FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY .*• « I S- h' . aUARTERLY OF JOURNAL MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE EDITED BY E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., Fellow of Exeter College, Oxfords, and Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London ; WITH THE CO-OPEEATION OF WILLIAM ARCHER^ F.R.S., M.R.I.A., Dublin. F. M. BALFOUR, M.A., F.R.S., F.L.S., ^ Fellow and Lecturer of Trinity College, Cambridge. AND E. KLEIN, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Histology in St. Sartholometv's Hospital Medical School^ London, VOLUME XX.— New Seeies. lllwstralions on anb L O B O N : J. & A. OHURCIllLL, NEW BUETJNGTON STREET. ,C . ' ^ '■ '' '* \ ! A ^ CONTENTS CONTENTS OF No. LXXVII, N.S., JANUARY, 1880. MEMOIRS: PAGE On the Embryo-sac and Development of Gymnadenia compsea. By H. Marshall Ward, Scholar of Christ’s College, Cam- bridge. (With Plates I, II, and III) . . . I Studies on the Pollen-Bodies of the Angiosperms. By Fred. Elfving, of Helsingfors. (With Plate IV) . . .19 On the Development of the Conceptacle in the Fucaceee. By F. 0. Bower, B.A., Trinity College, Cambridge. (With Plate V) 36 On Certain Effects of Starvation on Vegetable and Animal Tissues. By D. D. Cunningham, M.B., Surgeon, Indian Medical Service, Fellow of the Calcutta University . . 50 On the Development of the Spermatozoa. Part I. Lumlricus. By J. E. Bloomfield, B.A. Oxon. (With Plates VI and VII) 79 On the Spinal Nerves of Araphioxus. By F. M. Balfour, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge . . .90 The Bacillus of Leprosy. By G. Armaner Hansen. (With Plate VIII) 92 NOTES AND MEMORANDA : Development of Planorbis ..... 103 Origin of Sperm and Ova from the Cell-layers of Coelentera . 104 Muscular Fibre (Mesoderm) derived from Endoderm . . 106 Recent Researches on Bacteria ..... 106 Publications of the Zoological Institute of the University of Vienna ....... 110 New Biological Journal ...... 110 PROCEEDINGS OP SOCIETIES : Dublin Microscopical Club , . , , .111 b IV CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. LXXYIII, N.S., APEIL, 1880. I^IEMOIRS : PAGE The Coffee-leaf Disease of Ceylon. By W. T. Thiselton Dyer, F.L.S., Assistant Director, Royal Gardens, Kew. (With Plates IX, X, XI, XII, XIII, and XIV) . 119 On Shepheardella, an XJndescribed Type of Marine Rhizopoda ; with a Pew Observations on Lieberkiihnia. By J. D. Siddall. (With Plates XY and XVI) 130 Development of the Kidney in its relation to the Wolffian Body in the Chick. By Adam Sedgwick, B.A., Scholar of Trinity College, Cambridge ; Demonstrator in the Morphological La- boratory. (With Plates XVII and XVIII) . . . 146 Notes on the Development of the Araneina. By P. M. Balfour, M.A., P.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. (With Plates XIX, XX, and XXI) 167 A Contribution to the Biology of Bacteria. By Dr. L. Wald- STEIN, of the Pathological Institute, Heidelberg . .190 Some Teachings' of Development. By E. Schafer, F.R.S., Pullerian Professor of Physiology ^ . . . . 202 On the Histology of Hydra fusca. By T. Jeffery Parker, B.Sc., Professor of Natural History in the University of Otago 219 The Orthonectida, a New Class of the Phylum of the Worms. By Alfred Giard, Professor in the Faculty of Sciences of Lille. (With Plate XXII) 225 NOTES AND MEMORANDA: The Origin of the Red Corpuscles of Mammalian Blood . 241 I. On the Mode in which Hydra Swallows its Prey. By M. M. Hartog, M.A., B.Sc., ’F.L.S., of the Owens College, Manchester ...... 243 II. Additional Note on Hydra. By the Same . . 243 III. On the Anal Respiration of the Copepoda. By the Same . 244 Dr. G. von Koch’s Method of Preparing Sections of Corals . 245 CONTENTS. V CONTENTS OP No. LXXIX, N.S., JULY, 1880. MEMOIRS : PAGE On the Structure and Homologies of the Germinal Layers of the Embryo. By F. M. Balfour, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge .... 247 Hubrecht’s Researches on the Nervous System of Nemertines. (With Plate XXIII) . . . . ^ . .274 On the Structure of the Nephridia of the Medicinal Leech. By A. G. Bourne, Assistant in the Zoological Laboratory of University College, London. (With Plates XXIV and XXV) 283 On Intra-Epithelial Capillaries in the Integument of the Me- dicinal Leech. By E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S., Pro- fessor of Zoology in University College, London. (With Plate XXVI) 303 On the Connective and Vasifactive Tissues of the Medicinal Leech, By E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S., Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London. (With Plates XXVII & XXVIII) . . 307 On the Use of the Wenham Binocular with High Powers. By Heneage Gibbes, M.B. ..... 318 On the Structure of the Human Spermatozoon. By Heneage Gibbes, M.B. ...... 320 Some Disputed Points in Echinoderm Morphology. By P. Herbert Carpenter, M.A., Assistant Master at Eton College ....... 322 The Origin of the Red Blood-Corpuscles. By Professor Pouchet, of the Jardin des Plantes, Paris . . ... 331 On Limnocodium (Craspedacustes) Sower biiy a New Tracho- medusa inhabiting Fresh Water. By E. Ray Lankester, M.A., F.R.S. (With Plates XXX and XXXI) . . 351 NOTES AND MEMORANDA : On the Development of the Structure known as the ‘ Glome- rulus of the Head-Kidney’ in the Chick. By Adam Sedg- wick, B.A. . . , . . . .372 Bacterium anthracis ...... 374 Dr. Carl Rabl on the Pedicle of Invagination in Pulmonate Gastropoda ....... 376 Development of Muscular Tissue from Epiblast in the Mammalia 377 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES : Dublin Microscopical Club ..... 378 VI CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. LXXX, N.S., OCTOBER, 1880. MEMOIRS: PAGE Larval Forms : their Nature, Origin, and Affinities. By F. M. Balfour, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge 381 • On the Classification of Cryptogams. By Alfred W. Bennett, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S., Lecturer on Botany at St. Thomas’s Hospital ....... 408 A Reformed System of Terminology of the Reproductive Organs of the Cryptogamia. By Alfred W. Bennett, M.A., B.Sc., F.L.S., Lecturer on Botany at St. Thomas’s Hospital ; and George Murray, F.L.S., Assistant Botanical Department, ^ British Museum . . . . . .413 \J On the Laminar Tissue of Amphioxus. By Professor Pouchet. (With Plate XXIX) . . . . . .421 The Peripheral Nervous System in Paloeo- and Schizonemertini, one of the Layers of the Body -wall. By Dr. A. A. W. Hubrecht, of Leyden. (With Plates XXXII and XXXIII) 431 The Eye of Pecten. By Sydney J. Hickson, B.Sc., Scholar of Downing College, Cambridge. (With Plates XXXIV and XXXV) 443 On the Terminations of Nerves in the Epidermis. By L. Ranvier, Professor at the College de France. (With Plate XXXVI) . 456 On the Termination of the Nerves of the Mammalian Cornea. By E. Klein, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Histology at St. Bar- tholomew’s Medical School. (With Plate XXXVI) . .459 Histological Notes. By E. Klein, M.D., F.R.S., Lecturer on Histology at St. Bartholomew’s Medical School . .476 REVIEWS : Atlas of Histology. By E. Klein, M.D., F.R.S., and E. Noble Smith, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. . . . . .480 Freshwater Rhizopods of North America. By Joseph Leidy. M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the University of Pennsyl- vania, and of Natural History in Swarthmore College, Penn- sylvania ....... 480 A History of the British Marine Polyzoa. By Thomas Hincks, B.A., F.R.S. . . . • . . . .481 NOTES AND MEMORANDA : Medusa and Hy droid Polyps living in Fresh Water . .488 On the Respiration of the Crustacea .... 485 Index . 487 MEMOIRS. On the Embryo-sac and Development of Gymnadenta CONOPSEA. By H. Marshall Ward, Scholar of Christ’s College, Cambridge. With Plates I, II, and III. The hitherto received account of the origin, mode of for- mation, and homologies of the embryo-sac in Angiosperms was based on the researches of Hofmeister,^ for the most part, and may be summed up to the following effect: — A single cell situated in the apical part of the nucleus, and usually the foremost of an axial row, enlarges, its nucleus disappears, and a variable small number of free nuclei appear in the protoplasm by free cell formation. Of these, two are close to the apex of the enlarged cell, and are known as germinal ” or embryonic ” vesicles, while a very inconstant number of antipodal ” cells often, but not always, forms in the lower end of the protoplasm. The enlarged cell is the embryo-sac, and receives the pollen tube at its apex, where one, or at times two, of the germinal vesi- cles become fertilised by the contents of the tube. Schacht^ showed that one of the germinal vesicles acted as a conductor between the tube and the fertile vesicle, or that two acted as such towards a third germinal vesicle, and were often marked by peculiar longitudinal striae. This ‘‘ filiform apparatus ” and fertile germinal vesicle were regarded as the homologues of the corpuscula^ of the Gymnosperms by Strasburger and Pringsheim, and therefore were regarded as representing rudimentary archegonia, in accordance with Hofmeister’s views as to the rosette ” or iieck-cellsin Conifers.'* The antipodal cells came to be regarded as the last and fleeting representatives of the endosperm, which arises in the embryo-sac of Coniferm, &c., and which * “Neuc Beitra^e,” &c., in ‘ Abliandluiig d. Kouigl. siiclis Gescllsch. d. AViss.,’ 1859 and 1801. ‘Jahrb. f. Wiss, Bot./ 1857. ® R. Brown (1834;), ‘ Misc. Bot. Works.’ * ‘ The Higher Cryptogams,’ Ray Soc., 1802. VOL. XX. NEW SEK. A 2 H. MARSHALL WARD. had been recognised by Hofmeister as the homologue of a true prothallium.i It was also generally admitted that the endo- sperm of Angiosperms had nothing to do with that of Coni- fers, but rather corresponds to what is found appearing late in the developing macrospore of Selaginella, and independent of the prothallium.2 Quite lately the necessity for a reconsideration of these points has been forced upon us by the researches of Stras- burger,^ of Warming/ and the papers of Vesque/ which clearly showed that in a great number of types the embryo- sac does not arise so simply as Hofmeister thought, and further, that the processes going on between its formation and the origin of an embryo are still more complex. Before touching upon this or examining the different views of the authors named, I propose to state what is found to occur in Gymnadenia conopsea^ one of the commoner Orchids of Europe. This has been partly done by Stras- burger,® who has, however, more especially described the processes in Orchis pollens and Monotropa hypopitys. The later stages have not, to my knowledge, been before de- scribed. Except where stated otherwise, the method employed has been to cut sections of the ovaries which have lain in abso- lute alcohol at least twenty-four hours, and in a slowly evaporating mixture of alcohol and glycerin at least twenty- four hours longer. In a few cases staining with fuchsine and acetic acid has been resorted to successfully. As is well known, the ovules arise from three parietal placentae, as outgrow^ths of a few cells projecting into the cavity of the inferior ovary. Hofmeister traced the Orchid ovule to one cell of the surface, whence arose the idea that it is morphologically a trichome."^ At a period shortly before the flower bud is complete, trans- verse sections of the ovary reveal the young ovules as straight or very slightly curved structures, arising in considerable numbers from each placenta and directed at right angles to its surface. Each consists of an axial row of large polygonal cells, surrounded by one layer of somewhat smaller cells. In transverse section we see one large cell with five or six ^ Loc. cit. 2 Cf. also Sachs’ ‘ Text Book,’ Eng. Trans. ^ *Ueber Befrucbtuug und Zelltlieiluug,’ 1877. “ ‘Ann. d. Sc. Mat. Bot.,’ 1878. ^ Ibid. ® Op. cit., and ‘ Die Gymnosp. und Angiosp,’ 1879. ^ ‘ Cf. also Sachs’ * Lehrbuch.* EMBRYO-SAC OF GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA. 3 around it. The cells are thin-walled, and full of slightly granular protoplasm, without any vacuoles, and each has a large spherical nucleus with a bright nucleolus in the centre. At an early stage the terminal cell of the central series increases considerably in size, its protoplasm becomes very granular, and its nucleus remarkably bright. About the same time certain cells in a zone above the middle of the whole ovule divide by walls parallel to the periphery of the ovule and form the rudiment of the inner integument. At this period the ovule is represented in fig. 1, where, however, the protoplasm has been mostly removed by amnionic hydrate. It will be useful to name the central series of cells the axial row,” and the large terminal cell of this row has been called the embryo’sac mother-cell,” since the em- byro-sac apparently arises as a daughter-cell by division of this, as pointed out by Strasburger.^ Reasons will be given later for considering the embryo-sac as possibly less simple than here stated. As the ovule lengthens its curvature increases, the integu- ment grows upwards, and the embryo-sac mother-cell becomes longer (fig. 2) ; this latter cell now divides by a transverse wall appearing at about one third its length from the top, and the smaller cell thus cut off appears like a cap sitting on the larger one below. The lower and larger cell is mean- while growing, and tends to compress this cap-cell against the epidermal cells above. When it has reached a size about equal to that with which it started, the larger cell repeats the above division exactly as before, and so a second cap-cell is thrown off, soon to be forced up against the other by growth of its sister-cell below. The specimen represented in fig. S shows this second division in progress, the characteristic “ barrel figure” having been fixed by absolute alcohol. A similar stage is figured by Strasburger (‘ Angiosp. u. Gyrnnosp.,’ Taf. vi, fig. 90), where, however, the division appears to follow more rapidly upon the first one. The division walls thus established are remarkably thick and bright, as if mucilaginous and swollen, and the appearance they present is not easily indicated in a drawing, especially at stages a little later, when the whole becomes more homogeneous as the lower cell compresses the uj)])er ones. Meanwhile the ovule has become decidedly anatropous, and the inner integument is already slowly closing in above ; the outer integument has also appeared, by similar divisions ^ Loc. cit. 4 H. MARSHALL WARD. of the outer cells of a zone, at the base of the inner integu- ment (cf. figs. 2, 3, 4). The lower of the three cells pro- duced by division of the “embryo-sac mother-cell” becomes longer, and in its growth compresses, not only the two cap- cells, but also the epidermal layer on all sides. It appears to absorb the contents of these cells, and the exhausted remains easily suffer compression to mere refractive homo- geneous masses,' as their greedy neighbour grows. Since this cell apparently becomes the embryo-sac we shall here- after speak of it as such ; it has now again become about as long as at first, and proportionately wider, and its granu- lar protoplasm contains a large nucleus. During the progress of the changes about to be described the two integuments must be pictured as growing up, and the inner one closely investing the nucleus and forming a micropyle above ; the outer integument never closes in so much, but leaves a large loose opening above in later stages. Not many cells are formed, but as the embryo-sac becomes completed the integument cells elongate very much, large sap cavities form, and the nuclei are driven to their walls. This is especially the case with the outer integument, and at last results in the formation of a large air space between the peripheral cells and the base of the nucleus and inner integument (cf. figs. 10, 14, 30, &c.) About now, or a little later, the pollen-tubes appear in the upper part of the ovary as silver' threads, creeping slowly down the tissue in the groove formed between the swollen placentas and the carpellary walls. They may be few or many, and in the latter case can be detected by the naked eye on the walls of the ovary if torn open. Owing to the prevalence of very cold and wet weather this summer I cannot consider the question settled, but believe that the further vigorous development of the embryo-sac and contents depends on the presence of these tubes. Since insects were rare during the bad weather I pollinated many flowers by hand, and certainly got more vigorous ovules from the spikes so treated, and there were many tubes in these ovaries. In cases where the flowers had been pollinated naturally, how- ever, the contents of the sac and the cells of the integument were brown, and weakly developed. Selecting what appear to he normal cases, the following changes occur in the embryO'Sac, which by its growth has considerably compressed the layer of cells around it, and is capped by the remains of the two upper cells (figs. 5, 6, 7, &c.). The protoplasm collects into two masses, one at each end of the embryo-sac, leaving the centre of the sac filled by EMBRYO-SAC OF GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA. O more fluid material for some time these masses are ill defined, and they never form a distinct cell-wall, but, finally, from the presence of a nucleus and well-marked contour, w^e recognise in them naked cells in a protoplasmic matrix Each of these soon divides into four smaller but otherwise similar nucleated masses, by two divisions in planes crossing at right angles. In some cases, at any rate, this occurs simultaneously in both, but in others one or both divide first into two, and then again each daughter mass into two others (cf. figs. 8—12). That this is the final result there can be no doubt, but whether one is to suspect variations in the divisions as due to manipulation, conditions of vigour, or peculiarities of the species, must remain at present undecided. The important fact is that eight nucleated masses of protoplasm result, more or less isolated and complete, in groups of four at each end of the sac (figs. 12, 13) ; this I consider demonstrated by the specimen figured at 12, though the division of the lower mass does not always appear to be completed.