FORTHE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE.. Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.O.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., HONOBAKT FELLOW OK EXBTKK CO LL B G E , O X K O U U ; C O R B R S P O.N D B X T OK TUB INSTITUTE OK FRANCE, AND OP TUB IMFKRIAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF ST- PETERSBURG. AND OK TUE ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OK P II I L A D B LF U I A , AND OF TUB ROYAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF TURIN; FOREIGN MEMBER OK TUB ROYAL SOCIETY OF SCIENCES OF GOtTINGBN, AND OF TUB KUYAI. SOUBMIAN SOCIETY OF SCIENCES, AND OF TUB ACADEMY OF THE I.INCK! OF ROME, AND OF TIIK AMERICAN ACADEMY OF ARTS AND SCIENCES OF BOSTON ; ASSOCIATE OK THE ROYAL ACADEMY OP BELGIUM; UONORARY MEMBER <>K TUB NEW YORK ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. AND OK TIIK CAMUKIDGB PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, AND OK THE ROYAL PHYSICAL SOCIETY OK EDIN- BURGH, AND OK THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OK PARIS, AND OP TIIK CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF SAN FRANCISCO. AND OK TUK ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL AND MALACOLOGICAL SOCIETY OK BELGIUM; CORRESPONDING MEMBER OK TUK SKNKBNBERG ACADEMY OF FRANKPURT*A*M ; FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OF TUK NATIONAL ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. U.S.. AND MEMBER OK TUB AMERICAN rillLOSOPIIICAL SOCIETY ; UONORARY FELLOW OF TIIK ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH; LAIK UIHRCTOli OK THE NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OK THE BRITISH MUSEUM; LATE PRESIDENT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR TUK ADVANCEMENT OK SCIENCE; LATK KULI.KIllAN PROKESBOK OK PHYSIOLOGY IN TIIK ROYAL INSTITUTION OK GREAT BRITAIN . LATB MNACRR PROKESBOK OK COMPARATIVE ANATOMY AND FELLOW OF MERTON CO LLRG R , OX FO R D ; RMBRITU8 PBOFBSSOK OF ZOOLOGY AM) COMPARATIVE ANATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY OF LONDON. FELLOW OF TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMDUIUGE. AND PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY IN TUE I M PE R I A L COLLEGE OF EDITED BY WITH THE CO-OPEHATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, LONDON. BRYBK PROFEBSOK OF ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF MANCHESTER; AND PRUFES80R OF PROTOZOOLOGY IN TUB UNIVERSITY OK LONDON. VOLUME 54. — New Series. ?Dlifb ^’itbograpbit anb ®e*t-Jfigures. V LONDON; J. & A. CHURCIiLLL, 7, GREAT’ MARLBOROUGH STREET, 1910. Y f.V.-f.ffilv.f 1 silif \o t vj ut"€M! f •' /ie> 4 CONTENTS CONTENTS OF No. 213, N.S., SEPTEMBEE, 1909. MEMOIRS : page Development and Origin of the Respiratory Organs in Araneae. By W. F. Purcell, Ph.D., Bergvliet, Diep River, near Cape Town. (With Plates 1 — 7, and 7 Text-figures) . . 1 Notes on the Nephridia of Dinophilus and of the Larvae of Polygordius, Echiurus, and Phoronis. By E. S. Goodrich, F.R.S., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. (With Plate 8) . Ill Further Notes on a Trypanosome found in the Alimentary Tract of Pontobdella muricata. By Muriel Robertson, M.A., Carnegie Research Fellow ; Junior Assistant to the Professor of Protozoology in the University of London. (With Plate 9, and 5 Text-figures) ...... 119 CONTENTS OF No. 214, N.S., OCTOBER, 1909. MEMOIRS : Dendrosoma radians, Ehrenberg. By Sydney J. Hickson, D.Sc., F. R.S., Beyer Professor of Zoology in the University of Man- chester, and J. T. Wadsworth. (With Plate 10) . . 141 On the Structure of the Excretory Organs of Amphioxus. Part 2. — The Nephridium in the Adult. Part 3. — Hatschek’s Ne- phridium. Part 4. — The Nephridium in the Larva. By Edwin S. Goodrich, F.R.S., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. (With Plates 11 — 16 and 1 Text-figure) .... 185 Intra-cellular and General Digestive Processes in Planariae. By G. Arnold, from the Cytological Laboratory of the University of Liverpool. (With Plate 17) . . . . 207 Professor Hubrecht’s Paper on the Early Ontogenetic Phenomena in Mammals ; an Appreciation and a Criticism. By Richard Assheton, M.A., Trinity College, Cambridge; Lecturer on Biology in the Medical School of Guy’s Hospital, in the Univer- sity of London. (With 5 Text-figures) . . . 221 IV CONTENTS. CONTENTS OF No. 215, N.S., DECEMBER, 1909. MEMOIRS : PAGE The Formation of the Layers in Amphioxus, and its bearing on the Intei'pretation of the Early Ontogenetic Processes in other Vertebrates. By E. W. MacBride, D.Sc., LL.D., F.K.S., Strathcona Professor of Zoology in McGill University, Montreal. (With Plates 18 — 21, and 10 Text-figures) . . . 279 The Structure, Development, and Bionomics of the House-fiy, Musca domestica, Linn. Part III. — The Bionomics, Allies, Parasites, and the Relations of M. domestica to Human Disease. By C. Gordon Hewitt, D.Sc., Late Lecturer in Economic Zoology, University of Manchester. (With Plate 22) 347 The Develojnuent of the Temnocephalese. Part I. By Professor W. A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. (With Plates 23 — 25) . 415 Experimental Observations on the Organs of Circulation and the Powers of Locomotion in Pennatulids. By Edith M. Musgrave, D.Sc. (nee Pratt), Late Honorary Research Fellow in the University of Manchester. (With Plates 26 and 27) . 443 CONTENTS OF No. 216, N.S., FEBRUARY, 1910. MEMOIRS : On Certain Features in the Development of the Alimentary Canal in Lepidosiren and Protopterus. By J. Graham Kerr, Professor in the University of Glasgow. (With 13 Text-figures) 483 The Phylogeny of the Tracheie in Araneie. By W. F. Purcell, Ph.D., Bergvliet, Diep River, near Cape Town. (With Plate 28, and 21 Text-figures) ..... 519 On the Reproduction of Kalpidorhynchus arenicola; (Cnghm.). By Margaret Robinson, University College, London. (With Plate 29) .... 565 Studies in the Experimental Analysis of Sex. By Geoffrey Smith. (With Plate 30) ..... 577 Some Points in the Physiology of Lamellibranch Blood-Corpuscles. By G. H. Drew, B. A. Cantab. (With Plate 31) . . 605 Note on the Cytology of Calothrix fusca. By Dr. N. H. SwELLENGREBEL, Amsterdam. (With Plate 32) . . 621 Tropidonotus and the “ Archenteric Knot ” of Ornithorhynchus. By Richard Assheton, M.A. (With Plate 33) . . 633 Title, Index, and Contents. RESPIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 1 Development and Origin of the Respiratory ^ Organs in Aranese. By \V. F. Fiiiooll, Pli.D., Bei'^vliet, Diep Rivei’, near Cape Town. With Plates 1 — 7 ami T Te.xt-fignres. CoNTKNT.S. I. Introduction . . . . . Material . . . . . Biological Observations . . . . Treatment .... II. General Orientation . . . . Ining-hooks . ... . Tracliea; . . . . . III. Historical (Development) . . . . Development of the Lung-books in Arachnida. Development of the Trachea; in Aranese IV. The Provisional A1)dominal Appendages in the Embryo of Attus floricola V. The Development of the Lung-hooks . Stage with two Pulmonary Furrows Stages with three or more Pulmonary Furrows Formation of the Spiracle . . . . Sinking of the Apj^endage Formation of the Pulmonary Saccules Comparison with the Gill-hooks of Limnlus Later Development of the Pulmonary Saccules The Chitinous Lining of the Pulmonary Saccules The Moidting of the Lung-hooks The Operculum of the Lung-hooks . The Lung-hooks of the Young Spider Critical Remarks on the Literature The Fully Developed Lung-hooks of Spiders . VOL. O-I, PART 1. NEW SERIES. i PAOE 2 ;i () 7 9 9 11 12 12 P) Hi 17 17 20 02 o.> 2;l 25 28 31 32 34 35 30 41 2 W. F. PUECELL. PAGE VI. The Development of the AEclominal Longitudinal Muscles and their Tendons . . . . 4F VII. The Entapophyses (Ectodermal Tendons) of the Pul- monary Segment . . . .47 The Inteii^xilmonary (Epigastric) Fold in the Adult of Attus . . . . . 4h The Inteipulnionary Fold in other Spiders . . iiO VIII. The Development of the Trachea; and the Entapophyses of the Tracheal Segment . . . 53 The Post-embryonic Development of the Tracheal Plate . . . . .57 Critical Remarks on the Literature . . .61 Tlie Attus Type and Similar Types of Tracheae in Other Spidei's . . . . .62 The Agelena Type of Trachea; and its Develoiunent . 63 The Tracheae in the Dysderidae . . .68 Tiie Tracheae in Argyroneta aquatica . . 70 The Tracheae in the Scytodidae. Palpimanida*. and Filistatidae . . . .71 IX. The Entapophyses of the Third and Fourth Abdominal Appendages (the S2>inners) . . .74 X. General Conclusions . . . .75 The Origin of the Tendinal or Medial Tracheal Trunks in Araneae . . . . .76 The Origin of the Lateral Tracheal Trunks in Araneae 78 The Origin of tlie Secondary Tracheal Tubules . 80 The Origin of the Lung-books in Arachnids . . 81 The Homologies of the Pulmonary Segments in Arachnids . . . . .85 XI. Historical List of Papers concerning the Lung-books of Arachnids . . .02 List of Literature . . . .06 Exf)lanation of the Plates . . .103 I. Introduction. It is just one hundred years ago that the first anatomical account of the lung-books of Arac hnida was published by Meckel (’09), who, like his immediate successors, looked upon these organs as gills, and it was not until 1828 that their pulmonary nature was recognised by Johannes Muller (’28a, ’28b) and Straus-Durckheim (’28j. The latter was also, 1 be- EESPIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANE^. 3 lieve, the first to point out (p. 315) that the lung-books could be regarded as a special form of tracheae, a view which was later on elaborated by Leuckart (’48, p. 119 note, and ’49) and for a time generally accepted, until the appearance of Ray Lankester’s paper, “Lim ulus: an Arachnid,” in 1881, opened up the probability of the branchial origin of these organs. While working at certain points in the embiyology of a spider some years ago it occurred to me that a more careful and detailed investigation of the development of the lung- books and tracheae than had hitherto been attempted would probably reveal some points of interest in connection with the origin of these organs, and indeed it soon appeared that two important facts had been entii’ely overlooked, viz. (1) the appearance of the earliest lung-leaves on the free posterior side of the provisional abdominal ap- pendages quite outside of the pulmonary invagi- nation, and (2) the origin of a considerable part of the trachem from ectodermal tendons (entapophyses) and not from lung-books. This latter appeared to me a point of particular interest, as it is the only case, I believe, in which the origin of a trachea from another organ not re- spiratory in nature can be clearly demonstrated. My investigations were carried out in the years 1894 and 1895, in the Zoological Laboratory of the University at Berlin, and my thanks are due to Geheinn’ath Prof. F. E. Schulze for the use of his splendidly equipped laboi’atory. About one third of the text had already been written and most of the figures drawn when I left Berlin in 1895 for South Africa, where various circumstances prevented the completion of the paper for the press until quite recently. Material. — The material for the development was collected in the neighbourhood of Berlin, and consisted of the embryos and young of Sitticus (Attus^) floricola C. K., of which T had an unlimited supply of all the required stages of de- velopment. Besides these T examined a small number of * Tins name has been recently discarded by E. Simon and Sittici;s snb.stitnted in its stead. 4 W. F. PURGE r.L. embryos and young of Aarts (figs. 20 and 21) ; (1) A more or less transverse spiracle (•'■-p.) or stigma placed laterally at the junction of the ventral and lateral surfaces of the second abdominal segment along its hind margin (text-fig. 1). (2) A short flattened tube leading forwards from the spiracle into the body in a slightly upward and medial direc- 10 \V. F. PUKCEU,. tion, forming a stalk or pedicel {iie.d.) to the whole lung- complex. This opens into — (3) An elongated-lanceolate hollow hand^ the pulmonary sac (ante-chamber or vestibule, a.), 'which runs from just in front of the medial angle of the spiracle at fii’st in a dorso-lateial direction, but becomes procurved at a greater or less distance beyond the lateral angle of the spiracle to form the horn (Schneider, li.) and terminates in a short, blind, apical pouch [aj).). (4) A series of long, flattened, hollow pouches (saccules, 6'.), which are triangular in shape, like a flattened butterfly- net, generally horizontal, and placed one over the other in a Text-fig. 1. Attns floricola. Ventral surface of abdomen. Ih. Pulmonary operculum, iniltn. xp. Pulmonary spiracle, tr. xp. Tracheal spiracle. Magnified 13. slightly imbricating manner (each being slightly more lateral than the one below it), like the leaves of an open book. The saccules, being invaginations of the anterior wall of the ante- chamber, communicate with its lumen by their open posterior ends, which form a series of parallel slits, like an oven-grate (Bertkau), extending obliquely across the entire anterior surface of the ante-chamber, including the corresponding ventral surface of the procurved horn, being absent only from the small apical pouch of the latter.^ ' In some text-books, e. g. Korschelt and Heider ('92. p. 605, fig. 382) EESPIBATORY ORGANS IN ARANE/E. 11 All these parts, being hollow, contain air in direct com- munication with the external atmosphere. The partition walls between the air-spaces of adjacent saccules, I shall term the ‘‘septa.”i The dorsal side of each septum is studded Avith numerous, simple, blunted spines, which keep the lumens of the saccules open, while the walls of the ante-chamber (including its fenestrated anterior wall and the apical pouch of the horn), are covered with pecnliar hooped spines (spines with anastomising apical branches). The pedicel is for the most part unspined. The two spiracles are generally united by a transverse fold, the epigastric or interpulmonary fold {interp. fill.), which also connects the two pedicels and the extreme medial corners of the two ante-chambers (see text-fig. 1). The lumens of the latter at the same time communicate by the interpulmonary canal of communication (can.), or passage Avitli hooped spines in the upper edge of the fold. Further remarks on the lung-books of the adnlt are given on p. 41, and an historical account of the literatnre will be found at the end of the paper. Tracheae. — The usual form of tracheae in a Uipneuinonous spider has the folloAving parts (figs. 21, 25 and 31) : (1) A median, transverse, ventral spiracle (sj).), placed on the hind mai-gin of the third abdominal segment usually just before the spinners (text-fig. 1). tlie procAirvecl honi is wrongly represented as having no saccules opening into it. ‘ In order to avoid ambiguity I have substituted the terms "sac- cules” and "septa” in place of the old terms "leaves” and "lamellai.” The older writers almost invariably meant to indicate the saccules when they used the term "leaves” (feuillets, Blatter), but since about 1881 the term has generally been employed for the septa, like the term " lamellae.” Neither term, however, has at present tniy definitely recognised use. Thus "lamelles” signifies the septa with MacLeod ("84), but only one of the layers of a septum Avith Berteaux ('89), Avhose term for a Avhole septum is “lame,” Avhile "feuillet” signifies a septum Avith SchiuikeAvitsch ('84) and Plateau ('86), Imt a saccule Avith Scl)neider ('92). 12 W. F. PUKCEM,, (2) A short, flattened cdiamber (vestibule, rest.), leading lorwards and upwards from the spiracle into tlie body and giving off at its anterior or deepest part — (3) A pair of medial [ and a pair of lateral tracheal trunks [, which may again give rise to tracheal branches (tv., fig. 21), the finest of these being the tracheal tubules [tr.tnh., fig. 31). The trunks and branches are lined with anastomosing spines (more rarely with spiral threads oidy), but the fine tubules have only spiral threads. 'I'he anterior or deepest part of the cavity of the vestibule is always widened to form a transverse canal of communi- cation [can.) or passage with hooped spines, connecting the cavities of the tracheal trunks. The remaining or smooth portion of the vestibule forms a stalk or pedicel [yed.) to the whole tracheal system, and is supported cu each side by chitinous thickening or rod [rd.). 111. lllSTOKICAL (DeVELOPMKNt). Development of the lung-books in Arachnida. — Metschnikoff (’71) gives an account of the development of the lung-books in scorpions, and observes that they arise as ectodermal invaginations just behind the four posterior pairs of abdo- minal ajipendages, which latter subsequently atrophy. Towards the end of the embryonic period the folds in the pulmonary sacs appear. Salensky (’71) was the first to study their development in Aianeas, and believed that the lung-books were formed by the invagination of the abdominal appendages (teste Jaworowski, ’94, p. 55). Bertkau (’72) showed that in the young spider, after the completion of the embryonic period, the lung-books continue to develop, new leaves being added at the growing dorso- lateral end, each new leaflet arising next to the one previously formed. Locy (’86) gives a detailed description of the later stages RESPIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 13 in a spider (Agelena ntevia), and lie is the first to give an account of the transformation of the embryonic epithelial foldings into the definite pulmonary septa (lamellee) with their chitinons coverings. According to him the lung-books arise as a pair of invaginations late in the period of the reversion, but he makes no mention of their connection witli appeu- d Later development of the pulmonary saccules. — 1 resume the descripition at the 0-6-iun’ow stage represented in figs. 18-1 8b and 1G-1Gk. 'I'lie interior of the appendage has become nearly filled out by the ingi-owing saccules, which push befoi'e them the intra-appendicular part of the coelom and ultimately occiqty its place. They continue to grow till the anterior side of the aj)])endage is reached. The oldest saccules are still the longest, but are exceeded in breadth by liESPIKATOKY ORGANS IN ARANE.R. 29 the younger ones (fig. 13b) — so much so, indeed, that in the dorsal region the latter project for at least half their mass into the body cavity, while the oldest saccules are still entirely contained within the appendage (a condition still apparent at the time of hatching, fig. 17). The plane of each saccule is still an inclined one, slanting upwards anteriorly, owing to the presence of the genital duct iu the now ventral (originally medial) portion of the appen- dage. When, in later stag’es, the duct has migrated else- where, the saccules come to lie horizontally and parallel to the ventral side of the appendage (figs. 17 and 18). A slight twist in the plane of a saccule may always be noticed in the o-G-furrow stage, by which each becomes distinctly more horizontal in its anterior region (fig. 13b) than at the orifice (fig. 13a). 'I'his twist does not seem to be retained through- out all subsequent stages. From the 5-furrow stage until the period when the cuticula and the lacuna; first appear in the lung-books the latter present various characteristics, best studied in trans- verse sections, such as fig. loB. The ventral wall of each of the saccules (.v. 1, .v. 2, etc.), is distinctly thicker than the dorsal wall, its cells being more cylindrical and more nursierons, its nuclei more oblong and situated nearer the ventral (basal) ends of tlieir cells, which thus come to have more protoplasm at the free (dorsal) ends than do the corre- sponding (or ventral) ends of the cells of the dorsal wall. 'I’he saccules are each provided with a considerable cavity, but between the closely appressed walls of two adjoining- saccules no lumen whatever is found. ^Vith the appearance of the chitinous structures and the blood-lacunae at the end of the reversion a great change takes ])lace in the appearance of the walls of the saccules, the older ones being, as usual, those first affected. There appear between the walls and cells of two adjoining saccules irregular spaces figs. 17 and 18), which are at first small, but rapidly eidarge and communicate with one another and with the blood-cavities on the medial and lateral sides of the lung- 30 W. F. PURCELri, book, tlins forming a passage for the blood and blood- corpuscles {hd.e.) from the one side to the other. All mitoses definitely cease in such saccules, although they are common enough in the previous stages, as well as in younger not yet chitinised saccules of all subsequent stages. The two adjacent walls do not, however, lose contact with one another, for each cell of a dorsal wall of a saccule (with a few excep- tions) remains united with one or two cells of the ventral wall of the adjacent saccule by means of a column of protoplasm, in the formation of which both or all three cells (ir., fig. 18) take part. Owing to the excess of nuclei in the ventral wall of the saccnle we often find a column provided with two nuclei at its dorsal and one at its ventral end (//., fig. 18), while some of the cells of the ventral wall become simple plaster- cells unattached to a column {z., fig. 18). Similar double nuclei and plaster-cells ai*e rarely found in the dorsal wall of a saccnle. This arrangement of the nuclei is retained through all subsequent stages up to the adult form, and was found in the adults of all other spiders examined.' I also found it in embryos of Agelena labyrinthica, and it is evidently general amongst Dipnenmonous spiders. The nuclei vary greatly in shape. IMany are more or less depressed in the plane of the septa, becoming plano-convex oi- conical, the plane side facing the chitinous cuticula. 'Phe cells of the ventral wall of the oldest saccnle (.v. 1) require special mention. These also form columns, which attach themselves to the body hypodermis, but the cells of the latter do not contribute to these structures. The nuclei of this saccule are often drawn out in a peculiar way into the thinnest part of the ventral columns (fig. 17). Locy, who describes these columns, considers them to be probably of a muscular nature, but there does not .seem to me to be any reason for thinking that they are any more muscular than the colmnns of the septa. Their greater length is simply explained by the fact that each cell has to form a column, at ' The plaster-cells were first noticed by Berteanx ('89) in fully developed spider’s lun"s. RESPIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANEiE. 31 least as long as the two-celled columns of the septa, in order to allow sufficient space for the blood-corpuscles to pass between the ventral saccule and the outer hypodermis. Two authors, Locy and Jaworowski, deal with the formation of the definite lung-septa from the embryonic epithelia. According to Locy (’86), whose account differs from mine, the nuclei, which are in parallel rows, become plano-convex and arrange themselves in pairs, the convex side of each nucleus in one row being exactly opposite that of an adjacent parallel row (i. e., of an adjacent epithelium). Ultimately the cells of each pair of nuclei, which thus face each other, come in contact and fuse together to form the columns. ’I’lie cells of such a pair of rows constitute the two walls of a flat, hollow sac, a respiratory lamella (i. e., a septa). Blood has a free access to the lamelhn at their anterior attachments. (Locy’s statement that a septa represents a hollow sac is, of course, incorrect. He apparently considers them attached at their anterior ends only.) Jaworowski’s account (’94, pp. GO-Gl), is more in agree- ment with mine. According to him the space between the two layers of nuclei of a septum is filled with protoplasm and tlie lacuna) appear between the cells, and are at first small and roundish, and later on large and elongate. Jaworowski evidently intends to imply that the columns are the remains of the protoplasm left between the lacunae, and his fig. 12 illustrates this very clearly. Here two, or even three nuclei may be observed at one or both ends of a column at first, but later on this is rarely or never the case, only one nucleus being found at each end of the column (in agreement with Locy). The chitinous lining of the pulmonary saccules. — Shortly before the appearance of the lacuna) the walls of the saccules appear to collapse, and on the surfaces of contact, where the cavity was situated, two chitinous membi’anes are secreted. These pass over into one another at their medial, lateral, and anterior edges, so as to form a flattened chitinous .saccule within the epithelial saccule, and are further connected by 32 W. F. I’UHCEU.. iiimniierable tiny cliitinous rods, which are firmly soldered to each membrane and distributed over their entire inner sur- faces (.s. 1, figs. 17 and 18). The ante-chamber is also provided Avith a smooth cnticnla fig. 18), except in the dorsal growing ]>art {pulm. 'prol.). The walls of the cliitinous saccules are lined on one(thebasal) surface with a thin layer of protoplasm, which is, of course, the matrix, and althoug’h this layer may become very thin (as, for instance, in Agelena laby rin thica), it is always dis- tinctly recognisable at this stage. Locy could not trace the protoplasm on the chitin away from the columns in Ag-elena naevia, ivhile Jaworowski (’94) describes these columns as atmeboid in shape, sending out processes over the surface of the chitin to connect with those of neighbouring cells of the same epithelium. The moulting' of the lung-books. — It is well known that at each monlt of the young spider the entire cliitinous lining of both the ante-chamber and saccules is cast off (Menge, ’51, p. 22; W. Wagner, ’88, p. 315), and that the ventral walls of the latter produce the innumerable free spines on the surface of the cnticnla (W. Wagner, ’88, p. 314). A’’arious points of interest still remain to be described in connection wdtli the growth at monlting-.^ Already at the time of hatching we find the saccules pre- paring for the first post-embryonic moult, although the latter does not take place until nearly a week later. The epithelia of each saccule expands in a medial, as well as in an anterior direction, considerably beyond the corresponding edges of its primitive cliitinous lining, while the lateral and posterior edges I'emain stationary. 'I’he enlarged saccule thus created then secretes over its interior surface a new cuticula forming a, second cliitinous saccule (/., fig. 34), Avhich encloses the one first formed (.v.) and differs from it in structure. For its ventral membrane bears over that part of its area which is co-extensive with the primitive cuticnlar saccule (.s.) nume- ' The fullowing' remarks on this suhject apply equally to Attiis floricola, Agelena lahyrinthica, and Tegenaria atriea. RESPIEATORY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 33 rous short cones (c.), not attached to the dorsal membrane, while in the newly added medial portion (s'.) the rods are fused with both membranes. Herein lies the explanation of the greater thickness of, and the larger number of cells in, the ventral wall of the saccules in the earlier- stages (fig. 13b) described on p. 29 ; for we may assume that the ventral wall secretes the numerous minute rods as well as the ventral cuticula of the primary chitinous saccules, and that only their dorsal cuticula is con- tributed by the doi’sal wall of the saccules. Being in contact at first the rods of the ventral cuticula are able to fuse with the dorsal cuticula, but at the first moult and all subsequent moults the two cuticulas are sepai-ated by the previously formed chitinous saccule except along the newly added medial and anterior portions. The chitinous saccules first formed are cast off at the first moult, but they previously become squeezed very thin and are thus difficult to i-ecognise as such. At each subsequent moult the saccules are enlarged in the way described for the first moult, and since in the medial and in the anterior portion of the chitinous saccules at any period of life the rods ai’e found soldered to both membranes, I con- clude, generally, that this soldered region represents the portion that was added at the previous moult. ^ My account of the primary chitinous saccules differs from that of both Locy and Jaworowski. The first-named author (’86) describes and figures the dorsal chitinous membrane of each saccule as smooth and the ventral membrane as den- tigei'ous, but not united to the dorsal one in the embryo in Agelena naevia. In my sections of the embryos of A g e 1 e n a 1 a b y r i n t h i c a the two membranes of the primiti ve saccules are undoubtedly fused together, exactly as in Attus floricola. According to Jaworowski’s description, in the ' Tlie same appears to he the case in many other spiders, although it has liitherto escaped the notice of investigators: so, Argyroneta, Drassodes, Lycosa, Philodromus, etc. There is no special reason wliy the added region should never have free rods, hence the above statement must not be applied too strictly to all spiders. VOL. 54, PART 1. — NEW SERIES. 3 34 \V. 1’. rURCELL. embryos of Trocbosa singoriensis both the membranes bear granules (i. e. the teeth), and from his figures it is clear that these membranes are not fused together. Both these authors’ accounts may very easily be reconciled with one another and with mine, if we assume that their figures represent stages in which the preparation for the first post-embryonic moult had already begun. Locy’s figures then would represent sections in which the new cuticiila of the dorsal \vall of the saccule had separated from the primary chitinous saccule and so appeared smooth, while the ventral cuticula would still appear dentigerous. It may happen in Attus floricola that the ventral w^all of the secondary chitinous saccule (*■'.) becomes pulled apart from the primary saccule (.s-.), which, adhering to the dorsal wall, causes it to appear as if both walls of the saccule were pro- vided with denticles. This, no doubt, is the explanation of Jaworowslci’s statement. The operculum of the lung-books. — It is -well known from the observations of Morin (’87), Kishinouye (’90) and others that the outer epithelium of the pulmonary appendage forms the operculum, which covers each lung-book after the appen- dage has sunk into the body. It will be observed from a comparison between figs. 13b and 17, and between figs. IGa or 1Gb and 18, that the sides, as well as the distal wall, of the abdominal appendage con- tribute to the formation of the operculum. ’Phus, in fig. 17 the ventral portion, w'.x'., of the operculum, to 'which the ventral columns of the oldest saccule, .s.l., are attached, cor- respond to the ventral wall, w' .x'., of the appendage in fig. 13b, while the distal and dorsal walls, x'.y'. and y'.z'., of the latter correspond as nearly as pos.sibleto the portions x'.i/ .and y'.z. of the operculum in fig. 17 (both figures being magnified the same number of times). Aline {jir. ax.) through the centre of the area x'.y'., or, say roughly, of the entire operculum, and perpendicular to its surface would, 1 think, correspond approximately with the original axis of the appendage. Since the positions of the septa and the operculum remain EESPIBATORY ORGANS IN ARANEyE. 35 practically unclianged after the stage represented in fig. 17, we can disting-uish in the operculum of the adult spider (1) a nearly horizontal portion to which the ventral saccule is attached, and which belongs to the ventral surface of the abdomen, and (2) a strong-ly inclined portion on the lower part of the lateral surface of the abdomen. The horizontal part corresponds to the ventral wall of the embryonic appen- dage in hg. 3 {iv'.x'. in figs. 13c and 1 7), or the median wall of ail earlier stage (fig. 1), while the inclined portion, which forms much the greater part, is the distal and dorsal wall of the appendage, i . e. — the part x'.z'. in figs. 13c and 1 7, or the distal and lateral wall of an early stage (fig. 1). Anteriorl}’^ the operculum curves strongljr towards the median line, and this incurved part corresponds, of course, to the anterior wall of the embryonic appendage (fig. 18). All the surfaces pass over gradually into one another and cannot be sharply dis- tinguished. The lung-books of the young spider. — Not much remains to be added on the subsequent development. At the time of hatching the lung-book has much the appear- ance of fig. 18, except that the pulmonary .sac (now the ante- chamber) has much thinner walls, lined with chitin internally, and the dorsal saccules are long’er. Moreover, that portion of the epithelium of the pulmonary sac immediately adjoining the spiracle now forms a thin-walled, narrow, hollow neck or stalk (pedicel) connecting the ante-chamber proper with the edge of the spiracle. 'I'his pedicel persists throughout all later stages, and its chitinous lining acts both as an air-passag’e to the ante- chamber and as a sort of ligament by means of which the lung-complex is firmly attached to the outer cuticula of the body. 3’he dorsal horn of the ante-chamber preserves its charac- teristic curved form, and, as Bertkau (’72) showed long ago, continues to provide new lung-septa. According to W. Wagner (’88), the addition of new septa goes on until the age of sexual maturity is reached. In Attus floricola at the 36 W. F. PUJiCELL. time of hatcliiug there are about seven or eight developed saccules. At the time of the second moult there are perhaps twelve to fourteen, while in the adult about thirty-four or thirty-five appear to be present, but I cannot state the exact numbers with certainty. Critical remarks on the literature. — Aranefe. — According to Locy (’86,p.81) the in-foldings for the lung-books in Agelena ngevia arise late in the period of the reversion. From his figure (fig. 73) and description of “early stages” (p. 89), in which the lung-books appear as extensive gi’oups of cells with the nuclei arranged iu parallel rows, as well as from the fact that he makes no mention of any connection with the abdominal appendages, it is clear that Locy was really deal- ing with late stages after the appendage had already sunk into the body and long after the earlier saccules had been formed. Of the formation of these latter he gives no account. His account of the formation of the definite septa has already been dealt with on a previous page (p. 31). Bruce^s (^86a, ’86b, ’87) statements may be dismissed as di.s- proved by later researches. Both Kishinouye (’90) and Simmons (’94) are of opinion that Bruce (’87) has misinter- preted the parts in his figures Ixxix and Ixxix'. Certainly the fold L' is not a pulmonary fold, and is not on the anterior surface of the first abdominal appendage, as Bruce supposes it to be. Simmons (’94) states that the pulmonary sac arises as an in-pushing behind and under the abdominal appendage, “ so that eventually a pit is formed, actually extending into the general body surface.” The pit is considered as bounded on its outer side by the appendage itself, its outer wall being- described as “the morphologically posterior surface of the appendage” (p. 217), which is represented as lying flat on the body surface and directed backwards. The opening of the pit under the posterior or distal end of the appendage persists as the spiracle. The outer wall of the pit “has its ectoderm thrown into folds, the rudiments of the leaves of the lung-book,” and sections of early stages are figured, one KESFIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 37 section (fig. 6) showing five pulmonary furrows and the other (fig. 5), although of the same age, only two such farrows. It is plain that the author considers that the earliest lung- leaves are fonned entirely within the pulmonary pit or sac and not on any part of the free surface of the appendage outside of the sac; so that, as far as the position of the lung-leaves in regard to the appendage at their first appear- ance is concerned, the author has not advanced beyond what was known to his predecessoi’s. Nevertheless, in the sum- mary at the end of the paper we find the following statement, that ‘Hhe lung-book of the spider (and presumably of all Ai’achnids which possess one) arises at first as an external structure upon the posterior surface of the abdominal appendages” (p. 219). If we accept the theory that the lung-books are derived from gill-books as indisputable, then we can say that the appearance of the lung-leaves on the outer or anterior wall of the pulmonary sac proves that this wall is morphologically the posterior side of the abdominal appendag’e, but we cannot conversely first call this wall the posterior side of the appendage and then say that the appearance of the hing- leaves upon it proves that they are formed on the posterior side of the appendage, as Simmons does. For if we choose to consider that the lung-h-oks were derived from internal tracheae and not from external gill-books, the pulmonary sac would be the trunk of a ti’achea, and no one would then call its outer wall the posterior wall of the appendage. Thus, if Simmons’ description of the early development were correct, then the lung-books would not arise at first as an external structure, but as an internal one in an invagination. As a matter of fact Simmons’ representations of the abdo- minal appendage in his figs. 5 and 6 are very misleading, as will appear if we refer to his fig. 10, which represents an entire embryo of the same age as those in figs. 5 and 6. Here the first abdominal appendage has its usual stumpy, knob-like form, and is situated on opposite sides of the abdomen, almost antipodal in fact, just as in Attus f loricola. 38 W. F. PURCELL. Sagittal sections, like Simmons’ figs. 5 and 6, therefore, cut the appendage more or less transversely to its main axis, which in the two figures would be, not in the plane of the paper, but almost perpendicular to it. In fact I cannot believe tliat the appearance of the a])peu- dage in Agel ena n gev ia at this stage differs so essentially from the corresponding stage in Attus floricola, such as that represented by my fig. 1(5. A sagittal section in the case of the appendage represented in this figiu'e would, of course, be more or less perpendicular to the plane of the paper and cut the appendage parallel to the line ep.-ep. If the section were slightly more inclined towards the lower part of the paper (say along a.-h., fig. IGn) we should get a section like fig. 15, but if it were inclined more towards the upper pai-t of the paper (say along c.—d., fig. 16b), we should get sections exactly resembling Simmons’ figs. 5 and 6, according as two or five of the furrows were cut. This 1 believe to be the true explanation of the appearance of Simmons’ figures. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get an exact idea of the structure of an appendage without the aid of wax models, of which Simmons does not say he made any use. 'I’he last paper on the spider’s lung-book to be considered is that of -Jaworowski (’94), who studied Trochosa singo- riensis. He discovered in this species an embryonic structui e, which he de.scribes as an embryonic trachea, consisting of an ante-chamber, a trunk, and branches. 'I’he ante-chamber is inverted funnel-shaped, with the apex pointing upwards and the broad end terminated ventrally by the abdominal appen- dage or operculum. The sides of the ante-chamber are closely appressed to one anotlier (j). 56) and extended in a. sagittal plane (since they are seen broadways in sagittal sections). The pulmonary lamelhe are formed by parallel folds of the wall of the ante-chamber, “ the edges of the folds, which jut into the lumen, being more or less (figs. 1 and 2) undulate” (p. 62) and parallel to the surface of the operculum, i. e., transverse to the axis of the ante-chamber and trachea. According to Jaworowski’s idea, therefore, the free edges BESPIKATORY OEGANS IN AEANBiB. 39 ot: the septa run parallel to the longitudinal axis of the abdomen instead of at right angles to it, as they do in Attus floricola, etc. Now if we compare my figs. 13b and 17 of transverse sections with Jaworowski’s figs. 3 and 5/ which come just in between mine in point of development, it will be seen that the lung-books of botli species exactly correspond, so that the free edges of the septa cannot run longitudinally to the body axis. In fact, Jaworowski has evidently mistaken the direction of the folds, which are seen laterally in his figs. 3 and 5 and not from their free edges ; and, moreover, the funnel-shaped area which he calls the ante-chamber in his sagittal sections is not the ante-chamber at all. The trunk of the embryonic trachea, according' to Jawo- rowski, extends dorsad from the apex of the ante-chamber and then divides, the branches reaching to the dorsal blood- vessel and subdividing into smaller brancblets. These have sometimes the appearance of a cuticular tube provided with regular internal thickenings (fig. 6). Ultimately both trunk and branches degenerate and disappear, only the “ ante- chamber'’ remaining to form the lung-book. In the later stages of the spider-embryos which I ex- amined, I find the yolk-mass continuous along the median region but divided towards the sides by partial septa, which are transverse and doubtless of mesodermal origin. The surfaces of the yolk are lined with very thin Hat cells, and the intra-septal space between these two layers of cells contains muscles, blood-corpuscles, and a number of large vitello- phagous cells resembling those marked i'it. in my figs. 16d, 16e, 17, etc. Ventrally the intra-septal spaces widen out, the widened part appearing funnel-like in stigittal sections (see tig. 41, which shows three such septa). The lung-books lie in the ventral widening of the septum between the eighth and ninth segments. The space between the lung-books and the ‘ The author calls these " frontal sections,” hut since the abdomen is inclined ventrally to the longitudinal axis of the cephalothorax, frontal sections of the hitter would cut the abdomen more transversely than frontally. (See Locy’s fig. 10 or Korschelt and Heider, p. 585, fig. 372b. J 40 W. F. PUKCELL. yolk also contains blood- corpuscles, vitellopliagous cells, and various iiiesoderinal elements, besides fluid. Jaworowski’s tracheal trunk and ante-chamber undoubtedly correspond in position to the lower part of the septum and its funnel-shaped widening, but 1 have found nothing in them in my sections which could possibl}’ be taken for trachea}. Jaworowski states that the trunk has a nucleated epithelium, the nuclei being smaller than those of the pulmonary lamellje (p. 62). These may well be, 1 think, the nuclei of the mesodermal septa, but I am at a loss to account for the tracheal branches and branchlets drawn by Jaworowski in his tigs. 1 and 2. At any rate the tracheal nature of the structure cannot possibly be maintained so long as no embryological evidence at all is advanced to prove that they are of ectodermal origin and derived from the same mass of cells which form the lung-books. It will be noticed further that the lumen of the ante-chamber is closed off from that of the tracheal trunk by a diaphragm (p. 68). No other investigator has ever found anything like these embryonic tracheae, and although Jaworowski (’94, p. 55) asserted that Schimkewitsch (’86a, ’86b) had previously observed a similar structure, the latter author has recently (:06, p. 45) disclaimed any connection between that figured by him and those found l)y Jaworowski. Scorpiones. — Metschnikoff ('71), Laurie ('90 and ’92j, Brauer (’95) and Pereyaslawzew'a (:07) all agree that the lung- books of scorpions arise as folds in the wall of the pulmonary sac, which according to the first three authors is formed by invagination on the posterior sides of the four posterior pairs of abdominal a})pendages. According to Pereyaslawzewa, however, this sac arises on the anterior side of the appen- dages, but it appears to me probable that this author has mis- taken the intersegmental folds which separate the sternites for appendages, the true appendages described by previous authors having evidently already disappeared. Brauer states that, so far as he could make out, the oldest pulmonary fold occurs at the innermost part of the sac, the KESPIKATORY OEGANS IN AllANEiE. 41 following folds occurring on the distal side of this one (i. e. exactly opposite to what takes place in spiders). The autlior does not appear to be cjuite certain about this point, and is, moreover, corrected by Pereyaslawzewa, who maintains that tlie oldest fold is the one nearest to the outer body wall (1 . e. as in spiders). Brauer’s text-hg. 15c (p. 413) very closely resembles my fig. IbB, so far as the ectoderm is concerned. He thinks there can be scarcely a doubt that the lung-book is not formed behind or apart from the appendage, but is the posterior half of the latter itself, which is invaginated and on which the pulmonary folds appear (p. 415). Laurie (’92) makes an interestiug statement regarding the position of the lung-septa in the older scorpion-embryos, Here they are placed horizontally, as in the older spider- embryos, whereas in the adult scorpion they are vertical (p. 102). Pedipalpi. — The development of the lung-saccules and their relation to the abdominal appendages do not appear to me sufficiently clear, from the existing embryological data, to make a comparison with the Aranese possible. Apparently the abdominal appendages are not so obvious in this group as they are in A ran e a) and Scorpiones, since the parts described by Laurie (’94j under this name are not identical with those to which Schimkewitsch (:06) applies the term. A remarkable point in the development, as described by ISchimkewitsch, is that the oldest saccules are said to be formed within the pulmonary sac and to subsequently migrate out of it ou to the posterior side of the appendage. In such a case their development would be exactly the opposite to tliat in A ran etc, as well as to what we should expect from phylogenetic considerations. Pereyaslawzewa’s (:01) descrijjtion of the formation of the lung-septa out of the cuticular wrinkles of the body-surface is altogether fanciful. The fully-developed lung-books of spiders. — A. Schneider (’92) has given an excellent account of the coarser anatomy of the 42 W. F. PUKCELF;. lung-books in spidei-s, the descriptions of MacLeod (’84) aud Berteaux (’89) being unsatisfactory in this respect. Berteaux’s account of the chitinous structures (spines, etc.) of the lung- books is, however, very detailed and the best we possess, but his description of the bi-nucleated cell-columns in tlie septa as nnicellnlar structures is misleading and not in accordance with the embryological facts, since these columns are formed by the fusion of opposed cells in two separate epithelia. Both MacLeod and Berteaux made a curious error regard- ing the free edges of the septa. The edges of the septa they describe as being free, not only along the posterior border but along tlie posterior part of the lateral side as well. As a matter of fact tlie lateral sides of the septa are never free, but may have the appearance of being so in horizontal sections through the dorsal procurved portion of the ante- chamber. The apparently free edge is merely that of a septum with its lateral part cut off by the razor, hence the irregularities in its occurrence observed by these authors. 'I’hat these lateral edges are not free can easily be demon- strated by examining the lung-books under a hand-lens after treatment with caustic jiotash, and I can strongly recommend this old-fashioned method to anyone who wishes to obtain a clear idea of the coarser structure of the lung-books in a short time (see fig’. 20). It will be found much more satisfactory than if one were to rely on sections only. Bbrner (:04) has recently stated that the se})ta are placed more or less vertically in the majorit}^ of the Aranete, and has thrown doubt on MacLeod’s well-known diagrams, in which the septa are i-epresented as lying horizontally. I have examined one or two species of most of the larger families and I found the septa as nearly horizontal as they could well be in the following Lipneumonous spiders : Attidm (Attus floricola), Lycosidm (Lycosa Uar- lingi), Agelenidte ('I’egenaria domestica, Textrix lycosina), Clubionida) (Clubiona holosericea, Paly- stes sp.), Thomisida) (Philodromus f uscomargina- tus), Theridiid^ (Theridion lineatum), Drassidte KESPlliATOKY OKGANS IN AHANEiE. 48 (Drassodes tesselatus), Sicariidie (Scytodes tes- tudo); also iu the following Tetrapneumonous spiders (Aviculariidse) : subfam. Avicu lar i inse (Harpactira atra)j subfam. Cteuizinae (Sbasimopus unispiiiosus and Her mac ha sp.). In the following forms the septa were inclined at an angle of 45° or less to the horizontal, sloping downwards from the higher medial edges to the lower lateral edges : Argiopidae, subfam. Argiopiuae (Argiope clathrata), Theridiidm (Latrodectus geometricus), and Eresidie (Eresus sp.). If the above examples are any indication of the usual posi- tion in the families to which they belong, then Horner’s state- ment niust be wrong, and cannot hold good for the great majority of Araneie. Even in the three cases where the septa were incliued they were nearer the horizontal than the vertical (except, perhaps, in Latrodectus geometricus, where they formed an angle of about 45°). Moreover, the operculum iu the spiders with horizontal septa is similar to that of Attus floricola described on p. 49 (see hg. 17), and since this type of operculum represents that of any Dipneumonous or Tetrapneumonous spider in which the abdomen is not greatly developed anteriorly, we may faiidy assume that the septa must be horizontal, or very nearly so in the great majority of s})iders. ^Vllen, however, the anterior upper region of the abdomen is abnormally distended above the opercula, it may happen that the lateral region of the latter becomes pushed down- wards into a more horizontal position than is the case in fig. 17, and at the same time the septa become tilted upwards on the medial side, that is to say, they take a more or less incliued position, such as one finds in Argiope, Latro- dectus, and Eresus, and no doubt in many other genera of the same families, d'he inclined position of the septa cannot, therefore, be a primitive condition in these families, but, I think, merely due to the abnormal distension of the abdo- men, for iu closely allied forms, in which the abdomen is not 44 W, F. PUECELL. unusually distended and the operculum more upright, I find the septa placed almost horizontally (e. g. in a specimen of Nephila from Senegal). VI. The Development op the Abdominal Longitudinal Muscles and theik Tendons. In their earliest stage the coelomic sacs of the eighth to eleventh segments each protrude an evaginated portion of their somatic wall into a provisional appendage, completely lining the cavity of the latter (fig\ 4). At this stage {St. I) the cells of the somatic wall of the sac are cylindrical, and much higher than those of the splanchnic wall. At the time when the first pulmonary furrows begin to appear (stage 2) the intra-appendicular portion becomes partially cut off from the main coelomic sac by an infolding of its wall along the medial basal edge of the appendage (fig. 1). The infolded layer grows in a lateral direction halfway across the cavity of the appendage, converting the medial half of the intra-appendicular coelom into a short tube. Each of these segmental tubes lies in a transverse plane, is blind at the medial end, and opens laterally into the coelomic sac.^ In a longitudinal section through the lateral region of the appendages {ah. ai)p. 1-3, fig. 5a) the main coelomic cavity is seen to be continuous with the intra-appendicular portion, whereas the latter portion in a more medial section of the same series (fig. 5) appears separated from the main coelom, the segmental tubes {seg. t. 3-10), of course, being seen in cross section. If this latter section be compared with a corresponding section of a later stage (fig. b, stage with five pulmonary furrows), it will be noticed that the portion of the somatopleura which formed the inner layer of the above- ‘ I have sliown elsewhere ('95) that the segmental tubes of the eighth or pulmonary segment become the genital ducts. In fig. 23b (adult male) the mesodermal part of the genital duct [mes. fj. d.), derived from the segmental tubes, is seen sharj^ly differentiated from the ectodermal portion {ec. y Ray Lankester. 4S W. P. PURCBLL. dages has reached its most lateral position (fig. 3). The anterior wall of appendage 2 has approached nearer to appendage 1, so that the ectodermal area («r. 8, figs. 6 and 16), to which the entochondrite becomes attached, now forms the bottom of a rather wide groove lying between the two appendages towards their medial side. Shortly after- wards the three posterior provisional appendages commence to move towards the posterior venti-al part of the abdomen away from appendage 1. Now, as the latter retains its lateral position for the pi’esent and is very close to appendage 2, we find the area {ar. 8) between them, to which the tendon is attached, also shifting slightly ventrad. In fig. 27 the appendages are still in a row, blit the ventrad movement is commencing; in fig. 16 fa slightly later stage) appendage 2 has moved ventrad to the region comprised between the sections nos. 1-18, and the area of attachment {nr. 8) is no longer just behind the region of the two oldest furrows (/. 1 and/. 2), as it appears to be in fig. 27, but lies ventrally to them. When this area has reached the extreme postero- ventral corner of the base of the appendage, it remains there, while appendage 2 con- tinues its ventrad movement. The subsequent development up till after the second moult, is a simple one. After the completion of the reversion and shortly before hatching (stage 6) we find the entochondrite {t. 8, fig. 41) situated alongside the posterior median corner of the lung-complex {Ih.), just next to the medial end of the spiracle. The ectodermal area {ec. f. 8) to which the ento- chondrite is attached, is composed of elongated cells and is somewhat sunken-in, forming a shallow, groove-like con- tinuation of the spiracle (sp., fig. 18). At the second moult, when the young spider attains its definite form, this groove becomes obliterated, so that the hypodermis of the attach- ment area comes to lie on a level with the adjacent body surface and completely outside of the spiracle.^ ’ In A^^elena liibyrinthica the groove is present in all stages after the time of hatching. RESPIKATORY ORGANS JN ARANEA5. 49 As tlie youug spider, however, a.pproaches maturity, the attachment area aorain nndero-oes a considerable alteration in its form and. position, resulting mainly from two processes. These consist in (1) the formation of a transverse in-folding of the hypodermis (the interpulmonary fold) between the two spiracles, which thus become connected by a deep ventral groove ; and (2) the drawing-out in the fonn of a blind tube (entapophysis) of the dorsal edge of this fold at the two spots to which the pair of mesodermal entochondrites are attached. The interpulmonary (epigastric) fold in the adult of Attus. — Fig. 20 represents a posterior view of the abdominal chitinous skeleton of an adult of a species of Attus, after the removal of everything posterior to the transverse plane which passes through the spiracles. It will serve to illustrate the form of the interpulmonary fold in the adult. In Attus floricola the interpulmonary fold in the male differs greatly from that of the female. Figs. 23-2dB are three sagittal sections through this fold in the adult male in the regions indicated in fig. 20. The much crumpled, anterior and posterior surfaces of the groove contained in the fold are normally closely applied to each other, so as to leave very little space between them. Along the dorsal edge, however, this is not the case, for here the groove suddenly widens to a nearly cylindrical canal {can.), which opens on each side into the pulmonary ante-chambers at their medio-ventral corners, thus forming a permanently open communication between the two lungs canal of com- munication” observed b}' Berteaux (’89) in Agelena and Kpeira]. The chitinous wall of the canal is thick and covered with branched anastomosing spines, quite similar to and directly continuous with those of the ante-chambers. The two entapophyses (ec. t. 8) have each the form of a short, strongly compressed pouch, whose blind end is directed upwards, backwards and laterad. The cavity in the ventral part of each branches off from the interpulmonai’y canal, and is provided, like the latter, with anastomosing VOL. o4, PART 1. — NEW SERIES. 4 50 W. E. PURCELL. spines {-spi., fig. 23a), while near its blind dorsal end it is vvitlionb any spines (ec. t. 8, fig. 23a). The hypodermis of the blind end is of special interest. Its cells assume a fibrous structure fig. 23) and are not pigmented like the adjacent hypodermis, and the large ento- chondrite {t. 8) is firmly attached to their basal ends. The numerons and powerful muscles which are attached to this entochondrite have been described by Schimkewitsch (’84), Vog’t (’89), A. Schneider (’92), and others. It cor- responds to the anterior of the three pairs of abdominal ento- chondrites described by these authors. In females of Attus floricola, at any rate in matured or nearly matured specimens, the interpul rnonary fold differs in a very remarkable manner from that just described. Instead of the cylindi-ical spinous canal of communication one finds a broad, thin-walled, much wrinkled, band-shaped canal, with- out spines inteimally, and strongly compressed from before and behind {can., fig. 22). Moreover, the two walls of the fold itself, apart from the canal, are much more strongly wrinkled than is the case in the male. In the adults of both sexes the opening of the genital organs is found on the anterior wall of the medial reg’ion of the fold between the pair of entapophyses {g. o., figs. 20 and 23b). The interpulmonary fold in other spiders. — The interpnl- monary fold ^ was found in all Dipneumonous spiders examined by me, and in the majority of the genera resembled the conditions occurring in either the male or the female of Attns floricola (Marpissa $, Clubiona $, Age- lena ?, Pisaura ?, Dolomedes 2, Melanophorad' ? , Drassodes ?, Zora 2, Linyphia 2, etc.). ’Phe pair of entapophyses are very variable in shape, even in the same species ; thus out of five specimens of Tegenaria domestica (fig. 21) examined, no two had the entapophyses shaped exactly alike. In some forms these tendons may be ‘ This fold was known to Treviranns (T2), and is descriljed Ly MacLeod (’84). Berteanx (’89) and others. KESPIRATORY ORGANS LN ARANE®. 51 far apart (Attus sp., fig. 20), in others, again, close together (Tegenaria domestica, fig. 21), or even fused to a single, rounded, median lobe (Lycosa Darling!) . The free end or ends are either sub-entire or else drawn out into short finger-like processes (fig. 21). Except in the Dysde ridse the entapophyses are more or less inclined backwards. The interpulmonary canal varies considerably, and is fre- quently spined and even cylindrical in the female as well. In the majority of cases it forms a canal of direct communication between the ante-chambers of the pair of lung-books, as in Attus floricola, but in the Lycosidm and in Philo- dromus this is not the case, the interpulmonary fold being rudimentary in the lateral part between the enta- pophysis and the lung-book. In many Lycosidge this por- tion of the fold is represented merely by a slight internal thickening of the cuticula [interp. jld,, fig. 19a), but in Philo- dromus there is a slight in-folding of the outer surface as well (fig. 19b) without an actual lumen being formed. The presence of these rudiments indicates that there was once a well-developed fold connecting the pulmonary sacs with the entapophyses, and that the pi’esent condition is a secondary one. In Argyroneta (J') the fold is well developed throughout, but there is no canal of communication, the two surfaces of the fold being closely apposed and without a lumen between them (fig. 19c). In the Dysderidae, too, there is no spinous canal of com- munication, although in the median part the lumen may be widened {interp.jid., fig. 40). In Dysdera and Segestria the fold is deep and well developed between the pair of enta- pophyses, but on the lateral side of these it is rudimentary and not continuous with the spiracle. In Harpactes the fold is much less deep than in the two other genera, and the entapo- physes are hardly specially distinguishable at all, being merely slightly deeper portions of the fold, to which the entochon- drites are attached. The lateral portion of the fold is, how- 52 \V. F. PUECKLL. ever, here directly coutinuous with the spiracles. The male (but not the female) of Harpactes is also remarkable in that the opening of the genital organs lies immediately in front of, but separate from, the interpulmonary fold (p. o., fig. 40), whereas in all other Dipneumonous spiders examined the genital opening lies in the anterior wall of the fold. In the Tetrapneumonous spider ^ examined I found no inter- Text-fig. 2. Crypsidromus intermedins. Ventral surface of abdomen. //>.. opercula of lung-books ; .sp.. spiracles of lung-books ; ec. t. 8 and 9., muscle insertions; fj. o., genital opening. Magnified fi. pulmonary fold connecting the .spiracles, but on the medial side of the latter (but separate from them and from the genital cleft) shallow depressions resembling stigmata in the cuticula were observed (er.i. 8 and 9, text-fig. 2), which proved in sections to be the places to which the entochondrites of the ventral longitudinal muscles are attached. These rudimentary ‘ Specimens labelled “Crypsidromus intermedins, Paraguay,” obtained from the Berlin Zoological Lal>oratory. KESPIBATORY OEGANS IN AEANEiE. 53 eiitapopliyses (ec. t. 8, fig. 36) were similar in both pulmonary segments. The only other order possessing* the interpulmonary folds is the Pedi palpi, in which these folds are very well deve- loped in both pulmonary segments and much resembles that of Dipneumonous spiders (see Tarnani, ’89 and :04, and Piirner, ;04). VIII. ’1’he Development of the Tkachea: and the Entapo- PHYSES OF THE TkaCHEAL SEGMENT. 'I'he tracheal appendages are, as nearly as possible, the exact counterparts of those of the pulmonary segment in the earliest stages, up to, say, the period when the pulmonary furi-ows begin to appear (compare ah. aj>p. 1 and 2 in fig. 4). 'I'lie post-appendicular groove {(jr.) extends along the whole posterior side of the appendage (except, perhaps, as in ajjpendage 1, at the extreme lateral part), but it does not appear to be deeper laterally than medially. In the stage with two pulmonary furrows (figs. 1, 5 and 5a), however, after the simultaneous subsidence of the epithe- lium lying between consecutive abdominal appendages we find that the post-appendicular groove is not almost obliterated in its medial half {tr. *■., fig. 5), differing in this respect from the corresponding groove of the pulmonary segment [yr., fig. 5). On the contrary the infolding containing the groove has increased in depth along its whole extent, and continues to deepen in the following stages in such a way that its blind bottom is directed slantingly forwards {fr. .v., fig. 6a). This in-folding is the tracheal sac. If we examine a reconstruction of the appendage from the inner surface (fig. 27) at this stage (when about five pulmonary furrows are present and the mesodermal entochondrites begin to be formed), we find a broad transverse ridge [tr. s.) projecting into the body and nearly co-extensive with the posterior side of the base of the appendage. This ridge is the ectodermal in-folding which forms the tracheal sac. The 54 W. F. FUKCELF. space (ar. 9) occupying the medial region of its visceral surface and enclosed by the dotted lines in the figure is the area with which the ends of the longitudinal muscles are in contact, and to the deepest part of which the entochondrite becomes attached. The medial area (ar. 9) of the tracheal sac is, therefore, serially homologous with the corresponding- area (nr. 8) behind the pulmonary appendage (see p. 20), and has consequently nothing to do with the region in which the earlier pulmonary furrows appear, nor with any portion of the lung-books. It will be observed that owing to the presence of the lung-leaves the area (ar. 8) in the pulmonary segment is more widely separated from the segmental tube {seg. t. 8) than is the case in the tracheal segment. The lateral region of the ti’acheal in-folding is of especial interest, as it is the only part which is serially homologous with the pulmonary sac. It will be remembered that the pulmonary sac proliferates in a lateral direction (position as in fig. 1), later in a dorsal direction (position as in fig. 3), in the form of a hollow tuber-like process creeping along the inner surface of the outer epithelium; and that this sac and its proliferations yield the cell-material for the formation of the fourth and following pulmonary saccules. Now the tracheal post-appendicular in-folding begins to proliferate laterally simultaneously with the pulmonary sac in precisely the same manner and direction. But the walls of the tracheal sac have not to furnish cell material for lung- saccules, of which no traces are present at any time, and, no doubt, on this account the pulmonary sac rapidly outgrows the corresponding tracheal sac, and in the stage of fig. 27 already greatly exceeds it in size. In this figure the groove {tr. 1.) behind the tracheal appendage extends dorsally up to section No. 16, while the proliferation extends through five more sections; and the groove [imlm. 1.) behind the pulmonary appendage reaches to section No. 24, while the corresponding proliferation extends further likewise through five more sections. Figs. 35-35a and lOn-lbE represent longitudinal sections RESFIBATOKY OECUNS IN AKANBJ]. 55 through the tracheal and pulmonary proliferations respectively of one and the same embryo from a series of sections similar to those from which fig. 27 has been reconstructed and re- presenting the same stage. It is to be noticed that the tracheal proliferation {tr. proZ. ) is solid throughout, while that of the pulmonary sac (pulm. *•.) is provided with a considerable cavity, though this is, of course, not a fundamental difference but is to be considered rather as due to a mere difference in the rapidity of growth. In other respects both proliferations closely resemble each other: in each the incision between it and the outer epithelium is deepest on the anterior side and dorsally at the apex. The opening of the tracheal sac does not extend dorsally beyond section Ko. 10 (fig. 6a) of fig. 27, the following five sections (compare figs. 35 and 35a) showing no trace of a post-appendicular groove, exactly as in the case of the corresponding five sections (Nos. 25-29) of the pul- monary appendage. In both cases the dorsal ends of the openings represent the latero-dorsal ends of the permanent spiracles, the medial ends of which are still unformed. Shortly after the stage I have just described the migration of the three posterior pairs of abdominal appendages, already alluded to on a previous page, commences. This process, which may be considered as characteristic of all Dipneumonous spiders with the tracheal spiracle near the hind end of the body, consists of a double movement, namely, a medio-ventrad movement of each of the three pairs of appendages and a caudad one caused by the enormous elongation of the ninth somite. Near the end of the reversion, as a result of this process, these appendages come together in pairs in the median line in the posterior half of the abdomen {tr. pL, figs. 41 and 43). At the same time the tracheal appendages gradually sink to the level of the body surface. During this period the formation of the tracheal spiracles is completed, the lateral ends of the spiracles having already been formed at an earlier stage. The unformed median ends become approximated by the migration of the appendages towards the median line, and subsequently the region of the 56 W. F. PURCELL. body-epitlielium Iviiig in between {inf., fig. 28) folds into the body, and the two spii’acles become united to a single one {sp., fig. 28). Meanwhile, important changes hare taken place in the post- appendicular sac of the tracheal appendage. Fig. 28 repre- sents a reconstruction seen from above of the ectoblast of the two tracheal sacs (together with four muscles and two ento- chondrites) at the end of the reversion. Fig. 41 is a sagittal, and fig. 48 a transverse section of the same stage. The right lialf of fig. 28 is equivalent to the ti'acheal in-folding [fr. s.) in fig. 27, dorsal in the latter figure corresponding, of course, to lateral in fig. 28. We observe in the first place (fig. 41) the great longitudinal elongation of segment 9, bringing the tracheal spiracle and sac nearer to the posterior end of the abdomen. As if to compensate for this backward migration the medial region of each tracheal in-folding, that is, the region corresponding to the area ar. 9, fig. 27, to wdiich the entochondrite is attached, becomes drawn out in the form of an elongated plate (enta- ])ophysis, ec. t. 9, figs. 41 and 28), which is directed forwards and slantingly upwards and is much compressed dorso- ventrally. 8'he entochondrite (f.9) is attached to the narrowed anterior end of the plate, and at the extreme posterior lateral corner of the latter a second entochondrite (/., fig. 28) is found attached to those cells which bound the lateral angles of the spiracle. Between these two entochondrites the anterior oblique muscle («. oh. m. 10) is stretched. 'I’lie bulging lateral jjortion {tr. prol.) of each plate cor- responds to the dorsal proliferation of a previous stage [tr. 2n’ol., fig. 27). In the line of the transverse section, fig. 43 (see fig. 28), the lateral edge of the plate {tr. pil.) is some little distance from the outer hypodermis ( hy.) but more posteriorly, near the entochondrite t., fig. 28, the edge of the plate comes nearly or actually into contact, with the outer hypodermis. The pair of plates are connected like the spiracle by the KESriKATOKY OKGAN<>; IN AUANlvE. 57 in-foldiug {inf,, fig. 28) of the epithelium between them, and, therefore, possess a common lumen, which, however, is con- fined to the basal region only and denoted in the figures by the area, tr. I, within the dotted lines. The greater part of each plate is, therefore, solid. Fig. 28 gives the correct out- line of the pair of plates, as they appear near the end of the embryonic period, and I have tested the accuracy of the reconstruction by comparisons with sections cut parallel to the tracheal plates, so as to contain the whole width of the ])air of plates in one section. I could not detect a distinct chitinous lining within the lumen of the plate at this stage, for the cuticula which previously covered the body surface always appeared quite loose and outside of the cavity, as if the embryo were undergoing a moult such as Locy describes for Ageleua. If the tracheal and pulmonaiy appendages be now com- pared, the diffei'ence in the relative development of the two main organs connected with them becomes apparent. The entapophysis is small in the pulmonai-y segment but large in tlie tracheal segment, where it forms the greater part of the tracheal plate, while the large mass of cells composing the lung-book is represented by the comparatively small, lateral, bulging portion of the traclieal plate. The post-embryonic development of the tracheal plate. — After the hatching of the embryo very important changes take place in the shape of the tracheal plates. In the first place the medial tendinal portion of each becomes drawn out in a forward and upward direction to form an elongate, spathulate, hollow process, which is strongly flattened dorso-ventrally and much broader anteriorly than in the middle. Its shape may be seen in fig. 29, wliich gives an accurate representation of the pair of plates after the first post-embryonic moult (stage 8). 'I'he tracheal lumen {tr. 1.) now extends to near the anterior end, where it is also broader, but since the dorsal and ventral surfaces are practically in contact (fig. 29a) this portion can scarcely function as a respiratory organ at this stage. 58 W. F. PURCELL. In the secoud place^ the lateral tracheal proliferations {tr. prol.) have also considerably elongated, but in a lateral direction to form a broad Hattened lobe on each side. A portion of the lumen of the trachea is continued into the basal part of this lobe, and I have indicated the lumen by the dotted lines (tr. L), as far as 1 could trace it with certainty, but there are indications in the sections that the lumen penetrates even further. It is extremely difficult to ascertain the exact shape of the lateral ends of the lobes, as they are wedged in between several other tissues, and it is just possible that they are bilobed and not rounded as I have drawn them. 'I’hat portion which could be followed with cei’taintyis drawn with plain lines, and the uncertain parts are indicated by the dotted outline in tig. 29. In the third place, a short basal portion has been added, forming a hollow stalk or pedicel {pad.) connecting the whole apparatus with the outer epithelium. This pedicel is supported on each side by a chitiiious rod-like thickening {rd.) in the form of a fold springing into the lumen from the lateral edges of the chitinous lining and corresponding to the “ pro- longeiiient chitineux” described by Schimkewitsch (’84, p. (36, PI. ii, hg. 6) in the adult of hipeira. 'riie small entochondrite (b), which in tig. 28 is attached to the hypodermis near the extreme lateral ends of the spiracle, is now found a long way off from the spiracle. By comparing the two figures it will be seen that the ento- chondrite has not actually changed its position but that the spiracle (.sy>.) itself has greatly contracted, being now, in fact, less than half its former width, and thus the tissue bounding its lateral ends now comes to lie some distance away from the entochondrite. In shape this entochondrite {t., tig. 29) has greatly elongated. It is broader towards the ends and sle)iderer just behind the middle and is attached at its posterior end (at x) directly to the hypodermis. To the larger anterior portion three muscles are attached, viz. the anterior oblique muscle (u. oh. 'in. 10) and two other muscles, the medial and lateral spinner muscles {m. ,sp. m. 10 and RESPIRATORY ORUANS IN ARANE^. 59 1. sp. m. 10), which pass posteriorly and attach themselves to the medial and lateral parts respectively of the base of the left anterior spinner. The same muscles are seen in fig. 28. The smaller posterior portion of the tendon is further con- nected with the lateral edge of the tracheal pedicel by a small transverve column of cells [tr. vi.), apparently of a mus- cular nature and plainly corresponding to the little tracheal muscle found by Schiinkewitsch (’84, p. 66, PI. ii, fig. 6)^ and subsequently also by Lamy (:02, p. 160, PI. viii, figs. 4, 5) in the adult of Epeira. Schiinkewitsch considers these muscles to serve the purpose of closing the lumen of the tracheal pedicel, which in the adult, as well as in the young, is strongly compressed dorso-ventrally. The lateral part of the tracheal proliferation lies under the two spinner muscles and the entochondrite, t., and the posterior edge of the proliferation is apparently wedged in between the spinner muscles and the transverse tracheal muscle. 'I'he lumen of the whole trachea at this stage is lined with a smooth but strong cuticular membrane {cn., fig. 29a). The great ventral longitudinal muscles {v. 1. m. 10) of the tenth somite are stretched some distance above the trachea between the entochondrites t. 9 and t. 10. 'I’he former of these entochondrites is attached as before to the anterior end of the tendinal portion of the trachea (er. t. 9), while the latter lies above the spiracle and is attached to a long hollow entapophysis from the posterior side of the anterior pair of spinners. After the second post-embryonic moult (stage 9) the trachete appear for the first time as a fully functional respiratory organ. In shape they are not much changed, except that the lateral proliferations now branch at the ends into two smaller trachejB, but beyond these I could not find any other brauchlets at this stage. 'The chitinous lining is now covered (except in the pedicel) with the palisades of hooped (anasto- mosing) spines, ahso found in the adult spider, which keep ' In the figure the muscle is marked ep., hut in the text (p. 88) these letters stand for the chitinous tliickening. (K) W. !■'. r UK CELL. the liimeu permanently open and allow the air to circulate freely through it. The anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) walls of the pedicel are close together and lined with a smooth, stout, chitinous membrane, but the two main tracheal trunks are now connected by a spined intertracheal canal of communi- cation, e.xactly resembling the similar canal already described for the lungs. I have no other stages between this and the adult form, the chitinous skeleton of which is drawn in fig. 31, and may be readily derived from the post-embryonic stages just described. In fact the only essential difference between the adult form and that after the second moult consists in the ])resence in the former of a large number of fine tracheal tubules or secondary branchlets, which spring from the main trunks either singly or in clusters, particularly from the ends of the tendinal trunks and of the two branches of the lateral trunks. The entochoudrite {f. 9) of the earlier stages is now found attached to the apex of a main tendinal trunk (w. tr.), which is not continued beyond the entochondrite in this s])ecies except in the form of a bunch of fine tubules. In Attus, therefore, the two main tracheal trunks [m. tr., fig. 31) are serially homologous with the pair of entapophyses or ectodei'inal tendons (ec. f. 8, fig. 20), to which the entochoudri tes of the ventral longitudinal muscles of the pulmonary and tracheal somites are attached, and are actually homologous w i t h t h e c o r r e s p o n d i n g e n t a p o p h y s e s of the second ]) ulmonary segment of Tet ra p n e n m onous spiders. The lateral basal lobes (/. fr., fig. 31) of the ti achem are directly derived from the lateral proliferation of the earlier stages, and are serially homologous with the pulmonary sacs of the previous segment, and are to be considered as actually homologous with the pulmonary sacs of the second pair of lung- books o f T e t r a ]■) n e u m o n o u s spiders. RESPIRATOKY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 61 Critical remarke on the literature. — Schimkewitscli was the lirst to figure a stage in the development of the trachea of a. spider, for in his Russian paper (’86a) he gives a sketch (fig. 29a) of what is evidently the tendinal portion of the trachea {ect.) and the entochondrite {L. 2) attached to it. I am unable at j^resent to consult his principal paper on the development of Spiders (’87), but apparently Schimkewitscli failed to the tracheal nature of the ectodermal tendon, ect., which he considered to be a provisional struc- ture, as is evident from the following remark in a later paper (’94, p. 210) : “ Bei den Araueinen, wo das Endoskelet im Abdomen fehlt, enstehen beim Embryo unter den hintern Sehnen provisorische Ectodermfalten, die von mir auf fig. 11, tab. 22 [’87] abgebildet sind.” By ‘^Sehnen” the author refers to the entochondrites of the ventral longitudinal muscles. Simmons (’94) gives two figures of the developing trachea. His earliest stage (fig. 8) is a sagittal section cut at a period when the tracheal appendages are on opposite sides of the embryo (my stage 5). It, therefore, represents a section through the dorsal proliferation of the tracheal sac, and is, as Simmons correctly claims, homologous with the pulmonarv sac. On the other hand, his second figure (fig. 9), cut after the reversion, evidently represents the tendinal portion of the trachea, and cannot be the same structure as that repre- •sented in fig. 8, ns Simmons claims it to be. Simmons also claims to have found rudiments of the pul- monary folds, and interprets certain undulations on the surface of the embryonic trachea and two iu-pushings at its ends (fig. 8) as such, but without, 1 think, sufficient justification for doing so. Similar undulations may be found in Attus floricola (e.g. on the posterior surface of appendage 2 in fig. 5), which certainly bear a superficial resemblance to the pulmonary folds in appendage 1, but these undulations are produced by the mitoses of nuclei lying quite near the surface, and may occur on any part of the body. They have certainly nothing to do with pulmonary folds. Also, the two in-pushings 62 W. F. PUKCELL. figured by Simmons do not resemble pulmonary folds; being on the opposite sides of the tracheal tube, and they can hardly be “ tracheal twigs ” as Simmons suggests, since the lateral trachea? are, I believe, unbranched in the two forms examined. The Attus-type and similar types of tracheae in other spiders. — The Attus-type of tracheae has been found in various other genera of Attidm (Bertkau, Lamy), and is possibly the pre- vailing type in this family. A very similar type, not sharply separable from the Attus-type, has been described by Bertkau and Lamy under the name arborescent type of tracheae, on account of the moi’e frequent branching of the twigs given off by the imiin trunks. Other differences, according to Lamy, are the presence of a spiral thread in the main trunks, and the prolongation of these trunks into the cephalothorax. Such trachea? have been found in the Uloboridse (Uloborus, Lamy, :02, fig. 3, Miagram mopes, fig. 5), Prodidomidae (fig. 26), Zodariidae (Zodarion, fig. 31), Clubionidae (Anyphaeua, fig. 51) and Attidae (Ballus, fig. 67).^ In all these forms the main trunks probably represent the entapophyses, while the small, branched, lateral lobe at the base of each trunk is, no doubt, the i-udimentary homologon of a pulmonary sac, exactly as in Attus floricola. Lamy failed to recognise the homologon of the pulmonary sacs in these lateral lobes in the arborescent and Attus- types of trachea?, and supposed that here the ectodermal tendons and the lateral trunks (representing the pulmonary sacs) were completely fused together and no longer distin- guishable. He also strangely misunderstood my statement on the subject, for he quotes (:02, pp. 257 and 260) me as having said that in the Attida? the homologon of the pul- monary sac takes no part in the formation of the trachem, which are entirely formed of the entapophyses, and he then proceeds to dissent from this view.- My actual statement ' The figirres referred to are all in Lamy (:02). ■i Thus on p. 2fi0 he says: “ En tout cas, I'opinion de Purcell sur les ItESriBATOBY ORGANS IN ARANE^. 63 was (’95, pp. 398, 399) : “ The homologon of the lung is represented in the latter groups [Agelenidm, etc.] by the lateral pair of tracheal trunks, but in the Attidse by a mere rudiment in the form of a short lateral process on each side at the base of the two large trunks.”^ There was, therefore, no need to have differed from me as to the presence of the homologa of the lungs. The Agelena-type of tracheae and its development. — It was shown long ago, first by v. Siebold (’48) and later by Bertkau (’72, ’78) and Lamy (:02), that many families of Dipneumonous spiders (about half of the genera examined, according to Lamy, p. 227) possess a much simpler tracheal system than that which occurs in the Attidae. This simpli- fied system^ consists of four long trunks united behind at the base, as in fig. 21, but without any of the fine secondary tubules found in the Attidae. Such tracheae occur in the Agelenidae, Clubionidee, Drassidae, Argiopidae, Lycosidae, Theridiidae, etc., and their relation to the Attus-type of trachea may be at once seen by comparing fig. 21 (Tegenaria) with fig. 29 (young Attus). Here the tendinal trunks [m. tr.) in the latter are obviously equivalent to the medial pair of trunks in Tege- naria, while the lateral branch { on each side in Attus is represented by the pair of lateral trunks, which, therefore, are serially homologous Avith the dorsal proliferation of the embryonal pulmonary sac. That this is really the case may also be easily shown from the embryological material of Agelena labyrinthica in my possession. Shortly before the hatching of the embryo and after the completion of the reversion in this species, the pair of tracheal plates have very much the same form as in tracliees des Attidae, aux(juelles il donne une origine entiHement entapophysaire, ne me semble pas acceptable.” ‘ On p. 248 Lamy cAirioiisly enough correctly quotes this statement. ® Literature : v. Siebold (’48, jj. 535), Leydig ('55, p. 460), Bertkau ('72. '78), Schimkevvitsch ('84), W. AVagner ('88, figs. 26, 67, and 68), Vogt ('89, p. 226), Lamy (:00, :01, :02). 64 W. K. PUKCEU,. Attus floricola (Hg. 28) at tlie same stage (stage 6). They are, however, mucli further apart, and, therefore, with a wider intertracheal infolding connecting them, the latei’al proliferations being also more pronounced. Further, each plate is much tliinner in the middle and lateral region than at tlie base and along the anterior and medial mai’gins. In embryos one to two days after hatching (stage 7) the tendinal portion of each plate has considerably increased in length and is, like the rest of the plate, very thin, except at the apex, where it rather suddenly swells out and ends in a, thick knob to which the eutochondrite is attached. After the first post-embryonic moult (stage 8) the tendinal portion of the trachea has much the same appearance as in the previous stage, except that it has increased in length, but the lateral proliferations have grown for some distance in a lateral direction close to the hypodermal covering of the body and are now provided with a distinct lumen in the form of a very fine canal lined with chitin and communicating with the spiracle. The chitinous lining both of this and of the tendinal portion is smooth at this stage. At the second moult (stage 9) the trachea assumes its permanent shape. The chitinous lining, except in the pedicel, becomes provided with the usual anastomosing spines and the lateral proliferations increase considerably in length, still growing in a lateral direction. The pedicel and the canal of communication also appear. In fig. 30 (just before the second moult) the hooped spines (ft'pt.) of stage 9 have already appeared in I’eadiness for the moult. Both in this stage and in the previous one the lumen of the lateral proliferation {tr. prol., fig. 30), in its basal region at least (i. e. near the pedicel), is eccentric, lying posteriorly to the axis, the posterior wall of the trachea being much thinner than the anterior wall, which contains nearly all the nuclei. Towards the apex this wall becomes much thinner and the lumen lies practically in the middle. This eccen- tricity of the lumen is significant of the origin of the lateral trachea, and may be at once understood if we remember that EBSPIRATOKr ORGANS IN ARANE^. 65 the thicker anterior wall of the trachea is equivalent to the anterior wall of the pulmonary sac together with the lung- saccules produced by the latter. Three forms of this type of trachea are mentioned by Bertkau (’72), namely, those having : (1) the two median trunks united at base to a short common tube, as in the Theridiidse and some Argiopidae (Bertkau and Lamy) ; (2) a medial and lateral trunk united at base in pairs on each side to form two short common trunks, as in Tegeuaria (fig. 21), this being the usual form, according to Bertkau and Lamy; and (3) the four trunks springing separately from the pedicel, as in some Argiopidae, e.g. Linyphia (fig. 25). The resemblance between this third form of tracheal system (fig. 25), in which the lateral trunks at first take a lateral course before running for- wards, and tlie pulmonary system of an Attus (fig. 20) is very striking, and clearly shows the homology of the medial trunks {vi. tr.) with the eut apophyses (ec. t. 8), and of the lateral trunks (/. tr.) with the pulmonary sacs {pulm. ».). The parallel between the spinous intertracheal canal of communication (connecting the median trunks with one another and with the lateral trunks at their base) and the interpulmonary canal of com- munication (connecting the entapophyses with one another and with the pulmonary sacs) is complete, as may be seen by comparing fig. 24 with fig. 23 (sagittal sections through the lateral region of the canal [can.'] along the lines indicated in figs. 25 and 20), and fig. 26 with fig. 23b (median sections along the lines indicated in figs. 25 and 20). From these figures it will also appear perfectly clear that the medial trunks of the tracheal system cannot be con- sidered as branches of the lateral trunks any more than the entapophyses of the pulmonary segment are branches of the pulmonary sac. In the Agelena-type of tracheie the medial trunks generally take a fairly straight course as far as the euto- VOL. .54, PART 1. NEW SERIES. o 66 W. P. PURCELL. cliondrite, where they may either terminate and tlius remain comparatively short, as in Araneus (Epeira), according to Lamy, or they may become longer and be continued beyond the point of attachment on the lateral side of the entochon- drite, often winding about for a short or even a considerable distance further before coming to an end (Agelena, Te gen- aria, Melanophora, Pachygnatha, Clubiona, etc.). These long trunks are frequently bifid for some distance from the apex, a character first observed by W. Wagmer (’88) in Lycosa, and subsequently by Lamy (:02) in several other forms (Agelena, Zora, Tib ell us, etc.). The form with short medial trunks has been care- fully studied by Lamy (:02), wlio was the first to describe the method by which these trunks are attached to tlie ento- chondrite. The tendinal trunks, according to Lamy, are produced at their ends into a chitinous fibrous piece which adheres to the entochondrite and is not furnished with a spinons cavity and therefore presents “ absolument uu aspect entapophysaire ou tendineux ” (:01b, p. 178). This fibrous termination was observed by Lamy in most Theridiida; aiid various Argiopidm (Liuyphia, Araneus, etc.). The form of trachea with long medial trunks is very widely distributed, but its mode of attachment to the ento- chondrite has evidently eluded the observation of Lamy, for he nowhere makes any definite statement nor gives any figure regarding this point, except in the case of Tegenaria. In this genus the medial trunks are said to terminate at the entochoirdi'ite in the same fibrous process which was observed in the Theridiidae, etc. (Lamy, :01b, p. 178), and one of the trunks is figured as ending in such a process (:02, p. 213, fig. 58). I have examined five adult specimens of Tegenaria domestica after treatment with caustic potash, and always found the medial trunks evenly rounded off at the apex and spined internally to the very tip, but without any trace of terminal fibres. At a distance from the apex equal to about two fifths of the whole length I found one or more short. RBSPIKATOKY OKGANS IN ARANE/E. 67 fibrous, chitinous processes ijiy' fig. 42) attached to the medial side of the trunk, which undoubtedly represent the terminal fibres found by Lamy in Araneus, etc., and which connect the trachea with the entochondrite. The part of the trachea which is produced beyond the point of attachment is thinner than the part posterior to the entochondrite, and may be eitlier a single tube as in B, fig. 42, or it may consist of two equal (left side, fig. 21) or unequal tubes {hr., fig. 42) produced by the branching of the main trunk at the insertion of the fibres. In one case each of the branches was again divided so that the tracheal trunk then ended in four separate points. There is no symmetry about this branching, for one side may be branclied and the other not, but in all cases the branches are lined internally with hooped spines right up to their ti])s, differing in this respect from the ordinary secondary tubules of the Attidae, etc., from which such spines are absent. The only instance which Lamy mentions of a similar tendinous fibre being attached to one side of a medial trunk is the genus Chorizomma (;02, p. 219), in which, however, the trachea) belong to a different type from the one we are now discussing. It is probable that the various forms of trachea) with long medial trunks, whether branched or not, described by Lamy in a number of families (Drassida), Argiopidm, Thom i si d 86, Clubionida), Agelenida), Lycosidas, etc.), all resemble one or'other of the variations of Tegenaria in their mode of attachment to the entochondrite. In Nephila, which Lamy reckons with the forms with short medial trunks, I observed the tendinous fibres both at the apex and also on the medial side at some distance from the apex. This form may have, therefore, two places of attachment. In all cases these medial fibres, and a good part of the terminal ones, are certainly nothing else but the intercelluhir fibres usually produced by the hypodermal cells of an euta- pophysis to connect the cuticula with the attached entochon- drite or muscle (e. g. hi/., figs. .42, .‘36, etc.). They do not 68 W. F. PURCELL. themselves constitute the eutapophysis, which is, of course, formed by the entire ectodermal invagination — that is to say, in this case the medial tracheal trunks. The tracheae in the Dysderidse. — These tracheae, which have been frequently described,^ were the first found in spiders (by Leon Dnfour® in 1834, teste Bertkau, ’72, and Lamy, :02), and ai’e of considerable interest from a comparative ana- tomical point of view. I have myself examined sections of Segestria, Harpactes, and Dysdera. The tracheal spiracles of the Dysderidm are widely separated, lying in the anterior region of the body a little behind the pair of pulmonary spiracles (text-fig. 3, p. 69), and entirely unconnected with one another. Each leads into a large tracheal trunk, which rises upwards from the spiracle and then runs forwards and bi'eaks up at its anterior end, either in the pedicel of the abdomen or a little behind it, into a larg-e bunch of fine secondaiy tubules. At the base a shorter posterior trunk projects backwards, and also gives off a number of fine tubules. The chitinous lining of the trunks is provided Avith spines, which support a spiral thread (Dysdera) or an inner perforated tube (Segestria).^ To these well-known facts I have to add the following observa- tions : The segments of the venti’al longitudinal muscles belonging to the tracheal somite are very short in this family, like the somite itself, and the entosternite is attached on the medial ' Literature : Duges ['36, '49 ; v. Siebold ('48. p. 535) also cites the following of the year 1835 : ‘ Feuill. Acad, des Sci. Seance du 9. Fevr.,’ also Froriep's ‘ Notizen,' xliii, p. 231. also ‘ Ann. Sc. Nat.,’ at, p. 183], BertkaAi {'72), MacLeod ('80). Lamy (:02). - 1 am unalde to find the reference to this pajAei-, unless it he ‘ le Temps,’ No. 1942, cited l>y Menge ('51. jj. 22), Avhich, howcA-er, v. Siebold ('48. p. 5.35) accredits to A. Duges, both authors giving tlie year 1835, and not 1834. Bertkau (’72) states that in Segestria these spines do not anas- tomose, but Lamy (:02, j). 183, fig. 23) has since shoAvn (and 1 can coi’roborate his statements) that they certainly anastomose at their ends, forming an inner, fenestrated, chitinous tul)C. In Harpactes the anastomosing branches of the spines form a sinq)le network only. KESPIRATOKY ORGANS IN ARANE^. 69 side of the base of each tracheal pedicel. In Segestria the ectodermal area of attachment is drawn out in a mediad direction in the form of a short, flat, unspined pouch (ec. t. 9, figs. 32 and 33), whicli opens into the short, smooth, flexible pedicel {ped.) connecting the rigid outer cuticula (cu.) with the spinous main trunk {tr.) of the trachea. This enta- pophysis is not respiratory, and the entire trachea is to be regarded as homologous only with the embryonic pulmonary Text-fig. S. Text-fig. 4. Segestriii senocnlata, ?. Argyroneta aquatica, $. Ventral surface of abdomen. — jmlm. sp., pulmonary spiracle; tr. sp., tracheal siiii-acle ; Ih, operculum of lung-books ; (j. o., genital opening ; Magn. 12. sac and its proliferation, as I have already stated in a previous communication (’95). That this must be the case may fairly be concluded from the position of the pair of spiracles (text- fig. 3) corresponding to the second pair in Tetrapneumonous spiders (text-fig. 2, p. ~)2) and from the position of the enta- pophysis on its medial side. Lamy (:02) has also expressed himself in agreement with this view, which differs entirely from that of Bertkau (’72), who considered the short posterior 70 AV. ¥. rUL’CE],L. truuks only to be equivalent to the lateral trunks in other spiders. The tracheae in Ai’gyroneta aquatica. — The highly-developed tracheae ^ of this water spider are very peculiar. The two main branches, as Bertkau (’78) showed, have a common sjeiracle, which opens far forwards (text-fig. 4), close to the pulmonary spiracles. The remarkable point about these trachete is the circumstance that they lie entirely on the medial side of the longitudinal ventral muscles. The seg- ment of this muscle belonging to the tracheal somite is very short, corresponding to the anterior position of the spiracle, and it is stretched between two large entochondrites, the pos- terior of which is attached to the upper surface of a short basal process on the lateral side of the tracheal trunks. This process, which is figured by Lamy (:02, p. 212, fig. 56), is provided in its cavity with spines, like the main trunks, and gives off at its apex a number of fine tracheal tubules (the lateral bunch of trachem described and figured by Menge [’51, dd, PI. i, fig. 7] and Lamy). The process is flattened dorso-ventrally and corresponds to the tendinal trunk of other Uipneumonous spiders. The two large main trunks appear to be outgrowths from the medial side of each very short tendinal trunk. They are joined at their bases by an intertracheal fold provided with the usual spinous canal of communication. On the posterior side of each main trunk, near its base, is a transverse out-folding of the tracheal wall forming a deep spinous groove ou the inside of the trachea, connecting the canal of communication with the lateral or tendinal branch. This transverse folding, Avhich was described by Bamy (:02) as an abdominal trunk resembling that in Segestria, also gives off numerous tubules, which, together with another group just below, springing directly from the main trunk, form the posterior bunch of tracheaj figured by Menge (’51, ee., PI. i, fig. 7). In Argyroneta, therefore, the entire tracheal ' Literature : Grube (’42), Menge (’51), Bertkau'.('78, p. 384). MacLeod ('80. "84), Lamy (.02). KESPIRATOKY ORGANS IN ARANE^E. 71 system appears to be derived from the teiidinal portion of the trachea, and there is no distinguish- able trace left of the lateral trunks, ■which may be homologised with the pulmonary sacd This leads us to the conclusion that the ti'acheal systems of Argyroneta aud the Dysderidse, although superficially closely resem- bling one another, are yet apparently not homologous struc- tures. The tracheae in the Scytodidae, Palpimanidae and Filistatidae. — The trachefe of these three small families possess a peculiar interest, inasmuch as Lamy has shown that their medial trunks are uon-respiratory and serve solely as entapophyses for the attachment of the entochondrites. Bertkau (’78) observed that the medial trunks were reduced to an unpaired median rudiment in Scytodes, only the lateral ones being developed, but our knowledge of the trachefe in the other forms is due to Lamy (;00, ;01b, :02). The most interesting is the tracheal system of Filistata, of which I reproduce Lamy’s figure (:02, p. 173, fig. 12), as I have no material of this family at my disposal. Here, accord- ing to Lamy’s description, the spiracle is very broad and placed about midway between the interpulmonary fold and the spinners. The two short lateral trunks (Z. tr.) are pointed sac-like and of the simplest form, exactly as a pulmonary sac would appear if it lost its saccules. The four trunks are con- nected at base by an intertracheal fold with spines in its deepest part (which no doubt forms a canal of communica- tion). The two entapophyses (ec. t. 9), too, have some internal spines in their basal part, but are otherwise unspined, while their free ends are jagged and tendon-like. If we compare this text-figure Avith the figure of the pulmonary system of Attus (fig. 20) and leave the saccules out of account, the parallel between the two ' MacLeod’s (’82, p. 785, and ’84, p. 29) view that the trachea of Argyroneta is nothing else than the dorsal chamber of the second pair of lung-books of a My gale, enormously developed, is certainly incorrect. 72 W. P. PUECELL. respiratory systems appears complete and their homologies almost self-evident. In the Palpimanidm, according to Lamy, the medial trunks are separate at least at their apex, while in the Scytodidae they are confluent to the apex and form a single median trunk. 1 have examined preparations in caustic potash and sections Text-fig. 5. Filistatii caiiitata Hentz. Tracheal apparatus (after Lamy). ec. <. 0. entapophysis ; L fr., latei’al tracheal trunk. Magnified 100. from both families. The long, lateral trunks are connected by a canal of communication {can., fig. 38), lined internally with hooped spines {spi.), which also spread into the basal part of the median trunk. This latter is unpaired, and although in my examples of Palpimanus there are indications of a bifurcation at the apex, it is not nearly so prominent as in the species figured by Lamy (;02, p. 187, fig. 29). The median trunk is flattened dorso-ventrally and hollow RESHRATOKY ORGANS IN ARANEA<]. 78 internally nearly to the apex, but its chitinous lining is plainly much too thick to allow it to be used for respiratory purposes. In Scytodes by far the greater portion of this chitinous lining is smooth internally (figs. 38 and 39), only a small part quite at the base being spined {sjji., fig. 38), but iu Palpimanus nearly one half is lined with hooped spines (fig. 37a). In both genera the greater part of the unspined portion of the entapophysis is in contact with the entochon- drites {t. 9, fig. 37). The histological structure of these tracheal eutapophyses ajid of those of the pulmonary segment of Attus is quite similar. The section through the basal half of the tracheal entapophysis of Palpimanus (fig. 37a) should be compared with the spinous part {spi.) of the pulmonary entapophysis given in fig. 23a (in the latter the juatrix is not drawn iu), while fig. 37 of Palpimanus is comparable with fig. 23 of Attus, both passing through the places of attachment to the entochondrites, t. 9 and t. 8. The same fibrous hypodermis {hy.') and flattened smooth cuticula (c?t.) is observable in both figures. In his description of Palpimanus gibbulus Lamy says there are two short medial apophyses without a spinous lining (:02, p. 188), but his figiu’e clearly shows that the two trunks are confluent for the greater part of their length and separate only towards the apex. Lamy evidently considers the confluent portion to be part of the vestibule. In other places, too (:01b, p. 178; :02, p. 174), he states that in all these forms the medial trunks ai’e reduced to the unspined, terminal, tendinous (i.e. fibrous) part found at the end of the medial trunks in Epeira, etc., by means of which the attach- ment to the entochondrite is effected, while the whole portion of the trachea in Epeira between the entochondrite and the vestibule are said to be absent in Palpimanus. 1 cannot consider this view to be quite correct, for the entire median process in Pal piman u s and Scytodes, including the un- paired part in the former and the spinous portion in both, constitutes the entapophyses, and the spinous portion lying 74 W. F. rURCELL. between the entoclioudrite and the vestibule is homologous with the much longer but corresponding portion of the medial tracheal trunks in Araneus, Tegenaria, etc. Thus, the medial trunks in Filistata, Palpimanus and Scytodes are homologous with the entire medial trunks in Araneus, etc., and not merely with their unspined, fibrous, apical portion, as Lamy suggests. The unspined portion of the medial trunks in Filistata, Palpimanus and Scytodes may well be compared to tlie trachem of a young spider previous to the second moult (staged), while this organ is still in its primitive spineless condition. (Compare the transverse section, fig. 29a, of the medial tracheal trunk of a young Attus with that of the cuticular lining of the entapophysis of Scytodes given in fig. 39.) In the pulmonary segment the unpaired median entapo- phvsis of a Scytodes has its exact parallel in the unpaired median entapophysis of such forms as Lycosa Darliugi, described on p. 51. We thus see all the variations of the pulmonary entapophyses repeated in the tracheal segment. IX. The Entapophyses of the Third and Fourth Abdo- minal Appendages (The Spinners). These tendons are unconnected with the respiratory org-ans and need only be briefly described. They arise at a very early stage, being formed out of the post-appendicular grooves {(jr., fig. 4), which appear behind the third and fourth pair of abdominal appendages shortly before the beginning of the reversion (stage 1). At the time of the appearance of the first pulmonary furrows (stage 2) these grooves have deepened and become more pronounced (figs. 5 and 5a), and they may be easily followed through all the later stages (fig. 6).