2L6, a Alex Aenssiz. Hibrary of the Museum OF COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Founded by private subscription, in 1S6L. DDADILDO IO Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. oo. No. 79 & 7. QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE: EDITED BY EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.LS., AND GEORGE BUSK, F.R.C.S.E., F.R.S., Sec. 1.8. VOLUME III.—New Series. With Allustrations ov Wood and Stone. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL AND SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. “1863. _1ahae bali a0 a ere) | ate LADLTOORGE ul Dey Wey Be } ye af a FSF a 4, , a a Le CH04, ann | MMe PTR EM AD . N ' as 7 : i L es Ue YOU) ia Ne ut ie np Mi Y ¢ Aafia ie Ae SL a i Adve) Git Rote. ad MOSHE, Qa “a by sae s -d Airis Li \ i ' ip an y Li‘ ’ N ’ z ' tay ee: vy ihe pep ts ; et 4 | a oy j - : ! ay 7 id i fi eal (sd cee wale £ ly ) i ‘wird Maa , . pee WS nibs : , pie te : iit : | i ‘ = om ; ro ; bie i vo, PY PU ni q ry ‘ TT i : 17 nee? * >, l ay fest P oT ht = : 7 ic OE ad | a a: ry oe fared 1; jaan oy ge ng ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. On the DeveLopmMENT of Strirpep MuscuLar Fisre in Man, Mammatta, and Birps. By J. Locxnart Crarxg, F.R.S. (Continued from page 231, vol. ii.) On the Development of Muscular Fibre in Man. In man the development of striped muscular fibre is on the same plan as in birds and mammalia, but presents some points of difference that deserve consideration. In its early stage one does not observe those striking forms that appear in the chick between the sixth and seventh days of incuba- tion (Pl. XI, fig. 9), and in the sheep or ox at a correspond. ing period. From the fourth to the fifth week of utero- gestation is about the earliest period at which this tissue can be distinguished with certainty from some others. Ina foetus of three fourths of an inch in length it forms a gelatinous mass, consisting, as in the other cases described, of fibres and nuclei imbedded in a semifluid, granular blastema. Pl. I, fig. 18 represents fibres from a foetus three fourths of an inch in length; and fig. 19 both fibres and free nuclei from another foetus, of one inch in length. In the formation of these fibres, as in similar cases already de- scribed, granular processes of condensed blastema extend from the sides or from around the nuclei; and along the surface of these a new substance forms, until they become partially or completely invested. At first the investing substance appears only on one side, in the form generally of a plain band or fibre (see fig. 18 a), but subsequently is seen also on the other. Sometimes, however, it is deposited in the shape of distinct, longitudinal fibrille, until the surface is completely covered (fig. 18 4); and sometimes these fibrillze are at once or soon after divided into particles, which, when close together and on the same level, appear as transverse strie (fig. 18d). Seen under a power of 420 diameters, these two rows of particles had the appearance of short, trans- verse lines. On one side of them are the remains of the granular layer of blastema, ready to be converted into VOL, III.—NEW SER. A 2 CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. another fibrilla or row of particles. But even when the sur- face of the fibre is perfectly plain, with the exception of the two lateral borders, it may be resolved into fibrille by the influence of certain reagents, particularly chromic acid. The diameter of the same fibre varies at different parts of its course, and the nuclei it contains are located at variable distances from each other. Sometimes, however, three or four are heaped closely together, one overlapping the other ; and sometimes two are in contact at their edges, having just undergone the process of division. The fibres arrange them- selves side by side, with the nuclear enlargements of one a little above or below those of another, so that their respective curvatures admit of their lying in close contact. Pl. I, fig. 19 4 represents three fibres disposed in this way, but intentionally separated a short distance from each other. Sometimes they may be seen to increase in diameter or in the number of fibrille by the adhesion of fresh nuclei, from which new granular processes of blastema extend along their edges (fig. 20a, 6). Each of their lateral borders constitutes one fibrilla or more; but, except under the influence of chromic acid or some other reagent, it is only occasionally that the fibrillee are resolved into particles or granules, which are in some cases exceedingly fine (see fig. 19 a). The muscular tissue of the heart in the same foetus differed in some respects from that of the trunk. The free nuclei were more densely crowded together, but the granular blas- tema was less abundant. All these bodies gave off processes, which, in many instances, were mere fibres, but in others they were broad at their attachment to one side or end of the nucleus, from which they tapered off into fibres, so as to present a funnel-shaped appearance (see fig. 21 @).* During the first formation of the muscular fibres the nuclei, with their processes, were disposed side by side, as represented in fig. 216. When formed, they were, in general, more uniformly granular than those of the trunk, more varied in shape, and irregular in breadth, and gave off branches by which they were connected in a kind of plexus or anastomosis. In some cases they were joined together by broad expansions of con- densed blastema (something lke the webb in a frog’s foot), in which much finer branches might be frequently seen in * From their appearance there is reason for believing that these funnel- shaped bodies are rudimentary nerve-cells in the substance of the heart ; for they bear a striking resemblance to the rudimentary cells which I found in the intervertebral ganglia of the foetus (see ‘Phil. Trans,’ for the present year, 2nd part). Some of the fusiform bodies belong to the tendinous tissue, and are of stronger outline than the others. CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. 3 process of formation. Fig. 21 ¢ represents different kinds of these fibres. In the bundles which they form they lie in such close apposition that they appear to be almost cemented together. One of these is represented at fig. 2le. At its lower part the fibres have become separated. At the sides of such a bundle it was not uncommon to find oval nuclei with processes which divide into branches, as shown in the figure. Sometimes several nuclei appeared to be joined to- gether by a condensation of the intervening blastema, in which at the same time a kind of plexus of fibres, of very small but variable diameter, became developed (fig. 21g). In the heart the fibrille were much more frequently resolved into particles or sarcous elements, and therefore the appear- ances of transverse strize were much more common than in the trunk. In foetuses of one and a half or two inches in length the mus- cular fibres of the trunk, which were first developed, had in- creased considerably in diameter ; but many smaller ones were either formed or in process of formation. Fig. 22 represents several fibres in different states of development, from an arm of a human feetus about two inches in length. Their increase in diameter depends, in some places, partly on a certain in- crease in the size of the nuclei which they contain, but chiefly on the deposition of new layers of the substance or the fibrillz by which they are invested, and which, therefore, extend the breadth of the original borders. In the majority of instances these new layers are deposited nearly equally round the axis, but in many others they are added—at least for a variable length—more thickly on one side, as shown at a, fig. 22; so that from this cause, as well as from the size and relative distance from each other of the nuclei, the same fibre may vary in diameter at different parts of its course. It is flatter also in some parts, and gradually assumes a more cylindrical shape and uniform structure throughout its entire thickness. Numerous nuclei lie on its surface, along which granular processes may be frequently seen to extend from one to the other, as the foundation of new fibrillz (see fig. 226). In all the larger fibres, and in most of those of intermediate size, the striz are beautifully marked, but have often a different aspect in different fibres and in different parts of the same fibre. On each side of the axis there is commonly observed a very remarkable border of transverse striz, corresponding to the plain lateral borders, and indicating the depth of the fibrillation. Fig. 22y is an exact representation of a large and strongly marked fibre from the same fcetus. Its striated border, under a sufficient magnifying power, was easily re- solved into several rows of sarcous particles, like those re- 4 CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. presented at a, 6, fig. 20, in which, particularly, in a, if we suppose a number of other fibrille of the same kind to be deposited round the nucleus a’ and its granular prolongations, we should have a general resemblance to the fibre now under consideration, in which it was easy to see, by changing the focus, that the whole of its upper surface consisted of fibrille similar to those at its sides. When the granular axis has disappeared, and the fibre throughout is composed of fibrillze, and is therefore of uniform structure, the lateral bands, as bands, of course, disappear; while the nuclei, in many in- stances, reach the surface, in consequence of the unequal deposition of material around them. In other cases, how- ever, the nuclei have seemed to disappear by breaking up into granules; but I am not sure that this is a natural histo- logical change. In the embryo of the fowl, when the fibres are changing from the condition represented at a, fig. 12, to that at a, fig. 13 (Pl. XI)—that is, when the axis is disappearing, and the fibre is becoming a compact bundle of fibrillae—the nuclei seemed as if they were escaping to the surface between the fibrillee, as it were, by pressure, for many of them were partly between and partly without the fibrille. I have not wit- nessed the same appearances in mammalia, nor have I seen the same reed-like structure of the fibres as is represented at a, fig. 12, where the nuclei seem as if they were compressed by the lateral bands stretched over them at intervals. Up to the time of birth nothing of importance remains to be observed. Fig. 23, Pl. I, represents three muscular fibres from the leg of a human feetus of three and a half months; one of them is left blank. Such are the results of my own observations on the deve- lopment of striated muscular fibre. Let us now consider how far they agree with the theories and observations of pre- vious inquirers. It is well known that, according to Schwann, every mus- cular fibre is at first developed from round nuclear cells, which arrange themselves in linear series and coalesce at their pomts of contact. The septa by which they are sepa- rated then become absorbed, so that there results a hollow cylinder,—the secondary cell of muscle, within which the nuclei of the original cells are contained, generally lying near together on its wall.* In 1849-50 Lebert published some investigations on the development of the same tissue in vertebrate animals,t+ opposing at the same time the theory of Schwann. Spcak- * * Microscopical Researches,’ &c., p, 141. + ‘Annales des Sciences naturelles.’ CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE, 5 ing of the origin of the muscular cylinders, he says— “J’avoue que la théorie cellulaire ne me rend pas bien compte de leur premiére formation, et je n’ai pas pu con- firmir leur mode de développement par alignement et fusion de globules, mode indiqué par plusieurs physiologistes dis- tingués.”* According to him, the first traces of the mus- cular fibres make their appearance as fusiform, somewhat oval, cylindrical, or irregular corpuscles or cells, which he ealls the myogenic bodies, and in which certain indications of longitudinal striz are already observable; (‘‘ corpuscules fusiformes, ovoides ou irréguliers ;” “corps ou cellules myo- géniques ;” ‘‘ espéces de longues cellules irreguliérs”’). He confesses, however, that he was unable, by direct observa- tions, to determine the mode of origin of these bodies— “dans Poiseau, comme dans les autres vertébrés, la premiére origine des cylindres musculaires ne peut pas encore étre précisée par l’observation directe.”+ It seemed to him that they were formed by a coalescence of all sorts of pieces, and that the nuclei within them were only accidentally inclosed.t It is evident that the “corps ou cellules myogéniques” of Lebert correspond to the bodies which I have described and represented as appearing in the chick between the sixth and seventh day of incubation (see Pl. XI, fig. 9, c, d,e, f); but of their mode of origin, as already shown, he was unacquainted. Neither does he make any mention of the smaller fibres which are formed at an earlier period, as I have already described. In 1854 a paper, by Mr. Savory, of London, “ On the Development of Striated Muscular Fibre in Mammalia,” was read before the Royal Society, and in 1855 was pub- lished in Part II of the ‘ Phil. Transactions.’ The results of these investigations are completely at variance with the cell theory of Schwann. The following is a brief statement of the principal facts connected with the plan of development. The first stage consists of the aggregation and adhesion of the free cytoblasts or nuclei into clusters, and their mvest- ment by blastema to form elongated masses, which are irre- gularly cylindrical or somewhat flattened. The nuclei thus ageregated next fall into a single row, while the surrounding substance at the same time grows more transparent, aud is arranged in the form of two bands, which border the fibre, and increase in thickness by the addition of fresh blastema to their external surface. The fibres next begin to lengthen, while their nuclei part from each other, and as the distances * © Annal. des Sciences nat.,’ 1849, p. 352. + Ibid. + Ibid, p. 377. 6 CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. between the latter increase the bands which separated them fall in and coalesce, so that the diameters of the fibres decrease. Soon after the nuclei have separated some of them begin to decay by breaking up into irregular clusters of granules, which themselves soon disappear. At this period the strize first become visible within the margin of the fibre, and then pass gradually towards the centre. The fibres now begin to increase in size by means of the surrounding cyto- blasts. These become attached to their exterior, and invested by blastema, which generally forms a continuous layer be- tween them. The nuclei subsequently sink into the sub- stance of the fibre, and an ill-defined elevation, which soon disappears, is all that remains. Now, while this account and that which I have given as the result of my own investigations differ from each other in many particular points, they still very nearly coincide in regard to the general principle or plan upon which the fibres originate in the blastema. In the first stage of their forma- tion, however, the nuclei are far from bemg always aggre- gated in clusters, or even in contact with each other in linear series, as may be seen in birds, mammalia, and especially in man, in whom such an arrangement never occurs (figs. 4, 5, 14, and 18); and even when they are in contact or overlay each other their adhesion always takes place by means of a certain quantity of blastema, as at e¢, figs. 5, 6, and 14. When they are at some distance from each other, the blas- tema which cements them in a larger or smaller quantity is more or less enclosed as an axis by the condensed substance of the lateral bands, and contributes to the extension of these bands or to the formation of separate fibrillee around the rest of the fibre, which, however, mcreases in diameter by the deposition of fresh material on its surface (fig. 4 a, b, ¢; fig. 5 a, 6, d.) In many instances, particularly in the younger fibres, the nuclei are crowded together in close con- tact, as represented by Savory, and sometimes they overlap each other, as represented at c, fig. 5. When several of them are compressed closely together they frequently seem as if they were undergoing a process of division, and such a pro- cess does actually take place in many instances within the fibres, where the nuclei frequently occur in pairs or in rows of three or four. My observations on the first stage of development of mus- cular fibre in the Auman foetus, with many of the drawings, were made at the beginning of the present year (1861). Those in the chick I made in the following June and July; and while occupied with the same subject in mammalia during the CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. 7 month of October, my attention was directed to a recent paper on the development of striated muscular fibre by Deiters, of Bonn.* This author’s observations were made on the tissue formed during regeneration of the tail of the tad- pole. The conclusions at which he arrives are as follows: 1. Striated muscular fibre results from the transforma- tion of a structure belonging to the class of connective tissues. 2. This transformation proceeds directly from the con- nective-tissue-cells, which, however, preserve their spindle and stellate shapes. 3. The essential nature of the process consists in this— that the cells deposit the striated substance on their outer cell-wall, so that it possesses the relation of an intercellular substance. 4, This substance shows itself at first in the form of a simple, long, smooth, and frequently transversely striated band or border of condensed material (Verdickungssaum), which corresponds to our fibrilla, and increases by the con- tinual deposition of new layers on its outside. 5. The deposition takes place mostly on one side, but may occur on other sides. 6. During this process the cells multiply by a considerable increase in the number of the nuclei. At the same time the striated border increases in length, and may extend very far beyond the cell. 7. The cells do not lie immediately behind one another, but either side by side or obliquely behind each other, somewhat in the fashion of tiles. 8. The formative cells are connected with the connective- tissue-cells of the tendons. 9. The sarcolemma is the last product of the developed primitive bundles; it is not cell-membrane. From some of these statements it is obvious that, as regards the manner in which the muscular fibres first make their appearance in the blastema, there is a general coinci- dence of this author’s views with those put forth by Savory, as well as with my own. ‘The chief points of difference are the followig :—Ist. That although, accordmg to Deiters, the muscular fibres are not formed directly by the coalesced substance of nucleated cells, as maintamed by Schwann and others, yet that nucleated cells are the real agents in their development. 2nd. That these “formative cells’ are not * ¢Beitrag zur Histologie der quergestreiften Muskeln,’ von Dr. Otto Deiters. Reichert’s u, Du Bois-Reymond’s ‘ Archiv,’ Heft iii und iy, 8 CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. ultimately inclosed by the striated substance to which they give origin. With respect to the first of these statements, the question to be decided is, whether these formative bodies are to be regarded as true nucleated cel/s. In the regenerate tissue of the tadpole, according to Deiters, they are real cells, possess- ing distinct envelopes. Now, although in this particular case | am not prepared to offer any opinion from direct observation, since the season had already passed for making the necessary examination before the publication of the Deiters’ paper, yet I think I may safely assert that in man, mammalia, and birds, the granular substance surround- ing the nuclei, and concerned in the development of the muscular fibres, have no envelope or cell-wall in the proper sense of the word, and that these bodies are not entitled to be considered as nucleated cells.* It is true, as I have already shown, that the granular substance sometimes assumes the form of a fusiform cell; but, if the process of development be examined in very young embryos, the tapering or conical prolongations of the nucleus may be observed in different stages of formation, and to consist frequently, at first, of delicate streaks of the finely granular blastema. But it very commonly happens, as I have also shown, that the intervening blastema cements the nuclei together, without forming a separate mass around each. In other instances, as represented at e, fig. 11, in the chick, and at m, fig. 14 (Pl. XI), in the pig, a fibre originates in the blastema, between series of nuclei, at some distance asunder, which are each con- nected with the fibre by a more or less globular, oval, or fusiform mass. Fig. 14, like the others, is an exact repre- sentation of a fibre from the dorsal muscles of a feetal pig of not quite an inch in length. The granular blastema on the left border of the middle nucleus had not yet actually assumed the appearance of a fibre. The free edges of these delicate and variously shaped masses of blastema are at first frequently uneven, ragged, or, at least, not sharply defined, and contrast strongly with the very distinct and well-defined wall of the nucleus itself. But when a fine fibre or lateral band has formed along each side of one of the masses surrounding the nucleus, and has joined its fellow at both ends (as at the lower part of m, fig. 14; the upper part of e, fig. 11, and elsewhere), this investing substance has * Tt is necessary to state that an abstract of my present communication was received by the Royal Society of London, on November 21, 1861; read January 16, 1862; and published in No. 48, vol. xi, of the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society.’ CLARKE, ON STRIPED MUSCULAR FIBRE. 9 frequently the appearance of a cell-wall, so that the body might be taken for a true nucleated cell, giving origin to a process or fibre. Such would be the case at f and g, fig. 14, if the lateral band were a little finer, and were joined at each end of the mass by another from the opposite side. I have examined such a multitude of specimens from embryos of all ages, with so much care, that I can scarcely see how any unbiassed and candid inquirer, who has devoted the same attention to the subject, can arrive at any other conclu- sion than the one I have just drawn. In the opinion of Deiters, the muscular fibre and striated mass is to be considered in the light of an intercellular sub- stance, secreted by the so-called nucleated cells. Whether it be a product of secretion or not, I leave out of the question ; but supposing these bodies to be true nucleated cells, with cell- walls, it is quite certain that their separate existence, as such, is far from being a necessary condition for the development (secretion) of the muscular fibres; for by the descriptions and figures of Dieters himself, it is shown that several of these cells frequently coalesce to form either a continuous band or tube,—in which the nuclei are disposed in linear series,—or an irregular mass, in which they lie without any order, so that in these cases the process of secretion would be carried on, not by separate cells, but by tubes, bands, or irregular masses formed by the coalescence of cells. However, there is little doubt that the muscular substance is the result of some process carried on by the nuclet themselves. Now, ac- cording to my own opportunities of observation, the organic muscular-fibre-cell is developed on the same plan as the striated fibre in its first stage, viz., by the formation of sar- cous substance around a nucleus encrusted with blastema ; so that the latter kind of fibre, instead of being the product of a nucleated cell, would appear to be itself a kind of cell- formation, which at first finds its prototype in the organic muscular-fibre-cell, and in which the investing sarcous sub- stance represents the cell-wall. 10 On the GrneRAL AnAtTomMy, Histotoey, and Puystoiocy of Limax maximus (Moquin-Tandon). By Henry Lawson, M.D., Professor of Physiology in Queen’s College, Birmingham. Ir has often occurred to my mind that the objects by which we are almost invariably surrounded are not unfre- quently those with whose characters and history we are least acquainted. How many are there who, though on terms of intimacy with the utmost minutiz of some arabesque, or specimen of medieval ornamentation, can accurately depict from memory alone the pattern of a well-known carpet or the design of a drawing-room’s tapestry? If so common- place a comparison be not inadequate to the subject, I beg to offer it as one of the circumstances which instigated the re- searches, upon which the results stated in the following pages have been based. The variety of L. maximus selected for dissection has been in most instances the dark one, with occasional examinations of the mottled specimens ; the chief morphological distinc- tion between the two, being the possession by the latter of a distinct shell, the material of which in the former is usually found in a condition of disintegration, mimgled with the mucous exudation of the sac in which it is contained. We find, according to the philosophic investigations of Prof. Huxley,* that the slug, ike other pulmonata, develops in the embryonic state, an abdomen or mass of tissue anterior to the anal aperture, in this way causing the intestine to bend, with its concavity facing the nervous region of the body, and hence it comes under the category of molluses, exhibiting a “ neural flexure” of the archetype of this naturalist. The arrange- ment of the organs included in the economy of gasteropodous creatures is generally stated to partake of irregularities, to be devoid of co-ordination, and to be asymmetrical. I cannot say that I have been forcibly impressed by the truth of these dogmas, for to me, a very decided symmetry is apparent, and that too, in many instances, of the bilateral type. Thus, in the nervous, the circulatory, and the special sense systems, * « On the Morphology of the Cephalous Mollusca, as illustrated in the Anatomy of certain Heteropoda and Pteropoda collected during the Voyage of H.M.S. ‘Rattlesnake’ By T. H. Huxley, F.R.S.” ‘ Philosophical Transactions,’ 1853. + Some difficulty is at first experienced in endeavouring to realise this change, but the author’s explanation (vide note, p. 51, of memoir referred to) renders the matter most explicit. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. ry we find the constituent organs equally divided between the two sides of the body, and there are two salivary glands and two principal divisions of the liver, one of each lying on either side of the median line. The lungs we may also, to some extent, distribute with reference to a central plane; and, finally, there remain but the generative and digestive apparatuses, which, though seemingly aberrant, we are not warranted in concluding to be asymmetrical till better acquainted with their phases of development. In a rude way we may look on this animal as a tough, elongated pouch, contaiming viscera, and having attached to its dorsal surface, on its anterior third, a convex and in some measure pyramidal cap, which is com- posed of the so-called mantle; this, in vertical section, is dome-shaped, and is a perfectly closed cavity, in which is placed the loose mass of calcareous particles of the shell ; below, it is limited by a delicate, transparent membrane, which lies upon the heart and pericardial gland, and appears by a process of splitting to pass beneath these latter also, in this manner completely separating them from the great visceral chamber subjacent (see Pl. II). I propose to treat of the anatomy of Limax after the following scheme : 1. Tegumentary system. 5. Circulatory system. 2. Muscular system. 6. Nervous system. 3. Digestive system. 7. Special sense and glandsystem. 4. Respiratory system. 8. Reproductive system. Integument.—The skin system is of the musculo-cutaneous type, and may be said to consist of three coats, an outer or dermoid, a middle or muscular, and an internal or fibro-vas- cular, and calcareous. The first resolves itself into two layers, a more external stratum, which is transparent, and, so far as I could observe, structureless, and in some instances detachable, and within this a bed of fusiform endoplasts, imbedded in a clear matrix, and which assume the fibrous appearance of connec- tive tissue as they approach the next coat, from which they are inseparable. The muscular or central lamina is also com- posed of two layers of fibres, the most external being longi- tudinal, and those within them transverse, yet the line of distinction cannot be clearly drawn, for as you advance inwards you find the outer fibres gradually losing the longi- tudinal and by assuming an oblique position, in this way passing almost insensibly into the truly transverse ones; the fibres, at best, are indistinct, and are composed of elongate endoplasts. The imner coat consists of meshes of connec- tive tissue, tunneled for the conveyance of the venous blood, and impregnated with round, granular particles of carbonate 12 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. of lime, which give that portion lining the visceral chamber a pure, white, lustrous aspect. I have not entered into the shell question in these pages, because the shell in its mature form is more or less structureless, and its homologies can only be arrived at by an appeal to development, the study of which in this animal I have not devoted sufficient atten- tion to.* Muscular System.—The muscles in this animal are not numerous, as, indeed, they are not in any mollusk, and may be conveniently grouped under two heads—those blended with the integument, and those distinct. The former I have already described. The isolated muscles are very few in number, and embrace those of the tentacula, and the retractors of the head. In both cases they are flattened bands, of a glistening, semi-transparent appearance, and are made up of long, fusiform endoplasts, with dark nuclei, and surrounded by a clear periplast. The retractor of the head is along, tough, flat band, which arises from the integument of the right side, about the middle of the antero-posterior plane, and, passing beneath the viscera reaches the nervous collar of the gullet ; here it comes through the circlet of nerves and beneath the cesophagus, and on approaching the head bifurcates, the two filaments thus produced being inserted into the musculo- fibrous tissue of the head, with which they become continuous. The tentacular are much more complex in mode of arrange- ment, and are three in number for each side of the body. These three are united in such a manner as to give rise to a more or less perfect equilateral triangle, whose base lies in the longitudinal plane, with the apex poimting laterally and a little upwards ; the posterior extremity of the base is con- tinuous with the dense skin of the foot, to which it is attached, and the anterior side is prolonged and blended with the tissue of the foot in the median line and just below the mouth. From the apex of the triangle springs the superior tentacle, and from the muscle constituting the base arises the inferior one; hence, if the basal cord contracts, the superior tentacle will be drawn in; if the posterior side of the triangle is shortened, the inferior tentacle will be brought in; and should the anterior band be stimulated, it will tend more or less by its contraction, to place both tentacula in a position to allow of eversion by the usual means. A glance at the semi- schematic figure on Pl. II will suffice to make these remarks intelligible. * For an admirable memoir on this subject, consult “ Beitrige zur Ent- wickelungsgeschichte der Land-Gasteropoden,” by Carl Gegenbaur, in Siebold und Kolliker’s ‘ Zeitschrift,’ &e., for 1852. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 13 The Digestive System, with the appendages which appertain to it, forms the bulk of the slug’s viscera, and in treating of it we have to speak of the following parts :—head, salivary glands, gullet or pro-stomach, stomach, liver, and intestine. The head is the most anterior portion of the body, and when deprived of the tentacula and integument which cover it appears as a solid, glistening, white structure, of a more or less spherical form, viewed from above, in profile seeming oval, the large end behind, and having, projecting from its posterior inferior border, a small, whitish, semi-transparent papilla. On its two sides, above, are seen the superior ten- tacles, and beside and beneath, various branches from the cephalic or supra-cesophageal ganglia; moreover, the two most anterior ganglionic masses are strongly united to its external lateral surfaces, and their branches wind around it as before described. It is about + inch long in an antero- posterior direction, and measures + inch transversely. In- teriorly it is hollow, has in front an aperture—the mouth —and receives at the most superior border of its pos- terior surface the commencement of the gullet; its cavity resolves itself distinctly mto two—the upper or true mouth, and the lower or pharynx—which must be described separately. The mouth lies superiorly, and has its position indicated by the conception of a right line uniting oral orifice and gullet, and which is horizontal ; the outer opening is provided below with a fleshy lip (a modification of the general integu- ment), which is partially divided by vertical slips into squarish segments, and plays the part of an inferior jaw. Above, the lip is absent, its place being taken by a very distinct and perfect maxilla. This is a horny or chitinous structure, about + inch wide and + inch long, which is soldered to the palate; it is of a brownish colour, and of a somewhat tri- angular outline, the base in front notched, and bent down- wards at right angles to the rest, thus performing the office of teeth; the apex pointing to the cesophagus, and the whole non-dental surface constituting, as it were, a second palate ; behind, and close to its junction with the gullet, are seated the openings of the salivary glands. The pharynx or inferior cavity is a kind of pocket or diver- ticulum, which I can compare only to an inverted and bi- sected hollow cone, flat behind and angular in front; it is lined with a roughened membrane, and has, pointing from it downwards and backwards into the visceral cavity, the papillary process above alluded to, which organ can, by an eversion, be brought forwards so as to lie obliquely in the 14 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. pharyngeal sac. The roughened membrane with which the pharynx and tongue (for so the papillary organ must be termed) are covered, when seen under the microscope, is a very pretty object. It is covered by a multitude of closely set spines of a calcareous nature, arranged in linear order, side by side, the lines being placed one behind the other; each spine consists of a central portion or body, which is elliptical, and an exquisitely slender curved hooklet springing from this latter; the poimts of the hooklets all project backwards, and the spines are placed one behind the other, and not alternately, with an exceedingly small, rounded process rising from the membrane between every pair. The functions of the head are two, those of prehension and mastication, deglutition being achieved through the contractions of the gullet. Now, the first, as I take it, is performed by the jaw and lips, which, grasping the leaf or other portion of vegetable matter, bring it within reach of the pharynx ; arrived here, it is acted on by the salivary fluid which has been thrown into the pha- ryngeal bag, then by a series of compound movements of the tongue it is submitted to a rasping process between the hooklets of this latter and those of the pharynx, and eventu- ally, having been reduced to a state of very fine division, it is tilted backwards by the tongue, and being now within the grasp of the cesophagus is gradually carried onward to the stomach. The head is principally composed of connective tissue, but about the oral orifice on the inferior border, a con- siderable band of nucleated, unstriped fibres may be observed ; a few fibres of a similar description are mingled with the layers of connective web, and the tongue [beneath the spinous coat] is almost entirely muscular. The salivary glands are two in number, extremely delicate in texture, and of a pale-white colour; they lie on either side of the cesophagus, in the respiratory region, being covered by the heart and pericardial gland, and resting in part upon the great supra-cesophageal ganglia ; they are bound to the gullet by numerous arterial branches common to both, and are flattened and leaf-like in appearance. Each gland has a length of ~ inch, from side to side measures about } inch, and pours its secretion into the mouth by a long and narrow duct, which passes anteriorly from the gland, beneath the great ganglia, to the orifice of the gullet immediately above the pharynx, and in which I, less fortunate than Miller, have not detected ciliated epithelium. In general structure these glands are loose, and are made up of a number of minute lobules, arranged in clusters upon the terminal ramifications of the ducts. Microscopically, each lobule is of an oval shape, LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 15 filled with transparent fluid, and contains, floating in this latter, many well-marked circular endoplasts, with nuclei in their interiors, and has attached to its inner edge a deli- cate twig from the excretory duct (Pl. II, fig. 3). The gullet is a canal, at first narrow as it leaves the mouth, but having passed the nervous collar it widens so as to re- semble a funnel, and its walls become more dense and mus- cular ; it is usually of a dark-brown colour, this being for the most part owing to a quantity of bile, which it nearly always contains, and which renders it not unlikely that much of the true digestive process is gone through here. Like the other division of the alimentary canal, the cesophagus exhibits the tendency to curve spirally in its passage from head to stomach, and though prior to its passage through the second nervous circle it is horizontally situate in the median line, yet, between this and the stomachal sac, it turns to the left and downwards, and again bending to the right in the central axis and, equidistant from the head and caudal extreme of body, it terminates in the stomach. It is related above to the heart, pericardial gland, lung-sac, nervous masses, ante- rior lobe of liver, and large and small intestines, the rectum just passing over it between the head and ganglionic centre ; it rests upon the foot (having the pedal gland below it) and inferior nervous masses ; is bounded on the right by the ante- rior portion of the reproductive organs, on the left by a fold of the large intestine, and on both sides by the tentacula and their muscular apparatus. It is little more than two inches in length, has a calibre of + inch at the cardiac orifice of the stomach, and measures diametrically inch as it leaves the mouth. Histologically, the cesophagus is identical with the other divisions of the alimentary canal except the stomach, and therefore the sketch of its microscopic anatomy will suffice for all, except the latter. Two coats enter into its composition, a fibro-muscular and pseudo-mucous, neither of which, however, can be detached without injury to the other. The first, most external, or visceral layer, when ex- amined under a low power, presents to the eye a collection of muscular and connective tissue fibres, nerves, and blood- vessels, mingled heterogeneously together; but if the larger branches of the latter be carefully teased out, and a small section submitted to a much higher power, it is then seen that the outer coating is composed of two distinct strata of nucleated, non-striated, muscular fibres, crossing each other pretty nearly at right angles, and, blending with them and pursuing an undulatory course, a few fibres of the elastic connective tissue (fig. 4). The muscular fibres are absent in some localities, thus leaving small rectangular 16 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. spaces between the strata. The second lamina is with diffi- culty prepared for examination; it is perfectly transparent, and, so far as I could observe, entirely devoid of epithelium, ciliated and non-ciliated, and perfectly structureless, seeming to be a kind of protective glazing, thrown out over the exter- nal coat. The stomach is an oval-shaped bag, of a dark-brown colour, into one end of which open together, the gullet and intestine, so that these latter appear almost continuous, and the stomach itself looks as though it were a diverticulum (fig. 1). It is placed in the centre of the antero-posterior plane, inclin- ing a little to the left; to its dextral end are attached the gullet and intestines, its sinistral extreme being free; it is supported by the foot and oviduct, has the ovary behind, the two bile-ducts in front, and the liver on either side and on its superior edges. Above, it is in relation to the inner surface of the integument only, and therefore it is one of the struc- tures seen on removing the dorsal covering. It is about + inch long, =°; inch deep, and 1 inch wide. As in the gullet, so here, we have two separate laminzee—the outer or muscular, the inner or mucous. The external coat is made up of three rather well-marked, muscular layers—circular, longitudinal, and oblique—which present the same appearance as those of the cesophagus, with this exception, that, whilst the nuclei in the fibres of the latter were short, in those of the stomach they are large, distinct, and fusiform; the inner layer is nothing more than a bed of oblong endoplasts, resting upon the outer; a zone of indifferent tissue, or a protomorphic line (to use Prof. Huxley’s expression), being interposed.* The intestine is a tube, musculo-membranous in character, as wide as the gullet for about one third of its length, but gradually diminishing in diameter as it approaches the anus; from this peculiarity, that portion of the gut which is nearest the stomachal cavity must be termed the larger, and the remaining division of the canal the smaller intestine. Except toward the anal aperture, it is of a dark, brownish-green colour, which is due in some measure to the vegetable and biliary contents. In its entirety it averages a length of seven inches, is of equal capacity with the gullet as it leaves the stomach, and measures not more than +!, inch at the anal orifice. It is better, in treating of its relations, to assume that it is a single tube, and in this way avoid the difficulty of drawing the exact line between the greater and lesser gut. The intestine, then, leaving the pyloric end of the stomach, travels obliquely, forwards and upwards, beneath the liver, and * T have not seen the spinous coat, so often alluded to in popular treatises on microscopic anatomy. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. Bly above the cesophagus, where it is covered by the integument only, to the right lateral respiratory region ; arrived here, it makes a sudden turn, and passes beneath the gullet to the left; next it curves slightly upwards and then downwards—still being upon the left—and descends again, coursing beneath the cesophagus and toward the right side; it now ascends, and, going to the left above the gullet and below the liver, it is lost sight of ; continuing its course upon the left, it approaches the stomach, its convexity reclining against this organ. At this point, by a perfect sigmoid flexure, it encloses a portion of the liver (being still, however, beneath the upper part of this latter), winds to the right across the cesophagus, and, pass- ing under one of its own folds, and, finally, beneath the heart and pericardial gland and above the gullet, it terminates in the anus at the superior angle of the pulmonic orifice, being here retained in situ by the united muscles of the retractor capitis, which are looped around the gut. The anus is closed by a circular band of elastic tissue, which encircles this tube at its junction with the integument. The liver is by far the largest and most complete gland in the economy of this animal, and when separated from the other organs with which it is connected, appears as two separate structures, exhibiting what we should not have been led to expect, similarity of size and form; these are of a dark-brown colour, and have their under surfaces crowded with exquisite white, arterial ramifications. The liver shows the general tendency to assume a twining arrangement, for we find it adapting itself to the various folds of the intestine, and so embracing the latter, that, a separation of the two involves some delicate dissection. Each lateral division is conjoined to the stomachal end of the cesophagus by its wide and easily distinguished hepatic duct; that of the left side pouring its secretion into the gullet about + inch anterior to that of the right. Each is of an irregular oblong shape, bearing some likeness in outline to a lanceolate, acute leaf, with notched edges, and consists of numerous large and small lobes, bound loosely together by a web-like connective tissue, and attached to branches of the principal duct; it measures about 2 inches in length, and at its widest part is more than + inch in breadth, but in some specimens which I examined the liver did not exceed 1 inch in length, and was proportionally narrow. Every lobe may be divided into a number of component lobules, and each of the latter comprises seven or ten still smaller structures of an uneven polyhedral type, within whose walls may be observed nume- rous endoplasts, some of them large, with yellow or lght- VOL, IlI.—NEW SER. B 18 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS, brown contents, others small, without nuclei, and also a con- siderable amount of loosely floating granular particles. The duct, on entering one of the lobules, divides into several branches, which surround the many-sided compartments, and become eventually indistinguishable from the fibrous septa; but never have I detected a communication between duct and theca, the two portions of the organ being as sepa- rate as they are in the human liver, according to the view of a recent investigator.* Had there been any distinct con- nection, it could not have remained unobserved, since it is easily perceived when it does exist, as in the salivary gland. The bile is a dark-brown liquid, with a faintly unpleasant odour and a nauseous sweetish taste, which is poured in large . quantity into the gullet when the animal has been without food for some days. Under the microscope it seems a trans- parent fluid, suspending many clusters of brown granules, and nucleated and non-nucleated endoplasts. . General remarks.—Lebert, in a communication to Miiller’s ‘Archives’ for 1846, has given many figures of the head, tongue, and spinous membrane of Limax, but in some in- stances, I conceive, he has not accurately depicted the struc- ture and form of these organs. The palate, judging from his sketch, seems but a mere slip proceeding from the central portion of the jaw, which is not the case, the whole palate and jaw forming, when flattened out, a complete triangle, two of whose sides are slightly concave outwards. Again, he has certainly mistaken the arrangement of the processes attached to the lingual membrane, inasmuch as he has placed them in alternate rows, and has omitted the inter- vening mammillary elevations. The head, also, I fancy, is too much prolonged. Finally, his representation of the muscular fibre I cannot reconcile to anything I have perceived. It might, at first sight, seem difficult to put faith in Mr. H. Jones’s views of the liver’s functions, the conditions under which the hepatic circulation is carried on here being differ- ent from those we meet among vertebrata, but this apparent difficulty disappears when we know that if the special secre- tion were thrown out into the visceral cavity, it would at once be taken up by the veins. Respiratory System.