^ The relations of the products of division in the fore part of the sac are, however, remarkably constant and surprising. Two of them become elongated and packed close into the top of the embryo-sac, as the Gehiilfinnen or “ Sy- nergidae ” of Strasburger ; while one enlarges and rounds off* as the egg-cell or oosphere,^^ and becomes suspended laterally at the base of the “ Synergidae ” in the cavity of the sac. The fourth mass also rounds off, and falls freely into the lining protoplasm of the sac. All these masses have acquired nuclei, that of the egg-cell being especially large and bright, but no trace of a cell-wall appears around any of them. As to the fate of the products of division in the posterior end, I can say very little positively. That four masses com- mence to form appears certain, but only in a few cases have they become completed ; as a rule, I find a mass of protoplasm in this place with a variable number of nuclei in it, but in some cases (fig. 13) four masses occur. It is to be regretted that this point has not been more successfully dealt with, and also that the exact origin of the * Many facts suggest that this division is of the same order as the two preceding divisions of the “en»bryo-sac motlier-cell.” If so, we must con- sider that cell as suffering division into four, the last division wall being a very weak and diffluent one. ’ The lower group may apparently suffer less complete division in other plants also. 6 H. MARSHALL WARD. embryo-sac nucleus in Gymnadeniareinains uncertain from my drawings. According to Slrasburger, the typical process is as follows — The fourth nucleus from the group in the anterior end of embryo-sac travels down, and meets one of the four from the posterior end, and, fusing together, these two form one large nucleus — the nucleus of the embryo-sac. The three nuclei left behind are ‘‘ antipodal cells or Gegen- fusslerinnen.” This process I have failed to observe directly in Gymnadenia, but may remark in this connection upon figs. 14, 15, 16, and 17, in each of which are indica- tions possibly of some such process. In the first case (fig. 14), we have an ill-defined mass of protoplasm in the posterior end of the sac, and two large well-rounded nuclei close by the egg-cell above though the bare possibility exists that one of these nuclei is on the adjacent wall of an integument cell, since the case is not isolated, yet it is offered here. In fig. 15 we have a large bright nucleus below, and a faintly marked (badly preserved?) body on the side wall of the sac. In fig. 16, both above and below, appear good round nuclei. In fig. 17 the upper nucleus has evidently travelled down, and now abuts upon the mass of protoplasm at the base of the sac ; this mass is well rounded, and presents four nuclei, or, more correctly, two large nuclei, in a comm.encing stage of division. Were it not for the fact that in Strasburger’s drawings and description this process is so definitely put, and also that in other cases (esp. Ranunculus, Lobelia, Anthericum, Butomus, and Alisma),® I have often seen two nuclei free in the sac besides the antipodal cells and a normal egg appa- ratus, the above evidence would not deserve to be so insisted upon ; it is incomplete, and is little bettered by the sugges- tion that in these highly specialised plants a process of reduction has become still more reduced, and that even the rudiments are unusually imperfect and uncertain. However this may he, in Gymnadenia conopsea there are formed a normal “ egg- apparatus,” a large nucleus of the embryo-sac, and a group of “ antipodal cells.” The pollen- tubes should now be somewhere in the neigh- bourhood, and in fig. 17 we have an example showing the ^ ‘ Ueber Befruchlung u. Zelltheilung/ p. .32, Orchia pa liens ^ Com- pare Vesque’sdiflerent account of Orchis galatea, ‘Ann. des Sc. Nat.,’ 1878. ^ Is it possible tliat this is a case of two egg-cells? Strasburger figures two embryos in the same sac, in a paper published in Jen. Zeitschr. f. Wiss., 1878 — “ Ueber Polyernbryonie.” ^ In Butomus there can now be no doubt of the fusion of two nuclei. I have every stage in the process. Sec a paper read before Linnsean Society, Nov. 20th, 1879. EMBRYO-SAC OF GYMNADENTA CONOPSEA. 7 act of fertilisation ; the pollen-tube, after a sinuous course from the placenta, has made a sharp bend ere plunging into the micropyle, and has then spread its broad apex over the Gehiilfinnen,” apparently penetrating between the sac and integument, but the difficulty of tracing so delicate an out- line as it here presents is no ordinary one.* It does not break through the top of the sac, but the well-marked contour of the latter is to be seen through the transparent tube, the walls of which are here marked by delicate longi- tudinal striations, which appear to be folds, either caused by contraction from reagents, or the closing in of the inner integument ; I cannot identify it with the filiform apparatus of Schacht, since it is on the pollen-tube, and has nothing whatever to do with the embryo-sac contents. In the course of the tube are developed the peculiar cellulose blocks pro- jecting inwards from its walls, and serving apparently to shut off the contents of the tube as it grows ; these “ Propfen or stoppers were described by Strasburger^ and Elfving,^ and occur in such quantities that a cross section of the pollen- tube bundles appears marked here and there by waxy- looking drops interspersed among silvery-like cellular walls of the tubes. In the figure is one of these stoppers repre- sented as it occurred in the tube just ere the final bend. The outline of the embryo-sac is still marked by the remains of the nucleus-cells which it compressed and des- troyed in its growth, but the cap-cells appear to have quite disappeared ; even the latter, however, persist for a long time (cf. figs. 6 — 13) as a refractive cap on the apex of the sac, in some cases (fig. 12) presenting a conical, or even beaked appearance. If no pollen-tube enters the micropyle, the whole ovule turns brown, shrivels, and the contents of the sac become ill defined and decay ; the egg- cell persists apparently longer than the Gehulfinnen (fig. 17, a). In all these cases, and up to a much later period, we find the remaining cells of the central or axial row persist beneath the sac ; in fact, the air space already referred to is formed beneath the lower one, and between it and the outer integu- ment when the sharp bend is established. The fact that the oosphere is fertilised is marked by the^ appearance of a thin cellulose coat around it; it elongates, and its nucleus prepares to divide. The contents of the Gehul- finnen and other parts of the sac, on the contrary, become * Ilofmeisler represents the tube as entering the sac in Orc/a's morio. ‘ Vergl. Unters.,’ t. iv. ^ Loc. cit. * ‘ Jtnaischer Zcitschr. fiir Naiurwisscnsch,’ 1878. 8 H. marshall ward. cloudy and prepare for degeneration, and final disappear. Very shortly the remains of the Gehiilfinnen form a lens- shaped cap between the embryo and the apex of the sac, while the decaying antipodal mass presents a similar appear- ance below (cf. figs. 18 — 22)} In fig. 21 the appearance of four nuclei in the antipodal mass — and a similar condition of things is vaguely indicated in other cases, as fig. 19 — suggests that the union of a fourth nucleus with one from above to form the embyro-sac nucleus has not occurred, or if so, a further division of the antipodal cells has taken place. The nucleus of the elongated embryo-cell now divides, and a wall appears between the new nuclei cutting it into an upper and a lower cell. This horizontal lamella is thin and sharply marked, and is nearly or quite perpendicular to the long axis of the embryo. Each cell is full of fine grained dark protoplasm, and its nucleus is very large, spherical, and bright, and contains one or two brilliant nucleoli (fig. 18.) On account of the different fates of these two cells we must distinguish them from the first ; the upper one becomes the pro-embryo or suspeiisor, and has but a tran- sient existence ; the lower produces the true embryo. Each nucleus repeats the process of division exactly as before, and we have the embryonic body divided by two more walls parallel to that first formed (6g. 20), and already is established a physical diflference between the embryo and pro-embryo, the latter being narrow and tapering somewhat, and having difiluent thick walls, while the embryo rapidly becomes stouter and more globular in accordance with the distribution of its thin sharply marked cell-walls (cf. figures). In fig. 19 the wall in the embryo is completed, and two large nuclei again rounded off, but that in the pro-embryo is only just appearing, its nucleus being fixed in the last stage of division prior to the separation of the new nuclei, which have already commenced to aggregate at the poles. In fig. 20 the process is completed. A further difference between pro-embryo and embryo is now established, in that the next divisions in the embryo are perpendicular to that already formed, whereas in the pro- ^^embryo all the divisions are horizontal, and parallel to the first. In fig 24 the terminal cell of the pro-embryo is com- mencing to divide as indicated by the condition of its nucleus, while in fig. 27 the second cell has just divided, and the last threads of protoplasm are still in contact with the new wall. We thus demonstrate that each cell of the pro-embryo divides, and its elongation is effected by intercalary growth. ^ Iji some endosperinous ovules the antipodal cells divide vigorously. EMBRYO*SAC OF GYMNADENIA GONOPSEA, 9 In fig. 28 each of the four cells has doubled itself, and the power of division in the pro-embryo seems now to become exhausted, vacuoles begin to form, and the cells to elongate as their nuclei go to the walls, and the vacuoles collect into a sap-cavity (cf. figs. 28 — 30). Only in a few cases have I seen more than eight cells formed by the pro-embryo; in the specimen figured at fig. 30 are ten. As the cells elongate, since the solid embryo soon completely fills the embryo-sac, the apex of the pro-embryo becomes gradually pushed through the top of the sac, and the loose tissue of the micro- pyle allows it to escape into the cavity of the ovary (figs. 29, 30); its period of growth is now about completed, and, as the last divisions are made in the embryo, the pro-embryo turns brown and shrivels up, persisting as a mere ragged appendage in the ripe seed. To return to the embryo proper consisting of two cells (fig. 20). It becomes broader, and the nucleus of one cell divides and a new wall cuts it into two equal cells arranged laterally. The plane of this new division is always perpendicular to that of the first (horizontal) wall, and passes through the longer axis of the whole embryo ; it may appear first in the upper or in the lower cell, but usually the latter (fig. 21, 22). The other cell divides at the same time or very soon after by a wall, also passing through the long axis, and also perpendicular to the horizontal wall, but it is, in the majority of cases, if not always, also at right angles to the other perpendicular wall. Thus, in fig. 23 the first wall (horizontal) is cut at