^ At the end of the reversion they form invaginations {ec. ' I may point out that no trace of a lateral proliferation corresponding to that of the pulmonary and tracheal sacs is ever found in connection with these grooves. KESIMRATOKY (ORGANS IN ARANE/E, 75 t. 10 and 11, fig. 41), which may exceed that of the pi’octo- daeiim {proc.) in size. After moulting they form internal cones or processes with a chitinous axis situated at the posterior inner angle of the anterior and posterior spinners respectively. At the stage of fig. 29 (stage 8, after the first moult) the entochoudrite {t. 10), to which the anterior of these entapophyses is attached, is placed just over the tracheal spiracle, but is, of course, not attached to it. The chitinous skeletons of the entapophyses of an adult Tegenaria and their relation to the anterior and posterior spinners are shown in fig. 21. These spinners are, of course, the third and fourth abdominal appendages, but the middle pair of spinners (m. spin.) do not, according to Jaworowski (’95), correspond to a pair of appendages and have con- sequently no entapophyses. An entochoudrite of the longi- tudinal muscles is attached to the anterior part of each of these entapophyses, the posterior of the three well-known pairs of large abdominal entochondrites^ described by Schimkewitsch (’84, p. 38) and others being that {t. 10) which is attached to the entaj)ophyses of the anterior pair of spinners. The four pairs of serially homologous entapophyses {ec. t. 8-11) may all be seen in fig. 21. 'I’hey are, of course, connected on each side by a longitudinal muscle, and the positions of the four intermuscular tendons {f. 8-1 1) are indicated in brackets. This figure may, therefore, serve to give a general idea of the inter-relationship of all these tendons of ectodermal (ec. f. 8-11) and meso- dermal (f. 8-11) origin. X. Gknekal Conclusions. The embryological data furnished in the preceding pages will, 1 believe, enable us to arrive at definite conclusions with regard to certain questions concerning the phylogenetic ‘ These tliree entochondrites, marked I'l, /I, and ?3 in Schimke- witsch's PI. vii, fig. 1, correspond to t. 8, t. 9, and t. lO respectively in my fig. 41. 76 \V. F. FUKCELL. origin of the trachea?, as well as of the lung-books in A r a n e a?. The origin of the tendinal or medial tracheal trunks in Ai’aneae. — As the pair of ventral longitudinal muscles is a very primi- tive structure, and must originally have been attached to the outer hypodermis, it follows that the tracheal nature of the tendinal or medial tracheal trunks must be a secondary character, for if this were not the case we should have to assume that all the ectodermal areas of attachment of the ventral longitudinal muscles were originally derived from trachese, since they are all seihally homologous, but this would be an absurd supposition and quite contrary to the facts of embryology and comparative anatomy. I have also already pointed out that these medial trunks cannot be considered as branches of the lateral ones, nor does the embryological evidence show that they are otherwise than independent metamorphosed entapophyses united at their base with the lateral trunks by an intertracheal fold and canal of communication, exactly in the same way as the entapophyses of the pulmonary segment are united with the pulmonary sacs by an iuterpulmonary fold and canal of com- munication. The independent nature of the tendinal trunks is obscured in the adults of such forms as the Attida? (fig. dl), owing to the partial fusion of the rudiments of the lateral trunks with the base of the medial ones, but it is clear enough in most other forms. Even in such forms as Segestria, Scytodes, and Palpimanus, where the enta- pophyses have not been converted into trachem, they remain attached to the smooth pedicel at the base of the lateral trachem (Sege stria, fig. 32) or to the spinous canal of com- munication uniting the two lateral trunks (Scytodes [fig. 38], Palpimanus), and do not shift their jiosition on to the spinous part of these trunks. These forms, therefore, do not provide us with any grounds for supposing that the spinous parts of the medial trunks in other spiders have originated as outgrowths from the spiuous part of a lateral trunk. In fact, we have no other alternative, in view of EESPlKATOliY ORGANS IN AKANE^. 77 both the embryology and comparative anatomy, but to consider the medial trunks of the trachem as equivalent in their entirety to metamorphosed enta- pophy ses. It is, moreover, a common feature in the Arachnida for the ectodermal areas of attachment of various muscles to be invaginated into the body in the form of pouches or tubes for the purpose of serving as tendons, as, for instance, theentapo- physes (ec. t. 10 and 11, fig. 21) of the two following- abdo- minal segments already described. In order that an ectodermal tendon may become converted into a trachea it is only necessary that it should be hollow and sufficiently thin-walled, with free access of air to its interior, and that it should lie in blood or tissues requiring aeration. It is also evident that a tendinal trachea must have existed first as a simple entapophysis, since it could not possibly function as a trachea until after it had attained a tubular form. The entapophyses could not, therefore, have been originally produced for respiratory purposes. In the case of Araneae I have already sought to explain the elongated tracheal entapophyses by the great elongation of the ninth somite, and since the tubular entapophyses so produced are hollow and lie in the large ventral blood sinus (r. sin., figs. 41 and 43) we have here all the conditions necessary for their conversion into a trachea. For it is well known that the blood passes from this sinus to the lung-books and thence to the heart, and that the sinus, therefore, contains venous blood requiring aeration (Blanchard A9, ’50, Claparede ’63, Schneider ’92, etc.). In the Tetrapneumouous spiders and in some Dysderidm (Segestria) we find the rudiments of the entapophyses of the ninth segment in the form of shallow depressions {ec. t. 9, text-fig. 2, p. o2) or pouch-like invaginations (ec. f. 9, fig. 32), already described on previous pages. These rudiments have no respiratory function, and if they were to approach near to the median line and be united at base by an iutertracheal in- folding we should obtain the conditions found in Filistata, 78 \V. V. PURCELL. etc. (text-fig. o, p. 72), and we have only to further imagine these entapophyses lengthened and to become thin-walled and provided internally with spines throughout in order to con- vert them into the tendinal tracheae of other Dipneumonous spiders. It is evident that the condition in the Tetrapueu- monous spiders, at any rate, is a primitive one, on account of the other primitive characters of this group, but the possibility of a reversion from an elongated tracheal tendon back to a very short one must be borne in mind, and may, perhaps, occur in some Dipneumonous spiders in which the ninth somite has secondarily become shortened again. I do not think that this has been the case in the Dysderidm, how- ever, on account of the primitive position of the tracheal spiracles (text-fig. 3, p. 69) and other primitive characters in this family, but in Argyroneta (text-fig. 4, p. 69) I believe there is evei*y probability that the spiracle was once more posterior and has subsequently shifted forward again to suit a newly acquired, aquatic habit. This would account for the fact that, although the actual tracheal entapophyses are extremely short, they are lined with the usual anastomosing spines and provided with a large medial outgrowth. This outgrowth may originally have been merely a medial pro- longation of the tracheal entapophysis beyond the ento- chondrite, and when the spiracle moved forwai-ds and the entapophysis shortened, its medial prolongation may have increased in inverse proportion, so as to maintain the effective- ness of the entire trachea as a respiratory organ. It would certainly appear that the tendinal trunks are more effective breathing organs than the lateral trunks are, pro- bably on account of the position of the former in the great ventral sinus of venous blood. For we frequently find the tendinal trunks v'ery strongly developed, and the lateral ones correspondingly reduced to a mere rudiment (Attidae) and sometimes apparently to vanish altogether (Argyroneta). The origin of the lateral tracheal trunks in Araneae. — I’he second question to be considered is whether the pair of lateral trachem of Dipneumonous spiders was derived from the second EESPIKATORY ORGANS IN ARANE.E. 79 pair of lung-books of Tetrapneumouous forms or whether the reverse was the case. That the lateral trache® are serially homologous with the pulmonary sacs of the preceding somite and, therefore, homo- logous with the same part of the lung-books of the ninth somite in Tetrapneumonous spiders, cannot, I think, be disputed, although the embryology of the latter group is not yet known. Ill deriving the lung-books from tracheae the simplest theory and the one that has been usually adopted by those who favoured this view, is to consider the pulmonary sac or ante- chamber to represent the main trunk of a trachea and the saccules merely modified lateral branches arranged in a single row and flattened by mutual pressure. A very serious objection to this view lies in the appearance of the two oldest pulmonary saccules on the embryonic ap- pendages q uite outside of the pulmonary sac. These two saccules cannot be branches of the main trunk, and in order to account for their presence we should have to assume that they themselves at one time each represented a separate tracheal trunk. This, however, could hardly have been the case, since all the saccules are formed in the embryo in exactly the same manner (apart from their position out of or within the sac) and should, therefore, have exactly the same phy- logenetic origin. Another view based by Jaworowski (^94) on embryological grounds and adopted by Bernard (’96, p. 375) on theoretical ones is to the effect that the lung-books arose by horizontal folds in the basal part of a vertical tracheal trunk. Hei’e also the appearance of the two oldest saccules, entirely out- side of the pulmonary sac, is too strong an argument against our acceptance of this theory, which, moreover, Jaworowski lias failed to prove embryologically, as I have already pointed out on a previous page (p. 33). In fact the only way we can derive the saccules of lung- books from tracheal tubes which appears to me at all feasible is to assume that an ancestral form of the Araneae possessed 80 W. F. PURCELL. abdominal appendages, on the posterior side of which were a number of separate tracheje arranged in a row, and that these appendages were sunk into the body in later forms. The tracheated appendages of such an ancestral form would, in fact, be very similar to one of the transitional stages which Kingsley assumes for his theory of the origin of lung-books from gills (p. 27), but it would be totally different from anything actually found in the tracheal system of existing spiders. F rom purely embryo logical considerations, there- fore, and quite apart from the branchial theory of the origin of the lung-books, we have to assume that the pair of lateral branches of the tracheae of the ninth somite in Dipneumonous spiders must have been derived from the pulmonary sac and not the reverse. This conclusion is, moreover, strongly confirmed by the fact that the Tetrapneumonous spiders, and particularly the remarkable genus Liphistius, are more primitive in their other characters than are the Tracheate spiders. The origin of the secondary tracheal tubules. — The third question is the nature of the tracheal branchlets, those fine tubules {tr. tuh., fig. 31) given off by the main trunks in certain forms (Attidte, Dysderidoe, Argyroneta, etc.). It is usual to consider these as homologous with the saccules of the lung-books, whatever view ^ may be taken of the origin of the latter. I think, however, that this homology is, for the most part, erroneous. Since the pulmonary saccules occur only on the anterior side of the pulmonary sac, we should expect to find the tracheal tubules on the corresponding surface of the lateral tracheal trunks, but this is by no means the case.” Thus, in ' Except, however, Jaworowski and Beniard. - In the remarkable anterior paii‘ of trachea; of the Apneumonons Family Caponiidse, described and figured in Simon (‘Hist. Nat. Araign.,' 2e cd., i. pt. ii, pp. 326, 327, figs. 294 and 295, 1893) after Bertkaii, the tubtiles are nearly all placed, however, on the anterior side of an oval ante-chamber, and here, no doubt, do correspond to pulmo- EESPIKATORY ORGANS IN ARANE/E. 81 the Dysderid®, in which the entire tracheal system is probably derived from lung-books, we find the tubules arising in a dense cluster from the apex of the elongate trunks and from a small basal branch on the posterior side, but none from the anterior or under surface of the trunks. Further, in all tracheae of the Age! ena-type, which is that of the majority of the Dipneumonous families, the lateral trunks have no secondary branchlets at all. On the other hand we find these tubules at various places on the tendinal trunks in the Attidas amd other groups (fig. 31), which shows that the tubules may arise anywhere on a tracheal trunk, when required, and quite independently of the pulmonary saccules, since in this case they could not have been derived from the latter. In Attus floricola there is no embryological evidence that the tubules of the lateral tracheal branches have anything to do with pulmonary saccules, for whereas these latter commence to form in the pulmonary segment at an early embryonic stage the tubules do not appear until long after the young spider has been hatched. It is, however, conceivable that the earlier lung- saccules may have been entirely suppressed in the tracheal .segment, so that only the post-embryonic lung-saccules reappear as secondary tracheal tubules in certain cases, and the possibility of the anterior terminal tubules of the Dysde- ridte and those of the lateral lobes of the Attidas being of this nature must be borne in mind. Bertkau (’72, ’78) attempted to utilise the presence or absence of secondary tubules as the basis of a system of classification, but Lamy (:02) has shown that this character has little value for this purpose, since within the same family some forms may be provided with tracheal tubules, while closely related forms are entirely Avithout them. The origin of the lung-books in Arachnids. — A fourth question in connection with this subject is Avhether the lung-books of nary saccules, since the ante-clianiber is doubtless that of the pair of lung-books which the tracheae have replaced. I examined sections of C. spiralifera. VOT.. o4, PART 1. •NEAV SERIES. 6 82 'W. F. rUECELL. tlie Araclinids were derived in the first instance from tracheal books or from gill-books. I have endeavoured to demonstrate in a preceding para- graph that, since all the lung-saccules within the pulmonary- sac precisely resemble in their formation and structure the two oldest which appear outside of this sac, all the saccules must have had the same phylogenetic origin and must consequently all have originally been upon the posterior surface of the abdominal appendage. The question, there- fore, is whether the saccules of this primitive appendage in the ancestral Arachnid were tracheae or whether they were produced from sunken-in gill-lamellm. Whei'eas the appear- ance of a number of tracheae in such a position seems most improbable, the arguments in favour of tbe branchial origin appear overwhelming. Most important amongst these, next to the embryological evidence, is the undoubted general agreement and affinity between Limulns and Arachnida, first pointed out by Straus-Durckheim arid v. Beneden, and afterwards so ably demonstrated by Ray Lankester. The embryological side of the cpiestion and the probable manner in which the transition from gill-books to lung-books may have taken place has already been fully discussed (pp. 17-44) and need not be considered again. I shall only introduce here two figures of the abdominal appendages of Limulus for comparison with the pulmonary segment of a spider drawn in fig. 20. The appendages of the genital segment (text-fig. 6), which are homologous with those of the pulmonary segment, have no gill-books, but possess the pair of genital openings [cj. o.), tvliich would lie between the gill-books, if the latter were present. Text-fig 7 represents a branchiate appendage, and it will be seen that if the gill-leaves were sunk into the appendage and the latter into the abdomen, we should have exactly the condition found in a spider (fig. 20). The large entapophyses {ec. t.) shown in the text-figures are not, however, homologous with those of the pulmonary segment {ec. t. 8, fig. 20). fi’he endeavour to derive all trachem in Arthropods from a KESPIKATOEY ORGANS IN ARANEiE. 83 common origin has no doubt weighed considerably against the acceptance of the branchial origin of lung-books, but this should not be the case in Anew of the undoubted diphyletic origin of the trachem in Aranese, which, I think, I have suffi- ciently demonstrated. Further, in one and the same spider both parts of the tracheae, although of different origins, have exactly the same histological structure, hence similarity of structure in the fully developed tracheae does not mean similarity of origin. I mention this here expressly, since this similarity of structure has been used as Text-fig. 6. Text-pig. 7. Text-figs (! and 7. — Appendages of the genital segment and a pair of abdominal branchiate appendages of Limiilns, seen from behind (after Ray Lankester). ;/. o., genital openings; hr., gill-book ; ec. t.. external opening of an ectodermal tendon. an argument in favour of the monophyletic origin of all tracheie. The appearance in spiders of trachea) as newly acquired organs derived from two separate and distinct sources simul- taneously with the occurrence of other Avell-developed organs of respiration clearly shows how readily trachea) may be acquired.^ Why, then, should they not have originated ' Pocock ('93), who was of opinion that tracheal tubes replaced lung- books at least twice in the gi-oup Aracbnida, viz. in the Dipneu- mones and in the Pseudoscorpiones, remarks (p. 17); “ The fact that these tubes have been developed tivice in the same group bears veiy strong evidence as to their efficacy as breathing organs. They 84 AV. F. rUECELL. equally readily over and over again in the Arachnida^ and particularly in so large and diversified an assemblage as the Tracheata? Thus in the Solifugfe the thoracic trachem, which open at the base of the third pair of legs and have always been an unexplained anomaly in view of the branchial theory,^ may easily have originated from the entapo- physes of some muscle. The same remark applies to the occurrence of the remarkable pair of tracheal spiracles dis- covered by Hansen (’93, p. 198), and subsequently confirmed by Loman (’96) on the tibiae of the four pairs of legs in the Phalangii dae." I do not mean to imply that these abnormal tracheae were must, in fact, be Ijetter adapted for their purpose than the hmg-book tracheae.” This remark of Pocock's may possiidy explain why such highly segmented forms as the Solifugmhave highly developed trachea; only, since the extraordinary activity of the members of this group would require the iJi’esence of the most effective breathing organs. Bernard ('90, p. 374) mentions that these are the only Arachnids in which the primitive tracheal tubes anastomose (as in the Insecta), and to this I may add an observation which I have often made on living Solpngidse, which is that regiilar and pronounced respiratory movements are observable in the middle part of the body, especi- ally after the animal has been running. Similar movements have not hithei’to, so far as I am aware, been recorded for any air-breathing Arachnids (see Plateau, '86). ' Bernard ('92, p. 521), for instance, remarks that the presence of trachea; on the cephalothoi’ax in Arachnida is “one of the principle difficulties in the way of those who would deduce the Arachnidan abdo- minal trachea; from embedded gills. ... It compels us, for instance, to assume that the cephalothoracic ti-achea; have had an entirely dif- ferent origin, so that . . . it is necessary to assiune that the same strncBires, tubular ti-achea;, have had two independent origins in the same animal! . . . there is absolutely no difference between the trachea; which open through the large stigmata of the thorax and those opening tlu’ongh the more insignificant stigmata in the al)domen [in the Solifuga;]. It is difficult to believe that they had a separate origin. The embedded gill theory must, I think, definitely give way before some simpler theoi'y, such as that here put forward.” So also Weissenborn ('87, p. II4). - It is interesting to note that Loman foiind these spiracles absent in very young Phalangii da;. EESPIRATOEY ORGANS IN ARANEJl, 85 probably muscular tendons. They may have bad any other origin. Thus J. Wagmer (’94, p. 126), who has investigated the embryology of Acari and admits the branchial origin of hing-books, explains the cephalothoracic tracheae of Acari and Solpuga by deriving them from unicellular hypodermal glands, such as are found in water mites; while Borner (:02, pp. 455, 461, and 463) considers it very probable that the spiracle on the prosoma is that of the genital seg’ment displaced forwards. Further, Ray Laiikester’s suggestion that tracheae may have arisen by the tubefaction of meso- dermal strands may apply. The primitive nature of the lung-books in comparison with the trachem within the class Arachnida is in full agreement with the teachings of the comparative anatomy of other org’ans. Thus we 6nd only lung’-books in the highly seg- mented orders Scorpiones and Pedipalpi, tracheae in the orders with more concentrated bodies. Op i Hones and Acari, while in the Araneae the more primitive Tetra- pneumones have lung - books . only, the more highly specialised Dipneumones tracheae as well. The Solifugae, however, which are highly segmented, have tracheae only (see footnote on p. 84). Bernard’s theory that trachem have arisen from bristle-sacs of Chaetopod Annelids cannot be maintained for a moment as an explanation of the lung-books or trachem of Araneae in spite of the resemblance which the ectodermal tendons of the tracheal segment in my fig. 41 bears to the bristle-sac with its two oblique muscles figured by Bernard (’92, text-fig. 1, p. 512). Indeed, Bernard does not attempt to derive enta- pophyses from bristle-sacs, and the rudimentary spiracles (vestigial stigmata) which he claims to have found in Pseudo- scorpiones (’93a, p. 422, and ’93b, p. 26) and Pedipalpi (’94, p. 151) are always placed by him on the lateral side of the depressions caused by the dorso-ventral muscles of the abdomen. The homologies of the pulmonary segments in Arachnids. — On the accompanying page I have given a table representing lotnes of the Abdominal Appendages and their Derivatives. 80 W. V. PURCI-'Lt. Argy ronetii not at all. KESPIRATOEY ORGANS IN AEANEJ]. 87 the homologies of the abdominal appendages of the eighth to thirteenth somites in Limulus and the three pulmonate orders of A.rachnida, based upon the most recent embryo- logicad researches. The segmental homologies given in this table agree with that of the same six somites given by Borner ( 02, pp. 456, 457), and may be taken, so far as the pulmonate Arachnida are concerned, as sufficiently established, whereas the homologies of these segments in most of the Tracheate orders of Arachnida cannot be considered as satisfactorily established, since the necessary embryological evidence is wanting and that afforded by comparative anatomical research insufficient. The most important point in connection with this question is the position of the genital opening. (1) Aranem. — I have shown in a previous paper (’95) that the genital ducts in Attusfloricola are formed out of part of the coelom of the pulmonary somite and open extern- ally into the interpulmonary (epigastric) in-folding, which lies between the eighth and ninth somites. The genital segment in Dipneumonous spiders is, therefore, identical with the first pulmonary segment, which has been shown to be the eighth post-oral by all the most recent investigators (Kishinouye, ’90; Simmons, ’94; Jaworowski, ’94; and myself, ’95). (2) Scorjiiones. — Brauer (’95) has clearly shown that the seventh somite in the scorpions had been overlooked by previous authors, and that the genital operculum belongs to the eighth somite, the pectines to the ninth, and the four pairs of lungs to the tenth to thirteenth. Pereyaslawzewa (;07) also places the four pairs of lung-books in the tenth to thirteenth somites (pp. 174-176). The homologies of the abdominal appendages in scorpions and spiders given in the table on p. 86 may, therefore, be considered as fully established by embryological evidence. We have thus the remarkable fact, which I pointed out before (’95), that none of the lung-books in scorpions are actually homologous with the tw'O pairs in spiders, and further, the two pairs of lung-books in spiders 88 W. F. rOL’CELL. are represented by external appendages in the adult scor- pion, and the two anterior pairs of lung-books in the latter by external appendages in the adult spider. Now I cannot imagine that the pectines of scorpions could have been derived from appendages which had already sunk into the abdomen and been converted into lung-books, and the con- verse, that these external organs, after having lost their branchial nature and acquired new functions could ever have been converted in lung-books, is equally improbable. I con- sider, therefore, that the lung-books of the scorpions and those of the spiders must have been derived from branchiate appendages quite independently of each other, a ndt hat the terrestrial Arachnids are not monophyletic but must have bad at least a diphyletic origin from primitive aquatic Arachnids with six pairs of abdominal branchiate appendages on the eighth to thirteenth somites.^ Laurie (’93) has expressed a similar opinion but based on palaeontological grounds, that the lung-books in scorpions arose independently of those in other Arachnids. (3) Pedipalpi. — It has been recently shown by Schimke- witsch (:06) that in the embryo of Thelyphonus the lung- books belong to the second and third abdominal somites (p. 43), while the genital opening is found between these two segments (pp. G3, 64), that is to say, exactly as in the A r a n e ae .- ’ It is interesting to note in this connection that Schinikewitsch ('94, p. 207) discovered in the embryos of a scorpion on each side on the genital opercnlum three to four teeth (Warzen, Km., fig. 12) which were formed on tlie same plan as those of the j^ectines b\it vanished again before birth. Schimkewitsch thinks it veiy probable that the genital oijercnlum was once a sense organ like the pectines, and asks whether both were not once gills f 2 Hansen ('83, p. 105) had previously pointed out that in Thely- 2)honus the first abdominal sternite should l)e sought for in the small sclerite at the anterior end of the abdomen, so that the large anterior sternite, which covers the genital ojjening and the first 2>air of lung- books, would, according to Hansen, belong to the second abdominal EESriKATOKY OEGANS IN AEANE^. 89 Lam-ie and Gough, who examined embryos of Phrynids, are not quite clear as to the segmental position of the lung-books. Laurie (’94, p. 34) states that the first pair belongs either to the first or second abdominal somite, while the second pair belongs to the third somite. According to Gough (:02, p. G16) the lung-books belong to the first and second ab- dominal appendages, but the author does not say to which somites they belong. Pereyaslawzewa (:01), on the other hand, describes distinct paired appendages on each of the first five abdominal somites, the lung-books being formed from the third and fourth pairs (p. 194). In view of the definite statements made by iSchimkewitsch, as well as of the anatomical evidence afforded by the adult (see footnote on preceding page), and of the close relationship which the Pedipalpi bear to the Aran etc, we may accept as certain that the lung-books in the former group belong to the second and third abdominal segments, i. e. the eighth and ninth post-oral somites, and that the genital segment is the second and not the first of the abdomen, as stated by Laurie (’94). This would make the lung-books in the Pedipalpi directly homologous with the corresponding ones of the Araneaj, as represented in the table on p. 86. I consider that the pulmonate Arachnids comprise two distinct groups, which have separately originated from branchiate ancestors, namely, (1) the Scorpiones, and (2) the Aranete and the Pedipalpi. To the latter phylum some, if not all, of the remaining orders of tracheate Arachnida may perhaps be added, but 1 shall not at present enter further into the relationships of these other orders. Pocock (’93) has already expressed the opinion that the Scorpiones, although the most primitive of all terrestrial Arachnida, could not have been the ancestors of any other orders of Arachnida, because the useful tail would not be likely to be lost. Pocock, who based this opinion on grounds segment. Recently Taruani (:04, text-figs, on pp. 51, 52, and 121) and Burner (:02, :04) have also adopted this view. 90 W. F. PUECELL. which are totally different from mine, accordingly divides the Arachnida into two snb-classes, viz. (1) Ctenophora^ for the scorpions, and (2) Lipoctena for the remaining terrestrial orders. Burner (:02, p. 459) in his paper on the segmientation and general classification of the Arachnida, accepts this subdivision, bnt on other grounds, viz., on account of the difference in the number of the segments of the meso- and metasoma which appear to exist between the Scorpiones and the Lipoctena. Bdrner, however, considers tha.t both Scorpiones and Lipoctena must have been derived from a common ancestral group provided witii at least five pairs of lung-books (pp. 459 and 463), but the difficulty (in my opinion almost an impossibility) of deriving a lung-book from a pectine, or vice versa, does not seem to have occurred to him. The question of the conversion of a sunken-in lung-book into the external spinners of the Aranem would also present difficulties, but these do not appear to me nearly so great as in the case of the pectines, because the reconversion of the lung-septa (lamellae) into external gill-like organs is not involved. 1 have, however, already pointed out that no trace of a lateral proliferation, corresponding to that of the pulmonary and tracheal sacs, is found in the embryo of Attus floricola, the entire post-appendicular invagination becoming the entapophysis in these two segments. Moreover, the spinning glands appear at quite an early stage (stage 5, ■sp. g., fig. 6) at the apex of the appendages, which always remain recognisable as such to the end of the development. In fact, they have every appearance of having been directly develo))ed into spinning organs from external appendages which were not sunken into the body, and, therefore, not lung-books. So far as our knowledge goes, therefore, we may say that there is no evidence of any sort to indicate that the spinners of the Aranem were derived from * For which word the term Cteidophora lias been substituted by Bonier (:02, p. 4b5). EESriRATORY OliGAXS IX ARAXEAi]. 91 sunken - in lung-books, or that the spinner - segments ever possessed such organs in any ancestral form of this o r d e r. When abdominal segments bearing spiracles in other Tracheate orders (Solitugae, Pseudoscorpiones, Opi- Hones, and Acari) are homologised with those bearing spinners in Araneae, as is done by Bbrner (;02, p. 457), the difficulty of deriving spinners from lung-books should be taken into account. For if the Lipoctena represent a natural group and the tracheae leading from these spiracles are derived from lung-books, as is often assumed to be the case, it follows that the spinners in Araneae must also have been derived from lung-books. But if we cannot admit the latter derivation, then either some or all of these tracheae are not homologous with lung-books (i . e . they are new forma- tions), or else the segments bearing them are homologous with the pulmonary segments in Araneae (and not with those bearing spinners), or, finally, some or all of these oi’ders maiy have originated independently of the Fed i palpi and Araneae from branchiate ancestors (whether in connec- tion with the Scorpiones or not is another question). In the fSolifugm two (or at least one) of the three tracheate segments of the abdomen must be homologous with segments bearing spinners in Araneae, and a knowledge of the development of the tracheae would be necessary before one could determine the relaitionships of this order. (4) Li m ulus. — According to Kingsley (’85) the genital segment in the American species of Li m ulus is the seventh post-onil segment, but Kishinouye (’91) has since discovered an additional somite between the last thoracic segment and the genital segment in the Japanese specie.s, thus making the latter segment the eighth post-oral one. It is possible that this aidditional seventh somite was overlooked in tlie American Limulus, just as it has fre(^uently been overlooked in the spiders and scorpions, for its presence would bring the segmentation of the abdomen of Limulus into line with that of spiders and scorpions. 92 W. F. PUrx’CFI.L. Thus the homologies of the abdominal appendages in Limulus may with the greatest probability be represented as in the table on p. 86. XL Historical List of Papers concerning the Lung- books OF Arachnids (Exclusive of those Dealing ONLY WITH Enervation, Embryology or Theoretical Considerations.^) Meckel (’09 and ’10) gives the earliest anatomical descrip- tion of the lung-books of a scorpion and spider. He observed the leaflets (saccules) attached to a stalk (pedicel and ante- chamber) leading to the spiracle, and thought the stalk might be hollow. He looked upon the organ as a real gill-book. Gr. K. Treviranus (’12, ’16) describes the lung-books of scorpions and spiders (as true gills) and the interpulmouary fold and its muscles in spiders. He thought the “gills” may be mainly organs for absorbing moisture from the air, while the respiratory functions are carried out principally by four jiairs of stigmata on the back of the abdomen (muscle impressions) and four pairs on the sides of the cephalo- thorax. H. jM. Gaede (’23) describes the four lung-books of a My gale (as gills) and observed the “granulation” on the leaves. He thought tlie respiration took place, not in the “gill-leaves,” but on the fine membrane behind them (i . e. on the posterior wall of the ante-chamber, which is smooth in some Tetrapneumonous spiders, e. g. in Cry])sidromus inter m e d i u s) . Johannes Muller (’28a, ’28b) discovered that the stalk (pedicel), ante-chamber and leaves (saccules) in scorpions and spiders are hollow by blowing air into the spiracle, and so proved the pulmonary function of the lung-books. He ‘ The coiuiiarative anatomy of the lung-books is outside of the scope of this paper, so I give this list in the form of an appendix for the use of future workers on the subject, as it is more complete than any list yet given. EESPIEATOEY OEGAXS IN AEAXE^. 93 correctly surmises the passage of the blood between the saccules and denies the presence of blood-vessels. This is the most important description np to Leuckart’s time. H. Straus-Durckheim (’28) describes the luug-books of spiders, and says one may consider the saccules of these organs in Arachnids as non-ramified tracheal trunks, repre- senting merely a continuation of the external integument in-folded into the interior of the spiracles (pp. 315-318). J. F. Brandt (’33, p. 89) gives a poor description of the lung-books of Epeira diadema (as gills), apparently without knowledge of the work of the two previous authors. A. Duges (’36, p. 181) injected spiders’ lung-books with carmine. There is also a note on the lung-books in Duges, ’38, p. 5G8, teste Duvenoy (’40, p. 465). G. L. Duvenoy (’40) describes the lung-books of spiders. •1. van der Hoeven (’42) describes the lung-books of Phyrnus niedius,^ calling them gills. G. Newport (’43) describes the appearance of the lamellae in scorpions and the circulation of the blood through the lung- books (“ branchim ”) (pp. 295-297). Pappenheim (’48) has a note on the lung-books of spiders. A. Duges (’49) gives figures of the lung-books of Mygale (PI. ii, fig. 8, and PI. iv, fig. 6), Segestria (PI. iv, fig. 5), Pholcus (PI. iv, fig. 7), and Scorpio (PI. xviii, fig. 1/). R. Leuckart (’49) describes the lung-books of scorpions and spiders. He discovered the spines of the ante-chamber in spiders and recognised the network on the leaves in scorpions as a chitinons thread on the surface of the mem- brane. He insists that lung-books are merely modifications of tracheje (also ’48, p. 119 note), and his paper is the most important that appeared before MacLeod’s. E. Blanchard (’49, ’50) proved by injection that the blood passes through the septa and thence to the heart. A. Menge (’51) describes the lung-books of Argyroneta (water spider). He failed to find any I'espiratory movements ' According to Kraepelin ('95, p. 41) v. d. Hoeveu’s species was in reality Charon Grayi, Gerv. 94 W. F. I’URCELI-. eitliei- in the lung-books or in the enclosed air, and observed that the entire cnticula of these organs is shed at moulting. He doubted their respiratoiy function. F. Leydig (’55) found that the “ granulations ” observed by previous authors in the lung-leaves of spiders are really internal processes, like those in the posterior trachem. L. Dufoiir (’56) describes the scorpion’s lung-books (pig- ment and reticulation of the leaves, etc.). E. Claparede (’63) describes the circulation of the blood, with some notes on the lung-leaves, in the spider. P. Bertkau (’72) gives a g’ood description of the lung-books in spiders, and the earliest account of their growth in young spiders. C.Chun (’76), from a brief i-emark (p. 42), evidently implies that he has found an epithelium with regular cell-boundaries on the lung-leaves of Arachnids, but reserves the proof for a later occasion. H. Lebert (’77, p. 25) makes some very curious observa- tions, such as his discovery of a second pair of smaller lung- books (Xebenfachertracheen) in other spiders besides Tetra- pneumones (e. g. in some Argiopidas); also bifurcate saccules. J. MacLeod (’80, ’82, ’84) advanced our knowledge greatly beyond the works of his predecessors by the use of sections. In his first paper (’80) he describes the lung-books as “ un faisceau de trachees aplaties, foliiformes” (p. 48), but influenced later by the branchial theory he re-casts his method of Heating the subject (’82, ’84). His principal paper (’84) is, perhaps, the best known of all works on the lung-books. B. Bay Lankester (’81, ’85a, ’85b) in his first paper com- pares the Inng-books of scorpions with the gill-books of liimnlus from actual preparations, and derives lung-books from gill-books by a theory. This paper (’81) affected most subsequent studies of the subject, and made the development and comparative anatomy of the respiratory organs a subject of paramount interest in the Arachnida. His later papers (’85a, ’85b) describe the circulation of the blood through the IIESPIKATORY ORGANS IN ARANEAR 95 lung-bookS; and the histology of the lamellae in Scorpio, aTid a new theory of the origin of the lung-books. P. J, Mitrofanof (’81) makes some remarks on the lamellte in Argyroneta (teste Schimkewitsch ’84, p. 64). W. Schimkewitsch (’84) describes the lung-books of E peira, without knowledge of MacLeod’s principal paper (’84). F. Plateau (’86) searched for respiratory movements in living Scorpiones, Araneae, and Opi Hones, with nega- tive results. W. Wagner (’88) describes the moulting and growth of the lung-books in immature spiders. L. Berteaus (’89) describes minutely the lung-books of spiders and scorpions. This paper is the most complete on the histological structure, particularly that of the cuticular formations, and various errors made by MacLeod (’84) in this respect are corrected. (His description of the form of the lung-leaves and the ante-chamber is, however, unsatisfactory, and is improved upon by Schneider [’92].) J. Tarnani (’89) figures the topography of the two pairs of lung-books in Thelyp bonus, and describes the interpul- monary folds. In his later work (:04) these lung-books are also figured and described (p. 121). C. Vogt (’89) gives an original description of the lung-books of E peira diadem a. A. Schneider (’92) describes the circulation of the blood through the lung-books, and gives an account of the general structure of these latter organs in spiders. This very excellent I>aper is indispensable as a supplement to Berteaux’s important histological work. M. Laurie gives an account of the structure and histology of the lung-books in I^edipalpi (’94)^and of the difference in the chitinous armature of the septa in different groups of scorpions (’96a, 96b). Sophie Pereyaslawzewa (:01) figures some sections of the luiig-books of Bhrynidm (figs. 59, 62 and 64), and gives a number of descriptive notes, especially on the histology of the septa and on the pulmonary muscles (pp. 251-262). 06 AV. P. PURCELL. A. Borner (:04) gives an account of the lung-books in Pedipalpi, and some diagrams to illustrate their structure in Arachnids generally. List of Literature. (Tlie titles of papers wliicli I have not seen are enclosed in hrackets.) '92. Bernard, H. M. — “An Endeavour to show that the Tracheae of the Arthropoda arose from Setipai’ous Sacs,” ‘ Zool. Jahrb., Ahth. Anat.,’ V, pp. .511-524, 3 text-figs., 1892. '93a. “Notes on the Chernitidae, with Special Reference to the Vestigial Stigmata and to a New Form of Trachea.” ‘ Jonrn. Linn. Soc. London,’ Zool., xxiv, pp. 410-430, Pis. xxxi and xxxii, 189.3. '93b. “Additional Notes on the Origin of the Tracheae from Setiparous Glands,” ‘Ann. Mag. N. H.,’ (0), xi, pp. 24-28, 189.3. '94. “Vestigial Stigmata in the Arachnida.” ‘Ann. Mag. N. H..’ (6). xiv. pp. 149-1.5.3. .3 text-figs., 1894. '96. “The Comparative Moiphology of the Galeodidae.” ‘ Trans. Linn. Soc. London.' (2). Zool., iv. pp. 305-417, Pis. xxvii-xxxiv. 1896. "89. Berteanx, L. — “ Le Poumon des Arachnides,” ‘ La Cellule.’ v, pp. ‘2.5.3-317. 3 Pis.. 1889. '72. Bei-tkau. P. — “ Uher die Respirationsorgane der Araneen,” ‘Arch, f. Naturg.,' xxxviii, Bd. i. pp. 208-2.33, 1 PL. 1872 ; also ‘ Inaug. Dissei’tation,’ -32 iip. (without plate), Bonn, 1872. '78. “ Versuch einer natiiriichen Anordnung der Spinnen Bemerkungen zu einzelnen Gattungen,” ‘Arch. f. Naturg..’ xliv, Bd. i. pp. .351-410, PI. xii, 1878. '49. Blanchard. li. — “ De I'aniiareil Cii’culatoire et des Organes de la Respiration dans les Arachnides,” ‘ Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.’ (3), xii, pp. .316-.351. Pis. vi-viii, December, 1849. '50. “ De I’appareil Circulatoire et des Organes de la Respiration dans les Arachnides,” ‘ Compt. Rend. Acad. Sc., Paris.’ xxx, pp. (i0_64, 18.50. :02. Biirner, C. — “ Arachnologische Studien.” ii and iii, ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ XXV, pp. 43.3-466, 14 text-figs., 1902. “ Beitriige zur Moi’phologie der Arthropoden. I : Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Pedipalpen,” ‘ Zoologica.’ Heft, xlii, 2 pts., 174 pp., 114 text-figs., 7 Pis., 1904. 04. KESPIRATORY ORGANS IN ARANBAR 97 '33. Brandt, J. F. — “ Mediziii. Zoologie, od. getreue Darstellung u. Besclireib. der Tliiere, die in der Arzeneiinittellelire in Betracht koninien, etc.,” Von J. F. Brandt n. J. T. C. Ratzebni-g, ii, 44 Pis., 4to., Berlin, 1830-34 (Anat. of Lnngs of Epeira, by Brandt, p. 89, 1833). '95. Brauer, A. — “ Beitrage znr Kenntnis der Entwicklnngsgescliichte des Skorpions, II,” ‘ Zeit. f. wss. Zool.,’ Kx, pp. 351—435, 20 figs.. Pis. xxi-xxv, 1895. '86a. Bruce, A. T. — “ Observations on the Embryology of Insects and Arachnids,” ‘ J. Hopkins Univ. Circ.,’ v, p. 85 ; also in ‘ Ann. Mag. N. H.’ (5), xviii, pp. 74-76, 1886. '86b. •* Observations on the Emluyology of Spiders,” ‘ Anier. Natural,’ xx, p. 825, 1886. '87. “ Observations on the Embryology of Insects and Arach- nids ” (a memoi’ial volume), 31 pp., 6 Pis., 4to., Baltimore, 1887. '76. Clmn, C. — “Uel)er den Ban, die Entwicklung und physiologische Bedeutung der Rectaldriisen bei den Insekten.” ‘ Aldiandl. d. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges.,’ x, pp. 27-55, Pis. i-iv, 1876. '63. Claparcde, E. — ‘ Ktudes sur la Circulation du Sang chez les Arances du geni-e Lycose,” ‘Mem. Soc. Phys. et Hist. Nat.,. Geneve,' xvii, pp. 1-22, 1 PI., 1863; also ‘Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool.' (5), ii, pp. 259-274, 1 PL, 1864. '83. Dahl, Fr. — ” Analytische Bearbeitung der Spinnen Norddeutsch- lands mit einer anatomisch-biologischen Einleitung,” ‘ Schr. naturvv. Ver. Schleswig-Holstein,' v, pp. 13-86, Pis. i-ii, 1883. '56. Dufour, L. — ‘‘ Histoire Anatomique et Physiologique des Scor- pions,” “ Mem. presentes a I'Acad. Sci. Paris, Sc. Math, et Phys.,' xiv, 4 Pis., i^p. 561-657, 1856. '36. Dugcs, A. — “Observations sur les Araneides.” ‘Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool.’ (2), vi, pp. 159-218, 358-360, 1836. ['38. “ Traite de Physiologic Comparee de I’liomme et des Animaux,” ii, Montpellier, 1838.] '49. ‘ Le Regne Animal,’ etc., par G. Cuvier, noxiv. (4®) cd.. Paris. ‘ Les. Arachnides,’ by A. Duges and Milne Edwards, 106 pp., 31 PL, 1849. '40. Duvenoy, G. L. — “ Lemons d’ Anatomic Comparee,” par G. Cuvier, 2e cd., vii, Paris, 1840. ‘23. Gaede, H. M. — “ Beitrage zur Anatomic der Insecten,” ‘ Nova acta phys.-med. acad. Leop. Carol, nat. cixr.,’ xi, pt. i, p2x. 323-340. PL xliv, Bonn, 1823. VOL. 54, PART 1. NEW SERIES. 7 98 W. F. FUKCELL. :02. Gough, L. H. — “The Development of Adnietus pumilio : A Contrilnitiou to the Embryology of the Pedijjalijs,'’ ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ (2), xlv, pp. 5115-630, Pis. xxxii-xxxiii, 1902. '42. Grube, E. — “ Einige Resultate aus Uutersuchimgen iiber die Ana- tomie der Araneideii,” ‘ Midler's Arch. f. Auat. Phys. and Wiss. Med.,’ Jg. 1842, pp. 296-302, 1842. '93. Hansen, H. J. — “ Organs and Characters in Different Ordei’s of Arachnids,” ‘ Entomolog. Meddalelser Kjbbenhavn,’ iv, pp. 137- 144, Pis. ii and iii, 1893 ; pp. 145-249, Pis. ii-v, 1894; also separate, Copenhagen, 1893. ’42. Hoeven, J. van der. — “ Bijdragen tot de kennis van het geslacht Phrynus Oliv,” ‘ Tijdschr. voor natuur. Geschied. en Physiol.,’ ix, pp. 68-93, Pis. i-ii, 1842. ['93. Jaworowski, A. — “Some Remarks on the Development of the so- called Lung Trachete in Spiders,” Polish, 1893 (cited from Jaworowski, '94).] '94. “ Die Entwicklung der sogenannten Lungen bei den Arach- niden und speciell bei Ti-ochosa singoriensis Laxm., nebst Anhang iiber die Crustaceenkiemen,” ‘ Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool.,’ Iviii, l)t. i, pp. 54-78, PI. iii, 1894. '95. “Die Entwicklung des Spinnapparats bei Trochosa singoriensis Laxm., mit. Beriicksichtigung der Abdominalan- liiinge und der Fliigel bei den Insekten,” ‘ Jena. Zeit. Naturwiss,’ XXX, pp. 39-74, Pis. iii, iv, 1895. ’85. Kingsley, J. S. — “Notes on the Embryology of Limulus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.’ (n. ser.), xxv, jjp. 521-576, Pis. xxxvii- xxxix, 1885. '90. Kishinouye, K. — “On the Development of Araneina,” ‘Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Japan,’ iv, pp. 55-88, Pis. xi-xvi, 1890. '91. “ On the Develoiiinent of Limulus longispiiia," ‘Journ. Coll. Sci. Univ. Japan,’ v, pp. 53-lUU, Pis. v-xi, 1891. '92. Korschelt, E., and K. Heider. — “ Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der wirbellosen Thiere,” ‘ Si^eciel. Theil,’ Hft. ii, i>p. 309-908 [Arthrojjoden], Jena, 1892. "86. Kowalevsky, A., and M. Schulgin. — “ Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Skorpions (Androctonus ornatus),” ‘Biol. Centralbl.,’ vi. No. 17, pp. 525-532, Noveml.>er, 1886. [Also in ‘ Mem. (Sapiski) New Russ. Natural Soc., Odessa ’ (Russian), xi, pt. i, 19 jjp.] '95. Kraepelin, K. — “Revision der Tarantxdiden Fabr. ( = Phryniden Latr.),” ‘ Abhand Ver. Naturwiss., Hamburg,’ xiii, ^xp. 1-53, 1895. ;00. Lamy, E. — “ Note sur I’appareil respiratoire trachcen des Ara- neides,” ‘Bull. Soc. Ent. France,' No. 13, pj). 267-270. 1900. RESPIRATOEY ORGANS IN ARANE^. 99 Ola. *• Sm- les diiferentes formes de I’appareil tracheen dans ime meine famille d’Araneides,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Ent. France,’ No. 2, pp. 25, 26, 1901. ;01b. “ Siir la terminaison des trachees chez les Araneides,” “Bull. Soc. Ent. France,’ No. 9, pp. 178, 179, 1901. :02. ■* Recherches anatomicpies sur les trachees des Araignces,” ‘ Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.,’ (8) xv, pp. 149-280, 71 figs.. Pis. v-viii, 1902. ’81. Lankester, E. Ray. — “Limnlus: an Araclinid,” ‘Quart. Jonrn. Micr. Sci.’ (n. ser.), xxi, pp. 504-547, 609-649, 1881. ’85a. “ A New Hypothesis as to the Relationsliip of the Lnng- hook of Scorpio to tlie Gill-book of LiinnliTs,” ‘ Quart. Joimi. Micr. Sci.’ (n. ser.), xxv, pp. 339-342, 1885. '85b. W. B. S. Benhain and E. J. Beck, “ On the Muscular and Endoskeletal Systems of Limnlus and Scorj^io, with some Notes on the Anatomy and Generic Characters of Scori)ions,” ‘Trans. Z. Soc. London,’ xi, pp. 311-384, Pis. Ixxii-lxxxiii, 1885. '90. Laurie, M. — “The Embryology of a Scoi'pion (Eusc orpins italicus),” ‘ Qua id. Jouru. Micr. Sci.’ (2), xxxi, jip. 105-141, Pis. xiii-xviii, 1890. ■02. " On the Development of the Lung-books in Scorpio ful- vipes,” ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ xv, pp. 102-105, 4 figs., 1892. ’93. “The Anatomy and Relations of the E urypterida;,” ■ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh,’ xxxvii, pt. ii, pp. 509-528, 2 Pis., 1893. '94. “On the Morphology of the Pedipalpi,” ‘ J. Linn. Soc. London,’ xxv, pp. 20-48, Pis. iii-v, 1894. '96a. “Notes on the Anatomy of some Scorjiions, and its Bearing on the Classification of the Order,” ‘ Ann. Mag. N. H.' (6), xvii, pp. 185-194, PI. ix, 1896. '96b. “ Further Notes on the Anatomy and Development of Scorpions, and their Bearing on the Classification of the Order,” • Ann. Mag. N. H.’ (6), xviii, pp. 121-133, PI. ix, 1896. '77. Lebert, H. — “ Die Spinnen der Schweiz, ihr Ban. ihr Leben, ihre systematische Uebersicht,” ‘ Neue Denkschr. Schweizer. Gesell. gesammt. Naturw.,’ xxvii, pt. ii, 1877. '48. Leuckart, R. — ‘Ueber die Morphologie und die Verwandschafts- verhiiltnisse der wirbellosen Thiere,’ 180 pp., Bi-annschweig, 1848. ’49. “ Ueber den Ban und die Bedeutiing der sog. Limgen bei den Arachniden,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ i, pp. 246-254, 1849. '55. Leydig, F. — “ Zum feineren Ban der Arthropoden,” ‘Miillei''s Ai’ch. f. Anat.,’ 1885, pp. 376—480 ; 4 plates. 100 W. F. PURCELL. '86. Locy, W. A. — “Observations on the Development of Agelena nmvia,” ‘Bull. Mns. Harvard Coll.,’ xii, pp. 63-lU3, Pis. i-xii, Jannai-y, 1886. '96. Loman, J. C. C. — “ On the Secondary Spii'acles on the Legs of Opilionida),” ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ xix, pp. 221, 222, 1836. '80. MacLeod, J. — ‘ La structure des trachces et la circulation pcri- trachcenne ; Mem. couronne an concours universitaire de 1878- 1879,’ 72 pp., 4 Pis., Bruxelles, 1880. '82. “ Recherches sur la strixcture et la signification de I’appareil respiratoire des Arachnides (Comm. ])relim.),’’ ‘ Bidl. Acad. roy. Belg.’ (3), iii, 11 text-figs., pp. 779-792, 1882. '84. “ Recherches sur la structure et la signification de l'ai)pareil respiratoii’e des Arachnides,” ‘ Arch. Biol.,’ v, pp. 1-34, Pis. i-ii, 1884. '09. Meckel, J. Fr. — “ Bruchstiicke aus der Insecten-anatomie,'’ ‘ Meckel’s Beitriige zur vergleichenden Anatomie,’ i, Hft. ii, pp. 105-131, Leipzig, 1809. '10. ‘Cuvier, O. L., Vorlesungen iilier vergleichende Anatomie,’ iv ; iibersetzt ;i. mit. Anmerk. u. Zusiitzen vermehrt von J. F. Meckel, Leipzig, 1810. "51. Menge, A. — “Uber die Leliensweise der Arachniden,” ‘ Neueste Schriften Naturf. Ges. Danzig.,’ iv, pp. l-(i4. Pis. i-iii, 1851. '71. Metschnikoff, E. — “ Emljryologie des Scorpions,” ‘ Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,’ xxi, Hft. ii, pp. 204-232, Pis. xiv-xvii, 1871 ; also separate, W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1870. '72. Milne-Edwards, A. — “Recherches sur rAnatomie des Limules," ‘Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool.’ (5), xvii. Art. No. 4, 67 pp.. Pis. v-xvi, November, 1872. ['81. Mitrofanof, P. J. — “ Sur I’Anatomie de I'Argyronete aquatique,” ‘ Mem. Soc. Amis Sci. natur.,’ xxxvii, 1881 (Russian, cited from Schimkewitsch, '84).] '87. Morin, J. — “ Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Spinnen,'’ ‘ Biol. Centralbl.,’ vi. No. 21, pp. 658-663, January, 1887. ['88. “ Contrilmtions to the Embryology of the Spiders,” ‘Mem. (Sapiski) New Russ. Natural. Soc. Odessa' (Russian), xiii, with Plate, 1888.] '28a. Midler, J. — “Beitriige zur Anatomie des Scorpions," ‘Meckel's Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys.,’ pp. 29-71, 1828. '28b. “ Ueber die Atheniorgane der Spinne,” ‘ Isis,' xxi, pp. 707-711, Leipzig, 1828. RESPIRATORY ORUAXS IX ARAXE^, 101 ’43. Newport, G. — “ On the Stractare, Relations, and Development of the Nervous and Circulatory Systems, and on the Existence of a Complete Circulation of the Blood in Vessels, in Myriapoda and Macronrons Arachnida — First Series,” ‘Phil. Trans.,’ 1843, pt. ii, pp. 243-302, Pis. xi-xiv. ’48. Pappenheim. — “Note snr les ponmons des Araignees,” ‘Revue Zool.,’ 1848, p. 250. :01. Pereyaslawzewa, Sophie. — “ Developpement emhryonnaire des Phrynes,” ‘ Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool. ’ (8), xiii, pp. 117-304, Pis. ii-ix, 1901. ■01 . “ Contributions a I’histoire du developpement du Scorpion (Androctonus ornatus),” ‘ Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool.’ (9), vi, pp. 151- 214, Pis. iv-xvi, 1907. '86. Plateau, F. — “De I’abscnce de mouvements respiratoires percep- tibles chez les Arachnides,” ‘Arch. Biol.,’ vii, pp. 331-348, 1886. '93. Pocock, R. I. — “ On some Points in the Morphology of the Arachnida (s.s.), with Notes on the Classification of the Croup," ‘ Ann. Mag. N. H.’ (6), xi, pp. 1-19, Pis. i-ii, 1893. '95. Purcell. W. P. — “ Note on the Development of the Lungs, Entapo- l)hyses. Trachea-, and Cenital Ducts in Spiders,'’ ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ xviii, pp. 396-400, 2 figs., 1895. ['71. Salensky, W. — ‘•Embryology of the Aranese,'’ ‘Mem. (Sapiski) Kieff Soc. of Naturalists,’ ii, pt. i, jjp. 1-72, Pis. i-iii, 1871 (Ru.ssian). Abstract in ‘ Hofman u. Schwalbe’s Jahresbei’., fiber Anat. u. Physiol.,’ ii, pp. 323-325, 1875.] '84. Schimkewitsch, W. — “ Ktude sur 1' Anatom ie de I’Epeire,” ‘ Ann- Sc. Nat. Zool.' xvii,’ pp. 1-94, Pis. i-viii, 1884. '86a. “ Material towards the Knowledge of the Embryonic Develo])inent of the Araneina,” (Russian), St. Petersburg, 1886. [Cited from Jaworowski, '94.] ['86b. “ Les Arachnides et leur affinitcs,” ‘ Archives Slaves de Biologie,' 1886. (Cited from Jaworowski, '94.)] '87. “ Ktude sur le Developpement des Araignees,” ‘ Arch. Biol.,’ vi, pp. 515-584, Pis. xviii-xxiii, 1887. '94. “ TJeber Ban uud Entwicklung des Endostei-nits der Arach- niden," ‘Zool. Jahrb. Abth. Anat. u. Ontog.,’ viii, pp. 191-216, Pis. x, xi, 1894. 03. “Ueber die Entwicklung von Telyphonus caudatus (L.), ‘Zool. Anz.,’ xxvi, pp. 665-685, 6 figs, 1903. The same with slight alterations, without figures, in Russian and Cerman under the title “ Zur Embryologie der Thelyphonidje,’ ‘ Travaiix Soc. Natural. St. Petersbourg Zool. et Physiol.,’ xxxiii. nn. 57-110, 190-i. 102 \V. F. I’UKCEI.L, 06. "UeEerdie Entwickluiig von Telyplioniis caudatiis (L.), verglichen init derjenigen eiiiiger anderer Araclmiden,” ‘Zeit. f. Wiss. Zool.,’ Ixxxi, pp. 1-95, Pis. i-viii, 1906. '92. Schneider, A. — “ Melanges Araclinologiqnes," ‘ Tablettes Zool. Poitiers,' ii, pp. 135-198, 16 Pis., 1892. '48. V. Siel)old, C. Th. — “ Lehrbnch der vergleiclienden Anatoniie," von V. Siebold und Stannins, i. ‘ Wirbellose Thiei’e,' von v. Siebold, 679 pp., Berlin, 1848. '94. Simmons, O. L. — “ Develoi^ment of the Lungs of Spiders,” ‘ Amer. Journ. Sci.’ (3) xl. pp. 119-128, 1 PL, 1894. Reprinted in ‘Ann. Mag. N. H.’ (6), xiv, pp. 210-221, PI. vi, and • Tuft's CoU. Stud.,’ No. ii, jjp. 49-62, 1 PL, 1894. '28. Straus-Durckheim. H. — ‘ Considerations gencrales sur I'anatomie comparee des animaux articules, etc.,’ 435 + 36 pp., 10 Pis.. 4to., Strasbourg, 1828. '89. Tarnani, J. K. — “Die Genitalorgane der Tbelyiihonus.’' ‘Biol. Centrall)!.,' ix. No. 12, pjj. 376-382, w., 5 text-figs., 1889. :04. “ Anatoniie de Thelyphonus caudatus (L.),'' ‘ rinst. Agrononiique et Forestier il Novo- Alexandria.' xvi Supplement, pp. 1-288, Pis. i-vi, 1904 (Russian). 12. Treviranus, G. R. — “ Ueber den innern Ban der Araclmiden,” 48 pp., 5 Pis., 4to, Nurnberg, 1812. '16. Alihandlungen fiber den innern Ban der ungefliigelten Insekten.” ‘ Verm. Schrift., Anat. u. Phys. Inbalts., von G. R. u. L. Clir. Treviranus,’ i, pp. 1-84, 12 Pis., 1816. '89. Vogt, C. — Article " Classe der Araclmiden," in ‘ Lebrbuch der praktischen vergleiclienden Anatoniie, von C. Vogt and E. Yung,’ ii. pp. 193-263, with 22 original text-figs., 1889. '94. Wagner, J. — •“ Beitriige ziir Phylogenie der Araclmiden," ‘Jena. Zeit. Naturw.,' xxix, pp. 123-156, 1894. '88. Wagner, W. — ^“La mue des Araigiiees,” ‘ Ann. Sc. Nat. Zool.' (7), vi, pp. 281-393, Pis. xv-xviii, 1888. '87. Weissenborn, B. — “Beitriige ziir Phylogenie der Araclmiden,” ‘ Jena. Zeit. Naturw.,’ xx, jip. 33-119, 1887 ; also sejiarate as ‘Inaug. Diss.,’ 71 pp., Jena, 1886. RKSI’IRATOHY ()R(iANS IN ARANKA']. 103 EXPLANATION OF PLATES 1—7, Illustrating Mr. W. F. Purcell’s paper on '•'Development and Origin of the Respiratory Organs in Araneae.” Stages in the Development. Stage 1 {St. 1), just befoi-e the appearance of the pulmonary furrows : figs. 4, 7, and 7a (all from same emhi-yo). Stage 2 {St. 2), with two pulmonary furrows: figs. 1, 5, 5a, 8, and 8a-8h (5, 5a, 8, 8a-8h all from one embryo) ; figs. 9, 10, 14. Stage 3 {St. 3), with three pulmonary fun-ows ; figs. 2, 11. Stage 4 {St. 4), with 4-5 pulmonary furrows : figs. 12, 15. Stage 5 {St. 5), with 5-G pulmonary furrows : figs. 3, 6, Ga, and 27 (G, Ga, and 27 from one embryo) ; figs. 13, 13a, and 13b (all from one embryo) ; figs. IG, 1Ga-1Ge, 35, and 35a (all from one embryo). Stage G {St. G), after end of reversion and shortly before hatching : figs. 17 and 43 (from same embryo) ; figs. 18, 28, 41. Stage 7 {St. 7), after hatching : fig. 34. Stage 8 {St. 8), after first post-embryonic moult : figs. 29 and 29a (from same embryo) ; fig. 30. Abbreviations for all the Plates. The yolk is coloured yellow in the figures representing sections, all of which have been drawn with the aid of a drawing apparatus. The letters {St. 1). {St. 2), etc., alongside the numbers of the figures denote the stage of the embryo from which the section has been made. a. ob. m. 8 and 10. Anterior oblique muscles of somites 8 and 10. «. spin. Inner openings of anterior pair of spinners, ah. app. 1-4. Ab- dominal appendages 1-4. ant. Anterior side. ap. Apical pouch of honi of pulmonary sac in developed lung-book. app. G. Sixth prosomatic apiDcndage. ar. 7-11. Areas in contact with the ends of the segments of the ventral longitudinal muscles of somites 7-11 at the time of the formation of the entochondrites. h.f. Basal fold of tracheal trunk. bd. c. Blood-coiqmscles. br. Branches of tracheal trunk, c. Cones of a cJiitinous saccule, can. Canal of communication, cent. Centre of section, cl. 1, cl. 2. Clefts on the distal side of first and second pul- monary saccules. coel. G-14. Ccelomic sacs of 6th-14th post-oral somites, cu. Cuticula. cu.', cu." Cuticula formed at first and second post-emljryonic moults, d. 1. m. 8-15. Segments of the dorsal longi- tudinal muscles in somites 8-15. d. v. 1. m. Longitudinal muscle along- side of the proctoda;um uniting the last segment of the dorsal with that 104 W. F. I’UIIOKM,. of the ventral longitnclinal muscles. d. v. m. 7-10. Dorso-ventral miiscles hehind somites 7-10. dist. Distal side. dors. Dorsal side. dors. (led.). Dorsal (originally lateral) side. ec. (j.d. ectodermal j^oi-tion of genital duct. ec. t. 8-11. Ectodermal tendons (entai^ophyses, apodemes) of the appendages of the 8th-llth somites, end. Endoderm. ep. epithelium, f. \,f. 2, etc. First, second pulmonary fuiTOws, etc., in the oi'dei' of their formation, (j. Genital cord. (j. o. Genital opening into interpulmonary fold (to the outside in fig. 40). (jr. Groove behind abdominal apj^endages. h. Horn (procurved end) of pulmonary sac. horiz. pi. Horizontal plane of body. hy. Hypoderrnis. luj'. Fibrous parts of the hypoderrnis of the ectodermal tendons, inf. Infolding of the hypodermis. irdorp. fid. Interpulmonary (eiDigastric) fold or its rudiment. 1. Lumen. 1. S2nn. m. 10. Lateral muscle to anterior side of first spinner (in lOtli somite). /. tr. Lateral trunks of tracheal system. lac. Lacuna. led. Lateral side. lb. Lung-book or tissue forming it. m. Muscles or tissue forming them. m. sp>in. Inner openings of middle pair of sj^inners. m. spin. m. 10. Medial muscle to anterior side of first spinner (in 10th somite), m. tr. Medial trunks of tracheal system, ma. Matrix cells, ined. Medial side, wicf/.p/. Median plane, mes. y.d. Mesodermal part of genital duct. nv. . S2un. Inner ojienings of ijosterior ijaii’ of spinners, pcd. Pedicel. 2iost. Posterior side. pr. ax. Principal axis of appendage, proc. Proctodaeuni. pidm. 1. Lumen of pulmonary sac. pidm. 2»'ol. Pul- monary proliferation or gi'owing end of pulmonary sac. pulm. s. Pul- monary sac. rd. Chitinous thickening on lateral side of tracheal i>edicel. •s., s. 1, s. 2, etc. Pulmonary saccule ; first, second saccules, etc., in the order of their formation, s'. New chitinous saccule forming before the first post-embryonic moult, scy./. 8-11. Segmental tul)es of 8th- 11th somites, si. Slanting medial part at base of posterior wall of first appendage, sp. Spiracle, sp. y. Spinning gland, spi. Anastomosing spines, spin.m. lO. Muscles to the anterior side of first pair of spinners. sp)z. Si>erma. st.p). Stercoral jmeket. t. Mesodermal tendon (ento- chondrite). t. 7-11. Entochondrites at hind ends of the segments of the ventral longitudinal muscles of somites 7-11. (t. 8-11.) Indicates the position of these tendons, where not drawn in. tr. Tracheal trunk. tr. 1. Lumen of tracheal plate or sac. tr. m. Ti-ansverse muscle on lateral side of tracheal pedicel, tr. pi. Tracheal plate. tr.2Jrol. Tracheal proliferation. tr. s. Tracheal sac. tr. tub. Tracheal tubules or finest branchlets. v. 1. m. 7-11. Segments of the ventral longitudinal muscles in somites 7-11. v. sin. Ventral sinus of abdomen, vc. Vacuole. vent. Ventral side. vent. (nied.). Ventral (originally medial) side. vest. Vestibule, vit. Vitellophagous cell. u\ Two-celled column, x. TiESPIKATOKY ORGANS TN ARAXEiE. 105 Point at wliich the entochonclrite is attaclied to the liy]^)odennis. y. Thvee-celled column, z. Pavement cell. w'. x' x' . if and y'. z' . Anterior, distal, and jjosterior sides of apjDcndage. PLATE 1. Embryology of Attns f lor i col a. [Longitudinal sections are cnt piirallel to the principal axis (pr. ax. in figs. 1-3) of the appendage and at i-ight angles to the posterior margin of the latter. Transverse sections are parallel to the principal axis and to the posterior margin.] Figs. 1-3. — (Zeiss oh]. C, oc. I, hot ale. snbl.) Transverse sections showing the change of position of the first pair of abdominal appendages during the reversion of the embryo. Fig. 1 I'e^n’esents the stage with two pnlmonary furrows, fig. 2 witli three, and fig. 3 with four, five, or more furrows. Fig. 1. — (Zeiss C, 111, hot ale. snbl.) Longitudinal section tlirough tlie lateral region of the four abdominal appendages, just ju'evious to the appearance of the pulmonary furrows and the commencement of the reversion. Figs. 5 and oa. — (Zeiss C. III. Iiot ale. snbl.) Longitudinal sections through the abdominal api^endages at tlie stage with two indmonary furrows (/. 1,/. 2), con-esponding to fig. 1. Fig. o glasses tlu-ough the medial, fig. 5a through the lateral region of the anterior appendages. Figs. () and ()A. — (Zeiss C, III, hot ale. snbl.) Longitudinal sections through the abdominal appendages at the stage with five or six pul- monary fuiTows, corresponding to fig. 3. Fig. (i passes through the medial, fig. (>A through the lateral region of the appendages. Figs. 7 and Ta. — (Zeiss oil im.. II. hot ale. subl.) Longitudinal sections through the medial (fig. 7) and lateral paid (fig. 7a) of the first abdominal appendage (enlarged from the same embryo as fig. I) just before the formation of the pulmonary furrows; cp., epitlielium (belong- ing to somite 9) behind first appendage. PLATE 2. Embryology of Attns floricola. [Longitudinal sections are cut parallel to the principal axis (pr. ax. in fig. 1) of the appendage.] Fig. 8. — Diagrammatic view of the posterior side of the first abdo- minal appendage at the end of the stage (con-esponding to fig. I with two pulmonary fuiTOws,/. !,/• -) (from a wax reconstruction). The parallel lines represent the planes of sections; ep., the ejiitheliuni 106 W. !■'. rURCELL. 1‘epresented as cut along the groove {gr.) in figs. 8a-8d, and along the deepest part of the pulmonary sae (pulm. s.) in figs. 8f and 8g. Figs. 8a-8h. — (Zeiss oil iin., II, hot ale. suhl.) Longitudinal sections through the first al>doniinal appendage, of which fig. 8 is a reconstruction. Figs. 8a-8e pass through the medial and 8p-8h through the lateral halves of the appendage, and their i^ositions are indicated in fig. 8 ; ep., ejpithelium (belonging to somite 9) behind the first al)dominal appendage. PLATE 3. Embryology of Attus floricola. [Longitudinal sections are cut parallel to the principal axis (pr. ax. in figs. 1-3) of the appendage.] Figs. 9 and 10. — (Zeiss oil im., II, hot. ale. siahl.) Longitudinal sections (from different embryos) through the medial region of the first aI)dominal appendage at the commencement (fig. 9) and the end (fig. 10) of the stage with two pulmonaiy furrows ; ep., epithelium (belonging to somite 9) behind first appendage. Fig. II. — (Zeiss oil. im., II, hot ale. suhl.) Section through the medial region of the first abdominal appendage at about the com- mencement of the 3-furrow stage, cut at a slight inclination to the longitudinal axis of the appendage. Fig. 12. — (Zeiss ^ oil im., II, hot ale. suhl.) Longitudinal section through tlie lateral region of the first al>dominal appendage at the stage with four to five pulmonary furrows. Figs. 13-13b. — (Zeiss oil im., II, hot ale. suhl.) Transvei'se sections cut parallel to the anterior side of the first abdominal appen- dage at a stage with at least five well-develojoed pulmonary furrows, fig. 13 being the second, 13a the fifth, and 13b the eighth section from the posterior side of the ajjpendage (13 and 13a ai’e in outline and show ectodermal tissue only), sp. The primitive sj^iracle ; s. 1-s. 5, the five oldest saccules. Fig. 14. — Sketch of first alKlominal appendage of the right side at tlie stage with two pulmonary furrows, from a wax reconstruction, seen from behind and distally. Fig. 15. — (Zeiss oil im., II, hot ale. suhl.) Sagittal section (cut parallel to the median plane of the embryo, c.f. fig. 2) thi’ough the first abdominal appendage at the commencement of the stage with four pulmonary furrows (slightly later than fig. 2). RBSriilATOKY ()K(;ANS IX ARANEA'l. 107 PLATE 4. Embryology of Attus floricola. [Longitudinal sections are cut parallel to tbe principal axis (pr. ax. in fig. 3) of the appendage.] Fig. 16. — Diagrammatic view of the posterior side of first abdominal appendage at the stage with five well- developed pulmonary fim-ows (corresponding to fig. 3) from a wax reconstruction. The parallel lines represent the planes of section ; ep., the epithelium represented as cut along the line marked (ep., fig. 16) in figs. 16a-16d. Figs. 16a-16e. — (Zeiss oil ii>i-> H- bot ale. subl.) Longitudinal sections through the first abdominal appendage, of which fig. 16 is a reconstruction. Fig. 17. — (Zeiss oil im., 11, liot ale. subl.) Transverse section tlirough first alidominal appendage shortly before tlie hatching of the emlnyo, cut along the line indicated in fig. 18. Fig. 18.— (Zeiss oil im., II, hot ale. sul)l.) Sagittal section of tlie same stage as fig. 17 and cut along the line indicated in the latter figure. PLATE 5. Fig. 19. — (Zeiss ^ oil im., I.) Sagittal sections through the cuticula of the lateial part of the inteipulmonary fold (between the entapo- pliysis and the lung-book), or its rudimentary remains in A, Lycosa sj). ; B, Philodromus fuscomarginatus (subadult) ; and C, Argy- roneta aquatica (adult ). The sections are all arranged in the same positions. Fig. 29. — (Caustic potash.) Attus sp. (adult). Chitinous skele- ton of abdomen anterior to the pulmonary spiracles, drawn from behind. The posterior wall of the ante-chamber has been removed on the right side, and on the left the grate-like openings are visible through this wall. Fig. 21. — (Caustic potash.) Tegenaria domestica (ad. $ ). Chitinous skeleton of abdomen from above. Fig. 22. — (Zeiss oil im., I, picro-sulphuric acid.) Attus floricola (mature, or nearly mature $ ). Sagittal section through the inter- p\ilmonary fold between the lung-book and the entapophysis, showing the cuticula only. Fig. 23. — (Zeiss oil im., I, Flemming's sol.) Attus floricola (ad. (5*). Sagittal section through the interpulmonary fold and the entapophysis in the region indicated in fig. 20. 108 W. V. PURCELL. Figs. 23a and 23b. — Similar sections of the same in the regions indicated in fig. 20. Fig. 22a shows the cuticnla only. Fig. 24. — (Zeiss oil im., IV.) Linyphia triangnlaris (ad. (J). Sagittal section through the vestibule of the trachea in the region indi- cated in fig. 25, showing the cuticnla only. Fig. 25. — (Zeiss C, IV, caixstic potash.) Linyphia triangiilaris (ad. ? ). Cuticnlar skeleton of basal region of tracheal system. Fig. 26. — The same as fig. 24, hut in the median plane along the line indicated in fig. 25. PLATE 6. Adult or snh-adult spiders. Fig. 27. — (Zeiss F, I, hot ale. suhl.) Embryo of Attns floricola at the stage with 5-6 pulmonary furrows. Reconstruction (made from tlie same series of sections as figs. 6 and 6a) of the right pulmonary and tracheal appendages seen from their inner side. The only mesodermal elements shown are the two segmental tubes, sej/. f. 8 and 9. The l)asal outlines of appendages 1-3 are indicated by dotted lines, as are also the lumens of the pulmonary and tracheal sacs. Fig. 28. — (Zeiss F, I, hot aqueous subl.) Embryo of Attus floricola after the reversion. Reconstruction from transverse sec- tions of the rudimentary trachea), together with the muscles and ento- chondrites attached to the right half. The sketch is imagined as taken directly from above, the anterior part being therefore higher in the figure than the posterior part (cf. also figs. 41 and 43 of the same stage). The rudimentary lumen is outlined by the dotted line. Fig. 29. — (Zeiss F, I, hot ale. subl.) Young Attus floricola, after the first post-embryonic moult. Reconstruction of the tracheal system (imagined as taken directly from above) together with the muscles and entochondrites connected with the right half and some of those on the left. 29a (Zeiss oil im., IV). Transverse section through a right medial trunk at the line indicated in fig. 29. Fig. 30. — (Zeiss y^ oil im., II, hot ale. snbl.) Young Agelena labyrinthica just l>efore the second post-embryonic moidt. Sagittal section through a lateral tracheal trunk and the hypodei-mis below it ; the cuticnla of the second moult is already formed. Fig. 31. — (Zeiss C, III, caustic potash.) Attus floricola (ad. ? ). Tracheal system. (The terminal portions of the secondary tubules are not drawn in.) Fig. 32. — (Zeiss C, III, equal parts of Flemming’s sol. and abs. ale.) KESriEATORY ORGANS IN ARANE^. 109 Segestria senociilata (ad. $ ). Obliqiiely transverse section cut at an angle of 38° to the horizontal (of. fig. 33) though the hasal part of a traclieal trunk {combined from a couple of sections). Fig. 33. — Similar to the last but a sagittal section, showing the entapophysis cut across the line indicated in fig. 32. Fig. 34. — (Zeiss oil iui., IV, Flemmings sol.) Embryo of Tege- naria atrica, just after hatching. Transverse section through two upper pulmonary saccules. PLATE 7. Figs. 35 and 35a. — (Zeiss oil im., II, hot ale. subl.) Embryo of Attus floricola at the stage with five pulmonary furrows (from the same series of sections as figs. I6-1()E). Longitudinal sections through the tracheal appendage along the lines indicated in fig. 27. Fig. 36. — (Zeiss jV oil im., I.) Crypsidromus intermedins. Sagittal section through the rudimentary entapophysis or muscular stigma of the first pulmonary sternite, showing the distal j^ai’t of some of tlie long hypodermal filn-es (hij.') to which the entochondrite of the pulmonary segment is attached. Figs. 37 and 37a. — (Zeiss j'.j oil im., I, ale.) Palpimanus sp. Transverse sections through the anterior (fig. 37) and tlie pf)sterior (fig. 37a) regions of the median entapophysis of the tracheal system. Fig. 38. — (Zeiss C, IV, caustic potash.) Scytodes testudo. Basal part of chitiuous skeleton of tlie tracheal system. Fig. 39. — (Zeiss oil im., IV, ale.) Scytodes testudo. Trans- verse section through the ciiticular lining of the median entapophysis of the tracheal system along the line indicated in fig. 38. Fig. 40. — (Zeiss oil im., I.) Harpactes Hombergi (ad. (^). Median sagittal section through the cuticula of the iuterpulmonary fold and the genital opening. Fig. 41.— (Zeiss 0, II, hot ale. subl.) Embryo of Attus floricola after the reversion in sagittal section, showing the principal muscles, ectodermal and mesodermal tendons and segmentation of the alidomen (combined from several sections). The lungs, genital cords, and the stercoral pocket (imagined as seen from the medial side) are di-awn in to show their toi)ography, the last being represented in median section. The muscle (p. ob. m. 8) is the only one lying between the genital duct (fj.) and the lung-books (lb.). Fig. 42. — (Zeiss A, II, caustic potash.) Tegenaria domestica (adult). Portions of the pair of median tracheal trunks, showing the 110 W. F. PURCELL. place of attachment to the entochondrite (seen from the dorsal side). A, part of left trunk ; b, anterior part of right trunk (see fig. 21). Fig. 43. — (Zeiss '^'1 im., II, hot ale. suhl.) Embryo of Attus floricola after the reversion. Transverse section through the ventral sinus of the al^domen in the region of the tracheal plate (along the line indicated in fig. 28; same stage as figs. 28 and 41). I U:. * 2uayrt ^^ffu^^rufiuyr: 'Uci. Si NS-^L i-. "T" yk. V/F Purcell ael 16i^n°(SL5). pout palm, s yk dars.flal) puhn, proh lyn^tsi 6). SLuaM.i^CHin^^i/lu'/r Sco. 1/oi 5i,NS.^ Z pubn «P S.nMSt 2). 8«-*r-(St 2), cZ e 8’’’ *1° (St. 2). ai*!°(St,.2) 8'n“ist 2). dist cl 2 8‘=n°(St.2) 8f ■'i'>(St,2). as *i“(St.2) ab ’("(St.a). V/F I'urceU d«l Huth. London Sua/rt ^(Hj/rn,.cMUyy'Sa 'ffot Si’.hS 3. yit y!' I yk *1* - ' > “t' 'Vr . t'f i LlI_£Zt£J '■ /v* “ ‘i*"" — ^V1.'\ .••*.. i- A' .5 ■'•.!.■ \ S>M.,tr. As.® \~J dor^ (laf ) '’■pulm. puhm. j 13 H°(St,5). yk isn^istA). W F Puroell d«l. Huth.Lith* l-ondon an'n7 uMic/r^Scc. 'UoL.5^, N.S.^L / I ah am i 1 (St-2). ah appl ^ abdpp2 CStl). app-6. stgtlO m, ario ar9 . coAlo. a>dll ah.appio ai.appl 7.n® (St.i). aJbappZ. (St.2). coeZ 7 cod 8 yk. oh appS 9 codJZ codJl ood/JO coelS tr.s. coel.iO coel-U yk. r I "WT Jurc«n 3d (St. 5). ■ S/:Ay 54 .N.S.^ 5. Uxltrpfli^. xAUrpfld. C07V. 'mierp./l It stp vdh.m. 42, V rUKIEL ROBEFrrSUN. skate till the moniing of the IGth, but did not seem to feed again. Anyone who has reviewed a large number of a given species of leech will have observed that there is a good deal of individual variation in the processes of digestion. The broad lines are of course the same, but there is always a certain amount of individual idiosyncrasy. This in Ponto- b del la is chiefly expressed in the greater or less fluidity of the blood in the crop and the nature of the bacterial flora moulds, schizomycetes, etc., present. These complex circum- stances no doubt react upon the Trypanosomes and may explain a certain variability in the detail and also in the time co-efticient of some of the developments. The blood in the crop of Pontobdella has a tendency to coagulate. It forms a rather dry mass with fluid in the interstices. The time factor in this stiffening of the blood is rather variable. It always occurs, but the time at which it happens and the length to which it goes differs a good deal in individual specimens. Late in digestion the mass in the crop tends to become fluid again. In Pontobdella the crop is a single rather thin-walled sac passing back from the oesophagus right to the posterior end of the body. The opening from the crop into the intes- tine is placed at a point about two thirds of the way from the anterior end and it passes back as a narrow tube lying on top of the crop. The young Pontobdella which had been hatched in cap- tivity were opened at different intervals after feeding on infected skate. The condition of the parasites was carefully observed and the following course of development was found to take place. It must be observed in ])assing that skaters blood contains an immense number of leucocytes, which present very con- fusing appearances; also the parasites are rather scarce until the multiplication period sets in. ksome searching is there- fore required to find the Trypanosomes in the earliest stages. FURTHEil NOTES ON A TEYl’ANOSOJIE. 123 A leech (5a) was put on to an infected skate at 9.30 p.m. one evening; 12 hours later it was feeding, and had already ingested a good deal of blood ; 2-T hours later it had ceased feeding. The leech was opened I?! hours after it had been first ])iit on to the skate, aud 3^ after it had finished feeding. So that the earliest ingested Trypanosomes had been in the leech about 16 — 17 hours, and the last ingested ones about 3 — 4 hours. The blood was very fresh-looking, and no obvious changes Text-fig. 1. Drawing of live Trypanosome from the crop of Pontobclella. 'J'he animal, which has been recently ingested with the blood, is in process of rounding off. had taken place in the blood corpuscles. The Trypanosomes showed very variable appearances. A good number still showed the flagellum, but were no longer in the typical Try- paniform condition. For the most part, they were somewhat pyriform (text-fig. 1), with an immensely long, thick flagellum protruding from one end. Some very fantastic appearances were seen where the body of the Trypanosome had assumed an irregular shape with curious rounded bulges, and where the flagellum had broken loose from the membrane, and had become tangled round the body, the end was usually free 124 MURIEL ROBERTSON. and still motile. In othei' cases free flagella still actively motile were seen ; this has often enough been observed with Trypanosomes, but in this case the flagellum does not take the kinetonucleus with it. Uninucleate stages of this parasite have never been seen. One of these free motile flagella was seen to become secondarily attached to a resting individual. This animal was watched for many hours in case the process might prove to be of more than merely casual significance, but no development took place. Besides these flagellate creatures, others were present which had already discarded the flagellum (text-fig. 4). These were rounded egg- or pear-shaped individuals with a characteristic clearly visible nucleus. It is composed of a softly refractile circular body surrounded by a bright halo. I'he nucleus lies towards the broader end of the body. These animals pi’esent a very characteristic appearance, but, nevertheless, are easily over- looked in the mass of leucocytes and blood-corpuscles. These uou-flagellate organisms were already in a few in- stances undergoing division but no sign of the new flagellum was as yet forthcoming. Another leech (7a) opened forty-eight hours after it began to feed showed only resting forms. The blood in the crop had coagulated into a rather dry mass but the corpuscles showed no signs of degeneration. 'I’hese resting stages of the Trypanosome are identical in appearance with those so frequently seen in Pontobdella found infected in nature. A resting pear-shaped individual was chosen as a subject for observation at 4.30 p.m. When it was first observed ^ the trophonucleus was clearly visible and had its usual appearance of a sphere suri’ounded by a halo. Half an hour later the animal was more rounded, the nucleus was less distinct, and a slight groove had appeared at the broad end. By 5.30 the nucleus, as such, had disap- peared, but a large clear oval space had appeared in its stead. At about 5.50 the two nuclei began to reappear, joined by a ' I am inclel)ted to Mr. C. H. Mai-tiii for kind assistance in carrying out some of these continuous observations uiion the live specimens. FUETHEH NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOME. 125 clear area. At 6.15 the two nuclei were once more quite clearly defined but the clear area joining them remained visible till about 9 o’clock after which it was no longer to be detected. This clear band is the remains of the division spindle : it is a very characteristic feature in the stained specimens. During the division of the nucleus the body had gradually become flattened in an antero-posterior direction and correspondingly widened laterally. Grooves also began to appear in the antero-posterior direction. It is to be noted that these arose both at the anterior and the posterior end — the anterior end being the broad end at which the nucleus lies when the animal is in the pear-shaped condition and at which the flagellum is later developed. These gTooves altered a good deal in appearance during the next few hours and towards 4 a.m. had deepened till the animal presented the picture of two pears stuck together in the middle, with however, the two broad ends and the two pointed ends free. This is a point of some slight importance. When in the trypaniforiu state division of the protoplasm of this parasite usually begins from the anterior end and pro- ceeds to the posterior. This is likewise the rule in the crithi- dial state. This question of the grooves arising at both the ends of the parasite is not in itself deserving of much remark but it explains some curious stages where division of the protoplasm goes from the posterior to the anterior end, to be described in a later part of the paper. This individual was watched for another two hours and one of the two daughter-individuals developed a stiff and very short flagellum which, however, showed no signs of move- ment. The other individual appeared to have a little projec- tion suggesting a flagellar rudiment. At 0.30 a.m. the animal was finally abandoned, although the complete separation of the pi'otoplasm had not yet occurred. The flagellum seems to appear for the first time somewhere between the second and third day after feeding. It is a very characteristic feature that it generally arises at a division stage. The flagellum is at first a stiff and relatively thick 126 :\ruRrEL rorektson. little rod which sticks straight out from the anterior end of the organism. A very considerable time seems to elapse before it becomes motile, I cannot say exactly how long, but it seems to be moi’e than twelve hours. A leech (6n) opened six days after feeding showed a typical infection of the varied type so characteristic of Ponto- b del la. True Trypanosomes had already appeared, some of these Trypanosomes from the blood of the skate rounding off on a sealed slide. The drawings are from live si>ecimens. were broad individuals and others were much more slender, but not of the elongated type which appears at a much later stage of digestion. 'I’he broad and slender types were joined u}) by innumerable intermediate forms. Besides these crithi- dial forms were also present. I call crithidial forms those where an undulating membrane is developed, but which have not the typical Trypanosome arrangement of the kineto- and tropho-nucleus. Herpetomonad forms with the flagellum sticking straight out from the broad end of the body and with as yet no membrane were also to be seen. And finally Text-fig. 2. Text-fig. 3. FURTHER NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOME. 127 many rounded forms, some dividing and some developing tlie flagellum, were likewise present. Some of the trypanifonn individuals were already dividing. Conjugation was very carefully searched for as it seemed pi’obahle that it might occur at this stage of the life cycle, but no signs of such a process were detected. Two individuals were found joined by their posterior ends, one slightly broader than the other. They were watched continuously from 6 p.m. till 3.15 a.m., and the protoplasmic junction between the two was seen to become much more slender and pulled out, showing that the individuals were dividing. Text-fig. 4. Text-fig. 5. Text-fio. 4. — Rounded off Trypanosome. Text-fio. o. — Division of resting Trypanosome. Drawings made from live specimens in a sealed slide of skate’s blood. An interesting corroboration of the stages above described was obtained from blood drawn from a skate and sealed up between a coverslip and slide (text-figs. 2 — 5). A Try- panosome was continuously watched from 2.45 p.m. when the slide was made. At 4.30 the animal had come to rest. The flagellum which, when it breaks free from the membrane, is seen to be of a relatively immense length was tangled up round the animal. The slide was watched for some hours longer, but as the Trypanosome was no longer motile it was left. Xext morning it was found to have divided into two. The behaviour of the Trypanosomes on a sealed slide is interesting — a number do not alter at all, others very soon after the slide is made begin to react to the altered condi- 128 MURIEL ROBERTSON. tions. They adopt a dumpy spiral shape, or the posterior end may become much thickened at the expense of the rest of the body (text-figs. 2 and 3). Sometimes the most fantastic shapes are seen, finally the flagellum breaks free but may remain attached to the Trypanosome by its posterior end. It may then become tangled round the body and stick out iu stiff loops. The Trypanosomes in these phases on the sealed slide made from the skate’s blood are absolutely identical in appear- ance with the motile forms described in leech 5a (cf. text- fig. 1). The time at which the Trypanosomes come to rest varies much. On another occasion a rounded non-motile Trypanosome which had discarded its flagellum was chosen for continuous observation on a slide of skate’s blood which had been mounted for fourteen hours. The animal was seen to divide into two about 11 o’clock in the forenoon. During the after- noon, at about 4 o’clock, these two individuals each divided thus forming four little rounded animals lying more or less in contact. By 7 the same evening they had become more oval and were identical in appearance with the resting phases in the leech. By 9.30 p.m. short pi'ojectious were seen at the broad end of two out of the four creatures under obser- vation. The slide was left about 10 o’clock that night as the animals wei’e not motile. Next morning at 9.30 — thirty-six hours after mounting the slide, observation was a'min resumed and it was found that the creatures had each divided. The eight resulting individuals wei'e still closely apposed but not connected with each other. Unfortunately these creatures were lost owing to a careless movement. The slide was, however, iu the following condition. Unaltered 'rrypanosomes, still actively moving, were to be seen, non- motile groups of four and also a few groups of six and eight individuals Avere present. I had often noticed that the Trypanosomes on a sealed slide of skate’s blood altered their shape, but, thinking this was merely a pathological manifestation, had not persevered with the observation. The process is easily enough passed over PUETHEE NOTES ON A TEYPANOSOME. 129 unless the observation is continuous, as the infections are generally rather slight, and, once the Trypanosome has come to rest, it is not quite a simple matter to see it among the large number of leucocytes and red corpuscles. Moreover, the curious fact that all the Trypanosomes on a slide do not round off leads one to imagine that no development has taken place. A low temperature seems to favour the process. This work on the live skate’s blood Avas carried out at the Millport Marine Station, and the most successful set of observations Avas obtained in very cold Aveather, Avhen the temperature of the laboratory Avas much loAver than usual. It appears to me that these experiments Avith the young leeches, which confirm Brumpt’s short sketch of the life cycle of T. raiae, are good evidence that the Trypanosome in I’ontobdella is T. raiae. Of course it may be urged by those who do not consider that Trypanosomes have a cycle of evolution, however simple, outside the vertebrate host, that the young leeches Avere hereditarily infected Avith a flagellate of their oAvn. Against this I can only advance that the long fast of more than a year, to Avhich these neAvly hatched leeches Avere subjected, is not in favour of the survi\'al of such para- sites; and that the close correspondence betAveen the early stages in the leech, and those obtained upon the sealed slide from the skate, is strongly in favour of the identity of the parasites. Further, even if, in addition to the direct infection from the skate, a hereditary infection also exists in Ponto- bdella, it has still to be proved that the form inherited is not T. raim. The only Avay in Avhich quite conclusive proof of the ques- tion could be obtained is by means of experiments Avith both leeches and skate hatched in captivity. I hope ultimately to be able to carry these out, but the difficulties iu the Avay are obvious, as the obtaining of Pontob della cocoons is a matter of chance, and the breeding of skate takes time and is often uncertain. VOL. 54, PART 1. NEW SERIES. 9 130 MURIEL ROBERTSON. I cannot agree with Capt. Patton and Mr. C. Strickland, who, on the basis of tuy previous description, consider this parasite to be an independent Crithidia having no connection with T. raiae. In a recent paper ^ I observe that they place it in this group with the name of C. robertsoni. I would like to point out that, quite apart from the question as to whether this parasite belongs to the cycle of T. raim or not, it certainly is a Trypanosome. The Crithidial, like the Her- petomouad stage which precedes it, is transitory; the animal ultimately adopting the Trypanosome state. I admit at once that the distinction between a Crithidia and a Trypanosome is not a very important one, but, such as it is, I do not see that there is any scientific point in neglecting it. I now wish to give a brief account of the parasite as seen in stained films, fixed, for the most part, in Schaudinu’s (alcohol-acetic corrosive sublimate) fluid. The stains used were Delafield’s hmmatoxylin, Heidenhain’s iron liEematoxylin, T wort’s licht-griin, and neutral red combination and fuchsin. Delafield gives an excellent result, staining the nuclear structures with clearness and precision; the flagellar appa- ratus stains, but does so a little faintly. Iron haematoxylin gives a very clear picture, staining the nuclear parts coal black, and bringing into good relief flagellar and cytoplasmic detail. Great cai'e, however, must be taken in the interpretation of this stain, as it leads one into much the same errors as Giemsa’s method, in so far as it stains chromatic and acromatic structures alike. Tberefore, while lleidenhain’s method gives a really splendid picture, it is necessary to check the results by Delafield’s limmatoxylin, which is a much safer stain. Twort’s combination of neutral red and licht-griin was also used. This is a clear, transparent stain, giving a red reaction ' “A Critical Review of the Relation of Blood-sucking Invertebrates to the Life Cycles of the Trypanosomes of Vertebiates, etc.," by Captain Patton and C. Strickland. ‘ Parasitology,’ vol. i, No. 4, Dec., iyu8. FURTHER NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOME, 131 for chromatin, and a green reaction for cytoplasmic and achromatic structures. The drawbacks to this stain are the uncertainty of action which seems to attach to all delicate double stains, and the fact that there is another loophole for uncertainty in the process of washing* out the stain; so that it remains doubtful in some cases whether the nuclear colour is absent from a structure, owing to the absence of chromatin or through the staiu having been washed out. Fuchsin gave quite good nuclear pictures, but did not bring up the flagellar apparatus sufficiently well. The drawings in the plate are made from two well infected leeches found infected in nature. They were at the early part of what I have called the middle period of digestion. For convenience sake the periods of infection may be divided into three, corresponding to the stage of digestion: (1) The early stage, when the blood is just coagulating, and when the first signs of the dai*k greeu-browu fluid is visible in the upper part of the intestine. The parasite at this time is in the condition of throwing ofi^ the original flagellum and adopting the resting state, during which division begins to take place. The parasites are for the most part still in the crop. (2) Middle period of digestion, when the intestine is full of the green-brown fluid, where breaking down of the blood is going on actively. The parasite is now in the intestine in large numbers. It shows the whole range of forms, from the spherical non-motile creature to the typical Trypanosome, (xreat variation in size and thickness of the pai’asites is to be observed. Very slender, long forms are only occasionally to be seen. This middle period is of very long duration, (3) Final period of digestion, when the crop is empty (or almost so) of blood, and the intestine nearly, or completely, free from the characteristic green-brown fluid. The Try- panosomes are now long, slender forms, with the kineto- iiucleus in the typical Trypanosome position. The forms now begin to remount the crop, and are also to be found in a still more slender condition in the proboscis. 132 IMTTRIEL ROBERTSON. The drawings, being made from leeches in the earlier phase of period (2), do not show the long, slender Trypano- somes developed during period (3). This final stage of the Trypanosome is most stinking ; but it is, of course, a matter of chance to get a leech in this condition in nature. This year I only got one ; it was only slightly infected, and I ivas unfortunate in not getting fixed films. It will be convenient first to give an account of the Try- panosome phase as found in the intestine of the leech (figs. 8 — 11), and then to give any points of interest in its develop- ment from the resting form. The protoplasm is finely and evenly granular without vacuoles; indications of alveolar structure can be detected in some specimens, but are not very conspicuous. Proto- plasmic inclusions are only occasionally present. The trophonucleus is composed of a large central karyo- some surrounded by a wide halo, which is in turn surrounded by a membi’ane.” Fine, but perfectly distinct, rays pass from the karyosome to the outer membrane. The karyosome is quite obviously made up of two substances, namely, the chromatin and an achromatic substance, in which the chro- matin lies embedded. This achromatic substance frequently receives the name of plastin, and, while this does not convey any very clear idea, it is nevertheless a convenient and useful term. In Delafield’s preparations the plastin stains a pale greyish-blue, in iron hfematoxylin it is brownish, and it takes the green colour in the Twort’s combination. The nature of the rays is a little obscure : they stain, as a rule, rather faintly with Delafield, but in some cases take the colour more deeply; Heidenhain shows them up black, but they wash out easily. I am iucliued to regard them as more of the nature of plastin, but they seem at times to carry chromatin. The membrane shows very often little condensations of chromatin- staining material at the points where the rays meet it. The membrane stains well with Delafield and also with fuchsin, likewise with Heidenhain, but washes out long before the karyosome. The condensations on the membrane appear to FURTHER NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOJEE. 133 me to be chromatin, but in Twort’s stain they do not take up the red colour. I do not lay very much stress on this point, as it is just in a question of this kind that I think such a stain as Twort^s is rather unreliable. There seems to be in the membrane, as in other parts of the nucleus, an underlying substance of an achromatic nature, in or on which the chi’o- matin is deposited. This nucleus is exceedingly constant in all the stages of the parasite as found in the leech, the only variation lying in slight differences in the condensation of the chromatin in the karyosome and the membrane. The pictures presented in the dried Giemsa preparations differ greatly from this account. The most curious feature about this is that some of the Giemsa appearances give a very tolerably accurate representation, while others depart com- pletely from the type shown by the wet method. The eight chromosomes so often seen in the Giemsa nuclei are not to be detected in the hmmatoxylin films. The rays and the con- densations on the membrane are, I have no doubt, the manner in which these appear in the wet films. The number of the rays can, liowever, not be made out, as they are excessively fine, nor do the condensations on the membrane stand out sufficiently separately to be considered as individual structures. The Giemsa stain, of course, always increases the apparent size of any nuclear element into which it penetrates. The kinetonucleus takes all the stains mentioned with srreat intensity; it is relatively large and rod-shaped. In close proximity, and apparently attached to it, lies the blepharo- plast (Minchin, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. 8ci.,’ May, 1908, vol. 52), (figs. 9-10, etc.). This structure will be more fully considered when the development of the flagellum is discussed. The blepharo- plast stains with iron luematoxylin, but the stain is washed out more readily than from the nuclear structm*es ; it appears grey-blue and rather faint with Delafield, and is difficult to detect at all in Twort preparations. Tlie flagellum 134 MURIEL ROBERTSON. runs forward from the blepharoplast, ending, as usual, in a free whip. It stains green with Twort’s combination and faintly with Delafield — more deeply with iron hsematoxylin. The undulating membrane is developed to a varying degree, but is never much frilled. Two other structures remain to be described. The first is a small granule only staining in Heidenhaiu preparations. It lies posterior to the kinetonucleus and often near the pos- terior end of the body. Sometimes it appeal’s to be connected to it by a delicate strand. This granule is also found in the Giemsa preparations and is clearest in the Trypanosome phase. It has possibly something to do with the anchoring of the kinetonucleus (figs. 9 and 10). The second is an element which I have never seen in the dried preparations at all, but which is a pretty constant feature in the wet films and appears equally so with all the four stains used. Just anterior to the trophonucleus a small con- densation is to be observed in the protoplasm surrounded by quite a definite little halo. In rather dark Heidenhaiu pre- parations it stains almost black (figs. 9 and 10), with Delafield it looks grey-blue with soft outlines, and is usually only very slightly darker than the surrounding protoplasm (figs. 8, 11 and 19). It stands out clearly in these films more by reason of the halo than on account of its greater depth of colour. In Fuchsine films it is very clear : it is also visible in Twort’s preparations but does not take on the red colour. It some- times appears to be double. The nature and function of this structure is quite obscure ; it is most clearly visible in the Trypanosome stage and its position is quite constant, but it is also present in the earlier phases. The position of the kineto- nucleus often obscures it in these and makes it difficult to see. 'I’lie Trypanosome just described arises, as has been said, from a rounded resting form which develops a flagellum (figs. 1 — 11). The body gradually elongates and the kinetonucleus migrates backwards until it is well posterior to the ti’opho- nucleus. An undulating membrane develops during this pro- FURTHER NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOME. 135 cess and the ci’eature takes on the typical Trypanosome facies. The only point about this that calls for special atten- tion is the development of the flagellum. It may be noted in passing that, owing to the flattening of the Trypanosomes prepared by the dry method, certain details may be more distinctly visible in such specimens than in those prepared by the wet method. The earliest stage of the development of the flagellum, of which one can be quite certain, is shown in fig. 2. Here it will be seen that two little projections have grown out from the kinetonucleus which is itself in process of division. These little structures sometimes take the Heidenhain rather deeply ; they are not, however, very easy to make out as any obliquity in the position of the kinetonucleus is apt to obscure them. Later stages are shown in figs. 3 — 5. Here the flagellum appears as a thick strand arising from a granule with not very definite contours, which is in turn attached to the kineto- nucleus. This granule at the origin of the flagellum is the blepharoplast. Tlie minute detail is not very clear in the wet preparations, but as far as I can make out the blepharoblast seems to be attached to the kinetonucleus by a double thread. This may be seen in much later stages (figs. 5 and 6). The blepharoplast seems like the kinetonucleus to be ultimately a thin rod-shaped body. It seems to arise from the kineto- nucleus, but I do not think in the light of its behaviour with the various stains that it is a chromatic body. It is true it often stains a deep sharp black with iron-hsematoxylin, but that is no test for chromatiu. It takes on a grey-blue pale colour with Helafield and shows up only dimly when at all with Fuchsin. In Twort’s combination it stains green like the flagellum and is not very clear or precise. I am therefore inclined to regard the blepharoplast and flagellar apparatus which grows out from it as achromatic. Our knowledge of achromatic nuclear elements is so limited at present that it is impossible to say whether they can be regarded as an expres- sion of the achromatic elements of the kinetonucleus or not. Oiemsa’s stain presents a greatly exaggerated picture of 136 MURIEL ROBERTSON. the above development. The drying pulls the blepharoplast away from the kinetonucleus and makes the thread joining them stand out very clearly; it also greatly enlarges the apparent size of the blepliaroplast, and very markedly increases the flagellar rudiments, which are always thick at this stage. In addition to all this these flagellar structures stain a deep red corresponding to the chromatic colour. That such a stain should be a fruitful source of error is obvious. It must, however, in justice be said of this staiu that it has done brilliant if unequal service to the advance- ment of our knowledge of blood parasites, and has, therefore, amply served its purpose. The longitudinal division of the kinetonucleus which I held to be the first stage in the development of the flagellum has been seen again iu resting forms (fig. 1), but iu the light of the above observations I do not feel confident as to how this appearance should be interpreted. It is iu these, as iu the other specimens of Pontobdella previously examined, a rai'c appearance, and the evidence for considering this as the initial step iu the formation of the flagellum is very much less clear in the wet films than iu Giemsa preparations. Moreover, I have recently found in T. vittatse that the longitudinal division of the kinetonucleus is the ordinary method instead of the transverse, as in T. raim; it is, there- fore, possible that the point may be open to some variation. Division. — The figs. 7, 12 — 17 give pictures of various division stages, and it is perhaps in this point that Giemsa’s method has, generally speaking, been the least misleading. The division starts as a rule by the transverse division of the elongated kinetonucleus, but this point is open to slight variation. The trophonucleus shows first an arranging of the chroma- tin in two masses within the karyosome (figs. 7 and 12). A well-developed spindle subsequently arises, but the chromatin is divided without the formation of an equatorial plate. The wet method brings up the spindle very well (figs. 13 — 17). Ceutrosomal functions of some kind seem exercised by the FURTHEB NOTES UN A TRYPANOSOME. 