Presented to The Library ~ of the University of Toronto by DR. MCMURRICH. 4 nes. | i PUBLICATIONS OF Cornell University ees CAL COLLAGE = 9607 8 wee) FROM THE Department of Anatony > pee OF 3/2 19 Oe MM ET 1910 mee FORK ClTY Digitized by the. Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from _ University of Toronto ig CONTENTS Being reprints of studies issued in 1910. Sie IN PCUENCE OF ALCOHOL AND OPTHER ANAESTHET- ICS ON EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT By Charles R. Stockard. Am, Jour. of Anat., Vol X, 369-392 and 20 text-figures. ’ ) THE INDEPENDENT ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE GERYSETALLINE LENS By Charles R. Stockard. Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. X, 393-423, 28 text-figures and 2 plates. PaaS Or TISSUE “GROWTH. Ll THE RATE OF RE- GENERATIVE GROWTH IN DIFFERENT SALT SOLU- TIONS By Charles R. Stockard. Arch. t. Entw.-Mech., Vol. XXIX, 15-24, and 4 text-figures. Souths OF TISSUE GROWTH. IV. THE INFLUENCE OF REGENERATING TISSUE ON THE ANIMAL BODY By Charles R. Stockard. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech., Vol. XXIX, 24-32. ihe EXPERIMENTAL PRODUCTION OF VARIOUS EYE ABNORMALITIES AND AN-*ANALYSIS OF THE DE- VELOPMENT OF THE PRIMARY PARTS OF THE EYE By Charles R. Stockard. Arch. f. vergleichende Ophthalmologie, Bd. I, 473-480, and 2 text-figures. ) THe ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND OF ELASMO- BRANCHS, WITH REMARKS UPON THE HYPOBRAN- CHIAL CIRCULATION IN THESE FISHES By J. S. Ferguson. Amer. Jour. of Anat., Vol. XI, 151-210, and 20 text-figures. ft PHYROID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS By J. F. Gudernatsch. Jour. of Morphology, Vol. XXI, No. 4 Suppl., 709-783, 21 text-figures and 5 plates. ON THE EFFECT OF EXTERNAL CONDITIONS ON THE REPRODUCTION OF DAPHNIA By J. F. McClendon Amer. Naturalist, Vol. XLIV, 404-411. StHeE DEVELOPMENT OF ISOLATED BLASTOMERES OF THE FROG’S EGG By J. F. McClendon. Amer. Jour. of Anat., Vol. X, 425-430 and 2 text-figures. 10) ON THE EPFECT OF CENTRIFUGAL FORCE ON THE FROG’S EGG By J. F. McClendon. Arch. f. Zellforschung, Bd. V., 385-393, and 9 text-figures. 11. FURTHER STUDIES ON THE GAMETOGENESIS OF PAN- DARUS SINUATUS, SAY By J. F. McClendon. Arch. f. Zellforschung, Bd. V, 229-234, 1 text-figure and Pl. XVII. 12° ON THE DYNAMICS OFVCEEL DIVISION] Thea niece TRIC CHARGE ON COLLOIDS IN LIVING CELESa “THE ROOT TIPS3@ERSELANTS By J. F. McClendon. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech., XXXI, 80-90, 2 text-figures and Pl. III. : 13. ON THE DYNAMICS OF CELL DIVISION. 11 CHANGES PERMEABILITY OF DEVELOPING EGGS TO ELEC TROLYTES By J. F. McClendon. Amer. Jour. of Physiology, Vol. XXVII, 240-275. 14. ON ADAPTATIONS IN STRUCTURE AND HABITS OF SOME MARINE ANIMALS OF TORTUGAS, FLORIDA By J. F. McClendon. ~ Publication of the Carnegie Institution No. 132, 55-62, 1 text-figure and 2 plates. THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL AND OTHER ANAS- THETICS ON EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT CHARLES R. STOCKARD Anatomical Laboratory, Cornell University Medical School, New York City, WITH TWENTY TEXT FIGURES The adult nervous system is peculiarly sensitive in its responses to the influence of alcohol and other anesthetics. The writer has found it to be equally true that alcohol and anesthetics exert a most striking influence over the development of the central ner- vous system and the organs of special sense. There is consider- able variation in the way in which the several anesthetics act on the developing animal; some of them, such as ether and chlore- tone, producing effects of a general nature, while alcohol and mag- nesium are more localized or specific in their action. A similar statement is true for the actions of different anesthetics on the adult body. . In attempting to explain the occurrence of asymmetrically monophthalmic, cyclopean and blind individuals among fish that had been developed in solutions containing magnesium, the writer advanced the hypothesis that the anesthetic property of Mg was the causal factor. Many reasons for such a view were put forward in a paper on the artificial production of these monsters (1909). To experimentally test this hypothesis various other anesthetic agents have been used and all of them to a higher or lower degree inhibit the development of the optic vesicles in fish embryos, and thus give rise to various ophthalmic defects. Alco- hol is most decided in its action, causing in some experiments as high as 90 to 98 per cent of abnormal eyes, generally cyclopean, which far surpasses the highest results obtained with Mg. The effect of alcohol on the general development of the nervous system is more pronounced than that of Mg, and only a few of the THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10 No. 3. 370 Charles R. Stockard. alcoholic specimens ever develop sufficiently to hatch and swim about as de the Mg embryos. An explanation for this may be that Mg exerts an influence to inhibit dynamic processes, such as the out-pushing of the optic vesicles, while alcohol acts more especially on the nervous tissues. Mayer (1908) has shown that Mg inhibits muscular contractility without affecting in any way the nervous impulse or nervous rhythm. The eye defects, it must be remembered, have only been ob- tained in solutions of one or another anesthetic; the many other salt and sugar solutions which have been experimented with dur- ing four years (06 and ’07) have failed entirely to produce similar results. The most important outcome of these experiments has been to prove conclusively that many monsters which occur in nature may be artificially produced by changing the environment of the normally developing eggs. The present experiments will demon- strate that this may be done even after development has pro- ceeded for some time. These anomalous structures being the results of external influences and not germinal variations are to some extent within scientific control. A promising field is thus opened in the devising of means to control or regulate the devel- opment of the embryo and possibly to obviate certain monstrous conditions at least. Such possibilities were of course beyond our reach if defective germ cells were actually the cause of these mon- sters. Mall (’08) has brought forward evidence to show that im- proper placentation or unfavorable developmental environment is responsible for most human monstrosities, many of which are aborted before reaching term. There is evidently much need of investigation aiming toward the control and regulation of the . developmental environment of mammals. METHOD AND MATERIAL The eggs of the fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, were used in all of the experiments. The method of treatment varies somewhat for the different solutions employed, so that it is best to describe each separately. Effect of Aleohol and Anzesthetics. ayal Alcohol solutions were prepared in sea-water on the percentage basis. The strength used being 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 20 per cent, 60 cc. of each solution was poured into finger bowls and from 60 to 100 eggs, in the early cleavage stages, four and eight cells, were placed in each bowl. The stronger solu- tions killed all of the eggs, and those from 3 to 9 per cent gave the best results. In the 3 per cent alcohol solutions at times as many as 90 in every 100 embryos showed abnormal conditions of the eyes, being either eyeless, asymetrically monophthalmic or cyclo- pean, while in one experiment in a 5 per cent solution of alcohol in sea-water, there were 146 ophthalmic monsters against only 3 individuals with two separate eyes. Chloretone of 0.1 per cent and 0.066 per cent in sea-water caused abnormalities similar to those produced by other anes- thetics. This substance is more general in its anesthetic action than either alcohol or Mg, as will be seen in the discussion to fol- low. Ether and chloroform also produce rather general effects on the developing embryo, yet a small percentage of cyclopean monsters occur among the embryos which are treated with 60 cc. of sea- water to which 2,2.5, and 3 cc. of ether has been added. In solu- tions of chloroform of about the same proportions and slightly weaker, a few monsters occurred of the type common to the other anesthetics. Chloroform is rather toxic in its action on these eges, large numbers dying in the weaker solutions, while others are so inhibited in their development, that various abnormal con- ditions follow. Eggs were not exposed to any of the above anesthetics for more than twenty-four or thirty-six hours. They were then placed in pure sea-water and continued development showing the abnormal conditions of the eyes and central nervous system that had been induced by their sojourn in the unusual environ- ment. Similar Mg solutions to those formerly employed were again used. A gram-molecular solution of MgCl, in distilled water was titrated and kept, to be diluted with sea-water to the proper strength just before the eggs were placed in it. The most ate Charles R. Stockard. favorable results were obtained in solutions of 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 ec: of molecular MgCl, made up to 60 ec. by the addition of a sufficient amount of pure sea-water; e.g., 44 cc. of sea-water was added to the 16 cc. of molecular MgCl, and 43 cc. of sea-water to the 17 cc. of MgCl. The solutions are, therefore, 16) 17 18 ete., parts MgCl. to sea-water. In the ¢» solution 66 per cent of the embryos were cyclopean in one of the experiments. Eggs were exposed to the action of Mg shortly after fertilization and at various other times until they reached an early periblast stage, or were fourteen hours old, all with similar results. Although the ~ most favorable time for introducing the eggs into Mg solutions is during the eight-celled stage. The developing embryos were returned to pure sea-water after the third day. The Mg is so slightly toxic that eggs may be kept in it and will continue to develop; the embryos actually hatch and swim about in the solu- tion, being, however, slightly slower in their developmental rate and not so hardy as the specimens which are returned to the sea- water. Tue Action oF ALCOHOL ON DEVELOPMENT Weak solutions of alcohol exert a most decided effect on the developing fish embryos, causing deformities of the central nervous system, the eyes, and ears in a very large percentage of the speci- mens. a. Defects of the eyes Typical cases of cyclopia showing in the different specimens all gradations, from merely closely approximated eyes, hour-glass eyes with two pupils and two lenses, oval eyes having the two component intimately associated, typical median cyclopean eyes with scarcely an indication of their double nature and extremely small ill-formed cyclopean eyes, were present in the weak alcohol solutions. All of these have been fully described in a former paper (09) on the artificial production of cyclopea as a result of the action of Mg. The alcohol monsters in some cases also present various degrees of the monophalmicum asymmetricum Effect of Aleohol and Anesthetics on Development. 373 defect which was common in the Mg experiments. Individuals may have one normal eye and the other eye in different conditions of arrested development from slightly small and defective to entirely absent, see figs. 1 and 2. An important point that was brought out by the alcohol monsters which was not noticed in the magnesium specimens is the fact that some of the embryos have both eyes equally small and defective, figs. 3, 8, 9, 10, and 11. The two eyes are symmetrically defective and the head appears to have small eye-spots instead of normal eyes; compare figs. 3, and 7, 9, 10 and 11 and 12. Finally, as in Mg solutions so also in the alcohol, many eyeless individuals are present . The eye in some of the alcohol monsters is rather different from that found in the Mg embryos, and may possibly serve to indicate something of the condition of the eye anlagen in the brain. Many embryos possess optic cups with their concave surfaces facing almost directly toward the median sagittal plane of the head. In life the eye presents a heavily pigmented solid convex surface to the side of the head instead of the usual open pupil through which the lens may be seen within the cavity of the optic cup. Fig. 5 and 6 show front and lateral views of such an embryo; the side view indicates the peculiarly solid convex object seen when looking towards the lateral eye. Fig. 13 represents a section through thiseye. The choroid coat of the eye-ball is pressed close against the body wall on the sides of the head and the concave retinal surfaces which should face outward are turned directly towards one another; a lens lies between the two eye components which are really separate except along their dorsal borders. Fig. 4 shows a somewhat similar specimen in which the eyes are entirely sepa- rate yet they have an arrangement almost identical to that just described. The eyes face the mid-plane of the head and turn their convex choroid coats out against the body wall. The only place at which the inner face of the eyes touches the ecto- derm is the ventral body wall and from this a lens has arisen and lies between the two eyes. Fig. 14 illustrates a section through these eyes, in which a most peculiar arrangement exists. Optic fibers probably arising from the ganglionic layer of the retina, (although this can not be positively demonstrated in the sections), 374 Charles R. Stockard. Camera DRAWINGS OF Livine FunpuLUS EMBRYOS Fic. 1. An embryo twenty days old which was treated with5 per cent alcohol. Only one eye is formed and it faces in a ventro-median direction, instead of to- wards the lateral wall of the head. Fic. 2. An asymmetricum nonophthalmicum monster with one almost typical eye while the other eye is small and poorly formed, from a 4 per cent solution of alcohol in sea-water. Fra. 3. An embryo with both eyes small and closely approximated; the eyes face ventrally. This type is common in all of the anesthetic solutions. Fie. 4. A nineteen day embryo from 5 per cent alcohol. The two eyes are not connected yet their convex surfaces are turned out against the lateral walls of the head and the pupils face the median plane. A single lens hes between the two eyes. Fig. 14 shows a section of these eyes. Fieg.5. Anineteen day embryo from 5 per cent alcohol. This front view shows the two eyes joined dorsally and facing one another with the lens between them. - Fig. 6. shows a lateral view of the same head with the convex choroid surface of the eye-ball close against the side of the head. Fig. 18 illustrates a section through these eyes. Fig.7. A normal Fundulus embryo when eight days old drawn to the same scale as the monsters. Fic. 8. A twenty day embryo from 5 per cent alcohol; the eyes are small and defective as shown in the section fig. 10. Ke) Effect of Aleohol and Anesthetics. 376 Charles R. Stockard. are collected into optic nerves which pursue extraordinary courses; instead of passing through the outer retinal layers and the choroid coat they take an almost directly opposite course and run across what should be the optic cup cavity (the humor cavity in these specimens is filled with loose cellular tissue) and out through the wide-open ‘‘pupil,”’ forming a perfect cross and then passing into the base of the brain to end in the optic lobes. The position of the lens must not be supposed to determine the actual pupil region of these eyes, as the lens clearly lies between them; see fig. 4 of the living embryo. The wide open pupils of the two eyes face or lead directly into one another. The position might be taken that the entire arrangement represents. one large eye; this is not true however since the eyes are entirely separate in all of the sections and the optic cross could scarcely be expected to exist within the base of the eye itself as would be the case if this were one huge eye. The eyes really hang down from the brain as two large retinal disks. Fie. 11 represents a similar case with the eyes rather more flattened out laterally, and the existence of all gradations between the two conditions substan- tiates the above statement. The retinal layers of these eyes which are nineteen days old, are poorly differentiated, the inner layer consisting merely of indefinitely arranged cells; a better differentiation is usually attained in normal specimens by the sixth or seventh day. A comparison of Figs. 13 and 14 with Fig. 12 illustrates in a way the more definite orientation of the inner retinal cells in the normal individual when compared with the defective eyes. It will also be noticed that the lenses in the two-eyed specimen are surrounded by clear humor spaces while the lens in the defective eyes lies buried in loosely arranged cellular tissue. The right retina of the monster faces in the same direction as the left retina of the ordinary individual yet there is no indication ofa reversal of the layers which might possibly beimagined in such a case. The optic stalk was scarcely formed in these eyes, which is not infrequently true in cyclopia. The path of. the optic nerve is, therefore, evidently not that usually taken along the Effect of Alcohol and Anesthetics on Development. 377 Fic. 9. Asection through the small defective eyes of an eight day embryo, after treatment with a4 per cent solution of etherinsea-water. The brainis narrow and poorly developed. Fig. 10. A section through the head of the embryo shown in fig. 8. Both of the eyes are small and defective with ill-fitting lenses and face in a ventral direction. Fie. 11. A section through the eyes of a monster commonly found in the alco- hol solutions. The eyes are joined beneath the bilateral brain and face ventrally. Fig. 12. A section through the eyes of a normal thirteen day embryo. 378 Charles R. Stockard. optic stalk, but the optic nerve fibers grow directly into the brain from the region of the eye cavity itself. It is interesting to find in this connection that Lewis (70) describes in his experiments on tadpoles a strikingly similar course pursued by the nerves arising from some of the optic cups he had transplanted to various positions along the hind brain region of the embryos. He states that : In a few of these somewhat irregular transplanted eyes the optic nerve takes a very curious course, passing across the cup cavity from the gang- lionic layer, through the pupil and then into the mesenchyme, ending there. In both of these experiments a small bundle of optic nerve fibers pierces the retina as faras the pigment layer. In transplanting these eyes the ganglionic layer was probably injured in such a way as to inter- fere with the normal path of the nerve fibers, and so they have.prob- ably followed the path of least resistance through the pupil and out into the mesenchyme. Fic. 13. A section of the embryo shown in figs. 5 and 6. The optic cups are joined dorsally and face the median plane of the head; a lens lies between them and is surrounded by loose cellular tissue instead of by the humor, Fic. 14. Section of the eyes in the embryo shown in fig. 4. The optic cups are not joined yet they face towards one another with their convex choroid surfaces pressed close against the head wall. The optic nerves run across what should be the humor chamber of the eyes and out through the wide pupils to form a perfect cross; the optic fibers then enter the brain floor. A lens lies between the eyes. Effect of Alcohol and Ansesthetics. 379 Lewis’ illustrations are similar to Fig. 14 in so far as the course of the optic nerve is concerned. These experiments would seem to indicate that the direction taken by the optic nerve fibers is not firmly fixed but that they may pursue an almost reverse direction from that generally followed. Many of the eyes in the writer’s specimens show various conditions of this kind and he must agree with Lewis in the conclusion that It would seem to me impossible to explain these various conditions of the optic nerve on any other basis than that they are outgrowths of nerve cells of the ganglionic layer of the retina. Direct evidence is thus furnished for the outgrowth theory of the nerve fiber which has been so ably supported in the last few years by Harrison’s (’08) experiments. The present experiments warrant the following explanation for incomplete cyclopean eyes, or double eyes, when compared with the usual condition. In normal development the eye anlagen push out from the ven- tro-lateral borders of the brain and turn dorsally as indicated in the diagram, fig. 15 A. The abnormal individuals with two eyes facing the median plane also have them more ventrally situated in relation to the brain, and it may be supposed that when the eyes arose from the brain their formation was directed ven- trally instead of dorsally, fig. 15 B. This causes the eyes to hang below the brain and face one another as already shown in figs. 4, 5, 6, 13, and 14, instead of turning dorsally and facing outward as in figs, 11 and 12. Similar conditions are also found in the development of a single eye. Fig. 1 shows an embryo with an eye on the right side only, yet this eye faces the median plane and is unusually ventral in position; it probably arose as indicated in the diagram fig. 15 D, where as other single-eyed individuals, the commoner type, have an eye looking out from the usual lateral position, fig. 15 C. From these conditions we may determine whether cyclopia is brought about by a failure of certain central tissues of the brain to develop, thus allowing the eye anlagen to come together as Lewis (’09) has suggested, or whether through a lack of develop- mental energy necessary for the optic cups to grow dorsally and 380 Charles R. Stockard. outward to meet the ectoderm as the writer (’09) has supposed. Considering the case of the single eye it might be held that the fail- ure of certain central tissues of the brain to develop would cause the eye to arise too near the median line, but this lack of central tissue does not explain why the eye faces the median plane instead of the lateral head wall, and it is much less able to account for the absence of the eye on the opposite side of the head. On the other hand, if the conditions are due to a lack of the necessary develop- mental energy or an anesthesia produced by the experiment, then itis evident that although one eye does succeed in pushing out from the brainit might not have sufficient developmental energy to grow dorsally and outward to the lateral body wall, but droops, as it were, into a more ventro-median position and faces in toward the median plane. Thus one-half of an incomplete cyclopean eye is formed. The other eye was entirely suppressed, lacking the energy necessary to push itself out from the brain. This inequality in the developmental powers of the two eyes is indi- cated by their frequent asymmetrical condition. The two eye components do not always face the median plane and in such cases the eyes merely fail to grow out laterally. They come off ventrally from the brain and either face in a ventral direction or grow so as to face outward. The experiments fail to give any definite clue as to where the optic anlagen are located in the brain before they become visible, although Lewis’ operations on the embryoni¢ shields of older embryos would seem to indicate that at that time the anlagen occupied somewhat lateral positions. It is clear from the foregoing consideration that alcohol has the power to induce the same typical ophthalmic defects that were formerly described in the embryos from the Mg solutions. The property common to both Mg and alcohol is their anesthetic effect on animals. The writer concludes that cyclopia, mon- ophthalmicum asymmetricum and entire absence of eyes, all of which are more or less arrested or inhibited condition of develop- ment, result from anesthesia during certain embryonic stages. Of course this may not be the sole cause of such defects; on the contrary the fact that they are produced in this way would indicate Effect of Aleohol and Anesthetics on Development. 381 Fig. 15. A diagram illustrating several positions taken by the optic cups in development. A, the usual case in which both cups push out trom the brain and turn dorsally so as to face the lateral head wall with their convex choroid surfaces towards the brain; see fig. 12. B, the optic cups push out from the brain but in- stead of growing dorsally, they hang ventrally and face in towards the median plane, with their convex choroid surfaces against the outer head wall; see figs. 18 and 14. C and D, the same conditions are often realized when only one optic ves- icle arises from the brain. 382 Charles R. Stockard. that any factor which might come in during early development to lower the developmental energy could possibly induce similar defects. In mammals such monsters probably arise as the result of some weakening or debilitating influence of the environment during early developmental stages, which need only have acted for a short space of time. b. Defects of the auditory organs A very pronounced suppression in the development of the audi- tory apparatus is often noticed in the embryos which have been treated with weak solutions of alcohol. In many individuals only one ear exists. When this condition is found in an embryo with only one eye, two unequally developed eyes or a cyclopean eye with asymmetrical components, it is of interest to find that in all -ases observed, the ear is on the same side of the head as the better formed eye. In rare cases both ears are absent, and again it often happens that the ears are ‘apparently normal while the eyes are deformed. Fig. 16, a horizontal section through the head, shows two small abnormal eyes with a lens between them and two perfect ears with cartilaginous capsules, near the hind brain. Fig. 18, which is a section through the ear region of the embryo shown in fig. 4, illustrates two poorly formed ears; on the right side the ear issmall and two semicircular canals are represented only by their ampulle, the epithelial lining of which forms papille of cells with long hair-like processes growing from them as is indicated in the drawing. The left ear is almost entirely absent, its median section showing only the small cavity and ampullary papilla seen in the figure. Both ears, however, are surrounded by well formed cartilaginous capsules. A remarkably abnormal ear is seen in fig. 17. The auditory vesicles have united so as to occupy a dorsal position above the posteriorend of the brain. Only two semicircular canalsare devel- oped on each side. The cartilaginous capsules in this case seem unable to meet the situation and extend for only a portion of the way around the huge auditory cavity. This union of the lateral auditory vesicles, although formed by an entirely different princi- ple, suggests the large double cyclopean eye. 383 Effect of Aleohol and Anesthetics. The final persistence of the ampulla-like cavities seems to be the rule, these structures being present even when all other por- tions of the internal ear are absent. The ampulle of the canals are perhaps particularly useful as organs of equilibration in these animals, and their stuborn persistence may be indicative of an ancient origin and suggests the primary function of the ear as an organ of equilibrium. TTT a Ew TOD SIND \ a o og. SS a — a =O (avr gray/ 2: 7 st. 8g —: 2 BAe —s ee IS 5 GS ets r 216 18 Fig. 16. A horizontal section through the head of a thirteen day embryo from a 5 per cent alcohol solution. Two very small and defective eyes have alens be- tween them, while more posteriorly two perfectly formed auditory vesicles areseen with cartilaginous capsules surrounding them. Fig. 17. A section through the auditory region of an eight day embryo treated with a4 per cent ether solution. The two auditory vesicles unite dorsally to form a huge cavity above the medulla and spinal cord. This embryo also shows an in- complete cyclopean eye and spina-befida. se, semicircular canal; a, auditory vesicle, ; ph, pharynx. z Fig. 18. A section through the auditory vesicle of the embryo shown in fig. 4 and section fig. 14. The entire auditory vesicle is suppressed except the ampulle of the semicircular canals. The right ampulla is larger and shows a papilla with hair-like fibers, while the left ampulla is almost completely closed, yet, it too, shows the papilla with projecting hairs. The cartilaginous capsules are small and thus adjusted to the tiny ear parts. 384 Charles R. Stockard. Although all parts of the ear are absent the cartilaginous cap- sules are present. The shape and size of the capsules, however, seem to be adjusted to that of the auditory vesicle when any part of it exists, as is indicated on the two sides of fig. 18. c. Defects of the central nervous system The abnormalities of the brain shown by the specimens treated with alcohol might easily form the subject of an extensive mono- graph so various and numerous are they. Only a few of them will be briefly mentioned. In rare cases the brain is almost normal; the fore brain, however, is usually very narrow and gives to the head a characteristically pointed appearance. Dorsal hernize at times occur in the region of the optic lobes and the hind brain. The histological structure of the brain is often peculiarly abnormal in both the arrangement and the appearance of the cells. The cells may be hyaline and in the region of the central cavity fail to take the stains. They may even be diffusely scattered in peculiarly defective specimens. The spinal cord in some individuals also shows the hyaline appearance about its central canal, and spina-bifida in not uncom- mon. The latter condition no doubt results from the general inhibition in rate of development which is constantly true for the specimens in the alcohol solutions. The germ ring is slow in surrounding the yolk and consequently the trunk region of the early embryo is abbreviated. This condition interferes with the median cell proliferation forming the spinal cord so that a split or divided cord results and may extend for various distances in the trunk region. Fig. 19 shows a section through a trunk region with a double cord, ch, the notocord, nch, is also divided. Fig. 20 is a more posterior section of the same embryo and shows the cord and notocord again single as they are in more anterior region than that shown by fig. 19. Many of the defects of the central nervous system are of a general nature and almost any substance that inhibits or inter- feres with the normal developmental rate may cause them. The writer does not intend to conyey the idea that these are characteris- Effect cf Alcohol and Anesthetics on Development. 385 Fie. 19. A section through the trunk region of an eight day embryo from a 4 per cent ethersolution. Thespinal cord, ch, isdouble (spina-bifida) and the noto- chord, nch, is divided into three parts. Fig. 20. A more posterior section of the same embryo, showing the spinal cord and notocord again single as they are in regions more anterior than fig. 19. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL 10, NO. 3. 386 Charles R. Stockard. tic anesthetic effects, but they are strikingly common in the aleohel solutions. On the other hand, similar abnormalities of the nervous system are really infrequent in the weaker Mg solu- tions. The slight effects of Mg on the development of the central nervous system are interesting when compared with the marked effects of other anzesthetics on these tissues. In this regard it is important to remember that in physiological experiments on nerve- muscle preparations Mayer (’08) has found that Mg acts directly as an inhibitor of muscular activity, exerting little if any effect on the activity of the nervous parts. The action of Mg in these experiments is not particularly on the nervous system but more largely on the dynamic processes concerned in the outpushing of the eyes. - The occurrence of the several ophthalmic anomalies is common to all of the anzesthetic solutions and similar conditions have not been found in embryos treated with various salts and sugars (06, ’07) which may inhibit general development and induce many other abnormalities. THe Errects oF CHLORETONE, ETHER AND CHLOROFORM ON DEVELOPMENT Chloretone, ether and chloroform when employed in weak solutions influence developing eggs in a way somewhat similar to that described for aleohol. The action of these substances is not so pronounced and may be described more as an inhibition of the general developmental processes. The embryos are usually small and recover very slowly from the inhibiting effects after being returned to sea-water. A few of the individuals in all these solutions exhibit the cyclopean defect in its various degrees just as it has been described in the specimens treated with alcohol and Mg. . The ophthalmic defects, eyclopia, monophthalmicum asymme- tricum and entire absence of optic vesicles, are all conditions of arrested or inhibited development and are prevalent among embryos treated with solutions having anesthetic properties. Effect of Aleohol and Anzsthetics. 387 The writer is led to conclude, therefore, that his former hypo- thetical explanation of why cyclopia occurred in embryos treated with Mg solutions was correct. The evidence strongly indicates that the ophthalmic abnormalities produced in these experiments are the result of an anesthetic action during the early develop- mental stages. THE PERIOD OF DEVELOPMENT AT WHICH CYCLOPIA MAY BE IN- DUCED BY CHEMICAL AGENTS The Mg experiments were repeated mainly to ascertain at how late a period in development eggs could be subjected to the solutions and subsequently develop into ecyclopean monsters. The original experiments seemed to demonstrate the fact that cyclopia was due to external influences acting on the development of the optic vesicles, and not in any sense to a germinal variation. Nevertheless, H. H. Wilder (08) in the face of these results, advanced a germinal theory to account for the origin of cyclopia and attempted to explain away the obstacle offered in the experi- ments referred to by claiming that the eggs were subjected to the so- lutions at so early a stage in development that germinal variations might still have been induced. ‘This is impossible, asthe writer has pointed out elsewhere (’09b), since germinal variations may only be induced before embryonic development has begun. After the two-or four-cell stage (the time at which the eggs were sub- jected to Mg) is reached any thing done to the egg has its effect on the developing embryo to cause this or that abnormal condition. The only germinal variation possible at such a period would be in the primordial germ cells of the developing individual, a variation which would not manifest itself until the next generation of individuals. The following experiments prove beyond doubt that cyclopia may be produced by the action of environmental influences. When eggs in the eight-cell stage, or three and one-half hours after fertilization, are subjected to the action of Mg solutions many of the resulting embryos will show the cyclopean defect. 388 Charles R. Stockard. If eggs be placed in Mg solutions five hours after fertilization, when in the sixteen or thirty-two-cell stage, an almost equally large number of cyclopean individuals will occur. The same is true when they are subjected to the solutions after having devel- oped in pure sea-water for seven and one ea hours and reached the sixty-four or higher cell stages. Eggs that have developed eleven hours in pure sea-water and are in the early periblast stage with a somewhat flattened blast- odermic cap, may be put into Mg solutions and caused to form cyclopean monsters. The percentage of cyclopean embryos arising from eggs treated at this late period is small, yet even after developing for fifteen hours in pure sea-water some eggs may be induced to form cyclopean monsters by treatment with MgCl, in sea-water solutions. Eggs that were older than this before being introduced into the solutions failed to respond, all developing into ordinary two- eyed individuals. This is due to the fact that a considerable amount of time is necessary for the Mg to act upon the body sub- stances of the early embryo and prevent normal eye development. The optic vesicles begin to push out from the brain before the thirtieth hour in development. ‘Thus, after the first six or seven hours, the longer the eggs have been allowed to develop naturally the smaller the proportion of cyclopean individuals that may be artificially induced. After fifteen hours no embryo will be so affected, since an insufficient amount of time exists for the Mg to act on the eye anlagen. The solutions are effective up to a stage in development pre- ceding the formation of the germ ring and embryonic shield, and the action of the Mg on the eye anlagen probably takes place while the embryonic shield and outline of the embryo are forming. There can be no further doubt that cyclopean monsters are caused by the action of a strange environment on the developing fish embryos. With such evidence at hand it is also highly probable that mammalian cyclops are due to the action of external influences on the embryo and not to an abnormal germinal tend- ency. Effect of Alcohol and Anesthetics on Development. 389 OTHER CASES OF CYCLOPIA IN FISH The Italian observer, Paolucei (74), has described a most remarkable cyclopean ray. The monster was almost adult in size, probably two years old, and measured 47cm. across the pectorial fins and 20cm. in length not including the long whip- liketail. Paolucci states that this cyelopean monster was captured in the Adriatic Sea near the shore and had evidently been able to cope with its surroundings and grow into a vigorous ray. So far as the writer knows this case of a eyclopean monster in nature being able to sustain itself and reach the adult stage, is unique. Paolucei’s specimen proves the correctness of the writer’s statement (’09) that the cyclopean eye is not necessarily associ- ated with a single instead of a double brain, or with any other serious defect in the brain region. This fact was clearly shown in the brain structure of many of the cyclopean embryos studied, as well as by their apparently normal behavior after hatching from the egg. The cyclopean Funduli have been kept living for more than one month, which is as long as the experiment was tried. They would doubtless have lived much longer, as they were hardy and able to obtain an abundance of food from the vegetable particles in the sea-water. Paolucci’s observation would indicate that the Fundulus monsters might be reared to maturity and possibly interbreed. Gemmel (’06) has described four cases of cyclopia in newly hatched trout collected from a fish-hatchery in England. The conditions of the eyes and brains in these monsters are exactly similar to those in the artificially produced Fundulus monsters. The developing trout’s egg demands water of such high purity that trouble is often experienced in the hatcheries, and monstrous embryos commonly occur. These may result from weakened developmental forces due to an insufficient oxygen supply or to the accumulation of injurious chemicals about the eggs. Gemmel (’06b) in describing cases of supernumerary eyes in the trout embryos records that in one ease of an aborted twin head the lens alone of all the eye structures was present. Free lenses 390 Charles R. Stockard. were also described and figured in other individuals. Free lenses oceur very commonly in heads showing various eye abnormalites; a full consideration of these cases is recorded elsewhere. SUMMARY 1. When the eggs of the fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, are subjected during early stages of development to the action of weak solutions of aleohol the resulting embryos show marked abnormalities in the structure of their central nervous system and organs of special sense. The eyes in such individuals are either both small with poorly differentiated retinee, cyclopean, asymmetrically monophthal- mic or entirely absent. These ophthalmic defects sometimes occur in as many as 98 per cent of the specimens. Such anomalies are closely similar to those previously induced with Mg, and in both cases are probably due to the anesthetic property of the substances acting upon the eggs. Alcohol tends to suppress the development and differentiation of the auditory vesicles. A few specimens are entirely without ears, others have one ear more or less perfectly developed while the opposite ear is scarcely formed at all and still other individuals have both ears extremely defective. In all cases examined the better ear is invariably on the side with the better developed eye if the eyes are also asymmetrically formed. The most persistent portion of the internal ear, or that part which exists when all other parts are wanting, is a cavity with an epithelial lning resembling closely in structure an ampulla of the semicircular canals. This fact may be interpreted to mean that the ampulla is one of the most ancient or fundamental parts of the ear, and it might further be considered indicative of the archaic function of the ear as an organ of equilibrium since this is the chief function of the ampulle. | The brain is usually narrow and pointed in embryos that have been treated with alcohol. It occasionally has a dorsal hernia and shows regions of poor differentiation. The cell arrangement jn the spinal cord are abnormal in many cases and spina-bifida Effect of Alcohol and Anssthetics. 391 is not infrequent. These conditions of the central nervous sys- tem might result from any cause that tends to retard development and are not particularly characteristic of anesthetic solutions as the eye anomalies are; yet the defects of the central neryous system are commoner in these anesthetics than in any other solu- tions with which the embryos have been treated. 2. Chloretone, chloroform and ether induce much the same structural deformities in these embryos as does alcohol. They act, however, as more general anesthetics, causing a retardation in development. The characteristic eye and ear defects are not nearly so common, though they do occur as a result of treatment with these three substances. 3. The effects of Mg on the developing fish’s egg have been previously considered. This substance is even more local in its action than alcohol, the principal defects resulting from its use being various anomalous conditions of the eyes, whereas the ner- vous system generally may be in many cases structurally normal. The embryos on hatching from the egg are able to swim in the usual manner and live for more than one month in aquaria, which is as long as any effort was made to keep them. The latter fact would seem to indicate that the nervous system also functionates normally. Magnesium was used to test at how late a period in develop ment the eggs might be introduced into the solutions with the sub- sequent development of the cyclopean condition. It was found that after normal development had proceeded for two, four, six, eight, ten, eleven, twelve or even fifteen hours, if the eggs were then placed in MgCl, solutions, many of the resulting embryos showed the cyclopean defect. At fifteen hours the eggs have reached the periblast stage and the blastodem is flattening down upon the yolk. The germ ring arises shortly after this time and begins its downward growth over the yolk mass. Whenever eggs are allowed to develop beyond the fifteen hour period before being introduced into the solutions of MgCl, they invariably give rise to normal two-eyed individuals. The occur- rence of cyclopia is less frequent when eggs are subjected at later stages than when introduced into the MgCl, solutions during the four or eight-cell stage. This is doubtless due to the fact that a 392 Charles R. Stockard. considerable period of time is necessary for the Mg to act upon the substances of the embryo and influence the origin of the optic vesicles. When an insufficient time intervenes between the period at which the eggs are subjected to the action of the solu- tion and that at which the optic vesicles are given off from the brain the Mg is unable to influence the tissues so as to induce the eyclopean condition. The production of cyclopia by the action of Mg at such late stages in development proves beyond doubt that this deformity is due to the action of external or environmental conditions on the developing animal. Any explanation of cyclopia based on germinal hypothyses such as that recently advanced by H. H. Wilder must be reconstructed so as to conform to these facts- Accepted by the Wistar Iastitute of Anatomy and Biology January 12, 1910. Printed June 21, 1910. BIBLIOGRAPHY GemmeEt, J. F. On cyclopia in osseous fishes. Proc. London Zoél. Society, i, pp. 1906 443-449. 1906b Notes on supernumerary eyes, and local deficiency and reduplication of the notocord in trout embryos. Proc. London Zoél. Society, i, pp. 449-452. Harrison, R. G. Embryonic transplantation and the development of the ner- 1908 vous system. Anat. Record, ii, pp. 385-410. Lewis, W. H. Experimental evidénce in support of the theory of outgrowth 1907 of the axis cylinder. Am. Jour. Anat. vi, pp. 461-472. 1909 The experimental production of eyclopia in the fish embryo (Fun- dulus heteroclitus). Anat. Record, 11, pp. 175-181. Mau, F. P. A study of the causes underlying the origin of human monsters. 1908 Jour. Morph. xix, pp. 1-361. Mayer, A. G. Rhythmical pulsation in seyphomedusae. Carnegie Institute of 1908 Washington, Pub. No. 102, pp. 113-131. Paouuccr, L. Sopra una Forma Mostruosa della Myliobatis Noctula. Atti della 1874 societa Italiana di Se. Naturali. xvii, pp. 60-63. Srockarp, C. R. The development of Fundulus heteroclitus in solutions of lith- 1906 ium chlorid, with appendix on its developmentin fresh water. Jour. Exp. Zodl., iii, pp. 99-120. 1907 The influence of external factors, chemical and physical, on the development of Fundulus heteroclitus. Jour. Exp. Zoél., iv, pp. 165-201. 2 1909 The development of artificially produced cyclopean fish, ‘the mag-- neslumembryo.”’ Jour. Exp. Zodl., vi, pp. 285-338. 1909b The origin of certain types of monsters. Am. Jour. Obstetrics. lix, no. 4. Wiper, H. H. The morphology of cosmobia. Am, Jour. Anat., viii.pp. 355- 1908 440. THE INDEPENDENT ORIGIN AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE CRYSTALLINE LENS CHARLES R. STOCKARD From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell Medical School, New York City WITH TWENTY-EIGHT TEXT FIGURES AND TWO PLATES BR PHDioc +. 2s en pepe os oa) 4 Re ee 393 0 SL ST -RIDG ERS S| | err oo ie ee 396 PRETO CMOTYVOS............. 0... +6 See ee elie mine said Sel sie 397 PAS MMICUTTSPCLION........... ... .. 2. «sos pean eee. - aaa 2 400 a Is the origin of the lens from the ectoderm dependent upon a contact Ma TOmiae OptIC VESICIE?. . ..; .../..- ace ee Treion eee ons. = 400 b Is the lens-plate or lens-bud capable of differentiating into a lens with- Spmeaataciwadwan Optic CUP?.......2.-2ssee sche eesenes sched ese: 401 c Does the size of the optic cup regulate the size or shape of its associated CELE). ¢2 2:25, 52 re ope so, co oe se eee eee 404 d Is the optic vesicle, normal or defective, always capable of stimulating lens formation from the ectoderm at some stage of its development? ... 405 e May the optic vesicle cause lens-formation from ectoderm other than aawmmnortmally forms alens?........ S:-cnteeeeees oe seeee so--s- 408 f Does a deeply buried eye have the power to regenerate or form a lens MP EMNIEBICS ©, .... . . «a 2s sees Ones ate le cate ae 410 5. Discussion of previous observations and experiments..................... 412 MVeTMNCORENISIONS. ......... .:. ssa. Saue aeteeriee toes oc obs cece 419 7 oS Ue reniny 2S Pee so a ot oP) oes Pee 421 INTRODUCTION The crystalline lens normally arises in the embryo from ectoderm overlying the optic vesicle and continues its development in close association with the optic cup. This fact suggests that some correlation exists between the manner of development of the optic cup and the optic lens. In ease such a correlation does exist, to what extent is the optic vesicle and cup responsible for the origin and subsequent development of the lens; and, on the other hand, what influence, if any, does the presence of the lens 394. Charles R. Stockard. exert over the development of the optic vesicle into the cup and its subsequent development-into the eye? If it is proven that the optic vesicle and cup possess the power to derive a lens from the ectoderm the further question then arises is the ectoderm under any condition able to give rise to a lens without the optic vesicle stimulus? If so, is this independent lens-bud capable of self-differentiation to such an extent as to form a perfectly constructed lens? Many questions of detail, as, for example, the relationship between the size of the optic cup amd the size of the lens, the ability of partial or defective optic cups to stimulate lens forma- tion, whether the lens may be derived only from certain areas of ectoderm or from any ectoderm, and other problems which we will presently consider, also present themselves. The study of these questions has come to be known as the lens problem. Experimenters have attacked the questions from several sides during the last ten years and the lens problem has in many ways been beautifully analysed, yet today much addi- tional evidence is necessary to entirely clear the situation. In a previous paper the writer (’09) briefly described the inde- pendent origin and self-differentiation of the optic lens in the fish embryo. Since that time further experiments have yielded much additional material and evidence bearing on this subject. The results of these experiments are considered in the present contribution and show in a most convincing manner that the crystalline lens is capable of originating independently from the ectoderm and of subsequent self-differentiation. Definite proof will also show that although the lens may arise independently, nevertheless the optic vesicle invariably has the power to stimu- late the formation of a lens from any overlying ectoderm with which it may come in contact. The action of the optic vesicle on the ecioaers is a much stronger force for the production of a lens than is the innate tendency of the ectoderm to produceanindependentlens. Slghtly injured ectoderm may be rendered unable to form a free lens while the same weakened ectoderm will respond to a contact Independent Development of the Lens. 395 stimulus of the optic vesicle by forming a lens. This point is important, for herein the writer believes, after a study of his own experiments and the results of other workers, lies the explana- tion of many discrepancies in the operation experiments on the lens. When the operation is so performed that the ectoderm must be folded away in order to extirpate the optic vesicle and is then returned to its place, free lenses have failed to occur, although an optic vesicle may still have been able to derive a lens from this replaced ectoderm. On the other hand, when the early open medullary plate is operated on so as to remove the optic vesicle areas, the ectoderm of the head wall is sometimes left uninjured and from it may arise free lenses. The free lenses of King’s experiments arose in embryos which were operated on dorsally _ to burn out the optic vesicle areas of the partially open medullary tube. The lateral head ectoderm was probably uninjured in some of the specimens. In Spemann’s more recent experiments the early open medullary plate was operated upon directly to remove the optic vesicle areas; in such experiments free lenses arose from the uninjured ectoderm. Experiments on other spe- cies at such stages and in a similar manner will probably give like results. In the experiment of removing the optic cup and leaving a par- tially differentiatied lens, this lens may have degenerated or ceased to differentiate on account of the injury it suffered by the operation, the absence of the optic cup not affecting it. It is unquestionably true that in some amphibians and fishes the lens is capable of perfect self-differentiation. The optic cup does not exert complete control over either the size or shape of the optic lens. Numerous points of detail are also elucidated by the study of the optic organs in artificially produced fish monsters which are either blind or present various eye defects. The experimental part of this investigation was conducted dur- ing the summer of 1909 in the Marine Bioligical Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., while occupying one of the rooms of the Wistar Institute. 396 Charles R. Stockard. 2 METHOD AND MATERIAL In all former experiments on the developing lens, except those which the writer recorded (’09), mechanical methods have been resorted to in destroying the early optic vesicle. This has been accomplished by burning the region with hot needles or by cutting away the tissue. It matters not how cleverly such experiments may be performed they are often open to objection, particularly when the experimenter has to remove or injure the overlying ectoderm in order to reach and extirpate the optic vesicle. The present experiments have been conducted in an entirely different manner. When developing fish embryos, Fundulus heteroclitus, are treated with certain magnesium salts, alcohol, chloretone or other anzsthetic agents, the development of the optic vesicles is prevented entirely in some cases, while in other specimens only one vesicle forms on either the right or left side, and finally a large majority of the embryos present the cyclopean defect with a-more or less double ventro-median eye. We have here, therefore, an exceptioal opportunity to study the relation- ship between the development of an optic vesicle and a lens. In the first case, does a lens or do lenses ever occur in the eyeless specimens? Does a lens ever appear on the eyeless side in the single-eyed monsters? Finally do lenses ever arise in their usual lateral positions when the embryo has a ventro-median cyclopean eye? Allof these propositions are affirmatively answered without an operation to injure in any way the ectoderm or tissues in the primary lens-forming region. It may be thought that the action of the chemical or anzesthetic is as severe as an operation but this is probably not true, as the embryos after being treated for the necessary time with magnesium, on being returned to sea- water develop, hatch and swim actively about, living in aquaria as long as I have tried to keep them, more than one month. The experiments of the past summer have convinced the writer that his former idea that the eye defects are due to the anzesthetic properties of magnesium is correct; and there is no reason for believing that certain tissues usually between the eyes are entirely Independent Development of the Lens. 397 absent. These results are given in full in-another paper. The solutions employed act as anesthetics preventing the usual out- pushing of the optic vesicles from the brain to a greater or. less degree, and give exactly the same condition so far as contact influence of the optic vesicle on the lens is concerned, as though the optic vesicle was cut away, without the disadvantages accompanying the operation. The experiments with anesthetics furnish arichness of material, hundreds of specimens being obtained, which one would be unable to duplicate from operations without spending days of tedious labor. The crystalline lenses may be seen with the binocular microscope as spherical refractive bodies in the living specimens. The experimenter in this way is enabled to select various condi- tion for study. The embryos were best preserved for histological study in picro-acetic though many fixitives gave good results. The lenses stain equally well in eosin or picric acid used as a counter stain after Mann’s hematein or Delafield’s hematoxylin. 3 THE LENS IN LIVING EMBRYOS The living embryos at various stages when examined with a binocular microscope show lenses isolated entirely from the optic vesicle or optic cup. Figure 1 illustrates an embryo eighteen days old that has no trace whatever of optic cups yet two per- fectly developed transparent lenses occupy almost normal posi- tions on the sides of the head. Sections of this specimen show the two lenses with well differentiated fibers, fig. 5 and plate II, fig. 8. Mesenchymatous tissue les between the lenses and the brain. We must conclude that these lenses arose in lateral positions and continued development and differentiation with no direct influence whatever from either optic vesicle or the brain tissue. The possibility of optic cups having arisen and degener- ated is entirely out of the question, since, in the first place, this has never been known to occur in any of the hundreds of Fundulus embryos that the writer has studied. In the second place, plate I, fig. 1, shows a lens arising from ectoderm on the eyeless side of 398 Charles R. Stockard. a seventy-six hour embryo; it is scarcely conceivable that an optic vesicle arose at about the thirty-fifth or fortieth hour, came in contact with the ectoderm and entirely disappeared, leaving no trace Of itself by the seventy-sixth hour. Further, the lens in these cases must continue to develop and differentiate independently, which is contrary to the position held by Spemann (05), Lewis (’07) and LeCron (’07) for the frog and salamander. Fig. 2 shows a fish nineteen days old with two well formed lenses of normal size lying in contact with two small irregularly shaped masses of heavy black pigment. In sections, figs. 23 and 24. the lenses are found to be perfectly formed and the two dark spots are shown to be masses of choroid tissue or retinal pigment without a definite retina or other associated eye parts. The lenses may owe their existence to the choroid spots but the latter have failed to influence the size or manner of development of the former. If the origin of these lenses was due to the influence of the choroid areas we have a striking example of how very small an amount of optic tissue may call forth a lens. Many instances will be given to show that extremely small amounts of optic tissue touching the ectoderm will stimulate a lens to form, yet these cases will in no way weaken the evidence that lenses do at other times form entirely independently. A fish is illustrated by fig. 3 with two small defective eyes deeply buried in the head. The right eye possesses a lens but the left faces ventrally into a mass of mesenchyme and is without a lens. In front of the left eye is shown a lens in an extremely anterior position but completely separated from the eye, and the concave surface of the cup is not directed towards this lens. Fig. 4 proves the case by showing two slightly small eyeseach possess- ing its own lens, while somewhat in front and between the two eyes lies a perfectly isolated and independent lens. It is evident that this supernumerary: lens is independently formed and not due to a stimutus trom either of the eyes, since each has its own lens. Independent Development of the Lens. 399 3 CamerA Drawrinas or Living FunpuLus Empryos, MAGNIFIED 16 TIMES Fie. 1 An embryo eighteen days old. First thirty-six hours after fertiliza- tion were spent in 7 per cent alcohol in sea-water. No optic cups formed, yet two perfect crystalline lenses are shown in the sides of the head. See fig. 5 for a sec- tion of these lenses. Fig. 2 Anembryo nineteen days old, first thirty-six hours in 9 per cent alcohol. Two perfect lenses near poorly formed eyelike choroid spots. See figs. 23 and 24 for sections of these lenses and eye spots. Fig. 3 Anembryo of same age and lot as fig. 2; afree lens is seen in an extremely anterior position in front of an‘ll-formedeye. Lens. L. Fig. 4 Another embryo of the same lot, showing a free lens between two some- what defective eyes, each of which centainsitsownlens. Sections of thisembryo, figs. 9 and 10, show also a second free lens which was hidden in the living specimen. 400 Charles R. Stockard. 4 THE EMBRYOS STUDIED IN SECTION a “Is the Origin of the Lens from the Ectoderm Dependent upon a Conlact Stimulus from the Optic Vesicle? Spemann (’01) and Herbst (01) first introduced the view that the lens originates from ectoderm only when a contact stimulus from the optic vesicle is present, although Spemann (’07) has since modified his opinion for one species of frog at least. Lewis (04 and ’07) has found this to be true in his experiments on frog tadpoles, and LeCron (07) on salamanders. King (’05) claims, however, that such is not the case in her experiments and holds the view that the lens arises independently of the contact stimulus by the optic cup. Lewis (’07) has brought objections to the method employed by King and so criticises her results, but the writer believes her method has a real advantage in that she burnt out the optic vesicle areas of the still open medullary tube from the dorsal side and thus may not always have injured the lateral ectoderm of the future lens-forming region. The writer’s experiments on the fish embryos clearly demon- strate that the origin of the lens from the ectoderm may be entirely independent of the contact stimulus of the optic vesicle. He continues to use the expression ‘‘contact stimulus of the optic vesicle”? since this is what has been deemed necessary for the origin of the lens, although he believes that a lens may arise with- out any stimulus whatever from the optic vesicle either by con- tact or from a distance. In specimens lacking optic vesicles entirely it is difficult to imagine that tissues are present in the brain which possess the power to formsubstances characteristically formed by optic vesicles and that these substances diffuse until they reach the ectoderm and stimulate it toforma lens. In the ease of isolated supernumerary lenses the optic cups possess lenses but still other lenses arise at a distance. Again referring to fig. 1 of plate I, a section through the eye region of a seventy-six hour embryo, the ectoderm on the eyeless side is forming alens which is somewhat slower in development Independent Dee of the Lens. 401 than the lens in the eye on the other age yet this bud shows dis- tinct lens character. A perfect lens is seen in fig. 2, plate I, to be entirely separated from the brain and no optic cup exists. Fig. 13 shows a lens in a small choroid cup and a second free lens lying near. Fig 7 illustrates a similar case. Figs 8 and 12 show extremely anterior lensesin eyeless individuals and again fig. 5and fig. 3,plate II, show two beautiful lateral lenses in another eyelessspecimen. Fig.6shows a section with three well differentiated lenses all free from contact with an optic vesicle; a more posterior section of this embryo, fig. 27 shows a choroid cup deeply buriedin brain tissue and with- out alens. This cup does not come in contact with either of the three lenses shown in the more anterior sections. Finally, a most remarkable case of supernumerary lenses is illustrated by figs. 9 and 10 and the outline fig. 11 shows the position of these lenses in the entire head (see also plate II, fig.4). Two defective eyes each possessing a lens areshown in sec- tion, fig. 10, and a third lens lies between the eyes. In a more anter- ior region, fig. 9 and plate IJ, fig. 4, is found another section of this third lens, C, and a fourth additional protruding lens lies below it. These cases might be enumerated and illustrated until they ran into the scores, but sufficient evidence has been given to prove that the crystalline lens in these embryos does not depend upon a contact stimulus of the optic vesicle for its origin from the ecto- derm but originates independently. 6 Is the Lens-Plate or Lens-Bud Capable of Differentiating into a Lens without Contact with the Optic Cup? The above question is convincingly answered in the affirmative by the evidence given in the foregoing discussion. In the older embryos it is clearly shown that supernumerary lenses are as highly differentiated and as perfectly formed in all respects as are the lenses in the eyes. LEyeless individuals, as figs. 1 and 5 and plate II, fig. 3, indicate, may possess perfectly formed trans- parent ——— which appear in the living Boconeen 8 as clear refrac- tive bodies. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10, No. 3. 402 Charles R. Stockard. SECTIONS OF WELL DIFFERENTIATED FREE LENSES Fic. 5 Asection of two free lateral lenses in the nineteen day embryo shown by fig. 1.; no trace of optic cups exists. This embryo has two ears of unequal size. Fia. 6 Section of the head of nineteen day embryo, first thirty-six hours in 9 per cent alcohol. ‘Three free lenses, A. B. and C are shown, a defective optic cup completely separated from the lenses is deeply buried in the head tissues of amore posterior region, see fig. 27. Fig. 7 Section of the anterior tip of the head of a nineteen day embryo from 9 per cent alcohol. The upper right lens protrudes from a defective eye shown in more posterior sections, while the lower lens, F., is free, being in no way associated with an eye. Fra. 8 A somewhat sagittal section of a similarly treated embryo of same age, showing another free lens, p, a pigment spot. Fic. 9 An anterior and fig. 10 a more posterior section through the eye region of a nineteen day embryo. treated with alcohol. The diagram, fig. 11, shows the plane of both sections. Fig. 4 shows the same embryo from life; the eyes in the sections are reversed by the microscope. ‘Two optic cups are present each with a lens, A.and D, while two other perfectly differentiated lenses, B and C, are not connected with an optic part. Fig. 12 Asection through the anterior tip of a pointed-headed eyeless embryo nineteen days old. The lens is well differentiated; the ears in this specimen are scarcely formed. Fic. 13 A section of a nineteen day embryo showing a small defective choroid cup with a lens, and a second accessory lens is near by. 403 Independent Development of the Lens. 404 Charles R. Stockard. The possibility of the action of some substance given off by a distant optic cup is entirely aside, since other experinienters have claimed that when the optic vesicle or cup is in any way separated from the lens the latter organ begins to degenerate and usually disappears. Figs. 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 21 and plate I, fig. 2, plate II, figs. 3 and 4, all go to show tkat in the fish embryo the lens-plate or lens-bud is capable of self-differentiation, finally forming a per- fectly transparent refractive body even though completely isolated from any other eye-like structure. c Does the Size of the Optic Cup Regulate the Size or Shape of tts Associated Lens? Lewis (’07) has stated in his more recent paper on the lens that, “The lens is neither self originating nor self differentiating, but is dependent for its origin, its size, its differentiation and its growth on the influence of the eye.’? The writer had also inde- pendently been led to think from his first experimental study of eyclopia (’07), which was based on a limited supply of material, that the size of the lens varied directly with the size of the optic cup. He is now able to show that while normlly the lens and optic cup are properly adjusted as to size this is not by any means constantly true of ill-formed eyes. Here the size and also the shape of the lens is often greatly out of accord with that of the optic cup. In normal eyes the optic cup has a definite size and so does the lens. The sizes accord, yet this may be incidental or entirely without correlation, as is suggested by the fact that optic cups of unusual shape and sizeare not able to regulate the develop- ment of the lens so as to adjust it to their strange proportions. Many of the illustrations of eyclopean eyes given in the writer’s recent paper (09) show misfits between the cups and lenses. Remarkable cases are also shown by figs. 9 and 10 and plate II, figs. 4 and 5, in which the lenses are clearly too large for the asso- ciated cups. Fig. 15 shows the two components of an incomplete cyclopean eye with one normally proportioned lens between them. This lens is scarcely large enough to function with the unusually Independent Development of the Lens. 405 wide double cup. In fig. 20 is seen a somewhat similar double cup with an elongated and slightly constricted lens; fig. 18 also shows one half of a double cyclopean eye with a double lens, the other half eye is in a more posterior section. In figs. 14 and 17, on the other hand, we find illustrated double lenses in one of two closely approximated eyes. Fig. 14 also shows a tiny addi- tional lens still further within the same cup which possesses the large double lens. Fig. 16 shows the extreme anterior tip of a cyclopean eye with two minute lenses protruding from it. This section is only fifty micromillimeters from the anterior end of the head. Numerous other examples of misfitting lenses might easily be given. These facts force us to conclude that the size of the optic cup does not fully regulate either the size or shape of the associated lens. It is, therefore, evident that the usual harmonious adjust- ment between the optic cup and the lens may not be so entirely due to a dominating influence of the optic cup on the lens as one might be led to believe from previous contributions to the sub- ject. That some influence or interaction exists, the writer does not deny, and will show in the following parts of this paper the remarkable ability possessed by the optic vesicle to obtain a lens from any part of the ectoderm with which it may come in contact. d Is the Optic Vesicle, Normal or Defective, always Capable of Stimulating Lens-Formation from the Ectoderm at Some Stage of its Development? Of all the embryos which the writer has examined not one failed to have a lens in a normal optic cup when the cup came in con- tact with the ectoderm. If, however, the cup fails to reach the outer body wall, although it may possess well differentiated reti- nal layers and other parts, it is invariably without a lens, fig. 26. The convex side of the choroid coat or pigment layer of the retina does not cause a lens to arise even though it be closely applied to the ectoderm, as is shown by fig. 26 and many other illustrations in which the choroid touches the body wall. Defective optic cups when deeply buried and separatea from 406 Charles R. Stockard. Itt-ADJUSTMENT OF Optic Cups AND LENSES IN THIRTEEN Day FisH EMBryos. Fic. 14 A section of an embryo treated with 5 per cent alcohol. Both optic cups are defective, the left one contains a spherical lens, while the right cup has a large lens, in shape a constricted oval, and a tiny spherical lens placed fur- ther within the same cup. H, ear. Fic. 15 A poorly formed eye of the incomplete cylopean type. Each com- ponent faces in a ventro-median direction and a spherical lens lies between them An ear, E. is shown on the side of the better component, the other ear is absent. Fic. 16 A-section 50 microns from the anterior tip of anembryo. The anterior border of a cyclopean eye is shown with two protruding lenses of very minute size. ec, ectoderm. Fira. 17 Section through the anterior tips of two small closely neighboring eyes, whose median planes are in more posterior sections. The smaller eye has a protruding double lens. This embryo possesses only one ear located on the side with the better eye. Fic. 18 Part of an incomplete cyclopean eye (other half in more posterior sections) containing a double lens. Fie. 19 Two adjacent eyes facing ventro-medianly with two lenses. Fie. 20 An ovoid lens in an incomplete cyclopean eye. —— 407 Independent Development of the Lens. C= a — Ss => ( ( 4 408 Charles R. Stockard. the ectoderm also lack a lens, as is illustrated on the left of figs. 27 and 28. On the other hand, it is remarkable how small and ill-formed an optic cup-like structure has the power of stimulating a lens to arise from the ectoderm. Figs. 2, 23 and 24 and plate II, fig. 5, show small choroid cups with no retinal differentiation whatever, yet closely associated with perfectly formed lenses. In fig. 21 is seen an extremely defective cup with a small lens; a larger independent lens is shown on the eyeless side. Fig. 22 illustrates an extremely insignificant eye-like body buried within the brain, yet close by is a small crystalline lens; these are the only eye parts found in thisembryo. In fig. 19, a section through the eye of an incomplete cyclops, each component of the eye has a lens, while in fig. 20 the eye components are closer together and in fig. 15 further apart, yet each of these possesses only a single lens, although it is elongate in fig. 20. It is difficult to say why such eyes occasionally possess two lenses. After an examination of a large number of such eyes no general rule is found. It may be due in some way to the manner in which the optic cup periph- ery meets the ectoderm, whether as a circle, an oval or at times a much constricted oval so that two areas of ectoderm are sepa- rately stimulated to form lenses. This consideration forces the conclusion that an optic cup at some stage in its development, whether normal or defective, invariably possesses the power to stimulate lens-formation from the ectoderm with which it comes in contact. e May the Optic Vesicle Cause Lens-Formation from Ectoderm Other than that which Normally Forms a Lens? This question is answered by the cyclopean monsters. It is scarcely conceivable that the ectoderm which would normally lie over the lateral eyes has the power to migrate, or follow the optic vesicle so exactly as always to lie just over the vesicle wherever it may chance to develop. Many embryos have eyes in unusually anterior positions and derive their lenses from anterior ectoderm, while others possess ventral eyes with lenses derived from ventral ectoderm. It occurs in a few cases, as the writer previously Independent Development of the Lens. 409 EXTREMELY DerectivE Optic Cup-Like Boptes ASSOCIATED WITH PERFECT LENSES Fie. 21 An anterior section, as is indicated by its size, of a nineteen-day em- bryo. A free lens is shown on the left while on the right a very small defective eye contains a small lens. Fie. 22 Asmall lensnear a vesicle-like structure, E, in the brain which might represent an abortive optic body. Figs. 23 and 24 Sections through the embryo shown in fig. 2. In the diagram, fig. 25, is shown approximately the planes of the sections. The large well-formed lenses are associated with defective optie cups which lack any sign of differentia- tion. 410 Charles R. Stockard. recorded (’09), that free lenses arise in their usual lateral positions while the cyclopean eye possesses its lens of anterior origin. In the fish embryo the optic vesicle may cause a lens to form from ectoderm far removed from the usual lens-forming area, and rarely in such cases it happens that free lenses may also arise from the usual lens-forming region. f Does a Deeply Buried Eye have the Power to Regenerate or Form A Lens from its own Tissues? It has been shown ky many experimenters Colucci (’91), Wolff (95 and ’01), Miller (96) and Fischel (’02), that the salamander’s eye regenerates a new lens from the posterior surface of the iris when the old lens is removed, or as Fischel found, if the old lens be merely pushed back out of its usual placeinthe eye. When the iris was injured in two places during the extirpation of the lens, two lenses arose within the single eye, one growing from each injured area of the iris. It has also been found that a fish’s eye would regenerate a lens under certain conditions: when the fish is young and when a sufficiently long time is allowed for the lens to regenerate. Lewis (’04) finds that the deeply buried eyes in Rana palustris which fail to come in contact with the ectoderm are unable to form lenses from their own tissues. While on the other hand he states that in a second species, Rana sylvatica, the optic cup readily gives rise to a lens from its own tissues if prevented from stimulating the formation of a lens from the ectoderm of the body wall. The fish embryos which are now being considered, act in a similar manner to Rana palustris and are unable to form lenses from the tissues of their optic cups. Whenever the optic cup is deeply buried and fails to reach the ectoderm it also fails to possess a lens, as is illustrated on the left side of figs. 26, 27 and 28. In this connection it may be mentioned that Morgan was unable to obtain the regeneration of a lens in adult specimens of Fundulus, although as mentioned above, lenses do regenerate in the eyes of another species of fish. Independent Development of the Lens. 41] 99 60) O00 04 .) A oa =. C) os ‘ 3 Sar 28 DEEPLY BuRIED EYES witHout LENSES Fig. 26. . x ‘ P zi ] ¥, a " aa oe ow * aw ms INDEPENDENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE LENS PLATE I C. R. Stockarp THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL, 10, No. 3. PLATE II INDEPENDENT DEVELOPMENT OF THE LENS C. R. StocKakp. ‘ ee ee ~ THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 10, NO. 3. Studies of Tissue Growth. Ill. The Rates of Regenerative Growth in Different Salt Solutions. 1V. The Influence of Regenerating Tissue on the Animal Body. By “ Charles R. Stockard, Cornell University Medical School, New York City. With 4 figures in text. Eingegangen am 18. Oktober 1909. lll. The Rates of Regenerative Growth in Different Salt Solutions. The changes in the various physiological actions of the body induced by changing the inorganic salt constituents of the blood suggests that such inorganic salts may also be of importance in deter- mining the rate and manner of growth. Logs ('05) has shown that regenerative growth does not take place at all in the absence of the K ion. Beese (04) found that rapidly growing malignant tumors contained an excess of K while benign tumors showed excesses of Ca. An excess of Ca, however, is usually present in old or degen- erating tissues and so may accumulate during inactivity instead of being the cause which produces the inactive state. Lor (04) also tried the influence of dilute sea water on regenerating hydroids and found the hypotonic solution to cause a more rapid rate of regener- ation than occured in normal sea water. He further tried some of the inorganic salts with indefinite results. In the first of this series of studies I ('08) recorded the action of the four important metalic ions of sea water, Na, K, Ca, and Mg, on regeneration in the medusa. The experiments were not extensive enough to draw final conclusions yet they accorded with what might have been expected from the related work of Lors and Breese men- 16 Charles R. Stockard tioned above. The Na ion retarded regeneration, and in some solutions of CaCl, regeneration did not begin for several days and always proceeded slowly, while in the weaker KCl solutions regeneration occured at a more rapid rate than in the control specimens. The Mg solutions gave indefinite results. It must be remembered that in such experiments the entire animal is kept immersed in the solution. The effects of the salt may, there- fore, be systemic exhilarating or depressing the entire animal body and through such conditions secondarily affecting the regeneration rate. Should salts be injected into the circulation of higher animals the same complexity presents itself, yet this fact in no way lessens the importance of such experiments since all chemical actions and processes in the body secondarily effect other parts than those in which they occur. The experimenter, however, must carefully guard against using a dose of the salt which would be sufficient to per- minantly weaken or injure the body since this would necessarily lessen the rate of regeneration as well as other normal processes. The present series of experiments were arranged in order to carry regenerating animals for long periods of time in strange salt solutions and so. determine whether there was any definite effect on the regeneration rates, and if such an effect was sufficiently marked to be of advantage in experimentation. The spotted salamander, Diemyctylus viridescens, was used for the experiments since it readily regenerates new legs.and tail after the old ones are amputated. This gives two somewhat different structures for observation the legs being complex while the tail is almost uniformly metermeric. ‘The experi- ments were conducted for the Huntington Fund for Cancer Research in the Pathological Laboratories of Cornell Medical School. Five groups each consisting of fifteen salamanders were selected and weighed. The groups A, B and D each weighed 39 grams and groups C and E weighed 38 grams thus the groups were practically of the same average size. The individual salamanders averaged about 2.5 grams and were closely alike in size and general body condition. The operations consisted of cutting the left front leg off at the elbow joint and the distal one-third of the tail (Fig. 1A). The tails were measured from the posterior end of the cloacal apature to the tip, the usual length was from 45 to 48 mm. making the removed third measure from 15 to 18 mm. The first few days following the operation the arm stump is generally held close to the body and not used in swimming or walk- - od Studies of Tissue Growth. III. ity; ing upon the bottom of the vessel. After this time the stump is used occasionally at first but later it is brought into continual use. The vessels containing the salamanders were kept upon the same table and subjected to similar light and temperature conditions. The animals were fed on alternate days with finely chopped beef each individual receiving approximately the same amount. Fig. 1. A. A salamander illustrating the operation in the first part of the experiment. Left fore-arm amputated at the elbow and one- third of the tail cut away. B. The operation in the second part of the experiment. Right fore-arm amputated at the elbow and the regenerated tail part cut away. Regenerated tissue stippled. The experiments are to be considered in two parts; the first from Oct. 9th to Dec. 22nd, 73 days, while arranged as described - below and the second part a consideration of the groups is a reversed order in the solutions, e. g., those in KCl were put into CaCl, ete. First Part. Three days after the operation the animals were placed in the following solutions. Group A, the control, in ordinary tap water. Group B into MgCl, 2/;.; m, or 16 ce of a molecular solution of MgCl, to 984 ec of tap water. Group C in CaCl, 2/,25 ™, group D in KCl 2/49, m and group E into a solution of 8 ce molecular MgCl, + 8 ce molecular CaCl, added to 984 ce of tap water. The solutions were changed daily. Archiv f. Entwicklungsmechanik. XXIX. 2 18 Mable I. Average records of regeneration from salamanders kept in salt solutions. (o Charles R. Stockard _— a | So) os! Se coe CoCo ars Rl SS Fe sh COCO cS a] & = | 2 Lame | cS) ~ AR aA aes) BE | 200 siesta aoa = 2s | mr mr a+ 80 aes Aen LRert aS Spe eens S| || es) (9 eat 3 | Qi tig | co & oo — — - a tS el a| es & te R Serene. |S YF] ip ee | OO = |Mo «8 ost SH | SHO an od | : eB | ech esi |) SE 22 Se) |) — = Se aa) tee ee S apt eee | AAA|AA = Spket Weis ae), Ge) | Spl osy ma 2s | an | ae aa to 5 (>. a Liggt A) Siac pe See eevee | M1929 | © 2 -| wa a] o~ 7 |S © Fe or roo Eos Neves feeasyl esculihao! | Soule ae aM | yng MRSS ieee = | Ss 5 Sk CO 19 co CO Sal ce he x | Sa oy ies QaARAaA|AA St |, Sebel coe oa Soe eas eatin iy a =D SOME Cpe SECOn | Segre =) A Sea at || Heyes > : ate! tia ahr || a ol pyar 2 He Sc Alp Seon = co fm | ES: Las | Sitesi aS ee aa cu Gu. || vs = [e272 Sigove ee = ese ae | aaa aaa|;arA 5 = iE no Co or Ep 2s aie! |) ah ae! =| too I ee a = ac Q ~~ c | 0 ol Oi co | WS Oo = an PO? ° >S El] os on mH ip se A i = : S S) e0"F || seacs) OG) |e bao aoa) st = = = aa 3 Fe md) | (So) CORGIE ace me Se | ete es DO) Bee a aS eee > z |= ane eee = 7 Aaagq|iAaar S ae Oo co | co = rans mr homie oom = to | een eT bl = Spe ao) . 5 oD 1d | © & = ea Pee oo st ot tts. 5 M29 | & & fa Host Sy] SS oO Dt | Eas 1D Ao | & 2s 2) CD 2 Ly | Sd Sp | The effects of these salts were tested on other salamanders. It was found that a ‘/,) 7 solution of either KCL, CaCl, or MgCl, would kill the animals in less than two days. The strengths used were, therefore, about one sixth of the fatal dose but no appreci- able injury to the veneral body health could be detected in such solutions. Thirty-five days after the oper- ation the newly regenerated tissue and body lengths were measured. The averages for each group are shown in table I. The average body lengths are almost equal, or little different in consideration of the entire length. The control is regenerating the leg and tail faster than any other group at this time. The figures 8D, 3D ete. in the leg-bud columns indicate the number of leg-buds which show differentiation or the formation of toes. Those groups in KCl and MgCl, + CaCl, are almost up with the control in the lengths of new regenerated buds while the group in MgCl, is slower and the spec- imens in CaCl, are slowest of all. It is recalled that the mixture of MgCl, and CaCl, consists of only one half as much of each salt as is used in the unmixed solutions and while both of these salts have retarded regeneration in the strong unmixed solutions the mixture has not lowered the rate. The next line of the table shows that after fifty-two days. the x Studies of Tissue Growth. III. 19 relative body lengths have remained about the same. The new leg- buds in KCl are now much longer than the control, about 25 °/). Those in the MgCl, + CaCl, have also overtaken the control, while on the other hand, the specimens in MgCl, are behind the control and those in the CaCl, are still further behind. The tail-buds in KCl and MgCl, + CaCl, have also grown faster than the control since the thirty-fifth day. ‘Those salamanders in MgCl, have kept their original slow rate while the tail-buds in CaCl, like the arm- buds in this solution are the shortest of all, the tail-buds particularly have fallen still further behind since the thirty-fifth day. Seventy-three days after the operation the arm-buds are in much the same relative condition, while the tail buds of the control have grown more rapidly than those of the other groups. The CaCl, group being slowest. Since the experiment started one individual in each group has been lost through accident, the groups now consist of fourteen indi- viduals each. At this time, Dec. 22nd, the groups were again weighed. The lines below allow a ready comparison with their original weights. Groups A B C D E Control MgCl, CaCl, KCl MgCl + CaCl, Oct. 9 39 er. Sol ee en ooer, 39) ar: 38 er. Dee. 22 41.4 45.2 44.1 46.1 47.3 The original weights were for the fifteen individuals in each group while the lower line for the fourteen thus shows a steady gain in weight during the experiment due no doubt to the regular feeding. It will be noted by referring to table I that the increase in weight and body length of the groups does not correspond, e. g., group A has increased very much less in weight than group E while on the other hand group E has increased less in body length than group A. The increase in weight in these salamanders is due to an enlargement of the body organs rather than to a storing up of fat. The safer criterion in determining actual growth is the increase in body length rather than increase in weight since the later fluctuates so readily, and as MorGan ('06) states a normal rate of regenerative growth is kept up even though the body be in a thin emaciatea condition. The general result of the experiment thus far seems to show that the salamanders are capable of regeneration while living in the salt solutions. The specimens in the KCl regenerate at a rate equal Ox 20 - Charles R. Stockard to and often ahead of that shown by the control, while those in CaCl, and MgCl, are decidedly inhibited in their rates of regenerat- ing both legs and tails. ‘These facts accord with what might be ex- pected from Brrse’s chemical analysis of tumors referred to above, but we must look further in the experiment for final results. After the seventy-third day the animals were put into pure water so as to remove all excess of the several salts to which they had been subjected. After being in the water for twenty-four days the groups were again measured and the results are shown in the 97 day line of table I. The measurements stand in much the same re- lation to one another as that existing while they were in the solu- tions, this might have been expected since the time is scarcely suf- ficient for the effects to have been entirely overcome. After the salts had been thoroughly removed the animals were again operated upon and treated as recorded in the Second Part. The five groups, now consisting of fourteen salamanders each, were operated upon so as to remove the right front leg at the elbow joint and the entire new tail-bud (Fig. 1B). The arm operation gives a new cut for regeneration while all of the tail operations give rise to a second regeneration from the same level as that from which the previous new tail-buds arose. Jan. 22nd, four days after the operation the animals were put into the salt solutions so that the groups which were in the retard- ing solutions (MgCl, and CaCl.) during the first part of the exper- iment were now put into the solutions which had seemed to accelerate regeneration (KCl) and visa versa. Group A (Control) now Control. Group B (MgCly 2/,95 m) now KCl 2/;95 2m. Group © (CaCl, 2/42; m) now KCl 2/195 m. Group D (KCl 2/;95 m) now CaCly 2/195 2. Group E (MgCl, 4/19, m +-- CaCl, 1/,9; m) now MgCle */125 22. A summary of the records of the animals in these solutions. is shown in table IL. After thirty-nine days the arm-buds are all short and no differ- entiation has taken place. It will be noted that these buds are in most cases only about one half the length of the thirty-five day buds in table I. The tail-buds have regenerated at a rate nearer that 2 = a Studies of Tissue Growth. III. 21 shown in the first part of the experiment. The groups that were Table IT. Kept in salt solutions in reversed order. Average records of regeneration from the same salamanders as in table I. aggq| =non : B* 5 | Pane formally slow in MgCl, and CaCl, 2 | =, | 2228 are still behind the control al- = 2 Ai i i, " though now in KCl. After sixty- Blin uailiteat ~ico’. one days the right arm-buds are 2 pas (2.2. about equal to the length the left _ 822 755 buds had attained at fifty-two days. te Et cc In the first part of the experiment = a= 2 FS = theD group in KC] was consider- A oe aaaa- ably ahead of all the others, it 2 2 F | i if : ns has now lost this advantage in the Eonar rio ac CaCl, solution. Groups B and C 2 | 4 2 | ae Poe which were originally regenerat- ced ge SSS s ing behind the control in MgCl, i Balog and CaCl, ee, ce @\|s&+,| *=S"= to improve significantly in the = = /aaaa solutions of KCl. Group E which g 2 a1 b4 = — maintained a rate higher than the o | 8 = SEES control when in a mixtnre of 2 eyes fee =a a is ie eed 22° &3523 - ahead of the control in MgCl, 1 ee alone although after this time it |32 : san falls behind the control, yet re- 8 ; Ee ani generates faster than any other 5 Bs S = = S group in the salt solutions. a | S82 | NQ9NH When in these solutions for 2 TS == seventy-eight days the control is S 2% Be} 2 Sa” well ahead in length of the arm- eee buds. Group B in KC] after having 222 ,2%5 formerly been in MgCl shows the 2 eed aaa poorest record and has only 8 g| 3 soaoo 7) leg-buds that have differentiate 2 2: as ne toes, while the other four groups 2 “| =+3S have well formed toes on almost -s 232/022. all ofthe new legs. Group C which ae “~~ “previously showed the weakest re- 2.8 Bios generation in CaCl, is now, while Bigs ™ in the KCl solution, to be favor- ably compared with any other 99 Charles R. Stockard eroup in the salt solutions. Eleven of the fourteen leg-buds have well differentiated feet and toes. These results would seem to indicate that the influence a salt exerts depends somewhat upon the former salts to which the animal has been subjected, at any rate, in this case the KCl acts more favor- ably when used after CaCl, than when following MgCl. The tail-buds after seventy-eight days, like the legs, are slowest in group B but groups C, D and E are ahead of the control. The last line of the table which shows the condition after one hundred days is not significant since growth in all the groups is very slow and almost complete at this time, the processes of differentia- tion being primary. The animals were again weighed on Apr. 28, about seven months after the experiment was started. The weights at the periods indi- cated are given below. Groups A B C D E Conteh tat Bit G1 Key > eae MgCl, Oct. 9 igh aly 39 er. 38 gY.! 30 sem 38 er. Dee. 22 41.4 45.2 44.1 46.1 47.3 Apr. 28 46.5 44.5 Hie iS Ea.) 50.8 The increase in weight of the animals shows that they were in a healthy condition and not suffering from the treatment. From Dec. 22 to Apr. 28 group B lost slightly in weight and this is of interest when it is remembered how very poorly the individuals of this group regenerated in KCl after having formerly been treated with MgCl. The evidence indicates that treatment with MgCl, pro- duces a condition in the animals which renders them unfavorable to treatment with KCl solutions. A final point of interest to be noted in the reversed second part of the experiment is the condition of the new legs in group ©. The left first leg in five of the fourteen specimens had not differentiated in the CaCl, solution to which they were subjected in the early part of the experiment and actually after seven months two have legs with conical terminations with one toe in one case, while three others have only slight indications of differentiation. The right first legs in these same specimens had been growing only during the second part of the experiment (100 days) yet with a single exception they were perfectly differentiated in the KCl solution. This fact shows Studies of Tissue Growth. III. 93 in a decided way the different influences exerted by the CaCl, and KCl solutions on two legs of the same individuals. The bottom line of table I gives the measurements and differentiation of the left legs after 199 days when the experiment ended, these may be compared with the right legs in table II. Summary. Considering both parts of the experiment one may conclude that the effects of the salt solutions are not strongly pronounced, yet the following statements seem to be supported. 1) The processes of regenerative growth in Dremyctylus are favorably affected by weak doses of KCl while CaCl, inhibits the rate of growth and differentiation of the regenerating part. 2) Solutions of MgCl, inhibit both the rate of growth and dif- ferentiation of regenerating parts, yet not so strongly as CaCh. Mixtures of half doses of CaCl, and MgCl, do not influence either growth rate or differentiation. 3) If salamanders having had their regenerating powers retarded by MgCl, be then placed in KCl instead of this salt stimulating growth it further depresses the regeneration of both legs and tails and little if any differentiation takes place. 4) When specimens that had regenerated slowly in CaCl, were placed in solutions of KCl their rates of regeneration and powers of differentiation were improved. The effect exerted by a salt solution is, therefore, dependent to some extent upon the salts to which the animal has been previously subjected, even though some time may have elapsed since the former treatment was applied. 5) Salamanders that have regenerated at a fair rate in solutions of KCl are less depressed by treatment with CaCl, than others which have not been previously treated with KCl. 6) All actions of salt solutions on the body of a regenerating animal are probably very complex and the above statements are more to be taken as suggestions than final conclusions; they may serve best to indicate the need of extensive investigation along such a line which may possibly open a way to the control of growth processes. Zusammenfassung zu Teil III. Wenn man beide Seiten des Versuches in Betracht zieht, so kinnte man zu dem Schlusse kommen, da8 die Wirkungen der Salzlisungen nicht stark aus- gepriigt sind; immerhin scheinen die im folgenden ausgesprochenen Siitze ge- niigend gestiitzt zu werden: 24 Charles R. Stockard 1) Bei Diemyctylus werden die regenerativen Wachstumsprozesse durch schwache Dosen von KCl in giinstigem Sinne beeinfluBt, wihrend CaCl, den Wachstums- und Differenzierungsbetrag in den regenerierenden Teilen ver- mindert. 2) Liésungen von MgCly vermindern sowohl den Wachstums- wie den Diffe- renzierungsbetrag in den regenerierenden Teilen, aber nicht so stark wie CaCl. Mischungen der halben Dosen von CaCly und MgClo beeinflussen weder den Wachstumsbetrag noch die Differenzierung. 3) Werden Salamander, deren Regenerationsfihigkeiten durch MgClo ge- hemmt sind,, nachtriiglich in KCl versetzt, so iibt dieses Salz anstatt seiner sonstigen wachstumférdernden Wirkung eine noch weiter deprimierende auf die Regeneration sowohl der Beine als der Schwiinze aus, und es findet wenig oder gar keine Differenzierung statt. 4) Wenn Exemplare, welche in CaCly langsam regenerierten, in Lésungen von KCl gebracht wurden, so wurden ihre Regenerationsgeschwindigkeit und ihre Differenzierungsfihigkeit verbessert. Die von einer Salzlésung ausgetibte Wirkung ist demnach in gewisser Ausdehnung abhiingig von der Art der Salze, denen die Tiere vorher unterworfen waren, selbst wenn einige Zeit seit der ersten Behandlung verstrichen sein sollte. 5) Salamander, die mit groBer Geschwindigkeit in Lésungen von KCl re- generiert haben, erleiden durch Behandlung mit CaCly eine geringere Depression als andre, welche vorher nicht mit KCl behandelt worden sind. 6) Alle Einwirkungen von Salzlésungen auf den Korper eines regenerie- renden Tieres sind wahrscheinlich sehr kompliziert und die oben ausgesprochenen Siitze miissen mehr als Vermutungen wie als endgiiltige Schliisse aufgefafBt werden; sie kinnen aber gut dazu dienen, auf die Notwendigkeit ausgedehnter Forschungen in einer Richtung hinzuweisen, die méglicherweise einen Weg zur Beherrschung der Wachstumsvorgiinge erdffnet. Uiberetst Gebhardt. IV. The Influence of Regenerating Tissue on the Animal Body. When the adult animal body begins to regenerate new tissue in order to replace some lost part or when abnormal secondary growths arise the condition of growth equilibrium is disturbed and such a disturbance is followed by changes which effect the usual physiolog- ical condition of the body. The question arises whether the changes following or accompanying normal regenerative growth are in any way similar to those affects resulting from malignant or abnormal growths. If one believes that cancerous formations are growths in- duced by some derangement in the normal growth states and are not of infectious origin then normal secondary growths, in some stages at least, should effect the body in a manner somewhat similar to that resulting from an active tumor growth. The emaciated or cachectic Studies of Tissue Growth. IV. 25 condition of the body resulting from cancerous growths are not al- ways attributable to toxins or products produced in the cancer and taken into the circulation, but at times seem due to the excessive approperation of nutriment by the rapidly growing tumor itself. The malignant tumor continues to grow and so finally kills the body, while on the other hand, the regenerating part although rapidly growing at first gradually decreases in growth rate and begins to differentiate and function thus diverting the energy previously used in the growth processes until finally growth ceases when the body has reéstablished its former condition. I (09) showed in the second of these studies that the medusa- disk of Casstopea xamachana decreased rapidly in size while regen- erating new oral-arms and that the rate of decrease was faster in those specimens regenerating the greater number of parts. In these experiments a sourse of error might have existed since those spec- imens with six or eight oral-arms removed have been deprived of more reserve food held in the mouth arms than had the individuals which lost fewer arms. I determined to control this possibility by operating on medusae so as to remove the same number of oral-arms from all and to increase the amount of new regenerating tissue in some individuals by removing also a part of the disk. The specimens were kept under identical conditions and were not fed during the time of the experiment. Thus any difference in their responses is due only to the additional amount of regeneration imposed upon those individuals with the cut disks. Emmet ('06) has contributed an observation which is most inter- esting in connection with these experiments. He found that larval lobsters when regenerating new legs molted after longer intervals than normal individuals and increased in size at a rate sometimes 24°/, slower than the non-regenerating specimens. Most important was his observation that when the removal of legs was not followed by regeneration such specimens grew in size faster than the regen- erating individuals and in most instances actually faster than the con- trol. These observations clearly show that the process of regener- ation itself and not the injury inflicted is responsible for the retard- ation of growth in the regenerating lobsters. The experiments here recorded were performed upon the seypho- medusa, Casstopea xamachana, which is so abundant at the Tortugas Islands, Florida. Healthy individuals of medium size were selected and operated upon as described below. 26 Charles R. Stockard In the first experiment two groups of twenty individuals of the same average size were used. Group A had five of the eight oral- arms cut from each specimen (Fig. 1). Group B also had five oral- arms cut in a similar manner from each of the twenty individuals and in addition each medusa had a peripheral strip cut from its hody-disk which included one third of the circumference and extended in radially beyond the oral zig-zag muscular layer shown in Fig. 2. The specimens were then allowed to regenerate for thirty-four days their disk diameters being carefully measured at intervals so as to determine the difference in body decrease of the two groups. Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Casstopea samachana with five of its oral-arms amputated at their bases. Fig. 2. Five oral-arms and one-third of the disk periphery removed. Fig. 3. A medusa with all of its oral-arms and the central stomach mass cut away. Table I shows the records for group A, the first column giving the original disk diameters, the second column the diameters after twelve days, the third column the lengths of the individual new arm- buds regenerated during the twelve days. Column four gives the diameters after twenty days and column five the lengths of the new arm-buds at this time. Columns six and seven show the same after twenty-eight days and columns eight and nine after thirty-four days when the experiment stopped. A line of averages at the foot of the table shows the general result. Table II gives the same data for group B and a ready compar- ison of the tables is facilitated by table III of averages. The individuals of both groups averaged 81.5 mm in diameter at the beginning of the experiment and after twelve days the spec- imens of group A were 67.5 mm in diameter while those in group B which were regenerating the disk tissue in addition to the five oral- arms were only 64.3 mm in average diameter. In other words they averaged 3.2 mm smaller than the ones growing only the five arms. 27 DN: Studies of Tissue Growth. UESOL] 66s Lb=L=9>0-9 GS = vee eames: Pampa atk! Lea) 87 Sheri 9 hago ea [age omy USO .6:—6—-16 OSG 6.6) 6 a 1S) ty emt) S ae Moca para asc fy ote ei Ae) see oO) 2) Se) ey) el Sie IE Oe, Ge GG Seely ett) aaa] eal Cel ery rear aS | Gi Siss Lie de ea pom Samra’ (eo eta eet 1 Tt le Ales reat S| oune TUL UT Spnq-a1e Jo Y4ySuUerT LY 1 67 €9 G'EG Gg 669 €9 Cis Ghs aia 0 99 Ge A OG OL OP trae Ola O29 bY BHO OG, 6P Lg Siete Oh 9 19 Diet 4 al On) 99 TP Oi OO) Ol LP Oe aan he Gy, ¥G FG Ls eeeet Ld eae | soe) = 8G == =o == g las) 1S (of pa me 4 ae PP Gi OG Caen, OG 6P Cine Cat Oe San €¢ bo) Lees arty Acme 2 Lg | LY Gia Otero ae a 1g Jia deme Ses beret) 9g bP Niet imanlh Nie (8 IF a 2h) bell Sf meh [Of eG femal Sih €¢ PV D0 Se ie SG 6P Os et Oca 9) ee Ct tg FG pAppeme (4 eens he) nS fice) LG to ale AG Pei fa} 23) TY Ui Oe Cag hy LY Oa aa O eae tee, 6G GP OG iG Gag 6P Oe GG Gia G cg SP Qe OG GG &gG Oe gS a GO iG 09 a Dae Oe an LY Gr Gi Ge Gay €¢ cg Dae Ol Olas Oa 8g MS meats ) ma AS iment iat $9 TG (oS mary aay eet) 8g Oe ae Se ia G $9 Tg DSO ee Ol San an, G¢ (Abra Fee 8 er Sie 09 LG eas at oe (oli (8) 19 Oi OG GG L9 09 99 = ae Ge G9 eee Gai sea ae €L S} ouny Z} oun ZI) oun fp oung A Ge oun wWUr UL wo UL wut UL wuUr UL wu UL ‘WI ASI | « Spnq-wav yo yysuoey | erg ystq | spnq-mie yo qySueqy | “eq ysIq ‘SULIV-[VIO DAY SUIYVAIOMOSII UOYA eee poe P| ooo 7 Prat —cesiges¢ Og fers ed 9=9—9-F—-F oy = Ga ieae 90a =. Sa 28 Se eas 9 >-2 29 Vine, oi ee Pama, th! Hel Ree! a | Te ee al et a rm ee Weg Ged a= Var fe Cees tha h FS Pex ke | G5 0-05 5 GaP aeg aoe Ba Usp seg G ee | 1G Av WU Ur spnq-mwie Jo Yysuery CL 89 GL 08 LG Av wWul UL g8 &6 cy Avy mut Ur ery ysi | “wer ASIC nunysniinx nadorwsn) UL oZIs ApOd UL ssvoLOp PUB UOYeIoUSII JO pI0I0y ae OIG Sal Stockard harles R. 1 J ( 28 69 6—Ci Sar oe Ole g—3—9—)——} L—9—G—F-Z 6—6—6—6-—9 ere es ve L—-L—-t-21—-28 L=—9—9—9=—¢ 8s—s—L—L—9 s—s—8-—8—9 Lb bh | 9—9—9—G—G 8—L—L—-1L—-9 L—L—-L—9—9 L—=L—-9—-9-—9 G¢—G—?—-?-?F G9 =F—7—F Pie fee (emo) 6—6—3—8—8 66> 6366) SP Lg GF 6g cy 6g GP 157 67 GP LY 67 187 PP eT oF Lg 8f LV Tg 6¢ 969 biz 9: 97 G>Ols oe = ie > “Tas Gr eer Sane Os Oseat mee o ere LQ = BSB Lawliee Lean LeU Oar ra jcpamy 2 rene “peal | oem | emt perme) Hearaats prea | QBEEN m ee e Apomm Os ae Ei ome Leen me Df mm Sar OO Gata 9 SS Se Las he Uae Oosg oO == Sagi g wa Shar Vey Mieco pears. oes S pe Oe hae ee Uae S Chews BizeQ 9 S39 36 Sas Gae L SG TL bP 8g 8P 9¢ cP GP tg ov Tg tg cy 8Y 6P Og 6¢ 6G 6G 9¢ 69 ‘QSVIOAV OY} UI PAPN[OUL JON (z ‘SUIQOURIG OIL SUIG OY} OOMIS “OUITY SIG} JB YJMOIS OI1YUO OFLOIPUL JOU Op sJUsMOIMseoM IvoUrT (; (18) eung | TUL UL spnq-ulie Jo qjsue'T gf oung WU Ur “IL ASI | ZI oung WU UT spnq-Wain Jo WQoUOT cP unr Wok UL HEGEL ENGL vg 9Lg TV $79 GTS AV a eae geal Zool 3 92 r= lee 306 8 OOT lai naa» aa teas “| 0¢ Bit aad Sea ees haar Lg OL Pesta Geer 69 MS ocala peel Aare ce ao OL 06 | Femmes erst Dra Vaasa) 6G D> Gis Gee ee 6¢ GL amma fie ims sins 69 1 eal eal Coca ea OL L8 Os Qi Dis Oi G 1¢ o = Ger d= GaP. LG 8L Li sat Olen ise O)raaO) 0g GE Se eee Lg 08 bo mr: oh eens rh 09 Ose Gren Gry ay, 99 08 eae Sa, Oe Og One aire GG sag gg 6L Oia Dae Oe 9¢ CS iiae Ti Sas 09 GL Ose fe G = Gag Lg 93 OSS pon HaP &9 08 by Licey) a leer 0g ae el > Se GG GL 1 a ahs ets at Rak tS os Gar G == Pah 09 GL Des Qi Or So SP GG GaP = SS 09 08 See eee ome 2 Ra TG oP = V= 8 aS 6¢ GL PS PSG Bae S G9 Che GG ng €L 06 Ca i= 9-9 Se 6¢ C= ire C= =, 69 06 DS Vez Oe Org 8g oe AP G9 68 Dias OO Ce Gh acd Po eGiaces-es= c= 102 ¢8 DO Saiore SF Se OL SF PSs 6) 82 C6 F oun 7 oung L@ Avy LZ Ae gy Avy WU UL ULUL UT WU UT WU Ur WUE UT Spnq-w1e Jo 448007 “eIqd Std “eIq ASIC spnq-maiv jo [4sue'7T ‘BIg ASIC ‘ysip-Apoq oy} Jo ooo1d Bw pus sUIIe-[B10 DAY SUTVIOMESOI OTA nunyonupme vadoissp) Ui O2ZI8 ApPOG UL osvaloop puR TOYVIOUEsEI Jo p10Ddy ee Studies of Tissue Growth. IV. 29 After this time, however, group B did not decrease as rapidly since the disk injury had almost completely regenerated; thus after twenty days the A group was only 1.7 mm larger than B, after twenty-eight days only 1.2 mm larger and after thirty-four days there was still only 1.4 mm difference in average size. Table iT. Comparison of averages when medusae are injured to different extents A summary of tables [ and IL. Disk diameters in mm at stated intervals Length of arm-buds in mm one After | After | After Original After | After After After After Dia. 12 days | 20days | 28 days | 34 days | 12 days | 20 days | 28 days | 34 days 53.5 | 49.7 4.7 5. 6.3 6.9 815 | 643 | 876 | A | 815 | 67.5 | 59.3 B oy) 52.3 | 48.3 4.1 5.4 6.25 6.9 The experiment clearly shows that while the B group was regen- erating the cut disk part in addition to the five oral-arms the indi- viduals of B were decreasing in body size as a result of this ad- ditional regeneration more rapidly than the specimens in A which were regenerating only the five oral-arms. ‘The regenerating tissue through an excessive capacity for the absorption of nutriment draws upon the old body tissues and causes them to. decrease in size ina manner very much as it may be supposed the rapidly growing tumor imposes upon the substances of the surrounding body. It is certainly clear that in both cases the growing tissue causes the old body to become weak and emaciated while the growth itself continues in a vigorous manner. The above experiment is of further value in regard to the in- fluence of the degree of injury on the rate of regenerative growth. I have previously shown ('09) that the rate of arm regeneration in this medusa is independant of the degree of injury as is also the ease in the brittle-star, Ophiocoma riser; while Ophiocoma echinata regenerates each arm the slower the greater the number of removed arms. These results are contrary to the idea advanced by ZELENY (05) that the greater amount of injury would be followed by a faster regeneration rate. The two groups of individuals A and B are each regenerating five oral-arms but the group B is the more extensively injured since a portion of the disk was also cut away. If the additional injury or regeneration imposed upon the B group exercises any influence 30 Charles R. Stockard over the rate of regeneration it should be seen by comparing the rates of growth of the arm-buds in B with those of group A. The right side of table III gives a ready comparison of the two groups. Those specimens with the disk uncut or the less injured ones regen- erated slightly more rapidly during the first twelve days but after this time the rates were practically equal. These facts show in a most convincing manner that more extensive injury to the medusa fails to give an increase in the subsequent regeneration rates. A second experiment differed somewhat in manner of operation from the above yet the results are in perfect accord. Twenty-eight healthy medusae were arranged in two groups of fourteen individuals each and operated upon as follows. The specimens of group I had all of their oral-arms and the central stomach mass entirely removed, leaving only the medusa disk (Fig. 3). Such a preparation lives and pulsates in a normal manner and regenerates new tissue to cover over the central stomach space, then begins to bud new oral-arms from this tissue until finally the medusa regains its normal organs and parts. The central space is first covered by a thin veil of tissue which tears repeatedly and reforms until it begins to thicken and then the new arm-buds first appear. The regenerative growth is, therefore, very vigorous from such specimens during the early part of the experiment and later becomes much less. Group II was oper- ated upon in the same manner as the specimens of group B in the above experiment, five oral-arms and a part of the medusa disk were cut away, Fig. 2. Labie ny Decrease in size of medusae regenerating different amounts of tissue. Disk diameters in mm at_stated intervals Length of arm-buds in mm Group | _ a a | | Original After After | After | After After After Dia. | = Hayey _ deve | 28 days 14 days 22 days 28 cage | | 88.6 55.3 51 | 63. 59 44 | 52 6 Table IV facilitates a ready comparison of the averages from these specimens. The original diameters of the groups averaged 88.6 mm and 88 mm, after fourteen days group I was only 62 mm in diameter while group IL was 69 mm, or 7 mm larger. After twenty- two days they were 55.3 mm and 63 mm and after twenty-eight days Studies of Tissue Growth. IV. 31 51 mm and 59mm. It will be noted however that group I ceased to decrease rapidly after the first fourteen days when its rapid regen- eration also ceased and from this time on it decreased almost as slowly as group II, since in the last six days of the experiment it lost only 4.3 mm while group II lost 4 mm. The rate of growth for the arm-buds in group II is practically the same as from the specimens in the previous experiment. Groups I and IL again show that when the animal regenerates a certain amount of tissue in a given time such an individual suffers a loss in body size which is greater than the loss from other spec- imens regenerating a less amount of tissue. Of course the animals must be subjected to the same food conditions, in these experiments they were all unfed. Regenerating tissue, therefore, consumes the old body substance and has an effect that would finally so weaken the body as to cause death should the regeneration continue for a suf- ficient time. A method which could eliminate the factors that cause growth to cease when an organ attains a certain size would allow the organ to grow at the expense of the other body parts until death would follow in a manner closely similar to that by which a malignant tumor growth finally kills the body containing it. The absence of certain growth inhibiting substances in the body may be responsible for indefinite cancer growths, and experiments that in any way lead to a determination of the controling factors in normal primary or secondary growths are of importance in this regard. Summary. The medusa, Casstopea xamachana, when unfed decreases in body size. This decrease is greater in regenerating individuals, and the larger the amount of tissue an individual is regenerating the more rapidly does it decrease in size. The new regenerating tissue grows at a vigorous rate on account of its excessive capacity for the ap- properation of nutriment from the old body tissues, and it is this fact which causes the body to decrease in size and become weak and emaciated. A close similarity to such an action is seen in the case of certain malignant growths. Zusammenfassung zu Teil IV. Die Qualle Casstopea xamachana nimmt im Hungerzustand an Kirpergriébe ab. Diese Abnahme ist bedeutender bei regenerierenden Individuen, und mit der GréBe des zu regenerierenden Gewebsbetrages wiichst die Geschwindigkeit der GréBenabnahme des Individuums. Das neue regenerierende Gewebe wiichst 32 Charles R. Stockard, Studies of Tissue Growth. IV. mit groBer Energie nach MaSgabe seiner auBerordentlichen Fihigkeit zur Nah- rungseinverleibung auf Kosten der alten Kérpergewebe, und dieser Umstand ist es, welcher die GriBenabnahme, das Schwiicherwerden und Abmagern des Kir- pers veranlaBt. Eine weitgehende Abnlichkeit mit einer derartigen Wirkung beobachtet man in den Fillen von gewissen malignen Tumoren. Ubersetzt Gebhardt. Literature cited, Beess, S. P., ‘04, The Chemistry of Malignant Growths. II. The Inorganic Constituents of Tumors. Am. Journ. Physiol. XII. pp. 167—172. Emme, V., /06, The Relation of Regeneration to the Molting Process in the Lobster. 36th Annual Report, Inland Fisheries, R. I. Logs, J., ‘04, Uber den Einflu8 der Hydroxyl- und Wasserstoffionen auf die Regeneration und das Wachstum der Turbellarien. Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. 101. H.7/8. S. 340—348. —— '05, Studies in General Physiology. Univ. Chicago Press. MoraGan, T. H., '06, The Physiology of Regeneration. Journ. Exp. Zool. III. pp. 459—500. - STocKARD, C. R., ’08, Studies of Tissue Growth. I. An Experimental Study of the Rate of Regeneration in Cassiopea xamachana. Carnegie Institution. Pub. 103, and Science. N.S. XXVII. p. 448. —— ‘09, Studies of Tissue Growth. IJ. Functional Activity, Form Regulation, Level of the Cut, and Degree of Injury as Factors in Determining the Rate of Regeneration. The Reaction of Regenerating Tissue in the Old Body. Journ. Exp. Zool. VI. pp. 433—469. ZELENY, C., ‘05, The Relation of the Degree of Injury to the Rate of Regen- eration. Journ. Exp. Zool. HU. pp. 347—369. Sonderdruck aus Archiv fiir vergleichende Ophthalmologie Bd. I, H. 4, Seite 473—480. The experimental Production of various Eye Abnormalities and an Analysis of the Development of the primary Parts of the Eye. By Charles R. Stockard, Cornell University Medical School, New York City, U.S. A. With two figures in the text. While studying the influence of various substances on development the writer found that it was possible to produce at will a number of ophthalmic defects by the use of Mg, alcohol, cholreton, ether and other anesthetics. The action of these substances seems to weaken or distroy the dynamic processes necessary for the optic vesicles to push out from Fig. 1. Anterior views of fishes heads showing different eye conditions produced by treatment with Mg solutions. the brain or to subsequently grow out to their lateral positions at the sides of the head. In consequence of this, various degrees of the cyclopean condition often occur among the fish embryos with which I have experimented. The cyclopean fish embryos are in all respects exactly comparable to the human cyclops. One eye exists in the middle of the face an the nasal pits are often represented by a single or double pit in front of the eye. The eye conditions, as illustrated in the diagram Fig. 1, shwo all steps in a series beginning with two eyes unusually close together, 174. Stockard: The experimental Production of various Eye Abnormalities. VI, two approximated eyes, V, a double eye with two lenses, two pupils, etc., IV, a laterally broad eye with a double retinal arrangement, and a single lens and pupil and a typically single eye showing no indications ~ See oe oe at, S ba en sainy Fig. 2. Young fish, a normal individual above and cyclopean monsters below. of its double nature, II]. The later condition may be termed typical or perfect cyclopia, from this we pass to extreme cyclopean eyes which are unusually small, I, sometimes deeply buried in the head, others with small optic cups and illfitting lenses which protrude beyond the eye, Stockard: The experimental Production of various Eye Abnormalities. 475 and, finally, all retinal or optic cup portions of the eye may be absent, with independent lenses present, or both optic cup and lens may fail to form and eyeless creatures result, I. Many illustrations of all these stages have been found and studies among the hundreds of cyclopean fish which have been produced by these methods. Some of the embryos present perfectly normal bilateral brains and show no abnormality other than the cyclopean eye and characteristic probocis-like mouth. The cyclopean eye occupies an antero-ventral posi- tion, Fig. 2, and many fish with such an eye hatch from the egg and swim about for a month or more in a perfectly normal fashion, the cy- clopean eye functioning as an effecient organ of sight. The development of the cyclopean eye in human monsters has been difficult to interpret on account of the scarcity of material and want of early stages of the defect. Such abnormalities are not readily explained from later stages. In the summer of 1906, when these monstrous fish were first produced, I secured only later stages and on finding all degrees of union between the eyes concluded that the cyclopean condition resulted from a more or less intimate fusion of the two eye components after they had arisen from the brain. This position has been held by other workers both before and since my study. A more careful investigation, however, of the earliest stages of cyclopea in the living eggs and in sections shows that the final condition of the eye is foreshadowed in the first appearance of the optic anlage from the brain. The early eye is either perfectly single or duble from the start, and the union of the two components does not become more intimate during development, even though the eye may develop partially within the brain itself. In addition to the above series showing the various degrees of cy- clopia, another series of ophthalmic defects were induced by the same chemical substances. These individuals have one perfectly normal eye in its usual position on either the right or left side of the head while the eye of the other side may be either smaller than usual, or very small and defective in structure, or deeply buried in the head tissues as a choroid vesicle entirely failing to form a typical eye, or finally, the optic vesicle of one side may not arise from the brain and thus the individual has a perfect eye on one side and no indication of an eye on the other. I have called such monsters as these ,.Monstrum Monophthal- micum Asymmetricum“ as distinguished from the cylopean monster with its one symmetrically placed eye. This type of monster seems rarer in nature than the well known cy- clops, although they do occur. I have known a child with one perfect 476 Stockard: The experimental Production of various Eye Abnormalities. eye and the other small and defective, and Professor T. H. Morgan has shown me a pigeon that presented a similar condition. The asymmetrical monophthalmic monsters are possibly due to the differing degrees of resistance to the anesthetics possessed by the anlagen of the two optic vesicles. The doses used are of course very delicately adjusted. One eye begins to push out from the brain slightly before the other (in studying normal embryos it is often found that one organ of a bilateral pair forms and develops ahead of the other for a time) the weaker or slower eye is affected by the solutions while the stronger is not. The different degrees of abnormality shown by one eye may be an index to the more or less wide difference in developmental energy possessed by the two eyes of the same individual. It is of interest to record here that in some cases the development of the auditory vesicle or ear is affected by the alcoholic solutions. At times one ear is injured and the other not, in such individuals when the eyes also exhibit an asymmetrical condition it invariably happens that the defective eye is on the side with the defective ear. The rates or strengths of development of the sides of the embryo are different, in other words development is not perfectly bilateral, one side may go ahead of the other for a time then the other catches up and may actually ect ahead and so on. Still other cases occurred in which both eyes were small and de- fective although they pushed out from the brain and reached the sides of the head. The two eyes of these mdividuals show the various degrees of imperfection found in the small eye of the asymmetrical monophthalmic monsters. Alcohol was most effective of all the anzesthetics employed in pro- ucing these conditions. Proper strength solutions of alcohol may cause as many as 98 per cent of the eggs to develop into young fish exhibiting the various ophthalmic defects mentioned above. Magnesium salts in solution were next in efficiency, In one experiment 66 per cent of the embryos were cyclopean or asymmetrically monophthalmic. The fish were in better general condition in the Mg solutions than in other sub- stances. Mg effects the development of the eyes without causing, in many cases, defects or weaknesses in other parts of the central nervous system. Alcohol on the other hand disturbs the development of the central nervous system as a whole so that embryos are rarely strong after treatment with it. These experiments prove that many of the eye malformations met with in nature are probably due to some abnormal condition in the deve- - A zs Stockard: The experimental Produktion of various Eye Abnormalities. 477 lopmental environment having acted upon the early embryo. Anesthesia tends to weaken or lower the dynamic processes of development and it is probable that other causes which would interfere with normal nutrition might cause similar effects. This would apply especially to the mammal- ian egg where the yolk has been lost and the embryo depends upon a perfect placentation for its proper nourishment from the mother. I suggest, therefore, that cyclopea and other ophthalmic defects in mammals are due to poor placentation or a diseased condition of the mother which sub- jects the embryo to an abnormal environment during development. In man such defects are probably often due to an alcoholic mother. There is no evidence to indicate that these defects are the result of a peculiar or abnormal germ cell, and against such a view the experimenter has the power to cause at will perfectly normal eggs to develop into cyclopean monsters by the use of alcohol and other anesthetic agents. In a recent paper in the American Jour. of Anatomy, X, p. 369, I have discussed the anatomical conditions of cyclopia and shall not men- tion them here. Development of the Primary Parts of the Eye. The embryos discussed above furnish excellent material for a study of the. relationship between the development of the optic vesicle and the crystalline lens; the two primary parts of the eye which arise in the embryo from different sources, the vesicle from the brain wall and the lens from the head ectoderm. It has been claimed by several experimen- ters that the optic-vesicle was entirely independent of the lens in its development, while on the other hand, the lens was entirely dependent upon the optic vesicle for its origin from the ectoderm as well as for its later differentiation into the clear refractive lens of the eye. A study of embryos having no optic vesicles, others with a vesicle on only one side and finally those with a median cyclopean eye show the following facts regarding the relationship between the development of the optic vesicle and optic lens. The crystalline lens may originate from ectoderm without any direct stimulus whatever from an optic vesicle or cup. These self-originating lenses arise from regions of ectoderm that are not in contact with either optic vesicle, the brain wall, or any nervous or sensory organ of the individual. The lens-bud is capable of perfect self-differentiation. No contact at any time with an optic vosicle or cup is necessary. These lenses finally become typical transparent refractive bodies exactly similar in histological structure to a lens in the normal eye. 17S Stoekard: The experimental Production of various Kye Abnormalities. The size and shape of the lens is not entirely controlled by the associated optic cup. Lenses may be abnormally small for the size of the cup, or entirely too large, so that they protrude; or, finally, peculiarly shaped oval or centrally constricted lenses may occur in more or less ordinarily shaped optic cups. The lens is by no means always adjusted to the structure of the optic cup as has been claimed by some observers. An optic vesicle or cup is invariably capable at some stage of its development of stimulating the formation of a lens from the ectoderm with which it comes in contact. It is remarkable how extremely small an amount of optic tissue is capable of stimulating lens formation from the ectoderm. The optic vesicle may stimulate a lens to form from regions of the ectoderm other than that wich usually forms a lens. This is shown by the fact that a median cyclopean eye always stimulates a lens to form from the overlying ectoderm. It is scarcely possible that the lateral normal lens-forming ectoderm could follow the cyclopean optic cup to the many strange situations it finally reaches. The ectoderm of the head region is more disposed to the formation of lenses than that of other parts of the body, since free lenses invariably occur in this region. A deeply buried optic vesicle or cup may fail to come in contact with the ectoderm; in such cases it lacks a lens. The tissues of the embryonic cup in the fish are unable to form or regenerate a lens. This is not true for all embryos as has been shown for one species of frog. The optic lens may be looked upon as a once independent organ (possibly sensory or perhaps an organ for focusing light on the brain wall, before the vertebrate eye had arisen) which has become so closely associated with the nervous elements of the eye that it has to some extent lost. its tendancy to arise independently, although still capable of doing so under certain conditions. The lens now arises much more readily in response to a stimulus from the optic vesicle, a correlated adjustment which insures the almost perfect normal accord between the optic cup and the lens. Finally it may be stated in brief, that the optic vesicle or cup always has the power to stimulate a lens to arise from any ectoderm with which it may come in contact during certain stages of its development. Secondly, the ectoderm of the head region also has the power under proper conditions to form an independent lens which will differentiate perfectly without the stimulus or presence of an optic vesicle or cup. - Stockard: Die experimentelle Erzeugung verschiedener Abnormititen des Auges. 