right angles by the second (perpendicular), which lies in the l)lane of the paper and in the upper cell ; the third (perpen- dicular) will cut both of these at right angles or nearly so, as shown by the dividing nucleus in the lower cell. Similar relations are shown in figs. 24, 25. Each of the four cells thus formed rapidly becomes again divided by a wall perpen- dicular to all those which it cuts, and passing through the long axis of the embryo, and in this manner the embryo comes to consist of a nearly globular body cut into eight octants, in each of which is a large round nucleus (fig. 26). The next division walls are again horizontal, and may appear first in the upper (fig. 29) or in the lower cells (figs. 27, 28); thus, the embryo becomes cut into twelve, and then sixteen cells, by walls in planes symmetrically related. A series of walls very soon mark out a central from an epi- dermal system; these (fig. 30) appear at about the same lime in all the cells except the tour which abut upon the pro- embryo, and lie in planes parallel to the outer wall of each. They may well be called tangential, and mark the first in- 10 H. MARSHALL WAKD . clication of tissue differentiation ; the cells of this outer layer only divide further by -avails perpendicular to the outer sur- face. The ovoid embryo now begins to have starchy and other grandular matter deposited in its cells, and becomes thereby too opaque for observation of the cell-walls until sub- mitted to the action of warm potash and glycerin or other clearing reagents. From the first no trace of vacuoles occurs, hut the cells are tightly packed and full of fine-grained pro- toplasm, with large bright nuclei, and thin firm cell-walls surround them. By proper treatment, however, one recog- nises in the last stages of the embryo (fig. 31) that yet another series of tangential walls has appeared concentric to the first, and thus the ovoid mass presents a central column of cells, surrounded by a layer one cell thick, while over all is another layer, also one cell deep. About this time the cells are crowded with nutritive matters, the pro-embryo and integument cells are empty and shrivelled (fig. 82), the remains of nuclei appearing on their dark brown walls, and the seed may be considered ripe. In reviewing the processes above described, we may shortly point out several views held of late as to their meaning, and to render this more clear and complete, it may be advisable to recall to mind some points more fully dealt with in the larger text books.^ In the Ferns generally we haVe a spore developing a free chlorophyll-bearing, and often large prothallus, on which are produced antheridia and archegonia. When, as in Os- munda, the prothallus only bears antheridia at times, we may consider this the carrying to a step further a process common to this and many other genera, where the arche- gonia appear later than the very numerous antheridia. If we suppose the appearance of the archegonia indefinitely postponed the prothallus becomes unisexual — male ; if pro- longed after all the antheridia have decayed the prothallus is practically female in function. Such a unisexal prothallus may be supposed diagramma- tically represented in Fig. U as a section passing through the germinating spore, prothallus, and archegonium. In the long free neck of the latter are seen several masses of pro- * Tlie English student has an excellent account in Sachs’ ‘ Text Book.’ Cf. also lloimeister, ‘ Higher Cryptogamia,’ Ray Soc., 1862, and Luerssen, ‘ Med. Pharm. Bot.,’ B. i. Also literature quoted. 2 Ti>e relative positions and sizes have not been insisted upon in the diagrams. In all the figs. Ex. = exospore, En. = endospore, Arch. points to neck of archegonium, and Can. to the canal-cells, Oos. = oosphere or egg-cell. EMBRYO-SAC OF GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA. 11 toplasmic substance [can.') which result from the partial division of a small piece of the oosphere, which becomes early cut off from that body ere it rounds off in the body of the archegonium ; these masses are the ‘‘ canal cells of the Germans, and by degradation become mucilaginous, and so serve to fix the antherozoids. Fig. 1. — Diagram of free protb allium of fern, with its archegonium pro- jecting some distance exteriorly, and possessing a many-celled neck in the canal of which are the “ canal cells.” Although the spores of Ferns present no external charac- teristics from which we can infer whether the prothallia to be produced on germination will be predominantly male or female, u e. in its whole course of existence will bear arche- gonia or antheridia in excess, still we may see here indica- tions of a differentiation of function which, attended hy reduction and abbreviation of tbe prothallus and processes peculiar to it, attains a limit in the highest plants. If in this specialisation and distribution we see an economy of material and energy, we can at the same time explain many of the phenomena. In the Rhizocarps the separation of the sexes has been carried so far that from the spore itself we can predict whether archegonia or antheridia will be formed on its ger- mination, in some cases even the sporangia participating in the separation, and being distributed on different parts according as their products will yield male (microspore) or female (macrospore) prothallia. The male or antheridium- bearing prothallia are very small, becoming reduced to a mere tube of two or three cells in Salvinia, and in others being only represented by the trace of protoplasm left over from the antherozoid mother-cells. We must, in fact, look upon certain cell divisions in the microspore, preceding its germination, as representing the formation of a rudimentary prothallus and antheridia which form the few' antherozoids then liberated. In the niacrospore, though the prothallus is also not set free, it is more obviously a cellular structure, producing one 12 H. MARSHALL WARD. or more archegoiiia. We may take that of Marsilea as a type. The diagram (Fig. 2) represents a section through the germinating macrospore, with its only partially exposed prothallus, bearing an archegonium which differs from that of the Fern in several points. Fig. 2. — Diagram of partially free $ protballium of Marsilea, it is re- duced to little more than the archegonium, which hardly projects from the surface, and has very few neck cells. The “ canal-cell,” however, appears. The space ( X ) becomes filled with fluid. In the first place, its neck, instead of being a long, freely projecting structure of several tiers of cells, hardly pro- trudes at all, and is formed of two tiers of four cells each ; in plan these cells are arranged crosswise, and are almost flush with the general level of the prothallium. Between them, however, the young oosphere allows part of its sub- stance, cut off as before, to penetrate as the canal cell.” Besides a separation of the sexes, then, we have in Rhi- zocarps a much smaller prothallus which never becomes entirely free ; and as the prothallus tends to be withdrawn (as it were) into the spore, so, too, the archegonia, &c., appear to be held back in the prothallus, and the neck to be a less protruded structure. For a third stage in this re- markable process we may select Selaginella. Here the macrospores and microspores are not only produced in dif- ferent sporangia, but the macro- and micro-sporangia are borne on different leaves ; the sexes are further separated. As before, the microspore undergoes the less extensive development ; its contents becomes divided up into a few cells, the majority of which produce antherozoids. The spore then bursts and sets them free ; the process may be considered as the formation of a rudimentary internal pro- thallus reduced to little more than the antherozoid mother- cells (antheridium). In the macrospore, a small prothallus forms internally, and is just allowed to peep forth and EMBRYO-SAC OF GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA. 13 expose its one or two rudimentary archegonia. These con- sist of an oosphere, surmounted by four or eight neck-cells, which open flush with the surface, and have a canal-cell ” as before forced between them. Fig. 3. — Diagram of endogenous protballium of Selaginella, with few ar- chegonia, reduced each to an oosphere with four or eight neck-cells as a “ rosette ” above, and with canal cell between. Before the rupture of the apex to the expose prothallus, a large-celled, delicate “ endosperm ” (end) forms below the prothallus, apparently independent of it. These neck-cells form a kind of rosette,’’ as it has been termed, capping the oosphere which is sunk in the pro- thallus. But before the prothallus and its archegonia are exposed at the ruptured apex of the spore, a process occurs w^hich results in the formation of an apparently new structure. In Salvinia, Marsilea, &c., the space between the pro- thallus and the endospore, filling up the major part of the macrospore, becomes occupied by imbibed fluid, which accu- mulates and serves to push the prothallus upwards to the exterior, as it presses upon the diaphragm ” or membrane separating them. In Selaginella, however, a formation of large, thin-walled cells occurs in the fluid filling this space, and thus the so-called endosperm ” (Fig 3, end.) is pro- duced. At a later period its cells become crowded with food material for the nourishment of the embryo, as this is pushed down by its growth and that of its suspensor.” Our next step is to the Gymnosperms — the Conifers and their allies. Neglecting minor variations in detail, a typical Conifer presents the following features : Its microspores^ or pollen grains are produced not only in special and separate sporangia or pollen- sacs, but also on en- ' For further information as to these homologies, &c., the literature quoted may be consulted. H. MARSHALL