (68.) (ἡμιωβ.) and ἀν]αλώματος πλοίου (Sp.) 8.

7. στρατιώτῃ : Cf. 1651. 13, 19,n. These soldiers may well have been the ἐπίπλοοι who commonly accompanied cargoes of grain ; cf. 276. 8—1o, P. Brit. Mus. 256 recto. (a) 2 (ii. 99 = W. Chr. 443), and 1749.

1651. ACCOUNT OF FREIGHT. I5;1X 1s cm. Third century.

An account of expenses connected with a freight of jars of wine, closely resembling 1650 and 1650 (a) ; cf. int. to those papyri. The writing is across the fibres, but whether on the recto or verso is not clear.

Τῶν v κερα(μίων) ἐκ (τετρωβόλου) (ἡμιωβελίου) (δραχμαὴ τ,

ἐραυνητικ(οῦ) (δρ.) ὃ, ἀναλώματος olvny(tas) (dp.) As (τριώβολον), τί ἐϊλους (δρ.) κδ, 5 πηδαλίου (δρ.) «8 (τετρώβ.) (ἡμιώβ.., γραμματέων (δρ.) η, y(vovrat) (δρ.) τπε (δυόβολοι). ι προσδιαγρα(φομένων) (δρ.) A, ἀλλαγῆς (δρ.) B (ὀβολός), IO χειρογρα(φίας) (τριώβ.., γίνονται) ἐπί(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) (δρ.) ven. ξυλικοῦ (δρ.) 1d (δυοβ.), β(ίενεφικιαρίῳ) (δρ.) ὃ, γίίνονται) emi τὸ αὐτὸ) (δρ.) υὰς (dv68.). 15 κυδάρῳ (τετρώβ.), . [.|ree (τετρώβ.., πιττακίου (dp.) α (ὀβολ.), ἐραυνητῇ (δρ.) a (ὀβολ.), ἰσ]τατιωναρίῳ (δρ.) B (dv6B.).


‘For 400 jars at 44 obols, 300 dr., examination dues 4 dr., expense of carriage of wine 36 dr. 3 ob., tax 24 dr., rudder 12 dr. 44 ob., clerks 8 dr., total 385 dr. 2 ob, Extra payments on this, 30 dr., exchange 2 dr. 1 ob., affidavit 3 ob., total amount 418 dr, Timber 14 dr. 2 ob., to a denefictarzus 4 dr., total amount 436 dr. 2 ob. To a boat 4 ob.,

.. 4 0b., receipt 1 dr. 1 ob., to an examiner 1 dr. 1 ob., to a soldier on guard 2 dr.

2 ob.’

4. The first letter may be equally well read as y, but the third seems to be plainly A, not ν, and y[€Jvous (cf. 1650. 5, 23, 1650 (a). 3) is thus unsuitable. The sense, however, is much the same; cf. 1650. 5, n

7. (δυόβολοιν : this is $ obol in excess.

8. The symbol at the beginning of this line is commonly used in accounts to indicate deduction, which is here obviously excluded, the following items being added in 1. τα to the preceding total. If, however, the sign is interpreted as equivalent to ὧν, like the Ptolemaic b, it can include other meanings than those of division and subtraction, and becomes easily intelligible in the present passage.

12. ξυλικοῦ: cf. P. Fay. 104. 20, where the next entry is σχεδίας ὁμοίως (Sxedias as proposed in P. Hibeh r1o. 25, n., is wrong; cf. P. Flor. 335. 11).

16. A vestige of the first letter i is Consent with e. g. π, T, x-

18. This second charge (cf. ]. 2) is comparable to eis A(dyov) σπονδ(ῆς) in 1650. 17.

19. Cf. 1650 (a). 7, n., and 62. 13, where a στατιωνάριος is mentioned in connexion with the embarkation of corn. On the s/a/onari, including centurions, decurions, and benefictart’ (1. 13), introduced by the. Romans for police purposes see Wilcken, Grundz: 413-14.

1652. ACCOUNTS OF TRANSPORT. (2) 5:2 x 14-2 cm.; (6) 5 x 19-6 cm. Third century.

These two short accounts, written by the same hand and following the same formula, relate to two villages in the Lower toparchy of the nome. The names of the villages precede as headings, and below are entered various sums for πλατυπηγίων Κρονίωνος, στεφανωτικῶν, δρομαδαρίων, and ναύλου κριθῆς, each of these being followed by a kind οἵ προσδιαγραφόμενα called ἐρήμων, the amount of which is always approximately 10 per cent. of the preceding sum. Since three out of the four main items are evidently concerned with transport either by land or water, it seems natural to connect ἐρήμων with the well-known ἐρημοφυλακία (cf. e.g. P. Fay. p. 196). The fourth main item, however, στεφανωτικά, for which large sums are entered in both accounts, is obscure. If this is an unusual variant for στεφανικά, the addition of a percentage for ἐρημοφυλακία is surprising; but στεφανωτικά can, as Rostowzew suggests, be regarded as an epithet of πλοῖα understood.

(a) Col: 1. Gol: 11: Ψώβθεως Karo: πλατυπηγίων Κρονίωνος (δρ.) 698, 1 ἐρήμ(ων) (δρ.) κα ἐρήμων (δρ.) κέ, ναύλ(ου) κριθ(ῆς) ᾿Αλ[εἸξ(ανδρείας)


στεφανωτικ(ῶν) (τάλ.) a (Bp.) ὠφῴ, (δρ.) φιη, ἐρήμων (δρ.) χπβ, ἐρήμ(ων) (δρ.) vB, ὀψωνίου δρομαδαρ(ίων) (δρ.) σις, 10 / (τάλ.) α (δρ.) ᾿Β ψιβ.

(6) Tak6ova:


ὀψωνί(ίου) ναυ(τῶν) πλατυπίηγίωνῚ δι(ὰ) ἐρήμί(ωνῚ (δρ.) ὃς, Κρονίω(νος) ἐπιμ(ελητοῦ) (δρ.) py, ναύλ(ου) κριθ(ῆς) (δρ.) AxAa, ἐρήμ(ων) (δρ.) φδ, ἐρήμ(ων) (δρ.) ρξδ, στεφανωτικ(ῶν) (τάλ.) γ (δρ.) ΓΨκε, το [,3,3, (τάλ.) (δρ.) ᾿ΓΓυμΊη}} 5. ἐρήμ(ων) (δρ.) ᾽Βρμη, / (taX.) (δρ.) “Tupn. δρομαδαρίίων) (δρ.) xz,

(z) Psobthis in the Lower toparchy: for the barges (?) of Cronion 299 drachmae, desert dues (?) 27 dr., crown-tax (?) 1 talent 897 dr., desert dues 672 dr., wages of camel- men 216 dr., desert dues 21 dr., freightage of barley for Alexandria 518 dr., desert dues 52 dr., total 1 tal. 2712 dr.’

(2) 1. Κάτω : sc. τοπαρχίας, in which Takona ((ὁ) 1) was also situated; cf. 1285. 130. There were two other villages called Psobthis ; cf. 1637. 27, n

2. πλατυπηγίων: the ‘word is apparently novel, but is now to be recognized in P. Thead. 59. 3, where the editor read πλαγνηγια in an obscure account referring to Pelusium and Alexandria. A boat of some kind is indicated by (4) 2. Cf. the analogous form διαπήγιον in B.G. U. 781. iii. 8.

6. δρομαδαρ(ίων) : cf. B. G. U. 696. 14, 30, 827.31, and the Dakkeh ostraca Nos. 12-13 published by Evelyn White in Class. Rev. xxxiii. 49 sqq.

(6) 2. ναυ(τῶν): above the v is a slightly curved stroke made in much the same way as τι oe the μ᾽ of ἐρήμ(ων), &c., but ναυ(τῶν) seems to be the word intended ; cf. (a) 6

το. This line, which is damaged by the scaling of the surface, seems to have been crossed through.

(ὁ). Miscellaneous Accounts.

1653. ACCOUNT OF A STEWARD. 20:6 x 9g cm. A.D. 306.

This account of a steward, dealing with payments on behalf of his employer (a woman land-owner) for taxation and other purposes in the 14th year (of Constantius and Galerius) which = the 2nd (of Severus and Maximinus), is written on the verso of a piece of papyrus cut off from a roll of which the recto had already been used for accounts, traces of two columns being visible. The steward’s account is continued on the recto, which seems to belong to the next


year. The payments were chiefly made in silver reckoned by weight, not by coinage, but an interesting reference to gold reckoned on both systems occurs in ll. 17-18; cf.n. Partly owing to the loss of a corner of the document, but still more to alterations in the plan and to the inexactitude of the writer, the meaning of some of the entries is not very clear. Lines 2-14 and 17-18 apparently give receipts, ll. 15-16 and 19-21 expenditure.


[1δ (ἔτους) B (ἔτους) Meyeip if. [Ady(os) ?] ἀσήμου παραδοθ(έντος) [ὑπὸ τ]ῆς γεούχου ἀποφερομίένου) εἴς] “Ἑρμούπολ(ιν) παραδοθησομίένου) 5 εἰς λόγον τῆς γενομίένης) ἐπιβολῆς ἀσήμου ἐπιμερισθ(είσης) mp(ds) φορολογίίαν) σί(του) δημ(οσίῳ) μέτρί(ῳ) ὡς τῶν (ἀρταβῶν) p ἐξ o(d)y(kias) al. ἔστι δ᾽ ἄλλου λί(τραι) B o(d)y(K.) a γρ(άμματα) n, το Βαυλλίου ἀπὸ Xi(tpas) a μετὰ τὰς ὑπολειφθ(είσας) παρὰ τῆς γεούχου o(v)y(k.) 62 γρίάμ.) β τὰ λοιπίὰ) ο(ὐ)γίκ.) ¢ γρ(άμ.) «, Φ,αϊμενὼθ ὁμοῦ λί(τρ.) B o(v)y(k.) nL γρ(άμ.) ς.

β 15 Σαραπίωνι ἀργυροκόπ(ῳ) λί(τρ.) B ο(ὐ)γίκ.) γρ(άμ.) τς, καθάρσεως τούτων o(d)y(K.) a γρ(άμ.) ιβ.

χρυσοῦ ὁμοίως o(v)y(k.) B γρ(άμ.) ι ἐν ὁλοκοττίνοις ιβ. Aoi_n(ai)] ἐξ ὧν παρεδόθη τῷ γεούχῳ 20 ιὃ (ἔτους) B (Erous) Φαμενὼθ if ο(ὐγγίκ.) γ γρί(άμ.) 8.

Recto | se y (ἔτους ?), [ἀσ]ήμου λίζτρ.) B [od)y(k.) 1 γρ(άμ.) ιβ. [.... Σ]αραπίωνι [ἀργυροκόπί(ῳ) Arp.) B ο(ὐγγί(κ.) y γρ(άμ.) ιζ, [καθά]ρίσεως rovr(wv) 25 ο(ὐ)γίκ.) aZ, ὁμοῦ λί(τρ.) B ο(ὐγ)γίκ.) ε γρ(άμ.) ε, λοιπ(αδ ο(ὐ)γ(κ.) γ γρ(άμ.) ¢


6. p) op. 10, βαυλ᾽λιου. II. ὑπολ. 15. Au(zp.) over an expunction. 18. ολοκοτ᾽τινοις. 1g. 1. τῇ γεούχῳ. 21: 9 COLE. 25. Of opov corr. from y.

Verso. The 14th and 2nd year, Mecheir 12. Account (9) of uncoined silver delivered by the land-owner and transported to Hermopolis to be delivered on account of the extra levy of uncoined silver imposed for purpose of taxation at the rate of 14 0z. upon 100 artabae of corn by the public measure, as follows. By another, 2 Ib. 1 oz. 8 gr.; (by ?) Bayllius, out of 1 lb., after reckoning the 44 oz. 2 gr. left by the land-owner, the remainder, 7 oz. to gr. Total 2 Ib. 84 oz. 6 gr. (Phamenoth 2, to Sarapion, silversmith, 2 Ib. 3 ΟΖ. 17 gr., for refining these 1 ΟΖ. 12 gr.) Likewise 2 oz. 10 gr. of gold in 12 solidi. (Remainder) From which there were delivered to the land-owner on Phamenoth 17 of the 14th and

2nd year 3 ΟΖ. 9 gr.’

τ. Traces of two strokes following 8 (érovs)], as in I. 20, are visible.

2. Part of a stroke before ἀσήμου indicates an abbreviation.

ἀσήμου: cf, e.g. 1524, P. Thead. 33, and P.S.I. 310, where 1 ΟΖ. was equivalent to 2,776 drachmae in a. D. 307.

mapadoO(évros): it is not clear whether μοι is to be supplied. In ]. 4 παραδοθησομ(ένου) is used in connexion with a payment to the State, which is unusual ; but in ]. 19 παρεδόθη seems to refer to the repayment of the balance of the account, or part of it, to the γεοῦχος by the writer.

5. τῆς yevou(€vys) ἐπιϊβολῆς : this can mean either the ἐπιβάλλον μέρος of an ordinary tax (cf. P. Tebt. 391. 19 τὸ λοιπὸν τῆς ἐπιβ. τῆς Aaoypadias), or an extra charge (cf. ἐπιβολή referring to the forced cultivation of State land, discussed in P. Ry]. 202. 1,n., and ἐπιβολαί in e.g. B.G.U. 519. 16). In P. Thead. 32 (307) two receipts ὑπ(ὲρ) τῆς ἐπιβληθείσης νέας ἐπιβολῆς follow one ὑπ. τ. ém BX. ἀννώνης, and P. Thead. 33 (312) has a series of receipts ὑπὲρ τῆς γενομένης ἐπιβολῆς (κατὰ θείαν πρόσταξιν is added in one Case) ὑπὲρ κτήσεως Θεαδελφίας, but those instances too are ambiguous. Here, however, ἐπιβολή is probably an extra charge, not at any rate ordinary land-tax, for 14 oz. of silver (= about 4,000 drachmae ; cf. ]. 2, n.) seems too small a sum to be the equivalent of 100 artabae of corn at this period.

6. mp(ds) popodroy(iav): or possibly πρ(ὸς) opodoy(ia). φορολογία, a term used in the Ptolemaic period (e. g. O. G.I. go. 12), recurs in P. Flor. 36. 13 and Thead. τό. 13, which are approximately contemporary with 1653, in connexion with a village, and seems in 1653 at any rate to be a general term for taxation rather than to have a special reference to φόρος in the sense of rent’.

9. δ ἄλλου : the δ is joined to the supposed ε so as to form a loop, and Δράλλου, i. e. a proper name corresponding to Βαυλλίου in the next line, can equally well be read, but is not a known form. λόγου might be supplied with δι᾿ ἄλλου, but another person is more likely to be meant. Whichever reading be adopted, the precise relation of Il. g-14 to the pre- ceding heading is not clear. If ll. r9g—21 imply that the sums mentioned in ll. 15-16 were deducted from the total in |. 14 (cf. 1. 19, n.), Il. 9-14 refer to the writer’s receipts, in which case παραδοθεῖσαι would be the word most naturally supplied in ll. 9-10 (from 1. 2).

10. Βαυλλίου: cf. μοναστήριον Βαύλλου in P. Grenf. i..95. 2:

14. The total of the sums in ll. 9 and 13 is correctly given.

15-16. Cf. the similar entry in ll. 23-5. ‘ap(evo6) is not a suitable reading at the beginning of 1. 22, and that entry seems to refer to a second payment to Sarapion, not to the same payment as that recorded here by an afterthought. In the margin « can be read in place of 8, but the day would be expected to be earlier, not later, than that in]. 20. The charge for refining was approximately 93 per cent.

17-18. 2 02. 10 gr. as the equivalent of 12 ὁλοκόττινα gives 42 gr. (1. 6. scripula) as the



average weight of each. This is quite in accordance with the numismatic evidence con- cerning the later aurei of Diocletian, which range from about 5% to 44 gr.; cf. Hill, Handbook of Greek and Roman Coins 54-5. Constantine fixed the solidus at 4 gr.; cf. 1480. int. This entry, which was written before ll. 15-16 were inserted, is parallel fo 1. 32:

1g. If the sums in ll. 15-16 were deducted by the writer from that in I, 14, the remainder is 4 oz. 1 gr., and since the sum inl. 21, 3 oz. 9 gr., is smaller than that, after Aor (ai)|, which was probably added at the same time as the insertion of 1]. 15-16, (o(®)y(«.) 5 γρ(άμ.) a) can be supplied. Otherwise the addition of Xom(ai)| before ἐξ ὧν becomes unintelligible. Moreover in the entry on the recto the sum paid to Sarapion is deducted from a previously mentioned sum, leaving a remainder, though there the process of calcula- tion is clear. If the account is considered without reference to the addition of Il. 15-16 and Ao{7n(ac)| in 1. 19, ἐξ ὧν presents no difficulty, ll. 2-18 giving the writer’s receipts, 19-21 his expenditure. For παρεδόθη cf. 1. 2, ἢ.

22. | τε y (ἔτους ?) is very uncertain ; cf. 1750. int. The first letter can be », the second is more like ε than a, but the vestiges of the third rather suggest 8 or κ, and the following stroke may well be a mark of abbreviation. λόγ(ος), which we have restored in 1. 2, Is inadmissible here ; but if the reading of the supposed date in 1. 22 is wrong, the word before ἀσήμου may have been the same in both lines.

1654. ACCOUNT OF NOTARIAL EXPENSES. 11-9 X 17-5 cm. About A.D. 150.

On the recto are eight incomplete lines and beginnings of seven more in a second column from a late first or early second century land-survey list similar to P. Brit. Mus. 267. On the yerso in a different hand is the beginning of an interesting account of payments to various persons, including νομογράφοι (Il. 3, 8, nn.) and a αἱρέτης ἡγεμονικῆς βιβλιοθήκης (1. 7, n.), for drawing up or investigating official documents, besides purchases of writing-materials. An approximate date is provided by the mention in |. 11 of Munatius Felix, praefect in 150-1 (cf. Lesquier, L’armée romaine 513). The writer of the account was perhaps himself an official, and the payments seem to have been made at Alexandria rather than at Oxyrhynchus ; cf. 1]. 7--8, nn.

Aéyos δαπάνης.

y Μεσορή, νομογρά(φοις) γράψαι ὑπομνηματισμί(οὺς) B (ὀβολοὴ ts, χάρτου εἰς αὐτοὺς (τετρώβολονν).

5 δ, ἑτέρου χάρτου ἀγορασθέντος

εἰς συνκοπὴν (δραχμαὴ δ, αἱρέτῃ ἡγεμονικῆς βιβλιοθήκ(ης) (d8.) ι.

ε, νομογρά(φοις) [ἀγο]ρά[9] μαλλοῖς ᾿λεγομένοις΄ φητῆσαι


ὑπομνίη μ᾽ αἸτισμ(οὺς) B τοῦ ἀρχιδικαστοῦ (τετρώβ... IO σ, νομογρά(φου) ἑνὸς τῷ... Ϊ. . (Ἰἰῳ ὑπὲρ ὑπομν[η]μ(ατισμῶν) [. Μουνατίου Φήλικος ----

εἰς δὲ ἔγλημψιν --- ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ πολί---

‘Account of expenditure. Mesore 3, to notaries for writing 2 memoranda 16 obols, papyrus for these 4 ob. The 4th, for another papyrus bought for cutting up 4 drachmae, to a selecter(?) of the praefect’s library τὸ ob. The 5th, to notaries of the agora, called . . ., for investigating 2 memoranda of the archidicastes 4 ob. The 6th, one notary .. . for . memoranda of Munatius Felix ..., and for an extract...’

3. vopoypd(pas): the view of Koschaker (Zec¢schr. d. Savigny-St. xxix. 17°) that these were Officials is disputed by Preisigke (Gzrowesen 277°) and P. M. Meyer (P. Hamb, 4. 15, n.), who regard them as private notaries. Mitteis (Gvundz. 56") is doubtful. 1654, in which they are concerned with ὑπομνηματισμοί of high officials such as the archidicastes (ll. 8-9) and praefect (Il. 10-11), rather supports Koschaker ; cf. |. 8, n.

7. aipérn ἡγεμονικῆς βιβλιοθήκ(ης) : this library, which was not known previously, must have been at Alexandria. αἱρέτης, for which Crénert, Worterbuch, quotes only an instance from Vettius Valens ii. 1 in the sense of ‘favourer’, = mpoapérns ; cf. P. Leipz. 123. 17-19, where a βιβλιοφύλαξ at Alexandria states παρελήφθησαν διὰ τῶν προαιρετῶν ot mpoxip| evo |e τόμοι τέσσαρες, SC. ὑπομνηματισμοί from the Mendesian nome, and B.G. U. 362. Fr. 1. 19, &c., where 30 drachmae Ξάνθῳ προαιρέτῃ βιβλιοθήκης Occur in the accounts of the temple of Jupiter Capitolinus at Arsinoé. The προαιρέτης is generally explained as an official who produced’ documents as the result of a search; cf. Preisigke, Hachwérter 146. That the βιβλιοθήκη in B. G. U. 362 was also at Alexandria, and even identical with our ἡγεμονικὴ βιβλ. is quite possible, for the next entry but one in B.G. U. 362 is uniformly ἐπιτηρητῇ ὑπ(ὲρ) κατα- πομπῆς μηνιαίου, and P. Leipz. 123 shows that the προαιρέται went about the country collecting documents for the central archives at Alexandria; but the local βιβλιοθῆκαι at the nome- capitals may also have had mpoapéra or αἱρέται. In the present case the payment to a aiperns is likely to be connected with a search for a particular document (cf. ll. 8g), and if so the account was presumably written at Alexandria; cf. the next n.

8. vopoypa( ors) [ἀγο]ραΐ-] : cf. B.G. U. 888. 4, where a νομογράφος ἀγορᾶς writes a letter in the name of the archidicastes, and is apparently an official of the καταλογεῖον at Alexandria, as is now admitted by Preisigke (Yachworter 130; cf.1.3,n.). If [dyolpa[s| is rightly restored, the probability that Alexandria, not Oxyrhynchus, was the scene of these pay- ments (cf. 1. 7, n.) is increased; but the next word remains a difficulty, for though the addition of λεγομένοις indicates that it is something unusual, perhaps a proper name, neither μαλλοῖς Nor Μαλλοῖς seems at all suitable (Μαλλοί are only known as a people in NW. India and Μαλλός as the name of towns in Cilicia and Aethiopia). Two letters instead of one may be lost after pa, and a of μαλλοῖς can be ε, but and the first \ are nearly certain. λιβέλλοις and μεγάλοις are excluded.

10. τῷ ὀϊψωνἼίῳ could be read, but the order of words would not be satisfactory.

11. Movvariou Φήλικος : cf. int.


1655. BAKER’S ACCOUNT. 8-2 x 10 cm. Third century.

An account, covering three successive days, of bread and cakes of various kinds. The hand, whichis of an uncultivated type, appears to belong to the third century. Except on the verso, all figures have a horizontal line over them. Cf. 1731. I-11.

Aéyos ἀρτοκόπου Καλασίϊριος. ε, ἄρτων μεγάλων ε (δηνάρια) ε, καπυρίων ζευγῶν κ (δην.) γ; σεμιδάλεως μέτρον a is τὴν τ΄. Ϊ- - . -- : 5 πλακούντων (dnv.) γ. 5, σαιμιδάλεως μέτρον a Kadewrideo|. . ᾧ, μερικῶν μ (Onv.) ca (dpaxpat) B, σελιγνίων μεγάλων [[(δην.}}} μ (Snv.) (δρ.) γ, σελιγνίων μικῶν ζεύγη K (δην.) γ, 10 σεμιδάλεως μέτρα β (δην.) ς, γίνονται ὁμοῦ (δην.) us τέίταρτον ?) a. On the verso p εὐδοήκοντα τέ(ταρτον) a.

6. 1. σεμιδάλεως. 12. ]. ἑβδομήκοντα Or ὀγδοήκοντα. ‘Account of the baker Kalasiris. The 5th, 5 large loaves 5 denarii, 20 pairs of dried loaves 3 den., 1 measure of fine flour for ..., cakes 3 den. ‘The 6th, 1 measure of fine flour... The 7th, 40 divisible loaves(?) 11 den. 2 dr., 40 large cakes 5 den. 3 dr.,

20 pairs of small cakes 3 den., 2 measures of fine flour 6 den., total 46 den. 1 quarter.’

τ. Kadaoi[puos : cf. e.g. P. Leipz. 97. iii. 7, vii. 5, xvii. 9.

3. καπύριον is apparently a diminutive of καπυρός, a word applied to various articles of food. A thin dry cake or biscuit of some kind may be meant.

4. σεμιδάλεως : Cf. 6. g. 736. 82. The punctuation of ll. 4-5 is uncertain; cf. 1. τι, ἢ.

6. μέτρον a was perhaps followed by a proper name. ‘The doubtful A may be p, or possibly « with another letter between it and ε.

7. μερικῶν may be interpreted as bread or cake marked off into segments ; but no such use seems to be known, and the reading is uncertain. Between ¢and μ there is a dot which may possibly be meant for an ο, i.e. ομερικων for ὁμηρικῶν, but this again would apparently be a novel use, and there is no o in the papyrus at all similar. On the other hand a dot after a date is unusual, and does not occur in ll. 2 and 6.


8. σελίγνιον = silignum; cl. e.g. a Rainer papyrus cited by Wessely, Lasezn. Elemente in ὦ. Grazitat der Papyrusurkunden 51 τέσσαρας apraBas σελίγνων καθαρῶν, P. Brit. Mus. 1806. 2 σιλιγνί(ου) χαραγμ(ὴν) μίαν. Hence σελιγνιάριος, e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 5.5.7... ΚῸΣ

9. The dialectical μικκός and μικός are both found in papyri; for the latter cf. pe Bay. 127..02-6 3:

11. The items preserved add up to 36 den. 5 dr., the difference between this and the total 46 den. re(r.) a being accounted for by the figures lost at the ends of ll. 4 and 6. It is, however, not quite certain that ll. 4-5 should not be combined as a single item by reading e.g. is τὴν moinow| πλακούντων, the price of 3 den. for a σεμιδάλεως μέτρον corre- sponding to thatin 1. το. In this case the only figure lost (9 den. ?) would be at the end of 1. 6. ré(raprov) apparently means 1 dr., the other 4 being treated as equivalent to 1 denarius in accordance with the usual ratio of Egyptian drachmae to denarii; cf. 1481. 3,n. The letters te are written with no sign of abbreviation both here and in]. 12. For a similar combination of denarii and drachmae cf. e.g. Dakkeh ostracon No. 8 in Class. Rev. xxxiii. 49 sqq., the drachmae being presumably χαλκίναι. The papyrus is broken below |. 11, and

the figures on the verso may be explained by supposing that the account was continued after a short interval.

1656. ACCOUNT OF Foon.

30-4 X II-3 cm. Late fourth or fifth century.

An account of expenses for food of various kinds, written in an uncultivated hand with many mistakes in spelling. The monetary unit is abbreviated μοί ) standing for μοιριάς, 1. 6. μυριὰς δηναρίων, which became common in the latter part of the fourth century (e. g. 1729-30) ; cf. the spelling τοιρῶν in 1. 15.

Aéyov ὁλοποιοῦ. ἐδεξάμην καυλίων μοίιρ.) ι; παρ ἐσοῦ μο(ιριάδας) ε, φ(ολινικίων μοίιρ.) ει, Ζ ἀρκάδια μοίιρ.) τ, γάρου αὐστησίων μοίιρ.) οε, εἰζς) δῖπνον καιμια μοίιρ.) ι, UD ole e oor | μίο(ιρ.}} 2B, 15 τοιρῶν po(tp.) A, Sle dic a 7 ἤροίερ.}} 1β; Kpyas λι(τρῶν) y μοίιρ.) oe, [ieee cpa cies hens |pcov μο(ιρ.) ι, ὀψαριδίων μοίιρ.) cB, φασιλίων καὶ λειίσπτολάχανα akp{viov μοίιρ.) ιβ, μοίιρ.) ι; χαθαρῶν μοίιρ.) μ, eis) δῖπνον κρέας λι(τρῶν) y μοίιρ.) 20 ψομίων μοίιρ.) pr, οε, ἀρίστων μοίιρ.) οε, 10 ὀΐσὶ ψαρζίγων {{μ]} μοίιρ.) ιβ, καιφαλιδίων Kali] μέλιτος μοίιρ.) ἡ. 1. 1. λόγος. 8. 1. φασηλίων. g. First ν of διπνον corr. from o. 15. |. τυρῶν.

τό. |. κρέας. 1g. |. καθαρῶν. 22. 1. κεφαλιδίων.


Account ofa repairer (9). I received from you 5,000 myriads, from which, for dried fish (Ὁ) sauce 75 myr.,... beans and small vegetables 10 myr., meat for dinner, 3 10., 75 myr., relishes 12 myr., cabbages 10 myr., dates 10 myr., Arcadian ... 300 myr., .. . for dinner 10 myr., cheeses 30 myr., meat, 3 lb., 75 myr., relishes 12 myr., trotter 12 myr., pure loaves 40 myr., dainties 180 myr., breakfasts 75 myr., heads and honey 8 myr.’

I. ὁλοποιοῦ : the only instance cited of this word is Damascius, De przncip. 33 (p. 87 Kopp) οὐχ ὡς ἑνοποιὸν ληπτέον ἀλλ᾽ ὡς παντοποιόν᾽ καὶ πληθοποιὸν yap καὶ ἀγαθοποιὸν Kai ὁλοποιὸν καὶ οὐδὲ ἕν ὅτι οὐ ποιοῦν, and its meaning in the present place is doubtful. The sense of ‘factotum’ or ‘handy man’ on the analogy of παντοπώλης is hardly natural, and ‘repairer’ is more in accordance with use and the passage of Damascius, in which παντοποιός and ὁλοποιός are distinguished.

4. αὐστησίων is perhaps for αὐστηρίων, αὐστηρός being used as an epithet of χυλός, λάχανα, σιτία, &C.

5. τουλου.. : the fourth letter may be 6, and the seventh may be also or A.

13. ἀρκάδια remains unexplained. Cf. e.g. σαΐτια in 1658. 1.

14. kayua is unknown. According to Photius κημός was ὄσπριόν τι παρὰ Θρᾳξίν, but a misspelling of κημίον in this sense does not seem very probable.

18. For ἄκρον (ἡ cf. e.g. 108. 3.

19. χαθαρῶν is for καθαρῶν, sc. ἄρτων; cf. e.g. 786. 78, and for the absolute use P. Tebt. 120. int. καθαρῶν ζεύγη te.

20, Wouiwy: the remains of the second letter suggest a rather than o, but in any case ψωμίων was no doubt intended.

(c)\ie Leeds 1657. LIST OF UTENSILS.

21-6 X 12-5 cm. Late third century.

A list of utensils, which were contained in two στρατιωτάρια (military haver- sacks? Cf. 1. 1, n.), followed by a short letter announcing their dispatch. As often happens (cf. e.g. 521, 1290), the list includes some new words. It is written on the verso of 1411, which belongs to the year 260.

Χαλκοκρότων στρατιωτάϊριο]ν λιτρῶν ις, ἔχον a λιτρῶν κὃ, τὰ αὐτὰ εἴδη ἔχον σκουτλίον α, καὶ θύσκην καὶ πάσκαϊλο ?|y. [| βωλήτι[ο]ν a, Θέωνι φίλῳ. αἱ. .]. .-.

5 βατέλλιον, 15 τὰ διαπεμφθέντα χαλκοϊκρότων φαβατάρϊἠι)ον, στρατιωτάρια β΄ ἔχοϊντἼ]α ὀξυβάφια β, τὰ προκείμενα ἀγγεῖα κοἱμισ]ά- ἕτερα ἀγϊγεῖ]α B, μενος κυβιάϊργιον, χ΄ ἀρζιθ]μῷ 0. μετὰ τῶν ἄλλων δηλώσεις μοι,

Φ 4 P IO €TEPOVY στρατιωτάριον Aovkia.


‘A military case of bronze utensils weighing 24 pounds, containing 1 dish, 1 saucepan, a plate, a bean-tureen, 2 saucers, 2 other vessels, a salt-fish-pot (?), making 9 in number.

Another military case weighing 16 pounds, containing the same objects and a censer and wallet?

To my friend Theon....on receipt of the 2 military cases of bronze utensils con-

taining the aforesaid vessels, which I have dispatched, with the rest, send word to me, Lucia.’

I. στρατιωτάριον (cf. 1. 10) is apparently novel, but clearly means some sort of receptacle used by soldiers, perhaps a haversack.

3. σκουτλίον, for which cf. 741. 19, P. Brit. Mus. 191. 10, = scufula, scutella.

4. Bodjri{oly : cf. the πινάκια βωλητάρια in B,G.U. 781. i. I, ili. 7. βωλητάρ «|v for βωλητάριον is a possible reading here, but suits the papyrus less well than βωλήτι[οἱν, which, though not occurring elsewhere, is a natural form (from βώλητος = doletus).

5. βατέλλιον :. cf. Wilcken, Os7. 11. 1218. 3 συνθέσ(εν)ις βατελλίων, 741. 18 βάτελλαι.

6. φαβατάρ[ι]ον = fabatarium.

9. κυβιά)ρ]ιον is a derivative of κύβιον.

13. πάσκαϊλο]ν, if right, is for φάσκαλον, φάσκωλον ; cf. the Latin pasceolus. meow might be read for πασκ, but a word connected with πέσκος (πέκος) seems less probable.

14. a..|.... would naturally be taken for the name of the writer, which, however, would leave Λουκίᾳ in 1. το (the last letter is doubtful, but @ is less suitable) unexplained. It is not possible to read [χ]α[ίρ]ειν or dx] Aous{éas. The word may therefore be connected with what follows.

1658. [197 oF ARTICLES. 17-8 X 12-1 cm. Fourth century.

A list of various articles, similar to 1657, 1290, &c., and including, like those papyri, some rare or novel forms. The writing is across the fibres of the verso, the recto being blank except that at one edge there is a vestige which may belong to the final letter of a line.

Σαΐτια B, φυνίκ(ινα) [ μαχαίρια B μειϊκ(ρά), ξύλα ε τοῦ πάκτϊωνος, κοκκούμιον α, χαλ[άδἹ]ρια β, το πυξίδιον ἕν, βάδιον καινόν, Ϊ [[ηλᾳ}] ἡλάρια

5 κατακὴν κενόν, | μεικρὰ τοῦ πάκτωνος, μεικρὸν σφυρίον | ὠτίον χαλκίου.

ww ἔχων κάτω [ I. σαΐτια. |, powik(wwa). 5. 1]. καινόν. 1: ἔχον:

‘2 Saite jars, 5 palm-wood boards of the boat, 2 couches, a new flagon, new. . .; a small basket containing at the bottom 2 small knives, 1 pot, 1 casket, some small nails of the boat, a handle of a kettle.’


1. σαΐτια: cf. Archiv iii. 448 and a Rainer papyrus of the fourth or fifth century cited by Wessely, Altersindiz. 7m Philogelos, p. 32. An analogous measure is μεμφίτιον

(P. Flor, 283. 6). 3. χαλ[άδ]ρια: cf, 646, 1142. 13, P. Tebt. 414. 13.

4. βάδιον is apparently a diminutive of βάδος or βάτος, which according to Hesychius contained 50 ξέσται. Epiphanius, De pond. p. 178, derives the measure from the Hebrew βίθ and associates it with the oil-making industry.

5. κατακὴν remains unexplained. A connexion with κάδδιχος or κάδδιχον, Which Hesychius gives as equivalent to ἡμίεκτον, is hardly likely.

9. For κοκκούμιον cf. 6. g. 1160. 23, n., 1290. 3.

τὸ, πυξίδιον : cf. e.g. P: Ryl. 124. 14, r27. 30:


1659. ACCOUNT OF CROWN-TAX. 35 X (approximately) 42-5 cm. A.D. 218-221.

This long and fairly well preserved papyrus contains an account of sums collected in the Oxyrhynchite nome for Crown-tax (Il. 1, 130) during a period of five days from Hathur 10-14 in the reign of Elagabalus, who is known from numerous papyri (e.g. 1522) to have paid special attention to this source of revenue; cf. 1441, int., where the evidence concerning the mode of its assessment is collected. Of the three columns the second and third are nearly complete, but in the first the middles of lines are for the most part missing. The position assigned to four fragments which do not actually join the beginnings or ends of lines of Col. i (Fr. 1 to 1]: 1-6, Fr. 2 to Il. 7-13, Fr. 3 to ll. 33-43, Fr. 4 to ll. 43-5) is practically certain ; a few very small unplaced pieces are ignored. After the heading in 1]. 1-3 (or 4), which is imperfect and probably contained a mention of the year in either ]. 1 or 1. 4, comes in ll. 5 (or 4)-8 a list of sums paid through the public bank of Oxyrhynchus apparently by individual tax- payers (ll. 5-6, n.), followed in 1. 9 by another payment at Oxyrhynchus, distin- guished from the preceding section (I. 9, n.). Then follows in Il. 10-119 a list of payments through πράκτορες, whose names are in the nominative (ll. 12, 86-7, 100, 118), or their agents, who are introduced by διά (cf. δι(ὰ) Avov(vatov) ὑπ(ηρέτου) in 1. 125), at various villages of all six toparchies of the Oxyrhynchite nome, each section concerning a toparchy being subdivided into two parts, respectively headed μητροπολιτικῶν and κωμητικῶν, according to the place in which the tax- payers were registered. In 1. 120 comes an entry of 80 drachmae credited


to the nome in general, this having perhaps been explained in detail in a note added, but subsequently cancelled, after 1. 102 (cf. 1. 103, n.), and there follows in 1. 121 the total of sums actually received for the nome together with the total due according to the fraction (5 days make ) of the μηνιαῖον, or official assessment of the amount due in each month. Since the actual receipts were 206 drachmae in excess of the assessment, arrangements were made for abatements (Il. 122-4, a section which has been cancelled, like 1. 103) in the case of three villages, effected by πρὸς παραδοχ(ῇ), which is a new official title. Since payments for Crown-tax were made at intervals throughout the year (cf. 1522 and B, G. U. 518), there is some reason to infer that 12 tal. 5890 dr. 42 obols, the amount of the assessment for Hathur 10-14, represent τὸς of the whole annual amount due from the Oxyrhynchite nome for that impost, i.e. nearly 950 talents. In conclusion (ll. 125-9) there is a list of sums credited to the Hermopolite nome, partly collected at a Hermopolite village which probably adjoined the Upper toparchy of the Oxyrhynchite nome (]. 125, n.), partly paid by inhabitants of a village in that toparchy who had gone over into the Hermopolite nome (1. 128). The sum of the Hermopolite items is in 1. 130 finally added to the (scheduled, not the actually received) total of the Oxyrhynchite nome. The following table summarizes the main items of the account :—

Eine: ) District μητροπολιτικά κωμητικά Total 8. μητροπ. (bank) [1373 dr. 2]% ob. 9. μητροπ. (miscellaneous) 305 dr. 23, 32.”Avw tor. [2 tal.]2900dr. [4113 dr. 40b.] 3 tal. 1013 dr. 4 ob. 43, 45. Λιβὸς rom. [2 tal. 5]560 dr. 250 dr. [2 tal.] 5[810 dr. 56,60. "Amma. tom. 1 tal. 5907 dr. 471 Gt 4 οὔ. 2 tal. 378 dr. 4 ob.

* 97,85. Méon rom. I tal.[4]328dr-80b. 570 dr. 4 ob. I tal. 4898 dr. 48 ob. 92,99. Quo. rom. 4845 dr. 34 ob. 1767 dr. [3]% ob. [1 tal.] 613 dr. 3 ob.

III, 119. Karw rom. ital. 1356dr. . 2268 dr. 1 tal. 3624 dr. 120. nome (miscellaneous) 80 dr. 121. Oxy. nome (actual receipts) 13 tal. 96 dr. 32 ob. 121. Oxy. nome (proportion of μηνιαῖον) 12 tal. 5890 dr. 44 ob. 129. Hermop. nome 4290 dr. 130. Grand total 13 tal. 4180 dr. 42 ob.

Some doubt attaches to the totals of the "Avw and Λιβὸς ror. (Il. 23, 43, nn.), and the total of the bank-receipts at Oxyrhynchus is obtained only by subtraction ; but the margin of error is small. The arithmetic of the writer is good ; the only mistakes which can be detected concern the obols in two cases (Il. 122 and 130, nn.).


For determining his official rank there is no direct evidence, and it is not made clear who is meant by the second person used in 1]. 103 ; but accounts of payments by individuals for Crown-tax were sent by πράκτορες to the strategus, as the head of the revenue-administration of the nome; cf. P. Brit. Mus. 474.

The geographical information provided by 1659 is of considerable interest. The order of the six toparchies is the same as that in 1285, which is also a taxing- list, and 1747, a list of persons serving in some official capacity (guards ?), and was evidently customary, proceeding in general from south to north. The enumera- tion of the toparchies in the Hermopolite nome found in the taxing-lists B. G. U. 552-7, which observes the following order (1) Κουσσίτης ἄνω, (2) Κουσσίτης κάτω, (3) Λευκοπυργίτης ἄνω. (4) Λευκοπυργίτης κάτω, (5) Περὶ πόλιν ἄνω, (6) Περὶ πόλιν κάτω, (7) Πατρὴ ἄνω, (8) Πατρὴ κάτω, (9) Πατεμίτης ἄνω, (10) Πατεμίτης κάτω with the district called Πασκώ (cf. 1687. 20, n.), also probably proceeds in general from south to north, so that the Λευκοπυργίτης district is to be placed between Κοῦσσαι (Zl-Kusiyeh) and Hermopolis (Ashmunén), the Tarp and [Πατεμίτης districts between Hermopolis and the boundary of the Oxyrhynchite nome. These toparchies were all mainly or exclusively on the west bank. The district on the east bank, in which ᾿Ακῶρις- Τῆνις (Zehneh) was situated, was called Mw xirns. Most of the villages in 1659 were already known, principally from the fuller list in 1285; but new names occur in ll. 27, 42, 55, 63, 74, and some which were imperfectly preserved in 1285 can now be fixed ; cf. ll. 14, 15, 70,nn. The order of the villages in the two sections concerning μητροπολιτικά and κωμητικά does not correspond, even where, as in the case of the Thmoisepho toparchy (Il. 86-99), the same villages are found in both. Usually the μητροπολιτικά section is much the longer and the sums are uniformly much larger, a circumstance which serves to account for the comparative smallness of the receipts recorded at the metro- polis itself. In 1285 also, which is concerned with a tax called τιμὴ. -., there aré two lists; but the order of the villages is the same in both, and the relative amounts of the payments correspond to a large extent, so that there is no reason to suppose that the two lists in 1285 refer to μητροπολιτικά and κωμητικά.


2[Tepav κῶν 1-- - -- -- -- 1... [{:ἰαϊτ]ων τοῦ κυρ[ίο]ν Ἡμῶν] | ΑἰβτΊοκί ράγγορος Καίσα]ρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίο!] ᾿Αντ[ων] εἰϊνοῖν Εὐϊσεβοῦς Εὐτ]υχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ ΠῚ] i RR ss Is 5 διιὰ δη)μο(σίας) τρα(πέζης) AO[dp ι mapa? Kralu(dias) ᾿Ισιδώρας τῆς k(al) Arias (δραχμὰς) σὰς.

| ο







ta [map 3] Αὐρηλ(ίου) ᾿ἀπολ(λωνίου) (Op. ?)|[..., παρὰ ἢ... .1. κου δι(ὰ) ᾿Ωριγένους (δρ.) vey (dvo0B.) (ἡμιωβ.).

ΘΠ oso COWS) ρος. κ]αὶ τῶν τέκ(νων ?) (δρ.) ρξδ, seal) ceil 7 (δρ.) 'Aroy ? (dv6B.)| (jptwB.). μητ[ροπ(όλεως ?)]|..... [beets oh core t ὉΠ (Op yeu (OP) ea Ἄνω [rom(apxtas)| μητ(ροπολιτικῶν) λη[μ(μάτων)" |[...- 22+. 6s 1., &A(Aas) (Op.) ρξ, [ε. (Sp.)] op, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) Tea (δυοβ. ?), / 8p.) ᾽41.} Neopelip(ews) ‘Addp 1. δι(ὰ) . . ....... |e. Xvoew[s]|APdp ta, Kij......... πρά(κτωρ) ?| Sp.) σξ, 0 (δρ.) . -, /[(dp-)] X - - δ κε ACU pt o1| |p atin eel etc ]---[--]---[-- (p.)] pus, / Op.) φξ: ᾿Αθύχ[εως γι θυ ie bia) a nee ee ]-, @A(A.) (δρ.) Ka, [ἀἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) .1ξ, 7 (δρ.) “AXE. | "Eviretews ? ‘Addp i. dia)... .-.- , 8 δι(ὰ) O€wvos (δρ.) TKs, γ [(δρ.). - -, | / [(δρ.}} Apr.

OdcBlews) [AOdp c. δι(ὰ) 12 1.1η, 6 (δρ.) μβ, 7 (δρ.) Pd (τετρώβ.). Μερμίέρθων Ἁθὺρ ι δι(ὰ) το 1.,| ca (δρ.) τιβ, GAA.) (δρ.) ρὲ, ἀλ(λ.) (δρ.) ε.; ANA.) Bp.) [18 110β, AX) (8p.) as / Bp.) ᾿ΒΦΙβ. Σκὼ Ἁ[θὺρ ι. δι(ὰ) 12 1.] (Sp. 5) v, AAA.) (dp.) AB, [ / (δρ.}} υλβ. Mioviov) Al@dpin . δι(ὰ) 12/\.\ (δρὴ 9... τ ὕ.Ψ.--. ΚΙε]ρ[κεμ(ούνεως) Ἁθὺρ c. δι(ὰ) 121.]., ty (δρ.) π|.,.͵] 1d ἄλ(λ.) (δρ. Ὁ) [.] ., TAC ee 7 [μητροπολ(ιτικῶν) (τάλαντα) B (dp.)| ’Bo. κωμητ(ικῶν) [λημμά(των)" 13 1.] (dp. ?) ι, 0 (δρ.) ρμ, / (δρ.) |. + «| EMCO COMMAND EOLA... ss. s 7: ous [. .] Σιγκέφα [Ap ι. δι(ὰ) 11 1.] (Sp. ?) κ., AAA.) (δρ.) ve, / Op.) af Βασιλί ) [4θὺρ c. δι(ὰ) ττ 11, ἄλ(λ.) [(6p.)] - ὃ, / (Bp) [- - .] Νεσμείμ(εως) [4θὺρ ι. δι(ὰ) τι 1]Ἱμη, ιβ (δρ.) μη, / (δρ.) [.] - Μονίμ(ου) ‘A[Odp ι. δι(ὰ) 121.) ., 18 (δρ.) Kd, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) py, / (δρ.) τ. [: ἹΠερ ερίθων θροιο,.....--. Ἰης πρά(κτωρ)ὴ (dp.) a. . ᾿Επισήμοϊυ Ἁθὺρ ι. διὰ Πτολε]μαίου (δρ.) οἱ. 7 κα[μ(ητικῶν) (δρ.) ᾽Δριγ (τετρώβ... “7 Ἄνω tom(apxias) (τάλ.)}] γ (δρ.) ‘Ary (τετρώβ... Διβ(ὸς) τοπ(αρχίας) μητ(ροπολιτικῶν) λ᾽ημ(μάτωνν". ||... . «. «Ὁ Ἁθὺρ tla (δρ.) Ao, vy (Sp.) by ENA.) (8p) [ev 3 (ὃρ. ἢ) 411}: @A) (δ. {12.1.1 / Cp) Τω


35 Κερκε[θύ(ρεως) “4θ)ὺρ « . | (dua) 11 ἡλῴ, / (δρ.) “By.

[Σ᾿ εἸνεκελεὺ [“4θὺρ] | ε΄. | [d(a).....-... 1... ὃ, τὸ {δρὴ bs ἀλίλη (ὁρ. ἢ) pk, / (δρ.) ᾿Βοξβ. Σενοκώμεαϊς “ΑἸθὺ[ρ c....------ Ἰκ, / (δρ.) υμα. SUpo[v] ‘A[O]dp 1B | [διζα)ις --- τς: Π ὁ} ρ) 1: ἢ" Σεναὼ “4{θ]}ὺρ ty O(a) ||. - « « «- | (6p. ?) Ay, Ld (dp.) ξ, / (Sp.) Awé. 40 Πέχα ‘AOfdp c. διὰ} ΓΖ Ιου σίου) [(dp.)......... ] (6p. ἡ) pn, τὸ (Op.) p 7 (δρ.) Aomn. Παείμεωζς “4θ]ὺρ |[ε. δι(ὰ) « « -. « -«- Ἰς (δρ.) σ Avrin(épa) Πέλα [4θ]ὺρ ιβ δι(ὰ) Θ᾽ .[. . - - « « «.- 17. (δρ.) AgvB. ayaa ce Aurik@v) (τάλ.) B (δρ.) ᾿ΕἸφξ. κωμητί(ικῶν) ἀν, τε ον πὸ AOd|\p ιβ dud) | [.- .] . (.:) (δρ.) σι, 06 (δρ.) Hs / (δρ.) σ ἀπ 57 hase τοπί ΠΣ (τάλ.) βῚ | (Op. ?) ᾽Εζωι. ᾿Απηλ(ιώτου) τοπί(αρχίας) μητ(ροπολιτικῶν) [λημ(μάτων): ΠΤ ΤΡ πον ὙΣΣν Advp ι δι(ὰ) Σ᾽ αρ]απίίωνος) (δρ.) Ap, ta δι(ὰ) Διονυσίο(υ) (δρ.) 7[20 1.,] / (δρ.) ‘Avo.

Ψώβθι(εως) ‘AOldp 18 1κδ, GAA.) (Sp.) πη, / (δρ.) Apn. Τααμπίέμου Abdp 141.) (δρ.) νος, aA(A.) (δρ.) [- ..] ἐγ 50 (Sp.) τ, ἀλ(λ.) [(δρ.) 21 1] (Op. ?) κ,͵7 (δρ.) ᾿Βτξϊ. 28. «8 corr. (0). Cole i Φθώχεζω!ὶς Ἁθὺρ ca δι(ὰ) Ζαω[ίλ(ου) [(dp.)] "AW, «B (dp.) p, ry (Op.) AEB, / (8p.) ᾿ΒίωΊεβ. | "Dpews ‘AOdp 1B δι(ὰ) Σ᾽ αραπ(ίωνος) (Sp.) wis, vy (δρ.) μ, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) Kd, ἐδ (δρ.) ρμ, / (δρ.) Ax Φοβώου “Αθὺρ ιβ δι(ὰ) ᾿ἀπολ(λωνίου) (δρ.) Ψ, ty (δρ.) 7, ENA.) (δρ.) prB, ιδ (δρ.) κ, 7 (δρ.) ἄρνβ. Τυχιννεκ(ώτεως) Ἁθὺρ ta δι(ὰ) Σ᾽ αραπ(ίωνος) (δρ.) a[k, ἀϊλ(λ.) [(δρ.}} φ, ιβ (δρ.) μ, ry (δρ.) ιβ, 45] (δρ.) Kn, / (δρ.) 55 Θμοινεψώβθεως Ἁθὺρ 1d δι(ὰ) Διογένους (δρ.) Apye. / μητροπίοἸλ(ιτικῶν) (τάλ.) α (δρ.) “Emi. κωϊμητ(ικῶν) λημίμάτων) Σ᾽ ατύρου ‘Addp 1d δι(ὰ) Σ᾽ αραπάμμ[ω]νο[ς] (dp. 9) AB (τετρώβ...


Τυ[ϊχιϊννεκώτεως Ἁθὺρ ty dua) Pidriok(ov) (δρ.) οβ, 16 (δρ.) μέ, [| /] (δρ.) ριθ. ΘΙμοι]νεψώβθ(εωςο) ‘AOdp ιδ δι(ὰ) Διογένους (dp.) TK ὅο “ἿΠΛ᾽᾿κωμ(ητικῶν) (δρ.) νοα (τετρώβ.). / ᾿4π(ηλιώτου) τοπίαρχίας) (τάλ.) B (δρ.)

Ton (τετρώβ...

[Mélon(s) ἱτοπί(αρχίας) μητ(ροπολιτικῶν) ληϊμίμάτων Σεντὼ ‘Adjp| ca [@p-) -- a] +8 Be) vB, «8 Gp) xs / Go) "BEI

Θώλ(θεως) ‘AOldp ι .] a τ, (Op.) vir, GA(A.) [(dp.) .., &. (Op-) . Je, Ard) 6p) 8, / Bp

IIax ...[. AOW[p} ¢.] ie ᾿ ἀπ, (Ce PIONS cele ats a 9 ae oy (Cae ac Tavdeo[s AbWp 1B διίὰ) [....].., GAA.) (Op.) pf] ., / [(Op.)....

65 ᾿Ιέμη Ἁθὺρ ιβ δι(ὰ) Appoviov (Sp.) τ, ἄλ(λ.) (Sp.) μ, vy (δρ.) AO, 18 (δρ.) κ, / (δρ.) 796. Ἴστρ[ο]ν ἐπί(οικίου) ‘AOd|p vy δι(ὰ) Χαιρήμί(ονος) (δρ.) pyn (τριώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.) χ(αλκοῦς) a, ιδ (δρ.) AG, / (δρ.) cre (τριώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.) ce a. Σενέπί(τα) Addp ca dia) Πτολ(εμαίου) (dp.) pan, ιβ (δρ.) v, ἄλ(λ WK, ly] Gp) τ, ENA) (Bp) μ, «8 [(8p.)] κ, / (Bp) Ἀχέη. Nop(od) ἐπί(οικίου) Addp 1B διὰ ‘Haenetoor (dp.) φνβ. Κερκεύρων ‘Addp 1B δι(ὰ) ᾿Ωριγένους (dp.) φπὲὸ. 7o [Taalprirer id διὰ) At... |]... (6p.?) o, ar(A.) (δρ.) TB, / δ.) Φ[8:]

Προ θὴρ τὰ O(a)... es ΕΠ] τς Τ͵Πεεννὼ AO[vdp tla [d(a)}.v...[..]...[.., AAA.) (Op. 2) dug, ΤΥ [(ρ. σ᾿ τὸ (Ops ὃ). - 7 (Ops eee

Τόβα ‘A[Ojdp ιβ διὰ [Ἡ]ρακλίδ]ου (dp.) . ἕ. 75 τὸ Ἡρακλεῖον Advp ιβ δι(ὰ) “Ηρακλίδο]ν (δρ.) pn, ιδ (δρ.) x, 9}|Κ,(δρ.) [plan Τακολκείλεως ᾿Αθὺρ 10 δι(ὰ) ᾿Απολ)]λωνίου (δρ.) vB. / μητροπολ(ιτικῶν) (τάλ.) α [(ὃρ.) ᾿ΑἸτκη (ἡμιωβ.) x(ar) a. κωμητ(ικῶν) λημμάί(των): τ ia Oud) Σ᾽ αρζαγπάμ(μωνος) (dp.) ρ, 16 (δρ.) οβ, ἄλ(λ .) (δρ.) ey dp.) σιβ. Τόβα Ἁθὺρ ιδ dua) ¢ (δρ.) ρκ. 80 Τακολκείλεως Ἁθὺρ 16 δι(ὰ) ᾿ἀπολλωνίο!υ (δρ.) ἕ. Σενέπτα Ἁθὺρ 16 δι(ὰ) Πτολεμ' αἰου] (δρ.) ξη. Πεεϊννὼ [4θ]ὺρ 16 διὰ Διοσκο[υ]ρίδου (δρ.) λβ. πονολο: ἉἸθὺρ ta δι(ὰ) Διογένους (dp.) δ, ιβ (δρ.) δ, / (δρ.) [Πέϊμ]η Ἁθὺρ vy δι(ὰ) Πτολεμαίου] (δρ.) ο (τετρώβ...


85. ,κωμ(ητικῶν) (dp.) po (τετρώβ.). / Méon(s) τοπ(αρχίας) (τάλ.) α (dp.) “Awgn (τετρώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.) χίαλ.) a. Θμοι(σεφὼ) τοπ(αρχίας) μητίροπολιτικῶν) λη(μμάτων): Τήεως Addp ια ᾿Ισίδ(ωρος) πρά(κτωρ) (dp.) x, ἀλ(λ.) (δρ.) 9B (τριώβ.) χίαλ.) B, 7 (δρ.) χφβ (τριώβ.) χίαλ.) β. Παώμεως Ἁ[θ]ὺρ ty ᾿ἀπολ(λώνιος) πρά(κτωρὶ (δρ.) σξ, ( ) (δρ.) ιβ, / (δρ.) σοβ. Παλώσεως Ἁθὺρ vy δι(ὰ) ᾿ἀπίωνος (δρ.) υκη. Θώλθεωϊς] ἉἈθὺρ ιβ dua) Θέωνος (δρ.) v, ty (δρ.) σ, / (dp.) 90 Κεσμούχεως Ἁθὺρ ιβ δι(ὰ) Κλ(έωνος ?) (δρ.) PE, ty (δρ.) σ, ἄλ(λ ae ok, / (dp.) pr. Σεφὼ « δι(ὰ) Πλουτίω(νος) [(δρ.}] om, 4B (δρ.) Ψ, cy (dp.) Kd, ἀλ(λ.) (δρ.) p ιδ (δρ.) π, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) κ, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) £6, / (δρ.) Awoy. / μητροπολ(ιτικῶν) (δρ.) "Awpe (τριώβ.) χί(αλ.) β. κωμητ(ικῶν) λη(μμάτων) Τήεως Ἁθὺρ vy (δρ.) a (τριώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.), ιδ (δρ.) o GNA.) (δρ.) μ, / (δρ.) cpa (τριώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.). [Παλώσεωϊς Ἁθὺρ vy (δρ.) δ, 18 (δρ.) μ, / (δρ.) μδ. 95 ΠΙαώμεω]ς Ἁθὺρ ca (δρ.) ρμς, ιδ (δρ.) μ, / (δρ.) pre. Κ ἐεσμο]ύχεως Ἁθὺρ 6 δι(ὰ) 4Διδύμί(ου) (dp.) AB. Sepia] “4θ]ὺ}6] ¢ (δρ.) p, {1 (δρ) δ [7 [(δρ.}} ρδ. Θάϊλ(θεωρ) θὺ]ρ ua (5p.) τ, B (δρ) φ. vy (Bp.) τ, (δρ) & / (δρ.) “Αρέ. | / κωμ(ητικῶν" (δρ.) “AWEC ἱ(τριώβ. (ἡμιωβ.). ). χ΄ Θμοι(σεφὼ) τοπί(αρχίας) [(rar.) a (δρ.}} χιγ (ἡμιωβ.) [χίαλ.) β.

Bie Δ ὍΘΕ: 65. tenn.

Col. iii. 100 Κάτω τοπί(αρχίας) μητ(ροπολιτικῶν) λη(μμάτων): ᾿Ισίου Tpid(wvos) Ἁθὺρ 1B Aovkto(s) πρά(κτωρὶ (δρ.) η, ιδ (δρ.) φξε, ἄλ(λ. (8p.) B, ἄλ(λ) (δρ) σ, 73)(δρὴ @de. Σιναρὺ Addp ια δι(ὰ) ᾿Απίωνο(ς) (δρ.) ‘Aw, ιβ (δρ.) x; ty (δρ.) ἐδ, / (δρ.) ᾿Βυξδ. li. .1. . [ἀπ]ὸ Μουχ(ιναρυὼ ?) πολί(ιτικῶν) ἀφ᾽ (ὧν) ὀφείλ(ουσιν) ἀπὸ ἐπ(οικίου) Καλπίουρνίου ?) (δρ.) μ, ἄλ(λ.) σοῦ λιπόντἰος (δρ.}} μ, / (δρ.) 7. |} [Sovelos Addp ι δι(ὰ) Σ᾽ αραπ(ίωνος) (δρ.) cig, ιβ (δρ.) Ed, ty (δρ.) a, / (δρ.) σπα. 105 |TalAa® Addp ta δι(ὰ) Δείου (δρ.) υνγ, ιβ (δρ.) p&, ty (δρ.) A, ιδ (δρ.) de, 7) (δρ.) ᾿χμη. Ψώβθεως Ἁθὺρ ta δι(ὰ) Δείου (δρ.) op, cy (δρ.) AB, / (δρ.) σοβ.


Θώλθεως Ἁθὺρ ιβ δι(ὰ) ΗἩρα(κλείδου) (δρ.) σι, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) 7, ey (δρ.) 7 (Sp-) χι

Σέσφθα Abdp vy δι(ὰ) Πτολ(εμαίου) [(δρ.}} p, cy (δρ.) B, ιδ (δρ.) κ, / (δρ.) ρκβ.

[T]axova Ἁθὺρ vy δι(ὰ) Sepr(vov) (δρ.) w, ιδ (δρ.) ρξη, / (δρ.) pén.

110 [Τ]Ἰυχινφάγων ἉΑθὺρ ta δι(ὰ) Θέωνο(ς) (δρ.) ρ, ιβ (δρ.) ve, / (δρ.) ρνς. 7 μητροπολ(ιτικῶν) (τάλ.) a (δρ.) ᾽άτνς.

κἰωμη)τί(ικῶν)) λημμά(ίτωνν ᾿Ισίου [Τ]ρύφ(ωνος) ἉΑθὺρ ιβ (δρ.) p, ιδ (δρ.) μ, 7 (δρ.) ρμ

ΨάϊβἸθεως Addp ι (δρ.) πη, ιδ (δρ.) ιβ, GA.) (δρ.) ρξη, / (δρ.) σξη.

Τακόνα A®dp ta (δρ.) ἡ, vy (δρ.) τὰς, ιδ (δρ.) μ, / (δρ.) 778.


115 Τυχινφάγων Αθὺρ ty dia) Μάρωνος (dp.) o, 6 (δρ.) ave, A(X.) [(8p.)] ρνβ, aN.) (Bp.) KB, ANA.) (8p.) 4B, ENA.) (Bp.) κη, / (Bp.) χοβ. Σέσφθᾳ Ἡθὺρ wa (dp.) κα, vy (Sp.) en, 06 (Sp.) μ, / (δρ.) πὲ. TajAjam Ἁθὺρ ι ‘Aodivdpios πρά(κτωρὶῚ (δρ.) ψκ. / κωϊμητικῶν) (δρ.) ᾿Βσξη. / Kdtw rom(apxias) (τάλ.) a (δρ.) ᾿Γχκδ. 120 νομοῦ Ἁθὺρ 16 ᾿(δρ.) π Ζ νομ[οἹῦ ᾽Ο ξι(υρυγχίτου) (τάλ.) vy (δρ.) φς (τριώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.) χίαλκοῖ) γ, ἀνά (Aoyov) μηνια(ίου) (τάλ.) ιβ (δρ.) ᾿Εωφ (τετρώβ.) χί(αλ.) a. [[ὥστ᾽ (εἶναι) (efor) [(δρ.}} o>, αἱ κουφ[ι)σ θ(εῖσαι) δι(ὰ) τοῦ πρὸς παραδοχί(ῇ) ἀπὸ μὲν] [[ Evrevews πολ(ιτικῶν) (δρ.) E>, [καὶ] ἀπὸ δὲ Sevén(ra) πολίιτ.) (δρ.) p καὶ ἀπὸ Xiva(pd) πολίιτ.}]} [λι(φθεῖσαι 3) (Sp. 3) ws ,., () [(δρ.) σ]ς.}} 125 ᾿Ερμ[οπ)ολ(ίτουν" ᾿1βιῶ(νος) . . λί ) μητροπ(ολιτικῶν)" Ἁθὺρ ta δι(ὰ) Διον(υσίου)

ὑπί(ηρέτου) (dp.) σ, ιβ 8p.) ’AvAn, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) x, ey (δρ.) wun, 18 (δρ.) v, ἀλ(λ.) (δρ.) pAB, / (δρ.) ’ByAn. κωμητ(ικῶνν) [4]θὺ[ρ] ca δι(ὰ) Σερή(νου) (dp.) xB (τριώβ.), 1B (δρ.) pé, cy (δρ.) of, ἄλ(λ.) (δρ.) μ, 18 (δρ.) ta (τριώβ.), / (δρ.) Aod. καὶ O(a) 7(@v) ἀπὸ Σ᾿ιγ[κἸέφα Ἁθὺρ ιβ (dp.) TK, ty (δρ.) σ, ιδ (δρ.) νη, 7 (δρ.) φοη. / ρμιοἹπολ(ίτου) (δρ.) ᾽Ζ'σφ. 130 79} ἐπὶ τὸ α(ὐτὸ) [σἸτεφ(ανικῶν) (τάλ.) ty (δρ.)᾽ 4 ρπ (τετρώβ.) (ἡμιωβ.) χίαλ.) a

100. iowu: soin ]. 112. 121. x(ad.) a corr.

1. The word before τοῦ is possibly τελ]εσί μ]άϊ των, but not Alnu[plajrjor.


4. Possibly μ[ητροπόλεω Ἰς (cf. 1. 9, n.) ; but that word would hardly be expected to have a line to itself, and ἔτους is more likely, unless this occurred in ]. 1.

5-6. KAalu(dias) ᾿Ισιδώρας τῆς κ(αὶ) ᾿Απίας : cf. 1630. 3, n. διά can be substituted for παρά in 1]. 5-6; cf. 1. 128 δι(ὰ) (av) ἀπὸ Σιγ[κ]έφα, where tax-payers, not tax-collectors, are meant. But &(a) ᾿Ωριγένους in |. 6 either refers to a tax-collector, like διά with the other names in 1]. 10-115, or indicates an agent of a tax-payer, so that a different preposition is in any case more suitable with persons who, as the mention of a woman shows, were evidently tax-payers. κλη(ρονόμοι) in place of παρά in |. 5 is unsatisfactory, for Claudia Isidora was apparently still living when 1659 was written. 7. «cou is in our opinion a proper name, not στεφα]νικοῦ, which is the subject of the whole account.

7. The letter following «8 is not δι(ά), but might be ajapd: cf. the previous ἢ. ἄλ(λας) is very doubtful; there may be an abbreviation of a proper name, as in]. 6.

8. Another proper name or ἄλ(λας) followed by a sum probably occurred at the beginning. The total is obtained by subtraction; cf. int. and ]. 23, n.

9. pyt[por(drews?)| |... -. : the word was perhaps written out, the faint vestiges being compatible with -πἼολεως. The distinction between this entry and Il. 5-7 is probably due to the circumstance that the items in ]. 9 were collected not by the δημοσία τράπεζα, but by πράκτορες Or their agents; but the entry may be supplementary to 1]. 5-8 in the same kind of way as |. 120 νομοῦ (8p.) π is to 1]. 10-119.

10. After ληϊμ(μάτων) a village-name is lost; cf. ]. 15, ἢ.

14. ᾿Αθύχίεως : cf. 1285. 58, where 1. ᾿Αθ[ ύἸχίεως, the fourth letter being clear. The traces of the third letter here suit v very well, and not any other vowel.

15. Ἐντείεως ὃ: a village Ἐντελεύ in an unspecified toparchy is known from 1510 ; but Ἐντεῖις (1. 123) has to be introduced somewhere into the list of payments of μητροπολιτικά in 1659, presumably before Σενέπτα (1. 67); cf. 1. 123, n. Other suitable places would be 1. ro or |. 24 or |. 44; but in 1285. 68 ’Evreiews can be read in place of ’Avreiews in the list of villages of the Upper toparchy, so that 1]. +5 is much the most likely place for Ἐντεῖις. In 1. 10 either ᾿Ἐπισήμου (cf. 1. 31 and 1285. 55) or Βασιλί ) (cf. 1. 27) is more probable than one of the other villages in 1285. 51-68 which do not occur in 1659. 11-31.

22. Klelp|xeu(ovvews): cf. 1285. 66. The vestiges suit « very well, but p is quite uncertain.

23. The reading *B is doubtful here, and in |]. 32 the total of the κωμητικά is only obtained by subtraction from the total for the toparchy, in which ’A, though not clear, is a much more suitable reading than any other figure; cf. int.

27. Βασιλί ) was previously unknown.

a2, Cf ἢ: 25. π΄ and int:

33. The village was perhaps Π[ανευεί or Π[ετεμού(νιος) or Σ[ερύφεως, which were all in the Western toparchy ; cf. 1285. 70-83.

42. ᾿Αντιπζέρα) Heda: this village, facing Πέλα (]. 40), is known only from the present passage and 1687. 33, where it seems to be called ᾿Αντιπ(έρα) simply; cf. ἢ.

43. ‘E|pé: p could be read in place of ¢. Ἐ] depends on’E in 1. 45, where the reading is very uncertain.

46. The village lost may well be Σατύρου: cf. 1.57. Σαρ]απ(άμμωνος) could be read here and in 1]. 52 and 54 and identified with Saparrapp| w |vo{ s| inileaze

54. The toparchy to which Τυχιννεκ(ῶτις) (cf. 280. 8 and 290. 6, where 1. Tux(w)ve- κώ(τιος)) belonged was not known previously.

55- Θμοινεψώβθεως : this village is known only from this passage and 1747. 37. In 1285. 96 Θἰμο])ινείψώβθ(εως) is not very suitable. The first letter there may well be 0.

63. Ila . . .[. seems to be different from Πού[χϑηεω in 1285. 105, where, though


a can be substituted for 0, v is clear, while here the third letter is much more probably κ than v. Πακέρκη is unsuitable, being in the Eastern toparchy (1285. 89).

66. ἼΙστρ[ο]υ ἐπ(οικίου) : elsewhere, e.g. in 1285. 108, Ἴστρου is treated as a κώμη.

68. Nop(ov) ἐπ(οικίου) : cf. 1285. ror. Nopoypa(pov) ἐποίκιον (1747. 69) is probably different.

70. [Ταα]μπίτει : cf. 1747. 40, where the reading is clear, and 1285. 117, where |. Taap- πίτει for Ταλῳπίτε. This village must be distinguished from Ταμπετί or Ταμπιτεί, which was in the Eastern toparchy (612).

71. [.|..[.].@: the penultimate letter can be p, but the other vestiges do not well suit [ Ν]εμζέϊρω(ν) (cf. 1285. 112), and the final » is not appreciably above the line.

72. Πεεννώ : cf. 1. 82 and 1283. 6.

74. TéBa: cf. 1. 79. This village is new. In both places the third letter seems to be β, not x, and we conjecture that Té8a, not Τόκα, is also to be read in Ρ, 5.1. 219. 4.

87. ᾿Απολ(λώνιος) : ᾿Απολ(ινάριος) (cf. 1. 118) is possible, but not very likely, since the toparchies are different.

86-98. The six villages in the Thmoisepho toparchy here mentioned are identical with those in 1285. 122-7.

103. This line, which is written somewhat smaller than usual, perhaps refers to the 80 dr. νομοῦ in]. 120. Like Il. 122-3, it is enclosed in brackets, and the 80 dr. are ignored in the total in 1. 111. δι]ὰ τ(ῶν) [ἀπ]ὸ Movy. is suggested by 1. 128; but though τ(ῶν) is possible, the preceding letter is not [δι]ά or δι[ά], and in 1]. 122-3 there is no διὰ τῶν before ἀπό with village-names. Villages in the Lower toparchy called Movywapvo (1285. 137, n.) and Μουχιντάλη (1529. το, 1747. 55) are known, and presumably one of these is meant. Μούχ(εως) is possible, but somewhat less appropriate; cf. 1674. 18, n. Κε]σμούχ(εως) could also be read here, but is in a different toparchy (1. 90). ἐπᾷοικίου) is rendered probable by Il. 66 and 68; but ἐποίκιον Καλπ(ουρνίου 3) was not known previously. With σοῦ λιπόντ[ος cf, Il. 123-4 ἀπὸ Swa(pd) πολ(ιτικῶν) λι(φθεῖσαι ?), where too the sum seems to be 40 drachmae, though in both places the reading » depends mainly upon the arithmetic. σοῦ is likely to be the strategus ; cf. int.

104. [Sove|ws, which is just the right length, is restored from 1285. 140.

118. TajAjao: the vestiges are very slight and uncertain, but cf. 1. ros and 1285. 131.

120. νομοῦ): cf. ll. Ὁ, 103, nn.

121. ἀνά(λογον) : cf. 870 τὸ ἀνάλογον τῆς ὑποσχέσεως, P. Brit. Mus. 131 recto. 69 πρὸς ἀνάλ. τοῦ μηνός, Amh, 85. 18, 86. 14, Flor. 383. 8, Αγ]. 99. 7. For the omission of 4 obol in the second total cf. 1. 130, n.

122. [(δρ.}] og: the writer in subtracting 4 ob. 1 chal. from 3% ob. 3 chal. ignores strict arithmetic, and has 206 dr. instead of 205 dr. 54 ob. 2 chal.; cf. 1. 130, n. and int.

παραδοχ(ῇ) : ‘abatement’, not ‘receipt’; cf. παραδοχὴν γενέσθαι τῶν δαπανῶν in B.G. U, 136. Ig, and 571. 11 παραδοχ(ῆς) ἀβρόχου. πρὸς παραδοχήν in Ρ. Brit. Mus. 1157 has the other sense.

123. ᾿Εντείεως : οἵ. 1. 15, ἢ, πολ(ιτικῶν) = μητροπολ(ιτικῶν) ; cf. 1419. 2, ἢ. For Σενέπ(τα) cf. 1. 67, and for Σινα(ρύ) |. 102.

124. λιζφθεῖσαι 9): cf 1. 103, n

125. Ἰβιῶ(νος).. λί +): in the second word the letter above the line has a loop at the top, suggesting A, so that: Χύσ(εως) (cf. 1637. 27, n.), Τεω(πεπλ ...) (P. Flor. 344. 2), Πετ(εαφθεί) (Brit. Mus. 1880), Σεσ(υμβώθεως) (Brit. Mus. 1765. 8), THav(ckrépews) (Flor. 17. 8), Ταν(ούπεως) (Flor. 50. 55)» Τατ(κέλμεως) (Flor. 80. 30), Τεῶ(τος) (Leipz. 90. 1. 28) are all unsuitable. This Ibion is likely to have been in the most northern toparchy of the



Hermopolite nome, i.e. Πατεμίτης κάτω or Πασκώ (cf. int.), near the boundary of the Oxyrhynchite Upper toparchy, in which Sinkepha (I, 128 ; cf. 1. 13) was situated. Διον(ύσιος) ὑπ(ηρέτης) may have been mentioned in 1]. 10-31, but is probably different from Διονύσιος in ll. 40 and 63; cf. 1. 87, n.

130. The total of the μηνιαῖον in 1. 121 added to the sum in ]. 129 is 4 obol less than the total given here. Probably this 4 obol was written originally at the end of |. 121, but obliterated when the writer added x(ad.) a there; cf. 1. 121, crit. ἢ.


15 X 12-4 cm. Fourth century.

This fragment of a fourth-century taxing-account, containing 12 nearly complete lines from the top of a column with the ends of 3 lines of the preceding column, gives totals of corn, wine, and meat supplied, probably by a village or district in the Oxyrhynchite nome, to Alexandria (which here has an unusual alternative name; cf. ]. 2,n.) in accordance with the ‘second delegatio’. This technical term is well known in connexion with the schedules of taxation issued annually by the praefects (cf. Gelzer, Byz. Verwaltung 39-41): the second delegatio’, which is novel, was evidently an extraordinary levy, supplementary to the first, the corn being stated to be ‘on account of the surplus (exuberantia) of the land-owners’. The distinction between κανών and πρόσθ(εμα) (= superindictum) in P. Brit. Mus. 99 (i. 158), which is approximately con- temporary with 1660, is similar. Another example of a Latin technical term in Greek letters occurs in 1. 8.

The papyrus was subsequently used as material for various trials of penman- ship. In the margin of the two columns on the recto is in a large hand ' —| καὶ Βὐλόγιος καὶ Παῦλος *— τῷ γράψαντι καὶ τῷ Παυλίνῳ. On the verso, besides ὑπατείας τῆς προκ(ειμένης), &c., in cursive, are scrawled a few letters from the ends of τὸ lines of a Christian prayer of some kind, the contractions «ks and θς occurring.


διά τε τῆς β΄ δηληγατίονος ἐκελεϊύσθησαν πεμφθῆναι εἰς τὴν ᾿ἀλεξάνδρειαν ἤτοι Λ[εοντόπολιν σίτου ἀπὸ λόγου ἐξουβερ(αντίας) κτητόρ(ων) (ἀρτάβαι) [....; αἱ ἀποσταλεῖσαι μη(νὴ Θὰὼϊθ.. διὰ Αὐρηλίου ? 5 ἩΗρακλήου ἐπιμελητοῦ. | οἴνου g(Eorat) [....,;



κτητόρ(ων) ξ(έσται) ᾽Βρπθ, οὐένδ(ιτον ?) ξ(έσται) |... ., οἱ ἀποσταλέντες μη(νὴ Μεσ[ζορὴ .. διὰ Αὐρηλίου ? το ἉἙ“ρποκρατίωνος ἐπιμελ(ητοῦ). κρέως PART pae). ..- ai ἀϊπ]οσταλεῖσαι μη(νὴ Μεϊσορὴ . . διὰ Αὐρηλίου ?

2. ἤτοι Λἠεοντόπολιν : cf. Steph. Byz. 5. Ὁ. ᾿Αλεξάνδρεια, ἐκλήθη δὲ “Pax@ris καὶ Φάρος καὶ Λεοντόπολις διὰ τὸ τὴν τῆς ᾿Ολυμπιάδος γαστέρα ἐσφραγίσθαι λέοντος εἰκόνι. ‘This alternative name of Alexandria does not seem to have occurred previously in papyri.

3. ἐξουβερ(αντίας) : the lexica give only Aulus Gellius as the authority for this word.

8. οὐένδ(ιτον ἢ): how ovevd( ) is to be resolved is not clear, but some form of the passive of vendo is meant. 6 is unsatisfactory: és or of would be expected. ‘This wine seems to be parallel to σῖτος ἀγοραστός or συναγοραστικός, i. 6, corn bought by the government by forced sales; cf. frumentum venalicium in Cod. Theod. vi. 26. 14, Wilcken, CAr. 359 sqq.; Rostowzew in Pauly-Wissowa, Realenc. vii. 166-9.



11:23 X96 cm. AC Dee, Ae

A short letter to Heraclides, a dioecetes, stating that a certain Harpaésis was a ὑπογέωργος and appointed as such by the writer for the current year, the 7th of Vespasian. The term ὑπογέωργος is new, and seems to have in regard to State land (which is probably meant) much the same sense as ὑπομισθωτής sub-lessee (cf. e. g. Β. G. U. 1047. iv. 5, 17), Themistocles (]. 5) being apparently the original lessee. Heraclides was evidently not the high finance-official at Alexandria, and that he was the administrator of a private estate is unlikely. Probably he was a subordinate local dioecetes similar to the dioecetae who are known in the reign of Augustus from 291 and P. Tebt. 408-9, and were no doubt a survival from Ptolemaic times (cf. Druffel, Archiv vi. 30). The continuance of these local dioecetae as late as the reign of Vespasian is interesting. The writer of the letter was probably a minor official, e.g. a comogrammateus (cf. 1. 6, n.) or toparch, rather than a βασιλικὸς γεωργός. Ἁρθοῶνις Ἡρακλείδηι τῷ διοι- κηϊτῆ!ι χαίρειν. Ἁρπαῆσις [Παπ᾿᾽οντῶτος κομίζων σοι Te


x 3 4 τὴν ἐπιστολὴν ἐστιν ὑπο- ᾽ὔ 7 yéwpyos Θεμιστοκλέους,


κα(δ διὰ σπόρου ¢ (ἔτους) ποιῶ αὐτὸν ὑπογέωργον. ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Οὐεσπασιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ μηνὸς 10 Néov Σεβαστοῦ tc. On the verso ὋἩἨρακλείδηι διοικηί(τῇ).

‘Harthoénis to Heraclides the dioecetes, greeting. Harpaésis son of Papontos, the bearer of this letter, is the sub-lessee of Themistocles, and by the list of crops of the 7th year I make him a sub-lessee. Good-bye. The 7th year of the Emperor Caesar Vespasianus Augustus, 16th of the month Neus Sebastus. (Addressed) To Heraclides, dioecetes,’

4-5. ὑπογέωργος Θεμιστοκλέους : Rostowzew suggests that κλήρου is to be supplied, the eign of Vespasian being a period of large confiscations by the government. But Θεμιστοκλῆς was a fairly common name at this period at Oxyrhynchus (cf. 378, 375, 377), and the name of the γεωργός is rather expected to occur. That Harthoonis was himself the γεωργός is unlikely ; the general style of the letter suggests that he was the equal or superior of Heraclides (cf. int.), and if ll. 6-7 meant that Hartho6nis appointed Harpaésis as his own ὑπογέωργος, εἰς σπόρον, NOt διὰ σπόρου, would be expected.

6. σπόρου : for the meaning ‘report on crops’ cf. P. Tebt. 24. 42 τὸν ἐπιδεδομένον ὑπ᾽ αὐτῶν σπόρον, 52 τὸν ἐπικεφαλαίου σπόρον emiddrtes. A document like P. Tebt. 61-72 (2nd cent. Β. 6.) or P. Brit. Mus. 604 (47), which were drawn up by comogrammateis, is probably meant; cf. int.


24 ΧΟ cm. A.D. 246.

A letter from the prytanis of the senate at Oxyrhynchus to the strategus, requesting him to appoint officially a deputy for the writer during his absence on a deputation, which was proceeding (probably to Alexandria) in order to appeal to the praefect with regard to the taxation of the nome. The person proposed as deputy, who had no doubt been nominated by the writer or the senate, was an irenarch, i.e, the chief of the police of either Oxyrhynchus or the nome rather than of a village ; cf. 80. 7,118.14. Similar letters to a strategus concerning the appointment to liturgical offices are 59 (from the senate through the prytanis) and P. Ryl. 77. 47-52 (from ἄρχοντες).