—The function of respiration is carried on by means of atmospheric ‘air introduced into a special cavity, containing uumerous blood-vessels upon its surface, * “On the Structure, Development, and Function of the Liver.” By C, Handfield Jones, M,.D., F.R.S. ‘Philosophical Transactions,’ 1853, LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 19 and this cavity is termed the lung. The respiratory organ is usually described as being a ring surrounding the heart ; this, however, is not correct; it is a double sac, one pocket of which is situate on the right, and the other on the left side, having two channels of communication, by means of which the air is conveyed to every portion of the vascular surface. These pouches are placed in the thoracic region of the body (fig. 5), and are constituted externally of the general integument, and within of a delicate fibrous membrane, which also serves to define their limits; their upper borders are bounded by the inferior surface of the shell, and below they are separated from the viscera by a septal fold of their inner membrane, which also forms a posterior partition be- tween the lung and abdomen; anteriorly they are closed in by the same structure, and internally they are related to the heart and pericardial gland, which are placed between the two sacs. The connecting channels cross the body, one in front of the pericardial gland and heart, and the other im- mediately behind them. The air is admitted through an orifice of an elliptical or doubly cuneate form, which is upon the right side near the middle lateral line, and at about 4 inch from the right upper tentacle. The great veins which convey the blood to the lung are two in number, one for each of the pockets, in the external walls of which they are grooved, being merely, as it were, ploughed channels in the integument, which have been covered in by fibrous membrane. Each sends off several branches from its upper and lower edge, which respectively pass upwards and downwards, curving in their course, with their concavities facing each other, and terminate in the border of the pericardial gland. In the outer portion the vessels are, as I mentioned above, but passages in the integument (which here, from the particles of carbonate of lime imbedded in it, is white, as in the other regions of the body), but internally they lie between two transparent layers of membrane, and from this circumstance are easily observed in their passage to the pericardial gland. Each division or sac of the lung measures about 1 inch in length, and is a little more than a 1 inch from above downwards. The width is variable, depending, as it does, upon the condition of the body as to contraction or elongation. The course of the blood through the pulmonary vessels is more properly described under the head of— Circulatory System.—The course of the blood, in its passage through the bodies of molluscs, has long been misunderstood. Heretofore it has been thought that a perfect circulation ex- 20 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. isted, that is to say, a complete series of channels, by which the nutrient fluid was conveyed from the propelling organ to the various regions of the body, and returned to the heart. Milne Edwards* has done much to correct the errors of the earlier investigators; but as his observations do not extend to Limax, and since the latter genus and that of Helix, the course of whose circulation has been traced, are so widely distinct anatomically, the mode in which the blood is car- ried to and from the heart and pulmonary organs of the slug, has not as yet been distinctly explained. I have most care- fully pursued the examination of this subject, occasionally with the assistance of injections prepared with new milk, and the result has been the adoption of the following view. The blood, having been expelled from the heart, travels through the short aorta and its two divisions, in this way reaching the head, reproductive organs, intestinal sanal, and liver, and, having arrived at the terminal ramifications of the arterial vessels, is poured through their open extremities into the ab- dominal and sub-thoracic cavities, thus bathing the external parictes of the viscera; these cavities are continuous, and clothed without by the general integument, in whose walls the various channels are tunneled. Now, the veins begin as minute apertures,t which admit the blood hitherto contained in the visceral chamber, allowing it to pass into their smaller branches ; from these it then flows into the larger vessels, and is finally transmitted by the great pulmonary vein of each side, to the respiratory sacs. It is here that difficulty has been invariably experienced, in tracing the channels by which the blood travels to the heart, some contending that a portion flowed to the so-called kidney, whilst the remainder was brought on to the heart by a large pulmonary vessel ; others that the blood was here poured into a sinus or lacuna. Both these ideas I conceive to be erroneous, the more so as I have been unable, after the closest scrutiny, to detect any single pulmonary vessel which might of itself convey the blood to the heart; and besides that, the relations and cha- racter of the guasi kidney have been most certainly misin- terpreted. The circulation in this locality is most complete and peculiar, and can be seen with more or less distinctness by removing the mantle, and membrane of the shell-sac. When this has been done, it will be observed that the blood travels in the direction I have endeavoured to indicate diagramatically (fig. 6), viz., having been poured by the * © Ann. des Sci. nat.,’ viii, 1847. + The merit of this discovery is, I believe, due to Cuvier; vide for Aplysia, ‘Ann. du Mus. d’histoire nat.,’ ii, p. 299. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 21 great pulmonary vein of either side into the numerous lesser ramifications of the lung-membrane, and been in this way fully exposed to the atmospheric air, it flows in two principal directions, according as it has passed from the upper or lower borders of the great lateral veins. That which has been sent upwards travels in obedience to the limits of the pulmonary sac, first superiorly, then horizontally, and finally inferiorly, till it gains the external edge of the pericardial gland; and conversely, that which left the under surface of the vein courses first inferiorly, then horizontally, and eventually as- cends, till it arrives at the same position as the rest. Here, then, we find all the blood which has traversed the respiratory reticulation at one period or other of its career, and from this it passes internally, through the pericardial gland, in a perfectly centripetal manner, till it has reached its inner border; this latter expands, and constitutes, by a double, sector-like fold of membrane,—whose arc is confluent with the anterior division of the gland, and the junction of whose sides is intimately attached to the heart,—a capacious sinus. Into this expansion the blood is next introduced, flowing readily into it at its immediate union with the gland, and being con- veyed from the posterior ternal border of the latter by a canal partly circular, whose concave edge lies against the heart, whose convexity is continuous with the gland, and whose two orifices open into the lacunal cavity referred to. From the sinus the blood is transmitted to the heart by an aperture of communication between the former and the base of the latter. Finally, by the contractions of the heart it is propelled onwards through the aorta and its divisions (regur- gitation into the sinus being prevented by a small fold of membrane acting as a valve) to the different systems of organs, and so on, as before. The heart is a thin muscular bag, of a somewhat triangular or pyriform description, and of a faintly marked fiesh-like colour; it is placed in the thoracic region, being surrounded by the pericardial gland, bounded below by the fibrous membrane separating the heart-chamber from the visceral sac, and above by the floor-tissue of the shell- bag; it lies obliquely, its apex pointing backwards and to the right, and its base in the opposite direction. It measures a 1 inch in length, and + inch or thereabouts in width. It is wrong to describe the heart as being composed of an auricle and ventricle; it is a simple bag, having but one cavity, and not presenting any division, either by constric- tion or otherwise. It is almost wholly formed of non- striated muscular bands, interlaced in the most complex manner, and freely united to each other at their extremities. 22 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. The fibres, if they may be so termed, are filled with long, spindle-shaped endoplasts, containing clear nuclei. Examined under a low power, a very interesting arrangement is observed in connection with the contractile structure. A number of muscular cords are seen upon the internal surface of the heart, which are thus disposed :—they pass from two centres, which are situate about the middle of the lateral surfaces, in a radi- ate manner, being continuous at their extremities with the ordinary fibres ; and in this way they form two stellate eleva- tions, much resembling the muscular cords in mammalian hearts, and probably serving a similar purpose. The true auricular chamber is the sinus to which I have already alluded, but it is not contractile. The heart gives about twenty pulsations in the minute, each contraction being succeeded by a dilatation, and then an interval of repose following ; during the period of rest the sector-like expansion is gradually fill- ing and becoming convex; on the moment of the heart’s dilatation, by the tendency to vacuum occasioned, it is emptied of its contents, and then, contraction ensuing, the blood is rapidly driven through the arteries. The arterial system consists in the aorta, with its branches and their numerous divisions. The aorta arises from the apex of the heart, and on attaining a length of + inch it divides into two branches, measuring each =; inch in diameter, which continue together for a distance of + inch till they reach the intestinal fold ; then, both having crossed the gut, one branch becomes recurrent, and, passing beneath the intestine,runs downwards and forwards pa- rallel with the rectum and beneath the generative organs, heart, and pericardial gland, and becomes lost in supplying the gullet and organs of the head. The posterior branch passes backwards towards the stomach, and in this course gives off about twenty branches to the intestine and liver, the intestinal branches being given away distinctly, and passing over the latter organ to their destination. These vessels divide and subdivide ex- tensively, and form the most exquisite ramifications upon the alimentary canal, with which they contrast very markedly, being themselves of a pure white colour, whilst the intestine, from its vegetable contents, is green. Arrived at the stomach, the main artery bifurcates, one branch passing backwards to supply the ovary and caudal lobe of the liver, the second being sent to the stomach and left division of hepatic gland, upon the inferior surface of whose lobes the most beautiful arbo- rescent ramifications may be observed. I am not disposed to coincide with the view of Erdl,* that a capillary network exists— * ‘De Helicis algire.’ Bruxelles, LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 23 Istly. Because it is not discoverable. 2ndly. Because the rootlets of the veins terminate by aper- tures. 8rdly. Because the whole of the viscera in the posterior part of the body are completely unattached below to the venous integument; and as the principal arterial supply is to the inferior surfaces, had there been any intervening series of vessels, the integument and viscera would be adherent to each other in this locality. The arteries are composed of nucleated muscular fibres, having buried in them clusters of calcareous granules, which give the snow-white colour to those vessels. I cannot say I have been enabled to confirm the truth of Von Siebold’s assertion, that the arterial extremities are formed of calcareous particles alone, the organic tissue being completely absent ; for in every specimen I examined, where it was possible to arrive at any clear decision, I most dis- tinctly observed, mingled with the lime-granules, long, nu- cleated endoplasts. The veins, as I before stated, are merely channels ploughed in the musculo-fibrous tissue of the skin, covered on their inner surface by a fold of transparent mem- brane; the great lateral vein of either side begins near the caudal extremity of the body, and travels forward horizontally to the lung-sac, at a distance of about + inch from the median sulcus of the foot. It increases in calibre as it approaches the lung, and on its journey receives several branches from the upper and lower divisions of the integument.* The pericardial gland or kidney, as it has been styled, is, in my opinion, no more an urime gland than is the heart or liver; nor, indeed, can I see any just reason why it has received this appellation ; for I conceive the assertion of Jacobson,+ that it contains uric acid, is of no weight whatever, seeing that it is based upon the idea that murexide is pro- duced when the dried kidney has been subjected to the action of nitric acid and ammonia. Undoubtedly these reagents give rise to a reddish stain (which I fancy does not need the am- monia to its production), but it is equally true that a portion of the liver, when placed under similar conditions, will give apparently the same results. Moreover, the statement that this gland possesses an excretory duct is entirely without foundation, and I can only account for its origin, by sup- posing that in emaciated mdividuals the rectum has been mistaken for a duct leading to the respiratory orifice. Not- withstanding the most patient and persevering endeavours * For the development and characters of the blood, see the admirable memoir of Mr. Wharton Jones (‘ Phil. Trans.,’ 1846), to which nothing can be added, + Meckel’s ‘ Archives,’ vi, p. 870, 1820, 24 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. to discover something which might be construed into a duct, I have failed signally to detect anything of the kind. This gland constitutes a sort of collar surrounding the heart, is bordered externally by the lung, and within by the semi- circular canal and sector-like sinus; it is of a dark, reddish- brown colour, and measures from side to side (including heart and sinus), more than + inch. It is made up of a great number of lamelle, placed against each other like those of a fish gill, and viewed under the microscope, each of them is seen to be composed of numerous irregular vacuoles, con- taining within them solid, round, non-transparent, incom- pressible nuclei. Between the lamellze many blood-vessels may be observed travelling from the lung to the heart- sinus, and giving off several branches, which, passing between the vacuoles, anastomose frequently. The pericardium embraces this organ and the heart in its folds, forming on the one hand, the floor of the shell-sac, and on the other the roof of the thoracic gut-chamber, and, being perfectly transparent, admits of our observing most satisfactorily the movements of the heart and sinus (fig. 5). I do not appre- ciate the necessity for assuming that there is any kidney in the economy of Limax; nor, if I did, should I therefore conclude, that this gland was its representative simply because one of the compounds discoverable in the urine of man, was found, or said to have been found, here also; for, pursuing the same line of argument, had not the kidney of man been discovered, its being known that urea is found in the sudoriparous secretion, would constitute a valid reason for asserting that the human kidney was located in the skin. From the descriptions of some of the earlier anatomists an im- mense deal of confusion has resulted, owing to the kidney being, according to one or other, termed the muciparous gland, organ of the purple, &c., and these being, in turn, con- founded with portions of the reproductive apparatus. The Nervous System is composed of four separate gan- glionic masses, two superior and two inferior, which, by con- necting cords, constitute three distinct rmgs. The first ring lies upon, the second surrounds, and the third is placed im- mediately beneath, the gullet, and springs, as it were, from the second. The two latter are by far the most distinct, and from the circumstances of their size and contiguity have been generally supposed to embrace the entire nervous system. The anterior ganglia are two in number, exceed- ingly minute, measuring about .'; inch in length, and situate on either side of the enlarged oval organ or head, LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 25 | being at the superior and posterior border of this structure ; they are of a dumb-bell shape, slightly curved, their concave edges embracing the convexity of the head; they are of a whitish-yellow colour, but do not contain as muck. calca- reous matter as the ganglia of the posterior divisions ; they are attached to each other by their posterior expan- sions, through the medium of a strong, nervous filament, 4+ inch in length. From their anterior extremities eight nerves pass off, four on each side, to supply the various portions of the gustatory and lingue-prehensile apparatus ; finally, from each posterior extreme, a minute, lingual twig is seen passing to the superior surface of the gullet, and two long internuncial branches, which take their course backwards, on the upper surface of the cesophagus, for a distance of about 2 inch, and terminate in the second circle. This is formed of two irregular, oblong pieces (one lying on the gullet, and the other beneath it), and a connecting nerve, which passes vertically downwards on each side, and which, though apparently a single fiattened structure, is actually composed of two riband-like nerves, from which no branches are given. The upper ganglion-mass is slightly concave, both anteriorly and posteriorly, but more so behind than in front; it is composed of two ganglia, which have become completely amalgamated, and which are indicated by a transparent colourless spot at each extreme. That the ganglia are not merely contiguous, I have satisfied myself, and, from my own repeated observations, must give unquali- fied denial to the assertion of Von Siebold,* that the gan- glia, though fused into one in Murex and others, are not so in Limax. This nerve-mass is easily seen on removing the heart, intestine, and reproductive organs, and is the more readily perceived on account of its snowy whiteness, which I imagine is due to the presence in large quantity of calcareous granules, for when the structure has been for some time im- mersed in acetic acid the colour is lost, and the mass becomes transparent. From the translucent and crescentic ends of this supra-cesophageal mass, four pairs of nerves arise; of these, the first pair passes to the superior tentacles, supplying these organs with filaments, and transmitting a branch to the eye, which is the true optic nerve ;+ the second pair is also distributed after many divisions to the inferior tentacula and lips; the third pair runs downwards and forwards, and, * See ‘ Vergleichenden Anatomie,’ Burnet’s translation, note 9, p. 235. tT Johannes Miiller (Ann. des Sci. nat.,’ xxii, 1831) maintains this view also, which, so far as I can see, is the correct one. It is strange, however, that Siebold contends for the distinctness, from its origin, of the optic nerve. 26 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. after a slight degree of ramification, is lost in the tissue and muscles of the lower tentacles; the fourth and most posterior pair passes forwards, and, being lost upon the mouth and adjacent structures, deserves the name of buccal. The third ring we now arrive at. It is about as wide as the second (which measures transversely somewhat more than + inch) ; indeed, its upper ganglionic mass is nothing more than the inferior expansion of the latter (fig. 8). Its superior com- ponent is oblong, irregular, and not very symmetrical, slightly convex anteriorly and concave behind, with its noduliform extremities pointing forwards; it is united directly by fusion to the lower mass. The latter is com- posed of three ganglia, soldered to each other in an arciform manner, the concavity directed upwards. The two portions of this ring are so closely related, that, to the naked eye the existence of an intervening space is barely perceptible. It is from this congeries of ganglionic centres that the different viscera and the great pedal muscles receive their nervous filaments, which, though numerous at the periphery, are referable to five primal pairs, and an azygos central branch proceeding to the posterior surface of the head. The first, passing from the superior extremities of the mass, supplies the heart, part of the gullet, stomach, and the lungs. The divisions of this pair are peculiar, for many of the threads, after separation, again unite, thus forming a very rudimentary plexus. The second, third, and fourth pairs all originate in the lateral portions of the rmg, and terminate in the walls of the intestine, the reproductive organs, and the liver. The fifth pair is the most inferior, and arises from the inferior and internal border of the external walls of the ring, leaving a central and included space, from which vo nerves start. The nerves comprised in this couple are “the great pedal ;” they direct their course backward on either side of the great cen- tral gland (?), and beneath all the viscera, and after having transmitted three or four branches to the musculo-connective tissue of the foot, terminate at a distance of 2 inches from their origin, in that portion of the pedal organ, just beneath the ovary, and last lobe of liver. Histology of Nervous System, and general remarks thereon. —The nerves viewed under the microscope present rather the aspect of connective tissue than the tubular appearance characteristic of vertebrate nervous fibres, the outer edge of each individual nerve seeming denser and to have undergone more decided differentiation than the inner portion, On entering the ganglion the nerve splits up into a considerable LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. BF number of delicate threads, which become lost between the endoplasts of the ganglion itself. On no occasion have I been enabled to discover the division of the ganglion into compart- ments, as described by Von Siebold. I have carefully pre- pared sections with the assistance of Valentin’s knife, and have subjected these slices to the action of the compressorium, and in both cases the same appearance was presented to the eye, Viz., an opaque periplast, consisting of fatty matter and calcareous particles (as evidenced by transparence ensuing on immersion in a mixture of acetic acid and ether), imbedding numerous large, and readily perceivable endoplasts of the fol- lowing kinds : A. With an outer wall, granular contents, and a well- defined nucleus and nucleolus. B. With two outer walls, the substance between the two clear and non-granular; the interior filled with a granular material, a nucleus, and two or three well-marked nucleoli fig. 7). ; Both varieties were of an irregularly elliptical outline, large and small, but never pedunculated. From Ehren- berg’s observations on Arion, I had expected to find tailed globules in Limax, but they have no existence. Anderson’s* woodcut is calculated to mislead, because he has not given the proper number of nerves arising from either the superior, or inferior ganglia, and, besides, he has fallen into error in representing two pairs of filaments as united to the bands connecting the supra- and infra-cesophageal centres ; and one would suppose from his engraving, that the pharyngeal nervous masses had no direct connection with the others. It might be objected to the foregoing account, that, I have taken no cognizance of the splanchnic series as a special system ; but I would reply, that on this subject I hold the opinions or M. Claude Bernard} to be in the main correct. Sense System.—Organs of Hearing.—lt is stated in most works on the anatomy of molluscs that these organs are represented bya pair of transparent, membranous saccules, containing either siliceous or calcareous particles termed otolites, and placed upon the inferior nervous masses. I frankly confess that I have never succeeded in finding them present in Limax. I have taken great pains to detect them, but im vain, and although naturally anxious to discover some * © Cyclopedia of Anatomy and Physiology ;? Article ‘“‘ Nervous System ;” Division ‘‘ Comparative Anatomy.” + ‘Med. Times and Gazette,’ vol. for 1861; and ‘ Journ. de Physiologie.’ 23 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. apparatus which I could set down to their credit, up to this time my efforts have been unsuccessful. From this cireum- stance I am led to suspect that in this creature no auditory mechanism really exists, and this suspicion is somewhat strengthened by the fact, that, the so-called ear-vesicles are said to be among the first detectable organs in the embryo, which I should not suppose probable as regards an appendi- cular mechanism or sense-capsule. ‘To speak more plainly, if we were informed, that, in the embryonic life of a verte- brated animal, the most well-marked system was the auditory, should we not be inclined to fear there was some blunder in either the statement or the observation? And, besides, if the otolitic capsules be locatedupon the lower nervous centres, as is asserted, and thus virtually buried in the viscera, how are the sonorous impressions to be received from without ? Surely, this would not be an advantageous arrangement of parts, nor in obedience to the simplest laws of acoustics. For the only method by which a vibration could be conducted to the receiving vesicle would be through the mouth and cesophagus, so that the familiar expression ‘ swallow” should not be at all inapplicable. Organ of Touch.—Some state that the tactile sense is resident in the inferior tentacula, these being, according to the same authorities, provided with bulbous enlargements similar to those of the upper ones. Respective of their func- tion I can offer no comment, but I cannot just now endorse the opinion that nervous expansions exist here ; an enlarge- ment of some kind is occasionally observed, but I am not prepared to admit its nervous character. Moquin-Tandon* attributes to these tentacles the sense of smell. Taste.—This faculty, I am disposed to thins, resides in the rugose integument forming the lateral boundary of the mouth ; this portion of the labial organs is supplied on each side with a branch of the inferior tentacular nerve, and here a peculiar and interesting nervous arrangement may be observed. The branch, on reaching the tegumentary fold alluded to, widens as it approaches its extremity, and terminates in a pectinate expansion, which is imbedded in the delicate skin of the lip ; this comb-shaped structure results from the division of the final portion of the filament for about + inch distance into a series of minute twigs, which pass off on either side, and become lost in the neighbouring tissue. * ‘Histoire naturelle des Mollusques terrestres et fluviatiles,’ tome i. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 29 Organ of Vision—The eyes are two in number, and are situated, one at the extremity of each superior tentacle, and are recognisable as a pair of black spots within the membranes by which they are surrounded. By delicate manipulation the eye, together with the tentacular and optic nerve, may be separated from the surrounding darkly stained connective tissue, and then is seen the origin of the nerve of sense from the extremity of the tentacular branch. The latter, just before it terminates in the end of the tentacle, expands into five or six short, thick, and unequal divisions, thus exhibiting a palmate end, the fingers being arranged in such a position as would be assumed by those of the human hand, when grasping a large ball, and from the centre of the palm, so constituted, a very fine nervous thread travels to the eyeball, the intervening distance being exceedingly short. This at- tenuate nerve having reached the eye, apparently enters the posterior part of the sphere, but, so far as I could observe, it becomes blended with the membrane of the ball, which is a connective-tissue structure, and after the choroidal pigment has been completely removed, the two tissues, those of the optic nerve and sclerotic, appear, not only continuous, but identical in structure, and this peculiarity, although at first sight anomalous, is at once appreciable by an appeal to in- vestigations, of my friend, Prof. Beale,* into the structure and homologies of connective tissue. Indeed, I very much doubt that any structure resembling a retina, has ever been observed in pulmonates, and this idea is borne out by the fact that, Von Siebold, in speaking of the organs of vision generally, among cephalopora, writes, “The internal surface of the choroid is covered by a whitish pellicle, which is wndoubtedly the retina ;”? adding afterwards, ‘“ Kihn affirms that he has seen this white pellicle in Paludina,” as if he hesitated to accept the onus probandi himself. I confess I am sceptical as to its existence, having never observed the faintest trace of it myself. The sclerotic membrane forms a more or less spherical sac, which is quite transparent at a point opposite the apparent penetration of the nerve; internally this sac is lined with exceedingly fine, black, granular pigment, which, so far as I could observe, is not enclosed in cells, but is bedded in the inner wall of the sclerotic, and for the most part is disposed in regular lines, long and short alternately, which assume the horizontal position. The eyeball owes its globu- lar form to being filled with a thick, tenacious, perfectly transparent, vitreous humour ; this is very well observed by * See ‘Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science’ for Oct., 1861; ‘ Med.-Chir. Review,’ Oct., 1862; ‘ Archives of Medicine ;’ &c. 30 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. exerting compression on the sac, when, a portion of the wall being ruptured, the contained gelatinous matter is gradually forced out in a worm-like manner, or exactly as is the semi- fluid oil colour from the leaden tube of an artist. The cornea is at once perceived, and on two or three occasions I have teased from it a small, solid, transparent, pointed, elliptical body, which I dare say serves the function of crytalline lens, but I do not think this is easily or often detected. The integument is attached to the eyeball in front, but I cannot imagine it passes over it, else I should suppose there was a second cornea, unless, imdeed, it were termed conjunctiva. Yet Siebold states that the integument passes over the eye- ball as a thin, transparent lamella. Siebold also asserts that in no case can ganglionic globules be seen in the expansion of the so-called optic nerve, but why, I cannot think, it being a matter of the greatest ease to discern the very well-marked elliptical endoplasts, with their nuclei and granules. The pedal gland consists of a central canal closed behind, open in front, traversing the internal portion of the tissue of the foot, from the posterior extremity of the creature to the integument immediately beneath the mouth, and having attached to its lateral borders clusters of endoplasts, which simulate the structure of follicles. Between these clusters numerous blood-vessels lie, and therefore, did we suppose a water-vascular system to exist, we might conceive of the aqueous fluid being through this channel introduced into the blood. Various functions have been assigned to this organ, among which not the least seemingly absurd is that of smell, which Leidy* has set down to it. Reproductive System.—The organs which collectively make up this system are, as we might anticipate, akin to those represented in the genus Helix. They are those of the two sexes combined ; that set which is characteristic of either sex being morphologically complete in every individual, and not, as Steenstrupt would have us believe, the non-abortive moiety of a complex apparatus, which exhibits a complete bilateral symmetry. For perspicuity, the parts comprising this machinery may be thus classified, as in the case of Helix: 1. Female. 3. Androgynous. 2. Male. 4, Appendicular. * Silliman’s ‘American Journal of Science,’ 1847; and ‘Ann. Nat. Hist.,’ xx, 1847. + ‘Untersoegelser over Hermaphroditismus ‘Tilvaerelse i Naturen,’ 1845, p. 76. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 31 The female portion, as with Helix, comprises the ovary, oviduct, albumen-gland, uterus, and vagina. The ovary, un- like that of the snail,* is not a mere flattened expansion, almost inseparably united to the lobules of the liver; but is a thick, imperfectly egg-shaped, oblong gland, of a purplish- brown colour, divided coarsely into three or four lobes, and these again into innumerable lobules, which project in every direction, being more loosely bound together than in Helix. It is situate beneath the final and posterior lobe of the liver, and immediately behind the stomach; it is bounded below by the musculo-cutaneous structure of the foot, upon which it lies almost freely, being merely attached to the inferior portions of the liver by loose filaments of connective tissue. It is 2 inch long, + inch wide, and + inch thick, but in the unimpregnated condition it is diminished in bulk by about one third of the whole. Viewed under a medium power, the lobules appear as small cavities, of an irregular, spherical shape, which seems due to compression, these being filled with a transparent fluid and numerous endoplasts con- taining granules; to each group of five or six lobules a slight branch of the oviduct is adherent, but it cannot be traced to any individual lobule, appearing, as it were, to become continuous with the connective tissue which serves to unite them in bundles. In the anatomy of this organ I have been more than ever convinced of the error of H. Miiller’s views, for if any second vesicle existed within the ovarian lobule, I could not have failed to detect it; but nothing bearing the faintest resem- blance to an included saccule could be discovered; nor have I detected the presence of zoosperms, although I have oc- casionally seen them in small numbers within the ovarian follicles of the snail. The ovary is provided with a tolerably large blood-vessel, one of the main branches of the superior division of the aorta, and the chief peculiarity of the cir- culation is this:—the arterial vessel, having sent several branches to the gland, passes from it, and is distributed to the posterior lobe of the liver. At the middle of the anterior inferior border of the egg-gland enters the oviduct, a deli- cate conduit, cylindrically tubular throughout, a little convo- luted anteriorly, and containing no second canal, which is very slightly larger at its anterior than at its ovarian extremity, and is of a pearly-white colour. It is situate between ovary and uterus, being placed at first beneath the liver and stomach, but afterwards, assuming a superior position, lies * “The Generative System of Helix aspersa,” by the author. ‘ Quart. Journ. of Micros, Science’ for Oct., 1861. 32 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. between the pro-stomach and the duodenal bend of intestine, the ovarian artery running beside it, and, finally, about the middle of the body, it becomes confluent with the posterior portion of the uterus. It measures about 21 inches in length, and in width =}, inch behind and =, inch im front. The albumen-gland resembles that of the snail; it is, how- ever, less compact, and more linguaform than boat-shaped, and is usually of a yellowish-white aspect both externally and within; it is continuous anteriorly with the uterus, and it is not easy to draw a decided line of demarcation between the two, the albumen-gland seeming but a solid continuation of the uterus, on which, moreover, it is folded back, (when in its normal position) and retained by almost gossamer folds of connective tissue. It lies with the uterus beneath the liver, and inferior to, and to the right of, the various folds of intestine. In the impregnated individual it attains a length of 1 inch, and a breadth of 1 of an inch at its widest portion, for it tapers gradually in the posterior direction. Owing to the existence of several transverse divisions, it is resolved into many segments or lobules, each of which assumes a rudely indicated wedge-shape, and is adherent internally along the inferior mesial line {to a slender branchiet of the oviduct, which traverses the gland from end to end. Microscopically, the anatomy is similar to that of Helix—an enormous assemblage of albumen-globules and fibres. I have never noticed any distinction, as regards opacity, between the component lobules of this gland, but on two occasions I have found it entirely absent. The uterus may be regarded as the tubular prolongation of the albumen- gland, which has just received the termination of the egg- duct. It is a vessel of considerable calibre, and of a pure, translucently white colour; it is thrown into about a hundred transverse folds, which give it, to an extraordinary observer, the semblance of as many little pockets lying side by side on a string, and which may be due to a shortening (rela- tively) of one side of the tube, thus giving rise to a corrugated or plicated appearance on the other, by forcing it into a series of puckers. It is located between the white-of-egg- gland and the vagina, to which its anterior end is con- joined, and makes two or three serpentine windings in its passage from behind forwards ; it is accompanied by a medium- sized artery, and has upon its (as it seems) shortened border, the testicular follicles, firmly adherent. It is placed in the purely abdominal region, and beneath the liver, gullet, and folds of the alimentary canal, lying more or less to the right side of the body, and retained in situ by various LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 33 ligamentous filaments of connective tissue. When separated from its attachments, it is a little more than 2! inches in length; whilst in calibre, at its widest point, and even when undistended by ova, it reaches + inch in fully developed specimens. Structurally, it possesses all the features of in- elastic connective tissue, with a few nucleated fibres, which have the aspect of involuntary muscle. It is contracted anteriorly and infundibuliform, and is continued as a strong, straight, white duct, about + inch long and -4, inch wide, which I term the vagina, and this, in its turn, opens into an expansion of the cloaca, for which I would propose the name of egg-sac, and of which I shall speak presently. The male section of the generative organs includes the testis, with the vas deferens and penis, which latter are virtually one and the same organ. The sperm-forming gland is a simple and prolonged structure, being constituted of a repetition of similar parts, each of which follows the follicular type; it is commonly of a whitish-yellow colour, and from this circumstance may at once be distinguished from the uterus, which otherwise, to a careless observer, might seem to be part and parcel of it. Being strongly united to the shortened border of the uterus, it has the same rela- tions and position as that vessel, and is of the same length, but in breadth is not more than =, inch at its widest part. It consists of a narrow duct—cecal at its posterior extremity, which lies against the albumen-gland, and free in front, where it is continued as vas deferens—to one side* of which is attached a collection of follicles, which secrete the sperm, and pour their contents into the common ex- eretory duct. Each follicle is of an ovato-lanceolate out- line, the apex pointing outwards, and from its surface nu- merous papillary elevations rise, which I fancy are lesser fol- licles, thus giving to the whole gland a higher position as re- gards organization than that of Helix ; indeed, it is remarkable that two animals so very closely related zoologically should exhibit such well-defined differences in the minute structure of their glandular mechanisms. Here, however, as in the snail, I observed, on compressing a portion of a follicle, very many squamose, oval endoplasts, occasionally nucleated ; the testicular duct leaves the uterus as this passes into the vagina, and is now called the vas deferens. This channel, I should think, has been incorrectly designated ; for although in other molluscs it is easy to trace the point of union between it and * This affords a marked contrast with the same organ in Helix, in which a double row of follicles is found (vide ‘Dub. Quart. Journ. of Science,’ April, 1861). VOL. III.—NEW SER. Cc 34 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. the penis, yet in Limax the one is so completely the prolonga- tion of the other, that, it is impossible to indicate either the commencement of penis or the termination of vas deferens ; hence this tube may be looked on as the penis. It is of a transparently white colour, a little wider in front than be- hind, and takes its course from the testicle posteriorly, to the generative outlet, in the followimg manner. It first curves outwards and to the left, and then, turning in the opposite direction, approaches the right side of the body, passing over the uterus and beneath the rectum; here, placed in the right lateral region, and covered by the membrane of the lung, it travels anteriorly as far as the cloaca, when, bending at an acute angle, again below the rectum, it insinuates itself be- tween the ovary and duct of the spermatheca, posterior to the latter, and, finally, after lying beneath the aorta and above the egg-sac, it opens by a rounded aperture into the cloaca. The androgynous division involves the sperm- sac and its duct. The former is a spherical expansion of the latter, with an exceedingly thin, transparent, easily ruptured coat, upon the outer surface of which several arterial twigs ramify, producing, by the contrast between their white branches and the transparent groundwork, a very beautiful appearance. I cannot think how Treviranus* could have supposed that this vesicle was a urimary organ, for it has not the slightest connection with the so-called kidney, and, on the other hand, is decidedly attached to the generative outlet by its duct. It is situate on the left of the uterus, by whose anterior fold it is embraced, has the gullet below it, and is covered by the right anterior lobe of the liver. In the unimpregnated animal it is empty, wrinkled, and triangular shaped, with a length of =2, and a breadth of + an inch; but subsequent to coition it is distended with semen (which, contrary to the assertion of Von Siebold, is not at this period fully developed), assumes the globular form, and has a diameter a little over 2 inch. Its microscopic structure is that of connective tissue, simulating here and there a fibril- lated constitution, which disappears under the influence of caustic potash, and having a few of the nucleated endoplasts of non-striated muscle. It empties its contents into the cloaca, through the duct of the spermatheca. This is a strong and short canal, uniting the sac and outlet. Starting from the former, it travels to the right beneath the aorta and uterus, and, curving across the penis, with the egg-sac to its left, it communicates with the cloaca by a circular open- ing, just beside the penis and at its dextral border. It is * «Zeitschrift fiir Physiologie,’ i. LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 35 about + inch long, and somewhat more than ;'; inch in dia- meter. The appendicular series embraces the egg-sac and cloacal glands. The first is a conical, papillary extension of the hinder portion of the outlet, its apex towards the left and front, and its base in the opposite direction. Interiorly, it is hollow, and receives at its greatest diameter the orifice of the vagina, which projects into it something in the manner of *‘prolapsus ani.” I do not know that any function has been ascribed to this cavity, and in the absence of any other office, and from the fact that, during the deposition of ova each egg remains within it for some time, I would suggest that it may serve to place the ovum in a position to receive the attach- ment of the peculiar threads which connect the deposited ova. It measures 2 inch or thereabouts in length, and has a thick- ness varying between + and 1 inch, and is composed of muscular and connective bands intermingled. The cloacal glands, so far as I am aware, have not been heretofore described, yet they are numerous and interesting, and deserve notice, because in Limax the multifid vesicles of the Helicidee do not appear; and, therefore, it is likely that, be thetr function what it may, it is here performed by these cloacal organs. They present in their entirety to the naked eye a purplish-brown, tripy, pilose aspect, and surround closely the internal or abdominal surface of the cloaca, from its anterior extremity to the egg-sac; their ducts pierce the cloacal walls, and may be seen externally (on the inner or non-abdominal side) as a cluster of minute apertures. If a thin, carefully prepared section be made, with Valentin’s knife, the following structures are observed. An immense quantity of dark follicles, lying in indifferent tissue, and recalling at first sight the Meibomian glandules of the eyelid; each follicle is compound, being composed of a central stem or channel, which, as it passes towards the outer surface, sends off three or more lateral branches, and to the end of each of these a dark, spherical, grape-like vesicle is united, which, when ruptured by compression, shows its contents to be a liquid matter containing endoplasts and granules (fig. 2). The common generative outlet I have not yet described, for as it belongs to no section in particular, it could not have been referred to till the other regions were disposed of. Divested of its glandular appendages, it is a very simple tube, about +inch long, and as wide also when distended; into its posterior part open the penis and the sperm-sac-duct; it is attached to the egg-sac behind, and in front, where it forms the generative aperture—which is closed by an elastic band— 36 LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. is lost in the general integument. It is upon the right side, about midway between the pulmonic orifice and right upper tentacle, and in a plane about + inch lower. The eggs of this creature are deposited during the months of August and September, usually under large stones, but seldom in the earth; they are about twenty in number, collected together by means of glutinous threads which adhere to them. The egg is spherical, of an opaque white, measures about 4 inchin diameter, and consists of two coats, a quantity of albumen, and the yelk-mass. The outer coat, and that in which the opacity is observed, appears glistening and granular under the microscope when viewed by reflected light ; when isolated, it is found to be exceedingly tough, and to be composed of some material having a fibrillated structure apparently, and bearing in its substance particles of carbonate of lime, for, when acted on by weak acetic acid, an effer- vescence results, and the opacity vanishes. The fibres of which it seems made up are not real, but due possibly to the wrinkling to which the membrane is exposed in submitting it to examination ; at all events, when a portion of it has, by careful manipulation, been flattened out, and allowed to remain for some time in a solution of caustic ‘potash, the fibrillation disappears, and a clear, structureless membrane remains. The inner coat is transparent, but presents the falsely fibred aspect of the outer one. The yelk is a yellowish mass, presenting the usual granular aspect, and built up of rounded endoplasts oil-globules, and coloured granules. General remarks.—In contrasting the reproductive appa- ratus of Limax with that of Helix, as concerns position, form, and structure, we find that, while occupying the same place as that of Helix with relation to the viscera among which it lies, it presents many characters, morphologically ‘and histo- logically, which were not observed in that of the latter genus. We miss here the dart-sac, multifid vesicles, flagellum, and spermatheca-cecum, which are so fully developed in Helix. The first has no representative ; the cloacal glands may be a substitute for the second; and since it is probable that the third and fourth are mutual adaptations—the one owing its development to the requirements of the other—it follows that the non-development of the one is consequent upon the teleological absence of the other. Here, too we‘ observe no cloacal valves, and from this it is probable that the function which in a former memoir I attributed to these organs is not the incorrect one. It is not a little surprising that Moquin-Tandon, who has given a rude engraving of a —/ LAWSON, ON LIMAX MAXIMUS. 