'ft o* SCIEJ^CKS LIBRARY Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2010 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons (for the Medical Heritage Library project) http://www.archive.org/details/quainselementsof11quai QUAIN'S ELEMENTS OF ANATOMY EDITED BY EDWARD ALBERT SCHAFER, F.R.S. PROFESSOR OF PHT^IOLOOY AND HISTOLOOY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON, GEORGE DANCER THANE, PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, LONDON'. IN THREE VOLUMES. VOL. L— PART I. EMBRYOLOGY By PROFESSOR SCHAFER. ILLUSTRATED BY 200 ENGRAVINGS, MANY OF WHICH ARE COLOURED. Cdtllj (icKttton. LONDON LONGMANS, GREEN, AND CO. AND NEW YORK: 15 KAST 16th STIlEET 1892 LONDON : BRADBURY, AGNEW, & CO. LD., PRINTERS, WHITEFRIARS. CONTENTS OF PAET I. i.vthodvctiox ! General Considerations Plan of Organisation TJie A'ertebrate type . Segmentation of the Body Homology . Symmetry of Form. Descriptive terms EMBRYOLOGY. Structure of Ovarian Ovum ; Matui;a- Tiox OF Ovum 6, 9 Formation of Polar Globules . . . 9 Fertilization . . . . .11 ^Meaning of Polar Globules. . . . 12 Theory of ]\rinot ..... 12 Tlieory of Weissmaim . . . . 14 Recent Literature of the Ovum . . 14 Segmentation of the Ovum ; Forma- tion OF the Blastoderm . . 16, 17 Gastrula Co.nJition of the Vertebrate Ovum ..... Views concerning the Gastrulatioii of Vertebrates .... Inversion of Blastodermic La3'ers in .some Mammals ...... Historical view of Blastoderm . Characters of the Blastodermic Laj'ers Paiablast theory of His . Mesenchyme theory of Hertwig . Kecent Literature of Blastoderm . Early Changes in Blastoderm Neural CanaL .... Notochord Separation of the Embiyo Cleavage of Mesoblast Formation of Body Cavity Formation of Mesoblastic Somites Cerebral Vesicles .... Heart and Vascular System Recent Literature of Early Changes in Blastoderm .... Development of the Fcetal Mem ERANEK ; Attachment of Ovum to Uterus Formation of the Amnion and Chorion Fonnatiou of the Allantois . Ciiange.s in tlie Utems and mode of attachment of Ovum to Uterus . The Placenta . . - . Separation of the Decidua at birth, and regeneration of the Uterine Mucous Membrane ..... Recent Literature of the Decidua Devki/^i'mknt of the Nervous System Of the Spinal Cord Of the Brain .... 23 23 24 25 26 27 30 30 32 34 36 36 36 37 38 41 42 42 43 46 53 55 55 57 57 61 Further details regarding the develop- ment of special parts of the Brain . 63 The fifth cerebral vesicle : Bulbar vesicle or Metencephalon 63 The fourth cerebral vesicle : Cerebellar vesicle or Epencephalon. . . . 66 The third cerebral vesicle : Mesen- cephalon : Mid-brain . . . -67 The second cerebral vesicle : Thalamen- cephalon . . . . . . 67 The first cerebral vesicle : Prosencephalon 68 The Olfactory Lobes 71 Formation of the Fissures andConvolutions 7 1 Development of the Nerves . . 73 Spinal nerves . . . . • • 73 Cranial nerves 75 Optic nerves . . . . • • 79 Olfactory lobe ..... 79 Sympathetic nerves and ganglia . . 81 Recent Literature of the development of the Nervous System . . . .81 Development of the Eye . . . 83 Of the Retina 86 Of the Lens 86 Capsule of the Lens . . . -87 Vitreous humour 87 Corneal epithelium . . . -87 Sclerotic . . . . . . . 88 Choroid coat ...... 88 Accessory structures 89 Lachrymal gland . . . . -89 Lachiymal canals and ducts . . . 89 Developme.nt of the Ear ; The Laby- rinth 89 Accessory parts of the Organ of Hearing, E.xteriial and iliddle Kar . . -93 Dkveloi'me.s'T of the Nosk . • ■ 95 Recent Literature of the development of the Sense Organs . . . .98 Developm ent of the Ali.mentary Canal 99 Of the Mouth and jjarts in connection witli it 99 I'harynx ...... lOl Tongue 102 flisojiliagus, Stomach, and Intestines . 103 The Mesentery ...... 104 The Spleen 108 374765 IV CONTENTS OF PART I. Formation of the Anus . . . Formation of the Glands of the Ali MENTAET CaNAL The Lungs , . . . . The Trachea and Larynx The Thyroid Body .... The Thymus . . . . The Liver The Pancreas . . . ... Recent Literature of the development of the Alimentary Canal and Glands . . Development of the Ukinary and Generative Oegans The Wolffian duct and body Supra-renal Capsules The permanent Kidneys , The Urinary Bladder The Miillerian duct . The Germinal Epithelium Development of the Ovary. Of the Testicles . Descent of the Testicles . The External Organs Table of Generative Organs Recent Literature of the development of the Urinary and Generative Organs . Formation of the Vascular System . Development of the Heart Peculiarities of the Foetal Heart Development of the principal Arteries . page io8 109 109 no no III 112 113 "3 "5 117 120 122 122 122 124 124 125 126 127 130 132 134 134 146 146 page Destination of the fourth and fifth Arte rial Arches. .... Development of the principal Veins, Peculiai'ities of the fcetal Organs of Circu lation ..... The Foramen Ovale . The Eustachian Valve . The Ductus Arteriosus The Umbilical Vessels . Course of the blood in the Foetus Changes in the Circulation at Birth The Lymphatic System Recent Literature of the development uf the Vascular System .... Development of the Serous Catities and of the Muscles and Skeleton The Serous Cavities ... Development of the Muscles Formation of the head Muscles and evi dences of head segmentation . Development of the Vertebral Column Ribs and Sternum .... The Limbs ..... The Cranium ..... Formation of the visceral skeleton of the Head ; cartilaginous bars of the visceral arches ...... Formation of the Auditory Ossicles . Recent Literature of the development of the Serous Cavities, Muscles, and Skeleton 169 150 151 15s 155 155 156 156 156 157 157 158 159 159 159 161 162 163 163 165 166 167 ELEMENTS OF ANATOMY. CORRIGENDA— Vol. I., Past I. Page 36, line ll//'OHi bottom, should he ^^somatopleural mesoblast" instead of ^^ somatopleurc.^^ Page 36, ,,9 ,, ,, ^^ splanchnopleural incsohlast^' instead of ' ' splanclmopleure. " Page 117, ,, 4 ,, ,, "(fig. 142, w. d.),'' instead of "(fig. 139, ting.)" Page 123, middle of page, should be " (second month) " ,, " (fourth month.) " Page 126, line 3 from, bottom, should be "internal" ,, "intestinal." Page 135, dcscriidion oj figure 160, should be "in the following figure" instead of " in the preceding figure."' Page 141, line ofrom bottom., should be "left end" instead of "right end." Page 143, description of figure 173, should be "septum superius," "septum inferius," instead of "septum superior," "septum inferior." Page 150, line 11 from top, should be "the whole of" instead of "the proximal part of." Page 152, ,, 2 from bottom, shotdd be " sinws \eiios\\s,^' ,, "auricle." Page 159, ,, 12 ,, ,, ,, " antero-dorsal " ,, "anterio-dorsal." (For Hochstetter's account of the Development of the inferior vena cava and its tributaries, consult Vol. II., pp. 544 to 546.) ti-euts of the minute structure of the component tissues of the body ; the other, named " Special or Descriptive Anatomy," treats of its several organs, members, and regions, describing the outward form and internal structure of the parts, their relative situation and mutual connection, and the successive conditions which they present in the progress of their formation or development. To the description of the origin and formation of organs in the embryo, a special chapter is devoted in this work, under the name Embryology. The study of anatomy may be viewed in two different aspects ; viz., the physio- logical and the morphological. In the former, anatomy supplies the materials relating to structure from which an explanation is sought of the uses or functions of organs by the physiologist ; and for this purpose the study of histology is of particular service. In its morphological aspect, anatomy investigates and combines the facts relating to the structure and relations of organs, from which mav be deduced general principles as to the construction of the human body or that of VOL. I. B IV CONTENTS OF PART I. PAGE Formation of the Anus . . . . io8 Formation of the Glands of the Ali- mentary Canal . . . .109 The Lungs , . . . , . 109 The Trachea and Larynx . . .110 The Thyroid Body no The Thymus . . . . . .111 The Liver 112 The Pancreas . . . . ... . 113 Recent Literature of the development of the Alimentary Canal and Glands . , 113 -Development of thf, TIp.tnatiy and Destination of the fourth and fifth Arte- rial Arches. .... Development of the principal Veins, Peculiarities of the foetal Organs of Circu lation ..... The Foramen Ovale . The Eustachian Valve . The Ductus Arteriosus The Umbilical Vessels . Course of the blood in the Fcetus Changes in the Circulation at Birth The Lvmnhatic Svsteni PAGR 150 151 iSS 155 155 156 156 156 157 ELEMENTS OF ANATOMY. INTRODUCTION. Anatomt, in its most extended sense, is tlie science which deals with the structure of organized bodies. It is divided into departments according to its subjects ; such as Human Anatomy ; Comparative Anatomy, or the study of the structure of different animals ; and Vegetable Anatomy, comprehending the structure of plants. On examining the structure of an organized body, we find that it is made up of members or organs, by means of which its functions are executed, such as the root stem and leaves of a plant, and the heart, brain, stomach and limbs of an animal ; and farther, that these organs are themselves made up of certain constituent materials named tissues or textures, such as the cellular, woody, and vascular tissues of the vegetable, or the osseous, muscular, connective, vascular, nervous, and other tissues, which form the animal organs. Most of the tissues occur in more than one organ, and some of them indeed, as the connective and vascular, in nearly all, so that a multitude of organs, and these greatly diversified, are constructed out of a small number of constituent tissues ; and parts of the body, differing widely in form, construction, and uses, may agree in the nature of their component materials. Again, as the same tissue possesses the same essential characters in whatever organ or region it is found, it is obvious that the structure and properties of each tissue may be made the subject of investigation apart from the organs into whose formation it enters. The foregoing considerations have led to the subdivision of anatomy into two branches, the one of which, under the name "General Anatomy," or "Histology," treats of the minute structure of the component tissues of the body ; the other, named " Special or Descriptive Anatomy," treats of its several organs, members, and regions, describing the outward form and internal structure of the parts, their relative situation and mutual connection, and the successive conditions which they present in the progress of their formation or development. To the description of the origin and formation of organs in the embryo, a special chapter is devoted in this work, under the name Embryology. The study of anatomy may be viewed in two different aspects ; viz., the physio- logical and the morphological. In the former, anatomy sup{)lies the materials relating to structure from which an explanation is sought of the nscs or functions of organs by the physiologist ; and for this pur[)Ose the study of histology is of particular service. In its morphological aspect, anatomy investigates and combines the facts relating to the structure and relations of organs, from which may be deduced general principles as to the construction of the human body or that of VOL. I, B 2 INTRODUCTION. animals. In the determination of these general principles, or laws of morphology, it is necessary to combine the knowledge of the anatomy and development of animals with that of man. PLAN OF ORGANIZATION. Vertebrate type. — The general plan of construction of the human body agrees closely with that which prevails in a certain number of animals, viz., mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibia, and fishes, and is known as the vertebrate type of organi- zation. The main feature of that type, and that from which its name is derived, belongs to the internal skeleton, and consists in the existence of a median longi- tudinal column, which extends through the whole trunk, and is composed in the fully developed state of a series of bones termed vertelrce. This vertebral column is formed in the early embryo around a simple rod-like structure, the primitive skeletal axis, ^'hich is called the notochord, and which in most vertebrate animals disappears to a greater or less extent in the course of development. The more solid portions of the vertebrse immediately surrounding the notochord are known as the bodies or centra (figs. 2 and 3), and constitute a pillar around which the other parts are grouped with a certain regularity of structure. At one extremity of this pillar is situated the head, showing in almost all the animals formed upon this type a greater development of its constituent parts ; and at the other the tail in which an opposite character or that of diminution prevails ; while on the sides of the main part or trun^, there project, in relation with some of the vertebral elements, two pairs of symmetrical limbs. The head and trunk contain the organs or viscera most important to life, such as the alimentary canal and the great central organs of the vascular and nervous systems, while the limbs, from which such principal organs are absent, are very variable and difler widely in the degree of their development among the various animals formed upon the vertebrate type. In man and the higher animals the trunk is divisible into neck, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. The vertebrate form of skeleton is invariably accompanied by a determinate and conformable disposition of the other most important organs of the body, viz. : — firstly, the existence on the dorsal aspect of the vertebral axis of an elongated cavity or canal which contains the brain and spinal cord, or central organs of the nervous system ; and secondly, the existence on the ventral aspect of the vertebral axis of a larger cavity, the visceral cavity, body cavity or coelom, in which are contained the principal viscera connected with nutrition and reproduction, such as the alimentary canal, the heart and lungs, the great blood-vessels, and the urinary and generative organs. The general disposition of the parts of the body and of the more important viscera in their relation to the vertebral axis are shown in the accompanying diagrams of the external form and longitudinal and transverse sections of the human embryo at an early period of its existence. Segmentation of the body. — The vertebrate type of organisation in the repetition of similar structural elements in a longitudinal series, has a segmented character, especially in the axial portion of the body, and this segmentation affects more or less, not merely the skeletal parts of its structure, but also, to some extent, its other component organs, A segmented plan of construction is by no means restricted to vertebrate animals, but exists in several other classes of the animal kingdom, as is most conspicuously seen in the Azthropoda. such as insects and Crustacea, and in the Annelida or worms. These animals, however, although showing a serial repetition of parts of like structure, are not considered to belong to the verte- brate type of organization. In the human embryo, as in that of all vertebrate animals, the segmentation is most marked in the muscular system, the nervous and osseous systems becoming tor the most part corres- pondingly marked off : in the adult the osseous and nervous systems retain in great measui'e the segmentation which has thus been produced, although in the muscular system it has PLAX OF OUGANIZATION. Fig. 1. — Diagram of an early human embryo. (Allen Thomson.) *, s, indications of the vertebral divisions along the line of the back ; r, it, upper limb ; t, f, lower limb ; u, umbilical cord. In the cranial part the divisions of the brain are indicated, together with the eye, and au, the auditory vesicle ; near b, the visceral arches and clefts of the head, forming inter alia the rudiments of the upper and lower jaws. Fig. 2.— Semidiagrammjvtic view of a longitudinal section of the embryo rki'resented in KicuEE 1 ; showing the relations of the principal systems and organs. (Allen Thomson. ) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, primary divisions of the brain in the cranial part of the neural canal ; n, «, spinal cord in the vertebral part of the canal ; s, spinous process of one of the vertebrae ; ch, chorda dorsalis run- ning through the axis of the vertebral centra : ch\ the same extending into the base of the cranium : a, dorsal aorta ; p, phivryngeal cavity ; i, i, alimentary canal : h, ventricular part of the heart, with which the arterial bulb is .seen joining the aorta by arches ; b, visceral arches of head ; I, liver ; w, Wolffian body ; v, urinary vesicle or allantois, joining the intestine in the cloaca, c/ ; «, u\ umbilicus. Fie:. .3.— Transverse .section (diagrammatic) of tiik trunk of the embryo turougu ihi; ui'PER LIMBS. (Allen Thomson.) m, iq.inal cord ; n, neural or dorsal arch, including bone, muscle, skin, roots of tlic nerves, &c. j . chorda dorsalis, surrounded by the vertebral body or centrum ; v, ventral or visceral arc!), or wall the body ; p, p, body cavity ; /, alimentary canal ; h, heart ; /, I, the rudimentary limbs. ■1.— First dorsal vektebua with the fik.st kib and upper i'art of the sternum, seen from above. J. C; centrum ; X, neural cavity ; V, cavity of the chest, visceral cavity. 15 2 4. INTRODUCTION. become greatly obscured. To the original segments in the embryo the terms protovertehrce, mesoblastic somites or myotovies have been applied ; those segments or metameres which are traceable in the adult are often spoken of as vertebral segments. In the limbs, although there is strong reason for believing that they have originated as outgrowths of certain segments of the trunk, the repetition of such vertebral elements, and their primitive connection, are greatly obscured. Homology. — A certain agreement in structure, situation and connection of parts or organs constitutes what is called homology, and this term is generally- employed to indicate the morphological identity of representative parts in different animals, which may be considered to have its cause in community of origin {homo- qcny, Lankester), while the anatomical correspondence of parts which are repeated ill the same animal may be more exactly distinguished as serial homology {homo- dynamy, Gegenbaur). Thus the arm-bone or humerus of a man is homologous (homogenetic) with the upper bone of the fore limb of a quadruped, or of the wing of a bird, while it is at the same time serially homologous (homodynamic) with the thi"'h bone of man himself, or any other vertebrate animal. It has farther been found convenient to express by the word analogy that kind of resemblance among the organs of animals which depends upon similarity of function, and although it may be accompanied by considerable agreement in structure, yet is not rendered complete by anatomical relation and connection : for example, the gills of a fish, of a crab, and of a mussel, serving the same function, are analogous organs, but in no sense homologous, as all morphological correspondence, or genetic relation, is wanting between them. Thus also, the upper limb of a man, the fore limb of a quadruped, the wing of a bird, and the pectoral fin of a fish are homologous but not analogous structures, the wing of a bat and the wing of a bird are both homologous and analogous, while the last is analogous to but not homologous with the wing of an insect. Symmetry of form. — A remarkable regularity of form pervades the organi- zation of certain parts of the body, especially the whole of the limbs, the head and neck, and the framework, at least, and external walls of the trunk of the body. Thus, if we conceive the body to be divided equally by a plane which passes from its dorsal to its ventral aspect {median plane), the two halves, in so far as regards the parts previously mentioned, correspond almost exactly with each other, excepting by their lateral transposition, — and the human body thus shows in a marked manner the character of hilateral symmelry. There is, however, a departure from this symmetrical form in the developed condition of certain of the internal organs, such as the alimentary canal from the stomach downwards, the heart and first part of the great blood-vessels, the liver, spleen, and some other viscera. Bescriptive terms. — In the description of parts so numerous, so various in form, and so complex in their connections as those composing the human body, there is difl&culty in finding terms which shall indicate with sufiicient precision their actual position and their relation to the rest of the organism. This difficulty is farther increased by the exceptional erect attitude in which the trunk of the human body is placed as compared with the horizontal position in animals. Hence, a number of terms have long been in use in human anatomy which are understood in a technical or restricted sense. For example, the median plane, already referred to, being that by which the body might be divided into right and left lateral halves, and the middle or median line being that in which the median plane meets the surface of the body, the words internal and external are used to denote relative nearness to and distance from this plane on either side, and may be replaced by mesial and lateral. The terms sagittal, frontal, and coromd, are also used in indication of direction within the body : sagittal denoting a dorso-ventral direction in or parallel to the median plane, frontal or coronal a transverse direction perpendicular to that DESCEIPTIVE TERMS. 5 plane. The words anterior and posterior, superior and inferior, and several others indicating position, are employed in human anatomy strictly with reference to the erect posture of the body. But now that the more extended study of comparative anatomy and embryonic development is largely applied to the elucidation of the human structure, it is very desirable that descriptive terms should be sought which may without ambiguity indicate position and relation in the organism at once in man and animals. Such terms as dorsal and ventral, neural and visceral, cephalic and caudal, central and peripheral, proximal and distal, axial and appendicular, pre- axial and postaxial, are of this kind, and ought, whenever this may be done con- sistently with sufficient clearness of description, to take the place of those which are only applicable to the peculiar attitude of the human body, so as to bring the language of human and comparative anatomy as much as possible into conformity. In many instances, also, precision may be obtained by reference to certain fixed relations of parts, such as the verielral and sternal aspects, the radial and ulnar, and the tibial and fibular borders, the flexor and extensor surfaces of the limbs, and similarly in other parts of the body. EMBEYOLOGY/ By E. A. SCHAFER. FORMATION OF THE BLASTODERM. STRUCTUEE OF THE OVUM AND CHANGES PEIOR TO SEGMENTATION. The human body with all its tissues and organs is the product of the development of a single nucleated cell, the egg-cell, germ-cell, or ovum, which is formed within the principal reproductive organ of the female or ovary. The commencement of development is preceded by certain changes in the ovum, which usually occur soon after its discharge from the ovary, and consist (1) in the emission of certain constituents of the nucleus which form the so-called polar globules ; (2) in the accession of the nucleus of a sperm-cell or spermatozoon, which is formed wdthin the reproductive organ of the male (testicle), and which, blending with the remaining part of the nucleus of the ovum, appears to take the place of the part which was discharged in the form of the polar globules. An account of the structure of the ovum, and of the manner in which the above changes are efiTected, may therefore appropriately precede the description of the actual course of development of the ovum. Structure of the ovarian ovum. — The human ovum resembles that of all other mammals (with the exception of monotremes) in its minute size. Immediately before the time of its discharge from the Graafian follicle of the ovary in which it has been formed, it is a small spherical vesicle measuring about xIt^^ i^^h ('2 mm.) in diameter, and is just visible as a clear speck to the naked eye. When it is examined with the microscope, it is found to be invested by a comparatively thick, clear covering. This, when the centre of the ovum is exactly focussed, has the appearance in optical section of a clear girdle or zone encircling the ovum (fig. 5), and was hence named zona pellucida by von Baer (1827). But on more careful examination with higher magnifying powers, and especially by the examination of sections, there is not much difficulty in making out the existence of striae passing radially through the membrane (fig. 6, zf). On this account, and especially since a similar radially striated membrane forms a characteristic part of the investment of the ovum in many animals belonging to widely different classes, it is more convenient, in place of the name zona pellucida, which has been exclusively used to designate this investment in mammals, to employ the more general term zona radiata, or to speak of it simply as the striated memlrane of the ovum. The zona radiata of the mammalian ovum is sufficiently tough to prevent the escape of the contents of the ovum, even when subjected to a considerable amount of pressure. If, however, the pressure be excessive, the tunic splits, and the soft 1 It is mainly owing to tlie researches of His, published principally in the important monograph " Anatomie menschlicher Embryonen " (Leipzig, 1880-1885), that our knowledge of the development of Ihe human embryo is now far more complete than was the case when the last edition of this work was undertaken, and we are therefore able to keep more closely than was before possible to the human species in following the course of development of the ovum. Eor the elucidation, however, of many of the details of development, especially in its earlier stages, it will still be necessary to refer continually to facts which have been made out only from the study of the embryology of other mammals, as well as birds, reptiles, fishes, and even invertebrata. STRUCTURE OF THE OVUM. 7 contents are extruded (fig. 5, b). The striae in the membrane are beheved to be minute pores, and are supposed, while the ovum is yet within the Graafian foUicle, to permit the passage of granules of nutrient material into the interior of the ovum. After the ovum is discharged from the follicle, the spermatozoa may perhaps find their way into the ovum through these pores. According to Eetzius the protoplasm of the ovum is united with the follicle-cells by fibres which pass through the pores of the zona. Immediately surrounding the zona radiata, as the ovum lies within the mature Graafian follicle, is a thin stratum of g-ranular substance, probably deposited upon the exterior of the ovum by the inneiTQOst cells of the discus prolig-erus, which immediately encircle the ovum within the follicle. When the Graafian follicle bursts and the ovum is set free, this granular material appears to imbibe water, and, as is specially noticeable in the ovum of the rabbit, swells up into a clear gelatinous envelope, which has been termed, from a possible homology with the white of the bird's egg, the albumen. But in the mammal this structure has not the nutritive importance to the embryo which is possessed by the corresponding formation in the bii'd, and it disappears during the i^assage of the ovum down the Fallopian tube. The substance of the ovum within the tunica radiata is known as the vitelJiis or yolk (fig. 6, vi). It is a soft semi-fluid substance, composed mainly of proto- plasm, which is filled with globules and granules (yolk-granules) of dilfereut Fig. :>. — Ovarian ovuji of a mammifer. (Allen Thomson. ) a, the entire ovum, viewed under pressure ; the griinular cells have been removed from the outer surface, the germinal vesicle is seen in the yolk sub.stance within ; b, the external coat or zona burst by increa.sed pressure, the yolk protoplasm and the germinal vesicle having escaped from within ; c, germi- nal vesicle more freed from the volk substance. In all of them the macula is seen. Fig. 6. — OVL'M OF THE CAT ; HIGHLY MAGNIFIED. SEMI-DIAGKAMMATIC. (E. A. S.) zp, zona pellucida, .showing radiated structure ; vi, vitcllus, round which a delicate membrane i.s Been ; ffv, germinal vesicle ; ys, germinal .spot. sizes, but all small, and pos.sessing a high index of refraction. Examined in the fresh condition, the protoplasm between the granules looks jierfectly clear and Ktructureless, but after treatment with suitable reagents, it may be seen to consist of !i fine reticulum, which is especially fine and close near the ])erij»hery ui the ovum, and also around the germinal vesicle, at which places the yolk granules are in less amount than elsewhere. The substances which occur within an ovum other than the nucleus and protoplasm, may, as in cells generally, be colle(;tively designated "dentoplasm " ; they are regarded as furnishing a supply of nutrient matter to the protojilasm during tlie earliei- stages of development. Embedded in the protoplasmic vitellus, usually eccentrically, is a large spherical 8 STRUCT QEE OF THE OVAEIAN OVUM. nucleus, which was termed by its discoverer, Purkinje, the germinal vesicle?- This, which is about -g^oth inch in diameter, has all the characters of the nucleus of a cell. It consists of a nuclear membrane enclosing a clear material or matrix, embedded within which may be seen strands of karyoplasm, enclosing one or more well-marked nucleoli (fig. 1 It is difficult to do any justice to Weismann's theory in a short space, and the above is to be taken as only furnishing a rough sketch of its general outline. For a complete account the reader ia referred to Weismann's publications upon the subject (see Literature). KECENT LITERATURE OP THE OVUM. 15 Caldwell, W. H., The Emhryology of Monotremata and Marsupialia, part i., Philosophical Transactions of the lloval Society of London for the year 1887. Carnoy, J. B., Les globes polaires de Vascaris clavata. La Cellule, t. iii., 1887 ; La visicult germinative etles globes polaires chez uuclques nematodes, La Cellule, t. iii., 1887 ; La v6sicule germina- live ct les globules polaires de I'Ascaris mcgaloccphala, La Cellule, t. ii., 1887 ; -Some Remarks on the recent Researches of Zacharias and Boveri upon the Fecundation of Ascaris megalocephala. Report ol the 57th meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science at Manchester, 1887. Cunning-ham, J. T., E. v. Beneden's Researches on the Maturation and Fecundation of the Oimm, Quart. Journ. of Microsc. Science, Jan., 1885. Gehuchten, A. v., Nouvelles observations sur la vesicule germinative et les globules polaires de I' Ascaris megalocephala, Anat. Anz. , No. 25, 1887. Griitzner, P., Physiologische Untersuchungen iiber die Zeugung, Deutsche medic. Wochenschr. , lS8i. Henking-, H., Ueber Reductionsteilung der Chromosomen in den SamenzeUen von Insecten. Monthly International Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, vol. vii., 1890. Herfwig-, Oscar, und Richard, Ueber den Befruchtungs- und Theihmgsvorgang des thierischen Eies unter dem Einfluss dusserer Agentien, Jena. Zeitschr. f. Naturwiss., Bd. xx., 1887. Hertwig-, R., Ueber den Einfluss des Chloralhydrats auf die inneren Befruchtungserscheinungen, Anatom. Anzeiger, 1886. Kolliker, A. v.. Das Karyoplasma und die Vererbung, eine Kritik der Weismann' schen Theorie von der Continuii'dt des Keimplasnui, Zeitschr. f. wissensch. Zoologie, Bd. xliv. , 1886. Kultschitzky, N., Die Befruchtangsvorgdnge bei Ascaris megalocephala. Arch. f. microsc. Anat., Bd. xjLxi., 1888 ; Ueber die Eireifung und die Befruchtungsvorgdnge bei Ascaris marginata, Ebendas., Bd. xxxii., 1888. Kupffer, C, Die Befruchtung des Forelleneies, Bayerische Fischerei-Zeitung, 1886. Minot, Ch. S., Theorie der Gonoblasten, Biol. Centralbl., Bd. ii., 1882. Mondino, C, e Sala, L., Sur les pMnom^nes de maturation et de ficondation dans les oeufs des ascarides. Arch. ital. de biol. xii. , 1889. Nagrel, "W., Das menschliche Ei, Arch. f. micr. Anat., Bd. xxxi., 1888. Nussbaum, M., Ueber die Verdnderungender Geschlechtsproductebis zur Eifurckung. Ein Beitrag zur Lehre der Vererbung, Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xxiii., 1884 ; Bildungu. Anzahld. Richtungsk, bei C'irripedie7i, Zool. Anzeiger, 1889. Platner, G., Ueber die Befruchtung bei Arion empiricorum, Aixhiv f. mikr. Anat., Bd. xxvii., 1886 ; Die Bildung d. ersten JRichtungspindel im Ei von Aulastomum gulo. Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., xixiii., 1889. Rein, G., Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Reifungserscheinungen und Befruchtungsvorgdnge utti Saugethierei, Arcliiv f. mikr. Anat., 1883. Retzius, G., Zur Kenntniss v. Bau d. EierstocTcseies, d:c., Hygiea, Festhand, 1889. Schultze, O., Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung des Amphibieneies, Anatom. Anz., No. 6, 1886. Sehlen, D. v., Beitrag zur Frage nach der Mikropyle des Sdugethiereles, Arcliiv. fiir Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1882. Selenka, E., Zur Befruchtung des thierischen Eies, Biol. Centralb. V., No. 1, 1885. Sheldon, L., The Maturation of the Ovum in Peripatus, Quart. Journ. of Mici'oscopical Science, vol. XXX., 1889. Tafani, La fecondation et la segmentation etudiees dans les oeufs des rats, Arch, ital. de biologie, xi., 1SS9. Thomson, A., Recent Researches on Oogenesis, Quart, Journ. of Micr. Science, vol, xxvi., June, 1886. Waldeyer, Karyokinesis and its Relation to the Process of Fertilization (Translation), Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, xxx., 1889 (contains an account of recent researches on these subjects). Weismann, A., Ueber die Vererbung, Jena, 1883 ; Die Continuitdt des Keimplasmas als Gruivi' lage einer Theorie der Vererbung, Jena, 1885 ; Richtungskorper bei parthenoyenetischen Eiern, Zoolo,,'. Anz., No. 233, 1886; Ueber die Zald der RichtungskiJrpcr und iiber ihre Bedeutung fiir die Vererbung, Jena, Fi.scher, 1887 ; Essays upon heredity and kindred biological problems (translations) — Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1889 ; Ueher die Paracopulation im Daphuidenci, iole immediately prior to appearance of primitive streak axd FORMED OF TWO LAYERS ONLY, Fig. IS. — Embkyo.mc area of the mole showing the primitive streak and groove ending POSTERIORLY IN A CRESCENTIC THICKENING. The area is hilaminar in front, trilaminar in the posterior half. Fig. 19.— A SOMEWHAT LATER STAGE IN WHir'H THE PRIMITIVE STREAK REACHES TWO-THIRDS OP THR LENGTH OF THE EMBRYONIC AREA, AND ENDS BEHIND IN A KNOB OR THICKENING. Figs. 17, 18, and 19 are copied from Heape. They are magnified 49 times. entirely blended, but the union is closest at the anterior end of the primitive streak where a continuous column of cells unites the primitive ectoderm and entoderm, so that the two layers are here indistinguishable. The proliferation of the cells of the primitive streak subsequently proceeds chiefly at the sides of the primitive groove, and the cells which are produced by this proli- feration extend themselves laterally between the ectoderm and entoderm to form d r:^m Fig. 20. A. and li. — Views op thk embryonic area of the rabbit showing two stages in thu EXTKXSION OF THK MKSOBLAST. (Kollikor.) Ill A. the mef(o))Ia»t extends on either f iilc of the primitive streak over the po.stcrior part of the enihrA-rmic area and also behind the j>rirnitive streak beyond the limits of that area. In Vj. the roe.-oblaKt extends over a circular area which surrounds tlie eml>ryonic area. The em- bryonic area i« also trilaminar, except in the middle line in front of the primitive streak. 20 FORMATION OF THE BLASTODERM. third or intermediate layer. This is mainly derived, as was first pointed out by Kolliker, from the primitive ectoderm of the groove, but since in this situation the two primary layers become eventually more or less blended, it is probable that the primitive entoderm cells also take part in its formation, although this part is in the mammal evidently a subordinate one. It is further maintained by many embry- Fig. 21.