137 condensations at the extreme points of the spindle, and the chromatin seems to pass along the “fibres”^ from the two main central masses in such a stage, as fig. 13, to either poles of the spindle. There is at a slightly later stage (figs. 14 and 15), often a curious double appearance in the nuclei. Figs. IG and 17 give the final stages. The spindle persists for some time after the nuclei are reformed, and can be clearly seen as a bright line in the live specimens. Division occurs at all the different stages of development. There is an occasional not very well defined tendency to multiple division. Ecpial division is the rule, but unequal division is sometimes met with. Considerable variation in the division of the protoplasm is seen, as shown in figs. 18 — 24. It will be observed that in figs. 20 — 22 the division of the protoplasm has started at the posterior end instead of the anterior, as is more usual. Specimens of this type were watched for many hours in the live state in the hope that they might be individuals conjugating, but no evidence in favour of this was forthcoming, and I was led to believe that they are in all probability mei’ely cases of division. Some very curious appearances were observed where the protoplasm had split into several rod-like processes. This is shown in fig- 24, and, while not a common appearance, is still far too frequently seen to be dismissed as a casual abnormality. The figures, I may say, hardly do justice to all the varying sizes and shapes to be seen at this stage in the development. As I have already said in a recent paper ^ on T. vittatae from the soft tortoise Emyda vittata, we seem to have in these forms a type of life-history which is probably very wide.spread. The rounding off process and the subsequent development of a flagellate stage occurs, as has been recently shown in many of the Trypanosomes from cold-blooded hosts. ' I use the word fil>re quite without prejudice. The word con- veniently expresses the optical effect, and I have no means of knowing what they actually represent. - ‘ Quai-t. .lourn. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. .5.3, part 4. VOL. 54, PART 1 . — NEW SERIES. 1 0 138 MURIEL ROBERTSON. It seems to occur in the Trypanosome from Hyla arborea (Franya, ‘Bull. Soc. Portug. Sc. Nat./ 1907), also in T. granulosum (Franya), also in T. loricatum (Dutton, Todd, and Toby, ‘Ann. of Trop. Med. and Parasit.,’ No. 3, 1907). The similarity between the life-history of T. vittatse and T. raim hardly needs emphasising. T. raiae, of course, shows clearly the adaptation to the peculiar habits of the Pontobdella, its relatively slow development and the long persistence of the resting phase being correlated with the stiffening of the blood in the crop and the very long period which the Trypanosome must pass in the leech owing to the extreme slowness of the digestion. The work here recorded was carried out partly at the Millport Marine Station, partly in the Zoological Laboratories at Glasgow University and the Lister Institute, Chelsea. Lister Institute ; April. 11*09. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 9, Illustrating Miss Muriel Robertson’s paper on “ Further Notes on a Trypanosome found in the Alimentary Tract of Pontobdella muricata.” Fi^s. 1 — 24 are drawn with 2 mm. apochr. immersion lens by Ziess, I'fO N.A. long tube and oc. No. 12, with the assistance of the camera liuada. The magnification is .approximately 4500 diameters. Fig. 25 is drawn with the No. 2 eyepiece ; the magnification is approximately IfiOO diameters. Figs. 1, 2, 3, 4, S, 9, 10, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 23 are from Heiden- bain’s bamiatox. preiiarations. The remaining figures are from Delafield preparations. All fbe figures, with the exception of 25, are from the leech Ponto- bdella. FURTHKE NOTES ON A TRYPANOSOME. 139 Fig. 1. — Resting phase, showing longitudinal division of the kineto- nucleus. Fig. 2. — Early stage in develoinnent of flagellum. Figs. 3, 4 and 5. — Stages showing newly-formed flagellum. Figs. 6 and 7. — Crithidial stages. Fig. 8. — Trypanosome phase. Fig. 9. — Trypanosome showing lilepharoplast, granule at posterior end, and the structure just anterior to the trophonucleus. Figs. 10 and 11. — Trypanosome phase. Fig. 12. — Early division phase. Note condition of trophonucleus, kinetonucleus and hlepharoplast. Fig. 13. — Division stage showing spindle. Fig. 14. — Later division stage. Fig. 15. — Division stage showing trophonucleus spindle and also second division of the kinetonucleus. Tliis is a rather unusual appear- ance. Figs. 1(5 and 17. — Later division stages. Fig. 18. — Division of Trypanosome. Fig. 19. — Division of Trypanosome. Figs. 20-22. — Division stages where the protoplasm divides from the posterior end. Fig. 23. — Rather unusual appearance where the posterior part of a dividing Trypanosome has formed a large I’ounded mass. Fig. 24. — Division stage showing irregular splitting of the proto- plasm. Fig. 25. — T. raiae from the skate's hlood. Note this is drawn at a much smaller magnification (x IGOO) than remaining figures. Oumi. Juiini. Micr. Sci. Vol. 54, N.S., PI. 9 25. ! DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 141 Dendrosoma Radians, Ehrenberg. By Sydney T. Ilickisoii, D.Sc., F.K.8., Beyer Professor of Zoology in the University of Manchester, and J. T. Wadsu'orlli. With Plate 10. Contents. PAGE Previous Observations .... 141 On closely related Genera .... 143 Material ...... 14o Food ...... 149 Structure of tlie Cytoplasm . .1.51 The Meganncleus ..... 152 The Micronnclei ..... 157 The Gemmulaj ..... lOl The Free-swim!uing Gemuiulaj and their Development . 164 On Urnnla epistylidis .... 170 On the Systematic Position of T r i c h o p h r y a, L e r n ae o - phrya, and Dendrosoma . . 174 Summary of Results . .178 Literature . .178 Descrijition of the Plates .... 180 Dendrosoma radians was first described by Ehrenberg in 1837 (9), but the figures he drew to illustrate its structure were not published until 1862 (11). In 1840 (10) he gave the following diagnosis of the species ‘^Dendrosoma radians: D. corpusculis conicis, ci’assis, mollibus lasvi- busque, alterne ramosis, rame apice incrassatis et tenta- culatis ” VOL. 54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 11 142 SYDNEY .1. HICKSON AND J. T. WADSWORTH. Ehvenberg apparently saw the meganucleus, but in his first paper expressed the opinion that it was the male genital gland. In the figure (11, Plate III a) which he published later he represents a long axial vacuole, probably the mega- nucleus, and in the description of it apparently abandons the view that this structure is a s'enital nland. Claparede aud Lachmann (5) gave a good figure of Dendro- soma in 1861, but made a grave eri’or in describing: the mega- nucleus as an elongated contractile vacuole. There is no reason whatever for believing that there is in Dendrosoraa any system of elongated canals in communication with the ordinary spherical contractile vacuoles. The next important contribution to our knowledge of Dendrosoma is that of Levick (23), who in 1880 described and gave a good figure of the gemmule. Levick also gave a description of the interesting streaming movements of the protoplasm, which we have confirmed. There can be little doubt, however, that the germ and sperm elements” of this author were not correctly interpreted. Notwithstanding the statement that he actually saw living spermatozoa comparable to those of Hydra discharged from the Dendrosoma, it is, in the light of our knowledge of the reproductive processes of other Acinetaria, impossible to accept the view that Dendrosoma possesses at any time definite male and female sexnal glands. In 1881 Saville Kent (19) published a more elaborate account of the species and gave a figure of a large specimen one tenth of an inch in height, which has been copied wdth some modifications in nearly all the text-books of zoology. The principal new point of interest in Kent’s accouut of the species is the description of “ certain exogenousl_y pro- duced buds similar to those of Acineta mystacina des- cribed by Stein.” If Kent’s interpretation of these bodies were correct Dendrosoma would present the very remarkable peculiarity of producing two different kinds of gemmulte at the same time. Subsequent authors have referred to these bodies with caution: Butschli (2) calls them ^'angebliche DEXDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG, 143 freie aiissere Knospen ” ; Lankester (21), in his description of the figure, refers to them as “more minute reproductive (?) bodies.” Tliere can be no doubt, however, that these bodies are not “ buds ” at all, but epizoic Acinetaria belonging to the genus U r n ula. The megauucleus was described by Kent as follows : “Endo- plast ribbon-like, ramifying and much contorted in the stolon and basal portions of the main stem, continued as a simple band into the distal region and secondary branchlets.” He gives a figure of the meganucleus in a small portion of the basal part of an arm, which is probably correct so far as it goes, but in the figure of a distal portion of an arm the nucleus is shown to extend much nearer to the extremity than we have found it in any of our preparations. In the figure of the whole specimen the ineganucleus is not shown at all. This figure has been copied by the writers of many text-book.s, and in some, as, for example, those of Calkins (3) and Lang (20), the meganucleus has been added to the figure and erroneously shown to extend to the extremity of all the branches. The other genera of Acinetaria that are apparently closely related to Dendrosoraa are Trichophrya (C. and L.), Ler- lueophrya (Perez), Astrophrya (Awerinzew), and Den- drosomides (Collin). Concerning Astrophrya we have at present only a short note and figure by Awerinzew (1). The single specimen obtained was found free in the plankton of the Volga, and, like some of our specimens of Deudrosoma, it had a massive test of adherent sand grains and plant detritus. As it is figured with long arms and rather short tentacles its affinities are apparently with Dendrosoma rather than with Lernmophrya. The genus Trichophrya seems also to be closely allied to Deudrosoma. It is found on the stalk of Epistylis and on the appendages of Astacus and various Entomostraca. We have found specimens which we attribute to the genus Trichophrya in our material obtained from the Bridge- 144 SYDNEY ,T. HICKSON AND J. T. AYADSWOETH. water canal. The genus may be distinguished from Dendro- soma by its small size, by the shortness and unbranched character of the processes that bear the suckers and by other chai’acters which are described later (p. 174) (fig. 46). The genus Lernaeophrya was found by Perez (25) attached to Cordylophora in the docks at Bordeaux. We have also found it associated with Cordylophora in the material from the Bridgewater canal. It varies in size, but is usually larger than Trichophrya. It has short, un- branched arms and remarkably long suckers (fig. 48). In other respects also it appears to be distinct from Dendrosoma and other genera (see p. 176). The genus Bendrosomides of Collin (17) was found on the thoracic appendages of Eupagurus cuanensis. It appears to have some affinities with Dendrosoma, but on the whole it seems to be more closely related to the Ophryo- dendrime. The genus S taurophry a,^ Zacharias, is a free fresh- water form, with short arms, long non-capitate tentacles. Its affinities are obscure. There is very little information at present as to the geographical distribution of Dendrosoma. All that can be said is that it has been found in Europe and in the United States of America. According to Ehrenberg it is found on Ceratophy Hum, Callitriche, and on dead leaves. Kent found it on Anacharis, Myriophyll u m , and other aquatic plants. Leidy (22) states that it is found in America on Ceratophyllum, and attached to the rotifer Limnias socialis. Stein (27) briefly refers to a species, Deudro- soma astaci, attached to the appendages of the fresh-water crayfish. As suggested by Kent it is very probable that this is the same species as D. radians. ' The only account of this genus we luive found is in Deluge’s and Herouard's ‘ Protozoaires,’ p. 514. DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 145 Material. The first material we examined was supplied to us some years ago by Mr. Bolton, of Birmingham. Since that time he has forwarded to us living specimens on several occasions. The Birmingham material is usually attached to water plants. A few years ago the Kev. T. Robinson, of Hale, informed us tliat Dendrosoma could be obtained in the Bridgewater canal, in the neighbourliood of Altrincham, attached to specimens of Cordylophora, and we have found it there and obtained an abundant supply at all times of the year. For many mouths it is principally attached to the hydrocauli of living Cordylophora, but we have also found it on the stalks of freshwater Polyzoa and on weeds. In the winter we have found specimens on the perisarc of the hydrocauli of Cordylophoras that have died down. It is noteworthy that we found these specimens a few days after the severe frost of Decem- ber 25th to doth, 1908. They were very pleutiful, healthy, and weie giving rise to a great many gemmulae. They were also provided with a considerable number of epizoic Urnulas. These facts seem to {irove that there is no special advantage gained by the Dendrosoma in being associated with the Cordylophora other than that of position. It seems probable also that Cordylophora gains no advantage by the presence of Dendrosoma on its hydrocauli. A difficulty in the investigation of the Dendrosoma found in the Bridgewater canal is, that the test becomes encrusted with a thick coat of Avhat we can only call black dirt (text- figs. A and B). This renders the observation of the structure of the stolon and the proximal regions of the arms in anything but sections extremely difficult. The material obtained from Birmingham is much cleaner. Associated with the Cordylo- phora and Dendrosoma in the Bridgewater Canal there are several other genera of Aciuetaria, Vorticella, Car- chesium, Epistylis, and Stentor, besides worms, Rotifers et hoc genus omne. 146 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND J. T. WADSWORTH. Of the other genera of these Aciuetaria, two ai’e of con- siderable importance in relation to Dendrosoma. These are the genera Trichophrya (Clap, and Lach.) and Leruaeo- phrya (Perez). At one period in our investigations we weie inclined to believe that both these genera represent young phases in the life-history of, or varieties of, Dendrosoma radians, butwe have since arrived at the definite conclusion that they are certainly distinct species. The relation between the three forms will be discussed later on, but we may state here that we are in ag'reement with Perez in considering Lernceo- phrya an intermediate form connecting Trichophrya with Dendrosoma and justifying the inclusion of the tlu'ee genera in the distinct family the Dendrosomina (Biitschli). It is a matter of considerable interest that the three closely allied genera should be found associated together in this manner in the same locality. The struggle for existence between the different Acinetaria and Ciliata must be very keen, and it is surprising that the three genera should have suiwived side by side. In the material from Birmingham we found no examples of either Trichophrya or Lernseophry a. The specimens from the Bridgewater canal consist of an irregular base or stolon attached to the perisarc of the host from which a number of free branches or ‘‘arms” project at various angles into the water (text-hg. A). It is difficult to form any vei-y definite conception as to the size to which a single individual may attain, as the stolon is usually so thickly encrusted with dirt of vailous descriptions, and bends so frequently from one side of the C'ordylophora to the other in its sinuous course, that the limits of the individual are often impossible to determine. We have measured single un- branched arms of this form that are ’5 mm. in length (text- fig. B). The tentacles are very extensile, and may be 75- 90 fi in length. The arms arise from the stolon at irregular intervals, sometimes in clusters of three or four, sometimes at intervals of one or two millimetres. There appears to be no geometric law governing the origin of the arms ; but an arm DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 147 seems to be pushed out wherev'er an opportunity occurs for one to reach a food supply. Text-fig. A. A specimen of Dendrosoma radians, attached to Cordylo- phora, from the Bridgewater canal, near Manchester, c.v. Contractile vacnoles. (jem. The “internal buds” or gemmula;, me. the long strap-shaped meganucleus, me', the meganucleus in the liase of attachment, showing at me", an irregular dis- tribution of its chromatin granules in the cytoplasm ; t. the test covered with dirt and foreign particles of various kinds. V. The so-called “external buds.” now shown to be a species of Urnula, ai'e seen at the extremity of some of the branches. The figure is semi-diagrammatic. The outline was drawui with the camera lucida from a very large, branched, living specimen, and the structural details filled in. The specimens from Birmingham differ in some respects from those found in the Bridgewater canal. The former 148 SYDNEY J, DICKSON AND J, T. WADSWORTH. attain to a greater size, their arms are longer and branch more frequently, and they seem to possess more raicronuclei. It is difficult to express the differences between them in exact terras. Some specimens from Birmingham are very similar to some specimens from the Bridgewater canal, and there is Text-fig. B. This figure represents the more usual form in which the variety of Dendrosoma radians from the Bridgewater canal is found. It is attached to the h y drocaulus of a Cordylo- phora. The longest of the three arms was 0'5 mm. in length and unhranched. The longest suckers are 7.5-90 /t in length, c. Cordylophora hydrocaulus. c.v. Conti-actile vacuole. undoubtedly a great range of possible variation in specimens from both localities. The specimens from Birmingham are undoubtedly more closely related to the original type speci- mens of Ehrenberg and to those described by Kent than are DENDEOSOilA EADIANS, EHEENBEEG. 149 the specimens from the Bridgewater canal, and we have no hesitation in naming them Dendrosoma radians Ehren- berg. It is a matter of opinion whether the specimens from the Bridgewater canal are sufficiently distinct to justify the constitution of a new species. After careful consideration we have come to the conclusion that they are not. All the pi'incipal differences, except that of the number of the micro- nuclei, may very probably be due to the direct influence of the environment. Fooju For some time we were unable to record any observations on the food of Dendrosoma, the animal appearing to be very refractory in this respect as compared with Dendroco- m e tes. We have frequently observed small Ciliata and Flagellata swimming freely among the suckers, and even bumping up against them, without harm to themselves or producing any reaction in the suckers. In September of last year, however, we obtained in the plankton of some ponds near Manchester specimens of Buplotes and of a green Paramecinm bursaria; and, on passing some of these under the cover- slip of a preparation of living Dendrosoma, several were caught and held fast by the suckers, and the process of feeding began. The astonishing feature of the pheuomenon is that Dendrosoma seems to prefer such large prey. A Euplotes lOO/j in length will be held and devoured by a Dendrosoma arm that is not more than lo/u in diameter (fig. :I0). When an Infusorian is captured by a Dendrosoma it is not paralysed, but continues to lash its cilia with as great, or even greater, activity than before. It is almost painful to watch a Euplotes struggling to escape its doom. It will make a violent effort to move forward and then fall back exhausted for a few seconds, or it will endeavour to spin 150 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND .1. T. WADSWORTH, round on its axis. But all the time particles of its protoplasm can he seen streaming down the suckers of the Dendrosoma into the arm. The Dendrosoma never seems to use the whole bunch of suckers at the end of an arm for feeding at the same time. From one to six or seven, according to the size and strength of the prey, may be used, the others being stretched out unconcerned with what is going on in their neighbourhood as if in search of other victims (fig. 30). The usual statement made in the text-books is that the Acinetaria paralyse their prey before feeding on them, and this is used as an argument that a fluid of some kind passes down the tentacle towards the food before the return current of the food substance sets in. We are cjuite certain that in Dendrocometes such a paralysis of the food animals does take })lace. We have seen on several occasions small Paramecia caught and paralysed by the arms of this remarkable form. Biitschli (2) gives several examples of the pai-alysing pro- })erties of the Acinetarian suckers, and quotes cases observed by 8tein in j\I etac i neta., Maupas in Sphmrophrya, Plate in Hypocoma. Claparede and Lachmann (vol. ii, p. 50), however, record that a Stylonychia caught by “an Acinetau ” struggled for a long time and then underwent fission. One of the daughter individuals escaped from the Acinetau, leaving her sister to be devoured. Levick (23) also does not mention that the Infusoria upon which Dendrosoma feeds are paralysed, but says that the tentacles are capable of “ resisting the struggles of the captive.” Since we made our first observations on the feeding of Dendrosoma we have occasionally found a smaller infusorian caught by the tentacles, but time after time we have failed to induce them to feed upon the common Paramecium a u roll a from our cultures. But although we have succeeded in inducing the Dendro- soma to feed we have failed to keep them alive in the labora- tory for more than a few days. The material soon becomes DEXDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 151 putrid owing to the death of the Cordylophora and the decay of the roots to which it is attached, and we have not succeeded so far in getting the specimens to become fixed to any other support. The Sti:ucture of Denurosoma. We have very little to add to the knowledge of the suckers and the general cytoplasm of Dendrosoma. The suckers are of considerable lengdh, terminating in a small knob or cup. They are usually quite rigid when extended, like the suckers of most of the other Acinetaria, and they can be slowly shortened when circumstances become unfavourable. Being* very slender and transparent we have not been able to demonstrate tlie pi’esence of a definite lumen, nor have we seen even in the shortest suckers any evidence of a spiral ridge such as can be seen on the retracted suckers of some other Acinetaria (fig. 45). In several of our series of sections we have been able to trace very delicate lines i-uuning down some distance into the arm from the bases of the suckers. The cytoplasm is usually clear and transparent. In the living arm a streaming movement of minute granules can be clearly seen, as originally described by Levick. In well- stained preparations the cytoplasm appears to consist of a delicate network of fibrils enclosing a number of minute granules which stain faintly with acid dyes, but there are veiy few elements in the cytoplasm that give a deep stain with basic dyes. We have found no evidence in our prepai ations of bodies corresponding to the ‘‘Tinctinkorper” of other Acinetaria in the arms or stolon where the meganucleus is clearly delimited. In some cases, however, when the mega- nucleus is scattered (see p. 15G) the cytoplasm is filled with numerous chromatin bodies which may be derived from the meganucleus. IMartin (24) suggests in a recent paper that the “ Tinctin- kdrper ” of other Acinetaria represent in some cases the chromatin of the nucleus of ingested prey. The difficulty we 152 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND J. T. WADS^YOKTH. have found in getting Dendrosoma to feed may to some extent account for the absence of Tinctinkbrper. The contractile vacuoles occur at irregular intervals on the arms and may also occur in the stolons, but they are not easily seen except in those parts which are relatively free from the encrusting dirt (text-fig. A, cv.). The description of these structures given by Levick and Kent is correct ; the elongated contractile vacuole figured by Claparede and Lachmann is obviously incorrect. The Meganucleus. In a stained preparation of Dendrosoma the meganucleus usually appears as a dark band running along the axis of thp arms and stolon. It is rarely exactly in the centre, but usually bends first to one side and then to the other, or runs a course for the whole length of an arm somewhat to one side of the exact axial line. In the younger parts of a stolon it has very much the same appearance as it has in an arm, but in the older parts it is frequently contorted, sometimes broken or dis- continuous, branched, or knobbed, and not infrequently dissijjated (tigs. 11, 12, 13, and text-fig. A). There is so much variation, however, in the general character of the meganucleus that it is impossible to describe it adequately in a single sentence. Although it is usually lound to some extent in every arm it never extends to the distal extremity as it is drawn in the figures given by Lang and Calkins, and in the younger and shorter branches there may be no part of the meganucleus at all (text-fig. A). We have observed a difference, which appears to be constant in this respect, between the specimens fi’om the Bridgewater canal and those from Birmingham. In the former the meganucleus extends only a short distance into the arms, in the latter it extends very much further ; but in this respect, as in others, the meganucleus is subject to considerable variation. In many specimens the limits of the meganucleus are very clearly defined, in others the boundary DEXDEOSOMA RADEANS, EHRENBERO. 153 lines are ill-defined and the difference between the nieo'a- nncleus proper and scattered chroraidia impossible to dis- tinguish ffigs. 12, 13, 14). If the form and distribution of the meganucleus of Dendro- soma are remarkable, still more so is its minute structure. The difference between the meganucleus of Den drocometes and that of Dendrosoma in this respect is very striking, and the first cause we had to doubt the current view that the so- called ‘‘ external buds ” (Urnula) are really produced by the Dendrosoma was the difference we observed in histological detail between the meganucleus of these bodies and the mesranucleus of the Dendrosoma. We described in a former paper (16) the meganucleus of Dendrocometes as consisting of a distinct meshwork of darkly staining lines which appears to support a series of minute, rounded, chromatin granules.'’^ In the meshes of the darkly staining chromatin there is a homogeneous sub- stance which stains faintly yellow with brazilin.” In the meganucleus of Dendrosoma we have found no trace of a true limiting membrane or of a meshwork. It consists simply of a number of chromatin granules floating indepen- dently in a fluid matrix (fig. 52). In this respect, therefore, the structure of the meganucleus appears to be very ex- ceptional. We have not arrived at these conclusions without very careful study and numerous experiments. We expected to find some kind of network, whether of plastin or of chro- matin, such as we found in De n d roco metes , Ur n ula, and some other Acinetaria, but the various methods we have em- ployed have given us no positive results. Staining with hmmatoxylin and congo-red we have obtained very shai-p differentiation of the histological structures, and in some sections we have seen a thin line bounding the meganucleus which might well be mistaken for a membrana limitans, but after prolonged research we are convinced that this line does not represent a continuous membrane, and that it belongs, not to the nucleus, but to the surrounding cytoplasm. Whether 154 SYDNEY .T. HICKSON AND J. 'P. WADSWORTH. our interpretation of this line is correct or not, the fact remains that there is a very marked difference between the ineganncleus of Dendrosoma and that of other Acinetaria except Lernajophrya we have examined in this respect. In referring to the meganucleus of Acineta papillifera, Martin (24) writes : “ Generally in whole stained preparations numerous spherical dark areas are to be seen resembling the so-called “ Binnen-korper ” of the Infusoria. In section, these structures, as in the case of some Infusoria and Dendro- cometes, are found to consist merely of local thickenings in the mesh of the nuclear network, and therefore resemble karyosomes rather than true nucleoli.” In Lermeophrya, so far as our observations go, the meeranucleus resembles that of Dendrosoma. In Acineta tripharetrata, according to Entz (13), the substance of the meganucleus appears to resemble that of Dendrosoma and contains a number of sharply defined bodies, but there is a distinct nuclear membraue. Collin (7) describes the meganucleus of Bphelota gemmi- para as consisting of “grains chrom'atiques de forme variee sur un substance achromatique,” but he finds also a distinct isolable nuclear membrane. In the iron-brazilin preparations a faint yellow colour can be seen in the thicker sections between the granules, and iu iron-luematoxylin and congo-red preparations a faint pink colour may be seen in the same place, indicating perhaps that the matrix in which the chromatin granules float is to some extent capable of taking a faint oxychromatic stain, but no structure is seen in it even with the highest powers (Zeiss 2 mm.) of the microscope we have used in the best light. There can be little doubt that the granules are mainly composed of chromatin. They give the characteristic stains with iron-lnematoxylin, iron-brazilin, safranin, and thionin. They are usually spherical in shape, but occasionally irregular- shaped granules and large lumps (fig. 51) are found in the course of the band. 'I'he variability in size may be seen by a comparison of figs. DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 155 50, 51, 52, which are drawn to the same scale. Fi". 50 represents the terminal extremity of the megannclens in an arm, and the granules are of an average size. The diameter of the megannclens in this specimen was 2 ju, and the largest granules were approximately 0'85 /.t in diameter. Fig. 51 represents a longitudinal section near the base of an arm in which there were two meganuclear bands nearly parallel with each other. The larger of these bands was about 3‘4 p in diameter. The granules in bands are extremely small, but at intervals large lumps of chromatin, in some cases over 4 fi in length, occur. Fig’. 52 represents a section through a remarkably swollen part of a megannclens (25’5/.t by 20’4 /<), in which many of the granules are very large; the largest are about 2 5 fi in diameter. The study of the variation in size and form of the granules in the meganucleus suggests a com- parison with the descriptions given of the megannclens in Carchesium and other Ciliate Infusoria. In Carchesium, accoi’ding to iMrs. Bidder (Greenwood, 14), there is a nuclear membrane which in certain stages is “ denionsti-able with difficulty”; the contents consist of granules of two kinds floating freely in the nucleochyme, and there is no indication of permanent linin threads connecting these granules togetlier. fl'he granules are of two kinds — the proto-macrosomes and the proto-mici’osomes, and of these the proto-macrosomes certainly and the proto-microsomes probably undergo changes in association with nutrition. The larger granules of the meganucleus of Dendrosoma seem to agree with the macro.somes of Carchesium, although we have not observed the vacuolated condition which the latter sometimes exhibit. A distinction between macrosomes and microsomes has not been demonstrated in Dendrosoma-, but it is possible that further investigation might yield similar results to those obtained in Carchesium. 'Ihis comparison suggests that the great difference we have recorded in the size of the granules of the meganucleus may be in some way associated with nutrition. Division of the mega nude us. — The only method of 156 SYDNEY .1. H[CFvSON AND .T. T. WADS^YOln'H. division we have been able to follow is the formation of the me^anucleus or megannclei of the geramalge. Before the outline of a young geinmula is seen in the cytoplasm, one or more knob-like outgrowths are formed from the ribbon-like meganucleus of an arm or of a part of the stolon. These grow, and as the outline of the geramula is developed become con- stricted at the base, and ultimately the knob or knobs are separated off. The granules in the constricted part of the outgrowth become elongated, spindle-, or rod-shaped (fig. 20) dnring the constriction, but regain their spherical form as soon as the Tueganuclei of the gemmnlge are free. No distinc- tion whatever can be drawn between the minute structure of the meganncleus where it is g-iving off these branches and that of other regions — in other words this division is purely amitotic. But it is not only amitotic, it is obviously unequal. In the amitotic division of the meganucleus of many Ciliata and of some Acinetaria (e. g. Dendrocometes) the division may be an equal division, the two products of fission in the former case, and the parent and geminula in the latter may receive an equal portion of the parent meganuclear substance. In the case of Dendrosoma it is obvions that the gemmula receives only a small part of the total meganuclear substance of the parent. The meganucleus not only divides in gemmula formation but occasionally in ordinary vegetative growth, as is shown by the fact that the meganuclear bands are sometimes discontinuons. We have no reason to believe that this division is brought about by any other process than simple constriction. The fragmented or disintegrated condition of the mega- nucleus may be seen in many preparations. It is by no means confined to the parts of the meganucleus in the stolon, but mav occur in the basal portions of the arms. In some cases scattered chromatin granules (fig. 12) may be seen in the cytoplasm in regions where a distinct but not well- defined meganuclear band occurs, but in other regions the whole of the meganuclear structure appears to be scattered in the cytoplasm (fig. 13). If it is a fact that the mega- DEXDROSO.A[A RADIAXS, EHRENBERG. 157 nncletis under certain circumstances breaks up and is dissi- pated in the cytoplasm, we are reminded of the condition, long ago described by Grnber, of the meganuclear fragmen- tation in the ciliata., Oxytricha and Lacrymaria. An alternative hypothesis, however, might be put forward to the effect that the condition we have observed is not disinte- gration but construction of meganuclens; that the scattei’ed ofrannles we have observed were not cast out from the meg'a- nnclens, but are in process of formation in the cytoplasm, and will be added to the nuclear bands. This alternative hypothesis will be considered more fully in a subsequent paper, bnt whatever hypothesis we adopt the study of the sections exhibiting this fragmented condition confirms most definitely the statements we have made above — that (1) there is no true nuclear membrane, and (2) that the granules of chromatin are not connected by a plastin net- work. Micronuclei. The micronuclei of Dendrosoma have not been previously described. Their distribution in the arms and stolon varies a good deal, and it seems very probable that they are not constant in position but move about in the arms and stolon, driven hither and thither by the protoplasmic currents. On this point, however, we cannot speak with certainty as we have never been able to recognise the micronnclei in the adnlt living specimens. We have been able to distinguish them in some of the living gemmulae. 'I’liey are not difficult to see in some of the ordinary stained whole mount preparations, although the crust of foreign bodies adherent to the pellicle sometimes interferes with the clear definition of the smaller internal structures. 'I'he micronuclei may occur both in the arms and in the stolon. We have not observed them at any time very close to the distal extremity of the arms, although in one or two cases we have seen one or two micronuclei lying just beyond or close to the distal termination of the meganucleus (fig. 50, m., VOL. 54, PART 2. NEW SERIES. 12 158 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND .1. T. WADSWOETH. and text-fig. A, mi.). The arrangement of the niicronuclei in the arms and stolon is very irregular. In some specimens they are found at fairly regular intervals of 30/t or 40 fi in the arms, in others they seem to be in pairs (figs. 9, 10), indicating, perhaps, a recent epidemic of division, but in several speci- mens we have found clusters of three, four, five, or six micro- nuclei irregularly scattered in tlie arms and stolon. In the specimens from Birmingham we have noticed that, as a rule, more rnici’onuclei are present than in the specimens from the Bridgewater canal. In the clusters there are sometimes eight or nine micronuclei together, and in one specimen there Avere as many as nineteen (fig-. 15). This irregularity in the arrangement of the micronuclei has sugg-ested the view that they may move about in the living organism. In Dendroconietes and in other Acinetaria the micronuclei are usually surrounded by a clear area, the “hyaloplasm ” of Maupas (fig. 14). Such a clear area is also seen round many of the micronuclei of Dendrosoma, but it does not appear to be so constant in character as it is in some of the other genera. In a former jiaper (16) it Avas suggested that this clear area may be due to a shrinkage of the micronucleus in preservation, and therefore of the nature of an artefact. This vieAv is confirmed by a cai-eful examination Avitli high poAvers of the area round the micro.nucleus of Dendrosoma, as it shoAvs not the faintest trace of protoplasmic structure eA-eu in the most successfully stained preparations. Occa- sionally a feAv very delicate strands may be seen stretching across the area (fig. 14), indicating, perhaps, a former organic connection betAveen the nucleoplasm and the sur- rounding cytoplasm. But in addition to the perfectly clear and unstainable area Ave can also distinguish a more irregular area of cytoplasm around each micronucleus, Avhich is better defined in some cases than in others (fig-. 13), that differs from the rest of the cytoplasm in being relatiA'ely free from granules and stains rather less deeply. It is this outer area Avhich serves as a guide to the micronuclei and serA-es to distinguish them from other chromatin granules. DENDEOSOMA EADIANS, EHEENBERCt. 159 The minute structure of the resting micronuclei is very difficult to determine as they stain so deeply; but we have satisfied ourselves that there is a definite nuclear membrane and a network of chromatin (figs. 22, 23). The resting micronuclei are always spherical in form. When seen in pairs and clusters they are about 3'3,u in diameter; when isolated they are sometimes as large as 4‘5/tt in diameter. Various stages in the division of the micro- nucleus have been observed, but others are missing. Our account of the process is not, therefore, quite complete. What we have seen may be regarded as a modified form of mitosis. It cannot be positively asserted that a more direct mode of division of the micronuclei does not take place, but as the different stages of division have been seen in areas where gemmule foiunation has begun, and also in areas where there is no evidence that gemmule formation is about to take place, and as, moreover, we have never seen any signs of direct division in the hundreds of micronuclei we have examined, it seems probable that amitotic division of the micronuclei never occurs. The history of the mitosis so far as we can judge at present is as follows : The micronucleus swells and then becomes slightly oval in outline (fig. 24). The smallest specimen we have seen at this stage is 9%3 p by 5T ,u. It is difficult to determine whether the chromatin network has broken down at this stage or not, but definite lines can be distinguished running in the direction of the longer diameter. In the next stage the oval shape is changed to a spindle shape and the size is 15‘3/i by 6'8p (fig. 2(1). 'Phe chromatin seems to be withdrawn from the points of the spindle, which are usually quite clear at this stage. The chromatin is in the form of a large number of minute granules connected by a network of fibrils. It is possible that Ave have missed a stage here, as we have not found a spindle form yet with the chromatin collected together more definitely into an equa- torial band. We have found three or four examples of a stage in the 160 SYDNEY HICKSON AND ,T. T. WADSWORTH. mitosis shown in fig. 2o. In this stage the chromatin grannies are arranged in lines running from the poles towards the equator, but there is a clear zone free from chromatin running through the equatorial belt. The three examples of micronuclei in this stage we have found measured 6’8 /u by 6'3 ft, 8'o fi by 5'6 and 6'8ju by 5'7 /u respectively. They are oval or nearly spherical in shape. Being small and less pointed than the examples we have seen of the stage shown in fig. 26 it might be supposed that they come eai’lier in the mitosis. On the other hand, the separation of the cln-omosomes leaving a clear zone in the equator suggests that the metaphase has begun. If this is the correct inter- pretation of them then it seems probable that the onset of the metaphase is accompanied by a contraction of the figure. In the next stage the chromatin gi’anules are collected in two groups at the poles of the figure, which is 14'5 ju hy 4 /u in size (fig. 27). In the broad band connecting these poles definite plastin lines can be distinctly seen. In the next stage we have observed the poles are further apart, the total length of the figure being 20‘4 /t (fig. 28). The poles ai’e .5'1 fi in diameter and contain an immense number of evenly scattered minute chromatin granules, but we have not been able to discern any plastin network connecting them. The band connecting the two poles has shrunk in the middle to 3‘5 fi in diameter. The same plastin lines may be seen in this band as in the last stage. In the final stage (fig. 29) the chromatin grannies are more concentrated towards the inner hemisphere of each pole and there is an appearance of a “ pole-plate” similar to that of Paramecium. The spindle is much narrower. Our examples of this stage are smaller than those of the last named, the measurements of the example figured being — total length 15'6ju, diameter of the poles 3'4/j, diameter of the spindle P7 /i. The history of the division of the micronuclei of Dendro- soma that we have just described is different in many res- pects from that we described in Dendrocometes in 1902 ; but UENDEOSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 161 it must be remembered that in the case of Dendrocometes we described only the division of the micronuclei in conjugation. The mode of division of the micronuclei in gemmule-forma- tion in Dendrometes differs in some respects from that seen in conjugation. On this subject we hope to write a further paper at a later date. We have not yet been fortunate enough to observe any phase in the conjugation of Dendro- soma. It is possible that the minute granules of chromatin seen in various stages of the division of the micronucleus in Oendrosoma represent the chromosomes. With this view in mind we have carefully compared them in the earlier and later stages of the process to determine whether they are double in character before their separation in the two poles. In a recent paper Calkins and Cull (4) have shown that in the earlier maturation divisions of the micronuclei of Para- mecium aurelia the chromosomes divide longitudinally. W e can only state that we have not been able to find any evidence that the chromatin granules in these karyokinetic figures of Dendrosoma divide at all. Evidence of this, however, may be forthcoming from the stages we have missed. The Gemmula;. The gemmulm were first discovered by Levick, but it is difficult to understand from his figures v/hat is their exact shape. If his tig. 4 is drawn accurately to scale theg’emmula it represents was about 45 n in diameter. Kent describes the gemmula? as “ hypotrichously ciliated embryos of relatively large size.” Unfortunately he gives no statement of the size, but according to his figure they are about 36‘3 fx in diameter. Sand repeats KenPs statement that these bodies are hypo- trichous, but adds that they are “ en forme de lentille bicon- vexe aplatie,” and have three contractile vacuoles (in corre- spondence with Kent^s figure). In the living material we have examined from the Bridge- 162 SYDNEY HICKSON AND .T. T. WADSWORTH. water canal two kinds of free-swimming gemmulm were observed : a large kind which was plano-convex in side view (fig. 1), provided with a band of several rows of cilia and from six to ten contractile vacuoles ; and a smaller kind (fig. 31), biconvex or loaf-shaped in side view, with an equatorial band of three or four rows of cilia and pi-ovided with only three or four contractile vacuoles. lu this material, however, we have found the Acinetaria attributed to the genera Trichophrya and Lern^ophrya associated with Dendrosoma, and until recently we had no definite evidence as to wliich of the three forms the gemmulas belonged. In the material obtained from Birmingham no Tricho- phrya nor Lernseophrya forms were found, and the gemmulm we found were all of the larger plano-convex type (fig. 1). This observation suggested that the larger type is the gemmula of Dendrosoma; but we obtained a definite proof of the truth of this suggestion by our observations on the development of two of these gemmulte into the definite Dendrosoma forms as described below (p. 167). AVe then examined carefully all our whole mount prepara- tions for Lernmophrya forms showing gemmulm in the brood-pouches, and found that the smallest of them was 24 /u in diameter, and the largest about 37 fx (the outline of this gemmula is indistinct and the measurement probably not quite accurate). Tlie average diameter of eleven gemmulEe works out at about 29' 6 n. The measurement of a lai-ger number of gemmulae of Dendrosoma, in their brood-pouches, gave us considerably greater diameters, but there are one or two complications that must be mentioned before giving the actual figures obtained. Whereas all the Lernaiophrya gemmulae were approximately circular in outline, many of the gemmuhe of Dendrosoma, in the aspect presented to us in the fixed preparations, were definitely oval in outline. The smallest of the fully formed gemmulae was 29'6 /x (circular in outline), the largest 40'7 ju by 55‘5 fx (oval in out- line). Many of the gemmulae we measured were not fully PENDROSOMA KADIANS, EHKEXBEKG. 163 formed, and it may be tliat the size was not as great as it would be when the outline was completed. There is no reason to believe, however, that there is any considerable growth in the gemmula after the first faint Hues marking out its contour ai’e noticeable. The average of the shorter diameters of sixteen gemmulaj was about 35’5 /x and the average of the longer diameters about 41 ju. We may i-oughly express, therefore, the diffe- rence in size between the two kinds of gemmulae as a difference of 29'6 p by 29 6 n in Lernaeophrya and 35'5 /x by 41 ^ in Dendrosoma. There is not much difference in size, probably, between the lai-gest gemmulae of Lernmophrya and the smallest gemmulae of Dendrosoma, and there is clearly con- siderable variation in the size of the gemmula3 of both genera. But still it may be considered a fact of some systematic value that the gemmulm of Dendrosoma are larger than those of Leriueoph ry a. AVe found, unfortunately, no Tricho- phrya forms showing formed gemmulm, and we can therefore give no near details of them. They have been described by Biitschli, Sand, and others, but we have not found any measurements given of them in the literature of the genus. The gemmulae of Dendrosoma are usually found in well- developed individuals, and are frequently situated at the base of the arms (text-fig. A), but they also occur in the course of the arms and moi’e rarely in the stolons. 'Pile gemmulae at the base of the arms is a very character- istic feature of the specimens from the Bridgewater canal. In the specimens from Birmingham the gemmula3 are more frequently found some little distance above the base. In the earliest stage of gemmule formation there is a slight swelling in the arm, and two or three curved lines (fig. 19, o.) appear in the cytoplasm and mark the external boundary of the future • gemmula. A narrow crescentic space often appears between these lines aud the cytoplasm. The mega- nucleus sends off a short branch which ends in a knob-like swelling towards the concavity of these lines (fig. 20). The 164 SYDNEY .1. HICKSON AND .T. T. '\YADS^Y01^TH. base of this arm of the megauucleus gradually becomes con- strictedj and at a later stage divides, leaving the knob-like extremity as the meganucleus of the gemmula (conf. p. 156). In several cases, particularly in specimens from Eiimiug- ham, we have observed two of these processes entering into the gemmula area, and we have several preparations of young gemmuhie with two distinct megauuclei (figs. 16 and 21)' When there are two meg’anuclei in one gemmula there seems to be a great deal more megannclear substance in proportion to the cytoplasmic substance than when there is only one meganncleus. A comparison of the different gemmulse with only one meganncleus renders it difficult to believe that there is any definite relation between the cytoplasm and nucleoplasm in gemmule formation. One or two, or possibly in some cases more than two micronuclei in the vicinity of this swelling increase in size until they are about 11 p in diameter. One, or possibly more than one of them, becomes spindle-shaped, attaining to a size of nearly 14 p in length by 11 p in greatest diameter (fig. 19). This microuucleus then divides by mitosis (see p. 159). A\4iile the micronucleus is thus dividing the boundary lines of the gemmula are in the process of completing the enclosure of the gemmule area. The division of the micronucleus is, however, completed, and the daughter-nuclei have consider- ably shrunk some time before the area of the gemmule is entirely delimited from the pi-otoplasm of the arm. It is not possible for us to state definitely that there is any constancy in the number of micronuclei taking part in the bud formation. In the bud that is still in the brood-pouch, shown in fig. 17, there is only one micronucleus. In the specimen shown in hg. 19 two micronuclei are taking part in the formation of the gemmula; in the young form shown in fig. 18 there are three micronuclei (only two are drawn, the third being hidden by the meganncleus) ; in that shown in fig. 21 there are four, and in that shown in fig. 16 there are seven. e have never DKNDKOSUWA HADIAKS, EKKENBERU. 165 seen any evidence of division of the niicronucleus during' tlie free-swimming gemmula stage nor in younger dxed stages. It seems probable, tlierefore that the number of micronuclei takiug pare in the formation of the bud may vary from one to seven. In JJendrocom etes we also found that the number is not constant, but varies from two to five. In JJendrosoma then, as m Dendrocometes, the mega- nucleus of the gemmula is formed by amitotic division of tlie megauucleus of the parent, and the micronuclei of the gemmula are formed by mitotic division of the micronuclei of the parent. The Fkee-Swiiiming Gemmei.a. We have called attention to the fact that there is consider- able variability m the size of the gemmulte of Deudrosoma. The gemmula shown m fig. 1 was plano-convex in form, with a broad girdle of several rows of cilia extending from the middle almost to the edge of the plane surface, it was 6Up ill diameter and 4U p in height, it was difficult to count the number of contractile vacuoles or to be certain they were constant in number, but there were certainly more than tliree, and probably from eight to ten. Their rhythmic con- tractions were not synchronous, and frequently, but not con- stantly, two or three vacuoles in close contact made their appearance when previously only one was seen. The megauucleus in this form could be clearly seen in the centre of the protoplasm when the gemmula Avas viewed from above or below, it was sometimes spherical, but varied in sliape, and frequently showed one or two lobate processes like tlie pseudopodia of an amoeba. This particular gemmula was kept under observation lor two days, and gave rise to a young suctoriau, which was clearly a Deudrosoma radians. The Iree-swimming gemmula; of the second kind (p. iOl), found ill the material from the iiridgew'uter canal, are pro- bably the gemmula of the Leruteophrya forms. They have 166 SYDNEY .1. HICKSON AND J, T. WADSWORTH. some resemblauce to the figures and description of the gemmula of Trichophrya epistylidis given by Butschli (2, PI. 78, 6h). According to Sand, however, the reproduction of Triclio- ph rya epistylidis is “par embryons internes multiples (tons situes dans la meme cavite), en forme de leiitille bicon- vexe, munis de 3 couronnes de cils et de 3-8 vacuoles con- tractiles.” According to Stein the four to eight gemmulae that may be found in the brood-pouch of this species are produced by the fission of a single gemmula. W'^e have not observed more than a single gemmula in any brood-chamber of either Lernseophrya or Dendrosoma, but we have not seen enough specimens of Trichophrya yet either to affirm or deny Sand’s statement that the gem- mulm are multiple in that genus. The gemmule formation iu the specimens of Bern aeo p h rya resembles that described by Perez (25) for the specimens obtained by him at Bordeaux in the curious fact that it some- times occurs very early. In our figure (32), for example, we have drawn an example of a very young Lernaeophrya (or Trichoph rya f) whicli has only just settled down, but already shows a fully formed gemmula in the brood-pouch. ^Ve cannot give a decided opinion as to whether all the free-swimming geminulm of this biconvex type belong to Lernmophrya or to Trichophrya, as we have not at present been able to trace out their history after they have settled down, but it is almost certain that they belong either to the one genus or the other, and not to Dendrosoma or any of the other Acinetaria associated with it. 3'hese gemmulae ai-e usually biconvex, with a slight con- striction in the middle, an equatorial band of four rows of cilia, and three contractile vacuoles (fig. 31). There is pro- bably a considerable range of variation (see p. 162) in size and shape. One of the conv'ex sides is sometimes rather more flattened than the other ; there may be only three, or possibly more than four, rows of cilia in the equatorial band (the exact DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 1G7 Dumber of rows being difficult to determine unless the gem- mula is seen sideways and the cilia are moving slowly). Tlie number of contractile vacuoles may in some cases be two or tour, but is usually three. A remarkable point in the structure of these gemmulse is that at present we have no definite evidence of the presence of micronuclei. Neither in the free-swimming’ gemmul® themselves nor in the preparations (both whole mounts or sections) of the gemmulaj in the brood-chambers, nor in the body of the Lernteophry as and Trichophryas have we been able to find the micronuclei in any form. Certain deeply stained granules are sometimes found scattered in the protoplasm, and some of these may be, and probably are, micronuclei. It is very improbable that these or any other Aciuetaria are not heterokaryote, but we imagine that in Leriunophrya, and possibly in Trichophry a too, the micronuclei are very small or involved with the mega- nuclei. Further investigation is needful before the mystery of the micronuclei of these forms is solved. Develoi'jient of the Gemjiula. We have observed the development of the gemmula in the Birmingham material twice. The history of one of these, September loth, 1908, was as follows: A free-swimming gemmula settled down on the cover-glass between 11.45 and 12 noon. The cilia disappeared entirely in forty minutes, and as they disappeared short suckers were developed all over the body, except, of course, the part attached to the cover-slip. As to the method of disappearance of the cilia we have nothing but the negative evidence to offer that we have not seen them break off. The probability is that they are withdrawn. We feel certain that they are not con- verted into suckers. At 12.30 the embryo was in a similar stage to that represented by fig. 3, and closely resembles the stage figured by Biitschli for Trichophrya (2, PI. 78, 6 c.). 168 SYDNEY .1. HICKSON AND J. T. WADSWORTH. It was slightly oval iu outline, the two diameters being 55’5 /ii by 518 /i. A preserved and stained gemmula of this stage is shown in tig. 18. At 1.30 the tentacles had con- siderably increased in number and in length on one quadrant of the gemmula, but had diminished in number over the rest of its surface. At 2.10 the main body of the gemmula had increased to 62 p in diameter, but on one side a short arm process (7'2 ,u), supporting a great many tentacles, had been protruded. There was only one tentacle left on the main body. Six contractile vacuoles were observed at this stage, and the meganucleus was visible and had an amoeboid form with two short, thick, pseudopodia-like processes. At 3.10 the arm was 25'9 /i in length and the tentacles confined to its distal extremity. For the first time a single contractile vacuole w’as seen at the base of the arm. At 3.55 the arm had increased to 33'3 in length, and a new arm at right angles to it was beginning to be formed. At 4.40 the main body was losing its circular outline. The new arm, about 14‘8 ju iu length, exhibited tentacles, and the first formed arm was 48T in length. Three inicronuclei were clearly visible at this stage in the clear protoplasm. The meganucleus had four branches, one directed towards the longer arm, but not extend- ing into it, one towards the shorter arm. Another specimen of a Fendrosoma, which was probably of the same age as this one, was found in a whole mount preparation and is shown in hg. 21. The meganucleus is in two parts, but the general form of it, apart from this peculiarity, is very characteristic of young Deudrosomas of this stage. In this particular speci- men there were four well-developed micronuclei. The other case of the development of a young Fendrosoma from a free-swimming gemmula is illustrated by the figures 2-7. The ciliated gemmule, at the time it settled down, had from eight to twelve contractile vacuoles. The meganucleus could be clearly seen, as it was quite colourless as compared with the pale yellow tint of the surrounding cytoplasm. It was distinctly amceboid, constantly, but slowly, changing its shape (fig. 2). Before the cilia disappeared numerous DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 169 short suckei’s were produced, scattered irregularly but principally near the margin of the body. The body of this specimen did not retain its circular form, but became irregu- larly quadrilateral. After a period of two hours (fig. 4) the cilia had disappeared and the suckers were mainly collected at the two ends, but two or three odd suckers were observed in the middle. In another hour there were three distinct tufts of suckers (fig. 5), but two hours later still all the suckers had disappeared except one isolated one, and a dense tuft at one end (fig. 6). The next morning’, i.e. eighteen hours later, the end supporting the tuft of suckers had grown considerably to form a definite Dendrosoma arm (fig. 7). The stage just described corresponds vvith that figured by Savile Kent (in his Pi. 47, fig. 21), but differs from it in the absence of suckers on the general surface of the body. We have seen a good many specimens of this stage but never one which, possessing a well-defined arm, had suckers scattered over the rest of the body, as shown in KenPs figure. In Kent’s figure of this stage only three contractile vacuoles are shown. Levick, however, gave another figure in which six contractile vacuoles were shown. The latter is in this respect, as well as in the actual size, more in accordance with our observations than the former. 'r h e s o - c a 1 1 e d “ e X t e r n a 1 buds .” — In the literature of Dendrosoma reference is made by nearly all authors to another method of reproduction than that by the gemmulge previously described. Kent observed at or near the distal extremity of the arms of many specimens a number of spherical or oval bodies, which he believed to be “ exo- genously produced germs similar to those of Acineta mystacina of Stein.” It is probable that these are the same bodies as those previously described by Levick as “ovaries.” Biitschli describes them as “ angebliche freie iiussere Knospen,” and Sand as “ gemmes externes ciliees quelqiiefois tentaculees, produites a I’extremite des rameaux.” We have found bodies similar in position, form, and size to these so-called external buds in our specimens from the 170 SYDNEY J. UICKSOX AND J. 'J'. WAUSWOETH. Hi-idgewater canal and from Birmingliam, and we have dis- discovered that they are epizoic Acinetarians belonging to the species U r n n 1 a e p i s t y 1 i d i s . The possibility that the bodies described and figured by Kent are different from those we have observed has of course occuri’ed to us. It is, however, very improbable that external buds could be formed in the position of these bodies for the following- reasons : In the formation of a bud it would be necessary for the meganucleus to take part. The meganucleus of Deudrosoma, however, does not extend as far as ttie extremity of the branches, and could not possibly take part in the formation of buds in the position assigned to the “ external buds ” by 8aville Kent. "NVe have examined a great number of specimens ofpendro- soma from the two localities, obtained at different seasons of the year and in varying phases of activity, but we have never seen any reproductive bodies of the form and in the position assigned to the “ external buds”; butUrnula epistylidis does occur in this position in a large majority of the specimens examined, and frequently in considerable numbers. On Uknula Epistylidis. This interesting species was first described by Claparede and Lachmann (5). It is mentioned in their first volume (1858-9), but the reproduction is more fully described in the second volume (1860-61). It was found on the stalk of an Epistylis. Owing to the appearance of a branching tentacle in one of their specimens these authors regarded Urnula as a Khizopod and placed it next to the genus Eugl}'pha in the family Actinophryina. Engelmann (12) and subsequent authors have, howev-er, agreed that it is an Acinetarian, and Butschli places it in the family Urnulina with the genera Bhynceta and Acine- topsis — an arrangement that is followed by Sand. Only one species has been described — U rn ula epistylidis DENDROSOJIA RADIANS, ElIKENBERG. 171 — and the measurements given bj Sand of tliis species are : Length of test, 20/i-120n ; diameter of test and body, 15g-80//; diameter of the nucleus, The genus is characterised by the definite but very thin test, which is usually conical in shape and curved proximally towards the disc of attachment. There are one, or two (rarely more than two) tentacles. The reproduction is by oblique unequal fission, and the smaller of the two products of fission escapes as a ciliate gemmula. The question whether the species of Urn u la we have found on Dendrosoma should be referred to the species U. episty- lidis or placed in a new species may be open to discussion; but we can find no satisfactory reasons at pre.sent for adopt- ting the latter course. The specimens attributed to U. epistylidis by Sand and other authors are very variable in size (15/<-80/t in body diameter), so that the fact that the largest of the specimens we have measured is not more than 30 /< in this diameter and the average is about 25 /x does not signify more than that the Urnula on Dendrosoma belongs to a small race. In the original figure given by Claparede and Lachmann the two tentacles are shown to arise from the side of the body turned towards the host. In most of our specimens the tentacles from the distal surface or apex, as shown in figs. 35-39. The oinginal figure with the tentacles arising from the sides has been copied in the subsequent papers and books, and it seems to be b}" no means certain that this origin is normal in the species. The body may rotate more or less in the test and the appearance shown may be only temporary, but we have observed only one or two cases in which the origin of the tentacles may have been lateral. 3’he position of the contractile vacuole was not constant in our specimens. It is usually situated, as shown in figs. 35-39, near the centre of the distal convexity, but in several speci- mens we have seen it more deep-seated. In the figures of the species given by other authors it is shown by the outer side of the nucleus. The structure of the test, which is extremely delicate, appears to be the same as that previously described. 172 SYDNEY .T. HICKSON AND .T. T. ^YADS^YORT^. ex:cept that we have observed a slight disc-like swelling at the point of attachnient. After full consideration of all these points of apparent differences, and bearing in mind the possibility of considerable variation in adaptation to the conditions, we have come to the conclusion that the Urnnla found on Dendrosoma should be referred to the species U. epistylidis (ClaparedeandLach- mann). It is not necessary to give a full description of the species, but we will be content with a few remarks on some special character’s. The tentacles are the most remai-kable featnr’es. In the first place they are compai-atively rai’ely seen, the body of the Urnnla being usually rounded off within the test and at rest. In the majority of specimens which do exhibit tentacles at all only one is seen. When there ar*e two they usually cross one another as shown in fig. .39. It is extremely probable that a specimen that at one tinre exhibits only one tentacle may at another time exhibit two, or even three, tentacles. The tentacles of Urnnla differ from those of the typical Acineta.ria in two respects. They are relatively ver*y long and flexible, moving actively with cnrions sei’pentine curves as if in search of food. They do not terminate in a sucker. When fully extended they are very delicate and attenuate at the distal extremity to a very fine point (fig. 35). When partially retracted or not fully extended they are much thicker, show a spiral marking (fig. 45), and terminate in a spindle- shaped, or sometimes bluntly club-shaped, extremity. There can be no doubt that thev are protruded and withdrawn into the body with considerable rapidity. We have not been able to satisfy ourselves as to the food of Urnnla. We have frequently observed a tentacle bent over towards the head of the Dendrosoma, with its pointed end buried among the bases of the Dendrosoma suckers. This attitude suggested that the Urnnla is parasitic on the Dendrosoma, and this suggestion is confirmed by the fact that the heads of Dendrosoma affected by U rnnla do not look DENDKOSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 173 so healthy as those that are free from them. On the other hand, healthy Urnnlas are frequently found on Dendrosoma itself in positions that would not permit them to penetrate the delicate unpi'otected ectosarc of the head region, and also on other bodies, such as weeds, stalks of Epistylis, etc. We have, moreover, never observed a stream of food particles passing from the Dendrosoma to the Urnula body in the tentacle that is apparently attached to the former, as we should certainly find if the latter were feeding parasitically upon it. We are inclined to the opinion, therefore, that the Urnula is epizoic and not strictly pai-asitic. The meganucleus is usually spherical in shape and central in position. In one specimen (fig. 40) in which the diameter of the body as preserved was 19 q, the diameter of the mega- nucleus was 8’5 /n. The chromatin of the meganucleus is usually in the form of a network. It never shows the granular character that is such a marked feature of the meganucleus of Dendi’O- sotna. It i.s sometimes difficult to determine whether a micro- nucleus is present or not, but a small deeply staining granule about T7 /.i in diameter may frequently be observed in sections which we believe to be the micronucleus (fig. 40). No stages in its enlargement or division have been observed. We have observed the same method of reproduction in our specimens as that previously described for the species by Claparede and Lachmann. The individual divides by oblique fission into two parts, one usually larger than the other (figs. 41, 43). Of these the smaller becomes holo- trichously ciliated and escapes. The larger may remain in the undivided lorica and increase in size until it is again full grown. Of this, however, we have no positive evidence. It is possible, however, that the escape of the smaller product of fission entails the death of the larger product, but if this were the case we should expect to find attached to the Den- drosoma a certain number of empty loricse. We have, how- ever, never found an empty lorica attached to the Dendrosoma nor any signs of degenerating protoplasm in a lorica. The Urnula was found on specimens of Dendrosoma from VOL. 54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 13 174 SYDXKY J. HICKSON AND .1. T. WADSWORTH. both localities. Sometimes a few specimens may be found that are quite free from these epizoites, but it is very rai-el}'' the case that a single collection of Dendrosoma is brought in that does not show some infected specimens. The number varies a good deal, but there is no reason to believe that they are more numerous at one season of the year than at another. The settlement of the gemmiila and the development of the lorica have been observed by one of us (W.) on two or three occasions. The free-swimming holotrichously ciliated geininnla is about 20 by 15 ju in size. The cilia stop moving and begin to disappear about ten minutes after settlement on the Dendrosoma is effected. The lorica must be formed very rapidly as the protoplasm is contracted into an oval form near its free end, as in fig. 35, about five minutes after the settlement. The cilia ai’e still plainly visible, but in another five or ten minutes they disappear. A single tentacle begins to grow out a few minutes after the cilia have dis- appeared. A curious feature that was observed on both occasions was the presence of two or three minute capitate tentacles at the time the cilia are disappearing-. They are, however, only present for a few minutes, and cannot be recognised at all when the characteristic Urnula tentacle is developed. In the figure given by Saville Kent one of the supposed “external buds” is drawn with six short capitate tentacles. It is possible that Kent may have observed an Urnula that had just settled down and still retained the temporary capitate tentacles we have described. Further Remarks on the Systematic Position of Dendro- soma, Lern.eophrya and Trichophra'a. The relation of these three genera has already been briefiy referred to in the introduction, but a further summary of the characters that distinguish them may be useful in the light of the observations we have recorded in this paper. DEXDROSO^[A RADIAXS, ERREXBERG. 175 The genus Trichophrya was described by Claparede and Lachmanii, 1858-61. The original type-species is T. epistvlidis, a common species usually attached to the stalk of Epistylis. We have found it frequently in the Bridgewater canal collections, and the specimen we have drawn in fig. 46 Tr. was about 129‘5/_t by 111 ju in size. 'Paking this as a type we may say that it differs from a full-grown Dendrosoma in its small size and the relative shortness of its anus. It might be thought to be a young Dendrosoma, but it differs from the young Dendrosoma in having several shoi’t arms instead of only one or two. The voung Dendrosomas shown in figs. 47 and 48 are smaller than the Trichophrya shown in fig. 46, but nevertheless exhibit the characteristic Dendrosoma form. There inust also be some important difference between them in the character of the micro-nucleus, but the nature of this difference we cannot describe. It is perfectly easy, as our figures show, to demonstrate the presence of micro-nuclei in young Dendrosoma, but we have not yet been able to find definitely the micronucleus in any specimen of Trichophrya we have examined. In Trichophrya epistylidis, according to Stein, Biitschli, Sand, and other writers, the single gemmula that is formed in the brood-chamber may divide into four or eight gmnmuhe before liberation. AVe have not observed a similar mode of repi’oduction either in Lernfeophrya or in Dendro- soma. The figure given by Biitschli of the free-swimming gemmula of T. epistylidis shows that it must be very similar in shape to the gemmula we have ascribed to Lernajophrya (fig. 31). Several other species of the genus have been described by Sand and others, but of these we have very little detailed infor- mation. Some of them, such as T. salparum, T. amoe- boides, T. odontophora and T. mirabilis are marine. One of these at least, T. mirabilis, found attached to hydroids at Banyuls, may possibly be more closely related to the genus 176 SYDNEY .T. inCKSON AND ,T. T. AYADS^YORTH. Leriifeophi’ya as it is characterised by its very long suckers. The genus Lerupoophrya was described in 1903 bv Perez (25). We have found it in the Bridgewater canal, and, like the Bordeaux type-specimens, attached to Cordylo- ph ora. Lernaeophrya is a larger form than Trichophrya. According to Perez it may attain to a size of 400 ju. Our specimens are not as large as this, bnt we have fonnd them over 200 /x in length (fig. 49). They difPer from both Trichophrya and Dendrosoma in the extraordinary length of the suckers. Perez says he has measured suckers 400 /« in length. Our specimens were smaller than his, but we have found some of the suckers to be over 275 n in length. Perez states that the gem- mulpB are frequently formed at a very early stage, befoi’e the arms are formed. We have fonnd the same peculiarity in some young forms which we attribute to Lern asophry a. In our fig. 32 we have drawn a young Acinetarian, which is probably a young Lernaeopli rv a, although we have no conclusive evi- dence to prove that it is so, in which there are no arms and only four suckers, but it nevertheless contains a full-gi’own gemmula in its brood pouch. As in 3'richophrya so in Lerna'ophrya the micronnclei have at present escaped onr observation, and as Perez does not mention these structures in the description of his specimens it is possible that some peculiarity of the micronuclei, Avhich renders them obscure in the resting stage, is a character which Lernaeophrya and Trichophrya have in common. Only the one species, L. capitata Perez, has at pre.sent been described. Onr specimens do not appear to differ from the type except in .size, and we are inclined, therefore, to regard them as a small race of the type-species. The gemmulae described by Perez were 50 fi in diameter, whereas the largest we have measured were only 37 /i in diameter, but in other respects they seem to agree. The important characters in which the genus Dendro- J)ENDROSOMA EAJJIANS, EHKENEEKG. 177 soma differs from Trichophrya and Lerumoplirya are its greater size, the greater length of its arms, and the characters of the gemmula. The suckers of Dendrosoma vary a great deal in length, according to circumstances, but they never attain to the same actual or relative length as the suckers of Lernasophry a. The free-swimming gemmulm of Dendrosoma differ from the n'emmulm which we attribute O to Lernmophrya in size, in shape, in having several instead of only three or four bands of cilia, and in having several contractile vacuoles instead of only three. A prolonged study of the specimens of Dendrosoma from the Bridgewater canal and from Birmingham give some grounds for the view that they belong to different species. These differences have been jn-eviously mentioned (p. 147) ; it is only necessary in this place to refer again to the difference in the number of the micronuclei. In looking through a number of preparations of specimens from the tw'o localities, the large number of the micronuclei iu the Birmingham speci- mens is often a very .striking feature. To take two extreme, the piece of an arm that is drawn iu fig. 15 showing nineteen micronuclei in a clu.ster round the meganucleus, and a gemmula showing seven micronuclei, such as that drawn in fig. U), we should recognise at once as belonging almost certainly to the Birmingham variety. On the other hand, when the micronuclei are isolated or in pairs at considerable distances apart, as shown in text-fig. 1 and in figs. 9 and lU, there would be a strong probability that they were taken from specimens of the Bridgewater canal variety. But nevertheless specimens of the canal variety are some- times found iu which several microuuclei are aggregated together, as shown, tor instance, in fig. 8, where six micro- nuclei form a cluster, and in many specimens from Birming- ham the microuuclei are scattered iu very much the same way as in the canal variety. To endeavour, therefore, to make a specific character of the number of the micronuclei, a character which is obviously subject to great variation, would be a task of great difficulty 178 SYDNEY .1. HICKSON AND .1. T. WADSWORTH. and very little practical value. Joseph (18) has shown that there is a great range of variation in the number of inicronuclei in the Ciliate Loxodes, and it is clear from this and from other evidence that it is not safe to base specific differences on the number of the micronuclei. SuMMAKY OF KeSULTS. Specimens of Uendrosoma Avere found in the Bridgewater canal attached to C ordy lophora, Polyzoa, and Aveeds. They differ in some respects from the type of Dendrosoma radians, and may be regarded as constituting a distinct race. The meganncleus does not extend to the extremity of the arms as pre\dously described and figured. It has no true nuclear membrane and no linin or plastin supporting netAvork, but consists of numerous chromatin granules, “ chromidia,” floating freely in a nuclear sap. There are numerous micronuclei, usually about 4 g in diameter, Avhich divide by mitosis. Beproduction is effected by the formation of internal buds, “ gemmulm.” They are plano-convex in form, 85'5 x 41 g in diameter, have several contractile A'acuoles and a broad band of cilia. The descri])- tion of these gemnmlm given in this paper differs in some respects from that of previous authors. The gemmula3 of Lernmophrya are also described. The development of the gemmuhc of Dendrosoma is described. ddie “external buds’^ of Saville Kent are proved to be epizoic Acinetaria belonging to the species Urnula epi- s t }■ 1 i d i s . Litekatl'ke. 1. AAverinzeAv, S. — “ Astrophrya areiiaria,” ‘ Zool. Aiiz.,’ xxvii, ia04. p. 42.5. 2. Biitsclili, (). — “Protozoa. Abt. iii. Infusoria," in Bronn’s • Klassen u. Ordnnngen.’ Leipzig, 1887-89. DENDROSOMA RADIANS, EHRENBERG. 179 3. Calkins, G. N. — “ Protozoa,” Columbia University, ‘ Biol. Series,’ 1901. 4. and Cull, S. W. — “The Conjugation of Paramsecium aurelia,” ‘Arch. Protist.,’ x, 1907. 5. Claparcde, E., and Lachmann, J. — ‘ Etudes sur les Infusoires,’ Geneva, 1857-1861. 6. Collin, B. — “Note preliminaire sur nn Acinetien nonveaii, Dendrosoiuides paguri,” ‘Arch. Zool. Exp.,’ (4) v, 1906, p. 64. 7. “Note preliminaire snr qiielcpies Acinetiens,” ibid., (4), vii, 1907. Notes et Revue. 8. Delage, Y., and Herouard, E. — ‘ Zoologie Concrete Protozoa,' 1898. 9. Ehrenberg, C. G. — “ liber eine neue Thiergattung,” ‘ Monats. Ak. Berlin,’ 1837, dee. 11, p. 152. 10. Polygastrica exclusis Bacillaries,” ibid. , 1840, p. 199. 11. “ “ Uber die seit 27 Jahren noch wohl erhaltenen Organisa- tions Praparate,” ‘ Abh. Ak. Berlin,’ 1862, plate iii. 12. Engelmann, W. — “ Zur Naturgeschichte der Infusionsthiei-e,” * Zeitschr. wiss. Zool.,’ xi, 1862, p. 370. 13. Entz, G. (sen.) — “ Ueber einige Patagonische Protozoen,” ‘ Math. naturw. Ber. Ungarn,' xxi, 1903, published 1907. 14. Greenwood, M. — “ The Macronucleus of Carchesium,” ‘ Journ. Physiol.,’ XX, 1896, ]). 427. 15. Hickson, S. J. — *• Heterokaryota ” in Lankester's ‘A Treatise on Zoology,’ part i, fasc. 2, 1903, p. 421. 16. and AV^adsworth, J. T. — " Dendrocometes paradoxus,” Part 1, ■ Quart. Jouni. Micr. Sci.,’ 45, 1902, p. 325. 17. “ Note on the Structure of Dendrosoma radians,” ■ Rep. Brit. Assoc.,’ 1908, Dublin. 18. Joseph, H. — " Beobachtungen iiber die Kernverhaltnisse von Loxodes,” ‘Arch. Protist.,’ viii, 1907, p. 344. 19. Saville Kent. — ‘ Manual of the Infusoria,’ 1881-2. 20. Lang, A. — " Lehrbuch der Vergleichenden, Anatomie,” ‘Protozoa,’ 1901. 21. Lankester, E. R. — Article “ Protozoa,” ‘ Zoological Articles,’ 1891, p. 36. 22. Leidy, J. — “Notice of some Fresh-water Infusoria (Cothurnia and Dendrosoma),” ‘ P. Ac. Philad.,’ 1874, p. 140. 23. Levick, J. — "On Dendrosoma radians,’’ ‘ Midland Natiu’al.,’ iii, 1880, p. 29. 180 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND J. T. WADSWOETH. 24. Miirtin, C. H. — “Some Observations on Acinetaria,” ‘ Quart. Jonrn. Micr. Sci.,’ 53, 1909, p. 353. 25. Perez, Cli. — "Sur un Acinetien Noiiveau,’ ‘ C.R. Soc. Biol.,’ 1903, p. 98. 26. Sand, R. — ‘ Etude nionograpliique des Infusoires tentaciiliferes,’ Brussels, 1901. 27. Stein, Fr. — ‘ Der Organismus der Infusionstliiere,’ Leipzig. 1868. EXPLANATION OF PLATE X, Illustrating the memoir by Messrs. Hickson and Wadsworth on Dendrosoma radians. Lettering. A. Arms of Dendrosoma. chr. Chromatin granules, c.v. Contractile vacuoles. D. Swollen end of the arm of Dendrosoma in tig. 30. E. Eujilotes. Rp. Epistylis. y. Gemmula in lirood-pouch. 31. Mega- nucleus. 31.y. Meganucleus of gemmula. m. Micronucleus. 0. Out- line of gemmula in fig. 19. s. Sucker, sf. Stream of food-particles. f. Tentacle of Urnula. Tr. Trichophrya in fig. 45. Figs. 1-7. — Illustrating the free-swimming gemmula of Dendrosoma and its development after fixation. Fig. 1. — Side view of the free-swimming gemmula, showing the band of several rows of cilia and four of the peripheral contractile vacuoles. X 250. Fig. 2. — Surface view of a gemmula immediately after fixation. Tlie meganucleus (31.) has an amoeboid form. Fig. 3. — Gemmula as seen about thirty minutes after fixation, showing the suckers (s.) that have begun to sprout out from the general surface. Cilia are still present but comparatively few in number. Fig. 4. — Young Dendi’osoma two hours after fixation. Fig. 5 . — Young Dendrosoma three hours after fixation. Fig. 6 . — Young Dendrosoma five hours after fixation. Fig. 7. — Young Dendrosoma one day after fixation. All the suckers are now confined to the extremity of the single arm. Fig. 8. — Section through a part of the stolon of a Dendrosoma showing a cluster of six micronuclei (»i.). J3ENDK0S0MA lUDlANS, EHEENBERG. 181 Fig. 9. — Section through an arm on the same slide showing the micronuclei in pairs. Each of these micronuclei are aljout 3'.5 /t in diameter. Fig. 10. — Section through another arm in the same preparation showing another pair of micronuclei and a contractile vacuole. Fig. 11. — Section through a portion of a stolon showing a double and contorted meganucleus. Fig. I'i.. — Section through a portion of an arm showing chromatin grains scattered in the cytoplasm. M., the main meganucleus. Fig. 13. — Section through another part of an arm showing a single micronucleus (»i.) about 4 // in diameter and the fragmented meganucleus. Fig. 14. — Section through another arm more highly magnitied to show tlie structure of the cytoplasm and nuclei. The micronucleus is 3 3 fi in diameter, the largest chromatin granules in the meganucleus about l o jx ill diameter. Fig. 1.5. — Drawing of a part of the arm of a whole-mount preparation of a sjiecimen of Dendrosoma from Birmingham showing a cluster of nineteen micronuclei. Fig. lb. — Section through a gemmula of Dendrosoma from Birmingham showing two distinct meganuclei (My.) and seven micro- nuclei (tn.). The diameters of this gemmula were 5.5 /i X 48 /i. Fig. 17. — Transverse section through an arm showing a newly formed gemmula in position. The meganucleus of both the gemmula and of the arm have discharged some chromatin grains (chr.) into the general cytoplasm. The diameter of the bud is 22 ji, of the micro- nuclei about 5‘5 y. Fig. 18. — A gemmula soon after it has become fi.xed from a stained preparation, showing the liand of cilia (c.) and two suckers (s.). The diameters of the gemmula are 38 x 37 fi and of the micronuclei 5 /i and 4'8 y,. Fig. 19. — An oblkpie section through an arm of Dendrosoma showing an early stage in the formation of a gemmula. At o. are shown the curved lines that mark the Vioundai'y of the gemmula. Two micro- nuclei of the arm have enlarged previous to division. The sizes of the micronuclei (m.) in this preparation were 15‘3 fi x b'8 n and 9'3 /t X 5'1 y respectively. Fig. ‘2U. — Transverse section through an arm showing the outline of a gemmula and the method by which a part of the meganucleus of the arm is pinched off to form the meganucleus of the gemmula. In this preparation some of the contractile vacuoles could be seen. No micro- nuclei were obseiwed in this section. The diameter of the gemmula from u-h was 37 '4 y. 182 SYDNEY J. HICKSON AND J. T. ^YADS\YOKTH. Fig. 21. — Young Dendrosoma observed alive from free-swimming gemmula stage (September, 1908) and then fixed. It is 85 /j x 70 /i in size, the arms about 20 /j. in length, and the four micronuclei each aljout 4 n in diameter. Figs. 22-29. — Series of stages seen in the mitotic division of the micronuclei. X 1000. Fig. 22.— A full-sized micronucleus in a resting condition. Fig. 23. — Enlarged mici’onucleus previous to mitosis. Fig. 24. — Micronucleus in stage of spindle-formation. Fig. 25 . — Stage of division in which there is an equatorial baud free from chromatin. Fig. 20. — A stage in mitosis occasionally seen in which the 2)oles are j^ointed and free fi-oni chromatin. The relation of this stage to tlie other stage in mitosis is not clear (see jj. 159). Figs. 27-29.— The chromatin is, in these stages, collected into the two 2>oles wdiich are connected by an achromatic S2>indle. Fig. 30. — Dendrosoma feeding u^jon a EujDlotes (E.). The swollen end of the aian of the Dendrosoma (D.) was 15 fi in diameter, the length of the Exqjlotes body lUO /x. A stream of jxarticles (St.) could be seen 2>assing down into the arm through the attached suckers ; the other suckers were (piite indifferent. Fig. 31. — Side view of a gemmula of Lernajoixhrya (!■') showiug two of the three contractile vacuoles. None of these gemmuhe exhilxited a micronucleus. Fig. 32. — A very young, ^u'obably (juite recently fixed s^xecimen of Lerna'ojxhrya with only four suckei's, showing a com^xletely formed gemmula in position. There are no micronuclei to be seen. Figs. 33 and 34. — Two sketches of young Dendrosomas showing the method of arm formation in Dendrosoma. Figs. 35-39. — Series of studies of Urnula e^xistylidis e2>izoic on Dendrosoma showing the different forms assumed by the tentacles. In figs. 35-38 the S2)ecinieus have only one tentacle, in fig. 39 it has two. Fig. 40. — Section through an Uniula from a stained 2U'eparation. In this S2iecimen the diameter of the laxly is 19 fx, of the meganxxcleus (M.) 8'5 fx, and of the micronucleus (m.) 1'7 /x. Fig. 41. — Transvei’se section through an Urnula after the formation by fission of a gemmula (y). Drawn to the same scale as fig. 4(t Fig. 42.— A S2)ecimen of Urnula e2Jistylidis, showiug the body retracted below the mouth cf the test. Co2xied from Engelmann (5) (PI. 30, fig. 13). DENDKOSOMA KADIANS, EHRENBEEG. 183 Fig. 43. — Urnula epistylidis, showing the formation of the gemmnla. Copied from Claparede and Lachmann (5) (PI. 10, fig. 3). Fig. 44. — Free-swimming gemmnla of Urnula. Copied from Clapai-ede and Lachmann (5) (PI. 10, fig. 3). Fig. 45. — A portion of the body of an Urnula very mnch enlarged to show the spiral marking of the tentacle (C). Fig. 46. — A specimen of Trichophrya epistylidis (s^j. .‘') found in the Bridgewater canal attached to the stalk of an Epistylis. (From a stained preparation.) No microuucleus could be seen. Size 129 5 /i X 111 Fig. 47. — A very young Deiidrosoma with one arm and one micro- nucleus, also attached to an Epistylis stalk. Tlie size of this sj)ecimen is 6P3 n in gi’eatest length, including the arm. From a stained pre- paration. Fig. 48. — Another rather older Deiidrosoma with three micronuclei. Size 60 IX, -f the arm 60 /i = 12(f fi. From a stained preparation. Fig. 49. — Lernaeophrya (sj). ?) from the Bridgewater canal. Drawn from a living specimen January, 1909. Figs. 50-52. — Three figures drawn to the same scale ( x 1000) to show the varying structure of the meganucleus of Dendrosoma. Fig. 50. — Section through a part of an arm (Birmingham material) in the region where the meganucleus terminates. The terminal extremity was in the direction of the upper side of the figure, but was not included in the actual section. Two micronuclei are seen beyond the mega- nucleus. The size of the largest granules was only 0'85 /x. Fig. 51. — Section through an arm showing two ineganuclear bands. The chromatin granules are smaller than in fig. 50, but the meganucleus contains peculiar, large, iiregular bodies which give the chromatin reaction. Fig. 52. — Section through a meganucleus (Bridgewater canal material). The largest chromatin granules seen in this section are 2'5 p in diameter. Snu/r^jKijc/T^Sct,. Vol.SJf-.NS :0^.1O STRUCTURE OE THE EXCRETORY ORGANS OF AMl’KIOXUS. 185 On the Structure of the Excretory Organs of Amphioxus. Part 2. — The Nephridium in the Adult. Part 3. — Hatschek’s Nephridium. Part 4. — The Nephridium in the Larva. By Edwin S. Ciioo€li‘i<-li, F.IC.K., Fellow of Merton College, Oxford. With Plates 11 — 16, and 1 Text-figure. Part 2. — The Nephridium in the Adult. In Part 1 of this contribution, which appeared some years ago (7), it was shown that the nephridia of Amphioxus bear a startling resemblance to the nephridia of certain Polychaete worms, such as Phyllodice ; they are segmental, they are formed of an excretory canal opening to the exterior (atrium), but ending internally in blind branches; these blind ends are provided with typical solenocytes. The last fact was the only striking novelty then contributed to the descriptions of Weiss (13) and Boveri (1). Although I can now add but little of real importance to my previous account, it is necessary to return to the subject again owing to the publication by various authors of certain statements as to the presence of internal openings. These statements, if not soon disproved, will spread confusion and error in the literature of the subject which it may take years to eradicate. Had not other pressing work prevented me, I should myself long ago have attempted 186 EDWIN S. GOODRICH. to dispose of tlieiu. Sucli convincing evidence can now be brought forward against these views, tliat it may be hoped the question will soon be definitely settled. Moreover, I take this opportunity of adding certain details which serve to complete our knowledge of these interesting organs. In 1904 Boveri published a note (la) in which, while accepting my description of solenocytes, he still maintained that the lumen of the nephridial canal opens into the dorsal, or hyper-branchial, coelom by one or more funnels. Felix, in his excellent acconnt of the development of the excretory organs of the Vertebrata (2), fully adopted my view as to the structure of the nephridia of Amphioxus, and gave some figures, derived from Boveri’s original paper (1), but “corrected after Goodrich.” In these figures the funnels wei-e closed up. Shortly afterwards Felix changed his opinion, having exa- mined Boveri’s sections, and republished the latter’s figures in their original condition (with open funnels) in a second work on the excretory organs of the Vertebrata (3). K. C. Schneider likewise accepts Boveri’s description, but gives no new figures to support his opinion (12). Xow, it may at once be stated that I am firmly convinced that such internal funnels do not exist. Indeed, I am prepared not only to affirm that they do not occur in any Amphioxus I have examined, but also to prove the correctness of my description to any competent person who is willing to look at my preparations. My affirmation is based on a long and patient study of numberless specimens, both living and preserved. It is naturally to sections that one turns for the final verdict, and I may say that, although I have examined hundreds of sections of specimens of different sizes and ages, preserved according to a variety of methods, cut in all directions, stained in various ways, never once have I been able to discover such an opening. Occasionally, if the section is broken, the preservation defective, or the staining im- perfect, one may meet with what at first sight appears to be a communication between the coelom and the nephridial , STRUCTURE OF THE EXCRETORY ORC4ANS OF AMPHIOXUS. 187 canal; but this deceptive appearance is soon exposed on a more critical examination of the preparation. Thick sections are especially misleading. ISTo observation made on a section more than 5 thick is in the least conclusive. The technical difficulties are very great in the study of Amphio.Kus; the tissues are brittle, the cells very small and difficult to stain satisfactorily. Formol and Flemming’’s fluid, cor- rosive-acetic, and picro-sulphuric-formol are all good pi-e- servatives. Great care must, however, be taken to avoid shrinkage, and for this purpose the method of double embedding in celloidin and paraffin is most useful. By far the best sections are obtained from pieces of the pharynx removed from the fresh animal, and preserved separately. One may use either carmine or hmmatoxylin for staining the nuclei ; but it is quite essential to add some suitable cyto- plasmic stain such as acid fuchsin. For the particular ])urpose Ave are now concerned with, perhaps some strong staining reagent like Mann’s methyl-blue eosin is the best for working out minute details under high powers, though picro-nigrosin also yields valuable results. Turning now to the structure of the nephridium, we find the external pore opening at the very top of the atrial cavity, on the anterior outer surface of the secondary or tongue bar {op., figs. 1, 2, 7, and text-figure). The pore leads into a canal which gives off a short posterior limb, and a much longer anterior limb. The latter passes forwards to the next primary bar, and downwards into the triangular coelomic cavity delimited by the ligamentum denticulatnm. In a fully developed nephridium both the anterior and posterior limbs give off diverticula of varying length, which may sometimes branch. These are shown in fig. 1 of Part 1 (7), and are seen again in the reconstructions given in this paper (figs. 1, 2, 3). Let us pass to the conclusive evidence which can only be obtained from sections. The wall of the nephridial canal contains many nuclei (figs. 7, 13). In some places they are so closely packed that they seem to press against each other. 188 EDWIN S. GOODlilCH. In other regions of the canal they may be more sparsely distributed. Cell outlines are rarely visible. The cytoplasm Diat^nun of a, section tlirough the nepliridimn, passing along a plane at right angles to the long axis of the animal, and parallel to the gill bar. a. e. Atrial epithelium, h. Base of secondary gill-bar. hv. Blood-vessel, c. ep. Coelomic epithelium, cli. Chamber con- taining solenocytes. v. Wall of nephridial canal, op. Ne- phridiopore. koI. Solenocyte cell, and t. its tube containing a flagellum. usually contains numerous granules of an excretory nature. As we approach the tip of a diverticulum, we find that the STEUCTUKE OE THE EXCEETOEY OEGANS OF AMriIIOXDS. 189 nuclei do not gradually decrease in number, but suddenly stop in the immediate neighbourhood of the solenocyte tubes (figs. 6, 20). Here, where these tubes spring out of the canal, there are no nuclei; but the wall itself is continued as a sheet of more or less granular cytoplasm completely closing off the lumen of the canal (figs. 6, 9, 20, 21). This canal wall may be thick or thin, the variation in thickness depending, I believe, chiefly on the state of tension of the fluid inside the canal. In good thin sections the wall is always visible. Indeed, the better the section, and the more perfect the stain, the clearer becomes the limiting wall, whatever may bo the direction in which it is cut. Figs. 19 and 20 represent two sections taken parallel to the surface of the nephridium, sagittal sections of the animal. The first just shaves through the outer wall of the canal, and shows many solenocytes lying on the blood-vessel. The second, which ouly corresponds to the left hand portion of the first figure, cuts deeper into the canal through the extremity of one of the branches, where may be seen the solenocyte tubes piercing the closing wall. In the next section the nuclei of the opposite side begin to appear, the whole thickness of the small solenocyte-beariug offshoot having been nearly cut through, 'fhe following section would show only a slice of the wall. There is no opening. Fig. 21 gives a similar view of another nephridium in the same animal. Two consecutive sections through the lowermost tip of the anterior limb of the nephridium are drawn in figs. 13, 14. Here again are seen the tubes piercing the wall, in which there is no trace of an opening. Figs. 5 and G represent sections from a series nearly transverse to the animal and parallel to the bar. That in fig. 5 passes through the external- pore, and shaves off the wall of a diverticulum. The next section (fig. 6) cuts through the extremity of this diverticulum. It is seen that the lumen is closed off from the coelom by a distinct cytoplasmic wall, through which pass solenocyte tubes. In fig. 7 is drawn a portion of the same section when the microscope has been VOL. 54, I'AKT 2. — NEW SEKIES. 14 190 EDWIN S. GOODKICH. focussed to the lower surface ; the nuclei of the wall are again visible. There is no opening. Innumerable figures could be given of series of sections all telling the same story. But the critic will say : it the diver- ticula are really closed, sections taken at right angles through their tip should show the tubes cut across embedded in the thickness of the wall. Such sections are not difficult to find, and I figure several on Plates 12 and 13. Figs. 10 and 12 represent two consecutive sections across the tip of a brancli. In the first are seen the tubes entering the wall, while the next (fig. 12) strikes the lumen. A small })art of this figure is shown slightly diagrammatised (fig. 11) on a larger scale. Again three consecutive sections are di'awn in figs. 15, IG, and 17. Here two sections cut through the solid wall before the lumen is reached. Lastly, fig. 18 represents a section through two adjacent processes, one of which has been cut so as to expose the lumen, while the other shows very clearly the soleuocyte tubes piercing the wall and embedded in its cytoplasm. The evidence of all these sections is quite unequivocal ; it would serve no good purpose to multiply instances ; there is no opening, the wall is continuous, and is traversed by the tubes of the solenocytes. But there is other evidence of a different nature leading to the same conclusion. I have observed in a living nephridium the fluid inside the nepliridial canal so compressed, perhaps by the overlying cover-glass, that it dilated the tip of the diverticulum so as to give rise to a bulging vesicle at its extremity. Now, such a swelling could obviously not be formed if the tip were open. We may now turn to injections to corroborate our view. 1 have recently injected the dorsal hypei’branchial coelom with Indian ink. The minute black particles were held in sus- pension in sea-water. Such a fluid, if introduced with a hypodermic syringe, can be made to fill the coelom. It is clear that if the nephridium communicated with the coelom the ink would jienetrate into the canal ; this would happen STRUCTUEE OF THE EXCRETORY ORGANS OE AMPHIOXUS. 191 all the more easily, since a powerful ciliary current works towards the external pore. Sections of such injected speci- mens show conclusively that not a single particle of ink has entered the nephridial canal, although the ink has penetrated into every chink of the coelom. But, it may be asked, if the facts are so plain and conclu- sive, hoAV is it that so keen-sighted and accm-ate an observer as Boveri has been deceived? Well, if it will not be con- sidered presumptuous on my part, I will attempt to explain how the mistake arose. ^ To begin with, the sections he examined were not appropriate!}'’ stained. The nuclei are clear, but the cytoplasm scarcely stained at all. In the majority of the sections which I had the opportunity of seeing the wall which closes the tips of the diverticula was very difficult to make out, though I could detect it on close e.xamination in a suitable light. I naturally turned with great interest to the section given on PI. 33, fig. 17, of the original memoir (1), and of which a ])hotograph is published in the ' Anatomischen Anzeiger’ (la). Anyone on first looking at this section might be led to believe in the exist- ence of a funnel. The appearance is extraordinarily decep- tive. But it is deceptive, and the deception is due to two things. First of all the nuclei are deeply stained, but the cytoplasm practically colourless and transparent; in the second place the section is thick. The figure given by Boveri is really an optical section of the preparation. The closing wall can, indeed, be seen, but only with the greatest diffi- culty. The misleading appearance of a funnel is due to the sudden cessation of the nuclei round the base of the soleno- cyte tubes; an appearance which is further heightened by the limit of the coclomic epithelium at the same spot (see p. 193, and text-figure). Jjet it not be thought that in insisting on the absence of an opening I am unduly influenced by a priori considerations * Soon after the publieatiou of liis paper (la) I wrote to Professor Boveri, who then very kindly sent me his preparations, and I gladly take this opportunity of thanking him for his courtesy. 