Fibrary of the Museum or COMPARATIVE ZOOLOGY, AT HARVARD COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. Founded by private subscription, in 1861. Deposited by ALEX. AGASSIZ. No. 79 & 7. E ee se a iltieetitdied — -~ U 7. et ans, if QUARTERLY JOURNAL MICROSCOPICAL = SCTENCE EDITED BY EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., AND GEORGE BUSK, F.RB.C.S.E., F.B.S., F.LS., VOLUME V. With Allustrations on Wood and Stone. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. "1 857. } id fel b _ Ty : La \ Ane. - -T . 3 Va sa try 7. < Poa | sR. HULL 8 Vial EES 4 aire ' : ; () i nn 7 : a - i .> 7 il a (rd) ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. The Practicau Use of the Microscorr. By J. Hepworru. (Continued from Vol. IV, p. 111.) In making a post-mortem examination of a man about 63 years of age, who had laboured under gastric disease for two or three years and was extremely emaciated and dropsical, I found the stomach small, and containing about an ounce of yellowish mucus; there was no scirrhus, but the ruge were thickened and more raised than natural, ecchy- mosis had occurred in different parts of the inner lining, but principally on the elevated ridges of the ruge ; the mucous lining over two or three of these spots had given way, leaving a small jagged ulcer. On examining one of these points I found that the vessels retained their form (although quite bare), except one or two, which had contracted and formed a knob about the ;45th of an inch in diameter at the point of rupture. There was a cicatrix, three quarters by five eighths of an inch in diameter, in which the muscular coat was want- ing, but the mucous covering appeared to have been repro- duced. On examining the mucus, it did not contain Sarcina ventriculi as I had anticipated, but some crystals of oxalate of lime (which I never met with in the stomach before), abundance of exudation corpuscles and what I conceive to be a vegetation (vide fig. 1). The corpuscles appear to have been the nidi of these formations, as I observed them in different stages of progress, as though each granule of the corpuscle supported a single cell, or plant; these becoming elongated, and so numerous as almost to hide the whole of the corpuscle from view. The first appearance of any change in the corpuscle was the unusual development of the contamed granules, as if they would start through the cell wall. They then assumed a light green colour, and appeared in the next stage either to have become further protruded, or had a cell added externally, which eventually became elongated into a semi- ellipsis of a very acute angle. The centre of the mass was of a brownish-olive colour; it had not a crystalline appear- ance, but each cell was more like the hair of a plant, being single. On a superficial examination it appeared not unlike the erystals of lactic acid, but these cells were very different to VOL. V. B 2 HEPWORTH, ON THE MICROSCOPE. the long bundles of the crystals of that substance ; the colour was als6 unlike, with both reflected and transmitted light. On examining the lining membrane of the pelvis ‘of the kidney, im the same subject, I detected a vegetation, which I shall, for want of a better, name Sarcina renis (vide Pl. I, fig. 2.) About two years ago I met with a similar substance whilst examining some urine, but from its great similarity to one of the Desmidiee, I concluded that it might possibly have got there by accident, and made no memorandum of it, except a sketch. I find no notice of such a vegetation in Dr. L. Beale’s excellent work on the microscope. In speaking of “matters of extraneous origin frequently met with in urine,” he makes this very judicious remark, “‘ With the microscopic characters of these bodies (giving a list at page 196) the student should be perfectly familiar as soon as possible, &c. Without this precaution he will find himself in constant difficulty, and his ignorance will cause him to make the most ludicrous mis- takes.” There was no particular symptom indicative of the presence of these bodies, but in both the cases alluded to there was a general low state of vitality, as is always the case where vegeta- tions are formed; for instance, in Sarcina ventriculi, aphthe, &e. This reminds me of a sketch which I took some years ago of a specimen of aphthe from a consumptive patient, which struck me as being peculiar (Pl. I, fig. 3). I am not aware whether it assumes this appearance m consumption invariably or not. The specimen (fig. 4) is a representation of the ordinary aphthe in children. A boy, 138 years of age, with enlarged cervical glands, had complete obstruction of the bowels. There was hemor- rhage, tympanitis, and occasional excruciating pain of the whole abdomen, stercoraceous vomiting, &e. Post-mortem examination, fifteen hours after death.—Thelum- -bar glands were enlarged, and had implicated the ileum imme- diately above the cecum; ‘small intestines very much increased, and large ones much diminished in capacity. In the imme- diate vicinity of the enlarged glands the intestines were not more than five eighths of an ‘inch in diameter, and the obstruc- tion was rendered still more complete by the protrusion of a mass of coagulable lymph inwards, arising from the condensed inner fibrous aponeurosis of the muscular coat, which was completely absorbed, leaving only cellular tissue containing a few vessels. There was general peritoneal inflammation and HEPWORTH, ON THE MICROSCOPE. 3 all its consequences, effusion of serum, patches of lymph, &c. The peritoneum at the contracted part was very much thickened, brown, and scirrhous; the inner and outer fibrous aponeuroses of the muscular coat were also very thick, white, and dense, with transverse striz (fig. 5), and appeared to have been pushed inwards considerably beyond the level of the mucous coat, which had been reflected on each side of the protruding mass. The accompanying sketch gives a general outline of a longitudinal section of the contracted part. The cellular tissue, which was left in place of the muscular coat, appeared to pass through the inner apeneurosis at intervals, probably opposite the valvulee conniventes. The following is a note of the case above mentioned : J. S—, about 26 years of age, had difficult micturi- tion, with anasarca of the extremities. The symptoms led me to examine the urine from time to time, in which I found what I called, it appears, at the time, Sarcina vesice. The urine did not coagulate on the addition of nitric acid. He gradually recovered as the general tone of the system im- proved. If this be the same vegetation as the other, it must be im a state of germination ; it was about the same colour as the one sent. IJ took no measurement of it, therefore cannot say what size itis. You can make what use of it you please ; perhaps a memorandum of it m a woodcut may cause others to be on the look out for similar specimens. 4 SMITH, ON MEASLED PORK. Notes of a Microscorica, Examination of ‘ Mrasuep ” and other Pork. By Wru.iam Smit, F.L.S., Professor of Natural History, Queen’s College, Cork. Tue subject of the present paper has of late excited much attention in this locality, the trade of the port of Cork and the industry of the neighbouring counties being immediately connected with the produce and export of provisions, a main portion of which consists of cured pork. The disease in pigs popularly known as “measles” (though without any resemblance to the complaint bearing the name in the human subject) is one of frequent occurrence in the South of Ireland, and as its presence in the fiesh of the animal is usually regarded as detrimental to its value as an article of food, the market-price of the commodity is thereby lowered, and the profits of the producer proportionally diminished. Questions connected with the supply of provisions to the Crimean army having called increased attention to this sub- ject, an attempt was lately made by the provision-merchants of Cork to arrive at more certain conclusions respecting the nature and extent of the disease, and its precise influence on the character and condition of the flesh affected by it. Having been invited to assist in this research, by reporting on the microscopical appearance of the disease, and the meat affected by it, the following notes of a careful examination of fresh and cured pork, supplied to me, were my contributions to the inquiry : The facts noted are not new to science, the subject having attracted the attention of several German, French, and British physiologists, and the results of their investigations being for the most part similar to my own. The matter has not, however, been discussed in the ‘ Micr. Journ.,’ and the following record of independent observation, and personal inquiry, may interest the readers of this maga- zine, and possess corroborative value when taken in con- nection with the more important investigations of other naturalists. Nineteen specimens were supplied to me, viz. : _6 of healthy fresh pork from various parts of different pigs ; 6 of fresh muscle, “slightly measled ;” 6 of fresh muscle, “badly measled ;” 1 of cured pork, ‘ badly measled.” bd The “measles” are occasioned by the presence of a para- ~ SMITH, ON MEASLED PORK. 8) sitic worm, known to physiologists and anatomists as the * Cysticercus cellulose.” This worm, as it occurred in the muscle or flesh of the pork supplied to me, consists of an external bag or cyst of delicate rugose membrane, enclosing the animal of the Cys#i- cercus, retracted within its folds ; the space not occupied by the worm being filled with a clear watery fluid. Pl. I, fig. 1, represents the natural size of the “ measles” in fresh muscle ; fig. 2 the same in stale or salted pork; and fig. 8 the same from fresh muscle, magnified 6 diameters. The animal of the Cysticercus, when withdrawn from the eyst, within which it les invaginated, and curled up, in all the specimens, consisted of a slightly enlarged head, fig. 4 a, and a neck formed of numerous rings, fig. 4 4, gradually enlarged into a bladder-lke vesicle, fig. 4 c, which constitutes the body of the worm. The neck and body of the Cysticercus are filled with a mass of minute transparent bodies, which a further examina- tion leads me to regard as cellules discharging the function of assimilation, ¢. e., converting the material endosmotically absorbed by the cyst and bladder-lke vesicle into the sub- stance of the Cysticercus. The form of these cellules is usually that of a flattened circular disc, and their average diameter +3!5,th of an inch, but neither their size nor form is constant, some being linear, others irregular in outline, and many not exceeding ;,/55th of an inch in diameter.* The head of the Cysticercus is provided, at its extremity, with a circlet of about 24 hooklets (fig. 5 a), immediately beneath which are situated 4 circular organs, 6, b, afterwards more fully developed in the mature condition of the Cysticercus. The hooklets, upon further examination with higher powers of the microscope, are seen to consist of a stem fixed in the flesh of the head (fig. 6 a), a barb (fig. 6 4), and a sickle-like point (fig. 6 c). The Cysticercus, as above described, constituting the “measles,” is imbedded between the fasciculi of the muscle, and occupies a chamber formed by the inflation of its cyst. The cyst which in a fresh state fills the entire chamber, on the death of the pig parts with its contained fiuid, which permeates the surrounding tissues. The chambers then collapse, and the muscle in consequence becomes soft, and flabby to the touch. * [These elliptical bodies are composed in most part of carbonate of lime, and would appear to be intended more for the purpose of giving greater firmness or solidity to the part of the entozoon in which they occur than for any other fonebion = Boan 6 SMITH, ON MEASLED PORK. The ‘ measles’ in the specimens supplied to me were all visible to the naked eye, the cysts when inflated bemg of an elliptical form, and having an average length of about one third of an inch. The coil of the enclosed worm was nearly globular, with an average diameter of about one tenth of an inch. In the “slightly measled”’ pork the size of the worm was often less than in the “badly measled,” but in every case the Cysticercus seemed to have reached the same degree of organic growth, and in none of the specimens, “healthy ” or otherwise, could I detect the slightest trace of the animal in an earlier stage of development. Had the eggs, or young animals, existed, they could not have escaped my notice. In the specimens marked “healthy” there was no trace what- ever of the Cysticercus. The muscular tissues at a little distance from the cysts did not present any distinct alteration in their normal and healthy character, but in the immediate neighbourhood of the cysts there were evident traces of the altered or diseased condition of muscle known to physiologists under the name of “fatty degeneration.’ Where the “measles” are nume- rous fatty degeneration would be proportionally great in com- parison with the amount of healthy muscle. In the salted specimen the cysts were empty of fluid, and the “assimilating cellules”? in the body of the worm had be- come somewhat opaque, presenting a central granular nucleus instead of the clear transparent appearance noticed in the fresh specimens. I conclude from this that the lfe of the Cysticercus is destroyed by the process of “curing.” Fig. 7 shows the appearance of the assimilating cellules in the fresh, and fig. 8 in the cured specimens. It is maintained by the most eminent physiologists of the present day, that the Cysticercus of the pig is the “ scolex,” that is, the intermediate or arrested condition of the “ Tenia solium,” or tape-worm of man and other mammalia. The organization of the Cysticercus, as above described, goes far to establish this opimion, and direct experiments in- stituted upon dogs and other quadrupeds fed upon fresh “measled” pork seems to place it beyond a doubt. In the present case there was neither time nor opportunity to verify this theory by direct experiment. The history of the early condition and future development of the Cysticercus, the pathological and hygienic deductions to be drawn from the above observations, and their bearing upon the wholesomeness or otherwise of fresh, cured, or cooked “ measled” pork are questions which appertained to GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACE.2%. the branch of the inquiry entrusted to my colleagues; I may, however, observe, that the microscopical examination here detailed would lead to the conclusion that the presence of the Cysticercus in the small numbers which occur in “ slightly measled”’ pork does not appreciably affect the healthy con- dition of the muscular fibre, and that it is only when the numbers of this parasite are considerable that the fatty de- generation and watery condition of the muscles become apparent; and as it further appears that the operations of curing, or cooking, destroy the assimilating powers of the cellules, and consequently the life of the Cysticercus, it would seem that no apprehension need be entertained of tape-worm following the use of “ measled”’ pork, provided the flesh be carefully cured or thoroughly cooked. Description of some New Dtaromaczous Forms from the Wesr Inpizs. By Roserr Kaye Grevittr, LL.D., F.R.S.E., &c. Some months ago I received a box of shells from my friend Mrs. William Eccles, of Trinidad, among which was a small marine species covered with an entangled tuft of sea-weeds and zoophytes. This, as it appeared to contain Diatomacee, I manipulated in the usual way, and on careful examination found it to yield a number of exceedingly interesting kinds, especially if the very small quantity of the prepared material be considered. As it would scarcely serve any useful purpose to work out every form which presented itself in a gathering so trifling in extent, I propose to confine myself on the pre- sent occasion to the description of such as seem to be new; and J shall only mention that among the remaining forms worthy of notice the following were observed: Synedra undu- lata, Bail., S. superba, Kiitz., Cocconeis Grevillii, Sm., Navi- cula Hennedyi, Sm., N. crabro, Eh.,* Amphora obtusa and ® As Professor Smith has not yet given a figure of this species, I can only conclude from his description, which most accurately agrees with the form before me, that I am correct in my reference. The figures engraved by Ehrenberg, in his ‘ Microgeologie,’ Pl. XIX, fig. 29, are not satisfactory, especially a and 6. The half frustule c, however, is probably the true form, with the faint moniliform structure of the strize omitted, and the constric- tion far too widely concave. In the absence of authentic materials, 1 cannot venture to speak with any certainty of Navicula pandura of De Brébisson, 8 GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACEA. A. lineata, Greg., Podocystis Americana, Bail., Climacosphenia moniligera, Eh., Rhabdonema arcuatum and R. Adriaticum, Kiutz., Grammatophora hamulifera, Kiitz., Asterolampra impar, Shadb. 1. Cocconeis punctatissima, Grev. Valve elliptical-oval, densely areolato-punctate; strize moniliform, concentric with the extremities, the moniliform structure ceasing within the margin so as to leave a simply striated border; median line dilated towards the extremities. Length of frustule 0°0020” to 0:0024"; breadth 0:0012” to 0:0015”. Strize 20 in 0-001”. (POET; fis? 1.) Hab.