WARD. ]4 lirely different shoots, or even on other plants than those which bear the female sexual organs. Each pollen grain on ger- mination (a process which by special appliances is brought about in close proximity to the female apparatus) emits a tubular body, in which indications of division occur, while a very few divisions are also established in the interior of the pollen grain itself. It is now generally accepted that the internal divisions represent a prothallium even more reduced than that of Selaginella, while the pollen-tube contents must be regarded as the representative of what becomes anthero- zoids in vascular Cryptogams — structures which are here rendered unnecessary as such, by arrangements already referred to. Instead of shedding motile antherozoids, there- fore, the pollen grain carries its sexual products right into the region of the oosphere by means of the pollen-tube. In the female apparatus we find the same principles of - suppression carried still further ; the macrospore^ or '^primary embryo-sac '' is never shed at all, but germinates, so to speak, inside its sporangium — the so-called nucleus of the ovule. During the gradual discovery of the phenomena which we are discussing, a number of synonyms have been introduced into the nomenclature, and some confusion is apt to arise in comparing these processes with what occur in Cryptogams ; hence no apology is offered for the following summary : The archegonia (the oosphere'S of which are the corpus- cula of R. Brown, the secondary embryo-sacs^’ of Hen- frey) are formed by division of peripheral cells of a delicate prothallium formed of large, thin-walled, polygonal cells, and termed endosperm this prothallus arises in the protoplasm of a cavity which appears like an enlarged cell ^ of the nucleus of the ovule, and is the primary emhryo-sac.” From its bearing archegonia and other rela- tions, we must regard this endosperm ’’ as an internal prothallium similar to that which arises in Selaginella before the endosperm ” of that plant is formed ; the term endo- sperm” has been applied, therefore, to two structures which, whatever relations they may have morphologically, are dif- ferently distributed in time. The endosperm ” of Selaginella arises after the prothallus of that plant is formed, and coexists with it at the period of fertilisation ; the endosperm ” of Conifers is the prothallus, and bears the archegonia. The archegonium of Conifers consists of an oosphere, with ^ Or possibly several. - And was so described by llofmeister. But cf. Strasburger, ‘Die Angiosp. u. Gjfinuosp.’ EMBKYO-SAC OF GYMNADENIA CONOPSEA. 15 one or two tiers of four cells placed crosswise surmounting it ; from the method of formation and the fact that in some genera a canal-cell has been observed cut off from the oosphere and forced up between these cells, this rosette ” may be Fig. 4. — Diagram of wholly internal protliallium (so-called “ endosperm ”) of Conifer, with an archegonium, consisting of an oosphere (“ cor- pusculum,” “ secondary embryo sac ”), surmounted by a ‘‘ rosette ” of four cells, placed cross-wise ; between these a “ canal-cell ” is forced. A tendency to still further withdrawal within the macrospore (primary embryo sac) is indicated by the funnel-like depression. Pr. Primary embryo-sac at apex. Nuc. Nucleus of ovule. regarded as the neck of the archegonium. As seen in the dia- gram (Fig. 4) the archegonium is even more deeply withdrawn into the prothallus than was the case in Selaginella, and in some genera it becomes quite sunk into the prothallus. We may now inquire what processes and structures in such an ovule as that of Gymnadenia are related to those just reviewed. The first step appears to be to settle whether the ‘‘ embryo- cell of the Angiosperm is the equivalent of the oosphere of the Gymnosperm and Cryptogam. Warming and Vesque argue somewhat as follows : — The embryo-sac mother-cell becomes divided by various trans- verse walls, just as the subepidermal cells of an anther become divided by walls parallel to the epidermis to form pollen mother-cells.” Hence, the cells into which the embryo-sac mother-cell is cut up are so many spore mother- cells,” i.e. each is equivalent to a pollen mother-cell. Vesque says further, that two of these opposed cells form each a group of four nuclei in its interior, just as the pollen mother-cell forms four pollen grains in its interior, and that the cell-wall between the two tetrahedral groups becomes absorbed, and so eight nuclei are formed, in two groups of four each, at the respective ends of the embryo-sac so formed by fusion of the two mother-cells. 16 H. MAllSHALL WARD. They further point out that just as the cell- walls between the mother-cells of pollen are very deliquescent, so in the formation of the embryo-sac the dividing lamellee are swollen and soon absorbed in similar manner. Also the four nuclei arising inside each cell pollen mother-cell or constituent of embryo-sac) are arranged in tetrahedra in either case. If this account be accepted, the eight nuclei are homologous with pollen grains, i.e. spores, and the egg-cell is not to be regarded as the hornologue of the “ oosphere ” of vas- cular Cryptogams, but as a macrospore which never germi- nates ; and may be regarded as containing in itself the representative of the whole prothallus and archegonium. But a careful survey of the facts in many different types has convinced Strasburger that no such fusion of two mother- cells occurs, and we see no such process in Gymnadenia as Vesque describes in Orchis galatea / especially does he appear to overlook the gradual compression and absorption of the two upper (cap) cells. The analogy between the mode of divi- sion in the embryo-sac mother-cell and the primitive cells of pollen-forming layers in an anther can probably be ex- plained in a totally different manner,^ and in any case we can lay no stress on it so long as it is unsupported by other evidence. The following argument against this view appears to me important, especially if we take into consideration the many analogies tending to the conclusion that the Angiosperms are a series in which the reduction of the prothallus generation ” (oophore) is reaching its limit. The pollen grain has been found to contain two nuclei,^ ap- parently representing incipient germination changes — the first division in the microspore to form rudimentary pro- thallial structures. This being the case, from analogy with Cryptogams and Conifers (where we find it is always the microspore and male prothallus, &c., which suffer reduction first) we may argue the probability that whatever represents the macrospore will not have undergone more suppression than the microspore, and probably much less. But I think there is another reason for not imagining the female pro- thallus to be entirely atrophied, and for holding that the stages of reduction past a rudimentary archegonium art * Loc. cit. Vesque’s account of the facts also differs from that oii here. 2 See an attempt in paper to Linnsean Society, read Nov. 20th, 1879, “ Contributions to Knowledge of Embryo-sac,” &c. * Strasburger, loc. cit., and Elfving in ‘ Jenaische Zeitschrift,’ B. xiii. See the account of Elfving’s researches in the present number of this journal. EMBRYO-SAC Of GVMNADENIA CONOPSEA. 17 almost inconceivable. For if the Synergidte represent two cells of a protliallus, we may regard them possibly as remnants of the neck of an archegonium, and the egg- cell as its central cell ” (oosphere), and suppose that they have persisted in virtue of their use in reproduction. Strasburger says that one cell resulting from the division of the embryo-sac mother-cell becomes the embryo-sac, that its contents divide as described into eight nuclei by three divisions in alternating planes ; this embryo sac must be regarded as the macrospore — the equivalent of the embryo- sac of Gymnosperms. Looked at thus, the divisions in the embryo-sac represent a rudimentary prothallus, and the egg-cell^’ may be re- garded as the oosphere. The Synergidse were formerly thought to be the representatives of the canal-cell ; but Strasburger, who at first took this view, afterwards showed that since they are sister cells of the egg-cell, and 7iot a jyroduct of its division, such cannot be the case. He there- fore considers them and the antipodal cells,^^ as well as the nuclei which fuse to form the embryo-sac nucleus,’^ as merely seven cells of the prothallus. Strasburger, in criticising Vesque’s theory, points out that no stress can be laid on the fact that the division walls in the embryo-sac mother-cell are deliquescent ; for this, and the similar appearance in pollen-cells simply result from the imperfect nature of the process, since they will all be very soon absorbed, on the one hand by the* enlarging embryo- sac, on the other by the pollen grains. The same remark applies to the divisions in the temporary pro-embryo of Gymnadenia. Further, we cannot lay much stress on the tetrahedral arrangement of the nuclei, for the rule of rectangular division applies very widely,^ and in the history of Gymna- denia we have seen how the first divisions even in the embryo follow a similar order ; but in trichomes, prothalli, and other structures, the same obtains. But another view appears possible. It will be remem- bered that the first divisions across the embryo-sac mother- cell follow one another in such a way that the two cap- cells were spoken of as being cut off from the mother-cell by diffluent swollen Avails ; and that, the lower cell having enlarged, destroying the cap-cells, its protoplasm passes to each end and a vacuole-like clear space forms betAveen. This last division may probably be looked upon as merely ’ See also Sachs, in ‘Wurzburg Arbeiteii,’ “Auordnung d. Zelleu in juugstcn Pflanzentheilen.” VOL. XX. NEW SER. 18 H. MARSHALL WARD. a third division