— Section across the posterior end op the embryonic area of a rabbit at the time OF the first sign of a primitive streak. (Kolliker.) ep, epiblast ; ax, its axial part undergoing proliferation (this is shown by the karyokinetic figures, k) ; me, mesoblasi becoming derived from the proliferating axial epiblast ; hy, hypoblast. Fig. 22. — LoNarruDiNAL section through the middle line op part op an embrtonio area (mole) in WHICH the primitive STREAK HAS BEGUN TO FORM. (Heape.) The blastoderm is perforated in front of the (short) primitive streak (? blastopore, hi])) ; a few meso- blast cells are seen anterior to the perforation ; ep, epiblast ; hy, hypoblast ; p.sk, primitive streak. 23. — Two SECTIONS ACROSS THE EMBRTONIO AREA OP A BLASTODERM AT THE STAGE SHOWN IN FIG. 19. (Heape.) A. Section across the anterior end of the primitive streak and groove. B. Section across the posterior enlargement of the primitive streak. The epiblast and hypoblast are seen to be united along the primitive streak, p.sh ; laterally the mesoblast, m., the cells of which have grown out from the uniting column of axial cells, separates the two primary layers. ■p.gr, primitive groove ; ep, epiblast ; hy, hypoblast ; m, mesoblast. GASTRULATIOX OF VERTEBRATES. 21 Fig. 24. — Four stages in the development of amphioxus illustrating the formation of the GASTRULA. (Hatscbek.) I. Spherical blastodeiin ; the cells at the lower pole are larger than the others, and filled with granules. II. Invagination of the lower pole producing a cupping of the vesicle. III. Completion of the invagination ; the blastoderm is now bilaminar, and forms a cup with narrowed mouth, the blastopore, hi, and a double wall of epiblast, ep, and hypoblast, hy (or primitive ectoderm and primitive entoderm). IV. The ovum is now elongated ; the cavity of the gastrula forms a primitive alimentary canal, the orifice of which is the blastopore, which is directed dorsally. Extending from this along the dorsal surface (right in the figure) a shallow groove is seen in optical section : this is the rudiment of the nervous system. ologists that cells from the lateral parts of both primary layers are added to the intermediate layer, and assist in its extension. According to the observations of Bonnet in the sheep, there is an addition to the middle layer from the peripheral (thickened) portion of the hypoblast ; this has been long held to be the case with the blastoderm of the bird, and the cells thus derived (parablastic) have been considered to have the special function of forming the connective tissues and blood. Whether, however, this is actually so, most be regarded as at present undecided. However produced, the appearance of a middle layer causes the originally bilaminar bla«toderm to be trilaminar, and its three layers have received the names of ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm, or epiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast. The K^astrula condition of the vertebrate ovum. — It will bo observed that in the mammal the two i»rimary lay'jrs of the Ijlastodorm, at lf;a«t their principal part, are formed by a w;paration into two strata of the cells of the inner ffranular mass which occupies the interior of the ovum after sefpnentation. The bilaminar condition may therefore Ije .said to result from a process of dclamination in an originally simple mass or Htratiini. Hut in 22 GASTEULATION OF VERTEBRATES. Amphioxus among-st Tertebrates,^ and in many invertebrates with holoblastic (alecithal) ova, the bilaminar blastoderm is produced, not by delamination, but by the invagination of one pole of an originally simple hollow spherical blastodermic vesicle, the invaginated portion becoming the primitive entoderm and the remaining part of the wall of the vesicle forming the primitive ectoderm (fig. 24). This condition, which was discovered by Kowalewsky, is known as the gastrnla fitage, and it is regarded by most embryologists, following Haeckel, as typical of the mode of formation of the bilaminar blastoderm throughout the animal kingdom. The aperture of invagination by which the cavity of the entoderm communicates for a time with the exterior has been termed the Mastopove (Lankester). It is not possible in this account of the embryology of the mammal (which must necessarily be very short) to examine at any length the evidence upon which the opinion rests that a gastrula stage can be shown to exist at an early stage in the development of the meroblastic ova of the lower vertebrata. It will be sufficient for the present purpose to state that in fishes, reptiles, and birds, the ova of all of which are of a markedly meroblastic type, that part of the ovum in which alone segmentation has occurred, and in which active development subsequently proceeds, produces a bilaminar blastoderm as in the mammal by the separation ofi^ as a distinct layer of a lower or inner stratum of cells to form the primitive entoderm, whilst the remaining cells arrange themselves into an upper or outer stratum, the primitive ectoderm. 2 At one joart of the circular blastoderm which has thus been formed there now occurs a crescentic thickening of the ectoderm, on the surface of which a pit or depression becomes formed by an invagination of the ectoderm. This pit extends inwards tmtil it abuts against a subjacent entodermal thickening, and it may even penetrate the entoderm and communicate with the cavity below the blastoderm (which afterwards becomes in part con- verted into the posterior end of the alimentary canal). The invagination in question has been regarded as a rudimentary blastopore, its time of formation having become shifted to a later period, and the entoderm having already been formed by delamination altogether independently of, in place of resulting from, the invagination, as in the typical mode of gastrula formation. In the mammal a similar invagination of the ectoderm also occurs at the posterior extremity of the embryonic area, and this invagination has been described by Heape in the mole as communicating for a time with the cavity of the blastodermic vesicle (fig. 22, II])), which sub- ~ ^^,^_^ Fig. 25.— Surface view of ak embhyonic aiiea of the mole .-'' ?V IN WHICH THE MEDULLARY GROOVE HAS BEGiUN TO APPEAR ^ ' IN FRONT OF THE PRIMITIVE STREAK. At THE JUNCTION OK ' , THE TWO A SMALL APERTURE IS SEEN : THIS IS THE DORSAL ,' ■■, OPENING OF THE OBLIQUE NEURENTERIC CANAL. (Heaps.) [ I sequ ently becomes converted in part into the alimentary canal. i *| In birds and reptiles as well as mammals the invagination in ' % question soon becomes extended forward along the middle line .J of the blastoderm as a linear groove (primitive groove), Avhich ; indents an ectodermal thickening (primitive streak), and if / the posterior invagination represents a blastopore, this groove must be looked upon as an extension of such blas- topore, a view which derives support from the fact that there appears to be a tendency for the primitive groove, at y least its anterior end. to penetrate to the entoderm, and thus . _ ' to form here also a canal of communication between the cavity below the entoderm and the exterior. Such a canal is desig- nated '• neurenteric," because the anterior end of the primitive streak and groove becomes eventually enclosed by the neural tube, and the canal then effects a (temporary) communica- tion between the neural tube and the enteric canal. Another important point of resemblance between this invagination and the blastopore of the typical gastrula is the fact that the middle layer of the trilaminar blastoderm begins to depelope from the margins of the invagination. But in this respect again there is a differ- ^ ence. for whereas in the simplest and most typical forms, such as Sagitta amongst invertebrates, and Amphioxus amongst vertebrates, the middle layer (mesoblast) originates as a pair of hollow protrusions of the primitive entoderm (ccelom-invaginations of Hertwig, figs. 28, 29) ; in mammals and birds it makes its first appearance in the form of solid outgrowths from the primitive streak.^ Other views concerning- the gastrulation of vertebrates. — Kupffer regards the part ^ Also, according to Hofmann, to some extent in elasmobranch fishes. 2 No layer corresponding with Rauber's layer of the mammal is known to exist in lower vertebrates, unless that layer is to be regarded as the homologue of the external (corneous) stratum of the epiblast, v/hich is found at a later stage in fishes and amphibia. 2 Riickert has described an imperfect form of coelom-invagination in elasmobranch fishes, and Hertwig in amphibia. HISTOKY OF BLASTODEPaM. 23 wliich has been above alluded to as invaginated ectoderm (primitive groove) as the homologue of part of the entoderm of more typical forms. If this view be correct, many of the difficulties in the way of regarding the apertui-e of the invagination as the blastopore, and in explaining the differences in the mode of origin of the mesoblast are removed ; but, on the other hand, other difficulties are introduced, and the subject is left by no means clear. Another view, which was formerly extensively held, regards the blastopore of the meroblastic vertebrate ovam as bounded by the thickened edge of the bilaminar blastoderm (Haeckel). According to this view, the cavity of the gastrula is entirely filled up by a mass of unsegmented or but partially segmented yolk, which also i^rojects for a considerable distance through the blastopore, forming in fact the great mass of the ovum. The primitive groove is regarded as a linear prolongation of this thickened edge of the blastoderm towards the centre of the blastoderm (Balfour), so that the embryo, which developes in front of the primitive sti-eak. thus comes to have a pseudo-central position in the blastoderm instead of developing altogether from its margin as in the lower vertebrata and in inverte- brates. In conformity with this idea, it may be noted that at the thickened rim of the blastoderm of these meroblastic ova, the two primary layers are continuous with one another as in the primitive streak. In elasmobranchs an intermediate condition is observed, viz., a short groove, the margins of which are freely continuous with the margin of the blastoderm. If, as His and others have described {lidc ■infra), the mesoblast is in part (vascular and cunnective tissue part) derived from the thickened rim of the blastoderm, this would furnish another point of resemblance between the primitive streak and that margin. Ed. V. Beneden has promulgated an entirely different opinion as to the mammalian blasto- pore from those above described. He regards the condition of the ovum, after the completion of segmentation and before the formation of a blastodermic vesicle, as representing the gastrula stage, and looks upon the point where the granular inner mass of cells comes to the surface between the clear cells which form the outer investment as the blastopore (fig. H, a). In confoi-mity with this view he considers the layer of clear cells to represent the whole of the primitive ectoderm, and the granular inner mass the primitive entoderm. But since all the more recent observations uj^on early mammalian ova agree in affirming the formation of the three blastodermic layers from the granular inner mass, and that Eauber's layer either takes no part at all, or only a subordinate part in the formation of the ectoderm of the embryonic area. v. Beneden's view, in spite of the superficial resemblance of the ovum at this stage to ceilain gastrula fomis, has not met with general acceptance from embryologists. Inversion of the blastodermic layers in some mammals. — In the guinea-pig (Bischoff), rat and mouse (Eraser, Selenka), and in some other rodents, an inversion of the usual position of the blastodemiic layers is found to occur, the epiblast being innermost, the hypoblast outermost. The foundation of this inversion is laid early by a process of invagination and formation of a central cavity in the mass of entomeres, so that when the blastf,de:-m is difi'erentiated, the innermost cells which are next the (secondary) cavity thus formed become the epiblast, and the outermo.st the hypoblast, the mesoblast subsequently fonning between the two by proliferation of epiblast at the primitive groove, as in other mammals. (For details as to this process of invagination, the student is referred to the papers by Selenka.) Historical. — The existence of several lamin£E in the germinal substance of the egg was first suggested by C. F. Wolff in his celebrated work Tlieoria Gcnerativnis, published in 17.59, and in his later Memoir On the Development of the Intestine, first published in Nov. Comment. Acad. Petropol. in 1707 and republished in German by J. F. Meckel in 1812. It is, however, to the researches of Pander, conducted under the direction of DoUinger of AViirzburg, and pub- lished in 1817, and those of v. Baer (182G-]8o7), that we owe the first consistent attempt to connect the development of the several organs and systems of the embryo with the different con.stituent parts or layers of the blastodei-m. Pander recognised a trilaminar structure of the blastoderm and distinguished the three layers composing it, in their order from above down- wards, or from without inwards in the eg'^, as the serous, vascular, and mucous layers. In \^'>()-:A a further important advance was made in the knowledge of the constitution of the blastodermic layers, by the discovery by Remak that the greater part of the middle layer soon after its forma,tion comes to be divided into two laminic, separated by a space which corresponds to the peiivi.'-ceral cavity {cculom) — a fact which had been partially stated by von Baer. So marked a division of the middle layer and distinction of the parts which arc afterwards developed from its two lamina;, has seemed sufficient to some authors to warrant the recognition of four distinct layers in the blastoderm ; but it will be found on the whole more convenient to consider the fundamental layers as only tlirce, to which, following the nomenclature of Foster and Balfour, the designations of cijiblast, mesoblast, and hypoblast are applied, terms which are synonymous with those of ectoderm, mesoderm, and entoderm, employed by many authors. The terms ectoderm and entoderm were first applied t » the two fundamental layers, shown by Huxley in 1849 to constitute the whole body of ca:lciit crates, and which were correctly regarded by him as homologous with the two layers of the bilaminar blastoderm, to which w« 24 CHARACTERS OF BLASTODERMIC LAYERS. have applied the terms primitiTe ectoderm and primitive entoderm. Since the middle layer is developed from one or both of these primitive layers their permanent representatives are morphologically different, having- lost the elements which go to form the middle layer, and it is therefore convenient to accentuate this distinction by the adoption of different terms to represent the permanent layers. The generalisation that the formation of a bilaminar blastoderm is typically produced by the invagination of a hollow spherical unilaminar blastodermic vesicle is due to Haeckel, and was based largely upon the important researches of Kowalevsky, especially those on Sagitta^ and Amphioxus. The process of delamination which in some animals produces the two primary layers was originally regarded by Ray Lankester as the typical mode of formation, but is now generally admitted to be a secondary modification. Finally, it has been shown (Balfour, Lankester, R. and 0. Hertwig), as is set forth below, that the coelom or body cavity is typically developed, not by a process of splitting of the mesoblast (although in some animals this may occur as a secondary modification), but as hollow protrusions from the primitive alimentary cavity, the cells which bound these protrusions formhig the mesoblast. Thus from an originally single blastodermic layer by successive processes of invagination or folding, the three permanent laminEe are ultimately produced. Such folds may be regarded as formed mechanically by local hypertrophic multiplication of the cells of the laminee, an increased surface being thus found for the increased number of cells. In analogous manner the folds which accompany the formation and separation of the body and the development of the several organs, e.g., the nervous system, alimentary canal, p,mnion, may also be regarded as resulting mechanically from cell-multiplication. This mechanical theory of development was first enunciated by Pander, and has of late years been applied extensively by several embryologists, notably by His {Entwicld. d. Huhnchens, 1868, find Unserc Korperform, 1874), and Rauber. Characters of the blastodermic layers. — The three layers of the blastoderm show from the first distinctive characters (fig. 26). The outer layer, or epiblast, is epithelial in nature and consists of somewhat irregularly columnar cells closely set side Fig. 26. — Transverse section through the front end of the primitive streak and BLASTODERM OF THE CHICK. (From Balfour. ) pr, primitive groove ; m, mesoblast ; ep, epiblast ; Tiy, hypoblast. by side, forming a single stratum for the most part, except near the middle line, and becoming thinner and flatter towards the margins of the embryonic area. The inner layer or hypoblast is also epithelial, but the cells are at first all flattened, and appear therefore quite thin and linear in sections of the blastoderm. At a later stage, the hypoblast cells become markedly columnar and enlarged, so that they considerably exceed the epiblast cells in size. The middle layer, or mesoblast, which differs, as we have seen, in its mode of origin, being formed secondarily from one or both of the primary layers, also differs from them entirely in its appearance and structure. Instead of consisting of cells closely joined together into a continuous membrane after the manner of an epithehum, the mesoblast is at first composed of cells which are not thus closely arranged, but have, on the contrary, a considerable amount of intercellular fluid between them. They are most irregular in shape, and are often branched and united with one another, so that much of the mesoblast early resembles an embryonic connective tissue. PARABLAST THEORY OF HIS. 25 Before proceeding to describe the commencing development of the embryo it will be instructive to enumerate the parts which are formed respectively from the three blastodermic layers. The following is the relation given in tabular form : — The whole of the nervous sj-stem. including- not only the central organs (brain and spinal cord), but also the peripheral nerves and sympathetic. The epithelial structures of the organs of special sense. The epidermis and its appendages, inchiding the hair and nails. The epithelium of all the glands opening upon the surface of the skin, including the i mammary glands, the sweat glands, and the sebaceous glands. The muscular fibres of the sweat glands. The epithelium of the mouth (except that covering the tongue and the adjacent posterior part of the floor of the mouth, which is derived from hypoblast), and that of g the glands opening into it. The enamel of the teeth. The epithelium of the nasal passages, of the adjacent upper part of the pharynx, and of all the cavities and glands opening into the nasal passages. The urinary and generative organs (except the epithelium of the lu-inary bladder ^ j3 1 and urethra). ^ J I All the voluntary and involuntary muscles of the body (except the muscular fibres g ■§ / of the sweat glands). 2 « I The whole of the vascular and lymphatic system, including the serous membranes ^ ^ ! and spleen. ^ The skeleton and all the connective tissue structures of the bodv. © +2 o ^ Tlie epithelium of the alimentary canal from the back of the mouth to the anus, and that of all the glands which open into this part of the alimentary tube. The epithelium of the Eustachian tube and tj'mpanum. The epithelium of the bronchial tubes and air sacs of the lungs. The epithelium lining the vesicles of the thyroid body. The ejDithelial nests of the thymus. The epithelium of the urinary bladder and lu'ethra. PARABLAST THEORY OP HIS. MESENCHYME THEORY OF HERTWIG. The observations of His upon the development of the blood and connective tissues in the bird led him to regard these tissues as originating, not from the mesoblast which in the chick grows out from the sides of the primitive groove, but from cells which, laz^ Fig. 27. — Vertical section throlgh tiil blastodfrm of a hen's vaic, taken near the PERIPHERY. (Strieker. ) E, epibla-st ; //, hypoblast, passing at the periphery into an undiflferentiateil mass of yolk, A, containing large cells filled witli yolk granules ; M (towards the centre of the blastoderm), mesoblast ; M 'nearer the periphery), granular cells, apparently derived from A, and lying between the epiblast and hypoblast. originating either in the yolk or in the thickened rim of the spreading blastoderm, wander in centripetally between the primary layers and fill up all the interstices of the centrifugally- growirig true mesoblast. These in-wandering cells being derived, not like the other cells of the embryonic area from the more active primarily differentiated central parts of the blasto- denn. but from the peripheral non-embryonic portion, were collectively named by His jiuiahldxt. and the tissues (blood and blood-vessels, and all the connective tissues) sujjposed to be formed from them we-re t -'' ^^°- SffZ'ed'^v Wif ? '^i%*^f '"I !f * °^ ^^-^S-in of the mesoblast, but in Amphioxus they befoS l^Sw^i ^ 1 ^^^'^^ °^ *^' '^'^^^ °^ ^^" archenteric cavity, which grow from aW AmpM^^^^^^ the Z:T^ "T'^'f ""'' 'f ' ^^^'^^^^^ ^^ *^^^ P^^^'^^ I" --^ vertebrates S i4v eaSv nur^r t'l?*?'"'''*^' ^"' ^™^^ *^*^ ^'^ ^°"^' "^^^ ^^^^^ (although a i). 290, 297. 28 RECENT LITERATURE OF BLASTODERM. Boveri, T., Ueber Differenzirung der Zellkerne wdhrend der Furehung des Eies von Ascaris megalocephala. Anat. Anzeig., 1887. Butschli, O., Beitrdge zur Gastridatheorie. Morpholog. Jabrbucli, Bd.ix.-, H._ 3, 1884. Caldwell, W. H., The embryology vf Monotremata and Marsupialia. Philosophical Trans., vol. clxxviii., 1888. Durliain, H., Note on the presence of a neurenteric canal in Eana. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science, N. Ser., vol. 26, 1886. Duval, M., De la formation du blastoderme dans Vceaf d'oiseau. Annales des sciences naturelles, 6 ser. t. xviii., No. 1—3, 1884. Fleisclimaiin, A., Zur EntwicTcelungsgeschichte der RauUhiere. Biolog. Centralbl., Bd. vii., 1887. Gasser, Ber ParaUast u. der Keimwall der Vogelkeimscheibe. Sitzungsber. d. naturw. Gesellsch. zu Marburg, 1883. Gerlach, L., Ueber die entodermale Entstehung der Chorda. Biol. Centralbl., 1881. Giacomini, C, Sul canale neurenterico et siol canale anale nelle vesicole blastodermiche di coniglio. Giorn. della r. accademia di medic, di Torino, No. 4, 5, 1888. Haddon, A., Note on the blastodermic vesicle, of mammals. Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, N. Ser., vol. iv., 1885. Haeckel, Bie Gastrceatheorie. Jena Zeitschrift, Bd. viii. ; Nachtrdge zur Gastrceatheorie. Ibid., Bd. xi. ; Ursprung u. Entwickl. d. thierischen Getoeben. Ibid., Bd. xi. Hatschek, B., Studien uber EntwicJclung des Amphioxus. Arbeiten a. d. zool. Instit. zu Wien, Bd, iv. , 1881 ; Ueber die EntwicJclung des Amphioxus. Biolog. Centralbl., Bd. vi., 1887. Heape, W., The development of the mole {Talpa europcea). The formation of the germinal layers, a7id early development of the medidlary groove and notochord. Quart. Journ. of Microsc. Sc, N. S., xci., 1883. Also in Studies from the Morphological Laboratory in the University of Cambridge, vol. iii. Hensen, Ueber die Ableitung der Umkehr der Keimbldtter des Meerschweinchevs. Verhand- liingen des physiologischen Vereins in Kiel, 1881. Hertwig-, O., Bie hntwiehlung des mittleren Keimblattes der Wirbelthiere. Jena Zeitschrift fiir Naturw., Bd. xvi., 1882. Hertwig, O, und R., Bie Colomtheorie. Versuch einer Erkldrung des mittleren Keimblattes. Jena. 1881 ; Studien zur Bldttevtheorie. Jena, 1883. His, "W., Ber Kei^nwall des Bilhnereies u. d. Entstehung der parablastischen Zellen. Zeitsch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1876 ; Bie Behre vom Bindesubstanzkeim (Parablast), Riickblick nebst critischer Besprechung einiger neuerer entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Arbeiten. Archiv fiir Anat. u. Physiol., Anatom. Abtheil., 1882. Hoffmann, C, K., Bie Bildung des Mesoderms, die Anlage der Chorda dorsalis und die Entioickelung des Canalis neurentericus bei Vogelembryonen. Amsterdam, 1883. Hubrecht, A. A. W. , Bie erste Anlage des Hypoblastes bei den Sdugethieren. Eine Erwiderung an Herrn Prof. Ed. van Beneden. Anatomischer Anzeiger., iii. Jahrg., No. 30, 1888. Johnson, Alice, On the fate of the blastoptore and the presence of a priiidtive streak in the Newt [Triton cristatus). Quaiii. Journ. of Microsc. Science, N. S., No. xcvi. , 1884. Keibel, F., Van Beneden' s Blastoporus und die Rauber'sche Beckschicht. Anatomisch, Anz., 1887 ; Bie Entwickelungsvorgdnge am hinteren Ende des Meerschweinchenembryos. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., H. 5 u. 6, 1888. Koller, C, Untersuchungen Uber die Bldtterbildung im HUhnerkeim. Arch. f. mikr. Anat., 1881 ; Beitrdrie zur Kenntniss des Huhnerkeims im Beginne der Bebrutung. Wiener Sitzungsber., Bd. Ixxx., 1881. Kolliker, Bie Entwicklung der Keimbldtter des Kaninchens. Wiirzburg Festschrift, Leipzig, 1882; Bie embryonalen Keimbldtter u. d. Geivebe. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool. xl., 1884; Ueber die Nichtexistenz eines embryonalen Bindegewebskeims [Parablasts). Sitzungsber. d. phys. medic. Ges. zu Wiirzburg, 1884, Kollmann, J., Ber Mesoblast und die Entwickelung der Gewehe bei Wirbelthieren. Biolog. Centralblatt, Bd. iii., 1 884 ; Ber Randwulst u. d. Ursprung d. StUtzsubstanz. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth. 1884. Kowalevsky, Entwicklung sgeschichte der Sagitta. St. Petersburg Memoirs, xvi., 1871 ; Entwicklung sgesch. d. Amphioxus, . The dorsal opening iKHhown in I., continued into the itriniitivc groove; the canal iiasscs thence through the column of ceilH which unites the epihiaist atin'I'IN« DOWN Of THE EMIiRYO-KUDIMENT INTO THE HLASTODERMIO VESICLE, AND THE FORMATION OK THE FOREGUT, AMNION, AND STALK OK THE ALLANTOIS BY THE FOLDING OF THE BLASTODERM. (His.) Am, head fold of the amnion (pro-amnion in h and c) ; A'6, yolk sac. a and d arc conditions of tlic embryo which have been seen and described ; b an- 46 CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. in birds, and in some mammals, e.g. ruminants, this portion forms a large sac which occupies the greater part of the cavity of the false amnion, and is filled by fluid (allantoic fluid) in which many urinary products can be recognized. (The ducts of the embryonic renal organs open into the pedicle of the allantois.) But in most mammals the developpient of the hypoblastic sac is far less extensive, and in some, including the human embryo, the allantois is mainly represented by a large mesoblastic outgrowth carrying the allantoic (umbilical) vessels to the chorion. There is also considerable variation in the period at which the allantois begins to develop. In the human embryo it is certainly formed at a very early period, probably even before the amnion is completed. In the guinea-pig, also, it appears early, although after the amnion. In this animal it is first developed as a solid outgrowth of mesoblast which projects from the line of junction of the hinder end of the amniotic bag with the blastoderm, and before the formation of a hind gut or of any part of the alimentary tube, a hypoblastic diverticulum being altogether wanting. In the earliest human ova in which the allantois has been investigated, it is already a tube of hypoblast which forms a direct prolongation of the posterior end of the primitive alimentary canal (fig. 49, d), and is enclosed in a short stalk of mesoblast, by which the posterior end of the embryo is attached to the chorion, and through which, by the allantoic (umbilical) blood-vessels, the chorionic villi are freely supplied with blood. From the attachment of this stalk to the placenta (chorionic part), the hinder extremity of the amnion is reflected. The stalk in question is not the um- bilical cord, since it does not include the stalk of the yolk sac (vitelline duct), which only later becomes bound up with it. It is termed by His the abdominal stalk (Bauchstiel), the term allantois beiug by him restricted to the hypoblastic diverticulum. It is further considered by His to be probable that the human embryo never becomes completely detached from the chorion, but that it always retains its attachment to the outer membrane of the ovum at the hinder end, this abdominal stalk being regarded as a direct prolongation of the tail end of the embryo (fig. 49). If this should prove to be the case, the human ovum would form an exception to the usual rule of a complete separation of embryo from chorion at the formation of the amnion, and subsequent re-attachment by outgrowth of allantois. Clianges in the uterus. Mode of attachment of ovum to uterus.^ — The mucous membrane of the pregnant uterus is known as the decidua. It is thicker and more pulpy than in the ordinary non-pregnant condition, and the glands are longer in proportion, but it is otherwise of similar structure except in the part where the placenta is about to be formed ; here it undergoes important modifications. The ovum, which has been fertilized and has passed through the first stages of development in the Fallopian tube, although considerably larger than the undeveloped ovum, is still an extremely minute object when it reaches the uterus. Here it speedily becomes imbedded in the soft and thickened mucous membrane, and this is soon reflected over and completely encloses the ovum, which thus comes to lie in a cavity within the decidua which is altogether shut off by the reflected part from the true cavity of the uterus. Different names have been given to these parts of the uterine mucous membrane which immediately enclose the ovum to distinguish them from that which Hues the original cavity of the uterus. Thus the layer of membrane which has grown around the ovum is known as the decidua reflexa ; the part where the ovum first becomes attached to the uterus and where the placenta is afterwards formed, is the decidua serotina, while the membrane lining the true cavity of the uterus, is termed decidua vera (figs. 50, 51). With the subsequent growth and consequent expansion of the ovum the enclosing decidua reflexa expands also pari passu, encroaching more and more upon the true cavity of the uterus and coming into contact everywhere with the decidua vera. Eventually it blends entirely with the decidua vera, so that the two layers are indis- tinguishable and the original cavity of the uterus is obliterated (except at the cervix uteri). 1 The following account of the formation of the deciduae and of the placenta is confined as much as possible to what has been observed in the human subject. In other mammals unportant variations in the mode of attachment of the ovum and in the formation and structure of the placenta are found to occur. CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. ,47 Both the decidua vera and the decidua reflexa orio-inally contain tubular and somewhat tortuous grlands. which were discovered by Sharpey, and were by hina supposed to minister in the first instance, both to the nutrition and to the attachment of the ovum the latter by aflfordmp: depressions for the chorionic villi to penetrate into the substance of the decidua It has however, since been shown that these villi do not directly pass into the giands ' but rather tend to become attached to the interglandular surface, and indeed at the decidua serotma. where subsequently the main attachment of the chorionic villi occurs the o-iand- lumina may become almost entirely obliterated before the villi are here formed But the gi-catly enlarged glands of the decidua vera very probably furnish a secretion to a^'^i^^t the nourishment of the ovum previously to the full establishment of the placental circulation ds Fig. 50.— DlAOnASIMATIC SKOTIO.N OP THE I'UEONANT HUMAN UTERUS AT THE SEVENTH OR EIGHTH WEEK. (Alien TliomsoD. umijiiical cord and connected with the intcHtine of the embryo The decidua undergoes remarkaLIo sLnu-tiiriil cliiuiocs diirinjr tli(! ciiily monlliH of pre{,'uancy, some of these changes being coninion to all three partH of tlie membrane, 48 CHANGES IN THE UTERUS, whilst others are special to that part (d. serotina) which enters into the construction of the placenta. The following is a brief account of these changes.^ With the supervention of pregnancy the mucous membrane hning the uterus becomes thickened and the tubular glands become both dilated and greatly elongated. Fig. 51. — Antero-posterioFv section of the gravid UTERUS AND OVUM OF FIVE WEEKS. (Semi-dia- grammatic.) (Allen Thomson.) a, anterior ; p, posterior uterine wall ; m, mus- cular substance ; u, placed in the cavity of the uterus ; [/, the glandular layer of the decidua vera ; r, the decidua reflexa ; s, decidua serotina ; c, cervix uteri ; ch, chorion with its villi, which, are more highly deve- loped on the placental side ; e, the embryo enclosed in the amnion, with the allantoic vessels passing along a short allantoic stalk into the placenta, and the umbilical vesicle lying free in the space between amnion and chorion. 7?S/A 'A ^ 0( 7}t'. Fig. 51*. — Diagrammatic sections of the uterine mucous membrane, showing the changes which THE GLANDS UNDERGO WITH THE SUPERVENTION OF PREGNANCY (from Kundrat and Engelmann). A, Diagram of the glands of the non-pregnant uterus ; m, muscular layer ; B, condition of the glands at the beginning of pregnancy ; c, compact layer near free surface of decidua : the glands are here somewhat enlarged but not very tortuous, and the mucous membrane is rendered compact by hypertrophy of the interglandular tissue ; sp, spongy layer, containing the middle portion of the glands greatly enlarged and tortuous, producing a spongy condition in the mucous membrane ; d, deepest portion of the glands, elongated and tortuous, but not much enlarged. This thickening of the membrane and enlargement of the glands goes on until the fifth month, so that by this time the decidua vera is nearly half an inch in thickness and its glands have undergone so considerable an elongation that they now no longer pass nearly straight through the membrane but run iu a tortuous manner from the ^ For a more complete account of the changes in the uterus, and of the placenta, ths reader is referred to the list of papers at the end of this section, but especially to the works of Kundrat and Engelmann, Leopold, and Minot, and for the comparative structure of the placenta to the classical investigations of Turner. CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. 