192 EDWIX 8. (JUODKICH. clue to theoretical bias. It is true that I hold that the renal organ of Aiuphioxus is a nephridiuin homologous with the nephridia of Annelids and Platyhelmiuths, and not homo- logous with the kidney tubules of the Craniata (5, 7) ; but it is now well known that the true nephridia of Annelids may open into the coelom. There is no a priori reason why they should not do so in Amphioxus. However, no nephri- dium has yet been found possessing both solenocytes and an internal opening, though such intermediate stages must pre- sumably have existed. The Relation of the Nephridium to the Blood- supply. — The general blood-supply has been well described and figured by Boveri (1). But according to my observa- tions the vessels occur not so much as narrow capillaries, as in the form of a large expanded vessel spreading over the area occupied by the excretory organ. This is shown in sections (figs. 7, 23), and also in the reconstructions given on Plate 11. It will, moreover, be noticed that, although the greater part of the bloodvessel lies on the inner or atrial surface of tin; nephridium, yet several loops pass round to the outer or coelomic surface. Thus a considerable part of the nephridial canal is entirely surrounded by the blood- vessels. The solenocytes radiate out from the canal, and always lie on the wall of a bloodvessel, being attached to it by a })rotoplasmic process (tigs. 4, 15). 'I’he way in which these cells are distributed is shown iu figs. 14, 19, and diagrams 2 and 3, and the text-figure. It will there be seen that the longer tubes, which are of course those belonging to cells furthest away from the canal, pass over the shorter tubes to reach their destination. Never do the solenocytes project freely into the ccclom ; when they appear to do so in sections this is, I believe, due to the cell having become detached accidentally, either during the process of preserva- tion or of cutting. The tubes are therefore fixed at both cuds. In the text-figure may also be seen the peculiar disposition of the solenocytes at the top of the secondary gill-bar. Here STRt'CTURE OF THE EXCRETORY OR(T\XS OF AMFHIOXUS. 193 tlie canal of tlie nephridium gives off two or three short diverticula, which are turned away from the coelom towards the middle line. The numerous solenocytes projecting from these diverticula lie in a sort of pocket or chamber (figs. 1, 2, 3, 23), which only communicates with the coelom by means of a dorsal opening, over which pass a large number of soleno- cyte tubes. In one region the inner wall of this chamber is fortued by the skeletal rod of the gill-bar (figs. 3, 23). Some- what similar pockets are found occasionally in connection with other parts of the nephridium, as, for instance, the anterior limb of the canal. The cavity in the chambers is, I believe, rather of the nature of a lymph space than of a true ccclomic cavity. The Relation of the Nejihridium to the Ccclomic Epithelium. — It is important to determine exactly what is the disposition of the coolomic epithelium in the neighbour- hood of the nephridium. Boveri (1) and Weiss (13) have already shown that the canal is covered by the ccclomic epithelium ; but this epithelium only clothes the outer or ccclomic surface (text-figure). It passes on to the nephri- dium from the atrial wall, covering the canal and its blind branches to their extremity. Here it is not reflected so as to pass over to the inner or atrial surface of the organ, but ends abruptly near the base of the solenocyte tubes (figs. 2, G, 8, 9). Thus the nephridium and the bloodvessels which accom- pany it maybe said to lie ‘‘morphologically” eiitirely outside the coelom; between the ccclomic epithelium and the atrial epithelium. The nephridium is, in fact, retroperitoneal. 'I’liis is true, I believe, of the solenocytes themselves, though less easy to prove. For the ccclomic epithelium stops short where the solenocytes begin (figs. 6, 8, 2), passing neither on the inner side over the bloodvessel, nor outside them over their ccclomic surface. For a long time I was under the impression that a very delicate membranous extension of the epithelium covered over the coolomic surface of the soleno- cytes; but I am now satisfied that this is not the case, 194 EDWIN S. OnODRICH. altliougli sometimes the epithelium seems to stretch over the base of the solenocyte tubes for a considerable wny. The coelomic epithelium is not continuous with the wall of the canal at the tip of the diverticula, but often can be seen in sections to end with a free and jagged edge. Over the region where the solenocytes occur there is a gap in the coelomic epithelium, so that coelomic fluid freely bathes the solenocyte tubes (figs. 2, 3). That the space in which lie these tubes, and even the deep pockets described above (p. 193), commu- nicate with the coelom is evident in specimens injected with Indian ink. Since no epithelium covers the solenocytes their true rela- tion to the coelom cannot be made out for certain in the adult. Without going into the question of their develop- ment in this paper, I may say that a careful examination of M. Legros’s excellent preparations has convinced me that in the very earliest stages of its development the whole rudi- ment of the nephridium and solenocytes lies enclosed betw'een the coelomic epithelium and the atrial wall. There is nothing unusual in the solenocytes coming into secondary contact with the coelomic fluid. We know that in the Actinotrocha larva the nephridium pierces the wall of the preseptal hmmocoel, and the solenocytes project freely in the blood (8). In many Polychmtes also the nephridium passes tlu’ough the coelomic epithelium and the solenocytes lie naked in the coelomic fluid (6) . To sum up the chief points in this contribution : — The careful examination of the nephridia in sections and in the living state shows that they have no internal opening. The tubes of the solenocytes pierce the wall of the nephridia! canal, and open into its lumen. The flagellum passes down the tube into the lumen. The solenocytes are attached to the wall of the bloodvessels, which expand in this region, and may surround the canal. Both the bloodvessels and the nephridial canal are covered by the coelomic epithelium, being situated between it and the atrial wall. Over that region which is occupied by the solenocytes there is a gap in STRUCTIIKE OF THK EXCRETORY OR(4AN.S OF A.MPHIOXrS. 195 the cocloinic epithelium, allowing the fluid to bathe the tubes. Nevertheless the whole excretory organ is to be considered as retroperitoneal. Part 3. — The Nephridium of Hatschek. 'I’his organ was first described by Hatschek in a paper without illustrations (9), wherein he states that the first somite of the left side divides into two halves, of which the first acquires an opening to the exterior, and becomes the “ Riiderorgan” or ciliated glandular joit in the buccal cavity, while the second and inner half becomes the nephridium. “ Es entwickelt sich in der Larve als rnesodermaler wim- pernder Trichter und canal, und zwar nnr linkerzeits vor der Munddffnung, in der Region des ersten Metamers ; es wiichst spilter weiter nach hinten aus. Bei dem ansgebildeten Thiere erstreckt sich das Organ an der linken kdrperseite lungs des ventralen Randes der Chorda von nahe dem vorderen Mun- drande bis dicht hinter das Velum. Hier scheiut es in den Kiemendarm zu rniinden (die Ausmiindung muss ich noch- mals priifen). Es liegt in einem engen Fortsatz der Leibe.s- holile iiberlagert von der linken Carotis ” (9). Lankester and Willey incidentally refer to the organ in their important memoir on the larva of Amphioxus (10), and there state that “ in the condition in which we have observed this structure (viz. in larvic ranging from the stage with three gill-slits up to closure of the atrial cavity) there does not seem to be any special reason for regarding it as a nephridium. We should prefer to call it the subchordal tube. It appears to end blindly anteriorly, and to open into the buccal cavity near the recurved extremity of the gland- ular tract which accompanies the club-shaped gland.” Willey in his later contribution (15) incompletely repre- sents the nephridium of Hatschek in his figures, but actually draws the solenocytes without, hoAvever, realising their significance. He says, “1 could not certainly detect cilia in it, and, in fact, was unable to understand its import. It seems to possess a superficial resemblance to the head-kidney 19G EDWIN S. (iOODRICll. of Annelid larva) (ti'ochospliores), but I can form no opinion as to the reality of any such resemblance.” The next author to mention the organ is MacBride, who briefly describes its development, believing that it arises from the communication between the gut and the second myotome (11).^ Van Wijhe (14) describes the canal of Hatschek’s nephri- dium in the adult, applying to it the name Schlundforsatz : ^^eine enge Rohre, welche dem linken Seiteurande der linken Aorta angeschmigt ist. Das enge lumen wird von einem einschichtigen Cylinderepithel begrenzt und bildet strecken- weise seitliche Ausbuchtungen. Wo eine solche ange- schnitten wird, kbnnen zwei Lumina im Schnittbilde auf- treten. Unmittelbar hinter dem Velum miindet die Ebhre mit einer feinen Offnung in den Schlund aus.” He denies, however, the presence of the coelomic cavity described by Hatschek, and does not accept the latter’s theory as to the organ’s function. “ Nach meiner Meinung,” says van Wijhe, “ ist das organ nicht anderes als ein Rudiment des vorderen Darmendes, welches beim Embryo in das Plimmersiickchen (linke Entodermsackchen) ausmiindete.” It is to Goldschnidt that we are indebted for the first description of solenocytes in the nephridium of Hatschek (4), placing its homology with the posterior nephridia beyond doubt. His account seems, however, to be based on imper- fect material, and he falls into the error of ascribing to the canal an internal opening such as Boveri had described in the paired nephridia. I have recently had the opportunity of studying this interesting organ in adult and larval specimens in Helgo- land,^ and am thus able to give a more complete description of it. ' I am unal)le to agree witli tlie view of either Hatschek or MacBride as to the origin of this nepliridium. - I gladly seize this opportunity of thanking Prof. Heincke, Prof. Hartlauh, and the staff of the Kiinigl. Biologische Anstalt for the kind way in which they received me in Helgoland. STIUHITURE OK THE EXCHETORY OROANS OF AMI’HIOXUS. 197 The nephi’idium of Hatschek reaches its maximum develop- ment in the adult, where it is indeed the largest nephridium in the body, some 2 mm. in length. Lying on the left side, below and parallel to the notochord, it opens just behind the velum into the pharynx,^ and runs forward a long distance to a point just in front of the ciliated groove (Riiderorgan). Here it ends blindly, and along its course are given off short blind diverticula (figs. 27, 42, 43, 44). Solenocytes are set on the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the organ along almost its whole length, being especially numerous on the diverti- cula (fig. 28). Altogether an enormous number of soleno- cytes are present on this nephridium in the adult Am- phioxus. The canal runs along the floor of a narrow cavity beside the aorta (figs. 42 — 44). It is to the wall of this cavity that the solenocytes are attached, and it appears to be of coclomic nature; at all events it is in open communication with the myococle of the first myotome in larval stages (figs. 25, 20, 33). In the adult, however, it is closed off, and the lining epithelium seems to be very irregularly developed, forming Jio distinct layer of cells (fig. 28). In the larva of about 13 gill-.slits, of the left series only (fig. 33), the nephridium cau be well seen by transparency as a short tube opening behind into the phai’ynx (fig. 24). Its dorsal surface is entirely beset with solenocytes in several closely packed rows (fig. 29). An optical section of the organ at this stage is represented in fig. 38, showing clearly the way in which the tubes of the solenocytes pierce the thin dorsal wall. We may summarise as follows the observations recorded above : — The nephridium of Hatschek is a true nephridium, similar in structure to the posterior paired nephridia. In the adult, where it reaches its maximum development, it extends along the left aorta from in front of the ciliated ‘ On one occasion only I have found an opening from the canal into the hinder region of the huccal cavity itself, as well as the posterior opening into the pharynx. 19S EDWIN S. (iOODKICH. groove backwards to the pharynx into which it opens. Very numerous solenocytes are set chiefly on short blind diverticula. It has no internal opening, and lies in a cavity, Avhich is in communication with the myocoele of the first myotome in the larva. That this nephridium is in every way similar to and homo- logous with the paired posterior nephridia there can be no doubt. Van Wijhe’s suggestion, mentioned above, must therefore be abandoned. Two peculiarities, however, still remain to be explained ; its unpaired character and its open- ing into the alimentary canal. No one, so far as I am aware, has yet worked out the exact relation of the gill-slits to the somites in the larva of Amphioxus, and my own observations on this point are very incomplete. But judging from the course of the dorsal spinal nerves (fig. 30), the first gill-slit, of the left (on the right side) series, which is the first to appear in the larva, corresponds to the third myotome. Probably its true morphological position is between the second and third myotome. Presumably Hatschek’s nephri- dium would correspond to the next gill-slit in front, between the second and first myotonies, did such a slit exist. As for its unpaired character, I can for the present offer no better explanation than this, that it is the left of an original anterior pair of nephridia, the one-sided development of which is no doubt correlated with the general asymmetry of the anterior region so conspicuous in the larva. But this question can only be profitably discussed after an exhaustive study of the development, and must therefore be put aside for the pi’esent. In the same way a detailed knowledge of the development of this organ, and of the posterior nephridia, is necessary before one can discuss the significance of the anomalous position of the opening. STEUCTURE OP THE EXCRETORY OWOANS OF AMPHFOXUS. 199 Part 4. — The Development of the Left Series of Nephridia in the Larva. For many years I have been trying to trace the develop- ment of the nephridia in Amphioxus. In 1902 I collected a large amount of material from the Pantano at Faro ; but ill- health prevented my working out the development on the living larva, and I failed to do so on the preserved speci- mens. It was not till last year that I was again able, in Helgoland, to study the living larva, and succeeded in tracing some stages of the development of the excretory organs. In the meantime Legros had been studying the same subject in Naples, and published anonymously a pre- liminary notice of his results a short time ago (16).^ In the present paper I shall not discuss in detail the first origin of the nephridia, but restrict myself to a description of the stages found in the larva with from ten to fifteen gill-slits of the left hand series, and no trace of the right hand series. These are the only stages which I have been able to study sufficiently in the living state. Fig. 30 gives a left side view of a young larva with eleven slits. The anterior gill-slits are still well on the right side, but the hinder slits are in or near the middle line. The future dorsal edge of each slit may, of course, at this stage be more ventral than the future ventral edge. The nephridia are seen as small rounded sacs near the posterior ventral corner of each slit. Every slit from the first to the last has such a nephridium. At this early stage there is no atrium, the slits have an internal margin of thick branchial epi- thelium, which is thrown into characteristic folds when the branchial muscles contract, while the external margin of the slit is formed by a thin fold of the body wall, acting as a sort ' Tlirougli the kindness of M. Legros I have had the oi^portunity of examining Ins sections, and I cannot agree witli liis conclusions as to the origin of the nephridia from the ccelomic epithelium, nor as to the presence of inteimal openings. But I believe he has modified his views considerably on these points since the publication of the note. 200 EDWIN S. OOnDEICH. of sphincter (fig’s. 33 and 36). A shallow branchial chamber lined with epidermis is thus formed, leading from the external to the internal opening. It is in this chamber that the nephridium opens, at a place corresponding apparently to the point of junction of the ectoderm with the endoderm (fig. 41). The position of the nephridiopore can be seen in figs. 36 and 30. When the atrinm becomes formed by the closing off of tlie space between the metapleural folds, with which the branchial cavities become merged, the pores open into the atrium. A ventral view of a stage where the atrium has just begun to be formed posteriorly shows one or two nephridia behind the last open gill-slit (fig. 35). Probably these nephridia belong to the posterior gill-slits, which have closed up (Willey, 15) ; they open now directly on the surface (fig. 30). The young’ nephridium is a flattened sac, without internal opening (figs. 36 and 39). From its inner end spring a large number of solenocytes; their tubes pierce its wall, and their flagella pass into the lumen of the sac. The majority of the solenocytes spread over the blood-vessel which runs along the future dorsal edge of the slits. The solenocytes of the first few slits scarcely extend beyond this limit; but, passing backwards to more posterior nephridia, we find that the solenocytes spread farther and farther up towards the dorsal aorta, the tubes lengthening out as the cells lie farther from the nephridial sac. At about the fifth or sixth nephridium some of the solenocytes actually reach the aorta (fig. 40). fl'he tubes in this case ina,y attain a really astonishing length, stretching right across the field of a yVth oil-immersion objective with oc. 8. Fig. 34 represents the posterior gill region of a living larva, in which the remarkable development of the .soleno- cytes is well shown. Here a group of the longest solenocytes, some twelve to eighteen in number, spread out over the aorta in a most beautifully regular fan-like arrangement in each segment. A section of this region is shown in fig. 31 ; the fan-like disposition is found in each segment to the hindmost STRUCTURE OF THE EXCRETORY ORGANS OP AMI'HIOXUS. 201 limit of the series of nephridia. Presumably the dorsal solenocytes degenerate later^ since they are not known to exist in the adult. The observations on the larval nephridia recorded in this part may be summarised as follows : — To every gill-slit corresponds a uephridinng consisting of a sac closed in- ternally, but opening to the exterior apparently at the point where the ectoderm joins the endoderm in the shallow bran- chial chamber. From the internal blind end of ihe nephridial sac spring numerous solenocytes, some of which reach and spread over the aorta at every segment in a fan-like arrange- ment. This structure is only fully developed from about the eighth segment backwards to the last nephridium. July 3rd, 1909. List of Kffkkfncks. 1. Hoveri, Tli. — “Die Niereiikauiilcheii des Aiiiphioxiis," ’Zool. Jahrl). Aiiat. Abt.,’ Bd. 5, 1892. la. “ Bemerk. iiber d. Ban. d. Niereiikaiialcheii des Ampliioxus," ‘ Aiiat. Aiiz.,’ Bd. 25, 1904. 2. Felix, W. — “Entw. des Hainapparates," ‘ Hertwig’s Handbucdi d. Eiitw. d. Wirl^eltiere,’ Bd. 3, 1904. 3. “ Entw. des Exkretions-system,” ‘Aiiat. Hefte. Ergeb. Aiiat. 11. Entw.,’ Bd. 13, 1904. 4. Goldschmidt, R.— “Ampliiuxides,” ‘ Wiss. Ergel). d. deutscli. Tiefsee- Expedition “Valdivia,”’ Bd. 12, 1905. 5. Goodrich, E. S.— “On the Cadom, etc,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 37, 1894. 6 “ On the Nephridia of the Polycha-ta,” Parts I, II, and III, ibid., vols. 40, 1897, 41, 1898, and 43, 1900. 7. “ On the Structure of the Excretory Organs of Ainphioxus,” Part I, ibid., vol. 45, 1902. 8. “ On the Body-cavities and Nephridia of the Actinotrocha larva,” ibid., vol. 47, 1903. 9. Hatschek, B. — “ Mitth. iiber Ainphioxus,” ‘ Zool. Anz.,’ Bd. 7, 1884. 202 EDWIN S. DOODEICII. 10. Laiikcster, E. R., and Willey, A.— “ The Development of the Atrial Chamber of Amphioxus,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 31, 1890. 11. MaeBride, E. W. — “The Early Development of Amphioxus," ibid., vol. 40, 1898. 12. Schneider, K. C. — ‘Lehrhuch des Vergl. Histologie,' Jena, 1902. 13. Weiss, F. E. — “Excretory Tubules in Amphioxus,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 31, 1890. 14. Wljhe, J. W. van. — “ Beitr. z. Anat. des Kopfregion des Am- phioxus,” ‘Petrus Camper,’ vol. 1, 1901. 15. Willey, A. — “ The Later Larval Development of Amphioxus,” “Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 32, 1891. 16. Legros, R. — “ Sur le dcvel. des fentes hranchiales et des canalicules de Weiss-Boveri cliez I’Amphioxus,” ‘Anat. Anz.,’ Bd. 34, 1909. Published anonymously. List of Refkkence Letters. a. c. and «. ep. Atrial epithelium, ao. Aorta, h. Secondary gill-har. b. c. Buccal cavity, b. ep. Epithelium of buccal cavity, hr. Brain. br. c. Branchial eiiithelium. bv. Blood-vessel. cii. Cavity in whicli runs Hatschek's nephridium. c. ep. Coelomic epithelium, c. gl. Club- shaped gland. ch. Solenocyte chamber. cr. Cirrhus. c. w. Cut wall of nephridial canal, d. n. Dorsal nerve, e. ar, seen from behind. Fig. 4. — Small portion of a section shaving off the wall of a nephridial canal, and showing the bases of the solenocyte tubes embedded in the cytoplasm. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil imm., oc. 8. PLATE 12. Figs. 5 and 6. — Two consecutive sections, parallel to the gill-bar, through a nephildium, showing the solenocyte tubes xiassing through the thickness of the wall of the canal. Cam. Z. 2 mm. oc. 4. Fig. 7. — Drawing of the lower surface of the section of which the upper surface is represented in fig. (1. Cam. Z 2 mm. ap oil-imm., oc. 4. Fig. 8. — Section across the anterior limb of a nephridium, showing the ccelomic epithelium passing over the outer surface of the canal. Fig. 9. — Similar section showing solenocyte tubes piercing the wall of the canal. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 4. Fig. 10. — Section parallel to a gill-bar, cutting the wall of a diver- ticulum of the neiihridial canal (at th.). Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 4. Fig. 11. — Diagi'amniatic view of a small portion of the wall of the diverticulum in the same section, showing the bases of the solenocyte tubes. 204 EDAVIN S. (lOODRICII. Fig. 12. — Next section to that drawn in fig 10. Figs. 13 and 11. — Two consecutive sections through the ventral end of the anterior limb of a nephridial canal. Cam. L. jb oil-imni., oc. 3. PLATE 13. Figs. 15, 1(>, and 17. — Three consecutive sections, parallel to a gill- bar. through the extremity of a diverticulum of the nephridial canal. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 12. In figs 15 and 10 the solenocyte tubes are cut in the thickness of the wall of the canal. Fig. 18. — Section across the ends of two adjacent nephridial diver- ticula. The bases of solenocyte tubes are clearly seen embedded in the cytoplasmic wall. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap, oil-imm., oc. 18. Fig. 19. — Longitudinal section cutting the surface of a nephridium. Cam. L. oil-imm., oc. 3. Fig. 20. — View of the portion of the next section corresponding to the left-hand region of fig. 19. Fig. 21.— Similar section of another nephridium. Fig. 22. — Diagram to illustrate the direction of the sections drawn in figs. 5, 9, 10, 13, 15, and 19. PLATE 14. Fig. 23. — Section across the toj) of one primary and two secondary gill-bars, showing the position of the solenocyte chambers (ch.), and of the blood-vessels. The position of the external pore at a lower level is indicated by a cross X. Fig. 24. —Transverse section of a larva, passing through the mouth, and oiiening of Hatschek's nephridium. Cam. Z. D., oc. 3. Fig. 25. — Transverse section farther forward passing just beyond the anterior end of Hatschek's nephridium, where the cavity in which it lies opens into the first myocade. Fig. 26. — More enlarged view of a portion of the next section, sliowing the solenocyte tubes in a cavity continuous with the first myocccle. Fig. 27. — Anterior end of an adult Amphioxus, ventral view. The buccal cavity has been opened up by cutting along the mid-ventral line H;itschek's nephridium is seen on the left side of the notochord. STRUCTURE OP THE EXCRETORY ORCxANS OF AMPHIOXUS. 205 Fxg. 28. — Small poi-tion of a transverse section of the head, showing Hatschek's nephridium. Cam. L. oil-imm., oc. 3. Fig. 29. — Similar view of a larva (the same as that in fig. 2t, from Helgoland, with about thirteen gill-slits). Cam. L oil-imm., oc. 3. Fig. 30. — Portion of a longitudinal section of a larva, showing a nephridium opening behind the last open gill-slit. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 4. Fig. 31. — Portion of a longitudinal section of a larva, showing the fan-like group of solenocytes on the aorta. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 4. PLATE 15. Fig. 32. — Left side view of a larva, drawn fi-om living and preserved specimens. Fig. 33. — Left side view of the anterior region of a slightly older larva on a larger scale, from living and preserved specimens. The cilia are not indicated. Fig. 34. — Left side view of the posterior branchial region of a larva, showing the disposition of the solenocytes. From the living. Fig. ,35. — Ventral view of a region of a larva, showing the last open gill-slit, and two more jio.sterior nephridia. From the living. Fig. 36. — Ventral view of two posterior gill-slits of a living laiwa. Fig. 37 —Solenocytes from Hatschek's nephridium in the larva. Fig. 38. — Optical section of Hatschek’s nephridium in the larva. From the living. Fig. 39. — Ventral view of a nephridium showing its opening just within the margin of a posterior gill-slit in a larva. Solenocytes cut short. PLATE 16. Fig. 40. — Left side view of a single nephridium in a larva. From the living. Fig. 41. — Portion of a transverse section of a laiwa, passing through the nephridiopore. Cam. Z. 2 mm. ap. oil-imm., oc. 4. Figs. 42, 43, and 44. — Portions of three transverse sections of the head of the adult, showing Hatschek’s nephridium. In front of the ciliated pit (fig. 42), at the level of the ciliated pit (fig. 43), and behind it (fig. 44). VOL. 54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 15 3j4urt. ^X)u/r-ri.(M'£/rrScL. %l. SU,M3 M.. // 1^ t I cep \ . 3jho/r^. tSau/T'n, Jl/ucmSco. OoL. c54 MS /c? ,% ,6';dyy yy F ‘". G ^tl 18 20. Ht.Ji T.\tj»^^oB. £Ljuarri. l3oL. S’Lf-.KS.tSPL. lU yhu/p'io. ead> S.TUtp^- M fifjllf / 1 /”* • ^LLim m Sneph E s G.aei lonflnn. DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANARF7E. 207 Intra-cellular and General Digestive Processes in Planariae. By O. Arnold, From the Cytological Laboratory of the University of Liverpool. With Plate 17. In 1878 Metsclinikotf drew attention to the plieuoinena of intra-cellnlar disfestion occnrrino' in Tnrbellarian worms. Since that time bnt little lias been published dealing with this very interesting subject. Metschnikoff’s short notice was followed by a paper by Lankester dealing with intra-cellnlar digestion in the endo- derm cells in the medusa of Limnocodinm, and two years later, 1883, Metschnikolf published further observations on intra-cellnlar digestion in the mesoderm cells of Synapta and l^hyllirhoe. Intra-cellular digestion has been observed in Ccelenterates generally, sponges. Protozoa, and in the leucocytes of the blood. Within recent years several observers have dealt with the digestion in the Protozoa, but apparently no work has been published dealing with the cytological details of intra-cellnlar digestion in any of the Enterocoela. Mouton in 1902 and Nerinstein in 1905, following on the earlier work of Greenwood and Saunders, have given long and detailed accounts of the process of digestion in Amoeba, Paramoecium, etc. These authors, however, have limited their attention almost entirely to the intimate history and staining reactions of the food vacuoles of those animals, and their conclusions afford few data which shed any light on 208 0. ARNOLD. the digestion in more highly organised animals such as Planaria. Moreover, the methods of research are necessarily different. In unicellular animals a considerable number of facts may be ascertained by the observation of the effects of intra-vitam staining. In animals such as the Planaria this is impossible on account of their lai’ge size and opacity. The observations here described have therefore been made upon carefully preserved specimens, and the staining reactions ai-e therefore post-mortem. The methods used were as follows : A number of Planaria lactea, which had been deprived of all food of any sort for fifteen days (after which period of time the cells of the intestine are entirely devoid of all food remains, see fig. 11) were fed with fresh clotted pig’s blood, and fixed in Flemming’s strong solution at various intervals after feeding. These intervals after feeding were as follows: j, i, IJ, 3i, 27, 48, 52, 70, 76, 96, 118. When a Planarian has just fed, the fixation is attended with difficulty owing to the fact that immediately the animal is immersed in the fixing fluid it contracts and ejects the recently ingested food Avith consider- able violence, not through the pharynx, but anyAvhere through the skin. If, however, the animal is cut into several pieces at the same time that the fixative is poured upon it, this difficulty is partially obviated, the whole procedure being too rapid to permit of any violent contraction. Forty-eight hours after feeding the lumen of the intestine is almost empty, most of the blood having been ingested, and the Planaria fixed after that interval did not eject any of the remaining contents. The stains used were: (1) A triple stain — Basic fuchsin, methylene blue and orange G.,^ and (2) iron-alum-hmma- toxylin, acid fnchsin and orange G. All the figures, except fig. 5, are drawn from preparations stained by the former process. ' I have given an account of tlie inethocl of using this stain in a paper on the “Ovi- ami Spermatogenesis of Planaria lactea," ‘ Arch, f. Zellforschung,’ Bel. iii, Heft 3, 1909. DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANARI^. 209 Some cells from the intestine of a planarian which has been without food for some seven or eight days are shown in PI. 17, fig. 13. The cells of the intestine are of two sorts : (1) Long, irregularly columnar cells. The cytoplasm of the cell (fig. 13) consists of a clear protoplasmic network^ enclosing several large vacuoles at its distal end, the vacuoles towards the middle of the cell being smaller and fewer. The proximal part of the cell consists of very much denser cyto- plasm, in which the reticulum is very fine and close, showing an almost fibrillar structure at its extreme end. The spaces between the network take the acid stain, but the network itself is stained by the basic colours, so that the proximal end of the cell where the reticulum is very dense is much darker than the rest. In this part lies the nucleus, which is small in proportion to the cytoplasm. The nucleus is round or ovoid, with a deeply staining membrane, and a nucleolus which is stained bright blue by the methylene blue. In an animal which has been starved for fifteen days the vacuoles in the cytoplasm are more numerous and larger (fig. 11). The cytoplasm around each vacuole is denser and more granular than elsewhere, but a definite membi’ane cannot be made out. (2) (xoblet-shaped gland-cells, only half as large, or less, than the former, invariably with a small nucleus extremely irregular in outline, and taking the basic fuchsin stain very markedly. The cytoplasm is very granular, and is peculiar in having a greater affinity for basic than acid stains, staining as deeply as the nuclear material. It is full of large vacuoles, in which now and again is to be seen a residue also stained by the methylene blue (tigs. 11 and 13.) Absoki'tion of Pat. We will deal with the functions and history of these gland cells first. There is generally one of them to every ten of the 210 (1. ARNOLD. others. When the intestine is empty they are large and the vacuoles are full (fig. 11). Very soon after food has been taken into tlie intestine the whole cell diminishes in size, till at about the twenty-seven hour stage it is shrunken to a fifth of its original size and quite flaccid (fig. 16). In this condition it lies squeezed in between the columnar cells, so much so that sometimes these cells appear to lie quite outside the intestine, between the latter and the sui-rounding parenchyma. There can be little doubt that the gland cells secrete a digestive ferment, which is probably used entirely for the digestion of fat. AVithin a quarter of an hour after feeding it will be seen that the columnar cells are full of fat-globules, stained black by the osmic acid of the fixative (fig. 1). Even when the lumen of the intestine is full of blood (red corpuscles, leuco- cytes, etc.) no fat-globules are to be seen lying free in the lumen, nor can any pseudopodial extensions of the cytoplasm containing fat-globules of the columnar cells be seen, suggest- ing that the fat has been ingested in an amoeboid fashion. The gland-cells do not begin to return to their normal size till after about the forty-eighth hour, when almost all the columnar cells are devoid of unaltered fat, and reach their usual size again at about the seventieth hour. It is very noticeable that no ingestion of solid particles (i.e. true intra-cellular digestion) takes jtlace until the absorption of fat is over, and the latter has undergone marked changes in the columnar cells. A large part of the fat absorbed by the columnar cells is digested in the cytoplasm of these cells, but some of it is again passed out at their bases unaltered lying in the parenchyma. The fate of these extruded globules will be dealt with later ou. The fat first appears in the cytoplasm of the columnar cells in very small globules, which by fusing together form much larger ones, so that some cells within an hour after feeding seem to be one mass of fat. The researches of Munk, Aloore and Rockwood, and others DIGESTIVE PEOCESSES IN PLANAEIiE. 211 have shown that in the higher animals, especially in mammals, the absorption of fat by the epithelial cells of the intestine is brought about by the fat of the food being converted into fatty acids and glycerine by the action of lipolytic enzymes. Only in that form can the fat be taken up by the epithelial cells, which then again synthesise the fatty acids into fat, and the latter is seen in the cytoplasm of the cells in the form of globules, being passed on by them to the lymphatic cells and the lymphatic capillaries. The process appears to be very similar in the Planarim, and judging by the facts stated above, there is reason to believe that the goblet-cells of the Planarim function as organs secreting a lipolytic enzyme. Possibly they may elaborate other secretions as well, but their ability to secrete a fiit-digesting fluid can hardly be doubted. It has been pointed out that when the columnar cells are full of fat-globules stained by the osniic acid, no such fat is to be seen in the lutnen. It was therefore necessary to see whether there was any fat in the lumen in a form not acted on by osmic acid. It is well known that the staining with osmic acid is due to the presence of unsaturated compounds. In view of the work of Lorrain Smith (’07) it was thought desirable to test the action of Nile-blue sulphate, which stains not only the neutral fat, but differentiates the fatty acids. For this purpose some Planaria were fixed a quarter of an hour after feeding in a weak solution of foruiol and cut with a freezing microtome. By this means all fat solvents, such as xylol, etc., were avoided. The sections were then stained for fifteen minutes in a strong aqueous solution of the dye. In spite of the fact that the colour was slightly masked by the blue colour taken by all the tissue, charac- teristic globules of fat in the columnar cells were seen, red to reddish-yellow in colour. Care has to be taken not to confuse loose red blood-corpuscles which have been shifted from the lumen on to the cells with these globules. The colour is, however, entirely different, the fat-globules being definitely red under a high power lens, whereas the corpuscles 212 G. AUNOLD. are yellow. Apart from this, fat-globules can be seen in the cytoplasm of the endotlerm cells, far too large to be mistaken for any corpuscle lying over or under one of those cells. It must be remembered that no ingestion of the corpuscles takes place until some considerable time after the one hour stage, at which these Planaria were killed. This fact indicates, at least, that the fat which appears in the endoderm cells is a neutral fat, but whether the secretion of the gland cells breaks down the fat of the blood into fatty acids could not be ascertained, for the colour of the blood- corpuscles completely masks any blueness which might be present in the food magma. However, sections of the one and a half hour stage, cut in paraffin and stained with Nile-blue sulphate, showed a definite bluish tinge in the magma, but not a trace of red. The significance of this fact is important, for it shows that the digestive process in Planaria is not, as has been stated by Metschnikoff (‘ L’lmmunite,’ 1902), entirely intra-cellular, and at the same time indicates the first step in the formation of the highly complex digestive apparatus found in the higher animals. This first step is, we have seen, the production of a secre- tion by certain cells which enables fat to be absorbed. Such cells are unicellular glands. If during the course of evolu- tion these unicellular glands, instead of being difl^used throughout the intestine, become aggregated in certain areas, we are enabled to picture the formation of any of the multi- cellular glands which line the intestinal tract by the subsequent invagination and enlargement. Metschnikoff (’02) and in his work ‘ L’lmmunite dans les (Maladies Infecteuses,’ says that in Planaria digestion is entirely intra-cellular, and this seems hitherto to have been widely accepted. Mesnil (’01) comes to the same conclusion in regard to the Actinia, but this disagi-ees with the results of several other workers. Pratt’s (’05) observations on the digestive organs of the DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANAKI^. 213 Alcyonaria, lead her to conclude that large food bodies are rapidly broken up into small particles, and in some cases apparently acted on by some digestive ferment in the coelen- teron of the zooids before being ingested by the cells of the ventral mesenterial filaments, and that “ we have evidence in the Alcyonarige as in the Madreporaria of an intercellular digestion by the secretion of a digestive fluid in the coelenteron of the zooids, as well as an intra-cellular digestion which occurs throughout the coelenterates.” Jordan (’07) has come to similar conclusions on the diges- tion in Actinia, and says that in them digestion is both inter- and intra-cellular. He put little paper bags containing fibrin in the gastric cavity of some Actinia, and found that the contents were digested although the bags remained intact. His results are in agreement with those of Krukenberg. Even in Hydra, according to Hadzi (’00), an appreciable amount of extra-cellular digestion takes place, the food being slightly predigested in the lumen before being ingested by the pseudopodia of theendoderm cells. We need not be surprised then tliat in the more highly organised Planarian, digestion is not entirely intra-cellular. The alteration which the fat-globules undergo in the columnar cells is characterised by very marked alterations in their staining reaction. At first they are deep black owing to the action of the osmic acid in the fixing fluid in which the animals were preserved (figs. 1 and 2). Each globule is enclosed in a vacuole. Within half an hour after feeding, some of the globules at the free end of the cell become paler, changing from black to grey, and then brown. Within two hours after feeding (figs. 2, 4, and 5) the change had proceeded a great deal further. The black reaction to osmic acid is no longer present, and the fat takes the less basic of the two basic stains, the fuchsin, till eventu- ally it is only stained by the acid cytoplasmic stain, the orange G. (figs. 4, 0, and 7). A vacuole is no longer visible, and eventually the fat-globules are incoi’porated in the sub- stance of the cytoplasm. 214 (1. AKX(3J,D. Intka-cellular T)[GEST10N. After all the fat hits been absorbed, and when all the gland cells are empty (fig. 10), true intra-cell ular digestion (phagocytosis) commences. The columnar cells push out at their free ends long pseudo- podial extensions into the lumen of the intestine, and shortly afterwards large vacuoles appear in which masses of red blood-corpuscles are seen (fig. 3). At this stage, one and a quarter hours after feeding, the selective action of the columnar cells is very noticeable, for only the red-corpuscles are ingested, but none of the leuco- cytes. The latter are ingested last of all, some forty-eight hours after feeding (fig. 6). The digestion of the red corpuscles takes place very slowly. Kven ninety-six hours after feeding (fig. 8) ihey may be seen intact in some vacuoles. As digestion proceeds, the corpuscles lose their shape (fig. b, h.e.), till at last the vacuoles contain an amorphous mass of particles, consisting chiefly of the envelopes of the corpuscles, which are stained by the methylene blue. The leucocytes are ingested singly, and a vacuolar space soon appears round them. The leucocytes which lie in the lumen of the intestine do not appear to undergo any change at all. Even after forty- eight or fifty-two hours they can be seen scattered about in the lumen, their cytoplasm stained orange by the acid stain, and the nuclear inembi-ane and the chromatin in the nucleus quite intact. But immediately a vacuole has formed round them after ingestion (figs. 6 and 7, L.) their staining reaction changes. The cytoplasm then takes a pink colour, due to the basic fuchsin, their nuclear contents become diffused, and shortly afterwards the separate chromatin masses are no longer distinguishable (fig. 9). This marked and rapid change in the staining reaction is undoubtedly due to the fluid in the vacuole secreted by the surrounding cytoplasm. DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANAlllJi. 215 It is now a generally recognised fact that intra-cellular digestion in Protozoa is accompanied by a secretion of acid in the vacuoles,, but witli regard to the part played by this acid in the process of digestion there is a large difference of opinion. (rreenwood and Saunders (’94) sliow that proteolysis com- mences when the acid reaction is over, and is replaced by a neutral reaction. That the vacuole fluid also contains a proteolytic enzyme there can be no donbt. IMouton (’02) succeeded in extracting from cultui-es of AmoebEe a diastase, chiefly of ei proteolytic action and approaching trypsin in its nature. This diastase he identified with the fluid in the interior of the digestive vacuoles. Nirenstein (’05j does not think that the acid in the vacuoles has anything to do with digestion, and Mouton has shown by a most carefid series of experiments that the ama'bo-diastase which he extracted from AnioebEe has a digestive action in an alkaline, neutral or faintly acid medium. On the other hand, Metschnikoff (‘ L’lmniunite ’), by feeding Planaria with blood with which had been mixed some grains of blue litmus, came to the conclusion that digestion in those animals takes phice in an sxcid medium. “ L’etude des planaires nous montre que la nourriture des ces animaux subit exclusiveinent la digestion intra-cellulaire, dans un milieu fsiibleinent acide et avec I’aide d’un ferment soluble. Pile nous fournit deja nne preuve de ce que la digestion intra-cellulaire typique est un processus chimiqne, du si I’intervention d’enzymes.” I have shown in connection with the absorption of fat that digestion in Planaria is not entirely intra-cellular, but the sudden change in the staining reaction of the ingested leucocytes is strong evidence in support of the view that the intra-celluhir digestion in these animals tsikes place in an acid medium. The chsinge in the staining reaction of the cytoplasm of the ingested leucocytes from the normal acid to the basic stains would seem to indicsite that the ingested material becomes impregnated by an acid fluid. 216 (!. ARNOLD. Occasionally, in even the earlier stages, some ingested bacteria are seen, but they are not numerous. But in the cells of two Planaria killed 118 hours after feeding they were extremely numerous (fig. 10, h. and c.), and also in the lumen of the intestine. At this stage the intestine is practically empty, except a few masses of blood-corpuscles and leucocytes, with numerous bacteria. That they appear in greater numbers only when the food, or what is left of it, has been in the intestine for a long period of time would suggest that the remainder of the free food is undergoing putrefaction. No great importance is to be attached to this isolated observation, but perhaps we have here the indication of the formation of a definite intestinal bacterial flora. Changes in the Nucleus. In all the columnar cells of the starved examples the nucleus contains only one nucleolus (figs. 11 and 13). At the most active state of digestion (fig’s. 7 and 10) there are two nucleoli, and sometimes even three. It is a question whether this multiplication of the nucleoli is to be inter- preted as an absorption of material from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, or as an expression of increased activity of the nucleus during digestion, with the consequent formation of waste products. Bxcketoey and I’igment- Gkanules. In all the columnar cells of the intestine certain granular masses are seen. They are highly refractive and preserve a yellow colour independently of the staining (fig. 15). Most of them are excretory products, but some can not be distin- guished from the pigment granules which form the greater part of the eyes of these animals. As digestion proceeds they increase in number, but always occur in groups, and are not evenly distributed through the cell. DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANAEIJi:. 217 Passage of Fat and Excretory Gteanules into the Parenchyma. Some of the fat absorbed by the columnar cells is not digested but passed out in globules at their bases into the parenchyma (see fig. 2 ; on the right a fat-globule is being extruded). These globules are taken up by some amoeboid wandei’ing cells (fig. 14), and also by the yolk-cells (fig. 12) and the large parenchyma cells (fig. 17). How these globules reach the interior of the yolk-cells I have not been able to ascertain. Any digestive power of an amoeboid nature in the yolk-cells or even in the parenchyma-cells is extremely unlikely. Nevertheless it is very striking that after feeding, the yolk-cells which lie in proximity to the intestine are crowded with fat-globules, whereas in unfed specimens the yolk-cells contain scai’cely anything but yolk-globules. After feeding, fat-globules are numerous at the bases of the columnar cells, and lying free in the meshwork of the paren- chyma (fig. 14). The parenchyma-cells also contain numerous excretory granules, massed together in vacuoles (fig. 17). It would be expected that in an animal like Planaria devoid of an anus, the excretory products would be shed into the intestine to make their way out to the exterior by the pharynx. An examination of a very large amount of material, con- sisting of some hundreds of slides, has afforded no evidence in support of this view. Not only have I been unable to see any extrusion of waste matter into the intestine, but a careful search through numerous sections has failed to show any trace of extruded excreta in the shape of the cliaracteristic yellow concretions in the lumen of the intestine. Are they so soluble that they are all removed when lying free in the intestine by the process of preparing the material for sectioning ? If not, it is difficult to explain how they are removed from the body of the Planarian to the exterior. I wish to express my thanks to Dr. Roaf, of the Department 218 G. ARNOLD. of Physiology in tliis University, for valuable advice on staining for fat with Nile blue sulphate. Conclusions. Digestion in Planaria lactea, and probably in all Triclads, is both inter- a,nd intra-cellular. The intercellular digestion is limited to fat. Tlie fat is broken down in the lumen of the intestine by the secretion of tiie goblet-cells into fatty acids, which are then absorbed by the columnar cells and synthesised again into neutral fat. Most of the fat is digested in the cytoplasm of the columnar cells, but some of it is extruded into the parenchyma at their base, and appears in the yolk-cells and in the wandering cells. The digestion in the vacuoles takes place in an acid medium, as evidenced by the change in the staining reaction of ingested leucocytes. Bibliography. '78. Metschnikotf, E. — “ tlbev die Verdiimmgsorgane einiger susswasser- turbellarien,” ‘ Zool. Anz.’ '81. Lankester, Ray. — “On the Intra-cellular Digestion and Endoderin Cells of Liinnocodinni,” ‘ Quart. .lourn. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 21. '83. Metsclinikoff. E. — “ Untersucli ungen iiber die lutracelluliire Verdauung bei Wirl.)ellosen Tieren." ‘ Arb. Z. Inst., 'Wien.' Bd. 5. '8fi. Greenwood, M. — “ On the Digestive Process in some Rhizoiiods." ‘ .Journ. of Physiol.,' vol. vii. '8(>. Krukenberg. — ‘ Grnndziige einer ‘Vergleichenden Physiologie der V erdanung.' '89. Metsclinikoff, E. — " Recherches snr la Digestion Intracellulaire." ‘ Ann. de I'Inst. Pasteur,’ tome iii. '01. Metsclinikoff, E. — ‘ L'lmmunitc dans les Maladies Infectieuses.’ '01 . Mesnil, M. — “ Digestion chez les Actinies," ‘ Ann. de I’Inst. Pasteur.' ’02. Mouton, H. — “ Recherches sur la Digestion chez les Amibes,' ‘ Ann. de I’Inst. Pasteur.’ DIGESTIVE PROCESSES IN PLANARIA:. 219 '05. Nii’enstein, E. — “Beitra<^e ziir Erniilirungspliysiologie dev Pro- tisteii,” ‘ Zeits. Allg. Pliysiol.,’ Bd. 5. '05. Pratt, E. M. — “ The Digestive Organs of the Alcyonaria and their Relation to the Mesogloeal Cell-plexus,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr- Sci.,’ vol. 49. ’00. Hadzi, J. — “Vorversuche zur Biologie von Hydra," ‘ Arch. Entw. Mechanik.,’ Bd. 2’2. '07. Jordan, H.— “Die Verdaiu\ng bei den Actinien," ‘ Arch. Gesanimte Phys.,' Bd. 110. '07. LoiTain Smith. — “ On the Simultaneous Staining of Neutral Eat and Fatty Acids by Oxazine Dyes,” ‘ Journ. Phys. and Bact.,’ vol. xii. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 17, Illustratiiio- Mr. G. Aruoltl’s paper on “ Intra-cellnlar and General Digestive I’rocesses in I^lanarise.” All the hgiu’es, except IJ, are drawn dii’ect, using a 2 mm. oil- immersion Zeiss and 8 compens. -ocular. Figs. 9 and 15 with 18 compens.- ocular. Fig. 13 i in. Swift and 0 ocular. All the figiu’es except 5, which is stained with iron-alum ha;matoxylin- acid fuchsin and orange G., are stained with the triple stain mentioned in the paper. Fig. 1. — A columnar cell from material fi.xed 1 Fig. 2.— .. .. .. A Fig. 3.- .. .. .. li Fig. 4.— .. .. .. 3A Fig. 5.— .. .. .. Ij Fig. 0. — .. .. . 48 Fig. 7. — ., ., ,. 52 hour aftei hours feediiu Fig. 8.— Portion of a columnar cell fixed 90 hours after feeding, showing pseudopodial ingestion of a leucocyte. Fig. 9. — Portion of another cell, same stage as 8 (18 ocular). Fig. 10. — A columnar cell from material fixed 118 hours after feeding. Fig. 11. — A columnar cell and a gland-cell from an animal starved for fifteen days. 220 G. ARNOLD. Fig. 12. — A yolk-cell containing fat- and yolk-globnles. Yolk coloured blue. Fig. 13. — Several columnar cells and one gland-cell from a Planarian starved for five days. Normal appearance. Fig. 14. — Mesh work of the parenchyma, showing a free fat-globule and two amoeboid wandering cells, also containing fat. some of which is undergoing alteration. Fig. l.'i. — Excretory and pigment granules (18 compens. -ocular). Fig. Ifi. — An empty gland-cell lying at the base of two columnar cells, cf. fig. 11. Fig. 17. — A parenchyma cell containing excretory granules massed together in vacuoles. /. Osmicated fat. nf. Fat very much altered and partially absorbed. (. Ingested leucocyte. he. Ingested blood-corpuscles. hac. Bacteria, g. Goblet-shaped gland-cell. ». P. PRESS SC. ET IMP. EARf;Y ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 221 Professor Hubrecht’s Paper on the Early Onto- genetic Phenomena in Mammals : An Appre- ciation and a Criticism. By Kicliard As^lieton, 31.A., Trinity College, Cambridge ; Lecturer on Biology in the Medical Scliool of Guy’s Hospital, in the University of London. With 5 Text-figs. Pkbface. Professor Hubrecht’s paper in a recent number of the ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science ’ brings together “ tlie I’esults of new investigations and recent reflections with such as had already been published on earlier occasions.” Even if “ tlie new investigations and recent reflections” do not contain a great deal that is new, nevertheless the whole is an invaluable expression of the Professor’s present opinion on a subject which he is doing so much to advance and to cause others to devote attention to. At the same time it is not possible to ignore the feeling that this new paper would have been of still greater interest had the author, in addition to the resume of his results, thought fit to discuss more fully the difficulties which have arisen in the minds of some who are unable to accept his theoretical conceptions. Hubrecht has no doubt deliberately chosen to leave for the moment unanswered the objections urged against his views, possibly with the hope that objections — if such there are — may be formulated more precisely than heretofore, in which case we may hope for a chapter making good this omission at a no very distant date. VOL. 54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 16 222 KICHAKD ASSHETOX. In the hopeful expectancy of sucli a chapter I venture, as one who has taken a practical part, though but a small part, in the attack upon the problems in question, and as one who appreciates to the utmost the magnitude and inspiring in- fluence of the Professor’s work, to urge the force of certain objections which appear to me as formidable obstacles to the acceptance of some of Hubrecht’s vieAvs. Chaptek I. 'J’he Ei'thekian Blastocyst. Beginning with the question of the segmentation of the ovum of Eutherian mammals, and passing rapidly over the manner in which the morula stage is produced, Hubrecht describes the embryo of this stage as consisting of an inner mass of cells which he calls the embryonic knob, and an outer layer called the trophoblast, and gives three figures (2, 3, 6, p. 7) in which the inner cells (the embryonic knob) are shown to exhibit “a different reaction against staining reagents than the peripheral” (p. 6), the inner cells being lighter in colour than those of the outer layer. Perhaps the gist of the whole paper is foreshadowed in the second paragraph of Chapter I, p. 3, where the author speaks of “the erroneous conclusion that the mammalian blastocyst was derived from the Sain-opsidan by a process consisting in the gradual disappearance of the yolk, with retention of the other developmental characters.” It is upon the establishment of the erroneous nature of this conclusion that the greater part of the rest of Hubrecht’s conclusions must be based. It seems to me, therefore, to be of the greatest importance to weigh with care the evidence of the manner in which this morula stage of the mammalian segmented egg is attained, and to consider other views which have been advanced, whether from actual observation or as the outcome of reflection. This part of the development of the mammal Hubrecht treats very cursorily. EARLY ONTOGEXETIC PHEXOMEXA IX MA5IMALS. 223 [By the way, on p. 4 Hubrechfc Avrites: ‘'There seems to be hardly any doubt that both in Ainphioxus and in man — the tAvo opposite exti'emes in the phylum of the Chordata — the two first cleavage cells, if separated from each other, may under favourable conditions each of them develop into a perfect, full-grown individual.” Wilson, Morgan, and others have shoAvn that this may be true of Amphioxus, but Avhat evidence is there that in man the division that gives rise to homologous tAvins occurs at this early stage of development? Some years ago I found a case of tAvinning in the sheep (’98) Avhich I believe is the earliest case known among mamniids, and the evidence from that specimen tends to shoAv that the division Avhich results in tAvinning may occur at a later period, namely, during the formation of blastocyst cavity. I may mention that I recent!}" found in the ferret a condition Avhich at first sight I took to be a similar case; but investigation by sections shows that it is probably not a case of twinning though it may be derived from a bi-ovular follicle after the manner of the pluri-o\’ular follicles of some Edentates.] On Hubrecht’s hypothesis that the trophoblast is derived “from a larval layer, an Embryonalhiille ” comparable to those of Desor’s laiwa, the Pilidium, or the Sipuncnlid larva (p. 17), it is clearly convenient to shoAV that the trophoblast originates by delaminatiou as suggested by the figs. 2, 3, G, mentioned above, producing a typical Embryonalhulle like the hypothetical figure of Hubrecht (’95, fig. li, Taf. Ill), of the originating trophoblast. This also is the AA"ay in Avhich arise those superficial layers of anarania, Avhich Hubrecht sub- sequently— though, as I hope to show, in some cases quite erroneously — claims as homologous to the mammalian tropho- blast. On the other hand such cases of segmenting mammalian ova as those Avhich supply evidence of the origin of the outer layer by epibole are inconvenient, and this is a point Avhich surely should have been considered A"ery carefully, because it is opposed to the method of formation of the supposed homo- logous layer of the anamnia, and because it suggests an 224 ErCHARD ASSHETON. entirely different, and, in many respects, more consistent explanation of the origin of the mammalian trophoblast, as lias already been urged by other Avorkers on the embryology of mammals. But what does Hubrecht say with reference to these cases? “ Tlie so-called metagastrula stage of mammals, first described by van Beneden (’80), has since been abandoned by that author (though taken up again by Duval [’99, p. 64]).” It is quite true that van Beneden has abandoned his explanation offered in 1880 of the epibole, which he described as occurring in the rabbit, but he has not I’enounced his faith in the fact, but has reiterated it (’99) and described a similar pheno- menon in the bat, V. murinus, as Duval also has done (Duval, ’99). But although DuA'al supports the metagastrula theory (one, however, Avhich is almost certainly untenable), van Beneden gives a new, and, to my mind, a much more plausible explanation. And at the same time, discussing Hubrecht’s theory, van Beneden says of it that “ I’hypothese de Hubrecht heurte a des difficultes morphologiques et physiologiques insurmontables ; elle laisse inexpliquee I’exist- ence, chez les Mammiferes placentaires, d’une vesicule ombilicule et d’une foule de caracteres communs ii tous les Amniotes et distinctifs de ces animaux” (p. 333). Hubrecht attempts later to meet some of the objections referred to by van Beneden (also in his former paper, 1902), but he nowhere now discusses the question and significance of" the epibole. Does he deny that it may occur? To me it seems that the evidence in its favour is too strong for the possibility to be ignored. Evidence for its occurrence rests on the observations of van Beneden on the rabbit, van Beneden and Duval on the bat, and myself on the sheep, but it may as Avell be admitted at once that it is an extremely difficult matter upon which to come to an unhesitating opinion, because in many cases, as, for example, the pig, phenomena Avhich are so strikingly apparent in the bat and sheep are not to be seen at all. There can be no doubt, however, that in the bat and sheep EAliLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 225 and rabbit many specimens show what apparently are stages in epibole with such diagrammatic plainness that the proba- bility of an epibole cannot be ignored, and although such plainness is absent from many, e.g. pig, mouse, dog, etc., there is nothing in these cases which prevents a similar inter- pretation being placed on them. A difference in staining reaction does not become established until a later stage. In such cases one can neither affirm nor deny epibole, but my point is, there is no evidence against it even in them. In Tupaja, according to Hubrecht, the staining differentiation does not arise until after epibole has occurred. If Tupaja were typical, if the cases of Lepus, Ovis, Vespertilio, were only like Tupaja, then Hubrecht’s theory of formation of the trophoblast by delamination might be regarded as established. I know that in 1894 I myself doubted van Beneden’s con- tention that epibole occurs iu the rabbit, but the specimens of segmenting ova of the sheep which I obtained and described iu 1898, being extremely well preserved and in excellent condition histologically, were to my mind so con- vincing that I was quite converted to the view of van Beneden, at least as regards the fact of epibole, although I differed from him in the interpretation of the facts. And since that time we have had the further evidence of Duval and van Beneden derived from their study of Cheiropterau develop- ment. If this epibole occurs, that is to say, if thei’e really is a growth of one set of segments rouud another set during the early stages of the segmentation of the Eutherian mammabs egg, it seems to me possible to hold one of three quite plausible views. Either it is : (1) An early separation of trophoblast and a growth of trophoblast cells round the embryonic knob; (2) A growth of the epiblast over the yolk mass like the sliding of the “extra embryonic” epiblastic edge of the blastoderm over the yolk in a bird’s egg, as van Beneden suggests (though he does not use the terms “epiblast” and “ hypoblast ”) ; or — 226 ItICHAED ASSHETON. (3) A growtli over the temporarily lethargic epiblastic mass by the yolk or hypoblast cells (Minotj myself). 'I’he last two interpretations pi’e-snppose a derivation of the Eutherian mammal from Sauropsidan-like ancestors with large-yolked eggs. All these are plausible theories, and it would have been very interesting to have had Hubrecht’s opinion upon them, especially as the last two are completely opposed to his own views. Incidentally Hubrecht, in connection with the forma- tion of the cavity of the blastocyst, says (p. 6), “ E. van Beneden has ascribed the origin of the free .space between the epithelial outer layer and the inner mass to the extension of intra-cellular vacuoles (’9d). His interpretation has found no support in the results obtained by Keibel and myself, nor in those of Selenka for the opossum.” 1 should like to say thfit as far as my experience goes the cavity of the blastocyst appears to arise, as van Beneden says, as the extension of inti’a-cellular vacuoles in the pig and ferret, less clearly so in the sheep (and from general appearance of later stages still less in the goat), while in the rabbit it would seem as distinctly to be intercellular. Perhaps there is not very much in it, but so far as it goes, if the origin of the cavity is intra-cellular rather than inter- cellular, it tends towards the probability of the cavity in question being a vacuolation in a yolk bearing syncytium like the germinal wall of the Sauropsidan egg rather than a space between “embryonic” cells and an “ Embryonalhiille ” ; that is to say, it supports the last theory of the three suggested better than either of the other two. There can be no doubt tliat there are in the sheep, pig, ferret, goat (Assheton, ’08, fig. 5), strands of protoplasm which connect the inner lining of the inner mass to the wall of the blastocyst, and this tends to sliow that the inner lining of the inner mass is of common origin with the wall of the blastocyst; that is to say, the hypoblast and trophoblast are one. With reference to the three diagrams on pages 229, 231, 233 of my paper referred to above (’08), 1 fear I have not EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHEN05IENA IN MAMMALS, 227 made it sufficiently clear that they do not represent any particular animal, hut that they are to be regarded as generalised diagrams representing three plausible interpre- tations of the observed facts of Eutherian early develop- ment. The first was suggested by van Beneden’s papers on the rabbit and bat. In this I ought to have shown the epiblast thickened at the embryonic pole from the first, because van Beneden lays stress on the fact that the inner mass contains from the first the embryonic epiblast. As drawn it is a compromise between van Beneden’s and Duval’s account of the bat. But to return for a moment to the three alternative suggested explanations of the epibole. The first alternative would satisfy Hubrecht’s hypothesis so far as the trophoblast of Eutherian mammals is concerned, but how can he accept the explanation if, as he desires to do, he regards this mammalian trophoblast as the homologue of the epidermic layer of epiblast in the Amphibian, or the outer coat and periblast of Teleostean, or certain superficial layers in Sauropsida ? In all those cases the layer in question arises later and by delamiuation, as an investing sheath. There is no hint of a growth round an inner mass. If homologous, is it not sti’ange that the mammalian trophoblast should be formed by epibole ? That is to say, Hubrecht cannot well accept this explanation of the epibole, as it would be inconsistent with the rest of his theory. Other objections to Hubrecht’s view are that it does not give a satisfactory explanation of the phenomena known as entypie, nor for the rejection of the trophoblast cells by the epiblast of the embryonal area (pig, rabbit, mole, etc.), whereas if, as the tliiid alternative requires, the trophoblast has had a yolk -mass or hypoblast origin in evolution the rejection is natural enough. Van Beneden’s view of the epibole is plausible, but this again does not satisfactorily ex2)lain the rejection of the trophoblast cells by the embryonal area, nor does it really explain entypie; and it is not su|-)ported by the nature of the epibole suggested by the 228 KlCHAKl) ASSHETON. segmenting egg of tlie sheep. Moreover, the growth round would seem to be in the opposite direction to that required by the hypothesis. As I have said on a former occasion (^08), “van Benedeu is also a little inconsistent, for in his former papers on the rabbit he shows that the epibole is in the opposite direction to that required by his newer hypo- thesis. In 1880, in his description of the rabbit, he describes the epibole as occurring in such a way as to place the inner mass at the point where the enveloping rim coalesces (vide van lieneden, ’80, fig. 7, fig. 5^^'), and marks the spot where the embryonal area will eventually be.” Tlie third alternative I still believe to be the most com- pletely consistent explanation of the early stages of the development of Eutherian mammals, and so strongly do I believe in it that I would urge the development of the sheep and bat as strong evidence against Hubrecht’s attempt to destroy the old group of Amniota. This third alternative (p. 22G) accounts (1) for the epibole by regarding it as a feature peciiliar to Eutherian mammals and due to an overflow, as it were, of the yolk or hypoblast cells over the epiblastic rudiment, which, as the centre whence the great bulk of the animal will be formed (for it includes the whole of the secondary growth centre), is bound to l emain inactive. (2) F or this lethargic state of the epiblastic mass continuing- through many days, until the space necessary for development of the embryo, on the old Sauropsidan egg type, has been provided. (3) For the sharply marked off character of the epiblastic mass. (4) For the frequent protoplasmic connections between the inner layer of the inner cell mass and the blastocyst wall. (5) For the fact that cells of the inner mass pass into the outer cell wall (Assheton, 1908). (6) For the rejection by the embryonal area of cells of the trophoblast layer. Lastly, it may be said that the theory demands no change EARLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 229 of function, the hypoblast or yolk-cells having- retained their function of providing- nourishment for the developing embryo throughout the entii-e period of transition from meroblastic to holoblastic conditions. But of course it involves descent of mammals from large yolked eggs of the Sauropsidan type, and is, therefore, so diametrically opposed to Hubrecht’s hypothesis that he would seem to consider it unworthy of consideration. 2. Thk Mktathekian and Pkotothekian Blastocyst. Hubrecht terminates tlie above discussion with the con- clusion that “all the Didelphia and Monodelphia hitherto investigated show at a very early moment the didermic stage out of which the embryo will be built up enclosed in a cellular vesicle (the trophoblast), of which no particle ever enters into the embryonic organisation.” Leave out the words “ Didel- })hia and,” and agreement with the conclusion will be easy enough. The only cases we have recorded of the earliest stages of the Didelphia are that of tlie opossum by Selenka (’87), and those of Dasyuriis and Perameles by Hill (’U8). Hubrecht’s interpretation of Selenka’s figures is well known from his paper on Tarsius (’02), in which (p. 55 et seq.) he argues that the outer layer of the vesicle, Pig. 10, Taf. xvii of Selenka’s j)aper, is trophoblast, and that the large inner ceil, cu., gives rise to the whole embryonic ectoderm and endoderm. In the accompanying text-figure, fig. C represents Selenka’s description of the opossum blastocyst. Hubrecht’s interpretation would be legitimate enough if we regard the character of the cells as drawn by Selenka as only diagrammatic. If, however, Selenka’s sections are accurately represented, it is very hard after studying Selenka’s figures 2, 3, 4, 8 on Taf. xviii to believe that the thickened outer part of the outer layer labelled ex in fig. 4 has really been derived from the group labelled en in fig. 2 Text-fig. 1. Diagrams to sliow the formation of the hlastocyst in : A, Proto- theria after Caldwell, Semon, and Hill and Wilson's description ; B, Metatheria after Hill's description of Dasynrus ; C. Meta- theria, after Selenka's description of the opossum. White = epihlast ; black = hypoblast and yolk ; dotted area = tropho- blast ; shaded area = embryonic knob. EARLY ONTOGENETIC THENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 231 in fig. 10, Taf. xvii. When we turn to Dasyurus there is still greater difficulty. According to Hill’s (’08) interpreta- tion of his specimens the descendant cells of the lower of his two pi'imary rings which result from the segmentation of the ovum are to be regarded as “ trophoblast,” the descendants of the upper ring as epiblast and hypoblast as indicated in my diagram, text-fig. 1 B. If this is the correct interpretation clearly there is no time when the conditions are as all agree them to be in Eutherian mammals. There are certain fundamental differences between the conditions of the segmenting Metatherian and Eutherian eggs— if the only two cases so far known of the former are typical of the group. Thus, in the iVIetatherian egg in the four-segment stage the segments are like those of Amphioxus or frog, in one plane, whilst in the Eutherian egg they are always eventually in pairs lying across one another, as 11. Hertwig points out in his article in O. Hertwig’s ‘ Handbuch,’ vol. i. With this is probably correlated another great differ- ence, namely, that the result of further segmentation is in the Metatheria a hollow blastula, in Eutheria a solid morula. Whether Hill is right in calling the lower ring ectoblastic trophoblast is perhaps doubtful, but clearly there is no hint in his description (‘ Nature,’ ’08, p. 049) of any Embryo- nalhiille, any layer lying over the definitive epiblast, at any time of segmentation. Hill has not yet published any detailed account of the formation of the hypoblast ; but there is nothing in what he has published to pievent one regarding the trophoblast as of yolk-cell or hypoblastic origin. The difference, then, between the Metatheria and the Eutheria would in that case be that while in the latter the hypoblast and yolk-cell mass overflow the embryonal area and give rise to the “ Rauber layer,” to use an old term, in the Metatheria it never overflows. So in the Metatheria there is neither Rauber layer nor entypie. The condition of the opossum is less to bring into line with my view unless one takes it to have been brought about by a diminution of 232 KICHARD ASSHETON. the whole yolk and hypoblast mass, so that the large inner cell, called by Selenka hypoblast, corresponds to the lower ring of Hill’s description and has slipped inside the upper ring, resulting in a condition not unlike the Monotremes (vide diagram A in the above text-figure). I should like to take this opportunity of collecting an error in a drawing on p. 681 of O. Hertwig’s ' Handbuch,’ vol. i. Fig, 244 is said, by Professor Richard Hertwig, to be “ Furchungsstadien des Schafes nach Assheton,” and in it two figures are given of what appears to be the four-cell stage of the sheep. The drawings are really those of the rabbit, not sheep, and are taken from my ’94 paper on the “ Re-investigation into the Early Stages of the Development of the Rabbit.” The second figure shows the four-celled stage with the segments arranged in the way I have just taken to be typical for Metatheria. I have no recollection of the specimen now, so cannot say whether the manipulation can have in any way accounted for the abnormal displacement — if abnormal it is, as I believe. Anyhow, it is the only figure I have been able to find after searching Rischoff, Coste, van Beneden, Duval, Selenka, Sobotta, Heape, Melissinos, etc., who have observed specimens of Eutherian four-segment stages in which the segments are arranged thus. A possible — and indeed probable — explanation is that this specimen was obtained immediately after division, at which time it is possible that they may lie in one plane, the twisting being due to some cytotropic influence which places the two pairs almost immediately in the crossways position, where they remain for the next two or three hours till the third cleavage plane arises. It is clear that whereas it may very rarely happen that the stage immediately succeeding the second division is obtained if it last but a few minutes, the foui’-celled stage in the crossways position lasting two to three hours will turn up much more frequently. Of recent years 1 have seen four-segment stages of rabbit, pig, dog, ferret. EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 233 and hedgehog, and I have always found the pairs cross- ways. On the other hand, the fact that a three-segment stage is often met with suggests that one segment as a rule divides before the other segment, and so brings about the cross-ways position. Discussing the arching of the epiblast plate while bursting its way through the trophoblast as it does in Tupaja, Talpa, Ovis, Sus, etc., Hubrecht sa,ys : “ The causes of the folded condition of the embi’yonic shield can hardly be so simply mechanical as Selenka supposed. They remain obscui’e for the present, and will come anew under consideration when the origin of the amnion will be discussed ” (p. 10). It is diffi- cult to believe that the arching does not aid in the rupture ot‘ the trophoblast, though the fact that it brings about the rupture — if it is a fact — is not necessarily the reason why the arching occurs, because the rupture is brouglit about by other means in cases like Lepus or Sorex. The causes are less obscure on the hypothesis that Eutheria derive their peculiar couditions from Sauropsidan ancestry. With reference to the Monotremes Hubrecht speculates as follows. He admits that “ our knowledge is as yet very scanty,” but brings what is known about the segmentation into line with the higher mammals by homologising the outer layer (which Wilson and Hill regard as epiblast) with the trophoblast of the Eutherian, and Wilson and Hill’s (also Semon’s and Caldwell’s) entoderm Avith the embi-yonic knob of Eutheria, and regards the yolk as an accumulation on an ancestral type peculiar to Prototheria and not derived from Sauropsida. For this view I can see no reason derivable from actual specimens described and figured by those four authors. Hubrecht’s fig. 07, p. 23, might be that of a Sauropsidan, e.g. sparroAv ; nor do 08, 07, GO, really differ from the Saurop- sidan blastoderm. Possibly the segments in 60 look rather less part of the yolk than is often the case in Sauropsidan eggs, but it is certainly remarkable that there should be the 234 lilCHARD ASSHETOX. usual plug of fine yolk (characteristic of the Avine egg as the nucleus of Pander) under the segmented area if the Monotreine egg is to he regarded as a trophoblastic vesicle, including “ besides an embi’jonic knob a very considerable amount of food yolk, the development of which will have gone parallel with the change in the ancestral line from viviparity to ovi- piirity.” There is no trace of a breaking through the trophoblast by the inner cells, which, on the contrary, seem to spread out under the outer layer into a thin membrane. When at a later period the primitive streak proliferating area seems to project through (Wilson and Hill, PI. 3, fig. 26) after the manner of Selenka’s figure of the mesoblast pushing through the epi- bhist in fig. 9, Taf. xviii, of the opossum, this condition could not be taken as the pushing of epiblast through a trophoblast, as the neural plate is undoubtedly in front of this area, and has been formed from the originally outer layer. So that neither in the Prototheria or the Metatheria is there any really tangible evidence of a trophoblast occurring as a covering layer over the definitive epiblast as in Eutheria. Summarising up to the present stage I submit that Hubrecht, while ignoring alternative interpretations, has not Tuade good his own case either for the presence of the tropho- blast layer in Prototheria and Metatheria, or for the origin of the trophoblast in Eutheria, as a special Embryonalhulle formed by delamination from the epiblast, and has not attempted to meet any of the objections presented to his theory by the study of the segmenting- stage of such mamma- lian eggs as those of Lepus, Ovis, and Vespertilio. Phylogenetic Origin of Trophoblast. Confirmed in an opinion which as regards Prototheria and l\Ietatheria is based on very doubtful evidence, that all classes of mammals have a larval envelope, the trophoblast, Hubrecht proceeds to speculate upon its origin outside the group, and starting with a ccfilenterate ancestor, says: "A tendency to EARLY ONTOGEXETIC PHENOMENA IN J1AMMAL8. 235 exchange the radial for a bilateral symmetry and to separate the coelom from the enteron must at one time have character- ised certain coelenterate ancestral forms, as has already been advocated b}^ Sedgwick (’84) and by myself (’05) on earlier occasions. It is not straining the imagination to assume that in this line of descent closely related forms may have deve- loped, some with, others without, a larval envelope, tem- porarily ensheathing the cellular elements that will build up the embryo itself, and thus foreshadowing the separation among their later vertebrate descendants of such with and such others without a trophoblast.” lie then shows how this sporadic appearance of larval envelopes occurs in Nemerteans and Annelids. AVhy, therefore, not also in Yertebrata ? On the assumption of a terrestrial life an animal ‘Avould doubtlessly score certain advantages if at the same time it became viviparous. . . . And towards the efficiencyof this viviparous condition the larval envelope could immediately contribute by the mere change of its protective or locomotor significance into an adhesive one” (p. 18), and thus we are led on to the conception of the origin of the mammalian placenta. ' Hubrecht quotes Mehnert as showing the existence of an outer or trophoblastic layer in Sauropsida, e.g. tortoise, lizard, and snakes and many birds. But Hubrecht himself finds that Mehnert is proving too much, and rejects those cases which are inconvenient, but retains one case, that of Clemmys, described by Mitsokiiri, and also Sphenodon and Cliaimeleo, on the authority of Schauinsland, as being truly trophoblastic, and dismisses the rejected ones as cases “ distantly comparable to a mammalian epitrichial layer.” Of course on the theory I advocate, the trophoblast is of Eutherian mammalian origin only, and is not homologous to any form of envelope outside the group of Eutherian mammals. Turning to the Icthyopsida Hubrecht finds the Embryonal- hiille present as the Deckschicht in Amphibia and Ganoids and Dipnoi, and “ more unquestionably ” in the Teleosts. As regards tlie Teleosts I have myself (’08), in my paper on 236 EICHAl^D ASSHETON. the “ Teleostean Eggs and Larvfe from the Grambia River,” shown how like the conditions are, that is to say physiologi- cally, to the mammalian egg, for the Deckschicht is continuous with the yolk mass, which is one piece with the hypoblast ; but I see no reason to think this is anything but analogy. The Deckschicht of the Amphibia is, however, a verv different thing. It was to the Deckschicht of Amphibia that Hubrecht in his paper (’95) drew attention as being the homologue of the trophoblast and amnion of mammals. But as he says now, “ I would never look upon the Deckschicht of the Amphibia as having been the first starting-point of what afterwards becomes amnion and chorion of the higher mammals. We may safely say that Deckschicht and tropho- blast are homologous and of similar descent, but we cannot at present fully picture to ourselves what has been the arrange- ment of the larval envelope in the common parent form from which both have derived ” (p. 81). Again, ‘^the cells of the Deckschicht proclaim their transi- tory and larval significance yet further by the fact that they disappear in later developmental stages, and that it is only with the constitution of peculiar larval organs that they play any part ” (p. 80). “It should, however, be observed that if we are willing to admit the homology of the Amphibian Deckschicht with the Mammalian trophoblast, we must then unhesitatingly go one step further” (p. 81). Thus, Hubrecht clearly relies chiefly upon the assumed homology of the Amphibian Deckschicht and Mammalian trophoblast. I think I can convince Hubrecht that the Amphibian Deckschicht must, like the “ epitrichial layers” of the Sanropsids, be rejected as something different from a tropho- blast or purely larval envelope. If Hubrecht will examine sections of the segmented egg of Ran a temporaria, Bufo vulgaris and probably other Anura and of larval stages up to 5 or 6 mm., he will find that the Deckschicht layer takes a very important part in the forma- tion of the tissues of the brain. They become the neuroglia EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 237 cells of the brain and spinal cord, while the “ GrnndSchicht ” becomes the nervons tissue. It is, in fact, a separation into what His termed “ spongioblastic ” and “ neuroblastic ” tissue. The early stages of this process are described in a paper by myself with figures in vol. 37 of this Journal, pp. 166-169 and PI. 18. To summarise the present section I would urge that Hiibrecht has not established the homology of the envelopes he mentions either among themselves or to the trophoblast of Eutherian mammals, because : (1) The epidermic layer of the Anura, upon which great reliance is laid for the support of the theory (p. 81), is neither morphologically nor physiologically similar to the trophoblast of Eutherian mammals, but is in fact the result of an early separation of spongioblastic from neuroblastic elements of the ectoderm. (2) The vestiges of an outer envelope which Hnbrecht retains as instances of larval envelopes among the Sauropsida differ from those he rejects as epitrichial only in the time of their development. The former appear before amnion forma- tion, the latter after. Quite similar vestiges may be found among the Mammalia which render the comparison uncon- vincing, because the real trophoblast in the Mammalia is obviously present elsewhere. It is curious that Dendy (’99) should make no mention of the occurrence of this layer in Sphenodon. But if we take Schauinsland’s figures as being correct and regard the presence of this layer as a well-established fact, we cannot compare it with the deckschicht of Anura because it takes no part in the formation of the embryo, nor with the Teleostean layer because it is quite Hee from the yolk-mass. A comparison with the Eutherian trophoblast is hardly less difficult. Hnbrecht attempts to do so by comparing the whole extra-embryonic epiblast of Sauropsida with the trophoblast of Eutherian mammals by supposing the double- layered condition of, for instance, Chameleo (Schauinsland, ’03, figs. 182-219) to be a separation into cyto-trophoblast VOL. 54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 17 238 RICHAED ASSHETON. and plasmodi-troplioblast. But where, even in Erinaceus or Vespertilio which he cites, can a plasmodiblast layer be found as a continuous thin layer of squamous cells ? The character of the layer as drawn by Schaninsland is that of an ordinary siiperficial layer such as may be found on the embryo them- selves of Sauropsida and Mammalia alike. Nevertheless pages 19-26 ai*e by no means the least inter- esting of Hubrecht’s stimulating work. (3) The comparison of the outer layer of the blastocyst of Prototheria and Metatheria (which is admittedly developed in a very diffei*ent manner) to the trophoblast of Eutheria seems to me, with all respect to his great authority, to be based on the slenderest of foundations. This leaves ns with the traces of larval envelope found in Dipnoi and Ganoids and Teleosteans. There is certainly in Dipnoi a separation into the layers of epiblast, though not so distinct a one as in the Anura, and its subsequent history is not like that of the Anura with reference to the central nervous system. Graham Kerr (1903) (PI. 4, fig. 18, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 43), shows a neural groove into which the outer layer of epiblast passes, but the groove is very shallow, and although a chink is present for a short time (fig. 19) in which some of the outer layer cells might be imbedded, it is not at all pro- bable that the outer layer takes any part in the formation of the central nervous system. Graham Kerr says : ‘^The whole thickening of the keel is confined to the deep layer of the ectoderm — the outer layer passing unaffected over the floor of the groove.” But neither in Ceratodus nor Lepidosiren does the distinc- tion seem to be of the same nature as in Teleostei. In the Teleostean the condition is far more like that of the trophoblast of the Eutherian mammals than is any other of the supposed larval layers mentioned by Hubrecht. It clearly is not concerned structurally in the embryo fonnation, and being continuous with the periblast — indeed part of the peri- blast— it may be said to be trophic. Also it separates off EARLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 239 at an extremely early age (Kopscli, ’01, Assheton, ’08), thus resembling the Eutherian trophoblast. The Teleostean Deckschicht differs from those of the Amphibia and Dipnoi in being quite free from any connec- tion with the lips of the blastopore, over which it passes as a continuous layer, e. g. Gymnarchus, Salmo. In view of the uncertainty of its presence in Sauropsida, of its widely diffei'ing character and relations among Amphibia, Teleostomi and Dipnoi, of its unique character and function in Eutherian mammals, of the dubious nature of its existence in Monotremes and Marsupials, is it not rash to regard all these outer layers as homologous, and as constituting a feature of such importance as to justify the abandonment of the old group Amniota and the formation of a totally new association, having this feature as the chief diagnostic character? Anyhow, the points to which I have drawn attention seem to me to deserve further consideration. Another point I might make here. On p. 106 Hubrecht writes, with reference to his very remarkable observations published in 1899 on the blood formation in the Tarsius placenta: “The production of blood-corpuscles by the cells of a larval envelope is surely an unexpected histological phenomenon. Still, the details of differential segregation during the successive stages of cell lineage are not yet well enough known to justify any apodictic negation. The possibility is not excluded that at the first cleavage (suppose this to separate trophoblast from embryonic knob) certain potentialities of haematogenesis may be passed on to this trophoblast mother cell.” On the hypothesis that the Eutherian trophoblast is really of yolk-cell or hypoblast origin, the formation of blood- corpuscles from it is much less extraordinary, for it is from this layer that the first formed blood-cells arise in Sauropsidan and other vertebrate embryos. 240 RICHARD ASSHETOy. Feotogenesis or Kephalogenesis ? Deuterogenesis or Notogenesis ? I hope I have a desire no greater than is legitimate to support iny own view of processes etnbryological. I should, however, like to state clearly why I persist in using the terms “ protogenesis and “deuterogenesis” in preference to the terms coined by Professor Hubrecht, namely, “Kephalogenesis” and “Notogenesis,” which obviously refer to the same phenomena. I do so because Hubrecht’s words express conceptions, which, although having reference to the same phenomena which I wish to express by protogenesis and deuterogenesis, signify a different interpretation, which, in my opinion, does not represent the actual facts. And I would even claim some consideration because I believe that I was the first to recognise that protogenesis is in essence the production of a radial symmetry due to growth from one centre involving gastrula- tion, and that deuterogenesis is growth in length, bringing about bilateral symmetry and has nothing to do with gastrula- tion (though it may be an inevitable consequence of it), which conceptions I expressed at an earlier date under the terms primary and secondary growth centres (1894). Protogenesis and deuterogenesis form a, convenient paraphrase of those terms. On p. 63 Hubrecht claims to have been Avith Keibel the godfather of the unwarranted hypothesis that gastrulatiou occurs in two phases (Keibel, ’89, Hubrecht, ’88). Who claims actual parentage I do not know. But that it Avas a most mischievous and aAvkAvard child I can Avell believe. Fortunately both godfathers have fianlly disclaimed, b}' their papers in the year 1905 (^ Anat. Anz.,’ ‘ Quart. Journ. ^licr. Sci.’), any further responsibility in their adopted off- spring, and they noAV admit that it is a matter of great importance in vertebrate embryology to distinguish betAveen EA.RLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 241 the true gastruhi stage and the post gastrula stage, whicli latter is the growth in length of the embryo, and it is because I also believe so strongly in the importance of the distinction that I wish to establish the more accurate terms above. I may also claim to have arrived at my conclusion by actual experimental observation, having spent mnch time in so doing’, and, as evidence of this, I may mention my papers of the years 1894, 1896, 1905. Hnbrecht hardly does me justice in ignoring my experi- inental evidence on the subject. Moreover, this theme was the gist of my tliree papers in 1894, “Re-investigation of the Early Stages of the Development of the Rabbit,” “ The I’l’imitive Streak of the Rabbit,” and “On the Growth in Length of the Erog Embryo,” from the last of which I may quote one paragraph from p. 288 : “ In other words, I believe that as in the rabbit, so in the frog, there is evidence to show that the embryo is derived from two definite centres of growth, the first, and phylogenetically the older, being a protoplasmic activity which gives rise to the anterior end of the embryo (= gastrula stage) ; the second, which gives rise to the growth in length of the embryo; which centres of growth occupy the same relative positions in location and in sequence of time, and probably to each are due the same parts of the embryo.” In my subsequent papers on the chick, 1896, and gi-owth centres, 1905, I have described some of a good deal of experimental work which I have done in confirmation of this opinion. Rut although Hubrecht now tpiite agrees that notogenesis has nothing whatsoever to do with gastrulation, it is quite evident that his conception of notogenesis is not the same as mine of deuterogenesis, and since I believe that my conception is nearer the truth than his, I must explain where, as it seems to me, his error lies. In the first place I should like to refer to a footnote which appears in Hubrecht’s English edition of his paper, “The Gastrulation of Vertebrate.s,” in the ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. 242 EICHAED ASSHETON. Sci./ vol. 49, in which he says that I quite misunderstood his German version, in so far as I believed him to “hold the vertebrate mouth to be in any way derived from the stomo- daeum of an Actinia-like animal.” I am sorry I made the mistake, which I made at least by implication, confounding in my mind Hubrecht’s with Sedgwick^s very similar theory, published in 1884, to which, by the w^ay, Hubrecht made no reference when he put his forward in 1902. The accompanying text-fig. 2 shows clearly enough what is the difference between Hubrecht’s conception and mine, and why I prefer protogenesis and deuterogenesis to kephalo- genesis and notogenesis. The aboral surface of the coelenterate, according to Hubrecht, becomes the ventral surface of a vertebrate ; according to my interpretation the aboral surface becomes the anterior. According to Hubrecht the oral surface of the coelenterate becomes the dorsal surface of the vertebrate ; according to me the oral surface of the coelenterate is the posterior surface of the vertebrate, and so on, as shown in the figure. I claim that my interpretation is founded upon actual experiment on the living embryo, which can be tested by an}'one. Where can Hubrecht find experimental evidence in support of the elongation of an actinian or other mouth in, for instance^ the frog, with concrescence or coalescence of its walls ? Or how can a theory of concrescence be reconciled with experi- ments such as those of Kopsch on the trout? I claim that the experiments which I described in my paper of 1905 prove that in the frog at any rate the embryo does grow in the way illustrated by my figures, and that this is absolutely opposed to tlie method of growth required by Hubrecht’s theory. Again, with reference to notogenesis, Hubrecht seems to have no very clear conception as to tlie extent of its influence. In his paper on Gastrulation ” (’06), he defines kephalogenesis and notogenesis thus : “ The distinction Text-fig. 2. a. CL CL. Diagium to show the difference in the conception of kephalo- genesis and notogenesis on the one hand and protogenesis and denterogenesis on the other. The middle figure, (3, represents the gastraea or early coelenterate stage, with blastopore on the lower surface. The upper figiu’e, a, represents the vertebrate according to Hubi-echt, derived by elongation of the gastrula in the direction v d, producing an elongated actinian stomo- damm, followed by concrescence of the walls of the stomodseuni to foiTu the notochord. The lower figure, y, represents the vertebrate according to the author's conception by elongation of the gastrula in the direction a p by activity of cells forming the blastopore lip. Subsequently, the activity of the ventral part dies out, and the more dorsal paid continues active and fonns the tail. 244 RICHARD ASSHETON. here intended between ‘ kephali ’ and ‘ notes ’ is not iden- tical with that between head and trunk (trunk segments having been ascertained to enter into the composition of the head), but that on one side should be ranged the very foi’emost portion of the head to which the ophthalmic [olfactory?] and optic nerves belong, whereas on the other we place the further subdivisions of the brain with their cephalic nerves, as also the basis of the skull with the remains of the notochord it contains, the visceral arches and the whole of the trunk.” I am inclined to think that a very considerable part of the gut, including the pharynx, and certainly the heart, are proto- Text-fig. 3. Diagram of a vertebrate to show approximately the parts clue to protogenesis and denterogenesis respecdively. a, anterior ; d, doi-sal ; p, posterior ; v, ventral suii'aces. genetic. But the details of this form a subject for further experimental research. Then in his paper of last autumn Hubrecht says (p. 43) : “ I think we may safely say that by the rapid extension back- wards of the differentiation process, . . . the dorsal region of the trunk is laid down in outlines (hence the word noto- genesis), whereas the derivates of the ventral mesoblast find employment in the construction of the posterior and postero- ventral portion of the embryo.” The ventral mesoblast, by which Hubrecht means the mesoblast proliferated from the posterior or ventral lip of the blastopore, is, so far as the mesoblast is concerned, the evidence of the extent of the effect of deiiterogenesis on the ventral EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 245 wall of the embryo, and as long as it is distinguishable from the protogenetic inesoblast (Hubrecht’s protochordal plate and annular zone mesenchyme) its anterior margin forms a landmark between the protogenetic and deuterogenetic areas. I have on a later page referred to a difficulty with reference to the notochord. But I will here ask Hubrecht two questions : Is any part of the notochord formed — to use his own terminology — by kephalogenesis ? That is to say, is there any notochord anterior to his supposed vermactinian stomo- daeum coalescence ? If he answers No, then I will ask how he explains his earlier observation, e. g. on Sorex, where the protochordal plate is shown to give rise to the anterior- portion of the notochord. If he airswei-s Yes, then I will ask how can it be due to coalescence of the vermactinian stomodmum ? Chapter II. So far as my own personal observations go I can support Hubrecht’s contention as to the origin of mesoblast (mesen- chyme) from hypoblast in front of the primitive streak, both as regards that in connection with the protochordal plate and that from the annular zone in the sheep and rabbit. Hubrecht describes the peripheral mesenchyme-producing region in these words: “ As an elongated ring-shaped zone of entoderm which is situated under and somewhat outside the border of the ectodermal shield and which, standing back- wards from the protochordal plate both right and left, meets under the hinder j3art of the shield in the region where the mesoblast has acquired that median thickening which is known as the primitive streak, continued in the Primates into the connective stalk (Uaftstiel).” From my point of view this protochordal mesenchyme and annular zone mesenchyme which reaches round posterior and ventral to the primitive streak mesoblast is the mesen- chyme of protogenetic origin, while the primitive streak 246 laCHAED ASSHETOX. mesoblast, including Hubrecbt’s ventral inesoblast, indicates the extension of deuterogenetic mesoblast. This is approxi- mately shown by the dotted line of the figures in my paper on the primitive streak of the rabbit, 1894, though the dotted line should have been considerably nearer the “ embryo ” (vide Assheton, 1898, p. 246, on sheep). Hubrecht, on pages 35-37, disputes the view that there is any forward extension of material from the primitive streak area to form a Kopffortsatz, and holds that the protochordal wedge becomes lengthened, “ not, however, by its sending out any ^Fortsatz,^ but by its being, so to say, ‘spun out ^ in consequence of the backward growth of the tissue that is going to be the notochord,” with which description I am in sympathy, for it is the view put forward by me and illus- trated by the diagrams on Plate 22 of my 1894 paper on the primitive streak. At the same time I think this view must be slightly modi- fied in accordance with the results obtained by actual experi- ment on tlie growth of tlie embryo in the chick (Assheton, 1896), Avhich show that the “primitive streak” in the bird actually becomes converted into the embryo. It may seem a rather subtle difference, but really the elongated part of a primitive streak such as one sees in bird or rabbit is the stretched-out anterior part of the product of the deutero- genetic centre of activity rather than the anterior part of the deuterogenetic proliferative area itself, this product becoming subsequently differentiated directly into mesoblastic somites (which are always deuterogenetic), the deuterogenetic part of the neural plate, and of the notochord, etc. Hubrecht then goes on to describe another growth centre, namely that which gives rise to the ventral mesoblast, which he says has preceded the formation of the protochordal wedge, and refers to four of his figures, 47-50, which, however, do not to my mind indicate any marked distinction either iu space or time. Surely the so-called third centre of growth is nothing more than the equivalent of the ventral lip of the blastopore of Amphioxus and other Anamnia, and is the EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 247 ventral portion of the naturally circular deuterogenetic pro- liferation area. This area is essentially circular in itself, but it assumes a different shape by reason of varying- conditions and is a circular ring in Anamnia, which have blastopores like Rana, of an elongated ring- or bottle-shape (v. Sedgwick, ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,' vol. 33, p. 564) in Elasmobranchs, and streak-like in many mammals, e.g. rabbit, Carnivora- Tarsius and birds, truncate and almost disc-like in other mammals, e.g. Mus, Cavia, and reptiles. But in all it must have anterior, lateral and ventral margins from which pro- liferation of cell material takes place. I cannot conceive on what grounds Hubrecht can separate the anterior part (his protochordal wedge) and lateral wings from the ventral part. The figures he refers to do not support it, and besides, it is well known that the mesoblast sheet formed by deutero- genesis is a continuous sheet passing posteriorly completely round the primitive streak, broken only in front by the separation of the notochord. The so-called extra-embryonic coelom which develops so early in Tarsius and man is probably protogenetic coelom, as it is well ventral to the posterior sheet of mesoblast (Hubrecht’s ventral mesoblast), figs. 49, 50; and indeed, in the former figure, 49, it appears to be distinctly marked off from it. More- over, the extra-embryonic coelom develops long before any trace of the primitive streak, whether protochordal wedge or ventral mesoblast is present. Hubrecht seems to have abandoned the position he took up in 1890 when writing on the embryology of Sorex. At that time he was sure that the middle region of the protochordal plate gave rise to the notochord : “A most remarkable fact, to which I must now call atten- tion, is this, that it is not in the posterior region of the epi- blastic shield that the formation of the middle layer and its earliest representatives — notochord and lateral mesoblast plates — is first inaugurated. It is in the hypoblast that the first differentiation occurs, which ultimately leads to the 248 KICHARD ASSHETOX. formation of the above-mentioned structures” (‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 31, p. 508). Again : “ This patch of modified hypoblast-cells has at the beginning an oval shape, with the long axis perpendicular to that of the embryonic shield. Part of this patch will develop into the anterior portion of the notochord ; for this reason I will call it the protochordal plate.” How does Hubrecht i-econcile the formation of part of the notochord (what I should call the protogenetic portion of the notochord) from the gut lining with his theory of the origin of the notochord from the supposed fused Actiniau stomodaeum according to his present theory? (p. 109). Does Hubrecht abandon his earlier conclusions, or does he allow that some of the notochord is not formed from the stomod^al protochordal wedge ? In my humble opinion the Professor was on much sounder ground in 1890 than now, althongli, as related elsewhere, I cannot follow him in the idea of two gastrulation periods, an hypothesis which he has, as we have seen, abandoned since. Hut surely the difficulties of coenogenetic and palingenetic tissues, of mesoderms of various origin, of notochord of epiblastic or hypoblastic origin, are to a large extent smoothed away and the problem vastly simplified by an appeal to the way the things actually grow in the embryo as evidenced by exjierimental observation. For we find that there is a part of the organism formed, so to speak, on the egg — in situ — roughly radially symme- trical, which is what I call the protogenetic ai’ea, and this alone represents a gastrula or coelenterate stage. To this subsequently is added tissue from a growing point (the deuterogenetic area of proliferation), which area itself can be called neither epiblast, hypoblast, nor mesoblast; but the material produced by active proliferation of this growing point becomes epiblast, hypoblast, or inesoblast, according to the nature of the layer with which it is in direct con- tinuity. The protochordal plate and the annular zone inesoblast, EAELY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 249 with, of course, the hypoblast from which these parts are derived, together with the epiblast which overlies them, as well as everything ventral to the annular zone, constitute the protogenetic tissues, which are of more ancient origin than the primitive streak tissues, and everything this secondary area of proliferation gives rise to (deutei’Ogenesis) are of a more recent origin, and include the protochordal wedge of Hubrecht (Kopffortsatz of others), the so-called ventral mesoblast and the lateral plates of mesoblast which are really one and the same thing. I entirely agree with Hubrecht’s comparison of these areas in question with corresponding ones in Amphibia, pp. 46-54, though I claim to be not included among' those who were so ^‘naturally biassed” as to fail to see these points in Amphibia (vide H^uart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 37, PI. 24, figs. 8-11, 13, 14). I have also indicated in the figure herewith reproduced from a paper in the ^ Guy’s Hospital Keports,’ 1907, the respective regions formed by the protogenetic and deutero- genetic centres in various groups of vertebrates, though in these I have omitted details such as the annular zone of mesenchyme producing hypoblast, which is all included in the general white area marked with black dots, but the essential features are unmistakably indicated. Hubrecht (p. 55) refers to birds and reptiles, and has no difficulty in finding evidence in them as in the Amphibia of the truth of the presence of two great embryonic growth centres in a vertebrate (protogenesis and deuterogenesis), and finds the same parts, protochordal plate and annular zone, protochordal wedge and ventral mesoblast. I am inclined to doubt, from my own observations on the sparrow, whether the well-marked mass of cells which occurs in the sparrow at an early stage between hypoblast and epi- blast, shown so clearly in Schauinsland’s figures and called by Hubrecht “ protochordal plate,” is really the material from which any of the notochord is formed. If followed it is found to gradually take up a more and more forward position, and 250 inCHAUD ASSHETON. may possibly form the extreme anterior part of the heart and pericardium, but in any case I am inclined to think it is Archenteron Metenteron Diagrams representing sagittal sections of vertebrates at corre- sponding ages to show the parts of the embryo derived from the ])rimaiy growth centre (protogenesis), and that from the secon- dary growth centre or blastopore lii^s (denterogenesis). The latter, the deuterogenetic tissues, are shaded. The dots repre- sent nuclei within the yolk mass and endodermal tissues of protogenetic origin. (From ‘ Guy's Hospital Reports,’ 1907.) altogether anterior to the notochord, and is connected with the vascular system rather than that organ. Text-fig. 4. Archenteron’ Metenteron EARLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 251 In reference to the relation between the protochordal plate and the secondary growth centre, Hubrecht (p. 58) writes : “ The confluence between the earliest ectodermal downgrowth with the protochordal plate has up to now not been specially examined in reptiles. Still, one may conclude from the figures here given, which I copy from other authors, that it comes about in exactly the same way as we noticed it in I’arsius for Mammals, and in Hypogeophis for Amphibians.” Certainly the condition of Hypogeophis is more like the reptilian condition than is the condition such as occurs in the Annra or Urodela, in which there is from the first an opening from the exterior into tlie future archenteron, namely, a true blastopore. Therefore, in comparing reptilian gut formations with others, we ought to compare it more closely with mammals and birds, and contrast it with Amphibians such as Anura and Urodela, and with fishes and cyclostomes. Might it not be well to restrict the term ‘‘archenteron” to the part of the gnt which is due solely to protogenetic in- fluence, and call the part of the gut (including neurenteric canal) which is due to deuterogenetic influence by some such term as “ metentei’on ” (vide diagram). If this is a true dis- tinction, then we see that there is a very marked difference between the Amniotes on the one hand and all the other vertebrates. In the Amniotes there is an archenteron formed by infil- tration of fluid between an upper and anterior wall of cells, usually a thin membrane, and a lower or ventral mass of either cells or yolk mass, which, when formed, is not in open communication with the exterior — that is to say, there is no real blastopore. This cavity is, of course, that known as blastocyst cavity in mammals, subgerminal cavity in birds and reptiles. It is only at a later stage after the growth in length has started by the oingin of the deuterogenetic centre that a passage is formed which varies very much in its degree of development in different types. Thus in birds it is only recognisable as a narrow and evanescent canal, the neurenteric 252 RIOHARD ASSHETOX. canal ; in mammals it is usually not more developed, but in a few cases it is for a while recognisable as a distinct perfora- tion or neurenteric canal, as, for instance, in the human embryo (Spee), the hedgehog (Hubrecht), Ornithodelphia (Wilson and Hill). But in the reptiles it is so evident as a passage leadiug at first into a blind pouch (but later com- municating with the subgerminal cavity) that it has been mistaken for a true archenteron and true blastopore. The true archenteron or subgerminal cavity is not so well marked in some (Tropidonotus) as it is in others (Lacerta, Platydactylus) ; but in all the “ metenteron ” is obvious, and subsequently a perforation occurs, and communication between the protogenetic cavity (the subgenuinal cavity or archenteron) and the deuterogenetic cavity (neurenteric canal or metenteron) is established. And I do not think this is a subtle distinction only, but one Avhich is essential to the understanding of the true way in which the vertebrate embryo grows, and to my mind it tends towards simplification. If it were not for the hypothetical vermactinian ancestor I see no reason why Hubrecht’s and my own views should not absolutely coincide. For Hubrecht quite agrees with the view that this so-called invagination cavity of reptiles, this cavity slit or porus,” is not archenteron, and I believe that if he would himself perform operations on developing Amphibian, Avine, or Teleosteau eggs, he would convince himself that the relations of the protogenetic and deutero- genetic centres are morphologically and pln’siologically as I have several times indicated them to be. Gastrulation in the Ornithodelphia. With reference to the description given by Wilson and Hill (’07) of the corresponding stages in Ornithorhynchns, I should like to make one suggestion. Hubrecht accepts their interpretations, and regards the curious mass situated some distance in front of the primitive EARLY ONTOGENETIC PHENOMENA IN MAMMALS. 