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FURTHER STUDIES ON THE MODIFICATION OF THE GERM- CELLS IN MAMMALS: THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON TREATED GUINEA-PIGS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS. By Charles R. Stockard and George N. Papanicolaou. Jour. of Experimental Zoology, Vol. XXVI, 119-226. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDIOSOME IN THE GERM- CELLS OF THE MALE GUINEA-PIG. By George N. Papanicolaou and Charles R. Stockard. Am. Jour. of Anatomy, Vol. XXIV, 37-70. THE VAGINAL CLOSURE MEMBRANE, COPULATION, AND THE VAGINAL PLUG IN THE GUINEA-PIG, WITH FURTHER CONSIDERATIONS OF THE OESTROUS RHYTHM. By Charles R. Stockard and George N. Papanicolaou. Biological Bulletin, Vol. XXXVII, 222-245. DEVELOPMENTAL RATE AND THE FORMATION OF EM- BRYONIC STRUCTURES. By Charles R. Stockard. Proc. Soc. of Exp. Biology and Medicine, Vol. XVI, 93-95. SYMMETRY REVERSAL AND MIRROR IMAGING IN MON- STROUS TROUT AND A COMPARISON WITH SIMILAR CONDITIONS IN HUMAN DOUBLE MONSTERS. By Charles V. Morrill. Anat. Record, Vol. XVI, 265-292. CHANGES IN PROTOPLASMIC CONSISTENCY AND THEIR RELATION TO CELL DIVISION. By Robert Chambers. Jour. of General Physiology, Vol. II, 49-69. A REPORT OF THE RESULTS OBTAINED FROM THE MICRO- DISSECTION OF CERTAIN CELLS. By Robert Chambers. Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada, Series III, Vol. XII, 41-47. A REPORT ON CROSS-FERTILIZATION EXPERIMENTS, ASTERIAS BY SOLASTER. By Robert Chambers and Bessie Mossop. Trans. Royal Soc. of Canada, Section IV, 145-148—1918. REGENERATION OF BONE. By Albert A. Berg and William Thalhimer. Annals of Surgery, March. 1918, 331-347. 7 af « 7 Ast? Sedge Bey sOAt ie 1 ay WATTS a ; ‘ wr Cn 7 = ae Paes”) ah = vay in pale od ’ ae R > a i f ne 7 > ‘ 4 ena AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED Reprinted from Tue JouRNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE MARCH 2 Zob.oGy, Vol. 26, No. 1, May 1918 FURTHER STUDIES ON THE MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS: THE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON TREATED GUINEA-PIGS AND THEIR DESCENDANTS CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell Medical School, New York City NINE FIGURES CONTENTS Pee nGrodUCbLONNK ¥..dec.e eres esicier ior eet eine ash aster Sera oa aoe se 120 2. Quality of the experimented and control animals...................... 123 qecelec tion Olanim als rc em erence eects sect acres sien Peni eae ges 123 Hoop in DTCSAEN Bietocteyac eset ale ciate ayer le oi eeeeptc a area Mea othhs, Segceiete os stale a o-seci leer 124 Cyebhe mumberotanimalsrakeoholizedacniss sores eeriecene eee 125 3. Experimental method and the care of animals......................... 127 4. The influence of alcohol inhalation on the individual.................. 130 a. Contrast between the immediate effects of alcohol taken by inha- Jationvaridibyestomachs Weer scree cemielan a very nciee eet hae 132 b. The vigorous condition of the animal after daily inhalation of alco- holifior lon gipertOds rf... rh seweravs 2) als fois sede eee ete 133 5. A general comparison of the progeny from alcoholic lines with those FLOM OLIN AINE S He). atch islccas vie aces hocley eine Sais Pocus Sosa we ae ee 142 6. Absorption of embryos in utero and abortions of parts of litters: methods of detecting these processes 7. A comparison of the qualities in the different generations of the alco- holic lines as they become further removed from the generation di- TEGUly, treated Mees coat eel ar eee T Ieee ala data oisieio aidine zich 159 8. A comparison of animals from directly treated fathers and fathers of alcoholic stock with animals from directly treated mothers and mothers of alcoholic stock and with others from both parents of alopholicistook:. oe cx emeripresccrrece serene tel eed tes dinate Mee aaees 168 9. A comparison of lines from only male ancestors alcoholic with lines from only female ancestors alcoholic and with those from both male and femalerancestorspalconolicumem cic: sacsincce lace acatia tices 176 10. Treating males with alcohol for one and two generations compared with treating females for one and two generations..... He daHaOree tore 183 11. The sex-ratio in relation to paternal and maternal alcoholism and to the treatment of male and female ancestors with alcohol........... 187 119 120 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU 12. The birth weights and rate of growth in the normal and the alcoholic 13. The records of normal males and females paired successively with nor- mal and aleoholic mates; the crucial demonstration of the effects of alcoholism onthe offspring.....<.... 2c. 2 ase ela eee ieee 205 14. The contrasted qualities in the control and the alcoholic series........ 208 5 General CONSiGeratiONs®.« .<.0.02 x here oy heme arte mie ere ee eRe EES eRe 212 DAGET ACUTE CLEC Gs. accsee ss repecare w\o-e,0:c%k(o/ore%s ele letecorsiattrace ce ann eReneme ce RE LS srt scorn 225 1. INTRODUCTION The present contribution presents the results obtained during the sixth and seventh years of an experiment on the modification of mammalian germ cells by the treatment of parental generations with aleohol. A number of new facts are added to our previous findings, and the data now permit a more thorough analysis. Treating the results obtained during these two years separately may be looked upon as taking a cross-section of the entire experi- ment. And when this isolated portion of the investigation is compared with the previous studies, it supplies a further most important control for the experiment as a whole. The earlier reports of this investigation (Stockard, 712, 713, and 714; Stockard and Papanicolaou, 716) were made after the first two years, three years, and five years of its progress. These reports showed, in what seems to us a definite way, that the germ cells in either the male or female mammal may be changed or affected by a chemical treatment administered to the body of the individual. The progeny derived from such chemically treated animals showed more or less marked deviations from the normal in many definitely measurable qualities, such as their mortality -records, structural appearance, nervous reactions, and ability to reproduce. The treatment also affected in the male, the crucial germ-cell test for mammals, their ability to beget offspring when mated with normal females. In general it may be stated that the offspring produced when treated males were paired with normal females were inferior in several respects as compared with other offspring from the same normal mothers bred to control males of exactly the same origial stock. Further, when the male offspring from treated fathers MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 121 were mated with normal females, the individuals resulting from such matings were as a group decidedly inferior to the young produced by normal females when mated with control males. This group inferiority was not only present in the grandchildren, or F, generation, but also in the F; generation descended from aleoholized great-grandparents. Fortunately, since these experiments were first reported, sev- _eral similar studies by other investigators using the methods here employed have been conducted on other mammals and birds. Our results have been corroborated, though the response to the treatment has in some instances been thought to differ from that shown by the guinea-pigs. Useful and suggestive interpretations of the results have been advanced, yet certain points of view are presented with which we are not always able to completely agree. The bearing of these studies on the present results will be dis- cussed in a section beyond. In particular we are indebted to Pearl (’17) for his recent characteristically clear and exact analysis of the influence of alcohol fumes on domestic fowls and their progeny. This study has suggested to us the importance of a considerable amount of data contained in the card-catalogue records of our animals which had not been fully valued in the previous discussions of the ex- periments. In the present report we have followed several of Pearl’s ideas in more completely separating the qualities to be contrasted between the alcoholic and control lines. As might be expected, various objections have been advanced from time to time regarding the cause and explanations of the results which we have reported on the effects of aleohol in the guinea-pig. In all cases, however, the objections have been raised either by persons entirely unfamiliar with these animals and their breeding qualities or by others who have not been sufficiently interested or careful to read the descriptions of the animals and breeding methods used. “It has been suggested on certain occasions that the defects and degenerate conditions which have been reported in our alcoholic lines were probably present in the original stock on which the experiment was con- ducted. Such a remark in the face of the experimental control 122 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU which has been fully described scarcely warrants discussion, yet we should like to state in the beginning for the benefit of the casual critic who may not wander through the following pages the real nature of the original control. A group of forty animals, eleven males and twenty-nine fe- males, was obtained from a reliable breeder in the early fal of 1910. These animals were all under one year old-and strong and vigorous in appearance; most of the females were pregnant. All the females were kept until they had produced a normal litter of young. Their production was what would ordinarily be obtained from healthy guinea-pigs; all of the young were nor- mal in appearance and about 80 per cent of them survived under the by no means perfect system of care then employed. Three males and six females, after the test matings, were then taken for alcohol treatment. The choice was entirely random, there being no evident marks of superiority or inferiority in any of them as compared with the other animals retained as normal control. One of the three males selected for treatment lived to be more than seven years old, and the others were all healthy, strong animals that lived long and bred vigorously. These treated males were mated with alcoholic females and with nor- mal females. The same normal females were mated at different times with normal males and such offspring were considered control. From the beginning of the experiments it may be said that the same normal female often serves as part of the experi- ment, being mated to alcoholic males and again as the control. The same is true of normal males; they are frequently mated successively with alcoholic females and normal females. From this original stock the normal animals, both males and females, have invariably given rise to average normal offspring when paired with normal mates, while, on the other hand, the treated animals being part of the same breed, have in the quality of their offspring shown a decidedly inferior condition even when paired with normal mates. After the experiment had been in progress for eighteen months, in March, 1912, a new stock of animals of an entirely different source from the first lot was introduced. Again, after testing MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 123 their breeding ability by one normal mating, certain of this lot were taken for alcohol treatment, and these animals were bred both separately and with the original lot. Yet the records of the alcoholic and normal individuals were again different Finally, in October, 1915, when the experiment was five years old, we obtained four new stocks of guinea-pigs from different dealers and introduced them into the experiments in various ways along with our now pedigreed lines from the old stock. The records of these new animals as well as our old lines known for three or more generations regarding inbreeding and other conditions are to be considered in the present paper. These experiments bring out additional facts in the study, and we believe they supply an unquestionable control on the previous results. In other words, this may be taken as a new study con- sidering the conditions of 1,170 guinea-pigs born from various alcoholic lines as well as from normal control animals. About 600 of the animals are born of alcoholic lines with no inbreed- ing in any case back through their great-grandparents. About 300 of them are from alcoholic lines and at the same time some- what inbred; these are for all considerations treated separately from the straight alcoholic lines. The control animals with which the alcoholics are compared are of the same blood lines as the alcoholics and are also not inbred. 2. QUALITY OF THE EXPERIMENTED AND CONTROL ANIMALS a. Selection of animals As briefly mentioned above, the control and the first treated individuals are derived from exactly the same original stock. During the progress of the experiment other animals have been subjected to the treatment, and these in many cases are of known pedigree for several generations in our colony. In all cases only vigorous animals are used for the treatment and they are invariably tested by being mated at least once before the treatment is commenced. This precaution is undoubtedly of much importance, equally as important as knowing the blood lines, in selecting normal breeders. These test matings are “ CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPA) f 124 cH RGE N. PAPANICOLAOU further strengthened by the fact that the same normal males are mated with alcoholic females and with normal females, and normal females are mated with alcoholic males and again with normal males as a control, ete. In this way the experimental and control animals are actually in some cases the same individuals and in all eases they are constantly being bred together. There is no question that the animals treated with alcohol and the control are equally general or random samples of the popula- tion. Yet there is a marked contrast between the records of their offspring and descendants. b. Inbreeding The alcoholic lines which we shall analyze in detail in the following considerations are practically devoid of inbreeding. Almost all of these animals are known in our colony for three or more parental generations, and we mean in stating that they are not inbred that a given individual in their ancestry never ap- pears more than once back through the great-grandparent gen- eration. In the first table to be considered the straight alcoholie lines may be compared with other lines that are not only alco- holic, but also inbred, usually to a slight degree, and it is seen that inbreeding in either the alcoholic or the control to a lim- ited degree gives no indication of any significantly injurious effects. In our former report (’16) there were shown to be more in- jurious effects in the alcoholic inbred lines than in the non- inbred. This difference has now disappeared on account of the fact that the animals in the former table were more closely in- bred and were earlier generations than the bulk of those in the present consideration. The degree of inbreeding in the inbred lines is now much reduced as compared with the earlier table, and the records have improved. This difference between the earlier and the present results indicates that inbreeding in these alcoholic lines may be easily carried to a degree which will make the injurious effects more marked.. We have avoided even the slightest approach to such a degree of inbreeding in the straight MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 125 aleoholic lines. The pedigrees of a great majority of these alcoholic animals could readily be given to cover several genera- tions, but it does not seem advisable to enter into this detail, since there is no possible chance that any differences which might exist between the normal and alcoholic lines are due to different degrees of inbreeding among the individuals of the two groups. And further, in all the groups it is entirely out of the question that any difference between the records of the control and the records of the alcoholic may be due to the control having been by chance originally good breeders and the alcoholics originally bad. The control animals are in almost all cases either sisters, brothers, parents or other blood relations of the treated animals. c. The number of animals alcoholized Recognizing the great variability in the breeding results from the different individuals in a group of higher animals, such as mammals, it has been deemed entirely essential to make our experiment on a considerable number of males and females. The mating records of two normal male guinea-pigs are fre- quently quite different even though paired with the same fe- males. It is also highly probable that different individuals will differ in their susceptibilities and responses to the treatment, so that the records of two or three males might easily prove con- fusing even though all might exhibit some effects of the experi- mental treatment. Thus the following twenty-eight males have been treated with aleohol, and a number of matings from each of these and their descendants have supplied the breeding records. The first three are from the original 1910 stock. Nos. 4 #, 5%, and 6¢, and the remaining twenty-five are animals bred and reared in the colony or from the newly introduced stocks: Nos. 4307, 45%, 700%, 720, 8007, 81607, 67867, 88727, AN 913.7, 5— 1290, 157A, 168%, 1834, 30207, 3530, 36507, AN AA Ni —=N 57491 Sg ey N 889 #7, 1091 7, 11340, < ve ——S A 1153 7, 13826 and 1327. 126 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU In the case of the females an attempt has also been made to lessen the error caused by indiv-dual differences in breeding ca- pacity and in responses to the treatment by using a number of animals. Thirty-four individuals have been treated in all. Many of these females were bred for a number of times as con- trol before being subjected to the fume treat; ent, after wh ch they are placed of course among the alcohol,cs.. Their earlier breeding records are therefore part of the control data and their subsequent records part of the data included for the alcoho ic lines. The same thing is true of a number of the males men- tioned above. In none of these cases can it be objected that the animals had become too old for normal vigorous breeding while being used in the alcoholic lines. We have constantly guar ed against breeding the alcoholic animals after there is any question as to age affecting their breeding capacities when compared w th the normal breeding cycle of these guinea-pigs. The treat- ment of the large majority of the animals is begun when they are less than one year old, and they have a vigorous breeding span of at least four years. The individua! females wh ch have been subjected to the aleohol fumes are the following: The first six are from the original 1910 stock, Nos.89,92,109,119,129, and 34°; the following twenty-eight are animals reared in the colony or from the newly introduced stocks: Nos. 559, 57°, 599, 609, 619, 629 649, 659 669, 889 909, 1179, 1582, 1619, 65492, 84792, 8659, 9469, 1229, 2009 ee NA na 2289, 3079, 11399, A7969, 10029, 11059, N——— A a: nN 1468 © and 1469 ¢. There are no contrasts between the histories and capacities of the experimented and control animals that can be fairly ac- counted for as due to differences in either their origins, blood lines, or relationships. As far as experiment and control with biological material may be practically useful, any differences which may exist between the records of the alcoholic guinea- MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 127 pigs and the normal control lines are due to the treatment ad- ministered to the alcoholic lines. We further believe that if the differences which do exist between the alcoholics and control are so slight that the crudest mathematical calculations are ‘n- sufficient to indieate their presence, the experiment has then produced no d: of biological interest or importance since conducted on anu ial material of such complexity as a group of mammals. This statement is made with no intention or pre- sumption to question the real importance and value of modern biometrical methods, but is only what we believe should apply to this particular experiment. 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD AND THE CARE OF ANIMALS Throughout these experiments alcohol has been administered to the guinea-pigs by a method of inhalation which was devised in the beginning. The animals to be treated are placed in fume tanks fully described and illustrated in an earlier communica- tion (Stockard, 712) and absorbent cotton soaked with com- mercial 95 per cent ethyl alcohol is placed on the floor of the tank beneath a wire screen on which the animals stand. The fumes of evaporating alcohol very soon saturate the atmosphere of the tanks and the guinea-pigs introduced into this saturated at- mosphere are allowed to remain until they show distinct signs of intoxication. During the earlier years of the experiment they remained for one hour each day in such tanks, but during the past twelve months we have increased the treatment to two hours per day for the males and three hours for the females. This longer treatment is much better in that the animal, of course, gets a larger dose and its tissues may become more quickly influenced by the treatment. The animals may remain until they are completely intoxicated, in which case they are unable to walk, and therefore lie in a typical drunken stupor, or they may be affected to such an extent that they attempt to walk and in so doing stagger and fall in a manner characteristic of the drunken state. The amount of treatment here employed, however, does not produce complete intoxication. It would be perfectly possible with an elaborate system of measurements to determine exactly the quantity of alcohol {umes 128 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU ach individual receives per day, per month, or per year, but, as we have pointed out before, such knowledge would be of no advantage either to us or to others in estimating the results of these experiments. No two individuals would be affected to exactly the same degree by the same dose, and as is the case with man the later influences of the treatment no doubt differ in different individuals. There is also no particular interest here in the amount of aleohol used, since our primary problem is whether or not an active chemical substance may be given in sufficient amounts to the parent mammal to produce effects upon its offspring or descendants by modifying its germ-cells, or in the case of the pregnant female by acting through the mother on the developing embryo. We have thus employed, as stated in our previous reports, a simple physiological index of the amount of treatment, giving enough each day to perceptibly influence or intoxicate the ani- mals, but not enough to produce a complete drunken stupor. Animals may remain for very long times in these treatment tanks when alcohol fumes are not present without in any way suffering for want of breathing space. This method has many advantages so far as the general health of the individual animal is concerned over drinking alcohol into the stomach, as will be discussed in the following section. The only object in choosing aleohol as the treating agent is on account of the fact that considerable knowledge exists as to its physiological actions on certain animal tissues and it is known to be an active organic substance that might produce effects. It had further been used by one of us (Stockard, ’10) in producing various developmental abnormalities in fish embryos which could be treated directly with diluted alcohol, and the general nature of the effects on these embryos had been studied. A final advan- tage in using alcohol in such experiments is the ease with which it may be administered to the animals by the inhalation method which we have described. Caging and care of animals. All of the guinea-pigs,:both the experimental and the control animals, are kept in the same type wooden cagés. These are group cages, each containing twenty MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 129 compartments one foot high by one foot wide by two feet long. Each compartment is sufficient to fully accommodate one ‘emale with her litter of young or three adult animals. In all of the cages some of the compartments are occupied by the alcoholic animals and others by the control so that the cage accommoda- tions for the two classes are identical. The cages are thoroughly cleaned, the floor sprinkled with sawdust and fresh hay put in daily. In addition to the hay, which is eaten with relish, the animals are fed every day with fresh carrots and several times per week oats are given with occasional cabbage or kale. It is also important for their perfect health, though not necessary for their existence, that guinea-pigs be given fresh water every day during the warmer months and several times per week during the winter. This is frequently neglected in keeping these ani- mals since it is commonly thought that they get a sufficient amount of water from the green foods. At the present stage of this experiment, along with several other problems now being studied, a stock of over 500 animals is constantly kept on hand. One reliable keeper devotes his entire time to cleaning the cages and feeding. He in no ease discriminates in his treatment of different animals and from the cage numbers is unable to know all of the alcoholic line animals or the controls. From the beginning of this experiment, in making the matings a male is placed in a compartment with one female during her heat period (Stockard and Papanicolaou, 717); in this way there is no opportunity for preferential or choice matings. A male might discriminate in his behavior between an alcoholic and a normal female if in a compartment with the two, as Pearl be- lieves his roosters have done when placed in a pen with both normal and alcoholic hens. After the male has remained in the pen for one month, the female is carefully examined and at this time with some practice the investigator may feel the small embryos in the horns of the uterus. The male is removed and the female remains alone in the compartment. A list of all preg- nant animals, both alcoholic and control, is kept and their com- partments are examined both morning and late afternoon of each day in order to detect an abortion should it occur, since the THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY. VOL. 26, No. 1 130 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU female may devour the early aborted young. In addition to this, each pregnant female is reéxamined once or twice and the number of fetuses in the right and left horns of the uterus re- corded each time on her catalogue record. By this method it has been found that a number of females may often absorb their embryos, either one or all, and so give birth to a smaller litter than originally began development or to none at all. The absorption of individual embryos seems so far as we have detected not to interfere with the, development of the remaining ones. These examinations of pregnant females have been repeatedly controlled by opening the animals and ob- serving the contents of the uterus, and the examinations in all cases have been very accurate. This thorough watch over the females has furnished us much more exact data as to prenatal deaths, early absorptions, etc., than were contained in our former reports. The entire care of the animals has been much improved during the past two years. Our records for monsters and other weak- ened conditions are, therefore, somewhat reduced; yet the same marked contrast between alcoholic and control is present even though the weakened alcoholic lines have no doubt profited more by the improved methods of care and feeding than have the healthier controls. The defects are also the same in type as those formerly observed, though not so marked in degree. 4. THE INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL INHALATION ON THE INDIVIDUAL The immediate effects on guinea-pigs of inhaling alcohol are somewhat similar to those observed after drinking it. As stated above, the animals after some time become unable to walk with- out staggering as a result of loss of muscular coérdination and finally reach, with a long treatment, a state of complete alco- holie stupor. The presence of alcohol in the blood of the guinea-pig after the inhalation treatment is readily detected by even simple chemical tests, as we have frequently pointed out. Other in- vestigators also find that alcohol is easily introduced into the MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 131 general system of birds and several mammals by this method. Pearl (’16 b) definitely recognizes the fact that alcohol is readily taken into the system by the inhalation method, but makes the following statement regarding the effect: ‘It is true that it is prac- tically impossible to induce by the inhalation method in animals habituated to alcohol that state of muscular incoérdination which is usually, but by no means always, the most striking objective symptom of the condition of being drunk.” Our observations on guinea-pigs show them to respond very differently in this re- spect from the fowls used by Pearl. In the case of guinea-pigs habituated to alcohol, it is very easy by the inhalation method to induce a state of muscular incoérdination due to the drunken state and finally a complete anaesthesia, the muscles being en- tirely relaxed and the animal unable to move. It may be that fowls are peculiar in their reaction to alcohol and it may also be extremely difficult to administer to them a highly effective dose without fatal results. Such an idea is suggested by the fact that Pearl does not get the gross symptoms of intoxication by leav- ing his fowls in the tanks for one hour, yet they ‘ accumulate a fatally toxic dose of aleohol by staying in the same tank under the same conditions for from twenty minutes to half an hour longer.”’ Guinea-pigs do not at all react in this manner after an hour or two in the tank they may show signs of intoxication by becoming groggy, with their muscles generally relaxed so that when lifted their bodies are almost entirely limp. Yet they have not consumed anything,near the fatal dose, since they may remain in the same tank under the same conditions for even two or three hours longer before becoming completely intoxicated so as to be unable to move; and in order to inhale a fatal dose they must remain still longer, at least six or seven hours We have treated only one fowl, a white leghorn cock, in our tanks. This bird responded much as the guinea-pigs do show- ing decided muscular incoérdination, staggering and frequently almost falling as it walked. He was also able to withstand a long treatment and never, though treated several times, did he show any tendency to suddenly accumulate a fatally toxic dose as Pearl found his fowls to do. 132 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU a. Contrast between the immediate effects of alcohol taken by inhalation and by stomach An important point to keep in mind when considering these animals intoxicated by the inhalation method is that on being removed from the tanks they use up the alcohol in their systems very rapidly and also begin to throw off alcohol by respiration. The intoxication is, therefore, of short duration so that the animal may be fairly well recovered within half an hour or perhaps only afew minutes, depending upon the amount of the treatment. In other words, this is an acute short intoxication closely com- parable to an ether anaesthesia from which the animal readily recovers when the fumes are no longer inhaled, but which during the inhalation may give a complete intoxication. On the other hand, a drunken condition resulting from taking alcohol into the stomach is of much greater duration since the gradual absorption of the alcohol continues for a longer time before the system begins to burn it up or throw it off to such a degree that the amount present begins to be continuously reduced, permitting the animal to slowly recover from the drunken state. A guinea- pig receiving a dose of about 25 ee. of 15 per cent alcohol into its stomach will be decidedly intoxicated within fifteen or twenty minutes, and the extent of intoxication will increase until the animal becomes unable to walk or stand and lies in a drunken stupor. Such a condition may persist for six or seven hours or longer, and the bedy temperature may be lowered from one to even four degrees Fahrenheit. It seems to us, therefore, that the chief difference between inhaling alcohol and drinking it into the stomach is that in the first case the action of the substance on the animal system is of shorter duration, lasting but little longer than the length of the sojourn in the fume tanks—a short acute effect—while alcohol in the stomach is gradually and continuously absorbed for a considerable length of time so that the animal’s tissues are acted upon for hours after receiving the dose. Another very serious phase of the stomach alcohol, aside from the typical intoxication effects, is its tendency to derange the animal’s powers of diges- MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 133 tion and thus to cause very injurious results. The inhalation method is accompanied by no such complications. We have now considerable data bearing on this problem and are conducting an experiment to determine the quality of the effects on the animal body and the progeny produced when dilute aleohol is taken into the stomach of guinea-pigs for long periods of time. The results of this study are to be compared with the data from the fume-treated animals. b. The vigorous condition of the animal after daily inhalation of alcohol for long periods A number of the guinea-pigs have now been treated with alco- hol fumes almost to a state of intoxication six days per week for from five to six years. Few guinea-pigs in captivity live so long atime. ‘There were two males treated for over six years, one of which lived to be more than seven years old. So far as we know, this is the longest life reported for a guinea-pig. The treat- ment was continued with these very old animals but they were not used for breeding. In no case when the treatment was be- gun on an animal over three months old could any injurious effects on its general welfare or length of life be discovered. We have called attention to these facts in our previous publications. There are certain direct injuries resulting from the inhalation of ethyl-aleohol fumes during the early stages of the treatment. The mucosa of the respiratory tract is considerably irritated during the first few months and secretes freely while the ani- mals are in the tanks, causing a watery flow from the nostrils and mouth. The membranes become more resistant as the treatment goes on and later little effect can be noticed. This irritation has never given rise to any noticeable inconvenience to the animals. The surface of the eye is also greatly irritated during the first few months, causing an abundant secretion from the lachrymal glands while in the fume tanks, and finally re- sulting in many instances in an opacity of the cornea. In some cases this opacity disappears after a few weeks and the animal is again able to see, yet some of the animals treated for several years have remained entirely blind, 134 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU A number of the treated animals have died and many others have been killed at various times during the progress of the ex- periment. Their organs and tissues have been carefully exam- ined at autopsy and later studied microscopically. All tissues have appeared practically normal and none of the various well- recognized pathological conditions occurring in human alcoholism have been discovered. ‘Tissues from animals treated as long as three years have been carefully studied, and the heart, stomach, liver, lungs, kidney, and other organs present no noticeable con- ditions that might not be found in normal individuals. Aleco- holized animals are usually fat, but no fatty accumulation has been noted in the parenchyma of any organ. Several males and females have been semicastrated during the experiment, and the ovaries and testes have been found to be in a generally healthy condition. It has seemed, however, that the ovaries of treated animals as well as all animals of the alco- holic lines show an unusual tendency to become cystic as com- pared with the ovaries of normal individuals. We have not, however, made sufficient comparisons to give the foregoing statement any greater weight than a mere supposition. The general condition of all animals under the fume treatment is particularly good, and, as stated above, they continue to grow if the treatment is begun on individuals before they have attained full size, and all become fat and vigorous, taking plenty of food, living long, and behaving in a typically normal way. The accompanying illustrations of five treated animals photo- graphed along with control individuals show their perfectly normal appearance. In figure 1 is seen two male guinea-pigs and from the photograph as well as in life it would be impossible for any one to detect signs of physical inferiority on the part of one or the other. Yet the animal on the right, No. 8037, was four days less than 5 years old when the photograph was made and had inhaled alcohol over one hour per day, a sufficient dose to give signs of intoxication, for six days per week, during four years, two months and five days. During the last seven months he had inhaled alcohol fumes two hours per day. He is per+ fectly well and alert, as the photograph clearly shows. His MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 135 companion on the left is a normal animal, No. 150, being 4 years and 3 months old when photographed. The sober exist- ence of this male has not given him any advantage in appear- ance over the old alcoholic; both are very good males, each weighing almost 900 grams when photographed. This is well above the weight of the ordinary adult guinea-pig. Figures 2 and 3 show again on the left the same normal animal, No. 1507, in order that the reader may obtain a more definite impression of the uniformly good condition of the three aleo- holic males. The alcoholic male No. 72 on the right in figure 2 was 5 years, | month and 10 days old when photographed, Tig. 1 The animal on the left is a normal male, No. 150, over four years old. The one on the right, No. 80 o’, is almost five years old and had been treated with the fumes of alcohol six times per week for four years and two months, yet is seen to be in a vigorous condition. weighing over 900 grams. He had been treated with alcohol fumes one hour per day until the last seven months, when he was treated two hours per day for six days per week. The entire duration of his treatment when photographed was four years, two months and five days. Figure 3 shows on the right alcoholic male No. 70. This animal was 5 years, 1 month and 11 days old when photo- graphed, and weighed 885 grams when 5 years old. He had re- ceived the same amount of alcohol treatment as the other two. The three were bred and reared in our colony and are above the average male guinea-pig in size and vigor. They have been good breeders as young normal specimens, as well as during 136 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU their alcoholic careers, but there has been a decided difference in the quality of their offspring during the two periods. Figures 4 and 5 show two female alcoholics photographed along with the same black male No. 116. In figure 4 the alcoholic is an albino, No. 659. She was introduced into the experi- ment with the second stock from a new source in March, 1912. This female had been treated with alcohol fumes for two years, seven months and seventeen days when photographed. During the first two years of the treatment she inhaled one hour per day for six days per week and during the remaining seven months was treated for three hours per day, until fairly well intoxi- eated each time. The normal male No. 116 was 4 years, 8} Fig..2 The animal on the left is the same control individual, No. 150 &. The one on the right is an aleoholie male, No. 72, which was more than five years old and had been treated with alcohol fumes for four years and two months. months old when photographed. The female No. 65 gave r or- mal young before her treatment began, but now produces off- spring with very poor records. The female No. 158 is shown on the left in figure 5. This animal was produced in our colony from normal parentage and was 4 years and 3 months old when photographed. She had been treated for fourteen months one hour per day and for three hours per day during the last seven months. She is a large vigorous female. These photographs illustrate to some extent the fact that the treated animals themselves are little changed or injured so far as their normal appearance goes, and should there be inferior qualities in their offspring these cannot MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 137 be attributed to a condition of general depression in the parents, but more clearly to a peculiar action of the strange chemica ma- terial in the blood upon the glands of reproduction or the germ cells of the males and females. In his study of the influence of alcohol inhalation on the do- mestic fowl, Pearl has found the treated individuals to respond in a way closely similar to our treated guinea-pigs. He has fortunately reported his results in much more thorough detail than we, yet the facts contained are practically the same for the two groups of animals. The mortality records of treated fowls show an advantage over similar records from untreated Fig. 3 Two male guinea-pigs. One on the left the normal animal, No. 150, more than four years old. On the right, No. 70 o, more than five years old and had been treated with alcohol fumes for four years and two months. control. Our card catalogue contains the record of every death that has occurred among the guinea-pigs since the beginning of the experiments, and we may state in a general way that the mortality statistics for the treated animals is certainly as good and perhaps slightly better than those of the control. Pearl has very naturally considered these findings in connection with the ‘‘widespread popular opinion that life-insurance statis- tics have ‘proved’ that even the most moderate use of alcohol definitely and measurably shortens human life.’ On careful investigation of the statistics Pearl finds them to be entirely un- convincing and to be based on biological evidence insufficient to prove anything. This is exactly in line with our own experi- 138 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU ence in studying the literature of any phase of human alcohol- ism. We have studied very thoroughly the literature relating to the influence of alcoholism in men and women on their prog- eny and, including the study of Elderton and Pearson, find it to suffer from the defects which Pearl points out in the longevity studies. Some of these contributions we shall discuss beyond, but none give any exact statement as to the amount of alcohol consumed or the length of time during which it had been con- sumed or any definite information as to other conditions or the general behavior of the individuals considered. The data are usually collected by persons entirely untrained and incapable of 5 Fig. 4 On the left normal male No. 116, almost five years old, and on the right an aleoholic female, No. 65, more than five years old that had been treated with alcohol fumes for about two and one-half years. accumulating biological evidence. These extremely inexact records are often subjected to very careful and exact mathe- matical analysis which tends to give a scientific aspect to the consideration, but in no way improves the quality of the incor- rect data used. Unfortunately, this renders it difficult to make comparisons between the responses of human alcoholics and those of selected animals used in well-regulated experiments. Yet aside from the above, even should the data relating to the influence of aleohol on human longevity justify a comparison with experimental results, we feel that such a comparison could not properly be made with either Pearl’s observations on the effect of alcohol on the mortality record of fowls or ours on the life record of alcoholized guinea-pigs, since in both experiments « MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 139 the animals have been treated by inhalation of aleohol fumes, while human alcoholics have taken the substance into the stomach. The difference between the effects on the treated individual of the two methods of administering alcohol cannot be too strongly urged. By the inhalation method the individual ex- periences only the stimulating or with further dosage the intoxi- cating and anaesthetizing effects of alcohol. As far as we have detected there are no injurious secondary effects on the indi- vidual’s welfare resulting from habitual inhalation of ethyl- aleohol fumes. The results are very different, however, when the guinea-pigs drink daily doses of 15 per cent ethyl alcohol. Fig.5 Thesame male, No. 116, is shown on the right and an alcoholic female, No. 158, is on the left. She was more than four years old and had been treated with alcohol for over two and one-half years, yet she is in no way injured in appearance. Only a few animals and a short time are sufficient to demon- strate the fact. A number of animals were given alcohol into the stomach at the beginning of these experiments and their diges- tion and metabolism were so deranged by the treatment that we were forced to devise and adopt the inhalation method as a more likely means of conducting an experiment of long duration. It has been shown by us for guinea-pigs, and Pearl has dem- onstrated with fowls, the prosperous manner in which animals withstand the inhalation of aleohol vapor. We may now give briefly the effects on three guinea-pigs of drinking daily doses of alcohol for only three weeks. The ani- mals, Nos. 173 2, 10987, and 1184.7, at the beginning of the 140 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU experiment weighed respectively, 822, 635, and 527 grams, the female being old and the two males young growing specimens. They were each given about 20 ee. of 15 per cent ethyl aleo- hol in tap water daily, except that once each week they were given almost 30 ce., which was a completely intoxicating dose. The 20-ce. dose causes all of them to be groggy for a few hours after drinking it; the effect increases for an hour or so and then eradually wears off. There is only slight if any change in rectal temperature. The animals seem fully recovered on the follow- ing day and have a normal appetite, but do not eat so ravenously as do untreated individuals. When 30 ce. of 15 per cent alcohol is given in three 10-ce. doses at fifteen-minute intervals the animal is badly intoxicated and unable to walk within fifteen or twenty minutes after the last dose. The hind legs are particularly uncertain, the animal often tumbling over almost on its back, kicking frantically and having great difficulty in righting itself. Should its mouth come in contact with food the guinea-pig will chew in a peculiar man- ner, seeming in all reactions to be typically drunk. After one and a half or two hours the animal lies on its side with its trunk muscles often undergoing spasmodic contractions several times per minute, if taken up or made to move it struggles and falls panting in the drunken condition. By this time the body tem- perature may have fallen as much as 2 degrees below the pre- treatment record. After three hours it is still unable to stand or walk and is breathing heavily with a temperature as much as 25 degrees Fahrenheit below normal. After four hours the con- dition is about the same and so for several hours longer until it gradually begins to recover and by the following morning it is fully recovered, but shows in its appearance the effects of the experience of the previous day. When animals are given five partial and one complete intoxi- cation by stomach alcohol per week they begin after a few days to regurgitate some of the stomach contents on receiving the first swallow or so of alcohol, but after this they take the dose without further disturbance, though they resist taking it more and more each time. Their desire for food is somewhat reduced as the treatment is continued. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 141 After the first week No. 173, the old female that should have weighed the same or gained in weight under normal conditions, had lost 50 grams, or 6 per cent of her total weight. The two young males should have gained, No. 1098 gained 17 grams, only 2.6 per cent of his weight, while No. 1184 lost 4 grams or prac- tically stood still. Their weight records for the indicated inter- vals are as follows: 17392 | 10989 11847 grams Prarie grams Nt re 822 635 527 lh eee 772 652 523 meter ee 740 656 477 5 eee eee 759 659 469 tone 2D. . cee ee 735 637 483 inne 1 oe re 775 621 475 The alcohol was taken from May 7 to 28, and during that time the first guinea-pig lost 63 grams, or 7.6 per cent of its original weight. Of the two young males one gained 24 grams, or 3.7 per cent of his weight, while the other lost 58 grams, or 11 per cent of his original weight. During the next two weeks after the treatment stopped the male that had gained 24 grams lost 38 grams, so that at this time each animal weighed less than when it began to take alcohol. This may have been a rather strong dose, but allowing for that, it was readily recognized that these animals were suffering from the treatment, while other guinea-pigs inhaling alcohol for three hours per day until groggy showed no injured appearance. Ani- mals taking alcohol into the stomach suffer mainly on account of the injurious effects on their digestion. Alcohol acts on the gastric mucosa in such a way that the individual is placed at a disadvantage in handling its food and the ill effects observed are more largely due to this derangement of digestion than to the toxic action of alcohol on the animal system. Alcohol in the stomach makes the case complex, while we believe that inhaling alcohol gives effects simply due to the chemical action of alcohol itself on the tissues. For these reasons we do not believe that comparisons are easily made between the conditions of animals 142 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU that have inhaled aleohol fumes and the condrtions of other ani- mals that have taken alcohol into the stomach, since the latter individuals may be reacting more to a deranged digestion than to aleoholic intoxication. Therefore, there is objection to mak- ing comparisons between the mortality records of animals treated with aleohol by the inhalation method and the reports on the effect of aleoholism in man. Yet, on the other hand, it may be possible that the influence of aleohol on the germ cells of an anima’ is the same whether the aleohol reaches the reproductive glands by being inhaled into the lungs or swallowed into the stomach. Such a position is not inconsistent with the discussion above if we take into ac- count the possible, though unknown, effects of the deranged metabolism of the parent on the germ cells. 5. A GENERAL COMPARISON OF THE PROGENY FROM ALCOHOLIC LINES WITH THOSE FROM NORMAL LINES The consideration above has brought out the fact that the in- halation of aleohol fumes sufficient to produce partial intoxica- tion six times per week for long periods does not cause any easily recognized disadvantages in the general bodily condition or powers of existence of guinea-pigs. Pearl’s experiments demon- strate the same fact in connection with the domestic fowl. This is, 0 course, leaving out of account the irritating effects of the fumes on the surface of the eye which may result in bl ndness, although even this is no handicap to either feeding or epro- duction under cage conditions. I’, then, the genera! body tissues are not sufficiently injured to cause an easily noticeable change in their powers of function, why should the germ cells be particularly susceptible to the treatment? The germ cells within the body of a mammal are undifferentiated generalized cells with no known function except to exist and await their time to develop. The soma or body, in respect to the germ cells, is simply a culture medium in which they live. The nour- ishment necessary for their existence is delivered to them by the body fluids. Any strange chemical substance which may find its way into the body fluids will reach the germ cells, and should this substance be sufficiently active and injurious in its effects € MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 143 the germ cells may be so modified as to render them incapable of normal development. This might easily occur without differentiated somatic tissues being sufficiently damaged to greatly impair their usual functions. In other cases, and prob- ably as a rule, the somatic tissues are also injured by any offen- sive substance present in sufficient quantities to modify the germ cells, and there are many reasons for believing this to be the result in several chronic human infections. One must not infer from these statements that the germ cells are readily injured by poisons taken into the system; indeed, they seem on the contrary to be protected to a remarkable degree against such effects, and for this reason it is difficult to obtain a substance which may be used in experimental studies on the modification of the germ cells. Should the germ cells be modified through the action of any substance, the point of particular importance is that all cells arising from such a modified germ will be similarly modified, since they are merely products of its division, and thus the soma and germ cells of the resulting individual will deviate from the normal in proportion to the degree of the primary modi- fication of the cells from which it arose. Provided the change is one of such a nature that the cell or its parts are unable to recuperate, for example, if their specific chemical or physical make up be altered, then not only will the generation resulting from the originally modified germ cells be affected, but all future generations arising from this modified germ plasm will likewise be affected. It seems also highly probable that should such results occur, the modifications to be observed in the somatic generations will be of a generalized nature affecting the organism in various ways so as to render its development less vigorous, its chance of sur- vival less certain, and its ability to behave in a normal fashion more or less hampered. In certain cases the animal might really show no evident signs of its altered character. It seems to us, on the other hand, that only through the very rarest chance, one in possibly thousands, would any of the small number of definite characters under observation happen to be modified by their response to the treatment. The inheritance of coat-color, 144 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU for instance, may not be affected, although the germ plasm might be so seriously altered as to give rise to the most extremely ab- normal individuals. ‘The same would apply to the very few other characters in mammals the inheritance of which have been studied from the Mendelian standpoint. Finally, then, the fact that the soma seems little injured by the alcoholic inhalations is in no way an index of what may be expected from the development of the germ cells of guinea-pigs which have been under habitual treatment. Arlitt and Wells have very recently reported that the admin- istration of aleohol in the food of male white rats for two or more months results almost constantly in the appearance of marked degenerative alterations in the testicles although other organs were apparently uninjured. They find that these changes affect the steps of spermatogenesis in inverse order to their occurrence, so that for some time before sterility and complete aspermia result, the animal is producing spermatozoa with all possible degrees of abnormality. The probable relation of such phenomena to the production of defective offspring is obvious. A general survey of the progeny from the normal and alcoholic lines as a whole will first be undertaken and is based on the data presented in table 1. In this table the animals are arranged in four groups, the first column containing the records of those produced by normal control matings without inbreeding, the third column records of normal animals somewhat inbred, while the second column gives similar records for animals produced in the alcoholic lines without inbreeding, and the fourth-column animals are not only alcoholic, but also somewhat inbred. The table contains in all records of 1170 animals, from our catalogue numbers 613 to 1909 except 126 animals that could not properly be included such as 39 new stock adults, 22 killed for different purposes during early embryonic life, 31 derived from mothers with only one ovary, and others too heterogeneous in origin, as those from ancestors treated during pregnancy, ete., to be cer- tainly placed. They represent, as stated above, the animals produced during the sixth and seventh years of the experi- ment and none from the earlier years. The figures of the first horizontal space may be used to indicate 145 MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS (%+9'°S) %O8 ~Sl “8&e'| “sLE PL ce <£ 1 £ 1 Ss ie £ is (%+9°2) %807 ~SlE 8S) (%+T'l) 40% %ILO %SC'l + t Z ° v £ t (%98°T) %LOL %bk7 %63:L mn) JO sG uous UayM Tee Neueu ysis) pe7z!s.iapun (wo SYJLOW S LAM 313. 00S UCU} 2.10) PaZIS1IOAO no (%38S'S) LEST %IO Y%oF (%1DS) %tS'T UST USSS UST Your %0r+ %I9'O TOA\LDO fa o I & \ fe} ° ° ° ° fe} ° © | tall | fo) ° ° (oy xe) ° i Ss U S 417 = Ss Ss id (S t ) S ~ is i Ss a ( iG I O1T = %6S-81 N(%Lo-bS) “tl Xslo “pele ¥slse Sie Eras) cea) Gi a (s Tt if (%+LE) ait Gl a Se) 681 = %6L31 N(%rt5-92) “IIIS BeF %~IOGS Bis Bl tcHsl al tS 601 OF IP S ie aS (4 (% 5862 ) ] gl oe ii BG= %9 te N S617) WEES %4ORST Oo = (%IE°e7) 40% WS1EZ %1711 Wiesi ¢ tha S70 id peep je}oL (%B08+) £ it 8 £ {e) + suULUOW ¢ CLUS paley (%T6'IS) U1OG | [IE 0 9 L + o fOINpewe.tq Se £9 ea See Cnesdy %08 %F79 WELEB %BL4B %0) SULUOLWU & fall ae SL 6f 1 See at eaO DeNE] (%STS9) (%+l/0L ) yi ST We aI 9) S af AS YE | YRZ YOSTE %SO8I ¥-T-I %ool L a] 86 cS SI Siete wee: [cel co a7 (oh Gh a2 S vy S ] %999) SOC IL %00! o 8g 9a fe -(©) (Sy a7 Ss 16, I it ASTI BY UEGOD %~LHI8 ELG18 stan (OL eacslneels: 6S Eee (oes-¥) & “wf sow LUT 22 @Besany (evo S1) 9E Wef 4e-=w Lv? 49H!| @Bvsny~ (pS-tjt “\ofaew toe (ettl) \ivJ AR THT 4911 WB oAPAY O9'T ADH Hosen” %tS IT 4% 6L0S % IC 6T %SL6I Yel YAVES *wECLE %EO VE HOBGUaA Gt OF ti O8 EI CM GAL ike gO Gi ool Giz tl BS Si @b 06 9% Ol REHOME. Si ab eS tol SOUL] PeULION) Eee st gs (el SOUl] WOYOr| 7 ip a Gio ab Pea.AQut |eWAOKy PERSE RCH ICI SSM1 ODIIOHOOIV GNY IWWHON WON4 ANS9OOUd SHL SO SGHOOAY ALNVWNO GNY ALINVLYOW eeelele\ale THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, VOL. 26, NO. 1 146 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU the productivity of the different lines. The numbers | to 5 in- dicate the number of young, one, two, three, four, or five produced by a female in a single litter. Litters of five indi- viduals are the largest that have occurred from this strain of guinea-pigs. The average number of young in a litter from the normal lines is 2.77, and of the 233 animals included in this column 24.03 per cent of them were born in litters of one or two young. About 39 per cent were born in litters of three, while 37.33 per cent of the animals were members of large litters of four and five individuals. There were only a few normal in- bred animals, as shown in the third column, but their general occurrence in the different-size litters was about as in the straight normal lines, half of the animals were born in litters of three, and almost 30 per cent in larger litters, and only about 20 per cent in litters smaller than three. The average litter happens to be in the small number of inbred animals a little higher than in non-inbred_ stock. The arrangement of the young in large and small litters in the aleoholie and alcoholic inbred lines is almost exactly the re- verse of what we have just seen for the normal. Again, a little less than half of the animals occur in litters of three. But over 30 per cent of the individuals are from litters of only one or two, while about 20 per cent are born in litters of four or five. Stated in other words, in the normal lines one and one-half times as many individuals are born in litters of four or five as in litters of one or two, while in the alcoholic lines one and one-half times as many are born in litters of one or two as in litters of four or five. The explanation of this, we believe, is as follows: About half of the pregnancies in this stock of guinea-pigs should result in litters of three, as is found to be the ease in all of the lines of table 1. All litters of less than three young are due in the first place to a low productivity on the part of the female as is prob- ably indicated by the production of more than one-fifth of the normal young in such litters. In the seeond place, small lt- ters are frequently due, particularly in the alcoholic lines, to the death and absorption in utero or early abortion of one or more members of an originally large litter. The absorption in utero of such embryos, often of rather large size, may occur in a nor- MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 147 mal guinea-pig, yet such a phenomenon is not very common, although in the alcoholic lines it is frequently observed. We shall consider this process below, the only point of interest here being its effect on the size of the litter. The exactly reversed percentages of individuals born in large and small litters in the normal and alcoholic lines, as shown by the table, may indicate that one-third of the animals in alcoholic lines that are born in litters of one or two were originally in litters of three, four or five. For example, the normal lines have in all well over 12 per cent more animals born in litters of four or five than in litters of one or two, and the alcoholic lines have over 12 per cent more in litters of one or two than in litters of four or five, and this 12 per cent_probably has been thrown from the larger into the smaller litters on account of early abortions and absorptions which occur in the former. The too frequent oc- currence of small litters is undoubtedly indicative of not alone an actually low productivity, but a very early prenatal mortality. Another occurrence also partly due to an early, prenatal mor- tality is the failure of a mating to produce a result. No doubt in rare cases fertile guinea-pigs may be mated during the heat period of the female, as these have been, without a following conception. In the normal lines four out of eighty-eight matings, or 4.54 per cent, failed, giving negative results, while in the alcoholic lines three times as many matings failed, and very probably this excess represents those cases in which not only a part of the litter is lost through an early prenatal mortality, but the entire litter is destroyed. Of course, some cases of actually infertile matings are also represented. By this ‘early prenatal mortality’ is meant the absorption or loss of an embryo before it is of sufficient size to be detected on carefully feeling the uterus through the body wall of the mother. With experience an embryo eight or ten days old may be de- tected by an external examination of the uterus. Through our routine examination of the females after being with the males for one month, any embryo lost after this time will have been discovered and is definitely recorded in the third horizontal space of the table. If absorption or early abortion of one or more embryos in a litter may actually be observed to occur after as 148 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU much as ten days of development, there must certainly be a pre- natal mortality of some extent previous to this time. Experi- ments with the eggs of lower forms which develop outside of the | mother, permitting direct observation, speak for the great pre- ponderance of an early embryonic mortality, many such eggs dying during the cleavage and gastrular stages when subjected to even slightly unfavorable conditions. We have some direct evidence on ‘early prenatal mortality’ in female guinea-pigs which have been examined by operation after repeated ‘mating failures.’ The ovaries of some such animals contain corpora lutea of pregnancy indicating that an embryo had been present shortly before the examination. Pearl records that the eggs from aleoholized fowls are to a high degree infertile. This he believes is due to many of the germ cells as such having been killed by the treatment. By infertile, Pearl means, of course, that no fertilization or zygote formation took place, yet it is extremely difficult in all cases to detect whether the early stages of development may not have occurred and been followed by death and degeneration. The death may have occurred during the cleavage or gastrular stages while the egg was yet in the uterus of the hen and many of the ‘infertile eggs’ might really be classed among the early pre- natal mortalities. We make these suggestions merely as pos- sibilities which to us are somewhat tempting, since if there was actually an early prenatal mortality in some of these ‘infertile eggs’ it would bring the effects of the aleohol treatment on the fowls and mammals still closer together. It is only through our recent analysis of the size of litters and mating failures, along with careful examination of the pregnant females, that we have become aware of the sometimes frequent very early embryonic death. The second horizontal space shows the number of young from the several lines that reached maturity, or lived over three months. Here again the size of the litter is an important factor. It may be stated generally that the power of survival of a guinea- pig varies inversely with the size of the litter in which it is born. We shall see beyond that this is also true of their birth weight, growth rate, and certain other qualities so that in mak- MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 149 ing comparisons between young guinea-pigs it is important to know whether the individuals concerned occurred in litters of equal size. In the normal lines all individuals born singly survived, and, as the seventh space shows, 30 per cent of them were unusually large or over size when three months old. Normal animals born in litters of two or three survive in about 84 per cent of the cases and are often of large size. The members of litters of four survive in only 62.5 per cent of the cases and are not gener- ally vigorous animals. . The records show that 80 per cent of the young in litters of five survived, but this is very unusual and is due probably to the small number involved, and possibly to a slight extent to the extreme care with which the pregnant females with the larger number of young were handled. This extreme care, however, only saved 13.33 per cent from the same number of alcoholic-line young born five in a litter. The second column indicates that over 81 per cent of alcoholic animals born in litters of one or two are capable of survival. Such a record is almost as good as the control, showing how very strong the members of small litters are and indicates again that an early individual selection may. have played some part, since no doubt there has been a prenatal mortality among the weaker individuals which originally existed in some of these litters. This is emphasized further by the fact that the members of litters of three survive in only 60.93 per cent of the cases. Here the prenatal mortality has not played so severe ardle and many weaker individuals are born. The power of survival of animals born three in a litter from the control is about 23 per cent better than from the alcoholic lines. Only 48 per cent of the alcoholic- line individuals from litters of four were able to live three months. Recognizing the small numbers involved, only 13.33 per cent of the alcoholic guinea-pigs born in litters of five were viable. It thus appears that when the alcoholic animals produce large litters the quality of the young is very poor, whereas their small litters contain animals with good survival records. There is little doubt that this apparent difference in quality is in part due to a prenatal selection which, in the case of the small litters, has eliminated most of the weaker individuals and left only the 150 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU stronger to be born. In addition to this, it must also be recog- nized that the ability of the female to properly nourish the mem- bers of the large litters is somewhat overtaxed. Three or less than three embryos are very well nourished by normal mothers. It must be recognized here that the inferior records of the alco- holic lines are not alone produced by alcoholic mothers, but come also from alcoholic fathers as following tables will show. The survival records of the normal inbred lines are about the same as those from the straight control, and are almost equally superior to the alcoholic lines. The alcoholic inbred animals have a survival record closely similar to the straight alcoholic lines, and again decidedly inferior to either the normal or normal inbred lines. The fifth horizontal space contains the mortality records which are the reverse of the survival records just considered. However, we have given here not only the actual mortality in litters of different sizes, but have corrected the total mortality record on the basis of the occurrence of large and small litters and their mortality in the different lines as compared with the control. We have also expressed the mortality in numerical proportion in the several lines, taking the control as 100. The total mortality in the normal lines is 22.31 per cent. This is a very good record, since it not only includes the postnatal mor- tality, but all exact prenatal mortality as well. We mean by exact prenatal mortality those cases of absorption in utero and premature abortion which were actually observed, and not those calculated on the basis of size of litter, mating failures, etc., as was discussed in connection with the productivity of the different lines., The total mortality of the normal inbred is 21.95 per cent, or almost the same actually as well as when corrected for litter sizes as the straight normal lines. The total mortality of the alcoholic lines without inbreeding was 35.02 per cent, or almost 1.6 times greater than the mor- tality of the control. But this does not fully represent the real difference between the two lines unless it be corrected on the basis of the mortality record for the different-size litters in the alcoholic and the normal. The mortality is much higher among MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 151 the members of the large-size litters than among those in the small litters, and the large litters are 1.7 times more frequent in the control than in the alcoholic lines. The mortality is corrected on the basis of the normal records as follows: The rate for the normal animals born one in a litter is zero; two in a litter, 15.21 per cent; three in a litter, 16.66 per cent; four in litter, 37.5 per cent, and five in litter, 20 per cent. On this basis what should be the number of alcoholic animals dying in the several different-size litters? The numbers should be zero instead of 7 for one in litter animals; 24.64 instead of 30 for two in litter animals; 46.48 instead of 109 for three in litter animals; 37.5 instead of 52 for individuals born four in litter, and 3 instead of 13 for five in litter. These numbers give a total of 111.62, which divided by the number of alcoholic animals, 594, shows a mortality percentage of 18.79. On the basis of the control mortality for the different-size litters, this is what the mortality should have been in the alcoholic lines, yet instead of 18.79 per cent it was actually 35.52 per cent, or almost double the normal rate. Again to express the corrected mortality in the alcoholic lines in terms of the control as 100, we find that for every 100 of the control animals that die 189 from the alcoholic lines die. The last column shows the 302 alcoholic inbred animals to present a still worse record. The actual mortality here is 39.07 per cent, or one and three-fourths times higher than in the con- trol. Here again correcting as in the preceding cases, the mor- tality on the basis of the control record in the different-size litters, it should normally be 18.59 per cent, but instead the mortality is 2.1 times greater than this among these alcoholic inbred animals. In other words, for every 100 control animals that die 210 aleoholic inbred individuals succumb. While the normal inbred animals, although their numbers are small, pre- sent a slightly better record than the straight control, 98 of these dying to 100 of the control. In the third and fourth horizontal spaces of the table the total - mortality is divided into the prenatal and postnatal deaths. The proportion of prenatal to postnatal death in the different lines: presents peculiar arrangements that will be seen to exist, not only 152 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU in this, but in several of the tables to follow. The prenatal records include embryos that die and are absorbed in utero, never passing to the outside, other embryos and fetuses which die and are passed out or born prematurely, and finally full- term young which die shortly before birth and are, therefore, still born or born dead. The postnatal deaths include all ani- mals dying before reaching three months of age, at which time guinea-pigs are about mature. In the control lines 51.92 per cent of the total mortality oec- curred before birth or was prenatal, while 48.08 per cent of the deaths occurred after birth. Considering the numbers in- volved, it therefore may be said that the pre- and postnatal mortalities are about equal in the straight control lines. There is no evidence here of a particular tendency on the part of the young animals to succumb at any given or critical stage in their development. The numbers contained in the normal inbred column are cer- tainly too small to be considered. In both the alcoholic and the alcoholic inbred lines where the numbers involved are considerable (the records showing 329 deaths among 896 animals), the prenatal mortalities are double the postnatal deaths. The alcoholic column shows 70.14 per cent of the total mortality to occur before birth, while only 29.85 per cent of the individuals that died were lost after birth. The last column gives for the alcoholic inbred animals 65.25 per cent of the total mortality as prenatal and only 34.74 per cent as postnatal. This consistent arrangement in the two columns indicates a tendency on the part of the weak and subnormal individuals of the alcoholic lines to succumb during early stages of their development. Such an interpretation is exactly in ac- cord with and is substantiated by the high early prenatal mor- tality which exists in these lines as indicated by the size of their litters and frequent mating failures when compared with the control. A mortality arrangement of this kind accords with what is known of almost all weak or diseased stocks—there is a very high loss during the early stages of development, as well as during MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 1538 later embryonic or uterine life. Furthermore, many individuals die very soon after birth, while those that happen to survive the periods shortly following birth are often capable of an almost or quite normal existence. The mortality in the control is low, but half of oi. or a high proportion, occurs after birth. The mortality in the alcoholic lines is high, but only a low proportion, about one-third of this, occurs after birth. It may be added further that the young aleoholics which die after birth in the majority of cases die within a few days, while the control young that die after birth are more likely to be scattered along over a number of days or weeks. It is thus seen that in both the alcoholic and alcoholic inbred lines there is a decided tendency for the developing embryos and young to succumb during the early periods of their development. This would suggest that these affected individuals were often incapable of passing through the early critical stages of uterine life. But if they were sufficiently fit to survive these periods, their chance for existence was good, so that their postnatal mortality, although actually higher than the control, was pro- portionally much lower. Thus we have a somewhat rigid in- dividual selection taking place during the stages of uterine life, so that the sum total of the individuals at a given stage is of a better average quality than during any previous stage and vice versa. Therefore, as is clearly shown beyond, those ani- mals of the alcoholic lines which live to become mature and prove to be fertile are a strictly selected few and in each gen- eration the proportion of strong to weak individuals through this selection constantly tends to increase. The sixth horizontal space shows a complete absence of de- fective individuals in either the normal or normal inbred groups. It may be stated here that during the entire seven years of this experiment not one grossly defective or deformed individual has appeared in the nonalcoholic or control lines. This is a rather remarkable record for any group of animals, and it speaks strongly for the perfection of the original stocks from which both the control and the alcoholic lines have been derived. 154 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU In the alcoholic lines about 23 per cent of the individuals were erossly defective. By defective is meant those specimens which show deformities, such as one abnormally small eye, cataract or opaque lenses, deformed limbs, paralysis of the limbs, gross. tremors which make the animal incapable of locomotion or proper feeding, etc. There are slightly more defectives in the alcoholic inbred groups, 3.31 per cent in all. The next line records the over-size or unusually large animals, those weighing more than 500 grams when three months old. Among the control 30 per cent of the individuals born singly or one in a litter grew to be unusually large specimens. More than 10 per cent of those in litters of two were also unusually large, and 5.53 per cent of the three in litter animals are included in this class. None of those born in litters of four or five were able to attain such a size. Of the total control animals over five and one-half per cent were of this large size, while only about half as many from the alcoholic and alcoholic inbred lines at- tained such a distinction, yet in both treated groups there were over two and one-half per cent of large specimens. The last line of the table shows the occurrence of unusually small animals, those weighing less than 300 grams when three months old. Among 233 control animals only one such individual appears, 0.42 per cent. The alcoholic lines contain more than three times as many of these as the control, but still very few, only 1.34 per cent. The numbers in the normal inbred column are too small for consideration. Among the 302 alcoholic in- bred animals there were eleven under-size specimens, or 3.64 per cent. This is almost three times as high a percentage as occurred in the alcoholic lines and over eight times as high as is recorded for the control animals. Comparing the present results with those of our earlier papers, particularly with the similar table 2 (16), it will be noticed that the numbers involved are almost twice as great and the records of the animals considered are decidedly better than were for- merly shown. This improvment in the quality of all lines is due to several factors. In the first place, the breeding methods have been decidedly improved since studying the oestrous cycle of MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 155 the females and determining the exact time of the ‘heat periods’ (Stockard and Papanicolaou, *17). This has enabled us to pair the animals at the most favorable periods and thus to obtain far better and more exact mating records than was possible on the basis of the previous conceptions of the guinea-pig’s sexual be- havior. Secondly, the housing, care, and feeding of the animals are decidedly better during the last three years than during previous times, and on this account the mortality in all lines has been reduced, but as might be expected, the weaker alcoholic lines have profited more by this improved condition than have the control animals. For example, the mortality record of the control has been lowered only a little more than 3 per cent, while in the alcoholic lines it has been lowered a much as 18 per cent. This improvement in the alcoholic lines is also partly due to the existence of more late-generation animals with many normal ancestors. Thus, although the lowered mortality record of the aleoholic may not be entirely due to the better living condi- tions, yet it serves as a striking illustration of the difference in response to the change on the part of the control animals and the alcoholics. The previous somewhat unfavorable state did not greatly impair the powers of existence of the control ani- mals, but it did evidently eliminate some of the weaker alco- holic individuals that might have survived under more ideal arrangements. It must be recognized, in the third place, that for the alcoholic inbred animals the degree of inbreeding among the later gen- erations here included is less intense than was the case with earlier generations in the former reports. And for this reason the previous rather decided differences which were shown be- tween the straight alcoholic group and the alcoholic inbred ani- mals have almost, though not entirely disappeared. Lastly, the fourth point of difference to be borne in mind in comparing the earlier and present records is that there are now more late-generation alcoholic descendants with less affected material in their total germ-cell complex than was true of the ani- mals in the former tables, which as a group were composed of generations closer to the direct alcohol treatment. For ex- 156 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU ample, an animal derived from a directly alcoholized father and a normal mother could be said to contain half affected and half normal germ plasm, whereas another in whose pedigree the only alcoholic individual was an alcoholized grandfather, would undoubtedly contain a smaller amount of affected stuff. Finally, then, in the light of the facts involved, the general table presents an impression closely similar to that derived from the previous records of these experiments, but it adds data of much importance for a clearer understanding of the problems concerned. The improvement in the present records over the former cones might suggest that should the methods of breeding and caring for the animals reach perfection, the differences between the alcoholic lines and the control might be entirely erased. This would be possible if the improvement was due alone to method, but such a suggestion ignores the fact that the improvement is more largely due to the presence of late-generation animals with only a small amount of alcoholic germ plasm in their ancestry and a large number of normal progenitors. The analysis of the following table 2, in which the several generations are treated separately, will fully substantiate the validity of the foregoing statement. Before considering this table, however, we may discuss briefly the phenomenon of absorption of embryos in utero and our methods of examining pregnant females in order to fully record the fate of all embryos that begin to develop. A knowledge of this prenatal mortality is involved not only in the table just studied, but in several of those that follow. 6. ABSORPTION OF EMBRYOS IN UTERO AND ABORTIONS OF PARTS OF LETTERS: METHODS OF DETECTING THESE PROCESSES After having observed the course of pregnancy and the size of the litters produced in a large number of cases, we became con- vinced that many of the small litters delivered at full term were only partial litters. Particularly in the alcoholic lines it became evident that abortions of one or two members of a litter might MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS L57 oecur without hindering the further development to term of the remaining members. It was also recognized as is known even for the human female that embryos might be absorbed in utero. In the guinea-pig we have found that the absorption of one or more embryos in utero, as is true of partial abortion, may not interfere with the further normal development and birth of the remaining members of such litters. When it was realized that these absorptions and abortions of parts of litters were taking place, the necessity arose of definitely detecting each case in order to make the prenatal mortality records approach correctness. A systematic examination was, therefore, begun of every female after being with a male for one month up to within a week or ten days of delivery. The female to be examined is allowed to stand on a flat sur- face and the investigator with both hands presses the ventral abdominal wall so as to feel with the fingers the horns of the uterus against the dorsal abdominal wall. With considerable practice the small embryos and placentae may be definitely counted within one or both horns of the uterus. The num- ber of embryos and their position in the two horns of the uterus are noted on the record card of the female. After this initial examination she is reexamined once or twice during the preg- nancy and each time the number and position of the embryos with the date of examination are recorded. The number of young finally born helps to show how nearly correct the exam- inations have been. The records now contain several hundred such examinations and show that absorption of embryos may take place not only during early stages, but after the fetuses have attained consider- able size. The difference between absorption and partial abor- tion may usually be recognized by the fact that the embryo being absorbed may exist for some time as a small lump in the uterus, while the aborted embryo disappears from the uterus and leaves no palpable remains. There are exceptional cases in which the uterus is unusually swollen or congested after the abortion and these on being felt would still seem to contain a partial embryo. The cages of the pregnant females are exam- 158 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU ined every morning and afternoon and aborted embryos or pla- centae are generally located, yet instances do occur of early abortion possibly during the night in which no trace of the aborted material is found, since the female very quickly attempts to eat the aborted products. Fig. 6 On the right a normal 19-mm. embryo taken from the right horn of the uterus of an alcoholic female. The left horn of the uterus contained the degenerating mass shown on the left which was attached to a small placenta and represents an embryo in the process of being absorbed in utero. The mother had an alcoholized father. During the two years which supply the data for the present study the females have been very carefully and consistently examined throughout their pregnancies, and the records of ab- sorbed and premature or aborted young are very accurate for all MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS iN MAMMALS 159 periods after the embryos are of sufficient size to be detected by this method of external examination. To convey some idea of how accurately one may detect a structure by palpation through the abdominal wall of the guinea-pig, it may be stated that a slightly cystic ovary has frequently been diagnosed by such an examination. A normally developed embryo 19 mm. crown rump length is shown in figure 6 and near it is seen an amorphous embryonic mass 2 mm. in longest diameter which represents the other member of the litter. The two were in different horns of the uterus. The placenta of the normal embryo was of the usual size, while the one associated with the arrested specimen was only about one-half as large. The entire mass of the smaller ovum in the uterus was about that of a ten-day specimen, while the normal individual was a typical twenty-day specimen. This case was detected by external examination and was merely opened in order to use the embryos for illustrating the phenomenon. In the explanation of the figure the ancestry of the embryos is given. The intrauterine absorption of embryos, as stated above and indicated in table 1, may occur in normal guinea-pigs. A. W. Meyer (’t7) has very recently described the histological con- ditions found in partially absorbed embryos which he had ob- tained during a study of the prenatal growth of the guinea-pig. There is considerable data from our study to indicate that this absorption of embryos is somewhat more frequent in the alcoholic than in the normal lines. 7. A COMPARISON OF THE QUALITIES IN THE DIFFERENT GEN- ERATIONS OF THE ALCOHOLIC LINES AS THEY BECOME FURTHER REMOVED FROM THE GENERATION DIRECTLY TREATED It has been mentioned in discussing the improvement of the records in table 1, as compared with our previous reports, that this advantage is partly due to the larger number of late-gen- eration animals at present included. We may now analyze the alcoholic lines for a comparison of the qualities of the early and 160 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU late generations, I, to Fy, on the basis of their productivity and mortality records. Such an analysis is of particular importance to test in the first place whether the effects of the alcohol treat- ment on the germ cells are permanent, altering their qualities in inheritance, and in the second place whether an increasing amount of normal germ plasm acquired with each generation may tend to offset the original alcoholic effect by dilution. Table 2 contains the data from the non-inbred alcoholic lines divided into different generations. The first vertical column gives the records for 233 control young as a standard of com- parison. These are the same records shown in the normal column of table 1, except that in the present table we have included in the first horizontal line under each group the average birth weight of the litters produced. This is termed the average litter weight and is recorded in grams. For the normal stock this average productivity is 197.12 grams; that is, the average weight of all the litters at birth was this amount. The average litter weight is In a way associated with the average litter size, since a litter containing several young though each individual may not be so large, will probably weight more than a litter of fewer or of one young. Thus a group having a higher average litter than an- other group will also probably have a higher average litter weight, though this is not necessarily the case, as will be seen on com- paring the several columns of the table. The second column contains the alcoholic line animals. This again is the same 594 alcoholic animals shown in the second column of table 1 and is given here for comparison with the four following groups, each of which is a certain portion of this total column. The average productivity for the alcoholic animals is 170 grams, or 37 grams less than the control, and when cor-- rected on the basis of the average litter size, it is 5.6 grams less than it should be according to the normal standard. The third column gives the records of 186 animals with one or both parents treated with alcohol, the F, generation. Thirty- three of these animals also had a slight aleoholie history in their ancestry, and thus the entire group are not pure F, alcoholics. The proportion of large and small litters in this column is about 161 MAMMALS RM-CELLS IN GE MODIFICATION OF THE bea Xsror N (Me HhL1) | GHl=%7OITN (419-08) TLI= ORS) N(%ESTE)| OET=%SII NCIO'Cb)| 681 fo9 Aslezlxleztqtoe %ol | os Ya Whse vge4l Leese | foo) esrie 79+ Stl MINN si gi 8 | 8 OF 69 OF 9 el ie Ub. 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Gite NES, (658 6%) (olg0'8+) 8’ OF (i is Saas SyfUOM & UUs Pal UA ||IES S1npowe-ld ‘paqiosgy (%+V0L ) +¢ 6L ©) (oy wh Ji nee A SFG Gust noaG Sled 9699 -LL fey aou9 “2018 is Meee en cGill| SMO Ns gy son sis “isis | os 4529 xeete ¥BL48 X00 Phe aan (%t6 IS) Br OLl vel IS Zl Ste Sb 6€ O} 4 aS) ee So i a Se : (Keser wel yow 1 fray) aBvav0y | ab TELE! a saiitl aevsany +T Aayl) SPvavny LL°T AY] eBay woes YELLE %E0've = — ik Ol Olt %9!) BE al TL O6 OF OF Jaquinu JeyOL see Sts oN + cecum! YDOFS JOWLOKZ LWYSNa9 LNVAYSS4IG SHL 40 VWOSMVdWOD WY THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, VOL. 26, No. 1 162 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU the same as in the total aleoholic column, 34.6 per cent of the animals were born in litters of less than three and only 17.74 per cent in litters of more than three. The normal record as pointed out before is just about the reverse of this. The average- size litter in which the F, animals occur is 2.51, which is slightly larger than for the total alcoholic column, but the average weight of these litters is less than for the entire alcoholic lines, being 165 against 170 grams. As compared with the control the average productivity of this column is 32 grams low, and when corrected on the basis of the average-litter size, the litters are then more than 13 grams less than the control standard. The mating failures are about the average alcoholic result, 12.94 per cent. The mortality record of the F, animals is not so good as for the entire alcoholic group, only 56.98 per cent of them living longer than three months as against 64.47 per cent. The total mortality is 43.01 per cent, and when this is corrected on the basis of the normal mortality for the various-size litters in which the individuals occurred, we find that the F, mortality is almost 2.3 times the control record, or 230 against 100. The corrected mortality here as compared with the entire alcoholic group is 230 against 189, or 41 points higher. The proportion of prenatal to postnatal mortality corre- sponds closely to that of the entire alcoholic group and contrasts with the control in the same way as discussed in considering table 1. Finally, then, the F; group of animals from either one or both treated parents, are inferior to the alcoholic group as a whole in having a higher mortality record and in occurring in litters of a lower average weight although of equal average size. The fourth column contains the records of animals more than one generation distant from the aleohol treatment; that is, those having treated grandparents, great-grandparents, or great-great- grandparents, or combinations of these, Fs, F;, and F's generations. All of the alcoholic animals from column 2 are included in this column, except the third column of F, animals; there are thus 408 individuals. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 163 The distribution of the animals in large and small litters is closely the same as in the two preceding columns, over 30 per cent being in litters of less than three and 20.09 per cent in litters larger than three. ‘The average-size litter and the average litter weight are just about what is found for the total alcoholic group and somewhat better than for the F, group. The percentage of surviving animals is a‘little better than the total alcoholic group and considerably better than the F; group. The prenatal and postnatal mortality proportions follow the typical arrange- ment for the alcoholic lines, the prenatal being about two and one-third times higher than the postnatal. The total mortality among these animals is about 10 per cent lower than for the F; group and slightly below the record of the total alcoholic lines. When the mortality is corrected in terms of the normal mortality for the different-size litters and stated on the basis of 100 for the control stock, it becomes 172 as against 230 for the F, column and 189 for the all generations alcoholic column. The fifth column records 147 animals still further removed from the treated generation; these had treated great-grandpar- ents or great-great-grandparents or both, the F; and I; genera- tions. Some of these animals may have had only one or two alcoholic ancestors out of eight or sixteen; therefore, the pro- portion of modified to normal germ plasm is often very small. The arrangement in large and small litters differs from the other alcoholic groups and approaches that shown by the nor- mal lines very closely, there being a higher percentage born in large litters than in small. he average-size litter is larger than in the three preceding columns, although still well below the control. The average litter weight is low when compared with the normal lines and only about the same as in the three preceding columns when taken in connection with the average size of the litters. When corrected for the average size, the weight of the litter falls more than 10 grams below the control record. The mating failures still show the high percentage of the alcoholic lines, being over three times as many as in the control. 164 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU A greater percentage of individuals survived than in any of the preceding groups except the control. The proportion of prenatal to postnatal mortality shows the arrangement characteristic of the alcoholic groups. As a matter of fact, the prenatal mortality is really unusually high, and this is probably due to the high percentage of large litters, as among these the prenatal mortality is most frequent. It is as though the animals of this group had produced almost as high a pro- portion of large litters as the control animals and still they were not sufficiently good quality as compared with the control to keep down the prenatal mortality in these high litters. The total mortality when corrected on the normal rate for the litter sizes and expressed on the basis of 100 for the control becomes 145. This is a decided improvement over the other alcoholic groups, although poor in the light of the control. From a survey of this column it may be concluded that ani- mals as far as three generations removed from the direct alcohol treatment are still differentiated as a group from the control in regard to the weight of the litters in which they are born, the tendency of the matings to result in failure, the high proportion of prenatal mortality over postnatal, and the total mortality which is one and one-half times higher than the normal. All of these differences exist in spite of the fact that more and more normal germ plasm has been introduced during each generation until some of these animals may have had as many as six or seven normal great-grandparents against one or two treated or alcoholic great-grandparents, thqugh the average of course had somewhat more treated ancestry than this. One of the F; individuals, descended from treated great- grandparents, is shown in figure 7. The animal on the left was a non-inbred female, No. 803, with six of its eight great-grand- parents treated with alcohol and only two, on the paternal side, were normal. Its great-grandparents may be written thus: A indicating alcoholic and N normal, the 2 on the left, in the formulae: [(AxA) (AxA)] [(NxA) (AxN)]. The animal on the right is an ordinary normal guinea-pig born on the same day as the small degenerate specimen which weighed only one-third MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 165 Fig. 7 On the left a non-inbred female, No. 803, with six of its eight great- grandparents treated with alcohol and only two on the paternal side not treated. She was small and degenerate and lived only one day. On the right is shown a normal animal born on the same day, the two being photographed on one plate. Fig. 8 Two F; guinea-pigs born in the same litter from a normal father and a mother derived from four aleoholized grandparents. The albino female, No. 955, on the left weighed at birth 90 grams, the small defective male on the right weighed only 38 grams and died within two days; the sister is still alive. 166 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU as much and lived only one day. Although some young from control parents do die shortly after birth, they are not so un- usually small nor degenerate in appearance as the defective young of the alcoholic lines. Another even more striking example of the small defective animals appearing in the F; generation is shown by the photo- graph, figure 8. The two individuals in this picture were born in the same litter. Their mother was a black and red animal from four aleoholized grandparents and their father was a nor- mal albino male, [(AxA) (AxA)] [N]. The F; animal on the left, No. 955, is an albino female weighing at birth 90 grams. She is thus an unusually large animal to be a member of a litter of three and is of the type of the normal albino father. Her small degenerate brother on the right weighed only 38 grams at birth, had a severe tremor which rendered him incapable of nor- mal progressive movements, and he lived only two days. His degeneracy and black and red color are both qualities for which he was indebted to his alcoholic mother. A marked discrepaney in either size or condition between two members of the same litter at birth is entirely lacking among our control lines. It is rarely so decided as this case illustrates, yet very frequent in the alcoholic lines and particularly in the F, and F; generations. A number of illustrations of this type could be continued to show that the quality of the later generations from alcoholized ancestors is decidedly subnormal. Such conditions as the above occur not only in spite of the introduction of normal germ plasm which tends to overshadow the alcohol effect, but also in spite of a rather harsh individual selection which is at work tending to improve the stock with each generation. Almost all of the badly defective individuals in the alcoholic lines are lost early in their career, as is shown by the high prenatal mortality; other less defective ones die soon after birth, such as those pictured above, and only the best live to become fertile adults. It is thus found that even this selected group mated with many normal individuals still pos- sesses enough of the medified germ plasm which resulted from the early alcohol treatment to cause their offspring to be inferior to MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 167 the control animals in a number of important qualities that ren- der them less capable of survival. These two factors, the constant introduction of more normal germ plasm and the elimination of all the weaker alcoholic indi- viduals so that only the stronger reproduce, may finally in late generations so purify the alcoholic lines as to cause them to attain a condition equally as good as the normal. The sixth and last column of table 2 may illustrate such a condition, though it contains the records from only a few ani- mals. These animals are descended from one or more treated ereat-great-grandparents, the F, generation. They are four generations removed from the alcoholic treatment. The average-size litter is almost as large as in the control, and on the basis of its size it is actually heavier than the control average. It may be said from the evidence shown that the pro- ductivity here is equally as high as in the control. A higher percentage of individuals survived than among the control, and even though the mortality figures are small there was certainly no tendency toward a high prenatal mortality. On the contrary, there was scarcely any prenatal mortality, so that the record in no way resembles that of the alcoholic lines. On the basis of 100 for normal stock mortality, the mortality here cor- rected for litter size is only 84, or 16 per cent better than the normal. It is actually in the table 5 per cent lower than the control. After having considered the last column, the F, animals with their very good record, it should be recognized that these same animals are included with the F. and F,; imdividuals in the fourth and fifth columns. Their presence in these columns, particularly in the fifth, has tended to incline the records toward the normal. One must realize, therefore, that the F; and F; animals if considered alone would present even stronger alcoholic records than are indicated in the fourth and fifth columns. The table shows that the nearer to the direct alcohol treatment an animal is produced, the more inferior in quality it will be as a result of the high amount of modified germ plasm contained in the germ-cell complex from which it arises. Therefore, the records 168 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU of F, individuals are worse than the records of the sum of all alcoholic generations, as is seen on comparing the third column with the second. The later generations being further and further removed from the treatment and having less and less modified germ plasm on account of the constant introduction of normal stock are progressively improved until finally the Fs gen- eration has its modified germ plasm diluted to such a degree that its record is on par with the control. The ancestors of these late-generation animals were also suc- cessively selected from the least affected of the alcoholic stock, being those animals capable of survival and reproduction, while the most highly affected died or were sterile and incapable of reproduction. We assume the probability that the more nearly normal animals with stronger bodies also carry germ cells that are less affected than those in the more degenerate individuals. Most of the grossly defective individuals which reach maturity are sterile as evidence in this direction. Thus individual selection being in this case a selection of germ plasm as well as soma, helps materially to improve the quality of the later generations. 8. ACOMPARISON OF ANIMALS FROM DIRECTLY TREATED FATHERS AND FATHERS OF ALCOHOLIC STOCK WITH ANIMALS FROM DIRECTLY TREATED MOTHERS AND MOTHERS OF ALCOHOLIC STOCK AND WITH OTHERS FROM BOTH PARENTS OF ALCOHOLIC STOCK Are the general conditions induced by directly treating the father with alcohol the same as those resulting from treating the mother, and are they equal in extent? Do fathers of alcoholic ancestry beget offspring of better or worse quality than off- spring produced by mothers of similar aleoholic ancestry? Or are the effects of the alcohol treatment on the germ cells, which is expressed through several generations, carried with equal degree by both the alcoholic father and the alcoholic mother? We shall attempt in this and the following section to supply data which may serve to partially, at least, satisfy these queries as well as furnish an analysis of several other more detailed propositions. 9 I¢ IN MAMMALS LLS 5 vi THE GERM-CE MODIFICATION OF ] 9li= got= te = Lyi= LLi= oLi= (8c= WIA N(HIUAE)| % HERI NCUVSIOLE) itor N (HILFE) | borRI N(4es'0S)/%bS'8l N (%I6-TL)|"%G8IEN (%T-LE) PoS\E) N (%801S) 1%99' BIN (LEE'TE) Looltsc Ase ep Atl) %eeee | %O9 VOI AFa} ze4 fe AST] YoolAas7 Ae INH | Ase LWasbxsesi Yor Moy yrs Vere Peete Gerry! | Yoolos Wee-f Lot 2eceE 4518) HIS LUT Hb Lathe %IML pesp JeyoL S FEU + 1S volgc Vio iy & 9 © ON LEC Sane, PAY Gh [SU 1 fll [) ac tai tek (oy Yo) fo} fo) jh fo) Wi ato St fe) ice ie CIPS ices 3 ats UL |e Ss Spy seats see oth |S eee Ie RCE wee el %bolG) %ET ST) 456 % IC Se Ye MES (be ¢ (45607) Ic 6E) (%S%) (%TLCT) (east) sYypuowW & Ce AZ ad) Cy ee ee Wy te erent) @ tA lt 6 py i Gl) eo te) u \ [Sse t Se Cli See cE Sy Si eve nicl ieee el S ih es Pec ‘ (UY (%o6-t9) (%9L*+#L) (% +969) eal-09) (hg) AG 1419) Cah 24)) fain pian grt | cre rath Wh cr Of (6 Gp rai de tke ta Wee ade I ie) ih ae ta: |} tex" te) o& stto teak é Siete i | Saab ee ee Gites EA CEs Wp ae eee TRA a Tel Gaabaeacnell Peg sosay (889) (h4+b°09) (48059) (49769) (ht0'L9) (%(L-19) (ib) (49799) esl awastsrB4lULL [yor yok ablsaleil as ls] zescalileccateces | isl dos 46 C08 | ob tadtengeH AL tiLs8] 105 Tani sl 27999 TEASE LL Goo! | Wes SeSOL aps ty 4901 sYpuOW g o it +e as vl | z Bb +e L | oll BeOk OF] 0 Ie be ee MU] ez MN cLoe 9}oUtwu+i].ooo00 | los Ste 1 }O 1 99 ABAO POAT Se CPN eset TT | Ses be Go rt | se ee Sh | ee | S| Sec ce : 661 +lt al) Lal 78) 65 | TG og (é54-9)9 \woh-rovt (goes Etyacwel sow | estan wesaww |eobg-L) 9 Whew kursael wwfaew |ae'ee)9 110} www (ails) te} 4ow |egesec)s “wef ew Fe sonpesd ava | bvSLi oped oy |60 [LI yoopoad Aaa | TRI 42npord any [sL-9L) 4anpasd vray SG0L)yonpoad abaroay LS*ILI Yprposd ay |eeoLi yonposd “~any Bre A2yiirBvrrny | E9°c saulleBorray | ip t 2p) abosony | \e-T Arueboserray/ |s9°C soysPBoroY | gee 4ays>borony BLE sayirbeaony |OF-c nyypBemy] LOG UNU tes were ey “seer |ulsoe “LIV bE |yql-a % Wor |%4ebS\ auclec elec B8U LE robe Ll ASVOT %Ob uo jOzO SEc al of B!| o orsal ge B |g xe 96:98 tl | Gade tL eH SI | 5 dz gol ge L| Goru 9791/0090 1;}0 9isg I/O c+ glo Seize Wile 2 em bile Cou Note ew TW pe soe eo Nhe ee Ge Ne ig Sanya enol Dyoyooje | Dioyooye | D!joyuodje | Dijoyoorje | B!joyor/e | D!joyorje pepeott pofpes.lf pofyedlf Sjugied yyog |..ay,OLy AjUd] souyefAjUC |spuesed YjOg] 1oyjoul A{uo} -reyye f AlUO|stue.ted Yo gHe4foul AuQ|soupe $ Kuo ei | ale +65 sot sll jdgoxe epajoul 4s-itsuoueiaUuey|(e (Case Ce Osis ysUoy eta PII | suowpe1oues vo4to ) popes (UOLLC.1\9UasS qsaify spudied POMP JOU FNG “| UBISEP DIOYOIIC) papeaip YIM sjeUIUe D'OYOD DyoyorIe fo sJRWIUe [IY | fo spusied yp speuiutl DWOYOIY Perey St ee BOSON DINTOHOITIY SLAY S| MSHLWa AINO NSEHM ANA9SOUd AHL HLOG HO DITOHOOIY MEHLOW “OITIOHOO1V VO SiDa4dsdSa SHL SAO SISAIVNY NW We east se 170 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU Table 3 is an arrangement of the records of animals on the basis of paternal and maternal alcoholism. The first group of animals are those from parents treated directly and having no other alcoholic history. Thus the total 1538 differs from the total 186 animals with treated parents in the third column of table 2, since in thirty-three cases the former group had not only treated parents, but also treated ancestors. ‘The second group contains all the animals with parents of alcoholic descent, but not di- rectly treated, the total number is 408; these are the same ani- mals that compose the fourth column of table 2. The third or last group contains all of the 594 non-inbred animals of the alcoholic lines. The individuals in each of the three groups are separated into three classes. The classes of the first group are those with only father treated, those with only mother treated, and those with both parents treated. In the second group the young are classi- fied as those from only father alcoholic, which means the father was descended from treated ancestors which may have been either treated males or females. In other words, this is not the record of a pure alcoholic male line, but merely the alcoholic effects, if any, that reach the recorded individual through an alcoholic father regardless of the origin of his alcoholism. The second column of this group shows the records of animals from alcoholic mothers. Here again the mother’s alcoholism may be due to treatment of any of her ancestors, male or female. It is not a purely female alcoholic line, but a maternal alcoholic line. The third column of the second group shows records of animals from parents both of which were alcoholic. In the entire second group the alcoholism of the parents is ancestral, not being due to direct treatment, while in the third group the alcoholism is either direct, ancestral, or both. The third group is, therefore, an arrangement of all the animals from alcoholic lines for a comparison of the influences of maternal and paternal alcoholism. In the first column of table 3 it is seen that when the father only is treated the results contrast decidedly with the control. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 171 There is a high percentage of small litters and a low percentage of large litters, thus giving next to the lowest average litter con- tained in all the records, only 2.30 against 2.77 for the normal. The average litter weight is very low on account of the small average litter size. When this is corrected for the proportion of weight to number of individuals in the control litters these small litters from the treated fathers weigh more for their size than do the control, being over 6 grams heavier. This is not an actual advantage since the majority of young born in small litters of one and two are larger than those born in high litters of four or five. The percentage of mating failures is unusually high, 23.52 per cent against only 4.54 per cent in the control. All of these facts would seem to indicate that the treatment of the fathers had evidently lowered their productivity or fertility, causing them to fail to sire offsprmg in almost one-quarter of the matings and to beget unusually small litters in the other three-quarters of the cases. There must have also been a high ‘early prenatal mortality’ in view of the remarkably great per- centage of small litters and high percentage of mating failures. We must necessarily divide the mortality into prenatal and postnatal, and the prenatal again into ‘early prenatal,’ as in- dicated by the small average size litter and high number of mating failures, and ‘late prenatal’ based on the exact observa- tions of absorptions, abortions, and still births. Two-thirds of the offspring from treated fathers survived against over three-fourths from the control. The prenatal mor- tality is a larger proportion of the total than in the normal. The total mortality when corrected to the normal rate for the differ- ent-size litters in which the animals were born is 178 in terms of the control as 100. This is only slightly below the mortality rate of 189 for the entire non-inbred alcoholic group. When the mother alone was treated the records of the off- spring differ considerably from the above. The percentage of small litters is only slightly higher than the percentage of large litters, and the average-size litter, 2.78, is as large as the nor- mal. There are very few mating failures, in this regard again 172 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU almost a normal record. The productivity of these treated mothers is high and the size of the litters would indicate a very low ‘early prenatal mortality.’ Here, however, their good records stop. Although the litters contained as many individuals as the con- trol litters, their average weight was 26 grams below the nor- mal. The large litters from treated mothers actually weighed only as much as the very small litters from treated fathers; there- fore, the individual members of the litters from treated mothers were unusually small animals. The ‘late prenatal mortality’ was proportionately very high—three times the postnatal. Thus many of the young died in utero or were still-born, and those that were born alive were small specimens. The total mor- tality was 51.08 per cent, corrected for the litter sizes, and ex- pressed in terms of the control as 100 it becomes 281—the highest mortality on record. We see from the table that treating the mother with alcohol does not appreciably affect her productivity, but greatly depreci- ates the quality of offspring to which she gives rise. While in the case of the alcoholic father the productivity is greatly re- duced, and although the quality of offspring which he begets does not compare favorably with the control, it is considerably superior to that from the treated mother. In the treated mother the alcohol may act not alone on the ova or germ cells, but on the developing embryo as well, while in the father it acts, of course, on the germ cells alone. Does the difference between the qualities of the offspring from these two cases represent the action of the treatment on the developing young in utero? Further, does the reduced productivity on the part of the treated male indicate that the spermatozo6n or male germ cells are more sensitive to the treatment than the egg? The remain- ing columns of this and the following table may throw some light on these questions. During the period of the experiments now under consideration practically no matings between treated males and females have been made, as the third column of this group shows. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 173 The next group in table 3 are animals derived from parents of alcoholic descent which had not themselves been treated. These are the same 408 animals recorded in the fourth column of table 2. The first class in this group are animals obtained from fathers of aleoholie ancestry and normal mothers; the second class are from mothers of aleoholic ancestry and normal fathers, and the third class are animals produced by two alcoholic parents. As mentioned above, the alcoholic father or mother may owe their condition to either male or female or to both male and female ancestors. These are not purely male or female alcoholic lines such as will be found in the next table. A comparison of these three columns with the normal records shows clearly the alcohol effects, though not so strongly ex- pressed as when the father or mother is directly treated. The father and mother columns of this group differ very little from one another, which is in marked contrast to the striking differ- ences when the fathers and mothers are directly treated, as seen in columns | and 2. In the present columns all of the modified conditions are due to an injury of the germ cells in the treated ancestral generations. This is equally as true of the alcoholic- mother column as of the alcoholic father. For example, the mortality records in the alcoholic father and mother columns are about the same, while there is a remarkable discrepancy between the mortality records of young from treated fathers and treated mothers in the first two columns. The extremely high mortality, largely late prenatal, among the offspring of directly treated fe- males is to some extent due to the direct action of the alcohol upon the early developing embryo in utero. If this action could be eliminated the treated father and mother columns of the first group might become as nearly similar as the alcoholic father and mother columns of the second group. The individuals in the latter two columns are on an average about the same dis- tance removed from the ancestral alcohol treatment, and, there- fore, the records would be little affected by a correction on the basis of the generations treated. When both parents are from alcoholic ancestry the produc- tivity is considerably lowered as shown in the third column by 174 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU . the high percentage of small litters and low percentage of large litters and consequently the very low average litter of 2.31. This is likely due to the male partner in the combination, as the preceding columns would suggest. The average litter weight, however, is high, so that the individual members of the litter are as heavy as the normal; this, again, may be due to the male influence as expressed in the high early prenatal mortality. The mortality records, though markedly inferior to the nor- mal, show an advantage over the two previous columns. ‘There is probably a high ‘early prenatal mortality’ as indicated by the low average litter, but the ‘late prenatal mortality’ is lower than in any of the foregoing columns éxcept that of the treated fathers, where again the litter was very small and the prob- able ‘early prenatal mortality’ high. This close association be- tween the small litters and the low late prenatal mortality makes it seem all the more probable that the litter size is associated with an ‘early prenatal mortality’ that occurs so near the begin- ning of development that it cannot be directly observed. On the other hand, this result could be interpreted as due to a lowered fertility. If this were brought about through an elimi- nation of the weaker germ cells we might except also the asso- ciated low late prenatal and postnatal mortality, and would have a condition in exact accord with Pearl’s interpretation of the results on fowls. We should be glad to accept such an ex- planation, but for the considerable amount of evidence in our records which points towards a high ‘early prenatal mortality’ rather more than infertility as the underlying cause of the small litters and low late mortality. It must also be remembered that the infertility among the fowls was found in the females as well as the males, while here it would be confined to the males only. The slight advantages which appear in favor of the records from both parents alcoholic as compared with records from alco- holic mothers or fathers are due largely to the distance from the treatment of the generations concerned. In the majority of cases the generations are more remote in the both-parent column than in either the father or mother column, and on the basis of MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 175 the evidence shown in table 2 this may readily explain the apparent advantages. The last three columns show the results of the first two groups combined and in addition contain a few records from mixed eases that could not be properly included in any of the previous classes; for example, animals with one parent of alcoholic ancestry and the other parent directly treated, ete. Here again there is considerable contrast between the aleoholic- father and the alcoholic-mother columns, these differences being due to the influence on the totals of the F, records from the treated-father and treated-mother columns of the first group. The productivity when only the father is alcoholic is low, the litters being small and over 21 per cent of the matings result in failure. It may be inferred that there was a rather high ‘early prenatal mortality.’ The average litter weight, however, was about as good as normal. The late prenatal and postnatal mortality records are better than those from the alcoholic mothers. The average-size litters from the alcoholic mothers was rather large and the mating failures were much less frequent than from the alcoholic fathers, indicating a lower probable ‘early prenatal mortality.’ The average litter weight was lower than from alco- holic fathers, taking into account the size of the litters in the two classes. The total mortality from alcoholic mothers was high and the proportion of late prenatal to postnatal was ex- cessive. It is thus seen that a high prenatal mortality is fol- lowed by a low postnatal death rate, and this is in accord with our assumption that a high ‘early prenatal mortality’ will be followed by not only a low postnatal, but also a low late pre- natal mortality. In other words, the more thorough the elimi- nation of defective embryos and fetuses the greater the prob- ability of survival for the selected few that remains to be born. The last column with both parents aleoholic has a mortality record as good as the aleoholic-father column and better than the alcoholic-mother, but this is only apparent and not real. The column contains only one individual from directly treated parents, and consequently the alcoholic treatment was applied 176 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU on the average to more remote generations than was the case in the two single alcoholic-parent columns. In spite of the generations concerned, there is a higher per cent of small litters and a lower per cent of large litters here than in any other class in the entire table. Consequently there is also the lowest average litter. In so extreme a case there was no doubt a high early prenatal mortality. The average litter weight is actually low, but allowing for the small-size litter the average birth weight of the individuals is about as much as the control, again indicating that an individual selection has occurred through an elimination of the weaker embryos during the early develop- mental stages. The extremely small-size litter and the high ‘early prenatal mortality’ may also in addition to the generations concerned ex- plain to some extent the relatively low total mortality and es- pecially the lower rate of late prenatal mortality as compared with postnatal. The questions involved in the present section may be still further analyzed by rearranging the data on the basis of only male ancestors treated or only female ancestors treated instead of only father alcoholic and only mother aleoholic. Table 4 pre- senting this arrangement will be reviewed in the following sec- tion, after which several points of interest may be better discussed. 9. A COMPARISON OF LINES FROM ONLY MALE ANCESTORS ALCO- HOLIC WITH LINES FROM ONLY FEMALE ANCESTORS ALCOHOLIC AND WITH THOSE FROM BOTH MALE AND FEMALE ANCESTORS ALCOHOLIC The records tabulated on the basis of male or female ancestors treated supplement the arrangements in table 3, where the groups are classed for only father or mother alcoholic. In table 3 the alcoholic father may owe his alcoholism to the treatment of any of his ancestors, either male or female or both. The alcoholic effects, if any, are there due to the, paternal ancestry. The same applies to the groups with only mother alcohotic. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 177 In table 4, on the other hand, the groups with only male ancestors treated owe their modified conditions, if such exist, entirely to the effects of the treatment on male animals, though the individual being considered may have inherited this alco- holie effect through its mother. Thus animals in the columns with only male ancestors treated were not necessarily derived from alcoholic fathers; but may have been produced by alco- holic mothers which, however, owe their alcoholic condition to one or more treated male ancestors. The table permits a comparison of the action of the treatment on the male germ cells and the transmission of the effects with the action of the alcohol treatment on the female germ cells and the effects transmitted to the different generations. While the last table permitted a comparison of the animals derived from males of alcoholic stock with others derived from females of alcoholic stock. The two tables serve to analyze very completely the problem of the parts played by the sexes in the acquisition and transmission of the effects of the alcohol treatments. The three columns in the first group of table 4 are the same as those of the first group of table 3, being the records of F; animals derived from treated fathers, which have only one male ancestor treated according to the table 4 arrangement, and F; animals derived from treated mothers or from only the one female ancestor treated. This group was discussed in review- ing the third table. The points of chief interest in the present connection are the decidedly inferior conditions of the off- spring from the treated females as compared with those from the treated males, in so far as their measured mortality records and birth weights per litter are concerned. On the other hand, the records from treated males suffer as regards the ‘early prenatal mortality’ indicated by the small average-size litter and the high percentage of mating failures, while the records of the treated females in regard to these conditions are equally as good as those of the control animals. The next three columns of table 4 are highly important, since they contain the results of matings when, first, only male an- cestors are treated; second, when only female ancestors are THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, VOL. 26, NO. 1 178 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU alle o al W\= i amassing] alsvar sole rox |yameecLatne resi tL 72 bw | ( (%bv'897 &bi= MAREN (%LebT) [ebo- bi M (%Ee-Oy)|Uesl NLL) (%99°GL) ANS UOT 281 136 \ hd (%8G +9) (49809 AW EA eh LEb of)| U1 -BIN (%49°8G)|MSL-BIN (%FT'LE) Mb Aele Zee 45] 208 USUI BALE BcH8I Lol, (helt) b+ £7 8bl= & sloc Ll ~ ) (%ep be) oO Set BP Lo ulb-ber crcl Cl Ulneteegy Gal toM Gircva gels omten bo) (Ue lll, Bh 16 fey AS ICH Souza ME ee eA | Lean Gwet 4) eS) a al (%xs el) (%99°bS) (%te-e9) (%,99°b9) C4SU AL) (459) eel ASST AEE | Awe zoces Us CL yok HeccelalLLeeMA EMI El] — ecel gsses es Lorth] —Lceas LIL LLLL 5 | ox astitsce) alos %09 O09 Gy be 41] 0 wEPLE y |v ol wg wtl| om sribcl|o L Se¢l € |e Lev ie 7 Sere Se Conk SUSE) lic| Ste eek Ce Ue) abs acumen |S oun ak 18 £20 (81 tw srl yew (ster JE ey ew eves bec yeh qo w | (%bL eI) iI jie} sow (%20°£)1 wo} ww (yey bl) Hh sof ew (% Ib sven} YW (Mts ee) 8 vw dew Lett por a>ay | jg gq prpod seay | clot yenpadsaay | isGLiyropard say [5 ELI yonpoad sony LiLi yen posd «ray | 86°OLI pnpoadadoarny THT ABI ray lore Aa say | 9g'T MOHM Aeny | oS 424) soa BLT s9YT army | OFC Lay >Bosray -voquinu HBS IL S| Ie |s9REC MLLYE | %RE'bI EGE | MEI “ERIE |MITEC %OVEE UbelLl = %sIor | wor Sor Am a eae | eee a “~ eons a ey a aS ~ _— ~ _~ | et oL 89 Gi | O 8c gol ov G | SI 9e ob 9 Bl QO 2 18 OG +I O tl gt Bo + | al co G9 Be ON o 9i Ls gl i Oo ti br gi 9 hc Sa ee icp ee. ree eh soars TUE ce a I or eh ga Geir) Rs eee Lo PIpCO!} SOL] POpPa-tt Slof| papea.t; Slo |popeojf S.10f | SACL |po-Po.l} SOP Poyeo-ly popeod+} | -SODUL S'S Y Se2uedAluo|-sarue e4uQ SQIUC 4g ¥|SadUC AIUD] -sarUL ZAUG|s\Uo.1ed Ujog}aYy;oud AUD] .aypef AUG Bli= 4.918) N (Y8e'Ee)| Igt= WS VAN IN (%89'\5) Alo snys UeCtz olw+o BL 2b cos AW ty ee a} En peor ae ay peop |epoL (%ts St) SYFUOW ae SIM UNOAI('ES QANPOWd.