479 Kurze deutsche Inhaltsangabe zu vorstehender Arbeit: Die experimentelle Erzeugung verschiedenartiger Abnormitaten des Auges nebst einer Erorterung Uber die Entwicklung der Hauptteile des Auges. i Stockard studierte den Einflu{8 des Magnesiums, Alkohols, Chlor- iithyls, Athers und anderer Anisthetika auf die Entwicklung des Fischauges. Er erhielt so u. a. verschiedene Grade cyklopischer Mibbildungen, die in allen Hinsichten der menschlichen Cyklopie vergleichbar waren. Auf der einen Seite der Reihe stehen die Falle, wo zwei getrennte Augen, die nur naher als normal beieinander liegen, vorhanden sind, den Uber- gang bildet ein median gelegenes, duberlich einfaches Auge mit doppelter Retina, der héchste Grad wird durch eimen medianen hochgradigen Mikrophthalmus oder durch vélligen Mangel der Augenanlage dargestellt. Die Wirkung der erwahnten Chemikalien ist also eine hemmende. Es zeigte sich tibrigens bei friihen Stadien, dai die Cyklopie keinen Ver- schmelzungsprozebh vorher isolierter Anlagen darstellt, sondern dali solche Augen von vornherein einfach oder doppelt angelegt sind. Eine andere seltenere Art von Mifbildungen ist durch Vorhandensein eines normal gelagerten, gut entwickelten und eines symmetrisch gelegenen unvollkommen entwickelten Auges charakterisiert (Monstrum monophthal- micum asymmetricum). Es ist anzunehmen, dab in diesen Fallen die eine Augenanlage weniger widerstandsfahig ist oder etwas spater aus- wichst als die andere und dali die Giftwirkung gerade hinreicht, diese letztere zu schadigen. Zuweilen trifft auch mit einseitiger Mibbildung des Auges eine eben- solche des Ohrapparates zusammen, dann finden sich beide Storungen auf der gleichen Kérperseite, was obige Auffassung von der verschiedenen Qualitaét der Kopfhalften bestatigt. Andere Fille zeigen zwei richtig gelegene, in verschiedenem Grade mifbgebildete Augen. Starker Alkohol rief iiber 98°/, Mibbildungen hervor; Magnesium in einem Falle 66°/, bei besserem Allgemeinzustande des Tieres, wihrend beim Alkohol die Schaidigung des Zentralnervensystems gréfer ist, so dab die Tiere selten kraftig sind. Diese Versuche zeigen, dali viele Augenmifbildungen von ungeeigneter Ernahrung des Embryos herriihren kénnen (z. B. Alkoholismus der Mutter), wahrend kein Beweis fiir eine abnorme Beschaffenheit der Keimzelle vor- handen ist. {8Q Stockard: Die experimentelle Erzeugung verschiedener Abnormititen des Auges. Entwicklung der Hauptteile des Auges. Besonderes Interesse bietet das gegenseitige Verhalten von Augen- becher (bzw. -blase) und Linsenanlage. Im Gegensatze zu bisherigen Annahmen zeigte sich, dab das Kopf- ektoderm ganz unabhangig von dem Vorhandensein einer Augenblase imstande ist, eine vollig entwickelte Linse zu liefern, auch beztiglich der Dimensionen besteht keine feste Abhingigkeit der Linse vom Augen- becher. Jede Augenanlage hat die Fahigkeit, das Ektoderm zur Linsen- bildung anzuregen, auch diejenigen Teile derselben, die gewéhnlich keine Linse produzieren. Wenn die Augenanlage tief im Kopfe liegt und das Ektoderm nicht erreicht, so fehlt die Linsenanlage. Die Linse kann als ein Organ angesehen werden, das einmal selb- stiindig war und diese Selbstandigkeit nur ausnahmsweise einmal wieder- erlangt, wahrend es jetzt gewdhnlich in Abhangigkeit von den nervésen Teilen des Auges ist. G. Freytag (Miinchen). Reprinted from THe AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, No. 2 January, 1911 THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND OF ELAS- MOBRANCHS, WITH REMARKS UPON THE HYPO- BRANCHIAL CIRCULATION IN THESE FISHES JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON Assistant Professor of Histology, Cornell University Medical College TWENTY FIGURES NERVOUS Gs tute ng ne eae ne oe ee ee ee ee 151 peat ma IRM PRANTL oe aoe oo aig ook ald Lois 2 0, 4c dsb «me RGR ein eka boa ca ecden 153 SMe REeDUNRIRPRERL EINES Foc fo coe orcs ae wrn ws ss os a a. 0.2 nen 1b ho bank capeveccis 164 The anatomical relations of the thyroid gland........................... 165 mre eerie tees Mion 22h Jae i vc Lk ee Sad) A eels 171 The hypobranchial circulation and the origin of the thyroid vessels....... 175 Vomeand lympnatics of the thyroid region.............-..-2--..20c0<0.+0:-. 183 The histology of the Elasmobranch thyroid gland........................... 187 OTE PIT sy heed och OEMS Sikes en rr er ey 207 retire saat ee ee 9s. ie LA... cs cae ess oe sd ve Sa Le poate We 209 aI I RR ok cin oe wo 00 5 ono tase ap 4 mat Sv eres 210 INTRODUCTION Even a casual reference to the literature of the thyroid gland is sufficient to indicate that the organ has been more carefully stud- ied in most all other classes of animals than in the Elasmobranchs. The organ may be said to make its first appearance in the As- cidians, Amphioxus, and Cyclostomesasa depressed groove, trough, or series of recesses in the ventral floor of the pharynx, usually known as the endostyle, or the hypobranchial or hypopharyn- geal groove, which, as first shown by W. Miiller (’71) who studied Myxine glutinosa and Petromyzon, is to be considered the homo- logue of the median thyroid of the vertebrates. In the Cyclo- stomes the structure, relations and development of the primitive thyroid have been more recently studied by Guiard (’96), Cole (05), Schaffer (’06), and Stockard (’06). The structure of the organ is very simple and only partially resembles the thyroid of 152 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON higher vertebrates. Possibly the thick tenacious secretion formed by the endostyle, upon the presence of which the function of the organ very largely depends, may well be taken to bear a relation to the colloid material which is so characteristic of the mammalian gland. Inasmuch as the retention of an albuminous secretion within the glandular lumina of the animal body, a condition frequently observed by the pathologists and normally present in other glands as well as the thyroid, e.g., mammary gland, kidney, hypophysis cerebri and parathyroid gland, leads to the accumu- lation of a colloid material bearing a more or less striking resem- blance to the colloid material in the follicles of the thyroid gland, the deduction from the phylogenetic standpoint, that the reten- tion within the follicles of the thyroid of a once free mucous se- cretion would account for the colloid character of the follicular con- tent, would not seem inappropriate. The character of cells which pour forth the free secretion of the endostyle or hypobran- chial thyroid of the Ascidians, Amphioxus and Cyclostomes is not so very different from the colloid secreting cells of the thyroid follicles of mammals. In the Teleostei, Wagner (’53) has studied the form and loca- tion of the thyroid gland and directed attention to the similarity of its structure to that of mammals. Simon (’44) and Baber (’81) have given extended descriptions of the thyroid gland in several species of bony fishes; Maurer (’86) described the structure and studied fully the development of the thyroid gland of the carp and trout. In the more recent literature the structure of the thy- roid in fishes seems not to have received the attention which it apparently deserves. Extended descriptions of the thyroid gland of reptiles are found in the articles by Simon (’44) and Baber (’81). De Meuron (86) studied the organ in Lacerta. Van Bemmelén (’87) described the gland in Hatteria and Lacerta as being transversely placed over the trachea near the heart, and as forming a small, thin unpaired organ. Guiard (’96) has also discussed the structure of the organ in reptiles. In the Amphibia the work of Maurer (’88) and the excellent descriptions by Wiedersheim (’04) apparently leave little to be THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 153 desired, though the organ has been much studied in this class of animals. In Aves the thyroid gland has been extensively studied by Simon (’44), Peremischko (’67) who considered the histology as well as the gross anatomy of the organ, Baber (’81) and De Meuron (’86). The literature of the structure and development of the thyroid in the chick is extensive. In most of the Mammalia the anatomy of the thyroid gland is well known and its literature has acquired voluminous proportions. Its review does not fall within the scope of the present paper. REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE A careful study of the available literature has revealed, with the exception of the work of Guiard, only casual references to the anatomy of the thyroid gland in the Elasmobranchs. Simon (44) studied the Selachian (Squalus) and the skate (Raia). He describes the thyroid gland as ‘‘a single organ, situated in the me- dian line, in connection with the anterior surface of the cartilages which bind together the branchial arches of opposite sides of the body,” and he states that it may lie in contact with the “lingual bone,’ or may be more or less distant from the mouth, but that it is ‘“‘always at the spot where the great trunk of the branchial aorta distributes its terminal branches. It lies at the angle of this bifurcation . . . ; it is covered by the sterno-hyoid or sterno-maxillary muscle, and also by the myo-hyoid and genio- - hyoid, when these are present.’’ His description I find to hold good for Raia, but it does not entirely correspond to the position of the thyroid gland of Squalus, Mustelus, or Carcharias. As to its vascularization, Simon states that the gland receives its blood supply by means of a recurrent branch given off by the first branchial vein, while yet within the gill, and that ‘‘it never receives the smallest share of supply from the branchial artery with which it is in contact.’”’ The last portion of this statement is precisely correct for all the species which I have examined, though apparently at variance with the observations of some authors: the first portion, as to the origin of the thyroid artery, 154 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON would appear to be not very accurately expressed, for it never arises from the afferent branchial vessel which leaves the dorsal end of the branchial arch, but, on the contrary, arises from the ventral end of the nutrient or efferent loop. The relation of the thyroid gland to the bifurcation of the ventral aorta is so intimate as to readily suggest the error of other observers who have pre- sumed that the organ received some blood directly from the first pair of branchial arteries. Moreover, the thyroid artery passing from its origin lies directly under, and in contact with the first pair of afferent branchial arteries so that until these latter vessels have been carefully dissected out of their sheath it is impossible to determine with certainty that they have no connection with the thyroid vessels. In the skate the gland lies directly upon the aor- tic bifurcation and the pulsating blood-vessels are readily seen through the transparent organ as soon as it is exposed. Miiller (71) speaks of the thyroid gland of Raia clavata as a flattened brownish-red body, lying at the point of division of the branchial artery. It possesses a connective tissue capsule with trabecula which divide the organ into a small number of lobes, within which the connective tissue penetrates between the lobules. The follicles possess a thin membrana propria and a cylindrical epithelium; they contain a homogeneous, gelatinous yellowish mass. The epithelium possesses a shiny cuticular border and appears to send processes into the lumen. The description given by Miiller holds good for Raia, the genus which he studied, but it does not correspond to the condition of the thyroid gland of Mustelus, Squalus or Carcharias, the difference being chiefly due to the fact that in the Batoidei the connective tissue forming the thyroid trabecula and interfollicular septa is apparently much more abundant than in the Selachii. Balfour (’78) discusses very briefly the early development of the thyroid gland of Elasmobranchs prior to the appearance of a lumen within its follicles. He does not consider the anatomy of the organ in the adult. Baber (’81) says that “‘in the skate the gland is single (with the exception of a few detached vesicles) and forms a yellow, flattened, lobulated body, occupying the median line at the bifurcation of THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 155 the branchial artery. Anteriorly it sometimes presents a narrow process of gland-tissue running forward, and behind it is limited by the bifurcation of the branchial artery.”” The contents of its vesicles consisted of coarsely granular masses or globules of various sizes which ‘‘correspond with the ‘colloid substance’ of authors.”’ He surmises the non-existence of lymphatic vessels and says that in both the skate and the conger-eel ‘“‘an extensive system of vessels lined with epithelium becomes injected by the method of puncture” ; he considers that these are blood-vessels. The narrow process of glandular tissue which Baber says is occasionally present in Raia is more frequently seen in the Selachii; it is con- stantly present in all the examples of Carcharias which I have dissected. It extends forward until it comes into contact with the anterior margin of the basi-hyal cartilage (lingual bone) which presents a depression, frequently amounting to a complete fora- men, for the reception of the anterior extremity of the glandular process with the connective tissue by which it is heavily invested. This process is obviously analogous to the pyramidal lobe of the mammalian thyroid, and as it extends all the way to the pharyn- geal submucosa in many instances it may well be considered as indicative of a phylogenetic connection of the gland with the cavity of the pharynx, a condition which is also indicated by the on- togeny of the organ in all the orders, and which appears to be permanent in the Ascidians, Amphioxus, and the Cyclostomes. Baber’s suspicion of the non-existence of lymphatics within the thyroid gland appeared to the writer to be such a remarkable observation and so out of harmony with the known anatomy and physiology of the organ in the higher animal orders as to require further study. This study was pursued by means of a consider- able series of careful dissections with many injection experiments and did not appear to confirm Baber’s opinion. Baber’s obser- vation that the blood-vessels in these animals could be injected by the method of puncture is quite accurate, but it does not by any means disprove the existence of lymphatics. His results were apparently dependent upon the fact that the smallest veins and capillaries are of very considerable caliber and readily admit of injection, while the lymphatics are very minute and are entered 156 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON only with difficulty and not frequently when the needle is thrust into the substance of the gland. Balfour (81) referring to the development of the organ in Scyl- lium and Torpedo says that at first it is solid and attached to the esophagus. “‘Eventually its connection with the throat becomes lost, and the lobules develop a lumen.”’ Dohrn (’84) in his plate XI, fig. 5, indicates by outline the thy- roid gland of Ammocetes, but does not illustrate or describe the thyroid gland of the Selachii, though in his text he includes an extended -description of the thymus of the latter animals. His outline of the thyroid of Ammocetes does not conform to that the the gland in the Selachii. De Meuron (’86) says that in Scyllium the thyroid is elongated, in Galeus and Acanthias, much flattened, in Raia pyramidal or rounded. It lies just above the terminal bifurcation of the bran- chial artery. . In Myelobates it les behind the os hyoideus, beneath the sterno-mandibularis muscle, and is triangular in shape, short, flattened, transversely elongated, and has a length of 2em. In Acanthias the thyroid gland presents an irregular con- tour, certain groups of follicles being even completely detached, and placed around the principal group. The observations of De Meuron would appear to be accurate as far as they go but are possibly founded upon the examination of too few individuals. Thus in Squalus acanthias I found the thyroid frequently broken as described by De Meuron for Acanthias but other individuals presented a thyroid which was perfect, not the least broken up or irregular in contour, and in the closely related Mustelus canis irregularity of contour is certainly the exception, not the rule. In Scyllium he says the thyroid is elongated and I find that superfi- cial examination of the related species Carcharias, would indicate a similar condition, but if the semi-opaque white mass of connective tissue, in which the thyroid gland of Carcharias is heavily clothed and so closely invested that it seems to form paart of the gland, be dissected out and held, stretched in its normal form, between the bright sun and the eye of the observer there is readily seen within the reddish-white connective tissue mass the outline of the yellowish-orange thyroid gland, which instead of having theelon- THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 157 gated form of the outward mass is flattened, transversely elon- gated, and of the same peculiar triangular or shield-like shape which is characteristic of the organ in the dogfish and closely simulated by that of Raia. It seems possible that the elongated gland observed by De Meuron in Scyllium might be susceptible to a similar analysis. Guiard (’96) studied six species of the Selachii and five of the Batiodei. In Scyllium he found the thyroid gland of pyriform shape, the anterior extremity being prolonged forward as far as the anterior margin of the lingual cartilage (“‘copule’’), where it passes between the two lateral halves of the coraco-hyoid muscle. This description, as given by Guiard, corresponds with the position and form of the gland which I find in Carcharias and which, as regards the anterior prolongation, appears to be analogous to the pyrami- dal process of mammals. But Guiard’s fig. 1, in the absence of specific contradiction in his text, might be taken to indicate that the thyroid gland had been found beneath the coraco-hyoid muscle; this is not the case in any of the species which I have examined and I presume it is not the case in Scyllium catulus, from which species his figure was drawn. In each species I have found the gland lying, without exception on the ventral surface of the eoraco-hyoideus, between it and the coraco-mandibularis, except that at the anterior portion the gland lies between the coraco- hyoid muscles of the two sides, the divergence of the two muscles exposing the ventral surface of the cartilage at this point. In the Batoideithe coraco-hyoidei are so widely separated that the whole thyroid gland may come to lie directly upon the basi-hyal cartilage, the aortic bifurcation and the coraco-branchialis muscles, which are successively exposed from before backwards by the separation of the coraco-hyoids, but in this case the fascia which covers the ventral surface of the coraco-hyoids dips beneath the dorsal surface of the thyroid gland. In Acanthias vulgaris and Mustelus leevis Guiard as did De Meuron, notes the tendency of the thyroid to present detached vesicles, its contour being very irregular. In Galeus canis the thyroid gland lies rather farther forward and is partially cevered by a fold of the buccal mucosa. In Carcharias glaucus the 158 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON coraco-mandibularis muscle is relatively very broad and com- pletely hides the thyroid gland; the gland is described as reniform and voluminous. With the exceptions recorded the position of the thyroid in the various species of Selachii corresponds fairly well with that described for Scyllium. Of the Batoidei, in Raia alba the coraco-hyoidei are small and widely separated, and between these muscles the first pair of branchial arteries emerge. The thyroid gland is described as lying between the bifurcation of the aorta and the hyoid arch; itisa very large globular organ and its deeper surface is slightly pro- longed as far as the arterial bifurcation. In Raia oxyrhynchus the thyroid gland in transversely elongated. In Raia pastinaca the coraco-hyoidei approach one another and the gland is longi- tudinally elongated; in this particular it corresponds to the Sela- chian type. In this last species it is a large pyriform organ with its broad end in relation with the hyoid cartilage, andits point extending nearly to the bifurcation of the branchial artery; at its point the gland presents a prolongation ‘‘which descends between the branchial sacs to a depth of about 0.5 cm.”’ I desire to call attention to the fact that in Carcharias a posterior prolonga- tion appa:ently also exists and is constantly present, but so far as I am able to observe it consists solely of connective tissue and con- tains no glandular substance; it can not, therefore, be in any way analogous to the anterior prolongation of the processus pyrami- dalis. I think it is to be connected with the fascia of the thyroid sinus, which will be discussed later on, rather than with the gland itself. Guiard sums up his work on the morphology of the thyroid gland in the rays by saying that the organ lies beneath the coraco- mandibularis, between the coraco-hyoids, is always globous, of more of less pyramidal form, and with a prolongation backward to the bifurcation of the “branchial artery.’”’ This corresponds very well with the condition which I find in Raia Erinacea except that in this species, at least, the gland constantly overlies the bifur- cation of the ventral aorta (branchial artery), and that it is always somewhat flattened, its ventro-dorsal axis being shortened. The organ is relatively thicker than in the Selachians because of the THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 159 presence of an increased amount of connective tissue between its vesicles. On page 26 Guiard says that the thyroid gland “‘of fish” isalways unpaired; it is quite obvious that this remark should apply only to the Elasmobranchs, the only order of fishes which Guiard appears to have studied. Bridge (’04) passes the thyroid gland with the brief statement that “‘in adult Elasmobranchs the thyroid is represented by a moderately large compact organ, situated near the anterior end of the ventral aorta.’’ Although he describes the gland as one of the ‘“‘blood glands” in connection with the vascular system, he does not mention, nor indicate in any way, the source of its blood supply. The statement of its intimate relation with the aortic bifurcation might well lead one to erroneously suspect a supply from this source. In quite another place (page 332) he speaks of ‘a remarkable system of arteries for the supply of nutrient blood to the gills and heart,’’ which takes origin from the ventral ends of the loops about the gill slits, the commissural vessels forming by their union the “median longitudinal hypobranchial artery which lies beneath the ventral aorta.’”’ He fails to mention the ultimate ramifications of this system of vessels or its relation to the thyroid gland, falling into the same error in this particular as T. J. Parker, from whose plates Bridge takes his figures, and upon whose description he appears to have largely based his text. The literature upon the blood supply of the Elasmobranch thyroid begins with Hyrtl (’58) who first described the hypo- branchial arterial system in the Batoidei, if we except the very incomplete description by Monro (1787). Hyrtl described the thyroid artery as the “Ramus thyreoideus seu submentalis”’ which takes origin from the “‘vein’”’ of the second gill sac, and which gives off muscular branches to that part of the oral mucosa which lies between the inferior maxilla and the tongue bone as well as the Glandula thyreoidea.’”’ Hyrtl did not at this time describe a median hypobranchial artery, this vessel being represented in his description by two anastomosing vessels on either side of the me- dian line which arise from the second and third arches and which 160 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON pass backward to supply the anterior coronary vessels. Hyrtl very clearly pointed out that the posterior coronary vessels arise from the subclavian artery in the Batoidea and in 1872 he showed that these vessels (posterior coronaries) were absent in the Selachii, a point emphasized at considerable length some years later by G: H. Parker and Davis (’99). In 1872 Hyrtl extended his description of the hypobranchial arterial system to the Selachii. He found the thyroid gland to be supplied by the “Arteria thy- reo-maxillaris seu submentalis’”’ which supplied the floor of the mouth and thyroid gland as in the Batoidei but which took origin from the ‘‘veins’’ of the first gill sac, rather than from the second as he had previously described for the Batoidei. He also described the ‘Arteria cardio-cardiaca,’”’ called later the ‘‘commissural” and “‘longitudinal commissural” (T. J. Parker) and the commis- sural and ‘‘lateral hypobranchial” (G. H. Parker and Davis), which fused in the median line to form a median vessel (median hypobranchial) and from which the coronary vessels were derived. At this time Hyrtl emphasized the absence of the posterior coro- nary branches of the subclavian in the sharks and called attention to an anastomosis from the subclavian forward to the median vessel from which the coronary arteries arose. This anastomotic vessel has since been called by T. J. Parker the ‘‘hypobranchial artery.” Turner (’74) injected the conus arteriosus and studied the course of the afferent and efferent branchial vessels; the course of these vessels is now well known. He neither mentioned nor ex- cluded any relation to the thyroid gland, apparently not recogniz- ing this organ, nor did he work out the ultimate connections of any of the smaller cervical vessels. T. J. Parker (’80) dese:ibed the venous system of Raia nasuta and called attention to ‘‘the extraordinary number of transverse anastomoses it [the venous system of the skate] presents, the results being to produce numerous‘ venous cireles,’ comparable to the circle of Willis in the arteries of the mammalian brain, and the circulus cephalicus in the arterial system of bony fishes. There is also a direct passage from the sinus venosus and back again, in four different ways, namely: (1) by the hepatic sinus; (2) by thean- terior part of the cardinal vein and the cardinal sinus; (3) by the whole length of the cardinal veins and their posterior anastomosis; THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 161 (4) by the lateral veins and the prolongation of the cardinal sinus into which they open.” I would like to direct attention to the presence of similar venous anastomoses in the Selachii as well as in the Batoidei. These anastomoses in the cervical region are frequent and voluminous. A complete circular anastomosis surroundsthe mouth close to the maxillary and mandibular cartilages. Though notsoreadily seen in the Selachii, it follows the same course as in the skate in which fish it isvisible through the skin and oral mucosa; it ends in a maxillary sinus at either angle of the mouth, which is connected with the orbital sinusand with thejugularvein. Thehyoidsinusesare simi- larly connected across the median line near the ventral surface, two anastomotic vessels, the anterior the larger, connecting the opposite sides. This anastomosis bears a most important relation to the thyroid gland. The anterior vessel is so large as frequently to almost envelop the gland as in a capsule, the vessel is sub- divided by fibrous partitions, or consists, rather, of a mass or series of vessels within a common sheath, and from its relation to the thyroid gland, in its more or less dilated condition it is more truly a sinus than a vein; it is conveniently designated the thyroid sinus. It fills and empties with each movement of the mouth and gills as water is forced through the branchial clefts, thus function- ing with the aid of extrinsic muscles after the manner of a venous heart. When the fish is examined out of the water the violent movement of the gills so distends the sinus as often to wholly obscure the thyroid gland by the volume of its contained blood. It is almost impossible to reach the gland by dissection from the ventral surface without cutting the sinus or some of its numerous tributaries. The thyroid sinus receives the veins from the thyroid gland, most of these vessels leaving the dorsal surface or posterior margin of the organ. T. J. Parker (’86) offers a description of the larger blood-vessels of Mustelus antarcticus, which is, however, deficient as regards the ultimate distribution of the smaller arteries. Exceptionsmay also be taken to his statement of the distribution of the arteries which constitute the rather remarkable hypobranchial arterial system, which as already mentioned, bears an important relation to the thy- roid gland. Parker’s description of the venous system is quite 162 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON accurate. The hyoid sinus is shown to empty into the jugular vein with a valve at the orifice. The anastomosis between the hyoid sinuses is considered, but its relation to the thyroid gland is not discussed; since no mention of the thyroid gland is made it would appear that this important organ was either overlooked or ignored. Unless one is speciaily looking for the gland, in the effort to sepa- rate the muscles without injury to the venous channels the organ is easily broken up, and once disintegrated its particles are readily lost amongst the mass of muscular tissue. The tributaries of the hyoid sinuses are stated by Parker to include the submental, posterior facial, internal jugular, and the nutrient veins from the first hemibranch. Parker’s description of the hypobranchial system follows that of the ventral and dorsal aorta and begins with the subclavian artery, which, he says, gives off the branchial and hypobranchial arteries. Apparently he omits to mention the large lateral or epigastric artery, whose course parallels that of the lateral vein, though the beginning of the vessel is indicated but not namedin some of hisfigures. Thehypobranchial artery described and figured as a continuation of the subclavian, after giving off the antero- lateral artery—which I find to be distributed to the pericardium and adjacent muscles—unites with its fellow of the opposite side, passes forward 2 em. in front of the conus arteriosus, and forms a plexus from which are given off the coronary arteries posteriorly, and anteriorly the median hypobranchial artery. Theplexus com- municates laterally by two commissural arteries on either side with the longitudinal commissural vessels uniting the ventral ends of the efferent branchial loops. One gathers from the descrip- tion that the course of the circulation is from the subclavian artery through the hypobranchial to the efferent branchial loops, a direction which may be thus tabulated: branchial hypobranchial coronary (paired) median hypobranchial (azygos hypobranchial) commissural (two pairs) antero-lateral (paired) THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 163 Mention is not made of the lateral nor of all the coronary arteries. Parker’s observations were made on Mustelus antarcticus. I have dissected three species of the Selachii and one of the Batoidei, I have not only been unable to confirm the course of the circulation as indicated but I find that beyond the so-called hypobranchial artery the course of the circulation is in the opposite direction, viz., from the efferent branchial loops to the coronary vessels and systemic capillaries, and the hypobranchial artery serves as a relatively unimportant anastomosis which, in these species is not even constantly present. In addition to the pair of coronary arteries distributed to the ventricle I have in my specimens observed a dorsal artery which ramifies largely in the wall of the auricle. The mandibular artery as described and figured by Parker, is the one from which in my preparations the thyroid artery is sometimes, though not constantly, derived. His descrip- tion leaves one somewhat in doubt as to the origin of this vessel, but he has figured it correctly as coming from the first efferent branchial loop. His coraco-mandibular artery, derived from the mandibular, is a vessel which apparently corresponds with that which distributes its main branches, in my preparations, within the thyroid gland and only incidentally gives small branches to the coraco-mandibular and coraco-hyoid muscles; I have there- fore called this vessel the thyroid artery. G. H. Parker and Davis (’99) inan article on ‘‘ the blood-vessels of the heart in Carcharias, Raia, and Amia’”’ repeated the work of Hyrtl (’58 and ’72) so far as it immediately concerned the origin of the coronary vessels, but being concerned only with the cardiac vessels they made no mention of the thyroid artery or other deriva- tives of the first hemibranch, nor of the gastric and pharyngeal branches which arise in close relation to the anterior coronaries. They described ‘‘the irregular longitudinal artery by which the ventral ends of some or all of the efferent branchial arteries of a given side are brought into communication,” hitherto referred to as “longitudinal commissural”’ vessels (T. J. Parker) or as part of the Arteria cardio-cardiaca (Hyrtl), and called the vessels the ‘‘lateral hypobranchial artery,” reserving for the name commissural ‘‘ those arteries which leave the lateral hypobranchials on their median 164 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON sides and, after more or less tortuous courses, unite with one another in the median plane”’ to produce by their union the median hypobranchial artery. The ventral continuation of the subclavian artery they call the ‘‘coracoid artery.”’ Concerning the anasto- mosis of this vessel with the median hypobranchial formed by the hypobranchial artery of T. J. Parker they speak as follows: ‘‘\oreover neither of these vessels [median and lateral hypobran- chial| can be properly considered a dependency of the subclavian, for the branch which leaves that artery, and which T. J. Parker regarded as their root, may be connected with them, as Hyrtl (58, p. 17, Taf. 2) has shown, by only a relatively small vessel. The union, then, is not in the nature of a continuous trunk, but an anastomosis, and the vessel posterior to this union must be con- sidered in the light of an independent artery. This we have called the coracoid artery.” MATERIAL AND METHODS For the purposes of the present study I have dissected 32 speci- mens of Mustelus canis, 10 of Carcharias litoralis, 3 of Squalus acanthias, and 14 of Raia erinacea. In addition to these I have had access to a number of sections from various Elasmobranchs prepared by my late assistant, Dr. Guy D. Lombard. Themost of these animals were dissected through the courtesy of The Wis- tar Institute of Anatomy at the Marine Biological Laboratory at Wood’s Hole, Massachusetts. My thanks are due these institu- tions for the opportunity afforded. The form and position of the thyroid gland was carefully observed in each instance and its vascular connections determined bothby dissection and by various methods of injection. The injections were made chiefly with a hypodermic needle of very fine caliber, though finely drawn-out glass tubes were used with somesuccess. For pressure an aspirating syringe was used for routine work and served very well; air pressure was also used at times. For tracing the lymphatics, injections were frequently made into the substance of the thyroid gland and into the connective tissue about the thy- roid blood sinus and the other cervical blood vessels. For tracing THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 165 the blood-vessels injections were made into both remote and near- by vessels, the points selected including the hyoid and thyroid sin- uses, the thyroid artery, the efferent branchial loops and commis- sural arteries, the median hypobranchial artery, the coronar'y ar- teries, the ventral aorta, conus arteriosus, cardiac ventricle and auricle, the caudal artery and vein, the mesenteric artery and the dorsal aorta. Injections from these various points were made not only because of expediency in agiven species but for the special pur- pose of determining the direction of flow and the relation of the vessels to the thyroid circulation; hence, injections were made from both sides of the branchial circulation, in the direction of the flow in the veins and the arteries while other injections were made in a direction opposite to the usual course of the circulation on the arterial side, though this was, of course, impossible in the veins because of the presence of valves. Many of the thyroid glands were cleared and mounted in toto. This was best accomplished with those from Mustelus, in which species the gland is very thin. Some of the others were cut free- hand into thick sections. These preparations gave very good pictures of the lymphatics and blood-vessels except in the case of the very thick glands. Still other thyroid glands were sectioned for histological study. THE ANATOMICAL RELATIONS OF THE THYROID GLAND! The thyroid gland is more or less closely related to most of the structures of the ventral cervical region, a region included between the mandible in front, the coracoid arch or shoulder girdle behind, and the branchial clefts on either side. This region forms the ven- 1The fact that the thyroid gland may be readily overlooked in the Selachii is amply demonstrated by the frequency with which this region has been studied and the almost entire absence of any adequate description of the gland. A brief description of the methods of dissection which may be relied upon to locate and expose the gland is offered in the hope that it may materially aid future investi- gation of this organ. The thyroid gland of Elasmobranchs can be readily reached from either the oral or the cutaneous surface. By the cutaneous route two methods are especially serviceable, the one by longitudinal, the other by transverse incision. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, No. 2 166 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON tral wallof the pharynx and contains the whole course of the ventral aorta and its immediate branches. In Raia the heart is contained within this area at its posterior margin, lying in the median line just in front of the cartilaginous arch, but in Mustelus, Squalus and Carcharias the heart has been pushed backward and lies just beneath the coracoid arch. The skin of the ventro-cervical region is thin but very tough; laterally it is folded upon itself at the branchial clefts, on the inner surface of which it becomes continuous with the mucosa covering the gills. The fibers of the mylohyoid and geniohyoid muscles are attached to the derma over the greater part of the ventral cervical area. These muscles form a thin sheet, thickest and most prominent in Carcharias, thinnest and frequently almost wanting The first method is the more applicable in Raia, where the skin is loosely attached and the coraco-mandibular muscle is small, thin and easily lifted. With some variations I have followed the method outlined by Lombard (09). A longitudinal incision is made in the median line through the skin and membranous constrictor pharyngis. The skin and adherent muscle are dissected away and retracted laterally, exposing the coraco-mandibularis. (Fig. 1B.’ A probe is passed beneath the muscle which, after being well freed, is divided midway between the mandible and the coracoid arch. The anterior flap is grasped and reflected forward, at the same time dissecting away from its dorsal surface the deep cervical fascia in which the thyroid gland is embedded. The gland is easily recognized by its deep yellowish orange color and its peculiar rounded or triangu- larform. In those exceptional instances when the thyroid gland is displaced for- ward in Raia the anterior division of the coraco-mandibularis will have to be reflected forward all the way to its mandibular insertion before the gland is fully exposed; ordinarily the organ will be found directly over the aortic bifurca- tion about midway between the mandible and the point at which the muscle was bisected. The above method is less easily applied to the Selachii for the reason that the skin and the constrictor pharyngis are much more firmly adherent to the under- lying structures than in Raia; moreover, in reflecting forward the anterior divi- sion of the coraco-mandibularis one is almost certain to injure the thyroid sinus, deluging the part with blood, before the gland can be exposed. In Carcharias one encounters the added disadvantage that the thyroid gland is quite firmly united to the coraco-hyoideus and the surface of the basi-hyal cartilage, and the gland is buried in a mass of connective tissue by which it usually is entirely ob- scured even after the coraco-mandibularis has been completely reflected away from its surface. The second method is, therefore, the more applicable jin Mus- telus and Squalus and is very much more certain in Carcharias. One blade of a blunt scissors is inserted into the first branchial cleft on the right and then on the left side and the clefts lengthened to their extreme ventral limits, the ends THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 167 in Raia, and subject in all species to great individual variation in volume. The muscles take origin posteriorly from the coracoid arch, anteriorly from the hyoid arch and mandible, and laterally from the outer surfaces of the branchial arches. Acting from these ‘‘fixed points’ upon the more movable, but tough and in- elastic skin, these muscles form a very powerful constrictor of the pharynx and collectively are very properly termed the “‘con- strictor pharyngis” (fig. 1, A). In addition to this constriction the muscular contraction at the same time tends to draw open the branchial clefts, thus permitting the more ready passage of water during the rhythmic pharyngeal contraction or respiratory move- ment. The muscular fibers of the constrictor pharyngis are inti- mately adherent to the derma. of the incisions exposing the margins of the coraco-hyoideus muscle. One blade of the scissors is then pushed beneath the skin whereit readily passes between the coraco-hyoideus and coraco-mandibularis muscles (fig. 1); the incision is continued across the median line from side to side. This divides the coraco-man- dibularis; its anterior portion is grasped with the forceps, lifted, and a longi- tudinal incision through the skin and fascia carried forward along either margin of the muscle. In the dogfish the divided muscle with the attached skin is easily raised and the loosely attached deep cervical fascia dissected away from its dorsal surface, exposing the thyroid gland. In Carcharias it is better to dissect the deep cervical fascia away from the ventral surface of the coraco-hyoideus muscle, rather than from the coraco-mandibularis; the thyroid gland is then raised with the latter muscle and dissected out from the mass of connective tissue which envelopes it. Finally, the gland must be dissected away from its anterior attachment to themargin of the basi-hyal cartilage, or, in Carcharias, to a median depression, in the ventral surface of this cartilage, which corresponds to the fora- men caecum linguae of mammals; occasionally this depression is a true foramen, in which case the thyroid process becomes obviously analogous to the lobulus pyramidalis of themammalian thyroid gland. Thislobuleis represented in Muste- lus by a short triangular projection, not constantly present, which overlies a shallow median groove in the anterior margin of the cartilage. In Raia a similar condition is much less frequently present. The thyroid gland is readily accessible from the oral cavity. A needle passed through the oral mucosa just in front of the basi-hyal cartilage—‘“‘lingual bone’’ —enters the substance of the thyroid gland if directed backward in Mustelus and Squalus, well backward and close to the cartilaginous surface in Carcharias, or backward and slightly ventralward in Raia. A transverse incision through the oral mucosa, parallel to and just in front of the basi-hyal cartilage, exposes the anterior margin of the thyroid gland and it may then be readily dissected out from Mustelus or Raia, though with greater difficulty from Carcharias or Squalus. 168 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON Removal of the integument with the adherent constrictor muscles exposes the coraco-mandibularis (fig. 1, B), a slender paired muscle, its two sides intimately fused in the median line, which takes origin by a tendinous fascia from the ventral surface and anterior margin of the coracoid arch. The paired muscle passes ‘forward to its insertion, ending in short, rounded and slightly divergent tendons which are attached to the posterior margin of the inferior mandible. The muscle is inclosed within the folds of a superficial cervical fascia, which forms its aponeu- rosis and extends laterally to the surface of the branchial arches, but on either side of the muscle, the aponeurosis fuses with the deep cervical fascia with which it is in more or less close contact. On lifting the coraco-mandibularis with its superficial cervical fascia the coraco-hyoid muscle (fig. 1, C) is exposed; it is similar in shape and appearance to the coraco-mandibular, but is much broader, its lateral margin projecting from beneath the coraco-man- dibularis, and in Mustelus, Squalus and Carcharias extending lat- erally almost to the ventral ends of the branchial clefts, or even overlapping them somewhat. In Raig the gills are more widely separated, leaving a broad portion of the floor of the pharynx exposed at the side ot the coraco-hyoideus in the anterior portion of the cervical region. Posteriorly the several divisions of the coraco-branchialis muscle cross this exposed portion of the pharyn- geal floor to be inserted into the branchial arches. The ventral surface of the coraco-hyoideus is smooth, its dorsal surface separates into several muscular processes, the musculus coraco-branchialis (M. ¢. br., fig. 5), to be inserted into the mem- branous floor of the pharynx by a tendinous fascia overspreading and firmly adherent to the fibrous pharyngeal submucosa and the surfaces of the cartilaginous branchial arches. The divergent portion of the coraco-hyoidei, on either side of the median line, are similarly inserted into the movable basi-hyal cartilage (lingual bone), so that the combined coraco-hyoid and coraco-branchial muscles, arising from the anterior border of the coracoid arch, form a very powerful dilator of the mouth and pharynx. As the coraco-hyoideus does not extend forward beyond the hyoid arch it exposes the membranous floor of the oro-pharynx THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 169 Fig. 1. Dissection of the thyroid gland of Mustelus canis. In A the skin has been reflected to show the superficial ‘‘constrictor pharyngis’’ muscle. In B the ‘constrictor pharyngis’’ has been removed and the coraco-mandibularis exposed. In C the coraco-mandibularis has been divided, exposing the thyroid gland lying upon the coraco-hyoideus. (See page 209 for explanation of abbre- viations used in all figures.) 170 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON between this point and the inferior mandible. The cartilages of the hyoid arch except only the dorsal surface of the basi-hyal, are loosely adherent to this membranous floor so that when the mouth has been closed and the pharynx contracted the tongue-like basi-hyal cartilage is pushed forward, producing a deep fold in the oral mucosa. A needle thrust through this fold in the median line, passing dorsal to the cartilage, penetrates directly into the thyroid gland. Not all of the ventral surface of the basi-hyal cartilage is covered by the insertion of the coraco-hyoideus muscle; the por- tion of the cartilage thus exposed varies in different species and to some extent in individuals. In Carcharias and Raia the muscle is inserted into only a small portion of the cartilaginous surface, while in Mustelus all but a narrow anterior margin is covered by the muscle fibers. The thyroid gland typically les upon this ex- posed cartilaginous surface, extending backward for a greater or less distance upon the ventral surface of the coraco-hyoideus (fig. 1,C). In Mustelus and Squalus the ventral surface of the basi-hyal cartilage has a raised arciform anterior margin with a very slight medial depression, in Raia it is nearly flat, and in all these species the thyroid gland overspreads the cartilage like a thin membrane whose convex anterior border nearly corres- ponds with the outline of the cartilage; in Carcharias the cartilage presents a deep median groove or furrow into which the thyroid gland sinks, lying there in a gelatinous mass of connective tissue so voluminous that the gland is partially, sometimes wholly, obscured. In the dogfish and shark the thyroid gland is rarely pushed for- ward beyond the margin of the basi-hyal cartilage; in Raia the organ may extend farther forward so that it rests in part upon the membranous floor of the oro-pharynx. In one of the skates I found the gland carried so far forward that it lay wholly in front of the cartilage. In Mustelus and Carcharias individual variations are much less frequent than in Raia, but in Raia in the majority of individuals the gland lies directly upon the bifurcation of the ventral aorta (fig. 7). THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 171 THE THYROID VESSELS The anterior margin of the thyroid gland is firmly attached by a dense fibrous fold of fascia to the antero-ventral margin of the basi-hyal cartilage. Its ventral surface is in contact with the coraco-mandibular muscle, to which it is firmly united by a fascia. Its dorsal surface rests upon the basihyal cartilage and the insertion of the coraco-hyoid muscle as described in the preceding section. The lateral angles and posterior margin of the thyroid gland are continuous with a fold of the deep cervical fascia which is placed between the coraco-mandibular and coraco- hyoid muscles, loosely attached to the opposed surfaces of these muscles, but more firmly fixed to their lateral margins, so as to form an aponeurosis for each. This fold of the fascia is much thickened anteriorly where it approaches the margin of the thyroid gland: at this point it incloses a transverse anastomosing vein which connects laterally with the hyoid sinuses. At the posterior margin of the gland the fascia splits, a thin layer passing dorsally between the gland and the coraco-hyoid muscle, a thicker portion extending forward over the ventral sur- face of the organ, between it and the coraco-mandibular muscle. This ventral division is of special importance; it contains the large thyroid sinus consisting of an intricate net of veins and lymphatics, which connects laterally with the hyoid sinus and in the median line spreads over the ventral surface of the thyroid gland so that when distended with blood it entirely obscures the organ. The thyroid sinus is surrounded with connective tissue con- taining a network of lymphatic vessels. Ink injected in the living animal into the space between the lateral margin of the thyroid sinus and the ventral end of the first branchial cleft will after a few minutes be found filling many of the lymphatie vessels of the thyroid sinus as well as many other perivascular lym- phatics in relation with most of the cervical veins and the arteries of thehypobranchial system (fig.8). Thelymphaties of the thyroid plexus are sO mumerous and anastomose so freely that when filled with ink they form a sac-like investment entirely obscuring the sinus and the thyroid gland (fig.2). An attempt to inject with 172 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON a fine needle directly into the thyroid sinus may force the fluid into either the venous or the lymphatic plexus, according as the one or the other system of vessels happens to be entered. I am convinced, as a result, of my injection experiments, that the lymphatics open freely into the veins of this part, after the manner of the ‘‘ vasa lym- phatica’’ of Favaro (vide infra). These observations are of interest in connection with Baber’s inability to find lymphatics in the thy- roid gland as indicating the relation between the vascular systems. I find, however, that it is not possible for fluids injected into the thyroid sinus or its plexus of lymphatics to pass in any quantity ‘into the vessels within the thyroid gland; this is presumably because of the presence of valves. The alternate expansion and contraction of the mouth and phar- ynx, forcing the stream of water through the branchial clefts, alternately fills‘and empties the thyroid sinus, so that by means of these respiratory movements the sinus acts somewhat after the manner of a venous heart. In this connection it is interesting to consider the observation of Favaro (’06), as quoted by Sabin (09), that the relation of the veins and lymphatics in fishes is much more primitive than in mammals and that both lymph- hearts and vein-hearts may be present in these animals. The emptying and filling of the veins can readily be seen in the Selachi or Raia on removing the skin, or even through the integument in the living skate, the colored blood showing readily through the vascular walls. The relation of the lymphatics to the blood-sinus is so intimate that they must also beemptied and filled in the same way, though since they contain a colorless fluid they can not be so readily observed. I have, however, demonstrated that a colored fluid injected into these lymphatic vessels will overspread the thyroid region in ten to fifteen minutes and will almost entirely disappear within the next fifteen minutes; the lymphatic circu- lation must therefore proceed with considerable rapidity. The thyroid artery approaches the organ from either side; in Mustelus and Squalus it enters at the extreme lateral angle of the triangular gland (fig. 19). In Raia, where the organ is of a more rounded form it enters near the middle of the lateral border. The branches of the artery ramify upon the surface of the organ send- THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 173 | ul WAC. hy. Fig. 2. Showing the form and relations of the thyroid sinus when injected with ink. A, in Raia. B, in Carcharias. 174 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON ing finer twigs into the interior. In this particular they offer an interesting analogy to the condition found by Major (’09) in man. Major says (page 484), ‘‘in the human the branching of the large arteries takes place mostly upon the surface of the gland, and having by their branching obtained their approximate dis- tribution, ‘the smaller branches are sent in.” In the Elasmo- ‘Athyedestra 4 A.thyr sinestra---- Fig. 3. Outline of the arterial supply of the thyroid gland of Mustelus canis as usually found. The vertical shading indicates the area supplied by the right thyroid artery, the horizontal shading that supplied by the left. Fig. 4. Showing the less usual distribution of the thyroid arteries; the shading as in fig. 3. branchs the condition might well be described in the same words; this is the more remarkable inasmuch as Major states that this is not the condition in other mammals, e.g., the dog and cat. The Elasmobranchs, therefore, seem to harmonize with the human rather than the lower mammalian condition as regards the dis- tribution of the main branches of the thyroid arteries. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 175 The left thyroid artery usually supplies a greater portion of the gland than the right (fig. 3), though the relative area is subject to extreme variation and in occasional instances the ratio may be reversed (fig. 4). The area of distribution in the great majority of individuals is approximately as indicated in fig. 3. THE HYPOBRANCHIAL CIRCULATION AND THE ORIGIN OF THE THYROID VESSELS In attempting to trace the circulation of the thyroid gland by means of injection experiments I was at once struck with the diffi- ‘culty of reaching the gland by means of injections into the gill arteries, the ventral aorta or the heart. It was obvious that the thyroid artery has no direct connection with the ventral aorta or the afferent branchial vessels, a fact which seems to have been first observed by Simon (’44) who stated, without further explanation or any outline of his reasons therefor, that the thyroid glandin Raia ‘never receives the smallest share of supply from the branchial artery with which it is in contact.’”’ This fact seems to have been seldom recognized and never sufficiently emphasized by later writers. The thyroid artery arises either from the mandibular artery, or by a common trunk with this artery, from an arterial sinus at the ventral extremity of the first branchial cleft (figs. 5 and 6); this sinus forms the ventral portion or connecting vessel of the efferent vascular loop contained in the hyoidean hemibranch and first holo- branch. From the dorsal extremity of this same loop the first efferent branchial artery passes to the dorsal aorta. It is there- fore necessary for fluid injected into the ventral aorta or its imme- diate branches to pass through the gill capillaries before it can enter the thyroid arteries, and few injection fluids readily pass through capillary vessels. On the other hand, fluid injected into the thy- roid artery or, as I later found, into any portion of the hypobran- chial system passes readily into the vessels of the thyroid gland; such injections I repeatedly made, into the sinus at the ventral end of the first efferent branchial loop, into the thyroid artery, the median hypobranchial artery, and even into the coronary artery 176 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON taking care to prevent the escape of the fluid through the coro- nary vessels into the sinus venosus. The hypobranchial system of vessels is so important for the thy- roid gland as to deserve more than passing mention. T. J. Parker (86) has described this system in connection with his much quoted work on the circulation in Mustelus antarcticus, but he makes no mention of its relation to the thyroid gland, in fact, he mentions neither the gland nor the thyroid artery; the gland was apparently not observed. ‘The main trunk of the hypobranchial system, in the species which I have examined is the median hypobranchial artery; it is formed by the commissural arteries coming from the ventral ends of the loops formed by the efferent branchial vessels which receive blood from the gill capillaries. These loops surround each bran- chial cleft, and within the gill they lie parallel to the afferent branchial arteries; they are just antero-internal to the afferent vessels. The ventral efferent vessels are very much smaller than either the dorsal efferent or the afferent (fig. 5). Opposite the ventral end of the second and third branchial clefts (sometimes only the second or the third) each loop gives off a commissural branch which passes inward and somewhat backward to the ven- tral surface of the ventral aorta where these vessels, with consider- able variations, unite with their fellows of the opposite side to form a median hypobranchial artery which is frequently double so as to form a sort of elongated arterial circle. Sometimes the vessels fail to unite in front so that instead of a median hypobran- chial there is a right and left hypobranchial artery, one on either side of the ventral aorta (fig. 5). Frequently the vessels so unite as to form an annular anastomosis which encircles the aorta, but portions of the ring may be absent. Some of these variations are indicated in figs. 5 and 6. The varied arrangements of these vessels are all indications of a more or less complete fusion of the commissural vessels to form a median hypobranchial artery. This vessel terminates posteriorly in a small sinus-like dilatation, single or double as the case may be. From this sinus the coronary vessels arise either as a median vessel which promptly divides, or as two or three independent vessels. From this same sinus a small paired THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 7 = inn = .< A thyrimp ee | -- - pharyn gaslnic Fig. 5. Diagram of the hypobranchialarterial circulation in Mustelus canis; the insertions of the ventral divisions of the coraco-branchialis muscle are also shown. Ventral view. Anastomosis with the subclavian artery was wanting in this specimen. 178 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON artery passes backward on either side of the median line beneath the dorsal portion of the pericardium at the lateral margin of the cartilaginous floor of the pharynx formed by the basi-branchial cartilage; after anastomosing with its fellow of the opposite side beneath the apex of the cardiac ventricle it distributes its ter- minal branches to the wall of the esophagus and stomach near the cardia (figs. 5 and 6). From the loop at the ventral end of the fourth branchial arch a very small anastomotic branch (less frequently arising as in fig. 6, hypobr’) passes backward along the lateral wall of the pericar- dium and penetrating between the precaval sinus and the coracoid arch anastomoses with the subclavian artery just prior to its division into the brachial (axillary) and the lateral (or hypo- gastric, a large artery lying parallel to the lateral vein. This anas- tomotic branch is undoubtedly that which T. J. Parker (’86) describes as the hypobranchial, which, according to his descrip- tion receives blood from the subclavian and supplies the coro- nary arteries and whole hypobranchial system. Such is not the case, however, in any of the species I have studied and Hyrtl (72) in his careful study of various species of the Selachii did not so find it, nor did Parker and Davis (99). The hypobran- chial is a very small artery, so small that its connection with the median hypobranchial is scarcely traceable, and insome individuals is entirely wanting (fig. 5), there being in these cases a small branch from the subclavian and a similar vessel from the median hypobranchial which follow the usual course but never unite, the subclavian branch distributing its blood to the muscles while the anterior division supplies the lateral pericardial wall and the adja- cent muscles in front of the coracoid arch. Certainly where the vessel is wanting the flow of blood can not be in the direction indicated by T. J. Parker. Parker and Davis (’99), as already quoted, found the hypobranchial artery Be a though they did not record its absence. If the median hypobranchial artery of Must be injected the major portion of the fluid passes into the coronary arteries and thence through the coronary veins to the sinus venosus and auricle, while at the same time very little passes through the hypobran- THE ANATOMY OF THE THRYOID GLAND 179 chial artery; the fluid pours into the sinus venosus and auricle very freely before it has even reached the subclavian by way of the hypobranchial artery. This is the case whether the fish has been previously bled or not. This experiment would certainly show b c0- ns ‘f. ee core pies epibrl | Say -- gastric ---' coracoid.--g A lat---4 a = Fig. 6. Diagram of the hypobranchial arterial circulation in Squalus acanthias. Lateral view. that the hypobranchial is of too small a caliber to supply the blood necessary to fill the coronary arteries, and if it can not supply this much it certainly is still less competent to supply blood for the whole hypobranchial system, which T. J. Parker’s description 180 JEREMIAH 8S. FERGUSON would seem to indicate was the case. The whole system may be readily injected from any one of the gill-loops with which it is connected. The true direction of flow is therefore from the effer- ent gill-loops through the commissural arteries to the median hypobranchial and from it to the muscular, pericardial, gastric, esophageal, and coronary branches, with only a relatively insig- nificant and inconstant anastomotic supply from the subclavian artery. Anastomoses in both the arterial and venous systems, forming “‘cireles’’ about the body wall and the viscera are of very frequent occurrence in this class of fishes as was pointed out for the venous system by T. J. Parker in 1880 (vide supra). The subclavian artery forms such a circle beneath the coracoid archand several similar ‘‘circles” are formed by anastomosis between the two sides in the hypobranchial system as well as in other parts of the body with which we are not now specially concerned. The arrangement in the arterial system is therefore very similar to that which Parker found in the venous. At the ventral extremity of each efferent gill-loop, at the point where the hypobranchial commissural arteries arise, is a small sinus-like dilatation (figs. 5 and 6, s. a. v.) which obviously serves as a reservoir where the blood coming from the two sides of the loop, which are in adjacent branchial arches, will intermingle, and from this sinus blood is distributed through the commissural arteries (‘“‘lateral hypobranchial”’ of Parker and Davis) anteriorly, posteriorly, or to the median hypobranchial in such proportion as the caliber of the several vessels and the course of the circula- tion dictate. The arterial sinus at the ventral end of the first gill-loop (first ventral sinus) is usually a trifle larger than the others. The thyroid artery arises from the anterior end of this sinus or from the adjacent portion of its anterior limb in the hyoi- dean hemibranch. It arises either as a separate and independent vessel or as a conjoined’ trunk with the mandibularartery; more frequently, in the specimens I have dissected, it was independent. The artery passes directly forward and inward to the extreme lateral border or angle of the thyroid gland. It continues its path along the surface of the thyroid gland (figs. 3, 4 and 19) near THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 18t. its anterior border, distributing its main branches to the substance of the gland and small collateral branches to the floor of the pharynx in front of the hyoid arch and to the anterior third of the coraco-hyoideus and coraco-mandibularis muscles. Asmall median unpaired vessel arising from the left thyroid artery (less frequéntly from the right), penetrates the thyroid gland, divides, and enters the coraco-hyoideus to supply the antero-median portion of this muscle. This is very probably homologous with the anterior portion of the arteria thyroidea impar, derived from the median hypobranchial as described by Hyrtl (’72). The left thyroid artery is usually larger, longer, and more extensive as to its area of distribution than the right. Lombard (09) dissected a number of specimens of Mustelus and Raia and found that the left thyroid artery more frequently entered the dorsal surface, and the right the ventral surface, of the thyroid gland. I have found asomewhat similar condition, though I very frequently find both vessels coursing upon the ventral surface and sending their branches dorsally into the substance of the gland. Occasionally the right thyroid artery enters the dorsal surface of the gland and the left the ventral (fig. 3and 19). The position and distribution of the thyroid arteries is, however, subject to consider- able variation and, as I have already pointed out, the right may even supply a greater portion of the gland than the left thyroid artery (figs. 3 and 4). The thyroid artery as described very probably in part corre- sponds to the vessel which was recognized by T. J. Parker (’86) as the coraco-mandibular artery. This latter is an obviously inaccu- rate designation, for the coraco-mandibular branches are insignifi- cant as compared with the other ramifications of the artery. Hyrtl (’72) recognized and more accurately described the thyroid artery as arising from the ‘‘ veins of the first gill-arch”’ in conjune- tion with the submental artery; his description appears to be accurate with the exception that the two arteries in my dissec- tions appear more frequently to arise independently. The observations which I have recorded concerning the origin THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY. VOL. 11, No. 2 182 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON Gaacrenaran Ll ay Wo) Meas el i Le eid KUASERSS tilt i } We ni He Nig. 7. The position and relations of the thyroid gland in Raia. Fig. 8. Injected lymphatics in the tunica adventitia of the right commissural artery at its junction with the median hypobranchial. The specimen is from Carcharias, the fish having been injected with ink at a point just ventral to the right hyoidean hemibranch. The injection followed the lymphatics and was traced as far as the median hypobranchial artery in one direction and into the thyroid gland in the other. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 183 and course of the thyroid artery and the hypobranchial system were carefully worked out with specimens of Mustelus and Squa- lus and verified in all their important particulars in Carcharias and Raia. ‘ VEINS AND LYMPHATICS OF THE THYROID REGION The numerous small veins of the thyroid gland discharge into the ‘‘thyroid sinus,’”’ which connects together the hyoid sinuses of the two sides. The conformation of the hyoid sinuses and their tributaries and connections have been well described by T. J. Parker (’86). In addition to the transverse anastomosis formed by the thyroid sinus, the hyoid sinus receives a submental vein from the region of the mandible and numerous small muscular branches from the neighboring muscles. This sinus and its con- necting vessels can be most readily observed in Raia. The sub- mental vein is seen to begin as a double transverse anastomosis; the larger, anterior, tributary lies close behind the cartilage of the inferior mandible; the smaller, posterior vessel arches across the floor of the mouth just in front of the hyoid arch and the anterior border of the thyroid gland. At the angle of the jaw these vessels unite in a small sinus which also receives a transverse anastomo- sis from in front of the maxilla, so that the mouth is thus encircled by an annular venous sinus. The thyroid sinus similarly forms a double transverse anastomosis, rather more deeply placed, behind the hyoid arch at the posterior border of the gland. These vessels convey the blood from the ventral cervical region to the hyoid sinus. The thyroid veins open into the thyroid sinus as several small branches, the largest of which are a median vein, leaving the organ near the middle of its dorsal surface, and two anterior veins which leave the same surface near the anterior margin of the organ, but a little to either side of the median line. Other smaller veins leave the lateral margins of the organ passing either to the thyroid or the hyoid sinus. The thyroid veins must contain valves, for although the vessels can be readily traced with the dissecting microscope and even with the naked eye, it is with difficulty that 184 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON fluid injected into the thyroid or hyoid sinus can be forced back into the venous channels of the thyroid gland; an extreme pres- sure will accomplish this result to a limited extent only. I have been able to find some traces of valves in microscopical sections. The hyoid sinus passes around the base of the hyoidean hemi- branch to connect with the jugular vein, through which a portion of its blood is transmitted to the precaval sinus beneath the cora- coid arch, and thence to the sinus venosus and auricle. The flow through the hyoid sinus in this direction is quite intermittent, _ and, as already indicated, it is chiefly dependent upon the muscu- lar force of the pharynx as it alternately relaxes and contracts to force water through the gill-openings. Blood is also transmitted from the hyoid sinus to the heart by the more ventral and direct path through the inferior jugular (anterior cardinal) vein. This vessel maintains a more constant flow, receiving blood from the ventral cervical region and the branchial arches, along the ventral ends of which it courses to terminate in the precaval sinus: In Raia the thyroid sinus is thin, and its investment of connec- tive tissue containing the lymphatic plexus is less pronounced than in the other species studied, so that, except when the sinus is fully distended with blood, the gland in Raia isnot much obscured. In Mustelus the sinus is larger and the fascia about it is more voluminous so that the gland is usually more or less obscured, though there is much individual variation: the same is true of Squalus. In Carcharias the vascular walls in the sinus are so thick, and the connective tissue about it so abundant that in most of the animals examined the outline of the thyroid gland con- tained within this mass could only be discerned on holding up the stretched membranous mass between the eye and the bright sun so that the intense transmitted light showed the yellowish orange gland contained within the connective tissue mass. The thyroid lymphatic plexus forms an extensive group ot vascular channels surrounding the gland and the vessels of the blood sinus. It is contained in a fold of the deep cervical fascia which stretches across from side to side between the ventral ends of the first branchial clefts: it is broad in the mid-portion, THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 185 but tapers from the postero-lateral angle of the thyroid gland outward to the tissue surrounding the hyoid sinus. The vessels form perivascular lymphatics about the venous sinuses. Ink or a colored fluid injected into the connective tissue about the lyoid and thyroid sinuses readily fills the anastomosing vessels forming a sheetlike mass of peculiar form (fig.2, Ink thus injected can also be traced into the perivascular lymphatics of the hypo- branchial arterial vessels (fig. 8) as far backward as the walls of the coronary arteries; it can likewise be found in small perivascular lymphatics in the walls of the thyroid arteries and to some extent in the broad venous spaces between the vesicles of the thyroid gland, indicating that the lymphatic vessels to some extent may open into the veins of the thyroid. The vessels of the lymphatic plexus in the cervical fascia are apparently connected with the blood-vessels of the thyroid sinus, for excessive pharyngeal contraction in the living fish forces blood into areas which otherwise appear to be occupied only by lymphatic vessels. The blood-vessels may with- out doubt be classed as ‘‘venae lymphaticae”’ and the lym- phatics as vasa lymphatica”’ after the terminology of Favaro (06), who says that the same vessel may in fishes carry either blood or lymph at the same or different times so that these vessels may in this sense be either vasa or venae lymphaticae. Fluid injected into the lymphatics spreads so rapidly over so great an area that it seems almost impossible to trace a connection with the blood sinus by means of injections; the fluid enters the blood- vessels so readily that one is unable to exclude the possibility of an intra-venous injection. The statement by Baber (’81) that he was able to demonstrate no lymphatics in the thyroid gland of Elasmobranchs led me to pay special attention to the study of these vessels by injection methods. As I have already pointed out, Baber states that ‘‘in both the skate and the Conger-eel an extensive system of vessels lined with epithelium becomes injected by the method of punc- ture.” He then injected the blood vessels of a Conger-eel with Berlin blue through the ‘‘efferent branchial vein” and“‘dorsal aorta and thereupon states that ‘‘in the Conger-eel at least, there is no evidence of any system of lymphatic vessels,’’ emphasizing 186 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON his statement by the use of italics. I can confirm that portion of Baber’s statement which says that an extensive system of vessels within the thyroid gland can be readily injected by the method of puncture, but I would maintain that neither that procedure, nor the injection of the dorsal aorta or efferent branchial vessels with Berlin blue, would demonstrate the absence of lymphatics; that they may still be present, I have demonstrated both in micro- scopical sections and by injection (figs. 9, 10 and 11). Fig. 9. Lymphaties, ‘“‘vasa lymphatica,’’ and veins, ‘“‘venae lymphaticae,”’ of the thyroid gland. The ‘vasa lymphatica’’ have been injected with ink and the thyroid gland cleared and mounted in toto; the lumen of the follicle and the follicular epithelium are only indistinctly seen. At X in the specimen the two sets of vessels anastomose. Injection by puncture does not always fill the extensive system of vessels observed by Baber. If one takes care to use only a very gentle pressure, this system, which completely surrounds each vesicle, is only filled near the point of injection, while at the mar- gins of the injected area the fluid spreads through more minute vessels which lie in closer contact with the vesicular epithelium (fig. 9,1). I believe these last are true vasa lymphatica in the sense THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 187 of Favaro and I find the contents of the vesicles. apparently secreted into them as in the mammalian thyroid (fig. 10). The larger vascular channels then are venae lymphaticae, readily in- jected by puncture if the pressure is excessive, the veins being easily entered because of their large caliber and extremely thin walls; they transmit only lymph when the intravenous blood- pressure is low within the gland, but fill with blood when from any cause the pressure is raised. I have invariably found some blood cells in the venae lymphaticae; I have never found them filled with blood in all the three score animals I have examined except in one case in which as a result of injury the thy- roid gland was greatly congested. In this case they were filled to distension. In microscopical sections I have been able to trace the connection of the vasa with the venae lymphaticae (fig. 10). I have been unable to demonstrate positively the presence of any valves at the orifices of these vessels, but the extreme obliquity of the anastomosis considered in conjunction with the very thin vascular walls might well serve a valvular function when the blood pressure is low, though with increased pressure and venous dis- tention some blood would be forced back into the vasa lymphaticae and even into the vesicles. The frequent occurrence of red blood corpuscles within the vesicles of all animals is well known and in the Elasmobranchs it is thus accounted for. The intimate rela- tion between the venous and lymphatic systems pointed out by Sabin (’09) would possibly suggest that an homologous vascular relation may account for the presence of red blood corpuscles within the vesicles of the mammalian thyroid gland. THE HISTOLOGY OF THE ELASMOBRANCH THYROID GLAND The thyroid gland in Elasmobranchs consists of a mass of ve- sicular follicles (figs. 10, 11 and 13 to 18) which very closely re- semble those of the mammalian gland. The vesicles are lined by epithelium of a low columnar type, contain more or less colloid material, and are loosely bound together by a connective tissue framework which is very richly supplied with blood-vessels. The shape of the gland in Mustelus canis (fig 1,C) is sufficiently Fig. 10. Section of the thyroid gland of Mustelus canis showing the anasto- ‘mosis at the point X of the vasa and venae lymphaticae. ' Vig. 11. Typical section of the thyroid gland of Mustelus canis; the intimate relation of the epithelium of the thyroid follicles to the lymphatics and blood ves- vels is accurately shown. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 189 peculiar to deserve passing mention. It may be described as con- sisting of two triangles whose bases are fused in the median line, the apices directed outward, the anterior borders convex and con- forming to the anterior margin of the basi-hyal cartilage, the posterior borders concave and free, except for their attachment to the deep cervical fascia. In the median line the conjoined bases are prolonged backward to form a short median projection; anteriorly a shallow notch separates the two lateral triangular hatves. The gland is approximately bilaterally symmetrical (figs. 1,3 and 4). The thin, almost membranous character of the gland in Muste- lus canis offers an excellent opportunity for the recognition of a lobar or lobular structure if such exists, for the whole gland is frequently no more than four or five follicles in thickness and may be stained, cleared and mounted zn toto, giving very excel- lent microscopical pictures of the entire organ. I have not been able to find any indication of definite lobes or lobules. Portions of the thyroid substance are here and there wanting, as observed by Lombard (09), and these deficient areas occur more frequently in the posterior than in the anterior half of the gland. In one of the thirty-two fishes of this species the deficiencies were so great that the gland was only represented by a few specks which were posi- tively identified as portions of the thyroid only after microscopical examination. A similar case was found in Squalus, and one gland from Carcharias consisted of three small pieces. Occasionally the posterior border presents a notched deficiency in or near the median line. There may be one, two or three such notches, either symmetrically or asymmetrically disposed. Defici- encies of the thyroid tissue also occur within the gland and may, or may not, be connected with the notches in the posterior border. These deficiencies are all of inconstant occurrence, irregular loca- tion, and could scarcely be taken to indicate any suggestion of definite lobes. They seem rather to be due to the extreme thinness of the gland and in many of the thicker specimens they are in no way indicated. When present they are occupied by con- nective tissue continuous with the glandular capsule. Frequently they transmit the larger thyroid vessels. 190 JEREMIAH 8S. FERGUSON Bits of thyroid tissue of inconstant form or location are occa- sionally separated from the body of the gland by narrow partitions of connective tissue; they are most frequently found near the border of the gland or adjoining an area in which the thyroid sub- stance is: deficient. Since they possess no constant relation to the vascular supply, the detached masses can not correspond in any sense to true anatomical lobules. The arteries branch irregu- larly, for the most part after a somewhat dicotymous fashion (fig. 12), the arterial twigs passing off at acute angles. Partially injected specimens in which the injection fluid has passed through the arteries but has not penetrated in quantity into the veins Fig. 12. Terminal divisions of the thyroid artery. The area occupied by injected capillaries, ‘‘venae lymphaticae,’’ directly connected with each terminal arteriole is roughly indicated by the dotted lines. show areas of injected capillaries surrounding the terminal arteri- oles (fig. 12), but the extent of these injected areas and their relation to the artery seems to be dependent rather on the pressure of the injection than on any constant or characteristic relation to the vascular system. I can not recognize any probable vascular or anatomical unit which might in any sense serve as an ana- tomical lobule or structural unit, as described for various other glands by Born, Mall and others. In Raia the occurrence of partially detached groups of thyroid follicles is more frequent than in the other species, but the number of such groups present in a gland varies from two or three to a score or more. The groups are outlined by connective tissue in THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 191 which broad venous spaces to a certain extent encircle the quasi- lobule. The veins thus lie at the periphery while the artery on reaching the group promptly breaks up into a plexus of broad capillary spaces—venae lymphaticae—which surround the folli- cles within the quasi-lobule. The number of follicles in the group varies from four or five to several score. In Carcharias the condition is similar to that in Mustelus, there being no indication of lobular groups except about the occasional irregular deficiencies in the thyroid mass. Except for the anatom- ical disintegration of the gland in one fish there was similarly no indication of lobulation in Squalus, but as none of my specimens from this species were prepared as total mounts I can not speak with the same certainty as in the other species. The form of the thyroid follicles is subject to considerable variation, but, in general, they may be said to be of ovoid shape, and, as pointed out for the mammalian thyroid by Streiff (’97), they present frequent diverticula. The Elasmobranch thyroid differs from those described by Streiff in that they show very little tendency to branch and no indication of a tubular character when the whole follicles are examined in total mounts of the gland (fig. 13). In cut sections diverticula are of frequent occurrence and are apparently the result of pronounced infoldings of the follicular wall rather than of any protuberance, or of any tendency of the follicle to branch. Fig. 13 shows characteristic follicles from all four species; the figures are of whole follicles and differ from the cut sections in that only the largest infoldings of their wall are visible. As already indicated, diverticula are more apparent in sections than in the preparations (total mounts) from which the drawings have been made. The particular follicles drawn from Carcharias present rather greater infoldings than those from the other species. I have not, however, observed that this is charac- teristic of Carcharias. In the figure the magnification is the same for the several Selachian species but less by one half for Raia; the follicles of Raia are, therefore, relatively about twice as large as shown. The size of the follicles is subject to considerable variation as regards the individual follicles, the different thyroids, and the 192 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON Fig. 13. Outline of the follicles of thyroid glands as seen in total mounts. A, from Mustelus canis, X 152. B, from Squalus acanthias, X 152. C, from Car- charias litoralis, X 152. D, from Raia erinacea, X 80. various species. I have tabulated the results of some of the meas- urements. | MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE ‘|| AVERAGE RATIO ehcp SPECIES DIAMETER OF DIAMETER OF DIAMETER OF LENGTH OF | FOLLICLE TO THYROID FOLLICLE FOLLICLE | FOLLICLE FISH FISH GLAND | | 7 Mustelus........ | .160mm. | .017mm.| .067mm.| 67.8cm. 101.7) | 136mm; Squalus...... ay 079 | .013 047 oem Te no data Carcharias....... Dts | 0238 .100 | NT a2, Tee eh USI cf o © | ~ P | FUAYAA Nene el ao | .053 . 167 46.2 PAL atl 6.5 THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 193 The very large relative size of the follicles of Raia is at once apparent. They are approximately four times as large, relatively to the length of the fish, as in the case of any other species. When compared with the diameter of the gland the ratio is again in- creased, but this difference is in part compensated for by the increased thickness of the gland in Raia as compared with the other species. The thyroid gland of Raia is 1.5 times as thick as that of Carcharias, and 2 to 2.5 times the thickness of the gland in Mustelus. The column of ratios in the above table would indicate that in the Selachians the size of the follicle is in approximate proportion to the size of the fish, but that in Raia the relative size of the follicleismany times as great; the actual number of follicles in the thyroid gland of Raia is only a small fraction of those in the gland of any of the other species. It is readily susceptible of mathemat- ical proof that the combined circumference of large follicles con- tained in a given area is less than the combined circumference of smaller follicles in the same area; hence the gland of Raia with its larger follicles will contain proportionately less epithelium than the glands of the other species. I estimate that the difference is just about sufficient to render the volume of secretory epithelium in the gland of Raia relative to the size of the fish equal to the volume of secretory epithelium in each of the other species. But it is equally susceptible of mathematical proof that the cubical contents of the combined follicles is greater in the gland having the larger follicles; hence there is in Raia a greater volume of intrafollicular space than in the other species. It is scarcely susceptible of proof but entirely reasonable to suppose that the epithelium of different individuals of the same or different species so closely allied and the Batoidei and the Selachii is approx- imately equally active as regards its secretory function. There is ample evidence that the fluid secreted by the thyroid epithelium into the cavity of the follicle finds its way through the wall of the follicle to the neighboring vascular spaces so that the direction of flow must, in part at least, be from the epithelium into the follicle and thence through the follicular wall to the vessels. In view of these facts the rate of this secretory flow in Raia, with its relatively 194 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON large intrafollicular space must be slower than in the other spe- cies with their relatively small intrafollicular cavities, or, to ex- press it differently, there is relative stagnation in intrafollicular secretory flow in the case of the thyroid follicles of Raia. It is well known that an albuminous secretion which is rendered rela- tively stagnant within the epithelial cavities of the body tends to produce colloid masses whose microchemical reactions more or less closely resemble those of the colloid material of the thyroid gland; this occurs, e.g., in the ducts and tubules of the resting mammary gland and in dilated cystic tubules in the kidney. We would therefore expect that in the thyroid follicles of Raia with their relatively stagnant secretory flow we should find an increased amount of colloid material. This I find to be the case, the pro- portionate volume of colloid present in the follicles of Raia being decidedly greater than in the other species. Similarly I find it the rule that the larger follicles contain relatively more colloid than the small follicles in the same gland. The volume of col- loid contained in the thyroid follicles, therefore, can not be regarded as an. index of the activity of the secretory epithelium; it would rather appear as a sort of by-product whose volume was dependent upon the rate of flow in the fluid from which it was formed. This view harmonizes the appearance of colloid material in the thyroid gland with the occurrence of similar mate- rial in the other glandular portions of the body, and with those theories of thyroid secretion which regard the colloid as a by- product rather than as the secretion. Moreover the great varia- tions in the amount of colloid in the thyroid follicles are then explicable upon the basis of variations in the rate of secretory flow which, in turn, is dependent upon the physiological factors of blood and nerve supply as well as upon the anatomical factors. It is also interesting to observe that the volume of secretory epithelium in the several species examined remains in each case approximately proportionate to the size of the thyroid gland and to the size of the fish. The relation of the epithelium to the folli- cular content and to the blood vessels and lymphatics seems to me to indicate most clearly that the secretion is poured out from the epithelial cells so as to find its way, on the one hand directly into THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 195 the vessels, and on the other hand into the follicular cavity, whence it eventually passes through the follicular wall to reach the vessel. It is in the course of the latter flow that the colloid appears and its volume is dependent upon the rate of flow. The question arises as to whether or not the colloid may serve for the storage of secreted materials, somewhat after the manner in which the hepatic glycogen may be considered as stored car- bohydrate to be delivered as the needs of the economy necessitates ; if so the colloid material should show further evidences of change, at least, under certain conditions. That the colloid does undergo changes is evidenced by the appearance within its otherwise homogeneous mass of such structural alterations as vacuolation, basophile degeneration, and disintegration into granules of greater or less size, changes which are frequently observed (figs. 14, 15 and 18). As to the physiological nature of these changes in colloid, and their possible connection with a storage function I can offer no conclusive proof, but it seems to me quite possible that such a relation exists. The thyroid follicles are lined by a simple columnar type of epithelium (fig. 11) whose cells show considerable variation in height. In the same gland the epithelium lining certain vesicles measured as much as .010 mm., others only .006mm. The epi- thelium of occasional vesicles was even lower, but was possibly open to the criticism of mechanical distortion since the colloid was often crowded against one side instead of lying in the middle of the follicular lumen, even though the tissues had been prepared with the greatest care. Being anxious to avoid any possible distortion of the tissue, I removed nearly all of the glands studied without allowing them to be touched by either instru- ment or fingers, the knife or scissors being passed through the muscle beneath, and the gland, supported on a thin layer of muscle, dropped bodily into the killing fluid. As a rule those follicles which were well filled with colloid possessed low epithelium, in those with taller epithelium the reverse was the case. In making this comparison the surface area of the sections of colloid mass was compared with that of the containing follicle. The average height of the epithelium of a number of fol- 196 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON licles in Mustelus which were well filled with colloid was .077 mm.., while in a similar number of follicles which were either devoid of colloid, or nearly so, the height of the epithelium averaged .087 mm. Each epithelial cell possesses a fairly distinct cell-wall. Many cells appear to have a well marked cuticular border which appears to be more highly refractive than the endoplasm, but wherever the colloid lies in contact with the surface of the cell the cuticular border is obscured. I have also noticed that it is less pronounced in the thinner sections so that I am inclined to regard it as an optical diffraction line rather than a true cuticular membrane. The conformation of the free ends of the epithelial cells tends to confirm this opinion. These cells project slightly into the lumen of the follicle by means of a somewhat convex free border so that the height of a cell is greater in its axis than at its margin. Thus the lower portions of a cell will, in the thicker sections (.010 mm. or more), show through the taller central or axial portions and so account, at least, for a portion of the cuticular appearance. The exoplasmic membrane is specially distinct in the epithe- lium of the Elasmobranch thyroid gland. Baber (’81) called atten- tion to this fact, and described it as an intercellular network enveloping the cells and connecting the lumen of the follicle with the surrounding tissue spaces. If the lining epithelium of the follicle be cut parallel to the surface the resulting sections will show the membrane as a distinct’ mosaic within whose meshes the cells are apparently contained. It appears to me that this mosaic, which is distinct from the intercellular colloid observed by Lang- endorf (see page 200), is rather to be regarded as a cell membrane than as an intercellular substance, for there are many portions where in thin sections a narrow intercellular space is distinctly apparent and is bounded on either side by the exoplasmic mem- brane of adjacent cells. Occasionally the cells are separated by wider intervals through which the follicular lumen is placed in direct communication with the surrounding tissue spaces. There appears to be no distinct basement membrane upon which the follicular epithelium may rest. At intervals the cells are invested with a very small amount of loose connective tissue (fig. 11), but in large part the epithelium rests directly upon the THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 197 walls of the venous channels and lymphatic vessels (fig. 14). Thus the relation of the epithelium to the vascular lumen is a very intimate one. ; The cytoplasm of the ‘“‘chief”’ cells is relatively clear, but con- tains a coarsely granular eosinophile reticulum. Some cells appear much more granular than others. In such cells as are filled with colloid, ‘‘colloid cells,” the granular reticulum is entirely obscured (fig. 14, A). The nuclei of the chief cells are spheroidal, vesicular, and are placed near the base of the cell. From the apices of many of these cells threads of secretion extend to the central colloid mass. The apices of many of the chief cells appear ragged, frayed, and often shrunken, so that the height of the cell is decreased. Such cells present an appearance suggestive of an advanced stage of secre- tion. Other cells contain granules at the distal ends which are arranged in vertical rows, giving this portion of the cell a some- what rodded appearance; such cells are usually well filled with granules. Occasionally a similarly ragged and rodded appearance is seen at the base of the cell and it suggests that secretion may also be discharged at that point. Such a possibility is rendered more probable by the absence of basement membrane and the intimate relation to the lymphatics and blood vessels, these cells often resting directly upon the vascular endothelium. Laterally the epithelial cells frequently are separated from one another, leaving considerable spaces or channels through which secretion may find its way from the follicular lumen to the neighboring vessels; such channels are often occupied in part by colloid and in a few cases I have traced the colloid in a continuous line from the intrafollicular mass to the interior of the vasa and venae lympha- ticae (fig. 10). The above observations suggest that secretion may either be discharged from the chief cells into the lumen of the follicle and thence find its way through the follicular wall to the blood and lymphatic vessels, or that it may be discharged from the cells directly into the vessels; this is in harmony with the conditions indicated in the thyroid gland of mammals. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, No. 2. 198 JEREMIAH 8S. FERGUSON Fig. 14. A, section of the thyroid gland of Mustelus showing a follicle com- At y a carmine granule, derived from the B, section of the thyroid gland of Mustelus showing follicles lined entirely by “‘chief cells.”’ pletely surrounded by ‘‘colloid cells.’’ injection mass, lies in the vena lymphatica. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 199 The colloid cells described by Langendorf (’89) are remarkably distinct in most of the sections of Elasmobranch thyroids and con- stitute one of the most characteristic features of the thyroid gland of these fishes. The colloid cells are distinctly acidophile and are easily recognized in specimens stained with hematoxylin and eosin if the eosin is used in dilute solution and allowed to act for one-half hour or more. They present a glistening, highly refractive colloid appearance, which is in marked contrast to the granular chief cells. The colloid cells occasionally occur singly, but aremore frequently disposed in groups along one side of the follicle. One such group (fig. 14, A), more extensive than the others, was seen to include fully three-fourths of all the epithelium in its follicle. The groups are often in contact with the central colloid mass, and the colloid within the cell may then appear continuous with that within the follicle. Occasionally a group of such epithelium appears to have been completely engulfed by the colloid mass, the epithelial nuclei then appearing well within the colloid. Such appearances might suggest mechanical distortion, but as the sur- rounding follicles show no evidences of injury, and, as already stated, the tissues were very carefully prepared, I am more in- clined to agree with Bozzi (’95) that these appearances are the result of vital phenomena. The nuclei of the colloid cells are small and deeply stained, so deeply, in fact, that in the usual preparations they frequently show neither nuclear wall nor karyosomes. Unlike the nuclei of the chief cells they are usually situated near the inner extremity of the cell rather than at its base. The greater the cell is distended with colloid the farther its nucleus is pushed toward the cell’s apex; in the most distended cells there was frequently some dis- tortion and even fragmentation of the nucleus. A further continu- ation of this process would account for at least a portion of the extruded and disintegrating nuclei found within the intrafollicular colloid masses (figs. 11 and 18). The intrafollicular colloid closely resembles that of the mamma- lian thyroid gland. It is strongly acidophile and is usually homo- geneous or very finely granular in appearance. Frequently a minor portion of the mass, e.g., one side, is finely granular while 200 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON the major portion is clearly homogeneous. The well-known fila- ments pass at frequent intervals from the colloid mass to the epithelial surface. Some of these filaments can be traced to the free surface of the epithelial cell while others quite clearly enter the intercellular spaces, where, in tangential sections of the fol- licle, they form intercellular masses simulating the net-work de- scribed by Baber (’81) and interpreted by Langendorf (’89) as the ramification of colloid cells. Occasionally the colloid mass appears to have been disinte- - grated into small spherules .007 to .008 mm. in diameter (fig. 15). The size of these spheres is suggestive of the red blood cells of mammals, but the red cells of Elasmobranchs are ovoid and larger. Of the spherules some are distinctly acidophile but many are slightly basophile, none, or very few, are strongly basophile. All the spherules are homogeneous, and I have observed in the more basophile no tendency to chromatolysis such as one might expect to find if the spherules of this type were thought to represent de- generating nuclei of the red cells, nor have I been able to trace stages of transition from the nucleus to the basophile spherule. Since all the blood cells-of the species studied are nucleated one could not well infer that the acidophile spherules could represent any stage in the disintegration of red blood cells, for none of these spherules contain even traces of chromatin. On the other hand, both red and white blood cells can occasionally be found within the colloid quite independently of the spherules I have described; in this particular the Elasmobranch thyroid is in accord with the well known structure in other vertebrate orders. The appear- ance, location, disposition and reactions of the spherules indicate their origin from the solid colloid masses, from which they would appear to be formed by disintegration with progressively increas- ing basic reaction. That the reverse process occurs, viz., that the spherules may represent intermediate stages in the formation of the colloid masses, is contraindicated by the fact that only very few follicles contain spherules, nor does there appear to be any indica- tion of a tendency of the spherule to fuse. On the other hand, a tendency to further disintegration is quite apparent, and the possibility is suggested that the colloid in this way may be trans- THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND> 201 Fig. 15. Section of the thyroid gland of Raia showing the colloid within a follicle disintegrated into spheroidal masses of varying size and depth of stain. Fig. 16. Section through the ventral margin of the thyroid gland of Mustelus with sections of the very broad venae lymphaticae of the thyroid sinus simulating an endothelial capsule about the gland. 202 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON formed to such a state that it may be secreted through the wall of the follicle, in which case the intrafollicular colloid would pre- sumably assume the nature of stored secretion which is first poured out from the cells as a fluid, is then condensed through retention within the follicle, to form colloid, and is later disintegrated, pass- ing out of the follicle with the secretory flow. The chemical analy- ses of the thyroid gland, showing the common relation of iodin to the colloid and to the active principle of thyroid secretion would harmonize with such an hypothesis. Vacuolation of the colloid mass (fig. 14) is of frequent occur- rence; it may result either from the inclusion within the intra- follicular colloid of portions of the peripheral cup-like impressions which Langendorf has surmised result from the secretion pouring out from the surface of the epithelial cells, or it may be further evidence of disintegration of the colloid with formation within its substance of fluid droplets, rather than of solid spherules. The vacuoles are filled with a clear fluid and occasionally contain basophile granules. A colloid mass may contain many small vacuoles mostly at or near the periphery of the mass and contain- ing few, if any, basophile granules, or it may contain one or more vacuoles of relatively large size which occupy the interior of the mass and may be more or less completely filled with the granules. These granules stain deeply with hematoxylin and similar dyes, and they are either amorphous or somewhat crystalline in form. The origin of the chromatic material within the vacuoles may be from chromatolysis of the nuclei of either the disintegrating folli- cular epithelium or of blood cells included within the colloid. Evidences of disintegration of epithelium and extrusion of the nuclei as well as of the penetration of the nuclei together with blood cells (fig. 20) into the colloid mass are frequently seen. But the disintegration of such cells and nuclei can scarcely account for the much more numerous vacuoles in which no basophile chromatic substance is found. The follicles of the thyroid are supported within the meshes of a connective tissue stroma in which the blood-vessels lie. The volume of connective tissue is never great, much less than in the mammalian gland. There is more connective tissue in the gland THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 203 of Raia than in the other species examined; in Mustelus and Squa- lus there is so little that one wonders at the relative compactness of the organ. In these Selachii the epithelium rests directly upon the walls of the blood-vessels, and they in turn consist of little else than endothelium and form broad sinuses rather than capil- laries or venules. , The gland is inclosed by a very thin connective tissue capsule and its tissue is thus always sharply defined from the surrounding structures. In Mustelus and Squalus, and to some extent in the other species, the broad vascular channels of the thyroid sinus are in direct contact with the capsule, so that in sections the ven- tral surface of the gland often appears clothed with an endothelial coat derived from these vessels (figs. 16 and 17); a similar disposi- tion of the vascular endothelium of collapsed blood-vessels is also occasionally seen on the margins and dorsal surface of the gland. The blood vessels have been in each case carefully studied by dissection, injection, sections, and transparent total mounts of the gland. Both blood vessels and lymphatics were demonstrated beyond doubt, though lymphatics have not hitherto been observed in these fishes and their existence was denied by Baber (’81). Fig. 9 shows the lymphatics filled with injection mass, lying between the blood channels and the follicular epithelium; they appear as perivascular lymphatics in the wall of the venae lym- phaticae. Similar vessels, perivascular lymphatics, are found in the walls of the arteries and veins of the thyroid, the thyroid sinus, and the arteries of the hypo-branchial system (fig. 8). The course of the larger blood-vessels was readily followed in injected specimens in which the whole gland was examined under the microscope. The arteries course upon the surface of the gland, the major portion of them being always on the ventral surface. Fig. 19 shows the distribution of the arteries in the thy- roid of Mustelus, and figs. 3 and 4 indicate the relative area of the gland supplied by the arteries of the right and left side, the left thyroid artery, as in figs. 3 and 19 usually supplying the greater part of the organ, though occasionally the major part, as in fig. 4, is supplied from the right side. Twigs from the superficial branches here and there penetrate the gland, break into arterioles, and 204 JEREMIAH 8. FERGUSON Fig. 17. Section through the ventral margin of the thyroid gland of Squalus showing peripheral venae and vasa lymphatica. he s 4 mY - ‘ Sp we >" . > ef 4 Fy id | ~ 4 gta 7 ¥ ad Pa ee ee Fig. 18. Section of the thyroid gland of Carcharias showing the disintegrating nuclei of leucocytes or red blood cells within the intrafollicular colloid. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 205 promptly empty into groups of broad interfollicular, blood capil- laries, the venae lymphaticae (figs. 9, 11, 12), which envelop the follicles on all sides. From the venae lymphaticae the veins pass out of the gland at its posterior and lateral borders and dorsal surface to enter the thyroid sinus; a few veins from the lateral bor- der of the gland pass directly to the hyoid sinus. The course of the lymphatics was much less easily determined than that of the blood vessels. “Stick injections,” as ordinarily made, spread so rapidly through the loose connective tissue of the gland and so easily entered and filled the venae lymphaticae that they entirely obscured the smaller vasa lymphatica. The venae lymphaticae thus injected form a dense almost opaque mass, showing that the thyroid may well occupy the place in these fishes assigned to it by Tscheuwsky (’03) as the most vascular of mam- malian glands. After several futile attempts to inject the lym- phatics in the ordinary way the method was so altered as to inject only minute areas under a very low pressure. In this way it was found that at the margins of the injected area the fluid which had entered the vessels traveled farther than that in the connec- tive tissue spaces, and in many cases the vasa lymphatica were filled beyond the limits of the injected venae lymphaticae, so that in the outermost zone of the injected area the true lymphatics could be readily studied, the venae lymphaticae in this zone being either empty or only partially filled. The vasa lymphatica are, for the most part, perivascular chan- nels (fig. 9), but they are also in direct contact with the epithelial walls of the follicles (fig. 10). The vasa lymphatica could not be followed for any great distance through the injected zone, for, on the one hand, they entered the area of opaque injection mass, and in the other direction they ended abruptly, often with a small knob-like dilatation. By means of serial sections I was able to determine in uninjected specimens that the vasa lymphatica opened at the points of terminal dilatation directly into the venae lymphaticae (fig. 10, X). Having demonstrated the connection between the two sets of vessels in uninjected specimens, show- ing the true relation of vasa and venae lymphaticae, many points in the injected specimens could be readily found at which it seemed quite certain that the injection mass was 206 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON art. thyrsinestra 19 Fig. 19. Drawn from a total mount of the thyroid gland of Mustelus canis, showing the course and distribution of the thyroid arteries and the origin of some of the veins of exit. The vessels on or near the ventral surface are indicated by the solid black lines, those on or near the dorsal surface of the gland by dotted lines. Fig. 20. A section from the thyroid gland of Carcharias, showing invasion of epithelium and colloid by leucocytes. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 207 passing from the vasa lymphatica directly into the venae. The relatively intimate relation between the veins and lymphatics in fishes is well known; Wiedersheim (’07) and Favaro (’06) have recently emphasized the fact so far as the tail vessels of fishes were concerned. ‘This intimate relationship seems to be quite as obvious in the thyroid vessels and in those of the region occupied by the thyroid sinus (vide supra). That the vasa lymphatica are true lymphatics and not blood- vessels is shown by the fact that in many cases they are of alto- gether too small caliber to transmit the large red blood-cells of the Elasmobranch fishes. Moreover, the quasi valvular nature of their anastomosis with the veins, as already described, renders highly improbable the regurgitation of blood-cells into the vasa lymphatica even in the larger vessels. In mammalian thyroid glands, especially in dogs, one now and then observes instances where the colloid has accumulated beyond the bounds of the follicles, giving to sections of the organ the appearance of a tissue completely infiltrated by the waxy colloid substance. No such appearance was found in the Elasmobranch thyroids which were studied, unless the follicles lined chiefly by colloid cells could be so interpreted. SUMMARY 1. The Elasmobranch thyroid gland closely simulates the human, both in the form and structure of its follicles and the dis- tribution of its blood-vessels. 2. The gland rests upon the basi-hyal cartilage whose anterior margin forms an excellent guide to its location. 3. The pyramidal lobe of mammals is often represented in Elas- mobranchs by a process passing forward and reaching the floor of the pharynx through a notch in the anterior margin of the basi- hyal cartilage; this notch is sometimes converted into a foramen. 4. Baber’s opinion that lymphatics are not present in the thy- roid of Elasmobranch fishes was founded on insufficient evidence and is incorrect. 5. Lymphatics are present in considerable numbers both in and 208 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON about the thyroid gland and can be demonstrated by injection and in sections; they are true ‘‘ vasa lymphatica.”’ 6. The blood-vessels within the thyroid gland terminate in a . network of ‘‘ venae lymphaticae”’ which invest the follicles, receive the vasa lymphatica, and transmit either or both blood and lymph, under varying conditions of blood-pressure. 7. The thyroid artery arises from the ventral end of the efferent hypobranchial arterial loop contained in the hyoidean hemibranch and the adjacent half of the first holobranch by an independent origin or by a common stem with the mandibular or submental artery. 8. The thyroid veins in these fishes for the most part enter the ‘thyroid sinus,” a mass of veins and lymphatic vessels which pour their blood into the hyoid sinuses. 9. The rhythmic respiratory movements of the pharyngeal wall cause the thyroid sinus to act somewhat after the manner of a ‘“‘vein-heart”’: or ‘‘lymph-heart.”’ 10. The hypobranchial arterial system is formed as described by Hyrtl in 1858 and 1872, and the direction of the flow of its blood is from the gill vessels toward the coronary and other ter- minal arteries, as indicated by Hyrtl and again by Parker and Davis in 1899, and not from the subclavian artery toward the coronaries, as described by T. J. Parker in 1886. The hypobran- chial artery of T. J. Parker, forming an anastomosis between the subclavian and median hypobranchial arteries, is of insignificant importance and is frequently wanting. 11. The relative volume and distribution of the “colloid” in the glands of different species indicates that this substance is a retention product, formed from the albuminous secretion of the follicular epithelium. 12. The further changes occurring in the “colloid” indicate the possibility of its usefulness as a sort of stored-up secretion. 13. The follicular epithelium contains both “chief” and “‘col- loid”’ cells, the latter being even more numerous and. characteris- tic than in the mammalian thyroid. 14. The parenchymal epithelium is in intimate relation with the vasa and venae lymphaticae; it rests directly upon or in close proximity to the endothelial wall of these vessels. THE ANATOMY OF THE THYROID GLAND 209 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES Abbreviations I—YJ, first to fifth branchial clefts A. lat., lateral artery A. thry., thyroid artery A. thyr. imp., arteria thyreoidea impar Art., artery b. hy., basi-hyal cartilage cap., fibrous capsule of the thyroid gland ch. ep., chief cells of the follicular epithelium col., colloid com., commissural artery cor., coronary arteries coraco-mdb., coraco-mandibular artery coracoid, coracoid artery D A., dorsal aorta en., vascular endothelium ep., epithelium of the thyroid follicles epibr., epibranchial artery fol. thyr., follicles of the thyroid gland gastric, gastric arteries hy. sn., hyoid sinus hypobr., hypobranchial artery hypobr.’, its anastomosis with the com- missural artery. L., vasa lymphatica ’ l. c., lateral commissural arteries Lat. hypobr., lateral hypobranchial ar- tery, coraco-branchial muscle M.c. hy., coraco-hyoideus muscle M. c. mdb., coraco-mandibularis muscle Med. hypobr., median hypobranchial artery p. ¢c., pericardial arteries pharyn., pharyngeal arteries R B C, red blood cells. s. a. v., ventral arterial sinus of the first hypobranchial loop. sbel., subclavian artery thyr., thyroid gland thyr. sn., thyroid sinus V. vein V A, ventral aorta V L, venae lymphaticae W B C, white blood cells z., point of anastomosis of vasa and venae lymphaticae y., injected carmine granules in the venae lymphaticae 210 JEREMIAH §8. FERGUSON BIBLIOGRAPHY Baber, E.C. 1881 Phil. Trans., Roy. Soc. London, 172, 577. Batrour, F. M. 1881 Treatise on Comp. Anat., London 2, 626. Brivce, T. W. 1904 Cambridge Nat. Hist., London, 7. Coxe, F. J.. 1905 Anat. Anz., 27, 323. Dre Meuron, P. 1886 Ree. zool. suisse, 3, 517. Dourn, A. 1884 Mitth. a. d. zool. Station z. Neapel, 5, 102. Ecker U. WIEDERSHEIM. 1904 Anat. des Frosches, Braunschweig, 205. Favaro, 1906 Quoted by Eisler, Schwalbe’s Jahresb., 12, 323. Comins J. 1896 Thése Paris. Hyrtu, J. 1858 Denks. d. k. Akad. Wissen., Wien, Math. Nat. Cl., 15, 1. 1872 Denks. d. k. Akad. Wissen., Wien, Math. Nat. Cl., 32, 263. LaGENDoRF, O. 1889 Arch. f. Physiol., Suppl. Bd., 219. LomBarpD, G. D. 1909 Biol. Bull., 18, 39. Masor,-R. H. 1909 Am. J. Anat., 9, 475. Mavrer, F. 1886 Morph. Jahrb., 11, 129. 1888 Morph. Jahrb., 13, 296. Miter, W. 1871 Jena. Zeitschr., 6, 428. ParKER, G. H. anp Davis, F. K. 1899 Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist., 29, 163. Parker, T. J. 1880 Trans. and Proc. New Zealand Institute, 13, 413. 1886 Phil. Trans., Roy. Soc. London, 177, 685. PEREMISCHKO 1867 Zeitschr. f. wis. Zool., 17, 279. SaBin, F.R. 1909 Am. J. Anat., 9, 43. ScuaFFER 1906 Anat. Anz:, 28, 65. Srmon 1844 Phil. Trans., Roy. Soc. London, pt. 1, 295. StockarD, C. R. 1906 Anat. Anz., 29, 91. Tscuruwsky 1903 Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 97, 210. TurRNER 1874 J. Anat. and Physiol., 8, 285. Van BEMMELEN, J. F. 1887 Zool. Anz., 10, 88. Wacner, R. 1853 Handworterbuch d. Physiol., Braunschweig, 4, 111. WIEDERSHEIM, R. 1907 Comp. Anat. of the Vertebrates, p. 432. Reprinted from JouRNAL or MorpHouoey, Vou. 21, No. 4, Supplement, February, 1911 THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS J. F. GUDERNATSCH From the Department of Embryology and Experimental Morphology, Cornell University Medical School, New York City TWENTY-ONE TEXT FIGURES AND FIVE PLATES During the summer of 1909 at the suggestion of Dr. C. R. Stock- ard! I undertook the study of the distribution of thyreoid tissue within the gill region of Teleosts, especially of the trout. It seemed important to clear up certain doubtful facts in this connection, since this organ of the trout is liable to disease and at present is attracting considerable attention in cancer research. The examination of but a small number of species brought such an abundance of interesting material to light that I determined to carry out a comparative study of the anatomy and histology of the thyreoid gland in a large number of Teleosts, and to summarize our entire knowledge of the organ in this group of vertebrates. At the same time I attempted, by comparing the present results with the facts known of the thyreoid in other classes, to define more clearly the features of this organ in the entire vertebrate group. It gives me pleasure to express my best thanks to The Wistar Institute of Anatomy and to Prof. F. R. Lille for the use of a room in the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass. Some of the species were obtained from the New York Aquarium, for which I wish to thank the Director, Mr. C. H. Townsend. Twenty families of Teleosts including twenty-nine species were investigated, the detailed description of which I give in the special 1 My thanks are due to Professor Stockard for many suggestions during the work and for carefully revising this paper. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, No. 4 SUPPLEMENT: FEBRUARY, 1911 710 J. F. GUDERNATSCH part of this paper. The results demonstrate the possibility of unusually wide variation in the thyreoid gland and establish a continuous series of transitions from one form to the other. The general part deals with the anatomy, histology and embry- ology of the organ, and is based on the facts gained from a system- atic comparison of all the species. GENERAL PART ANATOMY OF THE GLAND The literature relating to the structure and the location of the thyreoid gland in Teleosts and fishes in general is comparatively meagre. Long after the presence of this interesting organ had been known in the higher vertebrates it was also found in fishes. Simon was the first to demonstrate the existence of a thyreoid gland in this lowest class of vertebrates, but as he supported his statements only by macroscopic examination, it is not certain whether everything he regarded as thyreoid really belongs to this organ. The peculiar anatomy of the gland renders it at times very diff- cult, if not entirely impossible,to diagnose tissues in the gill region as thyreoid without a microscopic examination. I have several times, especially when particles of the thyreoid were diffusely scattered, regarded small masses of tissue as thyreoid which under the microscope did not prove to be such. Simon’s reports on the different locations of the gland are, therefore, not to be relied upon and it is for the above reason especially that his discoveries in the Gadidae, Cyprinus, Anableps, Esox and Exocoetus are to be very strongly doubted. In these species he locates the thyreoid gland far dorsally in the region of the soft palate. Maurer has since demonstrated the true position of the thyreoid in the carp at least, and although Simon’s statements have not been contra- dicted for the other species, they seem to be, from the phylo- genetic point of view, entirely untenable. In some other species, however, Merlangus, Anguilla etc., Simon appears to have found the organ in his dissections, as he places it near the bifurcation THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 711 of the first gill arteries. It seems strange, on the other hand, that he was unable to locate the thyreoid gland in some other fish, among them those in which it is easily visible to the naked eye. Thus he failed to see it in Perca, Mugil, Trigla, Scom- ber, Tinca, Salmo, (Salmo fario), Clupea, Pleuronectes, Hippo- glossus, Rhombus, Solea, Cyclopterus, Gymnotus and Balistes. In all these species, as far as they were at my disposal, I could demonstrate the thyreoid gland as a well developed organ, and feel certain that it is also present in the others. There seems to be little, if any doubt that the thyreoid gland is an organ belonging without exception to all fishes and vertebrates in general. Of the later investigations describing the thyreoid gland in Teleosts, Baber’s work (1881) should be mentioned, although he studied the gland of only one species, the conger eel. A later paper by Maurer (1886) deals principally with the embryology of this organ in the trout, but also contains some remarks on its comparative anatomy. The thyreoid gland of the vertebrates, as is well known, is closely connected in its development with the median ventral wall of the pharynx and the gill arches. These relationships are only slightly different whether the gills persist throughout life as in the fishes, or are found only in larval stages asin the Amphibia, or finally transform in later embryonic life as is the case in the Amniota. The location of the thyreoid in the animal body is therefore dependent upon the gill region. While in the higher vertebrates the topographical arrangements become more or less changed or rendered indistinct during the progress of development we find them in the fishes typically marked. The region of distribution of the thyreoid gland in the fish extends below the floor of the pharynx, in the body of the tongue, between the gill arches and back posteriorly behind the origin of the third and fourth branchial arteries from the ventral aorta. Maurer limits the region of distribution anteriorly by the bifur- cation of the aorta and posteriorly by the last branchial aortic arch, but these lines are certainly too limited, especially in the anterior direction. In some species the main body lies in front of the aortic bifurcation. The posterior limit, however, only 712 J. F. GUDERNATSCH exceptionally occurs behind the last branchial arch. The single parts of the basibranchiale define this ‘thyreoid region’ dorsally, while ventrally the paired musculus sternohyoideus is spread out beneath the organ. This region is at the same time that of the ventral aorta and its branches to each of the gills. Thus the thyreoid gland is located along the trunk through which the blood for the entire body is pumped from the heart into the respiratory organs. The narrow cleft between the bony parts of the floor of the pharynx dorsally and the muscles ventrally is completely filled with thyreoid tissue except for the space occupied by the large arterial trunks. This region, as we see from the extensive literature on the visceral skeleton and musculature in fish, in the manifold development of its bony (cartilaginous) and muscular parts shows a decided tendency to vary. It is only natural that this tendency should be found in the thyreoid gland also; since it has to accommodate itself to the configuration of the tissues just mentioned, a pronounced adaptability must be of the greatest benefit to it. The property of variation is possessed by the thyreoid gland of the Teleosts to a most striking degree and within thesamespeciesratherremarkable differences are found. Twelve weak-fish (Cynoscion) for instance, all differed in the exten- sion and position of their respective thyreoids. Similar conditions were observed in other species. This variability within the species may indicate that in the thyreoid gland we have a very unstable organ, which perhaps in vertebrate phylogeny has not yet acquired its final condition. We know that in the higher classes of verte- brates there is the same variability among individuals regarding the development of their thyreoid glands. In mammalia the individual variation is very great. The lobes may have different forms, and give to the organ a paired appearance, or there may be a more or less well developed isthmus between them. Interest- ing comparisons have been made especially in man.? In the phylogenetically younger epithelial bodies the variation is still larger. All of these facts indicate that the gill slits and their * Marshall (’95) examined the thyreoid glands in sixty children in which he found all possible variations. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS fis derivates are still easily modifiable and do not yet represent a per- manent condition. The thyreoid gland of Teleosts is not a single compact organ, as we find it in the higher vertebrates, where the small parts of the gland, the follicles, are united into one complex and enclosed by a common capsule of connective tissue. Only in such a case would the term ‘gland’ be justified, since here numerous anatomical elements possessing the same physiological function are closely connected. The Teleosts, however, possess numerous elements, whose totality from a physiological standpoint one must regard as a thyreoid gland, while anatomically we are unable sharply to define the organ in question in this group of vertebrates. In most cases we can speak of thyreoid follicles only, or groups of follicles, in pointing out the distribution of the organ. Thus in plates I and II, not the thyreoid glands of the respective species, but the regions of distribution of the thyreoid follicles themselves are figured. On plate III, however, which indicates the variation in the location of the gland within the species, real parts of the thyreoid are indicated, so far as they were macroscopically visible. In the more closely defined region we may find thyreoid tissue in all parts. It is usually of a brownish yellow color. ‘The follicles are. generally most densely located in the neighborhood of the ventral aorta or of the branchial arteries. Those places, particu- larly, are favored where the branchial arches arise from the aortic stem. Follicles are most abundant at the origin of the second gill arteries, that of the first being next, and finally the roots of the last branches have fewest thyreoid follicles about them. A more or less dense accumulation is always found along the stem of the ventral aorta, which may be completely surrounded by thyreoid tissue. In other cases dense accumulations of follicles are located either dorsally or ventrally to the aorta. The glandular tissue is usually distributed so that it is more densely accumulated in the central region, while towards the pe- riphery a more and more pronounced dissolution and scattering of the follicles takes place. These conditions cannot, however, be strictly generalized, as we find cases in which, even in the most central portions, the follicles are not more closely arranged than 714 J. F. GUDERNATSCH in the peripheral. In some instances, as in Cynoscion, rather well developed central portions are found which can be recognized by the naked eye. But even in these cases numerous follicles lie well separated from the main body. Thus we have all transitional stages from a perfect dispersion of the follicles to a rather compact union of them. It is possible that further investigations may show cases in which the organ is still more compact than in those thus far examined, and so present a structure similar to that in higher vertebrates. Judging from my observations, however, this does not seem probable, and at present I am inclined to re- gard the conditions found in Sarda (ede Special Part) as the limit of compactness in the series. The cephalad and caudad extensions of the thyreoid gland vary very much. In general, it might be said that a spreading out to- ward the tip of the tongue takes place in all cases, while towards the heart the distribution is not so uniform. Far cephalad of the first aortic bifurcation we find single follicles scattered below the hyoid bones. The caudal limit of the thyreoid gland usually lies between the second and third aortic branches, or at the third. Rarely does it go beyond this point, and if so, with a few excep- tions, only scattered follicles are found in the posterior region. Thus we find an accumulation of the glandular elements around the anterior part of the ventral aorta, with follicles scattered towards the head and the heart. The organ decreases in mass in an anterior-posterior direction. In one instance, Siphostoma, just the reverse is the case. The embryonic center from which the thyreoid starts to grow lies between the first and second gill branches, this place in the adult animal is near the aortic bifurcation, and in many cases we find the main part of the organ in this region; while in other cases, Cynoscion and Tautogolabrus, it is exclusively there. From the region of the aortic bifurcation the thyreoid elements travel so as to occupy the different positions which are described in the special part of this paper. The migration of thyreoid follicles occurs more particularly in the direction of the heart, although a cephalad migration is decidedly pronounced. The development of the hyoid bones obstructs the anterior spreading THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 715 of the follicles to some extent. The follicles apparently tend to go around the basihyale and along its sides towards the tip of the tongue. In the dogfish and shark where the hyoid region offers a comparatively free space we find it occupied by the conipact thyreoid, which is pushed slightly forward of the aortic bifurcation (Ferguson). In these animals also the thyreoid is originally placed in the bifurcation of the truncus; later, according to W. Miiller, the anlage moves forward and becomes encapsuled. In Raja, on the other hand, it remains in the bifurcation. The dorso-ventral, in combination with the lateral, extension of the thyreoid follicles seems to be more dependent upon the con- figuration of the pharyngeal floor than does the cephalo-caudad extension. In fishes, in which the isthmus region is deep and narrow, as in Brevoortia, we find, as might be expected, the dorso- ventral distribution of follicles far surpassing the lateral. While in other species, for instance, Tautoga, in which the floor of the pharynx is very broad, the lateral extension is the important one. In general it may be said that the lateral outweighs the dorso- ventral distribution of follicles. Dorsally the follicles are usually found between the ventral aorta and the copulae of the gill arches. Incases where those skele- tal parts come close to the vessel the follicles are forced away laterally, and sometimes intrude into the spaces between the copu- lae and hypobranchialia. When the parts of the basibranchiale lie well separated the follicles extend up between the copulae and come to le close to the mucous membrane of the pharyngeal floor. The main mass of the organ lies almost exclusively above, or dorsal, to the ventral aorta. This is opposed to Maurer’s state- ment of the case. Below the aorta is usually found the smaller part of the gland and the follicles are also more loosely scattered. The development of the thyreoid gland above the aorta should be expected since there is usually much more open space between the aorta and the gill arches than is found below the aorta where the muscles lie close to the vessels. The thyreoid elements en- deavor to intrude below the aorta as much as possible, and when this vessel, in the region of the third branchial arteries, sinks deeper 716 J. F. GUDERNATSCH into the musculus sternohyoideus, the follicles follow in the course and are thus distributed far ventrally within the muscle. The number of follicles along the sides of the aorta is always less than either above or belowit. This by no means contradicts the state- ment made above that the lateral ex’ension of follicles outweighs the dorso-ventral one. Only in the genus Fundulus, especially in majalis, less so in heteroclitus, where a transverse inter- branchial muscle pushes the vessels away from the skeletal parts, is the dorsal extension small, or sometimes lacking entirely. Here the follicles extend directly away from the aorta towards the bases of the gills. Along the aortic stem between the bases of the gill arteries the lateral extension is somewhat limited and reaches its height along the branchial arteries. The vessels seem to serve as bases along which the follicles migrate. The free space about the gill arteries becomes narrower and narrower as the gill arches are approached and therefore the number and size of the follicles decrease towards these points until there is no more room for extension. When, however, there exists an especially open passage along the vessels the follicles may even extend into the gill arches, to a considerable distance beyond the point of their origin. Such cases are common in trout (text fig. 7D). The peculiar distribution of the thyreoid elements forces us to regard the organ in bony fishes as unpaired, a view also sup- ported by embryology. This statement should be especially emphasized, as in Wiedersheim’s Comparative Anatomy, 1907, the author still speaks of the thyreoid gland in the Teleosts as a paired organ, although Maurer in 1886 (p. 134) criticizes this statement in an earlier edition. On another page, (p. 140) Maurer himself claims that the main bulk of the organ at a certain stage is not paired, while later single portions of the gland lying in the median line, as well as on both sides of the truncus arteriosus, take a paired arrangement. This is certainly incorrect, since the follicle groups on the sides of the aorta are not only unpaired but are also not bilaterally arranged. The relationship between the thyreoid gland and the stem of the ventral aorta is purely anatomical and without any physiological THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS ray; importance. The thyreoid does not receive its blood supply from this group of vessels, since they carry only venous blood, and the arterial blood which nourishes the gland comes from a special thyreoid artery. In Petromyzon, however, Cori claims that the arteria thyreoidea arises from the truncus arteriosus; this is prob- ably an error, as he also finds the ventral carotid connected with the truncus. The thyreoid artery, as Silvester demonstrated in Lopholatilus and twenty other species of Teleosts by his perfected method of injection, arises as a dorsal branch from the united right and left fourth commissural arteries. The latter vessels originate from the second efferent branchial arteries and unite in the median line below the thyreoid and the aorta as the hypo- branchial artery. Shortly after the union of the fourth commis- sural arteries the thyreoid artery branches off from the dorsal side and immediately enters the gland in its posterior region. Whether the widely scattered follicles all receive their capillaries from this one vessel cannot at present be stated, though it would seem very doubtful especially in the case of the more anteriorly isolated follicles. In Selachians, where the thyreoid is pushed far forward, the arteria thyreo-spiracularis (Dohrn) originates in the first aortic arch from the arteriae efferentes of the hyoid gill. In Teleosts, also, the first aortic arch breaks up into a capillary network. Dohrn, therefore, speaks of an arteria thyreo-spiracularis. Per- haps it is from this vessel that the most cephalad parts of the thyreoid gland receive their blood supply. The artery pointed out by Silvester seems, however, to supply the bulk of the organ, and the term arteria thyreoidea as applied to it is apparently justified. It is of interest to recall Simon’s statement, which was also supported by others, that the thyreoid gland is placed in the blood system so as to regulate the supply of blood to the brain. This, in a way, was a foreshadowing of our present views that the phy- siological action of the thyreoid gland exerts an important influence on the central nervous system. The venous blood from the thyreoid gland passes into the thy- reoid vein, a vessel, which also collects the veins from the muscula- 718 J. F. GUDERNATSCH ture below the aorta and carries the blood directly into the sinus venosus. Little is known about the relation of the thyreoid gland to the lymph system. This is largely due to the fact that in the fishes the lymph vessels are in a much closer connection with the venous system than in the higher vertebrates. It is almost impossible to distinguish between veins and lymphatics by the injection method. In many species large cavities lie around the aorta, two dorsal ones being constant in trout. These are extraordinarily large and lined with endothelium and although they often contain blood corpuscles there is little doubt that they are lymph sinuses. The corpuscles probably come in from the venous system, or possibly by traumatic haemorrhages. A further fact in favor of their being lymph sinuses is that no descriptions of large veins in this region has come from the numerous injections of the circulatory system of Teleosts. In some species there is only one large ‘lymph sinus’ which surrounds the aorta dorsally and laterally. - DEVELOPMENT OF THE THYREOID Only one contribution deals with the embryology of the thy- reoid in Teleosts, this is by Maurer (’86) who traces its develop- ment in the brcok trout. The gland arises in much the same manner as it does in the other classes of vertebrates. The thyreoid develops very early in the Teleosts, after the first gill slit has broken through,? as an unpaired evagination of the stratified epithelium on the ventral side of the pharynx between the first andsecond gillpockets. Itisthus placed in the curve of the S-like tubular heart before the gill arteries have developed, with the exception of that to the hyoid arch. The vesicular thyreoid anlage very soon separates itself from the pharynx and enlarges by bud- ding. The organ lies close to the tubular heart, but only remains for a short time near the place of its origin. With the development * In Hertwig’s Handbuch d. Entwicklungslehre II, 1, 1906, Maurer states, how- ever, that the anlage of the thyreoid appears in all Gnathostoma before the break- ing through of the first gill slits. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 719 and shifting of the heart and aorta as well as by its own growth the thyreoid gland comes to lie far from its original position. The absence of a capsule of connective tissue similar to that in higher vertebrates admits the loosening and separation of the thyreoid follicles in the bony-fish.+‘ The Teleosts show a condition of the thyreoid gland somewhat similar to that in Myxine glutinosa, as W. Miiller, Cole, Schaeffer and Maurerstate. The folliclesin Myxine, partly isolated, partly in groups, are found between the pharynx and the truncus arteriosus throughout the gill region. In the Teleosts, how- ever, the gland also extends below the truncus. In the skate Baber observes ‘‘a single body and a few detached vesicles’’; in the Amphibians separated particles have also been described. Yet in bothof these groups the thyreoid possesses a capsule, which sends septa into the inner portions, as W. Miiller has shown for Acanthias and Raja. Maurer finds a delicate connective tissue capsule in the Urodela. These observations on Selachii and Am- phibia, however, are exceptional and the small detached particles can only be looked upon as ‘aberrant thyreoids’ the main thyreoid in all cases being a sharply defined body. Maurer observed in the Urodela that a breaking up of the thyreoid into smallerparts occasionally occurred. These accessory thyreoid glands were parts of the former isthmus which, after the anlage had divided, persisted and remained in their original position, while the true halves moved in a postero-ventral direction. In the Ophidia the organ is compact and encapsuled; but in the Saurii, according to W. Miler, the interstitial tissue increases so much through the accumulation of fat, that the glandular tissue proper is broken up into irregular groups which are sometimes completely discon- nected. We have here a dissolution within the capsule suggesting that the connective tissue capsule is the only factor in other verte- brates which prevents the thyreoid elements from becoming scattered about as they are in Myxinoids and Teleosts. 4 The elements of the Teleost pancreas are similarly scattered in the mesen- terium. 720 J. F. GUDERNATSCH During development of the Teleosts some follicles cling to the wall of the aorta and are in later life found along it. Usually the follicles become arranged into several distinct groups, forming different centers of growth, as is shown by Cynoscion in plate III. With the branching off of the gill arteries from the aorta thyreoid material is carried out laterally towards the gills and spreads in this region. This accounts for the larger lateral exten- sion of thyreoid follicles along the gill vessels rather than in inter- mediate regions. The larger vessels form a substratum upon which the follicles migrate as do also the smaller vessels and especially the lymphatic vessels. The larger vessels are means for the an- tero-posterior dispersion while the smaller ones allow the migra- tion of follicles from the denser central thyreoid portions towards the periphery. Even the most peripheral follicles are usually found near blood capillaries although they do not necessarily come in close contact with them. The way in which these isolated follicles function is not clear. They certainly seem normal! and contain colloid. The growth of the connective tissue and fat in which the folli- cles are imbedded favors their dispersion from the central portions; thus a combination of influences are at work to widen the thyreoid region as much as possible. W. Miller regards the immense development of the ‘interstitial’ tissue as alone responsible for the dissolution of the thyreoid into isolated groups. He no doubt refers to fat and connective tissue, as we shall see below that the term ‘interstitial’ is not properly used in this case. Although the growth of these tissues may be an important factor I donot regard it as primary, since in the first place, even in young indi- viduals, the follicles are found isolated, and secondly, the breaking apart of a formerly compact organ by excessive growth of connec- tive tissue would certainly not account for the carrying of the follicles into the muscles and gills. The follicles actually seem to overcome the obstruction offered by other tissues in their course and may even penetrate into them. In trout and Micropogon the thyreoid follicles are at times im- bedded in the muscle tissue, into which they creep between the connective tissue lamellae or along the blood vessels. Realactiv- THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 721 ity on the part of the follicles is most unlikely, and the probability is that they are simply passively pushed or pulled as circum- stances may have it. The forces in development unite to make it possible for the thyreoid gland to spread, and so form a greater amount of functional tissue than could be contained in a compact organ situated in the narrow space between the basihyale and the ventral musculature. Little is known of the manner in which the thyreoid gland grows and forms new follicles, and contradictory statements are also found in the literature regarding the primary anlage of the organ. It is scarcely conceivable that a vesicular anlage shopld exist in all fishes except Ceratodus in which Greil observed a solid one. Before the solid outpushing in Ceratodus separates from the pharyngeal wall it is said to become vesicular, a process exactly the contrary to the usual one. Amphibians are believed to have a solid bud-like thyreoid anlage. Maurer states that two days after its evagination the thyreoid is solid in the Anura, and W. Miiller observed a solid anlage in Rana temporaria and platyrrhinus, in which the first lumen appeared in 25 mm. larvae, after the gland had divided into two halves. In the Urodela Maurer records a solid epithelial bud, Livini finds the same in Salamandrina perspicillata and Muthmann in Triton alpestris. Platt claims that Maurer’s description does not apply in all the Urodela, as is shown by the condition in Necturus. The reptiles, birds and mammals are said by the majority of observers to show a vesicular thyreoid anlage, which changes into a compact organ from which follicles later originate. Kolliker, however, observed in the rabbit a thickening in the ventral wall _of the pharynx, from which a wart-like solid process was cut off. Born also records the same for the pig. (Both authors quoted from Streckeisen). This point is of importance in phylogenetic interpretations since our present views regarding the ancestry of the thyreoid gland are mainly based on a similar evagination, that for the endo- style, found in the Tunicates and Amphioxus. Ta. J. F. GUDERNATSCH Maurer finds in the trout a primarily globular vesicle stretch- ing in an antero-posterior direction, andon the 41st day of develop- ment lying ventral to the stem of the aorta. If these statements apply to all Teleosts, the thyreoid must first originate dorsal to the aorta and early migrate ventrally and later return to a position dorsal to the vessel, since it usually occurs there in the adult. The condition in the Teleosts is similar to that in the Myxinoids, where Stockard describes the origin of the thyreoid as a median down-pushing from the ventral floor of the pharynx throughout the entire gill area, and consisting, in newly hatched Bdello- stoma, of diffusely scattered alveoli below the pharynx and above the median branchial artery (ventral aorta). In the trout, where development is rather slow, Maurer observes that 35 days after fertilization, when the embryo is about 6 mm. long the first thyreoid vesicle begins to pinch away from the phar- ynx. While originally the evagination, visible on the 28th day, possesses a stratified epithelium, it has on the 35th day a single layer of cuboidal cells. Three weeks later the whole stem of the aorta is surrounded by follicles. I find in rainbow-trout, one month old, or only 30 days older than those mentioned by Maurer, that the majority of follicles, and the larger ones, lie above the aorta. Maurer also observes that in the brook-trout shortly after the first follicles have appeared the organ grows so rapidly that for a considerable period it surrounds the aorta as a compact ° mass. “In very late embryos, the growth of the thyreoid does not keep pace with that of the artery; thus the gland breaks away from the aorta and separates into a number of irregular clusters of different sizes lying either laterally partly paired or dorsal or ventral to the aorta, always, however, in its immediate neigh- borhood.”’ He records the main mass of the gland in trout of even 25 cm. as being compact and situated ventrally between the second and third branchial arteries, and it is only in animals of 30-40 cm. that the thyreoid breaks up into the clusters of follicles characteristic of the adult. Maurer describes the same conditions in a number of other species, of which only the eel was at my disposal. The age of the eel I examined was unknown, though THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 723 according to Maurer it must have been rather old, yet it measured only 30 cm. long. Maurer’s observations do not accord with the conditions I find in rainbow-trout four weeks old, nor in 25-30 cm. brook trout. As before stated, there is no paired arrangement of the thyreoid clusters, and the follicles are also in many cases distantly removed from the stem of the aorta. Other differences may be either due to specific or individual variations. Maurer’s statements would indicate that the thyreoid gland tends to preserve its origi- nal unity, being finally broken up by force. My observation, how- ever, seems to show the contrary, at least inSalmo irideus and fonti- nalis. In individuals one year old the follicles are more densely packed than in those one month old, although the intervening spaces have grown larger. The follicles also have become more numerous. This seems to warrant the supposition, that the thy- reoid elements are disassociated at an early stage and subsequently multiply. The multiplication of the follicles is described by Maurer as being very simple. While the epithelial cells are increasing in number after the forty-first day (in trout) solid buds appear on the primary vesicle, which very soon form central cavities and then pinch away. We do not know whether a similar process is maintained in later life, follicles coming from follicles, or whether new follicles are derived only from primary epithelial cells multi- plying and forming a lumen. The latter supposition would more readily explain the scattering of thyreoid elements, germ elements I might say, to distant regions. L. Miiller believes the new folli- cles to originate from old ones by buds from the epithelium which are subsequently pinched off. Baber contributes an interesting observation in the conger eel where in the wall of large follicles small ones sometimes lie imbedded so deeply that the epithelium between them is flattened out. Baber thinks that at times the wall breaks through and the two lumina are united. In other cases, however, the small imbedded follicles grow out and become independent. The epithelial tubes found in the thyreoid of higher vertebrates as transitory growth stages are absent in the Teleosts. In the 724 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Urodela a solid cylinder of epithelial cells from which the follicles pinch away, exists for from two to four weeks. Thesecylinders are observed in sheep and pig embryos up to the 20 em. embryos and in man up to the 24cm. embryo. The follicles in fish are formed comparatively earlier, and perhaps the gland functions earlier. Thus a rapid multiplication of follicles occurs in the Teleosts without the formation of cell cylinders. This is an exception to W. Miiller’s claim that the thyreoid gland inall vertebrates passes through three stages: (1) a severing of the anlage from the pharynx; (2) formation of a network of tubes of glandular epithelium; _ and (3) the formation of follicles from these tubes. In the Teleosts and also in the Myxinoids, as Stockard has shown for Bdellos- toma, the second stage seems to be suppressed or absent. The first appearance of colloid in the thyreoid gland is generally thought to occur early in lower vertebrates but very late in the higher ones, towards the end of fetal life or often not until extra- uterine life. Maurer reports colloid in the trout thyreoid on the forty-first day of embryonic development. How far this early appearance of colloid is connected with the function of the organ is unknown. From a comparative physiological standpoint it would seem that in the lower forms the thyreoid might function much earlier than in the Placentalia, where in intra-uterine life the gland of the mother might supply the needs of the developing embryo.® HISTOLOGY OF THE GLAND The histological structure of the thyreoid gland in Teleosts has been little studied. The meagre observations made by Baber in 1881, describing some features of the thyreoid in the conger eel were the first reported. Maurer later (’86) mentions a few points regarding the histology of the thyreoid in the trout and carp. The microscopic appearance of the gland varies as much as does its anatomical structure. In sections from some specimens the ° In young mammalian embryos Peremeschko found no colloid, in older embryos it occasionally existed, while in young animals colloid was present in the majority of follicles and in old ones in all of them. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 725 follicles are closely arranged and so densely packed that apparently only lymph spaces exist between them, in others we find the folli- cles more loosely connected and suspended in the connective tis- sue; while again in other specimens they lie so far apart that they can scarcely be thought of as belonging to one organ. The his- tological appearances also differ very much within the individual, depending upon the region from which the section is taken. When the arrangement issuch that the thyreoid may be dissected out and then sectioned, the follicles are found to be rather densely packed (pl. V, fig. 17). By this method, however, we are unable to get a correct idea of the extension of the thyreoid and the ar- rangement of its follicles, since it is only possible to remove the somewhat denser masses around the stem of the aorta, usually near the base of the second aortic arch, and all the particles in front and behind this region still remain. Properly to study the general distribution of the thyreoid follicles serial sections through the entire gill region are absolutely essential. The spaces between the muscles, branchial arteries and gill arches are filled by wide-meshed connective and fatty tissue. In these tissues the follicles are suspended. The connective tissue is, therefore, not so directly a part of the thyreoid organ inthese fish as it is in the encapsuled organ of mammals. The primary object of this tissue is to form a connection between the muscles and bones without regard to whether there may be thyreoid tissue in the region or not. True interstitial tissue, as such, is not found in this diffusely scattered thyreoid organ. Of course, the tissue in which the follicles lie imbedded performs the same function as does the capsule in higher vertebrates: in both cases it serves to support the follicles. In glands, where many follicles are accumulated in one mass, as in Cynoscion, or in the central portions of some others, for instance the trout, the supporting tissue may be regarded as part of those masses, but not as part of the entire thyreoid gland; here also the formation of connective tissue is the primary process, and the suspending of the follicles only a secondary one. The supporting tissue is simple except in two species, Salveli- nus and Sarda (pl. V, fig. 21) where smooth muscle fibres are freely JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL, 21, No. 4 726 J. F. GUDERNATSCH suspended in the connective tissue. These muscle fibres are found especially below the aorta, where they approach the follicles and at times surroundthem. Thisis accomplished by the fibrillae of a bundle loosening up a little, then enclosing a row of follicles and finally uniting again.® Regarding the number, size and form of the follicles, all varia- tions exist which have been demonstrated by comparative inves- tigations in the other classes of vertebrates. The size of the fol- licles is, in general, in reverse proportion to theirnumber. The size, however, is not of great importance, since the chief factor in the activity of the gland is the epithelial surface; this will be the larger, the greater the number of small follicles contained in a given region. Biometric calculations would be interesting in this direction as experiments have shown that the functional value of the thyreoid gland varies with the individual. Glands are found in which the size of the follicles is uniform; in such cases the follicles are usually large. As a rule, however, the follicles are of various sizes as would be expected in view of the process of forma- tion of new follicles. In many cases I have observed that a few (three or four) follicles are unusually large. The follicles lying in the central parts are generally larger than those towards the periphery. This seems quite natural in view of the mode of extension of the gland. In only one case, Sarda, do the central portions consist of nests of numerous small follicles while larger follicles lie peripherally (text fig. 12). This con- dition resembles somewhat that in birds (Baber), and mammals (Anderson, Forsyth) and if it be due to the fact that in Sarda the gland is almost as compact (of course without a capsule) as in the higher vertebrates (with capsule) then we must suppose that in such a case new follicles are formed in the centre and are pressed out towards the periphery, while in the breaking up of the gland minute parts are continually carried towards the periphery and there form new follicles. In the first case the peripheral follicles would be the oldest and in the second the youngest ones. ° Streiff finds muscles between the glandular tissue in the thyreoid of the cat, Zielinska in a young dog, Wélffler in a child (cit. from L. Miller), L. Miller in an adult woman. The muscle must have migrated into the gland during the first half of the embryonic period, before the capsule was formed. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS tot The form of the follicles is also variable, most typical perhaps are the globular or elliptical and tubular types. The smaller follicles are nearly always circular in section (pl. V, figs. 10-12), especially when they are free. The shape of the more-closely packed follicles is influenced by pressure, and may be flat, in- dented, or irregular in outline. When the follicles lie next to the cartilages or muscles they are usually oblong-oval, with the longer side towards the tissue. Single follicles lying in the supporting tissue, if large, are rarely prefectly circular, but have irregular outlines due to pressure from the fibres of the substratum. The shape of these follicles indicates the existence of actual pulling forces in the supporting tissue. Not only small irregularities are found in the surface of the follicles, but also deep invaginations of the epithelium as well as long evaginations. The follicle may consist of a central body with sprouts or branches of cylindrical and globular shapes (pl. V, figs. 15, 16). How far these irregularities in form are connected with the cutting off of smaller follicles from larger ones could not be determined. Anderson doubts the multiplication of follicles by such a process. It is now generally accepted that no communication from follicle to follicle exists; the follicles are closed on all sides and perfectly separated from each other. Sometimes, however, as many as five follicles are observed in a section, apparently perfectly separated, but on tracing through the series of sections they all unite into one follicle (pl. V, fig. 16). This is due to evaginations from the follicular wall somewhat like the fingers of a glove, which when cut across, give the appearance of several independent follicles, while in reality there is only one lumen. In Anguilla chrysopa, however, there really seemed to be a communicating duct between two follicles; the lumen of the tube was much narrower than that of the follicles and the epithelial cells of it were much higher (pl. V, fig. 15). This closely resembles a ‘Schaltstiick’ as seen in other glands. This was not due to a waist-like constriction of the epithelium, but to a far reaching evagination from one follicle with a globular swelling on the free end representing a second follicle. There was no colloidal substance in the ‘interealary’ duct. 728 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Branched follicles are particularly abundant in some species. In Muraenoides all follicles seem to branch. Baber states that in young animals the follicles are much more ramified than in older ones; he, therefore, regards this branching as the method of follicle multiplication. Anderson, on the other hand, holds the ‘melting’ of the epithelium (a process about which I shall speak later) at the point where two follicles meet responsible for the communication between several lumina; this of course is an oppo- site process from that of budding. Anderson, therefore, believes that in old animals there are more irregular follicles than inthe young. It seems to me that the ramification of the folliclesdoes not depend so largely upon age, but rather on the species. The follicular epithelium varies but little with the species, perhaps the number of cells may differ in follicles of the same capa- city. The epithelium is of the form usually found in the thyreoid glands of higher vertebrates. All transitions exist from a pave- ment epithelium of very low broad cells, through cuboidal cells as high as broad, to very high and narrow cylindrical cells (pl. V, fig. 10). The form of the epithelium is probably connected with the age of the specimen, as it undoubtedly flattens with increasing age. (In very old human subjects only perfectly flat cells have been found.) Age, however, can scarcely be the only factor, as in some species different forms of epitheliumappearat the same time. This may be due to the different ages of the follicles, though it cannot be regarded as an absolute rule that the older follicles have a lower epithelium than the younger. MHiirthle definitely states that these two factors are independent of one another. Langendorff points out that the follicles increase in size, not by a flattening out of the epithelium, but by multiplication of cells. I should say that both processes may be simultaneously involved since we often find large follicles with high epithelium, yet karyokinesis is rarely observed in the epithelial cells. The latter fact led Stockard to suppose that amitotic cell division might occur in the growing thyreoid tissue of Bdellostoma. The different types of epithelium might be accounted for in still another way by supposing the follicles to be in different THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 729 stages of activity. Here again we meet with difficulties since the same follicle sometimes shows high cylindrical epithelium on one side and a flattened epithelium on the other (pl. V, fig. 11). Hiurthle considers the flattening and stretching of the ¢ells to be the final stage in the process of colloid formation. He finds this type of cells not sporadically, but always in the larger groups of follicles. The low epithelial cells are still alive and according to Hirthle may again transform into high ones. Biondi claims that when the follicle has reached a certain size, the epithelium par- tially flattens and vanishes, thus establishing a communication between the follicular lumen and the lymph spaces and allowing the colloidal material to be poured into the lymph system. The emptied follicle is said to collapse and from its cell mass a new follicle originates. Anderson, also, thinks that by a ‘melting’ of the epithelium a connection is formed between the lymph space and follicle, but the individual follicle is not destroyed. In the conger eel Baber finds oval cells between the cylindrical ones and attributes to them the formation of new follicles, an idea which I think is incorrect. The two classes of cells could not be found in the common eel. Baber also finds in the conger eel ‘club-shaped’ cells between the epithelial cells. They are much narrower than other cells and possess elongated nuclei. Their free ends project above the general surface and are expanded ‘fan-like;’ the bases may also show a similar condition. Baber regards them as branched cells, often existing in pairs, and form- ing stomata which play an important part in absorption and secre- tion. If this be true such cells should exist in all glands. I was unable to find these and think perhaps they may have been con- sequences of his alcohol preservation. The form of the nucleus changes with the form of the epithe- lial cell. It is usually circular or somewhat oval in cross section. When the cell is either cylindrical or flattened, the nucleus becomes more and more elliptical in shape, with its long axis parallel to that of the cell. Thus in the first case the long axis of the nucteus is vertical to the free surface of the cell and in the second parallel with it. When the nuclei are oblong in spite of the cells being broad and cubical (for instance in some follicles of Muraneoides) 730 J. F. GUDERNATSCH they always present the long side to the free cell surface. Fre- quently narrow cells with oblong nuclei are seen between the cuboidal cells. In trout degenerating epithelial cells of small size were observed with compact nuclei, deeply staining or pyknotie. The nucleus usually lies at the base of the cell (pl. V, fig. 11) but may sometimes, especially in an epithelium with many cells, move a little towards the lumen (pl. V, fig. 10). Nuclei may lie at different altitudes, in an alternating fashion. One or two nucleoli are visible. The shapes of the nuclei usually give no indication of the state of activity of the cell as Anderson has claimed. Even pyknotic nuclei usually have regular outlines. An exception to this is seen in the trout where often, in some varieties almost exclusively, epithelial cells show nuclei of very irregular shapes, as indicated in pl. V, fig. 10. .The nuclei are elongated with more or less bent corners—horse-shoe shape. These were generally found in lower cells; they may have been degenerating, since they did not stain as deeply as the normal ones in other parts of the gland, when such were present. It seems, however, scarcely conceivable that the epithelium of the entire gland should degenerate, unless from some pathological condition. (These animals were all reared in the N. Y. Aquarium.) The cytoplasm of the cell appears granular and sometimes stains slightly darker in the basal region. There is no cuticle lining the lumen, but the refraction of light in this region has misled some authors. The base of the cells is usually rather smooth, though in cases where vessels come into close contact with the follicle the straight basal line becomes somewhat interrupted through the influence of the surrounding structures. In Brevoortia the epithelial cells are nearly all drawn out as if they possess pro- jections. Those of one follicle approach very closely those of others and it seems almost as if a connection between the follicles were established (pl. IV, fig. 1,2). Other somewhat broader cells possess pedicel-like bases which are sometimes branched, giving the impression that the cells are sending out pseudopodia. The processes disappear in the interfollicular tissue in close contact THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 731 with the blood and lymph capillaries. The process cells are limited in number and lie close together. Their cell body is swollen with foamy cytoplasm containing several deeply stained highly refrac- tive granules. Perhaps these cells are in a state of degeneration, probably colloidization, although their plasma does not show any acidophilia (pl. IV, fig. 5, E). Peremeschko observes somewhat comparable features in the thyreoid glands of birds and mammals, especially in that of the rabbit. Some of the epithelial cells possess at their basal end from one to ten small projections, and thus resemble the tassel cells Pfliiger has described in salivary glands, except that in the thyreoids the processes are shorter. In some cases Peremeschko found such cells in fresh material and could isolate these follicles, which appear to be surrounded by a fringe. Pfliiger regarded the cell processes as nervous, but Peremeschko correctly believes them to come from the cytoplasm of the epi- thelial cells. The function of the follicles can be much more easily studied in other groups of vertebrates than the teleosts. In dissecting out the follicles, as far as they are macroscopically visible, and fixing them, it is almost impossible to avoid destroying the finer struc- tures. Hemorrhages are almost unavoidable in cutting open the gill region. On the other hand, in fixing the entire floor of the pharynx the fixation fluid does not penetrate sufficiently fast to preserve the finest details, and the general structures are unfavor- ably influenced by the decalcification process. Microchemically, therefore, little can be done and I limit myself to what could be determined from studies of general structures. Hiirthle’s colloid cells were seldom seen in the thousands of follicles observed. Whether they are not generally formed, or whether they appear and are emptied in so short a time as to be rarely preserved I am unable to say. In Clupea (pl. V, fig. 20, Coz.) they were limited to four or five neighboring follicles and in these all of the epithelial cells were so swollen that insome cases they met in the center of the follicle, obliterating the lumen. The nuclei were compact and deeply staining and occurred directly under the free surface of the cell. The cytoplasm was homogeneous, highly eosinophile, and sharply distinguished from that of other 732 J. F. GUDERNATSCH epithelial cells, and thus the colloid forming zone was well defined. This agrees with Hirthle’s account, which states that the colloid cells always appear at the same time in a large portion of the wall of a follicle or in several neighboring follicles. The size of the follicles has nothing to do with their appearance. In one case, Siphostoma, the epithelium of all follicles consisted of cuboidal swollen cells, the nuclei of which were near the cell center or towards the lumen and the cytoplasm was highly acidophile, (pl. LV; fig8): The normal contents of the follicles is the colloid. Itis found in all thyreoids and usually all the follicles contain it; only in a few cases were the majority of them empty. In spite of the various ideas expressed in the literature regard- ing the surface irregularities of the colloid there is little doubt that they are caused by shrinkage in fixation. In the majority of follicles the surface of the colloid was perfectly smooth, in some a little retracted from the epithelium, but in others com- pletely filling the lumen. In some follicles the colloid showed surface indentations. These differences can scarcely be con- nected with the age of the organ, as they were observed in differ- ent stages. In all the young trout, however, the colloid filled the follicles completely. One possibility is that the content of the follicles does not always possess the same chemical compo- sition, and is influenced by the same fixation fluid in different ways. The view has been held that the true secretion of the cells is hyaline and that it appears in the form of small droplets which are set free on the surface of the cells. This process is thought by some to be responsible for the irregular surface of the colloid. Two kinds of surface irregularities must be distinguished, first, the large ones which do not correspond with depressions of the epithelial cells. These are without doubt due to the fixation. The connecting threads of colloid between: the central portion and the epithelium seem to run between the cells and to take hold there. Tangential sections through the follicle wall, cutting the epithclium just under the free surface, show that the cells do not always lie closcly placed in their upper portions and a THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 733 network of colloidal threads is shown between them. In higher vertebrates these large surface irregularities in the colloid seem more common than in fish. The second, smaller irregularities might resemble secreted droplets. They give to the surface of the colloid, especially from a top view, the appearance of being beset with oil drops. In some places there are merely slight depres- sions in the free margin, some distance apart, while in others the whole surface is corrugated, but these irregularities do not appear in all of the follicles. Whether they are really physio- logical products of the cells is not determined. The irregulari- ties may be more easily explained on the theory that where the free ends of the cells do not come in close contact, the colloid which fills the follicles is pressed into the intercellular spaces and surrounds the top of the cells like a cap. In shrinkage from fixation the caps would be pulled from the cells, leaving on the surface of the colloid the impressions. Anderson regards these ‘droplets’ as well as the numerous vacuoles, which he finds within the colloid even of living glands, as ‘‘cavities lined with a hyaline membrane and containing the ‘chromophobe’ secretion, a part of the secretory activity of the gland.”’ Langendorff and others more correctly regard them as artefacts, having no physiolog- ical significance. Vacuoles within the colloidal substance are seldom seen, (pl. V, fig. 18, V). The colloidal material seems to become denser with age, as far as this can be determined by its staining capacity. In young trout it is rather pink so that it can scarcely be distinguished from the blood serum in the vessels. Both structures show the same microscopic appearance. In older trout, however, the colloid stains very deeply with acid dyes. ‘These observations agree with those of Schmid on dogs of different ages. Anderson, Boé- chat, Peremeschko and others also state that the number of follicles containing a slightly staining finely granular colloid diminishes with age, being small in old individuals. I failed to find some follicles distinguished by a greater affinity for the stain than others, as was claimed by Hiirthle, but did find that sometimes within the same follicle the colloid stained differently in different places. 734 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The structure of the colloid varies with the species and is the same through all the follicles. A perfectly homogeneous colloid exists in cases, in others it is granular, and finally in some fish it is of a lumpy consistency. The consistency of the colloid also varies with age, in old animals being rather cloudy in appearance and evidently very brittle after fixation. Occasionally the outer portion of the colloidal mass stains a trifle lighter which is the only indication of a concentric structure. This alone, however does not argue for the view that the colloid is a by-product of the active thyreoid, which collects and remains in the follicle. Langendorff first presented such an idea which of course called forth great opposition. Blood corpuscles are occasionally found in the Teleost thyre- oid and sometimes completely fill the lumen of the follicles or may be scattered or bunched together. Blood is also occasion- ally found in the human follicles. Baber was no doubt mistaken when he spoke of a real flow of blood into the follicles, as such does not occur. How the corpuscles enter the follicles is not known, though it is probable that somewhere, by pressure or tension, the delicate wall of a capillary lying next to the epithe- lium is ruptured and the corpuscles find their way into the fol- licular lumen through an injured wall. Hiirthle believes the ‘melting’ of the epithelium responsible, when it occurs at a place where capillaries lie deeply imbedded. It is evident that when- ever blood corpuscles do enter the lumen they are destroyed, and they may be seen in all stages of disintegration until finally pyknotic shadows of nuclei alone exist with no indications of their cell bodies. The scattered corpuscles lie within the colloid, which must therefore, be rather liquid. The content of the follicles has a haemolytic property without being itself of haematogenic (Baber) origin. Cells from the follicular epithelium also form a part of the follicle content. These are pushed off either singly or several together into the lumen and there destroyed; they also lie within the colloid. Two kinds of cells are distinguished, those with a small body and dense cytoplasm, resembling somewhat epithelial cells of the ordinary type and those with a swollen body, and THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS Tao clear cytoplasm (pl. V, fig. 13, Coz), which may -resemble Hiirthle’scolloid cells. The twotypes are probably different stages in the same process. At times the cell body is broken up into pieces before being transformed into colloid. The nucleus’ is always destroyed last. A part of the colloid is therefore formed by degenerating epithelial cells which are either destroyed in their primary posi- tion or after being pushed into the lumen. Anderson believes that this is invariably the fate of the cells after several periods of secretion. Hiirthle, also, noticed this ‘melting’ of the epithe- lium and was able to trace the complete disintegration of the cytoplasm, though the fate of the nuclei remained doubtful. They, too, are unquestionably destroyed within the colloid, and as a matter of fact I could observe cell nuclei, such as those of the red blood corpuscles, in all stages of disintegration, (pl. V, fig. 18, N). lL. Miiller regards the formation of colloid material from disintegrated cells as of slight importance. Hiirthle remarks that in follicles of mammals with a flattened epithelium, which he considers the final secreting stage, cell remnants or defects in the wall can rarely be found. This is equally true in Teleosts. I have never seen the signs of degeneration described by Maurer in old carp. He records a swelling of the epithelial cells which breaks down the follicles, permitting lymphatic elements to enter and form lymph nodules, similar to processes in Anura. Perhaps my specimens were not old enough to show these phenomena. Pigment was not observed within the follicles, though outside of them brown pigment is often found in the supporting tissue. This is probably of haematogenic origin. Baber found brown pigment granules within the colloid in the thyreoid gland of the conger eel. I also fail to find crystals in the follicles or around them as has been reported by some investigators. They are undoubtedly postmortem products. In the conger eel Baber observed a reticulum between the epithelial cells, in which they were partially imbedded. He states that this reticulum is formed by coagulated intercellular substance and has nodal thickenings. At the thickened places 736 J. F. GUDERNATSCH the ‘club shaped’ cells described above are located and may be clearly distinguished from the ordinary epithelial cells. I did not find such a reticulum, and it is possible that the filling of the intercellular spaces with colloid substance as before men- tioned, may have been what Baber observed. He states that the reticulum (intercellular substance) stained with hematoxylin, which makes it very different from the highly eosinophile net- work observed by me. Baber’s technique, however, seems to have failed to produce the proper differentiation, since he actu- ally succeeds in staining parts of the colloid with nuclear dyes. The disputed membrana propria. was not observed. W. Miil- ler, K6lliker and others claim to have seen it everywhere while Schmid and others definitely deny its existence. The connective tissue approaches the follicles and surrounds them but this loose connective tissue sheath, which is by no means always present, could scarcely be called a propria. The blood supply of the thyreoid gland is abundant and varies somewhat with the species. Baber is the only observer who has studied the conditions in the Teleost thyreoid by aid of the injec- tion method, and unfortunately he used only one specimen of the conger eel. The capillaries often approach the follicles so closely as to seem imbedded between the epithelial cells. This is best shown when both follicles and vessels are cut in cross section, (pl. IV, fig. 6). Hurthle describes a similar condition in the thyreoid glands of young dogs and pictures them in plate II, fig. 6. The epithelial cells often partly surround the capillaries by means of processes, thus forming deep impressions. Baber speaks of small intercellular projections from the capillaries which seem to serve in retarding the circulation of the blood. There is usually a network of capillaries around each follicle, four or five often being seen in cross section just outside the epithelium, (pl. IV, fig. 5,a). In longitudinal section, the cap- illaries at times surround almost the entire periphery of a fol- licle. Such specimens illustrate how closely epithelium and endothelium are neighbors without a separating basement mem- brane, (pl. IV, fig. 5, E, Ca). THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS tat Where the follicles are densely packed, numerous spaces and channels run between them. The smallest of these seem to have no endothelial wall, so that the lymph flows directly against the epithelium of the follicles. In other cases the lymph vessel is indicated by two parallel endothelial lines running between the follicles. This does not agree with L. Miiller’s view that the blood capillaries are in close contact with the epithelium while the lymph vessels are separated from the follicles by blood ves- sels or connective tissue. The follicles are sometimes, as de- scribed in the anatomical part, situated directly on the big lymph spaces around the ventral aorta as the text figures 4 to 7 show. (See also pl. IV, figs. 2, 3.) In the conger eel and skate Baber was unable to detect the lymph vessels. Since he injected the venous system which is connected with the lymph vessels he thus regarded the lymph capillaries as veins. Ferguson has been more successful in dis- tinguishing between these two sets of vessels in the dogfish. In some instances, less often, however, than it occurs in higher vertebrates, a substance was found in the lymph vessles, which had apparently the same structure as the contents of the follicles. The lymph spaces were filled with this substance in one instance and showed many smaller channels running together into the larger ones (pl. V, fig. 18, LZ). According to Anderson the colloid in the lymph vessels undergoes a change, becoming diluted and finely granular and is difficult to distinguish from blood serum. The way in which the colloidal material leaves the follicle is not made clear by my study. Attention may be called to the varying views of different authors, especially those of Biondi and Anderson, given in their description of the follicular epi- thelium. It must be mentioned also that Hirthle believes in temporary intercellular channels which form between the cells for the passing of the colloid. I saw in a very few cases a colloidal pseudopodium, as it were, push through the epithelium. I am also unable to state from the thyreoid gland in the Tele- osts whether the veins contain colloidal substances and carry them into the circulation. 738 J. F. GUDERNATSCH RESUME The anatomy of the thyreoid gland of the Teleosts is decid- edly different from that of most other vertebrates. It is not an anatomical unit. The term ‘thyreoid gland,’ therefore, is scarcely appropriate. Physiologically isopotent units are dis- tributed over a wide area. Physical influences must be made responsible for this distribution, which is due to mechanical conditions of pressure and pull. If the thyreoid gland of the Teleosts really have its prototype in the endostyle of the Tunicates, its phylogeny is somewhat as follows. We have at first a uniform organ with a given function, later a change of structure and function takes place, and the organ loses its unity (Myxinoids and Teleosts). In higher forms the new function is maintained but the organ retains its original uniformity and integrity. The development of the organ from its anlage to the mature state seems to be simpler in Teleosts than in higher vertebrates. The histology of the glandular elements of the thyreoid in the Teleosts is but little simpler than in higher vertebrates. It shows many parallels to the different features observed by numerous authors in other thyreoid glands. The function of the thyreoid, concluding from its micro- scopical appearance, must be closely the same in Teleosts as it is in other vertebrates. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 739 SPECIAL PART The species examined were: ORDER Apodes Isospondyli Hemibranchii Lophobranchii Haplomi Mecho ald Acanthopteri FAMILY Anguillidae Clupeidae Salmonidae Argentinidae Gasterosteidae Syngnathidae Poecilidae Atherindae Mugilidae Scombridae Pomatomidae Serranidae Sparidae Sciaenidae Labridae Tetraodontidae Triglidae Batrachoididae Blenniidae Pleuronectidae SPECIES Z Anguilla chrysypa. Clupea harengus. Brevoortia tyrannus. Oncorhynchus kisutch. Salmo mykiss. Salmo irideus. Cristivomer namaycush. Salvelinus fontinalis. Osmerus mordax. Apeltes quadracus. Siphostoma fuscum Fundulus heteroclitus. Fundulus majalis. Fundulus diaphanus. Menidia notata. Mugil cephalus. Sarda sarda. Pomatomus saltatrix Morone americana. Stenotomus chrysops. Cynoscion regalis. Micropogon undulatus. Tautogolabrus adspersus. Tautoga onitis. Spheroides maculatus. Prionotus carolinus. Opsanus tau. Muraenoides gunellus. Pseudopleuronectes americanus. ANGUILLA CHRYSYPA RAFIN The thyreoid gland in young eels, 30 cm. long, has a trans- verse and not a dorso-ventral extension as one might expect in a species with a narrow floor of the pharynx. It begins far for- ward in the arterial bifurcation lying close under the basihyale and extends back to the second gill arteries (plate I, fig. 11.) Close behind the anterior end of the gland the transverse distribution of follicles becomes rather wide, (fig. 1, A), extending over the 740 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Fig. 1. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Anguilla. A, anterior to the aor- tic bifurcation; B, between the first and second branchial arteries. Thyreoid follicles in all figures shown in solid black. Transverse muscles lined. Long-mus- cles in polygons. Skeletal parts stippled. Arteries heavy line. Veins light line. Lymph sinus broken line. A, ventral aorta. Ay, Ar, Ay, branchial arteries. entire space between the first gill arches, about 2.6 mm. The layer of follicles is very thin so that the dorso-ventral extension is slight. Near the union of the two first gill arteries the follicles are somewhat more dispersed, and reach out dorsally along the sides of the basibranchiale. Some follicles actually lie dorsal to the skeletal parts. The thyreoid is in contact with the first gill arteries for a short distance, and here it reaches its maximal extension. Further back it is limited to the neighborhood of the ventral aorta. Behind the aortic bifurcation the follicles lie closely above and to the sides of the aortic stem and extend along it to the second gill arteries. A string of follicles lies separated between the first and second arterial branches. Baber states that in the conger eel the gland is in the first bifurcation and forms a reddish flattened body. This would correspond to the region of maxi- mal dispersion of thyreoid follicles in the species here mentioned. The follicles exhibit a variety of shapes, elliptical ones being in the majority. They are rather small, 100u representing the average diameter of the circular follicles. A few very large fol- licles are present; these ‘giant’ follicles as they might be called, are of elliptical shape measuring 600u in the long and 200y in the THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 741 short axis. Baber observed in the conger eel follicles of very large size. Some follicles send out branches which widen near their end to form secondary cavities, (pl. V, fig. 16). In the series-from which one section is figured, (pl. V, fig. 15), may be found a large follicle sending out a branch, and further along two fol- licles (F. f.) connected by a tube (D) of high cylindrical epithe- lium. The tube represents the branch of the former section and in another section both follicles are entirely separated. Going further in the series the small follicle increases in size while the large one sends out a second branch. Thus around a larger follicle as a center may be grouped several smaller ones connect- ing with the original follicle by ‘ducts’ as it were. These ducts might be compared with the intercalary portions of other glands. Baber likewise observed branching follicles in the conger eel. Baber claims that new follicles arise from groups of cells some- what rounded in form and situated in the epithelial wall of the larger ones. I was unable to observe such processes. Lymphatics are present in the thyreoid gland of the eel, although Baber denies their existence. Baber records the follicular epithelial cells as highly columnar in form. I find cuboidal epithelial cells measuring from 10 to 15y high. Fig. 2. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Clupea. A, in the aortic bifur- cation; B, between the first and second branchial arteries. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, No. 4. 742 J. F. GUDERNATSCH CLUPEA HARENGUS L. In the herring (specimens 30 cm. long) the thyreoid gland is well developed (pl. I, fig. 2). The triangular region formed between the floor of the pharynx, bases of the first gill arches and a ventrally lying cartilage is entirely filled with follicles. The distance between the floor of the pharynx and the ventral mus- culature is considerable, while the cartilages of the basibranchiale are only slightly developed; there is thus sufficient space for a dorso-ventral distribution of the thyreoid follicles (fig. 2, A, B). In certain places the first gill arteries are completely surrounded by follicles; this is also true of the ventral aorta behind the anter- ior bifurcation (fig. 2, B). Back of the second branchial arteries the extension of the gland diminishes, and only small follicles make a complete ring around the aorta, from which rays of fol- licles go out towards the cartilages and muscles. The average size of the follicles is about 200u in diameter; very large ones are not seen. The follicular epithelium is in gen- eral rather high and varies between narrow cylindrical cells to broad cubical ones. The cells are not very densely arranged. In some regions are found a few neighboring follicles with high epithelial cells which almost obliterate the central follicular space (pl. V, fig. 20, Coz). Other follicles have lower cells and all stages exist between these and the normal ones. This suggests a zone of Hirthle’s colloid-forming cells. The cytoplasm is highly eosinophile and the nuclei are located near the inner surface of the cells. In the intermediate stages, where there is a lumen in the center of the follicle we find in it colloidal material and red blood corpuscles. BREVOORTIA TYRANNUS LATROBE In this species (length 40 em.) there are very interesting con- ditions in the extension of the thyreoid gland, due to the enor- mous elongation of the gill region. The distance from the heart to the anterior aortic bifurcation measures about 5 em. and with this stretching of the ventral aorta the thyreoid becomes extended over a long region. The front.end of the gland lies well beyond THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 743 Fig. 3. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Brevoortia, all anterior to the aortic bifurcation. the aortic bifurcation and the posterior end is at the second branchial arch, (pl. I, fig. 3). The floor of the pharynx is very narrow, thus there is no chance for a lateral extension and the thyreoid follicles become dis- persed only in a dorso-ventral direction. This extension is sometimes 4 mm. high (fig. 3). 744 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The parts of the basibranchiale and hypobranchiale are not compactly developed, the floor of the pharynx being supported by a scaffold of osseous lamellae, between which a wide-meshed fatty tissue appears. There is also an osseous tube open at both ends (representing perhaps a sub-copula) and enclosing the most anterior portion of the ventral aorta (fig. 3, A). In this tube the thyreoid gland extends from the branchial vessels towards the tip of the tongue. In transverse section the gland appears to be lying within a bony ring which completely separates it from the parts outside. At certain places, however, there are openings in this capsule through which the follicles escape into the outside tissue. Within the capsule are found osseous lamellae dividing it into several compartments, and thus three or more bunches of thyreoid tissue may be seen separated by bone. At the anterior end the follicles lie outside the osseous cap- sule and are scattered far apart. They are always located in the neighborhood of either blood or lymph vessels and probably follow the vessels as paths of dispersion. The follicles are not always, however, in direct contact with blood vessels. The osseous capsule lies above the ventral aorta, and we find thyreoid tissue only above the vessel. The first gill arteries for a short distance are completely surrounded by very small follicles. From the aortic bifurcation the follicles extend far forward into the capsule although there are no large vessels, thus there seems to be a tendency towards a forward migration. This is really the only available space into which the thyreoid can expand, unless it enter the ventral musculature. The histology of the gland is somewhat different from that in other fish. The follicular epithelial cells are drawn out into long processes which come into contact with those arising from the cells of near-by follicles (pl. IV, fig. 1). This suggests that the cells of one follicle might communicate through these processes with those of the adjacent follicles. The only explanation for this phenomenon is as follows: originally the follicles lie close together, with their epithelial cells touching, and when the space between the skeletal parts becomes wider the meshes of the fatty tissue, in which the follicles are suspended, are pulled somewhat THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 745 apart, carrying the follicles with them. The cells, which were in contact with others or with blood and lymph vessels may have held fast to them, becoming drawn out into long processes. They thus form a network between the follicles. These bridges often surround the capillaries. There ace only a few follicles which have a regular epithelium with a smooth outline. Outside the bony ring, described above, the follicles have the usual epithelium with a smooth surface. In places the epithelium was found to be disintegrating. The association of the cells seemed rather loose, their surfaces were also drawn out into long processes like pseudopodia which some- times divided into two and disappeared in the interfollicular tissue (pl. IV, fig. 5, #). These cells did not show any distinc- tion between nucleus and cytoplasm, and their contents was of a foamy nature and showed two or three compact deeply staining granules. ‘They were probably cells which having completed their secretion period were disintegrating. SALMO IRIDEUS GIBBONS Specumens 4 cm. long, one month old. Inthe young rainbow- trout the thyreoid gland begins in the aortic bifurcation and extends almost to the third gill arteries, (pl. II, fig. 22). There is little space for a lateral extension, as the cartilages of the basi- and hypohyalia form a rather narrow arch, and limit the gland to the space immediately above and below the aorta. At the aortic bifurcation the copula comes close to the vessel, so that the fol- licles are pressed away from the median line, and lie close to the sides of the cartilage. Later the skeletal parts move back, the space between them becoming somewhat clearer. Half-way between the first and second gill branches the thyreoid gland also extends below the aorta, and a large number of the follicles lie near the second arterial branches. These ventral follicles are smaller than the dorsal ones (fig. 4, B). Towards the pos- terior limit the follicles become smaller and fewer and are again limited to the region above the aorta. Only two or three folli- cles are seen in a cross section and at the third gill arteries they have entirely disappeared. 746 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Fig. 4. Sections through the thyroid gland of Salmo irideus. A and B, from a specimen one month old. A, just posterior to the aortic bifurcation; B, near the second branchial arteries. C and D, from a specimen one yearold; C,in the aortic bifurcation; D, at the second branchial arteries. The follicles are usually circular but there are also irregular forms, due to pressure from the surrounding tissues. The diam- eters of the circular follicles vary between 10 and 80y, the larger ones being rare. The follicular epithelium is everywhere low, the cells measuring about 34. The nuclei are all placed with their broad side towards the lumen, which might be called the flat cell position to distinguish it from the cylinder cell position in which the nuclei point towards the lumen. Almost all the follicles are filled with clear homogeneus colloid, which has only here and there retracted a little from the wall. Blood capillaries belonging to the follicles, as observed in other species, THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 747 are not visible. Around the aorta there are rather large veins or lymph vessels with extremely thin walls, close to which the follicles lie (fig. 4, B). There is no tissue (basement membrane) between the epi- and endothelium, the first being almost as thin as the latter. The nuclei of these epithelial cells are spindle- shaped and lie far apart. Specimen one year old. In this fish the distribution of the thy- reoid is about the same as in the younger one, (pl. IJ, fig. 23). The anterior end is pushed further forward in the aortic bifurca- tion, and the posterior end still lies close to the third gill branches. The mass of thyreoid tissue is much enlarged. The follicles are much larger in the bifurcation, and in a section there are more than three times as many as in a one month old individual. They are packed more densely and completely fill the space between the cartilages and arteries. The process of the copula mentioned above, which comes down to the level of the aorta, here divides the thyreoid into a right and left half. While in the younger trout the lateral extension of the follicles was less than the dorso- ventral, at this age the floor of the pharynx has become broader through a widening out of the gill arches, and the lateral distri- bution is more than twice as extensive as the dorso-ventral, although the follicles still go high up along the cartilages (fig. 4, C). The follicles also extend some distance along the first branchial arteries. Here the entire thyreoid lies dorsal to the blood vessel and is grouped around two or more large lymph spaces (fig. 4, C). Immediately behind the aortic bifurcation the lateral and then the dorso-ventral dispersion of the follicles decrease, so that they lie more densely packed and are fewer in number. The hypobranchialia approach closer and closer to the copula as we pass backward and force the thyreoid to a more ventral position. Finally the aorta lies almost on the cartilages and the thyreoid shows only one or two follicles in the section. This restriction of the thyreoid zone (pl. II, fig. 23) between the first and second branchial arteries is typical for all salmonids. It may also occur in some other species but is never so pronounced as in the trout. 748 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Near the second branchial arteries the skeletal arch becomes flattened again, the copula does not reach so far down, and first the dorso-ventral and later the lateral distribution of the folli- cles again increases. Comparatively few follicles now appear below the.aorta (fig. 4, D).’ Behind the second branchial arteries the follicles decrease in number and size, and completely dis- appear before the third branchial arteries are reached. The follicles are circular, oval or irregular in cross section. The diameters of the circular ones vary between 40 and 200,, the larger ones are more numerous, especially in the anterior region. Branched follicles occur, sometimes as many as five follicles leading into a larger one. Here also the follicular epithelium is low, almost flat, and the follicles are completely filled with homogeneous colloidal sub- stance. Sometimes, however, the colloid contains particles, probably destroyed blood corpuscles or epithelial cells. The blood supply is rich, many capillaries lying close to the follicles. There seems to be a comparatively better circulation here than in the younger stages. SALMO MYKISS WALBAUM Specumen 11 cm. In the black spotted trout the thyreoid gland shows a great antero-posterior extension. The posterior limit is about that shown by Maurer in a 20 cm. trout, species not named, apparently a brook trout. However, the main part of the gland is situated above the aorta, not below it as Maurer claimed. The anterior limit of the gland lies well in front of the aortic bifurcation and the posterior end behind the third branchial arteries (pl. II, fig. 21). The dorso-ventral distribution is also more pronounced than in most of the other species, especially as to the number of follicles below the aorta. The main mass of the organ lies in the aortic bifurcation (fig. 5, 4). The copula reaches far down and divides it into two halves. Along this cartilage the follicles extend dorsally close up to the floor of the pharynx. Laterally also the extension of the follicles goes as far as possible. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 749 Fig. 5. A to C. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Salmo mykiss. 4A, in the aortic bifurcation; B, closely anterior to the second; C, at the third bran- chial arteries. D. Section through the thyreoid gland of Cristivomer at the second branchial arteries. The follicles do not lie directly on the first branchial arter- ies, but are grouped around large veins or lymph sinuses, the dorsal follicles being much larger than the ventral ones. Behind the first arterial branches the dispersion of follicles is very much reduced. They are forced away from the dorsal region by the 750 J. F. GUDERNATSCH development of the basi- and hypobranchialia and occur only laterally and ventrally of the aorta. Further back even the lat- eral follicles disappear and only a few small ventral ones are grouped around a small vessel. Space again becomes available towards the second branchial arteries, since the skeletal parts retract more and more, and the follicles reappear in their former locations. The lateral extension however is not as great as in the region of the first arteries, since longitudinal muscle bundles prevent it (fig. 5, B). Dorsally the follicles again reach up to the pharyngeal floor. Close to the second branchial arteries the dorsal extension again diminishes and almost disappears when the second gill arteries are reached. Here the follicles lie far below the aorta, as they are forced away from the vessel by a longitudinal muscle. From this place backward a few follicles again appear above the aorta; they are small and scarce, five or six in a section, and widely scattered. Behind the third arteries the ventral aorta lies buried far beneath a muscle, between which and the skeletal parts a portion of the thyreoid lies. Another portion lies below the aorta between the third and fourth aortic branches, and here once more the amount of thyreoid tissue is slightly increased. A small mass of follicles disconnected from the main mass appears behind this place, lying below the aorta. Cross sections through the follicles are usually circular, some are irregular. Their size decreases from the anterior towards the posterior end of the thyreoid region. The diameters vary between 10 and 60u in asingle section. The epithelium is rather flat, though some follicles have a cubical epithelium 3 to 5u high. The nuclei of the flat cells show a peculiar feature; in all other cases they are either round or oval, but here with a few exceptions they are bent, taking forms ranging from wide arches to perfect horse-shoe shapes and are from 8 to 10u long. In all probability they are degenerating, since they do not stain as deeply with nuclear dyes as do the round nuclei. Many of the follicles do not contain colloid. The blood supply of the thyreoid zone is rich but there are no capillaries to the follicles proper, although there are smaller blood vessels in the region. Large veins and lymph vessels lie around the aorta and the follicles lie close to their walls (fig. 5, B). THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 751 CRISTIVOMER NAMAYCUSH WALBAUM Length of specimen, 12 cm. The outlines of the thyreoid region in the great-lake trout are about the same as in the former spe- cies, but the ventral and posterior extensions are more limited. The anterior end lies in front of the aortic bifurcation, the pos- terior end at the third branchial arteries, (pl. II, fig. 24). The conditions from the aortic bifurcation to the second branches are the same as described in the species above but at the second arteries the accumulation of thyreoid material is rather large. Here also are found the largest follicles. The lateral extension is wider than at the first branches. The aorta is surrounded by follicles (fig. 5, D) but they do not lie very close to its wall. Pos- teriorly the extension decreases, three to four follicles being seen in a section above and below the aorta. The ventral follicles soon disappear and at the third aortic branches the dorsal ones also run out. The follicles are a little larger than those of the black trout. Irregular and circular cross sections of the follicles are seen, the latter 20 to 100u in diameter. The epithelial cells are gen- erally cubical, about 6» high. The nuclei are circular, 3y in diameter, oval or somewhat irregular. The bent nuclei des- cribed in the black trout are present, but not so numerous. Some follicles show only regular nuclei, others only irregular, so that one might imagine these forms associated with different physi- ological stages. Almost all the follicles contain colloid. There are many capillaries in the fatty tissue in close contact with the follicles.. The follicles are not located on large veins and only a few lie close to the lymph sinuses. SALVELINUS FONTINALIS L. Length 4 cm., age 1 month. In this young brook trout the thy- reoid gland has not developed very far, certainly not so far as Maurer describes for this stage. The follicles are scarce, the most anterior lying in the aortic bifurcation. Between the first and second branchial arteries there are a few follicles in each section, 752 J. F. GUDERNATSCH situated above the aorta; near the second a few appear below the aorta (fig. 6, A). Length 25 to 30 cm. In the brook trout a condition of remark- ably wide distribution of thyreoid material is seen. The region of the thyreoid in this species is comparatively larger than in any other fish. The anterior end of the gland is far in front of the aortic bifurcation and small follicles extend to the floor of the pharynx (fig. 6, B). The first branchial arches are completely unreal by thy- reoid follicles. In the aortic bifurcation the follicles are very numerous, densely packed and occupy a rather large field. They reach up to the dorsal edge of the copula and laterally to the gill bases. On both sides of the aorta they are scattered between the fibres of longitudinal muscles (fig. 6, C). The follicles force their way through’the muscle tissue along blood vessels and con- nective tissue fibres. Below the aorta their arrangement is less dense. Close behind the aortic bifurcation the amount of thy- reoid tissue is reduced in the typical way, the copula extending down to the aorta. By this arrangement three, more or less separated, thyreoid masses are formed, two dorsally to the right and left of the copula and one below the aorta. The ventral part decreases, then the dorsal masses, the arrangement of the fol- licles becoming looser. Although the dorsal space becomes more open the follicles still decrease in size and are scattered far apart, indicating that this is a zone between two accumulations of thy- reoid tissue, those around the first and second aortic branches. Two centers of growth may easily be determined. Just before reaching the second branchial arteries the lateral extension becomes very great (fig. 6, D). The follicles migrate into the first gill arches along the branchial arteries and occur at the base of and extend into the second gill arches. This wide distribution of thyreoid elements is certainly the most remark- able feature of the organ in the Teleosts. Follicles not only le at the base of the gills, but are distributed along the laminae at the base of the villi. At the second branchial arteries the thyreoid gland, as men- tioned above, once more shows an extensive development. Above THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS tao Fig. 6. A. Section through the thyreoid gland of a one month old specimen of Salvelinus fontinalis, between the first and second branchial arteries. Bto D. Sections through the thyreoid gland of an adult specimen. Band C, in the aortic bifurcation; D, near the second branchial arteries. the aorta a dense arrangement of follicles is seen and below the number increases. Laterally the follicles extend along the arter- ies. Behind this place the aortic stem is entirely surrounded by thyreoid tissue which completely fills the space between bones and muscles. Small follicles are imbedded in the adventitia of the aorta. There is a dissolution of the dense arrangement in the peripheral zones, especially ventrally. Close behind the second branchial arteries the mass of thyreoid tissue decreases very suddenly and only a thin ring of follicles surrounds the aorta. Towards the third branchial arteries the aorta becomes buried between the ventral muscles, and the ventral follicles disappear sooner than the dorsal ones which continue and surround the third branchial arches for a short distance. Behind the third 754 J. F. GUDERNATSCH branchial arteries a small accumulation of thyreoid tissue once more appears. A second series shows conditions similar to those above de- scribed. The follicles in the anterior region are less densely arranged. The basibranchiale comes very close to the aorta and separates to some extent two portions of thyreoid tissue along the aortic stem. The follicular mass is little reduced behind the aortic bifurcation but a little in front of the second branchial arteries the typical restriction is found. At this place the first ventral follicles appear. When the second aortic branches are reached the lateral extension of follicles becomes very wide. The mass of thyreoid tissue is here much increased, and the ventral portion is well developed but not so far as in the trout described above. The thyreoid stops close behind the second branchial arteries. In a third series the separation of follicles in the anterior por- tions is still greater than described in either the first or second. The dorsal limit reaches to the upper edge of the basihyale, where there is an accumulation of follicles on both sides. The first branchial arteries are for a long distance completely sur- rounded by follicles, but the number of follicles decreases visibly towards their union; thus in this case there is an accumulation of follicles in front of the first aortic bifurcation. The ventral fol- licles appear at the first branchial arteries and disappear before reaching the second. It seems that here the entire thyreoid mass is pushed much farther towards the head than in the other trout described. Between the first and second branchial arteries the conditions are similar to those in the other specimens, the distri- bution of the follicles being restricted. There is no pronounced increase of thyreoid tissue or lateral distribution at the second branchial arteries and the posterior limit of thyreoid follicles is in front of the third branchial arteries. High epithelial cells were predominant in the follicles of all the thyreoids. The cubical cells measure 9 to 10u broad and 12u high, and the narrow cylindrical cells are 2 to 3u broad and 20u high. The nuclei are usually large and round, except in the very high cells where they are compressed. In a few places THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS ta not all the nuclei of a follicle show the same structure or the same reaction towards the stain and thus may be in different physi- ological stages. In addition to normal, large nuclei with distinct nucleoli and granular structure we find compact deeply staining nuclei which sometimes contain a vesicle. There are also small pyknotic nuclei in small (degenerating) cells. Often such com- pact nuclei with a halo of colloid are found within the lumen and it seems then that the epithelial cells have emptied their entire content. These masses can be easily distinguished in the colloid even after their outlines become indistinct as they have a differ- ent refractive index. Maurer describes somewhat similar struc- tures in trout and carp. In other cases several neighboring cells with much swollen bodies have been pushed off from the epi- thelium and may be seen in the colloidal substance (pl. V, fig. bey) The general form of the follicles is globular, though the sur- rounding fat and muscle tissue influences the outlines to some degree (pl. V, figs. 10-12). Smooth muscle fibres are found in the entire thyreoid region; in one case (the first specimen) only ventral to the aorta. They run in all directions in the interfollicular tissue. The follicles are often arranged along them or are surrounded by them. Where the follicles lie in clusters of five or ten or more, smooth muscle fibres are found running between them. The muscle fibres with the follicles, their capillaries and the connective tissue fibres form a somewhat compact structure. The blood supply to the secreting epithelium is extremely rich, several capillaries going to each follicle (pl. V, figs. 10, 12 Cai: The thyreoid gland in two other species was dissected out as far as it was visible macroscopically. In this way of course one does not get the scattered follicles but only the main masses. Figs. 28 and 29 of plate III from these two dissections as well as figs. 25 to 27 of plate II, which are from specimens cut in serial sections, show that the distribution of the thyreoid in the trout is very variable. 756 J. F. GUDERNATSCH ONCORHYNCHUS KISUTCH WALBAUM Specimen 6 months old, 7 cm. long. The thyreoid gland in the silver salmon extends further back than in most of the trouts, reaching beyond the fourth branchial arteries (pl. V, fig. 20). Another, feature in the arrangement is that the follicles lie rather close together, surrounding the stem of the ventral aorta through- Fig. 7. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Oncorhynchus. A, just posterior to the aortic bifurcation; B, at the second branchial arteries; C, posterior to the third branchial arteries. out almost its entire length. The amount of thyreoid tissue is small at the aortic bifurcation and between the first and second branchial branches (fig. 7, A). At the second gill artery the thy- reoid tissue is most abundant. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 757 In front of the aortic bifurcation the basi- and hypobranchia- lia reach down and here only a few follicles are found on both sides of the hypohyalia. Back of the place where the cartilages have retracted the longitudinal muscle bundles prevent the lat- eral expansion of the thyreoid (pl. V, fig. 14). At the second branchial arteries however, the mass of thyreoid tissue is very much increased, again surrounding the aorta (fig. 7, B). The ventral extension is pronounced. As a rule in the trouts no fol- licles lie directly against the aortic wall but here there is a com- plete ring of them around it. Above this ring lies a large lymph sinus and between it and the skeletal parts thyreoid tissue is again found. ‘Towards the third aortic branches the cartilages again compress the aorta, and here the follicles lie around the aorta and along the outlines of the cartilages. Further back the aorta sinks down between the muscles, the ventral follicles disappear and the dorsal ones do not follow the vessel, but increase in number and group themselves around a subcopula between the third branchial branches. This dorsal rather compact group of follicles extends back behind the fourth branchial arteries. Below the aorta a small cluster of four or five follicles appears as is seen in other species of trout (fig. 7, C). At the level of the fourth aortic branches the copula extends so far ventrally that the dorsal follicles are pressed between the muscles and again come down into contact with the aorta. The posterior end of the thyreoid is in this region of the fourth arch. The form of the follicles is usually elliptical, though circular cross sections are also found, ranging from 15 to 100 in diame- ter. The larger ones are more abundant. The follicular epithelium is very flat (pl. V, fig. 14), and in most of the cells are again seen the irregular nuclei described in some of the above species of trout (pl. IV, fig. 9, V). The major- ity of follicles are in close relation with large lymph sinuses, epi- and endothelium being in contact (fig. 7, B, C). There are no capillaries to the follicles proper. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 4 ~] on Go J. F. GUDERNATSCH OSMERUS MORDAX MITCHILL A smelt 20 cm. long. This smelt presents the thyreoid condi- tions described below. A few follicles appear far in front of the aortic bifureation (fig. 8, A), and further back more are arranged around the copula. At the bifurcation every section shows twelve to fifteen follicles between the stem of the aorta and the Fig. 8. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Osmerus. A, anterior to the aortic bifurcation; B, just posterior to it; C, between the first and second; and D, close to the second branchial arteries. copula. The follicles vary in size from 40 to 200u. Behind this the main mass of thyreoid tissue lies above the aorta, a few fol- licles lie to either side, and ventral to the aorta they are very searce. Further back the basibranchiale comes nearer and nearer the aorta, finally reaching it, so that the follicles are forced out laterally (fig. 8, C). In the region of the hypobranchialia are THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 759 seen only a few follicles far to the sides of the aorta and skeletal parts. Behind this the two hypobranchialia have retracted a little from the copula and very small follicles appear in the crev- ices between them. As the copula retracts from the aortic stem, more follicles appear on the dorsal side of the aorta. At the second branchial arteries the follicles cease (pl. I, fig. 4). The follicular epithelial cells are low cuboidal with the longer axis parallel to the base. The colloid appears homogeneous. SIPHOSTOMA FUSCUM STORER Specimen 30 cm. long. In the pipe-fish the thyreoid gland con- sists of entirely isolated follicles, lying above and to the sides of the aorta (fig. 9). The external form of the fish influences, of course, the form of its inner organs. The thyreoid gland has not found room for dorsal, ventral or lateral expansion and there- fore extends far backwards as a rather narrow streak. The anter- ior end lies at the aortic bifurcation and the posterior end close to the bulbus arteriosus (pl. I, fig. 5). Thus we have a condition in which the organ reaches further towards the tail than usual and where the thyreoid region tapers towards the head end, while as a rule the reverse is true. The number of follicles is not very large, five or six to the section behind the aortic bifurcation. The number decreases towards the second branchial arteries and still more so towards the third, where a transverse muscle occupies the space between the bones and the aorta. At this place there are only one or two follicles in a section, yet there is a continuous chain of them. Near the third branchial arteries the aorta goes down ventrally, the transverse muscle has decreased, and thus the thyreoid finds more space for development. There are six or eight follicles in a section and they lie between the third gill branches which run dorso-laterally. Behind this place the dis- persion of follicles increases (pl. IV, fig. 7), although the aorta lies far ventrally, a fact showing that the thyreoid follicles do not necessarily use the aortic stem as a migration path. On each side of the median line a muscle runs in an antero-posterior direction upon and under which the thyreoid follicles lie. The ventral 760 J. F. GUDERNATSCH group consists only of small follicles which have traveled down- wards along a vein running between the two halves of the muscle. Further back the muscle bundles separate and here the greatest mass of thyreoid tissue is found. The space between the pharynx and bulbus is well filled by follicles which lie in a chaos of capil- laries (pl. IV, fig. 7, Ca, F). Histologically this gland is as different from that in other spe- cies as itis anatomically. The gland, when fixed, may have been Fig. 9. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Siphostoma. A, at the second; and B, posterior to the branchial arteries. in a peculiar state of function since there are no reasons to assume that the histological structures observed are permanent. Colloid was not found in any of the follicles, at least not as a uniformly compact mass. Certain follicles contained highly acidophile lumps about the size of epithelial cells. The epithelium, however, seemed in a state of colloidalization. The cells were high, cuboidal and swollen, with bulged out bases and surfaces (pl. IV, fig. 8). The nuclei were centrally located or towards the lumen. Thus they seemed to be typical colloid forming cells. The nuclei are in some cases round and massive, usually however they are very irregular. In some it seemed as though amitosis was taking place. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 761 The formation of colloid ordinarily occurs in only a part of the thyreoid at a time. Here, however, the entire gland seemed to be in a similar physiological state. FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS L. Specimens 10 cm. in length. ‘The follicles in the region of the aortic bifurcation are grouped around a vein, most of them lying to the sides of it and under a transverse muscle. The elliptical shape of the vein in sections indicates the pressure between this muscle and the m. sternohyoideus which forces the follicles out from the median line. The follicles become more numerous to- wards the aortic bifurcation and they extend part way out along the first branchial arteries, and more on their ventral than dorsal side. Between the first and second gill branches follicles are found under and above the transverse muscles around which they have traveled. The ventral aorta in this region is completely sur- rounded by thyreoid tissue, more being found on the sides than either dorsally or ventrally (fig. 10, B). At the second gill branches the follicles again spread out laterally. Behind this place only a few scattered follicles are found (pl. I, fig. 6). The size of the folliclesvaries extremely. The smallest are found at the anterior end and the largest in the middle of the thyreoid region. They are either circular in cross section, oval or with irregular evaginations. The epithelial cells are usually cubical, but in very small folli- cles sometimes columnar, while in large empty follicles the cells are flat. Narrower cells with spindle shaped nuclei are seen in places. The colloid is granular, and in some regions is seen to leave the follicle. Whether this is due to artificial pressure cannot be stated. Occasionally two neighboring epithelial cells will flatten out somewhat as if they were about to form a passage between them. The blood supply to the thyreoid region is rich. The follicles are almost completely surrounded by a net of capillaries. These vessels are so pressed against the follicle that they form grooves in it (pl. IV, fig. 6). The projections of the epithelium between 762 J. F. GUDERNATSCH ; & Imm Fig. 10. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Fundulus. A to C, F. hetero- clitus. A, in the aortic bifurcation; B, anterior to, C, at the second branchial arteries. D, F. diaphanus, 1n the aortic bifurcation. E and F, F. majalis, anterior to the aortic bifurcation. the capillaries show narrower and longer cells, and some of these cells entirely lose their communication with the follicular lumen. The connective tissue sometimes forms an almost complete sheath around the follicles and their capillaries. Red blood cor- puscles in all stages of disintegration are found in many follicles THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 763 (see General Part). How these corpuscles get into the lumen could not be determined. Erythrocytes are often seen partially im- bedded in the follicular epithelium as if they would force their way in between two cells. In other places corpuscles are found pressed against an epithelial cell which has so flattened out that only a thin layer of cytoplasm separates the corpuscle from the lumen. FUNDULUS DIAPHANUS LE SUEUR A specimen 9 cm. long. The main mass of the thyreoid is located a little nearer the tip of the tongue than in F. heteroclitus (pl. I, fig. 7). The posterior end lies at the second branchial arteries where the follicles become scarce and scattered. A further differ- ence from heteroclitus is that the main mass of follicles always lies above the aortic stem, only a few small ones lying below. The lateral extension is here also unimportant. The floor of the pharynx is narrow and the connection between it and the ventral musculature is only a narrow streak. In heteroclitus the lateral pharyngeal axis is the longer one, therefore, the lateral thyreoid extension prevails; while in diaphanus the dorso-ventral axis is longer, and here the extension of the thyreoid is mainly in this direction. Ventrally, however, it is prevented by the narrow isthmus, and follicles are mainly found above the aorta (fig. 10, D). In this way the distribution of the follicles may be figured out mechanically in almost every case. The follicles are of all sizes, though not so large asin heteroclitus. There are more elliptical or irregular ones and these have a longer axis. The cuboidal cells of the follicular epithelium are not as high as in heteroclitus and cylindrical ones are not found. The colloid is homogeneous and the blood supply is not rich. FUNDULUS MAJALIS WALBAUM Length of specimen 9 cm. The follicles spread out laterally much further than in the other two species (fig. 10, #, F). They extend for a distance along the first aortic branches. Between the first and second branches there is only a narrow streak of thyreoid 764 J. F. GUDERNATSCH tissue, but the main mass of the organ lies at the second gill branches and here the greatest lateral extension occurs under a transverse muscle. The vertical extension is small and there are no follicles below the aorta. Behind the second gill branches is found the posterior limit of the gland (pl. I, fig. 8). The follicles are still smaller than in diaphanus and more uniform in size. The circular type predominates and they are more numerous than in the other species. The colloid is homo- geneous and the follicular epithelium similar to that in diaphanus. MENIDIA NOTATA MITCHILL Length of specimen 10 cm. The thyreoid mass is rather small (pl. I, fig. 9). -The follicles are extremely small, 20-25, and are scattered along the stem of the aorta between the first and second branchial arteries and out along the second arteries. The lateral extension is greater than the antero-posterior. MUGIL CEPHALUS L. A mullet 15 cm. long. Small follicles are found in the anterior end of the thyreoid region and are grouped around a vein (fig. 11, A). At the aortic bifurcation the organ is better developed, but is hardly in contact with the gill vessels (fig. 11, B). The thyreoid lies above the aorta, and at the second branchial arteries it comes into contact with the vessel. Here the gland is well developed with numerous large follicles. The follicles disappear towards the third aortic branches (pl. I, fig. 13). The size of the follicles varies between 30 and 140 u. In section they are slightly oval. In the follicular wall are found transi- tions from flat to high epithelium. The height of the cells varies within the same follicle, showing that it is independent of follicle size. The height of the cells rather depends upon outside pres- sure, e.g., a follicle pressed into oval shape by cartilage shows low epithelium on the longer sides and higher cells on the short sides. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 765 SARDA SARDA BLOCH Length of specimen 50 cm. The thyreoid gland of the Spanish mackerel shows the most remarkable conditions of all fish thyreoids. The mass of the organ is enormously large and the dorso-ventral and cephalo-caudad extensions are unusual. The relation of the thyreoid gland to other tissue is singular, and could be compared only with that in Brevoortia. There exists such an intermingling of thyreoid, bone, cartilage, smooth and striated muscle fibres, fat and connective tissue that it is impossible sharply to define Fig. 11. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Mugil. A, anterior to; B, at the aortic bifurcation; C, near the second branchial arteries. 766 J. F. GUDERNATSCH the organ. Yet on the other hand, there can hardly be found a group of follicles detached from the main thyreoid body. The isthmus is long, as in Brevoortia, and hence the thyreoid region is much elongated (pl. I, fig. 10), measuring 4 cm. in length. It is not, however, as narrow asin the menhaden, having a wide lateral extension. The anterior end is pushed far forward, 2.5 cm. in front of the aortic bifurcation, so that it also comes to lie in front of the hyoid arch. The entire development of the organ takes place more cephalad than usual and the main mass lies in front of the aortic bifurcation (sharks!), deeply buried in the body of the tongue, as a consequence of the ventral extension of the copulo- hyoid (fig. 12, A). It occupies a more ventral position than any other fish thyreoid. The follicles are located around a large vein and arerather closely arranged. As the basi- and hypohyalia retract the follicles creep into the clefts between them and thus the thyreoid mass assumes the shape of a horse-shoe, the two arms of which point dorsally (fig. 12, B, C). The smooth muscle fibres of this region are completely invaded by follicles (pl. IV, fig. 21), as are also the bones of the gill arch, especially the copula, in regions where they lose their compactness and break up into lamellae. The thyreoid takes the form of three masses converging ventrally, and as we pass back it expands more and more on the sides, 6 to 7 mm., while the median branch becomes smaller. About one em. in front of the aortic bifurcation the most extensive region of the gland is reached. In cross section the mass is rhom- boidal, the diagonals being about 7 and 4mm. The lateral exten- sion decreases while the ventro-median mass increases, from which two branches tend: dorsally along the edge of the copula. Thus again the sections show a horse-shoe shape, with a broad middle piece and narrow dorsally converging arms, in which the follicles are oval with their longer axis parallel to the line of extension. On reaching the first branchial arteries, which run in this species towards a ventro-lateral zone and do not come into contact with the follicles (fig. 12, C) we pass to their union where a few follicles surround them (fig. 12, D). The central portion of the gland becomes smaller and lies separate in the aortic bifurcation while THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 767 Fig. 12. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Sarda. A, near the anterior end of the gland; B, in the region of greatest extension anterior to the aortic bifur- cation; C and D, close to the aortic bifurcation; HZ, near the second branchial arteries, the region of greatest extension. the lateral parts increase posteriorly. Thus in the sections there are three portions of thyreoid which become more and more sepa- rated by the enlargement of the copula (fig. 12, D). Behind the aortic bifurcation some follicles appear below the aorta; the middle mass again enlarges and the three parts unite. One branch again extends into the copula and soon becomes smaller, while the lateral 768 J. F. GUDERNATSCH portions increase. The posterior end of the gland is found behind the second gill branches. The follicles are usually circular or oval in cross sections, though many are polygonal from pressure. Their size varies between 30 and 3504 medium sizes being most abundant. Giant follicles reach 800u long by 400z in short diameter. Many follicles are without colloid, while in others the colloid is much more shrunken than usual. The colloid is homogeneous. The follicular epithe- lium is of high cylindrical cells or cubical ones. The cytoplasm is stained more darkly in the basal portions; in the higher parts it is sometimes reddish. The blood supply is rich. Fig. 13. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Pomatomus. A, anteriortothe aortic bifurcation; B, between the second and third branchial arteries. POMATOMUS SALTATRIX L. Young bluefish 30 cm. long. In this species the dispersion of the thyreoid follicles is prevented in both a lateral and dorso-ventral direction, since the arch formed by the basibranchiale and hypo- branchialia is very narrow (fig. 13). The gland is thus a long narrow streak (pl. I, fig. 11). At the aortic bifurcation there are only a few follicles, some of which lie close to the first gill arteries, just in front of their point of union. The thyreoid mass reaches its maximum extension above the ventral aorta and between the first and second gill arteries, especially towards the second. But THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 769 even here there are only ten or fifteen follicles in a cross section. Some follicles lie close to the base of the second gill arteries and from this point the gland extends, with from six to ten follicles in a cross section, to a little behind the third branchial arteries where it ends. The follicles are generally dorsal to the ventral aorta (fig. 13, B), only a few being below it. The form of the follicles is irregular, but approaches the globu- lar type. Their size ranges from 15-100y in diameter though some are far above this size (giant follicles). The minute histology shows no peculiarities. The epithelium is usually cubical, the cells being 6y high. MORONE AMERICANA GMELIN Specimen 35 cm. in length. The thyreoid gland of the white perch is characterized by the enormous size of nearly all the follicles as well as by their unusually loose arrangement. Cepha- lad of the aortic bifurcation there is little room for dispersion since the copula reaches far down and the skeletal arch is rather narrow. Behind the bifurcation (fig. 14, B) this arch becomes wider and from here to the second gill arteries the main mass of the thyreoid is situated (pl. I, fig. 12). From the second branchial arch towards the third two narrow lines of follicles run along the sides of the aorta. The entire length of the thyreoid region meas- ures 3.5cem. The majority of the follicles lie above the aorta ex- cept in the anterior region. The size of the follicles varies from 120 to 600u in diameter, the very large ones are most abundant especially in the more anterior region. In cross sections the follicles are almost all circu- lar. The epithelial cells are low, 3 to 4u high. In these follicles there are no indentations in the colloid, it either fills out the lumen completely or is retracted from the epithelium and has a smooth edge. (The differences in the colloid of different species may be of some physiological significance.) 770 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Fig. 14. Section through the thyreoid gland of Morone. A, at theaortic bifurca- tion; B, between first and second; C, close to the second branchial arteries. Fig. 15. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Stenotomus. A, in the aortic bifurcation; B, at the second branchial arteries. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS cat STENOTOMUS CHRYSOPS L. Length of specimen 25 cm. The scup presents the thyreoid gland as a rather continuous organ, only one group of follicles lying below the aorta is isolated from the main mass. The largest expansion of the gland is in (fig. 15, A) and immediately behind the aortic bifurcation; here it measures 3 mm. in width, and dorso- ventrally over1 mm. This expansion is followed by a restriction, the follicles always lying above the aorta. At the second branchial arches another increase in the thyreoid tissue occurs, and here a few follicles appear below the aorta (pl. I, fig. 14). The size of the generally circular follicles varies from 20 to 300u in diameter, a few reaching 400z. CYNOSCION REGALIS BLOCH Specimens of 60 cm. in average length. Twelve specimens of the squeteague were examined and they serve to show a series of variations in the thyreoid gland within the species. The region of the gland extends from in front of the aortic bifurcation to the third branchial arteries. The majority of follicles always le either dorsal or lateral to the aortic stem and in only two cases were any follicles found below the aorta. In one case the aortic stem between the first and second branches was surrounded. The region of the second aortic branches is commonly filled by the gland. The tendency to extend from this place anteriorly is more often expressed than in the opposite direction. The lateral extension is greater along the branchial arteries than in inter- mediate regions (pl. III, figs. 31-41). In some of the specimens there were two (pl. III, figs. 33, 36, 37, 40) or even three and four (pl. III, fig. 34) well developed isolated portions of the gland lying on different branches of the gill vessels. Macroscopically they appear to be separated, but on tracing the entire region in serial sections it is found that follicles spread out and connect the several masses, although the follicles are small and scattered so thinly that they were not seen with the naked eye. bo J. F. GUDERNATSCH ~J ba | Fig. 16. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Micropogon. A, between the first and second; B, at the second; C, near the third branchial arteries. The mass of thyreoid tissue, roughly judging, differed in the specimens, although they were of about the same size, yet the fish may have been of different ages. The shape of the follicles varies from very irregular to circular. Their size also varies extremely. Those lying nearest the vessels are huge and irregular, while the small peripheral ones approach THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 773 a globular shape. This indicates that the shape of the follicles is a result of the pressure directions. The follicular arrangement is rather compact in the central portions. (pl. V, fig. 17.) The epithelial cells vary from low cuboidal to high cylindrical shapes. The smaller follicles seem to have a little higher epithe- lium, though it is rather uniform in the same individual and varies more among the several specimens. It may seem therefore that the entire gland is in the same physiological stage. MICROPOGON UNDULATUS L. A croaker, 30 cm. long. Thethyreoid extends from the first to the third branchial arteries (pl. II, fig. 15). The dispersion of folli- cles is largely dorso-ventral, since laterally they are hindered by the narrowness of the isthmus (fig. 16, A, C). For this reason also a considerable part of the gland lies below the aorta, yet not so large a portion as above, though the dorsal follicles are less densely arranged. There are only a few follicles in front of the aortic bifurcation, yet at the bifurcation and behind it lies the mainmass of the gland. The follicles completely fill the spaces between bones and vessels (fig. 16, A). Towards the second gill branches the copula extends further and further down and forces the follicles into a somewhat lateral position. The ventral mass is larger in this region. At the second arterial branches there is no special increase in mass, the number of ventral follicles having decreased (fig. 16, B), the dorsal ones increasing and soon extending to the epithelium of the pharyngeal floor. The follicles lie rather loosely arranged, but have not noticeably increased in size. A small line of follicles above the aorta extends from here towards the third gill branches, others are scattered irregularly around the aorta. The aorta has sunk into the ventral muscle and carries the posterior follicles with it. The thyreoid gland of Micropogon is characterized by rather small follicles of almost uniform size, though in some regions large ones appear. The diameters range from 10 to 300, but those of 30 to 50u are most abundant. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 4 774 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The epithelium is rather low, even in the smallest follicles. Branched follicles are numerous. The blood supply is rich, many capillaries being present around the follicles. There are several larger veins running through the thyreoid region. * TAUTOGOLABRUS ADSPERSUS WALBAUM Length of specumen 25 cm. In the cunner the thyreoid gland occupies a unique position, almost resembling that in the sharks. It is pushed far forward in the aortic bifurcation, and touches both the first branchial arteries laterally (fig. 17, B), but does not extend far enough back to come into contact with the ventral aorta (pl. II, fig. 16). The main mass is, as it were, imbedded in a bony capsule. The follicles are grouped around a median vein (fig. 17, A). Dorsal to the aortic bifurcation the copula and a transverse muscle are well developed, so that the thyreoid is forced forward. The follicles are not numerous, and are all more or less irregular. Their diameters measure from 15 to 200u. The follicular epithelium is cuboidal. TAUTOGA ONITIS L. Specimen 35 cm. long. In the closely related tautog the thyreoid gland also occupies a rather cephalad position (pl. II, fig. 17). It extends back from within the aortic bifurcation almost to the second branchial arteries. It lies chiefly above and to the sides of the aorta. The anterior, main part, is imbedded in an osseous capsule which is square in cross section, and is formed by three branchial bones above and a ventral supporting bone (fig. 18, A). At the aortic bifurcation the capsule becomes incomplete and the follicles are widely dispersed over 6 mm. (fig. 18, B). The folli- cles follow the dorsal side of the first arterial branches out to the base of the gills. Behind the first branchial arteries the lateral extension decreases and the follicular dispersion is in a dorso-ven- tral direction. The follicles are loosely arranged, and yet globu- lar ones are rare, most of them being polygonal in outline. The average size is 150u in diameter, but there are a few giant folli- THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS “ai Fig. 17. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Tautogolabrus. A and B, anterior to the aortic bifurcation. Fig. 18. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Tautoga. A, anterior to; B, at and C, posterior to the aortic bifurcation. 776 J. F. GUDERNATSCH cles, 700u long by 400u broad. Branched follicles are numerous. The epithelial cells are cuboidal in shape. PRIONOTUS CAROLINUS BLOCH Ina sea-robin 30 cm. long the thyreoid gland seemed to show a pathological appearance. The invasion of the surrounding tissues by thyreoid follicles was extraordinary, but may be abnor- mal. For this reason it can only be stated that the gland in this species occupies a posterior position, close to the origin of the truncus arteriosus. OPSANUS TAU L. A toadfish 30 cm. long the gill region in this species is extremely shortened, and therefore the thyreoid region begins rather far forwards. Anteriorly the largest follicles lie on both sides of a process of the copula which extends ventrally (fig.19, A). Towards the aortic bifurcation the size of the follicles decreases and the two lateral portions unite in the median line, at the same time the lateral extension (fig. 19, B) of the follicles increases remarkably (pl. II, fig. 18). Some follicles appear below the aortic stem. Between the first and second branchial arches the number of follicles decreases above the aorta, while ventrally they disappear entirely. Along the second branchial arteries the follicles again reach laterally and also again appear ventrally. Behind this point the aorta sinks more and more and the space around it becomes freer. Yet there is no special increase of thyroid tissue in this region, there being only loosely scattered small follicles. A. few follicles accompany the aorta in its course into the space between the musculus sternohyoideus. The caudal end of the thyreoid lies behind the third gill branches. The arrangement of the follicles is loose, and they are usually circular in cross sections. Some are flattened between the bony and muscular surrounding tissues. Their size varies extremely. The largest ones, 600 in diameter, lie in the anterior end, which is the reverse of the general rule for other species. In other regions THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS rae the follicular diameters vary from 50-400u, the: median size follicles being the most abundant. The follicular epithelium is always cuboidal. Colloid is present in almost all the follicles, and is very brittle and homogeneous. In the larger follicles the colloid stains much lighter than in the as CO DS Oy, ow DIAS NG ZA A0No! Iprave pipe) avant wien Fig. 19. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Opsanus. A, anterior to; B, at the aortic bifurcation; C, at the second branchial arteries. smaller. Lymphocytes are numerous within the follicles. The blood supply of the thyreoid region is very poor. MURAENOIDES GUNELLUS L. Length of specimen 40 cm. The thyreoid gland in the butterfish reaches a considerable size (pl. II, fig. 19). The anterior end lies in front of the aortic bifurcation and consists only of small 778 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Fig. 20. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Muraenoides. A, anterior to the aortic bifurcation; B, between the first and second; C, close to the second branchial arteries. scattered follicles. In the middle portion of the gland the folli- cles are numerous and closely arranged. At the aortic bifurcation they lie around a large vein and completely fill out the space between the gill arch and muscles. The lateral extension of the follicles is small as compared with the dorso-ventral, since the isthmus is narrow (fig. 20, B). A cross section through the thy- rcoid area measures about 1 mm. Taking 1 mm. as the average width we would have 10 cubie mm. of thyreoid tissuein this species. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 779 Fig. 21. Sections through the thyreoid gland of Pleuronectes. A, in the aortic bifurcation; B, just posterior to it. The first branchial arteries are partly surrounded by follicles. Behind the aortic bifurcation there is an open space for lateral extension, but not for ventral, since the aorta rests on the muscula- ture. The caudal end of the gland lies a little behind the second branchial arteries, and consists again of small scattered follicles (ae 20, C). The follicles are of globular or long ovoid shape, some are very irregular. The circular cross sections vary from 20 to 500u in diameter. The very large ones lie at the second arterial branches. Branched follicles with connecting channels between them are numerous, so that almost all follicles may be traced in sections as evaginations of others. The follicular epithelial cells vary from highly cylindrical, narrow shapes to broad cuboidal. Flattened epithelium is rare. The cells are extremely numerous and densely arranged. The nuclei are located near the base of the cells, even inthe higher ones, and the cytoplasm stains darker about the nucleus. Sometimes it appears as if there were a cuticle on top of the cells, as many authors have described. This, however, is nothing else than a refractive appearance of the cell margin from which the cytoplasm has slightly retracted. The blood supply is extremely rich. (A parasitic worm was found in this thyreoid and had caused a considerable hemorrhage.) 780 J. F. GUDERNATSCH PSEUDOPLEURONECTES AMERICANUS WALBAUM Length of specumen 45 cm. The position of the thyreoid gland in the flounder varies (pl. III, figs. 30, 31). In one ease it formed a rather compact nodule between the first and second branchial arteries, While in another the main mass was found in the aortic bifurcation between and surrounding the first branchial branches (fig. 20, A). Behind the aortic bifurcation there were only smaller follicles dorsal and lateral to the aorta. The broad base’of the deep reaching copula permits only a lateral extension; thus the thyreoid presents itself as a transverse streak. Small detached follicles lie close to the base of the gills. The size of the follicles varies from 15 to 1000u in diameter, those of about 200u being in the majority. There are also a few ‘giant’ follicles. The epithelial cells of the follicles are closely arranged and rather high. The nuclei are oval. The blood supply is rich and lymphatic vessels are well developed. THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS 781 BIBLIOGRAPHY AnpERSON, O. A. 1894 Zur Kenntnis der Morphologie der Schilddriise. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abt., 177. BaBeEr, 8. C. 1876 Contributions to the minute anatomy of the thyroid gland of the dog. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., London, 166, Part 2, 557. 1881 Researches on the minutestructure of the thyroid gland. Phil. Trans. R. Soc., London, 172, 577. Boécuat, P. A. 1873 Recherches sur la structure normale des corps thyroide. Paris. Borcea, J. 1907 Observations surla musculature branchiostégale des Teleostéens. Ann. Se. Univ. Jassy, 4, 203. Cots, F. J. 1905 Notes on Myxine. Anat. 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Bull. Bur. Fish. Washington, 24, 87. Srtmon, J. 1844 On the comparative anatomy of the thyroid gland. Phil. Trans. R. Soe., London, 134, 295. StrockarD, Cu. R. 1906 The development of the thyroid gland in Bdellostoma stouti. Anat. Anz., 29, 91. STRECKEISEN, A. 1886 Beitrige zur Morphologie der Schildriise. Virchow’s Arch. f. path. Anat., 103, 131, 215. bu Oye ta eb iba: * PLATES py, mee sj EXPLANATION OF PLATES I TO III Plates land II show the regions of distribution of the thyreoid elements in different species. I, aortic bifurcation or first branchial arteries; II, III and IV, thesecond, third and fourth branchial arteries. 1 Anguilla chrysypa 14 Stenotomus chrysops 2 Clupea harengus 15 Micropogon undulatus 3 Brevoortia tyrannus 16 Tautogolabrus adspersus 4 Osmerus mordax 17 Tautoga onitis 5 Siphostoma fuscum 18 Opsanus tau 6 Fundulus heteroclitus 19 Muraenoides gunellus 7 Fundulus diaphanus 20 Oncorhynchus kisutch 8 Fundulus majalis 21 Salmo mykiss 9 Menidia notata 22 Salmo irideus, age 1 month 10 Sarda sarda 23 Salmo irideus, age 1 year 11 Pomatomus saltatrix 24 Cristivomer namaycush 12 Morone americana 25-27 Salvelinus fontinalis 13. Mugil cephalus Plate III, Diagrams of actual portions of the thyreoid gland visible to the naked eye. 28 and 29 Salvelinus fontinalis 30 and 31 Pseudopleuronectes americanus 32-41. Ten specimens of Cynoscion regalis, demonstrating the great variability in extent and position of the organ within the species. PLATE I THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS J. F. GUDERNATSCH WWM SSSA SS Ny SEY NN \\N MAS AQ QY = D.WK AMM) + . STO QR ARARREE ES - \ NS Vo, es = - - JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 4 PLATE II THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS J. F. GUDERNATSCH 18 SS < Ni iN KN LLL JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, NO. 4 THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS J. F. GUDERNATSCH PLATE III JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL. 21, No. 4 EXPLANATION OF PLATE IV Plates IV and V, Photographs of the histological features of the thyreoid gland in different species. 1 Brevoortia. Two follicles with their epithelial cells drawn out into spinous processes. Dia. 1: 165. 2 Brevoortia. Two follicles, F (the right one containing colloid), and a large lymph vessel, L, between them. The content of the vessel shows similar droplets to those sometimes seen on the surface of colloid, and believed by Anderson to contain the ‘chromophobe’ secretion. Dia. 1:350. 3 Brevoortia. An isolated follicle, F, in the most anterior portion of the thy- reoid, with neighboring lymph vessels, L. Dia. 1: 160. 4 Brevoortia. General view of the thyreoid in the osseous capsule. Dia. 1:60. 5 Brevoortia. Degenerating epithelial cells and their basal processes. F, Follicular lumen, FE, Epithelium. Dia. 1: 700. 6 Fundulus heteroclitus. Two pictures showing numerous small capillaries, Ca, deeply buried in the epithelium, EZ, of the follicles, F. In the lower picture the epithelium has retracted slightly from the endothelium. A, ventral aorta. Dia. in a, 1:134; in b, 1:345. 7 Siphostoma. A general view of the posterior end of the thyreoid gland. Ph, pharynx; A, ventral aorta; F, follicles; Ca, capillaries. Dia. 1: 34. 8 Siphostoma. Single follicles, F, with their colloid forming epithelial cells, but containing no colloid. Ca, capillaries. Dia. 1: 345. 9 Oncorhynchus. Irregular nuclei, N, of the epithelial cells. H, epithelium of a follicle viewed from the top. Dia. 1: 650. : -LATE IV THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE TELEOSTS PL J. F. GUDERNATSCH pce Cana F Jaches Photo. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, VOL, 21, No. 4 EXPLANATION OF PLATE V 10 Salvelinus fontinalis, spec. no. III. Capillary network, Ca, around the follicles. Note the highly columnar epithelium of the upper and the cuboidal epithelium of the two lower follicles. Dia. 1: 134. 11 Salvelinus fontinalis, spec. no. II, showing different heights of the epithelial cells in the same follicle. Dia. 1: 375. 12 Salvelinus fontinalis, II. Distribution of the thyreoid elements and their capillaries, Ca, in the connective and fatty tissue network. Dia. 1: 64. 15 Salvelinus fontinalis, spec. no. III. Much swollen colloid forming cells, Coz, which have been cast off from the follicular wall into the colloid, Co. E, epithelium; N, nucleus; V, vesicles in the colloidal substance. Dia. 1: 650. 14 Oncorhynchus. A general view of the thyreoid gland between the first and second branchial arteries. Ph, epithelial floor of the pharynx; F, follicles surround- ing the copula; A, ventral Aorta. Dia. 1:60. 15 Anguilla. A duct, D, connecting a small, f, and a large thyreoid follicle, F. Diaz WelGo: 16 Anguilla. This photograph shows a complex of follicles which, on tracing through the series, are found to connect with the follicle, F, on the right side of the illustration. Dia. 1: 170. 17 Cynoscion. A general view of the densely arranged follicles of this species. Co, colloid; #, epithelium. Dia. 1: 165. 18 Cynoscion. This picture shows the ramifying lymph spaces, L, completely filled with the same substance as the follicles, F. Dia. 1: 170. 19 Tautoga. The epithelial wall, #, of the follicle, F, is cut somewhat tangen- tially so that the network of anastomosing capillaries, Va, enclosing the follicles can be seen. Dia. 1: 145. 20 Clupea. Much swollen colloid forming epithelial cells, Coz, in a colloid zone. Dia. 1: 170. 