253 streak, and called by Wilson and Hill the “primitive or archenteric knot,” as tlie equivalent of the protochordal Avedge of his nomenclature. Nevertheless I think Hubrecht is not very happy about it, as he says: “However, the data concerning the earliest appearance of this protochordal plate in Oruithorhynchus are too scanty than that I have ventured to mention it when in the preceding pages we discussed the protochordal plate. And it seems advisable on this point to await yet further researches on these rare mammals, of which it is so very difficult to obtain the required developmental stages.” In spite of this no doubt admirable caution, I venture to suggest that the object called primitive knot by Wilson and Hill (pr. K., text-fig. 7, Wilson and Hill) has nothing at all to do with either gastrulatiou or primitive streak, but is really the morphological vegetative pole of the egg. I have tried to make my meaning clear by the accompany- ing diagram (text-fig. 5). A. represents a meroblastic egg, such as that of a sparrow. In this the “ liquefaction ” of the yolk is seen very obviously to result in an accumulation of fluid between the blastoderm and the yolk mass, which forms a mass at the lower pole of the whole egg. The diagram is, however, not an exact representation. The epiblast, ep., is shown to have nearly surrounded the yolk, a condition which is in reality not attained until a much later stage of development of the embryo itself than is indicated by the upper pole of the egg in my diagram, which represents a sagittal section of an early stage, perhaps eighteen hours or so of incubation. Let us imagine, however, this growth of the epiblast, ep., to take place very early (so that the yolk is completely enveloped by it) and the thickened edges to meet and fuse early. Let us imagine that the yolk is much reduced, and its place taken by fluid, so that the nucleated margins {gw.), the so-called germinal walls, have met and fused also ; we should then have a condition not unlike the fig. B, except that in fig. B the part representing the coalesced blastoderm VOL. .54, PART 2. — NEW SERIES. 18 Text-pig. 5. ps. A represents a coniiiosition of two stages in the development of 1 lie egg of a sparrow, that is to say, the “liquefaction of the yolk ’’ and the enclosure of the yolk liy the epiblast are supposed to have taken place several hours earlier than is the case. B represents the blastocyst of Ornithorhynchus after Wilson and Hill’s desci'iption. It is suggested that the “ primitive knot ’’ of those authors represents the final stage in the “liquefaction ” of the meroblastic egg. ep., epiblast ; oint and of seeing photographs of his preparations at the Dublin meeting of the British Association in 1908. On referring to the ‘ Pro- ceedings ’ of the Association I regret to find that this interesting pa^Jer is reported by title only. THE FORMATION OP THE LAYERS IN AMPHIOXUS. 329 are represented by the great solid sheets of mesoderm cut out from the sides of the archeiiteric roof termed the “ meso- dermic bands/’ requires no special demonstration. To sum up^ the differences between the development of Arnphioxus and the development of the higher Verte- brata can be explained on the simple assumption that there has been a progressive increase in food-yolk, and that this yolk for the most part has been stored in the ventral wall of the archenteron, which has been thereby rendered relatively inert. Tliis has led to a modification of the process of invagination, which retains its primitive features in connection with the dorsal lip of the blastopore, but ventrally is changed to a process of slipping over or epibole. At the same time the processes of folding which give rise to the coelom in Amphi- oxus become modified so as to give place to the outgrowing of solid masses of cells. Turning now to Professor Hubrecht’s account (18) of the ontogenetic processes in Vertebrata, we find that he entirely reverses the method which I have followed. Instead of ex- plaining the more complex development of the higdier forms as a modification of that of the simpler forms, he takes the development of mammals as a starting-point, and then pro- ceeds to read into the development of the lower forms what he, finds there. Since in the mammalian egg the cells destined to form notochord and mesoderm arise by invagination, there- fore they are ectoderm and for them the name “protochordal wedge” is given. It does not, however, escape Hubrecht that these invaginated cells come into continuity in fi-ont with cells which he regards as true endoderm, and therefore in front of the protochordal plate there is an endodermic proto- chordal plate, and the notochord, if I understand him ai’ight, arises from both, and is therefore a compound strnctui’e. Further, Hubrecht is a convinced believer in the formation of the neural plate by the gradual closing of a long slit-like blastopore. This process he dignifies with the name “noto- genesis.” To read a complex process like this into the develop- ment of Arnphioxus appears to me a sheer impossibility. 330 E. W. MACBEIDE. In support of it, it is true, Hubreclit figures from Legros an oblique longitudinal section of an abnormal Ampliioxus gastrula, which is utterly unlike the appearance presented by any normal embryo. Legros admits the section to be oblique, a fact of which Hubreclit does not apprise his readers. Hubreclit regards Rauber’s layer as a special larval envelope and utterly distinct from the true ectoderm. He imagines that the aquatic ancestor of Mammalia had a larva in which there was such an envelope which was afterwards cast off, and cites certain Trochophore larvm as analogous instances. When the aquatic ancestor took to a land life the free-swimming larva was retained within the womb of the mother, and so the peculiar development of Mammals was attained. According to this reasoning, then either birds and reptiles arose from a different stock from Mammals, or else the oviparous method of development which they exhibit was secondarily developed out of a previous viviparous con- dition. Now on this view several remarks may be made. Rauber’s layer is not analogous to the investing layer of the Sipun cuius larvfe as Hubreclit imagines, because iu the latter case we have to do with a median belt of larval ecto- derm which develops into a broad ciliated baud overlapping the remaining ectoderm before and behind. The loss of this belt in the Trochophore larva leaves a wound which is closed by the cicatricial union of the ectoderm produced by the head and tail blastema respectively, whereas Rauber’s layer is an outer layer of ectoderm according to Hubreclit. Then, whichever alternative we take of the ancestry of Mammalia, we are beset with difficulties. To maintain that they are the offspring of a distinct stock from that which gave rise to birds and reptiles is a supposition which may be left to the tender mercies of comparative anatomists, who will make short work of it. Every recent discovery in palaeontology tells against such a supposition ; the mammalian vertebral column is constructed on the reptilian plan, whilst the amphibian one is built on a different plan, and so on. But if we admit the existence of a common ancestral stock of birds, reptiles, and THE EOEMATION OF THE LAYERS IN AMPHIOXUS. 331 mammals, then the change from a viviparous to an oviparous method of development, which Hubrecht must postulate, is totally unthinkable. How should au animal which had once adopted the habit of carrying the young in the womb — the safest method of development, and the one which rendered the parent completely free from the necessity of visiting any fixed place for parturition — revert to the dangerous and primitive method of laying eggs ? In every other case in which viviparity occurs in the animal kingdom we have evidence that it has developed out of oviparity, not vice versa. Hubrecht lays great stress on supposed indications of a specially differentiated layer of ectoderm over the embryonic areas of the embryos of reptiles, like Sphenodon and of Echnida, as a proof of their descent from viviparous forms. Hill expressly denies the existence of such a layer in Ornithorhy nchus (38) and the marsupials (16), but even if the facts were as Hubrecht i-epresents them it by no means proves his case. The ectoderm in all the higher Verte- brata is typically many-layered, and that an outer layer should prematurely become differentiated is only au antici- pation of adult conditions. Even in Elasmobranchii and Cyclostomata, which Hubrecht classes together with Amphi- oxus, and separates from all other Yertebrata on account of tlieir single-layered embryonic ectoderm, eventually develop a many-layered adult ectoderm. Natural selection may have seized on this tendency when Rauber’s layer was evolved. The way 1 have suggested of looking at the evolution of Yertebrata, which has the audacity in these days of inno- vation to be commonplace, escapes all these difficulties. All grades in the development of viviparity are met with amongst living reptiles, and it does not I’equire a very violent exercise of the imagination to pass from a condition such as is found in Zootoca to that found in Ornithorhy nchus, for example. Rut Hubrecht claims for his view that it enables him to explain the origin of the allantois and the amnion as embryonic envelo2)es in a satisfactory way. He pictures the 332 E. AV. MACBIJIDE. process as far as I can follow him in some such manner as this : Starting with a supposed holoblastic egg which had a larval envelope, the mass of cells destined to form the embryo does not develop with equal rapidity to the surrounding envelope, and consequently becomes detached from it every- whei*e except at one spot, where there is a stalk of connection between envelope and embryo. The amniotic cavity between true amnion and embryo was originally a water cushion developing within the ectoderm to form a protection for the embryo, which subsequently derived a more complete pro- tection by the method of detachment just described. Along the stalk of connection between embryo and vesicle the bladder subsequently grew, and so the allantois was formed. From this process the simple folding process seen in the formation of the amnion in Reptilia is supposed to have arisen as a secondary modification. Now an amnion has been developed in Insecta, and Hubrecht will find it hard to convince any specialist in Ai’thi'opoda that it has come about otherwise than as a modification of the folding' of the germ- disc seen in its incipient stages in Myriapoda. But why, if a protective fold has developed in the Arthropodan egg, should there be any difficulty about its development in the Verte- brate egg ? Suppose we apply in both cases the same hypothesis. The folding of the germ-disc in a Myriapod egg is due to its great length and the consequent impossibility of its expansion within the egg-shell. In the insect egg the germ-disc is proportionately shorter, but the iidierited habit of folding' has persisted and has led to the formation of the amniotic fold. Now ill the Amphibian egg no expansion of the embryo takes place till it has escaped from the egg membrane, but when the Reptilian ancestor took more completelj^ to life on land a longer retention of the embryo within the egg-shell and a greater supply of yolk would become a necessity. Hence at a certain stage in the development of land animals there arose a necessity of bending the head inwards into the yolk-sac so as to give room. The most flexible part of the THE FOllMATlON OF THE LAYERS IN AMPHIOXUS. 333 yolk-sac was the so-called pro-amnion, which lay in front of and beneath the head, and here the flexure took place. 'I'he inere fact that in Mammalia there is here no meeting of the lateral sheets of mesoderm, so that the diploblastic head envelope is called “pro-amnion,” whereas in reptiles the lateral sheets of mesoderm early meet beneath the head, and so a “ true head fold of the amnion ” is developed, seems to me to be a secondary affair. This bending tended, just as a ship sinking by the head tends to lift her stern, to raise the tail region and so bring the bladder-like outgrowth of the gut — already present in Amphibia — near the surface of the egg', and so to increase its chances of getting oxygen. In this the foundation was laid for the modification of the allantois into a breathing organ and for the corresponding development of the tail-fold of the amnion, the two developing, as Balfour long ago showed, together, since the tail-fold of the amnion contains the extension of the bladder or allantois. Hubreclit scornfully asks if the pro-arnnion was developed to contain the head, Avhy there is none in the human embryo ? The answer is easy; in the human embryo the embryo itself is as long as the yolk-sac from the beginning, the yolk-sac being in this case a vestigial organ which has suffered great reduction in size, and hence when the embryo elongates there is no yolk-sac for it to plunge its head into. Space, however, will not permit us to pursue this subject further. To an author like Hubreclit, who finds no difficulty in supposing that the oviparous mode of development in Echnida is secon- darily derived from a placental method of development, such as is found in the rabbit, no change is so unlikely as to seem impossible. Apart from Hubrecht’s desire to prove that the ancestors of Mammals never had yolky eggs, the main result of his paper is to advocate the view that Vertebrates have developed from an Actiuian ancestor. The protochordal wedge repre- sents, according to him, the old stomodaeum which opened into the true endodermal gut below. The old mouth was originally surrounded by a nerve ring, but it became closed THE FORMATION OF THE LAYERS IN AMRHIOXUS. 335 from in front backwards and the anus is the only remnant of it; the present mouth is a new formation. In this theory Hubrecht supposes that he is reviving an old theory of Sedgwick’s as to the origin of the Metazoa (30). But on Hubrecht’s theory the coelom is of ectodermal origin, and must have originated from stomodmal pockets which do not exist in Actinozoa, whilst Sedgwick regards the coelom as derived from the inter-mesenteric snaces of the true endo- X dermal gut. Sedgwick’s theory was published about a quarter of a century ago, and was based on a review of all the evidence available at the time. It is a theory of the origin not of Vertebrata but of all Metazoa, and it traces them back to an Actinia-like ancestor. The theory of Sedgwick may be analysed into three parts — for the name Actinia given to the common ancestor was, of course, only an indication of a very general resemblance to a modern sea-anemone. The three parts are: (1) The position that the coelom arose as pockets of the original gut or archenteron ; (2) the position that mouth and anus are two separated portions of a long slit-like mouth ; and (3) the idea that the central nervous system is homologous throughout the whole of the Metazoa and had originally the form of a ring round the original mouth. Now I venture to maintain that the first two parts of the theory have received more and more support as embryological research has gone on, but that the third part must be given u]) and that the comtnon Metazoan ancestor in consequence takes on more resemblance to a Ctenophore than to an Ac ti Ilian, for it has become evident that in many types of larva) the apical plate of neuro-epithelial cells is the first rudiment of the brain, and that it is independent of post-oral nervous aggregations. ’Jliat the coelom arises in Amphioxus as five archenteric outgrowths I trust I have convinced the readers of this paper. ’J'hat the mouth and anus in all animals in which two such openings are found, owe their origin to the division of a long slit-like cceleuterate mouth I firmly believe. If, however, the affinities of Amphioxus are to be sought for in the vicinity of Balanoglossus, then 336 E. W. MACBEIDE. an excellent reason can be given why we cannot expect to find a trace of the slit-like inoutb in Vertebrate ontogeny, for there is no trace of it in the development of Balano- glossus nor in the development of the Echinodermata, which is the group most nearly allied to Balanoglossus and the Enteropneusta. In both Enteropneusta and Echino- dermata the blastopore becomes the anus and the mouth is formed later as an independent meeting of ectoderm and endoderm. I am strongly inclined to believe that the “ seam ” which originally connected mouth and anus was situated on the ventral and not on the dorsal surface. It is quite possible tliat the second stage in gastrulation, viz. the upgrowth of the ventral lip and the coincident union of its lateral halves, may be a reminiscence of this closure. The great difficulty in fixing points of reference in Vertebrate development is that general growth in length supervenes so early that before the mouth is formed the embryo has altered in size and shape to a great extent. Nevertheless the place where the mouth is formed in Amphioxus cannot be far from the point y in the gastrula in fig. 6, in which the upgrowth of the ventral lip has not yet begun. Now Balanoglossus presents us with a condition where the nervous system, as in some Nemertinea and Echino- dermata, is practically co-terminous with the ectoderm — a condition therefore in which a central nervous system could originate anywhere where stimuli were concentrated. The local concentration in the dorsal region of the collar which we believe to be the forerunner of the earliest part of the A^ertebrate dorsal nerve-tube receives its explanation from the structure of the other Enteropneusta, Cephalodiscus and Rhabdopleu ra. In both of these animals the collar region is produced into a series of arm-like outgrowths beset with ciliated tentacles. The dorsal nerve cord is a centre co- ordinating the two halves of this apparatus. The free- swimming pelagic ancestor of Enteropneusta probably possessed similar developments of the collar region, and it is interesting to reflect that the ciliated cirri” which fringe o o THE FOEMATION OP THE PAYEES IN AMPHIOXUS. 337 the edge of the oral hood in Ainphioxus occupy a corres- ponding position to the “ arms” of Cephalodiscns, and are in all probability homologous therewith. Adding the “arms” to the collar of a Balanoglossus and shortening the worm- like trunk, the length of which is a result of burrowing' life, we arrive at a conception of the primitive Vertebrate stock to which the free-swimming ancestors of Echinodermata were allied. In the Echinodermata the fixed habit was adopted and one of the “collar-cavities” gretv at the expense of the other and so the water-vascular ring was formed. Professor llubrecht indicates a belief that the “supposed Actinian ancestor developed into a vermiform one.” What Text-fig. 10. The foimuon ancestor of Vertebrata, Enteropneiista and Echinodermata. kind of a “vermiform” ancestor Hubrecht means he does not indicate in the paper under discussion. To judge from his previous work one would suppose that the “ worm ” was a Nemertean. The theory of the Nemertean origin of Verte- brata was published in this Journal in two editions. In the later and revised edition (17) we learn that the Vertebrate nervous system corresponds to an inconspicuous dorsal nerve in the Nemertinea, whilst the main nervous system of those “worms” gives rise to the chain of cranial ganglia. The proboscis of Nemertinea becomes the hypopliysis of Verte- brata, whilst the proboscis-sheath forms the notochord. The question of the coelom is passed over as a difficult and obscure (piestion. As, however, the figure he gives of the vermiform ancestor in the present paper is adorned with a number of 338 E. W. MACBRIDE. coeloinic pockets, one is tempted to believe that lie means to give his adhesion to the famous “ Annelidan ” theoi-y of the origin of Vertebrates put forward by Dohrn, to which we owe such a quantity of excellent work. This seems the more likely, as in the twenty-two years which have elapsed since its final revision the Nemertinean theory has gained little or no support. That the Nemertinea are distantly related to the common stock of Echinodermata and Vertebrata is quite possible ; but that they stand anywhei*e near the direct line of descent is negatived by the consideration that the J^ilidium larva in its development stands near the Trocho- phore larva of Annelida, and is widely different from the Tornaria larva of Balanoglossus or the allied Dipleurula larva of Echinodermata. The Annelidan theory did justice to a number of remarkable I’esemblances between Annelida and Vertebrata. In proportion, however, as zoological research has advanced, it has transpired that most of these resemblances — cf. ciliated tubes leading from the body- cavity to the exterior, development of genital organs from the lining of the body-cavity, etc. — are common to a wide range of coelomate animals, and only one specific resem- blance is left, viz. the metameric repetition of organs, and above all the metameric segmentation of the muscles in the two groups of animals. On the other hand, if Vertebrata were derived from Annelida, we are forced to assume the production of a new mouth and the abandonment of the old one, and a total change in the manner of developing the nervous system, whilst gill-slits and notochord must have been developed entirely de novo. The great advantage of Bateson’s theory of the origin of Vertebrata is that we are not forced to make any such violent reconstruction as the formation of a new mouth, and of noto- chord and nerve-cord we already have the beginnings. All we require to postulate is the appearance of metamerism, and surely this is no unreasonable assumption considering how often the repetition of similar organs crops up in the most widely separated phyla of the animal kingdom. THE FOEMATION OF THE LAYERS IH AMPHIOXHS. 339 Of course Hubreclit may reply that there is no a priori impossibility in the formation of a new month. There is cer- tainly no analogy for it, and if it is legitimate morphological reasoning to assume such changes of function as are implied in it, no valid objection can be brought against the attempts to evoke a Vertebrate from an Arachnid like Limulus, in which Patten and Gaskell display such diabolically brilliant ingenuity. The general conclusion of our study may be summed up thus : The process of gastrulation in Amphioxus leads to the formation of a single laye'' of invaginated cells, which there is no valid reason for analysing into two kinds. The closure of the blastopore in Amphioxus is due to the concrescence of the lateral lips of the blastopore and to the upgi'owth of the ventral one. By these processes the venti’al, not the dorsal surface of the embryo is formed. The mesoderm owes its origin to the outgrowth of five coelomic pouches from the archenteron in the same manner as the coelom of Balanoglossus. The formation of the layers in other Vertebrata can be derived from that of Amphioxus by allowing for first the disturbing influence of the accumulation of food-yolk in the ventral wall of the archenteron, and, secondly, in Mammalia the disturbing effect of contact with the maternal uterus. In starting with Mammalia, and reading their complicated pi’ocesses into the development of lower Vertebrata, Pi’ofessor Hubreclit has read the book of Vertebrate development upside down. McGill University, April, 1909. List op Works referred to in this Paper. [Except in the case of Amphioxus this list makes no pretence at completeness. In the case of the higher veiLehrates I have given references only to the newest work on the subject w'hich I could find.] 1. Agar. — “ The Development of Anterior Mesoderm in Lepidosiren and Protopterus,” ‘ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin.,’ vol. xlv, pt. 3, 1907. 340 E. W. MACBRIDE. 2. Assheton. — “ On Grow-th Centres in Vertebrate Embryos,” ‘ Anat. Anzeiger,' Bd. xxvii. 1905. 3. *• The Development of G y m n a r c h u s n i 1 o t i c n s," Memorial volume of John Samnel Biidgett, 1907. 4. Ballowitz. — “ Die Gastrulation bei der Ringelnatter,” ‘ Zeit. fiir IViss. Zool.,’ vol. Ixx, 1901. 5. Bles. — The Life-bistory of Xenopus laevis,” ‘ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin.,’ vol. xli, 1905. 6. Bracbet. — “Rechercbes sur I’ontogenese des Ampbibiens U rodeles et Anonres,” ‘Archives de Biologie,’ tome xix, 1902. 7. “ Gastrulation et formation de I'embiyon cbez les Cbordes,” ‘ Anat. Anz.,’ Bd. xxvii, 1905. 8. Brauer. — ‘‘ Beitriige zur Kenntniss der Entwickelungsgescbicbte nnd der Anatomie der Gymnopbionen.” ‘Zool. Jabrbiicber Abt. fiir Anatomie nnd Ontogenie,’ vol. x, Ht. 3, 1897. 9. Cerfontaine. P. — “Rechercbes sur le developpement de EAmpbi- oxus,” ‘Archives de Biologie,’ tome xxii, 1906. 10. Conklin. — “ The Orientation and Cell-lineage of the Ascidian Egg (Cynthia partita),” ‘Joum. Acad. Xat. Sci.,’ Philadelphia, vol. xiii, second series. 11. Dean, Bashford. — “The Early Development of Gai-pike and Sturgeon." ‘ Journ. of Morphology,’ vol. xi. 1895. 12. Dean, Basliford. — “The Early Development of Amia.” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., vol. 38, 1896. 13. “ Chimseroid Fishes and their Development,” ‘ Publications of Cai-negie Institution.’ 1906. 14. Edgeworth, F.H. — “The Origin of the Head-muscles in Gallus and other Sauropsida.’’ ‘ Quart. Jouni. Micr. Sci.,’ Xo. 204, vol. 51, 1907. 15. Hatschek, B. — “ Studien ilber die Entwickelung des Amphioxus,” ‘Arb. alls der Zool. Inst, zu Wien.,’ Bd. iv, 1881. 16. Hill, J. P. — “ The Early Development of Mai’supialia,” Repoi-ts of British Association Dublin Meeting. 1908. 17. Hubrecht. — "The Relation of the Xemertea to the Vertebi-ata," ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 27. 1887. 18. “ Early Ontogenetic Phenomena in Mammals and their Bearing on our Interpietation of the Phylogeny of Vertebrata.” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 53, pt. 1, 1909. 19. KeiT, J. Graham. — “The Develoinnent of Lepidosiren para- doxus,” pt. ii. ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci..’ vol. 45, 1901. 20. Klaatsch. — “ Bemerkungen fiber die Gastrnla des Amiihioxus,” ‘ Moi'ph. Jahrbuch,’ Bd. xxv, 1898. THE FOKMATION OP THE LAYERS IN AMPHIOXUS. 341 21. Kowalevsky. — “ Entwickelimgsgescliichte cle.s Amphioxns lan- ceolatus,” ‘Mem, cle I’Acad. imp. des Sc. de S. Petei'sbonrg,’ series, tome xi, 1867. 22. “Weitere Stndien iiber die Entwickelimgsgeschichte des Ampliioxus lanceolatus,” ‘ Arcbiv fiir Mikr. Anatomie,’ Bd. xiii, 1877. 23. Legros. — “Developpement de la cavite Imccale de I’Amphioxiis,” ‘ Arch, d’ Anatomie micr.,’ tome i and ii, 1897 and 1898. 24. “Sur fpielqiies cas d'asyntaxie blastoporale cliez rAmphi- oxus,” ‘Mitt, aus der Zool. Station zn Neapel,’ Bd. xviii, 1907. 25. Lwoft'.— “ Die Bildung der primai'en Keimbliitter mid die Entste- Imng der Chorda mid des Mesoderm bei den Wirbelthieren," ‘Bull, de la Soc. Imp. des Nataralistes de Moscon,’ 1894. 26. MacBride. — “ Tlie Early Development of Amphioxns,” ‘Quart. Joiirii. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 40, 1898. 27. “ Further Remarks on the Development of Amphioxns," ‘ Quart. Jonrn. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 43, 1900. 28. Morgan and Hazen. — “The Gastrnlation of Amphioxns," ‘Jonrn. of Morphology,’ vol. xvi, 1900. 29. Mitsnknri. — “ On the Process of Gastrnlation in the Chelonia,” ‘ Jonni. Coll. Sc. Imp. Univ. Japan,’ vol. vi, 1893. 30. Saniassa. — “ Stiidien fiber den Eiiiflnss des Dotters anf die gastrnla- tion mid die Bildnng der jirimaren Keimbliitter der Wirbelthiere : Amphioxns,” ‘ Arcliiv fiir Ent. mechanik,’ Bd. vii, 1898. 31. Sedgwick. — “ On the Origin of Metameric Segmentation and some other Morphological Questions,” ‘ Quart. Jonrn. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 24, 1884. 32. Sobotta. — “ Beobachtnngen iiber die gastrnla des Amphioxns,” ‘ Verh. der Phys. mid med. ges. zn Wiirzlmrg,’ Nene Folge, Bd. xxxi. 33. Theel. — “ The Development of Echinocyamns pnsillns,” ‘Roy. Soc. Sc. Upsala,’ ser. 3, 1892. 34. Van Wijhe. — ‘Beitriige znr Kopfregion des Amphioxns lanceo- latns,’ 1901. 35. “Die Homologisirmig des Mmides des Amphioxns mid die primitive Leibesgliedcrnng der Wirbelthiere,” ‘ Petrus Camper.’ De 4 aft. 36. Will. — “ Beitriige znr Entwickelmigsgeschichte der Reiitilien : die Anlage der Keimbliitter bei der Gecko (Platydactylns),” ‘Zool. Jahrlhicher,’ vol. vi, 1892. 37. Willey. — “ The Later Larval Development of Amphioxns,” ‘Quart. Jonrn. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 32, 1891. 342 E. W. MACBRIDE. 38. Wilson and Hill, vliynclius,” ‘ 1907. — “Observations on the Development of Ornitho- Pliil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Loud.,’ series B., vol. cxcix, EXPLANATION OF PLATES 18—21, Illustrating Prof. E. W. ^lacBride’s paper on “ The Formation of Layers in Aniphioxns.” [All the figures in this paper were drawm under the magnification afforded by a Zeiss apochromatic immersion objective of 2 mm. focal distance. The original magnification of 900 to 1000 diameters has l)een retained in the case of the smaller figiu-es, but the magnification has been reduced in the case of the larger to 600 diameters for convenience in i-eproduction.] List op Abbreviations. a. Anal diverticulum, a'. Upper section of archenteron. at. Rudi- ment of atrial ridge, hr.ect. Ectodermic portion of gill-pouch, hr.eud. Endoderinic portion of gill-pouch, ch. Notochord, chib. Club-shaped gland, coll. Collar-cavities. /. Ectodermic folds which extend over the nerve-plate. 7i. Karyokinesis (mitosis). l.coU. Left collar-cavity. l.h. Left head-cavity. 7.sp7. Left splanchnoccele. m. Place where the mouth will be formed, liiwsc. Muscular fibres, my. Myocoele. «.c. Neural canal. n.e. Neurenteric canal. nepli. Hatschek's nephridium. oc. Clear cells; first indication of eye-spot, r.coll. Right collar-cavity. r.h. Right head-cavity, r.spl. Right splanchnocele. tr. Trunk-cavity. V. Vacuole in spot where left head-cavity will acquire an opening to the exterior, x. Position of centre of growth which initiates gastriilation. y. Position of centre of growth which closes the blastopore. PLATE 18. All the sections on this plate are magnified 600 di.ameters. Fig. 1. — Median sagittal section through a flattened blastula in which the centre of growth at x is just making its appearance. Fig. 2 . — Median sagittal section through a slightly older embryo in wdiich gastrulation has just begun. Fig. 3. — Medial sagittal section through a still older einlnyo in which gastrulation has proceeded further. THE FOEMATIOX OP THE LAYERS IN AMPHIOXUS. 343 Fig. 4. — Median sagittal section through an embryo in which the difference in staining quality between ectodermal and endodermal nuclei is beginning to appear. Figs. 5 a and h. — Two sagittal sections through an embryo in which the nerve-plate (n.p.) is just beginning to be recognisable. Fig. 5 a is a median section, and in it the rounded character of the cells in the neighbourhood of the growing point x is remarkable. Fig. 5 is a more lateral section (four sections to the right) in which the neighbourhood of X is composed of quiescent cells. Fig. 6. — A median section through a gastrula in which the archenteron has become hemisi^herical. PLATE 19. Figs. 7 a and b. — Two sagittal sections through an embryo in which the pi'ocess of elongation has begun. Fig. 7 o is a median sagittal section and fig. 7 h a moi-e lateral section. The long axis of the nerve-plate is at right angles to the diameter of the wide blastopore. Magnification fiOO diameters. Fig. 8. — Median sagittal section through a gastrula in which the blastopore is in process of being closed through the activity of the growth-centre at y. ch. The layer of cells which will form the noto- chord and which is already beginning to lose its yolk-granules. Magni- fication fiOO diameters. Fig. 9. — Horizontal section through an almost complete gastrula taken near the middle of the series. Magnification 600 diameters. Fig. 10. — Horizontal section through an almost complete gastrula taken near the upper and anterior lip of the blastopore. Magnification 1)00 diametei’s. Figs. 11 n-e. — Five transverse sections through a just complete gastrula in which the first traces of the body-cavities can be seen. In fig. 11 a, the most anterior section, the collar-cavities (coU.) alone are visible. In fig. 11 both collar-cavities and trunk-cavities are seen. In fig. 11c only trunk-cavities are visible. In fig. 11 d the anal divei-ticulum («.) is seen still connected with the more dorsal part of the archenteron («'.) by a narrow canal. In fig. 11 e the anal divei-ticulum is shut off from the rest of the archenteron. ne. Neurenteric canal. Magnification 675 diameters. PLATE 20. Figs. 12 a-d. — Four transverse sections through a larva in which two somites have been cut off from the trunk-cavity. In fig. 12 a the openings of the collar-cavities are seen on both sides. In fig. 12 5 the collar-cavity is closed on the left side and lies on the outer side of VOL. 54, PART 3. — NEW SERIES. 25 344 K. \V. MACT.KTDK. tlie closed front end of the trunk-cavity. The collar-cavity is still open to the gut on the riglit side ; in fig. 12 c it is closed off on both sides. In fig. 12 d the posterior ends of the trunk-cavities are seen to open into the ai’chenteron. Magnification 900 diameters. Fig. 13. — Transverse section through the front end of a larva in which four somites have been cut off from the front end of the trunk- cavity to show the origin of the head-cavities, pore. The neuropore. Left head-cavity, Right head-cavity. Magnification 900 diameters. Fig. 14. — Transverse section through the front end of a larva in which five somites have been cut off from the front end of the trunk - cavities. The head-cavities are more advanced in development, but still open into the gut. r.coll., l.coU. The anterior ends of the right and left collar-cavities respectively. Magnification 900 diameters. Fig. 15. — Transverse section through the front end of a larva about two days old to show the persistent connection of the left collai’-cavity with the pharynx, out of which it appears probal)le that Hatschek's neplu-idium {nepli.) developed. Magnification 1000 diameters. Figs. 10 n-f/. — Seven transverse sections through a larva of about the same age as that represented in fig. 15 before the mouth is open. In fig. 16 a the still open neuropore (pore) is seen, and below the notochord the thin-walled right head-cavity. In fig. 10 h the left head-cavity is seen completely closed off from the gut. and below it the right head-cavity. At V. a vacuole is seen in an ectoderm cell, which marks the spot where this cavity will eventually acquire an opening to the exterior. In fig. 16 c the thickening of the ectoderm (m.) is seen, which marks the spot wheie the mouth will break through. The collar-cavities are seen at the sides of the gut extending towards the mid-ventral line. In fig. 10 d the club-shaped gland is seen originating as a hollow outgrowth from the wall of the pharynx, and the posterior extensions of the collar- cavities are seen below the splaucbnoceles, which have been foianed by the fusion of the ventral jDarts of the posterior somites, my. The myocele of one of the myotomes. muse. Muscular fibres on the inner walls of these myotomes. In fig. 16 e the first gill-slit is seen to originate by the meeting of an ectodermal in-growth (br.ect.) and an endodermal outgrowth (br.end.). In fig. 16/ the anal diverticulum is seen, and the expansion of the ectodermal cells to form the caudal fin (/a), which is seen as a cuticular rim. In fig. 16 gr the solid seam of cells representing the neurenteric canal is seen. Magnification lOOO diameters. PLATE 21. Figs. 17 a-h. — Eight transverse sections through a larva in which the month and first gill-slit have been formed, and in which the left head- THE FOUMATION OF THE LAYERS IN AMFHIOXUS. 345 cavity has acquired an opening to the exterior, slightly older than that represented in fig. 16. In fig. 17 « the left head-cavity is seen opening to the exterior. In fig. 17 b the collar-cavities are seen extending do^wn at the sides of the pharynx, and the external opening of the clnh-shaped gland is seen at club in front of the mouth. In fig. 17 c the mouth is seen, and on the j)osterior extension of the right collar-cavity (r.coll.) an ectodermal thickening (at.), the rudiment of the atriiil ridge. Figs. 1 7 d, e, /, fj, and h are five consecutive sections through the hinder end of the pharynx hehind the gill-slit, which is grazed in fig. 17 d (br.end.) to show how the extensions of the collar-cavities thin out and disappear, whilst right and left .splanchnoceles meet in the mid-ventral line. Magnification 1000 diameters. ! (S>wt^n. y Latreille (‘ Magazin Encyclopedi(pie.' vol. iv, p. 15. 17!15). Mr. A. D. Michael tells me that the. genus was founded on Tromhidium parasiticnm of de Geer. They were really larval Tromhidiida' and Atoma was founded on larval characters ; probably any larval Tromljidium came under the specific name. “ Being unable to identify these immature specimens I submitted them to Mr. Michael, who kindly informs me that it is extremely diffi- STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND P-inNOMTCS OF HOUSE-FLAL 871 apparently by their stomal regions. These specimens may be truly parasitic, as I am inclined to believe, since many Acari are parasitic in the immature state, although the adults may not be so; on the other hand this form of attachment may be employed as a means of maintaining’ a more secure hold of the transporting insect. 8. Fungal Disease — Empusa muscae Cohn. Towards the end of the summer large numbers of Hies may be found attached in a rigid condition to the ceiling', walls or window-panes. They have an extremely life-like appearance, and it is not until one examines them closely or has touched them that their inanimate, so far as the life of the Hy is con- cerned, condition is discovered. These flies have been killed by the fungus Empusa muscae Cohn, and in the later stages of the disease its fungal nature is recognised by the fact that a white ring of fungal spores may be seen around the fly on the substratum to which it is attached. 'I'he abdomen of the fly is swollen considerably, and white masses of sporogenous fungal hypha) may be seen projecting for a short distance from the body of the fly, between the segments, giving the abdomen a transversely striped black and white appearance. The majority of flies which die in the late autumn — and it is then that most of the flies which have been present during the summer months perish — are killed by this fungus. Its occurrence, therefore, is of no little economic value, especially if it were possible to artificially cultivate it and destroy the flies in the early summer instead of being compelled to wait until the autumn for the natural course of events. Empusa muscae belongs to the grouj) Entomophthoreae, the members of which confine their attacks to insects, and in many cases, as in the case of the pi'esent species, are produc- tive of great mortality among the individuals of the species of cult to identify ininiature Ganiasids owing to the scarcity of knowledge as to their life-histories, hut he says that they are very like Dinycliella asperata Berk 372 C, GOKDOX HEWITT. insect attacked. In this country it may be found from about the beginning of July to the end of October, and usually occurs indoors. It appears to be very uncommon out-of- doors. A case has been recently recorded^ of its occurrence on Esher Common, where it had attacked a species of Syrphid, ^lelanostomum scalare Fabr. Thaxter (1888) also mentions two cases of its occurrence out-of-doors in America, in both of which cases it had attacked, singularly enough, species of Syrphidte. This author states that Empusa muscie is probably the only species which occurs in flowers attractive to insects, but he only observed it on the flowers of Solidago and certain Umbellifereae. The development of this species was studied by Brefeld (1871). An Empusa spore which has fallen ou a fly rests among the haii’s covering the insect’s body and there adheres. A small germinating hypha develops, which pierces the chitin, and after entering the body of the victim penetrates the fat-body. In this situation, which remains the chief centre of development, it gives rise to small spherical struc- tures which germinate in the same manner as yeast cells, forming gemmae. These separate as they ai’e formed, and falling into the blood sinus ai’e carried throughout the whole of the body of the fly. It was probably these bodies that Colin (1855) found, and he explained their pi’esence as being due to spontaneous generation ; he believed that the fly first became diseased and that the fungus followed in consequence. After a period of two or three days the fly’s body will be found to be completely penetrated by the fungus, which destroys all the internal tissues and organs. The whole body is filled with the gemmae, Avhich germinate and produce ramifying hyphae (fig. 15). The latter pierce the softer portions of the body-wall between the segments and produce the short, stout conidiophores (c.), which ai’e closely packed together in a palisade-like mass to form a compact white cushion of conidiophores, wliich is the transverse white ring that one finds between each of the segments of a diseased, and ‘ ‘ Trans. Ent. Soc, London.' 1908 (“ Proceedings,” p. 57). STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND BIONOMICS OF HOUSE-FLY. 378 consequently deceased, fly. A conidium now develops (fig. 16) by the constriction of the apical region of the conidiophore. When it is ripe the conidium (fig. 17) is usually bell-shaped, measuring 25-30 n in length ; it generally contains a single oil-globule (o.y.). In a remai’kable manner it is now shot off from the conidiophore, often for a distance of about a centimetre, and in this way the ring or halo of white spores, which are seen around the dead fly, are formed. In some cases, although I find that it is not an invariable rule as some would suggest, the fly, when dead, is attached by its extended proboscis to the substratum. Griard (1879) found that blow-flies killed by Entomophthora calliphora were attached by the posterior end of the body. If the conidia, having been .shot off, do not encounter another fly, they have the power of producing a small conidiophore, upon which another conidium is in turn developed and discharged. If this is unsuccessful in reaching a fly a third conidium maybe produced, and so on. By this peculiar arrangement the conidia may eventually travel some distance, and it is no doubt a gi-eat factor in the wide distribution of the fungus, once it occurs. On the fly itself short conidiophores may be found producing secondary conidia. Keproduction by conidia appears to be the only form of generation, as we are still uncertain as to the occurrence of a resting-spore stage in this species. Winter (1881) states that he found resting-.spores in specimens of M. domestica occurring indoors; they also produced conidia which he identified as E. muse®. These azygospores measured 30-50 n in diameter, and were produced laterally or termin- ally from hyph® within the infected fly. Giard (1. c.) describes resting spores which were produced externally and on specimens found in cool situations. Brefeld, however, is of the opinion that E. muse® does not produce resting-spores. The question of the production of resting-spores needs further investigation, as it is one of some importance. In the absence of confirmatory evidence it is extremely difficult to understand how the gap in the history of the Empusa, between the :174 C. (lORDlW TTKVVTTT. late autumn of one year and the summer of the next, is filled. A number of suggestions have been made, many of which cannot be accepted ; for example, Brefeld believes that the Empusa is continued over the winter in warmer regions, migrating northwards with the flies on the return of summer! In the case of En tomo phthora calliphora, Giard believes that the cycle is completed by the corpses of the blow-flies falling to the ground, when the spores might germinate in the spring a.nd give rise to conidia which infect the larvEe. Olive (1906) studied the species of Empusa which attacks a species of Sciara (Diptera) and found the larvae infected. He accordingly thinks that the disease may be carried over the winter by those individuals which breed during that period in stables and other favourable places. As I have shown, M. domestic a, under such favourable conditions as warmth and supply of suitable larval food, is able to breed during the Avinter months, although it is not a normal occurrence so far as I have been able to discover. If, then, these winter-pro- duced larvae could become infected they might assist in carrying over the fungus from one year to the next, and thus carry on the infection to the early summer broods of flies. This suggestion and the possible occurrence of a I’esting-spore stage appears to me to be the probable means by which the disease may be carried over from one “ fly-season ” to the next. E. muscfe, besides occuri'ing in M. domestica, has been found on several species of Syrphidm, upon which it usually occurs out-of-doors, as I have already mentioned. In addi- tion to these Thaxter records its occurrence in Lu cilia ctesar and Calliphora vomitoria. VI. True Parasites. 1. Flagellata. Herpetomonas muscEe-domesticoe Burnett. This flagellate has been known as a parasite of the ali- mentary tract of M. domestica for many years. Stein (1878) figures a flagellate which he calls Cercomonas muscae-domestica, and identifies it with the Bodo muscae- STRUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND BIONOMICS OF HOUSE-FLY. 375 dome Stic 00 described by Burnett and the Cercomonas in use arum of Leidy. For this form figured by Stein, a new genus, Herpetomonas, was instituted by Kent (1880-81), and it is taken as the type-species. It was not until the economic importance of certain of the haemo-flagellates was recognised that other flagellates, including H. musem- domesticae, received further attention, and then Prowazek (1904) described with great detail the development of this species. In the previous year Leger (1903) had given a short account of it, and since Prowazek’s memoir Patton (1908, 1909) has given short preliminary accounts of his study of the life-history. The accounts of both these authors differ in several respects from that of Prowazek, as will be shown. I have examined a very large number of the contents of English specimens of M. domes tica, but, with one or two doubtful exceptions, unfortunately I have been unable so far to discover any of these flagellates in my film preparations. The full-grown flagellate (VIII) measures 30-50 g in length. The body is flattened and lancet-shaped, the pos- terior end being pointed and the anterior end bluntly rounded. The alveolar endoplasm contains two nuclear structures. In the centre is the large “ trophonucleus ” {tr.) •, it contains granules of chromatin, but is sometimes difllcult to see. Near the anterior end the deeply staining rod-shaped “ kineto- nucleus” (blepharoplast of many authors) (/c.) lies, usually in a transverse position. The single stout flagellum, which is a little longer than the body of the flagellate, arises from the anterior end, near the kinetonucleus. Prowazek describes the flagellum as being of a double nature and having a double origin ; this, which is a mistaken interpretation, is repeated by Lingard and Jennings (1906). fi'his mistake, as pointed out by Leger and Patton, is due to the fact that the majority of the adult flagellates have the appearance of a double flagellum, which represents the beginning of the longitudinal division of the flagellate (VI). Patton (1908) figures a stage in H. lygaei with the double flagellum, and Leger (1902) in a similar .stage in H. jaculum, VOL. 54, PART 3. NEW SERIES 27 after Lcger, Patton, and Prowazek. I-III. Pref lagellate stage. IV-VIII. Flagellate stage : V. Young flagellate. VI. Flagellate beginning to divide, flagellum having already divided. VII. Advanced stage of division. VIII. Adult flagellate. IX-XI. Post-flagellate stage: IX. Degene- ration of flagellum. Xa. Post-flagellate stage completed by formation of gelatinous covering, containing double row of granular bodies (Prowazek). f.v. Flagellar vacuole, fc. Kineto- nucleus. s.t. Spiral chi-omophilous thread, tr. Trophonucleus. STRUCTUEE, DEVELOPMENT, AND BIONOMICS OF HOUSE-FLY. 377 parasitic in the gut of Nepa cinerea, from which figures it may be understood how the mistake has arisen. Through this misinterpretation Prowazek was led to consider that the pai’asite was of a bipolar type, in which the body had been doubled on itself so that the two ends came together and the flagellum remained distinct. The flagellum, according to Leger, is continued into the cytoplasm as a thin thread, which stains with diflBculty, and terminates in a double granule above the kinetonucleus ; this double granule is no doubt the “diplosome” of Prowazek. According to the latter author another deeply staining’ double thread {s.t.), that appears to be spirally coiled, runs backwards from the kinetonucleus and terminates posteriorly in a distinct granule, shown in fig. VIII. The flagellates congregate in the proventriculus or in the posterior region of the intestine, where they become united by their anterior ends to form rosettes. Prowazek states that in the rosette condition the living portion of the flagellate resides, as it were, in the long tail-like process. Patton divides the life-cycle of H. muscte-domesticte into three stages — the prefiagellate, flagellate, and post- flagellate. The last two are common, but the first stage is not common, and Prowazek appears to have overlooked it. For convenience I have described the flagellate stage first, and the process of division in this stage is simple longitudinal fusion. The nuclei divide independently, and the kineto- nucleus usually precedes the trophonucleus. The latter undergoes a primitive type of mitosis, in which Prowazek recognised eight chrosomes (VII). The flagellum divides longitudinally, and each of the two halves of the kineto- nucleus appropriates one of the halves with its basal granule. The prefiagellate stage, which Patton (1909) describes, usually occurs in the masses which lie within the peritrophic membrane.^ They are round or slightly oval bodies (I), their average breadth being 5’5 p. The protoplasm is granular and * I assume that Patton refers to this membrane by the term “ peri- tricheal membrane.” 378 C. GnEDON HEWITT. contains a troplionucleus and kiuetonucleus. Division takes place by simple longitudinal division or multiple segmenta- tion, and in this manner a large number of individuals are formed (II h and III). These develop into the flagellate stage : a vacuole, the flagellar vacuole (III, /.r.) appears between the kinetonucleus and the I’ounded end of the pre-flagellate form, and in it the flagellum appears as a single coiled thread, which is extended when the vacuole has approached the surface. The flagellate form has already been described, and in the concluding portion of the flagellate stage, which, according to Prowazek, is found in starved flies, these forms are found collecting in the rectal region, and attaching themselves by their flagellar ends in rows to gut epithelium. The more external ones begin to shorten, during which process the flagella degenerate (IX) and are shed. Thus a palisade of pai-asites is formed, the outer ones being rounded and devoid of flagella, and some of them may be found dividing (X). Leger (1902) terms these the “formes gregariennes,” and maintains that the existence of these “gregarine” forms is a powerful argument in favour of the flagellate origin of the Sporozoa, which he had previously suggested, and which Butsclili had put foi-ward in 1884. After the degeneration of the flagellum a thickened gelatinous covering is formed, con- taining a double row of granular bodies (Xu), and these cysts are i-egarded by Patten as the post-flagellate stage. They pass out with the faeces, and dropping on the moist window- pane or on food, are taken up by the proboscides of other flies. Prowazek describes dimorphic forms of the flagellate stage, which he regards as sexually differentiated forms, but Patton, in a letter to me, says that he is unable to And any of these complicated sexual stages. According to Prowazek, one of these forms is slightly larger than the other, and has a greater affinity for stain. The dimorphic forms conjugate; their cell substance and nuclei fuse, and a resting-stage cyst is formed, but the subsequent stages have not been followed. He further states that the sexually differentiated forms may force STEUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND BIONOMICS OE HOUSE-FLY. 379 their way into the ovaries, where they undergo autogamy and infect the subsequent brood. In Madras Patton found that 100 per cent, of the flies were infected with the flagellate ; Prowazek found it in 8 per cent, of the flies at Rovigno. In the cold season in the plains (India) Lingard and Jennings (l.c.) found the flagellate in less than 1 per cent, of the flies examined ; in the hills (Himalayas), at an elevation of 7500 feet, the flagellates were most numerous during’ the hottest season of the year, and gradually deci-eased in number to October and November, when none were discovered. One of the chief points of interest in connection with this flagellate is its similarity to the “ Leishmann-Donovan ” body, the parasite of kala-azar, as it was this resemblance that prompted Rogers (1905) to suggest that the latter parasite was a Herpetomonas, which I think Patton has now conclusively proved to be tlie case, and he calls it Herpetomonas donovani (Laveran and Mesnil). Crithidia M u sc o O o o o o o o o c o o o o o c o c o' o' o' o 'M*' 75 • g • J — . 2 .2 •- ,3 '73^3 ^ 3:2 ^ r.2 .S .S « o s o o g .2.2^ o £; oS m S o— al — ^"7 O'? S 3.^ ^cs ^ 2 "m -t ' bo A bc"I be;;; bCU3 bc^ bDxi iJigsgicsagog-sg^go - - SO>0'SOfeO>(IlSO^ObB O 2: '-' ro *M 2l C .C) u 'w ’^. ^ •'^ t- O Ol OI be '■ x^ I- 2 ^ CO .2^ «f ‘ .3 s -f ^ ^ :-s ^ '«t2 01 »-H O C ^ O ^ CJ c3 -.4^ •' o o !t: P3 - Cw ; > a> O) o >> > (a) 2200 mould sjoores. 404 C. GOEDON HEWITT. appendages and transferred them subsequently to the culture media, but they were not recovered from those flies which were kept in confinement for twenty-four hours ; a large number of flies, however, were not used. Dr. Kerr, of Morocco, in a paper on “ Some Prevalent Diseases in Morocco,” i-ead before the Glasgow Medico- Chirnrgical Society (December 7th, 1906), described epidemics of Syphilis where, according to the author, the disease was spread by flies which had been feeding upon the open sores of a syphilitic patient. Howard (1909) calls attention to an important investigation carried on by Esten and Mason (1908) on the role which flies play in the carriage of bacteria to milk. The flies were caught by means of a sterile net; they were then introduced into a sterile bottle and shaken np in a known quantity of sterilised water to wash the bacteria from their bodies and to simulate the number of organisms that would come from a fly falling into a quantity of milk. They summarised their results in the table given on p. 403. From that table it will be seen that the numbers of bacteria carried by a single fly may range from 550 to 6,600,000, while the average number was about 1,222,000. Commenting on these results, the authors state that “ early in the fly-season the numbers of bactei’ia on flies are compara- tively large. The place where flies live also determines largely the numbers that they carry.” From these results the importance of keeping flies away from milk and other food will readily be seen. VIII. Flies and Intestinal Myiasis. The larvae of M. domestica and its allies are frequently the cause of intestinal myiasis and diarrhoea in children. The occurrence of the larvae in the human alimentary tract may be accounted for in several ways. The flies may have deposited the eggs on the lips or in the nostrils of the patient, or the eggs may have been deposited on the food, subsequently STEUCTUEE, DEVELOPMENT, AND BIONOMICS OF HOUSE-FLY. 405 passing uninjured either as eggs or as young larvse into the alimentary tract owing to insufficient mastication. Or the larvte may have entered per rectum, the eggs having been deposited Avhen the patient was visiting one of the old-style privies where these flies, especially H. canicularis and H. scalaris, frequently abound. These last two species are frequently the cause of this intestinal trouble, and it is most probable that the larvae enter per rectum. Owing to the inability on the part of the observers to dis- tinguish the different species of dipterous larvae v/e have little information as to their occurrence in these cases. Stephens (1905) records two cases. Two larvae were pi’o- cured which were stated to have been passed per rectum ; one was H. canicularis and the other is described as i\I. corvina. The latter larva was stated to possess eight lobes on the anterioi- spiracular processes which “ distinguishes these larvae from M. domestica, which has seven only.” I suspect this larva was M. domestica, which has six to eight lobes on the anterior spiracular processes. Some years ago a number of larvae which had been passed by a child were sent to this laboratory, and I found that they were M . domes- tica. In 1905 some eggs taken from the stool of a patient suffering from diarrhoea were sent to me and on examination they proved to be the eggs of C. ory throcephala. The larvae of the small house-fly, H. canicularis, as I have already mentioned, have occasionally been found in the stools of patients. In certain cases the larvae may wander from the mouth or alimentary tract and get into the nasal passages or other ducts, in which cases complications may ensue and result in the death of the patient. IX. Literature. A few of the more important references included in the two previous bibliogi-aphies are repeated here for the sake of convenience. 1909. Ainsworth, R. B. — “The House-fly as a Disease Carrier,” ‘ Journ. Roy. Army Med. Corps,’ vol. xii, pp. 485-498. 406 C. GORDON HEWITT. 1904. Aldridge. A. R. — “ Tlie Spread of the Infection of Enteric Fever by Flies,"’ ibid.,vol. iii, pp. 649-651. 1907. “ Honse-llies as Carriers of Enteric Fever Infection,” ibid, vol. ix. pp. 558-571. 1904. Ansten, E. E. — “ The House-fly and Certain Allied Species as Disseminators of Enteric Fever among Troops in the Field,” ibid, vol. ii, pp. 651-668, 2 pis. 1908. Axenfeld. T. — ‘ Tlie Bacteriology of the Eye ’ (Translated by A. MacNabb London. 402 jjp.. 87 figs., 3 pis. 1901. Bachmetjew, P. — ‘ Experi men telle entomologische Studien. i. Temperaturverhiiltnisse bei Insekten.’ Leipzig. 160 pp. 1908. Balfour, A. — ‘ Third Report of the Wellcome Research Labora- toi’ies, Gordon College. Khartoum,’ pp. 218, 219. 1905. Banks, N. — •'* A Treatise on the Acarina or Mites,” ‘ Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus.,’ vol. xxviii, pp. 1-114, 201 figs. 1858. Bedard, J. — “ Influence de la lumicre sur les animaux,” ‘ C.R. de I'Acad. d. Sc.,' vol. Ivi, pp. 441-453. 1898. Berg, C. — “ Sobre los enemigos pequenos de la langosta peregrina Schistocerca paranensis (Bui-m.)," ‘Com. Mus. Buenos Aires,’ vol. i, pp. 25-30. 1887. Bigot, J. M. F. — “ Dipteres nouveaux on pen connus,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Zool. France,' vol. xii, pp. 581-617. 1903. Bogdanow. E. A. — " Zehn Generationen der Fliegen (Musca domestica) in veriinderten Lebensbedingmigen," ‘ Allg. Zeitschr. f. Entom..' vol. viii, pp. 265-267. 1874. Bollinger, O. — “ Experimentelle Untersuchungen fiber die Ent- stehung des Milzbrandes,"’ 46 Versammh. d. ‘ D. Naturf. u. Aerzte zu Wiesbaden,' September, 1873 ; and ” Milzbrand.” in von Ziemssen's ‘ Handb. d. spec. Patol. u. Therapie,’ vol. iii, pp. 457 and 482. 1871. Brefeld, O. — “Untersuchungen fiber die Entwickelung der Empusa musca; and E. radicans." ‘ Abh. d. Naturf. Gesellsch. Halle.,’ vol. xii, pp. 1-50, pis. 1-4. 1897. Buchanan, W. J. — “ Cholera Diffusion and Flies,” ‘ Indian Med. Gaz.,’ pp. 86. 87. 1907. Buchanan, R. M. — “ The Carriage of Infection by Flies,” ‘Lancet,’ vol. clxxiii. pp. 216-218, 5 figs. 1861. Carter, H. J. — “ On a Bi-sexual Nematoid Worm which Infests the Common House-fly (Musca domestica) in Bombay,” ‘ Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,' ser. (3), vol. vii, pp. 29-33, 4 figs. 1888. Celli, A. — “ Transmissibilita dei gernii patogeni mediante le STEUCTURE, DEVELOPMENT, AND DIONOMICS OF HOUSK-FLY. 407 dejecioni delle Mosche,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Lancisiana ospedali di Roma,’ fasc. 1, p. 1. 1905. Cockerill, J. W. — “ Report on the Prevalence of Enteric Fever in Bermuda,” vs^ith Tables and Diagrams, ‘ Joura. Roy. Army Med. Corps,’ vol. iv, pp. 762-796. 1855. Cohn, F.— “Empusa muscse und die Krankheit der Stuhen- fliegen,” ‘ Nova Acti. Acad. Caes. Leop. Carol. Germ. Nat. Cur.,’ vol. XXV, p. 301. 1870. Davaine, C. — “ Etudes sur la contagion du charhon chez les animaux domestiques,” ‘ Bull. Acad. Med. Paris,’ vol. xxxv, pp. 215-235. 1861. Diesing, K. M.— “ Kleine helminthologische Mittheilungen,” ‘ Sitz. Kais. Akad. d. wiss. Wien.,’ vol. xliii, pp. 269-282. 1872. Donholf. — “ Beitriige zur Physiologic, 1 : Ueber das Yerhalten Kaltbliitiger Thiere gegen Frosttemperatur,” ‘ Arch. f. Anat. und Phys. und wiss. med. von Reichert und Du Bois-Raymond,’ p. 724. 1797. Donovan, E. — ‘ Natural History of British Insects,’ vol. vi, p. 84. 1902. Dunne, A. B. — “ Typhoid Fever in Soutli Africa; its Cause and Prevention,” ‘ Brit. Med. Journ.,’ March 8th, 1902, p. 622, 1908, Esten, W, M., and Mason, C. J, — “ Sources of Bacteria in Milk,” ‘ Bull. No. 51, Storrs Agric. Exp. Sta.,’ Storrs, Conn., U.S.A. 1903. Picker, M. — “ Typhus und Fliegen,” ‘ Arch. f. Hygiene,’ vol. xlvi, pp. 274-282. 1902. Firth, R. H., and Horrocks, W. H. — “ An Inquiry into the Influence of Soil, Fabrics, and Flies in the Dissemination of Enteric Infection,” ‘ Brit. Med. Journ.,’ 1902, vol. ii, i>p. 936-943. 1906. Franklin. G. D. — “ Some Obsei-vations on the Breeding Ground of the Common House-fly,” ‘ Indian Med. Gaz.,’ vol. xli, p. 349. 1752-78. de Geer. C. — ‘ Mcmoires pour sei-vir ii I'histoire des Insectes,’ vol. viii, 11. 115, pi. 7, figs. 1-3. 1886. Generali, G. — '• Una larva di nematode della mosca commune,” ‘Atti. Soc. d. Nat. di Modena, Rendic.,’ Ser. (3), vol. ii, pp. 88, 89. 1764. Geoffroy, E. L. — -'Histoii'e ahregee des Insectes,’ vol. ii, p. 624. 1879. Giard, A. — “ Deux especes d’Entoniophthora nouveaux pour la flore fraufaise et le presence de la forme Tarichium sur une Muscide,” ‘ Bull. Scient. du Department du Nord,’ scr. 2, second year. No. 11, pp. 353-363. 1909. Godfrey, R. — “The False-scorpions of Scotland,” ‘Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist.,’ No. 69, January, 1909, pp. 22-26. VOL. 54j PART 3. NEW SERIES. 29 408 C. GORIION nEWITT. 1883. Gnissi, B. — ‘‘ Les mefaits des Moiiclies," ‘ Arcli. ital. de Liologie,’ vol. iv, pp. 205-228. 1908. Hamer, W. H. — “ Nuisance from Flies." Report Oy the Medical Officer presenting a report hy Dr. Hamer. Medical Officer (General Purposes), on the extent to which the fly nuisance is produced in London hy accmnnlations of offensive matter. 10 i^p., 2 figs., 3 diagrams. Printed for the London Comity Council (Puhlic Health Committee), London. 1908. Hamer, W. H. — “ Nuisance from Flies," Report of the Medical Officer of Health presenting a further report hy Dr. Hamer, Medical Officer (General Purposes), on tlie extent to which the fly nuisance is produced in London hy accumulations of offensive matter. 0 pp., 4 diagrams. Printed for the London County Council (Puhlic Health Committee). London. 1904. Hayward. E. H. — “ The Fly as a Cai-rier of Tulierculous Infec- tion," ‘New York Med. Journ.,’ vol. Ixxx, pp. 643, 644. 1907. Hewitt, C. G. — “ On tlie Life-history of the Root-maggot, Anthomyia radicum, Meigen," ‘Journ. Econ. Biol.,' vol. ii, pp. 56-63 ; 1 pi. 1907. “The Structure, Development, and Bionomics of the House-fly, Musca doinestica Linn.; i- The Anatomy of the Fly," ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,' vol. 51. pp. 395-448; 5 pis. 1908. Idem., pt. ii. "The Breeding Hahits, Development, and the Anatomy of the Larva," ihid., vol. 52, 2ip- 495-545 ; 4 jils. 1907. “ The Proboscis of the House-fly," ‘ Brit. Med. Journ..' November 23rd, 1907, ji. 1558. 1!*08. " The Biology of House-flies in Relation to the Puhlic Health." ‘ Journ. Roy. Inst. Puhlic Health,' vol. xvi, ^ip- 596-608 ; 3 figs. 1905. Hickson, S. J. — “ A Parasite of the House-fly," ‘ Nature.' October 2t)th, 1905. 1888. Hoffmann, E. — “Ueher die Verhreitung der Tuherculose durch Stuhenfliegen," ‘ Corres2:>ondenzhl. d. azztl. Krcis und Bezirk- svereine im Kunigr. Sachsen.,' vol. xliv, j^p. 130-133. IftOO. Howard, L. O. — " A Contribution to the Study of the Insect Fauna of Human Excrement (with Es^iecial Reference to the Spread of Typhoid Fever hy Flies)." ‘ Proc. W ash. Acad. Sciences,' vol. ii, j)p. 541-604, figs. 17-38, jJs. xxx, xxxi. 1909. “ Economic Loss to the Peoj>le of the United States through Insects that Carry Disease," ‘Bull. No. 78, U.S. Dej)!. Agric., Bureau of Entomology ' ; 40 ^ip-, 3 tables. 1907. Jackson, D. D. — "Pollution of New York Harbour as a Menace STRUCTURE, DEVELORMENT, AND BIONOM ICS OF UOUSE-FLAA 409 to Health l)y the Dissemina tion of Intestinal Disease through the Agency of the Common House-fly,” a Rei^ort to the Committee on Pollution of the Merchants’ Association of Hew York ; 22 pp., 2 maps, 3 charts, 3 figs. 1908. Kammerer, P. — “ Regeneration cles Dipterenfliigels heim Imago,” ‘ Arch. f. Entwick.,’ vol. xxv, pp. 349-360 ; 4 figs. 1880-1881. Kent, W. S. — ‘A Manual of the Infusoria.’ vol. i, p. 245, pi. xiii, figs. 29-34. 1901. Kew, H. W. — “ Lincolnshii'e Pseudo-scorpions : with an Accoimt of the Association of such Animals with other Arthropods,” ‘ Naturalist,’ No. 534, July, 1901, pp. 193-215. 1826. Kirhy and Spence. — ‘ Introduction to Entomology,’ vol. iv, pp. 228-229. 1883. Koch, R. — “ Bericht fiber die Thatigkeit der deutschen Cholera Komission in .dEgypten und Ostindien,” ‘ Wiener med. Wochenschr.,’ No. 52, pp. 1548-1551. 1880. 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Loeb, J. — “ Der Heliotropismus der Tliiere und seine Uberein- stimmung mit dem Heliotrox)ismus der Pflauzen,” Wurzburg, 118 pp., 6 figs. 1894. Macrae, R. — "Flies and Cholera Diifusion,” ‘Indian Med. Gaz.,’ 1894, pp. 407-412. 1885. Maddox, R. L. — " E.xperinients in Feeding some Insects with the Curved or “ Comma ” Bacillus, and also with another Bacillus (B. subtilis?),” ‘ Jouru. Roy. Micros. Soc.,’ ser. (2), vol. v, pp. 602-607, 941-952. 1894. Moniez, R. — ‘‘ Apropos des publications rccentes sur le faux paia- 410 C. GORDON HEWITT. sitisin des Cliernctides sur differents Artliropodes," ‘ Rev. Biol, du Nord de l:i France,’ vol. vi, pp. 47-54. 1877. Mni-ray, A. — ‘Economic Entomology,’ London, p. 12!). 1906. Newstead, R. — “ On the Life-History of Stomoxys calcitrans, Linn.,” ‘ Journ. Econ. Biol.,’ vol. i, pp. 157-166, 1 pi. 1907. “ Preliminary Rej^ort on the Hahits, Life-Cycle and Breeding-Places of the Common Honse-fly (Mnsca domestica, Linn.) as Observed in Liverpool, with Suggestions as to the Best Means of Checking its Increase,” Liverpool, 23 pp. 1873. Nicholas, G. E. — “The Fly in its Sanitary Aspect,” ‘Lancet,’ 1873, vol. ii, p. 724. 1897. Nuttall, G. H. F. — ‘‘ Zur Aufkliirnng der Rolle, welche Insekten bei der Verbi-eitung der Pest spielen — Ueber die Empfindlichkeit verscliiedener Thiere fiir dieselbe,” ‘ Centralbl. f. Bakteriol.,’ vol. xxii, pp. 87-97. 1899. “On the Role of Insects, Arachnids, and Myriapods, as Carriers in the Sprend of Bacterial and Parasitic Diseases in Man and Animals ; A Critical and Historical Study,” ‘ Johns Hopkins Hosjjital Reports,’ vol. viii, 154 pp., 3 pis. (A vei-y full biblio- graphy is given.) 19U6. Olive, E. W. — “ Cytological Studies on the Entoniophthoreae : i. The Morphology and Development of Empusa,” ‘ Bot. Gaz.,’ vol. xli, p. 192, 2 pis. 1887. Osten-Sacken, C. R. — “ On Mr. Portchinski’s publications on the larvaj of Muscida;, including a detailed abstract of his last paper: — ‘Comparative Biology of Necrophagous and Copro- pliagous Larva',’ ” ‘ Berl. Ent. Zeit.,’ vol. xxxi, pp. 17-28. 1874. Packard, A. S. — “ On the Transformations of the Common House- fly, with Notes on allied forms,” ‘ Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.,’ vol. xvi, pp. 136-150, 1 pi. 1908. Patton, W. S. — “ The Life-Cycle of a species of Cnthidia jjara- sitic in the intestinal tract of Gerris f ossaruiu, Fabr.,” ‘Arch, f. Protistenk.,’ vol. xii, pp. 131-146, 1 pi. 1908. “ Herpetomonas lygai,” ibid., vol. xiii, pp. 1-18, Ipl. 1909. “ The Parasite of Kala-Azar and Allied Organisms,” ‘Lancet,’ January 30th, 1909, pp. 306-309, 2 figs. 1896. Piana, G. P. — “ Osservazioni sul Dispharagus nasutus, Rud. dei polli e sidle larve Nematoelmintiche delle mosche e dei Porcellioni," ‘ Atti della Soc. Ital. d. Sci. Nat.,' vol. xxxvi, pp. 239-262, 21 figs. 1892. Pickard-Cambridge, O. — “ On the British Species of False-Scor- STRUCTURE, DEVRROri\rENT, AND BIONOMICS OE HOUSE-FLY. 41 1 pions,” ‘ Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist, and Antiq. Field Club,’ vol. xiii, P23. 199-231, 3 jjls. 1904. Prowazek, S. — “Die Entwicklung von Heiqietomonas eineni init den TryjJimosoinen verwandten Flagellaten," ‘ Arb. aus deni. Kaiserl. Gesimdlieitsamte,’ vol. xx, jip- 440-452, 7 figs. 1900. Quill, R. H. — “ Rej)ort on an Outbreak of Enteric Fever at Diyatalawa Cainji, Ceylon, among the 2nd King’s Royal Rifles," ‘ Ai'my Med. De^it. Report,’ Ajijiendix 4, ji. 425. 1869. Raimbert, A. — “ Reclierclies exjDerimentales sur la transmission du Charbon jiar les mouclies,’’ ‘ C.R. Ac. Sci. Paris,’ vol. Ixix, iqi. 805-812. 1905. Rogers, L. — “ The Conditions affecting the develojiment of Flagellated organisms from Leishman bodies and their bearing on the jirobable mode of infection,’’ ‘Lancet,’ June 3rd, 1905, pp. 1484-1487. 1899. Sangree, E. B. — “ Flies and Ty^ihoid Fever,” ‘ New York Med. Record,’ vol. Iv, jip. 88-89, 4 figs. 1892. Sawtchenko, J. G. — “ Le role des mouclies dans la jiroiiagation de rcqiidcmic cholerique,” ‘ Vratcli,’ St. Petersburg. (Reviewed in ‘ Ann. de I’lnstitut Pasteur, vol. vii, j). 222.) 1892. Simnionds. M. — “ Fliegen und Choleraubertragen,” “ Deutsch. med. Wochenschr.,’ No. 41, ji. 931. 1903. Smith, F. — “ Municiiial Sewage,” * Joum. Troji. Med.,’ vol. vi, p. 285. 1887. Spillmann and Haushalter. — “ Dissemination du bacille de la tuberculose par les mouclies,” ‘ C.R. Ac. Sci.,’ vol. cv, jiji. 352- 353. 1878. Stein, F. R. — “ Der Organismus des Infusionsthiere, iii, Abthei- lung — Die Naturgeschichte des Flagellaten oder Geisselin- fusionen,” 154 jij)-’ 24 jils., Leipzig. 1905. Stejihens, J. W. W. — “ Two Cases of Intestinal Myiasis,” ‘Thoinji- son Yates and Johnstone Laboratories Rejiort,’ vol. vi, jiart i, pp. 119-121. 1897. Stephenson, S. — " Rejiort on the Prevalence of Ophthalmia in the Metroiiolitan Poor-Law Schools,” ‘ Blue-Book,’ October 2nd, 1897. (Reviewed in ‘ Lancet,’ October 16th, 990, 991.) 1899. Steinberg, G. M. — “ Sanitary Lessons of the War,” ‘ Philad. Med. Journ.,' June 10th and 17th, 1899. 1888. Thaxter, R. — “ The Entoniophthorea; of the United States,” ‘ Mem. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist.,’ vol. iv, 133-201, pis. 14-21. 1886. Tizzoni, G., and J. Cattani. — “ Untersuchungen fiber Cholera,” • Centralbl. f. d. med. Wissench. Berlin,' vol. xxiv, jijj. 769-771. 412 r. GORDON iiKwirr. 1000. Tooth, H. H.- — •• Enteric Fever in tlie Army in South Africa." ‘Brit. Med. Journ.,’ Novemhei' 10th, 1900. 1901. “ Some Personal Experiences of the Epidemic of Enteric Fever among the Troops in South Afi'ica, in the Orange River Colony," ‘ Trans. Clin. Soc.,’ vol. xxxiv, (J4 pp. 1892. Uft'elniann, J. — “ Beitriige zur Biologie der Cholerahacillus,” ‘ Berl. klin. Wochenschr.,’ 189'2, pp. 1213-1214. 1898. Veeder, M. A. — “ Flies as Spreaders of Disease in Camp,” ‘ New York Med. Record.’ vol. liv, SejAemher 17th, p. 429. 1850. AValker, F. — ‘ Insecta Sanndersiana, i, Diptei'a,’ p. 345. 1908. Werner. H. — “ Uher eine eingeisselige Flagellatenform im Darin der Stnlienfliege," ‘ Arch. f. Protistenk.,’ vol. xiii, pp. 19-22, 2 pis. 1881. Winter, G. — ‘‘ Zwei nene Entoniophthoreen,” ‘Bot. Centralbl.,’ vol. V, p. 62. X. Appendix. Oil the Breeding of M. domestica during the Winter Months. In the account that I gave of the breeding habits of M. domestica in the second part of this monograph, it was stated (p. 503) that the experiments and observations pointed to tlie fact that, in the presence of suitable larval food, such as excrernental matter or decaying and fermenting food materials in a moist and warm condition, the female flies would lay their eggs and the larvie would develop if the temperature of the air was sufficiently high for the prolonged activity of the flies. Flies are sometimes found under these conditions in warm restaurants and kitchens, stables, and cowsheds, and under these conditions are able to breed during the winter mouths. I am pleased to find that my own observa- tions and those of Griffith (there referred to) as to the ability of M. domestica to breed during the winter months has been confirmed by Jepson^ during the past winter. Flies were caught in February (1909j in the bakehouse of ' In “ Reports to the Local Government Board on Public Health and Medical Subjects (New Series, No. 5). Preliminary Reports on Flies as Carriers of Infection. No. 3. Mr. Jeiisou's Report on the Breeding of the Common House-Fly during the Winter Mouths,” pp. 5-8, 1909. STRUCTURE, DEYELOrMENT, AND DIONOMICS OF HOUSE-FLY. 413 one of the colleges (Cambridge), and were transferred to a small experimental greenhouse in the laboratory where the temperature was from 65° F. in the morning to 75° F. in the evening. The flies Avere allowed to oviposit in moist bread in which the process of fermentation had begun. He found that the times for the developmental stages approxi- mately agreed with those obtained by me at about the same temperature, and that the whole development was completed in about three weeks. At an average temperature of 70° F. the eggs Avere all hatched in twenty-four hours. The first larval stage lasted thirty-six hours, the second larval stage four days, and the third stage was complete in five and a half days; the Avhole larval period, therefore, occupied eleven days, fl'he average period occupied in the pupal stage Avas ten days; some puprn incubated at a temperature of 77° F. hatched in three days. It may be stated uoav, therefore, without fear of contra- diction, that flies are able to breed during the winter months, if the necessary conditions of food, temperature, and moisture are present. It is probablj'^ from these Avinter flies that the early summer flies are produced, as I have previously sug- gested. Corrigendum. My attention has been very kindly called by Prof. W. A. Riley to a slight mistake that I have made in my account of the venation of the Aving (Part I, p. 412). B}' an 0A"ersight I have termed transverse nervnres the two small veins (medio-cubital) and cu.a. (cubito-anal) . These ai’e really parts of the original longitudinal veins il/. 3 and Cu. 2. A study of such a series of dipterous Avings as those figured by Comstock in the papers there quoted (Comstock and Needham, 1898), or in his ‘Manual for the Study of Ento- mology,’ Avill shoAv that these ap])arent transverse or cross- veins are morphologically equivalent to branches of the primary veins. The University; Manchester. 414 C. GORDON HEWITT. EXPLANATION OE PLATE 22, Illustrating- Dr. C. (Jordon Hewitt’s paper on “The Structure, Development, and Hionoinics of the House-fly, Mu sea doniestica, Linn. Part III. The Bionomics, Allies, Parasites, and the Pelations of M. dornestica to Human Disease.” Fig-l. — Mature larva of Homalomyia canicularis, L. X 17. Anterior spiracular processes. Posterior spiracular apertures. Fig. 2. — Posterior end of mature larva of Antliomyia radicum Mg. an. Anus. Fig. 3.— Anterior spiracular process of mature larva of A. radicum. Fig. 4. — Head of Stonioxys caleitrans, L. ; left lateral aspect. Fig. 5. — Posterior end of mature larva of S. caleitrans. Fig. (5. — Posterior spiracle of the same, enlarged. Fig. 7. — Posterior spii-acle of mature larva of Mu sea dornestica. Fig. 8 . — Posterior spiracles of first larval stage of CalliiDhora ery tlirocepliala. Mg. Fig. 9. — Posterior spiracles of second larval stage of C. erythro- cephala. Fig. 10. — Posterior spiracle of mature larva of C. ery tlirocepliala. Fig. 11.— Anterior spiracular process of mature larva of C. erythro- cepliala. Fig. 12. — Posterior end of mature larva of C. ery tlirocepliala. Fig. 13. — Che rues nodosus, Schr. X 30. Fig. 14. — Thoraco-ahdominal region of Homalomyia canicu- lar is, $ . showing Gamasids attached to the ventral side of the ahdoiiien. Fig.l.'i. — Longitudinal (sagittal) section of ahdonien of M. dornestica. which has hcen killed liy Enipusa niuscai, showing the feltwork of fungal hyplia; filling the inside of the ahdomiiial cavity and the pro- duction of conidia in the intersegniental regions, x 12. c. Coiiidio- phores producing conidia. /. Fungal liypluc. Fig. 10. — Four conidioiihoies showing the formation of conidia (c.). X PlO (approx.). Fig. 17.— Conidium of Empusa muscai. X 400. o.y. Oil glohule. Fig. 18. — Hahronema miiscai (Carter). Adult hut immature specimen. X 85. f/.a. Genito-aiial aperture. Fig. 19. — Caudal end of Hahronema miiscai. X 360. Fig. 20.— Tarsal joints of one of posterior pair of legs of Musca dornestica. Lateral aspect, to show densely setaceous character. II I ' Lj _ ^ ^vTonrrrh 12. psp 11 CGE a^ £Lum6. a/!/!jcrrSco. 64; NS. SPl. 2 2. aVtcvV nOS '’ 15 THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOCEPHALEvE. 415 The Development of the Temnocephaleee. Part I. By Professor W. A. IfasAvell, Ifl.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. With Plates 23—25. I. Introduction. Though several additions of importance^ have been made to the literature concerned with Tern noceph ala and its allies since 1893, when I published an account of the group under the title “ A Monograph of the Temnoceplialese ” (8), no attempt has been made hitherto to deal with the embryo- logy of any of its members. In view of the interest which attaches to them on account of their isolated character and problematical relationships with other sections of Platodes, it is very desirable that something should be done towards filling this hiatus iu our knowledge. What follows is by no means a complete or exhaustive account of this subject. It is concerned mainly with the developmental history of a single form — viz. Temno- cephala fasciata — one of the most widely distributed of the Australian representatives of the group : and in this ■ The most extensive and important of these is that of Wacke (16), published in 1900. When writing this the author had, apparently, not liad tlie opportunity of consulting my “ Monograph," and all his refer- ences, critical and otherwise, concern themselves with a short paper which I publislied in 1888 in the ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science.’ Hence there is a good deal that goes somewhat wide of the mark. VOL. 54, PART 3. NEW SERIES. 30 416 W. A. HASWKLL. history there are a number of important points that have not yet been determined — notably the processes of maturation and fertilisation, and the early segmentation phases. Since^ however, the portions of the development which I have succeeded in tracing reveal certain phases that are quite unique in character, it appears to me expedient to publish these observations as a first contribution to our knowledge of the subject. In addition to Temnocephala fasciata, T. minor, T. dendyi, and T. qnadricorn is, as well as Craspedella spenceri, have been made the subjects of study; but in noue of these were the methods adopted with the eggs sufficiently satisfactory in their results to enable me to do more at present than state that the general course of the development is the same in all these forms. Of the somewhat specialised New Zealand species — T. novim-zealandiae — I have procured ample material, which is now in course of preparation. AVhat has impressed me most strongly in connection with this investigation has been the complete absence in the development of any definite evidence of relationships with the groups looked upon as the most nearly allied. Until comparatively recently little that could be accepted as well authenticated had been published on the development either of the Rhabdocccles or of the Heterocotylean Trematodes. In the latter group as yet little has been done since the publication of Zeller’s (17) account of the development of Polystomnm in 1876. But Bresslau’s valuable work (3) has furnished us with a much-needed body of information on certain Rhabdocoeles, and this has enabled me to effect a comparison with Temnocephala, with the result that the differences appear to be more numerous and more radical than the resemblances. So far as can be ascertained in the present state of our knowledge, a similar result follows from a comparison with the Heterocotylean Trematodes. The upshot .seems to be that the study of the development, so far as it has been carried at present, does not in any way tend to THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOCEPHALE^. 417 bridge over, but ratlier to widen, the gap between the Temnocephaleae and neighbouring groups. II. Methods. Though the eggs are abundant and readily procurable, the study of the development of Temnocephala presents considerable technical difficulties, owing to the intractable character of the material. The egg-shell is toug'h and rela- tively thick, and not readily j^erineable by reagents. When it is broken through, the content.s, in the fresh condition, burst out, and become completely disorganised. When fixed and hardened in the ordinary way the yolk becomes ex- tremely hard and brittle. Many methods were experimented with before the following coui'se of procedure, which has proved sufficiently satisfactory, was finally arrived at. The eggs are fixed with sublimate alcohol followed by iodized alcohol and 90 per cent, alcohol. After hardening they are treated with a solution of hypochlorite of soda. If the eggs are transferred dii*ectly from the strong alcohol to the hypochlorite solution, the shell of most of them splits longitudinally, and, before the desired effect in softening and removing the egg shell has been attained, the contents, completely exposed, are disintegrated. This effect is avoided by making the transference gradually through downwardly graded alcohols to the wateiy solution. A weak solution of the hypochlorite soon dissolves the cement that attaches the eggs to one another, and begins to act on the substance of the egg-shell itself. When the action is judged to have ])roceeded far enough, the eggs are washed in distilled water, and then dehydrated with alcohol. Double embedding is essential. From absolute alcohol the eggs are transferred to a mixture of equal parts of absolute alcohol and anhydrous ether, in which they remain for twenty-four hours. They then remain for a like period in | per cent, solution of photoxyliu (or celloidin) in equal parts of absolute 418 W. A. HA SWELL. alcohol and ether, followed by a per cent, solution of the same. The celloidin blocks, hardened in chloroform, are then finally embedded in the hardest paraffin in the usual way. The staining agents employed almost exclusively were Ehrlich’s liaBinatoxylin, or Mayer’s hmmocalcium, followed by eosin. III. Formation of the Egg. The ovary (germarium) in Temnocephala fasciata, and in all the Australasian species of the genus (PI. 23, fig. 1), is a solid ellipsoidal mass of ova enclosed in a thin capsule of muscular fibres. At the right extremity, which is the one situated nearest to the oviduct, is the largest ovum, which is more rounded in form than the rest. The remainder decrease gradually in size towards the left, the largest of them ex- tending across the entire width of the ovary. At the left end is a mass of smaller ova, which show evidence of slow multiplication by mitotic division. The full-grown ovum, at the right-hand end of the ovary, is about O’ll mm. in long diameter. Its protoplasm is densely loaded with very fine granules, and contains, in addition, a number of much larger rounded masses of very definite spherical form. The nucleus is large, about one third of the diameter of the ovum itself, with spherical nucleolus, and a fine, open, achromatin net- work . The ripe ovum becomes detached from the others, and passes into the oviduct, which opens through the capsule of the ovai’y. It must then pass along the oviduct to the ootype, where it becomes surrounded by a mass of yolk-cells and the whole then becomes enclosed in a chitinous shell, the substance of which is secreted by the shell glands. Considerable differences in detail distinguish the various species of Temnocephala as regards not only the male parts oE the reproductive apparatus, but also the female. But in all the species which I have had the opportunity of examining, the essential features of the parts concerned in THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOCEPHALE^. 419 the fonnation of the egg closely correspond. The two main vitelline ducts, right and left, open together into the oviduct near the ovary. Close to this the oviduct gives off a short branch leading to a larg’e sac, with a syncytial epithelium, lying near the middle line in front of the rest of the female apparatus. This has been very usually called the recep- taculum seminis — a name for which, in view of the fact that its contents consist very largely of yolk matter, I pro- posed (8) to substitute that of receptaculum vitelli. I was then of opinion that it serves as a receptacle in which yolk accumulates until enough has been collected for com- pleting an egg, when it is discharged into the ootype. A more thorough examination of the subject has shown me, however, that, at least as regards the Australasian forms, both names are inappropriate. The sac usually contains spermatozoa it is true, but they never form a large propor- tion of its contents ; and they are spermatozoa which have lost their activity, and move, when they move at all, with comparative sluggishness. It also contains yolk matter — the great bulk of the contents, in fact, consisting of that mate- rial, but it is yolkinatter which has undergone degeneration ; the cells have broken up, and the nuclei have, for the most part, disappeared. Moreover, mingled with the motionless or sluggish spermatozoa and the broken-down yolk-cells are shreds and strands of a substance which corresponds exactly in appearance and behaviour to staining agents with the secretion of the shell-glands. The conclusion to be arrived at from these facts is clear enough ; the so-called recep- taculum seminis, or receptaculum vitelli, is in reality a recep- tacle for surplus spermatozoa and surplus vitelline matter as well as shell-gland secretion. The question may suggest itself — What necessity is there for such a receptacle ? Why should the surplus matter not be passed directly out through the female duct ? To this the answer obviously is that very frequently — whenever, in fact, an egg is in course of formation in the ootype or is lodged in the distended atrium — the way to the exterior is blocked, 420 ^V. A. HASWELL. and in order that the foi’mation of the egg may proceed without interference, the yolk-cells which are being dis- charged into the oviduct, and the shell-gland secretion which collects after the shell has become formed, as well as the surplus spermatozoa, have to be disposed of. That this is the function discharged by the receptaculum in Temuocephala there remains, to my mind, not the slightest doubt. The function of a true receptaculum semiuis in those animals is discharged by the anterior part of the oviduct, in which a mass of actively moving spermatozoa is usually to be found. T. comes has an excep- tional aiTangement of the parts ; in that species the cavity of the receptaculum is incompletely divided into two unequal parts by a partition which is pierced in the middle by a wide aperture. In all the specimens I have examined, while the distal larger part of the cavity, the part furthest from the oviduct, is filled with the usual mixture of effete genital products, the smaller part is occupied by a mass of normal spermatozoa. Whether the relatively large sac known as receptaculum seminis in other Platodes may perform in some cases the same function as that above ascribed to it in Tern no- cep lial a is a question worthy of further investigation. Where, as in many Distomids, a Laurer’s canal is present that canal seems to be the natural outlet for the unused and effete materials; when as in Distomum nodulosum, D. globiporum, D. isoporum, and others (Looss, 11), a receptaculum is present as Avell, it may act as a true recep- taculum seminis. When a Laurer’s canal is absent the receptaculum in some forms — D. variegatum (Looss, l.c.) — contains yolk-cells as well as spermatozoa. Looss expresses the opinion that, in general, the spermatozoa contained in the receptaculum semiuis of Distomids aie in process of dissolution, and no longer capable of effecting fertilisation. If this be true of the Distomids as well as Temn ocephala, it is at least possible that the same may prove to be true of the other groups — Polyclads, Heterocotylean Trematodes. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEl\[NOCEPHALE*E. 421 IV. The completed Egg. The eggs of all the species of Temnocephala, on being discharged, are fixed by a chitinoid cement to some part of the outer surface of the body of their hosts. In some of the species attachment is effected through the intermediation of a longer or shorter stalk situated at one end. Such stalked eggs occur in T. chilensis according to Monticelli (14), Plate (15), and Wacke (16). Similar stalks occur also in T. no vaj-zealandise and in T. minor. The cementing material usually extends between the stalks of neighbouring eggs, thus uniting them into groups as observed by Monticelli and by Wacke. In sucli stalked eggs an operculum may be formed, when the young animal is ready to become free, by the formation of a circular split in the egg-shell near the distal end. In both T. novEe-zealandiae and T. minor there is a short filament attached near the middle of the distal end. T. fasciata, T. comes, T. dendyi, '1'. semperi, and T. quadricornis have more or less elliptical eggs which have no stalk, but are cemented down by one side, a number being, in most cases, united together by means of the cement- ing material. Of these the eggs of T. fasciata, T. comes, T. quadricornis, T. semperi are provided with filaments, those of T. dendyi are devoid of them. The size of the egg is, in general, in relation with the size of the adult. The larger species — T. fasciata, T. quadri- cornis, and T. n o vae-zealan dim — have comparatively large eggs, about 5 mm. in length. The minute Craspe- della speuceri, at the other extreme, has oval sessile eggs, without filaments, which ai’e only 0'2 mm. in diameter. Temnocephala, like its allies the Rhabdocoeles and the II eter ocoty 1 ea, has no larval stage; the young animal, when it escapes from the egg, differing from the adult only in its small size, and in the repi’oductive apparatus not having attained to complete development. 422 W. A. HASWELL. The older eggs are to be recognised by the eyes, which are visible through the shell. These may be placed in such a way as to show that the young Temnocephala is lying with its long axis parallel with that of the egg, but in a large number of cases the position is a transverse one, and occa- sionally an intermediate condition occurs. This variation in the direction of the long axis is not due to movement of the larva in its later stages; the direction varies from the outset, and regulating the direction of sectioning, except in advanced embryos, is little more than mere guesswork. After the ovum has become fertilised, and the egg com- pleted by the addition of the mass of yolk-cells and the enclosing shell, it appears to pass without much delay into the genital atrium, which serves the purpose of a uterus. Here it may remain some little time before passing out through the genital aperture ; but the stage of development which has been attained when the deposition takes place varies. In most cases an egg from the ootype or atrium contains an ovum in which the process of segmentation has not yet begun ; and unsegmented ova are occasionally found among those attached to the surface of the crayfish ; but occasionally segmentation is found to be well advanced in a uterine egg. 1 have never found more than one egg in the uterus. When the egg is fully formed, the greater part of its mass consists of yolk-cells. These are polyhedral cells of an aver- age diameter of about '050 mm., with granular contents. Each has a nucleus '015 mm. in long diameter, of oval or elliptical shape, with a single spherical nucleolus with a dia- meter of about '005 mm. The yolk-cells are at first quite distinct from one another (PI. 23, fig. 2) ; but, as develop- ment proceeds, a gradual coalescence takes place, beginning at the periphery, and eventually (PI. 24, fig. 7) the entire mass completely fuses to form a syncytium, in Avhich all trace of cell outlines has become completely lost. When the formation of the syncytium has begun, the nuclei of the more superficial cells pass outwards and come to lie close to the THE DEVELOPMENT OE THE TEMNOCEPHALE.E. 423 surface^ so that they present the appearance, to some extent, of the nuclei of a superficial epithelium. The ovum (PI. 23, fig. 2) is embedded in the yolk-cells, usually towards the middle, sometimes towards one end of the egg. It is a polyhedral cell, ‘08 mm. in diameter, with a finely granular protoplasm that stains much more deeply than the substance of the yolk-cells. In all the specimens I have had the opportunity of examining the nucleus has undergone modification, and is represented by a cluster of clear vesicles, each enclosing a rounded particle with the staining affinities of chromatin.* In two cases I found an egg containing two cells. The nuclei of both had undergone the modification just described. One of the cells was very much smaller than the other, and on that account it seems to be more probable that we have here to do with the first staj^e of segfinentation rather than with an egg in which two ova had become enclosed. V. I'Iahly Develoi’men'I'. 'Idle process of segmentation results in the formation of a blastoderm of irregular shape, which comes to be drawn out in the direction of the long axis of the future worm — a direc- tion, as already explained, usually parallel with the long axis of the egg, but not invariably so. No germinal layers are recognisable : but from a very early stage (PI. 23, fig. 3) the blastoderm is found to consist of three sets of cells, which differ from one another in a very marked manner in their size and in the character of their nuclei. The cells of one set are 0'03 mm. in diameter, have nuclei about 0‘015 mm. in dia- meter, each containing a large rounded nucleolus. Those of the second set are 0‘12o mm. in diameter, have smaller nuclei, 0‘0075 mm. in diameter, usually without nucleoli, but with a rather close network. The cells of the third or smallest set ‘ Somewhat similar appearances were observed by Zeller (17) in Polystomum. 