\4 ‘peg josay (I -¥L) a ek Sw tT I (Aiba) (499°99) Heck AG EMAlUL ‘al tees enol annss xool] = SUFUOLUL ¢& 0 o} UNO] yon Ab Pe | Cals ae ar le cece aed al TO 09 SPNoUt ys.ufsuolpe.iouay ,uo Sop Sjoyooje fo s;eunue | dsaivayl SHOLSSIN SHSM SHOLSSONV 371 sor i We) Ayo. you Iw AI “Cool peosouo$s 1oyJO) poped-l} yng 4liads~e fo syuO.1d YIM sjemlue D|OYOI| V dIWWad & SIVW HLOd HO GSLVSUL SHOLSHONV GVW Gsivaue YW XINO NSHM\ ANSOOUd SHL VO (ys-1f ¢dooxe Pr!|0Yyoo\'e Sieve (uolperduds yruif) spucsed Popee.i} YPM s]eULU 21{O4O>I7 SLiDS 44a SHL SO SISKIVNY NY MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 179 treated, and third, when both male and female ancestors are treated with all first generation, F, offspring, excluded. The modified conditions shown by these records are due to an heredi- tary transmission of the defects and not in any case to the direct influence of the treatment on the developing animals. The fourth column from only male ancestors when compared with the normal stock in tables 1 and 2 shows a higher ‘early prenatal mortality’ based on the average litter size and high number of mating failures, a lower average litter weight, a higher late prenatal mortality, and a higher total mortality. The re- sults of these matings are, therefore, from any point of view worse than the results of normal matings. And they prove the hereditary transmission of the defects arising from the treat- ment of the male animals. The same can be said for the female column, the results shown here also being worse than from the normal matings. The ‘early prenatal mortality’ is higher, the average litter weight, indicating the total productivity is smaller, the late prenatal and total mortality are higher, while the mating failures are about the same as in the control records. Therefore, the treat- ment of female individuals also induces effects that are trans- mitted to later generations through the germ cells. When, however, the records of the fourth and fifth columns are compared, it is found that the treatment of male ancestors gives in every point considered more marked effects on the qualities of the descendants than the treatment of female an- cestors. Among the descendants of treated males there is a higher early and late prenatal mortality, a decidedly higher total mortality, and more mating failures than among those from treated female ancestors, while the first and second columns show the opposite to prevail so far as litter weight and mortality are concerned for first-generation, F;, animals from directly treated males and females. These inferior results, so far as late prenatal and total mortality are concerned on the part of the offspring from the directly treated female, may be interpreted as due to the direct influence of the treatment upon the young in utero. On the other hand, the improved records from the 180 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU treated-female line during later generations can probably be explained in part by the higher mortality of the offspring in the first generation, thus bringing about a greater elimination of the weaker individuals. In other words, these animals from only female ancestors treated have withstood a somewhat more severe selection during the first generation than have the off- spring from only treated male ancestors. As a final possibility it must be recognized that the superior records of the late generations descended from treated female ancestors as compared with the records of similar generations | descended from treated males, may be due to a smaller influence ~ of the alcohol treatment on the ova, or female germ cells, than on the spermatozoa. The sixth column from treated male and female ancestors shows, in comparison with the two preceding columns, the highest ‘early prenatal mortality’ based on the many small-size litters. There is also the lowest average litter weight. The late prenatal mortality, total mortality, and mating failures, while higher than for the treated-female line, are lower than in the treated-male line. The complete absence of matings between directly treated animals as seen in the third column of this table makes com- parisons and explanations of the results in this sixth column very difficult. The last three columns of the table show the combined re- sults from all generations. The column for both male and female ancestors treated shows the highest early prenatal mor- tality, the male treated line the highest late prenatal mortality, and the female treated line the highest postnatal mortality. In general it may be stated after reviewing this and the fore- going table that the treatment of males produces in their de- scendants a high early mortality, especially early prenatal. The treatment of females produces in their descendants a high later mortality, especially late prenatal and postnatal. The treatment of male and female ancestors produces in their descendants the highest early prenatal mortality, but the lowest late pre- natal and postnatal mortality. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 181 In table 4, male and female ancestors treated does not neces- sarily indicate that all records in the column were derived from matings between two alcoholic parents, since both males and females may have been treated among either the ancestors of the mother or the father, but not necessarily both. For this reason the sixth and ninth columns of table 3, in which both parents were in all cases from alcoholic ancestry, show more decidedly that two alcoholic parents when mated together give the very highest early prenatal mortality, but a low late pre- natal and postnatal mortality. This last conclusion is extremely _interesting in connection with Pearl’s results on fowls. Pearl found that when two alcoholic fowls were mated to- gether, the percentage of infertile eggs was higher than from any other combination, while the prenatal mortality, embryos dying in shell, and the postnatal mortality were the lowest. This is exactly what the guinea-pig records show, provided our ‘early prenatal mortality’ (indicated by the small litter size, the frequent mating failures, and the observed mortality occurring in utero during all later stages of development) can be considered the same as many of Pearl’s ‘infertile eggs.’ Without intending any adverse criticism of the designation ‘infertile,’ we may again suggest the possibility that a certain proportion of these eggs had really begun development, but had died in the early cleavage or gastrular stages, and yet on ex- amination, other than a minute microscopic study, they ap- peared as infertile or unfertilized eggs. If this were true, they could be classed in the early prenatal mortality records. Such an adjustment would serve to harmonize the fowl and guinea- pig records in another important respect. Pearl has attributed the good qualities of the offspring from his alcoholic parents to a germinal selection which has tended to cause all weak germ cells to be completely put out of commis- sion by the alcohol treatment and only the very best have sur- vived to produce embryos, and these therefore show a low per- centage of deaths in shell and a low postnatal mortality. A selection is also playing its réle in the case of the guinea-pigs, but here it is not acting alone on the germ cells, but more evi- 182 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU dently on the developing individuals. The selection in our case is a continuous selection of individuals, eliminating, no doubt, certain of the least resistant germ cells, but continuing to act on the embryonic population to eliminate the most defective of these during very early developmental stages, and so on until the individuals born are a mixture of strong specimen and others only sufficiently strong to have reached birth and possibly to survive in a subnormal fashion for a shorter or longer time. This continuous, both germinal and individual, selection seems to us more to be expected than the abruptly broken germinal selec- tion advocated by Pearl, which completely eliminates all weak germs, and therefore no weak individuals begin development. We must admit that the data from Pearl’s double alcoholic matings considered alone strongly suggest only a germinal selec- tion, but the results from our double alcoholic matings, while leaning in the same direction, still show a greater late prenatal and postnatal mortality than do the control matings, and in addition present much evidence to suggest a very high early embryonie elimination. This same early embryonic elimination may be included among the high percentage of infertile eggs re- sulting from the matings of two alcoholic fowls, and in the case of the fowls it may be so much more severe that the later mortality records compare favorably with the control. This again would lead us to an abrupt break after the high very early prenatal mortality and might be thought to vitiate our entire supposition, yet the guinea-pig records show almost all gradations up to the condition for the fowls. Our results show that in the alcoholic lines the higher the early prenatal mortality and consequently the smaller the aver- age-size litter, the lower the late prenatal and postnatal death rate, much as Pearl also finds for fowls. These findings will be still further discussed in connection with the sex ratio, table 6. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 183 10. TREATING MALES WITH ALCOHOL FOR ONE AND TWO GENERA- TIONS AGAINST TREATING FEMALES FOR ONE AND TWO GENERATIONS An experiment has now been in progress for some time in which straight male lines have been treated with alcohol for sev- eral generations in order to compare the results with those from the treatment of straight female lines for several generations. That is, the original males are treated, their sons are then di- rectetly treated, their grandsons, great-grandsons, and so on; these we consider the straight male lines. The treated females, their directly treated daughters, granddaughters, and so on constitute the straight female lines. There are now a few third- and fourth-generation individuals, though not a sufficient num- ber to tabulate. We shall thus for the present confine our attention to the records from the originally selected and treated males and females and the treated sons of these males and daughters of the females. The records are arranged in table 5. In considering the table it must be stated that the original animals in this experi- ment have been carefully selected’ large strong specimens that were particularly good breeders. Such a choice has been made on account of the severity of the treatment to which the de- scendants are to be subjected through a number of generations. Only the best animals are likely to produce descendants suffi- ciently strong to be treated with alcohol and to continue to re- produce for one generation after another. The fact that such a selection is possible does not reflect on the general population, since no population is so perfect that certain individuals are not better than others. This selection probably accounts for the presence in all the groups of table 5 of some offspring of unusually large size. The pedigrees or conditions of the animals in the different generations are expressed by the following symbols or formulae. A normal animal is represented by the letter N and one treated with alcohol by A. The symbol for the male is placed to the right of that for the female. Thus the first column NN are the normal control animals for comparison, the second column NA 184 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU (Yee E+) 9 Le | Bs SLE =%LY- JI N(%IE'SI) #199 %OS oOo + 1 Cee (%EE-E1) my hy 1 a (%99°98) Oo ¢il st (%8L +e) “ete %os (%0t) T “Ivy ayw LET Jay!) Bean fe] + ° Ss Tot =%AGCOT N (%IE'L+) sl. %OF %eeie WEES EOE %ei'L USC %oS Zisgl %0al (%SL'1) Yoel Oo oO (%~90°9) WII OER C%xs -01) (%99°9) WIE III fe Sa) + 681=%09-L| N(%ee'se) La %or % 197 sl ¢ (% CCT) (%9E-9S) ts al (Se Te) ae fu 44 a (% LULL) SL ee a Se (%59-TS) (%99:99) ASC %o9 E98 %901 al ’ Ale IOS “Wwohuew | GET APM) eBorray SNOILWHAENSS OML YOs Gaivadl saiwwas WII SEEES fe} | i} £ ft \ (8l=%9S ‘IT N (% Elbe) %09\ %17-9 \ (% 98°09) YEEER hoel eal 12 (%loet) = “\oh4ow OFT A9}}\| Deviant %Sl 6S sites “aCe *O S Yor @Ls's) YESS IR Yor (a) Ss Ss < ae ie 4 | 001 =(%IZ77) stot ysle 49911 %le'Sl a (be eth Jb Cal (%80'8b) (%4C 6S) Cy < (%89 LL) %ob Losey UEsss BEL48 %0rl ual) ‘se Sb 65 ol eS eae | Eee + O 14 i (hy bev) yw} 4ow LUZ 494!) Vbvsony UES LE WiO+e _— — sl tL 06 Sr Ol gS cpa ea t (PlOsyJUOWS Lay 18 OOS UD $59) Pezis.iepuy (PIOSYJLOWS Lym 4pOOS UDYLO.10UK) PeZLS1SAO aMpoefer Peep |e}OL SYLUOW & UY PM Polly U1OF jfI46 AN POWA.1d ‘Peg j1osqy syjuoms A@AO Peary Jequinu {eLot HLIM GaYVdWOO SNOILWHSNSS OML YOd TOHODTIV HLIM dalVvael SaTVW USS eld Style MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CWLLS IN MAMMALS 185 show records of offspring derived from a treated father A and a normal mother N. The third column are offspring from treated males which were also derived from treated fathers and normal mothers, mated with normal females, N. The A A”? next straight male generation treated and paired with normal NA females would be expressed by N A _, the offspring from such a combination would have had their father, a grandfather, and a great-grandfather treated with aleohol and their mother, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers all normal, and so on for later generations. Animals of these higher pedigrees will be recorded in a future communication. In the table 5 only records from treated fathers are given in column 2 and from treated father and grandfather in column 3. The fourth column shows records from normal fathers and treated mothers, AN, and the fifth column from normal fathers mated with treated females r 4 ; AN which were derived from treated mothers, ae IN The numbers in all of the columns are rather small, but in every case the records differ from the control.- There is a re- markable similarity between the two treated-male groups and also between the two treated-female groups, but a striking contrast exists between the male records as a class and the female records. In the two male columns the average litter is very small and the mating failures high. The percentage of surviving young, though well under the control record, is equally above the fe- male records. The corrected total mortality in both columns is over 180 against 100 for the control. The proportion of late prenatal to postnatal mortality is slightly contrasted in the one treated male generation column, but more so in the two treated generations column. There are no defective animals in the NA column, but a small per cent of such are seen in the N oe group. 186 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU The average litter size is high in both female columns and the mating failures lower than in the male groups. While the total mortality is extremely high, being in the two-generation treated column on the basis of litter size over twice as high as either treated-male column and about four times the control record. The proportion of late prenatal to postnatal mortality is in the first female column over three to one and in the last column over six to one. There were some defective animals in both female groups. The records of the females in this and the two preceding tables are out of accord with the records from fowls and do not fit an explanation based on a germinal selection or partial infertility. The total productivity is good and the late prenatal and the postnatal mortality are high. It is seen at once that the records from the treated-female generations are far worse than from the treated-male generations; in fact, so much worse that we are led to conclude that the alco- hol has not acted on exactly the same things in the two ceases. The increased effect of the treatment in the double female column is much more evident than in the two male generation column. The results in the male columns are due only to an action of the treatment on the spermatozoa or male germ cells, while the re- sults in the female columns are also due to the effects of the treatment on the germ cells or ova, but more largely to the effects of the alcohol on the developing embryos within the uterus of the treated mother. Provided the effects of alcohol were equal on the sperm and ova of guinea-pigs, the difference between these two sets of records would then represent the action of the treatment on the developing embryo itself. Although the records in table 5 involve only small numbers, we are led to believe that they represent the true trend of the effects, since they harmonize so perfectly with the data of dif- ferent composition yet much more complete shown in tables 3 and 4. Here again, as in tables 3 and 4, the treated-male lines show the early prenatal mortality (based on the average litter size and frequent mating failures) to be unusually high while in the female line it is low. In the male lines the late prenatal and MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 187 total mortality is low while in the female lines the late pre- natal mortality is extremely high and the total mortality very great. Finally, this table may be considered as supplying evidence of the increased effect of higher or longer alcoholic dosage. The double male records which have usually been derived from ani- mals that have had longer or more treatment during the two generations are somewhat inferior to the one generation male treated records, and this inferiority is very much more decided for the female groups in the case of the higher-dosed two-genera- tion records. 11. THE SEX-RATIO IN RELATION TO PATERNAL AND MATERNAL ALCOHOLISM AND TO THE TREATMENT OF MALE AND FEMALE ANCESTORS WITH ALCOHOL In the last group of table 3 it will be remembered that all of the non-inbred acoholic descendants were separated into three classes with only father alcoholic, only mother alcoholic, and both parents alcoholic. Again, in the last group of table 4, these 594 animals were rearranged into three classes, from only male ancestors treated, only female ancestors treated, and both male and female ancestors treated. The difference between these elassifications are made clear in the discussion of tables 3 and 4. If we now record the number of males and females com- posing each of these six classes and express their sex-ratios on the basis of the number of males to every 100 females, a most peculiar result is obtained, and one for which it is very difficult to give a completely satisfactory explanation. The number of males and females and their mortality records in each of the six classes are shown in table 6. As a standard of comparison the 233 control animals are similarly recorded in this table. For further comparisons a total sex-ratio and the sex-ratios for animals born in different size litters are given be- low the table. The total sex-ratio calculated for about 1600 animals is 109.6; that is, 109.6 males to every 100 females. Many of these animals were from alcoholic lines, so that this sex-ratio may not be exactly normal. Yet a further perusal of the table AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU STOCKARD R. CHARLES 188 %33°ST SILIE & %8F" ibe b |\%lye¢ Li CT bt w “a “ Y Jo Ayyoprome jopop oe ee ee AlecE | %ool |Zol'be |%el' be a ‘1 It of bal | Yts CT MeCSE [4S be (8+t) 99-901 “ Ctr Se ere (BLS) ¥L*y Ol “ ung nu “ (BLS) 98 vit “ “ ule fo a a Gbt) Beet slemimvaayury fo « e 9 bol oer KOS \e4Q X9S, LUMO yar] peep jojo} Jo DDE }UIIAGd peap ie+oL SyujuoW & ADAO POAT (poe xaos Jaqunu |2+OL Pefesif S10} Sa2UR & Pue 9 PoLPosy slop Po}pevl4 S.iop VWNouo Ie oyoo) 2 Sedu? 4; 4(UQ | Sour g KUO sjueted soe | 4aq4ou [UO WMjoUY4or!|e saupef A)UO ee! JPWLIOY ee: QUIHLOW UNV SUSHLV4 OMOHOONIY WONAUO SHOLSAONY FW 40 LNAWLVSY_L SGHL YSLlsv ANSZ9OUd SHL AO SO IA ‘a VeVi daivWaa CUNY ILVu-xaS SH MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 189 will suggest a tendency on the part of the different alcoholic lines to level the sex-ratio to normal when they are combined as a grand total, yet we are not by any means comparing the sex- ratios from the alcoholic lines with an average alcoholic ratio. The sex-ratios of 194 animals born one in a litter was 113; of 578 born two in a litter, sex-ratio 114.8; of 579 born three in a litter, sex-ratio 101.7, and of 248 animals born in litters of four, the sex-ratio was 106.6. The first column of table 6 shows that of the 233 non-inbred control animals, 120 were males and 106 were females. ‘The proportion of males to females is thus 113.2 to 100; that is, a sex-ratio of 113.2. The average-size litter in which these ani- mals were born is shown in parentheses in the sex-ratio space as 2.77. The mortality record for the males was about the same as for the females, having only a very slight advantage. The third column of animals from only mother alcoholic are also in the majority of cases individuals from only female an- cestors treated, the sixth column, but not entirely so, as many of the mothers may have been alcoholic on account of a treated father or grandfather. In general, however, the third and sixth columns are rather the same in composition, the sixth being a purely female treated group while the third column is largely so but not entirely, and while not necessarily to be treated together they may be considered in connection with one another. A point of immediate notice is that the sex-ratios in both of these columns, 96.8 and 86.5, are very low. When only the father is alcoholic, second column, or only the male ancestors are treated, fifth column, the sex-ratios are higher, 101.7 and 109.1. While if both parents are alcoholic, fourth column, or male and female ancestors are treated, seventh col- umn, the sex-ratios are very high, 121.1 and 123.5. It must also be noticed that these differences in sex-ratios are more -accentuated in the last three columns, giving the descendants from only female ancestors treated with alcohol the lowest sex- ratio in the entire table; those from only male ancestors treated a considerably higher ratio, and from both male and female ancestors treated the highest sex-ratio for all groups. A differ- 190 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU ence of 37 between the number of males to 100 females in ani- mals from treated-female ancestors as compared with those from both male and female ancestors treated is indeed very creat. Are these differences in sex ratio a result of the direct influ- ence of alcoholism upon sex determination or sex differentiation? Or are they indirectly brought about by a difference between the early prenatal mortality rates of the two sexes in the sev- eral groups considered? Or are these merely chance differ- ences? There is no doubt that chance plays a large part in the make up of all sex-ratios, but to be consistent in six straight cases as the six groups show can scarcely be dismissed as a chance result. It is very peculiar that these different sex-ratios should coin- cide in a direct manner with differences in the early prenatal mortalities among the several groups of table 6, and thus suggests that the explanation for the sex-ratio differences may be in part at least along the line of the second of the above propositions. After considering this probability of differences between the early prenatal mortalities of males and females, we may then discuss the further possibility of the direct effects of the treat- ment on the sex-ratios. The groups having the lowest sex-ratios, female lines with ratios 96.8 and 86.5, also have, as shown in tables 3 and 4, the largest average litters, 2.69 and 2.66, or the lowest early pre- natal mortality. The lines having a somewhat higher sex-ratio, male lines with ratios 101.7 and 109.1, have correspondingly somewhat higher early prenatal mortalities, as indicated by the smaller average litters, 2.41 and 2.42; while the lines having the highest sex-ratios, double lines with ratios 121.1 and 123.5, have along with these the highest early prenatal mortalities as shown by the smallest average-size litters, 2.28 and 2.37. This is certainly a very suggestive parallelism. And if one now considers the fourth line of the table giving the total dead of each sex, in every column, with one exception, it will be seen that the female mortality is higher than the male. The ex- ception is in the column from both parents alcoholic; here the MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 191 sex-ratio is very high and yet the late male mortality is higher than that for the females. The total mortality for the females is higher than that of the males, 31.71 per cent against 29.68 per cent. It is further shown below the table that small litters have a higher sex-ratio than large litters, the sex-ratios for litters of one and two young being respectively 113.1 and 114.8. While for litters of three and four young the sex ratios are 101.7 and 106.6. It has been pointed out before that the small litters are often due to an early prenatal mortality which has destroyed some of the original members, and since the sex-ratios of such litters are high the majority of embryos dying may have been females. We may see finally by a study of table 7 that female animals are generally smaller at birth than males in the same litter, and as their total higher mortality would indicate, they are probably also weaker. SWAB SS Vile, THE BIRTH WEIGHTS OF MALE AND FEMALE MEMBERS OF MIXED LITTERS Number of Totalweight |Total weighf | Total excess |Average excess |Percentof excess Litters Of males in|of {females | weightof males |weightof males|weightof males : Grams ingrams joverfemales |over females |over females Litters of 105 736! 7525 336 (lit (ES Litters of 136 aleS Litters of 125 4428 18 22 | (8856) 9513 Litters of i 282 3G 2325 Table 7 only includes mixéd litters; that is, those containing both male and female members. It shows that in 105 litters of two animals of opposite sex the total birth weight of the 105 males was 7861 grams and of the 105 females only 7525 grams, or 336 grams less. The average excess weight of males over females in these litters of two was 3.2 grams, giving a percent- age of excess weight of 2.18 in favor of the males. One hundred and thirty-six litters of three, consisting of two males and one female, are recorded. The total weight of the 192 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU 272 males was 9513 grams; that for the 136 females was 4654 erams. If this total weight be doubled for comparison with the total weight of the double number of males, we have 9308 grams. The males again have a total advantage, amounting here to 205 grams. The average excess weight of the males is 0.75 gram, or a 1.08 per cent excess weight of males over females. It will be noted in this table that the average weight of the individuals is very low. This is due to the fact that a number of abortions in which the sex could be distinguished, as well as premature still-births are included. ‘These small specimens have brought the average in some cases almost below the birth weight which permits survival. It is also noticed that the 272 males in the second line only weigh about one-quarter more than the 105 males in the first line of the table, and this is due to the fact that there were many more abortions and early pre- mature births of litters consisting of three individuals than of two. While the males in the litters of one male and one female averaged almost 75 grams, the males in litters of two males and one female averaged less than 35 grams. The third line of the table shows 125 litters of one male and two females. The 125 males weighed 4428 grams which may be doubled to give 8856 grams for comparison with the total weight of 8790 for the 250 females. There is a total advantage of 66 grams in favor of the males. The average excess of male weight is 0.26 gram, or 0.37 per cent over female weight. The last case of thirty-six litters, consisting of two males and two females each, gives a total excess of 85.5 grams to the males. The average excess weight of the males over females is 1.19 grams, and the per cent of excess of males over females is 1.87. It is thus seen that the males born in litters consisting of both sexes possess a superiority in body weight over the females in every combination. We do not attribute this constant excess in favor of the males to a sexual dimorphism in size. In a group of guinea-pigs both young and adult females are often larger in size than comparable males, and no constant size difference be- tween the two sexes is known. It seems more probable that MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 193 this advantage in weight on the part of the males, the majority of which are of alcoholic ancestry, is in line with the lower mortality records of the males shown in the various columns of table 6. And this may further bear on the explanation of the high sex-ratios in those lines with high early mortalities or small average litters. There is, therefore, much evidence to indicate that among aleoholic guinea-pigs the females very probably suffer a much higher early prenatal mortality than do the males, and it is shown that the female mortality is higher than that of the males at all other periods, table 6. Before proceeding further with our theoretical explanation of the different sex-ratios in the several groups, which leads finally to a consideration of views expressed in a previous communica- tion, still another important relationship may be pointed out between early prenatal mortality and the sex-ratio, on one hand, and the late prenatal and postnatal mortality, combined in table 6 under ‘total dead,’ on the other. Stated concisely, the higher the sex-ratio and the early prenatal mortality, indicated by the small average litter, the lower will be the total late pre- natal and postnatal mortality, and vice versa. The columns with the highest sex-ratios, 123.58 and 121.17, and at the same time the highest early prenatal mortalities or the smallest aver- age litters, 2.37 and 2.28, show the lowest late mortalities, 25.55 and 27.12 per cent. In the opposite way the columns with the lowest sex-ratios, 96.8 and 86.51, and the lowest early prenatal mortalities, or the largest average litters, 2.69 and 2.66, have the highest later mortalities, 34.93 and 32.52 per cent. This is in line with what was brought out during the discussion of table 4 showing that the higher the early prenatal mortality, or the smaller the average litter, the lower will be the late prenatal and postnatal mortalities. There is one very evident objection to the foregoing explana- tion of the peculiar sex-ratios as being due to a differential sex mortality during the early prenatal periods. That is, among the normal stock the sex-ratio is rather high, although the early prenatal mortality is probably very low as indicated by the THE JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, VOL. 26, No. 1 194 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU large average litter. With a large average litter the sex-ratio should be very low as in the female lines. We could only avoid this difficulty by assuming that the control lines are out of the consideration, since the other sex-ratios being discussed are all shown by modified alcoholic groups among which entirely dif- ferent conditions obtain from those existing in the control. Whereas there are reasons for such a position, it would seem preferable at present to admit that the case of the control is a real objection. And such an objection would serve to indicate that while a higher mortality on the part of the female embryos in the alcoholic groups might actually exist, yet it accounts only in part for the peculiar sex-ratios found. A recognition of the normal record also makes it difficult to account for the very low sex-ratios of the female lines. Here the early prenatal mor- tality was low on the basis of the average size litter, but if any early prenatal mortality did occur it could not have been partial to the female embryos, but must on the contrary have been confined almost totally to male embryos or else a sex-ratio could never fall 25 below the control.. Is it possible that wherever a treated male is concerned, as in the male columns and the double columns of table 6, there is a high early prenatal mortality among the female embryos, and on the other hand where only a treated female is concerned there is a high early male mortality? It is difficult to believe so, and therefore differences between the early mortalities of the sexes can, on our present data, only partially explain the sex-ratios found in table 6. This leads to a final ex- planation which may seem highly theoretical, yet it does have a basis of fact. In an earlier communication (Stockard and Papanicolaou, 716), we presented some evidence which seemed to indicate a possi- ° bility that the action of the alcohol treatment not only differed in its effects upon the two sexes treated, but also acted differently on the two groups of spermatozoa in the male, the so-called male-producing and female-producing sperm. We suggested that the action of the treatment was more se- vere on the germ cells of the male than on those of the female; in other words, that the spermatozoa were more susceptible MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 195 than the ova. The inferiority of the column from male ances- tors treated as compared with that from female ancestors treated in the second group of table 4 seems to substantiate such a position. The possibility exists, however, that the treatments of the male and female ancestors may not have been equally severe, since they have been treated in different fume tanks. This question is now being studied. At any rate, we believe it is proved that the germ cells of the female are as definitely in- jured and modified by the treatment as are the germ cells of the male. This is the point of importance in the present connection. The female offspring from treated fathers were found in the report cited to be inferior as a group to the male offspring as regards their powers of existence and structural perfection. The opposite was indicated among the offspring of treated mothers, the males being inferior to the females. Our explanation of these conditions was that the two classes of spermatozoa which differ structurally also differ in the degrees of injury suffered from the treatment. We are further testing these suppositions by selected matings and hope to report on them in the future. For further details regarding the supposed differences between the behavior of the two classes of spermatozoa, the reader is referred to our 1916 paper. An explanation of the sex-ratios in table 6 may now be given along similar lines and the peculiarities found among these sex- ratios are exactly in accord with our previous theoretical consid- erations. Ifthe male guinea-pig does possess, as has been claimed (Stevens, *11), heteromorphic spermatozoa, one class with a small Y chromosome, the male producing, and the other class with a larger X chromosome, the female producing, the follow- ing may be assumed: In the treated-male lines the female-pro- ducing spermatozoa are more decidedly affected, possibly on account of their larger quantity of chromatin, and therefore, in the competition to fertilize the eggs they are not so successful as the less injured male-producing sperms. Consequently, more male animals are produced than female. Or, if the female- producing sperm are not in any or all cases actually prevented from fertilizing eggs, nevertheless the individuals produced by 196 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU such a fertilization are inferior and more apt to die during early developmental stages, and thus a greater number of male em- bryos would survive and be born. When the alcoholic mother or early female treated lines were mated with untreated normal males, the sons were inferior to the daughters. Here again, taking into consideration the two structurally different classes of spermatozoa, the normal males paired with alcoholic females contribute a smaller amount of normal chromatin to the complex producing male offspring than to that giving rise to the female offspring. ‘The records of the males are hence inferior to those of the females. And in the present connection such males might be expected to suffer a higher early prenatal mortality and so give rise to the very low sex-ratios shown by the columns from ‘only mother alcoholic’ and ‘only female ancestors treated.’ Such reasoning from the present data is admitted to be highly speculative; nevertheless, if the morphological differences which have been found to exist between the two classes of spermatozoa in a number of animal species have any significance, they must. sooner or later be recognized as the underlying cause of such results as table 6 shows for sex-ratios in aleoholized guinea-pigs. These ideas also account for the fact that the sex-ratios of the normal animals is out of accord with the ratios of all the treated groups on the basis of the average litter size. This dis- cord was recognized as a possible objection to the purely dif- ferential sex mortality explanation previously discussed. In the present connection we may take the following position. The normal group has been subjected to no injurious action which has tended to modify the expression of the sex-ratio, while in the alcoholized groups there is evidence of a deviatien from the normal, in one direction or the other, depending upon the combination concerned. And this deviation is imagined to be due to a lower fertilizing ability on the part of certain spermatozoa. There is another question to be considered in connection with the differences in response on the part of the two classes of sper- matozoa; that is, the possibility of certain eggs being more sub- MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 197 ject to fertilization by either the X or Y type of spermatozoa. Even though the egg might be practically equally accessible to both types under normal conditions, a peculiarly affected egg might become much more readily fertilized by one class of sperm than the other, and almost all male offspring might re- sult in one case and females in the second. .One might feel that these are large suppositions on the basis of the minute differences between the two groups of sperm. But it may be replied that the differences are only minute from the standpoint of the minuteness of the structure considered. Corresponding differences between great things would necessarily seem much more important, but with present powers of observation only very great differences between cellular structures are visible at all. There is evidence from a study of the control of sex-ratios in normal guinea-pigs to indicate that certain females have a very strong tendency to produce male offspring regardless of the male with which she is paired (Papanicolaou, 715). Other fe- males have as decidedly marked tendency to produce female offspring. Such females may be said to have either a male or female tendency, while other females are in this regard indif- ferent, producing as many offspring of one sex as of the other. These tendencies may be explained in accord with the above dis- cussion as due to a high affinity for one type of sperm on the part of the ova of one female, while the ova of another female are particularly susceptible to fertilization by the other class of sperm. The indifferent females are those with ova which are fertilized equally as well by one type of spermatozoa as the other. There are striking cases among the ascidians and other forms illustrating selective fertilization, and the above suggestions are by no means without foundation. Certain male guinea-pigs are also known to have a strong tendency to beget female offspring regardless of the females with which they are paired. Other males have a high male-producing tendency and still others are more or less indifferent in their sex-determining quality. This may be readily imagined to re- sult from a difference in the activity or fertilizing powers of the 198 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU two types of spermatozoa in certain male animals. And there is evidence to show, as cited in our previous paper, that the fertilizing power of the spermatozoa may be modified in such a way as to render them much less capable of success. If this is the case, we may be justified in assuming that one class of sperm may often, even under normal conditions, be at a disad- vantage as compared with the other. It is even more prob- able that under modified conditions the two morphologically different classes of spermatozoa will not be affected to equal degrees. In conclusion, then, it seems highly probable that the peculiar sex-ratios shown by the several groups of treated animals re- corded in table 6 are in part due to differential sex mortalities - during early prenatal stages, on account of the close correlation between the sex-ratios and the average litter sizes. This differ- ence in early prenatal mortality between the sexes does not, however, completely satisfy the case. The sex-tendency of the animals considered and the possibility in the case of delicate treatment of affecting the two types of spermatozoa in different ways or degrees are certainly factors to be recognized in the production of the results obtained. Pearl found that for fowls treated with alcohol the relative proportions of the sexes produced were not significantly different from normal control series. Our results for the sex-ratio of the total alcoholic series agree with Pearl’s findings. The sex-ratio of the 594 alcoholic animals considered in the present paper is 105.6, which, in view of the numbers involved, is not signifi- cantly different from the control series. Yet studying separately the several groups shown in table 6, we find strikingly wide dif- ferences in the sex-ratios and the arrangement of these differ- ences is decidedly consistent. From the standpoint of the above discussion it seems to us legitimate to consider the six groups individually, or at least as three classes, since there is a probability that different processes or conditions are affecting the results in the different cases. Several recent experiments on the modification of the sex-ratio would tend to strengthen such a probability. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 199 12. THE BIRTH WEIGHTS AND RATE OF GROWTH IN THE NORMAL AND THE ALCOHOLIC SERIES In the present section the birth weights and ability to grow of the animals born in the normal and the alcoholic series may be compared. Here again comparisons must be made between ani- mals born in litters of the same size. It may be expressed gen- erally, as was done above for the mortality rate, that the birth weight of an animal, either normal or alcoholic, varies inversely with the size of the litter in which it is born. The average daily increase in weight during the first month varies in the’ same way. So that when one month old the weight of a guinea-pig also as a rule varies inversely with the size of the litter in which it was born. This condition holds up to three months, at which time the guinea-pig is mature. But the daily gain in weight during the second and third months after birth ceases to be greatest for the members of small litters. Yet the advantage in growth rate comes to the members of the large litters at so late a time that they are unable to make up their disadvantage sufficiently to equal in size the members of small litters within three months. All of these statements apply equally to both the alcoholic and normal series, and thus the influence of the litter size in general is the same in both cases. The question then arises whether there is an actual difference in birth weights and growth rates between the two series. Table 8 contains the birth weights of 225 normal control and 531 ani- mals of the alcoholic series. This alcoholic group, as the fore- going tables show, not only includes F; animals, or offspring from directly treated parents, but also their descendants for several generations, F;, F;, and F,;. The animals of both series are arranged in table 8 according to the size litters in which they occur. A review of the table shows that the normal series is superior in the average birth weight of the individual and the average birth weight of the entire litter, as well as the average birth weight of the individual born in each of the five different-size litters. 200 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU TABLE Vill BIRTH WEIGHTS AND RATES OF Ce OF NORMAL AND ALCOHOLIC YOUN Normal Alcoholic i 2 3 ca 5 i 2 3 4+ 5 Weis b + 1035S 3719. 630 4125 Chal 4023 13867 1474! 5200 244 ae lo 4G 37 GT 15 4! 163 225 92 Ss at birth (108.5) (82-15) (Jo-83) (61.56) (62-73) (48.42) (82.54) (65.5!) (56-52) (49-20) (Average 71- 1b) (Average 10-35) - 9.23% (ote mesn) Average productivity 197-12 ape Average productivity 170.0 Est ; l D. 3 4 5 ! a 3 4 Weight at 2228 9902 14288 6750 2302 2633 3o4b! 26398 6831 a the end of the 7 31 63 31 12 24 131 133. 0 z first TOA. (412-28) (240.59) (20-11) (122-43) (191.83) (247.63) (232-52) (193-48) (172-02) ({L4+0) (Average 228.64) (Average 213-94) —.6- 63% Averagedailyinuease] 6.24 San #64 402430 6.64 443 3-35 inweight during the (Average 5.04) (Average 478) 4 first month = ! 2 3 4+ 5 ! 3 > 5 Weight at ihe Avs b4S4 25643 ssa abe fe Ast 7449 718 end of the third 3 33 62 33 12 3! Jou 32 2 menth (501,62) (433-0) (413.58) (330-36) (397.0) (460.12) “nes (404-32) (367-15) (354.0) (Average 425.11) (Averaze404.13)- 5.06% Average daily increase] 3.05 3.20 3.39 324 3.41 een inweight duying the 2"4 and td months (Averages 3, 26) (Average 3.16) The average birth weight of the individual in the normal series is 77.16 grams against 70.35 grams for the alcoholic, and the average litter weight is 27.12 grams heavier among the nor- mal animals. The average weight of the individual in a given size litter is shown in parentheses below the litter number; this is obtained by dividing the total weight in grams of all such litters by the total number of animals composing them. For | example, in the alcoholic series there are 168 animals born in | litters of two and their total birth weight was 13,867 grams, | which gives an average weight of 82.54 grams per individual. | The average weight of the individual is lower in the large litters than in the small ones in both series. The second line of the table shows in a similar way the total weight at the end of the first month of all individuals in the sey- eral-size litters and below this the number of individuals con- cerned in each case. The quotient obtained by dividing the | total weight by the number of animals is given in parentheses | as the average weight of the individual in each litter at one | month old. At this age the average weight of normal animals | MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 201 in litters of one was 318.28 grams against 297.68 grams for the alcoholic litters of one. The uence average weight at one month for the normal series was 228.64 grams against a general average of 213.94 grams for the alcoholics. The average daily increase in weight during the first month is given in the third line of the table. It shows a mean daily increase for normal animals of 5.04 grams and for alcoholic animals only 4.78 grams. Members of small litters in both groups gained more rapidly than members of large litters. The weights at the end of the third month, when the animals are about mature, are given in the fourth line of the table. Nor- mal animals born one in a litter average over 500 grams, while comparable alcoholic animals weigh only 460.12 grams. The average normal animal at three months old weighs 425.11 grams against an average of 404.15 for the alcoholic animal. The last line shows that the average daily gain in weight during the second and third months was about as great for the alcoholic animals as for the normals. A much greater selection or elimination has taken place previous to this time among the alcoholic series than among the normal, as a reference to any of the mortality tables will show. All in all, table 8 would seem to indicate that in every case the normal offspring weigh more and grow more rapidly silo after birth than do the young alcoholic specimens. The several points considered above and their general meaning may be much more clearly expressed in the diagram, figure 9. On the left side of the diagram are shown the records for the aleoholic series and the normal records are on the right. The shaded right-angle triangles represent the difference in average weight between the individuals in litters of one, two, three, four, and five at birth, at one month old, and at three months old from the two series. The altitudes of the right triangles measure the magnitude of the differences. Animals born one in a litter in the alcoholic and the normal series, as the bottom short triangle indicates, show a greater dif- ference in weight than those from any other size litter except that consisting of five individuals as the low long triangle repre- t } \ i | | | j | | | (a1) e2arlbj aT (LE) er agi | (sielzx9 ADU ULS ADYI| UL ay ! 1 (bs) 9s 19) 1 I (9) bs elt | a he) + (£8) &8:0L Jatyi| Ul Aa] Ul? (3) tp 1ES AOU) ULI Normal lines Aa} Ul | ¢ bsp Lye ' Aayl\ Ul 7 (891) 5° i Alcoholic lines 1393 AO |) Ul & (*9l) TE" bow Grt)| 959 ! ! do}y 4! +7 @e)si LIE eh) 15°9E U { Aayt| ug (e691 (S)0g8+ Fig. 9 Diagram illustrating the differences in weight between normal and alcoholic line animals born in litters of the same size. The weights are given at birth, at one month, and at three months old. Further explanations are to be found in the text. Ww) 20 MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 203 sents. There is little difference between the birth weights of normal and alcoholic animals born in litters of two, three or four. When one month old the middle group of triangles represent- ing by their position the weights in grams again show the largest differences between alcoholic and normal animals in litters of one, the short triangle, and litters of five, the long triangle. The normal animals in litters of one have passed the 300-gram line in weight, while the average alcoholic member of a litter of five weighs only 169 grams. Members of the two series in litters of two, three, or four do not show very great weight differences. The top triangle shows a very large difference in weight at three months between normal and alcoholic animals born one in a litter. The triangles for two and three in a litter animals are almost flat at three months, indicating very little difference be- tween such normal and alcoholic animals. Alcoholic members of litters of four are somewhat smaller in average than normal, while alcoholic from litters of five are far below the normal in weight as the long triangle shows at three months. We have here an example of the influence of the alcohol effect combined with the action of a normal condition, the condition being the size of the litter in which the animal is born. From a consideration of the diagram we may, therefore, conclude, first, that normal-stock animals born one in a litter are so strong as to run far ahead of the one in a litter alcoholic animals, although the latter at birth, at one month, and at three months are much heavier than all normal animals born in larger litters at similar periods. Consequently, the advantage of developing alone in the uterus is sufficient, so far as birth weight and rate of growth are concerned, to overcome the disadvantages resulting from aleoholic ancestry to such a degree that these individuals are better than control animals developing in larger litters. Yet in birth weight and growth rate these singly born alcoholic animals are further behind the singly born control than are the alco- holies from any other size litters behind the control from the same size litters. Thus, although being born alone tends to overshadow the alcohol effect, nevertheless the effect is still shown by comparison with control specimens born alone. 204 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU If we now reeall the fact that alcoholic animals produce more small-size litters than do the control, and recognize that mem- bers of small litters in all cases weigh more, grow faster, and are more apt to survive than members of larger litters, it becomes evident that the production of a high percentage of small litters is a fortunate provision tending to preserve the alcoholic stock by counterbalancing to some degree the magnitude of the effects induced by the alcoholism. Second, animals born in litters of two or three have a tendency to weigh the same at birth and to grow at a similar rate dur- ing the first three months, whether they are from the normal or aleoholie stock. In other words, being born in litters of this size gives no great advantage to the normal animals over the alco- holies, as does being born in litters of only one. Or stated re- versely, members of litters of two or three are not placed at a great disadvantage so far as birth weight and growth rate are concerned on account of their alcoholic ancestry, as is found below to be the case for the members of larger litters. In the third place, when animals are born in litters of four the aleoholic stock are at a disadvantage in birth weight when compared with the normal. The rate of growth of the alcoholic animals from litters of four is also slower than that of the com- parable control animals. Lastly, in the fourth place, alcoholic animals born five in a litter are very small and weak and only a few survive, yet these selected few fall far behind the normal animals from litters of five in their rate of growth. Thus at three months there is a greater difference in average weight between the alcoholic and control members of litters of five than between the members of any other size litters in the two series, except the animals born singly. The alcoholic animals as a group are at a disadvantage in birth weight and rate of growth, but when born in large litters of four or particularly five, this disadvantage is greatly exaggerated by the handicap which befalls the members of all large litters, the control as well as the alcoholic. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 205 13. THE RECORDS OF NORMAL MALES AND FEMALES PAIRED SUC- CESSIVELY WITH NORMAL AND ALCOHOLIC MATES: THE CRUCIAL DEMONSTRATION OF THE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOLISM ON THE OFFSPRING When the records of any group of experimental animals are compared with the records of a normal group, the possibility presents itself that some selection either conscious or uncon- scious may have played a part in forming the groups. Such a source of error is no doubt practically eliminated by many well- known methods of choosing control and experimental animals from a given population. We believe such a defect is entirely insignificant in the foregoing records which have involved many animals through several generations from the same stocks in the case of both the experimented and the control. It is, never- theless, satisfactory to consider the records of the same nor- mal animals paired successively with control animals and with animals of the alcoholic lines. Table 9 presents all of the mating records of fourteen normal males and fifteen normal females that have been paired in this way. This table gives a-most perfect control and shows most clearly the alcohol effects. TEAS IS IRS ANORMAL MALES AND FEMALES PAIRED SUCCESSIVELY WITH NORMAL AND ALCOHOLIC MATES Individual matings of 14 normal] Individual matings of iSnormal | males, cach One mated succes] females, each One mated succe s- sively with sively with Normal! females} Alcoholic females| Normal males |AlcOholic males} Number of 3G 44 26 23 matings Total number 3G 100 59 50 Of young Negative 2 A | rr result (5.55%) (9.09%) (5.84%) (21.73%) 7 . Lived ove Gis 58 51 30 3 months Beene | a2 ee é a OS (24.41%) (42.0%) (13-55%) (A0.0 %) Defective fe) 6 fo) 5 (6.0%) (10.0%) aa 206 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU The fourteen male animals are in no sense selected; they are all of the normal males in our series of animals between the num- bers 613 and 1909 which have been mated with both normal and aleoholic females. The record numbers of these males are 665, 666, 667, 669, 670, 676, 677, 679, 681, 682, 683, 854, 914, and 1052. The fourteen males, as the table shows, have been mated in all eighty times. The fifteen females recorded include also every normal female among the animals considered in this paper that has been paired with both normal and alcoholic males. The record numbers of the females are 645, 646, 650, 652, 657, 661, 662, 671, 674, 675, 703, 722, 760, 890, and 1043. These have been mated in all forty-nine times. There has been no selection or choice in mating these animals or in estimating the results, since it was only decided to arrange such a table after beginning the present study of the data. The first column of table 9 shows the results of thirty-six matings of the normal males with normal females. Two of the thirty-six matings failed to produce results, or 5.55 per cent, and the remainme™ thirty-four matings gave rise to eighty-six young. Sixty-five, or 75.59 per cent, of these lived to reach maturity, while 24.41 per cent died within three months. None of the eighty-six offspring showed any gross structural defects. When these same normal males were mated forty-four times with alcoholic females, the second column shows that four mat- ings failed, or 9.09 per cent, almost twice as ma®y as the failures with normal females. The forty successful matings produced one hundred offspring, only fifty-eight of which were capable of survival to maturity. Thus 42 per cent of the young animals died within three months against only 24.41 per cent of those from the normal mothers and same fathers. Six per cent of the young from the alcoholic mothers possessed noticeable structural defects. \, In every respect the matings of the fourteen norma! males produced greatly superior results when paired with normal fe- males, as compared with their records by alcoholic females. The numbers are comparatively small, but the differences 27e large and the inferior records are consistently in the same co] UMN. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 207 The third and fourth columns contain similar records from the matings of the fifteen normal females with normal males and with alcoholic males. The twenty-six normal matings gave only one failure, while the twenty-three matings with alcoholic males failed to give results in five cases, or in 21.73 per cent of the trials. The alcoholic males always give a high percentage of mating failures even with normal females and, as this case shows, with females giving only a low per cent of failure by normal males. The normal matings produced fifty-nine young, fifty-one of which survived while only eight, or 13.55 per cent, died within three months. This is an unusually low mortality record and proves the ability of these females to produce strong viable young. None of the offspring from the normal matings were defective. The same females produced by alcoholic males fifty young, only thirty of which lived to maturity. Therefore, 40 per cent of them were non-viable, which is three times more than was the case with offspring from these females by normal fathers. Ten per cent of the fifty offspring were defective. The contrast between the two groups of results from the same females is so ereat that the possibility of the difference being due to the smallness of the numbers involved would seem to be completely eliminated. The records in the entire table are perfectly con- sistent and very clear cut. It would seem only proper to interpret such results, along with the mass of evidence in the foregoing pages, as showing that aleoholic guinea-pigs, whether directly treated or descended from treated individuals, have had their ability to produce strong, viable offspring definitely and decidedly lowered. And it may be added in this connection that evidence from purely male treated lines as well as that given by later generations from the female treated and mixed lines, points directly to the fact that the germ cells have been affected. The effects of this modification are transmitted through several generations, only to be lessened by the elimination through death and sterility of the weakest individuals from the mating records and the con- stant introduction of more and more normal germ plasm into the line by matings with the normal stock. 208 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU 14. THE CONTRASTED QUALITIES IN THE CONTROL AND THE : ALCOHOLIC SERIES The earlier reports on these experiments have given in the general text the various differences between the alcoholic and control lines; the case is made much clearer, however, if all the contrasted qualities be arranged together in summary fashion. In Pearl’s recent report on the influence of alcohol inhalation on the progeny of the domestic fowl, he has given a concise arrange- ment of the differences between the records of the experimented and control lines. The several qualities he has compared such as mortality records, fertility, abnormalities, etc., are the same as those considered in our previous papers. We have here con- structed a similar table to the one used by Pearl to show the qualities contrasted in the former sections of this paper. Definite numerical values have been presented for fourteen dif- ferent qualities studied in the two groups of animals. Several of these qualities are closely related, such as weights after dif- ferent periods of growth and the mortalities caleulated at dif- ferent periods, yet these are stated separately since they were measured in this manner and help somewhat to give a clearer analysis of the entire problem. Table 10 shows the qualities measured. The first column of figures are the records from the control, the second column are the alcoholic records. In the last column a — sign indicates that the alcoholics are inferior to the control for the given quality; a zero, that the two groups are similar in the given respect, and a + sign would show that the alcoholics are superior to the control. It is seen at once that the alcoholic series suffers by comparison in every case except one, and in this case the two series are equal on account of an earlier unusually large difference. The alcoholic guinea-pigs are less productive, giving litters of smaller size than the normal, their matings more often result in failure to conceive; associated with these two facts there is a higher early prenatal mortality which is the only quality in- cluded "in the table that cannot be numerically expressed for reasons brought out in previous pages. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 209 Asie QUALITIES CONTRASTED BETWEEN THE NORMAL AND ALCOHOLIC PROGENIES c + eC ees Size of litter Failure to conceive Early prenatal death (sizeof litter, sailure,ete) Proportion late prenatal death Post-natal mortality Total mortality Abnormalities Oversize (+ 5004's. at 3 mos.) Undersize (— 3001's. at 5 mas.) . Late generations alcoholic improved, mortality index ie 2. 3. 4. 