Αὐρήλιος Βίων καὶ Apupo- [5 ἐπιστέλλω σοι, φίλτατε, νιος γυμνασίαρχος βουλευτὴς ὅπως φανερὸν ποιή- ἔναρχος πρύτανις τῆς ᾿Οξυρυγ- ons ΔΑὐρηλίῳ ᾿Ισιδώρῳ


χιτῶν πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ ἀρχιερατεύσαντι βουλευ-

5 Δίῳ τῷ καὶ Περτίνακι στρα- τῇ εἰρηνάρχῳ διαδέξα- τηγῷ τοῦ αὐτοῦ νομοῦ 20 σθαί με τὰ τῇ πρυτανίᾳ dta- τῷ φιλτάτῳ χαίρειν. φέροντα, ἔστ᾽ ἂν ἐπανέλ- ἐξιὼν ἅμα ἄλλοις ἐπὶ τὸν Ow. (2nd h.) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, λαμπρότατον ἡμῶν φίλί(τατε).

το ἡγεμόνα Οὐαλέριον 151 ἢ. (ἔτους) y Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Φίρμον ἕνεκεν πρεσβεί[ ς Μάρκου ᾿Ιουλίου Φιλίπποϊν ας περὶ τῆς ἐπιβληθείσης 25 Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς καὶ Μάρκου ἐπιβολῆς τῷ ἡμετέρῳ ᾿Ιουλίου Φιλίππου γενναιοτάτ|ο)υ νομῷ τοῦ ἱεροῦ ἀποτάκτου, καὶ ἐπιφανεστάτου Καίσαρος

Σεβαστῶν ᾿Επεὶφ xy.

. οξυρυγ᾽ χιτων. 8. εξίων. 14. ἵερου. 17. topo. 24. Ἰουλίου: 50 6.


in |. 2

‘Aurelius Bion also called Ammonius, gymnasiarch, senator, and prytanis in office of Oxyrhynchus, to his dearest Aurelius Dius also called Pertinax, strategus of the said nome, greeting. Since I am leaving with others to meet our most illustrious praefect, Valerius Firmus, on a deputation concerning the quota of the Imperial assessment imposed upon our nome, I beg you, dearest friend, to inform Aur. Isidorus, ex-chief-priest, senator, and irenarch, that he is to act as my deputy in the office of prytanis, until I return. I pray for your health, dearest friend.’ Date.

4-5. Aur. Dius is known as strategus in the year preceding that of 1662 from 81. 2 and 1119. 25.

ro. (Claudius) Valerius Firmus is known to have been praefect from May 21, 245, to August-September 247; cf. Lesquier, L’armée romaine 517.

14. ἱεροῦ ἀποτάκτου : ἀπότακτος OF τὸ ἀπότακτον is Common in regard to rent (e. g. 1630. 17; cf. 1187. 13-15, n.), but here it seems to be a general expression for Imperial revenues.

18-19. In C.P.R. 20. 4 (250) a deputy-prytanis is γυμνασιαρχήσας βουλευτής.


1663. LETTER OF RECOMMENDATION. [4:5 X 12-4 cm. Second or third century.

An incomplete letter from an assistant in the secretariate of the dioecetes (cf. n. on 1. 15) to a secretary of the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, com- mending to his care one Soter, presumably a kinsman. Other letters of this kind are e.g. 32 (Latin), 292, 746, 787, P. Giessen 71; cf. 1767.


Τούρβων Κλέωνι τῶι τιμιωτάτωι χαῆρε)ιν. πάνυ ἥσθην ἀκούων σε ἐν τῷ Θεινίτῃ - Ν 4 7 ’, διάγειν καὶ συνήδομαί γε [τ]ῷ φίλῳ 5. σου] κηδεμόνι ἀγαθῷ καὶ ἐπιζει)κε- ΄ Q , ε aN ΄ὕ Σ io στάτῳ εἰς τὰ πραγμάτια ἑαζυ]τοῦ ‘a... μενῳ. Σωτῆ- pa δέ, ἐξ οὗ τὴ]ν ἀφορμὴν ἔσχον ἐπιστεῖλαί σίο)ι, παρατίθεμαί σοι, ἀδελ- φέ, ἵνα ὁρᾷς αὐτὸν ὡς Σερῆνον τίδὴν Ν « ~ 7 τὰ το μεικρὸν ἡμῶν ἀδελφόν, οὐ μόνον διὰ τὸ ἦθος τὸ χρηστὸν ἄξιον τοῦ

τυχεῖν ἀλλὰ κ]αὶ ---

On the verso Κλέωνι γραμματεῖ otpa(rnyod) ᾿Οἰξυρυγχίτου mapa) Τούρβωνος βοηθίοῦ) 15 Φιλοξέ(νου) καθολ(ικοῦ) γρα(μματέως) διοικ(ητοῦ).

6. aand vy ofa... μενω corr. ? 9. ἵνα,

‘Turbo to the most esteemed Cleon, greeting. I was very glad to hear that you are staying in the Thinite nome, and I congratulate you on your dear protector who is good and capable in his affairs... Since I have an opportunity to send to you, I am putting Soter in your charge, brother, in order that you may regard him in the same way as our small brother Serenus, for he deserves to gain this not only on account of his excellent character but also... (Addressed) To Cleon, secretary of the strategus of the Oxyrhynchite nome, from Turbo, assistant of Philoxenus, secretary general of the dioecetes.’

5. ἐπι(ειγκεστάτῳ : cf. e.g. 1218. 5, where there is a similar misspelling.

6. a... pevm: the vestiges do not seem to accord with ἀνειμένῳ. γενομένῳ, which would rather be expected, is also unsuitable.

15. καθολ(ικοῦ) γρα(μματέως): this title seems to be new, and the application of the term καθολικός to a subordinate official apparently lacks analogy, but it is in itself unobjectionable.

1664. LETTER TO A GYMNASIARCH. 27:4. X 20-8 cm. Third century.

A friendly letter from Philosarapis, sacrificial magistrate (ἱεροποιός) at Antaeopolis, to Apion, gymnasiarch and formerly strategus of the Antaeopolite nome, offering to execute any commissions. To judge from his correspondent’s


eulogy, Apion was a popular figure. The handwriting is a good specimen of the large upright cursive not seldom found in the official documents of the period.

~ 2 Χαῖρε, κύριέ μου πίων, Pirocdpanis 7 fi , 7 σε προσαγορεύω εὐχόμενός σε σώζεσθαι πανοικησίᾳ καὶ εὖ διάγειν. ὅτι οὐ μόνοι ἡμεῖς μεμνήμεθά σου ἀλλὰ 5 καὶ αὐτοὶ ἡμῶν οἱ πάτριοι θεοί, τοῦτο δῆλον ἅπασιν, [ἁϊπᾶσα γὰρ ἡμῶν ἡλι- κία ἐν τοῖς στέρνοις σε περιφέρει, με- μνημένη τῆς ἀγαθῆς σου προαιρέ- σεως. περὶ τῶν ἀπὸ πατρίδος σοι χρειω- 10 δῶν, κύριέ μου, ἐπίστελλέ μοι ἡδέ- wo \ \ bd ΄ ὡς ἔχοντι, τὰς γὰρ ἐντολάς σου ἥδιστα 54 « ΄ » ἔχων ὡς χάριτας λήμψομαι. προσαγο- 4 ἣν a 7 ρεύω τὸν ἀξιολογώτατον yupvaciap- xov ‘Qpiwva. (2nd h.) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, τ: κύριέ μου χρηστὲ καὶ εὐγενέστατε Ariov, διὰ βίου εὖ διάγοντα

μεθ᾽ ὧν ἡδέως διάγεις.

_ On the verso (ast h.) Ariove γυμνασιάρχωι στρατηγήσαντι ᾿ἀνταιοπολείτον (and h.?) m(apa)| Φιλοσαράπιδος ἐνάρχου

20 ἱερϊοποιοῦ ᾿ἀνταιουπόλ(εως).

‘Greeting, my lord Apion, 1, Philosarapis, salute you, praying that you may be preserved and prosper with all your household. ‘That not only we but also our ancestral gods themselves hold you in memory is clear to all; for our whole youth carries you in their hearts, remembering your goodwill. Send to me about anything that you need from home, my lord, and it will be a pleasure; for I shall be most pleased to accept your commands as favours. I salute the most estimable gymnasiarch Horion. I pray for your health, my kind and noblest lord Apion, and your I:felong prosperity with those with whom it pleases you to live. (Addressed) To Apion, gymnasiarch and ex-strategus of the Antaeopolite nome, from Philosarapis, sacrificial magistrate in office of Antaeopolis.’

20. ἱερ)οποιοῦ : cf. P. Giessen 66. 13 evapxos ἱεροποιός, Otto, Priester und Tempel i. 163, Plaumann, P/olemars 96, Oertel, Liturgre 339.



28-6 x 9:2 cm, Third century.

In this letter Aurelius Sarapion, a gymmnasiarch, reminds his father’ Claudius of a promise to let him have 40 metretae of oil when his turn came to supply oil for the gymnasium (cf. 1. 5, n.), and asks that this promise should now be made good in order that oil borrowed for the occasion from friends might be repaid to them.

Αἰ[ὐρήλ(ιος) Slapariov [AvpynA(io) τῷ οὖν͵ ἐὰν ἔτι παρὰ σεαυτῷ

Κλαιυϊδίωι] τῶι πατρὶ πολλὰ Xp[flov ἔχῃς, δήλωσον τῷ χαίρειν. υἱῷ σου ἐὰν σὺ βού-

καθὼς καὶ παρόνϊτ]. σοι κατ᾽ ὄψιν λῃ τούτους μοι ἐν τάχει

5 ἡτησάμην εἰς ἃς μέλλω χρί- παρασχεῖν, πρὸς τὸ κἀμὲ ιν ἡμέρας ἐλαίου μετρητὰς 20 ἀπίοἸκαταστῆσαι τοῖς εὐχρη- τεσσαράκοντα, οὺς καὶ καθ᾽ ἣν στήσασί μοι φίλοις, τῆς τι- ἔχεις πρὸς ἐμὲ ἀγαθὴν προαΐ- μῆς ἐξαυτῆς μεταβαλλο- ρέσιν ὑπέσχ[ο]ν, νῦν οὖν τῆς μένης ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἐὰν δο-

10 χρείας pe κατεπειξάσης κιμάσῃς. ἀλ[λ ὅρα μὴ ἀμελή- σοὶ θαρρῶν ἔσχον παρὰ φίλων 25 ons, μὴ δόξω διαβάλλειν ἐν χρήσει τοὺς μετρητὰς τοὺς ἀνθρώπους. (2nd ἢ.) ἐρρῶσθαί τεσσαράκοντα ἐπὶ τῷ αὐτοὺς σε εὔχομαι κατὰ νοῦ(ν) διάγον᾽ τα΄.

΄σ > Ζ' ἀποκαταστῆσαι. αναγκαιὼῶς

On the verso

(ist h.) Adpn|A(@) Κλαυδίωι mapa) Adpnr(lov) Σ᾽ αραπίωνος γυμ(νασιάρχου).

4. 1. παρόντα σε. 11. φιλῶ. 22. μεταβαλ᾽ λομενης. 25. p Of μη corr.

Aurelius Sarapion to his father Aurelius Claudius, many greetings. As when I saw you I requested from you for the days when I have to provide it 40 metretae of oil, which in accordance with your goodwill towards me you promised, so now, when the need has come upon me, in reliance upon you I have borrowed from friends the 40 metretae on the condition that I restore them, Perforce therefore, if you still have with you any unguent, instruct your son or any one else you wish to supply me with them speedily, so that I may make restitution to the friends who lent to me, the value to be handed over by me at once to any one approved by you, See that you do not neglect this, lest I should appear to be deceiving these persons. I pray for your health and success. (Addressed) To Aurelius Claudius from Aurelius Sarapion, gymnasiarch.’


2. πατρί: it may be questioned whether this is to be taken literally, on account partly of the rather formal tone of the letter, partly too of the reference to τῷ vid σου in]. 17. The loose complimentary use of terms of relationship has constantly to be reckoned with in letters of this period; cf. 1678. 19, n.

4. If παρόντ᾽. σοι is rightly read, the writer changed his construction, σαι for ce is possible instead of σοι, and the preceding vestige would be consistent with v or s, but παρών is plainly excluded.

5. xpuv: cf. 1413. 19-20 and n., and Gnomon des [dios Logos 102.

16. xpltlov for χρῖσμα is unexpected, and it is not at all certain that there was any letter between p and o; but a word meaning oil is needed, and a misspelling of χρυσόν is neither probable nor appropriate.

18, τούτους refers back to μετρητάς in 1]. 6 and 12.

28. ΑὐρηἸλ(ίῳ) : the doubtful A might be read as a, but ἀ(πόδος) is less likely.

1666. LETTER OF PAUSANIAS CONCERNING A RECRUIT. 17-1 X 19-7 cm. Third century.

The following letter is of more than usual interest, affording a noteworthy sidelight on Roman recruiting methods. The son of the writer, after being enrolled in a legion, had decided that he would prefer service in the cavalry. His father therefore made a journey to Alexandria to bring the matter before the authorities, and after much trouble succeeded in obtaining the praefect’s sanction for the transfer, and carried his son off in triumph to join an a/a at Coptos. Prior to the third century such a transfer would involve a question of status, since a legionary acquired zpso facto Roman citizenship, a right not obtained by a recruit in an auxiliary corps. But as the papyrus is likely to be later than the Constitutio Antoniniana, this complication need not be supposed to have arisen. In 1. 20 there is a reference to a reported outbreak of plague in the Oxyrhynchite nome.

+ 7 > ~ 7 Tlavo{o}avias Ἡρακλείδῃ τῶι ἀδελφῶι χαίρειν. οἴομαι τὸν ἀδελφὸν Σαραπάμμωνα μεταδεδωκέναι ὑμεῖν σ΄ ΄σ δι ἣν αἰτίαν κατῆλθον εἰς ἀλεξάνδρειαν, φθάνω δὲ ὑμεῖν πρότερον γεγραφηκὼς περὶ τοῦ μεικροῦ Iavoaviou ς > ~ 7 ς τ 5 ΄ 5 ὡς εἰς λεγιῶνα στρατευσάμενον. ὡς οὖν ἐβουλήθη μη- κέτι εἰς λεγιῶναν ἀλλὰ εἰς εἶλαν, μαθὼν ἀναγκαίως ἔσχον Ν Ν ~ og Ν. »ἤἬἭ Ν πρὸς αὐτὸν καταντῆσαι, καίτοι μὴ βουλόμενος. δεηθεὶς οὖν πολλὰ ὑπὸ τῆς μητρὸς αὐτοῦ καὶ τῆς ἀδελφῆς εἰς Κό- a ΕΣ πτον αὐτὸν μετενεγκεῖν, κατελθὼν εἰς Ἀλεξάνδρειαν

10 πολλαῖς ἀφορμαῖς ἐχρησάμην ἄχρι οὗ [υ]ετενέχθη


x , 5 ~ 4) Ν « ~ εἰς τὴν ἐν Κόπτῳ εἶλαν. ἐπιθυμῶν οὖν πρὸς ὑμᾶς τῷ ἀνᾳαπλύόῳ καταντῆσαι περιεκλείσθημεν ἀπὸ τοῦ 7 A A ~ 4 « δοθέντος ἱτῷ παιδίῳ ὑπὸ τοῦ λαμπροτάτου ἡγεμόνος ᾽’ r \ 4 Ν BZ; a4 Ν

κομεάτίου,) κ[αὶ δ)ὰ τ]αύτην τὴν αἰτίαν οὐκ εἴσχυσα πρὸς « ~ ~ ~ δι a A

15 plas [κ]Ἰαταντῆσαι. θεῶν οὖν βουλομένων πρὸς τὴν [ἑορτὴν [τῶ]ν ᾿“μεσυσίων πειράσομαι πρὸς ὑμᾶς γενέ- ἰσθ]αι. μ[ελη]σάτ[ω] σοι οὖν, ἀδελφέ, περὶ τοῦ γράμματος τῆς [ὑἸποθήκίης ὥστε αὐτὸ ἀπαρτισθῆναι καθὼς ἔθος ἐστίν. παρακαλῶ ovjy,| ἀδελφέ, γράψαι μοι περὶ τῆς ὑμῶν σω-

Γ ΄ Ν oe PS) ΄ ee « ~ Q 20 |T|nplas, ἐπεὶ ἤκουσα ἐν τῇ AvTivoov OTL παρ ὑμεῖν λοιμὸς 2 \ > ΄ SN Δ Ce [eylévero. μὴ οὖν ἀμελήσῃς, iva κἀγὼ περὶ ὑμῶν εὐθυ- ΄ 4 μότερον διάξω.

In the left margin ἀσπάζου πολλὰ τὴν κυρίαν μου μητέρα Kal [τὴν ἀδελ-

φήν μου καὶ τὰ ἀβάσκαντα ἡμῶν παιδίία. ἀσπάϊ]ζε-


5 ται ὑμᾶς Παυσανίας. ἐρρῶσθαί {ole ᾿εὔχίομαι}) mavoltkleé.

On the verso εἰς ᾿Οξυρυγχείτην ᾿ΗρακλεἸί[δῃ ..]. δ΄. py. . πίαρὰ) Παυσανίου ἀδελφοῦ.

2. ὕμειν : SO in I]. 3, 20. 5. |. στρατευσαμένου. τι ὑμᾶς - SOun Ions, 16,926: 21. wa... ὑμῶν:

‘Pausanias to his brother Heraclides, greeting. I think that my brother Sarapammon has told you the reason why I went down to Alexandria, and I have previously written to you about the little Pausanias becoming a soldier of a legion. Since, however, he no longer wished to join a legion but a squadron, on learning this I was obliged to go down to him, although I did not want to. So after many entreaties from his mother and sister to transfer him to Coptos I went down to Alexandria, and employed many methods until he was transferred to the squadron at Coptos. I desired then to pay you a visit on the upward voyage, but we were limited by the furlough granted to the boy by the most illustrious praefect, and for this reason I was not able to visit you. If the gods will, I will therefore try to come to you for the feast of Amesysia. Do you then, brother, see to the deed of mortgage, so that it be prepared in the customary way. I urge you, brother, to write to me about your safety, since I heard at Antinodpolis that there has been plague in your neighbourhood. Do not therefore neglect this, that I may rest more assured about you. Many salutations to my lady mother and my sister and our children, whom tne evil eye shall not harm. Pausanias salutes you. I pray for the health of you and all your household. (Addressed) To the Oxyrhynchite nome, for Heraclides son of .. . from his brother Pausanias.’


11. τὴν ev Κόπτῳ εἶλαν : on the military importance and the garrison of Coptos see Lesquier, Z’armée romaine 408-9. The ala Vocontiorum was stationed there in 165, the ala Herculiana in 185. εἶλαν (cf. 1. 6) is probably due to Latin influence ; εἴλη or ἴλη is the usual form.

14. κομεάτ]ου] = commeatus; cf. 1477. 7 κομίατον. The meaning is that the date fixed for the recruit to report at Coptos did not allow the breaking of the voyage for the visit.

16. ᾿Αμεσυσίων: cf. P. Flor. 131. 5 τὴν τῶν ᾿Αμεσυσίων ἑορτήν and Amh. 93. 12 (W. Chr. 314) ᾿Αμεστεσίοις (), Fay. 95. 16 ᾿Αμεσί, Brit. Mus. ΤΙΝῚ: 68 (iti, p- 179) ᾿Αμεσησίοις, SB. 3462 ᾿Αμεσυσίοις. Comparetti in the note on P. Flor. cit. connects the word with the god Amsi or Khem, whose festival in Ramesside times was celebrated on Pachon 26.

1667. LETTER OF DORION TO APION. 12-6 X 13-7 cm. Third century.

This letter is addressed to a man involved in some suit which was due to come before the praefect’s assize, but had been postponed owing to the non-appearance of the other party. The writer states the details as reported by a friend, but the object of the letter is left obscure by the loss of the conclusion.

΄ J ΄ Χαῖρε, Ἀπίων τιμιώτατε, Δωρίων σε προσαγορεύω. ἀκρειβῶς πυνθαν(όμενγος περὶ τῆς ὁλ[ο-] ΄΄ \ Vv ΄ ᾿ 5 x \ KA[np\ias σου ‘kal τίνα ἐστὶν τὰ πρὸς σὲ

EX 7 ~ « ᾽΄ὕ Ν A πραχθέν Ta τοῦ ἡγεμόνος ἐπὶ τῶν


τόπων γενομένου, μετέδωκεν

[Θε]όχρηστος ὅσα ἔπραξας ἐν τῷ

: oXP7 ρ ΄

Κυνοπολείτῃ καὶ ὅτι μὴ ὑπήκουσεν

« x Δ ψ» e Ν

πρὸς ὃν εἶχες: ὕστερον δὲ προσ-

το εληλυθέναι αὐτὸν ἐν τοῖς ἐνθά δ]ε [τ]ό-

Rie ον Ie « )

ποις καὶ Gyn αὑτῷ ὑπακούσειν ἐν

»“ ’ὔ \ Ν ~ 2

τῇ καθόδῳ, καὶ μετὰ ταῦτα μηδέ-

[τ]είρο]ν ὑμῶν [π]ροσεληλυθαίναι

5. μ Of nyepovos corr. from ν. 13. ὕμων. |. προσεληλυθέναι.

‘Greeting, most esteemed Apion, I, Dorion, salute you. Having exactly learnt about your safety and what was done regarding you when the praefect was in the district, Theochrestus informed me of your doings in the Cynopolite nome and that the person whom you accused did not attend; but that he came forward later in this district and said


to him (Theochrestus) that he would attend on the return journey, and after this neither of you came...’

9. A word may have dropped out between 6 and πρός, the writer being prone to omission; or he may be supposed after writing 6, to have varied the intended expression. The alternative of reading προσόν and making Theochrestus or the praefect the subject of ὑπήκουσεν involves greater difficulties. For ὑπήκουσεν cf. 6. g. 237. vill. 19 κληθείσης Φλαυίας Μηβίας πρὸς Φλαυίαν ᾿Ελένην καὶ ὑπακουσάσης.

11. ἔφη is a careless return to the ογαλο recfa.

12. καθόδῳ : SC. τοῦ ἡγεμόνος.

1668. LETTER OF CHARMUS TO SOPATRUS. 30 X 11.3 cm. Third century.

On the recto of this papyrus is a taxing-list (1745). The verso contains a letter sent according to the opening formula by Charmus to his brothers’, but in what follows a single person is primarily addressed, whose name, as shown by the endorsement on the recto, was Sopatrus. After describing some negotiations concerning certain workshops, the workmen in which seem to have been demanding higher wages, the writer urges Sopatrus to come, since the praefect had granted an amnesty and there was no longer any danger. To what this refers is obscure, but evidently Sopatrus had been involved in some recent disturbance, and he may have been ἀνακεχωρηκώς (cf. Wilcken, Grandz. 196).

a ~ ~ , ov Xdppos τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς πλ[εῖστα μὼν ἀμνησίαν ἔπεμψεν Ἂς ΄ , χαίρειν. πρὸ μὲν πάντων ev0d de’, καὶ οὐκέτι φόβος οὐ- " Ls ε ~ \ τὰ 2 ΦὋ εὔχομαι ὑμᾶς ὁλοκληρεῖν. 20 δὲ εἷς ἔνει: ἐὰν οὖν συνέβαλον τῷ Σκωρὺ χάριν θέλεις, ἴσελθε καταφρονῶν, ~ 5 \ κ ΄ , ΄ yo 5 τῶν ἐργαστηρίων, Kai πρότε- [[ἐπὶ}} ἡμεῖς γὰρ΄ οὐκέτι δυνόμεθα ἔσω » - ? ΄ ρον μὲν ἔλεγεν ὅτι δός μοι μεῖναι. πολλὰ γὰρ Avyon ἣν / (apraBas) 1B, λαβὲ (ἀρτ.) 1B, καὶ παρατρείβεται ἀναβάσει, περὶ 25 καὶ τὴν ὑμῶν παρουσί- an er Ν τούτου διὰ προτέρας ἐπιστολῆς αν ἐγδεχόμεθα, ἵνα μὴ ἐδήλωσά σοι, νῦν δέ μοι ἔλε- ἀλόγως ἀποστῶμεν" 10 γεν ὅτι τὸ ἐφήμισυ ἐδώ- νομίζει γὰρ ὅτι αὐτὴ ΄ wv καμεν τοῖς ἐργαζομένοις. μόνη οἰκίαν ἔχει ἐν- A > » Ν θάδ > 4 c ~ οὔπω οὖν ἐγὼ αὐτῷ συνε- 30 θάδε. ἀσπάζεται ὑμᾶς Ν - \ 4 ? θέμην περὶ τούτου, ἄχρι ov Ἡρακλέα καὶ μήτηρ αὖ-

> , ~ > σοι δηλώσω" εἶπεν γάρ ‘por’ ὅτι οὐὐ τῆς. ἀσπαζόμεθα τὰ


15 δ᾽ οὕτως συνέθεντο οἱ ἐρ- παιδία, μεθ᾽ ὧ(ν) ἐρρῶϊσθ]αι , SEN Ke σ΄ «͵. « a” <> ΄ γαζόμζε]νοι, ἐπὶ τειμὴ τοῦ ὑμᾶς εὔχομ(αι) εἰὐ διάγ]ον- σείτου ὀλίγη ἐστίν. ἡγε- 35 Tas.

On the recto

ἀ(πόδος) Σωπάτρῳ mapa) τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ. 21, ἴσελθε καταφρονῷ. 26. ἵνα,

‘Charmus to his brothers, very many greetings. First of all I pray for your security. I had a meeting with Skoru respecting the workshops, and formerly he said Either give me 12 artabae or take 12 art.”, as I told you in a previous letter; but now he said to me ‘“We have given the workmen one and a half as much”. I accordingly would not make an agreement with him about this before telling you. For he said to me that the workmen had not agreed even on these terms, since the value of the corn is small. The praefect has sent an amnesty here, and there is no longer any fear at all; so if you will, come boldly ; for we are no longer able to stay indoors. For Annoé is much worn out with her journey, and we await your presence, that we may not withdraw without reason; for she considers herself to be keeping house here alone. Heraclea and her mother salute you. We salute the children. I pray for your and their health and prosperity. (Addressed) Deliver to Sopatrus from his brother.’

18. ἀμνησίαν : this form in place of the usual ἀμνηστία is found e.g. in the LXX Wisdom xiv. 26, Ecclus. xi. 25.

20. ver = ἔνι, a form occurring 6. g. in B.G. U. 1024. v. 20.

36. ἀ(πόδος) : or Α(ὐρηλίῳ).


ΤΕ ΧΙΠ ὉΠ Third century.

In this letter Horion sends instructions on various matters of business to Serenus, who seems to have occupied some subordinate position, perhaps that of bailiff or agent. The writing is across the fibres of the verso, the recto having been used for an account of ὀνηλάται (1748).

‘Dpeiov Σερήνῳ χαίρειν.

~ yi « τοὺς ἐγδοχεῖς οὐκ ἔπεμψας ὡς

ἐνετειλάμην σοι, ἀλλ᾽ οὐδὲ ἔγραψας δ a) WA ΄ εἰ ἀπετάξαντο, ἵν οὕτως ἀρτίσωμαι,

SS > ~ « 2 i

5 ἰο]ὐδὲ εἰ ἦλθεν Διογᾶς ἐρεοπώλης,

γ΄ A ~ A Ων ~ iva καὶ αὐτοῦ τὴν βουλὴν γνῶμεν. ~ ἐνετειλάμην σοι ἐξετάσαι περὶ TOU συν-

αγοραστικοῦ εἰ πληροῦται, καὶ συμβα-


λεῖν Πτολεμαίῳ τῷ σειτολόγῳ καὶ τὸν 10 λόγον πέμψαι αὐτοῦ λαβόντα σε παρὰ ᾿ἡπολλωνίου καὶ ᾿Ηρᾶτος, ἵνα μὴ ἐνο- χλῆται ἡμῶν οἰκία. ὥστε κἂν νῦν ταῦτα ποίησον, [καὶ σἸκύληθι καὶ αὐτὸς ἐνθάδε, ἵνα τοὺ]ς λόγους 15 τῶν φόρων συναϊιρώμεθ]α. εἰ of ἐπισκέπται ἤλθίον, δήλωσον ?| Nit

κηφύρωι ἀνα Πρ eae eee |. εἾνεθὶ

4. 1" τ: 50. U6; Tr, aa 1.

Horion to Serenus, greeting. You have not sent the middlemen as I bade you, and you have not even written whether they departed, so that I might thus make preparation, nor whether Diogas the wool-dealer came, so that we might know his advice. 1 bade you to inquire about the purchased corn, whether the amount is being completed, and to meet Ptolemaeus the sitologus and send his account, taking it from Apollonius and Heras, in order that our household may not be troubled. So do this even now, and do you yourself be at the pains of coming here, in order that we may make up the accounts of the rents. If the inspectors came, tell Nicephorus . . .’

2. eydoxeis: cf. e.g. O.G. I. 140. 6 σύνοδος τῶν ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρείᾳ πρεσβυτέρων ἐγδοχέων, San Nicold, Vereinswesen i. 129. These were middlemen who received goods from ναύκληροι Or Others and passed them on to ἔμποροι ; cf. Edgar, Annales du serv. des antig. xviii. Ρ. 170 of τε ξένοι οἱ εἰσπλέοντες καὶ οἱ ἔμποροι καὶ οἱ eydoxeils| καὶ ἄλλοι, where ἐγδοχεῖς is wrongly explained as ‘inn-keepers’. The ἐγδοχεῖς of the present passage and 1673. 7 were evidently not Alexandrian merchants, but may have been minor agents with analogous


7. συναγοραστικοῦ: SC. πυροῦ Or σίτου, corn bought by the government for military or other public purposes. Cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 369. 6, n., and 1541.

10. λόγον, if right, seems to mean the amount of the account rather than the document itself. λυπόν, 1.6. λοιπὸν (σῖτον), though appropriate in the context, is a less suitable reading.

13. σἠ]κύληθι : cf. 941. 3, ἢ.

15. ovvalipopeb ja : cf. P. Fay. 109. 6 συνῆρμαι λόγον τῷ πατρί, Rylands 229. 15 συναιρόμενος πρὸς σὲ λογάριον.

1670. LETTER OF PALEX TO CHINTHONIS. 24-7 X 10-4 cm. Third century.

This letter, which is in vulgar Greek, tells of the writer’s safe arrival at Alexandria, but says that some money in a wallet which had been sent to him was found to be deficient. The writing is across the fibres of the recto.


a 2 Tldédc& Χινθώνι τῇ ἀδελ- εἰσήλθαμεν εἰς Ade- los 7 Ν \ 7 7 « φῇ χαίρειν. πρὸ μὲν πάντων ξάνδρειαν ὁλοκλη- eA ΄ « a ν a lat Le eUyopal σαι ὁλοκληρεῖν καὶ τὸ ροῦντες τῇ εἰκάδι a προσκύνημά σου ποιῶ Kab ἑκά- 20 ᾿Επείῴφ. ἀσπάζω Φιλου- 5 στην ἡμαίραν παρὰ τῷ κυρίω θε- μένην σὺν τοῖς τέκνοις @ Σαράπιδι. πᾶν ποίησον σὲν καὶ Πτολεμῖνον καὶ > ~ x ~ 4 X\ 7 > ~ ἀπελτῖν παρὰ Θῶνιν καὶ πέμ- τὴν σύνβιον αὐτοῦ. “Ν ΄ ψον μοι αὐτὸν εἰς Αλεξάνδρειαν. ἀσπάδι ὑμᾶς πάντας ? οἷ ἊΝ > Ν ΄ ~ « 4 « iors FN aim δὲ εἰς τὴν τάξειν τοῦ 25 μήτηρ ὑμῶν Σ᾽αραπᾶς, το καθολικοῦ παρεδόθημεν, Φιλουμένην σὺ(ν) τοῖς τέκνοις τὸ μαρσίππιν τῶν χαλκί- καὶ ᾿Ωριγένην καὶ Χινθῶνιν νων αἴπεμψα(ς) μοι οὐχ εἰ[ὗ- καὶ Μασκουλῖνον καὶ τὴν σύν- pov τὸ πλῆρος τῶν χαλκί- βιον αὐτοῦ καὶ Ἡράκλειαν νων ἐν αὐτῷ τάλαντον 30 καὶ Αἶαν καὶ IIrodepivjoly 15 ἕν of. .] κ[α]ὸ (δραχμὰς ?) Bo. καὶ τὴν σύνβιον αὐτοῦ.

εἰδέναι σε θέλω ὅτι

On the verso

Ν παρὰ ἀπόδος Πάλεξ 35 Χινθώνι. ale ce: 5. 1. ἡμέραν. 7. 1. ἀπελθεῖν. 8. -δρεια. 9. |. ἐπεὶ. 12. |. ἔπεμψας. 24. |. ἀσπάζει. 27. χινθωνῖ.

‘Palex to his sister Chinthonis, greeting. Before all else I pray for your security and I make your supplication every day to the lord god Sarapis. Make every effort to go to Thonis and send him to me at Alexandria. When we were handed over to the staff of the catholicus, I did not find the full amount of billon drachmae in the purse of drachmae which you sent me, one talent and 2,200 dr. I wish you to know that we arrived at Alexandria in safety on the 20th Epeiph. I greet Philumene with her children and Ptoleminus and his wife. Your mother Sarapas salutes you all, Philumene with her children and Origenes and Chinthonis and Masculinus and his wife and Heraclia and Aia and Ptoleminus and his wife. (Addressed) Deliver to Chinthonis from Palex.’

6. σέν: so e.g. 1069. 6, 18 πρὸ σέν.

13. πλῆρος is for πλῆρες. For the interchange of ε and o cf. Mayser, Grammatk 94 sqq., and e. g. 1682. 10 εὐθυμέτεροι, 1757. 14, 18 ἀβαρός.

20. ἀσπάζω: cf, ]. 24 and e.g. 1158, 20 ἄσπασον, 1218. 9 ἄσπαζε.

24. ἀσπάδι: cf. the preceding note, and for in place of (e.g. 1069. το σπουδάδεις, 32 χρήδεις.



22-5 x8 cm. Third century.

A letter referring to the importunity of a decemprimus about the lading of some corn, and asking for assistance and for information.

Κυρίῳ pov Ζωίλῳ χόρτου καὶ περὶ τῆς δαπά- Διονύσιος χαίρειν. νης ἐνοχλεῖ. πέμψον δεκάπρωτος πολλὰ 15 αὐτόν͵ αὐτὸς οἷδεν τὸν ἡμεῖν ἐνοχλεῖ περὶ τῆς λόγον, ἵνα καὶ κτήνη πὰρα- 5 ἐμβολῆς τοῦ σίτου. πέμψον λάβομεν. περὶ τῆς Φοι- οὖν ἡμεῖν Διονύσιον, νίκης οὐδέν μοι ἔγραψας" αὐτὸς γὰρ οἶδεν τὸν λό- γράψον οὖν ἵνα τὴν διαταγὴν γον τῆς μετρήσεως, καὶ 20 μάθω. καὶ περὶ τῶν ποτα- ἐν τῇ ἀναβάσι ἐνεβαλό- μειτῶν εἰς τὰς καλαμείας το μεθα. καὶ νῦν ἐνοχλεῖ γράψον μοι ὅτι ποῦ εὑρίσκο- ἡμεῖν καὶ τοῖς γεωργοῖς μεν. ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι κτήνη οὐκ ἔχωσι, καὶ περὶ πολλοῖς χρόνοις, κύριε.

On the verso

25 κυρίῳ μου Ζωίλῳ mapa) Διονυσίου.

I. ζωΐλω. 5. πεμψο. 12. 1. ἔχουσι. 15. ς of avros corr. from ν. τό. ἵνα: so in I. το. 17. 0 Of τλαβομεν corr. from ; |. παραλάβωμεν. 19. διαταγῆ. 21. wv of -μειτων corr. from ov?

‘To my lord Zoilus from Dionysius, greeting. The decemprimus is worrying us much about the lading of the corn. Send us then Dionysius, for he knows the account of the measuring, and we did the lading on the journey up. And now he worries us and the cultivators who have no animals, he worries both about fodder and about expenses, Send him, for he knows the account, so that we may also get animals. You have written nothing to me about Phoenice ; write therefore, that I may learn the order. Write to me also about the river-labourers for the reed-plantations, where we can find them. I pray, sir, for your lasting health. (Addressed) To my lord Zoilus from Dionysius.’

20. ποταμειτῶν : cf. 1427. 1, 1674. 14, and 1268. int., where some further references are collected. 21. καλαμείας : cf. 1681. 7, n.


1672. LETTER TO PAUSANIAS FROM HIS TWO SONS. 16-4 XII cm. A.D. 37-41. In this letter Demetrius and Pausanias inform their father that they had

effected a very profitable sale of wine, and discuss further operations. The lines are written across the fibres, with a considerable amount of correction.

Δημήτριος καὶ Ilavoavias ΠΙαυσανί]αι

τῶι πατρὶ πλεῖστα χαίρειν καὶ ὑγι(αίνειν). ἡμέρᾳ ἐξέστης ἡμῶν πεπράκα- μεν χό(ας) AB ἕένοις προσώποις ἐν ois

ἜΣ 2 ΄ ¢ ͵ πῆς 7 ἦν καὶ πολλὰ λέα οἰνάρια [ ὥστε] “Ex (δραχμῶν) μετὰ


\ , . , e 7, « he χάριτος, ὥστε αἱ πράσεις ἡμῶν καλλιότεραι γε- \ / 7 iad y[olvact ᾿ λείαν΄, Kal ἐλπίζομεν ὅτι καλλιότεραι τούτων γενήσονται. [Old γ]ράφομέν σοι ἵν᾿ εἰδῇς πό- 7 ~ b) 7 Ν er το τερόν σε δεῖ ἀνενέγκαι τὸ ὅλον [7] μέρος εἰς τὴν πόλιν. καλῶς δὲ ποιήσεις ἐάσεις ἐν ΠΠ]έλα ΠΡ 5 ὑοπραϑῇ ||)... τὸ τὴς [ἰτ]ετάρτης ληνοῦ μόνης. ἐπιγνοὺς aa τ ΕΣ Ν Ν »Ζ « Ν » 15 [oly τὸν παρὰ σοὶ ἀέρα ἱκανὸς ἔσῃ περὶ πάντων. Μουνάτιος δὲ φίλος συντυχὼν ἔλεγεν συμ- ἱπε]φωνηκέναι τοῖς ἐκ τῆς κώ- μ]ης αὐτοῦ μετὰ χάριτος τοῖς ο-

| 20. 1: ἐκ i eae λβ. Eppa(co). [(

and ἢ. [(€rovs) . Γαίου [ΤἸβερίου]] Καίσαρος Αὐτοκράτορος Σ᾿ εβα[σ]τοῦ [Παῦ]νι xj. Sea] COs 6. a corr. 7. kat COIT. 13. αθ of πραθὴ corr. 16. pw of

μουνατιος COTY,

‘Demetrius and Pausanias to their father Pausanias very many greetings and wishes for good health. On the day you left us we sold 32 choes to some strangers, including a quantity of quite thin wine, at the rate of 5 drachmae, thankfully, so that our sales have become much more favourable and we hope that they will become more favourable than this. We therefore write to you that you may know whether to carry up the whole or a part to the city. You will do well to leave at Pela to be sold the wine of the fourth press only. When then you have learnt how the wind is with you, you will be able to judge of every-



thing. Our friend Munatius said that he had agreed with the people of his village thankfully . . . at the rate of 32 drachmae. Good-bye. The... year of Gaius Caesar Imperator Augustus, Pauni 2[.|.

5. Aea: this seems to be for λεῖα in the sense of τέλεια as 6. gs Herond. 2. 70. The adverb λέως occurs ibid. 78 θαρσέων λέως and is cited in Photius, Lym. Alagn., and Apollonius ; cf. λεώλης, which Hesych. explains as τελέως ἐξώλης. λεῖος smooth’ is hardly applicable to οἰνάρια in this passage.

6. καλλιότεραι : καλλιότερον for κάλλιον is given by the British Museum MS. (M) in Thucyd. iv, 118, and καλλιώτερος is found in Phryn. p. 136 (Lobeck), Hesych., &c.

12. For the parataxis cf. e.g. 297. 3 καλῶς ποιήσεις γράψεις.

15. It is rather tempting to take ἀέρα here in a metaphorical sense, like the Latin ventus in e.g. Cic. Clu, 28. 77 rumorem et contionum venios colligere; but the writer may merely be referring to the suitability of the wind for river-transport, as in 1682. 4.

. 19. τοῖς o-: Or τὸ ἰσο-, but though a unit to which ἐκ (δραχμῶν) 8 in the next line may refer is wanted, τὸ ἰσο- suggests nothing. A comparison of the figures here and in ]. 5 makes it likely that a κεράμιον, which would contain several χόες, is meant.

21. For’ the order of the titles cf; BiG.Us 987." dhe date’ 15 very. cursively, written.

1673. LETTER OF HERMES TO SARAPIACUS. 22)X 11-4 cm, Second century.

A letter to Sarapiacus, an ἐπίτροπος, from Hermes, who seems to have occupied a similar but subordinate position, informing him of the condition of various quantities of wine, and of other details.

‘Eppns Σαραπιακῶι τάϊι] τιμιωτάτωι χαίρειν. τὰ τῆς πρώτης ληνοῦ οἰνάρι[α) ἐνέ- κλισα μὴ χωρίσας τὰ εὐώδη, τἰὰ] δὲ 5 τῆς δευτέρας διεχώρισα πρότερ[ο]ν εὑρὼν εὐώδη τριάκοντα, τὰς δ᾽ ἀλ- λας ληνοὺς οὐκ ἐνέκλισα, τῶν ἐγδο- χέων λεγόντων ἐκδέξεσθαι ἕως ε Τῦβι μέχρι ἂν τὸ εὐῶδες αΪπ]ο- 10 κατασταθῆι καὶ γνωσθῇ ἀκριβῶς. ἐκ δὲ τῶν ἐνκλισθέντων εὗρον ἐκ [τ]ῆς α An(vod) ποτὴ(ν) a, [ὀ]ξο(υς) .,. . of ) ἐξ ὅλ(ου ?) α

k[ai] τῆς B ποτὰς ε, d€0(us)..., καὶ τῆς


.+e. @ πωμαρίωι τῆς y ληί(νοῦ) ὁμοί(ως)

15 ποτ(ὰφ) β, λη(νοῦ) a, ἅπερ εὗρον ἐν θή-

nN ΄ τς > Kats ἐκτὸς μέρους τοῦ... [. Olu. iva οὖν


μὴ ἀπόληται, δήλωσόν μοι εἰ θέλις πραθῆναι. οὐ γὰρ δύναται ἀνενεχθῆ- ναι, εἰ μὴ διαπραθῆι. τοῖς τὸν ὄνον λα- 20 βοῦσι συνεζήτησα πολλὰ καὶ κατέ- πλεξα αὐτῶν αἰτού(νγτων τὸν ἀρ(ργαβῶνα, Ν δὲ le » Ν. a « y ; , τὸ δὲ πέρας ἤτησα τὴν μνᾶν, ws ἔδοξέν 4 ΟΣ σοι. ἀνέπεμψα τυροὺς is, ἀφ᾽ ὧν

εἰσι τοῦ προόντος βουκόλ(ου) 6. ἀπέλυσα

ie} οι

ΩΡ αὐτὸν δὲ αὐτὰ ταῦτα Καὶ a. «(ss oe 2's -

τὰ τῶν κτηνῶν. ταλάρους εἰς οἶἶκον θέλησον ?

{περ θημαῖ μοὶ [-15 all ἀπε" τ τ. τ πὸ τ}

[.. TyeBe a. In the left margin

τῶν ἀμπελουργῶν τὰς μισθώσις πέμψον, [Ἴνα τῆς ξυλοτομίας ἄρξωνται. On the verso

; ΄ ) Ἂς a 30 Σαραπιακῶι ἐπιτρόπῳ ἀπὸ Eppoi . . pon )

16. iva: so probably in 29. 23. oo’.

‘Hermes to the most esteemed Sarapiacus, greeting. I stored away the wine of the first vat without separating the fragrant, of the second I previously found and put aside 30 fragrant jars, and the other vats I did not store away, since the middlemen said that they would wait till Tubi 5 until the fragrant should be established and accurately known. Of what was stored I found of the first vat 1 drinkable,.. acid, 1 entirely ..; of the second 5 drinkable, . . acid; and of the third vat in the .. orchard likewise 2 drinkable ; of the fourth vat 1; these I found in receptacles outside part of the .... In order then that they may not be lost, tell me if you wish them to be sold; for they cannot be carried up without being sold off. I had much discussion and complication with the men who took the donkey, as they asked for an earnest, and eventually I asked for the mina, as you thought right. I have sent you 16 cheeses, 4 of which are from the former herdsman. I let him go for this very reason and... the animals. Please send some baskets to my house. ... Tubi 1. Send the leases of the vine-dressers, in order that they may begin the pruning. (Addressed) To Sarapiacus, overseer, from Hermes, . . .’

7. ἐγδοχέων: cf. 1669. 2, n.

12. morn(v): why the feminine is used is not clear. For b£0(us) Gh e.g. ΠΟΥ 2.20. 7-8 οἴνου μο(νόχωρα) πεντήκοντα ἔξ, ὧν εὑρέθη ὄξους μο(νόχωρον) ἕν. ‘The broken letters pre- ceding o( ) might be read as vp, but there would hardly be room for a ¢ as well as a figure between this and ὄξο(υς), even if ζυμ(ωλίθέν) were otherwise satisfactory.

13. The letter preceding καί has a stroke above it, indicating a numeral.

14. ....@: the first two letters may perhaps be ev, but ἐν ἐμῷ is unsuitable and ἐν ἄλῴλγῳ, which might be read, is unattractive.

K 2


15. λη(νοῦ) a: sc. ποτήν. The 6is very doubtful, but there is a clear stroke above the line which is too far from 8 to be connected satisfactorily with that figure, and a number before λη(νοῦ) is wanted.

27. ἀποξὶ : am ’O€upvyxirou ?

29. ξυλοτομίας : cf. 1681. 9, ἡ. The μισθώσεις were contracts similar to 1631 and 1692.

30. .. ροπί ): ἐπιτρόπ(ου) cannot be read. The vestiges before p suggest v, and θυροπ(οιοῦν is possible, though not very satisfactory.


£327 X L3-1cm, Third century, The upper part of a letter giving various directions about cutting down

an acacia on an embankment and other agricultural operations on the writer’s property.

Θέων ‘Arrodrwviw vid χαίρειν.

ἐπειδὴ οὐχ EUploly κρέας σοι πέμψαι, ἔπεμψα

@a κ καὶ λάχανα. ποίησον τὴν ἄκανθαν κα-

ταβληθῆναι καὶ τὴν ὕλην αὐτῆς βάλε εἰς τὸν 5 Tpvowov. ἀλλὰ σὺ κατάβαλε καὶ καῦσον τὴν ρί.

ζαν αὐτῆς, καὶ ἐὰν συντελεσθῇ τὸ ἔργον μέχρι

τοῦ χώματος, καταβληθήτω K.. νις καὶ ἰσω-

θήτω τὸ πᾶν τοῦ κεχωσμένου. καὶ θὲς τὴν ὀπτὴν

πλίνθον πἰα]ρὰ τὴν πλάτην, καὶ ἔρχεται οἰκοδό- 10 μος καὶ οἰκοδομεῖ τὴν νοτινὴν πλάτην. [καὶ]

iy) mn τὸν ΄' εἰπον τῷ φροντιστῇ Ἀπολλωνίου περὶ τῆς μη-

ἰχανῆς] ἣν ἔλεγέν μοι ὅτι ἐὰν γένωμαι ἐκεῖ [ ΠΡ Tols| τέκτοσι KaL.... [ 18 1. Ἰτέτωσαν of ποταμεῖ- 5 [Ta ΤΟ |v παύσηται καὶ μὴ [ Del |... @ y@pior’

In the left margin

and ἢ. ποίησον ἀπὸ τῆς ἁλωνείας γενέσθαι τοῖς ποϊταμίταις ἐκ Σ]τρατονίκου εἰς Μοῦχ[ι]ν (ἀρτάβας) nZ σείτου . 1... .. ..

.. δὼ γενοῦ μετ᾽ αἰ[ὐ]τοῦ ἐκεῖῖ --

Ι, υἵω, 5. τρυσινον", vo COT. 7. ow.


‘'Theon to his son Apollonius, greeting. Since I did not find any meat to send you, I send 20 eggs and some vegetables. Have the acacia tree cut down and throw the wood into the... Do you cut it down yourself and burn the roots, and if the work is finished up to the embankment, let the . . . be cut down(?) and the whole of the bank levelled. Put the baked bricks alongside the wall (?) and the builder will come to build the south wall. ‘Tell (?) the steward of Apollonius about the machine which he said to me, if I went there,... Have 84 artabae of corn brought from the threshing-floor from Stratonicu to Mouchis for the river-labourers . . .’

3. ἄκανθαν: cf, 1421. 4, n., and, for the use of acacias on embankments, 1112.

5. tpvowoy: the third and fourth letters have been corrected, and the result looks like Tpvawoy OF τραπινον, but neither of these is a known word. ‘The preceding article may be τό, not τόν.

7. «..us: xdv{vjes would give a sense, but the traces after « are not sufficiently suggestive of ov to make that misspelling probable ; καλάμη is unsuitable.

9. πλάτην: cf. 1. το and 707. 26 πωμαρίου πλάτας, 32 τὰς πλάτας περιβεβληκέναι. The meaning seems to be much the same as that of πλαστή, for which cf. 1681. το, ἢ.

14. ποταμεΐϊται : cf. 1671. 20, n.

18. Movxes occurs in 1342 together with three villages in the Thmoisepho toparchy and one in the Upper toparchy. Σ]γρατονίκου was unknown previously ; but perhaps ἐκ =|rpa- τονίκου Should be connected with τοῖς worapiras, and this village was outside the Oxyrhynchite nome.

1675. LETTER, ΤΟ ΙΘΟΠΗΥΕΙ͂ΟΝ. 15:4 X 10-5 cm. Third century.

An incomplete letter, from a person whose name does not appear, to Ischyrion, who is given various directions connected with agriculture.

X{[ailpe, ᾿ΙΠ σἸχυρίων. ἐγ γειτόνων τῆς αὐλῆς. πει- κ[ό)μιίσα]ι διὰ τῶν σχισθωντων 10 ράθητι δὲ παραλαβεῖν περὶ ἙἩρακλέωνα μεταβόλων ζεῦγος βοῶν εἰς ἐπαντί(λν)εῖν (δραχμὰς ?) μ ἵνα τὸ a’ γρικὸν πήγα- τὸ κτῆμα δύο γεύη, ἐπεὶ

5 νον διαζεύξῃς τοῖς φοί- καὐτός σε καταλαμβά- νιξι, ἐξαιρέτως δὲ τῷ φοΐί- vo τῇ vy. ἵνα οὖν καὶ νικι Μεικρᾶτ[ο)ς καὶ τῷ ἐξ a- 15 σὺ ἐπιμελῶς χρήσῃ πηλιώτου τῆς καλύβης THIS Traces of 1 line.

On the verso illegible remains of an address.

Ι. τ σ᾿χυριων. Aas; of Χύγρικον corr.

‘Greeting, Ischyrion. Receive through the. . . traders with Heracleon 40 drachmae (?), in order that you may separate the field-rue by means of the palms, especially the palm


of Micras and that east of the hut adjoining the court. Try to obtain a pair of oxen for

irrigating the vineyard or two ae (?), since I myself am coming to you on the 13th. Do you therefore make careful use .

2. σχισθωντων is puzzling. σχιστήῆς does not occur, and σχιστός seems unintelligible here. Possibly » was a mistake for ε and σχισθέντων should be read, though who could be meant by σχισθέντες μεταβόλοι remains quite obscure.

4. (δραχμὰς) μ: the reading is very doubtful. The rare adjective ἀγρικός is read only in Moschus Fr. 2. 13, but is found in one or two other places as a variant for ἀγροικός.

11. εἰς eravt(A)eiv: for this common omission of the article cf. e.g. 786. 6, P. Tebt. E20) BSS:

12. δύο yevn: if these are an alternative to ζεῦγος Body, yedos should refer to an animal, but the word is unknown. There is no doubt about the reading. Possibly ζεύγη was

meant. If δύο γεύη is an alternative to τὸ κτῆμα, γύας in the sense of measures of land might be intended, but this is a less likely explanation.


30:5 Χ12 Cn, Third century.

A letter couched in very affecticnate terms from a man bearing the Roman name Flavius Herculanus to a woman called Aplonarion (cf. 1. 1, n.). In the address on the verso the writer is styled patronus, and Aplonarion may have been his emancipated slave, notwithstanding the mention of her ‘father’ in 1. 33. She was married (1. 12), as was Herculanus, whose wife and son send their remem- brances (ll. 34-5). The intimacy was therefore not unrecognized ; the writer's tone, however, is hardly that of ordinary friendship, and the letter is in fact the most sentimental that has yet appeared among published papyri.

Φλαούιος ‘HpxovAavos ‘Atrdovapio ἐκτός μου εἶϊ.)} ἐὰν δὲ ἐκ- τῇ γλυκυτάτῃ καὶ τειμιωτάτῃ τός μου οὐκ ἀκάλως ἔχῃς, ΄ ᾽΄ ΄ a ~ ΄ πλεῖστα χαίρειν. χαίρω ὃτι καλώϊς)] ἔχεις μέν, ; ΄ ΄ , ) Ν \ ΄ ΄ ἐχάρην μεγάλως κομισάμε- κἀγὼ δὲ πάλι καταξύομαι = , λή δό of \ ε ~ X\ 7, ᾿ς 5 vos σου ἐπιστολήν, δόντος 25 μὴ ὁρῶν σε. τὸ σύνφορόν μοι αὐτὴν τοῦ μαχαιρᾶ" ἣν σου ποίει: ὅταν γὰρ θέλῃς δὲ γράφεις dja Πλάτωνος ἡμᾶς πάντοτε ἰδεῖν, ἥδισ- τοῦ τοῦ ὀρχηστοῦ πεπομ- τά σε παραδεξόμεθα. φέναι μοι οὐκ ἐκομισάμην. καλῶς οὖν ποιήσεις ἐλ- > ἣν ΄ bd ͵΄ ed Γ ~ ~ Ν SN 10 ἀλλὰ λείαν ἐλυπήθην ὅτι 30 [θοῦσ]α τῷ Μεσορὴ πρὸς ) 7 ) Bb) , a eo [ἐ » , οὐ παρεγένου ἰς τὰ γενέσια [ἡμᾶ]ς ἵνα ὅλως ἴδωμέν σε.

Ὡ- '

~ \ .7 r τοῦ παιδίου μου καὶ σὺ ‘Kal’ ἰἄσπα]σαι τὴν μητέρα σου


vip alolv, εἶχες ‘yap ἐπὶ πολλὰς [kal To πατέρα σου καὶ Kad-

ἡμέρας εὐφϊρ]ανθῆναι σὺν ἰλίαν) ἀσπάζεταί σε υἱός 15 αὐτῷ. ἀλλὰ πάντως κρείττο- 35 [wou] καὶ μήτηρ αὐτοῦ

να εἶχες" διὰ τοῦτο ὑπερη- [kat Διονύσιος συναγωνισ-

7 ¢ ~ > Ν - 7 «ς “" Lu 5 Τ' )

φάνηκας ἡμᾶς. ἐγὼ θέ ἰτής μουν, ὃς ὑπηρετεῖ με ἐν

λω σε πάντοτε καλῶς [τῷ στ]αβλαρίῳ. ἄσπασαι τοὺς

ἔχειν ὡς ἐμαυτόν, ἀλλὰ ἰφιλοῦ]ντάς σε πάντας. 20 καὶ λυποῦμαι πάλιν ὅτι 2nd ἢ. 40 ἐρρῶσθαΐ σε εὔχομαι.

On the verso

Ist ἢ. ἀπόδος AmAwvapio παρὰ Ἡρκουλανοῦ | παρὰ Φλαουίου ᾿Ηρκουλανοῦ πάτρωνος. 8. First o οἵ opynarov corr. 14. vac of -Onva corr. from o. 16. ὑπερη. 27. ide.

‘Flavius Herculanus to the sweetest and most honoured Aplonarion, very many greetings. I rejoiced greatly at receiving your letter, which was given me by the cutler ; I have not, however, received the one which you say you sent me by Plato the dancer’s son. But I was very much grieved that you did not come for my boy’s birthday, both you and your husband, for you would have been able to have many days’ enjoyment with him. But you doubtless had better things to do; that was why you neglected us. I wish you to be happy always, as I wish it for myself, but yet I am grieved that you are away from me. If you are not unhappy away from me, I rejoice for your happiness, but still I am vexed at not seeing you. Do what suits you; for when you wish to see us always, we shall receive you with the greatest pleasure. You will therefore do well to come to us in Mesore, in order that we may really see you. Salute your mother and father and Callias. My son salutes you and his mother and Dionysius my fellow worker, who serves me at the stable. Salute all your friends. I pray for you health. (Addressed) Deliver to Aplonarion from her patron Herculanus. From Flavius Herculanus.’

I. ᾿Απλωναρίῳ no doubt = ᾿Απολλωναρίῳ, but since the spelling ᾿Απλων. is repeated on the verso, it is to be accepted, and the name regarded as an intentionally shortened form rather than as an inadvertence ; cf. B.G. U. 213. 5 ᾿Απλωνοῦς.

8. The second rod may be a dittography. For ὀρχηστοῦ cf. 519. 6, 526. 9, and P. Grenf. ii. 67, a contract of engagement of two ὀρχήστριαι.

22. ἀκάλως : the only instance of ἄκαλος cited is Ktym, Magn. 11. 38 ἀγλευκής, ἀηδής, ἄκαλος.

24. καταξύομαι: cf, 525. 4.

33. Καλ[λίαν] : perhaps the ἀνήρ of |. 12.

38. στ]αβλαρίῳ: cf. στάβλον in 6. g. 48 verso. 1. 12, 188. 10, 140. τ4.

42. παρὰ ®daoviov Ηρκουλανοῦ is more cursively written than the rest of the address, but may be by the same hand.


1677. LETTER OF AGATHUS TO APHRODITE. 14:6 X 14-6 cm. Third century.

A letter accompanying a sealed order (ἐντολικόν : cf. e. g. 1142, 1742. Io), which was to be handed on to a third person, and asking for an immediate acknowledgement. The papyrus is broken at the bottom, but the loss is

evidently slight.

Χαῖρε, ‘Adpodeizn, "Ayabis σε ἀσπάζομαι. πρὸ μὲν πάντων εὔχομέ σε ὑιαίνιν καὶ τὸ tA 4 ~ Ν a ΄ 4 προσκύνημά σου ποιῶ παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπιδι. Ν / > 2 Aju wn παρὰ ᾿ Δόξης΄ τῆς ἀναδιδούσης σοι τὸ ἐπιστο- 5 λίδιον τὸ ἐντολικὸν Πτολεμαΐτος ἔλαβον παρὰ Χαιρή(μογ)νος τοῦ ποικιλτοῦ πέμψαι αὐτῇ ὡς ἔδ᾽ωϊκέν > 7 4 4 c o μοι ἐσφραγισμένον. ταχέως δήλωσον ἡμεῖν διὰ ΄ Ἄν ? / e ἈΝ JZ 7 , φάσεως ᾿ἀπέσχες΄, ἵνα μὴ βαρήσεις ἀνθρώποις γράψαι σοι sn / Ν ) δὴ ye ? ΄ ἐπιστολί διίον, ἵνα μὴ ὀχληρὰ γένῃ Tap ἀνθρώποις" ν \ ~ 4 , ~ 7 7 τις καὶ περὶ τῶν πρώτων ἐντολικῶν δήλωσόν μοι. » Ἂν 2 Ν Ν , \ wv ἄσπασαι τὴν μητέραν σου Kal τὸν πατέρα σου καὶ Ἄγᾳθον ) καὶ Ἡρακλάμμωνα καὶ 4Διδύμην καὶ Αλεξάνδραν - A nN > / 4 e > ie καὶ St. τρίαν σὺν τῷ -avdpt μαθέτω ὅτι ἀσπά- [ὥομαι αὐτήν. ἄσπασε τοὺς σοὺς πάντας κατ᾽ ὄνομα Γ 5 ᾿ » N Ih § 2 15 [ἐξὶ ὀνόματός μον. ἔχει πάλιν Δόξα ἄλλα ‘Twa’ ἔσχεν

On the verso Agpodeirn| πίαρὰ) ‘AydOov.

2. |. εὔχομαι. ὕϊαινιν. 5. πτολεμαΐτος : 1. Πτολεμαΐδος, 8. wa: so in |]. Ὁ. τ 1"


‘Greeting, Aphrodite, I, Agathus, salute you. First of all I pray for your health and I make your supplication to the lord Sarapis. You will receive from Doxa, the bearer of this note, the order for Ptolemais which I received from Chaeremon the embroiderer to send to her sealed as he gave it me. Send me word at once that you have received it, in order that you may not give people the trouble of writing to you, so that you may not become wearisome to them. ‘Tell me too about the first orders. Salute your mother and father and Agathus and Heraclammon and Didyme and Alexandra and Si. tria with her husband ; let her know that I salute her. Salute all your friends severally in my name. Doxa


has also some other things which she had...



(Addressed) To Aphrodite from

2. ὑιαίνιν : for this common vulgarism cl. e. g. 729. 3, 1110. 21, 1493. 4. 1678. 3. 8. ἀνθρώποις : ἀνθρώπους Would be the normal construction. 13. 3e. tpiay: the second letter may be 7, but An(un)rpiay is unsuitable.


26 X 15-0 cm. Third century.

This is a very illiterate letter, written in a rather large uncultivated hand, and

full of mistakes of spelling and grammar.

After explaining that he had been

kept on business, the writer asks if he shall come now, or go to Alexandria, and

in the latter event what commissions he can do.

on the verso is noticeable ; cf. 1. 28, n.



Κυρίᾳ μου μητρεὶ Θέων χαίρειν.

Ν \ » ΄ £ = πρὸ μὲν πάντων εὔχομέ σε ὁλοκληρεῖν

,’ \ ΄ ~ \ καὶ ὑειένειν παρὰ τῷ κυρείῳ θεῷ. μὴ νο-

7 7 ie ec 2 EX \ Ν 3 μείσῃς, κυρεία μου μήτρη, ὅτει ἡμέλη(σας μὴ a- vaB [νε(Ὁ) ἐν τ]ῷ ᾿Οξυρειχείτίη: ὑ)δας ὅτει, [ὑστ᾽ ε- ρείσι τῆς πρωτοκερείας, μετὰ {fu} Tad Ta εἴδη ἄλλην ἐλπείδα ν΄ οὐκ ἔχομεν. πᾶν οὖν πυή- σῃς, κυρεία μου μήτρη, μὴ ἀμελῆσε τῆς θυ-

, N iy G \ ) le 7 yatpos cov. yap ἀδελφός pov προσέρειψε [[We]] τὸν πῶλον. δεῖ σε αὐτὸν mpocé{o} χειν, κὲ οὐ Ke]|« ἐδυνήθην ἀνελθεῖν. nav δὲ δοκεῖ ov με ἀνελθεῖν, γράψον pu Ke ἔρχομε: δὲ δοκεῖ συ ἀπελθεῖς εἰς τὴν λα(μ)προτάτην ᾿Αλεξάνδρειαν, γράψον pu, κὲ τὸ δοκεῖ συ Tel ἐνήκε, ἤτε πορφύρειν γράψον μυ, ποταπὸν θέλεις ἐνήκω γράψον 4 > 4 7 > va 4 pv, ATE ἐλάδειν, πόσον ἐνήκω γράψον pv, ἤτίε τι ἄϊλλο βούλτ" λ' }n, ἰγράϊψον pu. ἀσπίάζο- [w]e Tals ἀδελφ)]άς μου καὶ τὸν ἱπὶατέραν pou Βαρβα- ΄ 4 x , « ΄ ρείωνα [καὶ τὴν μητέραν μου ᾿Ηράκλειαν καὶ Evré{me}pmew κὲ τὰ τέκνα αὐτῆς καὶ “Av-

\ \ , 7A Ν nD Ν νειν Κε τὰ TEKVA QAUTNS Kal Εἰσειν και Εὐτυ-

An unusually detailed address


A 7 ta χεὶν καὶ THY μητέραν μου Swdppdvew καὶ Νεῖλον καὶ Πυμένειν καὶ τὸν πατέραν Eaters = \ κ᾿ ey (ies κ 25. ἡμῶν Χοοῦν καὶ τὴν μητέραν ἡμῶν καὶ = ~ Αφοῦν καὶ τὸν ἀδελφὸν αὐτοῦ Ke τὰς adel] p]]A- \ > ~ ΨΥ ταν Le a ε ΄ φὰς αὐτοῦ. ἐρῶστέ σε εὔχομε ὁλοκληρεῖν. On the verso ἀπό(δος) παρὰ Oéajvos.| σημασίσ)ία ev Tev- μενοῦτει ἐν τῷ 39 ῥυμείῳ

ἀντεὶ τοῦ φλητρος.

2. |. εὔχομαι: so in |. 27. 3. 1. ὑγιαίνειν. 4. 1. μῆπερ τ so in |. 8. 5. 1. οἶδας.

εἰ (50 in |, 13). 5-6. |. ἰὑστ]ερήσει. 7. 1. ποιήσεις. 8. 1]. ἀμελῆσαι. 10. wof modov corr. |. αὐτῷ» Tt. Lica: son 115 τὸ, ΤΡ; ΣΙ, 2», 20. 12, 1: ἐὰν . =. cat (So in Il 13,15)... wot (Soin Il. 15; 16, 17, 18). 13. ]. ἔρχομαι... ἀπελθεῖν. ΠΡ: τό ΞΞΞ ὁ: Of ενηκε corr. frome. 1. ἐνέγκαι, εἴτε (so in ll. 17-18) πορφύριον. 16. 1. ἐνέγκω : 50 ἴῃ]. 17. 17. |. ἐλάδιον. κ Of ενηκω Corr. 18. 1. ἀσπ[αζ(]ο[μ]αι. 21. 1]. "Αννην. 22. 1. Εὐτυχίν ΟΥ Εὐτύχι(οὺ)ν. 23. 1. Σωφρόνην. 24. |. Ποιμένιον. 25. |. Χωοῦν. 26. v of αφουν corr. 27. |. ἐρρῶσθαι... ὁλοκληροῦσαν. 21. 1. φρέατος.

“To my lady mother greeting from Theon. First of all I pray to the lord god for your safety and health. Do not think, my lady mother, that I have neglected to come up to the Oxyrhynchite nome; you know that if it misses the early season we have no other hope after this produce. Be sure, my lady mother, not to neglect your daughter; for my brother turned the colt loose (?); you ought to beware of him, and I could not come. If you think that I should come, write to me and I will come; or if you think that I should go to the most illustrious Alexandria, write to me, and write what you would like me to bring, whether purple, write to me what sort you wish me to bring, or oil, write to me how much to bring, or if there is anything else you desire, write to me. I salute my sisters and my father Barbarion and my mother Heraclea and Euterpe and her children and Anna and her children and Isis and Eutychis and my mother Sophrone and Nilus and Poemenius and our father Choous and our mother and Aphous and his brother and sisters. I pray for your health and safety. (Addressed) Deliver from Theon; address, at the Teumenous quarter in the lane opposite the well.’

3. τῷ κυρείῳ θεῷ : it would be unsafe to infer from this phrase, as from θεός alone (cf. Wilcken, Archiv i. 436), that the writer was a Christian. Other instances of θεός or κύριος (or δεσπότης) θεύς occur in this volume in 1680. 3, 1682. 6, 1683. 5, 14, 1773. 4, 1775. 4. Very possibly the writers were in some of these cases Christians, though in none of them are the specifically Christian contractions used, as in 1774. The suggestion of Christianity is strongest in the phraseology of 1682 (ἡ τοῦ θεοῦ πρόνοια παρέξει, 1, 6; cf. e.g. 1492. 8).

9. προσέρειψε: the word occurs in what seems to be a similar sense in an unpublished Ptolemaic Tebtunis papyrus ὥστε τὰ μοσχάρια προσερρίφθαι τῶι κυάμωι.

19 sqq. This passage affords another good example of the loose use οἵ πατήρ, μήτηρ, ἄς. ; cf. 1296. 15, n., and 1665. 2, n.




28. σημασία : this word introduces the address of the person to whom the letter was

sent ; cf. 1778. 39, where there is another instance of this apparently novel use.

Τευμενοῦτει (or Τευμενούτει ?): the same spelling Τευμενοῦτι is found in 48 verso. ii. 21.


25:5 X 12-5 cm. Third century.

A woman’s letter announcing the dispatch of some clothes, with other

domestic news.

(Aria :

εν ] Σεραπιάδι τῇ κυρίᾳ


μίη]τρὶ χαίρειν. πολλά σε ἀσπάζομαι, κυρία, εὐχο-

μένη σοι τὰ κάλλιστα. κόμισαι,


΄ Χ X ~ > ΄ 7 \ , ) ΄ κυρία, Tapa τῆς ἠπητρίας΄ τὰ κρόκινα ὀθονείδια

4 3) ~”

θυγατρός σου, χιτῶνα καὶ npa-

χίανον, καὶ ἉΗρακλάμμωνι

΄ \ 4 b Wie al ov χ[ητῶνα. νομίζω de ὅτι ἐπιγ᾽ v ὦσει

ποιά ἐστιν τὰ τῆς θυγατρός σου"

10 αὐτὰ γὰρ εἰς ἀμφότερα εἵλιξα.

ἠπήτρια μεταδώσει σοι διὰ λόγων

ὅσα αὐτῇ εἶπον: λείαν γὰ ὀψαί σοι ὅσα αὐτῇ εἶ γὰρ

ταῦτα ἔγραψα. “Ayabos δὲ τῇ ἐνά-

τῃ τάχα πρὸς σὲ γείνεται ἐνέγ-

τῷ και σοί τινα πρὸς τὴν ἑορτήν. wo-

τε, κυρία, μὴ μετεωρίζου, κα- ρία, fr

Ads διάγομεν. Σ'ερῆνως υἱός

Ν σου πολλά σε ἀσπάζεται, καὶ

Δούκις καὶ Τεχῶσις καὶ τὰ παιδία

7 Ne7 e ~ , 20 καὶ Taapois καὶ οἱ ἡμῶν πάντες.

τοὺ ς΄ ἡμῶν] ἀσπάζομαι. AovKap-

μωνα τὸν ἀδελφὸν πολλὰ ἀσ-

πάζξομαι, οὗ δέομαι γράψαι

ἡμεῖν ἐκομίσατο τὸν χιτῶ-

25 va αὐτοῦ παρὰ τοῦ Λεύκου, ἐπει

Βηρύλλος ἐπελάθετο αὐτὸν ἄρα..


᾿Αλέξανδρον καὶ Κυριλλοῦν πολ- λὰ ἀσπάζομαι.

3 ~ 7 BA ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι.

On the verso

30 Σεραπ)ιάδι μητρὶ] (παρὰ) ‘Arias. 8. ν of νομιζω COrr. 10. εἰ of ειλιξα corr. ἘΣ ὀψέ. 16. n of μὴ COrrY. 17. 1. Σερῆνος. ὕιος. 18. τ of ἀσπάζεται corr. from +. 20. ov Of τααμοιῖς corr. 24. 1. εἰ 27. Final v of ἀαλεξανδρον corr. from s.

‘Apia daughter of . . .to her mother Serapias, greeting. 1 send you many salutations, my lady, and best wishes. Receive, lady, from the seamstress the saffron clothes of your daughter, a tunic and... ., and a tunic for Heraclammon. I think that you will recognize which are your daughter’s, for I wrapped them up together. The seamstress will inform you verbally what I told her, for 1 am writing this to you very late. Agathus will perhaps come to you on the ninth to bring you some things for the festival. So, lady, do not be anxious; we are well. Your son Serenus gives you many salutations, as do Lucius and Techosis and the children and Taamois and all of us. 1 salute our friends. I send many salutations to my brother Lucammon, whom I beg to-write to us whether he received his tunic from Leucus, since Beryllus forgot to take it. I send many salutations to Alexander and Cyrillous. I pray for your health. (Addressed) To my mother Serapias from Apia.’

6. npaxtavoy: the letters might be divided ‘Hpa y.avor, parallel] to “HpaxAdppere χιτῶνα, but χίανον would be an equally unknown word, and χιτῶνα καὶ ἡραχίανον are more naturally taken in apposition to ὀθονείδια. That ἡρακλιανόν was intended does not seem likely. Possibly

there may be some connexion with ῥάχνη of P. Gen. 80. 7.


14.561 0-63em: Late third or early fourth century.

In this interesting letter, of which a line or two at the beginning and the con- clusion are unfortunately missing, a son expresses his anxiety for the safety of his absent father, who he feared might meet with some disaster and not be found again. He makes the remarkable suggestion that his father should be provided with a mark of identity.

a 26]: φίλ]τατε πάτερ, καὶ εἰὔχομ]αι τῷ θεῷ ὁλοκλη-

on Ν 2 ΄“Ἵ Ν « 7 ρεῖν σε καὶ εὐοδοϊύ)σθαι καὶ ὑγιαίνον- ΄ 3 ΄σ > ἴα 3 ΄ A 5 τί σε ἀπολαβεῖν ἐν τοῖς ἰδίοις. καὶ

γὰρ πρὸ τούτου σοι ἐδήλωσα λυπού-


μενος ἐπὶ τῇ ἐν ἡμῖν σου ἀπουσίᾳ,

a X » , μήπως μὴ εἴοι σοι γένοιτο καὶ μὴ εὕρωμέν σου τὸ σῶμα. Kall yap

10 πολλάκις σοι δηλῶσαι {aor} βουϊλόμαι ὅτι βλέπων εἰς τὸ ἀσύστατον σῆϊμα ἡ- ΄ > - ~ A » ΄ θέλησα ἐνχαράξαι σοι. καὶ νῦν γὰρ ἀκού- «ς , ~ ὅτι σφόδρα ᾿Ηράκλειος νῦν ἐπίτρο- πος ζητεῖ σε, καὶ ὑπονοοῦμαι ὅτι πάν- 7 7 » A , I5 τῶς πάλιν Ti ποτε EXEL πρὸς σέ. [εἴ τ] ποτε αὐτῷ χρεωστεῖς, καὶ τοῦτό 4 7 ~ ec 7 [ye βο]ύλομαΐ σοι γνῶναι ὅτι ἐκόμισα [πρ]ὸς Γάειν σίτου ἀρτάβας δύο καὶ

On the verso

( Σ @ πατρὶ Ἂπόλλωνι [ τῷ κυρίῳ] καὶ ἀγαπὴτῴ ρ ν Ϊ 4. υγιαινῦτι. 1. ὑγιαίνοντα. 5. ἴδιοις. 8. 1. εἴη. [2,, σοι: a Of axovw rewritten. 14. πᾶν, the ν being only partially formed owing to lack of space. Τὴ: ‘Lace: 18. le


εν dearest father, and I pray to the god for your prosperity and success and that

we may receive you home in good health. I have indeed told you before of my grief at your absence from among us, and my fear that something dreadful might happen to you and that we may not find your body. Indeed I often wish to tell you that having regard to the insecurity I wanted to stamp a mark on you. And now I hear that Heraclius the present overseer is vigorously searching for you, and I suspect that he must have some further claim against you. If you owe him anything, I wish you to know this, that I have taken to Gaius (?) two artabae of corn and... (Addressed) To my lord and beloved father Apollo...’

τ. Possibly this was the first line of the letter, but in any case it is clear from |. 2 sqq. that the loss is small.

3. τῷ θεῷ: cf. 1678. 6, n.

5. ἀπολαβεῖν : cf.1217. 6, where the translation in spite of 1683. 7-8 (cf. n.) is probably incorrect, 1682. 7, Ry]. 244. 5, Leipzig τ τὸ. 8.


17-2 8-8 cm. Third century.

The following letter is addressed to some persons who were living beyond the borders of Egypt, but they need not be supposed to have been farther away than Alexandria ; cf. ll. 18-19, n. The writer, their ‘brother’, had been residing


in the country for some time and now sends word of his imminent departure hoping that his friends will not think him ‘a barbarian or an inhuman Egyptian’.

The writing is across the fibres of the verso, the recto, apart from the address, being blank.

Appévios ᾿Ιουλίῳ καὶ ‘Iddp@ roils ἀδελ- pois πλεῖστα χαίρειν.

»Ἤ 7 lows με νομίζετε,

τί ο]ῦ αὐτοὺς θεάσασθαι, εἶ- τα τὸ βούλεσθαι πρὸ χειμῶνος καταλί-

ἣν Ww Wat τὴν Αἴγυπτον.

5 ἀδελφίο!ί, βάρβαρόν τι- 20 ἐλπίζω οὖν μετὰ va Αἰγύπτιον ἀνάν- τρεῖς καὶ ἐγὼ πρὸς θρωπον εἶναι. ἀλλὰ ἀ- ὑμᾶς ἐλθεῖν καὶ ξιῶ μὴ οὕτως [ἔϊχειν, τὰ περὶ ἐμοῦ ὑμῖν πρῶτον μὲν ἀπὸ μέ- ἐξηγήσασθαι. ἀσπά-

10 ροὺυς πεῖραν λαβόν- 25 σ(ασ θαι τὴν ἀδελφὴν τας τῆς ἡμετέρας “Ιερων[[δὰ μετὰ ᾿Ιου- γνώμης, πολλὰ δέ λίου τοῦ συἸμβίου καὶ με ἤπειξε πρὸς τοὺς ᾿Ισιδώϊραν ?| μετὰ τῶν ἐμοὺς γενέσθαι, πρῶ- Ie οἵ oo [Ξξξ

[5 Tov μὲν τὸ δι᾿ ἐνιαυ- 5

On the verso 30 ἀπίόδος) ᾿Ιουλίῳ καὶ ‘INapw ἀδελφοῖς π(αρὰ) Appoviov.

I. ἴουλιω : 50 in |. 30. ἵλαρω : so in ]. 30. 3. χαιρεῖ. 4. ἴσως. 21:

Ἂν , ἀσπάσασθε.

Ze 28. Ἰσιδωΐραν] anche

26. tovAcov.


Ammonius to Julius and Hilarus, very many greetings. Youare, my brothers, perhaps

thinking me a barbarian or an inhuman Egyptian; but I claim that it is not so, first because you have had a partial proof of my sentiments, moreover many reasons have urged me to go to my friends, in the first place my wish to see them after a year’s interval, and secondly my desire to leave Egypt before winter. I hope then that after three days I too shall come to you, and tell you my news. Greet my sister Hieronis with Julius her husband and Isidora (?) with her... (Addressed) Deliver to my brothers Julius and Hilarus from Ammonius.’

6. ἀνάνθρωπος seems to be unattested, ἀπάνθρωπος being the usual form. For the latter term in connexion with Egyptians cf. 287. vii. 34 τῇ τοῦ νύμου (sc. τῶν Αἰγυπτίων) ἀπανθρωπίᾳ.

8. οὕτως [ἔχειν : οὕτω δ[ οἰκεῖν is improbable. :

18-19. Since Alexandria was distinguished from Egypt, the phrase καταλῖψαι τὴν


Αἴγυπτον is quite consistent with the supposition that Ammonius was intending to go to the capital from the χώρα. Presumably ἡμέρας is to be supplied with τρεῖς in ]. 21, and the mention of this short interval suggests a not very protracted journey. Cf. 727. 11 τὸν is Αἴγυπτον πλοῦν ποιήσασξἤ αι, which, as Wilcken has noted (Archzv iv. 392), probably means a voyage from Alexandria, and e.g. 35 recto. 9 ἐν ᾿Αλεξ]ανδρείᾳ τῇ πρὸς Αἰγύπτῳ.

29. The word at the beginning of the line was probably τέκνων, but the vestiges are too slight for identification. The conclusion of the letter was evidently not far off.

1682. LETTER OF HERACLIDES TO ANTIOCHIA. 16-7 X 11-7 cm. Fourth century.

A letter from a man to his ‘sister’, who had lately departed, asking for news of her and recommending that her son should stick to his work. The writer was perhaps a Christian ; cf. 1. 6 and 1678. 6, n.

΄ an? 7 Kupia pov ἀδελφῇ Avtioxein Ηρακλείδης χαίρειν. ΄,ὕ \ ΄ ἐν ἀπέστειλα {{τινα}] ᾿Μέλανα΄ διὰ γραμμάτων, ἐπειδὴ - > > e 7 ἀὴρ ἐναντίος ἡμεῖν ἦν ἀφ οὗ ἔπλευσας, » t = \ a > 2 τ Ὡς Τὶ ΄ 5 ἵνα ἡμεῖν περὶ τῆς ἀνόδου καὶ ὁλοκληρίας ~ ~ / 7 γνῷς, καὶ μὲν τοῦ θεοῦ πρόνοια παρέξει ΄ τὸ μετὰ ὁλοκληρίας σε τὰ οἰκεῖα ἀπο- - ΄ \ ε 5) λαβεῖν. ἀναγκαίως δὲ καὶ ἡμεῖν €- 7 ed > 3. » ὃδ 4 πίστειλον ὅτι εἰ ἧς ἐπιδημήσασα, 10 ἵνα εὐθυμέτεροι γενώμεθα τὰ περὶ σοῦ ἀκούσαντες. τὸ τέκνον σοὺ τοῖς » Ν A > ἔργοις ἑαυτοῦ προσεχέτω: τὰ μὲν εἰ- κότα αὐτῷ ἐπέσταλκα κήδεσθαι τῶν ἔργων ἀφορῶντι τῇ τοῦ 2 ~ aS > ~ 4 15 ἐνιαυτοῦ διαφορᾷ. ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι, κυρία μου ἀδελφή, πολλοῖς χρόνοις. On the verso

k[up|ia μου ἀδελφῇ Δντιοχείῃ.