37 portion of the reproductive apparatus, should have overlooked the glandular character of the outlet, and not less so that he should have represented the egg-sac as being of acrescentic form, and termed it the “ horned appendage.” Moreover, I can with difficulty imagine that he has ever seen the spermatic particles, for he figures these latter (as though he had been looking at tadpoles or, more probably, at pictures of human semen), with gigantic spherical heads, whereas, actually, they only exhibit an approach, and a very faint one; to a capital extremity, in the form of a little spiral coil. The testicular and uterine divisions of the genital system are supplied with blood by a lateral vessel, which passes from the vaginal end to the albumen-gland, lying upon the border of the uterus, and transmitting branches to this structure and to the testis. With regard to the distinctness of the latter organ, I may state that its excretory duct is not the semi-canal which Prevost* took it for; I have, after a little manipulation, suc- ceeded in isolating completely its lower or anterior end, together with its continuation, the penis. The retractor muscle of the intromittent tube is often absent, but when present is a simple band, arising from the integument above the foot. It is almost impossible to describe the anatomical peculi- arities of a creature so highly organized as that of Limax, with the accuracy, and perspicuity which are desirable ; hence, doubtless, in the foregomg very general account there may, of course, be errors, not only in observation, but in induction. These—should they exist—it is hoped, may soon be pointed out, by others more skilled in the examination of molluscan organisms than the author, who can only add, in conclusion, that his sole object in the communication of these researches, has been the advancement of biologic science, by an effort to elucidate what seemed to him, a subject left too long in obscurity. * © Ann. des Sciences nat.,’ xxx. 38 Nore on Dr. Wautuicn’s Microscopic “ Jaw.” By G. Busx, F.R.S. In the October number of the ‘ Annals of Natural History’ (p. 304) is described and figured an organism contained in a muddy deposit dredged up at St. Helena, and regarded at that time by its discoverer, Dr. Wallich, as the lower jaw of a vertebrate animal, although, as he confesses, he had not then submitted it to any detailed examination. — The minute size, however, and general characters of the specimen, when it was exhibited at the meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, led many at once to doubt the propriety of this determination. Opinions, nevertheless, ap- pear to have been very widely divided as to the real nature of the object. Ina subsequent notice respecting it, in the December number of the same journal (p. 441), Dr. Wallich, in retracting his former opinion, as having been too hastily formed, states that the specimen had been pronounced by different observers to be—the mandible of a fish—a portion of the lingual ribbon of a Mitra—the claw of a minute crusta- cean—part of the manducatory apparatus of Notommaia or an allied species,—and lastly, a valve of the pedicellaria of some species of Echinus, in which last view he is himself now in- clined to agree. As it would appear, therefore, that there must be some- thing peculiar in a structure about which such diversity of views can be entertained; and as Dr. Wallich, in his latter communication, has cited me as the author of the last opi- nion in the above list, it may perhaps be interesting to some, that the grounds upon which it is formed should be stated. As none of the drawings hitherto given of the organism afford anything like a correct notion of its real appearance, I have had the accompanying figures prepared by an artist, wholly, I believe, unaware of the nature of the disputes about it, and whose representation, therefore, may be regarded as uninfluenced by any preconceived opinion. Of the various opposed views above enumerated, it appears to me, and will perhaps also appear to most others, that the only ones requiring serious consideration are that advo- cated by myself and that so ingeniously supported by Mr. C. Spence Bate, in the December number of the ‘Annals of Natural History’ (p. 440). That gentleman, whose opinion in such a matter, if he had had an opportunity of inspecting the specimen itself, would, of course, carry the very greatest BUSK, ON DR. WALLICH’S MICROSCOPIC “ JAW.” 39 +) weight, suggests that the so-termed “jaw” may be the dac- tylos,or moveable claw of a minute crustacean (Phrosina). But, with all due allowance for the circumstance that this opinion appears to have been based only upon the inspection of the original very faulty figure given by Dr. Wallich, it seems to me that, even with this allowance, an insuperable objection to Mr. Spence Bate’s view would arise from the fact that the “second row of marginal armature” is really placed as if it were the second ramus of an actual jaw, and not, as he erroneously interprets or appears to interpret the figure (‘Ann Nat. Hist.,’ x, p. 304), in the same line or plane, but above the first row, as I understand him to mean. There can be, no doubt, as he or any one would see on a glance at the specimen itself, that the two serrated margins are placed one behind the other, as the alveolar borders of a jaw would be. This being the case, it is needless, I should fancy, any longer to entertain the question of the object being the claw of a crustacean, in which the serrations or denticles, if there be any, are always placed in a single median row. But having negatived this view, upon what grounds is the thing to be regarded as the valve of a pedicellaria? This may be explained in a few words, and will, I hope, be found to be satisfactorily elucidated by the adjoined figures. Of these, fig. 1 represents the ‘jaw’ as it is exhibited in Dr, Wallich’s preparation, in which the object is unfortunately a good deal obscured by foreign matter. Fig. 2 is the side view of a valve of the pedicellaria of Echinus lividus, of which some 40 BUSK, ON DR. WALLICH’S MICROSCOPIC “‘ JAW.”’ 3 mounted specimens have been kindly furnished by Dr. Wallich, whilst fig. 3 shows the corresponding part of the pedicellaria of a species of Amphidotus, as 1 am informed by Mr. R. Beck, to whom I am indebted for the illustration. The figures of several other pedicellarian valves might have been added, all differing more or less inter se, though agreeing in essential structure; but I have thought the above examples would be sufficient for the present purpose. I would remark, however, in passing, that a full account and accurate figures of the va- rieties which exist im the pedicellariz of various Echinidze and Asteride, would afford a subject for a very useful and interesting paper, and might assist, perhaps, very considerably, in the discrimination of species or genera in those families. In those cases that I have examined, and probably in all, the pedicellariz of the Echinide consist of three valves, arti- culated apparently in a complex manner to each other, and furnished with appropriate processes for the attachment of the muscles by which they are moved. It is not my intention, nor, in fact, in my power, to describe fully the mechanism of these organs, but simply here to poimt out in a few words the essential pomts regarding them, so far as they throw light upon the structure of the “ jaw.” Each valve consists of a spoon-shaped distal portion, at the base of which is a strong, curved, arched process, like a door- knocker, and on either side of the same part an irregular pro- cess or condyle, by which the valve appears to be connected by a ligamentous tissue with those next toit. Viewed on the inner or concave side, the valve will be seen to be strengthened by a prominent median ridge or kelson, from which a ridge passes off obliquely forward on each side, nearly to the edge of the spoon-shaped portion. This kelson posteriorly or towards the base of the valve, rises into a strong, bluntly-toothed pro- cess, generally, I believe, connected to the sides of the base, or to the external condyles above mentioned, by a slender calcareous arch. To this rough eminence of the kelson I conceive the occlusor muscles or muscle to be attached, whilst the dilators are doubtless inserted in the door-knocker appendage below. The anterior part of the kelson some- times also supports one or more sharp denticles,* but in some cases, as for instance, I think, in Echinus sphera, * Thad entirely overlooked the median tooth in the “jaw,” and was quite unaware of the occurrence of any in that situation, in other Pedicel- lari, until it was pointed out to me by my friend Mr. R. Beck, to whose quick sight and ready assistance J am much indebted on the present as I have been on other occasions. -HENDRY, ON THE NERVE-CELLS IN THE OX. 41 this median armature is wanting in the “ spoon,’ whose edges also in that species are armed, not with sharp denti- cles as in all other instances I have as yet seen, but with blunter transverse ridges—presenting, in fact, pretty nearly the same difference that exists between the dentition of Mustelus levis, and that of other dog-fish. The only other essential point to which I need refer, is the serration or den- tition, as it might well be termed, on the edges of the valve. This armature usually consists of a series of very fine teeth, extending from the hinder end of the border throughout its whole length, except at the point where it may be interrupted, as appears usually to be the case, by one or more considerably larger denticles on each side, or at the apex. Besides this, the margin may be either straight, as in Amphidotus and Echinus sphera and the “jaw,” or scalloped as in Kchinus lividus. And doubtless numerous other variations will be met with. Now, upon inspection of the figures, it will be seen that all these parts, except the hinder door-knocker process, which is wanting in every specimen, being easily detached from the rest of the valve, are exhibited in the “jaw.” The letters in each figure are applied to the corresponding parts. a. The serrated margin. 4. The larger denticles. ec. The median ridge or kelson, with a large denticle in front. d. The lateral condyles. On the Nerve-Ce ts of the Spinau Corp in the Ox. By W. Henpry, Surgeon (Hull). Tue careful and patient manipulation required in order to display and mount the nerve-cedis of the cord has undoubtedly tended to retard any general knowledge of these most singular and interesting bodies, whose structure and relations have hitherto remained in comparative obscurity. They are nume- rous and well-defined corpuscles, exeeedingly variable in size and form, and furnished with conspicuous circular nuclei and nucleoli, of a yellowish colour, and usually presenting towards one or other extremity a pigmentary matter of a peculiar kind. They are also furnished with one or more processes, 42 HENDRY, ON THE NERVE-CELLS IN THE OX. and hence have been designated, wnipolar, bipolar, or multi- polar cells. The processes in question are described as anas- tomosing filaments, or as branches connecting one cell with another, or as continuous with the peripheral nerve-fibres. In some cases, again, they appear to have free terminations in the surrounding tissues. But these are questions upon which all observers are not satisfactorily agreed; nor is this a matter of surprise when we consider the extremely minute portions subjected to microscopical examination, the necessary pre- liminary preparation required, and the unavoidable disturb- ance of parts, all tending to interfere with if not wholly to destroy the normal arrangement of such delicate structures. Nevertheless, keen research, multiplied observations, and careful description of what is seen, may eventually lead to a more perfect knowledge of the distribution of those parts wherein at present some ambiguity may exist. It is no easy matter, under most circumstances, correctly to determine the question of the attachments of the processes just referred to, some lying above and others below the cells, whilst others, again, abruptly terminate short of, or apparently extend beyond them ; some of these appearances seeming to be produced by the rough usage employed to bring the objects properly into view. And in many instances in which we might feel inclined to believe in the union or continuity of the processes with nerve-filaments, or with other processes of the same kind, the employment of higher magnifying powers (1 inch) will in some cases resolve these connecting filaments into capillaries, which are so distributed and so completely encircle the cells, that but for the characteristic nuclei in the walls of the capillary vessels, very incorrect inferences might be entertained as to their true nature. From careful and re- peated observation, however, my own conviction is, that anastomoses do exist between one cell and another, and that the processes do likewise become connected or continuous with nerve-fibres, and that free terminations are also to be met with, although it is not improbable that the latter may be produced in consequence of the manipulation to which the parts are subjected. The nucleated vessels I have observed in the spinal cord of the ox, in close apposition with the nerve-cells, have a diameter of -,!,,th, ~),,th, and z,,th of an imch, whilst the nuclei in their walls are about =,” in length, and are of a roundish or oval shape, with a breadth of -25,°', or equal in some cases to that of the vessel itself. Vessels un- doubtedly exist below and above these measurements, but the extremes are not now sought for. The nerve-filaments HENDRY, ON THE NERVE-CELLS IN THE OX. 43 present a more homogeneous structure, and, as a further dis- tinction, the blood-vessels may frequently be traced in con- nection with others containing altered blood-corpuscles, their nature being thus placed beyond all doubt. My present object is not so much to enter fully into the histology of the cord as to endeavour to awaken new interest in the subject, and to offer certain suggestions with respect to manipulation, by which the investigation may be rendered more easy and satisfactory. I would, in the first place, recommend the experimenter to obtain a foot or two in length of the cord of the ox, to cut this up into pieces two or three inches long, and then to place these in a wide-mouthed quart stoppered bottle contain- ing a solution of chromic acid, of a moderate yellow colour. Other portions may be preserved in spirits of wine. After a few days the investigation may be commenced, it bemg by no means necessary to wait for some months, as is usually stated to be requisite, before sections can be made. These should be made with a sharp razor, with which the larger portions are to be cut into lengths of about + inch. On the surfaces thus exposed, the arrangement of parts in the interior of the cord will be seen. Its substance consists of a white external and a gray or cineritious internal substance, disposed in the form of two crescentic masses, one on either side and placed back to back, united by a transverse band or commissure. Of the horns, or cornua as they are termed, of each crescent, the anterior are short and thick, whilst the posterior are longer, slenderer, and more divergent. Besides this, the cord will now be seen to be partially divided into two halves by an anterior and posterior median fissure, the former not so deep but wider than the latter, and both occupied by a vascular membrane or tissue. Tt will be found convenient to have the following articles and reagents at hand, and in readiness for immediate use. One or two pair of surgeon’s forceps, several common sewing needles, a razor, several glass slides, box of round, thin, glass covers, three or four watch-glasses, one or two wine- glasses, two or three glass rods, blotting-paper m slips of one inch square, one or two cloths, basin of water for clean- ing slides, &c., lancet or two, and a pair of sharp scissors— also— 1. A solution of moderately dilute caustic soda, in a watch- glass. 2. Dilute acetic acid, in a wine-glass. 3, Water, in a wine-glass. 4, Creosote and naphtha solution, in watch-glass. 44. HENDRY, ON THE NERVE-CELLS IN THE OX. 5. Microscope, with one inch objective in focus, and illuminated to examine progress. Then take up one of the smaller sections of the cord, and with a pair of forceps lay hold of a small portion in or about the transverse commissure, or in one of the cornua, as being the parts which promise the most successful yield. This fragment may then be immersed for a few moments in the solution of caustic soda, and then transferred to the acetic acid, to neutralize the soda, and render the tissue somewhat clearer. After a minute or two transfer it to the vessel of water to remove the acid, &c., and then place it in the creosote or preservative solution. All this is but the work of a few minutes, and with a careful avoidance of a too pro- longed destructive immersion in the soda-solution, a number of a similar small particles of the cineritious substance may thus be passed through the successive stages, before they are placed in the preservative solution preparatory to micro- scopical examination. Any of the little portions so prepared may now be taken up with the forceps, and placed upon a glass slide, and broken up in more minute particles (size of pins’ heads), which are again to be teased-out with needles as finely as possible, aided by a drop of the solution. These particles should then be so arranged that, upon moderate pressure, they shall not run together, it being desirable that they should be mounted and examined separately. The fluid may now be withdrawn by blotting-paper, and the remainder of the slide wiped dry; a drop of the solution is then to be placed in the middle, and the thin glass cover, previously breathed upon, applied by means of the forceps, all air- bubbles being carefully excluded. Moderate pressure is applied with the points of the forceps, and the surplus fluid absorbed at the edges; the slide being every now and then placed under the microscope to examine progress, until the appearances are rendered as distinct as they can be. The cover is now, probably, slightly adherent, and a due supply of solution being inclosed, the whole is to be cleansed and dried without disturbing the object, and, at the end of a few minutes, the slide may be tranferred to the turning-plate, and finished off with a border of varnish. I have various slides in my possession prepared in this manner, which have kept for several weeks. ‘Their ultimate durability I know not, but the measures adopted have served for my own investigations, as well as for the exhibition to others of a class of objects, which I should conceive to be STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. 4H thus as readily and perfectly illustrated as by any other pro- ceeding hitherto promulgated. Measurement of the cells—The utmost variety exists in the magnitude and form of these bodies ; they are usually de- scribed as globular in man, and Car penter assigns them a diameter of from —a5;th to ith of an inch. Kolhker gives a diameter of from ‘05’ to 06" for the larger variety, which, being reduced to fractional parts of the Eng- lish inch, shows a range of from ;1,th to ;1,th of an inch. My own measures of the cells in the ox, which, though for the most part are of a peculiar elongated form, are some of them more globular, average— In length, from zooth to rsoth of an inch. In br eadth 9 46 voth 270 Seo voth 9 Nucleus 3) TOT ie ith > T00 a 0 =th 3) Nucleolus _,, Sas TD ppeetai Kolliker gives to ine oe in man a diameter of 0:0015”” to :008’”, or from 73,7 to +,15,th of an Bugs inch, hee to the nucleolus one of 0:0005’” to 003" for" th to 2. th of an English inch. In ~,th of an inch square, or the =1,th part of a square inch, I have counted forty-nine large, elongated cells ; whence it may be estimated that there are between three and four hundred thousand nerve-cells in a cubic inch of the cineri- tious substance in the spinal cord of the ox. How vast, therefore, must be their number computed throughout the entire length of the cord; how complex their relations, and how marvellous their functions, whether we regard them as active centres of growth and reparation, or the source them- selves of nervous power. ee 3) OxBsERVATIONS 02 British Zoopuytges. By T. StretHiyy Wrieut, M.D., F.R.C.P. Edin. 1. On Reproduction in Aquorea vitrina. Communicated to the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, November 27th, 1861. (Pl. IV). In vol. i of Agassiz’s ‘Natural History of the United States’ the following passage occurs:—“ As to the A‘quo- readz, I have no doubt that they are genuine Hydroids, though I have not been able to trace with certainty the origin of the 46 STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. Z&iquorea of our coast to any true hydroid. But the structure of Aiquorea in its adult Medusa state is so strictly homolo- gous to that of all the naked-eyed Meduse, that even if it were ascertained that it undergoes a direct metamorphosis from the egg to the perfect Medusa, I would not hesitate to consider it as a member of the order of Hydroids, since it has simple, radiating, aquiferous tubes, a circular canal, and mar- ginal tentacles closely connected with it, and provided with minute pigment-spots at the base.””? Agassiz was doubtless correct, and he might also have predicted that it belonged to the genus Campanularia or Laomedea, as it corresponded with the Medusoids of those genera in the presence of otoliths, while the Medusoids of the Tubularian hydroids hitherto ob- served, are destitute of those appendages. In the begin- ning of this month (November) Mr. Fulton sent me two living specimens of A/quorea vitrina (Pl. IV), one about three inches in diameter, the other about six inches and a half. The number of lips of the latter was about forty, the radiating canals, each having a long, double ovisac, about eighty, and the marginal tentacles, by estimation, four hundred. On examining the ovaries, I found that the eggs were hatched, and the young, in the form of almost invisible planulz, were issuing from the ovisacs. These were gently extracted with a glass syringe, an instrument so useful to those who practise the obstetric art amongst the Hydroidz, and were placed about three weeks ago in glass tanks of clean sea-water prepared for their re- ception. Many thousands of larve were placed in the tanks, and of those about a score have been developed into Cam- * panularian polyps; about a hundred are still progressing to that end, and the rest have disappeared. It was with no little impatience and anxiety that I saw the planula during a fort- night fix itself to the glass, spread itself out into a short thread, secrete its scleroderm, put forth its polyp-bud—this last slowly swelling day by day, until at last it opened, and a polyp appeared, furnished with twelve alternating tentacles, joined together for about one third of their length by a web, the polyp enclosed in a cell terminating m many acuminate segments. It is now about six years ago that I was watching, in like manner, the slow evolution of a bud from a Campanu- larian zoophyte, the Laomedea acuminata of Alder, the bud opened, and a bright-green Medusoid issued forth, having four lips and two tentacles.* The hydroid phase of Aquorea vitrina is, as far as I can determine, identical with that of L. acuminata in shape; but is so excessively small—quite * ¢Hdin. New Phil. Mag,’ vol. vii, N. S., p. 110. STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. A7 invisible to the naked eye—that we must wait for further development before we can determine their identity. Ge- genbaur has proved that the Medusoid of Velella acquires a further number of canals and tentacles; and I have elsewhere recorded the successive changes which oceur in the Medusoids of several species of Atractylis. It is also certain that such increase in the number of elements (canals, lips, tentacles, and otoliths) does occur in quorea vitrina, for the smaller specimens have always a less number than the larger. Mean- time the question as to the larval state of quorea vitrina is settled. This, the largest of all the naked-eyed Medusas, is the reproductive phase of one of the smallest of all the Hy- droide. 2. Reproduction of Atractylis arenosa, Alder. (Pl. TV). Com- municated to the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, February 26th, 1862. This zoophyte was described by Mr. Alder at the last meet- ing of this society. In September last I found a large female specimen at Largo, and was fortunate enough to have an op- portunity of studying its anatomy and reproduction. The polyp-stems are, as Mr. Alder has shown, funnel-shaped and expanding at the top. From them the milk-white polyps issue, each furnished with an alternating row of long tenta- cles. The scleroderm, or corallum, is covered by a thick layer of colletoderm, which is continued over the body of the polyp, and which, when the polyp retires within its tube, fills up the - top of the tube by its cushiony folds, so that the polyp is completely hidden, and the funnel appears, as it were, closed by a valve. The colletoderm in my specimen was coated and impregnated with mud. Mr. Alder’s specimen was covered with grains of fine sand. I was at first inclined to believe that this zoophyte was merely a variety of Atractylis repens, which, with its Medusoids, I have already described to the society; but after it had been in captivity a few days, I found that it was beginning to put forth ovisacs, one on opposite sides of the polyp-stems (Pl. IV, fig. 7). The mode of reproduction in this zoophyte is unique amongst the Tubulariade, though I have noticed and de- scribed it in the Sertularias and Campanularias. The female generative sac of Atractylis arenosa resembles that of Hydractinia; it is a simple sac, formed of ectoderm, or the outer layer of the ccenosare, enclosing a similar sac of endoderm, the “placenta,” the whole being covered by a layer of scleroderm and colletoderm. Between the placenta and the ectoderm a large number of ova are developed, each 48 STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. showing a germinal vesicle and spot (fig. 8). When the ova are sufficiently advanced for extrusion from the generative cavity, the investments of the sac are ruptured, the sac as- sumes a long, cylindrical form (fig. 9), and a most laborious process of parturition commences. With each pain the ecio- derm of the sac contracts laterally, like the bell of a Medusa, and at the same time the placenta (fig. 9c) is dilated by fluid pumped into it from the somatic cavity of the zoophyte, so that the ova, which are floating in a milky fluid, are forced against the summit of the generative sac. Meanwhile, another process has been going on—the external surface of the sum- mit of the sac has been secreting a thick cap of gelatinous colline (fig. 9d), which is to form a nidus for the further de- velopment of the ova. The contractions become still more violent, until the ova are confined in a mass at the dilated upper part of the sac; this last is ruptured, and they are then forced into the gelatinous cap, which still remains attached to the summit of the empty generative sac (fig. 10d). The ova now undergo imperfect fissure, and are developed into planulee within their nest, from which they at last escape, and, after swimming in the water, doubtless become fixed and converted into polyps. Atractylis arenosa, although it gives off an immense num- ber of young, is one of the rarest zoophytes on our coast, probably on account of the low viability of its planule. While Sertularia pumila, one of the commonest species, the young of which are likewise developed in a similar gelatinous nest, will quickly line the vessel in which it is kept with forests of young zoophytes, not a single planula of Atractylis arenosa, of the immense number that were given off by my specimen, ever attained the polyp stage. We have in this zoophyte the reappearance amongst the Tubulariade of a mode of gelatinous nidification which ob- tains in various orders of the animal kingdom—in the Pro- tozoa, the Mollusca, the Annelide, the Insecta, and even amongst the Vertebrata, as in the common frog. We may ask, how is it that the ova of Hydractinia and Coryne are discharged into the water to float about without any protec- tion, while those of Atractylis arenosa, the Sertularias and Laomedeas, require such various provisions for their further development? But we do not find anything in the physiology of these zoophytes to answer the question. 3. Atractylis miniata, T. 8. W. (New species.) Communi- cated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., February 26th, 1862. Polypary yellow, dendritic, branches given off at an acute STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. AQ angle from the stem, crooked, wrinkled, but not ringed. Polyp with eight alternate tentacles, buccal cavity silvery, endodermal lining of stomach bright red-lead coloured. Reproduction not observed. This zoophyte was found on stones at Largo, in little gnarled, shrubby trees, about an inch high, exposed at the lowest tides. The bright-yellow colour of the polypary at once strikes the eye, which is also arrested by the gaudy colour of the minute polyps. These appear to be marked by two broad internal patches; one, corresponding to the buccal cavity, of a dense silvery white; the other to the cavity of the stomach, of a brilliant reddish orange. I have also found very minute specimens of this species at Granton. 4, Laomedea decipiens, T.S.W. (New species.) Commu- nicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., February 26th, 1862. Polypary minute; stem filiform flexuose, with from one to five branches, each bearing a cell; the stem is an- nulated with about five rings above the origin of each branch ; the branches are annulated throughout ; cells widening rapidly towards the top, with even, double rims. Polyp with about sixteen tentacles and trum- pet-shaped proboscis. This pretty little Laomedea resembles much the Laomedea neglecta of Alder, except that the margin of the cell is even, and has the appearance of being double for about half its length from the rim, though, from the extreme delicacy of the cell, this character is only made out with difficulty. The reproduction of this zoophyte resembles exactly that I have described in Laomedea lacerata,* except that each gelatinous nest of A. decipiens contains only three ova, while that of L. lacerata contains six or eight. 5. Clava nodosa, T.S. W. (New species.) Communicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., March 26th, 1862. “ Polypary creeping. Scleroderm membranous. Polyps single, small, aurora-coloured, each springing from small knot of convoluted tubes.” This zoophyte was found on the fronds of Delesseria sanguinea at Queensferry and Largo. The very delicate threads of the polypary creep over the fronds of the seaweed, and at intervals twine themselves into a convo- Inted knot of membranous tubes, from which a single polyp arises. This species occurs only at low-tide mark, * «Edin. New Phil. Mag.,’ N. S., vol. ix. VOL. III.—NEW SER. D 50 STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. while C. repens, for which it may be mistaken, is found in shallow rock-pools. 6. Acharadria larynx, T.S.W. (New genus and species. Pl. V, figs. 7, 8.) Communicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., March 26th, 1862. “ Polypary branched, spirally twisted. Polyps pale orange, with two rows of tentacles. The lower row from 4 to 12, the upper row from 2 to 8 capitate.” On stones carrying Caryophyllia Smithii, received from Ilfracombe. This little Tubularian was about a quarter of an inch high, with three polyps, and resembled in habit Tubularia larynx. It bears the same relation to Vorticlava that Tubularia larynx does to Corymorpha. 7. Vorticlava Proteus, T.S8.W. (New species. Pl. V.) Communicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., May 7th, 1862. Scleroderm absent. Colletoderm covering body of polyp. Upper row of tentacles capitate 5; lower row 9. Several specimens of this zoophyte were found in the “Fluke Hole,” Firth of Forth. The body of the polyp is exceedingly extensible. At one time a mere button at- tached to the stone on which it dwells; at another it trans forms itself into the various shapes shown in the accom- panying figures. A hard covering to the body would neces- sarily prevent or impede these motions. The scleroderm, therefore, is absent, and the whole body of the polyp is covered with a layer of transparent “ colline,”’ which extends from the foot, where it forms a thick mass, to a ridge which runs beneath the insertion of the lower rim of tentacles. The zoophyte has the power of changing its place. 8. Trichydra pudica, T.S.W. (Pl. VI.) Communicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., May 7th, 1862. This Hydroid, which I have already described tothe Society,* was found recently covering a small shell from the “ Fluke Hole.’ As its mode of reproduction had never been observed, I placed it in a small vessel of carefully examined sea-water, and exposed it to light, a mode of treatment which often induces the Hydroidz to assume their Medusoid phase. After some time, two small Medusoids were found in the water, but I was unable, by the most careful examination, to detect their mode of development, as no “ gonophores ” ap- peared on any part of the ccenosare. The connection of these Medusoids with Trichydra is yet open to doubt, although I * © Kdin, New Phil. Mag.,’ N.S, vol. vi, p. 108. STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON BRITISH ZOOPHYTES. 51 am convinced that no other zoophyte occurred on the shell, or in the water in which it was placed. Medusoid of Trichydra pudica ?—Umbrella ritre-shaped, covered with minute thread-cells. Swb-umbrella with four lateral canals, destitute of ovaries or sperm-sacs. Peduncle short, cylindrical, four cleft at the mouth. Tentacles four, short, with two or four intervening tubercles. Oolites absent. Hye-specks absent. 9. On the Development of Pycnogon-Larve within the Polyps of Hydractinia echinata. Communicated to the Roy. Phys. Soc., May 7th, 1862. In a communication made by Professor Allman to the British Association in 1859, entitled, ‘On a remarkable form of Parasitism among the Pycnogonide, the author de- scribed the occurrence of certain vesicles on the branches of the Coryne exima, which, although possessing a strong re- semblance to the reproductive sacs of the zoophyte, and formed of all the proper tissues of the ccenosare and its coverings, were distinguished from those organs by each enclosing a single living Pycnogon, which, in the smaller vesicles, was embryonic, while in the larger it presented an advanced stage of development. A similar observation was made by Mr. G. Hodge (‘ Ann. and Mag. N. Hist.,’ ser. 3, vol. ix), who considered that the sacs were modified or stunted branches of the Coryne, the development of which had been arrested by the presence of the enclosed Pyenogon. On read- ing the papers of these gentlemen I remembered that I had, some time before, been much puzzled by the discovery of armless Pycnogons resembling Mr. Hodge’s figure (pl. iv, fig. 10, op. cit.) in several altered polyps of a specimen of Hydractinia. In this case two or three were found in each polyp, which had assumed the form of a dilated and trans- parent sac, crowned by its usual tentacles. The polyps ap- peared to be bloated and overgrown under the use of their Pyecnogon diet. Mr. Hodge’s paper at once set me on the look-out for another specimen of Hydractinia tenanted by Pycnogons, and this I at last obtained by the kindness of my friend, Dr. Wilson, Demonstrator of Anatomy at the Univer- sity of Edinburgh. In this, one of the polyps contained three larve of a pale-yellow colour, which appeared, as far as could be seen without injuring the polyp, to be destitute of legs. When first observed, the polyp was furnished with its proper complement of tentacles; but as the development of the Pyenogons proceeded, the tentacles were absorbed, and the polyp became a long sac, pointed at its upper extremity, 52 STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON THE EOLID. and fitting closely on the larve, which appeared to be im- bedded in the longitudinal folds of the highly developed endoderm. Mr. Hodge supposes that the larvee, at a very early stage, are swallowed by ordinary alimentary polyps of the Coryne, and carried through the tubes of the cceno- ~ sarc until they arrive at a part which is about to become a polyp, which thereupon has its destination altered. And I think there can be little doubt that his surmise is correct, as in Coryne the Pycnogon sacs, in all stages of development, are not only destitute of tentacles, but are, according to Professor Allman, covered by a layer of the chitinous poly- pary or scleroderm. Such a mode of nidification, however, could not take place in Hydractinia, the ccenosarcal tubes of which are of exceedingly small calibre. Accordingly we find that the Pyenogon sacs in this zoophyte are formed, not by the arrest or change in development of an immature polyp, but by the degeneration of a tentacled polyp previously per- fect. Perhaps I ought to mention here that globular sacs are occasionally found in place of the polyps in Coryne glanduiosa, Dalyell. These are destitute of scleroderm, and lined with a very dense brown endoderm, arranged in somewhat reticu- lated folds. As far as I observed, they were empty, and, by constantly undergoing alternate processes of dilatation and contraction, appeared to influence the circulation of the zoophyte. Itis possible that minute Pyenogons may have existed in these sacs. On the Urticatine Finraments of the Eoup2. By T. Srreruitt Wricut, M.D. In the second volume, new series, of this Journal, p. 274, is contained a translation of a paper, by Dr. Bergh, ‘“ On the existence of Urticating Filaments in the Mollusca.” As neither Dr. Bergh nor his translators appear to be aware that anything has been written on these bodies in Great Britain since the observations of Messrs. Hancock and Embleton were published, I am induced to lay before the readers of this Journal an abstract of a paper read by me to the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh, on the 22nd of December, 1858, and published in their ‘ Proceedings,’ containing obser- vations “On the Cnide or Thread-cells of the Eolide,” which I have since confirmed by repeated experiments. STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON THE EOLID#. 53 * Dr. Strethill Wright, after describing the anatomy of the respiratory, digestive, and hepatic organs in the Eolide, stated that in his memoir on Hydractinia echinata, read before the society, November 26th, 1856, he had written— Hydractinia is infested by a small species of Holis (Kolis nana), which peels off the polypary with its rasp-like tongue, and devours it—possessed, I suppose, of some potent magic, which renders all the formidable armament of its prey of no avail. Now, each of the dorsal papillee of the Eolidze contains at its extremity a small ovate vesicle, communicating, through the biliary sac, withthe digestive system, and opening externally by a minute aperture at the end of the papillee. This vesicle is found crowded with compact masses of thread-cells, which masses in Eolis nana, consist of aggregations of small and large thread- cells, identical in size and shape with those of Hydractinia— on which this Eolis preys—not contained in capsules, but cemented together by mucus. When we consider that each of the vesicles is in indirect communication with the stomach, I think we may, without presumption, suggest that the masses of thread-cells found in Eolis nana are quasi fecal collections of the thread-cells of Hydractinia, which, protected by their strong coats, have escaped the digestive process. In corroboration of this view, I may mention that the Eolis papillosa, as figured in the work of Alder and Hancock, have a perfect resemblance to those found in the Actinias, which last animals furnish an Abyssinian repast to these carnivorous mollusea.” Dr. Wright afterwards found that, as to the above idea, he had been anticipated by his friend, Mr. Gosse, who, in his ‘Tenby,’ after noticmg the existence of the thread-cells in the papilla, remarked—“ The inquiry I suggest would be, how far the presence of thread-cells might be connected with the diet of the mollusc? And whether, seeing the forms of the missile threads vary im different genera of zoophytes, the forms of the corresponding orgaus im the papille of the Eolides would vary if the latter were fed ex- clusively first on one and then on another genus of the former.” He afterwards found that Mr. Huxley had also doubted, pre- viously to Mr. Gosse and himself, whether the thread-cells of the Eolide were not adventitious. Here were three inde- pendent observers to whom the idea had suggested itself: Mr. Huxley had first hinted it; Mr. Gosse suggested it and how it might be found to be true; Dr. Strethill Wright also had suggested it, and given two instances in corroboration of his opinion, and then he proceeded to detail observations which would, he hoped, entitle it to be enrolled as a proved fact in the records of science. Ist. A specimen of Eolis nana 54. STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON THE EOLID®. was brought home from Morison’s Haven, on a shell covered with Hydractinia, taken from a rock-pool, in which was a profuse growth of Campanularia Johnstoni. The papille of this Eolis contained the two kinds of thread-cells which are found on Hydractinia, together with the large thread-cells which occur within the reproductive capsules of C. Johnstoni. 2nd. An Eolis coronata was taken at Queensferry, on a massive specimen of Coryne eximia, which was very abundant there. The thread-cells of C. eximia were very distinctive, being very large, oval, and containing a four- barbed dart. The thread-cells of the Eolis and Coryne were carefully compared together, and were found to be identical. 3rd. Dr. M‘Bain and Dr. Wright found an Eolis Drummondii on a fine specimen of Tubularia indivisa. They first carefully examined the thread-cells of the Tubularia, and found four kinds, two (large and small) of a nearly globular shape, each containing a four-barbed dart, and two (large and small) of an almond shape, the larger one containing a thread fur- nished with a lengthened brush of recurved barbs. They then examined the papille of the Eolis, and found the ovate sacs filled with an indiscriminate mixture of all the four kinds of thread-cells found on Zubularia indivisa. 4th. Dr. M‘Bain and Dr. Wright found aspecimen of Kolis Landsburgii on Eudendrium rameum. Eudendrium rameum was furnished, as to the bodies of its polyps, with very large, bean-shaped thread- cells, in which an unbarbed style could be detected, while the _tentacles of the polyps were covered with exceedingly minute cells. They compared the thread-cells of the Eudendrium with those found in the sac of Eolis, and found both kinds identical. Lastly, Dr. Wright had kept the specimen of Eolis Drummondii above mentioned fasting for a long time, aud then introduced it to a large specimen of Coryne eximia fresh from the sea. The next morning every polyp of the zoophyte had vanished, and the ovate sacs of the Eolis were packed with the distinctive thread-cells of the Coryne, mixed with a few thread-cells of 7. indivisa, the remains of its former feast. He also found the thread-cells of C. ex- imia in the alimentary canal. It was at one time supposed that thread-cells, or Cnidz as Mr. Gosse had named them, were only to be found in the Hydroid and Helianthoid polyps and the Medusz ; Professor Allman afterwards discovered them in a species of Loxodes, a protozoan animalcule ; and Dr. Wright had the good fortune to find them on the tentacles of an Annelid, Spio seticornis, and also on the tentacles of Cydippe, one of the Ctenophora. Since then he had observed them on the very minute tentacles of Alcinde, another of the STRETHILL WRIGHT, ON THE EOLIDE. 55 Ctenophora. In all these classes of animals thread-cells were developed within the ectodermal coat of the animal, and in many, such as in 7. indivisa, each within a distinct and very apparent sac, and not in connection with the diges- tive system.* The type of structure, moreover, of the thread- cell in the Protozoon, the Hydro-medusa, the Annelid, and the Ctenophore, was essentially different for each class; and this fact alone would lead an observer to doubt as to the origin of the thread-cells of Eolis, which so exactly resembled those of the Hydro-medusz in their structure. Nevertheless it was certainly a very strange fact, for a fact the author firmly believed it to be, that one animal should be furnished with apparatus for storing up and voluntarily ejecting organic bodies derived from the tissues of another animal devoured by it, and that these should still retain their distinctive functions unimpaired; and he stated that his friend, Mr. Alder, one of the highest authorities on the Nudibranchi, still hesitated to assent to the doctrine sought to be proved by the present communication, on the ground of its extreme im- probability. He should therefore feel obliged to any of the members of the society or others who would lend their aid to the confirmation or disproof thereof. * This remark only applies to the Hydroids and their medusoids amongst the zoophytes. In the Actinie, Lucernarian Meduse, and Lucernaria, thread-cells are found in connection with processes of the endoderm, related to the reproductive apparatus. TRANSLATION. On the DeveELopMENT of ECHINORHYNCHUS. By Prof. Rup. LevcKarr. (From the ‘ Gottingen Nachrichten,’ No. 22, October 22nd, 1862.)