5 6. te 8. s) 10. . Altered sex-ratios birth wt of fitter _ individual birth wt Y Wt. | month old -wt. 3 months old The aleoholies have a higher proportion of their total mortality occurring very early, so that there is a great elimination of weak embryos and fetuses; this lowers their later or postnatal mortality to about the normal record. In this case we have an elimination or selection of individuals or zygotes rather than a germinal selection. The total mortality record for the experimented group is far higher than for the control and a greater percentage of abnormal young are produced. The percentage of abnor- malities is lower than in our former records, as is also the total mortality rate. The improved mortality rate is partly due to better methods of breeding and caring for the animals. Yet the mortality record of the alcoholic group is very high, and when corrected for the normal rate on the basis of the size litters con- cerned it becomes 189 against the control as 100. Among the THE 1OURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL ZOOLOGY, VOL. 26, NO. 1 210 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU normal animals of the same general stock as the alcoholies, not one grossly deformed individual has been born in over 400 cases, and, as stated above, this is a remarkable record which argues strongly for the perfection of the stock. In considering the de- fective young, one must also keep in mind the fact that these are not worse, but, on the contrary, are better organized than individuals which die during early stages of development. At three months old, as No. 8 in the table indicates, fewer alcoholic than control animals were larger than usual or over size, though some were, while the next line shows that more alcoholic animals were small or under size, weighing less than 300 grams. The later generations of the aleoholie stock are improved by the continued elimination of weak and defective individuals which die or are unable to breed, and also by the introduction of more and more normal germ plasm from generation to genera- tion until a mortality rate of 42.4 per cent for the F, generation becomes only 17.14 per cent for the F, generation. This is a clear demonstration of the aleohol effect and may also serve to show the action of increased germ dosage. The earlier genera- tions being nearer the directly treated animals receive higher doses than do the later generations where in most cases the dose has been considerably diluted by a mixture of normal germ plasm. The sex-ratio in the alcoholic group seem to have been modi- fied in ways which we have attempted to explain. The average weight of the alcoholic litter is less than the normal and the average individual birth weight of an alcoholic specimen is also less than for the normal. The average weight of the alcoholic individuals at one month old is below the nor- mal and the average weight at the age of three months, when guinea-pigs are about mature, is still below the weight of the control animals. Therefore, in the fourteen measured points considered, the offspring of the alcoholic series are below the normal control in thirteen cases and apparently equal to the control in only one. The qualities are largely the same as those we have considered MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 211 in former papers though analyzed in further detail. They are also very similar to those recorded by Pearl (’17) in his table 14. From a physiological standpoint it seems to us that these quali- ties are all closely associated and finally come down to the three related qualities: ability to develop normally, grow rapidly, and live to maturity. An animal possessing such qualities is usually termed a vigorous individual. At present it can only be stated that these properties are due to the vigor of the germ cells from which the individual arose. The qualities discussed might all involve a limited range of physiological factors so far as present knowledge permitsa separation of such factors and they only show on the part of the alcoholics a reduced capacity of development and growth. The same underlying cause may actually account for the abnormal sex-ratios, as has been pointed out in an earlier section. Leaving the environment out of account, the normal develop- ment, growth and length of life of a zygote varies with the perfection or vigor of the germ cells from which it originated. An experimental treatment may act upon the germ cells of an animal so as to modify them in some general way which lowers their ability to react normally in combination with germ cells from another individual. Thus zygotes are produced which tend to develop abnormally, grow slowly, or die during early stages of their existence, depending upon the degree of modifi- cation the treated germ cells have suffered. We are fully em- barrassed by the unsatisfactory nature of such statements, but have been unable to gather scientific facts that would permit any more definite estimate of the situation. All of our experiments on the modification of the germ cells have given results which express themselves in some such general fashion. Yet the germ plasm has been definitely modified and the subnormal condition is transmitted through a number of generations beyond the animals directly treated. This result is original on the complex material used, and is of primary impor- tance, although it may be disappointing in that it has not shown a modification in the mode of behavior of some particular char- acter known for its Mendelian inheritance. 212 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU The experimental modification of the inheritance of definite characters by a treatment of the germ cells is a future possibility. It must be recognized, however, that one is able to produce grotesque monsters by a treatment of eggs or spermatozoa, and yet all of the known characters which Mendelize in such an in- dividual may be expressed in a perfectly normal fashion. This may be due to the fact that comparatively few such characters are known. Aside from the future definite modifications of inheritance, it would seem from the present study that the ‘general qualities,’ for lack ef a more suitable term, of an or- ganism may be affected, on account of an experimental modi- fication of the germ plasm from which it arose. The modifi- cation may have taken place several ancestral generations ago. This is really the inheritance of pathological conditions which were induced upon and transmitted by the ancestral germ plasm. Such a type of inheritance is no doubt important in its relation to the normal processes of development and inheritance. 15. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS A discussion of the literature bearing on the influence of various chemical substances on the egg and spermatozo6n has been given in former papers of this series, particularly Stockard (712 and 713). In all cases only the effects of the treatments on the zygotes immediately resulting from the modified spermatozoa or eggs have been studied. There has been no experimental investiga- tion of later generations arising from the affected specimens. And indeed, in almost all cases the developing individuals were lost during early embryonic stages as in the X-ray experiments of Bardeen and the radium studied of Oskar Hertwig which are the most satisfactory investigations on the direct injury of the sperm. These experiments really supplied no available material for an investigation of the inheritance or transmission of the induced defective conditions. Since the beginning of the present experiments other studies have been recorded which bear more directly on the results con- sidered in the foregoing pages. Of particular interest in connection with our supposed differential effects of the alcohol treatment on MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 213 the behavior of the X and Y groups of spermatozoa is the ingenious double-mating experiment of Cole and Davis (14) with rab- bits. They found that when two male rabbits were mated with a single female, superfetation occurred in most cases, so that part of the resulting litter of young were sired by one male and part by the other. The males differed in their fertilizing abili- ties, so that one more often sired the majority of young of a given litter, and in the total number of competition matings he sired the greater number of young. This male with the fertiliz- ing advantage was then treated for a month or more with the fumes of aleohol by the inhalation method. As a result of this treatment his spermatozoa became affected in such a way that mated in competition with the same male he normally had beaten he now failed to sire any young. Yet when mated singly or alone with a female he still possessed the power to beget off- spring. This is a striking illustration of the debilitating effect of a short alcohol treatment on the physiological behavior of these spermatozoa, thus lowering their fertilizing ability below that of other spermatozoa which were formerly less potent than they. ; When it is seen how definitely and readily alcohol treatments affect the behavior of the spermatozoa, we are led to speculate as to whether the treatment might not affect the X and Y groups of sperm differently, and, thus be partially responsible for a dis- tortion of the sex-ratios, should such oecur. This responsibility may be due in the first place to a lowered fertilizing power on the part of one group of spermatozoa, thus giving rise to fewer individuals of one sex than of the other. Or, in the second place, even though both groups of spermatozoa should be equally capable of fertilizing the eggs, one group might be more affected as to its ability to produce viable zygotes in combination with normal ova, and thus an early differential sex mortality would occur causing a modification of the proportion of one sex to the other among the young born. We have elaborated somewhat on these possibilities in the section devoted to the sex-ratios of the alcoholic guinea-pigs. Cole and Davis originally devised their experiment as a cru- 214 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU cial control for the influence of alcohol treatment on the male germ cells. In mating two males to a single female any defective condition that might arise among the offspring from one of the males, as compared with those from the other, could not be attributed to differences in developmental environment or in the qualities of the ova, as might possibly be the case where different females are used. Cole and Bachhuber (’14) have employed the same method in a study of the effects of lead on the germ cells of the male rabbit and fowl. Their conclusion in regard to the rabbit is ‘“‘that the offspring produced by male rabbits which have been poisoned by the ingestion of lead acetate into the alimentary tract have a lower vitality and are distinctly smaller in average size than normal offspring of unpoisoned males.’’ This conclusion is in exact accord with the conditions shown by our F;, generation of guinea-pigs sired by alcoholized fathers. Cole and Bachhuber have not reported on the transmission of the effects to later generations. Their results with fowls ‘‘are interpreted as indicating that in fowls also poisoning of the male parent with lead results in offspring of a distinctly lower average vitality.” This again accords with the results on the offspring when male guinea-pigs are treated with alcohol. A later more extensive report concerning the influence of lead as a substance producing blastophthoric effects is given by Weller (15). This investigator has treated both male and female guinea-pigs with commercial white lead. The lead is adminis- tered by mouth in gelatin capsules, the same method as was em- ployed by Cole and Bachhuber (’14). The effects from the lead poisoning on the guinea-pigs are very similar to those ob- tained by treating the rabbits and fowls. Weller has been careful not to overdose the animals and his precautions would make it seem probable that any effect from the treatment which might be shown by the offspring was actually due to the lead poisoning and not to impaired nutrition or other indirect causes. His conclusions are based on a total of ninety-three matings yielding 170 offspring. There were thirty-two control matings MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 215 which produced only fifty-eight offspring. Whether or not every mating gave offspring is not definitely stated, but if so the aver- age-size litter was unusually small, being only 1.81. This would indicate either a stock of very low productivity or a high pro- portion of absorbed embryos and partial abortions, as a final result of which the litters would be small. In the foregoing tables where the numbers of matings and young are very much greater, not one group shows so small an average litter. From the thirty-four matings of lead-poisoned males with normal females, sixty-five offspring resulted, an average litter of 1.91, and from twenty-seven matings of normal males with lead females forty-seven young were born, an average litter of only 1.74. The fact that among the few individual litters recorded there were three cases of litters of four, and five cases of litters of three, makes it seem as though there may have been a high proportion of mating failures, giving rise to the small average litters ob- tained when the total number of young is divided by the total number of matings. The distribution and cause of these mat- ing failures, as is pointed out in the text above, may be of con- siderable importance. Weller has analyzed his results in some detail. He takes into account the influence of litter size on the birth weight and gives several individual mating records which illustrate the effects of a treated sire on the birth weight of the young from a normal dam. Weller has also taken into account the relationship between lead dosage and birth weight of the offspring without finding very consistent correlations. The relationship between germ dosage and the condition of the offspring in our records may be calculated for every individual born in the alcohol experiments, yet the result is uninstructive so far as at present studied. There are a great number of confusing factors involved in this seemingly simple proposition. Weller’s final conclusions from the study of lead poisoning closely accord with our previous statements regarding the influ- ence of alcohol on the same animals. He finds that chronic lead poisoning in guinea-pigs produces a definite blastophthoric effect. 216 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU This can best be demonstrated upon the male germ plasm, in which case the blastophthoria manifests itself in some instances by sterility without loss of sexual activity, by a reduction of approximately 20 per cent in the average birth weight, by an increased number of deaths in the first week of life, and by a general retardation in development such that the offspring of a lead-poisoned male remains permanently under weight. ’ These experiments with alcohol and lead on rabbits, fowls and guinea-pigs seem to their authors to modify the male germ cells in a definite manner. The offspring sired by treated fathers are inferior to those from control males. The transmission of the defects to subsequent generations has not been reported. In addition to the experiments on the direct treatment of the spermatozoa of lower forms, a few attempts have been made to treat the spermatozoa of higher animals directly with certain chemicals. Ivanov ('13) has given a short note on the effects of immersing the spermatozoa of several mammals in solutions of alcohol. He finds that when.fertilization is obtained after such treatments a normal development follows and normal offspring are produced. ‘To anyone who has studied the action of alcohol on the free swimming spermatozoa of lower vertebrates such re- sults are not surprising. The most probable explanation is that the spermatozoén has been entirely protected from the action of the alcohol of the strengths used. When any action is ob- tained the usual effect on the spermatozo6n is to render it im- mobile. To obtain a fertilization the motionless sperm must be activated by the use of some alkaline substance, such as NaOH. Following this activation the spermatozoa may often give normal offspring after union with normal ova, thus indi- eating that their chemical nature has not been disturbed. It is most difficult to treat the spermatozoén even of the very hardy fish, Fundulus heteroclitus, in such a manner as to injure it and afterwards obtain a fertilization. Dr. Wilson Gee (’16) experi- mented on the spermatozoa of fishes at Woods Hole for two seasons and found that the difference between an effective alco- hol dose and a fatal dose was so slight that it required the most delicate adjustment of solutions in order to injure the sperma- tozoa to such a degree that the development of eggs subsequently | a | MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS ° Oh, fertilized was rendered abnormal. Ivanov’s report is cer- tainly not sufficiently detailed to satisfy one that his results have any bearing on the problem of the modification of the germ cells by chemical treatment. There can be no doubt that if a spermatozoén is actually affected by a direct chemical treatment, the egg which it fer- tilizes will develop more or less abnormally. The radium and X-ray experiments of Bardeen and Hertwig, as well as fertiliza- tion by foreign spermatozoa give conclusive evidence on this point. The statistical research by Elderton and Pearson (’10) has frequently been quoted as if it shows that parental alcoholism was really to some degree beneficial to the human offspring. Their mathematical calculations were based on two series of statistics, the ‘‘Edinburgh Charity Organization Society Report and a manuscript account of the children in the special schools of Manchester provided us by Miss Mary Dendy.” ‘‘Sus- pected drinkers were included with drinkers,”. ‘‘the parents could be divided into two classes only, those who are temperate and those who are intemperate,’”’ and many other such state- ments make this biological data somewhat unsatisfactory to those interested in an experimental modification of the germ plasm. These authors, however, do not claim to find any effect, either good or bad, of aleoholism on the offspring, and finally state that On the whole the balance turns as often in favor of the alcoholic as of the non-alcoholic parentage. It is needless to say that we do not attribute this to the alcohol, but to certain physical and possibly mental characters which appear to be associated with the tendency to alcohol. Such a conclusion on the part of the authors themselves would searcely warrant anyone else in claiming that an effect of alco- holism on the parent had given evidence of its existence in the quality of the children produced. A number of English physi- cians interested in alcoholism largely from a social and senti- mental standpoint opened a bitter attack on the memoir by Elderton and Pearson, not because it claimed a beneficial effect, 1Ttalies are ours. 218 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU . but merely because no harmful effect was shown. Such criti- cism is of little interest, yet one very serious point was cited against the data on which this study was based, and Pearson and Elderton (’10) in their reply failed to satisfy the objection. The children considered were in the neighborhood of nine years old at the time the statistics were collected and the fact that some parents were drinking at this time might not necessarily prove that they were drinking nine or ten years ago when the children were conceived. It is very evident that from our standpoint accurate data relating to this particular fact is most essential. This study really has no bearing in the literature on the chemi- eal modification of germ cells or the developing embryo, as Elderton and Pearson themselves state in the italicized portion of the quotation cited above. No one can confidently affirm that in their data alcoholics are being compared with normals or -really whether any alcoholics or normals as such are actually being considered beyond the chance probability that some in- dividuals of both classes creep into the statistics to be included in the two groups arranged. Very recently Pearl (17) has published a most thorough analysis of the influences of parental alcoholism on the progeny of the domestic fowl. He states (p. 285): that a careful study of the present results makes it impossible to assert that the treatment of the parents has had no effect upon the progeny. The offspring of the alcoholists, as a class, are indubitably differentiated from the offspring of the non-aleoholists. Such a statement agrees entirely with our results from the alcoholic guinea-pigs. In detail, however, Pearl finds that after treating fowls with alcohol the progeny produced are in some respects superior to the control. This, he believes, is brought about by an elimination of all weaker germ cells through the action of alcohol which thus serves as a selective agent to im- prove the race. At first sight this would seem to be entirely contradictory to our results, since the guinea-pig progeny is decidedly the worse for the experimental treatment. Yet*the treatment in both cases has affected the progeny through its MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 219 action on the germ cells. This is the point of actual importance and the one of chief interest from the standpoint of these ex- periments. We are not here studying the alcohol problem from a social standpoint and it is immaterial whether the progeny be benefited or injured by the treatment of parental generations. Our interest lies in whether or not the germ cells are modified by the chemical treatment and whether the modification is of such a nature as to alter the qualities of the individuals which may compose the subsequent generations. Pearl, of course, fully agrees with such a position, and states (716 a, p. 258): Our results seem to me to be supplementary to those of Stockard, and to throw an interesting light on the need for caution in reac ing a correct interpretation of all experiments in which a mildly deleterious agent acts upon the organism. He also believes that his results are in no way contradictory to ours, but recognizes the fact that, although the same chemical substance may act upon the germ plasm of two different classes of animals, the visible response on the part of the animals need not necessarily be the same. In other words, one is not always within the realm of legitimate scientific speculation who assumes that since a given substance acts to induce a certain response on the part of one animal species that the same substance will call forth a like response on every other species. ‘‘What is one man’s food is another man’s poison.’’ With this we fully agree; it is dangerous to draw universal deductions from experiments on any one or two classes of animals. Another possibility also recognized by Pearl presents itself in considering the opposite effects of the alcohol treatment on the progeny of guinea-pigs and fowls. Small doses of many sub- stances, one of which is alcohol, may form a physiological stand- point produce a stimulating effect, while larger doses produce decided depression. There is a possibility that the same may be true of the action of such substances on the germ cells. Pear! has discarded such an explanation after very fair consideration, and is possibly right in so doing. The experiences, however, with the guinea-pigs makes our opinion decidedly prejudiced in 220 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU favor of the possibility, that although a sufficiently large dose may have been used, yet it did not act solely to eliminate germ cells as such, but also caused the production of many zygotes which died during early developmental stages. The amount of dosage is very important. Treating female guinea-pigs with considerable doses of alcohol fumes only shortly before and during their pregnancies certainly does not injure the offspring to any noticeable degree. While the same dose of treatment, if administered for a number of months or years, will render these mothers almost incapable of producing vigorous young, even when mated with normal males. Pearl (17, p. 281) finds regarding his 1915 results which were obtained after the treatments had been running for only a few months that considering the number of animals in the experi- mental series the individual differences are not in every case sufficiently large to be significant in comparison with their prob- able errors. The control in this case was also not what Pearl had wished. He had originally chosen a carefully pedigreed control, taking as the one control male a half-brother of the three experimental males and using control females that were sisters of the treated hens as recorded in table 5, p. 158 (17). The only control male, No. 666, proved to be practically sterile and useless. This necessitated the use in paper No. III of an ordi- nary random sample control instead of the refined control originally planned in Part I of the series of papers, and nulli- fied the statement in the summary of Part I, p. 162, that “Full brothers and sisters of treated are used as control.” For certain qualities, such as the fertility and hatching records of the eggs, the control was not in all cases the same cross as the experiment, which was invariably between Barred Plymouth Rock hens and Black Hamburg cocks. The hatching weight and rate of growth of the experimental chicks on account. of want of con- trol data from the 1915 season were compared with chicks from a similar cross hatched and reared in 1913. Different keepers were in charge of rearing the chicks during the two different seasons. These unfortunate conditions, all of which are pointed out with conscientious fullness by Pearl, make it rather difficult MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 221 to fully estimate the actual significance of the differences between the experimental offspring and the control groups used. Fortunately, however, the data from the 1916 season is avail- able (Pearl, *16 b) for comparison with the 1915 results. The aleohol treatments were continued throughout the time so that the 1916 chicks are derived from more highly alcoholized parents. Should the aleohol continue to improve the race by ‘‘completely putting out of commission all of the weaker germ cells,” the 1916 results should in all respects show a further improvement in the qualities that had been previously benefited. The percentage of infertile eggs given in the 1915 table may be reversed to per cent of zygotes formed and compared with this column in the 1916 table. The percentage of zygotes formed in the several combinations of aleoholic mating should be less than in 1915, and they are. When both parents were alcoholic in 1915, 40.8 per cent of the eggs formed zygotes, while in 1916 only 21.95 per cent produced zygotes; sire only alcoholic, 74.8 per cent zygotes in 1915 and only 53.52 per cent in 1916. This is in line with the lowered fertility and increased number of mating failures from the alcoholic guinea-pig records. The more decidedly alcoholic the guinea-pigs become, the smaller the litter size from double alcoholic and sire only alcoholic matings, and the greater the number of failures to conceive. With the guinea-pigs, however, this is not alone due to a destruction of weak germ cells by the treatment, but is cer- tainly in part due to an increased very early prenatal mortality for which much evidence is given in the body of the present paper. The smaller number of zygotes formed by the treated fowls is probably also due in some cases to death in very early stages, as blastulae or gastrulae, before the egg is laid; or in the hen’s eggs these weakened zygotes may not be able to with- stand the developmental interruption following the: laying of the egg. Embryos dying during such stages could not be iden- tified except by a most minute study. It seems to us in keeping with what is known of biological reactions in general and the guinea-pig histories in particular to take the following position. The alcohol treatment acts on the 222 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU germ cell populations of both fowls and guinea-pigs in such a manner that the weakest or least resistant ova and spermatozoa die from the effects of the treatment as germ cells without taking part in zygote formation. The somewhat more fesistant ova and spermatozoa are greatly injured though still capable of forming zygotes. The zygotes, however, are so defective as to be capable of only a short period of development and die during stages too early to be definitely detected by gross examinations of either the fowl’s egg or the mammalian mother. Still other em- bryos are capable of development to later stages and are actu- ally found dead, not only as the youngest embryos to be identi- fied, but from these early stages there occurs a continuous series of prenatal deaths up to the full-term still-births. Immedi- ately after birth the postnatal mortality is greatest and gradu- ally decreases until these specimens capable of reaching maturity may often enjoy a comparatively long life. At the present stage of the two experiments it w ould seem as though this elimination of defective germ cells and very early embryos was much more intense in the fowls than in the guinea- pigs as a group; so that the late prenatal and postnatal mor- tality among the fowl progeny was low and those specimens that hatched were the hardy survivors from this early vigorous process of germ cell and individual selection. The records from the double alcoholic and male treated lines among the guinea- pigs forms a second step. The size of the litters and failures to conceive in these lines indicates a.rather high degree of in- fertility or germ cell debility as well as early prenatal deaths, though this is not so extreme as among the fowls, and the late prenatal and postnatal mortality is higher. Finally the female treated guinea-pig lines produce large lit- ters and have few infertile matings, indicating a low germ cell and early prenatal mortality, and here the late prenatal and postnatal mortality is highest, not entirely on account of the action of the treatment on the developing individual in utero, since the same condition is found among other female gene- rations than the one directly treated. This presentation of the situation is somewhat similar to that MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 223 which Pearl (’17) has illustrated in his diagrams, figures 5 to 7, pages 290 and 291. The chief difference being that we would decrease the proportion of eliminated germ cells and increase the proportion of defective and non-viable zygotes, and thus emphasize the selection of individuals rather than of germ cells. A further consideration of Pearl’s 1916 results as shown in table 1, p. 676 (16 b), may be used to argue in favor of our po- sition. The ‘prenatal mortality’ column of this table when compared with the ‘dried in shell’ column from 1915 records (table 1, p. 244, ’17) should show lower percentages according to our interpretation of Pearl’s expectation for an improved stock from the alcoholic lines. Instead of this, in only one combina- tion is the prenatal mortality lower. In both parents alcoholic it has been lowered from 26.9 per cent to 11.11 per cent, and here the postnatal mortality as we would expect is increased. In the other cases dam only alcoholic, none of which were re- ported for 1915 on account of the useless control male, gives 80 per cent prenatal mortality sire only alcoholic increased to 47.08 per cent from 36.6 per cent; sire and one grandparent, 46.84 per cent; one or more grandparents, 46.02 per cent; all alcoholic ancestry, 45.95 per cent, which is a considerable increase over the 1915 records. The control of 1916 also shows a higher prenatal mortality than that of 1915, though it is not stated whether the same breed crosses are used in the two controls. The postnatal mortality of the 1916 control is, on the con- trary, lower than the pestnatal mortality of the twenty-two ‘random sample matings’ of 1915. While the total mortality for all the alcoholic groups is about the same, 17.6 and 16.5 per cent, for the two seasons, the indi- vidual combinations show wide variations. From both parents alcoholic the 1915 postnatal mortality was 10.6 per cent, while for 1916 it rose to 25 per cent, sire only alcoholic fell from 21.1 per cent, 1915 record, to 13.79 per cent, 1916 record. Sire and one grandparent alcoholic gave a postnatal mortality of 28.38 per cent, while the non-alcoholic postnatal mortality was 21.2 per * cent. Considering the numbers involved, the records from the prog- 224 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU eny of the 1916 matings after longer alcohol treatment do not seem altogether improved as compared with the 1915 records. A comparison of individual lines in the tables frequently show disadvantages for the 1916 matings. This would seem as though some injured zygotes were present and all of the affected gern cells had not been completely eliminated by the treatment. The percentage of abnormal specimens among the 1916 alcoholies is about the same or slightly more than among the control, while Pearl had counted this point in favor of the alcoholics from his 1915 records. It would thus seem, as Pearl (’17, 292) himself suggests, that “it might be supposed that with larger administration to the. fowls (higher germ dosage) or more years of drinking behind them in the case of Elderton and Pearson’s workingmen, the conditions shown in figure 7 would gradually pass over into those shown in figure 5.’ That is, that not only weak germ cells would be eliminated by the treatment, but that also a considerable proportion of defective individuals would arise to be eliminated during various developmental stages or persist as degenerate specimens. From these conditions we believe that there is a really close agreement between the results on the fowls and the guinea-pigs. These suggestions are advanced only in a spirit of the most friendly criticism. We have worked long enough in accumulating and considering evidence bearing on the various phases in- volved in this problem to highly appreciate the masterly manner in which Pearl has considered and analyzed his data; and we are thankful for many suggestions that have come to us through the contribution on parental alcoholism in the fowls. In the end our aims and objects are the same, to affect the germ plasm in so definite a manner as to be able to predict the quality and degree of the modifications subsequently expressed in the gen- erations to follow. MODIFICATION OF THE GERM-CELLS IN MAMMALS 225 LITERATURE CITED Aruitt, A. H., ann Weis, H. G. 1917 The effect of alcohol on the repro- ductive tissues. Jour. Exp. Med. Vol. 26, p. 769. Barpreen, C. R. 1907 Abnormal development of toad ova fertilized by sper- matozoa exposed to the Roentgen Rays. Journ. Exp. Zodl., vol. 4, Dal: Coxe, L.J., anp Davis, C.L. 1914 The effect of alcohol on the male germ cells, studied by means of double matings. Science, N. 8., 39, p. 476. Coxs, L. J., anp Bacnuuser, L. J. 1914 The effect of lead on the germ cells of the male rabbit and fowl as indicated by their progeny. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 12, p. 24. Exvperton, E. M., anp Pearson, K. 1910 A first study of the influence of pa- rental alcoholism on the physique and ability of the offspring. Eu- genics Lab. Mem. X, Univ. of London, pp. 1-46. Ger, Witson 1916 Effects of acute alcoholism on the germ cells of Fundulus heteroclitus. Biol. Bull. 31, p. 379. Herrwic, O. 1913 Versuche an Tritoneiern tiber die Einwirkung bestrahlter Samenfiden auf die tierische Entwicklung. Arch. f. Mikr. Anat., 82, Abt. IL. Ivanov, J. 1913 Expériences sur la fécondation des mammiféres avec le sperme mélangé d’aleool. Compt. rend. Soe. Biol. Paris, 74, p. 482. Meyer, A. W. 1917 Intra-uterine absorption of ova. Anat. Rec., vol. 12, p. 293. Papantconaou, G.N. 1915 Sex determination and sex control in guinea-pigs. Science, N S. 41, p. 401. Prart, R. 1916a On the effect of continued administration of certain poisons to the domestic fowl, with special reference to the progeny. Proc. Am. Phil. Soc., 55, p. 248. 1916b Some effects of the continued administration of alcohol to the domestie fowl, with special reference to the progeny. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 2, p. 675. . 1917 The Experimental modification of germ cells, Parts I, II, and Ill. Journ. Exp. Zoél., vol. 22, pp. 125-186 and pp. 241-310. Pearson, K., anp Etperton, E. M. 1910 A second study of the influence of parental alcoholism on the physique and ability of the offspring. Being a reply to certain medical critics of the first memoir and an examination of the rebutting evidence cited by them. Eugenics Lab. Mem. XIII, Univ. of London. Stevens, N. M. 1911 Heterochromosomes in the guinea-pig. Biol. Bull. 21, ps 155: Srockarp, C. R. 1910 The influence Sf alcohol and other anaesthetics on em- bryonic development. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 10, p. 369. 1912 An experimental study of racial degeneration in mammals treated with aleohol. Arch. Internal Med., X. 1913 The effect on the offspring of intoxicating the male parent and the transmission of the defects to subsequent generations. Amer. Nat.. 47, p. 641. 226 CHARLES R. STOCKARD AND GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU | Srockarp, C. R. 1914 A study of further generations of mammals from an- cestors treated with alcohol. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med. XI, p. 186. Srockarp, C. R., anp Crata, D. M. 1912 An experimental study of the influ- ence of aleoho] on the germ cells and the developing embryos of mam- mals. Arch. f. Entw’Mech. 35, p. 569. Srocxarp, C. R., anp Papanicotaou, G. 1916 A further analysis of the he- reditary transmission of degeneracy and deformities by the descend- ants of aleoholized mammals. Amer. Nat., 50, Part I, pp. 65-88, Part II, pp. 144-177. 1917 The existence of a typical oestrous cycle B in the guinea-pig with a study of its histological and physiological changes. Am. Jour. Anat., vol. 22, p. 225. Wetter, C. V. 1915 The blastophthorie effect of chronic lead poisoning. Journ. Med. Res., 28, p. 271. AUTHORS’ ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED BY Reprinted from Tae AmerIcAN JOURNAL OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, DECEMBER 29 Anatomy, Vol. 24, No. 1, May 1918 THE: DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDIOSOME IN THE GERM-CELLS OF THE MALE GUINEA-PIG GEORGE N. PAPANICOLAOU anp CHARLES R. STOCKARD From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical School, New York City TWELVE FIGURES PB IOTIROLUCULOTI Se ila etree aie crs aces sia viene slers¥are sina ealesisidl ectes SeGere alee wid ee 37 Peateenera lemme thodranG materials seriereccicis siecle roles ereieiticieicie'o,efssniciesshe-* scejsswjoiere 38 3. Description of the development of the idiosome.................-.+.+-++. 38 A. The idiosome in the spermatogonia......................---+--=-:- 38 B. The idiosome in the primary spermatocytes...............--5++-+++- 39 CL Thelin Garin iynteseerae cess npcone Odo nam noe coEpactossgde Benodp 41 D. The idiosome in the secondary spermatocytes............ ree Peeee 42 Hee Hetidiosomecin the SPeErMAatldss.4.coee arc eras ee cies eee ctneeie= ele) stele 43 F. The relation of the centrosomes to the idiosome................-..- 48 Pe RHERDECIASLAIDIN SC MEUNOGS rls. feleisiec cleys/aier vets else « clalato ei oeletclotes crete ile 49 5. Review and discussion of previous studies.................2+sesecereeeee 52 Pe@ione lmnians ald ie WaApOLU tS eet -ceteleieya sri ier vale erate) reel ole sielaie ole easrsveiave taerols 61 fi, LOIGRD iS: CDG Goods gene de aonenecbrdedc.s Ge banacmennocucracscmbrortoon 62 1. INTRODUCTION The idiosome was first described by la Valette St. George more than fifty years ago, and since that time a number of in- vestigators have studied the behavior of this structure during the spermatogenesis of many different animals. The various descriptions are by no means consistent, and in the mammals the idiosome has been reported both as a very simple and as a very complex body. This peculiar structure within the cyto- plasm of the cells during the stages of spermatogenesis is ex- tremely sensitive in its response to the many different ways of fixation and staining. The observations considered in the pres- ent paper have been made possible through the application of a new staining method, which seems to possess particular advan- tages for the study of the finer structure of the idiosome. These 37 THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 24, No. 1 38 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD observations, we believe, add important details to our knowledge of the idiosome structure and the genesis of certain parts of the spermatozoon. The following pages describe the method in full and attempt to give a concise description of the idiosome and its developmental changes during the spermatogenesis of the guinea-pig. A brief consideration of the literature is also presented in order to place the new observations in their proper relation with previous ideas concerning this structure. 2. GENERAL METHOD AND MATERIAL The general method consists of a combination stain with methylen blue and acid fuchsin following a fixation in Zenker’s fluid. The fixation with Zenker’s fluid is necessary in order to obtain a good differential stain for the idiosome. Other fixing fluids, corrosive acetic, Flemming’s fluid, Hermann’s fluid, and Bouin’s fluid, used for the same study have not been satisfac- tory, since the tissues fixed in them fail to stain in a clear dif- ferential fashion. The studies have been made on the testes of guinea-pigs, from both normal and alcoholic stock. The age of the animals ranged from six months to four years. The living animals were castrated and the testes from both sides were cut in thin, longi- tudinal pieces and fixed in Zenker’s solution for eighteen to twenty-four hours. The pieces were imbedded in paraffin and cut in sections 3 to 5 micra thick. The details of the staining will be described after considering the parts of the cells which are to be best demonstrated with different modifications of the method. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE IDIOSOME A. The idiosome in the spermatogona The term idiozom, as proposed by Meves (’99), from té:os (own) and ¢aua (belt), should be better changed to idiosome, from ids (own) and caua (body), as suggested by Regaud (10), as will be evident from the descriptions of this structure which follow. THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 39 The idiosome in the spermatogonia shows many variations in form. Its shape may be spherical, or oval and flattened and cap-shaped. Its boundary is usually clear and distinct, but sometimes seems to pass insensibly into the surrounding cyto- plasm. In some cells the idiosome presents a vacuolar structure, while in others there is a distinct differentiation into a peripheral and a central part. It is possible that the idiosome in the sper- matogonia may be divided into two zones, as is the case with the idiosome of the first spermatocytes described in the next sec- tion. This point may be decided by future studies. The present paper only attempts to give a description of the idio- some, beginning with the primary spermatocyte stage and passing through its subsequent phases. B. The idiosome in the primary spermatocytes The idiosome of the primary spermatocyte is differentiated into two distinct parts, a peripheral, which may be termed the idioectosome, and a central, the idioendosome.! The relation- ship of the two parts is that of one slightly oval body being enclosed within another. The endosome lies within a central cavity of the ectosome and is connected with the ectosome by a number of processes or prolongations from the periphery of the endosomatic mass. As these processes pass into the substance of the ectosome, a vacuolar aspect is produced, as shown in figure 1. The position of the endosome within the ectosome is generally a little eccentric, being nearer the side towards the spermatocyte nucleus. The idioendosome is the more essential part of the idiosome persisting through all stages of development, while the idioectosome is later to be eliminated and dissolves or disappears in the cytoplasm. During the preparation for division of the primary spermato- cytes, the idioendosome exhibits a peculiar transformation. Its periphery breaks up into a number of at first large and then 1 These terms and others which follow are proposed by us not merely to burden the present confused terminology, but on account of an actual lack of technical words to sufficiently or exactly designate the structural details presented by the idiosome during its several developmental phases. 40 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD smaller granules, as shown in figure 2. These we name the idio- granulomes. As they form the granulomes lose connection with one another while still lying within the idioectosome. Such an arrangement is to be seen during the prophase of the primary spermatocyte division. As the process of division progresses, the idioectosome loses its regular spherical or oval form to be- come irregular in shape and begins to break up. The pieces scatter in the protoplasm where they lose their identity. The idiogranulomes, after the breaking or disintegration of the idioectosome, are now set free in the protoplasm and become slowly dispersed throughout its substance. In this way the old idiosome is destroyed and its constituent elements, viz., small pieces of ectosome substance and idiogranulomes derived from the transformed idioendosome, are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. The staining reaction of the ectosome remains the same during all these phases, whereas the endosome changes its color reac- tion with its structural transformation. The idioendosome, as such, shows a violet color after the combined fuchsin-methylen blue stain, while its derivatives, the idiogranulomes, have a greater affinity for the red acid fuchsin stain, thus presenting a dark red color. In the beginning the idioendosome, therefore, resembles the idioectosome in its color reaction. After the end of the primary spermatocyte division, a new idiosome is reconstructed in each secondary spermatocyte. The idiogranulomes, which were dispersed in the protoplasm, migrate toward a place near the nucleus and close to the side of the old spindle remnant. Around these idiogranulomes a new idioectosomatic substance is slowly collected. This substance shows the same staining re- actions as the old ectosome, and is possibly the same substance being reformed or reconstructed. It seems improbable, yet another possibility is, that the new idioectosomatic substance is formed by the idiogranulomes. The concentration of new idiogranulomes and new idioecto- somatie substance progresses until a new idiosome is formed, having very probably been built from about half of the material THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 41 of the old one in the primary spermatocyte. All of these stages are the same as those illustrated in figures 4 and 5, which repre- sent the corresponding phases in the division of the secondary spermatocytes. C. The karyogranulomes From the earliest stage of the spermatogonia down to the latest stage of the spermatids, the nuclei of the germ cells con- tain a number of granules which may be designated karyogranu- lomes. These granules are distinguished very clearly from all other constituents of the nucleus and they show the same stain- ‘ing reaction and the same general structure as the idiogranulomes (figs. 1 to 11). The karyogranulomes seem to be independent of the chromatic substance in the nucleus and are the only ele- ments of the nucleus which show the red acid fuchsin reaction just as the idiogranulomes are the only elements outside of the nucleus which exhibit the same staining reaction. All other parts show a bluish or violet reaction. Are these karyogranulomes of the same origin as the idio- granulomes? Or, is there any relation between these two kinds of granulomes? These questions cannot be answered in a defi- nite way. That karyogranulomes come out through the nuclear membrane and go over to the idiosome or vice versa is very im- probable. It is possible, however, that, during the process of division when the limits of the nucleus are broken down, some of the idiogranulomes may pass into the nucleus and some karyo- granulomes may escape into the cytoplasm and later be incor- porated by the idiosome. The karyogranulomes during the division process may be seen among the spindle fibrils or on the chromosomes, while the idiogranulomes are dispersed throughout the protoplasm, see figure 4. Since no obstruction exists to prevent the mixture of the two kinds of granulomes during such a stage, it is very possible that some of the idio- granulomes may pass into the spindle and be later brought into the nucleus, or the opposite may occur and karyogranu- lomes may be detached from the spindle and left behind in the protoplasm when the division is over. Such a migration is al- 42 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD most impossible to prove positively, as both kinds of granulomes show the same staining reaction and have the same structural appearance. The number and size of the karyogranulomes seem to differ in the different stages of the developing germ cells. They are greater in number and smaller in size in the stages represented by figures 3 to 6, during which stages the idiogranulomes are also small in size and very numerous. In the later stages, figures 8, 9, and 10, the karyogranulomes are generally less numerous and of larger size. This increase in size and decrease in number is probably the result of a fusion similar to that shown by the idiogranulomes in figures 7 and 8, where all of them have somehow run together to form a large spherical body. It is thus seen that karyo- and idiogranulomes show many analogies during ‘the different stages of their development. The finest granulation prevails in both karyo- and idiogranulomes during the stages illustrated by figures 3, 4, 5, and 6. This is what would be expected if one should suppose that the fine granu- lation represents a process to secure a distribution of the granu- lome material in the protoplasm and the nucleus during every division, as will be discussed beyond. The similar ways in which both kinds of granulomes react during the same stages strongly suggests some genetic relation- ship between them. Indeed it is probable that both sets of granules are the same things only located in different places. The karyogranulomes persist through all stages of the develop- ment of the germ cells as can be seen in the figures. In the ripe spermatozoa, however, they seem to be dissolved, as is the chromatic substance to disappear in the head of the spermatozo6n. It is also of importance to note that karyogranulomes may be occasionally seen in the nuclei of the Sertoli cells. D. The idiosome of the secondary spermatocytes The idiosome of the secondary spermatocytes, illustrated in figure 3, is a perfectly reconstructed, large, spherical, or slightly oval body, consisting of an idioectosomatice substance having the THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 43 same color reaction as the idioectosome of the primary spermato- cytes and being filled with a great number of idiogranulomes. It seems that all idiosomes of the secondary spermatocytes have this granular appearance. The idiogranulomes have a tendency to be concentrated into one group of more or less circular outline, as if they were preparing to form a central sphere similar to the idioendosome of the primary spermatocytes. The idiosome in the secondary spermatocytes probably shows this constant granular type since the next division follows so quickly, little time being allowed for the idiogranulomes of this stage to fuse together as they do in all other more permanent stages. During the division of the secondary spermatocytes, the idio- some undergoes the same changes as the idiosome of the primary spermatocytes. These changes are illustrated in figures 4 and 5. The idioectosome becomes irregular and begins to break into small pieces, while the idiogranulomes are dispersed in the cytoplasm. After the division a new idiosome is formed in the same way as was described during the corresponding stage fol- lowing the first spermatocyte division. The idiogranulomes flow together and a new idioectosome is slowly formed around them. During the reconstruction of the nucleus in the sperma- tids the number of the idiogranulomes increases and the idio- ectosome gradually becomes larger, assuming a regular spherical shape. In this manner the new spermatid idiosome is formed. In the nuclei of the secondary spermatocytes the number of karyogranulomes is large, corresponding to the great number of idiogranulomes. During the division of the secondary sperma- tocytes, these karyogranulomes are to be seen on the spindle fibrils or on the chromosomes, as illustrated in figure 4. E. The idiosome of the spermatids The idiosome of the spermatids presents, during its early formation, a type similar to that of the idiosome in the secondary spermatocytes, there being a great number of small granules enclosed in a large idioectosome (fig. 6). At the same time the nucleus contains a comparatively large number of karyogranu- lomes. 44 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD This granular stage is of short duration in the spermatids, since the process of granular fusion begins very quickly after the reconstruction of the idiosome is completed. The small idio- granulomes fuse with one another to form first a smaller number of larger granulomes as shown in figure 7. This fusion process continues until ultimately a single large spherical body is pro- duced, which we have termed the idiosphaerosome. And it, like the granulomes from which it arose, exhibits a very intensive acid fuchsin reaction, as illustrated in figure 8. The idiogranulomes of the spermatids differ from those of the secondary spermatocytes in that each is contained within a dis- tinct small vacuole, the idiogranulotheca, the origin of which is very difficult to decide. It is possible that these vacuoles are formed by the idioectosome, but it is more probable that they are produced by the idiogranulomes themselves. These idio- geranulothecae flow together when the idiogranulomes fuse, form- ing larger vacuoles around the larger granules, until finally a single large vacuole that may be designated the idiosphaerotheca surrounds the final idiosphaerosome; the steps in this process are seen in figures 6, 7, and 8. : At times the idiosphaerosome or some of the larger idiogranu- lomes are connected with the wall or surface membrane of the idiosphaerotheca or of the idiogranulothecae, as the case may be, by one or more processes or prolongations. These prolonga- tions extend in different directions, sometimes towards the nucleus and sometimes away from it (figs. 7 and 8). The idio- ectosome in this stage is concentrated more and more on the upper periphery of the idiosphaerotheea, as shown in figure 8. The idiosphaerosome is a very changeable body. As soon as it arises it gives off a substance from its periphery mainly on the superior surface, which seems to have a different structure and different chemical qualities. This substance is distinctly vacuo- lar and its color reaction with the combined acid-fuchsin and methylen-blue stain is blue, thus presenting a striking contrast to the red color of the idiosphaerosome and the violet of the idioectosome. THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 45 In this way the idiosphaerosome becomes differentiated into two distinct parts; one, an idiocryptosome, being more or less spherical in form, lies very close to the cell nucleus, while the other, the idiogalyptosome of our terminology, rests in the form of a cap over the idiocryptosome on the side away from the nucleus, as shown by figure 9. Both of these bodies, derivatives of the idiosphaerosome, are surrounded by the idiosphaerotheca. The idioectosome which, during the idiosphaerosome stage over- capped the idiosphaerotheca, begins now to assume amore concen- trated cap-like form and at the same time moves along the wall of the idiosphaerotheca, which it finally leaves to migrate along the surface of the nucleus to its posterior pole. This body is to be finally eliminated, and it perishes with the remains of the pro- toplasm during the metamorphosis of the spermatid as a sepa- rate spherical body, the idiophthartosome, shown in figure 10, id.phth. During all these changes the karyogranulomes are to be seen in the nucleus, but apparently in smaller number and of a somewhat larger size than in earlier stages, as shown by figures 8 and 9. These karyogranulomes are most frequently found in close proximity to the nucleolus, but may also be seen in other places. In a later phase the idiocryptosome fits down closely upon the cell nucleus, and in so doing loses its spherical form to be- come somewhat discoidal or cap-shaped. The idiocalyptosome continues to increase in size, probably through some kind of con- stant reaction, and finally becomes a large body completely covering the cryptosome and a greater part of the nucleus, as is shown in figure 10. Its structure remains vacuolar. Some- times small pieces become detached from the cryptosome, erypto- granulomes, and are to be seen in the substance of the calyp- tosome, figure 10. -The idiophthartosome continues to move towards the posterior end of the nucleus, as figure 10 also shows. At this stage the karyogranulomes are generally very large and few in number. Exceptionally, however, they are small in size and more numerous. Some of them are to be seen in that portion of the nucleus immediately beneath the cryptosome, 46 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD while others are nearer the posterior pole, as shown in figure 10. In some cases where great numbers of eryptogranulomes are present, as will be described later, the karyogranulomes which lie in that portion of the nucleus covered by the calyptosome may easily be confused with the cryptogranulomes contained within the substance of the calyptosome itself, since they are superim- posed. At other times the karyogranulomes come in such close apparent relation to the cryptosome that they seem to fuse with this body. It ishighly improbable, however, that any fusion of the karyogranulomes with the cryptosome or any migration of these eranulomes into the calyptosome through the wall of the nucleus ever takes place. The karyogranulomes later seem to dissolve in a fashion similar to the dissolution of the chromatic substance and are probably contained within the head of the spermatozoon in this dissolved condition. In its later development the calyptosome gradually attains an elongate shape until it forms a long cone which comes into con- tact with the prolongation from a Sertoli cell. At the same time it becomes more and more homogeneous, losing its original vacuolar condition. The cryptosome follows this change in shape of the calypto- some and forms a smaller cone enclosed within the conical calyp- tosome, while its wide base rests upon the nuclear membrane as illustrated in figure 11. At this stage the body of the erypto- some presents an irregular, granular structure (fig. 11). The idiophthartosome is now separated from the wall of the nucleus and passes into the cytoplasm with which it later disappears. As mentioned above, the calyptosome often contains within its mass small eryptogranulomes. This is probably due to a tend- ency on the part of the eryptosome to again break up into smaller granules. Such a tendency is not very strongly expressed in some animals, as, for example, the one which is taken as a type for the main description. Yet in other animals this tendency may be so strong that the cryptosome is broken up into a great number of eryptogranulomes, as shown in figures lla to lle and 12a to 12d. All of these figures represent different degrees of cryptogranulosis observed in one and the same animal. THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 47 This breaking up into granules begins very early, even during the formation of the calyptosome. When such is the case the calyptosome is, throughout its development, being filled with small eryptogranulomes, while a relatively small central crypto- some is left behind. In rarer cases this granulation begins even earlier at the stage when the idiosphaerosome is still present. The idiosphaerosome then consists of a number of granulomes which lie in a substance of semifluid appearance and are enclosed within the idiosphaerotheca. As mentioned above, this breaking-up process is only slightly expressed in some animals, while in others it is very prominent. Thus we may distinguish two different types of development, a massive, as in figures 11 and 12, and a granular type, as in fig- ures lla to 1le and 12a to 12d. Of the ten animals examined in this study, seven show the massive type and only three the granular. Of these three, two were treated with alcohol, one for four years and the other for three years, while the third was a normal but inbred animal (Stockard and Papanicolaou,’16). This merely suggests a possibility, and from present data it is only a possibility, that the granular type may. represent a dis- turbance of the normal type caused by the influence of some in- jurious factors, such as the alcohol treatment or inbreeding are found to be. It may be, however, that this deviation from the usual type is a normal variation due to some as yet unknown cause, and we have recently found a normal animal showing the granular type. During still later stages of development, the calyptosome loses its elongate shape and becomes more flattened, forming a cap over the upper part of the nucleus, which now appears almost homogeneous and is soon to form the head of the sper- matozo6n (fig. 12). The eryptosome, which is enclosed beneath the calyptosome, shows a tendency to form a unique homogeneous body. In the massive type the cryptosome changes its shape to form a smaller cap lying beneath the calyptosome cap, as seen in figure 12. Small granules on its surface soon disappear, and during the development of the spermatozo6n all granular struc- 48 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD ture is lost and the eryptosome again presents an homogeneous appearance, as figure 13 will show., In the granular type of eryptosome the granules finally come to lie in a group at the base of the cap-like calyptosome and here fuse together, forming a body of the same conformation as in the massive type (figs. 12a to 12d). The heads of the ripe spermatozoa are thus covered by two caps, an inner, the cryptosome cap, and an outer or superior, the calyptosome cap. Without a special stain these two caps give the appearance of a single body, the spermiocalyptra. How- ever, with the staining methods to be explained in a following section, it is possible to differentiate the two parts of the calyptra; one as an intense red cryptosome cap and the other as a decid- edly blue calyptosome cap, as the figures illustrate. The spermiocalyptra is covered by a theca or membrane, the spermiocalyptrotheca, which is directly formed by the develop- ment of the idiosphaerotheca. This theca continues to exist through all stages of the transformation of the spermatids and becomes very large in size, covering the entire calyptra and a great part of the head of the spermatozo6n (fig. 13). F. The relation of the centrosomes to the idiosome Since the special methods used in this study of the idiosome do not stain the centrosomes, we have tried to study their evo- lution and especially their connection, if any, with the idiosome, by staining a number of the specimens with iron haematoxylin. The only stage during which the centrosomes are connected with the idiosome is that of the primary spermatocytes. In all pri- mary spermatocytes, at the stage illustrated by figure 1, the center of the idiosome is occupied by two dumb-bell-shaped cen- trosomes, as described by Meves (’99). We have never observed more than two centrosomes in one idiosome. As the centro- some stain does not furnish a clear differentiation between the ectosome and endosome, it is difficult to decide whether or not the two centrosomes are confined within the endosome sphere. In most of the cases, however, the two centrosomes appeared ® THE IDIOSOME OF THE GUINEA-PIG 49 to be enclosed within the endosome cavity, being usually in con- tact with its wall. When the endosome breaks up to form the idiogranulomes, the stage shown by figure 2, the centrosomes begin to migrate toward the cell nucleus, passing through the ectosomatic area and leaving the idiosome to perform their active réle during the division proc- ess of the primary spermatocytes. This behavior of the centro- somes and their later changes are described in detail by Meves (99), and our own observations agree very closely with his descriptions. The facts of particular interest in the present consideration are, first, that the centrosomes, on account of their specific staining reactions and their peculiar elongate slightly dumb-bell shape, should not under any circumstances be confused with the idiogranulomes; second, in no stage later than the primary sper- matocytes do the centrosomes show any connection with the idiosome. This temporary connection or association between the idiosome and the centrosomes and their later completely in- dependent and different activities throughout the process of spermatogenesis, along with their different staining reactions, suggest that the idiosome and the centrosomes, as well as their derivatives, are bodies of different natures with only early tem- porary topographical connections. Niessing (’96) has undoubt- edly confused the idiogranulomes with the centrosome, and this is probably the reason he sometimes finds more than two centro- somes. It also seems evident from his figures that what he has designated as a ‘Verklumpungsfigur der Centralkérpergruppe’ has nothing to do with the centrosomes, but is the endosome in process of transformation or granulation to form the idio- granulomes. Meves (’99) has also criticized this point in Niessing’s work. 4. THE SPECIAL STAINING METHODS The manner of application of the fuchsin-methylen blue stain- ing method differs for the examination of the different parts of the idiosome in the various stages of its development. 