—All the species in this paper are marine, from the Tsland of Trinidad. One of the most beautiful species I am acquainted with, and closely allied to a new MS. species from the Black Sea, distributed by Professor Smith under the name of Cocconeis Morrisii ; in fact, a mere cursory examination might readily leave an impression on the mind that the two were nothing more than varieties. A careful comparison, however, has satisfied me that they are truly distinct. The general out- line is the same in both, but the strie in C. Morrisii are coarser and far less numerous than in the West Indian Diatom. The beading is also much larger, more equal in size, and more separated. In C. punctatissima the beading, i con- sequence of the very numerous striz, becomes more minute as it joins the median line, which latter presents the appear- ance of a rather broadly linear, indistinctly defined, pale space, dilated towards the extremities, where it terminates elliptically. In the single valves, which are most frequently met with, there is but one side, as it were, of the median line visible, which gives them a very peculiar aspect. It is more difficult to separate this species by a written character from the variable C. placentula, although the who defines the striae as simply costate. Under these circumstances, I take the opportunity of offering an illustration of W. crabro, as it occurs in my Trinidad gathering, in the hope that it may be regarded as a faithful typical representation. The truth is, the group to which this species of Navicula belongs is one of great perplexity, and I trust that my friend, Professor Gregory, who is studying it, will do something towards clearing it up. The two forms which he has named J. witida, Sm.? in the fourth volume of the ‘Transactions of the Microscopical Society,’ will probably prove to be the same as our present species, the moniliform structure having been perhaps overlooked from its extreme obscurity. As the name above mentioned does not occur in the second volume of Professor Smith’s ‘ Synopsis,’ that of NV. crabro has doubtless been substituted for it. The outline and general character of Professor Gregory’s WV. ? pandura, Bréb.? is also extremely similar to the Trinidad Diatom. GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACES. 9 features are immediately appreciated by the eye. C. puncta- tissima is more uniform, and considerably larger; but the best mark is the conspicuous peculiarity of the median line, which in C. placentula is simple. 2. Cocconeis crebrestriata, Grev. Valve elliptical, delicately, closely, and uniformly punctato-striate; strize concentric with the extremities; median line straight, simple. Length of frustule 0:0022" to 0:0028"; breadth 0:0012” to 0:0014". Strie 80 in 0:001”. (Pl. ITI, fig. 2.) A well-characterised species. 'The strize are numerous and closely arranged, with a faint appearance, requiring careful adjustment in order to render them distinct. Under higher powers the sculpture of the strize exactly resembles ordinary cellular tissue, which under inferior powers causes the uni- form oval-punctate appearance. Occasionally a border of the valve is indicated by a faint line, as seen in the figure, but this is not always apparent. 3. Cocconeis inconspicua, Grev. Valve nearly circular, border broad, rather strongly striated; disc diaphanous ; striz concentric with the extremities, faint, obscure in the centre. Diameter of frustule 0°0011". Striz at margin 22 in WOOL": ) (PLT, fig-'3:) This is a most delicate form, so transparent as to be very easily overlooked. The border bemg the most strongly marked, first catches the eye, appearing lke a mere striated ring, until the median line and nodule be brought into focus. The strize of the disc are perceptible for about a third of the space between the border and the median line, when they gradually become quite obscure. 4. Campylodiscus fenestratus, Grev. Valve nearly circular, the broad prominent border composed of a series of narrow cells ; dise with four lattice-like sculptures formed by 3—4: bars crossing each other at right angles. Diameter of frus- tule 0:0023”". (PI. III, fig. 4.) No drawing can do justice to the exceeding beauty of this Diatom. The broad and prominent border is equal to about a fifth part of the whole diameter, and is composed of narrow parallel cells, which, at first sight, have the appearance of a double series, a deception arising from an undulation in the substance of the valve. Radiating striz appear to pass from the border for a short distance towards the centre of the disc, which is occupied by four remarkable sculptures, exactly resembling square windows in miniature, the bars sharp and slender, and the panes actually appearing as if they trans- mitted light. The windows are not perfectly symmetrical, as some of the rows of panes are larger than others; never- 10 GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACEA. theless the resemblance is so perfect, that, if it were possible, they might pass for the reflection of real windows. The figure cannot give the effect of this, as the transparency of the valve is necessary to complete the deception. 5. Campylodiscus Ecclesianus, Grev. Valve nearly circular, the border composed of a double series of narrow-oblong cells ; disc with two rows of short, broad, truncated bars, separated by a broad median line, from each end of which radiate a semi- circle of fine striz. Diameter of frustule 0:0024”. (Pl. III, fig. 5.) Of this fine species, not less charming in the elegance of its sculpture than the preceding, the gathering furnished two examples. It is similar in size to the last, but some- what more contorted, so that, when one portion of the valve is in focus, the details of the remaining portion are less visible than as they are represented in the figure. The valve is very concave. The central part of the disc occupied by the two rows of bars is nearly flat; but on each side of the rows and at their termination the disc is inflated; the lateral inflations being unsculptured, the terminal ones ornamented with strie, which radiate from the ends of the median line, and stop before reaching the border, so as to form a semicircle. I am not aware of any known species which can be brought into comparison with this splendid form, on which I have conferred the name of Mrs. William Eccles, a lady who has most kindly collected for her friends many objects of natural history im the Island of Trinidad. 6. Surirella eximia, Grev. Valve linear-oblong, rounded at the ends, very slightly constricted in the centre; canaliculi delicate, about 18 on each side, reaching the narrow-linear, transversely striated median line, which is attenuated towards the ends, and becomes as narrow as the canaliculi. Length of frustule 0:0020" to 0:0028”; breadth 0:0008” to 0:0012”. (Pl. III, fig. 6.) This extremely delicate and hyaline Diatom approaches S. lata in form, but differs in every other respect. The cana- hieuli are equidistant, and as fine as those of S. gemma; the alee narrow, but conspicuous. A characteristic feature is the linear, transversely striated median line, which is gradually attenuated at each extremity, until at about the third or fourth pair of canaliculi from the end it becomes as slender as the canaliculi themselves. 7. Navicula Gregoriana, Grey. Valve elliptical-oblong, with abruptly produced and rounded ends; striz obscurely moniliform, interrupted on each side by alongitudinal, linear, blank space, which slightly converges towards the central GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACE®. 1] nodule. Length of frustule 0:0024" to 0:0038”"; breadth 0:0010” to 0:0014". Strive 25 in 0-001”. (Pl. ITI, fig. 7.) A very striking and interesting species, of which I have seen two individuals of the sizes indicated in the specific character. Like others of the group to which it belongs, it would appear to vary greatly in its dimensions. It seems to be most nearly related to N. clavata of Gregory (‘ Trans. Micr. Soc.,’ vol. iv. p. 46, Pl. V, fig. 17), which it closely resembles in general outline; but, as Professor Gregory has already re- marked, there can be no doubt regarding the distinctness of the present form. The most conspicuous difference lies in the blank space which interrupts the striation on each side throughout the whole length of the valve. In N. clavata this space follows nearly the same rule as in N. Hennedyi, Sm., the outer boundary of the space corresponding with the curve of the valve. Whereas, in the Diatom under con- sideration, the blank space constitutes a mere limear band, running parallel with the median line, except at the centre, where it bends slightly towards the nodule. Between this space and the median line the interrupted striz form also lnear bands, which are continued into the produced extremi- ties. The striz are more numerous than in N. clavata, and very obscurely moniliform. Another species to which our new Diatom bears, at first sight, no inconsiderable resemblance, is Pinnularia (Navicula) Coupert of Professor Bailey, described in his microscopical observations made in South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. (‘Smithsonian Contributions to Know- ledge,’ vol. ii.) In that form, however, the ends are not suddenly produced, the sides are somewhat constricted, the striation is conspicuously moniliform, and the blank spaces, instead of running parallel with the median line, and terminating at the angle where the produced ends spring from the lateral curve of the valve, are gradually attenuated, and converge and terminate with the median line itself at the nodule. I have much pleasure in dedicating this fine species to my friend Professor Gregory, whose acuteness and perseverance have converted the unpromising sand of Glenshira imto “diggings” rich in new and curious forms. 8. Navicula compacta, Grev. Valve broadly oblong, con- stricted at the sides, the shoulders much rounded, ends sud- denly produced, obtuse; strize becoming faint towards the middle, where they are stopped by a line running close to and parallel with the median line. Length of frustule 0:0010"; breadth 0:0006". Striz about 42 in 0-001”. (PI. III, fig. 8.) 12 GREVILLE, ON DIATOMACER. I am not aware of any described species which approaches the present minute form. The striz are slightly radiate, and though quite evident at the margin, become gradually faint. The line which runs on each side, parallel with the median line, passes through the valve, as it were, to form the produced extremities. 9. Pleurosigma compactum, Grey. Valve linear-lanceolate. obtuse; flexure of the median line so great that it touches the margin, about midway between the central and terminal nodules, the curve following the same gradient to the ex- tremity; striz obscure. Length of frustule 0°0035" to 0:0045"; breadth 00006" to 0:0008”. (Pl. III, fig. 9.) This Pleurosigma, of which I possess several specimens, is well marked by the excessive flexure of the median line, which is greater than in any species known to me, while the flexure of the valve itself as it is presented to the eye is so moderate, that a straight line drawn from the terminal nodules through the central one, passes considerably within the margin. From the point where the curve of the median line touches the margin, the latter, to the furthest extremity, is nearly straight, and is just perceived exterior to the curve of the median line, as the latter approaches the nearest end. 10. Mastogloia minuta, Grev. Valve elliptical-oval to ellip- tical-oblong, conspicuously apiculate; loculi 12 to 18; striz very fine and close. Length of frustule 0:0008” to 0-0010"; breadth 0:0004’. (Pl. III, fig. 10.) Although I have seen numerous frustules of this minute Diatom, I have been unable to obtain a front view. As a species it is evidently allied to M. apiculata of Smith; but it differs in being scarcely half the size, and essentially in the much larger loculi. It is also much more decidedly apicu- late, being generally even strikingly rostrate. ( 18 ) TRANSLATIONS. AtGARUM UNICELLULARIUM GENERA nova et minus cognita, premissis OBSERVATIONIBUS de ALGiIs UNICELLULARIBUS m genere, New and less known Genera of Untcetiutar Aiea, preceded by OBSERVATIONS respecting UNICELLULAR ALG in general. By Avex. Braun. (Leipsic, 1855; with six Plates.) Tue author, after adverting to the important aid to be de- rived from the study of the lowest plants, and especially of the Alge, and more particularly of their evolution, in the advance of our knowledge of the morphology and physiology of plants, and the establishment of a systematic arrangement of the vegetable kingdom, proceeds to some observations concerning unicellular Alge in general, the substance of which is as follows : Whether or not unicellular plants really exist, appears to be a question of no light moment towards the understanding of the gradation of Nature in ascending from the lower to the higher organisms, and especially towards the construction of a methodical arrangement of the vegetable kingdom in con- gruity with Nature, whose principles, as well as the correct appreciation of the nature of each plant, are chiefly to be sought in the study of the processes of evolution. For our knowledge of the natural system of plants, which is daily increasing, indicates, in scarcely dubious terms, a parallelism between the primary divisions of the vegetable kingdom and the principal stages of morphosis presented in the development of each individual plant (that is to say, of those belonging to the more perfect class) ; and thus is shown a certain analogy between the vegetable kingdom and the organism of the individual plant, and the prevalence of a similar law of evolution proceeding by steps, in each. It is well known that the primary germ and rudiment of the nascent plant is a homogeneous and indifferent substance, presenting scarcely any differences either in external form or internal constitution. In phanerogamous plants this is ap- parent in the formation of the embryo sac,* which is ulti- mately changed into the substance of the endosperm, and to * That the embryo sac is the commencement of the future plant, besides by analogy, is proved by its nature, inasmuch as being disconnected from the parent tissues, and destroying by its own growth the texture of the surrounding cells, it leads as it were a parasitic life within the parent plant. 14 BRAUN, ON UNICELLULAR ALG. which, among the vascular cryptogams, the pro-embryo or prothallium corresponds. After fecundation, there arises from these transitory primordia another and principal series of vegetable generations, commencing from the embryo, and pro- ducing the vegetative stirps, by whose evolution in opposite directions the differences of root, stem, and leaves are produced. Subsequently, in the ascending portion of the stirps the mor- phosis of the plant is continued, and those stages of the process appertaining to the vegetative life having been established, it passes into a new stage by the formation of the flower, and by the intervention of the flower ultimately attains to the object of the whole vegetation in the production of the fruit. A similar kind of gradation is exhibited in the vegetable kingdom taken as a whole. This begins, as is obvious, in the more simple plants, which present only trifling distinction of organs either external or internal, the root, stem, and leaves being either, as it were, fused together or ambiguous. They have neither flower nor any true fruit; the-organs-of fructifi- cation are closely connected with those of vegetation, and the act of fecundation, if any take place, is competent merely to excite, as it were, the first stage of evolution of the plant, since there is no succeeding generation whatever. _ To this category belong the lower cryptogamous plants, aphyllous or simply cellular, and which have been, not imap- propriately, termed by recent writers—protophytes or thallo- phytes. They represent, as it were, the pro-embryos of the higher plants, and constitute, in fact, the primordial vegeta- tion in protogzean history, as well as in the existing economy of nature, forming the broad foundation of the whole vegetable kingdom. This primary division in the natural system is succeeded by another, characterised by a heteromorphous, duplex vege- tation, for a knowledge of which we are especially indebted to the discoveries of recent observers; for to the primary and transitional vegetation, that is to say, to a homogeneous pro- thallium, aphyllous and merely cellular, fecundation bemg completed in the prothallium itself, succeeds another, charac- terised by the distinct formation of external parts (stem, root, and leaves), as well as by the constitution of the internal texture composed of a mixture of cells and vessels. Thus from a lower stage the vegetation is advanced by successive generation to a higher, but without its ever attaining to the ultimate goal, inasmuch as plants belonging to this division, in which the progress of the metamorphosis is interrupted, and remains at the stage of a vegetative stirps, never arrive at the production of flower and fruit distinct from the vege- BRAUN, ON UNICELLULAR ALG&. 