49 inner surface to the vascular layer, so that a vertical section of the membrane exhibits them cut quite as often obliquely or transversely as longitudinally. They are also generally dilated, but the dilatation is by far most marked at the mouths of the glands, which come thus to have a funnel-like shape, and in the deeper part of the membrane, where the dilatations look in sections like a series of cavities, lined by cubical or flattened epithelium, and separated from one another by a relatively small amount of interglandular substance. This gives a spongy appearance to the part in question, and it has been accordingly termed the dratum spongiosum of the decidua (fig. 51*, B, sp). The deepest part of the glands, that, namely, which is in contact with and is imbedded in the superficial portion of the muscular coat, does not share in this dilatation, and its epithelium also retains the columnar character. The part of each gland between the funnel-shaped mouth and the dilatations aljove described, also becomes enlarged, but not to so great an extent, the hypertrophy of the mucous membrane being here chiefly confined to the interglandular tissue, which becomes filled with large epithelium-like cehs (decidual cells of Friedlander) and with numerous and large capillary blood-vessels. This layer of the decidua has been termed the stratum compactum in contradistinction to the stratum spongiosum exteiTial to it (fig. 51*, B, c). After the fifth month, by which time the great increase in size of the ovum with its contained embryo has brought the decidua reflexa into close contact with the decidua vera, the latter begins to undergo an atrophic process, the result to all appearance of the compression and distension to which it is thus subjected. Its tissue becomes thinner and less vascular, and both the funnel-shaped mouths of the glands and those parts of the glands which run through the stratum compactum become gradually obliterated, so that eventually hardly any trace remains. In the Fig. 52. — DiAGRAMMATIO SECTION THROUGH THE DECIDUiB AT THE EDGE OF THE PLACENTA (from Kundrat and Engelmann). c, sp, TO, as in fig. 51*, B ; rf v, decidua vera ; d s, decidua serotina ; d r, decidua reflexa. stratum spongiosum the spaces which have resulted from the dilatation of the gland tubes lose the lining epithelium, and become flattened out conformably to the surface, so that they now appear as a layer of compressed lacunae, sepa- rated by thin fibrous tralxiculse (fig. 52, sp.). Similar changes occur in the decidua reflexa. That this is truly a fold of mucous membrane is evidenced by the fact that gland tubes can ])e seen to open upon both its surfaces. These gland tubes early become enlarged, and acquire an oblique or tortuous course, with dilatations in their deeper parts, i.e., in the middle of the thickness of the d. reflexa, so as to form here also a sort of spongy tissue. But the decidua reflexa sooner becomes expanded by the growing ovum into a relatively thin membrane, and the atrophic changes in the glands occur at an earlier stage, so that by the time that it has coalesced with the decidua vera hardly any traces of them can be discerned. In the decidua serotina (placental decidua) similar changes have been described in the glands, the final result being the formation of a spongy layer, with ii-regular clefts flattened out conformably to the surface, and from which the epithelium has entirely disappeared, accompanied by coinpletf; utro])liy and disappearance of all the parts of the glands which are superficial to this layei-, the only portions which remain nearly unaltered being the deepest parts of the tubes, which are partly VOL. I. ^ 50 CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. Fig. 53.— Section through a nokmal placenta of seven months in situ (Minot). Am, amnion ; CJio, chorion ; Vi, root of a villus ; vi, sections of the ramifications of villi in the intervillous spaces, the larger bloodvessels within them are represented black : D, deep layer ot the decidua, showing flattened remnants of enlarged glands in spongy stratum ; Ve, uterine vein (? artery) opening out of placental sinus ; 31c, muscular wall of uterus. CHANGES IN THE UTERUS. 51 imbedded in the mnscnlar coat of the uterus, and retain their epithehum. After 'separation of the placenta from the uterine wall at parturition, the uterine mucous membrane, with its epithelium and glands, becomes renewed from this deepest portion of the decidua serotina. The most important changes of structure occur in the superficial part of the placental decidua, after the disappearance of the glands. The exact manner in which these changes take place has not been follow^ed out, but the ultimate result is the replacement of the whole of this portion of the decidua, with the exception of a Fig. 54. — Sections illustrating the stuuctuiie of the i'lacenta (Minot). A, vertical section thioui,'h the margin of a placenta at full term ; D, D, deep layer of decidua ; Ft, chorionic villi varinnr:ly cut, their bloodvessels injected ; hedgehog), becomes greatly thickened, and is connected by epiblastic villi to the decidua. This external layer of epiblast, for which Hubrecht has pro- posed the general name of trojjhohJast, causes the absorption of the uterine epithelium both of the surface and of the glands (where this epithelium has not previously been cast off) and comes dii'ectly in contact with the enlarging decidual vessels, the endothelium of which is actively proliferating. Within the thickened trophoblast clefts now make their appear- ance and are presently found to be occupied by maternal blood, which is derived from the vessels of the adjacent hypertrophied decidua. This blood flows therefore into spaces in the trophoblast, which are onlj' bounded by foetal epiblast, and this jJThiiary placental circulation may be formed before any foetal blood-vessels have reached the chorion. Subsequently, when the vascular mesoblastic villi become formed they extend into these spaces, pushing before them the epiblast ; by this layer they remain permanently covered and it also lines the enlarged spaces into which they have extended. The placenta is composed of two parts, one foetal, composed of chorion with its villi ; the other maternal, formed from decidua serotina. In its completely Fig. 57. — Traxsverse section of a villus from A PLACENTA OF SEVEN MONTHS (Minot). Three blood-vessels are seen within tlie villus, imbedded in a jelly-like connective tissue containing cells and fibres ; a, a, cell-layer covering villus (epiblast according to Minot ; according to others of decidual origin) ; /, a thickened portion of this cell-layer, which has undergone a fibrinous transfor- mation (canalised fibrin). developed condition, it is a circular discoid mass, weighing about a pound, 7 or 8 inches in diameter, thickest at the centre (1^ inch), and thinning away towards the edges, which are continuous with the compara- tively thin coalesced deciduae and chorion. Its inner surface is smooth and concave, and is closely covered by the amnion as by a serous membrane ; under this the larger branches of the umbilical vessels course before dipping into the substance of the placenta. From near the centre of the organ the umliilical cord passes off to the foetus. Its outer surface is incorporated with the uterine wall, but when detached from this by tearing through the spongy tissue of which the deeper part of the decidua is formed (as occurs in parturition at the expulsion of the fa'tus), the outer surface appears ragged and irregular, in striking contrast to the smooth amnioii-covered inner surface. Examined under the microscope, the chorionic tissue (villi) of the placenta is found to be composed of jelly-like connective tissue, with branched and anastomosing colls (fig. 57) ; in Bome parts of the larger stems white fibres are seen. What r-cmains of the decidual M THE PLACENTA. tissue has a fibrous appearance, with very imraerous decidual cells, which frequently obscure the fibres (fig-. 54, b). In and after the fifth month of pregnancy, a number '^W/J m '^1^ ^ Fig. 58. — FfiONT AND SIDE VIEWS OF AN EARLY HUMAN OVUM FOUR TIMES THE NATURAL SIZE (from Eeichert). This ovnm is supposed to be of thirteen days after impreg- nation. The surface bare of villi is that next the wall of the uterus, showing at e, the opacity produced by the thickened embryonic disc. The villi covered chiefly the marginal parts of the surface. of large multinucleated giant cells are found scat- tered about in the tissue. They occur most abun- dantly in the outermost layer of the decidua serotina, and have been described by Friedlander and by Leopold as growing at a later stage (eighth or ninth month) into the veins which pass through this layer, so Fig. 59. — View of the interior of the human gravid uterus at the twenty-fifth day (from Farre after Coste). M, uterine wall ; o, ovum with villous chorion ; dv, decidua vera ; ch\ decidua reflexa, divided round the margin of the ovum, and turned down so as to expose its pitted surface, which has been removed from the ovum. The right ovary is divided, and shows in section the plicated condition of the early corpus luteum. SEPAEATION OF THE UECIDUA AT BIRTH. as to produce a partial blockage of these veins, preparatory to the detachment of the placenta from the layer. The villi do not at first cover the whole sm-face of the ovum, but are deficient at the embryonic, and perhaps also at the opposite, pole. In the earliest human ovum which has hitherto been described, that of Reichert (fig. 58), the villi, which are quite simple, occur in a broad zoue around the circumference of the ovum, leaving the (somewhat flattened) poles smooth and free from villi, and on one of these poles a thickening of the wall of the vesicle could be detected, which was probably the embryonic area. But in all other early human ova which have been noticed, the chorion, which is now formed by the false amnion, is covered with ramified villi (shaggy chorion), and these are already vascularized from the allan- tois, and have grown into the sub- stance of the decidua reflexa and the decidua serotina, the formation of the placenta having already begun. Separation of the decidua uterine mucous membrane. — In 60. — Portion of an injected villus from a PLACENTA OP ABOUT FIVE MONTHS (Minot). at birth, and regeneration of the parturition, the pressure of the contracting muscular walls upon the uterine contents, and especially upon the amniotic fluid, causes a bulging of the meml3ranes (consisting of the combined deciduas, the chorion, and the amnion) through the os uteri. When the membranes are ruptured, the amniotic fluid first escapes, and subsequently the fa'tus is expelled. AVith fnrthgp contraction of the uterus, the placenta becomes detached from the uterine wall, separating along the plane of the dilated parts of the glands (stratum spongio- num of the decidua serotina), and as it is expelled, the separation extends around the decidua lining the rest of the uterus, which appears in the " after-birth " along with the chorion and amnion as a thin membranous skirt to the edge of the placenta. The deepest part of the decidua containing the bases of the uterine glands is everywhere left in connection with the muscular tissue, and from these basal portions of the glands, first the whole of the uterine glands, and subsequently the lining epithelium of the uterus become gradually regenerated. RECENT LITERATURE. Allen, W., Omph/ilo-mesenteric remains in mammals. Journ. Anat. and Phj'siol., xvii., 1883. Beneden, Ed. van, Dc la fixation du hiastocysle d la viuqtieust nterhte rlicz Ic murin {Vesper- tilio viurinvs). Bullet, de I'Acad. roy. de Belgique, Ser. iii.. 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Comptea rendus de la societe de biologie, Ser. viii., T. v,, 1888 ; Le placenta des rongeurs. Journal de I'anat. et de la physiol., XXV. ,, 7 ^ j • Ercolani, G. B., Nuove ricercJie di anatorma normale e patologica sulla placenta dei mammx- feri e della donna. Mem. d. accademia d. scienz. d. Bologna, 1883. (French in Archires italiennes de biologie, iv.) , . , t> 7,7 • o-x 1 j i -i Fleischmann, Ueber die erste Anlage der Placenta hei den RauUhieren. bitzb. der physik. medic. Soc. zu Erlangen, 1886 ; Embryologische Untersuchungen. Heft i. Vntersuchimgen ilber einheimische Eaubthiere. Wiesbaden, 1888 ; Mittelblatt und Amnion der Katze. Erlangen, 1888. Frommel, R., Entw. d. Placenta v. Myotus murinus. Wiesbaden, 1888 (Centralbl. f. Gynak., 1 QQQ\ Hart, B., The meclianism- of the separation of the placenta, dsc. Proc. Roy. Soc. of Edinburgh, XV., 1889. Heinz, R., Untersuchungen uber den Ban und die EntwicTcelung der menschhchen Placenta. Inaug.-Diss. Breslau, 1888. Heinricius, G., Die EntwicU. der Hunde-Placenta. Sitzung.sb. d. Berlin. Akad., 1889 ; Arch. f. mikr. Anat. 33, 1889. Hoffmann, C. K., Ueber das Amnion des zweibldttrigen Keimes. ArcMv f. mikrosk. Anatomic, xxiii., 1884. Hofmeier, Zur Anatomie d. Placenta. Wiirzburg Sitzungsb,, 1889. HubrecM, The placentation of Erinaceus Europceus, with remarks on the phylogeny of the placenta. Quarterly Journal of Micr. Science, 1889. Kastschenko, N., Das menschliche Chorionepithel und dessen Rolls hei der Placenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1885. Keitoel, P., Zur EntwicUungsgesch. der menschlichen Placenta. Anat. Anzeiger, iv., 1889. Klein, Ueber die Entstehung der Placenta marglnata. Arch. f. Gynak., xxxvi. Kundrat und Engrelmann, Untersuchungen iiber die Uteruschleimhaut. Strieker's med. Jahrb.,1873. Kuppfer, C, Die Entstehung der Allantois und die Gastrvla der Wirbdthiere. Zoologischer Anzeiger, ii. , 1879 ; Decidua und Ei des Menschen am Endc des ersten Monats. Miinchener Wochen- schrift, 1888. Langhans, Die Losung der mutterlichen Eihdute. Archiv fiir Gynakol., viii., 1876 ; Ueber die Zellschicht des menschlichen Chorions. Henle's Festgabe, 1882. Leopold, Studien uber die Uterusschleimhaut wdhrend Menstruation, Schwangerschaft und Wochenbett. Archiv f. Gynakol., xi., 1877 ; Ueber den Bau der Placenta. Archiv f. Gynakologie, XXXV., 1889. Lieljerkiihn, N., Der grilne Saum der Hundeplacenta. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat, Abth. 1889. Marius, J., De la genese du placenta chez le lapin. Arch, de biologie, ix., 1889. Masquelin et Swaen, Premieres phases du ddveloppement du placenta maternal chez le lapin. Arch, de biol., i, 1880. Minot, Uterus and embryo. Journal of Morphology, Vol. ii., 1889 (includes a tolerably full Bibliography of the subject). NitalDuch., R., Beitrage zur Kenntniss der menschlichen Placenta. Inaug.-Diss. Bern, 1888. Osborn, H. F., Observations upon the foetal membranes of the Opossum, and other Marsupials. Quarterly Journal of Microsc. Science, xxiii., 1883. Rolir, K., Die Bezichungen d. miitterl. Gefdsse z. d. intervUlosen Eaumen, dsc. Virchow's Archiv, Ruge, K., in Schroder, K., Der schwangere u. kreissende Uterus. Bonn, 1886. Ryder, J. A., The origin of the Amnion. American Naturalist, xx., 1886 ; A theory of the origin of placental types, and on certain vestigiary structures in the placentae of the mouse, rat, and field-mouse. American Naturalist, xxi., 1887. Strahl, H., Die Allantois von Lacerta viridis. Sitzungsb. d. Marburger Gesellsch., 1883; Ueber den Bau der Placenta; Die Anlagerung des Eies an die Uterusivand. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1889 ; Zur vergleichenden Anat. d. Placenta. Verhandl. d. anat. Gesellschaft, 1889 ; Placenta von Putorius furo. Anat. Anz. , iv., 1889. Tafani, A., La circulation dans le placenta de quelques mummifires. Archives italiennes de biol., viii., 1887. Turner, "Wm., Lectures on the comparative anatomy of the placenta. Edinburgh (Black), 1876 ; Smne general observations on the placenta, with especial reference to the theory of evolution. Joum. of Anat. and Physiol., xii., 1877 ; On the placentation of the Apes, with a comparison of tlie structure of their placenta with that of the human female. Phil. Trans., Ixix., 1879 ; An additional contribution to the placentation of the Lemurs. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Vol. xliv., 1888. Waldeyer, "W., Ueber den Placentarkreislauf des Menschen. Sitzb. d. k. Akad. d. Wissensch. zu Berlin, vi., 1887 ; Die Placenta von Inuusnemestrinus. Ibid., 1889 ; Menschen- und A ff en-placenta. Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Bd. 35, 1890, DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COED. 57 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. As has been already described, the whole of the central nervous system takes origin from the thickened walls of a dorsally situated axial groove, subsequently converted into a canal, which nms forwards in front of the primitive streak, and the anterior end of which becomes enlarged and converted by constrictions into three successive vesicles, around which the several parts of the brain are formed, and which are knoNvn as the primary cerebral vesicles. The remainder of the neural canal is of nearly uniform diameter, and its walls become converted into the substance of the spinal cord, while the cavity itself becomes eventually the central canal of the cord. The walls of the neural groove are of course composed of epiblast, and it therefore follows that the whole structure of the central nervous system is laid down in epiblast, and consists in the main of more or less modified epiblastic elements, except where mesoblastic tissues subsequently penetrate into it, conveying blood-vessels into its substance. As was shown by Balfour, the same is in all probability true for all the nerves of the body, cranial and spinal, which either, as with the fibres of the anterior roots of the spinal nerves, grow directly out from the neural epiblast, or, as with the fibres of the posterior roots, are formed and grow from masses of epiblast cells, which are separated oflP at the junction of the neural and general epiblast to form the gangha, from which the posterior root fibres appear to take origin (His). An exception must, however, be recorded for the olfactory tracts and bulbs and optic tracts and nerves, which, although derived from the neural epiblast, yet have a different mode of origin from all other nerves, both cranial and spinal, since they arise not as solid outgrowths of that epiblast, but as hollow protrusions from the brain, which only become solid at a later stage of development. We have then to consider the manner in which are developed (1) the spinal cord ; (2) the several parts of the brain ; and (3) the spinal and cranial nerves and their ganglia, as well as the ganglia and nerves of the so-called sympathetic nervous system. DEVELOPMENT OP THE SPINAL COED. Soon after the neural canal is closed (fig. 32, p. 31), it takes the form, along the greater part of the length of what is afterwards to become spinal cord, of a cleft- like cavity, with thick sides, and a relatively thin dorsal and ventral boundary (roof and floor). The parietes of the canal are w4iolly composed of long columnar epithe- lium cells, whose free borders, which are at first smooth, but later become ciliated, line the cavity, and whose attached extremities rest upon a homogeneous limiting membrane which early makes its appearance, bounding the embryonic cord, and separating it from the surrounding structures. These cells, therefore, extend at first through the whole thickness of the embryonic cord, and they have the closely- set, palisade-like character, with the nuclei at different depths, such as it is usual to find in long columnar epithelium. After a time, it is found that the ceUs (which have become always longer with the increasing thickness of the wall of the neural canal) show a tendency to branch and to unite with the branches of neighbouring cells. In this way a network or spongework is produced, which extends throughout the greater part of the thickness of the embiyonic cord ; at the same time the inner parts of the cells which immedi- ately line the canal retain their palisade-like arrangement, while the external or attached ends often exhibit a radiating disposition, which gives a characteristic radial character to the external layer of the reticular stiiicture. The reticulum is 58 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COPvD. termed mijelospoigium, and the cells by which it is formed are spoken of as spongio- Uasts (His) (fig. 61). Between the inner ends of the columnar epithelium cells or spongioblasts there is seen at a comparatively early period (four and five weeks in the human embryo) a number of rounded cells, with a considerable amount of clear protoplasm, forming Fig. 61. — Myelospongium from spinal cord of three and a half weeks HtrjiAN EMBRYO (His) 'i?. Fig. 62. — Inner ends of spongioblasts with germinal cells, g, between them ; from SPINAL CORD OF HUMAN EMBRYO (His). Fig. 63. — Inner ends of spongioblasts [Sp] ; a germinal cell {g) and two transitional CELLS [Tr) FROM SPINAL CORD OF HUMAN EMBRYO (His). Fig. 64. — Three neuroblasts, each with a nerve-fibre process growing out beyond the BASEMENT MEMBRANE OF THE EMBRYONIC SPINAL CORD (His). an interrupted layer in this innermost zone. Their nuclei are mostly in one stage or another of karyokinesis (fig. 62). They are termed by His the germinal cells, and according to him they give origin to the cells next to be described. The third kind of cell {netiroUast) met with in the cord of the early embryo is one with a relatively large oval nucleus, and little protoplasm, but with a tapering protoplasmic prolongation directed outwards towards the surface of the cord. These cells are found in groups, at first only in or near the layer of germinal cells (fig. 63), but subsequently in the outer layers (fig. 64). The prolongations are the com- mencements of the nerve-fibres, and they mostly converge either straight or with an arcuate course towards what will subsequently be the place of exit of the fibres of the anterior roots. The. outermost layer of the embryonic cord after the differentiation of the various kinds of cells above described is free from nuclei, and is composed of the partly yeticulated, partly radially arranged external or attached extremities of the DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL CORD. 59 spongioblasts. This may be taken to represent the white matter of the cord at this stage (all the rest representing grey substance) ; but there are at first no nerve fibres in it, the only structures which can be at all compared to nerve fil)res being the prolongations of the neuroblasts, and these lie either as arcuate fibres altogether in the outer part of the grey substance, or are passing out of the coixi as the beginnings of the anterior roots from a mass of neuroblasts which forms the rudiment of the anterior cornu of grey matter (fig. 65). This mass constitutes in the human embryo of six weeks (fig. 66) the chief portion of each half of the cord. It forms a con- siderable projection which laterally almost reaches the surface, but ventrally is sepa- rated from it by a thickening of the external or radial zone, due to the appearance of longitudinally coursing nerve fibres within it : this is the beginning of the anterior Fig. 65. — Section of spinal cord of four weeks human embryo (His). The posterior roots are continued within the cord into a small longitudinal bundle which is the rudiment of the ]iosterior white column. The anterior roots are formed by the convergence of the jiroces-ses of the neuroblasts. The latter, along with the elongated cells of the myelospougium compose the grey matter. The external layer of the cord is traver-ed by radiating fibres which are the outer ends of the spongioblasts. The anterior commissure is beginning to appear. This figure is much more magnified than the next one. Fig. 66. — Transverse section of the cervical part op the si-inal cord of a human EMBRYO of six WEEKS (from Kiilliker). ^{ c, central canal ; e, its epithelial lining ; at e' (superiorly), the original place of closure of the canal ; a, the white substance of the anterior columns ; f/, grey substance of aiitero -lateral horn ; p, posterior column ; ar, anterior roots ; pr, posterior roots. white column (a). By this time, also, although to a rather less extent, the posterior white columns have, simultaneously with the "posterior roots, begun to make their appearance on cither side of the narrow dorsal part of the neural canal (p). There is, however, only a relatively thin layer of grey matter (neuroblasts) separating the posterior white columns from the palisade-like lining of the canal, and as yet no sign of nerve fibres in the sitiuition of the lateral columns, whi(;h are only repre- sented l)y a thin layer of the radial myelospougiuni. The roof and floor of the caual are also quite thin and undevelo|)ed. At this jx^riod there is still no sign of either anterior or posterior (dorsal or ventral) fissures of the cord. These become formed as the cornua of the grey matter grow out from the central uni^a, and as the anterior and posterior white columns 60 DEVELOPMENT OF THE SPINAL COED. increase in extent. The anterior fissure is simply a cleft left between the enlarging lateral halves of the cord ; the anterior commissure is formed across the bottom of the cleft, which is thereby separated from the central canal. As for the posterior fissure, it is uncertain whether it is in part formed from the dorsal portion of the constricted canal, which has become occupied by an ingrowth of pia mater, and conyerted into a mere septum of connective tissue, or whether this fissure with its connective tissue septum becomes formed independently of the central canal, which, as the fissure extends, gradually atrophies until it is eventually converted into the rudimentary epithelial tube which is persistent during life. In the sacral region of birds, the central canal expands into the rhomboidal sinus, and in the filum terminale of the human cord it remains relatively large. An open enlargement analogous to the rhomboidal sinus of birds, although relatively smaller, has been described by Tiedemann in a nine- week human foetus. The cord is at first oblong oval in section, with an angular depression in each side which serves to mark off the situation of the future posterior columns and their corresponding grey matter from the antero-lateral region. These two parts of the lateral neural epiblast may be distinguished as the dorso-lateral (alar) and the ventro-lateral (basal) laminse ; with the former, the afferent nerve-fibres become Fig. 67. — Brain and spinal cord exposed from behind in a fcetus op THREE MONTHS (from Koliiker). h, the hemispheres ; m, the mesencephalic vesicle or corpora quadrigemina ; c, the cerebellum ; below this are the medulla oblongata, mo, and fourth ven- tricle, with remains of the membrana obturatoria. The spinal cord, s, extends to the lower end of the sacral canal, and shows brachial and crural enlargements. connected, whilst from the latter the efferent fibres take origin (His). In the human embryo of six weeks, they are well marked oflF fi'om one another, and their respective connections with the posterior and anterior nerve-roots are very distinct (fig. 66). In the upper part of the cord, the lateral nerve-roots (spinal accessory) also arise from the basal lamina. The characteristic cylindrical form of the cord is only attained with the development of the lateral columns. The cervical and lumbar enlargements are mani- fest at the end of the third month. Up to the fourth month, the cord and the vertebral canal increase in length pari passu, but the vertebral column then begins to grow more rapidly than the cord, so that by the time of birth the coccygeal end of the cord is opposite the third lumbar vertebra, while in the adult its limit is the lower end of the first lumbar. Along with this relative shifting of the cord and its containing tube, the lower nerve-roots lose their regular rectangular course, and become oblique. They alone, with the filum terminale, occupy the lower end of the neural canal, where they form the eauda equina. The nerve fibres of the white columns are at first entirely non-medullated, and the white substance has a greyish transparent appearance. The medullary sheath is not formed simultaneously in all parts, but appears at diflFerent times in different parts corresponding with the tracts of conduction ; the last of these tracts to become medullated are the pyramidal tracts. The membranes are formed from mesoblast of the protovertebrse, which extends over and under the cord, and becomes enclosed along with that structure within the developing vertebral canal. The septa of connective tissue which are seen penetrating into the substance of the cord from the pia mater grow in from this mesoblast, carrying blood-vessels amongst the nervous elements. The neuroglia or DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN. 61 general sustentacnlar substance of both white and grey matter is probably derived from the spongioblasts, and is therefore, like the nerve-cells themselves, of epiblastic origin. DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN. TVe have already traced the development of the cephalic part of the neural tube as far as the formation of the primary cerebral vesicles. These, which are at first three in number (fig. 40), become subdivided so as to form five in all, which may be termed in saccession from before back, the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth secondary vesicles. Of these five parts the first two, which represent the cerebral and thalamic parts of the future brain (third ventricle), are derived from the first primary vesicle, and the last two, the cerebellar and bulbar parts (fourth ventricle), from the third primary vesicle, while the third, middle, or quadrigeminal part, represents the undivided second primary vesicle (Sylvian aqueduct). These relationships, as well as the several parts of the brain which are eventually respectively formed in connec- tion with the vesicles, are shown in the subjoined table. / Anterior end of third ventricle, fora- mina of Monro, lateral ventri- ' First secondary vesicle -| cles, cerebral hemispheres, olfac- (^l)rosencej)lMlon) tory bulbs and tracts, corpora I. Anterior primary vesi- J V striata, corpus callosum, fornii.. cle or fore-brain | Second secondary vesicle ( ^^f. ventricle, optic nerve and ^ ithalaviencejihalon-) '"^^f ^.' °P*^^ thalami, pituitary \ and pmeal bodies. II. Middle primary vesicle r Third secondary vesicle i Aqueduct of Sylvius, corpora quad- or mid-brain C {meseiicephalon) \ rigemina, crura cerebri. (Fourth secondary vesicle / / Cerebellum. Pons. (epencephalon) \ Fourth ven- \ It'll Fifth secondary vesicle ( ( Medulla oblongata. (metencepkalon) The first and most striking change which occurs in the primary brain is the outgi'owth on either side of the first primary vesicle of a hollow protrusion {jwimary optic vesicle), which becomes developed eventually into optic nerve and retina (fig. 68). The changes which it undergoes in the formation of these structures will be considered when the development of the eye is dealt with ; suffice it for the present to say that the free hollow communication (optic stalk), which at first exists between the forebrain and optic vesicle, becomes gradually narrowed and at length obliterated, and that as development proceeds, the connection of the optic stalk becomes relatively shifted backwards, so that when the anterior part of the fore-brain is distinct from the posterior part, or thalamencephalon, the optic vesicle is connected wholly with the latter, a relationship which is maintained permanently, although partially obscured afterwards by the later connection which is formed between the optic tract and the mid-brain. Subsequently another pair of hollow outgrowths sprouts from the fore-brain, and these rapidly extend forwards, laterally and back- wards ; they form the vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres. From the roof of the fore- brain (second vesicle) a median hollow protrusion grows upwards and forwards for a certain distance towards the vortex, and from the floor of the same vesicle another somewhat similar protrusion passes downwards and backwards towards the roof of the mouth. The former is the rudiment of the pineal fjland, the latter of the infundibulum, which becomes involved in the formation of the pituitary body. The principal parts of the brain appear as thickenings in diilerent parts of the 62 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAlK Vom walls of the vesicles. Thus the corpora striata are formed in the floor of the hemi- sphere vesicles, whilst the principal mass of each hemisphere is formed from the roof and sides (mantle) of those vesicles, and the olfactory lobes are hollow out- Fig. 68. — FORB-PART OF THE EMBRYO SHOWN IN FIG. 38^ VIEWED FROM THE DORSAL SIDE. '^. (From Kolliker. ). F, fore-brain ; e, ocular vesicles ; M, mid-brain ; II, hind- brain ; h, jjart of the heart seen bulging to the right side ; Vom, omphalo-mesenteric or vitelline veins entering the heart posteriorly ; Mr, medullary canal, spinal part ; jp, proto-vertebral somites. growths from them. The cavities of the hemi- sphere-vesicles become the lateral ventricles, and the cavity of the part of the fore-brain (or first secondary vesicle) from which they spring, forms the anterior extremity of the third ventricle. The optic thalamus is formed by a thickening of the lateral wall of the second vesicle, the cavity of which comes to be the main part of the third ventricle ; the corpora quadrigemina are thickenings in the roof, and the crura cerebri thickenings of the sides and floor of the third vesicle, which becomes the aqueduct of Sylvius ; the cerebellum and pons are respectively thick- enings of the roof and floor and the crura cere- belli of the sides of the fourth vesicle (anterior part of hind-brain), the cavity of which becomes the anterior (superior) part of the fourth ven- tricle ; and finally, the medulla oblongata is developed as a thickening of the wall of the fifth vesicle, the cavity of which expands from the central canal of the spinal cord to form the calamus scriptorius of the fourth ventricle. On the other hand, certain parts of the walls of the vesicles become thin and greatly expanded, and even eventually project into the cavities as folds of epithelium Fig. 69. — Outline of a longitudinal SECTION THROUGH THE BRAIN OF A CHICK OF TEN DATS (after Mihalkovics). h, cerebral hemisphere ; olf, olfactory lobe and nerve ; st, corpus striatum ; Iv, lateral ventricle : ac, anterior commissure ; It, lamina terminalis ; ope, optic commissure ; pit, pitui- tary gland ; inf, infundibulum ; cai, internal carotid artery ; v^, third ventricle ; cA*, cho- roid plexus of third ventricle ; pin, pineal gland ; hg, corpora bigemina ; mnv, anterior medullary velum ; below which two last references are the aqueduct of Sylvius and crura cerebri; cbl, cerebellum; v*, fourth ventricle ; ba, basilar artery : ps, pons Varolii ; c7i\ choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle ; obi, medulla oblongata ; r, roof of fourth ventricle. covering ramified vascular expansions of pia mater (choroid plexuses). These vascular expansions occur along the lower border of the mesial surface of each hemisphere-vesicle (choroid plexuses of lateral ventricles) ; along the roof of the second vesicle (choroid plexus of third ventricle), and in the roof of the fifth vesicle (choroid plexus of fourth ventricle). ^.\jA'Aij!- ba. ps DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL PARTS OF THE BRAIN. 