across the embryo-sac mother-cell, and not as the first division of the contents of the macrospore (embryo-sac). In other words, we have here a division wall still weaker than the two preceding, and the vacuole is its expression. If this be so, it is possible that the embryo-sac mother-cell is really the mother-cell of four spores, two of which (the cap-cells) yield up their contents to their more vigorous neighbours — to the other two, which never completely separate, but form an embryo-sac,” and its contained apparatus. This suggestion does not exclude the view that the eight nuclei derived from that of ihe embryo-sac mother-cell are cells of rudimentary prothalli, but explains them as belong- ing to prothallial structures instead of one ; the one pro- duces a rudimentary archegonium (the egg-cell with its synergidse may perhaps be an oosphere and two neck-cells), and one vegetative cell ; the lower spore produces four vege- tative cells. How to explain the subsequent fusion of one of these from each group is not easy, unless some advantage accrues to the large embryo-sac, by having a nucleus ren- dered vigorous by material from two slightly different sources. This is, however, too hypothetical to enlarge upon here, and perhaps we are yet far from possessing the facts necessary for an explanation of this remarkable process. POLLEN-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 19 Studies on the Pollen-Bodies q/ Angiosperms. By Fred. Elfving, of Helsingfors. ^ Y/ith Plate IV. Until very recently botanists believed it to be a well- established fact that the Pollen-bodies of the Angiosperms were one-celled, that when once formed as tetrades in the pollen mother-cell they underwent no further divisions. This was thought, too, to form a direct contrast with the Pollen-bodies of the Gymnosperms, in which, as is well known, shortly before the period of pollination, one or more so called vegetative cells are formed, which are regarded as constituting a rudimentary male prothallus. Strasburger^ has, however, quite recently shown that the Pollen-bodies of several Angiosperms, both Mono- as well as Di-cotyledons, possess two nuclei ; he has further shown that one of these originally pertained to a small peripherally- formed cell, and that it only became free by the subsequent resolution of the partition wall ; so that here, as in the case of the Gym.nosperms, a vegetative cell is formed in the Pollen- body. Strasburger further discovered in the case of the Orchideee, which he examined, that the nucleus of the large cell is always in front in the Pollen-tube. Strasburger points out that Reichenbach had already figured and described both nuclei in the Pollen-bodies of some Orchids ; and that Hartig had also rendered the two nuclei visible in the Pollen-bodies of several plants by the use of a carmine solution. Yet these notices, because they lay somewhat out of the beaten track, remained almost un- observed. I have attempted, at the request of Professor Strasburger, to continue the researches into the stages of development of the Pollen-bodies of the Angiosperms. My researches, with this view, were made in the summer time of 1878 in the Botanical Institute at Jena, under the direction of Professor Strasburger; and this paper contains the result. In these researches I had the advantage of Professor StrasburgePs very kind and able help; and I now gladly seize the oppor- tunity of expressing my warmest thanks to him therefore. My task consisted on the one hand in following up the ^ Translated and condensed from the ‘ Jenaische Zeitschr.,’ 1879, part 1. ^ “ Ueber Befruchlung und Zelltlieilung,” ‘Jenaische Zeitsclirift fiir Naturwissenschaft,’ Bd. xi, Neue Edge Bd. iv, 1877, Heft. 4, p. 450. 20 FRED. ELFVING. newly-discovered cell division in the Pollen-bodies, and on the other in studying the relations of the nuclei in the Pollen-tube. The reason why the fact of these Pollen-bodies having several cells has been overlooked by investigators, is pro- bably altogether owing to the want of a suitable method of investigation. For if the phenomena which take place show' themselves with surprising clearness in some plants, even without using particular reagents, yet, in general, little can be gained by the examination of fresh material ; and the reagents formerly used by botanists rendered little or no assistance. Osmic acid, wdiicli has lately come into use, proved to be an invaluable aid in these investigations. This acid has been used by Strasburger with great success in his investi- gations concerning the Division and Fertilisation of Cells. After I had tried several other means for clarifying my specimens I used the osmic acid alone, and that only in a solution one per cent, strong. It is always of great advan- tage to add some kind of colouring material to the specimens preserved in osmic acid ; sometimes it is quite indispensable to do so. A solution of carmine, to w'hich a little glycerine was added, usefully served as such. By these means pre- parations can be obtained after a space of twenty-four hours w'hich, in the way of clearness, leave nothing to be wished for. It is very useful to break up the Pollen-bodies, if they are large and richly filled with granular or oily contents, immediately after the osmic acid has been added ; this can be done by pressing on the glass cover ; for if left w'hole they may colour slowly or not at all. This is especially useful w'hen it is desired to see everything quickly. The nuclei are in this way pressed out and immediately fixed, together with the rest of the contents of the cell. It is often even possible to get in this manner a view of nuclei in the act of dividing ; colouring with carmine is naturally also here of great use. Plants with many-flow'ered inflorescences are especially suited for these investigations. If the first blossoms of such a plant have opened, it is easy to find all tlie younger stages of development in the buds above one another. The vegetative cell is, however, always (the case of the Cyperaceae alone excepted) formed in those Pollen-bodies, which are separated from one another; that is to say, if they ever do separate. In order to study the relations of the nuclei in the Pollen- bodies, I cultivated these in many and different solutions. This I did in the usual way — viz. in suspended drops in a POLLEX-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 21 moist chamber. At first I tried solutions of cane-sugar of different degrees of concentration, but, as in many cases, no satisfactory results could be obtained in this manner, I tried other liquids. Van Tieghem,^ who also cultivated Pollen- bodies, recommends the addition to the liquid of une petite quantite” of acid tartrate of ammonia. T first of all decided that this petite quantile’^ could not be above 1 per cent., as stronger solutions would be simply deadly. Solutions of *1, *25, *5, and 1* were, on the other band, of no special use. The directions again of Van Tiegbem that inorganic salts, sugar, gum, and etheric oils should be added, according to the needs of the plants, are too general and uncertain to be worth wasting time over in further trials. After I had made trial also of a solution of glycerine one per cent, strong, and after trying solutions of nitrate of potassium and of carbonate of soda, I turned back to my solutions of cane-sugar (called in the following for the sake of brevity sugar solutions), as the most suitable. I made use of such solutions of different de- grees of concentration (as 1, 8, 5, 10, 20, 30, and 40), for, as might have been anticipated, it was soon apparent that the maximum degree of concentration required is different for the Pollen-bodies of different kinds of flowers ; while som.e Pollen-bodies developed tubes in almost any solution, others required a certain definite degree of concentration ; the indi- vidual variations in this respect were very remarkable. I is of great importance to use, for the purpose of cultivation quite ripe, though not over ripe. Pollen-bodies. Omitting minor variations I have given in the following pages the degree of concentration which proved itself the most useful in the culture of the Pollen of the several species of plants studied. I have also given the time in which the tube reached a certain length, under circumstances which were otherwise normal. Where no other solution is mentioned the cane-sugar solution was the one used. In all culture experiments the Pollen tubes swell after a time into club-like bodies, and finally finish off by bursting. In older tubes the still growing point is found separated by peculiar cellulose-plugs from the emptied posterior por- tions (see Strasburger, 1. c., p. 456). The culture experiments were undertaken with a tempera- ture as warm as the usual one of a room and in the dark. In many kinds of flowers the tube formation also took place, and in a normal manner, in the daylight. I did not turn my attention further to this point. At the same time I was, in the case of many plants, unable ‘ Annales des Sc. Nat., 5 seric, t. xii, 1809, p. 318. 