21 Sarda. Showing smooth muscle bundles, M, invaded by thyreoid follicles. Dyan 1260! roy “tt” THE THYREOID GLAND OF THE. TELEOSTS or = J. F. GUDERNATSCH Jaches photo. JOURNAL OF MORPHOLOGY, vot. 21, No. 4 [ Reprinted from THE AMERICAN NATURALIST, Vol. XLIV., July, 1910. ] ON THE EFFECT OF EXTERNAL CONDITIONS ON THE REPRODUCTION OF DAPHNIA} Dr. J. F. MeCLENDON CorRNELL MepicaL COLLEGE Since in the great majority of organisms only the germ cells are capable of reproducing the entire indi- vidual, the question as to what differences exist between the germ and body cells, and how they arise, is of gen- eral interest. Therefore any change of conditions which affects the germ cells or their relation to the body cells deserves special study. In Daphnia external conditions not only affect the relation of the germ cells to the body cells, but they affect the egg cells in such a manner as to determine whether they do or do not need fertilization. The purpose of the present paper is not merely to add the results of my experiments to those of other investi- gators, but to tentatively arrange the available data under a general working hypothesis in the hope that some more direct method of investigating the relation of the germ and body cells be devised. Last spring (March 10) I began experiments on the effects of environment on Daphnia pulex, De Geer, with- out knowing that Woltereck was working on the same line. The material came from a small pool investigated by Dr. W. C. Curtis and containing a single strain of this and no other species of Daphnia. For the first few weeks some ice remained on the pool and the tempera- ture did not much exceed 4° C.; after this it rose steadily to about 20° by the end of May. Specimens from the pool were examined at intervals as a control on the ex- periments.? * From the Zoological Laboratory of the University of Missouri and the Histological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City. * When the daphnids were crowded in dishes of the same pool water they soon began to die, owing to the accumulation of their excretions. When 404 405 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [Vou. XLIV EFFECT OF ENVIRONMENT ON DIFFERENTIAL GROWTH By differential growth I mean the unequal growth of different parts, viz., the germ and body cells. Only parthenogenetic females were used, and each was kept separately in the same quantity of water. All measure- ments were made at sexual maturity, 7. e., when the first eggs appeared in the brood pouch. Warren*® found that under uniform conditions there was a slight varia- bility, but Woltereck showed that these fluctuating varia- tions were very small, though he did find mutations as rare occurrences. Nutrition.—l had in the laboratory a pure culture of a unicellular green alga which the daphnids ate readily. This alga did not remain entirely suspended in the water, but as the daphnids fed on the bottom as well as while swimming, and stirred up the alge, it can not be said that most of the food was out of their reach. Those with a superabundance of food were larger at sexual maturity and had a shorter spine than those with insufficient food, and conversely. The smaller size and longer spine of the starved daphnids are characteristic of immature stages. Temperature—tThree sets of experiments were transferred suddenly to artesian tap water many died, though with a gradual change all lived. The composition of the tap water was as follows: Ca, .148 X 10° molecular; Mg, .1 X 10 molecular; CO,, .045 X 10 molec- ular; SO,, .146 X 10° molecular; Cl, .055 x 10-§ molecular. Besides these were very small quantities of silica, clay, iron, ammonia and nitrates, and traces of lithium and potassium. Beside the carbonates the water when drawn from the tap was super-saturated with carbon dioxide. In order to find the cause of death from change of water I added various amounts of molecular solutions of certain salts. The toxicity of cations increased as follows: NA<1/2Ca gravity for 4/2 hours. fuge the greater the abnormalities in the mitotic figures. Supernumerary asters appear, that are probably the products of the division of the asters of the mitotic figures. Fig. 6 represents the chromosomal vesicles sur- Fig. 9. AYA SS Ser —~\ F Y ————_—BHi7, eg Z SS Ly WiFi j NN N\) GfZEM SA A SSS =< \ =— — = ——SS — \ SSS SSS 7i\N } Me Clenidon & Kline del Verlag xv Wilhela Engelmanr | | | : On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. The Electric Charge on Colloids in Living Ceils in the Root Tips of Plants. By J. F. McClendon. (From the Histological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City, U.S. A.) With 2 figures in text and plate III. Eingegangen am 26. April 1910. The electric charges carried by ions have been extensively in- vestigated and have yielded such valuable data that a similar study of colloids seems advisable. Here however we meet with difficulties, for many colloids are precipitated in the absence of electrolytes and the electrolytes may determine the sign of the charge on the colloids. Thus egg albumin is positive in acid and negative in alkaline solution. Many complex colloids are positive, whereas pepsin is negative’). Nuclei usually go toward the anode and cytoplasm to the cathode’). Last summer I began experiments on the cataphoresis of colloids in the living cell in order to test certain theories as to the cause of movement of granules and chromosomes accompanying cell division. These experiments are still in progress. I found that the nucleus as a whole did not bear the negative charge, which was localized in the chromatin, whether the latter was in the form of granules, Spireme or chromosomes. The chromatin when carried toward the anode by as strong a current as was tried (in the case of Dremyctilus 1) Journ. Exp. Med. IX. p. 86 and 254. Biochem. Zeitschr. XXIV. S. 53. ?) R. Linu, Am. Journ. Physiol. VII. p. 273. Henri, Compt. rend. Soc. de Biol. LVI. p. 867. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. 81 not exceeding .02 amperes to the square mm. for 30 min.) was re- tained by the nuclear wall when the latter was present. ‘The mitotic figure was sometimes moved as a whole toward the anode, and the chromosomes were never pulled out of it or carried through the cell wall. ia) zane ays We vey =) Te = bor mb} A portion of a longitudinal section ofa hyacinth root through which an electric current of .0005 ampere was passed for 30 minutes, stained with safranin. In the figure the anode was below and cathode above. The basophile substances were carried by the current toward the anode. In sectioning the microtome knife passed in the direction of the figure from right to left, and some of the chromosomes were torn out of the spindles by the microtome knife, and carried toward the left. I found that the nucleoli, pigment granules and yolk platelets of frog’s egg also traveled toward the anode. In the meantime the paper by PentiaLui on the cataphoresis of the chromosomes in the root tips of the hyacinth appeared‘). He States that the chromatin is more and more affected by the current 1) Influenza della corrente elettrica sulla dinamica del processo cariocine- tico. Arch. f. Entw.-Mech. XXVIII. 8S. 210. Archiy f. Entwicklungsmechanik. XXXI. 6 82 J. F. McClendon as the process of mitosis progresses, ‘and that with a current of about .00005 amperes lasting 30 minutes some of the chromosomes are torn away from the spindle and carried through the cell wall Fig. 2. Photograph of another portion of the preparation shown in text fig. 1 and with the same orientation. The mitotic figures are not distinct, but the accumulation of basophile substance in the anodal ends of the cells and nuclei may be observed. > toward the anode. Such results are interesting indeed, and if veri- fied would tend to lend support to dynamic theories of the nature of the mitotie figure. But it might be considered unusual to find chromosomes being carried through cellulose cell walls by such weak On the Dynamies of Cell Division. I. 83 currents. The experiments appeared to be of sufficient importance to warrant repetition. After an extensive series of experiments I failed to convince myself that PenTIMALLI’s interpretation of his re- sults was correct. In the controls many chromosomes were displaced by the microtome knife, even when the sharpest and smoothest blade was used. The fact that chromosomes were not carried by the electric current through the cell walls of animal cells, in which dis- placement of chromosomes by the microtome knife seldom occurs, suggested that the chromosomes which PENTIMALLI supposed were moved by the current were in reality moved by the knife in cutting the sections. This suggestion was supported by the fact that with an extensive graded series of currents including those used by PENTIMALLI, many of the mitotic figures showed no displacement of chromosomes, whereas with those currents which moved the chro- matin in the resting nuclei, all of the nuclei in the root tip showed this phenomenon, text figs. 1 and 2. Prnrmanir allowed me to examine one of his preparations, for which my sincere thanks are due him. It did not convince me that my interpretation of my re- sults was erroneous. Since these experiments may so easily be repeated on onion as well as on hyacinth roots and should be in- cluded in every course in Cytology, the reader may have a chance to interpret the results for himself. PENTIMALLIs conclusion that the chromatin bore a negative charge was confirmed by my experiments, which did not however support his conclusion that the cataphoresis increases as the process of mitosis advances. The chromosomes seem to be firmly attached to the spindle so that in order to move them by the current the whole spindle must be moved, a process which, as will be shown later on, requires more current than to move the chromatin granules in the resting nucleus. The charge on the chromatin may increase as the process of mitosis advances as PENTIMALLI supposes, but the resistance offered by the spindle prevents proving such a supposition by this means. Material and Methods. Hyacinth and onion bulbs were set in damp sawdust or in tap water until the roots were of sufficient length to be handled. In the onion, more mitosis are found at about 1 p.m.') than at any 1) Kexuicorr, Bull. Torrey Bot. Club. XXXII. p. 529. 6* 84 J. F. McClendon other hour of the day, but this difference is so slight that it was hardly worth while to delay experiments until that hour. In roots grown in tap water sometimes very few mitoses were to be found, but a very large number of mitoses is a disadvantage and the con- venience of this method made it useful. Various forms of electrodes were tried. One form that may commend itself to those who wish to repeat the experiments without much trouble can be easily set up, provided a direct current of about 110 volts is available, as follows: One wire of a lamp cord is cut and the cotton insulation re- moved from 2 inches or more of the cut ends. The rubber insulation is removed from an inch or more of the cut ends, exposing the copper wires, which are then introduced into glass tubes of such size that they may be tightly plugged by the rubber insulation. These tubes, while being adjusted, are completely immersed in copper sulphate solution, and on removal from the solution their free ends are plugged with absorbent cotton soaked in tap water, and fitted to rubber tubes filled with tap water or salt solution. The free ends of the rubber tubes are then plugged with absorbent cotton soaked in the same fluid with which they are filled, and the electrodes are ready to be applied to the tissue, provided no air bubbles have gotten into the tubes. As the current is determined by the sum of resistances of the lamp, of the fluids in the glass and rubber tubes and of the tissue, it may be varied by varying any of these resistances. The resistance of the copper sulphate solution and of the tissue may be made negligable. To change the current it is most convenient to change the resistance of the lamp or of the fluid in the rubber tubes. This is done by substituting a lamp of a different candle power or changing the length or the salt content of the rubber tubes. PENTIMALLI used physiological salt solution to fill the rubber tubes. The roots are not normally exposed to sodium chloride of such high concentration, and it would seem safer to fill the rubber tubes with tap water, to which may be added a very little salt if necessary. If the rubber tubes are of sufficient length there will be no danger of the copper reaching the tissue, otherwise some proteid should be added to the fluid in the rubber tubes to precipitate the copper, or the more complicated electrodes described by PENTIMALLI substituted. eee -.hC tS On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. 85 The current was measured with a galvanometer!) which was sensitive enough for all except the greatest densities of current used, but was not calibrated with very great accuracy. The cross section of the current in the tissue was made approximately constant by using root tips of about the same size and running the current longitudinally, except in a few experiments in which the current was run crosswise. After the passage of the current, the root tip was fixed in Boury’s fluid for 30 minutes, sectioned serially and stained in safranin, sometimes followed by methyl blue (wasserblau). Usually the latter was dropped on one end of the slide so that some of the sections had the safranin only while others had the double stain. Care was taken to record the direction of the current and also to have it pass in the plane of the section. Experiments. As PENTIMALLI used the hyacinth and as the cells in its roots are about twice the diameter of those in the onion only the results on the hyacinth will be described. The results on the onion present no material difference. The amount of cataphoresis would depend on the density and duration of the current and could be changed by varying either, but as a change in duration of the experiment might involve a change in the number of phases during which a single cell was subjected to the current, it was thought best to vary the current density and have the time factor constant. In most of the experiments the current was passed for 30 minutes and varied from .QQO01 to .01 amperes. PENTIMALLI used about .00002 to .00005 amperes for 20—45 minutes. I first thought it necessary to determine whether the current killed the cell. To do this currents were passed through roots still attached to bulbs placed in a moist chamber, the roots being marked by colored threads. In case the cells of the root tip were killed, the root ceased growing after one or two days and the tip rotted, but when the proximal part of the root was killed, the whole root rotted. It was found necessary to section roots some time after the passage of the current to determine more exactly the extent of the necrosis. Whether these lethal effects of strong currents were due to the migration of ions or of colloids, I have no means of deter- mining. The general result was that if the current was much greater 1) For the use of which I am indebted to Dr. MAx Morsr. 86 J. F. MeClendon than the minimal amount necessary to produce visible cataphoresis of the colloids, some of the cells disintegrated within a few days. I think it safe to assume however that all of the cells maintained many of the properties of living matter during the passage of the current except perhaps with the maximum current used. PENTIMALLI states that in using currrents of .004 to .005 amperes, the resistance of the tissue fluctuated and finally increased so that the current ceased altogether, indicating rupture of cell walls and disintegration and death of the cell. Such changes may indicate death of the cell but I know of no reason for supposing this to be the case, unless the final high resistance be taken to indicate coagulation of the proteids. The resistance of many tissues decreases during stimulation — and shows a permanent decrease after death. Root tips sectioned after the passage of the strongest currents which I used, showed considerable plasmolysis of the cells but no rupture of membranes. In each of the first seven experiments a control root was cut in serial sections. A resting cell is shown in fig. 1, plate UI. It will be noted that both cytoplasm and nuclear contents are almost uni- formly distributed. The plasmosome shown is excentric, but as in most cells there were two plasmosomes present, one of which does not appear in the optical section. The chromatin is granular and no definite reticulum is observed. A special search was made for abnormalities, as these might aid in the interpretation of the experiments. Sometimes the plasmo- some was dragged out of the nucleus by the microtome knife. More often however the mitotic figures were affected, the microtome knife displacing chromosomes or portions of the spireme, figs. 6—11. In some cases the spindles were diagonal, fig. 9, an unusual but probably not an abnormal occurrence. In a few cases the axis of the spindle was curved, fig. 7. With the minimum current used no effect is observed. As the current is increased to about .00005 or .0O01 amperes, the basophile substances, shown by darker shading in the plate, are carried toward the anode, fig. 2. This effect is more evident in the nucleus, which contains large amounts of basophile substance, the chromatin, but is also distinct in the cytoplasm. As the current is increased to .00015 amperes or more, the basophile substances are still further concen- trated in the anode ends of cells and nuclei, and only acidophile substances remain in the cathode ends. Whether the acidophile sub- stances are moved by the current cannot well be determined, as On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. 87 their distribution in the controls is obscured by the intermingling of pasophile substances. With a current of about .01 amperes the nuclear membrane is pushed out towards the anode by the pressure of the chromatin, fig. 4, but apparently the cathodal end of the nuclear wall was moved very little if at all. Whether the nucleus changed in volume during the process, was not determined. It might be objected that this alteration of the appearance of the stained section is not due to the movement of basophile or acido- phile substances, but is accounted for by the alteration of the affini- ties of the different parts for stains, due to the accumulation of acid at the anode and alkali at the cathode, forming acid and alkali albuminates. Such an accumulation of acid and alkali would neces- sarily take place if the surface layers of cells and nuclei offered more resistance to the passage of ions than the interior, and there is much evidence to indicate that such is the case for cells in general. But the tissue was fixed in a strongly acid fluid, and we should then expect all of the protoplasm to be basophile. Furthermore, in the prophase of mitoses the spireme is carried toward the anode, fig. 5, demonstrating undoubtedly the cataphoresis of colloids, which are in this case perhaps in the »gel« phase. We may assume then that acid appears at the anode and alkali at the cathodes of both cell and nucleus, but this accumulation does not account for the re- distribution of basophile and acidophile substances, which is due to the migration of colloids. As the process of mitosis advances the chromatin is less and less affected by the current. Whereas .0015 amperes are sufficient to move the spireme, fig. 5, .005 amperes are required to move the spindle, fig. 16, which is often hardly affected by 0.1 amperes, fig. 12. However in the cell shown in fig. 12 the movement of the spindle may have been stopped by the cell wall. The cytoplasm is very little affected by the current during mitosis. This may be due to the re- sistance offered by the mitotic figure to the movement of colloids. When the current passes during the later phases of mitosis the cell division is displaced toward the anode, fig. 17. This is a demon- stration that cataphoresis takes place during the life of the cell, for cell division is a vital process, and the formation of a new cell wall in this case evidently took place after the displacement of the mitotic figure by the current. The study of the effects of the current on the mitotic figure is complicated by the displacement of the chromosomes by the micro- 88 J. F. MeClendon tome knife in cutting the sections. In controls a considerable amount of displacement occurs, and in regions with relatively few mitoses it is easily observed that the displacement always occurs in the di- rection of the movement of the knife. Where mitoses are numerous this is not so evident, owing to the fact that chromosomes of one mitosis‘ may be carried to the vicinity of another mitosis. After passage of the current the same appearances were observed. By picking out individual mitoses in certain slides it is very easy to find numerous instances where the chromosomes are displaced toward the anode, even through cellulose cell walls. But by careful study of many whole series of sections very different observations may be made, especially if the direction of the microtome knife was purpo-- sely chosen so as to be at right angles to the direction of the current, as it was in the large majority of my experiments. In text figure 1, it may be noted that the direction of the current as marked by the polarization of cells and nuclei, is toward the top of the page, whereas the displacement of chromosomes is toward the left. On the other hand, after the passage of a current of any density within the limits above mentioned, many spindles showing no displacement of chromosomes were found, figs. 12—15., Conclusions. PENTIMALLI’s assertion that the effects of the passage of an electric current through the cell demonstrates that the chromatin bears a negative electric charge is confirmed by the experiments described above. If the chromosomes were attracted to the asters or poles of the spindle because the poles are positive, the chromo- somes being negative, we would expect to find the yolk platelets and pigment granules of the frog’s egg also attracted, as they bear negative charges. The pigment granules in the frog’s egg are con- sidered by some observers to be attracted toward the aster, though a considerable area around the centrosome is always free from them. However I think that everyone will agree that the yolk platelets are repelled by the aster. The fact that the negative chromosomes are attracted, and the negative yolk platelets are repelled by the aster shows that the mitotic figure is not simply a bipolar electric field. Furthermore if the poles of the spindle bear positive charges and the chromosomes negative, we should expect the chromosomes to move toward the anode and the poles of the spindle to move - On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. 89 toward the cathode on the passage ofa current, which was not found to be the case. We should also expect the spindle in the meta- or anaphase to break in two at the equator when the cell contents are subjected to violent mechanical disturbance since there is no attrac- tion between the two halves of each divided chromosome, but on the contrary the mitotic figure resists mechanical distortion to a re- markable degree. The forces concerned in mitosis may be electric, but in ultimate analysis all forces may finally be reduced to electric components. To suppose that the spindle consists of proteids in the »gel« phase and that it »grows<, does not explain the phenomenen. We know that osmotic forces enter largely into the growth of plants, but osmotic membranes in the mitotic figure would be difficult if not impossible to demonstrate. The reduction of mitosis to a readjustment of surface tension in the walls of demonstrable or hypothetical alveoli, as has been done by RuumBLER, following the work of BirscHLi, suggests itself as an alternative, and is worthy of further investigation. The appearance of cells through which electric currents have been passed is similar to that of those which have been centrifuged. In many cases investigated, the substances of greater specific gray- ity bear the negative charge, and thus the effects of centrifugal force and the electric current appear to be the same, but this is probably a mere coincidence. Whereas the bodies moved by the centrifuge are largely stored materials, the electric current has been shown to move ions, enzymes and yarious thermo-labile bodies, which may or may not be in solution. In other words, we have in the electric current a little used method of investigating life pro- cesses which might possibly be applied as centrifugal force has been. In much of the work with the electric current the end results have been recorded but the intermediate steps not observed. The separation of basophile from acidophile protoplasm by the electric current points out a method of observing the immediate effects of the electric current on tissues. It would be interesting to trace the relation between these immediate efiects and the abnormal mitoses which have been observed in tissue subjected some time previously to the electric current. Summary. In the cells of root tips of the onion and hyacinth the basophile Substances migrate toward the anode on the passage of an electric 90 J. F. MeClendon, On the Dynamics of Cell Division. I. current, except in case of the mitotic figure, which migrates as a whole toward the anode. As the process of mitosis advances the effect of the current on the chromatin decreases, contrary to the conclusion of PENTIMALLI, who supposed that it increases. Chromosomes or other bodies are never carried through the nuclear or cell walls by currents of the density used (.00001—.01 amperes). Zusammenfassung, In den Wurzelspitzen der Zwiebel und der Hyazinthe wandern die baso- philen Substanzen beim Durchgang eines elektrischen Stromes nach der Anode hin, auBer wenn eine mitotische Figur vorhanden ist, welche im ganzen nach - der Anode hinwandert. Mit dem Vorschreiten des mitotischen Prozesses nimmt die Einwirkung des Stromes auf das Chromatin ab, entgegen der Folgerung von PENTIMALLI, welcher annahm, da®B sie wiichst. Chromosomen oder andre Kiérper werden durch Stréme von der verwen- deten Stiirke (0,00001—0,01 Ampére) niemals durch die Kern- oder Zellwiinde hindurchgetrieben. (Ubersetzt von W. Gebhardt.) Explanation of Plate Ill, All the figures were drawn with a camera lucida, with B. & L. homogen. imm. obj. 2mm., oc. 1. All are from longitudinal sections of root tips of the hyacinth. The figures are so arranged that the microtome knife passed from right to left in cutting the sections, and in case a current was passed, the anode was below and cathode above, and the duration of the current was 30 minutes. The basophile substances are distinguished by darker shading. Fig. 1. Control. Fig. 2. Subjected to a current of .0001 amperes. Fig. 3. - - - - - 00015 - Fig. 4. - - - - - O1 - Fig. 5. - - - - - .0015 - Fig. 6. Control. Fig. 7. - Fig. 8. - Fig. 9. - Fig. 10. - Fig. 11. - Fig. 12. Subjected to a current of .01 amperes. Fig. 13. - - - - - 0015 - Fig. 14. . - - : - .0002 - Fig. 15. - - - - - .0006 - Fig. 16. - - - - - .003 - Fig. 17. : <) Etat Oe gee OI : Archiv fir Entwicklungsmechanik Bd. XXX1 Taf I 90° Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann x Leivzig Lith. Anst. Johannes Arndt, Jena Reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. Vol. XXVII. — December 1, 1910.— No. II.” ON THE DYNAMICS OF CELL DIVISION. —II. CHANGES IN PERMEABILITY OF DEVELOPING EGGS TO ELEC- TROLYTES. By J. F. McCLENDON. [From the Histological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City, and the Laboratories of the Carnegie Institution at Tortugas, Fla., and the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries at Woods Hole, Mass.] HE process of cell division may be divided into two distinct phe- nomena, the division of the nucleus and of the cytoplasm. Al- though these processes are closely interrelated, they can occur sepa- rately. Karyokineses may occur without subsequent cytoplasmic division, and cytoplasmic division may occur without the presence of a nucleus or chromatin in any form.! The division of the cytoplasm in plant cells is accomplished by the formation of a division wall, but in most animal cells by simple constriction. The constriction of the cell seems to be a special case of these pro- toplasmic movements that were shown by Quincke to resemble move- ments accompanying surface tension changes.” If the constriction of the cytoplasm were due to surface tension changes, we should expect a band of greater surface tension to include the cleavage furrow. In this case there would be a flowing of the superficial cytoplasm from the poles of the cell toward the cleavage furrow, and of the deeper protoplasm in the opposite direction. By a study of fixed material Nussbaum * showed movements of the pigment granules in cells of frog’s embryos from the interior to the sur- face and along the surface to the position of the future cleavage furrow. On constriction of the cell the granules were massed in the form of a plate in the cleavage plane. These movements indicate the surface tension changes described above. 1 McCLenpDon: Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik, 1908, xxvi, p. 662. 2 Buetscuui: Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik, 1900, x, p. 52. 3 NussBAum: Anatomische Anzeiger, 1893, vill, p. 666. 240 On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 241 Conklin * found evidence for such movements in the changes in posi- tion of certain structures in Crepidula eggs. The first observation of this process in living cells was made by Erlanger,? who saw movements of superficial granules toward the cleavage furrow, and of internal granules toward the poles, of Nema- tode eggs. Gardiner ® observed, in living eggs of Polychcerus caudatus, colored granules move to the surface and then along it to the position in which the cleavage furrow appeared immediately afterward. Fischel’s ob- servations are considered below. The fact that cells usually round up before cleavage, if not previ- ously spherical, indicates a general increase in surface tension, and it is only necessary to assume a greater increase to be localized along the cleavage furrow to account for the constriction. Robertson ‘ floated an olive oil drop on water and laid across it a thread moistened with soap (or soap-forming) solution. After the thread reached the edges of the drop the latter was torn in two. Since soap decreases the surface tension between oil and water, he concluded that cytoplasmic division is due to a decrease in surface tension along the cleavage furrow. As this view has been accepted by Lillie * and Loeb,’ it seems worth whlie to point out Robertson’s error.!° In Rob- ertson’s experiment three different surface tension films occur, between air (A) and water (W), air and oil (O), and water and oil (Fig. 1), and an equilibrium is established when the water-air surface tension equals the horizontal components of the air-oil plus the oil-water surface tensions. When the moistened thread is laid across the oil drop, two nore films are added, 7. e., air-soap solution (.S) and oil-soap solution (Fig. 2). At opposite edges of the drop where the thread touches the water, the soap would decrease the water-air surface tension, and the undiminished pull on the remainder of the edge of the drop would pull it in two (Fig. 3). 4 CoNKLIN: Biological lectures at Woods Hole, 1908, p. 69. 5 ERLANGER: Biologische Centralblatt, 1897, xvil, p. 152. 6 GARDINER: Journal of morphology, 1897, x1, p. 55. 7 Ropertson: Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik, 1909, xxvii, p. 29. Littte: Biological bulletin, rg09, xvii, p. 203, footnote. ° Lorp: Chemische Entwicklungserregung des tierischen Eies, p. 5. © This was first pointed out by me before the American Society of Zodlogists, see Science, xxxi, p. 467. It was discussed by A. B. MAcALLuM, Science, 1910, XXXli, pp. 498-500. 8 ee ee eer ne 242 J. F. McClendon. I have repeated Robertson’s experiment and also modified it by entirely submerging the oil drop. Enough alcohol was added to the water to make the oil sink below the surface, and the soap sqlution introduced through a capillary pipette, or a piece of solid soap held near the oil drop, or a thread covered with solid soap was wrapped around the oil drop. Very little movement of the oil occurred, but FicurEs 1 to 3.— A, air; O, oil; W, water; S, soap solution. The arrows show the direction of the pull of surface tension. The dotted line in Fig. 3 bounds the soap solution. Further explanation in text. that which did occur was always a bulging toward the soap, and never a constriction or receding from the soap. Similar experiments were also tried on the under side of oil drops floating on water, and unless the soap reached the water-air film, the oil advanced toward the soap and no constriction occurred. We may conclude, then, that the cleavage furrow is a region of increased surface tension, as shown by Biitschli and others, and not of decreased surface tension, as Robertson, Lillie, and Loeb maintain. One may ask why such movements as seen by Erlanger, Gardiner, and others have not been observed in all dividing cells that have been studied alive. The answer to this may be sought in the structure or consistence of protoplasm. If the cytoplasm present an alveolar structure, the spreading of the surface in regions of reduced surface tension would be almost entirely confined to the individual alveoles, and the general effect would be a slow stretching of the surface in On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 243 areas of less surface tension and a slow contraction of the surface in areas of greater surface tension, as shown by Biitschli’s microscopic oil foams. The constriction of the cleavage furrow would then take place as though a rubber band around the cell contracted. In the constriction of the egg of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, usually just such a number of chromatophores are carried into the cleavage furrow that when the two daughter cells are formed the pig- ment is evenly distributed over all parts of their surfaces. Under cer- tain abnormal conditions in which the cleavage is more violent the pigment is massed in the furrow. Fischel observed a massing of pig- ment along the lines of the future cleavage furrows in the eggs of Ar- bacia pustulosa. The reasons we get so little movement of pigment in the egg of Arbacia punctulata probably are the alveolar structure and the presence during cleavage of the “hyaline plasma layer,” or ‘‘ Ver- bindungsschicht,”’ to which the surface movements are chiefly confined. The hyaline plasma layer is said to be formed by a recession of granules toward the interior of the egg, leaving the superficial layer free from granules and almost invisible. It is formed before the first cleavage and becomes heaped up in the cleavage furrow. Whenever such an outer layer occurs, as in eggs of sea urchins and ctenophores, it be- comes heaped up in the cleavage furrow; this indicates increased sur- face tension in this region (or decreased surface tension at the poles). In the cutting off of the micromeres in the Arbacia egg the pigment entirely disappears from the micromere pole, indicating spreading movements due to the surface tension being less here than in the re- gion of the future cleavage furrow. Similar movements of granules have been observed in the cutting off of polar bodies in various eggs, and it may be concluded that for the separation of a very small cell from a large mass of protoplasm a very great difference in surface ten- sion between the pole of the small cell and the cleavage furrow is required. Changes in surface tension may be the result of the presence of cer- tain substances in one of the two fluids in contact, changes in tempera- ture, or a difference in electric potential across the boundary. In numerous instances electric changes have been found to accompany vital movements. Hyde” detected electric changes accompanying 11 GotpscHmipt and Poporr: Biologische Centralblatt, 1908, xxviii, p. 210. 12 Hype: This journal, 1904, xii, p. 241. 244 Seok. McClendon. cleavage, and the question whether the constriction of the cytoplasm is due to electric changes seems worth investigation. If an electric current were passed through a solution containing a living cell, and if the cell surface offered more resistance to the passage of ions than either the medium or the cell interior, a difference of po- tential would be produced between the inner and outer sides of the cell surface, and would be proportional to the angle that the surface made with the current lines cutting it, z. e., it would be greatest at the point where the surface was at right angles to the current lines and equal to zero at the point where the surface was parallel to the current lines. The surface tension would be reduced at the poles (the points nearest the electrodes), and the equator would lie in a region of rela- tively greater surface tension. This would result in the protrusion of the polar regions and constriction of the equator, thus producing the form change of the first stage of cleavage. When a current of a certain density was passed through an unfer- tilized Arbacia egg, the surface nearest the anode showed spreading movements and bulged out. We might conclude from this that this egg was less permeable to anions than to cations. The confined anions caused a difference of potential between the two sides of the surface nearest the anode, thus decreasing the surface tension, and spreading of the surface and bulging of the egg followed. At the surface nearest the cathode, the anions that could not enter could pass around the egg, and therefore the difference of potential was not so great as at the opposite pole. If the egg were as poorly permeable to cations, we should expect a reduction of surface tension at the pole nearest the cathode. It seemed to me that an analysis of artificial parthenogenesis might throw light on the question of cell division, and in the summer of 1909 I began an attempt in this direction. ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS. It is well known that the eggs of different individuals of the same species vary in response to stimuli. Investigators usually suppose that they have normal material when a large per cent of the eggs develop in a control to which sperm is added. In order to test this method of On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 245 controlling experiments and be sure no unknown factor vitiated the results, I made a series of experiments by fertilizing eggs of the same mother with sperm of different fathers, and eggs of different mothers with sperm of the same father, with the following results, giving the percentage of eggs developing: Mothers. Fathers. Cc 93 94 92 90 It may be seen by inspecting the table that development depends more on the eggs than on the sperm, so the practice of keeping a fertilized control seems to be a good one. Fertilized and unfertilized controls were kept to all of my experiments, and the experiment thrown out if fertilization did not occur. The question which concerns us first is, in what ways have cells been caused to divide, and maturation (in most cases), as well as seg- mentation, is cell division. We may summarize the methods used as follows: Hypotonic solutions (distilled water, Schiicking). Nearly isotonic solutions made by adding to sea water or to distilled water the following substances: Acids (Delage, Fischer, Herbst, Lefevre, Loeb, Lyon, Neilson, Schiicking, Tennent). Alkalis (Delage, Loeb, Schiicking). Neutral salis (Delage, Lillie). Hypertonic solutions: Acids (Delage, Loeb). Alkalis (Delage, Loeb). Neutral salts (Bataillon, Bullot, Delage, Fischer, Hunter, Kosta- necke, Loeb, Lyon, Mead, Scott, Treadwell, Wilson). 246 J. F. McClendon. Non-electrolytes (Delage, Loeb). Mechanical shock (Delage, Fischer, Mathews, Scott). Thermal changes (Bataillon, Delage, Greeley, Lillie, Loeb, Schiicking). Electric changes (Delage, Schiicking). KCN or lack of oxygen (Loeb, Lyon, Mathews). Fat solvents (Loeb, Mathews). Alkaloids and glucosides (Hertwig, Loeb, Schiicking, Wassilieff). Blood sera (Bataillon, Loeb). Soap and bile salts were found effective by Loeb when followed by hypertonic solutions. As all of these agents were not tried and found effective on eggs of the same species, their differences might be thought to correspond to differences in the eggs, and therefore I thought it worth while to try a large number of them on the egg of Arbacia punctulata at Woods Hole, Mass. Segmentation was produced by the following methods: the time indicated is the optimum duration found after a series of ex- periments, the tables being omitted: Hypotonic solutions (70 c.c. sea water + 30 c.c. tap water or dis- tilled water, one to one and a half hours). Nearly isotonic solutions: Acids (50 c.c. sea water and 3 c.c. 1/10 normal acetic, fifteen to sixty seconds. Or sea water charged with CO, in a “‘sparklet fountain,”’ five to ten minutes). Alkalis (1.2 c.c. 1/10 normal NH,OH or NaOH + 50 c.c. sea water, twenty to sixty minutes). Salts (5/8 normal NaCl, one-half to two hours, this is very slightly hypertonic). Hypertonic solutions (100 c.c. sea water + 15 c.c. 214 normal NaCl, one hour. Or sea water boiled down to .76 of its volume, one hour.) The eggs were also made to segment by placing them in sea water brought from Boca Grande Key, twelve miles west of Key West, Florida, in steamed out, glass-stoppered and paraffine-sealed bottles. The eggs were allowed to lie twenty minutes in Woods Hole sea water, then placed for two and a half hours or four hours in Boca Grande sea water and returned to Woods Hole sea water, or allowed to remain in- definitely in Boca Grande sea water. At the end of nine hours seg- mentation had occurred in all three lots, about ro per cent were seg- mented in that left four hours in Boca Grande sea water. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 247 Woods Hole sea water has a A = 1.818, specific gravity = 1.024 (Garrey). Boca Grande sea water has a A = 2.05, specific gravity = 1.0248. The alkalescence of the Boca Grande sea water is greater than that of Woods Hole. The hypertonicity and greater alkalinity may have both aided in producing the segmentation. This experi- ment producing such poor results (10 per cent), is given so much space merely because the effects were produced by natural sea water. However, this does not prove that Arbacia grown at Boca Grande would be naturally parthenogenetic. Mechanical shock (shaking in vial, by hand, five minutes. Or pour- ing from one dish to another every ten minutes for three hours. One effect of agitation is the removal of the jelly-like covering from the eggs, after which, perhaps, the mere contact of the egg with another surface will start development. Mathews supposes the effect of shak- ing is rupture of the nuclear wall, at least in the starfish egg). Thermal changes (keeping at 32° C., four minutes; keeping at 1° C., one to eleven hours; or at 10° C., one to twenty hotrrs. By the end of twenty hours some were already segmented). Electric changes (several entire ovaries were placed in longitudinal series in a glass tube, and an alternating current from a small induc- tion coil was passed through it for two hours. To avoid error from polarization at the electrodes, only the eggs from the central ovary were observed). KCN or lack of oxygen (a stream of hydrogen eight to twenty-two hours, with or without previous boiling of the sea water. Or 1/500 nor- mal KCN, seventeen to thirty-two hours. Or 1/1000 normal KCN thirty-two hours). Fat solvents (%4 saturated solution of ether in sea water, ten minutes). Certain combinations such as carbonic or fatty acid followed by hypertonic sea water, or tannic acid + an excess of NH,OH,* or tannic 13 In making his ‘“‘ammonium tannate” solution, DELAGE considered tannin a hexivalent acid, but I can find no confirmation of this view in chemical handbooks. On adding this solution to sea water, a slight precipitate, probably calcium or magnesium tannate, forms, and the fact that DELAGE obtained as good results by adding the ‘‘ammonium tannate” to a sugar solution does not prove that the precipitation of some salt in the sea water solution was not in this case a factor in the production of parthenogenesis. 248 J. F. McClendon. or acetic acid followed by NH,OH or NaOH, seemed to produce better results than the single treatments. The following results were obtained on other species: First, at Woods Hole, eggs of Cumingea and Mytilus were caused to maturate by treatment with hyperalkaline sea water. Second, at Tortugas, Fla., where I found the A = 2.03, specific gravity = 1.0246, and alkalescence greater than at Woods Hole. A few of the immature eggs of Ophiocoma rizii maturated when left twelve hours in 50 c.c. sea water + one drop of dilute ammonia, whereas none maturated in the control. Eggs of Toxopneustes (Lytechinus) variegatus and Tripneustes (Hipponée) esculentus were made to segment by placing a test tube of sea water containing them for one minute in water at 38°-44° C., then pouring the eggs into a dish of sea water at the normal temperature. After treatment with sea water carbonated in a “‘sparklet syphon,” followed by hypertonic sea water, development went farther in both species than after any of the single treatments tried. By increasing the duration of the treatment the rate of development was increased (approached or equalled that of fertilized eggs), but the percentage of resulting larve decreased, indicating injury to the eggs. The optimum for Toxopneustes was: carbonated sea water one and one-half to five minutes, followed by 100 c.c. sea water + 16 C.c. 2% normal NaCl, thirty to forty-five minutes. If eggs had remained a long time in sea water before the beginning of the experiment, a shorter stay in carbonated sea water was required than if they had been just taken from the ovaries. In this connection it is to be re- marked that carbonated sea water hastens the solution of the jelly- like coverings, which takes place more slowly in natural sea water. The optimum for Tripneustes was carbonated sea water ten minutes, followed by hypertonic sea water one hour. If we look for something in common in all of these methods of artificial parthenogenesis, we meet with many difficulties. I concluded that all of the methods of artificial parthenogenesis could not directly initiate any one single chemical reaction in the egg, but must have their first common effect in some physical or physico-chemical change. The osmotic methods have this in common, that in all there is an increase in osmotic pressure. If the eggs are placed in sufficiently On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 249 concentrated sea water or other hypertonic solution, some may seg- ment while remaining in the hypertonic solution, but if placed in dis- tilled water (Schiicking) or diluted sea water (McClendon) they segment only after removal to natural sea water, which means an increase in osmotic pressure of the medium. I do not, however, con- clude from this that in the latter instance it is the return to sea water rather than the sojourn in the hypertonic solution that starts the de- velopment of the egg. Traube “ showed that ‘fertilization membrane-forming”’ substances are effective in greater dilution the more they lower the surface tension of water. If the egg surface contain lipoids, such substances will be adsorbed or absorbed by the lipoids in the ratio that they lower the surface tension of water. But in what way can an absorption or ad- sorption by the lipoids of the cell, of a host of different substances, cause the development of the egg, and how can we explain those methods in which no lipoid soluble substance is used? Loeb had shown the similarity between methods of artificial mem- brane formation and hemolysis, and many eggs segment after artificial membrane formation. But in my opinion Loeb has not given a satis- factory explanation of the mechanism of hemolysis. It seems to me that the “‘membrane theory” of hemolysis, so admirably presented by Stewart,” is a satisfactory explanation. Lillie © advanced the view that the essential element in artificial parthenogenesis is the increase in permeability of the plasma mem- brane to COs., allowing the chief end product of oxidation to escape and the rate of oxidation to increase, the more rapid oxidation causing development. But Lillie has never published any determinations of changes in permeability of the egg to anything except pigment, and there is no certain proof that the escape of pigment is due to increased permeability of the plasma membrane, as the pigment must first be liberated from the chromatophores, in which it is held physically or chemically. I know of no method of determining changes in permeability of the egg to COs, but have thought of five methods for detecting changes in 14 ‘TRAUBE: Biochemische Zeitschrift, 1909, xvi, p. 182. © STEWART: Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics, 1909, i, p. 40. © LILLIE: Biological bulletin, 1909, xvii, p. 188. 250 J. F. McClendon. the permeability of the egg to electrolytes in general: 1. Electric con- ductivity of masses of eggs; 2. Electric conductivity of individual eggs as determined by destructive effects of the electric current-on the cell; 3. Plasmolysis; 4. Chemical analysis of masses of eggs; 5. Mi- crochemical analysis of single eggs. These will be considered in the order given. Brown ™’ concluded that the membrane of the Fundulus egg is prac- tically impermeable to salts and water during the first eight hours, and becomes most permeable after eighteen to twenty hours. Ap- parently he refers to the thick membrane which is pushed out after oviposition, but Sollmann '’ observed that the ‘‘yolk” swells in dis- tilled water or one-fourth molecular cane sugar, obliterating the peri- vitelline space, and thus indicating that the plasma membrane is less permeable to salts than is the thick egg membrane or chorion (vitel- line membrane of Sollmann). Biataszewitz 1° found that the absorption of water by the unfer- tilized frog’s egg increased five times for every rise of 10° C., and con- cluded from this that heat increased the permeability of the plasma membrane to water. THe ELectric CONDUCTIVITY OF MASSES OF EGGs. This work was done at the Tortugas Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution. The experiments were made on board the yacht “ Phy- salia”’ anchored off Boca Grande Key, twelve miles west of Key West, Fla. I am indebted to Dr. W. R. Warren of Key West for the use of a centrifuge, as the one provided was left behind. My thanks are also due Dr. Alfred G. Mayer for the unusual facilities at my disposal. The determinations were made by Kohlrausch’s method. A re- sistance box of 15,000 ohms and a metre sliding resistance were used. A number of difficulties arose in eliminating possible sources of error, and these will be considered in order: First. The procuring of sufficient quantities of suitable eggs to 17 Brown: This journal, 1905, xiv, p. 354. 18 SOLLMANN: This journal, 1904, xii, p. 112. 19 BIATASZEWITZ: Bulletin de l’Académie des Sciences de Cracovie, Math. Nat., October, 1908. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 251 make accurate determinations. This was met by going to Boca Grande Key, where the sea urchins, Toxopneustes variegatus and the Trip- neustes esculentus, could be picked up by the ton in shallow water. As the ripe eggs of the former species were more abundant, they were used exclusively. Second. The handling of the eggs with sufficient rapidity to insure their being in normal condition. Washing the eggs repeatedly by allowing them to settle in sea water requires much time, though it will be shown later that for the first washing this is an advantage.” But the time required for them to settle into a compact mass for the conduc- tivity determination must be shortened as much as possible, as the continued crowding of the eggs might produce abnormal effects. No suitable conductivity vessel on the market could be placed directly in the centrifuge. I made a conductivity vessel at the Tortugas Laboratory. It con- sisted of two glass tubes, the inner one fitting nicely into the outer one. Owing to a very slight curvature of the tubes, a rotation of one in the other would clamp them tightly together. The inner tube was 131 mm. long, 1o mm. inside diameter, and sealed at the lower end. Two small glass tubes were placed longitudinally within the outer tube and sealed into its upper end. One of these projected 25 mm. below the other. Platinum electrodes 6 X 9 mm. were sealed in the lower ends of the two smaller tubes. The electrodes were ‘‘platinized”’ with platinic chloride solution containing a little lead acetate. The advantages of this conductivity vessel were the comparatively large surface area of the electrodes, 108 sq. mm. each; the distance between them, 25 mm.; the small volume of eggs, less than 3 c.c., required to cover the electrodes, and the short time required for its contents to reach the temperature of the thermostat. The electrodes were plane and vertical, and hence could be pressed down into a mass of eggs with the least possible disturbance of them. The inner tube, containing the eggs, could be placed directly in the centrifuge, and thus the eggs could be washed with sea water or other solutions without removal from the conductivity vessel. By inserting the lower end of the outer tube into a short, closely fitting test tube, the electrode could be protected from drying while the inner tube was in the centrifuge. * The eggs of Toxopneustes are of but very little greater specific gravity than sea water and hence settle much slower than those of Tripneustes or Arbacia. 252 J. F. McClendon. Third. The temperature of the thermostat, if constant, would on some days be very far from that of the sea surface, which varied greatly (from about 25°-30° C.), and the sudden change of the eggs from one to the other might affect them in some undesirable way, as they could be caused to segment by a change in temperature; also the time required for the eggs to reach this temperature would be greater. This was obviated by making the temperature of the thermostat about one degree higher than that of the sea before each set of determinations and then keeping it constant, within one tenth of a degree. The ther- mostat held 20 litres of water, was closed at the top and well insulated at the sides, stirred with a paddle attached to a rod going through a small hole in the cover, and regulated by hand with a minute flame beneath. Fourth. The spaces between the eggs might vary. This was ob- viated by centrifuging the eggs in the conductivity vessel and marking their upper limit accurately in indelible ink with the finest drawing pen, and before each reading centrifuging them again to the same line. The egg as it leaves the ovary is surrounded by an invisible gelati- nous covering, which I have called the ‘jelly,’ since it shows similarity to the jelly-like coat of the frog’s egg, a mucin which yields galacto- samin (Schulz and Ditthorn). Loeb applies the name chorion to it. This jelly seems to be a mucin which in sea water slowly dissolves. The solution of the jelly is aided by weak or strong alkalis and very weak acids, though it is coagulated by tannin and basic dyes, and seems to contract (coagulate?) on addition of strong mineral acids. Delage says it is lifted from the egg before the formation of the fertil- ization membrane. It is possible that this appearance was due to contraction caused by the dye used to make it visible. If eggs bearing this jelly are put in the conductivity vessel and centrifuged, and later mixed with sea water and centrifuged again, much less force is required to precipitate them to the same level, and they will slowly settle below this level by gravity while the eggs are being brought to the temperature of the thermostat. This is due to the washing away of some of the jelly. To prevent this occurrence, the jelly had to be entirely washed off of them before they were first placed in the conductivity vessel, a process accomplished by stirring in large quantities of sea water and repeated centrifuging. The On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 253 jelly could be removed completely from Toxopneustes eggs and with more difficulty from Tripneustes eggs. Care was taken that no treat- ment was used that would cytolyze even a few eggs, as cytolysis causes swelling or disintegration which would affect the volume of the eggs and therefore the spaces between them when they were precipitated to a certain level. The pushing out of fertilization membranes might affect the shape of the spaces between the eggs and thus change the free paths of the ions in the sea water filling those spaces. This was obviated by wash- ing the eggs so long in sea water that no fertilization membranes were pushed out when they were fertilized or treated with the solu- tions used. This was tested by microscopic examination of control eggs and of the eggs taken from the conductivity vessel after each experiment. Such eggs develop. It has been objected that a membrane was formed and not pushed out. I found two methods of detecting membranes that lie so close to the egg as not to be distinguishable with the microscope. If the egg be plasmolyzed with a molecular solution of cane sugar, such mem- branes are often if not always lifted from the egg. Harvey says the fertilization membrane is relatively impermeable to sugar, and one would suppose that sugar would push the membrane closer to the egg. From many of my experiments it is evident that sugar will go through the fertilization membrane, and Harvey has not stated the degree of impermeability to sugar that he observed. The second and more certain method is as follows: If an electric current of sufficient density be passed through, the membrane will be lifted from the cathode end of the egg. It may be objected that the sugar solution and electric current caused the membranes to be formed, and that they were lifted from the egg in the usual manner. I can only answer to this that the same sugar solution and electric current were tried on normal unfertilized eggs and no membranes appeared. Under the same conditions as those of the later conductivity ex- periments, eggs did not form membranes that could be detected by either of the above methods, and similar eggs developed. Harvey ™ says that after an egg stands in sea water twenty-eight hours and is then fertilized, it becomes surrounded by a thick adhering membrane 21 HARVEY: Journal of experimental zoédlogy, 1910, viii, p. 365. 254 J. F. McClendon. which, on cleavage of the egg, surrounds each blastomere. He calls this a fertilization membrane, and maintains that fertilization mem- branes are formed on all developing sea urchin eggs. Evidently in the above case and in that of eggs placed in hypertonic or calcium- free sea water he mistook the so-called “hyaline plasma layer” or “Verbindungsschicht”’ for the fertilization membrane.” Harvey states that he saw membranes on Hipponoe eggs on slightly “‘high focus.” A membrane on the surface of a sphere could only be determined positively with so high a power that the optical section was extremely thin in comparison to the diameter of the sphere, and passed exactly through the point of contact, with the sphere, of a tangent drawn from the eye to the sphere. Hence there is only one focus, and “high” or ‘“‘low” focus means out of focus. One need only try this “high focus” on an air bubble or oil drop to see what appearances of ‘“mem- branes” are thus obtained. But it is impossible for me to see how a change in a surface film, of immeasurable thickness, of the egg, thus forming a “‘membrane” in close contact with the egg, can cause such a change in the conduc- tivity of the inter-egg spaces as to account for the great differences in the conductivity of unfertilized and fertilized eggs which I obtained. I account for the change in conductivity by a change in the surface film of the egg, allowing ions to pass through more easily. Probably such a change would be accompanied by a visible change if micro- scopic technique were sufficiently developed to detect it, but I would not call this the formation of a new membrane; it is a change in the ‘plasma membrane,” a condensed surface tension film or haptogen membrane. The conductivity of the spermatic fluid and of the acidulated sea water were slightly less than that of natural sea water, so that if they replaced natural sea water between the eggs, they would cause a slight decrease in the conductivity reading, but they were thoroughly washed out with natural sea water before the readings were taken. Fifth. The electric current passed through the eggs might alter their conductivity. As no measurement of conductivity could be taken before the current began to pass through, I cannot determine this point. But the first reading and later readings taken at short intervals were always the same provided the eggs had been centrifuged down #2 See GoLpscumipT and Poporr, Biologische Centralblatt, 1908, xxviii, p. 210. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 255 so compactly that they did not settle further by gravity, and the content of the conductivity vessel was at the same temperature as the thermostat. By using a special induction coil with a rheostat, an alternating current of such high frequency and such low amperage was obtained that when passed through my finger from electrodes wet with sea water, I could not feel it, yet this was the current used in the experiments, and variations in it could easily be detected with the telephone used in the experiments. Sixth. The increased elimination of carbon dioxide by fertilized eggs might cause an increase in conductivity of the sea water between the eggs. To test this, the conductivity of a sample of sea water was determined. It was then charged with CO, in a “‘sparklet syphon,”’ and no increase in conductivity could be detected with the electrodes used in the experiments with eggs. Perhaps with electrodes specially adapted to good conductors like sea water, a change could be detected, but it would evidently be extremely small and incapable of account- ing for the large differences observed in the experiments with eggs. THE CONDUCTIVITY DETERMINATIONS. The conductivity of one sample of sea water at 30° C. was found to be .o61, while that of unfertilized eggs washed in the same water and precipitated by gravity was .04655 at the same temperature. The conductivity of the same water at 32° C. was .0624 and of the same eggs at 32° C., .o469. At 26° the conductivity of another sample of sea water was .05535, of spermatic fluid direct from testes, .0439, and of unfertilized eggs precipitated with the centrifuge, .co2404. In this case the conductivity of the eggs was about one twentieth that of the sea water, although they still contained some of the latter between them. The conductivity of the eggs would have fallen still lower if all of the sea water had been pressed out from between them. First lot of experiments. —In all of these preliminary experiments the thermostat was kept at 32° C., which was at times very near, but at other times very much above, that of the sea. The eggs were precipitated by gravity. The supernatant sea water in the con- ductivity vessel was pipetted off, and the vessel shaken, then read- ings taken, until successive identical results showed that the eggs were of the temperature of the thermostat, after which less than a 256 J. F. McClendon. drop of sperma was added, the vessel shaken again, and a second series of readings taken. The observed conductivities are given in the following table: 1. Unfertilized eggs .05980 Fertilized eggs .16950 2. Unfertilized eggs 04480 Fertilized eggs 04835 3. Unfertilized eggs .04690 Momentarily heated .05600 % The above figures show a great increase in conductivity on fertili- zation, or momentary heating to a point that will cause segmentation. Second lot of experiments. — In this and all subsequent lots of ex- periments the thermostat was brought before each set of readings to about sea temperature, the eggs were precipitated in the conduc- tivity vessel to such a degree that they were not further precipitated by gravity. 1. Unfertilized eggs at 27.5° C. 01524 Fertilized eggs ‘“ i 01627 2. Unfertilized eggs “ 28°C. .01076 Fertilizedeggs “ x .01266 Third lot of experiments. — As it was feared that the admixture of but a fraction of a drop of spermatic fluid might raise the conduc- tivity independent of fertilization, and as by this method only a small per cent of the eggs were fertilized, in the third and fourth lots of ex- periments the eggs were centrifuged in the conductivity vessel and their upper level marked accurately, and the conductivity determined, then they were mixed with sea water containing sperm or acetic acid in the conductivity vessel, and washed by repeated precipitations and precipitated down to the same level, before determining the conductiv- ity of the developing eggs. By this method almost roo per cent of the eggs could be caused to begin development. 1. Unfertilized at 26° C. .002404 Fertilized “ 7 .004320 23 The vessel was set a few moments in water at 45°, then returned to the ther- mostat; this was shown by control to cause segmentation. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 257 2. Untertilized at 25.75° C. 004445 Fertilized af i .006340 3. Unfertilized at 25° C. .006523 Fertilized ‘‘ - .009544 4. Unfertilized at 26.25° C. .004900 Fertilized ‘ ¥ .006390 5. Unfertilized at 28° C. .008230 Fertilized . .009220 6. Unfertilized at 28.17° C. .006876 Fertilized 7 007298 7. Unfertilized at 26° C. .005620 After .006 normal acetic acid in sea water 144 min. 26° C. .006000 Fourth lot of experiments, in which all precautions were taken. — In these experiments the eggs were washed so long in sea water that no fertilization membranes could be caused to push out. 1. Unfertilized at 29.5° C. .01182 Fertilized ‘“ a6 .01537 2. Unfertilized at 30° C. .01153 After .006 normal acetic acid in sea water 114 min..30n'C; .0127 3. Unfertilized at 30° C. .00877 After acid sea water 1144 min 30° C. 00965 4. Unfertilized at 29.5° C. .005135 After acid sea water 114 min. 29.5° C. .00839 From the above experiments I have concluded that there is an in- crease in electric conductivity of the sea urchin’s egg at the beginning of development. The question now arises whether the resistance to the movement of ions through the mass of eggs is the impermeability of the plasma membrane or the presence of fat globules or proteid granules within the egg, or the combination of the egg electrolytes with colloids, forming poorly dissociated or poorly diffusible com- pounds. I found by centrifuging them that there was as great a vol- ume of fat globules and proteid granules in the sea urchin’s egg im- mediately after, as there was immediately before, fertilization. 258 J. F. McClendon. ON THE INTERNAL CONDUCTIVITY OF THE CELL. The majority of my experiments on this subject were made at Cor- nell Medical College. Hober * has devised a method by which the electric conductivity of the cell interior may be measured without breaking the cell wall. The determinations cannot be made with great accuracy, but the results on blood corpuscles clearly demonstrate that the conductivity of the interior is many times greater than that of the corpuscle as a whole, indicating that the greatest resistance to the current lies in the plasma membrane. Stewart made certain determinations which I take to indicate that hen’s egg yolk is a very much poorer conductor than is a solution of its salts made up to the same volume. The yolk of the hen’s egg before it leaves the ovary forms the bulk of a single cell. The yolk of an egg is often considered as “‘dead”’ material; but in conductivity experiments we cannot separate “liv- ing” and “‘dead”’ portions of the cell. There is a small amount of white yolk, but the major volume is yellow yolk. The yellow yolk under the microscope presents a fluid matrix con- taining large globules of another fluid of almost the same specific gravity, viscosity, and refracting index as the matrix, the boundary between the two fluids being the seat of little surface tension. Both matrix and globules contain numerous fine granules. On the addition of alcohol, under the microscope, a substance (or substances) in both fluids disintegrates, setting free lipoids which appear as droplets, which are blackened by osmic acid and colored by Sudan III. If one of the large globules is watched closely as the alcohol is applied, fine, lipoid droplets appear and grow and fuse to form larger drops, and some of them may then migrate toward the periphery and fuse to form a lipoid envelope surrounding the globule. The lipoid droplets appearing in the matrix grow and fuse to form larger ones. The yellow yolk darkens after the addition of osmic acid, the glob- ules becoming darker than the matrix, but if alcohol and then osmic be applied, the lipoid droplets thus formed, quickly become an in- * Hoper: Archiv fiir das gesammte Physiologie, rg1o, Cxxxill, p. 237. * STEWART: Journal of experimental medicine, 1902, vi, p. 257. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 259 tense black. Only the lipoid droplets are colored by Sudan IIT in 80 per cent alcohol. The white yolk resembles the yellow yolk that has been treated with alcohol in that it contains lipoid droplets. But as there is very little white yolk in the hen’s egg before incubation, there are very few lipoid droplets to impede the electric current. The lipoids in the yellow yolk are probably bound up with proteids, forming combinations which are disintegrated by alcohol, as indicated by the above observations. In order to determine to what extent the granules impede the electric current, I precipitated them with the centrifuge. The large globules cannot be separated from the matrix by this means. With small quan- tities I was able to obtain the fluid entirely free from granules. It forms 11/17 of the total volume, dissolves in dilute alkalis, and with slight milkiness in dilute acids, and when shaken with water the insoluble portion forms an emulsion or a coagulum resembling yeast plants. With large enough quantities to fill the smallest suitable conduc- tivity vessel at hand, the precipitation was so slow that I feared de- composition might commence before a granule-free fluid was obtained, so I contented myself with the comparison of a portion containing a very small per cent of granules with a portion containing a very large per cent of granules. At 25° C. the conductivity of the granule-poor layer was .00302 and that of the granule-rich layer .00o278, showing that the granules impede the current to a great extent. Since dilution with water breaks up many ion-colloid compounds, I used this method to determine whether the electrolytes in the yolk were bound up with colloids. The conductivity determinations at 25° C. are given in the table below: Paced (Undiluted) (+ 1 vol. H,O) (+ 3 vols. H,O) (+ 7 vols. H,O) : Vol. = 1. Vola: Vol. = 4. Nolo: Granule-poor .00302 .00268 .00162 .00096 Granule-rich .00278 .00278 .00200 .00125 The above table shows that whereas the granule-poor layer de- creases in conductivity on dilution with distilled water, at first slowly and later slightly more rapidly (which may be partially accounted for by the more rapid increase in ionization of inorganic salts at the 260 J. F. McClendon. beginning than at the end of the series) the conductivity of the granule- rich layer is not reduced at all by a dilution with one volume of H.O. It may be said that this is due to the separation of the granules, thus widening the conducting paths, and I have demonstrated that such might occur in an emulsion of oil in soap solution, as shown by the following table of conductivities at 25° C.: Maternal (Undiluted) (+ 1 vol.H,O) (+ 3 vols. H,O) j Vok= Vol. = 2. Voli A: Soap solution 002490 .001460 000903 Emulsion of oil, containing 17 per cent soap solution .000434 .000434 .000335 But how are we to explain the fact that on dilution with one or more volumes of water the conductivity of the granule-rich portion of yolk is greater than that of the granule-poor layer, although the former contains less of the fluid portion of the yolk? Evidently (since there are no inorganic crystals in the yolk) some of the electrolytes must have been bound up in the granules (either by adsorption or chemi- cal combination) and liberated on dilution. Since the fluid portion of the yolk does not entirely dissolve in water, the undissolved portion may impede the current, but this would occur in the granule-rich as well as in the granule-poor portion. I doubt that Héber’s method of measuring the internal electric con- ductivity of cells is sensitive enough to determine whether the increase in conductivity of the egg is due to liberation of electrolytes in the interior or to increased permeability of the plasma membrane of the egg, but it shows, by exclusion, in case of the cells on which it was used, that by far the greatest resistance to the current lies in the plasma membrane. Swelling (first stage of cytolysis) of sea urchin eggs causes a decrease in the conductivity of the mass of eggs, as shown by the following de- terminations of the conductivity: 1. Unfertilized eggs of Toxopneustes at 27.25° C. .01354 After addition of nicotine at 27.25° C. .01318 2. Unfertilized eggs at 32° C. 04850 After momentary elevation to about 50° C. at 32° .04780 3. Unfertilized eggs at 27.5° C. 01645 After momentary elevation to about 50° C. at 27.5° .01626 4. Unfertilized eggs of Tripneustes at 32° C. 04730 After shaking with fraction of a drop of chloroform at 32° C. .02286 On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 261 Microscopic examination showed that the addition of nicotine or chloroform, or momentary elevation of temperature in the above ex- periments, caused the eggs to swell. This could only take place by the absorption of one or more constituents of the sea water between the eggs.. If the salts of the sea water did not go into the eggs, the ab- straction of H.O from the sea water would increase the concentration of salts in the sea water remaining between the eggs, and might cause a liberation of electrolytes (by dilution) within the eggs, in the latter case causing increased conductivity of the egg interior without a cor- responding decrease in conductivity of the inter-egg spaces. If the membrane became freely permeable to salts, the swelling of the eggs might increase, but should not diminish, the conductivity of the mass. The fact that the conductivity decreased can only be explained by assuming that the salts of the sea water entered the eggs and were ad- sorbed to or combined with colloids, or that the membrane was very poorly permeable to salts (though perhaps more permeable than the normal egg) and the narrowing of the inter-egg spaces caused the de- crease in conductivity. In fact, I think this can be taken as an indi- cation that the egg is a poor conductor not so much because of the low concentration of free electrolytes within it, but chiefly because the electrolytes cannot easily pass the plasma membrane. As no dilution of the contents (swelling) of the sea urchin’s egg occurs at the beginning of development, it is improbable that a libera- tion of the electrolytes within it, sufficient to account for the increased conductivity, occurs. The only alternative is that the increase in con- ductivity is due to an increase in permeability of the plasma mem- brane to electrolytes. THE ELEecTRIC CONDUCTIVITY OF INDIVIDUAL EGGS. It is well known that cells may be killed or injured by the passage of electric currents through the media containing them. The current might affect them by raising the temperature, by the passage of ions into or out of the cells, by the accumulation of ions of one sign that are stopped by parts of the cell. In which of these ways does the current affect the cell most de- structively? The heating effect may be practically eliminated. If electrolytes are transported into or out of the cell by the current, they 262 J. F. McClendon. could also diffuse in the absence of a current, but the accumulation of ions of one sign would not occur by free diffusion. Therefore I have regarded the accumulation of ions impeded by the cell structures as explanation of the destructive effects, and the destructive effects as an indicator of the resistance to the passage of ions. The experiments were made at the United States Bureau of Fish- eries at Woods Hole, Mass. The r10-volt direct current from the light circuit was used. Cylindrical non-polarizable electrodes of cop- per in one-half molecular copper sulphate were plugged at their free ends with absorbent cotton and connected to rubber tubes of 4 mm. internal diameter and about one foot each in length, filled with sea water. The free ends of the rubber tubes were plugged with absorbent cotton, which was allowed to protrude sufficiently to conduct the cur- rent to the sea water containing the eggs under a cover glass on a slide on the microscope stage. The current was reduced by passage through a 16-candle power light and further regulated by turning the screw of a pinch-cock which was clamped on one of the rubber tubes. The copper sulphate diffusing into the sea water in the rubber tubes re- acted with the calcium carbonate, copper hydrate and calcium sulphate being precipitated and carbonic acid being liberated. The copper sulphate solution and sea water were renewed before each experiment. Usually a piece of ash-free filter paper was cut the size of the cover glass and a hole cut in its middle. This filter paper ring was placed on the slide, and sea water containing eggs placed in the hole in the ring, so that when the cover glass was placed on the preparation, the eggs were contained in a cell which was freely permeable to ions at the sides. At other times the eggs were mixed with sea water containing enough cotton fibres to support the cover glass. Eggs of Arbacia punc- tulata were used. When the current is passed through the egg, the latter is affected at that surface nearest the anode, as observed by Brown, who placed the eggs in a molecular solution of urea. Changes in surface tension are indicated by bulging or amceboid movements. The pigment sud- denly leaves each of the chromatophores in turn and diffuses into the cytoplasm in this region of the egg, which is turned a red or orange hue (it is a deeper red if the chromatophores have been stained with neutral red), showing that the reaction is not alkaline.* The anodal * The pigment extracted from the eggs is red or orange in acid according to dilution; it is violet or green and precipitates in alkali. If the eggs, or especially On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 263 end of the cell absorbs water and swells, often a blister is formed and masses of granular cytoplasm pass into the blister fluid and dissolve. Gradually these changes extend from the anode end to the cathode end of the egg, the egg swells enormously and may burst. Very probably this disintegration commencing at the anode end of the egg is due to the accumulation of anions which cannot pass the plasma membrane. If the plasma membrane is poorly permeable to anions in one direction, it is probably so in the other, and it may be asked why they do not accumulate outside the cell at its cathode end. The anions which are unable to enter the egg at its cathode end are free to move around the egg and hence do not accumulate to form as great a concentration as at the anode end. Since no destruction of the egg of Arbacia, beginning at the cathode end, was observed, we may conclude that the plasma membrane is more permeable to cations than to anions. This is not true of all eggs, as I observed the eggs of Hydractinea begin to disintegrate at the cathode as soon as at the anode end. However, it is true of a number of living cells? If fertilized and unfertilized Arbacia eggs are placed in an isotonic sugar solution containing little sea water, through which a current of gradually increasing density is passed, the unfertilized eggs begin to disintegrate, at their anode ends, sooner than the fertilized eggs do. We may interpret this as indicating that the fertilized eggs are more permeable to anions, which therefore accumulate in them to a less extent, or the fertilized eggs are more permeable to electrolytes, which therefore have passed out into the sugar solution to a greater extent, and therefore the current passes through them less, than in case of the unfertilized eggs. I did not obtain the same results on eggs in sea water, but the un- certainty of the material toward the end of the season prevented the determination of the mode of action of the sugar solution. Possibly the heating effect of the current in sea water increased the permeabil- ity of the unfertilized eggs. Sea water is so much better a conductor than the eggs that only a small per cent of the current passes through the latter, and in order to produce visible effects on the eggs an enor- the perivisceral fluid cells containing much pigment, are killed, the nuclei and some other parts absorb the pigment and turn brownish purple. *7 See VERWORN’S Physiology. 264 J. F. McClendon. mous current must be passed through the sea water. It is known that sugar solutions produce abnormal conditions in eggs, but these ex- periments were made quickly after placing the eggs in the sugar solu- tions. The nucleus does not begin to disintegrate as soon as the cyto- plasm; this is in harmony with McCallum’s view that the nucleus contains no free salts. The nucleus as a whole or the contained nucleo- proteids migrate toward the anode. PLASMOLYSIS WITH NON-ELECTROLYTES. Osterhout has obtained shrinkage of marine cells in distilled water, and thinks the action of sugar similar; 7. e., first the membrane is made permeable and then the salts diffuse out and the cell contracts by some non-osmotic force. But in the only animal cell in which he has obtained this result there is first a swelling, with formation of blisters, and later shrinkage, with the nucleus becoming homogeneous and distinct, which, I think, denotes death and perhaps coagulation. Since the Arbacia egg in an isotonic sugar solution does not swell first and then shrink, I think this objection may not apply to my experiments. The following tables show that fertilized (Arbacia) eggs shrink more rapidly than unfertilized eggs in molecular sugar solutions, which are calculated to have only slightly greater osmotic pressure than the sea water at Woods Hole, where the experiments were made. It appears that the plasma membranes of the fertilized eggs are more permeable, allowing the salts to diffuse out of the eggs more rapidly, thus lowering the internal osmotic pressure to a greater extent than is the case with unfertilized eggs. Sollmann ** observed Arbacia eggs contract in hypertonic, and swell in hypotonic, salt solutions. In normal sea water fertilized are not smaller than unfertilized eggs.?® Before the first cleavage the hyaline plasma layer forms, thus taking material away from the more opaque portion of the egg, and it might be supposed that the failure to include this layer in taking the measurements caused the appearance of shrinkage, but such would be the case also in the control in normal sea water, and furthermore the measurements were taken before the hyaline layer was formed or had reached visible thickness. 28 SOLLMANN: This journal, 1904, xii, p. III. 29 McCLENDON: Science, 1910, xxxii, p. 318. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 265 Fertilized and unfertilized eggs in a molecular solution of dextrose were placed under the same cover glass, which was supported to pre- vent compression of the eggs, and sealed to prevent evaporation. The fertilized were distinguished from the unfertilized eggs by the presence of the fertilization membrane. The eggs were observed in the order in which they appeared in the field as the slide was moved so as to observe the whole area under the cover glass once and once only. The diameter of each egg in turn was drawn with the camera lucida, and the drawings were measured later with a rule. In case an egg was irregular, approximately its mean diameter was drawn. The results of two series of measurements are recorded on page 266. In the first column of figures the diameter of the egg in the unit used for all the measurements is represented. In the second and third columns of figures the frequencies of the occurrence of fertilized and unfertilized eggs of the diameters given in the same horizontal line are represented. The fourth and fifth columns of figures repre- sent a second series of measurements in the same manner. The table shows that there is considerable variation in the size of the eggs, but that the mean (and also the mode if the curve were plotted) of the diameters of the fertilized eggs is less than the mean of the unfertilized eggs. I did not succeed in making measure- ments fast enough to determine the rate of plasmolysis. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF MASSES OF CELLS. Fertilized and unfertilized eggs may be placed in solutions differ- ing from sea water, and the passage of substances into or out of them detected by analysis of masses of the eggs. There are three sources of error: 1. The presence of the jelly-like coverings on the eggs; 2. The fluid in spaces between the eggs; and, 3. The large surface for adsorption. I tried some preliminary experiments on yeast cells at a time when suitable eggs could not be obtained. I found yeast and dextrose placed in .3 molecular MgCl, eliminated CO: more rapidly than in .5 molecular NaCl or .325 molecular CaCl, all of which are calculated to have approximately the same osmotic pressure. Also the CO, elim- ination was more rapid in the magnesium solution than in a solution of the same concentration of magnesium chloride with either of the 266 J. F. McClendon. Frequency. Diameter. Fertilized. Unfertilized. Fertilized. Unfertilized. 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 ' ER) 1S ie* jie: CGN CNC) CN Ga) is Gone se a co ces ea tae 2 0 2 1 2 2 3 5 3 7 10 9 10 7 6 4 + i 3 0 2 0 0 1 RPNNNHFPWWRNUNN FP NY WWNHNHWWNHNON OR. |\F OOOO OCR FP EN WWHWHNTA YW OMWTAAUAWNH wee. Mean diameter On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 267 other salts in addition, or in a solution containing NaCl and CaCl, in the same concentration as in the respective pure solutions, or in a solu- tion containing all three salts, or in tap or distilled water. The magnesium must have entered the cell or altered the permea- bility of the plasma membrane to COs, sugar, alcohol, the enzyme, or some other substance. In order to determine whether the magnesium entered the cells, I took two blocks of compressed yeast of the same volumes and weights and mixed one with H.O and the other with a molecular solution of MgCl, for five hours, then washed each by rapid precipitation in renewed H.O several times with the centrifuge. The two lots were ashed and weighed with the results: control, ash = .0466 gm.; ash from Mg culture = .048 gm. Evidently the magnesium did not enter the yeast to any great extent and probably acted on the surface, increasing the permeability to some other substance. Lyon and Shackell have analyzed fertilized and unfertilized eggs placed in salt solutions, and obtained some results indicating that the salts enter and leave the fertilized more easily than the unfertilized eggs. They found an exception in the case of iodine. Iodine (in po- tassium iodide solution) is absorbed by the unfertilized more quickly than by the fertilized eggs.*? I had intended to work along this line, but was forced to postpone it until another season. MICROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF INDIVIDUAL EGGS. Lyon and Shackell *° and Harvey have concluded that certain dyes enter fertilized more easily than unfertilized eggs. Loeb supposes that the dye is chemically combined in the fertilized egg and merely in solu- tion in the unfertilized egg. Unfortunately these dyes belong to the class of substances which Overton found to most easily penetrate plant cells, so that a demonstration that they more easily enter the fertil- ized than the unfertilized egg does not necessarily indicate that the same is true for electrolytes in general. Harvey *' found that eggs became more permeable to NaOH after being fertilized or treated with cytolytic agents. 3° Lyon and SHACKELL: Science, 1910, xxxii, p. 250. 31 HARVEY: Science, 1910, xxxli, p. 565. 268 J. F. McClendon. THE MIGRATION OF THE CHROMATOPHORES. The chromatophores of the egg of Arbacia contain a red substance which I found to have an absorption spectrum similar to McMunn’s echinochrome, at least in certain solvents. I have crystallized two derivatives of the Arbacia pigment and perhaps the pigment itself, and a chemical study of it is being attempted. These chromatophores or pigment plastids show similarities to the chloroplasts of some green plants. Similar plastids occur in the peri- visceral fluid cells of Arbacia, where they are so closely packed to- gether in the cytoplasm as to be separately distinguishable only on careful observation. In some of the cells the plastids contain pigment and in others they are colorless. McMunn, finding that the spectrum of echinochrome in certain solvents was changed by strong reducing agents, concluded that it was respiratory in function. Griffiths * briefly states that on boiling with mineral acids echinochrome is transformed into hemochromogen, hematoporphyrin, and sulphuric acid, indicating a relation to hemoglobin. I separated the cells from about 50 c.c. of the perivisceral fluid of Arbacia and mixed them with sea water to form 50 c.c. This suspen- sion of cells, and 50 c.c. of sea water as a control, were exhausted under an air pump for six hours, during the last half hour at practically water vapor tension. While in the vacuum, the cells must have exerted a reducing action on the pigment if it can be reduced. Each was then shaken with air for thirty minutes in closed apparatus. The suspension of cells had absorbed 1.25 c.c. of air and the control only 0.8 c.c., at atmospheric pressure. The volume of oxygen used in oxidations in the cells during the shaking was probably partly replaced by CO: given off by them, but the difference of about half a cubic centimetre does not demonstrate conclusively that the pigment combined with oxygen. Under somewhat similar conditions dogfish blood absorbed many times as much air as the perivesceral fluid of Arbacia. The migration of the chromatophores in the egg is evidently not always in the direction of greater oxygen concentration, but whether it is ever a chemotropism toward oxygen I was unable to determine. 32 GRIFFITHS: Comptes rendus, 1892, Cxill, p. 410. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 269 In 1908 I observed movements of the chromatophores in the eggs of Arbacia punctulata. As Roux had caused a whitening of the catho- dal pole of the frog’s egg by passing an electric current through it, I tried in 1909 and again in rg1o to move the chromatophores of the Arbacia egg with the electric current. I observed that in the unfer- tilized egg the chromatophores are distributed throughout the cyto- plasm, but after the egg is fertilized or stimulated artificially the chromatophores migrate to the surface.* Harvey ™ says that the pigment comes to the surface within ten minutes after fertilization, but I found that this process sometimes required half an hour, by which time the cleavage spindle had formed. At each cleavage chromatophores sink into the cleavage furrows of the blastomeres. Just before the micromeres are formed the chroma- tophores move along the surface of the blastomeres, away from the micromere pole of the egg, so that after the resulting cleavage the micromeres are practically free from pigment. Under abnormal con- ditions there is a great massing of pigment in the cleavage furrow or other regions of the surface or in the interior of the egg. The sinking of pigment into the cleavage furrows and its retreat from the micro- mere pole are probably due to surface tension changes as discussed above, and perhaps the abnormal massing of pigment at one portion of the surface is due to a local increase in surface tension. ‘““Membrane-forming” and parthenogenetic agents, even in concen- trations too low to produce membranes or segmentation, cause the pigment to come to the surface. If a few normal unfertilized eggs are kept in a relatively large amount of sea water protected from evap- oration, and oxygen is very abundant, it appears that there is more pigment at the surface after twelve or more hours than at the begin- ning of the experiment, but disintegration commences before all the pigment has reached the surface. In an oxygen vacuum this did not seem to occur. The pigment may all come to the surface in a stream of washed hydrogen, but this may be caused by some impurity. Fischel,® observing similar movements of pigment in the egg of Arbacia pustulosa, concluded that the pigment was repelled by the asters according to the forces described by Rhumbler as moving °8 McCLENDon: Science, 1900, XXX, Pp. 454. ** HARVEY: Journal of experimental zodlogy, 1910, viii, p. 355. %° FiscHeL: Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik, 1906, xxii, pp. 526-541. 270 J. F. McClendon. granules toward or away from asters in the cytoplasm.*® Biitschli and Rhumbler have shown how the contraction of an area in a foam struc- ture causes aster-like radiations around it, and Rhumbler has shown that such radiations to a limited extent may occur around a rigid sphere inserted into a foam or alveolar structure. Rhumbler assumes that the concentration of the alveolar wall substance would increase its surface tension, and that this increase toward the centre of the aster would reduce the thickness of those alveolar walls perpendicular to the astral rays, both of which assumptions have no facts of which I am aware to support them,. On them rests Rhumbler’s explanation of the movement of granules away from asters. However, if those bodies which seem to be repelled by asters (chro- matophores of Arbacia eggs, yolk platelets of frog’s eggs) lie within or are larger than the largest alveoles, as I have observed to be the case, aster formation might explain their repulsion. Rhumbler’s theoretical asters were made of a central body and of alveoles of a uniform size. If the alveoles were of different sizes, the largest ones would seek the periphery of the aster. Isectioned eggs that had been so treated artificially that all of the pigment came to the surface but no segmentation occurred, and found no asters, though perhaps asters had formed and disappeared. After the passage of an electric current of a certain density and duration through unfertilized eggs, some of them have their pigment more abundant toward their cathodal surfaces. If the current exceed a certain density, one by one the chromatophores toward the anodal surface of the egg lose their pigment suddenly. When the current was slowly and carefully increased just to the density required to change the distribution of the pigment, no loss of pigment by the chromatophores toward the anode could be observed, but it is mechan- ically impossible to watch every chromatophore in the anodal region of one egg. I found it possible to observe a single chromatophore for a long time, and attempted, by noting its distance from the anodal sur- face of the egg, to record its movements. Each time this observation was attempted the chromatophore appeared to move, but its move- ment was not constant in direction, and a considerable migration in any one direction was not observed, except rarely in case the chro- 86 RHUMBLER: Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik, 1806, iii, p. 527; 1890, ix, pp. 32 and 63. On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 275 matophore was very near the surface. In this exceptional case the chromatophore moved along the surface, toward the cathode, which - movement was probably due to surface tension changes. In the egg just taken from the ovary the chromatophores are slightly more nu- merous near the surface than in the interior, and when the current is passed, this difference is increased. The passage of the current causes the anodal surface of the egg to spread (the increased differ- ence of potential between the two sides of the surface reducing the surface tension), sometimes carrying the more superficial chromato- phores along the surface toward the cathode. This is not a cataphore- sis of the chromatophores, since they do not go in the direction of the current, but is due to surface tension changes, and is therefore a secondary effect of the current. Fearing that the high viscosity of the cytoplasm might interfere with the movement of the chromatophores by electric convection, I centrifuged both fertilized and unfertilized eggs until the pigment was massed at one pole of each, and passed the current through solu- tions containing them. No orientation of the eggs to the potential gradient occurred. I then tried to move the perivisceral fluid cells, which are practically masses of chromatophores, by means of the electric current, but my apparatus did not exclude all sources of error, and this experiment was reserved for another season. The pigment may be caused to leave the chromatophores in these cells by the elec- tric current or by chemicals, to which agents these cells are much less sensitive than are the eggs. We have, then, no evidence that the chromatophores are electrically charged. Harvey *’ attempted to explain my observation that the chroma- tophores come to the surface at the beginning of the development of the egg, by assuming that there is a positive charge over the surface of the egg until the commencement of development, when the surface becoming permeable to anions causes a potential gradient between the surface and centre of the egg. He further assumed that the chro- matophores are charged negatively and migrate in the potential gradient. His evidence for the existence of the positive charge over the surface of the unfertilized egg of Arbacia punctulata is the fact that it is not 37 HarvEY: Science, 1909, XXX, p. 604. 272 J. F, McClendon. always spherical when it leaves the ovary. His evidence for the loss of the charge is the fact that this egg rounds up more rapidly when it is fertilized than when it is left in sea water without sperm. His evi- dence for the negative charge on the chromatophores is the fact that they come to the surface after development commences. My observations indicate that the plasma membrane of the unfer- tilized egg is less permeable to anions than to cations, which would cause the appearance of the positive charge over the surface provided some electrolyte whose undissociated molecules could not easily pass the membrane was more concentrated in the egg than in the sea water, or was produced with sufficient rapidity within the egg. Carbon diox- ide might be this substance. However, my observations seem to indi- cate that the permeability of the egg is increased suddenly (in less than five minutes) on fertilization, in which case the positive charge over the surface would be lost suddenly, and if the ions within the egg were free to move, the potential gradient would be of momentary duration, whereas the chromatophores require from ten to thirty minutes to come to the surface. Before Harvey made this hypothesis I had attempted, as described above, to move the chromatophores by inducing a potential gradient, in order to determine whether they were electrically charged. Harvey has yet to prove that they are charged, and furthermore that they are negative, and that the poten- tial gradient is of sufficient intensity and duration to move them to the surface. I do not wish to be considered an opponent of his hypothesis, but am merely searching for facts. Garbowski observed chroma- tophores move toward the centrosomes. ON THE CONTENTS OF THE ‘“‘ PERIVITELLINE”’ SPACE. The assumption has been made by several observers that there exists a colloid between the fertilization membrane and the egg. Here the question arises, what is meant by the surface of the egg? The “‘hy- aline plasma layer,” or ‘‘Verbindungsschicht,” which forms before the first cleavage, is considered by some as part of the egg and by others as a ‘‘membrane”’ outside of the egg. In this section I will not include the hyaline layer in speaking of the egg, as under these experi- mental conditions the surface of the hyaline layer (if such had formed) On the Dynamics of Cell Division. 273 could not usually be distinguished, 7. e., the presence of this layer could not be ascertained. When an electric current is passed through the egg of Arbacia punc- tulata having a “‘pushed-out”’ fertilization membrane, the latter is bulged out toward the cathode, and the egg moved in the opposite direction and pressed against the anodal portion of this membrane. When the current ceases, the egg returns to the centre of the “peri- vitelline space.” I first thought that this was caused by anodal elec- tric convection of the egg, due to confined anions, but sometimes the fertilization membrane bursts at its anodal pole and the egg passes out, and should on this hypothesis continue its migration toward the anode. But as soon as the egg is free from the fertilization membrane it stops its migration, even though floating in a fluid of equal specific gravity. Perhaps an invisible colloid having a positive charge fills the perivitelline space, and its migration toward the cathode pushes the egg in the opposite direction. Loeb postulated a colloid in the perivitelline space as exerting an osmotic pressure which pushed out the fertilization membrane. This may be true, but. the membrane must harden in the expanded condi- tion, for if it is burst by passage of the electric current or other means it does not collapse, but remains spherical unless distorted by violence. When the electric current causes bulging of the fertilization mem- brane, the perivitelline space exhibits fine striations radially to the egg or parallel to the current lines. Schiicking, Goldschmidt and Popoff, Herbst, and others have described striations or fibres in the peri- vitelline space, or around the fertilized egg, including the spaces between the early blastomeres, usually under abnormal conditions. These striations are probably due to tension of the colloid filling the perivitelline space (including the hyaline plasma layer or “Verbindungsschicht’’). THE ACTION OF PARTHENOGENETIC AGENTS ON THE PLASMA MEMBRANE. Salts, acids, alkalis, shaking and thermal or electric changes might alter the aggregation state of the colloids of the plasma membrane. Fat solvents, alkaloids, glucosides, blood sera, soap and bile salts Av. 274 J. F, McClendon. might alter the aggregation state of the colloids, especially lipoids of the plasma membrane. Lillie *® found that pure solutions of sodium salts were effective as parthenogenetic agents in the following series arranged according to the anions: Cl POLUME BF IQII-12 mow 6K ORK CIY CONTENTS Being reprints of studies issued in 1911 and 1912. 1. THE FATE OF OVARIAN TISSUES WHEN PLANTED ON DIF- FERENT ORGANS. By Charles R. Stockard. Arch, f. Entw.-Mech., Vol. XXXII, 297-307 and 3 plates. 2. THE RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS. By Jeremiah §S. Ferguson. Anat. Record, Vol. V, 249-260 and 10 figures. 3. THE APPLICATION OF THE SILVER IMPREGNATION METHOD OF BIELSCHOWSKY TO RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES. By Jeremiah S. Ferguson. Am. Jour. Anat., Vol. XII, 277-296 and 13 figures. 4. A PRELIMINARY NOTE ON THE RELATION OF NORMAL LIVING CELLS TO THE EXISTING THEORIES OF THE HISTOGENESIS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. By Jeremiah §. Ferguson. Biol. Bull., Vol. XXI, 272-279 and 2 figures. 5. ON THE STROMA OF THE PROSTATE GLAND, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO ITS CONNECTIVE TISSUE FIBERS. By Jeremiah S. Ferguson. Anat. Record, Vol. V, 541-546 and 1 plate. 6. THE TEACHING OF VISCERAL ANATOMY, OR ORGANOLOGY. By Jeremiah S. Ferguson. Jour. A.M.A., Vol. LVI, 1544-1546. 7, DUODENAL DIVERTICULA IN MAN. By Wesley M. Baldwin. Anat. Record, Vol. V, 121-140 and 4 plates. 8. THE PANCREATIC DUCTS IN MAN, TOGETHER WITH A STUDY OF THE MICROSCOPICAL STRUCTURE OF THE MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA. By Wesley M. Baldwin. Anat, Record, Vol. V, 197-228 and 12 figures. 9. A METHOD OF FURNISHING A CONTINUOUS SUPPLY OF NEW MEDIUM TO A TISSUE CULTURE IN VITRO. By Montrose T. Burrows. Anat. Record, Vol. VI, 141-144. to. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE NORMAL AND PATHO- LOGICAL THYROID GLAND OF FISH. By J. F. Gudernatsch. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, Vol., XXII, May, 1911. Ir. HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN. By J. F. Gudernatsch. Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. XI, 267-278 and 7 figures, $ plates, ine 14. 15. rz 19. . EIN FALL VON HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS HOMINIS. By J. F. Gudernatsch. Verh. des VIII, Internat. Zool. Kongress zu Gratz, 570-574. THE OSMOTIC AND SURFACE TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS AND ‘THEIR PHYSIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE By J. F. McClendon. Biol, Bull., Vol. XXII, 113-162. AN ATTEMPT TOWARDS THE PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY OF. THE PRODUCTION OF ONE-EYED MONSTROSITIES. By J. F. McClendon. Am. Jour. Physiol. Vol., XXIX., 289-297. THE INCREASED PERMEABILITY OF STRIATED MUSCLE TO IONS DURING CONTRACTION. By J. F. McClendon. Am. Jour. Physiol., Vol. XXIX, 302-305. . DYNAMICS OF CELL DIVISION—III. ARTIFICIAL PARTHENO- GENESIS IN VERTEBRATES. By J. F. McClendon. e Am. Jour., of Physiol., Vol. XXIX, 298-301. HOW DO ISOTONIC SODIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTIONS AND OTHER PARTHENOGENIC AGENTS INCREASE OXIDA- TION IN THE SEA URCHIN StEGG: By J. F. McClendon. Jour. of Biol. Chem., Vol. X, 459-473. . A NOTE ON THE DYNAMICS OF CELL DIVISION. A REPLY TO ROBERTSON. By J. F. McClendon. Arch, f. Entw.-Mech., Vol. XXXIII, 263-266. EIN VERSUCH, AMOBOIDE BEWEGUNG ALS FOLGEERSCHEI- NUNG DES WECHSELNDEN ELEKTRISCHEN POLAR- ISATIONSZUSTANDES DER PLASMAHAUT ZU _ ER- KLAREN. By J. F. McClendon. Arch. f. die ges, Physiologie, Bd. 140, 271-280. The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. By Charles R. Stockard, Cornell Medical School, New York City, U.S.A. With 2 figures in text and Plates XI—XIII. Eingegangen am 20. Januar 1911. It is a well known fact as has been shown in the case of the ovary and thyreoid that an entire organ may be transplanted from one individual to another without discontinuing to grow or function. GuTHRIE and CasTLe have found that fowls and guinea pigs with transplanted ovaries may ovulate and reproduce in an entirely normal manner. MEISENHEIMER has conducted a most elaborate and beauti- ful series of experiments to show that although the sex glands may easily be transplanted from one to the other sex in caterpillars yet the moths into which these caterpillars metamorphose show the typical secondary sexual characters of their original sex, not being affected by secretions from the transplanted bodies. All of these experiments indicate that there is no antagonistic action towards the organs of a different individual, even of the opposite sex, when planted into the body of another individual of the same species of animal. Yet we seem to face a different proposition when considering — the transplantation of portions of organs or tissues from one animal to another. In most cases such pieces of organs or tissues live and may actually grow for a time but invariably they cease to grow and finally disappear entirely. In this way normal tissues differ from malignant growths which continue to grow sometimes even more actively after transplantation. The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. 299 It is also true, and I think a point of importance, that the ability of a tissue transplant to live and grow depends largely upon the kind of tissue on which it is planted. The indiscriminate in- jections of tissue emulsions and tissue pulps of both adult and embryonic tissue as sometimes used in the experimental study of cancer, are most unreliable and rarely give results owing to the hit and miss method employed. All tissue transplants must be care- fully made and a circulation established by grafting in minute blood vessels, before deductions are to be drawn from the reactions which follow. It is evident that if the transplant is not properly nourished during the first hours or days it will begin to undergo degenerative changes which will in all cases effect its future behavior. With these points in view the questions arise: First, do certain transplanted tissues survive equally well when planted on any organ, or do they survive longer and better on certain organs than on others (provided of course that the attachment and circulation is equally good in all cases)? Secondly, if they do survive better on certain organs what relationship exists between the tissues and these organs and what is the cause of their better survival ? Leo Logs and Appison showed a few years ago that when guinea pig tissue was planted into other species of animals and into other guinea pigs, that the tissue always grew better in guinea pigs than in any other animal; and it was further indicated that the tissue survived for a shorter time the more distantly related was the species into which it was transplanted. Thus, as might have been expected there is a specific reaction on the part of the body of an animal to the transplanted tissues of other species of animals. . The present experiments, although of a preliminary nature, bear upon the question of a resistance or antagonism between the tissues of one organ and those of another in either the same indi- vidual or other individuals of the same species. And also the further question, of antagonism between different tissues, or different cells, in similar organs. The animals used in these experiments were guinea pigs and the common salamander Diemyctylus viridescens. The tissue chosen for transplantation was that of the ovary since it is composed of Wo so entirely different classes of cells, the stroma tissue and the erm cells or ova, and further as an organ is so interestingly related the testis of the male. Pieces of the ovary of guinea pigs were 20* 300 Charles R. Stockard transplanted into the testis and into the body wall and liver tusses . of the male. They lived better when planted into the testicle and here the artificially established circulation seemed more efficient than in other organs. Nevertheless, all of the experiments with ten guinea pigs were unsatisfactory since in no cases did the trans- planted tissue live sufficiently long or well to allow valid comparisons. Ripsert, Luparscu, Levin, LOEB and others have all had similar experiences in transplanting the tissues of mammals. The tissues may grow for a short while but soon stop and ultimately all dis- appear. Inflamatory conditions are also commonly produced in the guinea pigs if not operated upon with great care. With the salamanders the experiments were much more satis- factory, the ovarian tissue is easily transplanted and grows and lives for several months, in many of the cases, and undergoes changes so slowly and uniformly as to permit careful study and comparisons. Thirty individuals were employed in the experiments and por- tions of ovary in various degrees of maturity were planted on the liver, lungs, kidney, stomach and body wall of the same individual and on the testis, stomach, kidney, body wall, lungs and liver of male salamanders. The ovarian tissue grew equally well on similar organs of the male as upon those of the female, showing that there -s no marked individual reaction against the tissues of other spe- cimens, even though of the opposite sex. The most favorable of all transplants, as will be considered below, was that of ovary tissue on the testis. The transplanted tissue in all cases was carefully attached to the new organ with the finest silk or gut fibre suture and neigh- boring blood vessels were dissected out and embedded within and around the tissue, the entire operation being performed under the binocular microscope. The blood vessels in almost every case readily sent out branches and supplied the new tissue. Ovarian tissue on the testis. The tissue from the ovary, as stated above, was most persistant — and successful in its growth when planted upon the testis. A portion of the ovary containing ova or germinal epithelium and stroma tissue was planted in a pocket or slit cut in the testis, a branch of the spermatic artery was carefully dissected loose and placed around the ovarian mass which was fastened to the testicle by a silk or The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. 301 gut-fibre suture. Ten such operations were entirely successful. The ovarian piece was well nourished and the ova continued to grow, in most cases each ovum having a plexus of capil- laries about it as is shown in the camera drawings -(Figs. 1 and 2). After forty-one days the entire plant is in an apparently normal condi- tion (Figs. 1 and 2). There are no indications of de- generation in either the egg cells or stroma (PI. XI, Fig. 1). At no time does there seem to be a ten- dency for the cells of the testicular stroma to mi- grate in, or replace the ovarian stroma cells. The separation between the A camera drawing showing part of an ovary planted on the testis of a salamander 41 days after the operation. 0 Ova, all well supplied by capillaries indicated in black lines; C scars resulting from the cuts made during the operation. testicular and ovarian tissue remains distinct. As will be mentioned The same specimen shown from the opposite side. The heavy lines indicate the rich supply of blood vessels, be, below, this is in contrast to the reaction of other tissues to the Ovarian transplant (see Figs. 2 and 4, Plates XI and XII). The egg cells seem to be unable to continue their growth as 302 . Charles R. Stockard they are highly laden with yolk and need certain conditions for their maturation and further multiplication or development, The yolk granules then begin to loosen apart, and later globules are formed by the fusion of groups of granules, these globules become scattered throughout the ovarian tissue as is seen by comparing transplants of different ages (Plate XII, Figs. 3 and 4, and Plate XIII, Figs.6 and 7). These globules persist for as long as seven months and might for much longer. It thus seems that the stroma cells do not tend to appropriate yolk bodies as food. This inability of these cells to use yolk as food, or to absorb it, is necessary that the egg cells may have an opportunity to accumulate or form yolk in the presence of the stroma tissue. Yolk granules disappear much earlier in ovarian transplants on other organs since the cells of these organs migrate into the ovarian piece and dissolve or absorb the yolk grains. After the dissipation of the yolk, as for example, in a seven months’ transplant (Plate XUI, Figs. 6 and 7) the ova cells can no longer be distinguished, the entire piece seems of the stroma cell type with yolk globules scattered through the tissue. In rare cases, however, masses of yolk globules are localized and probably re- present the persistant remains of an egg cell (Plate XII, Fig. 3). The pigment granules of the egg are lost and cannot be identified in the old plants. The ovarian stroma persists and is well preserved in the trans- plants of seven months’ duration. They would doubtless have lasted much longer if specimens could have been kept after this time. It appears then, that there is little antagonistic response between two such organs as the ovary and testis and that the tissues of these organs do not tend to replace or destroy one another, thus they may live and grow side by side. The ova persist perfectly for one or two months and then undergo retrogressive changes probably on account of having passed the period at which they should have matured or undergone some important modification. The stroma of the ovary, however, is not attacked by the testicular stroma and may survive in an apparently perfect condition for longer than seven months, which is as far as the observations extended. Ovarian transplants on all other organs had entirely disappeared — long before, neither the ova or stroma being able to exist in contact with the tissue cells of such organs. The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. 303 Ovarian tissue on the liver. Ovarian tissue when planted on the liver with a blood supply established persists longer than on any other organ except as dis- cussed above on the testis. The ovarian tissue persists equally well on the liver of the same individual or on that of a male of the same species of salamander. In no case out of fifteen successful trans- plants on the liver did the blood vessels branch and supply the ovarian piece so efficiently as did the branches of the spermatic artery. This was due to the fact that no artery of the liver could be so nicely placed about the piece as could the spermatic of the testis. The circulation of the liver-plant, however, was very good and easily sufficient to have supplied the piece as was shown by the length of time it persisted. The difference in circulation does not account for the earlier fate of the ovarian piece on the liver, but this difference was due to the different way in which the liver tissue or cells themselves reacted to the strange tissue. While there was no tendency on the part of the testicular stroma to encroach upon the ovarian tissue and replace its cells by wandering testicular cells, the liver very soon reacted in such a manner. The ova and stroma cells lived well on the liver for several weeks though they did not grow very much. After this time, how- ever, the cells of the liver had encroached and migrated into the ovarian tissue apparently replacing and destroying the tissue before it. The ovarian piece decreases in size and the ova gradually loose their yolk and finally themselves disappear. Fig. 2, Plate XI and Fig. 4, Plate XII show an ovarian piece planted upon the liver; it will be noticed that the liver tissue extends into the ovarian part and many liver cells have migrated far into the transplant, the typical pigment spots of the liver are seen in the ovarian graft in Fig. 4, Plate XII. These figures are photographs of a 42 day trans- _ plant and may be compared with Fig. 1 Plate XI which is a trans- _ plant of about equal duration on the testis. Transplanted on the liver the ova show all indications of de- generation and breaking down while on the testis they are in a normal healthy condition. The large blood vessel, bv, at the base of the transplant on the liver as well as smaller vessels shown in the sections of the transplanted tissue would indicate that the piece was sufficiently nourished and did not degenerate on account of a poor blood supply. 304 Charles R. Stockard The liver cells, then, show a kind of antagonistic action against — the ovarian tissue which is not shown by the cells of the testis. This we may speak of as the antagonism between two different organs or the antagonism between tissues of different organs. A more pronounced antagonism, mentioned before as shown by Leo LOEB for transplanted tissues and well known from many haemolysis ex- periments, is that which exists between the tissues or parts of animals of different species, specific antagonism. Ovarian tissue on lung, kidney, stomach and body wall. Pieces of ovary planted upon the lungs, kidney, stomach or body wall of the same or of another individual often live for a short time before being absorbed but usually disappear within a week or ten days after the experiment, only three out of more than fifty such transplants lived as long as 45 days. These three were almost completely replaced and would have soon disappeared. A fair circulation may be established for the transplant on any of these organs, yet the ovarian tissues seem unable to maintain themselves in such an environment and both ova and stroma begin to degenerate and are readily replaced or absorbed by the cells and tissues of the supporting organ. It is difficult, from the observations at hand, to state whether or not certain of these organs are more antagonistic to ovarian tissue than others. The wall of the stomach is an unfavorable place to make a transplant, but the body wall would seem favor- able since a good circulation is easily obtained, yet the tissue readily breaks down and disappears in either place. Transplants on or within the delicate lung tissue often break away but do not thrive even when successfully made, and pieces of ovary on the kidneys readily disappear. Summary and Conclusions. From these experiments on thirty salamanders it would seem that the behavior or fate of transplanted tissues depends largely upon the nature of the organ upon which the tissue is transplanted. Ovarian tissue grows and lives incomparably better when trans- planted upon the testis than upon any other of the body organs experimented upon. The next most favorable ground for this tissue was upon the liver, although here the liver cells soon begin to encroach upon the The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. 305 ovarian mass replacing and absorbing its cells. On other organs the ovarian tissue undergoes degeneration and absorption within a very limited time. . Ovarian tissue planted upon the testis persisted with the stroma in good condition for more than seven months. On the liver ovarian tissue was found still to contain ova and stroma after more than 45 days. While on the body wall, lungs, kidney and wall of the stomach the tissue disappears within about two weeks, only three indications, in more than fifty such transplants, were found after 45 days and these had almost disappeared. It is very important, therefore, to realize that there is a marked difference between the reactions of certain tissues to others, and all transplants should be made in the most careful manner between organs of as near as possible a similar type. The introduction of mixtures or emulsions of adult or embryonic tissue into different parts of the body is a very unreliable method and one likely to give most contradictory results, depending upon the proportion of certain tissues present which successfully plant, and upon the organ of the host into which the tissues are placed or happen to reach. Just as there is a specific reaction between the tissues of an- imals of different species which tends to prevent the growth of foreign tissue when planted in their bodies, there seems to be, from this preliminary series of experiments, a reaction between the tis- sues of different organs of the same or different individuals which causes transplanted tissue to exist to better advantage on one, usu- ally a more closely similar organ, than on another. Zusammenfassung und SchluBfolgerungen, Nach den vorstehenden Versuchen an 30 Salamandern hiingt das Verhalten oder das Schicksal transplantierter Gewebe anscheinend weitgehend von der Natur des Organs ab, auf welches sie transplantiert wurden. Ovarialgewebe wiichst und lebt bei Transplantation auf den Hoden unvergleichlich viel besser, als auf irgend einem andern der in den Versuchen gewiihiten Kirperorgane. Den nichstgiinstigsten Grund fiir dieses Gewebe stellte die Leber dar, ob- gleich hier schon die Leberzellen auf die Ovarialmasse iiberzugreifen und deren Zellen zu ersetzen und zu absorbieren anfangen. Auf andern Organen unterliegt _ das Ovarialgewebe bereits innerhalb einer sehr beschrinkten Zeit der Entartung und Absorption. Auf den Hoden iiberpflanztes Ovarialgewebe erhielt sich mit dem Stroma mehr als 7 Monate lang in guter Verfassung. Auf der Leber fand sich Kier- Stockgewebe noch nach mehr als 45 Tagen im Besitz von Eiern und Stroma. 206 Charles R. Stockard Wiihrend auf der Kérperwand, den Lungen, den Nieren und der Bauchwand das Gewebe ungefiihr im Laufe zweier Wochen zu verschwinden pflegt, fanden sich im ganzen zweimal Anzeichen desselben, unter mehr als 50 derartigen Trans- plantationen, nach 45 Tagen, und auch diese bereits im Verschwinden begriffen. Es ist daher sehr wichtig, festzustellen, da hier ausgeprigte Unterschiede in den Reaktionen gewisser Gewebe auf andre bestehen, und alle Transplan- tationen sollten daher so sorgfiiltig als méglich zwischen Organen von miglichst nahestehendem Typus vorgenommen werden. Die Einfiihrung erwachsener oder embryonaler Gewebe in Gestalt von Mixturen und Emulsionen in verschiedene Teile des Kirpers ist eine sehr unzuverliissige Methode, geeignet, zu ganz widersprechenden Ergebnissen zu fiihren und abhiingig von dem Vorhandensein eines entsprechenden Betrages erfolgreich iiberpflanzbarer Gewebe, endlich von dem Organe des Wirts, in welches die Einpflanzung stattfindet, oder welches sie zufillig erreichen. P Gerade so, wie es eine spezifische Reaktion zwischen den Geweben ver- schiedenartiger Tiere gibt, welche das Wachstum eingepflanzten fremdartigen Gewebes zu verhindern strebt, so scheint nach dieser vorliufigen Versuchsreihe auch zwischen den Geweben verschiedenartiger Organe desselben oder verschie- dener Individuen eine Reaktion zu bestehen, welche einem transplantierten Gewebe vorteilhaftere Existenzbedingungen auf einem, gewdhnlich einem niiher verwandten, Organ verschafft, als auf einem andern. (Ubersetzt von W. Gebhardt, d. 6. II. 1911.) Literature cited, CastiE, W. E., On the Nature of Mendelian Factors. Read before Am. Soc. of Naturalists. 1909. Gururin, ©. C., Further Results of Transplantation of Ovaries in Chickens. Journ. Exp. Zool. V. 1908. Levin, L., Cell Proliferation under Pathological Conditions with especial Refer- ence to the Etiology of Tumors. Journ. Med. Research. VI. 1901. Logs, L., und Appison, W. H. F., Beitriige zur Analyse des Gewebewachstums. Il. Transplantation der Haut des Meerschweinchens in Tiere verschiedener Species. Archiv f. Entw.-Mech. XXVII. 1909. MEISENHEIMER, J., Experimentelle Studien zur Soma- und Geschlechtsdifferen- zierung. Erster Beitrag. Jena, Fischer, 1909. Rous, P., Comparison of Conditions that Regulate the Growth of Transplanted Tumor and Transplanted Embryo. Journ. Am. Med. Assoc. LIV. 1910. Explanation of Plates, All figures are microphotographs of sections through transplants of ovarian tissue of various ages upon the testis and liver of the male salamander, Die- myctylus viridescens. Plate XI. Fig. 1. A 41 days old ovarian graft upon the epididymal end of the’ testis. The ova and ovarian stroma are still in normal condition. Ov ovary, Ep Epididymis. Pi Grohe ee, es oe The Fate of Ovarian Tissues when planted on different Organs. 307 Fig. 2. An ovarian mass of about the same age planted on the liver. The two sections are equally magnified and it is noted that the ovarian parts planted on the liver are much reduced the ova being very small and almost all of the yolk of the egg cells has been lost. Ov ovary, Li liver. Plate XII. : Fig. 3. A highly magnified section of ovarian tissue after seven months exis- tance on the testis. An ovum, 0, is shown in which the yolk granules have massed into globules. Fig. 4. A higher magnification of the portion of ovary shown in Fig. 2 plate XI which has been planted upon the liver of a male for 42 days. The liver cells and liver pigment are shown to be encroaching upon the ovarian mass. © ova, bv large blood vessel at the base of the transplanted tissue. Compare the ova, 0, with that of the seven month transplant in Fig. 3. Plate XIIT. Fig. 5. A portion of ovary, ov, that has been living for seven months upon the testis, Hp. All of the ova have disappeared but the stroma is still in good condition. Fig. 6. A higher magnification of the section of ovary in Fig.5. Seattered throughout the stroma are seen yolk globules, y, which represent the remains of the once large egg cells. Fig. 7. A highly magnified section from another specimen of ovary after seven months upon a testis. Here also the yolk globules, y, are scattered through the stroma. ~~ ‘ ey hog fi ar sts Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanik. Bd. XXXII. Stockard. Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig. Archiv fur Stockard. “SRE, Fre ~~ ee tes >> oe Verlag von Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig. Archiv fiir Entwicklungsmechanth. Ba. XX XAT. Co eel oes es ras | Verlag von Wilhe Stockard Si) Sad dd ee oe es “% a . ie — eee. eg ” ngelmann in Leipzig. ¥ a w , an: bend ve z \ 5s ay == 3 eC’ ne — : ; ea ae ‘ ’ i] ‘ - - ss ’ rae i ‘ i ~ * = t = - eT | Reprinted from THE AnatomicaL Recorp, VoL. 5, No.5 May, 1911 THE RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS JEREMIAH 8. FERGUSON Cornell University Medical College, New York City TEN FIGURES The silver impregnation method of Bielschowsky' in its newest form has with some modifications been applied to the study of tissues other than those of the nervous system for the staining of whose neurofibrils it was originally devised. Maresh? and Studnicka? seem to have been the first to appreciate its wider applicability. Levi‘ slightly modified the method for use with connective tissues, and his publication stimulated various Italian observers to a study of the collaginous and reticular tissues in a considerable variety of organs. Ciaccio, Cesa- Bianchi, Alagna, Balabio, Favaro, and others have put forward such publications, and the method has been shown to serve as a fairly distinctive stain for the peculiar fibres of reticular tissue. This method applied to nature tissues blackens only the reticular tissue and shows beautifully its distribution. The inequality in the distribution of the lymphocytes in lym- phatic glands with formation of denser areas is well known. The areas of great density are: 1, the cortex as compared with the medulla; 2, the follicles; 3, the cords. The increased density of the cortex is not solely due to the presence of follicles within it, for the intervening areas are of greater density than much of the medulla. In the follicles the periphery is of greater density than the central portion. This is due to the presence of the 1Bielschowsky and Pollack, Neurol. Centralbl., 1904, Bd. 23, 387. 