- 9 , , 5. wa: so inl. 10. 8. avay καιως. 10. ]. εὐθυμύτεροι.

‘To the lady my sister Antiochia from Heraclides, greeting. I am sending Melas with a letter, because the wind was contrary to us since you sailed, in order that you might


let us know of your journey and security, and may the divine providence grant that you may be restored in security to your home; and do you by all means send word to us whether you have arrived, in order that we may be more reassured after hearing about you. Let your son give heed to his work; I have sent to tell him to take proper care of the work, having regard to the difference of the year. I pray for your lasting health, my lady sister. (Addressed) To the lady my sister Antiochia.’

3. If Μέλανα is right, the sentence is illogical, but the loose construction is assisted by the commonness of the phrase διὰ γραμμάτων (cf. 6. g. 968, 1160. 7, 1217. 2), and it is hardly necessary to supply a word like γράφων or πευσόμενος. The doubtful \ may be y or τ, and the preceding letter may be a.

6. γνῷς : the doubtful s is very small, and γνῷ simply might be read, but this would have to be emended to γνωσθῇ, or to γνῶμεν with ἡμεῖς for ἡμεῖν in the previous line. The sense ‘make known’ is unusual, but not unparalleled.

7. Either oe 6r τὰ οἰκεῖα might here be taken as the subject of ἀπολαβεῖν, but analogy favours the latter alternative ; cf. 1680. 5, n.

9. For the redundant ὅτι cf. e.g. 1668. 6, 1671. 22. To read εἴης would not suit the required sense, even if the optative were passed. ἧς for ἦσθα is common in the Κοινή.

το. εὐθυμέτεροι : the false form was perhaps assisted by association with ὑμέτερος, but interchange of ε and o is not infrequent; cf. 1670. 13, n.

11 sqq. Cf. e. g. 1493. 11-13, 1581. 5-7.


28-5 Χ 12 Cm. Late fourth century.

In this very illiterate letter Probus requests his ‘sister’ to collect some money which was due to him and pay it over to his wife. He proceeds to recall a recent occasion when the sister had refused to let him have some of his money, but the bearing of this is somewhat obscure. The last few lines are rubbed and illegible, and the writer’s eccentricities in grammar and orthography make restoration difficult. for o is so common that we generally neglect it in the

critical notes below.

Tn κυρίᾳ pov ἀδ[ελ)φῃ TH γυναικίΐν; μου. μὴ λυπήσις οὖν

Μανατίνῃ ΤΙρώβ]ο]ς ἀδελ- po χαίριν. πρὼ |plev πάντων εὔχωμαι

See. Xx > he , \ ΄

ἐμέναν: δὸς οὖν αὐτά, ἐπιδὲ χρίαν > \ t t7 » lA x

αὐτὰ vids pov (exe). onpiov δὲ


τῷ κυρίῳ θεῷ περὶ THis] σῆς

ς 4 e Css 4 ὡλοκληρίας ὅπως ὑϊιέϊνοντα σοὶ

καὶ εὐθυμοῦντι ἀπωλάβῃς

τὰ Tap ἐμοῦ γράμματα. ἰγι͵γνώσκιν σε θέλω, κυρία μου ἀδίελ]φή, ἄπελθε

7 \ ΄ 10 mows Πετρώνιν τὼν ἐνγυησά-

ὥπου ἠπάντηκά σου Us| τὸ Kynoapt- Ν wy 4 e A A vA

ov καὶ εἴρηκά σου @TL δὸς ἐμοὶ KEp- ~ Va tad , f

μα ἀπὼ τῶν ἔχις με Wa ἀγωράσω ~ [2 > , ἐματῷ ἕναν reBiTov.. ., Kal εἰπές

a = eo kee eg a 4

με OTL a. |. .] ἄρων τὰ ἀπ ἐσοῦ καὶ

ἄρτι δέ σε δίδω, καὶ an ἐματῆς ἀπε-


μενών pov’ δέξε alm αἸὐτοῦ ἐκ τοῦ 25 δήμησα ἐπὶ δὲ καὶ δημωσίων [ἐ- μισθοῦ μου ἕναν ὕμισυ, (τάλαντον ?) GUM δὲ, ULEVO) sa 31's Cn: atone ee COLE alz, ἡμῶν. κύριέ plolu ἀδελφέ, Bo- 3) \ Nene: 2 Q\ », U4 Ν Ν οἶδες γ[ὰ]ρ καὶ σὺ ὅτι [ο]ὐδὲν ἔχωμεν UNGGY δὺς Tide tots (Crane μάρτυρων εἰ) μὴ O€[d|s καὶ od καὶ κε eile cen 6 Ac χὰ ΄ ἜΝ ὙΠῸ Ν - ; a , Ba I5 γυνή pov. ἀπώδως οὖν αὐτὰ 30 [ ἐρρ]ῶσθ[α) σε εὔχομαι.

On the verso ἀπώ(δος) [τῇ K\vpia pov ἀδελφῇ Mavarivn παρὰ II pé- Bioly ἀδελφ[ο]ῦ.

2. 1. ἀδελφός. 6. 1. ὑϊ γιαίϊνουσα σύ. 7. 1. εὐθυμοῦσα. ὃ. [γι]γ᾽νωσκιν. KOs

τὸν ἐγγυησάμενον. 11. 1. με. δέξαι. 12. ὕμισυ : 1. ἥμισυ. 14. |. μάρτυρον (for -vpa) ? . τὸν θε[ὸ]ν κτλ. 16. |. λυπήσῃς. 17. of δος corr. 1. ἐπειδή. 18. |. αὐτῶν. v of ios rewritten. 19. 1. σοι (so in}. 20). is}. 1. Καισάρειον. 21. |. pov. iva (a corr. ?). 22. 1. λέβητα, or ἕν λεβήτιον ΣΦ pow 21 σοὶ 26. ὕιενω: |. ὑγιαίνω.

27. 1. βοήθησον.

‘To the lady my sister Manatine from Probus her brother, greeting. First of all I pray to the lord god for your security that you may in health and happiness receive my letter. I wish you to know, my lady sister, that you should go to Petronius my surety; get from him out of my pay one talent (?) and a half, τ tal. For you too know that we have no witnesses at all besides god and you and my wife. Give them then to my wife. Don’t vex me; give them to her, since my son needs them. And in proof, when I met you at the Caesareum and said to you ‘Give me some money out of what you have of mine in order that I may buy myself a kettle”, you said ‘‘. . . use your own, and presently I will give it you” I pray for your health. (Addressed) Deliver to the lady my sister Manatine from her brother Probus.’

6. ὑ[ιέ]νοντα : cf. 1. 26. The initial vestige is perhaps consistent with v, if the letter be supposed to have been placed very low in the line, which sometimes happens with this writer, e.g. in ]. ro the cross-bar of τ of των is below the base of the preceding v. For the phraseology cf. P. Leipz. 111. 4-5 ἵνα ὑγιένοντά σε καὶ εὐθυμοῦντα ἀπολάβῃ τὰ παρ᾽ ἐμοῦ γράμματα, on the analogy of which one might feel tempted to read ἀπολάβῃ ἱς) here. ἀπολάβῃς is, however, confirmed by P. Gen. 53. 7-8 ὅπως ὑγιένοντός σου καὶ εὐθ᾽ υἹμοῦντος προσδέξῃ τὰ ἐμὰ γράμματα, and ἀπολάβῃ(εν is accordingly to be restored in P, Leipz. 111, the preceding accusatives being perhaps due to confusion with the common formula exemplified in 1680. 4-5.

12, (τάλαντον ?): the symbol consists of two oblique strokes joining at an acute angle, being practically identical with that used for ἥμεσυ immediately afterwards, This writer’s grammar is so erratic that (τάλαντον) is hardly excluded by ἕναν, and it is not easy to see what else can be meant, though the symbol is unusual. Possibly the two strokes were unintentionally joined and correspond to those following a4, the unit then remaining unexpressed ; that they represent γίνεται seems unlikely.

17. ἐμέναν : this form of ἐμέ became common in later Greek,

19. For the Καισάρειον at Oxyrhynchus cf. 43 verso. 1. 22.

21. τῶν: cf. e.g. 1678. 15, 1765. το, P. Gen. 56. 19 ἔως τοῦ ἀποδῶ, Leipz. 110. 9 mapa τοῖς ἐπιξενοῦμε θεοῖς.

24. an possibly = αεί, but the passage remains obscure.



1684. LETTER OF HORION TO TIMOTHEUS. 26-1 X 7-4 cm. Late fourth century.

A letter announcing the receipt and dispatch of various articles, chiefly of dress, and offering to send anything else that might be wanted.

7 (ees ia > 7 Κυρίῳ pov vio Τιμοθέῳ 15 appas Δωροθέῳ. ‘DN piov. εἴπερ ἀληθές ἐστιν ἀπεδεξάμην τὰ δύο καὶ καλῆς τιμῆς, v4 ΄ 7 στιχάρια εἰσοφόρια δήλωσόν μοι, καὶ 5 καὶ βαρβαρίκια δύο περὶ τοῦ σίτου Ka(t) φακιάριον καὶ οὐη- 20 καὶ τῶν κριθῶν͵ , - by , 4 > lal ΝΥ ράρια δύο. ἀπέστε(ι)λά ἀπαντᾷ πρὸς σὲ σοι στιχάριον ἰσοφό- Φίβις ἐν τῇ αὖ- ριον ἕν καὶ βαρβαρίκι- ριον" εἴ τι θέλις, aA Ν 7 4 “᾿ 10 ov ἕν καὶ φακιάριον μετάδως αὐτῶι > 7 3 καὶ οὐράριον ἕν 25. καὶ ἀποστέλλω σοι. Vie. > ΄ καὶ ὕμισου με- ἐρρῶσθαί κάλου δελφακίου. σε εὔχί(ομαι).

ἔγραψές μοι περὶ

On the verso remains of an address and a postscript mentioning τυρία δέκα.

6. 1. οὐηλάρια : so in ]. 11. 8. Ἰσοφοριον. 12. ὑμισου: |. ἥμισυ μεγάλου. ΤΡ autos 16. εστῖν, the v being incompletely formed. 24. 1. perddos.

‘To my lord my son Timotheus from Horion. I received the two equivalent tunics, two foreign cloaks (?), a veil, and two coverings. I have sent you one equivalent tunic, one foreign cloak, a veil, one covering, and half a large pig. You wrote to me about cummin (?) for Dorotheus. If it is genuine and of a good price, let me know, and also about the corn and barley. Phibis is going to you to-morrow. If you want anything, let him know and I will send it to you. I pray for your health.’

4. εἰσοφόρια: cf. 1. 8. The significance of the epithet is not very clear. Does it mean ‘reversible’ ?

5. βαρβαρίκια : this word, evidently denoting some foreign article of dress, presumably a variety of the βαρβαρικὸν παλλίον cited from a gloss by Stephanus, appears to be novel.

6. οὐηράρια : cf, e.g. P. Grenf. ii. 111. 16 οὐηλάρ(ιον) κρεμ(αστόν).

15. ἄμμας : the second p has a dot above it and was perhaps intended to be cancelled. Since the writer goes on to speak of σῖτος and κριθή (Il. 19-20), it seems not unlikely that duos OF ἄμεως should be read; cf. e.g. P. Tebt. 55. 5. This would accord with the neuter ἀληθές.


(1) Leases.

1685. 10:7x85 cm. A.D. 158. The middle part of a badly spelled lease from a woman to two Persians of the epigone for 1 year of two lots of land at the “Oacirov ἐποίκιον (previously unknown), one lot consisting of 12 arourae at a rent of 44 drachmae for each, the other of 3 arourae. Cf. 101, 499, 501, 910, 1125, 1686-91, P.S.I. 73. After remains of 3 lines *]. s κατὰ τὸ ἄλλ[ο ἥμισυ, apdorlepos [ἀπ]ὸ τοῦ ᾿Αδέου (1. ᾿Αδαίου) ἐϊποικίου (elsewhere called a κώμη) Πέρσαις] τῆς "[ἐπιϊ]γονῆς πρὸς [μόνον τὸ ἐνεσ]τὸς κβ (ἔτος) ᾿Αντωνίνου [Καίσαρος τοῦ] κυρίου ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχόντίων αὐτ]ῇ περὶ τὸ Οἰὐϊασίτου ἐποικίου (1. -οίκιον») ἐν μὲν κλήρῳ 10 Ψεταιταὶ ἐκ τοῦ ἀπὸ λιβὸς μέρους |! ἀρούρας δεκάδυο, ὥστε ξυλαμῆσαι οἷς ἐὰν αἱρῶνται χωρὶς ἰσάτεως καὶ 15 ὀχωμενίου (1. ὀχομ.) φόρου ἑκά(σγτης ἀρούρης 15 ἐκ γεομετρίας ἐπὶ τὸ πλῖον (corr. from ε) αἴ- 15 λαττον (1. ἔλ.) ἀνὰ ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς τεσ- 15 σεράκοντα τέσσαρος (1. -pas), ἐκ δὲ τοῦ Μεγά- 17 Nov κλήρου ἐκ τοῦ ἀπὸ νότου καὶ 18 λιβὸς μέρους πρὸς ταῖς ἀναβολαῖς (‘ embank- ments’) τὰς 19 πρὸ τοῦ ἐσπα(ογμένας ἀρούρας (2nd a corr.) τρῖς ἐζπ)ὶ τὸ πλῖον


7 \ a fal n ἔλαττον, ὥστε καὶ ταύτας “1 σπείζ)ραι καὶ ξυλαμῆσαι οἷς ἐὰν αἱρῶ(ν)ται “2 χωρὶς

ἰσάτεως καὶ ὀχωμενίου φόρου * ἑκάσ]της ἀρούρης ἐκ γεομετρίας, and traces of 3 more lines.

1686. 12:7 Χ14:3 cm. A.D. 165. Beginning of a lease of 10 arourae of ἰδιωτικὴ γῆ at Talao (cf. 1659. 105) for 4 years from asenator of Antinodpolis to three brothers, half to be sown with wheat, half with grass or vegetables. 1 Ἐμίσθωσεν ᾿Α[π]ολλώνιος ᾿Απολλωνίου] Σεβά(σγτιος 6 καὶ Καισάριος * βουλευτὴς ᾿Αντινοέων διὰ Διοσκόρου φροντιστοῦ Κρονίωνι * Παυσίριος μητρὸς Σιννεχώτου καὶ τοῖς ὁμομητρίοις ἀδελφοῖς Δ“Δρπαήσει καὶ “Qpow ἀμφοϊτέ]ρίοις ᾿ΑἸνεμπέως τοῦ “Αρπαήσιος τοῖς [τρ]ισὶ ἀπ[ὸ κἸώμης Ταλαὼ [εἰς ἔτ]η τέσσαρα β[ρ]οχὰς τέσσαρες ἀπὸ

τοῦ ©

5 ec x ? iz Ne \ Bis 7 / 7 n / bd x ἐνεστῶτος ἕκτου ἔτους ᾿Αντωνίνϊου καὶ ΟἸῤήρου Καισάρων τῶν κυρίων ἀπὸ τῶν 4.5 a \ an 5) > ὑπαρχόντων [αἸὐτῷ [π]ερὶ τὴν Ταλαὼ ἐκ το[ῦ Καλλίου κλήρου ἰδιωτικῆς γῆς ἀ[ρ]ούρας δέκα, ὥστε τοὺς μεμισ- θωμένους σπεῖραι καὶ ξυλαμῆσαι κατ᾽ ἔτος πυροῦ μὲν \ 10 ,ὔ Ν Μ > n Δ \ Ν \ Ν 5

TO ἥμισυ, χόρτῳ δὲ ἤτοι Corr.) εἰς βρῶσιν Kal κοπὴν Kal θερινὴν ἐπινομὴν Ν " 5) na ᾿ a /

τὸ ἄλλο ἥμισυ, ἐξουσίας adrofi|s οὔσης σπεῖραι ἐν τῷ ἐν χόρτῳ 12 ἡμ[ίσει] μέρει 3 lal \ »

κατ᾽ ἔτος λαχαϊνοσπ)έρμῳ ἐὰν αἱρῶνται.] ἐκφορίου 15 Kali φόρο]υ κατ᾽ ἔτος ἀποτάϊκτου

τῶ]ν ὅλων ἀρουρῶϊν δέκα] μηδε- 15 μ[ιᾶς γεωμετρίας γειυζομένης πυρ]οῦ ἀρτ[α]βῶν

L 2


ἰδεκάπεν ?|re 15καὶ ἀργυρίο]υ dpaxualy......-.. Ἰκοίν)γα ὀκ[τὼ ἀκίνδυ)να ͵ πάντα παντ]ὸς κι δύνου, τῶν τ]ῆς γῆς δημοσίων ---. Verso 1 μί(σθωσις) (ἀρουρῶν) ι ἐκ τ(οῦ) Καλλίου and traces of another line.

1687. 14:3x85 cm. A.D. 184. Beginning of a similar lease of private land (54 arourae in all) near two villages in the “Avw romapyia for 1 year, I aroura to be sown with barley, the remainder, of which the rent was fixed at 180 drachmae, with (probably) χόρτος or dpaxos (1. 243 cf. 1686. το). VEpicbwoey Δημητροῦς καὶ Θαῆσις * Tepevtion aw ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως μετὰ κυρίου τοῦ ἀνεψιοῦ “Qplwvos *’Auo.ros τοῦ Τερεντίου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς ° πόλεως Σαραπίωνι χρηματίζοντι ° μητρὸς Ταχόιτος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πό- λεως πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστὸς κε (ἔτος) τὰς ὑπαρχούσας αὐτῇ περὶ Νέσλα ἐν μὲν τόπῳ λεγομένῳ Σαμβοῦτος 19 ἄρουραν μίαν, ἐν δὲ τόπῳ λεγομέ- 1 vO "Eder λιβὸς δὲ βασιλικῆς καλου- 15 μένης Τροφῆς Αἰγῶν ἄρουραν μί- 15 av ἥμισυ, καὶ περὶ τὸ ᾿Ισῖον Παγγᾶ ἐκ 16 τρῦ Νικάνορος καὶ Δριμάκου κλήρου (cf. 250. 8) 1 ἀρούρας τρεῖς, ἐπὶ δὲ πασῶν

μηδεμι- |

hav μίαν σπεῖραι ξυλαμῆσαι κριθῇ 1" [ἐκφορ]ο]υ ἀποτάκτου κριθῆς ἀρτα-

ΞοἸβϑῶν ....,| τὴν δὲ ἐν τόπῳ “Ede ἄρου- 21 [pay μίαν ἥμ]ισυ καὶ τὰς περὶ τὸ ᾿Ισῖον 25

- tee ΠΝ 17 Ν +S In) , Ss an a ΕΣ ας ylemperpias γεινομένης, ὥστε “'THv μὲν ἐν τόπῳ Σαμβοῦτος apovr-

Παγγᾶ ἀρούραϊς τρεῖς, ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ ἀ- “5 [povpas τέσσαρες ἥμισυ, ξυλαμῆσαι

χόρτῳ φ)ύρου ἀποτάκτου ἀργυρίου ““ δραχμῶν ἑκ]ατὸν ὀγδοήκοντα “Ὁ [ἀκίνδυνα πάντα παντὸς κινδύνου | —.

1688. 8-3x6-7 cm. Third century. Beginning of a lease of 5% arourae of private land for 4 years, being an extension of an existing lease. The lessees belonged to Phoboou, a village in the Eastern toparchy (1659. 53), and the village Ποσομβοῦς ᾿Αριστομάχ[ου (1. 10) is probably identical with Ποσομπόις, a village in that toparchy known from 1285. 85. 1 ᾿Εμίσθωσεν Αὐρήλιος Θέων 2 καὶ ᾿Επίμαχος Διογένους * am ᾿Οξυρύγχων (-y’x-) πόλεως Ad-


*onAtors Θώνι καὶ ᾿Ἐπιμάχῳ °Kal Πλούτῳ τοῖς τρισὶ ᾽Ανε- ° σούριος μητρὸς ἮΝ ponte ue 5 x lA Φ Ω,7 > 8 » / (fal eee? BN | “- 9 < μμωνοῦ- τος ἀπὸ κώμης Φοβώου εἰς ἔτη téacapafs} ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶ- ? Tos y \ « / oo \ a3 / 11 7] / (ἔτους) τὰς ὑπαρχούσας αὐτῷ περὶ Ποσομβοῦς ᾿Αριστομά- "' χίου προϊγεωργουμένας 12 ὑπὸ τῶν αἰὐτῶν μεμισθω- 1" μένων apovpals πέντε δί- [μοιρον φόρου ἢ] κατ᾽ ἔτος 1515 1. λοις 16[16 1.γτε | —. 1689. 35x71 cm. A.D. 266. Lease of 5 arourae of land at Mermertha (cf. 1659. 30) for 2 years at the rent of 10 artabae of wheat and Io of lentils. 1 Ἐμίσθ]ωσαν Αὐρήλιοι [Σε]ρῆνος 2 καὶ Σαραπίων (cf. 1681. 1, n.) [καὶ ᾿Απίϑ]ων 5 ἀμφ[ζότ]εροι ᾿Αγαθείίζνου] ἀπ’ ξ[υ]ρ[ὑ]γ- χων πόλεως Αὐρηλίίο]ις ᾿Αντω- vio Πίλ]άτωνος μητρὸς Ta- a. .|addvos καὶ Πανεχώτῃ ΠΙανε- χώτου μητρὸς Tavpros “Ἵερέῳϊς ?| ἀμφοτέροι(ς) ἀπὸ [κώμ]ης Μερ- μίείρθων ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτ]η δύο ἀπὸ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτοϊς 16 (ἔτους) τὰς ὑπαρ- 1! χούσας αὐτοῖς περὶ Μερ]μέρθα | ἐν δυσὶ κλήροις 14

dplovpas| πέντε, 15 ὥϊσ]τε τοὺς μεμισ᾿θωϊμένους 15 σπεῖραι καὶ ξυλαμῆσϊαι] οἷς ἐὰν

JIB ANSI aS} 149

® αἱρῶνται χωρὶς εἰσάτ[εως καὶ ἐ- | χομενίου (1. ὀχομ.), ἐκφορίου [κα]τ᾽ ἔτος 11 ἀπο- τάκτου πυροῦ Ἰἀρτάϊβας (]. - βῶν) δέκα 1ὃ καὶ φακῆς ἀρταβ[ῶν᾽ δέκα 1" ἀκινδύνων παυ͵τὸ]ς κινδύ- pov, τῶν τῆς] γῆς καίτ ἔτος δη- 7! μοσίων ὄντων [pds] τοὺς 7? γεούχουϊ -ς] κυριεύοντ[ας] τῶν * καρπῶν ἕως τὰ dpetAduleva ** ἀπολάβωσι. ἐὰν δέ τις, [ὃ] μὴ εἴη, 25 ἄβροχος γένηται, παρ]αδεχθήσε- “ὃ ται τοῖς μεμισθωμζέϊνοις. βεβαι- 2" ουμένης δὲ τῆς μισθώσεως 2" ἀποδότωσαν οἱ μεμ[ισἸθωμέ- “ὃ νοι τὸν πυρὸν καὶ τὴν φακῆν 39 νέα καθαρὰ ἄδολα ἄβ[ωλ]α 5) κεκοσκινευμένα, τὸν μὲν 3“ πυρὸν ὡς εἰς δημόσι]ον με- 35 τρού- μενον, τὴν δὲ φακῆν χω- ** pls βοτανῶν ἐφ᾽ [ἅλῳ τῇς * Μερμέρθων κοινο[υ)μεϊτρ]οῦν- δος (1. -res) δικαίᾳ μετρήσι, τῆς πράξε- “ως οὔσης παρά τε τῶν [με]μισθω- 58 μένων ἀλληλενγ[ύων ὄντων καθότι πρόκειται, πὶ ερὶ] ἧς ἐ- περωτήσαντες ἀἰλλΊ]ή-

9 ͵ ΄ *2 (ἔτους) ιὸ Αὐτοκράτοϊρο)ς Καίσαρος Πουπλίου Λικιν-

Aous * ἑαυτοῖς ὡμολύόγησϊα]ν. νίου Γαλ[λ)ιηνοῦ ** Γερμανικοῦ Meyior|ov| Περσικὶ οὔ * Μεγίστου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐΐτ᾽ υχοῦς 46 Σεβαστοῦ Θὼθ κί. *7 (2ndh.) Αὐρήλιοι ᾿Αντώνιος] καὶ Πα- 45 νεχώτης μεμισθώ- μεθα ri γῆν καὶ ἀποδ᾽ ὠ]σο- °° μεν τὰ ἐκφόρια ἐξ ἀλλ]ηλ[ε]γ- °! γύης (-λίε]γ᾽ ,γ-) ὡς πρόκί(ειται), καὶ ἐπερίωτ᾽ ηθέν- ὅ5 τες ὡμολογήσαμεν. Αὐρήλιο]ς 53 Χαιρήϊμ]ων ἔγρα(ψα) ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν (-τῶ) “pH εἰϊδόϊγων γράμματα. Verso δ΄ μίσθωσίι)ς Μερμέϊρθων] ἀρουρῶν [πέν τε.

1690. 18-8x15:2 cm. A.D. 287. Found with 1565, 1586, and 1392; cf. 1365. int. Lower part of a lease of 5 arourae to a strategus from a woman (called τὴν γεοῦχον in 1. 11) at the rent of 3,000 drachmae per aroura, conclud- ing (ἔτους) 17 Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Patou (yaiov) Αὐρηλίου Otadepiov Δ])ιοκλη- τιαϊνο]0 καὶ (ἔτ.) y Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου Μαξιμια- νοῦ 1 Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν Σεβαστῶν Θὼθ κα. (2nd hand) “5 Δὐρηλία Πτολεμαὶς καὶ ὡς χρηματίίζω] ἔσχον τούτου *! τὸ ἴσον. Verso 27]. [. μίσἸθωσις ἐδαφῶν ᾿Απολλωνίου στρατηγοῦ. This strategus is to be placed between Aur. Philiarchus (1456. 1,n.) and Aur. Heraclides (1252 recto. 2, 20).

1691. ΟῚ ΧΟῚ οη]. A.D.291. The first part of a lease of 3 arourae at Seno- komis (cf. 1659. 37) by a woman to two men for I year, the land to be sown with flax (cf. 102-3, P.S.I. 469) at a rent of 2,500 drachmae per aroura. One of the lessees belonged to the ἱερὰ σύνοδος, which is apparently identical with ἱερὰ μουσικὴ περιπολιστικὴ Δὐρηλιανὴ οἰκουμενικὴ μεγάλη σύνοδος TOV περὶ τὸν Διόνυσον τεχνιτῶν, ἱερονικῶν, στεφανιτῶν, καὶ τῶν τούτων συναγωνιστῶν ἴῃ B.G.U. 1074, from Oxyrhynchus ; cf. 908. τῶν ἀπὸ τοῦ Διονυσείου καὶ τῆς ἱερᾶς συνόδου ἱερονεικῶν ἀτελῶν, Ῥ. 5.1. 450 verso. i. 56, and 1708. int. ᾿ ἜἘμί- σθωσεν Αἰλία ‘Hpwodleva (1. -ίαινα) καὶ ὡς χρημα(τίζει) 5 Αὐρηλίοις Διογένει Διογέ- vous ἀπὸ τῆς ἱερᾶς (iep.) συνόδου καὶ Φιλονίκῳ Θέωνος (Θέωνος added later), 4 ἀμφοτέροις ἀπὸ τῆς λα(μπρᾶς) καὶ λα(μπροτάτης) ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως, πρὸς μόνον τὸ ἐνεστὸς (ἔτος) καὶ ζ (ἔτος) ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπαρχόντων (1. -χουσῶν) αὐτῇ περὶ κώμην (-μῆ) Σενοκῶμειν (ew corr.) ἀρουρῶν ἕξ ἐκ γεωμετρείας * ἀρούρας τρεῖς


κοινωνικῶν πρὸς πρὸς THY ὁ- * μογνησίαν αὐτῆς ἀδελφήν, ὥστε Evda- 19 μῆσαι λινοκαλάμῃ, ἐκφορμίων καὶ φόρων | κατ᾽ ἄρουραν δραχμ(ῶ)ν δισχειλίων πεν- Ἰξτακοσίων, 7 (ὃρ.) Bo, ἀκινδύνων παντὸς 15 κινδύνου, τῶν τῆς γῆς δημοσίων ὄν- * των πρὸς τὴν γεοῦχον κυριεύουσαν τῶν (τῶ) 1" [καρπῶν ἕως ἂν τὰ] ὀφιλόμενα ἀπολάβῃ. [Be- βαιουμένης δὶΣ τῆς μισθώσεως '[aroddtwoav οἱ μεμισθωμένοι τὰ ὀἸφιλόμε- 18 ἵνα ἐν μηνὶ ---.

1692. 19x126cm. A.D.188. The first part of a lease οἵ ἀμπελουργικὰ ἔργα in a vineyard and adjoining reed-plantation at Talao (cf. 1659. 105), similar to 1631, but about a century earlier. The technical terms are discussed in the commentary on that papyrus. ᾿᾿Εμίσθωσεν ᾿Απίων “Opelwvos γυμνα- (σιαρχήσας ?) 3 τῆς ᾿Οξυρύγχί(ων) πόλεως ᾿Αμόιτι ᾿Αμόιτος μητρὸς * Σαμβοῦτος καταγι(νομένῳ) ἐν Ταλαὼ ἐπὶ ἐνιαυτὸν * ἕνα ἀπὸ νεομηνίας ᾿Αθὺρ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος

ὅκθ (ἔτους) τὰ ἀμπελουργικὰ χερικὰ ἔργα πάντα χω- © pls ξυλοτομίας ἀπὸ τῶν

ὑπαρχόντων αὐτῷ περὶ Ταλαὼ ἐκ τοῦ Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Τρύ- φωνος κλήρου


fal \ an rc ἀμπελικοῦ κτήματος καὶ καλαμείας ὅσων ἐστὶν ἀρουρῶν παλαι- as’ ὡς καὶ νέας,

ἅπερ ἐστὶν ἔργα τιλμὸς καλάμου, 1) μεταφορὰ τούτου εἰς τὸν συνήθη τόπον, σάρω-

12 σις φύλλων, συντομὴ καὶ μεταφορὰ τούτων | ἐκτὸς πλαστῆς εἰς ἐπιτηδείους

, 14 , 74 >) Ν an 15 , Ν

τόπους, ᾿σ]κα- }4 φητός, παραγραφή, ἀπωρυγισμὸς τῶν δεομέ- 15 νων τόπων, συντομὴ

τοῦ εἰς καλαμουργίαν 15 καινοῦ καλάμου, καλαμουργία, τοῦ γεούχου παρε- 1 χομένου ΝΣ \

κάλαμον καὶ φλοῦίυ)ν τὸν αὐτάρκη, 18 ἐπάρδευσις καὶ βοτανισμὸς διηνεκής, σκα-

19 λισμός, βλαστολογία, διάστασις φύλλων [καὶ 33 ἀνάλημψις βλαστῶν, φυλλολογία,

ἀγρῷ τὸ ovvylOes?....... .. '[mprlds κώμην: Καὶ perepe[ycec?......... ate. VER WHE «mex pu. τὸ 1.22 (ch ye anemone εν]εχθέντί —. Verso 385 μίσθωσις ἀμπελουργικ(ῶν) ἔργων KO (ἔτους) ᾿Απ[ίωνος (or λι[) ---.

1698. 6-3x9-2 cm. Late third century. Beginning of a lease of a courtyard at Oxyrhynchus for 4 years, similar to 911-12, 1036, 1694. |’Eyuicdwce Αὐρήλιος ᾿Απίων ᾿Απολλω- *viov τοῦ καὶ “Hpaxda γενομένου γυμνα- * σιάρχου βουλευτοῦ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμ- * προτάτης Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ δ᾽ Απολλο- θέωνι Διογένους ἀπὸ τῆς αἰὐτῆς πόλεως ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη ἀπὸ α Φα- μενὼθ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος (ἔτους) ἣν ἔχειίν) ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδου Παμμένους Παίρ]α- δίσου αὐϊλὴ]ν ἐν 7 |. The reign is not earlier than that of Valerian and Gallienus or later than that of Probus. On the verso is 1570, an order for payment.

1694. 24:4x7-3cm. A.D. 280. A similar lease of a house and appurtenances at Oxyrhynchus for six years at a rent of 1,000 drachmae per annum. 1 Ἐμίσθωσεν Αὐρήλιος 2 'Ηρακλᾶς Ζωίλου (ζωϊλ.) μητρὸς * Θερμουθίου ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς “καὶ λαμπροτάτης Ὀξυρυγχειτῶν (-τῶ) πόλεως Αὐρηλίᾳ Χαιρήμονι δΗρακλάμμωνος τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αγαθοῦ Δαίμονος ἀρχιερατεύσαντος τῆς Μεικρᾶς ᾽Οάσεως


ἐπὶ χρόνον ἔτη ἐξ ἀπὸ τοῦ ὄντος μηνὸς Φαμε- νὼθ τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ε (ἔτους) τὴν

1 ὑπάρχουσαν αὐτῷ ἐπ᾽ aupddov 12 ἹἹππέων (1ππ.) Παρεμβολῆς corr.) οἰκίαν 15 καὶ ὅπάντα ἐνοικίου κατ᾽ ἔτος 18

αἴθριον καὶ αὐλὴν ev 1. ppléalp καὶ τὰ ταύτης χρηστήρια | σεως χράσθω 21

ἀργυ- ρίου δραχμῶν χειλίων, 1 βεβαιουμένης δὲ τῆς μισθώ- 19 ° / - Φ0᾽ 5. x , 5 , \ vos τοῖς μισθουμένοις πᾶσι ἐπὶ τὸν χρόνον ἀκωλύτως, 7! καὶ



> , \ 5) / 5 , Oo / 23 ἈΝΕ SN ἀποδότω TO KAT ἔτος ἐγνοί- κιον ἐν δόσεσι δυσὶ δι ἑξαμή- VOU TO ἡμίσῦυ, και ἐπι 25

/ n 24 , . Ἂς >’ / Ν 5 \ / - 26 \ 7 τέλει τοῦ *4 χρόνου παραδότω τὴν oi- * κίαν καθαρὰν ἀπὸ κοπρίων (-1H) καὶ δείσης

A o πάσης καὶ ἃς ἐὰν 2" παραλάβῃ θύρας καὶ κλεῖδας 7°87) ἀποτεισάτω ov ἐὰν μὴ (ucorr. ραλάβῃ θύρ ) μὴ

παρα- 39 δῷ τὴν ἀξίαν τιμήν, τῆς °° πράξε(ως) οὔσης παρά τε τοῦ μ[ε- 531 μισθωμένου 82

ὡς καθήκει. “ἢ κυρία μίσθωσις, περὶ ἧς ἐπε- “5 ρωτηθεὶς μεμισθωμένος “:[ὧ]μο-

λόγησεν. ἔτο]υς ε 5 Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Πρόβου Γοθθικοῦ

Μεγίστου “Ἵ Περσικοῦ Μεγίστου Γερμανικοῦ [Meyiorov ** Εἰ ὑσε]β[ο]ῦς Εὐτυχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ 3 Φαμενὼθ va. (2nd h.) Αὐρήλιος “0 ᾿Επίμαχο[ς] ἀρχι(ε)ρατεύσαντος

\ ue 43 ὡς πρόκιται Kal ἐπερω-

μεμίσθωμαι τὰ προκίμενα * kal ἀποδώσω τὸ ἐνοίκιν τη θ] 9] ὡμολόγησα. The name and sex of the lessee are given differently in ll. 5-6 and 39-40; Αὐρηλίᾳ in 1. 5 seems to bea mistake for Αὐρηλίῳ. Possibly a few more lines followed |. 44. On the titles of Probus see 1681. 34, ἢ.

1695. 25:7x10-4cm. A.D. 360. Lease of part of a house at Oxyrhynchus fot 1 year at. the rent of 6,000. talents;,c ΒΘ 1 (175, 467, 1087, 1120. The lessors, 3 brothers, had recently acquired the property as the result of a division by lot with their mother. A reference to the regnal years of Constantius and Julian, which became the two customary eras οἱ Oxy- rhynchus, occurs in 1. 13 ; cf. 1056, which is two months earlier, and 1682. 9, ἢ. ᾿'Ὑπατίας (ὑπ.) τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν *Kwvortaytiov Αὐγούστου τὸ «ι΄ καὶ ἸΙουλιανοῦ (ουλ.) τοῦ ἐπιφανεστάτου Καίσαρος τὸ γ΄ Χοίακ κγ. ° Αὐρηλίοις Σύρῳ καὶ Τεχώσι καὶ δ᾿Ασύνῃ τοῖς τρισὶ ἐκ πατρὸς Διονυσίου ἀπὸ τῆς λαμ(πρᾶς) καὶ

λαμ(προτάτης) ᾿Οξυρυγχ(ιτῶν) πόλεως * παρὰ Αὐρηλίου Κοπρέως Σύρου μη(τρὸς)


Σαραπιάδος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως. ἑκουσίως ἐπιδέχομαι μισθώσα- |! σθαι ἐφ᾽

Η e > a \ a A a ) \ ἑνιαυτὸν ἕνα ἀπὸ a 125 τοῦ ἑξῆς μηνὸς Τῦβι τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος 1 ἔτους AC (ἔτ.) Kal & (ἔτ.)

ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει | ἐπ’ ἀμφόδου ᾿Απολλωνίου (previously unknown) τοὺς 18 κλήρω-


θέντας ὑφ᾽ (ὑφ᾽) ὑμῶν τόπους | rips οἰκίας εἰς TOK... .«-«- Avov ἢτύπους ἀκολούθως τῇ 15 γενομένῃ ἐγγράφῳ (ey γ.) διαιρέσει ἐφ᾽ οἷς περιέχει δικ[αί]οις διὰ] τὸ μεταξν “ὑμῶν καὶ πῆς μητρὺϊε] - τοὺ 32

\ , ἘΣ τὶ 5) ΄,ἷ a καὶ τελέσω ὑμῖν ἐν[ο]ικίου 33 τῶν

ἀρ[γ]υρίου Σεβαστῶν (-τῷ) 74 νομίσματος τάλαντα ἑξακισχίλια, y(tv.) (τάλ.) ᾿ς.

25 βεἰβ]αιουμένης δὲ ἐμοὶ τῆς ἐπιδοχῆς “ἐπάναγκες ἀποδώσω τὸ ἐι[ο]ίκιον δι᾿ ἑξα-

27 / \ \ / , 28 Sean x‘ , x μήνου τὸ ἥμισυ, καὶ χρήσομαι τοῖς τό- * ποις ἐπὶ τὸν χρόνον ἀκωλύτως, μεθ᾽ ὃν 90

29 παραδώσω ὡς παρείληφα, γινομένης °° σοι τῆς πράξ(εως) παρὰ [ἐμο]ῦ ὡς καθή-

κ(ει). κυρία ἐπιδοχὴ β (Ξεδισσὴ) γρ(αφεῖσα), καὶ ἐϊπερ(ωτηθεὶς) ὡ]μ(ολόγησα).


(2) Sales and Cessions.

1696. 26:7x11-5cm. A.D.197. Sale of the courtyard of a house at Oxy- rhynchus for 200 drachmae, similar to 505. ἱἰΣαραπάμμων 25 letters|wvos καὶ τούτου v[ldjs Aapuals “[ὁ καὶ Σαραπάμμω]ν μηϊτρὸς ᾿Αποϊλλωνοῦτος ἀμφότεροι) ἀπ’ Ὀξυ- ὅ᾿ [ρύγχων πόλεως Κατ. “νει Δί. «.«««.7 τοῦ Klalt Διονυσίου] μ[ητρ])ὸς

σι eons the ean e . ἀπὸ Tihs αὐτῆς πόλεως yxall|pelv. ὁμολ[ογοῦ)μεν

APO 7) x J

5 / ° \ lal a 5 a] Sign ΓΕ ΐῃ Ἂν « , 6 ἘΝ ἂν >) ἱπεπρακέναι σοι ἀπὸ τοῦ ν]ῦν [Elis 7[O]y ἀεὶ χρόνο)» τὴν ὑπάρχουσαν "ἡμῖν ἀμφο-

τέροις ἧς] ἔχομεν ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδου Χηνοβοσκ[ῶ ν οἰκίας 17... ...... . αὐλὴν ἐκ βορ)]ρᾷ ροις ? ἧς] ἔχομ μ [

τῆς σῆς [ollkias, ἧς αὐλῆς γείτονες νότου S[oikia?.......... γἸένους, βορρᾶ ἡμῶν οἰκία, ἀπηλιώτου ψει- ° {Ads τόπος, λιβὸς ῥύμη Ὁ, καὶ Tals συνπεφωνημένας ὑπὲρ τιμῆς τῆς αὐτῆς 19] αὐλῆς ἀργυρίου Σεβαϊστοῦ νομίσμ[αἼτίο᾽ς δραχμὰς διακοσίας αἰὐ]τό- 12 (0. ἀπεσχηκέναι παρὰ) σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους. διὸ ἀπὸ τοῦ [voy κρατῖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν ἐκγόνοις καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ 15 μεταλημψομέγοις) τῆς πωλουμένης σοι ὡς πρόκειται αὐλῆς, 13καὶ χρᾶσθαι καὶ οἰϊκοτομεῖν περὶ αὐτῆς ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, ἤΪν)]περ corr. from a?) καὶ [παρεξόμεθά σοι βε]βαίαν διζὰ) παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων πάϊσῃ) βεβαι- 15] ώσει, καὶ καθαρὰν] ἀπὸ ἀπογραφῆς ἀνδρῶν καὶ γεωργίας (a corr.) βασιλι- 1 [Kis γῆς καὶ οὐσιαϊκῆς καὶ παντὸς εἴδους καὶ ἀπὸ παντὸς οὕτινοσ- 18[οῦν ἄλλου. κυρία] πρᾶσις τρι[σ]σὴ γραφεῖσα. (ἔτους) ε Ald|roxparop|os| [Καί- σαρος Λουκίου] Σεπτιμί ο]υ Σεουήρου (first ov corr. from ar) Εὐσεβοῦς ΠΕερτίνακος

20 | Σεβαστοῦ ApaBixo|s Αδιαβηνικ[ο]0 Παχὼν ιδὃ. (2nd h.) Σαραπάμμων 7 [.......... καὶ Alapas (corr. from Σαραπάμμων ?) [ὁ kali |Laplatapywr πεπράκαμεν τῷ Κατ... γι 35 [τὴν προκειμένην αἸὐλήν, καὶ ἀπέσχαμεν τ[ὰ]ς τῆς τειμῆς δραχμὰς “διακοσίας, καὶ

BelBedooper (1. βεβαιώ.) ὡς [π]ρόκιται. Βειθαρίων καὶ Δημητριαν]ὸ]ς ** [ἔγραψα ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν μὴ εἰδότων γράϊμ' ματα.

1697. 29:2. Χ27 cm. A.D. 242. Sale in duplicate of the courtyard of a house at Oxyrhynchus for 200 drachmae; cf. 1276-7, 1634, 1696, 1698-1702. 1 Αὐρήλιος Διογένης Στεφάνου ἀρχιερατεύσ[ αἷς βουλευτὴς ᾿Οξυρυνχιτῶν πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ Τιμαγένι: τῷ καὶ Ἡρακλείδῃ τῶν ἐξ ἐφηβίας * ἰεἸἱερονικῶν (cf. 1708. int.) διὰ τοῦ πατρὸς ἹἩρακλείϊδ᾽ου τοῦ καὶ Δημητρίου βουλευτοῦ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως δ χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ πεπρακέναι σοι ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον τὴν Corr. from 9) ὑπάρχουσάν μοι αὐλὴν ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ πόλει ἐπ᾽ ἀμφόδου ° Κρητικοῦ συνηνω- μένην πατρικῇ μου 15 οἰκίᾳ, ἧς γίτονες νότου ἐμοῦ τοῦ Αὐρηλίου 1) Διογένους, βορ(ρ)ᾶ (o corr. from a) δημοσία ῥύμη, ἀπηλιώτου 12 Αὐρηλίας Χαιρομονίδος (1. Χαιρημ.) ἀδελφιδῆς μου, 13 λιβὸς δημοσία ῥύμη. τὰς δὲ συνπεφωνη- * μένας ὑπὲρ τιμῆς καὶ παραχωρητικοῦ τῆς 15 αὐτῆς αὐλῆς (and h.) ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίζματος δραχμὰς διακοσίας αὐτόθι ἀπέσχον πα- 1: pa corr. from δι) σοῦ διὰ τοῦ πατρός σοὺ διὰ


\ ἘΣ / 18 Ἀπ 39 Ν a n a) \ ,ὔ \ 5 , < \ c Xtpos εκ πλήρους. διὸ απὸ τοῦ VUV Κρατιν σε και KUPLEVELV συν» EKYOVOLS και τοις


=e XX a 20 7 a / Ε] lal ε 1 , \ la 6 Tapa σοῦ μεταλημ- ““ ψομένοις τῆς προκειμένης αὐλῆς ὡς ““ πρόκειται, καὶ χρᾶσθαι


καὶ oikovopiv 22 περὶ αὐτῆς als| ἐὰν ep? (1. αἱρῇ), ὅπερ (1. ἥνπερ) καὶ παρέξο- * μέ (1. -μαῦῦ σοι βεβαίαν διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων ** πάσῃ βαιβεώσι (1. βεβαιώσει), καὶ καθαρὰν ἀπὸ ἀπο- "ὃ γραφῆς (s corr. from v) ἀνδρῶν καὶ γεωργίας βασι- λικῆς γῆς [κ]αὶ (αι corr.) οὐσιακῆς καὶ ἀπὸ παν- “1 τὸς εἴδους καὶ ἀπὸ πάσης ὀφιλῆς “ὃ παντοίας Kia} ἀπὸ παντὸς οὑτινοσοῦν ἄλλου. κυρίία) πρᾶσις δισσὴ γραφῖσα [ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ΑἸὐρηλίου Διζογένους, ἥνπερ “1 [ὁπηνίκα ealy ἑρῇ ([. αἱρῇ) ποιήϊσομαζ σοι διὰ δη- 82 μοϊσίου μηδὲ)ν ἕτερον λαμβάνων παρὰ “5 [σ]οῦ, τῶν τῆ]ς καταγραϊφῆς τελῶν καὶ 34 [γρ]αμ[ματι]κῶν ὄντωϊν πρὸς ἐμέ. περὶ 35 δὲ [τ]οῦ [ταῦτα] ὀρθῶς Kall καλῶς γενέϊσθαι 86 ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολόγησα. *" (ἔτους) ς Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου 38 ᾿Αγτωνίίου Γορδιανοῦ] Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς °° Σεβίαστοῦ Φαῶφι κς.}] Αὐρήλιος Διογένης ΣΙτ]εφάν᾽ου πέπρακαϊ] Αὐρηλίῳ (w corr. from ov) [Τιμαγένι τῷ καὶ “Η[ἰρακλείδῃ διὰ το]ῦ πατρὸς ᾿ΗραἸκλίδου 4" τὴν προϊκειμένην αὐλήν, καὶ ἀπέσχο]ν ras τῆς τιμῆς δραχμὰς διακοσίας ** πλήρη, καὶ [βεβαιώσω πάσῃ βεβαιώσει, 5 καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα ὡς πρό- κειται. Verso 4" πρᾶ(σις) αὐλῆς Διογένους υἱοῦ Στεφάνου ἐκ Bop(pa) οἰκίας αὐτοῦ The restorations in Il. 30-4, 38-9, 41, 43-5 are obtained from the second copy, which is by the 2nd hand and in 1. 6 has πεπρακαίνε eis adel ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν, 12 Χαιρημονίδος, 16 αὐτόθει, 21 χρῆ- σθαι καὶ οἰκονομεῖν, 24 βεβαιώσει. By the καταγραφῆς τέλη in |. 33 are meant the customary 12 drachmae for Alexandria and the τιμήματος τέλη : cf. 1478. 17-18, n., where the γραμματικά are also discussed. ποιή σομαί σοι διὰ δη wo σίου

in ll. 31-2 corresponds to ἀνοίσις διὰ δημ. in 1208. 24; cf. 1638. 30, ἢ. 1698. 17x13°6cm. A.D. 268? Sale of house-property and building-land at a village. A few lines are lost at the beginning, and the first halves of lines _are missing throughout. The date is Thoth 13 (Sept. 10) of the 1st year of a third-century emperor whose name is lost (1. 28). Most probably he was Claudius II, who came to the throne shortly before the end of an Egyptian year, with the result that the year beginning Thoth 1 (Aug. 29), 268, was sometimes (unofficially) treated as the 16th of Gallienus and Ist of Claudius, sometimes (officially) as the 2nd of Claudius; cf. 1476. int., where the chronology of that period is discussed in detail. 1698, if our restoration of 1. 28is correct, is on the first system of dating, being parallel to P. Strassb. 6 and 10-11 (1646 is on the second system), and provides the earliest mention of Claudius in a papyrus, being 5 weeks earlier than P. Strassb. Io. 25 (Hermopolis ; ist year, Phaophi 19 = Oct. 16, 268). In the case of any other emperor than Claudius the restoration of his name in ]. 28 gives rise to great difficulties. Claudius is not the only third-century emperor whose accession took place near the end of an Egyptian year ; but there is evidence from coins and papyri concerning the date of the recognition in Egypt

of Macrinus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander (cf. 1522), Maximin, Gordian,



Aemilianus, Probus, and Diocletian, which is inconsistent with the attribu- tion of Sept. Io to the Ist year of any of these. Emperors who at their accession reigned jointly (Balbinus and Pupienus, Gallus and Volusian, Valerian and Gallienus, Macrianus and Quietus, Vaballathus and Aurelian, Carus and Carinus and Numerian) are excluded by the use of the singular. Decius is now known to have been recognized at Oxyrhynchus by Choiak 1 (Nov. 28) of his Ist year, and there is evidence for his accession before Oct. 16 (cf. 1636. 41, n.); but his name is too long for the lacuna, and on Sept. 10, 249, in Egypt the Philippi were probably still regarded as reigning. Tacitus is generally considered to have come to the throne in September, but his accession can hardly have been known at Oxyrhynchus by Sept. Io, 275, and 1455, written on Oct. 19 of that year, is still dated by Aurelian. Quintillus (1476. int.) is equally improbable, for on Oct. 20, 269 (1646. int.), the dating at Oxyrhynchus was still by Claudius. Hence in the absence of testimony concerning other emperors that more than one system of reckoning their Ist year was employed, there is a strong presump- tion in favour of Claudius as the emperor in 1698. After traces of 1 line *[32 letterslov dad τῆς αὐτῆς] πόλεῳς xal-*[pew. ὁμολογῶ πεπρακέναι σοι ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦ]ν εἰς τὸν [ἀεὶ χρόϊνον τὴ] ὑπάρ- 4 χουσάν μοι ἐν KOpN..--.--- eee ἐϊν τοῖς ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτου μέρεσι ταύ- της τῆς κώμης 17 1. οἰκίαν, ἧς γείτονες νότου Onpiogt= “la ρύμη, Boppa . |. .% .% ~ > yee 4 , ἀπηλιώτου] Αἰνέως καὶ ἄλλων, λιβὸς ἑτέ- "[pov, καὶ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ κώμῃ ἐν τοῖς ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτου μέρεσι ψειλὸν τό- 8 [rov 21 L., οὗ γείτ]ονες νότου καὶ ἀπηλιώτου ἑτέρων “30 1.1. ες [κ]αὶ ἄλλων, λιβὸς δημοσία ῥύ- (un, τὰς δὲ συμπεφωνημένας π]ρὸς ἀϊλ᾽λήλους ὑπὲρ τιμῆς τῆς ad- 1] ἱτῆς οἰκίας καὶ retAov ToTmOv...... a\plyluptov Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος 13 δὀραχμὰς 15 1. αἰὐτόθι ἀπέσχον παρὰ σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους, |! καὶ περὶ τούτων ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡ]μολό- γησα. κρατεῖν οὖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν [ody ἐκγόνοις καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σ]οῦ μεταλημψο- μένοις τῶν πωλουμένων 1 [cou im’ ἐμοῦ ὡς πρόκειται οἰκιῶ]ν καὶ ψειλοῦ τόπου, καὶ ἀποφέρεσθαι [rdvtra τὰ ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν περιεσόμενα ἀπ]ὸ τοῦ [ἐ]υ[εἸστῶτος ἔτους, καὶ χρᾶσθαι 1" [καὶ οἰκονομεῖν περὶ αὐτῶν] ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, ἅπερ καὶ ἐπάναγκον (-ναγ᾽κον) παρ- 1 [ἐξομαί σοι βέβαια διὰ παντὸς] ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσει, καὶ 13͵καθαρὰ ἀπό τε ἀπογραφῆς ἀνδρῶ]ν καὶ γεωργίας βασιλικῆς καὶ οὐσια- [Kis γῆς καὶ παντὸς εἴδους καὶ ὀἸφειϊλῆ]ς πάσης καὶ κατοχῆς παντοί- 21{as καὶ ἀπὸ παντὸς οὑτινοσοῦν] ἄλλου, κ[α]ὶ πάντα τὸν καθ᾽ ὁνδηποτοῦν 22 ἱτρόπον ἐπελευσόμενον ἐμπ᾽ οιησόμευο]ν ἀφι- στάνιν παραχρῆμα τοῖς ** [ἰδίοις ἀνηλώμασι καθάπερ ἐκ δ]ίκης. κυρία πρᾶσις τ[ρ]ισσὴ γραφεῖσα, “3. [ἥνπερ ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ δημοσιώσεἾις διὰ τοῦ καταλογείου, οὐ προσδεό- μενος “ὁ [μεταλήμψεως μου οὐδὲ ἑτέρας εὐδοκήσε]ως διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εἰὐ]δοκείν 38 [με τῇ ἐσομένῃ δημοσιώσει. περὶ δὲ τοῦ τ]αίτα [ὀρθῶς καλῶς [γε νέ- 2" [Oa ὑπὸ σοῦ

ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. (ἔτους) a Αὐτοκράτυρ[ος] Καίσαρος Ϊ 38 [Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου


Κλαυδίου" Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτ]υχοῦς Σεβαστοῦ Θὼθ ry. * (and h.) [40 1. οἰκιῶν καὶ τοῦ 80 [ψιλοῦ τόπου ----. In]. 11 the word after τόπου may be ἀχανοῦς : cf. 1702. 3. 1699. 17:5x19:1cm. A.D. 240-280. A similar contract, incomplete at the end, for the sale of a house and building-land at Paimis (cf. 1629. 8, n.) to Aur. Serenus son of Agathinus (cf. 1681. 1, n.) for 4,500 drachmae. 1 Αὐρήλιοι Ϊ. . - - «« «ον κα]ὶ Σαραπίων καὶ “Qpos καὶ Κόλλουθος Τί... . - «- « «Ὁ 2 λου μητρὸς . «- - - « - ἀπὸ κἸώμης Παείμεως τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχείτου (-vy’x.) νἱοἸμίοῦ Αὐρη- λίῳ Σερήνῳ τῷ καὶ Σαραπίωνι ᾿Αγαθείνου καὶ ὡς χρηματίζεις χαίρειν. ὁϊμολογοῦμεν 4 πεπρακέναι [oor ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν] εἰς τὸν ἅπαντα χρόνον τὰ ὑπάρχοντα ἡμῖν ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ 5 κώμῃ Παείμίει ἐν τοῖς] ἀνὰ μέσον μέρεσι τῆς κώμης οἰκίαν μονόστίεγον καὶ ἀθύρωτον καὶ [. «- ««ωτον καὶ τοὺς περὶ αὐτὴν ψειλοὺς τόπους σὺν χρηστη(ρίοις) καὶ [ἀνήκου- Τ σι καὶ συνκύρουσι πᾶσει, ὧν [γ]είτονες νότου Φουλλίου καὶ Πασαλύμιος καὶ ἄλλων, βορρᾶ [ΩἸρίουὉ 8 Πεττίριος (πετ᾽τ.), ἀπηλιώτου δημοσία ῥύμη, λιβὸς ἱερόν, τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημένης πρὸς ἀλλήλους τῆς προκειμένης οἰκίας καὶ ψειλῶν τόπων καὶ χρηστηρίων apyv- 1°piov Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος δραχμῶν τετρακισχειλίων πεντακοσίων, ἅσπερ αὐὖ- 11 τόθι ἀπέϊσ]χομεν παρὰ σοῦ ἐκ πλήρους διὰ χειρός, καὶ περὶ τοῦ ἦρι- θμῇσθαι ἡμᾶς ἐξ ὅλο- 12 κλήρου ἐπερωτηθέντες ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολογήσαμεν. διὸ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν κρατεῖν σε 15 καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν ἐκγόνοις καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μεταλημψομένοις τῶν πωλου- !* μένων σοι ὑφ᾽ ἡμῶν ὡς πρόκειται οἰκίας καὶ ψειλῶν τόπων καὶ χρηστηρίων, 16 καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν χρᾶσθαι καὶ οἰκονομεῖν περὶ αὐτῶν ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, μ[ηδεμιᾶς 16 ἡμῖν μηδ᾽ ἄλλῳ μηδενὶ ὑπὲρ ἡμῶν ἐφόδου καταλειπομένης ἐπ᾽ [αὐτὰ 7 ἐπὶ μέ- 17 pos αὐτῶν κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον, ἅπερ καὶ ἐπάναγκες (-ay’k.) παρέξομέν [σοι βέβαια '* διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσει, καὶ καθαρὰ ἀπό τε ἀπογραϊφῆς ἀνδρῶν 15 καὶ γεωργίας βασιλικῆς καὶ οὐϊσι]ακῆς γῆς καὶ παντὸς εἴδους καὶὶ ἀπὸ ὀφειλῆς καὶ κα- 30 τρχῆς παντοίας δημοσ lias τε καὶ ἰδιωτικῆς (i5.) καὶ πολιτικῆς καὶ γεουχικῆς ? (cf. 1638. 15) 2) καὶ ἀπὸ πίαντὸς οὑτινοσοῦν ἄλλου, καὶ πάντα τὸν καθ᾽ ὁνδηποτοῦν τρόπον ἐπελευσόμε- 22 vov ἐμ[ποιησόμενον ἀφιστάνειν παραχρῆμα τοῖς ἰδίοις ἀνηλώμασι καθάπερ ἐκ δίκης. κυρία 35 πρᾶσις -- with vestiges of 1 more line. 1700. 12:4x15-1 cm. Late third century, in the Ist year of an emperor (l. 20). The middle part of a contract for the sale of arable and vine-land, a pigeon-house, and house-property at Seruphis (cf. 1285. 71) for 2 talents. 1 κώμῃ Σερύφει .. [35 letters *ov καὶ ὁλόκληρον περιστερεῶνα καὶ οἰκίαν καὶ αὐλὴν σὺν χρη- 2 στηρίοις καὶ ἀνήκουσι πᾶσι, ὧν ὅλων γείτονες νότου Τασωτίᾶ ἢ, 4 βορρᾶ διῶρυξ, ἀπηλιώτου δημοσία ῥύμη, λιβὸς ἑτέρων ψιλοὶ τό- ὅποι, τὰς δὲ συμπεφωνημένας πρὸς ἀλλήλους ὑπὲρ (ὕπ.) τιμῆς " [τ]ῶν προκειμένων πάντων ἀργυ- ρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος [δ]ραχμὰς μυριάδαν μίαν δισχειλίας, αἵ εἰσιν ἀργυρίου τάλαντα ἰδύ]ο, αὐτόθι ἀπίέϊσχον, καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα ἠριθμῆ- ἴσθαι ἐμὲ) 10

a Ν N 5 / a \ 5 ? παρὰ σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους. κρατεῖν οὖν σε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν ἐγγόνοις (εγ᾽ γ.)

\ o \ a / 11 / c , “* Ν καὶ τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μεταλημψομέ- " νοις τῶν προκειμένων ὑπαρχόντων (ὕπ.) καὶ


5 sx \ 13 la a n \ " a c Oe « i: Vi ‘a , ΕΣ =

οἰκοπέδων, καὶ 15 χρᾶσθαι καὶ διοικεῖν περὶ αὐτῶν ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν (-€t) lad >} / ,, Ἂν

13 ἑτέροις π[ω]λεῖν, ἅπερ ἐπάναγκες (-ay'k.) παρέξομαί σοι βέβαια διὰ παν- 4

Sea / / , \ \ 5 , ΄ i 15-2 \ ἀπὸ πάντων πάσῃ βεβαιώσει, Kal καθαρὰ ἀπό τε γεωργίας βασιλει κης και

ἊΝ; τος

οὐσιακῆς γῆς καὶ παντὸς εἴδους καὶ ἀπὸ ὀϊφειλῆς καὶ κατο- 15 χῆς πάσης [δ᾽ ημοσίας τε καὶ ἰδιωτικῆς (ἰδ.), καὶ τὰ μὲν σειτικὰ καὶ ἀμπε- 11 λικὰ ἐδ ἀφ]η ἀπὸ ἀπεργασίας καὶ ὑδροφυλακίας (ὑδρ.) χωμάτων, ἔτι δὲ καὶ 18 ἀπὸ τῶν ὑπὲρ αὐτῶν τελουμένων δημοσίων τ εἰλεσμάτων καὶ ἐπι- 19 κλασμῶν Kal) ἐπιμερισμῶν παντοίων τῶν ἕως ἐπαγομένων κ[αὶ] αὐ- 39 τῶν ἐπαγομένων τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος a (ἔτους) διὰ τὸ τὰ ἀπίὸ τοῦ εἰσιόϊντος β (ἔτους) τού- 531 22

των πρόσφορα εἶναι σοῦ τοῦ ὠνουμένου, πρὸς Oly καὶ εἷν αι τὰ ἀπὸ

τὺ av- “5 τοῦ εἰσιόντ' οἷς β (ἔτους) τελέσματα παντοῖϊα,)] τὸν δὲ ἀπε See

ἐμποιηϊσογμενον ἀποστήσειν παραχρῆμα τοῖς ἰδίοις Gaye τιν ον" * καθάπερ

rk δίκης. κυρία 1) πρᾶσις τρισσὴ γραφεῖσα, [ἥνπερ ὁπηνίκα * ἐὰν αἱρῇ δημοσιώσεις

διὰ τοῦ καταλογίου, οὐ προσδεόμενος μετα- “ὁἸλήμψεως μου οὐδὲ ἑτέρας μου εὐδο᾿- κήσεως 6 1a τὸ ἐντεῦθεν | —.

1701. 109x126 cm. Third century. Fragment ofa sale of house-property at Oxyrhynchus which had been mortgaged (ἐπὶ ὑποθήκῃ, 1. 15) to the buyer as security for two loans, of 4,000] dr. and 5,100 dr. respectively. These loans, together with accrued interest amounting to |. ./64 dr. (1. 19), were apparently deducted from the purchase-price, which was not less than 18,000 dr. (1. 14). Cf. int. to 1684, which is similar, but better preserved. About half the lines 40-50 letters) in 1701. 5 sqq. are lost, and 5 letters more in |. 4, and 18 more in 1. 3; only in 1. 16 can the initial lacuna be supplied with a high degree of oa, After traces of 2 lines —| .[1- [-]reen μετὰ τὸ. ε- [.]..-[ 15 1. *[— ἥμισυ μέρος pees καὶ ae ue) πρότερον Μώρου τοῦ καὶ Ψύιτος τὸ λοιπὸν ἥμισυ [μέρος —, καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς] αὐτῆς πόλεως ἀπὸ οἰκιῶν δύο συνηνωμένων ἀλλήλοις (1. -λαις) τὴν βορινὴν (-νἢ) [οἰκίαν ---- kat μέρος τῆς] ἑτέρας οἰκίας μετὰ τοὺΪς] διαταγέντας ἐκ τῆς ἐπάνω διαθήκης ὑπὸ τοῦ Τ [πατρὸς ? —].17@ ἀδελφῷ μου λοιποὺς τόπους πάντας, νυνὶ δὲ τῆς αὐτῆς οἰκίας [-- ἐϊποικοδομεῖν ὁπόταν αἱρῇ τῇ συνεστώσῃ πρώτῃ στέγῃ τῆς αὐτῆς " ἰοἰκίας ----ἰείσασθαι τὴν πρώτην στέγην πρὸς τὸ ἀκινδύνως καὶ ἀσφαλῶς 1) ἐνοικεῖν ?, ὧν γείτονες νότου —, ἀπηλιώτου pun, βορρᾶ [καὶ λιβὸς κληρονόμων Θέωνος τοῦ καὶ Ζωίλου, {kal ἐπὶ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως μετὰ TO δίμ)υροΐν] (1. δίμ]οιρ.) μέρἰο᾽ς οἰκίας καὶ τῶν ταύτης χρηστηρίων καὶ ἀνηκόντων 12 |— τὸ λοιπὸν τρίτ]ον μέρος, ἧς ὅλης γίτονες νότου Κοπρέωϊς] οἰκία καὶ μετόχων, 1" [βορρᾶ —, ἀπηλιώτου --- λιβὸς ---Ἶου, τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημένης πρὸς ἀλλήλους τῶν προκειμένων (-v@) 1 [οἰκιῶν καὶ ἀργ]υρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος δραχμῶν μυρίων ὀκτακισχειλίων 1°(—? αἵ εἰσι τάλαντα τρία --- πρὸς τὰ κατα]βληθέντα σοι ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ κατὰ ἀσφαλείους (1. -εἰας) δύο γεγονυίας (-vi.) ἐπὶ ὑποθήκῃ τῶν 1" ἱπροκειμένων οἰκιῶν ἢ, μίαν μὲν τῷ . ἔτει τῆς εὐτυχεστάτης ταύτης βασιλίας μηνὶ ΠΠαῦνι κῃ κεφαλαίου ἀργυρίου δραχμὰς τετρακισ-


1 χιλίας —, ἑτέραν δὲ TO. ἔτει ---ἰ κεφαλαί ov] δραχμὰς πεντακισχειλίας ἑκατόν, ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτὸ τῶν δύο 15[ἀσφαλειῶν κεφαλαίου δραχμὰς —, τοὺς] δὲ συναχθέντας δραχμιαίους τόκους τῶν ἕως τοῦ διελθόντος 19]. ἔτους δραχμὰς ---Ἰτακοσίας ξ]ή κοντα τ ἐσίσαρες, τὸ ἐπ]. τὸ [αἸἰὐτὸ κεφαλαίου καὶ τόκων 39 [δραχμὰς ---ἰτιαΐ. .. «..] . ov γαμετὴ |—. Inl. 9 ἐφ᾽ ἀσφαλ]είσασθαι is not unlikely.

1702. 16-5x9-3cm. A.D. 290. Sale, or both sale and cession (cf. 1208. 8), of a piece of building-land (called ἀχανής) at an unspecified place for [1 ?]2,800 drachmae (ll. 3-4), lacking the beginning of the contract and the second halves of lines, which can, however, be restored from e.g. 1636. After remains of 1 line συμπεφωνημένας πρὸς ἀλλήλους ὑπὲρ τιμῆς τοῦ προκειμένου ψι- > λοῦ τόπου ἀχανοῦς ἀργυρίου Σεβαστ[ῶν νομίσματος δραχμὰς μυρίας Ὁ] * δισχει- λίας ὀκτακοσίας αὐτόθει [ἀπέσχον παρὰ σοῦ παραχρῆμα διὰ χειρὸς ἐκ πλήρους.


a a \ , \ a Ir a κρατῖν οὖν ἴσε καὶ κυριεύειν σὺν ἐκγόνοις καὶ τοῖς Tapa σοῦ μεταλημψομέ νοις τοῦ

προκειμένου ψιλοῦ τόπου ἀχανοῦς, καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειϊν χρᾶσθαι καὶ οἰκονομεῖ" περὶ αὐτοῦ ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, ἐμαὶ (1. ἐμὲ) δὲ ply ἐπελεύσεσθαι ἐπ᾽ ad- τὸ ἐπὶ μέρος avTod pnd GAXOoly pyndeva .......--- ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ 15 κατὰ μηδένα τρόποι, ἀλλὰ ἐπάναγκες παρέξομαί σοι 11 βέβαιον καὶ καθαρὸν ἀπὸ μόνου τοῦ [ἐμοῦ ὀνόματος καὶ ἀπὸ παν- 13 τὸς τοῦ ἐξ ὀνόματός μου ἐπελευσομένου σοι διὰ τὸ ἀρ- 15 χεῖσθαί (1. ἀρ κ-) σε τῇ εἴς μαι (1. με) ἀπὸ τῇϊς προκτητρίας (cf. 1636. 24) βεβαιώσει ἐπὶ τοῖς evye- γραμμένοις πλήρης. κυρία » πρᾶσις --- γρα- 1" φῖσα, ἥρπερ (1. ἣνπ.) ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱρῇ δίημοσιώσεις διὰ τοῦ καταλογίου, 15 οὐ προσδεόμενος μεταλήμ[ψεως μου διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐ- 1ἴ δοκεῖν τῇ ἐσομένῃ δημοσιώσει. περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα dp- 8 θῶς καλῶς γίνεσθαι καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα. 1 ἔτους ¢ (ἔτ.) Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Γαίου (γαϊ) ᾿Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου 39 Διοκληϊτι]ανοῦ καὶ ἔτους ε (ἔτ.) Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου “1 Οὐαλερίϊου Μαξιμιανοῦ Τερμανικῶϊν Μεγίστων Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν * Σεβαστῶν Παῦνι (παῦ.) xe. The following 4 lines contain- ing the signature, which have been expunged, begin (2nd ἢ.) 2᾿[Σαϊραπάμμων καὶ Φιλέας πέπίρακα —. On the verso is part of an account in a different hand. 1708. 8-3x15:5 cm. Third century. Beginning of a contract for the con- veyance (καταγεγραφέναι ; cf. 1686. 42-3, n.) of part of a house at Seruphis (cf. 1285. 71) to a cosmetes of Oxyrhynchus from an agoranomus, acting on behalf of his 3 sons, who were under his manus (cf. 1642. 5, n.) and had bought the property previously from the cosmetes. One of the sons belonged to the ἐξ ἐφηβίας tepovixar; cf. B.G.U. 1093. 2, 1697. 3, 1705. 2-3, and for ἱερονῖκαι 1691. int. 1 Αὐρήλιος Vepivios ὁ] καὶ Σιλβανὸς Δημητρίου [ἀγο]ρανόμος 3 βουλευτὴς τῆς [| Οξυρυ]γχειτῶν πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ ᾿Απίωνι ° τῷ καὶ Πτολλίζω]νι κοσμητῇ βου(λευ)τῇ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως * υἱῷ (vim) Πτολλίωνος - ἐξι{.Ἰτος

ἤσαν iis αὐτῆς πόλεως χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ] καταγεγραφέναι σοι ἀπὸ] κοσμητεύσαντος τῆς αὐτῆς “πόλεως χαίρειν. ὅϊμι οἱ λογῶῷ) yeyp πὶ



\ a

n an r , _ το[Ὁ νῦν εἰς τὸν ἀεὶ χρόνον ἐώϊνηϊντε (1. -νται) παρὰ σοῦ δι᾽ ἐμοῦ oft ὑπο- 7 χείί- 8

ρι]οί μου υἱοὶ (vior) Αὐρήλιοίι ΔΊημήτριος μητρὸς ᾿Ισιδώ[ρας ἐξ ἐφηβίας ἱερονικῶν (iep.) καὶ ᾿Ἡλιζ[ό]δίω- ρος kali] Σιλβανὸς ἀμφότεροι μητρὸς ᾿Απίας τῆς καὶ 19 Ταπαί[.]. .- - - ς Ξόιτ[ο]ς, οἱ τρ[εἸῖς ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως, 1" ἐν κώμῃ Σερύφει ἐν τοῖς ἀπὸ βορρᾶ ἐπ᾽ ἀπηλιώτου 12 μέρεσι τῆς κώϊης τρίτον μέρος οἰκίας

3 kall τῶὶν» sulyxupovtwly ..[.Joe.[...... le. .].[...]—

lal \ , an τῆς Kat Διονυσίας τῶν


1704. 21x1I5cm. A.D. 298. Conveyance (l. 24 καταγραφή ; cf. 1686. 42-3, n.)

of buildings and corn-land at Sesphtha (cf. 1659. 108), with a water-wheel (1. 11), windlass, stone, &c. The price of the property, which had been inherited by the vendor from his parents, is not stated, and though it may possibly have been given in the lost beginning, is more likely to have been the subject of a distinct contract of πρᾶσις. After parts of 4 lines, [40 letters] .... ψ[ιλ]ῶν τόπων κατελθόντων [eis ®[we ἀπὸ κληρονομίας ? τῶν] προ- 4 \ Μ 5 / 7 “-“ γεγραϊμμ]ένω]ν μοι (1. μου) πατρός τε καὶ μητρός, ὄντων ἐν κώμῃ Σέσφθα *[rijs Κάτω τοπαρχίας τοῦ ᾿ΟἸξ[υ]ρυγχείζτο]υ νομοῦ ἐν διαφόροις τόϊποῖις, καὶ περὶ τὴν αὐτὴν κώμην 820 1.] τῶν αὐτῶν οἰκοπαίδων (1. οἰκοπέδ.) καὶ τῶν σιϊτικῶν ἀρουρῶν ἐφ᾽ οἵων εἰσὶν διαθέ- ϑ͵σεων καὶ... . - - καὶ γειτνιῶ τὴν καὶ τοποθεσιῶν (cf. 1687. 21- 7,N.), πάντῳωϊν ἀϊκολούθῳως τοῖς ἀπὸ τῶν γοναίων (1. γονέων) 1" [δικαίοις .... «οὐ ον ον ἐπὶ τούτοις κρατῖν ὑμᾶς ([ἡ |μ.) τοῦ αὐτοῦ ἐπιβ[άλλ)οντός μου μέρους ὅσου ἐὰν 7 τῶν (τῶ) 11 [mpoxemevov......... οἸἰκοπαίδων (]. -πεδ.) [καὶ το]ῦ ἐν αὐτῆς (1. -ταῖς) μοι 5 a 5 a Ν id \ 7 Me 123 \ n (1. pov) a[y|rAereKod (1. ἀϊν]τλητικοῦ) σὺν στροβίλῳ καὶ λίθῳ καὶ 17 (22 1.1α καὶ σιτικῶν 5 Ν 5 , 3 \ al \ (ie , 13 V3 ΄ὔ ἀρουρῶν σὺν ἐγγόνοις (εγ᾽ γ.) καὶ τοῖς (παρὰ) ὑμῶν μεταλημψομένοις, καὶ ἐξουσίαν Ν ὯΝ \ » fal \ Dan « δὰ eens ces PJ te \ ἔχειν χ]ρᾶσθαι καὶ οἰκονομῖν περὶ αὐτῶν ὡς ἃ[ν] ἑρῇ (1. αἱρῇσθε) ἀνεμποδίστως, καὶ Ψ , 14 XX 5 2 > a , 5 x tf - λ / ἌΣ ΟΦ ὌΝ ἀποφέρεσθαι 1 [πάντα τὰ ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν περιε]σόμενα εἰς τὸ ἴδιον (id.), τελούσας τὰ ὑπὲρ τῶν σιτικῶν ἀρουρῶν δημόσια 15 τελέσματα καὶ ἐπικλασμοὺς) καὶ ἐπιμερισμοὺς ΄ - \ + NT φως b) mn 3 , 16 / 9:59 aS παντοίους, μηδεμιᾶς μοι ἄλλῳ μηδενὶ ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐφόδου 15 [καταλειπομένης ἐπ᾽ αὐτὰ ἢ) ἐπὶ μέρος αὐτῶν κατὰ μηδένα τρόπον, ἅπερ καὶ ἐπάναγκες παρέϊξ ομαι ὑμῖν (vpt) 1 [βέβαια διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων] πάσῃ βεβαιώσι καὶ καθαρὰ ἀπό τε ὀφιλῆς καὶ κατοχῆς corr. from x) παντοίας καὶ [ἀπ]ὸ πα- [ντὸς οὑτινοσοῦν ἄλλου, καὶ! τὸν καθ᾽ ὁνδηποτοῦν τρόπον ἐπελευσόμενον ἐμποιησόμενον τού- 13 των ἀφιστάνειν κατ]ὰ 5 aN , a ta n / , a ] 5 ,ὕ ΄ 20 Ν κέλεἰυσίν σου παραχρῆμϊία τα]ῖς ἐαυτῶν δαπάναις καθάπερ ἠκ (1. ἐκ) δίκης. κύρια 329 [τὰ τῆς καταγραφῆς γράμματα τετρασσὰ γρ]αφέντα πρὸς τὸ ἑκάτερον ἡμῶν ἔχιν δισσόν, ἥμπερ ὁπηνίκα 3 [ἐὰν αἱρῇ δημοσιώσεις, οὐ προσδεόμενος μεταλήμψεως οὐδὲ! ἑτέρας μου εὐδοκήσεως διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐδοκῖμ με τῇ ἐσομέ- ** [vy δημοσιώσει. περὶ δὲ τοῦ ταῦτα ὀρθῶς καλῶς γ]εν[έ σθαι ὑπὸ σ[οῦ ἐπερωτ]ηθεὶς ὡ[μ]ολόγησα. (ἔτους) Ld καὶ (ἔτ.) ty τῶν (τῷ) * [κυρίων ἡμῶν Διοκλητιανοῦ καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν καὶ] (ἔτ.) ¢ τῶ» κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου (wm corr. from αι) καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν ἐπιφανεσ- *4'ratwv Κιαισ ρων ....... , ὑπατίας ᾿Ανικίου Φαύστου καὶ] Οὐ[ι]ρίου Γάλλου (cf. 1705. 22). (2nd h.) *|— ἔσ]χον τὴν [κ]αταγραφὴν 36... ..... ». +. τοῖς π]ροκει- μίμένοις, καὶ “1 [ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα.


1705. 21-3x16-7 cm. A.D. 298. Sale of a loom (1. 6, ἱστὸς ταρσικοὐφικός, a new adjective; for ταρσικάριοι cf. Reil, Gewerd. 98) and its apparatus for 2 talents 1,000 drachmae. In 264 (54) a smaller loom with ἀντία and ἱστόποδες was sold for 20 drachmae. 1 Οὐαλέριος Πετερμοῦθις στρατιώτης dv ἐμοῦ Αὐρηλίου Σαραπίωνος Σαραπί- * wvos ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμ(προτάτης) ᾿ΟξυρυϊγἸχειτῶν πόλεως [τ]ῶν ἐξ ἐφηβίας ἱερονικῶν (iep.) (cf. 1708. int.) Αὐρηλίᾳ Εὐδαιμονίδει τῇ καὶ ᾿Απολλωνίᾳ ματρώνᾳ στ[οἸλάτᾳ * χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ πεπρακέναι σοι ἐντεῦθεν ὃν κἀγὼ ἐώνημαι παρὰ Αὐρη- λίου Σαραπάμμωνος Θώνιος ἀπὸ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως τῷ ἐνεστῶτι ἔτι μηνὶ Μεχεὶρ ἱστὸν ταρσικοὐφικὸν μήκους πηχῶν δέκα πλάτους πη- |‘ χῶν ἕξ, καὶ τὴν οὖσαν ἔνθ᾽α ἀπόκειται ἐξαρτίαν πᾶσαν

τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημ[έν]ης πρὸς ἀλλήϊλ᾽ους ἀργυρίου Σεβαστῶν


i UN τΣ don{v} ἐὰν 1,

9 νομίσματος ταλάντων δύο καὶ δραχμῶν χιλείων, ἅπερ αὐτόθι ἀπέσχον 19 παρὰ σοῦ

, Ν , \ @ 7 \ 11: « \ - nc ,

ἐκ πλήρους διὰ [χ]ειρός, περὶ Hs ἀριθμήσεως ἐπερωτηθεὶς 11 ὑπὸ, (Uz.) σοῦ ὡμολόγησα,

ὅνπερ ἱστὸν καὶ τὴν ἐξαρτίαν βαστάξεις 1" ἐντεῦθεν ἔνθα ἀπόκειται καὶ μετενεγκεῖς

3 aN 7 5 / 13 \ \ ΄ Ν 5 , \ (-εγ᾽ κι) ὅπου ἐὰν θέλῃς ἀκωλύτως, '’ καὶ κρατεῖν σε Kal κυριεύει» σὺν ἐκγόνοις Kal τοῖς παρὰ σοῦ μεταλημψομέ- vois, καὶ ἐξουσίαν ἔχειν χρᾶσθαι καὶ ἐκμισθοῖν καὶ πωλεῖν ὡς ἐὰν αἱρῇ, 15 Kall] παρέξομαί σοι β[ ἐβαιον διὰ παντὸς ἀπὸ πάντων 15 π[ἀσ]η βεβαιώσι, καὶ τὸν ἐπελευσόμενόν olor ἀϊποστήσω παρα- 1 χρῆμα ταῖς ἐμαυτοῦ δαπάναις, καθάπερ ἐκ δίϊκης.] κυρία πρᾶσις 18 ἁπλῆ γραφεῖσα, καὶ ἐπερωτί η)θεὶς ὡμολόγηΪσ]α. (ἔτους) 16 15 καὶ (ἔτ.) vy τῶν] κυρίων ἡμῶν Διοκλη[τ])ιανοῦ κα]ὶ Μαξι- μιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν καὶ (ἔτ.) ς τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν Κωνσταντίου καὶ 51 Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν

corr. from σ) ἐπιφανεστάτων Ἱζαισάρων ᾿Επεὶφ ιβ, ὑπατείας (ὕπ.) ᾿Αννικίου

Φαύστου καὶ Οὐιρίου (ovi.) Γάλλου. (2nd h.) ““ Οὐαλέριος Παθερμοῦτις δι᾽ ἐμοῦ

Σαραπίωνος ** πέπρακα τὸν ἱστὸν (ἰσ.) καὶ τὴν ἐξαρτίαν πᾶσαν, “5 καὶ ἀπέσχον τὰ τῆς

nr 3 / / 7, 26 Ν \ ΄ Ως / ᾿ Ἂν / / « ΟΝ ’ὔ τιμῆς ἀργυρίου τάλαντα δύο ““ καὶ dpaxpas χιλίας πλήρη, καὶ βεβαιώσω ὡς “' πρό- κειται, καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς ὡμολόγησα.