15 tative formations. To this category belong the higher, vas- cular cryptogams, furnished with leaves, of which, according to authors, and also from the historical evidence supplied by geology, is constituted the second division of the vege- table kingdom, formerly the highest throughout the more ancient periods of the protogzean Flora. The term cormophytes might be employed to distinguish the plants included in this section. The plants belonging to each of the above divisions, and which have conjointly, since the time of Linnzeus, been termed Cryptogamia, all agree in the circumstance of their wanting flowers and true fruit, a character by which they were distin- guished by those fathers in Botany who are esteemed by Linneeus as the first orthodox systematists—Cesalpinus and Ray. These are succeeded by the floriferous or pheeneroga- mous plants (anthophytes), which again, like the cryptogams, exhibit a binary division, according to the degree of evolution which they reach ; for there are some in which the production of the flower commences, indeed, through amore exalted me- tamorphosis of the leaves, but is not fully completed, the carpellary leaves which constitute the true fruit enclosing seeds being deficient. As plants of this kind, which, though furnished with a flower, have no true fruit, are to be regarded the Cycadee and Conifere, which, formerly the subjects of futile and vain attempts at explanation, are now admitted without doubt to be gymnospermous, a truth for which we are indebted to the sagacity of Robert Brown. That the gymnospermous anthophytes really constitute a separate and independent group, by no means to be associated with the dicotyledons, with which they have hitherto been classed by most systematists, is proved by their habit,* the very incom- plete structure of the flowers, the disposition and unusual form+ of the stamens, and by the structure of the wood, but chiefly by the mode of generation, whose very manifest ana- logy with that of cryptogams has been excellently illustrated by Hofmeister. It is manifest, therefore, that they must be put in the lowest place, among the phanerogams, contermi- nous with the cryptogams, an arrangement which is favoured * The habit of the Cycadee is manifestly filicoid, and that of the Conz- fere to a certain extent like that of the Lycopodiacee. The foliation of Salisburia can only be compared with the fronds of Marsilia and of some ferns (Schizee, Adiantum). + Their disposition always in continuous spirals, never in determinate cycles (verticells) ; form more or less foliaceous and expanded ; anthersife- rous thecz frequently numerous, whence a certain degree of resemblance to the sporanziophorous traits of Lycopodium, the sporophylls of Hguisetum, &e. 16 BRAUN, ON UNICELLULAR ALG&. not less by geological than it is by morphological con- siderations. Another division, lastly, of phanerogams, in which the highest stage of the vegetable kingdom is reached, em- braces all flowering plants which at the same time produce true fruit—angiospermous anthophytes; and in this section the subdivision into monocotyledons and dicotyledons is of secondary importance. In what way the vegetable kingdom, as far as concerns the scale or gradation of evolution, agrees in general with an indi- vidual plant, may, with respect to the first commencement of the lowest step, be so specifically compared, that a law of analogy is clearly apparent in the accordance of the lowest plants with the lowest state of a higher plant. It is evident that every plant commences in a solitary and simple cell, either a spore or an embryo sac; it is clear also that the suc- ceeding (succedaneous) generation originates in a simple cell (embryonic vesicle) ; the vegetable kingdom presents an ana- logous commencement ; its lowest members are plants unicel- lular throughout their life—plants, that is to say, constituted of a single cell persistent through the whole period of evolu- tion, and performing all the vital functions. The existence of unicellular plants of this kind has been long and frequently shown, though demonstrated by imperfectly known, and for the most part erroneous examples, until Nageli laid a new foundation for the doctrine, in his careful illustrations of several genera of unicellular Alge, and their classification according to anew method. But the limits withm which that expe- rienced observer circumscribed the unicellular Alga, appear to the author too restricted, and scarcely such as should be closely observed; a circumstance which some have endea- voured to turn to the disparagement of the doctrine itself, going so far as wholly to deny the existence of unicellular Alge at all, or even as to declare that the proposed genera were most of them the primordia merely of more perfect Alge or of other plants, whilst others were said to be the ova of animalcules. It is scarcely worth while to attempt the refutation of these opinions, since they are unsupported by arguments derived from accurate observation, and because all who may enter with unprejudiced views into the vast domain of the lowest Alge will be convinced that the truth is other- wise. (To he continued.) Gali} NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Note on Vorticella.—One evening watching an Actinophrys Sol procuring his supper, more suo, my attention was attracted to an object in another part of the field also feeding, but in a manner never before observed by me. This was a common Vorticella (Nebulifera) feasting on a large jelly-like mass which much resembled the body of an Ameba. Instead of the ordinary, apparently rotatory, vortex- creating movements of the cilie, whereby food is usually brought to the cesophagus, ciliz were seen protruded from within the oral aperture and applied, as we would our finger and thumb, in picking out from the gelatinous mass the oily- looking particles with which it was studded. After appro- priating several of these, the creature would suddenly retreat, by the contraction of its pedicle, beneath a leaf of duckweed, from which, in a few seconds, it would emerge, again to renew its feast. I continued to watch this proceeding until I had seen it repeated a great number of times; and I distinctly noticed that, as the highly refracting particles disappeared from the gelatinous mass, the body of the Vorticella appeared to become more and more charged with them. Dr. Carpenter, in his recent work on the microscope, observes—“ There is no reason whatever to believe that these animalcules (Vorticelle) possess any organs of special sense.” And again, “ If they are really endowed with consciousness, as their movements seem to indicate, though other considera- tions render it very doubtful, they must derive their percep- tions of external things from the impressions made upon their general surface, but more particularly upon their filamentous appendages.” I would merely remark that it is difficult for an ordinary understanding to dissociate the phenomenon here recorded, of this humble Vorticella selecting its food from corresponding actions in beings possessed of undoubted “ consciousness ””— difficult not to regard this diminutive creature, selecting its dainty morsels, even as a type of our own humanity.— H. Witson, Runcorn. VOL. V. c 18 MEMORANDA. Comatula rosacea—Encrinitic State——In his recently pub- lished work on ‘The Microscope and its Revelations,’ Dr. Carpenter has announced the discovery of the young or en- erinitic state of the Comatula in Lamlash Bay, where, he says, “it is so abundant that it may hereafter find its way into almost every cabinet.”’ I have found it in the same locality, when dredging along the shores of Holy Island. Lamlash Bay, indeed, is rich in Echinodermata, yielding many of the finer species, and amongst them the beautiful Echinus Flemingii. It may be interesting to some of the readers of the ‘Journal’ to know of a southern habitat for so great a rarity as the young Comatula. I have obtained it in abundance in Salcombe Bay on the Devonshire coast, between the end of July and the middle of September. It occurs profusely on sea-weeds, zoophytes, stones, &c. I have in my possession a bunch of weed from this locality which is literally covered with young Comatule, in every stage of development. Sal- combe is on the South Devon coast, and about five miles from the town of Kingsbridge.—Tuomas Hincxs, Leeds. Glaucoma scintillans.—The germs of this Infusorium exist in the atmosphere. After boilmg an infusion of chlorophyll (dried juice of cabbage and distilled water), im which I had been breeding Glaucome, but from which all traces of life had disappeared, I exposed the boiled solution to the atmosphere, and in less than a week tolerably large Glaucome were again visible. Form.— Glaucoma changes its shape from that of an elon- ‘gated oval in the earlier stage of its growth to various other forms. I have not been able to discern an external imtegument ; the internal substance of the body, which appears semi-fluid, solidifies towards the outer part as the animalcule imcreases in size. Possibly the cells may be developed in the centre, which always remains more liquid than the remaining portion of the body. Internal structure.-—Besides the vessels to be described, there are many small granules which, on minute examination, have the appearance of cells. Glaucoma has no bowel.—What Professor Ehrenberg mis- took for a winding canal is simply the vacant space between the internal globules, which sometimes presents that appear- ance when they are very numerous; at first sight it is very likely to deceive the observer. MEMORANDA. 19 The mouth is a slit or tear in the outer surface, it forms the wide entrance to a conical gullet. I have crushed a great number of Glaucome with the covering glass, and on examining them immediately after- wards, some which were still alive had been torn open at the opposite side of the body, and food was entering there just as at the mouth. The particles of food enter the gullet and accumulate at the pointed extremity. Whether they there are admitted into a cell ready constructed, or simply form themselves into a ball, I have not yet been able to see. But when the blue globule (in case indigo is employed to feed them) has attained a certain size, its own weight and the current from without seem to force it into the substance of the body. Here it remains fixed, and, with the exception perhaps of a slight change of position as the body becomes filled with globules, it does not move—certainly the food does not rotate. The contractile vesicle is situated at the end opposite the mouth, and as the animalcule becomes developed a system of smaller ones, into which the fluid contents of the larger one are forced when the latter contracts, makes its appearance. If a young Glaucoma be dried up the contractile vesicle emits rays or beams, which widen as their distance in- creases from the central vesicle. Sometimes more than one large vesicle are visible. I have seen a discharging orifice in Glaucoma, but could not always distinguish one; probably one is always present. Glaucoma reproduces by self-division. I have never seen any but ¢ransverse fissuration, and that frequently. That another reproductive process exists is certain from the fact that Glaucoma is developed from germs, and this, along with the further development of the animal, I shall endeavour at some further time to elucidate.—Jamers Samuetson, Hull. Colour of Blood Corpuscles.—In the description usually given of the coloured corpuscles of the blood, I discover an error which ought not to remain uncorrected. Thus Kolliker (‘ Microscop. Anat.,’ b. ii, p. 356), “ Die Farbe der Blutzellen ist nicht roth wie die des Blutes, sondern blassgelb, und zwar aus physikalischen Griinden heller bei ganz abgeplatteten, etwas dunken bei mehr auf- gequellenen zellen.” Henle also (‘Anat. Générale, t.i, p. 457, trad. Jourdan, 1843) says that, “ Les corpuscules coloris du sang se dis- tinguent sur-le-champ par leur couleur jauneatre.” 20 MEMORANDA. Now I am perfectly aware that the above appearance is given by some authors as presenting itself under the micro- scope, but less distinguished writers make no mention of the condition under which the yellow colour is observed, and most elementary “text-books” of physiology for students convey the idea that the coloured corpuscles are actually of a faint yellow hue. Now it stands to reason that no amount of yed/ow dises can produce the intense scarlet of human blood; on the contrary, T hold it as a positive fact that the colour of each particular flattened, circular, or oval disc of mammifer, bird, reptile, batrachian, or fish, is as deep and vivid as the mass of the blood of which it is a constituent part. The scarlet dise of man, when magnified by 500 diameters, fades almost to a pale straw colour; for, as you know perfectly well, the crimson that painted a surface the ¢-g}55th (about) of a square line is diffused over a superficial extent of not less than 2°10 square lines, which is a chromatic dilution of 142°800 times. It is not, therefore, surprising that the homeopathic quantity of red in the amplified image, be- sides /oss, should hardly be recognised as such. Suppose fl5, 3°2, of fresh blood in a flat-bottomed glass vessel, 1°5 inch wide (cylindrical); the mass will have nearly the proportions of a blood dise, and a bright scarlet hue. Imagine, now, the same blood im a similar vessel, 750 inches wide, and thinned out with transparent syrup, of the specific gravity of the blood, until the mixed fluid would stand 150 inches high in the glass; would not this liquor, when viewed from above, give the same impression of colour to the eye as a single blood-corpuscle as seen “ under the microscope,” with a power of 500. I beg to say, that I believe the error just poimted out in descriptions to exist only in the terms used, without care being had to explain why the red corpuscles appear faintly yellow; but this inadvertence is calculated to mislead pro- fessional men, and even some professors in this country, who teach physiology entirely from books.—CurisToPHER Jounston, M.D., Baltimore, U.S. Use of the Microscope.—The following case is so interesting a triumph for the microscope that I send it for your perusal, and insertion, if you please, in the ‘ Journal.’ A few days ago a medical friend told me of a patient who was then passing very large quantities of fat in her evacua- tions, and who had been doing so for a long time; he offered MEMORANDA. 21 to procure me some of the material for microscopic examina- tion, and shortly afterwards I received a specimen. It seemed very similar in appearance to a coarse butter, was soft, and easily broken down, but it was dense, and sank in water. On examining it with a half-inch object-glass not a single fatty globule could be seen; neither did ether extract any oil. The mass consisted of a great number of large cells loosely aggregated, each had a clear transparent wall, without a visible nucleus, and contained a light brown granular mass, but which was separated from the cell-wall by a transparent medium. Average size of cell ;j5th of an inch. It was clear that the material more closely resembled vegetable than animal structure, and the accidental discovery of a fragment of fibro-cellular tissue strengthened the idea. I then boiled a portion, and on the addition of iodine procured a dense precipitate of iodide of starch. My next step was to examine the mealy potato, as served at table. The size of the cells was the same, but all were empty, or filled only with a transparent fluid, and were puckered on the surface. The presence of the granular mass in the others seemed to indi- cate that the potatoes had been either uncooked or insuffi- ciently boiled, the idea of their being taken raw seemed incompatible with the loose state of aggregation m which the cells were found. I hazarded the opinion that the patient ate largely of mashed potatoes, and evidently was a sufferer from a weak digestion, as she was unable to digest the starch they contained. I was then told that the case was one of long-continued dyspepsia, with an excessively irritable state of the stomach and bowels, that the lady could only take farinaceous food, and the doctor did not believe she took any potatoes in any way. The symptoms and “ fatty ”’ dejections had lasted for years. I assured my friend that there could be no moral doubt about the facts as revealed by the micro- scope, and next day I received a note from him to the follow- ing effect : “ Dear I.,—I have seen the lady, and you will be gratified to hear that for a very very long time she has almost lived upon mashed potatoes crushed small”? (not boiled). I need scarcely add a word upon the flood of light thus thrown by the microscope upon what otherwise would have been veiled in great mystery ;—the facts speak for themselves. —T. Inman, M.D., Liverpool. 22 MEMORANDA. Conjugation of Diatomacez.—I have had a large stock of Navicula amphisbena, in several gatherings, this summer from the Thames, at Weybridge, and have three times distinctly witnessed the following phenomenon, viz., what I suppose to be the formation of a sporangium by the jomt conjugation of three and four frustules, as in Cosmarium, and some other species of Desmidiace. The frustules, three in two cases and four in the other, were attached to the sporangium by a short stipes proceeding from the centre of the lateral suture of each. In two of the cases the endochrome had been discharged from all; the frustules in the third, in which four frustules were attached to the sporangium; one retained the en- dochrome, which entirely filled the lorica, and was of higher colour, and more condensed appearance than is presented by the species in its ordinary aspect. Is it possible this frustule may have been antheridial? This is only an idea. The sporangial frustule was marked in a series of nodules not unlike in appearance—though but just discernable with Ross’s +-inch—the cells of a section of Echinus spine. I had not the good fortune to trace the development of the sporan- gium, having only seen it apparently near its perfection, nor have I, i consequence of leaving Weybridge, and my stock having been inadvertently thrown away, been able to follow its further history.—THomas Cuar.tes Drucs, Chelsea. (8) PROCEEDINGS OF SOCIETIES. Microscoricau Society, May 28th, 1856. Grorce SHapsoit, Esq., President, in the chair. James Glaisher, Esq., Lewisham, was balloted for, and duly elected a member of the Society. A Paper, by Mr. Wenham, “On the Vegetable Cell,” was read. June 25th, 1856. GrorGce SHADBOLT, Esq., President, in the chair. J. 8. Bolton, Esq., Brixton Hill; Hon. R. H. Meade, Belgrave Square ; and the Rev. A. B. Cotton, Keppel Terrace, Windsor, were balloted for, and duly elected members of the Society. A Paper, by Dr. Davey, “On the Structure of Bryonia dioica,” was read. A Paper, by the Hon. and Rev. 8. G. Osborne, “ On Vege- Growth in the Wheat Plant,” was read. A Report from the Committee on Finders was read. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Av the Meeting of the British Association, at Cheltenham, a “ Notice,’ by Mr. J. Alder, was read of several new spe- cies of Hydrozoa and Polyzoa, found by him on the coasts of Northumberland and Durham. The entire number of species described amounted to thirteen, but we are here able to give only those belonging to the class Polyzoa,—four in number. Class. Potyzoa. Ord. P. infundibulata. Sub-ord. Ctenostomata (s. Vesicularina). 