2Centralbl, f. allg. Path., 1905, Bd. 16, 641. *Studnicka, F. K, Zeitschr. f. wis. Mik., 1906, Bd. 23, 414. ‘Levi, G., Monitore Zool. Ital., 1907, Anno. 18, 290. 249 250 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON germinal centers of Flemming. In the medulla the leucocytes in the cords are densely packed as compared with those in the intervening sinuses. While the facts regarding the crowding of leucocytes have been generally recognized, the somewhat simi- lar distribution of the reticulum has not been so frequently ob- served. Silver blackened sections of lymphatic glands show that the reticulum, like the lymphocytes, is crowded at certain points. The denser areas are found in the cortex, the medullary cords, at the periphery of the follicles, and about the blood-vessels and trabecula. The condensation of reticulum beneath the cap- sule on the borders of the peripheral sinus, and at the boundary line between the cords and trabecula on the one hand and the cortical and medullary sinuses on the other, is so pronounced as to form a distinct membrane. Of two comparable areas it often happens that the denser the lymphoid cells the denser the reticulum. Thus, the reticulum of the cortex is denser than that of the medulla, that at the periphery of a follicle is denser than in its center, that of the medullary cords is coarser and often denser than that of the sinuses: of course so general a rule is not without exceptions, notably in that the cortical tissue between the follicles is frequently provided with a very dense and firm reticulum. Ciaccio® has already called attention to the increased density of the reticulum in the periphery of the follicle as compared with the broad meshes and secant fibres of the germinal centers. This perifollicular plexus of Ciaccio is very characteristic. It consists of course fibres arranged to form peculiar lozenged-shape meshes. Ciaccio states that in the active follicles of the spleen and lym- phatic glands the intrafollicular network is rare, while in the inactive it is nearly as dense as the perifollicular plexus. One must however call attention to the possible error resulting from the examination of sections whose vlanes pass through only the peripheral portions of certain follicles (fig. 2). In such cases the apparently active follicles show a dense network throughout a considerable portion of their diameter but this net is obviously 5Anat. Anz., 1907, Bd. 31, 594. RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS DA All figures, unless otherwise stated, were drawn with the aid of the Edinger projection apparatus and the magnification accurately measured. All sections from which figures were made had been stained by the method of Bielschowsky. Fig. 1 Follicles at the periphery of a lymphatic gland of a dog. Aod. P.., adventitial plexus; Pf.P., perifollicular plexus; S. M., subcapsular membranes. x 200, reduced } in reproduction. © ty WS = 8 PesdeaSer cts Pos f pee “se Cases Z : cy... eet 2 fe, y= en Se Fig. 2 Two adjacent follicles in the cortex of a lymphatic gland of man. The section passes only through the surface of the follicles and apparently shows a dense intrafollicular plexus which is, however, in reality a surface view of the perifollicular plexus. The coarseness and density of the plexus is apparent on comparison with the intrafollicular plexus shown in fig. 1. XX 256, reduced } in reproduction. 252 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON that of the peripheral plexus, the germinal center lying outside the plane of the section. This is clearly shown in many of my sections both in the lymphatic glands and in the intestine, spleen and other lymphoid organs. The intrafollicular plexus of a lymphatic nodule rarely approaches the density of the perifol- licular, and some of those whose intrafollicular plexus showed the closest net have been follicles which in axial section showed a very distinct germinal center of Flemming. Ciaecio (loc. cit.) has also called attention to the perivaseni adventitial plexus of reticulum occurring in lymphoid organs. I can corroborate his observations in so far as I find that such an adventitial plexus surrounds all of the vessels within the lympha- tic gland (figs. 1, 6 and 7). I desire to call attention, however, to two other plexuses which have not hitherto been described as formed by the reticular fibres. These plexuses are often so dense as to form reticular membranes; they are found, the one, peri- cordal, limiting the surface of the medullary cords and so forming a wall for the lymphatic sinuses of the medulla, ‘and the other a double membrane, the subcapsular, at the surface of the gland beneath the capsule where it forms limiting walls for the peri- pheral lymphatic sinuses. A closer examination of the peripheral sinuses shows that throughout a considerable portion of their extent they lie between two distinct membranes of pure reticulum against which the endothelium is applied. The outer subcapsular membrane (O.S.M., fig. 3) is in contact with the capsule and its fibres to some extent intertwine with the innermost collaginous fibres of the capsule. Here and there, especially where it passes from the surface of the capsule to the trabecula, the outer subcapsular membrane may be partially detached from the collaginous tissue upon which it elsewhere lies. At each trabeculum its fibres are continued into the interior as well as upon the surface of the fibrous septum, so that the trabecula contain throughout a con- siderable proportion of reticulum, whereas in the capsule this tissue is confined to the innermost layer of the membrane. The inner of the two subcapsular reticular membranes is formed by a condensation of the reticular network of the cortex of the RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS . 253 trab oS LSM Ee p. | — er ee ae ™~ Sarceg it stl os = SSS NS arte abe, oe 4 = te Vee Cte y Ton \ Trae, Bens Fig. 3 The peripheral sinus and its reticular subcapsular membranes from a lymphatic gland of adog. Cap., capsule of the gland; 7.S.M., inner subcapsular membrane; O.S.M., outer subcapsular membrane; trab., trabeculum. X 229, reduced 2 in reproduction. organ, and since it represents a condensation only, it is as one must expect, much more evident at some points than at others. Here and there it forms an almost continuous line along the cor- tical surface of the organ (I.S.M.., fig. 3) while elsewhere one may find areas where the condensation of reticulum is so slight that in transections a membrane can scarcely be discerned. In the peripheral sinuses, between the two reticular membranes, the reticulum forms a loose network of delicate fibres and very | broad meshes. The fibres of this net become directly continu- ous with those of the reticular membranes. In the medulla a reticular membrane occurs on the surface of each of the cords, where it forms a limiting wall for the medullary lymph sinuses. Certain lympho-glandulae in which the cords are numerous and characteristic show continuous lines of reticu- lar membranes on the surface of each cord (fig. 4). Here and there the inner subcapsular membrane may be reflected inward along the trabecula to become continuous with the pericordal membranes (fig. 5B) so that the peripheral sinus passes directly into the medullary. But more frequently the inner subcapsular membrane is lost in the cortical reticulum in the vicinity of the trabecula, the fibres of the outer wall of the sus pass into the 254 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON Fig. 4 Photomicrograph of two medullary cords of a dog’s lymphatic gland; each is bounded by a distinct pericordal membrane. The small blood-vessels within the cord show well the adventitial plexus. 250,reduced % in reproduc- tion. trabecula and within the gland become frayed out, as it were, the fibres being continuous with those of the cortical reticulum: in this case the peripheral sinus directs its flow of lymph into the dense cortex, through which lymph must percolate in order to reach the medullary lymph sinuses. A third series of reticular membranes is formed about the walls of the blood vessels by the adventitial plexuses of Ciaccio, and similar adventitial or peritrabecular plexuses (pericordonal plexus of Balabio) about the nonvascular as well as the vascular portions RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS 255 of the trabeculae. In the vascular trabecula of the lymphatic glands this plexus forms no part of the wall of artery or vein but lies in the substance and upon the surface of the fibrous trabeculum, the fibres of the plexus being continuous with those Fig. 5 Two views of the pericordal plexus. A, surface view. At the point a, the pericordal plexus is seen in tangential section and shows its membraneous character; at the points b, the same membrane or plexus has been cut in transection. Cd., medullary cord; S, medullary sinus. From a lymphatic gland of a dog. x 400, reduced } in reproduction. B, a portion of the cortex of a lymphatic gland of man, near the hilus. The medullary sinus, S, leads directly from the subcapsular sinus about the trabeculum, T, to the medulla of the gland. Af. Lym., afferent lymphatic; Ef. Lym., efferent lymphatics; Cap. capsule of the gland; V, vein, making its exit through the con- nective tissue of the hilus. The sinuses are bounded by the pericordal plexus. x 60, reduced } in reproduction. of the trabeculum. This is well shown in fig. 6, in which the col- laginous adventitia of the artery and of the lymphatic vessels is seen well within the blackened trabecular reticulum. 256 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON ey ee Fig. 6 The adventitial plexus about the arteries in a vascular trabeculum in the medulla of a lymphatic gland of man. The plexus lies just outside of the tunica adventitia. > 220, reduced 4 in reproduction. Balabio® states (p. 137) that the adventitial plexus of the blood vessels has not the importance in the lymphatic glands that it hasin the spleen. I can verify this statement so far as it concerns the arteries, the periarterial plexus in the spleen being much heavier than in the lymphoglandulae; but the same is scarcely true of the veins (fig. 7). The small venules which Calvert’ has described at the periphery of the follicles (figs. 1 and 8)stand out prominently in the lymphatic glands because of their coarse, close-meshed, adventitial plexus. With the exception of those vessels lying within the vascular trabecula I find the thin- walled veins of the spleen very deficient in those adventitial fibres which blacken with silver. Ciaccio (loc. cit.) dismisses the lymphatic capillaries with the statement that they have a structure similar to that of the blood capillaries. On p. 600 he says: ‘‘I capillari linfatici presentano SAnat. Anz., 1908, Bd. 33, 135. 7Calvert, W. J., Anat. Anz., 1897, Bd. 13, 174; and Johns Hop. Hosp. Bull., 1901, vol. 12, p. 177. RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS . 257 Fig.7 Periadventitial plexus about the wall of a medullary vein in a lymphatic gland of man. X 255. . . 3 ts A *#\ -verule adv.pler Fig. 8 Lymphatics and venules from the capsule and cortex, respectively, of a lymphatic gland of a dog. A, afferent lymphatic vessels in the capsule; B, venules in the adjacent cortex of the same section; adv. plex., adventitial plexus; af. lym. ves., afferent lymphatic vessel. X 225. quasi la stessa struttura dei capillari sanguigni, differendo da questi soltanto per la forma, larghezza e disposizione.”’ From my observations of the lymphatic vessels I am led to believe, however, that the volume of reticulum in the adventitial plexus is considerably less in the lymphatics than in veins of correspond- JEREMIAH 8S. FERGUSON QO 25 ing size. This is specially well shown if one compares vessels somewhat larger than capillaries, e.g. the venules at the periphery of the follicles and the afferent lymphatics in the capsule, (fig. 8), or such intratrabecular lymphatics as are shown in fig. 5B. Within the mass of lymphocytes which forms the parenchyma of the organ the reticulum is everywhere found. At the periphery in the cortex and within the cords of the medulla the network is formed by course fibres with polygonal meshes of relatively small diameter Within the sinuses of both cortex and medulla the fibres are much finer and the polygonal meshes broader so Fig. 9 A medullary sinus in transection, showing its very delicate network of reticular tissue. From a lymphatic gland of man. X 255. that in the sinuses the total volume of reticulum must be only a small fraction of that in the denser portions of the gland. The broadest mesh is that in the germinal centers of follicles, the finest fibres those of the sinuses. The shape of the mesh is typically lozenge-shaped in the perifollicular plexus of Ciaccio, and polygonal elsewhere, though here and there the polygonal spaces are considerably elongated in the directions of stress or of lymph RETICULUM OF LYMPHATIC GLANDS ~ 259 —— —— —_ ie y r) f / vA Se | @ 2 °% oy, oe? %e @ ete" Ss ) Fig. 10 The reticulum at the periphery of a lymphatic gland of man; the meshes are elongated in a direction perpendicular to the capsule. Cap., capsule of the gland; 7ZSM, inner subcapsular membrane; OSM, outer subcapsular membrane; Perip. Sn., peripheral sinus. X 625, reduced 4 in reproduction. Camera lucida. flow; this is most noticeable at the periphery of the cortex where beneath the subcapsular membranes the meshes are elongated in a direction perpendicular to the surface (fig. 10). This ar- rangement is confined to the intervals between the cortical follicles for wherever the surface of a follicle comes into contact with the inner subcapsular membrane of the peripheral sinus the meshes of the perifollicular plexus appear to be flattened against the reticular membrane and the network of reticulum thus ren- dered more dense than elsewhere. bo (op) (=>) JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON SUMMARY The lymphatic glands are everywhere pervaded by a reticulum which blackens with silver impregnation by the method of Biel- schowsky. ‘This reticulum is condensed to form more or less complete reticular membranes bounding both cortical and med- ullary sinuses. Hence one finds these dense plexuses or reticu- lar membranes in several locations, viz., subcapsular (inner and outer wall of the peripheral lymphatic sinus), pericordal about the medullary cords, peritrabecular (equivalent to the ‘peri- cordonal’ of Balabio) and adventitial (where they surround the small naked blood-vessels). The reticulum forms a net of close meshes in che periphery of the follicles (perifollicular plexus of Ciaccio), in the cords a cordal plexus, and in the peripheral portion of the cortex a cortical plexus. The meshes are broad in the subcortical zone, still broader in the cortical and medullary sinuses, and broadest in the germinal centers of active follicles. The form of the mesh is lozenge-shaped in the perifollicular plexus, sometimes elongated in the cortical plexus, and elsewhere polygonal. The reticulum is everywhere a continuous mass of stroma, the fibres of both reticular membranes and plexuses being continu- ous with each other throughout the gland. Reprinted from THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 12, No. 3 November, 1911 THE APPLICATION OF THE SILVER IMPREGNA- TION METHOD OF BIELSCHOWSKY TO _ RE- TICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 1. THE MATURE TISSUES J. S. FERGUSON From Cornell University Medical College, New York City THIRTEEN FIGURES The minute structure of true reticular tissue (reticulum, Mall) has long been a matter of more or less controversy. Kolliker and his followers regarded it as composed of branching, anastomosing cells, while Bizzerzo, recognizing and laying more stress upon its fibrous character considered it composed of bundles of fine fibers to which the fixed connective tissue cells are closely applied. As Mall (96) has pointed out it makes but little difference whether the fibers are within or without the cells provided we understand what is the precise relation. A few fundamental facts of structure may be taken for granted. That reticulum contains both fibers and fixed connective tissue cells is obvious. That it is more or less infiltrated by leucocytes is well known. That its anastomosing elements are frequently continuous with bundles of white fibers may be readily observed in any section of lymphoid tissue. , The points of divergence ap- pear when one attempts to determine the relation: (1) of fixed connective tissue cells to reticular fibers (‘Gitterfasern’), (2) of reticular fibers to elastic fibers, (3) of reticular fibers to the white fibers of collaginous tissue, (4) of ‘fixed’ to ‘wandering’ cells. The present paper is concerned with the attempt to throw some light upon the basic problems related to the first three of these questions. 277 278 J. S. FERGUSON The early studies of Kélliker, Ranvier and others, were largely conducted upon teased and unstained reticulum or upon lymphoid tissue from which the lymphocytes had been washed out by vari- ous methods. They were followed by the employment of the more recent dye reactions by which the recognition of the fibrillar character of the tissue is rendered somewhat more apparent. It was not until the more exact methods of chemistry and micro- chemistry were applied by Siegfried, Mall and others that a fairly clear perception of the exact structural relation of the reticular tissue began to be apparent. The introduction of new methods often renders plain certain hitherto obscure facts. This is espe- cially true as a result of the silver impregnation methods of Biel- schowsky (’04) when applied to various connective tissues. Even the finer fibers, which are more or less obscure after preparation with other methods, stand out clearly in these preparations and one is thus enabled to draw sharper distinctions than is otherwise possible. It is with the application of this method, and its modi- fication by Maresh (’05), that my observations were largely made; the results have been confirmed by comparison with consecutive serial sections stained by well known methods, chiefly depending on haematoxylin and eosin, Mallory’s fibroglia stain, and the combination of haematoxylin with the Weigert and Van Giesen stains described in my Textbook of Histology (05). ‘The tissues studied have been lymphatic glands, spleen, tonsil, thymus, the lymphoid tissues of the digestive and respiratory tracts, the skin and various other tissues being used for comparison. The mate- rial was obtained from man, pig, dog, cat, rabbit, ox, sheep, calf and fish. It was fixed by the various methods in common use and was both mature and embryonal. The method of impregnation which I have followed has been a variation of the rapid modification described by Maresh (’05). With individual exceptions I have gotten uniformly good results after all the methods of fixation used. The method was applied as follows: 1. Sections cut in paraffin were fixed on the slide and placed 12 to 24 hours in a 2 per cent solution of silver nitrate. 2. Transfer for 15 to 30 minutes to freshly prepared alkaline silver solution (20 ec. of 2 per cent silver nitrate to which are added RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 279 three drops of 40 per cent caustic soda and the precipitate redis- solved by adding ammonia drop by drop while stirring). 3. Rinse quickly in distilled water and place in 20 per cent for- malin for three minutes or till the sections are black. 4, Wash in distilled water and place for ten minutes in an acid gold-bath (10 cc. distilled water to which are added 2 to 3 drops of 1 per cent gold chlorid and 2 to 3 drops of glacial acetic acid). 5. Immerse in 5 per cent hyposulfite of soda 3-1 minute to re- move all unreduced silver. 6. Wash in distilled water, dehydrate, clear in xylol and mount in balsam. Bielschowsky advised leaving tissues in the 20 per cent formalin for 12 to 24 hours but as Maresh has shown this seems to be un- necessarily long, at least when sections are used. To still further shorten the process Woglom (’09, ’10) has advised, for the purpose of preventing shrinkage of the tissue, that the initial immersion in 2 per cent silver nitrate solution need not exceed 5 minutes. I have, however, found this time entirely too short in many cases and its use led to much confusion in the interpretation of my early results. In sections insufficiently impregnated the contrast between collaginous and reticular fibers was not sharp, either the reticulum taking a brown instead of a proper black color in lightly toned preparations or if the toning was intensified many of the collaginous fibers became a greyish black instead of the proper golden brown. Moreover, I did not find troublesome shrinkage of tissue in well fixed preparations. I would therefore advise a strict adherence to the 12—24 hour period of immersion recom- mended by Bielschowsky and Pollock (’04), Levi (06) and others, rather than the shorter period advocated by Woglom and, with reservations, by Maresh (’05). In the lymphoid tissues the impregnation brings out most distinctly the reticular fibers; they take on a deep opaque black and stand out prominently against the golden brown of the collag- inous fibers. The method has already been applied to connective tissues and the assumption of a more or less specific staining property for reticulum in the liver, lymphatic glands, tonsil, spleen, ovary, and pleura has been casually recorded by Maresh (05), Ciaecio (07), Alagna (’08), Balabio (’08), Cesa-Bianchi 280 J. S. FERGUSON (08), and Favaro (’09). Realizing the uncertainty which attends the use of various silver methods one readily appreciates the necessity for careful study of the effects of the method upon the various tissue elements. Of the primary tissues epithelium and other cells are scarcely if at all colored or have a faint brownish tint; red blood cells darken readily and are either opaque black or a deep brown according to the depth of the impregnation and the duration of the toning bath; blood serum and intercellular cement substance blacken, the latter appearing very granular; all nuclei are an intense black, the silver reacting specially to the chromatic portions, viz., nuclear wall, chromatin net and karyo- somes; the axis cylinders of nerves are somewhat blackened, though with the method employed the neuraxes are not nearly so opaque as the fibers of reticular tissue. Muscle fibers blacken irregularly depending on the depth of impregnation and they show something of their fibrillar structure; the cross striations and, in smooth muscle, the myofibrillae and intercellular bridges appear beautifully shown in certain instances but it is possible with care to have the muscle almost colorless and the reticular fibers an opaque black. The silver apparently adsorbs somewhat to the surface of muscle cells and elastic fibers and thus frequently fills the interstices between fibers, forming an apparent inter- fibrillar network in smooth muscle, in epithelium and in dense elastic tissue, e.g., ligamentum nuchae. It is possibly this which accounts for the apparent blackening of intercellular substance. Both because of their reactions and because of their character- istic differences of structure one has little difficulty in differenti- ating these tissues after impregnation and distinguishing them from the various types of connective tissue fibers. Before we can regard the method of Bielschowsky, applied to tissues outside of the nervous system, as a specific stain for reticu- lum, it is necessary to examine more carefully than has been done, into the reaction of connective tissue fibers to the silver impregna- tion and the differentiation, in sections prepared by this method, of the collaginous, elastic, fibroglia and reticular fibers. Of the fibrous tissues cartilage, bone, and dentine may be set aside be- cause of their characteristic structure, obvious at a glance, though RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 281 one sometimes encounters difficulties in the transition from the fibrous perichondrium to the cartilage matrix. The distribution of the fibers blackened by silver is so extensive that one is tempted to question the selective action of the method. They are encountered in all the lymphoid organs, in the mucosa of the digestive tract, In and about the walls of the lymphatics and blood-vessels, in the framework of all the secreting glands, e.g., liver, salivary glands, pancreas, mucous glands of the respir- atory and digestive tracts, in the kidneys, ovary, uterine wall, testis, prostate, sweat glands, in the corium of the skin, in the tunicae propriae of the respiratory and digestive apparatus, about the glands of the gastro-intestinal mucosa, and to a limited extent among the fibers of areolar and collaginous tissue wherever it is found. Many of the basement membranes consist largely of these argentiferous fibers. If one is careful not to overtone the specimens the results in mature tissues are fairly constant; in such preparations (with a few reservations) the method appears quite definitely selective for the blackened fibers of reticular tissue (‘‘reticulum.’’ Mall), the elastic and fibroglia fibers remain colorless and the collaginous fibers assume a brownish tint. This result was arrived at by a careful comparison of the effect of this and other stains upon the several tissues in locations where each is known to occur. The conclusions are based on the fol- lowing observations. A. ELASTIC FIBERS Sections of the ligamentum nuchae after impregnation show the elastic fibers absolutely colorless and outlined by an intense black fibrous mass which occupies nearly the entire non-vascular area between the elastic fibers, and which at the borders of the elastic bundles shades into the golden brown of the collaginous fibers forming the coarse bands of the framework (fig. 1). In the con- trols the elastic fibers show the characteristic staining reaction with hematein and eosin and with Van Giesen’s stain, and the intervening tissue is colored red by eosin and by acid fuchsin. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 12, NO. 3 IRD J. S. FERGUSON Fig. 1 Transection of the ligamentum nuchae of an ox. Bielschowsky stain. The elastic fibers are colorless, the intervening tissue opaque. Camera lucida; Tae, Ie Oils Ge Fig. 2 A pulmonary artery from the human lung showing the colorless internal and external elastic membranes invested by blackened reticulum. Bielschowsky stain. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. ¢- Fig. 3 From a primary bronchus of man. Basement membrane (bm) is a dense opaque black, its fibers so closely packed as to be indistinguishable. The elastic fibers (ef) are colorless and are invested by a black reticulum (r). Bielschowsky stain. Drawn with the Edinger projection apparatus, X 250. In the fenestrated coats of the arteries one sees in the larger arteries of the lungs, stomach, lymphatic glands and many other organs vessels showing in the controls the typical elastic membrane in the tunica intima completely encircling the vessels in transec- tions. The impregnated specimens, when the same vessel is examined in adjacent slides in the series, show the internal elastic membrane colorless, the elastic coat in the larger vessels being in- vested on either surface with a close net of black reticular fibers (fig. 2). This investment of the elastic tissue by reticular fibers is readily observed and is most remarkable. Similar, though less numerous fibers are seen investing the elastic tissue in the inter- muscular spaces of the tunica media, and in the tunica adventitia. RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 283 In the smaller arteries and in the small and medium veins the coat of Henle is so thin, and often incomplete, that it is more difficult to determine that the elastic fibers are colorless as distinguished from the blackened reticulum but in view of the constant and obvious condition in the larger vessels one is warranted in assum- ing that the elastic fibers in the smaller vessels, as in the larger, are colorless and that it is the reticulum, when present, which blackens. The intimate clothing of elastic fibers by reticulum, readily observed in the larger vessels, accounts for the occasional appearance of blackened fibers in the position of Henle’s coat in vessels so small as to possess only an incomplete internal elastic membrane. In the basement membranes of the bronchi one finds only argentiferous reticular fibers. In the larger bronchi the basement membrane is specially distinct and consists of a dense, closely packed mesh of blackened reticular fibers (fig. 3), forming a com- plete membranous investment continuous with the reticular fibers of the tunica propria and supporting the epithelium. With the Weigert-elastic picro-fuchsin stain the argentiferous fibers take a red color. In the tunica propria of the trachea and bronchi are large bun- dles of longitudinal elastic fibers. These fibers remain colorless in the Bielschowsky sections even when the stain has been made so intense as to darken to a considerable extent the collagimous fibers and the muscles. One finds each elastic fiber invested by a distinct coat of blackened reticular fibers forming an intricate net. If one selects a known and readily recognized point for study, consecutive sections stained by different methods show the broad lines of elastic fibers, which in the Bielschowsky sec- tions are colorless, to be flanked on every surface by a blackened reticulum, but clothed in the Weigert-elastic picro-fuchsin section by fuchsin stained fibers. With haematoxylin and eosin the whole breadth of the basement membrane and both elastic and argentif- erous fibers in the tunica propria take the characteristic eosin tint, and reticular and elastic fibrils are almost indistinguishable. Thus wherever the recognition of unquestionable elastic fibers can be made with certainty they are found uncolored by the silver, IR4 J. S. FERGUSON while giving characteristic reactions to other stains. It is only in those locations where identification of elastic fibers is question- able that one is inclined to suggest their identity with the black- ened fibrils, but even then one sees indications of noticeable difference. If a bit of areolar tissue is carefully examined in the wall of the digestive tract, the skin, the peritoneum or elsewhere, and sections of the tissue are also stained by the selective elastic tissue stains, Weigert’s, or Unna’s, one observes on comparison a difference in the number and arrangement of fibers selected by the compared methods. The orcein and Weigert sections will com- pare very closely. The Bielschowsky sections of the same series frequently showmany more fibers of the blackened type; moreover the blackened or reticular fibers are usually more wavy and of irregular distribution, often having a typical spiral appearance as compared with the relatively straight elastic fibers. This is well shown in sections of collapsed or undistended lung in which the elastic fibers of the alveolar walls and bronchioles are straight while the reticular fibers, from the extreme contraction of the organ, are thrown into a remarkably intricate network of wavy and twisted fibrils, equally as distinct and more abundant than the elastic. These findings are in confirmation of the views already expressed by Woglom (710) and others and appear to prove conclusively the non-identity of elastic fibers with those fibers (reticulum) which blacken in these preparations. This view is in accord with that expressed by Mall (02), who as a result of his comparison of the tissues by chemical methods likewise demonstrated the non- identity of elastic fibers and reticulum, but his studies of mesen- chymal tissues showing embryonic stages of the connective tissue, resulted in pictures delineating the first appearance of elastic fibrils which simulate those which I have obtained in similar tis- sues by the method of impregnation (fig. 4). 1 shall consider this phase of the subject in a later paper. At this time it is sufficient to say that I consider the fibers referred to to be collaginous in type. One must therefore finally emphasize the fact that in well recognized portions of mature tissues elastic fibers in the silvered preparations remain entirely colorless while reticular fibers RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 285 he } ° Hone oo “. \\) e hide! 5 Fig. 4 From the subectodermal mesenchyme (corium) of a fetal pig of about 80 mm. neck-breech length, showing blackened fibrils (F) bearing intimate rela- tions to the mesenchymal cells. Bielschowsky stain. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. ;'5 hom. im. Fig. 5 Reticular and collaginous tissue at the periphery of a lymphatic gland. Observe the sharp outlines of the fine black reticular fibrils (7) which intermingle with the bundles of collaginous fibers (cf) in a trabeculum. Bielschowsky stain. Camera lucida; oce. 1, obj. %. Fig. 6 The figure exhibits the relation between the collaginous (cf) and reticular (r) fibers in the region adjoining a nodule of a patch of Peyer in the small intestine of man. Note the interlacing of fibers at the border of the lymphoid tissue. Bielschowsky stain. Camera lucida; oce. 1, obj. § 6° blacken; one is justified in assuming that this reaction to the Bielschowsky method, with reasonable care, is constant. B. COLLAGINOUS FIBERS That the typical reticular fibers of lymphoid tissue and the typical collaginous fibers of dense fibrous tissue take on differ- ent colors after the silver impregnation has been generally recognized, at least by the Italian writers, Levi (’06), Ciaccio 286 J. S. FERGUSON (07), Cesa-Bianchi (08), Balabio (08), Alagno (08). The retic- ular fibers assume a dense opaque black while the collaginous fibers take on a golden brown when well differentiated. Yet if one examines carefully those points at which the two tissues blend one encounters much difficulty in determining whether the black color of the coarser collaginous bundles is due to the opacity of the brown bundles—which are of considerable size and thick- ness and often of great density—or to the presence within the coarse collaginous bundles of finer, blackened, reticular fibers. In some locations the latter relation is apparent. For example, in the perifollicular plexus about the lymphatic follicles, described by Ciaecio (07), one finds the characteristic lozenge shaped meshes of the ‘reticulum’ extending into the adjacent collaginous tissue of the trabecula in lymphoid organs or of the tunica pro- pria and submucosa in the digestive tract, but there the reticular fibers are nearly always clear and sharp among the collaginous fibers of the smaller fibrous bundles (figs. 5, 6, 7, and 13). As the bundles increase in size, however, the difficulty of distinguishing the exact outlines of the two types of fibers increases. Another difficulty in the way of exact and positive differentia- tion is the variable result of silver impregnations. With vary- ing degrees of impregnation, reduction, and toning the collaginous fibers may lose their typical golden brown and acquire an increas- ingly opaque condition. This is specially prone to occur if the sections are overtoned in the gold chlorid bath. One halts, there- fore, between the idea of similarity if not positive identity of col- laginous fibers and ‘‘reticulum”’ and the opinion of Mall (’01) which regards reticulum as an independent tissue, distinctly dif- ferentiated from the collaginous by its somewhat different chem- ical reactions, a view not fully accepted by Studnicka (’03) nor yet generally adopted by German authors (Furbringer, 09). Yet if one uses care with the silver process one can obtain from nearly all tissues quite distinctive preparations. Thus in the lung the fibrous tissue of the pleura, as shown by Favaro (09), as well as that of the “‘interlobular septa” appears to be formed by golden brown fibers arranged in bundles having the characteristic wavy course together with but few intermingled black reticular fibers, RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 287 whereas the reticulum in the walls of the alveoli and smaller bron- chi, though often composed of coarse typically spiral fibrils, forms an interlacing mass of discreet fibers, or fiber bundles, among which a limited proportion of finer bundles of brownish collag- inous fibers may be recognized. In the vascular trabecula of the spleen (fig. 7) the collaginous fibers of the blood-vessels acquire a typical brown while the close network of reticular fibers take on an intense black and have a characteristic, either somewhat regularly spiral, or a reticular course, very different from the irregularly wavy collaginous fibers. Fig..7 A vascular trabeculum of a child’s spleen. The blackened fibers of reticulum (7) show clearly in contrast to the collaginous fibers (cf) which in the sec- tion are a golden brown. The reticulum surrounds the vessels and is continuous with that of the splenic pulp. Bielschowsky stain. Drawn with Edinger pro- jection apparatus, & 255. In the trabecula of the lymphatic glands the distribution is not so apparent, the collaginous and the reticular fibers pursuing some- what similar courses, though the latter are apt to be more dis- tinctly spirillar. From careful examination I am led to believe that the relation simulates, in reverse, that already described (see fig. 2) for the elastic fibers, in that it would appear with consider- able certainty in many places that the black reticular fibers are invested or enveloped by a sleeve or coat of collaginous fibrils, so that the latter fibrils consequently assume a spiral course cor- responding closely to that of the reticular fibrils. Indications of a similar investment of the reticular fibrils can be found wherever reticulum occurs, but it is not always possible to distinguish with certainty between the collaginous fibers and the protoplasm of mesenchymal or fixed connective tissue cells. 288 J. S. FERGUSON Again in the fibrous perichondrium of hyaline cartilage, as Studnicka (’06) has pointed out, there is a considerable layer of blackened fibers marking the border of the cartilage and in the younger types extending into its matrix; the outer layers of the perichondrium are clearly, however, collaginous tissue, and in my preparations present the characteristic golden brown color, sharply distinguished from the intense black of the argentiferous fibers. The matrix of the cartilage in the same sections retains a brownish tint except in the younger specimens and at the margins of the cartilaginous plates in the more mature cases. The black- ening of the innermost fibers of the perichondrium which mark the ‘‘growing surface”’ of the cartilage may be explained by the increased affinity for silver shown by the fibers of young connec- tive tissue as compared with the mature, a relation which I am not ready to discuss further at this time. The remarkable differences in reaction to the impregnation in many of the mature tissues, especially such as contain typical reticulum, would tend to refute the German idea of the identity of collaginous and reticular tissue and to confirm the opinion of Mall that reticular tissue or “reticulum” is a distinct entity, though this latter contention cannot yet be established from the standpoint of the method here used until it is viewed in the light of the his- togenesis of the connective tissues, for there the sharp lines of demarcation diminish even to the vanishing point. Such characteristic differences between reticulum and collag- inous fibers as may be observed at almost any point in thin sec- tions of the lymphoid tissues impregnated by silver leave little to be desired in the way of morphological differentiation of these two types of fibers. Such areas are well and accurately shown in fig. 5, from the lymphatic gland of man, and fig. 6 from the margin of a Peyer’s patch in the human intestine. One feels, therefore, that the separate and distinct character of collaginous and retic- ular fibrils in the mature tissues as shown by silver impregnations, fortified as it is by the chemical differences demonstrated by Sieg- fried and Mall, the one, collaginous, yielding gelatin, the other yielding a “‘reticulin” presenting different chemical reactions, forms at least a satisfactory working basis for the further study RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 289 of the distribution of these fibers as shown by the Bielschowsky method, a work already begun by Studni¢ka, Ciaccio, Balabio, Alagna, Favaro, Maresh, Cesa-Bianchi and others. C. RETICULUM The careful observation of Bielschowsky preparations also yields valuable data as to the finer structure of reticular tissue and the relation of its fibrils to the ‘‘ fixed” connective tissue cells. The coarser fibers of ‘reticulum’ may be readily seen and, where such fibers come into relation with the ‘‘knots” of the reticular net, one can observe these fibrils breaking up into a plexus within, or about, the cells as pointed out by Balabio (08). Somewhat Fig. 8 From a lymphatic gland of man showing the relation of the blackened fibers of reticulum to the branching protoplasm of the fixed connective tissue cells. The small black nuclei are those of lymphocytes. PR, perifollicular reticulum. Bielschowsky stain, after stained with acid fuchsin. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. iy hom. im. of this arrangement is indicated in fig. 8, though in other places the fikers appear to enter the cell and end either abruptly or, more frequently, pass through the cell in close proximity if not in contact with its nucleus. The appearance of abrupt ending might if only occasionally observed, be due to the passage of fibers out of the plane of the section, but it occurs far too often so that this certainly is not always the case. The finer fibrils, as well as many of the coarser ones, appear as single fibrils though because of the complete opacity of the impregnation one cannot say that this is actually the case. Certainly the larger fibers distinctly show indications of fibrillation. 290 J. S. FERGUSON This leads to the question of the relation of reticular fibrils to the ‘‘fixed’”’ connective tissue cells. Are the fibers contained within the cells or are they only in surface contact? It seems to me that Mall has given us the key to the situation with his theory of exoplasmic deposit of the fibrils with constant recession of the endoplasm during development. If one regards reticulum as an immature or least differentiated type of connective tissue it 1s plain to see that the fibers must readily ie now within the cell or endo- plasm, and now without the cell, where they are left “high and dry,” as it were, by the complete recession of the endoplasm which leaves in mature collaginous tissue only the nucleated cellular remnants. Since certain fibers, or portions of fibers, would thus he without the anastomosing syncytial mass of endoplasm while certain others would le quite as plainly within it we have here a possible harmonization of the otherwise conflicting theories of Kolliker and Bizzozero. The facts of the case as I observe them in silver impregnated sections of embryonal as well as mature tissues ap- pear to coincide with this hypothesis. Ciaccio (07) attacked this problem casually in connection with his study of the distribution of reticular tissue in the lymphoid follicles of lymphatic glands and observed a relation of contiguity of fibers and cells, the two being independent. Thus, he says, “le fibrille alla loro volta si diramano in tutti 1 sense e si montrano independent dalle cellule.” Balabio (O08), cognizant of the work of Ciaccio, approaches the problem circumspectly, and describes the fibers as “‘superimposed”’ upon the cells forming a characteristic close and delicate peri- cellular plexus. He observed that the cellular prolongations “‘in- tertwine among” the fibrils but he was not able to determine “with certainty’ whether they were superimposed or whether they ‘‘an- astomosed in the form of a sort of continuous cellular net.” He “limits himself,” as he says “to emphasize the fact without pro- nouncing upon the existence or non-existence of true cellular anastomoses.’’ He is inclined to confirm the theory of Bizzozero for he in one place says ‘“‘Si puo confirmare conscicurezza quanto gia Bizzozero ed altri affermarono che si tratta di rapporti di sola contiguita.”’ RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 291 If one assumes that to disprove the theory of Bizzozero one must find the fibrils at all times outside the anastomosing cells, never within, then proof is not forthcoming. On the other hand proof is also lacking if to demonstrate the theory of Kolliker fibers must always be found within the cellular syncytium. But viewing the tissue in the light of its histogenesis, one need not, as pointed out above, be thus limited in either case, for the fibers of reticulum may, according to this interpretation, come to lie now within, now without the syncytial endoplasm. The examination of such appearances as those shown in any of the figs. 8 to 11, which are accurately drawn with high magnification, or yet more Fig. 9 Reticulum and cells as seen in a thin section through the pulp of the human spleen. No collaginous fibers have been included. Fibers and nuclei are black, the cytoplasm is granular. The fibers are surrounded by a halo of cyto- plasm especially distinct wherever their cut ends are directed toward the eye of the observer. Ret, reticlular fibers; fc, cytoplasm; L, lymphocyte. Biels- chowsky stain. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. ;’y hom im, truly if one studies the actual preparations, must convince one at a glance that in mature lymphoid tissue the fibrils of the reticu- lum are not entirely contained within the fixed cells. The burden of proof lies on the other side. 292 J. S: FERGUSON The accurate and sharp delineation possible under high magni- fication between the opaque black fibrils and the light brown protoplasm of the cells presents appearances in thin sections which seem to me to show unmistakably that some portions of the fi- brils are certainly contained within the cytoplasm of fixed connec- tive tissue cells. I do not find any such condition in relation to the lymphocytes which are so numerous in the same vicinity. In fig. 10 the fibrils a are, in the case of the lower cell at least, cer- tainly outside the cell at one point, viz., where it ends by passing out of the plane of the section. But at the point 6 each fiber makes a distinct loop which can be followed by change of focus. The granular cytoplasm forms a continuous mass but in the mid- portion of the loop it can be distinctly seen at a level above that of the fiber; while at the ends of the loop, in fact at all the solid black portions of the fiber the cytoplasm is distinctly below the fiber. It would appear obvious that each fiber has penetrated the cell and must, therefore, during its passage have been found within the cytoplasm. Fig. 10 was drawn from a section of the spleen, but in fig. 11, which is from a lymphatic gland and in which a again marks the portion of the fiber above, and 6 that below the cytoplasm, the same condition holds. Such places are extremely abundant, and in thin sections of all the lymphoid tissues ex- amined they can be found with ease, often several in a single field. Again in transections of the coarser fibers, or in oblique sections, the fibers are often seen surrounded on all sides by a light brown halo of cytoplasm. Such appearances are indicated by fig. 9, though it is difficult to depict them accurately even with the aid of the camera lucida because of the extreme fineness of the fibers and the very thin cytoplasmic coat (represented by the stipling) by which they are surrounded. The cut ends of most of the transversely and obliquely cut fibers show the halo of cyto- plasm in the actual sections. The above observations appear to show convincingly that, at least, at times the fibrils lie distinctly within the cells. That they may be so found, as also without the cells, is in harmony with Mall’s suggestion as to the ontogenetic relationship of ‘“reticu- lum’ and other connective tissues since he supposes this tissue RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 293 to represent a less mature type than the collaginous, one in which the primitive relations of endoplasm and exoplasm still persist to a considerable extent. That this is the case is, perhaps, indicated by the fact that in developing mesenchymal tissue one finds fibrils, bearing similar relations to the endoplasm and exoplasm of the connective tissue syncytium, and which like reticulum blacken with the silver impregnation (fig. 4). Fig. 10 Accurately drawn from a section of the spleen of man, showing the actual course of fibrils of blackened reticulum through the cytoplasm of fixed connective tissue cells. The parts a of the fibrils end by making a sharp turn which passes out of the plane of the section. The loops formed at b are shaded light, and in the section they lie below the level of the cytoplasm as readily demon- strated by change of focus. The black portions, a, are above the level of the eyto- plasm. Bielschowsky stain. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. y'5 hom. im. Fig. 11 Areas similar to those shown in fig. 10, but drawn from a section of a lymphatic gland of man. Similar appearances were very numerous in this section. a and 0b, as in the preceding figure; cy, cytoplasm; f cut ends of fibrils; L, lympho- cytes; Nu, nucleus of a fixed connective tissue cell; at the top of the figure a fibril forms a U-shaped loop which passes through the cytoplasm of a “‘fixed’’ cell, entering from below and coming out above. Two similar fibers are also shown. Bielschowsky stain, after stained with acid fuchsin. Camera lucida; oce. 1, obj. x hom. im. Yet bearing in mind that we are dealing with a method of impregnation only, and are subject to all the limitations of such methods, one is not fully warranted in drawing inferences of chem- ical similarity between the mesenchymal and the reticular fibrils. 294 J. S. FERGUSON D. FIBROGLIA The occurrence of fibrils blackening with silver in the mesen- chymal cells suggests a possible identity with the fibroglia fibrils of Mallory (08, ’04) for such fibrils were found by that observer to be abundant in developing connective tissue. In order to accurately compare the fibrils shown by these two special methods one must first consider the mature tissues, only thereafter the developing tissues. In mature tissues Mallory states that fibrogha fibrils ‘‘are not very common in normal tissues except possibly in one situation and have to be hunted for with an oil immersion lens.’ This is certainly not the case with the argentiferous fibers which occur abundantly in a great variety of places among normal tissues and which are of sufficient size to be seen as networks among ‘ Fig. 12 The basket-cells of a coil gland of the human finger-tip, darkened by haematoxylin. Haidenhain’s iron-haematoxylin. Camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. iy hom. im, the other fibers with very low magnification. Again the staining reactions of the two sets of fibrils are different. Mal- lory describes the basement membranes as the ‘‘one situation” where fibroglia fibrils are common in normal tissues, and the sub- epithelial basket-cells of the sweat glands—regarded by Benda (°93, ’94) as muscle cells—as the place where the largest fibrogha fibers occur. As these last fibers can be easily located they form a definite unit for comparison. With Mallory’s stain they are red; with iron haematoxylin they blacken when the stain is not too much extracted (fig. 12). Both of these reactions are char- acteristic for fibroglia, and, as MeGill (08) has shown, they are also characteristic for myoglia fibrils. But with silver impregna- tion these fibers are not in the least blackened, nor is the thin RETICULAR AND OTHER CONNECTIVE TISSUES 295 layer of collaginous tissue upon which they rest. It would there- fore appear that the basement membrane of the sweat glands, unlike most other basement membranes, contains no reticulum but is formed by collaginous fibers together with the peculiar basket-cells, be they fibroglia or muscle. If one compares in the same way the reticulum of lymphoid tissues one arrives at similar conclusions as to the non-identity of ‘reticulum’ (viz. those fibers which blacken with the Bielschowsky method) and _fibroglia. It would therefore appear that in the mature tissues there is no identity between fibrogla and reticulum nor for the same reasons can there be between fibroglia and the fibers which blacken with Bielschowsky’s stain. These last are identical with certain fibers which are colored blue by Mallory’s stain. SUMMARY Briefly summing up we find that the Bielschowsky stain applied to the connective tissues of mature individuals exerts a selective Fig. 13 A small lymphatic nodule from the submucosa of the human esophagus, showing the ‘perifollicular plexus’ of Ciaccio sharply defined, but with reticular fibers intertwining with the collaginous fibers. The collaginous tissue is drawn free-hand, the reticulum by camera lucida; occ. 1, obj. %. action, blackening certain fibers which are certainly not identical with either elastic or fibroglia fibers, which in many cases certainly are identical with the fibers of reticulum, and which in some cases show a certain tendency suggesting possible transitions between reticular and collaginous fibers. The typical collaginous fibers do 296 J. S. FERGUSON not blacken, but take on a characteristic golden brown color; nevertheless, in certain locations and under certain conditions some fibers which we have been accustomed to regard as collag- inous, e.g., within dense connective tissue bundles or in embry- onic mesencyhme, do blacken somewhat, though never so typically nor with such clear and sharp definition as do the fibers of “‘reticu- lum”? in mature tissues. The further elucidation of this atypical reaction of the collaginous fibers must be sought in the histogen- esis of the connective tissues. For the present we may safely consider the black reaction of fibers of mature connective tissue to the Bielschowsky stain to be distinctive of “‘reticulum”’ in all satisfactory preparations, viz. those in which the collaginous fibers assume a golden brown tint. When such tissues as nerve, muscle and embryonic mesenchyme are excluded the Bielschowsky method serves as a well-nigh specific stain for the reticulum of Mall. BIBLIOGRAPHY Auaena, G. 1908 Anat. Anz., Bd. 32, p. 178. BauaBio, R. 1908 Anat. Anz., Bd. 33, p. 135. Benpa_ 1893-1894 Dermatol. Zeitschr., Bd. I, p. 94, (Quoted by Mallory). BrELScCHOWSKY, M. aNnp Poutuack, B. 1904 Neurol. Centralbl., vol. 23, p. 387. Crsa-Brancu1, D: 1908 Anat. Anz., Bd. 32, p. 41. 1908 Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 25, p. 1. Craccio, C. 1907 Anat. Anz., Bd. 31, p. 594. Favaro, G. 1909 Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 26, p. 301. Frracuson, J.S. 1905 Normal histology and microscopical anatomy, New York and London, pp. 666-7. FURBRINGER, M. 1909 Gegenbaur, Lehrb. d. Anat., 8 auf., Bd. 1. Levi, G. 1907 Monitore zool. ital., 18, 290. McGitu, C. 1908 Internat. Monatschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 25, 90. Mau, F. 1896 J. Hop. Hosp. Rep., vol. 1, p. 171 1902 Amer. Jour. Anat., vol..1, p.’329. Mautory, F. 1903-1904 Jour. Med. Research, vol. x, p. 334. Marescu, R. 1905 Centralbl. f. allg. Pathol., Bd. 14, 641. Stecrriep, M. 1892 Habilitationsschrift, Leipzig, (quoted by Mall). 1902 J. of Physiol., 28, 319. Stupnicka 1903 Anat. Hefte, Bd. 21, 279. 1906 Zeitschr. f. wis. Mik., Bd. 23, 414. Woctom, W.H. 1909-10 Proc. N. Y. Path. Soc., vol. 9, p. 146. {Reprinted from BroLocicat BuLLETIN, Vol. XXI., No. 4, September, 1911. ’ A PRELIMINARY NOTE ON THE RELATION OF NOR- MAL LIVING CELLS TO THE EXISTING THEORIES OF THE HISTOGENESIS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON, M.S., M.D., ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF HISTOLOGY, CORNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGE, NEW YorkK CIty. The connective issue of the adult is in the embryo derived from the mesenchyme. The same is true of certain other tissues, endothelium, muscle, and cartilage, bone and dentine, if these last be not included within the scope of the term con- nective tissue. It is in this narrower sense that the term con- nective tissue is herein used. In considering the origin of connective tissue one has to take into account two distinct elements, cells and fibers. Of the cells there are at various stages in the embryonic mesenchyme three distinct types: (a) the wandering cells, viz., leucocytes, which are more directly concerned with the processes of he- matopoiesis; (b) those cells which give rise to the true wandering connective tissue cells of the mature tissues, the mast cells, plasma cells, etc., whose history is more or less closely concerned with that of the embryonic leucocytes; (c) those typical con- nective tissue cells which are related to the fibers and which are commonly known as the ‘‘fixed’’ connective tissue cells. It is without doubt only the last type which is concerned with the origin of the connective tissue fibers, hence the present note deals only with this type of cell. At least two types of fibers have also to be considered as arising in the connective tissue mesenchyme, the elastic and the collaginous. We are here concerned only with the latter type, for the reason that the elastic fibers arise at a later period; thus the origin of the connective tissue fibers concerns primarily the collaginous, or so-called “white fibers.”’ It is unnecessary to distinguish at the early stage under consideration between such varieties of collaginous fibers as ‘‘reticulum”’ and “ fibrog- 272 273 JEREMIAH S. FERGUSON. lia,” for the former undoubtedly arises in exactly the same ’ manner as the ordinary ‘‘white fibers,’ and of the histogenesis of the latter little or nothing is known if, indeed, it can be con- sidered as an entity distinct from the other connective tissue fibers. The numerous theories which have been proposed to account for the origin of the connective tissue fibers may be reduced to three chief divisions: 1. The embryonic connective tissue or mesenchymal cells become directly transformed by elongation into connective tissue fibers. _ 2. The fibers arise in the ground substance between the cells either by transformation of that ground substance or as a secretion from the adjacent cells. 3. The fibers arise within the cells either as distinct fibers (Schwann, 1839), as granules which fuse to form fibers (Spuler, 1896; Lavini, 1909), as an epicellular protoplasmic fibrous layer (Lwoff, 1889), or as an ectoplasm about the cell (Hansen, 1899) or forming the syncytium (Mall, 1902). The theory of direct transformation by elongation of cells into fibers may well be abandoned and, except it be construed along the lines of the various theories of intracellular origin, it is worthy only of passing notice. Among other things the existence of an overwhelming number of fibers relative to the number of cells present in connective tissue argues against direct transformation, and modern microscopical methods are not able to detect the phases of such transformation either in normal growing tissues or in the process of wound repair. For several decades the results of observations have been in support of either the intercellular or the intracellular group of theories. To Henle (1841) we owe the theory of the intercellular (extracellular) origin of connective tissue fibers, the fibers being supposed to arise from the intercellular ground substance, not directly from the cells. Latterly this theory has received but little support unless it be from the observations of Merkel (1895), who found that in the umbilical cord fibers appear first to arise in locations relatively remote from the cells. Later the cells wandered into these fibrous areas, and at a still later HISTOGENESIS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 274 period the fibers had so increased in numbers that they neces- sarily laid in relation to the cells. The weak point in Merkel’s deduction appears to be the dis- regard of the locomotive properties of mesenchymal or young connective tissue cells. If these cells, except for the incidents of mitosis, are stationary, then Merkel’s observations would render conclusive evidence to support the theory of the extra- cellular origin of fibers. But that such cells possess at least a limited power of motion simulating the amoeboid character has long been known. An adequate theory must account for the activity of these cells. Merkel’s theory presupposes them to be stationary till fibers have appeared and only later to acquire amoeboid characters. In searching for a tissue which would offer opportunity for the study of the activities of connective tissue cells in the living OFTEN: 348 eA Of 5:30 i < “Si 568 ei 587, ee ay é06 eH . 604 605 v3 609 Sa 608 Notigiven..... = 2aeee Available in 30 in- Youngest...... 22 (female) Oldest...... 85 (male) stances Two others were reported as ‘aged.’ Condition of cadaver ‘Emaciated’........ 1», HLiCHh Sakae eee 5 = *Medinmta aaa ae 5 Constituents of wall of diverticulum With muscularis...20 Without muscularis...16 No report...........47 Position of fundus of diverticulum Ventral to pancreas head....... Several of Fleischmann series (see above) Penetrating pancreas~head..........-.......s.«<+. ++ oop 17 Dorsal to panereas head...........5).....2--+++ 02+.) ge 14 The remainder projected towards but not into the head of the pancreas. DUODENAL DIVERTICULA 137 Location of diverticula Reuse Gi AiOUCRUM |... . 2.2)... :4- Ae eee pete n--ahes-- 0 Concave (pancreas) side of duodenum ................-..02...2.5... 72 emit ages Letulle.... 1 Specimens not described in full......................... { Hansemann. (?) | Hodenpyl...(?) bGoodie?...; 2 MO SEEME TU AERIS oo 2138 3s. oh Thy jak 2 eed ee ee Ee ee pet 2. 5 aa TRE TRIER RREAPLESENN SS 2 261063 5.0) oc" 2 1, A) Si ee Oe 9 With accessory duct opening into diverticulum....................... 1 eeSiCeer ar TATE: <8", etl ee ee ee ee ORI he F.- Aoeleas. 2 12 Pe MRESEIONS POISE 2 so ayia Sondre ees eee ee asa = oe A ie! Bile duct opening into diverticulum: ..................006. cess eens 4 Main pancreatic duct opening into diverticulum...................... 3 (In one of these the duct was occluded). Bile and pancreatic ducts together opening into diverticulum......... 4 Diverticulum in third portion of duodenum........................... 12 In conclusion I may say that it is a genuine pleasure for me here- by to express my sincere appreciation of the helpful advice given by Professors Gage and Kerr in the preparation of this paper and also of the numerous and great courtesies shown by the depart- ments of Anatomy and of Histology and Embryology. 138 WESLEY M. BALDWIN BIBLIOGRAPHY AvpEers 1844 Atlas Abt. 4. Taf. 21. Figs. 9 und 2. Erlauterungen zum Atlas 4.8. 262. BartH 1851 Bull. de la Soc. Anat., vol 26, p. 90. Bassett 1907-8 Duodenal diverticula; with especial reference to diverticula associated with the pancreatic and biliary tracts. Tr. Chicago Path. Soc., 7, p. 838. Birca-HirscuFreip 1895 Lehrbuch der Path. Anat., 4 Aufl., S. 656. CaupER 1733 Medical essays and observations, reprint, Edinburgh, 1, p. 205. CuHarpy 1898 Variétés et Anomalies des Canaux Pancréatiques. Journ. de I’ Anat., p. 720. Cutumsky 1899 Ueber versch. Methoden d. Darmvereinigung. Beitr. 2. klin. Chir., Band 15, DorrancE 1908 A diverticulum of the duodenum. Univ. of Penn. Med. Bull. April. EprL 1894 Ueber erworbene Darmdivertikel. Virchow’s Archiv. Bd. 138, §. 347. FaIRLAND 1879 Congenital malformation of bowel; Amussat’s operation. Brit. Med. Jour., 1, p. 851. FLEISCHMANN 1815 Leichendffnungen, p. I, Erlangen. Ganpy 1900 Bull. dela Soc. Anat. de Paris, Année 75, p. 691. Goop 1894 Casuistische Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Divertikelbildungen u. s. w. Inaug. Diss., Univ. Ziirich, p. 47. HABERSHON 1857 Observations on the diseases of the alimentary canal. London, p. 145. Hanavu 1896 Bemerkungen zu der Mittheilung von Hansemann“ Ueber die Ent- stehung falscher Darmdivertikel’’ in diesem Archiv, Bd. 144. Hft. 2, s.400, Virchow’s Archives, vol. 145. HANSEMANN 1896 Ueber die Enstehung falscher Darmdivertikel. Archiv fiir path. Anat., Bd. 144, Hft. 2, S. 400. Hetty 1898 Beitrag zur Anatomie des Pankreas und seiner Ausfiithrungsgainge Archiv fiir mik. Anat., p. 773. Hescut 1880 Wien med. Wochenschr., no. 1, u. 2, spec. S. 5. Hoprnpyt 1901 Two cases of multiple spurious diverticula of the intestine. Proc. N. Y. Path. Soe. (1899-0), 182. Jaca 1899 Ueber Duodenaldivertikel. Diss., Kiel. i Jackson 1908 An unusual duodenal diverticulum. Jour. of Anat. and Phys- iol., vol. 42. DUODENAL DIVERTICULA 139 Keito 1903 On the Nature and Anatomy of Enteroptosis (Glénard’s disease). Lancet, London, vol. 1, p. 640. Kuess 1869 Handbuch d. path. Anat., Bd.1. 8. 271, Berlin. 1899 Die allgemeine Pathologie, theil 2, S. 100, Jena. LeRoy 1901 Divertikel prévatérien congénital et cancer de l’ampoule de Vater déterminant une obstruction biliare. Jour. des Sciences Med. d. Lille, 2, p. 598. LETULLE 1899 Malformations duodenalés; diverticules péri-vatériens. La Presse Medical, p. 13. MariE 1899 Bull. et Mem. Soc. Anat. de Paris, p. 982. Moreacni 176] De Causs. et sed. morb. Epist. 34. par., 17. NattTan-LARRIER 1899 Malformations multiple, retrecissement du duodénum, dilatation de l’oesophage, communication interventriculaire. Bull. et Mem. Soc. Anat., Paris, p. 981. Nauwerck 1893 Ein Nebenpankreas. Ziegler’s Beitrage, Bd. 12, S. 28. NeumMann 1870 Archiv d. Heilkunde, Bd. 11, S. 200. PitcHER 1894 Large pseudo-diverticulum of the duodenum. Annals of Surgery, vol. 20. Raun 1796 Scirrhosi pancreat. diagnos. obs. 14. Géttingae. ROLLESTON AND FENTON 1900-01 Two anomalous forms of duodenal pouches. Jour. Anat. and Physiol., vol. 35, p. 110. Rota 1872 Ueber Divertikelbildung am Duodenum. Archiv. fiir Path. Anat., 41, p. 197. ScoirMER 1893 Beitrag zur Geschichte und Anatomie der Pankreas. Inaug. Diss., Basel, p. 58. ScHROEDER 1854 Ueber Divertikelbildung am Darmcanale. Inaug. Dis., Erlang. Scutrret 1876 Ziemmsen Handbuch der spec. Path. und Ther. SrirpPeL 1895 Ueber erworbene Darmdivertikel. Inaug. Diss., Univ. Ziirich, p. 21. WEICHSELBAUM 1883 Bericht d. K. K. Krankenanstadt, Rudolph-Stift, Wien. 4. ZENKER 1861 Nebenpankreas’ in der Darmwand. Virchow’s Archives, Bd. 21, S. 369. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, NO. 3 PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 4 This sketch, made from the actual specimen, represents the duodenal mucosa with the mouth of the diverticulum. The duodenum was opened along that bor- der opposite to the orifice of the diverticulum. 5 In this diagram the diverticulum shown in fig. 4 is represented as seen from the dorsum. The fundus is represented projecting cephalically from the third portion of the duodenum and lying dorsal to the head of the pancreas. 6 This netureksize sketch represents the doudenal mucosa with the orifice of the diverticulum. The duodenum was opened opposite to the site of the diver- ticulum. Note the close relation of the orifice to the major duodenal papilla. 7 In this diagram the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas is shown en- circled by the duodenum. The fundus of the sac represented in fig. 6 is seen pro- jecting in close proximity to the bile duct and dorsal to the head of the pancreas. 8 In this sketch the mucosa lining the interior of the diverticulum can be seen. Just within the orifice and running cephalo-caudally across the dorsal wall of the sac a prominent fold of mucosa is seen presenting on its summit caudally the major papilla. This diverticulum is the largest yet described. 9 Inthis sketch the close relation of the orifice of the diverticulum to the major duodenal papilla is represented. 10 This diagram presents the relation of the fundus of the diverticulum, rep- resented in fig. 9, to the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas and especially to the bile and pancreatic ducts. REFERENCE NUMBERS Major duodenal papilla. Ductus choledochus. Mucosal fold. Ductus pancreaticus. Orifice of diverticulum. Duodenum (dorsal aspect). Head of pancreas (dorsal aspect). Diverticulum. nl WO on D> DUODENAL DIVERTICULA IN MAN WESLEY M. BALDWIN THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, No. 3 PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 11 This sketch resembles in general appearance fig. 8. The fold of mucosa traversing the dorsal wall,of the sac bearing the major duodenal papilla is well shown. These structures lie just within the orifice of the diverticulum. 12 This sketch shows the close relation of the orifice of the diverticulum to the major duodenal papilla. 13 This diagram shows the relation of the diverticulum, represented in fig. 12. to the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas and to the bile and main pancrea- tic ducts. 14 In this sketch the common orifice of the diverticulum, the bile, and the main pancreatic duct is shown upon the mucosa of the second portion of the duodenum. 15 This sketch shows the orifice of a diverticulum situated in the third por- tion of the duodenum. 16 In this diagram the fundus of the diverticulum, represented in fig. 15, is shown in relation to the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas. There is, of course, no relation to the bile or pancreatic ducts. REFERENCE NUMBERS 1 Orifice of diverticulum. 4 Diverticulum. 2 Duodenum (dorsal aspect). 5 Major duodenal papilla. 3 Head of pancreas (dorsal aspect). 6 Ductus choledochus. 8 Ductus pancreaticus. DUODENAL DIVERTICULA IN MAN WESLEY M. BALDWIN 15 THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, NO. 3 PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 17 This sketch represents the duodenal mucosa exposed to show the orifice of the diverticulum. 18 In this diagram the head of the pancreas encircled by the duodenum (fig. 17) is represented as viewed from the dorsum. The fundus of the diverticulum located at the duodenal-jejunal flexure is shown in relation to the pancreas. 19 In this sketch the orifice of the diverticulum lies immediately cephalic to the major duodenal papilla. 20 This diagram represents the relation of the fundus of the diverticulum, shown in fig. 19, to the bile and main pancreatic ducts and to the dorsal surface of the head of the pancreas. 21 In this sketch the orifice of the diverticulum is shown upon the mucosa of the third portion of the duodenum. REFERENCE NUMBERS 1 Orifice of diverticulum. 4 Diverticulum. 2 Duodenum (dorsal aspect). 5 Major duodenal papilla. 3 Head of pancreas (dorsal aspect). 6 Ductus choledochus. 8 Ductus pancreaticus. DUODENAL DIVERTICULA IN MAN WESLEY M. BALDWIN ’ PLATE 3 THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5. No. 3 = PLATE 4 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 22 In this sketch the relation of the small tubular diverticula to the minor duodenal papilla is seen. 92 23 This sketch represents the mucosa of the third portion of the duodenum with the orifice of the diverticulum. 24 In this diagram the fundus of the diverticulum, represented in fig. 23, is shown as seen from the dorsum. The fundus extends cephalically lying dorsal to the head of the pancreas but it has no immediate relation either to the ducts of the pancreas or to the bile duct. 25 In this sketch a large diverticulum is represented opening into the third portion of the duodenum. 26 This diagram represents the fundus of the diverticulum, shown in fig. 25, as seen from the dorsum. It lies dorsal to the head of the pancreas but has no relation to the ducts of the gland or to the bile duct. REFERENCE NUMBERS 1 Orifice of diverticulum. 3 Head of pancreas (dorsal aspect). 2 Duodenum (dorsal aspect). 4 Diverticulum. 5 Minor duodenal papilla. DUODENAL DIVERTICULA IN MAN ’ PLATE 4 WESLEY M. BALDWIN ; THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. do, No. $ ' I we i * t - i. 4 ae . 7 . a ‘ 7 ee © ‘ a Reprinted from THE JOURNAL OF ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, No. 5. THE PANCREATIC DUCTS IN MAN, TOGETHER WITH A STUDY OF THE MICROSCOPICAL STRUC- TURE OF THE MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA W. M. BALDWIN Cornell University Medical College TWELVE FIGURES As ordinarily described in the text-books, there exist in the substance of the pancreas, two ducts; one, the larger and more constant, called the ‘pancreatic duct’ or ‘duct of Wirsung,’ and the other, smaller and comparatively inconstant, the ‘accessory pancreatic duct’ or ‘duct of Santorini.’ The main duct, beginning in the tail of the pancreas, courses from left to right through the body and neck to the head of the gland where it bends caudally, after receiving the accessory duct, and, traversing the head of the gland, perforates the duodenal wall to empty into the duodenum in company with the common bile duct; occasionally, however, apart from it. The accessory duct, on the other hand, is confined to the cephalo-ventral segment of the head which it traverses from its point of junction with the main duct to the minor duo- denal papilla where it either empties into the duodenum or ter- minates blindly. This minor papilla in the duodenal mucosa bears a cephalo-ventral relation to the major papilla containing the ampulla of Vater and lies about 1.8 em. from it. The one noticeable feature of the anatomical descriptions of these parts is the discordance of opinion concerning the terminal relations of the accessory duct. In the year 1641, Moritz Hoffmann discovered the duct of the pan- creas while working on a rooster and showed his findings to Wirsung, who the following year dissected the duct in the pancreas of a human body. In a letter to Jean Riolan, Jr., Professor of Anatomy in Paris, Wirsung gave to the world the first account of his important discovery. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, No. 5 MAY, 1911 197 198 W. M. BALDWIN Wirsung had the duct reproduced on a copper plate from which but few copies were struck off. According to Choulant only two copies are known to be preserved. Schirmer (1893) saw one in the University of Strassburg and had a photolithographic reproduction of it made. To Jo. Dominici Santorini belongs the credit for the first description of the accessory pancreatic duct and for the first representation approxi- mating accuracy of the arrangement of the ducts in the adult human pancreas. He called attention to the existence of two papille in the duodenal mucosa and figured them in table 12 of his published work. In this connection, also, mention should justly be made of the name of Regner de Graaf, who previously had reported that, contrary to what had been the prevailing opinion, the pancreas might present two or even three ducts. A complete list of the workers upon this particular problem in con- nection with the pancreas is lengthy; it includes such names as Vesling, who reported two ducts, apparently in lower animals, Thomas Bartho- linus, Bernard Swalwe, G. Blasius, Johannes von Muralt, and Chris- tianus Ludovicus Welschius. Now that the identity of the ducts was established, investigators began to report anomalous conditions of these passages; as Albrecht von Haller, Tiedemann, Mayer, and M. Bécourt. J. F. Meckel’s was a significant statement in explanation of the causative factors involved in the production of the numerous anomalous condi- tions observed, 7. e., that atrophy of the duodenal end of the accessory duct was the developmental rule. A further list of workers at this period in- cludes such names as Huschke, Jean Cruveilhier, and Sappey. Since the time of Claude Bernard, who in 1846 revived interest in the accessory duct, which had apparently been neglected, much attention has been given to the relation of the accessory duct to the main duct and to the duodenum. An incomplete list of the investigators thus engaged with the number of specimens studied is as follows: Bécourt, 32; Verneuil, about 20; Henle, Sappey, 17; Hamburger, ‘mehr als 50’; Schirmer, 105; Schieffer, 10; Helly, 50; Charpy, 30; Letulle, 21; Opie, 100. A study of the different methods employed by the investigators in their efforts to ascertain the condition of patency or occlusion of one or both ends of the accessory duct is of two-fold interest, because it illustrates the ingenuity of the workers, and, secondly, gives a probable explanation of the inharmonious results of their work. For example, Claude Bernard used injections of metallic mercury which he forced into the main duct; Sappey, likewise working with mer- cury, ligated the ampulla and injected through the common bile. duct. Schirmer, however, availing himself of Henle’s objection to the use of mercury as an injection fluid for reason of its liability to burst through what might be a natural barrier at the blind duodenal end of the accessory duct, had recourse to the ingenious method of blowing air at a low pres- sure through the duodenal orifice of the main duct while the whole gland was submerged in water. Charpy used the injection method. His fluids were alcohol and some coagulable fluids, followed in some instances by the air injection method. Taking his cue from Charpy’s comment PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 199 upon Schirmer’s method in which the former said that it was well to dis- lodge by friction the mucous which might obstruct the ducts, Helly went one step farther towards accuracy by subjecting the minor papilla to a microscopical examination, after he had injected the ducts with a gelatin mass. His findings substantiated the previously advanced objec- tions. Several times the injection mass broke down a natural barrier thus giving rise to the erroneous conclusion, had the microscopical exami- nation not followed, that the channel in life had been patent. On the other hand, Helly found that several times a small accumulation of mucous was sufficient to completely block the accessory duct. This present work comprises a study of one hundred specimens of adult human pancreas removed, with the exception of four derived from autopsies, from the bodies used in the regular dis- secting courses in anatomy in the Cornell University Medical College at Ithaca, New York. The bodies had been embalmed with a mixture of equal parts of carbolic acid, glycerin, and 95 per cent ethyl alcohol. The ages of the individuals ranged from 21 to 95 years. There were 57 males and 21 females plus a series of twenty-two specimens from which the identification tags had been lost and consequently all data. Death in no instance had been caused by pathological processes localized either in the pan- creas or in the duodenum. The method followed in the examination of the specimens was as follows: the ductus pancreaticus was located by gross dissec- tion, with the aid of a lens magnifying two diameters, in the neck of the gland where the pancreatic tissue overlies the superior mesenteric vessels. At this level the duct approaches the dorsal surface of the gland and is readily found usually about midway between the cephalic and caudal borders at a depth of 2 or 3 mm. in the gland substance. Once located, the duct was easily traced both towards the tail of the gland and towards the duodenum. In both of these regions it was found to lie nearer the dorsal than the ventral surface of the gland. The junction with the accessory duct was most quickly reached by working along the ventral surface of the main duct beginning at the neck and proceeding towards the duodenum. In those anoma- lous instances where this duct could not be located by this method, the duodenum was opened along its right border and the position 200 W. M. BALDWIN of the minor papilla ascertained. Then, using this as a guide, the accessory duct was sought for in the glandular tissue cephalad to the level of the papilla. In those instances where no junction of the accessory duct and the main duct could be readily ascer- tained upon gross dissection, a ligature was passed around the duodenal end of the accessory duct at the point of perforation of the duodenal wall, and the main duct injected with a stain, either aqueous eosin or methylene blue. Regurgitation of the fluid into the accessory duct evidenced the presence of a communication between the two ducts. However, in no instance was the acces- sory duct injected with air or any fluid as a means of ascertaining the condition of patency of its duodenal termination. The relation of the ducts to each other being thus established, the minor papilla entire, including the adjacent duodenal wall and a small portion of pancreatic tissue, was imbedded in paraffin, sectioned in series, and stained with the hematoxylin and eosin method. In four instances the accessory duct was of such a large calibre as to be readily followed through the papilla by gross dissection. In these few specimens the papilla was not sectioned and studied microscopically. The relation of the main pancreatic duct to the termination of the bile duct was studied by gross dissection, while by slitting open both ducts their part in the formation of the major duodenal papilla was ascertained. The major papilla, however, was not sectioned or studied under the microscope. In an investigation of this nature covering so much ground and productive of so many data it has seemed wise to present the facts of the problem in the topical order herewith listed. 1. The duodenal mucosa; its papillae and intestinal valves. 2. The main pancreatic duct; course, tributaries, and drainage. 3. The duodenal termination of the pancreatic duct in the major papilla and its relation to the bile duct. 4. The accessory pancreatic duct; course, tributaries, and drainage. 5. The minor papilla; relation to the accessory duct and micro- scopical structure. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 201 6. The relation of the main pancreatic duct to the common bile duct at the duodenal wall. 7. The bile duct and the major papilla. 1. The duodenal mucosa; its papille and intestinal valves Attention was given to a study of the arrangement of the intes- tinal valves. These were exposed by laying open the duodenum along its convex border. The minor and major papille were present in every instance of this series of one hundred specimens. Locating the major papilla presented but little difficulty. On the other hand, it was occasionally only as the result of the most careful search that the minor papilla could be identified. It lay cephalad and on a plane ventral to the major papilla in ninety of the specimens. In eight instances the two papillae were on the same vertical plane, the minor papilla being cephalad. Finally, in the two remaining specimens the minor papilla lay upon the same transverse plane with the other papilla but ventral to it. The fact is worthy of special mention that in no instance did the minor papilla occupy a position either caudal to the major papilla or dorsal to it. Separating these papilla, the average distance, measured from center to center, was 2.0 em. The shortest dis- tance observed was 0.9 cm., and the longest 3.5 em., and the mean distance 2.1 cm. One specimen presented three papill ; the minor papilla oceupy- ing the usual position relative to the major papilla and 2.3 em. from it. The accessory papilla lay 1.0 em. directly cephalad to the minor papilla. This third papilla had no pancreatic duct opening through it. Notwithstanding the apparently hap-hazard and chance disposi- tion of the smaller and incomplete mucosal folds in the vicinity of the papillz, there could be identified in these specimens a marked conformity of the larger intestinal folds or valves to a fixed and entirely characteristic arrangement. In order that a more intelligible description might be made of these valves, I have divided them into two classes, 7. e., ‘primary’ and ‘secondary.’ i) =) Ls) W. M. BALDWIN Cephalic end sansa Fig. 1 (natural size) represents the typical distribution of the ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ folds of duodenal mucosa in the region of the two papille in the de- scending portion of the duodenum. M.P.Minor papilla. P. Depression containing the major papilla with the orifices of the bile and the pancreatic duct. C. Plica longitudinalis duodeni. A,B,D. ‘Primary’ folds. S,S,S, ‘Secondary’ folds. The basis of this classification is dependent entirely upon the size and constancy of the folds (fig. 1). The minor papilla (M.P.) occupies a position upon a promi- nent ‘primary’ transverse fold or valve (A) and often at its bifurea- tion as represented in the drawing. It lies not on the ridge or crest of the valve but within the angle of bifurcation on the side of the fold. About 0.5 em. caudal to this, a second, also ‘primary,’ fold (B) traverses the duodenal wall. Beginning at this second valve a prominent ‘primary’ longitudinal fold (C) proceeds caud- ally at a right angle and in the direction of the long axis of the duo- denum. This is the ‘plica longitudinalis duodeni” of the text- books. Upon its summit and close to its cephalic extremity, in fact, overlapped by the fold indicated at (B), lies the major papilla presenting the orifices of the bile and pancreatic ducts. This plica passes caudally uninterruptedly across two or three ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ (S) folds to terminate in another PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 203 ‘primary’ transverse fold (D) located at the junction of the de- scending and transverse portions of the duodenum. Scattered among these ‘primary’ plice are many small ‘secondary’ folds (S), which haveno definite or constant arrangement, which branch often, and which join or fuse with the larger folds at varying angles. In addition to these features the observation was made upon thirty of the specimens that if the valves were disregarded, ironed out, so to speak, and merely the general contour of the duodenal wall considered, at the level of the major papilla a distinct bulging or hollowing of the wall towards the head of the pancreas was demonstrable. This feature was superadded to the constant dorso-ventral curvature of the duodenal wall and existed as a dis- tinct entity. Furthermore, in sixty of the one hundred specimens, the major papilla occupied a small, localized, but, nevertheless, dis- tinct pitting of the duodenal wall (P). This pitting was produced by simply a localized exaggeration of the general hollowing of the medial wall of the duodenum mentioned above. To the mind of the author, however, this hollowing was suggestive of a pos- sible persistence of the original diverticulum from which in the embryo both the liver and the ventral pancreas developed. 2. The main pancreatic duct; course, tributaries, and drainage In order clearly to understand the arrangement of the ducts and their accessory features in the adult, our consideration must be turned to the embryology of the pancreas, which has engaged the attention of many workers, including the names of His, Phisalix, Zimmermann, Felix, Hamburger, Janosik, Jankelo- witz, Swaen, Helly, Vélker, Kollmann, Ingalls, and Thyng. According to the results of these investigators the human pancreas develops from the duodenum at the level of the hepatic diverticu- lum from two buds or anlages, one ventral, and the other dorsal, the former being in association with the hepatic diverticulum. Diverse views are entertained at present concerning the duplicity of the ventral anlage, some maintaining that the bud is single from the first while others hold that at the beginning it consists of two lateral halves which subsequently fuse. The author has recently 204 WwW. M. BALDWIN published a paper descriptive of an unusual form of adult pancreas which possibly exemplifies a persistence of the earlier embryo- logical condition of the primitive anlages. Concerning the dorsal anlage we may say that contrary to what had been previously demonstrated by Hamburger, Felix, and Jano- sik, Thyng’s studies seem to prove that ‘‘the dorsal pancreas arises from the intestine distinctly anterior to the hepatic diverti- culum.”” From the dorsal bud the cephalic portion of the head and all of the neck, body, and tail of the pancreas develop, the ductus pancreatis dorsalis draining these portions. The ventral pancreas Head Neck Body Tail Portion Accessory Developing Pancreatic from one Dorsal Bile Duct Anlage ti : : Laie ; Portion Developing from Ventral Anlage enclosing its duct, the ductus pancreatis ventralis, forms ulti- mately the caudal portion of the head of the gland (fig. 2). The accompanying figure (2) represents diagrammatically the parts of the gland derived from the two anlages. The clear portion traversed by the heavy unbroken line is developed from the dorsal anlage, while the shaded portion is derived from the ven- tral anlage. The terms suggested by Thyng ‘ductus pancreatis ventralis’ and ‘ductus pancreatis dorsalis’ are particularly appli- cable from the standpoint of their embryological relations. As development progresses, however, the ducts unite as is shown in the sketch, the duct of the dorsal anlage then undergoing a certain degree of atrophy at its duodenal end to thus produce the adult arrangement (see also fig. 3). 205 D MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA * PANCREATIC DUCTS AN “eypided toleur 944 980dxoa Oo} winueponp oy4 ur Jno useq sey MOPUIM VW ‘UOTPVITSOA UT sty} Aq pourejaooge gy s}ONp ayy Jo “Oor}Isodsip ary MOUS 04 poAoutoa oouvysqns Teynpuvys oyy ‘JO uonmsod x YIM “un uaponp pue svorourd 94} JO 9oRyins ["1}09A 949 syueserdo § ‘ST alnxaly Jeunfe[-ouspong——__ - SEOJOURY Jo peoy : 4O uoinsod lepneg PESH JO uolod JEpneo Bululesp jm | ———____ I Bide Jofew I ———— 0g jig 4Y8luN| 9Ssodxa 0} pausdo Unuapong 19NQ oNeaJoUeY Asossao0y SI9SSOA ONajUesoW JOladng 1ONG oeeJ0URY SPOJOULY JO Jey “SBdJ9UBY jo peoy SBOINUEY JO Kpog- SEQJOUBY 40 yOaRy Mi@we oijedapy PUB Ulan jeWoYy 206 W. M. BALDWIN By keeping these facts of embryology in mind the anatomical findings of this investigation have a much clearer interpretation. The main duct was observed to begin in the tail of the gland through the convergence of a number of small duct radicles. It could not be demonstrated that these conformed to any particular arrange- ment. Pursuing a more or less tortuous course, the duct passed thence from left to right, traversing the glandular substance of the body of the pancreas and approximating the dorsal rather than the ventral surface of the gland. Furthermore, the duct lay nearer the cephalic than the caudal border of the body. Upon arriving at the head of the gland, the main duct inclined somewhat abruptly caudally and dorsally with the convexity towards the right and approached the dorsal surface of the head of the gland. Reaching the level of the major duodenal papilla, the duct now ran almost horizontally to the right to join with the caudal aspect of the bile duct and empty with it into the major papilla (fig. 3). | The tributaries of the main duct in the body of the gland were observed to join that duct almost invariably at right angles and also to alternate with tributaries of the opposite side in the level at which they joined the main duct. These same features in turn characterized somewhat less noticeably, however, the radicles of these tributaries of the main duct. Only in the head of the gland was the conformity to these rules departed from. Here the tribu- taries were, occasionally, of some irregularity, first, in the angle of junction, and secondly, in the arrangement of the radicles. Here also there existed one large unpaired trunk quite variable in appearance but well represented in fig. 3. This is the chief channel of drainage of the small lobe of the head (lobe of Winslow) which lies dorsal to the superior mesenteric vessels. Winslow in 1732, and later Charpy, called attention to its constancy. In four or five of the specimens dissected the last two tributaries joined this duct at the same level, and in such a manner and of such proportions as to appear to form a third pancreatic duct traversing the caudal segment of the head parallel to the main pancreatic duct. In no instances, however, was there any observ- — PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 207 able direct communication between these twigs and the duo- denum. The main duct drained the whole of the body, tail, and neck of the gland, and in addition to these parts, in 66 per cent, or fifty of the seventy-six specimens studied for this purpose, the dorsal half of the head with nearly the whole of the caudal por- tion of the ventral half (fig. 2). This restricted the accessory duct to the ventro-cephalic portion in the immediate neighbor- hood of the minor papilla and to a small portion of the ventro- caudal segment. The main duct usually drained the whole of the region of the head adjacent to the neck. In four specimens the accessory duct drained the whole of the cephalic half of the head. In three instances the main duct was restricted to the dorsal and caudal portion of the head. In one other example the accessory duct drained nearly the whole of the head of the gland. The outside diameter of the main duct, in those specimens with a normal arrangement of ducts (88), taken a few millimeters before it emptied into the duodenum and with the duct flattened out, averaged 3.25 mm. The mean diameter was 3.0 mm. In the body of the gland the duct averaged 3.0 mm. The smallest main duct measured 1.5 mm. and the largest 4.5 mm. There were three specimens in the series which presented a rather unusual arrangement of ducts as represented in fig. 4. In these instances the main duct, descending towards the right into the caudal portion of the head, described a ‘loop,’ as shown in the figure, before finally proceeding horizontally to the major papilla. The accessory duct in these instances occupied its usual ventral and cephalic position and joined the main duct before the beginning of the ‘loop.’ In no instances was the main duct dup- licated in the body of the pancreas as described by Bernard nor was there found the spiral disposition of the pancreatic duct as described by Hyrtl and figured in his Corrosion An- atomie. 208 W. M. BALDWIN Bile Duct Accessory Pancreatic Duct Pancreatic Duct Head ‘of Pancreas Fig. 4 A rough; schematic sketch of the ventral surface of the head of the pan- creas showing the typical arrangement of the pancreatic duct in those specimens in which the ‘loop’ disposition prevailed. 3. The duodenal termination of the pancreatic duct in the major papilla and its relation to the bile duct Ever since Bidloo first noted the papilla common to both the bile and the pancreatic duct, the relation of these two ducts to each other in the ampulla has been the subject of considerable — investigation. Bernard and Laguesse each mentioned one specimen in which the main pancreatic duct opened into the duodenum apart from the orifice of the bile duct. Bécourt also recorded another instance. Schirmer reported twenty-two specimens (about 47 per cent) among forty-seven investigated in which a mucosal fold sepa- rated the orifices of the ducts in such a manner that a true ampulla did not exist. Opie examined one hundred specimens. In eleven instances no ampulla was present, the two ducts entering the duo- denum separately. In the remaining cases the ampulla varied in length from less than 1 mm. to 11 mm., while in only thirty speci- mens did this measurement equal or exceed 5mm. The ampullary orifice had an average diameter of 2.5 mm. Among twenty-one specimens which Letulle studied in only six was there a true ampulla. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 209 The main pancreatic duct in this series of one hundred speci- mens approached the caudal aspect of the ductus choledochus to fuse with its wall before penetrating the duodenal wall (fig. 3). In two instances the main duct emptied into the caudal aspect of the bile duct at 1.3 cm. and 0.7 em. respectively from the duo- denal wall. Upon opening the ducts it was a noticeable fact that, notwithstanding the apparent fusion of the walls outside of the duodenum, the lumina did not unite until the duodenal wall had been perforated. Fig. 5 represents diagrammatically the two classes into which the specimens reported and those studied in this investigation --Bile Duct Pancreatic uct uct Ampulla apilla eptum Lumen of_fiaags Lumen of Duodenum ie seem to fall. In A the walls of the two ducts are seen to fuse at the level of the duodenal wall. The lumina, on the other hand, do not fuse until the papilla has been entered. The thin mucous septum is shown separating the two ducts for a distance of at least one half of the papilla where the true ampulla can then be said to begin. Fig. 5, B represents the other general appearance noted, 7. e., complete isolation of the two ducts. The figure also gives a fairly good representation of the foliated appearance of the mucosa observed in the ampulla and mentioned at an earlier date by Bernard. 210 W. M. BALDWIN The distance from the mouth of the major papilla to the point of junction of the two ducts in the ampulla averaged 4.8 mm. (mean 4.0 mm.) in the ninety specimens dissected. In twenty of the specimens (about 22 per cent), there could be found no junction of the ducts, each opening side by side separately into the duodenum through the major papilla. This appearance is represented in fig. 5, B. A true ampulla was not present in these cases. In two specimens the distance observed was0.5mm. In twelve instances the partition was only 2.0 mm. from the mouth of the ampulla. In but one pancreas was the duodenal end of the main duct oc- cluded (fig. 6). The duct in this instance was a mere impervious twig which opened neither into the bile nor the accessory duct. The accessory duct drained the whole gland. 4. The accessory pancreatic duct; course, tributaries, and drainage The accessory duct was found to be present in each of seventy- six specimens examined with that object in view. It waslocated entirely within the substance of the cephalo-ventral segment of the head (fig. 3), and pursued an arched course towards the duo- denum. In no instance did it occupy a position wholly caudal to the main duct. Invariably the accessory duct lay upon a plane ventcal to that of the main duct. Two curves were described in its passage to the duodenum; the first of these, more pronounced and with its concavity cephalad, occupied the duct end, while the other the shorter of the two, was situated at the duodenal end with its con- cavity looking caudad. This condition, present in forty-two (64 per cent) of sixty-six specimens, is not clearly enough represented in fig. 3. In twenty-one specimens (31 per cent) the duct described a wide curvature with its concavity cephalad. Leaviag the main duct it proceeded into the caudal portion of the head of the gland, then, turning to pass ventral to the main duct, emptied into the minor papilla. This appearance is represented in fig. 8. In the three remaining specimens (5 per cent) the usual curvatures of the duct were reversed, 7. e., a caudal concavity in the duct half with PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 211 Bile Duct Accessory Pancreatic Duct Main Pancreatic Duct Bile Duct Accessory Pancreatic Duct Pancreatic Duct Fig. 7 In this schematic sketch the ventral surface of the head of the pan- creas is represented. Here the ducts are ‘inverted,’ 7. e., the accessory duct conveys most of the drainage from the neck, body, and tail of the gland into the duodenum. The main duct, occupying its usual caudal and dorsal position, is inferior in size to the accessory duct but joins the bile duct to empty with it through the major papilla into the duodenum. Ae W. M. BALDWIN a cephalic concavity at the duodenal end. Apart from the twenty- one specimens above noted, in forty-five (69 per cent) the duct was restricted to the cephalic and ventral segment of the head. Charpy’s work agrees with the results of this investigation regarding the part of the gland drained by the accessory duct. Opie, however, thought that the accessory duct drained “the anterior and lower part of the head’’ restricting for the main duct a smaller mass of parenchyma ‘behind the larger lobe.’ In fifty-eight specimens (88 per cent) the duct approached the duodenum with diminishing calibre; in six specimens (9 per cent) the duodenal end was larger (fig. 7) while in two (3 per cent) both ends were of the same size. These figures, as would be expected, were compiled from those specimens in which the duct united with the main duct in the usual manner, namely, from sixty-six speci- mens. In ten other specimens where no demonstrable junction was present, the accessory duct naturally approached the duode- num with an augmenting calibre (figs. 9 and 10). The outside diameter of the flattened accessory duct in these sixty-six specimens, taken at the point where it perforated the duodenal wall, averaged 1.2 mm. The smallest observed was 0.75 mm. and the largest 2.0 mm., with 1.0 mm. as the mean diameter of this end of the duct. Under the same conditions the other end of the accessory duct at its junction with the main duct measured 1.75 mm. with limits of 1.0 mm. minimum and 3.0 mm. maxi- mum and with 1.5 mm. as the mean diameter. In three other specimens, however, the maximum diameters observed at the duodenal end were 2.5 mm., 3.0 mm., and 3.6mm. respectively, but these were instances of inversion of the ducts, 7. é€., the main duct was inferior in size to the accessory duct as represented in figs. 7 and 9. These facts bear out Meckel’s statement that in the foetus the two pancreatic ducts possess the same calibre, but as develop- ment progresses the accessory duct undergoes a natural atrophy at its duodenal end. This fact was also noted by Bernard and verified still later by Schieffer upon five human fcetuses from 7.5 to 9 months of age. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 213 Accessory Pancreatic Duct 8 Bile Duct Accessory Pancreatic Duct Pancreatic Duct =) Fig. 8 This sketch represents the ventral surface of the head of the pancreas showing the accessory duct passing through the caudal portion of the head. Fig. 9 represents a condition present in five specimens of the seventy-six dis- sected (6.5 per cent). The ducts do not unite. The accessory duct, larger than the main duct, drains the whole of the body, tail, neck, and cephalic half of the head. This is a persistence of the embryonic arrangement of ducts. To these ducts the terms ductus pancreatis ventralis for the main duct and ductus pancreatis dorsalis for the accessory duct are particularly applicable. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 5, No. 5 214 W. M. BALDWIN In ten of seventy-six specimens (13.2 per cent) the accessory duct failed to jom with the main duct (figs. 9 and 10). The junc- tion in the other sixty-six specimens, or 86.8 per cent of cases, was found invariably in the head close to the neck of the gland (fig. 3). Among these latter the accessory duct fused with the ventral sur- face of the main duct in twenty-five (38.0 per cent), with the caudal surface in twelve (19.0 per cent), the duct passing ventral to the main duct; and with the cephalic surface in twenty-nine specimens (43.0 per cent). 5. The minor papilla; relation to the accessory duct and micro- scopical structure The minor papilla was present in each of one hundred specimens examined. As a means of studying more accurately the relation of the accessory duct to the minor papilla, forty-six out of a total series of fifty specimens were subjected to a microscopical examination without first having been injected as a means of ascertaining the condition of patency of the duodenal end of the duct. A block of tissue comprising the papilla and the duodenal wall with the adjacent pancreatic substance was imbedded in paraffin, sectioned in series in thicknesses varying from 12 to 40u and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Forty-one specimens (82 per cent) demonstrated a patent accessory duct. In five (10 per cent) the duct was closed, ter- minating blindly at the papilla. It seems needless to say that in these last specimens the accessory duct communicated with the main duct through an ample orifice. A feature especially worthy of mention was the abrupt manner in which the accessory duct in these five instances became constricted from an ample lumen to one of capillary dimensions and then terminated abruptly at the papilla. This abrupt dwarfing of the duct was no excep- tional feature confined to these five isolated specimens. It was the rule rather than the exception. In brief, as was frequently verified, amplitude of calibre was no criterion of patency. In the four remaining specimens of the series of fifty selected (8 per cent), the patency of the accessory duct was so manifest as to be demon- , PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 215 strable upon gross dissection. In these, therefore, no microscopical examination wasmade. ‘This gives, then, among fifty specimens examined, a total of five (10 per cent) which did not communicate with the duodenum. Further, in six other specimens the accessory duct did not unite with the main duct, giving, therefore, a total percentage of practical importance of eleven specimens out of fifty (22 per cent) in which fluid could not pass from the main duct into the duodenum through the accessory duct. The shape of the papilla was uniformly rounded or conical with a diameter averaging 2 mm. and an aperture quite variable, Bile Duct Accessory Duct Main Pancreatic Duct Is Fig. 10 shows an arrangement found in five specimens (6.5 per cent) of the sev- enty-six dissected. The accessory duct is isolated and smaller than the main duct. It drains but a small region in the immediate neighborhood of the minor papilla, through which it opens into the duodenum. most often not visible to the unaided eye. The epithelial cover- ing did not differ in appearance from that found in the rest of the duodenum (fig. 11, #). The mass of the papilla was composed of a core (C.C.) This core, imbedded in the mucosa and submucosa of the gut and extending obliquely from the muscularis (/) to the epithelial covering of the papilla (2), consisted of a support- ing framework of dense connective tissue, and appeared as a constant factor in the structure of the papilla. It was present when the accessory duct failed, indeed, its size, which contri- buted largely to the proportions of the papilla, seemed less referable to the presence of the accessory duct than to the Fig. 11 (magnified 18 diameters) A longitudinal microscopical section of the minor duodenal papilla showing the passage of the accessory duct through the core of connective tissue. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 217 quantity of mucous glandular tissue enclosed within its stroma. The prominent features, then, of the papilla were this core of dense connective tissue containing many smooth muscle fibres (M.F.) and enclosmg much mucous glandular tissue, with the accessory duct (A.D.) traversing the middle of its substance. Its whole appearance was strongly suggestive, however, of func- tional regression remindful of Meckel’s observation regarding the developmental atrophy of the duodenalend of the accessory duct. The accessory duct (A.D.) passed directly from the pancreatic tissue (P) of the head of the gland, which accompanied it up to the duodenal wall, through both layers of muscular tissue (1). Entering immediately into the substance of the core, it passed through the middle of its stroma to open finally into the duode- num. At the level of perforation of the duodenal wall, it under- went an abrupt caudal bending. The angle of this flexure, as pre- viously noted by Helly, varied from 20° to 30°. In thirty-seven of the fifty specimens (74 per cent) the duct passed in a caudo- ventral direction through the papilla; in six specimens (12 per cent) it curved caudodorsally; and in the remaining seven specimens (14 per cent) horizontally ventral. Occasionally it was noted that the fibres of the muscularis formed a sphincter-like ring _ around the duct at the level where it perforated the duodenal wall. There was no difficulty experienced in tracing the accessory duct through the pancreatic tissue which accompanied it upto the duodenal wall. The lumen was direct, uniform, and either gradually enlarging or diminishing in calibre. Once that the mus- cularis was perforated, however, the appearance of the duct was transformed to a remarkable extent. The lumen now became tortuous and irregular, dilating and narrowing, and, at times, branching to reunite farther along in its course. To add to the complexity of this arrangement the association with the duct in the core of numerous mucous glands, whose individual or combined ducts either opened directly into the accessory duct or independ- ently into the intestine, rendered the tracing of the lumen of the duct particularly difficult. The amplitude of lumen of the accessory duct as it approached the papilla offered no trustworthy suggestion of its condition of 218 W. M. BALDWIN patency or-occlusion in the core. Oftentimes a duct with the largest calibre dwarfed instantly to capillary dimensions upon entering the core. On the other hand, occasionally the smaller and most unpromising ducts traversed the core with a direct, unsinuous, and even enlarging lumen. In six specimens (12 per cent) the lumen of the accessory duct gradually increased in size as it traversed the papilla towards the epithelial covering. In ten specimens (20 per cent) the lumen sustained a pronounced diminution in calibre, while in the remaining thirty-four cases (68 per cent) the duct was so tortuous and irregular as to make it im- possible to say whether there was an actual increase or a reduc- tion in size. In the five instances in which the accessory duct did not com- municate with the duodenum, the duct was found to have per- forated the muscularis. In the core immediately adjacent to the muscular coat, however, it suddenly underwent a diminution in calibre and terminated blindly in the connective tissue of the stroma of the core (C). In some of these specimens the strands of connective tissue separating the duct lumen from that of the adjacent mucous glands were so delicate that it seemed possible and, indeed, quite probable that they could be broken down by an injection mass even under the lightest pressure, thus giving rise to erroneous conclusions as to the condition of patency of the duct. Thus was confirmed both Henle’s and Helly’s objections to injection methods. In those instances where the duct was comparatively ample and the lumen could be followed with little difficulty through the papilla, the mucous glandular, and pancreatic tissues played only subsidiary parts in the formation of the core and but little muscu- lar tissue was discernible. In the majority of instances, however, the duct, being constricted, formed but a small part of the core. In these specimens the connective tissue and muscular stroma were very prominent. In these, too, aside from the epithelial lining of the lumen, there was no distinct wall to the duct. The true wall ceased where the duct perforated the muscular coat of the duodenum. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 219 The duodenal orifice in the instance of the small ducts appeared like that of an intestinal gland, the lumen proper of the duct, indeed, seemingly, opening into the fundus of the tubule and the side walls not differing from those of the usua! intestinal gland. Larger ducts, however, opened through what appeared to be several fused tubules. This orifice occurred either upon the caudal slope or upon the summit of the papilla, seldom upon its cephalic aspect. ' Many glands (M.G.), which from general appearances seemed to be mucous in character, were found associated with the acces- sory duct. The characteristic staining of mucous glands could not, however, be obtained in the instance of these glands owing, doubtless, to their imperfect fixation. Kd6lliker noted the occur- rence of these glands in the walls of the larger ducts of the pan- creas apart from the papille. These glands occurred in large, irregular, spherical groups situated either with the accessory duct within the core or immedi- ately outlying it in the loose connective tissue of the papilla. The ducts of those glands situated within the core opened through irreg- ular channels into the accessory duct. Those located near the epithelial extremity of the core imbedded in the connective tissue of the papilla opened directly upon the surface of the duodenal mucosa, while those farther removed from the epithelium emptied by longer channels, either into the accessory duct or upoa the surface of the mucosa. The presence or absence of the accessory duct did not seem to influence the number of these glands so much as might be expected. In the five specimens of occlusion of the duct, they opened either directly upon the surface of the mucosa or indirectly through a lengthy, tortuous channel which occupied the usual position of the accessory duct in the core. When the duct was very large and patent the mucous glands were fewer in number and much more scattered. No instances were found where the glands were entirely absent. In confirmation of Helly’s and of Opie’s earlier observations, small masses of pancreatic tissue (P.7'.) were found in two situa- tions, first, within the core close to the duodenal muscularis; secondly, in the loose connective tissue of the papilla usually 220 W. M. BALDWIN upon the caudal aspect of the core. This pancreatic tissue dif- fered from the tissue of the pancreas itself only in the distribu- tion of the supporting connective tissue, the latter occurring in thick, well-marked septa isolating the lobules and acini from each other. The ducts from the acini united into larger trunks which emptied either directly into the accessory duct or independently upon the epithelial surface of the duodenum. The unstriped muscle tissue (V/.F.) contributed largely to the thickness of the septa of the core. The fibres were scattered either parallel to the long axis of the core or were disposed circu- larly around some of the tubules. The amount of muscular tissue was greater towards the muscularis side of the papilla but few fibres reaching the level of the intestinal glands. There could not be observed any relation between the condition of patency or occlusion of the accessory duct and the number of these fibres. Claude Bernard thought that the papilla was contractile. The relation of the muscularis mucose (M.M.) of the duodenal wall to the tissue of the core could not be ascertained in every in- stance. In some specimens it was continuous with the muscular tissue of the core. In many others, however, it could be clearly seen that there was no continuity of this structure with that in the core. The following pages present a tabular compilation of all of the work which has been done upon the features presented in this problem. The minor papilla PRESENT | ABSENT Schirmer: 4.460), 2.5 ec oe eee 103 1 Helly: oes i eee 47 3 Charpy sicko aitt.cs os, eee eee 29 1 Vermeil. ac to ene ee 20 0 Baldwin.) 25.3520 eee eee 100 0 Thus it will be seen from the above that in about 98 per cent of specimens the minor papilla is present. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 221 But four specimens of three papillze have been reported: 20 Sn ee 1 eT ss aes ss oo ee ee 1 2 LUGS rd hc 1 ivi pe. Se ee | 1 None of these accessory papillae have been studied microscopi- cally. The papilla are of possible interest in two ways, first, because of the occasional bifid character of the ventral anlage, and, secondly, because of the occasional appearance of a third duct in the caudal region of the head. The accessory duct PRESENT ABSENT eter ee a e.....| 101 3 TL 29 1 Ul. 5.66 40h Bee ee 50 0 OCT ETT eS | 20 0 D2 tT TLE Se Sr ? 0 2D ae ? 0 EDT TOR Dryas be 50+ 0. SST G0. gi a Wi 0 Oflu). ae eee 100 0 DLT er | 76 0 eRe SAPOV TiS ek thrill 443 4 Complete absence of the accessory duct according to these figures seems to be a rare anomaly since it occurs in less than 1 per cent of specimens. Condition of accessory duct at duodenal end. With microscopical method PATENT CLOSED Lota aco MRS A a rrr 40 10 DD a, a rrr 45 5 Zoe, W. M. BALDWIN With injection method GO Ghinmen: 2 720e0ss ho COE eee ee 85 | 19 CRATDY 5-4: sci. 0 eee ee er 9 21 Optes oie. bh erin de eee oe cee 79 21 Werneutls 220 oS re ee eee 20 0 Sappey: S:. --)4s qo HemenE te sees ee ree 16 1 Total :<2. gcse ake tee aie oe Een ee 209 62 According to the microscopical method, 15 per cent of ducts are occluded; with the injection method about 23 per cent are closed at the duodenal end. Relation of main to accessory duct JUNCTION NO JUNCTION OPIGs ss: cuss oes 2 Soe Se ee eae 90 10 Diwan. 33 eo ee ee ? iL 15 (2) Neem ce cas sclera orsic WE etre dle: 48 2 CHAaTPY.. vcctor tere Oe oe oe eee 28 2 Schirmer’ oc sack hose cso hcbines © ee Oe eee 97 7 Vierneuil <... occ e aie eee eee eee 20 0 Baldwin... 245 5et eee eee 66 10 Total vo. yee ee ee 349 32 According to these figures a junction between the main duct and the accessory duct is to be expected in over 90 per cent of specimens. The accessory duct is larger than the main duct SPECIMENS EXAMINED INVERSION Schitimer.c.apoicic os boop tee eee 104 3 Charpy. . 2.7. obds. 4 ooaan se eee ee | 30 on BOrnar Geis cic ces cet eee ee eee 1 Morel and Duval......... EN ce ane Be | ? 1 Opiess.cc5. oe he ee eee ee 100 11 Biman... ccc ne tee eee ? 1 MOYS6 5.0... :0cs achaieeetaed ee ee ee ? 1 2 : Sees SR ee ee eee | 76 3 Total...:. 422 ee eee 310 24 , PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA aes Distance between major and minor papillae | NUMBER EXAMINED AVERAGE LIMIT a a é i a 7 . cm cm. Wermlardee tee. soe tc. re 2450 (2.0-4.0) Schirmer 104 2.5-3:5 UGS RS 2Al 1.8 (1.0-3.5 Baidwanr i. we. sc ce Ss 100 2.0 (0.9-3 5) 6. The relation of the main pancreatic duct to the common bile duct at the duodenal wall Schirmer mentioned eleven instances among a series of forty- seven specimens in which the pancreatic duct opened into the bile duct and also fourteen instances in the same series in which the bile duct opened into the pancreatic duct. In these cases the single conjoined duct was the only one entering the ampulla of the papilla. Verneuil seemed to believe that usually the pancreatic duct received the bile duct and that, accordingly, the ampulla of the papilla belonged to the pancreatic duct. The main duct did not fail in any of the ninety specimens of my series, in one, however, it was occluded at its duodenal end. Helly saw one instance where the main duct was absent; Schirmer, four; Cru-— veilhier, one; Charpy, one. (See topic 3, page 208.) Occasionally the common bile duct opens into the duodenum in company with the accessory duct. No such instance was found in my series. Schirmer mentions five. Tiedemann mentions one case where both pancreatic ducts emptied separately into the duodenum apart from the common bile duct. THE DUCTS JOIN TO NO JUNCTION FORM AN AMPULLA 2 SURSIGN STS 3 OO ee ? 1 ILEOR BEE. bake soHe aoe Eee eee ? 1 SVCLNTIM EET e al 8 PES ARS a de 25 22 (URS: sos 83 6S) ARB oe 89 11 TORIES. 5 ce a 8 y S 9 12 IB DUGENTW. 2 oa le eae 70 20 224 W. M. BALDWIN A B Fig. 12 (dorsal view) represents the two conditions of the bile duct. In A the duct passes through the tissue of the head of the pancreas. In B the duct grooves the head of the gland but is not entirely surrounded by pancreatic tissue. In about 25.8 per cent of specimens the ducts open separately into the duodenum. In 74.2 per cent the ducts have a common ampulla. 7. The bile duct and the major papilla As an unavoidable adjunct to this study of the ducts of the pancreas the relations of the terminal or pancreatic portion of the bile duct were considered in this series of one hundred specimens. The duct ran invariably caudally towards the median sur- face of the second portion of the duodenum lying dorsal to the head of the pancreas and producing a furrow upon that surface. In no instance did it pass, as was observed by Helly, in a groove between the duodenum and the pancreas. In 80 per cent of the specimens the pancreatic tissue completely surrounded the duct for a distance varying from 0.5 cm. to 5.0em. In 5 per cent of specimens the duct received a partial investment without being entirely enclosed by glandular tissue, while in the remaining 15 per cent of specimens the bile duct grooved but was not covered by the tissue of the head. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 225 The lumen of the bile duct underwent a marked contraction at the duodenal wall before its junction with the main pancreatic duct (fig. 5). Cephalad to this level a distinct bulging or ampulla was noticeable. The difference in calibre between these two adja- cent portions was less appreciable upon the external surface of the duct than upon the internal. The outside diameter of the bile duct at the level of its perforation of the duodenal wall was 5.4 mm. in the one hundred specimens, that of the ampulla of the duct averaged 6.4mm. The largest bile duct observed measured 15.0 mm. and the smallest 3:0 mm. This gives 6.0 mm. as the mean diameter of this duct. These measurements are outside diam- eters taken with the duct flattened out. Letulle and Nattan-Larrier reported nineteen specimens in which the common bile duct traversed the head of the gland, often only a thin strip of pancreatic tissue separating the duct from the duodenum. Usually the glandular tissue extended a distance of only 2 or 4 cm. along the duct wall. The bile duct underwent a diminution in size in the last centimeter averaging 8 to 9 mm. in diameter. Several were from 12 to 14 mm. O. Wyss found five specimens among twenty-two in which the terminal portion of the common bile duct penetrated the head of the gland. Helly studied forty specimens, in about half of which the duct lay in a canal of pancreatic tissue. Judging from the results of these investigations, we should expect to find the terminal portion of the bile duct imbedded in pan- creatic tissue in about 65 per cent of specimens. Because of the nature of the material used in this investigation it was found impossible to use the whole series of one hundred speci- mens in the several portions of this problem. As many of them as were suitable, were utilized, however, with the result that a smaller number of specimens had to be reported upon in many of the essen- tial features of the problem. This accounts, therefore, for the somewhat confusing use of varying numbers of specimens. In conclusion I wish to express my sincere appreciation of the valuable advice and assistance given by Professor Gage, Dr. Kerr, and by Dr. Kingsbury in the preparation of this paper and for the numerous courtesies shown by their departments. 226 W. M. BALDWIN BIBLIOGRAPHY Batpwin, W. M. 1910 An adult human pancreas showing an embryological condition. Anat. Rec., vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 21-22. 1910 A specimen of annular pancreas, Anat. Rec., vol. 4, no. 8, pp. - 299-304. Duodenal diverticula in man. Anat. Rece., vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 121-141. BarTHOLINUsS, TH. 1651 Anatomia reformata. Bécourt, M. 1830 Recherches sur le pancréas. BERNARD, Cu. 1856 Mémoire sur le pancréas. Brpitoo, GovertT 1685 Anatomia humani corporis. Bimar 1887 Conduits anormaux du pancréas. Gaz. hebdom. de Montpellier. Buastus, G. 1677 Zootomia s. anatomia hominis. BracHET 1897 Sur le développement du foie. Anat. Anzeiger. B. 13, N. 23, S. 621-636. Cuarpy, A. 1898 Variétés et anomalies des canaux pancréatiques. Journ. de Anat. et de la Phys., p. 720. CHOULANT, J. B. 1852 Geschichte der anatomischen Abbildungen. CRUVEILHIER, J. 1833 Traité d’anatomie descriptive. Feirx, W. 1892 Zur Leber und Pancreas Entwickelung. Arch. f. Anat. GEGENBAUR, ©. 1890 Anatomie des Menschen. DE GRAAF, REGNER 1671 Tractatus anat. med. von Hatuer, A. 1764 Elementa physiologiae corp. hum. HamBurGER 1892 Zur Entwickelung der Bauchspeicheldriisen. Anat. Anzeiger. Heuiy, K. 1898 Beitrage zur Anatomie des Pankreas und seiner Ausfiihrungs- ginge. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. 1901 Zur Pankreasentwickelung der Séugethiere. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. u. Entwickelungsgesch. 1904 Zur Frage der primiren Lagebeziehungen bei der Pankreasanlagen des Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. HENLE, J. 1866 Eingeweidelehre. Hits, W 1885 Anatomie menschlicher Embryonen. Bd. 3, Leipzig. Huscuxe 1845 Traité de splanchnologie et des organs des sens. Traduction de Jourdan. Paris. PANCREATIC DUCTS AND MINOR DUODENAL PAPILLA 227 Hyrtt, J. 1873 Die Corrosions—Anatomie und ihre Ergebnisse. Wien. Incatts, N. W. 1907 Beschreibung eines menschlichen Embryos von 4.9 Mon. Archiv. fiir mikros. Anat. u. Entwickelungesch. 70, 506-576. JANKELOWITz, A. 1895 Ein junger menschlicher Embryo und die Entwicklung des Pankreas bei demselben. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. JANOSIK 1895 Le Pancréas et la Rate. Bibliogr. anatom. JouBIn 1895 Développement des canaux pancréatiques. Th. de Lille. Ko.iMann, J. 1897 Handatlas der Entwickelungsgeschichte des Menschen. KG6LLIKER 1889 Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen, 6 Aufl. LacuEsse 1894 Le pancréas apres les travaux recents. Journ. de |’ Anat. LetTuLtLte 1898 Arch. des Sciences médicales. Mayer 1819 Journal complémentaire des Sciences médicales, t. 3, p. 283. Mecket 1812-1816 Handbuch der path. Anatomie und Anatomie comparée, tid: Mitne-Epwarps 1860 Legons sur la Physiologie et l’Anatomie comparées. Moret et Duvat 1883 Manuel de l’anatomiste. von Moratt, J. 1677 Vademecum anatomicum...: Natran-LARRIER 1898 Bull. Soc. Anat., Paris. NorunaGeL 1898 Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie. (Oser. Pankreas) Orie, E.L. 1903 Anatomy of the Pancreas. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, vol. 14. Disease of the Pancreas, Its Cause and Nature. 1903. Second edition, 1910. Puisatix 1888 Etude d’un embryon humain de 10 mm. Arch. de Zoolog. Exp. et Générale. Rrioutanvs, J. 1649 Opera anatomica, p. 811. ROLLESTIN AND Fenton 1900-1 Jour. Anat. Physiol., vol. 35, p. 110. Santorini, J.D. 1775 Anatomici summi septemdecim tabulae quas edit. Michael Girardi. Sappey 1873 Traité d’anatomie. ScHIEFFER 1894 Du Pancréas dans la série animale. Th. de Montpellier. Scuirmer, A. M. 1893 Beitrag zur Geschichte und Anatomie des Pankreas. Inaugural Dissertation. Basel. 228 WwW. M. BALDWIN Sross 1891 Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Pancreas. Anat. Anzeiger. Swaen, A. 1897 Recherches sur le développement du foie, du tube digestif, de l’arriére-cavité du péritoine et du mésentére. Jour. de |’Anat. et de la Physiol. SwaLtweE 1668 Pancreas pancrene adornante. Tuyna, F. W. 1908 Models of the pancreas in embryos of the Pig, rabbit, cat, and man. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 7, no. 4. TIEDEMANN 1819 Journal complémentaire des Sciences médicales, t. 4, p. 330. TIEDEMANN AND GMELIN 1826 Verdauung nach Versuchen. VERNEUIL 1851 Mémoire sur quelques points de l’anatomie du pancréas. Gaz. médic. de Paris. VESLING, J. 1647 u. 1666 Syntagma anatomicum. Vouixer, O. 1903. Uber die Verlagerung des dorsalen Pankreas beim menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat. Wetscutivus, L.C. 1698 Tabulae anatomicae. Winstow 1732 Exposition anatomique. Wirstina, C. 1642 Figura ductus cuiusdam.... Wyss, O. 1866 Zur Aetiologie des Stauungsikterus. Virchow’s Archiv. ZIMMERMANN 1889 Rekonstruktionen eines menschlichen Embryos von 7mm. Anat. Anz. Reprinted from THe ANnatomicat ReEcorp, Vou. 6, No. 3 = March, 1912 A METHOD OF FURNISHING A CONTINUOUS SUPPLY OF NEW MEDIUM TO A TISSUE CULTURE IN VITRO’ MONTROSE T. BURROWS From the Anatomical Department, Cornell Universtty Medical College, New York ONE FIGURE The method devised by Harrison for the cultivation of tissues in vitro has demonstrated that many varieties of tissues may survive and grow for a period of time outside the animal organ- ism. Harrison originally devised this method for studying con- ditions surrounding the early differentiation of the nerve fiber and for this purpose it has answered admirably as it probably will for the differentiation of many other tissues. During the last year and a half this method with its modifications has been used by many workers as a means of studying the effects of salts and various animal extracts and fluids upon growth. The experiments of this kind have shown that absolute and constant differences, expressed in terms of rate and extent of growth are not obtained | when identical physical conditions surround in each case the growing tissue unless the media used in these experiments are of widely different composition and contain substances which act promptly on the cell (cytotoxines, ete.). Such a result is to be expected in cultures where the period of great activity is imme- diate and endures for only a short period of time. ‘The tissue vitality is undoubtedly sufficient to allow a considerable activity even in a medium which would ultimately bring about cellular death. Again, the chemical composition of the medium neces- sarily changes continuously throughout the period of cellular activity. In such cultures no sustained rate of growth is to be expected even if an ideal medium be employed. It was neces- sary, therefore, to improve the technic so that growth might 1 Read before the American Association, of Anatomists, December 27, 1911, at Princeton, N. J. 141 142 MONTROSE T. BURROWS be continued over a longer period and render the growth more nearly comparable to cellular activities in the animal body. In this way problems of cellular metabolism and problems dealing with tissue growth and differentiation in various media may be attacked. The first step toward such improvements has resulted in a methcd whichsupplis the tissue continuously with a known quan- tity of new media and at the same time removes the waste pro- ducts without in any way disturbing the growing cells. The fresh medium is carried by means of a cotton wick from a reser- voir at one end of a slide through a culture chamber and into a receiving reservoir situated at a lower level at the opposite end of the shde (fig. 1). In the culture chamber the wick is teased apart into its individual fibers which adhere to the surface of the cover glass and thus simulate a capillary system. The tissue is placed in this open network of cotton fibers and held there by a drop of coagulated plasma. The culture medium passes slowly along the wick through the culture and collects in the receiving chamber. The medium about the tissue is continuously changed by this means. The supplying chamber (fig. 1, a) is blown from glass. It con- sists of two compartments, the horizontal or reservoir, and the vertical or wick chamber. These two chambers are connected by a glass tube, which comes from the bottom of the reservoir up and over to enter the upper end of the wick chamber through a small capillary point. The reservoir is open to the outside by a long vertical tube. The wick chamber is connected with the cul- ture chamber (fig. 1, b) by two tubes. One tube carries the wick; the other acts as an air tube which equalizes the pressure on the two ends of the wick. The rim of the culture chamber b, is made of cork. The cen- tral cavity of the cork is closed by a cover glass above and a long glass slide below. The tubes of the supplying chamber and re- ceiving chamber enter through holes cut horizontally through this cork rim (see figure). All parts are carefully sealed together with paraffin. The wick coming from the supplying chamber is spread out on the under surface of the cover glass and here the culture is planted among the cotton fibrils. SUPPLY OF NEW MEDIUM TO A TISSUE CULTURE 143 The receiving chamber, fig. 1, c, is made of glass, and consists of a horizontal reservoir situated below the level of the slide. One tube connects this reservoir with the culture chamber and another tube opens to the exterior as shown in the figure. The wick passes from the cover glass through the glass tube to end above the sur- face of the liquid in the receiving chamber. The wick does not completely fill the tube. The arrangement allows free air com- munication between the receiving chamber and the culture cham- ber. The receiving chamber receives air by its communication Fig. 1 Complete culture apparatus with rubber tube which connects with air pressure; a, supplying chamber; b, culture chamber; c, receiving chamber. with the exterior through the vertical tube which is plugged with loose sterile cotton. Blocks of wood held together with bolts are fastened by fric- tion rigidly to the glass slide. A stand for the apparatus and firm supports for the glass chambers are thus formed. The entire apparatus is compact and strong and the contained culture may be examined under the microscope. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL. 6, NO. 3 144 MONTROSE T. BURROWS chambers with the wick inserted are sterilized in the autoclave. The cork is sterilized in hot paraffin. The-cover glass and the slide are sterilized by dry heat. To set up the apparatus the cork is removed from the hot paraffin and drained, the cham- ber tubes are inserted into it and the cover glass sealed over its surface. The wick is teased apart on the inner surface of the cover glass and the tissue planted. The apparatus is then immediately placed on the slide and all connections sealed with paraffin, and the chambers are now fastened to the wooden supports. The reservoir of the supplying chamber is filled with the liquid medium and its open tube is plugged with dry sterile cotton. The open end of this vertical glass tube is connected with the pressure apparatus. The fluid is driven at a constant rate by air pressure from the reservoir into the wick chamber. To refill or empty the chambers the vertical tubes are flammed, the cotton removed and the fluid entered or removed by sterile pipettes. Freshly sterilized cotton plugs are inserted and the apparatus again connected with the air pressure. Great care must always be taken to keep all parts of the apparatus and the media free from bacterial contamination. Growth in such an apparatus has been tested with embryonic chick tissues in a medium of blood serum prepared from adult chickens. Growth of such tissues is vigorous and can be main- tained for a considerable period of time. Hearts of embryo chicks and small pieces of heart muscle can be kept beating with great regularity. Small bits of ventricle beat actively until all muscle fibers have wandered apart and are lost in dense connective tissue outgrowths. With this apparatus I have been able to test the effects of various media on the growing cells during any period of their activity. The growth is first established in control media. The media to be tested is then added and its effects recorded. In this manner the effects of many media may be tested on the grow- ing cells without in any way disturbing or changing their physical surroundings. Changes in the chemical composition of the media can be tested by a comparison of the original media with samples obtained from the receiving chamber. [From THn JoHNsS Hopxins HospiraL BULLETIN, Vol. XXII, No. 242, May, 1911.] THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE NORMAL AND PATHOLOGICAL THYROID GLAND OF FISH. By J. F. GuDERNATSCH. (From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.) Recent investigations of the thyroid gland of Teleosts have [152] revealed a great many facts that may be of value to the com- parative pathologist. The thyroid gland of these fish attracts at present a good deal of attention in cancer research, since it is often liable to cancerous degeneration, especially in artificially reared trout and salmon. The normal anatomy of the gland was briefly described in a paper read before the meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, November 27, 1909. * It was especially em- phasized that one of the most striking features of the thyroid in bony fish is the absence of a connective tissue capsule, such as exists in other vertebrates. Later this fact was again pointed out by Marine and Lenhart. It will readily be seen that the absence of a capsule makes it rather difficult to define the normal extension of the gland. It would perhaps be better not to use the term “thyroid gland” at all in this group of animals, since physiologically isopotent units (fol- licles) are not so arranged as to form a closed organ, but are distributed over a wide area (Fig. 2 and Plate 1). This distribution varies not only with the species, but also with the individual, and is dependent entirely on mechanical influences, mainly pressure from the sides of the surrounding tissues, and pull enacted by the growing connective tissue fibers and [153] blood and lymph vessels. The latter force works chiefly in the * An extensive analysis of the normal conditions of the Teleost thyroid will be found in Jour. of Morphology, V. 21, Suppl., 1911. (1) [153] early development of the gland, when thyroid cells are carried off from the main point of growth to distant regions, where they form new centers of multiplication. The thyroid gland develops around the stem of the ventral aorta (Fig. 1), in many species the main bulk lying between the branches to the first and second gill arches. This locality is filled with connective tissue and fat, and is enclosed dorsally by cartilages or bones and ventrally by muscles. Thus the region available for the thyroid tissue is rather limited, and therefore the follicles tend to fill every space that is offered by the surrounding structures. Not uncommonly follicles are found far from the center of thyroid development, invading muscles (Plate 1, C) or creeping into the crevices which exist {152] yj H 4 Fic. 1—These diagrammatic drawings show the expansion of the thyroid gland in the three species: Oncorhynchus, Salvelinus and Opsanus. J, aortic bifurcation; JZ, IJJ and IV, the second, third and fourth branchial arteries. between the osseous lamelle of the bones in this region (Fig. 2 and Plate 1, A). The thyroid gland of the Teleosts is thus a rather indefinite organ in its shape, having the tendency to lose its unity and break into numerous small parts. In some species, the trout and others, this tendency manifests itself most strikingly, so that thyroid follicles are found even far out in the gill arches along the gill filaments (Plate 1, D). The spreading apart of the thyroid follicles over a wide area and the invasion of neighboring tissues are a normal feature and of no pathological significance. By such an in- (2) vasion the surrounding structures are not destroyed. Often [153] the term “invasion” is even incorrect. Thus Marine and Lenhart’s statement that the normal follicles invade the bones *is not appropriate, since they do not invade true bone or car- tilage tissue, but merely the spaces that are present between the osseous or cartilaginous lamelle (Fig. 2 and Plate 1, A). In their paper Fig. 6 demonstrates this fact definitely, al- though it is supposed to show a true invasion. On the other [154] Fig. 2—Section through the thyroid gland of Brevoortia, an- terior to the aortic bifurcation. AJ, first branchial arteries. hand, Gaylord was able to show specimens in which thyroid (154) tissue, belonging to a diseased gland, had actually invaded or infiltrated true cartilaginous tissue. The latter invasion, of course, is never seen in the anatomy of the normal gland, but is a strictly pathological feature. Whether or not it is due to a cancerous growth of the gland, may still be an open question. Strong evidence seems, however, to point in that direction. (3) [153] PLATE I.—A and B, sections through the thyroid gland of @ bifurcation; B, near the second branchial arteries, the region of Salvelinus. C, in the aortic bifurcation; D, near the secon: (Thyroid follicles in all figures shown in solid black. Traiy parts stippled. Arteries in heavy lines. Veins in light lines) branchial arteries.) [153] est extension. ial arteries. 2 uscles lined. Longitudinal muscles in polygons. ‘Mh sinuses in broken lines. C and D, sections through the thyroid gland Skeletal A, ventral aorta, AI and AIJ, 1154) Should the so-called thyroid carcinoma of brook trout be a cancerous growth and not a mere hyperplasia, as Marine and Lenhart believe, then the question of metastasis again demands the pathologist to keep in mind the lack of a capsule. Cer- tainly no detached nodules in or around the gill region can safely be called secondary tumors, since such misplaced struc- tures in all probability are merely parts of the primarily dis- eased gland. However, tumors on the tip of the jaw or around the anus, as Gaylord has found them, can hardly be explained as due to normally misplaced thyroid particles. Whether they are true secondary growths or simply implantations, further experimental-investigations may show. Histologically the thyroid gland of the Teleosts offers a great many interesting peculiarities. The size of the follicles varies between very wide limits. Aside from the fact that in young embryos it is naturally very small, the size of follicles cannot be taken as a reliable indication of the age of the fish. It seems much more probable that it is a sign of the age of the individual follicle. » The follicular epithelium varies from an almost flat to a very high, columnar type. It is different in each individual and may somewhat depend on the age and the physiological condition of the animal. Yet the type of the epithelium is not always uniform in all the follicles, sometimes very marked differences are found (Fig. 3). Even in the individual follicle the height of the epithelium may vary, probably due to differ- ent pressure from outside. It was now and then observed, that in oblong follicles the epithelium on the two longer sides would be lower than on the shorter ones. The colloid material is sometimes present in all the fol- licles, in other glands it may appear in some only, in still others it may be entirely lacking. It, again, is no definite sign of the age of the animal, although it may be somewhat dependent on the age of the fish, its sex (egg-carrying females, for instance) and other inherent factors that need further investigation. The colloid certainly is a sign of the physio- logical state of the individual follicle, yet we do not under- stand it well enough to interpret our observations in a defi- (6) nite manner. There can be no doubt that all the follicles ofa [154] gland are not in the same state of physiological activity. Otherwise it cannot be explained why (Hiirthle’s) colloid- forming cells appear in some follicles only, sometimes in a group of neighboring follicles, so that we can easily distinguish “colloid zones ” from non-colloid-forming parts of the gland. In interpreting their results after iodin treatment of the thyroid gland of the pike Marine and Lenhart lay great stress on the histological appearance of the treated and not treated a f } , ‘ . . ‘ * > 2 Z i Uy / v ' ‘i NY. 4 > a AL Py 4 si) A —— ns Z SS, 7) YY @: SW 2 BRR Sa ~ i 4 _ Fic. 3.—Section through the thyroid gland of Salvelinus fon- ao the different heights of the follicular epithelium. ae t= B glands. Yet from the above discussion it seems obvious that the anatomy of the gland as well as its histology, as far as the type of epithelium and the colloid formation are con- cerned, makes it rather difficult for the microscopist to dis- tinguish a normal from a hyperplastic, and the latter in turn from a “reverted ” thyroid gland in these fish. The presence or absence of the colloid material has no (7) [154] significance whatsoever. If all glands, the follicles of which [155 eS) spread out far from the main bulk even into the gill region, are highly hyperplastic, then, according to Marine and Len- hart, the colloid material should be nearly or entirely absent in‘them. Yet it is present throughout the gland. The type of the epithelium is also a perfectly unreliable guide in regarding a gland as hyperplastic. When, of course, the epithelium shows marked foldings and protuberances into the lumen, the hyperplastic condition is evident. Further studies on the carcinoma of the fish thyroid will have to take into account the peculiar anatomy and histology of this organ in the Teleosts. Many conditions which might be regarded as pathological may prove to be normal as soon as our knowledge of all the factors involved is sufficiently broadened. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Gaylord, H. R.: An Epidemic of Carcinoma of the Thyroid Gland Among Fish. J. Am. Med. Ass., LIV, 227, 1910. Gudernatsch, J. F.: The Structure, Distribution and Variation of the Thyroid Gland in Fish. J. Am. Med. Ass., LIV, 227, 1910. Gudernatsch, J. F.: The Thyroid Gland of the Teleosts. J. of Morphology, XXI, 709, 1911. Marine, D., and Lenhart, C. H.: On the Occurrence of Goitre (Active Thyroid Hyperplasia) in Fish. Johns Hopkins Hosp. Bully, XOXO byl S10: Marine, D., and Lenhart, C. H.: Observations and Experiments on the so-called Thyroid Carcinoma cf Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and Its Relation to Ordinary Goitre. J. Exper. Med., SGuie owlity ale)il(). (8) Reprinted from THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, No. 3 March, 1911. HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN J. F. GUDERNATSCH From the Department of Embryology, Cornell University Medical College, New York City SEVEN FIGURES THREE PLATES Hermaphroditismus verus is of such rare occurrence and so eminently important in our knowledge of the development of the genital organs, that it would seem worth while to add a new case to the few so far recorded. Numerous instances of supposedly true hermaphroditism have been described, but only in rare instances have they stood a critical consideration. ; The microscopic diagnosis in many cases has been incorrect, particularly in cases where the normal structure of the tissues had been altered by neoplasms so that their identification was almost impossible. Some instances of true hermaphroditism have been reported in which histological examination was neglected; yet with- out a microscopic investigation the correct interpretation of malformations of this kind is at least doubtful. The ‘ovotestis’ to be described in this article was taken from an individual forty years old who came to the hospital to be oper- ated upon for tumor of the right inguinal region. In the left inguinal canal a similar, but somewhat smaller nodule was detectable. The external genitals were of the female type; labia majora and minora were well developed and an introitus vagine was present. The noticeably peculiar feature was the extremely enlarged clitoris with the opening of the urethra on its ventral THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, No. 3 267 268 J. F. GUDERNATSCH side, so that the organ offered rather the aspect of a hypospadic penis than that of a clitoris. No uterus was present and the vagina ended blindly (atresia vagine). During the course of embryonic development, there- fore, the greater part of the Millerian ducts had been lost and the formation of the genital apparatus must have inclined toward the male type. A prostate-like organ was felt attached to the ure- thra, yet its real nature remains doubtful, since no microscopic examination could be made. In other cases in which both a vagina and prostate have been found they were seen to be connected with one another, but in the present instance no detectable communi- cation existed between the vagina and the supposed prostate. The distribution of the hair on the body was that typical of the female. The pelvis was wide, but mammary glands were not developed, and the larynx was externally that of the male. The secondary sexual characters were not so decidedly of the male type that there arose any doubt about the sex of the individual, although the knowledge of the malformation existed. The indi- vidual was believed by herself and her associates to be a woman. The individual has never menstruated, sexual intercourse has never taken place, and libido sexualis is not present. Her psy- chic disposition is thatof a woman and she earns a living asacook. The tumor in the left inguinal region was left in place since it did not cause inconvenience and that in the right channel was removed. The nodule extirpated had about the form of a testicle with attached epididymis. It measured 6 em. in length and 5 em. in width and thickness. Histologically it proved to be male genital tissue, with the exception of a small nodule which exhibits a structure very similar to that of an ovary. Dr. James Ewing diagnosed this region of the specimen as true ovarian tissue. Others who were asked to examine the sections agreed with Dr. Ewing in considering the tissue ovarian.! ; 1 T wish to thank Prof. A. Kohn, the well known histologist in the German Uni- versity of Prague, for his careful examination of the sections and for the many sug- gestions he made in regard to their interpretation. The preparations were also - demonstrated before the Eighth International Zodlogical Congress in Graz, and the structure was interpreted by all as ovarian. HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN 269 THE TESTICULAR STRUCTURE The mass of the testicle is surrounded by an extremely broad tunica albuginea, the elements of which are arranged in a some- what undulating manner and contain elastic fibres with but few nuclei and vessel. As might be expected the testicular tissue proper (fig. 2) is not of the appearance of the normal male sexual gland since the organ developed under very abnormal conditions. It resembles the well known pathological condition of a degenerat- ing testicle, and the hyaline type of degeneration is typical of the kryptorchic mammalian testicle retained in the inguinal canal. The sections through the contorted tubules vary much in size, the smaller ones are circular in shape, the larger ones more or less oval and some a little bent or even S-shaped owing to the plane of section. The average diameter of the tubuli contorti is much smaller than normal. The epithelium which lines the tubules shows only one row of basal cells, and these are propably all of the Sertoli’s cell type being rather large, triangular or cubical in shape with clear cytoplasm and large nuclei (fig. 2, cf). From their sur- faces protoplasmic processes project into the lumen. Germ cells seem to be entirely absent since there are no indications of sperma- togonia, spermatids or spermatozoa. It is not improbable that in the younger years of the individual anlagen of germ cells were present in the tubules, but failed to undergo further development on account of the abnormal physiological conditions. It must be assumed that formerly germ cells existed, for without them the development of male sexual glands is hardly conceivable. The cells of Sertoli show different stages of degeneration as is indicated by the different densities and staining abilities of the nuclei. In some cells the nuclei are shrunken and lie in a nuclear cavity. This degeneration of the epithelial cells is probably due to the above mentioned hyaline degeneration of the wall of the seminal tubules. The inner layers of the tunica propria upon which the epithelial cells lie are swollen, while the constituent cell nuclei disappear entirely, forming a hyaline mass which lies as a band between the follicular wall and the epithelium (fig. 2 ct). This swollen band of cells pushes the epithelium towards the 270 J. F. GUDERNATSCH lumen which thus becomes more and more occluded and often with gradual dissolution of the cells becomes entirely obliterated. The hyaline band exhibits a somewhat fibre-like structure with processes from it extending between the epithelial cells. It varies in thickness and in some places is entirely missing, and along with this variation in thickness the degeneration of the epithelial cells presents a regional distribution. In some regions the epithelial cell nuclei stain in a normal manner and are situated towards the periphery, in other regions the cell limits are indistinct and the nuclei lie near the lumen. This accords with former observations, and Finotti states that in the kryptorchic testicle, even when the individual is not a hermaphrodite and the germinal epithelium in places develops spermatozoa, the degeneration is not of uniform degree in all regions. Wherever there is a membrana propria left in the form of a thin layer of spindle-like connective tissue cells, elastic fibres are usually present. The testicle under consideration offers still another peculiarity. The interstitial tissue is enormously increased so that the seminal tubules are in places pushed far apart (fig. 2, 2). Connective tissue fibres are comparatively scarce in this tissue. The interstitial cells are normal in appearance, the majority being of a triangular or polygonal shape. The large nucleus (there are occasionally two nuclei) possesses one or more nucleoli and is usually excentrically situated. The cytoplasm is somewhat denser than that of ordinary connective tissue cells, it is finely granular and often contains in some regions a very fine brown pigment. Of the so-called Reinke’s crystals nothing could be detected. The interstitial cells are usually arranged either in small irregular groups or narrow streaks, often, however, they are united in large compact nests and grow so excessively that they actually invade the tunica albuginea. There is no relationship between these cells and the blood vessels as is often claimed. This striking increase in the number of interstitial cells is a feature well known to the human embryologist as well as to the pathologist. During the fourth month of embryonal develop- HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN 271 ment these cells constitute about two-thirds of the parenchyma of the testicle. Their number is also very much increasetl in the kryptorchie testicle. Whether the large amount of interstitial tissue in the present case is an embryonal condition due to arrested development, or simply a secondary pathological feature, is difficult to say. The latter, however, seems to be more probable since there are no indications, except perhaps the entire lack of germinal epithelium, that the gland did not develop normally. It probably degenerated later on account of its unusual position. Finotti claims that the gland does not degenerate for sucha reason, but on account of an early predisposition to do so. The entire accessory system of the male genital gland, rete testis, ductuli efferentes, ductus epididymis and vas deferens, are present. The globus major is, as far as the arrangement of the efferent ducts is concerned, rather well developed. The epithe- lium, however, is very degenerate in places (fig. 4), though to- wards the duct of the epididymis it approaches a normal condi- tion. The epithelium in some tubules is of the low cubical type without foldings (fig. 3), while in others it shows the normal pro- jections into the lumen with alternating columnar and cubical cells. The structure of the epididymis resembles in parts that of the epodphoron and since both organs are derived from the Wolffian body, it is not impossible that in a true hermaphrodite we might. find them somewhat mixed. The ductus epididymidis is normally developed. The muscular coat of the efferent ducts increases in thickness as they approach the epididymis. There are numerous elastic fibres among the mus- cle cells; if these, as Stéhr states, do not appear until puberty is reached we must conclude that the entire efferent system reached a mature state independently of the testicle. This is also empha- sized by the fact that the better developed parts are those farthest removed from the testicle. The duct of the epididymis, for instance, has a normal, highly columnar, ciliated epithelium, which shows no signs of degeneration. In the lumen is seen cell detritus, a finely granular mass and numerous concrements. The muscular coat of the spermatic cord is much increased. 272 J. F. GUDERNATSCH The sclerotic blood vessels, as everywhere seen in the sections, are typical of the kryptorchic testicle. THE OVARIAN STRUCTURE The female portion of the genital gland is rather small, the rudi- mentary ovary being a little nodule only 3 mm. in length and 2 mm. in width and thickness. It is enclosed within a cyst in the tunica between the testicle and the head of the epididymis (fig. 1, 0). The typical ovarian stroma is easily recognized by the arrangement of the spindle-shaped connective tissue cells (fig. 5). This structure is nowhere else to be found in the human body. Cortical and medullary portions are distinguishable. The former consists of dense connective tissue rich in cells, and traversed by small blood vessels. The slender cells sometimes resembling smooth muscle fibres, are arranged either in strands or twirls. In the central portion of the ovarian body the connective tissue con- tains fewer nuclei and its elements are arranged in broader streaks. The blood vessels are large and bent. The entire nodule is surrounded by a single-layered, cubical or cylindrical epithelium (fig. 5) which although rather primi- tive shows here and there slight cellular differentiation. Some cells are larger and broader and their nuclei are large and more circular and contain less chromatin than the neighboring cylindrical cells (figs. 6, 7, p). These cells are very probably primordial ova, yet a definite diagnosis cannot be made. How- ever the decision that the body is ovarian in structure is sufficiently warranted by the typical stroma with its surface epithelium. The ovary remained in an early stage of development as is indicated by the rather high columnar cells in certain regions (fig. 6). A migration of primordial ova into the stroma and the formation of Graafian follicles has not taken place, probably due to the abnormal conditions of development. This accords with earlier reports on the subject which state that in all cases of hermaphroditism, whether true or spurious feminine, the epi- thelial part of the ovary is below the normal in development. Various transitions have been described from almost mature HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN ies ovaries to those containing only primordial follicles or eyen empty follicles. , The primitive and rather small female portion found in this hermaphroditic genital gland indicates perhaps that in many cases of spurious hermaphroditism traces of ovarian tissue might be found, provided the entire testicular tissue be thoroughly searched, so far, however, this has never been done. That both types of germinal tissue are in a hypoplastic condi- tion is explained by Halban in the following way, the impulse for development, which normally is concentrated upon one system, in cases of hermaphroditism iscalled to act upon two systems and thus is insufficient to force either to the normal degree of develop- ment. In the present case male and female tissues are found in close contact in one gland, but an intermixing of the two kinds of tissue does not exist, and therefore the term “‘ovotestis,’’ as is often used for this kind of gland, does not seem to be appropriate. In the true ovotestis of invertebrates male and female sexual cells are produced by one glandular structure. The male part of an ‘ovotestis’ is as arule considerably larger and further developed than the female. Kopsch and Szymono- vicz have observed this in all hermaphroditic vertebrates and it likewise holds for the present case. This individual, however, shows many more external female characters than one should expect when considering the large male part of the genital gland. If the interstitial cells of the testis are really responsible for the accessory sexual characters then the person in question should show a typical male condition. The body of the individual is not a perfect woman, yet the male characters are not so out- spoken that she could be called a man-woman. This fact is sur- prising from the study of the genital gland tissue, as far as this could be investigated, but it must be remembered that the actual amount of ovarian tissue the individual really carried in its body is not known. As has been mentioned above, anodule existed in the left inguinal canal similar to that described from the right, this in all probability may have also been genital gland tissue and it might have contained a preponderance of ovarian material. 274 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Such is not improbable since in malformations of this kind a great difference between left and right genital glands has often been observed. Salén, for instance, describes a case of true hermaphro- ditism, in which the right side contained an ‘‘ovotestis,”” while on the left a perfect ovarium was found. Lilienfeld states that in all cases of disturbed development of the genital region the female type is predominant on the left side. In this imdividual a large ovary may have been present on one or both sides higher up in the abdominal cavity, or there may have been more ovarian tissue present during an earlier period of life than can now be detected. This latter suggestion would account for the develop- ment of the strong female characters of the individual. Ker- mauner states in Schwalbe’s ‘‘Die Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere” that ‘“‘whether the entire defect may be regarded as primary aplasia, or later involution, cannot always be decided. In no case can it be entirely denied that microscopic remnants of ovarian tissue, perhaps transformed beyond recognition, may be located somewhere in the abdominal cavity.” Whatever circumstances were responsible for the strong female characters of this person, it is interesting that along with them the male sexual apparatus developed to the perfection here described. The cavities and the concrements of the epididymis would indi- cate that a secretory function was performed by the epithelium, This case of true hermaphroditism recalls the old theory of Waldeyer according to which there is a bisexual anlage of the geni- tal gland, as opposed to Lenhossek’s idea of an indifferent anlage. Instances in which male and female genital tissue are found next to each other speak at least for Waldeyer’s view that the ovary develops from a different region of the genital ridge from that of the testicle even though they may not entirely support his theory of hermaphroditism. In all the cases of true hermaphro- ditism the ovary occupies the same relative position to the testicle. It seems strange that there should always be a sharp distinction between the two kinds of tissue and never an undefined mixing of both elements (true ovotestis) as might be expected, if all cells of the germinal epithelium could produce either male or female tissue. HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN aes Every embryo has the anlagen of the efferent ducts for the expulsion of both male and female products of the genital glands, which indicates that the male and female sexual apparatus are rather distinct from one another, thus it does not seem impossible that two distinct regions of the germinal epithelium might exist next to one another, one giving off the male, the other the female primordial cells. Why is the Miillerian duct always laid down in the male if there are no female tendencies in the undifferentiated embryo? It seems that in every embryo there is a trace of a female tendency. Some authors, Benda for instance, go so far as to claim “that the primary anlage of the entire sexual system of the vertebrates must be regarded as female.’’ Waldeyer’s view, however, may be correct, that the Miillerian duct alone is the primary efferent duct for the genital glands in both sexes. He believes that in its function it corresponds to the primitive open- ing for the products of the gonads in the lowest vertebrates, the porus abdominalis. This scarcely seems possible, since in some fish adbominal pores and efferent genital ducts exist side by side and thus the second do not replace the first. Benda on the basis of Waldeyer’s view may be justified in his conclusion that at no time do both ducts, Wolffian and Miillerian, exist as parallel genital ducts. Yet this is not entirely true, for the Wolffian duct, even in early periods, when it certainly serves as the mesonephric_ duct, must possess the potential faculty of developing into a male genital duct. This faculty is possessed by the duct in all embryos, whether the further development is male or female. In the resulting female the possession of the quality to develop the mesonephric duct into a male sperm duct seems likely, if not proven, by the fact that the remnants of the Wolffian body, the Epooéphoron and Parodphoron, closely resembling the structure of some parts of the epididymis, are found to exist. The present case is interesting in still another direction. The sister of this hermaphrodite also shows irregularities in the forma- tion of the external genital organs. Unfortunately only the testimony of laymen could be secured regarding this. In mana hereditary tendency towards hermaphroditism has never been scientifically proven, though several cases have been supported 276 J. F. GUDERNATSCH by laymen. Reuter, however, found among three pigs of one litter one true and two spurious hermaphrodites, and in a later litter from the same sow a pseudo-hermaphrodite occurred. From this investigation the sex of the individual remains unde- termined. According to Virchow it is an ‘individuum utriusque generis.’ According to Klebs the condition is a typical herma- phroditismus verus. Klebs regards an individual as a true her- maphrodite, when the genital glands of both sexes are united in it. The physiological state is of no importance, simply the anatomical fact. An anatomical hermaphroditism seems to be all we can expect to find in vertebrates. The physiological hermaphroditism, as is normally the case in invertebrates, may hardly be looked for inman. In the higher vertebrates the persistence of both genital glands, is looked upon as an imperfect development and under such circumstances it is only natural that their physiological faculty should be reduced. Our knowledge of the etiology of these malformations is almost nil, since in general our conceptions of the principles involved in the development of sex are still rather vague. It remains for the anatomist and embryologist, perhaps for the experimenter, to bring about a deeper understanding of these abnormalities. So long as the interest in them is reserved for pathologists and clinicians, and the malformations of the external genitals remain the only thing of interest, the literature regarding such anomalies will be as Benda states ‘“‘overcrowded with sensational reports,”’ with no exact investigation of the anatomical and histological features. Hermaphroditism in the sense that separate testicles and ova- ries are found has not been demonstrated in man, nor even in other mammals beyond doubt. Yet there are four cases of the so- called ovotestis on record, two of these with neoplastic changes in the male portion. The present is therefore the fifth recorded case of true hermaphroditism in man. HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN ae LITERATURE CITED ; Brenpa, C. 1895 Hermaphroditismus und Missbildungen mit Verwischung des Geschlechtscharakters. Ergebn, d. allg. Path., vol. 2, p. 627. Born, G. 1894 Die Entwickelung der Geschlechtsdriisen. Erg. An. u. Entw., vol. 4, p. 592. Corsy, H. 1905 Removal of a tumor from a hermaphrodite. Brit. Med. J., vol. 2, p. 710. FisicEr, J. 1905 Beitrige zur Kenntnis des weiblichen Scheinzwittertums. Virchow’s Arch. f. path. An., vol. 181, p. 1. Finotti, E. 1897 Zur Pathologie und Therapie des Leistenhodens nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die grossen Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Arch. f. klin. Chir., vol. 55, p. 120. Hasan, J. 1903 Die Entstehung der Geschlechtscharaktere. Arch. f. Gynaek. vol. 70, p. 205. Hansemann, D. 1895 Uber die grossen Zwischenzellen des Hodens. Virchow’s Arch. f. path. Anat., vol. 142, p. 538. HirscHrewp, M. 1905 Ein Fall von irrtiimlicher Geschlechtsbestimmung. Monat- Schr. 1. Harnkr. u. sex. Hyg., vo.. 2, p. 53. 1905 Ein seltener Fall von He:maphroditismus. Monatsschr. f. Harnkr. &. sex. Hyg., vol. 2, p. 202. HoFMEISTER 1872 Untersuchungen iiber die Zwischensubstanz im Hoden der Saugetiere. Sitzungsb. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 65. JaNosik, J. 1887 Bemerkungen iiber die Entwicklung des Genitalsystems. Sitzungsber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, vol. 99, 3. Abt., p. 260. Kopscu, Fr. u. SzymMonowrez, L. 1896 Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus bilateralis beim Schweine, nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Entstehung der Geschlechtsdriisen aus dem Keimepithel. An. Anz., vol. 12, p. 129. Luxscu, F. 1900 Uber einen neuen Fall von weit entwickeltem Hermaphro- ditismus spurius masculinus internus. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Abt. f. Path., vol. 21, p. 215. Merxner, K. 1905 Zur Frage des Hermaphroditismus verus. Ztschr. f. Heilk., Abt. f. prakt. Anat., vol. 26, p. 318. Mimaukowicz, G. 1885 Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklung des Harn- und Geschlechtsapparates bei Amnioten. Intern. Monatsschr. f. An. u. Phys: vol. 2, p. 1. NEUGEBAUER, F. 1908 Hermaphroditismus beim Menschen. Leipzig. Puruipps, J. 1887 Four cases of spurious hermaphroditism in one family. Trans- act. Obst. Soc. London, vol 28, p. 158. 278 J. F. GUDERNATSCH Pick, L. 1905 Uber Adenome der mannlichen und weiblichen Keimdriise bei Her- maphroditismus verus und spurius. Berl. klin. Woch., vol. 43, p. 502. 1905 Uber Neubildungen am Genitale bei Zwittern. Arch. f. Gynaek., vol. 765 p: LOL. Puato, J. 1897 Die interstitiellen Zellen des Hodens und ihre physiologische Bedeutung. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., vol. 48, p. 281. REINKE, Fr. 1896 Beitrige zur Histologie des Menschen. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., 1896, vol. 47, p. 34. Reizenstetn, A 1905 Uber Pseudohermaphroditismus masculinus. Miinchn. med. Woch., vol. 52, p. 1517. Satby, E. 1899 Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus unilateralis beim Men- schen. Verh. Deutsch. Path. Ges., vol. 2, p. 241. ScuickELE, G. 1906° Adenoma tubulare ovarii (testiculare). Hegar’s Beitr. z. Geburtsh. u. Gynaek., vol. 11, p. 263. ScHwaLBE, EK. 1906 Die Morphologie der Missbildungen des Menschen und der Tiere, 6. Jena. Simon, W. Hermaphroditismus verus. Virchows’ Arch. f. path. An., vol. 172, 0) th Spanaaro, 8. 1900 Uber die histologischen Verainderungen des Hodens und des Samenleiters von Geburt an bis zum Greisenalter. Anat. Hefte, vol. 18. Tournevux, F. 1904 Hermaphroditisme de la glande génitale chex la taupe femelle adulte et localisation des cellules interstitielles dans le segment spermatique. Comp. rend. de l’assoc. des anat., Toulouse, p. 49. Uncer, E. 1905 Beitrag zur Lehre vom Hermaphroditismus. Berl. klin. Woch., vol. 42, p. 499. Wa.upEYeEerR, W. 1870 Eierstock und Ei. Leipzig. 4 PLATE 1 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 1 General view of the relative positions of testicle, ¢, ovary, 0; and epididymis, a IDrey ileibe 2 Testicular tissue, showing the hyaline wall of the convoluted tubules, ct; and the large masses of interstitial cells, 7. Dia. 1:90. PLATE 2 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 3and4 Sections through different parts of the epididymis. The tissue in fig. 3 resembles somewhat a parovarian structure. Dia. 1:90. PLATE 3 EXPLANATION OF FIGURES 5 Ovarian tissue. Dia. 1:50. 6 and 7 Germinal epithelium of the ovary; p, somewhat differentiated cells, probably primordial ova. Dia. 1:200. PLATE 1 ME RMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN I’. GuDERNATSCH J. 9 PLATE HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN J. F. GupERNATSCH THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL, 11, No. 3 HERMAPHRODITISMUS VERUS IN MAN PLATE 3 ~ J. F. Guppernatscn aay THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 11, NO. 3 Abdruck aus den Verhandlungen des VIII. Internationalen Zoologen-Kongresses zu Graz vom 15.—20. August 1910. ’ Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus hominis’). Von J. F. Gudernatsch (New York City). Eine 40 Jahre alte Frau war wegen eines Tumors in der rechten Leistengegend, der ihr seit einiger Zeit Beschwerden ver- ursacht hatte, auf die chirurgische Klinik gebracht worden. Bei Betastung konnte an der bezeichneten Stelle eine etwa hiihnerei- groBe Geschwulst, in der linken Gegend eine dhnliche, etwas - kleinere, ermittelt werden. Die duBeren Genitalien boten das Bild des Weiblichen dar. Labia majora und minora waren gut ausgebildet, ein introitus vaginae vorhanden. Auffallig war nur die tibermaBig groBe Aus- bildung der Clitoris und die Ausmiindung der Harnréhre an der Unterseite des Clitorisschaftes, so daB man eher das Bild eines hypospadischen Penis vor sich hatte. Bei innerer Untersuchung der Genitalregion wurde dagegen konstatiert, daB kein Uterus vorhanden war, sondern die Vagina blind endigte; wohl aber ist ein prostata-ahnlicher Korper tastbar. Es ist somit der gréBte Teil der Mitillerschen Gadnge verloren gegangen, die Ausbil- dung der Genitalorgane hat sich also in der fiir das mannliche Geschlecht geltenden Richtung bewegt. Ob ibrigens der der Harnrohre anlagernde Koérper Prostata war, ist sehr fraglich, da die histologische Diagnose fehlt ; denn eigentlich miiBten ja Scheide und Prostata miteinander in Zusammenhang stehen. Weiterer Befund: Die Behaarung des Mons veneris weiblich, sonst am Ké6rper keine Behaarung, das Becken breit, Milch- driisen nicht entwickelt, Kehlkopf eher mannlich, im Gesicht ein leichter Bartanflug, wie er etwa bei Frauen nach der Menopause auftritt, Kopfhaar lang. Der Gesamthabitus und die Bildung der auBeren Geschlechtsorgane sind nicht so mannlich, daB iiber das Geschlecht des Individuums Zweifel aufgetaucht waren. Es wurde von sich selbst und seiner Umgebung fiir ein Weib ge- halten. 1) Die ausfithrliche Arbeit ist erschienen in ,,The American Journal of Anatomy, Vol. XI.‘ Vierte Sitzung der zweiten und dritten Sektion. Jt ~I — Die Kranke hat niemals menstruiert, Beischlafversuche haben keine stattgefunden, Libido war nie vorhanden. Die Psyche ist weiblich; Patientin verdient als Kéchin ihren Lebensunterhalt. Die Geschwulst der linken Inguinalgegend wurde vorlaufig belassén, da sie keine Beschwerden verursachte, die der rechten wurde entfernt. Das exstirpierte Gebilde hatte annahernd die Form eines Hodens mit Nebenhoden. DaB man es mit einem solchen tatsachlich zu tun habe, bestatigte die histologische Dia- gnose. Die Frau wurde deshalb als mannlicher Scheinzwitter bezeichnet. Erst als mehr Schnitte aus einer ganz zufallig ge- wahlten zweiten Partie des Tumors angefertigt wurden, fand man ein kleines Gebilde, das unter dem Mikroskop eine der des Ova- riums sehr ahnliche Struktur erkennen lheB. Wegen der Selten- heit eines derartigen Befundes und seiner groBen entwicklungs- geschichtlichen Bedeutung wurden die Schnitte auch mehreren Fachleuten, unter anderen Herrn Professor Alfred Kohn in Prag, zur Begutachtung vorgelegt. Die Struktur wurde als unzweifelhaft ovariell bezeichnet. Schnitte durch die Hodensubstanz zeigen kein normales Ge- webe, was ja erklarlich ist, da die Keimdriise unter ganz ab- normalen .Verhaltnissen zur Entwicklung gelangt ist. Sie bietet das jedem Pathologen wohlbekannte Bild des degenerierenden Hodens dar, und zwar ist diese Art der Degeneration, die hyaline, fiir den im Leistenkanal retinierten, kryptorchischen Saugerhoden typisch. Man sieht Durchschnitte durch die gewundenen Samen- kanalchen in Menge, aber von dem dieselben unter normalen Verhaltnissen auskleidenden Epithel findet sich nur eine Reihe von basalen, wohl ausschlieBlich Sertolischen Zellen. Der Hode begann also zuerst eine normale Entwicklung, erreichte eine verhaltnismaBig hohe Ausbildung und ist erst spater ent- artet. Die hyaline Degeneration der Membrana propria und die Degeneration des Samenkanalchenepithels ist tibrigens nicht an allen Stellen gleich weit vorgeschritten. Letzterer Befund steht im Einklang mit fritheren Angaben. So hat schon Finotti gezeigt, daB beim Leistenhoden nicht immer alle Partien gleich- maBig degenerieren. Noch eine andere Eigentiimlichkeit zeigen die Schnitte durch den Hoden. Das Hodenzwischengewebe ist auBerordentlich machtig entwickelt, so zwar, daB die interstitiellen Zellen oft zu ganzen Nestern vereinigt sind. Auch das ist eine typische Er- scheinung, einerseits beim etwa vier Monate alten Fétus, wo diese Zellen nach Nagel zwei Drittel des Parenchyms ausmachen, andererseits beim kryptorchischen, degenerierenden Hoden. Wel- cher von den beiden Fallen hier zutrifft, ob der Reichtum an Zwischengewebe ein embryonaler Zustand ist oder ein sekundar pathologischer, ist schwer zu entscheiden. Das letztere hat die groBere Wahrscheinlichkeit fiir sich; denn es ergibt sich kein Gudernatsch, Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus hominis. 572 Grund gegen die Annahme, daB sich der Hode anfangs normal entwickelt hat und erst spater infolge der ungewohnlichen Lage- rungsverhaltnisse degeneriert ist. Auch die sklerotischen GefaBe, wie sie in den Schnitten zu sehen sind, sind fiir den im Leistenkanal retinierten Hoden typisch. Die tibrigen Teile des Hodens, Rete, Epididymis, Ausfiih- rungsgange, sind vorhanden, alle natiirlich mehr oder weniger pathologisch verandert. Nebenhoden ist ziemlich typisch gebaut, ahnelt aber gleichzeitig auch sehr der Struktur des Parovariums. Beide Gebilde sind ja Abk6émmlinge des W olffschen Korpers und als solche homologe Organe. Den weiblichen Anteil am Aufbau der Keimdriise stellt ein sehr kleines, etwa bohnenfOrmiges Knoétchen dar. Am Schnitt kann man an der Anordnung der spindelformigen Bindegewebs- zellen sofort das typische ovarielle Stroma erkennen, wie es sonst in keinem Organ des Korpers gefunden wird. Man sieht genau so wie in der Rindensubstanz des normalen Ovariums kleinere GefaBe in einem dichten, kernreichen Bindegewebe, dessen meist schlanke Elemente hie und da eine wirbelartige Anordnung er- kennen lassen und teilweise glatten Muskelzellen ahneln. In der zentralen Partie des Gebildes haben wir ahnlich wie im Mark des Ovariums groBe, gewundene GefaBe; das Bindegewebe ist viel armer an Kernen als in der Rindenschicht und in gréberen Lagen angeordnet. Das Gebilde ist an seiner Oberflache von einem einreihigen Epithel bekleidet, wie wir es vom Ovarium her kennen. Bei naherer Durchsicht der Schnitte bemerkt man hie und da eine Differenzierung in diesem Epithel; einzelne Zellen sind etwas groBer und breiter als die ihnen benachbarten Zylinderzellen, sehen etwas gequollen aus, und die Kerne in ihnen sind armer an Chromatin als die in den tibrigen Zellen. Man diirfte kaum fehl gehen, diese Zellen als Anlagen von Ureiern anzusehen. — Die Diagnose ,,ovarielles Gebilde“ 1aBt sich schon durch den typischen Bau des Stromas mit dem umgebenden Epithel be- grinden. Allerdings muB gesagt werden, daB das Organ auf einer auBerst friihen Entwicklungsstufe stehen geblieben ist, wo- rauf auch die hohen Zylinderzellen des Keimepithels hindeuten. Zur Ausbildung eines Follikelapparates, Eimwandern von Ur- eiern in das Stroma und Anlage von Graafschen Follikeln ist es nicht mehr gekommen. Dies stimmt wiederum vdllig mit den bisherigen Befunden auf diesem Gebiete iiberein. Es sind alle bisher bekannten Falle von Hermaphroditismus, seien sie echte oder unechte, dadurch ausgezeichnet, da der epitheliale Teil des Ovariums immer hinter der Norm, gewoéhnlich stark, zuriickbleibt, so daB von nahezu reifen Ovarien bis zu solchen, die nur Primarfollikel, ja selbst leere Follikel zeigten, alle Uber- gange gefunden wurden. Aus den anatomischen und histologischen Befunden geht her- 573 Vierte Sitzung der zweiten und dritten Sektion. vor, daB der mannliche Anteil am Aufbau dieses Ovotestis be- deutend gréBer und auch in der Entwicklung weiter vorgeschritten ist als der weibliche. Es soll tbrigens, wie Kopsch und Szymonowicz feststellten, auch bei niederen Sdugetieren, falls ein Ovotestis sich findet, der ovarielle Anteil immer kleiner sein als der testikulare. Und doch sind in unserem Falle die se- kundaren Sexualcharaktere durchaus nicht absolut nach der mannlichen Seite ausschlaggebend, obwohl man bei dem groBen Reichtum an interstitiellem Gewebe gerade das Gegenteil er- warten sollte. Die Patientin ist zwar kein absolutes Weib, doch sind die mannlichen Anzeichen nicht einmal so stark, daB man sie als Mannweib bezeichnen konnte. Sie gilt ja iibrigens fiir ihre Umgebung als Weib. Dieser Umstand scheint mit den Befunden an der Keimdriise in Widerspruch zu stehen. Doch wissen wir leider nicht, wieviel ovarielles Gewebe die Frau tatsdchlich in ihrem K6rper besitzt. Wie eingangs erwahnt, findet sich bei der Patientin in der linken Inguinalgegend ein ahnlich knotiges Ge- bilde, wie das aus der rechten entfernte. Es ist mit groéBter Wahr- scheinlichkeit anzunehmen, daB es sich auch dort um Keimgewebe handelt, der Charakter desselben aber lieBe sich nur durch eine ge- naue histologische Untersuchung feststellen. Daf tiefgreifende Unterschiede zwischen rechter und linker Keimdriise bestehen, wurde schon 6fters beobachtet. So fand sich z. B. bei dem Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus, den Salén_beschreibt, linker- seits ein vollstandiges Ovarium, rechts eine Zwitterdrise. Es soll nach Lilienfeld itiberhaupt bei menschlichen Zwittern auf der linken Seite das weibliche Geschlecht tberwiegen. Es kann aber auch anfanglich mehr weibliches Keimgewebe vorhanden gewesen sein als spater gefunden werden kann; ,,denn“, sagt Kermauner in Schwalbes ,,Die Mi8bildungen des Menschen und der Tiere“, ,,ob der vollstandige Defekt auf primare Aplasie oder nachtragliche Involution zuriickzufihren ist, ist nicht immer zu entscheiden; in keinem Falle kann man es ausschlieBen, daB mikroskopische Reste des Ovariums, vielleicht zur Unkenntlich- keit verandert, irgendwo an der Bauchwand liegen geblieben sind”. In dem hier beschriebenen Falle scheint es unwahrscheinlich, daB der Knoten, der auf der linken Seite getastet werden kann, nicht auch zum gréBten Teile mannliches Keimgewebe enthalt ; denn es diirfte ja ein Descensus versucht worden sein. Unbedingt aber mu die Frau ihrem, wenn auch nicht ausgesprochen, so doch ziemlich stark weiblichen Typus nach zu schlieBen, viel mehr weibliches Keimgewebe in sich haben, als wir in dem kleinen Knoten auf der rechten Seite gefunden haben. Es ist sehr wahr- scheinlich, daB auf der einen oder der anderen oder auf beiden Seiten sich neben dem Leistenhoden noch Ovarien héher oben in der Bauchhohle vorfinden. Das sind natiirlich MutmaSungen, die nur durch eine genaue Autopsie und mikroskopische Dia- Gudernatsch, Ein Fall von Hermaphroditismus verus hominis. 574 gnose auf ihre Richtigkeit gepriift werden kénnen. Sicher laBt sich nur sagen, daB die Person viel weibliche Charaktere aufweist, und es erscheint dann interessant, daB trotz dieses Umstandes der mannliche Keimapparat sich zu einer derartigen Hohe ent- wickeln konnte, wie die Praparate es zeigen. Es ist sogar, wie man aus den Hohlraumen und Konkrementen im Nebenhoden schlieBen muB, unbedingt zu einer sekretorischen Tatigkeit ge- kommen. Der Fall ruft die Anschauung Waldeyers von der ur- spriinglich zweigeschlechtlichen Anlage des Keimbezirkes gegen- iiber der neueren Lenhosseks von der anfangs indifferenten ins Gedachtnis zurtick. Beide Anlagen stehen, man konnte sagen, im labilen Gleichgewicht zueinander, bis die eine aus unbekannten Griinden die Oberhand gewinnt und die andere dann unterdrtckt wird. In diesem Falle ware eben die schwachere Anlage doch noch bis zu einem gewissen Grade zum Durchbruch gekommen. Noch in einer anderen Hinsicht ist der demonstrierte Fall interessant. Die Schwester dieses Hermaphroditen zeigt namlich ebenfalls UnregelmaBigkeiten im Bau der auBeren Geschlechts- organe. Fir den Menschen ist bisher Hereditat oder verwandt- schaftliche Beziehung beim Hermaphroditismus noch nicht wissen- schaftlich einwandfrei nachgewiesen worden, wohl aber fand Reuter bei einem Wurf von drei Schweinen einen echten und zwei Pseudohermaphroditen, und in einem spateren Wurf des- selben Mutterschweines wiederum einen Pseudohermaphroditen. Ich bin geneigt, die Patientin als echten Zwitter anzusehen und sttitze mich dabei auf die Einteilung von Klebs, der von einem echten Zwitter spricht, wenn die Keimdriisen beider Geschlechter in einem Individuum angelegt sind. Die physiolo- gische Leistungsfahigkeit kommt dabei nicht in Betracht. Herma- phroditismus in dem Sinne, daB Hoden und Eierstécke beider- seits getrennt vorkommen, ist beim Menschen noch nicht ge- funden worden. Hingegen sind vier Falle von sogenanntem Ovo- testis — zwei allerdings mit neoplastischer Veranderung des mannlichen Anteiles — unbestreitbar festgestellt worden, denen sich der vorliegende Fall als fiinfter anschlieBt. “——Eowee 7 = - a} ¢ a ried ‘a he 2 i 2 Lee % eae ore 4 pet lal : year | Pais iy es “ ce eet. ; a ae Ae ny foul +i > ase * y he i ‘a Le A Mery ¥ on a ee = . ; M pe ~ AOL ae ee » 0 WA aires PE Sg ate ee” ae) ee “fy th 78 K€ rd , +S oy - | / So test) aay nr a Se = 5) a ah aaa ty? Pee Them ine bats ee hen ‘i ee te | ? bs ry ie LOO hee Oey ; ee vt! +t a : hie SEP ~ a a ise * ee . He int “we Wee ity eae : : +> peur : i is wale 9 et ,, yas Bese i > ee “rea abs oe Un ag j yey erly mei ( iy “4 iia: iad ) b (fi PLE 4 ele ’ oP? Ute be thee . F "ted Ra “Kt ee Se sab . 7 ~ {Reprinted from BroLocicaL BULLETIN, Vol. XXII., No 3 February, 1912.) THE OSMOTIC AND SURFACE TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS AND THEIR PHYSIO- LOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE! J. F. McCLENDON. CONTENTS. 1, InaTerac live atet@inh.cerctoncto Sac OOD GO AOTC 6 SS Hie a a Poe II4 EEO smOLicsE Menomena TE ANCS rc. siaise aeitiess dicis acs cicis cases vspedleed cle 120 MMe Edio-elecubi Cue WeHOMEHA cay, a5 stelssJeacse oe cons ces ba aec.cceneeeeus 127 &. 1 PERU . SSB 6 od ap Aclae SEO r ae Skt ae ras re 127 Zam B VIN era GuINGLVGsesrois akcie fait ¢ x< Hew ous «cc's ee eys/s baa cents Sere I29 eee N EEL OR ECT Oy tit OUT Ea cer cy erate vanas rato ici<' ors cree vieis 2.40 eee w le ¥ Slers 134 4. The Propagation of the Bio-electric Changes..................2.. 136 uP IN EC OSI Pte Pe a ei eet eP CPA ofc ete eo cle cre cie Gas gus cie'e wa wd side 139 V. Osmotic Properties of the Blood Corpuscles.................02ece0. 142 WA AD SOnpUOUIanN Cl: SECEELIONs sre en spis aac 6 6 aleve clactacs sev ecuisiivciv owes 148 Ti, JANSSON DOE) (etree ee sto Cee OGG GO Oe eee eee 148 2. Osmotic Relation of Aquatic Animals to the Medium............. 149. 2% Secretion of He vrrp uate ISSUEMPUICE? gris ss «s.r fe:5 Sk ecls.e.cie vw oeeie ox 152 4, [EEO 6 oe GS oS dd BOOB OHO ADEs Ono ee ee es 153 WIL, (Gail IDIsSHOW. Soe. Gae Cfo nO bee a On ar 154 PREFACE. This paper formed the basis for two lectures given before the class in physiology at Woods Hole, July 7 and 8, 1911, although owing to limited time, some parts were omitted. Since then there has appeared a second edition of Héber’s ‘‘ Physikalische Chemie der Zelle und Gewebe,’’ which reviews much of the literature considered in this paper. However, owing to an entirely different mode of presentation, it is hoped that the present treatment of the subject might be helpful to many general readers, some of whom would not read Héber’s book. 1From the Embryological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City. Fis 114 J. F. MCCLENDON. I am indebted to several persons for suggestions, especially to Dr. Ralph Lillie! and Professor B. M. Duggar. I. INTRODUCTION. ‘ The object of this paper is to bring the ‘“‘vital’’ phenomena, as far as possible, within the scope of physics and chemistry, and not to elucidate physical and chemical processes. It should therefore be borne in mind that the osmotic phenomena of ‘“‘dead’’ systems are not all satisfactorily explained. The Vant Hoff-Arrhenius theory of osmosis concerns itself with the number of particles, molecules and ions, in solution, and is applicable to dilute solutions, in which the total volume of the dissolved particles is negligible. However, in more con- centrated solutions, the volume of the dissolved particles is of the same importance as the volume of the molecules in gases, as expressed in Van der Waal’s equation. Also the dissolved particles bind molecules of the solvent and so reduce the volume of the free solvent. : That the molecules and ions of a dissolved substance bind some molecules of the solvent, follows from the work of Jones and his collaborators.2, Compare also the work of Pickering.* Jones concludes that the larger the number of molecules of water of crystallization, the greater the hydrating power of a substance in aqueous solution. The number of molecules of water bound by one molecule of the solute usually increases with dilution up to a certain point (the boundary between concentrated and dilute solutions, beyond which there is no heat of dilution). The bond between ions and the solvent is also indicated by the phenomenon known as “electrical transference.’ If an elec- trolyte and a non-electrolyte be dissolved in water and an electric current passed through the solution, water will be carried along with the ions to the electrodes. With these corrections, the Vant Hoff-Arrhenius theory accounts for osmotic pressure, but does not show why many substances exert no osmotic pressure, in other words, why no 1 Cf. this journal, 1909, XVII., 188. * “ Hydrates in Aqueous Solution,’’ Pub. No. 8, Carnegie Ins. Wash., 1907. ’ Whetam, “‘ The Theory of Solution,’’ 1902, Cambridge, p. 170. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. II5 membranes have been found that are impermeable to them. Overton supposed that the substance, in order to diffuse, must dissolve in the membrane. Kahlenberg and others consider a solution as a chemical combination between solute and solvent, and osmosis as a series of chemical reactions between the mem- brane and- the two solutions, continuing until equilibrium is established. The essential points in the theory are: that the membrane is not a molecule sieve, but a substance with specific properties, and the chemical characters of the membrane and of the dissolved substances affect osmosis. Willard Gibbs found that the more a solute lowers the surface tension of a solution, the more it tends to pass out of the solution, 1. e., by osmosis, or if this is prevented, to collect at the surface of the solution. This law has been extensively investigated and confirmed by I. Traube. For instance, in general, lipoid-soluble substances lower the surface tension of water and tend to diffuse out of it, whereas electrolytes slightly raise the surface tension of water and attract water from the adjacent phase. Osmosis may occur in opposite directions simultaneously. Gibbs and Traube state that the greatest osmotic flow is from the solution of lower surface tension to that of the higher, but this is not _ generally accepted. Osmosis consists of two distinct processes, from one solution to the membrane, and from the membrane to the second solution. In case the membrane consists of two or. more chemically different membranes placed one on another, osmosis consists of a series of steps; and Hamburger! made double membranes through which certain substances diffuse more rapidly in one direction than in the other. Traube calls the bond between solute and solvent the “‘attrac- tion pressure.’’ In general, attraction pressure of ions increases with valence. The less the attraction pressure of the solute, the more it lowers the surface tension and tends to pass out of the solution. The presence of one solute lowers the attraction pressure of another in the same solution, and the greater the attraction pressure of a solute the more it lowers that of another. We might express this idea by saying that one substance takes 1 Biochem. Zeit., 1908, XI., 443. 116 J. F. MCCLENDON. part of the solvent away from the second and increases the con- centration of the second substance. This may explain the effect of a harmless substance in increasing the toxicity of a-poison. Schnerlen' observed that a solution of phenol below the threshold of toxicity for certain bacteria is rendered toxic by adding NaCl. Stockard showed that the toxicity of pure solutions of salts on fish eggs is increased by the addition of sugar, although the total osmotic pressure of the mixture is less than that of the normal medium.’ Just as Traube’s precipitation membranes are absolutely impermeable to certain substances, so do living cells show this selective permeability. For instance, the vacuole fluid or cell sap of certain plant cells contains colored substances which do not diffuse into the protoplasm surrounding the vacuoles. If a cell be placed in a solution of the pigment, the protoplasm remains colorless. If the protoplasm be squeezed out of the cell into a solution of the pigment, it does not invariably become stained. However, if the cell is injured in certain ways, or dies from any cause, the pigment diffuses out of the vacuoles into the protoplasm and thence into the surrounding medium. We might conclude that the protoplasm in general is imperme- able to the color, but at death it becomes permeable. On the other hand, Pfeffer® gives evidence for the existence of a mechani- cal membrane on the surface of the cell and lining the vacuoles. De Vries‘ placed cells into 10 per cent. KNO; solution colored with eosin. The plasma membrane and granular plasm died and stained long before any dye entered the vacuoles. How- ever, the granular plasm may have absorbed all the dye, thus preventing its entrance for some time, without the necessity of any resistance of the vacuole membrane. Since protoplasm may be squeezed out in the form of droplets and still appears to be surrounded by membranes, Pfeffer concluded that the membrane was formed by the contact of the protoplasm with the medium 1 Arch. exp. Path., 1896, XXXVII., 84. * However the NaCl in Schnerlen’s and sugar in Stockard’s experiment may have increased the permeability to the toxic substances, as discussed in later chapters. ’ “ Pflanzenphysiologie.”’ 4 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1885, XVI., 465. TENSION PHENOMENA OF-LIVING ELEMENTS. 117 or with cell sap. He supposed these membranes to be the semi- permeable parts of the cell, and that they became altered at death. Pfeffer called this membrane on the cell surface the “plasma membrane.” Whereas the nuclear membrane and certain vacuole mem- branes are semipermeable, these are lacking in erythrocytes, which are therefore good objects for testing the question whether the protoplasm in general, or merely its surface, is semipermeable. Hdber! by two very ingenious but complicated methods, one based on dielectric capacity, determined the electric conduc- tivity of the interior of the erythrocyte without rupture of the plasma membrane. Since the conductivity of the interior (about that of a .2 per cent. NaCl solution) was found to be many times greater than that of the erythrocyte as a whole, the membrane must be relatively impermeable to ions. There is much other, but less direct, evidence that the semipermeability resides in the plasma membrane, namely: the rapidity of change in permeability of certain cells, the sudden increase in perme- ability of a cell after swelling to a certain size (due presumably to rupture of the plasma membrane), the ease with which mild mechanical treatment increases the permeability, and the locali- zation of electric polarization at the cell surface. Quincke? supposed these membranes to be of a fatty nature. This idea was carried further by Overton, who considered the plasma membrane to be composed, not of neutral fats, but of substances of the class which are called ‘‘lipoids,’’ which included non-saponifying ether soluble extracts of organs, 7. e., cholesterin, lecithin, cuorin, and cerebrin. He found* that all basic dyes were easily absorbed by living cells, but not most of the sulphonic acid dyes. This corresponded to their solubility in melted cholesterin, or solutions of lecithin and cholesterin, or particles of lecithin, protagon or cerebrin. His argument is somewhat weakened, however, by the fact that cholesterin decomposes on melting, and that if lecithin is allowed to absorb water its solvent power changes. 1 Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1910, CXXNIII., 237, and Eighth Internat. Physiol. Congress, Vienna, I9I0. 2 Sitzber. d. Kon. Preuss. Akad. d. Wissensch. su Berlin, 1888, Bd. XXXIV. 3 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1900, XXXIV., 660. 118 J. F. MCCLENDON. Many of Overton’s critics do not distinguish between lipoids proper and a host of ether-soluble substances which are also called lipoids, and of the data which they present we will con- sider only that on lipoids proper. Ruhland! found that certain dyes stain plant cells but are not soluble in solutions of cholesterin (and vice versa). Robertson? observed that methyl green freed from methyl violet was insoluble in a nearly saturated solution of lecithin in benzol, whereas it stained living cells. Héber? obtained Ruhland’s results, when using certain animal cells, but found that certain nephric tubule cells absorb all dyes that are not suspension colloids. Faure-Fremiet, Mayer and Schaeffer* state that pure choles- terin does not stain with any dyes (contrary to Overton), mala- chite green (considered lipoid-insoluble by Ruhland and Hdéber) stains lecithin, and Bismarck brown (considered lipoid-insoluble by Ruhland) stains lecithin, cholesterin-oleate and cerebrin. A mere trace. of free fatty acid greatly affects the behavior of lipoids toward stains. Mathews’ considers the absorption of dyes by cells as a chemical process. Since basic. dyes combine with albumin in alkaline solution, lipoids in the membrane are not necessary for the ab- sorption of such dyes. Traube objected to Overton’s hypothesis on the ground that Overton’s plasmolytic series is the same as found by Brown, who used the membrane of the barley grain,® and the same as the series of the attraction pressures of the substances in water. But Traube admits in his later papers that the chemical character of the membrane affects osmosis. We may conclude that, although the plasma membrane of some cells may be lipoid in character, this has not been proven, but, in general, it is more permeable the more the diffusing sub- stance lowers the surface tension of water. 1 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1908, XLVI., 1, and Ber. Deutsch. bot. Gesellsch., 1909, SV. 772. * Jour. Bio. Chem., 1908, LV., 1. 3 Biochem. Zeit., 1909, XX., 55. 4 Arch. d’Anat. Mic., 1910, XII., 19. ® Jour. Pharmacol. and Exp. Ther., 1910, II., 201. ® But this is not true of all seed coats. Atkins, Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., XII., n. s., No. 4, p. 35, observed that the membranes of the bean seed are freely perme- able, semipermeable plasma membranes arising only after germination. . TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 119 Nathanson! supposed the plasma membrane to be a mosaic of lipoids and “‘protoplasm,”’ but it is evident that if the lipoid portion is not continuous, it can not make the cell impermeable to any substance. Czapek? states that lipoid solvents cause cytolysis when the surface tension of the solution is reduced to .68, and concludes from this that the plasma membrane contains glycerine tri-oleate since its emulsion reduces the surface tension of water to this figure. | The diffusion of water-soluble substances through swollen- plates, ‘‘gels’”’ or “‘sols’’ of gelatine, varies inversely with the viscosity (Arrhenius). The great hysteresis of gelatine gels is taken advantage of to show that diffusion depends on the vis- cosity and not on the per cent. of gelatine, at the same temper- ature.® The absorption of water by a gelatine plate increases its per- meability, and the temperature and therefore the presence of substances which affect this swelling of gelatine affect its perme- ability. Impregnation of colloidal membranes with bile salts, alcohol, ether, acetone or sugar changes (usually increases) their permeability. The effects of substances on the rate of diffusion through gelatine plates, and on their swelling (viscosity) and melting point are not always quite parallel. In case the substance added to the membrane is removable, the change in permeability becomes reversible, which is true in regard to many of the substances mentioned above. Changes in non-living membranes are usually only partially reversible or are irreversible. Denaturalization of a colloid membrane by heat, heavy metals, or other coagulative agents which induce chemical changes in the membrane, or the addition of substances which cannot be removed, produce irreversible changes in permeability. That the permeability of the membranes in living tissue is increased at death is proven by a host of observations. The electric conductivity increases enormously at death. Contained 1 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1903, XXXVIII., 284; 1904, XXXIV., 601, and XL., 403. 2 Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell., 1910, 28, 480. 3’ Zangger, Asher & Spiro’s Ergeb. der Physiol., 1908, VII., 90. 4 Zangger, loc. cit. I20 J. F. MCCLENDON. substances diffuse out, substances in the medium (fixing fluids, stains, etc.) diffuse in. There is a more general mixing of tissue substances. Enzymes come in contact with proteids and autolysis results. Certain substances are known to increase the permeability of membranes in tissues of the body. Thus ether, chloroform, etc., increase the penetration of fixing fluids, and the exit of contained substances, and the mixing of tissue substances. In this way they increase autolysis. II. Osmotic PHENOMENA IN PLANTS. It is evident that water, salts, carbon dioxide and oxygen can, at least occasionally, penetrate plant cells, as otherwise no growth could occur. In case of the higher plants, the same is true of sugars and other bodies.! Janse? found that so much KNO; is absorbed by Spirogyra cells in 10 minutes, that it may be easily detected microchemically with diphenylamin-sulphuric acid. Osterhout® grew seeds of Dianthus barbatus in distilled water. The rate of growth during the several davs of observation was normal. In nature, calcium oxalate crystals are found in the root hairs, but are not formed in the distilled water cultures, showing that the Ca comes from the medium. If placed in calcium solutions, crystals became large enough to see with the polarizing microscope in four hours, showing permeability to Ca.‘ Nathanson® found that nitrates and other substances entered the cell. Ruhland also observed penetration of salts. Traube-Mengarini and Scala® conclude that salts enter plant cells only through the partition walls. At these places there appears an ‘‘acid reaction’’ (bluing of methyl violet). They 1 See Laurent in Livingstone, ‘‘The Réle of Diffusion and Osmotic Pressure in Plants,’’ 1903, p. 67. 2 Versl. en Medeel. der Konikl. Akad. van afdeel. Naturs., 3. Reeks, IV. part, 1888, p. 333. 3 Zeits. f. phystk. Chem., 1909, LXX., 408. 4 But compare von Mayenberg, Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., XXXVI., 381, who found little penetration of salts into fungoushyphe. And see Demoussy, Comptes Rendus, CXXVII., 970. 5 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., XXXVIII%, 284; XXXIX., 601; XL., 403° 6 Biochem. Zeit., 1909, XVII., 443. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. I2I interpret this as showing that the anion of the salt unites with an H ion of an amino group, forming a free acid, and the kation of the salt unites with the protoplasm. It appears to me that the basis of this conclusion is very slight. Permeability may be investigated by a study of plasmolysis, which consists in the shrinkage of the surface protoplasm away from the cellulose cell wall, due to the osmotic pressure of the hypertonic solution of a dissolved substance which does not penetrate. A regaining of turgor by the cell while in the hyper- tonic solution indicates slow penetration of the substance. The plasmolytic method was originated by Nageli, who also noted that a shrinkage resembling plasmolysis but accompanied by outward diffusion of dissolved substances, occurs at death or severe injury to the cell.! The plant cell is surrounded by an elastic cell wall. The internal osmotic pressure may be divided into three resultants: that causing rounding up of the cell is called turgor, that re- sulting in stretching of the cell wall is sometimes distinguished as turgescence, and that resisting the surface tension of the cell, “‘central pressure.”’ The plasmolytic experiments of DeVries? and others’ are interpreted by them as indicating a selective impermeability of the plasma membrane to neutral salts. In the plasmolytic experiments of Overton‘ all salts plas- molyzed permanently. Non-electrolytes fell in four groups, thus: Cane sugar, dextrose, manit, glycocoll >urea, glucerin> ethylene-alcohol, acetamid>methyl-alcohol, acetonitril, ethyl- alcohol, phenol, aniline, isobutyl-alcohol, isoamyl-alcohol, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, butyl aldehyde, acetone, acetaldoxim. Diffusion of substances of homologous series increased with molec- ular weight. Overton ascertained the permeability of plant cells to alkaloids 1“*Pflanzenphysiol. Untersuchungen,’’ 1885. 2 Zeit. physikal. Chem., 1888, II., 415; 1880, III., 103. 3 Cf. Livingstone, ‘‘The Réle of Diffusion and Osmotic Pressure in Plants,” Chicago, 1903; Janse, Bot. Cenilb., 1887, XXXIL., 21; Duggar, Trans. Acad. Sc. St. Louis, 1906, XVI., 473. 4 Vierteljahrschrift der Naturforschers. Gesell. in Zurich, XLIV., 88; Jahr. wiss. Bot., 1900, XXXIV., 660. I22 J. F. MCCLENDON. by their precipitation of the tannic acid in the cell sap. Most alkaloids penetrate rapidly, but only in the form of the free (undissociated) base produced by hydrolysis. Hence the pene- tration (precipitation and toxic effect) may be prevented by adding a little acid to the medium. Pfeffer had shown that methylene blue is precipitated by tannic acid in the cell sap of certain plants. Some discussion has arisen as to whether the mechanism of the entrance of dyes into plant cells is similar to that of alkaloids. Overton showed that lipoid soluble basic dyes penetrate easily. He at first supposed that only the free color base (undissociated) is able to penetrate the cell.1. Overton found, however, that triphenylmethane and chinonimid dyes disprove his assumption, showing that it is at least not general. This question was taken up again by Harvey? who found that neutral red or methylene blue, which stain Elodea leaves in tap water, do not do so if just enough acid be added to the water to prevent any free color base from forming. He observed that, although these dyes are not precipitated in the cell sap of this plant, they become more concentrated in the cell sap than in the medium. Neutral red is bright red in the cell sap, indicating that the reaction-is acid (no free color base is present). He supposes that the absence of any of the dye in the form of the free color base prevents it from diffusing out of the cell, hence it becomes more concentrated within than without. In using the plasmolytic method, if a cell does not recover from plasmolysis in a solution of a salt, it is said to be imperme- able to that salt. However, the cell may recover, but may be killed by penetration of the salt, and shrink again. It is possible that Overton and others failed in some cases to note this transient recovery. Contrary to Overton, Osterhout*? found Spirogyra permeable to alkali-salts and alkaline earth salts, but more 1 In this connection it is interesting to note that Robertson observed that free color bases, and to a less extent free color acids, are much more soluble in fats than are their salts. This is what we should expect, since the salts dissociate in water, and ions are insoluble in fats. * Science, 1910, n.s., XXXII., 565. 8 Science, IOLII, Nei: ONO UV 8 7a ROO ET Oe TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 123 easily to Na than to Ca. It is plasmolyzed by .2M CaCl: and not by the isosmotic .29M NaCl but by .38M NaCl. .r9o5M CaCl. and .375M NaCl just failed to plasmolyze. On mixing 100 c.c. .375M NaCl with Io c.c. .195M CaCle, thus decreasing the osmotic pressure of the former, marked plasmolysis occurred. This indicates that Ca decreases the permeability to Na.!. From further work by the same author, not yet published, it appears that Na increases and Ca decreases the permeability of certain marine plants. Also Fluri? obtained increase in permeability by salts of aluminium, yttrium and lanthanum. DeVries plasmolyzed cells of Tvradescantia, containing blue cell sap, with 4 per cent. KNOs solution, then added nitric acid until the color changed to red. The acid made the cells per- meable to KNO; for they regained their turgor and finally burst. This explains the easy penetration of acids into cells. Pfeffer? found that if red beet cells, petals of Pulmonaria, stamen hairs of Tradescantia and other anthocyan-containing cells are placed in extremely dilute HCl or H.SO,, they suddenly turn red, in- dicating immediate penetration of the acid. If allowed to re- main but a short time, the cells are not killed, and the color change is reversed on returning the tissues to acid-free water. I have repeated these experiments, using cells of red heet, red cabbage and red nectar glands of Vicia faba, and find that mineral acids penetrate, but that (the lipoid soluble) acetic acid penetrates much more rapidly and also more easily alters the plasma membrane, causing pigment to diffuse out, if not cau- tiously applied. Alkalis also penetrate, but (the lipoid soluble) ammonia penetrates much more rapidly than the others. Am- monia does not so easily increase the permeability to the pigment as does acetic acid. Ruhland?! after staining root hairs of Trianea, etc., with the indicators, methyl orange and neutral red, found that mineral acids as well as lipoid soluble acids penetrated. 1 The work of Kearney, Report 71, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, indicates that Ca prevents the plasmolytic and toxic effect of Mg, but this is “‘ false plasmolysis”’ following death. 2 Flora, 1908, XCIX., 81. 3 **Osmotische Untersuchungen,”’ Leipzig, 1877, p. 135. 4 Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1908, XLVI, I. 124 J. F. MCCLENDON. One defect in the plasmolytic method is the fact that the cel- lulose cell wall, if not very thick, is elastic, and a slightly hyper- tonic solution may cause the cell to decrease in volume without pressing the protoplasm away from the cell wall. This source of error may be eliminated by substituting calculations of the volume of the cells (as necessary for animal cells) for observations on plasmolysis. It is well known that movement, and in many cases increase in size of plants is due to changes in turgor of the cells. If we exclude the turgor changes in aerial plants produced by variations in the ratio of the water supply to the transpiration, turgor changes may be due to changes in the osmotic pressure of the external medium, or of the cell sap (due to metabolic changes) or to changes in the permeability of the plasma membrane. Lepeschkin! has confirmed Pfeffer in showing that changes in permeability of stipule cells accompany (or immediately precede) changes in turgor. By chemical analysis of the medium he has shown that an outward diffusion of dissolved substances, from the cells, accompanies loss of turgor, and by plasmolytic ex- periments, that the permeability to certain substances increases. It is interesting to note the force that may be exerted by such changes in turgor. From measurements of the pull of a stamen hair of Cynara scolumus or Centaurea jacea on loss of turgor fol- lowing stimulation, it seems not improbable that the change in turgor amounts to 2-4 atmospheres (Héber). This also indicates the strength of the cell wall necessary to prevent rupture of the plasma membrane. ‘The osmotic pressure of the juices pressed out of plants varies from 3.5—9 atmospheres.2 The pressing out of the juices causes an error due to chemical changes; on the other hand, in taking the freezing point or pieces of plant tissues, an error arises from lowering of the freezing point by the walls of the capillary spaces. Miiller-Thurgau* found the A (corrected freezing point lowering) of plant tissues =.8-3.1°. Many plants respond to light by definite movements, produced 1 Ber. deutsch. bot. Gesell., XXVI. (a), 725. 2 DeVries, Pringsheime Jahrbucher wiss. Bot., 1884, XIV., 427; Pantanelli, zbd., 1904, XL., 303. 8 Landwirtschaftl. Jahrb., 1886, XV., 490. o~ TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 125 by turgor changes in certain of their cells. Trondle! found. that light produced changes in permeability of these cells. Changes in permeability may not only affect the turgor, but also the assimilation and excretion, and consequently the metabolism and growth of the cells. Chapin? observed that CO, in certain doses is a stimulant to the growth, not only of green plants but also of moulds. As only a few saprophytes can decompose COs, it is not probable that its effect is nutritive. A similar stimulating action of ether and various salts, even such toxic ones as those cf zinc, was previously known. These salts probably stimulate without penetrating the cells, since Zn, for instance, is not a constituent of protoplasm.’ This leads one to suppose that the initial effect of all of these substances is on the surface, changing the permeability of the cells. Wachter? found that potassium decreases the permeability of onion cells. Sugar diffused out of sections of Allium cepa placed in distilled water or hypotonic sugar solutions, but a trace of potassium salt entirely prohibited the diffusion. When the K was removed the diffusion recommenced. Czapek® determined increase in permeability by the exosmosis of tannin in cells of Echeveria leaves. Various monovalent al- cohols and ketones, ether, ethyl urethan, di and tri acetin, Na-oleate, oleic acid, lecithin and cholesterin all just caused exosmosis of tannin in concentrations (aqueous solutions) which had a surface tension of about 0.68. It would appear therefore that these substances, chiefly of the class of indifferent narcotics, alter the cells if they diffuse into them, or diffuse into certain structures such as the cell lipoids or the plasma membrane. It seems more reasonable to suppose that the plasma membrane is the structure affected, and the more the substance lowers the surface tension of water, the more it diffuses into the plasma membrane. When this membrane is altered, it allows escape of tannin. Some substances such as chloral hydrate are effective 1 Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., 1910, XLVIII., 171. 2 Flora, 1902, XC., 348. 3 Cf. Loeb, ‘‘Dynamics of Living Matter,” pp. 73, 74. * Jahrb. wiss. Bot., 1905, XLI., 165. 5** Uber eine Methode zur direkten Bestimmung der Oberflachenspannung der Plasmahaut von Pflanzenzellen,"’ Jena, G. Fischer, tort. 126 J. F. MCCLENDON. in less concentration, and probably affect the cell chemically as well as physically. Mineral acids caused exosmosis of tannin when the concen- tration just exceeded 1/6,400 normal, and the effect is probably due to Hions. At this same concentration Kahlenberg and True! found the growth of seedlings of Lupinus albus to cease. It appears, therefore, that this cessation of growth is due to in- creased permeability, causing decreased turgor of the cells. Changes in permeability may also affect secretion (excretion). The addition or formation of alcohol or acetates causes yeast and other fungi to secrete (excrete) for a short time, various sub- stances, especially enzymes which do not come out in a culture medium lacking the reagent.2 It appears that the alcohol or acetates increase the permeability of the fungi to these substances. My own experiments*® indicate that pure MgCl, solutions increase the permeability of yeast. A certain per cent. of yeast and dextrose in .3 molecular MgCl» eliminated CO, more rapidly than .5M NaCl or .325M CaCle, all which have about the same freezing points.- Also, the CO: elimination was more rapid in the magnesium solution than in a solution of the same concen- tration of MgCl. with either of the other salts in addition, or in a solution containing NaCl and CaCl, in the same concentrations as in their respective pure solutions, or in a solution of all three salts, or in tap or distilled water. In order to determine whether the magnesium entered the cells I took two equal masses of com- pressed yeast and agitated one in H,O and the other in a molecular solution of MgCl, for 5 hours, then washed each rapidly in H2O by means of the centrifuge. The ash of the magnesium culture = .048 gram, that of the control = .0466 gram. Evidently the Mg did not enter the yeast to any great extent, and probably acted on the surface, increasing the permeability. Ewart* observed that after placing plant tissue in 2 per cent. HCl and washing in water its electric conductivity (ionic per- meability) was increased. If one portion of the plant is stimu- lated, the stimulus may be transmitted to other portions. In ‘ Kahlenberg and True, Botanical Gazette, 1896, XXII., p. 81. * Zangger, ‘‘Asher and Spiro’s Ergeb. d. Physiol.,’’ 1908, VII., 144. ® McClendon, Am. Jour. Physiol., 1910, XXVIL., p. 265. ‘“ Protoplasmic Streaming in Plants,” Oxford, 1903, p. 96. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 127 this way increase in electric conductivity was produced by stimu- lation of a point outside the path of the current. Whereas many plants are very sensitive to sudden and extreme changes in osmotic pressure, Osterhout! found that certain marine algze thrived when subjected daily to a change from fresh water, to sea water evaporated down until it crystallized out, and vice versa. He does not state whether these alge survive extreme plasmolysis, or whether they are so easily permeable to salts as not to be plasmolyzed by the saturated sea water or burst by the fresh water. For regulation to slight changes in the osmotic pressure of the medium, a change in size of the cell altering the turgescence, or tension of the cell wall, is sufficient. If Tvadescantia cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, they begin to swell. But soon crystals of calcium oxalate are formed in the cell sap, and in this way the turgor, due chiefly to oxalic acid, is reduced.2 It would be interesting to know what is the source of the Ca. Was it previously in combination with pro- teids? The accommodation to a hypertonic medium takes place, ac- cording to van Rysselberghe, partly through absorption of substances of the medium and partly through metabolic produc- tion of osmotic substances, chiefly the transformation of starch into oxalic acid.’ III. Bio-ELECTRICAL PHENOMENA. 1. In Plants. Change in permeability of the plasma membrane to ions would necessarily cause electrical change due to its influence on the migration of ions. These electrical changes actually occur, and may be easily studied. Stimulation or wounding in plants is accompanied by an elec- tronegative variation of the affected surface. This negative region spreads in all directions over the surface, but the rate of 1 Univ. of Cal. Pub., Bot., 1906, II., 227. 2 Van Rysselberghe, Mém. d. l’Acad. royale de Belgique, 1899, LVIII., r. 3 Compare von Mayenberg Jahrb. f. wiss. Bot., XXXVI., 381. 128 J. F. MCCLENDON. propagation! is much slower than the similar process in muscle or nerve.’ Pfeffer? supposed that the plasma membrane is normally per- meable to ions of only one sign. Since the normal cell surface is positive in relation to the cell interior (cut surface) we may conclude that the plasma membrane is norma’ly more permeable to kations (less permeable to anions). Just as the negative variation of wounding is due to the removal or rupture of the | plasma membrane, so the negative variation of stimulation would, on the membrane hypothesis, be due to increase in permeability of the plasma membrane to the confined anions. An alternative hypothesis is that these electrical changes result from changes in metabolic activity. The production of an electrolyte whose anion and kation have very different speeds of migration (such as an acid or alkali) would cause electrical changes. But how are we to account for changes in metabolic activity? There exists varied evidence for changes in perme- ability, and it is simpler to assume that changes in metabolic activity and electrical changes are both the result of changes in permeability. Kunkel‘ tried to explain the vital electrical phenomena as the result of the movement of fluids in the vessels of the tissues, but bio-electrical changes may occur without such movement of fluids (Burdon-Sanderson). Kunkel observed in 1882° that the movement of the leaf of Mimosa pudica is accompanied by an ‘“‘action current,’ or nega- tive variation of one surface of the pulvinus. Similar results on Dionea leaves were obtained by Munk® and specially studied by Burdon-Sanderson.’ It was stated above that Lepeschkin had shown that the turgor changes in plants were accompanied or immediately preceded by changes in permeability to certain substances. The electrical phenomena suggest that the turgor 1 Which is in mimosa 600~1,000 times as fast as the geotropic impulse in a root, 2 Fitting, ‘Asher and Spiro’s Ergeb. d. Physiol.,’’ 1906, V., 155. 3 “* Pflanzenphysiologie.”’ 4 Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1881, XXV., 342. 5 See Winterstein’s ‘‘Handbuch der vergleichenden Physiologie,’ III. (2), 2, p- 214. 6 Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., 1876, XXX., 167. 7 Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1877, XXV., 441; Philos. Trans., 1888, CLXXIX., 417- TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 129 change is accompanied (or immediately preceded) by increase in permeability of the plasma membrane to anions. Burdon- Sanderson states that, whereas the movement resulting from turgor change begins 2.5 seconds after stimulation, the negative variation reaches its maximum I second after stimulation. This may be due to the mechanical inertia, or the time required for the diffusion of substances. It was stated in the preceding chapter that light changes the permeability of the plasma membrane, and Waller! found cor- responding electrical changes due to light, but not always in the same direction in different plants. This inconstancy in direction is probably due to the fact that light not only influences the permeability, but also the assimilation, and changes in assimi- lation produce electric changes. This is supported by the fact that Querton* found that assimilation as well as electric change is most affected by the longer light rays. 2. In Muscle and Nerve? Ostwald* proposed the hypothesis that the electric phenomena of muscle, nerve and the electric organs of fish (which may reach several hundred volts) are produced with the aid of semiper- meable membranes. The alternative theory of Hermann, which would account for the current of injury by assuming the pro- duction of some electrolyte (alkali?) in the wounded region, whose anions and kations have very different speeds, seems less prob- ably to be the correct one. According to the ‘‘membrane theory,’ element is surrounded by a semipermeable membrane allowing easier passage to kations than to anions. The kations passing through the membrane are held back by the negative field pro- duced by the confined anions, but owing to their kinetic energy, the kations pass out far enough to give the outside of the cell surface a positive charge. Therefore any portion of the surface that is made freely permeable to anions becomes electronegative 1 Jour. of Physiol., 1899—'00, XXV., 18. 2** Contribution a l'étude du mode de la production de l’électricité dans etres vivantes,’’ Travaux de l'Institut Solvay, 1902, V. , 3Cf. R. Lillie, Amer. Jour. Physiol., 1911, XXVIII., 197. 4 Zeit. physik. Chem., 1890, VI., 71. ’ the muscle or nerve 130 J. F. MCCLENDON. in relation to the remainder of the surface. This negative variation may be produced by artificially removing or altering a portion of the membrane (producing the current of injury) or as the result of normal stimulation, making it permeable to anions (action current). Bernstein resorted to mathematical proof of this hypothesis. We will not here go into details, but the gist of the matter is that if the process were as we have imagined it, the electromotive force of the current of injury, or action current, should be pro- portional to the absolute temperature. He found this to be true for temperatures between 0° and 18°, but between 18° and 32° the E.M.F: was found to be too small. The muscle was not permanently injured by exposure to the higher temperatures for the length of time necessary for the experiments. Bernstein explained this discrepancy by the further assumption that at the higher temperatures the plasma membrane became slightly more permeable to anions.! Since the muscle contains a higher per cent. of potassium than the blood plasma or lymph, it might be supposed that K ions passed outward through the plasma membrane and gave the surface of the muscle element the positive charge. But if this were the case, the current of injury should be reversed by placing the muscle in a solution containing potassium in greater concen- tration than in the muscle. This reversal, however, was shown by Héber not to occur. Since lactic and carbonic acids are pro- duced by muscle and diffuse out in increased amount on contrac- tion, one might suppose H ions to give the muscle surface the positive charge. This is only a guess (and a poor one, since un- dissociated molecules of COz, and lactic acid are lipoid-soluble) but may be convenient until some better one is proposed. Per- haps the carbonic acid combines with amphoteric proteids, which 1 This is similar to the conclusion reached by Biataszewicz, Bull. d. l’Acad. d Sc. d. Cracovie, Sc. Math. e. Nat., Oct., 1908, p. 783, in regard to the unfertilized frog’s egg. In order to explain his observation that the rate of swelling in tap water increased 5 times for every 10° rise in temperature, he assumed that heat jnereased the permeability to HxO. This would seem to be the simplest explana- tion, provided the swelling were not due to chemical production of osmotic sub- stances: and since the A of the ripe ovarian egg is .48° but is reduced to .045° after oviposition, Biochem. Zeit., 1909, XXII., 390, much if not all of the swelling is probably due to the initial osmotic pressure of the egg interior. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. I3I then set free Ht and HCO; ions, thus increasing the ionization and therefore reducing the number of undissociated molecules, which can escape.’ Since Osterhout showed that certain electrolytes may alter the permeability of cells, we might expect to find, on the membrane hypothesis, an effect of salts on the electric polarization of muscle. Hdber? observed that a portion of the surface of a muscle treated with certain salts, KCl for instance, becomes electro-negative (more permeable to anions) whereas a portion treated with Nal or LiCl becomes positive (still less permeable to anions than is the normal unstimulated muscle). The order of effectiveness of the ions is as follows: Li< Na Traube® and others observed that the ery- throcytes are relatively impermeable to neutral salts (exc. NH, salts) amino acids, various sugars and hexite, slowly permeable to erythrite, more permeable to glycerine, and easily permeable to monovalent alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, esters, ether, and urea. In general, it may be said that the erythrocyte is perme- able to lipoid-soluble substances or those that lower the surface tension of water. Such substances (for instance, ether) become more concentrated in the corpuscle than in the serum. Saponin becomes 120, and ammonia 880 times more concentrated in corpuscle than in serum.’ 1 Pfliiger’s Arch., 1909, CX XIX., 60. 2 Zeit. physiol. Chem., LXVI., 305. 3 Arch. internat. de Physiol., 1910, X., 1. 4 P fliiger’s Arch., 1896, LXIII., 86, and Koninkl. Akad. von Wetensch. Amsterdam, IQIO, p. 347. 5 Pfliiger’s Arch., 1897, LXVIII., 229; 1898, LXX., 525. 6 Biochem. Zeit., 1908, X., 371. 7 Arrhenius, Biochem. Zeit., 1908, XI., 161. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 143 The erythrocytes are practically impermeable to ions. Stewart? observed that they offered a great resistance to the electric current. It is difficult to remove all of the serum from a mass of erythrocytes, but Bugarsky and Tangl, working independently of Stewart, obtained sediments of corpuscles having a conduc- tivity of only 1/50 that of the serum. This indicates that the corpuscles are practically impermeable to both classes of ions, for if permeable to ions of one sign, they would probably not be such good insulators. The electric conductivity of the ash (made up to equal volume) of the corpuscles is about that of the serum, although the osmotic pressure of the solution of ash of the latter is greater.? Hence an increase in electric conductivity of the corpuscles (as will be considered below) indicates increased permeability to ions. After the corpuscle becomes permeable to ions, further increase in conductivity might be due to liberation of ions from combinations with colloids in the interior. However many ions, for instance POu,, cannot be liberated without incineration or other rigorous treatment. Increase in conductivity of the blood by laking agents has been proven to be chiefly due to increased per- meability of the corpuscles, since the conductivity of the serum never shows so great an increase on the addition of the laking agent, and is usually diminished (by the hemoglobin) if the cor- puscles are present. The portion of the normal corpuscle presenting the greatest resistance to the electric current is the surface layer, since Héber® observed that the conductivity of the interior of the corpuscle (determined by its dielectric value) is many times greater than that of the corpuscle as a whole. Peskind* caused bubbles of nitrogen to form within the corpuscle and observed that they were retained by a superficial membrane. This may be the membrane which resists the electric current. The chemical composition of the corpuscle is supposed to bear some relation to its permeability. Aside from the hemoglobin, and the rather low water content (60 per cent.) the corpuscle 1 Science, Jan. 22, 1897. _? Moore and Roaf, Biochem. Jour., III., 155. $ Pfliiger’s Arch., 1910, CXXXIII., 237. 4 Am. Jour. Physiol., VIII. 144 J. F. MCCLENDON. is composed of lecithin and cholesterin with a little nucleo- proteid. It is probable that these lipoids are chemically different in different species of animals, since Lefmann! observed that the lipoids of erythrocytes of the same species are not toxic, whereas those of another species may ke very toxic. The distribution of these substances in the corpuscle has not been ascertained. Pascucci? supposed the corpuscle to be a bag of proteid impregnated with lecithin and cholesterin and filled with hemoglobin. He found that artificial lecithin-cholesterin membranes were made more permeable to hemoglobin by the laking agents, saponin, solanin and tetanus or cobra poison. Dantwitz and Landsteiner suppose the lecithin to be in com- bination with protein. Hoppe-Seyler assumed the hemoglobin to be in combination with lecithin in the corpuscle, and Bang* has shown that lipoids may be fixed by hemoglobin. It seems evident that there does not exist an aqueous solution of hzemoglobin within the corpuscle, since haemoglobin crystals may be made to form in Necturus corpuscles without extraction of water. Furthermore, Traube and Goldenthalt find that haemoglobin has a hemolytic action, and unless there exists some body within the corpuscle which antagonizes this action (as serum does) a hemoglobin solution could not be retained by the corpuscle. Probably all of the so- called ‘‘stroma’’ constituents, not in combination with the he- moglobin, form the plasma membrane of the corpuscle. Under certain conditions, the haemoglobin comes out of the corpuscles, and the blood is said to be laked. Laking of “‘fixed”’ corpuscles occurs only after the removal of the fixing reagent. Thus, sublimate-fixed corpuscles may be laked by substances which combine with mercury, such as potassium iodide, sodium hyposulphite or even serum proteids. The fact that they may be laked by heating in water is probably because the nucleo-histone is not fixed by sublimate. This process is prevented by hypertonic NaCl solution, presumably on account of its power to precipitate nucleo-histone (Stewart). Formaldehyde-fixed corpuscles may ' Bettrage chem. Physiol. u. Path., X1., 255. * Hofmeister’s Beitriége, 1905, VI., 543, 552. * Ergeb. d. Physiol., 1907, VI., 152. * Biochem. Zeit., 1908, X., 390. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 145 be laked by ammoniacal water, at a temperature which must be higher, the more thoroughly they have been fixed. Ammonia combines with formaldehyde. Stewart! supposes that the hemoglobin must be liberated from some compound before the blood can be laked. We cannot say that the corpuscle is always permeable to hemoglobin from within outward. However the corpuscle probably is impermeable to it from without inward, since it does not take up hemoglobin from a solution, and after the blood is laked the serum contains hemo- globin in greater concentration than the “ghosts” do. At any rate, permeability to hemoglobin appears to be inde- pendent of permeability to salts, since Rollett? found that laking by condenser discharges may set free the hemoglobin without the corpuscle becoming permeable to ions. Stewart® concluded that the same is true of laking with sodium taurocholate (even after considering the depressing action of hemoglobin on the con- ductivity). Stewart* and others had already shown that blood laked by minimal applications of such laking agents as freezing and thaw- ing, heating (to 60°), foreign serum, and autolysis (spontaneous laking) cause but a slight increase in the permeability to ions, whereas the continued application of some of these agents, or especially such violent reagents as distilled water and saponin, cause a marked increase in electric conductivity. On the other hand, if saponin is added to defibrinated blood at 0°, the con- ductivity of the corpuscles to ions begins to increase before any hemoglobin escapes from the corpuscles. The liberation of the hemoglobin by some laking agents may be due to the direct action of the reagent in breaking up the com- pound in which the blood pigment exists, but is probably some- times a secondary effect, following increase in permeability to electrolytes. It has been shown that many laking agents, lipoid solvents, saponin unsaturated fatty acids, soaps, and hemolysins (con- taining lipase) are such as would alter lipoids physically or 1 Jour. Pharm. and Exper. Therapeutics, 1909, I., 49. 2 Pfliiger’s Arch., 1900, LXXXII., 199. 3 Am. Jour. Physiol., X. 4 Jour. Physiol., 1899, XXIV., 211. 146 J. F. MCCLENDON. chemically, whereas pressure, trituration, shaking, heat, condensor discharges, freezing and thawing, water, drying and moistening, salts (including bile salts), acids and alkalis, might act also on proteids. Since any treatment which causes great swelling! of the cor- puscle leads to loss of haemoglobin, it is probable that stretching or breaking of the surface film increases its permeability. But laking may occur without swelling, and even crenated corpuscles may be laked by sodium taurocholate. Hoéber? observed that the relative action of ions in favoring hemolysis is: salicylate>benzoate>I>NO3, Br>Cl>SO, and Kk>Rb>Cs>Na, Li. Since this is the order in which they affect the aggregation state of colloids, their action is probably on the aggregation state of the colloids of the corpuscle (proteids or lipoids or their combinations). The permeability of formaldehyde-fixed corpuscles to ions, is greatly increased by extraction of the lipoids with ether, or by treatment with substances such as saponin, which act on lipoids. Since the proteids have been thoroughly fixed, it is evident that they play no part in this process, though they may do so in the non-fixed corpuscles. The relation of lipoids outside of the corpuscles to hemolysis has been extensively investigated, and cannot be fully treated here. Willstatter found that cholesterin combines with one of the saponins, destroying its haemolytic power. Iscovesco® con- cludes that cholesterin combines with ‘soap, and prevents its toxic action. Changes in permeability of the corpuscles to ions were studied chemically before the application of the electrolytic method. Hamburger? and Limbeck® observed that when COs: is passed through blood, chlorine passes from serum into corpuscles and the alkalescence of the serum is increased. On the other hand, the distribution of sodium and potassium is not changed.® 1 Roaf, O. J. Exper. Physiol., 111., 75, supposes this swelling to be due to ioniza- tion and hence increased osmotic pressure of hemoglobin. 2 Biochem. Zeit., 1908, X1V., 209, and loc. cit. 5’ Comptes Rendus, Soc. Biol., 1910, LXIX., 566. 4 Zeit. f. Biol, T89L, SomVilLe, AOS. 5 Arch. exp. Path., 1895, XXXV., 309. § Giirber, Sitzungsber. physik.-med. Ges. Wurzburg, 1895. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 147 Koeppe! and Hdéber? explain this process in the following manner: The lipoid-soluble CO, enters the corpuscle, and by reacting with alkali albuminates in the protoplasm, gives off more anions than it does in the serum. During the presence of COs, the corpuscle is permeable to anions, and the CO; or HCO;- ions pass back into the serum, being exchanged for Cl- ions to equalize the electrical potential. Sodium bicarbonate being more alkalescent than sodium chloride, the titratable alkalinity of the serum is increased. This explanation is supported by the following facts: When. CO: is passed through a suspension of erythrocytes in cane sugar solution the latter does not become alkaline. If COs is passed through a mass of centrifuged erythocytes, which are then added to physiological salt solution, the latter becomes more alkaline than the serum in Hamburger’s experiment. Any sodium salt may be substituted for serum, and its anions will pass into the corpuscles.* Also the number of ionic valences passing into the corpuscle is constant, 7. e., if sulphate is used only half as many ions enter the corpuscles as when chloride or nitrate is used. The process is reversed by removal of the COs. This same phenomenon has been observed in leucocytes by van der Schroeff. There seems to be some relation between hemolysis and ag- glutination of the corpuscles. Arrhenius! supposed that ag- glutination by acids is due to the coagulation of the proteids of the envelope. However, since agglutination is followed by precipitation, it seems probable that the loss of the negative electric charge which tends to keep the corpuscle in suspension and causes it to repel every other corpuscle, is partly responsible for the phenomena. The fact that water-laking is preceded by agglutination might be explained if we assume that increase in permeability to ions leads to loss of electric charge. The charge may be due to the charges on the colloids of the corpuscle or to semi-permeability toions. The corpuscle is very poorly permeable to ions, but may 1 Pfltiger’s Arch., 1897, LXVII., 180. 2 Pfliiger’s Arch., 1904, CII., 196. 3 Hamburger and van Lier, Engelmann’s Arch., 1902, 492. 4 Biochem. Zeit., 1907, VI., 358. 148 J. F. MCCLENDON. be slightly more permeable to some one ion than to others. If this ion were more concentrated in the plasma or in the corpuscle, the lattet would become electrically charged, and a general in- crease in ionic permeability would lead to a reduction or loss of this charge. The loss of charge would favor their coming in contact with one another and their precipitation, but their cohesion is probably due to some other change, possibly the exit of adhesive substances, on increase in permeability. VI. ABSORPTION AND SECRETION. 1. Absorption through the Gut. If a live vertebrate intestine be filled with one portion of a physiological NaCl solution, and suspended in another portion of the same solution, fluid will pass through the wall of the gut from within outward. Cohnheim! found that holothurian gut behaves in the same way toward sea water, and the absorption stops if the gut is injured with chloroform or sodium fluoride. It might be supposed that the hydrostatic pressure produced by the contraction of the musculature, is the driving force of absorption, but on the contrary, Reid? found that the wall of the rabbit’s intestine behaved in the same way when used as a diaphragm. Salt is absorbed by an intestine filled with a very hypotonic solution of it, and water may be absorbed when the solution is very hypertonic. Blood salts enter the intestine when it is injured by an ex- tremely hypertonic solution, or sodium fluoride, chinin or arsenic. Grape sugar and sodium iodide may pass from without inwards through the wall of a normal holothurian intestine. Traube’ claims that absorption is explained by his observation that the surface tension of the contents of the gut is less than that of the blood, but this does not apply to the experiments in which an identical solution was placed on each surface of the wall of the gut. Traube* found that the addition of a substance 1 Zeit. physiol. Chem., 1901, XXXIIL., 9. 2 Jour. Physiol., 1901, XXVI., 436. 5 Pfliiger’s Arch., 1904, CV., 559. Cf. Iscovesco, Comptes Rendus, Soc. Biol., TOIL, LXXI., 637. 4 Biochem. Zeit., 1910, KXVV., 323. TENSION PHENOMENA OF LIVING ELEMENTS. 149 lowering the surface tension increased the absorption of ‘NaCl by the gut. Absorption is probably due to irreciprocal permeability of the wall of the gut. Hamburger showed that dead gut and even artificial membranes showed irreciprocal permeability to certain ‘substances. These artificial membranes were of different com- position on their opposite surfaces (parchment paper-chrome albumin, or parchment paper-collodion) and he assumed that the wall of the gut is composed of two osmotically different layers. In reality there may be more than two such layers, and the plasma membranes of the individual cells of the gut may show irreciprocal permeability. Traube! showed that the rate of absorption of a substance by living gut is usually greater the more it lowers the surface tension of water. The order of ions is: Cl>Br>I>NO;>SO,, HPO, and K, Na>Ca, Mg. The order of non-electrolytes, according to Katzenellenbogen? is: glycocoll NO;>CI>SO,. and K>Rb>Na>Li>Mg and mannit .01 = ES) | gama co *.00015-.0002 mol. as | 0025- Tee Cane sugar ... 1. molecular ae >5 molecular | Enis a | ee oe be Pere Wb hey) sas Methylalcohol = .| ..... ere Du Bots Reymonp: Untersuchungen iiber tierische Electricitét, 1849. ® Kopis: This journal, 1901, v, p. 267. ’ Garaeortt: Zeitschrift fiir Biologie, 1902, n. F. xxv, p. 289, and 1903, xxvii, p. 65. | | 304 J. F. McClendon. trodes were then fixed rigidly in position and the preparation placed in a moist, constant temperature chamber. The conductivity of the muscle was measured with too little cur- rent to cause contraction. ‘Then, by cutting out resistance in the secondary circuit, enough current was passed to throw the muscle into tetanus and a second reading made. In all cases the conduc- tivity was greater during contraction. It might be objected that the heating effect of this current would change the conductivity, but control experiments on liver tissue and the tissues of certain plants, in which no change in conductivity occurred, showed this not to be the case. Since the muscle at all times entirely filled the space between the electrodes and extended out on all sides, a change in the form of the entire muscle would not appreciably alter the conductivity. How- ever, it is possible that the change in form of the muscle fibres might slightly alter the conductivity, but it is improbable that it would account for the large differences observed. If the change in conductivity were dueto metabolic activity in the muscle, we would expect different results depending on whether the muscle was measured first in the stimulated or unstimulated condition, but no such difference was found. If the change in conductivity is due to chemical change, the latter must be completely and instan- taneously reversible. Experiments were made both in +e spring and the autumn, and a long series of measurements were made on each muscle. The increase _in conductivity was greatest in fresh preparations and decreased as the muscle became fatigued, varying from 28 to 6 per cent. DISCUSSION OF RESULTS. The increased conductivity of muscle during contraction may be interpreted as demonstrating the increase in permeability of some structures within the muscle to anions (since the muscle appears already permeable to certain kations). According to the membrane theory, this causes a reduction of the electrical polarization of these structures, thus causing increased surface tension and contraction. In order that the contraction be due to increased surface tension of any structures, the latter must during relaxation be elongate in The Increased Permeability of Striated Muscle to Ions. 305 the axis of the muscle. We have such a structure in the anisotropic segment of an ultimate fibril. It is interesting to note that Dues- berg ® finds these segments to arise from fat or lipoid-containing bodies known as chondriosomes, and the presence of fat would account for the high surface tension between them and the sarcoplasm that is necessary for contraction. Bernstein calculated the size of the structures that would be com- patible with the force of contraction, and concluded that it must be smaller than any structures seen in histological preparations of muscle. He therefore postulated hypothetical ellipsoids as the elements in question. It is possible that surface tension changes are aided by osmotic pressure,’ since the movements of plants are due to osmotic changes following changes in permeability. However, the small size of the muscle elements makes it impossible to apply botanical methods to it. 8 DurEsBERG: Archiv fiir Zellforschung, 1910, iv, p. 602. 9 Cf. Metcs: This journal, 1910, xxvi, p: 191. Reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. Vol. XXIX. — January 1, 1912.— No. III. DYNAMICS OF CELL DIVISION. —III. ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS IN VERTEBRATES. By J. F. McCLENDON. [From the Embryological- Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City; and the Station for Experimental Evolution of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island.] I. By MECHANICAL STIMULATION. GGS of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica, and the tree frog, Hyla pickeringii, were caused to segment by momentary pressure. Cutting the mass of eggs from the uterus to pieces with scissors caused a few eggs to die and a few others to segment. Compression was a very unreliable method for causing segmentation, and much more uniform results were obtained by pricking with a fine needle.’ The females were washed with alcohol followed by a strong stream of water. The eggs were carefully taken from the uterus so as to avoid pressure and placed in shallow dishes. In some experiments the eggs were pricked immediately and then covered with water. In others the eggs were first covered with water and the jelly allowed to swell slightly, though the eggs remained adherent to the bottom and were thus held in position. The glass dish was placed under a Zeiss binocular microscope and the eggs lightly pricked with the finest sewing needle. The extent of the puncture had to be regulated with great care in order to obtain good results. It seemed necessary merely to touch the surface of the egg in order to start development, although a punc- ture that did not a large extra-ovate was permissible. In my operations on thousands of eggs, some failed to be reached by the 1 BATAILLON: Comptes rendus de la Société de Biologie, ror1, Ixx, p. 562, had previously caused European frog’s eggs to segment by pricking with platinum or glass needles. He claims to have developed a few to the metamorphosis. He interprets Guyer’s results on injecting lymph into frog’s eggs as parthenogenesis due to pricking, but thinks the serum entering the wound may be essential. 298 Dynamics of Cell Division. 209 needle, whereas some others were pricked too deeply and died. The jelly offered considerable resistance, and a sudden stab with the needle seemed less injurious than a slow motion. Eggs which were pricked just sufficiently, rotated in the normal manner and segmented. ‘The first cleavage was regular in a small per cent, and showed varying degrees of irregularity in the remainder. No regular later cleavages were observed, so that it is impossible to state how many cytoplasmic cleavages occurred, though divisions of the nuclei continued for a few days, not, however, at the normal rate. In some cases the first cleavage furrow passed through the point ~ of puncture, but since it did not do so in all cases, further study would be necessary to analyze the localization factors. A control was always kept, care being taken not to subject any of the eggs to pressure. None of these eggs segmented, but it was noted in some cases that they finally became wrinkled and apparently decreased in volume. According to Biataszewicz,? the unfertilized frog’s egg swells continuously. The water which I used came from an artesian well, and contained over ten times as much COs, as was found in pond water,’ and it is possible that the CO, injured the eggs. In harmony with this view is the fact that there was a large mortality among fertilized eggs developing in it. II. By ELectricaAt STIMULATION. Eggs of the wood frog, Rana sylvatica, the tree frogs Hyla picker- ingii and Hyla versicolor, and the toad, Bufo lentiginosus, were caused to segment by electric stimulation. The character of segmentation was similar to that in pricked eggs. A high per cent could be caused to segment. The segmentation rate seemed to be about normal, for instance the first cleavage in Hyla pickeringii occurred from two to three hours after electric stimulation, at 21°C. But in order to avoid the slightest possibility of contamination with sperm, no males or fertilized eggs were allowed in the laboratory during the experiments, and the rate of development was not directly compared with the normal. * BIATASZEWICz: Bulletin de 1’Académie des Sciences de Cracovie, 1908, Pp. 783. * From analysis by R. A. GoRTNER. 300 J. F. McClendon. The females were washed with alcohol followed by a strong stream of water. The eggs were carefully taken from the uterus, without pressure, placed in glass dishes and covered with water. An alter- nating current of 110 volts and 60 cycles was passed through the water from platinum or carbon electrodes held from 2.5 to 15 cm. apart. The use of an alternating current prevented appreciable polarization and chemical changes at the electrodes, but in order to avoid the possibility of the slightest chemical influence, the water was poured off of the eggs immediately after removal of the electrodes and fresh water added. Eggs very close to the electrodes were neces- sarily more affected by the current than those farther removed, but in comparing experiments I have regarded only those eggs midway between the electrodes. The position of the electrodes was marked, and the eggs remained adhering to the glass in their original positions. An instantaneous exposure to the current was sufficient and pro- longed exposure injurious, although the resistance of the eggs to injury varied with the species. Having the electrodes 5 cm. apart, the injurious effect was seen in Hyla pickeringii eggs after five seconds, but in toad’s eggs only after ary to one hundred and twenty seconds’ exposure. The majority of the experiments were performed in artesian water. The fact that the use of water re-distilled from barium hydrate gave as good results, indicates that the CO, of the artesian water was not essential to parthenogenesis. The addition of 1/50, 1/20, 1/10, or even 1/5 vols. of sea water did not prevent cleavage. Also the fol- lowing pure salts and combinations were permissible: NaCl, CaCl, MgCl., NazCO;, CaOH, chlorides of Na & Ca, Ca & Mg, Na & Ca & Mg. A large number of eggs of each species were removed at various periods after stimulation and prepared histologically in serial sections. The following account of the internal changes in eggs of the wood frog applies to all except for details as to size, amount of pigment, etc. The female pro-nucleus, in passing from the surface at the animal pole, toward (but not reaching) the centre of the egg, leaves a pig- ment track similar to that left by the sperm nucleus in fertilized eggs.* I have no doubt that this pigment track is present in normal develop- ‘In Hyla pickeringii, where there is little pigment, the track is hardly noticeable. Dynamics of Cell Division. 301 ment, but has not been observed because the first cleavage furrow cuts through it longitudinally, as it is being formed, and obliterates it. In parthenogenetic eggs the furrow is usually not through the axis of symmetry, in which the pigment track lies, and therefore usually does not obliterate it. Although the first cleavage is not usually through the axis of sym- metry, it is often near this axis, and therefore very nearly regular. Sometimes a large cell is cut off from a small one. In the majority of cases, however, two and sometimes more furrows appear simul- taneously. This is not due to a corresponding increase in number of nuclei, as sections show but one nucleus, which is the undivided female pro-nucleus. The metaphase of the first nuclear division is reached long after the first cleavage furrow begins to cut through the egg. The first cleavage usually does not completely cut through the vegetative pole. Later cleavage furrows sometimes appear, but are likewise never completed. Cleavage of the cytoplasm is brought to a standstill, and the nuclear changes continue. The nucleus divides repeatedly, filling the egg with daughter nuclei. Finally the egg becomes vacuolated and is dead within a few days. In a preliminary note® I have mentioned certain oiabeabineies 1 in regard to the theoretical significance of these results. However, since more data are desirable, I will not continue the discussion here, but hope to do so at a later date. 5 McCLENDON: Science, 1911, N. S. xxxiil, p. 629. Reprinted from THe JouRNAL OF BroLocicat Cuemistry, Vol. X, No. 6, 1912 HOW DO ISOTONIC SODIUM CHLORIDE SOLUTION AND OTHER PARTHENOGENIC AGENTS INCREASE OXIDATION IN THE SEA URCHIN’S EGG? By J. F. MCCLENDON anp P. H. MITCHELL. (From the Embryological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City, the Physiological Laboratory of Brown University, Provi- dence, R. I., and the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Woods Hole, Mass.) (Received for publication, November 4, 1911.) Loeb has shown that —OH ions favor development.! Our own experiments (Table 6) as well as those of O. Warburg? demonstrate that increase in the alkalinity of the medium increases oxidation in fertilized eggs. According to Warburg, the egg is impermeable to ~OH ions or fixed alkalies, because, although eggs stained with neutral red are changed to yellow by NH; of a concentration which increases the oxidation only one-tenth, similar eggs are not changed to yellow by fixed alkalies of a cancentration at which oxidation is greatly increased. These facts are, however, capable of another interpretation. The egg is filled with lipoid particles which take up the neutral red to such an extent as to render the surrounding protoplasm and sea water colorless. The —OH ions cannot freely enter the lipoids in order to change the color of the neutral red. On the other hand ammonia is lipoid-soluble and can enter. It might be objected that the ammonia cannot react with the dye in the non-aqueous medium owing to the suppression of ioni- zation, but whether the dye is driven out of the lipoids or changed to yellow in situ, the fact remains that it does become yellow. Harvey? observed that the addition of but a small quantity of alkali to sea water containing fertilized eggs stained with neutral 1 Loeb: Chemische Entwicklungserregung des tierischen Eies. Berlin, 1909. * Warburg: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., lx, p. 305, 1910. 3’ Harvey: Journ. of Exp. Zoology, x, p. 507, 1911. 