32 FRED. ELFVING. to obtain tubes artificially. I then, sometimes successfully, tried to make preparations thereof out of the already fer- tilised pistils. The Pollen-tubes which I obtained in either way were immediately fixed with osmic acid or absolute alcohol. It is well to separate the moisture which surrounds the tube as much as possible before adding either of these reagents. This can easily be done with a capillary glass tube ; and thus powerful diffusion streams are avoided, which often occasion the bursting of the Pollen-tubes. The fixing then takes place almost instantaneously. The Orchids, especially those with richly-flowered spikes, offer splendid subjects for such investigations. I have ex- amined Orchis latifolia, 0. masculaj 0. maculata, Ophrys myodes, Platanthera hifolia, Gymnadenia conopsea, and Serapias francogallica, and am able to confirm the state- ments of Strasburger in every particular ; on which account I may for these simply refer to his drawings (1. c., p. 450, 452, plate t. xxvii, figs. 41 — 47). The formation and develop- ment of the Pollen-bodies corresponded exactly with these in every particular. The Pollen-body, originally provided with a round nucleus, is completely separated into two cells, of which the smaller is almost always to be found in one corner of the Pollen-body. The nuclei ^f these two sister-cells are round and almost of the same size ; the body of the nucleus of the smaller cell is, however, always smaller than that of the larger. No trace of a cellulose membrane between the two sister-cells could be detected, either by the use of reagents or by the crushing of the Pollen-body. Even the separating plasma-layer is removed at a later stage, and in the ripe Pollen-body the two nuclei lie free beside one another. The formation of the Pollen-tube takes a long time in the case of the Orchids, compared to that required by most other plants. Different species differ a little in this respect ; the best results were obtained, as a rule, by a culture of from twenty to forty hours, and in a solution of from 5 to 10 per cent, of sugar. It proved to be, as Strasburger first found in these plants, that the nuclei wander together into the tube, and that in doing so the nucleus of the larger cell grows quite disproportionately. Both take a somewhat long elliptic shape. In tubes the results of older cultures, the anterior nucleus had elongated itself in a striking manner; the nucleolus was, however, to be seen clearly. I am inclined to regard this as only a change caused by cul- tivation ; because in tubes extracted from styles one always POLLEN-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 23 finds the nuclei of the same form^ and this also when they are less developed. I have tried to follow the nuclei until the moment of fer- tilisation. In Gymnadenia conopsea, used as a favorable object of research, I was able to make out definitely that the nuclei were to be found som.e distance from the point in those tubes which had already pressed their way into the micro- pyle, and whose point already touched the inner tegument of the ovule. In many cases one of the nuclei again divided itself ; and so there were three nuclei. It ahvays seemed to me to be the posterior nucleus which had divided, and in the case of Orchis maculata I can state positively that it was the posterior one. As soon as the fertilisation is over, which can be seen by the changed condition of the envelopes in the embryo sac, no further traces of the nuclei are to be found. The whole end of the tube, whose point lies on the embryo sac, often separated by a cellulose plug on the outside, is al- together homogeneous and highly refractive. I may as well state here that I have brought ovules, which were capable of fertilisation, and tubes, when they (the tubes) were growing vigorously, together into one drop of saccharine solution; but that in no case could any entry of the tube into the micropyle be observed, not to speak of an act of fertilisation (Van Tieghem, 1. c., p. and Strasburger, 1. c., p. 486). I will begin the description of the stages of development in the Monocotyledons which I examined, with the following, which I found to be one of the best examples. Antliericum ramosum. — The Pollen-bodies of this species are almost semi-spherical. In a dry condition their convex side is deeply folded in. The extine is here very thin, and mostly broken through by the strong development of the intine, which later will evolve the tube. In examining flower buds of about 5 mm. in height Pollen- bodies are generally found in which the vegetative cell is already formed (Plate IV, fig. 1). It is very difficult in the case of this plant to observe in detail the various stages of division on account of the dense contents of the cells. There' is, however, no difficulty in ascertaining that the large circular nucleus places itself in the equatorial plain of the Pollen- body, and there divides itself. The result of the division is two cells. One, taking up by far the larger part of the Pollen-body, has a far larger nucleus, which is very like the original one, and like it has a very large nuclear body. The other, and far the smaller one, is attached to one side of tht' Pollen-body, and is separated from the sister-cell by a w'atch- FRED. ELFVING. . 24 glass shaped wall, to which the inline is attached ; it is distinguished by its transparent almost homogeneous proto- plasm, by its roundish oval nucleus, the nuclear body of which, though large, is still smaller than that of the larger cell. A partition by means of a cellulose membrane, as in the Orchids, seldom takes place, as the result of this division. The two cells, are oftener only separated by a layer of cortical plasma, which originates from the cell })late.” The vegetative cell soon separates itself from the inline altogether, and appears as a spherical formation in the inside of the Pollen-body (figs. 2 and 3). This cell elongates itself considerably in length and becomes spindle shaped v,dth pointed ends, which are bent in (figs. 4 — 6) ; its nucleus remains almost unchanged. If the Pollen-bodies are care- fully crushed in a saccharine solution (5 per cent, strong), this nucleus is easily found intact among the contents, which are pressed out. When pressed out of rather young Pollen- bodies, it generally becomes rounded and assumes a spherical shape, although it may have had already in the Pollen- body the spindle shape. In ripe Pollen-bodies, on the other hand, it is tolerably resistant, and keeps its form. Its nucleus appears clearer than the surrounding protoplasm if osmic acid is added ; it, however, stands out darker. When a strong solution of sugar — the best is one of 20 per cent. — is used, or, when a weak agent is a,dded capable of absorbing water, the inner plasm structures will be seen to contract and to leave behind as a membrane the outer cortical plasm. The whole is coloured brown by a chloride of zinc solution. While the vegetative cell changes in the manner just described, the nucleus of the big cell remains at first unal- tered. It afterwards becomes longish, and in doing so often bends upon itself. Upon this its nucleolus also vanishes. It is very difficult to point out the nucleus in the ripe Pollen- * body without using staining materials. The nucleus appears then as an irregularly-shaped, often crumpled body, or as membranous and shrunk together (fig. 6). Antherictm liliago corresponds with the above species, except that the large nucleus keeps its round form. In a Pollen-body, which lay already on the stigma, but had pro- duced no tubes, the nucleus was apparent, when fixed with osmic acid and coloured with carmine, as a strangely star- shaped body (fig. 8), and gave one the idea that it might have performed amoeboid movements while it was being fixed. Direct observation on the living Pollen-bodies was impossible on account of the thick contents of their cells. Pollen-tubes could not be obtained from these two species POLLEN-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 25 by culture^ I therefore prepared them independently from pollen-besprinkled pistils. In Anthericum liliacjo the whole vegetative cell is found in the tubes, together with the nucleus of the big cell, which is very much elongated and often looks like a very fine thread. It is usually this nucleus which goes first, though not without excep- tion. Fig. 7 shows such a tube, which also exhibits the rather rare instance of branching. On the other hand, in Anthericum ramosum I cowld observe no nuclei as soon as the tubes w'ere formed. It is very much the same with Glohha bracteata^ only that in this case one can indicate no special place in which the vegetative cell will be formed, owing to the Pollen-body being spherical and provided Avith a membrane equally thick all over. In its ripe condition the Pollen-body is shaped like that of Anthericum (fig. 4). The Pollen-bodies, in a solution of 5 per cent, of sugar, produce short tubes; these, however, stop too short to allow of conclusions about the behaviour of the nuclei. Tulipa Gesneriana (figs. 9 — 14) corresponds in most particulars with Anthericum. The vegetative cell is enor- mously developed (fig. 12 shows two pressed out), and its nucleus is often provided Avith several nucleoli. In the ripe Pollen-body it immediately strikes one from its size and half-moon shaped form. Occasionally I have found a division of the vegetative cell in the younger Pollen-bodies (fig. 18). In the tubes (1 — 8 per cent, sugar solution; eighteen hours) the nucleus of the big cell Avent before, and was folloAved by the elongated vegetative cell (fig. 14). In Ornithogalum pyramidale the vegetative cell is also formed in a corner of the Pollen-body, opposite to the opening in the extine. In one instance, Avith osraic acid and carmine preparations, the division Avail betAveen the tAvo cells clearly appeared double-contoured and was highly refractive like the intine, into Avhich it undoubtedly passed over (fig. 15). I have no doubt that in th-s case a cellulose membrane Avas really formed. Its further development corresponds with that Avhich has already been described. The vegetative cell becomes finally much elongated by stretching, and has pointed, often bent in, ends. The greatest part of it is occupied by the almost cylindrical nucleus Avhich possesses no nucleolus (figs. 16, 17). On crushing out the contents of a ripe Pollen-body the vegetative cell appears as a hyaline body in the midst. Both ends are filled Avith yellowish coloured little bodies ; in general it has a strong resemblance to a cell nucleus, for 26 FRED. ELFVING. which it was