424 W. A. HA SWELL. are 0’0075 mm. in diameter, with correspondingly small nuclei. No definite arrangement of these cells is recognis- able until a few of the larger cells become grouped together (PI. 24, fig. 5) in such a way as to bound a small rounded cavity. This elongates and widens (PI. 24, fig. 6), the bound- ing cells meantime increasing in number. Eventually (PI. 24, figs. 7, 8, 9, and 10) the space dilates very greatly, the cells which form its walls becoming- correspondingly extended, and uniting together to form a comparatively thin membrane with flattened nuclei. As it enlarges, this space becomes approximated towards the surface of the egg, coming to be separated from the shell only by a thin layer of yolk. In apposition with the deeper side of the space lies the main mass of the blastoderm, which is rapidly increasing in extent, the increase being mainly due to the multiplication of the middle-sized cells. The space above referred to does not correspond, so far as I have been able to ascertain, to anything that has been found to occur in any other group of animals. Since it plays an important part in development, it is necessary to have a name for it, and I propose the term endocoele as one not involving any dubious homologies.' The rudiment of the brain (PI. 24, figs. 8, 9, and 10, hr.) makes its appearance as the endocoele approaches its maxi- mum size. It appears first as a bilobed, dense aggregation of cells on the deeper dorsal side of the endocoele, a little distance from the lining- membrane. In the middle of this appears a transversely elongated space filled with finely fibrillated matter — “ Punktsubstanz.” Nerve-fibres (or nerve- tubes) are only developed in the latest embi-yonal stages. From the central mass a pair of processes — the foundations of the peripheral nervous system — are given off laterally. About the same time as the beginnings of the nervous system, appears the first rudiment of the excretory system of vessels. This takes the form of several speci:illy modified * Tlie same cavity with the same relations occurs in Craspedella as well as Temnocephala. THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE TEMNOCEPHALE.E. 426 large cells^ on either side of the rudiment of the brain, and somewhat behind it. These cells are situated immediately below the thin epithelial lining of the endocoele cavity. One cell becomes considerably enlarged, and a narrow sinuous channel becomes formed in its substance. This channel becomes continued thi-ough a second and a third cell placed in close apposition with the first. As subsequent stages sliow, these constitute the rudiments of the terminal conti'actile sacs and the beginnings of the main vessels of the excretory system. The pharynx is formed from a number of cells which become arranged after the manner of an epithelium imme- diately beneatli (i. e. outside of) the thin syncytial epithelium of the endoccele on the dorsal side. The time of appearance of this layer varies somewhat. Usually it is not seen until both the brain and excretory rudiments have become well established. The part of the Avail of the cavity on which it is situated becomes somewhat rounded off, thougrli still re- maining in wide communication with the rest. Posteriorly a short prolongation without cellular lining extends for a short distance backwards into the mass of yolk; this represents the lumen of the intestine (see PI. 24, fig. 11). The cavity of the endocoele as a whole decreases much in size. The thin layer of yolk by which it is separated from the exterior becomes still more attenuated, but still remains as a definite septum (Pis. 24 and 25, figs. 11, 12, 13, s.), cutting off the whole internal cavity from the exterior. ^Vhen the brain and the excretory sacs are first formed, the blastoderm does not extend anteriorly or posteriorly beyond the limits of the endocoele. But a little later it begins to grow backwards to form the foundations of the posterior parts of the embryo. This baclcAvard extension (PI. 25, fig. 14) is made up, like the main body of the blastoderm, of cells of three sizes, small, intermediate, and large; and these are arranged in groups with a marked bilateral symmetry. The large cells are formed by a proliferation of the membi’ane lining the endocoele. Outlying small cells are to be found 426 W, A. HASWKLL. here and there embedded in the yolk, at a little distance from the main body. In the next stage observed this posterior elongation of the blastoderm has reached the ventral surface, in what is destined to be the genital region, and has become almost completely separated off from the anterior part, in which the further development of the brain, the pharynx, and the exci’etory system is going on. There thus come to be two distinct foci of development, an anterior and a posterior. From both superficial cells must be separated off to form the epidermis, since this layer is to be recognised as a distinct, though very thin layer, with widely separated nuclei, at the stages when the tentacles and sucker first begin to be formed. This layer is early completed on the ventral surface, but on the dorsal surface it does not make its appearance till a considerably later stage. The rudiments of the tentacles (PI. 24, fig. 11) make their appearance at a stage when certain changes in the cavity have led to the first differentiation of the pharynx, and when the rudiments of the eyes have first become distinguishable. They appear as processes which grow at first straight for- wards from the anterior extremity of the body; but as they elongate, they become bent (PI. 25, figs. 12, 13), usually towards the ventral, but in many cases towards the dorsal, side. In the former case the cephalic portion of the body (PI. 25, fig’. 13) becomes strongly flexed ventrally at the same time. When this takes place the part of the surface covered by the reflexed tentacles develops a system of minute tooth- like epidermal papillm, which are apparently of firm con- sistency. The rudiment of the sucker makes its appearance about the same time as those of the tentacles. Epidermal papillae, similar to those underneath the tentacles, are formed under the sucker. We have left the endoccfile as an extensive rounded space, occupying nearly a third of the length of the egg, with a floor and a roof. As the cavity reaches its greatest dimen- THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOCEPHALE.E. 427 sions the layer of yolk, which separates it ou the ventral side from the exterior, becomes greatly reduced in thickness. At the same time, subsequently to the formation of the embry- onic brain and excretory sacs, a portion of its wall just behind the brain undergoes modification, a number of large cells becoming arranged in an epithelium-like manner beneath the thin lining membrane. The cavity then becomes much re- duced in size, and the part with the large cells becomes rounded off to form the pharynx. Ventrally it continues to be separated from the exterior by the original roof of the cavity, which becomes reduced to an extremely thin mem- brane. Posteriorly a further remnant of the original cavity is represented by a very short passage which ends blindly in the yolk. The pharyngeal sac and mouth become formed by growth of the integumentary and muscular layers around the thin membrane that represents the original roof of the cavity; but the membrane remains as a distinct, though very delicate, partition between the buccal cavity and the pharynx as long as the young animal remains within the egg. The intestine remains without lumen in the most advanced stage observed within the egg, a stage in which all the other parts, even the male reproductive apparatus, have reached an advanced stage of development. It would, perhaps, be more correct to say that the young animal has no intestine at this stage, the site of the future intestine being occupied by a solid mass of yolk still containing remains of the original nuclei of the yolk-cells. VI. Development op the Excretory System. The excretory system of the adult Temnocephala, though constructed on the same type as that of the Platodes in general, possesses certain features which, so far as our present knowledge extends, are peculiarly its own. The presence of contractile terminal sacs through which the system communicates with the exterior is not peculiar to 428 W. A, HASWELL. this group, similar structures occurring in some of the Heterocotylean Trematodes (Braun, 2; Groto, 4). But the nature of these sacs and their relations to the system of vessels in Temnocephala are quite unlike anything that is known to occur in other forms. The most essential features of this system were described by me in 1893 (8). But since some of the most important of these points have been overlooked by recent writers,^ or their significance not recognised, it seems desirable to give a brief resume of the facts. Each of the two dorsally situated excretory apertures leads into a thick-walled contractile terminal vesicle (PI. 25, fig. 18), which is of pyriform shape, bent on itself towards its apex. The contractions of the walls of the vesicle are effected by the agency of an enclosing’ layer of muscular fibres, and the external aperture is surrounded by a mus- cular sphincter. Between the muscular layer and the proper wall of the vesicle is a layer of loose parenchyma, which doubtless facilitates freedom of movement. The vesicle itself consists of two large cells fused together and hollowed out to form the lumen. The greater part of the wall of the vesicle is formed by one of these two cells ; the narrower apical part, and the beginning of the main duct which is given off from it by the other. The relative position of the two cells is indicated mainly by the position of their two nuclei, but tlie texture of the protoplasmic substance of the two cells differs somewhat in character, and that of the smaller is much more susceptible to the action of staining agents. The inner surface of the vesicle is quite smooth and uni- form. Where an occasional exception to this appears to occur, and the usually sharp internal outline appears blurred, * Plate (15) and Wacke (16) for example. The former states, “An den Nepliridien der Temnocephaliden ist bis jetzt vergeblicli nacb den fiir die Platybelmintben so characteristiscben Flimmerzellen gesucbt worden.” Yet I bad described the system with its flame-cells in a paper in the ‘ Zoologiscben Anzeiger’ two yeai-s before (1892). THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOCEPHALEiE. 429 and the lumen is occupied by fine filamentous matter that might be mistaken for cilia, this occurs in such an irregular way that I have little doubt that this appearance is due to a rupture or other alteration that has occuri’ed during the fixing process. In no case, either in Temnocephala no vae-zealan d iae or any other form, is there an epithelium with scattered nuclei, as supposed by Wacke. Tn some preparations the internal contour appears double, as if the cavity of the vesicle possessed an excessively thin cuticular lining, but this is always very indefinite, and in many cases is not to be detected. The only nuclei in the entii-e organ ai-e the two already referred to as the nuclei of the two constituent cells. Arising from the main excretory trunk at a little distance from the vesicle is a special branch of considerable size — the vesicular vessel as it may conveniently be termed. This runs inwards, and enters the wall of the vesicle on its inner side. Here it breaks up (PI. 2.5, fig. 19) into a number of branches, which ramify throughout the protoplasmic sub- stance of the wall of the sac in all directions. In the course of the system of fine intracellular capillaries which is thus formed occur numerous ciliary flames of small size, but in other respects similar to the ciliaiy flames in the flame-cells of other Platodes. I have counted as many as fifty of these ciliary flames in movement at one time in the case of T. no va3-zealandias, and probably many more than that number are actually present. In sections of the terminal vesicle in all the Australasian species the ramifications of the vesicular vessel are very conspicuous, pervading the protoplasmic wall in all direc- tions. But the ciliary flames are not to be made out with any certainty save in the living animal. In most cases the inner part of the protoplasmic wall in sections appears regularly divided by fine parallel vertical lines, and one might be tempted to suppose that these repre- sent a system of vertical canals forming outlets from the system of vesicular capillaries into the lumen of the vesicle. 4:30 W. A. HASWELL. From the unbroken appearance of the limiting line of the surface ou which the vertical lines terminate, I incline to the opinion that no such communications exist. The details of the arrangement of the vessels differ in the different species. The main trunk soon bifurcates to form anterior and posterior main vessels, which give off numerous branches to ail parts of the body. A large vessel runs along the axis of each of the tentacles. Given off from the larger vessels in the body is a system of fine, thin-walled capillaries, which are most abundant near the dorsal surface, where they form an extensive plexus. A limited number of ciliary flames are to be detected in the living animal distributed throughout various parts of the body and the tentacles. The relation of these to the vessels of the excretory system still remains undetermined. In no case was a nucleus observed in close relation with the ciliary flame. The walls of the larger vessels consist simply of a fine- grained, structureless protoplasmic material. Here and there, usually at long intervals, are the nuclei of the elongated cells of which the walls are composed. These are comparatively few in number even in the larger species. Their presence and their relations to the vessels are best observed in longi- tudinal sections — most readily in the tentacles, in which snch appearances as those represented in figs. 16, 17, 18 of pi. x of my “Monograph ” are i*eadily recognisable. Some of the excretory vessels end in certain specially modified large excretory cells. The branch in question, sometimes fairly thick-walled, sometimes very delicate, enters the cell and breaks up into a richly ramifying and anasto- mosing system of minute capillaries within its substance. The first trace of the system of excretory vessels makes its appearance at a very early stage in the history of the embryo. In a blastoderm in which the endocoele has become developed, bnt is still very small, and is bounded by thick massive cells, there may be observed (PI. 25, figs, 15 and 16) on each side in close apposition two cells which have the appearance in THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TEMNOC'EPHALEHL 431 section of being' pierced by an exceedingly fine, perfectly clean-cut canal. How these canals end I have not been able to determine: but subsequent stages show that these, with the cells that contain them, are the foundations of the excre- tory system. At first these perforated cells are widely separated from the endocoele cavity and embedded in the thickness of the blastoderm. As the cavity increases in size their relative position becomes altered, until they come to lie directly below the lining meinbi'ane of the cavity. At first the entii'e structure consists on each side of two cells, a larger and a smaller, which have fused, and the substance of which has become perforated by a sinuous canal. This is destined to give rise to the terminal sac of the excretory system. The canal extends through several cells situated close to the first two, and in this way is formed the beginnings of the main longitudinal vessels. Later (PI. 25, fig. 17), when the rudi- ment of the brain has become well advanced, the terminal sacs, while still retaining their position immediately under — i. e. external to — the membrane lining the cavity, and, while still continuing each to consist of only two fused cells per- forated by a canal, assume a more complex structure, and take on, in all the most essential points, the structure which we have found to chai-acterise them in the adult. The canal becomes wider in relation to the thickness of the enclosing' wall ; and from the main vessel is given off a slender branch — the future vesicular vessel — which, approaching' the terminal sac on the inner side, breaks up into a nnmber of excessively fine capillaries that ramify through the substance of the wall of the sac. It will be seen from the above account of its mode of formation that the excretory system of Tern no cep ha la is, in the strictest sense, of intracellular character. I am thus compelled to dissent from Goto’s opinion (4, p. 71) that I was not justified iu using that term, as well as to his more general view (p. 74) that “the term intracellular is quite in- voL. 54, PAirr 3. — xkw sekies. 31 432 W. A. UASWELI.. appropriate to the excretory system of the Trematodes and the Turbellaria.” Perhaps the most remarkable event in the history of the development of the excretory system in Temnocephala is the change which takes place iu the position of the contractile terminal sacs. Originally, as we have seen, they are placed close to the epithelium of the endocoele, and apparently open into the latter. When the cavity becomes reduced, and the pharynx begins to become rounded off, the sacs lose their original connections, and, becoming displaced outwards, enter into connection with the epidermis, and open on the exterior on the dorsal surface. Thus, iu a stage in which the rudiments of the tentacles ai’e being formed, the sacs occupy the position which they retain in the adult. VII. Development of the Alimentary System. The alimentary system of Temnocephala consists of two principal parts — pharynx and intestine. The mouth, situated far forwards on the ventral surface, leads, through a very small cavity representing a pharyngeal sac, into the lumen of the pharynx. The latter is a large, rounded organ with thick walls of highly complex structure. The cavity is lined internally by a layer, the nature of which is by no means clear. By Weber (18) it has been described as a continua- tion of the cuticle of the integument. Mouticelli (14) refei’s to it as a syncytial epithelium. Wacke (16) refers to it as an epithelium, and gives excellent figures of its minute structure. It is a non-cellular layer, in which a degenerate nucleus may sometimes be detected, but only quite excep- tionally. It is composed of gi’anular material, the granules of which are arranged in rows or strings, most, at least in the Australasian species, having a vertical direction. Many of these strings are traceable in some series into the thick- ness of the wall of the pharynx. The internal cuticle, described and figured by both Monticelli and Wacke as THE DEVELOPMENT OF I'HE TEMNOCEPHALE.E. 433 bounding this layer internally, is not a separate and distinct layer, but is merely the innermost stratum of the granular layer, and in most preparations is not differentiated at all. Externally a. limiting membrane forms a pharyngeal cap- sule, separating the muscular mass of the pharynx from the surrounding parenchyma. Between the external capsule and the internal epithelium, in addition to the elaborate system of muscular fibres, there are a number of cells and a system of nei’ve-fibres. The cells are of several kinds, com- prising bipolar nerve-cells, excretory cells, and unicellular glands, the ducts of which are usually said to open into the cavity of the pharynx. I’osteriorly the pharynx leads through a short passage — the oesophagus — into the spacious intestine. Bound the oesophagus are a number of unicellular “ salivary ” glands. The intestine in all the Australasian species (and also in T. chile usis according to Wacke) is constricted at intervals by a number of annular muscular dissepiments, the number of these varying with the species. The epithelium is com- posed of long narrow cells, the majority of which, though probably mainly absorptive in function, contain vacuoles enclosing granules which are probably excretional, while others are of the nature of unicellular digestive glands. The pharyngeal sac, the pharynx with the oesophagus, and the intestine are all derived from different sources. The first may be said to be of the nature of a stomodseum. The pharynx is derived from a portion of the wail of the eudo- coele. A number of large cells become arranged in a manner presenting the appearance of an epithelium on the wall of this region, separated from the internal space by the thin epithelial liniug of the cavity. This specially modified por- tion of the wall then becomes rounded off as the wall of the pharynx, what remains of the cavity, which becomes much diminished in size, forming a short passage corresponding in position with the future oesophagus, and terminating abruptly behind in the mass of yolk. The large cells in the wall of the embryonic pharynx at 434 W. A. HASWf]LL. first form its entire thickness, with the exception of the exceedingly thin internal epithelium. Bnt afterwards mus- cular fibres ai’e developed both internally and externally. The mode of formation of these is not clear, but since no other elements come into play, tliere can be little doubt that a portion of the cells of the wall of the pharynx are of the nature of myoblasts. The rest become the nerve-elements and the glandular and excretory cells. The mode of formation of the so-called epithelium of the pharynx is a matter of some interest. It is represented at first, as already pointed out, by the thin syncytial lining of that part of the endoccele from which the pharynx becomes developed ; and at no subsequent stage does its epithelial character become more pronounced. On the contrary, as development advances, the cellular character of this layer becomes almost or completely lost. In fact, were it not for the occasional occurrence in it of a more or less altered nucleus, it might be supposed to be entirely non-cell ular. But, though it loses, or nearly loses, its cellular character, this layer greatly increases in thickness, and, in the adult, maintains its thickness in spite of the loss of material to which it must be subjected as a result of constant wear and tear during the capture and ingestion of active living prey. Up to a late stage in Temnocephala fas data the rest of the digestive system is merely represented by a short passage, which continues back the lumen of the pharynx, and ends abruptly within the mass of yolk. This is the future oesophagus, and in its neighbourhood are a number of cells destined to become the unicellular or “ salivary ” glands. Thus, at a stage when the muscular wall of the pharynx, with its anterior and posterior sphincters, has reached an advanced stage of development, the intestine is not yet definitely represented. At this stage the cavity of the pharynx is still completely shut off from the exterior by the septum formed, as already described, from the persistent thin roof of the original endo- coele. THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE TEMNOCEPHALE.E. 435 The stages by which the intestine, with its definite epithe- lium and septa, becomes differentiated, have not yet been ti’aced. It seems probable, however, that a structure which makes its appearance below the endocoele, after the brain and excretory sacs have become formed, may be concerned in the formation of the primitive endoderm. At this stage (PI. 25, fig. 20), a cleft or infolding appears among the cells on the floor of the cavity. Later this takes the form of a group of cells arranged around a small lumen — the appearance being very similar to that presented by the first beginnings of the endocoele itself. Since this is behind the brain and excretory sacs, and is too far forward to be of the nature of a genital primordium, it is permissible to suppose that it represents the earliest rudiment of the endodermal system. Its further history has not been traced; in fact, it soon disappears as such ; but if the above supposition as to its nature be correct the cells to which it gives rise must extend round the yolk between it and the rest of the developing parts, and become converted into the intestinal e]uthelium. In the latest stage observed within the egg — a stage with fully-developed eyes and abundant pigment, and with the male part of the reproductive apparatus far advanced — the intes- tine is still entirely devoid of lumen, and consists of a solid granular mass with numerous nuclei, which are most abundant in the peripheral zone. Slender strands passing inwards into this solid mass represent the future dissepiments. In the case of T. novm-zealandiae, however, in the latest stages from the egg ttie intestine has developed a lumen, and the epithelium is recognisable, though the septum still persists shutting off the cavity of the pharynx from the exterior. It is a remarkable fact, which is probably of significance in connection with the function of this persistent septum, that in nearly all sections of late stages with fully-developed pharynx the lumen of the latter is found to be filled with a mass of yolk-granules wliich have evidently become detached from the central body of yolk, and have been prevented by \V. A, 11ASWE1;L. 4^?a the occluding septum from reaching the exterior, i. e. the space between the embryo and the shell. VIII. Development of the Epidermis. In the integumentai-y system of Temnocephala the most characteristic feature is the presence of a well-developed nucleated epidermal layer of a syncytial character. In the embryo this is not represented by any definite primordium, such as has been observed to be formed in Polyclads (Lang and others) and Rhabdocoeles (Caullery and Mesnil [4], Breslau [3]), and there is no process corresponding to the process of overgrowing of the embryo by an epidermal layer, such as occurs in these groups. When an epidermis is first disceimible, it consists of a very thin membi-ane with wide- apart flattened nuclei, covering only the ventral surface, and there is no evidence of any process of proliferation such as must accompany the spreading of the edge of this la3’er by cell-division. It would appear, in fact, as if the epidermis were formed by cells migrating to the surface and there becoming flattened out and united together to form the syncytium. Temnocephala fasciata, unlike T. minor and T. Dendyi, has no cilia on the surface in the adult, and I have found no trace of them at any stage in the deve- lopment. IX. Development of the Reproductive System. The details of this process have not yet been followed out. In all the species examined the male part of the reproductive apparatus is developed at an earlier stage than the female. In the later stages within the egg the penis, the vesicula seminalis, the vasa deferentia, and the testes are all well advanced. In T. fasciata each testis is represented by a 'I'HK DEVELOPJrKNT OF THE TEMNOCEPHAl.E.E. 437 mass of primordial cells surrounded by indifferent cells. In T. novae-zealandite before the young animal leaves the egg the first stages of spermatogenesis have occurred. At this stage the atrium does not yet open on the exterior. The definite development of the female part of the apparatus does not begin till after hatching, so that AVacke’s statement that Temnocephala is protandrous appears to have some evidence in its favour, though a study of the post-larval development will be necessary in order to decide whether the condition is one of actual functional protandry, and not mei’ely one of more active development of the male apparatus in the early stages. The unique features of the early development of Temno- cephala are associated with the formation of the remarkable internal cavity (endocoele) around which the foundations of various systems of organs are laid down. As nothing parallel to this cavity has, so far as my knowledge extends, been met with in other groups,^ it is natural to inquire if its pi’esence can be associated with any special conditions under which the development takes place — if its occurrence can be sup- posed to be of the nature of an adaptation. The Australian fresh-water Crayfishes, on which live all the known Australian members of the Temnocephalefe, shelter or support a great variety of small Invertebrata. A consider- able proportion of these live in the branchial cavities, but many adhere to various parts of the outer surface. Among sucli dependents of the Ci’ayfishes are Protozoans, Nematodes, Rhabdococles, Rotifers, Stratiodrilus, Phreodrilus, a parasitic Ilydrachnid, and others. In a country subject at times, as Australia is in many parts, to long-continued di’oughts, * It might 1)6 possible to trace some coiniection between the embryonal pharynx of the Tricladida (Halle/. [6], Metscbnikoff 112], lijima [10] ) and the endocoele of Temnocephala. Both cavities arise as spaces in rounded groups of cells in the blastoderm ; but the former opens on the surface and swallows yolk cells, with which the intestine becomes dis- tended. Moreover it is jmrely provisional, and disappears entirely, a new pharynx becoming developed in its place. 488 \V. A. UASWEfJ,. aquatic organisms must often suffer wholesale destruction as a result of the drying-up of the smaller streams. Crayfishes are able to avoid such a fate by sheltering between boulders or burrowing deeply in the bed of the stream. The animals adhering to them thus have a chance of survival denied to their free-living relatives. Yet it may, and doubtless does, often happen that even the Crayfishes are unable to escape the risk of desiccation. Under such cii’cumstances the presence of a relatively large space filled with water in the intei'ior of the egg of the Temnocephalese may make all the difference in enabling the embryo to retain its vitality until the dry period passes and the stream fills again. Literature cited. 1. Benedeu, E. von — “ RechercJies sur la comjjosition et la significa- tion (le roBnf,” ‘ Mem. Acad. Roy. de Belgique,’ tome 34 (1870). 2. Braun, M. — “ Trematodes ” of Bronn's ‘ Klassen imd Ordnnngen des Tliierreiclis ’ (1879 — 1893). 3. Bresslan, E. — “ Beitrage znr Entwickelungsgeschiclite der Turhel- larien I,” ‘ Zeitsclir. f wiss. Zool.,’ 76 Bd. (1904). 4. Goto, S. — “Studies on the ectoparasitic Trematodes of Jai^an,” ‘ Journal College of Science, Imperial University of Japan,' vol, viii, i^art I (1894). 5. Graff, L. von. — “ Turhellaria.” Bronn's ‘ Thierreich,’ iv (1908). 6. Hallez, P. — ‘ Embryogcnie des dendrocoeles d'eau douce,’ Paris (1887). ‘ 7. “ Sur la nature syncytiale de I'intestin des Rhahdocoeles,” ‘ Comptes Rendues,’ tome 146, pj). 1047-9 (1908). 8. Haswell, W. A. — ‘ A Monograph of the Temnocephaleae,’ Macleay Memoiual Volume, Linnean Society of New South Wales (1893). 9. “ Note on the Fauna of the Gill Cavities of Freshwater Crayfishes," ‘ Repoi’t Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci.,’ vol. 8 (1901). ' I have not been able to see this paper. What I have learnt regarding its contents has been obtained from Graff (5). THE DEVELOPMENT OP THE TEMNOCEPHALEHL 439 10. lijima, J. — “ Untersuclnmgen liber den Ban und die Entwickelimgs- geschichte der s.-w. Dendrocoelen,” ‘ Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. 40 (1884). 11. Loos, A. — “ Die Distomen unserer Fisclie u. Frosclie,” ‘ Bibl. Zool.,' Heft Hi (1894). 12. MetsclmikofF, E. — “ Die Embi-yologie von Planaria polycbroa," ‘ Zeitscbr. f. wiss. Zool.,’ Bd. 38 (1883). 13. Monticelli, F. S. — Breve nota sulle nova e sngli einbrioni della Temnocephala chilenses, Bl.,’ ‘ Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat.,' vol. 32. 14. “Sulla Temnoceijliala brevicornis. Montie., e sidle Temnocefale in generale,” ‘ Bull. Soc. Nat. Napoli,’ 12. 15. Plate, — . — “ Mittlieilungen ueber Zool. Studien an der Cliilenisclien Kuste, VIII,” ‘ S. B. Akad. wiss. Berlin ’ (1894). 16. Wacke, Robert. — “ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Temnoceplialen,'’ ‘ Zool. Jahrb. Supplement,’ Bd. vi, heft 1. 17. Zeller, E. — “Weiterer Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Polystoiuen,” ‘ Zeitscr. f. wiss. Zool.,’ 27 Bd. (1870). 18. Weber, Max. — “Ueber Teninoceiihala, Blanch,” ‘ Zool. Ergebnisse einer Reise in Niederl. Ostindien,' Heft 1 (1889). [EXPLANATION OF JM^ATES 23— 25,i Illustrating Professor W. A. HaswelPs paper on “ The Ueveloptnent of the Temnocephalea3.” Lettering. br. Brain, e. Supposed endoderni primoi’diuni. en. Endocoele. cp. Epidermis, ep. en. Ejiithelial lining of endocoele. ex. Excretory sac or excretory cells, ey. Eye. o. Ovum. o. p. Oral papilla', jdi. Pharynx, s. Roof of endocoele, becoming septum, cutting off lumen of pharynx from the exterior, t. Tentacle. ;/. Yolk-cells, y'. Yolk syncytium. PLATE 23. Fig. 1. — Longitudinal section of the ovary of Temnocei^hala comes. X 50U. ‘ All the figures have been re-drawn by Mr. A. C. Cronin, of the Water and Sewerage Department, Sydney, from my original drawings. 440 W. A. JIASWELL. Fig. ‘2. — Transverse section through uterine ovum of T. fasciata. passing through the unsegmented ovum. X 250. Fig. 3. — Section through an early lilastodenn in which three kinds of cells have become distinguishable. X 500. PLATE 24. Fig. 4. — Section through a later stage, with groups of larger, lighter, surrounded by smaller, more darkly stained, cells. X 50o. Fig. 5. — Section through a lilastoderm in which the first definite trace of the cavity has made its appearance. X 500. Fig. 0. — Later stage in the development of the cavity. X 500. Fig. 7. Longitudinal section through the entire egg, with a more advanced cavity. X 170. Fig. 8. — Portion of a longitudinal section of egg passing through the cavity, and cutting the blastoderm nearly transversely. X about 330. Fig. 9. — Similar section of a later stage with the brain more advanced. X about 330. Fig. 10. — Similar section, cutting the blastoderm nearly transversely, Imt with some oblicpiity, so that it passes through the brain and one excretory sac. X 330. Fig. 11. — Anterior part of a vertical longitudinal section, approxi- mately median, at a stage when the rudiments of the tentacles and eyes are appearing. X aljout 330. PLATE 25. Fig. 12. — Entire longitudinal and vertical section of embryo with the tentacles further developed than at the stage represented in fig. 11, and flexed backwards over the mouth. X about 130. Fig. 13. — Anterior part of a longitudinal and approximately median and vertical section of an emliryo with well-developed, ventrally flexed tentacles. I Fig. 14. — Transverse section through the blastoderm in the region behind the endocoele at a stage somewhat later than that represented in fig. 10, showing the posterior jjrolongation comprising the genital rudi- ment. X about 500. Figs. 15 and 10. — Successive sections of an embryo at an early stage in the formation of the endocade, showing an early phase in the history of the cells destined to form one of the excretory sacs. X about 500. THE DEVELOPMENT OP THK TBMNOOEPHAl.E.E. 44 i Fig. 17. — Portion of a section passing through the endocoele at a stage similar to that represented in fig. 9, showing the developing excretory sac, and its connection with the endocoele. Figs. 18 and 19. — -The excretory sac in the adult; fig. 19 shows a f)art of the system of capillaries in which are numerous dame-cells, given off from the vesicular vessel and ramifying through the wall of the sac. Reproduced from a ' Monograph of the Temnocephaleas.’ pi. X, dgs. 11 and 12. Fig. 20. — Portion of a section of an egg with far advanced endocoele and distinct brain and excretory sacs, showing what is supposed to be the first trace of an endodermal primordium. ^lacuvt. S- Spicule. Sph.M. Sphincter muscle regulating dilatation and contraction of stalk. Sp.T. Spongy tissue. St. Stalk. T.Ax. Termination of axis. Th.B.W. Ring-like thickening of the body-wall in the region of the insertion of the oblique muscles. T.Z. Thickened zone. T.Zo. Terminal zooid. V.Ap. Aperture from ventral canal to exterior. V.C. Ventral canal. V.L. Young leaves. F.S. Vertical septxmi. Y.St. Young siphono- zooids. PLATE 26. Figs. 1-9 Fig. 1. — Pennatula luibra; x 8. Basal portion of the stalk with cut edge as transverse section. While living the specimen had been injected in the middle of the dorsal region of the rachis with finely powdered particles of carmine in suspension in sea-water and later by a second injection of methylene blue in solution in sea-water. The deposition of carmine particles on the walls and in the lumen of the canals is shown. The distribution of the methylene blue solution in EXPEUIMEKTAL OBSERVATIONS ON PENNATULIDS. 477 this portion of the colony is also seen and also its extrusion from the basal apertures (B.D.Ap. and B.V.Ap.) of the dorsal and ventral canals. The brownish mass (M.) of earth-like matter, which appears to be deposited on the vertical septum, may represent an aggregation of foi’eign matter sucked in by the sea pen, or waste matter on the point of extrusion. In this genus the ventral canal extends to the base of the stalk. The four canals of the stalk are shown in ci’oss-section. The dorsal canal (D.C.) is the largest, and contains in this region the two smaller lateral canals (L.C.), between which the basal end of the axis (Ax.) is shown by transparency of the walls of the canals. Fig. 2.- — Pennatula rubra. Basal vein of the termination of the stalk after injection with carmine particles and a solution of methylene blue as in fig. 1 ; x 7. The two large apertures (B.D.Ap. and B.V.Ap.) of the dorsal and ventral canals are shoum. Six other apertures are also indicated, whicli only became perceptible after injection. Of these, two are in close i^roximity to the large dorsal and ventral apertiu'es and the othei' four definitely arranged to form the four corners of a square (Ap.^„^^). The solid particles were exj^elled from the large apertures of the dorsal and ventral canals, and the methylene blue solution from the other six ; occasionally solid particles and coloured liquid were expelled from a common pore (L.Ap.i.). Fig. 3. — Pterceides spinosum. («) Drawing of the basal jDortion of the stalk from the left side of a living specimen twenty-four hours after an injection of caimine and methylene blue, as in fig. 1 ; x 3. Numerous apertures are indicated which before the experiment were impercejjtible to the naked eye, from which issued streams of methylene blue solution, indicated in the dniwing. Carmine particles are also shown in a state of extrusion. The arrows indicate the direction of the currents. An inhalent cuiTent into the ventral canal was revealed by a prolonged immersion of the base of the stalk in methylene blue solution. It is possible that the direction of the currents may be reversed or otherwise on occasion, (h) The base of the same colony after fixing with formalin solution. The contraction of the axial tissues has caused an invagination of the basal portion of the stalk, giving the appearance of a single pore at the base {F.Ap>.). This appears to be the usual condition in preserved specimens, and the apparent presence of a single pore has given rise to considerable difference of opinion in the past as to the presence or other- wise of a so-called mouth in this region. Fig. 4. — Pennatula phosphorea. Drawing of the base of the stalk showing inhalent and exhalent apertures; X 30. The two apertures in close proximity to the basal, dorsal and ventral apertiu’es in the species “ rubra ” were not observed in this species. Fig. 5. — Pennatula rubra. Drawing of the dorsal surface of the 478 EDITH M. IMTTSGRAVE, racliis of an injected specimen to show the extrusion of carmine particles from four dorsal pores (D.P.) ; X 2. Tliese are the apertures of small transverse canals, which in this portion of the rachis establish com- munications dorsally between the large dorsal canal and the exterior. The particular specimen differed from any other which I have examined in the presence of a group of unusually large siijhonozooids (Si.) in the region superior to that of the dorsal pores. Elsewhere the siphonozooids (Si.) are quite normal in character. Fig. 6. — Pennatiila phosphorea. Drawing of the dorsal surface of the uiiper portion of the rachis of a young colony, x 15, showing the terminal zooid and four dorsal pores (D.P.) from which, after injection, as in fig 1, carmine particles were extruded. Fig. 7. — Pennatula rubra. A portion of the dorsal surface of an injected specimen to show the extrusion of carmine particles from the mouths of the siphonozooids twenty-four hours after the injection was made. X 30. Fig. 8. — Pennatula rubra. Transverse section through the stalk near to the base ; X 15. On the left side two of the smaller apertures are shown (Ap.) which communicate by means of the spaces in the spongy tissue witli the ventral canal (V.C.). In the upper portion of the section a small canal (C.) is shown in the dorso-ventral septum (D.V.S.), which establishes communication between the lumen of the dorsal and ventral canals. Small canals (Ca.) are also shown leading from the large canals into the spaces of the spongy tissue (Sjj.T.). A very thorough and complete system of communication is established by means of similar canals throughout the colony, which is thus brought into communication with the external sea-water. The epithelial tissue lining the canals is much vacuolated (Fig. 0) and contains numerous deeply staining cells, which are prol>ably mucus-secreting, and are similar in character to cells composing the greater portion of the periphery of the base of the stalk. Immediately below this layer of vacuolated and deeply staining tissue, parallel with the periphery and outlining the large dorsal and ventral canals, is an extremely delicate sheath of transverse muscular fibi'es (T.M.F.), which becomes, however, much moi'e pronounced in the superior regions of the stalk. The spongy tissue occupies the whole of the space between the canals and the body-wall. Fig. 9. — Pennatula rubra. A portion of the vacuolated and deeply staining epithelial tissue which lines the dorsal and ventral canals as seen in a transverse section of the stalk ; X 800. A similar epithelial tissue covers externally the basal portion of the stalk. The endoderm in this portion of the canal is curioiisly papillate in form, and exti'emely vacuolated. It contains numerous deeply staining cells, which probably have for their function the secretion of mucus, and also send off into a supporting mesogloeal core numerous muscle-fibi’es EXPERIMENTAL OBSERVATIONS ON PENNATULTDS. 479 (M.F.), which probably play an important part in the expansion and contraction of the canals. Many of the endodernial cells also contain ingested particles of the injected carmine, which have Ijeen conveyed to this 2)ortion of the colony by means of the circulating currents. The presence of carmine in the cells may indicate their possession of nutritive and excretory functions. The mucous secretion from the cells, which is no doubt responsible for the viscid character of the contents of the canals, may be lubricating in function, and may from its hygro- scopic nature play an important part in the dilatation and contraction of the colony. PLATE 27. Figs. 10-15. Fig. 10. — Anthoptilum grandiflorum. Drawing of the ventral surface of the stalk to show the folded thickened zone {I’.Z.), princi^^ally due in this instance to an extraordinary growth of the spongy (disten- sible) tissue composing the internal body-wall, and not to the special development of an internal sphincter muscle as in Pte roe ides (fig. 14, Spli.M.). Both modifications of structure doubtless serve the same function in bringing about the dilatations and contractions of the colony. The lower portion of the thickened zone and the region imme- diately inferior to it is studded with numerous minute siphonozooids (Si.), which play an important part in maintaining the hydrostatic equililn'ium of the colony. (Natural size.) Fig. 1 1.— Anthopti him grandiflorum. Dissection of the stalk from the ventral surface (two thirds natural size), showing the hook-like termination of the axis induced by the contraction of tlie muscular apparatus controlling it (M.A.A.), the terminal basal aperture of the dorsal canal (B.D.Ap.), and the thickened zone (T.Z.) in tlie upper portion of the stalk — composed of hydrostatic and muscular spongy tissue, which is produced into laminate processes (L.M.P.) presenting a free edge to the body-cavity. The outer surface of the thickened zone was observed, on microscopical examination, to be studded witli minute siphonozooids of the normal Pennatulid type (fig. lU). This extra- ordinary development of the laminate processes appears to be unique and has not been (observed in any other genus. Fig. 12. — Virgularia juncea. Dissection of the stalk from the dorsal surface exposing the lumen of the dorsal canal (three quarters natural size). The stalk in this genus is characterised by its unusual length, tenuity, brittleness and extreme powers of contractility. In elemental constitution it is similar to Penna tula (fig. 13) differing only from that genus in proportionate development. As in Penna tula the muscular body-wall becomes attenuated towards the base, where it 180 EDITH ^r. MUSfHIAVE. l)ecomes delicate and meiubranons in character. In the specimen represented in the drawing the slender, needle-like, hut slightly flexible axis (Ax.), supported by the axial sheath (Ax. S.), does not extend down to the base of the stalk as is usually the case in this genus (Marshall, p. 56). A close similarity exists between Pennatula and Virgularia in the musculature (31. A. A.) controlling the movements of the axis. Fig. 13. — Pennatula rubra. Dissection of the stalk from the dorsal surface exposing the lumen of the dorsal canal ; X 2. The stalk is shorter and of comparative greater thickness than in Virgularia (fig. 12), but it is very similar in constitution. In Pennatula the four large canals of the stalk are shorter and broader, and the musculature controlling the axis less strongly developed. Pennatula appears to be less sensitive to contact, and therefore less contractile than Virgularia. In the drawing the vertical septum is seen to extend to the extreme base of the stalk, so that the ventral canal is equal in length in this region to the doi’sal canal (compare Pterceides [fig. 14], Anthoptilum [fig. 10], etc.). The transverse muscular tissue (T.3I.F.) of the body-wall in the neighbourhood of the insertion of the musculature controlling the axis is strongly developed to give the necessary additional support. The thickening of muscular tissue in this region is more strongly marked in P. naresi and P. borealis. In this respect Pennatula approaches Pterceides. Fig. 14. — Pterceides griseum var. longispinosum. Dissection of the stalk from the dorsal surface exposing the lumen of the dorsal canal ; X 1|-. The musculature of the body-wall is very pronoimced in this genus. The thickened zone in the upper portion of the stalk is due in this genus to an extraordinary development of a si^hincter muscle (Sph.3I.), in which I’espect it apparently dilfers from all other genera. The fibres of the sphincter run almost transversely, and are attached on the inner side to the axial sheath and on the outer side to the body- wall. This powerful muscle has probably a double function — it may assist in the support of the axis, but its chief function seems to be that of con- trolling the dilatations and contractions of the stalk, and therefore materially assists in regulating the quantity of fluids within the canals. At the base of the sphincter muscle are powerful muscle-bands (M.B.), which are connected with the axial sheath and body-wall, and in addition assist in supporting and controlling the extremely power- ful muscular apparatus (31. A. A.) governing the action of the axis (Ax.). The calcai'eous axis with its accompanying muscular sheath is slightly twisted spirally at its apical and basal termination (fig. 15). The whole conformation of the stalk seems to indicate that it is specially adapted as a boring organ, working, in this instance, in a screw-like fashion, and a’so as a pump woi'king with a slightly piston- EXPERIMENTAL ORSERVATIONS ON PENNATULIDS. 481 like movement in the cavity of the dorsal canal when the mnscula- ture contracts. This would give an impetus in an upward direction to the ciuTents entering at the basal apertures. As in other genera the musculature of the body-wall is less well developed near the base, its ^jlace being occiipied by the spongy hydrostatic tissue, which is abundantly supplied with canals having numerous apertm’es into the lumen of the canals and also to the exterior (fig. 3). In living specimens this portion of the stalk is often considerably dilated. In the drawing numerous apertures (Ap.) are indicated, which are arranged in two vertical rows, one on the left the other on the right of the drawing, between the insertion of the muscular fibres of the muscular apparatus controlling the axis, which establish communications between the lumen of the large canals and the canal of the spongy tissue lining the body- wall. Fig. 1.5. — -Pteroeides caledonicum. Dissection of the upper poi’tion of the rachis from the dorsal sitrface exposing the lumen of the dorsal canal (D.C.) to show the musculature conti’olling the ajDical portion of the axis, which is slightly twisted spirally when the muscles are contracted, as indicated in the drawing; X 1^. The corresponding twist of the basal portion of the axis in this genus is indicated in fig. 14. The musculature and thickness of the body-wall is moie jjronounced in this specimen than in that of the species Pt. griseum (fig. 14). .SojOj^, r^owrro AxS. ^^u£C ■N.DS. PHS. *-TMF BMS i,\ 1 T.y^o r.Ap ■■[■■■■ i •■ c 3-ujajrt. S^xur^h. jKurt'Sco. !%>L. 5U, N.S. 2 Z I ( i ExBW. ■IMP M.dd. M.S.Ax. Z.MF. J Ap. '■SpT. ‘‘■Sph M .iXIJ. T V. .Jrfcv. d*l 15. Jtirth, T.i I ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 483 On Certain Features in the Development of the Alimentary Canal in Lepidosiren and Protopterus. By J. Oraliaiii Kerr, Professor in the University of Glasgow. Witli 13 Text-figures. Contents. PAGE I. Introduction ...... II. Diiferentiation of the Main Regions of the Alimentai’y Canal III. Buccal Cavity ..... IV. Lung ...... V. Pancreas ...... VI. Sunimaiy ...... 483 484 494 501 513 517 I. Introduction. The following pages contain a short description of certain features which have seemed of special interest in the develop- ment of the alimentary canal of Lepidosiren and Proto- pterus. 'The technical methods used have been the same as those used in earlier stages of my work. In particular, I have made constant use of the method of reconstruction by means of ground glass plates, and I have endeavoured to use both the celloidin and the paraffin methods of embedding. As I have already had occasion to point out more than once, it is, in my opinion, essential in embryological investigations to use these methods side by side. Both are liable to mislead, both have their faults, but the faults are different in the two VOD. 54, PART 4. NEW SERIES. 35 484 ,T. GRAHAM KERR. cases, and by a careful and critical use of the two, error can be to a great extent eliminated. I have, as on other occasions, to acknowledge the valuable assistance which I have received from Mr. Maxwell, to whom I owe the drawings illustrating this paper, and to Mr. P. Jamieson, who has done the necessary section cutting. II. Differentiation of the main regions of the Alimentary Canal. The al imeutary canal of the adult Protopterus or Lepido- siren becomes developed out of the mass of primitive endo- derm, characterised by its large cells and by the large size of the yolk granules with which their protoplasm is laden. The almost spherical mass of endoderm of the early embryo becomes fashioned into the tubular alimentary canal of the adult by a complicated process of what I have somewhat loosely termed modelling, the general course of which is illustrated by the figures in this paper. It is necessary to state quite definitely that, in using the term modelling, I do not for a moment mean to suggest that this process is carried out by the active agency of the surrounding tissues upon a plastic and passive endoderm. On the contrary, I believe it to be essential, in all embryological work, to bear constantly in mind that the organ is only a part of the organism ; that any organ or piece of tissue is throughout its development in intimate physiological connection with its surrounding tissues, and that to consider it by itself, without reference to these surrounding structures, is to make use of a method which is almost certain to lead to grave error. The alimentary canal, then, of the developing Lepidosiren or Protopterus is, during its process of “ modelling,” by no means to be assumed to be passive; the whole process is one of co-operative activity between the endodermal rudiment and the mesodermal struc- tures in relation with it. The first stage of the modelling of the alimentary canal is that in which a narrow anterior part — the fore-gut — becomes ALIMENTAEY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PEOTOPTEEUS. 485 Text-fig. 1 a. Text-fig. 1 b. Text-figs. 1 a, b. — Sagittal sections illustrating the folding off of the fore-gut. a. Protopterus, stage XXIII. b. Lepido- siren, stage XXV. br. Brain, f.g. Fore-gut. 486 J. GRAHAM KERR. differentiated from tlie larger hinder region (mid-gut and hind-gut) which forms the main storehouse for the yolk. The commencing development of the fore-gut is illustrated by text-fig. 1 A, in which the fore-gut rudiment is beginning to be nipped oft' from the rest of the endoderm by the de- velopment of a chink beneath it. This chink then gradually spreads backwards, as shown in text-fig. 1 B, and also later- ally, and in this way the fore-gut becomes demarcated, the Text-fig. 2. Section through junction of fore- and mid-gut of a Lepidosiren larva of stage XXXIV, showing the origin of the pyloric valve, c. 9)1. g. Cavity of mid-gut. /. g. Hind end of fore-gut. ventral part of the space alluded to becoming occupied by the pei’icardiac cavity with its mesodermal lining. The folding off of the fore-gut is continued backwards until, about stage XXXII, it reaches the level of the pylorus, after which it increases in length by its own growth, and undergoes gradual histological differentiation until the adult condition is reached. About stage XXXIV the active growth in length of the fore- gut causes it to push its hinder end into the cavity of the raid-gut, the wall of which is relatively thin at the point of junction of fore- and mid-gut (see text-fig. 2). The flattened spout-like projection of the hinder end of the fore- ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PROTOPTERUS. 487 gut into the cavity of the mid-gut persists throughout life, and forms the characteristic “ pyloric valve.” The main features in the topographical evolution of the mid-gut and hind-gut will be gathered from an inspection of the figures of the external features (see Keibehs “Nor- mentafeln,” Heft x) together with text-figs. 3 A — d, 4 A — d, and 5. In correlation with the function of this part of the gut as the storehouse of food material on which the young animal has to subsist for a prolonged period, its cells remain for long laden with yolk, and its developmental progress is correspondingly retarded. The first conspicuous change consists in the rapid elongation of the hinder part of the gut which accompanies the rapid growth of the hinder trunk region (see figures of external features, stages XXV — XXX). The anterior region of the mid-gut for a considerable time retains its spheroidal shape, and it is this which gives the characteristic tadpole-like appearance to these stages. About stage XXXIII in Lepidosiren, but not till about stage XXXV in Pro top ter us, the prominent bulging of the ante- rior part of the mid-gut disappears, and the tadpole-like appearance is finally lost. The general appearance of the mid- and hind-gut as seen in a dissection of a young Lepidosiren of stage XXXII is shown in text-figs 3 a and 4 a. The prominent rounded bulging of the anterior end is already at this stage giving place to a gradual tapering. Towards the hinder end a faint spiral marking caused by a shallow groove traversing the surface of the gut rudiment foreshadows the development of the spiral valve. In the mid-dorsal line a broad valley passes back for some distance, and in this lies the rudiment of the lungs. Text- fig. 4 A shows how the fore-gut in the I’egion of the glottis bends abruptly towards the left side, passing into the mid- gut far to the left of the mesial plane. In the dissection of stage XXXV (text-figs. 3 b, 4 b and 5) it is seen that the swollen mass of yolk in front has been greatly 488 J. GEAHAM KERR. reduced, and this part of the gut no longer bulges con- spicuously. The spiral valve is now indicated by a deep Text-fig. .3 A. Text-fig. 3 b. Text-figs. 3 a, b, c, d.^ — Dissection of young Lepidosirens of stages XXXII, XXXV, XXXVI, and XXXVII, from the ventral side, illustrating the development of the alimentary canal, g. b. Gall bladder, ht. Heart. 1. a. Left auricle, li. Liver, pc. Pericardium. r. a. Eight auricle. “ incision,” which traverses the mid-gut right to its anterior end, but is absent for a short distance posteriorly. ALIMENTAEY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 489 Text-fig. 3 c. 490 ■T. GRAHAM KEEK. At stage XXXVI (text-figs. 3 c and 4 c) the intestinal rudiment forms a spirally coiled structure, the turns of the Text-fig. 4 Text-fig. 4 b. Text-Figs. 4 a, b, c, d. — Dissections of the mid-o-iit of young Lopi- dosirens seen from the dorsal side. a. Stage XXXII. b. Stage XXXV^. c. Stage XXXVI. d. Stage XXXVII. c.c. Cloacal ciBCum. f.fl. Fore-gut. 1. Lung. li. Liver, m. n. d. Mesonephric duct. pa. Pancreas, pa. d. Dorsal iiancreas. p?i. Pharynx, sjj. Spleen, t. Tongue. spiral being separated by the deep incision mentioned in the preceding stage. In all probability this spirally coiled condi- ALIMENTAEY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIBEN AND PEOTOPTEEUS. 491 Text-fig. 4 c. 'i I ,1 I I Text-fig. 4 d. 492 J. GRAHA!^[ KERR. tion of the intestine may be looked ou as a repetition of a phylog’enetic stage,' in whicli the intestine had assumed a spiral coiling owing to its relatively great length in com- parison with the length of the splanchnocoele. As was shown especially by Riickert ^ the spiral valve in certain Elasmo- branchs is similarly preceded by a spirally coiled condition of the endodermal gut rudiment, in this case definitely asso- ciated with actual growth in its length. As, further, the spiral valve is characteristic of all the more primitive groups of fish-like Guathostomata, Elasmobranchs, Crossopterygians, and Lung-fishes, not to mention Actinopterygians and ancient groups of amphibians and reptiles, we may take it as fairly piobable that the Gnathostomata were as a whole character- ised during an early period of their evolution, a period ante- cedent to the splitting up into the groups above named, by the possession of a long spirally coiled gut.'”' In comparing the stage under discussion (XXXVI) with the preceding stages it will be seen that the using up of the yolk is still taking place most actively in the anterior region. As a consequence it is seen that the first turn of the spiral has become greatly reduced in size, so tliat, as shown in ventral view, it is decidedly smaller than the succeeding turn instead of being much larger, as was the case in stage XXXV. Now that the turns of the spiral are distinct it may be seen that there are in all most usually nine or ten turns. In the last stage figured (stage XXXVII, text-figs. 3 D and 4 d) the yolk has been used up to such an extent as no longer to influence the outward form of the intestine. The turns of the spiral are now of approximately uniform diameter, they are closely bound together by mesenchyme, and are enclosed ‘ Graham Kerr, ‘Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc.,’ B. cxcii, 1900, p. 325. - ‘ Arch. f. Entwick. Mech.,’ iv. 1890, p. 298. ^ In all probability the gut has varied much in length from time to time during the evolution of the vertehrata. changes in length being associated with changes in the nature of the diet, e.g. from vegetable to animal. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PROTOPTERUS. 493 U. Liver, o.c. .Auditory capsule, oc. r. Occipital ril). p.ji. Pronephros. L o. Tectum opticum. 494 .T. GRAHAM KERR. in a cylindrical slieatli of splanchnic mesoderm dotted with scattered chromatophores. From being a spirally coiled structure the intestine has therefore now assumed the out- ward form of a straight cylinder, only the cavity in its interior betraying its once coiled condition. III. Buccal Cavity. The Dipnoi share with various Amphibians the peculiarity that the main part of the buccal cavity arises in place of the anterior portion of the yolk-laden enteric rudiment derived from the macromeres of the segmented egg, i.e. its wall is in great part deidved from a mass of cells which would ordi- narily be called endoderm. Those who are sticklers for the sanctity of the germ layer theory find it difficult to accept this statement, and would rather believe that, although the defini- tive buccal cavity comes into existence in place of a “ primitive endoderm ” structure, yet its lining is formed by a definite ingrowth of ectoderm. Thus the buccal cavity of the forms mentioned would be not merely in theoi’y, but as regards its actual ontogenetic development a typical stomodaeum. Greil in particular, who has investigated the development in C era- tod us, appears to have no doubt that actual ingrowth of cells from the outside takes place to form the lining of the buccal cavity. Personally I see no reason to depart from the statement which I made some years ago^ that the main part of the buccal lining arises in situ by actual transforma- tion of the originally yolk-laden cells. The active metabo- lism associated with this process of transformation is hei’e as elsewhere accompanied by a breaking up of the yolk granules into very fine particles so that they may be more easily assimilable, and it is this assumption of a finely yolked and richly protoplasmic character that causes the cells to assume an ectoderm-like appearance. “ It is,” as I put it in my former paper, as if an influence were spreading inwards ' ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ vol. 46, p. 423. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PROTOPTEEDS. 495 from the external epiblast, gradually transforming the original ^'endoderm” yolk-laden cells into ectoderm like itself/’ Apart from the difficulty of believing in the possi- bilitj' of a layer of soft protoplasmic ectoderm cells growing inwards and pushing aside compact masses of yolk-granules without even producing any signs of mechanical disturbance of the tissues, the study of carefully prepared celloidin sections is, I think, sufficient to convince anyone that it is really a process of conversion in situ which is taking place. In such sections there is frequently visible a quite broad zone of transition in which the richly protoplasmic '^ectoderm” cells pass by imperceptible gradations into the typical yolk- cells, there being no trace of the absolutely sharp boundary which must be present were the ingrowth hypothesis cor- rect. To the main pai-t of the buccal cavity, which arises by cytolysis in the midst of an originally solid mass of yolk- cells, and the walls of which give rise to the teeth, as has been described in Part III, there becomes added in later stages of development the antero-lateral part of the definitive buccal cavity, in the roof of which are situated the narial openings. This additional part of the buccal cavity arises in ontogeny in the same kind of way as the whole cavity does in Polypterus, i.e. by the walling in of a space on the lower side of the head, through the development of the upper lip and the forward growth of the lower jaw. The mode of development of this part of the buccal cavity is made clear by text-fig. () A — F. In stages XXXI and XXXII of Protop- terus (text-fig. 6 A and b) the position of the front end of the alimentary canal is marked out in a ventral view of the larva by a transverse line — the line of junction of the yolk- laden enteric cells with the ectoderm. Some little distance in front of the outer end of this line upon each side is seen a dimple, which marks the olfactory rudiment. In a specimen rather younger than stage XXXIV in its general features the olfactory dimple (text-fig. 6 c) is seen to have become elon- gated in an oblique direction, so that its long axis passes from Text-fio. Oa. Text. -fig. 6 b. Text. -fig. 6 c. 496 J. GRAHAM KERR Text-figs. 6 A, B, c, D, E, F. — Views of under-siirface of head in Protopterus of stages XXXI, XXXII, XXXIV — , XXXI\ , XXXV and XXXVI — , to sliow the relations of the olfactory organs. In e and p the floor of the buccal cavity has been partially cut away. c. o. Cement organ, e. g. External gill. olf. Olfactory rudiment, olj. a. and o?/. p. Anterior and posterior nares. op. Operculum, to. Tooth. Text-fig. 6 D. Text-fig. 6 e. Text-fig. 6 f. ALIMENTAEY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PEOTOPTEEUS. 497 •gi'iu 1 498 J. CiEAHAM KERR. in front backwards and outwards. It now forms a deep cleft leading right into the interior of the olfactory oi'gan along nearly its whole length. (The internal cavity of the olfactory organ is at first closed, and arises in the midst of the originally solid rudiment, as explained in Part The area containing the two olfactory clefts is now marked off from the rest of the under surface of the head, behind by a sharp fold — the first indication of the lower lip, and in front by the much less sharply marked rudiment of the upper lip. The area within these folds, and having an olfactory cleft upon each side, is the rudiment of that additional antero- lateral part of the buccal roof which becomes added on to the posterior and larger portion derived from the solid mass of yolk-cells. By stage XXXIV (text-fig. 6 d) the delimitation of this additional part of the buccal roof from the rest of the under surface of the head has become more sharply mai’ked, the upper lip being now more prominent, and the lower lip or lower jaw having commenced to grow forwards to form its floor. The olfactory cleft is more elongated. It has become drawn out and narrowed in its middle part to a fine slit, which connects the dilated anterior and posterior ends — the rudiments of the anterior and posterior nares. Of these the posterior naris is now hidden in a ventral view of the head, owing to the forward growth of the lower jaw. In stage XXXV it is necessary to cut away part of the lower jaw to see the olfactory clefts. It is seen (text-fig. 6 e) that the lips of the cleft are now in close apposition except at their ends, and between this stage and stage XXXVI the lips undergo complete fusion, so that the anterior and poste- rior nares are now distinct openings (text-fig. 6 p). Keibel has remarked:^ “The so-called upper lip of the Dipnoi lies morphologically further outwards than does the mouth margin in any other Vertebrates.” This character is specially expressed in the fact that the margin of the mouth ' ‘ Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science,’ vol. 46, p. 438. 2 ‘ Anat. Anz.,’ vol. viii, p. 487. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PEOTOPTEEUS. 499 encloses anterior as well as posterior nares, and forms one of the most distinctive features of the Dipnoi. How this ai’rangement has come about in Phylogeny does not seem quite certain, but most probably it has been by a backward migration of the narial rudiment, rather than by an extension forwai’ds of the mouth boundary. It will be noticed that the upper lip, while very prominent laterally, can hardly be said to exist in the region near the mesial plane. This gives a characteristic gaping, almost cyclostomatous, appearance to the mouth of the young Dipnoan,^ and if it be assumed that this is a repetition of a phylogenetic condition, it is clear that a backward migration of the narial openings into the buccal cavity could readily have taken place. The physiological significance of the iutrabuccal position of the narial openings is clearly in all probability adaptive to the mud-burrowing habits. The olfactory organ is in the living Dipnoan used, so far as my observations go, entirely as a sense organ, its respiratory function not yet having developed. The sense of “smell” affords the principal means by which the living Lepidosiren or Protopterus finds its food; a little colouring matter, e. g. blood, in the water, shows how they actively “sniff” about, with snout sharply bent down, in search of food particles at the bottom of the water. Glands and Sense Organs. — Unicellular glands and sense buds are scattered, as already shown by Parker for Protopterus, over the lining of mouth and pharynx as on the outer skin, while the flask-shaped glands so characteristic of the external ectoderm are normally absent from the buccal cavity. Thyroid. — The thyroid makes its appearance about stage XXX in Lepidosiren as a solid keel-like projection from the ventral side of the solid buccopharyngeal rudiment. The study of sagittal sections (text-fig. 7) show that the thyroid rudiment becomes gradually cut off from the buccopharyn- geal mass from behind. ‘ Even in the adult Lepidosiren the month is actively suctorial, and food is drawn into the mouth by a strong sucking action. VOL. 54, PART 4. NEW SERIES. 36 500 J. C4RAHAM KEER Text-fig. 7 a. Text-fig. 7 b. Text-fig. 7 c. Text-fig. 7 d. Text-figs. 7 a, b, c, d. — Sagittal sections showing origin of thyroid in Lepidosiren. a, b, and c. Stage XXX. d. Stage XXXI. th. Thyroid, t. Tongue. ALTMEXTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS, 501 About stage XXXI (Lepidosiren) the narrow isthmus which still unites the thyroid to the buccal floor in front of the tongue becomes severed, and the organ lies free as a rounded mass of coarsely yolked cells. Between stages XXXIV and XXXV the thyroid rudiment becomes broken up into strands by intruding mesoderm with blood-vessels, and a little later the strands are broken up into typical rounded follicles with colloidal secretion in their interior. Tongue. — Reference to the text-figures (7, a — d) illus- trating the development of the thyroid is sufficient to show that the tongue of the Dipneumona is a primary tongue, like that of Urodele Amphibians, except that in this case no gland field develops in connection with the tongue, at least up to stage XXXVIII. The downgrowth from the solid buccal rudiment, from the posterior side of which the thyroid is developed, becomes split about stage XXXI, and it is this splitting which causes the portion of buccal floor behind it to be bounded in front and laterally by a deep cleft so as to form a distinct tongue. IV. Lung. The first rudiment of the lung is seen in text-fig. 8, A, which is a ventral view of the pharyngeal region of a Pro- topterus of stage XXXII. The lung rudiment is seen to form a rounded bulging from the pharynx in the mid-ventral line just at the level of cleft VI. Pharynx and lung rudiment are alike solid at this stage. The endodermal lung rudiment grows at first ventralwards, and slightly towards the right side (text-figs. 8 and 12, a, pages 502,514). Meanwhile the modelling of the oesophagus is proceeding ; it becomes more elongated, more slender, and becomes displaced more and more towards the left side of the body. The lung rudiment soon begins to bend somewhat dorsally, and then continues to grow directly backwards. It 502 J. GEAHAM KEEE. Text-fig. 8 a. Text-fig. 8 b. Text-pig. 8 c. Text-fig. 8 d. I to::!). Text-figs. 8 a, b, c, d. —Reconstruction seen from the ventral side of a thick horizontal slice through the pharyngeal region of Pro top ter us, illustrating the early develop- ment of the lung. a. Stage XXXII. b. Stage XXXIV. c. Stage XXXIV. d. Stage XXXV. e. g. External gill. /. g. Fore-gut. 1. Lung. op. Operculum, pa. d. Dorsal pancreas, p.b. Post-branchial body. p.f. Pectoral limb. th. Thyroid, v.c. Visceral cleft rudiment. (Cut surfaces are indicated by the light tone.) ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 503 is enabled to do this by the already mentioned displacement of the oesophageal rudiment towards the left side. In speci- mens where the displacement of the oesophagus has not Text-fig. 9. Transverse section of a young Lepidosiren of stage XXXIV through the region of the glottis, a. Aorta, at. Atrium, c. o. Cement organ, gl. Glottis, n. Notochord, oc. r. Occipital rib. p./. Pectoral limb. ph. Pharynx, v. s. Ventricular septum. taken place to so great an extent, the lung grows round it in the manner to be described later. By stage XXXIV the hind end of the lung rudiment is dis- tinctly bilobed, the right lobe being for some time relatively 504 J. GEAHAM KERR. small and inconspicuous as compared with the left (text-fig. 8, B and c). By stage XXXV (text-fig. 8, d)^ the two cusps of the lung rudiment are seen to be growing actively. They are now approximately of equal length, and they extend back for a short distance along the dorsal side of the main mass of yolk, their tips lying in the shallow valley upon its dorsal surface. Subsequent stages in the development of the lungs will be made clear by text-figs. 4, a — d (pages 490, 491) repi-esenting dissections of young Lepidosirens of stages XXXII, XXXV, XXXVI, and XXXVII. It will be noticed how the lungs gradually extend backwards, at first in the shallow valley, already mentioned, on the dorsal side of the enteron. Later on they lie well above the surface of the enteron and, indeed, eventually, as will be shown later, dorsal to the entire splanchnoccele. The lung rudiment is at first quite solid, but a cavity soon begins to develop in it, the pharynx at this level still remain- ing solid. By about stage XXXII in Lepidosiren the lung has become hollow throughout, although the pharynx at the level of the glottis is still solid. It is not till about stage XXXV that the lumen of the pharynx is completed, and there is an open glottis leading into the lung. It was at this same stage that the young Lepidosii-ens were observed first to SAvallow air, so we may take it that the lung is functional practically from the time at which its communication Avith the exterior is established. Con-elated Avith this the mesodermal sheath of the lung is highly vascular by this stage (XXXV), and in places the blood-vessels are seen to penetrate the endodermal lining. Torsion of the lung. — During the course of its develop- ment the lung undergoes a complicated process of torsion, Avhich introduces considerable difficulties in the Avay of its investigation. Indeed, had not extensive material been available, it would in all probability have proved impossible to make out exactly Avhat happens. The difficulty is due to the fact that torsion of the lung rudiment takes place suc- cessively in two opposite directioiis. ALDIENTAEY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTEEUS. 505 Text-fig. 10 a. Text-fig. 10 b. Text-figs. 10 a, b, o, i>. — Sections from the same series as that shown in text-fig !) to illustrate the changing relations of lung to gut as it passes backwards, a. Aorta, cjlom. Glomus. 1. Lung. n. Notochord, ces. (Eso- phagus. 506 J. GRAHAM KERR. There is first what may be called the primary torsion of the lung, which is illustrated by the camera drawing in text- figs. 9 and 10, A — D. During the early stages of its develop- ment the lung rudiment, while increasing in length, describes a spiral curve ^ round the oesophagus. Starting from the mid-ventral glottis it grows first ventralwards, tailwards, and towards the right side; then dorsalwards and tailwards; and, finally, tailwards and towards the mesial plane, until it attains its mid-dorsal position over the gut, after which it grows directly tailwards. Now, during the spiral part of this course, in addition to changing its position relative to the gut (being first ventral, then on the right, and finally dorsal), the lung undergoes what I have called the primary torsion — torsion about its own long axis in a counter-clockwise direction, as seen from the tailward direction. This torsion takes place through 180°, so as to cause a complete reversal in position of the hinder part of the lung rudiment at this stage, its morphologically ventral aspect becoming dorsal, its originally right side becoming left. The process of torsion is continued still further, however, in the majority of speci- mens, for it may be as much as 30° or 40°. The result is that in such specimens, when the tip of the lung begins to bifurcate, the (actual) left lung is seen to be considerably displaced towards the ventral side, as compared with the right (see text-figs. 8, B and c). This difference in level soon becomes corrected by processes of differential growth, in which a secondary torsion takes place, so that the two lungs are brought to the same level. It will be seen that this secondary torsion is in a direction the reverse of the primary torsion (i. e. it is clockwise, as seen from the tail end).^ The ' Only visible in occasional individuals. More usually the oesophagus is sufficiently out of the way to the left side to render the cuiwing no longer necessary. " The primary torsion of the oesophagus is clearly of the type which would naturally be associated with a spiral coiling of a dextral type like that of the inid-giit, while the secondary torsion may express a tendency to return to the original condition. The possibility is ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PROTOPTEEUS. 507 occurrence of these two torsional processes in opposite direc- tions introduce, as will readily be understood, very puzzling and deceptive appearances into the sections of larvae of such stages of development. Topographical Relations of Lung to Coelom. — In its earliest stages the endodermal lung rudiment is naturally enclosed within the mesenchymatous tissue of the splanchno- pleure. In a Protopterus of stage XXXIV the root of the lung retains these relations. If, however, sections farther back towards the hind end of the lung rudiment are examined it is found that the oesophagus has, in this region, bent away towards the left side, and has become freed from the dorsal mesentery, which passes direct from the under surface of the dorsal aorta to the upper surface of the liver. The lungs grow directly backwards in the substance of this dorsal mesentery. (It may be mentioned incidentally that in Poly- pterus the hind portion of the large right lung retains throughout life this relatively primitive position in the sub- stance of the mesentery.) The dorsal mesentery undergoes a remarkable process of thickening from side to side, forming a broad mass of spongy connective-tissue bounded superficially by ccelomic epithelium. It is specially broad dorsally, and it is in this specially bi'oad dorsal region that the lungs are situated, so that as the broadening of the base of attachment of mesentei’y to dorsal body-wall goes on the originally dorsal part of the mesentery (containing the lungs) becomes gradually completely merged in the roof of the splanchnocoele. The lungs thus come to be situated outside of and completely dorsal to the splanchnocoele. General Discussion of the Morphology of the Lungs in Lepidosiren and Protopterus. — I feel com- pelled to accept the general homology of the organs known in various subdivisions of the Vertebrata under the name of lung and swim-bladder or air-bladder. The early stages of obviously suggested that the spiral coiling may once have extended forwards into the region of the oesophagus, and that the primary torsion has persisted on the straightening out of the spiral coils. 508 J. GRAHAM KERR. development of this organ in the ordiuai*y lung-breathing animals, in Lung fishes, and in the most archaic existing Teleostome — Polyp ter us — are identical in their main features, the differences which are so conspicuous in the fully-developed organ of the adult being of a purely secondaiy character. For convenience I will use the term lung to express the organ alluded to in whatever form it occurs. It must further, I think, be conceded that the original position of the lung was ventral. This can hardly be denied in view of the fact that in both Crossop terygians and Lung fishes — both of them archaic groups in which the lung plays an important hydrostatic function and has, in correlation with this, assumed in the adult, partially or completely, a position dorsal to the other viscera of the splanchnocoele — the whole lung rudiment is in early stages of development, as is the glottis throughout life, ventral in position. But, admitting these two points, there at once ai-ises the further question as to the exact method by which the dorsal position of the lung, e. g. of a Teleostean fish, has come about in phylogeny, and this carries with it other questions as to the precise hoinology of the parts of the dorsal lung- of such forms with those of the ventral lung. It was Sagemehl ^ who first propounded the view which, in its main features, finds a striking corroboration in the facts of ontogeny and adult anatomy of the Dipnoi. Taking the bilobed mid-ventral condition of the lung as a relatively primitive one, Sagemehl points to the condition in Poly- pterus in which the left lobe or left lung has become greatly reduced, as is so frequently the case in lung-breathing Vertebrates with elongated bodies. Were this lopsided con- dition of the lung can-ied further, and the left lobe reduced to relatively insignificant dimensions, it is obvious that there would no longer be any insuperable difficulty in imagining a dorsalward shifting of the remaining right lung round the right side of the oesophagus, so that eventually a dorsal position might be attained, as in e. g. Ceratodus. Sagemehl * ‘ Morpliol. Jalirh.,’ x, 1885, p. 108. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 509 believed that the arrangement in Lung-fishes had actually come about in this way, and that in Actinopterygians matters had gone a step farther in that the glottis had become dorsal as well as the lung itself. Sagemehl, it is true, greatly impressed by the discovery that in Ery thrinus, Macrodon, and Lebiasina the glottis was situated on the left side of the pharynx, took the view that in the Actinopterygians the migration of lung apparatus had been up the left side of the pharynx instead of up the right side, as in Lung-fishes. No one, however, who is familiar with the wide range of variation in the position of the glottis, now to the right, now to the left side of the median plane in e. g. Characinids and Siluroids^ will probably see any reason to suppose that the lung migra- tion has not taken place in exactly the same fashion in the Actinopterygians and in the Lung-fishes. The Lung of Polyp ter us. — The condition of the lung in the adult Polypterus (text-fig. 11, a) must be noticed, especially in regard to three points. Firstly, the lung is here an important hydrostatic organ, and correlated with this we find that the lung apparatus as a whole shows a symmetrical arrangement. The hinder half of the large right lung being without any fellow on the left side to balance it, has assumed a median position lying in the dorsal mesentery, and is prac- tically symmetrical about the mesial plane; " it is only in its anterior half, where it is still balanced by the remains of the left lung, that it bends away from the mesial plane towards the right. It is obvious then that, were the left lung to undergo still further reduction, we should expect more and more of the right lung to assume the mesial position, until at last, when the left lobe had approached vanishing point, the right lobe would tend to be symmetrical about the mesial plane right to its front end. The whole lung apparatus ’ More especially if we Lear in mind the fact, chronicled above, of the definitely dorsal side of the lung in the young lung-fish being carried temiiorarily to the left side by the primary torsion. - In the dissection shown in text-fig. 11a the hinder i)art of the right lung has been displaced towards the right side and the symmetry is consequently destroyed. Text-fig. 11a. Text-fig. 11 b. Text-figs. 11a, b. — View from the dorsal side of the lung of Polypterns (a) and Lepidosiren (b) to show nerve sujiply. ini. Intestine. 1. 1. Left lung. l.p.a. Left pul- monary artery, as. (Esophagus, ph. Pharynx, r. 1. Eight lung. st. Stomach, r.p.a. Eight pulmonary artery. XL Pul- monary branch of left vagus. Xr. Pulmonary branch of right vagus. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIEEN AND PEOTOPTEEUS. 511 would thus become medio-dorsal except the pneumatic duct or trachea, which would lead round the right side of the oesophagus or pharynx to the still ventral glottis. (2) Correlated with the increased size of the right lung in Polypterus we find that the left vagus takes a share in its innervation, a stout, in fact the main, branch of this nerve passing across to the right lung dorsal to the oesophagus. Bearing in mind the mode of development of the lung from a ventrally placed rudiment it need hardly be pointed out that this dorsally placed connection between left vagus and right lung must be a secondary development. How it has come about does not concern the argument, but it may well have been owing to the short circuiting of nerve impulses through the nerve plexus of the pharyngeal wall having caused that part of the plexus which formed the path of the impulses to become enlarged so as to form a distinct nerve trunk. (3) The glottis or opening from pharynx is no longer symmetrical in the adult Polypterus in relation to the two lungs. It has undergone a shifting towards the right side, and is in line with the larger right lung. The two first of the three points just established have an important bearing upon the comprehension of the conditions seen in the Lung-fishes. (1) shows us how the condition of the Lung-fishes with their dorsal lung communicating with a ventral glottis round the right side of the alimentary canal is just a natural step beyond the condition actually existing in Polypterus. (2) does away entirely with the at first sight apparently insuperable objection to adopting this as a phylo- genetic hypothesis involved in the peculiar nerve supply of the lung in the Lung-fishes — where (text-fig. 11, b) the pul- monary branch of the left vagus extends on to the actually right lung by a path which is dorsal to the oesophagus — for we see that in Polypterus (in which the lung retains the assumed ancestral condition) there already exists a similar prolongation of the left vagus dorsal to the oesophagus to the 512 J. GRAHAM KERR. lung on the ihght side of the body, an arrangement that must necessarily have been developed secondarily. It will be seen that neglecting the discordant evidence of the left vagus as we are now justified in doing, the course of the right vagus, right pulmonary artery, and left pulmonary artery agree in testifying that the lung has undergone a twisting on its long axis in a counter clockwise direction (seen from behind) during its movement to the dorsal posi- tion. The X-like crossing of the two pulmonary nerves would of course indicate that this twistina; of the lunsf apparatus had taken place previous to the establishment of the nervous “shoi't circuit” dorsal to the oesophagus. Having’ now shown (1) the clear probability of an ancestral arrangement like that of Polyp ter us becoming evolved into an arrangement like that of existing Lung-fishes, and (2) that the obstacle formed by the course of the left vagus is of no importance, it remains now to pass back to the evidence afforded by the ontogeny of Lepidosiren and Pro- top ter us. These embryological phenomena show clearly (1) that the lung rudiment is originally ventral in position ; (2) that during its development distinct twisting of the lung in a counter-clockwise direction takes place ; and (3) that during early stages of development the actual right lung, i.e. the lung which on Sagemehl’s hypothesis is homologous with the small left lung of Polyp ter us is actually much smaller than its fellow. Taking into account these various considerations we are, I think, irresistibly driven to the conclusion that, so far as regards the Dipnoi, Sagemehl’s hypothesis must be accorded a very high degree of probability.^ Actinopterygii. — The support to SagemehPs hypothesis which has been adduced in the foregoing paragraphs lends increased probability to a similar view being applicable to the Actinopterygians. It has been indicated how in Poly- * In this I agree with N EUM aye, Semon’s ‘ Zoolog. Forschungsreisen,’ I, p. 407. ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERDS. 513 p ter US the lung apparatus is in process of attaining to a mediodorsal position, the hinder half of the large right lung having already done so. In Ceratodus the whole of the lung except glottis and air duct has attained to the mid- dorsal position, and the original left lobe has apparently been completely withdrawn into the lung, so that the latter is a single structure without any paired appearance. It is clearly but a step from the Ceratodus condition for the air duct to become shortened and the glottis to reach the neighbourhood of the mesial plane dorsally, such dorsalward migration of the glottis being aided by the tendency of the gut to become rotated in a counter-clockwise direction, as seen from the tailward end.^ V. Pancreas. There are in the Dipneumona, as in Ceratodus and the majority of Vertebrates, three pancreatic rudiments, one dorsal and two ventral. Protopterus. — The dorsal rudiment is the first to make its appearance (about stage XXXII) in the form of a solid projection from the dorsal surface of the yolk practically in the mesial plane. In some embryos of this stage the dorsal pancreatic rudiment is greatly elongated in an aiitero-posterior dii’ection — possibly a reminiscence of some unknown earlier phylogenetic condition (text-fig. 12, a). In most embryos, however, the dorsal pancreas is of compact and rounded form (cf. text-figs. 8, B, and 12, b), and is situated in about the same transverse plane as the hinder nephrostome of the pronephros. The attachment of the dorsal pancreas becomes rapidly constricted to form a narrow stalk, and a small, irregular cavity appears in the interior of the organ. By stage XXXIII the ventral rudiments have made their appearance in the form of a yolky projection from the gut on ' Moser (‘Arch, iiiikr. Anat.,’ Ixiii, 1904, p. 562) has demonstrated the existence of this in ontogeny. See also the interesting paper by H. Marcus (‘ Arch, inikr. Anat.,’ Ixxi, 1908), who is led by his studies on the kmg of Gymnophiona to a similar conclusion regarding the hmg of Ceratodus. 514 J. GRAHAM KERR. eitliei’ side of the attachment of the bile-duct rudiment. The right is more bulky than the left. Both right and left rudiment grow rapidly in a dorsal direction, one on either side of the bile-duct, and finally the left arches towards the right side, dorsal to the bile duct, comes in contact with the tip of the right rudiment, and undergoes fusion with it (between stages XXXIII and XXXIV most usually). The Text-fig. 12 a. Text-fig. 12 b. ,Tr, I. Text-fig. 12 a, b. — Reconstruction of thick horizontal slice through Protopterus, showing rudiments of lung and (dorsal) pancreas. A. Stage XXXII. b. Stage XXXIV. 1. Lung. op. Operculum. pa. d. Dorsal pancreas. p. b. Post-branchial body. p.f. Pectoral limb. V. c. Visceral cleft rudiment. dorsal pancreatic rudiment has meanwhile been growing rapidly. Its wall is still thick and yolk-laden, but its cavity has increased in size, and has become more regular in shape. With the gradual modelling of the surface of the gut a change has been brought about in the attachment of the dorsal pancreas ; it now springs from the right side of the gut just where the mid-gut is continued forwards into the fore-gut. It projects towards the right side of the body, and at the same time slightly forwards. Up till now the dorsal pancreas has been separate from the ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTERUS. 515 fused ventral rudiments, but between stages XXXIV and XXXV the dorsal surface of the right ventral pancreas comes in contact with the ventral surface of the dorsal pancreas, and fusion promptly takes place, so that from now onwards there is a single pancreatic complex. By stage XXXV the pancreatic complex forms a voluminous organ, the dorsal end of which is visible in a dissection from the dorsal side (cf. text-fig. 13 of Lepidosiren at this stage), lying immediately to the left of the dorsal lobe of the liver — • between it and the junction of fore- and mid-gut, and ex- tending back in the spiral groove. This dorsal pai-t of the complex extends ventrally downwards into the posterior limb of a saddle-shaped mass, which bestrides the bile-duct, and which represents the fused right and left pancreatic rudi- ments, the original right rudiment having now become pos- terior in position. The threefold origin of the pancreas is still betrayed by its three attachments to the gut, the original right and left ventral being now immediately posterior and anterior to the point of junction of bile duct and gut, while the long fine duct, which represents the long drawn-out stalk of the dorsal pancreas, opens in the posterior angle between fore-gut and mid-gut. The right and left ventral attach- ments are still solid. Tlie substance of the gland itself is seen in sections to be undergoing obvious histological diffe- rentiation, and to be penetrated by a rich network of blood- vessels. By stage XXXVI the pancreas Inis become actively func- tional, and its cells have attained their definitive character with nucleus at outer end, and the main mass of the cell protoplasm being packed with zymogen granules. With the tucking in of the gut wall to form the spout-like pyloric valve, the opening of the dorsal pancreatic duct is carried inwards, and is now found to open into the cavity of the spout-like structure, the actual opening being on the dorsal wall of the spout. Lepidosiren. — In Lepidosiren the general features of pancreas development are as in Protopterus, with minor VOL. 54, HART 4. — NEW SERIES. 37 516 J. CxEAHAJI KERR. differences in topographical relations in early stages. In a larva of stage 32 (text-fig. 4, a) the dorsal pancreas forms a rounded projection from the gut^ as in Protopterus, but situated farther back, well behind the level of the hinder pronephritic nephrostome. The rudiment in Lepidosiren has already a wide cavity opening into the cavity of the gut. By stage XXXIV the yolk in the rudiment is practically used up, and by stage XXXV the gland cells and duct lumiua are distinguishable; the whole organ is penetrated by a rich net- work of blood-vessels, and the outer surface of the organ presents a distinctly lobed appearance (see text-fig. 13). Text-fig. 13. Part of the dissection shown in text-fig. 4, b (p. 490), with the kings removed so as to show the pancreas. /, g. Fore-gut. ht. Heart. H. Liver, pa. Pancreas, ph. Pharynx, v. Vein. As regards the later development of the pancreas in Lepidosiren and Protopterus, the only point requiring special notice is that in the adult (cf. text-fig. 4, d), as was ALIMENTARY CANAL IN LEPIDOSIREN AND PROTOPTEEUS. 517 shown by W. N. Parker, it remains enclosed within the splanchnic mesoderm ensheathing the gut, neither bulging into coelotn nor spreading in the substance of the mesentery. As a consequence the pancreas remained undetected by the earlier investigators. VI. Summary. 1. The fore-gut first becomes folded off from the main mass of yolk-cells. 2. The pyloric valve arises by the hind end of the fore-gut being pushed back into the cavity of the mid-gut. 3. The main mass of yolk-cells becomes gradually “ modelled” into a spirally-coiled intestinal rudiment. 4. The main part of the buccal lining- is developed in situ from large yolk-cells. 5. The part of the ventral side of the head, on which are the olfactory rudiments, becomes enclosed in the buccal cavity by the development of the upper lips and by the for- ward growth of the lower jaw. 6. The olfactory opening becomes divided into anterior and posterior nares by the apposition and fusion of the inter- mediate portion of its lips. 7. The thyroid arises as a solid downgrowth from the buccopharyngeal floor, which gradually becomes cut off from behind forwards. 8. The tongue is a primary tongue like that of Urodeles, but without gland-field. 9. The lung arises from a solid mid-ventral rudiment. 10. When the lung becomes bilobed, the (actual) right lobe is for a time small in size as compared with its fellow. 11. Complicated torsional processes take place during the development of the lung. 12. Through the dorsal mesentery becoming partially merged in the splanchnocoele roof, the lungs come to lie outside the splanchnocoele. 518 J. GRAHAM KERR 13. The general facts of lung development go to support the view that the lung of Polypterus shows a persistence of the condition ancestral to that of Dipnoi and Actino- pterygii. 14. The pancreas arises from a dorsal and two ventral rudiments. THE PHYLOGENT OP THE TEACHEiE IN AEANE^. 519 The Phylogeny of the Tracheae in Araneae. By W. F. Purcell, Pli.D., Bergvliet, Diep River, near Cape Town. With Plate 28, and 21 Text-figures. Introduction. In an excellent paper on the tracheae of spiders E. Lamy (:02) has given an account of the tracheae of thirty families of Araneae, so that only four small and comparatively rare families, comprising 1 — 3 genera each, remain, of which the tracheae are still unknown. It is now possible, therefore, to consider the tracheal systems of the Araneae as a whole from a phylogenetic point of view, and as I barely touched upon this point in my paper (:09) on the development and origin of the respiratory organs in spiders, I propose to make it the subject of the present paper. Lamy has made it perfectly clear that the degree of com- plication of a tracheal system, as regards the manner and extent of the branching and the structure of the internal armature (spines, spiral thread, etc.), cannot be used as a family character, since we may find the most varied degrees of complication amongst the different genera of one and the same family (e. g. in the Uloboridee, Thomisidae, Age- 1 enidae, Clubionidm, Attidae, etc.). Lamy concludes from this that the tracheal apparatus is evolved separately in each family and not in the Araneae as a whole (p. 265) and this statement may, I think, be accepted as in general correct. 520 W. F. PURCELL. provided that it be not interpreted to mean the development of the tracheae out of lung-books separately in each family but merely the development of more complicated tracheal systems from simpler ones or vice versa. Another important point which Lamy has emphasised (p. 264) is that the number of the lung-leaves is in inverse ratio to the size of the tracheal apparatus. Thus^ forms with highly-developed tracheee have a small number of lung- leaves, as Dictyna, with 4 — 5 leaves (Bertkau), Segestria, with 10 — 12 (Bertkau), etc., while forms with a feebl3'-deve- loped tracheal system have a comparatively large number of lung-leaves, as Bpeira and Agelena, with 60 — 70 leaves (Bertkau). Since the i-elative size of the tracheal apparatus in general increases proportionately with its degree of complication it further follows from the above paragraphs that the number of the lung-leaves in forms having both tracheae and lung- books can have no greater ph3dogenetic value than that pos- sessed by the degree of complication (in respect to branching and internal armature) of the tracheal apparatus and this Lamy has shown to be of subordinate phylogenetic value, without even the importance of a family character. We cannot, in fact, use either of these characters in comparing widely remote families ph3dogenetically, as, for instance, the Dysderidae and Argiopidm (Epeiridse). Thus, assuming that the tracheae were derived from lung-books, it would be incorrect to argue that an Argiopid, with its numerous luiig- leaves and simple tracheae is, on that account, a more primitive form than a Dysderid, with its few lung-leaves and large complicated tracheae ; or, conversely, if we admit that the Dysderidae are more primitive than the A rgiopidae, we could not argue that because of the different relative develop- tnent of these two organs in the two families, the lung-books must have been derived from trachefe. It does not follow, however, from any of Lamy’s arguments, that the two characters just discussed ai’e of no ph3dogenetic importance at all, e. g. amongst allied genera in one and the THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TEACHEiE IN AEANEH:. 521 same family, as in the Agelenidae, or between allied families, such as the Dysde ridge and Oonopidge — nor that other tracheal characters, such as the acquisition of the respiratory function by the ectodermal tendons of the tracheal segment, which I have shown to have taken place in most spiders, may not have a much higher phylogenetic value. Before entering upon this subject I wish to consider a certain remai’kable conclusion drawn by Lamy, viz. that in spiders neither the lung-books nor the trachete are the more primitive organs (p. 264), both having been produced simul- taneously and replacing one another (p. 265). The sole difference Lamy sees between these two organs lies in their special mode of branching, lamellate branches pi'oducing lung-books and tubular ones trachejB (p. 267). The branchial origin of the lung-books is discarded by him as unnecessary and the formation of the tracheal organs is considered to be the consequence of the respiratory function taking place in the same conditions in all air-breathing Arthropods (pp. 266 and 267). Lamy arrives at the above conclusion by the following ai’guments (p. 264): — (1) The Dysderidm and the Capo- niidm come very near together, approaching one another in several characters, and ought, therefore, to be regarded as equally primitive. Nevertheless, in the latter, the first pair of lung-books is replaced by a pair of tracheae, which strongly resemble those which replace the second pair of lung-books in the Dysderidm. The fact that one sees the trachete indifferently replacing the lung-books in these two somewhat primitive families indicates that neither organ is to be re- garded as more primitive than the other. (2) The same con- clusion results fi’om the fact that we find amongst the Araneae verae' another family, the Hypochilidae, which, * Simon divides the spiders as follows: Aranese tlieraphosai (= Mygalomorphai, Pocock -t- Liphistius), including all 4-limged foi’ms except the H ypochilida?. Araneai verse (Arachnoniorphse. Pocock), including the Hypochilidai and all dipneumonous and apneuinonous spiders. 522 AV. F. PURCELL. although it resembles the Aranem verae and not the Theraphosae in all other respects, nevertheless, has the tracheae replaced by a second pair of lung-books. Neither of these arguments, however, wan-ant the conclu- sion that Lamy has drawn from them, since both cases may be readily explained, even when we assume that the lung- books were in all cases the primitive organ and that the tracheae were derived from them. Lamy’s assumption that the Dysderidae and the Caponiidae are equally primitive is certainly incorrect, since, as I shall presently show, the Caponiidae differ from the Dysderidae, as well as from all other spiders (so far as I know), in several important anato- mical characters. They are in fact, in these respects, a highly-specialised group, compared with which the Dys- deridae are much more primitive. But even if these two families were equally primitive they are by no means the most primitive spiders, the vast host of mygalomorphous forms being all more primitive than they and all provided with lung-books only. Moreover, the highly-developed tracheae of the D3’sderid£e, which present no obvious resem- blance to lung-books, do not so sti’ongly resemble the anterior trachem of the Caponiidae as Lamy makes out, since these latter are very similar to the lung-books of a Dysderid. In fact, these anterior tracheae may be most readil}^ explained, as I shall presently show, as lung-books which have been transformed into tracheae more recently than those of the second pair and which have retained the primitive shape more nearly than has been the case with the tracheae of any other Arachnid known. They have evidently been evolved out of a few-leaved lung-book like that of a D\^sderid, and their presence merel}’ proves that tracheae have been evolved out of lung-books within the Aranefe at least on two occasions, but it does not prove that the tracheae and lung-books are equally primitive. Similarly, the presence of a second pair of lung-books in the Hypochilidae may be quite readily explained by assuming that this family is an arachnomorphous form in THE PHYLOGENY OP THE TRACHEA IN ARANE^. 523 which the primitive lung-books have been retained, whereas they have been replaced by tracheae or lost in all other members of the group. It is not at all necessary to assume that the Hypochilidse once possessed tracheae, nor that the lung-books and the tracheae must necessarily be equally primitive organs. Lamy’s conception of a lung-book as developing from an ectodermal invagination with lamellate branches (p. 256) is incorrect, since, as I had already shown some years previously (’95), the two oldest saccules^ are formed as independent invaginations on the free posterior side of an embryonic abdominal appendage, quite outside of the basal pulmonary sac (vestibule) in the anterior wall of which the remaining saccules appear, — the two oldest saccules being only later on included within the pulmonary sac, when the sinking of the appendage takes place. Lamy puts this observation aside with the remark that I am the only observer who mentions it, but it is none the less a fact. I have already (:09) fully discussed the question of the primitiveness of the lung-books, and have shown on purely embryological grounds that the typical form of trachem found in most spiders must have been derived in part from lung- books and in part from ectodermal tendons (entapophyses of Eay Lankester, apodemes), the lateral pair of tracheal trunks being metamorphosed lung-books and the medial pair meta- morphosed entapophyses. Starting from this as a basis, the tetrapiieumonous group, Araneso theraphosse, appears the most primitive of living Araneas, a view which has, in fact, long been generally recognised on account of other primitive characters of the group, such as the presence of a free nervous ganglion behind the central nervous mass in the cephalo-thorax, the I have given the term “saccules” to the hollow air-containing leaves of a lung-book and “septa” to the j)artitions or lamellaj separating the cavities of adjacent air chambers (: 09). 