459 460 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg red, changed the eggs to yellow. However, the eggs were injured by the alkali and probably their permeability was increased. It is possible that alkalies or OH ions in any concentration enter the fertilized eggs but must be present in sufficient concentration to set free ammonia or change the lipoids in order to affect the dye. We may assume, then, unless more conclusive evidence indicates the contrary, that the ~OH ions increase oxidation after penetrat- ing the egg. One of us has shown that unfertilized sea urchin’s eggs are poorly permeable to salts and their ions, but become more permeable after fertilization or the initiation of parthenogenetic develop- ment.!. Not only is the permeability increased but the oxidation rate is increased. Warburg observed that oxidation increases from five to seven times on fertilization (compare our Table 5, experiment III). He found also a large increase after the initia- tion of parthenogenetic development caused by hypertonic sea water,? fatty acid, alkalies or traces of the heavy metals,* silver or copper. Our own experiments, given below, confirm and extend these findings. There appears then to be some relation between permeability and oxidation, and the present paper is an attempt to determine what this relation is. The living cell may be compared to a furnace, and R. Lillie+ advanced the view that increase in permeability opens the draughts so to speak, allowing the escape of carbonic acid, and hence oxi- dation is increased. He supposes that the accumulation of car- bonie acid and perhaps other end-products checks the oxidation, and increase in permeability to carbonic acid allows oxidation to proceed. The difficulty with this hypothesis lies in the fact that living cells have been shown by Overton and others to be freely permeable to substances which are easily soluble in fats and oils, or especially in lecithin and cholesterin. Carbon dioxide-is solu- ble in oils and probably enters cells easily, at least there is evidence to show that red blood corpuscles are freely permeable to this gas. Fatty oils are permeable only to the undissociated mole- cules and not to the ions. Since the proportion of ions of carbonic ‘ McClendon: Amer. Journ. of Physiol., xxvii, p. 240, 1910. * Warburg: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., \xii, p. 1, 1908. ’ Warburg: Jbid., xvi, p. 305, 1910. ‘ Lillie: Biol. Bull., xvii, p. 188, 1909. VOLUME (DILUTION) J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell ABI acid would ordinarily be small, what conditions in the egg might favor ionization of CO.? Not all of the alkali metals in the egg are combined with min- eral acids; some are combined with proteins. This has been shown by the senior author with electric conductivity measurements of hens egg yolk given in the accompanying curves. The continu- ous line represents the conductivity of yolk freed from protein granules, and the dotted line, yolk containing an excess of protein -001 -002 -003 ELECTRIC CONDUCTIVITY granules, separated by the centrifuge. The granules impede the current as shown by the fact that the granule-containing yolk is a poorer conductor than granule-free yolk. But on dilution, the granule-containing yolk becomes the better conductor. There- fore ions are set free from the granules on dilution. The carbonic acid formed within the egg would react with the alkali albuminates with the formation of alkali carbonates and bicarbonates, which, notwithstanding hydrolysis, would liberate a considerable quantity of carbonic acid anions.’ The dissociated carbonic acid, being unable to escape from the unfer- tilized egg would lower the —OH ion concentration and thus reduce oxidation. As the undissociated molecules of carbonic acid escape, more are formed by the slow oxidation in the egg. On fertilization, the permeability to the anions of carbonic acid is greatly increased. They migrate out of the egg, and nega- tive ions enter the egg to take their place. Since the ~OH ions of the sea water are the fastest negative ions, they enter the egg and 1 At about molecular concentration the equivalent electric conductivity of NaCl is 76; of NasCOs, 45, at 18°. 462 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg increase oxidation. However, if some ~Cl or ~SO, ions entered the egg they would tend to decrease the —OH ion concentration within the egg. But the senior author has shown that the ferti- lized Fundulus egg is impermeable to ~Cl ions, for when placed in distilled water, or in solutions of nitrates or sulphates, practically no chlorine comes out of the eggs. We may assume, therefore, that carbonic acid accumulates in the unfertilized egg until the reaction is neutral or slightly acid. But on fertilization, the per- meability to carbonic acid anions is increased and the concentra- tion of this acid is diminished so that the reaction is neutral or slightly alkaline. The increased alkalinity is the cause of the increased oxidation. We will now see to what extent our experi- ments bear out this assumption. We observed that oxidation is about doubled when the egg is made parthenogenetic with carbonated sea water (Table 5, experi- ment II) or alkaline isotonic sodium chloride (Table 3, experi- ments I and II). In some eases the eggs, being physiologically different from those in other experiments, did not show the mor- phological signs of development in this solution, and oxidation was not doubled (Table 2: Table 3, experiment III; cf. Table 5, experi- ment I). The eggs begin development while in the alkaline solu- tion, but eggs made parthenogenetic by treatment with neutral or acid solutions (neutral sodium chloride or carbonated sea water) begin development only when transferred to natural sea water or other alkaline solution. This bears out our hypothesis, for if the increased permeability remains after the egg is returned to an alka- line medium, a chance is given for an increase in alkalinity in the interior, which was lacking in the non-alkaline solution. Certain facts may seem to contradict our assumption, but prob- ably they merely limit its application: 1. A slight increase in —OH ions may cause even the unfertilized egg to absorb more oxygen (Table 2) and a greater increase causes it to develop. This does not necessarily show permeability of the unfertilized egg to hydroxyl ions. The increased alkalinity slowly causes an increased permeability of the egg and thus leads to parthenogenesis, but the degree of alkalinity of the medium neces- sary to induce development of the unfertilized egg is far greater ‘These experiments will be published later in the American Journal of Physiology. : J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell 463 than that necessary for the development of the fertilized egg or the egg already made parthenogenetic. 2. The fertilized egg of Arbacia punctulata (but not of some other sea urchins) may develop in a natural medium, as Loeb observed and which we have confirmed. In other words, a hydroxyl ion concentration in the medium, greater than that of distilled water, is not necessary for development of this egg made freely per- meable to carbonic acid. However this fact does not set a limit to the alkalinity of the egg interior. The egg probably contains more Na than Cl ions, and if it be impermeable to Na or Cl, the escape of carbonic acid might cause the egg interior to become alkaline or at least neutral. Eggs made parthenogenetic in some ways (neutral sodium chloride, for instance) do not develop unless transferred toan alkaline medium, but this may be due to the possi- bility that these parthenogenetic eggs are not quite as permeable as are fertilized eggs. The same may be inferred from oxidation measurements. Neutral sodium chloride causes the unfertilized egg to absorb more oxygen than it does in sea water (Table 4) but the increase is slight, and morphological development does not commence. If the eggs are then transferred to sea water or other alkaline solution, some of them may develop. It appears therefore that increase in permeability is a gradual process. Although some eggs are so permeable as to be able to develop in an neutral medium others are less permeable and do not develop, or develop only in an alkaline medium. By treating eggs with parthenogenetic agents in various concentrations or for various lengths of time we may induce various degrees of per- meability. Even fertilized eggs may be made more permeable by treatment with parthenogenic agents, and a corresponding increase in oxidation may be observed (Table 6). In these experiments the oxidation of the eggs in sea water was measured about ninety minutes after fertilization: they were then placed in isotonic, alkaline sodium chloride solution, in which the oxidation increased one-half, when returned to sea water the oxidation fell below its previous level in the same medium. According to Loeb, this indicates death of some of the eggs (20 per cent). The experiments just described explain the discrepancy between the results of Warburg and those of Loeb. Warburg! found that 1 Warburg: loc. cit. 464 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg the oxidation of the fertilized egg in isotonic sodium chloride solu- tions containing a trace of sodium cyanide, is much greater than in sea water containing the same concentration of sodium cyanide. Loeb! confirmed this determination, but observed further that if the cyanide is omitted (from both) no increased oxidation in sodium chloride solution occurs. The cyanogen in both sea water and sodium chloride solution depresses oxidation. Since sodium cyanide liberates "OH ions, we may conclude that the increase in oxidation in the sodium chloride solution used by Warburg was due to the increased penetration of hydroxyl ions, following in- crease of permeability. In our experiments no cyanide was used, and the alkalinity of the sodium chloride solution was not greater than sea water, yet oxidation was increased. In Loeb’s experiment the tendency of increased permeability to increase oxidation was counteracted by the effect of lower alkalinity, which decreases oxidations. Alkaline sodium chloride solution also favors oxidation in eggs that have reached later stages of development, morula or blastula (Table 7). In this experiment, the rate of oxidation in sea water was rising gradually (see next section) before the eggs were placed in the alkaline soduim chloride solution, but in the latter a sudden increase of more than 50 per cent was observed. MATERIALS AND METHODS. The eggs of the sea urchins, Arbacia punctulata, were used. The animals were washed in a strong stream of fresh water and opened with precautions against introducing spermatozoa among the eggs. The ovaries were removed and placed in the first solution to be used, sea water or neutral van’t Hoff’s solution. The mass was strained through bolting cloth of such a grade as to allow but one egg to pass through one mesh at a time. The eggs were repeatedly precipitated by gravity in fresh portions of the solution in order to remove coelomic fluid cells (elaeocytes), and trans- ferred with a small quantity of fluid to the determination flask. The rate of oxidation in the various solutions was measured by comparison of the dissolved oxygen in the solution before and after the eggs had been suspended in it during a definite period. 1 Loeb and Wasteneys: Biochem. Zeitschr., xxviii, p. 340, 1910. J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell 465 Winkler’s thiosulphate method of oxygen determination (iodo- metric), as described in Treadwell’s Quantitative Analysis, was used. From 3 to 7 cc. of eggs were used in each experiment, but the actual volume of the eggs was not measured until after the oxygen determinations. We tried a number of methods for filling the determination flask and sample bottles without an uncertain loss or gain of oxygen. Loeb collected the water in the sample bottle under petroleum. Although petroleum absorbs five times as much oxygen as water does, the oil would tend to reduce currents adjacent to the air- water surface, and thus reduce oxygen exchange. Using paraffin oil, we found that it was extremely difficult to prevent a little oil from sticking within the flask, and abandoned the method. Per- haps kerosene would have worked better, yet the quantity of kero- sene that would dissolve in the water might vitiate the experiments. Since the sea water and the solutions were shaken up and satu- rated with air at the given temperature before beginning the exper- iment, the control sample might have been taken under air, with- out change. But after loss of oxygen in the determination flask, a gain in oxygen would result from such treatment. By intro- ducing the solution through a tube passing through a doubly perforated stopper, and extending to the bottom of the sample bottle, the exposed surface of the water was made as small and quiet as possible. By maintaining a constant rate of flow the error could be made to bear an approximately constant ratio to the oxidation, no matter whether the sample bottle was filled with air or some other gas. We tried the effect of introducing the sample under air, and also under hydrogen, and decided that the latter method was preferable for oxygen-low samples. In order to make all errors fall in the same direction we alse collected the oxygen- high samples under hydrogen. The experiments were so regulated that the oxygen content of the determination flask at the end of the exposure would not fall very low. However, Warburg failed to observe a decrease in the rate of oxidation in low oxygen concentration. The water was forced out of the determination flask rapidly into the sample bottle by hydrogen under pressure. The determination 466 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg flask held 332 ec., the two sample bottles 152 and 142.6 cc. respec- tively. The determination flask was placed in a thermostat which was kept 2° above the temperature which the air had reached at the beginning of the experiment. In most cases the time of exposure was one hour. During the first half-hour the eggs were distributed throughout the solution once every five minutes by rotating and rocking the flask, during the last half hour they were allowed to settle to the bottom. Although the majority of the eggs settle to the bottom in ten minutes, at the end of one-half hour there are always a few which, on account of swelling or fragmentation, have failed to precipitate. To prevent, these going over into the sample bottle and causing an error due to absorption of iodine, Loeb placed filter paper over the outlet. We found that a relatively hard filter paper was neces- sary to retain all fragments of eggs, and that this interfered with the rapid transfer of the solution. The error due to eggs in sus- pension is negligible, especially since it was practically constant in all of our experiments. For instance: a sample bottle filled with water contained 8.09 parts per million of oxygen, while water from the same jar run into a sample bottle in which had been placed about one-hundred times as many eggs as the water from the deter- mination flask, contained 7.85 parts per million, an error of 0.24 parts per million due to eggs in suspension. As in our experi- ments, differences of 0.1—3.0 parts per million were obtained, an error of 0.024 parts per million would not reverse the results. When the eggs were fertilized or placed in parthenogenic solu- tions they lost sufficient red pigment (MceMunn’s Echinochrome) to color the water a straw yellow. In order to ascertain whether this organic matter would vitiate the results, we took two sample bottles, into one of which was placed a mass of elaeocytes containing about fifty times as much echinochrome as is lost from the eggs in one experiment, and syphoned into each tap water from the same jar. ‘Tap water causes these cells to liberate their pigment. The bottle containing water only, was found to hold 6.85 parts per million of oxygen, while that contaminated by elaeocytes was titrated as 6.36 parts per million of oxygen. We repeated this using three sample bottles. Two of these filled with water gave J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell 467 6.86 and 6.91 parts per million respectively and the third contamin- ated with elaeocytes liberating about one hundred times as much pigment as is liberated in the experiments with eggs, gave 6.09 parts per million as the titration, showing an error of 0.8 parts per million. Probably this loss was due chiefly to the broken up cells, but if due entirely to the pigment, the error in our experi- ments would be only .008 parts per million. In experiment 3, the eggs were divided into two equal portions and placed simultaneously in two determination flasks of equal capacity. Therefore the eggs in the two solutions were in the same stage of ripeness. In each of the other experiments the eggs were all placed in one flask and treated successively with the various solutions. In case of fertilized eggs Warburg observed! that the oxidation rate rose steeply from fertilization to the 2-cell stage then gradually to the 64-cell stage. In order to determine whether this would be a great source of error on our experiments, we measured the oxygen used by a mass of fertilized eggs in sea-water during successive periods in the first six hours of development, and found it to vary from 7.93 to 9.76 tenths of a milligram (Table 7). With- in the duration of the majority of our experiments, however, the variation was only from 7.93 to 8.96 tenths of a milligram or 11.5 per cent, and would be less between successive exposures. This possible source of error would not reverse the results of the major- ity of our experiments. In making solutions of the same alkalinity as the sea water, a colorimetric method was used, with phenolphthalein as indicator. At the end of the season, the sea water was diluted with heavy rains and failed to color phenolphthalein. The eggs behaved abnormally, though whether this was due to the decrease in alka- linity or salinity of the sea water or to some other cause was not determined. In making the eggs parthenogenetic with carbon dioxide, they were placed with a small quantity of sea water in a “sparklet syphon” and charged under slight pressure for about one minute. At the end of five minutes they were poured into a large volume of sea water and this was syphoned off and fresh sea water added. 1 Warburg: Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., lx, p. 448, 1909 and loc. cit. 468 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg RESULTS OF EXPERIMENTS. i. Experiments with Unfertilized Eggs. TABLE 1. Oxidation in neutral van’t Hoff’s solution contrasted with that in neutral NaCl solution. | ia P| & a &«§ Bet lie é a hes Ho | 2& | ue p EXPERIMENT SPLEEN So | a | cre o§ > nee | p Ap Be Be ical - sa | $2 | ge | ge MS S ae 5a pa | i | bed H a A, | o} | . eae | ~ | ce °C min min a= Neutral | | First period. .| ; van’t 4 24 | 30—| 30 | 2.49 } Hoff | | | "| | | No ‘‘fertili- : N l |.) Se NG Ee ran Second Sets) S Eure \ 4 24 | 30°) 30-1) 2ona0| re \* NaCl f | |) membrane | | | formed. } 1 TABLE 2. Oxidation in neutral van’t Hoff’s solution contrasted with that in sea water and alkaline NaCl solution. Qe (=) | iS B 5 S o 6 g E | z bi 5 it | Es Zz Z | EXPERIMENT | SOLUTION | gg | ees Ss Be ae REMARKS USED | a g 8 = Be ee ele ae] 2Bo| Sb Bae fle a =) a ° | cc “1G; | min min ae | Neutral | | | | First period. .| 4 van’t | } 24°") 30 5) Sor azam | Hoff. | Second period Sea water | 24 | 30 30 |.2.65 ; | _{ “Fertiliza- + NaCl ‘| | | || tion mem- Third period {+—OH ? | | 24 30 30 | 3.12|4 branes’’ in ions | | | | | very small | per cent. Fourth period Sea water | 24° | °30 30 | 3.48 | : pe = "= ne by y J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell TABLE 3. 469 Oxidation in sea water contrasted with that in alkaline NaCl solution. ae a a | s | 8 | ce | ee] 8 | EXPERIMENT saad a 2 e z z E 25 Zz | REMARKS Bg | & = 3 a | £ a iM S E 5 B 3 cc °c min min = I. One-half of eggs. .... Sea water 23 30 30 | 4.80 | _ ( “Fertiliza- Second half {¥ NaCl By eee of eggs. ... . +-OH 23 | 30 | 30 | 6.90 ea” ions | Trane ima | | formed. period.: 2... | Sea water 24.5| 35 | 25 |3.38| “ NaCl | Bee se . i ion mem- Second period ; "OH / /24.5| 35 | 25 | 7.801) brane” a) | | aa formed Ill. First | pered....3... | Seawater, 4.5, 24 30 30 “‘Fertiliza- _{% NaCl tion mem- Second period < +~OH 4.5 | 24 30 30 | 6.47 | branes” in ions very small per cent. TABLE 4. Oxidation in sea water contrasted with that in neutral NaCl. | a2 /8,/8,| 3 SOLUTION 5 E c 3 z 5 zZ : EXPERIMENT © aan | g 2 & e e - z 5 z REMARKS R os 5 I ee ao a oF a5 p@ p2 * > a a a So ec °¢ min min a 1 eeirst period...... | Bey water 5 23 30 30 | 2.65 (No “‘fertili- i Neutral zation mem- 2 a7 Second period \ ™ NaCl 5 23 | 30 | 30 | 3.60 ae | formed. II. First period. . | Sea water |2.3 | 23.5/ 30 | 30 | 1.22 Neutral ; Second pro Nac] [| 2-3 23.5) 30 30 1.66 Ibid. 470 Effect of COs-parthenogenesis on oxidation. Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg TABLE 5. Effect of fertilization. ) ee | & B edexieok! SOLUTION 6 e 3 : z : 2 | 2 EXPERIMENT AT 2 g B & c z E & | a | REMARKS 2a an | Ba Be RO > a a a ; o | ° . 5 m cc E min min am I. First period.....| Seawater | 4.5) 23.5) 30 30 4.58 ae | ( “Fertiliza- After CO. | tion mem- treatment. .| Sea water AV ay BBY 5 130) 30 6.00 branes” in | | small per cent. II. First | period...... | Seawater | 4.5) 24 | 30 | 30 4.11 AfterCO. | | | _ {Good mem- treatment..| Seawater | 4.5 | 24 30 30 9.91 | brane III. First | | formed. period..... .. Sea water 25 30 30 2.52 After fertili- | Vs per cent of zation......| Seawater | 5 | 25 | 30 | 30 | 12.94 eggs seg- | | | ty mented. SUMMARY. 1. The presence of ~OH ions in the medium, increases the rate of oxidation in fertilized eggs of the sea urchin. 2. The oxidation rate of unfertilized eggs is increased by fer- tilization or any treatment which causes them to develop partheno- genetically. In 1 and 2 we merely confirm and extend the observations of Warburg. 3. Since it was shown by the senior author that fertilization or parthenogenesis means increased ionic permeability of this egg, and that the Fundulus egg, even after fertilization, is impermeable to ~Cl ions, the increase in permeability probably applies so far as the anions are concerned, to "OH and ~HCO; or ~CO; ions. The car- bonic acid anions are more concentrated within, and their outward diffusion would cause a potential gradient which would pull other J. F. McClendon and P. H. Mitchell A7I IT. Experiments with Fertilized Eggs. TABLE 6. Oxidation in neutral van’t Hoff’s solution contrasted with that in sea water and alkaline NaCl. «Reg ae ea eee 3 Go | 22 | &z - EXPERIMENT << se ad Zo ae | = z S = z REMARKS aS mae <& <6 o 58 = E a) Fo > & a a 2) cc °¢ min min. mgr./10 I. First | Neutral Contained peériod......| 4 van’t 3.6 | 23 30 30 6.47 some sea Hoff water. Second period) Sea water 3:6) 23 .| 30 30 7.43 Third ™ NaCl | | period...... + OH | 3.6} 23 30 | 30 | 12.28 Fourth es | Very few period ....| Seawater; 3.6 | 23 30 30 5.97 eggs dead. (E hed Il. First Neutral } eer period...... van’t Nag: 23 30 30 | 3.91 Hoff sol : Hoff and ferti- | | lized in it. Second period Seawater 4 | 23 30 30 oat ™ NaCl ) | Third period |;+~OH?; 4 23 30 30 7.53 ions Fourth Period! Seawater | 4 | 23 | 30 30 6.27 anions, hence —OH ions, into the egg, thereby increasing the inter- nal concentration of -OH ions. This increase in ~OH ions proba- bly causes the increased oxidation. 4. The increase of —OH ions in the medium causes even in unfertilized eggs, an increased oxidation. This is not interpreted as indicating that the unfertilized egg is normally permeable to —-OH ions, but that increased alkalinity causes increased permea- bility. 5. Increase in permeability is a gradual process. Beginning with the relatively impermeable unfertilized egg, and denoting degree of permeability by numerals, we have the following series, 472 Oxidation in the Sea Urchin’s Egg TABLE 7. Effect of alkaline NaCl on oxidation siz hours after fertilization. | Pere F | s | BE | oe [Se] 8 ae | SOLUTION Sas 51) OSe| oa a EXPERIMENT USED 2 g 2 | 5 z | g E 8 REMARKS ee) g2 | ge | ga | & > is) =) a ° cc | 6 min min * | Thirteen Uy v So | 0 minutes First period. .; Sea water aad 22 | 20 3 8.90 after ferns : | | | lization. Second period Seawater | 7 | 22 | 20 | 30 8.96) 2-cell stage. Third period | Seawater | 7 | 22 | 20 | 30 | 8.33) 4-cell stage. Fourth period, Seawater | 7 | 22 | 20 | 30 | 7.93) 16-cell stage. Fifth period..; Seawater | 7 | 22 | 20 | 30 | 8.18) 32-cell stage. Sixth period... Seawater | 7 22 20 30 9.76, Many retarded. Seventh Aa NaCl | M bl period..... \¥ ++ -OH }). 7 | 22 | 20 | *30. \eiaii7a eee ; | | tulae. ions J] | Eighth period Seawater | 7 | 22 | 20 | 30 | 8.98 All alive. I. slightly increased oxidation, IJ. greater increase in oxidation rate, and imperfect “fertilization membrane” formation, III. oxi- dation still further increased, membrane formation perfect, fol- lowed by segmentation of the egg, IV, ditto except that oxidation is still further increased, and the eggs die sooner or later if oxida- tion is not reduced, V. oxidation enormous, membrane formation but no segmentation, premature death. It is supposed that the primary effect of many toxic substances is an abnormal increase in the permeability of the egg, and ferti- lized eggs are more susceptible because they are already more per- meable than unfertilized eggs. ty ae ; a A Note on the Dynamics of Cell Division. A Reply to RoBERTSON by J. F. McClendon. (From the Embryological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City.) With 2 figures in text. Eingegangen am 15. November 1911. In a recent paper ROBERTSON!) attempts to strengthen his hypo- thesis of cell division put forward previously, which is as follows: In the polar synthesis of nuclein from lecithin, cholin is formed as a by-product, and diffusing in all directions, reaches a maximum concentration at the equator, where it (or a soap formed from it) diminishes the surface tension and leads to constriction of the cell. This hypothesis is erroneous for two reasons: First: There occurs no appreciable synthesis of nuclein during cleavage. Masine@?) and recently SHACKELLS) have shown that there is as much nuclein in the egg at the 2 cell stage as during the blas- tula stage. Second: The surface tension is not diminished, but is relatively increased at the equator as shown in a model of cell division des- eribed below. Following the preliminary experiments of Gap, QuINcKE‘) observed that if a drop of rancid olive oil in water is touched with an alkaline solution, even with such a slightly alkaline 1) Roperrson, T. B., Arch. f. Entw.-Mech. 1911. XXXII. S. 308. 2) MasinG, Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem. 1910. LXXVII. S. 161. 3) SHACKELL, Science. 1911. N.S. XXXIV. p. 573. 4) QuINCKE, Sitzungsber. d. kgl. preuB. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin. 1880. XXXIV. S. 791. 264 J. F. McClendon solution as egg white, the surface touched decreases in tension, spreads and is pushed forward. He explained that this was due to soap formation. He supposed that living cells were covered with a thin layer of oil, and movements were due to local formation of soap. These experiments were continued by Birscuxi!) who filled the drop of olive oil with globules of an alkaline solution. When one of these globules burst, the alkaline solution spread over the adjacent surface of the oil drop and locally lowered its surface tension, causing a protuberance. BirscuLi supposed the movements of Amoeba to be of similar origin. BERNSTEIN?) described surface tension movements in drops of mercury, which are now well known to the majority of biologists. Similar movements were seen by JENNINGS?) in drops of clove oil. Fig. 1. In all of the above mentioned experiments a decrease in surface tension is shown to cause a protrusion of the surface. ROBERTSON, however, claims that a decrease of surface tension causes a receding of the surface, and when the decrease is along an equator, the drop is cut in two. He used a drop of 2 parts chloroform and 3 parts rancid olive oil and immersed it in water. When a thread soaked in n/10 NaOH was laid across the drop, the latter was cut in two, as he supposes, by the decrease in surface tension following soap formation. Contrary to Roprerrson IJ have failed utterly to obtain a division of the drop by this method. When the NaOH has diffused over the whole surface, a flattening of the drop occurs, but a constriction never takes place. 1) BUTSCHLI, Quart. Journ. Micr. Sc. 1890. XXXI. p. 99. *) BERNSTEIN, Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol. 1900. LXXX. S. 628. 3) Jenninas, Journ. Appli. Micr. and Lab. Methods. 1902. V. p. 1597. The result is very different when the NaOH is applied to the . A Note on the Dynamics of Cell Division. : 265 poles of the drop. Fig. 1 represents a drop of rancid oil and chloro- form submerged in water. n/10 NaOH is applied to the poles’by means of the two pipettes. If the NaOH is applied to the two poles at exactly the same time and rate, the drop constricts as in Fig. 1, and divides in two. The details of this process are shown in Fig. 2. When the sur- face tension is decreased at the poles, these surfaces stretch because the tension is overbalanced by the greater surface tension at the equator. This causes a surface movement from the poles to the equator as shown by the dark arrows. The tension of the surface of the drop causes hydrostatic pressure in the interior. The surface tension, being diminished at the poles, is overbalanced by the hydro- static pressure and the surface is protruded. This causes internal currents from the equator toward the poles of the drop, as shown by the dashed arrows. Fig. 2. This model of cell division simulates the division of an Amoeba more than it does that of an egg or tissue cell. In these latter, the presence of a membrane or adjacent cells prevent the daughter cells from moving apart and the dumb bell shape is not formed. The mechanics of cell division may be illustrated by a more tangible model. A rubber balloon is inflated with air and attains a spherical shape. The rubber may represent the surface film, and with uniform thickness of rubber we obtain uniform tension and spherical shape. If the equator of the balloon is re-inforced with a rubber band, the tension along the equator is increased and the balloon is constricted equatorially. The rubber band may be cemented to the balloon before it is inflated or the balloon originally made thicker along the equator, and in every case the result is the same. The division of a mercury drop, due to decrease in surface tension at the poles following electric polarization in these regions, as observed by CurISTIANSEN!) is described in FreuNDLICH’s Capillar- !) CHRISTIANSEN, Drud. Ann. 1903. XII. p. 1072. 266 J. F. McClendon, A Note on the Dynamics of Cell Division. chemie, p. 212—5. The mercury drop in KNOg solution becomes positively charged. Where the positive current enters, the drop becomes less. positive, i. e. the polarization decreases, and the surface tension increases. At the opposite pole the surface tension decreases. As the current increases, the pole at which the positive current enters, passes the neutral point and becomes negative, leading to a decrease in surface tension. We have then the surface tension decreased at one pole more than at the other. One pole is strongly positive and the other slightly negative, and the neutral region forms a band around the drop nearer to the negative pole than to the positive. This neutral band is the region of greatest surface tension. The drop finally divides near the neutral region. The reason the drop does not divide exactly in the center of the neutral region, or region of greatest surface tension, may be that surface currents hinder such a division. However, this is a detail which need not be essential to our main topic, since the consistency of mercury is very different from that of protoplasm. Summary. If a drop of rancid oil and chloroform is immersed in water and n/10 NaOH solution is allowed to diffuse against two opposite poles of the drop at the same time and rate, the drop constricts and divides in two along the equator. This division is due to decrease in surface tension following soap formation at the poles, or relative increase in surface tension at the equator. Contrary to ROBERTSON, a decrease in surface tension along the equator does not divide a drop. Zusammenfassung, Gibt man einen Tropfen ranziges Ol mit Chloroform in Wasser und laBt ‘/;>-Normal-Natronlauge gegen zwei entgegengesetzte Pole des Tropfens gleich- zeitig und gleichmiGig diffundieren, so zieht sich der Tropfen zusammen und unterliegt einer Zweiteilung entlang seinem Aquator. Diese Teilung ist bedingt durch eine Verminderung der Oberfliichenspan- nung, welche auf die Seifenbildung an den Polen folgt, oder durch eine relative Vermehrung der Oberflichenspannung am Aquator. Im Gegensatz zu ROBERTSON fiihrt eine Abnahme der Oberflichenspannung entlang dem Aquator nicht zur Tropfenteilung. (Ubersetzt von W. Gebhardt.) TE |) =~] bed (From the Histological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City.) Ein Versuch, améboide Bewegung als Folgeerscheinung des wechselnden elektrischen Polarisations- zustandes der Plasmahaut zu erklaren. Von J. EF. McClendon. (Mit 4 Textfiguren.) Nach der Ansicht vieler Autoren werden amdboide Bewegungen durch Anderungen der Spannung der Oberfliche hervorgerufen. Dieser Spannungszustand der Oberfliche kann entweder eine echte Oberflachenspannung oder, nach Rhum bler*) zuweilen eine Spannung des Ektoplasmas als Folge von Wasserverlust (,,Gelatinierungsspannung ~ oder Gelatinierungsdruck*) sein. In dieser Mitteilung soll nur von echter Oberflichenspannung die Rede sein. Lasst man Kaliumbichromat gegen einen Tropfen Quecksilber in verdiinnter Salpetersiure diffundieren, dann sendet der Queck- - silbertropfen von der Stelle, die zuerst mit dem K,CrO, in Be- rihrung tritt, einen amdboiden Fortsatz aus. Es findet namlich unter Verminderung der Oberflichenspannung eine Bewegung der fusseren Schichten von dem Bichromat weg und eine solche der inneren gegen das letztere zu statt. Ahnliche Strémungen wurden bei der Bewegung vieler Amében beobachtet. Hier verursachen die Riickstrémungen an der Oberfliche und die Vorwartsstrémuagen im Inneren naturgemiss einen allmihlichen Austausch von Ekto- und Endoplasma. Dieser Vorgang, den Rhumbler den ,,Ektoendoplasma- 1) L. Rhumbler, Zur Theorie der Oberflichenkrafte der Amében. Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zool. Bd. 88. S. 1. 1905. 18** 212 J. F. McClendon: prozess nennt, ist schon vor Jahren von Wallich und Montgomery ‘) (1979, 1881) beobachtet worden. Nach Jennings?) findet ein derartiges Abfliessen der vor- geschobenen Oberfliche nicht bei allen Amdben statt. Doch liesse sich dessen Ausbleiben in solchen Fallen durch die Annahme einer ziheren Plasmahaut und Alveolarwandsubstanz des Protoplasmas geniigend erkliren. Das oberflachliche Abfliessen ware dann teilweise auf die einzelnen Alveolen beschrinkt. Rhumbler jedoch erklirt dieses Ausbleiben der oberflachlichen Str6mungen auf Grund von 3erthold’s Theorie dahin, dass die Fortbewegung der Amébe durch einseitiges Anhaften an der Unterlage hervorgerufen wird. Zweifellos hat die Plasmahaut einen Einfluss auf den Mechanis- mus der Bewegung. Nach Quinecke ist dieselbe ein Fett-, nach Overton ein lipoides Hautechen, doch ist ihre wirkliche Zusammen- setzung noch nicht sichergestellt. Sie ist in Wasser unloslich, je- doch fiir Wasser und andere, namentlich lipoidlésliche Substanzen durchlissig. Das Cytoplasma lebender Zellen oder Kier enthilt Lipoideiweissverbindungen, die in Wasser nicht ldéslich sind, sich aber bei Beriithrung mit Wasser unter Freiwerden von Lipoiden zu zersetzen scheinen [McClendon®), 1910]. Nach dem Gibbs’ schen Prinzip sammeln sich diese Lipoide an der Oberfliche und bilden eine Schicht, die eine weitere Zersetzung der Lipoideiweisverbindungen verhindert. Dieses lipoide Hautchen ist unter gewohnlichen Um- stiinden von ultramikroskopischer Dicke; wird hingegen dem Wasser etwas Alkohol zugefiigt, so kann unter Umstinden ein verhaltnis- missig dickes Hautchen auf der Oberflaiche (z. B. von Hihnerei- dotter) geformt werden. Dass die Plasmahaut der Amoébe fir Anionen weniger durchlassig zu sein scheint als fir Kationen, ist eine Vermutung, die durch zwei Tatsachen nahegelegt wird: 1) E. Montgomery, Elementary Functions and Primitive Organization of — Protoplasm. St. Thos. Hos. Repts., London 1878, n. s. IX. 1878. — Zur Lehre von der Muskelkontraktion. II. Die améboide Bewegung. Pfliger’s Arch. Bd. 25 S, 499. 2) H. S. Jennings, Contributions to the Study of the Behavior of Lower Organisms. VI, Publ. Carnegie Instit. Washington Nr. 16 p. 129. 1904. 3) J. F. McClendon, Dynamics of Cell Division. I]. Americ. Journ: of Physiol. vol. 27 p. 240. 1910. Ein Versuch, améboide Bewegung als Folgeerscheinung etc. 973 1. Wird durch einen Wassertropfen, in dem eine Amdbe schwebt, ein schwacher elektrischer Strom geleitet, so wandert das Tier passiv gegen die Anode. 2. Wird ein starker elektrischer Strom durch das Wasser ge- leitet, dann beginnt der Zerfall der Amébe am anodalen Pol. Der zerstérende Einfluss eines elektrischen Stromes auf lebendes Gewebe ist vielleicht die Folge einer Anhaiufung von Ionen, die in ihrer freien Bewegung durch gewisse Gewebsstrukturen behindert werden. Da nun an der Amobe die Zerstérungserscheinungen zuerst an der Oberflache auftreten, so diirfte die Plasmahaut fiir eine Be- hinderung der Jonenwanderung verantwortlich zu machen sein; die Ionen wiirden sich, da sie die Plasmahaut nicht leicht passieren koénnen, hinter derselben anhaufen, und diese Anhaiufung wide die sichtbaren Erscheinungen des Zerfalles hervorrufen. Fig. 1. Schematische Darstellung des Einflusses eines elektrischen Stromes auf eine Amébe. A= Anode. AK = Kathode. Der grosse Kreis stellt die Plasma- haut dar, die kleinen Kreise Ionen mit ihrer entsprechenden Ladung. Die Pfeile deuten die Bewegungsrichtung der Ionen an. Der Zerfall der oberflachlichen Schichten tritt nicht an beiden Polen der Amdobe gleichzeitig auf, sondern zunichst nur an der Anode, so dass es den Anschein hat, als ob die Plasmahaut der Durchwanderung der Anionen einen grésseren Widerstand entgegen- setzt als der der Kationen. Die Fig. 1 stellt diese Annahme schematisch dar. Der grosse Kreis reprisentiert die Plasmahaut, die kleineren die Ionen, deren Ladung durch + oder — bezeichnet ist. Die Bewegungsrichtung der Ionen ist durch Pfeile angedeutet. Die positiven Ionen scheinen die Amébe ungehindert zu passieren, wahrend die negativen ausserhalb des Zelleibes denselben leicht umgehen kénnen. Jene negativen Ionen jedoch, die im Protoplasma ein- gesperrt sind, scheinen die Oberhaut nicht passieren zu kOnnen, stauen sich daher hinter derselben und rufen dann die gewissen Auflésungserscheinungen hervor. 74 J. F. McClendon: Wird jedoch ein Strom, der zu schwach ist, um das Plasma zu zerstoren, durch das Wasser geleitet, dann wandert die Amdbe passiv gegen die Anode, eine Beobachtung, die Hirschfeld’s*) (1909) An- nahme einer positiven Ladung derselben nicht bestatigt. Diese passive Wanderung der Amoébe koénate in folgender Weise erklirt werden. Im Innern derselben wird ununterbrochen ein Elektrolyt . erzeugt, dessen Anionen die Plasmahaut nicht passieren kénnen. Diese geben der Amodbe eine negative Ladung, so dass das Tier, wenn ein Strom durch das Wasser geleitet wird, gegen die Anode gezogen wird. Da unter allen Elektrolyten, die unter solechen Umstanden er- zeugt werden kénuten, die Kohlensiure wohl der ausgiebigste ist, dirfte deren Gegenwart den oben gestellten Forderungen genigen. Fig. 2. Schematische Darstellung des elektrischen Polarisationszustandes der Amédbenoberflache als Resultat einer relativen Undurchlassigkeit der Plasmahaut fur die Anionen der Kohlensiéure. Zeichen wie in Fig. 1. Ks ist allerdings wahr, dass das elektrolytische Dissoziationsvermégen der Kohlensiure sehr gering ist. Dies wiirde dann eben eine starke Konzentration derselben noétig machen, die méglicherweise in der Zelle existiert. Wir kénnen nun annehmen, dass die H+-Ionen aus der Amébe herauswandern kénnen, wihrend die HCO,- und CO, - Ionen innerhalb derselben zuriickgehalten werden und ihr die ndétige negative Ladung geben. Diese Scheidung der Ionen wirde noch durch die gréssere Schnelligkeit, mit der die H+-Ionen durch das Plasma wandern, gefordert. Die Anionen im Inneren und jene Kationen, die durch sie auf der Oberflache zuriickgehalten werden (Fig. 2), — bewirken eine Polarisation der letzteren, ahnlich dem Lippmann- schen Phanomen im Kapillarelektrometer. Infolge dieser Polarisation muss die Oberflichenspannung eine geringe sein, wie es tatsachlich 1) L. Hirschfeld, Ein Versuch, einige Lebenserscheinungen der Amében physikalisch-chemisch zu erkliren. Zeitschr. f. allgem. Physiol. Bd. 9 S. 529. 1909. Ein Versuch, améboide Bewegung als Folgeerscheinung etc. 275 die Beobachtung lehrt. Obzwar die Oberfliche einer Amébe még- licherweise aus Lipoiden besteht, besitzt das Tier eine viel geringere Oberflichenspannung als ein Oltropfen im Wasser. Unter solchen Umstinden wiirden amédboide Bewegungen durch értliche Verainderungen der Obertlichenspannung erzeugt, die ihrer- seits eine Folge der wechselnden Oberfliichenpolarisation sind. Wahrend die CO,-Ionen vielleicht nicht leicht passieren kénnen und die Kationen unter ihrem Einflusse zum Teil zuriickgehalten werden, kénnten andererseits die nicht dissoziierten Molekiile als CO, auswandern, da CO, in Lipoiden léslich ist. Der Polarisations- zustand kénnte dann nur so lange aufrechterhalten werden, als CO, innerhalb der Amébe in gleichem Maasse erzeugt wird, als sie aus- wandert. Wiirde an irgendeiner Stelle die Kohlensaurebildung steigen oder fallen, dann wiirde die gleichzeitige Polarisations- verinderung des nichstliegenden Teiles der Oberflache spontane Be- wegung erzeugen. Die Kohiensiurebildung wird vielleicht zeitweise durch fussere Bedingungen beeinflusst, z. B. durch Substanzen, die von anderen Organismen in das Wasser abgegeben werden. Eine Erhéhung der CO,-Bildung wiirde dann positiven Tropismus hervor- bringen. Andererseits wiirde eine Erhéhung der Durchlissigkeit der Plasmahaut eine Herabsetzung der Polarisation derselben zur Folge haben. In einer fritheren Arbeit (1910) habe ich eine Reihe von Agentien aufgezihlt, die die Durchlassigkeit der Plasmahaut fir Anionen erhéhen. Dieselben Agentien bewirken auch in der Amédbe eine Erhéhung der Oberflichenspannung, die sich in einer grésseren Abrundung des Korpers aussert. Wird die Amébe nur auf einer Seite von diesen Agentien beeinflusst, dann zeigt sie negativen Tropismus. Negativer Tropismus kann dadurch erklirt werden, dass die ihn bewirkenden mechanischen, thermischen, chemischen u. dgl. Kinfliisse die Plasmahaut an der der Einwirkung nichstgelegenen Stelle auflockern; der daraus resultierende Verlust an Polarisation unter gleichzeitiger Erhéhung der Oberfliichenspannung veranlasst die Amébe, sich von dem schiadlichen Einfluss zuriickzuziehen. Der Teil der Oberfliche, an dem die Plasmahaut verindert _worden ist, bleibt aber nicht depolarisiert, da er seine frihere Un- durchlassigkeit zuriickerhalt, sobald sich die Amébe dem schidigenden Kinfluss entzogen hat. Die Polarisation ist nicht der einzige Faktor, der die Ober- 276 J. F. McClendon: flichenspannung zu verindern vermag. Ks ist z. B. ee bekannte Tatsache, dass Seifen die Oberflichenspannung an Lipoiden ver- mindern.- Wenn nun die Plasmahaut aus Lipoiden besteht, sollte man [mit Bitsehli, J. Loeb, Robertson, Michaelis u. a.] ver- muten, dass Seifen eine Herabminderung der Oberflichenspannung an der lebenden Zelle bewirken; doch habe ich das gerade Gegen- teil beobachtet. Eine Kapillarréhre wurde mit fester Seife oder Seifenlésungen von verschiedener Konzentration gefiillt und mittels der ,mechanischen Hand“ [MceClendon?), 1909] so weit in Wasser eingetaucht, bis ihre feine Offnung ganz in die Nahe einer grossen Amoeba proteus kam. Das Tier zeigte immer deutlichen nega- tiven Chemotropismus, in dem es rasch von der Seife, die aus der Kapillarréhre heraussickerte, wegwanderte. Manchmal war die Be- weeung nicht rasch genug, um das Leben des Tieres zu retten. Leider konnte der genaue Zeitpunkt, an dem die ersten Seifen- molekiile die Amoébe erreichten, nicht bestimmt werden. So liess sich daher auch nicht feststellen, ob ein kurzdauernder Vorstoss des Tieres gegen die Seifenlésung zu, wie er manchmal beobachtet wurde, als eine ,,Reiz-“ oder spontane Bewegung aufzufassen sei. Auf jeden Fall kénnen wir schliessen, dass der hauptsachlichste Einfluss, den die Seife auf die Amébe ausiibt, geeignet ist, die Durchlissigkeit der Oberfliche fir Anionen zu erhéhen, da das Tier negativen Tropis- mus zeigt. In einer kiirzlich erschienenen interessanten Arbeit tiber die Rolle der verschiedenen Kolloidalzustande der Oberflache der Amében bei Nahrungsaufnahme kam Rhumbler®*) (1910) zu dem Schlusse, dass die Annahme einer festen, elastischen und relativ dicken Ober- flichenschicht notwendig ist, um jene Form der Nahrungsaufnahme zu erkliren, dass er ,Circumvallation“® nennt. Er vermutet, dass ,Circumvallation* durch eine értliche Auflésung der halbfesten Ober- 1) J. F. McClendon, Protozoan Studies I. Reactions of Amoeba Proteus to Minutely Localized Stimuli. Journ. of exper. Zool. vol. 6 p. 265. — Autoreferat iiber vorstehende Abhandiung in Arch. f. Entwicklungsmechanik Bd. 57 5. 323. 1909. — The Reaction of Amoeba to Stimuli of Small Area. — Americ. Journ. Physiol. vol. 21. 1908. Proc. Americ. Physiol. Soc. 1907 p. 13. — 2) L. Rhumbler, Die verschiedenartigen Nahrungsaufnahmen bei Amoben als Folge verschiedener Kolloidalzustiande ihrer Oberflichen. Areh. f. Entwicklungs- mechanik Bd. 30 8. 194. 1910. Ein Versuch, amboide B: wegung als Folgeerscheinung etc. 277 flichenschicht durch einen von der Beute ausgeiibten ,Reiz“ ein- geleitet wird '). Es gibt jedoch eine Art der Nahrungsaufnahme, die der ,,Cireum- vallation* zwar verwandt, aber in folgender Weise durch Ver- anderungen der Oberflichenspannung erklirlich ist: wenn z. b. eine Fig. 3. Schematische Darstellung der Nahrungsaufnahme einer Amébe. Die Pfeile deuten die Richtung an, in der eine Erhéhung der Oberflachenspannung erfolgt. Der kleine Kreis stellt eine Algenzelle dar. g—k — Querschnitte durch den Plasmaring der Figuren e—f. Amoeba proteus sich in der Nihe einer Algenzelle befindet (Fig. 3a), dann bewirken auf Grund meiner friiheren Voraussetzungen 1) Ks ist zweifellos, dass eine feste Oberflaiche die Nahrungsaufnahme der Amébe nicht verhindert. Schaudinn (1899) (Generationswechsel von Tricho- sphaerium Sieboldi. Anhang d. Abhandl. Berliner Akad. d. Wissensch. 1899 S. 1) beobachtete die Aufnahme von fester Nahrung bei Trichosphaerium Sieboldi, dessen Koérper von einer Gallerthiille umgeben ist, in die zahlreiche radiaér gestellte Stibchen, MgCO;, eingebettet sind. Eine zum mindest halbstarre Oberfliichenschicht ist, wie Rhumbler beweist, sogar notwendig, um die Nahrungsaufnahme durch ,Invagination* zu erméglichen. 278 J. F. McClendon: Stoffe, die aus der Zelle ausgeschieden werden, eine Steigerung der CO,-Erzeugung im niichstliegenden Teil des Amébenleibes; denn die Ambébe breitet sich gegen die Alge aus. Manchmal rollt sie die letztere sogar etwas vor sich her (Fig. 36). Die Berithrung mit der Alge oder die starkere Konzentration der reizenden Substanzen ver- ursacht eine lokale Erhohung der Durehlissigkeit und der Spannung eines Teiles der Plasmahaut, welcher das Feld verminderter Spannung durehschneidet (Fig. 3c). Die seitlichen Partien schieben sich nun weiter nach vorne, bis sie die Beute ganz umgeben (Fig. 3d) und sich dann vor derselben vereinigen (Fig. 3e). Die Beute ist dann von einem Protoplasmaring eingeschlossen. Die Oberflachenspannung be- strebt nun eine Verkleinerung des letzteren. Manchmal kann der dabei von allen Seiten einwirkende Druck ein Herauspressen der 3eute nach oben zur Folge haben, so dass die Nahrungsaufnahme misslingt. Unter giinstigen Bedingungen hingegen schliesst sich der Ring tber und unter dem Fremdkoérper, wie es im Querschnitt in Fig. 3g und h dargestellt ist; gleichzeitig wird auch etwas Wasser mit der Beute eingeschlossen, und zwar dirfte, wenn die Amébe an der Unterlage anhaftet, etwas mehr Wasser eingeschlossen werden. Diese Methode der Nahrungsaufnahme nimmt eine Zwischen- stellung zwischen Rhumbler’s Klassen ,,Cireumfluenz* und ,,Cireum- vallation“ ein, indem die Amobe in Beriihrung mit der Beute kommt, zugleich aber Wasser mit der Nahrung aufnimmt. Versuche, die ich an Seeigeleiern unternommen habe, unter- stiitzen meine Ausfiihrungen. Dass Kier améboide Beweeungen aus- fihren kénnen, ist eine bekannte Tatsache. Prowazek?) (1903) beobachtete an Seeigeleiern, die in die Kérperflissigkeit einer Annelide gelegt wurden, aktive Bewegungen; ein Ei nahm eine »Hlaocyte“ in sich auf. Wenn ein allmihlich stirker werdender elektrischer Strom durch eine isotonische Zuckerlésung geleitet wird, die Seeigeleier enthalt, sO muss man eine Erhéhung der Polarisation in dem der Anode ~ nachstgelegenen Teile der Plasmahaut erwarten, da die Anionen, die hinter der Membran zurickgehalten werden, eine Anhaiufung der Kationen an der Aussenseite hervorrufen (Fig. 4a). Die Anionen 1) Prowazek, Studien zur Biologie der Zelle. Zeitschr. f. allg. Physiol. Bd§2 S. 385. 1903. ; Ein Versuch, améboide Bewegung als Fo!geerscheinung: ete. 279 des Wassers kénnen das Ei umgehen, wihrend die Kationen es durchwandern. Die Erhéhung der Polarisation muss eine Herab- setzung der Oberflichenspannung und damit eine Ausdehnung der Eioberflache gegen die Anode zu veranlassen. Zahlreiche Beobach- tungen bestatigten diese Vermutung, indem das Ei unter den ge- stellten Bedingungen jedesmal ein oder mehrere Pseudopodien gegen die Anode ausstreckte. In einigen Fallen wurde auch ein Abfliessen der oberflichlichen Schichten bemerkt. Das beschriebene Phinomen war von sehr kurzer Dauer, da das vorgestreckte Cytoplasma bald zu desintegrieren begann und osmo- Fig. 4. Schematischer Versuch, den Tropismus der Amébe gegen die Kathode zu erklaren. Zeichen wie in Fig. 1. (In der Amébe Aussert sich Galvano- tropismus an der Kathode, Kataphorese an der Anode.) tische Erscheinungen die Bewegungen auf Grund der Spannungs- differenzen verhillten. Der Zersetzungsprozess wurde wahrscheinlieh durch die Anhiufung der Anionen eingeleitet. Wihrend in einem schwachen Strom das Seeigelei Pseudopodien gegen die Anode ausstreckt, zeigt die Amébe Tropismus nach der Kathode. Kin starker Strom aber verursacht in beiden Formen eine Zersetzung am anodalen Pol. Diese Tatsache scheint anzudeuten, dass die Verminderung der Oberflichenspannung und der Zerfall des Plasmas im Seeigelei durch ahnliche, in der Amébe aber dureh ent- gegengesetzte Faktoren hervorgerufen werden. Doch kann dieser anscheinende Widerspruch dadurch erkliirt werden, dass auch in der Amdbe die Polarisation des anodalen Poles steigt; bevor jedoch ge- Pfliger’s Archiy fiir Physiologie. Bd. 140. 19 280 J. F. McClendon: Kin Versuch, améboide Bewegung ete. niigend Zeit verstreicht, um eine Bewegung auszufiihren, wird die Plasmahaut zerstért, so dass der Polarisationsgrad dieser Stelle unter das Normale der tibrigen Oberflache sinkt (Fig. 40). Der Schluss- effekt des Stromes wire somit verminderte Polarisation der anodalen Gegend, und die Amébe wandert gegen die Kathode. ' Die erhdhte Dureblassigkeit eines Teiles der Plasmahaut wiirde die Polarisation der gesamten Oberfliche etwas herabsetzen, da die Anionen jenen weniger dichten Teil durchwandern kénnten. Doeh wird in der Amébe ununterbrochen CO, erzeugt und wahrscheinlich um so energischer, je schneller sie weggeschafft wird, wie es ja bei allen Endprodukten chemischer Vorginge der Fall ist. Aus diesem Grunde dirfte die Polarisation des nicht desintegrierenden Teiles der Oberfliche sehr wenig, wenn iiberhaupt, herabgesetzt werden. Der -Potentialabfall zwischen den beiden Seiten jenes Teiles der Plasmahaut, der der Kathode zunichst liegt, ist entgegengesetzt dem Potentialabfall, der an jener Stelle von den Elektroden erzeugt wirde (Fig. 40). Man muss daher annehmen, dass die normale Polarisation der Plasmahaut einem Potentialabfall entspricht, der stirker ist als der des umgebenden Wassers, da sonst der erstere durch den letzteren unterdriickt wiirde. POU BLACA TTORMS OF Cornell University Meee Al, COLLEGE @: eet) / fF S FROM THE Department of Anatomy @& VOLUME iil | 1912 . we ee oF OR K CEE jby, 6. -1 CONTENTS Being reprints of studies published in 1912. . AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF RACIAL DEGENERATION IN MAMMALS TREATED WITH ALCOHOL. By Charles R. Stockard. Archives of Internal Medicine, Vol. X, 369-398 and 5 figures. - IS THE CONTROL OF EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT A PRAC- TICAL PROBLEM? By Charles R. Stockard. Proceedings Am. Philosophical Soc., Vol. LI. . AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE INFLUENCE OF ALCO- HOL ON THE GERM CELLS AND THE DEVELOPING EMBRYOS OF MAMMALS. By Charles R. Stockard and Dorothy M. Craig. Archiv f. Entwicklungsmechanik, Vel. XXXV, 569-584. . FUTTERUNGSVERSUCHE AN AMPHIBIENLARVEN. By J. F. Gudernatsch. Zentralblatte f. Physiologie, Vol. XXVI, No. 7 PoeewING. EXPERIMENTS ON TADPOLES. I. THE INFLU- ENCE OF SPECIFIC ORGANS GIVEN AS FOOD ON GROWTH AND DIFFERENTIATION. A CONTRIBU- TION TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF ORGANS WITH IN- TERNAL SECRETION. By J. F. Gudernatsch. Archiy f. Entwicklungsmechanik, Vol. XXXV, 457-483 and 1 plate. THE BEHAVIOR AND RELATION OF LIVING CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS IN THE FINS OF FISH EMBRYOS WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE HISTOGENESIS OF THE COLLAGINOUS OR WHITE FIBERS. By Jeremiah S. Ferguson. Am. Jour. of Anatomy, Vol. XIII, 129-143 and 4 plates. . THE RELATION OF MUSCLE CELL TO MUSCLE FIBRE IN VOLUNTARY STRIPED MUSCLE. By W. M. Baldwin. Zeitschrift f. allgem. Physiologie, Vol. XIV, 130-145 and 2 plates. . THE RELATION OF THE SARCOLEMMA TO THE MUSCLE CELLS OF. VOLUNTARY VERTEBRATE STRIPED MUSCLE FIBRES AND ITS MORPHOLOGICAL NA- TURE. By W. M. Baldwin. Zeitschrift f. allgem. Physiologie, Vol. XIV, 146-160 and 1 plate. 10. 16. THE RELATION OF MUSCLE FIBR@LLA TO TENDON FIBRE LZ IN VOLUNTARY STRIPED MUSCLES OF VERTE- BRATES. By W. M. Baldwin. Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. XLV, 249-266 and 1 plate. MUSCLE FIBRES AND MUSCLE CELLS OF THEA. WHITE MOUSE HEART. Anatomischer Anzeiger, Vol. 42, 177-181 and 2 figures. By W. M. Baldwin. . DIE ENTWICKLUNG DER FASERN DER ZONULASZINNIT IM AUGE DER WEISSEN MAUS NACH DER GEBURT. _By W. M. Baldwin. Archiv f. mikroskop. Anatomie, Vol. LXXX, 274-305 and 2 plates. ~ ..y CELLS UN VEER: - Science, N. S., Vol. XXXVI, 90-92. 2 RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITY OF ISOLATED HEART SMiUSerE By Montrose T. Burrows. 3. RHYTHMISCHE KONTRAKTIONEN DER ISORTERTEN, BERZ- MUSKELZELLE AUSSERHALB DES ORGANISMUS. © By Montrose T. Burrows. Miinchener medizinischen Wochenschrift, No. 27, 147351475 and 2 figures. FISH (FUNDULUS) EGGS. _Am. Jour. of Physiology, Vol. XXXI, 131-144 and 9 figures. Jour. of Biological Chemistry, Vol. XI, -485-441. PREPARATION OF MATERIAL FOR HISTOLOGY AND.EM- BRYOLOGY, WITH AN APPENDIX ON THE ARTERIES AND VEINS IN A 30 MM. PIG EMBRYO. By J. F, McClendon. Anatomical Record. Vol. VII, 51-61 and 3 ‘figures. 5. ECHINOCHROMS, A RED SUBSTANCE IN SEA UDCHINS. : By J. F. McClendon. . THE EFFECTS OF ALKALOIDS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF By J. F. McClendon. ~ AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF RACIAL DEGENERATION IN MAMMALS TREATED WITH ALCOHOL * CHARLES R. STOCKARD, Pu.D. NEW YORK It is recognized, by most observers who have studied the subject, that alcohol may play an important réle in the causation of monstrosities and of structural defects predisposing to later disease. This view is based largely on observations on defective human beings, and the probability of its truth is sufficiently established to warrant further careful experi- mental analysis. The quality of an offspring depends on two factors, the perfection of the germ cells from which it arises and the nature of the environment in which it develops. Diseased and weakened germ-cells give rise to a defective individual under all circumstances, while perfect germ-cells produce a perfect offspring only when the embryo develops in a normal or favorable environment. These facts may be readily demonstrated in lower vertebrates in which the development of the egg is outside the mother’s body. The egg or spermatozoon in such cases may easily be chemically modified or injured before fertilization, and the embryo itself may be affected in various ways during its development by subjecting it to unusual surroundings, either physical or chemical. In other animals, such as mammals, in which the embryo develops internally, the proposi- tion likewise holds true. In these animals, however, the problem is more difficult to completely analyze. ‘The reactions of the parental body, the secondary conditions induced by the experimental treatment and other sources of error should be fully considered in determining whether an effect shown by the offspring is directly due to the applied stimulus or to secondary conditions. In the lower vertebrates it has been shown that given doses of certain substances induce definite developmental defects. The defects are directly due to the treatment. Is it possible by the addition of certain chemicals to the mammalian body to obtain similar definite changes in either the germ-cells or the developing embryo? In the present paper I shall endeavor to show that alcohol does act directly on the germ-cells of mammals to a sufficient degree to render them incapable of producing normal offspring, and further, that similar treatment administered to the pregnant female may likewise act directly on the developing embryo so as to modify its resulting structure. *From the Anatomical Laboratory, Cornell University Medical College. *Manuscript submitted for publication May 19, 1912. First to appreciate fully the general status of the problem it is well to consider in a somewhat critical manner the literature pertaining to the actions of alcohol and other substances on the reproductive glands and developing embryos of man and lower animals. DISCUSSION OF LITERATURE There is an abundant literature relating to the effects of alcohol on the offspring, though little of it is scientifically reliable. I have attempted to select those cases which seem most trustworthy. Since we are more interested in the general problem of the effects of parental poisoning on the germ-cells and the embryo in mammals I have also collected the works relating to injurious substances other than alcohol. The observations and statistics on human beings in various countries are reliable only in so far as they may be substantiated and borne out by controlled experiments on lower animals, Yet in the light of animal experiments many of these human records become of surprising interest, although few if any of them may be accepted entirely as they stand. EFFECT ON THE MALE GERM-CELLS It is a well known and universally accepted fact that alcohol does cause changes and degeneration in many of the body tissues of man. The question naturally presents itself, How, then, can the reproductive tissues escape? Nicloux and Renault have shown that alcohol has a decided affinity for the reproductive glands. In the testicular tissues and the seminal fluid an amount of alcohol is soon present which almost equals that in the blood of a person having recently taken alcohol. The pro- portion of alcohol in the testis as compared with that in the blood was as 2 to 3, and in the ovary of female mammals as 3 to 5. The genital glands show as great an affinity for this substance as does the nervous system. From these observations it must necessarily follow that alcohol may act on the ripe spermatozoon shortly before the time when it fertilizes the egg, and since an affected spermatozoon gives rise to a defective individual we have a probable explanation for many of the recorded defects attrib- uted to drunkenness at the time of conception. A male, even for the first time, in a state of acute intoxication, is probably more apt to beget an abnormal offspring by fertilizing an egg at this particular period than is a non-intoxicated male although a frequent user of alcohol. The experi- mental data on the sensitiveness of the spermatozoon and the observations on the presence of alcohol in the seminal fluid warrant this statement. 1. Most of the literature is devoted to considerations of disease and insanity statistics and the family records of degenerates. The data are often collected in a careless fashion so that the actwal observations are not always scientifically correct though the records are carefully and fuily computed. 3 Lippich claims to have observed ninety-seven children resulting from such conceptions. Only fourteen of these were without noticeable defects. Eighty-three of them showed various abnormal conditions, twenty-eight were scrofulous,” three had “weak lungs,” three showed different atrophic conditions, one watery brain, four were feeble-minded, etc. Others have made similar observations. Sullivan reported seven cases of drunkenness during conception which are fairly authentic. Six of the offspring died in convulsions after a few months, and the seventh was still-born. Thus one finds proof by Nicloux and Renault that alcohol does reach the reproductive glands and, therefore, may affect the egg or sperm-cell, and observations seem to indicate that this effect expresses itself in the condition of the resulting offspring. Experiments on lower animals support the probability. When the perfectly normal spermatozoa of frogs are treated with z-ray or radium, Bardeen and O. Hertwig have shown that normal eggs fertilized by such spermatozoa all develop abnormally. Todde found that the offspring from alcoholized roosters were not quite normal and that the roosters did not succeed as well as normally in fertilizing eggs. Combemale, 1888, was the first to experiment on the influence of alcohol on the mammalian offspring. He treated a dog for eight months with absinthe (11 gr. per day per kilo of animal weight) and paired this alcoholized dog with a normal bitch. ‘Twelve young resulted; two were born dead, three died within fourteen days and the others died between thirty-two and sixty-seven days of intestinal catarrh, tubercu- -losis, ete. In a second experiment both parents were mated while normal, then the female was made drunk for twenty-three days (2.75 to 5 gr. absinthe of 72 per cent. per day per kilo). Of six young three were still-born, two had normal bodies though of weak intelligence, while one moved slowly and was very stupid. The last individual, a female, was later paired with a normal intelligent non-alcoholic dog. She gave only three young; one was deformed, club-footed with abnormal] teeth, the second had a patent ductus arteriosis and died after fourteen days, while the third was poorly muscled in the hinder parts and died a few hours after birth. Thus the effects in the second generation are as pronounced as in the first although neither parent had themselves received any alcohol. The only criticism against Combemale’s experiments is that an insufficient number of animals was used. Dogs often give defective pups and these may have been from poor stock, though such an interpretation is really not probable, and his results are supported by subsequent workers. 2. Imbault, F.: Contribution a l’étude de la fréquence de la tubereulose chez les aleooliques. Thése de Paris, 1901. Imbault found that tuberculosis was about as common among the children of alcoholic parentage as among those of tubereu- lous parents. 1 Hodge, in 1897, obtained similar results. From one pair of alcoholic dogs he obtained twenty-three pups, eight were deformed and nine were born dead, while only four lived. In a control set forty-one individuals lived, four were deformed and there were no still-births. Laitinen treated rabbits and guinea-pigs with various doses of alcohol and studied chiefly the changes in body conditions as to resistance against disease toxins, etc. He has also recorded observations on the offspring produced by these animals during the experiment. He is apparently more interested in the problem of the misuse of alcoho] than in the scientific study of the influence of injurious substances on the offspring and in his enthusiasm to prove the point with extremely small doses of alcohol he fails to fully consider both sides of his own tables. He used daily doses of alcohol as small as 0.1 ¢.c. per kilo of animal weight. This would amount to a small glass (200 c.c.) of beer per day for an adult man. His tables on careful study fail to show that so little alcohol actually does injure the offspring of the treated animals. With alcoholized rabbits Laitinen finds that only 38.71 per cent. of the young live, while 61.29 per cent. are still-born or die shortly after birth. In the control, however, only 45.83 per cent. lived, while 54.17 per cent., more than half, were still-born or died shortly after birth. The animals were kept all together in a general cage and the pregnant females were only separated shortly before the young reached term. This is scarcely an approved method in breeding experiments, and the fact that young rabbits are so delicate and are born in a rather poorly developed state makes their careful handling necessary. The fact that more than half of the control young die, 54.17 per cent., would indicate the danger of drawing conclusions from a death-rate only 7 per cent. higher among the offspring of the treated animals. The case of the guinea-pigs is also indifferent, 78.26 per cent. of the control young lived, while 21.75 per cent., or a little more than one-fifth, of them died. The large majority of the young of treated parents also lived, 63.24 per cent., while 37.76 per cent. died. In both sets more of the young lived than died. Guinea-pigs are easily reared and are born in a well-developed condition. On the other hand, in both of the rabbit sets more of the young died than lived. Results which I shall record below show that larger doses of alcohol do produce definite effects on the offspring. My experiments have been performed in a different manner and from another point of view. The primary object has been to regulate or control the type of development in mammals in a definite fashion as I had succeeded in doing with lower vertebrates. In these experiments it will be demonstrated that an alcoholized male guinea-pig almost invariably begets a defective offspring even when bred to a vigorous normal female. 5 Résch was the first to study the reproductive glands of alcoholics, in 1837, and found degeneration of the testicles. Lancereaux described a parenchymatous degeneration of the seminal canals. Simmonds (1898) found azoospermia in 60 per cent. of cases of chronic alcoholism; 5 per cent. of these men were sterile. Kyrle reported three cases of total atrophy of the testicular parenchyma in which death had resulted from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcohol. Kyrle attributed the atrophy of the testicle to the cirrhosis of the liver and not to chronic alcoholism. Bertholet (1909) made an extensive examination of the influence of alcohol on the histological structure of the germ glands, more particularly on the testicles of chronic alcoholics. He found testicular atrophy in alcoholics with no cirrhosis of the liver. Bertholet observed partial atrophy of the testicles in the majority of seventy-five chronic alcoholics. These men died between the ages of 24 and 57 years, the greatest mor- tality being between 30 and 50 years. In thirty-seven cases, excluding syphilitics, a microscopical examination showed a more or less diffuse atrophy of the testicular parenchyma and a sclerosis of the interstitial connective tissue. ‘The testicles were small and hard. The canals were greatly reduced in size and their lumina obliterated. Spermatogonia were atrophic. It was generally impossible to differentiate spermatocytes or spermatids. There were no dividing cells and no spermatozoa. The thick basal membrane of the canals was formed of connective tissue lamelle with concentrated spindle cells. These conditions with slight variations were found in twenty-four cases. Such atrophic structures - were already present in a drinker only 29 years old. In four cases of cirrhosis of the liver the testicular atrophy had not progressed very far and spermatozoa were still present. In five cases the microscopical con- ditions were less marked. While these appearances of the basal membrane may also be observed in non-alcoholics, the extreme conditions of atrophy of the testicles were only found in alcoholics. Observing the testicles of non-alcoholics that had died of various chronic illnesses such as tuberculosis, no atrophy of the testicles or thickening of the membrana propria was found. Two such old men of 70 and 91 years still possessed spermatozoa in the canals. Bertholet concludes that the atrophy he has observed cannot be due to old age, but is due to the hurtful effects of chronic alcoholism on the repro- ductive glands. Bertholet has also reported an atrophy of the ovary and ova in female alcoholics. Weichselbaum has confirmed the observations of Bertholet at his institute in Vienna. Bertholet’s observations are most important and his drawings bear out his statements. On the other hand, it is certain that the chronic alcoholic is not so often rendered sterile as his study might lead one to 6 believe. Judging from the statistics it is not rare to find alcoholics with large families. My experiments on animals may not be of sufficient duration at the present time, yet I have male guinea-pigs that have been almost intoxicated on alcohol once per day for six days a week extending over a period of nineteen months. ‘These animals are still splendid breeders. Nineteen months of a guinea-pig’s existence is proportionally equal to a good fraction of a human life. Many of these animals have been killed and their testicles examined microscopically and found to be normal. In some cases where a male had failed to succeed in impreg- nating the female for several times, he was partially castrated, one testicle being taken out. In this case the testicle was found to be normal and the same male has since given offspring by other females. Ovaries have been examined in a similar way, and in no individual has the alcohol treatment caused a visible structural change in the reproductive glands. The actual physiolegical proof of the efficiency of the organs is shown by the ability of all animals to reproduce. The important point which I shall show in the following pages is that although there is no visible structural change in the germ-cells, nevertheless, they have been modified chemically to an extent sufficient to cause them to give rise to defective embryos or weakened individuals which die shortly after birth. Schweighofer has recorded an interesting individual case. A normal woman married a normal man and had three sound children. The husband died and she married a drunkard and gave birth to three other children; one of these became a drunkard, one had infantilism, while the third was a social degenerate and drunkard. The first two of these children contracted tuberculosis, which had never before been in the family. The woman married a third time and by this sober husband she again produced sound children. This is an important human experiment. The female was first tested with a normal male and gave normal off- spring; when mated with an alcoholic male the progeny were defective as a result of his poisoned condition. She was again tested with a normal male and found to be still capable of giving sound offspring. A number of such cases are on record. Schweighofer states from a mass of observations that the offspring of drunkards, themselves of good sound families, show much degeneracy and defective conditions. : Other substances than alcohol seem to act directly on the germ-cells of mammals. Constantine Paul long ago pointed out that the children of people working in lead were often defective. He made the interesting observation that when the father alone was employed in such work his children were affected by it. All of the above experiments and observations refer more particularly to the action of injurious substances on the germ-cells of the male parent. 7 This is the crucial proof of an effect on the germ cells. The case of the female is complex, since the substance may produce a germinal defect by acting on the egg, or it may also directly affect the developing embryo and thus act as an environmental influence on development. THE FEMALE GERM-CELLS AND THE DEVELOPING EMBRYO Herbst’s classical lithium experiments show the influence of salt solutions on developing eggs. The experiments of J. Loeb on fish embryos, those of Morgan on the frog and my experiments on fish all show the marked influence of inorganic salts and organic compounds on the development of the embryo. I showed that alcohol caused all known TABLE ]1.—EFFECTS OF WORKING IN LEAD 2s & n ! (apt t OF | v Bm | Sow on Remarks bon! = = 2 = = toy 8) ° o° rac = sé )s68 |2es |= Perla ee 59 Females showing lead | One of the living chil- poisoning symptoms.. 4 15 13 | 2 dren died in 24 hours Females working in type foundry; previously had nermal pregnan- | | oS eee i 5 | 36 25, 7 Four died in first year _ Female in type foundry; | five pregnancies .... 1 5 | 5 | UL 4 ier ge Pantene tcc reer ne Females working inter- mittently; while there 3 34 ae 0 After being away for ; | | some time had healthy Females with blue line | children on gums, only sign of | BOI? 2. 5... 6 rae | eee w Paral) ear [os SI = = } os 7) oy Pf | A eid - Zz q Rm 1G el om L Alcoholic male by nor- | MA HEMET), 2.335 oe 24 14 5 8 5 | 7 5* Normal male by alco- holigsfemailes &....2.:.-.'. 4 ee Oey eo 3 | 3 (a) 2 Alcoholic male by alco- holigeiemale. 9 =.=... 14 10 3 6 ts} 1 (6) 0 SUTIN Ai aieysee so eis n+ 2 42 25 S) oie 9 11 Tz Normal male by normal | female—Control...... 9S 0 0 0 9 | 0 | ae *Four survivors in one litter. and one was a member of a litter of three, the other two died immediately after birth. (a) Premature. (6) Sixth day. 7One lived to become pregnant with two young in uéero, one deformed, Fig. 3. Other survivor normal, the mother was not treated until after first two or three weeks of pregnancy. Of thirty-two young born oniy seven have survived. §One other non-alcoholic mating was made from which two young resulted; they died after the second and fourth days, respectively, and the mother died two days later; her diseased condition no doubt affected the suckling young. They have for this reason not been included in the normal control. Only ten of the twenty-four matings resulted in conceptions which ran the full term. Half of these, or five, were still-born litters. There were three still-born litters of two young each and two of one individual each. Most of these were slightly premature, their eyes being closed and the hair sparse on the bodies. (A normal guinea-pig at birth is well covered with a hairy coat, its eyes are open and it very quickly begins to run about actively.) Five litters of living young were born. One litter consisted of only one young. a weak individual that grew very little and died after six weeks. ‘Two hitters contaimed two young each. The members of one of these litters died during the first and fourth weeks, having been weak and small since birth. Both of those in the other litter were in a sim- ilarly feeble condition and died before the first month. One litter con- tained three young; two of these died immediately after birth; the other one is still alive, though small for its age. The fifth litter contained four young, all of which are runts, though their parents were unusually large animals (Figs.4 and 5). Thus out of twenty-four full-term young, of which only twelve were born alive, but five individuals have survived, and these are unusually small and very shy and excitable animals. Tt is a point of some interest that all of the young animals that died showed various nervous disturbances, having epileptic-like seizures, and in every case died in a state of convulsion. This is commonly the fate of feeble and nervously defective children. The important fact in the above case is that only the father was alcohohe, the mother being a normally vigorous animal. This experi- ment clearly demonstrates that the paternal germ cells may be modified by chemical treatment to such a degree that the male will beget abnor- mal offspring even though he mate with a vigorous female. A reconsid- eration of the figures in the first line of the table shows really how decid- edly the injured spermatozoon expresses itself in the fate of the egg with which it combines. The second line of the table shows the results of matings between alcoholized females and normal males. These matings might be expected to give more marked results than the pervious ones, since in the treated females not only the germ cells may be affected, but the developing embryo itself may be injured by the presence of alcohol in the blood of the mother. Nicloux has shown that alcohol may pass directly from maternal blood into the embryonic tissues of a guinea-pig. The spermat- ozoon, however, is probably a more sensitive structure than the egg and is easily injured or killed by slightly abnormal conditions. It might possibly be that when such a specialized cell swam for even a short period of time in seminal fluid containing a trace of alcohol its chemical nature would be so decidedly disturbed as to render it incapable of inducing nor- mal development after impregnating the egg. At any rate the few cases at present available seem to indicate that the effect on the offspring is equally as great when it is produced by an alcoholic father as by an alcoholic mother. There are only four matings between alcoholized females and normal males. One of these gave a negative result or was possibiy aborted very early. ‘Ihree living litters were born. One of these consisted of three rae premature young, which died shortly after birth. The remaining two litters each contained only one young, but these two animals survived. One of these guinea-pigs was born after the mother had been treated for three and one-half months. The offspring was weak and small for several months after birth, but finally recovered and developed into a normal animal. This guinea-pig was mated with an alcoholic male and became pregnant. Unfortunately, she was killed by accident, and on examina- tion her uterus was found to contain two embryos, 33 and 32 mm. in Ai y length. One of these embryos was deformed and showed very decided] Fig. 3—Two embryos 32 and 33 mm. in length, taken from a female that an alcoholic mother and was mated with alcoholic male. The upper fetus has deformed hind legs anda poorly developed posterio1 part of the bodv: lower fetus is normal. degenerate and feebly developed hind legs. The posterior end of its was also poorly formed. ‘This condition is readily seen in F photograph of the two embryos. The abnormal one has small hind legs, and one of them is badly folded under its body. This is of interest, sinc all of the affected offspring of alcoholic guinea-pigs are weak in thi hind extremities and drag their legs. Yet none were so modified as show a noticeable structural defect except this embryo, which had on alcoholic grandmother and an alcoholic father. a4 ‘The only other survivor from an alcoholic mother is strong and full grown for its age. ‘The mother had been treated for only two and one- half months when the offspring was born, so that she was normal during the first two or three weeks of pregnancy. No doubt the early stages of development are more easily modified to produce significant defects than are the later. This question is being more fully tested on guinea- pigs with experiments now in progress. I have shown, however, in Fig. 4.—A. The animal on the left is a runt from a large alcoholic male and a large normal female; weighs 134 gm. The animal on the right, from normal parents, is larger although 1 month younger and weighs 147 gm. B. The guinea-pig on the left is a runt, weighing 132 gm. from an alcoholic father; on the right a normal guinea-pig twice as large though only 10 days older, weighs 221 om. treating fish eggs that the period at which the treatment is applied is a most Important factor in determining the type of defect or modification which will result. Certain salts, different strengths of magnesium chlorid, for example, which give pronounced effects when added to the «c Or sea-water containing eggs in early developmental stages, may really be ineffective after the eggs have developed beyond these stages. , In the case under consideration the offspring might. not have fared so well if the alcoholic treatment had been started on the mother a few weeks before conception, instead of three weeks after her pregnancy had begun. This with other points shal! be more completely analyzed in future com- munications on these experiments. Fig. 5—A. Two guinea-pigs from alcoholic fathers, the left one 1 month and 10 days younger than the runt on the right. B. The left animal is the same as above, the right another of the same runt litter. The four matings of alcoholic females and normal males resulted in three living litters in all of five individuals. Three of the young were premature and died shortly after birth, while two young survived. 26 Finally, we may consider the results of pairing two alcoholized indi- viduals. The third line of the table summarizes these results. As might have been anticipated, this type of mating has given the highest fatality of all. : Ten out of a total of fourteen matings have given no offspring or early abortions, which were in many cases eaten by the mother. Three still-born litters have been produced, each consisting of two young. Only one living litter was born from the fourteen matings in which both parents were alcoholic, and this litter consisted of but one weak indiwid- wai which died in convulsions on the sixth day after birth. This is indeed a decided effect of alcohol on the offspring when one compares it with nine control matings, all of which gave living litters containing a total of seventeen individuals, all surviving. Two other young were produced by non-alcoholic parents and died on the second and fourth days after birth. They have not been included in the control since the mother died two days later in a diseased condi- tion. No doubt the poor state of the mother had much to do with the fate of the suckling young. She was an animal that had only been in the experiment for a short time, and is one of the very few that have contracted disease or died during the nineteen months of the work. This might possibly go to show the influence of a diseased mother on the offspring. The fourth line of Table 1 gives a summary of the experiments. There have been forty-two full-term matings, twenty-five of which gave no results or early abortions; eight still-born litters have occurred, con- sisting of fourteen individuals; only nine living litters have been born, 21 per cent. of the matings. These contained eighteen young, and but seven of this number have survived and five of these survivors are unusually small (Figs. 4, 5). The bottom line of the table shows nine control matings. All have given living litters containing a total of seventeen young, all of them surviving. The two young that died, as stated above, were from a dying mother and not included in the control. Records of the successive matings of ten of the female guinea-pigs are shown in T'able 5. The varying ways in which the same individual has responded in different matings is noticeable. Number 10, an alco- holie female, first mated with an alcoholic male, gave one young which (ied on the sixth day after birth. On being remated with the same male, No. 10, gave no result. When mated with another alcoholic male, gave ho result. She mated again after several months with the first male and on being killed was found to contain one embryo in utero about 2 weeks old. Female 15, a normal guinea-pig, shows an instructive record. She Was mated with an alcoholic male and gave birth to two still-born young. ae When mated with another alcoholic male she gave a negative result. Remated with the second male she gave two young, both of which died of convulsions within four weeks after birth. She was then mated with a normal male as a control and gave one vigorous normal offspring which survived. TABLE 5.—RESULTS OF SUCCESSIVE MaTINGS OF TEN FEMALES Animal First Mating |Second Mating | Third Mating Fourth Mating | No. 10 Ale. Ale. male 4,1 | Ale. male 4 | Ale. male 6 Ale. male 4, young died 0 0 1 embryo in in 6 days utero 2 weeks : after No. 12 Ale. Ale. male 5 Ale. male 5 iN Wen, TerPel eit: Ea | ier, este ate ed 0 0 0 No. 11 Ale. Ale. male 6 Ale. male 6 Ale. male 5; Ale. male 4 0 0 2 premat. 0 still-born No. 13 Nor. Ale. male 5 | Ale. male 5 | Ale. male 4 | .......... | 1. still-born 0 0 iIN@ lly, Nor. Etherized IDeA LS |. Ba Re ae |r oe ee male 1 male 1 | 0 0 No. 18 Nor. : Ale. male 5 | Ale. male 5 Ales ama ein Milas ese bn 0 0 0 INO} i Nor | Etherized Etherized Miherizedey > |) es 5 ee male 2; male 2 male 2 | 2 premat. | 0 0 still-born No. 14 Nor. Etherized thenizeds Lilt Von e all) eich eee ce male 3 male 3 0 0 INO; 19) Wor: Ale. male 4 Ale. male 6; Ale. male 6 | Ale. male 5: 0 1 still-born | 9 4 small, ac- tive, only one-half size, but living No. 15 Nor. Ale. male 6; Ale. male 5 Ale. male 5; Nor. male; 1 2 still-born 0 2 died fourth normal vigor- week of con- ous young vulsions The other records are easily understood. These experiments have suggested many questions still to be solved, some of which are now being tested, such as the length of time necessary to treat an animal before the resulting offspring is affected, whether this time is equally Jong for both sexes, and what amount of individual varia- tion may exist. An important point to ascertain is whether the effects of the alcohol treatment are permanent, or does the animal recover after a time and again become capable of giving normal offspring. One of the most valuable problems is to regulate the treatment in such a manner as to induce a definite type of defect with a given kind or degree of treatment. The structure or morphology of the monsters and defective 28 offspring which occur is to be carefully studied. Many other points might readily be suggested. Definite and well-controlled experiments with alcohol and other sub- stances on the mammalian offspring have not been sufficiently studied. The work is really in its beginning, and while there is much evidence to show that various toxic agents do affect and modify the offspring, facts are badly needed to demonstrate the regularity and manner of this modification. The present experiments seem to me to prove in a con- Vincing way that alcohol may readily affect the offspring through either parent, and that this effect is almost fatal to the existence of the off- spring when the parents have been treated with even fairly large doses of alcohol. Many of the cases seem to indicate further, that the tissues of the nervous system of the offspring are particularly sensitive in their responses to the induced conditions. My assistant, Miss Craig, has aided me greatly throughout almost the entire progress of these experiments. Last year during my absence abroad she assumed entire control of the animals, and I am indebted vo her for this efficient assistance. SUMMARY Guinea-pigs have been treated with alcohol in order to test the influ- ence of such treatment on their offspring. Male and female animals are given alcohol by an inhalation method until they begin to show signs of intoxication, though they are never completely intoxicated. They are treated for about an hour at the time, six days per week. The treatment in some of the cases has now extended over a period of nine- teen months. ‘The animals may be said to be in a state of chronic alcoholism. Fifty-five matings of the alcoholized animals have been made, forty- two of which have reached full term and are recorded. From these forty-two matings only seven young animals have sur- vived, and five of them are unusually small, though their parents were large, vigorous guinea-pigs. The following combinations were made: 1. Alcoholic males were mated to normal females. This is the paternal test, and is the really crucial proof of the influence of alcohol on the germ cells, since the defective offspring in this case must be due to the modified spermatozoa, or male germ cells, from which they arise. Twenty-four matings of this type were made, fourteen of which gave no result or very early abortions; five still-born litters were produced, con- sisting of eight individuals in all, and five living litters containing twelve young. Seven of these twelve died soon after birth, and only five have survived. Four of the survivors are from one litter and the fifth is the only living member of a litter of three. 2. Normal males were mated with alcoholic females. This is the maternal test. In such cases the aleohol may affect the offspring in two ways-—by modifying the germ cells of the mother or acting directly on 29 the developing embryo in utero. Only four such matings were tried. One gave no offspring; three living litters were born, one consisting of three premature young that died at birth, while the other twé litters consisted each of one young, which have survived. The alcoholic treat- ment in one of the last cases was only begun after the mother had been pregnant for about three weeks. 3. Alcoholic males were mated to alcoholic females. This is the most severe test, both parents being alcoholic. Fourteen such matings gave in ten cases no offspring, or very early abortions. Three still-born litters were produced, consisting in all of six individuals, while only one living young was born. This single offspring from the fourteen matings died in convulsions on the sixth day after birth. The young that have died in the experiment showed nervous disor- ders, many having epileptic-like seizures, and all died in convulsions. Nine control matings in the same group of animals have given nine living litters, consisting in all of seventeen individuals, all of which have survived and are large, vigorous animals for their ages. Two young from non-alcoholic parents died, but this mother also died two days later. Her diseased condition doubtless affected the suckling young. Forty-two matings of alcoholic guinea-pigs have given only eighteen young born alive, and of these only seven, five of which are runts, sur- vived for more than a few weeks, while nine control matings have given seventeen young, all of which have survived and are normal, vigorous individuals. These facts convincingly demonstrate the detrimental effects of alcohol on the parental germ cells and the developing offspring. : REFERENCES Adami, J. G.: The Principles of Pathology, Vol. I, New York, Lea and Febiger, 1908. Ballantyne: Antenatal Pathology, Edinburgk, Green and Son, 1902. Bertholet, E.: Ueber Atrophie des Hoden bei chronischem Alkoholismus. Centralbl. f. allg. Path., 1909, xx, 1062. Elderton, E., and Pearson, K.: A First Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism on the Physique and Ability of the Offspring. Eugenics Lab. Memoir, 1910, x, Dulan, London. Féré, C.: Influence du repos, sur les effets de l’exposition préalable aux vapeurs d’alcool avant l’incubation de l’oeuf de poule. Compt. rend Soe. de biol., 1899, li; Note sur la resistance de ’embryon de poulet aux traumatismes de loeuf. Jour. anat. et de physiol., 1897, p. 264. Remarques sur l’incubations des oeufs de poule privés de leur coquille. Compt. rend. Soc. de biol., 1900, lii. Forel, A.: Alkohol und Keimzellen (blastophthorische Entartung). Miinchen. med. Wehnschr., Dee. 5, 1911, lviii, 2596. Herbst, C.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen, u.s.w., Ztschr. f. wissensch. Zool., 1892, iv; Mitt. a. d. Zool. Staz. zu Naepel, 1893; Arch. f. Entwicklungsmechn. d. Grgan., 1896, iv. Hertwig, O.: Urmund und Spina bifida. Eine vergleichende morphologische, teratologische Studie an missgebildeten Froscheiern. Arch. f. mik. Anat., 1892, XXxix, 353-503. Hodge, C. F.: The Influence of Alcohol on Growth and Development. In Physiological Aspects of the Liquor Problem, by Billings, ed. 1, p. 359, Houghton, Mifflin Co., New York, 1903. a0) Tloppe, H.: Die Tatsachen iiber den Alkohol. Ed. 3, Berlin, 1904. Hunt, Reid: Studies in Experimental Alcoholism. U. S. Pub. Health Bull. No. 33, 1907. Kyrle: Bericht tiber Verhandlungen der XIII Tagung der Deutschen pathologi- schen Gesellschaft in Leipzig. Centralbl. f. Path. u. path. Anat., xx, No. 77, 1909. Laitinen, T.: Ueber den Einfluss des Alkohols auf die Widerstandsfiihigkeit des menschlichen und tierischen Organismus mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Vererbung. Tr. Kong. Inter. X Alkoholismus, Budapest, 1905; Ueber die Ein- wirkung der Kleinsten Alkoholmengen auf die Widerstandsfiihigkeit des tierischen Organismus mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der Nachkommenschaft. Ztschr. f. Hygiene, 1908, lvili, 139. Loeb, J.: Investigations in Physiological Morphology. III. Experiments on Cleavage. Jour. Morph., 1892, vii, 253; Ueber die Entwicklung von Fischembryo- nen ohne Kreislauf. Pfliiger’s Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1893, liv, 525; Ueber die relative Empfindlichkeit von Fischembryonen gegen Sauerstoffmangel und Wasser- entziehung in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien. Pfliiger’s Arch. f. d. ges. Physiol., 1894, lv, 580; Studies in General Physiology. Two volumes, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1905. Lustig, A.: Ist die fiir Gifte erwordene Immunitiit tibertragbar von Eltern auf die Nachkommenschaft? Centralbl. f. Pathol., 1904, xv, 210. Mairet and Combemale: Influence dégéneration de Valecool sur la descendance. Compt. rend. Acad. d. Se., 1888, evi, 667. Mall, F. P.: A Study of the Causes underlying the Origin of Human Monsters, Jour. Morph., 1908, xix, 1-361. MeClendon, J: F.: An Attempt Towards the Physical Chemistry of the Pro- duction of One-Eyed Monstrosities. Am. Jour. Physiol., 1912, xxix, 289. Morgan, T. H.: The Relation Between Normal and Abnormai Development of the Embryo of the Frog, as determined by the Effects of Lithium Chlorid in Solution. Arch. f. Entwicklingsmech., 1903, xvi; The Relation Between Normal and Abnormal Development of the Embryo of the Frog. Ibid., 1902-1905, xv-xix. Nice, L. B.: Comparative Studies on the Effects of Aleohol, Nicotin, Tobacco Smoke and Caffeine on White Mice. I. Effects on Reproduction and “Growth. Jour. Exper. Zool., 1912, vii, 133. Nicloux: Passage de l’Alcool ingéré de Ja mére au foetus, ete. L’Obstetrique, 1900, xeix. Paul, Constantin: tude sur intoxication lente par les préparations de plomb, de son influence sur le produit de la conception. Arch. gén. de méd., 1860, xv, 513. Pearson, K., and Elderton, E.: A Second Study of the Influence of Parental Alcoholism cn the Physique and Ability of the Offspring. A Reply to Medical Crities of the First Memoir. Eugenics Lab. Memoir. 13, Dulan, London, 1910. Preyer, W.: Physiologie spéciale de ’embryon. Trad. frane., 1887, p. 16. Simmonds, H.: Ueber die Ursache der Azoospermie. Vortr. im Aerztl. Verein zu Hamburg, June, 1898; Berl. klin. Wehnschr., 1898, No. 36, p. 806. Stockard, C. R.: The Development of Fundulus heteroclitus in Solutions of Lithium Chlorid, ete. Jour. Exper. Zool., 1906, iii, 99; The Influence of External Factors, Chemical and Physical, on the Development of Fundulus heteroclitus. Jour. Exp. Zool., 1907, iv, 165; The Artificial Production of a Single Median Cyclopean Eye in the Fish Embryo by Means of Solutions of Magnesium Chlorid. Arch. f, Entwicklungsmech., 1907, xxiii, 249; 1909, vi, 285; The Origin of Cer- tain Types of Monsters. Am. Jour. Obst., 1909; lix, No. 4; The Independent Origin and Development of the Crystalline Lens. Am. Jour. Anat., 1910, x, 393; The Influence of Alcohol and Other Anesthetics on Embryonic Development. Am. Jour. Anat., 1910, x, 369. Sullivan, W. C.: A Note on the Influence of Maternal Inebriety on the Off- spring. Jour. Ment. Se., 1899, xlv, 489. Todde, C.: L’azione dell’ alcool sullo svillupo e sulla funzione dei testicoli. Riv. sper. di Freniatria, 1910, xxxvi, No. 3, p. 491. Ziegler, H. E.: Ueber die Einwirkung des Alkohols auf die Entwicklung der Seeigel. Biol. Zentralbl., June, 1903, xxiii, 448. . S F > es vA = - : - 7 ; - *» i ? | } a ¥ Reprinted from The Archives of Internal Medicine, k ‘ October, UL PP. 369-398 ~ ¥< : ; 4 F — Copyright, 1912 fe = auc Association, 535 Dearborn Ave., Chicago =i ' . 7 oa Fe ; ; z , ia > ae >, ag he 2 oe hifi. fiir allgem. Physiologie Bd. XIV. Fig. 6. Fig. 5. Verlag v W. M. Baldwin del. < in Jena. (From the Biological Laboratory at Bonn.) The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae in voluntary striped Muscles of Vertebrates. By W. M. Baidwin (Dept. of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.) With plate VII. e The long-contended question over the structural relationship of tendon fibrillae to muscle fibrillae has been brought to our atten- tion by a recent contribution of O. Scuutrze. This investigator carried out his studies on various muscles of Hippocampus, Amphi- oxus, several amphibia, and man, and arrived at the conclusion that these two structural features, muscle fibril and tendon fibril, were directly continuous with each other, perforating the sarco- lemma. Being at the time engaged in a study of certain morpho- logical features of striped-muscle structure, I reviewed my own preparations demonstrating these features with the express purpose of advancing our knowledge in this subject over a larger number of higher vertebrates than this author had used. The preparations comprised sections of various muscles, such as intercostaies, latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominalis, gastrocnemius, erector spinae, extrinsic muscles of the eyeball and various muscles of the thigh (together with caudal muscles) of such vertebrates as the tadpole, frog, calf, cat, white mouse, chicken, gray mouse. In addition I utilized specimens of living muscle of the frog and of the tadpole as controls to the fixed and stained preparations. The paraffin method of imbedding was employed in conjunction with ScHULTZkE’s excellent collodion and chloroform method of infiltration. The sections varied in thickness from 2 u to 5 wu. The stains used were picric acid, methylene blue, fuchsin S, and eosin, together with combinations of these and various alcoholic Morpholog. Jahrbuch. 45. 16 250 W. M. Baldwin and aqueous solutions of hematoxylin among the latter ScHuULTZE’s and also GAGE’s. Several of the more significant of the preparations were stained, decolorized, and then restained by another method in order not only to serve as controls to the simple stained sections but to demonstrate, in addition, the reaction of the several struc- tures under consideration to the various methods previously employed. By means of a method of blunt dissection of the fixed and stained preparations upon the slide, several muscle fibres with their tendons were isolated from adjacent structures, by which was rendered possible a more careful and detailed study of their structural relationship. In fig. 1 I have represented such an isolated muscle fibre with its attached tendon of an extrinsic eye muscle of a three-weeks old chicken. The instance is typical of the usual fibre-termination ob- served in these muscles. It can be seen that the sarcolemma at its extremity is drawn out to three distinct pointed processes which are not in airy way continuous either with the sheath of the tendon or with the fibrillar components of the tendon. Furthermore, the pointed extremities of the tendon fibrillae are observed to be inserted into the recesses between the sarcolemma processes. This feature is worthy of special attention because owing to it an appearance is produced, when such an arrangement is rotated and studied in a vertical optical plane, of tendon fibrillae lying inside of the sarco- lemma sheath of the muscle fibre. The individual muscle fibrillae, upon approaching the sarcolemma, lose their several features of cross-striation but can be traced, however, as slender, faintly-stained thread-like structures up to the internal surface of the sarcolemma upon which they terminate. The sarcolemma is in general much thinner than the cross-diameter of an average muscle fibril. Hence from the morphological arrangement of the parts thus effected, the muscle fibre appears to be dovetailed into the tendon with this ex- ceedingly thin membrane as the only structure Sep araeee the muscle fibrillae from the tendon fibrillae. Fig. 2 is another fibre from the same muscle, and demonstrates the same general features. Two muscle nuclei imbedded in granular protoplasm separate two groups of muscle fibrillae from each other. Kach group, however, terminates in several pointed sarcolemma processes which are dovetailed with the fibrils of the corresponding tendon-fibril groups. Here again the muscle fibrillae, losing gradu- ally their features of cross-striation, are, nevertheless, readily trace- The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 251 able up to the internal surface of the sarcolemma. There is no evidence, however, either upon morphological or upon staining- reaction grounds for the assumption that the fibrillae of muscle and tendon penetrate the sarcolemma. Neither can it be demonstrated that the sarcolemma is prolonged over the tendon or among its con- stituent fibril bundles. It terminates bluntly, rather, in a number of cone-shaped processes. Fig. 3 represents the termination of an extrinsic muscle of the eyeball of a twenty-two-day-old white mouse. The observations made above in connection with the chicken muscles apply equally well to the muscles of this group in the mouse. Again, there is observed, the dovetailing of the sarcolemma processes with the tendon fibrillae, the termination of the muscle fibrillae at the sarco- lemma, and the separation by the latter of the tendon fibrillae from the former. I particularly desire to refer again to the insertion of the tendon fibrillae into the intervals between the cone-shaped prolongations of the sarcolemma through which arrangement certain appearances are produced which are exceedingly liable to be misinterpreted. This thin membrane is the only structure separating the muscle fibrillae from the tendon fibrillae. The latter pursue a course parallel to that of the former but terminate bluntly upon the external surface of the sarcolemma, whereas the muscle fibrillae run for a com- paratively short distance upon the internal surface of the sarco- lemma and finally lose their identity by fusing with it. Such con- clusions can only be drawn from a study of those fibrillae which lie upon the same horizontal optical plane, i. e., upon that aspect of the sarcolemma which faces at right angle to the observer. When the muscle fibres and tendon fibres are cut in exactly their long axis, one must bear in mind that the uppermost and undermost aspects of the cone-shaped sarcolemma end are obliquely inclined to the vertical optical axis of the observer. This fact adds to the difficulty of interpreting the relation of the fibrillae more so than would be the case if the sarcolemma surface lay in a horizontal optical plane. Hence the solution of the question is much dependent upon the manipulation of the fine adjustment screw. Bearing in mind the fact that the sarcolemma is so thin as to be almost per- fectly transparent, when studied upon these aspects of the fibres, the difficulty in determining the exact relationship of the muscle fibrillae to the overlying or underlying and parallel-running tendon 16* 252 W. M. Baldwin fibrillae is well nigh impossible with our present optical instruments. When viewed in such vertical planes it appears as if those tendon fibrillae terminating in the sarcolemma indentations were really within the muscle fibre. Undoubtedly a neglect to take into con- sideration these facts has led to several erroneous conclusions such as are represented in various published figures. Aceordingly, I have preferred to base my conclusions upon a careful study of those fibrillae which occupy the same horizontal optical plane. Under such cireum- stances the sarcolemma presents an unbroken contour. No evidence can be found bespeaking a continuity of tendon fibril with muscle fibril among these various extrinsic eye muscles of the white mouse, gray mouse, chicken, or calf. One of the best bits of evidence upon this question is furnished by muscles of the bipenniform type. I have represented in fig. 4 a portion of a single muscle fibre of this type of an adult white mouse with its attached central tendon. As is readily seen the tendon fibrillae (A) lie at an angle of about 125° with the muscle fibrillae (C). The sarcolemma investing the fibre is considerably thickened at that end applied to the tendon. The numerous muscle fibrillae are represented half-schematically but their relation to this sarcolemma end is faithfully reproduced. Between the sarcolemma and the tendon there are to be seen several layers of connective tissue fibres and cells (6). I was able by means of various methods of hematoxylin staining to stain at once these three structures, central tendon, intervening connective tissue, and muscle fibrillae three different colors upon the same slide. The tendon fibrillae were yellowish-white, the connective tissue (peritendinum) reddish- brown, and the muscle fibrillae deep brown. There was absolutely no structural continuity to be seen between either the tendon fibrillae and the connective tissue fibrillae or between the latter and the muscle fibrillae. At no place could it be demonstrated that the muscle fibrillae traversed the connective tissue sheath in order to reach the central tendon, nor did they perforate the sarcolemma and turn at an angle to join the connective tissue fibrillae. In muscles belonging to this type of structure the relation of the muscle fibres to the tendon is precisely similar to that of those muscles which are attached to bones, to the bone upon which they find their insertion. Such muscle fibres have only an indirect rela- tion to the bone since their actual attachment is direct to the peri- osteum. Such is the case with these bipenniform muscles. Only The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 253 through the medium of this tendon-investing, connective tissue sheath, or peritendinum, comparable to the periosteum in the above instance, do the muscle fibres establish their connection with the tendon. The matter involved then is a consideration rather of the relation of the muscle fibrillae to the peritendinum (peritenonium) fibrillae. A similar instance of a musele fibre of this type with its attached tendon is represented in fig. 5 under a magnification of 1500 dia- meters. The peritendinum, consisting of several layers of connective tissue fibrés and cells, separates the obliquely-inclined muscle fibre from the tendon. Due to a tear in the tissues an interval exists between a portion of the muscle fibre and the peritendinum and another between the latter and the tendon. In the rest of their extent however, the various structures have maintained their proper relationship to each other. The figure demonstrates five muscle fibrillae (A), which proceed directly up to the sarcolemma without losing their features of cross-striation, such as was the case ob- served with the mouse and chicken extrinsic eye muscles. The tendon end of the sarcolemma is very noticeably thickened and presents upon its internal surface several small elevations upon each of which a muscle fibril is inserted. Sections stained with picro- fuchsin demonstrate that such elevations belong to the sarcolemma rather than to the muscle fibrillae. Moreover, sections stained with hematoxylin-fuchsin indicate that the sarcolemma, with these ele- vations has a different staining reaction from that of the peritendinum, and that both of these differ from the tendon. Morphologically there is no evidence that the sarcolemma is any other than a homo- geneous structure unperforated and untraversed by any formed fibrillae. With differential staining it appears as a thickened homo- geneous, unstriated, and non-fibrillar membrane. Nor is there any evidence of the peritendinum fibrillae turning at an angle to per- forate it. Another instance of the general type of muscle termination as demonstrated in figs. 1, 2, and 3 is furnished by the caudal muscu- lature of the tadpole. A portion of a muscle fibre with its attached tendon fibrillae is represented in fig. 6. This fibre was removed from a tadpole about 5,0em long. The sarcolemma is very thin and is seen in the figure to be drawn out into a number of cone- shaped processes. Into each of these prolongations as many as from ten to forty muscle fibrillae enter and, without suffering any reduction in diameter or losing their features of cross-striation, 254 W. M. Baldwin proceed directly up to the internal surface of the sarcolemma with which they fuse. To each one of these cone-shaped sarcolemma . processes a single tendon fibril is attached. These fibrillae vary among themselves in diameter, the average size is, however, about that of a muscle fibril, which, on the contrary, are generally uni- form in size. Were the muscle fibrillae in direct continuity with the tendon fibrillae then each one of the former must be reduced ereatly in diameter before becoming continuous with a tendon fibril. There is, however, no morphological evidence of such a reduction in size. Unlike the tendon end of the sarcolemma in such muscles as are of the bipennitorm type, the sarcolemma of these cone-shaped processes is not noticeably thickened. On the contrary, it is re- markable for its uniform thinness. Were it thickened, one might look therein for morphological evidence of muscle fibrillae, reduced in calibre, passing along its surface or through its substance in order to establish a conjunction with the single tendon fibril. I have already stated that the tendon fibrillae vary in size. Such variations are not always proportionate, however, to the varia- tions in size of the sarcolemma processes to which they are attached or to the number of muscle fibrillae therein contained. Such might be the case were a direct continuity of the two structures present. The absence of a correlation in size among these several structures might be adduced, therefore, as an additional fact arguing against the continuity of the tendon fibriliae with the muscle fibrillae. In the figure 6 two cells are demonstrated among the tendon fibrillae. Judging from their morphological appearances and their relation to the tendon fibrillae, I have concluded that such cells were fibroblasts. In some instances I have found the tendon fibrillae traversing the cell protoplasm. In the figure the larger of the two cells gives off two delicate fibrillae each of which is attached to a pointed extremity of the sarcolemma. ‘These are, moreover, the only fibrillae attached to these respective sarcolemma extremities. Upon the other side of the fibroblast several similarly slender fibrils stream off in the general direction of the other tendon fibrillae. - 1 have, naturally, interpreted such fibroblastic processes as developing tendon fibrillae, and upon this interpretation have found an ex- planation for the disparity in size between the several fibrillae i. e. the smaller tendon fibrillae represent younger fibrillae. Hence the size of such fibrillae is in no direct wise associated with the size The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 955 of the cone-shaped sarcolemma processes upon which they are inserted nor with the number of muscle fibrillae which terminate in such sarcolemma processes. Apart from these considerations, however, the staining reactions demonstrate very clearly that the tendon fibrillae pass only up to the sarcolemma. They do not penetrate it, neither do the muscle fibrillae. The thickness of the sarcolemma everywhere separates the two structures from each other. Further evidence is contributed by the developing intercostal muscles which I have studied, and of which I have sketched three fibres in figs. 7, 8, and 9. In figure 7 each of the three pointed extremities of the sarcolemma has a connective tissue fibril attached to its apex. The fibril on the right is seen to be derived from a distinct cell body which encloses a relatively large nucleus. The elements of cross-striation do not accompany the muscle fibrillae up to the extremity of the sarcolemma. In the vicinity of the latter these fibrillae somewhat resemble the tendon fibrillae in morpho- logical characters, yet there is no morphological appearance to be noted from which it might be inferred that the homogene®Bus sarco- lemma is perforated by the passage of either form of fibril. The staining of the section shows, in addition, that whereas the muscle fibrillae are thin and very faintly stained, the tendon fibrillae in these instances are relatively deeply stained and much thicker. At no place have I seen these tendon fibrillae inside of the sarcolemma as SCHULTZE has represented in his figures. Fig. 9 represents somewhat semidiagrammatically the typical muscle termination observed in these developing muscles. The termination of the muscle fibre as a whole is seen to be bluntly pointed, but the sarcolemma end is observed, in addition, to present upon close examination with a high power very many small cone- shaped processes to each of which a connective tissue fibril is at- tached. The younger the muscle fibre, the smaller are these pro- cesses and the less the numbre of muscle fibrillae terminating within each of them. In the course of development as these processes increase in size and the number of contained muscle fibrillae par- takes of a proportional increment, but a single tendon fibril, not- withstanding, is found to be attached to the apex of these processes, in other words these apical fibrillae do not multiply in this type of muscle. Herein lies another significant fact denying the con- tinuity of tendon fibrillae with muscle fibrillae. 256 W. M. Baldwin Fig. 8 is of especial significance because it represents in the same muscle fibre the two forms of muscle ending which I have mentioned above, the one in which the fibre is inserted upon on obliquely-placed surface, as represented by the instance of the bi- penniform muscles sketched in figs. 4 and 5,-and the other where the insertion takes place upon a tendon extremity whose fibrillae pursue the same linear direction as those of the muscle fibrillae. At the same time this particular fibre affords an explanation of the genesis of the sarcolemma eminences or projections to which I have previously referred and figured in sketches 4 and 10 (A), which occur upon the internal surface of the tendon end of the sarco- lemma and afford attachment to the muscle fibrillae. The right side of this sketch demonstrates three cone-shaped sarcolemma prolonga- tions to each of which a tendon fibril is attached. These fibrils are typical of the arrangement observed in the tadpole tail. That portion of the sarcolemma end upon the left side of the figure, however, is closely applied to the obliquely-placed fibrillae of the perichondrium enclosing the cartilage of the developing rib. The component structures upon this side of the muscle fibre have the same arrangement as was seen in the bipenniform muscles. The arrangement upon the right side is to be regarded accordingly as transitional, since in the adult animal all of the muscle fibrillae are disposed as is shown upon the left side of the figure. This single muscle fibre, then, represents at once the earlier develop- mental condition and as well the adult condition; therefore, there can be found in it the probable explanation of the origin of those projections of the sarcolemma which are shown in fig. 10 (A). In the earlier developmental stages the muscle fibres terminate in the manner represented in fig. 9 i. e., by a number of cone- shaped sarcolemma processes to each of which a connective tissue fibril is attached. In the course of development as the muscle fibres gradually approach and are applied to their definitive insertion, in such instances where this insertion is upon an obliquely inclined structure, as periosteum or peritendinum, the sarcolemma loses these cone-shaped terminal features. This takes place by a flattening of the apices of these cones and a synchronous fusion of the adjacent walls of neighboring cones. By the flattening of the terminal sarco- lemma a better adhesive surface is presented to the flat surface of the structure affording attachment to the muscle. By the fusion of the adjacent cone-walls is brought about the presence in the The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 257 adult of the projections of the sarcolemma which extend into the muscle fibre. They have no connection developmentally or morpho- logically with the tendon fibrillae, since at first there are no tendon fibrillae attached to that portion of the sarcolemma from which these projections are derived. Neither is it probable that they re- present a portion of the muscle fibrillae which might have become transformed into sarcolemma-like tissue. This genetic sequence explains as well the appearances presented by such muscles as I have represented in the first three figures where the tendon fibrillae and the muscle fibrillae occupy the same linear direction and where in the adult condition the several pointed extremities of the sarcolemma, characteristic of the younger develop- mental stages, are still demonstrable. The tendon fibrillae occupying the intervals between adjacent extremities assume their position at a stage in the developmental cycle later than the appearance of the definitive form of the muscle fibrillae. In other words, the muscle fibrillae are already attached to the internal surface of the sarcolemma of the intervals before the supplementary tendon fibrillae grow into these intervals and become attached to the external sur- face of the sarcolemma. Accordingly, we can find another argument in this fact of genesis, in addition to the one based upon morpho- logical grounds and mentioned before, against the acceptance of the view that the tendon fibrillae effect continuity with the muscle fibrillae by perforating the sarcolemma and then coursing a con- siderable distance in the muscle fibre. Indeed, were structural con- tinuity an established fact, if the chronological order of the develop- ment of these »interval« tendon fibrillae and of the muscle fibrillae were alone considered we should expect rather to find a prolonga- tion of a portion of undifferentiated muscle fibrillae through and outside of the sarcolemma in order to meet the developing tendon fibrillae, and not vice-versa as some authors have represented. The presence of extrasarcolemmatous muscle fibrillae has never been ob- served among vertebrates, so far as I am aware, and in my own preparations is most positively denied by the staining reactions. The only fibrillae lying outside of the sarcolemma are those which have a connective tissue origin. In general it may be said, then, that the voluntary striped muscles of adult vertebrates terminate in one of two general arrangements the determination of which is dependent upon tlic relation of the long axis of the tendon to that of the muscle fibre. 258 W. M. Baldwin When the direction of the two coincide, the muscle fibre of the adult retains its earlier developmental features to the extent that. the sarcolemma end still preserves its cone-shaped blunt projections into which the muscle fibrillae, presenting all of their features of cross-striation, enter to fuse with its internal surface. These sarco- lemma projections with their intervening recesses are dovetailed into corresponding features of the tendon extremity. The second general type of muscle end is observable in those other muscles where the long axis of the tendon meets that of the muscle fibre at an angle. This form is to be regarded as a developmental derivative of a con- dition which in the younger specimens conformed to the type of structure which we have designated under I. So far as my own ob- servations have led me I have not yet seen a developing muscle fibre which did not conform to the first type. In other words, before the muscle fibre has grown far enough to reach its definitive oblique insertion it terminates in cone-shaped sarcolemma processes which give attachment to tendon fibrillae whose direction corresponds to the long axis of the muscle fibre itself. Those muscles conforming to the bipenniform type of arrange- ment present the most positive evidence against a continuity of muscle fibrillae with tendon fibrillae, since in these a layer of dense connective tissue, the peritendinum, intervenes and separates the two structures from each other. The features to be considered with especial care in these muscles, therefore, are the peritendinum fibrillae and the muscle fibrillae. Continuity between the latter and the tendon fibrillae is absolutely out of the question. The presence of the greatly thickened sarcolemma end whose homogeneous nature can be very readily made out with a magnification of 1500 dia- meters, renders possible the most definite answer to the question of continuity so far as these muscles are concerned. In no instance is there the slightest indication of a fibrillar structure perforating this homogeneous membrane. There is surely no turning of the peritendinum fibrillae observable as must be the case were conti- nuity to be established with the obliquely lying muscle fibrillae. We are in a position, therefore, so far as these muscles of the adult are considered, to corroborate most completely the views of RANVIER, WEISMANN, K6LLIKER and Morro-Coca, that no conti- nuity exists between the tendon fibrillae and the muscle fibrillae. The same conclusions may be drawn as well in the instance of those other muscles conforming to this general type where there -- The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 959 are no peritendinum fibrillae intervening between the tendon and the obliquely-placed muscle fibres. Explaining upon developmental grounds the presence of the sarcolemma infoldings into the muscle fibre, and ascertaining through staining reactions the identity of these infoldings in the adult with the sarcolemma, and, in addition, by the same methods most positively establishing the morphological differences between such structures and the muscle and tendon fibrillae, and moreover, failing to observe any turning of the tendon fibrillae at an obtuse angle, as would be necessary to establish con- tinuity with the muscle fibrillae, we are in a position here, as well, to deny in this type of muscle the continuity of tendon fibrillae with muscle fibrillae. Regarding those other muscles which conform to the first type of termination, where the linear direction of the tendon fibrillae in the adult corresponds to that of the muscle fibrillae, it must be con- fessed that the problem is not so readily solved, the answer, ho- wever, can just as positively be given. The chief difficulty encoun- tered is the exceeding thinness of the sarcolemma and the overlying and underlying of tendon and of muscle fibrillae in vertical optical planes upon the obliquely inclined surfaces of sarcolemma-end pro- cesses. The two kinds of fibrillae accordingly lie closer together. The facts pointing strongly against continuity in this type of muscle are, — each sarcolemma process has attached to it but a single connective-tissue fibril, yet from ten to forty muscle fibrillae termi- nate in the respective process. A reduction in diameter of each muscle fibril is not demonstrable, such as must be the case if conti- nuity with the single attached tendon fibril existed. Furthermore, there is no indication of a change in direction of the muscle fibrillae at the sarcolemma end in order to join the single apically-attached tendon fibril. The sarcolemma of the process is not thickened as one might expect to find, if the numerous muscle fibrillae turned and passed along its surface or through its substance in order to reach the tendon fibril. Again, the differences in size of the tendon fibrillae are not correlative to the variations in size of the sarcolemma processes or to the number of muscle fibrillae therein terminating. Further, the single tendon fibrillae can be traced up to a connective tissue cell body, a fact suggestive of their genesis. The staining reactions prove that such fibrillae pass only up to the sarcolemma end. In addition, in adult muscles the cross-striation proceeds di- rectly up to the internal surface of the cone-shaped sarcolemma 260 W. M. Baldwin processes. ‘This fact alone speaks most positively against a perfo- ration of the sarcolemma by the tendon fibrillae and their subsequent . passage through the muscle fibre to meet and fuse with the muscle fibrillae. Moreover, there are at first no tendon fibrillae attached to the sarcolemma end in the intervals between the cone-like processes, whereas the muscle fibrillae, undifferentiated in structure are almost from the very first already attached to the internal surface of the sarcolemma at such corresponding intervals. ‘A word should be said about the combination of fuchsin 8 with aleoholic-hematoxylin as recommended by several investigators. I have used these stains upon many of my own preparations, with the result that, dependent upon the relative concentration of the former constituent and the time of exposure, I was able to stain with the fuchsin not only the tendon fibrillae but also that portion of the terminal undifferentiated muscle fibrillae lying adjacent to and atta- ched to the sarcolemma end. Indeed, by carrying the staining a little further I was able to stain the neighboring portions of the muscle fibrillae which presented all of the features of cross-striation. Hence, this combination of stains seems to be most unreliable as a criterion of morphological values. For the developmental and morphological reasons which I have enumerated above, the assertion, that these ends of undifferentiated muscle fibrillae, by reason of their staining reactions, represent ten- don fibrillae which have perforated the sarcolemma in order to join the muscle fibrillae, cannot be accepted as convincing to say nothing at all about being most positively denied. Yet some of the publi- shed figures intended to represent the continuity of these two kinds of fibrillae and stained with the same stains give exactly this same appearance. In order to be positive that the cone-shaped extremities of the sarcolemma end were not the result of shrinkage of the tissue in the course of its preparation, I studied specimens of living muscle under high magnifications and ascertained that these processes were characteristic of the termination of the muscles conforming to the first type of ending. I found also that the presence of a uni- formly rounded sarcolemma end such as has been figured by other investigators may be accepted as proof positive that the actual end of the muscle fibre has not been represented. I shall have occasion to refer to this feature in connection with fig. 11 upon a subsequent page. The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 961 I have presented fig. 10 for the purpose of elucidating certain appearances which have been misinterpreted by various inyesti- gators who have endeavored to establish a continuity between muscle and tendon fibrillae. The figure bears, as can be readily noted, a close resemblance to some of their published plates. This figure was sketched from a specimen of thigh muscle of an adult white mouse. Both the tendon fibrillae and the muscle fibrillae pursued the same linear direction. Upon the left side of the fibre the sarco- lemma surface (6) at the end of the muscle fibre lay in a plane at exactly a right angle to that of the fibrillae, while on the right side it encountered these structures at an acute angle. These two portions of sarcolemma are uninterruptedly continuous with each other (B—B). The left side of the fibre demonstrates all of those features to which I have previously referred. The tendon fibrillae are separated from the muscle fibrillae by the thickened sarcolemma end. Upon the right side of the fibre the outline of the sarco- lemma because of its obliquity is with much greater difficulty ob- served. Those fibrillae which occupy the same optical plane, for instance, the uppermost aspect of the section, can be seen to be separated from each other by the thin cut edge of the sarcolemma. Those other tendon fibrillae which occupy the middle of the thick- ness of the specimen seem to have perforated that membrane and to have extended into the muscle fibre. This appearance is natur- ally referable to the fact that they are attached to the under sur- face of obliquely inclined sarcolemma and hence underlie the upper- most muscle fibrillae. Their intense red stain, derived from the fuchsin, lends its color, too, to these adjacent overlying muscle fibrillae and, consequently, heightens the impression that a portion of them extends into the muscle fibre. A careful consideration of the left side of the sketch is sufficient, however, to eradicate all doubt of the discontinuity of the two kinds of fibrillae. The particular criticism that I would raise against O. SCHULTZE’s work in that he has neglected to explain an appearance which is represented in almost every one of his figures, and which is of fundamental importance in our conception of the relation of the sarcoplasm to the sarcolemma. At places he has represented groups of three, four, and more muscle fibrillae which together perforate the sarcolemma and which are then prolonged as tendon fibrillae, i. e., the sarcolemma is interrupted at the point of perforation of not single muscle fibrillae but of groups of fibrillae. In other words, 262 W. M. Baldwin the intervening sarcoplasm, as well as the fibrillae, is continued beyond the limits of the sarcolemma end outside of the muscle fibre. — Still no attempt is made to explain with what the sarcoplasm be- comes contiuous or where it ends. Were the condition true, as the author has figured, then we should be compelled to modify our conception of the sarcolemma as a closed tube or envelope confining the semifluid sarcoplasm. I have studied my own tadpole preparations with this parti- cular point in mind and have represented in fig. 11 a muscle termi- nation which may be considered as typical of the developing fibres at this age. The tadpole measured 1,5 cm. I agree for the present with other investigators in naming the nucleus, which is seen imbedded in the granular protoplasmic mass surrounding the muscle fibrillae, a myogenetic nucleus, and also in referring to the investing membrane as sarcolemma (B). I have carried this membrane around the muscle fibre end, since such is the appearance produced when focusing down upon the fibre. It does not represent the end of the muscle fibrillae, however, as might at first appear, even in spite of their undifferentiated appearance. This fact can. be ascertained by focusing to a deeper level in the fibre, then we get the appearance such as I have represented. The muscle fibrillae terminate in a number of cone-shaped processes, whose walls are formed of a delicate membrane, continuous with the sarco- lemma, which bridges the ends of those fibrillae. This appearance is similar of that observed in the muscle fibre represented in fig. 6. These are the processes and this the membrane which have been over- looked. The specific remarks which I have made upon foregoing pages regarding the features to be noted in connection with fig. 6 apply equally well here and require no repetition. The presence of this unbroken rounded contour of sarcolemma traversing the end of the muscle fibre, to which I have referred above, is readily explained, if we will imagine the muscle fibre as a whole rotated through an are of 90°. Where the sarcolemma surface faces the eye it is almost perfectly transparent, but where, however, it lies in a vertical optical plane, its contour becomes manifest. Hence, the rounded sarcolemma-end appearance would be demonstrated again in the rotated condition of the fibre by that portion located at A in the figure. At the same time we ean rea- dily understand how the muscle fibrillae lying at a deeper level appear to have passed outside of the sarcolemma. And when through The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 263 imperfect fixation or staining we overlook the exceedingly delicate, definitive, cone-shaped, sarcolemma processes, the conclusion is natural that the tendon fibrillae and muscle fibrillae are continuous because the sarcolemma has been perforated. This figure answers the question, as well, as to the relation of the sarcoplasm to the sarco- lemma. Our earlier conception of the latter as a closed tube enclosing the sarcoplasm is correct. At no place does the sarco- plasm pass through the sarcolemma. At every point this thin enve- lope separates the specialized, semifluid sarcoplasm from the inter- stitial fluids, lymph, ete., of the outlying tissues. I have not been able to carry out my studies on either Hippo- campus or Amphioxus. It would be interesting to explain upon phylogenetic and ontogenetic grounds the differences in the adult morphological condition in these vertebrates from that which I have described above in higher vertebrate muscles. As a final word upon the question of the cone-shaped processes of sarcolemma I desire to repeat with added emphasis, lest some criticisms regarding faulty fixation or shrinkage be made, that as controls to the fixed and stained preparations I studied many prepa- rations of living muscle by vital staining in monochromatic light. Methylene blue aqueous solutions among others were used and of such a degree of concentration that a control tadpole lived for thirty-six hours in the same fluid which was used to stain the cau- dal muscles. The preparations which I employed were studied ten minutes after the removal of the muscle. No fixatives or dehydra- ting agents whatever were used. In every one of these living specimens the cone-shaped sarcolemma processes could be readily found. Therefore, they did not owe their presence to an arte- factitious change in the muscle structure. The following general conclusions, then, regarding these various voluntary striped muscles of the tadpole, white mouse, gray mouse, chicken, frog, and calf may be drawn. 