1706. 12x1I1I-5cm. Α. Ὁ. 207. Sale of two female slaves, drawn up at the > tal πὶ , . ἀγορανομεῖον οἵ Oxyrhynchus by ἐπιτηρηταί (as frequently happens in Hera- cleopolite contracts; cf. 1208. 2, n.), and similar to 1209 (251-3) and P. 5.1. 182 (234). Blank spaces were sometimes left for names and ages, which have been partly supplied by a different hand. About 35 letters are lost at the ends of Il. 2-16 and about 8 more in ll. 17-20, and the conclusion is missing. Two new demes at AntinGopolis occur, ᾿Αρτεμίσιος in the Athenian tribe and Ἰσίδιος in the Paulinian. 1!”E/ro|vis ἑκκαιϊδείκάτου (cf. 1.15) Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Λουκίου Σεπτιμίου Σεουήρου Εὐσεβοῦς Περτίνακος 2᾽ Αραβ[ικοῦ ᾿Αδι]αβην[ικο]ῦ Παρθικοῦ Μεγίστου καὶ Μάρκζου Αὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου Εὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστῶν * καὶ Πουβλίου Σεπτιμίου Γέτα Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ Δίου [--- Θὼθ --- ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει διὰ * ἐπιτηρητῶν ἀγορανομίου καὶ [— ἐπρίατο Σαραπιὰς ἐπικεκλημένη Θαῆσις ἀπελευθέρα ΙΤαυ- “λινίου τοῦ καὶ ᾿Ισιδίου (io.)


w(s) (ἐτῶν) μετὰ κυρίου [rod ἑαυτῆς ‘Hpa- κλίδου ᾿Αθηναιέως τοῦ καὶ "Apreper- fal x / 4. 9. 4

σείου ὡς (ἐτῶν) Ky ἀσή(μου) 7, Σαραποῦτος --- 8 μητρὸς Ταυσοράπιος ἀπ Οξυρύγχων

πόλεως ὡς δι[ὰ --- καὶ ---- τῆς αὐτῆς μητρὸς Ταυσοράπιος ἀπελευθέρας Θαήσιος ἀπ[ὸ

/ ? 9 tw, ἑκατέρας δὲ μετὰ κυρίου Sapa-

an oe , ς 5 SINE , τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ws (ET.) . . οὐλὴ μετώ- fal Ἂν an , a n ποῦτος μὲν τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ ? μητρὸς 11 Ταυσοράπιος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ὡς (ér.) |, [— δὲ --- ros ἀπελευθέρου ‘Hpaxdaros ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως --- ἐν ἀγυιῇ τὰς

Boas αὐταῖς ἐξ ἴσ[ο]υ (1σ.) δούλας δύο ᾿Αφροδίτην μ[ητρὸς ? των

ὑπαρχού- ὁμύως (1. ὁμοίως) ἐξ ἴσου (1σ.}) κατὰ χρηματισμὸν γεγίονότα διὰ τοῦ ἐν ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλει ἀγορανομίου Ὁ" 15 τῷ προδιεληλυθότι Corr.) ιὃ (ἔτει) μηνὶ Καισαρίῳ (αι corr. from ε) παρὰ A[— 1°’Appewviov ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως apd. . νδ[---- 11 ἐνιαυτοῦ ἑνὸς καὶ μηνῶν πέντε [— Bai (corr. by 2nd h. from as) παρίληφεν ὠνουμένη

ΡΝ can 3 7 , / 1 Tapia TOV ἀποδομένων --- ταυτὰας Τοιαῦντας

" ἀναπορρίφους πλὴν ἐπαφῆς ληνΐ--- διὰ τὸ τὴν ᾿Αφροδί- τὴν ἀνακεκρίσθαι (cf. 1468. int.) ὡς διὰ τοῦ προϊτεταγμένου χρηματισμοῦ δηλοῦται --- with vestiges of 1 more line. On the verso is a list of contracts (1726) in a different hand.

1707. 18x88cm. A.D. 204. Sale of a female ass for 600 drachmae ; cf. P.S. 1.79 and 1708. Both parties were Alexandrian citizens, one of them from a new tribe (Εὐθηνόδιος, 1. 4). 1 {Opodoyet} ᾿Απολλώνιος Πφαιστίωνος 2 το] ᾿Αμμωνίου Σωσικόσμιος K(at) “AAO ar\eds ?’AToAAwriw ᾿Απολλωνίου τοῦ Σαραπίω- * vos Εὐθηνοδίου (1. -δίῳ) τῷ corr. from ov) καὶ ᾿Αλθεεῖ (1. ᾿Αλθαιεῖ) χαίρειν. ° ὁμολογῶ πεπρακέναι σοι ὄνον θήλειαν © πρωτοβώλῳς (1, - βόλον) μυόχρωμον

Tkrov τιμῆς τῆς συμπεφωνημέ- ὅνης πρὸς ἀλλήλους ἀργυρίου Σεβαστῶν

M wr, / (Op.) x, ἃς καὶ αὐτόθι ἀπέσχεν 6-

11 μολογῶν ᾿Απολλώνιος Tapa τοῦ corr.) 1 ᾿Απολλωνίου, Kal Be(Bar)doe πάσῃ βε-

ἀχάρα- * νομίσματος δραχμὰς (1. -ὥν) ἑξακοσί-

18 βαιώσει ἀπὸ] παντὸς τοῦ ἐπελευσο- 14 μένου ταύτη]ν τοιαύτην ἀναπόρι- 15 φ[οἿν. ἐὰν δὲ ἐπιλάβηταί τις αὐτῆς, 19 ἀποστήσει αὐτὸν ᾿Απολλώνιος ταῖς 11 ἰδίαις αὑτοῦ δαπάναις. κυρία πρᾶσις. ἔτους τρισκαιδεκάτου Αὐτοκρατόρων Καισάρων Λουκίου Σεπτιμίου Σεουήρου “ἢ Εὐσεβοῦς Περτίνακος ᾿Αραβικοῦ “1 ᾿Αδιαβηνι[κ]οῦ Παρθικοῦ Μεγίστου 235 καὶ Μάρκου [ΑἸὐρηλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου “ὁ Εὐσεβοῦς Σεβαστῶν καὶ ἸΠουβλίου 4 Σεπτιμίου Tera Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ “5 Φαῶφι ε. (2nd ἢ. in rude uncials) 26° Απολλώνιος 57 προκίμενος “ὃ πέπρακα 6 (]. ὡς) πρ- 7 ὄκιται. 1708. 25x91cm. A.D.311. Sale of a male ass by an inhabitant of Penne in the Heracleopolite nome (cf. Meevj in P. Stud. Pal. x. 233. i. 12) for 10 talents 4,000 drachmae to an inhabitant of Oxyrhynchus. The transfer had taken place at the market of the Cynopolite nome, which is here, as in 1256. 4, called ἄνω Κυνοπολίτης to distinguish it from the Cynopolite nome in the Delta (that ἄνω refers to a toparchy, as proposed in the translation of 1256, is less likely ; cf. 902. 1 ἐκδίκῳ τῆς ἄνω Κυνοπολιτῶν, sc. πόλεως).

1 Αὐρήλιος “ApaxOns Πατήτου 2 μη(τρὸς) Θερμουθίης ἀπὸ κώμης * Πευνὴ τοῦ


ἩἩρακλεοπολείτου νομοῦ * Αὐρηλίῳ Θεοδώρῳ “Aptoxpa- tiwvos ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς Ὀξυρυγ- χειτῶν πόλεως χαίρειν. 7 ὁμολογῶ πε(π)ρακέναι καὶ παραδε- δωκέναι σοι ὑπ᾽ (1. ἐπ᾽) ἀγορᾶς τοῦ ἄνω Κυνοπολείτου ὄνον ἄρρείεϊνα (or ἄρίρ)σενα) λευ- κόχρωμο[»] δευτεροβόλον | τιμῆς ἀργυρίου τάλαντα δέκα κ]αὶ 12 δραχμὰς τετρίακισ- χι]λείας, 1 γ(ίνονται) (τάλ.) ει (ὃρ.}᾽ Δ, ἂ[ς καὶ! αὐτόθι ἀπέσχον 14 παρὰ σοῦ ἐκ [πλήρους διὰ χειρός, 1ὅ τῆς BeBardoalalifws (]. - σεως). .] ἄλλην [(not κ]ατ(ὰ) τὴν apparently) 11 τὸς καὶ ἀπὸ παι᾽τὸς το]ῦ ἐπελευσομέϊνοϊυ. 20

πᾶσαν '" βεβαίωσιν δ[.]. εἶ. « « .|re διὰ παν-

18 κυρία πρᾶσις ἁπλῆ ᾿γ)]ρ[α(φεῖσα), καὶ éewlepwt nO(els)| 15 ὡμολόγησα. ὑπατίας

τῶν δεσποτῶν ἡμῶν “1 Μαξιμιανοῦ τὸ καὶ Μαξιμίνου “5 τὸ β Αὐγούστων Φαρμοῦθι

η. (and h.) Αὐρήλιος “Αράχθης (ax corr. from y; cf. 1480. 5) πέπρακα τὸν

ὄνον ** καὶ ἀπέσχον τὴν τιμὴν ὡς πρόκιτε (]. -ται). 25 Αὐρήλιος Σερῆνος ἔγραψα [Ὁ0]} ὑπὲρ αὐτοῦ “δ γράμματα μὴ εἰδ(ότος) (ειδί ) corr. from vos).

1709. 34xIo-4cm. A.D.224. Beginning ofa sale drawn up before two ἀσχο- λούμενοι ὠνὴν ἀγορανομείου ; οἴ. 1208- 9, where there was only one ἀσχολούμενος, and 1706, where there were two ἐπιτηρηταί, and 1208. 2,n. The lower part of the contract was cut off. 1!”Erovs y Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος Μάρκου Αὐρηλίο᾽υ 2 Σεουήρου ᾿Αλεξάνδρου Εὐσεβοῦς Ettvxods Σεβαστίοῦ “Ὑπερβερεταίου ζ μηνὸς Καισαρίου ¢ ἐν ’Ofv- * piyyov πόλει ἐπὶ Αὐρηλίου Θέωνος καὶ τοῦ σὺν αὐτῷ

ἀσχολουμένων ὠνὴν ἀγορανομί(είου). ° ἐπρίατο Αὐρήλιος Πλουτίων Ζωίλου (ζωϊλ.)

μητ(ρὸς) Τε- *y[.......]. am Ὀξυρύγχων πόλεως ὡς (ἐτῶν) 8[24.].}. © Δημητρι!---.ὄ

(3) Loans and Deposits.

W710. 17:-5xX21-2 cm. A.D. 148. On’ the verso of 1622. (Thuc. ii). An incomplete contract in a large irregular hand for the loan of 160 drachmae from ᾿Αλέξ]ανδρος ᾿Αγαθοῦτος to KAaviia Tex[—, concluding 14 ---- κἸυρία ἰδιό- 15 [γραφόϊς polv| χεὶρ παντ[αἸχῇ ἐπι- [φερομ]ένη καὶ παντὶ [τ]ῷ ἐπιφέ- 1Τΐροντι. (érovs)| va Αὐτοκράτορος Καί σ]αρο]ς 13 [Τίτου Αἰϊλίου ᾿Αδριανοῦ ᾿Αντωνείνου 19 ΣεβασΊτοϊ)] Εὐσεβοῦς Μεχεὶρ κα.

1711. 12-5x17-4cm. Late third century, in the 2nd year of an emperor (1. 10). Contract in duplicate for the loan of 2 talents 4,800 drachmae, interest at the usual rate of 1 per cent. a month being payable only for overtime. The lender was a friend or relative (client?) of a ducenarius ; cf. ἴδιος in 1722. 2. | Αὐρήλιος ᾿Αλέξανδρος ᾿Αλεξάνδρου μητρὸς 2 Διδύμης ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπρο- “τάτης ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως Αὐρηλίῳ “ἡ Γελασίῳ ἰδίῳ (id.) Αὐρηλίου ᾿Εθερίου (1. Αἰθερ.) τοῦ κρα(τίστου) δουκηναρίου (cf. 1648. 1-3, n.) χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι ° παρὰ σοῦ ἐν χρήσει ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ νομίσματος τάλαντα

8 9

δύ \ ef 3 / > , vo καὶ ὃρα- ἅπερ ἐπάναγκες ἀποδώσειν σοι


\ χμὰς τετρακισχειλίας ὀκτακοσίας, .“ «ε Ν fel “᾿ ἕως de- Τ᾿ κάτης ᾿Αθὺρ τοῦ ἰσιόντος (1σ.) y (ἔτους) τῆς εὐτυχεσ- 1] τάτης ταύτης



- , 2 βασιλείας χωρὶς πάσης ὑπερ- 1" θέσεως Kal εὑρησιλογείας, εἰ δὲ μή, ἐ- 1" κτείσειν σοι 15

μνᾶς τοῦ μηνὸς ἑκ[άϊστου, 18

cal / τοῦ ὑπερπεσόντος χρό- }* νου τόκον δραχμιαῖον ἑκάστης 1 a r » a \ a ᾿ / γεινο- μένης σοι τῆς πράξεωϊς ἔκ] τε ἐμοῦ 17 καὶ ἐκ τῶν ὑπαρχόϊντων pol. πάν- ** των.

κύριον τὸ χειρόγραφον δι]σσὸν | γραφὲν πανταϊχοῦ ἐπιφερόμενον] καὶ “Ὁ [παντὶ τῷ ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπιφέροντι, καὶ ἐπε- 31 [ρωτηθεὶς ὑπὸ σοῦ ὡμολόγησα. Lines 19-21 are better preserved in the second copy.

1712. 9-8x 12:5 cm. A.D. 394. Beginning of an acknowledgement ofa loan from an optio familiae, probably of the praefect. With this new kind of optio cf. optto carceris in Dessau, Juscr. 2117, &c., custodiarum 2436, and especially optzo praet(orit) 2439 (cf. Domaszewski, Rangordnung, Ὁ. 44),C.1.L. lit. 5803, 7765, vill. 2947, x. 7583, from the residences of provincial governors. The familia praefectt may perhaps be compared to the famzlia castrensis or castrorum imperatoris (Dessau 1747, 3465, 9028). As Rostowzew observes, the private household of the praefect seems to have been organized on a military basis, like his officta. The head of these was the centurio princeps (1637, το, n.), to whom the oftio praetorit or familiae praetoriae was sub- ordinate. The praenomen Flavius of the consul Abundantius (1. 2) was previously unknown. About 20 letters seem to be lost at the ends of lines ; cf. ll. 1 and 4-5. 1 Mera τὴν ὑπατείαν τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν Θεοδ]οσίου τοῦ αἰωνίου Αὐγ(ούστου) τὸ γ 32 καὶ Φλαουίου ᾿Α βου(ν)δαντίου τοῦ λαμπροτίάτου --- Φλαουίῳ Δομνίνῳ ὀπτίονι φαμιλίας ἡγεμονικῆς --- Αὐρήλιος Φοιβάμμων Θέωνος ἀπὸ τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτά- °|t|ns ᾿Οξυρυγχειτῶν πόλεως χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ σοῦ διὰ χειρὸς ?| ἐνταῦθα τῇ Ὀξυρι[ἰγχειτῶν πόλει --- 1... εἰς τὴν ἰδία)ν μου καὶ ἀναγκαίαν χρείαν --- 12 1. τ]ὸ δημόσιον λόγου μ[---- 5 [12 1.} ὑπὸ τοῦ ἀδελφοῦ ---. Verso 1 γραμμάτιον [—.

1713. 22-6x14°3 cm. A.D. 279. Contract for the receipt of a deposit of 148 talents 1,280 drachmae, to be returned at the depositor’s will ; cf. 1714, P. Strassb. 54, Tebt. 387. The document has been crossed through, show- ing that the deposit was repaid. 1 Αὐρήϊλιος)] Σερῆνος καὶ Σαραπίων (cf. 1631. 1,n.) 3 ἀπὸ τῆϊς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπροτάτης ᾿Οξυρυγ- χειτῶν (-ρυγ᾽ χ.) πόλεως

4 Nec / 7 δε i 3) fee \ a καὶ ὡς χρηματίζει χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι Tapa σοῦ

Αὐρηλίῳ “Αρποκρατίωνι

> = , θ 2 ΄,ὕ Nv a a ΄ = γί / c Ν /

ev παραθέσει © ἀργυρίου Σεβαστοῦ καινοῦ νομίσματος | τάλαντα ἑκατὸν τεσσαράκοντα

9 γ(ίνονται) (τάλ.) pun (δρ.) ᾿Ασπ,

ὁπόταν αἱρῇ ἀνυπερθέτως τῷ ὑπ᾿ ὸ] σοῦ 1} διαπεμφθησο- L t L

ὀκτὼ δραχμὰς χειλίας διακοσίας ὀγίοἱδοήκοντα,

εἰ 2 f 10 απερ σοι ATOKATAOCTIO

, x \ \ , 12 5 , , et ΄ , 15 ε ΄, μένῳ καὶ κατὰ μέρος ““ ἐπιστείλαντος σου καθ᾽ ἑκάστην δόσιν γράμματα ““ ὁμολογίας

ὧν βουληθείης ἐξοδιασθῆναι, els δὲ τὴν συνπλήρωσιν τοῦ προκειμένου 15 παντὸς

΄ 3 κεφαλέου (]. -αίου) ἀναδιδόντος σου ἀποστέλ- λοντός σου ἐμοὶ δι᾿ οὗ πέμπεις ἐπὶ


τὸ ὑπόλοι- 1ἴ πον τοῦ ἀργυρίου ταῦτά pov τὰ γράμματα. 18 κύρια τὰ τῆς παραθήκης

γράμματα ἁπλᾶ | γραφέντα ὄντα μου ἰδιόγραφα (ϊδ.), καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς “5 ὡμολόγησα.


(ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκράτορος Καίσαρος 7! Μάρκου Αὐρηλίου Πρόβου Περσικοῦ Μεγίστου Γοττικοῦ (γοτ᾽τ.) 22 Μεγίστου Γερμανικοῦ Μεγίστου Εὐσεβοῦς Εὐτυχοῦς “" Σεβαστοῦ Φαῶφι κγ.

1714. 6x21-1 cm. Probably A.D. 285-304. Beginning of a contract in duplicate for a deposit of money (110 talents ?), similar to 1718. The restorations in ll. 1-6 are derived from Col. 11. Col. i: ᾿[Αὐρηλία ᾿Απία᾿ Αμμωνίου μη(τρὸς) Oaljovos ἀπὸ τῆς “λαμπρᾶς καὶ ᾿λαμπροτάτης ᾿ὈΟἸξυρ[υἹγχειτῶν (-γ᾽ χ-) πόλεως “χωρὶς κυρίου χρημα(τίζουσα) κατὰ) τὰ Ῥωμαίων ἔθη τέκνων (-ὦ) 3 δικαίῳ Αὐρηλίῳ ᾿Αμόι Θέωνος μη(τρὸς) ᾿Αμμωνίλλης ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως χαίρειν.

ὁμολογῷ ἔχειν cov’ Kata παρα θ[ή κην ἀκίνδυνον παντὸς κινδύνου καὶ ἀνυπόλογον

παντὸς ὑπολό]γου ἀργυρίου Σεβαστῶν (-ὦ) ἱνομίσματος τάλαντα ἑκατὸν" δέϊκα, ὅπερ ἐπάναγκές (-y’k.) ϑἷσοι ἀποκαταστήσω κτλ. (cf. 1718. g sqq.). The joint reign in l. 7 probably refers to Diocletian and Maximian.

(4) Receipts. 1715. 22:5x10°2 cm. A.D. 292. An acknowledgement of the repayment of 2 talents out of a loan of 6 talents, together with interest on the whole amount. ! Αὐϊρήλ]ιος ‘Qpiwvy Θώνιος μητρὸς * Oep|povO|iov ἀϊπὸ] τῆς λαμπρᾶς καὶ λαμπρο- * τάτ[ης] ᾿Οξ(υρυγχιτῶν) πόλ(εως) B[t]a.[.......]. . . ave- * τμοι.Ἰαιετερ-

[.]. .[.] . ψεσουήριος Αὐρηϊλίῳ δ ᾿Αγαθῷ Δαίμονι ᾿Αἰ γα]θ[ο]Ὁ Δαίμονος μητρὸς ° Εὐδαι- μονίδος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως διὰ τῆς γυναικ[ὸϊς Αὐρηλίας ᾿Απολλωνίαϊς

8 χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἀπεσχηκέναι παρὰ σοῦ ἀφ᾽ ὧν ὀφίλεις μοι καὶ γραφῇ (1. κατὰ γραφὴν) χειρογρά- 19 φου ἀργυρίί)ζου ταλάντων ἕξ τοὺς μὲν | ταλάντων ἕξ πλή- 12 ρης μέχρι Παχὼν καὶ αὐτοῦ Παχὼν τοῦ 15

τόκους τῶν ὅλων

ἐνεστῶτος 7 (ἔτους) καὶ ¢ (ἔτ.), καὶ ἀπὸ τοῦ 13 κεφαλαίου ἄλλων ἀργυρίου ταλάντων (-τῶ) δύο, ὥστε; λοιπὰ [ὀϊφίλεσθαί μοι ἄλλα 15 ἀργυρϊίου] τάλαντα τέσσαρα. κυρία \ ἀποχὴ ἁπλῆ γραφεῖσα, καὶ ἐπερω τη] θ(εὶς) 15 ὡμολόγ(ησα). (ἔτ.) n (ἔτ.) Αὐτοκράτορος 1" Καίσαρος Γαίου (yaiov) Αὐρηλίου Οὐαλερίου Δι[οἰκλητιανοῦ καὶ (ἔτ.) ¢ (ἔτ.) Αὐτοκράτορος 21 Καίσαρος Μάρκου [Αὐϊ]ρηλίου Οὐαλερίου “2 Μαξι[μ]ιανοῦ Γερμανικῶν Μεγίστων (-τῷ) 3) Εὐσίεβ]ῶν Εὐτυϊχ]ῶν Σεβαστῶν “Ὁ Ἐπεὶ φ] ᾳ. (2nd h.) Αὐρήλιος ᾿Ὡρίων ἀπέσ- ™y[ov το]ὺς τόϊκ᾽ους καὶ ἀ(πὸν το] και- φ[αλαίϊου (1. κεφ.) τάλ[αν͵τα δύω (1. δύο) ὡς πίρ!)ό- 37 κειται, καὶ ἐϊπερ)ωτηθεὶϊς ὡμολ[ όγησα.

1716. 241Χ12:2 cm. A.D. 333. An acknowledgement on behalf of a wr perfectissimus, who had been a frocurator, of the repayment of a loan of 300 talents, special provision being made, as in 1188, for the circumstance that the original deed of loan was lost. The name Domitius of the consul Zenophilus (1. 2) was previously unknown. At the end is an early instance of the formula δι᾿ ἐμοῦ... ἐγράφη, on which see 1627. 29, ἢ. + ὝὙπατείας Praovlov Δαλματίου ἀϊδ]ελφ[ο]ῦ τοῦ δεσπότου ἡμῶν " Κωνσταντίνου Α(ὐγ)γούστου καὶ

M 2


Δομιττίου (-τ᾽τ.) Ζηνοφίλου “τῶν λαμπροτάτων Φαρμοῦθι 15. * Φλαούιος (-ios) Σεπτίμιος Σερήνιϊ οἷς ᾿Απολλώνιος διαση- μότατος ἀπὸ ἐπιτρόπων Ov ἐμοῦ ᾿Επαγάθῳ (1. -Aov) ἰδίου (1δ.) © Αὐρηλίοις Πάλεξ Παράμμωυο)ς μη(τρὸς) Θαήσιος καὶ τῇ γυναι- Tt TwdGrL Θωνίου μη(τρὸς) Σαραπιάδος ἀμφοτέροις (οι corr. from w) ἀπὸ τῆς λαμ(πρᾶς) καὶ λαμ(προτάτης) ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως. ° ὁμολογῷ ἀπεσχηκέναι καὶ ἠριθμῆσθε (1. -σθαι) παρ᾽ ὑμῶν (ὑμ.) 19 τὰ εὐχρηϊσ]τηθέντα ὑμεῖν ὑπ᾽ ἐμοῦ ἀργυρίου

τάλαν- |

τα τριακόσια ἀκολούθως ἔθεστέ (]. -σθέ) μοι περὶ αὐτί ῶ]ν 12 γραμματίῳ,] καὶ διὰ ? τὸ]π αἱρ]απεπτοκέναι (]. -πτωκ.) τοῦτο κ[αὶ ἀπο- 15 λελωκέναι (1. -λωλεκέναι) καὶ μὴ εἰὑρηκέναι πρὸς ἀπίοϊκατάστασιν ' ὑμεῖν (dp.) ἐντεῦθεν μηδὲν ὑμεῖν περὶ τούτου ἐνκαλεῖν nde ἐνκαλέσιν μηδὲ ἐπελεύσασθα!ι κ]αθ᾽ ὁντιναοῦν 15 τρόπον τρόπῳ μηδενὶ παρευρ[έϊσι μηϊδ]εμιᾷ (2nd μ᾽ corr.), ἄκυρόν 1 18

τε καὶ ἀνίσχυρον

(-ἰσχ.) καὶ ἀνεπίφορον εἶναι τὸ αὐτὸ περὶ ᾿ἢ αὐτῶν γενόμενον γραμμάτιον ἐμοί

10 ces 5 fal 5 ΡῈ th \ ε / \ 5 ὑπὲρ ἐμοῦ ἐπιφέρουσιν. κύρια τὰ τῆς ἰὁἸμολογείας καὶ ἀνεν-

τε καὶ πᾶσι τοῖς 20 κλησίας (cf. 1717. 3) καὶ ἀποχὴς γράμματα ἁπλᾶ γραφέντα, καὶ ἐπερω- 5} τηθεὶς ὡμολ[όγ]ησα. (2nd h.) "5 Φλαὶούειος (second o corr. from ὦ) [[.]] ᾿Απολλώνιος δι᾿ (ὃμοῦ ’Exa- 78 γάθου (ov corr. from ὦ) @6i’ov (ov corr. from wr) ἔσχον τὰ τοῦ ἀργυρίου (ov corr. from w) ** τάλα(νγ)τα τρειακόσιαϊς; (0 corr. from w) καὶ οὐ δὲν corr.) ἐν- 35 καλῷ οὐ δὲ Ev’ καλέσω (w corr. from av) Ka{t| ἄκυρον (ο corr. from n) “3 iva (iv., ν corr.) τὸ (o corr. from @) περὶ αὐ(τῶν (εἶναι .} γρα(μμάγτιίν)ον (p corr.) 37 ὡς πρώκιτε (1. πρόκειται). Αὐρήλιος Παπνοῦτις 235 Xwod’ros ἔγραψα (y corr. from p) ὑπὲρ[ 1] (Ὁπ.) αὐτο(ῦ) γράμ(μα)- “ὃ τα μὴ εἰδότος. °° (3rd h.) δι᾿ ἐμοῦ Σωτᾶ ἐγρ(άφη). Kat ἀνε πίφ[ορο ν (cf. 1. 17) is probable in 1188. 13. 1717. 7:.5Χ17:7 οἴ. A.D. 258. Conclusion of a receipt in duplicate for wages of nursing ; cf. 91 (187). Col. i has lost the first halves of the lines, Col. ii: 1 π]ροφάσει τῶν τρ]οφείων |undevds οὑτινοσοῦν (restored from Col. i) ? ἁπλῶς μέχρίι τ]ῆς ἐνεστώσηϊς ἡμέϊρας. κύρια τὰ τῆς ἀποχῆς TOV τροφείων Kat |alveykAnotas γράμματα τετρασσὰ γραφέντα πρὸς τὸ ἑκάτε- ὅρον μέρος ἔχειν δισσόν, ἅπερ ὁπηνίκα ἐὰν αἱ- © ρῶνται καί τις (ts corr. from 7) αὐτῶν δημοσιώσεις διὰ τοῦ κα- ταλογείου, οὐ προσδεόμενοι τῆς τοῦ ἑτέρου μετα- ᾿ λήμψεως διὰ τὸ ἐντεῦθεν εὐδοκεῖν ἡμᾶς τῇ " γεινομένῃ δημοσιώόΐσει,] καὶ ἐπερωτήσαντες ἀλ- λήλους ὧμολο- γήϊσαμεϊν. (ἔτους) ε Αὐτοκρατόρων |! Κα Πσάρων Πουπλίου Λικιννίου. Οὐαλερια)νοῦ καὶ ᾿ξ Πουπλίου Λικιννίου Οἰαλε]ριανοῦ ΓαἸλλ[ιην]οῦ 15 Γερμανικῶν Μεγίστων Εὐσεβῶν Εὐτυχῶν καὶ 13 ΠΙρουπ]λίου Λικιννίου Κορνηλίου Οὐαλεριανοῦ τοῦ 15 ἐπι- φανεστάτου Καίσαρος Σε]βαστῶν |Mex|et\p (?) x. Signatures may have followed. 1718. 26-4x10°5 cm. A.D. 292-304. Parts of two columns of a series of receipts for various official payments, Col. i having only a few letters from the ends of lines, while in Col. ii, as is shown by |. 14, about 28 letters are lost at the ends of lines. One receipt for 23 talents 5603 denarii is fairly intelligible. Col. ii: 1 Αὐρήλιος ἹἹερακίων (iep.) 6 καὶ. |— τῆς λαμ(πρᾶς) 2 καὶ


λαμ(προτάτης) ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλεως --- χαίρειν. ἀπέσχον * καὶ ἠρίθμημαι παρὰ σοῦ elis τὸν * Αὐρηλίου Ζηναγένους |— λόγον ?, μεθ᾽ ἐξωδία- ods μοι εἰς τὸν corr. from doy.) τοῦ αὐτοῦ --- λόγον ὑπὲρ τῆς ° προτέρϊαἸ]ς ἐτήσεως (I. air.) ἀργ[υρίου (τάλαντα) . . (δηνάρια) . .. .. Τ ἄλλα ἀργ[υρίο]υ (τάλ.) κε [— τοῖς kupt|ouls λόγου |— (τάλ.) Ky (δηνάρια) PES πλήρης. κυρία ἀποχὴ y (= τρισσὴ) γραφεῖσα, ἣν 1" ἐξεδόμην τῷ μὲν στρα(τηγῷ) ἰδισσήν, σοὶ δὲ μοναχήν ? (cf. 1260. 18), καὶ ἐπερωτηθεὶς |! ὡμολόγησα. Τ(ἔτους) .. καὶ (ἔτ.) .. τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν 15 Διοκλη- τιανοῦ καὶ Μαξ[ιμιανοῦ Σεβαστῶν καὶ (ér.) .. ᾿᾿τῶν κυρίων ἡμῶν [Κωνσταντίου καὶ Μαξιμιανοῦ τῶν 1 ἐπιφανεστάτων Και[σάρων --- |? ‘lepaxiwy (ἴερ.) καὶ ὡς χρημα(τί(ω) ἰἔσχον τὰ --- '(ran.) Ky (δηνάρια) φξβ, |—™ Μεχείρ. Διονυσίῳ τῷ ἰκαὶ --- καὶ 18 Αὐρηλίῳ ᾿Αγαθείνῳ [-- 1 Αὐρήλιος Διονύσϊιος --- τῆς λαμ(πρᾶς) καὶ λαμ(προ- tats) ὈΟξυρυγχιτῶν [πόλεως --- “' μου χαίρειν. ἀπέσχον —. On the verso is a letter (1491).

1719. 16°6x11-2 cm. A.D. 204. Receipt, similar to 1646, for the money portion of rent for corn-land at Syron (cf. 1659. 38). is often written for ο. 1 Ζωίλος κ[αὶ] Σωσία ἀμφότεροι Ζωίλου “μητρὸς Αἰλίας Πριμιᾳνίιῆϊς τ]ῆς καὶ * Πρεμεστίνης] ἀμφ] ότΊεροι ᾿Αντι- * νωεῖς δι᾿ ἐμοῦ τοῦ Ζωίλου Διδύμῳ ° Θέωνος θέσι Διδύμου ἀπ᾽ ᾿Οξυρύγχων © πόλεως χαίρειν. ἀπέσχωμεν παρὰ σοῦ τὰς ἐπιβαλλούσας ἡμῖν ὑπὲρ ἀργυρικοῦ φώρουϊς) ὧν yewpyis ἡμῶν καὶ τοῦ ὡμωπατρίου ἀδελφοῦ Διονυσάμ- μωνος περὶ Σύρων κώμην σιτικῶν | ἰσιτικῶν; ἐδαφῶν δραχμὰς χιλίας, 12 μένοντος ἡμῖν τοῦ λ[ὀἸγ[ου corr.) περί τε τοῦ ὠ- 1" φλωμένου (1. ὀφειλομ.) ἡμῖν πυροῦ ἐν θέματι 1" καὶ χόρτου (first ο corr.) τῶν πάντων τοῦ ἐνεστῶ- ᾿ὅ τὸς δωδεκάτου ἔτους. κυρία ἀπ|ο]- 1" χὴ οὖσά μου εἰδιώγραφος τοῦ Ζωίλου. 1 ἔτους δωδεκάτου (first corr.) τῶν κυρίων Αὐτοκρατόρων 18 [Σ]εουήρου καὶ ᾿Αντωνίνου [[κ[αἱ] Γέτα [] Καισάρων Σεβα(στῶν) 1" Παχὼν λ.

1720. 4:8x11-4 cm. On vellum. Fourth century. Beginning of a receipt for the payment (probably in advance; cf. 1639. int.) of the price of 110 jars of wine, which are in 1. 5 called both συκώματα and δι(πλᾶ). συκώματα is probably a mistake for σηκώματα, a word occurring as a measure in P. Cairo 10070 (= P. Oxy. xv. 1856; A.D. 577), where 3,000 onkopata ὀκτάξεστα οἵ wine are paid. The village Bepxv (1. 2) is new. 1 Αὐρηλία Θέκλα γυν(ὴ) Παπνουθίου 2 ἀπὸ κώμης Bepxd Αὐρηλίᾳ (Εὐ)λένῃ Παπεντῶς (1. Παποντῶτος) χαίρειν. ὁμολογῶ ἐσχηκέναι παρὰ σοῦ τὴν τιμὴν οἴνου © συκώματα (1. σηκωμάτων) ἑκατὸν δέκα, δι(πλῶν) pt, “τῷ κύρῳ Tov(o ?)Kw καρπῶσσοΨοι. ov | —.

(5) Mescellaneous Contracts.

1721. Fr. 1 12:°3x9 cm. A.D. 187. Contract between Platonis also called Ophelia (cf. 1647. int.) and a woman called Heras concerning an inheritance from Hermias, the maternal grandfather of Heras and by adoption father of


Platonis’ deceased husband, part of which was to be given to Platonis’ two sons. The main provision of the document, which begins like 1638 with a long clause headed by ἐπεί, is not reached, and Fr. 2, containing the lower portion of the papyrus, is blank. Probably the contract was of the nature of a settlement of claims, like 1638. 1 Πλατωνὶς καὶ “Qdedtia “Qpiovos μη- 2rpds Διογενίδος ἀπ᾿ ᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλεως μετὰ κυ- plov τοῦ ὁμογνησίου ἀδελφοῦ Πλάτωνος Ἣρᾶτι *’Ari@vos μητρὸς “Hpatdos (-t8.) ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ° μετὰ

καὶ Διδύμου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως

κυρί[ο]υ τοῦ ἀνδρὸς “Πρώδου ᾿Απολλωνίου τοῦ χαίρειν. ἐπεὶ Ov ἧς ἔθετο σοῦ μὲν κατὰ μητέρα πάππος. τοῦ δὲ μετηλλαχότος μου ἀνδρὸς Θέωνος τοῦ καὶ “Eppiov θέ- σει πατήρ, ᾿Ἑρμίας “Ἑρμοῦ μητίρὸ]ς ἩΗρακλείας 10 αὐτῆς πόλεως διὰ τοῦ ἐνθάδε ἀγορανομείου τῷ Φαρ- 1" μοῦθι μηνὶ τοῦ 12

ἀπὸ τῆς

ἐνεστῶτος ἑβδόμου καὶ εἰκοστοῦ 12 ἔτους Αὐρηλίου Κομμόδου ᾿Αντωνίνου Καίσαρος

15 τοῦ κυρίου ἐπὶ σφραγείδων διαθήκης, ἐφ᾽ ἀμε- 13 ταθέτῳ ἐτελεύ(τηγ)σεν, τῇ καὶ

λυθίσῃ, κληρονόμους |? ἡμᾶς ἀμφοτέρας καταλείψᾳϊς] tov μεθ᾽ ἃς Togas (o corr. from or w?) διέταξεν, ἠθέλησεν οὖν ἡμᾶς τοῖς ἀφήλιξι ἐμ[οῦ 17 τε καὶ τοῦ προτεταγμένου μετηλλαχότος μου 18 ἀνδρὸς υἱοῖς, τῷ μὲν μείζονι] αὐτῶν Παυσίίρει 197@ καὶ “Epy .... [el€atperov .[..Jor.[...]...[. .| with remains of 2 more lines. On the verso in a different hand are the ends of 6 lines.

1722. 8-4x11-3cm. Late third or early fourth century. Fragment from the beginning of anagreement with a przuceps of a praefect (cf. 1637. Io, n.), one of the parties being from Eleutherapolis in Syria (i.e. Eleutherapolis near Jerusalem). The precise extent of the lacunae at the beginnings and ends of lines is not clear, but probably very little is lost at the ends. ?

τοῦ διασημοτάτου ἡγουμένου Aiyva|rov “διὰ —| Mapyapiov ἰδίου (ἰδ.) * —|viov


ἀπὸ Συρίας ᾿Ελευθεραπόλεως καὶ Ζώσιμοϊς . .. *— καὶ ᾿Αλέξα)νδρος Διονυσίου ᾿Αλεξανδρεὺς (v corr. from wo) καὶ Δἰωνᾶς (aiw.) [... --ο- καταμέ]νοντες ἐν τῇ λαμί(πρᾳ) καὶ λαμ(προτάτη) Οξυρυγχιτῶϊν (-ρυγ᾽χ.) πόλει [| ---Ἰ ὁμολογοῦμεν διὰ τἰαύτης ---Ἰ. τ΄. [---.

1723. 64x6-5 cm. B.C. 114-108. Fragment from the beginning of con- tract written in the reign of Cleopatra III and Ptolemy Soter II, apparently mentioning the name of the priest of Alexander, a rare phenomenon in the later Ptolemaic period. 1 Βασιλευόντων Κλεοπάτρας θεᾶς |Evepyéridos καὶ Πτο- 2(Alewatov θεῶν Φιλομητόρων Σωτίήρων ἔτους ---- ἐφ᾽ ἱερέως ?—*|.... «ροάδου τὰ δ᾽ ἄλλα τῶν [κοινῶν ὡς ἐν ᾿Αλεξανδρείᾳ * [ypadlerar μηνὸς Ὑπερβερεϊταίου καὶ Μεσορὴ °|. . .| .ῃ καὶ ἰκὰς ‘Topi γ΄ ἐν Ὀξυρύγχων πόλει τῆς δ [Θη]βαΐδος. ὁμολογεῖ H[— 7[. . .lera μετὰ κυρίου ΔΙ --- [Μακ]εδόνος τῆς [ἱππαρχίας ---.


(6) Adstracts of Contracts.

1724. 18-1 x 35-2 cm. Early third century. Two columns, the first much damaged and both incomplete at the bottom, of a list of abstracts of contracts, similar to 1648-9; cf. 1648. int. The date is after the death of Commodus (1. 6), probably in the reign of Severus. Col. i: wapa-|'! χωρῆσαί gol Ta καὶ αὐτῇ εἰς THY ἐνεστῶσαϊν] ἡμέραν 2[ὑἸπάρχοντα, ὧν ἐστιν τὸ καθ᾽ ἕν" lev μ]ὲν τῇ μητροπόλει ἐπ’ ἀμφόδου “Hp@ov ofi|kias 3 *[od\y χρηστηρίοις. ° [διὰ χρηματισμοῦ γενομένου διὰ τοῦ ἐν ᾿Ερμοῦ πόλ(ει) τῇ μεγάλῃ "[γραφείϊου τῷ

κε (ἔτει) θεοῦ Κομμόδου ΜΙεσο]ρὴ πρότερον Διονυσίου Κάστορος [περὶ τ]ὴν π|ρο]- κειμένην Χῦσιν κωμογρα(μματείας) ΤΠα σἰκὼ ὃ[ἐκ told “Ερμοφίλου κλήρου ἰγ]ῆς (ἀπὸ) (ἀρουρῶν) γ (ἀρούρας ?) 2, [καὶ ἐκ τοῦ ΔΊιονυσίου κλήρ[ο]υ [ἐν τ]ῷ νοτινῷ κἸαὶ ev] ἀπηλι- 19}ω]τικῷ μορίῳ (ἀρούρας) β, 11 [καὶ] ἐκ [rod αὐτοῦ κλήρου ἀπὸ] (ἀρου.) [.| (ἀρού.) 2, y(fvovrar) ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) σι(τικαὶ) (ἄρου.) [y, 15 [περὶ] ᾿Ι[βι]ῶνα ([β.) Xvovols ἐκ τοῦ ᾿ΕἸρμοφίίλου 1 [KAnpov ἀϊμπέλου (ἀρού.) δ΄ a .[— with parts of 4 more lines. Col. ii: taap-| 1" xovons αὐτῷ ἐν κώμῃ Σενέπτα ἐν τοῖς ἀπὸ ἀπηλιώτο(υ) 2“ μέρεσι τῆς κώμης οἰκίας καὶ αὐλῆς καὶ χρηστη(ρίων). 31 καὶ ὑπὸ (ὑπ.) τοῦ αὐτοῦ ᾿Αρίστωνος καθ᾽ ἕτερον αὐτοῦ χειρόγρα(φον) “2 δισσὸν ἀργ(υρίου) (dp.) ΓΤ καὶ ἴσαι (to.) τόκου. * καὶ ὑπὸ (ὑπ.) “Αρμιύσιος ᾿Αρμιύσιος μητρὸς “Hpatos ἀπὸ τῆς α(ὐτῆς) πόλ(εως) 74 ὁμοί(ως) κατὰ χειρόγρα(φον) αὐτοῦ δισσὸν ἀργίυρ.) (ὃρ.) “Ax κεφαλαίου * καὶ ἴσαι (1σ.) τόκου. 3 καὶ ὑπὸ (ὕπ.) Σαραπίωνος Ἡρακλείδου τοῦ ᾿Ασκληπιάδου μητ(ρὸς) 31 Θ᾿ εἸἰρμουθίου ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως ὁμοί(ως) κατὰ χειρό- γρα(φον) αὐτοῦ “ὃ παραθήκης B (= δισσὸν) apy(up.) (6p.) "Av. 325 καὶ ὑ[πὸ] (}.) Πτολεμαίου τοῦ καὶ ᾿Αντιόχου υἱοῦ (ὑϊου) Πτολεμαίου Δείου °° γυϊμ(νασιαρχήσαντος)] τῆς α(ὐτῆς) πόλ(εως) καὶ εὐθηνιαρχήσαντος τῆς λαμπί(ροτάτης) πόλ(εως) τῶν

ὅ1 "Αλ[εξαν)δρέων τὸ κατασταβὲν μ]έρος τοῦ παρατεθέντος “2 τί... .. Ἰναύλου Πτολε- μαίῳ τῷ Ὁ] ᾿Αγαθοῦ κατὰ [xe |ipdy|pla(por) 59 [αὐτοῦ] παραθήκης β (= δισσὸν) ἀργ(υρ.) (τάλαντον) a, τὸ καὶ δημοσι(ωθὲν) καὶ μεταδοθὲν τοῖς ε. .- **[..... Aloyeve|t| τῷ

καὶ Oj€wrv|t καὶ Δε[ίῳ τῷ [καὶ] Διογένει with remains of 2 more lines. [Πα] σἸκώ (1 7) was a district in the north of the Hermopolite nome, but Chusis was in the Oxyrhynchite nome; cf. 1659. int. and 1637. 27, n.

1725. 1542-7 cm. After A.D. 229. On the verso of an account (1727): The middle part of three columns of a similar list of abstracts of contracts covering the period from Antoninus Pius to Severus Alexander ; cf. 1648. int. Col. i: after remains of 2 lines, “1. ματος αὐτῆς [17 1.]. καὶ 7 παρέθ]ετο * διακατοχῇ ἀπὸ τῶν διὰ τοῦ χρηματισμοῦ ὑπαρχόντ(ων) τὰς π(ερὶ) [Παεῖμιν (apov- pas) ιβΖη΄ ξ'δ' ὡς ἀπογρα(φὴ) περιέχ(ει). τῷ ἑξ(ῆς) KC (ἔτει) θεοῦ Καὶ ομ(μ)όδου Φα- μενὼθ ς: διὰ γρα(φείου) μητροπ(όλεως) 7 (inthe margin αὐτί ) εξ( )) ἠγοράϊ a ]|(c8n) παρὰ ᾿Αμμωνίου τοῦ κ(αὶ) Sapatiw(vos) Σαραπίω(νος) τοῦ Σαραπίω(νος) μη(τρὸς)


Kpovotr(os) τῆς K(at) Sapamodros ἐπ᾽ ἀμφ(όδου) ? MvpoBaddvov oik(ia) καὶ χρη(στή- pia), ὡς τὰ κατὰ νώτου ἑξῆς δη(λοῖ). A (ἔτει) μηνὶ Καισαρείῳ θ διὰ γίραφί(είου) μητροπόλεως Tapexwpr θη(σαν) παρὰ 1 Δημητρίας ᾿Απολλωϊνίου] τοῦ Παποντῶτος π(ερὶ) Πέλα 153 ἀπἰὸ] (apoup6y) ve (ἄρουραι) CZ pleta τὰϊς παρ᾿ αἰχωρητίσας (1. -ηθείσας) ἑτέροις 1) (ἀρούρας) γ τὰ λ[ο)ι(πά). 15. (ἔτει) Αὐρη]λίου καὶ Odr[pov? Καισαρείου ἐπαγομ]ένων a Σαϊρ]απου- j—. Col. it: after remains of 2 lines, 1 καὶ κατὰ νώτου τοῦ ὅλου ὀνόματος α(ὐτὴ) διέστρωται (cf. 237. viii. 26, n.). ev τῷ ἑξῆς τόμῳ ἐπιπροσγινομένῳ (uv corr.) 15 ε (ἔτει) θεοῦ Αἰλίου ᾿Αντωνίνου Θὼθ x ( ) * τοῦ “Δρθώνιος ἀπὸ τῆς αὐτῆς πόλεως μεθ᾽ ὑπομνή(ματος) 7! παρέθ(ετο) διαθήκ(ην) (cf. 1649. 6) ἀνήκουσαν καὶ τῇ Τετεῦρι (-εὕρι). 8 (ἔτει) Σεουήρου ᾿Αθὺρ A - .[---- ἡ(} ἤμηϊγίρος) Ταύσοραπίος and parts of 4 more lines. Col. iii, which is still less complete, mentions the 19th and 27th years (i. e. of Com- modus) and (ἔτει) ᾿Αλεξάνδρου Madr. (παὺῦ.) A.

(7) Private Accounts.

1726. 12x11-5cm. Early third century. On the verso of 1706 (a sale drawn up at the ἀγορανομεῖον of Oxyrhynchus in 207). A list of contracts drawn up on various days in Hathur, having at the end of each entry a sum and after this generally (but not in ll. 5-7) with a stroke (omitted in 1]. 11) against it. The sums seem too large to be charges for drawing up the contract in question, being 84 drachmae in the case of a loan of 2,000 dr. (l. 7) and τὸ dr. in that of a loan of 300 dr. (I. 10), and what 7’ means is obscure: % is unlikely, and if it means dr. (cf. the 16 dr. in 1]. 5-6) as a charge for drawing up the contract, the sums preceding it (which are generally multiples of 8) are not accounted for. 1[‘A|@vp"?. . παραχω(ρήσεως) “Ηρακλείδ[ οἷυ ° γυμ(νασιάρχου) Odoews (δραχμαὶ) ξὸ η΄. * ka, [σἸωμα(τισμοῦ) Διονυ- σίου τοῦ κ(αὶ) ᾿ “Ηρακλείδου διὰ λινούφω(ν) (ὃρ.) ts’. «KB, σωμα(τισμοῦ) O€wvo(s) ἹἽερακίω(νος) (tep.) (δρ.) is. Τίκ)γ, δανε(ίου) (δραχμῶν) ᾽Β Αὐρηλ(ίου) Θέωνο(ς) (ὃδρ.) πὸ. διαθ(ήκης.) ΠΕενήσιος ᾿Πλουτίω(νος) 9 Σενοπώθ(εως) (Σεναπώθεως is a village; cf. 1285. 103) δι(ὰ) ᾿Αμμω(νίου) Σουδᾶ(τος ?) (δρ.) ve η΄. 19 [δα]νε(ίου) (δρ.) τ Αὐρηλ(ίου) Σαραπί(ίωνος) 11 [δι(ὰ) (or [τοῦ κ(αὶ)) Χ]αιρή(μονος) Xvoe(ws) (cf. 1687. 20, n.) (dp.) is η. 1" KO, 1... .. PiAwvo(s) δι(ὰ) Μελᾷ 151... .1. (.-:) Κολόβ(ης) (a village in the Hermopolite nome ; cf. P. Stud. Pal. x. 25 ὦ. 11) (δρ.) μ η΄. Traces of 2 more lines. The meaning of σωμα(τισμός) in this context is not clear ; cf. Preisigke, Hachworter, 5. Ὁ.

1727. Fr. 1 18-2x 34 cm. Late second or early third century. Fragment containing the middle parts of 4 columns of a list of receipts (?) from various persons for drugs, pitch, sauce, purple, papyrus, cedar oil, boxes, a pole, &c., apparently a shopkeeper’s account. The writing is of a very cursive


character. Col. ii: ! Οὐαριανο[Ὁ] πίσϊσης ., 2 Εὐδαίμονος ow . ux( ) (δραχμὴ) a, “[Β]ᾳσιλέως γάρου (τριώβολον), * | ΠἸαυσανίου πορφύρας (dp.) 6 (τεντώβ.), ° Νικάνορος σῳ. τκ( ) (τετρώβ.), δ᾿ ᾿Αλ[εξάϊνδρου πὰ. .«( ) (δυόβ.), *[.].... ~~ .1. φαρμάκ(ου)

(0p) βιϑΠ γί πστ΄ πὶ -- το ρῶν a elahere oso) are! 6. ps | κιβωτ(οῦ) [.. Col. iii: after parts of 2 lines, 14 Θεοδώρου |... .|./. .1 (p.) a, 15 Μώρου σφαίρου (Sp.) a (τριώβ.), Σαραπάμμωνος

κελλαρίου (πεντώβ.), 11 ἹἹέρακος κελλαρίου (τριώβ.), 18 Πτολεμαίου ow . ικί )) (08.), 19 «Ηρακλᾶ καινῆς (ὃδρ.) a (ὀβ.), Σαραπάμμωνος χαρτῶν (dp.) ε (πεντώβ.), with parts of 5 morelines. Col. iv: after remains of 2 lines, ** ᾿ΑνθεστίίἸας πίσσης [. .. 33 ᾿Αλεξάνδρου κοντ(οῦ) [. ., “Qpimvos Kedptas [. ., Ἵ᾿Αμμωνίου κεδρίας |. ., °° Διοσκόρου φαρμάκ(ου) [. ., ὅ3 “Ηρακλείδο(υ) πορφί(ύρας) [... with remains of 5 more lines. In ow.x( ), which occurs in Il. 2, 5, and 18 the doubtful + may be η, but σμηκί(. +) is unsuitable. For Wox(rod?) in 1. 8 cf. Hesychius ψωκτόν" τράπεζαν. καινῆς in 1. 1g isobscure. On the verso is 1725, written after A. Ὁ. 220.

1728. 13:2x11-8 cm. Third century. On the recto is the upper part of an account of receipts and expenditure. On the verso is part of a similar account in the same hand. 1 Anpyajr(os):| ? ἀλλαξίμων (δραχμαὶ) χκη, ° ap(p)a- βώνων |(5p.)| wd, * ἄλλαι ἐν “Hpaxdéovs |(dp.)| p, °a’(= πρώτου) λόγου Xapitwvos [(δρ.}] πε, ° τιμὴ ταπητίου (dp.) σκ corr. from μ), 7 y(év.) (dp.) "AWAG 2 (= ὧν) θεμάτων corr.?) (δρ.) πὸ, δαπάνης (δρ.) ἡ, Βόκκου (dp.) ν, 11 δῖ τ--. Verso 12 λόγ[ο]ς Σωπάτρου" 15 γενήϊμίατος (τάλ.) B (ὃρ.) TPB, 1 2 ἔχι ἐΐ»] αὐτῷ (δρ.) ᾽Βχκγ, 1ὅ καὶ ὁμοίως ἄλλας (ὃρ.) φ, 1" καὶ [τ]ι(μῆς) οἴνου παλαιοῦ (δρ.) ρ, 1 καὶ is λόγον δαπά(νης) (dp.) pry, 18 y(iv.) (ὃρ.) "Trog. 19 Z λήμματοϊς . . . (]ων (δρ. 3) ὦ, BLOWS τ τ πως Τ 8 (δρ. 3) .[.1γ} --α. For ἀλλαξίμων in |. 2 cf. the citation in Cronert’s Passow from the Corpus Gl. Lat. ἀλλάξιμα (sc. ἱμάτια) mutatoria. Βόκκου or Βοκκαί ) in 1. 10 seems to be a proper name.

1729. 13:3x10-2 cm. Fourth century. The recto contains an account of various disbursements, which are sometimes entered merely as ‘expenses’, sometimes more precisely described. 1᾿Αρχὴ λόγου" Χοίακ κβ δέδωκα * χρυσοῦ νόμισμα ἕν πα(ρὰ) τέταρτον. * ἀναλώμ(ατος) μυ(ριάδας) διακοσίας μόν(ας), * ὀρνιθίων μυ(ρ.) mevtaxoo[ia(s)| δεκάπεντε μόν(ας), > ἀναλώματος pr(p.) διακοσία(φ) εἴκοσι πέντε μόν(ας), " καταλέπτου μυ(ρ.) διακοσία(ς) εἴκοσι μόν(ας), 7 σαβανίου κ(αὶ) ἀναλώμ(ατος) μυ(ρ.) ὀκτακοσία(ς) εἴκοσι μόν(ας), ἀναλώματος μυ(ρ.) διακοσίαζ(5)

9 ἀναλώματος μυ(ρ.) τετρακοσία(ς) pov(as) ἑρμυί )), ἀναλώ-

ματος μυ(ρ.) τεκακοσία(ς) (1. τετρακ.) ἐνενήκοντα, 1 διαρίου (= azarit) μυῴ(ρ.)

πέντε μόν(ας),

ἑκατὸν εἴκοσι μόν(ας), 12 ἀναλώματος μυ(ρ.) ἑκατὸν μόν(ας), 1" κατάλεπτα (I. -ων 9) καὶ ἀναλώματος διακοσίας τεσσαράκοντα. For |. 7 σαβανίου (‘napkin’) cf. P. Gen. 80. 4, and 921. 11 σαβανοφακιάριον. κατάλεπτον (Il. 6 and 13) seems


to be new, and the meaning is uncertain (? = a fine fabric; cf. 1.7 σαβάνιον) ; ἑρμυί( 1) inl. g is also obscure. On the verso is another short account in ΤΟ lines, which have been crossed out, and a second column of figures, the upper part of which has been similarly crossed through.

1730. 14:8 Χ12 cm. Fourth century. A short account of expenses. Λόγος ἀναλώματος, οὕτως" 2 κρέως λίτρας {Al(rp.)} K, σουμοβαλλον ἕν, * ὀνηλάταις πρωϊτ]ο- δημότ(ου) (ὃ corr. from τ) μ(υριάδας Ὁ) w, τῷ νομικῷ μυρ(ιάδας) x, © ὠπώρας (]. ὁπ.) μυρίι.) σ (corr. from τ Ὁ), ἰσικίων (io.) (‘mincemeat’) pup(t.) τ. σουμοβαλλον is difficult ; to suppose that this is a misspelling of σουβρικοπάλλιον would be too far-fetched, even if that word were likely in the present context. With πρωϊτ]οδημότ(ου), which appears not to have occurred previously, cf. πρωτο- κωμήτης (ε. g. 188. 12), and δημόται (P. Brit. Mus. 1678. 7, n.).

1731. 18:6x6-6 cm. Third century. On the verso of 1538. A baker's account of receipts and expenditure for two days; cf. 1655. 1 Ὀννώφ(ριος) κα is (is) KB. 2 ἦσαν προβ(ληθεῖσαι ?) (ἀρτάβαι) καὶ * ἠνέχ(θησαν) (ἀρτ.) KB, / (apt.) KG ἐξ *dv ἠρτοπ(οιήθησαν) (apt.?) KB, λο(ιπαὶ) προβ(ληθεῖσαι) (ἀρτ.) ε. ἐγένετ(ο) © κοπ(ῆς) (ἀρταβῶν) (δραχμαὶ) AB, καὶ ἐπράθ(η) λεπ(τὰ ?) (δραχμῶν) 3, * κολλούρ(ια) καὶ σί )) (ὃρ.) ὃ, ° Μινίφίει ») ἄρτ(ων) (δρ.) β, ἀφαιρέματος) (δρ.) κ, 11 γ(ψονται) λημ(μάτων) (ὃδρ.) ξ. 12,2 ἀνηλ(ωμάτων) τειμ(ῆς) χόρτ(ου) (δρ.) η, 15 θρύων ὁμ(οίως) (δρ.) η, 16 ἀχύρου (ὃρ.) a (πεντώβολον), 1 ἐλαίου (δρ.) a (ὀβολ..), 16 ἁλὸς εἰς ἀρτυμ(ατο)ποι(ίαν) (ὃρ.) a (ὀβολ.), 1 ἐνοικίου (πεντώβ.), σκε(υῶν) ὁμ(οίως) (ὀβολ.), /(?) ὀβ(ολοὶ) ς΄, 15 φορέτρου (ἀρταβῶν) KB (δρ.) >, | παρερ- γείτ(αις ?) (δρ.) . [- .. ὑπ(ὲρ) μισθ(ῶν) τῶν προκει- 23) μένων .., 2" ἐρίφυ .. «..... (ὀβολ.), 33 γ(ίνονται) ἀνῃλ(ωμάτων) (dp.?) pAB ὀβίολ.) >. *4 ἀνθ’ (ὧν) ἐπ(άνω 9) λῃμ(μάτων) (δρ.) ξ, 2 2 ὑπ(ο)λείπ(ονται) (ὃδρ.) 08 ὀβ(ολοὶ) >. For προβ(ληθεῖσαι 9) in ll. 2 and 5 cf. e.g. P. Ryl. 200. 1-5 προσβ(έβληκεν) . . . (πυροῦ) KTA., 217. I προσβ(ληθεῖσαι), SC. δραχμαί: but that προ(σ) β(ληθεῖσαι) should be read is unlikely, for there is no indication of abbreviation before the 8. σί ) in 1.8 is perhaps σ(ελίγνια) or σ(εμιδάλει:) ; cf. 1655. παρεργείτ(αις) in 1]. 19 is an unknown form ; probably παρεργάτ(αις) was meant.

1792. 10:2x7-7cm. Late second century. On the recto of 1441 (A. Ὁ. 197- 200). Fragment, incomplete on all four sides, of an account of payments to workmen in (apparently) a vineyard; cf. 1788, P. Fay. 102, Brit. Mus. 131 recto (i. p. 166). At the beginnings of lines probably nothing more than the day of the month is lost. 1 ἐργ]άτ(αι) ς ὁμ[ζοίως 3 υἹἱαυβίων |— ὅ-- --ὑπὲρ)] μισθοῦ [.Juept ..@. [— *—]a (figure) ὄνοι β ἐργάται αἴρο(ντες) χίο(ῦν) ets —° —] ἐργάται γ σκάπτο(ντες) ἐν τῷ [--- ---Ἶ ἄλλοι ἐργάται β ἐκτ(ὸς) τοῦ κτίήματος ‘(figure) | ἐργάται κατατιθο(ῦντες) τί--- Φαϊῶφι ιγ ἐργάτ(αι) β αἴρο(ντες) χο(ῦν) εἰς. [--- ---ἰσγωλεως (Ὁ Τώλεως, an Aphrodito-


polite village; cf. 1746. 8)[.] . ὑπὲρ μισθ(οῦ) ax[— —] Πλουτίωνι ἀμπελ(ουργῷ) [— 4 —] τῷ α(ὐτῷ) ὑπὲρ σπονδῆς |[— 12 ὑπὲρ] μισθοῦ ἐργατ(ῶν) 3 ἀντλο(ύντων) . [—, with traces of 1 more line.

1733. 12:9x7-5cm. Late third century. Conclusion of an account of expen- diture on workmen, barley, sacks, &c., in connexion with an estate ; cf. 1732. )r/u(ui) κρι(θῆς) (4praBGv)| β ὡς τῆς a (δραχμῶν) ρξ, y(tvovtat) (Op.) TK, 2 τι(μὴ) σάκκων σιππίων (cf. 1180. 12,1480. 14, nn.) (dp.) σ, Φιλοξένῳ els δαπάνης (l.-nv, and so in 1]. to-11) (dp.) φ, * εἰς κανθήλιν (dp.) κ, ἐργάται β εἰς ἐκτίνα- Sxrpa (δρ.) v, τῷ ὄνῳ κριθῆς (ἀρτ.) a (ὃρ.) ρξ, τοῖς ἐργάταις οἴνου * κεράμιον a (δρ.) ρξ, Τηπόλῳ εἰς δαπάνης (δρ.) ρπ. 1" εἰϊς] δαπάνης (δρ.) ρ, 12 τι(μὴ) ἄλ(λω») κριθῆς (ἀρτ.) 1 ὡς τῆς a (ὃρ.) py, γί(ίν.) (ὃρ.) φξ, 14 ὑπ(ὲρ) κεδρίας (ὃρ.) σ. γίίν.) ἐπ(ὶ τὸ αὐτὸ) (ὃρ.) ᾿Ετές..

1734, Fr.1 16-1x17 cm. Late second or third century. Two fragments, each containing parts of two columns, of an account of provender for horses ancdweattien ΕΠ 1 Col. ἢ: Goer aI. 5 1.3 "καὶ πώλου , 2 καὶ ἐπὶ Δαμαρίωνος δαμάλ(αι) ¢[..... ,. 3 ἐπὶ τὸ α(ὐτὸ) ἀριθ(μῷ) σύνπαντι ζε(ύγη) ιὃ, * οἱ καὶ ἐσ[θ)ίουσι χορτοπάτητον μικτὸν ἀχύρῳ ἐπὶ τῆς ἅλω. ° καὶ ἔστιν ἐν ἐζγγ)κλεισμῳῷ, ὧν λόγος ἐπάνω 7 ἐν ἀργυρικῷ λόγῳ δεδήλ(ωται), μούια (cf. 146. 3, P. Hibeh 50. 8, n.) Τὶ δ. [τον νννςν ἡιακοὶ σὺν τῷ ἀγορασθ(έντι) (-γορ- over an expunction) ὡς πρό- κ(ειται) 9 ἀριθ(μῷ) ¢, πῶλ(ος) a, 19 [οἱ Kal] ἐσθίουσι ἀπὸ τῆς ἅλω. 1" [ὄνος ? θήλεια καὶ πῶλος αὐτῆς, οἱ διὰ Πρώτου 12 ἀπεδόθησαν. 15... «.. 1. συνκομισθ(εῖσαι) ἀπὸ αὐτουργίας λιβὸς 13 [χώματος ὡς εἰς χορτόσπ(ερμον) ἀγω(γαὶ) ve... εἰς χορτο- π(άτητον) καὶ ἐμίγη ἐπὶ τῆς ἅλω. χορτοπάτητος is apparently a new compound. There are short blank spaces above 1. 1 and below 1. 15, but that the column is complete is not certain. Col. i of Fr. 2, which perhaps is part of Col. ii of Fr. 1, mentions εἰς φάτνας and χορ) τοθήκης.

1735. 9:9x13-5cm. Fourth century. On the verso, the recto being blank. Beginning of an account of a vintage. 1“Picews ve (ἔτους) 2 ivéik(Tlovos). 2 Κόσμου χωρί(ίου) (cf. 1747. 53) κεραμίου γεουχικ(ὰ) *K(epaua) ροβ, σμηκί(τὰ) κ(εράμ.) uC. Αμμωνος ὑπ(ὲρ) ὧν ὀφίλει κ(εράμ.) κ, , κ(εράμ.) σθ' ὑπολήνια δι(πλο)κ(έραμον) (cf. 1751. 3) a. °xwp(iov) Δειὸς (previously unknown) μερίδ(ος) Ἰωάννου 61(a) Αἰῶνος καὶ Xwotros ἀμπ(ελουργῶν) γεουχικ(ὰ) κ(εράμ.) p&0, 8 ληνοῦ μερίδ(ος) Σερήνου «[..]. του |—. ὑπολήνιον is ordinarily the receptacle under the press, but the meaning in 1. 5 is uncertain.

1786. 18:5x19 cm. Third century. On the verso of 1578. An account of various quantities, received or delivered during the months Choiak— Mecheir, of some commodity characterized as ‘old’ or ‘new’. The unit of measurement is abbreviated to » surmounted by a rectangular sign which is generally similar to that often standing for a, but once or twice


approximates towards an ¢; and the unit is subdivided into fractions corresponding to those of the artaba. If, as we have supposed, the abbre- viation represents με(τρητής). the commodity was perhaps oil, with which that measure is often associated, rather than wine; similar fractions of the μετρητής occur in P. Rev. Laws. Col. i: '[[‘A@dp xO pe(rpnrat?) BZ, > παλ(αιοῦ) μ. a.]] Μεχ(εὶρ) κε μ. 8, * παί(λαι.) μ. 28’, ° χω(ρίου) Χρόνου (pre- viously unknown) μ. 8, °dpoi(es) μ. ιγγ΄, Τῦβι m μ. ὃ, ὃχω(ρ.) Χρόνου μ. β, 9 Μεχ(εὶρ) A μ. Gdn’, 15 παλ(αι.) μ. αΖ, 1! Μεχ(εὶρ) A μ. ad, 1“ Μεχ(εὶρ) A μ. BZ, 18 Mex(elp) xO μ. δ΄ Ζη,, 15 παλ(αι.) μ. BZ, Col. ii: 15 Χοίακ τα μ. 58’, Μεχ(εὶρ) μ- yd’, 11 παλίαι.) μ. a, 18 ἄλ(λος) μ. ad’, 19 χω(ρ.) Χρόνου μ. εδ΄, 29 παλ(αι.) μ. εΖδ΄, 21 ἄλ(λοι) μ. 1320’, “3 “καινοῦ μ. νηβΊη κ' δ΄, "5" παλ(αι.) μ. ιαΖ.

1737. το χϑ.1 cm. Second or third century. Written across the fibres. A weaver’s account of work on different days from Mesore 3 to Thoth 6, with amounts in drachmae (sometimes inserted in the margin) and occa- sional. entries concerning rent of his loom. Col. i: 1 Μεσορὴ y γερδ(ιακὰ ?) €, 78 ὁμοίως ε, ε duc(i.) ε, + ὁμο(ί.) ε, ζὁμο(ί.) ε, °n md(vra?) (mt) ὀρθ(οῦ- φικὰ Ὁ) γερδ(ιακά 9), ἴθ. πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οῦφ.) γερδίι.), (πτατοίηῃ (δραχμαὶ) vf) + y, ἐνοικ(ίου) ἱστ(οῦ) (πεντώβολον), 5 ιβ. φαινόλ(αι) ς καὶ ὀρθ(οὐφικόν Ὁ), vy ς καὶ ὀρθ(οὐφ.), 215 ς: καὶ ὀρθ(οὐφ.), 12 ve ε, Bug ε, 15 (margin (dp.) wd) ιζ aZ, ἄλ(λοι) φαινόλ(αι) διλί 1) BL, in ς καὶ ὀρθ(οῦφ.), 110 ς: καὶ ὀρθ(οῦφ.), 15 κ ε, 1 Kae, “Ὁ (marg. (dp.) μ᾿ ὀβ(ολοὶ) KB) KB ε, 323) καὶ ὑφ(άσματα Ὁ) πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οὐφ.), 235 (δρ.) ((δρ.) over an expunction) ὀβίολ.) 1, ἐνοικ(ίου) ἱστ(οῦ) ὀβίολ.) ta, Col. ii: 8 σύνδεσις (‘continuation ’) 24 cy ε, 25 Kd €, 3 κε ὃΖ (corr. from ε, or vice versa), *T ke €, 38 xC €, 2 κῃ ε, 29 Kd ε, 2A ©, 53 ἐπαγο(μένων) a ε, 55. ε, ** y yz (corr. from ὃ), 5 Θὼθ β 86 πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οῦφ.), γ πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οῦφ.), °° πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οὐφ.), ε πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οῦφ.), ς πά(ντ.) ὀρθ(οῦφ.), 41 (dp.) p ὀβ(ολ.) va, ἐνοικ(ίου) ἐξ ἱστ(οῦ) (τριώβολον). / (ὃρ.) oun. The resolution of some of these abbreviations is doubtful. yepd( ) inl. 1 would naturally be expanded γέρδ(ιοι), and 1. 6 might then well be πά(ντες) 6p0(diigou) (cf. P. Grenf. ii. 79. i. 3, Wilcken, Osz, i. 173, n.), with ὑφίανταί) in 1. 21. On the other hand in 1. 9 (cf. 15) φαινόλ(αι) or φαινόλ(ια) are coupled with 6p0(_), and the occurrence of fractions suits things, not persons. Hence zd(vra), ὀρθ(οὔφικά), and γερδ(ιακά), agreeing with a word like ἱμάτια understood, and ὑφ(άσματα) are . preferable. πά(λλια) is unsatisfactory because 6 πά(λλια) is contrary to the writer's usage in regard to the position of numbers. p0(_) might also be ὀρθ(οστάδια). διλί ) in 1. 15 may be connected with δίλασον or δίλασσον, a kind of garment occurring in B. G. U. 814. 25, 816. 17, 22. The money entries add up to 240 dr. 62 ob., approximately corresponding to the total (248 dr.) in 1. 43.


1738. 21°7x9:-3cm. Third century. An account of timber, classified as logs (ξύλα σώματα) and branches, on 6 boats. The papyrus is damaged at the top, but 1. 1 may have been the first of the document, and if so ξύλ]ων «all κλάδων might well be restored ; but the preceding word was not λόγος "1 ΡΟ UN ew καρ τρόπους "els τὴν θαλαμηγὸν Σιλβ αἸνοῦ * ξύλα σώματα) “apOua’ ιβ 4 κ[αὶ κλάδοι 6. δεύτερον πλοῖον Ῥωμανοῦ " ναύτου ξύλα σώματα

ἀριθμῷ τα. τρίτον πλοῖον “Qpiwvos ναύτου ξύλα σώματα (ἀγριθμῷ ι 3 καὶ κλάδος


a. τέταρτον πλοῖον Taciwr{yjos | ξύλα σώματα ἀριθμῷ τα 1" καὶ κλάδοι γι.

18 πέμζπγτον πλοῖον Ζῳείλου ναύτου 13 ξύλα σώματα ἀριθμῷ ι. 1 ἕκίκ)τον πλοῖον ἘΣ 16 ξύλα σώματα ἀριθμῷ ι 1ἴ καὶ κλάδοι B. The figures, besides having a dash above them, are preceded and followed by the sign / or "Δ, which apparently has no special significance.

1739. 23°3x6-2 cm. On the verso of 1518. Second or early third century. A short list of colours with weights, and then of values ; cf. an Oxyrhynchus ostracon in SB. 2251. loamnipw (cf. SB. 2251, P. Tebt. 405. 10) μνᾶν ὁλκήν, 2 μαρῖνον (from papivos, or = warinum ?) pv. Orx., * καλλάεινον (cf. 6. g. 1449. 13, P. Tebt. 421. 8) pv. ὅλκ., *rupwov (perhaps a variant of Τύριος rather than from τυρός) py. OAK., ° pAdyewov py. ὅλκ., © σμιρινηαν (-vijav: = σμυρναίαν, i.e. σμύρναν ἢ) τάλαντον ὅλκ., ‘(after a short space) τιμῆς σαππίριν (δραχμαὶ) is, 8 τιμῆς μαρῖνον (dp.) ὃ, τιμῆς καλλάεινο(ν) (δρ.) B (τετρώβολον). In Il. 1-3 and 6 ὁλκήν is written above the line owing to want of space, as is (6p.) is in 1]. 7. In the upper margin there is a group of curved and straight strokes, and part oa {πὸ ||. Jlevevos in a different hand. Below |. 9 two small ovals have been drawn.

1740. 15:3x14:1 cm. Late third or fourth century. Conclusion of an account of various articles, several being weaving implements. In each item there are two amounts of drachmae in juxtaposition, the second being nearly double the first ; perhaps the lower figures represent part payments. 1 κερκείζα (1. κερκίδια) [(δραχμαὶ) .. (Op.) .., ἀτράκτεια [.] (6p.) “A. [. (δρ.) - ., 3 xreveta (Sp.) "Ap. (Sp.).., *[..--la-.v [(Sp.) .- (Sp.) . ., στήμεια (cf. 1142. 7, P. Tebt. 413. 12) (dp.) ’A (δρ.) ᾽Β, © πην(ίλα ε (corr.) (δρ.) Tu (Sp.) φ, κτενία ε (Sp.) τ (8p.) x, 8 ἀλακάτια θ (8p.) “Ao (dp.) ’A, νυνφικὰ (meaning?) (dp.) ᾿Α (6p.) ’Bu, παιλύκιων (1. πελύκιον) (dp.) τ (6p.) x, *! kapd a (1. καρύδια pulleys ’? ; cf. 1, 1) (dp.) Τ' {(6p.)} (τάλαντον Ὁ). |, 1” λειτνεία (unknown) κε (dp.) “A (δρ.) "Bxz, 18 ὑαλίμων (...|. In the right-hand margin opposite |. τὸ are the letters υκί, which apparently belong to a second column.


(S)) ezszs.

1741. 22:5x17:3 cm. Early fourth century. Two incomplete columns of a list of clothes, classified as ἱμάτια and ὀθόνια; cf. 109, 921, 1026, 1051, P. Tebt. 405, Gen. 80, C.P.R. p. 125. Col. i: ᾿[Πρα]φὴ εἱματίων" “[στιχ᾽ άρια λευκὰ β, 531... τικὸν a, “[μαφ]όρτια λευκὰ β, [δελ]ματι[κὰ] Ξοϊτικὰ (Eoir.) (cf. 1026. 11) 4, 5. - .(1α λευκ[ὴ] σὺν μαφορ(τίῳ) a, [ζῶναι β, [.. .]. α α, 3 [πάλϊλιν a, 107). ἠτίκια λευκὰ β, 11. - .«Ἰτίκιον λάεινον a, |? |. . «]Ἰτίκιον μωθωνη( ) (unknown, perhaps an adjective of place ; cf. 1206. 19 μουθονάλιον μαφόριον, where the same word was probably meant) a, |. . «]ειρροῖι ?| 6. Col. ii: 15 ὀθονίων ὁμοίως" 15 δελματικὸν μαλλῳϊτὸν a, orixdptoly| πλουμᾶϊτον (= plumatum) a, NV μαμπίων (μαμῖπ-: cf. 1051. 17 μᾶπιν. P. Grenf. ii. 111. 12 paym(apia)) κενῶϊν» (1. καινῶν, and so in ll. 18, 25, 27) - - ., “" φακιάλιον κενὸν [α, 1" ddd a | οἷν Παφορεἶ. - - ., ἀναβολάδια Ϊ., “1 στιχάρι, ον ἀπόρφίυρον a, 235 λινούδια ἐν περίι- στρώματιϑ., 25 ἀϊπόρφυρα |., “ὁ [ἄλλα 9] περιστρώμζατα.., 25 ακὐιϊάριον κενὸϊν a, 20 ἱπε]ρ[ στρώματα ., “᾿[ἀϊπόρφυρα κενὰ |., 25 βαλανάρια ἀποφοΐ... ., 3 ἄλλα περιϊστ]ρώματα ., “° ἄλλ[οἱ] dlaxudAcov? a. In ]. το adda [μ)αφύόρ(τια) might perhaps be read on the analogy of 1. 6, but is not very satisfactory.

1742. 23-8x138 cm. Fourth century. A list of various articles ordered by one Isidorus, as is stated in the endorsement on the verso, where the document is termed an ἐντολικόν (cf. 1142. 1, n., 1677. 5). The writing is a large cursive. 1KvAAdo[rios?....|.( Al(rpac) €, 2 Babri. ( Ad(Tp.) «, 8 ἐλαίου ξ(έσται) >, * καλάμια μεγάλ(α) μερί ) ε, κερκίδια yepdiaxa ν, σόλια

(cf. 1288. 16) γυναικῖα παπύρ(ινα) ὃ, * κούκινα ὃ, ἀνδρικὰ β, 3 ὀρυαῖον πηχ(ῶν») Ba.

On the verso ἐντοϊλιϊκὸν ἐμοῦ ᾿Ισιδώρου. In 1. 9 ὀρυαῖον is perhaps derived

from ὀρύα, which occurs in Epicharmus and is explained by Hesychius

as χορδὴ ἑφθή. The reading is fairly clear.

(9) Zaxation and Official Accounts.

1748. 161x10cm. A.D. 221-2. Fragment from the bottom of a column of a survey-list concerning State land, the items being apparently arranged according to κλῆροι, as is indicated by the new section beginning in 1. 5. Here the general terms of the lease, covering a period of 6 years, are first given (ll. 6-9; cf. 11. 1-2); then in a second hand comes a note (I. 10; cf. l. 3) giving (1) the total of the plot (κοίτη) in arourae on the authority of a revision (ἐπίσκεψις) of leases of State lands, (2) the name of the lessee ; lastly (in the first hand) comes the rent of the current year, which was the 5th of Elagabalus and rst of Severus Alexander (1. 11; cf. 1. 4). P. Stud.