524 W. P. PURCELL. simple form of the external sexual organs, the presence of four spiracles, etc. The remarkable genus Liphistius, which I have had no opportunity of carefully examining, appears, as Pocock (’92) has pointed out, to be much more primitive than the rest of the group, at least in some of its characters. One of the most interesting among these is the mesial position of the spinners on the under side of the abdomen, so that in this genus none of the ventral abdominal segments have been exces- sively elongated (text-fig. 1). Considering the apparently primitive structure of this genus, which has also its abdomen Tkxt-pig. 1. — Abdomen of Liphistius (after Pocock, ’92). Tkxt-fig. 2. — Abdomen of a mygalomorphous spider. ec. t. 8 and 9. Depressions in the integument to which the ventral longitudinal muscles are attached at the posterior margins of somites 8 and 9 g. o. External genital opening. IV., lb". First and second pair of lung-books, sp'., f^p". Spiracles of the first and second pair of lung-books. 7 — 11 denote the extent of the seventh to eleventh somites. segmented dorsally like a Pedipalp, it is somewhat peculiar that both respiratory segments (judging from the figures and descriptions given by Simon and Pocock) evidently possess a deep interpulmonary or epigastric fold, like the Pedipalpi and the Aranese verm. In the rest of the group (Pocock’s Mygalomorphm) the fourth abdominal (tenth post-oral) segment has greatly 1 2 THE PHYL0C4ENY OF THE TRACHEH: IN ARANEAl. 525 elongated at the expense of the following segments, being, in fact, as long as or longer than the second and third segments taken together, so as to bring the spinners to the hinder end of the abdomen (text-fig. 2). The positions of the spiracles {sp'., sp" .), muscular stigmata (ec. t. 8 and 9, representing rudimentary entapophyses to which the longi- tudinal muscles are attached), and the genital opening {g. o.) are very primitive, at least in all the forms which I have been able to examine. All these openings are frequently perfectl}’ exposed and separate from each other, especially in distended abdomens, as in text-fig. 2. There is at most a shallow, open, transverse depression behind the posterior edge of the segments, and the skin in this groove behind the genital segment is frequently soft and flexible, like the soft skin between the hard plates of a segmented body. AVhen the abdomen is distended the spiracles and muscular stigmata in this soft skin are exposed, but in a contracted abdomen (such as that of a female after the deposition of the eggs) these openings may become somewhat hidden from view owing to the infolding of the flexible skin. Such a groove is, however, very different from the typical, deep, and more or less rigid infolding found behind the second and third abdominal segments in the Pedipalpi (see Tarnani, ’89, p. 377, fig. 1, and Lankester, ;04, fig. hh), nearly all arach- nomorphous spidei s, and in Liphistius. The longitudinal muscles are attached to shallow ectodermal depressions (see my paper, ;09, fig. 36), which lie either free or in the larger transverse grooves mentioned above, and there are, so far as I know, no deep invaginations or ectodermal tendons (enta- pophyses) like those found in l*edipalps and arachnomorphous spiders. Can this and the absence of interpulmonary folds perhaps be a secondary condition in the Mygalomorphas ? Or have these folds been acquired independently in the Pedipalpi, Liphistius, and Arach no m or ph as ^ ? ‘ Two interesting drawings by R. I. Pocock are given by Ray Lankester (:04. figs. .56 and 64) showing the genital segments of a male Thelyphonns assamensis and a female Liphistius de- 526 W. F. PURCELL. Turning now to the Araneae verse or Arachnomorph se, we find that in nearly every case the second pair of respira- tory organs (and in one family the first pair as well) have been replaced by tracheae, the exceptions being the small family Hypochilidae with two pairs of lung-books and the Pliolcidae, in which there are no other respiratory organs besides the single pair of lung-books of the genital segment. Moreover, there is a deep infolding along the hind edge of each of the respiratory segments between the spiracles, so as to hide from view the genital opening and the external openings of the well-developed ectodermal tendons or enta- pophyses of the ventral longitudinal muscles. There are a suitor, with the epigastric fold drawn apart so as to expose the genital opening and the edges of the septa of the lung-books. These two figures are remarkaljle for showing that in these two Arachnids the pulmonary saccules of the genital segment open directly into the cleft of the epigastric fold, being, in fact, attached to the anterior wall of the fold. I examined a female of Thelyphonus caudatus, and found the conditions exactly as depicted by Pocock. The pul- monary ante-chamber opens along its entire medial side into the median part of the epigastric fold, and cannot, therefore, be said to form a separate chamber, except in its dorso-lateral prolongation or jjortion containing the youngest saccules. In the male (i.e. specimens with a sjjine on the second abdominal sternite, teste Kraepelin) of this sjjecies, however, I found the conditions different. Here there is a longitudinal fold of integaiment on each side between the deep median part of the epigastric fold and the anterior pulmonary chambei's, so that the latter may be said to form separate chambers op)ening by the ventral slit only into the epigastric fold, as is usual in dipneumonous spiders. The condition depicted by Pocock in Liphistius is not known to occui- in any dipneumonous spider, and may indicate that the epigastric fold of this form is directly connected with that of Thely- phonus and not of independent origin, in which case the absence of the fold in the My galomorphaj would be a secondary condition. Its presence in the four-lunged arachnomorphous family Hypochilidae is also an interesting circumstance. These two figures of Pocock’s should have been included in the his- torical list of papers concerning the lung-books of Arachnids given at the end of my previous paper (:09). They iinfortunately did not come to my notice until after the paper had been sent to the press. THE PHYLOGENY OE THE TEACHEiE IN ARANEJ:. 527 few rare exceptions — thus in the Dysderidse the tracheal segment has no infolding and the genital duct sometimes opens free on the ventral surface of the pulmonary segment (male of Harpactes; see my paper :09, fig. 40). Leaving the four-lunged Hypochilidm, with which I am unacquainted, out of account, there appears in the first place a small group of three families (Dysderidm, Oonopidae, and Caponiidse) which possess some very primitive features in connection with their respiratory segments. As these segments are of peculiar interest in connection with the phytogeny of the tracheae, I shall give some account of their anatomy before proceeding to more general conclusions. Material and Treatment. — The material used was the same as that given in my previous paper (:09) with the addi- tion of specimens of a species^ of Oonopidae fi’om the neighbourhood of Cape Town. For following the muscles, whicli are often very slender, suitable differential staining is very necessary, and for this purpose I found very old Delafield’s haematoxylin (mine was thirteen years old) most excellent, even for old museum specimens. The sections are stained on the slide for four to five hours, placed in acidulated alcohol for three to four * As this species is a new one, I append the following description : Calculus n. g. Cephalotliorax broadly ovate. Ocular area transverse, the eyes arranged as in Orchestina. Labium short and broad, as in Oonops. Coxa; of pedij^alps parallel, their anterior ends widely sepa- rated and not converging. — C. bicolor n. sj). Pale yellowish, abdomen with a ]>road infuscate patch behind above, and narrowly blackened on each side of the spinners as well. Clypeus l^arely as wide as an anterior lateral eye. Anterior row of eyes, seen from above, almost straight, the median eyes large, a trifle longer than their distance from the anterior margin of cephalotliorax ; anterior lateral eyes the smallest of the six, distant about half their own width from the median eyes ; pos- terior eyes forming a row which is only very slightly wider than the anterior row, their distance from the median eyes greater than their own width. Tibia and metatarsus of first leg with 0-2 spines near the middle below, tibia and especially the metatarsus of fourth leg more numerously spined. Several females from the Cape Flats, near Princess and Zeekoe Vleis. Length 4 mm. Allied to Tele hius, E. Sim. 528 W. V. PUECELL. minuteSj washed with spirits, and then held inverted over a vessel containing a drop of ammonia in some water until the sections change colour. After this they should be mounted in balsam without delay. The nuclei become blue and the muscles reddish and easily distinguishable from other tissues. In preparing the tracheae by the caustic potash method I obtained the best results for such highly complicated systems as those of Caponia by first allowing the object, after removal of a part of the dorsal integument, to remain in cold concentrated caustic potash for twelve hours or longer. If the solution be then gently heated and some water added the soft parts remaining will rapidly disappear without injury to the delicate trachem. These should be examined in water or weak alcohol, and not in glycerine or acetate of potash, since these latter cause the tubes to collapse and become distorted. The Kespieatory Segments op the Dysderid.®, Oono- PIDA5, AND CaPONIID.E. These spiders more nearly resemble the My gal o morph a? than they do the rest of the A rachnoniorphge in the anterior position and wide separation of the second pair of spiracles (sp"., text-figs. 3 — 5) and the more rudimentary condition of the ectodermal tendons (where present) of the second respiratory segment. Further, the transverse epigastric fold, lying between the two anterior spiracles, although present, never encloses a spinous canal of communication connecting the lumens of the two anterior respiratory organs, while the Dysderidm are unique amongst arachnomorphous spiders in having no inter- tracheal fold between the two posterior spiracles (text-fig. 3), a primitive character only met with elsewhere in the Mygalomorphae (p. 524, text-fig. 2). Owing to the presence of trachem instead of lung-books in the ninth somite this segment is somewhat shortened, but in other respects the THE PHYLOGENY OP THE TRACHEJ5 IN AfiANE.E. 529 extent of the abdominal segments in the tliree families much resembles that in the Mygalomorphse. Dysderidfe. — The lung-books in the Dysderidse have few leaves. I counted about thirteen in Harpactes (in sections), but there are more in Dysdera and Segestria senoculata (Bertkau [’72] records only ten to twelve for Segestria). The ante-chamber {pulm. a.) is strongly inclined forwards from the base at an angle of 40° — 50°, and is evenly curved forwards in Harpactes (PI. 28, fig. 5), but almost straight in Dysdera and Segestria (p. 530, text- fig. 7). It is spined on its posterior wall except quite interiorly, where a muscle (text-fig. 7, No. 11) is attached. Text-fig. 3. — Abdomen of Dysdera sp., ad. ? (magn. 3). Text-fig. 4. — Abdomen of Calculus bicolor, ad. ? (magn. 10). Text-fig. 5. — Abdomen of Caponia spiralifera, ad. 9 (magn. 3.) sp'., sp". Spiracles of the first and second respiratory segments. 7 — 10 denote the extent of the seventh to tenth somites. The peculiarities of the epigastric fold have already been described (:09). The well-known tracheae (p. 551, text-fig. 19) have been described by several authors (see Lamy [:02, pp. 180 — 183] for some excellent figures of Dysdera and Segestria), and I have given a summary of their structure with some addi- tional observations on the entapophyses and muscles con- nected with them (:09). In order to ascertain anatomically whether a trachea or a 530 W. F. PURCELL. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TRACHEA! IX ARAXE.E. 531 part of one is homologous Avith a lung-book or with an entapophysis it is necessary first of all to identify the entapophyses of the great longitudinal muscles. These entapophyses, as I have shown for Attus and Agelena (’95, :09), arise in various abdominal segments as invagina- tions on the posterior side of the provisional appendages, while the invaginations Avhich form, or correspond to, a pulmonary sac or ante-chamber always lie to the lateral side of the entapophyses. In the two segments bearing the spinners in Attus and Agelena the entapophyses are attached at the posterior, medial, basal corners of the anterior and posterior spinners. For the identification of the entapophyses anatomically a knowledge of the abdominal muscles connected with the respiratory segments is necessary, and I have given the two accompanying diagrams (text-figs. G and 7) to illustrate these muscles and their entochondrites in a typical Dysderid. Ijist of the Entochondrites and Muscles in Text-figs. G and 7. t. Small entochondrite on the lateral side of the trachea and attached to the fold of the integument, /‘d. 2. t'. Fntochondrite between the muscles 23 and 21, etc., but not attached to the integument. /. H. Large entochondrite situated on the medial side of the pulmonary aute-charnber and attached to the epigastric- fold. t. 9. Corresponding entochondrite of the tracheal segment, situated on the medial side of the trachea. Muscles. 1 and 2. From the entochondrite C8 to ujtper and middle part of side of abdominal pedicel. 3. Longitudinal from the entochondrite L8 to the cephalo- thorax. 4. From the entochondrite L8 to ventral integument of pulmonary segment. VOL. 54, PART 4. — Xltw SERIES. 38 532 W. F. PUECEJiL. 5. From upper part of side of abdominal pedicel to venti al integument of pulmonary segment. (1 and 5 are inserted together anteriorly.) 0. Dorso-ventral on side of abdominal pedicel. (2 and 6 are attached to the same ectodermal infolding on the medial side of 5.) 7. Oblique dorso-ventral from hinder end of the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to the ventral fold/d.l of abdominal pedicel. 8. Oblique dorso-ventral from hinder end of the ectodermal tendon ec..t. to the entochoudrite t. 9. From the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to anterior intesjument of abdomen. 10. From the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to dorsal integument of abdomen. 11. From latei’al part of posterior side of pulmonary ante- chamber in a postero-dorsal direction to the entochoudrite t. (This muscle can widen the ante-chamber in Segestria.) 12. Longitudinal parietal along ventral integument of abdomen. 13. From the entochondrite t.9 to ventral integument of abdomen (some strands apparently continuous with 12.) 14. From the entochondrite t. to ventral integument of abdomen. 15. Longitudinal connecting the entochondrites t.S and ^.9. 16. From posterior side of entapophysis (cc.f.8) of pul- monary segment to anterior side of the integumental fold/d.2. 17. Subtransverse from the entochondrite t.9 in a medial direction to posterior side of base of epigastric fold. 18. Longitudinal from the entochondrite i.9 to the spinners, breaking up posteriorly into 19, 20, 21 and 22. 19. Three muscles from 18 (one large one to medial side of large posterior spinner and two smaller ones to small mesial spinner). 20. From 18 to posterior medial side of anterior spinner. 21. From 18 to medial side of same spinner. 22. From 18 to anterior side of same spinner. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TEACHE.T: IN ARANEH:. 533 23. Longitudinal connecting the entocliondrites t. and t' . 24. Longitudinal from the entochondrite t' . to the spinners, dividing posteriorly into 25 and 26. 25. Two muscles from 24 to anterior lateral angle of large posterior spinner. 26. From 24 to posterior lateral angle of anterior spinner. 27. From the entochondrite t'. to anterior lateral side of anterior spinner. 28. From the entochondrite t'. to anterior side of anterior spinner (inserted behind 22). 29. From posterior end of the cephalothoracic tracheal trunk ceph.. tr. (inserted just below the origin of the short abdominal branch) to ventral integument of abdomen. 30. Subtransverse connecting the entocliondrites t.S and t. 31. Connecting the entochondrites ^9 and t'. (Tsvo other muscles of the female of Harpactes are given in PI. 28, fig. 3). 3’he part of the epigastric fold (text-fig. 6, ec.t.S) to which the entochondrite t.S is attached, plainly corresponds to the entapophysis of the pulmonary segment in other dipneu- monous spiders (see my paper :09, fig. 41, ec.t.S), but the identity of the corresponding entapophysis of the tracheal segment is not at first sight so evident, since there are two entochondrites, one on each side of the trachea, and two sets of longitudinal muscles, both connected with the entochon- drite t.S. In fact, the whole muscular system of the ninth and tenth somites is very different to that of Attus, Age- lena, Epeira, etc., which is, of course, due to the circum- stance that in the latter the relative lengths of the two somites are exactly reversed. From the fact that the muscles 19 — 21 of the medial set in Segestria (text-fig. 6) are con- nected with the medial and postero-medial sides of the anterior and posterior spinners, while the muscles 25 — 27 of the lateral set (text-fig. 7) are connected with the lateral side of the same spinners, it is evident that the entochon- drite t.9 is the one which in the tracheal segment corresponds to the entochondrite t.S of the pulmonary segment. The 534 W. F. PURCELI,. entocliondvite ^.9 is attached (in Segesti'ia at least) to a small lobe of the medial side of the tracheal pedicel. This lobe (the entapophysis of the tracheal segment), which I have already described and figured (:09, figs. 32 and 33, ee.f.9), is not really a part of the trachea proper, being merely connected with the base of the pedicel and unspined internally, and I am not even sure that it is present in Dysdera or Harpactes, in which genera the entochondrite may possibly be attached directly to the integument at the medial basal angle of the tracheal pedicel. From the position of the trachea on the lateral side of the entochondrite t.9, it is evident that the whole of the trachea must be considered as homologous with a pulmonary sac or lung-book, as I have already pointed out (’95) and Lamy also agrees with this view by reason of the position and appearance of the tracheae and the complete separation of the spiracles (:02, p. 259). Oonopidae. — This family is very closely allied to the Dy s- deridae as was pointed out by Bertkau (’78), who included Oonops in the latter. The only anatomical difference of any importance connected with the respiratory segments appears to be the presence of an intertracheal fold observed by Lamy (:02), joining the two tracheae in the Oonopida3. I found the muscular system connected with these seg- 7uents to be practically identical in the two families, all the characteristic muscles of the Dysderidm being present in the Oonopid, Calculus bicolor, examined by me, although sometimes in a somewhat modified form.^ Thus the muscle 29 (text-fig. 7) is much shorter and 15 (text-fig. 6) somewhat longer in the Oonopid, as the posterior trachefe ai-e here placed further back. Tlie lateral entochondrite t. is particu- larly conspicuous, much more so than in Segestria. The tracheal trunks are quite similar in both families. Those of Oonops were first described by Bertkau (’78) and later in greater detail by Lamy (:02), who also examined a * Three additional muscles not noticed in Segestria are given in figs. 1 and 2, hut two of these (ru. 38 and 40) are also found in the female of Harpactes (fig. 3). THE THYLOGENY OE THE TEACHE.E IN ARANE.H. 535 Dysderina. Neither o£ these authors, however, observed the anterior ending of the ceplialothoracic trunks, but quite correctly supposed them to eud, as in the Dysderidm, in a bundle of tubules. In Calculus bicolor these trunks are short and very much as in text-fig. 6. They do not enter the abdominal pedicel, but break up at the anterior end into a dense cluster of fine tubules, which then pass through the pedicel into the cephalothorax. 'J'he short posterior branch, fii’st found in this family by Lamy, is also present, and corresponds exactly to the similar branch in the Dysderidae. The anastomosing ends of the internal spines form a simple network, like that in Harpactes, but in the forms examined by Bertkau and Lamy they are said to form a spiral thread. The cavities of the two tracheal trunks are directly connected by a spinous canal of communication (fig. 1, can.), enclosed within the iutertracheal fold [tr. fd.). As in the Bys- d e r i d a3, the tracheal trunks and their branches are to be considered as entirely homologous with lung- books. Another important point of resemblance to the Dys- deridte is the presence in the female of a single median receptaculum seminis, pointed out by Bertkau (’78), who observed that such a receptaculum is not found in any other family of spiders besides these two (p. 374). In Calculus bicolor the receptaculum forms an elongate, narrow, curved, median pouch (fig. 2, r. s.), placed horizontally with the concavity of the curvature upwards, and opening into the anterior wall of the epigastric fold {ep. fd.). From the under side of the pouch a large vertical keel {Ic.) hangs downwaids, reaching to the body hypodermis. Fach side of this keel serves for the attachment of a powerful muscle (/a. 38), which runs obliquely backwards and outwards to the anterior surface of the entapophysis of the epigastric fold (tig. 1). There is also a median muscle {ui. 4Uj running’ from the under side of the pouch along the posterior edge of the keel to the ventral body integument. In Harpactes Hombergi I found a very similar receptaculum, provided with a similar remark- 536 W. F. PUFCELL. able keel and pair of muscles (6g. 3). Bertkau (’78) pointed out the similarity between Oonops and Harpactes as regards their female sexual organs (p. 371), but he does not describe or figure the keel and muscles (’78, pi. xii, fig. 8). In Segestria and Dysdera the receptaculum seems to be differently formed. (See Bertkau, ’75, pi. vii, fig. 12, and ’78, pi. xii, fig. 6.) The lung-book in the Oonopid which I examined has nearly twenty leaves. Its ante-chamber differs from that of the Dysderidas and has the normal shape found in many other dipneumonous spiders, that is to say, it rises vertically from its pedicel but soon curves gradually forwards to form a long “ horn,” which is nearly horizontal in its anterior part. The ante-chamber is densely spined on its posterior wall, except along its lateral edge interiorly, Avhere a small muscle (corresponding to No. 11 in text-fig’. 7, p. 530) is attached. There is a distinct and deep epigastric (interpulmonary) fold, which ends laterally just behind the medial ends of the pulmonary spiracles, but is not continuous with them. There is, therefore, no canal of communication between the lung- books and no part of the fold is lined with spines (see fig. 2). As in Dysdera and Segestria, the portion of the fold between the eutochondrites is much deeper than the portions which lie laterally to these. The lateral coruers of this deepened part of the fold form the entapophyses to which the entochondrites (fig. 1, t. 8) of the ventral longitudinal muscles are attached. These entapophyses are somewhat unusual in form, their deeper part forming a solid, darkly staining plate (fig. 1, ec. t. 8), the anterior face of which serves for the attachment of the obliquely transverse muscle {■m. 38) connected with the keel of the receptaculum seminis, while the entochondrite {t. 8) is attached to the upper lateral edge of the plate. Caponiidse. — This small but very interesting family bears some external resemblance to the Dysderidse and Oono- pi dae but it differs from these and, so far as I know, from all other spiders as well, in four unique and remarkable anato- THE PHYTOGENY OF THE TEACHE.E JN ARANE.E. 537 mical characters connected with the respiratory segments. These are (1) the presence of an anterior pair of trachem in place of the lung-books (apneumonous spiders), (2) the pre- sence of a peculiar sense-organ within the second pair of ti’achese, (3) the absence of the segments (corresponding to 15 and 18, text-fig. 6) of the great, ventral, longitudinal muscles, so conspicuous in other spiders, belonging to somites 9 and 10 and of the entochondrites connected with them, and (4) the replacement in the female of the usual receptacula seminis of the epigastric fold by a pair of great chamber-like dilations of the oviducts in the upper anterior part of the abdomen. The trachea} of Caponia and Nops have been very well described and figured in Simon (’93, pp. 326 and 327, figs. 294 and 295) from drawings made by Bertkau (also reproduced by Lamy [:02, p. 184, figs. 24 and 25]). The following descrip- tion was made from a number of sections and other prepara- tions of Caponia spiralifera. Pure., specimens of which Avere collected for me at Hanover, Cape Colony, and well preserved in spirits by my friend, Mr. S. C. Cronwright Schreiner. The anterior pair of tracheae (p. 545, text-fig. 17, and fig. 9, are situated in precisely the same place which is occupied by the lung-books in dipneurnonous spiders, and they are evidently merely a pair of lung-books of which the saccules have been metamorphosed into branched tracheal tubules. Fig. 10 shows one of these trachem, prepared in caustic potash and seen from the medial side. Figs. 11 and 12 are from sagittal sections. The spineless, thick-Avalled pedicel (fig. 11, ped.), which is continuous with the adjacent epigastric fold and much re- sembles it in sagittal sections, leads from the spiracle into an ante-chamber {tr.a.). The latter is shaped much like that of the lung-book of a Dysderid, being strongly inclined forwards and slightly outAvards, broadest near the base and tapering towards the higher anterior end or apex (figs. 10 and 12). It is, hoAAever, somewhat more capacious, owing to the 538 w. r. ruRCELi,. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TRACHE.E IX ARANE.E. 539 Text-figs. 8 — 15.— Eight consecutive transverse sections through an anterior trachea of Caponia spiralifera. commencing with the most posterior one of the eight (see PI. 28, fig. 11). spi. Anastomosing spines of ante chamber. tr. a. Ante- chamber. (Tlie lateral side of the trachea is on the right of each figure.) Magn. 192. greater elongation of its ventral side. Internally the ante- chamber is lined with anastomosing sjiines [■'‘pi.), except laterally near the base of the upper (posterior) wall, where there is a fold [J'd.) to which a short muscle (No. 11 in text- fig. 17, p. 545) is attached, exactly as in the Dysderidie. Nearly all the tracheal tubules, except a medial group of four, spring from the ascending anterior side of the ante- chamber and run forwards. They occupy exactly the posi- tion of the saccules of a lung-book (c.f . text-figs. 7 and 17) from which they are plaiidy derived. In fact, if the 13 or 14 saccules of the lung-book of a Harpactes (fig. 5) weie each divided longitudinally into several tubules, Ave should have the condition found in Caponia. To illustrate this, as well as the arrangement and origin of the tubules on the anterior wall of the ante-chamber, 1 have given a series of consecutive transverse sections (text-figs. 8 — 15), of which text-fig. 8 through the ante-chamber represents the most posterior of the eight. It will be observed that the tubes are frequently 540 W. F. PUECELL. somewhat flattened dorso-ventrally at their origiu, only to divide into a couple or more cylindrical tubes in the next section, e.g. the lowest tube in text-fig. 9. The tracheal tubes are not long, being only about three or four times the length of the ante-chamber, and they do not enter the abdominal pedicel. All, or nearly all, are several times branched, the branches becoming slenderer towards the apex where they frequently end in a short fork (fig. 10). They are either cylindrical or compressed, being then mostly flattened dorso- ventrally, like the saccules of lung-books, and are lined inter- nally, except quite at the base, with a tine, probably spiral, thickening of the cuticle, just like the tracheal tubules of the Dy sd erid ae, etc. The bi-nucleate columns of the original sac- cules have, of course, disappeared. The anastomosing spines of the ante-chamber enter the bases of the tubes for a short distance and the free edges of the tubes bordering on the cavity of the ante-chamber have very much the appear- ance of those of pulmonary saccules in sagittal sections (cf. fig. 5 of the lung-book of Harpactes with figs. 11 and 12 of the trachete of Caponia). In a young specimen examined the tubules were much fewer than in any of the adult speci- mens, hence it is evident that the}'^ increase in number with the growth of the spider. In addition to the above there is a small group of tubules which start from a slightly projecting portion of the ante- chamber at its base on the medial side. This group is com- posed of a bunch of four tubules, which may, however, sub- divide into several more. They take at first a transverse medial direction and then bend and run some distance back- wards on the lateral side of the second pair of trachem (fig. 9, med. tub.). This group of tubules has no equivalent in the lung-book of theDysderidm and is to be looked npon as a new formation. They may, perhaps, be the posterior group of six tubules represented in one of Bertkau’s figures (Simon, fig. 294, or Lamy, fig. 25). The second pair of trachea? of Caponia forms per- haps the most complete and extensive tracheal system known THE PHYLOGENY OE THE TEACHEHI IN AEANEiE. 541 in any spider. It furnishes the abdomen, cephalothorax and appendages Avith a very great number of fine air-tubes, but only a portion of these are represented in fig. 9 in which the terminal parts of the numerous bi-anching tubules, often measuring only 3 fx in diameter, have not been drawn in. The pedicel of the posterior tracheae opens into a capacious tracheal trunk (p. 645, text-fig. 16, lined with spines, which runs forwards at an inclination of about 45° for a very short distance only before dividing into two sub-cylindrical branches of equal length and thickness, which may be called the cephalothoracic trunks (fig. 9,, and run horizontally forwards into the cephalothorax, becoming thinner anteriorly. They remain in contact one above the other but the upper one a little more to the lateral side, and are somewhat flattened along- the place of contact. Soon after passing through the pedicel of the abdomen they each break up into a bunch of fine tubules which then spread in various directions. Those of the right upper trunk are drawn in fig. 9, from Avhich it will be seen that most of the tubules of the right trunk cross over to the left side and, generally remaining unbranched, enter the coxse of the left appen- dages, whereas only the posterior appendages of the right side receive tubules from this trunk. Several of the tubules give off dendritic branches {, which ramify Avithin the cephalothorax and supply its upper part Avith air. While the inferior cephalothoracic trunks remain unbranched except at apex, the two upper ones each give off a small branch (fig-. 9, hr.) from the upper side near the middle. This branch is arborescent in form and divides into a number of tubules Avhich supply the region above the anterior pair of tracheae. In addition to the tAvo anterior trunks each of the short main trunks also gives off from its posterior side at base a cylindrical posterior trunk of half the diameter of either of the anterior ones. This trunk, which may be called the abdominal trunk, runs first in an upward and medial direction, and then curves and runs horizontally toAvards the 542 W. F. rUECELL. posterior part of the body. It is of a pronounced arborescent form, but only its larger branches are provided with spines. Tlie spines which line the various trunks within are arranged in longitudinal rows (fig. 4, S2)i.), and are connected at apex by transverse threads {thr.), which, however, also anastomose with adjacent threads, the whole arrangement being' very much as in Dysdera (see Lamy :02, pp. 180 and 181, figs. 20 and 21). The larger tracheal branches iu the abdomen have similar spines, but the finer branches or tubules in the abdomen and all the tubules in the cephalo- thorax have the transverse threads only, but no spines. Each of the short main trunks (text-fig. 16, c. tr.) is also produced laterally, together with the pedicel and spiracle, beyond the points of origin of the three principal branch trunks to form a small but very curious, lateral pocket (fig. 9, 1. p.), indicated by Bertkau in his two figures. This pocket is divided into a higher posterior and a lower anterior compartment, each compressed from before and behind. The posterior compartment (fig. 8, p. c.) is provided with anasto- mosing spines, directly continuous with those of the main trunk, along its upper and medial edges only (■spb), the rest of its surface being spineless but much crumpled. It gives off tlu'ee small branches, viz. one from the upper edge in an antero-lateral direction, and one each from the upper lateral and medial angles. These soon subdivide and end in fine tubules; they are shown in fig. 9, and have also been indi- cated in Bertkau’s figures. The anterior compartment (figs. 6 — 8, a. c.) of the lateral pocket is lined with anastomosing spines on its anterior side (fig. 8, tipi.), but the upper part of this side and that of the posterior side is furnished with short sharp spines, the rest of the posterior surface being spineless but much crumpled. From the upper edge of the compartment two (iu the male) or three (in the female) peculiar stout rods or processes {rd.) of the cuticula project downwards into the lumen of the compartment, each being armed at the base with some THE THYLOGENY OP THE TRACHE.E IX AEAXE.E. 543 minute, sharp, conical spines, and. with some longer ones towards the apex. The hypodermis of the upper and posterior sides of the anterior compartment, and especially that of the anterior side of the posterior compartment, is much thicker than elsewhei’e, and its cuticula has a corrugated appearance in sagittal sections, and stains more deeply than the adjacent cuticula does (fig. 8). Plainly the whole of this structure has some function other than respiratory. The hypodermis bearing the three rods is connected at base by means of a strand with some cells or fibrous tissue, which may be a nerve (fig. 8, nv.). As, however, the specimens were not especially preserved for histologdcal purposes, it is impossible to say anything definite about the character of these struc- tures, except that the rods certainly strongly resemble sense organs. There are well-developed, transverse, intertracheal folds of the integument connecting the spiracles of each pair and already indicated by Bertkau in his figures. That of the posterior pair (fig. 0, ir.fd.) encloses a spinous canal of com- munication (p. 545, text-fig. IG, can.), which connects the lumens of the short main trunks { with one another. In the anterior segment there is no spinous canal of communica- tion, although the lateral parts of the fold are directly con- tinuous with the pedicels of the anterior pair of tracliete. 'J'he well-developed anterior (epigastric) fold (text-figs. 16 and 18, ep.fd.) is strongly inclined forwards or even hori- zontal, especially throughout the median half, where the genital duct opens into its anterior wall. Each lateral fourth of the fold, lying (in the female) between the opening of the genital duct and the tracheal pedicels, appears twice bent (text-fig. 18), first upwards or slightly backwards, and then more sharply forwards and downwards, the whole of the anterior deflected portion (1.) serving for the attachment of a broad and powerful muscle (Xo. 4 in text-figs. 16 and 18). Near to the trachea the upper part of the fold is somewhat inflated, and produced upwards to form a conspicuous enta- 544 F. PURCELL. pophysis (text-fig'. 16 and fig. 8, ec.t. 8) for tlie attachment of the muscles 1 — 3. The hollow entapophysis of Caponia much resembles the solid one of the Oonopidge (fig. 1), and muscle N^o. 4 in the former corresponds exactly as regards its place of attachment to the muscle 38 in the latter, although not homologous with it. The muscular system of the abdomen of Caponia is in some respects very peculiar. That connected with the respi- ratory segments (with the exception of the muscles of the oviducts) is given in text-figs. 16 — 18 and explained in the following list : List of the Muscles in Text-figs. 16 — 18.’ 1 and 2. From the entapophysis ec.t. 8 to upper and middle part of side of abdominal pedicel. 3. Longitudinal from the entapophysis ec.t. 8 to the cephalo- thorax. 4. From lower lobe of the entapophysis ec.t. 8 to ventral integument of anterior respiratory segment. 5. From upper part of side of abdominal pedicel to ventral integument of anterior respiratory segment. (1 and 5 are inserted together anteriorly.) 6. Dorso- ventral on side of pedicel. (2 and 6 are attached to the same ectodermal infolding on the medial side of 5.) 7. Oblique dorso-ventral from hinder end of the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to the ventral fold/d. 1 of abdominal pedicel. 8. Oblique doi’so-ventral from hinder end of the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to the integumental fold fid. 2 on lateral side of posterior spiracles. 9. From the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to anterior integument of abdomen. 10. Two muscles from the ectodermal tendon ec.t. to dorsal integument of abdomen. 11. Short muscle from lateral part of posterior (upper) wall ‘ Throughout this paper homologous muscles ai’e indicated by the same numbers. 33 iit.i JOCL 54G W. F. PUECELL. of anterior tracheal ante-chamber in a dorso-lateral direction to tlie body integument on the lateral side. 12. Longitudinal parietal along ventral integument of abdomen. 13. From posterior intertracheal fold to integument of abdomen (many or most of the strands continuous with 12). 23(7. Longitudinal from x to the spinners, running along- side of the abdominal tracheal trunk for the greater part of its course and dividing posteriorly into several muscles, the lowest of which is attached to the lateral or middle part of the anterior side of the mesial anterior spinner (thus appa- 7-ently corresponding to 27 or 28 in Segestria). 30. From the apex of the entapophysis pcJ. 8 in a dorso- lateral direction to integument of abdomen on lateral side of anterior spiracles (inserted immediately behind 11). 30(7. Longitudinal from the apex of the entapopli3’sis ec.L 8 to X. (See also PI. 28, fig. 8, m. 30 a.) 32. From x to posterior side of posterior intertracheal fold (inserted at extreme medial end of the spiracle). 33. From x in an antero-dorsal direction to the oviduct, meeting the latter at the point where the muscle ends in the figure. (The muscles 23«, 30n, 32, and 33 are continuous with each other at x on the lateral side of the abdominal tracheal trunk.) 34. Oblique from medial and posterior side of the common basal part { of tracheal trunk to anterior intertracheal fold (inserted on medial side of the entapophysis ec f. 8). 35. From upper edge of posterior intertracheal fold to base of anterior intertracheal fold (many strands apparently continuous with 13). 36. Subtransverse from posterior medial edge of anterior tracheal pedicel (in a transverse line with the cross x in text-fig. 17) to between the upper and lower cephalothoracic trunks of the posterior trachea. (See also fig'. 8, m. 36.) 37. From the spineless, basal, posterior part of the second trachea and its lateral pocket in a dorso-lateral direction to the integument on the lateral side of the second spiracle THE PHYTOGENY OP THE TRACHEAE IN ARENEJE. o47 (inserted next to 8, and just beliind but sligditly lower than dO). (See also fig. 8, m. 37.) The most remarkable features of tliis muscular system are the complete absence of all entochondrites, and as well as of those segments of the great, ventral, longitudinal muscles which belong- to the second respiratory and the anterior spinner segments (somites 9 and 10). The muscles 1 — 10 are identical in the Dysderidm and Caponiidm, 1 — 4, however, being attached in the latter directly to the anterior side of the entapophysis {ec.t. 8) without the interposition of an entochondrite. No. 4 is a very broad atid powerful muscle, being attached, as already explained, to the whole anterior side of the lateral deflected lobe (1.) of the epigastric fold, and is represented in the IJysderidm by several feeble strands only. The muscles 1 — 3 are attached in Caponia to the prominent lateral entapophysis (ecJ. 8), which is, therefore, plainly homologous with the entapophysis of the pulmonary segment of the Dysde ridm (p. 530, text-fig. G, ec.t. 8) and other dipneu- monous spiders. It may be noticed that in Caponia this entapophysis has completely taken the place of the ento- chondrite (t. 8) of the Dysderidae, its anterior surface being correspondingly expanded to take the four large muscles. The three muscles, 8, 11, and 30, which in the Dysde- ridm are attached to the enchondrite t. (p. 530, text-fig. 7), are also represented in Caponia, only here the lateral ends of these muscles are attached separately to the body integu- ment, and are more dispersed (although still quite close together) owing to the absence of the entochondrite, and 11 runs parallel to the transverse plane, while in Segestria its fibres lie in sagittal planes. The parietal muscle 12 is a part of the abdominal muscular sac which lies immediately within the outer hypodermis and envelops the intestines. The ventral strands of the sac are here longitudinal, and form a continuous layer from side to side, where they are again continuous with the lateral walls of the sac. Anteriorly the ventral strands of the sac ascend VOL. 54, I’ART 4. NEW SERIES. 39 548 \V. F. rUKCELL. (No. 13) to the upper edge of the posterior intertracheal fold along its whole ex^^tent, but the descending strands (No. 35) on the anterior side of this fold are only met with in the lateral part, being absent from the median part of tlie fold. A similar parietal muscle is met with in the Dys- deridm and Oonopidm, differing only in so far that the lateral ascending’ strands (No. 13, p. 530, text-fig. 6) are attached to the large entochondrite (/. 9) of the tracheal segment.^ I could find no trace of the usual medial longitudinal muscles corresponding to 15 a,nd 18 in the Dysderidte, and connecting the anterior entapophysis {ec.t. 8) with the spin- ners on the medial side of the trachem. In fact, the only muscle connecting- the respiratory segments with the spin- ners, and lying inside of the abdominal muscular sac, is the slender muscle 23n, which, however, lies on the lateral side of the trachea, and is, I think, probably homologous with muscle 23 of the Dysderidae. This little muscle in Cap on i a divides posteriorly into at least two muscles and the most ventral of these branches,” corresponding to 27 or 28 of Segestria, is attached to the lateral (S') or middle ( ?) part of the anterior side of the mesial anterior spinners, which I take to represent the anterior pair of the Dysde- ridm. Anterioidy 23a unites with three other small muscles, 30a, 32, and 33, at a ])oint .r at the base of the lateral side of the abdominal tracheal trunk ( The four muscles are here in contact with the trachea, and their fibres inter- mingle without forming an entochondrite. One of them, 30a, passes on to the apex of the entapophysis (ec.t. 8), and ’ The alxloniinal muscular sac in other spiders has Ijeen descril)ed l>y various authors, particuhirly l)y Causard ('96, pp. 22-24, pi. iii, figs. 1 and 2). and more recently liy Lamy (: 02, p. 158, pi. vii). Of the muscular nature of its fibres there can be no doubt whatever, as the typical transverse striations may he frequently observed in the Oaponiida“. the Dysderida, and other forms. - I could not make out where the posterior ends of the dorsal branch or branches were attached. THE I’HYLOGEXY OF THE TRACHE.E IX AFvAXE.E. 549 may possibly represent a strand which became separated from 30 when the lateral entochondrite (p. 530, text-fig. 7, t.) disappeared. From a comparison with the Dysderidm it is evident that the trachece of the second respiratory segment in Caponia correspond to those of the Dysderidte, and, like the latter, are to be considered as entirely homo- logous with lung-books, for there is no evidence that entapophyses took any part in their formation. Tlie receptacula seminis are paired, and consist of an enormous dilation of each oviduct apparently at the point where the ectodermal and mesodermal elements of the duct meet, Tliey are placed nearer the upper part of the abdomen just above the area enclosed between the four spiracles, but extend for some distance to the front and behind this area as well. The ventral wall of each dilation has a cuticular lining, but the dorsal wall and the greater part of the side walls have none. Apparently the latter represent the meso- dermal part of the oviduct and the former the ectodermal part. The ventral wall with its cuticula is continuous with the basal portions of the oviducts, which open into the lateral ends of the unpaired median portion of the duct. This latter again opens into the epigastric fold along a wide cleft occupying about one half of the distance between the two anterior trachem. The spacious lumen of each receptaculum contains coagulated stainable matter and mimerous sperma- tophors. Tills form of receptacula is apparently quite unique amongst spiders, the usual ones which open directly into the epigastric fold, and are evidently invaginations of the body integument, being quite absent in Caponia. Ckxeral Cox'clusioxs. A tracheal system may be imagined to have been evolved out of a lung-book in either of the following ways : (1) The pulmonary saccules may have been converted into 550 W. F. rUECELL. more or less cylindrical tubes (say, by longitudinal division), accompanied by tlie disappearance of the bicellular columns of the septa. The trachea thus produced would be composed of an ante-chamber formed out of the pulmonary ante- chamber, with a bunch of tubules on its anterior surface, formed out of metamorphosed pulmonary saccules. This metamorphosis does not involve a reduction in the effective- ness of the respiratory organ, and I imagine the trachea so produced to be in no way inferior, but rather superior, to the lung-book. Accoi-dingly it would doubtless increase in size and tfike over the mnin respiratory functions, and this would be accompanied, in the case of the second respiratory segment, by a corresponding reduction in the number of the leaves of the anterior lung-books, in accordance with Lamy’s law of the inverse correlation between the size of the tracheae and the number of the lutig-leaves. (2) The saccules may have disappeared, leaving only the pulmonary sac or ante-chamber, which would then constitute a trachea, and may subsequently elongate or even acquire secondary branches. These latter, however, would not be homologous with pulmonary saccules. This method of origin really consists in a reduction in the effectiveness of tiie respiratory organ of the somite, and would be accompanied, in the case of the second respiratory segment, by- a corre- sponding increase in the number of the leaves of the anterior lung-books, which would then become the principal organ of respiration. This, then, would be exactly the opposite pro- cess to that which would have taken place in the first case. It appears to me very probable that both these methods of origin have actually occurred in the Aranem, the first method being applicable to the Dysderidte and their allies, and the second to the rest of the tracheate spiders. It will be con- venient to take these two sections of spiders in turn. (1) The Dysderidm, Oonopidm, and Caponiidm, being those forms with the tracheal spiracles far apart and not moved backwards, i. e. still nearly in their primitive positions. — If, after the metamor- THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TRACHEAE IN ARANE.E. 551 phosis of tlie saccules into the tubules in the case of the first of the two methods given above, we further imagined the ventral part of tlie ante-chamber to lengthen slightly, we should have almost exactly the condition found in the ante- rior pair of tracheae of Capon ia, which differs from this ideal case only in two minor points, viz. in the pi-esence of trans- verse or spiral thickenings in the tubules instead of small spines, and of a medial group of tubules at the base of the ante-chamber. In fact, as I have shown above, the anterior pair of tracheae of Capon ia may be taken to represent the most primitive form of metamorphosed lung-books known in Avhich the saccules still persist as tubules. Diagram of a tracliea of Harpactes Hoinl)ergi (ad. J*), seen ill section. Magn. H14. ahd. ir. Alidomiiial branch of the trachea. ceph. tr. Ceplialothoracic trunk. s})". Siiiracle. spt. Anastoinosing spines, tub. Tubules. The second pair of tracheae in Capouiai, being wholly homologous with lung-books, plainly belong to the same type as the tracheae of the Dysderidac and Oonopidae, and are merel}^ somewhat more complicated by the duplication of eaich of the cephailothoracic trunks and the elongation of the aibdominal branch of the hitter. The simplest form of this tyjie, such as that found in Harpactes (text-fig. 19) and in Calculus (in both of which the anastomosing spines of the trunks still form ai simple network and do not bear a spiral thread or inner perforated tube), niaiy be easily derived from the anterior tracheae of Caponia by merely exaggerating the tubular elongation of the ante-chamber, already commenced 552 W. F. PUItCELL. in the anterior tracheee, and. by the addition of the short posterior branch in place of the medial basal group of tubules. In such case the bunch of tubules at the anterior end of the cephalothoracic trunks { would represent metamor- phosed pulmonary saccules, but those of the posterior abdo- minal branch { would be, of course, new formations. In a previous paper (:09) 1 had already indicated the possibility of the anterior bunch of tubules being derived from saccules, but after studying the tracheae of Capouia more thoroughly, I am now much more strongly inclined to believe that such has actuall}" been their origin. A study of the embryology would, however, be necessary to settle this interesting point. If, as I have assumed, the posterior pair of trachete in Capouia aud those in the Dy sderidie had a common origin, it follows that the auteilor pair of trachea) in the former must have developed later and independently of the posterior pair, and that, therefore, trachea) must have originated from lung-books at least twice in the Aranem. The same conclusion would follow even if we assumed that both pairs of trachea) iu Capouia originated at the same time and not as separate metamorphoses, for in that case both pairs of trachem must have originated independently of those of other tracheate spiders, since these latter still possess the anterior pair of lung-books. The mor])hology of the respiratory segments bears out the view that the three families discussed above are intermediate in position between the mygalomorphous spiders and the rest of the arachnomorphous forms. This view was demonstrated by Bertkau (’78) a good while ago for the Dysderidm and the Oonopidae, and this author even went so far as to include these families Avith the mygalomorphous forms in a common group, the Tetrasticta (i. e. Avith four stigmata). No doubt these tAvo families are the most primitive of the three, but the Caponiidae may be considered as an allied but in several respects a very aberrant t} pe, standing apart from the other tAvo families. THE PHYLOGEXY OF THE TRACHE.E IN APvAXE-E. 553 (2) Forms with the tracheal spiracles approxi- mated and moved more or less toward the hinder end of the body. — All the remaining ti*acheate spiders come under this heading,^ and may be considered in two groups, viz. group A, those in which the entapophyses of the tracheal system are non-respiratory (Filistatidas, Sicariida?, and Palpiinanidfe), and, gToup B, those in Traubeal apparatus of Filistata capitata (after Lamy). ec. t. 9. X' on-respiratory eiitapopliysis. 1. tr. Lateral or ti-aelieal sac. Magn. lUO. which tliese entapophyses have been transformed into trachete (including all the remaining families). A very simple and interesting type of trachea3 of the first group is that of Filistata (text-fig. 20), which is known to us from Lamy’s description. The simplest and most usual type of the second group, a * In some cases, e. g. Argyroneta, tlie common tracheal spiracle ap2iears to have secondarily moved forward again. 554 AV. F. rUFCFLL. type found, accordiug to Lamy, in about half of the total number of genera examined, consists of four simple tracheal trunks united at base, as in text-fig. 21. It is known from the embryology that the lateral trunks of this type were derived from the pulmonary sac or ante-chamber of a lung- book, and are, therefore, homologous with the lateral trunks Traolieal apparatus of Liiiypliia triangularis. Cl. (act. 5- caustic potash). Magn. 80. can. Canal of coniinunication between the tracheal trunks, hy'. Terminal chitinous filires T)y which the medial or tendinal trunks (ni. tr.) ai'e attached to the entochondrites. I. tr. Basal portion of lateral trunk. Pedicel of trachea, rd. Lateral supporting rod. .sp". Spiracle. in Filistata, — while the medial trunks represent meta- morphosed entapophyses (ectodermal tendons of muscles), and are, as Lamy (p. 172) has pointed out, homologous "with THE PHYLOCiENY OF THE TPACHE.E IN APANIOE 555 the medial trunks of Filistata^ -wliicli this author has shown to be entapophyses. In both groups more complicated types than the two simple ones just described are frequently found, and it is important to notice that this complication takes place along different lines in each group. Thus in group A some Sicariidae and Palpimanidae were found by Lamy (p. 176, fig. 15, and p. 188, fig. 30) to possess branched tracheae, the branching being confined to the lateral or tracheal trunks. In group B, on the other hand, in all cases where the lateral and medial trunks can be identified from Latny’s figures and show different degrees of development, it is invariably the medial trunks which show the greatest complexity and the highest degree of development as respiratory organs.^ This rule appears to me to furnish the key to the phytogeny of the tracheae in these spiders. We may also fairly deduce fi’oni it that the medial tracheae must be more efficient as respiratory organs than the lateral tracheae are, and the reason for this, as I have already pointed out (:09), may be their position in the large ventral sinus containing venous ' This is self-evident from Lamy's excellent figures in many cases e. g. CEcobiidie (Lamy, p. 170, fig. 10). Argiojjida; (p)). 107 — 100, figs. 38 — 1'2), TliomisidiK (pp. 20f)anJ207, figs. 40 and oO), and Agelenida; (pp. 214 — 216, figs. 59 — 61). In arborescent types of tracheae (see my paper, :09) it is not so self-evident, but the same conclusion may Ije deduced from the great similarity which this form of trachea shows to that of the Attidai, of which the identity of the parts is known from the embryology. There remain, however, certain Dictynidae and Agelenidse, the homology of whose trachea} cannot be ascertained with any degree of certainty from Lamy’s figures. In Argyroneta 1 found (:09), from the position of the imiscles and entochondrites, that the entire trachea appears to have been derived from the medial trunks, but 1 have had no oj^portunity of examining any of the other forms, viz. Dictyna (Lamy, p. 169, fig. 8), Antistea (p. 213, fig. 57), Cybaeus (p. 217, fig. 62), and Chorizomma (p. 219, fig. 64). If these, too. coidd be l)i'Oved to follow the rule given above, the arguments in the following- pages would be greatly strengthened. I may add here that in the marine Agelenid, Desis tubicola, Poc., the trachea}, which have not been hitherto described, closely resemble those of Attus. 556 AV. F. PURCELL. blood. This greater efficiency would account for the liiglier de gree of development of tlie medial trunks in many forms. Now out of the twenty-four families in which the medial entapophyses have been converted into trachemg twenty-two, according to Lamy’s investigations, possess tracheal systems consisting of four simple tubes (p. 554, text-Kg. 21) in some of their genera at least, while eight of these families possess both this simple type and more complicated types as well. In fact, only two very small families (G*lcobiida3 and Pro- didomida3) have the more complicated type ouly. And since the type with branched medial trunks must have been derived from the type with simple trunks, as the medial ones were originally simple entapophyses, we may fairly conclude that the comtnou type with four simple tubes is the primitive one for the entire group, and that the more complicated types must have been developed from the simpler types within each family separately and independently of similar complicated types in other families. This statement is in agreement with Lamy’s view referred to in the introduction, except that this author does not consider any particular type as more primitive than another. Again, it is evident that the type of trachea in which the entapophyses are not respiratory must be considered as more primitive than those in which they are respiratory, since the more efficient medial tracheal trunks would not be likely to revert to their original function after once being metamor- phosed. Hence the trachea? of the Fi listatida?, Sicar- iidte, and Palpimanidm must be looked upon as more primitive than those of group B with metamorphosed medial trunks, and it seems to me very probable that the trachea? of the latter group were originally derived from some such form as that found in Filistata (p. 553, text-tig. 20). In this spider the trachete are placed, according to Lamy (;02, p. 172, tig. 11), about midway between the spinners and the inter- pulmonary fold. The anterior end of each of the tracheal entapoj)hyses is situated near this fold, and consequently the segments of the longitudinal muscles between the entochon- THE PHYLOHENY OP THE TEACHE.E IN AEANE.E. 557 drites of tlie pulmonary and tracheal segments are doubtless quite short. If now the tracheal spiracle moved to the hinder end of the body and the entapophyses elongated correspondingly and became converted into a trachea we should get the type represented in text-fig. 21 (p. 554), which I consider to be the primitive type of all forms with meta- morphosed entapophyses. The anterior ends of the entapo- physes would still be near the iuterpulmonary fold, and the connecting muscular segment would still be quite short, as it always is in the spiders of group B. In Scytodes and Palpimanus the spiracle has moved to the hinder part of the body without any additional lengthening of the entapophysis. Hence in these two forms the segments of the longitudinal muscles belonging to the tracheal somite are greatly elongated, and iu this respect these forms (and allied genera) are apparently unique. Tlie Pholcidm, which Bertkau found to have no trachem at all, were perhaps derived from some form with a type of trachea similar to that of Pilistata, since according to Ijamy’s investigations a pair of entapophyses persists in some Pholcidse iu the same position iu which those of Pilistata are found (:02, pp. 191 and 192, figs. 32 and 33). The IMiolcidte, therefore, should perhaps belong, as regards the structure of their ninth somite (the tracheal segment iu other spiders), to the same group as the Pilistatidm, S i c a r i i d to, and P a 1 ]) i m a n i d m. In a previous paragraph two ])ossible solutions were suggested for the derivation of a tracheal system from lung- books, one of which appeared particularly applicable to the tracheal .system of the Hysderidm, etc. Now the second method suggested, which consists in the reduction of the respiratory functions of the lung-books by the abortion of the .saccules, appears to me to exactly meet the conditions found in the spiders with four simple tracheal trunks (or Avith two tracheal trunks and two entapophyses), iu Avhich the lung-books have numerous leaves, and obviously play the most important part iu the respiration. The size of the 5oS W. F. PURCELL. lung-books in FilisLata is not known, but judging from Lamy’s figure (:02, p. 172, fig. 11) they appear here, too, to be very large to compensate for the feeble development of the trachem. This relatively greater size of the anterior lung-books is exactly what 1 have explained should take place if the posterior lung-books became reduced to their ante-chambers only. If we imagined a tetrapneumonous spider with both pairs of lung-books connected by interpulmonary folds (the arachnomorphous spider Hypochilus appears to be such a form), and the entapophyses prominently developed in the second respiratory segment, as well as in the first, it would be perfectly simple to derive from it a form with ti-acheae exactly resembling those of Filistata. All that would be necessary would be that the saccules of the second pair of lung-books should disappear, leaving the two ante-chambers only; and that the two spiracles should come a little nearer together so as to form practically one opening with the intertracheal fold. It appears to me very probable that the tracheae of Filistata and of all other spiders (except the Dysderidm and tlieir allies) had this mode of origin, which is in entire agreement with the account given by Lamy of the structure of the tracheae in Filistata. The two short lateral tracheal sacs (p. 553, text-fig. 20, of this form are lined with spines and triangular in shape, exactly resem- bling a pulmonary sac deprived of its saccules. A study of the Hypochilidm would probably throw some further light upon this subject, since here the second pair of lung-books are placed, according to Simon’s figure ('Hist. Araign.,’ 2nd ed., i, p. 201, fig. 145), far back, about midway between the anterior pair and the spinners, corresponding exactly in position to the tracheal system of the Filistatid le. I have made no attempt to explain the origin of those tracheal tubules, which cannot by any line of argument be derived from pulmonary saccules. The numerous tubules emitted from the large tracheal trunks in the Attidrn are a case in point, since these trunks, with the exception of their THE PHYLOCxENY OP THE TEACHER IN AEANE^. 559 lateral basal lobes, are metamorphosed entapophyses. These tubules may have originated simply as outgrowths of the trunks, and would then, of course, be of ectodermal origiia. Ray Lankester is of opinion (:04, p. 223) that the tracheal tubules in Arachnida (and in all other Tracheata) have developed by adaptation of the vasifactive tissue of the blood-vessels,” which have come to open in the case of the Araclinids into the lung-chambers (and elsewhere). Instances of mesodermal tubes attaching themselves to, and opening into ectodermal invaginations are, of course, well known, e. g. the genital ducts. No actual embryological observations, however, exist, so far as I am aware, regarding the develop- ment of the fine tracheal tubules in Arachnida. In Attus floricola no trace of these tubules was found up to the stage formed at the second moult, and I had no later stages at my disposal.^ Summary. — The theoretical suggestions in the preceding paragraphs may be summed up as follows : In the first place I suppose the saccules of the second pair of lung-books to have been converted into tracheal tubules in the common ancestor of the Dysderidse, Oonopidse, and Caponiidae. The resultant trachem then increased in size, and, as the number of the leavms of the anterior lung- books decreased in inverse ratio, the former became the principal organs of respiration. The second pair of spiracles retained their position, or may even have moved slightly for- wards, and the conversion of the entapophyses into tracheae could not take place here, and would, moreover, be quite unnecessary. In the Caponiidae the anterior pair of lung- books were converted into tracheae in ai similar manner, but at a. later period, and independently of the conversion of the posterior pair; but as the latter already provided almost the ' A paper by R. Janeck entitled “ Entwickluiig der Blattertraclieen and der Traclieen hei den Splnnen” lias recently a2ipeared ("Jena Zeitsclir. Naturw..’ xliv, Hft. 2 — 1, 1909), hut I have not hitherto had access to this iiublication. 560 W. F. PURCELL. entire body witli tracheoe, the anterior pair did not further increase in size. In the second place, in the progenitor (or progenitors) of the remaining tracheate spiders, the posterior lung-books became reduced in size and eifectiveness by the disappear- ance of their saccules, accompanied by an increase* in the number of the leaves of the anterior lung-books. Further, the posterior spiracles became approximated and united to a single spiracle, and moved towards the hinder end of the body, thereby causing the entapophyses of the tracheal segment to elongate. In this condition the Filistatidae, 8 icariid U3, and Palpimanida) have remained, with slight modifications, such as the division of the tracheal ante- chambers into branches in some forms. In the great majority of the families, however, the elongated entapophyses became transformed into a pair of medial tracheal trunks, thus pro- ducing a tracheal system consisting of four simple nnbranched trunks, which is still found in some genera at least, in nearly all the families. A new factor having been introduced, viz. the presence of the respiratory entapophyses lying in the large ventral sinus containing venous blood requiring aeration, we accordingly find the second respiratory segment again taking a prominent part in the respiration in many forms, owinar to the increase in size and the braiichinof of the medial trunks, accompanied ultimately by a corresponding reduction in the size of the anterior lung-books, e. g. in the Attidm. This method of origin of the tracheaa is independent of that of the Dysderida; and its allies, and the tracheal tubules, when present, would here not be derived from saccules, but be new formations. List of Literatoke. ’72. Bertkau, P. — “ Ueher die Respirationsorgane der Araneen,” ‘ Arch, f. Naturg.,’ xxxvdii, Bd. i, pp. 203-2.33, 1 PL, 1872. “Ueher den Generationsapparat der Araneulen," ‘Arch. f. Naturg.,’ xli, Bd. i, pp. 23.j-2(52, PI. vii, 187-5. ’75. THE PHYLOGEXY OF THE TliACHE.E IX AEAXEHE 561 ’78. “ Vei’sucli einer natiivliclien Aiiorilmmg dei- Spinnen iiebst Bemerkimgen zu einzelnen Gattnngen," ‘ Arch. f. Natiu’g.,’ xliv, Bd. i. pp. .351-410, PI. xii, 1878. ’98. Caiisard, M. — “ Recherches sur Fappareil circulatoii-e des Ara- neides,” ‘ Bull. Sc. France Belg.,’ xxix, pjD. 1-109, Pis. i-vi, 1896. :02. Laniy, E. — “Recherches anatomiques sur les Trachees des Araignees,” ‘ Ann. Sci. Nat. Zool.,' (8) xv, pp. 119-280, 71 figs.. Pis. v-viii, 1902. :04. Lankester, E. Ray. — “ The Structure and Classification of the Arachnida," ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,' (2) xlviii, pp. 165-269. 78 figs., 1904 (a reprint of the article “ Arachnida," ‘ Encyclo- piedia Britannica,' 10th ed., xxv, 1902). ’92. Pocock, R. I. — “Liphistius and its bearing upon the Classifica- tion of Spiders." ‘Ann. Mag. N. H.,‘ (6) x, pp. 306-314, 2 figs., 1892. ’95. Pui-cell, W. F. — “ Note on the Development of the Lungs, Entapo- l^liyses, Tracheae, and Genital D^icts in Spiders,” ‘ Zool. Anz..’ xviii. pp>. .396-40(1, 2 figs.. 1895. :09. “ Development and Origin of the Respiratoiy Organs in Araneae," ‘Quart. .Tourn. Micr. Sci.,' (2), liv, pp. l-llO, Pis. 1-7, and 7 text-figs.. 1909. ’93. Simon. E. — ‘Histoire Naturelle des Araignees,’ 2nd ed.. i. pp. 257- 488, Paris. 1893. ’89. Tarnani, .1. K. — ‘"Die Genitalorgane der Thelyphonus,” ‘Biol. Centi-albl..' ix, no. 12. pp. 376-382, 5 figs.. 1889. KXl’LANATION OF VLA.TE 28, Illustrating’ Mr. W. F. Purcell’s paper on “The Pliylogeny of the Tracheae in A ranea'.” Abbreviations. fi. c. Anterior compai-tment of lateral pocket of trachea, a. tr. Anterior trachea, alxl. tv. Abdominal trunk of trachea, ant. Anterior side. hit. c. Blood corpuscles, hr. Branch of trachea, can. Canal of communication between the tracheal trunks, cejjh. tr. Cephalothoracic trunks of trachea, cii. Cuticula. d. hr. Dendritic tracheal branches. 562 AV. F. PURCELL. dors. Dorsal side. ec. t. 8. Ectodermal tendon (entapophysis) of the anterior respiratory segment. ep. fd. Epigastric fold (along hinder margin of anterior respiratory segment), fd. Fold in doi'sal wall of tracheal ante-chamher, to the lateral part of which the muscle 11 (text- fig. 17) is attached. <). o. Opening of the genital duct into the epi- gastric fold. hy. Hypoderniis. I'. Median keel on ventral side of receptacnlum seminis. 1. p. Lateral pocket of trachea, lat. Lateral side. m. 1-37. Muscles (see numbered list in text). m. 38. Ob- liquely transverse muscle from the anterior sui-face of the entapo- physis. ec. t. 8 to the sides of the keel of the receptacnlum seminis. m. 39. Short muscle from the entochondrite t. 8 in a medio-ventral direction to posterior side of epigastric fold. m. 40. Median muscle from venti'al side of i-eceijtacnlum seminis to ventral integument of hodv. running along posterior ventral edge of the keel of the recep- tacnlnm. med. Medial side. med. tub. Medial hunch of four tubules at base of anterior trachea, nv. Nerve? p. c. Posterior compartment of lateral pocket of trachea. p>ed. Pedicel. post. Posterior side. pithii. (I. Pulmonary ante-chamber, r. .s. Receptacnlum seminis. rd. Sensory rods in trachea, sept. Septa (lamellae) of lung-book. sp'. Spiracle of anterior respiratory segment, sp". Spiracle of posterior respiratory segment, spi. Anastomosing spines, spi'. Points at which the tracheal spines are attached, .spm. Sperniatophors. t. 8. Ento- chondrite at posterior end of the segment of the ventral longitudinal muscle of first respiratory somite. thr. Transverse anastomosing threads Ijorne liy Uie ti-acheal spines, tr. a. Tracheal ante-chamber. tr. fd. Intertracheal fold along hinder margin of second respiratory segment, tab. Tracheal tubules, reat. Ventral side. All the figures, except fig. 9, were drawn with the aid of a drawing apparatus. Transverse and sagittal sections are so arranged that the horizontal plane of the body is parallel to the lower edge of the papei'. Fig. 1. — (Zeiss, objective C. ocular II, spirits.) Calculus bicolor, adult $ . Sagittal section through the entapophysis of the inilmonary segment. Fig. 2. — (Zeiss, C, II. spirits.) Median .section through the recep- taculum seminis and ejiigastric fold, from the same series as fig. 1. Fig. 3. — (Zeiss, C, II. warm Flemming's solution + alcohol.) Har- pactes Hombergi. ad. $ . Similar .section to fig. 2. Fig. 4.— (Zeiss. yV oil iminers., IV.) Caponia spiralifera. Internal chitinous threads of cephalotlioracic tracheal trunks. THE PHYLOGENY OF THE TRACHEH] IN AEANEiE. 563 Fig. 5. — (Zeiss, C, IV, warm Flemming's solution + alcohol.) Har- l^actes Hombergi, ad. $ . Sagittal section through a lung-book. Fig. 6. — (Zeiss, A, IV, spirits.) Caponia spiralifera, ad. $ . Transverse section thi-ough the basal part of the trachea of the second resiiiratory segment. Fig. 7. — (Zeiss, C, IV, spirits.) Lateral part of fig. 6. Fig. 8. — (Zeiss, C, IV, spirits.) Caponia spiralifera, ad. ?. Sagittal section through the entapophysis of the first and the lateral tracheal pocket of the second respiratory segments. Fig. 9. — (Caustic potash.) Caponia spiralifera, ad. showing tracheal system (the ends of the tubules of the ti'acheaj of the second resiiiratory segment are not drawn in). Fig. 10. — (Zeiss, A, IV, caustic potash.) Caponia spiralifera, ad. $ . Right anterior trachea from the medial side. Figs. 11 and 12 (Zeiss, C, IV, spirits.) Same series as fig. 8. Sagittal sections through the left and right anterior trachea? respectively. In fig. 12 the cuticula of the posterior side and the hypodermis of both sides of tlie pedicel have not been di-awn in. VOL. 45, PART 4. — NEW SERIES. 40 ERRATi\. 5f)4 Errata to Mr. W. F. Purcell’s Paper, “Develop- ment and Origin of the Respiratory Organs in Aranese.” Pul)lished in the Quart. Jonrn. Micv. Sci.. vol. 54, Part 1, September, 1909. Page 2, line nineteen from top, for Scytodidai read Sicariidse. Page 26, line five from top, for pp. 17-20 read p. 24. Page 43, line twenty-one from top, for 49 read 35. Page 54, line seven from top, for 20 read 46. Page 59, line three from top, for left read right. Page 71, line nine from top, for Scytodidas read Sicariidte. Page 79, line four from hottom, for 33 read 40. Page 82, line sixteen from bottom, for 17-44 read 25-28. Page 103, line nineteen from bottom, for yellow read grey. Page 105, line three from top, for anterior and posterior read ventral and dorsal. Page 106, line thirteen from bottom, for anterior read posterior. Page 108, line two from top, for 22 a read 23a. Line eleven from top, strikeout Adult or snb-adiilt spiders. Plate 1, figs. 6 and 6a, for ab. opp. 8-11 read ah. app. 1-4. ^a/rt.^oumv Jl/liiyr" Sau'//o^.54'MS^ii ci H. \k 12. *1“ sl.’f I WF. Puroell i«l, HuUi,Iuthr London KEPliODUCTIOX OF KALPIDORH YXCHUS ARENICOL^. 565 On the Reproduction of Kalpidorhynchus arenicolae (Cnghm.). By i^[arg:ai'ct Roltiiisoii, University College, London. With Plate 29. Introduction. In 1907 Mr. Cnnniiigliam described and gave a life- liistory of this gregarine in the ^ Archiv fiir Protistenkunde.’ The parasite was first noticed by Mr. De Morgan while dis- secting some .specimens of Arenicola ecandata in this laboratory. Owing to pressure of other work Mr. Cunning- ham was unable to give a complete account of the repro- duction, and he therefore suggested that I should, at some future time, try to find the first division nucleus with a view to ascertaining where the chromatin of its chromosomes came from. The latter half of this problem still remains unsolved; but after cutting many cysts into sections I did find the first spindle in a very early state, and I have been able to make one or two other observations which may prove to be not without interest. ]\lETnODS. The cysts Avere fixed Avith various fluids, Hermann’s, Flemming’s, corrosive sublimate and acetic acid, Avith and Avithout the addition of formaline, Bonin’s picro-formol and Brasil’s picro-formol. The best results Avere obtained by using the picro-formol mixtures. The sections Avere stained 566 MARGARET ROBINSON. by Heidenliaiu’s method. Following the directions given by Brasil (1905), I left them for twenty-fonr hours in the mordant, and for thirty-six or more in the hyematoxylin. As plasma stains after Heidenhain I used a mixture of Licht- Gri'm and picric acid in equal parts dissolved in absolute alcohol, orange G., and eosin. Two other stains of which I made use were Delaheld’s hfematoxylin and that of Kleinenberg. The First Spindle. The nuclear membrane disappears gradually bit by bit, and the nucleus becomes more or less diffuse, assumino- an irregular outline in the parts no longer contained by the membrane. Close to this uneven edge there appears a little cluster of rod-like pieces of very darkly staining chromatin. 'I'liese small rods are connected together by a tine thread, which stains more faintly than they do, so as to form a small, loosely folded skein. Part of this skein rests on the achro- matic fibres of the spindle. These fibres are doubtless intra- nuclear in origin. The spindle has centrioles which stain deeply with Heidenhain’s haematoxylin ; and there are the usual terminal radiations in the cytoplasm (fig. 1). In my next stage, which follows very closely upon the above, the nucleus is almost completely dissolved, all that remains of it being two or three karyosomes still uuabsorbed by the cytoplasm. The spindle is now in anaphase (fig. 2). It shows a good number of deflected radiations, in this much resembling one figured by Brasil (1905), but hei’e one can see a well-marked centrosome. I could not demonstrate a centriole. 'Hie number of the chromosomes is four. In metaphase (fig. 3) it is impossible to count the clu'omosomes, and there appear to be more than four, but in the anaphase they can generally be counted, and as I have seen numbers of nuclei in this phase I am in no doubt as to the number. This appearance of the first spindle agrees in all essentials with the events described by Cuenot (1900), Brasil and EEPROBUCTION OF KALPIDORHYNCHUS ARENICOL/E. 567 others in the formation of the first spindle in the Gregarines, but most closely with the facts in Monocystis ascidice (R. Lank.)j Siedlecki (1900), and those in G. ovata as described by Schnitzler (1905), for here there is no vesicle. The divisions proceed very rapidly; still, I was fortunate enough to find a cyst with only two nuclei, both, however, dividing (fig. 3). In a stage with a small number of nuclei it could be seen that in the late anaphase the spindles stretch out, and become, consequently, very much attenuated in the middle. Thus the two daughter-nuclei arising from a division seem, at any rate during the rearrangement of the chromatin, to be surrounded and supported by the wide ends of the spindle of the mother-nucleus (figs. 4 a and h). Siedlecki (1900) and Brasil record the same method of division in Monocystids, and Brasil says that it seems as though the fibres of the spindle helped largely in forming the membranes of the daughter-nuclei. I did not notice that division went on more rapidly at the periphery of the cyst than elsewhere. In these early stages the centrosomes could be easily demonstrated, and sometimes a sphere could be seen lying completely within the nuclear membrane showing its intra- nuclear origin (fig. 5). It would seem, too, that the spindle in these divisions is formed within the nuclear membrane, which only disappears when the spindle is fully formed (figs. 5 a and 5 h). Most of the nuclei contain two or three, some four, spherules of chromatin. These are probably karyosomes, though on account of their small size it is impossible to demonstrate two layers in even the largest of them. In a few of the cysts, all of about the same age, i.e. having approximately the same number of nuclei, a small sphere of chromatin could be seen being thrust out of each nuclear spindle during division. It is worthy of note that if one spindle in a cyst showed this every other spindle in that cyst did so too. This cannot be regarded as a case of Reduction, for the number of the chromosomes remained 568 MARGARET EORINSOX. unchanged. 1 look upou it merely as the casting out of superfluous chromatin, most probably one of the spherules mentioned above, which is quickly dissolved and then absorbed by the surrounding protoplasm (6g. o,s2)h.). In some of the cysts intermediate in age between that shown in fig. 5 and the pearl stage there are to be seen some large nuclei at least twice the size of the others. I have never seen these nuclei dividing, but some of them are in a state of degeneration. In the earlier stages all the nuclei divide in exactly the same way. There are not two methods of division as in S ty lor hy nch u s (Leger, 1903). These nuclei in the earlier stages seem to be not in any way different from their neighbours; but after having divided a certain number of times they divide no more, then degenerate and die. In the process of degeneration they naturally swell up a little, but their largeness in size as compared with the others is mainly due to their not having undergone so many divisions. It seems to me that mitotic divisions are continued right on until the pearl stage,” or, as Mr. Cunningham calls it, the “convolution stage” is reached. Mr. Cunningham, when he wrote his account of Kalpido- rhynchus, was inclined to think that he was dealing- with a case of isogamy. Nevertheless, he found a slight dift'erence between the contents of the gametocytes enclosed in one cyst. I, too, am convinced that there must be an inherent difference between the gametocytes, but in the cysts which I cut this difference Avas not appreciable till just before the pearl stage was reached. Then, while the dividing-wall between the two gametocytes Avas still intact, it could be seen that the protoplasm on one side of the Avail stained more deeply than that on the other, and that its mesh work Avas slightly, but only very slightly, finer. It could also be seen that the nuclei on the darker side Avere rounder, smaller, and darker than the others, showing a more concentrated chromatin. In sections through cysts at the pearl stage a great accentuation of these differences can be noticed. Ou liEPKOUUCTION OP KALriBOliHYNCHUS AliPNlOOL.E. 569 the dark or female side the chains of pearls lie on the edges of convoluted bauds, which have about half the depth of those on the male side, showing that in the male gametocyte there is much more protoplasm left over after the formation of the gametes than in the female. The nuclei also can be seen in many cases to be about twice as large on the pale as on the dark side (fig. 6). This convinced me that we have anisogamy here, the chief thing which led me to this conclusion being the difference in size between the nuclei of the gametes in the respective gametocytes. But it would not have been easy to prove this difference by means of sections only, for tlie cysts were cut in all mauner of planes. I therefore broke numbers of cysts at random on different slides, and was fortunate enough to isolate in this way a few female gametes fi-om the “pearl stage” and a number of conjugation stages from cysts containing conjugating gametes. Unfortunately i did not so isolate a male gamete, but in the conjugation stages one could see its shape perfectly well. The female gamete is nearly spherical in shape with a spherical nucleus, which, as a rule, has darker and more concentrated chromatin than that of the male gamete. This nucleus has a volume equal to about one fourth of that of the whole gamete. The male gamete, on the other hand, consists almost entirely of an oval, sometimes of a pyriform nucleus, which is surrounded by a very thin layer of protoplasm. This nucleus is generally about twice as large as tliat of the female gamete. The oval nuclei are the more common (fjg- ^)- While the nucleus of the female gamete is surmounted by a wide, low cone, the cone on the male nucleus is high and narrow. In both cases tlie centrioles can often be seen to be double. In the act of conjugation it seems as though the male nucleus with its cone forces itself through its own protoplasm, which it casts off like a sheath as it enters the female gamete (fig. 7, h, c, d, etc.). This is what happens most frequently. 570 MARGARET ROBINSON. but I found some conjugations in which there was apparently a fusion of the cytoplasm of the gametes, as well as of their nuclei. In neither gamete nor zygote could I demonstrate a cell- wall by the use of Delafield’s hfematoxylin, but preparations stained with Licht-Griin and picric acid showed a delicate outline to the cells. This outline was more easily shown in sections than in whole cell preparations. The z}"gote is at first pyriform with very little in the way of a stalk, but with one end a good deal thicker and rounder than the other. The cell-wall is slightly more pronounced than it was in the conjugation stage. It is at the narrow, pointed end of the zygote that its nucleus lies. This nucleus is also pyriform and has its wide end directed towards the wide end of the zygote. Its chromatin is loosely arranged in large thick rods and lumps, and is not surrounded by a membrane. The absence of a nuclear membrane here is probably not merely a result of the fusion of the nuclei, but also a means of aiding the expulsion of a vacuole from the nucleus (fig 8, h). Brasil (1905) also notes the expulsion of a vacuole (sphere hyaline) from the nucleus of every zygote in a cyst; and, as well as the vacuole, he saw extruded a small globule of chromatin, which he conjectures may form part of that chromatin which is subsequently to be seen at both ends of the spores of Monocystis after the first nuclear division. I saw no such extrusion of a grain of chromatin here, but on the assumption that it is merely superfluous chromatin this is not to be wondered at, for a small globule of superfluous chromatin was ejected at an earlier stage (see above and fig. 8). The absence of a nuclear membrane may possibly facilitate the movements of the nucleus, for it certaiidy does move. One can see the vacuole forming, and after its extrusion the nucleus has not only acquired a membrane, but now lies at the wide end of the zygote. Nuclei can be seen in inter- mediate positions during' the formation of the vacnole. Its UEPRODUCTIOX .(DF KALPIDORHYNCHUS AliENICOLiE. 571 extrusion and the formation of the memhi’ane seem to take place simultaneously. After this the nucleus becomes approximately spherical, and its chromatin appears to be more finely divided and more closely packed than it was. The zygote at this stage often has a stalk-like projection at its narrow end, and this stalk persists so that the spore has the shape of a pear with a thickened stalk. Sometimes this stalk-like projection or elongation does not appear till later, but it is invariably present in the stage with four nuclei. The nucleus now divides into two, then into four, and ultimately into the eight nuclei of the sporozoites. It is my belief that at any rate the earlier of these divisions are mitotic, but I have not been able to prove this satisfactorily, and Mr. Cunningham is not of my opinion. It is at the stage with one spherical nucleus at the wide end of the cell that the cell-wall becomes thickened to form the sporocyst, and the zygote thus becomes a spore. Mr. Cunningham has mentioned the transparency of this sporocyst. I was able to see it, in preparations stained and mounted in spirit, as a dark line which follows the outline of the cytoplastn very closely. Karely, until the spores are fully ripe, i.e. until the cyto|)lasm is segregated round each of the sporozoite nuclei, does it leave the little stalk-like projection of the sporocyst (fia\ 8). In some of my preparations tlie ripe spores are burst. This may be due to reagents, the withdrawal of the cytoplasm from the stalk having left a spot vulnerable to pressure in the sporocyst. But it may be the natural course of events, for the sporocyst seems to fit the cytoplasm fairly tigditly, and the withdrawal of some of the cytoplasm from the stalk into the body of the spore may have caused the sporocyst to split. The sporozoites are vermiform, with pointed ends. The long nucleus occupies at least half the volume of each individual. The chromatin is finely divided and evenly distributed throughout the whole nucleus (tig. 8). It seems to me that it is only by following this chromatin JIAKGAKET EOIJINSOX. 572 iu the nuclei of the stages between sporozoite and trophozoite, and in watching the evolution of the karyosonies, that we cati arrive at any conclusion as to the origin of the chromatin of the chromosomes in the first spindle. With this end in view 1 examined the alimentary tract of several infected specimens of Arenicola ecaudata, and found cysts in the oesophagus and in the intestine, which shows that swallowing is a possible method of infection. I have also cut sections through the gut walls of several specimens in the hopes of finding sporozoites in transit, but always without success. It seems most hkely that the sporozoites make their way very speedily through the gut walls and then carry on their further development in the coelomic fluid. 1 did find in the coelom specimens of a very young trophozoite without an epimerite (fig. 9) ; but this, unfortunately for my purposes, had already several large and small karyosonies in its nucleus. Two other points on which 1 have been able to supplement Mr. Cunningham^s observations are multiple association and the structure aud reproduction of the karyosonies. Multijjle Associations. — In preparing the cysts for embedding 1 noticed many cases of multiple association — sometimes there were as many as five individuals together, sometimes four, and very frequently three. Mr. Ciiuninghain has figured four tro])hozoites coming together (19U7). On cutting the sections 1 found a cyst containing five gametocyies, each of which had many nuclei ; and i found several cysts with three ganietocytes in like condition, liut since 1 have never found a cyst containing more than two ganietocytes iu the “pearl stage” or furtlier advanced, i am forced on to iJr. \Voodcock’s conclusion (1900) that these muhiple associations come to nothing. Stkuctuke or thk Kauyosume. Unfortunately 1 have not succeeded in tracing the origin of the first karyosoine. In the youngest trophozoite seen by me (fig. 9) there are already several karyosonies in the nucleus. EKPEODUCTION OF KALFIDOEHYNCHUS ARENiCOL.E. 573 3’lie larger karyosomes all cousist of two layers — an outer dense layer which stains deeply and strongly with Heiden- hain’s hgeniatoxylin and other chromatin stains, and is, in fact, hasophile, and an inner part which has not so strong an attraction for basic stains, stains palely with Heidenhain, and strongly with acid stains such as orange G., Licht-Griin and picric acid, etc. The outer layer is, of com-se, chromatin, and the inner is nucleolar substance or plastin. The smaller karyosomes contain no plastin. They consist wholly of basophile chromatin. This, it seems to me, is only an expression of the fact that, as the karyosome increases in age and size, it becomes by degrees converted from a basophile into an acidopliile substance — i.e. from chromatin into plastin. The larger karyosomes are often divided up into a number of small chambers, each chamber being surrounded by a wall or walls of chromatin. In fig. 10 there is a karyo- some in which this process is beginning. This drawing shows the nucleus of a gainetocyte, but the nuclei of tropho- zoites often contain karyosomes in the same condition. There can be little doubt that the chromatin of the partitions and of the little knob-like thickenings is derived from the dense outer layer. 1’his turning in, so to speak, of the chromatin may take j)lace in order to increase its area of action, for the result is an increase in the quantity of the ])lastin, and ultimately this increase is at the expense of the chromatin. 1 have seen karyosomes in Avhich there Avere larger chambers Avith thinner walls, and others from Avhich the outer rim of chromatin had gone completely. It seems as though finally the Avhole karyosome becomes converted into plastin. The karyosome divided up into chambers resembles on a small scale the karyosome of Aggregata as described by I\Iorott' (loots). Kei’KOduction or the Kauyosoiaies. Increase in the number of kaiyosomes takes place by a kind of internal budding from the chromatin layer. I have 574 MARGARET RORIXSOX. not seen a single case of scissi parity. The buds (fig. 10) consist entirely of chromatin, and it is not until some time after their escape from the parent karyosome that the inner layer (plastin) makes its appearance in them. On first noticing these internal buds I was puzzled as to how they made their escape, but soon came to the conclusion that an exit was made as occasion demanded and then closed up again. I was therefore muck pleased to find that Schneider had described the same kind of internal budding in his account of Klossia (Aggregata) eberthi as long ago as 1883. See also Schellack (1907). At present, affinity for different stains is our usual criterion for differentiating the contents of the cell, and we make a broad distinction between chromatin and cytoplasm by sayiiig that one is basophile and the other acidophile. In working at this gregarine my first staining operation was generally the nse of Heidenhain’s hmmatoxylin, and I could not help noticing that in staining strongly with an acid stain, after using Heidenhain, the inner part of the karyo- some, the linin ineshwork and the centrosomes all took up the acid stain (eosin, orange (x., or picric and Licht-Griin), appearing to be stained by that and by nothing else. The centrioles and outer layer of the karyosomes and the chro- mosomes, however, kept black and were not affected by the acid stain at all. If I stained weakly with the acid stain the meshwork, inner part of the karyosome, and the centrosomes all retained the black stain of the Heideidiain, though the black on the inner part of the kai’yosome might with more accuracy be called grey. I could, in fact, vary the amount of greenness or blackness by varying the intensity of my acid stain, but one or other always predominated. Now the linin meshwork is known to consist partly of protoplasm and partly of chromatin. In the inner pa it of the karyosome chromatin is being converted into plastin, presumably for the nourish- ment of the nucleus and ultimately of the cytoplasm. Does it not seem that Avhile this process of conversion in going on, there must be in the inner part of the karyosome a mixture of EEPEODUCTION OF KALFIDOEHYNCHUS AEENICOL/E. 575 acidophile plastin and basophile cliromatin, and tliat in the centrosonies also there is a mixture of chromatin and an acidophile substance ? On this supposition we can, at least, give our explanation of the results of staining-; for it would seem that when (after using Heidenhain) we stain strongly with an acid stain, then in the resulting preparation the protoplasm masks the chromatin ; on the other hand, when (after Heidenhain) we stain weakly with an acid stain or do not use one at all, the chromatin masks the protoplasm. The chromosomes, centrioles and outer part of the karyosomes, since they consist entirely of chromatin, when once stained with Heidenhain keep their black appearance unaltered by any subsequent treatment with acid stains. Tn conclusion, I w'isli to express my thanks to Professor jMinchin for his friendly advice as to literature, and also for his criticism of this paper. Eefek?:nc'es to Litekature. 1905. Brasil. L. — “ Sur la reproduction des Gregarines Monocystidees,” ‘ Arch, de Zool. experimentale et generale.' 4 icnie ser., T. 4. 1900. Cncnot, L. — “ Reclierches snr revolution des Gregarines,'’ ‘ Arch, de Biol..’ T. 17. 1907. Cunningham, J. T. — “On Kaliiidorhynchus arenicolse — a new Gregarine Parasiticin Arenicola ecaudata,’’ -'Arch, fiir Protistenk.,’ Bd. x. 1904. Leger, L. — “ La reproduction sexuee chez les Stylorhynchus,” ‘ Arch, fill- Protistenk.,' Bd. iii. 1908. Morolf, Th. — “ Die hei den Cephalopoden vorkommenden Aggre- gata Arten — als Grundlage einer kritischen Studie liher die Physiologie des Zellkerns,'' ‘ Ai-ch. fiir Protistenk.,’ Bd. x. 1907. Schellack, C. — Uel;er die Entwickluiig und Foi-tjiflanzung von Echinomera hispida (A. Schn.),” ‘Arcli. fiir Protistenk.,’ Bd. ix. 1883. Schneider, A. — “Nouvelles ohsei-vations sur la sporulation du Klossia Octopiana,” ‘Arch, de Zool. experimentale et gene- rale,’ 2 leme scr., T. 1. 1905. Schnitzler, H. — Uber die Eortpflanzung von Clepsidrina ovata,” ‘ Ai-ch. fiir Protistenk.,’ Bd. vi. 576 ^[AliOAKET ROBIXSOX. 1S99 anti 1909. Siedlecki. M. — ‘‘Ueber die geschlechtliche Vermehiamg tier Monocystis ascidise (R. Lank.)," ‘Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie.’ xi and xii. 1900. AVoodcock. H. M. — "The Life Cycle of "Cystobia" irregularis (Minch.), together with Observations on other Neogamous Gregai'ines." ‘ Quart. Joiirn. Micr. Sci..’ vol. 50. EXPLAXATION OF PLATE 29. Illnstratiiig ]\riss M. Rohiuson’s paper “On the Reproduction of Kalpidorhynchns arenieolte (Cnghtn.).” Fig. 1 . — The first nuclear spindle and the breaking up nucleus of the gainetocyte. X 1200. Fig. 2. — The first nuclear spindle. Anaphase. X 1050. Fig. 3. — The second and third nuclei. Metaphase. X 1050. Fig. 4. — (a) Spindle drawn out during late anaphase. (b) Two daughter-nuclei resulting from above. X 1200. Fig. 5. — Part of a cyst in section, showing nuclei in different states of division. X 1200. Fig. 5rt and 5b. — Two niiclei from same cyst as fig. 5. showing formation of the .spindle within the nuclear membrane. X 1200. Fig. 0. — Portion of cyst in section at the pearl stage. X 500. Fig. 7.— (d) Female gamete. X 1250. (b — :amete.s — Lac. ? Lac. ^ x Gros. c? Lac. c? Produce zygotes — Lac. ? Gros. J . Lac. ? Lac. . Lac. J Gros. . Lac. cJ Lac. cJ . This remarkable case has been given in full, as it illustrates 584 GEOFFREY SMITH. the kind of way in which light is thrown on the constitution of sex by breeding experiments. This is by no means the only interpretation of the facts that could be offered, but it is the simplest and the most in accordance with other results in which the phenomenon of spurious alleloTuorphism appears to occur. It must be remembered, however, that in cases of this kind we ai*e not dealing with the sex characters directly, but only through the medium of an assumption which cer- tainly gives a simple though not the sole possible explanation of the results. A similar interpretation is given by Bateson (1) in the case of the cinnamon canary and the brown Leghorn fowl. Professor Correns (8), on the other hand, as the result of hybridisation experiments with Bryonia, comes to the con- clusion that in this case the male is heterozygous and the female homozygous, and he inclines to give this interpretation a wide application both in the animal and plant kingdom. In would appear, therefore, that a considerable body of evidence is accumulating, drawn from very various fields of research, which tends to show the justness of the view that in sex we are dealing Avith a phenomenon Avhich may be termed “ half-hybridism,” i. e. one sex, either male or female, is always a sex-hybrid, while the other is pure. We may noAV examine some of the serious difficulties which this view encounters. In the first place it may appear very strange that the sex-hybrid individual (c? ?) should appear in one case as a male and in another as a female, in other words that there should be such a complete reversal of dominance. But it may be pointed out that dominance is one of the least constant phenomena in cases which have yielded satisfactorily to Mendelian analysis. Let us, moreover, con- sider what happens in the case of functionally hermaphrodite animals, in which there can be no doubt at all as to their heterozygous nature. We may divide such animals into protandrous, simultaneous, and protogynous hermaphrodites, of which the first category is by far the commonest. To take a typical instance of protandry, in the parasitic Isopoda Epi- STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEX. 585 carida, the hermaphrodite individuals are at first, in the larval state, apparently pure males. They then settle down as parasites and lose every trace of their male organisation and become converted into what are apparently pure females. In fact for a very long period of time they were considered by naturalists to be typically dioecious animals with very marked sexual dimorphism. Now let us suppose that for some reason or other certain of these individuals failed to develop further than the male larval state. They would then be constitution- ally hermaphrodites, in which the male condition was dominant, and they would be put down as males. Then let us suppose that other individuals for some reason left out the male period of their history, possibly by becoming fixed parasites at an earlier period before the testes were developed. These indi- viduals would then be constitutionally hermaphrodites, in which the female condition was dominant, and they would be considei’ed with equal confidence as females. In this way, by shifting the period at which the sexual organisation matures, a process which may be very easily conceived to occur, we would arrive at an apparently complete reversal of dominance. That this shifting of the period of maturity actually occurs is shown by the existence of the three classes of hermaphro- ditism noted above ; thus in the single class of simple Ascidians we meet with both protandry and protogyny. Let us take another slightly different instance, the case of the spider crab Inachus, parasitised by Sacculina. The male parasitically castrated crabs may show every degx’ee of modification towards the female state, until finally we obtain male crabs which have been so completely transformed as to retain only a single male character, viz. the copulatory style in so i-educed a state as to be invisible except with a lens. These crabs, besides exhibiting in a typical condition the broad abdomen, reduced chelae, and abdominal swirnmerets of the female, may under certain conditions develop ova from the remains of their testes, and these ova may grow to a very large size and become filled with the reddish-coloured food-yolk character- 586 GEOFFEEY SMITH. istic of the species. In these cases, althougli a certain amount of sperm was always present as well, the female part of the hei’inaphrodite gland greatly preponderated. Here, then, we have individuals of hermaphrodite constitution, which normally only show the male characters throughout life, i.e. in which maleness is dominant; but when the presence of the parasitic Sacculina sets up a distm-bance this dominance is almost completely reversed, and the hitherto recessive female characters appear in all completeness. Again, to take the opposite case. In deer and pheasants it is well known that certain individuals which have actually bred as females, may in old age develop the male secondary sexual characters in a very complete manner. Such indi- viduals prove themselves to have been heterozygotes in which the dominant female character is replaced for some reason by the recessive male. It is clear, therefore, from the foregoing' instances, that individuals of hermaphrodite constitution may exhibit any of a whole series of modifications from apparently pure male- ness, through simultaneous hermaphroditism, to apparently pure femaleness. This being the case, the difficulty of con- sidering that in a normally dioecious animal either one sex or the other is a sex-hybrid, according to the species or group of species we are dealing with, is materially lessened. We may, in fact, state the case as follows : that three types of individuals exist in respect of sex, pure males, hermaphro- dites, and pure females, and that the hermaphrodites may appear as males, hermaphrodites, or females according to a physiological condition which is confessedly not understood. We have, so far, formulated the Mendelian theory of sex, so as to account for the existence within a species of indi- viduals having' either the constitution $ and $ ? or of ? and c? c? j in the former case maleness being dominant, in the latter femaleness. This is the simple half-hybrid theory of sex. We must, however, consider the possibility of the existence of three types of individuals within the same species, viz. J* c? > c? ? > and $ ? . The diflSculty of this STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEX. 587 conception lies in the tact that we would have to assume that some of the heterozygous individuals ( c? ? ) would have to function as males and others as females iu order to secure a continuous output of pure males and females. For if all the heterozygous individuals were functionally either males or females exclusively, they could only produce one form of pure zygote iu combination with the gametes of the pure sex. The supposition tliat the heterozygote may appear as either male or female in the same species of animal is by no means impossible, since it only leaves us face to face with the same problem, which is at the root of the whole sex question, namely. What is the physiological state which brings about the suppression or development of the male or female char- acters in animals which undoubtedly possess the potentiality of both? It is held by a number of observers, for instance Mr. ^Valter Heape (9), that the proportional output of the Sexes is iuHueuced to a very large extent by external condi- tions of feeding, temperature, breeding-seasons, etc., and it is quite possible that these influences are sufticient to give a bias to the heterozygous embryo to appear as either male or female. However this may be, the assumption that three types of individuals may exist with distinct gametic output would account for the marked disproportion in number of the sexes, which is known to occur in the offspiing of certain families, both among animals (especially butterflies) and human beings. There is anotlier class of facts which offers an interesting but difficult field for interpretation upon Mendelian lines, viz. the sex of parthenogenetically jjroduced ofi^spring. In the case of such animals we get every variety of product, the parthenogenetically produced young being either only males or only females or a mixed brood of both sexes. But there are certain common features in these cases. Thus, in the case of the bee, in Cladocera, and in certain Eotifera the ferti- lised eggs always give rise to females, the males being only produced parthenogenetically. The females iu some of these cases, e.g.the Cladocera, are proved beyond doubt to be 588 GEOFFEEY SMITH. lieterozygotes, as one and the same female may give rise par- tlienogenetically to males and females. It is also proved in these cases that no segregation occurs in the pi'oduction of pai'- thenogenetic females, since a parthenogenetically produced female may give rise by parthenogenesis to a mixed brood of males and females. We may be certain, therefore, that the females in these cases are heterozygotes ((J $ ). With regard to the parthenog’enetically produced males we are naturally more in the dark, since they produce no parthenogenetic young by which they can be judged. The most obvious supposition is that, since they, like the females, are produced parthenogenetically, there is no segregation in their produc- tion, and that they also are heterozygous (c?" ? ) and produce and ? spermatozoa. If, however, we are going to main- tain the half-hybridism theory of sex, since the females are certainly ? the males must be pure ^ (5',and some process of segregation must occur. But if this is the case why do the eggs, when fertilised with such purely male spermatozoa, invariably give rise to females ? It has been held, especially for the bee, that the mere act of fertilisation in itself is the cause of the production of females, and if this is the case it is very difficult to bring the phenomenon into any relation with Mendelian theory. There is, however, an alternative to this explanation. AVe may legitimately hold that the female gives rise to two different kinds of eggs, male and female, of which only the female egg’s are capable of being fertilised. Such female eggs, being fertilised by the male spermatozoa, will give rise to heterozygotes of the compo.sition ? , which ex hypothesis will appear as females, while the unfertilised male eggs will give rise to males of pure male constitution. In the Rotifer Hydatina and in the worm DinoiDliilus we know that two different kinds of eggs are produced, large eggs which give rise to females and small eggs which give males, and this fact seems at first to favour the theory proposed above. In the case of Dinophilus, however. Dr. Shearer, in a recent unpublished research, has shown that the female Dinophilus is fertilised while still immature STUDIES IN THE EXPEEIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEX. 589 and before any visible differentiation of the eggs into male- producing and female-producing forms has occurred, so that this differentiation may be the result of fertilisation and not due to the inherent heterozygotism of the female. In the case of Hydatina,* as clearly shown in R. C. Punnett’s interesting' paper (10), and in the Cladocera, there is no doubt that the female can give rise parthenogenetically to both males and females, so that in these cases the female sex is certainly heterozygous; but we have no certain means of judging whether it is the female eggs alone which are capable of being fertilised. Interesting and suggestive as the evidence drawn from breeding experiments and from the cytology of maturation is, it appears that the most cogent and unassailable evidence for sex heterozygotism is afforded firstly by Inachus parasitised by Sacculina, in which the male sex is proved to possess the secondary and primary female characters in a latent state, and secondly by the Cladocera, in which the female sex is proved to be heterozygous owing to the parthenogenetic females giving rise to both males and females. The foregoing arguments and considerations have shown us that while a number of facts definitely support the half- hybrid Mendelian theory of sex, there is nothing which definitely controverts it. The theory has the merit of being a simple one, and it accounts for the facts without the necessity of making any additional assumptions such as that of selective fertilisation, an assumption which may in the future prove necessary, but which would seriously impair the validity of Mendelian analysis. And it may be retnarked that the half-hybrid theory of sex not only alters our view of the sexual constitution of animals and plants, but it indicates, if it is well founded, the real ground upon which the problem of sex must be attacked. This, as has been already stated, is the inquiry as to the physiological conditions under which one sex or the other gains the upper hand, i.e. becomes dominant in a heterozygous individual which contains potentially the elements of both sexes. 