50 G. N. PAPANICOLAOU AND C. R. STOCKARD ‘ For the study of the idiogranulomes and of the karyogranu- lomes a satisfactory method is a single stain with acid fuchsin as follows: Method ‘A.’ Bring the sections through xylol and alco- hol into water, cover for a few seconds with Lugol’s solution, and then wash in water until the yellow color begins to fade out; then place in a saturated aqueous solution of acid-fuchsin for one-half to one minute, after which bring through the alcohols to earbo-xylol and mount in Canada balsam. With this method most of the cell structures stain a very light rosy tint, while the idio- and karyogranulomes have a decidedly dark red color. The idiosphaerosome and the cryptosome are also dark red, while the idioectosome and the calyptosome have the much lighter rose tone. The chromatin stains very lightly. When the chromatin does take on a dark color it indicates that the fixation is not very good. Stockard and Papanicolaou® and others) it may very probably be that some peculiarity in corpora Iutea formation is primarily responsible for the entire series of reactions leading to polyembryony in the armadillo. The consideration of the armadillo ege up to this point has taken account only of the external factors influencing its mode of development. It must now be remembered as a fact of serious 5 Leo Loeb, Jour, Morph., Vol. 22, 1911, . 6C. R. Stockard and G. N. Papanicolaou, Am. Jour. of Anat., Vol. 22, 1917. = 61 THE AMERICAN NATURALIST [ Vou. LV importance that the production of quadruplets from the single ega of the Texas armadillo is an almost constant occurrence, while the experimental attempts to produce twins and double individuals in fish eggs and other forms have given at best only small percentages of such individuals among the large groups of eggs treated. It is also a fact that all eggs do not furnish equally favorable material for artificial twin production. The egos of the trout seem unquestionably more disposed to give rise to twin formations than do the eggs of Fundulus. Thus some eggs would seem to have a hereditary or truly innate pre- - disposition towards polyembryonie formations. There is much reason to believe that aside from the external factors discussed, the armadillo ege itself is highly disposed toward the formation of accessory embryonic buds. There is the possibility, of course, that this natural experiment with the armadillo egg has become so exactly regulated as to influence the developmental processes precisely the same way each time, yet this is highly improbable. The armadillo egg is not a case of simple twin growths from the blastoderm, but as Patterson finds, there are primarily two buds, and then very promptly two secondary ones arise making the four and after this the budding process ceases. In the South American species, however, it would appear as though a tertiary budding occurred giving the usual eight embryos; and in rare eases still another budding occurs from a few of the existing buds giving a total of as many as twelve. It would certainly seem as though the blastoderm in these species passes through a stage of agametic reproduction or budding of a nature unknown among other higher vertebrates. But the possibility for such expression might only exist on account of the delay in implantation of the blasto- cyst and consequent shortage of the oxygen supply necessary for the rapid formation and growth of the single embryo. It is important to keep in mind that there are species of the armadillo which produce only a single offspring from one egg. It is not known whether their embryos have a ‘‘period of quies- cenece’’ but if they have, the period either occurs at a different developmental stage or the eggs do not possess the inherent budding tendency of the other species. We have further to acknowledge the fact that although the egg of the deer has a ‘‘period of quiescence’’ during its development it does not give rise with any degree of frequency to twin indi- No. 636] POLYEMBRYONY IN THE ARMADILLO 68 viduals. In the first place it is entirely uncertain from the scanty accounts as to what time in development the quiescent period occurs. Assuming that such a period does exist, it might occur at some indifferent stage when no peculiar result would be expected, for example after gastrulation, as it does in the bird with no subsequent effect. In the light of the experimental production of double individuals it is readily understood that even though the egg of the deer is interrupted in its development at an early stage, it might still be capable, on resuming develop- ment, of giving a normal single embryo. A study of the experi- mental production of twin and double individuals among fish leads one to be surprised at the case of the armadillo, and to expect the reaction found in the deer. The constant interrup- tion occurring in the development of the birds and other animals at indifferent developmental moments with no subsequent ill effects, renders commonplace the fact that the deer successfully withstands an interruption during its development without noticeable modifications in structural response. A full considera- tion of the different results following interruptions at critical and indifferent developmental moments will be published in a forthcoming number of the American Journal of Anatomy. In conclusion we may summarize the eases as follows: The development of the armadillo is interrupted on account of a failure to become promptly implanted on the uterus and a con- sequent exhaustion of the available oxygen supply. The inter- ruption occurs at a critical period just preceding the primitive streak and embryonic line formation. This ege appears to have a decided tendency under conditions of arrest to form accessory embryonic buds. As a result of the interaction of these external and internal forces polyembryony is produced. In the case of the deer only one probable fact is known, and that is that a ‘‘period of quiescence’’ occurs. It is uncertain at what stage the arrest takes place but it is probably due as in the armadillo to a delayed implantation of the blastocyst. Either on account of the stage of arrest, or a lack of tendency to form aecessory embryo-buds a typically single individual arises from this egg. The external factors may be the same as in the case of the armadillo, but they interact with different internal factors or different developmental moments to give a very different result. id [aa es - ¢ J . ‘ . ‘ 4 4 4 . Fe } ~ + PPh hy AY | a ifs aul ts bias Wi, " ay iw sah i DE, hil Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1920, xvii, pp. 143-144. 77 (1537) Effect of underfeeding on ovulation and the cestrous rhythm in guinea-pigs. By GrorGE N. PAPANICOLAOU and CHARLES R. STOCKARD. [From Cornell University Medical College, New York City.] Under well-regulated food conditions the cestrous cycle in the guinea-pig is almost uniformly 16 to 17 days in duration. Underfeeding with a diet of 20 grams of carrots per day pro- duces a prolongation of the dicestrum and, at the same time, a congestion in the ovary and uterus and a degeneration of develop- ing graafian follicles. The extent of prolongation of the dicestrum depends upon the stage at which an animal is underfed. Underfeeding during the first 5 to 7 days of the dicestrum has only a slight effect, postponing the next cestrus for one or two days, while underfeeding during the later part of the dicestrum gives much more marked results. When an animal is underfed for 5 days, from the 12th to the 17th day after an ovulation and cestrus, the next ovulation and cestrus is delayed for about 7 days, being expressed at the 23d to 25th day instead of at the 17th. Should an animal be underfed for 7 days, from the roth day to the 17th day after cestrus, the next ovulation and cestrus is post- poned for to to 11 days, arriving at the 27th to 28th day, instead of the 17th day. This variation in the effect of the underfeeding when applied at different periods of the dicestrum is associated with the fact that the conditions of the ovary differ at the different times. Shortly after an ovulation the ovary contains almost entirely small primary follicles. These follicles are not so unfavorably affected by food conditions as are the large graafian follicles, which begin their growth and development during later stages of the dicestrum. tN SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (107). A large follicle at the height of its development seems to require much better nutrition than a small primary follicle, and the lack of proper food arrests its progress very readily. Thus a late underfeeding has a more injurious effect than an early one, and the postponement of the next oestrus is correlated with a post- ponement of the development of new ripe follicles in the ovary. The entire cestrus activity depends chiefly upon the conditions prevailing in the ovary. The fact that following a late and long underfeeding the next ovulation is delayed about 11 days after the underfeeding has been stopped is in accord with the results of operation experi- ments which Papanicolaou has performed on the corpora lutea in guinea-pigs. These experiments show that after removal of all young corpora lutea following an ovulation, the next ovulation arrives in about II days instead of 16 to 17 days as would be expected. This acceleration of 5 to 6 days is due to the absence of the corpora lutea, which if present evidently inhibit the maturation, or prolong the time necessary for the development, of ripe follicles in the Ovary. These experiments all demonstrate the sensitiveness of the follicles within the ovary to environmental conditions and when considered in more detail than is here possible, they throw light on many peculiar reproductive phenomena observed in nature. The extreme variations in the oestrous cycles recently recorded for the rat by Long and Evans (Proc. Am. Ass’n of Anatomists, Anatomical Record, April 1920) may be in part, at least, due to the variations in the diet taken by the individuals. When rats are fed a mixed diet no doubt certain individuals receive a ration quite different from that eaten by certain other members of the colony. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, IgIQ, xvil, pp. 41-43. 23 (1483) Some studies on the surface layer in the living egg cell. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. [From Cornell University Medical College.] ‘ The results recorded here were obtained through the use of Barber’s mechanical pipette holder somewhat modified for micro- dissection purposes. The cells experimented upon were the egg cells of the starfish and of the sea urchin. The eggs, which are somewhat over 1/10 of a millimeter in diameter, were placed in a drop of sea water hanging from the roof of a moist chamber. The microscopically fine tips of the glass dissecting needles projected into the moist chamber and up into the hanging drop. By manipulation of the screws of the mechanical pipette holder the cells in the hanging drop could be dissected with considerable accuracy and an esti- mate ascertained of their physical consistency. Detailed accounts of Barber’s apparatus and its application to microdissection have already been published.! The egg cells studied consist of a decidedly fluid interior sur- rounded by a more solid surface layer of appreciable thickness. This surface layer is most solid on its external surface. Internally its consistency seems to merge insensibly into that of the fluid interior. The inner surface of this layer adheres to the touch. This is demonstrated by introducing a microdissection needle into an egg and pushing the needle through until its tip comes into contact with the inner boundary of the surface layer on the side of the egg opposite the puncture. On withdrawing the needle the layer adheres to the needle tip and strands are drawn into the interior of the egg. If the surface layer be torn while the egg is kept under compres- 1 Barber, Philippine Journal of Sc., Vol. X, Sec. B, Tropical Medicine, 1914; Chambers, Biol. Bull., Vol. 34, 1918. 2 SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (102). sion the fluid interior will bulge out through the tear. The cytoplasm, on coming into contact with the surrounding water, tends to establish a definite surface film which prevents the cyto- plasm from mixing with the water. If the internal pressure be not too great this film persists and, in time, strengthens into a definite ectoplasmic layer. The bulge then slowly retracts until the orig- inal contour of the egg is reéstablished. If the neck of the pro- truding mass of cytoplasm be small it may pinch off a spherule of cytoplasm which to all appearances is normal. If the internal pressure be too great a succession of films may form as, one after the other, they succumb while the escaping cytoplasm disperses and disintegrates in the surrounding water and the film which finally holds out may enclose only a fraction of the original cell but what it encloses will be normal protoplasm.! Churning of the contents of a mature unfertilized sea-urchin egg causes the ectoplasmic layer to revert to the fluid condition of the interior. The surface film of such an egg is very thin and very easily tears upon which the entire egg disintegrates. On standing, however, the surface film steadily strengthens until the normal condition is reéstablished. That the distribution of substances throughout the egg cell is not uniform can be demonstrated by the following experiment on the starfish egg: If the surface of a mature unfertilized egg be torn while the egg is kept under compression almost all of the internal cytoplasm may be made to flow out to form a spherule of cytoplasm which pinches off from the rest of the egg. What is left behind is a collapsed remnant consisting mainly of protoplasm which originally enveloped the egg. This remnant consisting largely of the more solid ectoplasm tends only slowly to round up. The extruded mass, which is very fluid, immediately assumes a shape approximating that of a sphere. This may be termed an endoplasmic sphere. The remnant containing the original ecto- plasmic substance of the egg is readily fertilizable and undergoes segmentation. The endoplasmic sphere is unfertilizable. If, on the other hand, the endoplasmic sphere remains for some time connected by means of a bridge of protoplasm with the remnant containing the original ectoplasmic substance it is fertilizable. 1 Chambers, Amer. Journ. Physiol., Vol. 43, 1917- SURFACE LAYER IN THE Livinc Ecc CELL. 3 The ability of the endoplasmic sphere to approximate normal conditions of segmentation is a function of the length of time that it remains in organic continuity with the original ectoplasmic mass. Possibly there exists a substance necessary for develop- ment which normally accumulates in the surface layer of an egg. This substance is diffusible and will distribute itself over new protoplasmic surfaces. If a bridge of protoplasm connects the ectoplasmic remnant with the endoplasmic sphere this substance will diffuse into the sphere thereby rendering it fertilizable. The nature of the surface film produced by cutting an egg cell differs in an unfertilized egg from one which has been fertilized. Before fertilization the needle may be pushed vertically into the side of the egg and moved through the egg from one side to the other without cutting the egg in two. The cytoplasm closes behind the needle thus obliterating the furrow. Shortly after fertilization, however, such a procedure cuts the egg cleanly in two. The sides of the furrow produced by the needle do not fuse although contiguous. The character of the surface film which forms over a cut is thus changed upon fertilization. This change prepares the egg for the ensuing segmentation process by causing the formation of a type of surface film which prevents contiguous blastomeres from fusing with one another. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medi- cine, 1920, xviii, pp. 66-68. 30 (1612) Dissection and injection studies on the Amceba. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. [From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.] The species used was Ameba proteus. By means of a micro- pipette liquids of various kinds were injected and the effect noted. Oils form spherical droplets which are carried about in the cytoplasmic currents. A large drop is usually expelled. Imme- diately on being extruded the drop tends to flow over the surface of the Ameba thus partially engulfing it. Distilled or spring water diffuses through the granular endosare diluting it. The dilution is followed by a contraction of the endo- sarc and the massing of a hyaline fluid between the endosarc and the external pellicle of the Amewba. This dilates the area usually termed the ectosarc. The fluid soon accumulates on one side of the Ameba in the form of a blister which is ultimately pinched off. A number of acid indicators were injected. The color reactions showed that the protoplasm of the Ameba is more acid than its environment. Upon death the colors change to those character- istic of the surrounding medium. The difference in behavior of living protoplasm to ‘‘basic”’ and to ‘‘acid” dyes is striking. The “‘basic’”’ dyes used were all chlorides of colored basic radicles and the ‘‘acid’’ dyes, potassium or sodium salts of colored acid radicles. In every case the ‘‘basic’”’ dyes had a coagulating and the “‘acid”’ dyes, a liquefying effect on the protoplasm. In the case of the “‘acid’’ dyes, when the effect is local, the healthy non-colored portion of the endosare shrinks away from the colored liquefied area. This liquid accumulates under the pellicle in the form of a blister and is ultimately pinched off. 2 SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (TIO). If the ‘“‘basic”’ dye be relatively nontoxic its injection results in a coagulated area which is localized as a colored lump of inert material. This lump is carried about in the protoplasmic currents. The color gradually diffuses out of the lump and stains many of the cytoplasmic inclusions in the Ameba. Dissection indicates that the granular endosarc is capable of easily reverting from a fluid to a solid state and vice versa. Peripheral to the endosarc is a hyaline liquid zone, the ectosarc, which is bounded externally by a very thin, extensible, pellicle. The extosare can be enlarged by a hyaline liquid extruded from the endosare. In the formation of a pseudopod a localized area of the pellicle softens. The accumulation of liquid in the ectosarc immediately under this area produces a bulge. The more jellied endosare at the base of the bulge liquefies and a liquid suspension of granules streams into the bulge and up to its tip where it spreads out and flows back peripherally in the manner of a fountain flow. The granules heap up around the base of the bulge where, by means of a jellying process, a semisolid wall is built about a central liquid channel. Retraction of a pseudopod is accompanied by a reversal of the jellied to a liquid state. An undisturbed Ameba usually forms numerous pseudopodia. Upon continued agitation a broadly lobate pseudopod is formed. The jellying process of the backward flowing endosarc is di- minished. The base of the pseudopod, consequently, broadens more and more until all of the endosarc reverts to a liquid state and the entire body of the Ameba becomes transformed into what one may term a single pseudopodium within which vortical currents occur analogous to those of a chloroform drop creeping along a bed of shellac under water. The motile activities of an Ameba depend upon a delicate balance between the liquefying and solidifying tendencies of its protoplasm. The most recently solidified regions are the ones that most readily liquefy. In this way a gradient exists with a definite antero-posterior axis. The posterior end consists of a heaped up mass of jellied material which is more resistant than other parts to the liquefying process necessary for the formation of pseudopodia. In an actively moving Ameba the amount of ee DISSECTION AND INJECTION STUDIES ON AMG:BA, 3 such material is very small and pseudopodia may form on either side thus tending to mask its presence. Exceptionally the pos- terior end may be made to liquefy but usually the inert pos- terior end compels an Ameba, in order to retrace its path, to turn about. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Med. cine, 1920, xvii, pp. 183-187, 98 (1558) Disturbances in the development of mammalian embryos caused by radium emanation. By J. F. GuDERNATSCH and H. J. Bace (by invitation). [From the Department of Anatomy and the Memorial Hospital, Cor- nell University Medical College, New York City.] As has been shown by various observers, the exposure of living tissues to the influence of radium rays leads to a severe injury and ultimate destruction of these tissues. In our work an attempt was made to study this destructive influence on mammalian embryos in utero, in the hope that a partial or complete destruc- tion of one or more tissues might lead to definite abnormalities or malformations in these fetuses. Bagg had lately used a method of applying radium, which was described in the Journal of Cancer Research, Vol. V, 1920. Radium emanation, carried in a very small amount of saline solu- tion, was injected in measured quantities into adult rats, either subcutaneously or intravenously. This solution contained all the properties of the radium metal itself, and, no doubt, the re- sulting physiological changes were due mainly to the activity of a-rays. Such an injection produced peculiar destructive changes in the inner organs of the animals. The same method was used in our experiments. After long experimentation we found that a dose of 5 mc. (= milli-curies, a standard unit in radium experimentation) was about the optimal dose. Such an amount was injected into female rats, pregnant and non-pregnant, with the purpose of either injuring the ovarian or uterine tissues, or, in case of pregnancy, the embryonic tissues. While the results were not those which we expected, viz., the production of various types of monstrosities, yet a definite in- fluence of radium on the fetal and placental tissues was noticeable. 2 SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (108). Radium-treated rats were killed at different periods of pregnancy, so as to procure a series of fetuses of various ages. The most destructive results of radium emanation, injected subcutaneously, were seen in a number of pregnant females, in which the embryos were killed in the uterus and, instead of being aborted, remained attached to the uterine wall and were gradually absorbed (group I). Whether the embryos were killed primarily, or their death was due to the destructive influence of the radium on the maternal, placental tissues, cannot, of course, be deter- mined. Probably the first assumption is correct, since other findings (group II) showed, that the toxic agent does pass the pla- centa and affects the embryos directly. A number of such partially absorbed embryos were found, the age of which, naturally, could not be determined. Judging from the sizes of their respective placentz, however, development must have proceeded to some extent before the radium was applied. The remnants of the embryos were small, nodular bodies attached to the placentz (figures were shown) and had lost all resemblance to properly developed fetuses. In one case a small, ovoid shaped sac was found, attached by a thin stalk to the uterine wall (figure shown). This apparently represented the remnants of a former embryo and placenta, although neither one could be recognized any longer. In the sac extravasated blood and cell detritus were found. A great many large cells of an epithelioid nature probably belonged to the former embryonic syncytium. The wall of this cyst was formed by fibrous connective tissue.» In a number of other cases (group II), the fetuses were not killed by the radium emanation, but peculiar macroscopic lesions appeared in their skin vessels. When the fetuses were removed from the uteri, peculiar hemorr- hagic areas were noticeable, in some cases just along the dorsal midline, in other cases, spreading over the entire body with the exception of the ventral surface. These extravasations took place in the vessels of the subcutaneous connective tissue and along the meningeal sinuses. In all cases, one or more hemorrhage. appeared in the midline, mainly in the head and thoracic regions It seems that the vessels in this dorsal median zone are especially ——" MAMMALIAN Embryos. 3 liable to injury. In one instance, there was a large area of hemor- rhage extending over the thoracic and lumbar region. Its outline was just symmetrical to the dorsal midline (figure shown). In other cases, a great number of such hemorrhagic areas, some extremely small, were found over the lateral aspects of the head and body. Probably these affected fetuses would have died, if left longer in the uterus, and would have undergone absorption. In many animals which we killed in the early parts of the experi- ments we failed to find any fetuses, although we definitely believed that these animals had been pregnant before. We probably waited too long after treatment, so that the embryos were completely absorbed, when the animals were opened. Not all of the fetuses of one litter are affected in the same degree. In one case, for instance, we found among 7 fetuses 3 showing hemorrhagic lesions, 2 beginning to macerate and 2 in the process of absorption. This difference in resistence may be due either to the higher or lower vitality of the embryos themselves or to the amount of radium which passes the placenta. In another case the fetuses, although injured, were carried to full term and among 6 young of one litter we found two normal and four showing hemorrhagic spots on head, face and along the dorsal midline. In one very remarkable instance the female had been treated 22 days previous to conception and yet the fetuses, approximately 16 days old, showed areas of extravasation (one of considerable size shown in figure). These lesions were much more widely distributed than in previous cases, extending over both lateral and dorsal surfaces (figure shown). These results cannot be ex- plained at present. It would seem as if the treatment of the mother previous to conception had lessened the faculty of the later embryos to form proper endothelial walls. The wide distri- bution of the lesions would seem to substantiate such a view. This is in accordance with findings in adult animals treated with radium in which the extravasations in the organs are due not only to increased blood pressure, as would seem at first, but to the actual breaking down of the endothelial tubes. In other words, the effect of radium on endothelium might be selective. When the radium was injected intravenously (group III) instead of subcutaneously, the same lesions resulted along the 4 SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (108). vascular channels. Females of about 19 days pregnancy were injected intravenously and the young, born dead 24 hours later, showed the hemorrhagic lesions along the dorsal midline (figures shown). In one case we found a striking difference in the size of the placente of different fetuses. One fetus, for instance, had a markedly enlarged placenta completely filled with blood, so that it had the appearance of a large hemorrhagic sac. This fetus did not show any hemorrhagic lesions, while their pla- centze were of normal size and moderately filled with blood. It would seem as if in the first case the placenta functioned as an effective ‘‘shock-absorber,” while in the other cases the radium emanation passed through the placente to the fetuses. Lately Bagg exposed pregnant females, near full term, directly to the action of y-rays (group IV). This radiation of the fetuses in utero, through the abdominal walls produced hemorrhagic lesions of the same nature as described above. However, the lesions did not appear until about 10 days after exposure. The young were born 2 days after treatment and appeared normal. After about a week they began to fail considerably, hemorrhagic areas appeared along the mid-dorsal line, especially in the head region and death followed. The hemorrhages in these animals were mainly along the meningeal sinuses (figures shown), in some cases frontal and occipital hemorrhages were just beginning, in others they extended considerably over the cerebral hemi- spheres. Additional lesions on the dorsal side of the thorax were found. The interval of 10 days after treatment strictly corresponds to the time at which a primary skin erythema develops in radium treated patients. Again it seems as if the endothelial walls had been injured at the time of exposure and gradually gave way to the blood pressure. In the course of the experiments, we also found numerous hemorrhagic areas in the uteri and especially in the ovaries (figures shown). Congestion of the uterine vessels always was pronounced. While in experiments on adult animals reported by Bagg before, the injection of radium emanation led to considerable injuries in the internal organs, in our experiments the weaker MAMMALIAN EMBRYOS 5 doses did not produce any macroscopically visible effects on the maternal tissues. However, the embryonic differentiating tissues were easily affected. This fact might be of some biological signi- ficance, when one remembers that radium rays have a decided effect on fast growing tumor and cancer tissues. A Review of the Chromosome Numbers in the Metazoa Part U ETHEL BROWNE HARVEY Reprinted from JourNAL or Morpuo.ocy, Vol. 34, No. 1, June, 1920 ETHEL BROWNE HARVEY Dee ee ee £14 ‘1g “1907 “axq“f | £1 "4 ‘12 “1907 “dxq*f | e1ed'1z “1907 dxq “f | OT, ‘279 9 aids gy +++sguoysoone] BAIYAO, 91, ‘229 elt) W108 Z] sreeeee seeds BAUIO[BUIOFT 91, ‘27°W uL0s ZI “++ BULIBUL BIT[OON J (1z “d ‘] 418g) eeprAuOYyyUY “8 niaidiq *§ Ten ‘ | WOs 39% 107 4 ‘ze “TIN “org | LI, ‘teyByog | 4ST UL sejod 07 XX PSI ads 97 sN9NUsOO snp wsseg oepruvony ‘;f gor “d ‘og “TIM “LON | st. ‘SoH | © UI AX ‘6 WX | | | | 1° 81 i ““stpeerog BuyoRtdyy (LI °d *] JAB) OBPT[EUII00H °F aeare . ; | que 67% O97 2 Se “TIN “1Ole | 81, ‘AoH | uoid 611 om que PTZ °° "°° "B7B7FTA BOIZOIQBICT (1 2300-3003 aas ‘gy “d ‘y 41Bq) OBpIfamMOséIYH “Pp 019}d09]0) *% VLOGSNT ‘9 Ep | -wurseds yo y,ey UL 1104 “pe “TIN “Ol 81, ‘uajseq | Apoq proyeurory) 09 09 dds+ QOr |." aoqerseuN Jo0uN) (#1 -d ‘Ty Weg) BinAyowig, ‘7 epodeoeq “q pov.sjs0onv Jy *s V@OvViSOUD “9 VaOdOUHLUY IT VIVUFALYAANI “V | Oa NGS SONTUTAaY | uagANasdO ait- GLAO- ANZ QLA0- LST |-ONDHLAVd dNV salodas aro1dia (S16I-S161) LNANATddAS “I LUVd SUAANWOAN ANOSONOUHO FO NOILVTNAVL ‘IL CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN METAZOA 182d ‘zo"'S WL’ 209 “d ‘ez “ydioyy *¢ 61g 4 ‘gz “Yds0W “fC | ezg “d ‘gz “ydsoy *f¢ 812d ‘IZ “1907 “dxa “¢ 81% -d 12 “1907 “axor “rf | e124 ‘tz “1907 “deg “f | £14 4 "tz “1907 “dxq “¢ €1z 4 ‘12 “1907 “dxq “¢ e1z 4 ‘1 “1907 “dxq “¢ e1e “4 ‘TZ “1907 "dx *¢ eI ‘Tz “1907 "dxy “¢ £12 “d ‘12 “1907 "dxg “¢ 81% "4 ‘Tz “1907 “Axo “fr LT, ‘e0ueBH | LT, “SUIT or. 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Jo v “dg= 300 GT + wepsurer B[tydosorcy 139 ‘d ‘0g ““48N ‘soury OT. ‘2391 €1z 4 ‘1z [907 “dx “¢ OT, *229°W = H00g “sre o0id Byrydosorq us¢ d ‘0g '4UN ‘roury 91, ‘299W 8 sess aprped eprydosorq: 189d ‘0g “4BUN ‘s0ury 91, ‘23° Ayesournu e124 ‘12 “90g “dx “¢ 91, 79W | -tedns aug “AX 300 TT “stuuad148us0 wltydosorq, 189d ‘0g “48N ‘soury 91, ‘74° W 300 QT £1¢ 4 ‘1g “(907 “dxq *¢ 91, ‘23° AX 03 ade OT voresepamoggo [iy dosorqy ETHEL BROWNE HARVEY 6 giz 4 ‘1g “00g “dxq “p¢ OL, ‘27°—W ral | “**19jSBAOUB/OUL BSAIUN Gy] eepiyyedALy, 24 stores" BEaqO BIPION[OA, giz °d ‘Ie 00g ‘dxq"¢ 91, ‘2290 AX 9 ads 2] BYBUIZIVUL BUIUIBIZOSO | se" 1p 1g48Bq SIPBISIG, (g¢ ‘d ‘] q1Bq) owprydidg “y e124 ‘12 “1907 “xa “¢ 91. ‘23° AX | 9L | 759879 FTATIF 811019009 9BPIAUIOI}BIG “y2 e1z°d ‘1g "1907 “dxq “fp 91, ‘239° | aI SORA 40 “1eseo BIydorg aepisdag “pa giz °d ‘tz “jooz ‘dxq ¢ OT, ‘27° | sandy WOo1 | P9 SeeCirar [aaeoe ““SI]BUB BUDJOOININT VBPIZAUIOING *;3 | 8 | pus pz yyIM sdnois ULOS ZT DoT ds vavydooreg | adiy[nyy CLO Ai Ney PRS UL EE! 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PloNsxs PSPH “yuy “Ye, | ‘uaqajepivg Uo, | oF pur og ‘Tz ‘uoM g PF PF 8 (TeRG b=) SOS) 8 eos sas oe sass Corea E} -uljuo0o—susides omoyy | | ollaNaAS @ONGuaAgTH | uaAUasAO SHUVNAY ann- GLAO- ANZ GLA0- IS] |-ONGHIUVd ANY sa1oads aloldia penuyuoo—VITVANVN III 49 CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN METAZOA 182 4 ‘g ‘guuogsry “sag “UBD OU ABA U “AOLy ZL, ‘SBIUTY 6 FE-82 3 F£-82 OO SBN GLOTTL BNF OIOT AY 48, Ur arqnop samtyawMI0S XK 6c 4 ‘08 TINE “11d OT, ‘Faqnyyoug | “487 ar sajod 07 AX PIT (T=) Pat ads 7% lige 2 has a aPC cle “d “gz ‘wop -uoy “00g “AOY “001g 20, ‘FHLB P8I-FT 3d8 98-82 eles foes cre ore MAGA, 10. eg ad ‘2, pOrg “Yyory | ‘1azTBMIUTAA OA (Z A[jsour) 00, (prouo fy ULOB 9F-98 989 “d ‘gt “ [org “Yyory | ‘roIeAIUTM, UA ur04}) 3 ZI-01 300 $F-1h vaeg muck ass ies ULORES TL1 “d ‘$y “zuy “quay 86, ‘SUlurare] T UIOS LFZ cin epee CCU OO LORS | sndaT 19% ‘d ‘g ‘auuogsi’] “489g “WB “Tape ay WU “Yory 21, ‘SBIydV Td ‘pg “zay ‘yeuy 60, ‘SBIqFV & (91-01) 91 391 verse senuforanb sAurol[g 626 “d ‘9 “1Olg “Yory £1, ‘Suey 68 68 58 UIOS OT Sins paren OA BAD); 18g ‘d ‘¢ ‘auuogsl'y 4seq “WEA “raqoeg “ysuy “Y “Yoy 21, ‘BBIYIV 6 tz 5 82-46 wereeeesssgnypaotod BIAB) ord ‘1g “IML “LOL IT, ‘swaae}g | 48] ureejod 07 AX 8G ads 199 Troseenne ss BiG-BOUME, 1 ‘d ‘90, 90, ‘19 “day “Aru joodiaary | -x[BM puB a100,y POT (turuied) 9T ads 7 ae “s+ + Sid-vaumry, ILI ‘dc ‘¢] “zuy ‘yeuy 86, ‘Sururuay yy wos FZ “Gorg |'**** uayouremyosse— yy, G0G “4 ‘76, 76, “lesan "yeuy ‘YtoA | ‘uaqajapreg UOA 8 ads 9] “7 "* UayOUTAMYOS189 Py, BIABD VILNAGOY *0 sor -d “O81 Gnd “ysuy “dau1eD $1, ‘uBpior é X 99nd &+21 voreeee CEA, pug ur sajod 04 ; Ld AX ‘s3INpe (1g ‘Iz “qeuy “anog “sauy LI, ‘Weuar\y | 038) azyIqA puB Pe Aigsour 1op d o1dou ospe ‘oAIq “UIOS 8§-88 ‘FI “9euy “noe “1oury ET, “UBUIOTM | -Wd “WUE § WOIT pera t perdi LEL Bd8 $% ee ere ETHEL BROWNE HARVEY 50 gg -d “pe CpBUy “yur “qory 1 d ‘¢ “yyed a “urou “quay “gory ="din “lyo-pew ‘azar ty ‘dns “4g “sup “qng Ul OSTB) GIT “d ‘¢ “JOA ‘p ‘dag ‘oy uooIpuazy *1aoUuL'T “PwoV “WT 199V 632 “4 2g ‘AINT19D BT een d ‘2p ‘OOH “Guay 668 “4 ‘T “IT19Z “Yor 162 °4 ‘TT “gO101U “GBUuYy,p “oy Tee “4 ‘ “gOI0IUI “ZBUY,p “Gory 90% “d ‘gg “01g "90S “HY “OD II] , Weqosaey sep 21491494295), 8,191 19M 6zp *(8) SOT “Wet “WassL AA *pByxy “A “P Jeg “23S giz d ‘19 “yeay “Tyrar “qory 1 “d ‘90, ‘83100 “ay poodseary “satus g9¢ d ‘guy ‘uop -uoyT “00g *AoY ‘901g 62rd “TL “aqosyBuoy *us10z0] 89 "d ‘g ‘guy “yeuy GONGuag say 68, ‘GuBursoyy 68, “UByeL TT, ‘JOOH UBA OF, ‘Pxey yang “nN Byy0qGog 80, ‘Ssoqsancy 60, ‘pnesioy 10, ‘phesoy 10, ‘pnesoy 20, ‘19Uqq UOA 502 POT WIT (91-8) 8291 (qo1d) ZI 66, ‘Aouqg OA (91-8) £8 86, ‘Hpssoquey 90, ‘18 “FB pus s100K, 90, ‘pjou -Iy pue 2900, $0, Ur #6, ‘2100W | pazoe1100 ©a100;y £6, ‘2L00W | jo szunoo0" ser, IEA, ug Auasao SxuVNGY ail- @LXO- ANZ Or 502 POT (02-01) 691 (qoid) Pat PZT “BO £8 (21-8) S21 (rave) 99] GLLO- LB] -ONDHLYVd dNY 1° 40% “e'"* 9110U Ja aqoueq “IBA ‘sn[nosnur sn, sn[nosnu snjy ads Pe wByy asoyy [oor sou -Iq[8 suBUInoep sn, PESERR “* BYBY 881944, + sourqye ‘WA suBUInoep shy, (qoid) Wos 77 Sdsge-og [occ qeny, ads jo] CORDACCODG yyeuepuey, Breptee “yey, ads 7 “""48u, (8n9982 snp Os[@ ga8) SUBUINOGp sn OILLaNGD sa10g ds aio Tdia penuydoO—VITVANVA ‘Il CHROMOSOME NUMBERS IN METAZOA Tug “d ‘oT *qng BraI0sTBD ‘ATU Fe “4 ‘2g “ING “T0Org 1° ‘eer “qng eynzrysuy eIsaUIB,) SFP “d ‘1g ‘vouat0g og “d ‘gy “Og pu¥ syry "proy qhorjoauu0D “SUB, 69 “4 ‘or “IM “Tore SLL °d ‘0g ‘aouarag 1g -d ‘OL “yey “1yIUT “gory 69a “4 ‘eg “Jorg "yory uapeq “Sat, ,‘SN[Nosnu sn So tonemana ie Jop dunpiig ep 19q)), I “dc ‘90, ‘s}10d -8y «yoodisary “alm g9¢ “d ‘qy) ‘uop -uo0y ‘00g *AOY “001g ogz “d ‘9 ‘amqsinjog 4S - 1d “9S “yory 1#G ‘d ‘6g ‘Sinqzim “[]9 -Ser) “poul-sAyd “yI9, 67 “d ‘cg Pure ey I: ‘cp “yeuy “Tylor “ory TIT 4 ‘g6, ‘aedu1z405 “TT9895H “qeuy “qi9A F 642d “(8) ZO “Wat “Wasst (A, ‘PEAY “A “P “19g ‘2419 Z21 “d ‘g6, ‘ueza1}30r) "Ps8D "yUy “GIA LI, ‘uin00 x PT, Atos ary Tk ‘yey pus Zu0T 80, ‘Su0'T 80, ‘waByyIyy 20, “eqyITy 20, ‘wey “IT pus 30D 10, ‘somrsstjoyy 20. ‘aul100g 40 suLey 90. "Youre 90, 10 “AIPM pus a100~W_ 0, ‘plow -Iy pus al00y 86, ‘MouBDN’] 80, ‘“B330q05 10, ‘B}0G9S 96, ‘BIFOG0g £6, ‘8}30qG0g £6. ‘TlH £6. “TO pug ur ajod 07 x £02 ‘6T 602 oat 8 81199 aurog "99 10, Ul paqoass09 S}UNODOG JapIByy Wa P03 608-21 802 (Arun ¥=) S2I 58 lord é 91 aulog a[suis) PZT 6291 208 6 2-21 502 (UOISTA -Ip__ snoro090 -a1d 0} enp ¥2-Z1) Sa 68 (91-21) 621 (9[qNOp) OT s[j90 au0g “(a[qnop) YsT (61-01) 691 6p Josdnois g (ZI-01) 3ds ZT seeee +++" asnour asnoqy, "+s" ggnour oFTYM, B08 A18 Xa puqéq pus yoRyq ‘oy ‘aso, +t etessess oenour ot M, Snpneosascnnoec “nqie ayouesq SIINOs=snhnosnu snp, ess ss SIMOSNUL SNL, ads 57 BEOROODOGRGOOD IO aya * pyouR] stunog, Ware | ’ “ Oe ee | ' 5 5 ? a] Ora ehine Oe j 4 r ’ DAR ote Pa No oe Uy iat) Ge AL 6 Le oui ame GA efiorred fuente att ‘ “oetrak ne Wisely Aa ; tio «ima Bene Pails ris Hae erase acy : i tik, 1 tit F hej’ a RR Teh Ut yu iat: rit oi ides on Ones galviskic® ince | if 1 Witte aA eres ep “it » vate no. ‘Aa (Misiivegurs: Lebere ath ? OU eae Wek TAR ! A | Se } . A ; ; i i lh, SANG itr ie cat nid eapotehn 2elyhii: ion” , DAC Le ue ‘etisoahl st | wh G ; e ns ines > Feo < o eset wiht patie cole De dane igdi iu ah qth Pp aerbh a PY, ap Gillan these ae a ak henna wey aed is oom » Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1922, xix, pp. 402~403. 200 (1947) Experimental results bearing on the etiology of cystic growths in the ovary and uterus of the guinea pig. By G. N. PAPANICOLAOU and C. R. STOCKARD. [From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical Col- lege, New York City.] In experiments on underfeeding it was found that malnutri- tion readily gave rise to marked cystic conditions in the ovaries of healthy young guinea pigs. Such cystic conditions are, of course, frequently found in normal stock but here especially in old or unhealthy specimens. The changed nutritive conditions in the reproductive organs of underfed animals cause circulatory congestion, and as was pointed out in a previous communication! such conditions suppress the cestrous changes and prevent ovulation in these animals. The congestion and the high pressure resulting therefrom seem to favor the proliferation of the epithelial lining of the epididymal tubules located near one pole of the ovary, and the accumulation of fluid within the lumen of the blind tubules. The malnutrition expresses itself first within the ovary by a wholesale degeneration of developing follicles which seem to respond most delicately to changes in nutritive conditions. The conges- tion and follicular degeneration seem then to favor an over- growth of the more resistant epididymal tubules which become distended and crowd out the parenchymatous portion of the ovary. Uterine cysts seem to develop in the same way as those above as a response to the congestion resulting from malnutrition. The open mouths of the uterine glands make their cystic condi- tion rare so that among hundreds of ovarian cysts of all sizes we have observed only one perfectly typical case of uterine cyst. These experiments seem to indicate that ovarian and _paro- varian cysts represent growths of persistent embryonic tissue, and that an accompanying congestion and high pressure are nec- essary to the formation of typical cysts, and that these condi- tions may result from disturbed nutrition as is demonstrated by underfeeding the guinea pigs. 1G.N. Papanicolaou and C. R. Stockard, Proc. Soc. Exp. BIOL. AND MEp., 1920, xvii, 143. AUTHOR’S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED Reprinted from Tum AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, OCTOBER 2 Anatomy, Vol. 31, No. 2, November, 1922 STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF THE FOWL III, THE ORIGIN OF THE SO-CALLED LUTEAL CELLS IN THE TESTIS OF HEN-FEATHERED COCKS JOSE F. NONIDEZ Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College SEVEN FIGURES The discovery by Boring and Morgan (’18) of cells identical with the interstitial cells of the ovary in the testes of cocks of the Sebright bantam breed, in which all the males are hen-feathered, has promised to clear up one of the most interesting problems in the field of endocrinology. Since castration of these hen- feathered cocks is followed by the appearance of cock-feathering— a result similar to that obtained after ovariotomy in the female of other breeds—it seemed logical to suppose that the condition of the plumage in such males depended upon the presence of inter- stitial cells of ovarian type. The secretion from these cells was thought to inhibit the development of the plumage character- istic of the normal cock (Morgan, 719, 20). In this way a close relation between a specific tissue and the development of one of the most highly expressed secondary sexual characters would be established. This would also confirm the view, so often ex- pressed, that the interstitial tissue found in the gonads must be regarded as an endocrine gland. In a recent paper (22) I described the origin of the interstitial cells of the ovary, which have been regarded as luteal cells by Pearl and Boring. As previously shown by Firket (14), these cells arise from the degenerating sexual cords of the first proliferation and their epithelial origin seems well established. The clusters of interstitial cells I regarded as the remnants of the sexual cords infiltrated with fat. It was thought that if the cells found in the testis of the Sebrights are homologous with those 109 110 JOSE F. NONIDEZ in the normal ovary they must also arise from epithelium, either in the sexual cords of the early gonad or in the seminiferous tubules which represent their direct continuation. In the follow- ing pages I shall show the results of a study of developing testes which has amply confirmed this view. In the present paper the misleading term ‘luteal cells’ will be avoided, since a true corpus luteum or luteal cells in the ovary of the hen probably does not exist or is at least extremely doubt- ful. Indeed, the mere presence of these cells in the testis is sufficient proof that whatever their function may be they are not primarily concerned in the formation of a corpus luteum. On the other hand, their secretory function has not yet been established beyond a reasonable doubt. The term ‘interstitial’ has been so often associated with endocrine activity that it might convey the idea that the cells under question are glandular elements. Until their true function can be demonstrated, it seems more convenient to speak of the clusters as ‘remnants of the sexual cords,’ since in both sexes they are derived from these structures, and we may refer to the cells themselves as the ‘fat-laden cells’ of the clusters. MATERIAL The material used in the embryological part of the work con- sisted of a brood of eight Sebright eggs, generously put at my disposal by Prof. T. H. Morgan. Five of the embryos were males and two were females; one of the eggs failed to develop. The gonads from the male embryos while still attached to the sur- rounding organs were preserved in Bouin’s fluid at the tenth, seventeenth, eighteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first days of incubation. In addition to this material,-I was able through the kindness of Prof. H. D. Goodale, of Massachusetts Agricultural College, to study testes of four- and eight-day-old Sebright chicks. In order to ascertain whether remnants of the sexual cords also occur in chicks of breeds other than the Sebrights, the testes of four- and eight-day-old Rhode Island Red chicks were studied as well as a slide from a young Leghorn prepared by Professor Goodale. STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL Ua THE REMNANTS OF THE SEXUAL CORDS IN THE SEBRIGHT TESTIS a. Degeneration of the seminiferous tubules As in the case of the ovary, the clusters of the so-called luteal cells found in the testis arise as a result of the degeneration of the sexual cords. The sexual cords are represented in late stages of development of the testis by the young seminiferous tubules, which are their direct continuation. Degenerative processes in sonie of the tubules were only found in the embryos about the time of hatching (twenty and twenty-one days) and in young chicks. They were absent in the younger embryos the testes of which appeared normal. The seminal epithelium at the end of incubation and during the first weeks after hatching is made up of columnar cells with oval nuclei (fig. 1, 7). Seattered among these cells, either toward the periphery of the tubule or near the center there are large, round cells, the spermatogonia. Transitional stages represented by columnar cells with round nucleus of large size are not un- common. As reported by Firket (20), secondary spermatogonia are produced by the growth and rounding up of some of the epi- thelial cells. This columnar epithelium is also the source of the Sertoli cells, which do not appear until spermatogenesis begins. Since degeneration does not start simultaneously in all the tu- bules affected by this process, it was possible to establish a closely graded series of stages, some of which have been represented in figures 1 to 4. In the degeneration of the seminal epithelium not only the spermatogonia, but also a large number of the colum- nar epithelial cells are involved. While many of the latter shrink considerably, their cytoplasm becoming homogeneous and the nuclei pyknotic until no trace of structure can be recognized in them (figs. 1, 2 and 3, d), other epithelial cells are slowly in- filtrated with fat as shown by the vacuoles contained in their cytoplasm. These fat-laden cells persist as the so-called luteal cells. The whole process is very similar to the changes observed in the degenerating tubules of the adult under certain conditions (ligature of the vas deferens, partial castration, etc.) which result in the disappearance of all but the Sertoli cells. I 2 Fig. 1 Embryo of twenty days. Early stage in the degeneration of a semi- niferous tubule of the right testis. d, degenerating cells; 7, fat-laden cells; n, normal portion of the seminal epithelium. Fig. 2 Embryo of twenty days. A more advanced stage in the degeneration of a seminiferous tubule of the right testis. d, degenerating cells; g, spermato- gonia; 7, fat-laden cells; i’, epithelial cells in early stages of fatty infiltration. 112 Fig. 3 Four-day-old chick. Clusters of fat-laden cells (7) still showing degenerated cells (d) and a normal spermatogonium (g). Fig. 4 Four-day-old chick. Degenerating tubule in the periphery of the testis between two normal tubules. a, albuginea; d, degenerating cells; i, fat- laden cells; t, portion of the tubule undergoing degeneration. 113 114 JOSE F. NONIDEZ In the upper portion of the tubule drawn in figure 1 the seminal epithelium (mn) appears normal as in the other tubules of the testis. The lower portion shows the beginning of degenerative processes In some of the epithelial cells, whereas others (7) are already infiltrated with fat and resemble very closely the fat- laden cells of the clusters found in later stages. This infiltration takes place following the same steps described by Firket (714) and more recently by the writer (22) in the ovary. It begins with the appearance of vacuoles, which cause the cell to become round or polygonal; at the same time the nucleus undergoes a slight decrease in size. Instead of a conspicuous chromatin network, it exhibits scattered chromatin granules and one or two small nucleoli; the nuclear sap stains more deeply than in the undifferentiated cells. Owing to these peculiarities, it is easy to identify the fat-laden cells in the midst of degenerating cells; they appear as polygonal or round elements with very clear cytoplasm and rather deeply stained nucleus. In the figure a normal spermatogonium is still seen in the lower part of the tubule, and directly above it there is another with a shrunken nucleus, the beginning of degeneration. A few pyknotic nuclei (d) are also seen. In figure 2 I have represented a seminiferous tubule in a state of more advanced degeneration. In this case a still larger number of pyknotie nuclei occur. The region corresponding to the lumen is filled with degenerating cells. In this tubule there are also more fat-laden cells (7) with highly vacuolar cytoplasm. Degenerating spermatogonia can also be detected; finally, two apparently normal spermatogonia (g) are seen in the figure. A still more advanced stage in the degeneration of the tubules has been represented in figure 3. The seminal epithelium is reduced to fat-laden cells and in some parts of the tubules a few degenerated cells and a normal spermatogonium still occur. As the tubules degenerate they become irregular in shape and shrink considerably, their epithelium disappearing as such a structure, while the fat-laden cells tend to crowd together. At the end of this process massive clusters are formed. That these clusters are the direct continuation of the seminiferous tubules STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL 115 is best seen in figure 4, drawn from a section of the testis of a young chick (four days after hatching). In this figure a degen- erating tubule has been represented between two normal tubules. The portion nearer to the albuginea (a) contains only fat-laden cells (7), whereas the opposite portion (¢) situated towards the center of the testis still shows some slightly modified epithelial cells and two cells (d) undergoing degeneration. At a later stage, when all the epithelial cells which do not undergo fatty infiltration disappear, the tubule will appear as an elongated cluster of fat-laden cells, the remnant of a young seminiferous tubule. The possibility of mesenchyme cells entering the tubules was not overlooked. Indeed, it might be possible that such cells could work their way through the basement membrane and after entering the tubule become infiltrated with fat released by the degenerating cells. From my own abservations on testes in which some tubules are undergoing degeneration as a result of partial castration, it seems clear that the basement membrane is impervious and that neither leucocytes nor lymphocytes ever enter the tubules, although in some cases they may be very abun- dant in the vicinity. In the degenerating tubules of the embryo and young bird the basement membrane stains much deeper than in those which are normal, and owing to this fact it was possible to be certain that there was no break in its continuity, thus pre- venting the immigration of elements from the surrounding mesen- chyme. b. Developmental disturbances in the testis of embryos and young birds Aside from the degenerative changes just described, some of the embryos showed in their testes certain features which I regard as abnormal. Since they might have some bearing on the abnormal shape and color of the testis often found in adult birds (Morgan, 719) and on the sterility of some of the individuals, I will describe them briefly. In the embryo of twenty days circulatory disturbances in the right testis were very conspicuous. ‘The left testis appeared on Fig.5 Embryo of twenty days. Circulatory disturbances in the right testis. A, portion of the albuginea; B, genital artery of the right testis; C, genital artery of the left (normal) testis. 6, blood vessels showing blood stasis and hemorrhage ; e, degenerating erythrocytes; f, a portion of a degenerating tubule. Fig. 6 Embryo of twenty-one days. A ‘pit’ in the albuginea of the left testis. a, albuginea; e, epithelium of the serous layer. 116 STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL 117 the whole entirely normal, but a slight degeneration in the periph- eral tubules could be noticed. In the right testis degeneration was widespread in some areas, a third or even a half of the tubules in a given section showing regressive changes in their epithelium. This degeneration was accompanied by diffuse hemorrhagic processes in certain areas of the albuginea. The study of the mesenchyme under the albuginea showed what at first sight might be regarded as a marked hyperemic condition accompanied with hemorrhage. In the normal albuginea the blood vessels are very thin and usually contain a few normal erythrocytes whose cytoplasm stains readily with eosin. In the portion of the albuginea near the degenerating tubules the capillaries were distended with blood and the erythrocytes were undergoing degenerative changes, their nucleus becoming round and spiny in appearance, while the cytoplasm no longer takes the eosin (fig. 5, A, b). The marked increase in the size of the capillaries and the degeneration of large numbers of erythrocytes within the vessels suggest that the condition just described is one of blood stasis. The walls of the vessels are not distinct, for the erythrocytes have passed into the surrounding mesenchyme, thus causing a hemorrhage. Indeed, it seems likely that the endothelial wall of the distended capillaries no longer exists, at least as a continuous structure; the presence of deeply stained nuclei in their vicinity suggests that there has been a prolifera- tion of the endothelium—a feature not uncommon in blood stasis under pathological conditions in man. The study of the right mesonephros showed that hemorrhage was also widespread in this organ, perhaps to a larger extent than in the testis, since the blood supply is more abundant. In some areas the mesonephric tubules appeared embedded in a continuous mass of degenerating erythrocytes. Hemorrhage was also noticed in the root of the mesentery. A comparison of the arteries supplying the testis of each side showed that the right genital artery (fig. 5, B) was much larger and had thicker walls than the left genital artery (C). This points to degenerative changes in the former, and perhaps to this condition are due the circulatory disturbances described above. THE AMERICAN JOURNAL OF ANATOMY, VOL. 31, No. 2 118 JOSE F. NONIDEZ In the embryo of twenty-one days degenerating tubules oc- curred only in the right testis, but they were less abundant than in the twenty-day embryo and were restricted to the periphery. In both testes the primitive relation of the sexual cords and the germinal epithelium (now the epithelium of the serous layer) had been retained. Under normal conditions the sexual cords lose their connections with the germinal epithelium when the albuginea begins to develop. In the embryo we are considering the albuginea developed normally, but mesenchyme cells failed to penetrate between the epithelium and the cords in the areas of proliferation. As a result of the thickening of the albuginea in certain places contact between the epithelium and the cords takes place at the bottom of depressions or pits, one of which has been represented in figure 6. The portion of the cords in im- mediate contact with the serous epithelium (e) showed slight degeneration in some of its cells. These ‘pits,’ of variable depth, were very abundant in both testes; over seventy were found in the left only. The arrange- ment of the peripheral tubules, which almost invariably converge into the pits, I regard as the result of their formation by prolifera- tion of the germinal epithelium in the restricted areas forming the bottom of the pits. Inasmuch as similar conditions were not found in the twenty- day embryo and in young chicks, I believe that the condition described is abnormal. It represents the persistence of an early stage in the development of the gonad in an embryo ready to hatch. Whether the albuginea becomes of uniform thickness in later stages of development or whether the condition described persists in the adult is not known. I might state, however, that in both cases the chances of degeneration of the peripheral tubules are great, thus contributing to a further increase in the number of clusters of fat-laden cells. In the four-day-old chick there were neither circulatory dis- turbances nor ‘pits’ in the albuginea, but an enormous amount of pigment appears within giant-cells in the intertubular spaces (figs. 3 and 4). The round shape of the pigment granules and their deep brown or black color suggest that this substance is STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL 119 melanin. It appeared in both gonads, but was absent in adjacent organs, such as the adrenals and developing epididymis. The amount of melanin within the giant-cells was so large that their nuclei were almost invisible. The presence of variable amounts of pigment in the testes of the Sebrights has been reported by Morgan (719); in some cases both testes appear entirely black. The most striking feature of the pigmentary cells is their large size when compared with the ordinary cells of the mesenchyme. Pigmentary cells were not found in the late embryos, but in the embryo of ten days cells were observed in which pigment granules were beginning to de- velop. The similarity of these cells with the wandering hemo- blasts is so striking that one might believe that they are modified hemoblasts. They were most abundant in the loose mesenchyme separating the testis from the mesonephros and also in the mesen- chyme surrounding the adrenals. It seems likely that these cells ave the forerunners of the giant pigmentary cells found in later stages and in the adult cocks. In some regions of the testis of the seventeen- and eighteen-day embryos pigmentary cells were also found; some were round and others showed well- developed branches. The absence of pigmentary cells in the testes of some birds, their variable amount when present, and the unequal extent of their distribution suggest that the formation of pigment is an abnormal feature. The formation of melanin and related pig- ment in man is common in the melanoma, but in the testis it has never been found. On the other hand, in the Se- brights there is nothing suggesting neoplastic growth, unless the pigmentary cells themselves are regarded as a diffuse tumor which had invaded the gonad. Pigment was also observed in the upper half of the right testis of an eight-day-old Sebright chick; the other testis appeared entirely normal. 120 JOSE F. NONIDEZ THE REMNANTS OF THE SEXUAL CORDS IN THE TESTIS OF YOUNG CHICKS OF OTHER BREEDS Clusters of fat-laden cells surrounded by a distinct basement membrane and identical in all respects with those described in the Sebrights were also observed in the testes of birds of other breeds in which they occur at least during the first days after hatching. Among my slides two series, one belonging to a four- day-old and another to an eight-day-old chick of the Rhode Island Reds breed showed typical clusters; they were absent in the adult cock of the same race. In the four-day-old chick degenerating tubules could be noticed in one of the poles of the testis and a few fat-laden cells in early stages of infiltration were seen in the midst of cells undergoing regression. In a slide of a young Leghorn chick, prepared by Prof. H. D. Goodale, the testes showed an enormous amount of fat-laden cells forming large clusters surrounded with a conspicuous base- ment membrane (fig. 7). Judging from the appearance of these testes and the abundance of remnants of the sexual cords, a widespread degeneration of seminiferous tubules must have taken place at some stage in development. The seminal epithelium appeared normal and showed the structure character- istic of the stage preceding spermatogenesis. From these facts it may be gathered that the formation of clusters of fat-laden cells persisting as the remnants of the sexual cords is by no means a characteristic feature of the Sebrights, but may also take place in the testis of birds of other races. That a few tubules may degenerate at early stages of their develop- ment prior to the full differentiation of the seminal epithelium is not surprising, and must be regarded as a result of the readjust- ment of the organ to functional conditions. In all probability, some portions of the sexual cords fail to become incorporated into the system of the seminiferous tubules, and under such con- ditions slowly degenerate, whereas normal tubules undergo the series of changes preceding spermatogenesis. STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL 121 DISCUSSION The most significant feature in connection with the presence of clusters of fat-laden cells in the testis of the Sebrights is their origin from the epithelium of the sexual cords as represented in late stages by the seminiferous tubules. The clusters found in Fig. 7 A cluster of fat-laden cells in the periphery of the testis of a young Leghorn chick. a, albuginea; 7, fat-laden cells; ¢, normal tubules. the ovary also arise from these structures at an earlier stage of development. There can be little doubt about the homology of the cells in both organs. They represent the same kind of ele- ment, coming from identical origin and showing similar charac- teristics. If they perform a definite function in the gonads, it must be very similar in both sexes. The question naturally 122 JOSE FP, NONIDEZ arises whether, as has been suggested, they are secretory ele- ments playing the role of an endocrine gland or whether they represent the result of fatty infiltration of degenerating cells. Unfortunately, from a study of the slides, no definite conclusion can be reached with regard to this important question. From a purely histological standpoint, the deep regressive changes undergone by these seminiferous tubules in which fat-laden cells arise strongly suggest that the formation of the clusters in the testis is an abnormal feature due to regressive differentiation of immature elements rather than to progressive changes leading to the formation of new morphological and physiological units. As shown in the figures, the spermatogonia without exception and many of the columnar cells which at the end of development constitute the bwk of the seminal epithelium are readily affected by degeneration, shrinking and finally disappearing without leaving any trace. But other epithelial cells undergo fatty in- filtration and persist, at least during the first weeks after hatch- ing. The cause of this different behavior is unknown. It may be due to the fact that they are elements of higher vitality or else that they do not require the same optimum of environmental conditions to survive as do the germ-cells. Under certain conditions (partial castration, ligature of the vas deferens, etc.), the seminal epithelium of adult tubules also shows similar phenomena, the only difference being that the elements which persist are fully differentiated and can be easily identified. As is well known, in these cases the germ-cells in the various stages of spermatogenesis degenerate and finally disappear, but the Sertoli cells are left behind and persist un- changed during a considerable time, if not throughout the life of the individual. As yet there is no evidence that the elements which in the embryo and young chick become fat-laden cells are the forerunners of the Sertoli cells, but it is possible that, although uniform in appearance, the epithelium of these early tubules already contains two different kinds of cells which cannot be distinguished from each other by any morphological characteris- tic. If some of the cells in this epithelium are already potential Sertoli cells, it is not surprising that their behavior may be differ- STUDIES ON THE GONADS OF FOWL [a5 ent, for this is precisely what happens in the adult in which full morphological differentiation has already been attained. With regard to the factors which cause degeneration in some of the seminiferous tubules, very little can be said. As already mentioned, young chicks of breeds other than the Sebrights may show remnants of the sexual cords in the form of clusters of fat- laden cells. It is easy to conceive this degeneration as the result of the readjustment of the young gonad to functional conditions, since at the late stages in development and first days after hatch- ing there occur changes in the testis leading to the formation of the system of seminiferous tubules. If portions of the sexual cords have been cut off from this system by the increase in the mesenchyme which precedes the formation of connective tissue, their degeneration is only a question of time; they may disappear as such structures before spermatogenesis begins, leaving clusters of fat-laden cells, or they may persist until they become fully differentiated tubules, undergoing degeneration while distended by the spermatozoa, which are unable to leave the tubule on account of its lack of an outlet. In the late stages of the Sebright embryos degenerative changes in the tubules were accompanied by other conditions which can scarcely be regarded as normal. The existence of deep circulatory disturbances, the persistence of connections between the sexual cords and the germinal epithelium in one of the embryos, and the abundance of giant pigmentary cells in the young chicks are probably due to the influence of disturbing factors. Whether these abnormal features are always found in the late stages of embryos of this peculiar breed or whether normal development is the rule rather than the exception is a point to be established by further researches. I will, however, mention the fact that Mor- gan (719) has reported abnormalities in the gonads of adult cocks; according to this investigator, the testis “was often more flattened than is the testis of the typical male bird, that it was often some- what pear-shaped, and that frequently it was in part or entirely black” (p. 5). Sebright cocks are said to be often sterile. That these conditions may be the outcome of disturbances during development is extremely likely. Yet the factors causing the 124 JOSE F. NONIDEZ abnormal development can only be surmised. Equally puzzling is the fact that degeneration of the tubules in the embryos studied was more conspicuous in the right testis than in the left, and that in the case of the eight-day-old chick pigment had only de- veloped in the upper half of the right gonad. This is important in connection with the constant degeneration of the right ovary in birds. CONCLUSIONS 1. The clusters of the so-called luteal cells found in the testis of Sebright cocks arise during degeneration of the sexual cords and early seminiferous tubules as the result of fatty infil- tration of certain elements of the seminal epithelium. The spermatogonia and many of the columnar epithelial cells disap- pear without leaving any trace of their former existence. 