Pal. xvii. 10 sqq. (Mendes) is approximately contemporary and somewhat similar, but concerns unwatered land ; cf. also 1744 and P. Hamb.12. The lines are incomplete at the ends, but not very much is lost. <A new kind of artaba μέτρῳ ἐλ(αικῷ ?) for vegetables is found in |. 1, and the μέτρον πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα (cf. 1640. 4-5, n.) recurs in 1. 8. The imperfectly preserved phrase found in ll. 2 and g is novel and the explanation of it uncertain; we suppose it to mean that the rent was ‘paid from hand to hand annually within the year at one of the storehouses’, ava χεῖρα apparently correspond- ing to διὰ χειρός (e. g. 1636. 39). On the verso is a letter (1763). 1/76 m(av?) ἐν λαχά(νοις) (ἀρούρας) δ΄ λαχά(νων) μέτρῳ ἐλ(αικῴ Ὁ) (A4pTaBns) δ΄ κίατα- βληθὲν ? 2 ἀνὰ χεῖρα κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐνιαυτῷ πίαρ᾽ ἕνα τῶν ἁλώνων ? 3 ἐπίσκ(εψις) κατὰ φύλ(λον) κολ(λήματος) νβ΄’ κοίτ(η) (ἀρουρῶν) θ διὰ Πνεφε[ρῶτος (father’s name?) * φόρου τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ε (ἔτους) τοῦ καὶ a (ἔτ.) ὡς τῆς (ἀρού.) ἀνὰ ----. (after a space) [κ]αὶ ἀπὸ κλήρου ᾿Αμμωνᾶ" °(in the margin |.) ὥστε γ (ἔτει) ε (ἔτ.) (ἔτ.) ξυλαμῆσαι χλωροῖς φόρου καΪτ᾽ ἔτος --- B (ἔτ.) > (ἔτ.) πυ- ρῷ ἐκφορίου κατ᾽ ἔτος κατὰ (ἄρουραν) ἀνὰ πυροῦ [(apr.) —, (ἔτει) πυρῷ ἀνὰ πυροῦ μέτρῳ πρὸς p* (= ἑκατοστὰς) ι (ἀρτ.) θ ἱκαταβληθείσας ? ἀνὰ χεῖρα 10

κατ᾽ ἔτος ἐνιαυτῷ παρ᾽ ἕνα τῶν ἁϊλώνων ἐπίσκί(εψις) κατὰ φύλί(λον) κολίλήματος) vB° Koit(n) (ἀρουρῶν) γ διὰ Πνεφ[ ερῶτος (father’s name ?) 1} φόρου τοῦ ἐνεστῶτος ε (ἔτους) τοῦ καὶ a (ἔτ.) ὡς τῆς (ἀρού.) [ava —. 1744. 13:3x102cm. A.D. 287-8? Fragment from the middle of a column of a survey-list concerning palm and garden-land belonging to the State, the rents being paid in loaves (which are measured in unusual fashion by the artaba, 30 loaves being the customary equivalent of an artaba of corn ; cf. 1454. 6,n.), young pigs (unusual in this context), olives, dates of two kinds (ll. 3 and 8 ; in both cases the adjectives are abbreviated and obscure), and money. Deficiencies in the payments of the full rents are noted. The papyrus was probably written in the 4th year of Diocletian and 3rd of Maximian (ll. 3, 9, 11), and the references backwards to the Ist year of Carus (ll. g and 11) seem to indicate a quinquennial revision of rents of State lands; cf. 1279. 6, n. and 1748. The lines are incomplete at both the beginnings and ends, and how much is lost is uncertain. New sections begin in ll. 3, 8, and 10. The land in question seems to have been out of cultivation, like that in P. Stud. Pal. xvii. io sqq. For σπονδή (1. 3) as a tax (generally on ἀμπελῶνες, but here apparently on παράδεισοι) cf. 1436. 11,n. On the verso are the beginnings of g lines from another list of a similar character, eiepas and κτημάτων with two strokes against them occur- ring, at the beginnings of:sections. '—]....5-2.-:.-: , ἄρτ(ων) (apraBar) A, ἐλαιῶν [.] .[---, 2 €Aar(rov) —] ., δέλφ(ακες) B, ἄρτ(ων) (ἀρτάβ.) az. 3 (after a space) --- (ἔτει)}] κα[ὶ] y (ἔτ.) φοι(νίκων) ἀθ. κ(( ) (or ἀθ. ( ) μετὰ τὰς


προστεθ(είσας) onove|iis —*—].... €Aar(rov)..[.].( ) (ἀρτ.) (δ΄, ἐλαιῶν (ἀρτ.) a, δέλφ(ακ.) β, ἄρτ(ων) [(ἀρτάβ.) --- °—].. φοι(νίκων) (ἀρτ.).., €Aai[ Oly (ἀρτ.) a,

᾿ δέλφί(ακ.) β, ἔλατί(τον) ἀργ(υρίου) (δραχμαὶ) [---- ----Ἰ.. ««.[. 7. «ν ον νον [J]... [18 (ἔτει) Κάρου φοι(νίκων) (ἀρτ.) β, ἐλαιῶϊν (apt.) —7—).[..|......[..-]$—]..-0 ὁμοίως ἐν χέρσῳ φοι(νίκων) θαλ(λόντων Ὁ) (ἀρτ.) a, [—®—]. .. . (ἔτει) καὶ γ (ἔτ.) ἕως a (ἔτους) Κάρον ἐνια[ζυ]σίως (ἀρτ.). [.| .[— ζ[9 ---ἈἸ (ἔτει) α΄ (= πρότερον more probably than Αὐρηλίου) ᾿Αμ[όιτίος Ποκωοῦτος ἐν χέρσῳ [---- 11 ----εν Ῥ]εχθί ) [(ἔτει) καὶ γ (ἔτ.) Ews a (ἔτους) Κάρου ἐτησίως (ἀρτ.) αἱ --- 12 | /18 .[—.

1745. 30x11-3 cm. Early third century. Parts of two columns of a list of land-holders at various τόπ(οι) with the amounts of their holdings (probably βασιλικὴ γῆ), rents in wheat and barley, and repayments of seed- corn; cf. 1525-1581. Col. i, which has a few letters from the ends of lines and some interlinear additions in a second hand, mentions τόπ(ου) —|d(_) Πηλί ) and τόπ(ου) ᾿Απηλί ). τοπ(αρχίας) ᾿Απηλ(ιώτου) being excluded by the names of the other τόπίοι), which are all new and may be outside the Oxyrhyn- chite nome. On the verso is a letter (1668). Col. ii: 1 (ἄρουραι) ιη (πυροῦ) (ap- τάβαι) p_—. 5 “Arpis Ivepepar| os τόπ(ου) ---. > ’Aclapxos Σαραπιοδ[ώρου τόπ(ου) —, + rdm(ov) Θελλὼ (ἄρου.) y,|— ° (πυρ.) (apr.) TZ κ(ριθῆς) (apr.) .[—. ®’ Aas Παλεώ- mews τόπ(ου) —. Τ᾿ Απῦγχις (-Tvy x.) Στρά(τωνος Ὁ) καὶ. [— (πυρ.) (ἀρτ.) κγγ΄ κ(ριθ.) (ἀρτ.) [----. ᾿Αμμώνιος “Δρποκραϊτίωνος τόπ(ου) ---, κριθῆς (ἀρτ.) β |—. 1 ᾿Αμμώνιος Χαιρήμίονος τόπ(ου) ---, 12 τόπ(ου) Κελσαυὺ (ἄρου.) ty [—, 1 σπερμάτων (πυρ.) (ἀρτ.) ἰ----.- 1 ᾿Απ᾿όΐλλων Nappovélews tém(ov) —, 15 τ[όϊπ(ου) [.. (. )) (ἄρου.) yo’, / (ἄρου.) s{—. 18 Adpod ίσϊιος Αὐρηλίι---, 17 γ(ίνονται) (ἄρου.) (πυρ.) (ἀρτ.) fey’ [—. 15᾽᾿Αμμώνιος Παώσιζ[ος τόπ(ου) ---. 13 τόπ(ου) Kopxova( ) (ἄρου.) a, 7}... [--- "Ὁ ᾿Ατίων (1. ᾿Απίων ?) ᾿Ορσενούφεως [τόπί(ου) ---, 31 Παψὶ (ἄρου.) a, /(apov.) Gy’, |—. 22 Διόσκορος μη(τρὸς) Μερώτι δος —, 75 τόπ(ου) Μάκρου (ἄρου.) ty[—. 34. Δημή- τριος᾿ Αμμωνίου [τόπ(ου) ----, 25 τόπ(ου) Χρυσί )(dpov.) β,τοπί ) Στ. [---26 (πυρ.) (ἀρτ.) vay’ κ(ριθ.) (ἀρτ.) ad’ |—. 57 Δημήτριος Πνεφ[ε]ρ[ῶτος téx(ov) —, 58 τόπ(ου) Tout ) (ἄρου.) 6, τόπ(ου) Ὄδ( ) Στρά(τωνος 9) (ἄρου.) [---- 35 κ(ριθ.) (ἀρτ.) ς, σπ(ερμάτων) (πυροῦ) (ἀρτ.) ἰ(ἰ---.

1746. 21-3x23:9 cm. Fourth century. <A list of advances of seed-corn to various villages in the Aphroditopolite nome, concerning the geography of which very little is known, and to cultivators of derelict land owned by inhabitants of the metropolis. For ἄπορα ὀνόματα in 1. 11 cf. W. Chr. 381. int., de Zulueta, De patrocintis vicorum 72, Oertel, Liturgie 101. The lower portion of the papyrus is missing, but may well have been blank or contained merely the total. ᾿᾿Αφροδιτοπολείτου. 2 βρεούιον τοῦ οθέντος σίτου καὶ κριθῆς εἰς “κατασποράν. ἔστι δέ κώμης Toov σίτου (ἀρτάβαι) py, κριθῆς (dpr.) ρ. Ἰσιήου σίτου (ἀρτ.) σ. Τ᾿ Αραβικοῦ σίτου [(ἀρτ.}] τ. Τώλεως σίτου (ἀρτ.) σ.


°Tlaz . apvwy σίτου [(apr.)| vB. 15 ᾿Αλλοφύλων σίτου (ἀρτ.) p. 1: γεωργοῖς ἀπόρων

ὀνομάτων | μητροπολειτικ[ῶϊν 15 σίτου (ἀρτ.) [.\ve.

1747. 527 Χ 25:23 οἴῆ. Late third or early fourth century. On the verso, the

recto being blank. A list of persons arranged according to (a) villages in

the toparchies of the Oxyrhynchite nome (ll. 14-57), (4) γεουχοῦντες, i. e.

possessores or large land-owners (ll. 58-72). Owing to the loss of some

lines at the beginning, which are likely to have included a heading as well

as the details concerning the Upper toparchy, the precise object of the list

is obscure; but evidently the persons mentioned were required by the

government for work: of some kind, e.g. as recruits for the army or

labourers on public works. Generally one individual was assigned to a

village or land-owner, but to the larger villages and estates two. The

toparchies follow the regular order; cf. 1659. int. Of the villages which

occur Κόσμου (1. 53; cf. 1785. 2) can now be recognized in 1285. 135, where

1. Κόσμου, not Κόβα, as suggested in connexion with 1529. 7: for Τααμπιτεί

(1. 40) cf. 1659. 70, n. Μουχιντάλη (1. 55) is clearly written, and is to be read

in 1529. Io in preference to Μουχινγάλη. Θεσσαλῶᾳ(ν 3) (1. 60) is new. In

many instances the spaces left for filling in the names of persons are blank ;

where the personal names are given, there is usually a stroke in the margin

against the village-names (in the list of γεουχοῦντες no strokes are employed).

The figures in most cases have a dot after them. Col. 1: after 13 lines

lost, 14 Λιβὸϊς τοϊπ(αρχίας)" 15 [Sept|pews (cf. 1285. 71) β᾽ 18. . .Js Ψεναμούνιος,

17 Σερῆνος Διοδώρου. 18 Πανευεὶ at Χεοῦς ᾿Ον[ο]ύθεως. Σενοκώμεως a? *'*OQpos

Κομοάπιος. 25 Πέλα α' 73’Addyxis Κάστορος. Φ' Σύρων α΄ * Χεῶς “Δρπαήσιος.

26 “Ηρακλείδου at ( δ. Col. ii: 57 ᾿Απηλ(ιώτου)" 38 Τερύθεως β' ( δ. ᾿Αδαίου a

0 ΤΠαυσεῖρις “Ὥρου. Ψώβθεως a? ** Κιάλης Πολυδεύκους. ** Τααμπέμου a’ “ὁ Ἡρᾶς

Παάπιος. 35 Πακέρκη a’ °° Ὃρπαῆσις Παυσείριος. Θμοινεψώβθεως (cf. 1659. 55, n.)

a’ “8 Βησᾶς Παυσείριος. 33. Μέσης τοπ(αρχίας)" Τααμπιτεὶ at 4! Σωτᾶς Παπνούτιος.

42 Κερκεύρων (-κεῦρ.) α᾽ Ὅρκοθιν Παυ(σεῦδλριος (p corr. from σὴ. ** Τανάεως a’

16 ᾿Αφφοῦς Κοπρέως. Θμοισεφὼ τοπ(αρχίας)" “ἴ Τήεως β. ( δ * Παώμζεϊως αἱ

“Ωρίων Πανῆτος. (ΟἹ. iii: °° Κάτω τοπ(αρχίας) Σέσφθα a* ᾿Ισὰκ (1σ.) Μιύσιος

| (μιῦσ.). δ᾽ Τακόνα α΄ ( δ. *Awodeova ( δ. 55 Κόσμου α΄ ( δ. * Τυχινφάγων

β α᾽ ). > Μουχιντάλη a* °° Παγάθης Κιμούλιος. δ [Τρύφωνος (sc. Ἰσείου : cf. 1659.

100) a.]] δ γεουχού(ντων)" δ᾽ Θεωνίλλης β' © Χωοῦς Σαρμάτου ἀπὸ Θεσσαλῶ(ν 9),

( ). 1 ΦἼλ]αυιανοῦ (-iavov) at ( δ “2᾽ Απολλωνίου Σαρμάτ(ου) a* ( δ. “5 Κορνη-

λιανοῦ at ( .. “ξ Διοσκουρίδου ’᾿Ιουλιανοῦ (iovd.) at ( δ. © Εὐδαίμονος ᾿Ελλαδίου a”

6 Κάστωρ “Qpov ποί( ). 57 Διονυσαρίης ἀπ(ελευθέρας ?) ἱΩρίωνος a 55 Διόσκορος

Κορνηλίου ποί ). © ᾿Απολλωνίου Tara(ros?) α᾽ * Σαραπίων Πετερμ[ου]θίου ἀπὸ ἐποικ(ίου) ΝΝομογρά(φου). | Σεύθου α" ( δ. 12 Πτολεμαίου τοῦ κ(αὶ) Θέωνος a’



1748. 15:1x15cm. Third century. An account of payments to ὀνηλάται for transport from villages situated in different toparchies. In the case of the asses from Pakerke (ll. 1-6) a deduction from the whole sum due (2 dr. 4 obols per ass) is made on account of a previous payment for bundles of produce (μανδάκ(ια) in 1. 4 suggests hay or flax; cf. P. Hamb. 21. 5,n., Ryl. 236. 11) transported ‘from the river to the threshing-floor’, while the main account apparently refers to transport in the opposite direction. In the case of the asses from Syron (Il. 10-12) the sum due to the ὀνηλάται was deducted from a debt of a γεωργός for rent. Whether the account is official or refers to a large private estate is not clear. The lower part of the papyrus is lost, but 1. 12 ends a section and there is a blank space below, so that the account may be complete. On the verso is a letter (1669). 1 Λόγος ὀνηλ(ατῶν) ἀπὸ Πακέρκη ws διὰ... eee 2 (interlinear) δηλοῦται. ἀπὸ Πακέρκη ὄνοι ρπα ws τί(οϑ) a (δραχμῶν) B (τετρωβόλου Ὁ) (ὃδρ.) υξε (τριώβολον), * ἐξ ὧ(ν) ἐκκρούονται ὑπὲρ μανδακ(ίων) AC ἀπὸ ποταμοῦ ἄχρι τῆς ἅλω μετενεχθ(έντων) ὡς τ(οῦ) a © (τετρωβόλου) (δραχμαὶ) κα (ὀβολός), λοιπ(αὶ) (ὃρ.) υμὸ (δυόβ.). 2 (ΞΞ ὧν) ἔσχ(ον) (dp.) ρ, ἄλ(λας) (δρ.) ρ, ἄλ(λας) (6p.) σ, / (δρ.) υ, λοιπ(αὶ) (Sp.) μὸ (δυόβ.). καὶ διὰ dvnA(atGv) Πλελὼ ὄνοι νῷ, ὧν μισθὸς διὰ λόγων Σεουήρου [ἐἸξωδιάσθ(η). 10 καὶ διὰ ὀνη λ(ατῶν) Σύρων ὄνοι σνε, 11 ὧϊν 6 μισ)θὸς παρεδέχθη. ᾿Αμόι γεωρ(γῷ) 12 ἀφ᾽ ? οὗ ὠἸφε[ίιῖλεν φόρου. The arithmetic shows that seven, not six, obols were reckoned to a drachma.

1749. 16°5x9:6cm. Fourth century. An account for transporting ἐπιβάται from Chaereu (near Alexandria) to Niciu (cf. 1880. 7-8, n.), Heracleopolis, and Cynopolis. ἐπιβάται are perhaps equivalent to the earlier ἐπίπλοοι, i. 6. soldiers or others responsible for guarding freights (cf. Wilcken, Grandz. 379). | Adyo(s) ναύλων ἐπιβατῶν. 3 ἔστι δὲ δι’ ἐμοῦ ᾿Αφυγχίου (-vy’x.) 2 ἀπὸ Χεραίου (1. Χαιρέου) εἰς Νικίου (τάλαντον) a (δραχμαὶ) ᾽Β. *dpol(ws) ἔσχεν 6 προκίμενος ᾿Αφύγχις (-vy’x.) ὑπ(ὲρ) ναύλου ἑτέρων ἐπιβατῶν © ἀπὸ τῆς προκίει- μένης) Χαιρέου εἰς “Hpaxdéov(s) (τάλ.) a (Sp.) T. ὁμοί(ως) ναύλου ἑτέρων ἐπιβατῶν ἀπὸ τῆς α(ὐτῆς) Χαιρέου εἰς Κυνῷ(ν) (dp.) Bo. 5 ὁμοῦ e{i|s Adyo(v) ναύλου (τάλ.) γ (ὃρ.) ᾿Αφ.

1750. 15:6x82cm. Nov. 30, A.D. 306. <A receipt issued by an official for the payment of an unspecified amount (διασταλέντα in 1. 8 indicates a credit payment of corn; cf. e.g. 1589-40) for a share in providing an ass and ῥαβδοῦχος (cf. 1626. 9, n.) required by the government for transport to Memphis. For the date in 1. 16 (the 15th year refers to Galerius Augustus, the 3rd to Severus Aug. and Maximinus Caesar, the Ist to Constantine Caesar) cf. 1542, which was written on Pauni 2 (May 27) of A.D. 307 and mentions Taposiris also called Amazonion (cf.1750. 10); 102. 21, written on

.---ς---- ---- -- ---. ---


Phaophi 16 (Oct. 13) 306, i.e. 48 days earlier than 1750, is still dated by Constantius Augustus, though he died on July 25, 306. 1} Αὐρήλιος (0 corr. from a) ᾿Απποίθ)ς (1. ᾿Απφοῦς) 2᾿Απολλοθέωνος * Αὐρηλίίϊῳ Παύλῳ χαί- * pew. [ἔϊσχον παρὰ σοῦ ὑπί(ὲρ) [6|y[d(uaros)| Δημητρίας τῆς καὶ Κυριλλοῦτος καὶ ὑπ(ὲρ) Πλουτίωνος ἀδελφοῦ σου τὰ διασ- ϑταλέντα corr. from a) ὑπί(ὲρ) ὀνόμ[αἾτος 10 Ταποσίριος τῆς καὶ ’Awa- 1 Coviov τὸ κατ᾽ αὐτῶν 1“ μέρος ὄνου καὶ ῥαβδο[ύ- 4 ἐπὶ τὴν Μεμφιτῶν 15 πόλειν πλήρης. (ἔτους) ve (ἔτ.) y (ἔτ.) a (ἔτ.) Χοίακ ὃ. 17 ᾿Α(π)φοῦς σεσημ(είωμα!).

13 you ἀποσταλέντος |

(10) Orders for Payment.

1751. 9x25:8cm. A.D. 347. Written along the fibres on the verso of part of an early fourth century taxing-account of land, mentioning Zévwvos κλῆρος. An order to a woman to pay a double jar of wine to a physician as the price of some (3?) σπάΪθια, which are in this context more probably spatulae (instruments for mixing) than measures of wine (as e.g. in 1771. 4). The neuter form διπλοκέραμον occurs in 1]. 3, and is probably implied by all those instances which Wilcken, Osz. i. 759-60, refers to d:mAoKepapos. The date (1. 4) is by the era of Constantine I and the regnal years of Constantius and Constans ; cf. 1632.9, n. |! Σαρμάτης Σερηνίλ(λγ)ᾳ [xatpew.| ? rapacxod exvrA@ ἰατρῷ (iat.) ὑπὲρ τιμῆς σπα[θίων ὃ... .|p|. .(]ν (possibly τ] ρ[ιὦ]ν) οἴνου διπλοκέραμον ἕν. σεσημ(είωμαι) οἴνου (ιν corr.) διπίλοκ.) ἕν. μόνον. * (ἔτους) μα Ky 16 Μεχεὶρ xy.

1752. 4:3x27-7cm. A.D. 378. Written across the fibres. An order for pay- ment of wine (κνίδιον διπλοῦν) to two sawyers for repairs to a boat. The οἰνοχειριστής, to whom the document is addressed, was probably in the service of a private land-owner (the Clemens of 1. 1) rather than of the State. The dating in 1. 4 is by the regnal years of Valens, Gratian, and Valentinian II ; cf. 1041. 16, written 3 years later, after the death of Valens, and 1632. 9,n. ‘II (apa) Κλήμίεντος) Λευκαδίου διὰ τῆς μητρὸς Νείλῳ olvoxt- ρ(ιστῇ) χα(ίρειν). 2 παρασχοῦ Πτολεμᾳίῳ καὶ τῷ κοινωνῷ πρίσταις εἰς λόγον δαπά- νης ἀνανεώσεως τοῦ πλοίου * τὸ πρὶν ὑπὸ (ὕπ.) ᾿Απφοῦν οἴνου κνίδιον διπλοῦν ἕν, “οἴ(ν.) κνίδ(ι.) δι(πλ.) a. (2nd h.) σεσημίωμαι οἴνου κνίδιον διπλοῦζν) ἕν. (Ist h.) 4 (ἔτους) us (ἔτ.) 18 (ἔτ.) (ἔτ.) ΠΠαχὼν a.

1753. δοχτιρ cm. A.D. 290. On the verso of two incomplete documents in shorthand, of 9 and 5 lines respectively. An order to a βοηθός to make various money-payments (partly in solidi, partly in denarii) to a πραγματευτής as the price of oil, pitch, honey, and a commodity sold by the λίτρα (probably meat). The ends of lines are missing, but not much seems to be lost. The dating is by the eras of Constantius and Julian; cf. 1632. 9, n.

N 2


1 Λιμένιος ᾿Αθανασίῳ βοηθ(ῷ) χαί(ίρειν). ? παρασχοῦ Βάσσῳ πραγματευτῃ ὑπὲρ (υπ.) τιμ(ῆς) ἐλέου (1. ἐλαίου) χρηστοῦ ξεστῶν ὀγδοϊήκοντα χρυσοῦ * νομισμάτια δύο, καὶ ὑπὲρ (ὑπ.) πίσσης ὑγρᾶς (ὑγ.) ἀγγίων ἐξ (εξ over an expunction) ἑκάστου ἐκ (δηναρίων) [μ(υριάδων) τ (δην.) μ(υριάδας) "Aw, καὶ ὑπὲρ τιμῆς μέλιτος ξεστῶν εἴκοσι πέντε χρυσοῦ νομισμάτιον ἕν, [καὶ ὑπὲρ κρέως ? λι(τρῶν) yZ (δην.) μ(υριάδας) pe, γ(ίνονται) ὁμοῦ νομίῴισμ.) γ καὶ (δην.) μίυρ.) “APe μόνα. (2nd ἢ.) σεσίη- μ(είωμαυ) ---- τ .[—7 (1st h.) (ἔτους) ἔς: Ae "Emel ¢

1754. 16-6x8-4 cm. Late fourth or fifth century. A short letter ordering a payment of τὸ centenaria (cf. 1480. 14, n.) of pitch to a potter attached (διαφέρων) to an agent (βοηθός) of the heirs of Protidius, who was probably a rich land-owner. The bottom of the document is missing, but perhaps nothing or no more than a date is lost. On the verso is a somewhat obliterated list of names in a different hand. 1 Κυρίῳ μου ἀδελφῷ Tapovdi'w’ 2 Μακάριος. δέκα κεντηνάρια ᾿ πίσσης παρασχοῦ °’Appwvio τῷ κεραμῖ © τῷ δια- φέροντι τῷ κυρίῳ μου ἀδελφῷ δ᾿Αβρααμίῳ τῷ βοηθῷ 5 10 μων Πρωτιδίου. 11 ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔϊχομ(αι) 13 | πολλοῖς [χρόνοις

n , TOV KAnpovo-

(11) Prtvate Correspondence.

1755. 4:8x5:6cm. Second or early third century. An invitation to dinner ‘at the table of the lord Sarapis’, similar to 110, 528, and 1484 ; cf. 1484-7. int. 1’Epora oe ᾿Απίων δει- * πνῆσαι ἐν τῷ οἴκῳ * τοῦ Σᾳραπείου εἰς κλεί- * νην τοῦ κυρίου Σαράπιδος τῇ ty ἀπὸ ὥρας 0. It is not clear whether the οἶκος was Apion’s own house, in which case ἐπί may be supplied before τοῦ Σαραπείου, or was a part of the temple itself; cf. ἐν τῷ Σαραπείῳ in 110. 3. For κλίνη now cf. Gromon des [dios Logos 88.

1756. 21°3x9-4 cm. First century. A short letter from Sarapion to his father Dionysius, saying that he was sending his (Sarapion’s) poll-tax, and promising a present of olives. 'Zapaniwy Διονυσίωι τῶι * πατρὶ χαίρειν. 5 ἀναγκαῖον ἔγνων διὰ ypa- * πτοῦ σε ἀσπάσασθαι. κόμισαι διὰ Kepadaros Πετε- χῶ(ντος) ° Σαλβίου τὴν λαογραφίαν μου (δραχμὰς) ιβ. ἐὰν ᾿Αμόις παραγένηται, δώσω αὐτῶι τὰς ἄλλας (ὃρ.) ὃ. 1 ἐὰν τὰ κτήνη ἐξέρχηται ' ἐπὶ γράστιν, πέμψω σοι 12 ἐλαίαν. ἔρρωσο. Verso 1 παρὰ Σαραπίωνος Διονυσίων τῶι. πατρί. Other Oxyrhynchite instances οἵ poll-tax at the rate of 16 drachmae are 818, 389, 1438. 18 ; cf. 1436. int.

1757. 28-9 x 8-8 cm. Second century (after Hadrian). Letter from Horeis to his brother Horion, complaining that the latter had not written, and announcing the dispatch of various articles, &c. | ‘Qpeis ‘Opiwri τῶι * ἀδελφῶι πλεῖστα χαίρειν. πρὸ τῶν [ὅλων εὔχομαί σε * ὑγιαίνειν. δευτέραν σοι ἐπι- στολὴν γράφω σοι καὶ οὐδεμίαν μοι ἀντέγρα- Was. ἐγώ [ole πάντίο]τε φι- AG,


σὺ δὲ π]αρεξουδενεῖς με. ἀνερχόμενος avavey- κῶ (I. dvevey.) σοι τὰ καλ(λγάινα evens μ PXOK tA Y

ἐὰν δηλώσεις μοι διὰ Εὐρι- 125 τᾶτος τοῦ ἀναδιδόντει (1. -τος) σοι 15 τὸ ἐπιστόλιον corr.). ἐὰν μὴ 1 ἦν σοι ἀβαρός (]. -ρές : οἴ. 1670. 13, n.), μεταβαλοῦ

μὴ p p

'5 Σαραπᾶτι χαλκὸν ἕως ava- BG. εἶς] τὴν ἑορτὴν ἔπεμ- 17 Wa σοι ῥούδια (= ῥοίδια) πέντε. ἐὰν 18 μὴ ἦν σοι ἀβαρός, [[καὶ παρ] "" γράψον μοι ἐπιστολὴν “Ὁ διὰ τοῦ ἀνα- 21

Ny oy, Kal εἰ TEL


cars , \ o ς 22, , \ , τὸ ἐπιστόλιον περεὶ τῆς ὑγί- ““as σου. κόμισαι παρὰ Θέωνος 24

διδόντος σοι

3 μάγια δύο καὶ τήρησόν μοι αὐτὰ ἕως ἀναβῶ, [καὶ] δήλω- * σόν μοι. ἄσπασαι Κλα[υ]δίαν rv ἀγαθοτάτην καὶ τοὺς “1 φιλοῦντάς σε πάντας. “ὃ ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομ[αἾι. μηνὸς “5 “Αδριανοῦς. Verso °° ἀπόδος Ὡρίωνι ἀπὸ “Qpleliros ἀδελφοῦ. For μάνια (1. 23) meaning vessels of some kind cf. Delian inscription in B.C. ἢ. vi. 108, and P. Hibeh 121. 50 pavyres.

1758. 17:5x8-4cm. Second century. A letter from a woman, asking that an embargo should be placed on a mound which a tenant was digging on her land, and that no more work should be allowed until her arrival. The writing is across the fibres of the verso, the recto being blank except for the address. !Avoyevis Διδυμᾷ τῶι 2τιμιωτάτῳ πλεῖστα χαίρειν. * πρὸ παντὸς εὐχομαί σε ὑγιαί- * νειν μετὰ τῶν ἀβασκάντων cov παιδίων, καὶ τὸ προσκύ- ὄγνῃμα ὑμῶν ποιῶ παρὰ τῷ μεγάλῳ Σαράπιδι εὐχομέ- νη σοι τὰ KaNA)oTa πανοικεί. κα- ϑλῶς ποιήσεις κατενγυήσας 19 τὸν χοῦν ὃν ἐξέσκαψεν “A- 1" τρῆς γεωργός μου ἀπὸ τῶν 1" ἐδαφῶν μου, καὶ μὴ ἄφιε "5 ἐποικοδομῆσαι (third o corr. from ῃ) ἕως ἂν 14 παραγένωμαι. μελέτω σοι 1 δὲ καὶ περὶ ὧν ἄλλων ἔχω | παρὰ σοὶ μετεώρω[" (second ε corr. from αἱ) ἐπι- 17 σχεῖν, ἵνα (iva) μὴ εὐκατί αἰφ[ρ]όν[η- ᾿ὅ τος γένωμαι διὰ τὴν [ἀμέλι- 19 dy μου. ἀσπάζομαι πάντας ods ἡδέως ἔχεις. [ Verso “" ἀπόδο(ς) Διδυμ[ᾷ. In 1. 12 the ε οἵ ἄφιε is clear, and ἀφίς cannot be read ; similar forms occur in the LXX and N.T., as Eccles. ii. 18 ἀφίω; Mark i. 34 7jpue. For μετεώρων] (1. 16) cf. e. σ΄. 1219. 5.

1759. 7°:9x10:4 cm. Second century. A short letter from Demetrius to Theon, an athlete, reminding him of some articles which the writer wished to be bought. 1 Anpajzpifols Θέωνι τῷ φιλτά- ὅτῳ χαίρειν. * πρὸ [τ]ῶν ὅλων εὔχομαί σε ὑγιαί- * νειν [κ)αὶ νικᾶν πάντοτε. περὶ > τῶν ἐντολικῶν μελησάτω σοι, 6 περὶ τοῦ μεικροῦ ἐλαδίου καὶ πε- pli τῶν] τραγημάτων καὶ πε- ρ[ιστερ]ειδίων καὶ τυμω- λ[ιτικῆς] γαρίου χρηστοῦ. 1°[ Elppwod μοι, παράδοξε. Verso 1 Θέωνι Εὐδα[ίμογος. For τυμωλ[ιτικῆς] yaptov cf. 1760. 14. The diminutive τυμωλει- τίκιον is found in P. Fay. 104. 23, where a derivation from Τύμωλος (= Ὑμῶλος) was suggested. Whatever the origin of the word may be, its meaning is clearly some kind of jar or vessel. The athletic title παραά- dofos, originally applied to victors in both πάλη and πένταθλον, is fairly frequent in papyri, e.g. P. Brit. Mus. 1178. 54-7 (ili, p. 217); its occur- rence here explains the wish in 1. 4 for perpetual victory’.


1760. 28-3xgcm. Second century. The latter part of a letter referring to arrangements for the delivery of some χόρτος, and asking for a jar of pickled fish. |'.[. καλ]ῶϊς ποιήσεις λαβὼν * γράμμαϊτα] παρ᾽ αὐτοῦ πρὸς * Διο-

5 οὖν διὰ θέρους εὐωνότατον"

ἐν δὲ τῷ παρόντι λυσιτε- λοῦσα καὶ δικαία τιμὴ πρὸς τέσσαρας plvals ἐστιν

πεντ- 9 αρταβιαίῳ (πεντ᾽). . [.Ἰΐῳ (]Ἰἰω) σακτῷ. 19 πέμἼψεις οὖν ἡμεῖν ἐπιστό- λιον

πρὸς αὐτόν, ἵνα (iv.) τὴν τι- 5 μὴν ἀπολαβὼν τὸν χόρ- 13 τον ἡμεῖν παραδῶ. διπλῆν

, \ a 49° ε a See 5 κ᾿ νύσιον περὶ τοῦ παραδο- “θῆναι ἡμεῖν αὐτά. ἣν μὲν

14. τυμωλιτικὴν (cf. 1759. 8, n.) γάρου σὺν θεοῖς ἐρχύμενος ἐνεγκεῖς μοι, ἐὰν δυνατὸν ἦν ἐὰν δὲ col ὀχληρὸν ἣν τοῦτο, τάχα 18 δύναται Σῶσος προτραπεὶς 19 ὑπὸ σοῦ Kelpalulelov μοι ἐνέγκαι. “Ὁ [τ]ὰ παιδία [ole ἀσπάζεται. *' ἐρρῶσθ[ α]ί σε εὔχομ(αι). In 1. 9 -. [-Ἰῳ is clear and μέτ]ρῳ, which is the word expected, cannot be read. σακτῷ means pressed ’, crammed full’.

1761. 9:5x7:9 cm. Late second or third century. A short and badly spelled letter of greeting from one woman to another. A very singular symptom of regret for an absent friend is specified in Il. 6-7. 1 Ka{A]Acpon (1. -ρόη, and so 1. 20) Σαραπζίιλάδι 7 τῇ γυρίᾳ (1. κυρ.) χαίρεζ)»ν. τὸ mpoo- * κύνημά σου ποιῶ κατ᾽ ἐ- 4 κάστῃν ἡμέραν παρὰ ° τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπιδι. [[καὶ]}} Sad ἧς ἀπῆλθες ἐπιζη- [ηἸτοῦμέν σου τὰ κόπρια θέλοντές σε εἰδῖν. ἀσπά- Cov Θερμούθιν καὶ ‘HArd- 19 δα καὶ Πλουτίονα καὶὶ 1 ᾿Αφροδίτην καὶ Νεμε- 15 σζι)ανόν. ἀσπάζετε (-εται) ὑμᾶς 15 Κάραβος καὶ “Aproxpa- '* τίων καὶ τοὺς ἐν ὕκῳ (1. οἴκ.) 1 πάντες. ἐροστε (1. ἐρρῶσθαί) σαι (a corr. from e: |. σε) εὔ- χομαι. Ν εῖβο 1ἴ ἀπόΐσ᾽)δος 15 Σεραπιάδι 15 ἀπὸ Καλλι- ρώης.

1765. Ε΄ Caito 10013.) 17-7 X 16-3%cm.. Second jon third ‘century... Letteriot Chaereas (? identical with Chaereas in 117) to his ‘father’ Dionysius concern- ing some negotiation with Serenus in which the influence of Dionysius was desirable. + Xaipéas Διονυσίῳ τῷ * κυρίῳ πατρὶ χαίρειν. * ἀϊν]αγκαῖον ἡγησάμην εἶναι [σοι] δηλοίθ]ν σοι τὰ περὶ Σερήνου πεπραγμένα. τὸ μὲν οὖν 5 ἀκρειβὲς “Ροδόπη σοι δηλώσει. δεδεήμεθα ταῦτα πρὸς αὐτὼν ([. -τὸν) καὶ τέλος ἐπένευσεν Τ καὶ ἀπέλυσεν ἡμᾶς εἰδὼς τὰ μετ᾽ αὐτά, οὔπω μέντοι εἰς διαλλαγὰς ἐλθεῖν ἠθέ- ὅλησεν, οὐδὲ περὶ συνγὶρ]αφῆς λόγρν [π]εποίηται, σὲ περιμένων΄. διὰ τοῦτο οὖν σοῦ δεόμεθα 1 [1]νὰ αὐτῷ περὶ τούτων συμβου- 1" λε]ύσῃς" σοῦ γὰρ μᾶλλον ἡμῶν τὸ [ἀκο]ύσεται. '* ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαι) Verso 15 Διονυσίῳ πατ(ρὶ) γυμνασιάρχίῳ or -ἤσαντι).

1763. 16-1x10 cm. On the verso of 1748. Third century, after A.D. 222. A note from Sopatrus to his sister, explaining that his departure had been delayed, but that he hoped to start on the 15th. | Σώπατρος τῇ ἀδελ- * pr πλῖστα χαίριν. “᾿ οὔπω μέχρι σήμε- * pov τὰ πλοῖα τῆς av- νώνας ἐξῆλθεν ° iva δυνηθῶμεν ἐξελ- θεῖν. καίτοι ἐμοῦ μη- δὲν ἔχοντος πρᾶξαι ἐνθάδε. λέγουσι δὲ ὅτι 10 μέχρι τε θέλομεν | ἐξελθεῖν σὺν θεῷ. | ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομ(αι) Kal τὰ παιδία. Verso '* ἀπό(δος) παρὰ Σωπάτρου.


1764. 17:2x7:2cm. Third century. On the verso of the ends of τό lines of an early third century list of persons with their ages, most of the entries concluding «(_) ὑπ(ὲρ 9) μέρ(ους) oik(fas) (δραχμὰς) o (or rt). An incomplete letter to Pindarus, stating that a calf-butcher, who was wanted for the purpose of a valuation, had refused to go before the arrival of the most notable Calpurnius’, and referring to some young peach and citron trees, &c. TT, 2... δίωρος καὶ Sapa- “[πάμμω)ν Πινδάρωι *[ylaépev.

ἐπεὶ πολ[λ]αὶ ἡμέραι (1. πολ[λ]ὰς ἡμέρας) προσ- > καρτεροῦμεν Φιλέᾳ τῷ μοσχομαγ[ε]ΐρῳ ὅπως συν- Τεξέλθη ἡμεῖν τῆς συντει- μήσεως ἕνεκεν, ἣν ὑπερ- 9 ero σήμερον εἰς τὴν πα- 10 ρουσίαν τοῦ ἀξιολογωτάτου (cf. P. Strassb. 20. 5, n.) 1 Καλπουϊρ]νίου, ὑπ᾽ (ὑπ.)

DEN ΟῚ ὄψιν σοι αὐτὸ | 19

“τοῦτο φανερὸν ποι[ζο]ῦμεν, "ὁ ὅπως τοῖς γεωργοῖς διέλῃ | τὰ κτήνη καὶ μὴ ἐμπόδιον 15 γένηται τῇ γεωργίᾳ. τὸν δὲ 1 ὄνον σου δι[εἸπεμψάμεθά σοι, ἀλλὰ καὶ Σαρᾶν, [να (iv.) τὰ μεικρὰ 'S φυτὰ τῶν τε περσικῶν 15 κα[ὶ] κιτρίῳ[»] κ[αὶ] τὴν ἄμπε- *°[Aov —. μοσχομαγὶ εἸΐρῳ in 1. 6 is an early instance of specializa- tion in the butcher’s trade; cf. Β. ἃ. U. 3. 11 χοιρομαγείρῳ, and ἰσικιομάγειρος in a Rainer papyrus ap. Wessely, Wen. Stud. 1902. 129 (A.D. 596).

1765. 11-4x7:9cm. Third century. A letter to a ταρσικάριος (Tarsian-cloth- weaver ; cf. 1705) complaining that he had not answered a number of letters, which was causing delay, and asking for some money (?) to be sent. 1 Kov- σέννα (cf. 1. 29 Κουτσένης) Απάμμω- νι ΘΠ ]]μρσικαρίῳ χαίρειν. ᾿ ὀκτώ σοι ἐπιστολάς, 1 καὶ οὐδὲ ἅπαξ ἠξίω- > σάς μοι γράφειν περὶ ὧν (ὧν) ἔλαβες. διὰ τοῦτο οὐκ 7 ἔπεμψά σοι τὰ δεύτερα. κἂν νῦν σπούδασον ° γράψαι μοι ἵνα (iv.) σοι καὶ τὰ ἄλλα πέμψω. τοὺς (=ois) yap ἔπεμψάς μοι tpels στατῆρας πάλιν |} cou διε- πεμψάμην. 1" ἐὰν γὰρ τὰ πλήρη μὴ corr. from €?) ' πέμψῃς, πέμψον μοι τὰ ἐπιλύμματα (unknown ; = ἐπιλείμματα ‘remnants’). ἀσ- ' πάζομαι τὴν Σύραν 18 καὶ Σιλβανὸν τὸν 19 υἱὸν καὶ Corr.) τὴν ἱέρειαν (iep.: « rewritten) °° σὺν τέκνοις. ὡς dpa “) σοὶ τῷ θαρσικαρίῳ εἰς ~ χεῖρας, ἐὰν εὕρῃς τινά, ~ πέμψον μοι τὸν Σιλβα- Ξ'νόν. Verso * κόμεισον μετὰ τῆς ἐπιστολῆς κυ- "ὃ μους ἑξήκοντα καὶ χαρτάρια "eis Κεφαλὴν καὶ ἐπιμερίζεσθαι (1. -σθε) “8 39 π(αρὰ) Κουτσένης (in the reverse direction) ᾿Απάμμωνι θαρσικαρίῳ.

1766. 171Χ114.4 cm. Third century. A well-written and nearly complete letter to Horion, complaining of his silence and asking for news. The writer’s name was possibly Aeschylus, if the first line may be supposed to have been a little indented. ‘[A.....JvAos ‘Qpelove τῶι τιμιωτάτωι 5 χαίρειν. * ἐγζὼ μὲν] ἐχόμενος τῆς εἰς σὲ ἀεὶ στοργῆς * πολλάκις σοι ἐπέστειλα, σὺ δὲ οὐδ᾽ ἅπαξ (-a&) κατ- ηξίωσάς (κατ᾽.) με γραμμάτων" οὐ μόνον, ἀλλὰ ® καὶ τὰ διὰ Ἡρακλείδου καὶ Σακαννάρου πεμ- φθέντα ὡς μετέδωκάν μοι, οὐδὲ καὶ ὡς 8 ἔσχον. εὖ οὖν ποιήσεις, ἀδελφέ, ἐπιστείλας (first corr. from τ) ° por περί τε τῆς

\ a Γεξωλ AW he ef a 5) \ 4 11 , σωτηρίας cov καὶ τῶν σῶν [πάντων 4] καὶ ὧν ἕν εκ'ᾳ ἐνχργ ζεις, καὶ Tiva © τρό-

a \ ε or, . ov καὶ ἱέρεια (iep.).


͵7 ν \ nr ͵ «5 ‘oe « πο 12 « Ν ; , πον διάγεις, καὶ περὶ τῆς πράξεως, ἵν᾽ (iv) ἡσθῶ yap εὐπραγία σου κοινὴ ἐστιν εὐτυχία. 15 ἀσπάζομαι τὸν πατέρα ᾿Ισχυρίωνα (icx.) 1" καὶ τὰ ἀβάσκαντα τεκνία καὶ τὴν ἀγαθήν 15 σου ἀδελφὴν καὶ Θέωνα καὶ Πατερμούθ(ιγον 15 [καὶ τοὺς φίλους] ἡμῶν Shee > 5060 17 Ov aN ty Ὁ] ὑδοξοῦ N ean 1 a ἡμῶν kat ὄνομα. ἐρρῶσθαι [καὶ ὁλοκληρεῖν ?| σε εὐδοξοῦντα καὶ εὐτυ- 18 [χοῦντα καὶ εὐπρα γοῦντα θεοῖς πᾶσι εὔχομαι. Verso ᾿" “Ωρεί)ωνι φίλῳ (apa) Αἰ... «.. ὕλου.

1767. 17:°5X9:2cm. Third century. Letter, of which the beginning is lost

J 5 3 addressed to Hermione, and written in a medium-sized sloping hand of a literary type. In ll. 8-16 the writer recommends some one to the care of


the addressee; cf. 1663. τ έρετειλι -- τ *€pidiwy [........ . > γραμμαί 4 \ 5 5 5 6 a

Pa ee ΕΝ" καὶ €PWT| τς ον cieieroe SAL AGE KAN Ire teas.) τούτο Oi eereneceennes

So με Ney ster iene . δ᾽ σεις καὶ mpodl.....]. ολον ὅτι Kal ὡς ἴδιον (ἰδ.) υἱὸν

(vi.) 19 σεαστῆς (]. σεαυτ.) ἔχεις καὶ ὡς ἀ- 11 du] λ' φόν. ταῦτα γὰρ κατα- 15 σκευα- σθέντα καὶ τελε- 15 aoe 'πάλιν χρήσι- “pa qpeily| ἔστε (1. -ται) εἰς χρη- 16 ζομεν. ἔϊγρίαψα δὲ τῷ ᾿" πατρὶ πεϊρ!ὶ αὐτῶν τού- "tay. περὶ τοῦ ἐντολιδί- 18 τῆς] ἀδ᾿ εἸἰχφῆς σου τί βούλει ἀγοϊρ]ασθῆναι πα- ραπέμψαϊσ᾽ θαι δηλώ- “" σεις μοι ἐν τάχει.) ἀσπά- “55 ζομαι τὴν μητέρα μου * καὶ ᾿Απολλὼν καὶ το[ὺς] 7 παρ᾽ [ἡμῶν [π]άντας [κα-]} “5 τ᾽ ὄνομα. ἐρὶρῶσθαί σε εὔχομαϊι,) γλυκυτά- “1 τηΐι). Verso 28 ἀπ)όδ(ος) ᾿Ἑρμιώνηι (]. -ovnt).

1768. Breadth 10.3 cm. Third century. Letter from Heraclius to his children Theon and Sarapias, announcing his safe arrival at Schedia (near Alexandria ; cf. e.g. P. Hibeh 110. 25,n.). There isa lacuna in the middle of the letter, which is written in a sloping hand approximating to the literary type, though less formal than that of 1767. 1 Ἡράκλειος Θέωνι καὶ Σαραπιάδι * τοῖς γλυκυτάτοις τέκνοις χαίρειν. *>mpeornv καὶ δευτέραν Kal τρί- * την ταύτην ἐπιστολὴν ὑμεῖν (ὑμ.) γίριάφω ἐλθὼν εἰς Σχεδίαν τῇ κα κατὰ τὸ μεσα- γύκτιον (1. μεσον.), ὅπως εὐθυμῆτε ὡς οὐδέν ἐστιν Γφ]αῦλον περὶ ἡμίᾷς. οἱ yap ἄνεμοι [bila συστάϊσεως) ὠμ[ῆς ἢ... .. 107... οἸφυ[-- ἢ" eles a gap) [.. A | ἀσϊπάζονται ὑμᾶς 1“ ΑἸπίων, Aoyyetvos, "Αγαΐθος, Φιλ- 13 }ά]ργυρος. end h.) ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς εὔχ[ομ᾽αι 15 εὐτυχοῦντας. (Ist h.) O€wr υἱῷ (Wiw) ᾿Ηράϊκλειος. For συστάσεως] in |. 9 cf. Diod. iii. 51 ἀρχὰς καὶ συστάσεις πνευμάτων.

1769. 12°3x10:3 cm. Third century. A practically complete letter from Ammonas to his sister, telling her that he had made arrangements for her wants to be supplied. !’Appwvas τί] ἀδελφῇ μου πολλὰ χαίριν. πρὸ τῶν ὅλων εὔχομαί σαι (1. σε) ὑγιαίνιν (ὑγ.) καὶ τὸ προσκύνημά cov ποιῶ καθ᾽ ἑκά- στη) ἡμέραν παρὰ τῷ κυρίῳ Σαράπιδι. © ἔγραψα τῷ ἀδελφῷ ὅτι περὶ οὗ ἐὰν 7yplav σχῆς ἵνα (iv.) λάβης. μὴ ὀκνήσις οὖν προσελθῖν αὐτῷ περὶ οὗ ἐὰν χρή- ϑ (ns, oda γὰρ ὅτι οὐκ ἀντερεῖ σοι. καὶ | Σερήνῳ ἔγραψα τῷ ἀδελφῷ τὰ αὐτά, | ἵνα

12 ἀσπάζου τὴν ἀδελφήν poly καὶ τὰ ' τέκνα


(iv.) δῷ σοι πέντε ἀρτίά alas a

αὐτῆς kal... . Ww καὶ Ἔπι- 15 τυχίαν καὶ Mapylaplda?\y ᾿ὅ καὶ τὴν θυγατέρα


αὐτῆς Kal τοὺς ἡμῶν πάντας κατ᾽ ὄνομα. 8 ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομ(αι). Max (ov) «(Verso 3 ἀπόδ(ος) τῇ ἀδελφῇ μου. For Mapylapidaly (1. 14) cf. e.g. Archiv ii. 568 No. 136 ; Μαργ[αρ(ε)ῖτι!» would also be suitable, though that form does not seem to occur elsewhere.

1770. 25:5x10 cm. . Late third century. A letter to a mother from her son, who uses no names in the opening formula, but was perhaps called Horion (1. 18). The arrival and dispatch of various articles are announced, and the mother is asked to come herself or to send Thonius, possibly another son. ᾿ Κυρίᾳ μου μητρὶ “ἅμα rots (o corr. from 7) κυρίοις pov ἀ- δελφοῖς πλεῖστία blank? χαίρειν. προηγουϊμένως εὔχομε (1. -μαι) ὑμᾶς ὑγιαίνειν καὶ εὖ πράττει» (πρατ᾽τ.). γινώσκειν ὑμᾶς θέλω ὅτι μετ πάντων ὁλοκληροῦμεν. θέλω γὰρ ὅ- ὅπως καθ᾽ ἑκάστην ἡμέραν 15 ὑμεῖν γράφω Kall οὐδεμί- 1) av μοι ἐγράψατε

corr. from Ψ). [ἐκομισά- 12 μην ὅσα ἀπεστίλατε" .|.. . 1" γὰρ οὐ καθαρῖ ὡς γράφι

πὶ. « «. Τἰ σολυχιδι. κόμισον οὖν Ϊ.. .. 1 παρὰ τοῦ (ov corr. from w) ἀναδιδοῦντι

(1. -τος) τίαῦ- ' τά μου τὰ γράμματα ἀγγεῖον (ay’y.) ἐλέου (1. ἐλαίου) καὶ δὸς αὐτὸ

Ἱέρακει (ἴερ.), 15 ἔχων (1. ἔχον») ἐπιγραφὴν ᾿Ὡρίων, 1 Φ, καὶ πᾶν ποίησον ἐλθῖν

"Ὁ πρὸς ἡμᾶς ἐν τάχι. ἐὰν δὲ εἰ- “1 δῇς ὅτι παρὰ σοὶ μένις, ἀπό- “" στιλόν μοι

Θώνιον" αὐτοῦ * yap χρίαν ἔχω ἐνταῦθα. ἐὰν δὲ ἔλθῃς εὐτυχῶς, ἀκού- “3 εἰς

/ \ / - 7 \ Ν πάντα καὶ τὰ πραχθέν- “τα. ἀπόστιλόν μοι γὰρ κνίδιον (-16) * γάρους καὶ τὰς

ἐπιστολὰς “8 δὸς ‘Iépaxet (iep.: «x corr. from 7) τὰ δελ.α.. “᾿ μετὰ τούτου.

ἀσπάϊζω (cf. 1. 33 and 1670. 20) τὸν °° κύριόν μου υἱὸν (vi.) Τί. - - « - 31 καὶ τοὺς ἡμῶν πάντας “Kar ὄνομα. καὶ ΕἾ... .. ἀσπάζει ὑμᾶς ὅλους. ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς

εὔχο- μαι πολλοῖς χρόνοις. On the verso traces of the address. Lines 12- 14 are obscure. The supposed y of γράφι is much more like τ, and καθαρῖ ὡς may of course be one word, καθαρίως ; whether σολυχιδι (for σολοικίδι ?) is a proper name or not is not clear. In 1], 28-9, again, the interpreta- tion is doubtful ; δός may be connected with either ἐπιστολάς or what fol- lows, τὰ δὲ... being read in the former case. ydpov, not ydpous (]. 27), is the usual form. The meaning of Il. 18-19 is that a monogram of the first two letters of “Qpiwy was inscribed on the ἀγγεῖον.

1771. 14°5x13°8 cm. Late third or early fourth century. A letter to a tenant, giving directions about wine. 1 Adjpy|Auo[s Σε)ρ[ῆνοὶς Δὐρῃϊλ(ίῳ) | Qpior| τῶι 5 τιμειωτάτωι χαίρειν. * γενοῦ σὺν ᾿Αλεξάνδρῳ καὶ παράλαβε * otrioly παλαιὰ)

σπαθία corr.) im καὶ νέα 1B, 5 καὶ ἐκ τῶν παλαιῶν τὰ ἐπιγεγραμ- μένα Ταπέρω

καὶ ᾿Ερήσεως ἔξοχα παράστησον τῷ κυρίῳ μου Θέωνι, καὶ Λεωνί- dn καὶ σαυτῷ

B, καὶ τὰ λοιπὰ ἀσφά- * Ne Toa pelt \a καὶ τῶν ἄλλων σπαθίων β 1 τοῦ Γαίου.

μετὰ γὰρ τὸ ὁδεῦσε (1. -σαι) ταῦτα |! ἐκώλυσαν τὸν καμηλείτην κἀμὲ μὴ "" Ape

(1. ἄραι), GXAY ἔτι ἐπιμεῖναι τοῖς ἐνθάδε. ᾿Αλέξανδρος be διηγήσεται τὸ πᾶν.

Verso 15 Αὐρηλ(ίῳ) ‘Qplmr μισθωτῆι 15 π(αρὰ) [Αὐρη 'λ(ίου) Σερήνου.


1772. 7x22°6 cm. Late third century. Beginning. of a letter which was apparently left unfinished, since there is a distinct margin below |. 5. A very short sixth line might be supposed to have been lost, but the conclusion would be extremely abrupt. The writer disclaims responsibility for the non- arrival of a monthly stipend due to the addressee. The inclusion of τὸν ἵππον in a message of greeting is noticeable. [Διονύσιος Σαραπίωνι τῷ ἀσυγκρίτῳ (ασυγ᾽κ.) πλεῖστα χαίρειν. “ἄσπασαι πολλὰ τὴν ἀγαθήν cov σύμβιον καὶ ᾿Ιουλίαν καὶ τὸν ἵππον καὶ " [Τιβ]έριν, μεθ᾽ ὧν εὐχομαί σε ὁλόκληρον ἀπολαβεῖν. [[οὐδὲ»]] οἶδα ὅτι ovdev’ ξένον τοῦ λαβόν- [τος] ἐνέγκαι (evey’k.) σοι τὰ ἐπιμήνια καὶ μὴ δόντος. παραγενόμενος γὰρ ἐνθάδε δ εἶπέν μοι ὅτι οὐκ ἔδωκεν. ἐγὼ δὲ οὔκ εἰμι μεμπτὸς (μεμ᾽π.), ἀλλὰ σὺ καὶ τὴν ἀρχὴ .] ν΄

1779. 25:2x% 9 cm. Third century. Letter from a woman called in |. τ Eutycheis, but on the verso apparently Taurine, to her ‘mother’ Ame- trion, explaining that her arrival had been delayed by difficulties of transport, and asking for a sum of money to be paid to the bearers of this letter, from whom the writer had borrowed. 1! Εὐτυχεῖς ᾿Αμητρίῳ τῇ μη- * tpl πολλὰ χαίρειν. * πρὸ μὲν πάντων εὔχο- μαι τῷ θεῷ ὁλοκλήρους ὑμᾶς (ὑμ.) ϑάπολαβεῖν. γεινόσκιν (1. γιγνώσκειν») σε θέ- λω ὅτι ἀπὸ τριακάδος τοῦ Τῦ- * βι

οὐκ εὗρον πῶς ἔλθω πρὸς ὑμᾶς, [τ]ῶν καμηλιτῶν μὴ

θελησάν- ale lov ἐλθεῖν εἰς Ὀξυρυγχείτην (-puy’x.)' M {old μόνον, ἀλλὰ καὶ εἰς

"Avtwoov 1"1ἀ)νῆλθα χάριν πλύου (1. πλοίου) καὶ οὐ- Kk εὗρον. νῦν οὖν ἐσκεψάμην


ἦλθον εἰς τὸ Τυράννιν καὶ

14 is - ΩΣ στ τοὺς γόμους μου ἀρῖν εἰς ᾿Αν- 15 τινόου καὶ μῖνε (]. μεῖναι) ἐκεῖ ἄχρι οὗ πλῦ-


(4. πλοῖον) εὕρω καὶ καταπλεύσω. καλῶς | πυήσις (1. ποιήσεις) τοῖς ἀναδιδοῦντί

(1. -δοῦσί) ov (1. σοι) ταῦ- 15 τά μου τὰ (a corr. from ο) γράμματα δοῦνςε (1. -"αι) κενοῦ (1. καινοῦ) 15 νομίσματος τάλαντα δύο ἥ- μισίο)υ, γί(νονται) (τάλ.) (corr. from 8) 8 (corr. from (δραχμαί Ὁ)) (δραχμαὶ) Τ᾽, ἀΐνθ᾽ ὧν αἰτήσα-" “1 ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶϊν ἐν τῷ Τυ- 7 ραννίῳ εἰς λόγον φίορέτρο]υ, καὶ “" μὴ αὐτοὺς κατάσ! (XMS

ὥραν ~*~ μίαν ὡσεὶ δὴ (?) ατηντων ἐπὶ On- ~[B?|Gv νομόν. κόμισε (1. -σαι) δαὶ


ΜΘ ΟΞ σα €0(0;KX OV

(1. δὲ) ἀπ᾽ αὐτῶν (-τῶ) “ὁ παλεοῦ (1. παλαιοῦ) δραχμὰς δεισ[χ)ιλίας ἐνε- δύο, γί(ν.) (dp.) Bye πλήρης, “Kal τὸν ὄνον ἽΝ oe (1. μετὰ) τοῦ σαγίου (cf. P.

Flor. 76. 32). 33 ἐὰν δὲ εἰδῇς ὅτι οὐκ ἔχεις [eles 30 χέρες σου, χρῆσε (Ll. χρῆσαι) wap τοῦ |. .|tra καὶ πλήρωσον αὐτούς, ἐπ[ιδ]ὴ ΜῈ ὋΣ δύνονται ἀναμῖνε (]. -var) ὥραν


μίᾳϊν. “ὁ βλέπε δαὶ (1. δὲ) μὴ ἁμαρ[τ]άνης κ[αὶ ἐνε- ** δρεύσῃς τοὺς ἀνθρώπους εὐ-

35 36

πυείαν (]. -ποιίαν) μοι πυήϊσαντας. ἄσπασαί * μοι πάντες τοὺς Ϊ. «-. - « - « « - καὶ

πάντες τοὺς φ[ίλους ?, γενήσο- ὅ8 με δαὶ (1. δὲ) ἐν τάχει πρὸς ὑμᾶς ? | ἐρρῶσθαι ὑϊμᾶς εὔχομαι —. Verso σημασία ie 1678; “ὃ. n.) εἰς τὴν Παραμβολὴν (1. Παρεμ.) ὅπ'ου ἡ... .? *1[.]. a, ἐξαίτασον (1. ἐξέτ.) τὰ παρὰ Αμασωί. .--- « « «««- Ἐπ ΠΡ ἔπ the reverse direction) ᾿Αμητ]ρίῳ τῇ 141 μῃτρὶ π(αρὰ) Ταυρείνης. | Lines 24-5 are difficult. The doubtful ν may be η, and arn


may be equivalent to αὐτή, but whether the preceding letters are read ove δή Or ws εἰδῇ Or ws εἴδη, and those following as τῶν émOy\K|Ov νόμον Or .. . ἐπ Θη[β]ῶν νομόν, no tolerable construction or sense seems obtainable. Τυράν- νιον (ll. 7 and 21) is an unknown place.

1774. 21-9x 10-3 cm. Early fourth century. Letter to Atienateia from Didyme and her sisters in the Lord’, a formula showing the writer to have been a Christian. She urges her correspondent, who still had a balance of 1,300 denarii to her credit, to indicate any further wants. ' Κυρείᾳ (a corr.) τι (1. τῇ) ἀδελφῇ ᾿Ατιενα- * rein Διδύμη καὶ αἱ ἀδελ- pat ἐν κ(υρί)ῳ χαίρειν.

\ l \ L

προηγουμένως avayxe- ° ov (1. ἀναγκαῖον) ἦν προσαγορεύειν σαι (1. σε) εὐχόμεναι ὑγιένιν (1. ὑγιαίνειν) σαι (1, σε) ἡμεῖν. γράφε ἡμεζὺ)ν, κυρεία μου, περὶ τῆς ὑγίας σου καὶ ὧν χρήζεις 9 ἐντολικῶν ἐξουσίαν ἔχου- 1 σα. εἰ ἐκομείσθης τὰ ἐντολι- ΤΙ κά σου δήλωσον ἡμεῖν. ἐλοι- 15 πάσθη δὲ παρ᾽ ἡμεῖν ἐκ τοῦ 1" ἀργυρείου τῶν ἐντολικῶν 16 σου ὧς νομείζω (δηνάρια) ’Ar. 15 Κανωπηκά (I. -πικά) σοι λημφθέν- τα αὐτῶν ἀποστέλ(λγονται. |? προσαγόρευε τὴν κυρείαν a- δελφὴν μακαρείαν ᾿Ασοῦν (or Μακαρειανασοῦν) 1 καὶ τὴν μητέραν αὐτῆς καὶ “9. .|.[.....).[-\Qavra τὸν | —. Verso *! Κυρείᾳ μου ἀδελφῇ ᾿Ατιενατείῃ Διδύμη σὺν ταῖς ἀδελφαῖς. According to Chrysippus ap. Athen. xiv. 647 c Κανωπικά (1. 1.5) were an εἶδος πλακούντων. 1775. 23°2x12°8 cm. Fourth century. Letter from Plutarchus, informing Theoninus that his commissions had been carried out in spite of all difficul- ties, and detailing some wishes on the part of the writer, who may have been a Christian (1. 4; cf., however, 1678. 6, n.). ᾿ Κυρίῳ pov ἀδελφῷ 2 Θεονίνῳ Πλούταρχος x(alpev). τὸ προσκύνημά cov ποιῶ καθ᾽ ἑκάστην * ἡμέραν παρὰ τῷ δεσπότῃ θεῷ ὅπως "ὁλόκληρον σε ἀπολάβῳ. ἰδ έϊναι σε Deda, δ κύριέ (v corr. from 7) μου ἀδελφέ, [ἐπὶΣ τοσαύτῃν ἐντολήν μοι παρέδωκας ev. KA. [. ϑλάβω εἰς ᾿Αλεξάνδριαν, οὐχ ὥκνησᾳ οὔτε πάλιν ἠμέλησα. yap πατήρ μου 10 πολλά pol. κακὰ ἐποίησεν, καὶ ἔστεξα |! ἕως ἔλθῃς. πᾶν ποίησον οὖν, κύριέ μου 12 ἀδελφέ, σοῦ κατερχομένου λαβῖν τὸ κέρμα καὶ ἀγοράσε (1. -σαι) μοι ἐντολικὸν καὶ λαβῖν “rapa τῆς Μεγάλης τὸ στιχάριον. ἀλλὰ 1 μόιϊοϊν μὴ ἀμελήσῃς. 16 (γῃᾷ h.) ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχομε (I. -μαι) πολλοῖς 17 χρόνοις. (Ist h.) ἐντολι[κὸν followed by parts of 8 lines. Verso “7 Θεογίνῳ)] π(αρὰ) Πλουτάρχου ἀδελφοῦ. At the end of 1. 7 a conjunction like ὅπως or ἵνα is expected. εἵνα for ἵνα can certainly not be read after παρέδωκας, and ἕνεκα [οὗ is hardly satisfactory. 1776. 26-6x12-6 cm. Late fourth century. Letter from Paulus to Deme- trius, telling him that some river-workmen were being sent for a piece of work, and that they were to be supplied with corn, sour wine, and cheese. ᾿ Κυρίῳ pov ἀδελφῷ Δημη- * τρίῳ Παῦλος. “τοὺς ποταμίτας (cf. 1671. 20, n.) ἀπέστιλα ὅπως ποιήσῃς αὐτοὺς ° ἐργάσασθαι εἰς τὸν καινὸν ° λάκκον (corr. from χρήζουσι)-. θέλησον ὅσον χρήζουσι ἔν τε σίτῳ ὄξους (1. ὄξει) παρασχοῦ


αὐτοῖς, καὶ τοὺς γεωργοὺς τῶν (w corr. from ov) τριῶν μηχανῶν τοῦ 1 Σεμψαὺ ἀπαίτησον τυρῶν | κεράμια δύο καὶ παρασχοῦ "5 αὐτοῖς. ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχ(ομαι) πολ- 1 χρῖς χρόνοις, κύριέ μου 1 ἀδελφέ. On the verso traces of an address.

1777. 26:7x 8-4 cm. Late fourth century. An ill-spelled letter from Choous to Tyrannus, asking that a sum of money which was due from some cowherds should be paid to Eulogius. 1 Κυρίῳ pov ἀδελφῷ Τύ- 7 par(vyos (1. -ράννῳ) Χωοῦς χαίρειν. * καθὼς εἶπας ὅτι ὠφιείλου- * ow (1. ὀφείλ.) οἱ βο[ι)εικοί, πίστευσων (1. -cov) αὐτοῖς, ὡς οἴδαμεν, a- δελφέ, ὅτι ὠφίλουσιν (1. dd.) εἰς T λόγων (1. -yov) τῶν λι(τρῶν) μοιρ(ιάδας) (]. pvp. sc. δηναρίων) ond. 8 σπούζασων (1. σπούδασον), ἀδελφέ, " ζοθῆναι (1. 600.) αὐτὰ τῷ ἀδελ- 10 Ho μου Εὐλόγιον (1. -ίῳ), ὡς σὺ 1" αὐτὼς (1. -τὸς) []. .]] εἰπὼν (1. εἶπας) ὅτι πί- 12 ἐπί- Porevoa. μὴ ἀμελήσῃς 1 οὖν, ποίησων (1. -σον) δοθῆναι 1 τὸ ἀργύριων (1. -ov) Εὐλογίῳ ro ἀδελφῷ μου. ἐπὶ OE ἐγὼ ἔχῳ [τινὰς Ὁ] ἧ- μέρας ὧδε, μ[ὴ ἀμ]ε- dnons. T.[.....].f- ὠμοῖ oat (1. ce) κ[αὶ τὸ]ν πα- “᾿ τέραν alolv. 35 ἐρρ[ῶ]σθαί ἴσαι (1. ole) [ε]ὔ- “ἤχομαι, κύριέ μου ἀ- “dedpe. In 1]. 19 the penultimate letter may have been ε, but zplocayop|eJ-opar for προσαγορεύω or -εύομεν cannot be read, though that verb was possibly intended.

στευσων (|. -cov) αὐτοῖς, καὶ

END ers (r000 2s to be supplied before the figures tn thick type.) I. KINGS, EMPERORS, REGNAL YEARS, ERAS.

Creopatra III anp Proremy X Latuyrus. Κλεοπάτρα θεὰ [Evepyéris| καὶ Πτολεμαῖος θεοὶ Φιλομήτορες Σωτῆρες 723. 1.

Ῥτοενυ XIII AvuLetes.

Πτολεμαῖος καὶ Κλεοπάτρα καὶ Τρύφαινα θεοὶ Φιλοπάτορες Φιλάδελφοι (ἔτος 6) 628.

Πτολ. θεὸς Νέος Διόνυσος Φιλοπ. Φιλάδ, (ἔς. 0) 644. τ. Κλεοπάτρα ᾿Αφροδίτη (Ὁ which Cleopatra) 628. 8; 629. 7; 644. 8.

Creopatra VI (Protemy XV, Prot. XVI).

Κλεοπάτρα καὶ Πτολ. θεοὶ Φιλοπάτορες (ἔτ. n) 629. τ. Κλεοπ. θεὰ Φιλοπ. καὶ Πτολ. καὶ [Καῖσαρ θεὸς Φιλοπ. Φιλομήτωρ] 635. I.

CaLIGuLa. Τάιος Καῖσαρ Αὐτοκράτωρ Σεβαστός 672. 21.


Νέρων Κλαύδιος Καῖσ. (ἔτ. y) 648. 65.

Νέρων Κλαύδ, Καῖσ. Σεβ. Τερμανικός (ér. ιδ) 641. 21. VESPASIAN.

Air. Καῖσ. Οὐεσπασιανὸς Σεβ. (er. ¢) 661. 8. Titus.

Tiros (ἔτ. y) 648. 44. HanrIan.

“Adptavds (ἔτ. 8) 648. 20.

Antoninus Pius. Avr. Kaito. Tiros Αἴλιος ᾿Αδριανὸς ᾿Αντωνῖνος Σεβ. Εὐσεβής (ἔτ. ua) POLO τύ: ᾿Αντωνῖνος (ἔτ. uC) 648. 45. "Avr. Καῖσ. κύριος (ἔτ. x8) 685. 7. θεὸς Αἴλιος ᾽Αντ. (ἔτ, t) 725. το. Marcus Avuretius (VERUS). Αὐρήλιοι ᾿Αντωνῖνος καὶ Οὐῆρος Καίσαρες οἱ κύριοι (ἔτ. 5) 648. ; 686. 6.

Αὐρήλιος καὶ Οὐῆρος Καίσ. οἱ κύρ. 648. 84, 86 ; (om. Καίσ. οἱ kip.) 725. 14 (2).

Αὐρήλιοι Avr. Kato. κύρ. καὶ θεὸς Οὐῆρος (ἔτ. n) 648. 13. Αὐρήλιος ᾽Αντ- (ἔτ. +) 648. 4.



Commonvus. Αὐρήλιος Képpodos ᾿Αντωνῖνος Kato. κύρ. (ἔτ. Kf) 721. 12. θεὸς Κόμμοδος (ἔτ. xe) 724. 6 : (ἔτ. Kl) 725. 6. ἔτος ιθ 125. ili. ἔτ. κε 648. 70; 687. 7. ἔτ. κζ 725. iii. er. KO 692. 5, 26. ἔτ, 725. το.


Σεουῆρος (er. B) 725. 22.

Att, Καῖσ. Λούκιος Σεπτίμιος Seounpos Evo. Περτίναξ Σεβ, ᾿Αραβικὸς ᾿Αδιαβηνικός (ἔτ. €) 696. 138.

Αὐτοκράτορες Kato. Λούκ. Sent. Seov, Evo. Περτ. “Apa. ᾿Αδιαβ. Παρθικὸς Μέγιστος καὶ Μάρκος Αὐρήλιος ᾿Δντωνῖνος Eva. Σεβαστοὶ καὶ Πούβλιος Sent. Γέτας Καῖσ. Σεβαστύς (έτ. vy) 707. 18 ; (Δὐτοκράτωρ Καῖσ. Aovk. κτλ. ; ἔτ. is) 706. 1.

οἱ κύριοι Αὐτοκρ. Σεουῆρος καὶ ᾿Αντωνῖνος καὶ [Téras] Καίσ, Σεβ. (ἔτ. (8) 719. 17.

EvaGaBatus (SEveRus ALEXANDER). κύρ. ἡμῶν Αὐτ. Καῖσ. M. Αὐρ. ’Avr, Evo. Εὐτυχὴς Σεβ. 659. 1. [Δύτ. Kaio. Μ. Avp. “Avr. Eto, Εὐτ. καὶ Μ. Αὐρ. Σεουῆρος ᾿Αλέξανδρος Kaic.| Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. ε)

684. 2ο. ἔτος β 743. [6]. ἔτ. y, ε, ζ 743. 5. ἔτ. 748. 8. ἔτ. © 680. 20 (0). ἔτ. ε καὶ α 748. 4, τι.

SEVERUS ALEXANDER. Air. Καῖσ. M. Αὐρ. Seounpos ᾿Αλέξανδρος Edo. Ebr. Σεβ. (ἔτ. y) 709. τ. ᾿Αλέξανδρος (ἔτ. 7) 7285. iil.

Gorpian III. Air. Kato, M, ᾿Αντώνιος Γορδιανὸς Evo. Ebr. Σεβ. (ἔτ. ς) 697. 537.

Puiiprus I (Puivippus II). Aur. Kaito. M. ᾿Ιούλιος Φίλιππος Eto. Εὐτ. καὶ M. ᾿Ιούλ. bid, γενναιότατος Καῖσ. Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. y) 662. 23. ἔτος ς 636. 29. Decivs.

Air, Καῖσ. Γάιος Μέσσιος Κύιντος Δέκιος Τραιανὸς Eto. Εὐτ. Σεβ, (ἔτ. a) 686. 50.

GALLUS AND VOLUSIANUS. Att. Καίσ. Τάιος Οὐίβιος Τρεβωνιανὸς Taddos καὶ TP. Οὐίβιος ᾿Αφίνιος Taddos Οὐελδουμιανὸς Οὐολουσιανὸς Evo, Ebr. Σεβ. (ἔτ. γ) 640. 13. VALERIAN AND GALLIENUS (CoRNELIUS VALERIANUS).

Air. Kaio, Πούπλιος Λικίννιος Οὐαλεριανὸς καὶ Πούπ. Ack. Ovad. Tadd. Τερμανικοὶ Μέγ. Evo. Eur. καὶ Πούπ. Ack. Κορνήλιος Οὐαλ. ἐπιφανέστατος Kato. Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. ε) 717. 10. [Οὐαλ. καὶ Γαλλ.] καὶ Κορνήλιος Οὐαλ. Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. ε) 649. 3.


Avr. Kato. Πούπ. Ack, Tadd. Tepp. Mey. Περσικὸς Mey. Evo. Εὐτ. Σεβ. (ἔς. ιδ) 689. 42. κύρ. ἡμῶν Tadd, Σεβ. (ἔτ. ca) 649. 5; (om. 6 kip. ἡμ. ; ἔτ. ve) 646. 17. ἔτος ιβ 649. 11. ἔτ. ve 649. 13.


Crauptvs II. Avr. Kaio. [Μ. Αὐρ. Κλαύδιος Εὐσ.] Εὐτ. Σεβ. (ἔτ. a 006 cy) 698. 27. Κλαύδιος Σεβ. (ἔτ. y) 646. 28, 33. AURELIAN. Αὐτ. Kato. Aovx. Aopirtos Αὐρηλιανὸς Τερμ. Méy. Περσ. Mey. ToOixds Méy. Καρπικὸς Μέγ. Evo. Εὐτ. Σεβ. (ἔτ. ς Μεσορή) 688. 30. κύρ. ἡμ. Αὐτ. [Αὐρηλιανός] (ἔτ. s) 649. 17. ἔτος ς Μεσορὴ \ 633. 39.

Tacitus. κύρ. ἡμ. Τάκιτος [Σεβ.] (ἔτ. a) 649. 18. PRosvs.

Αὐτ. Καῖσ. M. Αὐρήλιος Πρόβος Tod. Mey. Hepa. Méy. Γερμ. Mey. Evo. Εὐτ. Σεβ. (ἔτ. ε) 694. 55. Air. Kaio, Μ. Αὐρ. Πρόβ. Περσ. Méy. Τοθ. Μέγ. Γερμ. Μέγ. (ἔτ. €) 718. 20 ; (om. Γερμ. Μέγ. ; ἔτ. 5) 681. 34; ([Γοθ.]; om. Γερμ. Mey. ; ἔτ. 688. 32. Πρόβος [Σεβ.] (ἔτ. ε) 649. 27. Carus. Kapos (ἔτ. a, 8) 744. 6, 9, τι. DioctETIAn AND ΜΆΧΙΜΙΑΝ (Constantius I anp GALERIUvs). Aor. Kato. T. Αὐρήλιος Οὐαλέριος Διοκλητιανὸς καὶ Αὐτ. Kato. M. Αὐρ. Ova. Μαξιμιανὸς Evo. Evr. Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. καὶ y) 690. 17; (add Τερμ. Μέγιστοι before Evo. ; ἔτ. ς καὶ ε) 702. 19; (ἔτ. η καὶ ¢) 715. 18. κύρ. Hp. Διοκλ. καὶ kip. ἡμ. Mag. Σεβαστοί (ἔτ. ε καὶ δὴ 642. το. οἱ κύρ. ἡμ. Διοκὰλ. καὶ Μαξ. Σεβ. καὶ οἱ κύρ. ἡμ. Κωνστάντιος καὶ Μαξιμιανὸς οἱ ἐπιφαν. Καίσ. (ἔτ. ιὃ καὶ ty καὶ ςῚ 648. 16; 704. 22; 705. 19; (year lost) 718. 11. οἱ κύριοι 18. 8. ἔτος καὶ y 744. 3, 9, 11. ἔτ. καὶ 691. 5.

Gaverius (SEverus, Maximinus, ConstanTINE I).

οἱ δεσπόται jp. Διοκλ. 6 πατὴρ Δὐγούστων καὶ Ταλέριος Οὐαλέριος Mag. 28. 645. 1. οἱ δεσπ. ἡμ. Μαξιμιανὸς καὶ Μαξιμῖνος Αὔγουστοι 708. 20. ἔτος ιδ β 645. 5; 658. inl 20. ér. ve y 658. 22. ἔτ. ve ya 750. τύ.

ConsTanTINE I, Φλαούιος Δαλμάτιος ἀδελφὸς τοῦ Sear. ἡμ. Κωνσταντίνου Αὐγούστου 716. 1.

Constantius II (Constans, ConsTANTIUS CAESAR, Juitan). ot Seon. ἡμ. Κωνστάντιος καὶ Κώνστανς οἱ Avy. 627. I. οἱ δεσπ. Hy. Κωνστάντιος Avy. καὶ Κωνστάντιος ἐπιφαν. Καῖσ. 632. 1. οἱ δεσπ. Ny. Κωνστάντιος Αὔγ. καὶ ᾿Ιουλιανὸς ἐπιῴαν. Kato. 695. 1. ἔτος pa (era of Constantine 1) κγ ιδ 751. 4. ἔτ. (era of Constantine I) κθ 8 632. 9. ἔτ. MC > 695. 13.


δεσπ. ip. Θεοδ[όσιος αἰώνιος Αὔγ.] 712. τ, ἔτος ἕξ Xe (eras of Constantius II and Julian) 753. 7.


UNCERTAIN. βασιλεία, εὐτυχεστάτη αὕτη β. 101. 16; 711. 11. ἔτος a 700. 20. ἔτ. y 688.9; 711. το. ἔτ. 698. 7. ἔτ. (648. 93. ἔτ. θΘ 639. 23, 20, 39, 32.

θεία ἐπιδημία 626. 8. Σεβαστοῦ, Σεβαστῶν νόμισμα. See Index X (6).


ὑπατείας ᾿Ανικίου Φαύστου καὶ Οὐιρίου Τάλλου (298) 704, 24; 705. 22; (om. ᾿Ανικίου and Οὐιρίου) 648. το.

ὑπ. τῶν δεσπ. ἧμ. Διοκλητιανοῦ τοῦ πατρὸς Αὐγούστων τὸ ει καὶ T'adepiov Οὐαλερίου Μαξιμιανοῦ Σεβαστοῦ τὸ ζ (308) 645. τ.

ὑπ. τῶν δεσπ. nu. Μαξιμιανοῦ τὸ n καὶ Μαξιμίνου τὸ B Avy. (311) 708. 20.

ὑπ. Παυλίνου καὶ ᾿Ιουλιανοῦ τῶν λαμπροτάτων (325) 626. 23.

ὑπ. Φλ. Δαλματίου ἀδελφοῦ τοῦ δεσπ. ἡμ. Κωνσταντίνου Αὐγ. καὶ Δομιτίου Ζηνοφίλου τῶν λαμπροτ. (333) 716. 1.

ὑπ. τῶν δεσπ. ju. Κωνσταντίου τὸ γ καὶ Κώνσταντος τὸ 8 τῶν Avy. (342) 627-1.

ὑπ. τῶν δεσπ. Hy. Κωνσταντίου Αὐγ. τὸ ς καὶ Κωνσταντίου τοῦ ἐπιφαν. Kaic. τὸ 8 (353) 692. τ.

im. τῶν δεσπ. fp. Κωνσταντίου Αὐγ. τὸ t καὶ Ἰουλιανοῦ τοῦ ἐπιφαν. Καίσ. τὸ γ (360) 695. I.

μετὰ τὴν ὑπ. τοῦ δεσπ. Hp. Θεοδ᾽ οσίου τοῦ αἰωνίου Ady. τὸ y| καὶ Φλ. ᾿Αβουνδαντίου τοῦ

λαμπροτ. (394) 712. 1. ὑπ. τῆς προκειμένης 660. int.

INDICTIONS. ιβ ἰνδικτίων (353-4) 682. το. te ἰνδ, 735. τ.


O06 (Aios 706. 3. πρὸ μιᾶς Kad. Σεπτεμβριῶν 645. 1) Aug. 29-Sept. 27 Φαῶφι (Απελλαῖος 628. 4) Sept. 28—Oct. 27 “Αθύρ (Νέος Σεβαστός 661. 10) 1 Oct. 28--Νον. 26 Xolak (Περίτιος 644. 5. Δδριανός 757. 29) Noy. 247—Dec. 26 Τῦβι (Δύστρος 635. 2) Dec. 27—Jan. 25 Mexeip Jan. 26—-Feb. 24 Φαμενώθ Feb. 25—March 26 Φαρμοῦθι March 27—April 25 Παχών (Τερμανίκειος 641. 22) April 26-May 25 Παῦνι May 26—June 24 ἜἘπείφ (Γορπιαῖος 629. 3) June 25-July 24 Μεσορή (Ὑπερβερεταῖος 709.3; 728. 4. Καισάρειος 706. 15 ;

709. 3; 725. 10) July 25-Aug. 23

ἐπαγόμεναι ἡμέραι 700. 19, 20; 725. 14; 737. 32 Aug. 24-8




(Ὁ —‘dauphier; & ΞΞ father; m.— mother;/s.— son; w. ΞΞ wile.)

᾿Δᾶς 8. of Paleopis 745. 6. ᾿Αβουνδάντιος, PA. 7A. consul 712. 2. ᾿Αβραάμιος βοηθός 754. 8.

᾿Αγαθῖνος f. of Aur. Serenus also called Sara-_

pion 631. 1; 633. 3; 636. 1; 689. 3;

699. 3.

Δύρ. “A. kat ‘Opioy 5. of Varianus 642. 4, 12, 19, 49.

mee Ap. As 718. 18.

“Ayabos f. of Ptolemaeus 724. 32.

Θ blo 677. τ΄: 6179: 135.768.


᾿Αγαθὸς Δαίμων͵ Ηρακλάμμων καὶ ᾽Δ. Δ. ex-chief- priest 694. 6.