1. Fam. Vesiculariade. Gen. 1. Buskia, Alder, nov. gen. Polyzoary corneous, consisting of a slender, tubular, creeping fibre, with cells developed at intervals. Cells ovate, adhering through their whole length; generally with lateral spine-like processes, also adhering ; orifice terminal and circular. Polypide with eight tentacles, issuing from a sheath of fasciculated setee. , B. nitens, Alder, n. sp. Pl. XIU, figs. 1, 2. Minute, horn-coloured, shining; creeping fibre filiform, branching or anastomosing, with occasional short spinous offsets; cells ovate or flask- shaped, rather ventricose, tapering towards the orifice, the margin of which is thickened, and slightly nodulous; sides of the cells produced into irre- gular spines adhering to the substance on which it creeps. Length of cell, 3th inch, Ou Plumularia falcata, Campanularia plumosa, &e., from deep water, Northumberland coast, rare. This interesting little zoophyte has probably hitherto escaped observation from its minuteness. The spine-like processes at the sides give the cells an insect-like appearance ; they are irregular and occasionally wanting. The cells are also subject to some variation in form, especially in the size of the aperture; they lie nearly parallel to the stem, which frequently divides, and runs along each side of them, clasped by the lateral processes. Farrella pedicellata, n. sp. Pl. XIV, figs. 1, 2, 3. Body ovate-oblong, yellowish, transparent, with long and very slender pedicles, uniform in thickness throughout ; tentacles 12. Length of cell, 3th inch. On old shells of Buccinum undatum and Fusus antiquus, from deep water, Cullercoats; not uncommon. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 25 This species differs from the Laguncula (Farrella) elongata of Van Beneden, in the great length and slenderness of the pedicle, which is usually two or three times the length of the cell, and does not enlarge towards the top, as in the latter species. The cells are rather narrower above than in F. elongata, and the number of tentacles does not exceed twelve in any of the specimens that I have examined. The animal, as seen through the transparent cell-walls, is of a pale yellowish colour, with a brownish red patch, indicating the position of the stomach. The ovaries are white. The base of the cell is finely wrinkled, and at its junction with the pedicle it forms a kind of joint, which can be more or less twisted at the will of the animal. 2. Fam. Aleyonidiadge. Alcyonidium mamillatum, n. sp. Pl. XIII, figs. 3, 4. Encrusting, semitransparent, brownish, covered with rather long, stout, and strongly wrinkled papille, from which the polypides issue; tentacles 16 or 18. On old shells from deep water, Cullercoats ; not uncommon. When carefully examined this species can be readily dis- tinguished from those hitherto known by the greater size and elevation of the papillz, which, although varying much in length, according to their state of contraction, are always sufficiently prominent to be easily recognised. When most contracted they appear like strong mamille, but their more usual form, when the polypide is withdrawn, is elongate- conical; when it is expanded, they are cylindrical and nearly linear. This species is parasitical on old univalve shells, which it envelopes with a sub-coriaceous crust, never rising into a free state. No septa are visible excepting in the margin of young specimens, or when examined as a trans- parent object in the microscope. Alcyonidium albidum, n. sp. Pl. XIII, figs. 5, 6. Encrusting, semitransparent, yellowish white; general envelope incon- spicuous; polypides prominent, ventricose, flask-shaped, sub-recumbent, becoming erect towards the aperture, which is truncate when contracted ; tentacles 18. Surrounding the stem of Playularia falcata in small patches ; from the deep-water fishing boats, rare. This species looks somewhat like a cluster of separate animals; the polypides being prominent and united to each other by narrow septa, which are scarcely perceptible. When the polypide is extended it is columnar, tapering slightly upwards, and expanding into a slight ridge below the fasci- culated sheath. VOLT Vie D { & 2 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. Piare XIII" Fig. 1.—Buskia nitens, highly magnified. 2.—Two cells of the same; the upper one showing part of the polypide with the sheath of sete. 3, 4.—Aleyonidium mammillatum, natural size and magnified. 5, 6.—Aleyonidium albidum, natural size and magnified. Pratt XIV. 1.—Farella pedicellata, highly magnified. 2.—A cell with polypide withdrawn, more highly magnified. 3.—The same with the polypide expanded. ( 27 ) ORIGINAL COMMUNICATIONS. Monocrarn of the Genus AprotHatius (De Notaris and Tulasne emend.) By W. Lauper Linpsay, M.D., Perth. (Read before Section D. of the Meeting of the British Association, at Cheltenham, in August, 1856.) Tue genus Abrothallus, and especially the species here- after described as A. Smithii, have long been familiar to lichenologists under a variety of designations ; but their true structure and place in classification were quite misunderstood until the comparatively recent researches of De Notaris,* in Italy, and Tulasne,t in France. A. oxysporus (infra de- script.) has generally been regarded as a species of Endocarpon, especially when it bore only young apothecia; while the apothecia of A. Smithii have been denominated cephalodia, and have been variously looked upon as the abortive, mon- strous, or accessory apothecia of certain Parmelias, Lecideas, and other lichens, or as parasitic fungi. Sir William Hooker, in his ‘ British Flora,’ vol. ui, p. 200 (1838), says that Par- melia saxatilis, and its variety omphalodes, “ are liable to be infested with a parasite, which has been called Kndocarpon parasiticum, Ach.” (‘E. Bot.,’ t. 1866.) On furfuraceous states of P. saxatilis the Abrothalli are most abundant. In his ‘Flora Scotica’ (part ii, p. 44, 1821), Hooker gives as the characters of this Hndocarpon parasiticum (Lichen parasiticus, ‘HE. Bot.,’ t. 1866) : “Thallus coriaceous, convex, rounded, lobed, copper-coloured, at length rugged, black and shaggy beneath, orifices scattered, sunk, minute, coal-black, at length convex.” This description, in so far as it applies to the apo- thecia, appears to confound the two species A. Simiéthii and A, oxysporus ; and, in so far as it describes a thallus, it is erroneous, since recent researches have proved the genus Abrothallus to be really athalline. The latter error, how- ever, is rectified in .the ‘ British Flora,’ p. 159, where it is stated that the “Hndocarpon parasiticum, Ach., is now univer- sally considered to be a portion of the thallus of Parmelia saxatilis or omphalodes deformed by a parasite.” 'The view * Mem. della reale Accad. delle Sc. di Torino.,’ ser. 2, vol. x, p. 351 (1849); and in ‘Giorn. bot. Ital.’ ann. ii, fase. iii-iv, part i, p. 192, (1846). + “Mémoire pour servir a -l’Histoire organographique et physiologique des Lichens,”’ in the ‘ Annales des Sciences Naturelles,’ ser. 3, Botanique, vol. xvii (1852), p. 112. MOS Vic E 28 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. that the Abrothalli are abortive apothecia of certain familiar foliaceous lichens is maintained so lately as 1850 in Schzerer’s elaborate ‘Enumeratio critica Lichenum Europzeorum,’ (Berne, 1850). He describes the species mentioned by Hooker as End. parasiticum, under the name of Parmelia saxatilis, var. parasitica, in the following terms: “ Thallo supra apotheciis abortivis, atris, subpatelleeformibus vel hemisphze- ricis, Immarginatis, consito.” His description of the var. abortiva of Parmelia conspersa is precisely similar. Of Parmelia olivacea, var. abortiva, he says, “'Thallo supra spherulis atris (apotheciis abortivis) distincto.” These are characteristic descriptions of A. Smithii, the variety which I have hereafter described as a, ater. To my variety pulverulentus of the same species, he refers, sub nom. Sticta fuliginosa, var. abortiva, when he says: “ 'Thallo supra patellulis superficiaribus, olivaceo-viridi-pulverulentis, immar- ginatis, distincto.”” Scheerer’s specific and generic charac- ters have too evidently been founded wholly on external appearances: he himself deplores his deficient microscopical knowledge and skill. But he does not appear to have been aware of—or at least he does not allude to—the researches of De Notaris on the genus Abrothallus, which bear date between the years 1846 and 1849,—prior to the publication of his own ‘ Enumeratio.? Of Tulasne’s investigations he could not avail himself, as they were published two years sub- sequently. By other observers, again, there has been too great a tendency perhaps to take for granted the bold and sweeping assertion of Fries that “ Lichenes im aliis parasitici normaliter nulli genuini,—an assertion whose incorrectness the labours of subsequent observers have sufficiently proved. It has been too much the custom lazily and ignorantly to refer minute, black, point-like or spot-like parasitic lichens to the great family of the Fungi; but I feel assured that many species of Spheria, Dothidea, Peziza, and other fungi, presently so-called, which are parasitic on the thallus of various familiar lichens will ultimately be found to belong themselves to the ranks of the lichens. I attribute, how- ever, no blame to my predecessors for having erred in regard to the structure and place in classification of these mimute organisms. Nay, I do not see how such errors could have been avoided; for the parasitic lichens, to which I refer, could not have been properly studied prior to the introduc- tion of the microscope. I believe it to be too common now-a-days to depreciate the labours of the earlier botanists; but the more we study the minuter Cryptogams the more must we become convinced of the extent, accuracy, and value of LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 29 their observations. Most of the organisms with which we are now acquainted were noticed and described by them; and we cannot hold them altogether responsible for the misinter- pretation of their nature and alliances. While studying the furfuraceous and other abnormal states of the thallus of the common Parmelia saxatilis, in various localities in the neighbourhood of Perth, during the past spring, I was struck by a peculiar deformation or anamor- phosis of the thallus, which I first found in abundance on a damp, shady, old wall on Craigie Hill, Perth. An examina- tion of the lichen soon convinced me that the deformation was the seat, if it was not also produced by the growth, of a parasitic lichen, and that this parasite consisted of the Abrothallus Smithii, A. Welwitzschii, and A. oxysporus of Tulasne. The unusual interest connected with this genus on many accounts led me to look carefully for it in similar habitats elsewhere. I have since succeeded in finding these species in comparative abundance in many parts both of the Highlands and Lowlands, more especially of the former. I have recently examined microscopically about 250 specimens, chiefly from Highland districts, comprising both species in every state and stage of growth. In the majority of cases the habitat was old roadside walls—chiefly built of rocks or boulders belonging to the primitive or metamorphic series. In a comparatively small number of instances, the matrix grew on loose boulders of the same rocks; and in a still less number on trees, especially the ash and alder. In all cases the parasites grew on furfuraceous forms of P. sazatilis. From the frequency with which I have gathered the Abro- thalli in the Highlands and Lowlands of Scotland, I have no hesitation in asserting that, if carefully looked for, they will probably be found comparatively common in Wales and Ire- land, and—to a less extent perhaps—in England,—especially the hilly parts thereof. In addition to the Abrothalli col- lected by myself, I am indebted to the kindness of the Rev. W. A. Leighton, of Shrewsbury, for specimens,—chiefly of A. oxysporus, growing on Cetraria glauca and Parmelia con- spersa, as well as on P. savatilis, from Barmouth, North Wales. And lastly, I possess, in Leighton’s ‘ Lichenes Bri- tannici exsiccati’ (fase. i, No. 46), specimens of A. Smithii, Tul., growing on furfuraceous states of P. saxatilis, from the Wrekin, Shropshire; and (fasc. vi, No. 191) of A. Welwitz- schii, Mont., on Sticta fuliginosa, from rocks, New Cut, Mead- fort, Torquay, Devonshire. These specimens have therefore afforded me ample facilities for investigating, by the aid of the microscope and chemical reagents, the anatomy of the 30 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. genus Abrothallus. My results, though im the main corro- borative of the admirable descriptions of Tulasne, lead me to take a somewhat different view of the numbers and characters of the species; while they enable me to rectify or supply various of his minor errors of commission or omission. For example, Tulasne speaks of the “ Spermogoniz ignotee ;” and, so far as I am aware, no previous or subsequent author (for, im Korber’s ‘German Lichenography,’ pub- lished during the present year, the spermogones are stated “in der gewohnlichen Form bei Abrothallus zu fehlen scheinen” *) has observed, or at least described, the sper- mogones of Abrothallus, which I have been fortunate enough to meet with several times. But I have other and perhaps stronger grounds for bringing the anatomy of Abrothallus under the notice of British botanists. It 1s destitute of a thallus; is parasitic on another living lichen; and is possessed of the accessory reproductive bodies, stylospores, contained in conceptacles resembling in structure and site the spermo- gones, and termed by Tulasne pycnides. In each of these respects, the genus is peculiar and deserving of special study. I believe that a knowledge of the origin, structure, and mode of development of the deformations of the thallus of P. savatilis, on which the Abrothalli grow, will assist us in explainmg the nature of certain so-called erratic lichens, which have been lately discovered. British botanists have very recently been much puzzled to account for the origin of a curious globular Parmelia, found by Sir W. C. Tre- velyan, bowling freely before the wind along the surface of the soil on the exposed chalk downs of Dorsetshire. A careful examination has led me to the conclusion that this wandering Parmelia is merely a hypertrophied condition of the deformed thalli in question. Until within the last few years, botanists were almost unaware of the existence of lichens parasitic on other species. Even yet our knowledge of parasitic lichens is exceedingly incomplete. The list of British species is very meagre; but the patient labours of such men as Leighton, of Shrewsbury, and Mudd, of Cleve- land, are daily adding thereto. As illustrations of British parasitic species, it will suffice here to notice the occurrence of Calicium turbinatum, Lecidea inspersa, and Acolium stigo- nellum, on Pertusaria communis: Scutula Wallrothit and Celidium fusco-purpureum on Peltigera canina: Celidium * «Systema Lichenum Germanie. Die Flechten Deutschlands (insbe- sondere Schlesiens) mikroskopisch gepriift, kritisch gesichtet, charakteris- tisch beschrieben und systematisch geordnet von Dr. G. W. Koerber? 3reslau, 1856. LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 3l Stictarum on Sticta pulmonaria and 8. scrobiculata: Pha- copsis varia on Parmelia parietina: Phacopsis vulpina on Cornicularia vulpina: Braemar. 4. Glen Dee, : 5. Ben Nevis; with spermogones. 6. Loch Coruwisk and Glen Shgachan, Skye. Trap rocks, porphyry, syenite, amygdaloids, &ce. 7. Moncrieffe Hill, Perth. C. On trees: the alder. 1. Glen Nevis. D. Special habitat unknown : 1 . Barmouth, North Wales (Leighton); with spermogones. 38 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. II. On Parmelia conspersa. 1. Barmouth, North Wales (Leighton); with spermo- gones. Il. On Cetraria glauca. 