1st — In the manner of termination of muscle fibres two general types may be recognized, one in which the long axes of the tendon and of the muscle fibres coincide, and the second in which they meet at an angle. 2nd — In neither of these two types are the muscle fibrillae in continuity with the tendon fibrillae. 3rd — Developing muscle fibres terminate in a number of cone- 264 W. M. Baldwin shaped processes of sarcolemma to the apex of which a tendon fibril is attached. 4th — In the adult those muscles conforming to type 1 still pre- serve the apical processes of their sarcolemma end. 5th — In the adult these processes of sarcolemma are dove- tailed into the tendon end. 6th — ‘The sarcolemma at the tendon end of such muscles is not markedly thickened. ’ 7th — The central tendon of bipenniform muscles (type 2) is in- vested by a connective tissue sheath or peritendinum which consists of connective tissue fibres and cells, and which separates the tendon fibrillae from the muscle fibres. 8th — On muscles, conforming to the second type of structure, the sarcolemma end presents a flat surface which rests directly against the attached structure, be it peritendinum, perichondrium, or periosteum. 9th — This sarcolemma end is considerably thickened and is composed of a homogeneous substance. 10th — It presents a number of sarcolemma projections which project into the substance of the muscle fibre. 11th — These projections are derived from the fused, adjacent walls of the cone-shaped processes of the sarcolemma which were present at an earlier developmental stage of the fibre. 12th — The muscle fibrillae in adult muscles of this second type preserve their features of cross-striation up to the sarcolemma. 13th — This sarcolemma end is not perforated either by the tendon fibrillae, the peritendinum fibrillae, or the muscle fibrillae. 14th — The sarcolemma is not prolonged through the tendon, or over the tendon in either type of muscle. 15th — The sarcoplasm does not at any place in either type of muscle pass through the sarcolemma. Literature. GAGE, S. H., The Microscope. 10th Edit. The Comstock Publ. Co., Ithaca, N- ¥.2 1908: KOLLikER, A., Handbuch der Gewebelehre des Menschen. Leipzig 1889. Morra-Coca, A. and Frruiro, C., Contributo allo studio dei rapporti tra mus- coli e tendini. Monitore zoologico. Vol. X. 1899. The Relation of Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. 265 Ranvier, L., Traité technique d’Histologie. 2nd Edit. 1889. ScHIEFFERDECKER, P., Untersuchungen iiberdie Rumpfmuskulatur von Petromyzon fluviatilis, ete. Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat. Bd. LXXVIII. iB alale Scuuttze, O., Uber den direkten Zusammenhang von Muskelfibrillen und Sehnen- fibrillen. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat. Bd. LXXIX. 1912. Weisman, A., Uber die Verbindung der Muskelfasern mit ihren Ansatzpunkten. Zeitschr. f. rationelle Medizin. Bd. XII. 1861. 5 Explanation of figures. Plate VII. Fig. 1. An isolated muscle fibre with its attached tendon of an extrinsic muscle of the eyeball of a three-weeks-old chicken. The dovetailing of the sarcolemma end with the tendon fibrillae is characteristic of muscles belonging to this general type. The muscle fibrillae do not present the features of cross-striation at the muscle end. Magnification 1000 diameters. Fig. 2. Similar to fig. 1 excepting that the muscle fibril groups are separated from each other by two nuclei. Magnification 1000 diameters. Fig. 3. A muscle fibre from an extrinsic eye-muscle of a white mouse twenty- two days old. It presents the same general features as the two pre- ceeding figures. Four tendon fibrillae (A), are to be noted upon the uppermost aspect of the sarcolemma end. Magnification 1000 diameters. Fig.4. A portion of a muscle fibre and tendon of a thigh muscle of an adult white mouse, which demonstrates the kind of muscle ending com- prised under group 2. The tendon fibrillae (A), are separated from the muscle fibrillae (0), by the peritendinum (8), which contains four cells. Magnification 1000 diameters. Fig. 5. Similar to the preceeding. The features of cross-striation can be traced up to the thickened sarcolemma where each is inserted upon a small raised elevation (5) of the latter. Magnification 1500 diameters. Fig. 6. A portion of a muscle fibre of a caudal muscle of a tadpole about 5,0em long. Each cone-shaped sarcolemma process has attached to it a tendon fibril. Two of the processes derive fibrillae from a large fibroblastic cell situated among the tendon fibrillae. The original preparation from which this sketch was made demonstrates no thickening of the sarcolemma forming these processes. Fig. 7. A developing intercostal muscle ofa five-day old white mouse present- ing three cone-shaped sarcolemma processes, each affording attachment to a connective tissue fibril. The fibril on the right is observed to be directly derived from a cell-body. Magnification 1000 diameters. Fig. 8. Another developing fibre from the same muscle as the preceeding. In this fibre a more advanced stage of development is seen. Part of the muscle fibre is already attached to the perichondrium of the developing rib-cartilage. Three sarcolemma processes upon the right side of the fibre, however, have not yet reached their definitive attach- ment, but present connective tissue fibrillae affixed to their apex. Magnification 1000 diameters. Moerpholog. Jahrbuch. 45. 17 266 W.M. Baldwin, The Relation ot Muscle Fibrillae to Tendon Fibrillae ete. Fig. 10. Fig. 11. A semi-diagrammatic sketch of a developing intercostal muscle illu- strating the pointed processes of sarcolemma each with its attached © tendon fibril. The features of cross-striation of the muscle fibre are wanting at the sarcolemma end. Magnification 1000 diameters. A thigh muscle fibre and tendon of an adult white mouse conforming to type 2. Upon the left side of the figure several inturned processes of sarcolemma are represented in the muscle fibre (A). Upon this side the sarcolemma is cut exactly transversely. Upon the right side of the figure the sarcolemma (PB) is encountered obliquely by the section knife, consequently the more superficial of the muscle fibrillae are underlaid by the tendon fibrillae. The sarcolemma separates the two structures, still it appears as if the tendon fibrillae extended among the muscle fibrillae having perforated the sarcolemma. Magni- fication 1000 diameters. This is a portion of a muscle fibre from a caudal muscle of a tad- pole 1,5 cm long. The presence of the richly granular protoplasmic mass imbedding a nucleus and surrounding the muscle fibrillae may be taken as an indication that the muscle fibre is in a developmental stage. In the adult state such protoplasmic masses are wanting. The membrane (B) investing the mass may be provisionally inter- preted as the sarcolemma. The presence of the line continuous with the sarcolemma and carried across the fibre end does not represent the fibre end. I have elucidated this appearance upon a previous page (4). The sarcolemma proper is drawn out into a number of processes in which the muscle fibrillae end and upon whose apex a tendon fibril is inserted. Magnification 1500 diameters. . os Bd. XLV. - Morphologisches Jahrbuch. URE eH), | coe ad . hi papain LR sf historia ul | k ab Bes Ss gee 4 |e ieee | merry Fig. 1 Fig. 4 Fig. 3 Baldwin. ‘ Fafel VIE +*" Fig. 8 Fig. 7 Fig. 6 ee ne ee —— —— ok wee ae aac pS ~ ee we a aie ae | a Aa es ME the ee ee ME Min AO Gee teenie ie ao ee ee 22 Wek ER - Yom Et Mm Me x — we hy: te gt CO S&S» ——_—— Fig. 11 Fig. 10 Abdruck aus: Anatomischer Anzeiger. Centralblatt fiir die gesamte wissenschaftliche Anatomie. Amtliches Organ der Anatomischen Gesellschaft. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. Karl yon Bardeleben in Jena. Verlag von Gustav Fischer in Jena. 42. Band, Nr. 7/8, 1912. Nachdruck verboten. Muscle Fibres and Muscle Cells of the adult White Mouse Heart. W. M. Batpwiy. (Cornell Medical College New York City.) (From the Biological Laboratory at Bonn.) With 2 Figures. In two recent publications‘) the view was advanced as the result of studies upon various voluntary striped muscles, such as latissimus dorsi, rectus abdominalis, thigh and leg muscles and extrinsic eye muscles of the chicken, cat, calf, white mouse, gray mouse, frog, and caudal muscles of the tadpole, that these muscle fibres of the adult should not be considered, as we have generally hitherto supposed, as large multinucleated cells, but rather as composite contractile struc- tures composed of muscle fibrillae and sarcoplasm and containing muscle cells. That is to say, each one of the numerous nuclei which seem to be immediately imbedded in the sarcoplasm, represents in reality a distinct muscle cell, which presents cellular protoplasm com- posed of a spongioplasm network with interstices of hyaloplasm and which is completely invested by a cell membrane. This cell mem- brane intervenes between the protoplasm of the cell, containing the nucleus, and the imbedding sarcoplasm of the muscle fibre. In other words, since these same relations hold which all muscle cells, the muscle fibrillae and sarcoplasm are extra-cellular structures. Hence the generalization usually held, that the adult voluntary striped muscle - fibre is a multinucleated cell, as stated before, is erroneous. Still another fact bespeaking the correctness of these assertions was adduced from the studies of the sarcolemma in similar muscles and detailed in the second communication. It was found in this series that the sarcolemma was a structureless cuticula containing neither cells nor fibrils. Kyerywhere it stood in direct contact with the sarcoplasm of the fibre and afforded attachment to the telophrag- mata. Furthermore, its relation to the peripheral-lying muscle cells was such, that it was indented into the fibre by the latter, lying, therefore, between them and the sarcoplasm and not upon the peri- 1) Zeitschrift fiir Aligem. Physiologie (Max Verworn) 1912. 178 pheral fibre-aspect of these cells. The one structure found to occupy this position was the cellular and fibrillar investing perimysium of the muscle fibre. Hence such muscle cells lie outside of the sarco- lemma. The latter envelope encloses only the highly specialized muscle fibrillae with the semi-fluid sacroplasm. Therefore, for these additional reasons the muscle fibrillae are to be regarded in the adult as extra- or intercellular structures. An analogy between the histogenetic cycle of the connective tissue group and that of voluntary striped muscle can be drawn. The extremes of the cycle of the latter have been established by a number of competent observers. The intermediate steps, however, require further study. At first the myofibrillae are laid down in the genetic cell bodies. At the opposite end of the genetic course these fibrillae are extracellular. Parallel is the course of development in the connective tissue group; at first appearing as intracellular fibrillae and later being extruded from these genetic cell bodies. These facts obtain as well in the instance of cardiac musculature of the adult white mouse. In the study of this form of striped muscle fibre the same technic was employed as that detailed in the cited papers. The sec- tions varied in thickness from 2 py. to 31/, p.; the stain used was alcoholic hematoxylin. The first figure represents a longitudinal section of several muscle fibres of the ventricle. The marked morphological structural differences between the protoplasma immediately investing the nuclei and the sarcoplasm of the fibre are apparent at first observation. The cellular spongio-plasmatic network of the former is wanting in the latter. These two forms of protoplasm do not blend with each other; rather, they are sharply delimited from each other by a distinct mem- brane, the cell wall. With the alcoholic hematoxylin, this structure stained deeply in contrast to the neighbouring parallel-running muscle fibrillae. In focusing down through the section the uninterrupted, membrane-like nature of the cell wall could be readily noted. In contrast to this fact the slender muscle fibrillae pass into and out of focus as their level was reached and passed. Again, the features of cross-striation were not observed on the cell wall, hence the identity of the membrane apart from the muscle fibrillae was established. The question of the longitudinal extent of such cells, as was the case with similar sections of voluntary striped muscle, is still un- ne answered. At the best the solution is exceedingly difficult. The delicacy of the cell wall, the overlying or underlying of it by muscle fibrillae, granulae, and telophragmata, all add to the difficulty in answering the question. The middle of the three muscle cells in fig. 1, however, possibly presents evidence upon which a correct conclusion may be drawn. The uppermost pole of this cell demon- strates what appears to be the reflected edge of the cell wall. The instance is not exceptional, since many such appearances are demon- strable throughout the entire series of sections. But the possibility of its being an obliquely-sectioned cell extremity together with the difficulties enumerated above render, with our present microscopical technic, a posi- tive answer most injudicious. Two muscle fibres, represented as transversely sectioned, are seen in figure 2. A blood vessel occupies the angle between them. Each fibre presents a muscle cell. That on the left was encountered at the level of the middle of the nucleus; that on the right above the level of that structure. In the latter the structure of the cell protoplasm is in marked contrast to that of the sarcoplasm. The presence of a cell wall separating the two is un- questionable. The spongioplasm network of the cell is relatively heavily laden with granules. Notwithstanding, the clear Fig. 1. fibrillae of this network can in many levels be traced directly up to the internal surface of this cell wall upon which they end. They do not at any place find an insertion upon the muscle fibrillae. A narrow interval of sarcoplasm, equal in general to the cross-diameter of an average muscle fibril, intervenes between the latter and the cell wall. The cell on the left is of interest chiefly because it demonstrates appearances comparable to those observed in connection with similarly cut sections of voluntary striped muscles. The remarks made in the cited articles regarding such appearances apply here as well. At such levels the membrane appears to be wanting, i. e., the nucleus seems to be immediately imbedded in the sarcoplasm. Hence the Peele 8 SES Se Nalicd ny CSL BALM yO ~ ee 180 view generally held that the muscle fibrillae are intracellular, being contained in a giant, multinucleated cell. Sections. above or below the level of the nucleus, however, demonstrate the cell wall comple- tely circumscribing the cell protoplasm. The inference seems to be justifiable, furthermore, that it is not wanting at the level of the nucleus. In torn preparations where the nucleus has been mechanically remoy- ed from its’ intimate position in relation to the sarcoplasm, and in those other preparations where the nucleus is shrunken, the presence of a distinct wall continuous with the remaining portions of the cell wall can be detected. It appears not to be an artefactitious product, since its outline is regular and definite and it is uniformly and deeply stained. Were it due to retracted and shrunken protoplasm we should expect to find it irregular in outline, varying in MGS SEES thickness, and differing in different levels [SQ SS Sfx", in intensity of staining. It presents none y ' of these artefactitious criterions. Nor does it in any portion of its extent seem to be merely the free, unthickened edge of the sarcoplasm. It possesses on the contrary a definite contour and a definite staining reaction. Owing merely to the juxtaposition of the nucleus its out- line is overlooked in normal unshrunken tissues. Naturally, therefore, at such levels no spongioplasm fibrillae are attached to its internal surface. The two sketches in figure 1 and 2 are not intended to represent exceptional instances in cardiac muscle structure. Such relations were observed throughout the entire series of cardiac musculature where the conditions were favorable for sharp observation, i. e., where the parts concerned were not obscured by the overlying or under- lying by granulae, muscle fibrillae, telophragmata, &c. In the study of the telophragmata of this type of muscle no instance was observed where these lines traversed either the proto- plasm or the nucleus of the muscle cells. This fact may be inter- preted as of the following significance. First, it bespeaks the con- tinuity of the cell protoplasm and nucleus as appertaining to a distinct and individual morphological and functional unit, a cell. Further- more, granting the correctness of the observations of numerous workers that the telophragmata are always directly and uninterruptedly inserted upon the interna] surface of the sarcolemma, we should look 2 Fig. 2. 1814 for an infolding of the sarcolemma from the periphery of the muscle fibre to invest these cells. No definite proof has been ascertained as yet that such is the instance in the cardiac fibres. The presence of an investment of sarcolemma upon the muscle cells is not, however, negatived by this fact. The telophragmata are attached, apparently, directly to the external surface of the cell membrane. This fact cannot be adduced as conclusive evidence, notwithstanding, arguing against the verified observations mentioned above. The matter demands further observation upon a greater number of vertebrates. Much remains to be studied upon the intermediate genetic steps of histo-myogenesis. Sufficient evidence of the presence of myo- fibrillae as intra-cellular structures in the first developmental stages exists in the literature. In the adult stages of both forms of striped muscle, so far as concerns these particular vertebrates investigated, these muscle fibrillae are extracellular. A parallelism can be drawn, therefore, between myogenesis and developmental sequence observed and, seemingly, well established in the case of the connective tissue group of structures. At first the connective tissue and the elastic tissue fibrillae are intracellular. Later in development they are extruded from the genetic cell bodies and occupy, an intercellular position. Such is the sequence as well with the striped muscle fibrillae. In this fact we can find an additional reason, first, for grouping these striped muscle fibres, voluntary and cardiac, among the connective tissue group of structures, and secondly, for not con- sidering them as multi- or singly-nucleated giant cells. In other words the muscle fibrillae and sarcoplasm are inter- or extracellular structures. To this extent these observations corroborate those made upon the voluntary muscles and detailed in the articles cited. The conclusion arrived at, then, is that our conception of the cardiac muscle fibre as a cell containing fibrillae and sarcoplasm is erroneous as far as concerns the adult white mouse. The terms muscle fibre and muscle cell are not synonymous. The cuticular sarcolemma invests both the highly specialized muscle fibrillae and the sarcoplasm and, in addition, muscle cells. The latter structures present a nucleus, cell protoplasm, consisting of a spongioplasmatic network with inter- stices of hyaloplasm, and a cell wall. By reason of the last the cells are everywhere excluded from the sarcoplasm and the muscle fibrillae. bo | re Aus dem biologischen Laboratorium der Universitat Bonn. Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii im Auge der weissen Maus nach der Geburt. Von W. M. Baldwin Instructor in Anatomy. Cornell University Medical College. New York City. Hierzu Tafel XIV und XY. Der Gegenstand dieser Untersuchung war die Bestimmung des Ursprungs, der Entwicklung und der endgiiltigen Anordnung der Zonula Zinnii- Fasern des Saugetierauges, indem ich fiir diesen Zweck eine doppelte Reihe von weissen Mausen benutzte, im Alter von 12 Stunden bis einschliesslich 17 Tagen, mit anderen im Alter von 22, 27 Tagen und ausgewachsenen Exemplaren. Dazu hatte ich noch Gelegenheit, Exemplare der Katze. des Kalbes und des ausgewachsenen Menschen zu studieren. Die meisten meiner Resultate aber griinden sich auf meine Studien an weissen Mausen. Die verwendeten Fixiermittel waren die Flemmingsche Loésung und Sublimat. Die Einbettung geschah nach der Paraffin- methode. Alle Schnitte wurden in einer Richtung gemacht, aus- strahlend vom Mittelpunkte der Linse, und in einer Dicke von 2,9—7,9 uw. Die von mir benutzten Farbemittel waren Safranin, Orcein, Chloralhimatoxylin (Gage) und Bielschowskys Nerven- faserfarbung. Der erste Teil meiner Arbeit behandelt die Erscheinungen bei 12 Stunden, 5, 11 und 14 Tage alten Exemplaren; im zweiten Teile soll ein fortschreitendes Bild der in der Entwicklung ent- stehenden Veranderungen gegeben werden, welche die besonderen Gebilde, die in den Bereich unseres Problems fallen, durchzumachen haben, bis sie zu ihrer bleibenden Gestalt und Lage gelangen: im dritten Teile endlich werde ich kurz die Ansichten anderer Forscher, die Entstehung der Fasern betreffend, anfiihren und nach meinen eigenen Beobachtungen die Griinde fiir und gegen die Aufrechterhaltung dieser Ansichten ausfiihrlich erértern. . Ja a } - = a5 s > a i a * it P seer G les id tw 4 ’ i as (oni Saha naan its: * fw od abn Win ‘ e } ? A rey diay 7 H 1 - . - Lf iy Y ad , : ¢ if | dik é 44 ae es 18 Goh | q : be ¥ ‘ > Viz aoe tt ith 3 Sid af j ‘ a = - +4 7 f 4 -~ ‘ ” os 5 3s 5 a es Z , * ti é y it Ss if = (Pim. f a ‘ al 4 } 4 a ‘ i on vi Lad Uses Mt Bw iis hha ‘VF e Pisa Bt a G ole sf om DY watt iat Tiainse) trnleine ald gia f “on Hate ate LT a rAd fading Beit riigi. ili lida |! tetas [ee | Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 27 Die weisse Maus, 12 Stunden alt. Die Augenlider sind noch nicht gedffnet. Die Netzhaut ist in ihrer Entwicklung so weit vorgeschritten, dass mebrere be- stimmte Schichten identifiziert werden kénnen; aber die Schicht der Zapfen und Stabchen. ist noch nicht vorhanden. Der Glas- kérperraum ist von einer Menge von Fasern derart durchzogen, dass sie ein Netzwerk bilden, welches viele Zellkérper und Blut- gefasse enthalt. Dieses Netzwerk reicht, wie man sehen kann, distalwarts') bis zur inneren Oberflache der Linse und dringt seitwirts von ihr in den Raum zwischen der pars ciliaris retinae und der Linse ein. Uberall, obgleich in der letzten Region weniger bemerkbar, ist auf diesem Netzwerk ein kérniger Niederschlag zu beobachten, der sich stark mit Himatoxylin farbt. Dieser Zustand verdunkelt den feinen Bau der Fasern, der Zellen und der begleitenden Blutgefasse. Die Zellen sind gross, hell und spindel- oder stern- formig und enthalten einen verhaltnismassig kleinen Kern. Ihre Ausliufer bilden das kérnige Netzwerk. Mehrere solche Zellen sind auf der inneren Oberflache der limitans retinae interna zu erkennen, lings welcher ihre Fasern zusammen mit anderen, vom Netzwerk ausgehenden laufen. Diese Fasern aber verbinden sich nicht mit der limitans. Die Blutgefiisse, in diesem Alter ver- haltnismassig sehr zahlreich, liegen auf der limitans, oder sie durchziehen das Netzwerk, werden von ihm getragen und erreichen die Linse, auf der sie ein besonders reiches Netz bilden. Die aussere Oberfliche der limitans stellt eine scharfe Linie gegen das helle Protoplasma der darunter liegenden Netzhaut- zellen dar, in starkem Gegensatz zu ihrer inneren Oberfliche mit den dazukommenden, aus dem Glaskérpernetzwerk stammenden Fasern. Die limitans selbst erscheint als eine deutliche, dicke und sich dunkel farbende Membran. Bei einigen Schnitten traf ich gliicklicherweise ihre flache Oberfliche, so dass ihr Bau gut zu untersuchen war. Es fehlten ihr sowohl Zellumrisse als auch Fasern. Diejenigen Fasern des Glaskérpernetzwerkes, welche sich langs ihrer inneren Oberfliche hinziehen, schienen an keiner *) In dieser ganzen Arbeit habe ich die Ausdriicke distal“ und ,proximal* angewendet; ersterer bedeutet an dem, oder in der Richtung auf den Hornhautpol des Augapfels hin, letzterer an oder in der Richtung zum Netzhaut- oder Funduspol hin. 976 W. M. Baldwin: Stelle mit ihr zu verschmelzen oder in ihr inneres Gefiige ein- zudringen. Sie ist durchweg vollstandig homogen. Verfolgt man sie distalwarts, so findet man, dass sie auf der Hohe der ora serrata in mehrere Schichten und Fasern sich auflést, yon denen jede sich bis zur Spitze einer ciliaren. Epithelzelle der inneren Schicht fortsetzt. Die Linsenhéhle besteht noch; aber die Zellen der durchsichtigen oder proximalen Reihe sind schon in lange Siulen ausgezogen. Die Kapsel erscheint auf beiden Seiten der Linse als eine verhaltnismiassig dicke fibrillare Membran, welche ein reiches Netzwerk von anastomosierenden Blutgefiassen trigt. Zu bemerken ist, dass die proximale Oberflache der Linse schon konvexer als die distale ist. Die Hornhaut zeigt drei Schichten, von denen die mittelste viele lingliche Zellen mit dunkel sich firbenden Kernen enthalt. Die Regenbogenhaut hat sich soweit entwickelt, dass sie nun neben ihrer zweischichtigen Epithellage auf der proximalen Seite eine deutliche Schicht von Mesenchym- gewebe zeigt, in welchem an dem pupillaren Rande der Iris die Anlage des m. sphincter iridis zu erkennen ist. Die noch unver- sehrte Pupillarmembran erstreckt sich durch den _ pupillaren Zwischenraum, indem sie sich wohl an die distale Linsenkapsel anlehnt, aber nicht mit ihr verschmilzt. Seitwiirts kann sie als eine von einer einzelnen Endothelzellenlage gebildete Schicht iiber die distale Seite des Mesenchymlagers der Iris bis zur Verbindung dieser mit der Hornhaut verfolgt werden. Bei einigen Schnitten ist in dem Raume zwischen dem Irisrande und der Linse ein Blutgefiiss zu finden, welches sich bis zur distalen Oberfliche der Linse hinzieht. Die pars optica retinae setzt sich gegen die pars ciliaris retinae an der ora serrata ab. Schon hat die Entwicklung der Ciliarfalten begonnen, und man kann bemerken, dass sie einen Kern yon Mesenchymgewebe einschliessen, welcher Blutkérperchen enthaltende Gefisse besitzt. Das Ciliarepithel ist iiberall aus zwei Schichten von Zylinderzellen zusammengesetzt. Hine wirkliche limitans ciliaris interna dagegen fehlt. Auf der inneren Epithel- oberfliche ist nichts zu sehen als der einfache, diinne Epithel- rand dieser scharf gegeneinander abgesetzten Zellen. An dieser Stelle muss noch besonders bemerkt werden, dass die Zellen der inneren Schicht des Ciliarepithels in eine Spitze oder einen Fort- satz auslaufen, und dass durch die ganze Linge der pars ciliaris Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 277 retinae jede Zelle einen solchen spitzen Fortsatz besitzt. Solche Fortsitze kénnen tatsichlich distalwarts bis zur inneren Seite der Irisbasis bemerkt werden. Ferner ist zu erwahnen, dass alle jene Epithelzellen zwischen der Spitze der definitiven Ciliarfalten und der ora serrata eine Faser haben, die sich an ihre Spitze ansetzt, dass aber in der Region distal von den erwahnten Teilen viele spitze Zellen zu bemerken sind, welche keinen Faseransatz haben. Von den distalen Verbindungen dieser Fasern und ihrer Bedeutung werde ich spater ausfiihrlicher sprechen. Die limitans retinae interna hort plotzlich an der ora ser- rata auf. Sie ist nicht distalwarts tiber das Ciliarepithel verlangert. Die limitans retinae externa ist indessen distalwarts zwischen den beiden Schichten des Ciliarepithels zu verfolgen. Sie ist distal- warts nicht so dick, erscheint jedoch trotzdem als eine deutliche, gleichartige und ununterbrochene lamina. Das Retziussche Biindel, das sich aus Fasern zusammensetzt, die aus den Epithelzellen unmittelbar distal yon der ora serrata hervorgehen und durch den ganzen Glaskérperraum strahlen, wie leicht an Embryoschnitten zu erkennen ist, ist verschwunden und an den Schnitten der 12 Stunden alten Maus nicht mehr aufzufinden. Hier gibt es keine membrana hyaloidea, und dem- gemass findet noch keine Trennung des Glaskérperraumes von dem definitiven Zonularaum statt. Viele Blutgefiisse mit ihren Blutkérperchen durchziehen diesen letzten Raum. Einige davon setzen sich an die Linsenkapsel an, wahrend andere lings des Ciliarepithels verlaufen. Die gréssten dieser Gefiisse aber sind in der Mitte des Raumes zu bemerken, getragen von einer diinnen ringformigen Membran. Diese reicht proximalwirts nicht tiber die Ebene der ora serrata hinaus und kann distalwarts bis zu jener Stelle der distalen Linsenoberfliche verfolgt werden, wo die Gefasse, welche sie tragt, sich an die Linsenkapsel anlegen. Bei einigen Schnitten liegt sie dicht an der Linse, bei anderen in nachster Nahe des Ciliarepithels. Sie wird in diesen ver- schiedenen Lagen von einer Reihe von Fasern gestiitzt, welche an die benachbarten Teile sich anlegen. Die Membran selbst ist diinn und farbt sich stark mit Hamatoxylin. Bei starker Vergrésserung zeigt es sich, dass sie aus einer oder zwei Schichten von Protoplasmafortsitzen gebildet ist, die aus spindelférmigen oder vierseitigen Zellen stammen. 278 W. M. Baldwin: Diese Zellen, welche in der ringférmigen, stiitzenden Membran vorkommen, sich gelegentlich aber auch auf den Gefisswiinden vortinden, enthalten einen runden oder ovalen Zellkern und reichlich kérniges, sich dunkel farbendes Protoplasma. Gewéhnlich gibt jede Zelle zwei Fortsitze ab, durch deren Vereinigung die hier besprochene Membran gebildet wird. Gelegentlich ist indessen auch nur ein Fortsatz einer spindelformigen Zelle zu bemerken, welche zur Linse hiniitbergeht; aber diese Beobachtung ist nur da zu machen, wo die Membran unterbrochen ist. Mitunter sieht man auch einen ahnlichen Fortsatz, der zum Ciliarepithel iiber- geht, wo er sich an die Spitze einer Epithelzelle anheftet. Solche Fortsatze sind gewohnlich dick, mit Hamatoxylin dunkel gefiarbt und besitzen einen kérnigen Niederschlag, abnlich wie er auf den Fasern des Glaskérperraumes sich findet. Noch ein anderer Zelltypus kann im Zonularaum_ nach- gewiesen werden. Er ist jedoch anscheinend auf diese Region beschrankt, da ich ahnliche Zellen im Glaskérperraum nicht finden kann. Es sind dies grosse, unregelmiassige Zellen mit einem grossen ovalen oder unregelmissigen Kern und reichlichem Proto- plasma, welches sich fast gar nicht mit Hiimatoxylin farbt. Solche Zellen liegen entweder auf der Gefaisshaut oder in dem leeren Raum zwischen ihr und dem Ciliarepithel. Zwischen der Linse und der Membran habe ich diese Zellen nicht gefunden. Jede Zelle ist besonders gekennzeichnet durch die grosse Zah! von Fortsitzen, die sie abgibt. Letztere sind ausserordentlich fein und hell und farben sich nur leicht mit Hamatoxylin. Auch ist auf ihnen kein kérniger Niederschlag zu bemerken. Solche fadenartigen Fortsitze ziehen sich entweder lings der stiitzenden, ringformigen Membran oder gegen das Ciliar- epithel hin. Dagegen kann ich keine finden, die sich nach der Linse hin erstreckten. Sie verzweigen und vereinigen sich oft, wodurch sie ein dichtes und verworrenes Netzwerk von sehr feinen Fasern bilden, welches zwischen der ora serrata und den Ciliar- fortsitzen am dicksten ist. Aber nur wenige Faserchen dieses Netzwerkes sind distal von dieser Gegend zu verfolgen. Jedoch ist leicht zu beobachten, dass jedes Faserchen sich schliesslich an die Spitze einer Ciliarepithelzelle festheftet. Solche, die in den Zwischenriumen benachbarter Epithelzellen inserieren, kann ich nicht finden, Die Fasern, welche von den spindelformigen Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 279 Zellen der Gefassmembran entspringen, durchziehen dieses Netz- werk, um an eine Epithelzelle zu inserieren, wie ich friiher bemerkt habe; jedoch wegen ihrer Dicke, ihrer dunkeln-Farbung und auch wegen des kornigen Niederschlages sind sie leicht von den zarten, hellen, keine Korner fiihrenden Fasern des eigent- lichen Netzwerkes zu unterscheiden. ; Ein dritter Fasertypus endlich ist noch in dem Raume zu erkennen. Dieser Typus ist indessen nicht oft zu bemerken, sondern ist auf die Spitzen der Ciliarfortsitze beschrankt. Er ist nur bei solchen Exemplaren zu beobachten, wo die Gefiss- membran in nachster Nihe jener Gebilde liegt. Es ist ein kurzer und verhiltnismiassig sehr breiter, schwach kérniger Protoplasma- fortsatz, welcher von der Ciliarzellenschicht direkt zur Membran geht, mit welcher er sich allem Anscheine nach vereinigt und so einer weiteren Untersuchung sich entzieht. Die Fortsatze dieser Art scheinen einfache Protoplasmafaden der Epithelzellen zu sein. Die weisse Maus, 5 Tage alt. Der Glaskérperraum zeigt in diesem Alter weniger Blut- gefasse und Zellen, waihrend der kornige Niederschlag auf den Fasern, welche den Raum durchziehen, so gut wie verschwunden ist. Die verschiedenen Schichten der Netzhaut haben sich dem Alter des Tieres entsprechend weiter entwickelt. Die lim. ret. int. endet noch auf der Ebene der ora serrata, indem sie sich in eine Anzahl von Schichten auflost, welche zu den Epithelzellen gehen. Man kann iiberdies beobachten, dass jetzt mehr dieser sie zusammensetzenden Schichten vorhanden sind als friiher, und dass die Intercellularsubstanz zwischen den Epithelzellen der inneren Ciliarschicht auch dicker ist. Indessen kann man keine Abgrenzung dieser Intercellularsubstanz von dem gleichartigen Bau der Schichten, welche die lim. bilden, erkennen. Die beiden Gebilde stehen in direktem Zusammenhang miteinander. Bei naherer Betrachtung scheinen die verschiedenen Lamellen sich bei der Anniherung an die Fortsatze der Spitze der Epithelzellen zu spalten, und jede Halfte einer geteilten Lamelle verbindet sich dann sofort mit der benachbarten Intercellularsubstanz. Bei noch weiterem Verfolgen nach der Seite findet man, dass diese Intercellularsubstanz in direkte Verbindung mit der gleichartigen Substanz der lim. ret. ext. tritt und damit verschmilzt. Zu der 280 W. M. Baldwin: Feststellung ihres direkten Zusammenhanges miteinander kommt hinzu, dass diese drei Gebilde: lim. ret. int., Intercellularsubstanz der ora serrata und lim. ret. ext. auch wegen ihres Verhaltens bei der Farbung und wegen ihres morphologischen Aussehens aus derselben homogenen Substanz zu bestehen scheinen. Die lim. ret. int. geht distalwirts nicht tiber das Oiliar- epithel hinaus. Keine lim. ciliaris interna ist in diesem Alter vorhanden. Die lim. ret. ext. andererseits setzt sich, wie schon friher bemerkt worden ist, zwischen den beiden Schichten des Ciliarepithels ununterbrochen fort. In der Hohe der ora ist sie bemerkenswert dicker als distal dazu. Die Linsenhohle ist noch vorhanden. Auf ihrer Kapsel sind anscheinend nicht so viele Blutgefaisse zu finden als friiher. Die Pupillenmembran ist noch unversehrt. Der Zonularaum enthalt dieselben morphologischen Bestand- teile, wie sie in 12 Stunden alten Exemplaren gefunden wurden. Das Netzwerk ist jedoch weniger verworren und die Maschen sind grésser. Die Gefiissmembran nimmt dieselbe relative Lage in dem Zonularaum ein, ist aber diinner geworden und weniger deutlich als eine Membran zu erkennen. Sie ist indessen aus denselben spindelférmigen dunkel gefarbten Zellen und ihren Fasern zusammengesetzt wie im vorigen Stadium. Unterbrechungen sind éfters zu bemerken, und in diesen kann man mebhrere zarte Faserchen sehen, die zur Linsenkapsel hinziehen. Diese Faserchen sind in diesem Alter oft aus den grossen hellen, unrege]missigen Zellen hervorgegangen, welche friiher schon beobachtet wurden. Solche Zellen findet man noch in derselben Lage im Zonularaum, nimlich entweder auf der Membran oder in dem freien Raum zwischen ihr und dem Ciliarepithel. Daneben kann man noch beobachten, dass einige der Zellen auf dem Ciliarepithel selbst liegen. Beim Verfolgen der Netzwerkfasern, welche aus diesen unregelmissigen Zellen kommen, bis zum Epithel bemerkt man nunmehr mehrere solche Fasern bis zum Intercellularraum zwischen benachbarten Zellen hinziehen, wihrend bei friiheren Exemplaren alle diese Fasern an den spitzen Fortsiitzen der Epithelzellen angeheftet waren. Ks haben freilich noch nicht viele Fasern ihren apicalen Ansatz verloren; doch ist die Anzahl der Epithel- zellen mit Apicalfortsitzen schon merklich verringert. Gelegent- lich ist eine dickere Faser, welche aus den spindelférmigen Zellen Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 281 der Membran hervorgeht, bis zum Epithel zu verfolgen, wie es schon bei den 12 Stunden alten Exemplaren bemerkt wurde. Diese Fortsatze werden indessen nur selten angetroffen und nur bei Zellen, die in der Nahe der ora serrata und lim. ret. int. liegen. Die dickeren Protoplasmafortsitze, welche friiher ohne Ver- mittlung eines Zellkorpers direkt vom Epithel zur Gefassmembran liefen, sind, gleichzeitig mit dem Diinnerwerden und dem teil- weisen Verschwinden jenes letzteren Gebildes, nicht mehr vor- handen. In diesem Alter ist keine Faser zu beobachten, welche direkt und ohne Unterbrechung vom Ciliarepithel zur Linse geht. Indessen werden viele Fasern gefunden, die, aus einer Zelle des Zonularaumes stammend, direkt zum Epithel gehen, wahrend ahnliche Fasern aus demselben Zellkérper in entgegengesetzter Richtung zur Linsenkapsel laufen. Die weisse Maus, 1l Tage alt. In diesem Alter ist die Linsenkapsel von _ betrachtlicher Dicke, und auf ihr verlaufen viele Blutgefasse. Diese sind auf der proximalen Oberfliche zahlreicher als auf der distalen. Die Linsenhohle ist infolge der Vereinigung der beiden Epithel- schichten, welche ihre Wande bildeten, verschwunden, aber die Pupillarmembran ist noch vorhanden. Die Ciliarregion hat sich seit dem 5. Tage sehr entwickelt. Die Ciliarfortsitze haben sich bedeutend vergréssert, erreichen jedoch die Linse-noch nicht ganz. Jeder derselben enthalt einen Kern von Mesenchymgewebe, das Gefasse mit vielen Blutkérperchen umschliesst. Dicht an die aussere Oberfliche der éusseren Schicht der Ciliarepithelzellen setzt sich eine Schicht sich verzweigender verlingerter Mesenchymzellen an. LEinige ihrer Fortsiatze sind zwischen diesen Epithelzellen zu verfolgen, wo sie sich mit der homogenen Intercellularsubstanz verbinden und nicht weiter ver- folgt werden kénnen. In keinem Falle kann man sie durch beide Epithelschichten des Zonularaumes verfolgen. Die ausseren Ciliarepithelzellen sind kurz, von saéulen- oder wirfelformiger Gestalt und kérniger als jene der inneren Schicht. Verfolgt man sie proximalwiarts, so findet man, dass sie an der ora serrata in die Pigmentschicht der Netzhaut tibergehen. Wie bei den jiingeren Exemplaren, kann auch bei diesem die lim. ret. ext. als lim. cil. ext. ununterbrochen distalwirts verfolgt 282 W. M. Baldwin: werden. An der ora serrata ist sie jedoch betrachtlich verdickt. An keiner Stelle ist eine Verschiedenheit ihres Baues von dem homogenen Gefiige der Intercellularsubstanz festzustellen, sowohl bei der dusseren, wie bei der inneren Schicht der Epithelzellen, mit denen sie sich direkt verbindet. Weiterhin ist zu bemerken, dass die Intercellularsubstanz zwischen jenen inneren Epithelzellen, welche in dem Gziirtel zwischen den Ciliarfortsitzen und der ora serrata liegen, und ebenso derjenigen im Raume zwischen henachbarten Fortsatzen gleichmissig verdickt ist. Ein eingehendes Studium des Raumes zwischen diesen Zellen an den auf dieses folgenden Stadien bis zum 14. Tage fortschreitend, zeigt, dass das Dickenwachstum dieser Substanz durch die ganze Linge der Zwischenraéume in gleichmissiger Weise stattgefunden hat, d. h. die Zunahme zeigt sich nicht zuerst an einem Ende des Raumes zwischen zwei Zellen und schreitet dann allmihlich zum anderen Ende vor. Andererseits. zeigt die Substanz zwischen benachbarten Epithel- zellen, welche auf den Ciliarfortsitzen liegen, keine so merkliche Zunahme an Dicke. Ich habe oben erwihnt, dass sowohl die Intercellularsubstanz zwischen den Zellen der ausseren Schicht, wie auch die zwischen den Zellen. der inneren Schicht mit der lim. cil. ext. zusammen- hingt; jedoch nur an sehr wenigen Stellen liegen diese Inter- cellularsubstanzen in derselben Ebene und bilden so eine Scheide- wand, welche die ganze Dicke des Ciliarepithels durchquert. Der Bau der limitans und der der Intercellularsubstanzen scheint der- selbe zu sein: ein zellen- und faserloses, homogenes Abscheidungs- produkt, das sich dunkel und gleichmissig farbt. Die Zellen der inneren Schicht sind siulenformig und linger als die der fusseren Schicht. Sie haben ein verhaltnismassig helles Protoplasma und einen zentral gelegenen, ovalen oder unregelmissigen Kern. Mitosen sind in beiden Epithelschichten nachzuweisen. Die inneren Rander der inneren Epithelzellen, welche sich auf den Ciliarfortsatzen finden, liegen offenbar in derselben Ebene. Eine Anzahl sich dunkel farbender Fasern, die mehr oder weniger eng verbunden erscheinen, liegen auf diesem Epithelrande und sehen wie eine limitans ciliaris interna aus. Man kann indessen an Exemplaren mit gelegentlich kiirzerer Epithelzelle, oder wo Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnil. 283 infolge der Praparation diese Fasern von der darunter liegenden Epithelobertliche entfernt sind, leicht erkennen, dass die Rander dieser Zellen nicht merklich verdickt sind, dass eine wirkliche limitans ciliaris interna in Wirklichkeit nicht vorhanden ist. Ferner erstreckt sich die lim. ret. int. nicht distalwarts tber irgend einen Teil des Ciliarepithels hinweg. Der Zonularaum erscheint in diesem Alter verhaltmassig gross und ist vom Glaskérperraum durch die Membrana hyaloidea getrennt. Diese Membran erscheint als ein diinnes, homogenes ' Gebilde; sie liegt proximal zur Linse und heftet sich an das Epithel der ora serrata ganz ahnlich wie das Ende der lim. ret. int. und unmittelbar distal von ihr. Bei genauer Betrachtung sieht man, dass sie sich in eine Anzahl von Schichten auflost, von denen jede sich an der Spitze einer Fpithelzelle spaltet und sofort mit der Intercellularsubstanz verschmilzt. Auf der distalen Oberfliche der Membran und dicht bei ihrer Befestigungsstelle am Epithel sind viele unregelmassig gestaltete Zellen mit ovalen oder unregelmissigen Kernen und mit mehreren Fortsatzen zu bemerken. Einige derselben sind bis zu den Epithelzellen zu ver- folgen, wahrend andere in entgegengesetzter Richtung nach der Linse hin laufen, indem sie langs der distalen Oberflache der Membran ziehen, mit welcher sie sich schliesslich verbinden. Einige Blutgefasse sind in dem Raume noch vorhanden. Die Membran, welche sie bei den jiingeren Exemplaren stiitzte, ist jedoch als eine deutliche morphologische Einheit verschwunden. Es ist wahr, dass die dunkel gefarbten, spindelférmigen Zellen, welche dieses Gefiige durch ihre vereinigten dicken Fortsatze friiher bildeten, noch in diesem Raume vorhanden sind; aber sie sind nur noch auf die Gefiisswinde beschrankt. Ihre Fortsatze laufen vereinzelt lings der Gefaisse und verschmelzen mit anderen ahnlichen Fortsatzen, ohne jedoch eine stiitzende Membran zu bilden. Die hellen, auslauferreichen Zellen der jiingeren Exemplare sind noch ebenso zahlreich wie friiher vorhanden und nehmen relativ dieselbe Lage ein wie auf der friiheren Stufe. Einige davon scheinen jetzt nur zwei Fortsaitze auszusenden, von denen der eine sich zur Linse, der andere zum Epithel hinzieht. Starke Vergrésserung zeigt jedoch, dass dicht beim Epithel jede Faser sich in viele feine Faserchen teilt, die sich alle entweder an eine Epithel- zelle oder an die Intercellularsubstanz zwischen diesen Zellen heften. 284 W.M. Baldwin: Tangentialschnitte belehren dariiber, dass viele dieser unregel- massig gestalteten Zellen auf der Ciliarepitheloberflache liegen, wo sie anastomosierende Fasern abgeben, die das Augeninnere umschliessen. Diese Fasern, sowie auch jene, die ich oben schon erwihnte, und die vom Epithel zur Linse ziehen, nehmen, wenn sie dicht am Epithel der Ciliarfortsétze angeheftet sind, das Aussehen einer limitans dieser Zellen an. Keine der Epithel- zellen der Ciliarfortsitze jedoch erhalt Fasern. Die letzteren gehen ununterbrochen weiter, ohne mit diesen Zellen in strukturale Verbindung zu treten. Einige der nach der Linse ziehenden — Fasern vereinigen sich mit einem Bipolarzellenfortsatz, der auf einer Blutgefasswand liegt; aber keine Faser tritt schliesslich mit den Endothelzellen der Gefisswande selbst in Verbindung. Kin eingehendes Studium der Anheftungsweise der Fasern an das Ciliarepithel zeigt, dass neben den beiden oben erwihnten Arten der Verbindung, namlich an die apicalen Fortsatze und an die Intercellularriume der Epithelien noch die folgenden hin- zutreten. Manche Fasern, die an den Apicalfortsiitzen der Epithel- zellen inserieren, haben verschiedene Beziehung zu dem Cuticular- rande dieser Zellen und zu der angrenzenden Intercellularsubstanz. In einigen Fallen ist namentlich bei den jiingeren Exemplaren haufiger zu bemerken, dass die zarten Fasern an den Apical- fortsitzen plétzlich aufhoren. In anderen sind die Cuticular- rander der Epithelfortsitze verdickt und ziehen sich langs der angehefteten Fasern nach der Linse hin. Wiederum kann die Verdickung der Cuticularrander auf eine Seite des Fortsatzes beschrankt sein, wahrend in noch anderen Fallen die Cuticula auf einer Seite des Fortsatzes nur auf eine kurze Strecke der Entfernung von der Intercellularsubstanz bis zur angehefteten Faser verdickt ist. In keinem Falle aber findet man einen ver- dickten Cuticularrand nur auf die Ansatzstelle der Faser beschrankt und ohne Verbindung mit der benachbarten Intercellularsubstanz. Wo die Fasern in diesem Alter sich direkt mit der Intercellular- substanz verbinden, sind sie durch diese sich dunkel farbende Masse nicht weiter zu verfolgen. Die weisse Maus, 14 Tage alt. In diesem Alter hat das Auge annahernd seine endgiltige Beschaffenheit erreicht. Die Augenlider sind offen, und die Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 285 Pupillarmembran ist verschwunden. Im Aquator der Linse sind indessen noch einige Blutgefaisse zu bemerken. Die membrana hyaloidea, welche den Glaskérperraum vom Zonularaum trennt, ist dicker und dunkler gefirbt, aber ihre Beziehungen und Ver- bindungen sind dieselben wie bei den Exemplaren von 11 Tagen. Der Zonularaum ist von den zahlreichen Zonulafasern ein- genommen, welche gewohnlich direkt vom Ciliarepithel zur Linsen- kapsel ziehen. Sie sind an diese entweder Aquatorial, oder wie bei einigen wenigen, distal zu dieser Region angeheftet. Die meisten setzen sich jedoch an jenen Teil der Linsenkapsel an, welcher sich vom Aquator zu dem proximalen Pol erstreckt. Einige der Fasern dieser letzten Gruppe heften sich an die distale Oberflache der membrana hyaloidea. Man kann diese Fasern eine kurze Strecke auf der Linsenkapsel verfolgen; dann ver- einigen sie sich anscheinend mit ihr und sind nicht weiter zu verfolgen. Andere dagegen vereinigen sich mit den Fortsatzen aus den Bipolarzellen, welche sich auf den Gefassen langs der Linsenkapsel befinden. Die Anheftung der Zonulafasern an die pars ciliaris retinae ist wie bei der 11 Tage alten Maus auf die Teile dieses Epithels, welche zwischen den Ciliarfortsitzen und der ora serrata liegen, und auch auf die Vertiefungen zwischen benachbarten Fortsatzen beschrankt. Keine dieser Fasern ist an dem Epithel auf den Ciliarfortsatzen befestigt. Jede Faser sitzt entweder an der Spitze eines Epithelzellenfortsatzes oder an der Intercellularsubstanz zwischen aneinander grenzenden Zellen an. Es sind jedoch auch verschiedene spitze Epithelzellen zu beobachten, die keine Faser- ansitze haben. Im ganzen sind weniger spitze Zellen vorhanden als bei den jiingeren Exemplaren. Zu erwihnen wire noch, dass sie bei den alteren Exemplaren weniger oft auf den distalen Teilen des Ciliarepithels angetroffen werden, .aber dass sie selbst im Alter auf den Schnitten niemals ganz fehlen. Bei eingehendem Studium der Intercellularsubstanz ist leicht zu sehen, dass das, was als direkte Verlangerungen der Zonula- fasern erscheint, sich als deutliche faserartige Bander erkennen lasst, die von der homogenen Intercellularsubstanz, in der sie liegen, sehr verschieden sind, und welche sich dunkel firben. Sie kénnen nach der lim. cil. ext. hin verfolgt werden, ohne diese jedoch ganz zu erreichen. Bei einigen Schnitten, wo das 286 W.M. Baldwin: Messer gerade neben der flachen Oberfliche einer Schicht Inter- cellularsubstanz eindrang, waren diese Fasern am besten als sich dunkel farbende Faden zu sehen, die sich nach der 4Ausseren Zellschicht hinziehen. In keinem Falle indessen liegen diese Faserchen, wie Tangentialschnitte zeigen, innerhalb der Epithel- zellkorper. Nicht alle Zonulafasern gehen ununterbrochen zur Linse, da yiele verlangerte, spindelformige Zellkérper ihren Lauf unter- brechen. Diese Zellen haben einen oyalen oder unregelmissigen Kern, der von reichlichem und in manchen Fallen dunkel ge- firbtem Protoplasma umgeben ist. Sie geben in der Regel zwei Fasern ab, yon denen eine zur Linse, die andere zum Ciliar- epithel geht; hier teilt sich jede in eine Anzahl feiner Faserchen und erlangt eine Verbindung mit den Epithelzellen ganz ahnlich wie andere Zonulafasern, in deren Verlauf keine Zellen nachzu- weisen sind. Zellen sind durch den ganzen Zonularaum zerstreut ; sie liegen aber gewohnlich naher zum Epithel als zur Linse. Kinige sind dicht an den Ciliarepithelzellen zu finden und senden Fort- sitze aus, die sich mit Fortsitzen aus ahnlich gelegenen Zellen vereinigen und das Innere des Augapfels umkreisen. Gelegentlich ist auch eine Zelle auf einer Zonulafaser zu bemerken; in welcher nur die Umrisse des Kernes und des Zell- kérpers vorhanden sind. Die Faserfortsitze solcher ,,Schatten- zellen* sind trotzdem gut erhalten und dunkel gefarbt. Das Ciliarepithel zeigt dieselben Besonderheiten wie bei den 11 Tage alten Mausen; ausgenommen, dass es sich in ver- schiedener Hinsicht in einem vorgeschritteneren Entwicklungs- stadium befindet. Fortsitze von Mesenchymzellen nahe dem musc. ciliaris treten in die Intercellularsubstanz der dusseren Epithel- schicht ein; aber keiner dieser Ausliufer geht hindurch bis in den Zonularaum. Die Intercellularsubstanz der inneren Epithel- schicht ist an jenen Stellen, wo Zonulafasern ansetzen, im Ver- gleiche zu der auf den Ciliarfortsitzen verdickt. Das Protoplasma mehrerer ciliarer Epithelzellen der ausseren Schicht dringt nach innen zu in den Raum zwischen angrenzenden, dariiber liegenden Zellen der inneren Epithelschicht ein. Man findet jedoch nicht, dass die Zonulafasern mit solchen Ver- langerungen zusammenhingen. Auf keinem Teile des Ciliar- epithels ist eine lim. cil. int. vorhanden. Ich muss auch hier Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 287 wieder wie bei den 11 Tage alten Maéusen erwahnen, dass das Aussehen einer solchen limitans dadurch hervorgerufen wird, dass mehrere Zonulafasern sich tiber die Oberfliche von Zellen auf den Ciliarfortsitzen hinziehen; die lim. ret. int. dagegen erstreckt sich nicht iiber das Ciliarepithel. Uberblicken wir nun kurz die ganze Reihe der untersuchten Mause, so ergibt sich folgendes Bild der aufeinanderfolgenden Entwicklungsstadien : Vom ersten Tage der Geburt an sind die lim. ret. int. und die lim. ret. ext. als deutliche Membranen vorhanden. Die membrana limitans interna ist indes die stirkere von beiden, und ihre Starke wird noch dadurch betrachtlich vergréssert, dass sich ihrer inneren Oberflaiche zahlreiche Fasern anlegen, die von dem urspriinglichen Glaskérpergewebe herstammen. Diese Membran kann an ihrem iiussersten Ende nur bis zur ora serrata verfolgt werden, die schon als die Verbindung zwischen der pars ciliaris retinae und der pars optica retinae bezeichnet wurde. Dort endigt sie, indem sie sich in verschiedene Lamellen teilt, wovon jede sich an eine Epithelzelle der ora serrata anlegt. Dagegen erstreckt sich die lim. ret. ext. von Anfang an an ihrem distalen Ende zwischen die zwei Schichten von Ciliarepithelzellen als eine ununterbrochene Membran, die limitans ciliaris externa. Die nachstfolgenden Tage hindurch nimmt die lim. retinae int. sowohl an Substanz wie aucb an Anzahl der Lameilen zu, in die sie sich am fussersten Ende teilt. Die Intercellularsubstanz, mit der die limitans direkt zu- sammenhangt, wichst in einem entsprechenden Verhaltnis an Starke und ist schon am 6. Tag in merklichen Gegensatz zu der zwischen anderen benachbarten Zellen getreten. Ihr Zusammen- hang mit der lim. ret. ext. ist ebenfalls klar ersichtlich, und es muss ferner bemerkt werden, dass letztere an dieser Stelle schon betrachtlich dicker geworden ist. Schon am ersten Tage sind die Ciliarkérperfortsatze auf- getreten, jeder mit dem zweischichtigen Ciliarepithel und einem Kern aus Mesenchymgewebe, das Blutgefisse mit ihren Blut- kérperchen enthalt. Die Ciliarfortsitze wachsen allmahlich an Grosse und Zahl bis zum 14. Tag, wo sie ihre grésste Ent- wicklung erreicht haben. Es muss bemerkt werden, dass in den spiteren Entwicklungsstufen einige dieser Fortsatze verastelt sind. Ferner beginnt die Intercellularsubstanz, die zwischen ge- 288 W. M. Baldwin: wissen Epithelzellen der inneren Schicht liegt, vom 7. Tage an sich allmahlich zu verstarken. Dieses Wachstum findet in einem einheitlichen Verhaltnis in der ganzen Lange der Zwischenraume angrenzender Zellen statt. Es muss noch hinzugefiigt werden, dass die Teile des Epithels, wo dieses Wachstum stattfindet, sich auf die ringformige Zone zwischen den Ciliarkérperfortsatzen und der ora serrata, sowie auf die Zwischenréume zwischen den Ciliarfortsitzen beschranken. Gleichzeitig verstaérkt sich auch die lim. cil. ext., soweit sie in dieser Gegend anliegt. Eine Unter- scheidung der Zellen der Ausseren Ciliarschicht von denen der inneren ist von Anfang an méglich wegen ihrer morphologischen Eigentiimlichkeiten. Die Zellen der inneren Schicht sind in den jiingsten untersuchten Stadien fast alle spitz, und auf jeder Spitze liegt eine Faser, die von dem den Zonularaum ausfiillenden Netz- gewebe herkommt. Mit fortschreitender Entwicklung werden die spitzen Zellen, die auf den Ciliarkérperfortsatzen liegen, allmihlich in Zellen umgebildet, die eine flache, gegen die Linse gerichtete Oberfliche darbieten. Diese .Verinderung hat sich schon am 5. Tag vollzogen. Die spitzen Zellen sind demgemass beschrankt auf die zwischen diesen Ciliarkérperfortsitzen liegenden Taler und auf die Zone, die sich zwischen letzteren und der ora serrata ausdehnt. Aber selbst in diesen Gegenden nehmen diese Zellen, indem sie der Verschiebung der Zonulafasern von einer apicalen Insertion zu einer intercellularen sich anpassen, an Zahl ab. Indessen verschwinden sie nie ganz aus einer Schnittserie, da sogar bei der ausgewachsenen Maus noch viele solcher Zellen gefunden werden. Die Umbildung solcher spitzen Zellen und die Verainderung in der Insertion der Zonulafasern erfolgt gleichzeitig mit dem Wachstum der Intercellularsubstanz, die zwischen den Epithel- zellen der Zonulagegend liegt. Zwischen dem 8. und dem 11. Tage kann man diese Verainderungen am besten wahrnehmen. Hinzuzufiigen ist, dass durch die ganze Serie Epithelzellen nach- gewiesen werden kénnen, die einen spitzen Fortsatz haben, der aber mit keiner Zonulafaser verbunden ist. Der Glaskérperraum ist am Anfang der Serie mit der ent- sprechenden Glaskérpersubstanz angefiillt, die aus einem losen Netz- werk von Faserchen besteht. Diese kommen von verastelten oder bipolaren Zellen her, welche die zahlreichen Blutgefasse umgeben. Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 289 Von Anfang an wird auf diesen Zellen und Fasern ein kérniger Niederschlag bemerkt. Keine Scheidewand trennt in den friiheren Entwicklungsstufen den Glaskérperraum von dem eigentlichen Zonularaum. Die Glaskérpersubstanz wird auch in dem letzteren Raum gefunden und weist dieselben Elemente in ihrer Zusammensetzung und dieselbe allgemeine morphologische Gestalt auf. Es erfolgt sodann eine allmahliche Verminderung in der Zahl dieser Elemente bis zum 5. Tag, wo der Raum von kérnigem Niederschlag frei ist. Das Netzwerk ist ebenso in diesem Alter weniger deutlich, aber die Blutgefasse und die sie tragenden Zellen und Fasern sind noch vorhanden und kénnen sogar bis zum 27. Tag nachgewiesen werden, allerdings an Zahl bedeutend verringert. Die Membrana hyaloidea erscheint nach dem Verschwinden der kérnigen Substanz aus dem Zonularaum und hat schon am 10. Tag die morphologischen Eigentiimlichkeiten des fertigen Zu- standes nahezu erreicht. Neben den urspriinglichen Bestandteilen der Glaskérper- substanz, die man im Zonularaum findet, ist dort noch ein Zell- typus vorhanden, der nicht im Glaskérperraum vertreten ist. Es sind dies helle, grosse, schwach gefarbte Zelien mit einem grossen ovalen oder unregelmassigen Kern, reichlichem Protoplasma und einem unregelmiassig gestalteten Zellkérper. Zellen von diesem Typus liegen entweder auf der Gefiissmembran oder frei im Zonulagebiet. Jede Zelle gibt sehr viel feine, helle Protoplasma- fortsatze ab. Diese Fortsiitze verzweigen sich, anastomosieren und verschmelzen sehr oft und bilden so ein wirres Netzwerk zwischen der Blutgefissmembran und der ganzen Lange des Ciliarepithels. Die einzelnen Fasern, welche solch ein Netzwerk bilden, heften sich schliesslich an die Spitze einer Ciliarepithel- zelle an. Diese Zellen nehmen an den allmahlichen regressiven Ver- anderungen, welchen die Bestandteile der Glaskérpersubstanz unterworfen sind, nicht teil, sondern bleiben bestehen, und nehmen womoglich mit der fortschreitenden Vergrésserung des Zonula- raumes verhaltnismissig an Zahl zu. Gleichzeitig aber mit der schnellen Entwicklung der Ciliarfortsitze und mit den iiberein- stimmenden morphologischen Veranderungen in den Epithelzellen, welche sie bedecken, wird das aus den Zellen heryorgehende I9Q W. M. Baldwin: Netzwerk in seiner Lage eingeschrankt. Spater heftet es sich . nur an das Epithel des Strahlenkranzes und an die Vertiefungen. Zu gleicher Zeit wird es entsprechend den regressiven Ver- inderungen der Gefasse und der daran gelegenen Bipolarzellen- fasern weniger verworren. Auch aus einem anderen Grunde noch anastomosieren, gleichzeitig mit der Vergrésserung des (Juerdurchmessers des Zonularaumes, die Fasern aus den hellen Zellen viel weniger oft. Sie werden betrachtlich langer und dicker, dunkler gefarbt und verschmelzen in dem Augenblick, wo sie den Zellkorper verlassen. Diese Vereinigung hat die Wirkung, solche helle Zellen bipolar erscheinen zu lassen, wobei eine Faser sich nach der Linse, die andere nach dem Epithel hinzieht. Wenn indessen der letztere Fortsatz bis zum Ciliarepithel verfolgt wird, so stellt sich heraus, dass er sich in eine Anzahl ausser- ordentlich feiner Fiaserchen zerteilt, welche in ihrem morpho- logischen Charakter und ihrem Verhalten gegeniiber der Farbung genau den zarten Faserchen gleichen, welche das Netzwerk bei den jiingeren Exemplaren bildeten. Endlich wird das Netzwerk allmahlich durch die Zonula- fasern ersetzt, welche eine direkte Richtung vom Epithel zur Linse einschlagen. Beinahe jede Faser ist zuerst von einem Zellkérper unterbrochen. Im vorgeschrittenen Stadium vermehrt sich die Zahl der Zonulafasern, welche keine Zellkorper tragen, allmahlich. Bei den ausgewachsenen Exemplaren sind sehr wenige solcher Zellkérper zu bemerken. Aber sobald diese verschwinden, treten die ,Schattenzellen“ auf. Letztere haben sehr deutliche und anscheinend gut erhaltene Zonulafaserfortsatze, jedoch nur den Umriss eines Kernes und eines Zellkorpers. Ich kann daraus nur schliessen, dass diese ,Schattenzellen“ entartete, helle Zell- korper sind, in welchen die Faserfortsitze schliesslich als Zonula- fasern des fertigen Auges bestehen bleiben. Seit dem ersten Bericht von Zinn im Jahre 1775 sind von den Forschern viele und verschiedene Ansichten iiber den Ursprung, die Bedeutung und die letzten morphologischen Verhialt- nisse der Zonulafasern aufgestellt worden. Collins (1891) betrachtete sie als Fortsitze der Linsenzellen, welche sich zu den Ciliarepithelzellen erstreckten und schliesslich mit diesen vereinigten, eine Ansicht, die heute von den Gelehrten kaum anerkannt wird. Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 291 Eine Anzahl von Forschern haben die Fasern aus dem ur- spriinglichen Glaskérpergewebe abgeleitet.1) Diesen Standpunkt nehmen ein: Lieberkiihn, Angelucci, Loewe, Schwalbe, Haensell, Iwanoff, Salzmann, de Waele, Retzius und von Lenhossék. Die Arbeit des zuletzt genannten Forschers wurde auch an Saugetieren, einschliesslich des Menschen, aus- gefiihrt, griindete sich jedoch grésstenteils auf ein Studium von Hiihnerembryonen vom 4. bruttage an. Er sah die Fasern frei in der distalen Verlingerung des Glaskérperraumes zwischen der Linse und dem Ciliarepithel liegen.. Sie bildeten zuerst ein ver- zweigtes Netzwerk, ahnlich dem urspriinglichen, anderswo zu findenden Glaskérpernetzwerk, und lésen sich, unbeeinflusst vom Zusammenhange mit Zellen des urspriinglichen Glaskérpers. der Linse oder des Ciliarepithels, allmahlich in deutliche verzweigte Fasern auf, die von der Linse direkt zum Ciliarepithel laufen, ‘ wo sie sich zuletzt mit der Intercellularsubstanz jener Region verbinden. Er sah zuerst einen deutlichen Zwischenraum, welcher die Zonulafasern vom Ciliarepithel trennte, der aber spater von den Fasern iiberbriickt wurde. Lenhosséks Entdeckungen mégen den Ursprung dieser Fasern bei Végeln zeigen. Meine eigenen Resultate lassen mich jedoch nach dem, was ich gefunden habe, glauben, dass die Ent- wicklung bei Siugetieren anders verlauft. In diesem Zusammen- hang ist es interessant, dass Rabl. der an Menschen, Schafen, Schweinen, Végeln, Selachiern und Amphibien arbeitete, Ergebnisse berichtete, welche zeigten, dass die Entwicklung der Fasern beim Hiihnchen von der bei anderen Tierformen verschieden ist. Bis wir demgemass den infolge von Schrumpfung der Praparate ent- standenen Fehler ausgeschaltet haben, der in einer Anzahl ver- offentlichter Zeichnungen zutage tritt, und der den yon Lenhossék gesehenen Raum zwischen den Fasern und dem Epithel erklaren mag, miissen wir etwas skeptisch sein gegeniiber der Fahigkeit der Fasern, sich frei von jeder Zellentitigkeit so zu organisieren, arrangieren und anzusetzen, wie der Verfasser es beschrieben hat. Und wir diirfen nicht den zweiten Fehler begehen, zu folgern, dass das etwa fiir das Hiihnchen Richtige notwendiger- weise auch fiir Siugetiere gelten miisse. ) Auf die Controversen iiber die erste Entstehung des Glaskirpers wird hier nicht eingegangen. . 292 W. M. Baldwin: Zinn, Cloquet, Dessauer, Claeys, Czermak, Topolowski, Collius, Agababow, Terrien und Metzner schlossen, dass die Zonulafasern aus dem Ciliarepithel entstiinden. Schoen sah sie fiir Protoplasmafortsitze an, die aus den inneren Epithelzellen erwiichsen. O. Schultze, Sbhordane, Fischel (der am. Salamanderauge arbeitete), Rabl und Addario waren derselben Meinung. Damianoff indessen betrachtete diese Fasern als ein Ausscheidungsprodukt dieser Zellen. Schoen bemerkte iiberdies, dass jede Epithelzelle eine Faser hergab, die durch Verbindung mit ihren Nachbarn eine wirkliche Zonulafaser bildete. Von Spee beobachtete ihren Ansatz an spitze Epithel- zellen und schloss daraus, dass sie in Wirklichkeit eine Art von Cuticularprodukt dieser Zellen seien. Salzmann und yon Ebner teilten diese Ansicht; letzterer erklarte dazu, er kénne sehen, dass einige der Fasern in die Epithelzellen eindrangen. Kélliker behauptete ebenfalls den Epithelstandpunkt die Fasern betreffend, indem er annahm, dass sie in genetischer Beziehung zu den Fasern des Glaskérpers stinden, trotz der tatsichlichen Verschiedenheit ihrer chemischen Reaktionen. Will man durch Ausschluss zu einem Beweise kommen, auf Grund der oben erwahnten Arbeiten, dass die Zonulafasern wirklich Auswiichse der inneren Ciliarepithelzellen darstellen, so gibt es in bezug auf den Vorgang, durch welchen sie zu ihrer endgiiltigen Lage gelangen, nur zwei Méglichkeiten. Die erste ist die, dass die Verbindung zwischen den Kpithelzellen und der Linse in einer fritheren Periode, als diese Teile einander beriihrten, entstand, und dass als Resultat des Auftretens des Zonularaumes und der allmahlichen Vergrésserung seines Querdurchmessers diese Fasern, welche ihre Ansatzstelle an der Linse noch behaupteten, linger und langer wurden, bis schliesslich der endgiiltige Zustand erreicht war. Diese Annahme kann in zwei Hauptpunkten kritisiert werden. Erstens: So viel ich weiss, hat noch kein Autor bei Saugetieren eine Form beschrieben, in welcher selbst in den friiheren Stadien die Linse und die Ciliarregion jemals in direkter Beriihrung miteinander gestanden hatten. Eine Schicht von Mesenchymgewebe mit Blutgefissen trennt diese beiden Gebilde von Anfang an. Zweitens (hier kann ich nur von meinen Be- obachtungen an der weissen Maus sprechen): Die von mir be- Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 23 merkten spitzen Zellen, welche Protoplasmafortsitze abgeben, die ununterbrochen zur Linse laufen, waren jene auf den Ciliar- fortsitzen, wo spiter keine Zonulafasern angeheftet sind. Drittens: An jenen Flichen, wo die endgiiltigen Fasern angeheftet sind, habe ich auf den friiheren Stufen der Entwicklung keine Proto- plasmafortsitze finden kénnen, die direkt und ununterbrochen zur Linse gehen. Die Zonulafasern miissen sich demgemiss in einer spiteren Periode, wenn ein Raum zwischen der Linse und dem Ciliarepithel vorhanden ist, entwickelt haben. Wir kénnen unsere Aufmerk- samkeit daher auf die zweite Annahme lenken. Diese ist kurz folgende: um einen Beweis von dem Epithel- ursprung der Fasern richtig zu begriinden hinsichtlich der un- zweifelhaften Tatsache, dass der Raum, durch welchen sie laufen, schon von vielen Mesenchymzellen und Fasern, die selbst einen Epithelansatz haben, eingenommen ist, miissten wir notwendiger- weise diese Fortsatze auf verschiedenen Stufen des genetischen Fortschreitens gesehen haben, wie sie aus dem Epithel hervor- wachsen und zur Linse fortschreiten, bis sie sich spiter dort an- setzen. Ein solcher Beweis fehlt in der Arbeit der erwahnten Forscher. Demgegeniiber habe ich in meinen Schnitten mehrere l'asern bemerkt, die eine kurze Strecke zur Linse hin liefen und dann plétzlich endeten. Diese Fasern waren immer von anderen begleitet, welche die ganze Strecke zur Linse durchliefen. Selbst mit den besten Linsen, die mir zu Gebote standen, und bei ungefahr 2000facher linearer Vergrésserung habe ich in keinem Falle bestimmen kénnen, ob das Ende der Fasern das _ spitze Knde einer wachsenden Faser oder das durch das Messer ab- geschnittene Ende einer Faser war, welche sich ein wenig unter der Ebene ihrer Nachbarn befand. Auch heben Serienschnitte trotz sorgfaltigster Ausfiihrung die Schwierigkeiten nicht auf. Das Haupthindernis ist die Orientierung dieser Fasern beim Ubergang von einem Schnitte zum nachsten der Serie. Und wenn man bedenkt, dass sie in einem hellen Raume liegen, ver- haltnismassig weit entfernt von festen Punkten, die zur Lage- bestimmung dienen kénnten; wenn man auch die Leichtigkeit bedenkt, wie solche Fortsetzungen durch die Priparation ver- loren gehen oder verschoben werden, selbst bei den am sorg- faltigsten behandelten Exemplaren: so muss man gestehen, dass 294 W. M. Baldwin: hierin eine Schwierigkeit fiir unser Studium liegt, die bis jetzt fast uniiberwindlich ist. Uberdies kann ich bei weiterer Kritik dieser zweiten An- nahme hinzufiigen, dass meine eigene Arbeit und die vieler anderer Forscher, iiber deren Ergebnisse ich spater ausfiihrlicher reden werde, zeigen, dass die Zonulafasern schliesslich einen Inter- cellularansatz haben und nicht an einen Apicalfortsatz auf dem Ciliarepithel ansetzen. Gerade wie diese Verainderung des An- satzes erfolgt, und durch welche verschiedenen Vorgange sie zustande gekommen ist, das hat keiner der Verfechter des Epithelursprungs erklaren kénnen, wenn sie auch den spateren Intercellularansatz ebenfalls bemerkt haben. Wie koénnen wir weiter das Vorhandensein von Zellen mit deutlichem Zellumriss und Zellkernen auf den Zonulafasern und dem Ciliarepithel erklaren bei Mausen, die beinahe voll aus- gewachsen sind? Lenhossék und andere haben runde oder unregelmiissige Zellen mit einem deutlichen unregelmassigen Kern in solechen Lagen beobachtet und sie fiir Leukocyten erklart. Ich habe diese Zellen ebenfalls gesehen und bin zu demselben Schluss gekommen. Aber die Zellen, auf die ich mich besonders beziehe, geben Zweige ab, die zur Linse und zum Epithel laufen. Wolfrum sah solche Zellen in seinen Exemplaren. Nussbaum beobachtete sie vor ihm beim Kaninchen. Ich habe sie bei jedem Schnitt durch die ganze Reihe der weissen Mause gefunden und sie iiberdies auch im Auge des erwachsenen Menschen bemerkt. Das Fehlen oder Vorhandensein einer wirklichen Grenz- membran auf dem freien Rande der Ciliarepithelzellen der inneren Schicht ist von mehreren Forschern als Beweis fiir oder gegen den Lauf der Zonulafasern zu einem tieferen Ansatz in dem Epithel dieser Region angefiihrt worden. Lenhossék z. B. glaubte an das Vorhandensein einer wirklichen limitans ciliaris interna, deren Funktion es sei, die Zonulafasern mit dem darunter- liegenden Intercellulargewebe, mit dem sie direkt zusammenhangt, in Beziehung zu bringen. Diese Membran ist nach ibm ununter- brochen. Darin fand er einen Beweis gegen das tiefere Vordringen der Zonulafasern. Czermak hielt die limitans fiir eine hyaline Struktur, welche mit dem Glaskérper in direktem Zusammen- hange steht. Aus dieser Schicht stammten die Zonulafasern. Topolowsky bestatigt diese Ansicht. Fischel sah die limitans Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 295 als die direkte distale Verlangerung der lim. ret. int. an, Salzmann und vy. Ebner konnten die Zonulafasern nur bis zur limitans verfolgen. Mawas glaubte an das Vorhandensein einer limitans, stellte aber fest, dass dies kein Hindernis fiir das tiefere Kin- dringen der Zonulafasern sei, von denen einige eine Strecke weit in der darunter liegenden Intercellularsubstanz zu verfolgen seien. Der letztere Forscher betrachtete ferner die lim. cil. int. nicht als wirkliche Membran, sondern nur als ein exoplasmatisches Produkt der angrenzenden Zellen. Ich habe oben von meinen Ergebnissen in bezug auf die lim. cil. int. gesprochen. Bei der Maus ist sie sicher auf keiner Stufe der Entwicklung vorhanden. Indessen erzeugt der Lauf der Zonulafasern und anderer Zellgewebsfasern quer iiber die Epitheloberflichen an mehreren Stellen das Bild einer Grenz- membran. Von Claeys wurde ein interessanter Gedanke betreffs einiger analogen und morphologischen Eigenschaften des Ciliar- epithels und der eigentlichen Retina 1886 verétientlicht. Er nahm an, dass dieses zweischichtige Epithel ein System von Stiitzzellen und -fasern besisse, ahnlich den Miillerschen Fasern der Retina, und dass die Zonulafasern nur die inneren Ver- langerungen solcher Fasern waren. Diese Ansicht fand spater einen Verfechter in Terrien. Letzterer beschrankte jedoch die Zonulafasern nicht auf diese Stiitzzellen, da er einige durch die ganze Dicke der Ciliarepithelschichten bis zum iusseren Mesenchym- gewebe des Ciliarkérpers verfolgen konnte. Neuerdings unter- stiitzte Metzner diese Theorie und gab an, die Zonulafasern bis zur Scheide des m. ciliaris verfolgt zu haben. Im Jahre 1906 ging Toufesco so weit, zu behaupten, dass die Zonulafasern aus elastischem Gewebe bestinden, dass sie beide Ciliarschichten durchdringen und so eine direkte Verbindung mit ahnlichem Gewebe in der Aderhaut des Augapfels herstellten. Ich habe schon friiher berichtet, dass ich bei einigen meiner Exemplare Mesenchymzellen bemerken konnte, die an der ausseren Oberflache der ausseren Epithelzellschicht angeheftet waren, und die gelegentlich Fortsitze abgaben, welche nach innen zu in die Intercellularsubstanz zwischen diesen Zellen eindrangen. Ich konnte sie jedoch nur eine sehr kurze Strecke zwischen diesen Zellen verfolgen, da sie morphologische Eigenschaften und Farb- 296 W. M. Baldwin: barkeit besitzen wie die homogene Substanz, in der sie liegen. Daher bin ich auch nicht imstande, die Beobachtungen dieser Autoren zu bestatigen. Wenn ich nach einigen der veréffentlichten Zeichnungen urteile, kann ich nur schliessen, dass, wie ich bei ahnlichen Erscheinungen unter dem Mikroskop sah, diese Forscher mit Schnitten arbeiteten, die sehr schrag angelegt waren. Wenden wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit zunichst auf die Inter- cellularsubstanz, die in den Zonulaflichen des Ciliarepithels vor- handen ist, und welche die yon vielen Forschern bemerkten Zonulafaserverlingerungen enthalt, so finden wir, dass in Ver- bindung mit dieser Sache N. van der Stricht, Leboucg und O. yan der Stricht, die tiber die limitans des Gehor-, des Geruchs- und des Sehepithels arbeiteten, zu dem Schlusse gelangten, diese homogenen Membranen seien nicht wirkliche Membranen, sondern nur ein strukturloser intercellularer Kitt. Bei meinen eigenen Serienschnitten kann ich, wie ich schon konstatiert habe, keine geformten Gewebsbestandteile in der limitans be- merken. (Kine Beschrankung dieser Behauptung werde ich spiter geben.) Ihr morphologisches Aussehen und ibr Verhalten bei der Farbung ist dem der ganzen Intercellularsubstanz des Ciliar- epithels, mit der sie in direktem Zusammenhange zu _ stehen scheint, vollig gleich. Wenn wir in dem Falle dieser Intercellularsubstanz annehmen, dass sie als eine Art exoplasmatischen Produkts der benachbarten Zellen gebildet ist, wobei eine Zelle nicht mehr als die andere zu ihrer Dicke beitrigt, — und es gibt in der Literatur, wie ich glaube, nichts, was dieser Ansicht widerstreitet — warum sollten wir so weit gehen, zu behaupten, dass diese lim. ext., die allem Anscheine nach aus demselben Stoff zusammengesetzt ist, mehr aus den Zellen der inneren Ciliarschicht hervorgeht, als aus denen der ausseren? Dabei diirfen wir nicht vergessen, dass die Hypothese von der Analogie der inneren Ciliarepithelzellen und derjenigen der Stiitzzellen der Retina noch nicht sicher gestellt ist. Wir kénnen daher gerechterweise auch nicht ver- muten, dass die lim. cil. ext. ein Derivat von Zellkérpern ist, die nach innen von ihr liegen, wie es anscheinend bei der lim. ret. ext. der Fall ist. Mawas z. B. nimmt den Standpunkt ein, dass die lim. ext. allein von den Epithelzellen der inneren Schicht gebildet ist. x Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 29 Er gibt indessen in seiner Arbeit nicht geniigende Beweise fiir die Richtigkeit dieser Annahme. Wenn wir dann im Laufe der Entwicklung beobachten, wie die Intercellularsubstanz im Zonula- gebiet allmahlich an Dicke zunimmt, aber nicht bemerken, dass diese Zunahme zuerst an einem Ende eines Intercellularraumes auftritt und allmahlich zum anderen fortschreitet, sondern jm Gegenteil in gleichmassiger Weise auf der ganzen Lange des Zwischenraumes yor sich geht: dann haben wir keinen Grund fiir die Annahme, dass diese Zunahme mehr den Zellen der ausseren als denen der inneren Schicht zu yerdanken ist. Wir kénnen daher die Ansicht nicht ganz anerkennen, die von einigen Forschern, z. B. Agagobow, aufrecht erhalten wird, dass die Zonulafasern Ableitungen von den dusseren Epithelzellen seien, obgleich sie aus derselben Substanz wie die Intercellularsubstanz zu bestehen schienen. Und dies auch trotz der Tatsache, dass, wie ich schon friiher bemerkt habe, oftmals eine helle Proto- plasmaverlangerung ausserer Zellen sich eine kurze Strecke weit zwischen die inneren Epithelzellen einschiebt. Diese Betrachtungen erklaren indessen das faserige Aus- sehen der Intercellularsubstanz gewisser Regionen nicht, welches von Schultze, Wolfrum, Lenhossék und auch von Mawas bemerkt worden ist. Alle diese Forscher haben das faserige Aussehen mit den Zonulafasern in Verbindung gebracht, indem sie, ausser Lenhossék, annahmen, dass es von den Ver- langerungen solcher Fasern herkomme, die in der gleichartigen Intercellularsubstanz eingebettet sind. Sie haben jedoch nicht erwihnt, ob dieses Aussehen auf die Region der Zonulaansatze beschrankt war, oder ob es als charakteristisch bezeichnet werden koénnte far alle Intercellularsubstanz durch das ganze Epithel, sowohl zwischen den Zellen der iusseren, wie denen der inneren Schicht. Darin aber liegt ein wichtiger Beweisgrund. Bei meinen eigenen Untersuchungen habe ich bemerkt, dass diese Faserung vor allem auf die Intercellularsubstanz begrenzt ist, die zwischen jenen Zellen der inneren Epithelschicht lagen, an welche sich Zonulafasern heften. Ich habe sie weder zwischen den Zellen der Ausseren, noch zwischen denen der inneren Schicht gefunden, die auf den Ciliarfortsitzen liegen, wo keine Zonula- fasern entspringen. Zweitens erscheinen diese Faserchen zur Zeit der Dickenzunahme dieser Substanz in den erwahnten 298 W.M. Baldwin: Regionen. Drittens ist dieses Aussehen nur in dem Alter zu finden, nachdem die Zonulafasern ihren Ansatz von den Apical- fortsitzen der Epithelzellen in die Intercellularzwischenriume verlegt haben. Endlich sind diese Faserchen in meinen Praparaten immer in direktem Zusammenhang mit den Zonulafasern zu finden. Hinsichtlich der Tatsache, dass neuere Forscher die Ansicht mit Nachdruck betonen, dass fiir das richtige Studium der Zonula- faserverlingerungen in der Intercellularsubstanz besondere Farbe- methoden notig seien, z. b. die ,Heldsche Molybdansdure-Proto- plasmafarbung“, muss ich nach meiner Erfahrung, — ich habe die Bielschowskymethode angewandt — feststellen, dass die bekannten Farbemittel wie Safranin oder Chloral - Himatoxylin (Gage) vollstindig geniigen, um selbst die feinsten Faserchen zu zeigen. Das einzige Erfordernis fiir ihre Behandlung besteht darin, die Schnitte sehr stark zu tiberfarben und dann griindlich zu wassern. Wolfrums Ansicht, dass mehrere der Zonulafasern die Zellen der inneren Epithelschicht durchzégen, ist nach der Priifung von Tangentialschnitten des Epithels leicht als ungenau zu erweisen, wie schon Mawas gezeigt hat. Bei meinen eigenen Exemplaren habe ich sicherlich niemals bemerkt, dass eine Zonula- faser eine Epithelzelle durchzog. Ich habe indessen die Zonula- faserverlingerungen nicht durch die Intercellularsubstanz bis zur lim. cil. ext. verfolgen kénnen. Wolfrum jedoch konnte sie bis zu dieser Membran verfolgen, wo sie in kleinen runden An- schwellungen endeten. Die letztere Bildung habe ich ebensowenig auffinden kénnen. Der zuletzt erwahnte Autor war imstande, bei seinen Sauge- tierexemplaren Gliazellen zu finden, die von der Retina in der Gegend der ora serrata in den Zonularaum wanderten, wo sie faserihnliche Fortsitze ausschickten, die sich spater in Zonula- fasern auflésten. Bei meinen eigenen Untersuchungen konnte ich eine soleche Wanderung von Neurogliazellen nicht bemerken. Jedoch habe ich aus Wolfrums Beschreibung dieser primitiven Zellen geschlossen, dass die hellen, unregelmassigen, vielver- zweigten Zellen, die ich von der ersten Stufe an beobachtete, dieselben sind, die er als Neurogliazellen bezeichnet. Im Jahre 1895 kam Rochon-Duvigneaud zu dem Schlusse, dass die Zonulafasern ,une espéce particuliére de fibres Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 299 conjonctives* waren. Spiter entdeckte Nussbaum die Bedeutung solcher Zellen fiir die Entstehung fertiger Zonulafasern und er- klarte sie fiir Bindegewebszellen und -fasern, die sich sekundar mit der Linsenkapsel und dem Ciliarepithel verbinden. Meine eigenen Schiliisse, die sich auf die Ergebnisse, welche ich in dieser Arbeit niedergelegt habe, griinden, besonders aber der Mangel eines Beweises in meinen Priparaten, die Arbeit Wolfrums bestatigen zu kénnen, lassen mich eine Ansicht annehmen, ahnlich der Nussbaums, dass namlich die Zonulafasern aus Mesen- chymzellen hervorgehen und daher als Mesenchymfasern betrachtet werden sollten. Die Schliisse, zu denen ich gelangt bin, sind folgende: I. Bei der weissen Maus haben die Zonulafasern sich aus Mesenchymzellen entwickelt. Il. Diese Fasern sind zuerst an die Apicalfortsitze der Zellen der inneren Ciliarepithelschicht angeheftet. Ill. Spater wechseln diese Zonulafasern ihren Ansatz und dringen in die Intercellularsubstanz ein, die zwischen den Zellen der inneren Ciliarepithelschicht liegt. IV. Im fertigen Auge durchziehen die Zonulafasern die Intercellularsubstanz nach der limitans ciliaris externa hin; aber sie enden plotzlich, ehe sie dieses Gebilde er- reichen. V. 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Vander Stricht, N.: L’histogénése des parties constituantes du neuroepithelium acoustique, des taches et des crétes acoustiques et de Vorgane de Corti. Arch. de Biologie, t. XXIII, fasc. IV, p. 541, 1906. Van der Stricht, O.: Le neuro-épithélium olfactif et sa membrane limitante interne. Mémoires de l’Ac. Roy. de Belgique, t. II, fasc. II, p. 1—45, pl. Iu. Il, 1909. Terrien, F.: Recherches sur la structure de la rétine ciliaire et Vorigine des fibres de la zonule de Zinn. Thése médecine, Paris 1898. Derselbe: La structure de la Rétina ciliaire. Arch. d’opht., Bd. X VIII, 1898. Derselbe: Mode d’insertion des fibres zonulaires sur le cristallin et le rapport de ces fibres entre elles. Arch. d’opht., t. XIX, p. 250-—257, 1899. Topolanski: Uber Bau der Zonula und Umgebung nebst Bemerkungen iiber das albinotische Auge. V. Graefes Arch. f. Ophth., Bd. XXXVII, no. 1, p. 28—61, pl. I—II, 1891. Toufesco, Sophie: Sur le cristallin normal et pathologique. Thése medecine, Paris 1906, auch Annal. d’Oculist, Aoit, p. 101, 1906. de Waele, H.: Recherches sur l’anatomie comparée de Voeil des vertébrés. Journ. int. d’Anat. et Physiol., t. XIX, p. 1, auch Internation. Monatsschr. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. XIX, H.1 und 2, 1901. Wolfrum, M.: Uber Ursprung und Ansatz der Zonulafasern im menschlichen Auge. Graefes Archiv fiir Ophth., Bd. LXIX, no. 1, p. 148—171, 1908. Zinn, J. G.: Descriptio anatomica oculi humani iconibus illustrata (Cap. IV. De humore vitreo, p. 23 et suiv.), apud videam Abrami Vandenhoeck, Gottingae 1775. Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 303 Erklarung der Abbildungen auf Tafel XIV und XV. Fig. 12 Fig. 2. Gegend der Zonula im Auge einer 12 Stunden alten weissen Maus. A = distale Partie der Linse; B = ihre Kapsel; C = ein Stiick Retina, innen begrenzt von der Mm. limitans interna. Vom Ciliar- epithel ist nur der proximale Teil abgebildet, der in Beziehung zur Entwicklung der Zonulafasern (D) steht; E und F = Blutgefisse; G = Stiitzmembran eines Blutgefisses aus Fortsaitzen einer Mesen- chymzelle gebildet; den stark gefirbten Zellfortsitzen liegen Kérnchen auf. Einige dieser Fortsitze kénnen bis zu den apicalen Fortsitzen der inneren Lage der Ciliarepithelien (H), verfolgt werden. J — grosse, unregelmiissig gestaltete und helle Mesen- chymzelle mit zahlreichen feinen, hellen Fortsitzen. Dieser Zellen- typus ist auf die Gegend der Zonula beschrankt und kommt im Glaskérper nicht vor. Aus solchen Zellen entspringen die Zonula- fasern des erwachsenen Tieres. Bei der 12 Stunden alten Maus erreichen, wie Fig. 1 zeigt, die Fortsatze dieser Zellen die Linse noch nicht. Ihre zahlreichen Fibrillen bilden ein dichtes Netzwerk auf dem proximalen Abschnitt des Ciliarepithelium, woran sich die Fibrillen schliesslich festheften. An jedem zugespitzten Fortsatz einer Epithelzelle sitzt eine Fibrille. Diejenigen epithelialen Zellen, welche distal zu dem von den Fortsatzen der hellen Mesenchymzellen gebildeten Netzwerk liegen und spiaterhin die Ciliarfortsaitze decken, verlieren ihre apicalen Fortsitze und sind demgemiss beim Er- wachsenen mit der Zonula nicht mehr verbunden. Die Epithelien der ora serrata (K) dagegen und die nachsten distalen liegen im Gebiet der Zonula des Erwachsenen. Es gelang mir festzustellen, dass bei der 12 Stunden alten Maus im Bereich der Zonula die Hauptmasse des fibrillaren Netzwerks aus den Fortsitzen der hellen Zellen und nicht von solchen der Epithelzellen gebildet wird. Hervor- gehoben zu werden verdient auch, dass die Intercellularsubstanz der Epithelien an der Zonula nicht dicker ist als distal davon, und dass um diese Zeit keine Faser des Netzwerks mit der Intercellular- substanz der Epithelien verbunden ist. Vergr. 500. Aus mehreren Schnitten zusammengesetzte Ansicht der Zonulagegend einer 10 Tage alten weissen Maus. A = distales und B — proxi- males Epithel eines Teiles der Linse mit ihrer Kapsel C. D = Membrana hyaloidea als eine diinne Membran die Zonulagegend yom Glaskérper trennend und von der proximalen Partie der Linse bis zur ora serrata sich erstreckend (KE). Die Retina (F) hat mehrere Zellenlagen und ist innen von der Membr. limitans interna (G) be- grenzt. H = Stiibchen und Zapten, wohl entwickelt. Die Membr. limitans externa der Retina (J) ist distal bis zwischen die beiden Epithellagen des Ciliarkérpers zu verfolgen, wo sie zur Membr. limitans ciliaris externa (K) wird. Die Membr. limitans interna retinae hingt mit der Intercellularsubstanz der Epithelien an der 504 W. M. Baldwin: ora serrata zusammen, direkt proximal von der Anheftung der Membr. hyaloidea. L = ein Stiick Iris, M = ein Ciliarfortsatz. Vom Wpithel der Ciliarfortsitze entspringen keine Zonulafasern; solche (N), die mit dem Epithel der Zonulagegend zusammenhiingen, streichen iiber die freie Fliiche des Epithels der Fortsatze hin. Die Zonulafasern sind halbschematisch eingezeichnet und finden sich am reichlichsten proximal vom Linsenaiquator (O). In der Zonulagegend sind zwei Blutgefasse getroffen; das eine enthalt im Inneren ver- schiedene Blutkérperchen und eine Mesenchymzelle (P) auf seiner Wand. Die Fortsatze dieser Mesenchymzelle sind bis an das Ciliar- epithel zu verfolgen; viele Zonulafasern gehen in die Intercellular- substanz des Epithels, distal haben noch verschiedene Epithelzellen zapfenartige Fortsitze. Vergr. 250. Nach einem Priiparat von einer 14 Tage alten weissen Maus mit offener Lidspalte genau kopiert. A = Retina, B = Ciliarepithel. (Die Retina ist im Schnitt nach vorn verschoben.) C = ora serrata; D = Membr. limitans interna; EK = Membrana hyaloidea; die beiden Membranen zerfallen in mehrere Lamellen; jede derselben hingt mit der Intercellularsubstanz der inneren Lage der Ciliarepithelien zusammen. Die Intercellularsubstanz ist an dieser Stelle dicker als sonstwo in der Zonulagegend. F = Membrana limitans externa retinae an der ora serrata verdickt;: G == Membrana limitans externa ciliaris mit der vorigen zusammenhiingend und die beiden Epithellagen trennend. Hine achte Membrana limitans interna ciliaris ist an diesem Priparat nicht nachweisbar. Das Epithel der iusseren Lage ist deutlich in Form, Grésse und Granulierung von dem der inneren Lage verschieden. H = Pigmentzellen der Retina. J = Teil eines Ciliarfortsatzes; auf seinem Epithel liegt eine der grossen Mesenchymzellen, wie sie um diese Zeit in grésserer Zahl sich finden. Die Zelle (K) hat zwei Fortsitze; der eine zieht zur Linse und ist kurz abgeschnitten, der andere zerfasert sich auf der Oberfliche des Ciliarfortsatzes. Eine andere grosse Mesenchymzelle (L) liegt im Zonulabezirk auf der Membrana hyaloidea; der eine ihrer ver- zweigten Fortsitze endet auf der Oberfliiche des Epithels der ora serrata. Zwischen diesen beiden Zellen liegen die Zonulafasern ; viele derselben gehen in diesem Stadium zwischen die Epithelzellen. Im Vergleich zu dem Stadium yon 12 Stunden ist zu bemerken, dass bei dem 14 Tage alten Tier die Zahl der in eine kurze Spitze ausgezogenen Epithelzellen bedeutend abgenommen hat. Zuweilen sieht es aus, als wenn einige Zonulafasern in der Nahe der ora serrata durch Epithelzellen bis zur Membrana limitans externa reichten. Untersucht man solche Stellen aber sorgfaltig genug, so stellt sich heraus: dass alle diese Zonulafasern auf der dem Be- obachter zugewandten Seite der Zellen in die Intercellularsubstanz eingebettet sind. Keine Zonulafaser geht durch eine Zelle und keine reicht bis an die Membrana limitans externa ciliaris. Vergr. 500. Fig. 4. Die Entwicklung der Fasern der Zonula Zinnii. 305 Von einer 27 Tage alten weissen Maus. Ciliarepithel zwischen ora serrata (A) und dusserem Rand der Iris (B). C = der mesenchymatische Kern eines Ciliarfortsatzes mit Blutgefiiss. Die musivischen Epithel- zellen (D) deuten an, dass der Ciliarfortsatz etwas schrag getroffen ist. E — verzweigte Fortsaitze tiefer gelegener Mesenchymzellen, die in die Intercellularsubstanz der fusseren ciliaren Epithellage iibergehen. An keiner Stelle kann ein Ubergang dieser Fasern, in Zonulafasern nachgewiesen werden. Die Abbildung zeigt deutlich, dass die Intercellularsubstanz im inneren Zellenlager des Ciliar- fortsatzes nicht verdickt ist, im scharfen Gegensatz zum eigentlichen Zonulagebiet nahe der ora serrata. Man findet am Innenrande der Epithelien keine Spitzen mehr wie friiher; alle Zonulafasern heften sich an die epitheliale Intercellularsubstanz an. Diejenigen Fasern, welche scheinbar vom Ciliarkérper selbst entspringen, kénnen proximal iiber den darunter gelegenen epithelialen Rand nach dem Zonula- gebiet an der ora serrata verfolgt werden. Diese Fasern erscheinen unter der Form einer Membrana limitans ciliaris interna. Vergr. 500. i AB +4 ieee Wei r Pe ats he. Ooh Saar ‘ he Archiv f mikroskon. Anatomie Bd.LXXX, Abt. |e a pees es K 1 Tat XV. Archiv fmikroskop. Anatomie Ba. IXXX, Abt. [ Reprinted from Scimnce, N. S., Vol. XXXVI., No. 916, Pages 90-92, July 19, 1912) RHYTHMICAL ACTIVITY OF ISOLATED HEART MUSCLE CELLS IN VITRO In previous communications!:? I pointed out that the heart muscle of chick embryos will beat rhythmically for many days when suspended in the media of a tissue culture and from such transplanted tissue there is an active growth of cells into the surrounding media. Braus? has repeated these experi- ments, using the hearts of embryo frogs and toads and he has found that these isolated beating hearts react to electrical and chem- ical stimuli similar to the intact heart. Braus also noted that the cells which grew from the hearts of cold-blooded animals were living at the end of three months. Very recently, Carrel* by the use of the method of repeated transplantation of the tissue from a culture to a fresh medium (Carrel and Bur- rows) has attempted to prolong the life and function of heart muscle in vitro. His ex- periments show that the rhythm which I noted in fragments of embryonic chick hearts ean be prolonged, although intermittently, for a period of 85 days. The results of these experiments substantiate, therefore, the former well-known fact, namely, that strips of heart muscle, both of cold and warm blooded ani- mals (Erlanger), will beat for some time when placed in the proper media. In none of these eases could one rule out, however, the possi- bility of the existence of nerve ganglia or some possible precursor in the young embry- * Burrows, M. T., 1911, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 10, 63. ? Burrows, M. T., 1912, Anat. Record, Vol. 6, 141, *Braus, H., 1912, Weiner Med. Wochschr., No. 44, “Carrel, A., 1912, Jour. Exp. Med., Vol. XV., 516. onic hearts, which might initiate rhythmical contractions. During the present year experiments have been made to determine the conditions which would prolong the life and allow the develop- ment of functional activity in the cells which had grown and differentiated in the culture. These experiments have shown that the newly grown, cellular syncytia and the isolated single heart muscle cell can become functionally ac- tive, beating with a rhythm similar to that of the intact heart. Pieces of the hearts of chick-embryos of all ages and of young hatched chickens were used. A growth of tissue, composed almost entirely of muscle cells, occurred from all pieces when suspended in the media of both types of cultures, (1) the ordinary hanging drop culture (the plasma modification!) of the method of Harrison® and (2) a large modi- fied type of culture. This apparatus is so ar- ranged as to supply the tissues continuously with fresh media and to wash away the waste products without in any way disturbing the growing cells. I described this method in de- tail before the American Association of Anatomists, December 27, 1911.2 Serum was used as the fluid medium in the latter type of culture. Rhythmical activity of the newly grown cells was noted in 3 out of 15 of the large type of cultures (No. 2), and in 2 out of 150 of the ordinary hanging drop cultures. These cells were located definitely within the clot and had a clear cytoplasm which contained very few fat droplets. The rhythmical activ- * Harrison, R. G., 1907, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 140; 1910, Jour. Exp. Zool., Vol. 9, 787. y) | §CLENCE ity did not occur during the active outwander- ing of the cells but, later, after they became permanently located in a definite portion of the clot and were undergoing slow multipli- cation and differentiation. In one culture rhythm occurred as early as the fifth day,’ while in others as late as the fourteenth day of the life of the culture. The greater num- ber of positive results in the large type of culture (No. 2) can be associated with the ac- tive and continuous growth of the tissue over a sufficient period of time. Active erowth. and a regular rhythm has been ob- served in these cultures for 80 days, while in the hanging drop eulture the active growth. and the regular rhythm. cease after the third, The growth then’ becomes . gradually less and the rhythm intermittent, | or fourth day. ceasing entirely after 10 or 18 days unless the tissue is transferred to a new medium. The method of repeated transplantation from the culture to a new medium has not as yet been sufficiently developed to allow any increase in the life and the activity of the newly grown cells. At each transfer of the tissue the ac- tively growing and multiplying cells are de- stroyed and a new growth takes place from those more latently active cells in or about the tissue mass. The original pieces of heart muscle trans- planted to a tissue culture vary as to their rhythmical activity in relation to the portion of the heart from which they are taken as well as the age of the embryo. Pieces of the auricle, especially of that part situated near the entrance of the veins, taken from embryos of all ages and from young hatched chickens, beat when suspended in plasma. The pieces of the ventricle do not beat when taken from embryos older than 10 days, uriless special methods of preparation and treatment are: used. Rhythmically beating cells have been grown from the contracting pieces of the hearts of young embryos and from one piece of the ven- tricle of a fourteen-day chick embryo. The absence of movement in the original mass of , tissue of this culture facilitated greatly the’ study of the delicate contractions:of the newly grown cells. The syncytial network which surrounded the original tissue and one isolated cell were beating rhythmically. This cell was situated far out in the clear medium away from all other tissues and beat with a rhythm inde- pendent in phase from that of the syncytium. The rate of all beating cells in this culture was. the same, 50 to 120 per minute, or a* rhythm ‘typical for rhythmical beating; re of ven- tricular muscle. The experiments show: (1) that 4 cells which have grown and differentiated sin a tis- sue culture can later assume their character- istic function; (2) that rhythmical contrac- tion similar to that observed in the embryonic heart can occur in an isolated and single heart muscle cell; (8) that the rhythmically con- tracting cells can be grown not only from the pieces of hearts of young embryos, but from the heart muscle of a fonts er chick embryo. These experiments, therefore, give direct evidence for the myogenic theory of the heart beat. Montrose T. Burrows, M.D. ANATOMICAL LABORATORY, CoRNELL UNIVERSITY MEDICAL COLLEGH, * NEw York City ie 44 . ty hie inal € (>) sc plete: tan! at m waiald ' ‘: 5 9 oe Pi ee 1 @sF P a San by ‘ 1 bs ia 7 ‘ a i x ri er ar Aus dem anatomischen Laboratorium des Cornell University Medical College, New York City (Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Ch. R. Stockard). Rhythmische Kontraktionen der isolierten Herzmuskel- zelle ausserhalb des Organismus. Von Dr. Montrose T. Burrows. Durch friihere Untersuchungen‘) ist bewiesen, dass der Herzmuskel des Hiihnerembryos, auf geeignete Nahrbéden implantiert, sich wahrend 8 Tagen rhythmisch bewesgt. Dieser Befund wurde von Braus2) (Unken- und Froschembryonen) und von Carrel’) (Hiihnerembryonen) bestatigt. Aus diesen Untersuchungen geht deutlich hervor, dass die funktio- nelle Tatigkeit des Gewebes ausserhalb des Organismus lange Zeit erhalten bleiben kann. FEigentiimlich bei den Ge- webekulturen*) ist die Auswanderung der Zellen des ur- . spriinglichen Gewebestiickes in den umgebenden Nahrboden hinein, welcher Vorgang dem eigentlichen Wachstum voraus- geht. Weitere Aufgabe ware nun zu erforschen, ob die Funktionen solcher ausgewanderten, isoliert liegenden Zellen nach event. Teilung und Differenzierung denen des Mutter- gewebes gleichwertig sind. Bei der vorliegenden Unter- suchung hat es sich tatsachlich herausgestellt, dass die iso - lierten Herzmuskelzellen rhythmische Bewegungen aus- 1) M. T. Burrows: Compt. rend. soc. de biol. 1910, LX. 290 Jour. Exper. Zool. 1911, X, 63. 2) H. Braus: diese Wochenschrift 1911, S. 2421 u. 2237; Wiener med. Wochenschr. 1911, No. 44. 3) A. Carrel, Jour. Exper. Med. 1912, XV, 516. 4) Der Ausdruck ,,Gewebekultur“ wird hier in Analogie mit Bakterienkultur gebraucht. Das Prinzip der Gewebekultur besteht darin, dass man ein steril entnommenes Gewebestiick auf ebenfalls sterilem Nihrboden derart implantiert bezw. sus- pendiert, dass die Wachstumserscheinungen von Zeit zu Zeit bei Brutofentemperatur verfolgt werden k6nnen. 1 a ae fiihren. Bei der allgemeinen Bedeutung welche diesem Re- sultate zukommen diirfte, soll die Methodik, sowie ihre ge- schichtliche Entwicklung eingehend beschrieben werden. Denn es ist im hdchsten Grade wahrscheinlich, dass es auch gelingen wird, bei Anwendung geeigneter Methodik die mehr spezifischen Funktionen anderer hoch differenzierten Gewebé in vitro naher zu verfolgen. Die erste praktische Anwendung der Gewebekulturmethode, wobei Gewebe lingere Zeit ausserhalb des Organismus ge- halten und ihre weitere Entwicklung gleichzeitig kontinuierlich beobachtet werden konnte, wurde von Harrison bei seinen Untersuchungen iiber Nervenfaserentwicklung gemacht. An friiheren Untersuchungen iiber das Ueberleben der Gewebe und Organe hat es freilich nicht gefehlt, aber solche sind meistens von ganz anderen Gesichtspunkten aus unternommen worden. Die Versuche von Wentcher®), Liunggren’), Carrel’) wu. a. haben ergeben, dass es moglich ist, tierische Gewebe lange Zeit ausserhalb des Organismus am Leben zu erhalten. Bei den Untersuchungen von Ranvier’), Jolly’), Beebe und Ewing’) u. a. wurde hauptsadchlich auf bestimmte Aeusse- rungen funktioneller Tatigkeit des in vitro lebenden Ge- webe geachtet. Im Jahre 1897 gab Leo Loeb”) an, dass es ihm gelungen sei, das Wachstum des Gewebes im geronnenen Blutserum oder Agar ausserhalb des Organismus zu verfolgen. Ndaheres iiber die Technik und Resultate gibt er nicht an. Derselbe Autor (1902) beschrieb Versuche iiber das Wachstum der Haut. Diesmal nahm er Blécke geronnenen Blutserums resp. Agar, spaltete dieselben, fiihrte das Gewebestiickchen dort ein und brachte das Ganze in das Unterhautzellzewebe des Tieres. Weiter untersuchte er bei der Wundheilung, wie das Epithel in den Schorf hineinwuchs. Die erste Arbeit Harrisons*) auf diesem Gebiet stammt aus dem Jahre 1907. Die Methode bestand darin, dass Gewebestiicke junger Froschembryonen in einem hangenden Tropfen Froschlymphe suspendiert wurden. Kurze Zeit nach dem Einbringen des Gewebe- stiickes gerann natiirlich die Lymphe und bot auf diese Weise ein festes Substrat fiir das weitere Wachstum des Gewebes. Mit dieser >) J. Wentcher: Berl. klin. Wochenschr. 1894, 979; Zieglers Beitr., XXIV. 6) Liunggren: D. Zeitschr. f. Chir. 1898, XLVII, 609. *) A. Carrel: Jour. Exper. Med. 1910, XII, 460. 8) Ranvier: Traité Technique d’Histologie, Paris 1889. ®) Jolly: Compt. rend. soc. de biol. 1903, LV, 1266. 1) Beebe und Ewing: British Med. Jour. 1906, II, 1559. 4) Leo Loeb: Ueber die Entstehung von Bindegewebe, Leuko- zyten und roten Blutkérperchen aus Epithel und iiber eine Methode. isolierte Gewebsteile zu ziichten: Chicago 1897, 41. Archiv f. Ent- wicklungsmechanik d. Organ. 1902, XIII, 487. *) R. G. Harrison: Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. and Med. 1907, IV, 140; Anat. Record 1908, II, 385; Harvey Lectures, Philadelphia, 1907—1908; Jour. Exper. Zool. 1910, IX, 787. aie BT Le Methode hat Harrison das Wachstum des embryonalen Zentralnervensystems, des Muskels und der Haut in vitro auf schlagende Weise nachgewiesen. Bei diesen Versuchen wanderten die Zellen langs der Fibrinfiden aus dem _ ur- spriinglichen Gewebestiick heraus, um sich dort im Fibrin- ~ geriist weiter zu _ differenzieren. Aus dem Neuroblastenproto- plasma entwickelte sich selbsttatig der Achsenzylinder. Dadurch wurde die Richtigkeit der Hisschen Annahme von Harrison ein- deutig bewiesen. Gleichzeitig hat Harrison die Grundlage fiir weitere Versuche iiber das Wachstum des Gewebes in vitro ge- schaffen. Unter Anwendung der von Harrison angegebenen Prinzipien habe ich**) im Laboratorium Harrisons die Methode dadurch modifiziert und vereinfacht, dass Blutplasma statt Lymphe zur Verwendung kam. Die Anwendung von Plasma ist deswegen ein wesentlicher Fortschritt, auf diese Weise geeignete Nahr- béden fiir das Gewebe verschiedener Tiere leicht gewinnen kann. Dies ist die zurzeit am meisten gebrauchte Methode der Gewebe- kultur. Neuerdings ist sie von Carrel und mir im Handbuch der biochemischen Arbeitsmethoden Bd. 5, Teil 2, S. 838) ausfiihrlich wiedergegeben worden. Ich untersuchte damals das Wachstum em- bryonalen Gewebes vom Frosch und Huhn im Frosch- resp. Hiihner- plasma und konnte die Resultate Harrisons bestiatigen. Ich konnte ferner Kernteilungsfiguren haufig nachweisen. Noch wichtiger erschien mir die Tatsache, dass die funktionelle Tatigkeit des Gewebes in solchen Praparaten lange Zeit erhalten blieb. Beispiels- weise fiihrte das Herz von 60 Stunden alten Hiihnerembryonen rhyth- mische Kontraktionen bis zum achten Tage nach der Herstellung des Pradparates aus. Wegen der prinzipiellen Bedeutung dieser Tat- sachen haben Carrel und ich**) mit Hilfe der Plasmamethode den naheliegenden Gedanken verfolgt und das Wachstum der Organ- und Gewebestiicke verschiedener Tiere sowie deren Embryonen unter- sucht. Bei diesen Versuchen gelang zum ersten Male die Kultivierung von Organen und Gewebestiicken erwachsener Tiere. Das Wachstum zahlreicher bésartiger Geschwiilste (auch von Menschen) in vitro wurde gleichfalls studiert. Kurz darnach haben Lambert und Hanes*) ahnliche Versuche mit den Mause- und Rattentumoren angestellt. Dabei haben sie die wichtige Beobachtung gemacht, dass diese Geschwulst- und Gewebestiicke auch in artiremdem. Plasma wachsen. M. R. und W. H. Le wis’**) haben das Wachstum embryonalen Hiihnergewebes in verschiedenen fliissigen und festen Nahrbéden (Agar) untersucht. Sie konnten als erste das Wachstum dieses Gewebes in einfachen Salzlésungen konstatieren. In seiner ersten Mitteilung hat Harrison auf die Notwendigkeit eines festen 13) M.T.Burrows: loc. cit.; Journ. Am. Med. Ass. 1910, LV, 2057. 4) Carrel und Burrows: Journ. Am. Med. Assn. 1910, LV, 1379, 1554, 1732; Compt. rend. soc. de biol. 1910, LXIX, 293, 298, 299, 332; Jour. Exper. Med. 1911, XIII, 387, 571. 1%) Lambert und Hanes: Journ. Am. Med. Assn. 1911, LVI, 33, 791; Jour. Exper. Med. 1911, XIII, 495; XIV, 129, 453. 16) M. R. und W. H. Lewis: Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull. 1911, XXII, 241; Anat. Record 1911, V, 277; VI, 207. eae” Nae Substrats, z. B. Fibringeriist, geronnener Lymphe fiir die Ent- wicklung von.Nervenfasern und Zellen schon hingewiesen. Als Be- stiitigung dieser Anschauung konnte ich*’) Form und Gestalts- st6rungen, wie z. B. Abrundungen und Verkleinerungen von Spindel- zellen, die von Fibrinfiiden losgelockert wurden, beobachten. Wenn solche Zellen wieder in Beriihrung mit einem festen Korper kommen, strecken sie sich alsdann zu einer langlichen oder unregelmassigen Gestalt aus. Dieser Befund wurde spater von Carrel und mir an Tumorzellen bestatigt. Welche Gestalt schliesslich angenommen wird, ist von der Art des festen Substrates abhingig. Harri- son?) hat nachtriiglich gezeigt, dass die Zellen, welche sich bei An- wendung eines fliissigen Nahrbodens, wie bei den Versuchen von M. R. und W. H. Lewis, an dem Wachstum beteiligen, sich dem Deck- elas stets anfiigen. Es konnte ferner gezeigt werden, dass Spinngewebe (Harrison), baumwollene resp. seidene Faden*) geniigende Stiitze fiir ein gerichtetes Wachstum in fliissigen Nahrb6den darbieten. Carrel und ich™) haben auf die Mdéglichkeit sukzessiver Transplantationen von Gewebezellen aus Kulturen auf frischen Nahr- boden hingewiesen; sekundére und tertiare Kulturen erhielten wir leicht. Gelegentlich ihrer Versuche iiber Krebsimmunitaét haben Lambert und Hanes”) von diesem Prinzip Anwendung gemacht und konnten dabei die Zellen der Subkulturen geniigend lang am Leben erhalten, um die Wachstumserscheinungen der Zellen des urspriinglichen Gewebes in einer aufeinanderfolgenden Reihe von Sub- kulturen auf Plasma verschiedener Herkunft zu untersuchen. Mittelst sukzessiver Transplantation hat Carrel”) nachher Gewebe lange Zeit hindurch am Leben erhalten k6nnen. Gerade in der letzten Zeit ist die Plasmamethode auf die verschiedenen biologischen Probleme vielfach angewendet worden. Hier sei besonders auf die Arbeiten von Ruth”), Lambert”), Carrel und Ingebrigtsen”), Loeb 17) M: T. Burrows; locxcit 18) R.G. Harrison: Science 1911, XXXIV; Anat. Record 1912, ViEVisic %) Carrelund Burrows: Jour. Exper. Med. 1911, XIV, 244. *) Carrel und Burrows: Compt. rend. soc. de biol. 1910, LXIX, 329, 365; Jour. Exper. Med. 1911, XIII, 416. 4) Lambert und Hanes: Jour. Am. Med. Assn. 1911, LVI, 587; Jour. Exper. Med. XIII, 505. *) Carrel: Jour. Am. Med. Assn. 1911, LVII, 1611; und 1912, OG, (Clt- _ %) E. S. Ruth: Cicatrization of Wounds in vitro. Jour. Exper. Med. 1911, XIII, 422. _ *) R. A. Lambert: The Production of Foreign Body Giant Cells in vitro. Jour. Exper. Med. 1912, XV, 510. *) Carrel und Ingebrigtsen: The Production of Anti- bodies by Tissues living outside the Organismus. Jour. Exper. Med. 1912, XV, 287. — Carrel: Berl. klin. Wochenschr. 1912, No. 12; Jour. Exper. Med. 1912. ‘ i ae — 5 — md Fleisher”); Mada”) Oppel), Braus”) und W eil®) hingewiesen. Es sei bei dieser Gelegenheit darauf aufmerksam gemacht, dass in den Arbeiten von Hada und von Oppel die Plasmamethode zur Kultivierung der Gewebe’ wiederholt als die ,C arrelsche Methode“ bezeichnet wird. Aus dem Vorhergehenden ist aber ersichtlich, dass die wesent- lichsten Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete des Gewebezellen- lebens ausserhalb des Organismus fast ausschliesslich mit der Plasmamethode gewonnen worden sind. Auch ist die Plasma- methode nur eine Modifikation der Harrisonschen Me- thode, und die Modifikation, namentlich die Anwendung von Blutplasma statt Lymphe, ist von mir im Laboratorium Harrisons ausgearbeitet worden. Somit war Carrel auf keine Weise an der Entwicklung dieser Methodik be- teiligt. Methodik: Es wurden Praparate nach zwei Methoden angefertigt: 1. nach der Methode des hangenden Plasma- tropfens (Harrison, Burrow s), 2. nach einer von mir kiirzlich ausgearbeiteten Methode, bei der das Gewebe fort- wahrend mit frischem Serum umspiilt wird. Beim zweiten Verfahren wird eine bessere Annaherung an die Verhiltnisse im lebenden Organismus erzielt, indem dafiir gesorgt wird, dass die Nahrungsstoffe kontinuierlich erneuert werden, wahrend die Bestandteile des zellularen Stoffwechsels gleichzeitig ent- -fernt werden. Denn es ist ohne weiteres klar, dass selbst bei Anwendung des geeignetsten Nahrbodens eine Aenderung der Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit auftritt, wenn eine Anhaufung der Bestandteile des zellularen Stoffwechsels stattgefunden hat. Mit Riicksicht auf diese Faktoren habe ich diese Methode er- sonnen, in der Hoffnung, dass man dadurch die Dauer des Wachstums verlangern kann, um Aufschluss iiber den Stoff- wechsel sowie andere Aeusserungen funktioneller Tatigkeit zu gewinnen. 2) Loeb und Fleisher: Ueber die Bedeutung des Sauer- stoffs fiir das Wachstum der Gewebe von Saugetieren. Bioch. Zeit- schrift 1911, XXXVI, 98. 27) S Hada: Die Kultur lebender Korperzellen. Berl. klin. Wochenschr. 1912, No. 1, 11. 28) A. Oppel: Ueber die Kultur von Sdugetiergewebe ausser- halb des Organismus. Anatomischer Anzeiger 1912, XL, 464. Archiv i. Entwicklungsmechanik d. Organ. 1912, XXXIV, 132. 2) Braus: loc. cit. 30) Weil: Some Observations on the Cultivation of Tissues in vitro. The Jour. Med. Research 1912, XX VE: =, SB a Es sei hier an das wesentlichste der Methodik erinnert *4) (vergl. hierzu Fig. 1). Mittelst eines Dochtes wird das Medium von einem Behalter (a) durch die Kulturkammer (b) geleitet, um dann in einen anderen Behiilter (c) aufgenommen zu werden. In der Kulturkammer wird der Docht in seine einzelnen Fasern, welche sich an der Ober- fliche des Deckglischens festsetzen und ein Kapillarnetz bilden, zerzupft. Das Gewebe wird in kleine Stiicke zerschnitten und in das offene Netz von Baumwollfasern gelegt und hier durch das Gerinnen der hinzugefiigten Plasmatropien festgehalten. Der fliissige Nahrboden bewegt sich langsam am Docht entlang durch die Kultur und sammelt sich in der Aufnahmekammer (c). Die Nahr- fliissigkeit an den Geweben wird auf diese Weise fortwahrend ver- andert, ohne dass die wachsenden Zellen in irgend einer Weise ge- stort werden. Fig. 1. Kulturapparat. % der natiirlichen Grdsse. Die Zufuhrkammer (a) ist aus Glas gemacht und besitzt zwei Abteilungen. Die Lésung wird von dem horizontalen Behalter nach oben in die vertikalen Abteilungen am oberen Ende des Dochtes ge- fiihrt. Hierdurch wird eine genaue Regulierung der pro Zeiteinheit benutzten Menge erméglicht. Serum wurde als fliissiger Nahrboden in dieser Reihe von Experimenten benutzt. Herzen von Hiihnerembryonen zu allen Zeiten des em- bryonalen Lebens, sowie auch die von ausgebriiteten Hiihn- chen wurden zu den Kulturversuchen verwendet. Von den jungen Embryonen wurde meist das ganze Herz, von den alteren sowie 6fter auch von den jungen nur ein heraus- a) Vorgetragen in der Sitzung der American Association of Ana- tomists am 27. Dezember 1911. Anatomical Record, VI, 141. SR ak geschnittenes Stiickchen Herzmuskel auf den Ndahrboden gebracht. : Das ganze Herz der 60—96stiindigen Embryonen schlagt rhythmisch in Kultur mit einer Frequenz von 50 bis 120 Schlagen in der Minute. 3 Ob die herausgeschnittenen Stiicke pulsieren oder nicht, ist sowohl vom betreffenden Teile des Herzens, welchem sie entnommen werden, als auch vom Alter des Embryo ab- haingig. Ventrikelstiicke von 60 stiindigen bis 10 tagigen Em- bryonen, Stiicke des Vorhofs, insbesondere aus der Nahe der Venen der Embryonen beliebigen Alters und des jungen Hiihn- chens zeigten rhythmische Kontraktionen. Die Ventrikel- stiicke von dlteren Embryonen haben nicht rhythmisch pul- siert **). Die Frequenz des Rhythmus ist beim Vorhof grosser als beim Ventrikel; im ersten Falle betragt sie 150 bis 220, wahrend im zweiten Falle nur 50 bis 150 Schlage in der Minute. Der Rhythmus bei den gewohnlichen Hangetropfenkulturen bleibt bis zum 3. oder 4. Tage regelmassig und wird spater unregelmdssig. Dieser intermittierende Rhythmus kann in solchen Praparaten bis zum 17. Tage dauern. In den gr6ésseren Kulturen mit bestaéndiger Zu- und Abfuhr frischen Serums bleibt der Rhythmus regelmdssig, sogar bis zum 30. Tage. Wachstum. Die Wachstumserscheinungen lassen sich in zwei Perioden zerlegen, erstens die der lebhaften Aus- wanderung der Zellen des urspriinglichen Gewebestiickes in den es umgebenden Nahrboden hinein; zweitens die der Tei- lung und Differenzierung. Die erste Periode faingt gegen Ende des ersten Tages an und dauert vom 5. Tage bis in die 2. Woche bei beiden Arten der Kulturen. Sie ist sowohl durch die Bildung eines synzytiumahnlichenFilzwerkes um das Gewebe herum als auch durch die Auswanderung einer grossen Anzahl Herzmuskelzellen (Fig. 2) gekennzeichnet. In _ allen Praparaten wurde die Auswanderung von Zellen, welche nach genauer Untersuchung als Herzmuskelzellen identifiziert werden konnten, beobachtet. Der Umfang und die Dauer des Wachstums ist von der Festigkeit der Schichtdicke des Nahr- bodens abhangig. Wdahrend der zweiten Periode erfolgt eine langsame Vermehrung und Differenzierung der an ihrem neuen Sitz ansdssig gewordenen Zellen. Man erkennt das Wachs- 82) Allerdings kénnen durch eine besondere Vorbereitung der Ge- webe und der Kulturen auch Ventrikelstiicke von dilteren Embryonen zur Pulsation gebracht werden. Die Ursachen, die einen Rhythmus hervorrufen oder unterdriicken, werden in einer spiiteren Arbeit be- sprochen werden. Fig. 2. Wachstum der Zellen aus einem Stiick des Ventrikelmuskels eines 12 Tage alten Hiihnerembryos. 8 Tage nach Herstellung des Priparates. In Himatoxylin gefarbt. tum an der Kernteilung und Protoplasmavermehrung der Zellen bzw. des Synzytiums. Rhythmische Kontraktionen. In dieser Periode treten die rhythmischen Kontraktionen bei den ausgewanderten und differenzierten Zellen auf. Sie wurden in einem Fall schon am 5. Tag, in anderen Fallen erst am 14. Tage des Kulturlebens konstatiert. Die rhythmisch pulsierenden Zellen liegen stets im Fibringeriist und weisen. ein durchsichtiges Protoplasma auf, welches vereinzelte Fett- tropfen enthdlt. Unter 15 der nach der neuen Methode angefertigten Praparate, bei denen das Gewebe fortwaéhrend mit frischem Serum umspiilt wurde, fanden sich rhythmische Kontraktionen neugebildeter Herzmuskelzellen bei 3 Prd- paraten, wihrend nur bei 2 unter 150 der gewohnlichen Hiangetropfenpriparate dies der Fall war. Das haufigere Vor- kommen funktionierender Zellen in ‘den gr6ésseren Kulturen hangt offenbar mit der bei diesen Kulturen langer andauernden Periode des lebhaften Wachstums zusammen. Es wurden naimlich Wachstumserscheinungen bei den grésseren Kulturen a bis auf den 30. Tag nach Herstellung des Pradparates kon- statiert, wdhrend sie bei den gew6dhnlichen Héangetropfen- kulturen zwischen dem 10. bis 18. Tage schon aufhdérten. Wiederholte sukzessive Transplantation der Gewebekulturen _ verlangern zwar im ganzen die Dauer der funktionellen Tatig- keit, aber obwohl solche Transplantation jedesmal wieder mit einem neuen Auswuchs der Zellen begleitet ist, so ist doch ein solches Verfahren keineswegs imstande, weder das Leben der an Ort und Stelle neugebildeten individuellen Zellen, noch die bei diesen auftretenden Perioden funktioneller Tatigkeit zu verlangern. Um auf die Bewegungserscheinungen, welche an isolierten Zellen beobachtet wurden, etwas naher einzugehen, sei einiges aus dem Protokoll der 12. Kultur angefiihrt. In diesem Prda- parat hatte eine einzelne Zelle, welche weit vom urspriing- lichen Gewebestiicke entfernt war, sich pulsierend bewegt, und zwar mit einem Rhythmus, der von dem des Synzytiums unabhangig war. Die isolierte Zelle ist spindelférmig. Das eine Ende ist abgerundet, wahrend das andere zwei ausgezogene Fort- sdtze aufweist, welch letzteren grébere Fibrinfaden fest an- haften. Die Lage des einzigen Kerns wird durch eine leichte Ausbuchtung des Protoplasmas in der Nahe des runden Endes verraten. Das feinkérnige oder maschige Protoplasma weist einige perinukleadre, stark lichtbrechende Granula auf. Die Phase der Kontraktion dauert betrachtlich langer als die der Erschlaffung. Die Erschlaffung erfolgt plotzlich, und erinnert an das Zuriickschnellen eines gespannten Gummi- bandes. Bei der pl6tzlichen Entspannung der Zelle wirkt moglicherweise die Elastizitaét der Fibrinfiden mit. Die Zelle wird bei der. Kontraktion um ca. */s ihrer Lange verkiirzt, wahrend ihr kurzer Durchmesser an allen Stellen scheinbar vergrossert wird. Das Intervall zwischen den zwei Phasen ist sehr klein. Bei mittlerer Vergrdsserung sind die Be- wegungserscheinungen im Mikroskop leichter zu verfolgen und man kann sie mittels Kinematographie aufnehmen, wie Braus angegeben hat. Am 14. Tage hat das Synzytium als Ganzes gleich- massig pulsiert, wahrend am 15. und 16. Tage nur noch zwei von einander getrennte Teile des Synzytiums pulsierten; zwar war die Frequenz des Rhythmus gleich geblieben, doch trat jetzt eine Phasenverschiebung ein, infolgedessen pulsierten die zwei Teile nicht mehr synchron. Daher ist anzunehmen, dass die zwischenliegenden Zellen nicht nur ihr spontanes Kon- ? = —- 10 — traktionsvermoégen, sondern auch ihr Reizleitungsvermégen eingebiisst hatten. Zusammenfassung: Die MHerzmuskelzellen em- bryonaler Hiihner kénnen, nachdem sie Teilung und Differen- zierung ausserhalb des Organismus erfahren haben, ihre spe- zifische Funktionstatigkeit sowohl als isolierte Zellen wie auch als zusammenhingende Zellmassen wieder aufnehmen. Der Rhythmus solcher Zellen stimmt mit dem des Herzens des lebenden Tieres iiberein. Die rhythmische Bewegung wurde nicht nur bei den ausgewanderten Herzmuskelzellen junger, sondern auch bei denen der 14 tagigen Embryonen beobachtet. Die Stiicke selber, die aus dem Ventrikel der alteren Em- bryonen gewonnen sind, schlagen aber nicht, trotzdem die aus solchen Stiicken isoliert ausgewanderten Zellen Kon- traktionen ausfiihren. Durch diese Unterstchung (st demnpaen ein direkter Beweis fiir die myogene [Theorie des Herzschlagves gebracht worden: Reprinted from the American Journal of Physiology. Vol. XXXI. — November 1, 1912. — No. II. THE EFFECTS OF ALKALOIDS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF FISH (FUNDULUS) EGGS. By J. F. McCLENDON. [From the Embryological Laboratory of Cornell University Medical College, New York City, and the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries, Woods Hole, Mass.] HE goal of experimental embryology is the control of develop- ment, notwithstanding the fact that the majority of attempts in this direction have been failures. The embryo results from the interaction between the egg and its environment, and we might ex- pect that a specific change in the medium would produce a specific change in the embryo. However, the organism is capable, to a great degree, of maintaining constant conditions within itself. Take, for example, the remarkable constancy in body temperature and com- position of the blood of mammals. One mechanism for the maintenance of constant chemical condi- tions within the organism is evidenced in the remarkable semi- permeability of living cells. Overton found that volatile anesthetics and free alkaloid bases, which are rarely encountered by cells, penetrate easily, whereas salts, with which cells are constantly in contact, do not ordinarily penetrate. I observed that neithersalts nor anions penetrate the Fundulus egg, but that kations outside may be exchanged for those within.! Herbst ? thought he had found a specific effect of lithium salts on sea urchins’ eggs in the production of exogastrule, 7. e., gastrule in which the archenteron is evaginated instead of invaginated. How- ever, Driesch * produced the same results by a rise in temperature to 30° C. In this case the archenteron, or gut, sometimes shrank and disappeared, producing a condition known as anenteria. 1 McCLeEnpon: this Journal, 1912, xxix, p. 295. * Hersst: Zeitschrift fiir wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 1892, lv, p. 442, and Mitteilungen der zoologische Station zu Neapel, 1895, xi, p. 136. 3 Driescu: Ibid., 1895, xi, p. 221. 131 132 J. F. McClendon. x. Gurwitsch * supposed that lithium salts produced a radially sym- metrical gastrula in the frog’s egg. Morgan ® showed this not to be the correct interpretation, but the chief characteristic of these embryos is that the endodermal cells are not invaginated, and hence we might call them exogastrule. In opposition to the above statements, Bataillon® denies that lithium or other salts or sugar act otherwise than osmotically, and states that isotonic solutions all have the same effect on frog’s eggs. Stockard ’ observed that lithium chloride causes an enlarged seg- mentation cavity, and retards the down-growth of the blastoderm over the yolk, in Fundulus embryos. He demonstrated that this is independent of the osmotic pressure of the medium, and in a later paper ® stated that these abnormalities are ‘‘specific for the lithium ion in its action on this egg.” On the other hand, I produced “lithium embryos” with sodium chloride, calcium chloride, ether, acetone, and dextrose.® Stockard produced cyclopic or one-eyed Fundulus embryos, and at first thought theabnormality due to the specific action of the magnesium ion,!” but laterobtained similar results by the use of volatile anesthetics, and supposed them due to the specific action of anzesthetics.™ However, I obtained the same results, not only with several indiffer- ent anesthetics, but with sodium chloride, lithium chloride, and sodium hydrate, which are considered stimulating rather than anes- thetic in their action.” I found the order of effectiveness of kations (added to sea water) in producing cyclopia to be Mg Fig. 1 Left half of a pig embryo 7 mm. long after clearing. The veins are black, the arteries cross-striated, the 5th, 7th, Sth, 10t h and 11th cranial nerves are longitudinally striated, the notochord is represented by a heavy line and the fore gut by a dashed line. The sinuous line ventral to the embryo represents a wire (partly open) clamp used in clamping the umbilicus. 58 J. F. McCLENDON Figure | represents a pig embryo about 8 mm. long. The nerve tube, fore gut, mesonephros, liver, heart, eye and ear are clearly seen. ‘The arterial system and part of the cardinals and subeardinals can be distinguished. The notochord is distinct, and the 5th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 11th cranial nerve roots can be made out. Figures 2 and 3 are described in the appendix. I have prepared hundreds of pig embryos and fetuses in this way, and also injected many with india ink and cleared them in wintergreen oil. A completely injected fetus can only be studied in comparatively thin (freehand) sections. Various de- grees of partial injection are very useful to show the larger ves- sels, but these may be seen in the uninjected fetuses. The left side of an uninjected fetus which has been cleaved a little to the right of the median plane, will show the general circulation, except in the liver. The larger vessels in the liver may be seen by removing the lateral portions and passing a strong light through the remainder (an arc light is excellent), or the liver may be removed and cut into slices. In injected specimens the liver is hopeless. I washed with alcohol the blood out of the vessels of a fetus 4 inches long and cleared it in wintergeen oil, then injected it with mercury. This method has the advantage that the extent of the injection may be watched and controlled. The injection may be limited by using a coarse granular pig- — ment that will not go into the capillaries. A gelatine mass is not absolutely necessary to hold the pigment. A light colored opaque pigment has the advantage that it may be seen by trans- mitted or reflected light. The arteries may be injected and the haemoglobin fixed in the veins, giving handsome specimens. If it is desired to show only the injection, no formalin should be used. Much of the haemo- globin may be dissolved out by putting the fresh specimen into weak alcohol or alcohol and acetic acid. All of the haemoglobin may be removed with dilute acetic acid provided an injection is used that is not affected by this acid. MATERIAL FOR HISTOLOGY AND EMBRYOLOGY 59 APPENDIX ON THE ARTERIES AND VEINS IN A 30 MM. PIG EMBRYO The method of fixing the haemoglobin and clearing in winter- green oil to show the course of the vessels has been especially successful in case of pig embryos of about 30 mm. length Figures 2 and 3 show the larger vessels of the median plane and left side of one of them. The courses of most of the vessels approach the type of the adult pig and show distinctions in topography from those in man. The common carotid artery and (right) innominate artery arise from a common trunk, the brachio- cephalic artery. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery arises from the basilar instead of from the vertebral. Notwithstanding the great development of the vena cava, the left posterior cardinal is of considerable size. The right cardinal (not figured) is smaller. The thoraco-epigastric vein is divided into two parts, one of which drains anteriorly into. the internal mammary. The vessels of the limbs could not be completely followed, but enough was seen to demonstrate that they differ very much from those in the adult. Besides the vessels, the mouth cavity, brain, eye, endolymph- atic labyrinth, lungs, mesonephros, kidney, testis and penis are outlined in the figures. McCLENDON F. J. 60 ‘SOPOLI}UGA YYSII pu yyoy Jo SOTPIAv. “Ya 47 Sorumyeyyydo VT Ta Areuourpnd BS Saale gf /UBIARTOqGnS “TITAS !kreu0100 “ WYO) {Ar047e oTpeydoo-orgovaq a) rani bee “UOUIN] OY} 07B.1041]GO JsoumTe 07 sv pojoR14 “W09D OS BIB SOlI9}IB OY} Jo oUIOS pu ‘peyuesoidaa you ore s}v09 snolqy-ofnosnut sy J, “popddiys ore IIAIOSGO OY} WOTy WOYWIVF SOMOWIV VYT, “Burrvapo 10478 SUO] “WUE 7Z, ofiquie Sid wv Jo apis }J9] puv ouejd uerpout jo SolojIv oY, ZS Wwas43Ad NodiW WSIH39 INV Snxatd sanoa O1OxoHD SLVNIBYOL, Poe an W835 Prise iy 1804, a] m 3 ° nx > ts > ce] Pe = = 5 5 9 z = gO B . ae g rR Tees nm? ar ° 22 A> o& TW1Lidid>0 eee QM Cornell University. Medical a College, New York C67 Publications: studies from ve1l-3 the Dept. of Anatomy Eological & Medical Q ee | Oxriais PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE CARDS OR SLIPS FROM THIS POCKET UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO LIBRARY STORAGE en ae et 7 to Se ranean engnned one’ a Panne tance es ee ere ; Ants Se aaa rege thee Te bee ey rm pees ep Re heres * » aaeaeyener ey srns aprosahataenhere peRrareter sey