63 "While these changes are going on in its walls the embryonic brain does not remain straight as at first, with its axis in a line with that of the spinal cord, bnt undergoes certain flexures (fig. 70), the general result of which is to bend the anterior end towards the ventral surface. The first of these flexures to make its appearance is a sharp bend opposite the base of the mid-brain and around the ante- rior end of the notochord. The result of this flexure, which produces a complete doubling round of the anteriov part of the brain, is that the mid-brain is for a time the most prominent part of the encephalon. Later, the growth of the cerebral vesicles, and of the thalamencephalon, brings these parts again into prominence, and tends to obscure the flexure, which is, however, never actually obliterated. The second cerebral flexure, which is also very sharp and well marked, occurs in the region of the hind-brain (pons Varolii), It is in the opposite direction to the first one, its concavity being directed towards the dorsum of the embryo, and it produces the appearance of a deep depression at the part of the brain where it occurs. The third flexure is a more gradual one. It occurs at the junction of the hind-brain with the cord, the embryonic medulla oblongata being bent ventralwards from the line of direction of the medulla spinalis. The result of these flexures is that the axis of the embryonic brain takes a crook- shape, passing from the end of the spinal axis at first ventral, then dorsal, and then again ventral, finally bending sharply backwards towards its termination at the foramen of Monro. The second and third flexures become eventually almost entirely obliterated with the further growth of the brain. FURTHER DETAILS REOARDINO- THE DEVELOPMENT OF SPECIAL PARTS OF THE BRAIN. The fifth cerebral vesicle: bulbar vesicle, or metencephalon. — This part of the embryonic brain, afterwards to become the medulla oblongata, often shows at its first appearance — especially in the chick — a series of slight constrictions (fig. C8), which have by some been taken to indicate a segmentation of the neural tube. But even where they occur they are quite temporary, and the fifth vesicle soon becomes a well marked dilatation opening out from the anterior end of the embryonic spinal cord. Its wall, Hke that of all the other cerebral vesicles, is composed of cells similar to those of the rest of the neural tube, and the histogenetic changes which occur to form the nervous tissue are also entirely similar. Sections across this part of the neural tube are of a compressed oval outline in the lower pai*t (fig. 71, A, b), but in the upper part, which afterwards becomes the lower part of the fourth ventricle, the thinning out and lateral expansion of the dorsal wall of the tube gives to sections of this and the next (fourth) vesicle the shape of an irregular triangle, or shield, the base of the triangle being directed towards the dorsum (roof) and the sides bent more or less sharply inwards about their middle to unite with one another ventrally at the apex of the triangle (figs. 72, 73). This bend serves to mark a division of each side of the tube into two parts, a dorso-lateral and a ventro-lateral, which correspond, both in their situation and in their relationship to afferent and effbrent nerves, with the alar and basal laminae of the embryonic cord (p. 60), with which they are in fact continuous. The thinning out and lateral expansion of the roof in the region of the fourth ventricle tends to open up the angle wlii(;h the ventral laminae form with one another, and to throw the dorsal lamina} more to the side, so that what were previously the lateral boundaries of the neural tube come to occupy the 80-called floor of the fourth ventricle, and since in this region the roof becomes NK Fig. 70. — Profile views of the brain of human embryos at three several staoes, RECONSTRUCTED FROM SECTIONS (His). A. Brain of an embryo of about 15 days (the embiyo itself is shown in fig. 117) magnified 35 diameters. B. Brain of an embryo about three and a half weeks old. The optic vesicle has been ciit away. C. Brain of an embryo about seven and a half weeks old. The optic stalk is cut through. A, optic vesicle ; H, vesicle of cerebral hemisphere, first secondary vesicle ; Z, thalamencephalon, second secondary vesicle ; M, mid-brain ; /, isthmus between mid- and hind-brain ; Hh, fourth secondary vesicle ; iV, fifth secondary vesicle ; Gh, otic vesicle ; Uf, fourth ventricle ; Nlc, neck curvature ; Br, pons curvature ; Pm, mammilary process ; Tr, infundibulum ; Hp (in B), outline of hypophysis-fold of buccal epiblast ; M, olfactory lobe. In C the basilar artery is represented along its whole course. DEVELOPMENT OF THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA. 65 reduced to a thin layer of flattened epithelium, the substance of this part of the medulla oblongata is wholly formed by a thickening of the shifted lateral boundaries In these, the bend marking the distinction between the ventral and dorsal laminse— now by change of position mesial and external— continues to be evident, and is in fact recognizable even in sections of the fully-developed brain. Of the longitudinal columns of the medulla oblongata the restif orm bodies fir«t become promment (third month m the human embryo). The Canterior) pyramids are obvious in the fifth month, and the oUvary tubercle about the sixth. But before any of these, and indeed with Fig. 71. — Sections across the region op the calamds scriptorius of the brain represented IN fig. 70, A. (His.) A, region of the glos.sopharyngeal ganglion, B, of the auditory-facial ganglion. Fig. 72. — Sections across the fourth ventricle op a somewhat older bhbrto (Hia.) A, section tiiken through the lower part. B, acro8s the widest part (trigeminu.s region), C, through upf>er part (cerebellar region). r, TO, calloso-raarginal fissure ; p, i/, parts of the parieto-occipital fissure ; h, calcarine fissure ; tj, (j, gyrus fomicatus ; c, c, corfjus callosum ; s, septum lucidum ; /, placed be- tween the middle commissure and the foramen of Monro ; r, in the upjjer part of the third ventricle ; ^•', in the Ijack part of the third ventricle ; t*", in the lower part of the third ventricle above the infundibulura ; r, rectssus pincaiis ; pv, pons Varolii ; 6'e, cerebellum. the olfactory area of the external epiblast. After the first month these lobes are relatively small in sizf; and their cavities become gi'adually obliterated, but in some animals, as in the horse, they are large, and their cavities are permanently in communication with the anterior cornua of the lateral ventricles. Their further devolopuir.iit i.s given siib.s<;'|iiently (p. 1'.)). Formation of the fissures and convolutions. — The enlargement of the cranium does not always keep pace with the growth in extent of the walls of the 72 THE FPvlST CEREBRAL VESICLE. hemisphere vesicles, so that it happens that the former are thrown into folds separated by sulci, and the surface loses its smooth appearance. Such relatively Tapid growth occurs during the second and third month in the human embryo, resulting in the production of a number of infoldings of the surface, which are mostly transverse to the (bent) axis of the brain, although one or two on the mesial surface run parallel to that axis. These infoldings of the surface, which may be termed temporary ov primitive sulci, necessarily have a corresponding projection into the cavity of the thin-w^alled hemisphere vesicle (fig. 75). During the fourth month, probably owing to a relatively more rapid expansion of the cranium, most of these primitive sulci become obliterated, and the cerebral surface is again almost smooth. Three, however, of the primitive sulci remain as permanent fissures of the brain,i and since the fissure of Sylvius is also now formed, although in a somewhat different manner, the hemisphere of the human foetus at the beginning of the fifth month is marked by four well characterised sulci having corresponding projections into the interior of its cavity. These permanent primitive sulci are the following : — 1. The hippocampal sulcus, corresponding with the projection of the cornu ammonis (hippocampus) into the lateral ventricle. %no.p^ Joar. occ. chic. Fig. 82.- -FCETAL BRAIN OF THE BEGINNING OF THE EIGHTH MONTH. (MihalkovicS. ] A., from above ; B., from the side ; C, mesial surface. Eo, Rolandic sulcus : Sy, Sylvian fissure ; par.occ, parieto-occipital ; calc, calcarine ; p?-.c, precentral", 'pll, parallel ; int.par, intraparietal ; call. mar, calloso-marginal ; 2i,nc, uucus. 2. The parieto-occipital sulcus, corresponding with the bend of the posterior cornu of that ventricle, 8. The calcarine sulcus, corresponding with the projection of the calcar avis. 4. The Sylvian fissure, corresponding with the curve of the lateral ventricle. To these may be reckoned the longitudinal infolding of the mesial wall of the 1 It is, however, uncertain whether the temporary sulci develope into or whether they are replaced by corresponding permanent sulci. See on this subject a paper by D. J. Cunningham in the Journal of Anatomy, April, 1890. ^ r r j s DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVES. 73 hemisphere just below the hippocampal sulcus, which is caused by the ingrowth of the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. According to Ecker. the fissure of Sylvius is the first of the primitive sulci to appear. It is visible before the end of the third month, as a wide, shallow depression, Avhich divides the lower margrin of the hemisphere into two nearly equal portions, and at the bottom of which is seen the thickening of the floor of the vesicle from which the corpus striatum and the island of Reil are developed. This fissure appears to be formed by a cui"ving of the still thin-walled hemisiAere vesicle over that thickening, around which the vesicle bends ; and its anterior and posterior parts ultimately meet along the line which marks the posterior limb of the Sylvian fissure in the developed brain. The anterior limb is produced much later by a further folding over of that part of the mantle which is in front of the fossa Sylvii. The fissure remains until nearly the end of foetal life as a widely open depression, at the bottom of which the island of Reil is readily visible. It closes gradually from behind forwards. The other sulci are distinguished from the four above-numerated in the fact that they are depressions of the surface merely, and not infoldings of the whole thickness of the wall of the hemisphere vesicle. ^ They begin to appear about the end of the fifth month, the fissure of Rolando being the first to show (figs. 80 and 81). By the end of the sixth month the precentral and inferior I'rontal sulci, the intraparietal, the superior occipital, the parallel, the inferior temporal, the calloso- marginal, and the collateral fissures have become visible, as well as the anterior limb of the Sylvian fissure. By the end of the seventh month (see fig. 82) most of the remaining principal convolutions and fissures have appeared, and those which were previously pi'esent have increased both in length and depth. They are, however, all comparatively short and simple. During the eighth month, they continue to increase in length and depth, and the remaining sulci become gradually developed, but even in the ninth month there are none of the accessory or secondary furrows which add so much to the complexity of the developed brain. The last of the principal sulci to make their appearance are the inferior occipito-temporal. DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVES. Spinal nerves. — At an early period of development, in some cases even before the closure of the neural gi'oove, in others during or shortly after that event, there Fig. 83. — Transverse section through the trunk of an embryo SHARK, TO SHOW THE NEURAL CREST. (Balfour.) TIC, neural canal ; 2)r, ganglion rudiment running from neural crest ; x, sub-notochordal rod ; ao, aorta ; sc, j arietal niesoblast ; sp, visceral me.sobla.st ; mp, muscle plate ; nip', portion of muscle jjlate converted into muscle ; Vv, portion of proto-vertebra wliicli will give rise to the vertebra ; al, alimentary canal. grows out bi-laterally from the angle of junction of the neural with the general epiblast (fig. 89), and conse- quently at the dorsal aspect of the neural tube a continuous ridge or crest of epiblast, which was first de- scribed by Balfour in elasmobranch fishes : this is termed the neural crest. At ijitervals along the sides of the neural crest, corresponding with the middle of each mesoblastic somite or proto-vertebra, special clavate enlargements or outgrowths of the neural crest occur (fig. 8;>, jrr). These grow downwards along the dorso-lateral aspect of the neural canal, >x;tween the protovertebra and the canal. They remain for u time attached above ■ An exception must, however, be made for tLc collateral fisBurc, which corresponds with the col- lateral eminence within the veutriclc. 74 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NERVES. to the dorsal aspect of the neural tube, but that attachment becomes subsequently lost, and they then form completely isolated portions of epiblast, composed of oval cells, and lying at the side of the embryonic cord between it and the muscle plates of the protovertebra? (fig. 84). These are the rudiments of the posterior-root ganglia. The remainder of the neural crest disappears : at least in most vertebrata. Some little time after the separation of these gangHon-rudiments, the ventral or anterior roots of the spinal nerves begin to grow out from the ventro-lateral aspect of the neural tube. They were originally described by Balfour in elasmobranchs, as forming bud-like outgrowths from the neural epiblast, the outgrowths being com- posed of spindle-shaped cells (fig. 84, ar). But according to the recent and extended Fig. 84. — Section THRorcH the dorsal part of the trunk op a tokpedo embryo. (Balfour.) pr, g, n, spinal ganglion rudiment ; ar, anterior root ; c7i, notochord ; nc, neural canal ; mp, muscle- plate. Fig. 85. — Section of the tentro-lateral angle of the spinal cord of a pristiukus embryo SHOWING THE OUTGROWTH OF AN ANTERIOR ROOT- RUDIMENT. (His.) a.r, axis cylinder processes of neuroblasts, forming the anterior root ; g, germinal cells in innermost part of wall of neural canal. observations of His in various classes of vertebrates, what actually grow out to form the anterior roots, are the fibrous prolongations (axis-cylinder processes) of neuro- blasts (v, aniea, p. 58), which processes converge to the point of exit of the root and penetrate gradually into the adjoining mesoblast (fig. 85, a. r), where they come into close contact with the previously formed ganglion rudiments of the pos- terior roots.i The fibres of the posterior roots are developed, according to His, as processes from the oval cells of the ganglion rudiment. These cells are in fact neuroblasts, and from either end of each cell, which is thus rendered bipolar (fig. 86), a process becoming eventually the axis-cylinder of a nerve-fibre grows out, one towards the central organ, the other towards the periphery. The centrally directed processes soon reach and grow into the embryonic cord at its dorso-lateral aspect, where they are presently seen in sections occupying an oval area near the periphery of the cord ; ^ The place at which the anterior roots spring from the cord is not opposite to the corresponding posterior root, but midway between that root and the succeeding one. CRANIAL NERVES. 75 this area is the beginning of the posterior white column (fig. 87) : the further com-se and attachments of the ingrowing fibres in the cord are not accurately known, but they appear to bifurcate and extend both upwards and downwards (Ramon y Cajal). The peripherally directed fibres grow downwards and join the bundle of fibres of the anterior root, to form together with them the mixed spinal nerve (fig. 88). The axis-cylinder processes which are to form the fibres of the anterior roots Fig. 86.— Bipolar cell from spinal ganglion of a 4 J weeks embryo. (His.) "{» Fig. 87.— Section of spinal cord of four weeks human embryo. (His.) The posterior roots are continued within the cord into a small longitudinal bundle whicli is the rudiment of the po.sterior white column. The anterior roots are formed by the convergence of the processes of the neuroblasts. The latter, along with the elongated cells of the myelospongium compose the grey matter. The extenial layer of the cord is traversed by radiating fibres which are the outer ends of the spongioblasts. The anterior commissure is beginning to appear. begin to make their appearance about the beginning of the fourth week in the human embryo (Ilisj. Their growth towards the periphery is slow; even by the end of the second month they have not reached the tips of the fingers and toes. Cranial nerves. — The neural crest is continuous along the dorsal aspect of the cerebral part of the neural tube as far as, and even beyond the mid-bi'ain. As in the spinal part, clavate enlargements occur here also, but at somewhat ii-rcgular intervals, and form ganglion rudiments which become separated from the dorsal aspect of the tube, and acquire a new attachment on the lateral and ventral aspect. Such ganglion rudiments have been described for the third, fifth, seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth nerves. In the chick the ganglion rudiments belonging to the cranial nerves ajipear as a thickening of the cephalic epil>last, just where it is folding round into the as yet unclosed neural canal (fig. 89, vg). This thickening, according to Golowine, is continuous laterally with a modified portion of the external epiblast (sensory cpiblastj, and soon becomes subdivided into three ganglionic groups, and these, later, into separate ganglions. There is a corrcBponding subdivision of the sensory 76 CRAmAL NERVES. epiblast into rudiments of special sense organs, which become gradually shifted downwards and outwards away from the ganglion rudiments, and form the so-called Fig. 88. -Transveese section through the anterior part op the trunk op an ejibrto of ScYLLiUM. (Balfour.) sp.c, spinal cord ; sp.g, ganglion of posterior root ; ar, anterior root ; dn, dorsal ; sp.n, ventral branch of spinal nerve ; mp, muscle plate ; mp', part of muscle plate already converted into muscle ; mjy. I, part of muscle plate extending into the limb ; nl, nervus lateralis ; ao. aorta ; ch, notochord ; sv.g, sympathetic ganglion ; ca. v, cardinal vein ; sd, segmental duct ; st, segmental tube ; du, duode- num ; hp.d, junction of hepatic duct with it ; pan, rudiment of pancreas connected with another part of duodenum ; umc, opening of umbilical canal (vitelline duct). "branchial sense-organs" of Beard. They become connected subsequently with outgrowths from the posterior nerve-rudiments. These rudimentary sense organs have been described in mammals also (by Froriep). They appear to represent the special sense organs of the gill clefts of fishes, which were first de- scribed by Leydig (1850). Beard is of opinion that the nose and ear are also specialised branchial sense organs, the only ones that are persistent in higher vertebrates. This differentiation of a special sensory portion of epiblast into rudiments of special sense- organs, occurs according to Golowine's observations in the chick, not only in the head but also in the trunk, vi^here they in all probability represent rudiments of " organs of the lateral line," such as are seen in fishes. Various observers have described the ganglion rudiments as actually becoming formed at CRANIAL NERVES. 77 least in part at the expense of the sensory epiblastic thickening-s. In connection with this question it is -n-orthy of note that from the sensory thickening which forms the olfactory area a ganglionic rudiment becomes formed which joins the olfactory lobe of the brain, and o-ives origin to the olfactory nerve-fibres (His). Even in the adult, as was shown by Thomsen, traces of pre-existent ganglionic structure can be found in the root of the third nerve, and similar traces of ganglionic structure liave -Vg' Fig. 89. — Traxsvekse section THROUGH THE POSTERIOR PART OF THE HEAD OP AN EMBRYO CHICK OF 30 HOURS. (From Balfoiu. ) Tib, hind-brain ; vg, vagus nerve ; ep, epiplast ; ch, noto- chord ; x, sub-notochordal rod ; cU, throat ; ht, heart ; pp, body- cavity ; so, parietal mesoblast ; sf, visceral mesoblast ; hy, hypo- blast. also been described by Gaskell in the roots of the fourth nerve, in the motor root of the fifth, and in the root of the seventh nerve. If these, as Gaskell supposes, indicate the pre-existence of sensory ele- ments in the roots, it is pro- bable that these nerves and ganglia have all been origi- nally developed like the posterior gangliated roots of the spinal nerves, as outgrowths from the neural crest. Whether they are joined by outgrowths corresponding to the efferent fibres of the spinal nerves, or whether they originally contain the elements of the efferent fibres, and thus resemble the spinal nerves of Amphioxus, in which there are no anterior roots, but both sensory and motor nerves are contained in the posterior roots, is not at present known. What is however clear is that the ganglion cells and afferent fibres in the roots of the third, fourth, motor of fifth and seventh nerves, eventually entirely disappear, the efferent fibres alone remaining, while in the roots of the sixth, eleventh, and twelfth nerves efferent fibres only are found, and ganglionic mdiments are not developed at all. As is shown in another part of this work (Neurology) the nuclei of origin of the efferent cranial nerves are disposed in two longitudinal series. One of these series comprises the nuclei of origin of the somatic efferent nerves of Gaskell, which con-espond with the largest fibres of a typical anterior spinal root, and the series of nuclei is a continuation of the cell-column of the anterior horn ; the nuclei of this series are those of the hypoglossal, or twelfth, the sixth, fourth, and third. The other series comprises the nuclei of origin of the splanchnic efferent nerves of Gaskell, which correspond with the medium-sized and smallest fibres of a typical anterior spinal root, and the series is a continuation mainly of the cells of the lateral comu or intermediolateral bract, and partly, perhaps, of the cells of the base of the posterior horn ; the nuclei of this series are those of the spinal accessory, those of the efferent fibres of the vagTis and glo*iO-pharyngeal, the facial, and the motor nucleus of the fifth. Acajrding to the observations of His, the distinction into an anterior or ventral (somatic) and a lateral (splanchnic) grouj) of efferent fibres is well marked in the embryo by the fact that the two kinds of efferent fibres take origin from entirely different parts of the basal lamina of the neural tube, those which correspond witli the somatic efferent fibres originating from groups of neuroblasts near the middle line, while the others take their rise near tlie junction of the basal with the alar lamina (see fig. 1)0). AVith the alar lamina itself the afferent fibres are con- necti\. xl., 1884. Barnes, Will., On tlie development of the posterior fissure of the spinal cord and the reduction of the ceriXrid canal in the pig. Proc. Americ. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 1884. Beard, J., On the cranial ganrjlia and sef/mental sense organs of fishes. Zoolog. Anzeiger, 1885 ; The Hystem of branchial sense organs and their associated ganglia in Ichthyopsida. Quarteily Journal of Micr. 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Rabl, C, Bemerkung iiber die Segmentirung des Hirns, Zoolog. Anz., 1885. E,abl-Euckard, Gehirn der Knochenfische, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth. 1882 und 1883. Robinson, A., On ike developiment of the posterior columns, of the posterior fissure, and of the central canal of the sp)inal cord. Owens' College Studies, 1890. R-iiding-er, Ueher die Bildung der Augenblasen, Sitzungsb. der Gesellsch. f. Morphol. zu Munchen, Spencer, B., On the presence and structure of the pineal eye in Lacertilia, Quarterly Journal of Micr. Science, 1886. Strahl, H., und Martin, E., Die Entioicklung des Parietalauges bei Anguis fragilis und Lacerta vivipara. Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth. 1888. Vignal, "W., Sur le diveloppement des elements de la moelle des mammif&res. Archives de physiol. 1884 ; Recherches sur le developpement de la' substance corticate du cerveau et du cervelet, Archives de physiologic, 1888. "Wijhe, J. "W. van, Ueber Somiten und Nerven im Kopfe von Vogel- und Reptilienembryonen, Zoolog. Anzeiger, 1886. i-J a i if > Zuckerkandl, E,, Ueber das Riechcentrum, Stuttgart, 1887. DEVELOPMEXT OF THE EYE. 83 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE. The first development of the eye occurs as a hollow protrusion of the anterior cerebral vesicle — primary optic vesicle — in the manner akeady mentioned (see fio-. 68, e, and fig. 93). The vesicle thus formed abuts externally against the external epiblast of the side of the head (fig. 96) ; and this external epiblast opposite the most prominent point of the primary optic vesicle, becomes thickened and in- Fig. 93, A. — Brain of chick op 2nd day, VIEWED FROM BELOW, TO SHOW THE FORMA- TION OF THE OPTIC VESICLES BY OUTGKOWTH OF THE SIDE OF THE FOKE-BRAIN, AND AT THE SAME TIME BY THE FOLDING OVER OF THE ENLARGED PART, THE PRODUCTION OF A GROOVING OR CUPPING OP THE VESICLES. (His.) f.hr., m,.lr., h.br., fore-, mid-, and liind- brain ; opt, optic vesicle ; i, infundibulum. Fig. 1'3, B. — Brain op human embryo op THREE WEEKS, SHOWING THE PRIMARY OPTIC VESICLES AS OUTGROWTHS FROM THE FOKEBRAIN. (His.) cl£ ope Fig. 94. — Side view of anterior PART OP BRAIN OF MORE ADVANCED HUMAN EMBRYO, SHOWING THE PRIMARY OPTIC VESICLE FOLDED AND CUPPED. (His.) c.A, cerebral henii.spliere (part of) ; olf., olfactory lobe ; (jyt., o^jtic cup. t.'c. c/r, ■F- -opt. Fig. 95. — Side view of the same part of THE brain in a STILL MORE ADVANCED EMBRYO, THE EYE HAVING BEEN CUT AWAY. (His.) opt., cut end of optic stalk, showing the manner in which it is folded ; i, infundibu- lum ; olf. p., posterior part of olfactory lobe ; olf. a., anterior part of the same ; c./t. , cere- bral hemisphere ; t.c, tubes cinereum. vaginated, so as to fonn at first a hollow cup-shaped depression with thickened walls (figs. 97, 98), and subsequently Ijy the closing in of the epiblast at tlie mouth of the cup, a hollow island of epithelial cells (fig. 99). This island, which is the rudimentary lens, lies between, but is entirely distinct from the external epiblast on the one hand, and the neural ejtiblast of the primary optic vesicle on the other hand. Its forma- tion is accompanied by a cupping in of the primary optic vesicle (figs. 94, 97, 98), which is invaginated before it, and this invagination is increased by an ingrowth of mesoljlast, whifh occurs between the lens and the cujjped optic vesicle, and which suljsequently forms the vitreous humour. Invaginated in this way the cavity of the original optic vesicle l^ecomes almost entirely obliterated, and appears merely a« a cleft between the two layers which form the wall of the so-called " optic cup." The inner of these two layers is from the first thicker than the outer, and in it are developed all the parts of the future retina from the membrana limitans interna S4 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE. to the layer of rods and cones, while from the outer thinner layer the hexagonal pigmented epithelium of the retina, with its continuation into the uvea, is formed. The invagination of the primary optic vesicle does not occur only opposite the Fig. 98. — Pa5,t of a section through the HEAD OF AN EARLY HUMAN EMBRYO, SHOWING THE CONNECTION OP THE PRi:\rART OPTIC VESI- CLES WITH THE FOREBRAIN. (His.) olf, olfactory area of epiblast ; c.h, part of forebrain which gives rise to cerebral hemi- spheres ; ill, thalamencephalon ; 'p.o.v, primary optic vesicles. Fig. 97. — Section through the same part of a MORE ADVANCED EMBRYO, IN WHICH THE LENS IN- VAGINATION IS FORMED, AND THE PRIMARY OPTIC VESICLES ARE CUPPED. (His.) o.c, optic cup ; o.s, optic stalk ; I, lens invagina- tion ; c.li, cerebral hemisjiheres ; th, thalamencepha- lon ; i, infundibulum ; olf, olfactory area. 772 serves not only to permit of the passage of meso- blast behind the lens for the formation of vitreous humour, but also to establish a direct connection bet\\-een the nerve-fibres which are formed along the course of the optic stalk (future optic nerve) and the centre of the inner layer of the optic cup (future retina) (0. Hertwig). The malformation termed colohoiiia. iridls is attributed to a persistence of the choroidal cleft, which extends behind the iris along with the retinal pigment or uvea, as far as the margin of the puijii. // ^ Fig. 100. — Horizontal section through the eye OF AN EMBRYO RABBIT OF TWELVE DAYS ANIJ SIX HOURS. ™. (Kolliker.) o, optic stalk ; /<', remains of the cavity of the ])riinary optic vesicle ; />, proximal lamella of the optic cup (pigmentmri nigrum) ; r, distal lamella (retina) ; I, lens invagination, widely open at ol ; I', papillar elevation in the bottom of the lens vesicle ; m, me.sobla.st ; ;i, mesoblast of vitreous ; i:, a blood-vessel at the anterior border of the ojjtic cup ; e, cutaneous eiJi blast. Fig. 101.— Eyeb.\li< of a human embryo op EuUR \VEEKS cut ACROSS, AND THE ANTERIOR HALK KEPRliSENTED FROM BEHIND. (Kolliker.) "i**. fr, the remains of tlie cavity of the primary optic vesicle ; p, outer layer forming the retinal pigment ; r, the thickened inner part giving rise to the columnar and other structures of the retina ; V, commencing vitreous humour within the optic cup ; v', the cleft through which a va.-.cular loop, a, projects from below ; I, the lens with a central cavity. The hollow optic stalks are at first ft'eely in communication with the thalam- cncephalon, or third ventricle. Nerve-fibres grow along tlieir walls, from neuroblasts which develop in the retinal epibjast, and pa.ss towards the nerve-centre (His), and the cavities of the stalks become thereby gradually obliterated, the radially sti'iated epithelial-like arrangement of the wall Iteing, however, long evident. A new con- nection Ixjcomes subsefjuentiy established between the posterior part of the optic stalks (optic tracts) and the mesencephalon, whilst the middle parts become united with one another to form the chiasma. 88 DEVELOPMENT OP THE EYE. The development of the retina from the inner layer of the optic cup, has not been fully worked out. In its earlier stages it closely resembles in structure the wall of the cerebral vesicles, consisting of elongated epithelium-like cells, apparently arranged in several interlocking layers. Of these cells some become developed into nerve-fibres and nerve-cells (inner granules and ganglionic layer), others into susten- tacular tissue, similar to the neuroglia of the central nervous system (molecular layers, Miillerian fibres), whilst the outermost layer forms the sense- epithelium (W, Miiller), or , layer of outer granules, which is sharply marked off against the layer of hexagonal pigment cells by the membrana limitans externa, as is the nerve- fibre layer from the vitreous humour by the membrana limitans interna. For a long time there is no trace of the rods and cones. These begin to appear some little time before birth in man and most animals, but in animals which are born blind, such as kittens, not until after birth (M. Schultze), in the shape of small protuberances of the sense-epithelium cells growing beyond the limitans externa, and forming at first the inner segments of the rods and cones, and subsequently the outer segments also. The latter as they are developed become imbedded in the inner surface of the hexagonal pigment cells, which have become developed from the outer layer of the optic cup. The anterior third of the optic cup does not undergo the changes above of.n- eO Fig. 102. — Section theough the eye op a babbit embryo, moee advanced in development than THAT SHOWN IN FIG. 98. (Balfour.) c, epithelium of cornea; I, lens; me.c, mesoblast growing in to form the .substantia propria of the cornea; o.n, optic nerve ; rt, retina ; a.c.r, mesoblast for the formation of the vitreous humour, and the arteria centralis retinae. described. Its two layers become here developed into the comparatively simple pars ciliaris retinte, and in front of the ciliary region they extend forwards and inwards in front of the lens and in close contact with the back of the iris, where they form the thickly pigmented epithelium, which is known as the uvea and terminates at the margin of the pupil. Further development of the lens. — The hollow epiblastic vesicle from which the lens develops is composed of a thick posterior and a thin anterior layer which pass into one another at the equator of the lens, and enclose a clear fluid. In mammals, the vesicle when first formed also contains a small mass of epithelium cells which have become separated off from the posterior wall (fig. 100), but these THE VITREOUS HUMOUK. 87 afterwards disappear. The thin anterior layer remains throughout life as a simple layer of cubical cells, and forms the so-called lens-epithelium ; but the cells of the posterior layer grow forwards into the cavity of the lens-vesicle as the lens-fibres : those in the middle being the longest and straight, while the rest are slightly curved with their concavity towards the equator, and become gradually shorter towards the circumference, where they pass through gradually shortening columnar cells {transi- tional zone) into continuity with the anterior epithelium. By the growth of these fibres the cavity of the lens-vesicle becomes obliterated. In this manner the central part of the lens is formed, and it consists in the main of fibres which pass in an antero-posterior direction. The remainder of the lens is Ibrmed of fibres which are so disposed as to curve round its margin and over the ends of the first formed fibres ; they are, moreover, deposited in successive layers and in three (or more) separate sections, so that their ends abut against one another in front and behind along tri-radiate (or multi-radiate) lines, such as may be seen in the macerated lens. These later deposited fibres are all formed at the equator (at the transitional zone), where chiefly cell-multiplication takes place, and they grow hence meridionally backwards over the ends of the already developed antero-posteriorly dis- posed fibres of the central part of the lens. The capsule of the lens is early visible as a thin homogeneous membrane, the origin of which is still undetermined. According to some observers (Lieberkiihn, Arnold, Lowe) it is derived from a thin layer of mesoblast, which passes in between the lens and the optic cup ; according to others (Kcilliker, Kessler, Balfour), it appears before any mesoblast has passed in, and they therefore regard it as a cuticular deposit from the lens cells. In the human embryo, His figures mesoblast as existing from the first between the lens invagination and the optic cup (v. fig. 97). In connection with this question it must be remembered that the substantia propria of the cornea (see below), which is formed of connective tissue, and is therefore mesoblastic in nature, also at first makes its appearance as a homogeneous deposit before any mesoblast cells have passed in behind the corneal epithelium.^ Its chemical nature, and its continuity at the equator with the suspensory ligament and hyaloid membrane, certainly point to the lens capsule as being a connective tissue, i.e. a mesoblastic structure. Although the foetal lens like that of the adult is itself non-vascular, it is nevertheless externally freely supplied with blood-capillaries, which form a vascular tunic completely surrounding it outside the capsule. These capillaries are supplied by a branch of the arteria centralis retijiw which passes forwards through the centre of the vitreous humour ; in front, at the margin of the pupil, they come into continuity with the vessels of the iris. The most anterior part of this vascular tunic forms a membrane which closes the aperture of the pupil in the middle periods of f cetal life. In the human eye the whole tunic, together with the artery which supplies its vessels, becomes atrophied and is lost sight of before birth, but in some animals the jmpillary meviirane remains apparent for a few days after birth. The vitreous hninour appears to be formed from the mesoblastic tissue which haa passed in between the lens and the inner layer of the optic cup by a gradual formation of a large quantity of ground-substance, whilst the cells of the tissue almost entirely disappear. The development of the hyaloid membrane has not been fully traced out, and the same may be said with regard to the zonule of Zinn. They are probably both formed by part of the same mesoblast as forms the vitreous humour (Lieberkiihn, Angelucci). The corneo- sclerotic coat, the choroid coat, and the iris are all derived from the mesoblast surrounding the optic cup. The corneal epithelium is a portion of the external epibliist, whicli originally rests against the front of the lens rudiment. The substantia propria coruese first appears in the chick as a thin homogeneous layer lying immediately within ' Kesxlcr, however, looks upon this homogeneous dex'osit as being also a cuticular deposit formed by the epithelial cells. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EYE. this epifchelium. Into this homogeneous layer mesoblast cells pass from the margin, greatly thickening it and producing eventually the regular layers of fibrous tissue, which are characteristic of the cornea. No cells pass into the most anterior or into the most posterior stratum, which remain homogeneous (anterior and posterior Fig. 103. — Horizontal section THROUGH THE EYE OP AN EMBRYO RABBIT OF 18 DAYS. ^f. (Kol- liker. ) 0, optic nerve ; p, hexagonal pig- ment layer ; r, retina ; re, ciliary part of the retina ; p', forepart of the optic cup (rudiment of the iris pig- ment) ; g, vitreous, shrunk away from the retina, except where the vessels from the arteria centralis retinae enter it ; i, iris ; mp, membrana pupillaris ; c, cornea with epithelium e ; pp, pa, palpebrse ; I, lens ; I', lens epithe- lium ; /, sclerotic ; »i, recti muscles. homogeneous lamellse of Bow- man). The epithelium of the posterior homogeneous lamella, or membrane of Descemet, is derived from mesoblast cells which grow in like the cor- neal corpuscles from the mar- gin and spread themselves over the posterior surface of the cornea, thus separating this from the iris and anterior surface of the lens. For a long while, however, there is no anterior chamber ; this eventually appears as a cleft-like space between the cornea and the structures immediately behind it. In mammals, all the above stages of formation have not been described. A complete layer of mesoblast is early visible lying between the corneal epiblast and the lens epiblast, and continuous around the margin of the lens with the mesoblast of the vitreous chamber. In this mesoblast a cleft makes its appearance, separating it into two parts, one of which adheres to the corneal epiblast, where it forms the substance of the cornea, the other to the lens capsule forming the pupillary membrane. This cleft is the rudiment of the anterior chamber. It does not become actually distended with fluid until a short time before birth (Kolliker). The sclerotic is formed entirely from mesoblast around the optic cup, probably continuous with that which forms the cornea, although it. is only later that the cornea and sclerotic come to be completely amalgamated. The choroid coat is formed from the mesoblast which is immediately in contact with the outer layer of the optic cup, and the forward growth of the middle tunic closely follows that of the margin of the cup. The latter ceases at first at the margin of the lens, but subsequently grows forwards over the front of the lens as a thin double layer, which is closely covered externally with a continuation of the choroidal mesoblast. This is the iris, over the back of which both the layers of the cup-margin eventually acquire pigment and remain permanently as the uvea. The ciliary body is formed by a kind of hypertrophy of the optic cup, which developes radial folds, enclosing thin portions of mesoblastic choroidal tissue, in which, as in the rest of the choroid, numerous blood-vessels and branched pigment-cells become formed. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAR. 89 Accessory structures. — The eyelids make their appearance gradually as folds of integumeut, subsequently to the formation of the eyeball (fig. 103). About the third month of foetal life the two folds, one forming the upper and the other the lower lid, meet and unite by a growth together of the epithelium at the margins of the folds, so as to cut off the conjunctival sac from the exterior. A short time before birth they again become disunited. A third fold (of the conjunctiva) appears at the inner canthus, and in many vertebrates developes into a well-marked third eyelid, the membratia nictitans. In man it remains rudimentary, forming the plica semilunaris. The glands, hairs, and other structures belonging to the eyelids, are deve- loped in the same way as the corresponding structures in the rest of the integument. The lachrymal gland is developed in the third month as a number of out- growths from the deeper layer of the epithehum, at the upper and outer part of the conjunctival sac. The outgrowths are at first solid, and branch into the surrounding connective tissue as with other racemose glands, subsequently becoming hollowed out and differentiated into ducts and acini. The lachrymal canals and ducts are usually described as being directly developed by the enclosure of the fissure which separates the lateral nasal process from the maxillary process (see Development of Nose, p. 95, and figs. Ill, 112), and which passes in the early embryo from the eye to the upper part of the naso- buccal cavity (lachrymal fissure). But it has been shown, chiefly by the researches of Born, that in most animals the canal is at first formed as a thickening of the rete mucosum of the epidermis, which sinks into the corium along the line of that fissure. The thickening subsequently becomes separated from the rest of the epidermis, and hollowed out to form an epithelial tube, which leads from the conjunctiva into the nasal cavity. The bifurcation of the duct where it opens on the conjunctiva is produced, according to Ewetsky, by a broadening out of the epithelial cord at the inner canthus, and its subsequent separation into two parts by an ingrowth of connective tissue in its middle, the two parts developing into the upper and lower lachrymal canals. DEVELOPMENT OE THE EA"R. The essential part of the ear, viz., the epithelial lining of the labyrinth, is developed in much the same way as the crystalline lens, as an invagination of the external epiblast, which at first appears as a pit of thickened epithelium (auditory pit, fig. 104, A.), but is gradually converted by a growing together of the margins of Lhe pit into a hollow island of epiblast, the auditory or otic vesicle (fig. 104, B). This process occurs somewhat after the formation of the eye is laid, and at quite a different part of the head, viz., on either side of the hind-brain just over the upper end of the first post-oral visceral cleft. The vesicle comes at first into close contact with the hind-brain, except where the ganglionic rudiment of the auditory nerve projects between them, but it subsequently becomes entirely surrounded by meso- bla.st, which separates it from both the neural and external epiblast. The hind-brain does not send out a hollow process towards the otic vesicle con-esponding to the optic processes of the fore-brain, but the auditory nerve developes from a solid outgrowth of the neural crest in the same way as the posterior roots of the spinal nerves and parts of many other of the cranial nerves (see p. 78). The otic vesicle is at first flask-shaped, with the somewhat elongated mouth of the flask directed externally towards the original point of connection with the 90 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAR. exterior. In elasmobranch fishes this connection is never closed, but remains throughout hfe in the form of a small duct-like tube which passes up through the cranial wall and opens on the epidermis. In other vertebrates the connection with the exterior becomes closed— in the chick during the third day— and what remains Fig. 104. Sections through region op the hind-brain op human embryos, showing three STAGES IN the DEVELOPMENT OP THE OTIC VESICLE. A auditory pits ; B, simple auditory vesicles ; C, auditory vesicles beginning to be fashioned into parts of the membranous labyrinth. Fig. 105. — Outline op the right labyrinth op a 3^ WEEKS HUMAN EMBRYO, TO SHOW ITS RELATIONS TO THE PARTS OP THE AUDITORY NERVE. (W. His, jun.) a.l, section of hind brain ; g.^', ganglion vestibuli in contact with the upper part of the labyrinth ; c/.c, ganglion cochlete in contact with the lower jjart. The fibres of the corresponding parts of the auditory nerve which have grown from these ganglia into the hind brain, are seen to cross one another ; /, facial nerve. of the original mouth, or canal of connection with the exterior, is visible as a distinct but small process from the upper and inner angle of the vesicle, and is known as the recess of the lalyrintli (fig. 104 c, r.l). Eventually it developes into a long epithelial tube, which passes through the petrous bone, with an expanded end lying within the skull underneath the dura mater. This tube and its expanded termination form respec- tively the endolymphatic canal and saccule (fig. 106). In the meantime the auditory vesicle becomes elongated and begins to be irregular. Its ventral end projects as a distinct hollow process, at first straight, but soon becoming curved ; this is the rudiment of the epithelial canal of the cochlea. DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAR. 91 Other hollow projections appear near the dorsal end of the vesicle ; these form the two superior semicircular canals ; the horizontal canal appears a little later. The mode of formation of the canals is some"u-hat peculiar. They first appear as flattened semicircular hollow protrusions of the wall of the vesicle. Their sides then come together and coalesce, except near the circumference of the semicircle, which now forms a tube con- nected at both ends with the vesicle. Subsequently a separation or breach of continuity occurs over the area of coalescence, so that the rest of the tube is free. One of the ends becomes dilated into an ampulla and connected with a branch of the auditory nerve. "Whilst these processes are occurring at the dorsal and ventral ends of che now elongated vesicle, a fold, or constriction, of the wall is beginning to make its appearance about the middle, and thus the posterior part which is connected with the semicircular canals becomes gradually separated (as the utricle) from the anterior part, which forms the saccule, and is connected with the cochlea. This fold extends into the beginning of the recess of the labyrinth, and separates it longitudinally fcr a ccs.a e.s.c- p.s.c^. Fig. 106. — Stages in the development of the membranous labyrinth. (W. His, jun.) A. Left labyrinth of a human embryo of about four weeks, viewed from the outer side, r, vestibu- lar part ; c, cochlear part ; r.l, recessus labyrinthi (aqufeductus vestibuU). B. Left labyrinth with parts of the facial and auditory nerves of a liuman embryo of about 4^ weeks, b.h, surface of the hind brain; «, utricular; s, saccular part of hibyrinth ; a.s.c, 'p.s.c, e.8 c, rudimentary folds re^jresenting tlie two vertical and tlie horizontal semicircular canals ; r.l, upper part of recessus labyrinthi becoming enlarged into the endolymjjhatic saccule ; c.c, rudiment of cochlea ; «.r, vestibular branch of auditory nerve ; g.v, vestibular ganglion (ganglion of Scarpa) ; ff.r, cochlear ganglion ; n.f, facial nerve, with geniculate ganglion, y.y. C. Left labyrinth of a human embryo of about five weeks, viewed from without and below. Letter- ing as before. The horizontal canal is still only a fold. The ampulliu are beginning to be visible on the two vertical canals. short distance into two tubes, one of which opens into the utricle, and the other into the saccule, forming the only permanent means of communication between their contents. Another fold, or constriction, appears presently, somewhat lower down, and converts the connection between the saccule and the cochlea rudiment into the narrow duct of llensen (rana/i.s ro-vnions). In the meantime the cochlea-rudiment at the ventral end of the now labyrinthic vesicle, becomes elongated into a tube, which, as it grows, becomes coiled upon itself in such a manner as to produce the spiral structure of this part of the auditoi-y 92 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAR. Fig. 107. — Teansverse and slightly oblique section of the head oe a fcetal sheep, in the KEGiON OF the HIND BRAIN. (From Foster and Balfour after Boettcher. ) HE, inner surface of the thickened -walls of the hind brain ; EB, recess of the vestibule ; VB, commencing vertical semicircular canal ; CC, canal of the cochlea ; GC, cochlear ganglion of the right side ; on the left side. &, the ganglion, and N, the auditory nerve connected with the hind brain. Fig. 108. — Transverse section of THE HEAD OF A FCETAL SHEEP OF FOUR-FIFTHS OF AN INCH IN LENGTH. (From Foster and Balfour after Boettcher. ) RV, recessus vestibuli ; VB, vertical semicircular canal ; CC, cochlear canal ; Gr, cochlear ganglion ; HB, horizontal canal. organ. This coiling, however, only occurs in mammals ; in birds, the cochlea is a short straight blind tube. All these parts of the laby- rinth are, when first formed, ? simple epithelial tubes sur- rounded by and imbedded in embryonic connective tissue. As development proceeds, and the skull begins to form, a cartilaginous capsule becomes developed around the se-s'eral parts of the labyrinth, and this at length becomes ossified. The cartilaginous capsule does are immediately surrounded by not closely invest the epithehai structures ; they embryonic connective tissue, which forms an internal periosteal lining to the capsule and a special covering to the epithelial tube. These two connective tissue membranes are everywhere separated from one another by gelatinous connective tissue, composed EXTERNAL AND MIDDLE EAR. 93 of semi-fluid sTonnfl substance and branchinji^ corpuscles, except along one border, where they are in continuity. But in the cochlea the gelatinous tissue is above and below the epithelial tube, the place of the modiolus being occupied by embryonic tissue which is not gelatinous, and is connected with that lining the capsule by similar non-gelatinous tissue separating the turns of the cochlea from one another, and also running in the position of the future spiral lamina. The bone, -which, is fonned by ossification of the cartilaginous capsule, is of a spongy nature, but it becomes coated internally by layers of compact bone deposited by the periosteal lining. The modiolus and septa of the cochlea, as well as the osseous spiral lamina, are formed wholly in connective tissue without any preformation in cartilage. The perilymphatic spaces throughout the whole labyrinth are produced by a gradual vacuolation and disappearance of the gelatinous tissue which sun-ounds the membranous labyrinth. In the cochlea this conversion into perilymph begins in the proximal turn of the spiral and extends hence towards the distal end. It is only with the development of these perilymph-spaces (scalse) that the cochlear tube, which was previously oval in section, acquires the characteristic triangular section which we see in the fully-formed organ. The auditory nerve is large and early becomes separated into its two main divisions, vesti- bular and cochlear. Each division has a large ganglion upon it (fig. 105), which extends to the anterior wall of the epithelial vesicle, and as the ventral end of the vesicle elongates and assumes the spiral disposition, the cochlear nerve and ganglion extend along with it and take the same coiled or spiral form. The cells which form the wall of the epithelial tube become variously modified in different parts of the labyrinth to produce the characteristic structures which there occur, viz. : the hair-cells, the rods of Corti, the sustentacular cells of Deiters and the epithelium lining the labyrinth. The membrana tectoria appears as a cuticular deposit over the columnar cells which ai'e becoming developed into the organ of Corti. ACCESSORY PARTS OF THE ORGAN OF HEARING. EXTERNAL AND MIDDLE EAR. While the epithelium of the internal ear is formed by an involution of cutaneous epiblast in the manner which has just been explained, the middle ear with the Eustachian tube, and the external auditory meatus with the pinna are formed from the remains of the first visceral cleft, and from the parts of the mandibular and byoidean arches which immediately bound the cleft. This cleft at an early period forms an almost complete communication between the pharynx and the exterior,' but the broad cleft becomes gradually converted into a flattened tube, and this is presently found to be closed, both by the epiblast and hypoblast, which are from the first in contact at the bottom of the cleft, and also by an ingrowth of mesoblast, the rudiment of the membrana tympani being thus formed. There is at first no enlarge- ment of the flattened tube to represent the tympanic cavity, and the ossicles are developed not within, but altogether outside the tube, in a mass of gelatinous con- nective tissue, which is continuous with that forming the embryonic membrana tympani ; they are formed for the most part by ossification of parts of the carti- laginous bars, which extend from the otic capsule into the mandibular and hyoidean visceral arches (see Development of Skeleton). As the tympanic cavity becomes formed by a gradual enlargement of the blind end of the closed hyomandibular cleft, the gelatinous tissue retires before it, and as this tissue disappears, the ossicles and the chorda tympani which were previously entirely enveloped by it, are left projecting into the tympanic cavity, covered only by thin mucous membrane. The process of formation of that cavity is not, in fact, completed until after birth, when air becomes admitted into it through the Eustachian tube. ' Vule footnote on p. 1 02. 94 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAR. The embryonic tympanic membrane is at first close to the exterior, the external meatus being scarcely existent, although the several jDarts of the external ear are very Fig. 109.— Sketches showing the gradual development op the pabts of the external ear mTc^niS'^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ MANDIBULAR AND HYOiDEAN VISCERAL ARCHES. (His.) Variously F is an outline sketch showing the several parts of a well-developed adult ear, Ird natural size. n.rJ\u f°™'^6"°e^ 7 tl^e mandibular arch; 3, prominence between the two\arches, immediately hvoii.nt.S Pi^longed posteriory into c, behind the hyoidean arch; 4, 5, and 6, prominences on the hyoiiean arch ; L, m B, otic vesicle (seen also in A) ; K lower jaw K ,^f *^,«P^'°^^i°«^<=f enumerated 1 forms the tragus; 2, 3, and 3c, the helix; 4, the antihelix : 6, the antitragus ; and 6, the lobule {vide F). >= , , , , , , ^ cuomvn^ , DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOSE. 95 early distinguishable as slight protuberances upon the margins of the shallow cleft- like depression which is all that represents the meatus at this stage (fig. 110, a). Bub as the body wall becomes thicker, the cleft becomes deepened and more tubular, and the protuberances upon the mandibular and hyoidean arches become gradually so transformed and arranged around the external orifice as to be recognizable as the several parts of the future pinna. The transformations may readily be understood from the study of the accompanying series of sketches from His, which show these parts in gradually advancing stages in the human embryo (fig. 109). DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOSE. The olfactory organ arises in all vertebrates at an early period of embryonic life as a depression of external epiblast {olfactory pit) on either side of the fore-brain. The epiblast in this region becomes thickened, forming an olfadorij area, and a de- Fig. 110. fROFILE VIEW OF THE HEAD OP A HUMAN EMBRrO Of NliARLY FOUR WEEKS. (His.) olf, olfactoiy depression passing posteriorly into a deep pit, the rudiment of Jacobson's organ ; rax, maxillary process ; mn, mandibular arch ; hy, hyoidean arch ; ir', hr-, first and second branchial arches. Fig. 111. — Head of an embryo more advanced IN development than that suown in riG. 110, from before. (His.) pr.f/loh, globular extremity of the mesial nasal process. The other letters as in fig. 111. pression then forms in this area surrounded by a raised margin (figs. !)G, 07, off). The depression soon appears pyriform, the smaller end extending as a groove towards the ^omodcEum or buccal invagination (see fig. 110, olf) ; near this end a special pit is early visible, and becomes developed into Jacobson's organ. The tliickened boundaries of each olfactory pit and groove are formed by the so- called mesial and lateral nasal processes (figs. Ill, 112). Tlie mesial nasal processes are united at their base by a depressed median part of the fronto-nasal process, but are at first separated below, where they terminate in distinct tubercles, termed by His the f/lobiilar processes. As development proceeds they extend backwards along the roof of the emljryonic mouth, forming the nasal lamimn. Eventually the globular processes coalesce in the middle line to form the intermaxillary process and the middle part of the lip, while from the depressed siirliuje between them the lower part of the nasal septum and the pliiltrum are formed, and by a coalescence of the nasal laminae the rest of the nasal septum is produced. In rodents a notch leads from the nasal septum through the upper lip to the mouth, and represents an im- perfect union of the globular jjrocesses. Above the depr<;S8od surface just referred to, is a triaiigidar part of the fronto- nasal process which forms an angle with it. This angle eventually becomes the 96 DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOSE. '§-/"'■ jar. a.l. Fig. 112. — Head of an embryo still more advanced in development. (Hi.s.) A, from above ; B, roof of mouth after removal of lower jaw ; ^.73?,, placed on the fronto-nasal process and just above its intermediate depressed part; l.n.pr, lateral nasal process; m.n.pr, mesial nasal process ; the other letters as before. The nasal laminae of the globular processes and the palatine projections of the maxillary processes are seen in B. Fig. 113. — Head of an embryo op about seven weeks. (His. ) The external nasal processes have united with the maxillary and globular processes to shut off the olfactory pit from the orifice of the mouth. Fig. 114. — Head of an embryo more advanced IN development, with tee parts of the NOSE AND MOUTH BEGINNING TO ASSUME THEIR permanent relationships. (His.) point of the nose, and the triangular surface above it the bridge ; the alse nasi are formed by the lateral nasal processes. These processes are less prominent than the mesial (fig, 112). They curve round the olfactory depressions, and meet the maxillary DEVELOPMENT OF THE NOSE. 07 processes ; between the two processes (lateral nasal and maxillary) the lachrymal groove passes from the eye to the nose (figs. Ill, 112). The maxillary processes also abut in front against the outwardly curing ends of the processus globulares, which together form as just mentioned, an intermaxillary process, and the three eventually coalesce to form the upper boundary of the mouth, which is thus shut off from the anterior orifice of the nasal fossae (fig. 11;^,). But further back the Fig. 115. — Outline of a transverse vertical section through the nose and upper jaws of a sheep's embryo with open palate. (From Kolliker.) The lower jaw and tongue are removed ; m, the mouth ; (/, dental germs ; p, the palate plates approaching each other in the middle ; /, the nasal fossas ; <; nasal cartilago ; s, septal cartilage ; j, the two organs of Jacobson with their cartilages internally. olfactory depressions, which are now developed into cleft-like cavities, and are in- creasing in complexity by the development of the projections which are to form the turbinate bones, are still freely in communication with the buccal cavity, and it is only by the growth of the palatine processes of the maxillte (fig. 115, j;) and their coalescence in the middle line with one another, and with the lower part of the nasal septum, that the nasal cavities are cut off from the mouth and from one another, and now only open posteriorly into the upper part of the pharynx by the posterior nares {choan(r). The median or septal part of the external nose, with its columella below, is formed, as above stated, of the coalesced mesial nasal processes, the alae nasi being developed from the lateral nasal processes. The septum is at first broad and de- pressed, so that the nostrils are widely separated from one another (fig. 114), a con- dition which remains to a certain extent permanent amongst some of the dark races of mankind. From the above description it will be seen that the olfactory org-ans are at first altogether di.stinct from the mouth, that they subsequently pass backward.s, as grooves, deepening into distinct clefts, along the roof of the moubh and forming in fact the upper part of the embryonic buccal cavity, and that finally they are again gradually separated from that cavity by the growth of a horizontal septum to form at fir.st the hard and afterwards the soft palate. The median union of the palate begins in front about the eighth week and reaches the back pare and is completed about the tenth week. Imperfect coalescence of these parts pro- duces the malformations of hare-lip and cleft palate in their various degrees. Usually, how- ever, in man the coalescence is completed at a comparatively early period of fcetal life, although a vestige of the original separation may be found in front at the junction of the maxillary processes with the coalesced globular processes (intermaxillary), as the naso-palatine canal or incisor foramen, which is occupied by connective tissue, blood-vessels, and a branch of the fifth nerve. In many mammals, however, an actual communication remains through- out life between the nostrils and mouth in this situation. The organ of Jacobson is early visiV)le on either side of the nasal s(i)tiim at its lower part in the form of a narrow tube, oval in section, running horizontally in the substance of the Heptum and opening anteriorly near the ujijier orifice of the naso-palatine canal. When the cartilage of the septum becomes fonned, a sj)ecial curved plate; of cartilage is seen partially enclosing this organ ; but botli the organ itself and th(! cartilage are less conspicuous in man than in most mammals. According to (Jc^genbaur the rudiment wlii<;h lias hcen described in 98 RECENT LITERATURE. the human embryo as the organ of Jacobson is not really that structure, but represents a special gland which occurs in some lemurs in the lower part of the nasal septum. The epiblast of the olfactory area early becomes thickened, and resembles in structure the neural epiblast (His). As in the latter, some of the cells (neuroblasts) become pyriform and nerve-fibre processes grow out from them, whilst the remainder foi-m long sustentacular columns, which partially anastomose to form a spongework. The neuroblasts subsequently pass out towards the olfactory lobe as already described (p. 81). All the complexities of the nasal fossaj (and they are far more complex and labyrinthic in many animals than in man) are produced by folds and outgrowths of the original simple depressions, and the thickened epithelium of these depressions extends over all parts of the cavities which are thus formed. But it is only in the upper part of the nasal fossae that the connexion by nerve-fibres with the olfactory lobe becomes established, and it is in this part only that the true sense-epithelium becomes developed. In the lower, or respiratory part of the f ossEe the epithelium remains relatively thin and becomes ciliated. EECENT LITERATURE. Eye and Nose. Born, G., Die NasenTiohle u. der TTirdTiennasengang der amnioten Wirhelthiere, Morph. Jahrb., 1879 u. 1883. Disse, J., Die AusUldung der Nasenhohk nach der Geburt, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat, Abth. 1889. Ewetzky, Th., Zur EntwicTcelungsgeschiclite des Thrdnennasenganges heim Menschen, Archiv f. Ophthalmol., Bd. xxxiv., 1888. Gottschau, Zur Entioiokelung der Saugethierlinse, Anat. Anzeiger, 1886. His, W., AnatomielmenscJdicher Embrgonen, Leipzig, 1880—85 ; Unsere Korperform, dsc, Leip- zig, 1875 ; Die Formentwickeking des menschlichen Vorderhirns, Abhandl. d. k. Sachsischen Gesell- schaft, 1889. Keibel, F., Zur EntwicTcelung des Glash'&i'pers, Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys., Anat. Abth., 1886. Kessler, Zur Entwickelung des Auges der Wirhelthiere, Leipzig, 1877. KoUiker, A., Zur Enttvickelung des Auges und Geruchsorganes menschlicher Emiryontn, Fest- schrift der Schweizer. Universitat Zurich gewidmet, Wiirzburg, 1883. Koranyi, A., Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Krystallinse hei den Wirhelthieren, Internat. Mo- natsschr. fiir Anatomie u. Physiologic, 1886. Leg'al, Die Nasenhohle u. der Thrdnennasengang, Morph. Jahrb., 1883. Bag-insky, B., Zur Entwickelung der Gehdrsc7in£cke, Verhandl. d. physiol. Gesellschaft zii Berlin, 1885-86. Beard, J,, On the segmental sense organs of the lateral line and on the morphology of the vertebrate auditory organ, Zool. Anzeiger, No, 161, 1884. Boettcher, A., Ueber Entwickelung u. Bau des Gehorlabyrinths, Verhandl. d. kaiserl. Leop. Carol. Acad., Dresden, Bd. 35. His, W., jun., Zur Entwickelung sgeschichte des Acustico-faoialis-Gebietes beim Menschen. Arch, f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1889, Supplement Bd. Hoffmann, C. K., Ueber die Beziehung der ersten Kicmentaschezu der Anlage der Tuba Eustachii und des Cavum tympani, Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat. xxiii., 1884. Noorden, v., Die Entwickelung des Labyrinths bei Knochenfischen, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1883. Riiding-er, N., Zur Entwickelung der hdutigen Bogengdnge der inner en Ohres, Sitzungsber. d. Akademie d. Wissensch. zu Munchen, Bd. xviii. , 1888. Tuttle, Alb. H., The relation of the external meatus, tympanum and Eustachian tube to the first visceral cleft, Proc. American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1884. Vassaux, Recherches sur les premieres phases du devcloppement de Vail chez le lapin. Arch, d'ophthalm., 1888. DEVELOPMENT OF THK MOUTH. 99 DEVELOPMENT OF THE ALnOlITTAIlY CANAL. The early development of the primitive alimentary canal has already been briefly described in treating of the first formation of the embryo (pp. 34, 35), and it was there explained how the dipping downwards and inwards of the blastodermic layers on either side of the embryo tends to separate or pinch oflF the part of the blastodermic vesicle which is immediately underneath the body of the embryo as a distinct tube (mid-gut) from the remainder of the vesicle, which is now known as the yolk-sac, while at the same time similar changes occurring in front and behind produce the blind anterior and posterior extremities of the tube which are known as the fore- and hind- gut respectively. Although the downfolding in question eventually involves all the layers of the embryonic blastoderm, the epiblast and the part of the mesoblast which adheres to it, and together with it forms the splanchnopleure, do not participate in the process until after the formation of the amnion, so that the alimentary canal for some time after its formation is enclosed only by the hypoblast and its adherent mesoblast (splanchnopleure), and projects freely into the wide coelom or space between the splanchnopleure and somatopleure. The mid-gut also remains for a time in free communication with the yolk sac, although the communication becomes gradually narrowed into the vitelline duct. As the somatopleure afterwards grows down on either side of the alimentary canal, and becomes pinched in around the vitelline duct and stalk of the allantois, which are thus united into the umbilical cord, that part of the coelom which is within the body and around the alimentaiy canal becomes shut off as the pleuroperitoneal cavity from the remainder, which lies altogether outside the body, and forms the cavity of the false amnion. Development of the mouth and of the parts iu connection with it. — The fore-gut terminates blindly at first underneath the head in the region of the Fig. 116. — Frontal view of the upper part of a human EMBRYO OF ABOUT FIFTEEN DAYS, RECONSTRUCTED FROM SERIAL SECTIONS. (His. ) \' The pericardium is opened to show the heart ; between this and the fore-brain is seen the primitive buccal cavity. A de- scription of this figure is given on p. 138. hind-brain, and the notochord, with the fore- and mid-brain, curve downwards over the blind extre- mity, the fore-brain thus causing a rounded pro- minence in front of and ventral to the extremity of the alimentary tube (see fig. 45). With the develop- ment of the heart another prominence becomes formed on the ventral side of the fore-gut, a little further back. Between the two prominences, the one caused h>y the projection of the fore-brain and the other of the heart, a wide, shallow pit is enclosed (fig. llfi), at the bottom of which the epiblast wliich lines it is in contact with the hypoblast of the fore-gut, and the two layers fuse to form an epithelial membrane, which now forms a septum between the primitive buccal epiblastic involution or stomodaeum and the fore-gut (fig. 117, p.v.). This stage is met with in the human eiri])ryo before the twelfth day (Ills), in the rabbit emliryo at aliout the ninth diiy (Mihalkovics), and in the chick on the fourth day. H 2 100 DEVELOPMENT OF THE MOUTH. The stomodEeum deepens at its upper and anterior part, where it forms a pocket-like protrusion, which grows a certain distance into the angle formed by the sharp bend which the hinder part of the fore-brain now makes with the mid-bram. etioi. 'cdl VL,X>. -alZ. Fig. 117. — PkOFILE view of a human embryo of about 15 bays, with the alimentary CANAl SHOWN IN LONGITUDINAL SECTION. (His.) Fig. 118. — Similar view op a somewhat older embryo. (His.) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are opposite the respective secondary cerebral vesicles ; from tlie side of the fore-brain the primary optic vesicle is seen projecting ; ot. otic vesicle ; "p.v., septum between mouth and pharynx (primitive velum) ; I, commencing liver in septum transversum ; v, vitelline stalk ; all, allantois enclosed within allantoic stalk ; j v., jugular vein ; c.v., cardinal vein ; s.?'., sinus venosus within septum trans- versum ; u.a., umbilical (allantoic) artery ; l.u.v-, left umbilical vein. The sharp curve of the trunk of the embryo towards the yolk-sac is normal. at this stage. In fig. 117 the otic vesicle is still open, and there are only two aortic arches ; in fig. 118 the otic vesicle is closed ; there are now five aortic arches. The primitive velum has disippeared. This pocket (Rathke) is the hypophysis cerebri, or pituitary involution of the buccal epiblast, and comes presently into connection with the infundibular protrusion of the neural epiblast, the two together forming the pituitary body (see p. 68). It lies just al30ve and in front of the pharyngeal septum. The remains of this septum (when it has become broken througli to allow of a communica- tion between stomodteum and fore-g-ut), have been termed the primitive vehim, hut the septum has nothing whatever to do with the formation of the permanent velum palati, or with the isthmus of the fauces. The plane of the septum forms in fact an angle with the plane of the future isthmus faucium, so that the primitive mouth or stomodseum does not by any means correspond with the permanent mouth. In fact the floor of the mouth, including the tongue, is developed heMnd the septum, and therefore in connection with the fore-gut rather than with the stomodffium, whereas the uppermost part of the pharynx, including the choanas, is in front of the septum, and therefore belongs to the stomodgeum. THE PHARYNX. 101 The shallow and widely open stomod^um soon deepens and is now seen to be specially bounded by certain prominences placed above, below, and at the sides, within and from which the several parts of the face are eventually pro- duced (figs. Ill, 110). These prominences are the fronlo-ncmil which projects over the stomodasura, and is formed primarily by the prominence of the fore- brain, but afterwards acquires a considerable thickening of mesoblast, which ex- tends into it from the basis cranii ; the mandihular or first visceral arch, which Fig. 119. — ^Pkofile view of a human embryo of ABOUT THREE WEEKS, SHOWING ALL THE CEPHALIC VISCERAL ARCHES AND CLEFTS. mx, maxillary process ; mn, mandibular arch ; d.C, duct of Cuvier ; ji\ jugular vein ; c.r, cardinal vein ; r.r', vitelline vein ; ti.r, umbilical vein ; a. a, umbilical artery ; idl, allantois ; pi, placental attach- ment of allantoic stalk ; olf, olfactory depression ; ot, otic vesicle. after passing obliquely round the fore- gut, takes a horizontal direction on its ventral side, and meets its fellow in the middle line, the two together forming the ventral boundary of the stomoda^um : and the max ill art/ irrocess, which grows from the base of the mandibular arch, and projects on either side of the stomodgeum, filling up the gap between the fronto- nasal process and the mandibular arch, and forming the lateral boundaiy. The separation of the stomodteum into an upper or olfactory and respiratory part and a lower permanent buccal cavity, together with the chan, in external ' In the liuman embryo the allantois apjiearH to be formed by a direct continuation of the bitcral foUU, uliich have united to form the main aliinentary tube, while tlio part of tlio tube 'jeliind tho ailaiitoiH (^bur.sa) a^ipearH as -i blind protrusion (\\\h). 