1. Barmouth, North Wales (Leighton); with spermo- gones. Korber also speaks of it as abundant on C. glauca in Germany. In the earliest state in which I have observed them, the deformations of the thallus of P. sawatilis, on which the Abrothalli grow, occur as minute, simple, orbicular squa- mules, smooth above, black-fibrillose below. If they are studded over with the young apothecia of A. oxysporus, they greatly resemble the scale-hke thalli of some Endocarpons. They are very different in appearance from the lacinie of P. saxatilis, which are sinuate-lacinulate, and the lacinule divaricate-angulose with retuse extremities. They are epi- thalline, seated upon the ordinary thallus of P. sawatilis, from which they appear perfectly distinct. Hence such squamules have the appearance of separate and parasitic vegetations. Occasionally I have seen the Abrothalli grow- ing on the normal laciniz of furfuraceous forms of P. saxa- tilts, or on laciniz very slightly modified. In other cases, the anamorphoses, in the structure of their laciniz, closely resemble the ordinary thallus of P. savatilis. Occasionally a few scattered apothecia of A. Smithii, with its pycnides, occur on simple squamules; but this is comparatively rare. With age these squamules undergo great modifications, and it is generally at a somewhat later period of development that they become the sites of the Abrothalli. The first change consists in their becoming lobed and polyphyllous ; in this condition they not unfrequently resemble the var. complicatum of Endocarpon miniatum. A. oxysporus often inhabits thalli of this kind. This condition is well marked in specimens of A. oxysporus from Glen Nevis. Sometimes the lobes or squamules preserve a concavity of surface; more generally they acquire a convexity from a tendency to evolu- tion or curling out of their edges, which in some cases are much thickened. The surface is occasionally much cor- rugated or pitted, and scattered over with grayish soredia or warts, which frequently crown the ridges of the plice. I have also seen the squamules pruinose like the thallus of Parmelia pulverulenta. In some cases—as in A. oxysporus, from Loch Coruisk, Skye, and in 4. Smithit, growing on the LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 39 ash on the roadside between Dumfries and Caerlaverock—I have found cubical or octohedral crystals more or less abun- dantly in the thallus, apparently consisting of the carbonate or oxalate of lime. I have frequently detected crystalline matters of various kinds in the thallus of other lichens. The colour of the squamules varies greatly in different habitats and localities. Sometimes they possess a peculiar leaden hue; such squamules, whether simple or polyphyl- lous, are generally sterile, or they bear pycnides scattered sparingly towards the margins and unassociated with apothecia. In Highland districts especially, the thallus is sometimes of a rusty red or copper colour, depending apparently on the absorption of peroxide of iron. ‘This species of coloration is frequent also in the ordinary thallus of P. savatilis. At other times the squamules have a light brownish tint on the surface ; but the medullary tissue, as exhibited in fissures of the cortical layer, or in the foveole left by the falling out of the apothecia of A. Smithii, possesses a brilliant saffron tint, resembling that of the under surface of Solorina crocea. In other cases, the colour approximates that of the thallus of P. saxatilis, on which the deformations occur. The thalli on which A. Smithii is parasitic generally become globose, irregular, gnarled masses, from the evolution of the edges already alluded to, and from the development of suc- cessive and super-imposed crops of new lobes or squamules. This convexity increases; the base of adhesion becomes nar- rowed by continued curling; and the globular mass may at length be easily detached from the thallus of P. saxatilis, to which it bears little or noresemblance. The most globular or hypertrophic specimens I have metwith have been sterile forms of a leaden hue or light grayish colour, apparently develop- ments of the squamules on which the pyenides of A. Smithii frequently occur alone. A section shows such a mass to consist of a series of irregularly disposed layers of squamules or lobes, separated by alternate strata of a brownish granular matter, the débris of the rhizine or black fibrils of their under surface. I have never seen these masses free; but, from a consideration of their mode of growth, I have no doubt that they may be ultimately detached by the wind or other agencies, and, continuing to vegetate in the way I have described, may become regularly globular, all trace of the base of adhesion being obliterated. In a specimen of 4. oxysporus, on Cetraria glauca, from Barmouth, North Wales, for which I am indebted to Mr. Leighton, the parasite grows on pecu- har bullose dilatations of the extremities of the laciniz, or of some more central portion of the thallus of the Cetraria. 40 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. These peculiar deformities appear to arise as pustules of the thallus, which gradually become distended and inflated, till they assume a bladder-lhke form. At the same time, their base sometimes becomes altered into a narrow peduncle, apparently by a process of contraction in the surrounding tissues, and a pyriform or globular bulla is produced. By continued contraction of the base of adhesion the mass may become free; the peduncle may disappear, and a regularly globular form be produced. In such astate these bladder-like bodies of extreme lightness would readily be carried great distances by the wind, and might accumulate in particular localities. This is doubtless Schzerer’s var. bullata of C.glauca, of which he says (Enum. Crit. Lich. Europ.,’ p. 13, 1850) : “Thalli lobulis extremis in capitula inflata transformatis.” These pustules or bladder-like dilatations must be regarded as morbid conditions of the thallus, produced by the growth of the parasites. They are analogous to the blisters caused on the leaves, and excrescences from the bark or stems of various of the higher plants produced by the attacks of insects. But it does not appear to me that the anamorphoses of the thallus of P. saxatilis, on which the Abrothalli grow, ean be placed in the same category. They are neither dila- tations of, nor excrescences from, the parent thallus, but distinct and superimposed, sometimes easily detachable, growths. I think, therefore, that Korber has taken an erroneous and limited view of the subject when he observes: “Die stellen des Imbricarien- und _ Cetrarien-lagers, welche von diesem Parasiten tberwiichert werden, bilden eigenthiimliche bauschige Anschwellungen, welche das durch den Schmarotzer bedingte Krankeln der Mutterpflanze deutlich verrathen, friiher jedoch als eigne Lager dem Para- siten falschlich zugeschrieben wurden (p. 216); (speaking of P. saxatilis, p. 73): auf den eignen Lager eigenthtimliche kleinlappige, krankhaft aussehende und mit dem parasi- tischen Abrothallus Bertianus besetzte Polster bildend ; (and of P. caperata): des Lager der Imbricaria caperata wird von diesem Parasiten (A. microspermus) weniger krankhaft verandert” (p. 216.) His error probably arises from his not having carefully studied the origin and development of these anamorphoses in any considerable number of specimens. In the Braemar district I have not unfrequently met with globular dilatations or excrescences of the thallus of Lecanora tartarea, L. parella, L. ventosa, and other lichens, unassociated with any parasitic growths. Nor have I ever seen such dilatations or excrescences in P. saxatilis, on whose normal laciniz, as I have already stated, the Abrothalli sometimes occur. LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 4] The deformations of the thallus of Parmelia conspersa, on which A. oxysporus grows, as examined in specimens from Barmouth, communicated by Mr. Leighton, more resemble those of C. glauca than those of P. saxatilis. In Welsh speci- mens of 4. Smithii and A. oxysporus, growing on furfuraceous forms of P. savatilis, the portions of thallus on which the parasites occur have more the character of the ordinary laciniz of P. saxatilis than in Scotch specimens. The thallus of P. saxatilis in these specimens is whitish, friable, and mealy, compared with Scotch ones, which are tough and coriaceous, This difference is probably to be accounted for by differences in the geological character of the habitat. In addition to the other irregularities of structure or ap- pearance already alluded to, I have occasionally observed, particularly in Highland specimens, the cortical layer of the deformed thalli partially or wholly eroded, apparently by insects, the subjacent white or medullary tissue being thereby exposed. This erosion sometimes appeared like a cross section of a number of plicze on the same squamule, or of a series of superimposed squamules or lobes. It occurs sometimes in similar localities in the ordinary thallus of P. saxatilis, as well as on its anamorphoses. Frequently the medullary tissue exposed is of a brilliant saffron-yellow. I have fre- quently noticed on damp walls a similar condition of Parmelia parietina, giving the thallus and apothecia a white-variegated appearance. The origin and mode of growth of the globular deformations of the thallus of P. saxatilis and Cetraria glauca above described, appear to me to throw a new light on the nature of the var. concentrica of P. saxatilis (Leight. ‘ Lich. Brit. exsicc.,’ No. 232, fasc. 8, 1856), lately found by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, rollimg freely before the wind on the exposed sheep-walks or chalk downs of Dorsetshire, and particularly on Melbury Hill, near Shaftesbury.* The characteristics of this curious lichen are, its erratic nature, its globular form, and its want of adhesion to any base of support. Its ex- ternal appearance, as well as its characters on section, are very similar to those of the lead-coloured or grayish, globose anamorphoses of the thallus of P. saxatilis before referred to. Specimens of the latter, if detached and rolled about on the surface of the ground in a similar way, would undoubtedly acquire a similarly globose form. This erratic form of P. * Proceedings of the Botan, Society of Edinburgh, in ‘ Scottish Gar- dener,’ March, 1856, p. 100; and Notes by Rev. M. J. Berkeley, in ‘Gardener’s Chronicle,’ Feb. 9th, 1856, p. 84, aad March 15th, 1856, p. 172. 42 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. saxvatilis appears to grow after detachment from its base of support; and its peculiar shape seems due both to curling up of the margins of the lobes, and to repeated and superimposed epithalline growths from and upon the original nucleus. The lobes or laciniz are smooth, shining, and of a light gray tint. A few grayish soredia are occasionally scattered over the surface; but I have not noticed, in specimens kindly forwarded to me by Sir W. C. Trevelyan, nor in the specimen contained in Leighton’s ‘ Lich. Brit. exsicc.,’ any of the re- productive organs of the Abrothalli. 1 do not, however, regard the absence of the latter as at all a disproof of the lichen being developed in the way I have hinted; for I have already stated that it most closely resembles sterile forms of the deformations of P. saxatilis above described. It is perfectly possible, moreover, that laciniz or squamules bearing the pyenides, spermogones, or even apothecia of the Abrothalli, have been covered over and concealed by subse- quent epithalline growths. “There is no good reason why they should not fructify,” says Berkeley in the ‘ Gardener’s Chronicle,’ March 15th, 1856, p. 172; but if the view just propounded of the nature and origin of these erratic masses be correct, we should never expect to find on them the normal apothecia of P. saxaiilis, though we might have good grounds for anticipating the occasional occurrence of the pycnides or spermogones of the Abrothalli. The theories hitherto started to account for their peculiar form do not appear to me to be satisfactory, viz., that they have been formed round the droppings of sheep or rabbits, as nuclei, or that they have grown on the twigs of trees, whence they have been subsequently detached. Berkeley and Babington regard the erratic lichen in question as a form of Parmelia cesia, or one of the “short-lobed forms of the Parmelia stellaris group; but Sir W. Hooker, Sir W. C. Trevelyan, and Leighton consider it a form of P. saxatilis, and in this opinion, though I had at first some difficulty m deciding, I entirely concur. Further, there is a close resemblance between this erratic species and various Lecanoras of a globular form, and showing no point of adhesion, which have at various times been described by travellers as suddenly covering, like manna, large tracts of country in Asia, and as being eaten by cattle and by nomadic tribes of natives.* Such lichens are the Lecanora esculenta and affinis of Tartary and Persia. I have not been fortunate enough to see specimens of these interesting lichens; but I think it ex- * Vide the author’s ‘ Popular History of British Lichens’ (Reeve, London, 1856), pp. 211 and 228. LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALUUS. 43 tremely probable that they are not independent species, but merely malformations of some more familiar lichens. This idea, Berkeley mentions, has also occurred to Sir W. Hooker. I. A. Snithit—Of 7] sheets, containing about 250 specimens of A. Smithti and A. oxysporus, generally intermixed, the former species occurred in 54 cases, or about 76 per cent. ; while the latter was found in 42 cases, or about 59 per cent. Of the two species, therefore, A. Simithiti is the more abundant, though the preponderance is not very greatly in its favour. The young apothecia appear first to occur as spherical, blackish warts in the medullary tissue of the matrix (by which name I mean to designate the deformed portions of the thallus of P. sawratilis, and other lichens, on which the parasite occurs). Increasing gradually in size and colour, such an apothecial wart pushes its way to the surface, and perforates the ‘cortical layer, either by a slow process, whereby the latter is thinned without fissuring, or rapidly, whereby more or less extensive radiate-fissuring is produced. In the former case the cortical border of the nascent apothecium is comparatively entire; in the latter it is irregu- larly broken by the stellate fissures, which, like the apothecium itself, generally appear black. After its evolution through the cortical layer, the apothecium swells, becoming globose ; and its margins gradually overlap the cortical border. To the latter the margins are at first more or less closely ap- pressed: sometimes they become agglutinated; at other times they remain, or become, with age, free. The latter condition seems to be assisted, if not produced, by a gradual contraction, as the apothecium becomes mature and old, of its base,—the hypothecial tissue. This process goes on till the apothecium falls away, leaving a saucer-shaped cavity or foveola, closely resembling, at a later stage of its development, or rather retrogression, the cyphelle of the Sticte. With age, such cavities or pits become more urceolate, and their edges better defined. The latter are frequently distinctly raised and dark coloured; while the cavity of the foveole may remain whitish, reddish, saffron- coloured, or it gradually assumes a brownish tint. These foveole are peculiar to A. Smithii, and are frequently seen on the old thallus, especially in Highland districts. I have never noticed them im A. oxysporus. When young and emergent, especially if deplanate, the apothecia of A. Smithii resemble somewhat the nascent apothecia of A. oxysporus ; but a microscopic examination will at once detect the difference. In specimens of A. Smithii from the neighbour VOL. V. F A LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. hood of Portree, Skye, I found the young apothecia indis- tinguishable, by the naked eye, from those of A. oxysporus. These apothecia were flattened and black, with rough or pulverulent surface, agglutinated borders, and surrounding radiate-fissuring of the cortical layer of the thallus. The adhesion of the margins of the apothecia to the cortical layer is sometimes so intimate, that the base appears gradually shaded off or passing into the matrix, like the perithecia of Verrucaria epidermidis. This, however, i is rare. I have seen it only in a few hill specimens. The gradual contraction of the hypothecium, or base of adhesion, renders the enucleation of the old apothecia easy. Of the mode of evolution of the apothecia in his three species, Tulasne says that, in A. Smithii, “FE matrice lente ac tali modo emergunt ut ejus cutem vix effringere illique e ‘contrario primum marginibus adglutinari videantur;” in A. Welwitzschii, “ Matricis cuticulam ita in erumpendo effrmgant ut istius frustula erecta hymenii discum quasi vallo ambiant ; ” while, in A. microspermus, “ E matrice pede- tentim emergit, cujus cuticulam fractam non sublevat et isti e contrario toto ambitu adnasci s. conglutinari diu videtur.” The relations of the spothecial margins to the surrounding cortical tissue do not appear to me to furnish good characters for differentiation. I think I have seen all the appearances which Tulasne describes in different speci- mens of the varieties which I have designated ater and pulverulentus, even from the same locality. The A. Welwitzschu of Leighton’s ‘Lich. Brit. exsicc. does not differ, either in external characters or in internal structure, from green-pulverulent forms of A. Smithii found by myself abundantly on Craigie Hill and elsewhere; but it rises directly from the ordinary thallus of Sticta fuliginosa. 'The only specimen which I have had an opportunity of examining has only two apothecia. One of these is flattened, not very prominent, and appears agglutinated at the margins; the other, on being moistened, becomes globose and substipitate, and has distinctly no raised margin of cortical tissue. Neither does the degree of flattening or convexity of the apothecia afford a good means of differential diagnosis; it differs widely in specimens from various localities. ‘The apothecia of A. Smithii, says Tulasne, are “ discoidea, pulviniformia, tandemque maxime convexa;’” those of A. Welwitzschii are “magis vulgo deplanata ;’’ ‘while .4. micro- spermus, “attamen puncta atra latiora et depressiora vulgo sistit.”” I have frequently met with the apothecia both of varieties « and # flattened, sometimes tuberculiform and even LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 45 confluent. In the latter case only two or three apothecia were usually in apposition; their margins, though modified by pressure, were distinct, and their surface was flattened. So flattened, semi-immersed, and inconspicuous have the apothecia of A. Smithiti sometimes been in Highland specimens, that I have mistaken them, by the naked eye, for those of A. oxysporus. I have also seen them, in the old state, immediately prior to their falling out, when their base of adhesion is constricted to a very narrow peduncle, capitate or substipitate. The apothecia of var. a are sometimes exasperate or slightly black- pulyerulent; or, still more rarely, in Highland specimens, they have appeared to be faintly marked by striz or gyre, like those of some of the Unubilicarias. Another basis whereon Tulasne founds his specific distinctions, is the presence or absence, as well as the degree, of green-pulverulence, of the apothecia. According to that observer, the apothecia of 4d. Smithii are “sparsim virenti-pulverulentis aut glabris ;” those of d. Welwitzschi are “pulvere chlorino velatis;” while m regard to those of A. microspermus, he remarks, “nec pulverem virentem ei imspersum vidi.’ The green-pulverulence, I believe, is merely an illustration of the pulverulent or pruinose condition of the apothecia, so common among lichens, and which is one form of sorediiferous degeneration. The green powder, which varies greatly in degree, consists chiefly of gonidia; as do also the globose, greenish, powdery warts, resembling, in general appearance, the apothecia, in var. 8 pulverulentus, ‘which I have met with occasionally on the same thallus,—as in specimens from Craig-y-Barns, Dunkeld. These warts are generally less regular in form than the apothecia in question, from which, however, they are sometimes indis- tinguishable without the microscope. I have repeatedly seen black and green-pulverulent apothecia occurrmg on the same thallus: but in certain localities the former predominate ; a others the latter. On Ben Lawers I found only black apothecia; on Craigie Hill, Perth, the green-pulverulent ones are abundant. The latter I have noticed chiefly in damp, shady places—precisely the situations favorable to sorediiferous degeneration. The development of the thecz and spores resembles what obtains in the majority of other lichens. The theca arises from the hypothecium as a small, colourless, spherical cell, which gradually becomes elongated upwards so as to acquire a clavate form. It contains at first a colourless, minutely granular or amorphous protoplasm, which fills its whole cavity. Gradually this is limited by the spore-sac, which is 46 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. seen, especially under the use of iodine and other reagents, to be distinct from the thecal wall, more particularly at the apex, where a considerable space sometimes intervenes be- tween them. ‘The protoplasm slowly acquires a pale yel- lowish tint, and become smore granular; bye and bye it exhibits division into oval masses, which are the future spores. ‘Two button-lke nuclei of a pale lemon-yellow colour soon appear, and occupy those parts of the spore which are subsequently divided by a central septum into the two loculi. Meanwhile the theca has increased in breadth towards the apex, and has assumed more of an obovate form; the spore-sac and thecal wall have been distended by the gradual development of the spores. At this stage the theca is a very pretty object under the microscope. The protoplasm, as yet faintly coloured and finely granular, is studded over with the button-hke nuclei of the spores, which are more prominent than their walls or septa. A similar ap- pearance may be readily observed in the young thece of Parmelia parietina and some other lichens. This button- studded appearance, however, is much better marked in A, oxysporus, 12 which the spores remain colourless or very pale, and the lemon-coloured nuclei consequently very pro- minent; besides the spores of A. Smithit do not always possess or exhibit the nuclei m question. The septum of the spores now becomes apparent ; their walls are better defined ; their colour has passed through various shades of yellow and ereen till it has become an olive-green; and the nuclei or secondary cellules remain or disappear. The distension of the theca progresses in proportion to the maturescence of the spores, the inferior extremity or peduncle tapering suddenly or gradually from the upper, sometimes almost spherical, portion. Finally, the spore-sae and theca are ruptured at the apex, and, immediately after the emission of their con- tents, disappear. ‘The spores escape, and after they are free they expand in dimensions, acquire more of a brown colour, and have a better-defined wall and septum; the loculi are separated by a distinct constriction, and they exhibit an inequality of size, one being considerably broader than the other. Tulasne speaks of the thece in the genus Abrothallus being clavate; but this appears to me to be true of them only in their young state. I have repeatedly tested the amyloid nature of the thece by solutions of iodine, diluted and strong, but with negative results. In one or two cases only did I discover a faint bluish tint developed; in the majority the iodime merely communicated its own tinge or produced no effect. This result accords essentially with the LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. AT observations of Tulasne, who says of the thecze of A. Smithit, “Tn iode soluto immersi nonnisi apice et dilute, quandoque etiam vix conspicue cerulescunt :” of those of A. Welwitzschii, “nec nisi dilutissime in iode soluto cerulescunt :” while those of A. microspermus consist of a “membrana crassa qua fabricantur in iode soluto tantum sordide flavescit eodem scil. modo ac spore.” In all the varieties which I have examined the spores had essentially the same characters. As measured by an eye- piece micrometer, made by Bryson of Edinburgh, they gene- rally varied in length from +745 to qs'55 mech, and in breadth from 5255 to z:55: sometimes, however, they were larger ; at other times smaller. In general appearance they resembled the spores of Physcia ciliaris, and some of the Calicia; and they appeared intermediate in size between them. Korber describes them as shoe-sole-shaped (“ schuh- sohlenformig”), which, though rather an awkward designa- tion, conveys a very true idea of their appearance. In many eases there was little distinction in size between the loculi: these were chiefly young spores. The spores were gene- rally olive-green—seldom of a deep brown. The latter tint IT have observed only in a few instances—as in specimens of var. a from Ben Lawers, the 4. Welwitzschit of Leighton’s ‘Lich. Brit. exsicc.’ &c., The spores of the Ben Lawers specimens were dark umber-coloured, and broader than any I have as yet seen: they had somewhat the appearance of a figure of 8, and closely resembled on a small scale the spores of P. ciliaris. Tulasne describes the spores of A. Sméthii as “atree v. spisse fusce ;” those of 4. Welwitzschit as “ satu- rate fuse ;”’ and those of A. microspermus as “vulgo pallide.”’? I would suggest that the dark colour of the spores observed by him may be due to his having examined chiefly herbarium specimens. Iodine seems to have no reaction on the spores of A. Smithii or A. oxysporus. 'ulasne allows a similarity in the characters of the spores between his A. Smithii and A. Welwitzschii ; for he says of the latter, “ ab illis ejusdem lichenis forma crassitudineque non differunt.” Of A. microspermus, he remarks: “Speciei criterlum in seminum utriusque generis exiguitate preesertim ponitur.” The paleness and minute size of the spores here constitute a peculiarity ; but they do not appear sufficient to form specific differential characters. Korber remarks: “ Die Unterschiede von der vorigen Art (4. Sméthiz) sind nur gering, so dass sie vielleicht besser als Varietaét zu dieser zu bringen ist ”’ (p. 216). Tulasne gives, as the habitat of this species, Parmelia caperata. Korber says P. caperata with A. micro- 48 LINDSAY, ON ABYOTHALLUS. spermus parasitic on it is rare in Germany. I have had no opportunity of examining it. When its minute anatomy is fully investigated, good grounds may appear for retaining it as an independent species; meanwhile I cannot give it a higher place than that of a variety. Tulasne himself confesses, “ Abrothallum Smithn et hune preesertim qui in Parmelia tiliacea parasitatur summopere eemulatur.”’ In A. Smithii “Guttula oleosa in utroque cujusvis spore mature locello includitur,” says Tulasne. In certain cases I have noticed secondary cellules or nuclei m the spores: in others I have not. They were dis- tinct in specimens from Craig-y-Barns, Dunkeld: they were absent in 4. Welwitzechit, from Torquay, and in 4. Smithii, from the Wrekin, Shropshire (both contamed in Leighton’s ‘ Lich. Brit. exsice.) Frequently one compara- tively large cellule occurred in each loculus, lying usually towards ihe outer extremity thereof : Semen there were two in each, their size being smaller; or one of the loculi contained a large nucleus, ‘while the other contained two smaller ones. In apothecia from certain localities, or on particular thalli, this character of the spores was pretty constant ; but the nuclei im question were as frequently, in other specimens, absent. I could not satisfy myself as to the oily nature of these bodies ; they appeared to me to be too regular in their form, too uniform in their position, too constant in certain specimens, while they were altogether absent in others, to be mere “ guttula oleosa.” The use of ether, aqua potassee, aqua ammonie, and other reagents, has satisfied me of the oily nature of the globules and protoplasm of the stylospores, and also of a por tion, at least, of the protoplasm of the spores of A. oxysporus. But I have been unable to convince myself that the nuclei of the latter, or of the spores of A. Smithii, are solely or partially oily. Another difficulty frequently occurs in regard to determing the nature of the nuclei of certain spores. The characteristic yellow nuclei of the spores of Parmelia parietina, for example, have been variously regarded as an external coating of the ends of the spore, as secondary cellules occupying the ‘opposite extremities of the interior of a cell, having thin walls, or as vacuoles hollowed in the material of a thick-walled or solid spore, and full of an oily or other protoplasm. It seems probable that spores and nuclei, possessing these varied characters, really do exist, though, in particular mstances, it is difficult to decide to which of the classes above mentioned to refer them. In the spores of the Abrothalli the nuclei— be they cellules or globules—appear to occupy the interior LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. 49 of a free cavity. On the same apothecia I have sometimes found the spores of both species of Abrothallus, as well as stylospores ; and, on the thallus, the spores of various Le- cideas and other lichens may also be met with. This illus- trates the dissemination of the spores of lichens by the winds, rains, and other agencies. So far as my observations enable me to decide, this species possesses no spermogones of the ordinary type—that 1s, of the structure usual in those of most lichens. I shall pre- sently show that I am inclined to regard the pyenides as another or extraordinary type of spermogones,—in certain exceptional cases taking their place and fulfilling their functions. A. Smithit and A. oxysporus are frequently so intimately associated that the one may appear to possess spermogones and the other pycnides. In a few cases, I have seen spermogones intermixed with, and apparently belonging to, A. Smithii; and pyenides scattered among, as if pertain- ing to, a young state of A. orysporus ; but in the former case they really belonged to A. oxvysporus, and in the latter to A, Smithii, the apothecia of which were also interspersed. Of fifty-four sheets of specimens of A. Smitiii (generally associated with A. owysporus, and growing on furfuraceous states of P. savatilis), 1 found pycnides present in thirty- four cases, or about 63 per cent.; while in forty-two shects of A. oxysporus (similarly growing, and with which 4. Smithii was associated), Spermogones occurred only in five instances, or about 12 per cent. ‘The pycnides were there-: fore upwards of five times more frequent in A. Smitha, than the spermogones in A. oxysporus. Hence the normal, or usual, type of spermogones is comparatively rare in the genus Abrothallus ; while the pyenidian, or exceptional, type is somewhat common. This is one of the characteristic fea- tures of the genus. In twenty-seven of the thirty-four cases, in which pyenides occurred, they were associated with the apothecia of A. Smithit ; in four cases they were found alone, chiefly on the bluish or lead-coloured squamules already described ; and in three instances they were intermixed with young apothecia of A. oxrysporus, to which species they appeared (but erroneously) to belong. In site and external appearances, the pycnides closely resemble the spermogones of A. oxysporus, hereafter to be described ; and are extremely apt to be mistaken therefor or confounded therewith. Like the latter, they occur as minute, black points, scattered gene- rally over the surface, or only towards the periphery, of the squamules or lobes. Each point or spot is perforated by a simple or stellate pore, whose edges may be flattened, raised, 50 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS. or occasionally depressed. This ostiole is, however, gene- rally larger and more prominent than that of the spermo- gones, and its edges more frequently swollen and raised. Sometimes—as in specimens of A. Smithii from Glen Shee and Glen Beg—the pycnides are superficial, and prominent, forming rough, tuberculated, black warts, seated on the sur- face of the thallus, each pierced by a distinct pore. ‘The body of the pycnidis is immersed, spherical, and enclosed in a brown cellular tissue. When moistened, the pyenides appear as brown translucent spots, precisely like the sper- mogones. Tulasne says that the pycnides of A. Smithie are “interdum copiosissime, imo apotheciis multo fre- quentiores,” especially when they occur on Parmelia tiliacea; he also describes those of A. microspermus as abundant; but of A. Welwitzschii, he remarks, “‘ Pyenides desiderantur.” I have found the pycnides indiscriminately associated with varieties a and 6, and am convinced that the description of the pyenides of his species A. Smithw applies equally to those of his A. Welwitzschii. I have never, however, noticed pyenides so abundantly distributed as Tulasne would seem to imply. I have seen an intermixture of spermogones with young apothecia in A. ovysporus, associated on the same squamule with A. Smitha, “interdum copiosissime ;”” and it appears to me possible, from the great resemblance, that Tulasne may have hurriedly overlooked the distinction between them, more particularly as he speaks of the “ sper- mogonize ignotee”’ of the genus Abrothallus. I have most frequently found the best specimens of pycnides scattered, to the number of four or six, near the margin of sterile squamules, which had a leaden or grayish hue, and were thickened, corrugated, and warted. While the other cha- racters are similar, the pycnides differ remarkably from the spermogones in containing stylospores, instead of spermatia. These are cellular bodies, having much the appearance of certain spores, about +3155 to z3/5y meh long, by 3355 to so'a5 broad. They are normally pyriform or obovate; but they are sometimes spherical, oval, oblong, navicular, fusiform, or present irregular bulgings. These abnormalities of form generally occur in Highland specimens. Viewed in different lights, they may be colourless or of a pale yellow tinge; sometimes the contained globules were pale yellow ; at other times the whole stylospore was of a distinct yellow. In the latter case, in Highland specimens, the stylospores were generally small and shrivelled. With regard to their con- tents, Tulasne remarks, “ Nune protoplasma subliquidum fereque homogeneum, nunc guttulas oleosas 2—38 fovent,’’ LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALULUS. 51 ~ A. Smithii; while in A. microspermus, they are “ mate- reque oleosa et homogenea feetas.” All these conditions fre quently exist in the stylospores of the same variety. Very frequently a single large globule occupied the cavity of the stylospore, extending across 1t8 whole breadth, but leaving interspaces at the ‘extremities ; ; or a large elobule filled the broader end, while the opposite contained two or more smaller globules. Sometimes the stylospore contaimed amass of small globules and granules of different size; at other times the protoplasm was finely granular or grumous; or it was perfectly homogeneous and transpe arent. This appeared to be the highest state of development of the stylospore. The application of ether, aqua potassze, and aqua ammonize satisfied me that m all these cases the protoplasm was oily. The oil globules could readily be squeezed from the pepo and made to coalesce into larger globules; and the styl ee almost invariably eedeaeed“sometunes to a marked extent—with free, fioat- ing oil globules. Under the reagents these free oil globules were g ereatly increased in number and size, and the globules contained in the stylospores could be seen eradually being dissolved or broken up into a homogeneous fluid. These globules, ke other oil globules, refracted light powerfully, and were very prominent objects in the interior of the stylospores. Their numbers and size differed greatly in specimens from various localities. They were very large and numerous in Ben Lawers specimens, in which the stylospores were associated with a large quantity of free oil globules. A similarly large intermixture of oil globules, espe- cially in the young state of the stylospores, was also observed in specimens from Glen Shee, the vicinity of Dumfries, and other localities. Some of the stylospores, in specimens from Ben Lawers, bore a resemblance to certain cellular spores, especially when elongated and containing two or more large globular nuclei. Here also there was considerable deformity of shape; some of the stylospores, which were among the largest I have seen, were almost spherical in form, and might have been mistaken for empty gonidia. This was not unfre- quently the case also in other specimens. I have occasion- ally—as in specimens of A. Smith from Glen Shee—seen the stylospores, from their shape and the arrangement of the contained globules, resembling certain states of the spores of A. oxvysporus. Of the colour of the stylospores Tulasne says, “ Singulatim spectata dilute flavida diceres ; ”’ while “horumce corpusculorum congeries in pycnidis sinu albescit copiosumque admittit aerem.” He remarks further, 52 LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS “ Tode protoplasma fucatur, membrana autem utriculi vix mu- tatur.’ I did not find iodine produce any change further than communicating its own tinge. Like the spermatia, the stylospores are borne on a series of sterigmata, closely crowded together, and arranged in relation to the walls and eavity of the pyenidis as the spermatial sterigmata are to those of the spermogone. But the filaments generating the stylospores are uniformly simple and one-spored—the stylo- spore invariably being thrown off from the apex, and never from the sides. These filaments vary greatly in length; generally they are very short or inconspicuous ; sometimes they appear to be absent. There is considerable variety also in thickness; being sometimes thick and short, at other times long, slender, and thin. In both cases they are usually very delicate. Sometimes they become shrivelled, and are retained, as caudate appendages, by the sty lospores ; this I frequently observed in the small yellow stylospores In Highland specimens. Each sterigma would appear to gene- rate—as do also the spermatial sterigmata—a continuous series of stylospores, which in this case are thrown off as termi- nal cells or buds. The sterigmata of A. Smithii, Tulasne de- scribes as “ brevissimis stipatissis quandoque vix conspicuis crassis ac monosporis ;”’ while, in A. microspermus, they are in- conspicuous and but rarely “ linearibus et longiusculis.”’? The stylospore first appears as the rounded, bulging, or obovate extremity of a short, simple filament, which resembles, except in length, the paraphysis of a lichen. The end of this filament is full of a finely granular matter, which accu- mulates especially in the bulging portion; the latter is gradually separated by a septum. ‘The terminal cell becomes broader towards its free end, and narrower towards its inser- tion upon the sterigma, until, at length, it is thrown off as the stylospore. The latter appears to attain its full size only after it is free; it expands in all its dimensions and acquires a pyriform shape. The granular protoplasm now becomes more distinct and more coarse; there 1s a gradual fusion of the smaller granules into globules, and these into larger globules, until the cavity of the stylospore is occupied by one or more large globules as I have already described. Finally these appear to deliquesce into a homogeneous, colourless, oily fluid, which gives rise to the colourless pyri- form stylospore with apparent double contour. I have seen nothing like germination in the stylospores. Stylospores have been hitherto found only im another minute parasitic genus—also described recently by Tulasne in his ad- mirable memoir on the organography and physiology of the LINDSAY, ON ABROTHALLUS 53 lichens—Scutuda. Their relation to the function of reproduc - tion has yet to be determined. In certain respects they bear an analogy to the spermatia; in certain other respects to true spores. ‘They are generated in conceptacles closely resem- bling, in site and external form, the spermogones; they also appear to precede the spores in order of development, and to be rather cotemporaneous with the spermatia; they are moreover, extra-thecal or extra-cellular, and are thrown off from the apices of peculiar filaments or sterigmata. On the other hand their size and form, and the nature of their con- tents, approximate them more to the character of true spores. There is a remarkable resemblance, however, between the stylospores and the pyriform or obovate bodies described as the spermatia of the Peltigerze by Tulasne (‘ Mém.,’ p. 200). The section of aspermogone of Peltigera precisely resembles, in the form and arrangement of its sterigmata and spermatia, the pyenidis of Abrothallus. El te ( 172 ) ZOOPHYTOLOGY. Class. PoLyzoa. Sub-order. Cheilostomata. Fam. Salicornariade. Busk. Gen. Oxchopora, Busk. (‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Se.,’ vol. iti, p- 320 1. O. Sinclairii, n. sp. Busk. Pl. XV, figs. 1, 2, 3. Cells ovate, ventricose, attenuated at the bottom, slightly keeled in front, the upper part of which is occupied by a scutiform area, having in the centre a lunate pore; mouth large, sub-orbicular, the lower lip nearly straight; surface smooth; ovicell raised, globose, large, with a prominent central umbo, from which coste radiate on the sides and summit. Hab. New Zealand, Dr. Sinclair, Dr. Lyall. The characters of the genus Onchopora will require to be altered to admit the present form, which is obviously too closely allied with those previously included in it, and espe- cially with O. mutica, to allow of their being separated. The alteration will consist in the omission of the last part of the character given as above, or that referring to the ovicell, which in the present species is very large and peculiarly marked. The polyzoary of the present species, which has something of the habit of a Salicornaria, is constituted of cylindrical branches of various lengths and usually dividing dichoto- mously. The whole forms a more or less dense rounded tuft. 2. Lepralia, Johust. 1. L. thyreophora, n. sp. Busk. Pl. XV, figs. 4, 5. Cells ovate, upper half in front occupied by a scutiform area, in the centre of which is a lunate pore, and on either side a single row of punctures (?) which also extends across the front of the cell immediately below the mouth, which is rounded above with a straight lower lip; ovicell lofty, rounded, faintly punctated. Hab. New Zealand, Dr. Sinclair. This Lepralia, which is parasitic upon O. Sinclairii, im some respects resembles L. Malusii (B. M. Cat., pl. 103), differing from it, however, in its having a distinct scutiform area on the front of the cell, and in the arrangement of the apparent perforations or puncta, which exist only around the margin of the scutiform area and across the upper border of the cell, whilst in L. Malusii the entire front of the cell, except in the centre, is punctated. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 173 Another species with which the present might also be confounded, and from which it appears to differ only in the absence of oral spimes—is the Escharina cornuta of D’Orbigny (‘ Voy. & Amer. occid.,’ plate v). 2. L. Cecilt, Audouin, Exp. I, p. 239. Pl. XV, figs. 6, 7. Savigny, Egypt, pl. ix. Cells ovate. with a central umbo, surface punctate; mouth rounded above, with a straight lower lip, in the middle of which is a narrow sinus ; ovicell raised, surface granulose. Hab. Jersey, Mrs. Buckland. This large and beautiful species, for which the British Fauna is indebted to Mrs. Buckland, corresponds so closely with Savigny’s figure of L. Ceciliz, that there can be little doubt of the two being identical. Sub-kingdom. CmLenTERata. Class. HypRazoa. Order. Hydroida. Fam. Sertulariade. Gen. Cryptolaria, n. g. Busk. Cells completely immersed in a cylindrical polypidom, composed of numerous tubes. 1. C. prima, nu. sp. Busk. Pl. XVI. Sp. unica. Hab. New Zealand, Dr. Sinclair. This curious Sertularian appears to constitute a peculiar type of the family to which it belongs. The specimen from which the description and figures were made, collected by Dr. Sinclair in New Zealand, and now in the British Museum, is about six inches high, and consists of a single central stem or rachis, with alternate branches on either side in the same plane, and which become shorter as they approach the summit. The lower part of the rachis or stem is toothed on each side, the teeth evidently representing the roots of branches which have been broken off. Towards the lower part of the pinnate portion, one or two small branches also simply pinnate may be seen springing from the main stem. The stem and branches are composed of small tubes; and the cells are completely immersed among these tubes; the mouth even, being depressed below the surface, and present- ing itself in the upper part of an elongated pit, surrounded with a raised border, which arches above the mouth of the cell, 174: ZOOPHYTOLOGY. The cells are disposed in longitudinal series, one above the other—but alternate with each other in the contiguous series. The mouth of the cell is contracted, circular, and simple. On a New Srecizs of Bueuta. By Josnua Axper, Esq. Bugula turbinata, P|. XVII, figs. 1—4. Polyzoary orange-coloured or yellowish, paler when dry; one to two inches high, forming an ascending spiral, the branches dividing dichoto- mously, truncated at top, and arching outwards. Cells in two to five series, clongated, the aperture reaching nearly to the bottom; a single erect spine at each upper angle. Avicularia of two sizes, those on the outside moderately large, with a rounded head, and a short back abruptly bent at the point; situated on the upper part of the margin of the cell; inner avicularia small. Ovicapsules subglobose, with a rim rising into a peak in front. Cellularia avicularia, Pallas, ‘ Blench. Zooph.,’ 68 (?). Gosse, ‘Ramb. Dev. Coast.,’ p. 195, t. x. This species has hitherto been confounded with Bu- gula avicularia, to which it bears a strong resemblance, but is nevertheless quite distinct. In its mode of growth it is rather more robust than that species, and may readily be distinguished from it by the number of cells increasing to three, or occasionally even to five longitudinal rows in some of the branches ; in B. avicularia, there are never more than two throughout. On examining the two kinds microscopi- cally, other differences are found. The cells in B. turbinata have invariably only a single large spine on the outer angle; B. avicularia has two spines, as correctly represented by Professor Busk,* though the smaller one has been frequently overlooked. The avicularium is rather smaller in B. turdi- nata than in B. avicularia, and has the head more rounded, and the beak much shorter and more abruptly bent at the point (fig. 4). It is also set higher up on the margin of the cell, frequently close below the spme. The ovicapsule in this species is smaller, and has a border generally rising into a peak in front. The only published figure of this species that can be re- cognised with certainty is that of Mr. Gosse, in his inte- resting ‘ Rambles on the Devonshire Coast,’. where it is well described under the name of Cellularia avicularia. The magnified figures G, H, pl. xxxviti of Ellis’s ‘ Corallines,’ would seem to represent this species, having only a single * © Catalogue of Marine Polyzoa,’ pl. liii. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. 175 spine on each angle of the cell, but the small figure (7) is more like B. flabellata, to which it has been usually referred. Pallas describes his Cellularia avicularia with three to five longitudinal series of cells, and a single spine at each upper angle; characters which taken together only belong to B. turbinata, and the general accuracy of his descriptions ' favour the supposition that he had this species in view; his var. 8 being probably B. flabellata, to which Crisia flustroides of Lamouroux, and Flustra angustiloba of Lamarck, may also be referred, though the former author describes only a single spine at each angle of the cell: this is likewise the case in Dr. Johnston’s description of Flustra avicularia, but his figure more correctly shows two or three spines on each side. The Cellularia avicularia of Van Beneden is evidently B. flabellata. B. turbinata appears to be quite as common on the British coast as B. avicularia, if not more so. It occurs principally within tide-marks, or in shallow water. The finest speci- mens I possess were got under stones at low-water mark in the island of Herm. They were of a deep orange colour when alive. I have met with it at Guernsey and in the Menai Straits, and have had it sent from Falmouth by Mr. Cocks. Mr. Hincks informs me that it is the common species on the Devonshire and Yorkshire coasts; and Mr. Busk has favoured me with the examination of a specimen sent from Tenby by Mr. Dyster. It has not yet occurred on the Northumberland coast, nor can I trace it into Scotland, but it would be premature at present to fix any limits to its range. On some New Britisu Potyzoa. By the Rev. T. Hrncxs. Tue new British Polyzoon which I am about to describe is, IN many poits, so nearly related to the well-known Scruparia chelata, that I have determined to rank it in the same genus with this species, although the generic character, as given by Mr. Busk in his ‘ Catalogue,’ must be revised to allow of its admission. Polyzoa INFUNDIBULATA. Sub-order. Cheilostomata. Fam. Scrupariade. Gen. Seruparia (Oken). Polyzoary erect, branching, subcaleareous; cells clavate; apertures on one aspect, oblique, subterminal. 176 ZOOPHYTOLOGY. S. clavata, Hincks, n. sp. Plate XVII, figs. 5, 6, 7, 8. Cell slender, elongate, enlarged upwards, tapering off below; aperture subterminal, oval; branches given off from the back of a cell; ovicelligerous cells placed back to back with the ordinary cells. Polyzoary sparingly branched, the branches originating from the back of a cell; cells ovate-elongate above, and tapering off below, each one springing from behind the aperture of another, and attached to it by a somewhat cor- date expansion of the base; aperture oval, small as com- pared with that of S. chelata, and not marginated. 'The position of the ovicelligerous cells is very peculiar. They are (generally) attached to the back of the ordinary cells, to which they are adherent throughout, and are irregularly dis- tributed over the polyzoary. Occasionally they occur at the side. They are inferior in size to the ordinary cells. The ovicell is of the usual form. The polypide has, I believe, about ten arms. Dredged off Filey, on the Yorkshire coast, parasitical on Crisidia cornuta; not uncommon. Lamlash Bay, Arran. Sub-order. Ctenostomata. Fam. Ay 4 ; HOLE N er cE TT amen rne Pitt ee. Hhived 00U0GRSUto puny porno DOV00IFD OLY 7] JL is RKG. del. Tuffen West sc. WWest imp. Tuffen West se Jel JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES IV, V, Illustrating Dr. Lindsay’s paper on the Genus Abrothallus.* PLATE IV. Fig. 1.—Portion of furfuraceous thallus of Parmelia savatilis, bearing both Abrothallus Smithii and A. oxysporus. a. A. Smithii—showing apothecia and intermixed pyenides. The portion of thallus on which it is parasitic differs in colour and other characters from the ordinary thallus of P. sazatilis ; it is becoming globose from the curling of the margins and the super- position of squamules or lobes. b. A. oxysporus in its young state. The squamules are more flat- tened, or concave, and simple than those habited by 4. Simithiz. e. A young and simple squamule, bearing only the spermogones of A. oxysporus. ; d. Rudimentary, as yet sterile, squamules. The black-fibrillose nature of the under surface may be observed. e. Ordinary lacinie of P. saratilis, showing their retuse extremities and the black-fibrillose under surface. 2.—Portion of thallus bearing 4. Smithii, magnified. a. Mature apothecia. 6. Young emergent apothecia causing fissuring of the cortical layer of the thallus. c. Pyenides. d. Cyphelloid foveole (produced by the falling out of the apothecia) with raised dark margins. In one, the medullary tissue thus exposed is seen to be white; in the other, red. e. Black-fibrillose under surface of thallus. /. Fissure showing rusty red medullary tissue (common in Highland specimens). 3.—Section of young apothecia of 4A. Smithit, showing their mode of evolution from, and relation to, their matrix. a. Young apothecium covered by a veil of the cortical tissue of matrix. 6, c, d. Young apothecia gradually emerging through cortical layer. 4.—Section, showing mature apothecia @, 4, and foveola ce. a. Globose. 4. Somewhat deplanate. c. Urceolate foveola left by falling out-of an old apothecium. 5.—Section, showing relation of the pyenides to the apothecia. a. Mature apothecium. 4, Mature pycnidis. ec. Young or non-developed pycnidis. * The observations, from which the illustrations of minute structure were drawn, were made chiefly under power 380 of a Nachet’s microscope. PLATE IV (continued). Fig. 6.—Pycnides of 4. Smithit. a. Showing the stellate-fissured ostiole. &. Section showing cavity 4, and ostiole c. 7.—Portion of thallus bearing 4. oxysporus, mag. a. Mature apothecia. 6. Young or emergent apothecia causing radiate-fissuring of cortical layer. The squamule is covered with a network of such fissures. ec. Spermogones intermixed with young apothecia. d. Black-fibrillose under surface. 8,—Section, showing the relation of the apothecia of 4. oxysporus to the matrix. a, b. Young apothecia covered by a veil of cortical tissue. e. Mature apothecium; flattened, resembling a plano-convex lens. d. Mature apothecium; convex and discoid. 9.—Showing relation of spermogones to the apothecia of 4. oxysporus. a. Mature apothecia. 6. Mature spermogone. ec. Young or non-developed spermogone. 10.—a. Young apothecium of 4. oxysporus causing fissuring of the cortical tissue of matrix, through which it is bursting. b. Spermogones. 11.—Section of portion of apothecium of 4. Smithii. a. Tips of paraphyses, of a much darker brown than those of 4. oay- Sporus. 6. Filaments of paraphyses. ec. Hypothecium, consisting of a brownish cellular tissue. d. Young thece, full of a homogeneous or finely granular, pale or colourless protoplasm. e. Mature theca full of nearly ripe spores. tg. %. Thece at earlier stages of development. The button-like markings of the young spores is shown at f. z. Apparent membrane connecting the apices of the paraphyses. 12—Spores of 4. Smithii in different stages of development. a. Mature spores showing the two loculi and their unequal size, as well as the nuclei which frequently occupy them. 6. Deformities by elongation. Usually found only in old apothecia and in Highland specimens. ce. Young spores, showing the gradual division into loculi, the appear- ance of nuclei, and the acquirement of colour. 13.—Old spores, undergoing a process of disintegration. 14.—Paraphyses of 4. Smithit, isolated. a. Unaffected by reagents, showing dark brown extremities. b. Under action of aqua potasse, showing the terminal cells, which have acquired a resemblance to stylopores. 15.