Was ἐπικεκλημένος A, A. slave 648. τι.

—— f, of Aur. Agathodaemon 715. 5.

—— Aip.’A, A. 5. of Agathodaemon 715. 4.

᾿Αγαθοῦς f. of Alexander 710. int.

Αδμητος (Atuntos), Αὐρ. "Δ. 649. 9.

᾿Αθανάσιος βοηθός 758. τ.

᾿Αθηναῖος f. of Sarapion 648. 33.

Ala 670. 30.

Αἰθέριος, Avp.’A. ducenarius 111. 4.

Αἰλία ‘Hpwdiava 691. τ.

Πριμιαν | ¢}1) καὶ Πρεμεστίνη m. of Zoilus 119% 2.

Αἴλιος, Tiros Αἴλ. Μάξιμος 684. 3, 13.

Αἰμιλιανός, Μούσσιος Ai. praefect 637. 0.

Aivevs 698. 6.

Αἰὼν ἀμπελουργός 735. 6.

Αἰωνᾶς 722. 4.

᾿Αλεξάνδρα 677. 12.

᾿Αλέξανδρος πρὸς Tots καταλοχισμοῖς 635. 5.

f. of Aur. Alexander 711. 1.

s. of Agathous 710. int.

=—— Aip. “Ay ss of Alexander 711. 1.

s. of Dionysius 722. 4.

—— 654. 13; 679. 27; 727. 6, 29; 771. ἃ). ΠΩΣ

"Addis, Αὐρ. "A. decanus, 5. of Choous 626. τ 2ae

᾿Αμαζόνιον, Tardoupis καὶ ᾽Δ. 750. 10.

“Apaoo| (9) 778. 41.

᾿Αμήτριον 778. 1, 43.

"Appov 735. 3.

᾿Αμμωνᾶς 743. 5; 769. i.

᾿Αμμωνιανός, Avp. Ἂς. ε- Of Agr 657. τ 53. 1... 19.

᾿Αμμωνίλλα m. of Aur. Amois 714. 4.

᾿Αμμώνιος potter 754. 5.

—— Aup, Βίων καὶ A. prytanis 662. 1.

——— Wars ἐπικεκλημένος A. Slave 648. 12.

. of Aur. Apia 714. τ΄

. of Demetrius 745. 24.

f. of Hephaestion 707. 2.

s. of Chaeremon 745. 11.

s. of Harpocration 745. 9.

s. of Paosis 745. 18.

καὶ Σαραπίων 5. of Sarapion 725. 7.

s. of Sosipatrus 639. 27.

s. of Soudas 726. 9.

καὶ Ἡράκλειος 680. 2.

6592655681. τ γι: 706. £65, 727.


51: ᾿Αμμωνοῦς m. of Aur. Thonis 688. 6.

᾿Αμόις γεωργός 748. τι.

f. of Amois 692. 2.

Zwitos προσωνομασμένος ᾿Δ. f. of Saras 648. 638.


s. of Pokoous 744. το.

s. of Terentius 687. 4.

Adp. A. s. of Theon 714. 4. 7,56: 7:

᾿Ανδρόμαχος 646. 22.

᾿Ανεμπέυς 5, of Harpaésis 686. 4. ᾿Ανεσοῦρις f. of Aur. Thonis 688. 5.

| ᾿Ανθεστία 727. 28.

᾿Ανίκιος Φαῦστος consul 643. το; 704. 24; 705. 22.

"Avva 678. 21.

᾿Αννιανὸς καὶ Ἡρακλειανός 8. 637. 5, 14, 18.

᾿Αννόη 668. 23.

᾿Αντᾶς 5. Of Horus 687. 31.

᾿Αντιόχεια 682. 1, 10.

᾿Αντίοχος, Πτολεμαῖος kat’ A. 5. of Ptolemaeus 724. 20.

᾿Αντώνιος, Αὐρ. ᾿᾽Α. 5. of Plato 689. 4, 47.

᾿Απάμμων 765. 1, 30.

of Apollonius


"Aria, Κλαυδία ᾿Ισιδώρα Kai’ A. 684. 3, 6, 19, 23; 659.5. Cf. 880. 3.

Adp. ‘A. d. of Ammonius 714. τ.

καὶ Tara... d. of Xois (?) 703. 9.

679. [1], 30.

᾿Απίων, Atp. A. καὶ Πτολλίων cosmetes, 5. of Ptollion 708. 2.

gymnasiarch 664. 1, 16, 18.

—— f. of Heras 721. 4.

Δύρ. ’A. 5. of Agathinus 689. 2.

Δύρ. ’A. 5. of Apollonius 698. 1.

s. of Horion 692. 1, 26.

659. 38; 102; 667. 1 > 755. 1; “468.


᾿Απλωνάριον 676. I, 41.

᾿Απολινάριος πράκτωρ 659. 118.

᾿Απολλοθέων, Αὐρ. A. 5. of Diogenes 698. 5.

᾿Απόλλων Ss. of Narmouthis 745. 14.

᾿Απολλωνία, Adp. A. w. of Aur. Agathodaemon 715. 7.

Αὐρ. Εὐδαιμονὶς καὶ A, malrona stolata 705. 5.

᾿Απολλώνιος, PA, Σεπτίμιος Σερήνιος ᾿Α. διασημό- τατὸς ἀπὸ ἐπιτρόπων 716. 4, 22.

senator, 5. of Apollonius 686. 1.

strategus 690. 22.

tax-collector 659. 87. . καὶ ᾽Δ. f. of Annianus 687. 6.

καὶ Ηρακλᾶς f. of Aur. Apion 698. 1.

——— καὶ “ApBixes f. of Apollonius also called Harbichis 629. 6.

—— f, of Apollonius 686. τ.

—— καὶ Δίδυμος f. of Herodes 721. 5.

—— f. of Aur. Rufion 627. 26.

—— f, of Sarapias 649. 13.

—— f. of Sarapion 628. 5.

—— 6 καὶ “ApBixes 5. of Apollonius also called Harbichis 629. 5, 13.

Ilaviwy 6 Καὶ ΤᾺ. 5. Of... also called

Apollonius 687. [5], 14, 18.

s. of Apollonius 707. 3, 12.

s. of Dionysius 644. 5.

—— 5, of Hephaestion 707. 11, 16, 26.

καὶ Har] 8. of Ischyrion 628. 6, 15,

pie ----- M. Aip.’A. 8. of Isidorus 645. 4. —— s. of Papontos 725. 11.

——— yeodxos, S. Of Pata( ) 747. 60. s. of Sarapion 707. 3.

γεοῦχος, S. of Sarmates 747. 62.


᾿Απολλώνιος, Αὐρ. 'A. 659. 6.

659. 53, 76, 80; 669. 11; 674.1; 674. 11; 695. 14.

᾿Απολλωνοθέων f, of Aur. Appnous 750. 2.

᾿Απολλωνοῦς m. of Damas 696. 2.

᾿Απολλώς 767. 23.

᾿Απῦγχις Στρά(τωνος ἢ) 745. 7. Cf. ᾿Αφῦγχις.

᾿Απφοῦς, Αὐρ. ᾽Α. 5. of Apollotheon 750. 1, 17.

Αὐρ. ’A. 85. of Pathermouthius 627. 3,


752. 3. Cf. ᾿Αφοῦς, ᾿Αφφοῦς.

᾿Αράχθης, Αὐρ. ‘A. 5. of Patetus 708. 1, 23.

‘ApBixes, ᾿Απολλώνιος καὶ “A. f. of following 629. 6.

‘ApBixis, ᾿Απολλώνιος καὶ “A. 8. of preceding 629. 5.

“Apes f. of Aur. Didyme 645. [2], 15.

"Aper, Adp. A. 638. [1], 14, [16], 23, 37-

“Αρθοῶνις 661. I.

“Δρθῶνις 5. of Paapis 648. 57.

725. 20.

᾿Αριστόμαχος, Ποσομβοῖς *Apirrouaxiov| 688. 10.

᾿Αρίστων 724, 21.

“Αρμιῦσις f. οἵ Harmiusis 724. 23.

-—— s. of Harmiusis 724. 23.

“Apountns (?) s. of Sarapion 648. τό.

“Apranots f. of Anempeus 686. 4.

fof Cheos 747. 25:

s. of Anempeus 686. 4.

s. of Papontos 661. 2.

“Αρποκρατίων ἐπιμελητής 660. το.

f. of Ammonius 745. 9.

f. of Aur. Theodorus 708. 4.

Avp. ‘A. 713. 3.

Thoth, 15.

᾿Αρσένιος 645. 3.

᾿Αρσινόη d. of Ptolemaeus 644. 12, 20.

m. of D .. . also called Dionysius 696. 3. ᾿Αρτεμεῖς m. of Aur. Didyme 645. 6. 650 14, 31.

᾿Ασίαρχος 5. of Sarapiodorus 745. 3.

᾿Ασκληπιάδης f. of Heraclides 724. 26.

—— Αὐρ. Θέων καὶ ᾿Α. ἐπικαλούμενος Ζωίλος 636. 44.

᾿Ασοὺῦς (Ὁ) 774. 18.

᾿Αστοπαρίσων (?), Πτολεμαῖος καὶ ’A. 630. 2.

᾿Ασύνη (?) d. of Dionysius 695. 6.

᾿Ατιενάτεια 774. τ, 21.


᾿Ατίων (I. ᾿Απίων ?) 5. of Orsenouphis 745. 20. Δημήτριος, “Hpakdeidns καὶ A. senator 697.

“Arpntos (].”Adpnros), Δύρ. ΓΑ. 649. 9. 4; “Ατρῆς 8. of Pnepheros 745. 2. —— f. of Aur. Geminus also called Silvanus ——— 758. Io. 703. I. Αὖγχις d. of Harthonis 648. 57. s. of Ammonius 745. 24. Αὐρηλία, Δὐρήλιος passim. —— Αὐρ. Δ. 8. of Aur. Geminus 708. 7. ᾿Αφοῦς, Αὐρ. “A. Ss. Of Psenamounis 688. 1, s. of Pnepheros 745. 27. [6], 16 sqq. —— 672.1; 759.1; 776. 1. 678. 26. Cf. ᾿Απφοῦς, ᾿Αφφοῦς. Δημητριΐ 709. 8. ᾿Αφροδίσιος 745. τό. Δημητροῦς καὶ Θαῆσις d. οἵ Terentius 687. 1. ᾿Αφροδίτη, Κλεοπάτρα ᾽Α. 628. 8; 629. 7; d. of Plutarchus 648. 52. 644. 8. Διδυμᾶς 758. 1, 21. slave 706. 13, 19. Διδύμη, Αὐρ. A. ἃ. of Arius 645. [2], 15, 20.

67 τ 101}: 7161. ΤΙ. m. of Aur. Alexander 711. 2. ᾿Αφύγχιος 749. 2, (Avyxis) 4. G77. τὸ: T7142. 25 21. ᾿Αφῦγχις 8. Of Castor 747. 23. Cf. ᾿Απῦγχις | Δίδυμος, Adp. Σαραπάμμων καὶ A. athlete 6438.

and ᾿Αφύγχιος. Its Bite ᾿Αφφοῦς s. of Copreus 747. 45. Cf. ᾿Απφοῦς. ᾿Απολλώνιος καὶ Δ. f. of Herodes 721. Αἱ soos Ἰλος (Λ[οχ])ύλος ?) 166. 1, 10. 5-

adopted f. of Theon 719. 5. BapBapiov 678. το. —— f. of The... 648. 19. Βασιλεύς 727. 3. s. of Theon 719. 4. Βάσσος πραγματευτῆς 7538. 2. —— Aip. Al. . .Jos A. 642. τ. Βαύλλιος 658. 10. 659. 56. Βερενίκη d. of Dionysius 644. 6. Awyas ἐρεοπώλης 669. 5. Βηρύλλος 679. 26. Διογένης, Αὐρ. A. senator, s. of Stephanus 697. Byoas s. Of Pausiris 747. 38. Ey LO, 59, 50. Βιθαρίων καὶ Δημητριανός 696. 23. Αὐρ. Δ. συστάτης, 5. of Sarapion 627. 5. Βίων, Αὐρ. Β. καὶ ᾿Αμμώνιος prytanis 662. 1. - πΕ of Aur. Apollotheon 693. 5. Βόκκος 728. το. [ of Aur. Diogenes 691. 2. f. of Aur. Theon also called Epimachus

Γάιος 680. 18 (?); 1 τὸς: 688. 2. Τάλλος, Οὐΐριος ΓΤ, consul 649. [20] ; 704. 24: Αὐρ. Δ. 5. of Diogenes 691. 2.

70Ὁ. 22: 5. of The... 648. 19. Γελάσιος, Avp. T. 711. 3. καὶ Θέων 724. 34. Τεμελλῖνος f. of Sarapias 649. 2. | —— Δῖος 6 καὶ Δ. 724. 34. Γεμῖνος, Δύρ. Τ᾽. καὶ Σιλβανός agoranomus, Ss. | 659. 55, 59. 83.

of Demetrius 708. 1. | Avoyevis m. Of Platonis also called Ophelia Γρηγόριος, Avp. T. καὶ Θέων hypomnemato- 721. 2.

graphus 645. 2. 758. I.

Διόδωρος f. of Serenus 747. 17.

Δαλμάτιος, PA. A. consul 716. 1. Διοκλῆς 628. το. Δαμαρίων 84. 2. Διονυσάμμων 8. of Zoilus 719. 9. Δαμᾶς 6 καὶ Σαραπάμμων 5, οἵ Sarapammon δΔιονυσαρία (?) γεοῦχος, freedwoman (ἢ) of

696. I, 21. Horion 747. 67.

648. 55. Διονυσία m. of Aur. Ctistus 681. 3.

Δημητρία ἃ. of Apollonius 725. τι. Ἰσιδώρα καὶ Δ. τη. of Aur. Demetrius καὶ Κυριλλοῦς 750. 5. 703. 7.

Δημητριανός, Βιθαρίων καὶ Δ. 696. 23. Διονύσιος gymnasiarch 762, I, 15.

Atp. Δ, 642. τ. ὑπηρέτης 659. 125.

Ο 2


Διονύσιος f. of Alexander 722. 4.

f. of Pasion 644. 5.

—— ἔί of Aur. Syrus 695. 6.

s. of Castor 724. 6.

4[— καὶ Δ. B96. 3.

6 καὶ «Ηρακλείδης 726. 4.

Αὐρ. Δ. 718. το.

644. 29; 659. 40, 46, 63 ; 671. 2, 25; 671. 6; 676. 36> 715: 175724. 9; 756. 13: 1002 95 yi fant.

Atos, Αὐρ. Δ. καὶ Περτίναξ strategus 662. 4.

f. of Ptolemaeus 724. 29.

—— A. καὶ Διογένης 724. 34.

759. 105-6.

Διόσκορος φροντιστῆς 685. 2.

s. of Cornelius 747. 68.

s. of Merotis 745. 22.

—— 727. 32. Διοσκουρίδης γεοῦχος, 5. of Julianus 747. 64. 659. 82.

Δομίτιος Ζηνόφιλος consul 716. 2. Aopvivos, Φλ. A. Optio “12. 3. Δόξα 677. 4, 15.

Δρίμακος 687. 14.

Δωρίων 667. 2.

Δωρόθεος 684. 15.

(Ἑλλένη, Adp. CE.) d. of Papontos 720. 2. “λλάδιος f. of Eudaemon 747. 65. ᾿Επάγαθος 716. 5, 22.

᾿Επεῦς 5. of Sarapion 648. 51.

᾿Επίμαχος, Αὐρ. Ἔ. Senator 637. 8.

Αὐρ. Ἐ. s. of Anesouris 688. 4.

—— Alp. Θέων καὶ Ἔ. S. 688.1.

Aup. Ἔ. 694, 40 (?).

᾿Ἐπιτυχία 769. 13.

‘Epnow 771. 6.

Ἑρμῆς f. of Hermias 721. 9.

673. I, 30.

‘Eppias s. of Hermes 721. 9.

721. 8.

“Eppeorn 767. 28.

“ρμιτάριον m. of Sarapias 649. 2.

Ἑρμογένης 5. of Petenephotes 680. 6.

‘Eppoyevis m. of Zoilus 648. 18.

“Eppogpitos 724, 8, 13.

Evdapovis, Avp. Ev. καὶ ᾿Απολλωνία matrona Stolata 705. 3.

Θέων καὶ Ἕ. adopted 5. of Hermias |

of Diogenes |


Εὐδαιμονίς m. of Aur. Agathodaemon 715. 6. Εὐδαίμων yeodxos, s. of Helladius 747. 65. Σεπτίμιος Ἔ. f. of Isidora 649. 19. —— f. of Aur. Theodora 645. 5.

—— f. of Theon 759. 11.

Tie 2.

Εὐλόγιος (1) 660. int.; (2) 777. 10, 15. Evpitas 757. τι. ;

Εὐτέρπη 678. 21.

Εὐτυχεῖς 778. τ.

Εὐτυχίς (?) 678. 22.

Znvayevns, Avp. Z. 718. 4.

Ζηνόφιλος, Δομίτιος Ζ. consul 716. 2.

Ζωίλος f. of Aur, Heraclas 694, 2.

f. of Aur. Plution 709. 6.

—— f. of Sarapion 688. το. προσωνομασμένος Aud f. of Saras 648.

68. —- f. of Zoilus 719. τ. 5. of Sarapion 648. 26, 37, 46-7, 58. —— s. of Saras 648. 4, 9, 18, 42. s. of Zoilus 719. 1, 4, 16. ——- Αὐρ. Θέων ἐπικαλούμενος Ζ. 686. 44. Θέων καὶ Ζ. 701]. το.

᾿ΞΞΞΞΞ-Όϑη: 9552: 6Ὲ8: 00: (659: 5h θ.1 τ΄

25; 738. 13.

| Ζώσιμος 5. Of Pausiris 648. 71.

722. 3.

λιάς 761. 9.

Ἡλιόδωρος 5. of Aur. Geminus also called Ptollion 708. 8.

‘Hpais d. of Candion 648. 15.

m. of Heras 721. 4.

Ἡρακλάμμων καὶ ᾿Αγαθὸς Δαίμων ex-chief- priest 694. 6.

ὉΠ: τῶ C1027.

| Ἡρακλᾶς, ᾿Απολλώνιος 6 καὶ Ἢ, f. of Aur. Apion

693. I. —— Aiup.‘H. s. of Zoilus 694. 1. 106. 23 7227: τὸ:

| Ἡρακλέα 668. 31.

Ἡράκλεια m. of Hermias 721. 9.

670. 29; 678. 20.

Ἡρακλειανός, Αὐρ. ᾿Αννιανὸς καὶ “H. s. of Apol- lonius 637. 5, 18.

Ἡρακλείδης banker 689. 5, 30.

dioecetes 661. 1, 11.


“Ἡρακλείδης, Αὐρ. “H. ἐπιμελητὴς ζῴων, 5. of Scy- lacius 626. 5. gymnasiarch 726. 2.

senator, f. of Aur. Timagenes also called

Heraclides 697. 4, 41.

Αὐρ. Ἢ, f. of Aur. Ammonianus 687. 2.

—— f. of Heraclides 682. 4.

s. of Asclepiades 724. 26.

-- Αὐρ. Τιμαγένης καὶ “H. 5. of Heraclides 697. 2, 40.

—— Διονύσιος καὶ ‘H. 726. 4.

—— 659. 68, 74, 75, 107; 666. 1, 26; |

682. 2; 706. 6; 727. 33 ; 766. 6. Ἡρακλειδίαινα, Αὐρ. Ἣ. d. of Aur. Heraclides BBV 2: Un 22. Ἡράκλειος ἐπίτροπος 680. 13. ᾿Αμμώνιος 6 Kat “H. 680. 2. 768. 1, 16. Ἡρακλέων 674. 3. “HpakAnos ἐπιμελητής 660. 5. f. of Aur. Peloius 681. 4. Ἡρακλῆς, Atp. Ἡ. decanus 626. 2, 24. ‘Hpas d. of Apion 721. 3. m. of Harmiusis 724. 23. s. of Paapis 747. 34. 669. 11. Ἡρκουλανός, Φλ. “H. 676. I, 42, 43.

“Ἡρώδης 5. of Apollonius also called Didymus |

Δ. 5. Ἡρωδίαινα καὶ Sapal meas 2 634. 8. : Αἰλία Ἢ. 691. τ. Ἥρων 8. of Sarapion 648. 43. 630. 18; 648. 27, 28. ᾿Ηφαιστίων 5. of Ammonius 707. τ.

Θαῆσις, Δημητροῦς καὶ Θ. 4. of Terentius 687. I.

m. of Aur. Apia 714. 1.

m. of Aur. Palex 716. 6.

Σαραπιὰς ἐπικεκλημένη Θ. 706. 5.

706. 9.

Θέκλα, Αὐρ. Θ. w. οἵ Papnuthius 720. 1.

Θεμιστοκλῆς 661. 5.

Θεοδώρα, Αὐρ. 8. d. of Eudaemon 645. 5,

Θεόδωρος, Avp. Θ. s. of Harpocration 708.

57: 11:

Θεονῖνος 775. 2, 27.

Θεόχρηστος 667. 7.

Θερμουθία m. of Aur. Harachthes 708.





Θερμούθιον slave 647. τι. ἐπικεκλημένη ᾿Ισιδώρα slave 648. 6.

| —— m. of Aur. Heraclas 694. 3.

Adp. ‘H. senator, s. of Heraclides 632. 4. |

m. of Aur. Horion 715. 2.

m. of Sarapion 724. 27.

Θερμοῦθις 761. 9.

Θέων, Αὐρ. Θ. ἀσχολούμενος ὠνὴν ἀγορανομείου 709. 4. ͵,

athlete, 5. of Eudaemon 759. 1, 11.

----- - πτυλεμαῖος καὶ ©. yeovxos 747. 72.

Αὐρ. Τρηγόριος καὶ ©. hypomnemato-

eraphus 645. 2.

f. of Aur. Amois 714. 4.

| —— f. of Didymus 719. 5.

f. of Aur. Phoebammon 712. 4.

—— f. of Aur. Philonicus 691. 3.

- f, of ‘Theon 6292.5.

f. of Theon also called Tho@nis 639. 2.

-—— καὶ ‘Eppias adopied 5. of Hermias721.8.

s. of Hieracion 726. 6.

kat Θοῶνις 8. Of Theon 639. 2, 33.

s. of Theon 629. 4, [14].

Atp. ©. καὶ ᾿Επίμαχος 5. of Diogenes

688. I.

5. of Zoilus 648. 46—7.

—— Διογένης καὶ Θ. 724. 34.

καὶ Ζωίλος 701. το.

Αὐρ. Θ. καὶ ᾿Ασκληπιάδης ἐπικαλούμενος Ζωίλος 686. 44.

-------- Αὐρ. ΕἸ" 726. 7-

—— 657. 14; 659. 15, 89, 110; 674.1; 678. 1. 29: 151. 223 166; τὴ; 766. τ. τὸ; 7.11 ἢ:

| Θεωνίλλα γεοῦχος 747. 50.

Θοῶνις, Θέων 6 καὶ Θ. 8. Of Theon 689. 2, 33. Θώνιος f. of Aur. Sinthonis 716. 7.

s. of Aur. Apphous 627, 8.


Gaus f. of Aur. Horion 715. 1.

—— f. of Aur. Sarapammon 705. 5.

Αὐρ. Θ. 5. of Anesouris 688. 4.

—— 670. 7.

Ἱερακίων f. of Theon 726. 6.

Avp. ‘I. 718. 1, 15.

ἹἸέραξ (1) 78. 17: (2) 210: 17. 28: Ἱερεύς (9) f. of Tauris 689. 7. ‘Tepovis 681. 26.

Ἵλαρος 681. 2, 30.

Ἰουλία 772. 2.


᾿Ιουλιανός Consul 626. 23.

᾿Ιουλιανός f. of Dioscurides 747. 64.

᾿Ιούλιος Μόνιμος dioecetes 633. τό.

(1) 681. 1, 30; (2) 681. 26.

᾿Ιοῦστος 637. 33.

Ἰσάκ 5. of Miusis 747. 50.

Ἰσεῖς ἃ. of .. . philus 687. [6], 22.

᾿Ισιδώρα, Κλαυδία I. καὶ Aria 684. 3, 6, 19, 23; 659. 5.

Κλαυδία “I. (= preceding ?) 630. 3.

- Θερμούθιον ἐπικεκλημένη ‘I. slave 648. 6.

- ἃ. of Septimius Eudaemon 649. 18.

-- 7 καὶ Διονυσία τη. of Aur. Demetrius 703. 7.

—— 681. 28 (?).

᾿Ισίδωρος, Αὐρ. ’I. irenarch 662. 17.

πράκτωρ 659. 86.

—— f. of M. Aur. Apollonius 645. 4.

630. [7], 9; 742. το.

᾿Ισιόνη 648. 83, 86.

Ἶσις 678. 22.

Ἰσίων f. of Lucius 647. 5.

᾿Ισχυρίων 6 καὶ Νεχθενῖβις f. of Apollonius 628. 7.

—— 675.1; 766. 13.

᾿Ιωάννης 735. 6.

Καλασῖρις 655. 1.

Καλλίας (1) 676. 33; (2) 686. 8, 17.

Καλλιρόη 761. I, 19.

Καλλίστρατος f. of Aur. Leonides 688. 36.

Καλπούρνιος, 6 ἀξιολογώτατος K. 764. το.

Αὐρ. K. 640. 18.

659. 103 (?).

Kavéaios f. of Candion 648. 15.

Κανδίων 5. of Candaeus 648. 15.

KapaBos 761. 13.

Κάστωρ f. of Aphunchis 747. 23.

f. of Dionysius 724. 6.

—— f. of Petechon 648. 5.

s. of Horus 747. 66.

Αὐρ. K. s. of Pathermouthius 682. 6.

Κατιλλιανὸς 6 kat Οὐᾶρος 636. 13, 25.

Κατ... us (?) 696. 3, 21.

Κεφαλᾶς 5. of Petechon 756. 5.

Κεφαλή 765. 27.

Κηδίλλα (?) d. of Lucius 648. 20.

Κιάλης 5, Of Polydeuces 747. 32.

Κιμοῦλις f. of Pagathes 747. 56.

Κλαυδία ᾿Ισιδώρα καὶ Armia 684. 3, 6, 19, 233 659. 5.


Κλαυδία ᾿Ισιδώρα (= preceding ?) 680. 3.

Tey| 710. int.

UO. 25.

Κλαύδιος, Atp. K. 665. 1, 28.

Τιβ. K. ‘Qpiay 631. 39.

Κλέαρχος 648. 32.

Κλεοπάτρα ᾿Αφροδίτη 628. ; 629.7; 644. 8. Κλέων γραμματεὺς στρατηγοῦ 663. I, 13.

659. 90 (?).

| KAnpevs s. of Leucadius 752. 1.

Κόλλουθος, Avp. K. 699. I.

Kopoams f. of Horus 747. 21.

Κοπρεύς f. of Apphous 747. 45.

Αὐρ. K. 5. of Syrus 695. 8.

701. 12.

Κορνηλιανὸς yeovxos 747. 63.

Κορνήλιος f. of Dioscorus 747. 68.

Kovoevva 765. 1, (Κουτσεναὴ 29.

Κρονίων ἐπιμελητής 652. (a) 2 ; (0) 2.

5. of Pausiris 685. 2.

Kpovovs καὶ Σαραποῦς m. of Ammonius 725. 8.

Κτιστός, Αὐρ. K. 5. of Rufus 681. 3, [8], 35, τ:

Κυριλλοῦς, Δημητρία καὶ Κ. 750. 5.

679. 27.

Λευκάδιος f. of Clemens 752. 1. Aevxos 679. 25.

Λεωνίδης, Αὐρ. A. 5. of Callistratus 688. 36. CHM ἢ:

Διμένιος 753. 1.

Λογγῖνος 768. 12.

Λουκάμμων 679. 21.

Δουκία 657. 19.

Λούκιος πράκτωρ 659. 100.

f. of Cedilla (?) 648. 21. - 8. of Ision 647. 5, 10. —— 679. το.

Μακαριανασοῦς (?) 774. 18.

Μακάριος 754. 2.

Μανατίνη 688. 2, 31.

Μαξιμῖνος, Τίτος Αἴλιος M. 684. 13, (Μάξιμος) 3.

Μάξιμος ex-cosmetes, f. of Aur. Melas 645. 4.

Tiros Αἴλιος M. 684. 3, (Μαξιμῖνος) 13.

Mapyapis 769. 14.

Μαργάριος 722. 2.

Μάρκος Αὐρ. ᾿Απολλώνιος f. of ΔΙ. Aur. Horion 645. 4.


Μάρκος Atp. ‘Qpiov 5. of M. Aur. Apollonius | Παᾶπις f. of Heras 747. 34. 645. 4, 15, 19. Παγάθης 5. of Kimoulis 747. 56. Μάρων 659. 115. Παθερμούθιος f. of Aur. Apphous 627. 3, 23. Μασκουλῖνος 670. 28. f. of Aur. Castor 682. 6. Μεγάλη 775. 14. kal Σιλβανός 687. 6.

Meyas 685. 16. 697. 5.0} Μέλας, Αὐρ. Μ. s. of Maximus 645. 4, 16. _ Παθερμοῦτις. See Πετερμοῦθις. 682. 3; 726. 12. | Πάλεξ, Αὐρ. I. 8. of Parammon 716. 6. Μερῶτι[ς πη. of Dioscorus 745. 22. GVO) i Sie. Μηνόδωρος 633. τι. | Παλεῶπις f. of Aas 745. 6. Μικρᾶς 675. 7. Παμούθιος 754. τ. Μινῖφίις ἢ) 731. 9. | Πανεσνεύς, Αὐρ. Π. s. of Ptollis 686. 3, 42.

Μιῦσις 85. οἱ Isak 747. 50. Μόνιμος, ᾿Ιούλιος Μ. dioecetes 6338. τό. Μοσχίων 644. 7, 10 sqq.

Πανεχώτης slave 638. 5. f. of Aur. Panechotes 689. 6. Αὐρ. Π. son of Panechotes 689. 6, 47.

Μουνάτιος Φῆλιξ praefect 654. τι. Πάνης f. of Horion 747. 49. 672. 16. | Παπνούθιος 720. 1. Μούσσιος Αἰμιλιανός praefect 637. 9. ᾿ Παπνοῦτις f. of Sotas 747. 41.

Μῶρος καὶ Vous 70]. 4. Αὐρ. II. 8. of Choous 716. 27. PY Aas | Παποντώς f. of Apollonius 79,5: τι:

| f. of Aur. Harpaésis 661. 3. f. of Aur. Helene 720. 3.

Ναρμοῦθις f. of Apollon 745. 14.

Νεῖλος οἰνοχειριστής 752, 1. Παράμμων f, of Aur. Palex 716. 6. Νεῖλος 678. 24. Πασαλύμις 699. 7. Νεμεσιανός 761. 11. Πασίων 6 καὶ ᾿Απολλώνιος 5. of Apollonius 637. Νεχθενῖβις, ᾿Ισχυρίων καὶ N. f, of Apollonius | [5], 14. 628. 7. s. of Dionysius 644. 4, 29, 33.

Νικάνωρ (1) 687. 14; (2) 727. 5. Νικηφόρος 669. τό.

Δύρ. II. 637. 3.

738. 10.

| Mara(s?) f. of Apollonius 747. 69. Παταῦρις 638. 10.

Ξένων 751. int.

_ Bows (Ὁ) ἴ. of Apia 708. το. | Πατερμούθιος 766. 15. Πατῆτος f. of Aur. Harachthes 708. 1. ᾿Οννῶφρις (1) 688. 9; (2) 731. τ. Παυλῖνος consul 626. 23.

660. int. Παῦλος, Avp. Il. 750. 3. 660: ᾿τπὸἃ; : 776: τ.

᾿Ονοῦθις (9) f. of Cheous 747. 19. ὋὉρκουίν 5. of Pausiris 747. 43. ὋὉρπαῆσις 5. of Pausiris 747. 36.

᾽Ορσενοῦφις f. of Ation 745. 20. Παυσανίας f, of Demetrius 672. 1. s. of Petosiris 639. 1, 24, 33. f. of Pausanias 666. 1, 27. Οὐαλέριος Πετερμοῦθις soldier 705. 1, 23. | ——-s. of Pausanias (1) 666. 4, 25; (2) Πομπηιανός praefect 642. 3. ᾿Π672:1. Pippos praefect 662. το. | 9 is Οὐαριανός f. of Aur. Agathinus 642. 4. Παύσιρις f. of Besas 747. 38. 121. τ. | f. of Cronion 685. 3. Ovapos, Κατιλλιανὸς καὶ Οὐ. 636. 13, 25. ——- f. of Horkouin 747. 43. Οὐίβιος Πούπλιος veteran 646. I, 22, 57- - ἢ, of Horpaésis 747. 36. Οὐέριος Taddos consul 648. | 20]; 704. 24; - f. of Psenamounis 638. 2. 705. 22. —— f. of Zosimus 648. 71.

—— 5, of Horus 747. 30.

Παᾶπις f. of Harthonis 648. 57. s. of Sarapion 648. 21.


Παύσιρις καὶ Epp. . . 8. of Theon also called Hermias 721. 18.

Παῶσις f. of Ammonius 745. 18.

Πεκύλος physician 751. 2.

Πεκῦσις 5. of Petosiris 689. 1, 24, 395:

Πελώιος, Αὐρ. Π. 5. of Heracleitis 681. 4, 8, 36.

Πενῆσις 5. of Plution 726. 8.

Περτίναξ, Αὐρ. Atos καὶ II, strategus 662. 4.

Πετενεφώτης f. of Hermogenes 680. 6.

Πετερμούθιος f. of Sarapion 747. 70.

766. 14.

Πετερμοῦθις, Οὐαλέριος (Παθερμοῦτις) 22. ]

Πετεχών s. of Castor 648. 5.

s. of Salbius 756. 5. |

Πετύσιρις f. of Orsenouphis 639. τ.

Πετοσόραπις f. of Sarapion 648. 39, (Πετωυ- σόραπις) 59.

Πετρώνιος 683. 10.

Πεττίῖρις f. of Horus 699. 8.

Πετωυσόραπις. See Πετοσόραπις.

Πίνδαρος 764. 2.

Πλάτων f. of Aur. Antonius 689. 5.

s. of Horion 647. 5; 721. 3.

G16. oz

Πλατωνὶς καὶ ᾿Ωφελία d. of Horion 647. 1, Sar fal. α΄

Πλούταρχος f. of Demetrous 648. 52.

TS Bp Bf

Πλουτίων f. of Penesis 726. 8.

Αὐρ. Π. 5. of Zoilus 709. 6.

—— 659. 91; 732. το; 750. 7; 761. Io.

Πλουτογένης πραγματευτής 646. 7, 19.

Πλοῦτος, Avp. Π. 5. of Anesouris 688. 5.

Πνεφερῶς f. of Demetrius 745. 27.

f. of Hatres 745. 2.

Il. soldier “705: τ |

| Πτολεμῖνος 670. 22, | Πτολλαροῦς 648. 80. | Πτόλλις f. of Aur. Panesneus 686. 3, 42.

743. 3, το.

Tlomenos 678. 24.

Ποκωοῦς f. of Amois 744. 10.

Πολυδεύκης f. of Kiales 747. 32.

Πομπηιανός, Οὐαλέριος II, praefect 642. 3.

Πούδενς f. of Aur. Heracles 626. 2.

Πούπλιος, Οὐίβιος Π. veteran 646. I, 22, 57.

Πρεμεστίνη, Aidia Tpyuav {ec} καὶ Π. πη. of | Zoilus 719. 2.

Πριμιαν {ely See Πρεμεστίνη.

Πρόβος 688. 2, 31.

Πρωτίδιος (?) 754. το.

Πρῶτος 734. τι.

Πτολεμαῖος καὶ Θέων γεοῦχυς 747. 72.


Πτολεμαῖος, Αὐρ. Π. μείζων, 5. of Ptolemaeus 626. 4, 18, 25.

—— πρίστης 752. 2.

sitologus 669. 9.

| —— ἢ, of Arsinoé 644. 13.

—— f. of Ptolemaeus also called Antiochus 724. 20.

—— f. of Aur. Ptolemaeus 626. 5.

—— f. of Spartacus 635. 3.

s. of Agathus 724. 32.

Αὐρ. II. 5. of Aur, Ctistus 681. 3, 36. s. of Dionysius 644. 3.

καὶ ᾿Αντίοχος 5. of Ptolemaeus 724. 26. s. of Tryphon 692. 7.

καὶ ᾿Αστοπαρίσων (?) 630.’2. 65923167701, 84, τοῦ: Ware τῷ: Πτολεμαῖς, Αὐρ. Π. 690. 20.

CHE 5:



Πτολλίων ex-cosmetes, f.of the following 7038.4. Αὐρ. ᾿Απίων καὶ II, cosmetes, 5. of Ptollion 708. 2.

| Ροδόπη 762. 5. | Ῥουφίων, Atp. “P. 5. of Apollonius 627. 26. | Ῥοῦφος f. of Aur. Ctistus 681. 3.

Ῥωμανός 738. 5.

Σαβῖνος 648. 74. Σακάνναρος 766. 6. Σάλβιος f. of Petechon 756. 6.

| Σαμβοῦς m. of Amois 692. 3.


| Σάμμις 8. of Psenamounis 688. 4.

Σαμπατῦμις τὴ. of Sarapion 641, 23.

| Sapaevs 634. 7.

Σαραπάμμων f. of the following 696. [1], 20.

Αὐρ. 3. 6 καὶ Δίδυμος athlete 648. 1, 21.

Δαμᾶς καὶ Σ, s, of Sarapammon 696,


Avp. 3. 5. of Thonis 705. 4.

καὶ Φιλέας 702. 23.

—— 659. 57, 78; 666. 2; 727. 16, 20; 764. 1.

| Σαραπᾶς (1) 670. 75; (2) 757. 15. | Σαραπιακός 673. 1, 30.

Σαραπιάς d. of Apollonius 649. 12. d. of Gemellinus 649. 2, 7.


Σαραπιάς d. of Harthonis 648. 57

m. of Aur. Copreus 695. 9.

m. of Aur. Sinthonis 716. 7. Ἡρωδίαινα καὶ Sapa| meas ?] 634. ὃ. ἐπικεκλημένη Θαῆσις 706. 5

761. 1, (Σεραπ.) 19; 768. 1. Σαραπιόδωρος f. of Asiarchus 745. 3 Σάραπις god. See Index VI (a). Σαραπίων, Adp. =. gymnasiarch 665. 1, 28. silversmith 653. 15, 23.

—— ἄρξας ᾿Αλεξανδρείας 638. το.

----- ἄρξας ᾽Οξυρ. 642. 51.

f. of Aur. Diogenes 627. 5

—— f, of Pausiris 648. 22.

—— of Aur. Sarapion 705. τ.


—— f. of Sarapion (1) 641. 23; (2) 648.

44; (3) 725. 8. freedman of Demetrous 648. 51

5 699: 125955 996.1

689. 1; 699. 3; 713. I. —— 5. of Apollonius 628. 5, 15, 22, [24]. —— 5, of Athenaeus 648. 32. —— s. of Heraclides 724. 26. —— 5. of Petermouthius 747. 70. ——- 5. of Petosorapis 648. 38, 46-7, 55.

᾿Αμμώνιος καὶ 3. 8. of Sarapion 725. 7

Αὐρ. 3. 5. of Sarapion 705. 1, 23.

s. of Sarapion (1) 641. 22;

22; (3) 648. 43; (4) 725. 7.

8. of Tachois 687. 5.

—— 5. of Trophimus 648. τό.

5. of Zoilus 688. 9.

Αὐρ. 3. (1) 699. 1; (2) 726. το.

659. 46, 52, 54, 62, 104; 756. 1 Tilo Te

Σαραπόδωρος, Αὐρ. Σ. 680. 18.

Σαραποῦς d. of Tausorapis 706. [1], το.

725. 14. Σαρᾶς, Avp. =. senator 684. 4, [24].

[14], 17, 23, 37- ——- 5. of Zoilus 648. 4, 18, 37, 41-2, 46.

764. 17.

Σαρμάτης f. of Apollonius 747. 62. f. of Choous 747. 60.

—— 751. 1.

Αὐρ. Σερῆνος 6 καὶ 3. 5. of Agathinus 631. ; 646. 8, 25;

(2) 641.

Kpovods καὶ Σ. τη. of Ammonius 725.

Αὐρ. Σ. 5. of Psenamounis 638. { 1],

s. of Zoilus surnamed Amois 648. 68.


Σεμψαύ (? place-name) 766. τι.

Σεουῆρος 748. 9.

Σεπτίμιος Εὐδαίμων f. of Isidora 649. το.

PA. 3. Σερήνιος. See Σερήνιος.

Σεραπιάς 679. 1, 30. Cf. Σαραπιάς.

Σερηνίλλα 751. τ.

Σερήνιος, PA, Σεπτίμιος Σ. ᾿Απολλώνιος διασημότα- τος ἀπὸ ἐπιτρόπων 716. 4, 22.

Σ. καὶ Σαραπίων 5. of Agathinus

646. 8, 25"

Σερῆνος, Avp. 631. 1; 633. 2,35; 636.1; 689.1; 699. 3; 713. τ.

s. of Diodorus 747. 17.

—— 5. of... κάμμων 688. 6.

Αὐρ. 3. (1) TOS: 20: (2) 411. τ bye

659. 109, 127; 663.9; 669.1; 679. Τὴ; 735. ὃ: 16254; 769. Τὸ:

Σεύθης γεοῦχος 747. 71.

Σιλβανός, Αὐρ. Γεμῖνος καὶ Σ. agoranomus, 5. of Demetrius 708. 1.

5. of the preceding 703. 9.

—— Παθερμούθιος καὶ 2. 637. 6.

138. 25 765. τϑ8, 23

Σινθῶνις slave 638. 6.

Αὐρ. 3. d. of Thonius 716. 7

m. of Aur. Aphous 638. 1

Σιννεχώτης m. of Cronion 686. 3.

Su. τρία (?) 677. 13.

Σκυλάκιος f. of Aur. Heraclides 626. 6.

Σκωρύ 668. 4.

Yovd(as) f. of Ammonius 726. 9.

Σπάρτακος 5. of Ptolemaeus 685. 3, [8], [10],

[12]. Στέφανος f. of Aur. Diogenes 697. 1, 40, 47- 636. II

Στρά(των ὃ) f. of Apunchis 745. 7

f.of Od( ) (?) 745. 28.

Stipa 765. 17.

Σύρος f. of Aur. Copreus 695 8.

Aup. 3. 5. of Dionysius 695. 5.

Σώπατρος (1) 668. 36; (2) 728. 12; Lip UY

Σωσία ἃ. of Zoilus 719. τ.

Σωσίπατρος f. of Apollonius 639. 27.

Σῶσος 760. 18.

Σωτᾶς 5. of Papnoutis 747. 41.

716. 30

Σωτήρ 663. 6.

Σωτίων, Αὐρ. >. ex-gymnasiarch 636. ro.

Σωφρόνη 678. 23.

(3) 763.


Τααμόις 679. 20.

Taaprajois, Avp. T. d. of Psenamounis 688. 1, 2, [6]} τὸ, τὸς [5515

Τααφῶχις καὶ Tal. Ἰωνῦτις d. οἵ Zoilus 648. 17.

Ταμμωνιάς m. of Aur. Aret 688. [1 ], 4.

Ταπάτρις ἃ. of Sinthonis 688. 6.

Tarepwos 771. 6.

‘TarovOeds m. of Aur. Peloius 681. 4.

“Ῥαποσιριάς τὴ. of Aur. Serenus also called Sarapion 681. 1; 636. 2.

Ταπύόσιρις καὶ ᾿Αμαζόνιον 50. 10.

Ταπί. ο]άλλις (Ὁ) m. of Aur. Antonius 689.


Τασωτίᾶς 9] 00.595.

Ταυρίνη 778. 45.

Ταῦρις d. of Hiereus (?) 689. 7.

m. of Aur. Ptolemaeus 691. 3. Tavodpams m. of Sarapous 706. ὃ, 11.

Tad, 22.

Ταχόις m. of Sarapion 687. 6.

Tal.Joviris, Τααφῶχις καὶ T. d. of Zoilus 648.


Tepadaus d. of Zoilus 648. 58.

Τερέντιος f. of Demetrous 687. 2, 4.

Τετεῦρις 725, 21.

Τεχῶσις, Αὐρ. T. d. of Dionysius (?) 695. 5.

679. το.

Tex{ m. of Aur. Plution 709. 6.

Κλαυδία T. 710. int.

Τήπολος 738. το.

Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος “Ὡρίων 681. 39.

== 72.353:

Τιμαγένης, Αὐρ. T. καὶ Ἡρακλείδης 5. of Hera- clides 697. 2, 40.

Τιμόθεος 684. τ.

Τισᾶσις m. of Lucius 647. 6.

Tiros Αἴλιος Μάξιμος 684. 3, (Μαξιμῖνος) 13.

Τούρβων βοηθός 668. 1, 14.

Τοῦ(σ ?)xos 720. 6.

Tpddmos f. of Sarapion 648. 16.

Τρύφων f. of Ptolemaeus 692. 7.

Tvpavvos 777. 1.

Φατρῆς f. of Phatres 648. 10.

s. of Phatres 648. 9.

Φάῦλλος 637. 32.

Φαῦστος, ᾿Ανίκιος & consul 648. 19; 2; 108. 22.

Φηλιξ, Μουνάτιος Φ. praefect 654. τι.



PiBis 684. 22.

Φιλάργυρος 768. 12.

Φιλέας μοσχομάγειρος 764. 5. Σαραπάμμων 6 καὶ ᾧ. 702. 23. Φίλισκος 659. 58.

Φιλόνικος, Αὐρ. Φ. 5. of Theon 691. 3. 648. 55.

Φιλόξενος καθολικὸς γραμματεύς 663. 15. 733. 3.

Φιλοσάραπις ἱεροποιός 664. I, 19. Φιλουμένη 670. 20, 26.

Φίλων (1) 628. 11; (2) 726. 12. Φίρμος, Οὐαλέριος Φ. praefect 662. το. Φλαούιος ᾿Αβουνδάντιος Consul 712. 2. Δαλμάτιος consul 716. τ.

—— Δομνῖνος optio 712. 3.

—— Ἡρκουλανός 676. 1, 43. Σεπτίμιος Σερήνιος. See Σερήνιος. Φλαυιανὸς γεοῦχος 747. 61.

Φοιβάμμων, Αὐρ. Φ. 5. of Theon 712. 4. Φοινίκη (?) 6171: τῇ:

Φούλλιος 699. 7.

Χαιρέας 762. 1.

Χαιρημονίς, Αὐρ. X. 697. 12.

Χαιρήμων ποικιλτής 677. 0.

f. of Ammonius 745. 11.

Αὐρηλία (1. Αὐρήλιος) Χ. 5. of Heraclam- mon also called Agathodaemon 694. 5. Aup. X. 689. 52.

659. 66; 726. τι.

Χαρίτων 728. 5.

Xdppos 668. I.

Χεοῦς 5. of Onouthis (?) 747. 19.

Χεῶς 5. of Harpaésis 747. 25.

Χινθῶνις (1) 670. 1, 35; (2) 670. 27. Χωοῦς ἀμπελουργός 735. 7.

f. of Aur. Alois 626. 1.

f. of Aur. Papnoutis 716. 28.

s. of Sarmates 747. 60.

—— 678. 25 (Xoous); 777. 2.

Ψάις ἐπικεκλημένη ᾿Αγαθὺς Aaipwv slave 648. Io.

ἐπικεκὰ. ᾿Αμμώνιος slave 648. 12. Ψεναμοῦνις 85. of Pausiris 638. 1, 3. 747. 16.

Ψεταιταί (place-name ?) 685. το. Ψόις, Μῶρος καὶ Ψ. 701. 4.


Ὡρεῖς 757. τ, 30.

᾿Ωριγένης, Αὐρ. Ἀγαθῖνος καὶ ᾽Ὦ. 5. of Varia- nus 642. 4, 12, 19, 49.

(1) 659. 6, 69; (2) 670. 27.

‘Qpiev gymnasiarch 664. 14.

f. of Apion 692. τ.

s also called Ophelia 647.

; 721. I.

s. of Amois 687. 3.

—— M. Arp. ‘2. 5. of M. Aur. Apollonius 645. 4, 15, 19.

5. of Panes 747. 49.

Αὐρ. Ὥ. 5. of Thonis 715. 1, 24.

Ἐπ ΟΕ τ τὶ:

---- Τιβέριος Κλαύδιος ‘OQ. 681. 39.



Ὡρίων 648. 27-8; 669. 1; 684. 2; 727. 20. 5138. 75 747. 67); 757. τ, 305 766. I, 19; 770. 18, 19 (monogram).

ὯΩρος f. of Antas 637. 31.

f. of Castor 747. 66.

f. of Pausiris 747. 30.

s. of Anempeus 686. 3.

5. of Komoapis 747. 21.

s. of Pettiris 699. 7.

Αὐρ. Ὧ. 699. 1.

᾿Ωφελία, Πλατωνὶς καὶ ᾽Ω. d. of Horion 647. τ 9:: 7215 τ΄


Ἰροάδης priest of Alexander (9) 728. 3.



᾿Αθηναῖος 648. 2.

Αἴγυπτος 646. 4; 681. 19; 722. 1 τιος 681. 6.

Coes 628. 3; 629.4; 635.|2]; 644. 12; 688.11; 644.2; 652 (a).8; 666. 3, ; : 670: ὃ. τῇ; 728. 13]; 7η5. 8: A, ἦτοι τἰοττώπενο 660. λαμπροτάτη ’A. 643. 6; 678. 14. ἘΞ πόλις τῶν aNcea Secor 634. 2; 646. 5; 724. 30. ᾿Αλεξανδρεύς 722.14. ᾿Λλεξανδρινὸς σταθμός 645. 7.

᾿Ανταιόπολις 664. 20.

᾿Ανταιοπολίτης (νομός) 664. 18.

᾿Αντινύου (πόλις) 666. 20;

᾿Αντινοέων (πόλις) 685. 2.

ἀστή 634. 2, [22]; 648. 21.

ἌΣ τ λιν Geen) 746. I.

Βαβυλών 626. 7.

᾿Ελευθεράπολις Συρίας 722. 3

ρμοπολίτης νομός 687. 12; 659. 125, 129.

Ἑρμούπολις 653. 4. “E. μεγάλη 724. 5

Ἡρακλεοπολίτης νομός 708. 3.

Ἡρακλέους (πόλις) 728. 4; 749. 6.

Θῆβαι. ἐπὶ Θηβ ? lov νομός 773. 24.

Θηβαΐς 628. 5; 629. 4; 635. [2]; 649. 4; 723. 6.

Θινίτης (νομός) 663. 3.


786: Li Lae ᾿Αντινοεύς 719. 3.

ἔθασις 630. 3; 726. 3. τὸ.

Θμοισεφὼ τοπαρχία 659. 86, 99; 747. 40.

Κανωπικά 774, 15.

Κόπτος 666. 8, 11.

Κρητικὸν ἄμφοδον 697. 9.

Κυνοπολίτης (νομός) 667. 8.

Κυνῶν (πόλις) 749. ὃ.

Δεοντόπολις. ᾿Αλεξάνδρεια ἤτοι A[eor. | 660. 2.

Μακεδών 628. 5; 635.3; 644.5, 7; 723. ὃ.

Μέμφις 650. 1, 19; 650 (a). 1. Μεμφιτῶν πόλις 750. 14.

μητρόπολις (= Oxyrhynchus) 659. 9 (?); 724. 3; 725. 6, 10. μητροπολιτικός 746. 12. μητροπολιτικά 659. 10, &c.

Νικίου 749. 3.

νομός 680. 133; 633. 11, 23; 684. 25; 637. [12], 26. [[27 ὃ]; 659. 120-1; 662. 6, 14; 699. 25. 704.17; 2105: 2: 219: 25.

Ξοϊτικὰ δελματικά 141. 5.

*Avo K. 708. 8.

Mikpa 647. 7; 69A. 8.

᾿Οξυρυγχίτης (νομός) 684. 13, 25; 637. 12, 20, [5.}}: 8645: 5. 659: 121; 663. 13); 666. 26; 678.5; 699.2; 704. 7; 7738. 10. ᾿Ὀξυρυγχίτης 648. 1.

᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις 684. 4: 637.5; 649. 4; 662. 3; 697. 2; 703.2; 712.6. 7 Aap- mpa καὶ λαμπροτάτη ’Ok. π. 627. 4; 681.


1, 4; 692. 5; 633. 4; 645. 5; 691. 4; |

693. 3; 694. 4; 695. 7; 705. 2; 711.

δ: 719. τὴ 719 os Δ ANS). Gs 716. 8; 718. τ, 19; 722.5. λαμπρὰ

"OE. τ 708. 5.

᾿Οξυρύγχων πόλις 628. 4; 629. 4: 635. [5]:

636. 2; 659. 4; 644.3; 647. 3; 648. 66; 687. 2; 688.3; 689. 3; 692. 2; 696. 2; 705. 5; 706. [3], 8, [14]; 709. 5: 7; MLO! 5: 721. 2; 7155. πὸ Cle μη- τρόπολις, πόλις, ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις.

Πασκὼ κωμογραμματεία 724. 7.

Πέρσης τῆς ἐπιγονῆς 628.7; 629.6; 639.1; 685. 5.

Πηλουσι ακὸς οἶνος] 692. 21.

πόλις (= Oxyrhynchus) 627. 6; 682. 7; 634. [5]; 686. 10, 11; 687. 4(?), 2 639. 9; 642. 31; 644. 15; 648. 52; 649. 8, 10; 672.11; 687. 5,6; 693. 6,


8; 695. 9,13; 696. 4; 697. 5,8; 698. 2 701..'5, [11] 705. g i150 τὸ aoe [0 01, (12; τὸ 714) 5.0715. ὁ: ΧΔ1 6, το; 724. 23, 27, 30; 725. 20. 7 Aap- mpa |— 687. 8. πολιτικά 659. 103, 143.

Ῥωμαῖος. Ῥωμαίων ἔθη 114. 3. “Popaia 684. 2, 21. Ῥωμαϊκὴ διαθήκη 649. 6.

Σαΐτιον 658. 1.

Συρία 722. 5.

Σχεδία 768. 5-

τοπαρχία 635. [6]. “Avw τ. 637. 28; 659. 10, [32]. ᾿Απηλιώτου τ. 659. 46, 60; 747. 27. Θμοισεφὼ τ. 659. 86, 99; 747. 46. Κάτω τ. 652 (a). τ: 659. 100, 119; 704. [7]; 747. 50. Ares τ 659. 33, [45]; 747. 14. Meon tr. 659. 61, 85; 747.

99. Τυρινός (? τύρινος) 789. 4. Χαιρέου 749. 3, 6, 8.

(ὁ) VILLAGES, ἐποίκια, χωρία.


᾿Αδαίου 747. 20.

᾿Αθῦχις 659. 14.

᾿Αντιπέρα Πέλα 687. 33 ((πέλαλ) ; 659. 42.

᾿Αρταπάτου 6387. 20. Θῶλθις A. 687. 28.

Βασιλί 1γ)) 659. 27.

Βερκύ 720. 2.

Διός 735. 6.

Δωσιθέου 747. 52.

*Evreus 659. 15, 123.

᾿Ἐπισήμου 659. 31.

“Ἡρακλείδου 747. 20.

Ἡρακλεῖον 659. 75.

Θεσσαλῶ(ν ἢ) 747. 60.

Θμοινεψῶβθις 659. 55, 59; 747. 37.

Θῶλθις (Θμοισεφὼ Tor.) 659. 89, 98.

(Κάτω Tor.) 659. 107.

—— (Μέσης tor.) 659. 62. 637. 28.

Θῶσβις 659. τό.

᾿Ιβιὼν Χύσιος (ἡ not Oxy.) 687. 27; 724. 13.

Ἰέμη 659. 65, 84.

᾿σεῖον Παγγᾶ 687. 13, 21.

Τρύφωνος 659. 100, 112; 747. 57.

Ἴστρου ἐποίκ. 659. 66.

Ad. ἐϊποίκ.] 685. 5.

Θ. ᾿Αρταπάτου ρ


Oxyrhynchite nome.

| Καλπ(ουρνίου ?) ἐποίκ. 659. 103.

Κερκεθῦρις 659. 35. Κερκεμοῦνις 659. 22. Kepxevpa 659. 69; 747. 42. Κεσμοῦχις 659. go, 96. Κόσμου 735. 2; 747. 53. Μερμέρθα 659. 17, 30; 689. 8, I1, 55: Movipov 659. 21, 20. Μουχιντάλη 747. 55. Μουχί(ιναρυώ 3) 659. 103. Μοῦχις 674. 18. Neoda 687. ὃ. Νεσμεῖμις 659. 11, 28. Nopoypadou ἐποίκ. 747. 70.


᾿ Nop(ov) ἐποίκ. 659. 68.

*Oacirou ἐποίκ. 685. 9.

Παεῖμις 629. 8; 633. το; 637.31; 646.11, 29, 30; 659. 41; 699. 2,5; 725. 5.

Πακέρκη 747. 35; 748.1, 3.

Πακ. . . . | 659. 63.

Παλῶσις 648. 35, 39; 659. 88, 94.

Ilavevet 626. 3; 747. 18.

Παῶμις 659. 87, 95; 747. 48.

Πεεννώ 659. 72, 82.


Πέλα 659. 40; 672.12; 725. 11; 747. 22. Cf. ᾿Αντιπέρα Πέλα.

Πλελώ 748. ὃ.

Ποσομβοῦς ᾿Αριστομάχ[ου] 688. το.

Σατύρου 659. 57.

Σεναώ 659. 30.

Σενεκελεύ 659. 36.

Σενέπτα 659. 67, 81, 123; 724. το.

Σενοκῶμις 688. 2, [7]; 659. 37; 691. 7; 747. 20.

Σενοπῶθις 726. 9.

Σεντώ 659. 61.

Σενῦρις 648. 36, 81.

Σερῦφις 636. 4, 7; 700. 1; 703. 11; 747.

14. Σέσφθα 659. 108, 117; 704. 6; 747. 50. Σεφώ 628. 9; 659. QI, 97.

Σιγκέφα 659. 13, 26, 128.

Σιναρύ 659. 102, 123.

Σκώ 659. 20.

Zous 659. 104.

Στρατονίκου (? not Oxy.) 674. 18.

Σύρων 659. 58; 719.10; 747.24; 748. το.

| Τααμπέμου 659. 49; 747. 33.

Τααμπιτεί 659. 70; 747. 40.

Τακολκεῖλις 659. 76, 80.

Τακόνα 652 (4). 1; 659. 109, 114; 747. 51.

Tadao 659. 105, 118; 686.5, 7; 692. 3, 7.

Tavas 681. [5], 6; 659. 64, 78; 747. 44.

Τεοῦχις (?) 648. 40.

Τεποῦις 648. 36, 40, SI.

Τερῦθις 747. 28.

Ths 659. 86, 93; 747. 47.

Τόβα 659. 74, 79.

Ῥρύφωνος. See Ἰσεῖον T.

| Τυχιννεκῶτις 659. 54, 58.

Τυχινφάγων 659. 110, 115; 747. 54.

Φθῶχις 659. 51.

Φοβώου 659. 53; 688. 7.°

Χύσις 637. 20; 659. 12, 25; 724.7; 726. 11. Cf. Ἰβιὼν Χύσιος.

| Χρόνου 786. 5, 8, 19.

ψΨῶβθις (Απηλιώτου tor.) 659. 48; 747. 31.

(Κάτω tor.) 652 (a). 1; 659. 106, 113.

*Odis 659. 52.

[.]. . [Joo 659. 71.

(2) Other nomes.

᾿Αλλοφύλων (Aphroditopolite) 746. το. ᾿Αραβικοῦ (Aphrod.) 746. 7.

᾿Αφροδίσιον (Small Oasis) 647. 7.

Ἰβιὼν.. (+) (Hermopolite) 659. 125. Ἰβιὼν Χύσιος (? Hermop.) 637. 27; 724. 13. ᾿Ισιεῖον (Ισιηον ; Aphrod.) 746. 6.

(c) ἄμφοδα OF ᾿Απολλωνίου 695. 14. ‘Hp@ov 724. 3. Ἱππέων Παρεμβολῆς 694. 12. Cf. (9) Παρεμ- βολή. Κρητικόν 697, 9.


᾿Απῃλί +) 745. int.

Ἕλος, τόπ. λεγόμενος Ἕ, 687. 10, 20. Θελλώ 745. 4.

Κελσαυύ 745. 12.

Κορκουλί ) 745. 10.

Μάκρου 745. 23.

08( ) Στρά(τωνυς ?) 745. 28.

| Κολόβη (Hermop.) 726. 12. laz . apvev (Aphrod.) 746. 9. Πεννή (Heracleopolite) 708. 3. Toov (Aphrod.) 746. 4.

| Τυράννιον (Thebaid Ὁ) 773. 7, 21.

| Τῶλις (Aphrod.) 782. 9 (2); 746. 8.


| Μυροβαλάνου 725. ὃ.

| Παμμένους Παραδείσου 648. 23, 31; 693. ὃ. ] Τευμενοῦς 678. 28.

| Χηνοβοσκῶν 684. 5, [25] ; 696. 6.


| Haye 745. 21.

Hof ) 745. 28.

Σαμβοῦτος, τόπ. λεγόμενος =. 687. 9, 17-

ST. Ϊ 745. 25.

Τροφὴ Αἰγῶν, βασιλικὴ καλουμένη T. At. 687. τι. Χρυσί ) 745. 25.

Ἰδ(:- ) πηλί( )γ)), 745. int.



"Appova 743. 5.

Διοκλέους 628. 10.

Διονυσίου 724. 9.

Δριμάκου, Νικάνορος καὶ Δ. 687. 14. Ἑρμοφίλου 724. 8, 13.

Θ΄---- καὶ] Μηνοδώρου 688. τι. Καλλίου 686. 8, 17.

Μεγάλου 685. τό.



Μηνοδώρου, 6---- καὶ] M. 688. IT. Νικάνορος καὶ Δριμάκου 687. 14. Ξένωνος 751. int.

Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Τρύφωνος 692. ἢ. Φίλωνος 628. 11.

Ψεταιταί 685, το.

'κλέους 688. 13.


᾿Αθηναιεὺς καὶ ᾿Αρτεμίσιος (Antinoé) 706. 7. Εὐθηνόδιος καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεύς (Alexandria) 707. 4. Παυλίνιος καὶ ᾿Ισίδιος (Antin.) 706. 5. Σεβάστιος καὶ Καιδάριος (Antin.) 685. τ.

| Σωσικόσμιος καὶ ᾿Αλθαιεύς (Alex.) 645. 4;

107. 2. φυλή 627. 7; 642. 43.


ἀγορά 654. 8(?); 708. 8.

ἀγορανομεῖον. See Index ΝΠ.

ἀγυιίά 706. [12]. a. Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης 628.8; 629. 7; 644. 8.

βαλανάριον 741, 28.

βαφεῖον 648. 61.

βιβλιοθήκη δημασίων λόγων 649. τ (?). β. ἡγε- μονική 654. 7.

βιβλιοφυλάκιον 684. 25 (?).

γραφεῖον 724. 6; 725. 6, το.

See Index XII.

Κλεοπάτρας ᾿Αφροδίτης ἀγυιά.

μνημονεῖον. See Index VII.

Παρεμβολή 773. 40. Gir (c) ἹἽππέων II.

ποταμός 748. 5.

ῥύμη 648. 55; 696.[9|; 701. το. δημοσία p. 684. 6,8; 697. 11,13; 698. [6], 9; 699.8; 700. 4.

ῥυμίον 678. 30.

τράπεζα. See Index VII.

καταλογεῖον. See ἀγυιά,


(a) GODs.

᾿Αφροδίτη, Κλεοπάτρα ᾽Α. 628. 8; 629. 7; 644. 8.

θεώ 635. 1; 723. 1.

eds (1) pagan: 680. 3; 683.14; 763.11; 773. 4. κύριος 6. 670. 5; 678. 3; 683. 5. δεσπότης 6. 775. 4. θεοί 666. 15;

Cf. Σάραπις and Index I. (2) Christian: 660. int. (θ(εό):); 682. 6.

k(vpto)s (Christian) 660. int.; 774. 3. Cf. θεός, Σάραπις.

Σάραπις. κύριος θεὸς &. 670. 5. 677.3; 255. 4; 761.5; 769. 5. 5 1585. ἡ-

κύρ. Σ. μέγας


760. 15; 766.18. πάτριοι θεοί 664. 5. ᾿Αφροδίσιον. See Index V (ὁ. 2). Ἡρακλεϊῖον. See Index V (ὁ. 1). ‘Hpgov. See Index V (c).

Θοηρεῖον, ἱερὸν ©. 627. 12, 18. Ἰβιών. See Index V (4.1, 2).

ἱερόν 699. 8. ἱερὸν Θοηρεῖον (or -ov) 627. 12, 18. i. = Σαραπιεῖον 639. 11.

ἸΙσεῖον. See Index V (0.1, 2).

Καισαρεῖον 683. 19.

Σαραπεῖον 755. 3. Σαραπιεῖον 689. 4,9], 19.





᾿Αμεσυσίων ἑορτή 666. 10. apxtepatevoas. See Index VII. ἱέρεια 765. 19, 28.

ἱερεύς 723. [2].

ἱερονίκης 697. 4; 703. 8; 705. 3.

ἱεροποιός 664. 20.

ἱερός. ἱερὰ (yn) 744. int. i. ἀπότακτον 662. 14.

κλίνη Tov κυρίου Σαράπιδος 755. 3.

i. σύνοδος 691. 2.


ayopavopeiov 648. 66 ; 706. 4, [14] : 709.5; 721. το.

ἀγορανομία 642. 4, [14], 26, 31, 45, 52.

ἀγορανόμος 708. 1.

αἱρέτης ἡγεμονικῆς βιβλιοθήκης 654. 7.

ἄρξας. See ἄρχων.

ἀρχεῖον 642. 38.

ἀρχή 642. [16], 18, 22, 24, 35, 46, 52.

ἀρχιδικαστής 654. 9.

ἀρχιερατεύσας 662. 18; 694. 7, 40; 697. τ.

ἀρχιφύλαξ 627. τ8 (9).

ἄρχων 639. 20. ἄρξας 688. τι; 642. 31.

ἀσχολούμενος ὠνὴν ἀγορανομείου 709. 5.

βασιλικός, τὸ β. 628. 21: 644. 26. βασιλικά 635. ΓΙ, 13.

βιβλιοθήκη δημοσίων λόγων 649. 1 (9). ἡγεμονική 654. 7.

βιβλιοφυλάκιον ἐγκτήσεων 684. 25 (?).

βοηθὸς καθολικοῦ γραμματέως τοῦ διοικητοῦ 668. 1.

βουλευτής 682. 5; 684. ΙΝ; 637. 8; 646. 4; 662. 2, 18; 68b. 2; 693. 3; 697. 2. 5]; 709. 2, 3.

γραμματεύς 650. 13, 30; 650 (α). 6; 651. 6. γ. τῆς δημοσίας τραπέζης 642. 51, 52 (3). καθολικὸς γ. τοῦ διοικητοῦ 663. 15. γ'' στρατηγοῦ 663. 13.

γραφεῖον 724. 6 ; 725. 6, το.

γυμνασιαρχήσας 6382. 4; 686. το, 11; 692. 1 (?); 724. 30.

γυμνασίαρχος 662. 2; 664. 13,18; 665. 28; 693. 2; 726. 3; 762. 15.

δεκανός 626. 3, 8, 12, 14, 18.

δεκάπρωτος 671. 3.

διοίκησις 633. ὃ.

διοικητής 668. 15.


Ἰούλιος Μόνιμος κράτιστος


ὃ. (275) 658. 16. Ἡρακλείδης (local dioec.) 661. τ, II.

εἰρήναρχος 662. 19.

ἔπαρχος. See ἡγεμών.

ἐπιβάτης 749. 1, 5, 7.

ἐπιμέλεια 626. 27.

ἐπιμελητήῆς 652 (6). 2... 600: Ὁ; 10: Θ26: ὁ: Ὁ: ΠῚ 13:

ἐπισκέπτης 669. τό.

ἐπιστράτηγος 642. 32.

ἐπίτροπος 680. 13. ἀπὸ ἐπιτρόπων 716. 5.

ἐπιτηρητὴς ἀγορανομείου 706. 4.

ἐραυνητής 651. 18.

εὐθηνιαρχήσας 124. 30.

εὐθηνίαρχος 684. [2] 21; 6987. ὃ.

ἡγεμονία 637. το.

ἡγεμονικὴ βιβλιοθήκη 654. 7. 3 (Ὁ).

ἡγεμών 642. τό, 17, 27, [48]; 667. 5; 668. 17. λαμπρότατος 7. 666. 13. ἔπαρχος Αἰγύπτου 646. 4. Μουνάτιος Φηλιξ (150-1) 654. τι. λαμπ. ἡμῶν ἡ. Οὐαλέριος Φίρμος (246) 662. 9. λαμπ. Μούσσιος Αἰμιλιανός (257-9) 687. 9. διασημότατος ἡ. Οὐαλέριος Πομπηιανός (289) 642. 5. ἡγεμονικῆς ?| 712. 3. Cf. ἡγούμενος.

ἡγούμενος, διασημ. ἡ. Αἰγύπτου 722. 1.

καθολικός 670. το.

καθολιπὸς γραμματεὺς τοῦ διοικητοῦ 668. 15.

See Index XII.

καταλοχισμός, πρὸς τοῖς κ. 635. 5.

κοσμητεύσας 645. 4; 703. 4.

κοσμητής 7038. 3.

κριτής 687. [9].

κωμογραμματεία 724, 7.

λειτουργία 627. το.

é. ζῴων

ἡ. φαμιλία 719.

ὑπτίων φαμιλίας



λειτουργοῦσα φυλή 627. 6.

μεΐζων κώμης 626. 5.

μνημονεῖον 644. 16; 649. 15, 21,| 24], 29.

νομογράφος 654. 3, το. v. ἀγορᾶς 654. 8 (3).

Evorapxns διὰ βίου 648. 3, 22.

ὀφφικιάλιος, ἀπὸ ὁ. ἐπάρχου Δἰγύπτου 646. 3.

παραδοχή, πρὸς παραδοχῇ 659. 122.

πράκτωρ (στεφανικῶν) 659. 2 30, 86-7, 100, 118.

πρεσβεία 662. τι.

πρυτανεύσας 682. 4.

πρυτανία 662. 20.

πρύτανις 662. 3.

πρωτοδημότης 730. 4.

paBdovxia 626. 21.

ῥαβδοῦχος 626. 9; 750. 12.

σιτολόγος 669. 9.

στρατηγήσας ᾿Ανταιοπολίτου 664. 18.


βενεφικιάριος 651. 13.

δουκηνάριος, κράτιστος ὃ, 711. 4.

εἶλα 666. 6, 11.

ἑκατόνταρχος ἀξιολογώτατος πρίγκεψ τῆς ἡγεμο- vias 637. 10.

ἱππαρχία, ἵππ. 9] 723. ὃ.

ἱππεύς, κάτοικοι ἱππεῖς 628. 6; 629.5; 635. 3; 639. 2; 644. 5, 8.

ἱππικόν, οἱ ἐκ Tov t. 685. [4].


στρατηγός 680. 14 ; 642. 42; 663.13; 718 10. Αὐρ. Atos καὶ Περτίναξ σ. (246) 662. 4. ᾿Απολλώνιος σ. (287) 690. 22.

συστάτης φυλῆς 627. 5.

ταμεῖον 688. 29 (?).

τράπεζα, δημοσία τ. 633. 23; 642. 31; 659. Reet index Xu. ,

τραπεζίτης 650. 7, 25; 650 (a). 3.

ὑπατείαᾳ. See Index II.

ὑπηρέτης 659. 125.

ὑπομνηματογράφος, ἔναρχος ὑ. 645. 3.

φαμιλία ἡ[γεμονική ?| 712. 3.

φίλος, τῶν πρώτων φ. 635. 5.

φυλακία ἱεροῦ Θοηρείου 627. 12.

φύλαξ 650. 12.

φυλή, λειτουργοῦσα φ. 627. 6. 5. ΘΙ ΤΕΣ 7).

χρεία 627. τι.

δευτέρα φ. 642.


λεγιών 666. 5, 6.

ὀπτίων φαμιλίας ἡγεμονικῆς ἢ] 712. 3.

οὐετρανὸς τῶν ἐντίμως ἀπολελυμένων B46. 2.

παρεμβολή. See Index V (9).

πρίγκεψ ἡγουμένου Αἰγύπτου 722. 1. Cf. éxa- τόνταρχος.

στατιωνάριος 651. το.

στρατεύεσθαι 666. 5.

στρατιώτης 650 (a). 7; 705. 1.


ἀμπελουργός 673. 29 ; 782. το; 785. 7.

ἀργυροκύπος 658. 15, | 23 |.

ἀρτοκόπος 655. 1.

βοηθός 758. 1; 754. 8.

βοϊκός kde 4.

βουκόλος 673. 24.

yeovxos B81. 11, 28; 658. 3, 12, 19; 689. 22-3690 ΤΥ" 691. ὅτ : 692. Τῷ χοῦντες 747. 58.

γέρδιος 647. ὃ. γερδιακὴ τέχνη 647. 12.

γεωργός 680. 5 ; 671.11 ; 746. 11 ; 748.11; 155. 11: PGES Teste 7210} Ὁ.


δρομαδάριος 652 (a). 6 ; (0). 6. ἐκδοχεύς 669. 2; 673. 7. ἐπίτροπος 678. 30.

ἐργάτης 732. τ, ἄς. ; 733. 5, 8. ἐρεοπώλης 669. 5.

ἑρμηνεύς 650, 10, 28.

nmntpia 679. 5, 11.

ἰατρός 751. 2.

kaunditns 771. 11; 773. 9. κεραμεύς 754. 5.

κτήτωρ 660. 3, ὃ.

| Awougos 726. 4.


paxatpas 676. 6.

μεταβόλος 675. 3.

μισθωτής 771. 14.

μοσχομάγειρος 164. 6.

ναύτης 652. (0). 2; 738. 6, 7, 13. νομικός 730. 5.

νομογράφος. See Index VII. οἰκοδόμος 674. 0.

οἰνοχειριστής 752. 1.

ὁλοποιός B56. 1.

ὀνηλάτης 730. 4; 748. 1, 8, το.

ὀρχηστής B76. 8.

παρεργάτης (2) 731. 19.

ποικιλτῆς 677. ὁ.

ποταμίτης 671. 20; 674. 14, 17; 776. 3. mpaypatreuTns 646. 7, 20; 758. 2. πρίστης, 752. 2.

ταρσικάριος (θαρ.) 765. 2, 21, 30.

τέκτων 674. 13.

ὑπογέωργος 661. 4, 7.

φροντιστής 674. τι.




ayyctov 758. 3; 770.16. Cf. Index XII.

aywyn 734. 15.

ἄρουρα 628. 9-11, 13; 629. 8, 11 ; 630. [4] : 633. 13-15; 685.[6]; 686. [9]. 21, 24; 637. [19], 27-34; 688. [4], &c.; 646. ΤΙ, £2); 648. 35-6; 30, 40; 685. 11, 13, HO ee 0996. δ 17 τῇ; 685. τὸ ee. : 689. 12,55; 691.7, ὃ; τὶ ; 692.9; 704. OE 2 ΕΠ: Aa ONC: > 720.5, 12, 13 5 VES} it, Cae, 7145: τ΄ ὅς.

aptaBn 628. 4, 17; 629. 11, 13; 691. το;

659 6) 12,25, 32; G40: 20; 650. 3, 20,21; 653.7; 660.3; 668.7; ΘΙ τ: 650: τ: 656. 14; 687. τὸ: GSO. bo 291 2, Ὁ: ad. 1, ὅζο:: 743-6. passim ; 769. 11, πενταρταβιαῖος 760. 8.

Bikos 638. ὃ.

γράμμα 645. 7, τῇ ; 653. 9, &C.

διπλοκέραμον 735. 5; 751. 3.

δι(πλοῦν) 720. 5. κνίδιον διπλοῦν 752. 3, 4.

ζεῦγος 655. 3; 675. 11; 784. 3.

κεντηνάριον 754. 3.

κεράμιον 631. 19; 651. τ; 733. 9; 735. 4; 760. 19; 776. 12. κ- γεουχικὸν 735. 2, 7. κ. σμηκτὸν 735. 3.


κεράτιον 645. 7, I

22—=2° 22=3 5


ἀργύριον 626. 15; 631. 18; 632. 17-18; 634. 9, &c.; 644. 25; 645. 8,17; 646. 12; 685. 15; 686.[15|; 687.24; 694.

κνίδιον 752. 3; 770. 26.

κοῦφον 681. τό.

λίτρα 653. Ὁ; &c.; 656. 9, τὸ; 657. 2, 11; 660: [ain Fe 7S8O! 2:5 7425 τ΄ ὅτ: ; 755. ca ὙΠ 7|ς Yc

μανδάκ(ιον) 748. 4.

μετρητής 665. 6, 12; 736. 1, ἄς. (9).

μέτρον (of bread) 655. 4, 6, το. μ. δημόσιον 658. 7. μ. πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα 640. 4: 748. 8. μ. ἐλ(αικόν ?) 748. τ. ἴμ. τοῦ] τῆς πόλεαϊς Σαραπιείου (?)] 639. 9.

μνᾶ 789. 1-5. Cf. (8).

μούιον 734. 7.

ναύβιον 732. 2.

ξέστης 660. 6, 8; 742. 3; 753. 2, 4.

ὁλκή 739. 1-6.

ovykia 645. 7, 17; 653. ὃ, &c.

πῆχυς 705. 6; 742. 9.

σάκκος 733. 2.

σήκωμα (συκ.) 720. 5. int.

σπαθίον 771. 4, 9.

σταθμὸς ᾿Αλεξανδρινός 645. 7.

σχοινίον 635. 7.

τάλαντον 789. 6. Cf. (6).

τυμωλιτική 759. 8; 760. 14.

χοῦς 672. 4.

σήκ. ὀκτάξεστον 720.


τον OO wn Ol τό 05: 2501s 715: Τὴ: 15 On TA. TO 210: 10} 18: ΟΣ ΠΑ 22. 24. 28) 553:

ΣΝ, © eke


744. 5; 774. 13; 777.15. a. Σεβασποῦ νομίσματος 636. 17; 696. το; 697. 15; 698. 11; 699. Ὁ: 700. δ΄; 708 τῇ: TLL. 6: ΘῈ (Σεβ. καινοῦ). a. Σεβαστῶν νομ. 684. |g]; 695. 23; 702. 3; 705. 8; 707. 8; 714. 7. ἄσημον, sc. ἀργύρ. 658. 2, Ὁ: 22.

δηνάριον 655. 2, &c.; 718. [6], Ὁ, τὸ ; 755.

3,5; 774.14. Cf. pupias.

δραχμή 626. 12; 628. [19]; 630. [9], ΤΠ -- 16; 631. 18; 633. 18-21 ; 684. Ὁ: 10, Ty, [27]; 698. 13; 639. 13 611 τὸ" 12, 24; 644. 26; 646. 12, 14, 31 ; 647. 27, 29, 32, 35; 648. 69; 650-2 (6). passim; 654. 6; 655. 7, ὃ; 656. 7, 9; 659.5; &c. : 670; 25: 672.5, 26; 1675. 4; 685.15; 686.15; 687.25; 691.11, 12; 694. τό: 696. το; 22; 697. τό, [ 43]; 698. [ττ͵; 699. 10, 700: 75.701 1. 16-20 ; 702. 2]: 105.0. 26; “ΟΠ 9, ΤῸ: 205: 12Ξ15: 711 ὅϑ 7; alo: ὃ: 105 719. 11 ; 724. 22, 24,28; 726-8. passim; 13h. 0; S&C Bas Ly ὡς 29. 95, ὅς; 739. 7-9 ; 740.1, &c.; 744. [3], 5; 748. 3, ζο.; 749. 5, 6, 8: 764 TeCclo. χμιαῖος τόκος 701]. 18; 711. 14.

δυόβολοι 650 (a). 7; 651. 7,12, 14, τ ; 659. 6; &c:; 727. Ὁ; 7214.8. ὁ. η:

ἡμιωβέλιον B51. 1, 5; 659. 6, &c.

κέρμα 683. 20; 775. 12.

pva 678. 1π|| Le 760. ὃ.

μύριαι δραχμαί 701. 14.



ΞΖ“ .

Cf. (a). δισμύριαι ὃ. 684. 9.


puptas 656. 1, ἄς. ; 729. 3, &c. ; 730. 4-75 1. ἢ-

νόμισμα 29. 2. See ἀργύριον. καινὸν ν. 713. 6 ; 773. 19. παλαιόν, Εἰος ΤῈ 77. δα

νομισμάτιον 753. 3—5.

ὀβολός 651. 9, 17,18 ; 654. 2, 7; 727. 7, &c.; 781.05, ὅσοι; 737. 20, dCs 746090):

ὁλοκόττινα 658. 18.