* The Echinorhynchi, or Acanthocephali, constitute a group of entozoa with respect to whose development and _life- history we are confessedly at present wholly ignorant. The observations of Von Siebold and of Dujardin have, it is true, shown that the ova of these worms contain an embryo wholly unlike its parents; but how, or under what circum- stances, this embryo is developed into the perfect animal, in the absence of direct experiments, we have been left, up to the present time, merely to surmise. Most observers, and in particular Van Beneden and G. Wagener, have been dis- posed to assign to the Echinorhynchi, a simple metamor- phosis hardly, perhaps, more remarkable than that which has been shown to take place in some of the Nematoidea. The latter helminthologist goes so far even as to believe that the organization of the perfect animal may be discerned in the embryo. The hook-apparatus at the anterior end of the body of the embryo would in this view be comparable to the pro- boscis of the perfect worm, and a pair of strap-shaped organs in the interior (which exist, it should be said, only in one species) have been assumed to represent the so-called “* lemnisci.” In order to put these views to the test, I resolved, in the course of the last summer, to institute a series of experiments with the ova of Echinorhynchus Proteus, a species which abounds in our river fish, and particularly in those of the Perch tribe. In the common Gammarus Pulex of our ponds and brooks, I had already noticed, on several occasions, Echinorhynchi * The interesting paper of which we here give a translation constitutes the third of a series of ‘ Experimental Researches in Helminthology’ insti- tuted by its distinguished author. LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS, 57 with the neck retracted, and having the sexual organs unde- veloped. From all appearance these were waiting to be transferred to the intestine of a higher animal, and from the construction of their proboscis the suspicion was awakened that they might be derived from Kchinorhynchus Proteus. Induced by these circumstances I selected Gammarus Pulex as the subject of my researches. Having placed abundance of these crustaceans in a vessel of water, I introduced into it the ova afforded from six or eight female Echinorhynchi, and in the course of a few days had the satisfaction of detecting not only numerous ova in the intestinal canal of the Gammari, but also of seeing that the embyros had quitted the egg-shell, and had made their way through the walls of the intestine into the visceral cavity, whence they had wandered in various directions into the appendages, and had begun to grow. In a short time I was thus convinced, that in Gammarus pulex I had discovered the true intermediate supporter of the entozoon. The ova of Echinorhynchus Proteus, in form and structure, resemble those of the allied species. They are of a fusiform shape, and surrounded with two membranes, an external, of a more albuminous nature, and an znternal, chitinous. When the eggs have reached the intestine, the outer of these membranes is lost, being mm fact digested, whilst the inner envelope remains until ruptured by the embryo, usually in the middle. The embryo when it quits the egg measures 0°056 mm. in length, and 0:014mm. in thickness. The hinder extremity is attenuated and pointed, the anterior truncated obliquely towards the ventral aspect. The surface thus formed, and which may be termed the vertex, supports a bilateral apparatus of spines. I counted five (rarely six) spines, which are inserted, at a certain distance on each side of the median line, in an ex- anded arch; so that the central spine, which is also the longest of all (0002 mm.), occupies the highest position. Neither root nor claw can be distinguished in these spines. They present the appearance of straight ridges closely applied to the cuticle, and project only at the extremity in the form of a blunt pomt. Between the two halves of this apparatus of spines may be seen, close to the median line, on each side, also another short chitinous elevation or ridge, which consti- tutes with the above described spines, a more or less perfect right angle. G. Wagener regards these ridges as a pair of lips, between which is placed a slit-like pone, but in reality they are merely thickenings of the cuticle, which afford a firm point of insertion for the contractile substance of the embryo, 58 LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS, That this is really the case is shown most completely when an opportunity is afforded of observmg the mode in which the embryo performs its boring movements. In this manceuvre the terminal surface with its two ridges is intro- verted, or rather its two sides are folded towards each other, and brought into contact throughout their entire length, the points of the spines being thus disposed in a line on either side, from which position, in a few seconds, by a simultaneous opening out of the folded surface they are moved to the right and left in a downward, or, if the expression be preferred, in a backward direction. The parenchyma of the body is colourless and transparent. But at the same time there may be distinguished in it a firmer peripheral layer immediately covered by the cuticle, and which below the terminal surface forms a knob-like projection (regarded by Wagener as a “sac,”—perhaps a stomach?), and a more fluid medullary substance of a fine granular consistence. That the peripheral layer, notwith- standing its apparent homogeneousness, is contractile, is proved beyond doubt by the movements of the terminal disc. Moreover, the motions of the embryo are not confined exclu- sively to the act of boring. The body may occasionally be seen to contract both longitudinally and transversely. It may be seen also now and then to bend itself in various directions ; and in transparent specimens of Gammarus this mobility is manifested in the circumstance that the young parasites are constantly changing their place in the interior of their host, slowly progressing sometimes among the viscera, sometimes among the muscles, and migrating from the visceral cavity into, and even penetrating, perhaps, to the extremity of the appendages, whence they return to their original site. The only distinct structure perceptible in the interior of the embryo is a comparatively large (0-014 mm.) oval-shaped, granular mass, which occupies nearly the whole of the central part of the body, and is occasionally lodged in what has the appearance of a vacuolar space. Von Siebold, who has already recognised this granular mass as a constant organ in the Echinorhynchus-embryo, explains it hypothetically as being a remnant of the vitellus. Although at a subsequent period this body exhibits a distinctly cellular structure, it appears at this time to be a mere agglomeration of granules, charac- terised by their considerable size and strong refractive power. Similar granules are also found isolated here and there in other situations in the interior of the embryo, imbedded in fact in the softer internal substance, together with which, during the contractions of the peripheral layer, they may not LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS. 59 unfrequently be seen to be propelled im different directions. The granular mass, moreover, itself lies free in the interior of this substance, and without any connection with the peri- pheral layer of parenchyma, as may be readily proved not only from the circumstance that it may be easily squeezed out of the embryo, but in a more direct manner from the fact that it is seen to change its place on the occurrence of any powerful peristaltic movement. During the first fourteen days after the commencement of its migration, the morphological development of the embryo undergoes no change. It merely increases in size, and this so rapidly that at the end of this period some individuals are met with measuring in length 0°6 and 0:7 mm., and having a transverse diameter of 0:15 mm. The embryo during all this time retains the spines at the anterior extremity, but the form of this extremity is so far changed that the dorsal sur- face above the vertex projects in the form of a transparent hemispherical eminence, which forms with the neutral sur- face an angle of about 100°, whose apex is constituted by the meeting of the two parallel longitudinal ridges above described. It is clear that the presence of these ridges interferes, to a certain extent, with the equable expansion of the anterior end of the body, and it is to this circumstance that is due the peculiarity of comformation of the anterior part of the head. The spines, hike the ridges, retain their former proportions and respective position. They are placed close to the longitudinal ridges on the sides of the cephalic surface, which bythis time has become raised into two rounded eminences. At this stage I have never observed any true boring movements, although the forepart of the body is still occasionally retracted. It would seem, nevertheless, as if the spines were still of some use in the locomotion of the embryo, affording it, as they do, the means of affixing itself. In consequence of this change of form of the anterior end of the body, the embryo has now acquired a more regular fusiform shape, which becomes more manifest when it has been rendered rigid and motionless by the endosmotic absorp- tion of water. But the growth of the embryo is not limited merely to the outer body. The nuclear granular mass in the interior has also considerably increased in size (in embryos of 0°7 mm. long to 0°09 mm.). Whilst at the same time it has lost its original granular aspect. Instead of the granules, pale cells are now seen measuring from 0:007 to 0°02 mm. im size, and continually multiplying. These cells constitute a compressed, almost spherical ball, with a well-defined outline. The.surrounding 60 LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS. parenchyma, as at an earlier period, consists of a fine granular substance, of nearly fluid consistence, out of which, moreover, on prolonged contact with water, numerous clear drops about 0°38 mm. in diameter exude, which at first present a perfectly homogeneous aspect, but, subsequently, in conse- quence of their undergoing a sort of coagulation, exhibit a regular nucleus of considerable size (0'016 mm.), and strongly refractive power. That these bodies, notwithstanding their celleform structure, are not a normal constituent of the embryonal body, is clearly manifest from the circumstance that they may be seen gradually forming during the exami- nation, and disappearing as soon as the object is floated in a thin solution of albumen—a proceeding which it is advisable to adopt upon other grounds as well. The peripheral layer of contractile substance still retains its former condition, except that, of course, it has increased in thickness, and become more sharply defined on its inner surface. Its greatest thickness is still, as before, towards the anterior end of the body, although the knob-like projection has in the meanwhile disappeared. After the embryo has attained the dimensions just stated without any other essential change, it begins, in the course of the third week, to exhibit a most wonderful metamor- phosis. The nucleus, which up to this time has been constituted “of a simple, small aggregation of cells, now increases rapidly in size, and at the same time elongates, and becomes trans- formed by a definite grouping of its elements into a complex organism, in which, after a short time, may indubitably be recognised the features of a young Echinorhynchus. During this process, however, the body of the embryo remains unchanged, except that it is slightly larger (up to 0:09 mm.), and presents, in the cortical layer, yellow granules constantly increasing in number, and which necessarily offer no slight obstacle to the further study of the processes going on in the interior. The embryo of Echinorhynchus, therefore, stands in the same relation to the future worm that the Pluteus does to the Echinoderm or the Pilidium to Nemertes. As in those cases, so in Echinorhynchus, the ultimate animal arises in the interior of the primordial body, by a process which presents so close an analogy with the production of an embryo, and, consequently, with the act of generation, that one feels inclined at once to identify it with such an act, and, consequently, to regard the Kchinorhynchus as exhibiting, instead of a metamorphosis, an alternation of generations in its mode of development, LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUs. 61] Without going into minute particulars with respect to the transformation of the cellular mass in the Echinorhynchus, still a few words may be said regarding the most important points concerned in this metamorphosis. As before remarked, this process commences in a defined and regular grouping of the cells which had previously been united into a simple ball. Next, it may be seen that the anterior end of the ball becomes defined from the rest, or rather, that in consequence of a clearing up in its interior, it is transformed into an almost lenticular vesicle, whose outer wall is constituted of a thin layer of cells, and is usually distinguished by a number of yellow granules. Sub- sequent observation will show that this transparent vesicle is the rudiment of the cavity of the proboscis. Behind this part will be seen an oval mass of cells of considerable size, extending backwards in the axis of the body to about the middle of its length, and in its posterior half enclosing a smaller, though still a considerably sized cellular body. This body ‘is the future ganglion, whilst its envelope represents the future pro- boscis-sheath. At the hinder end, again, of this part are attached, also in the axis of the body, several small collec- tions of cells, which are sometimes crowded together, some- times arranged one behind the other, in a longitudinal series, and which, together with the terminal portion of the nucleus, go to constitute the sexual apparatus together with the so- termed suspensory ligament. ‘The lateral walls of the middle portion of the body, bounded in front by the cavity of the pro- boscis, and behind by the terminal portion of the repro- ductive organs, and which, at first, are of very considerable thickness, are destined to form the future muscular tunic or sac of the Echinorhynchus. At this time no trace of visceral cavity is perceptible. The next changes in the young Echinorhynchus cousist in its continued and rapid growth in length to twice or thrice its original dimensions, without any increase in its transverse diameter. The growth is limited almost entirely, however, to the middle section of the body, or that which is sur- rounded by the lateral walls, and the form of this part con- sequently becomes more and more cylindrical as the growth proceeds. At the same time the walls of this part become thinner ; whilst the inclosed organs, the proboscis-sheath, and the sexual organs appended to the so-termed “ ligament,” notwithstanding all the stretching, retain their original plump form almost unchanged. The most remarkable alteration is the lengthening of the cavity of the proboscis, which continues to extend backwards deeper and deeper into 62 LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS. the proboscis-sheath, in consequence of which it gradually acquires a club-shape. When the young worm has reached the length of from 0:4 to 0°-45mm., or about half that of its parent, a space becomes perceptible between the integument and the viscera, and which represents the commencement of the visceral cavity. This space is widest and most distinct in the annular segment between the sheath of the proboscis and the ligament. And in this situation may now be perceived in their proper places on either side, a pair of short and thick retractor muscles, extending in a straight line from the end of the proboscis-sheath to the contiguous wall of the body. And about this time, I think, may be observed the first traces ot certain differences in the position and form of the internal sexual organs, which may be taken, I conceive, to indicate a sexual difference. Up to this stage the anterior and posterior half of the body have continued to grow pretty nearly in an equal ratio. But now the growth of the latter begins more and more to pre- ponderate. The points of insertion of the retractor muscles recede further and further backwards, and the suspensory liga- ment, which at first could hardly be distinguished as an inde- pendent structure among the crowded parts constituting the sexual apparatus, becomes more and more evidently the sup- porter of those organs. In its uppermost part, two oval swellings may be perceived in it, which partially overlap each other, and represent the first rudiments of the male and female reproductive glands, as the case may be. Some way behind these is a short, cylindrical portion, surrounding the lower end of the ligament like a sort of sheath. In the female this is the first rudiment of the so-termed uterine-bell or tube. Inthe male, in which from the first it has a somewhat different aspect, it becomes afterwards the vas deferens and vesicula seminalis. Posteriorly this median organ terminates in an almost spherical end, at this time nearly completely en- veloped by the muscular wall of the body ; and which, in the male, becomes more and more evidently recognisable as the rudiment of the bell-shaped penis, whilst in the female it is transformed into the vagina, whose upper end is not de- veloped into the elongated, so-termed “‘ uterus,” until after- wards, as the time of sexual maturity approaches. The preponderating growth, both in length and thickness, of the posterior half of the body continues to be more and more manifest, so that the anterior segment, with the pro- boscis-sheath, and proboscis-cavity, which now reaches as far as the ganglion (but little increased in size), acquires more LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS. 63 and more the aspect of a cervical appendage to the proper body. e the meanwhile, the worm has gradually become so large as almost completely to fill the interior of the embryo. But notwithstanding this, the latter has undergone no change, except in the continued multiplication of the yellow granules beneath the contractile cortical layer, and the appearance of vesicular cells (0°007 mm.) im that layer. It contracts and stretches itself as be’ore, and is in continued motion within its host. Its movements, however, appear on the whole to be less effective than they were, owing to its free move- ments being interfered with by the worm in its interior. Having traced the young Hchinorhynchus up to this stage of development, I expected every moment to witness its liberation from the original embryo. But I was again astounded to find that this liberation never took place. The embryonic body, with its cortical layer and yellow granules, is persistent during the whole of life, and gradually becomes closely attached to the worm, which is developed from the metamor- phosis of the nucleus in the manner above- described. It is transformed, in fact, into the tunics external to the muscular sac, and which from their thickness and granular texture, as well as from the existence in them of a distinct vascular system, as has been long known, constitute one of the most striking characters of the Acanthocephali. Properly speaking, however, it is not actually the whole embryonal body which is transformed into this tunic. The original cuticle, together with the spines, is thrown off, as soon as the Hchinorhynchus occupies the whole interior of the embryo. But this shedding of the cuticle is in any case of but little importance, and scarcely to be com- pared to the mode in which Nemertes slips out of its Pilidium. It should, moreover, be remarked, that I have not directly observed the shedding of the embryo-cuticle, and only conclude that it takes place from the circumstance that Echinorhynchi of about 1 mm. in length no longer present the embryonic form of head, and are not furnished with spines. The primary embryonic body, which at first might be regarded as, to a certain extent, an independent animal, after the loss of the original cuticle accommodates itself more and more accurately to the form of the Echinorhynchus. And this is the more remarkable when it is considered that the growth of the latter from this time proceeds at a very rapid pace. As at an earlier period in the inclosed worm, so now in 64. LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCHUS, the entire body may be distinguished a somewhat ventricose oval trunk, containing the reproductive organs, whose sexual differences are now very manifest, suspended by the ligament, and a much contracted cylindrical neck, mclosing and almost entirely occupied by the proboscis-sheath with its contents. In worms of a large size, even at this stage, the extremity of the neck, which corresponds to the anterior vesicular expan- sion, or proboscidian vesicle before described, but which at this time has become much contracted, and transformed into a slender muscular apparatus (m. retractor proboscidis), 1s prolonged in the form of a distinct though sma!l capitulum. The anterior border of the proboscis-sheath is inserted into the neck of this capitulum, in which, notwithstanding the absence of the hooklets, even now the future proboscis can- not fail to be recognised. As growth continues, however, the connection between the muscular sac and the enveloping body becomes closer and closer. At first there exists between them a continuous interspace filled with the remains of the fluid parenchyma, which is so abundant in the embryo, and this parenchyma, with its yellow granules, may be seen to be propelled in any direction, in obedience to the contractions of the body, but, by degrees, this movement becomes limited to certain spots, and confined more and more to narrow passages. In other words, the muscular membrane and external layer con- tinue to grow more and more together, in consequence of which the original space is transformed into a system of inter- communicating canals. T must also mention that the motions of the worm, after the shedding of. the embryonic cuticle, become not only weaker and more limited in extent, but also gradually assume a different character: In place of the earlier creeping or crawling movement, will now be remarked nothing but still slower oscillatory motions in the extremities of the body, and more or less extensive constrictions, limited for the most part to the trunk, and dependent, doubtless, upon the action of the newly-formed muscular walls, although their histo- logical development has at this period made but little pro- gress. When the worm, by continued growth, especially of the genital organs, has acquired a length of about 4 mm., the appearance of the hooklets marks its entrance into the last stage of development. The hooklets arise first on the summit of the head, but it is very remarkable that they do not sprmg from the outer cuticular tunic, but from the inner membrane, which might be regarded as the limitary layer of the original LEUCKART, ON DEVELOPMENT OF ECHINORHYNCBUS. 65 proboscis-cavity. They are developed from a special layer of cells which originate in the subcuticular granular layer, and which is especially related to the inner tunic of the head. Before the hooklets, which first make their appearance, are fully formed, the formation of the rest begins, so that the entire proboscis is soon completely armed. But as soon as this armature is completed the proboscis is retracted, the retrac- tion commencing by the introversion at first of the vertex into the neck, and afterwards when the introversion by the continued growth of the body extends beyond this part, into the proper cavity of the body. Thus it is only at a later period that that peculiar conformation is assumed which has been so often remarked in the Echinorhynchi, frequently met with in an encysted condition in the flesh and intestines of fish, and what has been compared with the conditions pre- sented in the Cysticerci. The form of the Echinorhynchi is at first rather slender, and almost fusiform. It would seem to require some time to assume the rounded shape. When the introversion of the neck begins will be observed for the first time the commencement of the so-termed ‘‘lemnisci,” which are at first short and contracted. With respect to the origin and relations of these organs to the peri- pheral vascular system, I am at present unable to make any positive statement. Nor have I as yet investigated the changes undergone by these entozoa after they have reached the intestine of their ultimate host; but this investigation shall be undertaken on the first opportunity. Considering the relatively high development of the young parasites, these changes, it may be presumed, will be found to be but simple, and probably passed through in the course of a few days, whilst the metamorphosis of the embryo, up to the formation of the Echinorhynchus, occupies, on the whole, about six weeks. Tn conclusion, I would, moreover, remark that the parasitism of the young Echinorhynchi is not unfrequently fatal to their entertainer. This is particularly the case in those instances in which the parasites are numerous—in some I have seen fifty or sixty,—and in the later stages of their development. In the young state, these entozoa, notwithstanding the free- dom with which they exert their boring powers, are but little injurious. Giessen ; Aug. 28th, 1862. VOL. IIT.—NEW SER. E REVIEWS. On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia, and on the Fructification of the Conifere. By Dr. W1tuE~tm Horrmeister. ‘Translated by Freperick Currey, M.A., Sec.L.8. London: printed and published for the Ray Society, by Robert Hardwicke. Wueruer or not Linneus intended by the term Crypto- gamia to express a doubt about the sexuality of flowerless plants which one day might be cleared up, there is no doubt that many of the earlier observers suspected that the same conditions of reproduction existed in the lower as well as the higher plants. It was not, however, till the remarkable dis- coveries of Suminski with regard to the fructification of ferns, and the demonstration, not only of the existence, but of the function of sperm-cells and germ-cells in these cryptogams, that general attention was drawn to the subject. =}, «th of an inch. This tunic has entirely escaped the notice of all previous observers, and I can account for the circumstance in no other way than by supposing it has arisen from the inferiority of the microscope made by European continental artists. The lines or markings are easily observed without any other then the erdinnry, arrange- ments for light by 4 of an inch, but better the =, of an inch, focal power of the instr ument of Messrs. Powell ae Lealand. Of course, if the existence of this second tunic be confirmed, and I have seen it too frequently and plainly to think I have * «Trans. of Phil. Society,’ 1853. 86 E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINIDA. been deceived, the idea of the Gregarina being a simple organic cell is at once exploded.” I have carefully examined the Gregarina Blattarum with Powell’s 1, and Smith and Beck’s 1, and have been able thus far to confirm Dr. Leidy’s observations. In the intestine of the Blatta orientalis I met with the Gregarine in some numbers, presenting to the unassisted eye the appearance of semi-transparent whitish globules; when placed under the microscope and subjected to slight pressure the sacs appeared, containing but few granules, most having escaped through the rupture of the membrane. This was seen to be double, consisting of a transparent external tunic, through which the strize on the internal coat were distinctly seen (fig. 20). This internal striped tunic appears not to extend to the an- terior or cephalic sac, which is entirely without structure, and formed only by the external membrane. The contents of the sacs were minute, ovoid granules, transparent, and presenting, en masse, a. slightly yellowish colour. The anterior sac generally contains a less number of these granules ; it is not contractile, as the posterior sac, and is more easily ruptured. This latter fact may be attributed to the absence of the striated tunic. In fig. 13, the striated appearance of the inner tunic is represented, the lines are nearly the =;5,5,th of an inch apart. Figs. 9, 10, 11, are various forms of the Gregarina Blattarum which I have met with. In fig. 18, the nucleus is drawn as it appears when extruded from the posterior sac. Occasionally there are two such bodies lodged in the granular mass. The partition which divides the anterior from the posterior sac is structure- less, and is probably an inversion of the external membrane. All communication between the anterior and posterior sacs is cut off by this membrane. In the ‘ Mémoires de l’ Académie Royale de Bruxelles’ for the year 1854, an elaborate and beautiful paper, by M. Lieberkiihn, copiously illustrated, appeared, describing his re- searches on the Gregarine of the earthworm. The author does not express any very decided opinion upon the two questions which have been discussed by Leidy and Bruch ; but devotes the principal part of his memoir to the development and re- production of the Gregarine. He, however, mentions that he has seen longitudinal striations on the membrane of some forms, and figures them, but is uncertain as to whether they are structural, or due only to contraction. With regard to the development of Gregarinz into filaria-like worms, which Bruch, who made his observations chiefly on the Gre- garina Lumbrici, thought probable, M. Lieberkiihn says but E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINID. 87 little, but, nevertheless, has proved beyond doubt that the nematodes of the earthworm are developed from eggs, whence they emerge, not as Gregarie, but as true nematodes. The transformation of two Gregarine, after a process of en- eystation, into navicula-like bodies, has already been described by Bruch; but Lieberkiihn has more fully illustrated the changes which go on, and has endeavoured to trace the existence of the Pseudo-navicule after they have been expelled from the cyst. In the perivisceral cavity of the earthworm he found large numbers of small corpuscles, exhibiting Ameeba-like movements and likewise Pseudo-navicule, con- taining granules, formed from encysted Gregarine. He imagines that these latter bodies burst, and that their con- tained granules develope into the Ameebiform bodies which subsequently become Gregarine. In the same year* M. Lieberktihn published another paper, describing his further researches among the psorosperms of fish, in which he adopts the same view, that the Amcebiform corpuscles of the blood of fish are Gregarine. Few physiologists will feel disposed to agree with M. Lieberkiihn, in considering these bodies as parasites. Dr. Williams, of Swansea,t has described a great variety of forms, from Mollusca, Crustacea, and Annelida, remarking that they are characteristic of the fluids of inverte- brata. M. Milne Edwards, in his ‘ Lecon sur Physiologie,’ speaking of the white corpuscles of the blood, makes the following remarks upon Lieberkiihn’s proposition :—“ Enfin M. Lieberkiihn qui vient de faire une étude attentive de ces corps, croit méme de voir les considérer comme étant des ani- malcules parasites et les assimiler aux Amibes, petits infusoires dont l’intestin de divers animaux est parfois infesté; mais les arguments en faveur de cet opinion ne me paraissent pas assez solides, pourque dans l’état de la science, on puisse l’adopter ; et lors méme que quelques uns de ces corps seraient réellement de la nature des animaux sarcodaires,il ne faudrait pas conclure que tous les corpuscles incolores et granules du sang sont des parasites, car il parait evident, comme nous le verrons par suite, que ce sont en générale, bien réellement des produits de Vorganisme” (pp. 73, 74, vol. i). Also further on, in speaking of these “corpuscles de plasme”’ in invertebrata, he adds, ‘Ce phénoméne remarquable a été fort bien observé par M.Wharton Jones, aussi que par M. Williams, et par quelques autres physiologistes * * * * et il est si frequent ici que je ne saurais l’attribuer 4 l’existence d’Amibes parasites comme le fait M. Lieberkiihn” (p. 103, vol. 1). The * Miiller’s ‘ Archiv,’ 1854. + ‘Proce. Royal Soe.,’ 1852. 88 E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINIDE. Ameebiform bodies, then, described by Lieberkiihn cannot be considered as the young stage of the Gregarina. It is possible, however, as M. Milne Edwards has observed, that some of these bodies, which are hardly distinguishable from the true plasmic corpuscles, are developed from the Psendo-na- viculz. I have made careful examination of more than a hundred worms for the purpose of studying these questions, but have succeeded in arriving at no other conclusion than that certain forms of these corpuscles may be the products of encysted Gregarine. The Gregarina Lumbrici (fig. 25) is one of those forms which are unilocular, and are met with most frequently among Annelids. It consists of a transparent contractile sac (which has not hitherto been demonstrated to be formed by more than a single membrane), enclosing the characteristic granules and vesicle. The vesicle is not always very distinct, and is sometimes altogether absent ; occasion- ally it contains no granules, sometimes several, one of which is generally nucleated (figs. 25, 26). The average length is z45th of an inch. Many varieties are met with in the Lumbricus, but there appears to be no reason for considering them as distinct species. In figs. 26, 27, a rather uncommon form isdrawn. It is much smaller than that drawn in fig. 25, measuring from z45th to 345th of an inch in length, and is provided with a number of motionless filaments ; there are few granules in the interior, but one of them is always nucle- ated. Another form (fig. 28), which I have only met with twice, contains the vesicle and granules, and is further sur- rounded by a number of conical bodies which seem to form a sort of envelope enclosing it. -Lieberkiihn, who has seen both these forms, calls them “ Gregarines velues,” and has observed them in the act of casting off this remark- able covering. Frequently in the examination of the testis of the Lumbricus, two Gregarine of the larger, well-developed form may be seen enclosed in a transparent cyst, varying in size from the 75th to ztoth of an inch in diameter (fig. 21). Occasionally a single individual appears in this condition. In some of these cysts a number of nucleated cells may be seen developing from the enclosed Gregarine, which gradually become fused together and broken up, until the entire mass is converted into these nucleated bodies, which are then evident in different stages of development, (figs. 22, 23), assuming the form of a double cone, like that presented by some species of Diatomaceze, whence their name Pseudo-navicule. At length the cyst contains nothing but Pseudo-navicule, sometimes enclosing granules, which gradually disappear (fig. 24). Finally the cyst bursts. E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINID. 89 This fact was denied by Stein,* who affirmed that the cysts burst only upon being subjected to the action of water. Jieberkiihn has, however, proved this statement to be erroneous, having kept cysts taken from Lumbricus in water for the space of five days, without any apparent change taking place in ,their form or size. I have frequently seen agglomerations of the Pseudo-navicule evidently in the same position as they were when contained in the cyst, which had itself entirely disappeared, probably by decomposition. On escaping from the cyst, the Pseudo-navicule contain no gra- nules (fig. 32); but the gelatinous fluid which they enclose appears to concentrate itself, and give rise to certain minute bodies, which, collecting towards the centre, form a nucleus- like mass. A change then comes upon the form of the Pseudo- navicula (figs. 29—31); it loses its symmetry, and becomes flaccid ; the external membrane becomes atrophied (fig. 31), “commence a s’atrophier,’ and assumes an irregular shape. I have not been able to trace the changes which these curious bodies undergo any further. . M. Lieberkiihn, as remarked above, considers that the granules which they enclose are liberated, and become the Ameelea-like bodies found in the perivisceral fluid. In a note at the end of his memoir, M. Lieberkiihn modifies his views with regard to the nature of the corpuscles, and allows that they may, perhaps, be analogous to those found in the perivisceral fluid of the naiads ; but still maintains that, at any rate, some of these bodies are young Gregarina, an opinion in which my own observations lead me to concur. I have made repeated examinations of the Gregarina Blat- tarum, in the hope that facts might be gained thence which would throw additional light on the subject. Encystation seems to take place much more rarely among the bilocular forms of Gregarina than in the unilocular species found in the earthworm and other Annelids. In fig.17, a cyst is represented enclosing two of the Gregarina Blattarum ; this is the only instance of the kind which I have met with in the Blatta. Stem figures certain bodies from the Blatta orientalis, which he calls the Pseudo-navicule of G. Blattarum. I have not met with these forms in my examination of the species. The blood-corpuscles of the insect itself have an appearance very similar to that which Stein figures. In fig. 14 are represented three very minute forms, which are not un- common in the intestine of Blatta. They measure re- spectively the >,,th, +,,th, and ;,,th of an inch in length, and, perhaps, may be the young of the Gregarina. * Miiller’s ‘ Archiv,’ 1845. 90 E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINIDS. The smallest of them is merely a cell containing granules and a nucleus. In the second a septum is seen dividing the cell into two halves. The third form has all the appearance of a true Gregarina in a very young stage. Leidy has seen such bodies in the intestine of Julus. M. Ed. Claparéde, in his ‘ Recherches Anatomiques sur les Annelides, Turbellaries,’ &c., describes several new forms of Gregarina from three species of Annelida. The most interesting of these is from the intestine of Capitella capitata. It is unilocular, contains granules and a vesicle, and has the form of an anchor; its length is °35 mm. This species appears to have been seen by Leuckart, who named it G. sagittata.* In the intestine of a Phyllodoce, M. Claparéde frequently met with a species of Gregarina, striated longitudinally, somewhat fusiform in shape, and very active; its length was ‘41mm. Some of these organisms contained Pseudo-navicule; other smaller forms were abun- dant, which were not striated—probably the young of the preceding. In the intestine of Pachydrillus semifuscus another species was found; very minute, containmg gra- nules and a vesicle: its average length was ‘(O5mm. M. Claparéde does not name these last two species, but in the catalogue below I have given them specific names, in order to complete the list. In the intestine of Serpula contortuplicata I have met with a species of Gregarina in some numbers (figs. 4—7). In its general form it approaches the species described by M. Cla- paréde from the intestine of Phyllodoce ; it is striated longi- tudinally, contains a vesicle and very minute granules. The average length is =1,th inch ; its movements are slow but con- stant ; in some specimens there was an anterior prolongation of the sac-membrane, which, however, was not persistent. I have given the specific name “ Serpule’’ to this species, as I believe it has not before been described. In the intestine of Aphrodite aculeata I have found an elongated, fusiform Gregarina, of large size (figs. 1—8), con- taining numerous granules and a clear vesicle. It measured ='; inch in length, and was provided with an elongated ap- pendage one third the length of the body, the extremity of which was involuted and terminated by a circular protube- rance. This is the only unilocular form of Gregarina which at present has been found provided with a proboscis; it is interesting, too, inasmuch as the existence of two membranes composing the sac is evident. The external one envelopes the whole animal, and forms the involutions at the extremity * Wiegman’s ‘ Archiv,’ 1861, Bericht, &c., for 1859. E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINID&. 91 of the proboscis (fig. 2 a). Within this the second membrane can be plainly observed, enclosimg the granular mass, and extending within the proboscidiform appendage, but not in- voluted as is the external membrane (fig. 2 6). In some va- ricties this second tunic is still more evident, being contracted within the external membrane, and exhibiting striations (fig. 3). In the list appended to this paper, I have named this species after the annelid which it mhabits. In various species of Sabella, I have met with many uni- locular Gregarinid of an elongated form, measuring from —7th to +2,,th of an inch in length (fig. 15,16). This species, which I propose to call Monocystis Sabelle, differs considerably from that found in Serpule, being much longer in proportion to its breadth, and attenuated at one extremity. There are but few granules in the sac, and very indistinct striations on the surface ; a well-defined vesicle, generally without any con- tents, is always present. The species of Sabella I examined were S. alveolata, (Amphitrite) bombyx, inpendiculum ; but the Gregarine appear to belong to one species, and present no difference in structure or form. On account of the great mutability of form which is cha- racteristic of the Gregarinz, the attempt to divide them into families, genera, and even species, is attended with consider- able difficulty. In 1838,* Dr. Hammerschmidt placed certain new forms of Gregarina in four genera, Clepsidrina, Rhizinia, Pyxinia, and Bullulina, scarcely assigning his reasons for so doing. Kélliker did not make any division of the species he described, but left them all in Dufour’s genus Gregarina. In 1845, Dr. F. Stein, believing Hammerschmidt’s genera to be entirely unsatisfactory, proposed the following classification of the species then known, dividing them into three families and seven genera, thus : Family. Monocystidez ; unilocular Gregarine. Genus. Monocystis; animals living singly. Genus. Zygocystis ; animals living in pairs. Family. Gregariariz ; body divided into two portions by a septum. Genus. Sporadina; single animals, without an ap- pendage to the head. Genus. Stylorhynchus; single animals, with a probo- scidiform appendage to the head. Genus. Actinocephalus; single animals, with an ap- pendage to the head, furnished with hooks. * ‘Tsis von Oken,’ 1838, p. 356. 92 E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINIDE. Genus. Gregarina; two animals frequently hanging together. Family. Didymophy idez ; body divided into three parts by two septa. Genus. Didymophyes ; characters of the family. Of this classification Professor Greene* remarks—“ This, however, is an arbitrary division, and if not erroneous, is certainly premature.’ Certain of the genera proposed by Stein are, without doubt, objectionable; thus, the genus Zygocistis is based upon a habit of the species, namely, that of adhering together, which is only occasional, and is com- mon to all “Gregarinz when about to become encysted. The fact of certain Gregarine being provided with anterior ap- pendages is not sufficient to constitute a genus, inasmuch as certain species which usually present the characters of the genus Sporadina have occasionally been found with a well- developed appendix to the cephalic sac.t Similar objections may be raised against the genera Actinocephalus and Gre- garina. Dr. C. M. Diesing, ae his ‘ Systema Helminthum,’t has given a complete list of species known at that time, with descriptions of some new species from Crustacea, and has supplemented this by a further catalogue of species in the ‘ Sitzungsberichte der Academie der Wissenschaften,’ 1859. The existence of a double membrane, and its peculiar modifi- cation into a prehensile or absorbent organ, certainly does ap- pear to raise certain Gregarine above the Protozoa; their true position in the scale of nature is by no means yet satisfactorily decided. He places the Gregarinidz among the Helmintha rhyn- godea, considering the proboscidiform appendage with which some Gregarine are furnished, as a suctorial apparatus. He enumerates seventy-five species, but many of these require fur- ther investigation before they can be admitted as distinct from other forms with which they are associated. Dr. A. Schmidt, in ‘ Abhandl. d. Senkenberg’schen Gesellschaft,’ 1, 1854, has described several varieties of Gregarinz from the earthworm. Schultze, Girsted, and others have described species of Gre- garin; reference to their works will be found in the biblio- graphy at the end of this paper. In the following list of species I have modified Stein’s classification, and suppressed some of the species which appear to be mere varieties. I have also given the names under which the species were originally described, Diesing having attempted to alter them consider- * «Manual of the Protozoa,’ p. 51. i Leidy, loc. cit. t Vol. ii, p. 6, &c., Vindobone, 1851. E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINIDA. 93 ably, without assigning any justification of such a procedure. There appears to “be no reasonable ground for objecting to the separation of the unilocular forms from the rest of the Gregarine. In addition to the absence of any septa dividing them into distinct chambers, they differ so much from the other Gregarinze in their general form and habit, that there is, 1t will be allowed, sufficient pretext for placing them pro- visionally i in a distinct genus. Ruyncopra Hetmintua. Diesing. Protozoa symphyta, Stein. Animals composed of a double membrane, enclosing minute granules and a vesicle; frequently provided with a prehensile or suctorial (?) appendage. Genus, Monocystis, Stein. Unilocular. Syn. Gregarina, Kolliker, Diesing, &c. Zygocystis in part, Stein. 1. M. Lumbrici, Henle and Lieberkithn. Lumbricus. Syn. Zygocystis cometa, Stein. Monocystis agilis, Stein. - cristata, Schmidt. BE magni, ‘Schmidt. ‘i nematoides, Schmidt. i porrecta, Schmidt. Lumbrici olidi, Schmidt. Gregarina Lumbrici, Bruch. 2. M. Sipuncult, Kolker. Sipunculus. Syn. Zygocystis Sipunculi, Stein. M. Holothurie, Schneider. Holothuria. M. Senuridis, Koll. Szenuris. Syn. Zygocystis Senuridis, Stein. eo Enchytrei, Koll. Enchytreus. . Spionis, Koll. Spio. Terebelle, Koll. Terebella. . Nemertis, Koll. Nemertis. Planaria, Schultze. Planaria. Pachydrilli, Claparéde. Pachydrillus. . Phyllodoce, Claparéde. Phyllodoce. 12. M. pellucida, Koll. Nereis. Syn. Greg. Nereidis, Leidy. 13. M. Serpule, Lankester. Serpula. 94 14. 15. 16. Lis 18. 19. 20. Genus, woe oun 99 E. RAY LANKESTER, ON GREGARINID®. M. Aphrodite, Lankester. Aphrodite. M. sagittata, Leuckart. Capitella. - M. Clavelline, Koll. Clavellina. M. Sepia, Lieberkiihn. Sepia. M. Euaxis, Menge. Euaxis. M. putanea (?), Lachmann. Gammarus. M., Sabelle, Lankester. Sabella. Grecarina, Dufour, Bilocular. IGG “Sempered |...) 2” Brown, o »» Chemical films . Gray-violet. = oS powder. Red, purple, or blue. ss Silver leaf . . . . Gray-violet. % », Chemical films . Purple or brown. > Copper’, “c= se 2. Green. 4 Anbimony <7 ess 5. Aataye st Arsenie™” 2° 204 ne = brown: . latinas 5/0 i s Maray, 4 Palladian. § 3°05". "o 2 aoray i Rhodium’ «©. . . «.° *Brown*or' bine: of Charcoal 1 2 2 ee Gray, A Todine * oS MS + ed=brown: There are several objects on this list of which I have not got specimens; they will be found fully described, and their mode of preparation explained, in a paper by Faraday on “Gold in relation to Light,” which was published in the ‘Philosophical Magazine’ a year or two since. The tempered gold and silver leaf are remarkable for their great transparency, compared with that which has been beaten since it was annealed. May we suppose that the greater mobility in the molecules which characterises the annealed metal facilitates the luminous undulations? Or that there is an increased distance between the molecules which allows of the undulations passing more freely between them ? The chemical film of silver has two colours—inky purple at one part, and brown at another; probably others of the PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. 159 metals will be found by different observers to have colours different from those here attached to them. The antimony and arsenic were deposited from their com- binations with hydrogen, as usually practised by the analyst. Of course this metallic arsenic must not be confounded with its white oxide, which is known by the same name. The spe- cimens of charcoal are prepared from cork, pith, and common deal. Their tissues are not disintegrated by burning, and this affords us a ready means of obtaining amorphous carbon in thin films. In the deal charcoal the glandular deposits which characterise the vessels of coniferous trees may still be observed. Returning to our questions, “ What is the nature of proxi- mate opacity?” The illustrations which I have given show that most bodies transmit a coloured light, the colour deepen- ing as the thickness increases, until it is so dark that we call it opaque ; but there is no reason why all colours may not be absorbed equally, and then we have gray light trans- mitted. This is the general result, as might be expected, with a heterogeneous body consisting of particles of various refracting powers, and each individually of little absorbing power. In most instances we find the opacity caused by both a considerable absorbing power and the action of heterogeneousness, as explained when treating of the bundle of plates. It is more convenient to use words in their generally re- ceived meaning, therefore I will continue to call bodies opaque which, under ordinary circumstances, transmit no appreciable light ; and, with this qualification, again ask, “ Are all opaque bodies black when in a fine state of division ?”? The question was suggested by the fact that copper, deposited by electro- type, is of its usual colour if the current is of suitable inten- sity ; it becomes granular and purple brown if the current is somewhat too powerful, and becomes pulverulent and almost black if the current is very intense. Iron, reduced by chemical means from its oxide, without undergoing fusion, is bright, dark gray, or almost black, according to the degree of comminution in which it is obtained. Platinum obeys the same rule. Coke is a shining gray where the surface is smooth ; but when finely powdered, is black. So we might multiply mstances; but there are exceptions, and they prove that though it may be a rule it is not a law. I will only adduce one example, thatis, gold. Faraday has shown that it is a ruby red, a fine blue, purple, brown, &c., under different circumstances, but he did not obtain it black. The other two questions, regarding the blackness or 160 PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. whiteness of substances in a fine state of division, and how far that is dependent upon their degree of opacity or trans- parency, may be shortly dismissed, for we have already con- sidered the action of comminution on bodies of considerable transparency, and we have concluded that all substances are in some degree transparent. We have only now to repeat that reduction to a powder produces subjacent surfaces which re- flect some of the light which passes through the first surface ; the greater the degree of comminution, the more light is re- flected from the subjacent substances. But reducing a substance to powder, by converting its surfaces into numberless facets, inclined at all conceivable angles to the general plane of re- flection, diminishes the amount of light availably reflected from the primary surfaces, which will be more clear by con- sidering it with the diagram before us. In the diagram we have four eyes looking at different kinds of surfaces:—No. 1 will receive a certain amount of light reflected from the plane surface. No. 2 will receive little more than half the quantity ; it is supposed to be looking at a grooved surface in which the dentations are flat on the top, and separated by indentations of an equal width; half the light falls upon the tops of the ridges, and is reflected the same as from the plane; the other half falls into the grooves, and cannot reach the eye, except after many reflections and much loss. No. 3 looks at a serrated surface, in one portion PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. 