2. Degeneration of the young seminiferous tubules was only found in late embryos and young chicks; in the former it was more marked in the right testis. 3. Aside from degeneration in some of the tubules, develop- mental disturbances, such as blood stasis, abnormal persistence of connections between the germinal epithelium and the seminif- erous tubules, and excessive formation of pigment, were observed. 4, Remnants of the sexual cords in the form of clusters of luteal cells were also found in the testes of young birds of breeds other than the Sebright. LITERATURE CITED Borine, A. M., anp Morean, T. H. 1918 Lutear cells and hen-feathering. Journ. Gen. Physiol., vol. 1. Firxet, J. 1914 Recherches sur lorganogénése des glandes sexuelles chez les oiseaux. Arch. de Biol., T. 29. 1920 Recherches, ete. 2eme Part., Ibid., T. 30. Morgan, T.H. 1919 The genetic and the operative evidence relating to secon- dary sexual characters. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 285. 1920 The endocrine secretion of hen-feathered fowls. Endocrinol., vol. 4. Nonwez, J. F. 1922 Estudios sobre las gonadas de la gallina. IJ. El tejido intersticial del ovario. Volumen Jubilar de S. Ramon y Cajal, Madrid. [Reprinted from Tur JouRNAL or GENERAL PuysioLocy, September 20, 1921, Vol. iv, No. 1, pp. 33-39.] THE FORMATION OF THE ASTER IN ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS.* By ROBERT CHAMBERS. (From the Cornell University Medical College, New York.) (Received for publication, May 24, 1921.) In normally fertilized eggs the development of the aster is attrib- uted to a substance carried into the egg by the spermatozoon. The aster first makes its appearance in the form of diminutive radiations surrounding the neck-piece of the spermatozoon within a few minutes after it has entered the egg. The writer! has shown that the formation of the radiations is accompanied by a jellying of the cytoplasm of the egg. The jellying process extends more and more as the aster increases in size and the entire egg becomes involved when the center of the aster comes to occupy the center of the egg. The formation of the aster is accompanied by an increase in size of a hyaline area in its center. This is Wilson’s hyaloplasm-sphere? also called centrosphere and astrosphere by other investigators. The microdissection method has demonstrated that this sphere area is liquid in contrast to the surrounding jellied cytoplasm. The pio- neer observers of mitotic division, such as Auerbach, Hertwig, Biitschli and Fol, described the accumulation of a hyaline plasma at the astral centers and suggested that the astral radiations are a result of protoplasmic currents. Later investigators, such as Morgan, Wilson and Conklin, considered this view as the most probable one. *The experiments, upon which this paper is based, were conducted in the Research Division of Eli Lilly and Company, at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, Woods Hole. The experiments constitute a part of a joint research project in which Dr. G. H. A. Clowes and the writer are engaged. 1Chambers, R. Microdissection studies. II. The cell aster: A reversible gelation phenomenon, J. Exp. Zool., 1917, xxiii, 483. ? Wilson, E. B., Experimental studies in cytology. I. A cytological study of artificial parthenogenesis in sea-urchin eggs, Arch. EntwckIngsmechn., 1901, xii, 529. 33 34 THE ASTER IN ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS The movement of the egg nucleus is possibly also a case in point. As long as the egg nucleus is beyond the confines of the aster it is sta- tionary. As soon, however, as the extending aster reaches it, the nucleus begins travelling toward the sphere in which it finally lies close beside the sperm nucleus. The existence of a centripetal cur- rent may be inferred also from the following experiment. In an egg one may occasionally see one or more oil-like droplets 2 to 4 microns in diameter. If one of these droplets be pushed by the needle from the liquid cytoplasm into the periphery of the aster the droplet will move along the rays toward the center. In view of the above observations it is highly probable that the liquid which accumulates in the center of the aster streams into it from all sides during the jellying of the cytoplasm. It is this stream- ing which probably occasions the innumerable radiations characteris- tic of the aster. After the aster has attained its full size the radia- tions begin to fade from view as the jelly state reverts to a more fluid one.. The liquid of the central sphere does not mix with the fluid cytoplasm but separates into two areas, one at each pole of the mitotic figure of the dividing nucleus. Astral radiations now appear about the two areas as the egg cytoplasm jellies again with the formation of two jellied masses instead of one, as heretofore. These grow at the expense of the fluid cytoplasm until all of the cytoplasm of the egg is taken up into two bodies, the two blastomeres of the segmenting egg. During the rapidly succeeding cleavages of the egg there is always a cap of liquid on the nucleus of each blastomere. With each mitosis this liquid flows around the nucleus to accumulate in two areas at the poles of the mitotic figure. These areas are periodically aug- mented during the formation of an aster and the ensuing jellying process. There is every evidence® that the mechanism of cell division de- pends upon a readiness of the cytoplasm to pass from a liquid to a 3 Heilbrunn, L. V., Studies in artificial parthenogenesis. II. Physical changes in the egg of Arbacia, Biol. Bull., 1915, xxix, 149; An experimental study of cell division. I. The physical changes which determine the appearance of the spindle in sea-urchin eggs. J. Exp. Zool., 1920, xxx, 211; Chambers, R., Changes in proto- plasmic consistency and their relation to cell division, J. Gen. Physiol., 1919, ii, 49. pe ee ee ROBERT CHAMBERS 35 jellied state and vice versa. The protoplasm must have its phase relations in a delicately balanced state in order that this may occur. In the egg we have seen that the reversal to a jellied state is probably accompanied by a separating out of a liquid. Something in this liquid may possibly control, in periodic rhythms, the physical state of the protoplasm surrounding it. We may assume that as long as there is a quantity of this substance localized in the egg it can induce aster formation. The idea suggests itself that one purpose of the spermatozoon is to accumulate this substance. In the mature unfer- tilized egg there is no localized area from which the jellying process may spread. The entrance of a sperm furnishes a focus as it were. Around this focus an aster develops with a steady accumulation of the liquid in its center. This liquid area surrounds the nucleus and puts the egg in a condition similar to that of a blastomere. The process of cleavage then becomes the same in both. An interpretation disconsonant with previous ones concerning the mode of aster formation in artificially parthenogenetic eggs has been recently put forward by Herlant.t Wilson? in Toxopneustes, had long ago shown that eggs treated insufficiently with a parthenogenetic agent may form monasters which disappear and reappear in several successive rhythms. Hindle® found this to be true also for the sea- urchin egg, if treated with butyric acid alone. A sufficient treatment, however, of a parthenogenetic agent results in the disappearance of the monaster followed by the appearance of an amphiaster. This results in cleavage of the egg. In the sea-urchin egg, the butyric acid treatment has to be followed by a bath of hypertonic sea water in order that this may occur. The hypertonic treatment often results in the formation of several cytasters in the egg. The cytasters pro- duced by the hypertonic treatment Herlant claimed to be due to dehydrative effects producing spots within the egg cytoplasm about which the asters appear. Herlant assumed that one of these cytas- * Herlant, M., Comment agit la solution hypertonique dans la parthénogenése éxperimentale (méthod de Loeb). I. Origine et signification des asters accessoires. Arch. Zool. exp. et gén., 1918, lvii, 511;.I1. Le mecanisme de la segmentation. Arch. Zool. exp. et gén., 1919, lviii, 291. 5 Hindle, E., A cytological study of artificial parthenogenesis in Strongylo- centrotus purpuratus, Arch. Entwcklngsmechn., 1910-11, xxxi, 145. 36 THE ASTER IN ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS ters connects in some way with the monaster, thus forming the amphi- aster which initiates segmentation. The weakness in this interpre- tation is the lack of conclusive evidence for the union of the originally independent asters. Neither Wilson nor Hindle ever observed such a phenomenon. All my observations also indicate that the amphi- aster in parthenogenetic eggs arises from a previous single aster just as it does in normally fertilized eggs. My studies were mainly confined to the egg of the sand-dollar. In its behavior to parthenogenetic agents® the egg is almost identical with that of the sea-urchin which Herlant studied. The absence of pigment and the highly translucent nature of its protoplasm makes the sand-dollar egg an ideal object for observational study. The mature eggs, normally shed by the female, are placed in buty- ric acid (2 cc. 1/10 N in 50 cc. of sea water) for 35 seconds. During this treatment the eggs distinctly round up. They are then returned to sea water where, within a few minutes, the fertilization membrane lifts off. After 20 minutes the eggs are placed in hypertonic sea water (5 cc. 2.5 m NaCl in 50 cc. sea water). The eggs shrink slightly in this solution. After 20 minutes the eggs are transfered to a large quantity of normal sea water and the sea water is changed several times to free the eggs from any further action of the hypertonic solution. Up to this time no change whatever is to be seen in the cytoplasm or in the nucleus. While in the hypertonic solution thecytoplasm appears more granular and opaque than that of an untreated mature egg. However, on the return of the treated eggs to sea water the cytoplasm reverts to its former appearance and to the eye the eggs differ in no respect whatever from unfertilized eggs except for the presence of a fertilization membrane. It is not until the treated eggs have stood in sea water for several minutes that any cytoplasmic change is to be observed. ‘The first sign of a change consists in the appearance of faintly defined vacuoles about the center of the egg. Within a few minutes they coalesce to form a central clear area of about one-tenth the diameter of the 6 Just, E. E., The fertilization reaction in Echinarachnius parma. II. The nature of the activation of the egg by butyric acid. Biol. Bull., 1919, xxxvi, 39. ROBERT CHAMBERS 37 egg. The egg nucleus lies close to or within this area. Gradually rays begin to appear in the jellying cytoplasm about the area. These rays become more numerous and more pronounced until the entire ege is occupied by a large monaster which corresponds exactly with the fully developed sperm aster of a normally inseminated egg From now on the process is entirely analogous to that of a sperm ferti- lized egg. During the development of the aster the hyaline central area increases in size and the microdissection needle shows it to be a liquid area characteristic of that of the sperm aster. When the monaster disappears the liquid central area flows around the nucleus now undergoing mitosis and accumulates at the two poles of the nu- cleus into two polar areas. A jellying process now sets in with these two areas as centers and results in the amphiaster preparatory to the first cleavage of the egg. In the mode of aster formation the only difference between the sperm fertilized and the parthenogenetic egg consists in the manner in which a liquid separates out of the jellying protoplasm in connec- tion with the formation of the preliminary single aster. In the fertilized egg radiations appear immediately about the sperm-head and the accumulation of the liquid substance is from the beginning through the agency of the ray-like channels of the growing aster. In the parthenogenetic egg several vacuoles first appear in the cyto- plasm. These vacuoles collect in the center of the egg after which an aster appears. The frequent irregularities which obtain in ear Se eggs are apparently due to an incomplete fusing of the vacuoles and to a lack of polarity in the preliminary stages of the aster formation. In undertreatment, or when butyric acid alone is used, a monaster developes as usual. Upon the disappearance of the monaster, the persisting liquid centrosphere, instead of flowing to the two polar regions of the nucleus, remains a single body. With the return of the jellying period a single aster again forms and more fluid accumu- lates in the centrosphere which increases in size. This process repeats itself several times and segmentation of the egg never occurs. Eggs treated with butyric followed by a prolonged treatment of the hypertonic solution become abnormal. In cases of this kind the eggs, when returned to sea water from the hypertonic solution, 38 THE ASTER IN ARTIFICIAL PARTHENOGENESIS exhibit vacuoles which, instead of being collected in the center of the egg, are scattered throughout the cytoplasm. Radiations appear about these vacuoles with the result that the egg becomes filled with many small asters. The longer the eggs have been left in the hyper- tonic solution the more numerous will be the asters, and most if not all of these asters develop independently of one another. Irregulari- ties may occur, even when the vacuoles collect in the center of the egg. In such cases an apparently normal single aster first results. Upon its disappearance, the central liquid area, instead of flowing away from the center into two polar bodies, produces three or four irregular lobes. About each of these lobes radiations appear in the egg cytoplasm producing a multipolar aster. In one instance one such lobe separated itself from the main body and a complete aster formed about it while a multipolar aster formed about the rest of the hyaline area. When the periphery of a multipolar aster reaches the surface of the egg cleavage furrows form between each lobe of the aster so that such eggs may segment simultaneously into three or four or more blastomeres. Asters which form independently of the central area never seem to be large enough to bring about segmentation of the egg into considerable masses. When such asters lie close to the periph- ery of the egg, furrows often grow in from the surface of the egg enclos- ing the asters. In this way a superficial type of segmentation results with the pinching off of small masses of the egg. The development of cytasters resulting in a spurious segmentation has already been described by Wilson.? The first aster appears at about the same time after the acid treat- ment, irrespective of whether the eggs have been subsequently treated with the hypertonic solution or not. However, with subsequent hypertonic treatment, the reappearance of the radiations following the fading away of the first aster occurs about more than one center. This results in segmentation of the egg. The reaction, therefore, which is peculiar to hypertonic treatment shows up only after the disappearance of the first aster. At that time the persisting central liquid area of the aster, instead of remaining as a single centralized mass, separates into two or more bodies with the result that the following reappearance of rays in the cytoplasm occurs as radiations about these bodies. This produces multiple asters. If there be ROBERT CHAMBERS 39 only two focal points the liquid collects into two bodies, a typical amphiaster then develops, and the egg cleaves into two normal blastomeres. Aster formation not only consists in a jellying process but also in the separating out of a liquid. The optically visible phenomenon peculiar to the parthenogenetic egg consists in the manner in which this liquid begins to separate out of the egg cytoplasm preparatory to the formation of the preliminary single aster. In the sperm fertilized egg both processes are rapid and occur together, radiations appear immediately about the sperm-head, and the accumulation of the liquid substance is from the very start through the agency of the ray-like channels of the growing aster. In the parthenogenetic egg the jellying process is apparently very slow, and the separating out of a liquid takes place before the cytoplasm is stiff enough to exhibit channels through which the liquid flows to the center. The liquid first collects into several vacuoles and an optimum treatment is nec- essary to cause these vacuoles to fuse into one body with the subse- quent formation of a single aster. Overtreatment causes the appear- ance of many vacuoles scattered throughout the egg resulting in multiple asters. Undertreatment may result in the formation of a single aster which, however, periodically disappears and reappears as a single aster. The parthenogenetic treatment, in order to be successful, must not only bring about the separating out of a liquid from the egg cytoplasm, but must also induce polarity within the resulting hyaline area in order to enable it to form two centers about which an amphi- aster may develop. [Reprinted from THE JouRNAL or GENERAL PHysIoLocy, September 20, 1921, Vol. iv, No. 1, pp. 41-44.] STUDIES ON THE ORGANIZATION OF THE STARFISH EGG.* By ROBERT CHAMBERS. (From the Research Division of Eli Lilly and Company, Marine Biological Labora- tory, Woods Hole.) (Received for publication, July 19, 1921.) The following is a preliminary record of operative work on the starfish egg which throws some light on the nature of the fertilization membrane, the interaction between nucleus and cytoplasm, and the relation of the cortex to the interior of the egg. By means of the microdissection needle it has been possible to show that a morphologically definite membrane closely invests the unfertilized egg, and that it is this membrane which lifts off upon fertilization as the so called fertilization membrane. The description of two methods will suffice to demonstrate this. By carefully pressing an unfertilized mature egg between the surface of a cover-slip and the side of a slender glass needle the egg may be cut in two without tearing the investing membrane. This membrane now becomes apparent, bridging the gap between the two egg fragments and holding them together. Upon the addition of sperm this membrane lifts off as the fertilization membrane, in such a way that the two egg fragments come to lie within a single cavity. The unfertilized egg can also be slipped entirely out of its investing membrane. Such an egg will undergo normal fertilization and cleave into blastomeres having no investing membrane whatever. These two experiments definitely show that the normal unfertilized starfish egg is already surrounded by a membrane which, upon fertili- zation, becomes the fertilization membrane. The difference in behavior towards sperm of an egg, which has been denuded not only of its jelly but also of its membrane, and one which has not is very striking. In an egg enclosed in its membrane *The experiments reported in this paper constitute a part of the joint investi- gation of the mechanism of fertilization in which Dr. G. H. A. Clowes and the writer are engaged. 41 42 ORGANIZATION OF THE STARFISH EGG the spermatozoa quickly crowd about the egg as they are trapped in the jelly surrounding the membrane. In a membraneless egg no crowding of spermatozoa is noticeable and heavy insemination is necessary to bring about fertilization. With such eggs, when a cloud of sperm has been blown upon them, one may frequently observe a spermatozoon swim toward an egg, wander over its surface and then swim away. On the other hand the empty membrane with its investing jelly immediately becomes covered with a halo of active spermatozoa. The nucleus of the egg cell is a liquid drop surrounded by a mor- phologically definite membrane. The nucleus may be moved about within the egg with the needle, and can be considerably deformed by pressure. On removal of the needle the nucleus quickly resumes its spherical shape. Tearing the nucleus slightly causes the nucleus to shrink and the nucleolus to disappear; this is followed by a remark- able spread of a disintegrative process which involves the cytoplasm surrounding the nuclear area. In the immature egg, where the nucleus is large, the disintegrative process may extend throughout the entire egg. Inthe mature egg with a relatively small nucleus the destruction is restricted to a limited area. The disappearance of the nucleus or germinal vesicle during mat- uration has been described by several investigators. The nuclear membrane breaks down spontaneously and the nuclear sap spreads slowly throughout the cytoplasm. So long as the nuclear area, aside from the definitive egg nucleus, has not yet mixed with the cytoplasm, I find that a puncture of the area starts up the disintegra- tive process. When the nuclear sap has entirely mixed with the cytoplasm, any part of the egg, with the exception of the minute egg nucleus, may be torn with impunity. The mere presence of the glass needle in the nuclear sap is not sufficient to start up the disintegrative process. This process occurs only when the nuclear sap is agitated by the needle while the sap is in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Wilson! found in the Nemertine egg that any non-nucleated frag- ment, prior to the dissolution of the germinal vesicle, isnon-fertilizable whereas, any fragment from a mature egg is capable of being fertilized and undergoing cleavage. This I have found to be true also for the ! Wilson, E. B., Experiments on cleavage and localization in the Nemertine egg, Arch. Entwcklingsmechn., 1903, xvi, 411. ROBERT CHAMBERS 43 starfish egg. It is also of interest to note that the fertilizability of the egg fragments is directly connected with the extent of the mixing of the nuclear sap with the cytoplasm in the maturing egg. A non- nucleated fragment, taken from an egg in the early stages of the dissolution of the germinal vesicle, will admit sperm which will undergo several nuclear divisions with, at most, an abortive attempt on the part of the fragment to cleave. When the sap of the germinal vesicle has completely mixed with the cytoplasm, any fragment larger than a certain size limit is capable of being fertilized and undergoing cleavage. It is well known that immature eggs can be kept in sea water at room temperature for 24 hours or more without disintegrating and that unfertilized mature eggs go to pieces under the same conditions within a much shorter time.? The writer has found that nucleated fragments of the two kinds of eggs behave similarly, while non-nucleated fragments act quite differently indicating that the substance which prevents the disintegration is distributed differently in the two eggs. Non-nucleated fragments of immature eggs last for about 4 hours only. Similar fragments of mature eggs last from 8 to 10 hours, or about as long as the mature, nucleated fragments. The substance which prevents the destruction of the egg is apparently in the nuclear sap which, in the immature egg, is confined within the large nucleus or germinal vesicle, while in the mature egg this sap has escaped from the nucleus and spread throughout the entire egg. The following experiments indicate that the part of the starfish egg which is capable of development is chiefly confined to the cortex of the egg. It was long ago shown by Driesch,? Loeb‘ and others that starfish and sea-urchin eggs are highly fluid in that fragments quickly round up into spheres. That the cortex of the mature un- fertilized eggs is firmer in consistency than their interior has been ? Loeb, J., and Lewis, W. H., On the prolongation of the life of the unfertilized eggs of the sea-urchins by potassium cyanide, Am. J. Physiol., 1902, vi, 305. Loeb, J., Maturation, natural death and the prolongation of the life of the unfer- tilized starfish eggs (Asterias forbesii) and their significance for the theory of fertilization, Biol. Bull., 1902, iii, 295. 8 Driesch, H., Entwicklungsmechanische Studien. Der Werth der beiden ersten I peaneeaiee der Echinodermentwicklung, Z. wiss. Zool., 1891, liii, 60. 4 Loeb, J., Ueber die Grenzen der Theilbarkeit der Eisubstanz, Arch. Physiol., 1895, lix, 379. 44 ORGANIZATION OF THE STARFISH EGG described by the writer. If the surface of the mature starfish egg be torn with a needle, and the egg then caught at the opposite side and pulled to the edge of the hanging drop, the compression on the egg produced by the shallow water at the edge of the drop will cause the fluid interior to ooze out through the tear, forming a perfect sphere. One may so manipulate the process as to cause the egg nucleus either to remain behind in the cortex (the cortical remnant) or to pass into the extruded sphere. The cortical remnant is relatively solid and remains more or less enclosed within the egg membrane and its jelly. If left long enough it will eventually round up so as to present the appearance of a dimin- utive egg surrounded by a collapsed and wrinkled egg membrane. The material which has escaped from the egg into the sea water is fluid and tends immediately to round up. On tearing with a needle its surface behaves like that of a highly viscous oil drop. These spheres adhere tenaciously to glass and, in the effort to remove them by blowing a current of water against them, they sometimes leave a torn of piece behind. The cortical remnant is readily fertilizable and undergoes normal segmentation. On the other hand, the material which has escaped from the interior of the egg whether nucleated or not, is non-fertilizable. It remains inert until it finally undergoes disintegration. As long as it possesses an intact surface it appears exactly like an egg fragment and will undergo disintegrative changes similar to those of entire eggs, on being torn with the needle. If even a small part of the original cortex is allowed to remain continuous with the sphere it is fertilizable and the more cortical material present the more will the sphere approach normal cleavage. It is significant that the fluid spheres which escape from the interior of the mature unfertilized egg, whether nucleated or not, withstand disintegration for a much longer period than do fragments, containing cortical material, which have been produced simply by cutting an egg into two or more pieces. It follows from these facts that the part of the starfish egg chiefly concerned in development lies in its periphery. The interior when separated from the cortex is incapable of developing. On the other hand, an egg containing cortical material alone is able to carry on its usual life activities. 5 Chambers, R., Microdissectivn studies. I. The visible structure of cell proto- plasm and death changes, Am. J. Physiol., 1917, xliii, 1. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1921, xix, pp. 87-88. 46 (1793) The effect of experimentally induced changes in consistency on protoplasmic movement. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. [From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.] Agitation by means of a micro-dissection needle tends to cause the protoplasm of a living cell to pass from a more solid to a less solid phase. In marine ova, where one can closely follow the solidifying of the protoplasm just prior to cell division, mechanical agitation will cause the protoplasm to revert to its original liquid state so that the egg reverts to the shape of a sphere. If the egg so treated be subsequently left undisturbed the solidifying process starts up again with the result that the egg undergoes normal cleavage. In a previous communication! the writer has described the structural relations of changes in protoplasmic consistency of the Ameba to the formation of pseudopodia. The maintenance of pseudopodia depends upon a relatively solid state of certain parts of the Ameba. A resting Ameba, with numerous slender pseudopodia all over its surface, is relatively solid. Upon mechanical agitation the pseudopodia are retracted as the Ameba becomes more liquid. Fresh pseudopodia in an agitated Ameba tend to be broad lobate and, if the agitation be continued, all of the Ameba liquefies. The entire body then becomes, as it were, a single pseudopodium with a peripheral current of granules flowing away from its anterior end and a central current flowing forward. An Ameba in this extreme state does not change in position as the back flow tends to equal the forward flow. Amebe which are experimentally brought into this state have, so far, not been observed to return to their previous condition. The rate of flow of the currents gradually slows down until the animal dies. 1 Chambers, Robert, Proc. Soc. Exp. Biot. AND MED., 1920, xviii, 66. 2 SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (118). The protoplasm of an Ameba exists in a certain normal state of consistency from which it may deviate so as to solidify on the one hand or liquefy on the other. This normal state may be shifted not only by agitating the Ameba but also by injecting certain solutions. This I have been able to do with hydrochloric acid and with sodium hydrate. A trace of acid throws the normal state to the more solid side, while the alkali throws it to the more liquid side. An acidified Ameba forms long slender pseudopodia because the peripheral back flow in the developing pseudopodium is quickly arrested by a setting of the protoplasm. The area of the base of the pseudo- podium is, therefore, quickly limited and the extending pseudo- podium conforms to this narrow base. In an alkalinized Ameba, on the other hand, the peripheral back flow of a developing pseudopodium tends to be arrested much more slowly. Asa result of this the base of the pseudopodium spreads considerably before the protoplasm sets. The extending pseudopodium, having a larger base upon which to build, then becomes broadly lobate. ° These observations harmonize with my experiments on inject- ing ‘‘acid” and “basic” organic dyes. The basic dyes, which contain a relatively strong acid radicle, jelly the protoplasm, whereas acid dyes, with a strong basic radicle, liquefy it. It is interesting to note that these changes can be brought about in protoplasm while it is yet alive and that one can thereby change the character of the pseudopodia produced. MICRODISSECTION STUDIES, III. SOME PROBLEMS IN THE MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION OF THE ECHINODERM EGG {Reprinted from BroLocicaL BULLETIN, Vol. XLI., No. 6, December, 1921.7 MICRODISSECTION STUDIES, III. SOME PROBLEMS IN THE MATURATION AND FERTILIZATION OF THE ECHINODERM EGG. ROBERT CHAMBERS. CorNELL Univ. Mepicat CoLitece, New Yorxk City. (From the Research Division of Eli Lilly and Company, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.) This paper is a record of operative work on the starfish, sea- urchin and sand-dollar eggs to ascertain the morphological nature of changes which take place in the egg during its maturation and fertilization. Results were obtained on the effect of nuclear mate- rial on cytoplasm, the nature of cortical changes in the maturing and fertilized egg and the difference between cortex and medulla of the egg with respect to fertilizability and to other life activities. The dissection and injection of the living eggs were carried out at first by means of Barber’s (’14) apparatus and later with an improved micromanipulator of my own design (’21"). A de- scription of the technique as applied to microdissection has al- ready been published (Chambers, ’18"). A detailed description of the new micromanipulator will appear both in the Journal of Bacteriology and in the Anatomical Record. I. THE GERMINAL VESICLE IN THE MATURING STARFISH EGG. Starfish eggs, on being shed naturally, have already begun maturing. In order, however, to secure large quantities of eggs, it has been the general custom to remove the ovaries bodily from a ripe female and to cut them up in a bowl of sea water. This procedure brings the eggs into the sea water in the immature con- dition with germinal vesicles intact. The germinal vesicle begins to disappear anywhere from thirty to fifty minutes after the eggs come into contact with the sea water and maturation usually pro- ceeds in a normal manner (Wilson and Mathews, ’95). The undisturbed germinal vesicle or nucleus of a fully grown 318 MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 319 immature egg is a hyaline sphere containing a sharply differentiated nucleolus and occupying about one fifth the volume of the egg. With the microdissection needle the vesicle may be moved about in the fluid cytoplasm without injury to the egg. With the needle one may considerably indent the surface of the vesicle. On removal of the needle the vesicle reverts again to the spherical shape (Fig. 1). The vesicle possesses a morphologically definite surface membrane inclosing an optically homogeneous liquid (cf. Chambers, ’18°). Within this liquid lies a visible body, the nucleolus. By agitating the vesicle the nucleolus may be made to occupy any position within the nuclear fluid. The nuclear mem- brane is very easily injured. If, however, a microneedle be care- fully inserted into the nucleus, the membrane about the puncture adheres to the body of the needle and the tip of the needle may push the nucleolus about with no apparent injury. The existence of considerable tension in the nuclear membrane is shown in the following experiment. An egg was cut into three fragments in such a way that the surface film forming over the cut surfaces of the middle fragment pressed upon the nucleus, deforming it con- siderably (Fig. 2). The attempt of the nucleus to return to a spherical shape bulged out one end of the egg fragment until it was constricted off from the remainder of the fragment (Fig. 2b-f). Tearing the nuclear membrane in most cases results in a de- struction of the nucleus. Ina few cases it was possible to produce a slight rupture with no noticeable injurious effects. Such a case is recorded in Fig. 3. At 10:44 A.M. undue pressure on the germinal vesicle when cutting an immature egg in two resulted in its rupture followed by a lobular extrusion bounded by a very delicate film. During the following ten minutes the vesicle began slowly to revert to its original shape (Fig. 3b andc). Before that was attained the maturation process began and, at 10:55, the out- line of the vesicle had disappeared. The nucleated egg fragment maturated normally and five hours and a half after insemination it had segmented in two. At 8:40 P.M. it had developed into a swimming blastula. The cytoplasm of the egg allows of considerable tearing without 320 ROBERT CHAMBERS. apparent injury (Chambers, ’17-a). If, however, the nuclear membrane be torn, a very striking phenomenon occurs. The cyto- plasm immediately surrounding the nucleus disintegrates and Qa Fi 1g. 2 b G d e f &. 310 3.00 245 Fic. 1. Figures showing the extent to which the nucleus (germinal vesicle) of an immature starfish egg may be indented on one or both sides without rupture. On removing the needle the nucleus reverts to its original spherical shape. Fic. 2. a, immature starfish egg cut at 2:45 P.M. into three parts; the nucleus has remained intact but is laterally compressed in the middle frag- ment. b, c, d, e and f, successive steps in attempt of nucleus to round up; b, 2:50 P.M.; d, 3:00 P.M.; f, 3:10 P.M. Fic. 3. a, partial rupture of nucleus followed by a repair of its membrane. b and c, successive changes in the shape of the nucleus within the following ten minutes after which time it disappeared. liquefies. If the rupture of the nucleus be violent, the disintegra- tion of the cytoplasm spreads rapidly until the entire egg is in- volved. If the rupture be slight, the disintegrative process is quickly limited by a surface film which forms on the boundary between the disintegrating and the surrounding healthy cytoplasm (Fig. 4). This film tends to prevent any further spread of the destructive process. The destruction of the cytoplasm is evidently due to something which emanates from the injured nucleus. The injury to the cytoplasm does not start where the nuclear membrane is first torn, but from the entire surface of the injured nucleus. MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 321 This is analogous to results obtained by injuring red blood cor- puscles with a needle upon which hemoglobin escapes immediately from the entire surface (Chambers, ’15). 4 Fi Z Bae Fic. 4. Disintegration of cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus on tearing .the nucleus with a needle. (a) Faint hyaline sphere, a remnant of the destroyed nucleus. (b) Disintegrated .cytoplasm. (c) Cytoplasmic surface film separating disintegrated from healthy cytoplasm. Within the nucleus itself the immediate effect of the injury is a dissolution of the nucleolus. A nuclear remnant tends to persist after the injury as a hyaline sphere lying within the disintegra- tion products of the cytoplasm. On being touched with the needle it fades from view. In permanently immature eggs, such as eggs which have been standing in sea water for an hour or more without maturing, the disintegrative effect on the cytoplasm by injuring the nucleus tends to be much more restricted, and the nuclear sphere which persists after the injury can be shown to possess a morphologically definite membrane. Sucha sphere is easily dissected out of the egg. Fre- quently, when the germinal vesicle lies close to the periphery of the egg, the disintegration of the cytoplasm quickly reaches the surface. With the formation of a surface film over the healthy cytoplasm the disintegrative area lies in a deep bay on one side of the egg. This hollow is slowly obliterated as the semi-fluid substance of the egg strives to assume a spherical shape. In this way the disinte- grated material is forced out of the egg together with the persisting nuclear sphere. This nuclear sphere persists for some time in the sea water. It can be deformed by means of the needle and, on 322 ROBERT CHAMBERS. tearing its surface, the fluid contents escape, leaving behind a col- lapsed membrane which disappears within 10 to 15 seconds. Fig. 5 shows the effect of cutting the mature egg nucleus of the starfish egg. By pushing the nucleus against the inner surface of pre Oe Cae Fig. 5 Fic. 5. Effect of cutting mature nucleus of a starfish (Asterias) or sea- urchin (Arbacia) egg. a, intact egg nucleus; 6b, nucleus in process of being cut in two. The nucleus was pushed against the periphery of the egg as it was being cut by a vertical needle; c, the separated fragments of the nucleus; d, reunion of the fragments; e, reconstituted nucleus. the egg it is possible to pinch it into two pieces. Each piece rounds up but, if the two are allowed to come into contact, they~ will fuse into a single nucleus again. The same result obtains in the sand-dollar and sea-urchin eggs. If, however, the nuclear membrane be torn, a disintegration of the cytoplasm results analogous to that produced on rupturing the germinal vesicle. The extent of disintegration is much more limited, owing doubtless to the much smaller amount of nuclear material present. Similar results were obtained on tearing the nucleus of the Arbacia egg. It was found possible to destroy the cytoplasm of one egg by injecting into it nuclear material obtained from another egg. This experiment has to be performed very rapidly, for if the nuclear material be allowed to remain longer than ten seconds within the pipette it has no effect whatever when injected into the cytoplasm of an egg. If it be injected within that time the destructive effect is very pronounced. If an egg be allowed to undergo normal maturation, the ger- minal vesicle disappears except for a small remnant which be- comes the definite egg nucleus. This egg nucleus moves to the surface of the egg, where it gives off the two polar bodies. It then constitutes the female pronucleus, which remains quiescent until fertilization occurs. The disappearance of the germinal vesicle is a well-known phenomenon. In order, however, to locate definite stages selected for my operations I introduce the following sum- MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 323 mary. The germinal vesicle with an intact membrane is shown in Fig. 6. Within thirty to forty-five minutes after standing in sea water the nuclear membrane exhibits wrinkles and its outline be- gins to fade from view. Within a few minutes no membrane is visible and cytoplasmic granules can be seen moving into the region hitherto occupied by the nucleus, while the nuclear sap appears to be diffusing out (Fig. 6-c). As the nuclear membrane disappears the nucleolus fades from view. The invasion of the nuclear area by cytoplasmic granules continues until all of the area except a small portion is rendered indistinguishable from the general cyto- plasm of the egg. This small portion persists as the egg nucleus (Fig 6e and f). In Fig. 6-g two consecutive positions of the nucleus are shown. At 1:13 P.M. it lay deep in the substance of the egg. In twenty minutes it had moved to the periphery of the egg preparatory to the formation of the polar bodies. a eae ws “fk \ 12.00 ar Fic. 6. Camera lucida drawings of the successive steps in the normal dissolution of the germinal vesicle in the maturing starfish egg. The proc- ess was somewhat slowed down owing possibly to the compressed condition of the egg necessary for detailed observation. Fic. 7. a, intact germinal vesicle within the egg. b, nucleus after having been torn out of the egg and brought into sea water. c, d, e and f, successive changes undergone by the nucleus lying in sea water. 324 ROBERT CHAMBERS. By means of the microdissection needle it is possible to show, at the stage shown in Fig. 6-d, that the membrane of the germinal vesicle no longer exists. By careful manipulation it was possible to push the cytoplasmic granules into the nuclear area. A slight rapid movement of the needle, however, was sufficient to give rise to disintegrative processes similar to those on tearing an intact germinal vesicle. In the normal maturation process the mingling of the nuclear sap with the cytoplasm is very gradual, being com- pleted in the case recorded not under ten minutes. It is this grad- ual mixing which apparently prevents disintegration. Morgan (’93) and Mathews (Wilson and Mathews, 95) found that maturation was accelerated by shaking starfish eggs shortly after they were placed in sea water. They concluded that the shaking ruptured the membrane of the germinal vesicle and so allowed the nuclear material to mix more quickly with the cyto- plasm. I have repeatedly tried to intermix cytoplasm and nuclear material by rupturing the nuclear membrane of the starfish egg with the needle, but in every case I get an explosive disintegration of the cytoplasm. The ruptured nuclear membrane which Mathews (W. and M., ’95) and Marcus (’07) describe in fixed and stained immature eggs which had been violently shaken is possibly the membrane of the sphere which I found to persist after injury to the germinal vesicle (see page 321). It is more likely that the shaking which accelerates processes within the egg leads to the normal gradual dissolution of the nuclear membrane and the subse- quent diffusion of the nuclear material throughout the egg. I have been able to do this occasionally with the needle. An intact ger- minal vesicle which to all appearances should take fifteen to twenty minutes to go into dissolution will often immediately ex- hibit a wrinkled outline on being gently agitated with the needle. Then follows the gradual fading from view of its outline with the subsequent changes as shown in Fig. 6. The intact germinal vesicle may be brought into the sea water by tearing away the surrounding cytoplasm. During the process the nucleolus fades from view. The slightest tearing of the nuclear surface then causes the entire liquid vesicle to disappear in the water. If, however, the nucleus be left alone, it shrinks for a MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 325 time and then swells. The changes appreciable to the eye are shown in Fig. 7. During the swelling of the nucleus a substance apparently separates out which collects into a small mass and persists as a gelatinous body. It is possible that this abnormal separating out is analogous to the formation of the definitive egg nucleus in the normal process of maturation. This separating out of a gelatinous material from a liquid nucleus upon injury may be similar to the method of precociously inducing chromosomes in spermatocytes of the grasshopper (Chambers, ’14). 2. THE EXISTENCE OF AN EXTRANEOUS MEMBRANE ABOUT THE UNFERTILIZED Ecc. The existence. of a membrane about the unfertilized egg rising off as the fertilization membrane upon insemination was first sug- gested by the earlier investigators (e.g., Hertwig, "76; Herbst, 93). Kite (712) and Glaser (’13) agreed with them whereas McClendon (’14), Harvey (714) and Elder (’13) claimed that the fertilization membrane is anew formation consequent to fertiliza- tion. Heilbrunn (’13) also identifies it with the actual proto- plasmic surface of the egg, which he considers to be in a state of a gel and which lifts off as the fertilization membrane, a new surface film forming over the egg underneath it. My experiments indicate that the unfertilized eggs of the starfish, sea-urchin and sand-dollar all possess a membrane ex- traneous to their true protoplasmic surface, and that it is this membrane which, upon insemination, is lifted off as the well-known fertilization membrane. In the unfertilized egg the membrane is more or less tightly glued to the surface of the egg just as Kite (’12) described it. In the sea-urchin egg it is extremely delicate and can be demonstrated only as follows (Fig. 8) : The needle is inserted as nearly as possi- ble through the periphery of the egg and left there. Within a few seconds the protoplasm, lying immediately under the egg mem- brane and distal to the needle, flow away from the needle until the needle lies in a small protuberance which is formed by a very slightly lifted portion of the egg membrane. The existence of the egg membrane is easily demonstrated in the 326 ROBERT CHAMBERS. starfish egg. In Fig. 9 the disintegration of the cytoplasm follow- ing injury to the germinal vesicle has reached the surface of the egg. The disintegrated area is quickly localized by a surface film bounding a cup-shaped depression on the surface of the egg. Roofing over the depression is the egg membrane. The egg membrane can also be shown by cutting an egg in two by press- ing the egg against the coverslip with the side of a needle. The pressure of the needle cuts the egg in two without rupturing the membrane, which, on releasing the egg, bridges the gap between the pieces and holds them together (cf. Figs. 11 and 12, page 329). The difference between the consistency of the egg membrane in the starfish and the sea-urchin egg is strikingly shown in the fol- e ? Fig. 9 Fic. 8. Needle inserted at 11:36 A.M. through periphery of a sea-urchin egg and left there. At 11:38 the cytoplasmic granules have been flowing away from the needle. A new surface film begins to appear with the needle left outside. At 11:45 the original egg membrane appears as a delicate membrane partially lifted off the surface of the egg by the needle. Fic. 9. Lifting of a membrane from the surface of an immature starfish egg following injury to the egg. a, local disintegration of cytoplasm following destruction of the germinal vesicle (cf. Fig. 4). An egg membrane becomes apparent as the cytoplasm retreats from it. b and c, gradual separation of the membrane all over the surface of the egg. lowing experiments. With the eggs in a hanging drop the egg is pressed against the coverslip with the side of a glass needle until MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 327 the pressure divides the egg into two pieces. In the sea-urchin egg the two pieces immediately round up and roll away from one another. In the starfish egg the tougher membrane is not rup- tured, but holds the two pieces together. The membrane of the sea-urchin egg is so delicate that it is also possible to cut the egg in two in the following manner: In a hang- ing drop the horizontal end of the needle is brought over the egg (Fig. 10). The needle is now lowered. This brings the needle =; Fio. 10 fe) Fic. 10. Side view of moist chamber to show one method of cutting an egg in two with the microdissection needle. against the upper surface of the egg and presses the egg down against the surface film of the hanging drop. On lowering the needle still further it passes through the egg and out of the drop, cutting the egg cleanly intwo. In the case of the starfish egg this procedure would drag the egg out of the drop along with the needle. The membrane of the sand-dollar egg is weaker than that of the starfish and stronger than that of the sea-urchin egg. The consistency of the membrane varies with the age of the egg. The full-grown immature egg of the starfish has a relatively tough membrane. On the other hand, young ovarian eggs possess very delicate membranes and they can be cut in two with the same ease as mature sea-urchin eggs. The strongest argument regarding the existence of a mem- brane about the unfertilized ege is that a membrane may be stripped off the egg whereupon the egg, which was previously non-adherent, now sticks to everything it touches. The fer- tilizability of such naked eggs is discussed under the next head- ing. The existence of egg membranes is a fairly universal feature and it is, therefore, not surprising that we should find them in the 328 ROBERT CHAMBERS. echinoderm eggs which have generally been considered as naked. The unfertilized Cumingia egg has an extremely tough mem- brane, so tough that it is difficult to rupture it without com- pletely destroying the egg contents. The vitelline membranes in the frog and in the chick are undoubtedly analogous structures. 3. THE Ecc MremBRANE AND THE FERTILIZATION MEMBRANE ARE IDENTICAL. Prior to fertilization no membrane enveloping the egg is vis- ible. Upon fertilization a membrane lifts off which can easily be cut away from the egg. Figs. 11 and 12 indicate the iden- tity of a preexisting membrane with the fertilization membrane. Fig. 11-a shows an egg cut in two with an investing membrane holding the pieces together. Upon fertilization the membrane lifts off, enclosing the two pieces in a single cavity (Fig. 11-b). One only of the pieces happened to ségment, and the fact that the two pieces lie in one cavity is shown in Fig. 11-c, where the blastomeres of the segmented portion have encroached on the area around the nonsegmented piece. In Fig. 12 an egg was cut into three pieces, the egg nucleus lying in one of the pieces. Upon fertilization the membrane lifted off the pieces, each of which received sperm and developed into swimming larve. Fig. 12-c shows the empty fertilization membrane after the three larve had escaped. In Fig. 13 is shown an egg which, on being cut in two, was rolled about in an attempt to separate the pieces. The egg membrane between the two pieces was twisted into a thread joining the two. Upon fertilization each piece exhibited a com- plete fertilization membrane, but the fact that the two investing membranes are portions of one common membrane is shown by the connecting thread. . A conclusive test for the starfish and sand-dollar egg is the removal of the egg membrane prior to insemination. Occa- sionally, pricking the egg is sufficient to elevate the membrane. No subsequent development takes place. It is possible, however, to remove this membrane by tearing it and the egg then be made to slip out. This is more easily done on eggs which have been standing for some time in seawater. On catching at the sur- MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. ‘329 face of such eggs with the needle, the membrane is often torn in such way that the egg slips out leaving the membrane stuck to the needle. Such an egg, when inseminated, is fertilized and subsequently segments with no investing membrane whatever. Fic. 11. a, starfish egg cut in two without destroying the investing mem- brane. 6, after insemination the investing membrane lifts off both fragments - as the fertilization membrane. c, one of the fragments segmented, the other did not. That both fragments lie in a common cavity is shown by the en- croaching of blastomeres of one fragment into the region of the unsegmented fragment. Fic. 12. a, starfish egg cut into three pieces. One piece was squashed and produced an exovate. b, on being fertilized the exovate was pinched off as an endoplasmic sphere (cf. Fig. 25). The rest of the fragments produced a common fertilization membrane. Each of the three enclosed fragments developed into a swimming larva. Fic. 13. a, sand-dollar egg rolled as it was cut in two. The egg membrane between the two pieces: was twisted into a thread joining the two. b, egg shortly after fertilization showing fertilization membrane about each con- nected by a filament. c, the two pieces in an early segmentation stage. The difference in reaction of sperm to an egg which has been denuded of its membrane as well as of its jelly, and to one which has not is very striking. An egg within its membrane is quickly surrounded by spermatozoa as they are trapped in the jelly sur- rounding the membrane. In a membraneless egg no crowding of spermatozoa is noticeable and heavy insemination is necessary 330 ROBERT CHAMBERS. to bring about fertilization. When a cloud of sperm has been blown upon a naked egg, one may frequently observe a sperma- tozoon swim toward it, wander over its surface, and then swim away. On the other hand, the empty membrane with its in- vesting jelly immediately becomes covered with a halo of sper- matozoa. This observation accords with the interpretation of Buller (’02), that the investing jelly determines the direction of the sperm which are captured by it, and that there is no apparent chemotactic substance excreted by the egg to attract the sperm. The difference in position of the polar bodies in the starfish egg with respect to the fertilization membrane as shown by Gemmill (12) (see also Chambers and Mossop, ’18, and Garrey, ’19) may be explained as follows: When the polar bodies form prior to fer- tilization they rise off the surface of the egg, carrying with them the closely adherent membrane. When they are pinched off the egg membrane remains continuous about the egg and subsequent insemination results in the formation of a fertilization membrane with the polar bodies lying outside. If, however, the eggs are in- seminated before extrusion of the polar bodies, the egg membrane lifts off as the fertilization membrane and, when the polar bodies are formed, they lie within the membrane. In the sea-urchin egg the identity of the egg membrane with the fertilization membrane is more difficult to demonstrate. In Fig. 14 is shown the effect of locally injuring the surface of the sea- urchin egg. In a is a disintegrated mass produced by tearing a spot on the surface with a needle. In b this area is shown as a bulge which may be explained as being produced by the interior pressure of the egg on a surface weakened by the loss of an invest- ing membrane. In c the egg has been fertilized. The fertiliza- tion membrane is formed over all the surface except at the in- jured place. In d segmentation has occurred and a blastomere protrudes through the gap in the fertilization membrane. A better demonstration is the case shown in Fig. 15. At 4:26 the tip of a needle was punched through the cortex. Within a few seconds the cytoplasm distal to the needle flowed away, leaving the needle lying under a delicate membrane (Fig. 15-a). At 4:27 the egg was inseminated with the needle still in place. At 4:29 MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 331 the fertilization membrane was formed, showing its continuity with the delicate membrane previously noticeable (Fig. 15-b). € d 12.40 115 Feril. oe ST Tig. 16 Fic. 14. Sea-urchin egg with surface torn producing local cytolysis. a, a new surface film has formed under the cytolyzed area which is being ex- truded. b, a bulge appears in the region of the new surface showing this region to be weaker than elsewhere on the egg surface. c, egg after fertiliza- tion exhibiting a fertilization membrane over the egg except at the place previously torn. d, the same egg 35 minutes later with a blastomere pro- truding through the tear. Fic. 15. a, needle piercing sea-urchin egg near its periphery. The cyto- plasmic granules are flowing in the direction of the arrows. One minute later the egg was inseminated. c, an intact fertilization membrane forms, inclosing both egg and needle tip. Fic. 16. a, protrusion on surface of egg produced by pulling at cortex with needle. b, three minutes later the investing membrane lifted off surface of protrusion. c, one minute after fertilization. The protrusion has been pinched off from the egg and its investing membrane can be seen to be con- tinuous with the fertilization membrane. d, empty and collapsed fertiliza- tion membrane. In the sea-urchin egg the membrane often rises off a protrusion caused by pulling at the cortex with the needle. Such a case is shown in Fig. 16. The protrusion was formed at 12:43. At 12:46 a membrane had lifted off the protrusion. At 12:51 the egg was inseminated, and one minute later the membrane was 332 ROBERT CHAMBERS, found continuous with the fertilization membrane. The protrusion subsequently pinched itself off and persisted in a sac-like protuber- ance of the fertilization membrane (Fig. 16-d-e). In all of the various eggs studied a change in the consistency of the membrane takes place very soon after it has been elevated. The membrane, at first very soft and delicate, progressively toughens until it becomes almost parchment-like during the later segmentation stages. It is of interest to note that Harvey (’10) found a difference between the unfertilized and the fertilized sea-urchin egg when subjected to sulfuric acid. The acid dis- solves the unfertilized egg completely, whereas it dissolves all of the fertilized egg except the fertilization membrane. Some chemical change apparently takes place as the membrane lifts off the egg. Outside the membrane is a considerable zone of a structureless jelly. In the sand-dollar egg the jelly very loosely adheres to the membrane. On cutting into the jelly the egg with its membrane easily slips out. This is to a somewhat lesser degree true for the starfish egg. In the starfish egg one often sees the under sur- face of the jelly pushed away from the surface of the unfertilized egg by the protruding polar body. The question as to whether the membrane lifts off the surface of the egg or whether the egg shrinks leaving the membrane behind has been raised by Glaser (714) in spite of McClendon’s (’10) statement to the contrary. Glaser, by making a large series of measurements, claims that the egg shrinks upon fertilization, and that the initial diameter of the completed fertilization membrane is equal to that of the unfertilized egg. Glaser’s measurements were made on the assumption that the eggs always maintain a spherical shape. This is not true. The mature unfertilized egg is very soft _ and if allowed to lie on the bottom of a glass dish tends to flatten into the shape of a disc. Upon fertilization the egg rounds up as the fertilization membrane leaves its surface. One can readily see if the observations are taken of eggs in one plane only that erro- neous conclusions may be arrived at. I used two methods to ascertain the diameter of starfish eggs before and after fertilization. One method was to place a drop MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 333 containing a few eggs on a gelatin-coated slide. The eggs were rolled over by means of a micro-needle and only those which main- tained their spherical shape were measured. With a micro-pipette sperm were introduced into the drop without disturbing the rela- tive positions of the eggs. A second method was to place several eggs in a hanging drop in a Barber moist chamber. By piercing the surrounding jelly with a needle the egg to be measured could be held suspended in the middle of the drop. Numerous measure- ments of the starfish egg were made at different times through several summers and in every case the egg maintained its original size as the fertilization membrane rose off its surface. Not only does the egg not decrease in volume, but it slightly imcreases in size until segmentation occurs. The accompanying table is one sample of the measurements made: Minutes after Fertilization. Un- | | fertil. el Bete he! ie De |) - 70" Egg diameter......... | 340 3-4: laa) | 3:4 [3:5%3-55 | 3-5 X3.6 | 3.53.6 Fertilization membrane | | | GIAMIPLED yoy. 5 5 i. = | Bey [hse gona 73:05 3.7 3:75 3:75 3-9X3.9 The conclusions from this table apply both to starfish and sea- urchin eggs. They may not necessarily be true for other species. Fig. 17 shows successive steps in pulling a starfish egg out of its fertilization membrane. No second membrane is ever formed even with superimposed insemination. Occasionally the hyaline plasma layer in such an extruded egg swells up and simulates a second membrane, and it is probably this that has been described by certain investigators as a second fertilization membrane. The hyaline plasma layer will be discussed under heading 5. An unfertilized mature sea-urchin egg may be rolled about and its contents churned to the extent of producing “ fountain cur- rents’ within the egg (Chambers, ’17-b). This is done by push- ing an egg in a drop shallow enough to compress the egg. Cur- rents are produced which flow backward immediately under the surface of the egg and forward along its central axis (Fig. 18). By careful manipulation it is possible to do this without rupturing 334 ROBERT CHAMBERS. the investing membrane. Such an egg is capable of forming a normal fertilization membrane when inseminated. If the pushing process be carried too far, a distinctive quiver can be recognized, as of something giving way. On subsequent insemination such Fig.17 Fic. 17. a@ and b, successive steps in pulling a starfish egg out of its fertilization membrane. c, empty membrane at 4:00 P.M. d, ditto four hours later at 8:00 P.M. The membrane persists as a collapsed remnant for a long time. eggs produce a collapsed fertilization membrane. The quiver undoubtedly was due to a rupture of the egg membrane. On account of this rupture the fluid, which presumably collects under the membrane, leaks out and the membrane is not lifted uni- formly. 