—Section of a portion of the apothecium of 4. oxysporus. a. Showing action of iodine on the thece. 16.—Spores of .4. oxysporus in different stages of development. a,d. Mature spores, showing the occasional double contour and terminal nuclei. 6. Deformities by elongation. c. Spore in process of germination. e, f. Old spores, undergoing a process of disintegration. gy. Young spores with a granular protoplasm. Mior Sur VV AV. ur West SC W.L Lindsay MD.del. Tuffen PLATE V. Fig. 1.—Section of a spermogone of 4. oxysporus. a. Cortical tissue of deformed portion of thallus of P. saxatilis on which the plant is parasitic. 6. Gonidic tissue of same. c. Medullary tissue of same. e@. Envelope of spermogone formed of a brownish cellular tissue. . Sterigmata forming the inner walls of the spermogone, and gene- rating the spermatia from their apices. /. Free spermatia escaping by spermogonal ostiole. 2.—Sterigmata and spermatia more highly magnified. a, Sterigmata. 6. Spermatia. 3.—Section of a spermogone of P. saxatilis. Its structure is similar to that of A. orysporus ; but the sterigmata are seen to be articulated, the spermatia to be generated from both sides and apices, and the interior of the spermogone to be occupied by a loose network of very delicate, ramose filaments, which spring, along with the sterig- mata, from the inner walls of the spermogone. 4.—Portion of the tissues forming the spermogonal walls, more highly magnified. a. Component cells of the brown envelope. 6. Articulated sterigmata. e. Spermatia, which arise generally at an angle from the apices of the constituent joints or articulations of the sterigmata. d. The ramose delicate filaments, whose anastomoses and intertwinings constitute the network of the spermogonal cavity. Some of them appear septate or articulated at the apex, where also they are generally granular and dark. 5.—Section of one of the pycnides of 4. Smithii. a. Cortical layer of matrix (deformed thallus of P. saxatilis). 4. Gonidic layer of the same. e. Medullary tissue of the same. d. Brownish cellular envelope. e. Sterigmata close-set, short, delicate, forming the inner wall of the pycnidis, each bearing at its apex a stylospore. J. Free stylospores escaping by the ostiole. 6.—Stylospores in different states and stages of development. Many of them are seen to contain large or small oil globules, or to be filled with an oily protoplasm. a. Mature stylospores. The colourless transparent specimens are full of a homogeneous, oily, liquid protoplasm. b. The same, from some Highland localities. The oil globules have here a yellowish tinge. ec. Shows the effects of pressure or reagents in rendering more evident the oily nature of the protoplasm. The oil globules are seen escaping from the ruptured stylospores, and many of them are floating free. d. Stylospores of large size and irregular form from various Highland PLATH V (continued). Fig. specimens of 4. Smithii. Some of the specimens figured resemble certain compound or cellular spores; others might be mistaken for empty gonidia. e. Stylospores retaining their sterigmata. They are of small size, and somewhat shrivelled. Those coloured yellow are from Highland localities. J. Small yellow stylospores from Highland localities. 7.—Development of the stylospores from their sterigmata. a. Sterigmata. 6. Stylospores. The sterigmata appear first as simple filaments, with a rounded or bulging extremity ; this gradually becomes dilated and separated from the sterigmata by a septum. The terminal cell then consti- tutes the stylospore, which speedily falls off, and for some time increases in size, acquiring more of a pyriform shape. 8.—Portion of the thalline lacinie of P. saratilis, showing the spermo- gones a, and the black-fibrillose under surface 0. 9.—Bullose dilatation of thallus of Cetraria glauca, bearing the apothecia and spermogones of 4, oxysporus. The section shows that it is hollow and stipitate. . Sir Snurn Wh V POV ores ghee JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VI, Illustrating the Rev. J. B. P. Dennis’s paper on Fossil Bones from the Stonesfield Slate. Fig. 1.—Pteropus; humerus. 2.—Bat ; phalanx. 3.—F lying phalanger ; tibia. 4.—Draco volans; ulna. 5.—Red-throated diver ; tibia. 6.—Swift ; furcula. 7.—Mr. Catt’s fossil (pterodactyle). 8.—Pelican ; bill. 9.—Stonesfield fossil, vertical section. 10.— Ditto, transverse section. 11.— Ditto, vertical section. 12.—Heron ; humerus. 13.—a. Heron; humerus. 6. Stonesfield fossil; lacune. 14,—Mr. Catt’s fossil (pterodactyle) ; lacune. 15.—Stonesfield fossil; lacune. 16.—Heron; lacune. 17.—Gannet ; humerus. 18.—Ditto; coracoid. 19.—Ditto; furcula. 20.—Ditto ; femur, vertical section. 21.—Ditto; femur, transverse section. 22.—Ditto ; tibia. 23.—Ditto; tarsus. 24.—Ditto; rib. * Figs. 13, 14, 15, 16, magnified 300 diameters, the remainder 75 diameters. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VII, Illustrating Dr. H. Cienkowski’s paper on Acineta-Forms. Fig 1.—Transverse division of Podophrya jira, Ehr. 2.—The divided Podophrya with the half becoming detached. 3.—The independent segment. 4, 5.—Stages towards encysting. 6, 7, 8.—Cysts of Podophrya fixa, Ehr. 9.—An Acineta with rotating embryo. 10.—An Acineta with the embryo escaping. 11.—The embryo, after a prolonged motile stage, becoming transformed into an Acineta. 12.—The transformation of the embryo into an Acineta completed. The figures 1—8 are x 370 diam., 9—12 x 170 diam. Illustrating Mr. Huxley’s paper on Dysteria. 13.—Dysteria armata. 14.—Parts of mouth of ditto. 15.—Process between two styles. Illustrating Dr. Webb’s paper on the Human Lip. 16.—Muscular fibres in skin of human lip. Mir Seurn WAV AVI W.W. Webb del. —. Gienkowsla del. Tuffen West sc.” JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE VIII, Illustrating Mr. Currey’s paper on some points in the Structure and Physiology of certain Fungi.* Fig. 1.—A spore of Helminthosporium Smithit. 2.—A spore of the same plant germinating. 3, 4.—Fragments of similar spores germinating. 5.—Fragments of two of the vegetative threads of the same plant pro- truding filaments similar to germ-filaments. The filaments from the two upper ends have become united in growth. 6.—Spores of Helminthosporium fumosum. 7 to 11.—Various states of the cells constituting the so-called joints of the fruit Phragmidium bulbosum after their escape from the enveloping membrane under the action of heated nitric acid. 12.—The bottom internal cell and the internal stem-cell of a fruit of Phragmidium bulbosum. 13.—A fruit of Phragmidium bulbosum which has been subjected to hydro- chloric acid and then ruptured by pressure, showing the escape of one of the inner cells. 14.—A similar fruit, under the action of hydrochloric acid, showing the spontaneous protrusion of two of the inner cells. 15.—A similar fruit in which the outer membrane or ascus has become swollen and separated from its contents by the action of heated nitric acid. 16.—A similar fruit, after having been soaked in water for some hours, exhibiting the internal stem-cell. 17.—A fruit of Phragmidium mucronatum under the same circumstances, 18, 19.—Fruits of Phragmidium bulbosum in germination. 20.—One of the so-called ‘ sporidia” produced by a germinating filament of Phragmidium bulbosum which has become detached and commenced germination on its own account (magnified 420 diameters). * Except where it is otherwise mentioned, all the figures are magnified 220 diameters. PLATE VIII (continued). Fig, 21. Krai of Puccinia graminis oe and producing globose ‘ spo- ridia.” 92.—Fruit of Puccinia Lychnidearum germinating (magnified 315 diameters). 23. —Peculiar germination observed in Zriphragmium Ulmaria. (The figure only shows a portion of the germ-filament, magnified 420 diameters.) 24.—A joint of the above filament of Zriphragmium Ulmarie which has separated itself and commenced germination. 25 to 33.—Various forms of fruit of Phragmidium Potentille. 34.—Fruit of Xenodochus curbonarius. 35, 36, 37.—Spores of a species of Gymnosporium in germination. 38. —Spores of Peziza aurantia, exhibiting the peculiar germination referred to in the text. 39.—Spores of Peziza aurantia in their ordinary state. 40.—Spore of a species of Triposporium. 41.—Filament of Zygodesmus fuscus, showing the sterigmata at the apex. On the right hand are three spores detached. 42.—A fragment of the capillitium of Zrichia turbinata acted on by hydro- chloric acid, showing the mode of spiral unrolling of the membrane and the five internal bands (highly magnified, but to no particular scale). 43.—Two specimens of a doubtful 7richia (slightly magnified). 44,—A portion of the capillitium and some spores of the last-mentioned plants. 45.—Ascus and sporidia of Choiromyces meandriformis. 46.—Sporidium of Spheria Amblyospora giving out small colourless cel- lules into its gelatinous envelope. ete Vi VBEL . wa Ve fo) IY} “VU / At ff Ay Yy VAI SOUIT WWest imp. F.Currey del. Tuffen West se & © oan Se i dy D Mie \ + + = < iy + - : ae > ¥ iy ‘ a.) es . mts ae on ie ee rs a" i ¢ ‘ 7 ‘3 ‘ : ‘ he d Hoge i 7 a ae a j “ vw 7 r a iV i <7 ; ' | an ig ag ‘a =" r . ' ay % if ro ae a on ; wh hse 7 sy . Ne rea} f cin Ae A) ern a x i a mete rs ae be aay % Pa ens att, y Rg Ll oe Tn ae JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE IX, Tilustrating Mr. Hepworth’s paper on Compound Nucleated Cells. Fig. § 1.—Epithelial scales from kidney, after desquamation of the tubuli uriniferi. a. Blood dises. 6. The same altered by exosmosis. 2.—Compound cells from cyst of ovarian dropsy. 3.—Nucleated cells from cancroid tumour of the brain. 4.— Ditto from forearm of an old woman, aged 83. a. Epithelial scales. 5.—Nucleated cells from mamma. 6.— Ditto from uterus. PLATE X, Illustrating review of Dr. Hall’s work on Thoracic Consumption.* 1.—Yellow tubercle. a. Tubercle corpuscles. 6. Simple tubercle cells. e. Granular matter in quantity. d. Curled elastic tissue. 2.—Gray tubercle. a. Hlastic tissue of the air-cells. 6. Tubercle elements. c. Compound tubercle cells, and epithelium in a state of fatty dege- neration. 3.—Yellow tubercle liquefied. a. Fluid of a creamy consistence from the centre of crude yellow tubercle. Small tubercle corpuscles, granules, and oil in a state of minute division. 6. Pus-like fluid from yellow tubercle completely liquefied. ec. Pus-cells. d. Granule cells. e. Columnar epithelium. f. Oil molecules. g. Free granules. h. A few single tubercle corpuscles. 5.—Sputa from chronic bronchitis. a. Pus and mucus. 6. Bronchial columnar epithelium. c. Shrivelled and abortive cells. d. Blood corpuscles ; some of these appear to have a delicate envelope. e. Leptomitus (a minute fungus). 5.—Gelatinous sputa, consumption. a. Enveloped blood corpuscles. 6. Cells with a few granules, molecular matter, and oil. 6.—Flocculent sputa, consumption. a. Pus and mucus, shrivelled cells, with irregular edges, granular matter, and oil. b. oe of cells, with pigment ; probably from one of the bronchial ands. c. Curled elastic fibre. * All the figures on this plate are enlarged 250 diameters. ZOOPHYTOLOGY. DESCRIPTION OF PLATES. PLATE XV. Fig. 1.—Onchopora Sincluirii, natural size. 2, 3.—Magnified figures of the same. 4, 5.—Lepralia thyreophora. 6, 7.—Lepralia Cecilii. PLATE XVI. 1.—Cryptolaria prima, half natural size. 2, 3.—Portions of a branch. 4,—Section of ditto. PLATE XVII. 1.—Bugula turbinata, natural size. 2.—Front view. 3.—Back view. 4.—Ovicell. 5, 6, 7.—Scruparia. Nor Srurn, Vt V YL AH.del, WWest imp. CGelatinous Sputa, Consumption. Flocculent Sputa, Consumption. Tuffen West sculp. ad nat WWest imp. le » < ot ee JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XI, Illustrating Dr. Lindsay’s paper on Lecidea lugubris, Sommf.* Fig. 1.—Fragment of the lichen, slightly magnified. a. Apothecia in different stages of development. 6. Spermogones scattered over the squamules. 2.Fragment of the thalline squamules, magnified, showing the— a. Apothecia. 6. Spermogones. 3.—Sterile squamules, magnified, showing spermogones. a. Papillate ostiole. 6. Depressed ostiole. 4.—Section of two spermogones— a. Having a papillate ostiole ; and &. A depressed ostiole. 5.—Section of apothecium, magnified. a. Exciple or margin. 6. Hymenium or thalamium. 6.—Section of apothecium and spermogones, showing their relative position, a. Apothecium. 6. Mature; and c. Young, undeveloped spermogones. 7.—Section of apothecium, showing— a. Knobbed extremities of paraphyses. b. Filaments of ditto. ce. Hypothecium. d. Mature theca: its body. é. Ditto, its pedicle. fs Ditto, ruptured, showing the mode of escape of the spores, * The observations, upon which the drawings are based, were made chiefly under power 380 of a Nachet’s microscope. PLATE XI (continued). Fig. : g. Young thece in different stages of development. h. Mature spores escaped from thece. The reaction of iodine on the thecz, paraphyses, and spores is exhibited at a, 8, d. 8.—Isolated paraphyses, showing the knobbed terminal cells—the seat of a dark indigo pigment—and the delicate filaments. 9.—Shrivelled or aborted spores, retaining the thece as caudate anpen- dages. 10,—Mature thecx, showing moniliform appearance, caused by distensions or bulgings of the cell-wall by the spores. 11.—Young theca, showing the development of few spores at intervals in a ribbon-like protoplasm. 12.—Spores. a. Mature. b. Young. ec. Old. 13.—Section of a spermogone, showing— a. Cortical tissue of thallus. 6. Gonidic layer of thallus. c. Medullary tissue of thallus. d. Envelope of spermogone. e. Sterigmata forming inner walls of spermogone. J. Cavity of spermogone full of free spermatia mingled with mucilage. g- Free and mature spermatia escaping by ostiole. 14.—Sterigmata and spermatia, a, Spermatia, 6. Sterigmata. 15.—Sterigmata arising from articulated, thick, ramose tubes. 16.—Free, mature spermatia. Scr $uurn VA VA 7 _¢ 2 5 CHOCOSS Ss 43 Se ( THIN. (Or ————* PO Se ) S s F Ik ee ~ —_ = ~\SBar. TEE Ds Se "WI Iindsay MD .del. Tuffen West se WHC Baddeley® T.W.del. Tuffen West sc. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XII, Illustrating Mr. Brightwell’s paper on Noctiluca. Fig. 1.—Front view, showing the tail, cilium, &., a. A vacuole containing a bright red-brown granular mass. 2.—Side view, showing pyriform shape, position of the fissure, &c.; strue- ture obscure, from the quantity of food contained in the animal, a recently captured specimen. 3.—View showing the somewhat thickened angular portion ; the nucleus is generally situated opposite to this, as well as the origin of the tail, so as to be indistinct in this view. 4,—Specimen in which the tail was undeveloped; most of the individuals taken during the winter months were thus imperfectly formed. 5.—Early stage of self-division: division of the nucleus has just taken place. The perfect development of the new tail at this period is remarkable. 6.—Division somewhat further advanced; the nuclei have removed far apart and a fissure is commencing. The vacuoles in this indivi- dual (which was drawn with great care) have almost entirely dis- appeared. 7.—Shows a further progress towards division. 8.—Shows self-division nearly complete, and two individuals now only held together by a slender cord. 9.—An individual just after complete separation and before the connecting portion is absorbed. 10.—Abnormal portion of the body thrown off by the animal, and in which no nucleus is found. 11.—Shows the effects of gentle, steadily continued pressure. At the first an appearance, as of a most delicate sac, is protruded, into which the globules, vacuoles, and sometimes the nucleus are received. The inner menbranes peel off from the cell-wall, and when the contents are out the creature suddenly collapses entirely. The appearance of the sarcode (membrane and threads) gently leaving its connections, “like threads of a very viscid liquid,”’ and collapsing, is very remark- able. 12.—Oral orifice, &c., x 200. 13.—* Prehensile organ” and “ trembling organ,” x 400. 14.—Cell-wall, x 400; a tolerably thick, firm, and resisting structureless membrane. 15.—Sarcode membrane, with its thickenings, forming the immediate inter- nal investment of the cell-wall. The thicker portions form a toler- ably regular network over it; from these spring the fibrils. 16.—Tail, showing a section, x 400. This is concave in the part which comes in apposition to the body, and convex in the part which reaches beyond the body. JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE XIII, Tilustrating the Rev. J. B. Dennis’s paper on the Microsco- pical Characters of so-called Cetacean Bones of the Red Crag.* Fig. 1.—Crag fossil from detrital bed, Red Crag. 2.—Drift elephant. 3.—a. Free lacune of Crag fossil, detrital bed, Red Crag. b. Free lacune of Drift elephant. 4.—a. Haversian lacunee of Crag fossil, detrital bed, Red Crag. b. Haversian lacunz of Drift elephant. 5.—a. Hippopotamus. b. Rhinoceros. 6.—Crag fossil, detrital bed, Red Crag. 7.—a. Crag fossil, detrital bed, Red Crag. b. Fossil elephant from Himalayan mountains. 8.—Jaw of Greenland whale. 9.—Vertebra of fossil whale. 10.—a. Free lacune of Greenland whale. b. Free lacune of fossil whale. 11.—a. Haversian lacune of Greenland whale. b. Haversian lacune of fossil whale. 12.—a. Free lacune of recent elephant. b. Haversian lacune of recent elephant. 13.—Crag fossil from detrital bed, Red Crag. 14.—a. Elephant from Suffolk Gravel. b. Decomposed recent cetacean bone. * Bigs. 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, are magnified 300 diameters, the remainder 50 diameters. Fae sae don ennis dir D vy BP. = J PHY TOLOGY Plate XI! e ZO@ W.West,hro it ich aaa en Vieg Ce, Dat h m7 7 BiGEr, = : il 2 ° ! ris - Ke : a 7 7 ny, a a ae 6 | A tp iy of ne A i _ ‘ nt 7 ) cee ur ig Pe {+ pat 7 J 5 i iy ZO OPE TOLOGY Plate XIV. WwWestimp , del Tu ‘Toffsn West/ith JAK 2g QOOPEYTOLOG Le eal ¥ iy LOLOGY 1 J VAOl@) Plate XVI ee ——___________, o N | n » 3 Alea See RE Bese SEEGER STEIN eras i = ay9) W West ZOOPHY TOL OGY Piate XVII. JAlder & GB.del. WWest bap (Hy 6 275 761