161 of which A, the teeth, point from the eye; a considerable portion of light falls under the teeth, and is thus hidden from view ; in the other case, at B, the eye sees principally the under or shady side of the teeth. The fourth eye is represented as looking at a powder, which, from its irregular nature, may be supposed to combine those various actions and many others tending more or less to detract from the amount of light entering the eye by direct reflection; there may be just as much reflected, but part being reflected from one particle to another, is more or less lost to sight. But if the particles of this powder are transparent, a portion of light is transmitted through several particles, one after another, and from the surface of each of these a portion is reflected, adding to the general luminosity. Probably the great reflecting power of white powders is partly due to some of the particles receiving the incident light at such an angle that the transmitted por- tion undergoes total reflection from their under side. I shall have occasion to notice total reflection again presently, and in the mean time I may remark that we should expect, from what I have been just pointing out, that a finely laminated material, such as this specimen of mica, would have the greatest possible reflecting power. I shall draw attention to this laminated mica again in speaking of lustre, and you will have the opportunity of observing that it really is a very powerful reflector. Reverting to the powder, we may say that, with a certain degree of fineness, the quantity of light reflected from the sub- jacent surfaces depends upon the absorbing power—the more absorbing power, the less light. Thus we conclude that bodies become lighter coloured by powdering, if the absorbing power is so small that the reflec- tion from the subjacent surfaces more than compensates for the loss of reflection from the breaking up of the primary surface ; and they become darker if the absorbing power is so great that the reflection from the subjacent surfaces does not compensate for the loss of reflection caused by the breaking up of the primary surface. So far I have endeavoured to make our progress slow and sure, but I wish to lead you through a variety of other con- siderations which would render my paper too lengthy if treated in the same careful manner; I will, therefore, treat the remain- der of the subject more briefly, more lightly, indulging in more speculation and less examination, and, I trust, it will be equally suggestive and less tedious than that which is ast. What is light? Undulation in luminiferous ether. What 162 PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. is heat? A motion in the molecules of matter. So, at least, they are commonly defined. If heat is a motion in the molecules of matter, it cannot radiate except in the presence of matter. If radiation takes place with the velocity of light, we can only suppose it to be an undulation; if it takes place through inter-planetary space, we can only suppose it to be an undulation in lumini- ferous ether. What is heat? An undulation in luminifer- ous ether. Light is only known tous through the nerves, and through the chemical action it exerts upon matter. A sensation and a chemical force, both of which we attribute to motion in the molecules of matter. Light a motion in the molecules of matter ? You perceive how readily the definition of one has been made to fit the other. How indefinite is our idea of any force in the abstract. We know the forces only through their effects upon matter; and though we wish to comprehend the cause which produces this effect, we must be very cautious in adopting any definition, for by confining our ideas within a false boundary, we may blind ourselves to the reception of truths which would otherwise flow upon us. 7 The time was—not long ago—when it was thought that light could be deprived of its heating power; when it was thought that light falling upon a black body was annihilated or absorbed. But the doctrine of the conservation of force has dispelled that of annihilation, and the theory of absorp- tion is no more tenable. Expose some charcoal to sunshine for a thousand years, it goes on absorbing with undiminished power; but set fire to the charcoal, and will you behold that that thousand years of glorious sunshine is concentrated into a few moments? No! For it is not there to come out. The sunshine which has poured into it is no more there than if you had poured water into a sieve. It has been coming out as fast as it went in. It fell upon the charcoal as light, but it left it as heat, or some other invisible modification of force. There is no such thing as annihilation, no such thing as absorption of light. Dark bodies only have the greater power of converting it into something else, a power probably the converse of that possessed by phosphorescent and fluo- rescent bodies, which convert some invisible rays into lumi- nous ones. The time was—not long ago—when light was believed to be reflected from the surfaces of bodies. And now it is only when we are on our guard that we bear in mind the thick- PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. 163 ness of matter required to reflect a ray. We know that in a soap-bubble we often see patches so thin that they do not reflect light, though they are still possessed of two surfaces. Faraday observed that some of the gold leaves he experi- mented with, when reduced very thin by chemical means, lost part of their reflecting power, though they continued to be free from any material injury to their surface or integrity ; and the proof that some depth of matter, or, as Faraday ex- presses it, more than one thickness of atoms, is concerned in ordinary reflection. It is interesting to speculate upon the nature of the phenomena, and the motions of atoms which take place in reflection, and upon the influence of this neces- sary thickness of matter. Is the luminous wave only re- flected in one phase of an undulation? If matter at some depth, however small, beneath the surface, continues to reflect light, at what depth does it cease to do so? Does it ever cease to do so? Or does the transmitted ray, as it speeds on its journey, always send back a beam in the opposite direc- tion ? Different kinds of reflecting surfaces have different appear- ances; this is probably due in some measure to the effect produced upon the light by its passage into and out of that thickness of matter which is concerned in ordinary reflection. Of homogeneous matter we have opaque and transparent, the former giving metallic lustre, the latter vitreous. As a general rule, if not a universal, we find the more nearly a substance approaches the metals im opacity the more it resembles them in the nature of its lustre. Thus, sulphurets are in many cases very nearly opaque, and very like metals in the nature of their lustre. Carbon in its opaque form is a brilliant steel gray, while its transparent form has the vitreous lustre. A micaceous or pearly lustre is the result of the super- position of a number of films of transparent material, the reflection from the first surface being added to by the reflec- tions from the subjacent surfaces. I use the word micaceous in preference to pearly, because the latter word so often is understood to mean iridescent, like mother-of-pearl ; but the lustre now spoken of is free from prismatic colours. You will see it nicely illustrated in the specimen I exhibit, which is a little circular piece of mica, which, by heating, has been split into thin lamin at the edges. These laminz, when taken separately, are still trans- parent; but the great number of them, with air between each, scarcely admit the passage of any light, but reflect a great deal; while the middle of the disc, which contains the same 164 PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. amount of the same kind of matter, only wanting the air, transmits light freely and reflects but little. A waxy lustre has the reflection from the primary surface supplemented by reflections from irregular particles beneath the surface; we have the phenomena also illustrated, and that on a larger scale, in polished marble and glazed earthen- ware, while the earthenware without a glazing reflects light without the appearance of lustre to the naked eye. I would willingly have enlarged upon the subject of lustre and its theories, but time is outstripping me, and I must hasten on. The colour reflected from a substance is not always the same, and not always different from that transmitted. It is often, evidently, only with a conventional correctness that we state the colour of a material. We say gold-leaf is yellow, but we might also say that it is green—the transmitted light being different in this case from the reflected. But, further than this, we may say that gold is yellow by reflected light ; but only as a convenient and conventional statement is it admissible, for we have seen that gold is brown, yellow, red, purple, and blue. It might be difficult to prove that these colours were any of them purely reflected. We have just seen reason to believe that reflection is always accompanied by transmission through a certain depth—that is, ‘ through that thickness of matter concerned in ordinary reflection ;” and we have just speculated upon the probability of trans- mission being always accompanied with some degree of re- flection. I might instance a long list of colouring principles, each of which reflects a colour different from that which it transmits, but I will only draw your attention to my specimens of the familiar mauve and magenta, which reflect respec- tively green and yellow light. I cannot, however, leave the subject of reflection without questioning the correctness of another common statement. When light falls upon glass and is reflected, we say the glass reflects it; overlooking, it often happens, that the rare medium is, equally with the denser, concerned in the reflection which takes place. From a bright surface of glass in air there is considerable reflec- tion; from the same surface when under water there is com- paratively little, and if immersed in- turpentine there is almost none. Is it not the surface of air, water, and tur- pentine, in contact with the glass, in these several instances, which reflected the light? Ifso, we may say that air reflects most light, water less, and turpentine least. If it is the glass which reflects in all three cases—the glass reflects most light, the glass reflects less light, and the glass reflects least light. Do not suppose that I wish to persuade you that the glass PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. 165 has no part in the reflection; I only wish to show, in a striking manner, that it is not the only agent—it is but a partner in the firm which does the business. A very good illustration of these two propositions is found in the total reflection which we observe most conveniently with a prism. The light entering by the surface A falls upon B, and is reflected through C. The brilliancy of the reflection is intense when air is in contact Behe so oii or with the surface B; but if you bring a second prism in con- tact with it, as at D, the reflection ceases, and the ray passes straight on. If it was the surface of the glass which reflected, why not have a greater reflection when you have two surfaces? But if it is the air which reflects, the displacing of the air by the second glass surface accounts for the reflection ceasing. If you place water there, you have a reflection very much less than from air, but very perceptible; with turpentime it is scarcely visible ; and if mercury is substituted, the reflection, though greater than with these other materials, is yet de- cidedly inferior to that from air. No reflecting surface with which we are acquainted will bear any comparison with the brilliance of air, when total reflection from its surface is obtained in this way. Let me caution you not to misunder- stand me on this point. I do not say that total reflection cannot be obtained from anything else but air; but that, in practice, it is always obtained from a surface of air in con- tact with glass or some other highly refracting substance, the glass as well as the air being requisite for its production. In quitting the subject of reflection, I may remark that the brilliant surfaces of mercury, polished silver, &c., do not reflect so much hght as we might suppose from their bright- ness ; even common white paper reflects as much. To illustrate this I have formed a little conical shade of white paper; under it is a convex reflector, formed by silver- ing the concave side of a watch-glass, and on the middle of 166 PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. the reflector is a little white-paper label. While covered by the shade the reflector appears of a dead-gray colour. It reflects abundance of light, but it wants the reflected shadows which are essential to the appearance of lustre, and while it is thus uniformly illuminated we easily perceive that the white paper reflects more light than the silver. As the uniform light obtained by the use of these white- paper shades very much facilitates our estimate of the reflect- ing power of the objects under them, we will do well to com- pare the laminated mica and carbonate of magnesia with the white paper and silver. Under the other paper shade I have placed a small article of polished silver, just to draw your attention to the remarkable analogy between the appearance of a polished surface with this uniform illumination and the dead-white silver under ordinary circumstances. Sir D. Brewster, and other writers on optics, give the length of a wave of white lght, the number of undulations in an inch and the number in a second, calculating it as the mean of the number of undulations in the coloured rays, apparently forgetting that it is not the mean but the sum of the colours which forms white light—the mean being, ac- cording to Brewster’s own table, yellow, with a tinge of green; various writers have, probably, copied from the same source without investing thought upon the subject, one in- dication of which is, that several say so many millions of millions, whereas it would be more natural to say so many billions. I will just give you Brewster’s figures, and then pass on: No. in a second. Length in parts of an inch. No. in an inch. Millions of milliags White . .0:0000225 44444. 541 Yellow . .0°:0000227 4.4.000 535 Yellow-green 0:0000219 4.5600 555 You observe the numbers given for white light are the same that would belong to a colour between yellow and yellow green. White light, we may conclude, is not a definite un- dulation, nor a definite mixture of undulations, but a variety of mixtures of undulations, in any of which mixtures the average length of an undulation is that given by Brewster and others, but the number in an inch or a second is incalculable and indefinite. The length of the undulations in a pure un- mixed colour is probably definite, and we have no reason to PROCTOR, ON LIGHT. 167 object to the measure and number usually adopted ; we shall, therefore, accept them for further argument. The length of an undulation of violet light is seventeen millionths of an inch; the red undulation twenty-six mil- hionths, or about one half longer; undulations longer or shorter than these not being visible. The colours observed in soap-bubbles and other thin films are produced by inter- ference of the luminous waves. The colour produced depends upon the relation between the thickness of the film and the length of a wave of light. A film of air four millionths of an inch thick produces the same colour as a film of water three millionths, or of glass two and a half millionths of an inch thick. Therefore we conclude that the length of the light-wave varies with the medium. An undulation in air measuring four will measure only two and a half when it enters glass, and will again elongate to its former measure on its exit. From these premises we may deduce various inter- esting conclusions. Faraday found that gold-films were iri- descent when they were only one tenth the thickness at which air ceases to be iridescent. May we then conclude that light, while passing through gold, consists of undulations only one tenth the length of those in air? Newton found that the thickness of films of a given colour was inversely propor- tionate to their indices of refraction. May we then conclude that gold has a refracting power in like proportion? If we say that luminous undulations, which in air measure twenty- two millionths of an inch, look yellow when they enter the eye, and in that organ measure one third less, in consequence of its refracting power, then we come to the singular conclu- sion that the blue sky is yellow, sunshine is red, and the rosy tints of evening are not luminous at all till they enter the eye. Ifthe colour depends upon the length of the light-wave, and the length of the wave depends upon the refracting power of the medium through which it is passing, every beam of light changes colour; red it may be on its passing through the region of the stars, yellow or green it may be when it enters the air, blue or vioiet when it enters water, non-lumi- nous as it passes through glass. But if light, which we per- ceive as violet while it exists in the aqueous humour of the eye, was red originally, what colour must that light be which we perceive as red? Its undulations in air must be too long to be luminous. ‘This introduces us to the solemn thought that all this vast universe is dark! Light exists only in the eye. It is only a sensation, a perception of that which in nature exists as a force capable of producing a sensation. We would feel grieved at the thought of light and sound VOL, III.—NEW SER, N 168 HOBSON, ON INDIAN DESMIDEZ. having no tangible existence independent of ourselves were it not for the glorious hope that all nature is full of forces equally grand, forces which we have not the power of per- ceiving, but which, with a higher development of our organ- ism, may be sweet as music and genial as sunshine. (In acceding to the request of the Newcastle Microscopical Society, that I would allow the preceding paper to be pub- lished, I think it but justice to myself, as well as to my readers, to state that it was written with the expectation of its being heard only by personal acquaintances; and its object was not so much to establish any new facts, as to draw attention to, and stimulate thought upon, a few com- monplace phenomena and observations. The former circumstance must be my apology for the colloquial style in which it is written ; and the latter cireum- stance will, I hope, excuse the free use I make of speculation and queries. It was not necessary for my purpose that speculations should. be well considered, so long as they were suggestive of interesting considerations. | 11, Grey Street, Newcastle. Notes on Inp1AN Desmipex. By Jurtran Hozson, Bombay Staff Corps, Mahabuleshwar. T rorwarp for publication two drawings of a Micrasterias and of a species of Docidium, to- gether with a description of the latter. They are, I think, new species. The Micrasterias appears to be something allied to M. Baileyi, Ralfs (pl. xxv, ‘ Suppl.’), but that form is not in the least serrated. The Docidium, in some degree, resembles the one figured in the same plate, but the teeth in the form I propose calling D. pristide are very acute, and the terminal processes differ greatly. These two species are very com- mon here, but nowhere else in the Bombay Presidency have I come across them. I have < 350 diam. HOBSON, ON INDIAN DESMIDEA. 169 met with upwards of half of the Desmidez described by Ralfs up here. It may be that the climate is so much more like that of England than it is down on the plains. Many English ferns are met with here that are never found in the plains, and the same may also be said of the mosses. DrEsMIDE. 1. Docidium, Bréb. 1. D. pristide, Hobs. Frond slender, constricted at the middle ; suture strongly marked, but not projecting on the sides; segments about nine times longer than broad, each with about twelve whorls of sharp, tooth-like projections, much resembling the saw-shaped weapon of the saw-fish.* Each tooth on the segments is visible, in their empty state, under its own focus. Terminal processes of very pecu- har form. Hab. In the streams running through the Chinamen’s Gardens, near the lake at Mahabuleshwar ; very common. This species can hardly be identical with Professor Bailey’s D. verticillatum, inasmuch as the teeth are sharp, and not obtuse, as in that species; nor are the terminal processes alike, which in the present species differ from those of any other species of Docidium with which I am acquainted. 2. Micrasterias, Ag. 1. M. Mahabuleshwarensis, Hobs. Frond oblong, rather longer than broad, slightly constricted in the middle. The sur- face of the frond is covered with small granules, distinctly visible, bordering the whole of the sinuses. Segments trilobed ; lobes bipartite, the end ones considerably exserted, having a broad but shallow notch, concave; sinuses serrated. Length of frondet mas asic o>. a2gto Of Bn ach, Breadth ,, ee eiies law? | ed th es * Whence the specific name. 170 ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Hab. In the streams running through the Chinamen’s Garden, near the lake at Mahabuleshwar, about 5000 feet above the sea-level. In this form each angle of the end lobe appears to be bifid; but as the longer ends come into focus before the shorter ones, I am of opinion that the shorter ones are the ends of the opposite side, which only slightly come into view, and give the bifid appearance ; but with a Wenham’s binocular this would easily be proved. The ends are narrow, and minutely toothed. May 12th, 1863. On Pecuuiar AppEarances exhibited by BLoop-coRPUSCLES under the influence of So.uttons of Macrnta and TANNIN. By Wiiu1aM Roserts, M.D., Physician to the Manchester Royal Infirmary. Communicated to the Royal Society February 18, 1868. (‘ Proc, Roy. Soc.,’ vol. xii, p. 481.) Tue object of the following paper is to give an account of certain observations which seem to indicate that the cell-wall of the vertebrate blood-disc does not possess the simplicity of structure usually attributed to it. It is well known that the blood-corpuscles, when floating in their own serum, or after having been treated with acetic acid or water, appear to be furnished with perfectly plain envelopes, composed of a simple homogeneous membrane, without distinction of parts. But, as will appear from the observations here to be related, when the blood is treated with a solution of magenta (nitrate of rosanilin) or with a dilute solution of tannin, the corpuscles present changes which seem irreconcileable with such a supposition. Attention is first asked to the effects of magenta. When a speck of human blood was placed on a glass slide and mixed with a drop of a watery solution of magenta,* the following changes were observed. The blood-dises speedily lost their natural opacity and yellow colour; they became perfectly transparent, and assumed a faint-rose colour; they also expanded sensibly, and lost their biconcave figure. In * The solution I found to answer best in these experiments was a nearly saturated solution of nitrate of rosanilin, made by boiling the salt in water, and filtering after it had stood twenty-four hours, then diluting slightly with water to prevent precipitation. ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES, 17% addition, a dark-red speck made its appearance on some portion of their periphery. The pale corpuscles took the colour much more strongly than the red; and their nuclei were displayed with great clearness, dyed of a magnificent earbuncle-red. Many of the nuclei were seen in the process of division, more or less advanced; and in some cells the partition had resulted in the production of two, three, or even four distinct secondary nuclei. These appearances were first observed in freshly drawn blood from the finger. Subsequently blood from the horse, pig, ox, sheep, deer, camel, cat, rabbit, and kangaroo, was examined in like manner. ‘The effect on the red ‘corpuscles (to which all the observations hereinafter recorded are ex- clusively confined) was, in each instance, the same as in human blood. The nucleated blood-dises of the oviparous classes, when treated similarly, yielded analogous results. The coloured contents were forthwith discharged ; the central nucleus came fully into view, and assumed a deep-red colour; the corpuscles expanded, they lost something of their oval form, and approached nearly, or sometimes quite, to a circular out- line. Lastly, there appeared on the periphery a dark-red macula, of a character and position resembling that seen on the mammalian blood-disc. Such a macula was detected in the fowl, in the frog, and in the dace and minnow, Owing, however, to the large quantity of molecular matter floating in the serum, and which was coloured by the magenta, difficulties were found in preparing specimens which carried conviction that the macula im question was not an adhering granule. It was also found that it required a nice adjust- ment of the relative quantities of the solution and of the blood to bring it out. It was only when the right proportions were hit, and especially when the discs were made to roll over in the field of the microscope, that the existence of a coloured particle organically connected with the cell-wall could be satisfactorily made out. The best specimens were prepared from human blood drawn in the fasting condition, and from the blood of a kitten two days old. From well-prepared specimens of human blood the follow- ing particulars were gathered (see fig. 1) :—Nearly every dise possessed the parietal macula ; it could be distinetly recognised in nine tenths of them, and in several of those in which it was not at first visible it came into view as the corpuscles revolved in the field. The macula was clearly situated in the cell-wall, and not in the interior of the corpuscle, Usually it appeared as if 172 ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. imbedded or set in the rim of the disc, like the jewel ina diamond ring; but sometimes it occupied various positions Fie, 1. A. Human blood. —_B. Fowl’s blood treated with magenta, on the flat surfaces, and when so placed the spot was difficult or impossible to detect. It commonly presented a ‘thickly lenticular shape; some- times it was square, and occasionally in appearance vesicular, (Fig. 1, A, a.) In some instances, and especially in long-kept specimens, the particle was seen to stand out on the outhne of the disc like an excreseence. Still more rarely, instead of a spot, a thick red line ran round the circumference for a quarter or a third of its extent. (Fig. 1, A, 0.) As a rule, it was extremely minute, covering generally not more than a twentieth or thirticth of the circumference; but there was a considerable variation in its magnitude and dis- tinctness. Very rarely two specks could be seen; but the occurrence of adhering granules rendered the verification of this point extremely difficult. This description applies, so far as the inquiry has yet been prosecuted, to the mammalian blood-dise generally, making allowances for differences in size. In the camel the macula occupied indifferently any part of the oval outline. Among the oviparous classes, the blood of the fowl, frog, dace, and minnow, has been most fully examined (see fig. 1, B); but the blood of the sparrow, duck, goose, and turkey, was also searched, as well as that of the newt and carp. In all of these a tinted particle appeared, more or less constantly, in the cell-wall, when the corpuscles were treated with magenta.* The presence of a central nucleus in these * Tn order to bring out the best results, it was found requisite te modify tle strength and quantity of the solution for the different kinds of blood, ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES, 173 classes caused the macula to be invisible more frequently than in mammalia, inasmuch as it suffered eclipse when situated over or under the central nucleus. In the fowl, dace, and minnow, it was found easy to bring out the parietal macula; in the fish two spots were not un- frequently seen. The macula was situated indifferently on any part of the periphery, and sometimes it projected from the surface. When happily prepared, the specimens were even beautiful. The central nucleus was dyed of the finest red; and on the delicate outline of the cell-wall hung the red parictal macula, offering a not altogether fanciful resemblance to the astronomical figures representing the moon coursing in its orbit round the earth. At this stage of the inquiry it was conceived that an im- proved demonstration might be obtained by fixing the dye with a mordant, and then subjecting the corpuscles to a lavatory process, so as to get rid of the floating granules which so much interfered with the view. For this purpose a solution of tannin (which is one of the mordants for magenta used in the arts) was employed, and some advan- tage was found therein. When a solution of tannin, of three grains to the ounce of water, was added to blood that had already been dyed with magenta, it was found that the parietal maculz had their colour intensified, and that they became more conspicuous objects. The investigation was, however, not pushed any further im this direction, for it was found that tannin alone produced an even more remarkable effect than magenta. To this effect I now desire to draw particular attention. When a solution of tannin, of the strength of three grains to the ounce, was applhed to human blood, or to that of the horse, ox, sheep, pig, or cat, the blood immediately became turbid ;. and when a drop was placed under the microscope, the corpuscles were found greatly changed, as represented in fig. 2 Each corpuscle appeared to have thrown out a bright, highly refractive bud or projection on its surface. The pro- jections were usually about a fourth part of the size of the corpuscle on which they were fixed; but they varied con- siderably. Some were only minute bright specks in the cell- wall; others were half or even two thirds as large as the corpuscle itself. Very rarely (in mammalian blood) two such This, doubtless, depended upon the varying densities of the liquor sanguinis and cell-contents in different animals,” 174 - ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. projections were seen; and as rarely a corpuscle was devoid of any. The projections were commonly round or dome-shaped, bordered with a deeply refractive outline. Frequently a ie, 2. wl Human blood after the action of tannin. a. Double pullulation. b, b. Hooded modification. c. Outline of the cell seen continuously through the pullulation. d. Bursting of the pullulations independently of destruction of the cell. minute, apparently vesicular body could be seen within this outline, and then the projection presented a curiously hooded aspect. (Fig. 2, 6,5.) In a urinary deposit from a lad twelve years of age, containing pus and blood, nearly every blood- disc. presented the hooded appearance after the addition of tannin. The blood of the fowl, turkey, duck, and goose, showed exactly analogous phenomena with the same reagent. (See fig. 3.) The projection had sometimes the hooded character with a vesicular body within; sometimes the projection offered no such distinction of parts. It was situated indifferently on any part of the periphery. In all the birds examined a second projection was as rare as im mammalia. ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. — 175 Of fish, the dace, minnow, and carp, were examined. The tannin solution produced a similar effect to that seen in the fowl —with this difference, that a large number of corpuscles had Blood of fowl after the action of tannin. two projections instead of one. In the carp double and single projections occurred in about equal proportions; in the minnow double projections were all but universal. The second projection was situated sometimes at the opposite pole of the disc, sometimes in near proximity to its fellow, or at any point between. Very rarely a third projection was scen in the dace. In the blood of the frog there was a strong tendency to the indefinite multiplication of the projections; two, three, four, and even five, would rise in succession on the surface of the dise. It appeared, too, not unfrequently as if the entire outer membrane of the cell was detached from the parts beneath, and raised into eight or ten unequal elevations, giving the outline of the disc an irregularly crenate appearance.* The formation of these singular projections, or pullulations, on the blood-dises could be watched without difficulty by placing a drop of the tannin solution beneath the covering * There is a certain adjustment of the proportions between the tannin solution and blood required to bring out the effects described in this paper ; but the proper proportions are, practically, very easily found after a few trials for each kind of blood. In mammalian blood one drop of blood mixed in a conical glass with four or five of the solution generally answered per- fectly. Any considerable excess of blood or solution above these proportions caused destruction of the corpuscles. 176 ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. glass, and permitting a little blood to insinuate itself into the solution under the microscope. As the blood flowed in and mingled with the tannin, the corpuscles were observed gra- dually to enlarge, and then suddenly, without previous warn- ing, to shoot out the projection. As a rule, it does not appear to grow afterwards. The phenomenon was finely seen in the defibrinated blood of the fowl after it had been allowed to sink through a column of syrup (sp. gr. 1025) im a test- tube. Fowl’s blood washed in this way was mixed, in a little glass, with about five times its volume of the tannin solution, and a drop immediately put under the microscope. The discs first enlarge and become rounded, and the central nu- cleus comes into view. In thirty or forty seconds the pullu- lation begins ; and each corpuscle, with instantaneous rapidity and without previous sign, throws out its bud. The dise itself suffers not the least disturbance during this act; it pre- serves its symmetry unchanged, as if it had no concern, beyond that of proximity, with the sudden apparition on its surface. No visible rupture of the cell-wall tock place. The cir- cular outline of the latter could sometimes be distinctly fol- lowed through the projection (fig. 2, ¢); and as the altered corpuscles revolved in the field of the microscope, the projec- tion appeared to be organically connected with it, but to form no part of its cavity. In the human blood-dises the application of acetic acid, soon after the tannin, caused, on two occasions, the pullulations gradually to subside, and finally to disappear, and then the disc resumed its original circular outline. I failed to produce this “redux” effect in the fowl; and did not always succeed with human blood, probably because the change produced by the tannin had gone too far. The modification noted under the term “ hooded” appear- ance depends, I believe, upon secondary conditions of con- centration and quantity of the tannin solution in comparison to the blood. When the hooded condition has been watched in the act of occurrence, it was noticed that the outer hood was shot out first, and instantly after this the highly refrac- tive vesicular body made its appearance within. The con- tents of the hood (excluding the vesicular body) appeared usually to refract the light lke the body of the cell, or even less strongly ; sometimes, however, more strongly. The effect of tannin did not cease with the preduction of the elevations just described. At first the cells and their projections preserved their elasticity; but after a while (a few minutes, or several hours, according to the proportions used) the corpuscles and their projections become solid, and ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. Lyi they could be cracked by pressure under the microscope like starch-granules. More slowly the same destruction overtook the corpuscles spontaneously; and this significant fact was observed in the course of it:—sometimes the cell ruptured before the projection, the latter persisting as a bright granule amid or near the débris; sometimes, on the other hand (in the horse), the projection broke up before the dise to which it was attached. In this latter case the hood (if there were any) broke up first mto a scattered nebula of granular appear- ance, and then the nucleolus-like body within -burst into three or four bright fragments. (Fig. 2, d.) This train of events seemed to remove all doubt as to the complete isola- tion of the projection from the cavity of the disc. Last of all, the disc itself began to crack; in a few days all my spe- cimens were thus destroyed. In addition to magenta and tannin, the following sub- stances were tried, but they did not produce phenomena in the least analogous with the foregoing :—gallic acid, ferro- eyanide of potassium, santonine, sulphate of magnesia, alcohol and water, solutions of carbolic acid, of atropine, morphia, iodine, sugar, gum, glycerine, and infusion of coffee. A solution of picric acid produced the appearance of a parietal particle like that brought out by magenta, except that it was not coloured. An exactly similar appearance was on one occasion observed in blood-corpuscles in the urine of a patient with acute Bright’s disease. When magenta was applied after the process of pullulation had taken place, the projections were found to take the dye strongly, and especially the vesicular body within the hood. By this proceeding beautiful and remarkable objects for microscopical examination were obtained. In the fowl, dace, and minnow, the projection was tinted earlier than the central nucleus—probably from its more ready access to the pig- ment. The explanation of these appearances presents great difficulties, and in the present state of the inquiry can only be offered provisionally. The effect of the magenta solution is not merely to tint, and so render visible a very minute body. In watching the effect of magenta, the first thing observed is that the natural yellowish colour of the dise is discharged, and that a faint rose tint is assumed in its stead. The discs at the same time lose their biconcave shape. The parietal macula is rather “ brought out” than revealed, and the action of the solution is, to a very great extent, of a simply osmotic character. The action of the tannin solution is likewise in the main 178 ROBERTS, ON BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. of a similar nature, but modified in some very peculiar man- ner. Its first operation is to cause the corpuscle to en- large by imbibition, and this goes on progressively until at length the cell is destroyed. If the solution be strong, this destruction supervenes at once. The tannin also unites with the cell-contents and coagulates them, imparting to the cor- puscle, finally, a solid consistence. ‘The conditions of the imbibition are disturbed by the previous application of ma- genta; for no pullulation, or at most only traces, occurs when the corpuscles are treated first with magenta and then with tannin. The bearing of these observations on the current views respecting the structure of the vertebrate blood-dise is im- portant. They seem to warrant the inferences drawn in the two following paragraphs: 1. The exact identity of the appearances produced in the blood-discs of the ovipara with those observed in the mam- malian corpuscles lends strong support to the view that these corpuscles are homologous as wholes; and that the mam- malian blood-dise is not the homologue of the nucleus of the coloured corpuscle of the ovipara, as was conceived by Mr. Wharton Jones. 2. The observations likewise lead to the behef that the envelope of the vertebrate blood-disc is a duplicate mem- brane; in other words, that within the outer covering there exists an interior vesicle, which encloses the coloured con- tents, and, in the ovipara, the nucleus. Dr. Hensen,* of Kiel, had already, in 1861, convinced him- self, from wholly different observations, that the blood- corpuscles of the frog possess such a structure. On this view the blood-corpuscle is anatomically analogous to a vegetable cell, and the inner vesicle corresponds to the primordial utricle. The present observations indicate, by direct proof, a dupli- cation at only one or, at most, two points in the blood-dises of mammals and birds. Nevertheless certain appearances, occasionally observed, favour the notion of a complete dupli- cation. (Fig. 1, 0.) The admission of this hypothesis, however, scarcely re- moves the difficulties sufficiently to permit a tenable expla- nation to be offered of the appearances described in this paper. Yet, as it may prove suggestive to some other inguirer, [ will not suppress what appears to me the expla- nation least open to objections. It might be conceived that the cells enlarged by imbibition, until at length the less dis- * ¢Zcitschrift fiir wissench, Zoologie,’ Band xi, p. 263. CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. 179 tensible inner membrane gave way, and permitted an extra- vasation of a portion of the cell-contents between it and the outer membrane, its own continuity being in the meanwhile instantaneously restored by cohesion of the ruptured borders.* In this way a microscopic drop of the cell-contents would be lodged between the outer and inner membrane, and com- pletely severed from the general cell-cavity. The peculiar modification spoken of as the ‘‘ hooded’? appearance might be due to imbibition of fluid between this microscopic drop and the outer envelope. The chief difficulties in the way of this explanation arise out of the differences of nature which appear to exist between the projection and the general cell-contents of which it is supposed to be a detached portion. The projection refracts light much more highly than the cell-contents; it also is deeply dyed by magenta, whereas the cell-contents are only very feebly so. In conclusion, it may be added that important advantages may be expected from the use of magenta in histological researches. Its inert chemical character, its prodigious tint- ing power, and its sohubility in water, eminently fit it for such a purpose. It will probably prove of especial use in bringing into sight objects which otherwise evade the visual organs from their absolute colourlessness and transparency, and from the equality of their refraction with the medium in which they exist. Nore on the Corourine Marrter of the Rep Sea. By H. J. Carter, F.R.S., &c.t To those who have sought for all that has been published on the colouring matter of the Red Sea, it will be well known that the excellent memoirs on this subject by M. C. Montagne in 1844, and M. C. Dareste in 1855 (both in the ‘Ann. des Se. Nat.,’ the former in sér. 3 (“ Bot.’”’), t. ii, p. 331, and the latter in sér. 4 (“ Zool.’’), t. iii, p. 179), are the most elaborate. * In the same manner as a soap-bubble, when bisected, instead of coi- lapsing, forms, in virtue of the adhesiveness and fluidity of its envelope, two new and perfect bubbles. That the cell-wall of the blood-dise possesses some such endowment seems highly probable. I have on several occasions witnessed, after adding magenta, the total extrusion of the nucleus, both in the frog and in the newt, without the least collapse of the corpuscles. + Uxtracted by permission from the ‘Annals and Mag. Nat. Hist.,’ March, 1863, vol. xi, p. 182. 180 CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. But to Ehrenberg is due the merit of having first described (in 1826) the nature of the organism from which this colouring matter is derived. He found it in the Bay of Tor itself, pronounced it to be an Oscillatoria, and called it Tri- chodesmiun erythreum,which Montagne has advisedly changed to T. Ehrenbergi. No one who has read Montagne’s memoir, and seen his illustration together with the organism itself, can doubt that the chief source of the red colour of the Red Sea is owing to the presence of this little Oscillatoria. Nor can any one doubt, who has read M. Dareste’s memoir, that this is not the only organism which colours the sea red in different parts of the world. It was to confirm the observations of the latter, as well as to record the fact itself, that I wrote the paper in these ‘Annals’ for 1858 (vol. i, p. 258), entitled ‘On the Red Colouring Matter of the Sea on the Shores of the Island‘of Bombay,” wherein it is shown that this colour depends on the presence of a Peridinium (P. sanguineum, Cart.) in innumerable quantities, in which the chlorophyll at first is green, then becomes yellow, and lastly red, when the latter, mixing with the oil-globules generated pari passu in the cell, gives rise together to greater opacity, and thus reflecting more strongly, makes the presence of the Peridinia more evident, and causes the sea in which they are contained rapidly and almost suddenly to become of a vermilion or minium-red colour ; after which, the Peridinium falls to the bottom and thus disappears, as if this were the termination of a cycle in its existence. It was not, however (although I had formerly spent many months on the coasts of Arabia), until returning to England in June, 1862, on board the Peninsular and Oriental Company’s steamer ‘Malta,’ that I had an opportunity of seeing the colour of the Red Sea which is produced by Trichodesmium Ehren- bergii—a circumstance to which I should not have alluded had not Montagne appended to his memoir certain queries which, in part, I can answer, at the same time that, with much diffidence, I offer a few remarks on Montagne’s generic cha- racters of this organism, which are repeated by Kiitzing in his ‘Species Algarum.’ Commencing, then, with a short account of my own ex- perience of Trichodesmium Ehrenbergit in the Red Sea, I would observe that, on the 31st of May, 1862, when approach. ing Aden, we passed through large areas of a yellowish-brown, oily-looking scum on the surface of the sea, and that on the 2nd of June, when off the Arabian side of the first islands CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. 