4. THE CorTEX AND INTERIOR OF THE UNFERTILIZED Ecc. The cytoplasm of the immature starfish egg is uniformly semi- solid. A gash made in it with a needle is maintained for some minutes before closing up. When the germinal vesicle breaks down naturally, the egg protoplasm becomes more fluid so that a gash MICRODISSECTION STUDIES, 335 through such an egg quickly closes up. The cortex—i.e., the sur- face of the egg immediately beneath the egg membrane—tends always to remain more solid (Chambers, ’17-a). Because of this difference in consistency the cortex and medulla of the egg can be separated from one another as follows (’21*): If the surface of the mature starfish egg be torn with a needle and the egg then be caught at the opposite side and pulled to the edge of the Rots Fig-19 Fic. 18. Currents produced within a sea-urchin egg by pushing a sea- urchin egg held against a coverslip by a shallow film of water. The direction of the currents is shown by the arrows. The nucleus, after being carried about with the current, tends to come to rest in the location shown in the figure. Fic. 19. Part of the cortex of a fertilized ege after the appearance of the hyaline plasma layer. The cortex was ruptured in one place and cytoplasmic granules can be seen issuing through the rupture in the hyaline plasma layer and the investing fertilization membrane. hanging drop, the compression on the egg produced by the shal- low water at the edge of the drop will cause the fluid interior to ooze out through the tear to form a spherical exovate (see Fig. 25, page 344). One may so manipulate the process as to cause the egg nucleus either to remain behind in the cortex (the cortical remnant) or to pass into the extruded sphere of endo- plasmic material. The cortical remnant is relatively solid and remains more or less inclosed within the egg membrane and its jelly. If left long enough it will eventually round up so as to present the appearance of a diminutive egg surrounded by a collapsed and wrinkled egg membrane. 336 / ROBERT CHAMBERS. The endoplasmic material which has escaped from the egg into the sea water is fluid and tends immediately to round up. On tearing with a needle its surface behaves like that of a highly viscous oil drop, adheres tenaciously to glass. As long as it possesses an intact surface it looks exactly like an egg frag- ment and will undergo disintegrative changes similar to those of entire eggs on being torn with the needle (cf. Chambers, "17-a). The ability to produce endoplasmic spheres is possibly due to the relatively tough egg membrane in the starfish egg which helps to keep back the adherent cortex. In the sea-urchin egg, with an extremely delicate egg membrane, it has been impossible to cause the interior to flow out, as the cortex tends to flow with it. The sand-dollar egg behaves very much like the starfish egg. The egg membrane is appreciable in the unfertilized egg and endo- plasmic spheres are readily produced. A difference in the functional activities of the cortex and inte- rior of the starfish egg is discussed under the headings 6 and 7. 5. THE HyaLtnE PLaAsMA LAYER. Prior to fertilization the cytoplasmic granules in the sea-urchin and sand-dollar egg lie close to the surface. Within ten minutes after fertilization the granules have undergone a centripetal migra- tion, leaving an appreciable peripheral zone of a hyaline appearance which has been called the hyaline plasma layer (Loeb’s gelatinous film, ’13, p. 19). The microdissection needle indicates that this layer is relatively firm and gelatinous. The very fluid internal cytoplasm may be made to flow out through a rupture in this layer if the egg be torn. This is shown in Fig. 19. The cytoplasmic granules lie against the inner boundary of this layer and may be seen oozing out through the small tear in this layer and through a tear in the fertilization membrane to the exterior. The hyaline plasma layer adheres very tenaciously to the needle and when an egg has been deprived of its fertilization membrane the egg sticks to everything it touches. Loeb has called attention to the fact that the hyaline plasma MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. Ww Ww “I layer in a segmented egg bridges the segmentation furrow. When the furrow is first formed, however, the hyaline plasma layer does not bridge the furrow, but is carried in on the walls of the cleavage furrow (Fig. 20-a, b,c). The layer is thicker in the floor of the 7 Fig-20 Fic. 20. Contour of a sand-dollar egg at various stages of its cleavage into two blastomeres. In a and b the hyaline plasma layer is seen carried in on the walls of the deepening furrow. In c the egg has segmented in two with the hyaline plasma layer on opposite sides of the furrow tending to merge into each other. In d this process is carried further. In e the two blastomeres are tending to assume the shape of hemispheres with the hyaline plasma layer bridging the furrow. furrow, but it is only later when the furrow has cut through the egg that the hyaline plasma layers on the opposite surfaces of the furrow run together. Each half of the segmenting egg tends to assume the shape of a sphere owing to the separation of the two asters of the amphiaster (Chambers, ’17-b, ’19). If there were no other forces at play, the two blastomeres,-when formed, should be spheres. In the sea-urchin egg the adhesiveness of the hyaline plasma layer tends to draw the two blastomeres together; also the fertilization membrane, not rising to any great extent off the surface of the egg, must exert some pressure on the two blas- tomeres. In the sand-dollar the fertilization membrane is well 338 ROBERT CHAMBERS. lifted, so that there is plenty of room within the membrane, per- mitting the two blastomeres to assume almost spherical shapes (Fig. 20-c). When the cleavage furrow is completed the two blastomeres are contiguous only where the two spheres touch. At this place the hyaline plasma layers of the two blastomeres merge. We have here, apparently, two opposing forces; first, the jellied aster holding each blastomere to a spherical shape, and, second, the affinity of the plasma layer substance surround- ing the two blastomeres. As soon as the asters disappear and the cytoplasm of the blastomeres reverts to a more fluid state the plasma layers of the two blastomeres merge more and more and the blastomeres are pulled together till they assume shapes approaching those of hemispheres (Fig. 20-e). The outlines in Fig. 20 are camera lucida drawings taken during the successive stages of one sand-dollar egg. - In the starfish, where there is no appreciable hyaline layer, and where the fertilization membrane is lifted far beyond the surface 1It has recently been intimated that the microdissection method is unre- liable as a means of ascertaining changes in viscosity in the dividing egg because of supposed discrepancies in the results obtained by Seifriz (’20) and myself (’17” and ’19). As a matter of fact the results of Seifriz har- monize perfectly with mine. Seifriz states “there is a pronounced decrease in viscosity of the central region of the cell with the first appearance of the amphiasters.” This statement has been interpreted as running counter {to mine. This is not true for although my results indicate that the astral portion of the amphiaster is jellied, I definitely state (p. 494, ’17) that the central region and the zone between the two halves of the egg are fluid where “a distinct flow of granules medianward can be observed.” Again, on completion of cleavage Seifriz notes that the two blastomeres become liquid. This statement also fits in with my results. I state (p. 51, ’r9) that, immediately after cleavage and while the two blastomeres are still spherical, the firmness of the cytoplasm persists. Later, when the asters disappear the cytoplasm liquefies and the two blastomeres crowd up against one another. Seifriz noted this last liquid state of the two blastomeres without considering the state prior to it. ° I may mention here a possible criticism of the centrifuge method in ascer- taining viscosity variations. There are critical stages in the developing asters during which agitation causes their disappearance. This was noted long ago by Wilson. On bringing the eggs to rest the asters reappear and develop- ment proceeds normally. I have already discussed this matter fully (19). The centrifuge and miscrodissection methods of studying the physical state of protoplasm should serve as valuable checks on one another, if only the investigators in these fields would agree on cooperation. MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 339 of the egg, the blastomeres are practically non-adhesive, and they maintain more or less spherical shapes till well on into the later segmentation stages. 6. THe LocarizaATION oF A MaTertAL WuicH AFFECTS THE LIFE OF THE UNFERTILIZED STARFISH Ecc. It is well known that immature starfish eggs can be kept in sea water at room temperature for 36 hours or more without disinte- grating. That the germinal vesicle or nucleus is responsible for this length of life can be demonstrated by cutting an immature egg in two. The nucleated fragment lasts fully as long as the entire egg. The non-nucleated portion, on the other hand, disintegrates within three to four hours. In mature unfertilized eggs the conditions are quite different. In the mature egg the germinal vesicle has broken down and the nuclear sap has diffused throughout the egg. Loeb (’o2) and Mathews (’07) showed that such eggs have a higher rate of oxidation than immature eggs and if left unfer- tilized disintegrate within 8 to 10 hours whereas the immature eggs last for days. The non-nucleated fragment of the mature egg lasts as long as the whole egg, evidently owing to the dispersed nuclear sap of the dissolved germinal vesicle. What is significant is that the nucleated fragment lives no longer than the non-nucleated fragment. Both contain the dispersed nuclear sap, while the nucleated fragment possesses also the definitive mature egg nucleus which is ultimately to become the female pronucleus. Apparently it is the dispersed nuclear sap and not the definitive mature egg nucleus which is chiefly concerned. In the formation of the nucleus of the mature egg we have possibly something analogous to the state of affairs in many Protozoa where the nuclear apparatus consists of a tropho- or macro-nucleus concerned chiefly in the metabolic activities of the cell, and the kineto- or micro-nucleus which has only to do with the reproductive activities. In the starfish egg we may consider the germinal vesicle as a combined tropho- and kineto-nucleus. On the approach of maturation the tropho-nuclear material (nuclear sap) diffuses throughout the egg, leaving behind the kineto-nuclear part, the mature egg nucleus, which gives off the polar bodies to become ultimately the female pronucleus. 340 ROBERT CHAMBERS. The fluid interior of the mature unfertilized egg, if isolated by being made to escape through a tear or the cortex, withstands dis- integration for 24 to 36 hours. The presence of even a small part of the original cortex in organic continuity with it causes it to disintegrate in about the same time as an entire mature egg. This would indicate that the reactions which make for disintegration reside chiefly in the cortex. This, together with the fact that the cortex of the egg is necessary for fertilization, would indicate that the cortex is the seat of the initial activation processes of the egg. The relatively inactive central material of the starfish and sand- dollar egg somewhat resembles that of the Linerges, the Scy- phomedusan, which Conklin (’08) has described. Conklin speaks of “the large cavity in the line of the first cleavage furrow filled with gelatinous or fluid substance, which forms the ground sub- stance of the central area of the unsegmented egg.” He found that most of the ground substance escapes into the cleavage cav- ity and suggested that it is the fluid yoke which is gradually used up in the nourishment of the embryo. The central substance of the Linerges egg is probably not strictly analogous with that of the starfish or sand-dollar egg. In Linerges cleavage is of a type peculiar to yolk-laden eggs and the central substance escapes during the first cleavage. On the other hand, in the echinoderm egg the nucleus lies well within the central substance of the egg and, upon fertilization, all of the endoplasm is used up in the formation of the cleavage asters and nothing apparently escapes into the early cleavage cavity. We can not, therefore, con- clude that the interior of the Echinoderm egg consists of entirely inert material. It lacks certain essential features, but when co- existent with the cortex it plays a full part in the cleavage of the egg. 7. THE LocaALizATION OF A SUBSTANCE WHICH RENDERS A STAR- FISH EGG FERTILIZABLE. Wilson (’03°) in Cerebratulus and Renilla and Yatsu (’04 and ’o8) in Cerebratulus have shown that non-nucleated frag- ments of the egg are capable of fertilization only after the ger- minal vesicle has broken down. With more delicate methods MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 341 rendered possible by the microdissection instrument it has been possible to work out this problem in detail and to ascertain to some extent the distribution of the material which renders fer- tilization possible. A number of fully grown immature starfish eggs were enucleated by carefully dissecting out their germinal vesicles. None became fertilized when inseminated. In another lot of immature eggs the germinal vesicle was torn while in the egg (Fig. 21). Immediate Je Fig. 21 Fic. 21. A starfish egg whose germinal vesicle is eliminated by puncturing it (cf. Fig. 9). The cytoplasm surrounding this nucleus was also destroyed. This enucleated remnant is nonfertilizable. dissolution of the nuclear membrane took place with a disintegra- tion of the cytoplasm around the nuclear area. Those eggs which succeeded in forming a protective surface film to prevent spread of the disintegration process subsequently rounded up. Upon in- semination none of the eggs showed any sign of being fertilized. Eggs were then taken with the germinal vesicle in various stages of normal dissolution and cut into nucleated and non-nucleated portions. The eggs may be grouped into stages b, ¢ and d, accord- ing to the stage of dissolution of their germinal vesicles, as shown in Fig. 6 (page 323). Whenever the cut passed through the nu- clear area during the nuclear stages b, c and d, disintegration al- ways took place, involving all of the nucleated portion and a small part of the non-nucleated piece (Fig. 23 a, b and c). When the cut did not pass through the nuclear area all persisting nucleated portions matured normally and upon insemination formed fer- tilization membranes and segmented. Of the non-nucleated por- tions those from eggs in stage b are non-fertilizable (Fig. 22). Those from eggs in stage c form fertilization membranes upon insemination. Nuclear division also takes place, so that the egg 342 ROBERT CHAMBERS. fragment becomes multi-nucleated but remains unsegmented (Fig. 23-c). Non-nucleated fragments of eggs in a later stage (stage d) proceed somewhat farther (Fig. 24). The multi-nucleated masses arising from them make several periodic attempts at seg- mentation (Fig. 24-c). Small furrows appear over the surface of the egg, cutting in between the peripherally arranged nuclei. Fic. 22. Starfish egg in stage corresponding to b in Fig. 6 cut into two fragments, The non-nucleated fragment contains no material from the germinal vesicle and is nonfertilizable. Fic. 23. Starfish egg in a later stage corresponding to c in Fig. 6 cut through the nuclear area. The cytoplasm in the injured nuclear area disin- tegrated leaving a non-nucleated fragment, b. That the fragment is fertiliza- ble is shown in c by the formation of a fertilization membrane and the re- peated division of the sperm nucleus. The fragment, however, is unable to segment. Fic. 24. a, starfish egg in stage d of Fig. 7 cut into a nucleated and non- nucleated fragment. b, both fragments fertilized. The nucleated fragment segmented in the normal way with a number of blastomeres. The non- nucleated fragment became multinucleated and furrows appeared over its surface in an attempt at segmentation. MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 343 These furrows then disappear, to reappear again after a short interval. This may occur several times until the egg finally re- verts to a spherical shape and remains so. In stage f the ger- minal vesicle has disappeared except for the definitive egg nu- cleus. Of such eggs any non-nucleated portion down to a cer- tain size is capable of being fertilized and undergoing cleavage. The above experiments lead one to infer the existence of a sub- stance in the germinal vesicle which, on dissolution of the nuclear membrane, diffuses throughout the cytoplasm. The fertilizability of any egg fragment apparently depends upon the extent of dif- fusion of this substance. An egg fragment taken when a minimum amount of this substance has diffused into it will allow the sperm nucleus which has entered into it to divide. The presence of a little more of this substance will allow the fragment to undergo abortive segmentation. It is not until a sufficient amount is dis- tributed throughout the egg that any fragment can develop properly. Mature eggs were now studied, and it was found that any egg fragment in order to be capable of fertilization must contain a portion of the original cortex. The cortex and interior of mature unfertilized eggs were separated according to the method described under heading 4 (Fig. 25 aand b). The endoplasmic sphere and the cortical remnant were then inseminated. The fragment con- sisting of the cortical remnant is readily fertilizable and undergoes segmentation (Fig. 25 b and c). The endoplasmic sphere is non- fertilizable, no matter whether it contains the egg nucleus or not. That the protoplasm of the endoplasmic spheres has not been irreparably injured in the process of flowing through a small tear in the cortex is shown in the following experiment. Eggs were squashed until the endoplasm protruded as lobate processes, where- upon the pressure on the eggs was lifted and the extrusion allowed to flow back into the egg. Such eggs are fertilizable and are capa- ble of undergoing cleavage. One such case is illustrated in Fig. 26 where the cortex was torn in two places on squashing the egg and two exovates were formed. The nucleated exovate was allowed to pinch itself off. The other exovate flowed back into the remainder of the egg upon insemination (Fig. 26 b and c). A fairly com- 344 ROBERT CHAMBERS. plete fertilization membrane formed around the egg except at the two torn spots and cleavage followed. Endoplasmic exovates were also produced which remain con- nected by a bridge of protoplasm to the collapsed cortical portion Qa Fic. 25. a, nucleated exovate of internal cytoplasm produced by squashing a starfish egg. b, fragments inseminated after the endoplasmic sphere was pinched off. Only the ectoplasmic remnant forms a fertilization membrane. c, the endoplasmic sphere remains inert and nonfertilizable (cf. Fig. 12). Fic. 26. a, starfish egg squashed producing two endoplasmic exovates. b, the nucleated exovate was pinched off. Upon insemination the other ex- ovate drew back into the ectoplasmic remnant which formed a fertilization membrane. c, d and e, the ectoplasmic remnant underwent segmentation showing that the disturbance due to the squashing does not prevent segmen- tation. The endoplasmic sphere remains inert (d). of the egg. On being inseminated the exovate either is drawn back into the cortical portion as the latter rounds up with the formation of a fertilization membrane or is pinched off, after which it remains as an inert body. The possibility suggested itself that the substance which renders an egg fertilizable has a tendency to collect in the surface film of an egg and that, if an exovate remained in organic continuity with the egg, this substance might spread to the surface film of the exovate, thus rendering it fertilizable. Endoplasmic exovates were, therefore, produced which remained connected for varying lengths of time with the cortical portion of the egg. Some of the exovates remained connected for as long as fifteen minutes. Before insemi- MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 345 nation they were pinched off from the cortical portion of the eggs. None developed of those which were separated in such a way that there was no question as to their lacking any of the original cortex of the egg. An endoplasmic sphere, in order to develop at all, apparently must incorporate in its substance at least a part of the original cortex of the egg. This is shown in Fig. 27. An exovate was a Fertil. 1.25 ; @) cS x a BAIS WAS Fis 27 Fic. 27. a, an exovate is produced by squashing and most of the ecto- plasmic part is cut away along line of arrow. b, the endoplasmic sphere formed itself incorporating a small part of the cortex. Upon fertilization the small cortical region formed a partial fertilization membrane. c, many furrows form simultaneously over the surface of the egg showing that it has been fertilized. (Note that the small cortical piece to one side of the egg has segmented in two.) d, the egg has reverted into a multinucleated nonseg- mented mass except for three blastomere-like bodies which were pinched off. e, the fragment is again attempting to segment. produced by crushing an egg (Fig. 27-2). However, before the exovate was set free most of the cortical remnant was cut away, leaving a very small piece which was drawn into the circumference of the endoplasmic sphere. On being inseminated a small shred of the egg membrane lifted off from this remnant, and this was all that constituted the fertilization membrane (Fig. 27-b). A sperm on entering this sphere underwent nuclear division several times. This was followed by cleavage furrows which formed on the surface of the egg between the peripheral nuclei and gave to the egg the appearance of a mulberry (Fig. 27-c). Some of the furrows deepened sufficiently to pinch off nucleated bodies. A few minutes later the furrows became obliterated and the main body of the egg appeared again as a non-segmented but multi- nucleated mass (Fig. 27-d). This process may occur several times (Fig. 27-e). The ability of an exovate to approximate normal segmentation is a function of the amount of the original egg cortex which it incorporates. 346 ROBERT CHAMBERS. The inability of the endoplasmic sphere to develop is not due to the lack of successful sperm entry. Sections show that the sperm enter with ease but they remain unchanged and no asters form about them. In this regard the sperm react exactly as they do when they have entered immature eggs. There must be something localized in the cortex which is nec- essary for successful fertilization and development (cf. Lillie, *I4, °18). On the evidence presented here we may assume that this substance, originally within the germinal vesicle, diffuses out upon its dissolution and accumulates in the cortex of the egg. It is held in the cortex of the egg and is not carried out in the endoplasmic spheres on crushing the egg. The spheres are, therefore, incapable of being fertilized. Finally, the variation in the ability to segment among exovates containing varying amounts of cortical material indicates that there must also be a definite minimum amount of this substance present in order that an egg fragment may develop. CONCLUSIONS. 1. The nucleus possesses a morphologically definite membrane. 2. Tearing the nucleus results in an immediate change of the nuclear membrane, followed by a disintegration of the cytoplasm surrounding it. This is most striking in the feeb large nucleus (germinal vesicle) of the starfish egg. 3. Injection of the germinal vesicle sap of one egg into the cytoplasm of another egg starts up disintegration processes in the injected area. 4. The mature egg nucleus can be pinched into two fragments. The fragments behave like fluid droplets and will run together when contiguous. Eggs whose nuclei have been operated upon in this manner are capable of normal segmentation. 5. A membrane can be demonstrated adhering to the surface of the unfertilized starfish, sea-urchin and sand-dollar eggs. This egg membrane is most pronounced in the starfish and least of all in the sea-urchin. In the starfish and sand-dollar the membrane can be stripped off without injuring the egg. In the starfish a very delicate egg membrane can be demonstrated investing half-sized MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 347 immature eggs. This membrane becomes more pronounced as the eggs reach their full growth and still more so as the egg matures. In the sea-urchin the immature eggs exhibit no trace of a mem- brane until the eggs begin maturation. In the mature unfertilized sea-urchin egg the membrane has reached a development com- parable to that of the half-grown immature egg of the starfish. 6. The egg membrane rises off the surface of the egg upon fer- tilization and constitutes the fertilization membrane. No appreci- able diminution in volume of the egg occurs during this process. 7. An egg, whose membrane has been removed, is fertilizable and segments without a fertilization membrane. 8. The hyaline plasma layer, which forms on the surface of the sea-urchin and sand-dollar egg within ten minutes after fertiliza- tion, binds the blastomeres together. In the starfish egg no such layer is formed, and, if the fertilization membrane be removed, the blastomeres tend to fall apart. g. The fertilizability and approach to normal development of an egg fragment is directly proportional to the amount of a substance which emanates from the germinal vesicle during maturation. 10. The unfertilized mature egg possesses a more solid cortex of appreciable thickness inclosing a highly fluid interior. The fluid interior of the starfish and sand-dollar eggs can be made to ooze out through a tear in the cortex, whereupon it forms a sur- face film on coming into contact with sea water. In this way the internal and cortical material of the egg can be isolated from one another. Both round up, the internal material immediately and the cortical after some time. 11. Endoplasmic material, possessing a small part of the original cortex, is fertilizable and the approach to normal development is in direct proportion to the amount of cortical material present. The presence of even a small amount of cortical material causes disintegrative changes to set in at about the same time as in a whole egg. 12. The following table gives, for the various kinds of frag- ments of immature and mature starfish eggs, the length of time that they withstand disintegration when left standing in seawater and also whether they are or are not capable of being fertilized: 348 ROBERT CHAMBERS, Mature Immature i Nucl. or Non-nucl. nc sears Nonsnncls ecg Maem. - - enticcters fragm. entirelers fragm. SeIOPESE Se Longevity | — a + = = 74 in hours... 24-36 2-3 8-10 8-10 8-10 24-36 Fertiliza- bility... = oF + = (when mature As regards longevity it will be seen that the immature egg de- pends upon its nucleus (germinal vesicle) to prevent disintegra- tion, for a fragment lacking the nucleus disintegrates very quickly. On the other hand, the mature egg, which has become permeated with the nuclear sap of the germinal vesicle, behaves quite ditter- ently. The non-nucleated fragment of a mature egg lasts longer than that of an immature egg and it is significant that the pres- ence of the nucleus of the mature egg, which consists of not much more than the chromosomal constituents, has no effect in preventing disintegration. The long period that the endoplasmic sphere withstands disin- tegration indicates that the factors which make for disintegra- tion reside chiefly in the original cortex of the mature egg. In regard to fertilizability it is evident that the substance which renders cytoplasm fertilizable emanates from the germinal ves- icle and finally becomes localized in the cortex of the mature egg. We can, therefore, distinguish three factors in the starfish egg ; one affecting longevity, the second affecting disintegration and the third affeeting fertilizability. The first and third have been traced to the germinal vesicle of the immature egg. The second is a function of the egg cortex. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Barber, M. A. ’r4 The Pipette Method in the Isolation of Single Micro-organisms and in the Inoculation of Substances into Living Cells. Philipp. Jour. Sc., IX., Sec. B, 307. Buller, A. H. R. %o92 Is Chemotaxis a Factor in the Fertilization of Animals? Micr. Sc., XIV., 145. Chambers, Robert 15 Microdissection Studies on the Physical Properties of Protoplasm. Lancet-Clinic, Mar. 27. Quar. Jour. MICRODISSECTION STUDIES. 349 17° Microdissection Studies I. The Visible Structure of Cell Protoplasm and Death Changes. Amer. Jour. Physiol., XLIII., 1. 17” Microdissection Studies II. The Cell Aster: a Reversible Gelation Phenomenon. Jour. Exp. Zo6l., XXIII., 483. 738" The Microvivisection Method. Biol. Bull., XXXIV., 121. ’78” A Report on Results Obtained from the Microdissection of Certain Cells. Trans. Roy. Soc., Sec. IV., 41. 719 Changes in Protoplasmic Consistency and their Relation to Cell Divi- sion. Jour. Gen. Physiol., II., 40. ’21° Studies on the Organization of the Starfish Egg. Jour. Gen. Physiol., IV., 41. ’21° A Simple Apparatus for Accurate Micromanipulation under the Highest Magnification of the Microscope. Sc., N.S., LIV., 411. Chambers, R. and Mossop, Bessie. 7718 A Report on Cross-fertilization Experiments (Asterias X Solaster). Trans. Roy. Soc., Gan., Sec. IV., 145. Conklin, E. G. 708 The Habits and Early Development of Linerges mercurius. Carn. Inst. Publ., 103, 153. Elder, J. C. 73. The Relation of the Zona Pellucida to the Formation of the Fertiliza- tion Membrane in the Egg of the Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus lividus). Arch. Entwicklungsmech., XXXV., 145. Garrey, W. E. ’t9 The Nature of the Fertilization Membrane of Asterias and Arbacia Eggs. Brot. Butyt., XXXVII., 287. Gemmill, J. F. %12 The Development of the Starfish, Solaster endeca, Forbes. Trans. Zodl. Soc., Lon., XX., 1. Glaser, 0. 713, On Inducing Development in the Sea-urchin (Arbacia punctulata) etc. Sc., N.S., XXXVIII., 446. ’14. The Change in Volume of Arbacia and Asterias Eggs at Fertilization. Brot. Bury., XXVI., 84. Harvey, E. N. "190 The Mechanism of Membrane Formation and Other Early Changes in Developing Sea-urchins’ eggs, ete. Jour. Exp. Zodl., VIII, 355. ’r4 Is the Fertilization Membrane of Arbacia Eggs a Precipitation Mem- brane? Brox. BuLt., XXVII., 237. Heilbrunn, L. V. "13. Studies in Artificial Parthenogenesis. I. Membrane Elevation in the : Sea-Urchin Egg. Brox. Burz., XXIV., 343. Herbst, Curt. 793, ~Ueber die kiinstliche Hervorrufung von Dottermembranen an unbe- fruchteten Seeigeleiern nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Dotter- hautbildung tiberhaupt. Biol Centrabl., XIII., 14. Hertwig, 0. : 76 Betrage zur Kenntnis der Bildung, Befruchtung und Theilung des thierischen Eies. Morph. Jahrb., 1, 347. 350 ROBERT CHAMBERS. Kite, G. L. ‘12 The Nature of the Fertilization Membrane of the Egg of the Sea- Urchin (Arbacia punctulata). Se., N.S.. XXXVI., 562. Lillie, F. R. ’r4 Studies of Fertilization: VI. The Mechanism of Fertilization in Arbacia. Jour. Exp. Zool., XIV. 523. 718 Problems of Fertilization. Univ. of Chicago Press. Loeb, J. ¥o92 Maturation, Natural Death and the Prolongation of the Life of the Unfertilized Starfish eggs (Asterias forbesii) and their Significance for the Theory of Fertilization. Brot. Butt., III., 295 13° Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization. Univ. of Chicago Press, p29: : Marcus, H. ’07 Uber den Agegregatzustand der Kernmembran. Sitzungsber. Ges. Morph, Physiol., Miinch, XXIII, 61. Mathews, A. P. ’o7_ A Contribution to the Chemistry of Cell Division, Maturation and Fertilization. Amer. Jour. Physiol., XVIII., 89. McClendon, J. F. ’r9 Increase in Permeability of the Sea-urchin’s Egg to Electrolytes at the Beginning of Development. Sc., N.S., XXXIL., 317. ’r4 On the Nature and Formation of the Fertilization Membrane of the Echinoderm Egg. Intern. Zeits. physik. chem. Biol., I., 163. Morgan, T. H. 93 «Experimental Studies on Echinoderm Eggs. Anat. Anz., TX., 141. Seifriz, W. 220 Viscosity Values of Protoplasm as Determined by Microdissection. Bot. Gaz., LXX., 360. Wilson, E. B. 293" Experiments on Cleavage and Localization in the Nemertine Egg. Arch. Entwickelungsm., XVI., 411. 93” Notes on Merogony and Regeneration in Renilla. Brot. Butt., IV., 215. Wilson, E. B. and Mathews, A. P. ’95 Maturation, Fertilization and Polarity in the Echinoderm Egg. Jour. Morph., X., 319. Yatsu, N. ’04 Experiments in the Development of Egg Fragments in Cerebratulus. Brot. Butt., VI. %98 Some Experiments on Cell Division in the Egg of Cerebratulus lacteus. Annot. Zool. Japon., VI., 267. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimenta] Biology and Medicine, 1922, xix, pp. 320-321. 147 (1894) Merogony experiments on sea-urchin eggs. By ROBERT CHAMBERS and HIROSHE OHSHIMA. [From the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Mass.] By merogony in the broader sense is meant the fertilization and development of egg fragments whether nucleated or not. By means of the more accurate method of using a mechanical apparatus for microdissection an attempt was made to repeat the work of earlier investigators (O. and R. Hertwig, Boveri, Driesch, Morgan, Loeb, Wilson and others) especially for the purpose of cross-fertilizing egg fragments of the sea-urchin and sand dollar. Owing probably to the lateness of the season the cross-fertiliza- tion experiments were unsuccessful. However, the following results were obtained in the self- fertilization of sea-urchin egg fragments which indicate that the size of the nucleus in the swimming larve depends directly upon the initial size of the nucleus in the fertilized egg fragment whereas the size of the larva bears no direct relation either to the size of the nucleus or to the initial amount of cytoplasm in the fertilized egg. Mature eggs were deprived of their nuclei by cutting them out together with a minimum amount of cytoplasm. The non- nucleated fragments were about 4/5 the size of the entire eggs. These, when fertilized, developed into dwarf larve of about half the size of the control and with abnormally small nuclei. Other eggs were deprived of more than half of their cytoplasm. These, upon fertilization, developed into dwarf larve of about half the size of the control but possessed nuclei equal in size to that of the control. Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Med- cine, 1921, xix, pp. 85-87. 45 (1792) Apparatus for micro-manipulation and micro-injection. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. [From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.] This apparatus is designed for the purpose of dissecting living cells or injecting substances into them, and for isolating micro- organisms. Its advantage over that which Barber described in the Philippine Journal of Science in 1914 is its simplicity of con- struction, and the accuracy with which it can be manipulated. The apparatus consists of two instruments, the micro-manipu- lator for producing movements in the microscopic field in any of three dimensions and, second, the micro-injection instrument for securing the necessary pressure to drive or suck substances through a micro-pipette. The method of making glass micro needles and pipettes is given in full in Barber’s paper and in mine in the Biological Bulletin of 1918. The micro-manipulator is small and compact and can be attached to the stage of any microscope. It consists of a system of rigid metal bars connected together with spring hinges. By turning certain screws the bars are forced apart. On reversing the screws the springs return the bars to their original positions. The instrument moves the tip of a needle or a pipette in three arcs at right angles to one another. The arcs are small enough so that, in the microscopic field, the needle moves practically in straight lines. The movements are fine and steady enough to be under perfect control when viewed under the highest power of the microscope. The instrument can be used singly for one needle only or with a companion when two needles, or a pipette and a needle, are to be used simultaneously. In the micro-injection instrument mercury or an inert oil (Nujol) is used to procure the necessary pressure. The instrument consists of a thin-walled steel tube about six inches long and half SCIENTIFIC PROCEEDINGS (118). 2 an inch in diameter, one end of which is provided with a stopcock. The other end leads into a small steel tube fine enough to be flexible and long enough and so bent that, while the large tube lies on the table beside the microscope, the tip of the fine tube can be held in the pipette carrier of the micro-manipulator. Into this tip a glass Barber pipette is sealed. Mercury or oil is intro- duced through the stopcock of the large tube and is forced on into the micro-pipette. The stopcock is then shut off. By means of leverage clamps on the thin-walled tube the mercury or oil can be driven through a pipette having an aperture of only one micron in diameter. By turning the screws of the micro-manipulator the tip of the pipette can be brought into a hanging drop in a Barber’s moist chamber. Release of pressure on the steel tube draws substances into the pipette. Injection and suction in micro- scopic quantities is accurately controllable as the meniscus of the mercury or oil in the pipette responds instantly to the pressure of the leverage clamps. Reprinted from Tar ANATOMICAL RecorD AUTHOR'S ABSTRACT OF THIS PAPER ISSUED Vol. 24, No. 1, August, 1922 BY THE BIBLIOGRAPHIC SERVICE, JULY 3 NEW APPARATUS AND METHODS FOR THE DISSEC- TION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS ROBERT CHAMBERS Cornell University Medical College, New York City FIVE FIGURES INTRODUCTION Operative work on the living cell has long been the aim of investigators in cytology and in experimental embryology. It was, however, not till Barber developed his method that any serious attempt could be made to dissect cells under magnifica- tions high enough to enable one to observe in detail the various steps of the operation. The big feature of his method, aside: from the making of needles and pipettes stiff and yet fine enough to puncture red blood corpuscles, consists in his moist chamber, which allows the needle tips to be operated in a drop hanging from a cover-slip in the chamber. This method eliminates all obstacles between the objective and the cover-slip, thereby per- mitting the use of the highest-powered objectives. Unfortu- nately, his instrument for manipulating the needles, unless very skillfully made, has too much lost motion, and wear and tear soon render the movements jerky and undependable. Barber uses his apparatus principally for the isolation of bacteria. In 1912 Kite (Kite and Chambers, ’12) applied Bar- ber’s method to cytological investigation. The difficulty of handling Barber’s apparatus limited the number of investigators in this field and as the work in microdissection progressed the need of a more accurate and simple instrument became imperative. The instrument described in this paper, a preliminary account of which has been published (’21), has the following advantages over any instrument hitherto made: a) simplicity of construction, 1 » ROBERT CHAMBERS b) no lost motion through wear and tear, ¢) accurate and con- tinuous control of the movements of the needle or pipette tip in any direction under the highest magnifications of the microscope, d) maintenance of the needle tip in one plane while it is being moved back and forth in any of the three directions, and e) exist- ence of preliminary adjusting devices which facilitate placing the needle or pipette quickly into position. The basic principle of the instrument consists in rigid bars which are screwed apart against springs. The movements im- parted are in ares of a circle having a radius of about two and a half inches. As the extreme range of movement of the fine ad- justments is only 2 mm. (of which only one is necessary) the curvature of the are is unnoticeable. The movements performed by the instrument are so accurately controlled that one can readily carry out such delicate operations as puncturing mammalian blood corpuscles, tearing off the sarcolemma of a muscle fiber, drawing out nuclear chromatin strands and even cutting up the chromosomes of insect germ cells. The glass needles used for these operations taper rapidly to a point invisible under the oil immersion objective. With the micropipette, the bore of which need be no larger than one micron in diameter, one can either inject substances into or withdraw material from a cell. For the isolation of bacteria the instrument is not only steadier than Barber’s apparatus but has new features which facilitate greatly the method of procedure. Its application to bacterio- logical purposes is more specifically dealt with in the Journal of Infectious Diseases. I take this opportunity of expressing my deep obligation to Mr. W. H. Farnham, mechanician in the department of Chemical Engineering in Columbia University, to whose skill and faithful workmanship the practical evolution of the instrument is due. I wish especially to acknowledge assistance from Dr. Milton J. Greenman of The Wistar Institute and Dr. C. V. Taylor of the University of California. I wish also to express my apprecia- tion to many friends for valuable suggestions. The principle involved in the construction of the micromanipulation instru- ment is patented. DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 3 A MECHANICAL MICROMANIPULATOR FOR CONTROLLING THE MOVEMENTS OF A MICRONEEDLE OR MICROPIPETTE IN THE FIELD OF A COMPOUND MICROSCOPE The principle of this device is demonstrated on considering the mechanism for the movements in one plane only (fig. 1, b). This consists of three bars of rigid metal connected at their ends to form a Z-like figure by resilient metal acting as a spring hinge. Fig. 1 Diagram showing the working principle of the micromanipulator. In l,a, where the instrument is viewed from the side, screw, J, moves needle tip through vertical are, y-z. In 1,b, where the instrument is viewed from above serews, Gand H, move the needle tip through the horizontal ares m—n and o-p. By the action of certain screws the bars can be forced apart; on reversing the screws the bars return to their original position owing to the spring action at the end of the bars. By these means arc movements may be imparted to the tip of a needle when placed in the proper position. The needle or any instrument, the tip of which is to be manip- ulated, is held in a carrier fastened to the free end of a bar, A at X. The needle is made to extend so that its tip is at the apex of an imaginary triangle at D. In order to obtain two movements at right angles to one another and in the horizontal plane the tip of the needle must be at the apex, D, of a right- 4 ROBERT CHAMBERS angled isosceles triangle the base of which is a straight. line joining the centers, # and F’, of the two springs holding the three bars, A, B, and C, together. The shank of screw, G, passes through a large hole in bar, C, and is screw-threaded in bar, B. Turning it spreads apart bars, A and B, and imparts an are movement to the needle tip at D at right angles to that procured by turning screw, H. The movement in the vertical plane at right angles to the aforementioned movements is produced by screw, J (fig. 1, a), which is screw-threaded in a rigid vertical bar, J, and abuts against a vertical extension, K, of bar, C. The extension, K, is parallel to the bar, J, and is connected to it at its top by means of a solid spring hinge. Turning screw, J, spreads apart bars, J and K, and lifts the whole combination (A, B, and C) and imparts an are movement in the vertical plane to the tip of the needle at D. To procure a vertical movement, the tip of the needle at D must lie in the same horizontal plane, L-D, with the spring fastening K and J together. When screw, /, is turned, the needle tip will then move in an arc, Y to Z, more nearly vertical than any other are on the same circumference of which the point, D, is the center. There are two models of the micromanipulator. One is fitted with a clamping device with which it can be fastened directly to the front of the microscope stage (fig. 2; ef. fig. 3, e).! The other is fastened to a rigid pillar rising from a large metal base on which the microscope is clamped (fig. 3, a). The horizontal bars of the instrument extend diagonally across the corner below the level of the stage. They do not interfere with the substage acces- sories of the microscope nor with any of the known types of mechanical stages. The necessity of having one or two instruments is, of course, conditioned by the type of work to be done. For picking up bacteria one is sufficient. For microdissection in experimental embryology a great deal can be done with one instrument, but for cell injection in general and for tissue cell dissection two 1 Steadiness may be assured by a brace, one end being screwed to the rigid vertical part of the instrument and the other end to the foot of the microscope. DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 0 instruments are indispensable so that two needles or a needle and a pipette may be manipulated simultaneously. When two instruments are to be used both must be placed at the front of the microscope so that the needles may extend, side by side, into the moist chamber from the front. As the horizontal bars of each instrument extend diagonally under the microscope stage f Fig. 2 Left-handed micromanipulator to be clamped to microscope stage. a, needle carrier with clamping screw; b, screw to clamp post of needle carrier; c, serew for up-and-down movement; d and e, screws for lateral movements; /, dise guide for the horizontal bars; g, stationary or rigid part of instrument with lugs by means of which instrument is clamped to microscope stage. Screw, ), clamps the coarse adjustments. one must be a mirror image of the other. According to their position with respect to the microscope these two models have been designated as left-handed and right-handed. For bacterio- logical work, where it is more convenient to work from the left, the right-handed model is to be preferred as it can be swung around and fastened to the left side so that the pipette may 6 ROBERT CHAMBERS extend into the moist chamber from the left. For cytological work, if one desires to have only one instrument, it is advisable to secure the left-handed form and to use it as shown in figure 3, e. The mechanical stage may then be operated with the right hand and the instrument with the left. Eventually this instrument may be supplemented with a right-handed form to be clamped to the stage or attached to a pillar. When a pair of instruments is to be used the best combination is a left-handed one clamped to the microscope and a right-handed one attached to a pillar (fig. 3). This allows one to hold the tissue on which one is operating with one instrument while the microscope is being temporarily removed for renewing the pipette of the other (see page 14). THE SETTING UP AND THE WORKING OF THE INSTRUMENT Figure 3 shows two instruments in place ready for work. They should be as close together as possible so that the open end of the moist chamber need not be too wide to accommodate the needles. This leaves ample room on either side for the attach- ment of a mechanical stage on the microscope.’ The instrument is provided with means for a preliminary adjustment of the needle in any direction. By these means the needle tip can be quickly centered in the field of a low-powered objective and raised close to the hanging drop in which it is to operate. Before centering the tip the bars which control the fine adjustments must be put into a state of tension by giving a few turns to the milled heads of each of the three screws. The instrument is now ready for action. The milled heads of the screws which control the lateral movements are provided with holes for rods to be used as levers. A most useful accessory is a wire-wound flexible shaft about 2 feet 6 inches long (fig. 3, c) with a milled head at one end (fig. 3, d) and the other end attached to the screw controlling the up-and- down movement. Curving the shaft around one side of the micro- scope brings the control of this screw, which is the one most 2 In the case of the Bausch & Lomb and Spencer stages, it may be necessary to replace the screw clamping the front end of the stage by one with a smaller head, Ve —_—_—? TTT <= a ~ . 8 a 4 2 Fig. 3 Microscope with two micromanipulators and the microinjection apparatus in place. a, right-handed manipulator on pillar set in collar, b, fastened to base on which microscope is clamped; c, flexible shaft attached to screw for up-and-down movement with its milled head at d. (Note that screws for lateral movements are controlled by levers.) e, left-handed manipulator clamped to left front of microscope stage. In its needle carrier is clamped brass collar, f, within which shaft of needle slides. (See detail in fig. 3!.) The coarse adjust- ment for raising and lowering needle carrier is done by screw, g; that for the lateral movements is done by turning the post on its axis. Injection apparatus. h, Luer syringe set in its butt, 7, cemented to curved brass tube, 7. This is clamped to base at k. Its other end is cemented into glass tube, 1 (see detail in fig. 32), clamped in needle carrier of the right-handed manip- ulator, a. Most of the holes in the base are unnecessary. Foot of microscope is held by two screw clamps. The adjustable guide, m, keeps microscope in proper alignment. Fig. 3! Detail of brass collar (f in fig. 3) which facilitates in-and-out movement of needle or pipette; m, screw which presses on a spring to clamp the needle in the collar. Fig. 32. Detail of glass tube of injection apparatus (l in fig. 3) cemented on brass tube, j; 0, shank of micropipette cemented into end of glass tube. The pipette is readily changed by softening the sealing wax which holds it. 7 S ROBERT CHAMBERS frequently used, close to that of the fine adjustment of the micro- scope. The shaft also facilitates the use of both hands for the various movements of the one instrument. Another useful accessory is a brass collar 13 inch long (fig. 3) with a spring which projects into its lumen through a slot. The shaft of the needle is slipped through the collar and the screw, clamping the spring, tightened sufficiently to enable one to slide the shaft evenly. The collar is then clamped into the needle carrier of the instrument. This arrangement facilitates sliding the needle into or out of the moist chamber without danger to the tip of the needle. The micromanipulator is intended to be used with the mechani- cal stage of the microscope. The mechanical stage moves the moist chamber (fig. 3). As the cell or tissue to be dissected lies in a drop hanging from the roof of the chamber, the motion im- parted by the mechanical stage moves the cells against the micro- needle. Indeed, most of the dissection, where a single needle is used, is done by first bringing the needle tip into the cell and then dragging the cell away by means of the mechanical stage. The horizontal movements of the micromanipulator are used mostly for the purpose of bringing the tip of the needle accurately into a desired spot in the field of the microscope preparatory to the actual operative work. In order to insure the greatest possible steadiness to the vertical movement, the part of the instrument which imparts this movement adjoins and is mani- pulated from the stationary and rigid part of the instrument. To make this possible the present design incorporates a theoreti- eal error which can be understood from figurel,a. Turning screw, TI, to produce the vertical movement throws the combination of bars A, B, and C, out of the horizontal, and it is these bars upon which the lateral movements of the needle depend. However, the angle at which these bars are placed minimizes the error so that it is unnoticeable. Guides exist in the instrument to insure a true travel of the bars as they spread apart or come together. The guide for the bar which produces the vertical movement consists of a depres- sion in the stationary part of the instrument into which the verti- DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 9 cal bar fits. The guides of the lateral movements are two metal dises which can be tightened or loosened by screws. The upper one is seen in figure 2, f. They correct two possible errors which may occur on reversing the direction of movement, viz., a drop- ping of the needle or pipette out of focus and a shifting to one side. The first error can be corrected by tightening one or both of the guides; the second, by loosening them. The guides, there- fore, must be neither too tight nor too loose. The first error is the more serious of the two. It is due to an unequal tension in the springs which throws the tip of the moving screw to a dif- ferent spot on the bar against which it abuts. If this be not corrected, the screw will in time wear a depression in the brass bar that is out of center thus accentuating the error. The second error is due to the guides being too tight so that they bind and prevent the bars from making a true return. If not corrected, this error will be gradually eliminated with the wear of the frictional surfaces. By an accidental knock the horizontal bars of the instrument may be jarred out of place or the fine adjustment screws injured. If the upper and lower surfaces of the horizontal bars are not flush loosen the guide dises (fig. 2, f) also the screws of the springs on the ends of the bars and, with a wooden mallet, gently hammer the bars till they are flush. Then tighten the guide dises to keep the bars flush and carefully tighten the screws of the spring. If the screws have been bent by the accident they must be changed otherwise tightening them will again pull the bars out of place. If the guide dises are bent they also must be changed. A more serious accident is when the fine adjustment screws are injured. The steel shafts of the screws may be bent or they may have cut into the brass so as to loosen the threads. This tends to throw the shaft of the screw out of center. In such a case somewhat larger screws must be made and accurately centered opposite the bar against which it abuts. THE SUBSTAGE CONDENSER AND THE METHOD OF MAKING BARBER’S MOIST CHAMBER AND GLASS NEEDLES For critical illumination the height of the moist chamber must be equal to the working focal distance of the substage condenser. 10 ROBERT CHAMBERS The Abbe condenser can be used by removing the top lens. The foeal distance of the remaining lens is almost one inch. In the Bausch and Lomb microscope the substage can easily be arranged to raise this lens sufficiently to have at least half its focal dis- tance above the surface of the stage. This is ample, for one seldom requires a moist chamber as high as half an inch. The focal distance of this lens can be reduced and its illuminating power correspondingly increased by placing the lens of a 10X dissecting lens on top of it. This comhination has a focal dis- tance of about 2 of an inch and, if the substage can be raised to bring the top lens flush with the upper surface of the stage, all of this distance may be used for the height of the moist chamber. Better results are secured with a triple lens condenser with its top lens removed. Such a condenser from Leitz which I am using has a working focal distance of 3 of an inch. One may also use condensers which are made with a specially long working dis- tance for projection apparatus, in which a cooling trough is placed between the condenser and the slide. If the working focal distance of the condenser be less than 2 of an inch, it is well to have two moist chambers, one for critical work and the other, from 2 to 3 an inch high, for ordinary work. This is advisable, because it is easier to make needles for the higher chamber. The moist chamber is of glass (fig. 4). The base is a thin glass slide about 23 x 2 inches in size. The sides consist of strips of plate glass about 17 inches long and } inch wide, and of a height determined upon by the available condenser. One end of the chamber is closed with a strip of glass of the same height as the sides and backed by another strip a fraction higher, in order to prevent a cover-slip from sliding beyond it. The trough of the chamber should be from ? to 7 of an inch wide. The strips are cemented with any ordinary glass cement. Heated Canada balsam serves well. Near the closed end of the trough a small strip of glass should be cemented across the trough to pro- vide a well for water. When cementing the long strips to the base, care must be taken to have the top surface of the strips horizontal. This may be done while the cement is still soft by DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 11 focusing on the upper surface of the strips and by manipulating the strips until all parts of their surfaces lie in one focal plane. The well in the chamber is to be filled with water and, in order to distribute the moisture throughout the chamber, strips of blotting-paper should be placed along the sides of the trough with the inner end in the water well. One may substitute for the well strips of blotting-paper laid across the trough. This moist chamber is designed for cover-slips of a size 24 x 40 mm. The cover-slip is sealed on the chamber with vaseline. Square mar, Fig.4 Moist chamber and cardboard trough for closing open end of chamber. When the needles are in place (ef. fig. 3), the trough is placed over shanks of needles (dotted lines at open end of chamber) and filled with vaseline. cover-slips may also be used, if the rest of the chamber be roofed with other strips of cover-glass. The moist chamber is open at one end to permit the entrance of the microneedles or pipettes. To prevent undue evaporation, especially when a preparation is to be left over night, the open end may be temporarily closed by means of a paraffined thin card- board trough of a shape shown in figure 4. The trough is placed over the shafts of the needles and filled with soft vaseline con- taining a few threads of cotton to give substance to the vaseline. The vaseline closes around the shafts of the needle and seals the opening of the chamber without interfering with the movement 12 ROBERT CHAMBERS of the needles. To prevent the vaseline from spreading on the floor of the moist chamber, it is well to have a shallow pan of cardboard set under the shafts of the needles for the trough to rest upon. The hanging-drop containing the cells or tissue to be operated upon is placed on the cover-slip which is then inverted over the moist chamber.’ To prevent the vaseline from spreading on the cover-glass and from contaminating the hanging-drop, a thin film of melted paraffin may be spread and cooled on the cover- glass bounding the area to be occupied by the hanging-drop. The needles are made from either soft or hard glass tubing. If a brass collar is used to serve as a guide for the in-and-out movement (fig. 3), the glass tubing should be selected to fit the collar. What I use is a fraction less than % inch in outside di- ameter. The thicker the wall of the tubing the firmer tends to be the tip of the needle made from it. The method of making the needle is given in a paper of Barber’s (14) and in one of mine (’18). A brief account will suffice here. Acetylene or ordinary illuminating gas may be used. For a microburner use a piece of hard glass tubing bent at right angles and with the burner end closed except for the smallest aperture that will retain a flame. This may be done by heating the end and pinching it with forceps. The size of the flame may be regulated by a screw pinch-cock on the rubber tube, figure 5, h. To make the needles, proceed as follows: 1) In an ordinary burner draw out one end of a glass tube with a capillary of about 0.3 to 0.5 mm. in diameter (fig. 5, a). 