102 DEVELOPMENT OF THE TONGUE. appearance ; figs. 117, 118, seen from within). i Between them, and also in front of the first cleft, the pharyngeal wall is greatly thickened so as to exhibit the appear- ance of curved bars bounding the clefts ; these bars are known as the ce2)lialic visceral arches, and are five in number, viz. : the first or mandibular^ in front of the first visceral cleft, between it and the mouth : this is the seat of formation of the lower jaw ; the second or hijoid arch, between the first and second clefts ; the third or thyro-liyoid arch, between the second and third clefts, wdiich in fishes and amphibia develops gill-plates, and is therefore also known as the first bra^ichial arch ; the fourth between the third and fourth clefts, corresponding with the second branchial arch of fishes, but small and inconspicuous in man and mammals ; and the fifth or second branchial still smaller and more inconspicuous, forming the posterior boundary of the fourth cleft, and hardly recognizable as a distinct bar in man. After the fourth week, and Avith the increasing flexure of the head, the arches become somewhat shifted over one another, so that the fourth arch is concealed by the third, and the third by the second. The mandibular arches early become united on the ventral aspect ; from the fifth week their union is complete (fig. Ill, mn) and in man shows eventually no sign of a median groove. The other arches do not at first reach the middle line (His), the space between their central ends being occupied by the heart and pericardium ; as these shift backwards a smooth infra- mandibular surface is left externally. Development of th.e tongue, — Within the pharynx, the second and third arches of the two sides are separated by a forked elevation (furcula) with a median Fjg. 120. — Posterior aspect op the visceral arches op the embryo SHOWN IN FIGS. 116, 117, AS SEEN FROM THE INTERIOR OF THE PHARYNX. (His. ) ^f The first or mandibular pair of arches join in the middle line ; the second arches are separated by a rounded prominence (tuberculum impar). Behind (below) this is the forked prominence (furcula) bounding a median groove which will become the laryngeal orifice. In the sections of each of the first two arches, the included artery is seen. The Roman numerals are opposite the corresponding arches. groove, in front of which is a rounded tubercle {t. impar, His), which arises in the angular space between the first and second arches (fig. 120), The groove around the furcula (simcs arcuatus, His) passes laterally into the visceral clefts. The second and third arches afterwards unite between the furcula and tuberculum impar (fig. 121, A). Thus united, the junction forms an X-shaped mass. From these conjoined extremities of the second and third arches on either side, the root of the tongue grows upwards and forwards as two prominences, which diverge in a V-shaped manner to embrace the anterior or papillary part of the organ which is developed from the tuberculum impar (fig. 121, B). At the angle of the V is a deep depression (foramen ccecum) ; this leads into a diverticulum, which forms the median rudiment of the thyroid body. When the parts of the tongue are united, there is still for a considerable time a V-shaped groove marking the line of union (fig. 122), and even in the adult there is often a distinct trace of this groove {sulcus terminalis, His). Parallel to this, and somewhat in front of it, the papillse vallatse are developed, and in front of these the other hngual papillse make their appear- ance (about the end of the second month). _ 1 According to His, who is confirmed by Bom and by Kolliker. these clefts are not as a rule developed into complete apertures in birds or mammals ; although the membranes which close them are composed only of juxtaposed epi- and hypoblast, the mesoblast having disappeared. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TONGUE. 103 The furcula gives rise to the epiglottis in front (above) the aryepiglottic folds on either side, and the arytenoid cartilages behind (below) ; the median groove in it leads to the entrance of the larynx. Laterally the 2nd arch passes into and forms the palato-giossal arch, and in the visceral cleft behind this the tonsil develops ; but the ord arch does not form the palato-pharyng-eal arch ; this is developed from the palatine outgrowths of the maxillary processes. The visceral arches were first described by Eathke, in 1825. They are often dis- tinguished as the j)ost-bucciil visceral arches ; certain parts in front of (above) the mouth Fig. 121.— Similar views of the same parts in older embryos. (His.) A. Y> C- i* T, tuberculura impar. being- considered by some morphologists to represent jircr-huccal arches. The visceral clefts, lying between the arches are, as has been stated, four in number. The first is often known as the lujomandihilur cleft : it is this one which is concerned -with the formation of the Fig. 122. — Similar view in a considerably older EMBRYO, BUT LESS MAGNIFIED. (His.) Eustachian tube and middle ear as alreadv de- scribed. The three remaining clefts, which repre- sent gill-slits of fishes and amphibia, appear, from the results of recent observations, to be closed in amniotic vertebrates at all periods of foetal life (see note on previous page). In some fishes the branchial arches and clefts are more numerous than in other vertebrates, and in a few the hyoid arch also develops a gill. Through each of the visceral arches an arterial arch derived from the aortic bulb passes from front to back reuniting dorsally in front of the notochord to form the aorta. In branchiate vertebrates, branches of these vessels arc distributed to the gills. Cartilaginous bars pa.ss, in most vertebrates, from the base of the skull into each visceral arch, and ossification occurring in or around them, form definite i)aits of the skeleton as will be afterwards described. In man and mammals these cartilaginous bars are only found in the first three visceral arches, unless the thyroid cartilage is to be regardwl as repies(;nting the anterior (ventral) ends of the bar of the 4th arch (Callcnder). The fourth and fifth visceral arches may be considered as lielonging to the neck rather than to the head, and the congenital fissures of the neck which sometimes occur as a mal- formation, and which usually open externally far down in the cervical region, have been regarded as due to persistence of one or more of the l)ianchial clefts, shifted in position by the cervical elongation which takes place in later embryonic life. CEsophagns, stomach, and intestines. — Immediately behind the pliaryn.v, the fore-gut contnictH again to form the oesophagus, which, in the early embryo, corres- ponding with the imperfect develoitment of the neck, is very short (figs. 12o, 125, A) 104 (ESOPHAGUS. STOMACH, AND INTESTINES. and gradually widens oui into the dilatation which represents the stomach. ^ This organ, which is at first nearly straight (fig.. 125, A, Mg), soon begins to show the con- Fig. 123. — Sketch of a longitudinal section through THE ALIMENTARY CANAL OF A HUMAN EMBRYO, SOON AFTER THE DISAPPEARANCE OF THE PRIMITIVE VELUM. (His.) to The alimentary canal is shaded throughout; U.K, section of mandibular arch ; R. T, hypophysis ; behind it the remains of the pharyngeal septum ; Lg, com- mencing lung, the future orifice of the larynx being opposite K ; Mg, stomach ; Lb, liver ; Nh, yolk stalk ; W, Wolffian duct ; B, blind portion of hind gut ; all, allantois. vexity of the greater curvature on the side next the vertebral column, and the concavity of the lesser curvature on the opposite border (fig. 125, B, 3Ig), while the pyloric end becomes tilted away from the vertebral column, pro- ducing the duodenal loop (fig. 125, C, D). Finally the organ becomes turned over on what was previously its right side, which now becomes the posterior surface, and the pyloric extremity being also tilted over, the duodenal loop is thus thrown over to the right side of the abdomen (fig. 120). The small intestine is also at first quite short and straight, with a wide aperture to the yolk-sac (fig. 125, A, Nl), but gradually lengthens as the communication with the yolk-sac becomes more contracted, and (besides the loop formed by the tilting of the pylorus) develops a long Y-shaped loop opposite the attachment of the vitelline duct (fig. 125, C, D, and fig. 127). The loop of intestine to which the vitelline duct is attached passes, for a time, into the umbilical cord, close to its attachment, enclosed in a protrusion of the peritoneal cavity (fig. 124). It occasionally remains in this situation until late in foetal life. Fig. 124. — Sketch of the human embryo op the TENTH WEEK, SHOWING THE COIL OF INTESTINE IN THE UMBILICAL CORD. (Allen Thomson.) The amnion and villous chorion have been oi^ened and the embryo drawn aside fi'om them ; v, umbilical vesicle, connected with the coil of intestine, i, by a small, almost linear tube. The figure at the side represents the first part of the umbilical cord magnified ; i, coil of intes- tine ; vi, vitelline-intestinal duct, alongside of which are seen omphalo-mesenteric blood-vessels. The mesentery is developed by a thinning out and extension of the mesoblastic tissue which lies between the intestine and the vertebral column. It forms a continuous membrane along the whole length of the alimentary canal from the stomach to the rectum, although the part attached to the » It has been shown (Balfour, Meuron) in most vertebrates— mammals excepted— that at a certain period of development the lumen of the cesopbagtis becomes for a time completely obliterated at its upper extremity. OESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINES. A f~ B :» 105 Fig. 125. — Pkofile SKKTciits ok succk.ssivk btaoes in the devkloi'mknt ok thk alimentary canal IN THE HUMAN EMBKYO. (HIh. ) Ch, notoclionl ; Sd (in 15), median rudiment of tliyroid ; P, iiaiicrefw ; Lby, Ijile duct ; Dfi, vitelline duct ; Zt/ (in C and D), tongue ; N, pennanent kidrn-y ; rf (in \>), cloaca ; An, anus in course of form- ation ; .Sf/, sexual i)rominence ; K>t, tail ; C'c, cuucum coii ; 7V, trachea ; K, Liryu.v. Tlie other letter- in:: an in tig. 12:3. 106 CESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINES. stomach is known as mesogastrium and the parts attached to the future colon and rectum are termed respectively mesocolon and mesorectum. The stomach begins to assume its characteristic shape while still lying with its longitudinal axis in the Fig. 126. — Front view of alimentary canal, rather less advanced in DEVELOPMENT THAN THAT SHOWN IN FIG. 125, D. (His.) ^f The pharynx and upper part of cesophagus, and termination of the large intestine are not represented. Lettering as in fig. 125. median plane of the body ; it is then seen that the mesogastrium passes to its greater curvature (fig. 127), which, therefore, is that corresponding to the mesenteric border of the intestine. And as the pyloric extremity of the stomach and lesser curva- ture are tilted forwards and upwards, and at the same time the whole organ turns over on its right side, the mesogastrium becomes proportionally lengthened to permit of this change of position, and the right surface of the stomach (now posterior) rests against the anterior surface of what was previously the right side of the mesogastrium, the mesogastrium thus coming to form the posterior boundary of the omental sac (fig. 128). From near its attachment to the stomach a free fold subsequently grows over the intestines, and becomes the great omentum. The gastro-hepatic omentum is formed by the gradual thinning of a mass of mesoblastic tissue which from the first connects the ventral wall of the stomach with the anterior wall of the abdomen, and within which the hypoblastic outgrowth ~S.7^&S.CC ao. Fig. 127. — Diagram of the mesentery, stomach and intestine of a human embryo of six WEEKS. (Toldt. ) St, stomach; g.c, greater curvature; l.c, smaller curvature; mg, mesogastrium; spl, spleen; p, pancreas ; c, csecum ; r, rectum ; me, mesentery ; ao, aorta ; cl, cceliac axis ; s.mes.a, i.mes.a, supe- rior and inferior mesenteric arteries. Fig. 128. — Diagram of a section across the abdomen of a human embryo of the third month. (Toldt. ) I, I, liver ; k, kidneys ; g.o, great omentum ;, r/.o', omental sac ; s.o, small omentum. (The dotted lino has not been carried quite far enough.) The other letters as in fig. 127. which forrns the liver becomes developed. The part of this mesoblastic connexion which lies between the liver and stomach becomes the gastro-hepatic or lesser omentum, and its free border which was at first directed downwards (caudalwards) becomes with the descent of the stomach directed anteriorly (ventrally), and eventu- ally with the turning of that organ laterally it also is directed towards the right, and thus comes to form the anterior boundary of the entrance into the omental sac. (ESOPHAGUS, STOMACH, AND INTESTINES. 107 The large intestine is not at first marked ofi" from the small hy any difference in calibre. Its commencement is distinguishable about the sixth week in the human eml)ryo by the appearance of the caecum, which gradually grows out (tigs. 125, D, and 127), forming at first a lateral protrusion of uniform calibre, but subsequently re- maining narrow at its blind extremity to form the vermiform appendix, while the remainder of the CEecum and the colon increase in size. This protrusion occurs on the U -shaped loop above described, and a little beyond the attachment of the vitelline duct. With the increasing length of the gut it becomes thrown into coils, and the earliest and most important of these is that by which the limb of the (J'^l^^psd loop A diaja^^r,^^ Tnallintestinz. Fig. 129. — Diagrams illustrating the development of the great omentum. (0. Hertwig.) A, earlier stage. li, later stage. »<, stomach ; .s.o, small ornentiim ; &' .o', omental sac ; o', mcsogastriiim, springing from the posterior wall of the abdomen, near which in A it enclo.'cs the jjancreas ; o-, attachment of mcsogastrium to greater curvature of stomach ; o'*, fold of mesogastrium or great omentum growing over coils of small intestine ; nat, mesentery ; iti.a, transverse mesocolon : o^ (in B), dotted line showing the situation of that lamella of the mesogastrium which at first assisted in enclosing the ^lancreas but which Las now disappeared. The next part of this lamella has coalesced with the adjacent lamella of the transverse mesocolon, and has also disai)ijeared. The coalescence is indicated by the black line. with which the large intestine is continuous tiu'ns over on to the right side of the peritoneal cavity, and thus throws the colon in an archlike disposition across the commencement of the small intestine, and paiallcl with the longitudinal axis of the stomach (commencement shown in fig. 12G). Within this arch of the large intestine the coils of the jejunum and ileum become dis[)osed as the intestine lengthens. Their mesentery spreads out at its intestinal attachment so as to adapt itself to the increasing length of the gut, while its vertebral attachment, relatively mucli shorter, loses to a great extent its primitive disposition, and acquires oblique and transverse lines of attachment ; this is notably the case with the transverse mesocolon. Althou;"), Ihijm), in reptiles from the second, third, and fourth, and in lower Vertebrates from several clefts (de Fig. 13.5. — Diagram showing the visceral clefts fro.m whioii the THYMOS AND LATERAL PARTS OP THE THYROID ARE DKVELOI'ED IN THK CHICK, (de Meuron. ) 1, 2, 3, 4, indicate the corresijonding visceral clefts ; tlnjm, rudiments of thymus ; thr, median rudiment of thyroid ; thr', lateral rudiments of thyroid. Menron). In mammals the thymus appears as a (bihiteral) tubular prolongation l)ackwards of the extremity of tlio tliird visceral cleft (KolHker), receiving, according to de Meuron, an acfxission from the hypoblast of the fourth cleft, as in birds. Tlic tube, which lias a nariow lumen, and comparatively thick epitJielial lining, is surrounded hy vascuhr connecl i\'(^ tissue, within which numei'ous lyMi|)hoid cells becfjme accumulated, and grows downwards along the side and in front of the trachea, where, in nuinunals. it gen(!raliy unites 112 THE LIVER. with its fellow to form a median organ. Its lower end then gives oflP solid, bud-like excrescences, and lateral buds come off again from these, so that this pait of the organ acquires a ramified, lobulated appearance like an acinous gland. The acini are, however, solid, and remain so, although the upper end of the tube still has a narrow lumen. The lymphoid cells next invade the epithelium, growing into every part of the tubular gland, and converting it into a mass of adenoid tissue. In this process the epithelium becomes broken up into small isolated portions, some of which remain in the medullary portion of the lobules as the epithelial nests which are seen in sections of the fully developed organ, and are known as the concentric corpuscles of Hassall. The liver. — This organ arises in the form of two diverticula of hypoblast, which grow from the ventral wall of the duodenum immediately beyond the stomach (figs. 117, 118, Z, 123, LV). They extend into a mass of mesoblastic tissue which connects the stomach and duodenum with the anterior wall of the abdomen, and which (with the mesentery, with which it is continuous round the gut) separates the body-cavity here into a right and left half. In this tissue is the omphalomeseraic or vitelline vein (and later the umbilical vein) proceeding on either side to the sinus venosus, and the liver diverticula grow into the mesoblast above and in front of these veins. Here they ramify, giving off solid buds of cells which grow into columns or cylinders, and these again give off lateral diverticula of the same kind. So far the development of the liver resembles that of a compound tubular or acino-tubular gland, except that the ramifications of the original gland diverticula are from the first solid instead of hollow. But soon an important diflFerence appears in the fact that the cylinders unite and anastomose with one another everywhere to form a close network, and from the cords of this network solid sprouts are again constantly being given off to form fresh cylinders, thus produciug a yet closer and more intricate network. In the meantime, capillary blood-vessels are formed in the mesoblastic tissue in which this formation of cell-cylinders of hypoblast is going on, and these vessels, which form a network interlocking with that of the anastomosing cell-cylinders, become connected with branches of the vitelline vein on the one hand {ven(B advehentes), and on the other with veins (ven(^ revehentes) which pass towards the siuus venosus, and eventually are found opening as the hepatic veins into the inferior vena cava. The two original hollow diverticula are the rudiments of the right and left hepatic ducts. The common bile duct is formed later by a protrusion of that part of the duodenal wall with which the original diyerticula are connected. This protrusion also eventually receives the duct of the pancreas, which becomes shifted towards it. As the common bile duct lengthens, the liver becomes separated from the duodenum, with which it was at first in close connection. The portal and interlobular bile ducts are formed by the hollowing out of some of the anastomosing cell-cylinders, so that a lumen is produced within them surrounded by hepatic cells, which lose their original polyhedral character, and become changed into the columnar epithelium of the ducts, the anastomoses between the cell-cylinders here disappearing. The remaining cylinders form the secreting substance of the liver. The biliary canaliculi appear as minute passages between the cells, and come into continuity with the bile ducts. With a further development of the connective tissue of the organ, the glandular substance of the liver, which was at fii-st continuous throughout, becomes separated into lobules, and the network of cell-cylinders tends with multiplication of their cells to become fused into a con- tinuous mass within each lobule, the bile canaliculi forming by numerous lateral junctions and anastomoses a close network of intercellular passages within the lobule. The grail "bladder and cystic duct are formed by a diverticulum from the common bile duct, which appears in the second month. In the elasmobranch fishes, and in amphibia, there is only a single hepatic diverticulum. The anastomosing cell-cylinders which sprout from this are not solid, but hollow, with a narrow lumen, and the liver has from the fii-st and retains permanently the character of a compound gland formed of anastomosing tubules. In reptiles the cylinders also have from the first a naiTow lumen. In birds and mammals the cylinders are solid, as in man. As the liver grows, it projects on either side into the pleuroperitoneal cavity. The mesoblast which unites it to the anterior wall of the abdomen, becomes thinned out to form THE PANCREAS. 113 the suspensory ligament. That which unites it to the ventral wall of the stomach and duo- denum also becomes thinned out ; it forms the small or gastro-hepatic omentum. The liver is at first an exactly symmetrical organ, the right and left lobes being equal in size and symmetrically placed. After the fourth month the right lobe begins relatively to increase in size, and at birth the proportion of this to the left lobe is as I'G to 1. The liver also at first grows very rapidly, so that by the second month it nearly fills the abdomen, and causes a well marked prominence on the ventral aspect of the embryo. At this time it is calculated to constitute nearly one half the weight of the body. The proportion, however, gradually decreases, until at term the relative weight of the liver to the whole body is as 1 to 18. The further changes which the blood-vessels which pass to the liver undergo will be considered with the development of the venous system. The pancreas is developed as a hollow hypoblastic diverticulum from the dorsal wall of the duodenum opposite the hepatic diverticula, and somewhat later than these (fig. 12d,B,C,'D,p): This hollow process grows into the mesogastrium or gastro- duodenal mesentery, which at this time is well developed, and ramifies within this, producing by its off'-shoots the ducts and alveoli as with other compound acinous glands. As the duodenal loop becomes formed, and this and the pyloric end of the stomach are turned over towards the right side, the pancreas loses its median sym- metrical position, and with the mesentery which encloses it now lies across the back of the abdomen. This is the condition in which the gland is found in most mammals. But in man, with the fusion of the mesogastrium (great omentum) to the transverse mesocolon, the posterior layer of the mesenteric fold which encloses the pancreas becomes absorbed (Toldt), and the gland becomes fixed across the back of the abdomen, and is now apparently altogether behind the peritoneum (see fig. 12, 129). RECENT LITEKATTJRE. Bemmelen, J. F. van, Entwihkeling en metamorphose der kieuw of viceral-spalten en der aorta- bogen bij emhryonen van Tropidonotus natrix en LaceHa miiralis, Kin. Akad. v. Wet. Amsterd. Afd. Natuusk., 1885 ; Die Visceraltaschen u. Aortenbogen bei Reptilien u. Vogeln, Zool. Anzeiger, 1886 ; Die Halsgegend der Reptilien, Zoo\. Anz., 1887. Bonnet, K., Ueber die Entwicklung der Allantois und die BUdung des Afters bei den Wieder- kduern und iiber die Bedeutung der Primitivrinne und des Primitivstreifs bei den Einbryonen der Sdugethiere, Anat. Anzeiger, 1888. Bom, G., i'eber die Derivate der embryonalen Schlundbogen und Schlundspalten, Archiv f. mikr. Anat, Bd. ixii., 1883. Cadiat, Du developpement desfentes et arcs branchiaux chez I'embryon, Journal de I'anat., &c., 1883. Chievitz, J. C, Beitrdge zur Entwicklung sgeschichte der Soeicheldriisen, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abtheil., 1885. Demon, F., Diveloppement de la portion sousdiaphragmatique du, tube digestif. LUle, 1884. Dohrn, A., Die Thyroidea bei Petromyzon, Amphioxus u. Tunicaten, Mitth. aus der zool. Station z. Neapel, 1886. Fischelis, Ph., Beitrdge zur Kenntniss der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Gl. thyrcoidea u. Gl. thymus, Arch. f. mikr. Anat., Bd. xxv., 1885. His, "W., Ueber den Sinus prcecervicalis und die Thymusanlage, Archiv f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1886 ; Zur Bildungsf/eschichte der Lungen heim menschlichen Emhryo, Archiv f. Anat. und Physiol., Anat. Abtheilung, 1887 ; Schlundspalten u. I'hymusanlage {Brief an F. Mall), Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1889. Kastschenko, N., Das Schicksal der embryonalen Schlundspalten bei Sdugethieren, Archiv f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xxx., 1887 ; Das SchlundspaUengebiet des Hiihnchcns, Arch. f. Anat. u. Phj-s. Anat. Abth., 1887. Liessner, B., Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Kiemenspalten und ihrer Anlagen bei amnioten Wirbeltkieren, Morpholog. Jahrbuch, Bd. xiii., 1888. Mall, F. P., Entvncklung der Branchialbogen und Spalten des Hilhnchens, Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1887 ; The branchiid clefts of the dog, with special reference to the origin of the thymus gland, Studies from the Biol. Laboratory of John Hopkins University, iv. , 1888. Ueuron, P. de, Recherches sur le cUveloppement du thymus et de la. (/lande thyroide, Rccueil zool. Suisse, iii., 1880; Sur le ddveloppement de I'tx soph age, Coinpt. rend., 1886. Minot, Ch. S., Evolution of the Lungs, Proceed, of the Zoolog. Society of London, 1886. OstroumofP, A. , Ueber den Blastoporiis u. d. Schwanzdarm bei Eidechsen u. Selachiern, Zool. ^Vnzeig';r, 1889. Philip, R. "W., Beitrdge zur Lehre iiber die Entwicklung del' Trachea, Mitth. aua d. embryoL Inst. d. UniverH. Wien, Bd iL, 1883. 114 EECENT LITEEATUKE. Piersol, Gr. A., Ueber die EnfwicMung der embryonalen Schlundspalten und ihre Dcrivate lei Sdugethieren, Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool, Bd. xlvii., 1888. kabl, C, Zur Bildung.igeschichte des Halses, Prager medic. Woclienschr., 1886 u. 1887. Retterer, E. , Du diveloppement de la region anale des mammiferes, C. r. de la society de biologie, 1890. Robinson, A., Olservations on the earlier stages in the development of the lungs of rats and mice, Journal of Anatomy and Physiology, 1889. Scbwink, T., Ueber den Zwischenkiefer und seine Nachlarorgane hei Sdugethieren, 1888. Stieda, Untersuchungen ueher die Entwickl. der Glandula thymus, Glandula thyoideaund Glandula carotica. Leipzig, 1881. Swartz, D., Untersuchungen des Schwanzendes hei den Embryonen der Wirhelthiere, Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. xlviii., 1889. Toldt, C. , JBau u. Wachsthumsverdnderungen der Gekrose des menschlichen BarmJcanales, Wiener Denkschriften, 1879 ; Die DarmgeJcrose u. Netze im gesetzmdssigen u. im gesetzwidrigen Zustand. Ibid., 1889. TJsko-w, N. , Bemerkungen zur Entivicklungsgeschichte der Leber und der Lungen, Archiv f. mikrosk. Anatomie, Bd. xxii. , 1883. Wolfler, A., Ueber die Entwickl. u. den Bau der Schildrilse. Berlin, 1880. DEVELOPMENT OF THE URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. 115 DEVELOPMEISTT OF THE URIWARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. The urinary and generative organs originate in connection with the intermediate cell-mass, a portion of mesoblast which is seen in sections of the early embryo lying Fig. 136. — Part of a transverse section op a chick exbrto of 2 days. 6 hours. (Ktilliker.) =5° uw, ijrotovertebra ; mp, lateral mesoblast ; dfp, splanchnopleuric mesoblast ; kp, soniatopleuric mesoblast ; p, pleuro-peritoneal cleft (crelom) ; ivcj, Wolffian duct ; wk, part of intermediate cell-mass from which Wolffian body will become develojied. between the paraxial mesoblast and the pleuro-peritoneal cleft, and abutting against the external epiblast (fig. oi), p. )M). Fig. 137. — Section thkocgh an external glomerulus OF the pronephros from a chick op about 4 days' incubation. (Balfour.) yl, glomerulus ; f)e, peritoneal epithelium ; Wd, Wolffian duct ; uo, aorta ; 'iiic, mesentery. vX <>.' r^ as Some of the cells of this intermediate cell-mass become differentiated into a longitudinally run- ning cord, which subsequently acquires a lumen, and is then known as the Wolffian dud (from its discoverer, Caspar Friedrich Wolff) (fig.lSC, wg). Posteriorly the duct opens into the cloaca. The anterior part of the duct becomes connected with invaginations of the peritoneal epithelium, between which vascular glomeruli project fre*jly into the peritoneal cavity (fig. 1;j7). These glomeruli constitute the head kidney, fore-kidney or p'onepkros} Along its inner side, somewhat further back- ' Hertwig. According to IJalfour and Hedgwick, these glomeruli form tlic anterior part of the Wolffian body, and the head kidney ia represented by the Miillerian iuvagiuationa referred to later on (seep. 122 and fig. 145). I 2 116 DEVELOPMENT OF THE URINARY AND GENERATIVE ORGANS. wards, a series of transversely coursing tubes becomes developed in the intermediate cell-mass. These tubes are connected for a time with other involutions of the peritoneal epithelium (fig. 141), but subsequently lose their connection with that Fig. 138. — Diagrams of the arrangement of the urinary and genital organs in elasmobranchs, (Balfour.) A. — Diagram of the primitive condition of the kidney in an elasmobranch embryo. pd, segmental duct ; opening at o, into the body cavity and at its other extremity into the cloaca ; X, line of separation between the Wolffian duct above and the Mtillerian duct below ; st, segmental tubes, opening at one end into the body cavity and at the other into the segmental duct. B. — Diagram of the arrangement of the urino-genital organs in an adult female elasmobranch. m.d, Mtillerian duct ; ^v.d, "Wolffian duct : s.t, segmental tubes ; five of them are represented with openings into the body cavity, and five posterioiiy correspond to the metanephros ; oi', the ovary ; d, ureter. 0. — Diagram of the arrangement of the urino-genital organs in an adult male elasmobranch. m.d, rudiment of Mtillerian duct ; iv.d, Wolffian duct, serving at vd as vas deferens ; s.t, segmental tubes, two represented with openings into the body cavity ; d, ureter ; t, testis ; nt, canal at the base of the testis ; V.E, vas efferentia ; Ic, longitudinal canal of the Wolffian body. epithelium, and acquiring glomeruli at one part, at another part open into the Wolffian duct. They form the mid-kidney, Wolffian body or mesonephros, which THE WOLFFIAN DUCT AND BODY. 117 presently projects as a distinct vascular organ along the dorsal part of the peritoneal cavity on either side of the mesentery. Subsequently another duct becomes deve- loped along the outer side of the Wolffian body, along which it runs backwards to open also into the cloaca : in fi'ont it communicates with the pleuroperitoneal cavity by one or more funnel-shaped apertures (tig. 143, s). This is the Miillerian dud, so named after Johannes ^Mi'iller ; m some of the lower vertebrates it arises in common with the "Wolffian duct. From the lower end of each Wolffian duct a hollow pro- trusion (tig. 125, C and D, N) grows upwards into a mass of mesoblast continuous with that of the Wolffian body ; with the branches of this protrusion glomeruli and convoluted tubes also become connected, and thus the permanent kidney {hind-kidney, metanephros) is produced. Lastly, the ccelomic epithelium covering the inner side of the Wolffian body becomes thickened (tig. 143, a), and within it are found larger cells, from which the generative products in both sexes (ova and spermatozoa) are eventually derived. This epithelium is accordingly known as the germinal epithelium. The duct of Miiller becomes in the female the oviduct or Fallopian tube ; in the male it becomes atrophied. The Wolffian duct in the male becomes the epididymis and vas deferens ; while the vasa efferentia and tubes of the rete testis are formed as outgrowths from the Wolffian body ; in the female these parts have no permanent function. The head kidney, although permanent and functional in tishes, is only a rudi- mentary organ in the embryo of higher vertebrates, and soon disappears. The Wolffian body is well developed in all vertebrates ; in fishes and amphibia it is an important part of the permanent urinary apparatus, and also serves to cany away the male sexual products (tig. 138). In higher vertebrates (amniota) it no longer continues to perform excretory functions, but still supplies the efferent apparatus of the testis. The details of the development of these parts may next be considered. The Wolfa-an duct and body. — The commencement of the Wolffian duct is seen at a very early period of development (second day in the chick, eighth day in the rabbit) as a thickening of the intermediate cell-mass in the anterior region oi the trunk (fifth somite) (fig, 39, Wd). The outgrowth projects towards the epiblast, and "??'.&-. Fig. 139. — Transverse section of an embryo chick of thirty-six hodrs. ''" (E. A. S.) n.c, medullary tube ; p, protovertebra ; cp, epiblast ; me, lateral mesoblast split into splanchnopleuro anrl Romatopleure ; c<£, pleuro-pentoneal cavity between them ; cce', cavity of protovertebra. continuous oil the right hide with the lateral mesobla-stic cleavage; W.d., Wolffian duct; W.h., mesoblast of Wolffian body ; ch, notochord. developes from before backwards ; a solid cord of mesobltist thus becomes formed, which gradually becomes detached from the remainder of the intermediate cell-mass, lying close to the epiblast (tig. 13!), uny). Soon after it is thus formed, a Imnen ajijxjars in it and extends botli forwards and backwards. The posterior end, which is still solid, is presently found to be attached to the epiblast, and apparently continues to grow backwards along and at the expense of the epiblast until it reaches the posterior end 118 THE WOLFFIAN 13UCT AND BODY. of the body, where it becomes detached from the epiblast, and is connected with and opens into the hind- gut (cloaca). I have here followed what has appeared to me the most probable account of the ori), and proceeds both downwards towai'ds the future orifice and upwards for a ' A name given to the thickened mass of tissue which Kurroundn the Woltlian ducts as they course together to the cloaca behind tlie stalk of the alJantois (afterwards the base of the bladder). 19A DEVELOPMENT OF THE OVAEY. certain length, the amount of this upward extension of the fused ducts varying in different animals. The united part of the Miillerian ducts afterwards forms the foundation of the vagina and uterus in the female, and the prostatic vesicle, or uterus masculinus in Fig. 150. — Transverse sections of the GENITAL COED IN A FEMALE CALF EM- BRYO. Magnified fourteen diameters. (Kblliker. ) 1, near the upper end ; 2 and 3, near the middle ; 4, at the lower end ; a, anterior, p, posterior aspect ; to, Miillerian ducts united or separate ; iv^ Wolffian ducts. the male ; the upper or fore part of the Miillerian duct disappears in the male, in the female it forms the oviduct (Fallopian tube). The hydatids of Morgagni are remnant of part of the Miillerian believed duct. to represent in the ma^e the In the human embryo of the thii-d month the uterus is bifid, and it is by the upward ex- tension of the median fusion that the triangular body of the uterus is produced. The bifid condition corresponds with the bicorned uterus of many animals, and the process of fusion above described explains the occasional malformation of a partial or comxplete division of the uterus and vagina into two passages. Up to the fifth month there is no distinction between vagina and uterus. Then the os uteri begins to be seen, and the cervix uteri subsequently becomes manifest as a part, which is at fii'st thicker and larger than the rest of the organ. In some animals the prostatic vesicle of the male is prolonged into cornua and tubes like the uterus of the female. The germinal epithelium. — This name was given by Waldeyer to the thick- ened epithelium lying along the inner side of the Wolffian projection (fig. 143, a). The cells become at first columnar, and then two, three, or even several layers thick, while at the same time the mesoblast below them becomes increased in amount, and thus a marked projection is produced, which in some vertebrates forms a distinct ridge — the genital ridge. Amongst the cells of the germinal epithelium, some are seen which are larger and more spherical than the others, these are the primordial ova (fig. 148, o), and occur in both sexes ; in fact, up to a certain point, the differ- ence of sex of the embryo is not apparent. Bevelopment of the ovary. — In the female sex the germinal epithelium soon becomes much thickened, and begins to grow down into the mesoblastic stroma in the form of columns of epithelium cells, which enclose amongst them some of the prim- ordial ova.