πεντώβολον 650. 29 ; 650 (α). 2; 727. 4. τό, 29. 298. 11 1 2159}: ὃ:

στατήρ 69: ΤΣ

τάλαντον 626. τό ; 630. 14,16; 632. τη--τὃ,

634. τὸ 12, [17], 26; 645. 8, 13, 17; 652 (a). 4, 10; (4). 4, τὸ 11; 659. [531]: ker 6170: 14; 658: 12 (5): 690) 2: ΠΟΘ ἢ; OL. Πτο; 7105. meas. ΠΟΘ τὰ 1: 111; Π|5: 7. Ὁ; ΧΙΗ [ὃ]: 715.10, ὅσοι; 716. τὸ 21: 1180] 9 16; 724. 33; 728.13; 740. 11 (ὃ); 749. ZOO gio τὸ. 20 Cia):

τέταρτον (80. dyvapiov) 655. 11-12 ; (vopiopa- ros) 729. 2.

τετρώβολον 650. 11, ἄς. ; 651. 1, 5, 15-16; 654. 2: Ὁ. 6659: τὸ; fC 72755 5.9: 9; 748. 6.

τριώβολον 650. 34; 651. 3; 659. 66, &c.; TPA 5 ὅτο SWIG Wis 2: ΜΉ8.. 5

χάλκινος 670. ΤΙ, 13.

χαλκός 628. [19|: 639. 13 ; 757. τ5-

χαλκοῦς 659. 66, &c.

χρυσός 645. {10} 659: τῇ 789. 2; 155. [5], 4. [xl 645. 7.

οι 5


πρῶτος σταθμῷ ᾿Αλεξανδρινῷ


ἀλλαγή 650. 9, 27

avveva 768. 4.

ἀπότακτον, ἱερὸν a. 662. 14.

βασιλικά 635. 11, 15.

βενεφικιαρίῳ 651. 15.

γένους 650. 5, 23; 650 (a). 3.

γραμματεῦσι 650. 13, 30. γραμματέων 650 (a). 6; 651. 6.

γραμματικά 697. 34.

δηληγατίων, β' δηλ. 660. 1.

δημόσια τελέσματα 688, 29; 700. 18; 704.

; 650 (a). 5; 651. 9.


[15]. δημόσια 636. 27, 32; 638. 14, 28; 686. [16]; 689. 20; 691. 13. εἶδος 6384. 16; 696. 1; 697: [20]; 699. 19; 700. τὸ. ἐκδόσεων τελέσματα B47. 45. expopiov. See Index NII. ἐμβολή 671. 5. ἐπιβολή 633. 27; 653. 5; 662. 13. ἐπικλασμοί 638. 28; 700. 18; 704. [15]. ἐπιμερισμοί 636. 28; 638. [28]; 700. 19; 704. 15.

; 698.



ἐπίτιμον 644. 25. προσδιαγραφόμενα 651. 8. ἑπόμενα 633. 24. ῥαβδούχου, ὄνου καὶ ῥ. μέρος 750. 12. ἐραυνητῇ 651. 18. σπονδή 650. 17; 744. 5. ἐραυνητικόν 650. 6, 17, 24; 650 (a). 3; | στατιωναρίῳ 651. 19. 651. 2. στεφανικά 659. 1 (?), 130. ἔρημα 652 (a). 3, &c.; (2). 2), Ger στεφανωτικά 652 (a). 4; (6). 4. ἑρμηνεῖ 650. το, 28. στρατιώτῃ 650 (α). 7. καταγραφῆς τέλη 697. 33. συμβολικά 650 (a). 5. καταλοχισμῶν τέλος 648. 37, 41--2. ταμείου 650 (a). 4. κωμητικά 659. 24, &c. τελέσματα, ἐκδύσεων τελ. 647. 45. Cf. δημόσια. λαογραφία 756. 6. τέλος 628. 21; 648. 37; 651. 4; 697. 33. λήμματα 659. 10, &c. τ. καταλοχισμῶν 648. 37, 41-2. καταγραφῆς μηνιαῖος 659. 121. τέλη 697. 33. μητροπολιτικά 659. 10, &c. φορολογία 653. 6. ναῦλον 652 (a). 8; (4). 8; 724. 32; 749. | φόρος. See Index ΧΙ]. is rey Ὁ: χειριστικόν 650. ὃ, 26; 650 (α). 4. ὄνου καὶ ῥαβδούχου μέρος 750. 12. χειρογραφία 650. 15, 32; 650 (α). 6; 651. πιττάκιον 650. τό, 35; 650 (a). -Ξ: 651" πὴ 10. πολιτικά 659. 103, 123. χειρωνάξια τῆς τέχνης 647. 44.


aBapns 757. 14, τὸ. | 1; Τῇ; 6855. το, 21; 891: ὁ: 765. τ;

ἀβάσκαντος 666. 24; 758. 4; 766. 4. 7166; τῷ: 16%. 16> 769. 1: 12; 20; “14.

ἄβροχος 689. 25. ] Leo ΤῊΣ 21:

ἄβωλος 640. 3; 689. 30. ἀδελφιδῆ 697. 12.

ἀγαθός 668. 5; 664. 8; 665. 8; 766. 14; ἀδελφός 688. 1, &c.; 642. 1, 9; 644. 23; 772. 2. ἀγαθότατος 757. 20. 647. 4; 648. 41; 649. 3, 7; 663. 8,

ἀγγεῖον 657. ὃ, 17; 753. 3; 770. τό. τὸ; (666) 71, Cc. 66S. π 56; 618: 0,

ἀγκαλισμύς 631. 9. 20; 6719: 22: GSE. 2. 5, 39; 8859. 2. 27); ἀγνωμονεῖν 690. 14, 15 (?). 686. 3; 701.7; 706. [το] Sila Ὁ; 1116: ἀγορά 654. ; 708. ὃ. 1 7195 Ὁ- 721 2; 515 2. 50: 2,66: ὃ: ἀγοράζειν 654. 5; 683. 21; 725.7; 734. 7617: 16; 769: ὁ. το. 7 On 2) 1:15: 1; 0;

Θ: 6: Τοῦ: 45:15: | 12.) 27 76. Ie ΤΡ ΤΠ Gon Ὁ. ἸΘ. 25. ἀγορανομεῖον, ἀγορανομία, ἀγορανόμος. See Index | ἀδιάφορος 628. τό.

Walle ἄδολος 639. 8; 640. 3; 689. 30. ἀγοραστικός 636. 6. ἀεί 684. [5]; 686. [6|; 688. 20, 22; 683. ἀγράμματος 645. 14. 24.(?); 696.5; 697. 7; 698. [3]: 709. ἄγραφος 645. τι. 65 166: 5. ἀγρικός 675. 4. | ἀζήμιος 626. 20; 638. 15, [511 ἀγρός 692. 22. | ἀήρ 672. 15; 682. 4. ἄγρωστις 681. 32. | ἀθύρωτος 699. 6. ayuda 628. 8; 629. 7; 644.8; 706. fer. | αἴθριον 634. 5, [24]; 648. 29; 694. 13. aywyn 734. 15. αἴξ, βασιλικὴ καλουμένη Tpodr Αἰγῶν 687. 12. ἀγώγιμος 639. 18. αἴρειν 679. 26; 683. 23; 782. 4, 8; 771.

ἀδελφή 687. [2]; 644.6; 649. 7; 666. 8, 12 715. τὴ 23; 670.1; 678. 19, 26; 681.25; 682. αἱρεῖν 627. 7; 684. [15]; 686. 34; 688. ΙΒ ὁ)

[22], 24, 30; 689. 15; 642. 25; 685.

125, 205 056. 15: 659: πὴ; 0909 ὙΠ: 697. 25, 31; 898. τῇ [24]; 699: τῇ; TOO; 12, 25 0] 8. ΟΣ Ὁ. τῆς 704:

13, [210; 705. eae Μ19 worl {{|7. δ᾽ αἵρεσις 6850. 8, 11, 15-17; 688. 18. αἱρέτης 654. 7- αἰτεῖν 643. 13;

20 (?). αἴτησις 718. 6. αἰτία 644. 18; 666. 3, 14. αἰώνιος 712. ἀκάλως 676. 22. ἄκανθα 674. 5. ἀκίνδυνος 628. 19; 681. 28 ; 682.[18]; 686.

το; 6851 [1526]: 689: τὸ; 691: τ} 714:

6. ἀκινδύνως 701. 9. ἀκίνητος 642. 6 (9). ἀκόλουθος 642. 48. ἀκολούθως 6858. 15; 684.

13; 655. 4, [10]; 648. 53; 695. 17;

704. 9; 716. II. ἀκούειν 668. 3; 666. 20; 680.12;

AG2. 15: “0. 27: ἀκριβής 762. 5. ἀκριβῶς 667. 3 ; 673. το. ἄκριθυς 629. 11, 12 ; 639. 6, 8; 640. 4. ἀκρόδρυον 63132 ἄκρον 656. 18. ἄκυρος 639. 17; 644. 23; 716. 16, 25. ἀκύρωσις 645. 13. ἀκωλύτως 641. 6; 694. 20; 695. 28;

2. ἀλακάτιον 740. 8. ἀληθής 642. 40; 680. τό. ἀλλαγή 650. 9, 27; 650 (α). 5; 651. 9. ἀλλάξιμος 728. 8. ἀλληλεγγύη 689. 50. ἀλληλέγγυος 681. 33; 689. 38. ἀλλήλων 626. τ; 694. [9]; 686. 16; 687.

1; 688.[2], 32; 639.12; 647.1; 689.

40; 698. 10; 699. 9; 700. 5; 701. 5,

13), 102..25 2100. ὃ: 107%. o> ΜΗΠ Ὁ. ἄλλος 628. 3, 12,16; 629. 2, το; 630. [9],

2, 0h 091. 27; 634, (17-1635. ku

665. 55) 6175: 2: wes

682. τι;


[9]; 688. 5, 9, 27; 641. 5, 6, 18; 642. 24; 644. 2, 9, 16; 645. 11; 648. 45, 47; 650. 20; 658. 9; 657.18; 659.

ΠΣ (Oe 665. ὃ: 679: Os GYH/, τὸς: 6118: 7, 18; 8685. 4; 686. τ΄ 6960 [τὸ] 697. 20). 698: 6, Ὁ, 21 6995. 7. τὸ [21]; 702.9; 704. το; [18]; 728. τῇς:


15a. 6; 739: 12 7 196. 15.) 21: hot ΤΕΣ 741. 19, [24?], 29, 30; 748. 7; 756. 9; 7585. τὸ." 765: 10 711. μετὰ anne 637. 28, 35(?). ἄλλως 644. τ4.

ἀλόγως 668. 27.

ἅλς 781. τό.

ἁλωνία 674. 17.

dos G89. 34; 784. 5, 10, ΤῊ; 743.2; ἢ; 748. 5.

dua 688. 15, 24: 642. 38; 662.8; 770. 2.

ἁμαρτάνειν 773. 33.

ἀμελεῖν 665. 24; 666. 21; 678. 4, 8; 775. ὍΣ ΤΡ: 15. els.

ἀμέλεια 58. 18.

ἀμεριμνία 627. 20.

᾿Αμεσύσια 666. τό.

ἀμετάθετος 721. 15.

ἀμετανοήτως 658. [το ὃ].

ἄμις (? : appas) 684. 15.

ἀμνησία 668. 18.

ἀμοιβὴ 627. 15.

ἀμπελικός 681. 7 ; 637. [28] ; 692. 8; 700. 16.

ἄμπελος 681. 9, 21, 29; 724. 14; 764. το.

ἀμπελουργικός 631. 6, 37 ; 692. 5, 26.

ἀμπελουργός 673. 29; 7382. 10; 735. 7.

ἄμφοδον 648. 23, 31; 693. ὃ; 694. τι; 695. 14; 696. 6; 697.8; 724.3; 725. 8. Cf. Index V (c).

ἀμφότεροι 681. 3; 637. 2, [5]: 639. 1, 14; 648. 46, 57; 679. 10; 685. 4; 689. 8; 691: 7; 1696: 2 ὁ; 705.9); 716. ἡ; TPS Res 5 yea eens

a 628. [534] 662. 215 ΠΟΙ τὸ: “758.123: Cf. eav.

ἀνὰ χεῖρα 748. 2, [8].

ἀναβαίνειν 678. 4; 757. 15, 24.

ἀνάβασις 681. 24 ; 668. 24; 671. 9.

ἀναβολάδιον 741. 20.

ἀναβολή 685. 18.

avayew 635. 8.

ἀναγκαῖος 642. 41 ; 712. 7; 756. 774. 4. ἀναγκαιότερος 684. 22. 665. 14; 666.6; 682. 8.

ἀνάγκη 642. 36.

ἀναδιδόναι 645. [13]; 677. 4; 718.15; 757. 125 PAO) 2 ΠΟ TR YI iy,

ἀναζητεῖν 648. 7.

ἀνακρίνειν 706. 20.

ἀνάληψις 631. 13 ; 692. 20.

oe Gans

, αναγκαίως


avadoyos 659. 121.

ἀνάλωμα (avm\.) 680. 12; 639. το; 651. 35 698. [23]; 699. [22]; 700. 23; 729. eee O00 1; 791. 15. 25.

ἀναμένειν 773. 32.

avavewots 752. 2.

avavOpwros 681. 6.

ἀναπαύεσθαι 645. 6.

ἀναπέμπειν 673. 23.

ἀνάπλους 666. 12.

ἀναπόδοτος 628. 8.

ἀναπόρριφος 706. το ; 707. 14.

ἀνατολή 647. 20.

ἀναφέρειν 638. 30; 757. 9.

ἀνδρικός 742. ὃ,

ἀνεγκλησία 716. το ; 717. 3.

ἄνεμος 168. ὃ.

ἀνεμποδίστως 638. 22, 24; 704. 13.

ἀνεπίφορος 716. 17.

avepxyecOa 678. 11, 12; 757.9; 778. 12.

ἀνευρίσκειν 643. Q.

ἀνεψιός 687. 3.

672. 673. 18;



ἀνήκειν 635. 14; 647. 23; 699. 6; 700. (Bs TONE Wes 755: 21.

ἀνήλωμα. See ἀνάλωμα.

ἀνήρ 680. 13; 684. |16|; 687. 8; 648.

90); GIG. 2: 677. 13); 696. 16; 697. 25; 698. 19; 699.[18]; 721. 5, 9, 18. ἀνθρώπινος 630. 7. ἄνθρωπος 665. 26; 677. ὃ, 9 ; 773. 34. ἀνίσχυρος 716. 17. ἀννώνα 763. 4. ἄνοδος 682. 5. ἀντερεῖν 769. 9. ἀντέχειν 642. 39. ἀντί 627. 15, 19; 685. [το] ; 642. 4, 18, 48; 678.31; 151.0245 748. [12]; 773. [20]. ἀντιγράφειν 757. 6. ἀντίγραφον 6384. [1|} a gi-2; 649. 6, [25]. ἀντικατάστασις 630. 13. ἀντλεῖν 732. 12. ἀντλητικόν 704. τι. ἀντονομάζειν 642. 27, 29. ἀντονομασία 642. 15, 36, 46. ἀνυπερθέτως 631. 31; 640. 5; 718. το. ἀνυπόλογος 628. | 20]; 714. [7]. Cf. Index V (a) τοπαρχία.

20; 648. 43, 82,

2, ανω,



ἀξιόλογος 630. 13. ἀξιολογώτατος 687. 103 664. 13; 764. το.

ἄξιος 663. τι; 694. 29.

ἀξιοῦν 627. 10; 680. 11; 689. 28; 642. 20. 55. 2 ΕΣ; 0851. ἡ; 765. 4:

ἀπαιτεῖν 776. τι.

ἀπαντᾶν 688. 19; 684. 21.

ἅπαξ 765. 4 ; 766. 4.

ἁπαξαπλῶς 645. 11.

ἀπαρενόχλητος 626. 19 ; 688. [1 5; [25], 37:

ἀπαρτίζειν 666. 18.

ἅπας 681. 30; 682. 21 (3); 664. 6; 699. 4.

ἀπεῖναι 642, 51.

ἀπελεύθερος 648. 52; 706. 5, 9, 12; 747. 67 (?).

ἀπεργασία 700. 17.

anépxecOac 670. 7; 678. 13; 683. 9; 161. 6:

ἀπέχειν 634. 12; 686. 18: 645. 6; 646. 9: 2} 677. 8: 690. [π|} 22: 8697 τὸ 42; 698. 12; 699. 11; 700. 8; 702. ἘΠ ΘΒ 9; 25> 707210 5 108213, 24- 5. 8224 116 Ὁ; 718 2s στον 7119} Os

ἀπηλιώτης 684. 6, ; 685. 7; 686. τ4; 638. [8],το; 648.55; 675.7; 696.8; 697. rr; 698. 1. [0] 7. 8; 699. 8. 700. 4; 701 10} esi; 7039 το: 5 τὸ Index V (2) τοπαρχία.

ἀπηλιωτικός 724. 9

ἀπλοὺς 705. 18; 708. 18; 718. τὸς 715. 17; 716. 20. andés 644. 17; 717. 2. Cf. ἁπαξαπλῶς.

ἀπό. ἀ. emtrpomwv 716. 5. 646. 3.

ἀπογραφή 725.5. a. ἀνδρῶν 684. [16]; 696. 16; 697. 24; 698.[19]; 699. 18.

ἀποδεικνύειν 648. 61.

ἀπαδέχεσθαι 684. 5.

ἀποδημεῖν 648. 6; 683. 24.

ἀποδιδόναι 681. 30, 37; 682. 20; 686. 9; 639. 6, 13, 24; 640. [1], 20; 641. το, 25(?); 645. [0]; 668. 36; 670. 34; 6760 41> 678: 28: 081 290: 6895. Τρ; 31; 689. 28,49; 691.17; 694. 21, 42; 695. 26; 706. [18]; 711. 9; 784. 12; LOT 30} LOS wee ren Ol. τὴν 168: τῆ: 767. 28; 769. 20.

ἀπόδοσις 688. 15, 25.

ἀποκαθιστάναι 665. 14, 20; 673.9; 713. 9; 714. [9].

a. ὀφφικιαλίων


ἀποκατάστασις 716. 13.

ἀποκεῖσθαι 681. 18; 705. 7, 12.

ἀποκοπή 681. το (9).

ἀπολαμβάνειν 626. 17; 680. 11; 681. 20; 680.5; 682.7; 683.7; 689. 24; 691. 15 5) (GO ae ian Se Ow hon Ge

ἀπολλύναι 673. 17; 716. 12.

ἀπολύειν 646. 2; 678. 24; 762. 7.

ἄπορος 746. τι.

ἀπόρφυρος 741. 21, 23 (9), 27.

ἀποστέλλειν 626. 27 ; 660. 4,9, 12; 682. 3; C8472 5 Π15- τῷ; DO AL 70: ae. 21. 20); 214... τὸν “18:5.

ἀποσυνιστάναι 642. 2; 648.5; 646. 23.

ἀποσυστατικόν 642. 8.

ἀπότακτος 680. 17; 682. 15; 662. 14 (ἱερὸν ἀ); 686. τ9; 687. τῷ, 2; 889: τῇ:

ἀποτάσσεσθαι 669. 4.

ἀποτίνειν 694. 28.

ἀπουσία 680. 7.

ἀποφάντως (?) 642. 53.

ἀποφέρειν 632. 13; 684, 14; 653. 3; 698. 15; 704. 13.

ἀποφοΐ 741. 28.

ἀποχή 645. [14]; 646. 15, 57; 648. 72, 4, 03, 05-05) 215. Τὴ: “10: 29; 7217. 3; 718. [9]; 719. τ

ἄπρατος 633. 8.

ἀπωρυγισμός 631. το; 692. 14.

ἀπῶρυξ 631. το.

ἄρα 765. 20.

ἄρακος 629. το. 12.

ἀργεῖν 647. 40.

ἀργία 647. 38.

ἀργυρικός 644. 14, το ; 646. 9, 26; 719. 8; 734. 7.

ἀργύριον. See Index X (4).

ἀργυροκόπος 658. 15, [23].

ἀριθμεῖν 699. 11; 700. 8; 716.9; 718. 3.

ἀρίθμησις 705. το.

ἀριθμός 645. ὃ: 5; &c.

ἄριστον 656. 21.

ἀρκάδιον 656. 13.

ἀρκεῖν 636. 23 ; 638. 7, 21, 34; 702. 12.

ἀροῦν 631. 26.

See Index X (a).

ἀρουρηδόν 681. 7.

ἀρραβών 678. 21 ; 728.

ἄρρην 708. 9.

657-95) 794: 5.0 788:



ἀρτάβη. See Index X (a).

ἄρτι 683. 24.

ἀρτίζεσθαι 669. 4.

ἀρτοκόπος 655. τ.

ἀρτοποιεῖν 731, 4.

Ὡρτον ΘΟ Σ- 451. οἴ; ΠῚ ΣΡ ἀρτυματοποιία 731, τό.

ἄρχειν. ἄρχων, ἄρξας. See Index VII. ἄρχε- σθαι 673. 29.

ἀρχεῖον 642. 38.

dpxn 642. 16, &c.; 729. 13 772. 5.

ἀρχιδικαστῆς, ἀρχιερατεύσας, ἀρχιφύλαξ. See Index VII.

ἄσημος 653. 2, 6, 22 ; 706. 7.

ἀσθενεῖν 647. 40.

ἄσκυλτος 626. 20.

ἀσπάζειν 670. 20, 24; 770. 29, 33. ἀσπά-

ζεσθαι 680. 11; 666. 23-4; 668. 30, 32; 676.32,.34, 39; 677. 1, 15, 13—14 5678: 185 679.3, (8, 21—2, 28; 651. 22; 756: 45 Ibi. 25-108. ΤῸ; 2600: 29: Χ01- 5, 12} “65: τὸ; 700. 15; “θ᾽. 2h 5,685. τ 7609 2; ΤΠ. 2: iota si:

ἄσπορος 633. 13.

ἀστή 684. 2, [22] ; 648. 21.

ἀσύγκριτος 772. τ.

ἄσυλον 639. το.

ἀσύστατος 680. τι.

ἀσφάλεια 684. τ, [1τ1|; 645. τ4; 649. 15, 26; 7O1. 15, [18].

ἀσφαλίζεσθαι 101. 9 (?); 771. 8.

ἀσφαλῶς 701. 9.

ἀσχολεῖσθαι ὠνήν 709. 5.

ἀτράκτιον 740, 2.

avyovoros. See Index I.

αὐθαιρέτως 638. 19.

avAn 641. 5; 648. 29; 675. 9; 693. 9; 694. το 695: 225 696: 7, 10, 13, 22 697.78; 15, 20, [42)|e475 100. 2: 701. 4; 724. 20.

αὔριον 684. 22.

αὐστήσια (1. αὐστήρια ὃ) 656. 2.

αὐτάρκης 692. 17.

αὐτόθι 634, 12; 686. 18 ;696. το; 697. 16; 698.12; 699.10; 700.8; 702.4; 705. Ὁ: 207. τοῦ 105. 15:

αὐτουργία 784. 13.

ἀφαίρεμα 731. 10.

ἀφῆλις 688. [3], 17, 26; 647. τὸ; 721. 16.

apiew 758. 12.


ἀφιστάνειν 668. 27; 698. 22; 699.[22]; 700. 23; 704. [19]; 705. 16; 707. 16.

ἀφορᾶν 682. 14.

ἀφορμή 663. 7; 666. το

ἀχανήῆς 702. 3; 7-

ἀχάρακτος 707. 6.

ἄχρι 626. 16; 666. το; 668. 13; 748. 5; 418. 15

ἄχυρον 81. 143; 784. 5.

βάδιον 658. 4

βαθυί ) 742,

βαλανάριον 741. “38.

βάλλειν 681. 15; 674. 4.

βαρβαρίκιον 684. 5, 9.

βάρβαρος 681. 5.

Bapew 677. 8.

Baoweia 7OL. 16; 111 11.

βασιλεύειν 628. 1; 629. 1; 723. I.

βασιλεύς. See Index I.

βασιλικός. 3. yn 684. [colle 687. 11; 686. 16; 697. 26.; 698. 19; 699.19; 700. 17 τὸ 5. 628. 21; 644. 26. 635. 11, 13.

βαστάζειν 705. τι.

βατέλλιον 657.

βαφεῖον 648. an

βαφικός 648. 34, 61.

βέβαιος 688. 26, 30 (9); 684. [16]; 635. [13]; 686. 21; 696.15; 697. 23; 698.

635.1; 644. 1;


[18]; 699. [17]; 700) 1358 10» 005 vy χη]; 7085. τ5.

βεβαιοῦν 681. 28; 632. 19; 638. 26; 641. ὃ; 12; 689. athe 691. [16]; 694. 17; 695. 25; 696. 23, Ae OS: 20; 207: ΤΙ Τῆς

βεβαίωσις 684. [16]; 686. 26; 688. 27; 641.9; 696.15; 697. 24, 44; 698. τὸ; 699.18; 700.14; 702.[13]; 704. 17; 705.16; 707.12; 708. 15-16

βενεφικιάριος BH1. 13.

βῆμα 680. [15].

βιβλιοθήκη. β. δημοσίων λόγων 649. τ (9). β. ἡγεμονική 654. 7.

βιβλιοφυλάκιον ἐγκτήσεων 634. [25 7}

βῖκος 688. 8.

βίος 685. 11 ; 648.5, 22; 664. 16.

644.13: 645.6;



βλαστολογία 631.

βλαυτός 692. 20.

βλέπειν 680. τι; 773. 33.

βοηθεῖν 688. 27.

βοηθός 668. 14; 758. τ; 754. 8.

βοϊκός 777. 4.

Bopwos 632. 11; 701. 5.

βορρᾶς 634. 6, [8]; 635. [7 i 636. 14 5,638. [81]. τὸς 648. ἘΠ: 686. 7, 8; 697." Il, 41: 698. [6]; 699. 7; 700. 4; 701.!10,

; 703.

ae 681. 52; 889.

βοτανισμὸς 681. 14; 692. 138.

Boravodoyia 681. 26.

βούκολος 673. 24.

βούλεσθαι 680. 11 ; 683. 5; 684. 22; 665. 17; 666. 5, 7. 15; 678. 18; 650: fo τὴ; 0851 τῇ; 718: 19... 201: LO.

βουλευτής. See Index VII.

βουλή 669. 6.

βοὺς 675. τι;

βρεούιον 46. 2

βροχή 686. 5.

βρῶσις 686. το.

βωλήτιον 657. 4

13; 692. 19.

734. 1 (?).

γαμετή 701. 20.

γάρ 646.11; 668. 14, 22, 28; 673. 18, 25; 676.15) Σύ: 6792 τὸ, τῷ; 680: 5 Ὁ} 123 683. 03°; ΤΟ. τὸ: “05. 00k, Τὰ: 766: τῷ; Π6 1: 105 769. Ὁ: 710: (Olly £3: 25.) 20. ΜΝ ἃ: πΠ5. Ὁ.

γάριον 759. 9.

γάρος (2nd decl.) 656. 4; 727. 3,10; 760. τ (ard deck 770s 27.

ye 663. 4; 680. ae

γειτνία 704. οί! δὴ: δ ΤΣ

γείτων 684.|6],7; 635.[7]; 686. 13; 688.

8,10; 648.54; 675. 9; 696. 7; 697. LO 695 5. ὃ: ιθ99 η: 70023-1700. ixo)|hin zs

yeveora 676, τι.

γένημα 632. 9: 692. 24 (?); 728. 13.

γενναιότατος Καῖσαρ 662. 20.

γένος 650. 5, 23; 650 (α). 3.

γεουχικός 688. 15; 699. [20]; 735. 2, 7.

γεοῦχος 631. 11, 28; 658. 3, 12, 19; 689. 22; 690. 11; 691. 14; 692. 16.

γεουχοῦντες 747. 58.

γερδιακός 647. 12; 737. τ, 5, 7 (2):


γέρδιος 647. ὃ.

γεῦος (?) 6175. 12.

γεωμετρία 628. 13; 685. 14, 23; 686. 14; 687. 16; 691. 7.

γεωργεῖν 646. 11, 28; 719. 8.

γεωργία 684. 6]; 696. 16; 697.25; 698.

19; 699. 19; 700. 14; 764. 15.

γεωργός 680. 5; 671. 11; 746. τι; 748. Drs “255: ils 204. 159: “716: Ὁ:

yj 628. 18, [23]; 687.[15]; 650. 12 (ὃ); 686. 16; 689. 20, 49; 691.13; 724. 8. y. βασιλική 684. [16|; 696.16; 697. 26; 698.19; 699. 19; 700. 14. y. ἰδιωτική 633. 12; 686. 14; 686.6. γ. ἱερά 744. int. γι. κατοικικῆ 635.6. γ΄. οὐσιακή 684. [16]; 696.17; 698.19; 699.19; 700. ΠΣ

γί(γγνεσθαι 680. 13; 681. 32; 684. 2, [3], [π|} 21 656: 59: 697. 5, ὃ; 698: [26]; 639. 31; 640. 7; 642. 3, 27; 644. 6; 645. 2, 3; 646. 4; 649. 26; 651. 7, 11, 14; 658. 5; 655. 11; 666. EO, 21; 6607. ὁ: 6.5. Ὁ, ὃ. ΘΥΕ 12. ΠῚ 19; 677. 9; 679. 14; 680.35 681. 14; 682. 10; 686. 14; 687. 16; 689. 25; 693. 2; 695. 18. 24, 29; 697.35; 698. 26; 701.155, 704. 22: 706: ΤΊ; 7085: 13" WL. 153 718: 01: TAG. πὸ: 1.0 724 ἘΣ ΤΟ 8: 7, LOs Wola 5. 11: 25: 5}. Ey 15. 15; “45. τ; 155. Ὁ; 4155. τὸ: 704. τὸ; ise 18: 20. 2, 51 (ἰ):

γι(γγνώσκειν 669. 6; 678. 10; 680. 17; 682. 65 655. ὃ; 7156:5; 1710: 5 7113: δὲ

γλυκύτατος 676. 2; 767. 20 : 768. 2.

γνώμη 681. 12.

γνωρίζειν 648. ὃ.

γόμος 773. 14.

yovevs 704. 9.

γράμμα 626. 26; 627. 28; 631. 40; 636. 46; 638. 30, 36, 39; 639. 29; 640. τὸ: 642. 2; 645..20; 666. 17; 682: 9; 683. 8; 689. 54; 696. 24; 704. [20]; 108.26; “713. 12; 17—18 >) 7FIG."20;,.25% Wd 760: 25) 766: δ 26 20) τ0; 19. 18. Ch ΓΒ ΣΝ (2.

γραμματεύς 642. 31; 650. 13, 30; 650 (a). 6; 651.6. Cf. Index X (a).

γραμματικά 697. 34.

γραμμάτιον 645. 13 ; 712. 10; 716. 12, 18, 26.

γραπτόν 756. 3.


ypaotis 756, τι.

γράφειν 626. 22, 26; 627. 27, 29; 628. 3; 631. 39; 633. 15; 635. 2; 636. 33, 45; 638. 30, 36, 39; 639. 11, 27; 640. το; 641. 11; 644. 3; 645.19; 654. 3; 660. int.; 666. 4,19; 669. 3; 671. 18-19, 22; θα. ὦ; 6176: 7; (677..o Gre. 2 ΤῊ ΤῸ τὸ 679: 15: 23 ; 651. κι: 659. πὸ: 695. 31; 696. 18, [24]; 697. 29; 698. 295 100.24); 702. Τῇ 18: "7045 2o0- 105. τὸ 4098: τὸ. 250; “7 ΤῸ}: 2159 ΤῸ; 715.17; 716. 59.28.50; 718. [0 755 4- 151. 5. Ὁ. τὸῦν 765.55, 95 40, 1: 168. 55 269: ὁ. iO 6/70. 10. 15. ΠΑ ἢ.

γραφεῖον 724. 6; 725. 6, το.

γραφή 715. 9; 741. τ.

γύης 686. 14.

γυμνασιαρχήσας, γυμνασίαρχος.

γυναικεῖος 742. 6.

γυνή 642. 55; 649.6; 683.15-16; 715.7; 16. 6: 7220: τ:

γύρωσις 691. 11 ([).

See Index VII.

δαμάλη 784. 2.

δάνειον 684. 19; 644. 14, 17; 726. 7, το.

δανείζειν 684. 18; 648. 69.

δαπάνη 628. 16; 680. [6]; 654. τ; 671. 13, (04, τὸ; 705. 175 7072175 728: 9; Τῇ; doe. 95. τὸ, Ti ; 7,414. τὴ; 759. 2.

δεῖν 681. 10, 15; 672. 10; 678. 10. δέων 630. ὃ; 681. 30; 648.12. δεόντως 632. 14. δεῖσθαι 642. 43; 666.7; 679. 23; 694A 02: 5. ΤΟ:

δειπνεῖν 755. 2.

δεῖπνον 656. 9, 14.

δεῖσα 694. 26.

δεκανός 626. 3, 8,

δεκάπρωτος 671. 3.

δελματικόν 741. 5, 15.

δελῴφάκιον 684. 13.

δέλφαξ 744. τ, 2.

δεκάπρωτος 671. 3.

δέσις 681. 9.

δεσπότης 175. 4. Cf. Index I.

δευτεροβόλος 708. το.

δεύτερος 642, 43; 757. 4; 7160. τ; 765. 7; 768. 3.

δέχεσθαι 656.1; 688. τι.

δή 7718. 24 (?).

δηληγατίων 760. 1.

E25 ἘΠ τ


δῆλος 664. 6.

δηλοῦν 680. [5], 16; 687. 20, 27; 688. 3, 17; 640. 21; 644. 17; 657. 18; 665. τ 608: 0 14; 669: [πό]}: 673. 17; 677. 7, 10; 680. 6, 10; 684. 18; 706. 20m Hao. OG 194: ἡ; 7070.11, 2145 163. Sade. 11: 7267. 20; 714. ΤΊ.

δημόσιος 688. 25. δημοσίᾳ 688. 57. 638. [30]; 689. 32; 697. 31. 641.13; 712.8. δημόσια 636. 27, 32. Cf. Index XI. δ. κατοχή 699. 20; 700. 16. 6. λόγοι 649. τ (?). ὃ. μέτρον 658. 7. ὃ. ῥύμη 684. 6, ὃ; 697. 11, 13; 698.5, 9; 699. 8; 700. 4. ὃ. τελέσματα 688. 29; 700. 18; 704.[15]. ὃ. τράπεζα 688. 23 ; 642. 31; 659. 5.

δημοσιοῦν 636. 34; 698. 24 ; 700. 25; 702. Dy ΠΝ. en 5 1717: 6; 724. 33:

δημοσίωσις 636. 37; 638. 31; 648. 68; 698. [26]; 702.17; 704. [22]; 717. 9.

δηνάριον. See Index X (8).

διαβάλλειν 665. 25.

διάγειν 663. 4; 664. 3, 16-17; 665. 27; 666. 22; 668. 34; 679. 17; 766. 11.

διαγράφειν 633. 22; 689. 4.

διαγραφή 639. 31.

διαδέχεσθαι 662. Ig.

διαζευγνύναι 675. 5.

διάθεσις 704. ὃ.

διαθήκη 648. 53; 649. [6]; LOLS Oriol. 19: 20> Qt 720. ὃ.

διαιρεῖν 637. 8; 688. [ails 764. 13.

διαίρεσις 648. 43; 695. 18.

διακατοχή 725. 4.

διαλλαγή 762. 8.

διάνοια 642. 42.

διαπέμπειν 657. 765. 13.

διαπιπράσκειν 678. 19.

διάριον 729, τι.

διασημότατος 642. 3; 716. 4; 722. 1.

διάστασις 631. 13; 692. 19.

διαστέλλειν 750. ὃ.

διαστολή 680. 17.

διαστολικόν 648. 82 (3).

διαστορεννύναι 725. 17.

διαταγή 671. το.

διατάσσειν 701. 6; 721. τό.

διαφέρειν 626. 21; 662. 20; 754. 6.

διαφορά 682. I5-

15; 1718. 764. τό;


δημόσιον | τὸ ὃ. }



διάφορος 704. 7.

διαχωρίζειν 673. 5.

διάψιλος 648. 50.

διδάσκαλος 647. 19, 42, 47.

διδόναι 628. 13; 687. το; 666. 13; 668. 6, 10; 676. 5; 677.6; 6838. 17, 20, 24, 28; 729.1; 746.2; 756.8; 769. 11; 770. 17, 28; 772. 4, 5; 773. 18; 777. 9, 14.

διέρχεσθαι 686. 29; 701. 28.

διηγεῖσθαι 711. 13.

διηνεκήῆς 681. 14; 692. 18.

δίκαιος 631. 9; 689. 36; 760. 7. 686. 7; 695.19; 704. [το]. 637-7 5638: [2]; 1714. 4.

δικαίωμα 648. 66.

δίκη 689.16; 641.16; 698. 23; 699. | 22]; 100. 24; 704, τὸὦῦ 105: 1:

SENG 1517. τ

δίμοιρον 636. 8; 688. 13; 701. τι.

διό 642. 51; 672. 9; 696. 11; 697. 18; 699. 12.

διοικεῖν 688, 22; 700. 12.

διοίκησις 683. 8.

διοικητής 633. 16; 661. 1, 11; 669. 15.

διπλοκέραμον 735. 5; 751. 3.

διπλοῦς 720. 5; 752. 3, 4; 760. 13.

διπυργιαῖος 708. 12.

dis 642. 24 (3).

δισσός 626. 22; 636. 33; 638. 30; 640. το; 695. 31 ; 697. 29; 704. 20; 711. 18; ΜΠ 53 TS) τὸ: 724. 22,124) 29.) 55.

διτομία 631. 14.

διῶρυξ 700. 4.

δοκεῖν 638. [6]; 642. 32; 665. 25; 673.

678. 12-13, 15.

δοκιμάζειν 665. 23.

δόκωσις 648. 60.

διάφορον 640. 7.


6. τέκνων



δόσις 632. 20; 694. 22; 713. 1. | δουκηνάριος 711. 4.

δούλη 647. 11; 648.6; 706. 13.

δουλικός 638. 5, 11, 14, [21], 35-

δοῦλος G43. 7; 648. το.

δραχμή. See Index xX (ὁ).

δραχμιαῖος τόκος FOL. 18; 711. 14.

δρομαδάριος 652 (α). 6 ; (ὁ). 6.

δύνασθαι 668. 22; 678. 18; 678. 11; 760. τ8; 768. 6: 719. 22.

δυνατός 760. 6.

δυόβολοι. See Index X (0).


δύσις 647. 21. δῶμα 641. 5.

ἐάν ( = ἄν) 634. [15]; 686. 34; 688. [22], 24, 30; 6389. 13-14; 641.14; 642. 41; 644.25 ; 665117, 29: 655: 12, 2"; 686. 12; 689. 14; 694. 26, 28; 696. 14; 697. 22, 31; 698.17, [24]; 699. ΤῸ; #OG. 12,25 7102: ὃ: 155 704 am0, 5 π:- 5. τὸ na ΠΕ ΒΗ τα: 769. 6, 8.

ἐᾶν 672, 12.

ἑαυτοῦ (αὑτοῦ) 637. ὁ: G42. τί 18. 29: 18,

[50], 55; 648. 17; 649. [6]; 665: 6; | ; 704. 19; 706.[6?]; |

682. 12; 689. 41 hOT 5G: ἔγγιιον 684. 14; 638. 34 (9). eyyovos 700. 10; 704. 12. ἐγγράφειν 638. 18, 27, 34; 702. 14. ἔγγραφος 684. 1; 645. 11; 695. 18. ἐγγυᾶσθαι 626. 26 (?); 630. 18; 683. το. ἐγγυητής 626. 3. eyyvos 639. 12.

ἐγκαλεῖν 684. [18]; 635. [1 21}: 644. ο. το: 716. 14-15, 24--5.

ἐγκέλευσις 637. 9.

ἐγκλείειν 678. 3, 7, 11.

ἐγκλεισμός 784. 6.

ἔγκτησις 684. 25 (?).

ἐγχαράσσειν 680. 12.

ἐγχρήζειν 681. 13; 766. το.

ἐγώ. ἐμέναν 688. 17.

ἔδαφος 680. [3], [5]; 646. 29; 690 22;

(OOS 719. ΠῚ 758} ΤΣ

ἐθέλειν. See θέλειν.

ἔθος 666. τὸ ; 714. 3.

εἰδέναι 642. 55; 670. 16; 671. 7, 15; 672. 95, 6785. 5; 688. τ9; 659: nae 102. ἡ: 69: 9; 70. 29; 7 5: 9. Ors 777. 5. εἰ, γράμματα 626. 26; 627. 27; 681. 40; 636. [46]; 688. 36, 39; 645. 20; 689. 54; 696. 24; 708. 26; 716.

εἶδος 684. 16; 657. 12; 678. 6; 696. 17; 697.27; 698. [59]; 699. 19; 700. ΤΕ:

εἰκάς 646. 34; 670. το.

εἴκειν 642. 17, 47.

εἰκώς 682. 12.

εἶλα 666. 6, IT.

= ποτ “τ on ein ΞΘ τ.

ἑκάτερος 681. 14: 684. 2;


εἴπερ 684. τό.

εἴργειν 648. τι.

εἰρήναρχος 662. 19.

εἰς ἐπαντλεῖν 675. 11.

εἷς 626. 9; 680. 9; 635. 5, &c.; 684. 12; 636. 9; 668. 20. τὸ καθ᾽ ἕν 724. 2.

εἰσαγγέλλειν 627. το.

εἰσέρχεσθαι 668. 21; 670. 17.

εἰσιέναι 638. 29; 700. 20, 711. τὸ:

εἴσοδος 638. 9; 641. 5; 648. 30.

εἰσοικίζειν 641. 4.

εἶτα 681. τό.

εἴτε 678. 15, 17--18.

ἕκαστος 628. 13; 629.10; 631.7; 639. 12) (670; 4; 6855. 15, 25; 711. 15 719: E25. 1595 5"; 01.595. 2,609. 4 Oo), 715. 3.



638. 30; 704. 207 ΠΟΘ BION 17: 4:

ἑκατόνταρχος 637. 10.

ἑκατοστή 640. 5; 743. ὃ.

ἐκβάλλειν 641. 7.

ἔκγονος 685. [8]; 686. 20; 688. 22, [24], 696. 12; 697. 19; 698.[14]; 699. 13: 702. [5]; 705. 13.

ἔκδεια 642. 13.

ἐκδέχεσθαι 668. 26; 673. 8.

ἐκδιδόναι 627. 21; 648. 14; 645. [14].

ἐκδικία 643. 13.

ἔκδοσις 64:7. 45.

exdoxevs 669. 2; 673. 7.

ἐκεὶ 637. 20; 642. 40; 674. 12, 19; 773. a5

ἐκεῖνος 642. 35, 42, 55-

ἐκκαλεῖσθαι 642. 21, 32,

ἔκκλητος 642, 27.

ἐκκρούειν 748. 4.

ἐκλείπειν 642. 14, 45.

ἐκλεκτός 631. 24.

ἔκληψις 648. 79; 649. 1; 654. 12.

expaptupew 649. 4], [2 1 |, 2: [28].

ἐκμισθοῖν TO5. 14.

ἑκουσίως 681. 5; 632.7; 638.19; 695. το.

ἐκποιεῖν B42. 6.

ἐκσκάπτειν 758, 10.

ἔκστασις 642, 33.

ἔκτακτος 631. 22, 30, 35.

ἐκτελεῖν 647. 21.

ἐκτίνακτρον 733. 5.

ἐκτίνειν 689. τα; 640.6; 641. 11; 711. 12.


ἔκτισις 626. 41; 630. 19; 681. 33.

ἐκτός 631. το; 678.16; 676. 21; 692. ee 695. 23 ; 732. 6:

ἐκφορεῖν 642, 22, 33.

ἐκφόριον 628. 12, 20,{ 23-4]; 629.10; 681. 22; 686. 12; 687. 19; 689. τό, 50; 691. το; 748. 7.

ἔκχυσις 648. 50, 54.

ἐκχωρεῖν 641. 17; 649. 16.

ἐλάδιον 678. 17; 759. 6.

ἐλαία 631. 23; 744. 1, 4-6; 756. 12.

ἐλ(αικός ?) 743. I.

ἔλαιον 665. 6; 731. 15; 742. 3; ΠΟ: τῇ:

ἐλάττων 685. 14, 20; 744. [τ|, 4 (?). 5.

ἐλευθερία 642. 38.

ἑλίσσειν 679. το.

ἐλπίζειν 672. 7; 681. 20.

ἐλπίς 678. 7.

ἐμαυτοῦ 705. τῇ.

ἐμβάλλεσθαι 671. 9.

ἐμβολή 631. 10; 671. 5.

ἐμπόδιος 764. 14.

ἐμποιεῖσθαι 638. [16]; 698. 22; 100. 23; 704: 18.

ἔμπροσθεν 644. 16; 645. 12.

ἐναγωγή 643. 11 (0).

ἐναντίος 682. 4.

evapxos 645. 3; 662. 3; 664. το.

ἐνδομενικός 638. 4.

ἐνεδρεύειν 773. ΠΩΣ

ἐνεῖναι B68. 20 (én).

ἕνεκα 644. 18; 766. Io. 764. 8.

ἔνθα 705. 7, 12.

ἐνθάδε 649. 15, [21], [24], [29]; 667. το: 668.19; 20; 669) 14; 721. τὸ; 768. 5. Ψ 71. AR Par

ἐνιαύσιος 627. 17; 695. 23. ἐνιαυσίως 744. ο.

ἐνιαυτός 627. 9; 681. 5, 21; 647. 26, 34; 681. 15; 682. 15; 692. 3; 695. I1; 106. τῇ ; 743. 2, 9.

ἐνιστάναι 680. 4; 681]. 6; 632. 9; 634. [15]; 636. 30; 688. [28], 29; 689. 7; 640. 2; 641. 3; 645. 12; 646. το, 27; 647. 16; 648. 70; 685. 6; 686. 6; 687. 7; 688.8; 689. 10; 691.5; 692. 4; 693.7 ; 694. 10; 695.12; 698. τό: 1002207706, 5715: 132 217: 119. ZL o Δ sie ΘΑ. τὸ} ΠΑ͂Ν ἢ, τὰ.


ἕνεκεν 662. II 5


ἐννόμως 642. 26.

ἐνοικεῖν 701. [το].

ἐνοίκιον 694. 15, 21, 423 695. 21, 26; 781. ΤῊΣ ΘΝ 9, 22, ΑἹ.

ἐνοικισμός 641. 7, 9, 12, 18.

ἐνοχλεῖν 669. 11; B71. 4, το, 14.

ἐνταῦθα 712. 6; 770. 23.

ἐντέλλεσθαι 669. ΡΣ Tella Τ᾿

ἐντεῦθεν 626. 13; 686. 35; 688. 31; 698. 255, 100: [520]; 105. [τό]; Π04 sem. (OB 4: Ἐ2: 2100 τὴν; 2159:

ἐντίμως 646, 2.

ἔντοκος 644. 14.

ἐντολή 664. τι.

ἐντολίδιον 767. 17.

ἐντολικός 677. 5, 10; 742. το; 774. Oy 10) ES 218: 152, Τὸ:

ἐξαίρετος 721. 19. ἐξαιρέτως 675. 6.

ἑξάμηνος 694. 22; 695. 26.

ἐξαρτία 705. 7, 11, 24.

ἐξαυτῆς 665. 22.

ἐξεῖναι 642. 6 ; 648. το.

ἐξέρχεσθαι 756. 10; 768. 5, 6, IT.

ἐξετάζειν 669.7; 778. 41.

ἐξηγεῖσθαι 681. 24.

ἑξῆς 627. 9; 637. 21; 647. 15; 649. 11; 695. 12; 725. 6, 9, 18.

ἐξιέναι 662. ὃ.

ἐξιστάναι 672. 5.

ἐξοδιάζειν 718. 13; 718. 4; 748. 9.

ἔξοδος 638. 9; 641. 5; 648. 30.

ἐξουβερωντία 660. 3.

ἐξουσία 684. [15]; 641.7; 648. [το]; 686. tl 699... τὴς OOM 2 05 70Ὰ: 15.; 205. Τὰ; 7114. 0:

ἔξοχος 771. 6.

ἑορτή 647. BN ore 679. ᾿Αμεσυσίων ἑ. 666. τό.

ἐπαγόμεναι ἡμέραι. See Index ILI.

ἐπακολουθεῖν 631. 30.

ἐπαλείφειν 631. 17.

ἐπανάγκης 627.16; 686. 19; 695. 26; 699. τ VOOs το το]: 1046 16 707116 Ὁ; 714. 8.

ἐπάναγκος 684. 15; 698. 17.

ἐπανέρχεσθαι 662. 21.

ἐπαντλεῖν 675. IT.

ἐπάνω 68]. 26, 57; 701, 6; 751. 24): 734. 6.

ἐπάρδευσις 631. 14, 26; 692. 18.

7159: Ὁ:

757. 16. τῶν



ἐπαφή 06. 19.

ἐπεί 688. 3; 666. 20; 668. τό, 22; 670. Ὁ: θ75. 12: θ719:. 2; 2) Ὁ: 7204. ΠΣ τὸ:

ἐπείγειν 681. 12.

ἐπειδῆ 627. 7; 642. 20, 36, 50; 674. 2; 682735 6859: τὴ. 7.19: 51.

ἐπέλευσις 688. 13, [20].

ἐπέρχεσθαι 636. 23; 688. 16, 26; 644. το, 22: 24-5); 1608, [22]; 699. 51: 7900.

Π0 5.81} τῶ “704. τῷ 705, τὸς ΠΟΥ τ 108: τῇ; TALS. ΤῈ:

exepotav 626. 22, 25; 627. 21, 25; 630. ΤῸ ; 691. 335 39: 636.98, 45; 6995. 92. [35], 38; 640. 12, 21; 642. [9]; 649. 15; 645. 15,19; 646. τό, 31; 689. 39, 51; 694. 32, 43; 695. 31 5; 697. 36, 45; 698. [13], [27]; 699. 12; 700.8; 702. ES; ΟΖ. 2274 26s) Μ0δ'᾽ Τὸ 1; 2; ΠΟΘ τὸ; 7111. 20 AL ΤΌ] 7115: ΤῊΣ 2; WAG 26. “107. Ὁ: 118: τ]:

ἐπέχειν 758. τό.

ἐπὶ τὸ αὐτό 688. 14 ; 651. 11, 14; 659. 130; 687. ΠΟΙ τῷ ΤῸ 24. 12) 7159: iis

ἐπιβάλλειν 688. [11], [17], 20; 662. 12; 704. 10; 719. 7.

ἐπιβάτης 749. 1, 5, 7.

ἐπιβολή 633. 27 ; 658. 5; 662. 13.

ἐπιγι(γγνώσκειν 672. 14; 679. 8.

ἐπιγονή 628. 7; 629.6; 639.1; 685. 6.

ἐπιγράφειν 771. 5.

ἐπιδέχεσθαι 681. 5, 20, 36; 682. 8; 695. IO.

emtOnuew 682. 0.

ἐπιδημία 626. 8.

ἐπιδιδόναι 680. 8 ; 688. 36; 635. [5].

ἐπιδοχή 630. 20; 681. 28, 33, 41; 6382.19; 695. 25, 31.

ἐπιεικέστατος 668. 5.

ἐπιζητεῖν 761. 6.

ἐπιθυμεῖν 666. 11.

ἐπικαλεῖν 686. 45; 648. 6, 11, 12; 706. 5.

ἐπικεῖσθαι 642. 50.

See Index ΧΙ.

ἐπικουρεῖν 680. 5.

ἐπιλαμβάνεσθαι ΠΟ. 15. |

ἐπιλανθάνεσθαι 679. 26. |

ἐπίλυμμα (= ἐπίλειμμα ?) 765. τό. |

ἐπιμέλεια 626. 17; 680. 19.





> , ἐπικλασμός.

| ἐργε.(


ἐπιμελεῖσθαι 681. 31.

ἐπιμελητής. See Index VII.

ἐπιμελῶς 675. 15.

ἐπιμένειν 771. 12.

ἐπιμερίζειν 658. 6; 765. 27.

ἐπιμερισμός. See Index ΧΙ.

ἐπιμήνια 772. 4.

ἐπινεύειν 762. 6.

ἐπινομή 686. το.

ἐπιπροσγί(γ)νεσθαι 725. 18.

ἐπισκέπτης 669. τό.

ἐπίσκεψις 748. 5, το.

ἐπισκοπεῖν 649. 9, &c.

ἐπισί ) 775. 7.

ἐπίσταλμα 648. 0} ΠΗ:

ἐπίστασθαι 639. 28.

ἐπιστέλλειν 635. [το]; 648. 662. 15; 663. 8; 664. 10; 682. 8, 13; 718. 12 ; 766. 4.

ἐπιστολή 661. 4; 668. 8; 676. 5; 757. 5, ΤῸ; 460-535-257 466. 45 210} 2

ἐπιστολίδιον 677. 4, 9.

ἐπιστόλιον 757. 13, 21; 760. το.

ἐπιστράτηγος 642. 32.

ἐπιτήδειος 692. 13.

ἐπιτηρητῆς 106. 4.

ἐπίτιμον 644. 25.

ἐπιτρέπειν Θ47. 22.

ἐπίτροπος 687. 4; 645. 2, 14, 15; 648. 33, 735 G135305 680. 13); 716.55:

ἐπιφανέστατος. See Index I.

ἐπιφέρειν 639. 17, 21-2 ; 640. 11-12; 641. 20; 642.8; 643.15; 645. [15]; 649. ἘΣ: ΜΠ. τὸ πὸ; 111 τὸ, 29: 210: πῇ.

ἐποίκιον 637. 29; 659. 66, 68, 103; 6885. 5, Odors 10; Ch IndextV (G20);

ἐποικοδομεῖν 701. 8; 758. 13.

ἑπόμενα 633, 24.

ἐποφθαλμιᾶν 630. 6.

ἐραυνητής 651. 18.

ἐραυνητικόν 650. 6, 17, 24 ; 650 (a). 3 ; 651. 2.

ἐργάζεσθαι 668. ΤΙ, 15; 776. 5.

ἐργασία 631. 13.

ἐργαστήριον 648. 33, 50-67 ; 668. 5.

ἐργάτης 732. 1, ἄς. ; 738. 5, 8.

) 648. 54.

ἔργον 630. 6, 19; 681. 6, ἄς. ; 674.6; 682. 2,14; 692. 8; 10; 26.

epew 683. 20.

ἐρεοπώλης 6B9. 5.




ἔρημος 652 (a). 3, &c.; (6). 3, ἄτα.

ἐρίδιον 767. 2.

ἔριον (?) 781. 22.

ἑρμηνεύς 650. 10, 28.

ἑρμυ( -) 729. 9.

ἔρχεσθαι 669. 5, τό ; 674.9; 676. 29; 678. Ro eGou., 22: “260: τ5 : 7602. ὃ: 7268: 5: MOM ΟΣ ΖΗ; 19: ἡ, 8, τὸ: Thos LL

ἐρωτᾶν 755. τ; 767. 4 (9).

ἐσθίειν 734. 4, 10.

ἔστε 662. 21.

ἔσω 668. 22.

ἕτερος 628. 22; 686. 14; 638. 13, [15], E7245 305) O48. 12, 20, 78, 86; 649. [15], 26; 654.5; 657. 8, 10; 695. 22; 697532 3695.0, 5,25; 700. 4) 15. 56: ΠΟΤΕ ΟΣ τ O4 221 3 717: η; 7194. “π΄: 725. 12; 749. 5, 7.

ἐτήσιος 630. [9]; ΤΡ-ἰό. ἐτησίως 744. 11.

ἔχε 681. 5, 14, 25; 698. [27]; 642. τὸ (Ὁ): 648. 63; 665. 15; 692. 22; 700. τῇ: ΠΕ 12

éros passim. Cf. Index I.

εὖ 664. 3, 16; 668. 34; 766.8; 770. 6.

εὐαρέστως 681. 29.

εὐγενέστατος 664. 15.

εὐδοκεῖν 626. 24; 627. 24; 636. 36; 637. [|| GSS: lei, 26, 31, 37; 6981 25; ΟΣ τὸ; 104. 20 71: ὃ.

εὐδόκησις 698. 25; 700. 26; 704. 2:.

εὐδοξεῖν 766. 17.

εὐθηνιαρχήσας, evOnviapyos.

εὐθυμεῖν 683. 7; 768. 7.

εὐθυμότερος 682. το. εὐθυμότερον 666. 21.

εὐκαίρως 631. 29.

εὐκαταφρόνητος 758. 17.

εὐοδοῦσθαι 680. 4.

[εὐϊποιία 773. 34.

εὐπορία 642. 6, 38.

[εὐπρα]γεῖν 766. 15.

εὐπραγία 766. 12.

εὑρησιλογία 711. 12.

εὑρίσκειν 645. 6; 670. 12; 671. τὸ τὸ: G745 2; 165. 22.; 773. ὃ, 15:

εὐτυχεῖν 766. 17; 768. 15.

εὐτυχής. See Index I. [πὸ] 711 τὸ:

εὐτυχία 766. 12.

εὐφραίνειν 676. 14.

See Index VII.

εὐτυχέστατος 70].

εὐτυχῶς 770. 24.


22) 619: 680: Ὁ; 716: 13);


εὔχεσθαι 642.9; 662. 22; 664. 2,14; 665. 27 5, 666: 2; 668.3534 5 67053 3 671. 233676540; 677. 2: 678. 2) 27.9679. 8: 20,8 680; 3; 682: τὸ; 655. 2. 50: 6541: 27: 7,5. Vit 2151]. 5, 28) 585 2. 159: 2; 160,28 701. τὸ; ΘΟ τῇ- 1635 12> 7662 τὸ: 2107] 26: 05 τῆς (GO ee τὸ ΠΟΥ 55.224; Mae Qe 115. Ὁ; 0 50.: 114. 6. 715: 16257160136 ΜΙ

εὐχρηστεῖν 665. 20; 716. το.

εὐώδης 673. 4, 9.

εὐωνότατος 760. 5.

ἐφηβεία 697. 3; 708.8; 705. 2.

ἐφήμισυς 668. το.

ἔφοδος 638. 13, [20]; 644. 23; 699. 10; 704. 15.

ἔχειν 626. 14; 628. 9, 15; 629. 13; 680. [4], 10,11; 684.[15]; 685.9; 686. 42; 638. 13, 20, 30; 689. 3; 640.18; 641. 24; 642. 30, 32; 645. 7, [16], 18; 647. 10; 648. 62-3; 657. 3, 11, 16; 658. 7; 663. 7; 664.11-12; 665. 8, 11, 16; 666. 6: 607:.0.; 668. 20> 671. τῷ - 676: τ: ΤῸ τὸ: 22: Ga πη: 0,8. ἡ: 689. ἘΠ; 681.8; 683. 13, (18), 21; 690. 20; 693. 7; 696.6; 699.15; 700. 12; ΠΟΘ τι; O42 15} 20.2 a 205: 171: 11Π|Ι- Bi 159 gis Maun Te. oe 5. Wee: 5. (PL 50. ead Alege 148.73, 149.45 250. 45 758. τὸ} 205 163.5; 166.0; (6/1. τὸ: 16957-7110. 18.555: 7119. SU; 20.- hae) eel odd ἔχεσθαι 642. 26. 52; 766. 3.

ἔχθρα 642. 29, [30], 54.

ἕως 628. [24] ; 682. [22]; 638. | 28]; 673. 8 31689. 29%; θ91. τοῦ 100 τοῦ; 701-18; “Ὁ 144. Ὁ. τὰ: ead ΤῈ 2 Als LOS. 128 25. Tule

ζεῦγος 655. 3, 9; 675. τι; 734. 3. ¢nv 648. 53.

ζητεῖν 654. 5; 680. 14.

ζητησις 633. 28.

ζώνη 741. 7.

ζῷον 626. 6, το.

658. [16], [20]; 641. 11 ; 642 29; 644. 22, 24-5; 647.40; 665. 16-17; 668. 6, 75 672. (10); 675: 12); 651. -685:


14, 20; 686. 10; 687. 18; 694. 28; 698. [22]; 699. ft 22; 700.23; 702. @ 3.704. 15, (16), 18s 718. τὸ Τὰ ΤῈ: 717. Ὁ: Gael 2h Oden Ol ad O17.

ἡγεῖσθαι 762. 3. ἡγούμενος 722. 1.

ἡγεμονία, ἡγεμονικός, ἡγεμών. See Index VII.

ἥδεσθαι 663. 3; 766. τι.

ἡδέως 664. το, 17; 758. 20. τι: Θ70.. 2:

ἦθος 668. 11.

ἡλάριον 658. τι.

ἡλιαστήριον 681. 17, 18.

ἡλικία 688. 17, [26]; 664. 6.

ἥλιος 647. 20.

ἡμέρα 641. 3, 18; 645. [13]; 647. 19, 38- 9; 885. ὁ: 670. 57.672: 5. 6. τὴν WV. 2. Woe. αἰ: 701-21 164. Aco. δ: 0: 01}: al Daedalian

ἡμερησίως 626. 12.

ἡμέτερος 627. 8; 642. 30, 55; 662. 13.

ἡμιολία 641. 14.

ἡμιωβέλιον. See Index X (4).

ἠπήτρια 679. 5, 11.

npaxvavoy 679. 6.

nro 686. το.

ἥττων 644. 27.

ἥδιστα 664,

θαλαμηγός 650. 20; 738. 2.

θάλίλειν ὃ) 744. ὃ.

θαρρεῖν 665. τι.

θεά 685. τ: 728. 1.

θεᾶσθαι 681. τό.

θεῖος 626. 8.

θέλειν 668. 21; 670. 16; 673. 17, | 26]; 676: τῇ, 26; 678: 16; 680. 1h 683.9); 684525): 721 τὸ; 261 8; 202 9. ,09. 0 ἢ, 8: 110) 55 UO he “770: Ὁ»

θέμα 119. 13; 728. 8.

θεός. See Index VI (qa).

θερινός 631. 24 ; 686. το.

θέρος 760. 5.

θέσις 119. 5; 721. 8.

θήκη 673. 15.

θῆλυς 707. 5 ; 734. τι.

θρυοκοπία 628. 18.

Opvov 631. 32; 636. 9; 791. 1.5}

θυγάτηρ 634. [2], [4], 21; 688. 6; 645. [2]; 648.17; 678.8; 679.6,9; 769. ΤΕΣ

θύρα 641. 19; 694. 27.


θύσκη 657. 13.

ἰατρός 751. 2.

ἰδιόγραφος 646. 15; 710.14; 713.19; 719. 16.

ἴδιος 682.14; 634. 13,[15]; 639. το; 680. 8; 998:25]}; son eat 700. 23; 704. ΤᾺ ΟΣ τὴν TLL. ΠῚ omnes 23. ΜΔ ΣΦ; 261. 0:

ἰδιότης 644. 21.

ἰδιύχρωμος 645. το.

ἰδιωτικός. ἰδιωτικὴ (γῆ) 688. 12; 686. 14; 686. 8. i. caroyn 699. 25: 700. 16. i. ὀφείλημα 638.15. ἰ. τράπεζα 639. 5.

ἱερεύς, ἱέρεια, ἱερόν, iepovixns, ἱεροποιός, ἱερός. Index VI (4, c).

ἱκανός 672, 15.

ἱματίζειν 647. τῇ.

ἱμάτιον 741. 1.

ἵνα 685. [8]; 642. 22, 34; 668. 9; 666. τ: 608: 20). 0609: 3. ὁ, τὖ τ τῇ: 671. 16, 16-7672) Ὁ; 15; 6715. τὸ; 20]; 675. 4 τὴ; G16: 31: 61717-8.0; 682-5, τὸ; 1585. 17: 100. τι: 765: bie 209. 6; 764.417 > 765.9; 166. 1 709..γ; ττ΄

ἰνδικτίων 682. 10; 785. I.

See Index VIII.


inmapxta, ἱππεύς, ἱππικόν.

ἵππος 772. 2.

ἰσάτις 685. 12, 22; 689. 15.

ἰσίκιον (Ὁ) 780. 7.

ἴσος Θ27. 15; 687. τι, 24: 641. 133; 644. 203 94:7. 1: 690: 2τ: 200: 1595Ξ515’- "24. 22, 25. ἴσως 681. 4.

ἰσοῦν 674. 7.

ἰσοφόριος 684. 4, ὃ.

ἱστάναι 681. 14.

ioros ΜΟΝΒ ΟΝ Il, 24: ωΘῳ0,. ὃ. 225 42:

ἰσχύειν 666. 14.

καθά 689. 11; 641. τι.

καθάπερ 689.15 ; 641. τό ; 698. [23]; 699 [22]; 700. 24; 704.19; 705: 17.

καθαρίζειν 70. 13 (?).

καθαρός 688. 27 ; 684. [τ6] ; 635. 13; 638

27; 639. [8]; 640. 3; 689. 30; 694.

28:2 A te 697. 24; 698. [19]; 699. 18; 700: 14; 0 5. τὰ 704. ΤΣ καθαροί, SC. ἄρτοι 656. 19.

κάθαρσις 658. τό, 24.

καθήκειν 681. 33 ; 641. 14 ; 694. 31; 695. 30.

AIT, GENERAL καθιστάναι 639. 9; 645. 2; 724. κάθοδος 667. 12.

καθολικός 663. 15; 670. το. καθόλου 6389. 20; 645. τι, 18. καθότι 639. 26; 689. 39.

καθώς 665. 4; 666. τὸ ; 777. 3. καὶ yap 642. 24, 38, 40; 680. 5, 9. καίειν 674. 5.

καιμιον 656. 14.


καινός 658. 4, 5; 692.16; 713. 6; 727.

LO) 290. 2; 741. 17-18, 25, 27; 773. 185 776. 5;

καινοχωρισμός 644. το.

καιρός 681. 27, 29, 30.

καίτοι 666. 7; 763. 7.

κακόν 775. το.

κακοτεχνεῖν 635. τ}

καλαμεῖα ΘΕ 7, 15, 29; 637. 29; 671. 21; 692. 9.

καλάμινος 637. 29.

καλάμιον 681. 14; 742. 4.

κάλαμος 631. 9 ; 692. το, 16-17.

καλαμουργία 631. 11, 27 ; 692. 15-106.

καλάνδαι G45. τ.

καλεῖν 687. 11.

καλεωτιδεσ 655. 6.

καλλάϊνος 739. 3, 9; 757. το.

καλός 684. 17. καλλιότερος 672. 6, ὃ. Kad- λιστος 679. 4; 758. ὃ. καλῶς 636. 35; Cie τ΄} ΘΠ. 59..25. 29> 679. 165 697: 35; 698. 26; 702.18; 704. [22]; ΘΚ ΘΟΣ 1: 278. τὸ;

καλύβη 675. 8.

καμηλίτης 1.5. ie 778: 9.

κἄν (ΞΞ καί) 669. 765. ὃ.

κανθήλιον 733. 4.

κανωπικόν 774. 15.

καπύριον 655. 3.

καρπός 628. 23; 681. [21]; 632. το, τό; 689. 23; 691. 15; 720. 6(?).

καρύδιον 740, τι.

καρυωτός 681. 25.

κατά, τὸ καθ᾽ ἕν 724, 2.

καταβάλλειν 674. 3, 5, 7; 101. 15; τ (?).

κατάγειον 634. 5.

καταγί(γ)νεσθαι 642. 3.

καταγράφειν 684. 28; 7038. 5.

καταγραφή 636. 42; 697. 33; 704. | 20), 25.

ΠΡ 8


758. |



κατάδοσις 682. 21 (9).

᾿ κατακαλεῖν 642. 40.

| καταλογεῖον 636. 34; 638. [31 it

κατακης (?) 658. 5.

καταλαμβάνειν 675. 13.

καταλείπειν 638. [4], 61 12. [14], 22} 681. 18; 699. 16; 704.[16|; 721. 15.

κατάλεπτον 729. 6, 13.

698. 24; 700250702. ἅτε 117} ΟΣ

καταλοχισμὸς 635. 5; 648. 37, 41--2.

| καταμένειν 722. 5.

| κελεύειν 642. 15 (9), 17, 25

καταντᾶν 648. 37; 666. 7, 12, 15. καταξιοῦν 766. 4.

καταξύειν 676. 24.

καταπλεῖν 773. τό.

καταπλέκειν 673. 20.

κατασκευάζειν 67. ΤΙ.

κατασκευή 645. [18].

κατασπορά 628. 16; 680. 4; 746. 5. κατατάσσειν 642. 41, 43.

κατατιθεῖν 732. ἡ.

| καταφρονεῖν 668, 21.

καταχωρίζειν 698. 58.

κατεγγυᾶν 758. 9.

κατεπείγειν 665. 10.

κατέρχεσθαι 666. 3, 9; 704. 5 ; 775. 12. κατέχειν 642, 37; 7738. 23.

| κατοικικός 635. 6.

See Index VIII ἱππεύς.

κατοχή 634. 11; 638. 27; 698. 20; 699. [ro]; 700: 15); "704507.

κάτω 658. 7. Cf. Index V (a) τοπαρχία.

j ; κάτοικος ἱππεύς.

| καυλίον 656. ΤΙ.

κεδρία 727. 30-1 ; 733. 14. " 660: τ-

| κέλευσις 645. 19 ; 704. το. | κελλάριον 721. 16-17.


κεντηνάριον 754, 3.

kepauevs 754. 5.

See Index X(a). κεράτιον 645. 7, 17.


| κερκίδιον 740. 1 ; 742. 5.

κέρμα 688. 20; 775. 12.

| κεφάλαιον 641. 25; 644. 14; 701]. 16-10;

PLS τὸς 15 ΤῊ 2: 24. 2 4. κεφαλίδιον 656. 22. κήδεσθαι 682. 13.

| κηδεμών 663. 5. | κιβωτός 727. τι.

κιθώνιον 645. 10.


κίνδυνος 628. 20; 681]. 28; 682. τὸ ; 686. 19; 687. 265 659. τὸἊι 691 15. 7140")

κινεῖν 681. 17. |

κινητός 642. 7.

κίτριον 631. 29 ; 764. το.

κλάδος 738. 4, &c.

κλείς 641. το; 694. 27.

κληρονομία 638. 7, 13, 18, 34; 704. [6].

κληρονόμος 688. 4; 646. 1, 21; 648. 35; 701: 10; 721. 14; 754. 9.

κλῆρος 628. ὃ, το; 629. 8; 633. 12; 635. [6], 9; 686.8; 638. [9]; 685. 9,17; | 686. 8; 687. 14; 689.12; 692.8; 724. 8—11,[14]; 748.5; 751. int. Cf. Index | V (e).

κληροῦν 695. 15.

kAnpovxos 642. 31.

κλίνη 1585. 5.

κλινίδιον 645. 9 (0).

κνίδιον 752. 3; 770. 26.

κοινομετρεῖν 689. 35.

κοινός 628. 3; 629. 2 6; 644. 2; 698. 70; 728. [3]; 12. κοι 637. II, 13.

κοινωνία 642. 30.

κοινωνικός 691. 8.

κοινωνός 626. 2; 752. 2.

κοίτη 148. 3, Lo.

κοκκούμιον 658. 0.

κόλλημα Ase 2}. ii).

κολλούριον 731. 8.

κομέατος 666. 14.

κομίζειν 661.3; 680.17; 765. 25; 770. 14. κομίζεσθαι 628. [24] :- 041 τὸς: 657: τῇ: 675. 2; 676: 4,9; 6119: 4, 245 156.4; 7503 22227710. αὐ; 18 ΠΣ 04: ΤΟ: ]

κομπασία 691: 16.

κοντός 1217. 20.

korn 686. το; 781. 6.

κόπριον 694. 25; 7601. 7.

κοσκινεύειν 640, 4; 689. 31.

See Index VII.

- 6855: [2], 698: 766.

κοσμητεύσας, κοσμητής. κούκινος 742. 7. κουφίζειν 659. 122. κουράτωρ 637. 3. κοῦφον 631. τό. κουφότατος 627. ΤΙ. κρατεῖν 684. 4]; 696. [12]; 697. 18; 698. 13; 699.12; 700.9; 702.5; 404. τὸ: 705. 13. |


κράτιστος 683. [16]; 648. 2, 22; 71]. 4.

κρέας 656. 9, 16; 660. 11; 674.2; 730. 2; 758. [4]:

κρείττων 676. 15.

κριθή 628.12,17; 652 (α). ; (0).8; 684. 20; 687. 18-19; 724. 8, 9, ΠῚ [14]; 799. τπ|Ά. ἡ, 12; 745.5, ὅζο:; 210. 2 Γ΄ 769. τι.

κριτής 687. [9].ὄ

| κρόκινος 679. 5.

κτενίον 740. 3, 7.

κτῆμα 681. [7], 15; 637. 29, 30; 675. 12; 692. 8; 732. 6; 744. int.

κτῆνος 671. 12, 16; 673. 26; 756.10; 764. LA.

κτήτωρ 660. 3, 8.

κύαμος 650 (a). τ (9); 765. 25.

κυβιάριον 657. 0.

κύδαρον 650. 12(?); 651. 15.

κυλλάστις 742. τ.

κυριεύειν 628. [24]; 634. [14] ; 638. [21 ?| Ξ 689. 22; 691.14; 696. 12; 697. 18; 698: 15: 699: 135 700: τὸ; 10255; 705. 13.

κύριος (‘guardian’) 637. 7; 638. 2; 647. 3-648, 1557687. 3; 706.0, 190: 214. SRT ellis ws Ins 7 (7-3 Baye

κύριος (: valid 626. 21; 627. 2 631. 33; 633. 28 (?); 636. 3 639. 27; 640. το; 641.

643.14; 645.15]; 646.15;

695. 31; 696. eS ; 697.29; 698.

699. [22]; 700. 24; 702.

705. ΤῊΣ ΠΟΝ Τῇ; 08: τὸ. af LO:

TE ero. 15. τὸ]: 715: 16) ΠΟΥ;

717. 2; Π18. [0]; 719.15. εὑρίος 6385.

g |. κύριος (‘lord’) 664. 1, τὸ, 15; 666. 23; 670. 55 671. 1,.24-5; 683. 1575; 9, Biles 684. 1; 720. 6 (kupos) ; 754. I, 73 150: 45 (G12, ὁ: 762. 22 dO: 17.2.90: Md TS PEAT, ἢ; τῇ; 2 ed eee Oe ταν: 1G te As 7 7a Cf. Index I, VI(a). κυροῦν 633. κωλύειν 771. κώμη 626. 3, 5; 631. 5, 6; 633. το; 636. 4; 687. [19], 20; 688. 2, [7], 9; 672. 18; 686.5; 688. 7; 689. 8; 691. 6; 692. 33; 698. [4-5], [7]; 899. 2, 5; 700. 1; 708. 15-12); ΠΟ, ἢ: 70822.


7 55

22. DLs

7,9 &

719. 10; 720. 2; 724. το, 20; 746. 4. Cf. Index V (4).

κωμητικά 659. 24, &c.

κωμογραμματεία 724. ἢ.

k..us(?) 674. 7.

λαγχάνειν 637. II, 13, 24.

Adivos 741. τι.

λάκκος 776. 6.

λαμβάνειν 626. 11; 681. 16; 685. [το]; 638. 7, 33; 647. 36; 664. 12; 668. 7; 669. 10; 673. το; 677. 4, 5; 681. 10; 697.32; 760: τ 765: 6; 769. 73 7172. 3; 774.15; 775. 8, 12-13.

λαμπρός, λαμπρότατος. See Indexes II, V (a) ᾿Αλεξάνδρεια, ᾿Οξυρυγχιτῶν πόλις, and VII ἡγεμών.

λαογραφία 756. 6.

λάχανον 674. 3; 743. τ.

λαχανόσπερμον 686. 12.

λεβιτων (]. λέβητα OF λεβήτιον) 688. 22.

λέγειν 642. 13, 29, [31], 33; 654. 8; 668. 6, 9,14; 672.17; 673.8; 674. 11-12; 679. 12; 688. 22; 687.9, το; 763.9 ; ὙΠ δ. Tiley tLe

λεγιών 666. 5, 6.

λείπειν 659. 103, 124 (?).

Aecrviov (?) 740. 12.

λειτουργεῖν 627. 6.

λειτουργία 627. 10.

heos 672. 5.

λεπτολάχανα 656. ὃ.

λεπίτός ἢ) 751. 7.

λευκοπίων (?) 681. 25.

λευκός 741. 2, 4, 6, το.

λευκόχρωμος 708. το.

λῆμμα 659. το, &c.; 728. 1, 19; 791. 11, 24.

ληνός 681. 19; 672. τ4; 678. 3, 7, 12, 14-- 15; 795. 8.

λίαν 672. 7; 676. το; 679. 12.

λίθινος 684. 5.

λίθος 704. τι.

λινοκαλάμη 691. 1ο.

λινούδιον 741. 22.

λινόδφος 726. 4.

λίτρα. See Index X (a).

λίψ 684. [7], 8; 635. 7; 636.15; 638. 9, [10]; 648. 50, 56, 63, 67; 685. το, 18 ; 687.11; 696. [9]; 697.13; 698. 6, 9;




699.8; 700.4; 701. το, [13]; 734. 13. Cf. Index V (a) τοπαρχία.

λογοθετεῖν 630. 12.

λόγος 642. 53 (?); 645.18; 646. 30; 647. 38; 649.1; 650. 1, 2, 17, 19; 650 (a). τ; 653. [2], 5; 654. τ; 655. τ; 656. τ: 660: 3); 689: τὸ τὰς; 6171. 7: τὸ: 679: 11; 712: 8. 715: [ἡ 2), [is]; 8: 719. 2; 149. 5 12. Τὴ; 729.1; 780.1; 734. 6. 7; 148.15 95) 749: 1, wom. 5. “4865. Ὁ; 179. 22; bade 7:

λοιμός 666. 20.

λοιπάζειν 774. τι.

λοιπάς 645. 17.

λοιπός 681. 8, 12; 684.{12; 686. 12; 637. 23; 645.19; 648. 29, 71; 653. 12,19, 26; 201: ΠΝ 7, (teil aon τῷ; 2525. ΤῊΣ 13.45 748. 637) 771. ὃ.

Avew 721. 14.

λυπεῖν 676. το, 20; 680. 6; 683. τό.

λυσιτελεῖν 760. 6.

μάθησις G47. 12.

μακάριος 774. 18 (?).

μᾶλλον 762. 12. μάλιστα 642, 24-5.

μαλλός () 654. ὃ.

μαλλωτός 741. 15.

μάμμη 644. 12.

μαμπίον 741, 17.

μανδάκ(ιον) 748. 4.

μανθάνειν 666. 6; 671. 20; 677. 13.

panov 757. 23.

papivos 739. 2, ὃ.

μαρσίππιον 670. τι.

μάρτυς 688. 14 (or μάρτυρος) ; 644. 28.

μαστιγοῦν (-γοῖν) 643. τι.

ματρώνα στολᾶτα 05. 3.

μαφόρτιον 741. 4, 16, το (?).

μαχαιρᾶς 676. 6.

μαχαίριον 658. ὃ.

μέγας 681. 25; 655. 2, 8; 684. 12; 742. 4; 758. 7. μείζων 626. 5; 721. 18. μεγάλως 676. 4.

μέλας 631. 23.

μέλειν 666. 17; 758. 14; 759. 5.

μέλι 656. 22; 753. 4.

μέλλειν 665. 5.

μεμπτός 772. 5.

μὲν οὖν 760. 43 762. 4.


μένειν 658, 25; 639. 16; 642. 27; 668. 23; 119.12, “70: 2Ὶ eda. Mite

μέντοι 762. ὃ.

μερί ) 742. 4.

μερικός 655. 7 (?).

μερίς 735. 6, 8.

μερισμός 687. II, 24.

μέρος 681. 20; 686. 8, 12, 17; 637. 13-15, [17], 22-3; 688. 7, &c.; 648. 70; 672. 11; 673.16; 681.9; 685.10, 18; 686. 12; 605. 22; 6985. 4, ἡ; 699. 5, τ; 701. [4-6], 11-12; 702. 9; 7038. 12; 104. το, τό; 718. τι; 717. GG 124. 20, 31; 750. 12; 764 recto.

μεσονύκτιος 768. 6.

μέσος 699.5. Cf. Index V (a) rorapyia.

μεσοτριβακός 645. το.

μετ᾽ ἄλλα 637. 28, 35 (?).

μεταβάλλειν 665. 22; 757. 14.

μεταβόλος 675. 3.

μεταδιδόναι 648. 32; 666. 2; 667. 6; 679. Ir; 684. 24; 724. 33; 766. 7.

μεταδιερᾶν 681. 17.

μεταδόσιμον 648. 32.

μεταλαμβάνειν 638. 26; 635. [9]; 636. 20; 638. 23,[24]; 696. [12]; 697.19; 698. 14; 699. 13; 700. 10; 702.6; 704. 12; 705. 13.

μετάληψις 636. 35; 688. 31; 698. [25]; 700: 2}: χ0 5: τὸ; 704: [21τ|0,: 717. .

μεταλλάσσειν 644. 13; 721. 8, 17.

μεταξύ 642. 22; 695. 19. μετοξύ 680. 12.

μεταφέρειν 666. 9, το; 692. 23; 705. 12; 748. 5.

μεταφορά 631. 9; 692. 11--12.

μετεωρίζεσθαι 679. τό.

μετέωρος 758. τό.

μέτοχος 687. 33; 701. 12.

μετρεῖν 689. 52.

μέτρησις 671. ; 689. 36.

μετρητής 665. 6, 12; 786. 1, &c. (?).

μετριότης 627. 13.

See Index X (a).

μέτωπον 706. 9 (?).

μέχρι 681. 24; 636. 28; 641. 8; 645. 12; 647. 20; 673.9; 674.6; 692. 24; 715. E25 iene 3.63. 2; ΤΟ;

μηδέ 680. 14; 685. [11-12]; 642. 7, 34; 644. 9, 10, 16; 699. 16; 702. 9; 716.