181] sighted in the lower part of the Red Sea after leaving Aden, it again appeared, and we frequently passed through large areas of it, sometimes continuously for many miles, until we arrived off Jubal or the last island in the upper part of the Red Sea, when, from a calm, we steamed into a strong northerly breeze, accompanied by heavy sea, and saw no more of it. Once ouly I saw a portion of brilliant red and one of intense green together in the midst of the yellow. The odour which came from this scum was like that of putrid chlorophyll, well known to those who have had much to do with the filamentous Algze, both marine and fresh-water, but more familiarly to those who have not had this experi- ence by that which comes from water in which green vege- tables have been boiled—and hence very disagreeable. I drew up some of this scum in a bottle, and found it to be composed of little, short-cut bundles of filaments, like Oscillatoria; for I had only a Coddington lens with me for their observation; and on showing them to Mr. Latimer Clark, the well-known superintendent for laying down the telegraph-cable through the Red Sea, &c., to Kurrachee, who was on board, Mr. Clark said that he had observed the same phenomenon in the Sea of Oman, where he had ex- amined the filaments of the little bundles with a microscope, and had found them to be “ beaded,”’ to use his expression, “ with rounded extremities.” On arriving in England, I had no time for examining microscopically the specimens which I had cbtained, and which had been preserved in an equal quantity of alcohol added to the sea-water in which they had been taken, till January (1863), when i found the little bundles, which were still just visible to the unassisted eye, and like so much fine “sawdust” (to which they have been aptly and commonly. compared by previous observers, who have seen them without knowing what they really were), varying in point of measure- ment, although, on the average, perhaps about 3, inch long 90 by +1 broad, containing about twenty-five to sixty filaments, 100 each of which is about =), inch long by +, broad, their cells, which, of course, are so many discs, being sometimes thinner, sometimes thicker, than the breadth of the filament, with rounded cells terminately at the extremities where entire, but square when the latter have been broken off from the filament. The bundles bore no evidence of an investing sheath, but of the filaments being held together by mucus secreted from them generally. Further into this description I need not enter, except to state that the cell was a true Oscillatorial one, charged with 182 CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. afew granules suspended in its protoplasm, and that I saw nothing like sporidification. The colour of the bundles to the unassisted eye was still faint yellowish; but the filaments, under the microscope, were faiutly green. Of the questions proposed by Montagne (op. cit., p. 355), the second calls for more information on the size of the bundles. This has been supplied above, so far as my obser- vation extends. The third question calls for information respecting the presence of Trichodesmium in the Sea of Oman, &c., as bearing upon the origin of the name ‘ Erythrean Sea,” applied by Herodotus to all the seas washing the shores of Arabia. I have already stated that I saw the scum in the Gulf of Aden, also that Mr. Latimer Clark had seen it in the Sea of Oman; and the following extract from the late Dr. Buist’s observations on the “Tuminous and Coloured Appearances in the Sea” (‘Proceedings of the Bombay Geographical Society’, for 1855, p. 120) will show that it exists in the upper part of the Indian Ocean. The account from which this is taken was communicated to Dr. Bust by Dr. Haines, as witnessed on board the “ Maria Somes,” in lat. 21° N. and long. 42° E., and it stands thus: “In May, 1840, when one third across from Aden to Bombay, the aspect of the sea suddenly changed upon us, and at once seemed as if oil had been poured upon its sur- face. It was still as a mill-pond, and of a brownish, soapy hue. The water, on being examined, was full of little fibrils, like horsehair cut across, in lengths of the tenth of an inch or so. A wine-glassful of it contained hundreds of them. . . « . We sailed through them for about five hours; so that they probably extended over a surface of 500 miles.” The occurrence, then, of Trichodesmium Ehrenbergii in the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Indian Ocean, and the Sea of Oman, is so far substantiated ; and as the yellow colour in all instances probably passes ito red, we have, apparently, the explanation of the whole of these seas having been called by the Greeks ‘ Erythrean.”’ I have not, however, heard whether it has been seen in the Persian Gulf. Further, we learn from M. Dareste’s memoir (op. cit., p-. 208) that Jodo de Castro, in July, 1841, when off Cape Fartak, which is about the middle of the south-east coast of Arabia, found the sea so red that it appeared as if it had béen coloured with bullocks’ blood. In my own experience of the Sea of Oman and the whole CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. 183 shore-sea of the south-east coast of Arabia from Muscat to Aden, where, under its survey, I passed all the months of the years 1844-45, and of 1845-46, with the exception of those of the stormy monsoon, viz., June, July, August, and September, the presence of the scum above described never, to my knowledge, was once observed. J am, therefore, in- clined to infer that it is chiefly confined to the sea some dis- tance off shore. Yet Ehrenberg, in 1823, saw the Bay of Tor covered with it, even up to the sands. Lastly, 1 would advert (but, as before stated, with much diffidence) to that part of the generic characters of Tricho- desmium Ehrenbergit in which we find the expression “ prime rubro-sanguinee, tandem virides,” first used by Montagne (J. c., p. 8346), and then repeated by Kiitzing in his ‘ Species Algarum,’ because the facts connected with the accounts given of those who have seen the scum formed by Tricho- desmium, together with my own experience of Algz generally, lead me to the opposite conclusion, viz., that Trichodesmiwn is at first green, and subsequently becomes red. It is true that its chief colour in the Bay of Tor, when seen by Ehrenberg, was red; it was red, like ‘red sawdust,” when seen by M. E. Dupont in the Red Sea (ap. Montagne, l. c.); but, on the other hand, what I saw in the Gulf of Aden and in the Red Sea, together with what Mr. Latimer Clark saw in the Sea of Oman, and Dr. Haines, as above stated, in the Indian Ocean, was nearly all of a yellow oily colour; and this is the appearance that I have heard gene- rally assigned to it by those who have been in the habit of traversing the seas mentioned. Next to the yellow colour, red is the most prevalent, and green least of all. Some of that seen by Ehrenberg was intensely green ; this was the case also with the green portion that I saw with the red above noticed ; while Ehrenberg saw other portions of a less green colour. So much for what has been stated respecting the colours under which Trichodesmium has appeared. We come now to the usual course presented by other Algze in arriving at a red colour. If we take the Peridinium which colours the sea red on the shores of the island of Bombay, we shall find, as above stated, that it is at first green, then yel- lowish, and lastly red. In the green stage, the contents of the cell are so thin and watery that they easily allow the hight to traverse them, and thus the Peridinium passes un- observed; but as they become inspissated, oil-globules gene- rated, and the chlorophyll changed first to yellow and lastly to red, these contents become more opaque; and thus the VOL. II1I.—NEW SER. oO 184 CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA. Peridinium, by reflecting much more light than it did at first, comes rapidly into notice, and by its numbers gives a general red colour to that part of the sea in which it may be present. The same is frequently—indeed, commonly—the course with Euglena in fresh-water ponds. The little Protoceccus which colours the salt red in the salt-pans of the Island of Bombay, is green in the active period of its existence, but becomes red, and settles down into the “still form” of the same colour; while the common green Protococcus of the fresh- water tanks loses its red spot in the still form, and gains it again in the active or reproducing period of its existence. So red Kuglene often becomes green; but the usual course appears to be for the green to appear first. The red colour also appears to herald the termination of some period in the existence of the species. Thus the Peri- dintum ahove mentioned, after becoming red, loses its cilia, assumes the still form, and sinks to the bottom. The same is the case with the Protococcus of the salt-pans of Bombay ; but instead of adhering to the salt, it seeks out and settles upon the crystals of carbonate of lime that are among those of the salt. The chlorophyll changes from green to red also in some of the resting spores of the confervoid Algz, as in Spheroplea* and in Protococcus pluvialis, where also in both it becomes green again on germination, which led Cohn to state that the green colour is connected with ‘‘ vegetation ”’ or the early part of the existence of the individual, and the red with ‘‘fructification”? or the terminationy. So that, altogether, the passage of the colour from green to red in the filament seems to be more likely than the opposite. Thus, as the evidence regarding 7rochodesmium in the seas above mentioned is more, if anything, in favour of its yellow than its red colour, and that it is also sometimes green, while, in the common course, where algve present red and green colours in their respective cycles of existence, the latter appears first, and the Peridinium above mentioned passes from green to yellow and then to red, &c., it seems not un- reasonable to infer that Trichodesmium Ehrenberg ‘git does the same, and that, therefore, so much of Montagne’s generic characters of Trichodesmium Ehr enbergii as ‘relate to its colour (viz., that it is “at first red and at length green”) should be reversed. If it were desirable to adduce evidence of the faint green colour which Trichodesmium probably presents in the first stage of its existence, from the observation, too, of probably * Coln, ‘ Ann. des Se. Nat.,’ 4° sér., t. v, p. 187. 7 Ray Soc. vol. for 1853, p. 519. CARTER, ON THE COLOURING MATTER OF THE RED SEA, 185 the same organism in other parts of the world, one might cite those of Péron, who likens it to “poussiére grisitre,” and of Darwin, who compares it to “cut hay,” &c. (op. cit.); but it seems better for this argument not to go beyond the seas washing the shores of Arabia. To what the “intense green,” under which this organism sometimes presents itself in the Red Sea, owes its production T am ignorant, unless it be indicative of sporidification, which, from what I think that I have seen in Oscillatoria princeps, seems to take place in this family, not from the conjugation of its cells, but from the division of their contents into z0o- spores. Much, therefore, remains to complete the history of this little plant ; and this, unfortunately, can only be obtained by watching it long and narrowly in its proper habitat. TRANSLATIONS. On the Conrractite Fitaments of the Cynarua (Thistle Tribe). By Dr. F. Coun. (From the ‘ Zeitsch. f. Wissensch. Zool.,’ xii, p. 366.) Tuer following observations are contained in a letter in the above Periodical addressed to Professor Von Siebold. After referring to the circumstance that he had already on a previous occasion noticed, in a communication to the same correspondent, the most important facts relating to the con- tractile filaments in plants belonging to the thistle tribe, Professor Cohn proceeds to remark that in the Cynarez the five filaments are inserted into the tube of the corolla, and support at their extremities the anthers which, as in all the Composite, are conjoined into a complete tube. At the time of flowering, this anther-tube is closed at the end, and envelopes the pistil which arises at the base of the corolla from the inferior ovary. At this period the anther-tube rises about 4 mm. above the summit of the corolla. When touched, pollen-masses are extruded from its apex, and at the same time the tube exhibits a peculiar twisting movement. After about five minutes the experiment can be repeated ; the pollen is again forced out of the tube, and the twisting movement will be again witnessed. Gradually, however, the pistil rises above the summit of the anther-tube, and in proportion as it does so the irrita- bility diminishes, until at length, when the stigma projects 4—5 mm. beyond the anther-tube, that property ceases to be manifested at all. But it is not till this time, when its lobes begin to divari- cate, that the stigma becomes capable of impregnation. In general, not more than twenty-four hours at most elapse from the beginning to the cessation of the irritability, and frequently the space of time during which it exists is still shorter. COHN, ON THE CONTRACTILE FILAMENTS OF THE CYNAREX. 187 In many Cynarez, when the irritability is not manifested, this will be found to arise from the circumstance that the flowers have been examined at too late a period. As a rule, it may be said to be too late when the stigma is visible above the anther-tube. As is well known, the cause of these phenomena resides wholly and solely in the filaments, which each time they are touched instantly contract, and after a while extend them- selves to their original length. The expulsion of the pollen from the anther-tube depends upon the circumstance that the tube, as the filaments shorten, is drawn downwards on the pistil about 1—2 mm., and is afterwards pushed upwards again. The contractility of the filaments is shown in the most interesting manner in preparations in which nothing but the anther-tube is left, and in which the five filaments have been cut away from the corolla, and thus rendered free to move independently. Under these circumstances they exhibit the liveliest irritability whenever they are touched ; retracting themselves, bending and twisting out, and again becoming extended, and then bending over on the opposite side, twining themselves together, &c., so that it is hardly possible to escape the impression that we are witnessing the movements of a Hydra, and not those of any part of a plant. Professor Cohn has, on a former occasion,* pointed out the laws by which these motions are regulated, and the con- clusions he then arrived at have since been confirmed by the further observations of Kabscht} and of Unger.{ He has shown that the contractile filaments were ener- getically affected by the electric current ; contracting instantly under a feeble current, but again extending themselves after a time, and then again manifesting irritability. A powerful current Xil/s the filaments instantly; the conse- quence of which is that the contractile filaments do not again extend themselves, but, on the contrary, continue to contract more and more, until at the end of about an hour they are not more than half their original length. When killed by other means, as, for instance, by immersion in alcohol, glycerine, or water, a similar shortening of the filaments to less than half their original length is observed ; it is clear, therefore, that this contraction cannot be due simply to a shrinking, from desiccation. It may also be * Ina paper in the ‘Abhandl. d. Schlesisehen Gesellschaft. f. Vaterl. Cultur,’ 1861. (An abstract of this valuable paper, by Dr. Arlidge, will be found in the ‘ Annals of Nat. History’ for March, 1863.) + ‘Botanisch. Zeitung,’ 1861. t Ibid., 1862. 188 COHN, ON THE CONTRACTILE remarked that after spontaneous or natural death the fila- ments contract to the utmost. Although, eventually, the pistil may project about 5 mm. beyond the anther-tube, this arises in the smallest possible degree from the growth of the pistil itself, after the flower has burst. The true cause of the apparent elongation is the retraction of the anther-tube by the shortening of the filaments after their death, and in consequence of which the tube will at length be found | to 1 mm. below the summit of the corolla, above which, a few hours before, it had pro- projected 3—4 mm. Having a short time since obtained a new microscope by Hartneck, Professor Cohn determined to imvestigate the anatomical changes undergone by the contractile filaments in their contraction. In order to examine the filaments in the elongated irritable condition, it is necessary, first of all, to remove the air with which certain passages in the internal tissue are partially filled, and owing to which the transparency of the tissue is much impaired. The air may be removed by placing upon a filament sur- rounded with water, a covering-glass, upon which the ob- jective is screwed down with moderate force, and so as to subject the filament to a slight compression. The object is then to be pushed for its entire length under the objective. By this means the whole of the Vie. a. Fie. 2, air is, aS it were, squeezed out, and its place supplied with the water or glycerine, as the case may be; and the internal tissue covering the epidermis readily brought in view. The tissue of the filament con- sists of a central vascular bun- dle, containing principally an- nular and closely wound spiral vessels, and surrounded by rows of elongated cylindrical cells, placed one above another, and separated by straight, transverse dissepiments. (Fig. a.) Externally the filament is co- vered with an epidermis com- posed of similar cells, which, on the upper side, are thicker and convex, so that the filament appears, as it were, to be grooved, FILAMENTS OF THE CYNARES. 189 (Fig. d.) The epidermis, again, is covered by a tolerably thick cuticle. Upon this cuticle rise peculiar, conical hairs, composed of two flat, contiguous cells, and whose gelatiniform, thickened membranes Fig. ¢, are also covered by the cuticle. (Fig. c.) When the interior cells of an irritable filament in the state of elongation are placed under a sufficient magnifying power and ac- curately defined, or are exposed by a longi- tudinal incision, they appear longitudinally striated, as if furnished with longitudinal fibres. (Fig. a.) But in the state of contraction their aspect is quite different, as is best seen in a fila- ment which has already become shortened below the summit of the corolla. At this time the filaments have lost their vitality, as is proved by the contracted condition of the primordial utricle. In this condition, if the air has been removed, all the cells present close, transverse strie, as if the thin filament were composed solely of spiral vessels. (Fig. 0). Those portions, consequently, of the filament in which more especially short cells exist exhibit the closest transverse striation, almost hke that of transversely striped muscle. This appearance is due to the circumstance that the cells in the act of shortening become very regularly and closely wrinkled. The walls of the cells, consequently, appear to be very closely and finely plaited, as many as from ten to twenty transverse wrinkles occurring in the space of =}, mm. ‘The apparent fibres which, as above said, run sometimes perpendicularly, sometimes obliquely to the longitudinal axis, correspond Fic. d. exactly to these transverse 2 ee wrinkles of the cell-wall. a ee = . The corrugation is seen in [ all the cells, including those ia. of the epidermis (figs. dand é), ee BI See = tt MOTT ONAHH WLS except that, as regards the re, innermost part, next to the alr-passages, the cells often remain un- Fie, ¢ wrinkled. RPP The corrugation of the cells, conse- a) : quent upon their shortening, may be observed to take place under the microscope, inasmuch as the water or glycerine entering the air-ducts kills 190 COHN, ON THE CONTRACTILE the cells more or less rapidly ; and as this takes place, the outline of the cells becomes undulated, whilst at the same time their walls are partially separated by a wider interval. After a little time the transverse striation of the cells is manifest throughout. The most extreme degree of shortening of a filament, and at the same time the closest transverse striation of its cells, is seen when it is brought in contact with a drop of sulphuric acid; by this reagent all the cells are rendered of a lemon-yellow colour, whilst the scattered pollen-grains, from the coloration of their membrane, become purple-violet. Concentrated sulphuric acid soon destroys the cell-wall, leaving only the cuticle, which is ultimately black- ened. Potass also colours the cells yellow and corrugates them very deeply, whilst the membrane of the pollen-grains assumes a beautiful brown-red hue. Nitric acid, which gives the cells a pale-yellow colour (orange-red after addition of potass), contracts the cell-membrane, but it causes a remark- able distension of the cuticle, which is thus raised up in the form of an elevated pouch from the epidermis, and is de- tached even from the hairs. Tf the filaments are crushed under strong pressure, the cells are unable to contract; but as soon as the covering-glass is raised, all the cells in an instant exhibit the transverse stria- tion. The ruge, however, owing to the far too rapid contrac- tion, are very irregular, and whole masses of cells, under these circumstances, may be seen to become curved. Although at present Professor Cohn has been unable to observe the action of transitory irritation upon the form of the cells, since the filaments which have been penetrated by water no longer react, he entertains no doubt that the mo- mentary contractions caused by irritants depend, equally with the permanent shortening consequent upon death, upon the transverse corrugation of the cells. It would seem, therefore, that the contractile cells of the Cynarez correspond in their behaviour essentially with those of unstriped muscle, and we may now be said to be acquainted wilh plants in reality (so to speak) furnished with muscles. The contractile cells are distinguished by the extreme delicacy of their wall, which is thinner than in any other tissue with which Professor Cohn is acquainted. It is only the extremities of the filaments upon which the anther is supported that are found to be composed of short, square, very thick cells, but these are evidently not contractile. Pro- fessor Cohn had on a previous occasion shown that the fila- ments become thickened in the same proportion that they diminish in length. A filament, for instance, that before FILAMENTS OF THE CYNARE. 191 it was irritated was -°+." broad, became after irritation Ty 12"; another, from a width of 2%," acquired one of 160 27 9". and a third, from +!;!5,'" became 12.5 In close connection with this is the circumstance that the cells before shortening are longitudinally, and after it trans- versely, striated. In his former memoir, Professor Cohn had come to the con- clusion that, in their elongated condition, the cells of the fila- ments were ina state of active extension, and that the shorten- ing, either upon irritation or after death, depends upon a relaxation, in consequence of which the elasticity which had acted as an opponent to the expansion force, caused the con- traction. From this it would appear that the condition in the con- tractile filaments would be the opposite to that of the con- =o animal tissue (muscle), inasmuch as in the latter the contracted condition is regarded as the active one and the elongated as the passive. His later researches, he says, have served only to confirm the notion that the shortening of the filaments is of a pas- sive nature, and due to elasticity, and he is, on this point, more than ever inclined to lay great weight upon the peculiar thickness of the cuticle, which even in the most completely shortened filaments exhibits no appearance of corrugation, and consequently must be in the highest degree elastic, so that it is able, after the death of the cells, to cause even a powerful contraction of the filaments by a transverse corru- gation. He is also convinced that at least in the lowest animals, which possess no muscles, but only a contractile parenchyma, a con- dition obtains similar to that observed in the contractile vege- table cells. In these animals also irritation causes a momentary and death an extreme and permanent contraction, consequent, in fact, upon the elasticity of their cuticle, whilst the exten- sion and elongation is in them a vital, active process. He refers, as a further instance of the same kind, to the stems of the Vorticelle, which after death, as upon irri- tation, are rolled up, and again acting, extend themselves, and, again, to the processes of the Ameba, Actinophrys, Diffugia, Arcella, and the Rhizopoda in general, in which the elongation is manifestly an active process, whilst the same organs, upon being irritated, as after death, contract into a ball. Experiments with contractile infusoria, which have been irritated by an electric current from an induction-apparatus, exhibit a perfect resemblance to the phenomena represented 192 ON THE ANATOMY OF SAGITTA, in the contractile vegetable tissues. Trachelocera olor sud- denly contracts its neck and shortens itself; on a stronger current, it becomes fiattened out, sarcode escapes and the entire creature becomes diffluent, whilst exhibiting the weil- known wonderful contractions; the same thing takes place in Paramecium aurelia. Lastly, Hydra viridis exhibits exactly similar conditions. The outstretching of its tentacles, the elongation of the body, is manifestly an active proceeding. When at rest and after death, it becomes shortened into an almost invisible particle. In like manner, a weak induction-current causes an instanta- neous contraction of the body; under a continued current of the same strength, expansion gradually sets in again; a stronger current causes a renewed contraction ; a very powerful shock induces contraction to the utmost; but after this, expan- sion no longer takes place, but instead, a gradual dissolution of the body. The contractile phenomena in the parenehyma of plants and of the lower animals, consequently, so far as injury has as yet gone, follow the same laws. Notes on the Anatomy of SaGirta. Dr. H. A. Pacrnstecner* has described what he re- gards as a new species of Sagitta, occurring at Cette. But as, unfortunately, he appears to have met with only a single specimen, his determination of its specific distinction cannot be regarded as definitive. The specimen observed was furnished on one side with seven, and on the other with eight, large hooks. The smaller hooks were placed in two groups on either side, towards the middle of the under side of the upper hip. Hach group consisted of five pointed spines, all directed backwards. The two anterior groups were situated nearer to each other than the posterior. A bundle of the minute, bristle-like hairs, which have been observed on the sides of the body in other Sagitte, was in the present species noticed on each side, even of the head. The abdominal, anal, and caudal fins con- stituted a continuous expansion, surrounding the entire hinder part of the animal. The caudal portion of the Sagitta, though not more than 4 mm. long, was, nevertheless, filled * *Zeitsch, f. wiss. Zool,’ Bd, xii, p. 308, pl, xxix, fig. 8, ON THE ANATOMY OF SAGITTA. 193 with spermatic elements; the peculiar spermatophores were already fully formed, and the ovaries were so much developed as to be readily forced by pressure into the head. It would seem, therefore, that the species is one of the smallest known. The principal peculiarity which especially induced Dr. Pa- genstecher to direct attention to the form, consisted in the existence of a pair of special organs on the dorsal aspect of the head, one on either side. ‘These organs were placed at the base of the upper lip, in front of the lateral bundles of sete, externally and in front of the eyes. The organ itself consisted of a minute tube or saceulus, imbedded in the integument; the walls of the sacculus were coloured with opaque, brown, and inky pigment-molecules. It appears that these follicles opened on the sides of the head with a minute orifice, surrounded by a firm, strongly refracting border. Are these organs to be regarded as olfactory, or as analogous with the glandular follicles which are found in the cervical region in the Nematoda? Leuckart and the author, in their common researches on the lower animals (of Heligoland), have shown that in Sa- giita germanica the intestine is attached, not only by mesen- teries, but also, as in the Nematoda, by a network of flattened bands, and, consequently, that there can be no question of the existence of a true perivisceral cavity. In Sagitia gallica the most anterior border of the peri- visceral space within which the intestine moves about freely during the movements of the hook-dise, and at which border these peculiar fixing bands are not seen, is distinguished by the presence of a complete transverse circlet of delicate, yellowish, oval cells, applied to each other by their lesser diameter. The intestine passes backwards through this ring, and by pressure the ceca! end of the ovaries can be forced in the opposite direction, towards the head. Externally to this is the sac formed by the obliquely and intricately inter- laced muscular fibrils. From this arrangement it follows that the anterior portion of the intestine possesses great free- dom of motion, in consequence of which the movements of the oral disc and pharynx are much facilitated. The orga- nization of the border of the upper lip, the circle of large cells around the mouth, and many other peculiarities of struc- ture belonging to the genus Sagitta, were also observed in this species. It is not impossible that Busch saw and figured the above-described organs in Sagitta, but he explained them as being retractile and protrusile tentacles, of which, however, Dr. Pagenstecher has been unable to perceive any yestige, é‘ REVIEWS. On an Undescribed Form of Ameba. Unprr the above title, Dr. G. C. Wallich has lately pub- lished some very interesting observations on “ Amcebe, and allied forms of Rhizopoda,” in the ‘ Annals of Natural His- tory.’* In certain ponds on Hampstead Heath he obtained a curious form of Ameba in considerable quantities, and is of opinion that the peculiar characters presented by them are normal, although, perhaps, not permanent in their nature. “According to the descriptions of the commoner forms, such as A. princeps, A. diffiuens, or A. radiosa (which he believes ultimately will be found to be mere transitory phases of one species), it appears that the sarcode-substance is uniformly differentiated into ‘endosarc’ and ‘ ectosare’—ain fact, neither the outer layer of sarcode nor the more viscid mass within is endowed with a more advanced degree of de- velopment at one point than at another.” In the variety which Dr. Wallich describes this is not the case, one portion of the ectosare in it exhibiting a structure differing per- manently from the remainder, being densely studded with minute papille, “which,” says Dr. Wallich, “in the quies- cent state of the creature, are of nearly uniform aspect and size, and cause the surface upon which they occur to resem- ble the villous structure of mucous membrane in outward appearance. When the animal moves, these papille or villi vary in length, and now and then several coalesce, so as to form processes more nearly approaching the ordinary pseudopodial character, although still of minute proportions. The villous patch, which occupies probably from -!,th to ~\,th of the entire superficies, appears frequently to be employed as a prehensile organ, the creature being enabled through its agency to secure for itself a continuous point d’appui, from which the rest of the body is pushed or flows onwards.” True pseudo- podia are not projected from this villous patch, but are freely thrown out from the remaining portion of ectosare when * Annals and Magazine of Natural History’ for April, May, and June, 1863. DR. WALLICH, ON AM@BA. 195 needful. The prehensile power of the papille is very great, so much so that when undue pressure has been exerted upon one of the Amcebe it has been torn asunder, the portion provided with the villous area remaining attached to the glass slide on which it had been placed for observation. The great abundance of the Amcebz in question in the ferrugi- nous ponds of Hampstead, more than 95 per cent. of all the specimens being furnished with papille, has induced Dr. Wallich to consider this as a distinct species, which he pro- poses to call Ameba villosa. He, however, admits at the same time the probability of all the species of Amcebze being local forms of one and the same type. The largest specimen which Dr. Wallich observed was =;th of an inch in SEabeses The villi, in their quiescent state, seem to be about ;,1,,ths of an inch in average length. In some instances the villous portion was placed on a long pedicle of ectosarc, so as to give it the appearance of a brush. In these specimens the villi seemed to have lost their prehensile power. In many cases an infundibuliform orifice was observed in the centre of the villous patch, from which numerous par- ticles of matter were extruded, and also minute, perfectly formed Amcebe, which Dr. Wallich regards as a proof of viviparous parturition among Amebe. The orifice was only temporary, but recurred frequently in the same position in various specimens and at various times. Dr. Wallich’s ob- servations on the nucleus and contractile vesicle are extremely interesting, and of great importance. He says, “‘ The nucleus consists of a pale, gray-coloured, spherical mass of granules, towards the centre of which may occasionally be detected a minute, clear nucleolus. J¢ is contained within a hyaline and somewhat elongated vesicular cavity, but never occupies the en- tire area of the latter.” This vesicular cavity is separable from the rest of the Ameeba, as a clear, membranous capsule, con- taining the granules of the nucleus. Dr. Carpenter and Mr. Carter have both spoken of the existence of a vesicular boun- dary to the nucleus, but they do not allude, Dr. Wallich be- lieves, to the highly specialized membranous covering which is so remarkably manifest in A. villosa, and which seems to approach more nearly to the vesicle of the Gregarinide. Dr. Wallich assimilates it to the nucleus of Plagiocantha, Tha- lassicola, Acanthometra, and Dictyocha. The position of the nucleus in A. villosa is always, when at rest, in the vicinity of the villous patch. With regard to the contractile vesicle of Amceba, Dr. Wallich is of opinion, from careful obser- vation, that it is not formed by any definite wall, as Car- penter and Carter have described it. In A. villosa the con- 196 DR. WALLICH, ON AMG@BA. tractile vesicle appeared merely as an internal fissure in the sarcode-substance, and the existence of numerous vacuoles, which continually form and coalesce, or disappear, whilst under observation, seem to bear out this view of its nature. Dr. Wallich also confirms Mr. Carter’s view, as opposed to that of Lachmann and others, that the contractile vesicle in- variably discharges itself externally, the orifice being extem- porised and of very minute proportion. On treatment with acetic acid and other reagents, no trace of a membranous en- velopment to the sarcode-substance could be discovered, such as has been described by Auerbach in A. dilimbosa; but Dr. Wallich found that, by improper adjustment of the focus or want of proper illumination, the semblance of a double line, indicative of a true membrane, could be produced. He gives his conclusions on the relations between the ec- tosare and endosare in the following words :—“ From these facts it is obvious that the ectosarc and endosarc are not per- manent portions of the Protean structure, but mutually con- vertible one into the other; and that it is an essential feature of sarcode that, whilst the outer layer for the time being be- comes, ipso facto, instantaneously differentiated into ectosare, the same layer reverts to the condition of endosare under the circumstances just described”—alluding to the forma- tion of food-orifices. In the granular contents of the proto- plasma, Dr. Wallich found numerous rhombohedral crystals, about ==1,,th of an inch in length, probably of lime. Such crystals he has also observed in Huglypha, Arcella, and Acan- thometra. As is well known, Professor Huxley observed prismatic crystals in Thalassicolla. Certain bodies, which Dr. Wallich terms ‘nucleated corpuscles” (probably iden- tical with the discoid ovules of Carter), were also found; their function is, perhaps, connected with reproduction. Other corpuscles, larger and nucleated, about thé -,,th an inch in diameter, were met with. These he has termed sarcoblasts, and considers them allied to the “ yellow bodies” of Foraminifera, Polycystina, Thalassicollide, &c. In sound- ings from the Atlantic bed Dr. Wallich met with minute discoidal structures (previously detected by Professor Huxley), which he termed coccospheres, and believed to be a step in the reproductive process of Foraminifera. He now thinks it highly probable that the sarcoblasts first become cocco- spheres, or something equivalent, and are then developed into the perfect animal. This subject, however, he is about to work out. Dr. Wallich’s observations are of the greatest importance. The discovery of this new form of Ameeba, with the peculiarities of structure it presents, places the ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE NEMATODA. 197 Ameebze in general in quite a new light, assimilating them more closely to other non-Rhizopodal genera, such as Tha- lassicolla, Acanthometra, &c., and placing them, in Dr. Wallich’s opinion, at the head of the Rhizopoda. On the Nervous System of the Nematoda. Tue nervous system of the Nematoda forms the subject of an interesting paper by Dr. Anton Schneider,* whose pre- vious contributions have contributed so largely to our knowledge of the anatomy of that class of worms. His first paper, “On the Lateral Lines and Vascular System of the Nematoda,” appeared in 1858,+ and has been followed by two others in 1860—‘“‘ On the Muscles and Nerves of the Nematoda,” { and “ Remarks on Mermis.” § In his present communication he continues his observations on the nervous system, of which we proceed to give a brief abstract. A nervous system was described, in 1816, by Otto, in Strongylus gigas, but the first important contribution on the subject was by Meissner, in 1858-55, who described what he regarded as a complete system of nerves in Mermis albicans and nigrescens. This was followed up by Wedl and Walter in a detailed account of the same system in another species. But the supposed nerves of these authors were shown by Dr. Schneider in the latter two papers above cited to belong to the muscular system; and his views have since been adopted by Leydig. || Even with respect to the central nervous system, Meissner’s views were entirely upset, what he regarded as such having proved to be the esophagus. Dr. Schneider was unable also to confirm Walter’s description of the central nervous system in Oxyuris ernata. The true constitution, therefore, of the nervous system in the Nematoda remained in considerable un- certainty. The only central organ that appeared likely to be such was a pale band lying on the cescphagus, first noticed by Lieberkuhn, Wedl, and himself. Since that period, Dr. Schneider has kept the subject in constant view, and believes that he is now in a condition fully to describe both the central and peripheral nervous systems in the Nematoda. He attributes the success he has * € Archiv Anat., 1863, p. 1. + Ibid. 1858, p. 426. t Ibid., 1860, p. 224. § Ibid., 1860, p. 243. || Ibid., 1861, p. 605, 198 ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE NEMATODA. met with to a mode of dissection peculiar to himself, and the want of which (though extremely simple) has hitherto pre- vented the successful prosecution of the research. The central nervous system constitutes a ring closely surrounding the cesophagus, but not attached to it. On the other hand, it is firmly connected by various processes with the walls of the body. This arrangement suggested the mode of dissection to be followed for its due display, and which is thus de- scribed :—Cut off a portion of the anterior end of an Ascaris megalocephala, for example, about half an inch long; then, with a fine and sharp pair of scissors, slit up the walls of the body together with the cesophagus; then cut off the lips and remove the cesophagus, and spread out the walls of the body, and the central nervous system will be seen lying uninjured on their inner surface. The essential part of the proceeding is the slitting up of the cesophagus as well as the walls of the body. The preparation is much improved by the boiling of it for a short time in dilute acetic acid, after which the cuticle can be readily removed and the specimen rendered transparent by glycerine. Specimens of A. megalocephala not fully grown are better fitted for examination than older ones, owing to their greater transparency. This dissection affords the readiest and easiest view of the entire nervous system, but in order to learn its minute structure numerous transverse sections are requisite. These sections must be very carefully made with the sharpest possible knife. To allow of their being properly made, the worm must be hardened, first in spirit, and afterwards in chromic acid. Dr. Schneider’s researches have been carried on chiefly in Ascaris megalocephala and Oxyuris curvula, In A. megalo- cephala the nerve-ring is placed about 2 mm. behind the oral orifice. From it six cords are given off in front; four of these (nervi submediani) arise nearly in the middle, between the border of one of the lateral intermuscular spaces and the middle line, though rather nearer the lateral space. The roots commence with a broad base, which gradually narrows into the slender cord. Two other nerves (a. daterales) lie in the middle of the lateral intermuscular spaces. These nerves are completely imbedded in the substance of the lateral space, and they may, with some pains and trouble, be at once dis- sected out, or may be seen more readily, but still distinctly, in simple transverse sections. Two strong nervous cords pass backwards; they arise on the ventral side of the ring, one on either side of the ventral line, towards which they tend in a sort of arch and are continued a short distance, but they cannot be traced beyond the arched anastomosis of ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE NEMATODA. 199 the water vascular system which lies a short distance behind the nerve-ring. These are termed the ram communicantes. In connection with these nerves are numerous ganglion- cells, which are found either in the course of the fibres or may be regarded as the points of origin of the fibres. The submedian nerves are furnished with but few of those bodies. The ganglion-cells are either dipolar, as are those occurring in the course of the fibres, or unipolar. The lateral nerves possess many more fibres than the submedian. Their fibres do not arise from the central ring alone. Numerous ganglion- cells of various sizes lie on all sides of the ring, and which are also unipolar and bipolar. Some might be termed multi- polar, were it possible to determine that all the processes arising from them were really nerve-fibres. These collections of ganglia are termed ganglia lateralia. A large mass of the kind is found in the ventral line im- mediately behind the ring, and the cells composing it are, probably, most of them connected with the rami com- municantes. In these ganglia (ganglia mediana) two halves may be distinguished, separated from each other by the tissue of the ventral line. On each side of the ventral line are placed six isolated ganglion-cells, two of which lie one be- hind the other, near the ventral line, and three others usually in the middle of the ventral space. These are unipolar. Their processes pass forward, and enter the middle ventral ganglion. The sixth cell is usually situated near the lateral intermuscular space. It is bipolar, and sends one process towards the median ganglion, and the other towards the lateral space. These cells are termed the ganglia ventralia dispersa. In these latter may best be perceived the histological con- nection between the nerve-cells and fibres. Each cell presents a distinct nucleus and nucleolus. The nerve-fibres are of some width, and when divided exhibit an elliptical section. A distinct membrane may be perceived pretty clearly in the cells, but not in the fibres. The latter consist apparently of a homogeneous substance, resembling, when acted upon by chromic acid, coagulated albumen. The structure of the central ring is not so readily made out. In the fresh state it is so elastic as to contract into about half its circumference when separated from all its attachments. All that can be stated with certainty is, that the ring is enclosed in a tough and dense sheath, which also sends processes inwards into its substance. This sheath is finely striated; the striez appearing to depend partly on fine rugz, in part also upon distinct fibres. On the exterior it presents no indication of VOL, I1I.—NEW SER. 2 200 ON THE NERVOUS SYSTEM OF THE NEMATODA., true nerve-fibres, which are best displayed when the ring has been boiled in dilute nitric acid, and torn asunder with needles. The fibres then exhibit the same structure and dimensions as the nervous trunks passing from the ring. Besides the fibres, however, the ring also contains bipolar cells, though in no great number. The ring, as has been said, is closely connected with the walls of the body. The connection is effected chiefly by four bands, which appear to be, as it were, continued from the lateral and two median intermuscular arez or spaces, aud by them the ring is divided into four equal portions. But it is also closely connected with the muscular system by transverse prolongations of the muscle-cells, which consti- tute four bands, one of which is attached to each of the quarters of the ring, being continuous, as it were, with the sheath. No further distribution of the nerves appears to have been clearly made out, although the author has made nu- merous and very industrious researches, which have shown him many interesting facts in the minute anatomy and arrangement, more especially of the muscular system, for which we must refer to the paper itself. With respect to organs of sense, he states that in Lnoplus, Duj., Phanoglene, Nordm., and Enchilidium, Ehr., eyes are indubitably present, although up to the present. time no nerves have been traced to these organs. Of other organs of sense, he points out certain structures which appear to be of the nature of tactile organs. These are tubular hollows in the integument, filled with a fine granular substance. On the exterior these follicles are either level with the surface or form small eminences of different kinds. These sort of papille are found in four different situations, and they may be classified into—1l. Oral papille, varying in number from two to ten. 2. Cervical papillie, always two in number, and lateral.* 3. Caudal papillz, also always two in number, and lateral.t 4. Copulatory papillee, situated in the caudal portion of the male, symmetrically, on each side of the ventral median line. No nerves, however, have as yet been traced to these organs, though Schneider thinks the submedian and lateral nerves go to the oral papillee. * The organs noticed by Dr. Pagenstecher in Sagit/a gallica would seem to be of this kind. (Vid. supra, p. 193.) + M. Bastian, in a paper read before the Linnean Society, and which will appear in the ‘ Linnean Transactions,’ describes two organs of this kind (or of the next?) in the hinder part of the body in the young Guinea-worm. NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. A Simple Trough for Zoophytes, &c.—Perhaps the following cheap and easy method of constructing a small zoophyte trough may be useful to some of your readers, as I have found such articles extremely convenient in the examination of small Sertularian and other zoophytes. Take an ordinary glass slide and cut it with a diamond into five pieces, A, B, C, D, E, as shown in fig. 1, or any iliger Ie ites OL glazier will do it for a trifle if the lines are first drawn with apen. The piece A being thrown aside, cement C, D, E, in their relative position on the middle of another slide, as shown in fig. 2, with marine glue. The piece B is to be cemented on the others, which it exactly covers, and the trough is complete. Being cut from one piece, C, D, and E, are certain to fit together. If more than one are being made, the covers, B, may be cut from thin slides, and thick ones may furnish the side pieces, C, D, E. Objects are, of course, introduced above, and are necessarily kept close to the front glass; this latter may be a square of thin glass for higher powers, as it can be easily replaced if broken. The contents are retained by capillary attraction, even when the body of the microscope is in an upright position; and the affair is as manageable on the stage as an ordinary object-slide.