^ These columns constitute the egg-tuhes of Pfliiger (fig. 152). They are separated from one another by mesoblast, which grows towards and into the germinal epithelium simultaneously with the down-growth of the egg-tubes, and there is thus produced a complete interlocking of strands of connective and epithelial tissue, which together constitute the ovary. The egg-tubes next become broken up into rounded groups or " nests " of germinal epithelial cells, each of which may enclose one or more primordial ova. The primordial ova eventually develope into ordinary ova, two or more frequently fusing together to form a single ovum (Balfour), ■while from the remaining cells in the "nest " the epithelium of the Graafian foHicle is eventually produced. In many of the cell nests, primordial ova cannot at first be ^ Mihalkovics states that the cells which are to form the follicular epithelium iirst sink into the stroma, and that afterwards the primordial ova follow them, and become enclosed by them. DEVELOPMENT OF THE TESTICLE. J2- distinguished, bnt become formed subsequently by an increase in size of one or more of the cells. The further changes which take place in the Graafian follicle are described with the structure of the ovary (v. Splanchnology). The remainder of Fig. 151. — Traxsverse section through the ovary op an embryo shark (scyllium), showing the GERM-EPITHELIUM FORMING TRIMITIVE OVA. (Balfour.) At po, the germ-ei/ithelium and primitive ova ; the lightly-shaded part is the ovarian stroma, covered elsewhere by flattened epithelium. the germmal epithelium which is left covering the surface after the formation of the egg-tubes, constitutes the permanent epithelium of the ovary. Most, if not all, of the pei-manent ova are produced, at least in the human subject, long before birth. In the human ovary the nests of cells which are to form the Graafian follicles Fig. 152. — Section op the ovary of a NEWLY-BORN CHILD. HiGHLY MAG- NIFIED. (Waldeyer. ) a, Germinal epithelium dipping in at b, to form an ovarian tube ; c, c, prim- ordial ova lying in the germ-epithelium ; d, d, longer tube becoming constricted so as to form nests of cells ; e, e, larger nests ; /, distinctly formed follicle with ovum and epithelium ; g, g, blood-vessels. are more equally diffused through the substance of the ovary than in most animals, in many of which the young follicles remain forming a stratum near the surface. In the human embrj'O of from four months up to the period of birth, the ovary seems to be formed of little else than a mass of younj^ ova, closely surrounded by flattened cells of the germinal epithe- lium and constituting thus minute Graafian follicles ; the amount of Btromu being at this time relatively small. It has been calculated that the ovaries may at this stage contain as many as 70,000 primordial ova. Development of the Testicle. — The germinal o])ithclium does not undergo so marked an liy|)<:)tropliy in tli'; male as in tlic female. IJiit it hecoiiies thickened, and enlarged cells, corresponding to the primordial ova in the female, arc found in it. Further, small strands of the epithelium dip down into the subjacent mcsoblast, 126 DESCENT OF THE TESTICLES. which grows simultaneously into the epithelium, and eventually cell-nests are sepa- rated and included in the mesoblastic tissue. Whether these nests are derived from the division of the primordial ova only, or whether they also include other cells of the germinal epithelium is not clear. It would appear that from these cell-nests the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules is developed, although all stages of the process have not been observed. The cell-nests eventually become connected with the outgrowths from the WoMan bodies (fig. 153, st), which as ah-eady mentioned, Fig. 153. —Section of the GERiitNAL epithelium and adjacent stroma in a male chick embryo. (Semoii. ) g.tp, germinal epithelium forming a tliickened ridge-like projection ; pr.ov, primitive ova of various sizes, some in the germinal epithelium and others somewhat beyond the limit of this epithelium ; st, strands of cells which have grown from the "Wolffian body towards the germinal epithelium, and one of whicli appears connected with an enlarged primitive ovum. form the rete testis and the efferent tubes of the testicle. The reproductive gland is in both sexes at first attached directly to the Wolffian body (fig. 156, A, ot), which itself is attached by a fold of peritoneum to the back of the abdominal cavity. This fold becomes the mesovarium or mesorcMum as the case may be. A band also passes from the Wolffian body upwards to the diaphragm, and another fold contain- ing involuntary muscular fibres — the plica gubernatrix — runs down towards the groin from the lower part of the Wolffian body and the duct. This band, as the Wolffian body becomes atrophied, is found to be attached to the reproductive organ, constituting the gubernaculum testis in the male, and the round ligament of the ovary in the female (fig. 156, g). Descent of the testicles. — The testicles originally lie in the lumbar region of the abdomen. From this part they become shifted, at first to the intestinal abdominal ring, opposite which they are found in the sixth month, and which they enter in the seventh month, then down the inguinal canal into the scrotum, which THE EXTERNAL ORGANS. 127 they usually enter by the end of the eighth month. But previously to this, a pouch of peritoneum — i\\Q processus vaginalis — has descended into the scrotum along the abdominal ring, pushing before it part of the internal oblique muscle and the aponeurosis of the external oblique, which form respectively the cremasteric muscle Fig. 154. — Diagrams to illustrate the descent op the testicle and the formation of its COVERINGS. (0. Hertwig. ) In A the testicle is lying close to the internal abdominal ring. In B it has passed into the s;\c of the tunica vaginalis. 1, skin of abdomen; 1', skin of scrotum; 2, superficial abdominal fascia ; 2', Cooper's fascia ; 3, muscular and aponeurotic layer of abdominal wall ; 3', cremaster muscle and sper- matic fascia ; 4, peritoneum ; 4', processus vaginalis ; 4" visceral layer of processus vaginalis covering testicle ; t, testicle ; v.d., vas deferens ; r, internal abdominal ring. and spermatic fascia (fig. 154). This pouch, after the descent of the testicle into it, becomes shut off from the abdominal cavity, and forms the cavity of the tunica vaginalis. The descent of the testicle into the scrotum is intimately connected with changes in the gubernaculum. The gubernaculum extends, as before mentioned, from the integument of the groin, which afterwards forms the scrotum, upwards through the abdominal ring to the lower part of the epididymis. When the pro- cessus vaginalis is formed, the gubernaculum lies behind the serous sac. The descent of the testicle is accompanied by a shortening of the gubernacular cord, which thus appears to draw the organ downwards into the scrotum, and the testicle following the line originally taken by the gubernacular cord, also passes down along the posterior wall of the processus vaginalis, which it therefore invaginates from behind. In many animals the testicles remain throughout life in the abdominal cavity. In others they only descend into the scrotum durinjj;- the period of " heat." Cases of cryptorchismus, in which one or both testicles have failed to reach the scrotum, and have remained either in the infjuinal canal or within the abdominal cavity, are not unfrequent in the human subject. The ovaries also undergo a considerable change of position, accompanied by a shortening of the band which corresponds with the gubernaculum testis in the male. This band, as it passes by the united part of the Mlillerian ducts which are forming the body of the uterus, becomes attached laterally to that organ, and the descent ol' the ovary is normally arrested at the side of the uterus. In rare cases, however, the ovaries pa&s through the abdominal ring by the canal of Nuck, and may even be found in the labia majora, where they resemble in position the testicles within the scrotum. The External Organs. — The external organs are up to a certain time entirely of tlie same form in Ijoth sexes, and the several organs which afterwards distinguish the male and female externally have a common origin (see lig. ir.5). A cloaca exists till after the fifth week, and the genital eminence from which the clitoris or penis is formed makes its appearance in the course of the fifth or sixth week in fi'ont (jf and within the orifice of the cloaca. In the course of the seventh and eighth weeks this orifice is seen to be divided into two parts ; but the exact manner in which the sepa- ration of the two apertures takes place has not been accurately traced. Tlic process 128 THE EXTERNAL ORGANS. is connected with the formation of the urogenital cord as an independent structure, and results in the division of the cloaca into a dorsal or anal and a ventral or urogenital part {itrogenital sinus). Somewhat later, in the ninth or tenth week, a transverse integumental band completes the division, which band forms the whole of the perineum of the female, and the part of the perineal integument in the male which is situated behind the scrotum. Of the two apertures the dorsal one or anus is of small size, and is surrounded by a small circular integumental ridge ; the anterior or urogenital aperture forms a Fig. 155. — Development of the external sexual ORGANS IN THE MALE AND FEMALE FROM THE INDIFFERENT TYPE. (Ecker. ) A, the external sexual organs in an embryo of about nine weeks, in which external sexual distinction is not yet established, and the cloaca still exists ; B, the same in an embryo somewhat more advanced, and in which, without marked sexual distinction, the anus is now separated from the urogenital aperture ; C, the same in an embryo of about ten weeks, showing the female type ; D, the same in a male embryo somewhat more advanced. Througbout the figures the following indications are employed ; pc, sexual eminence (penis or clitoris) ; to the right of these letters in A, the umbilical cord ; p, penis ; c, clitoris ; cl, cloaca ; iig, urogenital open- ing ; a, anus ; Is, cutaneous elevation which becomes labium or scrotum ; I, labium ; s, scrotum ; co, caudal or coccygeal elevation. narrow vertical slit wider behind than before, and running forward as a furrow into the rudiment of the penis, or clitoris. The well marked eminence in the integument which forms this rudiment, at first indifferent in the two sexes, is surrounded by a deep circular fold of the integument which encompasses its base, and which is the foundation of the mons veneris and labia majora in the female, and when united by median fusion, of the scrotum in the male. The lips of the urogenital furrow, which in the female are converted into the nymphse, and in the male unite as the integument below the penis, are both at first precisely the same in all embryoes. In the open condition, which continues until the eleventh or twelfth week, the parts appear alike in both sexes, and resemble the more advanced female organs. The rudiments of Bartholin's or Coivper's glands appear at an early period as involutions of epithelium, near the root of the rudimentary clitoris or penis, on each side of the genito-urinary passage. In the female, the outer circular fold of integument enlarges at the sides so as to cover the clitoris as the labia majora. The clitoris itself remains relatively small, and the groove on its under surface becomes less and less marked, owing to the opening out, and subsequent extension backwards, of its margins to form the nymi^m. The vascular bulbs, sunk more deeply in the tissues than in the male organ, remain distinct and separate, except at one point where they run together in the gians clitoridis. The liymm begins to appear about the fifth month as a fold of the lining membrane at the opening of the genital passage into the urogenital sinus. Within the vestibule, which is the shortened but widened remains of the urogenital sinus, the urethral orifice is seen, the urethra itself undergoing considerable elongation. In the male, on the contrary, the fmis continues to enlarge, and the margins of the groove along its under surface gradually unite from the primitive urethral orifice behind, as far forwards as the glans, so as to complete the long canal of the male urethra, which is therefore a prolongation of the urogenital sinus. This is accom- plished about the fifteenth week. When the union remains incomplete, the abnormal THE EXTERNAL ORGANS. 129 condition named hypospadias is produced. In the meantime the prepuce is formed, and, moreover, the lateral cutaneous folds also unite from behind foiTvards, along the middle line or raphe, and thus complete the scrotum, into which the testicles descend in the course of the eighth month of foetal life, as before described. The corpora cavernosa, which are at first separate, become united in their distal portions in both sexes ; but the corpus spongiosum urethrjE which is also originally divided in all embryocs, aud in the female remains so in the greater part of its extent, becomes enlarged in the male in the glans penis, and its two parts become united mesially both above and below the urethra, so as to enclose the whole of that tube from the bulb forwards to the glans. The following Table and Diagrams exhibit the corresponding parts of the urino-generative organs in the two sexes : — 130 GENITO-UEINAEY OKGANS OF THE TWO SEXES. ■< Pi O O fi i 1^ O Ph D p3 M pi g (^ o o tH o rt 9 f^ Ci o O 02 rCl t; fl C(l (t; pi . ?« o CO CO 1=1 o cti 1=1 SB^ T^ -s a M o P pi c3 , p , Ti -u tS 4^ 1=J U crt cS ■p^ ^ pi q3 m t^ P^ P a ." O OQ ^ HH 52 1^ ■75 faJO o ^ P P ■— ! O ^ g CO Pu o3 3 rS P P^ P- f-=i o P p C3 03 ;h -jJJ ^^ P ^ o-. O p ^ p ^ «i ?-l iM p o o rH > yy 00 ;-! C3 c3 «4-l P^ o cS CO to q-^ P OJ CO O 3 _ o c3 P p S-* ^ -Jj ,JI^ d cc -*;= rt CO Ti p p •P P C3 a> rS cc Qj P-i 1^ J-i H K- P p n3 cS J O ri^l P P 'TIS « ^ p p p^ o _i:5^ .rt o o pi P ^ cc P O o p -2 -2 CO b. P S Ph P rP -P Oh o O a co^ 5 "S 2 o Cm DQ ■73 p c3 O -P ■XJ 2 rP Ph s P P c3 P P P >► 5i3 o P p o CO -73 o CO OQ «*=. p DC Ti '% O P r^ .+J P ci s — ' CO a;i a> o d o o P C O P, o Ph P P P P CO tu R o P O P lYxijaaJC) •SILMIg lYimaQOHfi THE EXTERNAL ORGANS. 131 Fig. 156. — Diagrams to show the development OF MALE AND FEMALE GENERATIVE ORGANS FROM A common TYPE. (Allen Thomson.) A. — Diagram of the primitive uro-genital organs in the embryo previous to sexual distinction. 3, ureter ; 4, urinary bladder ; 5, uraclius ; ot, the genital ridire from which either the ovaiy or testicle is formed ; W, left Wolffian body ; WAC, right and left ^Yolffian ducts ; m.m, right and left lliillerian ducts uniting together and running with the Wolffian ducts in r/c, the genital cord ; ng, sinus urogenitalis ; i, lower jiart of the intestine ; cl, cloaca ; ep. elevation which becomes clitoris or penis ; Is, fold of integument from which the labia majora or scrotum are formed. B. — Diagram of the female type OF SEXUAL organs. o, the left ovary ; po, parovarium (epoophoron of Waldeyer) ; W, scat- tered remains of Wolffian tubes near it (paroophoron of Waldeyer) ; d G. remains of the left Wolffian duct, such as give rise to the duct of Gartner, represented by dotted lines ; that of the right side is marked w ; /, the abdominal opening of the left Fallo- pian tube ; u, uterus ; the Fallopian tube of the right side is marked m ; X), round ligament, corresponding to gubernaculum ; i, lower part of the inte.stine ; va, vagina ; h, situation of the hymen ; C, gland of Bartholin (Cowper's gland), and immediately above it the urethra ; cc, corijus ca- vernosum clitoridis ; sc, vascular bulb or corpus spongiosum ; n, nympha ; /, labium ; v, vulva. C. — Diagram of the male type or sexual organs. t, testicle in the place of its original formation ; r, caput epididymis ; vd, vas deferens ; W, scattered remains of the Wolffian bod}', constituting the organ of Giraldes, or the paradidymis of Waldeyer; vh, va-s aberrans ; w, Jliillerian duct, the ufiper part of wliich remains as the hydatiil of Morgagiii, the lower part, represented by a dotted line descending to the prostatic vesicle, constitutes the occa-sionaliy existing cornu and tube of the uterus masculinus ; (j, the guberna- culum ; VH, the ve.-iicula seminalis ; pr. the prostate gland ; C, Cowper's gland of one sid ; ; cp, corpora cavernosa penis cut short ; up, coq>us spongiosum urc- thrai ; g, scrotum ; t' , together with the dotti.-d lines above, indicates the direction in which the testicle and epididymis de- jiccod from the abdomen into the scrotum. K 2 182 REGENT LITERATUEE. RECENT Lia?EEATITRE. 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RECENT LITERATURE. 135 Toumeux, P., Sur les premiers developpenients du cloaque, du tulercule ginital, et de Vanuschez I'embryon de mouton, Journal de I'anatomie, 1S88 ; Sur le developpement du tubercle cjinital chez le foetus kumain, dc., Joum. de lanatomie, xxv. ; Sur le mode de fonaation du perinie chez Vembryou du mouton, Compt. rend, de la Societe de Biologic, 1890. Toumeux, F., et Leg-ay, Ch., Mdmsire sur le developpement de L'utirus et du vagin, Journ. de ranatomie, IsS-l. "Weldon, "W. F. R., Note on, the origin of the suprarenal bodies of -vertebrates, Proceed, of tie Royal Society, vol. 37, 1885 ; On the suprarenal bodies of vertebrata. Quarterly Journal of Alicr. Science, 1885. Wieg-er, G., Ueber die Entstehung u. Enticickl. der Bander des iceiblichen Gcnitalapparates, d-c., Arcli- f. Anat. u. Physiol., Anat. Abth., 1885. "Wijhe, J. "W. v., Die Betheiligung des Ektoderms an der Entwickiung dcs Vomierengange.-, ZooL Anz., 1S86. 134 DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. FORMATION OF THE VASCULAR SYSTEM. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. In mammals, the heart appears in the form of two tubes lying in the cephalic region, one on either side of the embryo. These are seen at a very early period, prior, in fact, to the separation of any part of the alimentary canal from the yolk sac, and to the closure of the neural groove. This bilateral condition was first observed by Hensen in the rabbit ; it has been seen by His in the human embryo. The situation and mode of formation of the bi-tubular heart are well illustrated by the accompanying figures from KoUiker. They exhibit the condition in the Kg. 157. -Rabbit embryo of the 9th day, fhom the SURFACE. -J. (KoUiker.) The medullary groove is enlarged anteriorly and the primary optic, vesicles are growing out from the first cerebral enlarge- ment. On either side of the head, the bilateral tubular heart is seen. Eight pairs of protovertebrsg are formed. rabbit embryo of about eight or nine days — the time when the heart first makes its appearance. Fig. 157 shows such an embryo in surface view. The neural groove, as also the sections show, is widely open, although the rudiments of the cere- bral enlargements are apparent in it, and also the enlargements for the primary optic vesicles. There are eight pairs of proto-vertebrse, the paraxial mesoblast in front of these and on either side of the cerebral enlargements being undivided. Out- side this undivided cephalic mesoblast is a short tube dipping in front into it, and passing behind into a venous trunk, the vitelline or omphalo- meseraic vein of the same side. The tube lies within and is immediately surrounded by a clear space, which is continued forwards beyond it on either side of the fore-brain ; this space is pro- longed from the mesoblastic cleft or pleuro-peri- toneal cavity (coelom). The two short tubes form the double rudiment of the heart. The situation which they occupy becomes, when the lateral walls fold over to form the foregut, the ventral wall of the pharynx, and the two tubes are thus brought together in the middle line underneath the head part of the ahmentary canal. Here they soon become fused together to form a single median tube, the hinder end of which is still continuous with the two vitelline veins, while the anterior end bifurcates near the anterior end of the foregut into two branches which arch dorsalwards on either side of that tube, and then pass backwards on each side of the notochord as the two primitive aortse. These changes in the position of the primitive heart are partly shown in surface view in figs. 158, 159, but they can only properly be appreciated by the study of transverse sections. Fig. 160 is a transverse section through the anterior head region of the embryo shown in fig, 157. This is anterior to the heart region, but shows the commencing folding over of the splanchnopleure to form the foregut. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. 135 The mesoblastic cleft (coelom, pK) is somewhat dilated, but is not doubled in, as in the heart region. The lateral mesoblast ceases a short distance beyond it. Fig. 161 is a section through the middle of the head region of the same embryo. Here, while Fig. 158. -Embryo rabbit of eight days and eighteen hours, with 9 protovertebrj;, mewed FROM THE VENTRAL ASPECT. "j*. (Kolliker. ) Fig. 109. — Sketches showing more advanced condition of the bitubular heart of the rabbit. y. (Allen Thomson.) A, view from below of an embiyo in wliicli the formation of the heart was somewhat more advanced than in fig. 158. and of which an outline of the heart is repeated in B. C, from another embryo, shows the two halves of the heart in the commencement of their coalescence, h, the part of the bent tube which becomes the ventricle ; a. primitive aortic arches and d(scending aortas ; VV, vitelline veins entering the heart posteriorly The arrows indicate the course of the blood. the other parts of the section are much the same as in front, the dilatation of the coelom, which is in fact the rudiment of the future pericardium, is occupied by an Fig. ICO. — Section from the samk embryo further forward than that shown in the I'Recediug figure. (Kolliker.) J), paraxial mesoblast ; rf, medullary groove ; r, ri. (Kolliker.) jj, jugular veins ; ao, descending aoi tse ; pli, pharyn.x ; hp, epiblast of I'ody-wall ; ih, endothelial lining of the still divided heart ; ah, outer wall of the heart ; p, peri- cardial c i-lom ; df, df, visceral mesoblast (soniatopleure) ; e', prolongation of the hypoblast of the foregut and the anterior wall of the pericardial cavity into the partition between the two halves of the heart; hi, bilaminar portion of blastoderm forming pro-amnion ; ixt, ent, its two layers (epiblast and hypoblast). long retain its symmetrical position. It soon becomes bent upon itself, so as to assume the shape of an S, the anterior part of the tube Ijending over to the right and the posterior to the left (tig. 1G4, B). At the same time the posterior, or sino-auricular Fig. 163. — Section through the region of the heart in a rabbit embryo of 10 days, afteu THE TWO tubes HAVE UNITED INTO A SINGLE MEDIAN ORGAN. (Kollikcr.) ao, descending aortse ; ha, bulbus aortas ; ah, its external wall ; mp, posterior raesocardium, uniting the heart to the ventral wall of the pharynx, ph, and here separating the pleuropericardial ca-lorn, p, into two halves, which are, however, united on the ventral side of the heart ; cnt, hypoblast of yolk sac ; d/, its mesoblast ; df, mesoblast of jjharynx ; eit, epiblast. Fig. 164. — Outlines of the anterior half of the embryo chick viewed from below, showing the HEART in its EARLIER STAGES OF FORMATION. (After licmak. ) "[' A, embryo of about 28 to 30 hours ; 15. of about 36 to 40 hours ; a, anterior cerebral vesicle ; h, proto- vertebral segments ; c, cephalic fold ; ], 1, vitelline or omphalo-mesenteric veins entering the heart posteriorly ; 2. their union in the posterior part of the heart ; '6, the middle part of the tube corresjjonding to the ventricle ; 4 (in ii) the arterial bulb. end of the heart, gradually comes to h'e behind or dorsal to the ventricular part, which arches transversely from left to right, where it turns sharply upward (towards the head), and terminates in the bulb. The tube is divided by slight constrictions into successive portions, viz. : (I) the part formed by the junction of the princii)al veins, sinus veuosus ; (-2) the auricular part ; (3) the ventricular part ; and (4) the aortic bulb. 138 DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEAKT. The sinus venosus may be described as consisting of two lateral enlargements or horns, and of a transverse part connecting these horns. The veins which it at this time receives are the umbilical, the vitelline, and the ducts of Cuvier (formed d. aw. m.j}. Fig. 165.— Condition op the heart in the human embryo of about fifteen days, reconstructed FROJI SERIAL SECTIONS. (His.) ''^ A, from before, showing extern.al appearance of heart ; B, the same with the muscular substance of heart remoYed showing the endothelial tube ; C. from behind. m«, mandibular arch with maxillary process ; liy, hyoidean arch ; h.a, bulbus aortse ; v, right ventricle ; v' , left ventricle ; aM, auricular part of heart ; c.a., canalis auricularis ; &.r, horn of sinus venosus with umbilical vein {xi.v), superior vena cava (t'.c.s), and vitelline vein entering it ; d, diaphragm ; m p, mesocardium posterius ; I, liver ; h.d, bile duct. by the junction of the primitive jugular from the head and the cardinal from the trunk). The three veins are nearly symmetrical on the two sides, and enter the l.au Fig. 166. — Heart of a somewhat more advanced human embryo. (His.) \° A, from before ; B, from behind. T.v, right ventricle ; l.v, left ventricle ; h.a, bulbus aortfe ; T.au, right auricle ; l.au, left auricle ; v.c.s, vena cava superior ; u.v, umbilical vein ; v.v, vitelline vein ; d, diaphragm. corresponding horn of the sinus (jBg. 168). The sinus is at first in free communi- cation with the common auricular cavity, but the junction presently becomes narrowed, and the resulting aperture, which eventually acquires a slit-like character. DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. 139 is found to open from the right horn of the sinus into the right part of the common auricle. The sinus now forms a trausversely disposed sac, lying below and behind the common auricle, with a larger right and a smaller left horn (the latter being r.au. l.au. Fig. 1G7. — Heart of human embryo slightly more advanced than that shown in fig. 166. (His.) A, interior of auricle and ventricle displayed. B, endotljelial tulie. a.c, auricular canal ; a.i, area interposita of His ; m, posterior mesocardium ; r.au, l.au, right and left auricles ; l.v, left ventricle ; r.v, right ventricle ; h.a, bnlbus aorta:!. tapered off into the left duet of Cuvier) ; in this condition it has been termed by His sacciis rciiniens { fig. 1 C9, B, and fig. 171). The umbilical and yitelline veins soon open into it by a common trunk, which becomes the upper end of the vena cava inferior. OCO' v.c.s. Fig. 168. — Heaut OF rabbit EMUKVo. (Horn, j A, from before ; B, from behind, ».», sinu.s venoHUH ; l.v, left ventriclo ; r.v, right ventricle ; h, linllnis aortii' ; no' , first aortic arch ; ao", hecoml aortic arch ; r.au, right auricle ; l.au, left auricle ; wuh r, umliilical vein ; ri.v, vitelline vein ; v.c.d, vena cava superior. The slit-like orifice of the sinus in the back of the right auricle is guarded by two valve-like folds of the endocardium, which project into the cavity of the auricle fright 140 DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. Z.s.c. vurvb.v.UvvM. cZ.f. Fig. 169. — Anterior and posterior aspect of the heart op a somewhat older rabbit embryo. (Born.) p.a, pulmonary artery ; s.r, s.l, s.tr, right and left horns and transverse part of sinus respectively; r.s.c, l.s.c, right and left superior cavse ; pe, aperture of pulmonary vein ; Ji.v, hepatic veins; d.v, ductus venosus ; me, mesocardium posterius. The other letters as in fig. 168. Fig. 170. — Section through the heart of a rabbit embryo at the stage shown in fig. 169. (Born.) r.s, l.s, right and left horns of sinus receiving from above the respective superior vense cavae ; r.au. Law, right and left auricles ; r.v, l.v, right and left parts of the ventricle ; r.v.v, l.v.v, right and left valves guarding the orifice from the right horn of the sinus into the right auricle ; cm.v.c, one of the two endocardial cushions which are beginning to sub-divide the common auriculo-ventricular aperture. The dotted line encloses the extent of the endocardial thickening ; s', first septum superior growing down between the auricles and prolonged below by a thickening of endocardium. Close to this septum in the left auricle is seen the opening of the pulmonary vein ; s.inf, inferior septum of the ventricles. Fig. 171. — View from behind of the heart of a human embryo of about 4 weeks, magnified. (His.) _ The two superior cava, right and left, and the inferior cava are seen opening separately into the sinus which is a transversely elongated sac communicating only by a narrow orifice with the right auricle. DEVJ£LOPxMi.NT OF THE HEAKT. HI and left venous valves) (fig. 170, r.v.v., l.v.v.). These pass above into a muscular fold of the auricular wall, which extends over the roof of the auricle heart parallel to the septum atriorum, and is known as the septum spiirium (fig. 173, B).i It disappears at length, probably by uniting with the septum atriorum. Subsequently the venous orifice opens out, and the right horn of the sinus, which is now seen to receive all the great veins except the left duct of Cuvier, becomes gradually incorporated with the cavity of the auricle. The transverse part of the sinus and its left horn are continuous with the left duct of Cuvier (fig. 171), and eventually the transverse part forms the coronary sinus. From the right venous valve the Eustachian valve is formed, and the development of the Thebesian valve is also connected with its lower end (Schmidt). The left venous valve disappears. The transversely placed ventricular part of the heart receives at first at its lefc end the orifice of the common auricle, which opens into its posterior wall (fig. y.cizc.z^^, S.inJ. Fig. 172. — Diagram to show the formation of the septum of the ventricles and bulb, and the MODK OF division OF THE COMMON AURICULO- VENTRICULAR APERTURE. (Born. ) au.v.c (in A and B), auriculo-ventriculai' aperture, partially divided into two by endocardial cushions ; r.au.v, l.au.v, right and left auriculo-venti-icular apertures which have resulted from the division of the common aperture ; r.v, l.v, right and left ventricles ; h, bulbus aortse, replaced in C, by p. a and a.o, pulmonary artery and aorta ; s.b, septum bulbi ; s.inf, septum inferius ventriculorum ; o (in A), orifice between the two ventricles. 172, A, a.v.c). At its right end it turns sharply upwards into the aortic bulb, into which it gradually tapers, although there is at a certain point a constriction of the endothelial tube, where the semilunar valves are subsequently formed {f return Halleri). Soon the right and left halves of the ventricle are separated externally by a groove which extends from below, partially encircling the tube (fig. 169). If the interior of the heart is examined at this stage, it is seen that a muscular septum, corrcspoudiug internally to this groove, is growing upwards and backwards from the antero-inferior part of the tube, and is gradually separating it into two parts, which become the right and left ventricles respectively (fig. 170, s.inf). This septum {septum inferius of His) is placed obliquely to the long axis of the tube, and extends eventually nearly to the level of the auriculo-ventricular orifice, which has by this time become shifted along the posterior wall of the tube, so as to open into it about its middle instead of at the right end, as was previously the case (fig. 172, B). The septum of the ventricles remains incomplete for some time, a communication between the two ventricles being maintained above it. Even- tually the septum inferius unites with prolongations, (1) from the endocardial cushions which divide the common auriculo-ventricular orifice into right and left ' Thi8 muscular prolongation may, hh Bom suggests, bo of use in assisting the action of the valves, and in preventing their being forced backwards into the sinus when the auricle contracts. 142 DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEART. orifices ; (2) from the endo-cardial aortic septum, which divides the bulb into aorta and pulmonary artery. Thus the septum of the ventricles is completed by endo- cardial connective tissue, a fact which is indicated even in the adult heart by the existence of the thin septum membranaceum which forms the uppermost part of the inter- ventricular septum. The common auricle in the meantime becomes shifted relatively upwards over the back of the ventricles, carrying the sinus along with it, but it still lies behind rather than over the ventricles, and the aperture of communication passes from behind forwards, from the left part of the auricle into the corresponding half of the ventricle. This constricted aperture soon becomes elongated into a short canal, which is known as the auricular canal. Its orifice into the ventricle is from the first somewhat flattened, and bounded by two lips, an upper and a lower. As deve- lopment proceeds, it broadens out towards the median plane of the ventricular tube, and becomes gradually shifted, first towards, and eventually over the line of constric- tion which marks off the future right and left ventricles from one another (fig. 172). The ventricular septum has by this time extended almosj up to the transversely elongated slit-like orifice, and its lips, still upper and lower in relative position, become greatly thickened by the formation of cushions of endocardium, which gro^^■ towards one another in the middle of the slit, and presently fuse into a median thickening which converts the single M-shaped aperture into two triangular openings, leading one into each ventricle (fig. 172, C). Meanwhile, the septum of the ventricles growing towards the base abuts against, and at length comes into direct continuity with the fused endocardial cushions, but this connection ds nearer to the right than to the left auriculo-ventricular aperture.^ There is still, as above stated, a small orifice of direct communication between the left and right ventricles above the free edge of the ventricular septum, and this is not closed until the descent of the septum of the bulb, and its union with the septum of the ventricles, completes the interventricular septum. The above account of the division of the auricular canal is based upon that given by Born for the rabbit, and in some respects differs from the description which was given by His from an examination of human embryoes. According to His, the endo- cardial cushions, which by their union subdivide the auricular canal, are preceded by and connected with a growth of endocardial tissue, which springs from the posterior auricular wall, and they together form a septal jDrolongation {septum intermedium), which projects like a stopper into the auricular canal, and divides the latter into the two auriculo-ventricular orifices, and also grows down beyond that canal to meet the uprising ventricular septum (fig. 173). The shortening of this canal is in part effected by a kind of intussusception which takes place, and which causes its wall to be folded into the ventricular cavity ; these folds, with probably some thickening of endocardium, form the bases of the lateral flaps of the auriculo-ventricular valves (fig. 175). The bases of the mesial or septal flaps are formed by a downward growth of the edges of the endocardial septum between the two orifices. Both lateral and mesial flaps become continuous with the spongy muscular substance which at this time occupies most of the cavity of the ventricles (fig. 175). As development proceeds, the flaps, which are at first thick and soft, become thin and membranous, and become free fi'om muscular substance except near their free edges. These muscular bands become tendinous near their insertion into the valves, and thus form the chordcb iendinecc ; the parts which are not thus transformed become the iKipillary muscles. The septum of the auricles appears at the upper and back part of the auricular * Hence the riglit auriculo-ventricular orifice lies close to the ventricular septum, but the left orifice is separated from it by an interval, into which the root of the aorta becomes continued (Born), DEVELOPMENT OF THE HEAKT. 