taken in the like case of Narcissus poeticus by Strashurger. Osmic acid dissolves the yellow bodies, but brings out the nucleus clearly in the midst (figs. 18, 18o). The nucleus of the larger cell undergoes consider- able changes, whereby the greatest part of its substance becomes -dissolved, so that finally only a small, irregularly shaped, often whipcord* like remainder of it can be made out (figs. 16, 17). ^ Ornithogalum Ecklonii corresponds with the preceding. The Pollen-bodies in both species produced no tubes in the various solutions I used. There were no traces of nuclei to be seen in the tubes of 0. Ecklonii, which I prepared from the styles, and which could be followed throughout their whole length ; the ends of the tubes were thickly filled with fine granular protoplasm, and were cut oif from the empty upper part and from the nucleus by the usual cellulose plugs. Leucojum (Bstivum is a very favorable subject for exami- nation, where the whole course of development, almost with- out using re-agents, can be pursued. The formation of the vegetative cell takes place in tolerably old buds. It is marked off by a thick arched-in wall of cortical plasm. The contents appears almost homogeneous (fig. 19) ; the addition of osmic acid causes, however, the nucleus, which possesses no nuclear body, to appear very distinctly (fig. 20). The question whether the vegetative cell is formed in a particular part of the Pollen-body I must leave un- answered, as I did not direct my attention to that point in examining it. Neither does my drawing allow me to come to any definite conclusion. The nucleus of the large cell is provided with distinct nucleoli. The vegetative cell now loosens itself from the intine ; at first spherical (fig. 21), it soon assumes the shape depicted in figs. 22 and 23. The largest part of the cell is occu- pied by the now elliptic nucleus, which appears pellucid in the fresh Pollen-bodies, while the protoplasm, permeated by dark-coloured granules, is pushed away almost entirely into the ends, which are bent in like horns. Fig. 23 shows such a vegetative cell after treatment with osmic acid. Fig. 24 shows the two nuclei crushed out and treated with osmic acid and carmine. Shortly before the period of fertilisation, the wall of the vegetative cell is absorbed, and at the same time the nucleo- lus of the larger cell disappears, so that the two nuclei are hardly to be distinguished. Pollen-tubes are to be obtained easily by cultivation (3 to POLLEN-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 27 5 per cent, strong, six hours). The nuclei travelling into them are thereby elongated and become altogether similar to one another (fig. 25). Narcissus poeticus. — Here the development is precisely similar, only that the vegetative cell is more spindle shaped, almost like that in Ornithogalum. r obtained Pollen-tubes of N. poeticus after four hours’ cultivation in a solution of 3 — 5 per cent, of sugar. In general, the nuclei, as soon as they have entered the tubes, cannot be distinguished, as they have become elongated early, often even in the Pollen-body (fig. 26). In many cases, how- ever, viz. where the nucleolus of the nucleus belonging to the larger cell was still preserved, I was able to determine with certainty that sometimes the nucleus of the vegetative cell and sometimes that of the large cell went in front. I once saw, what is very exceptional, the doubling of the posterior nucleus (fig- Iris sihirica is very difficult of examination owing toe the richness of the cell contents and the thickness of th extine. The extine can be removed and the conditions of the investigation made easier if the Pollen-bodies are put into a drop of water or of sugar solution, and the covering glass is repeatedly raised up and down by means of a pair of small pincers. By such manipulation the extine will separate from several Pollen-bodies. If the Pollen-bodies of older buds are subjected to this treatment it is sometimes possible to press the whole contents of the large cell out, so as to leave the small vegetative cell attached to the intine (fig. 29). It must, therefore, be surrounded by a tolerably resisting (cellulose?) membrane, and I actually succeeded once in demonstrating such a membrane by a cautious crushing (fig. 28). The vegetative cell is always formed on the flattened side of the Pollen-body. Its nucleus has a small nucleolus, the nucleus of the larger cell is a little larger and has also a larger nucleolus. In the ripe Pollen-body the two nuclei are almost unchanged, the vegetative one is some- times naked and sometimes covered with a hyaline proto- plasmic mass of a spindle shape, which represents the vegetative cell set free. Pollen-tubes were obtained after a cultivation of six hours in a solution, 30 — 40 per cent, strong, of sugar. As soon as the tube formation begins all signs by which one can distinguish the two nuclei vanish. They travel rather late, and often beside one another into the wide tubes, and can then only be pointed out as bits of protoplasm, coloured deeper than the rest by carmine, which have no clear outline. 28 FRED. ELFVING. Iris xiphium ; the development is similar to that of I. sih~ irica. I once observed one of its vegetative cells^ whose nucleus had divided. The nucleus of the big cell sometimes goes first into the tubes and sometimes that of the small one. They also often go beside one another. The substance of the large nucleus becomes very much elongated on enter- ing, and approaches the point of the tube by bending and twisting itself. The vegetative nucleus retains its shape even after the dissolution of its surrounding protoplasm (fig. 30). Tradescantia virginica ; here the nuclei are very strangely formed (fig. 37), as Hartig has already remarked. One of them is very long and narrow, curved, with bent-in, almost rolled-in, ends ; it is, indeed, often of a trichina form. The other is round and finally of the same star-shaped form which is met with in Anthericum liliago. Both are devoid of nucleoli. The developmental history tells us that the former nucleus originates from the larger cell; while the other sausage-shaped one is the considerably modified vegeta- tive nucleus. I may here mention in passing that the manner of division corresponded with that described by Strasburger for the integument-cells of Nothoscordum fragrans Ueber Befruchtung und Zelltheilung,’ p. 517, Taf. xxxiii, figs. 47—54). I examined the Pollen-tubes, w'hich were prepared out of the style. These tubes grow out of one end of the Pollen- body. Already, whilst the two nuclei lie in the Pollen-body, the round one becomes much elongated, and after the two have entered the tube they are in every respect similar, becoming very long and drawn out. I discovered, however, some instances in which the vegetative nucleus lay in the Pollen- body with its characteristically rolled- up ends, while the other had already left it. Sparganium ramosum shows a similar development to that of Typha angustifolia. The formation of starch (which hinders observation in Typha) begins, how- ever, later, so that I can state positively that the vegeta-. tive cell generally separates itself and assumes a spindle shape (figs. 41, 42). The vegetative nucleus only becomes free after further development (fig. 43), after which its nucleolus vanishes (fig. 44). The nucleus becomes deeply coloured by carmine. The nucleolus of the large nucleus, deeper coloured, can generally be found in the ripe Pollen- body. The nucleus of the large cell sometimes goes first into the Pollen-tubes (5 — 10 per cent., eighteen hours) and sometimes POLLEN-BODIES OF THE ANGIOSPERMS. 29 the nucleus of the vegetative cell (figs. 45, 46). It, however, also happens that the latter may remain behind in the Pollen-body (fig. 48). The vegetative nucleus divides later on in the tube, and this occurs botli when it is in front as well as when it is behind (figs. 45, 47). I never found it thus dividing while in the Pollen-body. In P'othos Olfersii the two nuclei are similar also, being both elliptic and lying beside one another. Not to mention the division of the vegetative nucleus in the Pollen-tubes of the Orchids and in Sparganium, I found that division of the vegetative nucleus may occur in Iris xiphiumy and a duplication of the vegetative cell itself in the Pollen- body of Tiilipa gesneriana. In these species this is excep- tional. In some Monocotyledons such a formation of several vegetative cells is normal. This is well seen i\\ Andropogon campanus. The Pollen-bodies of this species are spherical, with a thin extine which, as-in all the Gramineae, is pierced by a small orifice, through which later the inline grows out into a tube. In the stage of development in which the vegetative cell is formed, the Pollen-body contains only a thin parietal layer of finely granular protoplasm, surround- ing a large vacuole. These Pollen-bodies are very favor- able objects for examination, as starch and other bodies sometimes enclosed in protoplasm are altogether absent. Indeed, I have found no other plant which showed the formation and development of the vegetative cell so plainly, without making use of reagents. Pollen-bodies can be found in almost every anther ; even in blossoms which are already ripe for pollination many Pollen-bodies appear in a retarded state. Originally the Pollen-body carries only one single nucleus with a nucleolus. A small vegetative cell is then formed diametrically opposite the orifice in the extine. It is of the usual shape with clear protoplasm, and with a spherical or oval nucleus, which is provided with a small but distinct nucleolus. The nucleus of the large cell is generally disk-shaped, and has a large, strongly refractive nucleolus (figs. 54, 55). Typically, the vegetative cell next divides itself into two equal sister-cells, one of which often divides a