—GrorcE Guyon, Ventnor, Isle of Wight. Feb. 17th, 1863. The Photography of Magnified Objects by Polarized Light. —Crystals are generally looked upon as belonging almost ex- clusively to the polarizing class of microscopic objects. Their 202 MEMORANDA. forms are, perhaps, the most beautiful in nature; but when we enter into their study, and penetrate somewhat deeply into the mysteries of crystallography, we meet with a very great drawback—the instability of certain crystals whose forms we find ourselves utterly unable to reproduce. Many of these endure for days, or even weeks, and then pass gradu- ally away; whilst with others a second crystallization always takes place, which robs the first form of all its beauty, or de- stroys it altogether. In these cases, when the form illus- trates some particular law, and it is desirable to preserve it, the pencil is usually employed. But some of these crystals exclude all chance of anything like a faithful drawing, by their intricacy of shape and the wearying labour that would be requisite to do them anything like justice. For these reasons I have been making use of photography by polarized light, and by this aid may be accomplished what could be done in no other way. In proof of this, I may mention that I have attempted by ordinary light a photographic impres- sion of certain salts; but I found it impossible, as nothing, except a faint trace of the outline, was produced upon the plate, which is easily accounted for by the excessive tenuity (and consequent transparency) of the crystals. Again, by the use of common light the peculiar characters of certain substances are totally lost, as the cross of starch, &c.; but by the aid of the camera and polariscope all these may be permanently produced upon paper. The power, also, of polarized light does not appear to be in any way inferior to that of ordinary light when used for pho- tographic purposes; but I hope to be able to make some more conclusive experiments in this matter shortly, as it is absolutely necessary to employ a light whose power is con- stant. Another curious fact which I have observed as to the power of polarized light as applied to photographic purposes is this: when the object upon the slide appears most per- fectly illuminated by the ray which has passed through the lower prism, we often find that the image in the camera is but partially distinct, and that we shall be forced to make a new adjustment of the mirror to procure an impression which will develop uniformly. As to the position, &c., of the microscope, there is little to say, as it used in the ordinary manner of photographing mag- nified objects which has been so often described. The re- sults, however, are better when the selenite plate is not employed, and the analysing prism is placed immediately over the object-glass. No. 1 eye-piece is, perhaps, the most preferable when the greatest distinctness is desired. MEMORANDA. 2038 Herewith I send you four specimens of crystals photo- graphed by polarized light.* The crystals of “tartrate of soda” is magnified forty diameters, and may be produced by neutralizing a strong solution of carbonate of soda with tar- taric acid. A drop of this is then spread upon the slide, and the water evaporated by heat, when the salt will remain in a viscid state. The slide must then be laid in a dry place, free from dust, and in a short time will be covered with crystals, where the formless salt before lay. This will sometimes be found to be accomplished in a day, but at other times a week or two must elapse before the same result takes place, accord- ing to the warmth and dryness of the atmosphere. The crystal of sulphate of copper and magnesia is also magnified forty diameters, and was obtained by the method I havee lse- where described. The crystal of santonin is also magnified forty diameters, but this salt requires a very different treat- meut to procure good crystals. A small portion is placed upon the centre of the glass slide, and this is then laid upon a metal plate, underneath which a spirit-lamp must be kept burning, in order that the temperature may not be lower than 350° Fahr., but if it is raised above 400° the crystals will turn brown. In a short time the santonin becomes fused, and with a hot needle should be thinly and evenly spread upon the surface of the slide, which should then be allowed to cool slowly. When the surface has become “fixed,” a fine-pointed needle may be employed to pierce it here and there, when the crystals will spread from these cen- tres and cover the plate. Castor oil must be used in mount- ing them, as balsam is apt to dissolve them when the tempe- rature is raised even im a slight degree. The difficulty in preparing this salt is to know the precise moment at which to start the formation of the crystals, as those produced be- fore and after this moment are devoid of that feathery deli- cacy which is their chief beauty. The crystals of tartar emetic are magnified fifty diameters, and were produced in the ordinary way. I have taken the trouble to describe the production of these crystals, because I am not aware that some of them have been before noticed as microscopic objects, and they are well worthy of a place in the cabinet.—THomas DaviEs. * We had intended to give copies of the beautiful photographs sent by Mr. Davies, and which fully bear out his remarks, but find that the expense of this mode of illustration would be far too great, and are, therefore, obliged to forego what would otherwise have rendered his communication far more complete.—[Ebs. ] 204 MEMORANDA. On the Improvement of the Compound Microscope.—As I have bestowed much time, labour, and thought, in the endeavour to improve the construction of the compound microscope, I avail myself of the pages of your Journal to communicate the results to yourself and your numerous readers, Ist. It is imperative that the eye-piece be formed of two lenses of equal foci, and that they be placed a focal length apart. Roti These glasses must have as long a focus as can be used without interfering with manipulation. 8rd. The field-glass and objective must be placed at their combined focal distances apart. ° Ath. The cavity of the eye-piece may be filled with a fiuid refractor, so as to represent a solid cylinder of glass cut from a sphere. The glasses T am using have a focal length of ten inches, and the upper focus of the eye-glass is eight and a half inches in length, so that my tube measures something within thirty inches. The mist, darkness, and dirty London fog, met with so generally, are principally owing to the eye-lens having a short focal length; if, however, a glass be tried of greater focal length than the field-glass, the image will appear very light and clear, but with an unnatural glaze. Although a large amount of power is lost by equalising the lenses, this is fully made up by their long foci, necessitating increased distance from the objective. The length of the foci, of course, increases very materially the amount of light, which is gained further by placing the eye-piece and objective proportionally nearer together than is customary—the definition is at the same time improved. The introduction of a refractive medium between the upper lenses has the effect of magnifying the field and image about half a diameter, without shortening the foci of the instrument materially. With a simple trd- inch lens for object-glass, I have the power of a 1+th-inch without the refracting medium, the light of a l-inch; at least, an enlarged field definition, equalling, if not excelling, that of a simple microscope, and without perceptible change of colour—in fact, a most faithful magnified view of the object. Instruments may be made of length suitable to the stature of the observer.—F rep. Curtis, Maryport. 16th June, 1863. Infusoria in Moving Sand.—Mr. James Blake writes as follows from St, Francisco, California ;—‘‘ I haye enclosed MEMORANDA. 205 some sand containing recent Infusoria, which, I have no doubt, will resume their movements on being moistened. They were collected on the moving sand-hills near this city, at a place a few yards from the ocean, and where there is not the least sign of vegetable life. My attention was attracted to them by seeing some concretions on the surface of the sand, which at the time was in motion from a strong wind. I found that these concretions consisted of agglutinated sand, the agglutinating substance being formed, as subse quent observation showed, by Infusoria. I could find no trace of organic matter in any of these concretions, which might have formed a nidus for the development of the Infu- soria, and I have every reason to believe that these were developed in pure sand moistened with rain-water. I think the presence of rain-water was necessary for their development, as I had been over the same ground frequently before, during the summer season, and had not noticed the concretions, which I believe IT must have done had they existed. The concretions were, in some instances, two or three inches long and an inch or two thick, and, when dry, they possessed con- siderable tenacity. JI am unable to resolve the Infusoria into anything definite, with a + of Powell and Lealand’s. [Our correspondent requests us to give some of the speci- mens to persons acquainted with Infusoria, which we shall be happy to do when they come to hand, which, we are sorry to say, they have not as yet done. | Proressor Exsurtu, of Wirzburg, mentions the occurrence of a new parasite, differing, it is said, essentially from Tri- china spirals, which infests the voluntary muscles of the frog. It resides in the transversely striped fibrils, into and out of which it bores its way, moving about from one locality to another. This migration is proved by the existence in con- tiguous muscular fibres of cavities of a peculiar character. The description of the Entozoa is not given.—Proceed. of Wirzburg Phys.-Med. Society, 1862. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Microscorican Soctrty oF Lonpon. May 8th, 1863. Tue annual soirée of the Society was held this evening in the great hall and other rooms at King’s College, and though the requirements of the college obliged the Council to avail them- selves of the accommodation during the Easter holidays, the attendance of members and their friends was quite equal to the usual average, and the exhibition of instruments and objects by the instrument makers as large and fully as interesting as on any former occasion. Absence from town, so customary at this season, prevented several of the well-known supporters of the Society from being present, and though the members contributed a larger num- ber of instruments, they hardly made the same display as at some of the previous annual meetings of the Society. The most striking feature as regards the instruments was the great increase and improved adaptation of the binocular arrange- ment of Mr. Wenham to all classes of microscopes, from the most elaborately finished and expensive stands of the first-class makers to the cheap but more generally useful and instructive, educational and student’s instruments, for which the demand is so rapidly increasing. The stereoscopic effect, combined with really good definition and abundance of light, rendered the display of objects with low powers by this arrangement universally admired. The exhibition of objects requiring very high powers is hardly so well adapted to please the visitor as the preceding, but the advance here made has been quite as great as in any other depart- ment, and the fine =;th of Messrs. Powell and Lealand, and the sth of Messrs. Smith, Beck, and Beck, were exhibited, under all the disadvantages of a crowded room, in such a way as to show clearly to the microscopist what might be expected from their per- formance under the quiet and careful manipulation of the study. The large exhibition of instruments and improved thin stages of Mr. Ross also attracted a crowd of visitors to his table. It would be impossible, however, to enumerate all the various contrivances PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 907 which have been invented to facilitate the growing taste for micro- scopical research of which examples were to be found on the tables of the Society, nor will our limits permit any detailed enumeration of the various and often highly interesting objects exhibited, though, as probably the greatest novelty, we may mention the exhibition, by Messrs. Horne and Thornthwaite, of the production of the new metal thallium by electric agency, which attracted much attention. The number of microscopes exhibited was about 200, the greater part of which, as will be seen by the following list, were from the various instrument makers, H. and W. Crouch ...... 12 PilligeHer. <3, scheescoes 15 early ted 3 eee, Dee. 2 10 Powell and Lealand ...... 6 SS ULEDT ECS, ieee oe Ree 6 Thomas Ross ............ 24 Horne and Thornthwaite 10 Salmon: v4.4 aaisacssnate 10 DE eR ee a 10 Smith, Beck, and Beck 12 LSTEIGIG 6a ae 6 SEC WAL Ni te eeace sae i Murray and Heath ...... 4 Poppines, Geessed sume z Me WOM ia. dactit. » saamcttee - 12 Weedoii.ja.. 205, ee 2 ENGR EOE Misys ostoensxtids sed. 3 Phe Society ogee sence 4 The remainder were shown by members of the Society. The walls of the great hall were covered with a large collection of interesting diagrams, kindly lent by Dr. Carpenter, Dr. L. Beale, Mr. Mum- mery, aud others, illustrative of the microscopic anatomy of the animal and vegetable kingdom; and Mr. F. Buckland kindly added to the attractions of the evening by the exhibition of his tanks, and by explaining the process of the artificial incubation of fish, the wonderful organization of the young fry being at the same time shown under the microscope. May 13th, 1863. CHARLES Brooke, Esq., President, in the Chair. Dr, Pattison, Charles Cubitt, Esq., and J. L. Denman, Esq, were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. The following papers were read:—“On some new Species of Diatomaceze,”’ by Dr. Greville; ‘‘On the Nerves of the Cornea, and their distribution in the Corneal Tissue in Man and Animals,”’ by Dr. Ciaccio. June 10th, 1863. CHARLES Brooke, Esq., President, in the Chair. F. Hager, Esq., F. Lycett, Esq., J. Garnham, Esq., Alfred Boot, Esq., Henry Crouch, Esq., and Charles Baker, Esq., were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. 208 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. A complete new microscope, with a series of nine objectives and apparatus, comprising all the latest improvements, was presented to the Society by Mr. Thomas Ross. It was unanimously resolved—‘‘ That the most cordial thanks of the Society be presented to Mr. Ross, for his munificent gift, and that this resolution be suitably presented to him.” Mr. Deane gave a verbal account of the microscopical investiga- tion of a palimpsest Greek MS. belonging to M. Simonides, and expressed his opinion that the same did not appear, from this ex- amination, to be a forgery (as had been supposed), but that he had every reason to believe it to be a genuine document; in which opinion Mr. Wenham, who had assisted him in the examination, fully concurred.* At the close of the regular business the MS. was exhibited to the meeting, and carefully examined by many of the members. PRESENTATIONS TO THE MICROSCOPICAL SOCIETY, 1862-63, October 8th, 1862. Intellectual Observer, Nos. 6 to 9. The Canadian Journal, No. 40 Journal of Photography, nine numbers Photographic Journal, Nos, 122 to 125 ; The Annals and Magazine of Pines, al Nos. 6, 56, and 58 November 12th. Dr. Carpenter’s Introduction to the Study of the Fora- minifera. Ray Society : On the Germination, Development, and Fructification of the Higher Cryptogamia, by Dr. W, Hofmeister. Translated by F. Currey, Esq., F.R.S. Dr. Carpenter on the Microscope, 3rd edition The Popular Science Review, Nos. 4 and 5 The Intellectual Observer, No. 10 . The, Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society, Vol. VI, No. 24. Transactions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club, Vol. V, Part 3 s Memorias da Academia Real das sciencias de Lisboa, 1854 to 1857 The famasle and Magazine of Natural Histor y Nos. 57 and 59 Seven Slides of Diatomacer Presented by The Editor. Ditto. Ditto. Ditto. Purchased, The Author. F. Currey, Esq. The Author. The Editor. Ditto. The Society. Ditto. The Academy. Purchased. W. Ward, Esq. %* We have since been informed that there is reason to believe that this opinion may prove erroneous.—{ Eps. | PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 209 December 11th. Presented by The Quarterly Journal of the as Boejely, Vol. XXIII, Part 4 : The Society. Intellectual ‘Observ er, No. 11 ; b . The Editor. The Canadian Journal, No. 41 5 Ditto. Notes on tlie Thysanura, by John Lubbock, Bsq. F.RS. The Author. Results of Meteorological Observations, Vol. I Smithsonian Report, 1860 Smithsonian In- Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vols. a IL stitute, TLV. Journal of Photography, Nos. 178 and 179 . - The Editor, Photographic Journal, No. 127. . Ditto. The Annals and Magazine of Nae al Histor y . Purchased. January 14th, 1863. The North Atlantic Sea Bed, comprising a Diary of the Voyage on board ILMS. « Bulldog” in 1860, by G. C. Wallich, M.D., &e. : The Author. Popular Science Review, NOH” -s : . The Editor. Intellectual Observer, No. 2, : : PP Dittor Sculptor’s Journal, No. 1 : : » Ditto; Canadien Journal, No, 42 ; » Ditto, Journal of Photography, Nos. 180 and 181 | we Dittox Report of the Art Union of London, 1862. . The Society. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, No. 61 . Purchased. Twelve Slides—Deep- sea Soundings J. Hilton, Esq. One Slide of Diatom Earth and a Bottle of Vibrio-Wheat C. Deane, Esq. February 11th. : Journal of Photography, Nos. 182 and 183. . The Editor. Intellectual Observer, No. 13 ; ; . Ditto. Sculptor’s Journal, No. 2 . Ditto. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, No. 62 . Purchased. March 11th. Intellectual Observer, No. 14 ; : . The Editor. Seulptor’s Journal, No. 8 : . Ditto. Journal of Photography, Nos, see and 185 5 - Ditto: Photographic Journal, No, 180, ; , Ditto. Journal of the Geological Society, No.73. . The Society. Journal of the Linnean Society, No. 25 . Ditto. ‘Annals and Magazine of Natural History, No. 63 . Purchased. May 12th. Posthumous Works of Dr, Robert Hooke . . F.C.S, Roper, Esq. Beitrige zur Kenntniss mikroskopischer Organismen “yon G, Fresenius. . Bea > =5° Dittoy 210 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Presented by Mikroskopische Studien aus dem Gebiete der mensch- lichen Morphologie von J. Gerlach : . Ditto. F. C. S. Roper, on the Genus Licmophora (Paper) . The Author. Intellectual Observer, Nos. 15 and 16 . The Kditor. Popular Science Review, No.7. , . Ditto. Photographic Journal, No.131 —. ‘ . Ditto. Journal of Photography, Nos. 186 to 189. Ditto. Transactions of the Linnean Society, Vol. XXIV, Part 1 ‘The Society. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, Nos. 64and65 Purchased. Six Slides of Sulphate of Cadminm G. Norman, Esq. Two Slides—ZJsthmiu enervis, Triceratium arcticum . C. Baker, Esq. Two Slides—Liemophora flabellata, Lic. splendida . eC: Roper, Esq. June 10th. Planta Cryptogamica da ordem dos cogumelos do genero Aspergillus, especie Glaucus, Dr. Carlos May Figueira The Author. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, No. 74 . The Society. Proceedings of the Linnean Society, No, 26 . . Ditto. Tntellectual Observer, No 17 : a . The Editor. Photographic Journal, No. 133. : . Ditto. Journal of Photography, Nos. 190 and 191 . . Ditto. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, No. 66 Purchased. Nine Slides—Zoophytes from Australian Alege (3), Isthmia enervis (2), Licmophora flabellata, Meridion circulare, Rhabdonema arcuatum (2) ; J. Stainton, Esq. W. G. Sidi Curator. LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL Society, MANCHESTER. MICROSCOPICAL SECTION, March 16th, 1863. Mr. JosepH SIDEBOTHAM, Vice-President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr. Watson presented specimens of Jungermannia tomentella and asplenoides, collected on Baguley Moor. Mr. Sidebotham presented specimens of the following mosses, in fruit: —Fissidens exilis, F. adiantoides, Grimmia pulvinata, Weissia controversa, Bryum atropurpureum, &e., in a good state for micro- scopical examination. Mr. J. G. Dale, F.C.S., presented a specimen of crystallized film of picrate of aniline ; and in a note to the secretary explained his method of preparation from picric acid and aniline. ‘The equiva- lent of picric acid is 229; that of aniline is 93; and when dissolved in strong alcohol in those proportions by weight, mixed and set PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 211 aside, the picrate of aniline will crystallize in yellow needles. The film for the microscope is formed from a solution of these needles in absolute alcohol, a drop of which being spread over a clean, hot glass slide, the crystallized film is at once produced by the rapid evaporation of the alcohol, if the slide be at the proper degree of heat, which can only be found by repeated trials. If too hot, the salt mal melt and become partially decomposed ; if not hot enough, it will be crystallized in needles, or be deposited as an amorphous film. When properly crystallized, circular radiated discs will ap- pear, with more or less regularity, showing with the polariscope very brilliant colours, and a black cross in the centre. The crys- tallized films may be mounted in new soft balsam; but a mixture of chloroform and balsam dissolves them immediately. The Natural History Society presented for distribution amongst the members a number of beetles not required for the museum. Mr. Nevill reported upon the fossil foraminiferous shells found in the Montreal deposit, presented by Mr. R. D. Darbishire at the last meeting. They were mostly in a fine state of preservation, and many were as perfect as recent shells. He found— Polystomella, Entoselenia marginata, Nonionina umbilicatula, ee globosa, very fine, Polymorphina lactea, Patalina corrugata, Miliolina seminulum, Textularia, Entoselenia squamosa, var. sca- Dentalina, lariformis, Lagena vulgaris. Ditto, of a peculiar form and rare, The Polystomella and Nonionina were in great profusion; the other kinds were scarce; but Mr. Nevill was of opinion that re- markably fine specimens might be found of all the various kinds, if there were a larger quantity of material to operate upon. Mr. Nevill was indebted to the worthy President of the section, Pro- fessor Williamson, for verifying the names, and he presented to the section mounted and named slides for the cabinet. No Diatomaceze were found amongst the material. Dr. Alcock exhibited a young living salmon, about fourteen days old, attached to part of the ovum. Dr. Alcock particularly called attention to the form of the vertebral column, which, whilst young, is similar to that of the lower grade of cartilaginous fishes when fully grown; the skeleton of the salmon, however, becomes gradu- ally changed, until at maturity it is that of the higher class of osseous fishes. Dr. Alcock also exhibited a lingual riband of the Patella athletica, from Bray, in Ireland; he compared it with that of the common limpet, Patella vulgata, and pointed out the differences in the form of the teeth. Dr. Roberts exhibited some mounted specimens of blood-cor- puscles from an albuminous urine, which showed an appearance as 212 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. if the contents of the cells had separated from the cell-wall, and become aggregated round the centre like a nucleus. When these corpuscles were treated with magenta, the central portion was either not coloured at all or only faintly so, whereas the circum- ferential portions became deeply tinted. By treating fresh blood with an excess of a solution of carbolic acid, this appearance could be produced at will. In the blood-corpuscles of the fowl a similar effect was produced by the carbolic-acid solution: the cell-contents appeared to detach themselves from the cell-wall and to collect round the nucleus. The appearances presented strongly suggested the idea that the cell-envelope of the blood-disc was a double mem- brane; that the inner separated under certain circumstances from the outer membrane and shrank in toward the centre. Dr. Hensen, of Kiel,* seems to have convinced himself that such is the case in the blood-disc of the frog, and he compares the inner membrane to the primordial utricle of the vegetable cell. Of the prolongations described by Dr. Hensen as stretching rapidly between the shrunk inner membrane and the outer one, Dr. Roberts saw nothing. If the said view of the structure of the blood-cells were substantiated, it would greatly facilitate the explanation of the appearances pro- duced in these cells by magenta and tannin. Mr. Charles O’Neill, F.C.S., exhibited a mounted fibre of Orleans cotton, torn by a gradually increasing weight suspended to its ex- tremity. It had sustained a weight (gradually increased) of 162 grains for many minutes. Mr. O'Neill stated that there were 143 such fibres in ‘01 grain of cotton, each fibre therefore weighing less than the ten thousandth part of a grain. The strongest fibres were capable of supporting more than two million times their own weight. He is engaged in making experiments upon the tensile strengths of various fibres by a special apparatus, but they are not yet completed. Mr. Brothers exhibited a number of fresh-water insects, larva, &e. Mr. Parry exhibited the transverse section of a fossil palm, from the Island of Antigua. The following gentlemen were elected officers of the Society for the ensuing year:—President: Edward William Binney, F.R.S., F.G.8. -Vice-Presidents: James Prescott Joule, LL.D., F.R.S., F.C.S., &c.; Robert Angus Smith, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S. ; Joseph Chesborough Dyer; Edward Schunek, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.C.S. Secretaries: Henry Enfield Roscoe, B.A., Ph.D., F.C.S.; Joseph Baxendell, F.R.A.S, Treasurer: Robert Worthington, F.R.A.S. Librarian, Charles Fredrik Ekman. Of the Council: Rev. William Gaskell, M.A.; Frederick Crace Calvert, Ph.D., F.R.S., &c.; Peter Spence, F.C.S.; George Mosley; Alfred Fryer; George Venables Vernon, F.R.A.S. * © Siebold und Kolliker’s Zeitschrift’ for 1861, p. 263. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES, 2138 April 20th, 1863. Professor WILLIAMSON, F.R.S., President of the Section, in the Chair. Mr, Charles O’Neill, F.C.S.,and Mr. John Shae Perring, M.Inst. C.E., were elected members of the section. Mr. John Slagg, jun., and Mr. H. A. Hurst, were elected auditors of the treasurer’s accounts. Mr. Alfred Fryer presented for distribution amongst the members a number of impressions of an engraving of the Acarus sacchari found in raw grocery sugar, from Mauritius. Mr. Brothers stated that he had made some observations upon the circulation in plants, and he found that a degree of heat which would cause free circulation in Vallisneria entirely destroyed it in Chara vulgata. Mr. Brothers also described the appearances pre- sented by the cilia of Melicerta ringens, which he had the unusual opportunity of observing whilst the animal was outside its case in a dying state. As the motion of the cilia gradually became fitful and then ceased, it was apparent that tle cilia of the inner row are much longer than those of the outer row, over which the former appear to bend and to crush off whatever may be adhering to them into the channel between the two rows. Thus are produced the wavy lines and apparent onward progression of the cilia, which render this, under suitable illumination, so brilliant and interesting a microscopical object. Mr. Charles O’ Neill, F.C.S., made a communication ‘‘ Upon the Appearances of Cotton Fibre during Solution and Disintegration.” These experiments referred to the application of Schweizer’s sol- vent. Two strengths were used; the weaker contained oxide of copper, equal to 4°3 grs. metal per 1000 and 47 grs. dry ammonia; the stronger contained 15°4 grs. metal and 77 grs. dry ammonia per 1000. The latter is about the most concentrated solution which can be made. Referring to the researches of Payen, Fresny, Peligot, Schlossberger, and others, who have employed this solvent, the author said the only experimenter who seemed to have worked in the same direction with himself, and that apparently only to a small’ extent, was Dr. Cramer, whose paper he had only been able to see in a translation appended as a note to a memoir of M. Payen, in ‘Comptes Rendus,’ p. 319, vol. xlviii. Mr, O'Neill considers that cotton exhibits, under the action of this solvent, (1) an external membrane distinct from the true cell- wall or cellulose matter; (2) spiral vessels situated either in or outside the external membrane; (3) the true cell-wall or cellulose ; and (4) an inner medullary matter. The external membrane is insoluble in the solvent, and may be obtained in short, hollow cylinders by first acting upon the cotton with the dilute solvent, so as to gradually remove the cellulose, and then dissolve all soluble 214 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. matters by the strong solvent. If the strong solution is first ap- plied, the extraordinary diiation of the cellulose bursts the external membrane, and reduces it to such a state of tenuity that it is in- visible. This membrane is very elastic, appears to be quite imper- meable to the solvent, and when free from fissures protects the enclosed matter from its action. It is not seen in cotton which has been submitted to the action of alkaline acids and bleaching powder, being either chemically altered, or, what is most probable, entirely removed. The spiral vessels are unmistakeably apparent, running round the fibre in more or less close spirals, sometimes single, sometimes double and parallel, and at other times double and in opposite directions, or again seemingly wound close and tight round the cylinder. ‘They are well seen in the spherical swellings or beads, but are prominent at the points of strangulations of long ovals formed when the ends of the fibres are held tightly. They collect in a close mass, forming a ligature, and are frequently ruptured, the ends projecting from the side of the fibre. The cellulose is enormously dilated by the weaker solvent, and expands the external membrane into beautiful beads, which are doubtless the result of the spiral vessels acting as ligatures at the points of strangulation; at the open end of a fibre it can be seen oozing out as a mucilaginous substance. The stronger solution bursts the beads, or dissolves all the cellulose into a homogeneous mass, amidst which the empty cuticular membrane and the spiral vessels remain nearly unacted upon. The substance called medullary matter is seen occupying the axes of the fibres; it is nearly insoluble in the solvents. It may be well seen projecting from the open end of a fibre where the cellulose is exuding, and often remains im situ when the fibre has quite disappeared. It has many appearances of being a distinct body, but the author in some cases thought it might be only the thickened or modified inner cell-wall; in others it looked like a shrunk membrane, probably the dried-up primordial utricle. It is generally absent or indistinct in old cotton, or cotton which has been submitted to bleaching agents. Mr. O'Neill intends to submit further details when his investiga- tions are more advanced. Mr. Hepworth stated that he had observed spiral markings in Sea Island cotton, not subjected to chemical action, and that he had calculated there would be about 50,000 spirals to an inch of fibre. A PAPER On the Srructure of the Vatve of the DIATOMACEX. By Cuarves Sropper. From ‘ Proceed. Boston Soc. Nat. IIist.,’ vol. ix, p. 2, 1862. There are recorded a few observations which mention the exist- PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 215 ence of more than one plate of silex in the valve of some three or four species of diatoms. Mr. Shadbolt (‘Trans. Mic. Soe.,’ Ist series, vol. iil, p. 49) describes the valve of Arachnodiscus Jupont- cus as consisting of two layers. Mr. Ralfs (‘ Pritchard’s [nfusoria,’ 4th ed., p. 839) says the valves of Actinoptychus undulatus “ fre- quently consist of two dissimilar plates, one having the usual character, the other being triradiate and minutely punctate, and which has been described as a new species by Mr. Roper, who first observed it detached from the true valve. He and others have since found the plates im situ.’ Dr. F. W. Lewis (‘ Notes on New and Rarer Species of Diatomacee,’ Phil., 1861, p. 6), describing Navi- cula marginata, speaks of ‘the outer siliceous plate.” Schleiden (‘ Pritchard,’ 4th ed., p. 41) speaks of ‘‘two leaves lying one over the other.” Mr. Brightwell says of the lorica of Triceratium, that “the valves are resolvable into several distinct layers of silex, dividing like the thin layers of tale.”’ (Pritchard, p. 49.) These are all the authorities I can find that intimate the existence of more than one plate of silex in the valve. Ehrenberg describes several species of diatoms as “veiled ’’—a most happy term as expressive of the appearance of those species to which it is applied. Neither Ehrenberg nor any other microsco- pist has offered any explanation of the cause of this appearance. Among the species thus distinguished are the four species of Helio- pelta, though the fact is not mentioned in any of the published descriptions, all of which are more or less imperfect. Some time ago I found a broken specimen of Heliopelta, which exhibited clearly portions of the valve with the normal characters of the genus, and, extending beyond the broken edges, portions of another and inner plate of an entirely different structure. A few months since, Mr. J. 8. Melvin gave me specimens of a diatom, as possibly a new species. On examination of these I found that he had obtained the inner plate of the valve of Heliopelta Leuwenhoekii entire and perfect. I have since found other specimens in my own collection. This plate under low or medium powers shows only exquisitely fine lines; but with a high power (4) it is resolved into minute spherical granules of silex, arranged in paralleled rows, radiating towards the margin of the disc, placed in contact with each other, and cemented together at their peripheries, the cement filling the interstices. There is a distinct line corresponding to the divisions of the compartments of the outer plate; a triangular blank at the junction of these lines with the margin, a conspicuous feature in the view of the perfect frustule; a star-shaped blank in the centre, the rays of the star being in number one half of that of the compart- ments of the disc. Heliopelta has the disc divided into six to twelve rays or compartments, one half of them having distinctly hexagonal areolz, the alternate half havimg an entirely different kind of mark, which has never been perfectly described or figured. Dr. Carpenter’s description is, perhaps, the best, but his figure is one of the most inaccurate. (‘Carpenter on the Microscope,’ Phil., p. 290.) The blank star of the inner plate is also a conspicuous feature of the per- VOL. I1I,.—NEW SER. Q 216 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. fect disc, and the rays of this star always coincide with the compart- ment last described. The inner plate also shows marks indicating the position of the marginal (improperly so- called) spines; and under a high power shows also faint impressions of the areolze of the onter Pp late, which I consider proof that the two plates were in actual con- tact. It is this inner plate that gives the veiled appearance to this and other diatoms, and I take the “veil” in all cases as a visual proof of the existence of the inner plate. Dr. Carpeuter says of He/topelta, that a minute granular structure may be shown to exist over the whole of the valve—‘ that the circular areolation exists in a deeper ayer of the siliceous lorica.” Now, 1 am certain that Dr. Carpenter was mistaken in this last remark, though, perhaps, not in what he saw. He had simply observed a valve with the inside toward the eye. I have repeatedly seen them in this position, and with the same effect. I have also found what I take to be the inner plate of an Ompha/opelta entire ; but the evidence of its connection with that genus is not quite complete. A few weeks since I found a broken specimen of Coscinodiscus ; the hexagonal areolz were large and distinct, and extending beyond the broken edges, just as described in the Heliopelta, was another part of the dise, which was simply granular, with a milky aspect. This is the inner plate of the valve of that genus. Since that I have found numerous examples of the same kind, and am now satisfied that they are quite common, and that others as well as myself must have seen them often before, without being aware of their nature. Like the corresponding plate of Heliopelta, this is composed of spherical granules of silex, but instead of being in close contact, they are distant, and joined or cemented together by a thin plate of silex, the arrangement and place of the particles being governed by that of the hexagons of the outer plate, one granule being placed against each hexagon. By careful adjustment of the focus of the instrument, with a power proportioned to the size of the areole, the granules can be seen in the centre of the hexagons; care must, however, be taken not to confound an optical effect with the appearance of the granules; each areole is a minute lens, and so refracts the light as to give a bright or dark dot as the focus is changed, and the granules themselves contribute to this effect. Practice, however, will enable one to distinguish these effects. : The species Eupodiscus, Argus, and Rogersi, present strong evi- dence of the inner plates; so, also, do some specimens of Isthmia nervosa, of EHpithemia, Achnanthes, aud Polymyaxus coronalis, I thiuk I have seen indications of them in several otber genera. In some of the Pinnularia and Navicula there are appearances which I can explain only on the supposition that the valve is composed of two plates, as suggested by Schleiden. Sufficient, ] think, has been proved to warrant the generalisation that the valve of the Diatomacese consists of at least two plates of silex, the inner one of a structure more or less differing from that of the outer, giving PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 217 that peculiar appearance to those species described as veiled,—partly the cause of the dots in the hexagonal areolz of some species,—and often, probably, explaining the varying descriptions and figures of different writers. There is a difference of opinion among diatomists as to the shape of the dots or marks of the very finely marked kinds, such as the whole of the genus Pleurosigma, Smith, Gyrosigma, Hassal, Mr. Wenham, by magnifying photographs of P. angulatum to 15,000 diameters, has proved, as I think, that the areole of that species (and undoubtedly of all the species with diagonal lines) have hexa- gonal areole, exactly like those of Coscinodiscus. Professor O. N. Rood, of Troy, by the same process, has obtained photographs of the same species (7000 diameters), which he thinks prove the areolee to be circular. Professor Rood’s photographs show some indications of the hexagonal form, and I believe the difference be- tween his figures and Mr. Wenham’s must be owing to some difference in the manipulation. ‘The areolee of the coarsely marked forms being unquestionably hexagons, it is probable, from analogy, that those of the finer forms are so also. Mr. Wenham, as quoted by Professor Rood, ‘‘states that he has ascertained by a =4th that the markings of this object are due to spherical particles of quartz.” (‘Am. Jour. Science,’ Nov., 1861, p. 336.) This observation, with the discovery of the inner plate of the Coscinodiscus, and its struc- ture, makes the analogy of the structure of the two genera complete, and may be considered as proving the existence of the inner plate in this genus. Another point in the structure of the valve has been a subject of much difference of opinion—some contend that the areole are ele- vations, others that they are depressions. Dr. J. W. Griffiths gives, in the ‘ Micrographical Dictionary,’ his reasons for considering them to be depressions. I have reasons for thinking that neither party has the true explanation of the structure. My opinion is that the exterior of the shell is smooth or nearly so, and that the borders of the hexagons, or other shaped areolee, and costze of the costate forms, are internal projections from the outer plate, as on the under side of the leaf of the Victoria Regia, intended to give strength to the cell with the smallest quantity of material. This will explain the trace of the hexagons seen on the inner plate of Heliopelta, as only the projecting wall of the areole would come in contact with the inner plate. Dr. Griffiths reasoned that the areolee were depressions because they were the thinnest parts of the shell; the faets are correct, but the inference may not be, as there is another explanation of the phenomena. In company with Dr. C. T. Jackson, I have dissolved a shell of Coscinodiscus under the microscope, with caustic potash, and found that the area of the cellules was dissolved before the walls, and that therefore they are the thinnest parts, as Dr, Griffiths judged from the optical effect. 218 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Huxit Micro-PHILOSOPHICAL SocizEtY. The fifth sessional course of papers delivered by the several mem- bers of this society terminated on March 20th last. These were mostly of an interesting character, and the meetings were generally well attended. An increasing interest in microscopical research is manifest, and several additional applications for membership have been made. Several new instruments have latterly been introduced from the manufactory of Mr. Cooke, optician, of Hull, of exquisite workmanship, compact design, and perfect stability. The society in its pecuniary resources may be said to flourish, and withal to present every fair prospect of utility and success. Au abridgment of some of the papers may be stated as under: George Norman, Esq., the President of the society, in intro- ducing the subject of diatomaceous deposits, stated his fears that in the short time allowed for his paper little more than a discursive glance could be given to the subject, and that, perhaps, on some future occasion he would bring the subject again before the mem- bers. The occurrence of Diatomacee in a fossil state is, on the autho- rity of Ehrenberg, constant in the chalk rocks. The President stated that, so far as his own experience went, no traces had been found in true chalk; perhaps, however, in the Paris beds the case might be different. The possibility of the flint nodules in chalk being the amorphous state of former siliceous frustules was next touched upon. The most important deposits occur in the pliocene and plistocene for- mations immediately following the cretaceous rocks. ‘lhe enormous deposits of Maryland, Virginia, and Algiers, were probably to be referred to this period. ‘The fresh-water deposits of Finland, Bo- hemia, North America, Dolgelly, Toome Bridge, &c., were probably of a far more recent date; these were all, at some remote period, the beds of former lakes and morasses. The President alluded to the extensive deposit he had himself visited at Toome Bridge, in the county of Antrim. More recent deposits still are found under- laying peat beds, containing diatoms, with few exceptions, identical with forms now found living. ‘The very ancient peat beds found about twenty-five feet beneath the alluvium of the district of Hull and neighbourhood contained very slight traces of Diatomacese. A sample taken from a deep excavation at Spring Head had furnished very sparingly Pinnularia cardinalis, a species which had hitherto never been found recent. The ancient peat deposit and sunken forest cropping out of the sands at Hornsea contained also Pennu- laria cardinalis, mixed with many recent forms. This great bed was probably the bed of a former mere like the existing Hornsea Mere. ; The President proceeded to state that, in all probability, the site of the present Hornsea Mere would, at some future time, furnish a PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 919 diatomaceous deposit more or less rich. The sea would in time wear away the narrow piece of land separating the mere from the ocean sand, and mud would be deposited over the entire area, and the mass of diatomaceous frustules, the accumulation of ages, would be consolidated into a white mass, such as we find in any ordinary deposit, the long rotting process having removed the brown endo- chrome. An instance was given of the gradual formation of such deposits before our eyes. Only the past summer the President had obtained a piece of tolerably white deposit from the bed of the Spring Ditch, which was in course of being filled up; it contained all the recent species which have been known to exist there by the previous examinations of microscopists. This once favorite locality is now destroyed through the extension of public works, In conclusion, the President hastily glanced over the various uses these deposits were turned to, instancing such commercial products as tripoli, plate powder, floating bricks for powder magazines on board ship, &c. The clays eaten by the natives of South America and in the in- terior of Africa were also, probably, diatomaceous deposits like the well-known Berg-Mehl of Lapland. Mr. H. Prescott pradncee a paper, entitled “The History and Physiology of a grain of Barley,” illustrating the germination of barley in its most rudimentary form, and then tracing its growth into a plant and the further development and structure of stem, root, flowering, spike, spikelets with floral appendages, sexual organs, pollen, starch, &c. The peculiarities of growth of stem (straw) structure and the various appearances of the inflorescence during different stages of deveiopment were illustrated by numerous etchings. On another occasion during the session, Mr. Prescott (‘On the Structure of certain Seeds’), failing time and opportunity to give the meeting the benefit of any special studies that he might be competent to undertake, which were still incomplete, thought that a work bearing immediately on the subject, prepared for the use of Government by Drs. Hooker, Carpenter, Graham, Lindley, &c. (a copy of which he was fortunate enough to possess), might have some interest for the meeting. Sketches and letterpress were both valuable, as showing how master minds commanded and carried through the working out of a subject quite new to themselves. In this instance, as in the determination of gennine and adulterated coffee, the meeting would not fail to observe how well the micro- scopic characters of the substances had been preserved in drawings which bore the stamp of truth upon them. The elaborate re- searches of Dr. Graham and others on the gravities of the different substances in solution were equally admirable. Mr. Hunter’s paper, ‘‘On the Structure of Animal Hairs,” was illustrated by numerons slides, including different coloured human hair, hairs from the several classes VS animals, insects, &e., and hairs from different parts of the body of the same species. Much emphasis was laid upon the difficulty of identifying individual hairs, 220 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. and also the want of a suitable medium for permanent mounting of specimens ; the inefficiency of Canada balsam was shown by speci- mens otherwise mounted (fluids) exhibited in contrast, although balsam might answer best for dark ground and polariscope investi- gations. The so-called whale hair was handed round the tables—a sub- stance showing most of the microscopic properties of both hair and bone. The excellent felting properties of the hairs of the Carni- vora and Rodentia was dwelt upon, and also the striking differences in those of the Ruminantia. The adulterations practised by some workers in ornamental hair - was illustrated by specimens mixed with hair from the alpaca and some species of goat. Beautiful slides from the Ornithorhyncus and Gopher (from the banks of the Mississippi, Iowa) were compared ; the only two kinds examined having the combined properties of wool and hair from the same root. Mr. Ball, of Brigg, in Lincolnshire, read a very interesting paper “On the Anatomy of the Snail,” which was illustrated by exquisite dissections and preparations of all the principal organs. ‘The lan- guage of ordinary comment fails to give due expression to the Society’s appreciation of this gentleman’s labours and microscopic productions. Mr. Stather effectively exhibited the powers of the binocular microscope. A paper ‘‘On the Stings, Ovipositors, and the cutting parts of the Proboscides of Insects’? was produced by Mr. Hanwell, show- ing the general resemblance of these parts, in some instances as to nearly appear identical. The nature of the true sting was shown, the incising apparatus attached to the head compared with it, and a classification made of the forms of the instruments used, from the simple lancet to the more complicated apparatus of the highly organized insects; the beautiful adaptation of means to ends, as exhibited in the various kinds of ovipositors, was dwelt upon. The paper was well illustrated by numerous slides prepared by this gentleman. Dr. Kelbourne King delivered an article ‘On the Nervous Tis- sues,”’ illustrated by slides of the nerve-cells, of considerable interest and beauty, and calculated to awaken the further attention of ana- tomists and physiologists to these very important structures. Pre- parations variously mounted in naphtha solution, glycerine and gelatine—the two latter both plain and coloured with carmine— were handed round, but, notwithstanding the beauty of carmine preparations, in these instances the naphtha solution appeared to afford a more minute structural detail. Mr. Hendry exhibited the saccharo-polariscope, and the opposite order of colour phenomena of grape and cane sugars, with great effect ; also delivered a paper, with illustrations, ‘‘ On Spermatozoa,’ in the absence of Dr. A. M‘Millan, otherwise engaged; and upon a third occasion introduced the subject of the connective tissues. PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Q2E The session now terminated, embodying in its series of subjects matter amply adapted to call forth the active energies of its various members. Wm. Henpsy, Hon. Sec. A PAPER On the EMBRYOGENY of COMATULA ROSACEA (Linck). By Pro- fessor WyviLLteE THomson, LL.D., F.R.S.E., M.R.LA., F.G.S,, &e. (From ‘ Proceed. Roy. Soc.,’ Feb. 5, 1863.) Arter briefly abstracting Dr. W. Busch’s description of the early stages in the growth of the young of Comatula, the author details his own observations, carried on during the last four years, on the development and subsequent changes of the larva. After complete segmentation of the yolk, a more consistent nucleus appears within the mulberry mass still contained within the vitelline membrane. The external, more transparent, flocculent portion of the yolk lique- fies and is absorbed into this nucleus, which gradually assumes the form of the embryo larva, a granular cylinder contracted at either end and girded with four transverse bands of cilia. This cylinder increases in size till it nearly fills the vitellme sac, gradually increasing in transparency, and ultimately consisting of delicately vacuolated sarcode, the external surface transparent and studded with pyriform oil-cells, the inner portion semifluid and slightly granular. The vitelline membrane now gives way, and, usually shortly after the escape of the larva into the water, the third ciliated band from the anterior extremity arches forwards at one point; and in the space thus left between it and the fourth band, a large pyriform depression indicates the position of the larval mouth. At the same time a small, round aperture, merely separated from the posterior margin of the mouth by the last ciliated band, becomes connected with the mouth by a short, loop-like canal, passing under the band, and fulfils the function of an excreting orifice. A tuft of long cilia, which have a peculiarly undulatory motion, is developed at the posterior extremity of the body. ‘The larva now increases rapidly in size, assuming somewhat the form of a kidney bean, the mouth answering in position to the Adlum. It swims freely in the water, with a swinging, semirotatory motion, by means of its ciliated bands and posterior tuft of cilia. Shortly after the larva has attained its definite independent form ten minute calcareous spicula make their appearance, imbedded within the external sarcode-layer of the expanded anterior portion of the larva. The ten spicula are arranged in two transverse rings of five, the spicula of the anterior row symmetrically superposed on those of the posterior, By the extension of caleareous network, 222 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES, these spicula rapidly expand into ten plates, which at length form a trellis enclosing a dodecahedral space, open above and below, within the anterior portion of the zooid. Simultaneously with the appearance of these plates, a series of from seven to ten calcareous rings form a chain passing from the base of the posterior row of plates backwards, curving slightly to the left of the larval mouth, and ending by abutting against the centre of a large cribriform plate, which is rapidly developed close to the posterior extremity of the larva. Delicate sheaves of anastomosing calcareous trabeculee shortly arise within these rings, and the series declares itself as the jointed stem of the pentacrinoid stage, the basal and first inter- radial plates of the calyx being represented by the already formed casket of calcareous network. The skeleton of the Crinoid is thus completely mapped out within the body of the larva, while the latter still retains its independent form and special organs. Within the plates of the calyx of the nascent Crinoid two hemi- spherical or reniform masses may now be detected—one superior, of a yellowish, subsequently of a chocolate colour; the other inferior, colourless and transparent. The lower hemisphere indicates the permanent alimentary canal of the Crinoid, with its glandular follicle; the upper mass originates the central ring of the ambu- lacral system, with its ceeca passing to the arms. ‘The body of the Crinoid is, however, at this stage entirely closed in by a dome of sarcode, forming the anterior extremity of the larva. After swim- ming about freely for a time, averaging from eight hours to a week, and increasing rapidly in size till it has attained a length of from 1 to 2 mm., the larva becomes sluggish, and its form is distorted by the growing Crinoid. The mouth and alimentary canal of the larva disappear, and the external sarcode-layer subsides round the calcareous framework of the included embryo, forming for it a transparent perisom. The stem now lengthens by additions of trabeculee to the ends of the joints. The posterior extremity dilates into a dise of attachment. The anterior extremity becomes expanded, then slightly cupped; the lip of the cup is divided into five crescentic lobes, corresponding to the plates of the upper ring ; and finally five delicate tubes, ceeca from the ambulacral circular canal, are protruded from the centre of the cup, the rudiments of the arms of the Pentacrinoid. At some stage during the progress of these later changes the embryo adheres, and at length becomes firmly cemented to some permanent point of attachment. The author states his yiews as to the morphological and physio- logical relations of the larval zooid. He believes that all the pecu- liar independently organized zooids developed from the whole or from a part of the segmented yolk in the Echinoderms, and which form no stage in the development of the perfect form of the species, must be regarded as assimilative extensions of sarcode, analogous in function to the embryonic absorbent appendages in the higher animals. T'or such an organism the term ‘‘ pseudembryo”’ is pro- posed. In the Echinoderm subkingdom, although constructed apparently upon a common plan, these pseudembryos present con- PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. 