143 cavity, where its situation is externally marked by a groove. The free edge of this septum grows forwards and downwards, and the septum (fig. 170, s') gradually separates the auricular cavity into a right and left half, the separation beiug com- pleted by the junction of its free edge, which shows a distinct endocardial thickening, y.cs. ^.a S.Sp. 5.O. Z.cc-. Fit' 173.— Two STAGES in TUE formation of the septum intermedium in Tin: IIKAKT , cut-.meou.i epiblast ; e. m, exter- nal layer of muscle-plate ; /, its mar- gins folded round into i.m, internal layer of muscle-plate composed of flattened cells which are becoming elongated into muscular fibres ; ii.c, neural canal, in outline only ; n'.c', neural epiblast forming its walls. Between these and the muscle-plate is a continuous mesoblastio tissue which has been derived from the inner parts of the protovertebnB. partly inteiTupted by the ganglion rudiments, gl. The original intervals between the protovertebra; here are etill indicated by vessels, v. i.cl, cleft in the deeper protovertebral tissue (according to Ebner this is the remains of the original protovertebral cavity). described it as also eventually becoming transforaied into muscle-fibres (in elasmo- branchs), but others have failed to confirm this opinion, and it is by some believed that it may assist in the formation of the cutis vera. Although the muscle-plates are originally mainly concerned with the formation of the muscles which move the central skeletal axis, it is probable that all the skeletal muscles both of the trunk and limbs are eventually derived from them (see below, p. 163). Formation of the muscles of the head and evidences of head segmentation. — • Although perhaps no part of the cranium actually represents a veitebra. there is nevertheless abundant evidence of an original segmentation of the head corresponding with the mesoblastic somites of the trunk. Such segmentation is shown by the existence of the visceral arches, which in the typical and lea.st modified vertebrates Qe.fj., elasmobranchs) are at least nine in number, by the successive separation of the part of the body cavity which extends into the head into separate portions, or head cavities, one corresponding to each visceral arch, the parletes of which develop into muscles, and which therefore correspond with the muscle- plates of the protovertebrai of the trunk (this is in fact the typical mode of formation of mesoblastic somites, r. page 26), and lastly by the mode of development of the cranial nerves and their relations to the visceral and branchial arches, which correspond in a general way with the relations of the ventral branches of the spinal nerves to the ribs. The formation and destination of the head cavities have been investigated of late yeai-s (chiefly in elasmobranchs, but also in reptiles and birds) by Balfour. Milnes Marshall, and van Wijhe, and the result of these investigations tends to show that, in all, nine portions of the original head cavity become separated off on either side, their formation proceeding from behind forwards. Each somite cavity becomes subsequently divided into a dorsal part corre- sponding with the protovertebne of the trunk and a ventral part, corresponding with the pleuroperitoneal cavity, and lying in the middle of the corresponding visceral arch ('). Both parts give rise by differentiation of their parietes to mu.scles ; the visceral arch portions to the muscles of the jaw and hyoidean and branchial apparatus ; the dorsal portions, some (first. second, and third) to the muscles which move the eyes, some (seventh, eighth, and ninth) to the muscles whicli connect the head with the shoulder girdle, whilst some, viz., the fourth, fifth, and sixth, are said to disappear. The first head cavity forms the eye muscles, which arc supplied by the third nerve ; the second, the muscle supplied by the fourth (.superior oblique) ; and the third, the muscle supplied by the sixth (external rectus). In higher vertebrates, the formation of the heaart of the typical soniito cavity represents a segmental (arinifeioiis) organ, but this iriteriiiedialc part l.s not seen in the head, altliough it beginb to appear in t'le immediately Hucvceding », situations of olfactory, visual and auditory organs. B, Second stage. li, basilar cartilage (investing; mass of Katlike) ; .S, nasal sci)tuni and ethmoidal cartilage litW, prolongations of ethmoidal around olfactory organ, comiilctiiig the nasal capsule ; (>l, loi for passage of olfactory nerve fibres ; N, E, 0, Ch, Tr, as before. The main diflerence in development between the c-ianiiim and vertebral column consists in the fact that no separate cartilaginous dcjKJsitH to form vertebme oricur body ; : Eth, amina 166 FORMATION OF THE VISCERAL SKELETON OF THE HEAD. within the head, nor can any parts be distinguished which strictly represent vertebrse. The cartilage of the basis cranii makes its appearance in the form of two longitudinal bars lying on either side of the notochord {parachordal cartilages), and of two other bars {traheculcB cranvi of Rathke) which embrace the pituitary body, and which become united together in front and with the parachordals behind to form a con- tinuous mass, which posteriorly completely invests the notochord (fig. 196). The cartilaginous basis cranii may therefore be distinguished into the parachordal and prechordal parts. Of these the first represents the basi-occipital and basi-sphenoid, the second the presphenoid and ethmoid portions. From the basis cranii continuous cartilaginous plates grow on either side over the cerebral vesicles to a greater or less extent in different animals, least in mammals, where only the occipital region becomes thus roofed in by cartilage. Anteriorly the united trabeculge cranii stretch forwards into the fi'onto-nasal process, where they form the ethmoid cartilage and nasal septum, besides enclosing the nasal pits externally (cartilaffmoiis nasal capsule). From the sides of the presphenoid portion the orbito-sphenoids (lesser wings), containing the optic foramina, are developed, and from the sides of the basi-sphenoid, Fig. 197. YiEW FROM BELOW OP THE CARTILAOilNOrS CRANIUM WITH ITS OSSIFIC CENTRES IN A HUMAN FCETUS OP ABOUT POUR MONTHS. (After Huxley.) The cartilage is dotted to distinguisb it from the bone which is shaded with lines. b.o, basi-occipital ; a.o, lateral occipitals ; f.ni, foramen magnum ; o.c, o'.c', bony deposits in the periotic capsule ; p.s, post-sphenoid ; pr.s, pre-sphenoid ; o.s, orbito-sphe- noid ; s.n, septum nasi. the greater wings or alisphenoids. A cartilagi- nous capsule, connected with the parachordal portion of the basis cranii, invests the otic vesicle (periotic capsule). Within this, bony centres are eventually formed, which unite to form the petro-mastoid. In the human embryo, chondri- fication begins in the fourth or fifth week in the basilar portion of the skull, and is nearly completed by the eighth week. Formation of tiie visceral skeleton of the head : cartilaginous bars of the visceral arches. — -A cartilaginous bar extends from the periotic capsule and basis cranii, within each of the first three visceral arches, and passes forwards to meet its fellow in the middle line. The iar of the mandihidar arch is known as MeclceVs cartilage. It is visible in all sections of the foetal jaw up to the seventh month. Its proximal end is attached at first to the basis cranii, afterwards to the periotic capsule; its distal end joins that of its fellow in the middle line of the lower jaw. Only near this conjoined part does Meckel's cartilage take part in the formation of the lower jaw bone, the greater part of this bone being developed by ossification at several places in the connective tissue around the cartilage. In some animals a short cartilaginous bar is formed in the maxillary process {palato-pterygoid lar, fig. 198, A,]3pg). Close to it the palatine and pterygoid bones are formed in membrane, but the bar itself entirely disappears. The second or Tiyoid bar arises from the skull close behind the attachment of Meckel's cartilage, and passes along the second arch. It disappears in part, but in part is converted into the styloid process, stylo-hyoid ligament, and lesser cornu of the hyoid bone. The body of the hyoid bone (basi-hyal) is an intermediate formation between the second and third arches. The har of the third arch is known as the ilujro-hyoid. Its lower end forms the greater cornu of the hyoid bone ; but its attachment to the skull early disap- FORMATION OF THE AUDITORY OSSICLES. 167 ii,h^ \/, jaa.ch nc Fig. 198, A. — Elements of the skull of an embryo pig, |-ixch long, viewed from below : sEMiDiAGRAMMATic. (Froiu Balfouv aftcv Parker.) jia.ch, parachordals ; nc, notochord ; au, otic capsule ; pji, pituitary ; tr, trabeculaj ; c.tr, cornu of the trabecuia ; ^«, prenasal cartilage; e.n, external wares; ol, olfactory region ; 71. jy/, ixilato- pterygoid bar enclosed in the maxillo-pterygoid process ; mn, mandibular bar ; A//, hyoidean bar ; th.h, thyrohyoid bar ; 7a, aperture for facial nerve ; 8«, for glossopharyngeal ; 86, for vagus ; 9, for hypoglossal. Fig. 198, B. — Side view of the mandibular and hyoid arches in an embryo pig of 1^ inch IN length. (From Balfour, after Parker. ) t'j, tongue ; ml; Meckel's cartilage ; ml, body of malleus ; mh, its manubi'ium or handle ; t.ty, tegmen tympani ; i, incus ; gt, stapes ; i.hy, inter-hyal ligament ; st.h, stylo-hyal cartilage ; h.h, hypobyal ; bh basibranchial ; th.h, rudiment of first branchial arch ; 7a, facial nerve. MeokcZ's tfzpvoG ^r^i^^ Meckel's coT-Lda^e^ /k 'l. huMwibruM'Ti. Jii^oi'd, cccrbUcurC' lC(J,lc Mcokjels c, to lift), primiuve, formation of, 38 descending primitive, 146 arch of, 148, 150 bulb of, 144, 147, 148 descending ["Tnianent, 150 Aortic arches. See Am kkial Arches. A(|ueduct of Sylvius, 62, 67 Archenteric cavity, primitive {apxv beginning, (vnpov, intestine), 26 Archiblastic cells of His, 25 Arteria centralis retina, 85, 87 Arterial (aortic) arches, formation of, 38, 146 division of aortic septum l.y, 144 origin of principal arteries from, 146, 147, 148 destination of fourth and fifth, 150 Arteries {apT-qpla, atpu, to lift), development of, 146 from arterial arclics, 148, 149 from arches in birds, 150 ascending pharyngeal, 148 auricular, 148 basilar, 149 carotid, 148, 150 common iliacs, 147 innominate, 150 intercostal, 149 inter-segmental, 149 lingual, 148 maxillary, 148 middle sacral, 147 occipital, 148 pulmonary, 148, 150 subclavian, 150 temporal, 148 umbilical, 44, 146, 156 vertebral, 149 vitelline, 40 Arthropuda {apOpov, a joint, iravs, a foot), seg- mental ]>lan of, 2 centrolecithal ova of, 8 Aryepiglottic folds, 103 Arytenoid cartilages {apvraiva, a pitcher), 103 Ascaris inegalocephala, poli\r globules observed in, 9 fertilisation in, 11, 12 segmentation of, 16 Auditory pit, 89 vesicle, 89 nerve, 78, 89, 93 ossicles, 167, 168 Auricular caiial, 142 Axis, primitive skeletal, 2 Baku, vo.v, zona pellucidaof, 6 on bilaiiiination of middle layer of blas- toderm, 23 Balfour, F. M., on amnion and allantois, 45, n blastodermic layers, nonicnolature of, 23 ccelom, typical development of, 24 head cavities, 16 1 limbs, 163 n. lens-capsule, 87 u INDEX OF PAUT I. Balfour, F. M, — contimced. Mlillerian duct, 122, 123 muscle plate, outer, 161 nerves, epiblastic, origin of, 57 spinal, anterior roots of, 74 neural crest, 73 oesophagus, obliteration of lumen of, 104, n ova, formation of, 124 parablast, 27, n. primitive groove, 23 polar globules, theory of, 14 supra-renals, 122 sympathetic system, 81 Wolffian body, 115, n. duct, 118 vitelline membrane, 8 Bars, cartilaginous, of mandibular arch, 166, 168 palato-pterygoid, 166 hyoid, 166, 168 thyro-hyoid, 166 Bartholin, glands of, 128 Basal layer of placental decidua, 5 1 attachment of villi to, 52 Basis cranii, 166 Bat, placental sinuses in, 52 Bauchstiel (abdominal stalk), 46 Beard on branchial sense-organs, 76 Beneden, v., vitelline membrane, 8 fo]-mation of polar globules, 9 entrance of spermatozoon in Ascaris, 1 1 division of nucleus in Ascaris, 12, 16 blastodermic layers, 18 blastopore, theory of, 23 pro-amnion of, 35 Bile ducts, 112 Birdsell on sympathetic nerves, 81 Bischotf on inversion of blastodermic layers, 23 Bladder, urinary, 122 Blastoderm {^KaarSs, a bud, Se/jfta, skin), for- mation of, 17, 18 three layers of, 17 gastrula condition of, 21 stage typical, 22 bilaminar, 21 layers, inversion of, 23 historically considered, 23, 24 characters of layers of, 24 table of development from layers of, 25 four layers of, 26 separation of embryo from, 34 Blastodermic vesicle, definition of, 17 growth in the cat of, 18 invagination of, 22, 23, 24 as yolk-sac, 35 first attachment of to uterus, 53 Blastopore {PXa(TT6s, a bud, irSpos, a passage), discussion of in meroblastic ova, 22, 23 diverticula, near to in Sagitta, 26 connection of anus with, 108 Blochmann on extrusion of one polar globule by parthenogenetic ova, 14 Blood, origin from parablastic cells, 21, 25 corpuscles, 40 Blood islands of Pander, 39 Blood vessels, formation of, 40 Body, segmentation of, 2 Body-cavity. See Ccelom Bonnet on middle blastodermic layer, 21 on connection of notochord with buccal epi- blast, 68 protovertebral cavity, 160 Born on the lachrymal canal, 89 6 Born — continued, cephalic clefts, 102, n. thyroid, iii septum spurium, 141, n. auricular canal, 142, 144 ventricular septum, 142, n. foramen ovale, valve of, 144 pulmonary veins, 144 Boveri on polar globules in Ascaris, 9 Bowman, anterior and posterior homogeneous lamellae of, 88 Brain, development of, 61 flexures of, 63 fissures and convolutions of, 71 Branchial sense-organs of Beard, 76 Bronchi, 109 Brown, H. H., on extrusion of part of nucleus of seminal cell, 12 Budge on lymphatic system, 157 C^CUM (blind), 107 Calamus scriptorius (writing pen), 6± Callender on 4th visceral arch, 103 Canalis re-uniens, 91 Capsule of lens, 87 whence derived, 87 Capsule, cartilaginous nasal, 166 periotic, 166 Carnoy on polar globules in Ascaris, 9 Cat, blastodermic vesicle of, 18 Cauda equina, 60 Centra {nivrpov, a point), of vertebrse, 2 Centi'olecithal [Kevrpov, centre, \i\Kvdos, oil- bottle), ova in arthropods, 8 Cerebellar peduncles, 66 Cerebellum, 62 formation of, 66 amj'gdalfe of, 66 Cerebral vesicles, 37 table of development from, 61 fifth, or bulbar, 63 fourth or cerebellar, 66 third, mid-brain, 67 second, 67 first, 68 Chick, pro-amnion in, 34 rudiments of cranial nerve ganglia in, 75 Choanas {x^avos, a pit for melting metal in), 97, 100 Chorda dorsalis, 32. See NoTOCHOED. Chorda tympani, 79 Chordae tendineae, 142 Chorion (xopiov, skin), definition, 42 and n. junction of allantois with, 44, 46 Choroid coat, 87, 88 Choroid plexuses, 62, 67, 70 Choroidal fissure, 85 Cliromatin, filaments of, 12, 16 Chromosomes (xpaJMS colour, aroi>iJ.a, body), 12 Ciliary body, 88 Circulation, fcetal peculiarities of, 155 course of, 156 changes of at birth, 157 Cloaca, 108, 122, 123, 127 Cochlea (koxAiks, a snail with a spiral shell), canal of, 90 ganglion of, 78 in birds, 92 modiolus of, 93 bone of, 93 spiral lamina of, 93 INDEX OF PART I. lU Ccelenterates {koTKos, hollow, evrepov, intestine), 23 Coelora (/coTAoy, hollow), layers of, 2, 23 typical origin from invagination, 24, 26 formation of, 36, 99 connection of mesoblastic somites with, 37, 160 formation of pleurae from, no of pericardium from, 135 I serous cavities from, 159 Coelom-invaginations, 22 connection of, with notochordal invagina- tion, 34 Coloboma iridis {KoKd^oofi^, a part taken away in mutilation), 85 Columns of cord, anterior white, first rudiment of, 59 posterior white, 59, 75, 7S, n. structure of, 60 Commissure, anterior of cord, 60 grey, 67 posterior, 67 Commissures of cerebral hemispheres, 71 Congenital fissures of neck, 103 Connective tissue, origin from parablastic cells, 21, 25 Cornea (horny), substantia propria of, 87 epithelium of, 87 Cornu (horn), anterior, first rudiment of, 59 Cornu Ammonis(from resemblance to the horns of the statue of Zeus- Amnion), 72 Corpora quadrigemina (four-fold bodies), 62, 67 striata, 62, 69, 73 Corpus albicans (white body), 71 Corpus callosura (the thick body), 71 peduncle of, 79 Corti, rods of, 93 Coste, discovery of germinal vesicle by, 8, n. Cotyledons of placenta (koti^Atj, anything hollow), 51 Cowper, glands of, 12S Craniata, 27 Cranium, 165 Crura cerebri {crus, leg), 62 Crusta (crust or rind), 67 Crj'ptorchismus (k/ji/tttos, hidden, opxis, testicle), 127 Cunningham, D. F., on sulci of brain, 72, n. Cutis vera, formation of from outer muscle plate, 161 Cuvier, ducts of, 138, 139, 141, 151, 152, 153 vestiges of, 154 Cyclostoniata {kiik\os, a circle, aT6(j.a, mouth), parablastic elements in blastoderm of, 27 heart in, 136 Cystic duct (kuo-tu, the bladder), 112 Decidua {rlccidcre, to fall off), 44 structure of, 46 rcflexa, 46 serotina, 46 vera, 46 function of glands of, 47 thickness of vera, 48 stratum spongiosum of, 49 stratum coinpactum of, 49 atrophy of glands of, 49 placental, 51 giant cells in scrotina, 54 •separation of at birth, 55 Decidual cells of Friedlander, 49 Definition of anatomical terms, 4, 5 mesial, lateral, frontal, sagittal [sagitta, an arrow), coi'onal (corona, a crown), dorsal (dorsuvi, a back), ventral {venter, belly), neural {fevpov, a cord), visceral, cephalic (fcecfaAij, head), caudal {cauda, tail), axial, Deiters, sustentacular cells of, 93 Delamination, process of in blastoderm, 21 non-occurrence in invertebrata, 22 Lankester on, 24 Descemet, membrane of, 88 Descriptive terms, 4 Deutoplasm, 7, 8 Diaphragm {Sid, through, (ppdyfia, a fence,) 159 Directive corpuscles.. 9. See Polar Globulks. Discus proligerus, albumen deposited on ovum by, 7 Dohrn on pituitary body, 68 DoUinger, researches of Pander under, 23 Ductus arteriosus, 146, 150, 156 lingualis, no thyreoglossus, no thyroideus, no venosus, ii;2, 156 Duodenal loop, 104 Dursy on continuit}' of piimitive with neural groove, 32 Duval on epiblastic connection of blastodermic vesicle to uterine wall, 53 Ear, a specialised branchial sense-organ, 76 development of, 89 accessory parts, 93 Echinoderms vex'""^, urchin, St'p/na, skin), im-i pregnation in, n, 12 Ecker on the Sylvian fissure, 73 Ectoderm {eKrds, outside, Sepjxa, skin), primitive, 18, 19, 24 invagination of, 22, 23 Egg tubes, 124 Elasmobranclis {■^Aaer/uo, lamina, ffpdyx^a, gills), ccelom invagination in, 22, n. primitive groove in, 23 neural crest in, 73 spinal nerves, anterior roots in, 74 origin of ciliary ganglion in, 81 auditory vesicle in, 90 supra-pericardial bodies in, in liver in, 112 Wolffian vesicles in, 118, n. su])ra-renal capsules in, 121 Miillerian duct in, 122 heart in, 136 muscle plate, outer, in, 161 visceral arches in, 161 head cavities in, 161 limbs in, 163, n. Embiyo, human, segmentation whore most marked, 2 Embryo, separation of, from blastoderm, 34 Embryology {inlipZov, a thing newlv burn, ao-voj, word), definition, I IV INDEX OF PART I. Embryonic area, 1 8 Endocardium {evSov, within, KapZia, heart), 136 Endolymphatic canal, 90 Engelmann on placenta, 48, n. Enteric canal (ePTepov, intestine), 22 groove, 36 Entoderm (eVriJy, inside, Sep/xa, skin), primitive, 17, 18, 19, 24 blastopore, relation to, 22, 23 perforation of by primitive groove, 22 Entomeres, mass of {eurSs, within, fiepos, part), Epencephalon {im, over, eyKecpaXos, brain), 66 Epiblast (iwi, over, ^Kaa-rSs, germ), 21 homology with Rauber's layer, 22, n. character of cells, 24 formation of medullary folds by, 32 formation of ganglia by, 73, 75 sensory epiblast, 76 formation of lens from, 83 Epiglottis [eni, upon, yAcorris, mouth of the windpipe), 103 Epiphysis cerebri {inKpvca, to grow upon, cere- brum, brain), 67 Epoophoron (eVi, upon, oi6v, egg, (pfpoo, to carry) ofWaldeyer, 120 Eustachian tube, 93 valve, 141, 155 Ewetsky on bifurcation of lachrymal canal, 89 External amniotic fold, 43, n. Eye, development of, 83 retina, 86 hyaloid membrane of, 87 corneo-sclerotic coat of, ?>'j choroid coat of, 87, 88 iris of, 87, 88 anterior chamber of, 88 Eyelids, 89 Fallopian tube, 7 fimbrisR of, 11 development of. 117, 124 False amnion, 42, 43, n. Falx cerebri (a sickle), 70 Fertilization, 11 Filmn terminale (terminal threail), 60 Fissure of Sylvius, 72, 73 of Kolando, 73 Flemming on Wolffian duct, 118 Fol on polar globules in echinoderms, 9 Foramen ceecum of Morgagni (blind opening), 102, no Foramen of Monro, 63, 68 ovale, 144 closure of, 155, 157 Fore brain, 38 Fore-gut, first formation of, 34 Fornix (an arch), 71 Foster on nomenclature of the blastodermic layers, 23 Eraser on inversion of blastodermic laj^ers, 23 auditory ossicles, 168 Fretum Halleri (a strait or channel), 141 Friedlander, decidual cells of, 49 on giant cells in decidua serotiun, 54 Froriep on branchial sense-organs in mammals, 76 vertebral column, 162 Furcula, the (forked prop), 102, 103 Gadow on auditory ossicles, 16S Gall bladder, 112 Ganglia (ydyyAwv, a swelling), posterior-root, 74 rudiments of, in cranial nerves, 75, 76 Gasserian, 78, 81 jugular, 78 cochleae, 78 spiral, 78 geniculate, 78 sympathetic, 81 ciliary, 81 ophthalmicus profundus of elasraobranchs, 81 Ganoids (ydvos, bright, elSos, form), heart in, 136 Gartner, duct of, 120 Gaskell on cranial ganglia, 77 nuclei of cranial nerves, 77 sympathetic ganglia, 81 Gastrula {yaaryip, belly), 21 views of formation, 22, 23 Gegenbaur on homodynamy, 4 Jacobson's gland, 97 remains of notochord, 162 auditory ossicles, 168 Generative organs, male, 117, 120, 125 external, 127 female, 124 table of, 130 Genital cord, 123 ridge, 124 Germ cell, 12 Germinal cells, 58 Germinal epithelium, 117 connection with Wolffian tubules, 120 formation of ovary from, 124 of testicle from, 125 Germinal spot, 8 Germinal vesicle, structure of, 8 Giant cells of placenta, 54 Gill slits, 103 Giraldds, organ ol, 120 Girdle, thoracic and pelvic, 164 Globular processes of His, 95 Glomeruli (glomus, ball of thread), 119, 122 Golowine on ganglion rudiments, 75 special sense-organ rudiments, 76 Gotte on Wolffian duct, 118 Graaf, de, on pineal eye, 68 Graafian follicle, 6 union of cells of, with ovum. 7 ■changes prior to escape of ovum, 9 formation of, 124, 125 Gradenigo on the stapes, 168 Gruber on a case of venous abnormality, 155 Gubernaculum testis (a helm), 126 changes of in descent of testicle, 127 Guinea-pig, formation of amnion in, 43 allantois in, 46 Gyrus subcallosus of Zuckerkandl, 81 Hadden, on origin of segmental duct, 118 Haeckel, on gastrula stage and gastrulisation, 22, 23, 24 Haller, vasa aberrantia of, 120 Hare lip, 97 Hassal, concentric corpuscles of, 112 Head, first appearance of, 34 muscles of, 161 evidences of segmentation of, 161 skeleton of, 166 visceral skeleton of, 166 INDEX OF PART I. Heape, on blastodermic layers in the mole, i8 rudimentary blastopore in the mole, 22 Heart, formation of, 38, 136 beginning of beat, 39 endothelial tube of, 134 folding and division ot, 137, 141, 142 saccus reunieiis, 139 septum spurium of, 141 valves of, 141, 142 fretum Halleri of, 141 septum inferius of, 14 1 auricular canal of, 142 septum intermedium of, 142 chordfe tendinere of, 142 foramen ovale of, 144 limbus Vieussenii of, 144 muscle of, 145 colurante cnrueae of, 146 foetal, peculiarities of, 146 Hedgehog, placental sinuses in, 52, n. epiblastic attachment to uterus in, 53 Henle, loops of, 122 Hansen, canalis re-uniens of, 91 on "Wolffian duct, 118 heart, bilateral, 134 Hennaphroditism ('Ep.u^s, ' Acppodtrri, a male and female god), 12 Hertwig, 0. and E., on polar globules in echinoderms, 9 cnelom-invaginations of, 22 coelom, typical development of, 24 mesodermic layers of, 26, 27, n. mesenchyme of, 26 Hind brain, 38 Hind gut, formation of, 36 connection with allantois, 46 with Wolffian duct, iiS His, "W., abdominal stalk of, 46 on accessory thyroid bodies, no allantois, loi, n. arterial arches, 147 ascending roots in medulla, 66 auricular canal, 142 axis cylinders, growth of, 75 blood-vessels, 151 Broca's area, 79 cephalic clefts, 102, n. endothelial tube of heart, 136 on epiblastic origin of ganglia and po.sterior roots, 57 germinal cells of, 58 on geniculate ganglion, 79 gloiiular processes of, 95 on heart, bilateral, 134 isthmus of, 67 on laminre of cord, 60 lens capsule, 87 mechanical theory of development, 24 mesobla-st, origin of in part from thickened rim of blastoderm, 23 nerve fibres, somatic and splanchnic, 77 olfactory epiblast, 98 nerve fibres, origin of, 77, 81 parablast, theory of, 25, 26 on ]iinna, 95 porta ve.stiljuli of, 156 on pulmonary veins, 144 researches of, 6, n. saccus reunicns of, 139 6ex>tum atriorum, 144 inferius of, 141 between stomodaiumandfore-gut, 99 His — contimted. septum, transverse of, 159 sinus arcuatus, 102 on spinal nerves, roots of, 74 spongioblasts of, 58 sulcus terminalis, 102 thyroid, no on tuberculum impar, 102 visceral arches, 102 Histology {iarov, a web ; \6yos, word), defini- tion, I Hofmann, gastrulation in elasmobranchs, 22, n. Holoblastic ova (oAos, whole ; ^\asr/,s, a germ), definition of, 8 invagination of, 22 Homodynamy {ofi6s, the same ;Suj'a,uis, power), 4 Homogeny {^ij^os, the same ; yevos, descent), 4 Homology (S/xos, the same ; \6yos, word), definition of, 4 serial homology, 4 examples of, 4 Hubrecht, on epiblastic connection of blasto- dermic vesicle with uterus, 53 Huxley, on two layers of coelenterates, 23 auditor}' ossicles, 168 Hymen, the (the god of marriage), 128 Hyoid, the (T elSos, the form of the Greek letter T), 166, 169 Hypoblast {vw6, under ; PAacrrSs, germ), 21 characters of cells of, 24 formation of notochord from, 32 allantois from, 44, 46 Hypophysis cerebri (viro(pvcc,to grow Iroiu below), 68, 100. And see Pituitary Body. Hypospadias {inr6, under ; cwdu, to tear), 129 Imptiegkation, II Incisor firamen, 97 Incus (:ui anvil), 167, 168 Infundiliulum, the (a funnel), 61, 67, 68 of lung, no Intermediate cell mass, the formation of "Wolffian duct from, 115 of permanent kidney from, 122 Intermaxillary process, 95 Intervertebral disc, 162 Intervillous si)ace, 51 question of blood in, 53 Intestines, 104 large, 106 Invagination in holoblastic ova, 22 aperture of, 22 resemblance to blastopore, 22 Inversion of blastodermic lavers, 23 Iris, 86, 87, 88 Ischikawa on segmentation of ovum before fer- tilization, 14 Island of P.eil, 70, 73 Isthmus fauciuni, 100 of His, 67 JaCobson's organ, 95, 97 KAnvo KINESIS {iro-amniou in, 35 stomodsenm in, 99 Pamon y Cajal, on posterior roots of spinal nerves, 75 Pathke, diverticulum of, 68 on hypophysis cerebri, 100 visceral arches, 103 arterial arches, 147, 150 posterior vertebral veins of, 153 traljeculae cranii of, 166 Eauber, layer of, 17, 18, 22, n., 23 on the mechanical theory of development, 24 INDEX OF PAET I. IX Eecessus pulmonales (recesses ot the lungs), 159 Reichert on villi in earliest ovum, 55 mantle of, 70 on incus and stapes, 168 Eeid, John, on fretal circulation, 156 Rein on the polar globules in the rabbit, 9 Remak on bilamiuation of middle blastodermic layer, 23 membraua i-cuniens superior of, 32, 162 Renal organs, embryonic ducts of, opening into allantoic pedicle, 46 Kenson on extrusion of part of nucleus of seminal cell, 12 Restiform bodies, 65 Retina (rde, a net), origin from tore-brain, 38 development of, 83, 86 membrana; limitautes of, 83, 86 rods and cones of, 84, 86 hexagonal pigmented epithelium of, 84, 86 central blood-vessels of, 85, 87 ganglionic layer, 86 sense epithelium of, S6 Retzius on the zona radiata, 7 Rhomboidal sinus, 60 Ribs, development of, 163 Rodents, inversion of blastodermic layers in, Paterson on sympathetic in, 81 nasal septum in, 95 Rosenburg on Wolffian duct, 118 Round ligament, 126 Riickert on ooelom invagination in elasmo- branchs, 22, n. heart in Pristiurus, 136 S.VBATiER, on origin of subclavian artery, 150 Eustachian valve, action of, 156 Saccule, 78, 90 Saccus reuniens, 139, 151 ISagitta, origin of mesoblast in, 22 Kowalevsky on, 24, 26 mesenchyme in, 27 Salensky on the stapes, 16S Sauropsida {cravpa, a lizard ; oi/zir, look), hyo- mandibular arch in, 168 Scalte {scala, a stair) of cochlea, 93 Scarpa, gangliform swelling of, 78 Schenk, on sympathetic nerves, 81 Schmidt, on Thebesian valve, 141 Schneiderian membrane, 81 Schultze, M., on rods and cones, 86 Sclerotic ((TicX-npos, hard), 88 Scrotum, 127, 128 Sedgwick, on "Wolffian body, ii5,n. MUllerian duct, 123 Segmental tubes, 118 Segmentation of ovurn, complete, incomplete, 8 main factors of, 9 before fertilization, 14 after fertilization, 16 Selcnka, on inversion of blastodermic layers in rat and mouse, 23 epiblastic connection of blastodermic vesicle with uterus, 53 Semicircular canuls, 78, 91 Seminal cell, 12 Septum lucidum (transparent partition), ventricle of, 70 spurium, 141 inferius, 141 membranaceum, 142 intermedium, 142, 144 transverse, the, 159 Serous cavities, 159 Sexual cells, origin of, 14 conjugation of, Minot's theory of, 14 Sinus arcuatus (arched hollow), 102 " venosus, 112, 13S, 151 urogenitalis, 123, 128 Skull, formation of, 166 cliondrification of, 166 Somatopleure {ffw/xa, body ; trKiupd, the side), 35 formation of, 36, 99 origin of amnion from, 42 Somites {aSifxa, body), mesoblastic, 4 Spec, on connection of mesoblastic cleavage with notochordal canal, 34 epiblastic origin of Wolffian duct, 118 Spencer, Baldwin, on ])ineal eye, 68 Sperm cell, 12 Spermatozoon {airepixa, seed ; CQ>ov, animal), accession of, to ovum, 6, 9 fertilization by, 11 fate of tail of, 1 1 maturation of, 12 Spinal accessory, origin from basal lamina, 60 Spinal cord, development of, 57 outermost layer of, 58 anterior cornu of, first rudiment of, 59 columns of, 59 fissures of, 59 anterior commissure of, 60 dorso-lateral and ventro-lateral laminoB of, 60 filum terminale of, 60 Cauda equina of, 60 growth of, pari passu with vertebral canal, 60 membranes of, 60 Splanchno])leure ((rnAdyxvov, the inwards : ■Khivpa, the side), 35 formation of, 36, 99 Spleen, 108 Spongioblasts [aird'yjus, sponge ; ^\aar6s, germ), 58 origin of neuroglia from, 61 Stapes (a stii'rup), 168 Sternum, 163 Stomach, 104 Stomodaeum {ardi-ia, mouth), 6S, 99 connection with nose, 95 Strahl, on Wolffian duct, 118 Stratum compactum, 49 spongiosum, 49, 55 Subchorionic membrane of furner, 51 Sulci of brain, primitive, 72 principal, 73 Sulcus, anterior liniitihg and latenil liniitinfr, 34, 35 terniinalis, 102 Supra-hyoid glands, no -pericardial bodies, iii Suprarenal cayisules, 120 Suspensory ligament, 113 Symmetry of form, 4 bilateral, 4 INDEX OF PART I. Sympathetic ganglia, 8i connection of, with supra-renal capsules, 122 Teeth, 109 Tegmentum (a cover), d^ Teleosteans (reAeos, complete, hariov, bone), Wolffian duct in, 118 Telolecithal ova {reKos, end, and XriKvOos, oil- bottle), 8, 27, 30 Terminal sinus, 40 Testicle, 117, 125 descent of, 126, 127 Testis. See Testicle. Textures, general, 1 Thalamencephalon {edXaixos, chamber, ijKecpaKos, brain), 61, 67 connection with optic stalks, 85 Thebesian valve, 141 Thomsen on ganglionic traces in third nerve, 77 Thomson, Allen, on primitive aortae, 146 Thymus (eiu, to offer as a sacrifice), 1 1 1 Thyroid {OvpeSs, a shield), 102 formation of, no pyramid of, no Tiedemann on rhomboidal sinus, 60 Tissues, general, i Toldt on mesentery of pancreas, 1 1 3 Tongue, 100 formation of, 102 foramen csecum of, 102 papillae of, 102 sulcus terminalis of, 102 Trabeculse cranii [trahs, a beam, diminutive of), 166 Trachea [Tpaxvs, rough), 1 10 Trigonum olfactorium [rpiySivos, triangular), 79 Trophoblast (rpop-fi, nourishment, /SAoo-tJs, germ), of Hubrecht, 53 Truncus arteriosus, 151 Tuberculum impar (unpaired tubercle), 102 Tuimer on placenta, 48, n. subchorionic membrane of, 5 1 Type, vertebrate, main features of, 2 Umbilical cord, 36, 43, 104, 122, 151 Umbilical duct, 36 Umbilical vesicle, 36 Umbilicus (the navel), 43 Urachus [oupov, urine ; Ix'^) 'to hold), 122 Ureter (oupeco, to make water), 122 Urethra, 122, 128 Uriniferous tubules, 119 Uterus, mode of attachment of ovum to, 46 changes in pregnancy, 48 — 55 regeneration of after parturition, 55 formation of, 124 bifid stage of, 124 OS and cervix of, 124 Uterus masculinus, 124 Utricle {utriculus, a little womb), 91 Uvea {uva, a cluster of grapes), 84, 85, 86, i. Vagina (a sheath), 124 Valve of Vieussens, 66 fasa aberrantia of Haller, 120 Vascular area, 39, 151 lamina, 151 Veins, azygos, 153 cardinal, 151, 152, 153 connection of, with heart, 138, 139 iliac, 153 inferior cava, 152, 153 innominate, 153 intercostal, superior, 153 jugular, 153 jugular, primitive, 151, 152, 153 primitive, formation of, 39 portal and hepatic, I51, 152 posterior vertebral, 153 pulmonary, 144 subclavian, 153 superior cava, 151, 153 umbilical, 138, 151, 152, 156 vitelline, 39, 40, 112, 138, 151, 152 Velum palati (curtain of the palate), 100 Vena ascendens, 152 Vense, advehentes and revehentes, 112, 151, 152 Venous annulus of duodenum, 151, 152 Ventricles, lateral, 62 third, 62, 67 fourth, 62, 66 fifth, 70 Vererbungstheorie of AVeismann, 14 Vermiform appendix, 107 Vertebra (vcrto, I turn), 2 permanent, 162 Vertebral column, development, 2, 162 bodies, 2 segments, 4 Vertebrate type, 2 Vesicles of the cerebral hemispheres, 61 Vestibule, 78 Villi {villus, shaggy hair) of chorion, 43 vascularisation of, 44, 52 connection with glands of decidua, 47 zone of, 55 Visceral arches, formation of ossicles of ear from, .93 first, or mandibular, 10 1, 102 cephalic, 102 second or hj^oid, 102 third or thyro-hyoid, 103 palato-pharyiigeal, 103 post- and pree-buccal, 103 blood supply of, 103 cartilaginous bars of, 103, 166 Visceral clefts, 103 first formation of middle ear from, 93 cephalic, loi hyomandibular, 103 fourth, formation of thyroid from, no, in Vitelline arteries, 40 circulation, 40 duct. 46, 104, 151 membrane, 8 veins, 39, 40, 112, 138, 151, 152 Vitellus, structure of, 7. See YoLic. Vitreous humour (vihntm, glass), 83, 85, 87 Wagner, macula germinativa of, 8 Waldeyer on His' parablastic theory, 26 placental sinuses, 52 epoophoron of, 120 germinal epithelium of, 124 Weismann, theory of, 14 Weldon on supra- renal capsules, 120 Wijhe, v., on Wolffian vesicles, 118, n. head cavities, 161 typical somite cavity, 161, n. INDEX OF PART I. XI "WolfiF, C. F. , first suggestion of laminre in blasto- derm by, 23 duct of, 115 Wolffian body, 115, n., 116, 117, 118, 122 atrophic changes of, 120 connection ■with testis, 120, 126 veins of, 151 Wolffian duct, 115, 116, 117, 118 remnant of, in parovarium, 120 as duct of Gartner, 120 male generative organs, 120 permanent kidney, 122 connection with Miillerian duct, 123 Wolffian vesicles, 118, 118, n. Yolk, structure of, 7 sac, 31;, 99, 104 vitelline circulation round, 40 Zacharias, polar globules in Ascaris, 9 Zimmermann on arterial arches, 151 Zona pellucida (transparent zone), 6, 7 penetration of, by spermatozoon, 1 1 Zonule of Zinn, 87 Zuckerkandl, gyrus subcallosus of, 81 END OF PAKT I. EnADBur.v, AOSEW, & CO. LD., rniNTKns, wiinnpniARS. A LIST OF WORKS ON MEDICINE, SURGERY AND GENERAL SCIENCE, PUBLISHED BY LONGMANS, GREEN & CO. 39, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. 15, EAST i6'" ST., NEW YORK. ASH BY. NOTES ON PHYSIOLOGY FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS PREPARING FOR EXAMINATION. By HENRY ASHBY, M.D. Lond., F.R.C. P., Physician to the General Hospital for Sick Children, Manchester ; formerly Demonstrator cf Physiology, Liver- pool School of Medicine. Sixth Edition, thoroughly revised. With 141 Illustrations. Fcap. 8vo, price ^s. ASHBY AND WRIGHT. THE DISEASES OF CHILD- REN, IMEDICAL AND SURGICAL. By HENRY ASHBY, M.D. Lond., F.R.C. 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