μηδείς 684. 17; 685. [11], 12; 638. [12], 20; 644. 9, 17, 26; 686. 13; 687. 15; 697. 32; 699. 15-17; 702. [9], 10; 704. 15-165 716. Τὰ. τό: 7: τς: 763. 7.

μηδέτερος 667. 12.

μηκέτι 666. 5.

μῆκος 105. 6.

μήν 626. το, 15 ; 627. το ; 628. [3]; 685. 2; 639.7; 640. [1]; 644. 3; 647. 15, 27, 29, 32, 35; 648. 69, 70; 660. 4, 9, 12; 661. 9; 691. [18]; 694. 9; 695. τ); 05.55, 706. τῇ; 709: 5. 711 τὸς 721. 11 ; 728. 4. Cf. Index III.

μήν (particle) 642. 7.

μηνιαῖος 659. 121.

μήπως B80. ὃ.

μήτε 680. 10, [11]; 642. 6.

pomp 681. 1, 3, 4; 686. 2,3; 638. 1, 4; 644. 12; 645. 6, 9; 647. 6; 648. 18, 22, 58, 90; 649. 2; 666. 8, 23; 668. “τς 670.225 5)1\6176.-32, 955 (Gia ΤΙ: G78 1 1 5; 20, 23, 255) 919: 2, 39: 687. 6; 8688. 6: 689. 5; 695. ο. 20; 696. 2, 3; 699. 2; 708.7,9; 704. 6; 706: 8, 9, [το]; 13 (?); 708. 2; 709. ὁ: “πα Δ 1 ἃ. AL Os τ πὸ 116: ὍΣ: UNO 2.9 751. 2. ἢ, Ὁ; ak. 25. ΖΘ; “2.5: Θ᾽. 2 leone) ΠΟ. 1 Guzen 2.10 [1|; 778. 1,44; 714. το.

μητρόπολις. See Index Wala):

μητροπολιτικός 659. το, &c.; 746. 12.

μηχανή 674. τι; 776. το.

μιγνύναι 784. 15.

μικρός 645. 9; 658. 6, ὃ, 12; 668. το; 666. 4; 759.6; 764. 17. μικός 655. 9. θασις Μικρά. See Index V (a).

μικτός 734. 4.

μιμνήσκεσθαι BB4. 4, 7.

μισθός 626. 4, 12, 14; B31. 18, 20, 26, 37; 647. 25 3.683. 12; 731. 20; 732.53; 0; 12; 748. 9, τι.

μισθοῦν 628. 5; 629. 4; 680. [2]; 631. 5, 21; 632. 8; 686.1,8; 687.1; 688. I, 12; 689. 1, 15, 20, 29:97 7, 6911 [17]; 692. 1; 698. 1; 694. 1, 18-109, 30, 33, 41; 695. τὸ:

μίσθωσις 628. 25 (?); 680. 4; 631. 36; 673. 29; 686. 17; 689. 27, 55; 690. 22; 691. 16; 692. 26; 694. 17, 32.


μισθωτῆς 771. 14.

μνᾶ. See Index X (a), (0).

μνημονεῖον 644. 16; 649. 15, 21, [24], 29.

μολυβοῦς 648. 62.

μοναχός 643. 14 ; 649. [το], 21, [23], [28]; 718. το.

μόνος 681. 27; 632. 8; 638. 7; 664. 4; 668. 29; 672. 14; 685. [6]; 687. 7; 691 τ: 702: bu; 728: 5, &C.5 751. 2; 753. 5. μόνον 55. 15. οὐ μόνον 663. EO); 166: δ᾽; 2.29: Ui.

μονόστεγος B99. 5.

μόριον 724, το.

μοσχομάγειρος 764. 6.

μούιον 784. 7.

μυόχρωμος 707. 6.

μύριαι δραχμαί 70]. 14.

μυριάς. See Index X (8).

μωθωνηί( ἽΕΙ τ.

ναύβιον Π 82. 2. ναῦλον 652 (a). ὃ; (ὁ). ὃ; 724.32; 749. 1, 5,

7. 9.

ναύτης 652 (0). 2; 738. 6, 7, 13.

νεομηνία 647. 14 ; 692. 4.

νέος 639. [8] ; 640. 3: 689. 30; 692. 10; 771. 4. νέον (2?) 650. 4, 22; 650 (α). 2.

νικᾶν 759. 4.

νομίζειν 668. 28; 678. 3; 679. ; 681. 4; 774. 14.

νομικός 50. 5.

νόμισμα, νομισμάτιον. See Index X (ὁ).

νομογράφος 654. 3, 8, το.

νόμος 642, 26.

νομός 680. 13; 699. 2; 708. 3. V (a).

νοτινός 632. τι; 674. 10; 724. 9g.

νότος 681. 26; 634. [6], 7; 635. 7; 636. 13; 638.8, το; 648.54; 685.17; 696. 7 697. το 698: 5 GOS. 7; 700. 3; 7OV_|r0l|) 12:

νοῦς 665! 27.

νυμφικόν 740. 9.

νῦν 684. [5]; 686. 5; 688. 20, 22; 665.9; 668. 9; 669.13; 671. 10; 680. 12-13; 696. 5,[12]; 697. 7,18; 698.3; 699. fale τῷ} 708; 6; 765. 8; 7119: 13: 627. 6; 648.10; 701. 7.

νῶτον 725. 9, 17.

Cf. Index




ξένος 642. 47 ; 672. 4; 772. 3. ξέστης 660. 6, 8; 742. 3; 753. 2, 4. ξυλαμᾶν 629. το; 685. 11, 21; 686. 9; 687. 18, 23; 689. 4; 691.9; 748. 6. ξυλικόν 651. 12. ξύλινος 645. 9. ξύλον 658. 2: 5; ὅζο.: ξυλοτομία 631. 9 ; 673. 29; 692. 6. ξυστάρχης 643. 3, 22.

738. τ. ξύλα σώματα 738.

ὅ, πρὸ τοῦ 685. το. τῶν = ὧν 683. 21.

ὀβολός. See Index X (6).

ὁδεύειν 771, το.

ὁδός 638. 10.

ὀθονίδιον 679. 5.

ὀθόνιον 741. τ4.

οἴεσθαι 668. 2.

οἰκεῖος 682. 7.

οἰκία 684. 5, [9], [24]; 688.8; 641.6; 648. 23, 29, 70; 668. 29; 669. 12; 694. 12, 24; 695. 16; 696. 6-8; 697. το, 47; 8698. 5, [11], 15, 29; 699. 5,9, τὰ; 700. Σ: 701]. A OcCr : 708. 12; 294. 3, 20; 725. 9; 764 recto.

οἰκοδομεῖν 674. το.

οἰκοδόμος B74. 9.

οἰκονομεῖν 684. [15] ; 685. 4; 688. 22; 696. 14; 697. 21; 698. [17]; 699.15; 702.[1].

πρὸς ὅν (Ὁ) 667. 9.

| οἰκόπεδον 700. 11; 704. 8, τι.

οἶκος 641. 4; 678. 26; 695. 23; 755. 2; 761. 14:

οἰνάριον 672. 5 ; 673. 3.

οἰνηγία 651. 3.

οἶνος 681. 16-17. το ; 660. 6; 692. [21]; 720. 4; 728.16; 788.8; 751.3; 752. 3; 111. 4.

οἰνοχειριστής 752. 1.

οἷος 704. 8,

ὀκνεῖν 769. WS 775. 8.

ὀκταμηνιαῖος 627. 0.

ὀκτασ( σ)ός 8688. 30.

ὀλίγος 688. 17.

ὁλκή 739. 1-6.

ὁλοκληρεῖν 668. 3 ; 670. 3, 18 ; 678. 2, 27; 880. 3; 766. [17]; 770. 8.

ὁλοκληρία 667. 3; 682. 5, 7; 683. 6.

OAdKAnpos 699. 11; 700. 2; 772. 3; 773. 4; 715. 5.



ὁλοκόττινα 653. 18.

ὁλοποιός 656. 1.

ὅλος 627. 16; 682. 15; 684. 7, 26; 686. 13; 638. 10; 672. 10; 673. 12; 686. τῇ», 7200. 5: ΠΟΙ: 12: 715: τὐ 725: ΤΠ 5: 59.353: OOS cal Om Io. ὅλως 676. 31.

ὁμοίως 629. 12; 6381.[26?]|; 637. 24; 638. 22: 646.103 647. 29.231, 94: 649: 15: 655. τῇ ; 619: τῇ 100: D4). 724. 27. 2: ΜΘ τρ; 491 1 Τὴ; coat 7960. 6; 787. 2, ἄς. ; 741. 14; 744.38; 749. As Wis Π715..29:

ὁμογνήσιος 647. 4; 691. 8; 721. 3.

ὁμολογεῖν 626. I, 13, 22, 25; 627. 15, 22, 25; 628. 14; 629. 13; 680. 20; 631. 34, 38; 634. [5]; 685. [2]; 686. [5], 38, 445,687" τ᾽ 1688. 19,192,235, (Bos 639. 3; 640. 13, 22; 642. 9, 40; 643. 16; 644. 4, τι, 28; 645. 6, 15, το ; 646. 16, 32; 647. 1; 689. 41, 52; 694. 34, 44; 695. 31; 696. 4; 697. 6, 36, 45;

698. [3], 13, [27]; 699. 3, 12; 700. 8;

702. [18]; 703. 5; 704. 22, 27; 705. Ass Mom 7c eel Oval on το 109. 7. τὸς M5 20s 219. 8} 5} 20> ΧΈΕ ΕΣ: ΠΡ 9. 16, 27) “16: Ὁ: 2m: 217. ΤῸ; WLS. τὺ: 7250: 5: 795. 65072376.

ὁμολογία 627. 20; 638. [1]: 26, 30; 644. 52; 648. 77 7119: τῷ: 7216: τὸ:

ὁμομήτριος 687. [1]: 686. 5.

ὁμοπάτριος 687. [1|: 658. τ; 719. 9.

ὁμοῦ 653. 14, 25; 655. 11; 749. 9 ; 758. 5.

ὅμως 642. 17, 20, 47.

ὀνηλάτης 780. 4; 748. 1, 8, το.

ὄνομα 630. [10?]; 634. 11; 636. 22 ; 643. 7; 648. 338; 649. 9, 14, 20, 23, 25, 28; Gia. τὴ τὸ: 702, ΠΤ} τὸ; Π04 prs, ΠΝ. τὴ: 116. τι, 750. Ὁ) 05 766. πον 20: 25; 695 τὴ: 0 22.

ὀνομάζειν 642. 18, 26, 31-2, 48, 52.

ὀνομασία 642. 3, 21, 38, [51].

ὄνος 681. 15; 673. 173; 707. 5; “08. 9, 23, 150. 4; 735. ἡ; 154. [τπ| 748: 5; δ» 2150. ΝΖ; “64.: τὸ.

ὄξος 673. 12-13 ; 776. 8.

ὀξυβάφιον 657. 7.

ὁπηνίκα 686. 33 ; 688. 30; 697. [31}; 698. [24]; 700. [24]; 702.15; 704. 20.

ὁπόταν 70]. 8; 7138. το.


ὅπου 681. 15 ; 639. 20; 683. 19; 705. 12; 773. 40.

ὀπτίων 712. 3.

ὀπτός 674. 8.

ὀπώρα 780. 6.

ὅπως 662. τό ; 683.6; 764. 6,13; 768.6; 110-9), 7158: 4. > 7760: 4:

ὁραν 663. 9; 665. 24; 676. 25, 27, 313 761. 8.

ὀρθογώνιος 685. 6.

ὀρθ(οὐφικός ?) 787. 6, ἄς.

ὀρθῶς 636. 37; 697. 35; τῇ: Π04.22}

ὀρνίθιον 729. 4.

ὀρυαῖος 742. 0.

ὀρχηστής 676. 8.

ὁσδηποτοῦν 688. [16]; 698. 21; 699. [2 τ: 704. 18.

ὅσος 681. 7, 10,18; 642.6; 643. 10; 648. 535 66727 -"679- 12 >) 692.9 5 7024: 10: 105. τ 10. τὸ. 7.6: Ὁ:

ὅσπερ 680. 11; 681. 8, 12, 20; 633. 22; 634. 15 ; 686. 26; 638. 30; 643.9, 14; 673. 15; 692. 10; 696. 14; 697. 22, 30; 698.017, [245 699. τὸ τῷ; 700: 19, [24]; 7202. 15); 704. τό, 20-8705: 0, Τὰ: (LOR 219. οὐ 7214. 6ὁ. ὙΠ

ὅστις 627. 21; 638. 28; 645. 14; 717. τ.

ὁστισοῦν 628. 22; 634. 16; 638. 27; 639. 16; 645.[13]; 696.17; 697. 28; 698. [21]; 699. [21]; 704. [18]; 716. 15.

ὀστράκινος 648. 63.

ὅταν 676. 26.

ὅτι 642. 33; 664. 4; 666. 20; 668. 6, το, 14, 28; 670.16; 671. 22 5°672. 75 674. ΤΏ: Θ70. 10. 20, 25; 6177. 15; 6718: 7. 5; 679.8; 680. [10], 13-14, τῇ; 682. Ὁ; 6055. 15. 290, 22; 4209. 0; 297: ὦ; 169: Ὁ, Ὁ; 270. ἢ; 21; 7715. 5 5. 228: 20: ΜΠ. (Πὴ); “4. 5. Ὁ; εἰ:

οὐγκιά. See Index Χ (a).

οὐδέ 641. 7 ; 642.[30], 32 ; 645.11 ; 668. 14, 195 669.3, 5; 698. [25]; 104. 1521]: ΜΠ. 25; 762. θ᾽; 765, 457166. 1

οὐδείς 641. 7; 642. 20, 30; 645. 11, 18; "671. 18: 685: 13% “JIG: 724 77757: (ὃν 768. 7; 770. 10; 772. 3. οὐδὲ eis 668. 10.

οὐένδ(ιτον ?) 660. 8.

overpavés 646. 2.

698. 26; 702.


ovnAdpiov 684. 6, τι.

οὐκέτι 668. 10, 22.

οὐλή 706. 9.

οὖν 642. 37; 665. 9, τρ; 666.5, ἄς. ; 668. Π2 20; G71. 19; 672. 15; 079. 16; 675. τ: 676. 20... 678. 7; 681. 20; 688. ΠΡ} 695. 10; 200.03 702: 5: 72].

\ 16; 762. 10; 766.8; 769.8; 770.14; 7173. 13; 775.11; 777.14. μὲν οὐν 760. 0. 7:

οὔπω 668. 12; 762. ; 768. 5.

οὐσία 687. 11, 15, [23-4].

οὐσιακὴ γῆ 684. [16]; 696. 17; 697. 26; 698.19; 699. 19; 700. 14.

οὔτε 641. 6; 775. 9.

ovra(s) 686. 37 ; 642.13, 29; 660. 7; 668. £5; 669. 4; 681. 8; 730. x.

ὀφείλειν 684. το ; 688. 25; 659. 103; 689. 25 ECOL απ Τὴ; LO: Ὁ, 15 5 119: 172; 795. 4: 49:12: 771. 2, 6.

ὀφειλή 684. 16; 688. 27; 697. 27; 698. 20; 699. [19]; 700. 15; 704. 17.

ὀφείλημα 688.15; 645. τι.

ὀφφικιάλιος 646. 3.

ὀχληρός 677. 9; 760. 17.

ὀχομένιον 685. 13, 22; 689. 15.

ὀψαρίδιον 656. 17.

ὀψάριον 656. το.

ὀψέ 679. 12.

ὄψις 665. 4; 764. τι.

ὀψώνιον 652 (a). 6; (4). oy

παιδικός 645, το.

παιδίον 666. 13, 24; 668. 33; 676. 12; 679. το ; 758. 5; 760. 20; 768. 1, 13.

παῖς 647. 17, 37.

πάκτων 650. 2; 658. 2, 12.

παλαιός 681. 21; 692. 9; 728. 16; 736. 2 ὅσο: (δ) {11} 2. δὲ: “118. 20:

πάλιν 676. 20; 677.15; 680.15; 765.12; 767.13; 775.9. πάλι 676. 24.

πάλλιον 741. 9.

πανοικεί 666. 25 ; 758. 8.

πανταχῆ 689. 21; 640. 10; 641. το; 642. 35 710.15:

πανταχοῦ 648.15; 645. [1 5s ΕΠ τὸ:

παντελῶς 635. 2 |.

παντοῖος 636. 28, 32; 688. 12, [28]; 697. 28; 698. 20; 699. [20]; 700. 19, 22; 764. 15, 17.



πάντοτε 676. 18, 27; 757. 7; 759. 4.

πάντως 676. 15; 680. 14.

πάνυ 663. 3.

πάππος 721. 7.

παπύρινος 742. 6.

παραγί(γ)νεσθαι 676, τι; 756.8; 758. 14; 7: 4.

παραγραφή 681. 11; 642. 27-8; 692. 14.

παράδεισος 648. 56. Cf. Index V (ὦ.

παραδέχεσθαι 676. 28; 689. 25; 748. τι.

παραδιδόναι 681. 31; 641. 18; 643.9; 653. 2, 4, 19; 670. 10; 694. 24, 28; 695. 20; 708. 75 760) 3) 195 41027.

παράδοξος 759. το.

παραδοχή 659. 122.

παράθεσις 118. 5.

παραθήκη 118. 18; 714.6; 724. 28, 33.

παρακαλεῖν 666. 1g.

παραλαμβάνειν 634. 15; 641. 19; 671. 16; 675. το; 694. 2; 695. 20% 7106. τὸ: 7155:

παραλείπειν 687. 35.

παραμένειν 647. 42.

παραμετρεῖν 640. το.

παραμυθιακός 631, 13.

παραπέμπειν 767. το.

παραπίπτειν 716. 12.

παρασυγγραφεῖν 635. τ]: 641. 11,14; 644. 22.

παρατιθέναι 649. 6; 668. 8; 724. 31; 725. By 21

παρατρίβειν 668. 24.

παραφέρειν 642. 37.

παραφυλάσσειν 681. 17.

παραχρῆμα 686. το ; 641. 13 ; 698. 22: 699. [22]; 700. 23; 7102. [4]; 704. 19 ; 705. 16.

παραχωρεῖν 635. 4; 686. 5, 15, 31; 724. τ (?) 725. τὸ; 12.

παραχώρησις 636. 33; 726. 2.

παραχωρητικόν 636. τό ; 697. 14.

παρεῖναι 680. 18; 634. ΞΕ 637. 7; 638. [2]; 642. 6; 648. 10; 665. 4; 692. 20 (?); 760. 6.

παρεμβολή 773. 40.

παρέξ 698. 13.

παρεξουδενεῖν 757. ὃ.

παρεργίτης (= παρεργάτης ?) 791. 19.

παρεύρεσις 685. 12; 716. τό.

παρέχειν 626. 18, 20; 680. [11]; 634. 15;

Cf. Index V (c).


8685. [12]; 636. 20, 26; 638. τύ, [25], 26, 38; 647.18; 665. το; 682.6; 692. 16; 696.(15]; 697.22; 698.17; 699. 17; 700. 13; 702.[10]; 704. 16; 705. ins Π5:. 25 Oa. 25) 108. 24 foes 778: 5. 12.

παριστάναι 642. 2; 771. 7.

παρουσία 668. 25; 764. 9.

πάσκαλον (?) 657. 13.

πατήρ 688. 3, 12, [14], 23, 25; 648. 42; 68658:.2; 75. 2; 6765335 677. 24154678, 19,24; 680.13; 695. 6; 697.4, 17,41; 01 (iil) 704, 05 Wal. Οἱ; 758.62, 13); 7629..2, 055) 406. 15: 767. Τὸ: 215: 9; 77: 20:

πατητός 681. 22.

πατρικός 638. ὃ, 34; 697. 9.

πάτριος 664. 5.

πατρίς 664. 9.

πάτρων 676. 44.

παύεσθαι 674. 15.

πείθειν 688. 18 (?).

πεῖρα 681. το.

πειρᾶσθαι 666. 16; 675. 9.

πελύκιον 740. 1ο.

πέμπειν 660. [1]; 668. 18; 669. 2, το; GTO. 7, 12 5, 671: 5 τοῦ 6.9: 27; 20); 674: 2; 8678: 8; 6.0. ὁ; 719. τὸ; 756. τι, Τ0η- τὸ; “2160: 106: 205: ἢ; Τ0Ξ1Ὲ 15, 23; 766. 6.

πενταρταβιαῖος 760. ὃ.

πεντώβολον. See Index X (0).

πέρας 673. 22.

περιγραφή 642, 7.

περιεῖναι B34. [15]; 645. ο; 698. [16]; 704, 14.

περιέχειν 649. 3, &c.; 695. 19; 725. 5.

περικλείειν 666. 12.

περιμένω 162. το.

περιοδονίκης 648. 2.

περιουσία B42. 25, 54.

περιπίπτειν 639. 20.

περιστερεών 100. 2.

περιστερίδιον 759. 7.

περίστρωμα 741, 22 (?), 24, 29.

περιφέρειν B64. 7.

περσικόν 681. 23; 764. 18.

πήγανον 675. 4.

πηδάλιον 650. 11, 29 ; 650 (α). 2; 68]. 5.

πηνίον 740. 6.


πῆχυς 705. 6; 742. 9.

πίθος 648. 63.

πιπράσκειν 684. [5]; 648. 59; 672. 3, 13; 673. 18; 696. [5], 21; 697. 6, [40]; 698. [3]; 699. 4; 702. 23(?); 705. 4, 24%, ΤΟ. Ὁ; 28; Π08:.7, 25; 181.

πίσσα 727. 1, 28; 758. 3; 754. 4.

πιστεύειν 777. 4, 11, 12.

moris 627. 14; 634. 13, 27, 29; 639. 16; 644. 20.

πιττάκιον 650. τό, 33; 650 (a). 7 ; 651. 17.

πλακοῦς 655. 5.

πλαστή 681. 10; 692. 13.

πλάτη 674. 9, το.

πλάτος 705. 6.

πλατυπήγιον 652 (a). 2; (6). 2.

πλεῖν 682. 4.

πλήν 628. 21 ; 708. το.

πλήρης 684. [13]; 645. 8, 10, 17-18; 646. τὰν 670. 3); 696. τ 5 687-617, 44 = 698. 12; 699.11; 700.9; 702. 5, 14; 705. 10, 26; 708. [14]; 715. 113; 718. 0: “60. 10 105. τ΄; 213. 2

πληροῦν 627. 17; 641. 8, 9; 642. 18, 21, 27, 48,[51]; 645.6; 669. 8; 7738. 31.

πλίνθος 674. 9.

πλοῖον 650. 20; 788. 5, &c.; 752. 2; 768. We 719. 2. 1:

πλουμᾶτος 141. τό.

ποιεῖν 680. 5,15; 631. τό, 26, 29; 682. 13; 658. 15, [20], 25, 37; 639. 11; 642. [49], 53; 648. [12]; 644. 21 ; 661.6; 662. 16; 669.13; 670. 4, 6; 672. 12; 67: 9 τῇ: G76: 20; 20): 07.7.5: 615 7; 697-31; 158. 6, 9; 760.15 761. Ὁ: 764. 10; 764. 12; 766. 8; 769. 4; (10-1955. 778: 10. 3455 110; 5 19. ΤῊΣ ΠΠΠ8.5.24.. ΠΠ: A

ποικιλτής 677. 6.

ποῖος 679. 9.

πόλις. See Index V (a).

πολιτικός 642. 8 ; 659. 103, 123 ;

πολλάκις 680. το; 766. 4.

πολύς 665. [2]; 666. 8, το, 23; 668. Θ71: 5; 24; θ72, ει; C73: 0: 6176. G79. 3, 18; 22; 27; 851 2855. 754. 12(?); 764. 4; 769. 2; 770. 35; UGA. 2; 413: 25. 4115: τὸ. πὸ; Taira πλείων 659. 122; 6885. 14, 20. 642. 14, 45.

699. 20.


πλεῖστα 668. 1; 672.


MeO Θ 5; 6851 5; 107. 2; (08.25 |

ΠΟ Σ 210. 5 dha. 1.

πόρος 642. 5, [20]: [50].

πορφύρα 727. 4, 33.

πορφύριον 678. 15.

πόσος 678. 17.

ποταμίτης 671. 20; 674. 14, 17; 776. 3.

ποταμός 748. 5.

ποταπός 678. τό.

ποτέ 680. 15-16.

πότερον 672. 9.

ποτός (ποτή) 673. 12-13, 15.

mov 671. 22.

ποί ) 747. 66, 68.

πρᾶγμα 630. 7, 11 ; 634. 22 ; 645. τι.

mpaypareutns 646. 7, 20; 753. 2.

πραγματεία 645. ὃ.

πραγμάτιον 663. 6.

mpaktwp. See Index WAT

πρᾶξις 681. 32; 639.14; 640.8; 641. 15 ; 689. 36; 694. 30; 695. 30; 711. 16; 766. τι.

πρᾶσις 672.6; 696.18; 697.29, 41; 698.

23; 699.23; 700.24; 702.[14]; 705. τ: 107: 17} 4208: 1S.

πράσσειν 628. 21; 642. 5; 667. 5, 7; 762. 4: 168.83; 770. 25 εὕπρ: 770. 6.

πρεσβεία 662. τι.

πρίασθαι 648. 14, 26; 706. 5; 709. 6.

πρίγκεψ 637. 10; 722. τ.

πρίν, τὸ π. 752. 3.

πρίστης 752. 2.

πρὸ τοῦ 685. 19.

προαίρεσις 664. ; 665. 8.

προβάλλειν 791. 2 (?), 5 (9).

προγεωργεῖν 688, II. :

mpoypapew 644, 20, 21, 27; 645. [20] : 704. 6.

προδιέρχεσθαι 684. τι (?); 706. 15.

προεῖναι 673, 24.

προηγουμένως 770. 4: 774. 4.

προθεσμία 640. 21.

προκεῖσθαι 626. 25-6; 627. 24: 680. 18; |

631. 12, 18, 38; 634. [9], 12; 636. 43; 638. [3], &c.; 639. 26; 641.12; 642. 19, 49; 648. 23; 645. 13,16-19; 647. 24; 648. 51; 657. 17; 689. 39, 51; 694. 41, 43; 696. 13, 22-3; 697. 20-1, 42, 45; 698.[15]; 699. 9, 14; 700. 6, Ei; Ole το (16


| πρότερος 668. 8; 718. 6.

; 102. [2], [71]; 104. ᾿


[uz], 265 705. 27: ΟΣ 27-8; 108.

24 419. τ΄ 715: 26: 210... 27: Tae

Te hols 205 7854 Os 749. 4. Ὁ:

| προκοπή 681. 20.

προκτητικός 648. 66.

προκτήτρια 702. {τ}

προκτήτωρ 636. 24.

προλέγειν 644. 15, 19.

| πρόνοια 682. 6.

προονομάζειν 6359. 18.

προσαγορεύειν 664. 2, 12; 667. 2; 774. 5,


| προσαποτίνειν 644, 23.

προσδεῖσθαι 686. 35; 638. 31; 698. 24;

100.°25)3, ΤΟΣ τὸ: 704. [51]: 71

προσδιαγραφόμενα 6851. ὃ.

| προσεῖναι 681. 7, 25.

| προσέρχεσθαι 667. 9, 13; 769. 8.

| προσέχειν 678. το; 682. 12.

προσκαρτερεῖν 764, 4.

| προσκύνημα GIO. 45 6717: 3: 1062 550108.

2; 4,69: 4s) 710-3:

| mpocovopace 648. 68.

προσρίπτειν 678. 09.

| πρόσταξις 642. 17, [48].

προστάσσειν 635. το.

προστιθέναι 744, 5.

προσφέρειν 680. 8, 153; 633. 17.

προσφορά 631. το.

πρόσφορος 636. 30; 688. 29; 700. 21.

πρόσωπον 672. 4.

προτάσσειν 636. 24; 688. 4; 706. 20(?); UPA ab

πρότερον 633. 9; 634. 7; 636.12; 666. 4; 668.5; 679. 5; 701. 4; 724.6; 744. ro.

προτιθέναι 633. 37.

προτρέπειν 760, 18.

πρόφασις 717. τ.

πρόχρεια 680. [12], 15:

προχωρεῖν 642. 7.

| πρυτανεύσας, mputavia, πρύτανις. VIE.

πρωτοβόλος 707. 6.

πρωτοδημότης 730. 4.

πρωτοκαιρία 678. 6.

πρῶτος 768. 3. π. στέγη 701]. 8, 9. π. φίλοι 635. 5. π. χρυσός 645. 7. πρῶτον 681, Ὁ, 14.

πυλών 641. 4.

See Index


πυνθάνεσθαι 667. 3.

πυξίδιον 658. το.

πυρός 629. 11-12; 681]. 19; 639. 6, 8, 25, 32; 640. 3, 19; 650. 20; 686. 9, 14; 689. 17, 20; 325 7190. 193; 248. 058: 745. 1, &c.

πυροσπορεῖν 628. 11; 629. 9.

πωλεῖν 684. 14; 696. 13; 698. 14; 699. 135 “00:15: 705. 1 4-

πῶλος 678. 10; 784. 1 (?), 9. II.

πωμάριον 681. 25, 29; 6738. 14.

πῶς 773. 8.

paBdovxia 626. 21.

ῥαβδοῦχος 626. 9; 750. 12.

ῥίζα 674. 5.

ῥοίδιον (povdiov) 757. τῇ.

ῥύμη, ῥυμίον. See Index V (g).

ῥύσις 735. τ.

ῥωννύναι. ἔρρωσο (ἔρρωσθε) 661. 7 ; 672. 20; 756. 12; 759. το. ἐρρῶσθαί σε (ὑμᾶς) εὔχομαι 642. 9 ; 662. 22; 664. 14; 665. 20): 666:-25 6608. 39) 5/671.) 25676; 27; 679. 29; 682. 15; 683. 30; 689.

ZO Si Oda 28; WOO. 21: 2161. τῇ; 162. Τὴ; 163. 12: “4660. 165 767.0255. “98. 17; 709: τὸ; 7710: 53.: 7219. 30; ado

ΠΟ: 216. Τῷ} ei ΣΙ

σαβάνιον 729. 7.

σαγίον 778. 28.

σαΐτιον 658. 1.

σάκκος 798. 2.

σακτός (?) 760. 9.

σαλάριον 626. 19.

σαπφείριον (σαππιρινὴ 7959. 1

σάρωσις 692, II.

σεαυτοῦ 767. 10; 771. ὃ.

σελίγνιον 655. 8, 9.

σεμίδαλις 655. 4, 6, το.

σήκωμα (συκωμα)ὴ 720. 5.

σῆμα 680. τι.

σημαίνειν 648. 53.

σημασία 678. 28; 773. 40.

σημεῖον 635. [9] ; 683. 18.

σημειοῦν, σεσημείωμαι 750, 17; 751. 3: 752. 3; 758. 5.

σήμερον 763. 3; 764. 9.

σικύδιον B81. 25 (

σιππίον 733. 2.


σιτικός 628. 143; 630. isthe: 636. 8; 687. g0; 638. [7] [9]. {152 20; 700 τὸν 7ΟΔ. 8; 12,14} 719. 1O=11 3 724s τ2.

σιτολόγος 669. 9.

σίτος 653. 7; 660. 3; 668. 17; 671. 5; 674. 18; 680. 18; 684. 19; 746. 2, &e. 5.1 16..7-

σκαλισμός 692. 18.

σκαλμύς 681. 12.

σκάπτειν 732. 5.

σκαφητός 681. 10; 692. 13.

σκεῦος 638. 5; 731. τὴ.

σκοπεῖν 773. 13.

σκουτλίον 657. 3.

σκύλλειν 669. 13.

σμηκτός 735. 3.

σμυρναία (= σμύρνα ἢ) 789. 6.

σόλιον 742. 6.

σολυχις (?) 770. 14.

σός, οἱ σοί 681. 30.

σουμοβαλλον (corrupt ?) 780. 3.

σπαθίον 751. 2; 771. 4, 9.

σπείρειν 685. 19, 21; 686.9, 11; 687. 18; 689. 14.

σπέρμα 628.15; 629. [14]; 680. 5; 745. 13, 20.

σπονδή 650. 17; 732.113; 744. 3.

σπορά 628. 14.

σπόριμος 635. 6.

σπόρος 661. 6.

σπουδάζειν 765. 8; 777. 8.

σταβλάριον 676. 38.

σταθμός 645. 7.

στατήρ 765. 12.

στατιωνάριος B51. 19.

στέγειν 775. το.

στέγη 701. 8, 9.

στερεός 629. 11-12; 639. 6, 8.

στέρνον 664. 7.

στεφανικά 659. 1 (?), 130.

στέφανος 642. 14, 45.

στεφανωτικά 652 (a). 4; (6). 4.

στημίον 40. 5.

στιχάριον 684. 4, 8; 741. 2, 16, 21; 775. 14.

στολᾶτα, ματρώνα σ. 705. 3.

στοργή 766. 3.

στρατεύεσθαι 666. 5.

στρατηγήσας, στρατηγός. See Index VII.

στρατιωτάριον 657. 1, 10, 16.


στρατιώτης 650 (a). 7; 705. 1.

στρόβιλος 704. τι.

στρωμάτιον 645, 9.

στρῶσις 681. 27.

συγγραφή 644. 15, 18; 762. 9.

συγκεῖσθαι 642. 56.

συγκομίζειν 734. 13.

συγκοπή 654. 6.

συγκύρειν 648. 31 ;

συζητεῖν 673. 20.

σύκωμα. See σήκωμα.

σῦκον 6981. 24.

συλλαγχάνειν 687. [15], 17.

συλλογή 681. 9; 632. 12.

συμβάλλειν 668. 4; 669. 8.

σύμβιος 642. 30; 645. 5,16; 670. 23, 28, an Θ51 2; ae 2

συμβόλ(αιον ?) 648. 76.

συμβολικά 650 (a). 5.

συμβουλεύειν 762. τι.

συμμισθοῦν 637. 30.

συμπαρατιθέναι 649. το, &c.

σύμπας 784. 5.

συμπλήρωσις 626. 16; 680. 16; 713. 14.

σύμφορον 676. 25.

σύμφυτος 631. 31.

συμφωνεῖν 684. [9]; 636. 15; 672. 17; 696. 9; 697. 13; 698. [10]; 699. 8; (OO sh ΤῸ τὸς 705: 2;- 705: ὃ; LOT ἡ.

σύμφωνος 687. [το], 24.

συνάγειν 7O1. 18.

συναγοραστικός 669. 7

συναγωνιστής 676. 36.

συναίρεσθαι 669. 15.

συνάλλαγμα 626. 21.

συνάλλαξις 644. το.

συναλλάσσειν 626. 8.

σύνδεσις 737. 23.

συνενοῦν 697. 9; 701. 5.

συνεξέρχεσθαι 764. 6.

συνευδοκεῖν 644. 27.

συνευδόκησις 638. 31.

συνήδεσθαι 6638. 4.

συνήθης 692. 11, 22 (?).

συνιστάναι 684. [3]; 642. 15, 46; 701. 8

σύνοδος 691. 3.

συνοικοδομεῖν 648. 60.

σύνολος 645. 12.

συντάσσειν 689. το (?).

699. 7; 703. 13.



συντελεῖν 674. 6.

συντιθέναι 627. ae 631. 17; 668. 12, 15. συντίμησις 764.

συντομή 692. αν 1g. συντυγχάνειν 672. 17. σύστασις 768. 9.

συστάτης 627. 5.

συστατικόν 6384. [3], [14], 20. σφαῖρος 72'7. 15.

σφόδρα 680. 13.

σφραγίζειν 677. 7.

σφραγίς 721. 13.

σφυρίον 658. 6.

σχίζειν 675. 2 (9).

σχοινίον 635. ip

σώζεσθαι 664.

σῶμα 688. 5, Se ; 690. 9; 738. 3, &c. σωματισμύς 726. 4, 6.

σωτηρία 666. το ; 766. 9.

σῶ 127. 2. ἢ. Ὁ:

o( 151: 8

τάλαντον. See Index X (a), (ὁ). τάλαρος 673. 26. ταμεῖον 633. 29 (2); τάξις 670. 9. ταπήτιον 728. 6. ταρσικάριος 765. 2, 21, 30. ταρσικοῦφικός 705. 6.

taxa 679. 14; 760. 17.

ταχέως Θ717- Ἶ-

τάχος 665. 18; 767. 21; 770. 20. Te, ep τε 638. 14. τεκνίον 766. 14. τέκνον 637. 7; 638.

650 (a). 4.

2; 642. 5, 20, 23, 31,

38, 50; 659. 7(?); 670. 21, 26; 678. 21-2; 682.11; 714. 3; 765. aor 768. 2; 769. 13.

τέκτων 674. 13.

τελεῖν 631. 22; 632. [14], 28; 695. 21; 76: 12:

τέλεσμα. See Index XI.

τελευτᾶν 638. 3; 644. 7; 721. 14.

τέλος 694. 23; 764. 23. Cf. Index XI.

τελί ) 727. 9.

638. 14;

04); 6896: 2/7); 700. 18; 704.

τέ(ταρτον) 655.0102) 729. 2 τετράποδον 638. 5. τετρασσός 704. [20]; 1:

τετρώβολον. See Index X (δ.


τέχνη 647. 13, 24, 44.

τηρεῖν 680. 18; 757. 23.

τιθέναι 674. 8. τίθεσθαι 644. 11; 716. ττ; 71: ΣῈ

τιλμός 631. 9; 692. το.

τιμή 688. 18, 21; 684. [9], 12, 26; 689. 5, 12; 665.21; 668.16; 684.17; 694. 29; 696. 9, 22; 697.14, 43; 698. το; 699. 8; 700. 5; 701. 13; 702. [2]; 105. 8: 25; 101. 7; 108: τ} 22; 720; Ay AGO, τὸ 91 Ὑὖ. 159: 1. 2; ΤΩ.) 739. 7-9; 751. 2; 753. 2; 760. 7, II.

τιμιώτατος 663. 2; 667. 1; 673. 2; 676. 2; 158. 2/66. τ ila.

τίς GB. 4 678. 155,706. τὸ; 2617. 18.

tts 628. 27, [22]; 680. 13(?); 638. 7, 13, 30; 642. 7, 40; 644. 18, 21; 647. 40; 677.15; 678.[18]; 679.15; 680. 15- 16; 681. 5; 684. 23; 689. 24; 697. 53: οἱ. τη; 1. ὁ; “ήτο; 265: 25: 7: 1

τοιοῖτος 706. [18] ; 707. 14.

τόκος 641. 15; 648. 69; 701. 18-19; 711. ΤΠ; 118. Δ΄ ΖΓ; 2. 22. 2:

τόμος 725. 18.

τοποθεσία 637. τό, 26; 704. 9.

τόπος 680. 5; 684. [7]. [9], 24, 29; 638. [4], 8, [13], 21; 648. 50, 64; 676. 10; 687. 9, 10,17, 29; 697. 11: 15, 15; 995: 5) ΤΠ 22,024), θ95. [0]: 8698. 7, at), 15, [30]; 699. 6, 9, 14; 700. 4; 701. 7; 702. 3,7; 704.5, 7; 745.int., 4, &c. Cf. Index V (d).

τοσοῦτος 775. 6.

τουτέστι 627. 12.

τράγημα 759. 7. ;

τράπεζα, δημοσία τ. 683. 23; 642. 31; 659. 5. ἰδιωτικὴ τ. 689. 5, 30.

τραπέζιον B45. 10.

τραπεζίτης 650. 7, 25; 650 (a). 3.

τρέφειν 647. τό.

τριακάς 773. 6.

«τριβακός 645. 9, το.

τρισσός 684. 1; 696. 18; 698. 23; 700. 24.5118: [0]

τρίτος 768. 3. ἐκ τρίτου 640. 7.

τριώβολον. See Index Χ (0).

τρόπος 628. 22; 688.[1τ6] ; 689. 17; 645. [12 698: [22]; 699. τῇ; [eri 702: το: 7054: τὸ τ; 716. τὸ; 766) τι.


τροφεῖα 717. 1, 3.

τροφή 687. 12 (Τροφὴ Αἰγῶν).

τρύγη 692. 21.

τρυσινος (?) 674. 5.

τυγχάνειν 642.16, 25; 663. 12. τυλεῖον (rupiov) 645. 9.

τυμωλιτική 759. 8; 760, 14. τύρινος (Tupids?) 739. 4.

τυρίον 684 verso.

tupds 656. 15; 673. 23; 776. IT.

ὑάλιμος 740. 13.

ὑγεία 757. 21; 774. ὃ.

ὑγιαίνειν 672. 2; 677. 2; 678. 3; 680. 4; 683. 05 26. 757: 4; 58:5: 7609-995 769: 9; 770. π; 714. Ὁ:

ὑγρός 753. 3.

ὑδροφυλακία 700. 17.

υἱός 627. 8; 681. 5, 35; 686.9; 644. 7; 648. τὸ; 1666. τῇ; 674. τ. 67165 34% 679. 17; 683. 18; 684. τ; 696. 1; 697.475 703.04, 75 19}. tos ΠΟ 20: 765: LO 2070: 205: τὸ, 210: 29:

ὕλη 674. 4.

ὑπακούειν 667. ὃ, 11.

ὑπαντᾶν 680. 15.

ὑπάρχειν 629.7; 680. 5 ; 631.6; 684. [5]; 685. [5], [8]; 686. 6; 637. 12, [τ6}], 19, 25, [26]; 689. 15; 640.9; 641. £6 71642590192, 51, 545) G48.5,.23, 1274 59; 649. 16; 685.8; 686. 7; 687. 8; 688.9; 689.10; 691.6; 692.6; 694. Ir; 696. 5; 697. 7; 698. 4; 699. 4; (OORT 708. 12: 711. 7 : 7534. 2. ΤΌΣ 725. 4.

ὑπατεία. See Index II.

ὑπερβάλλειν 633. 5.

ὑπερβόλιον 633. 19, 21, 29 (?).

ὑπερηφανεῖν 676. τό.

ὑπέρθεσις 711. τι.

ὑπερπίπτειν 640. 6; 711. 13.

ὑπερτίθεσθαι 764. 8.

ὑπηρεσία 630. 7.

ὑπηρετεῖν 676. 37.

ὑπηρέτης 659. 125.

ὑπισχνεῖσθαι 633. 7, 17 ; 668. 9.

ὑπόβλητος 680. 9.

ὑπογέωργος B61. 4, 7.

ὑπογράφειν 637. [11], 16, 25-6; 642. 27; 645. 14.


ὑπογραφή 634. τ.

ὑποδέχεσθαι 648. 12.

ὑποθήκη 648. [10] ; 666. 18 ; 701. 15.

ὑποκεῖσθαι 684. 3.

ὑπολείπειν 653. 11; 7981. 25.

ὑπολήνια 785. 5.

ὑπολογεῖν 628. | 23 |.

ὑπόλογον 714. [1].

ὑπόλοιπος 645. 8; 718. 16.

ὑπολύχνιον B45. το.

ὑπόμνημα 688. [5]: 648. 75, 91-2; 649. 5, ἄχος, 220: 20.

ὑπομνηματισμός 645. 3; 654. 5,9, το.

ὑπομνηματογράφος 645, 3.

ὑπονοεῖσθαι 680. 14.

ὑποτάσσειν 684. [3].

ὑπουργία 681. 11.

ὑποχείριος 642. 5, 20, 38, 50; 706. 6.

ὑστερεῖν 678. 5.

ὕστερον 667. 9.

ὕφ(ασμα ὃ) 787. 21.

φαβατάριον 657. 6.

φαίνεσθαι 626. 4, τό, το.

φαινόλης 737. 9, 15.

φακὴ 689. 18, 29, 33.

φακιάριον 684. 6, το; 741. 18, 25, 30 (?).

φακός 628. 12, 17.

φαμιλία 712, 3.

φάναι 667. τι.

φανερός 662. 16; 764. 12.

φάρμακον 727. 7, 32.

φασήλιον 656. 8.

φάσις 677. 8.

φάτνη 734. ii.

φαῦλος 768. ὃ.

φέρειν 642. 38; 678. 15-17; 679. 14; 692. ZR) oe 151. 5: Μἷ214 ττί ἡ; 760: 15, ΤῸ" WPF

φθάνειν 666. 3.

φιλεῖν 676. 39; 757. 7, 27.

φίλος 657. 14; 663. 4; 665. 11, 21; 672. 17; 773. 37(2). πρῶτοι φίλοι 635. 5. φίλτατος 662. 7,15, 22; 680. 2; 759.1; 766. [16], 19.

proywos 739. 5.

φλοῦς 692. 17.

φόβος 642. 17; 668. το.

φοινίκινος 658. I.

φοινίκιον 656. 12.



φοῖνιξ 681. 21-2; 632. το, 16; 675. 5, 6; 744. 3, 5, 6, 8.

φύρετρον 731. 18; 773. 22.

opodoyia 653. 6.

φόρος 680. 16, 19; 682. 15, 20; 646. το, 27, 575 OOO τῷ : O6S0. 1395 22; 6956: 15; 687. 24; 688. [14]; 691. το; 719. 8 ; 7.48: 4: ὁ; 113 748: 12.

φορτίον 648. 60.

φρέαρ 678. 31; 694. 14.

ppovriatns 674, 11; 685. 2.

φυλακία 627. 12.

φύλαξ 650. 12.

φυλάσσειν 692, 22.

φυλή 627. 7; 642. 43.

φυλλολογία 631. 133 692. 20.

φύλλον 681. 10; 692. 12, 19; 748. 3, το,

φυρᾶν 692. 21.

φυτόν 764. 18.

χαίρειν 626. 7; 634. 5; 636. 4; 638. 3; 639.3; 642.1; 643.5; 645.5; 646. 8, 25; 601]. 2: 662: ἡ: 669: 2: 664: 1; 6865. 3: 666. τ: 6967. τ: 668. 2; 669. τ; 670: 2; 6171 2; 672. 2; 673: 2: G74. © 33610. τῷ Θ76. 7.25: θ)751- 678. 13 679: 2: 681. 3; 682. 2: 683: 3; 696. 4; 697. 6; 698. 2; 699. 3; 705. 5; 107. 4: 708: 6; 1Π| 15: 53 15: 4: Μ1ῚΔ δ 710: 8.5 716: [22m 719: δ; 720. 7; 751. ὁ: 750: 5: 7251 [π|΄: 5. τ 755. τ. 756 2; 2515 2) 758s 2: 7259: 2: 2601: 2: 202: 2: 2169: 2: 164. 5: 4165: 2: 4200. 2: ,)05. 2; 7691 2; 7110: 4: 211: 2 hare το 4.15: AS Ties BS UTS BS TT Lo 676. 4.

χαλάδριον 658. 3.

χαλκεῖον 648. 62.

χάλκινος 670. 11, 13.

χαλκίον 658. 13.

χαλκόκροτον 657. 1, 15.

χαλκός, χαλκοῦς. See Index X (6).

χάρις 627. 16; 664. 12; 672.6, 19. χάριν 634. 22; 668. 4; 683.18; 773. 12.

xaptapiov 765. 26.

χάρτης 654. 4,53 727. 20.

χειμερινός 631. 25.

χειμών 681. 18.

χείρ 689. 21; 641. 19; 765. 22; 7738. 30.



ἀνὰ χεῖρα 743. 2,[8]. διὰ χειρός 634. [13 |; 636. 19; 645. 8; 696. τὶ: 697. 17; 698. 12: 699. τι: 700. Ὁ: 702245; 705. τὸ; Χ08. 15: 710.15 717. [Ὁ]

χειριστικόν 650. 8, 26; 650 (α). 4.

χειρογραφία 650. 15, 32; 650 (a). 6; 651. ΤΟ.

χειρόγραφον 639. 32; 645. 7; 649. [14]; 11 [87 e715) Ὁ: 124520, 245827042)

χειροτονεῖν 642. 18.

χειροτόνημα 642. τό.

χειρωνάξια 647. 44.

χερικός 692. 5.

χέρσος 744. 8, το.

χιτών 679. 6, ὃ, 24.

χλωρύς 681. 22; 646. 12; 743. 6.

χορηγεῖν 630. ὃ.

χορηγία 642. ὃ.

χορτοθήκη 184. ii.

χορτοπάτητος 7384. 4, 15.

χόρτος 671. 13 ; 686. 10-11; 687. 24; 719. ἘΠῚ: 78}. 12: 100: "2.

χορτόσπερμον 784. τ4.

χοῦν 674. ὃ.

χοῦς 681. 15, 28; 732. 4,8; 758. το.

χοῦς (measure) 672. 4.

χρᾶν (χρῆσαι) 778. 30.

χρεία 627. 11 ; 665.10; 683.17; 712.[7 |; 769. 7; 770. 23.

χρειώδης 664. 9.

χρεωστεῖν 680. τό.

χρήζειν 767. 14; 769. 8: 774.8; 776. 7.

χρηματίζειν 684. 2, 4, [5 Ὁ]: 637. 4, 7; 642. 1, 5,12,[20|; 648.3, 4; 611. 14; 687. 55 690. 20) 691. 1... 699... 7159. 4; 714. 3 ;. 718. 15.

χρηματισμός 648. 35-6; 649. [το], &c.; 706. £4, 20?) 254. 5; Ab eA.

χρῆσθαι (χρᾶσθαι) 680. 9; 684. [15]; 638. 22,°24; 641. 3, 9; 666. 10; 675. 15; 694. 18; 695. 27; 696.[14]; 697. 21; 698. τό; 699. 15; 700. 12; 702. [7]; 704. 13; 705. 14.

χρήσιμος 767. 13.

χρῆσις 648. 51; 665.12; 711. 6.

χρηστήριον 634. [6], [9]; 637. 29; 641. 6; 648. 30; 694. 14; 699.6, 9, 14; 700. 2: (OL 1Ts 724. 4, 20: 225. ὃ.

χρηστός 663. 11; 664.15; 753.2; 759.9.

χρίειν 665. 5. xpiov 6B5. 16.


χρόνος 627. 10,17; 6380.17; 631. 31; 634. [5]; 635. [το]; 686. 6; 638. 20, 22; 640. 7; 641. 8,15,17; 642. 14, 45, 48; 644. 16; 645. 12; 647. 13, 43; 671. 24; 682. 18; 689.9; 693.6; 694. 8, 20, 24: 695. 23, 28: 696. 53 697. 7; 698. 3; 699. 4; 708. 6; 705. 4: 1711. 13; 754.(12?|; 770.355 775.095 216 EAs

χρυσός. See Index X (0).

χῶμα 674. 7; 700.17; 734. 14.

χώρα 626. 9 ; 627. 19.

χωρεῖν 631. τό.

χωρίζειν 678. 4.

χωρίον 681. 26; 682. 11; 674. 16; 785. 2: Ὁ:

χωρίς 680. 16; 687.7; 688. 2: 644. 22; 685. 12:22; 689.15, 223: 692. 55 i τι pia:

χωφορεῖν 681. 15.

ψάλιον 632, 12.

ψιλὸς τόπος 684. [7], [9], 24, 29; 638. [4], 8, [13], 21; 648. 64; 696. 8; 698. 7, [11], 15, [30]; 699. 6, 9, 14; 700. 4; 702. 2,6; 704. 5.

ψωκίτόν ἢ) 727. 8.

ψωμίον 656. 20.

ὧδε 777. τὸ.

ὠμός 768. ο (9)

ὠνεῖσθαι 648. 4; 700. 21; 708. 6; 705. 4; 706. 18.

avn 633. 7; 709. 5.

wov 674, 3.

ὥρα 755. 5; 778. 23, 32.

ὡς 626. 26; 628. 3; 629. 2; 631. 33, 38; 634. 2-[5], [15]; 635. [2]; 636. 43; 637. 4, 15, 20, 23; 638. [5] 6, [22}4, 38; 641.12; 642. 1,[5], 12,[20]; 6438. 3, 4, 8, 23; 644.2; 645. 19; 648. 7, 12; 649.3, &c.; 650.21; 653.7; 663. 9g; 664. 12; 666.5; 669. 2; 673. 22; 676: τὸ; 677. 6; 659. 32, δῖ: 690: 20; 691.13; 694. 31, 43; 695. 29, 30; 696. 13-14, 23; 697. 20, 22, 45 698. [15|,17; 699. 3, 14-15; 700.12; 702. 8; 704. 13; 705. 14, 26; 7906: 6-11, 20; 707. 28. (ἡ); 7085. 2. “08. 7. 718. 4: 715. 26; 716: 27. “18:15. “Ὁ.


5:0; 199. τ,.13; 7984. 8, 1435 743. 4, Ei ΜΒ F, 3,55 205: 20; 7687. 0; Τὸ: 608: 7; 210: 15 (ἰ); 774. 14.

ὥς 766. 7. ὡσαύτως 631. 20. ὡσεί 778. 24 (9).

ὥστε 628. 10; 629. 8; 633. [20]; 642. 24; 648. 6; 659. 122; 666. 18; 669.


ablaqueatio 21.

abstracts of contracts 81. Abundantius, consul 162. address of a letter 139. agoranomus 65, 70. Alexandria 115, 142-3, 160. AntinoGdpolite demes 159. Antipera Pela 49-50, 112. Aphrodision 80. Aphroditopolite nome 176. Artapatou 49.

athletes 72, 181.

Aurelian 32, 34.

banks, private and public 56, 59, 60.

Caesarion 10, 39. catoecic holdings 7-8. centurto princeps 48, 162. cessions of land 39, cessto bonorum 66. Christian letters 187. Chusis 49. Claudia Isidora 11, 13-14,

35: Claudius II 77, 153-4. Cleopatra VI 8-10, 39. Constans 29. Constantine I 1, 27-8, 30, 179. Constantius I 27,





686. 8;

ὠτίον 658. 13.

12; 672. 5


"6: ΘΟ Ἐπ᾿: 6859: Ek. 20: 687. τό: 715.15; 748. 6.

689. 13; 691. 9;

Ἰειρρο[.] 741. 13.


(The numbers refer to pages.)


Constantius II 28, 30, 151. Constantius Gallus 29. Coptos 123.

Cornelius Valerianus 89. crown-tax 104-6.

curator 48.

Cynopolite nome 160.

Decius 44.

delegatio 114.

demes at AntinoGpolis 159. denarii and drachmae fot. deputy-prytanis 116-17. divisions of property 45, 50.

eras of Oxyrhynchus 25, 30, 178-9. exuberantia 114-15.


gold 74, 97-8. Gratian 28. guardianship 48, 76.

Hermopolite toparchies 106. horse, greeting to a 186.

Ibion Chuseos 49. Ibion.. 1( ) τ1τ3- 12: indictions 27-8.

interest, rates of 87, 161.

Julian 29, 151.

; .|rixtov 741. 1i-12. | eee Joros 699. 6.


land-survey 174-5.

land-tenure 7-8, 10-11.

leases of garden-land 15, 25.

Leontopolis Alexandria Tlie

liturgies 3, 5.

loans of corn 61; loans with right of habitation 63.

loaves 175.

looms 159.

Macedonians 7. Magnentius 30. measures 62-3, 175. mistakes in dates 29, 30. monogram 185. mortgage 34, 156. Mursa, battle of 29, 30. Mussius Aemilianus 45.

Oasis, Small 13.

occalio 21.

optio familiae 162.

Oxyrhynchite toparchies 106, rae

Paimis το.

pampinatio 22.

Pasko 49, 167.

patria potestas 69, 79. Philippi 44.

poll-tax 180.

priest of Alexander 166.


primipilarius 48. princeps 48. Probus 25, 55:

Ptolemaic papyri 5-6. Ptolemy XV 8-10. Ptolemy XVI το.

putato 20.

recruiting 121.

recto blank 171, 177, 181. reeds in vineyards 19-20. regnal years in the fourth

century 27-9.

representation 65.

ἀγκαλισμός 20, ἀγρικός 134.

ἀγυιὰ Κλεοπάτρας Adpoditns 7. |

ἀγώγιμος 61. ἀήρ 130. αἱρέτης 99. ἀκάλως 135. ἀλλάξιμα 169. ᾿Αμεσύσια 123. ἀμνησία 125.

ἀμπελουργικὰ ἔργα τ5--τό.

ἀνάληψις 22. ἀνάλογον 113. ἀνάνθρωπος 142.

ἄνω Κυνοπολίτης 160.

᾿Απλωνάριον 135. ἀποκοπή 20--Ἰ. ἀπότακτον 117. ἄπρατα 33. ἀπωρυγισμός 21. ἀρκάδια 102. ἄρτος 175. ἀρχιφύλαξ 5. αὐστήσια 102.

ἄφιε 181.

βάδιον 104. βαρβαρίκιον 140. βασιλικά 41.

βιβλιοθήκη ἡγεμονική 99.

βῖκος 54. βλαστολογία 22. βοτανισμός 23. βοτανολογία 23.

INDICES revision of rents 174-5.

_ sale of land by the State 31. Saloninus 80.

Serapeum 5, 180.

Severus Alexander 38.

_ silver reckoned by weight 96.

solidi 97-8.

| Stattonartus 94.

Stratonicou 133.

Theodosius 28. Thoéris 5. Tholthis 49.

(ὁ) GREEK.

βωλήτιον 103.

γάρος 185. γένος 91.

| γεῦος 134. ] γύρωσις Zils

δεκανός 3.

δι ἐμοῦ ἐγράφη 5. διάστασις 22. διαστολικόν 85. διοικητής 115. διπλοκέραμον 179. διτομία 23. δόκωσις 87. δρομαδάριος 95- δῶμα 64.

ἐκδοχεύς 126. ἐκποιεῖν 70. ἔκτακτα 24. ἔκχυσις 86--7. ἐπαλείφειν 24. ἐπάρδευσις 23. ἐπιβάται 178. ἐπιβολή 97. ἐπιδημία τ. ἐπιλύμματα 183. ἐπίσταλμα 70. ἐπίτροπος 48. ἐραυνητικόν 92. ἐργαστρων 86. ἔρημα 94.

ἡλιαστήριον 23--4.

toparchies, order of 106, 177.

transport 3, 90, 93-4. tribe at Alexandria 160.

tutor 48.

Valens 28, 179.

Valentinian II 28.

vineyards, cultivation of 15.

| weaving 79, 80.

women land-owners If, 14,


Zenophilus, consul 163.

| θεός 138.

ἴδιος 161.

ἰδιωτικὴ ἄσπορος 33.

πεζα 59, 60. ἱεροποιός I1Q. ἰσοφόριον 146.

ἰδ, τρά-

καθολικὸς γραμματεύς 118.

καιμια 1Ο2. καινοχωρισμός 74. καλαμεία 10. καλάμιον 23. κάλαμος 20. καλαμουργία 22. καλλιότερος 130. καπύριον TOO. καρυωτός 24.

καταγράφειν 42.

καταγραφή 42, 44-5, 153-

κατάλεπτον 169. κατοχή 38. κινεῖν 24. κλῆρος 7, 8. κομέατος 123. κομπασία 23. κουράτωρ 48. κοῦφα 23. κράτιστος 2. κριτής 48. κυβιάριον 103. κύριος 48, 138

λέος 130.


λευκοπίων 24.

λογοθετεῖν I 4.

μαλλοί 99.

μανδάκια 178.

μάνια 181.

μείζων 3.

μερικά 100.

μεταδιερᾶν 24.

μεταδόσιμον 86.

μέτρον πρὸς ἑκατοστὰς δέκα 62-- 3, 175. μ. ἐλαικόν 175.

μοσχομάγειρος 183.

νέον gl. νομογράφος 99.

ξυλοτομία 20.

οἰνοχειριστής 179. ὁλοποιός 102. ὀρυαῖον 174.

> , ovota II.

παραγραφή 21, 70. παράδοξος 181. παραδοχή 113. παραμυθιακὴ ἐργασία 22. παραχώρησις 39, 42. παρών 48,

πάσκαλον 103. πατητός 24.

πίστις 38, πιττάκιον Q 2. πλαστή 21.

πλάτη 21, 133. πλατυπήγια 95. προσρίπτειν 138. πρωτοδημύτης 170. πυροσπορεῖν ὃ.

ῥαβδοῦχος 3. σαΐτια 104.

σάρωσις 21. σελίγνιον ΤΟΙ.

σήκωμα (cvKopa) 165.

σημασία 139. σκαλισμός 21. σκαλμός 21. σκαφητός 21. σκουτλίον 103. σουμοβαλλον 170. σπαθίον 170. σπονδή 175. σπόρος 116. στεφανικά 104-6. στεφανωτικά 04. στρατιωτάριον 103. στρατιώτης 93.

συντομή 21. συστάτης 5. συστατικόν 30. σχοινίον 41. σωματισμός 168.

ταμεῖον 93. τέταρτον ΙΟΙ. τιλμός 20. τράπεζα 59, 60. τυμωλιτική 181.

ὑπερβάλλειν 35. ὑπερβόλιον 34. ὑπόβλητος 14. ὑπογέωργος 115--Ιύ. ὑποθήκη 38. ὑπολήνια 171. ὑποχείριος 69, 70.

φορολογία 97. φροντιστής 48. φυλλολογίαι 23.

χειριστικόν 02. χρηματισμός 86. χρῖον 121.

χρυσὸς πρῶτος 74.

Ψψάλιον 31.


(An asterisk denotes proposed emendations.)

Apollonius Rhodius i. 628 Appian, Bel/. εἰν. v. 9 Aristotle, AZzrab. οι Athenaeus xiv. 641

Chron. Pasch. (Mommsen, Chron. Min.

1 239)) Cicero, Clu. 28. irae ad Aft, xiv. 8, 20. Columella iv. 1 10



2 Columella iv.

wn oo0ow




27 . 2ὃ

30 : De arbor. 5


Consularia C onstantinop. (Mommsen, Chron. Min, i. 238) -

Damascius, De princip. 33

Diodorus iii. 51 5

Diogenes Laertius vi. 30

Dion Cassius xliii. 27, xviii. 24



Ecclesiastes ii. 18 181

Ecclesiasticus x. 18 . : : 5 Sy

Xi, 2i5¢- : 125

Ltymol. Magnum, ἄκαλος. 135

ὀχετόκρανα . 5. hi

Eutropius X. 12.2 . : . 50) Ezekiel xvii. 6 . : : : see eo Geoponica ill. 5. 2 2

iby Mine - : oe B22

Gye : δ 2

9). 00 20

eH 3 23

12} 3 21

ἴλη δ 1 ς 21

νι τϑ τ. 21

PG Bie 21

25 20

25. I 21

28 5 22

28: . 23

53 3 19

Vino) 9 ς : : eee

. 9 24

Vii. 2. I 24

ΠΣ 24

6 24

18.1 25

27. Σ 23

9 24


PAGE Herondas ii. 70, 78 . 130 Hesychius, ὀρύα : 174 σκάλλειν. : . : 21 ψωκτόν. : . 169 Josephus, Ant. Jud. xv. A ty “8 AEG Mark i. 34 : : ᾿ : α΄ πῶ Moschus 2. 81. : : : 55 ΕΠ 2. 15 ; το Palladius ii, 1. : : ; ee ee ili. 16 : πο ibs GY A 4 ; : 4 ape Photius, ὀχετόκρανα . 5 : “87 Pliny, Wad. hast, xvii. τ41. : 19, 20 146. : : 22 185. 15, 22

Porphyry ap. Euseb. Chron. ed. Schéne I, 168-70. ye Ὁ} he) Schol. Ar. /rogs 1124 eee Socrates ili. 21. : : 3 . 29 Strabo P- 800 . ; : : za Suidas, ὀχετόκρανα ὁ. . 87 Theophrastus, Caus. plant. ill. 14 520 Onis.) 2 “1. eg Vf 8 < WOE Thucydides iy. 118 . 5 ute) Warre τ. δ Ὡς < Zo

Vergil, Georg. il. 354, 399 : Bae: Wisdom xiv, 26 7 : .


Bull. Corr. Hell. vi. 108 . : 181 Cagnat, /uscr. Gr. ad res Rom. pert. i. 629 . : Σ : ; AS ili-91230;.1264) : : . 48 iv. 131. : : 5 » 498 Cal ul, 5803 162 7765 162 vill. 2947 162

CALs x7 583 : : : Loe πο TEN Rell Oy : 5 - 25 Dessau 2117 162 2436 5 : sy 62

2439 . : : : i πίω Lefebvre, Azmnales, 1908, p. 241 , 9 Mélanges Hlolleaux . : 9

ΘΟ το. ; : : 9


Annales xviii. 70 126 Archiv iv. 130-42. : 81, 87 Β (1:1: 19:5 : : EAS 18. 4 . : . - 33 244. : : ᾿ : 3 20 Ales : - 09

15 502. ἪΠῸ ΤΌ ὅν 99

ΓΒ (1 |1|: 2 τὸ : ; : ΝΜ 553-4 . . - 49 eying ΠΡ ς ᾿ ; ται

il. 05 5. οι. Α 33 710 . . 21, 39

840.375. 7 é 2) 20 861.1 . : : 80


ΘΠ ΤΠ τυ S65. 15 | 870. I 888. 4 969. i. 23

iv. 1021 1047 LOA) 1084. 22 IOQI. 13 I115 1122

*I122. 4 ὃ» 7> , 38 5

ΤΠ, ΤῸ; 26. Θ.ΡῬΙΝ. 9 : τον Ἐ244. 11-2

Griech. Texte 7 Melanges Nicole 193 iF. Amb. ai. 15.

85. 18

93. 12

106 :

τ 2). oa. P. Cairo roer3, = 1762.

10070 : 5 P. Cairo Masp. 67100. 18-19 Play. £2 : . : 20 Sete gO. 14. 95: ΤῸ - 7LO4. 20 104. 23 ΘΟ. P. Brit. Mus. i. 99 131. 85 131. 88 PQtes |. 151, Giles 1531 Ae 131. 375-424 "131. 376-7 PIS 9s 307 “131. 394. E30, 400° 2 131. 437 131. 574-5 PEO. “AR. rar, 80 ll. 163. 20




wo WN N NN NHN ND N τὸ WOordadedoaw nw

Ο ὦ.

P. Brit. Mus. ii.



163. 22

163. 23—4

*163. 24-5

163. 34 800. 2 928. 3-6. 977- 13-15 1003. 7

1164 (A). : 1164 (1). 8-10 1168 5

1168. 21, #4 1168. 49 1171. 6ὃ ΤΙ 7 OR πεῖ. ἜΤΙ: Loo ΠῚ i7: 218, 237: 76. 50-4 1213-15. 1223 : 1243. 19 ΄. 1656 : 1656. 6-7 1774 : vi. ined. PY Plontaisstan3). ΠῚ ΘΙ: 18. το sqq. 20: ἡ. 36. 13 39- 39: 50. 80. 17 50. 67-8 56. 11 : 64. ΤΡ, Ce 1 AY 0B dot 265 1 ΘΠ 335: © 9590: ΤΙ 335: 18 309 : 369. 2-5 369. 5 : “369. 6 369. 12 369. 20

1S) |



Ιν WO OO KN “ἢ οὐ CD


ao} la} lag,


. Freiburg 8

. Gen. 53. 7-8 66. 8-9 ( ἘΞΞΙ ᾿(Ο ΒΞ ΙΕΥ 3 Teel:

51. 6

= > oT 13

*100. 15-18

. Goodsp. 30. . Gradenwitz τὸ . Grenf. ii. 39

74. 95- ΠΕῚ

5116 τῇ. 5. ἘΣ ΕΠΉΤΩ. nk 7. ΤΠ

9.9: 3 . Hibeh 84 (α)

IV. 5

͵ 2 12


2 v0


W. Chr. 381)

56. 6-12.

HLOMECtOn. 121. 50

. land. 30 . Leipzig 15. 25

38. ii. 4 .


FIL. 4-5

123. 14-19 Oxy. 1. 9 verso


43 Verso. ἵν. 14-23


“Ὁ | Ea@xy. i. 280: 8

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288-9 ZOO *290. 6 394-5 308 . 312-13 319 Baas 323 366 *370


iii. 504

*504. 8-10 504. 15-16 504. 17-20 505. : 506. 9

506. 24

513 : 513-7, 25 515. 28 513. 45, 57

Iv. 707. 26, 32

715. 35 125. 725.13. ΠΣ ΤΊ 129. 3-5 - 120. 5-7 - 729. 23-7 729.24 . “720. 25 « 729. 29 729. 30 SOS Θπ ς

vi. 898. 26-7

go2. I gos. 8 919. 910. 1 985.

Vil, 1040. 10

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. Oxy. xii *1578. 11--1]

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. Par. 60 bis. 15

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. Petrie iii. *4 (1). 9 . Reinach 7. 9

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= ONO. 317. 7-10 320 : 320. 5-7 - 320. 10 320. II-12

J. 450 verso. 48, 69

“469 549 .

vi. ined. P. Strassb. 1

7 P. Stud. Pal.

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61 (ὁ). 408


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HE EGYPT EXPLORATION SOCIETY, as recently reconstituted and renamed, proposes to continue with but slight modifications the work of the Egypt Exploration Fund, which was founded in 1882 to conduct archaeological researches in Egypt. In 1897 a special department, called the Graeco-Roman Branch, was tnitiated for the discovery and publication of remains of classical antiquity and early Christianity in Egypt. The volumes published by the Graeco-Roman Branch are to be continued under the name of Graeco-Roman Memoirs. It zs intended that they shall appear annually, as heretofore, under the editorship of PROFS. GRENFELL and Hunt. Lach will consist of 250 quarto pages or more, with facsimile plates of the more important papyrt.

All persons interested in the promotion of the Soctety’s objects are eligible for election as Members. An entrance fee of £1 18. ἐς payable on election, and an annual subscription of L2 2s. 7s due annually on January τ. Members have the right of attendance and voting αἱ all meetings, and may introduce friends to the Lectures and Exhibitions of the Society, and have access to the Library now in course of formation at the Society's Rooms.

The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology or, if preferred, a Graeco-Roman Memoir is presented gratis to all Members, and other publications may be purchased by them at a substan- tial discount, Full particulars may be obtained from the Secretary, 13 Tavistock Square, London, W.C.1, or from the Secretary of the American Branch, 503 Tremont Temple, Boston, Mass., U.S.A.



By Epovarp Navitie. Thirteen Plates and Plans. (Fourth and Revised Edition, 1888.) 265s.

II. TANIS, Part I. By W. M. Frinpers Petriz. Eighteen Plates and two Plans. (Second Edition, 1889.) 255.

III. NAUKRATIS, Part I. By W. M. Frinpers Perriz. With Chapters by Cxcit SMITH, ERNEST A. GARDNER, and BARCLAY V. HEAD. Forty-four Plates and Plans. (Second Edition, 1888.) 255.

IV. GOSHEN AND THE SHRINE OF SAFT-EL-HENNEH. By Enovarp NAVILLE. Eleven Plates and Plans. (Second Edition, 1888.) 255.

V. TANIS, Part II; including TELL DEFENNEH (The Biblical Tahpanhes ’) and TELL NEBESHEH. By W. M. FLINDERS PETRIE, F. Li. GRIFFITH, and A. 5. Murray. Fifty-one Plates and Plans. 1888, (Oud of print.)

VI. NAUKRATIS, Part I. By Ernest A. Garpner and F. Lr. Grirritn. Twenty- four Plates and Plans. 1888. (Owt of print.)

Vil. “(EHE CITY OF ONIAS AND THE MOUND OF THE JEW. The Antiquities of Tell-el-Yahtidiyeh, By EpouARD NAVILLE and F. Li. GRIFFITH. Twenty- six Plates and Plans. 1890. 25s.






. BUBASTIS. By Epouarp Navitie. Fifty-four Plates. (Second Edition,

1801.) 2655.



NAVILLE. Thirty-nine Plates. 1892. 255.

. AHNAS EL MEDINEH. By Epovarp Navittr. Eighteen Plates. And

THE TOMB OF PAHERI AT EL KAB. By J. J. Tyzor and ἘΣ Li. GRIFFITH. Ten Plates. 1894. 255.

. DEIR EL BAHARI, Introductory. By Epovarp Navirtie. Fifteen Plates

and Plans. 1894. 2585.

. DEIR EL BAHARI, Part I. By Epouarp Navitte. Plates I-XXIV (three

coloured) with Description. Royal folio. 1895. 3os.

. DEIR EL BAHARI, Part II. By Epovarp Navitte. Plates XXV-—LV (two

coloured) with Description. Royal folio. 1897. 30s.

7. DESHASHEH. By W. M. Fiinpers Petrie. Photogravure and other Plates.

1898. 255.

DEIR EL BAHARI, Part II. By Epovarp Navitte. Plates LVI-LXXXVI (two coloured) with Description. Royal folio. 1898. 30s.

DENDEREH. By W. M. Fiinpers Petrie. Thirty-eight Plates. 1900.

25s. (Extra Plates of Inscriptions. Forty Plates. 105.)

ROYAL TOMBS OF THE FIRST DYNASTY. By W. M. Fiinpers PETRIE. Sixty-eight Plates. Ig00. 255.

DEIR EL BAHARI, Part IV. By Epovarp Naviriz. Plates LXXXVII- CXVIII (two coloured) with Description. Royal folio. 1001. 305.

DIOSPOLIS PARVA. By W. M. Fiinpers Perris. Forty-nine Plates. Igol. (Out of print.)


By ΝΥ. M. FLINDERS PETRIE. Sixty-three Plates. 1901. 255. (Thirty-five extra Plates, τος.)

ABYDOS, Part I. By W. M. F. Perriz. Ejighty-one Plates. 1902. 2655. EL AMRAH AND ABYDOS. By Ὁ. Ranpatt-Maclver, A. C. Macs, and

F. Lu. GRIFFITH. Sixty Plates. 1902. 255.

ABYDOS, Part II. By W. M. F. Perris. Sixty-four Plates. 1903. 25s. ABYDOS, Part Ul By Ci Te Currerry, Es Ro eAYRTON, sand) Acer amie

WEIGALL, &c. Sixty-one Plates. 1904. 255.

EHNASYA. By W. M. Frinpers Petri. Forty-three Plates. 1905. 255. (ROMAN EHNASYA. Thirty-two extra Plates. 10s.)

DEIR EL BAHARI, Part V. By Epovarp NavittE. Plates CXIX-CL with Description. Royal folio. 1906. 30s.


By EpouarD NAVILLE and H. R. Hate. Thirty-one Plates. 1907. (Out of print.)

DEIR EL BAHARI, Part VI. By Epovarp Navittr. Plates CLI-CLXXIV

(one coloured) with Description. Royal folio, 1908. 30s.


By EpDoUARD NAVILLE. ‘Twenty-four Plates. 1910. 255.



By EpoOUARD NAVILLE, H. R. HALL, and C. T. CURRELLY. Thirty-six Plates. 1913. 255.

CEMETERIES OF ABYDOS, Part I. By Epovarp Navitte, T. E. Pret, and H.R. HALL. 1914. 255.

CEMETERIES OF ABYDOS, Part lin By ΤῊ Perr. word. 25s

CEMETERIES ‘OF (ABYDOS; (Part Tl. ΡΥ “la ἘΠ Peen-and Was. OAT Ee LOLs) 25:-

INSCRIPTIONS FROM SINAI, Part I. By A. H. Garpiner and T. E. Pest. Eighty-six Flates and Plans. Royal folio. 1917. 365s.

ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY. Edited by F. Li. GRIFFITH. I, BENI HASAN, Part I. By Percy E. Newserry. With Plans by G. W. FRASER. Forty-nine Plates (four coloured). 1893. (Ομέ of print.) II, BENI HASAN, Part II. By Percy E. Newserry. With Appendix, Plans, and

Measurements by G. W. FRASER. Thirty-seven Plates (two coloured). 1894. 255.

Il. EL BERSHEH, Part I. By Percy E. Newserry. Thirty-four Plates (two coloured). 1894. 255.

IV. EL BERSHEH, Part II. By F. Lx. Grirritn and Percy E. Newserry. With Appendix by G. W. FRASER. Twenty-three Plates (two coloured). 1895. 255.

V. BENI HASAN, Part II. By F. Lx. Grirritx. (Hieroglyphs, and manufacture, &c., of Flint Knives.) Ten coloured Plates. 1896. 255.

ΠΕ ΘΙ ΒΗΘ FROM THE COLLECTIONS. OF THE EGYP® EXPLORATION FUND. By F. Li. GrirritH. Nine coloured Plates. 1898. 255.

VII. BENI HASAN, Part IV. By F. Li. Grirrirn. (Illustrating beasts and birds,

arts, crafts, &c.) Twenty-seven Plates (twenty-one coloured). 1900. 255.

ΜΠ MASEABA OF PTAHHETEP AND AKHETDHEDEP Ar SAQQAREH, Part I. By NorMAN DE G. Davies and F. Lu. GrirFirH. Thirty-one Plates (three coloured). 1900. 255.

Xe EEE ee WASTABA OF PTAHHETEP AND AKHETRETEPR. Part: i: By N. DE G. Davis and F. Lt. GRIFFITH. Thirty-five Plates. IgoI. 255.

X. THE ROCK TOMBS OF SHEIKH SAID. By N. pe G. Daviss. Thirty-

five Plates. το. 255.


DAVIES. Twenty-seven Plates (two coloured). 1902. 255.

XII. DEIR EL GEBRAWI, Part II. By N. pe G. Davirs. Thirty Plates (two

coloured). 1902. 255.


Forty-one Plates. 1903. 25s. XIV. EL AMARNA, Part II. By N. pe G. Davies. Forty-seven Plates. 1905. 255. XV. EL AMARNA, Part III. By N. pz 6. Daviss. Forty Plates. 1905. 255. XVI. EL AMARNA, Part IV. By N. pe 6. Davirs. Forty-five Plates. 1906. 255. XVII. EL AMARNA, Part V. By N. pe G. Davirs. Forty-four Plates. 1908. 255. XVIII. EL AMARNA, Part VI. By N. pe G. Davies. Forty-four Plates. 1908. 255.

XIX. THE ISLAND OF MEROE. By J. W. Crowroor, and MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS, Part I. By F. Lt. GRIFFITH. Thirty-five Plates. 1011. 255.

XX. MEROITIC INSCRIPTIONS, Part II. By F. Ly. Grirriru. Forty-eight

Plates. 1012. 255. XXI. FIVE THEBAN TOMBS. By N.peG. Davies. Forty-three Plates. 1913. 25s. XXII. THE ROCK TOMBS OF MEIR, Part I. By A. M. Bracxman. Thirty- three Plates. 1914. 255. XXIII. MEIR, Part II. By A. M. Bracxman. Thirty-five Plates. 1915. 259. XXIV. MEIR, Part III. By A. M. Bracxman. Thirty-nine Plates. 1915. 255.


I. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part I. By B. P. Grenrett and A. 5. Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. 1898. (Οπέ of print.) II. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part II. By B. P. Grenrett and A. 5. Hunr. Eight Collotype Plates. 1899. 255. Ill. FAYUM TOWNS AND THEIR PAPYRI. By B. P. Grenrett, A. S. Hunt, and D. G. HoGARTH. Eighteen Plates. Igo00. 255. IV. THE TEBTUNIS PAPYRI. By Β. Ρ. Grenrett, A. S. Hunt, and J. G. Smyty. Nine Collotype Plates. 1902. (ot for sale.) V. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part III. By B. P. Grenrett and A. 5. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 1903. 255.

VI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part αν. By B. P. Grenrett and A. 5: Hunt. Eight Collotype Plates. 1904. 285.

Vil. THE HIBEH PAPYRI, Part J. By B.-P. Grenrect and A. 5. ΠΌΝΟ en Collotype Plates. 1906. 455.

VIII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part V. By B. P. Grenrect and A. S. Hunt. Seven Collotype Plates. 1908. 25s.

IX. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VI. By B. P. Grenrect and A.S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 1908. 255.

X.° THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VII. By A.S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 1910. 255.

XI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part VIII. By A. S. Hunt. Seven Collo- type Plates. 1011. 255.

XII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part IX. By A. 8. Hunt. Six Collotype

Plates ΤΟΙ2- 255:

XIII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part X. By B. P. Grenrett and A. 5: Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 1914. 255.

XIV. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part XI. By B. P. Grenretrand A. S. Hunt. Seven Collotype Plates. 1915. 255.

XV. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part XII. By B. P. Grenretz and A. S. Hunt. Two Collotype Plates. 1916. 255.

XVI. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part XIII. By B. P. Grenrext and A.'S. Hunt. Six Collotype Plates. 1919. 255.

XVII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part XIV. By B. P. Grenrect and A. S. Hunt. Three Collotype Plates. 1920. 425.

XVIII. THE OXYRHYNCHUS PAPYRI, Part XV. By B. P. Grenrext, A. S. Hunt, and H. 1: BELL. (lz preparation.)


(Yearly Summaries by F. G. Kenyon, W. E. Crum, and the Officers of the Society, with Maps.) Edited by F. Lt. GRIFFITH. 1892-1912 25. 6d. each. General Index, 4s. net.

A JOURNAL OF EGYPTIAN ARCHAEOLOGY (issued Quarterly) commenced

January, 1914. Vols. i-v 6s. a part; Vol. vi (2 progress) 125. 6d. a part.

SPECIAL PUBLICATIONS. ΛΟΓΊΑ ἸΗΣΟΥ͂ : ‘Sayings of Our Lord,’ from an Early Greek Papyrus. By B. P. GREnFELt and A. 5. Hunt. 1897. (Out of print.) NEW SAYINGS OF JESUS AND FRAGMENT OF A LOST GOSPEL, with the tex of the Logia’ discovered in 1897. By B. P. GRENFELL and A. 8. Hunt. 1904. 15. net.


HUNT. 1908. Is. net. COPTIC OSTRACA. By W.E. Crum. 1902. tos. 6d. net. THE THEBAN TOMB SERIES, Vol. I. THE TOMB OF AMENEMHET (No. 82).

By NINA DE ἃ. DaAvIEs and A. H. GARDINER. Ι915. 305.

Offices of the Egypt Exploration Society:





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