993 siderable range of organization, from a somewhat complex zooid provided with elaborate natatory fringes, with a system of vessels which are ultimately connected with the ambulacral vascular system of the embryo, with a well-developed digestive tract, and in some instances with special nervous ganglia, to a simple layer of absorbent and irritable sarcode which invests the nascent embryo. The pseud- embryo of Comaéu/a holds an intermediate position. It resembles very closely in external form and in subsequent metamorphosis the “pupa stage’ of the Holuthuride, the great distinction between them being that in the Holothuridz the pupa has already passed through the more active ‘‘ Auricularian’’ stage, while the analogous form in Comatula has been developed directly from the egg. West Kent Naturan History anp MIcROscoPicaAL SOCIETY. February 18th, 1863. List of Officers. President.—¥rederick Currey, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., Sec.L.8. Vice-Presidents.—John Penn, Esq., F.R.S.; John I. South, Esq., F.R.C.S.; and James Glaisher, Esq., F.R.S., F.R.A.S. Treasurer.—lH1. G. Noyes, Esq., M.D. Lond., M.R.C.P.L. Hon. Secretaries.—Messrs. E. Clift and W. Groves. Council—_W. H. Brown, Esq., F.R.C.S.; M. Corder, Esq. ; William Groves, Esq.; W.G. Lemon, Esq., B.A.; Rev. R. H. Mar- ten, B.A.; Flaxman Spurrell, Esq., F.2.C.S.: John Standring, Esq. ; George Sweet, Esq.; James Taylor, Esq.; William Walton, Esq. ; J. Jenner Weir, Esq.; Rev. J. G. Wood. REporT FOR THE YEAR 1862. Read at the Annual Meeting, February 18th, 1863. Freperick Currey, Esq., President, in the Chair. The council of the West Kent Natural History and Microscopical Society have the gratification of informing the members that the prosperity of the society, both in respect to numbers and finances, on which they felt they might justly congratulate them at the last general meeting, still continues toattend it. They have indeed to regret the loss of three of the former members, who have been re- moved by death, and the withdrawal of five others, whilst twenty- four new members have been admitted. And the council are re- joiced to see, in the lengthened list of names, a proof of increasing interest in the subjects the study of which the society seeks to promote. 224 PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. The meetings during the past year have been well attended, and several of them have been rendered extremely instructive by the exhibition of various rare and novel objects connected with natural history or microscopical research. A paper was read in October by James Glaisher, Esq.; one of the Vice-Presidents, and a very crowded meeting, at which many ladies were present, listened to him with much pleasure as he detailed the particulars of his late balloon ascents, made at the suggestion of the British Association, and conveyed to his hearers, in a pleasing and popular form, and by the aid of excellent diagrams, the scientific results obtained by his aérial voyages. B. Basidiolum fimbriatum, 74. Beale, Lionel, ‘On the Anatomy of Nerve-fibres and Cells,’ &¢., ab- stract and remarks on, by G. V. Ciaccio, 97. a on nerve-fibres in voluntary muscle, 308. as on the structure of nerve-cells in frogs, 302. Biforines, 246. Blake, James, on infusoria in moy- ing sand, 204. Blood-corpuscles, W. Roberts on the action of tannin and magenta upon the, 170. British Association for the Advance- ment of Science, 310. Brothers, Mr., on the cilia of Medi- certa ringens, 213. Busk, G., note on Dr. Wallich’s “microscopic jaw,” 38. C. Callidina, on the genus, by Henry Giglioli, 237. Callidina bidens, 238. » constricta, 238. » elegans, 237. » parasitica, 238. Campylodiscus undulatus, 229. Carpenter, W., ‘The Microscope,’ &e., notice of, 72. Carter, H. J., note on the colouring matter of the Red Sea, 179. Chambers, Dr. T. K., “On Mucus aud Pus,” in ‘Lumleian Lectures,’ notice of, 294. Ciaccio, G. V., remarks on Dr. Beale’s ‘ Observations on the Ana- tomy of Nerve-fibres and Cells, and on the ultimate distribution of Nerve-fibres,’ 97. Clarke, J. Lockhart, on the develop- ment of striped muscular fibre in man, mammalia, and birds, 1. Clava nodosa, 'T. 8. W., n. sp., 49. Cohn, F., on the contractile fila- ments of the Cynarez, 186. Colouring matter of flowers, note on the seat of, 78. Comatula rosacea, Prof. Wyville- Thomson on the embryogeny of, 221. Coscinodiscus griseus, 230. bs scintillans, 230. Crustacea, note on the occurrence of parasitic sacs on, 73. Curtis, Fred., on the improvement of the compound microscope, 204. Cynaree, F’. Cohn on the contractile filaments of the, 186. Cystolithes, 245. BD: Dale, J. G., on the preparation of crystallized films of picrate of aniline, 210. 316 Davies, Thomas, the photography of magnified objects by polarized light, 201. Davison, J., cell for viewing Ento- mostraca, 137. ge on Kelner’s orthoscopic eye-piece, 79. Desmide, Indian, notes on, by Julian Hobson, 168. Diatomacez, Max Schultze on the structure of the valve in the, 120. Pe Charles Stodder on the structure of the valve of the, 214. Diatoms, descriptions of new and rare, by Dr. R. K. Greville, 227. a note on the terms used in the description of, 73. Docidium, 169. » pristide, n.sp., 169. Dry-mounting entomological objects, by T. 8. Ralph, 301. Duflin, A. B., M.D., some account of protoplasm, and the part it plays, 251]. E. Eberth, Prof., on a new parasite in the muscles of the frog, 205. Echinorhynchus, Rud. Leuckart on the development of, 56. Entogonia, n. g., Grev., 235. is Abercrombieana,n.sp., 235. 4 amabilis, n. sp., 236. 5 approximata, 1. sp., 236. a conspicua, N. sp., 236. », Davyana, n. sp., 236. a gratiosa, n. sp., 235. » marginata, n. sp., 236. RN inopinata, Nn. sp., 235. » pulcherrima,n. sp., 236. » punctulata, n. sp., 237. Bs variegata,n. sp., 236. venulosa, Nn. sp., 236. Entomostraca, Ji. Davison on a cell for viewing, 137 Eolide, T. 8S. Wright on the urti- cating filaments of the, 52. Eye-piece, Kelner’s orthoscopic, J. Davison on, 79. FE. Flowers, on the seat of the colour- ing matter in, 78. Focal length of objectives, R. INDEX TO JOURNAL. Nicholls, note on a plan for find- ing, 75. Foraminifera found in the Montreal deposit, list of the, 211. G. Gammarus Pulex, 240. Giglioli, Henry, on the genus Calli- dina, with description of a new species, 237. Grammatophora Moronenis, 229. Gregarinide, E. Ray Lankester on our present knowledge of the, 83. Greville, Dr. R. K., on new and rare diatoms, 227. Guyon, Geo., ona simple trough for zoophytes, 201. H. Hendry, W., on the nerve-cells of the spinal cord in the ox, 41. Hicks, J. Braxton, note on vegeta- ble ameeboid bodies, 137. Hobson, Julian, notes on Indian Desmidez, 168. Hoffmeister, W., ‘On the Germina- nation, &c., of the Higher Cryp- togamia,’ review of, 66. Hydractinia echinata, T. S. Wright on the development of Pycnogon- larvee within the polyps of, 51. Hull Micro-philosophical Society, report of the, 218. [- Illumination, coloured, by Dr. Mad- dox, 300 Infusoria, experiments on the forma- tion of, in boiled solutions of or- ganic matter, by Jeffries Wyman, 109. a in moving sand, 204. J. “ Jaw, microscopic,” G. Busk on Dr. Wallich’s, 38. K. Keferstein, Prof., Sagitta, notice of, 134. INDEX TO JOURNAL. L. Lankester, Edwin, M.D., notes on Raphides, 243. Lankester, E. Ray, on our present knowledge of the Gregarinide, with descriptions of three new species, 83. Laomedea decipiens, T. 8. W., n. sp., 49. Lawson, Henry, M.D., ‘ Manual of Physiology,’ notice of, 290. on the general ana- tomy, histology, and physiology of Limax maximus, 10. Leuckart, Rud., on the development of Eehinorhynchus, 56 ‘Life in the Atmosphere,’ by James Samuelson, 310. Light, some remarks, on by B. S. Proctor, 151. Limax maximus, H. Lawson on the general anatomy, histology, and physiology of, 10. Iucernaria, on the genus, by O. F. Miiller, 265. Lucernaria auricula, 282. 5 campanulata, 265, 283. - cyathiformis, 283. = octoradiata, 265, 283. S quadricornis, 282. stellifrons, 284. Lumbricus ter restris, J. Rorie on the anatomy of the nervous system in, 106. Lynde, J. G., on the action of ma- genta upon vegetable tissue, 146. M. Maddox, R. V., on coloured illumi- nation, 300. Magenta, J. G. Lynde on the action of, upon vegetable tissue, 146. agenta and tannin, action of, upon blood-corpuscles, 170. Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society, Microscopical section, proceedings of, Oct. 20th, 1862, 80. = Nov. 17th, 1862, 82. F Dees? 5th. wdj0° 14a Jan. 19th, 1863, 143. Mg Feb. 16th, ,, 145. , Mar. 16th, ,, 210. x Apr. 20th, ,, 213. 317 Mecznikow, Elias, on the nature of the Vorticella-stems, 285. Melicerta ringens, on the cilia of, 213. Micrasterias, 169. 43 Muhabuleshwarensis, n. sp., Hobs., 169. Microscope, F. Curtis on the im- provement of the compound, 204. Microscopical Society of London, proceedings of, Oct. 8th, 1862, 80. “3 Nov. 12th, m "80. be Dec. 10th, .,, 80. Jan. 14th, 1863,140. » anniversary, Feb. 11th, 1863, 140. a Mar. Ist, 1863, 141. 55 Apr: Sth, 7/206: 3 May 138th, ,, 207. es JunelOth, ,, 207. 4 list of presentations to the, 208. Micro-stereographs, F. H. Wenham on the production of, 77. Mucus and pus, by Dr. "T. K. Cham- bers, 294. Miller, O. F., on the genus Lucer- naria, 965. Muscular fibre in man, mammalia, and birds, J. Lockhart Clarke on the development of, 1. N. Nematoda, A. Schneider on the nervous system of the, 197. Nerve-cells of the cord, W. Hendry, on the, 41. Nerve-cells of the frog, on the struc- ture of, by Lionel Beale, M.B., 302. Nerve-fibres and cells, L. Beale on the anatomy of, 97. Nerve-fibres in muscles, by Lionel Beale, M.B., 308. Nevill, Mr., list of Foraminifera shells found in the Montreal de- posit, 211. Nichols, R., plan for finding the focal length of objectives, 75. Nitzschia Epsilon, 227. O. Objects, microscopic, note by B. 8. Proctor on a simple mounting for any, 74. 318 INDEX TO JOURNAL. P: Pagenstecher, H. A., on the anatomy of Sagitta, 192. Parasites in the blood of the edible turtle, note on, 73. Photography of magnified objects by | polarized light, 201. Picrate of aniline, on the prepara- tion of erystallized films of, 210. Polarized light, on the photography of magnified objects by, 201. ‘Popular Physiology,’ 290. Proctor, B. S., note on a simple mounting for any microscopic ob- jects, 74. 5 some remarks upon light, 151. Protoplasm, some account of, by A. B. Duffin, M.D., 251. Pyenogon-larve within the polyps of Hydractinia echinata, T. S. Wright on the development of, | 51. R. Ralph, T.S., on dry-mounting ob- jects, 301. Raphides, notes on, by Edwin Lan- kester, M.D., 243. Red Sea, H. J. Carter on the colour- | ing matter of the, 179. Roberts, W., on peculiar appearances exhibited by blood-corpuscles under the influence of solutions of magenta and tannin, 170. _ Rorie, James, on the anatomy of the nervous system in Lumbricus | terrestris, 106. Royal Society proceedings of, May | 7th, 302. - June 5th, 308. Rutilaria elliptica, n. sp., Grev., 229. » Epsilon, n. sp., Grev., 228. » ventricosa,n.sp., Grev., 228. S. Sagitta, Prof. Keferstein on, notice of, 184. 3 on the anatomy of, 192. H. A. Pagenstecher, notes | Samuelson, James, on life in the atmosphere, 310. | Schneider, Anton., on the nervous system of the Nematoda, 197. Schultze, Max, on the structure of the valve in the Diatomaces, as compared with certain siliceous pellicles produced artificially, 120. Shea, John, M.D., ‘ Manual of Phy- siology,’ notice of, 290. Southampton Microscopical Society, annual soirée of the, 148. Stodder, Charles, on the structure of the valve of the Diatomacez, 214. Sunlight illumination of diatoms, 299. Ts Tannin and magenta, action of, upon blood-corpuscles, 170. | Thomson, Wyville, Prof., on the em- bryogeny of Comatula rosacea, 221. | Triceratium cinnamomeum, Nn. Sp., Grev., 232. 3 constans, n. sp., Grev., 933: 5 denticulatum, N. Sp. | Grev., 233. ear tar n. sp., Grev., 2. 53 inflatum, n. sp., Grev., 232. z lineolatum, n. sp., Grev., lobatum, un. sp., Grev., . . | 233. | es Normanianum, n. sp. Grev., 234. | te prominens, n. sp., Grey., | 231 f Robertsianum, n. sp. Grev., 231. 35 subcapitatum, Nn. sp. | Grev., 234. | ey tumidum, n. sp., Grev., 234. | Trichodesmium Ehrenbergii, n. sp., | Grev., 180. Trychydra pudica, T. 8. W., un. sp., 50. Turtle, note respecting parasites found in the blood of the edible, 73. INDEX TO JOURNAL. U. Urticating filaments of the Kolide, T. S. Wright on the, 52. We Vorticlaca proteus, T. S. W., n. sp., 50. Vorticella-stem, on the nature of, by Elias Meczuikow, 285. W. Wenham, F. H., on the production of micro- stereographs, (7s ss on sunlight illumi- | nation of diatoms, 300. 319 West Kent Natural History and Mi- croscopical Society, report of, for 1862, 223. rules of the, 224. | wright, ds Strethill, observations on British zoophytes, 45. on the urticating filaments of the Eolide, 52. Wyman, Jeffries, experiments on the formation of infusoria in boiled solutions of organic matter, &c., 109. Z. Zoophytes, British, T. Strethill Wright, observations on, 45. G. Guyon on a simple trough for, 201. PRINTED BY J. E. ADLARD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. ovules Ww) 10 arsine eh oldu ; ips Pa‘ Aduly'tt rn saa dub Fe cw) nay | hy ajanrncall nt Hoh Auta tf en At We #. ,. wedondy a a m1 mitt jie Ya ray j wher a, gh are Piel ly, is ~ AAS fas ae ies Lies r wa ide Pal YS 5. AA I es ony Pip 7 : . gweer, Bev e eXy ee, rscatict cc ii WM Silt 7 ap ~ vat Dea akan Ie maiaubir “ih add an bi My mC eee esrcrkay ae Aah + y ae 1A tanto ~] sia eR. ar 4 ie le tyhgilinsie in ‘eo Pins eh “OS vn Ae a hiea By OE dmounib ay "ry f ae 7 “= a 7 ; 7 he i* yt acelin a 2 j Ay ~e: Si te } a a ‘ 3 ' 7s ig vii J 3 raaewie Page Ey Ronde 4 nal! . \ one hie 7 =] r , 1 >? i) Aa WE ale ; My a Tag “ - 2 aa ft ‘F< Aang ae . 1 - a — 2 Ce ee or Se % > ia ay _ a oe i " , ha a, =. ie 2a we . eee: fz an OS » a | . a - goss WR Cape ett a > o- 24% POP es. ie = ~~ wri isgeteenis ~At 2 eo * ==) . ger? om nQwaiiEsss JL Clarke, ad mot del JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE I, Illustrating Mr. J. Lockhart Clarke’s paper on the Develop- ment of Striped Muscular Fibre in Man, Mammalia, and Birds. Fig. 18.—Muscular and nerve-fibres from the trunk of a human feetus of six weeks: @ are two fibres from the thigh in process of formation, magnified 670 diameters. In the lower one two oval nuclei are united by granular processes proceeding from one of their ends ; similar processes extend from their other ends; along one side of the nuclei and processes a thick fibre or lateral band is laid down ; in the upper fibre a border is formed on both sides, but. is much finer on one side. 4 Is another fibre from the same region, magnified 900 diameters ; it is in different. states of development at different parts, and is an object of great interest. On one side of the nucleus, at c, there are two distinct but smooth borders,and between these the surface of the fibre, as well as of the nucleus, shows indications of longitudinal, but simple or unresolved, fibrille. On the opposite side of the nucleus, at d, the lower border or band, as well as one of the fibrillee on the surface, has already become resolved into sarcous elements, but the wpper bor- der, except near the nucleus, has not yet been laid down, and the edge of the fibre is somewhat ragged, with granular blastema, which may be also seen between and beneath the fibrille and sarcous elements deposited upon it. e Are four delicate nerve- fibres from the same region of the same fetus. 19.—Muscular fibres and free nuclei from the leg of a human fcetus of two months, magnified 420 diameters. 20.—Fibres from the same, magnified 670 diameters: a is a striated fibre, consisting of at least two fibrille; along one of its sides a nucleus and a layer of blastema have been laid, upon which new fibrille are to be laid down. J& Is another fibre, in which the two fibrillee composing it are more distinctly seen; nuclei with granular pro- cesses are seen along its edge; at ¢ part of the lateral bands have become resolved into sarcous elements. 21.—Represents muscular fibres and free nuclei from the ventricles of the heart of a human fetus 2 inch long, magnified 420 dia- meters: a, free nuclei of different kinds; 4, nuclei zm situ, with granular processes and fibres; c, different kinds of fibres; d, a fibrilla with fine branches resolved into sarcous elements; e, fibres collected into a bundle; at fthe striations are seen. PLATE I—(continued). Fig. 22.—Muscular fibres from the back and leg of a luman feetus, between the second and third month: @,a fibre in which the investing sarcous- substance has been formed more thickly on one side than on others. By this unequal growth the nuclei are left near the surface at dif- ferent parts of the fibre. J. A fibre undergoing contraction, and becoming more cylindrical and of more uniform structure ; on one of its sides are two nuclei joined by granular process, for the de- velopment of a new fibre; magnified 420 diameters. ¢, d, ef. Smaller fibres from the thigh, maguified 670 diameters; at e the transverse strie are very strongly marked; in the others are seen numerous large and dark granules. g Is a larger fibre from the same locality, magnified 670 diameters. 4. A small fibre from the same, in the first stage of formation; two nuclei are joined end- wise by a delicate granular substance, and give off tapering pro- longations of the same delicate substance from their opposite ends ; along one side of the wholea band or fibre has been formed ; magnified 420 diameters. 7. Another fibre from the same; at its lower part the lateral band or investing substance has increased in thickness, so that the axis is nearly obliterated, aud the fibre is of nearly uniform structure; the striations are also strongly marked. j. Two other fibres lying side by side; the larger has thick, lateral bands, divided into fine transverse striae, with a dis- tinct axis, which resembles the other younger fibre at its side; by altering the focus the whole surface of the fibre was found to be striated, as in the large fibre (g) in this figure, so that the axis is invested by a tube of striated substance. 23.—Muscular fibres fram a human fcetus of four months. 24.—Nucleated fibres of the tendon of a muscle of an arm of a human feetus two months: 4, as they are arranged 7 sifu; a, separated, and more highly magnified. , ey ie ei Sh rAd. ‘“ / 4 vet , ry vi a f } uJ vo al PACES iy ‘oe he TAP ms oF ; “ 5 Mor Sow VtLll MS GUL Wh Whe tl i 7 / / LY rrr Lik fe My f 4 rt j eff y/ Hf AVAOT « ss i) @ 1d. nat.de_ E JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES II AND III, Tllustrating Dr. H. Lawson’s paper on the General Anatomy, Histology, and Physiology of Limax maximus (M.-Tand.). PLATE IL. Fig. 1.—Complete reproductive system of a fully formed specimen. 0, ovary; ov, oviduct; A, albumen gland; v, uterus; 1, testis; v, vagina; ve, vas deferens and penis; 8s, sperm-sac; D, duct of ditto; 5, egg-sac; ©, cloacal glands. 2.—Vertical section of cloaca, showing peculiar music-note-like glands. 3.—Cluster of ovarian lobules, as seen under compressorium. 4.—Compound, leaf-shaped follicle of testis, much enlarged. 5.—Sectional plan, of relations of heart, lungs, and viscera. 4, heart; Pg, pericardial gland; p, pericardium; ss, shell-sac; 1, lung; § T, sub-thoracic visceral clamber; F, foot. 6.—Diagram of circulation. 4H, heart; A, aorta; vi, visceral chamber ; LV, great lateral vein and branches; 1, lung; P, pericardial gland ; S, sinus, which plays the part of auricle. PLATE III. 1.—Entire digestive apparatus of a fully-developed individual. 4, head; s, salivary gland; G, gullet; st, stomach; 1, liver; 1, intestine; R, rectum. 2.—A lobule of the liver, highly magnified, showing gradual conversion of the duct into the fibrous septa. 3.—Lobules of salivary gland, with circular contained endoplasts. 4,.—Strata of muscular tissue from gullet, x 250, exhibiting intermingled elastic fibres. 5.—Roughened or spinous membrane of tongue. 1, single spine seen laterally. 6.—Semi-schematic, vertico-longitudinal section of head. 0, oral orifice ; T, tongue; P, pharynx; G, gullet. 7.—Ganglionic endoplasts, much increased. 8.—Whole nervous system, enormously enlarged. , first circle; 8, second; C, third; P P, great pedal nerves ; ph, pharyngeal ganglia ; Sg, supra-cesophageal, and 1g, infra-cesophageal, ganglia. 9,—Diagrammatic view of the relations of tentacular muscles. st, supe- rior tentacle; 1t, inferior ditto; ot, organ of taste (?); B, basal muscle; P, posterior ditto; a, anterior ditto; s, half of second pair of nerves; F, half of first ditto. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES IV, V, & VI, Illustrating Dr. T. Strethill Wright’s paper on British Zoophytes. PLATE IV. ~ Aiquorea vitrina. ig. 1.—Planula, directly after leaving the ovary. 2.—Same, a week old. 3.—Same, after having fixed itself to the tank and developed its sclero- derm. (Planula now become a polypary.) 4,—Polypary putting forth a polyp-bud. 5.—Same, with young polyp. 6.—Empty polyp-cell. Atractylis arenosa. 7.—Polyp-stalk, with two opposite ovaries, the scleroderm covered by transparent colletoderm. 8.—Ovary, with colletoderm and scleroderm removed, showing layer of ova packed between endoderm and ectoderm. 9.—Advanced stage of ovary: a, ruptured scleroderm; 4, ectoderm; ec, endoderm ; d, secreted cap ot “ colline.” 10.—Ovary ruptured, ova extruded into the cap of colline or zest. (The letters correspoud to those of fig. 9.) PLATE V. Vorticlava Proteus. 1.—V. Proteus contracted. 2, 3, 4, 5.—Same, in different states of extension and form. 6.—Diagram of the tissues of the polyp of VY. Proteus: a, colletoderm at- tached to subtentacular ridge, 4; ¢, ectoderm; d, endoderm. Acharadria larynz, 7.—Polypary, with two polyps. 8.—Immature polyp. Laomedea decipiens. 9.—Empty cell, showing the double appearance of its border. PLATE VI. Trichydra pudica. 1.—Polyp extended, showing the lax habit of the body and tentacles. 2.—Polyp withdrawing itself when disturbed. 3.—Young polyp, with only four tentacles. 4.—Polyp within its tube. 5.—Empty tube. 6.—Supposed Medusoid of Trichydra pudica. McrIourv VALENS, PAW. T Strethill Wright, delt W.H.M! Farlane, Lith™ Edin* Mucor SourwVo lu NS PLV . ] A i. rs | . T. Strethill Weaght, del* WH. M¢ Farlane, Lith® Edint ‘ Gly, é Ny, > = — EEE | W.H.MS Farlane, Lith? Edin* T. Strethill Wright, del L a ad -¢ Nucor Snun. Vali NS GL E RB.L.ad naf.del. E.M Williams, sc. - W. West, imp. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VII, Illustrating E. Ray Lankester’s paper on our Present Know- ledge of the Gregarinide. Fig. 1.—Uonocystis Aphrodite, mihi, from the intestine of Aphrodite aculeata. Length 3; inch. 2.—Proboscis of WM. Aphrodite. a, External membrane; 4, internal membrane. 3.—Variety of IZ. Aphrodite. Length 3 inch. 4.—Monocystis Serpule, mibi, from Serpula contortuplicata. Length Toh inch. 5.—M. Serpule, with prolongation of membrane. Length 9 inch. 6.—Two individuals of WM. Serpule, closely attached, as in Stein’s genus Zygocystis. Length 735 inch. 7.—Young individual of WZ. Serpule. Length 79 inch. 8.—Vesicle of M. Aphrodite. 9.—Vesicle of I. Serpule. 10, 11. 12.—Varieties of Gregarina Blattarum. Length % inch. 13.—Vesicle of G. Blattarum. 14.—Probable young (?) of G. Blattarum. 15, 16.—M, Sabelle, from Sabella (Amphitrite) infundibula. Length Ta0 inch. 17.—Encysted G.'Blattarum. 18, 19.—G@. Blattarum attached one to another. 20.—G. Blattarum, showing striated internal tunic. 21, 22, 23, 24.—Stages in encystation of Monocystis Lumbrici. Diameter of cyst qos Inch. 25.—Ordinary form of Monocystis Zumbrict. Length 75 inch. 26.—M. Lumbrici, variety with fringed envelope. Length 3); inch. 27.—Smaller form of same. Length 5 inch. 28.—M. eee, with envelope composed of conical cells, 34; inch in ength. 29, 30, 31.—Pseudo-Navicule after their escape from the cyst, in various stages of change. Juength y455 inch. 32, 33.—Pseudo-Navicul, Psorosperms, or spindelzells, from cyst of I. LIumbricit. Length p55 inch. 34.—Nematode of Lumbricus escaping from the egg. 35.—Corpuscle from testis of IM. Lumbrici, probably young of Monocystis. Diameter yos5 inch. 36.—Ameebiform corpuscle from the perivisceral fluid of Lumbricus. Diameter yg5 inch. 37.—M. Lunbrici, with fringed envelope. Length 3}; inch. 38.—WM. Lumérici, containing nucleated granules. Length ¢ inch. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VIII, A. Illustrating Dr. Rorie’s paper on the Nervous System of Lumbricus terrestris. Fig. 1.—Ganglion from ventral chain of worm. 2.—Nerve-cells of sub-cesophageal ganglion. 3.—Ditto of supra-cesophageal ganglion. 4.—Ditto of one of the ganglia‘of Mytilus, B. Illustrating Prof. Max. Schultze’s paper on the Structure of the Valve in the Diatomacez. Fig. 1 (1).—A siliceous vesicle produced by the slow decomposition of fluo- silicic acid gas in a moist atmosphere. X 300 diam. 2.—Section of a vesicle, showing the elevations on the surface. 3 (4).—A diagrammatic figure to represent the laminated structure of the elevations of the wall of the vesicle. 4, (5).—The moniliform arrangement of the siliceous particles of which the wall of the vesicle is constituted. 5 (12).—A portion of the surface of a siliceous pellicle, with acuminate elevations, hexagonal at the base. 6 (14).—To show the mode in which, by an alteration of the focus, the appearance of the elevations alters, owing to their laminated structure. 6a (14a).—A side view of the same. 7 (15).—The surface of a thin pellicle, not quite in focus. 8 (16).—The surface of a pellicle, strongly resembling that of a diatom. 9 (17).—The same, viewed on the side, and showing the dots to correspond to elevations. 10 (19).—The surface of a pellicle covered with irregular-sized elevations. 11 (21).—The appearance of Plewrosigma angulatum photographed through one of Hartnack’s immersion-lenses, No. 10. W. West sump E_M.Williams,sc. J CM WS FOL. ( So ¢ t Micr 4 LV rf WU I I ttl {I \ i in? W.H.M® Farlane Lith? Ra 00000 0°? PPPODDORRUDERDRDOD DEDIEIILD ewer Prbie x J R.K Greville, del - F Huth, eng * JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES IX & X, Illustrating Dr. Greville’s paper on New Diatoms. Series X. Fig. 1.—Rutilaria Epsilon, front view. 2— ,, ventricosd, 5, 3— 4, elliptica, A 4.—Campylodiscus undulatus. 5.—Grammatophora Moronensis. 6.—Coscinodiscus scintillans. 7.— 5 griseus. 8.—Asterolampra Morouensis. 9.—Triceratium Robertsianum. 10.— - prominens. 11.— AE disciforme. 12.— a clunumomeum. 13.— 3 lobatum. 14,.— oS denticulatum. 15.— ae inflatum. 16.— FS lineolutum. 17.— a constais. 18.— Pe tumidum. 4 19.— a3 Normanianum. 20.— 45 subcapitatum. 21.—Entogonia amabilis. 22.— 35 venulosa. 23,— 5 conspicua. 24.— re punctulata. All the figures are x 400 diameters. CORRIGENDUM.—SERIES IX. I have committed an error in referring the diatom I have called Awlaco- discus ? paradoxus to that genus. It is certainly an Omphalopelta. The large, distinct granules, resembling so closely those of various Aulacodisci, and the sort of line leading to the processes (not brought out by the engraver) led me at first to doubt its true position. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI, Illustrating Henry Giglioli’s paper on the genus Callidina (Ehren.), with a Description and Anatomy of a New Species. The letters have the same signification : a, Trochal dise; 4, mouth; c¢, pharynx; d, mastax; e, esophagus; /, sto- mach ; g, intestine ; A, cloaca; z, anus; j, ovary; &, cellular mass sur- rounding the intestine; J/, contractile vesicle; m, water-vessels; nm, calcar; 0, ganglion (?); p, vacuolar thickenings; Q, head; &, body; S, tail; ¢, claspers; w, suckers. Fig. 1.—Dorsal aspect of C. parasitica, with the trochal disc retracted. 2.—Ventral aspect of C. parasitica, the trochal disc being expanded, 3.—Alimentary canal of C. parasitica, greatly magnified. 4.—C. parasitica attached by its suckers to part of an appendage of G. pulex ; it is retracted, and shows the corrugations of the integu- ment. 5.—Calcar, much enlarged. 6.—Ovum, recently deposited. 7.—Camera-lucida drawing of two ova attached to part of a thoracic appendage of G. pulex ; they are magnified 210 diameters. §.—Caudal appendages (from a camera-lucida drawing), highly magnified. 9.—Portion of ovary, greatly magnified, showing the germinal vesicles and spots. urn VAlEe 5G 4, € le | W.E.M! Farlane, Litht Edin oo 2,0 0.0 9.000000 0 0 Boo RAE. Greville, delt-F Huth, enft WAL 7 cu ¢ HL N.S. LL G) UY DN L SI; Mu SSS . be a at x = & : If ile YEE: Is Tithe. : _) | 4 aT Y st Lith We "A VV HGiglioli del.ad viv. ar < ian sce > = oT SPUN i eal Vcr doen Vat ay a] id ee LHL EE IM iia eS eee eet GDS SOF 9G 3 (OS ee —— wat Nee ANNA Gs = 2 ‘SaamanessW0¢ = Sram cop» f Be 2) ye *~SSS ——= So ease carl RSE Se ©¢ ~ Sy = S55 s % S a \ ‘ eve ) d * @ Co eee eae Be ; ie CRP 12) ops ©7 (> = S 5 Oo Hera « 5 ee, 2 df ‘ le ~ 4 - ee — : mee SES JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI, Illustratmg Mr. J. Lockhart Clarke’s paper on the Development of Striped Muscular Fibre in Man, Mammalia, and Birds. Fig. 1.—Free nuclei and granules from the muscular tissue of the trunk of the domes- tic fowl at the end of the fifth day of incubation, magnified 900 diameters : a, granules of different sizes; 4, smaller nuclei; c, larger nuclei. 2.—Larger nucleated cells belonging to the integument, and surrounded by nuclei, magnified 420 diameters. 3.—Free nuclei and nuclear fibres from the same source, magnified 670 diameters. 4,—Fibres in the first stage of development at the same period, magnified 420 diameters: a, 6, c, muscular fibres formed by a series of nuclei, cemented together by acondensed blastema; d, a single nucleus, with a granular pro- cess, and a fine fibre or fibrilla bounding one side; e, a nucleus with one granular process ; f, fibres of another kind, apparently belonging to ten- dinous or aponeurotic tissue. 5.—Muscular fibres from the anterior extremity of the chick four hours before the end of the sixth day of incubation, magnified 670 diameters: a, 4, nuclei cemented together by thin, long, granular processes; c, a series of nuclei slightly overlapping each other below, and cemented by a column of con- densed blastema. This arrangement is only a repetition of that seen at 4, the processes having coalesced to form the column. d. A fibre formed by the coalesence of fusiform granular masses, collected round each nucleus. At its upper part the fibre has become plain and straight. 6.—Fibres from the muscular tissue at the end of the sixth day of incubation, magnified 420 diameters: a appears to be a tendinous fibre. 7.—Muscular fibres and nuclear fusiform bodies from the heart of a chick at the ninety-second hour of incubation, magnified 420 diameters: 4, fibres arranged in abundle; e, c, bodies belonging to tendon. 8.—Fibrillation of the blastema between the nuclei, with larger fibres in the mus- cular tissue, of the chick, on the fifth and sixth days of incubation, magnified 500 diameters. 9.—Muscular fibres in process of formation, ten hours before the completion of the seventh day of incubation, magnified 420 diameters. At @ several small fibres are seen to enclose nuclei and unite at their extremities; at 4, 3, other small fibres have formed on a mass of condensed blastema, and be- come encrusted with nuclei; ¢ shows a number of communicating fibres, with nuclei and condensed blastema between them; d, d, 4, portions of similar masses contracted into the form of cells; e, e, two fusiform fibres, having the appearance of cells; g, branched fibres, forming an expansion of condensed blastema with nuclei. 10.—a, 6. Fibres developed in the blastema, in contact with nuclei; ¢, striated fibre under similar conditions, six days and fourteen hours of incubation, magnified 420 diameters. 11.—Muscular fibres of the chick, in different states of development, at the end of the twelfth day of incubation, magnified 420 diameters: d, e, fibres in the first stage; 4, two nerve-fibres from a nerve of the leg. 12.—Same kind of fibres from the chick at the end of the thirteenth day of incu- bation, magnified 420 diameters. PLATE X1—(continued). Fig. 13.—Muscular and nerve-fibres from leg of chick on the fifteenth day of ineuba- tion: a, a large muscular fibre ; its upper and lower parts represent the different states of the fibrille in different fibres or in different parts of the same fibre; two nuclei are cemented to its side by a layer of blastema. &. A smaller muscular fibre, with the fibrillae here and there divided into sarcous elements ; numerous nuclei are attached alternately round its sur- face. c. Three nerve-fibres from the leg. 14.—Muscular fibres and nuclei from the back of a foetal sheep # inch in length, maguified 420 diameters: @ represents the appearance of the fibres and nuclei in their normal position; 4 are finer fibres connected with nuclei and with the thicker fibres, as atc. d Is one of the thicker fibres, isolated from the rest; it is formed along the sides, or rather by the coalesced ends of a series of pyriform, imbricate nuclei; a branch of the fibre is formed along the surface of the uppermost nucleus. d, e, fg, f, t, 7, 7, Are other fibres of the same kind, formed along masses of blastema variously connected with nuclei. 15.—Part of a large muscular fibre from the trunk of a foetal sheep two inches in length, magnified 420 diameters: the axis enclosed by the lateral bands contains numerous nuclei, and a delicate, granular blastema. 16.—Muscular fibres, in different states of development, from the leg of a foetal ox five inches long, magnified 420 diameters: the period of utero-gestation appeared to be nearly the same as in the case of the foetal sheep two inches long. a. A small fibre in an early state of development; the nuclei, which occur in pairs, appear to be undergoing division. 4. A broader fibre, with nuclei bulging the surface, but of uniform structure, without lateral bands ; ec, another of a larger kind, with distinct axis and lateral bands; d, several small fibres closely applied to each other to forma bundle. Ate one end of a fibre has a granular axis, with large, nearly round nuclei, and distinct lateral bands; in the middle the fibre is much narrower and uniform in structure, like those at @ and 4, with much smaller and oval nuclei; at its other end the fibre again becomes broader, but retains the same uniform structure ; the nuclei are still oval, but much larger, and cause the fibre to bulge. / Is another fibre, presenting two different states of development ; at its lower part it is broader, and consists of distinct lateral borders, with granular axis and nuclei; its upper part, after having assumed a uniform structure with the nuclei at the surface, has become resolved into fibrille. g Is a fibre in which the border is much stronger on one side; 4, ¢, are two delicate fibres with scarcely any traces of lateral bands, and resembling the axes of larger fibres, possessing broad lateral bands; 7 is a large fibre, in which the constriction and change of structure have begun in the middle (j’); at each end there are distinct lateral bands, and a granular axis with nuclei; in the middle (7) the fibre has become narrower and assumed a uniform structure throughout its thickness, with the nuclei at the surface ; & is a large fibre, with thick lateral bands; its axis resembles the fibres ¢ and 4, without bands. 17.—Transverse sections of muscular fibres from the leg of a fcetal sheep two inches long: at a a nucleus is nearly in the centre; at 4 it is on one side; at dand ¢ the granular axis is seen to be surrounded by the investing sub- stance, which is ultimately resolved into fibrille. = a es P. ‘a Me". we } % 4 Boi More Sour Voli N SAX. Keter stein , del W. West, Lath. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII, Illustrating Dr. Keferstein’s paper on the genus Lucernaria. Fig. 1.—Lucernaria octoradiata, Liam. st. The stem. ¢. Tentacles. p. Marginal papille. p’. Collection of thread-cells. n. Collections of thread-cells in natatory-sac. o. Oral tube. r. Four lines of connection between the outer and inner mem- branes of the disc. 7’. The marginal space by which the different radial cavities com- municate. g. Reproductive organs. m. Longitudinal muscles in the stem. m’. Radial muscles in the natatory sac. m’’, Circular ditto. 2.—Transverse section of the bell of Z. octoradiata, carried parallel to the border. c. Gelatinous disc: a, external, 2, internal, formative membranes ; z, intermediate substance, with numerous fine fibrille. s. Natatory sac: g, sexual organs; 7, lines of connection between the outer and inner membranes. R. Radial canals. 3.—Radial section of the bell of ZL. octoradiata through the middle of a radial canal (rR). Letters as before. 4.—L. campanulata, Lamx., divided by a radial section at about half the height of the bell. o. Oral tube. v. Stomach. s. Point of attachment of the angle or point of the natatory sac to the gelatinous disc. st. Stem not cut across. e. Orifices between the points, opening into the radial canals. f, Internal oral tentacles. Z. Tentacles. 6. Tubercular swelling at the base of the fine tentacles placed nearest to the arm. Other letters as before. The reproductive organs on the right side have been removed, so as to bring the radial muscular bands clearly into view. 5.—One of the tentacles with a swollen base, viewed laterally. 6.—Tentacle of L. actoradiata. i os L. campanulata. 8.—Thread-cells from the capitulum of the tentacles of L. cumpanulata. PLATE XII (continued). Fig. 9.—Inner membrane lining the natatory sac of LZ. octoradiata. Xx 260 diameters. 10.—Transverse section of the stem of Z. campanulata: a, outer, 7, inner, cellular coat ; z, transversely striated intermediate substance ; 2, the four internal ridges. 11.—Longitudinal section of the same, carried in the direction a B of the foregoing figure ; 4, ceecal hollow in the pedal disc. Other letters as before. 12.—Longitudinal section through the foot, in order to display the cecal hollow more plainly. Letters as before. 13.—Transverse section through the stem of L. octoradiata. h. The four longitudinal channels which replace the central cavity. 14,.—Glandular inversion of the wall of the natatory sac (s) of Z. campanu- lata, indicated at x in fig. 4; x, orifice by which the thread-cells can be expressed. 15.—Thread cells: a, with extended filaments still enclosed in the parent cell. x 260 diameters. 16.—Internal oral tentacles of L. campanulata. 17.—Transverse section of the same, showing the extent of the glandular, thickened part of its wall. 18.—Zoosperms of L. octoradiata. MIC. JOURN., Vou. Ill., N'S., PLATE XIII. Ly Distribution of finest nucleated-Nerve Fibres to the Elementary Muscular Fibres of the Mylo-hyoid Muscle of the little Green Tree Frog (Hyla Artorea), Drawn on the block by the Author, from a specimen magnified 1700 diameters (the first twenty-fifth made by Messrs. Powell & Lealand). The diameter of each muscular fibre corresponds to that of a human red blood-corpuscle. SCALE, of an English Inch eewes X 1700 diameters. pats 10,000 : 1 ES ———— a eee JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIII, Illustrating Lionel S. Beale’s paper in the “ Proceedings ” on Further Observations in favour of the View that Nerve- fibres never end in Voluntary Muscle. Distribution of finest nucleated nerve-fibres to the very narrow elementary muscular fibres of the mylo-hyoid of the little green tree-froy (Hyla arborea), magnified 1700 diameters. Drawn on the block by the author. The elementary muscular fibres are marked g, 4, 7,4. &Isa very young one, slightly stretched; ¢ is a fully formed muscular fibre; , another stretched in its central part. The nuclei of these fibres exhibit some differ- ences in size and form. Nucleoli are distinct in all, and in the fibre marked g the nuclei, which were coloured by carmine, exhibit three different in- tensities of colour—the dark central spot, “nucleolus,” being most in- tensely coloured, as indicated by the shading in the drawing. a Is a nerve-fibre which was followed over more than twenty elementary muscular fibres from a dark-bordered fibre. One of the subdivisions of this fibre is seen at f, where it again runs with a very fine dark-bordered fibre (0). The dark-bordered fibre (0) was some distance higher up in the speci- men, but its place has been altered in order to avoid the necessity for a still larger drawing. Above 4 a nucleus of avery fine nerve-fibre is seen. Such nuclei lie upon the surface of the muscular fibres, external to the sarco- lemma. The nucleus often appears as if it were within the sarcolemma (ce), but the fibres proceeding from each extremity render such a position impos- sible. The relation of these nerve-nuclei to the sarcolemma is seen at / in profile. , The nuclei, as well as the fibres for a certain distance, often adhere to the sarcolemma very firmly ; but in the thin mylo-hyoid muscle the course of the fibres over or under, but always ea/erzal, to the muscular fibres, may be readily traced if the muscular fibres be separated slightly from each other, as represented in the drawing. At d fine nerve-fibres accompanying the fine fibre continued from the dark-bordered fibre, as described in the ‘ Philosophical Transactions’ for 1862, are represented. Such fibres are also seen at e and #- m,n, end o. Dark-bordered fibres, with nuclei near their distribution. m Would probably pass over sixty or seventy muscular fibres, and # over perhaps twenty, before it divided into fibres as fine as those seen at 4, e, 7, 0. p. A very fine capillary vessel with a nerve-fibre running close to it. g. A bundle composed of six very fine nerve-libres near their distribution. These fibres exhibit a very distinctly beaded appearance, which is also ob- served in many other fine fibres in different parts of the specimen. Traces of connective tissue are seen in all parts near the fine nerve-fibres and around the muscular fibres. Here and there some very fine conncctive- tissue-fibres, which were not altered by acetic acid, are represented. ‘These represent the remains of fine nerve-fibres, which existed in a state of func- tional activity at an earlier period. The drawing, with the exception of the position of the nerve-fibre (0) above mentioned, is an actual copy from nature. ‘The relative position of the muscular fibres, the form and general character of the so-called nuclei, and the position and size of the nerve-fibres and their nuclei, have been care- fully preserved. 1 have traced the very fine nerve-fibres in so many instances from one trunk to another ramifying at a very considerable distance, that I cannot believe any true terminations or ends exist. hs. \ ee a. - , mn, Png cael oie aes ; arto AER Highs oe ee ene aie " mye} - : fo Mh Cn