2) Lower the flame of the microburner to the smallest flame possible. Now hold the shank of the tube in the left hand and grasp the capillary at its end either with the thumb and finger of the right hand or with forceps having flat tips coated with Canada balsam. Bring the capillary over the flame and pull gently till the capil- lary parts. The hands should remain on the table during the 3 For placing a hanging-drop after the moist chamber has been covered, a convenient pipette is one with its end drawn out into a curved capillary and the tip bent at an angle so that, on insertion into the moist chamber, the tip will touch the undersurface of the cover-slip. With a rubber tube to reach one’s mouth, a small drop is readily deposited. DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 13 process and, as the capillary parts, lift the glass away from the flame by turning the hands slightly outward. The capillary will separate with a slight tug. The tip should be like that in figure 5, c. If too little heat be used and the pull made too sud- denly, the capillary may part with a snap with a broken tip. Fig. 5 Method of making the needles. h, position of hands when making needles over microburner; a, glass tube with capillary; b, needle with tip bent up; c, a good needle tip; d, needle tip serviceable for converting into a pipette; €, unserviceable tip drawn out into a hair; f, needle with stout shank; g, needle with tip bent back for cutting purposes. Tf too much heat be used, the tip is drawn out into a long hair, figure 5,e. 3) Bend the capillary at right angles by heating it just back of the point and pushing up with a dissecting needle, 5, b. The length of the needle beyond the bend is conditioned by the height of the moist chamber to be used. The type of needle shown in 5, g, is used for cutting by bringing the upper limb of the needle below and up into the cell. 14 ROBERT CHAMBERS APPARATUS FOR INJECTION AND FOR THE WITHDRAWAL OF MATERIAL FROM A LIVING CELL Barber’s mercury pipette method, which depends upon the expansion and contraction of mercury by heat and cold, although excellent, is troublesome to make and easily broken. Taylor ('20) devised an instrument which depends upon a plunger to exert pressure on an enclosed mercury column. With mercury, however, it is difficult to maintain a plunger for any length of time without leakage. I described an apparatus (’21) in which mercury or Nujol oil is enclosed in a thin-walled steel cylinder. Pressure on the wall of the cylinder exerts the driving force necessary for injection. This works very well, but it re- quires special apparatus and the difficulty of securing a cylinder the walls of which are sufficiently resilient renders the apparatus somewhat unserviceable. The apparatus shown in figure 3, does all the work of any device hitherto described and has the advantage of being extremely simple to make. All that is required is a carefully selected glass Luer syringe of about 2 ec. capacity, a piece of fine brass tubing of about 2 mm. outside diameter and two feet long (small, extra soft brass tubing used for lighting purposes is also serviceable), a metal rod ji inch long with a hole through it large enough to receive the brass tubing, a piece of §-inch glass tubing, some de Khotinsky cement or ordinary sealing wax and an ordinary small horseshoe clamp. First seal the metal butt of the Luer syringe to one end of the brass tubing. Slip the metal rod over the tubing and cement it an inch or two away from the syringe attachment. At the other end of the brass tubing seal a short piece of }-inch glass tubing, the free end of which has previously been drawn out into a capillary an inch or so long and about 1 mm. in inside diameter (fig. 37). When cementing the brass tube to the syringe attachment and to the glass tube, have a wire inserted far into the brass tube before applying the cement. The tip of the brass tube, from which the wire projects, is then coated with cement and the part to be cemented pulled over it. While the tube is still warm, DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 15 withdraw the wire with a gentle twirling motion. This draws the cement out around the ends of the brass tube on the inner sur- face of the projecting glass tube and prevents the formation of pockets in which air may be trapped. In the make-up of the entire system one must exercise care to prevent air from being trapped, for the presence of the air-bubbles vitiates the accurate control of pressure in the apparatus. The brass tube where the metal rod encloses it is to be clamped to the foot of the microscope or to a base which is rigidly at- tached to the microscope, figure 3. The short end of the tube, projecting from the rod, is bent so that the syringe, when set into its butt stands more or less upright. The long end of the tube is carefully curved and bent, so that the glass tube which is sealed on the end will rest in the needle carrier of the micromanipulator and its capillary project over the stage of the microscope with its end about 14 inches from the field of the microscope objective. The Luer syringe must now be charged with distilled water which has been boiled and the apparatus filled to within § of an inch from the tip of the glass capillary. Before stopping, how- ever, it is well to run water through the apparatus for some time to drive out all the air. Before charging the syringe for the last time the plunger should be coated with heavy stop-cock grease. This much of the apparatus can be kept permanently ready foruse. The micropipettes are made from microneedles drawn out of thin-walled capillary glass tubing. When finished, the shaft of the needle should be at least 14 inches long and large enough to fit snugly into the glass capillary of the apparatus. This can be readily done by drawing out a supply of thin-walled glass capillaries and preserving those which fit a sample the size of the capillary of the apparatus. The needle end of the shaft should be bent at an angle, the length from the knee of the bend to the tip depending upon the height of the moist chamber. The shaft of the needle near its end is now thinly coated with de Khotinsky cement or sealing wax and, while the cement is still soft, inserted into the glass tube of the apparatus. An extra coat of cement should be added over the joint to insure the seal. The apparatus is now ready for use. The tip of the needle is brought into a 16 ROBERT CHAMBERS hanging-drop of water or a solution to be injected and converted into a pipette by jamming the tip against the under surface of the cover-slip until it breaks off. During the process continual pressure should be exerted on the plunger of the syringe in order to prevent pieces of glass from being sucked into the pipette. Occasionally, while attempting to make the needle in the flame, a serviceable pipette results instead. When the pipette is finally in place, all or most of the air in it should be driven out. One can readily see that the sealing of the micropipette into the apparatus must be done away from the microscope. It is in this operation that the type of micromanipulator fastened on a pillar is of advantage. The pipette has to be frequently changed, and it is very convenient to be able to release the microscope from its base by loosening its clamps and to slip it out of the way. As soon as a fresh needle has been inserted, the microscope is readily slid back into place. For this purpose the base on which the microscope rests is provided with guides to insure its true return. When exchanging a pipette, care must be taken not to clog the lumen. This can be done by using a minimum amount of cement and by having the lumen of the tube into which the shaft of the pipette is to be inserted as clean as possible. The use of thin-walled tubing for making the micropipette is to insure having the largest bore possible at the tip of the pipette. The thickness of the wall and the size of the lumen of the glass tube tend to maintain their original proportions when drawn out in a flame. Often, however, it is more convenient to have pipettes with stouter walls. Such pipettes are less readily broken but, owing to the smaller-sized lumen, run the risk of quickly clogging. The best pipettes are made from hollow needles with a rapidly tapering tip (fig. 5, d), for needles with a long taper are apt to break anywhere. A necessary precaution is to have the capillary from which the needle is to be made perfectly dry. The presence of the least moisture may result in alternating columns of water and air in the pipette tip which no amount of pressure will expel. Water seems to be the best medium for transmitting pressure in the apparatus. Mercury is apt to break and allow air or DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS iN? water to leak past it when it reaches the tip of the pipette. When this occurs, the separated droplet of mercury clogs the aperture. Mercury also tends to leak past the best plunger made.‘ The disadvantage of using water is the risk of its dif- fusion into the solution to be injected. If a considerable amount of the solution be drawn into the pipette, this risk is minimized. A good method is to color the water (e.g., with Nile-blue chlorhy- drate or with neutral red). The solution drawn into the pipette from a hanging-drop is then visible by contrast. For ordinary purposes a cushion of air between the water and the injection fluid serves well. Oil is unsuitable because, in spite of all precautions, it occa- sionally comes into contact with the hanging-drop containing the tissue to be operated upon; it then spreads over the surface of the drop and injures the preparation. It also dissolves de Khotinsky cement and sealing wax which are so convenient for cementing the pipette to the apparatus. Manipulation of the syringe-is facilitated by fastening it in a frame and by using a milled screw to press the plunger. I usea microscope for this purpose with the objective, substage and mirror removed. The syringe is passed through the center of the microscope stage where it is held firmly with a tight-fitting collar of cork. The lower end of the microscope tube rests on the top of the plunger so that pressure can be brought to bear on it by either the coarse or fine adjustments. There is no need of fastening the plunger to the microscope tube, because the resil- iency of the water in the apparatus is sufficient to cause suction in the micropipette when the plunger is released from pressure. APPENDIX Barber’s instrument is based on the principle of a carrier pushed along a groove by a screw at one end. By having a series of three carriers built up on one another, each traveling in a dif- ferent direction, movements in any one of three dimensions may 4 Leakage in the syringe can be avoided by placing a cushion of oil between the plunger and the mercury. This may also be done when water is used. 18 ROBERT CHAMBERS be imparted to a needle clamped to the top carrier. Hecker (’16) improved Barber’s instrument, but added materially to the in- tricacy of its make up. Other investigators that I know of who have devised instru- ments for micro-operative work are Schmidt (’69, ’70), Birge (82), Chabry (’87), Schouten (’05, ’11), Tchahotine (712, ’21), McClendon (’07), Malone (18), Bishop and Tharaldsen (’21),. Schmidt’s instrument is one of historic interest only. I have already described it (’18). Chabry used a delicate spring device with which he could shoot the tip of a glass needle into an ovum to any desired depth. Schouten uses his for the isolation of bacteria. It consists of a pillar carrying a needle which may be mechanically raised and lowered. For the horizontal movements Schouten depends upon pushing the microscope on a base. McClendon attached an up-and-down movement to a Spencer mechanical stage. ‘Tchahotine uses a mechanism attached to the tube of his microscope from which extends a glass needle curved in such a way as to bring its tip into the field of a low-power objective where it is brought into focus. Dissection of cells is carried out by moving the microscope tube and by pushing the cells against the needle tip by means of the mechanical stage of the microscope. Malone uses Schouten’s method, but, instead of having a special pillar with a raising device, he mounts his pipette earrier on the tube of a second microscope whose adjustments serve as a means for raising and lowering the pipette. Bishop and Tharaldsen have a simple instrument based on a principle somewhat resembling mine but lacking in proper control forone of the two lateral movements. Recently I have heard that Zeiss is manufacturing a micro-dissection instrument which is a modification of Barber’s apparatus with both coarse and fine adjustments. Tchahotine and Bovie have recently devised a method for producing localized injury in a cell by means of ultra violet rays. The method is very ingenious but, of course, is rather limited in its application to micro-dissection. DISSECTION AND INJECTION OF LIVING CELLS 19 BIBLIOGRAPHY Barper, M. A. 1904 A new method of isolating micro-organisms. Jour. Kans. Med. Soc., vol. 4, p. 487. 1911 A technic for the inoculation of bacteria and other substances and of micro-organisms into the cavity of the living cell. Jour. Inf. Dis., vol. 8, p. 348. 1914 The pipette method in the isolation of single micro-organisms and in the inoculation of substances into living cells. The Philippine Jour. Se., See. B, Trop. Med., vol. 9, p. 307 (reviewed in Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr., Bd. 32, S. 82, 1915). BisHop AND THARALDSEN 1921 An apparatus for microdissection. Amer. Nat., vol. 55, p. 381. Cuasry, L. 1887 Contribution a l’embryologie normal et teratologique des Ascidies simples. Jour. del’Anat. et de Physiol., T. 25, p. 167. CuHamBers, R. 1918 The microvivisection method. Biol. Bull., vol. 34, p. 121. 1921 a A simple apparatus for micromanipulation under the highest magnifications of the microscope. Sc., N.S., vol. 54, p.411. 1921 b A simple micro-injection apparatus made of steel. Sc., N.S., vol. 54, p. 552. Hecker, F. 1916 A new model of a double pipet holder and the technic for the isolation of living organisms. Jour. Inf. Dis., vol. 19, p. 306. Kirr, G. L., anp CuamBers, R. 1912 Vital staining of chromosomes and the function and structure of thenucleus. Sc., N.8., vol. 36, p. 639. McCienpon, J. F. 1907 Experiments on the eggs of Chaetopterus and Asterias in which the chromatin was removed. Biol. Bull., vol. 12, p. 141. Matongz, R. H. 1918 A simple method for isolating small organisms. Jour. Path. and Bacter., vol. 22, p. 222. Scumipt, H.D. 1869 and 1870 The microscopical anatomy of the human liver. New Orleans Med. Jour., vol. 22, p. 627, and vol. 23, pp. 66 and 274. Scuoutgen, 8. L. 1905 and 1907 Reinkulturen aus einer unter dem Mikroskop isolierter Zelle. Zeitschr. wiss. Mikr., Bd. 22, S. 10; ibid., Bd. 24, S. 258. 1911 Pure cultures from a single cell isolated under the microscope. K6nigl. Akad. Wetensch., Amsterd, Proc. Sect. Sc., vol. 18, pt. 2, p. 840. Taytor, C. V. 1920 An accurately controllable micropipette. Sc. N.S., vol. 51, iD Uv Tcuanotine, 8. 1912 Eine Mikrooperationsvorrichtung. Zeitschr. wiss. Mik- ros., Bd. 29, S. 188. 1912 Die mikroscopische Strahlenstichmethode. Biol. Centralbl., Bd. 32, 8. 623. 1920 La méthode de la radio-piqire microscopique, un moyen d’ana- lyse en cytologieexpérimentale. C.R.del’Acad.desSc., T.171, p. 1237. 1921 Nouveau dispositif pour la méthode de la radio-puncture micro- scopique. C.R.delaSoc. de Biol., T. 85, p. 137. THE ANATOMICAL RECORD, VOL, 24, NO. 1 Reprinted from JourNAL or Bacrnriotody VoIMII, No. 1, January, 1922 A MICROMANIPULATOR FOR THE ISOLATION OF BACTERIA AND THE DISSECTION OF CELLS ROBERT CHAMBERS Cornell University Medical College, New York City Received for publication June 5, 1922 I have recently described (Chambers, 1922, b) an apparatus for the manipulation of micro needles and micro pipettes under the highest magnifications of the microscope. This apparatus is an improvement on Barber’s Pipette Holder (Barber, 1914) because of its simpler construction and the greater accuracy with which one can control its movements. An additional advantage consists in the existence of certain devices for bringing the pipette or needle, quickly into position before starting actual operation. The working principle of the apparatus (which is being pat- ented) is illustrated in figure 1. It consists in the use of bars of rigid metal connected at their ends to form a Z like figure by resilient metal acting as spring hinges. The bars are forced apart by screws and return when the screws are reversed. By these means are movements are imparted to the tip of a pipette which is attached to one of the bars. As the radius of each are is about two and a half inches, the fine movements imparted to the tip of the pipette are practically in straight lines because the excursion never exceeds one millimeter. The instrument can be used by itself for one needle or pipette, or with a companion apparatus when two needles, or a needle and a pipette are to be used simultaneously. When a pair is used, one is a left handed and the other a right handed appara- tus, both being clamped to the front of the microscope stage. For the isolation of bacteria, one instrument is sufficient. It may be clamped on the left side of the microscope stage, figure 2, so that the pipette projects into the moist chamber from the 1 JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, VOL. VIII, NO.1 2 ROBERT CHAMBERS left. The tip of the needle or pipette is bent up so as to pro- ject from below into a drop suspended from the coverslip which roofs the chamber. The cells to be operated upon lie in the hanging drop. When a cell is to be dissected or injected it tends to retain its position on account of the shallowness of the drop and the inertia of the cell. However, it is more satisfac- tory to use two instruments, one with a needle for holding the cell or tissue, and the other with a needle or pipette for the actual operation. Fig. 1. DracraMm SHOWING WorKING PRINCIPLE OF MICROMANIPULATOR (a) Side view. Screw J in stationary pillar J pushes against K, and causes needle tip D to move through vertical are y-z. (b) Surface view. Screws G and H move the needle tip through horizontal ares m-n and o-p. For dissecting purposes, the glass needles may be curved or straight and with obtusely or gently tapering tips. They can be made fine enough to puncture red blood corpuscles and to tear up leucocytes. For injecting and for withdrawing materials from a living cell, the micro pipettes are made with apertures varying from two to less than half a micron in diameter. I have recently described (Chambers, 1922, a) an effective and easily madeappara- tus for exerting the necessary pressure to drive materials through ISOLATION OF BACTERIA AND DISSECTION OF CELLS 3 such small pipettes, and at the same time to control, with con- siderable accuracy, the amount to be injected or withdrawn. For isolating bacteria, much coarser pipettes are used, which ‘can be blown into by the mouth through a length of rubber tubing, figure 2. At my suggestion, Dr. Kahn has kindly pub- Via. 2. MickomManiputator Mountep on Lerr Sipe or MicroscoPr FOR IsoLaTInG BacTERIA Note Barber’s moist chamber with the coverslip marked with cross lines to aid in locating areas. The chamber shown here is higher than necessary. The screw producing the vertical movement is connected with a flexible shaft, which allows its control to be brought into close proximity with the fine adjustment of the microscope. lished an account (Kahn, 1922) of the procedure, together with a discussion of the application of the micromanipulator to the isolation of bacteria. In brief, the procedure is as follows: A sterile, hollow glass needle is first made. The bent up tip is then inserted into a test tube of a liquid culture of bacteria, 4 ROBERT CHAMBERS and converted into a pipette by breaking the tip against the wall of the test tube. A small amount of the culture is sucked up, and the filled pipette placed in the micromanipulator attached to the microscope. The tip of the pipette is then brought into the microscopic field and brought close to the coverslip of the MM, | Fig. 3. Derain SHowinG Devices ror PRELIMINARY ADJUSTMENTS OF THE PIPETTE Carrier, a, for clamping brass collar, b, in which needle or pipette has been in- serted. The needle or pipette slides evenly within the collar for the in and out movement. Telescoping pillar, c, for lengthening vertical post of carrier. Post, d; rotates and serves to move needle tip laterally, Screw, e, raises and lowers post, d, to move needle tip vertically. moist chamber by means of the preliminary adjusting devices shown in detail in figure 3. The tip is now further raised by means of the fine adjustment screw until it reaches the under- surface of the coverslip. By alternately raising and lowering the pipette, and by moving the moist chamber with the mechani- ISOLATION OF BACTERIA AND DISSECTION OF CELLS 5 cal stage, a series of hanging droplets! are placed on the coverslip. The pipette is then removed from the instrument and discarded. A search is now made for droplets containing only a single or- ganism. Each such droplet is drawn up into a fresh sterile pipette, which is then removed from the instrument and in- serted into a tube containing a suitable sterile medium. The contents of the pipette are now expelled by blowing. In this way, one can quickly obtain cultures known to have originated from a single organism. The micromanipulation technic is not very difficult. The making of the glass needles and pipettes, and the working of the instrument can be quickly mastered. For the bacteriologist, the isolation method as introduced by Barber, has long proved most successful. With the apparatus described here, it should soon be more widely used. For the cytologist and cell physiologist, the problem is to find the proper material with which to work. Through micro- operations on certain tissue cells and on such material as Protozoa and marine ova, considerable light has already been thrown upon the nature of living protoplasm. REFERENCES Barper, M.A. 1914 Philipp. Jour. Sci., Ser. B, Trop. Med., 9, 307. CuamsBers, R. 1922a Anat. Rec., 24, 1. CuambBers, R. 1922b Jour. Infect. Dis. now in print. Kaun, M.C. 1922 Jour. Infect. Dis., now in print. 1 Barber uses coverslips smeared with petrolatum to aid in the maintenance of the droplets. The excess, having been washed off with soap and water, the slips are dried with a cloth, and then heated and wiped a second time while still warm. They are sterilized by flaming. {Reprinted from THE JourRNAL oF GENERAL PuystoLocy, November 20, 1922, Vol. v, No. 2, pp. 189-193.] A MICRO INJECTION STUDY ON THE PERMEABILITY OF THE STARFISH EGG. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. (From the Eli Lilly Research Division, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole.) (Received for publication, September 27, 1922.) It is well known that selective permeability, or semipermeability, is one of the essential characteristics of the living cell. So far, how- ever, there is no evidence as to whether the semipermeability of pro- toplasm is a property of its entire mass or of its surface only. Apparently the only means by which the action of substances on the interior alone of protoplasm may be studied is by injection. Animal cells can be injected by using the very fine glass pipettes and the mercury injection method which Barber devised for bacteriologi- cal work. I have used this method. The pipettes, both as regards their size and the ease of making, leave nothing to be desired. The method, however, is not only very difficult, but is unsatisfactory, owing to the fact that the pressure required for injection depends upon the expansion of mercury by heat, and this cannot be instantly controlled. Kite! tried it, but substituted for most purposes the far cruder method of blowing into his pipettes through a rubber tube. This operation necessitates larger pipettes than can be properly used for cell injection. The erroneous conclusions arrived at by Kite were due not only to the difficulty of the procedure, but mainly to the extraordinary ability of protoplasm to form films over torn sur- faces. Pushing a pipette, especially a comparatively large one, into an egg cell frequently causes the surface of the cell to become in- vaginated and thus forms a deep pocket. The tip of the pipette, even if it should finally break through the surface, is apt to be separ- ated from the protoplasm of the interior by the formation of a new surface film continuous with the original surface of the cell. Kite apparently did not guard against this contingency, and his experi- 1 Kite, G. L., Biol. Bull., 1913, xxv, 1: 189 190 PERMEABILITY OF STARFISH EGG mental results indicate that his solutions never actually entered the protoplasm of the cell. The injected fluid simply seems to have filled the bottom of a pocket and then flowed down the side of the pipette to the exterior. When Kite says that he found no difference in permeability, whether a substance be applied to the surface of a cell or to any spot in its interior, he was perfectly correct. The spot in the interior was an infolding from the surface of the cell. At best, he was only comparing the permeability of the original surface of the cell with that of a newly formed surface film which surrounded the tip of his pipette. I have recently succeeded? in devising a simple but efficient piece of apparatus with which one can accurately and easily control the injection of fluids through a micro pipette having an aperture of less than 1 micron in diameter. The pipette, when properly made, tapers rapidly to a tip with a sharp cutting edge. The apparatus is so constructed that the pipette can be quickly changed. By keeping in mind the ease with which protoplasmic surface films are formed, one can, with this method, readily and accurately inject fluids directly into the interior of the protoplasm of a cell. This summer Jacobs kindly set at my disposal a manuscript which the reader will find in this number of this Journal, in which are de- scribed the interesting results that were obtained by immersing neu- tral red vitally stained starfish eggs in ammonium chloride, and in sodium bicarbonate solutions. Jacobs found that a 1/2 m NH,Cl solution, which is sufficiently acid to redden neutral red, will cause the neutral red within the eggs to turn yellow, indicating the entrance into the eggs of NH; and not of HCl. He also found that neutral red stained eggs will turn a deeper red when immersed in an alkaline solution of 1/2 m NaHCO; charged with COs, indicating the entrance into the eggs of COz and not of NaOH. Jacobs’ results confirm those of Loeb,’ Bethe,* Warburg, Harvey, 2 Chambers, R., Anat. Rec., 1922, xxiv, 1. 3 Loeb, J., Biochem. Z., 1909, xv, 254. ‘ Bethe, A., Arch., ges. Physiol., 1909, cxxvii, 261. 5 Warburg, O., Z. Physiol. Chem., 1910, lxvi, 305. 6 Harvey, E. N., J. Exp. Zool., 1911, x, 507; Internat. Z. phystk. Chem. u. Biol., 1914, i, 463. ROBERT CHAMBERS 191 and Crozier’ that weak acids and bases freely penetrate living cells, whereas strong acids and bases do not. This is presumably because of their solubility in the organic solvents (lipoids) of the protoplasmic surface layer. I have injected the solutions which Jacobs used into starfish eggs vitally stained with neutral red, and obtained decided and consistent results, which show that HCl and NaOH will permeate protoplasm freely as long as there is no protoplasmic film to serve as a barrier. The semipermeability of protoplasm, in all probability, depends upon the surface film having properties different from those of the contin- uous internal protoplasm. EXPERIMENTS. Mature starfish ‘(Asterias forbesii) eggs were vitally stained with neutral red. They were then placed in a hanging drop in Barber’s moist chamber, and those eggs selected which showed a neutral tint of an orange-red hue. All the experimental work was done under a Leitz + oil immersion objective and ocular 15. This objective gives a remarkably long working distance together with a sharp definition that allows of the use of high powered oculars. Treatment with 1/2 Mm NH,Cl. Eggs were placed in a hanging drop of 1/2 m NH,Cl in which, as Jacobs has shown, their vitality remains unimpaired for a period of 10 to15 minutes. With a microdissection needle deep cuts were made in the eggs. The cut surfaces were immediately bounded by surface films continuous with the surface of the egg, and no injurious effect of the surrounding medium was noticeable. During this time, the neutral red within the egg, gradually turned yellow. This experiment indicates that the NH4Cl does not prevent the formation of films over the cut surfaces of the egg, and also that the solution will not, within the time limits of the experiment, penetrate those films. The interior of stained eggs was made to flow out in a drop of 1/2 m NH4Cl by the following means. The egg was torn at one spot on its surface and then caught on the other side and pulled to the edge of the drop. In every case the rapidly outflowing interior turned rose-red upon coming into contact with the surrounding solution and cytolyzed into a frothy semisolid mass. The change from an orange color to a red, with an accompanying cytolysis, extended from the out- 7 Crozier, W. J., J. Biol. Chem., 1916, xxiv, 255. 192 PERMEABILITY OF STARFISH EGG flowing area into the egg itself, and spread to the original cortex until the entire egg was cytolyzed. This experiment shows that if the egg be torn in such a way as to cause its interior to flow out rapidly, no surface film forms. ‘The NH4Cl at once penetrates the protoplasm which undergoes the characteristic color change and cytolysis. Stained eggs were placed in a hanging drop of sea water and 1/2 m NHC] in- jected under the egg membrane. This is fairly easy to do in the unfertilized egg but more so in the fertilized egg in which the membrane has already lifted off as the so called fertilization membrane. In the unfertilized egg, the injected solution at first bulges the membrane giving rise to a localized blister, and then usually spreads quickly over the egg, lifting the membrane from its entire surface. The permeability of the egg to the NH,Cl is not affected by this treatment. This demonstrates that it is not the egg membrane which protects the egg from the NH,Cl, but the actual surface film of the protoplasm lying under the membrane. Stained eggs in a hanging drop of sea water were punctured with a glass pipette having an aperture of 1 micron in diameter, and a minute quantity of 1/2 m NH4Cl injected directly into the interior of the egg. The injected area immediately changed from an orange to a rose-red color, and then underwent cytolysis. The color change and accompanying cytolysis spread from the injected area. In some cases this spread was arrested by the formation of a surface film which con- verted the injected and disintegrated area into a vacuole. In other cases the cytolysis spread till it reached the cortex which disintegrated from within outward. This experiment demonstrates that 1/2 m NH,Cl, which causes an alkaline color change within eggs immersed in it, will, when injected into the interior of the eggs, produce the acid color change and accompanying cytolysis which charac- terizes the presence of HCl. Treatment with 1/2mM NaHCO; + COs. Stained eggs were cut and torn in a hanging drop of the NaHCO; solution. In contrast to the reaction in the presence of NH4Cl there was no tendency for the formation of surface films over their cut surfaces. The protoplasm simply flowed out and was dispersed in the solution, the color changing meanwhile from red to yellow. Injection of NaHCO; beneath the egg membrane of eggs in sea water had no other effect than that produced upon eggs by immersing them in the solution; viz., deepening of the red color in the egg owing to the selective penetration of CO2. Stained eggs were injected with the NaHCO; solution. The injected area immediately turned yellow, and cytolysis with liquefaction took place. No surface film formed about the cytolyzing area, and the yellow color spread throughout. ROBERT CHAMBERS 193 CONCLUSION. The experiments with the NH,ClI are similar to, and corroborate micro injection experiments performed in connection with some work on mustard gas in which the writer collaborated. Eggs immersed in sea water containing decomposed mustard gas, at a certain low concentration are not affected. If, however, the solution be in- jected, the egg quickly cytolyzes owing to the free HCl present. A similar impermeability of the protoplasmic surface film to cer- tain substances was also encountered in injection work on Ameba.® Amebe immersed in an aqueous solution of eosin will not take the stain till after death. On the other hand, the eosin, when injected into the Amaba, quickly permeates the protoplasm, to be arrested only at the surface. The semipermeability of a living cell appears primarily to be a function of its surface film. It is immaterial whether this film be that of the original cortex of the cell, a film newly formed over a cut surface, or a film that surrounds an artificially induced vacuole within the cell. As long as such a surface film exists neither the acid group of the NH,Cl nor the alkaline group of the NaHCO; can, within cer- tain concentration limits, penetrate the protoplasm. These solutions, if injected beneath the surface film, however, will produce their characteristic effects upon the protoplasm. 8 Lillie, R. S., Clowes, G. H. A., and Chambers, R., J. Pharmacol. and Exp. Therap., 1919-20, xiv, 75. ® Chambers, R., Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. and Med., 1920-21, xviii, 66. Reprinted from the Procrepincs or Tw& Soctery ror Exrentmentat Brotocy anp Meprctne, 1922, xx, pp. 137-138 67 (2027) A note on the entrance of the spermatozoon into the starfish egg. By ROBERT CHAMBERS. [From the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City.] In 1876 Fol made the classic discovery that the spermatozoon actually enters the egg in fertilization. This fact he observed in the starfish egg. Fol’s treatise was apparently so exhaustive and so carefully worked out that no one has questioned the de- tails of his observations and his interpretation of the process is generally accepted to this day. Conical elevations were seen to form on the surface of the egg and the spermatozoa travelled in a straight line toward them. When a spermatozoon reached a cone its head penetrated it. Fol called the conical elevation the “attraction cone” and believed that it attracted the spermatozoon from a distance. The starfish egg is surrounded by a zone of glutinous jelly the thickness of which is about one fifth the diameter of the egg. When the eggs are placed in a sperm suspension all the spermatozoa that accidentally come into contact with the sur- face of the jelly stick and are unable to penetrate it to any ex- tent. My observations confirm those of Fol regarding the formation of the cones on the egg’s surface. The number of cones depends upon the age of the egg and upon the density of the sperm sus- pension surrounding it. An overripe egg forms these cones PAS Scientific ProcEEpincGs (127) quickly and in considerable numbers. A fresh mature egg forms only a few cones unless the sperm suspension is very dense. Fol, however, failed to observe the following: From the tip of each cone a slender filament grows outward piercing the jelly until it reaches the periphery where the trapped spermatozoa are lying. If there be no spermatozoa in the immediate vicinity nothing more happens. If, however, the tip of the filament comes into contact with a spermatozoon the cytoplasm of the tip and that of the sperm head immediately flow together so that the sperm nucleus now lies within the cytoplasm of the egg fila- ment. An extraordinary reaction then takes place. The fila- ment begins to draw back into the egg dragging the spermato- zoon along with it. Not only this but all the other filaments projecting from the egg are similarly withdrawn. Apparently, a wave of response is started when a filament fuses with a sper- matozoon. This wave must travel down the filament and over the egg. As the filament with a spermatozoon on its tip shortens, the spermatozoon is pulled deeper and deeper into the jelly and the lashing of its tail becomes more and more restricted. The sper- matozoon behaves like an unwilling victim and occasionally, frees itself, especially when- other filaments have been slightly ahead in activity and have also secured spermatozoa which they are now pulling in. With the microdissection needle one may free a spermatozoon by breaking the filament to which it is at- tached. Such a spermatozoon is generally unable to extricate itself from the jelly in which it lies embedded. After a few vi- brations of its tail it becomes permanently quiescent. By the time the filament has dragged the spermatozoon half way through the jelly the base of the cone changes in shape. The convexly rounded border, which gives it the appearance of a rounded nipple, draws in so as to become concave. In doing so it leaves the egg membrane behind and this now becomes plainly visible owing to the space intervening between it and the surface of the cone. By the time the filament is withdrawn so as to bring the sperm head to the summit of the cone, the lifting of the egg membrane has spread from the base of the cone over the egg and is recognized as the fertilization membrane. When the filament is completely withdrawn into the base of the cone the head of the spermatozoon is taken in with it. The ENTRANCE OF SPERMATOZOON INTO STARFISH EGG 3 tail of the spermatozoon remains for a time outside the fertiliza- tion membrane. As long as the tail maintains organic continu- ity with its head it keeps up a feeble oscillatory movement. As the cone recedes into the egg, the strand extending from it to the tail outside the fertilization membrane breaks and the tail then lies motionless. The tail can be seen for several minutes mark- ing the site where the sperm head had gone in. DISTURBANCES IN MAMMALIAN DEVELOPMENT PRODUCED BY RADIUM EMANATION BY HALSEY J. BAGG, PH. D. Huntington Fund for Cancer Research, Memorial Hospital and the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City Reprint from ‘‘Radium,”’ Vol. 1, New Series, No. 2. July, 1922. DISTURBANCES IN MAMMALIAN DEVELOPMENT PRODUCED BY RADIUM EMANATION * By Hatsey J. Bacc, Ph.D. Prantaigion Fund for Cancer Research, Memorial Hospital and the Department of Anatomy, Cornell University Medical College, New York City The effect of radium on animal development has been the subject sf several researches since the early work of Bohn (1), in 1903, upon the ova and larve of the sea-urchin. [Experiments on developing nema- todes, molluscs, amphibians, fishes, and birds are associated with the names of Perthes (2), P .Hertwig (3), Schaper (4), O. Hertwig (5), and G. Hertwig (6). These investigators report developmental retarda- tions following radiation of the ova and developing embryos. They found a particular susceptibility of the nuclei of the cells and a gen- eral slowing up in the developmental processes, especially in the case of the central nervous system. The total disturbances, depending upon the period of development when the radiation was applied, resulted in the formation of monstrosities conforming more or less to a general type.t Similar experiments concerning the effects of x-rays on development have been conducted by many investigators. After exposure to x-radia- tion, Perthes (7) noted abnormal cell division and a retardation in the development of the ova of Ascaris megalocephala. Gilman and Baetjer (8), after radiating the ova of Amblystoma, and Baldwin (9), the fertilized ova of frogs, were able to produce a fairly constant type of development defect. Injurious results have followed in all cases where mammals have been exposed to x-radiation. It has been shown that when any particular part of a young animal is exposed to a sufficient amount of radiation, that part fails to reach its normal size and is unable to exercise a full degree of function. Arrests in development and the production of abnormal types may be induced not only by radio-activity, but by many physical or chemical agents. Abnormal temperature changes, treatment by many chemicals, lack of oxygen supply, or the overabundance of carbon dioxide, etc., have produced marked changes in the developing embryo. The present experiments are mainly concerned with disturbances in mammalian development, before and after birth, as a result of exposing the embryos of rats, at various times during the prenatal period, to irradiation from radium emanation. The effect on the embryos following radiation of the mother at varying intervals before mating was also determined. These experiments were designed not only to study the factors underlying the production of abnormal types, but through an *Reprinted by permission from the American Journal of Anatomy, xxx, 133- 161, Jan. 1922. 7In connection with the above statement, and applying to x-ray treatments as well, the question of dosage is an important one. A survey of the literature shows that there was a very wide range in the severity of the dose employed, and in several cases the experimental settings were inadequately described (Bohn used ‘some centigrams’ of pure radium bromide for from twenty minutes to two hours). The amount of radium metal used in the investigations that have been men- tioned varied from 2 mg. to 35.1 mg., and the time from a few seconds to several hours. The deleterious changes in the animal tissues varied with the amount of radium and the time of exposure. 3 examination of the abnormal to gain a clearer insight into the nature of normal development and differentiation.§ I acknowledge with pleasure my indebtedness to Dr. James Ewing for his aid in the interpretation of the pathological results. METHODS AND APPARATUS Two methods were used for applying the radium emanation. In the first method an ‘active deposit’ was obtained by exposing a definite quantity of common salt to a comparatively large amount of radium emanation, about 500 millicuries were used, or the amount of radium emanation initially equivalent to one-half a gram of radium metal. To the radio-active salt thus produced sufficient water was added to make a physiological solution. The pregnant rats were injected subcutaneously in the shoulder region and intravenously through the caudal vein; 3 to 4 minims constituted the usual dose. Because of the rapid loss of radio-activity of these solutions, the injections were made immediately after the preparation. The details involved in preparing and measuring the doses, as well as the methods for protecting the experimenter, are described elsewhere (10 and 11). The activated solution exhibited all the known phenomena of radium metal itself; alpha, beta, and gamma rays were present, but the greatest physiological effects were probably due to alpha-ray activity. After long experimentation, a dose of 5 milli- curies was found to be the maximum applicable to the aims of this experiment. In the second method gamma-ray radiation was applied through the ventral body wall of pregnant rats at nearly full term. A large amount of radium emanation was used, an amount equivalent to 1% grams of radium metal, filtered by 2 mm. of lead and %4 mm. of silver. The source of emanation was 1 cm. away from the animal. The applicator, called a ‘lead tray’ in clinical usage, was 6 cm. in diameter and 1.5 cm. high. This was placed in the bottom of a small wire cage, 10 by 13 cm. in diameter and 10 cm. high, and was covered by a thin sheet of cardboard. The animal was placed on this paper immediately above the applicator. Preliminary tests showed that a dose of about 1300 millicurie hours was sufficient to produce developmental arrests in the embryos without killing the pregnant animals. Doses as high as 2900 me. hrs., how- ever, were successfully used in some cases. ‘The embryos were killed by ether, and histological material procured at various periods after the treatment. The tissues were fixed in Bouin’s solution, cut in serial section, and stained with haematoxylin and eosin. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS Series A. Injections of Radio-Active Solutions. 1. Subcutaneous Injections After Mating. Sixty-five full-grown, normal, pregnant rats were treated in this series. They were divided into four groups, each treated at different periods after mating. Ten pregnant females were injected 7 days after mating; twenty-four, 10 to 14 days after; twenty-one, 15 to 17 days after; and ten, 18 to 21 days after mating. Many of the animals were killed at weekly inter- vals after treatment, although some were allowed to reach full term. Various degrees of developmental disturbances were noted, as shown in the following groups: §Dr. J. F. Gudernatsch was a co-investigator with the writer during the year 1919. A preliminary report of the work done with him at that time is given in the Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, 1920, vol. 17, p. 183. 4 1. There was a large number of cases where no embryos devel- oped, in others many began development, but were absorbed or aborted at an early time. The females in which no embryos were found, although they were definitely considered pregnant before treatment, occurred among cases treated soon after mating and in those instances where females were autopsied a considerable time after treatment. Figure 1 shows the remnants of maternal and embryonic structures; from the size of the placentae one can see that the foetuses had reached a fair degree of development before the radiation retarded the normal physio- logical processes. In one case (fig. 2) a small ovoid sac was found attached to the uterine wall by a thin stalk. This apparently repre- sented the remnants of a former embryo and placenta. [xtravasated blood and cell detritus were found in this sac and a great many large cells of an epithelioid nature that probably belonged to the former em- bryonic syncytium. The wall of this cyst was formed by fibrous con- nective tissue. 2. Embryos were killed by the treatment, but were removed from the mother and preserved before they were absorbed. These showed various extravasations from the vessels of the subcutaneous connective issue, within the meningeal sinuses, and mainly along the dorsal mid- line of the body. Figure 3 shows a typical example of such a lesion which was situated in the mid-dorsal line. The mother of this embryo, No. 1167, was mated on April 22, 1919, injected with 4.9 millicuries on May 7th, and was killed two days later. When the embryo was cut in serial section, it showed that the haematoma in the dorsal subcu- taneous tissues had exerted sufficient pressure upon the spinal colimn to produce at one place a complete dislocation. Microscopical examina- tion of the viscera showed no pathological changes. Not all the foetuses of a litter were affected in the same degree. In one case seven foetuses were found, three showing haemorrhagic lesions, two beginning to macerate, and two in the progess of absorption. This variation in re- sistance was due either to the higher or lower vitality of the embryos themselves or to the amount of radioactivity which passed the placentae. In another case the foetuses, although injured, were carried to full term, and among a litter of six young, two were apparently normai and four showed haemorrhagic spots on the head, face, and along the dorsal midline of the body. 3. Several young of a single litter showed areas of extravasation and were born alive. Their mother died, however, and foster moth>rs refused to nurse them. 4.. Eight litters gave normal living young. This number is low, because, as previously stated, many pregnant rats were killed by the experimenter at various intervals after treatment. The average number of young per litter was 4.8, as compared with 6.5 per litter for the control rats, but the probable errors indicate that this difference is, very likely, not significant. Only one litter, containing four young, survived a treatment given seven days after mating. Several of the rats of this group, which had apparently escaped the full radium exposure during the uterine period or perhaps they were more resistant to it, when mated inter se produced litters of apparently normal young of normal fer- tility. The offspring of these animals, about twenty in number, were observed for two generations, but no abnormalities were noted. Il. Subcutaneous Injections Before Mating. Seventy-seven females were treated in this group, eleven died as a result of the injec- 5 Fig. 1. Two well-developed placentae are shown at the left attached to a uterus which has been partly opened. The remnants of embryonic tissue are superimposed on the placentae. At the right is a placenta which has been dissected from the uterus, and shows more clearly the remains of embryonic material, here represented as a lighter area in the upper portion of the draw- ing. Female mated April 22, 1919, injected May 7th, killed May 6th. Dose = 4.6 mc. (subcutaneous). Fig. 2. A stalked sae partly dissected from the uterus, showing the rem- nants of a former embryo and placenta. Female mated April 22nd, injected May 7th, killed May 16th. Dose = 4.8 mc. (subcutaneous). Fig. 8. This is a dorsal view of a rat embryo, showing a characteristic area of extravasation due to the treatment of the mother during pregnancy. Female mated April 22nd, injected May 7th, killed May 9th, at which time 6 tion before they were mated, while several were killed at weekly intervals after mating, and some were allowed to continue to full term. Thirty- four animals were injected between 5 and 7 days before mating; seven- teen, 10 to 14 days before, and fifteen, 20 days before mating. Only three litters in this group showed abnormal young. The most interesting was a litter of seven, in which case the female was treated with 4.2 me., 22 days previous to fertilization, and the foetuses, approxi- mately 16 days old, showed very pronounced areas of extravasation, which in one case (fig. 4) covered a large area on one side of the head and a few small scattered areas on the other side. These areas were not only along the dorsal midline, but also on the lateral surfaces of the body as well (fig. 5). ‘The lesions were much more widely dis- tributed and more variable in size than in the cases recorded under Section I. Although the conditions that produced these results were repeated many times, the above is the only case where positive data were obtained. Usually the female had either been rendered sterile or the young were killed and absorbed during early stages. There were two other cases, however, where young were found with haemorrhagic areas, and these occurred in a group of females that were treated seven days before mating. Female 85 was given a dose of 6.6 mc. on November 7, 1919. It was mated on November 14th, and as three young were born December 11th, fertilization took place about fourteen days after the treatment. Two of the young were apparently normal, but one showed a large haemorrhagic area, which involved most of the right side of the snout, the right eye, and a portion of the lower jaw on that side. This area disappeared after three days. Female 99, injected and mated et the same time with female No. 85, received a dose of 5.6 mc. Five young, three males and two females, were born on December 13th, making the date of fertilization about sixteen days after treatment. One male and one female showed definite haemorrhagic areas on the face. Consideration of these cases will be deferred until later. Seventeen females following treatment were killed at varying in- tervals after mating and showed markedly haemorrhagic or cystic ovaries and congested uteri. In these cases radium emanation apparently had either so altered the maternal tissues as to prevent fertilization or devel- opment when started was soon followed by the death of the embryo and its absorption. Many nodules were found in the uteri in which it was impossible to differentiate between embryonic and maternal structures. The remaining females (as previously stated, eleven died between the period of treatment and mating) produced either full-term normal young or young apparently normal at autopsy. Several of these living seven foetuses were found about fifteen days in development. Two of the litter were macerated and two absorbed. Dose = 4.9 me. (subcutaneous). Fig. 4. Areas of extravasation are shown in the two views of this embryo, similar to the condition shown in figure 3, but in this case resulting from treating the mother twenty-two days before fertilization. There are a few small scattered areas over the right side of the head and a large area of extravasation on the left side. Female injected April 22nd, mated May 12th, killed May 30th. Seven foetuses were found, fifteen to sixteen days old. Dose = 42 me. (subcutaneous). Fig. 5. These are three views of another foetus, a litter mate of the one shown in figure 4, showing the wide distribution of the extravasated areas over both sides and back of the animal. The experimental conditions are the same as for figure 4. young grew normally and were mated inter se, but produced no abnor- mal offspring, although observed for two generations. Ill. Jntravenous Injections After Mating. The intravenous injec- tions were primarily planned to act as a check on the series of subcu- taneous treatments. The object was to determine the immediate reac- tions that might occur in the embryo as a result of injecting a compara- tively large dose of radio-active solution into the circulation of the preg- nant female, and whether these reactions would be similar to those already recorded for the subcutaneous series. The toxic reactions were so prompt and fatal that it was not necessary to treat many animals to settle this point. A typical case in that of female No. 123. This animal, of about nineteen days’ pregnancy, was treated with 30 me. in- jected directly into the blood stream through the caudal vein. This was six times greater than the usual dose in the first two series. Three young were born dead twenty-four hours later. They showed very definite radium changes, typical of those already recorded for the sub- cutaneous series. Figure 6 shows a foetus still attached to an appar- ently normal placenta, but a characteristic area of extravasation was found over a considerable portion of the left side of the head. In figure 7A a dorsal view shows another embryo with two comparatively small haemorrhagic areas along the dorsal midline, and the placenta in this case is also normal. The third foetus in this litter was apparently nor- mal, but the placenta (fig. 7B) had acted in the nature of a ‘shock ab- sorber’ in protecting the foetus from exposure to the radio-activity, and it was so swollen and completely filled with blood as a result of its injury, that it had the appearance of a large haemorrhagic sac. Series B. Results from Radiating Nearly Full-Term Pregnant Rats With Gamma-Ray Radiation. Ten rats were treated at the end of about nineteen days of preg- nancy. It was found that exposure to about 1350 me. hrs. of radium emanation was sufficient to produce very decided changes in the embryo and yet leave the pregnant females sufficiently uninjured to be able to nurse their young and care for them until after the weaning period. When the dose was increased to 3378 me. hrs., the young were severely injured, and were either killed outright or died two or three days after birth. The following are the conditions that resulted in the first genera- tion of animals treated in utero with a dose of about 1350 me. hrs.: 1. The young of each litter were born two or three days after the treatment, alive and apparently normal. 2. About ten days after treatment, about half of each litter be- came markedly anemic, showed symptoms of diffuse edema, and promptly died. There was an easily recognizable slow development of meningeal and spinal-cord haemorrhages, similar to those already described as a result of treatment by radio-active solutions. A series of these lesions is shown in figures 8, 9 and 10. Figure 8 shows a young rat with the dorsal integument partly dissected away, exposing a typical haemorrhagic area in the region of the frontal lobes. The slow development of this lesion could be easily noted through the thin, transparent scalp. This young was one of several treated in utero with 1350 me. hrs. of gamma- ray radiation on February 21, 1920. It was born two days later, and died on March 3rd. ‘The young rat shown in figure 9 was a litter mate of the previous animal. It shows the presence of three distinct haemor- 8 rhagic areas, a small frontal lesion, a fairly extensive one in the occipital region, and a small lesion in the subcutaneous tissues in the thoracic region, near the middorsal line on the left side of the body. This animal also died on March 3rd. A third animal belonging to the same litter is shown in figure 10. Here is seen a still more acute reaction, as shown by the fact that the animal died a day sooner than in the two cases above. There is an extensive area of meningeal haemorrhage which covers most of the dorsal portion of the brain, involving the frontal and occipital regions and the medial area between, as well as a consid- erable portion of the right temporal area. In addition, a distinct, rounded haemorrhagic lesion may be noted on the reflected skin on the left side of the body. This lesion occurred in the midshoulder region of the back. The heads of several of the young rats showed marked lateral com- pression. In one case a haemorrhage so affected the spinal cord as to produce complete paraplegia. The tissues of these animals were studied histologically. Save for the mechanical disturbances produced by the presence of the extravasated areas, the most marked pathological con- ditions were seen in the liver and intestines. In the first case there was a pronounced fatty degeneration of the hepatic cells, and in the second, a desquamation of the lining cells of the intestinal mucosa. 3. It is interesting to note that the other half of each litter sur- vived the treatment, grew to a normal size, and some animals have lived for over eighteen months. They showed the effects of the late uterine treatment by the following arrests in development: a. The first pathological condition noted was that the eyes became smaller, the pupils opaque, and there finally was a complete, or nearly complete, closing of the lids and total blindness. This condition was first observed a short time after the eyes had opened. The photographs in figure 11 show three views of a female rat about one year old with typical eye deformities. The upper view shows the entire animal, which had grown to normal size and weight for its age. The left eye was nearly completely closed, as is shown more clearly in the lower right- hand view of the head at a higher magnification. Both pupils were opaque, but, as shown in the illustration, the right eyelids were slightly more opened than those of the other side. The animal was one of a litter treated in utero on March 8, 1920, was born six days later, and the photograph was taken on March 1, 1921. The dose in this case was 2920 me. hrs. of gamma-ray radiation, which was a dose higher than that usually tolerated. b. Mating tests showed that both the males and females were com- vletely sterile in the first lots, but subsequently a first-generation female, that had been treated with 1350 mc. hrs., mated with a male similarly treated, gave birth to nine apparently normal young. c. Before these adult offspring of treated animals were killed for histological examination, their neurological reactions were very carefully studied. The animals, being blind, when startled assumed various de- fensive attitudes, but save for these reactions their behavior was re- markably normal. There was no ataxia in locomotion or in any of the feeding reactions, auditory acuity was normal, and there was no cutan- eous hypoesthesia or other sensory disturbances. Except for blindness, there was nothing to suggest abnormal sensory function. d. When these animals were autopsied, marked developmental dis- turbances were noted in the condition of the central nervous system. 9 Fig. 6. There is a large and a small area of extravasation on the head of this foetus. The mother was injected intravenously with 30 me. of radio- active solution and three young, about full term, were born twenty-four hours ‘later. All were dead. In this case the attached placenta is apparently normal. lod Fig. 7. The lower figure (A) shows an embryo with two dorsal head lesions and an apparently normal placenta. This is a litter mate of the animal shown in figure 6. At B is indicated a large haemorrhagic placenta from the third young of this litter, which itself was apparently normal. Fig. 8. Dorsal view of a young rat with the skin dissected to either side. There is a prominent area of meningeal extravasation in the frontal region. This animal was treated in utero with 1350 me. hrs. of gamma-ray radiation on February 21st and was born apparently normal on February 23rd. It died on March 3rd. Fig. 9. Dorsal view of a young rat showing aieas of frontal and occi- pital extravasations which were within the meningeal sinuses. There is a smaller lesion in the left dorsal thoracic region. This is a litter mate of the animal shown in figure 8, and the experimental conditions were identical. Death occurred on March 3rd. : Fig. 10. There is an extensive meningeal extravasation over a consider- able portion of the hemispheres, and a haemorrhagic lesion is shown on the reflected skin from the dorsal interscapular region. This is a litter mate of the animals shown in the two preceding figures. Death occurred on March 2nd. 10 ‘Lhe cerebral hemispheres were greatly reduced in size, and in several eases very little cortical material remained. ‘Those portions of the brain that were ontogenetically older (the archiostriatum and the cerebellum) were apparently normal. ‘The optic tracts were markedly atrophic. Cor- related with this disturbance in brain development, the skull was found to be asymmetrical, narrow, thicker than normal, and concave in the frontal region. Figure 12 shows a dorsal view of a normal, untreated brain of an adult rat, magnified five diameters. In figures 13 and 14 are dorsal and lateral views of a brain of one of the rats which belonged to the same litter as those of section 2 of this series. This animal was treated with 1350 me. hrs. on February 21, 1920, was born on February 23rd, and vas killed December 31, 1920. ‘This was one of the animals which (ex- cept for blindness) showed no abnormal neurological reactions. The magnification in figures 13 and 14 is the same as that for the control brain in figure 12. The dorsal view in figure 13 shows an apparently normal cerebellum and normal olfactory lobes, but the part of the brain which represents the rudiments of the hemispheres shows a great lack of development of cortical substance. In a side view of the brain in figure 14, the cortex may be seen to be very thin; indeed, not completely covering what should normally be the frontal, occipital, and lateral aspects of the brain. The remains of the hemispheres do not suffi- ciently approach each other in the median line to cover the colliculi be- neath. In figure 13 the meninges on the left side of the brain have been removed, but on the other side they have been left in place. It was possible in this specimen to see the lateral ventricles through the trans- parent membranes. Several other brains have been studied which showed various degrees of developmental arrests resulting from radium treat- ment. In some cases the hemispheres were markedly reduced in size, were widely divergent in the median line, and yet the pallium was com- plete over the entire surface. In all these cases there was marked optic atrophy. These brains are now being sectioned, and a study of them in greater detail will be the subject of a separate communication. e. A histological study of the eye showed that the eyeball was re- duced to one-fourth the normal diameter. The retina was missing, but traces of the choroid remained as a few scattered pigment cells. The cornea was three times as thick as normal and covered with four or five layers of opaque squamous epithelium. The optic nerve was extremely small, not more than one-third the normal dimensions. f. The testes of the radiated animals were decidedly atrophic, and a comparison with the normal is shown in the photograph in figure 15. The diameters of the testicle alone (minus the epididymis) of the experi- mental animal was 14 mm. for the length and 7 mm. for the width, while ihe control measurements from normal animals of the same age and weight and with the same method of fixation were 21 mm. for the length and 11.5 mm. for the width. The epididymis of the radiated testis was practically missing. A small portion of the tail remained, but the head and body of the epididymis had failed to develop. Histological examina- tion shows that there is little evidence of spermatogenesis. Some tubules seem to contain imperfect spermatoblasts and forming spermatozoa, but the great majority of tubules show complete degeneration and loss of epithelial cells, and contain loose granular material, which in places is calcified. Some spermatic tubules are greatly dilated and filled with granular material. Very few interstitial cells are visible. 11 The ovary of the radiated animals was reduced to one-fourth or ene-fifth the normal size. The graffian follicles were entirely missing. Groups of lutein cells persisted in small numbers, but showed marked hydropic degeneration. Some of the large vessels about the ovary were sclerosed. g. The liver, kidney, lungs, spleen, and the other organs were examined, but showed no pathological disturbance. CONTROL GROUP Pregnant rats of the same stock, the same age and weight, were injected subcutaneously and intravenously with equal amounts of solu- tions that previously had been strongly radioactive, but were allowed to ‘decay,’ until they had lost their radio-activity. These experiments gave absolutely negative results. As a control to the gamma-ray experiments, pregnant rats, sisters of the treated animals, were allowed to breed under exactly the same experimental conditions. No abnormal young were observed. DISCUSSION AND SUMMARY OF RESULTS It has been shown that when doses of radio-active solutions are injected into an animal marked physiological reactions take place. Large doses produce severe toxemia, resulting in pronounced pathological changes in the various viscera of the white rat (10). A study of meta- bolic changes in dogs, as determined by urine analysis, showed that, following intravenous injections of such solutions, there were very de- cided increases in the total nitrogen content of the urine, the urea, crea- linine, uric acid, and the total phosphates (12). A prompt reduction occurred in the number of white blood cells of the dog after intravenous injections of these solutions, associated with a marked decrease in the relative percentage of circulating lymphocytes (13). In order to reduce as much as possible the severity of the reaction, very small doses of radio-activity were used in the experiments recorded in this article. But even with comparatively small doses, certain rats treated in uterg showed very acute reactions. Many were killed by the treatment and and were absorbed or aborted. Others were found showing pronounced areas of subcutaneous extravasations, mainly situated along the mid- dorsal line of the body and within the meningeal sinuses. This condi- tion was probably due to the destructive action of radium on the endo- thelium of the blood vessels, as well as a possible increase in blood pressure, as was shown to occur in the dog by Burton-Opitz and Meyer (14) after intravenous injections of very small quantities of radium bromide. ho met ret aeet rerdaas ety ett 6% Vmeedsasert ri wi ewe weary ele te e sore ait ecaséete aan) jedsei0 16 sees Shs iee rs rece esr Hetdnsasee} a % sb oer rte a Nteaye 4708 Meeaeeyerierert | eh SN a serrspent fleng nessa ze ae ee verere tase: Seteatet senaresere: Sse acd teres? itspse : ehoteceten on « Agathe ede rbot prety dori pried edeartl? bet bee . 4 ee reres c + oe Nia Ad ; ied 40h they brereh yee eh itetes te deb (te pete tek bee ver rert co 0 perro ses ob DEN whl MEN g habs d Mn gre teen’ os quaet> Weed cr tee of rernesen nt AAs Fee WORE RN ree it es Me seces een © Of Pera ey ae yan eat 44 a leent one 4 ryt hee t $ ; i e-aayye ‘eset shy sey pete Se ee oie RO Fe hoe a hoe eae vet * ane pet ht poe ba rman ob he betea etait q at Laer aaa Aree hd Cor on ie be ene bt iy no eee EO f ON RB oy ROCs ea 1th beastie? oy 8 et ONO ES Dore Waters pact athe briginsth Fly vt, on ate ernie ora) omen erie: qe ease POT GUULE Hives ba bane met . 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