590 GEOFFREY SMITH. It must be remembered, moreover^tliat sex is not necessax’ily a simple unit character, inherited in its entirety as such ; thus sexual characters fall into two main divisions, primary and secondary, and the latter again may variously affect any of the organs or parts of the bod}\ A^ie will give reasons, however, in the next section, for assuming the existence of a sexual formative substance, male or female, which controls the development of both primaiy and secondary sexual characters, and for the present it is assumed that the male and female modifications of this substance are the allelo- morphs which segregate in the manner described above, and give rise to the half-hybrid nature of sex. 2. On the Correlation between Primary and Secondary Sexual Characters. Various definitions have been given of primary and secondary sexual characters. In these studies the term “primary sexual characters” is applied to those characters which affect the differentiation of the actual generative organ, testis or ovary, in which the ova and spermatozoa are pro- duced, while all those sexual characters are considered secondary which affect the otlier parts of the body, e.g. generative ducts, copulatory or any other organs, external or internal, which differ in the two sexes. The fact that there is a physiological correlation between the state of development of the secondary sexual characters and the primary rejiroductive gland has been vaguely recognised from time immemoidal. Thus the knowledge that the castrated males of the liuman sjiecies and of many races of domestic animals show in various degrees an arrested development of the secondary sexual characters goes back to periods long antecedent to scientific biology. Put despite this long familiarity with certain fundamental facts, there does not exist even at the [iresent time a clear conception of the nature and limits of this correlation. Careful observation and a certain amount of experimental work have revealed a STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAfi ANALYSIS OF SEX. 591 very large body of facts bearing upon the question, but they have chiefly served to emphasise the irreg’ularity of the phenomenon, and it is certainly impossible at present to formulate any definite theory to connect the known facts in a comprehensive and satisfactory manner. It is not the purpose of this essay to attempt a review of the recorded cases of so-called hermaphroditism and of the abnormal condition of tlie sexual system which throw a somewliat fitful light on the problem, but reference may be made to the critical work of Herbst ('Formative Reize’ [H]), in wliich he discusses a large body of conflicting evidence and draws certain wide conclusions. He shows that, while the evidence in favour of some causal correlation existing between the primary and secondary sexual characters is oversvhelming, yet this correlation is not of so definite a nature as to sanction the simple view that the development of tlie secondary sexual characters as a whole is directly dependent on the development of the primai-y characters ; he concludes, how- ever, definitely, that in the vast majority of cases the full development of the secondary sexual characters in either sex is conditioned by the presence of the corresponding primary organ in a functional state. Even this very cautious and limited acceptance of correlation breaks down in certain exceptional cases. Thus Kellogg (12) has .shown that the gonad of the silkworm can be extirpated in the larval stage, so that no trace of this organ is to be found in the adult, and yet the moth develops its marked secondary sexual characters to the full, while Meisenheimer (13) has performed the ingenious experiment of transplanting the young gonad from one sex into the other where it may develop to maturity, and yet no change is to be observed in the secondary sexual characters of the adult insect. In the case of those particular insects, therefore, it appears that there is no connection whatever between the development of the secondary sexual characters and the presence of a differentiated gonad, and though it is true that this is the only case known in which this entire independence is to be observed, yet we can trace a series of 592 CxEOPEREY SMITH. instances in wliicli tlie removal of the gonad inhibits in greatly varying degrees the development of the secondary characters. In attempting, therefore, to frame a theory which shall give a satisfactory account of the undoubted correlation which exists in various degrees between the primary and secondary sexual characters, we must bear in mind the variability of this correlation, and even in certain cases its non-existence. Mr. J. T. Cunningham, in a recent interesting paper (14), has put forward a theory which appears to me to fail in this respect. According to his theory the development of the secondary sexual chai’acters is due to the action of an internal secretion produced by the gonad, principally at its maturity. There can be no doubt that this statement is partially true, but it does not cover all the facts. If it represented the whole truth theabseuceof a differentiated gonad should in all cases be accompanied by the entire absence of all secondary sexual characters usually connected with it, and this is certainly not the case. We will now examine in some detail a particular instance which appears to throw a more definite light on the subject than any that has hitherto been obtained. The discovery of the phenomenon of parasitic castration Avas made by the late Professor Giard, and it always seemed to me very surprising that no one had followed up his discovery, since it affords a very obvious and simple Avay of gaining an insight into the nature of sex, without the necessity of performing a delicate operation Avith the clumsy means at our disposal. For in this case, instead of performing the operation ourselves, Ave find that Nature employs for the purpose some of the loAver classes of creation, Avho, though not endowed with the great intelli- gence Avhich is sometimes reported to be characteristic of man- kind, yet accomplish a thing' Avhich is not only impossible at present for a man to do, but also A^ery difficult indeed to under- stand. The spider crab, Inachus mauritanicus,^ is very fre- * By an imfortAinate error in nonienclatnre I. man ri tan icus (Lucas) was called I. scorpio (Fabr.) throngliout my monograph. STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OE SEX. 593 quently infected with a species of rhizocephalous Cirripede called Sacculina neglecta (5). This parasite at first lives a free existence as a minute larva; it then fixes itself to a hair on the outside of its host and passes into the body of the latter a small gi'oup of cells which find their way to the blood- space round the intestine. Here they begin to gi'ow very rapidly into a branched tumoui--like body which sends its ramifications into every part of the body-cavity of the crab. A certain part of the tumour becomes applied to the ventral body-wall of the crab at the junction of thorax and abdomen, and at this point the reproductive organs, etc., of the adult Sacculina ai’e developed and finally thrust to the outside in a muscular bag which remains attached to the crab and swells to a large size, gaining its nutriment from the system of branching roots which continue to multiply and grow inside the crab’s body. Now the chief effect which the parasite exerts on the crab is to cause the complete or partial atrophy of the internal generative organs, with their ducts, while remarkable changes take place in the structure of the external secondary sexual characters. Of 1000 specimens of Inachus infected with Sacculina examined by me at Naples, 70 per cent, of both males and females showed very distinct alteration in their secondary sexual characters, while all showed some degree of reduction or atrophy of the gonad. Of the many thousands, at present well over 5000 specimens, of uninfected Inachus examined, only one specimen showed any trace of the changes such as were inet with in the infected individuals. This speci- men, which was a perfect hermaphrodite both externally and internally, may have been an instance, such as occurs with extreme rarity in decapod Crustacea, of hermaphroditism apart from parasitic castration, but it is equally possible that it was really a crab that had recovered from an infection with Sacculina, and had undergone several moults so as to lose the scar characteristic of crabs that have been once infected. I mention these facts with regard to the numbers of specimens examined, because it is important to realise not only the 594 GEOFFREY SMEPH. extent of the material upon which my conclusions are based, but also the invariable certainty and regularity of the effect observed. 'File sexes of normal uninfected Inachus mauritanicus differ in that the adult male (PI. 30, figs. 1 and 2) possesses greatly elongated and swollen chelae, while the abdomen is small in size, is carried flatly opposed to the thorax, and is furnished with only two pairs of appendages — viz. a large pair of stout copulatory styles and a greatly reduced pair of appendages behind them. The adult female (PI. 30, figs. 10 and 11) has small, slender chelae and an exceedingly broad, trough-shaped abdomen which is furnished with four pairs of bi-ramous appendages. These appendages are clothed with long hairs, some of which are used for attaching the eggs. The sexual difference in the chelae is not developed until maturity, but the differences in the abdomen are marked soon after the Megalopa larval stage and long before maturity. The female, however, ait first goes through a stage in which the abdomen is comparatively small and flat, and the appendages are short and rod-like without the filamentous haiirs characteristic of the adult (PI. 30, figs. 13 and 14). The males infected with Sacculina show every degree of modification towards the female type (PI. 30, figs. 3 to 9). In some the only change to be observed externally is the reduction in size of the chelae, and perhaps a slightly tapering form induced on the usually stout and blunt copulatory style (PI. 30, fig. 5). In others the abdomen is somewhat broadened (PI. 30, figs. 3 and 4), and in a further stage the abdomen is distinctly broadened and somewhat trough- shaped, while perhaps one or two additional appendages are developed in a rudimentary condition behind the reduced copulatory styles (PI. 30, fig. 6). If such forms are carefully dissected the gonad is observed to be greatly shrivelled, but it can still be clearly recognised as a testis, while a few clumps of spermatozoa may be found in the vasa deferentia. Finally we obtain forms (PI. 30, figs. 7, 8 and 9), usually STUDIES IN THE EXPEEIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEX. 595 among the smaller and medium-sized individuals^ in which the chelse and abdomen have taken on the complete adult female appearance, the only male character remaining being the copulatory style, which is sometimes reduced to a minute knob (fig. 8). I was for a long time in doubt as to which sex these highly modified crabs belonged, as the majority of them on dissection proved to possess no remains of the gonad and gonoducts, except in certain cases some small shreds of germinal epithelium. In a few, however, the remains of the gonoducts were found, and in all cases they were in the position of the vasa defei’entia, proving the animals to be males in which the modification towards the female type had gone very far. Further reflection showed that all these highly modified crabs were originally males, and this was proved Avithout doubt by their invariable possession of the copulatory style in either a complete or greatly aborted state. For in the case of the females, although they, too, undergo characteristic changes, they never make any approach either in the chelae or abdomen towards the male state, and there is never any trace in them of the development of the copulatory style. It is therefore altogether impossible that other crabs, in which the sex cannot be determined by the internal gonad or its ducts, should be females which, contrary to all experience, had suddenly developed the single male character of the copulatory styles. That they were originally males, however, is shown by the perfect gradational series, which can be traced from hardly modified males up to those specimens in which the only male character retained is the presence of the copulatory styles. It is important to notice that the males, when they develop the female characters to any great extent, invariably exhibit these characters in the form in which they occur in the adult female, the abdomen assuming the trough-like appearance, and the appendages being slender and provided with filamen- tous hairs. I emphasise this point because certain people have argued with me that the modification of the male was VOL. 54, PART 4. NEW SERIES. 42 596 GEOFFREY SMITH. not due to the assumption of definite female characters, but a “ reversion” to an “ undifferentiated ancestral condition,” or to “ an embryonic state.” But if this were so, the male should at any rate assume the comparatively undifferentiated state which is actually passed through by the young imme- diately after the megalopa stage, and which is retained by the female until the first brood of eggs is produced, viz. the small, flat, plate-like abdomen and the rod-like form of the appendages. Now, as a matter of fact this form is never assumed by the male as the result of parasitic castration, the female chai-acters being acquired, if imperfectly, yet with the definite characters only found in adult females which have produced a brood of eggs. This fact alone seems to me to demolish the above-mentioned argument, but it is even more completely answered by the fact, soon to be described, that certain of these male specimens may, on recovery from the disease, actually produce ova as well as spermatozoa in their regenerated gonads, thus proving that they actually have developed true female characters and have not merely re- turned to an undifferentiated condition of an altogether sup- posititious nature. The infected females, as we have already stated, do not show in any character any approach towards the male secondai’y sexual characters, though dissection proves that in all cases the ovary is arrested in development, or even completely aborted. The only secondary sexual character affected is the condition of the abdominal appen- dages, which may be greatly reduced in size (PI. 30, fig. 12). There is never any approach to the male either in the chelae, or in the shape of the abdomen, or in the development of an appendage corresponding to the copulatory style of the male. We have now to consider the case of the highly modified males which have developed the external female characters but retain the copulatory styles. We have seen that in all these specimens the gonad is reduced to a few shreds of un- differentiated germinal epithelium, and in some cases the remains of the vasa deferentia. In a very few cases such STUDIES IN THE EXPEEIMENTAL ANALYSIS OF SEX, 597 crabs were found in a state of nature to have recovered from the disease, the Sacculina having dropped off and left the characteristic circular scar on the abdomen where it was pre- viously attached. Of a large number of crabs experimentally freed of the parasite a few also survived for several months. Of these specimens, three which had recovered naturally and one which had been experimented on, were found to have re- generated the gonad, which had grown to a considerable size. The gonad was found to contain a certain amount of adult spermatozoa and a number of ova, some of them small and immature, others of a very large size and distended with the reddish-coloured yolk, which normally appears in the eggs as they approach maturity. The fact that the alteration of the male, under the influence of the parasite, is consummated by the final assumption of complete internal as well as external hermaphroditism is, I believe, without parallel, and confers on this case a peculiar definiteness and value which we cannot obtain elsewhere. The phenomenon appeared to me so strange and so little likely to gain credit from people who had not actually investi- gated the matter, that I was greatly pleased when Mr. F. A. Potts undertook, at my suggestion, to examine the matter in a parallel instance, namely the effect of the parasite Pelto- gaster on the hermit-crab, Eupagurus (15). The investi- gation of this case offered considerably more difficulty than the case I had examined, but he was able to obtain a series of results which happily place the main conclusions outlined above on a very sure footing. Stated concisely he found that, as in Inachus, so in Eupagurus the infected males assumed to varying degrees of perfection the female charac- teristics,^ but that the females, as in Inachus, never acquired any male characters, although they might show reduction of their own secondary sexual characters. The most remarkable result, however, obtained by him consists in the discovery that in a very large number of modified males, while the ' The female characters assumed by the male are here, as in Inachus, those of the adult bi-eeding female. 598 CxEOFFREY SMITH. parasite was still on them, small ova were developed in the testes. This observation, while differing in an interesting manner from what occurs in Inachus, where the ova are not found until after recovery, yet confirms the account I have given for Inachus in a very convincing way. If we consider the facts related above in their bearing on the problem of the correlation of the primary and secondary sexual characters, it is evident that we are provided with some instructive evidence. In the first place we observe the male developing the secondary sexual characters of the female, and this it does, not mei’ely in a negative manner by returning to some intermediate, indifferent condition, as usually happens in the case of ordinary castration, but by positively acquiring characters which normally only appear in the adult breeding female. Now, we may hold two opinions with regard to these males — either that their resemblance to the female is a spurious one, and that the development of the female secondary sexual characters is due in them to a different cause to that which conditions their development in the female, or else it is a true resem- blance due to the same cause. That the latter alternative is correct is shown by the fact that these males may subse- quently develop typical ova, because we cannot requii’e more of an animal to prove its female nature than that it should produce ova and exhibit all the secondary characters of the female as well. The infected males, therefore, develop the female secondary sexual characters for the same reason that the female does. Now what is this reason in the female ? In the female the development of the secondary sexual characters is correlated with that of the ovary. Thus the adult form of the abdomen and the form of the abdominal appendages is not assumed until the ovary is ripe, while the atrophy of the ovary, as a result of the presence of Sacculina, causes the atrophy to some degree of the appendages. In the case of the female, therefore, we might assume that the ovary produces a substance or internal secretion which causes the development of the secondary sexual characters. STUDIES IN THE EXPEEIMENTAL ANALYSIS OP SEX. 599 But this caunot possibly apply to the infected males, because they develop the same female secondary sexual characters before there is any ovary present at all, much less a mature ovary ready to produce ripe eggs. Now these males, although they develop the female secondary sexual characters when there is no ovary present, yet subsequently they may regenei’ate an ovary from the shreds of germinal epithelium remaining from the degenerated testis. In other words they have the potentiality to produce an ovary, and we may safely argue that it is this potentiality which enables them to produce the secondary sexual characters befoi’e the actual ovary is there. In this conception it appears to me lies the solution of the uncertain nature of the correlation existing between primai’y and secondary sexual characters in general. It is not necessarily the pi-esence of a differentiated gonad producing some internal secretion which causes the development of the corresponding secondary sexual characters, but it is the potentiality to form that gonad. Thus the development of the secondary sexual characters is not primarily dependent on the gonad, but the development of both is dependent on a third factor. If we attempt to formulate what this factor actually is, it appears to me legitimate to represent it as the presence of a substance having the nature of an internal secretion, which circulates thi’ough the body and controls the differentiation of the primary and secondary sexual characters. I have called this hypothetical substance the “sexual formative substance,” and we must suppose that two kinds of it exist, male and female. By this theory we can account for the imperfect nature of the correlation between primary and secondary sexual characters, and also for the development of the female secondary sexual characters in infected male crabs before the development of an ovary, which is unaccountable on the theory that the ovary produces the substance necessary for the development of the secondary character. s. It is, however, a notorious fact that the mere removal of 600 GEOFI'EEY SMITH. the gonad in the great majority of animals directly inhibits the full development of the secondary characters, and it may appear that the theory outlined above gives no explanation of this fact. I clearly realised this in my first statement of the theory, and put forward the suggestion that the -sexual formative substance accumulated, especially at maturity, in the gonad, and that the removal of the gonad removed a large quantity of the substance and so inhibited the growth of the secondary sexual characters. I do not feel, however, that this explanation is at all adequate, principally for the reason that the removal of the gonad in the young immature animal has usually a more pronounced effect than its removal in the adult. It is therefore more probable that the sexual formative substance is in many cases actually worked up and qualitatively altered by the gonad, and that its presence in this altered state is essential in most cases for the full development of all the sexual characters. We may indeed hold, with the highest degree of probability, that tlie sexual formative substance, both male and female, is by no means a single simple substance, but that it consists of numei’ous substances continually changing dui-ing develop- ment, and both acting and acted on by the various organs of the body. A view very similar to this is held by Mr. Walter Heape, as the result of his experiments (16). He considers that there is present a generative ferment” which is pro- duced somewhere in the body and which governs the activity of the generative glands, and another substance, “ gonadin,” secreted by ovary or testis, which controls the other sexual characters, but he is clearly of opinion that in certain cases it may be the generative ferment which controls the secondary sexual characters, and this would bring his view into close agreement with my own. The theory which has been outlined above, and which differs from other theories chiefly in that it attempts to include those cases in which the correlation between primary and secondary sexual characters is of an uncertain and per- plexing nature, has been attacked by Mr. Cunningham (14) STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OP SEX. 601 who I’egards my views as illogical, self-contradictory, and inconsistent with the state of modern biology ; indeed, he lays so many charges to my account that modesty compels me to suspect that some of them may be true ; but I can hardly think that the difference between our respective views is proportional to tlie severity of his indictment. The only diffe rence of importance which I can discover is that, whereas he believes that the internal secretion controlling the develop- ment of the secondai-y sexual characters is always produced by the differentiated gonad, I do not believe that this theory covers all the essential facts, but that we must assume some common factor at the back of both primary and secondary characters which may act to a certain extent on either separately, in an independent manner. On the other hand, I have never denied the direct influence of the primary character on the secondary to a limited extent, as it appears to me to be clearly proved by a very large body of facts. In conclusion, Mr. Cunningham agrees with me in believing that the explanation of the development of the secondary sexual characters, and of their correlation with the primary, depends on the presence of a substance, sexual formative substance or internal secretion, circulating in the body, which in some manner activates the cells of various organs and parts of the body and causes them to develop and to become differentiated according to sex, and I think that he would agree with me that a great deal of experiment and observa- tion is necessary before we can decide with any certainty as to the nature of this substance or substances. That we are dealing with the presence of an internal secretion is strongly suggested by the analogy of the internal secretions produced by other organs, such as the thyroid and other ductless glands. In the development of the sexual characters we perceive distant parts of the body being affected in a parallel manner at the same time, while a removal of part of the system may profoundly modify other distant parts. This inter-connection can only be accounted for in one of two ways — either by the supposition that it is due to 602 GEOPi'REY SMITH. nervous communication, or else by means of substances con- veyed in the blood or body-fluids. The former supposition is ruled out by a number of experiments, such as the severance of the nerves to the reproductive organs, etc., so that we are perforce thrown back on the second supposition of internal seci’etious, although the participation of the nervous system is not altogether precluded. It would also seem probable that sexual difi^erentiation does not solely depend on the presence and nature of these sub- stances, but rather in the interaction of these substances with the cells of the organism, which may themselves be differentiated beforehand in the two sexes. The attempt to analyse the nature of the sexual formative substance and its relation to the primary and secondary characters will occupy us in succeeding parts. Literature. 1. Bateson, W. — Mendel’s ‘ Principles of Heredity,’ 1909. 2. Castle, W. — “ The Heredity of Sex,” ‘ Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harvard,’ vol. xi, 1903. 3. McClung, C. — “ The Accessory Chroniosoine — Sex Determinant ? ” ‘ Biol. Bull.,’ iii, 1902, p. 43. 4. Wilson, E. B. — “ Studies on Chromosomes,” ‘ Journ. Exp. Zool.,’ vols. ii and iii, 1906 and 1907, and other papers. 5. Smith, G. — ‘ Fauna and Flora des Golfes von Neapel,’ Monogr. 29, 1906. 6. Bateson, W., and Punnett, R. — “ The Heredity of Sex,” ‘ Science,' N.S., xxvii, 1908, p. 785. 7. Doncaster, L. — “ Sex Inheritance in the moth, Abraxas grossu- lariata,” ‘Rep. Evol. Comm.,’ iv, 1908. 8. Correns, C. — ‘Die Bestiniung und Vererbung des Geschlechtes,’ Berlin, 1907. 9. Heape, W. — “Note on the Proportion of the Sexes in Dogs,” ‘Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc.,’ vol. xiv, 1907, and ‘ Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,’ vol. cc, 1908, p. 271. 10. Punnett, R. — “Sex Determination in Hydatina,” ‘Proc. Roy. Soc. London,’ vol. Ixxviii, 1906, p. 223. STUDIES IN THE EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS OP SEX. 603 11. Herbst, C. — ‘ Formative Reize,’ Leipzig, 1901. 12. Kellogg, V. — ‘ Journ. Exp. Zool.,’ vol. i, 1905, p. 601. 13. Meisenheimer, E. — ‘Verliandl. Dentscli. Zool. Gesellscb.,’ June, 1908, p. 84. 14. Cunningham, J. T. — “The Heredity of Secondaiy Sexual Cha- racters,” ‘ Arch. Entwicklungs-mechanik. der Organismen,’ xxvi, 1908, p. 372. 15. Potts, F. A. — ‘ Quai-t. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 50, 1906, p. 599. 16. Heape, W. — ‘Proc. Physiol. Soc.,’ December, 1905; ‘Quai’t. Joum. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 44, 1900, p. 1 ; ‘ Proc. Roy. Soc. London,’ Ixxvi, 1905, p. 260. EXPLANATION OE PLATE 30, Illustrating Mr. Geoffrey Smith’s paper on “ Studies in the Experimental Analysis of Sex.” In figs. 1, 3, 4, 7, 10 and 13 only the right chela is shown, the other thoracic limbs being omitted. All figures are of Inachus mauritanicus. Fig. 1 . — Adult normal male. Fig. 2. — Under-side of abdomen of normal adult male. Fig. 3. — Male infected with Sacculina, showing reduction of chela and slight broadening of abdomen. Fig. 4. — Male infected with Sacculina, showing reduction of chela and increased broadening of abdomen. Fig. 5. — Under-side of abdomen of tig. 4, showing attenuated copu- latory styles and slight hollowing-out of abdomen. Fig. 6.— Under-side of abdomen of a similar male specimen, showing reduction of copulatory styles and presence of asymmetrically placed swimmerets, characteristic of female. Fig. 7. — Male infected with Sacculina, which has assumed com- plete female appearance. Fig. 8. — Under-side of abdomen of fig. 7, showing much reduced copulatory styles and reduced swimmerets. Fig. 9. — Under-side of abdomen of a similar male specimen, showing well-developed copulatory styles and swimmerets. 604 GEOFFREY SMITH. Fig. 10. — Adult female, normal. Fig. 11. — Under-side of abdomen of fig. 10, showing swimmei’ets and trough-shaped abdomen. Fig. 12. — Under-side of abdomen of female infected with Sacculina, showing reduction of swimmerets. Fig. 13. — Immature female, showing small flat abdomen. Fig. 14. — Under-side of abdomen of fig. 13, showing flat surface and rod-like swimmerets. M =- PHYSIOLOGY OF LAMELLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 605 Some Points in the Physiology of Lamellibranch Blood-Corpuscles. By G. H. Drew, B.A.Cantab With Plate 31. Table op Contents. PAGE Introduction ...... 605 Historical ...... 606 Methods — Collection and Preservation of Living Animals . . 608 Collection of Blood ..... 608 Fixing and Staining Methods .... 609 Methods of Observing the Process of Agglutination of the Corpuscles . . . . .610 Methods of Studying Phagocytosis . . .611 Description of the Blood ..... 612 The Process of Agglutination and its Relation to the Healing of Woimds ...... 614 Phagocytosis ...... 618 Bibliography . . . . . 620 Explanation of Plate .621 Introduction, The investigations described in this paper were carried out on the blood of Cardiuin norvegicum. This animal was chosen as a type as it presents several features which render it especially suitable for haematological work. Among these may be mentioned the ease with which the blood can be obtained in large quantities, the relatively large size of the 606 G. H. DREW. corpuscles, the great vitality of the animal, and its large and readily protruded foot. One object of the present work was to investigate the “ clotting ” of Lamellibrauch blood-corpuscles, and to follow the relation this process bears to the natural cessation of haeinorrhage from a wound and its subsequent healing. Another object was to investigate the phagocytic action of the cor- puscles on bacteria, and to find whether they showed any chemiotactic action towards cultures of bacteria or extracts of dead tissues. My results show that some change takes place in the corpuscles when the blood is shed, which causes them to agglutinate round the edges of a wound, and that these masses of corpuscles are connected by thin protoplasmic pro- cesses running across tlie wound. These processes thicken and contract, and so draw together the edges of the wound. There is some evidence to show that the change in the cor- puscles, which makes them agglutinate, is produced by a con- tact stimulus imparted on contact with a foreign body or with injured tissues. Some of the coi'puscles have a phago- cytic action on bacteria, and show a positive chemiotactic attraction towards cultures of bacteria and extracts of dead tissues, so that their protective function appears to be the same as that of the leucocytes of mammalian blood. My thanks are due to the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom for their kindness in granting me a table at their Plymouth Laboratory. Historical. The chemistry of the blood of the Lamellibranchiata has been thoroughly investigated by Ray Lankester (9, 10, 11, and 12), Cuenot (2), Griffiths (8), and others, but a number of observers have described the organised elements of the blood with very varying results. Their conclusions are summarised by de Bruyne (3). He himself recognises seven varieties of corpuscles in Lamellibranch blood, taking as his types PHYSIOLOGY OP LAMELLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 607 Mytilus edulis, Ostrea edulis, Unio pictorum, and Anodonta cygnea. Cuenot (2) describes a “ glande lympbatique ” at the base of the gills, where the corpuscles originate, and recognises coarsely and finely granular cor- puscles, and a third variety consisting of a nucleus with very little surrounding protoplasm. He considers that these are all derived by degenerative changes from the coarsely granular form. In the case of Cardium norvegicum I agree with Cuenot’s classification, but am inclined to consider that he has scarcely published sufficient evidence to warrant the statement that the other varieties are degenerated forms of the coarsely granular corpuscles. The fact that the plasma of Lamellibranch blood does not coagulate has long been known, and Geddes (7), in 1879, described the plasmodial masses formed by the agglutination of the corpuscles in shed blood. Dakin (4), in his monograph on Pecten, suggests that these plasmodia may act as plugs by which haemorrhage from a wound may be checked, but does not enter into the causes which determine this agglutination, nor its function in the healing of wounds. The question of phagocytosis has not been fully investigated. Ray Lankester (11 and 12) first recognised the phagocytic action of certain green amoeboid cells which he found on the surface of the gills of “green” oysters, and later de Bruyne (3) described the way in which certain wandering corpuscles invade and destroy the epithelium of the gills, and finally escape. De Bruyne attributes an excretory function to these cells, and considers the “aqui poriferi,” which were formerly supposed to communicate directly between the blood-spaces and the surrounding water, to be due to erosions of the epithelium caused by the emigration of these cells. In the same paper he mentions the ingestion of carmine granules by the phagocytes. No account has yet been published of the phagocytic action of the corpuscles on bacteria, though, owing to the fact that the blood as a whole does not coagu- late, many difficulties in the way of such investigations are eliminated. 608 G. H. DREW. Methods. Collection and Preservation of Living Animals. Cardium norvegicum can be obtained in the neighbour- hood of Plymouth by dredging on several grounds at a depth of twenty to thirty fathoms. It was formerly quite plentiful, but the supply has been falling off somewhat during the last few years. The animal will live for many hours out of water, and for some days if packed in damp seaweed. I have kept a number for months in the Laboratory in basins into which a small jet of sea-water flowed. Sufficient food is obtained from the minute forms of life present in the water circulating in the experimental tanks, and any artiflcial method of aeration is unnecessary. The vitality of the animal is so great that a relatively large volume of blood may be with- drawn, and complete recovery ensue, in the course of a few days, after which the blood appears to be normal in consti- tuents and quantity. Collection of Blood. The blood can be most conveniently obtained from the anterior adductor muscle. When the valves of the shell are slightly apart, a small wedge is introduced between them to prevent closing of the shell ; this usually causes the protru- sion of the large and powerful foot, which is violently waved about, and may displace the wedge unless it has been inserted near the anterior adductor muscle, where it is beyond reach of the foot. A clean, fine-pointed glass pipette, fitted with a rubber teat, is then introduced between the fibres of the adductor muscle, and the blood slowly withdrawn. The following precautions should be taken : The pipette should not be forced through the adductor muscle so as to rupture any of the viscera ; it should pene- trate about half-way through the muscle, and then be slightly withdrawn to free the end. PHYSIOLOGY OP LAMELLIBEANCH BLOOD-COEPUSCLES. 609 A pipette with a jagged or sharp point should not be used, as this tends to cause agglutination of the corpuscles. By this method I have obtained as much as 20 c.c. of blood from a large specimen of Cardium norvegicum. Fixing and Staining Methods, By far the most satisfactory results were obtained by simple fixation with corrosive sublimate, and staining with aqueous eosin and methylene blue. A drop of blood is allowed to fall on a slide from the collecting pipette, and is then left in a moist chamber for from half an hour to an hour to allow the corpuscles to expand. Two or three drops of a saturated solution of corrosive subli- mate in sea-water should then be added, and left for five minutes. This is drained off, and the slide washed in 90 per cent, alcohol. After this the slides may be placed in water for a few minutes, and then stained for some time in a dilute aqueous solution of eosin ; this is washed off, and Loefflei*’s methylene blue, diluted 1 in 100, is added, and left for from one to two minutes. The slide is finally washed in distilled water, allowed to dry (not blotted), and mounted in xylol balsam. Almost equally good results were obtained by fixation with osmic acid, but no other fixatives employed were really satisfactory. No variety of the Romanowsky stain gave such good results as treatment with eosin and methylene blue, one after the other. Haematoxylin stained the nuclei well, but interfered with the differentiation of the eosinophil granules. Treatment of the fresh blood with 1 per cent, acetic acid and methylene green differentiates the nuclei of the corpuscles, but fixation is not sufficiently rapid to enable the corpuscles to be examined in the expanded condition. Sections of the tissues showing wounds, etc., were fixed in corrosive sublimate, and stained with Ehrlich’s haematoxylin and erythrosin, or van Gieson’s stain. 610 G. H. DREW. Methods of Observing the Process of Agglutination of the Corpuscles. The plasmodial masses, formed by agglutination of the cor- puscles, can be produced by shaking the blood in a tube, or by stirring a drop on a slide with a needle, and can then be directly examined under the microscope. To study the exact process by which they were formed I employed the following method : Two extremely thin strips of plasticine were placed on a slide, inclined to each other at about an angle of 45°, and arranged so as to leave a very narrow opening between their convergent ends. A cover-slip was applied, and pressed firmly down, so as to prevent the escape of liquid under the bands of plasticine. A drop of blood can then be run under the cover-slip, and can only escape from the cell at the narrow end, though which it may be drawn with a piece of filter paper. In some experiments a few strands of cotton-wool, or glass-wool, were placed in the narrow opening, the fibres being arranged as far as possible parallel to one another and in the direction of the flow of the blood. Agglutination of the corpuscles occurs readily as the blood passes through the narrow end of the cell, and the process can be obsei’ved under the microscope. The way in which these agglutinated masses of corpuscles close the opening of a wound, and so stop haemorrhage, was studied by making small incisions in the foot when extended, and then fixing by immersing the whole foot in saturated corrosive sublimate, and finally cutting serial sections. PHYSIOLOGY OF LAMELLIBEANCH BLOOD-COEPUSCLES. 611 Where the healing of a wound in later stages was followed, the animal was narcotised with the foot in an extended con- dition by a 1 per cent, solution of cocaine in sea-water; the required portion of the foot was then cut off, and fixed, and sectionised as before. In these experiments it is advisable to keep the animals in separate basins with a good flow of watei’, as if overcrowded, a number die, presumably from infection through the wound. Methods of Studying Phagocytosis. The bacteria used for this purpose were obtained by inocu- lating peptonised fish-broth, made with sea-water, with a platinum loop which had been passed along the edge of the mantle. This resulted in a mixed culture of bacteria, in which a rather large non-motile bacillus with rounded ends, and a tendency to form diplo-bacilli, much predominated. The actual process of phagocytosis was observed by adding a loopful of the diluted culture to a drop of blood. Permanent slides, showing ingested bacteria, were prepared by leaving a drop of blood, to which bacteria had been added, for from one to two hours in a moist chamber, and then fixing and staining by the same method as that employed in the prepara- tion of stained blood-films. Further observations were made by filling thin-walled capillary tubes with cultures of bacteria, sealing them at one end, and introducing the open end into a drop of blood on a slide. A cover-glass with a small quantity of wax at each corner was then placed on the drop, and the tube containing the bacteria kept under observation. Similar experiments were conducted by introducing capillary tubes containing cultures, etc., into the adductor inuscle of the animal, which may be replaced in the water and left for some hours. The tubes were then withdrawn, and the number of corpuscles which had entered the tubes were noted under the microscope. In these experiments the capillary tubes should be marked VOL. 54, PART 4. NEW SERIES. 43 612 G. H. DREW. with a diamond, broken clean across, and passed through the flame, so as to obviate jagged ends, which tend to cause an agglutination of the corpuscles around the end of the tube. Description op the Blood. The blood of Cardium norvegicum is a somewhat opalescent fluid, appearing slightly yellow by transmitted, and blue by reflected, light. On shaking, the corpuscles stick together, forming small white floccular masses which fall to the bottom of the liquid. The plasma can be obtained free from the corpuscles by filtering, and appears of tlie same colour as the blood. It contains hmmocyaniu (Cuenot) (2). Its reaction to litmus is neutral. On heating to 74° C. it becomes distinctly cloudy, and in time a floccular precipitate of coagulated proteid is produced, which is soluble in alkalies and acids, but is re- precipitated on neutralisation. The addition of an equal volume of 90 per cent, alcohol produces a white precipitate. The plasma gives the usual proteid reactions, such as the xanthoproteic and Biuret reactions, a brick-red precipitate with Millon’s reagent, a white ring on the addition of nitric acid (which does not disappear on warming), and a white precipitate with potassium ferrocyanide and acetic acid. An analysis of the blood for salinity, by titration with silver nitrate, using potassium chromate as an indicator, gave a chlorine value very slightly higher than that of the sea- water in which the animal was living’. This small increase was probably due to evaporation while collecting the blood, boiling to remove the hmuiocyanin, and filtering. Without very specialised apparatus it is almost impossible to go through these operations without a small loss due to evapora- tion. Cuenot has estimated the total salts in the blood of a number of marine invertebrates living in waters of various salinities. He evapoi-ates and incinerates the blood, and estimates the salts gravimetrically. By this method he PHYSIOLOGY OP LAMBLLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 613 invai'iably found that the total salts in the blood was slightly less than that in the water in which the animal lived, but his published researches do not extend to any species of Cardium. The organised elements in the blood of Cardium norve- gicum consist entirely of amoebocytes. As seen in the freshly drawn blood, they appear as slightly granular, colourless corpuscles showing a number of short pseudopodia ; they vary considerably in size, but the different varieties of the corpuscles cannot be easily distinguished in unstained prepa- rations, nor can the nucleus be clearly made out. If a slide in which the cover-glass is supported at the corners with wax, so as to ensure a fairly thick film of blood, be kept under observation, it will be noticed that the cor- puscles perform slow amoeboid movements. After the lapse of about half an hour many of the corpuscles can be seen fully extended, and may then measure three or four times their diameter in the contracted state. In this condition they are very thin and ti'ansparent, and can be most conveniently observed under a nari*ow cone of illumination. The pseudo- podia are often remarkably long and slender. Stained preparations show that the corpuscles can be divided into three classes : (1) Finely granular eosinophil corpuscles (fig. 1). These are the lai’gest corpuscles present. They possess a single round or oval nucleus, and a relatively large amount of proto- plasm, which contains a number of exti-etnely small eosinophil granules, chiefly concentrated round the nucleus. The longer pseudopodia are as a rule free from these granules at their extremities, but there is usually a line extending round the periphery of the corpuscle, which stains slightly with eosin. (2) Coarsely granular eosinophil corpuscles (fig. 2), similar to the finely granular variety, but slightly smaller, and possessing large, well-defined, eosinophil granules. (3) Basophil corpuscles (fig. 3). These are much smaller than the two preceding varieties, and do not take on the eosin stain at all. They possess a sing’le round nucleus, and a very small amount of protoplasm, which also takes on the 614 (i. H. DREW. blue stain. In fresli unstained preparations they can often be distinguished by their small size, almost spherical shape, and somewhat high power of refraction. Differential counts gave the following as the average rela- tive proportion of the corpuscles : Finely granular eosinophil . . .48 per cent. Coarsely granular eosinophil . . . 44 ,, Basophil ...... 8 ,, The Process of Agglutination of the Corpuscles, and its Relation to the Healing of Wounds. The small white floccular masses produced when the freshly drawn blood is shaken in a tube, consist of a number of corpuscles which have coalesced to form a compact mass ; the individual corpuscles are still distinguishable, and those round the periphery of the mass protrude pseudopodia. This coalescence of the corpuscles also occurs when the fresh blood is stirred with any foreign body, or when the corpuscles come into contact with any rough surface. If the blood be care- fully collected by a pipette with well-rounded ends, and dropped on a slide, there will be comparatively little aggluti- nation of the corpuscles, but if the pipette be at all dirty, so as to present a rough surface to the blood, or if the end of the pipette be at all jagged, there will be considerable coalescence. When the blood is allowed to flow through a meshwork of cotton-wool, nearly all the corpuscles will stick to the strands and form dense agglutinated masses; if glass-wool be employed instead of cotton-wool, this result is not so marked. It seems possible that this power of agglutination depends on some change produced in the corpuscle by the stimulus of contact or friction with a non-living body. This agglutination can be studied more fully in the plasti- cine cell already described. If the blood be drawn through the small opening, a clot of corpuscles will soon be formed, which will close the opening, and so prevent further escape PHYSIOLOGY OP LAMELLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 615 of blood. Individual corpuscles can be watched as they near the opening, and it will be seen that the majority touch the bands of plasticine at least once before they adhere to its surface. When the stream of blood is extremely slow, so that the momentum of the corpuscles on contact is slight, a corpuscle may touch any foi’eign body three or four times before adhering, but if the momentum of the corpuscle be greater, it may adhere on the first or second contact. In the case of contact with a polished surface, such as glass, the power of agglutination is not so marked. Once a corpuscle has adhered, it possesses the power of sticking to any other corpuscles that may come in contact with it, and these, in their turn, can then adhere to others. That this power of mutual adhesion is not possessed by the corpuscles in the freshly drawn blood, is proved by the fact that corpuscles may often be seen impinging without showing any tendency to adhere, until one of them touches some foreign body, or meets with other agglutinated corpuscles. Two corpuscles, one or both of which have developed this power of aggluti- tion, may frequently adhere to each other by their pseudo- podia, and then become separated by the blood-current ; when this occurs, a thin protoplasmic connection seems always to remain between the corpuscles. This phenomenon can best be studied by placing a few strands of cotton-wool between the convergent bands of plasticine. In this case, the corpuscles can be seen to form agglutinated masses along the strands of cotton-wool, and frequently thin protoplasmic connections are visible between masses of corpuscles situated on different strands of cotton (fig. 4). At first these bands may be so thin as to present considerable difficulty in resolution, unless oblique illumina- tion be employed. Even when invisible, their presence is often shown by their power of arresting and adhering to passing corpuscles. I have frequently followed the course of two corpuscles, which had adhered by their pseudopodia, and then become separated in the blood-stream, and settled down on neighbouring strands of cotton-wool. In such cases a 616 G. H. DREW. thin protoplasmic connection, often of remarkable length relative to the size of the corpuscles, was either directly visible, or was demonstrated by the adhesion of passing corpuscles. If two agglutinated masses of corpuscles, connected by one or more such protoplasmic strands, be kept under observation for several hours, it will be seen that the strands slowly thicken. Corpuscles from each end may travel up a strand and appear to become merged in it, as do also any fi’ee cor- puscles which may have adhered to it. The corpuscles at each end also send out pseudopodia along the strand, and may be drawn up into it as it thickens. During this process the strand contracts, increasing pro- portionately in breadth. The force of this contraction is often sufficient to draw together the two neighbouring fibres of cotton to which the corpuscles have adhered, and by this means the two original masses of agglutinated corpuscles may finally be fused into one. This phenomenon was studied as far as possible in life by making small incised wounds in the foot when under water, fixing after varying intervals, and sectionising. Unfortu- nately the extremely delicate protoplasmic strands, formed between adjacent masses of corpuscles in the earliest stages of agglutination, did not withstand the fixing and embedding process, but sections of a wound, that had been left for from one to two hours before fixation, showed agglutinated masses of leucocytes on the edges of the wound, with connecting bands running in all directions, thus forming a plug which would at least prevent the escape of corpuscles through the wound, and probably much hinder the escape of the plasma. Sections of wounds a few hours older show'ed the wound completely blocked by the agglutinated corpuscles. Sections of still older wounds showed that the process of healing in many ways resembled that in Mammalia. The agglutinated masses of corpuscles soon become more or less structureless, and much resemble a mass of fibrin. This is then invaded by other corpuscles which have a phagocytic action, and PHYSIOLOGY UP LAMELLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 617 they are accompanied by connective-tissue corpuscles with elongated nuclei, which form connective tissue. At the same time, in the case of small incised wounds of the foot, the cut muscle-fibres grow across, and the surface epithelium joins up over the surface of the wound, so that after the lapse of about three weeks the site of the wound may be almost indistinguishable in sections. I consider that the process as observed in the plasticine cell is probably identical with that in Nature. When a wound is made, the tissues along the immediate margins of the wound have their vitality impaired, and though perhaps not dead, are at least in an abnormal state. As the blood escapes, the corpuscles impinge on these tissues and agglu- tinate, and connecting strands of protoplasm may be formed between masses of corpuscles on opposite sides of the wound, in the same tnanner as that described when the blood is drawn through cotton-wool. The subsequent thickening and contraction of these bands of protoplasm would tend to draw the edges of the wound together, and cause complete fusion between the neighbouring masses of agglutinated corpuscles. It is obvious that some change takes place in the corpuscles of blood which has been withdrawn from the animal, which confers on them the power of agglutination. Of the nature of this change I have no evidence. Arguing by analogy, it seems possible that it is due to the liberation of some enzyme from the corpuscle. There is no visible change in the con- tents of the cells after agglutination, and stained preparations show that both the large and small eosinophil granules are still present. The effect of exposure to air, as a predisposing cause of agglutination, may be eliminated by the fact that a small wound, made under water, soon becomes plugged with agglu- tinated corpuscles, and also by the fact that agglutination occurs when the blood has been collected under water in a narrow pipette already partially full of sea-water. This does not dispose of the action of dissolved air, but it is reasonable to assume that the blood during its passage through the gills 618 G. H. GREW. contains approximately the same amount of dissolved air as the surrounding water. The corpuscles also aggdutinate in the case when the animal, with the shell-valves wedged open, is washed with distilled water, and the blood withdrawn with a dry pipette. This disposes of the possibility of agglutination being caused by admixture with sea-water. Mixture of the blood with hypertonic or hypotonic salt solutions also does not hinder agglutination. 'Phe possibility that some stimulus, conveyed to the corpuscle by contact or friction with some foreign body, is the predis- posing cause of agglutination, is suggested by the fact that corpuscles can be seen to agglutinate after contact with a foreign body, and more especially by the fact that the rapidity of the change in the corpuscle appears to depend on its momentum when impinging on the body. The fact that agglutination does not occur so readily after contact with a polished surface, such as glass, where there would be less friction, is also in favour of this theory. Phagocytosis. Idle phagocytic action of the corpuscles on bacteria can be watched by placing a di’op of blood on a slide, and adding a loopful of a culture of bacteria in broth diluted with sea- water. Tlie corpuscles can be seen to send out pseudopodia in the direction of the bacteria, and engulf them. They may then be fixed and stained as before (figs. 5 and 6). Agglu- tinated corpuscles do not appear to possess this power, but motile bacteria, in the course of their movements, may touch and adhere to them; this is probably a purely passive action on the part of the corpuscles. No phagocytic action on the part of the basophil corpuscles was observed, nor did stained preparations show that this had taken place. Experiments were tried by introducing capillary tubes containing cultures into a di'op of blood under a cover-slip, supported at the corners by wax; in this case a certain number of corpuscles PHYSIOLOGY OF LAMELLIBEANCH BLOOD-COEPUSCLES. 619 could usually be seen to enter the tube, and there was an apparent concentration of the corpuscles about the mouth of the tube after the lapse of from half an hour to an hour, but though negative results were given in check experiments, in which capillary tubes filled with sea-water were employed, yet the number of corpuscles were usually so few (four to eight on an average in half an hour), that the results cannot be con- sidered conclusive. Much more conclusive results were given by introducing similar capillary tubes into the anterior adductor muscle, and leaving them there about two hours, having inserted a small wedge between the valves of the shell to prevent the breaking of the tubes. Tubes filled with the following- fluids were employed, and all introduced at the same time into the same animal : (1) Culture of non-motile bacilli in peptonised fish-broth made with sea-water. (2) Peptonised fish-broth made with sea-water. (3j Culture of the same bacilli in the blood of Cardium norvegicum. (4) Filtered extract of the tissues of Cardium nor- vegicum which had been killed by heat and then minced in sea-water. (5) The fresh blood of Cardium norvegicum. (6) Sea-water. It was assumed that a positive result was given when over twenty corpuscles were seen free in the tube, and a mass of agglutinated corpuscles was found at the mouth of the tube and extending a little way up it. On this assumption, jjositive results were given with the culture in broth (1), the culture in blood (3), and the extract of the tissues (4), and negative results with the fresh blood (5), and sea- water (6). Varying and inconclusive results were given with the sterile fish- broth (2). These conclusions represent the mean of a large number of experiments. The chief experimental errors, which are liable to cause false results, are due to employing capillary tubes which are rough at the open end ; in this case the opening becomes rapidly closed by a mass of agglutinated 620 G. H. DREW. corpuscles. Another source of error consists in using tubes containing’ air at the closed end, when the fluid may be expelled, or blood sucked in, as a result of changes of tempera- ture. Even when the tube is completely full, time must be allowed after sealing the end, for it to take up the room temperature. The water in which the animal is kept should also be at the I’oom temperature, and the tube should never be touched with the hand, to avoid warming. I consider that these experiments show that cultures of bacteria and extracts of dead tissues have a positive chemio- tactic attraction for the coi'puscles. Bibliography. A full and exhaustive bibliography of the subject up to 1896 is given by De Bruyne in his “ Contribution a I’etude de la Phagocytose (1),” published in the ‘ Arch, de Biol.,’ Tome xiv, pp. 231-236. The following references only include those papers directly bearing on the subject in hand. 1. Broun, H. G. — ‘Das Tier-Reich. MoUusca.,’ Abtlilg. ii, Leipsic, 1907, p. 604. 2. Cuenot, L. — “ Etudes sur le Sang et les Glandes Lymphatiques,” ‘ Arch, de Zool. Exper. et Gen.,’ Deuxieme Serie, Tome ix. Paris, 1891. 3. De Bruyne, C. — “ Contribution a I’etude de la Phagocytose (1),” ‘ Arch, de Biol.,’ Tome xiv, Paris, 1896, p. 161. 4. Dakin, W. J. — " Pecten.” ‘ Liverpool Marine Biological Committee Memoirs,’ xvii, London, 1909, p. 73. 5. Frederique, L. — “ Sur rhemocyanine,” ‘ Comptes Rendus,’ Bd. 115, Paris, 1892, p. 61. 6. von Fiirth. 0. — ‘ Vergleichende chemische Physiologie der neideren Tiere,’ Jena, 1903, p. 60. 7. Geddes, P. — “ On the Coalescence of Amcfiboid Cells into Plasmodia, and the So-called Coagulation of Invertebrate Fluids,” ‘Proc. Roy. Soc.,’ vol. XXX, London, 1880. 8. Griffiths, A. B. — ‘ Respiratory Proteids,’ pp. 29-.S6, 50-67, 71-73, London, 1897. 9. Lankester, E. Ray. — “Preliminaiy Notice of Some Observations with the Spectroscope on Animal Substances,” ‘ J ourn. Anat. and Phys.,’ Bd. 2, 1867, pp. 114-116. PHYSIOLOGY OP LAMELLIBRANCH BLOOD-CORPUSCLES. 621 10. Lankester, E. Ray. — “Abstract of a Repoi’t on the Spectroscopic Examination of Certain Animal Substances,” ‘ Journ. Anat. and Phys.,’ Bd. 3, 1870, pp. 119-192. 11. “On Green Oysters,” ‘Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 26, 1886, p. 71. 12. “ Phagocytes of Green Oysters,” ‘ Nature,’ vol. xlviii, 1893, p. 75. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 31, Illustrating Mr. Gr. H. Drew’s paper on “ Some Points in the Physiology of Lamellibrauch Blood-Corpuscles.” Fig. 1. — Finely gi’anular eosinophil corpuscles in expansion and con- traction. Stained with eosin and methylene blue. X 750. Fig. 2. — Coarsely granular eosinophil corpuscles in expansion and conti'action. Stained with eosin and methylene blue. X 750. Fig. 3. — Basophil corpuscles in expansion and contraction. Stained with methylene blue. X 750. Fig. 4. — Agglutinated masses of corpiiscles adherent to strands of cotton fibre, showing thin coimecting bands of protoplasm, x 100. Fig. 5. — Later stage of fig. 4, showing thickening and contraction of the connecting bands of protoplasm. The cotton fibres have been drawn closer together by the contraction, x 100. Fig. 6. — Ingested bacteria in the corpuscles. X 750. ,^ (Myu/r'rv a.iI/Ujco-: dau . iJoL oU, fl S. I. NOTE ON THE CYTOLOGY OF CALOTHEIX FESCA. 623 Note on the Cytology of Calothrix fusca. By Dr. !V. H. 8wclleng;rel>el, Amsterdam. With Plate 32. While studying the cytolog}' of several TrichohacterinEe I came across a representative of the group of Cyanophyceae, the study of which may cast perhaps some light on the question of relationship between Cyanophycese and Bacteria. I found Calothrix fusca in aquaria among large quanti- ties of Gloeocapsa ; I never found it not associated with those algse. It seems not impossible that a symbiotic relationship exists between those two algae, a relationship which would be obviously beneficial to Calothrix, this species being more or less deprived of chlorophyll. This question, however, must remain for the Avhile a mere hypothesis, because I was not able to study the question more thoroughly. 'I'he dimensions of the cells are very variable. At the end of the cell-filaments the cells are rather short (from 3‘6 ju — 7‘2ju), but lengthen towards the base (from 7'8 /j — 10'8^); their breadth is from 8-6 fi— 7-2 fi. The filaments which are enclosed in thick hyaline sheaths are pseudo-ramified. Each pseudo-ramification possesses at its base a heterocyst and some concave cells. To study the cytological details the cell -filaments were fixed in Pfeiffer’s solution, washed in alcohol 60 per cent., after the ordinary passages through alcohol embedded in 624 N. H. SWELLENGREBEL. paraffin (52°), and cut in sections from 4 — 6 fi thick. The sections were washed in xylol and stained with iron-hema- toxylin (Heidenhain). I shall not enumerate here the different papei’S which have been published about the cytology of Cyanophyceae. For reference to them the very complete works of Kohl,^ Fischer,* and Guilliermond ® may be consulted. According to Guillier- mond, who recently studied various representatives of this group, the central mass of stainable matter (the “ central body” of Biitschli^) is composed of chromatin which is sup- ported by an achromatic substratum of alveolar structure; the whole central body is to be regarded as a primordial nucleus, a view which was already held by Biitschli and his followers. A contrary opinion is upheld by A. Fischer, who does not believe in the nuclear nature of the central body ; according to this author it represents only the central part of the cytoplasma free from chlorophyll. The chromatophil bodies within it consist of a peculiar hydrocarbon called “ ana- bsenine.” His strongest argument against the chromatic nature of those granules consists in the fact that they ai'e dissolved in water. It must be remembered, however, that this argument no longer holds good, since Oes ® showed that the chromosomes of Spirogyra are equally dissolved in water. Kohl (loc. cit.) showed that the chromatophil granules of the central body give all the characteristic reactions of true chromatin. I also have carefully examined the micro- chemical reactions of those granules, and have arrived at the same conclusion as Kohl’s. I do not describe them here, since Kohl has done this in ex ten so. There cannot consequently be the least doubt that the granules within the central body ' Kohl, ‘ tiber der Organisation luid Pliysiologie der Cyanophyceen,’ Jena, 1903. " Fischer, ‘ Botan. Zeitimg,’ 1905. ’ Guilliermond, ‘ Revue general de botanique,’ 1907. < Biitschli, ‘ fiber die Bander Cyanophyceen und Bacterien,’ Leipzig, 1826. * Oes, ‘ Botan. Zeitimg,’ 1908. NOTE ON THE CYTOLOGY OP CALOTHEIX FUSCA. 625 consist of real chromatiu. I also observed in the cells of Calothrix fusca the metachroinatic granules (volutine granules) ; they always were found iu the central body. The cells of Calothrix fusca do not possess a well de- veloped chromatophore, surrounding the central body, as is found in other members of the Cyanophycem. Often the cells are not at all green coloured, and when this is the case the green colour is diffusely spread thi’oughout the cell without a well-marked differentiation between coloured and non-coloured cytoplasma. This is perhaps the reason why the central body of Calothrix fusca is never so compactly built as in other Cyanophycem, and why it becomes so easily diffuse. The cytoplasma of the young cells (at the end of the fila- ments) contains few or no inclusions, and has an alveolar structure (PI. 32, figs. 1 — o) which is not always distinctly visible. The central body is generally of normal shape. It is formed of an achromatic sub.stratum (which, however, stains more deeply than the surrounding cytoplasma), in which are embedded the chromatic granules and filaments. The achromatic substratum determines the form of the central body ; this form is rather variable, often the central body is star-shaped, and resembles the same organ of Toly pot hr ix lanata described by Kohl (loc. cit.). The chromatin is not always distributed throughout the whole central body ; often several parts of it are free from chromatin (PI. 32, fig. 5). Such specimens are very favourable for the study of the relation between the achromatic substratum of the central body and the surrounding cytoplasma. Both have an alveolar structure, and by carefully examining the places where cyto- plasma and achi-omatic substratum come together, one can often observe that the septa of the cytoplasmic alveoli are continued without interruption into those of the achromatic substratum, the only difference consisting in the different avidity with which stains are absorbed (PI. 32, figs. 5, 6). Cell division is performed in the ordinary way ; in the middle of the cell an imperfect ring-shaped transverse mem- 626 N. H. SWELLEXGREBEL, brane is formed, which becomes afterwards closed. The central body divides by simple fissure, chromosome-like masses of chromatin not being found as is the case in other Cyanophycete (Kohl, Guilliermond). Often it can be observed that the central body loses more and more its ordinary shape. It becomes elongated with more or less developed ramifications ; often a slight curvature or zigzag form is to be observed (PI. 32, figs. 2, 6, 7, 8 c), After carefully staining, one can always observe that the central body is normally formed by its two components, the chromatin and the chi’omatic substratum. In other specimens, however, the distinction between cytoplasma and achromatic substratum becomes more and more indistinct, and it is impossible at last to trace a distinction between the two (PI. 32, figs. 8 d, e, 9). The chromatin is in such cases spread diffusely throughout the whole cell. The protoplasma of the latter is built after the ordinary pattern. The cells resemble very much those of some sporogenic bacteria, i*ecently de- scribed by Guilliermond.' The dissolution of the central body described here was also observed by Guilliermond (loc. cit.) in Scytonema cin- cinnatum,but it occurred there only in old vacuolated cells, so it is highly probable that the dissolution was of a patho- logic origin. This, however, cannot be the case in Calo- thrix fusca, as very young cells (at the ends of young cell- filaments) show already this phenomenon (PI. 32, fig. 8). In grown-up cells there appear in the cytoplasma large hyaline granules. They surround the central body at first, and seem afterwards to invade the latter, so causing its dissolu- tion. I was at first deluded by this phenomenon, thinking that the dissolution of the centi’al body had a purely mecha- nical cause, due to an auto-destruction by the formation of the hyaline granules. But a closer observation made clear that the diffusion of chromatin is equally found in cells which are not provided with hyaline granules (PI. 32, figs. 8, 9), so Guilliermond, ‘ Arch. f. Prot. kunde,’ 1908. NOTE ON THE CYTOLOGY OF OALOTHRIX PUSOA. 627 the destruction of the central body has not a merely mecha- nical cause. I vainly tried to make out the chemical nature of these hyaline granules. They are not identical with the “ cyano- phycinkornchen ” of the Glerman authors, nor do they con- sist of fat. They are only a little to be stained with eosine and carbolic fuchsin, they are dissolved in diluted acids and in pepsine, not in diluted alkalies. The changes in cell-structure in the microtome sections were controlled by the study of toto-stained preparations. After fixation the cells were placed on a cover-glass, and were stained and imbedded in the ordinary way. The normal central bodies had the same aspect as in the sections (PI. 32, fig. 10). The begitming of dissolution of the central body was also very clearly to be seen (PI. 32, fig. 12) in these pre- parations, also the cells with diffuse chromatin (PI. 32, fig. 11). Generally the distinction between the protoplasma of the central body and the surrounding parts was not very clearly to be seen. Except this point the toto-preparations had the same value as the sections. I will now shortly discuss the results of the observations described here. The normally built central body of Oalo- thrix fusca contains chromatin granules imbedded in the alveoli of the plasma of the central body (the “achromatic substratum”). The latter is easily differentiated from the cytoplasma ; the alveoli of the latter are the continuation of those of the aclu’omatic substratum. I think therefore with Guilliermondthat the central body of theCyanophycesemust be regarded as a primordial nucleus, the difference of cytoplasma and nuclear plasma already existing, but being not yet very distinctly marked. Under certain circumstances, unknown to me, the central body becomes at first irregularly shaped (in this stage the central body resembles strikingly the “ diffuse nuclei ” of Opalinopsis and Poettingeria), after which the difference between cytoplasma and nuclear plasma (s. achromatic substratum) disappears, and the chromatin granules ai’e spread throughout the whole cell. VOL. 54, PART 4. — NEW SERIES. 44 628 N. H. SWELLBNGREBEL. The stages with diffuse chromatin resemble very much the Bacteria with chromatic granules spread throughout the pro- toplasma. There is not yet differentiation between cytoplasma and nuclear plasma. Other forms of Bacteria, with their chromatin condensed into a more or less compact central mass (Sphaerotilus [SwellengrebeP], Bac. spirogyra [Dobell^]), find their match in those forms of Calothrix f usca, where a well-marked differentiation between cytoplasma and nuclear plasma does not yet exist, but where the chromatin is no longer spread throughout the whole cell, but takes a central position (PI. 32, fig. 8 c). The stage with a well developed central body is not yet found in the group of Bacteria. Biitschli (loc. cit.) has already observed the resemblance of the structure of Cyanophycem and larger Bacteria, the latter showing a central agglomeration of chromatin suggesting a central body. I think that the stages with diffuse chromatin come much nearer to the structures described in Bacteria, and that these observations may aid to support the view con- cerning the relationship between Cyanophyceffi and Bacteria. Hygienic Institute, Amsterdam ; June, 1909. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 32, Illustrating Dr. N. H. Swellengrebel’s paper “ Note on the Cytology of Calothrix fusca.” (Drawings made under a Zeiss 2 mm. homog. oil immersion apochromatic comp. 6c. 18.) Figs. 1 — 9. — Sections from 4 — 6 n thick. Figs. 1 and 3. — Three cells showing a well-developed central body with differentiation into chromatin and achromatic substratum. * Swellengrebel, ‘ C. R. Soc. de biol.,’ Juin, 1908. “ C. C. Dobell, ‘Quart. Journ. Micros. Science,’ vol. 53, May, 1909. NOTE ON THE CYTOLOGY OF CALOTHEIX FUSCA. 629 Pigs. 2 and 4. — Central body in the act of becoming diffuse. Pig. 5. — Showing the star-shaped achromatic part of the central body. Pig. 6. — Idem. Achromatic part zigzag shaped. Pig. 7. — As fig. 5, but achromatic substratum no longer visible. Pig. 8. — Showing the different stages of dissociation of the central body. a, b. Normal central body. c. Central body become diffuse. Achromatic substratum no longer differentiated. d, e. Complete dissolution of the central body. Chromatin in the form of granules and filaments spread throughout the proto- plasma. Pig. 9.— Same stages as fig. 8d and 8e. Pigs. 10 — 12. — Preparations of cell-filaments stained in toto. The figures show the same peculiarities as the microtome sections. THE “AEGHENTEEIC KNOT ” OF OENITHOEHYNCHUS. 631 Tropidonotus and the “Archenteric Knot ” of Ornithorhynchus. By Kicliai'd Asslietoii, M.A. With Plate 33. In my paper in a recent number of this Jouimal, in which I discussed Professor Hubrecht’s memoir upon the ontogenetic phases of mammalia, I referred to the peculiar condition of the egg of Ornithorhynchus as described by Wilson and Hill in the ' Philosophical Transactions of the Eoyal Society,’ vol. cxcix, and tlie interpretation placed by them thereon, A remarkable spot found by these authors and named by them “primitive or archenteric knot” exists at an eaidy stage of the blastocyst of Ornithorhynchus, a stage before the upraising of the neural folds, at some distance in front of tlie primitive streak which is present in a form perfectly typical of mammalia. The whole blastocyst at this period is “occupied by mainly fluid contents,” the more solid yolk of the previous stage (6 mm. in diameter) having become partly disintegrated by absorption of fluid from the uterus by this time, when the diameter of the blastocyst has attained 10 mm, Wilson and Hill regarded this spot as representing an early stage in the development of the archenteron, and attempted to identify it with the “Hensen knot” of the later period. Considerable gaps exist in the material, so that they were not able to trace accurately either the origin or the fate of this structure. 632 RICHARD ASSHETON. I ventured to suggest that this spot had nothing to do with archenteron formation, and that it might be a quite erroneous conclusion to identify it with the anterior end of the primitive streak of later times. I argued at some length to show from their description that their interpretation is not tenable. As an alternative I offered the suggestion that the spot in question is the morphological lower pole of the egg, and gave figures illustrating a comparison between Ornithorhynchus as de- scribed by Wilson and Hill and a Sauropsidan, such as the sparrow, postulating a complete growth round by the edge of the blastoderm at an earlier stage in the Prototherian than in the Sauropsidan egg in correlation with a smaller quantity of yolk. The fact that there is a very well-marked eccentricity — I mean that this spot is not diametrically opposite to the centre of the “embryo” in Ornithorhynchus as it is in the sparrow, but as it is not in the rabbit — did not seem to me to be a serious objection. Since making this criticism I have come across a series of sections which I cut through the lower pole of the egg of Tropidonotus natrix some years ago, but which I had forgotten — at a stage represented by the outline drawing (PI. 33, fig. 1). I find I have also in toto the same spot indicating the coalesced edges of the blastoderm of another egg of the same snake, and the appearances of these specimens are such as to add very considerably to the degree of probability that the suggestion I made will turn out to have been well founded. The resemblance between the drawings of sections taken through the centre of this area (fig. 2) and Wilson and Hill’s text-fig. 4 (p. 51) of their section through the archeuteric knot of Oniithorhynchus is most striking. It must be remembered that at this stage in the snake’s egg the “ blasto- cyst cavity” is still nearly filled with yolk, which is not shown in my drawing, as the loose yolk has been all washed off during the preparation of the specimen, this loose yolk corresponding to the “tolerably large remainder of the original yolk as a more or less coherent mass, lying free within THE “ARCHENTEEIC KNOT ” OE OENITHOEHYNCHUS. 633 the cavity of the vesicle of the Ornithorhynchus egg of 10-12 mm, in diameter (p. 42). Fig’. 2 is the 239th section of the series of 440 sections passing through the spot, and so is nearly central. This shows that the lower pole of the egg of Tropidouotns, after the yolk has become completely enveloped by the edge of the blastoderm, consists of the following parts : On the outside there is the epiblast (ep.), a thin layer, except at the centre where its free edge has concentrated forming the dense mass of cells (c. p.). Beueath this there is, towards the periphery, the hypoblast [hy.), consisting of a reticulum containing many yolk-spherules {y. y.), and small nuclei on the surface next the epiblast. This hypoblast layer is seen to be much thicker near the centre of the figure, and a few more deeply placed nuclei maybe found. This is comparable to that part which, in the chick, was termed by Balfour “ the germinal wall” [g.w.]. Beneath the plug of epiblast {c. p.) is a deeply staining and very finely granular matei’ial (y.), which is the just-covered superficial layer of the lower pole of the yolk. Even as it is, the resemblance between this structure and the so-called “ archenteric knot of Oruitho- rhynchus” is sufficiently marked to cause one to view with suspicion the interpretation placed upon that spot by Wilson and Hill. But if we imagine a slightly more advanced con- dition, if we imagine the coalescence of the germinal wall, either by a gradual closing of the ring or by a differentiation of the smalt remaining piece of pui’e yolk into germinal wall, the resemblance between the two structures would be even more marked. In fig. 3 I have drawn a diagram from this figure and adopted the same method of indicating the layers as Wilson and Hill use in their text-fig, 4, p. 51, using the same lettering but attaching to them my interpretation. Thus ect. is the epiblast or ectoderm in each case, ent. the hypoblast. The epiblast {ect.) is obviously in continuation with the cell-plug (c.p.), which is seen in Tropidonotus to be the thickened coalesced margin of the epiblast of the blastoderm 634 lUCHARD ASSHETON. The part which pi’ojects above the surface, the actual cell- plug, is probably partly due to a growth of the epiblast cells after the coalescence of the margin, as I have found certainly one mitotic figure within this mass. In some sections, e. g. fig. 4, the distinction into “ cell-plug ” (c. j>.) and “ central more cellular zone ” (c. z.) is still more marked than it is in fig. 2. The part called by Wilson and Hill the “marginal or cortical zone of the knot tissue ” (m. z.) is represented by the germinal wall part of the hypoblast of Tropidonotus, which, like the author^s marginal zone, can be well described as showing “ coarsely reticular, indefinite and feebly staining characters,” and being “ poor in nuclei which are chiefly met with near its entodermal aspect.” Fig. 4 is another section of the same specimen which passes through a little cleft still remaining, which shows the relations of the thin epiblast to the thickened rim very clearly. It is difficult to resist the conclusion that a condition similar to this has given rise to the state of affairs in Orni- thorhynchus, described by Wilson and Hill and indicated in their text-fig. 5, p. 52, and figs. 9 and 10, pi. 4. If my comparison is a correct one, the archenteric knot of Ornithorhynchus with its anterior and posterior lips of the blastopore and its “commencement of true archenteric in- vagination ” may be dismissed, and another stumbling-block will be removed from the path of the student of mammalian embryology. As regards the question of the eccentricity of this spot in Ornithorhynchus I have no further evidence to bring forward. I have no note on this point and cannot recollect whether tlie point of coalescence of the blastoderm is diametrically opposite to the mid-dorsal surface or not. The egg of Tropi- donotus is long. Even if the point of coalescence in the snake’s egg is exactly opposite to the upper pole I do not think that it invalidates in any way the argument from the morpho- logical point of view. Whether, if this is the correct interpi’etation, it supports THE “ AECHEINTEEIC KNOT ” OF OENITHOEHYNCHUS. 635 or opposes tlie view that the Prototherian egg is derived from an egg of the Sauropsidan type may be open to question. There can be very little doubt that, if such has been its origin, there would be a condition as suggested. But it would be hazardous to assert that those are the only circum- stances under which such a condition could have arisen. One can only say that the condition in all essential features is identical with that of the Saui’opsidan type, and is totally unlike that of Amphibia, Teleosteans, Dipnoi, Elasmobranchs, or Cyclostomes. To my mind it appears to form strong evidence in confirmation of the validity of the association of the Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia in one distinct group — the Amniota. Fig. 5 shows the cellular character of the cell-plug, the thin general layer of epiblast continuous with the thickened margin, and the hypoblast and yolk-spherules, many dis- integrated, foi’ming the germinal wall or marginal zone of Wilson and Hill. Aros, Isle of Mull, August, 1909. Papers referred to in the Test. 1. Assheton, R. — “ Professor Hubreclit's Paper on the Ontogenetic Phases of Mammalian Development ; An Appreciation and Respectful Criticism,” ‘ Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci.,’ vol. 51, 1909. 2. Wilson, J. T., and Hill, J. P.— “ Primitive Knot and Early Gastru- lation Cavity Coexisting with Independent Primitive Streak in Oniithorhynchus,” ‘ Proc. Roy. Soc. London,’ vol. Ixxi, 1903. — “ Observations on the Development of Ornithorhyn- chus,” ‘Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London,’ ser. B, vol. cxcix, 1907. 8. 636 EICHAED ASSHETON. EXPLANATION OF PLATE 33, Illustrating Mr. Eichard Asslieton’s paper on “ Tropidonotus and the ‘ Arclienteric Knot ’ of Ornithorhynchus.” Fig. 1. — Outline figure of Tropidonotus embryo, showing three gill- cdefts, allantois, etc. all. Allantois, lit. Heart. Fig. 2. — Transverse section theough the central region of the lower pole of the egg of Tropidonotus after complete envelopment of the yolk liy the blastoderm of the stage of fig. 1. The loose yolk has been washed away, leaving hypoblast and germinal wall as a thickening round the fused edge of the epiblast. c. p. Heaped-up rim of coalesced ei^iblast. e.p. Epiblast. l\y. Hypoblast with much yolk. (j. w. Genninal wall. y. Pure yolk not yet covered by, or converted into gemiinal wall. Fig. 3.^ — Diagram of the above, lettered and drawm after the manner of Wilson and Hill's text-fig. 4, with which it should be compared, c.p. Cell-plug of ectoderm. ecA Ectoderm. e«t. Endoderm. c.z. (Central zone) part of central phig of ectoderm obviously in continuity with the ectoderm, m. z. (Marginal or cortical zone) -- germinal wall, or hypo- blasts and yolk. y. Yolk. Fig. 4. — Another section of the same series of transverse sections through the central region of the lower pole of Tropidonotus. The section passes through a little cleft still remaining between the edges of the coalesced blastodenn rim. c. p. Plug of cells derived from the coalesced rim of the blastoderm, e. p. Epiblast. hy. Hypoblast, g. w. Germinal wall. y. Yolk. Fig. 5. — A portion of the section shown in fig. 4, to illustrate the cellular character of the “ cell-plug ” (c. p.) (coalesced blastoderm edge), and e.p. epiblast, hy. germinal wall (hypoblast). Ik .A k- -ik Sofj/rmt.oMijr/r' S B N T OK TUB INSTITUTB OK KRAXCR« AXD (IK TUB lUPBRIAI. ACADBMY OK SCtKXCKS UK 9T. FKTKH8BUKG, AND OP TUB ACADBMY UK BC18NCB8 OK P H I LA D Kl.P II 1 A , AND UK TUB ROYAL ACADEMY OP SCIRNCBS OK Turin; foreign .mkmbbk ok tub royal society op sciences ok gOtTINGBN, and ok tub KuYAI. QUIIBMIAN society ok SCIRNCBS. AND OK TUB ACADBMY OK TUB MNCKI UK UOMR« AND OK TUB AMKRICAN ACADEMY OK ARTS AND SCIENCES OK BOSTON ; ASSOCIATE OK TUR ROYAL ACADBMY OK BELGIUM; HONORARY MRMBKR OP THR NBW YORK ACADB.MY OK SCIRNCBS. AND OK TUR CAMBRIDGE PIIILUSOP II ICAL SOCIBTY, AND OK TUB ROYAL PHYSICAL 80C1RTY OP BDIN* BURGH. AND OK TUB BIOLOGICAL SOCIBTY OK PARIS* AND OF TUR CALIFORNIA ACADBMY OF SCIENCES OK SAN KUANCISCO, AND OK TUB ROYAL ZOOI^IGICAL AND M A L ACOLOGIC A L SOCIETY OK BELGIUM; CORBBSrONDING MEMBER OP TUR SKNKRNDEKG ACADEMY OF F R AN K KURT- A* M ; FOREIGN ASSOCIATE OK TUB NATIONAL ACADEMY OK SCIENCES. U>8.> AND MEMBER OK TUB AMERICAN rUlLOSOPUICAL SOCIBTY * UONORARY FELLOW OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY OK EDINBURGH; LATE llIKBCTUK OK TUB NATURAL HISTORY DEPARTMENTS OK TUR BRITISH MUSEUM; LATE PRKSIDKNT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR TUR ADVANCEMENT OK SCIENCR.* 1 ACADB.MY OP BKJ.GIUM; HONORARY MEMBER OP TUB I NEW YORK ACADLMY OP 8C1KNCK8, AND OP TUR I CAAtBRIDGB P U I f.O S OP U tCAL SOCIETY, AND OP TUB ROYAL PHYSICAL 80CIKTY OP KDIN- I BURGH, ANDOPT HE j niOLOGICAL BUCIBTT op FARIB, AND OP THE CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OP SCIE.NCKS OP SAN PRANCISCO. AND OP THE ROYAL ZOOLOGICAL AND MALACOLOOICAL SOCIETY OP BELGIUM ; CORRESPONDING ME3IBBR OP THE SKNKBNBERG ACADEMY OP PR AN K PU RT'A'31 ; P0RR16N ASSOCIATE OP TUB NATIONAL ACADEMY OP SCIENCES, U«8., AND MEMBER OP THE A31KRICAN PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY ; HONORARY FELLOW OP THE ROYAL SOCIETY OP EDINBURGH’, LATE DIRECTOR OP TUB NATURAL HISTORY DBPARTMBNT8 OP TUB BRITISH MU8KU.M; LATE PRESIDENT OP THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR TUE ADVANCEMENT OP SCIENCR,* LATB PUM>KRIAN PKOPKSSOR OP PHYSIOLOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OP GREAT BRITAIN ; LATE I.IXACRB PROFESSOR OP C031PARAT1VR ANAT03IY AND FELLOW OP MERTON COI.LE G E , OX PO R D « PMERITUS PBOPBSSOR OP ZOOLOGY A N D C03I P A R ATI VE ANAT03IY IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY OP LONDON. WITH THE CO-OPEUATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., FELLOW OP TRINITY COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE. AND PKOPP.SSOR OP ZOOLOGY IN TUB IMPERIAL COLLEGE OP SCIENCE AND TECIINOLOGY, LONDON. SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BEYER PROFESSOR OP ZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OP MANCIIKSTKK’, AND E. A. MINCHIN, M.A., PROFESSOR OP PROTOZOOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OP LONDON. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND TEXT-FIGURES. LONDON. J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7 GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1909. DECEMBER, THE QUARTERLY OF Afllard and Son, Impr.,] [London and Dorking, CONTENTS OF No. 215.-New Series. MEMOIRS : PAGE The Formation of the Layers in Aniphioxus, and its bearing on the Interpretation of the Early Ontogenetic Processes in other Verte- brates. By E. W. MacBride, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., Strathcona Professor of Zoology in McGill University, Montreal. (With Plates 18—21, and 10 Text-figures) .... 279 The Structui'e, Development, and Bionomics of the House-fly, Musca domestica, Linn. Part III. — The Bionomics, Allies, Parasites, and the Relations of M. domestica to Human Disease. By C. Gordon Hewitt, D.Sc., Late Lecturer in Economic Zoology, University, of Manchester. (With Plate 22) . 347 The Development of the Temnocephalese. Part I. By Professor W. A. Haswell, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S. (With Plates 23 — 25) . 415 Experimental Observations on the Organs of Circulation and the Powers of Locomotion in Pennatulids. By Edith M. Mdsorave, D. Sc. (nee Pratt), Late Honorary Research Fellow in the Univer- sity of Manchester. (With Plates 26 and 27) . . 443 New Series, No. 216 (Vol. 54, Part 4). Price lOs. net. Subscription per volume (of 4 parts) 40s. net. FEBRUAEY, 1910. THl^ QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. KDIIKI* HY Sje ray LANKESTER, K.C.B., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S., HONUHAUT KKI.1.0W UK KXKTBU C U I.l. BO K . U X KO K I) ; C U U K KS P UX UK X T UK TUB IXSTtTliTK OK KHANCE« AXU OK TUK IMPKRIAI. ACAUKMY OK 9CIKNCKS OK 8T. PKTKURBirUG, AXU UK TUB ACAUK.MY UK SCIKXCK8 UK P M I I.A il K I.P 11 1 A , AND OK THE KOYAl. ACADEMY OF SCIKNCBS OK TUKIn; KUKKIGN MBHBRU ok TUK ROYAI. SOCIETY OK SCIENCES OK GOTTINGKN, and UK THE KUYAI. BOHEMIAN SOCIETY <'K SCIKNCKS, AND OK TUK ACADEMY OF TUB MNCKl OK IIUMB, AND OK TUK AMKUirAN ACADEMY OK AKTS AND SCIENCES OK BOSTON ; ASSOCIATK OK TUK ROYAl. ACADKMY OK BBl.GItlM; HONORARY MEMBKK OK TUK NKW YORK ACADEMY UK SCIKNCKS, AND OK THE CAMHKIDGK P il I I.OSOP II I C A I. SOCIETY, AND OP THE UOYAI. PIIYSICAI. 80CIKTY UK EDIN* BIIRGII, AND OK TUK BlUf.OGICAL SOCIKTY OK PARIS. AND OF TUK CAI.IFOKMA ACADEMY J F 8CIKNCE.S OK SAN KKANCISCO. AND OK TUK ROYAl. ZOOI.OGICAI. AND MAt.ACOI.OGlCAl. SOCIKTY OF BELGIUM; CORRKSPUNDING MEMBER OF THE SRNKKNBEKG ACADKMY OP K R AN K FU RT*A- M ; FUKKIGN ASSOCIATK OF TUK NATIONAL ACADKMY OF SCIENCES. U.8.. AND MEMBER UK TUB AMERICAN rilll.OSOPIIlCAI. SOCIEl Y ; HONORARY KELLOW OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF EDINBURGH; LATE lilllRrtOH OK TUK NAtl'RAL IliSTUllY DRPARTMKNTS OK THE BRITISH MUSKUM : LATE PRRSIDENT OF THE BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE.’ l.ATK Kt'l.LKKIAN PUUKKS80R OF FIIYSIULOGY IN THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF QRRAT BRITAIN ; l.ATK MNACRK FROFKRSOR OF COMKAHATIVE ANATOMY AND FEM-OW op MERTON C O LLF GE , O X FO R l> . EMERITUS PROFESSOR OF ZOOLOGY AND COMPARATIVE AXATOMY IN UNIVERSITY COLIEGE. UNIVERSITY OK LONDON WITH THK CO-OPEUATION OP ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., FELLOW OK TRINITY COLLEGE. CAMBRIDGE. AND PROFESSOR OK ZOOLOGY IN TUB IMPERIAL COLLEGE OK SCIENCE AND IBCUNOLOOY, LONDON. SYDNEY J. HICKSON, M.A., F.R.S., BKTRR PKOKRSSOK OK ZOOLOGY IN TUK UNIVERSITY OK MANCMKsrKR; AND E. A. MINCHIN, M.A., PKOKESSOn OK PROT OZOOLOGY IN TUB UNIVERSITY OK LONDON. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND TEXT-FIGURES LONDON. & A. OHUllOHlLL, 7 GEEAT MAKLBOROUGH STREET. 1910. Adlanl and Son, Impr.,] [London and Dorkin] CONTENTS OF No. 216.-New Series. MEMOIRS PAGE On Certain Features in the Development of the Alimentary Canal in Lepidosiren and Protopterus. By J. Graham Kerr, Pro- fessor in the University of Glasgow. (With 13 Text-figures) 483 The Phylogeny of the Tracheae in Araneae. By W. F. Purcell, Ph.D., Bergvliet, Diep River, near Cape Town. (With Plate 28, and 21 Text-figures) ..... 519 On the Reproduction of Kalpidorhynchus arenicolae (Cnghm.). By Margaret Robinson, University College, London. (With Plate 29) . . . . . . .565 Studies in the Experimental Analysis of Sex. By Geoffrey Smith. (With Plate 30) ...... 577 Some Points in the Physiology of Lamellibranch Blood-Corpuscles. By G. H. Drew, B. A. Cantab. (With Plate 31) . . 605 Note on the Cytology of Calothrix fuse a. By Dr. N. H. Swel- LENGREBEL, Amsterdam. (With Plate 32) . . 623 Tropidonotus and the “ Archenteric Knot ” of Ornithorhynchus. By Richard Assheton, M. A. (AVith Plate 33) . . 631 Title, Index, and Contents. With Ten Plates, Royal 4to, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. EAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London : J. & A. Chuechill, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCiilP'iTON is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum (prepaid) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/- net. The issue of Supplkment Numbers being found inconvenient, and there being often in the Editor’s hands an accumulation of valuable material, it has been decided to publish this Journal at such intervals as may seem desirable, rather than delay the appear- ance of Memoirs for a regular quarterly publication. The title remains unaltered, though more than Four Numbers may be published in the course of a year. Each Number is sold at 10/- net, and Four Numbers make up a Volume. London : J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7 Great Marlborough Street. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Authors of original papers published in the Quarterly .Journal of Microscopical Science receive fifty copies of their communica- tion gratis. All expenses of publication and illustration are paid by the publishers. Lithographic plates and text-figures are used in illustration. Shaded drawings intended for photographic reproduction as half- tone blocks should be executed in “ Process Black ” diluted with water as required. Half-tone reproduction is recommended for uncoloured drawings of sections and of Protozoa. Drawings for text-figures should not be inserted in the MS., but sent in a separate envelope to the Editor. Contributors to this .Journal requiring extra copies of their communications at their own expense can have them by applying to the Printers, Messrs. Adlard & Son, 22 i, Bartholomew Close, E.C., on the following terms : For every four pages or less — 25 copies . o/- 50 „ ... 6/- 75 „ 6/6 100 „ ... . V- Plates, 2/- per 25 if uncoloured; if coloured, at the same rate for every colour. Prepayment by P.O. Order is requested. All Communications fop. the Editors to be addressed to the care OP Messrs. .J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street, London, W. THE MARINE BIOtOClGAL ASSOCIATION ()!•’ THE UNITED KINGDOM. :o: Patron— HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President— Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. :o: The Association was fodnoed “ to establish and maintain Labokatokiks on THE coast of the UNITED KINGDOM, WIIEKE ACCUEATE EESEABCHES MAT BE CAEEIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPEOVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCEEASEOF ODE KNOWLEDGE AS EEGAEDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BeITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLDSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth opened in 18S8. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by tlie Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should couimunirate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, etc. Works published by the Association include the following : — ‘A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ .1. T. Cunningham, ALA., 4to, 25/-. ‘ The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands,’ J. '1'. Cunningham, M.A., 7/6 net (published for the Association by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.). The Journal of the Marine Biological Association is issued half-yearly, price 3/6 each number. In addition to these publications, the results of work done in the Laboratory are recorded in the ‘Quarterly Journal of Alicroscopieal Science,’ and in other scientific journals, British and foreign. Specimens of Marine Animals and Plants, both living and preserved, according to the best methods, are supplied to the principal British Laboratories and Aluseums. Detailed price lists will be forwarded on application. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Annual Membeus . . . .£110 per annum. Life Membees 15 15 0 Composition Fee. Foundees 100 0 0 „ „ Goteenoes (Life Members of Council) 500 0 0 Members have the following rights and privileges : — They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post ; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them ; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, etc.; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges are granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Alembers. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with — The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. With Ten Plates, Royal Ato, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. KAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London: J. & A. Chuechii.l, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum (prepaid) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/- net. The issue of Supplement Numbers being found inconvenient, and there being often in the Editor’s hands an accumulation of valuable material, it has been decided to publish this Journal at such intervals as may seem desirable, rather than delay the appear- ance of Memoirs for a regular quarterly publication. The title remains unaltered, though more than Four Numbers may be published in the course of a year. Each Number is sold at 10/- net, and Four Numbers make up a Volume. London : J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7 Great Marlborough Street. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Authors of original papers published in the Quarterly .Journal of Microscopical Science receive fifty copies of their communica- tion gratis. All expenses of publication and illustration are paid by the publishers. Lithographic plates and text-figures are used in illustration. Shaded drawings intended for photographic reproduction as half- tone blocks should be executed in “ Process Black ” diluted with water as required. Half-tone reproduction is recommended for uncoloured drawings of sections and of Protozoa. Drawings for text-figures should not be inserted in the MS., but sent in a separate envelope to the Editor. Contributors to this Journal requiring extra copies of their communications at their own expense can have them by applying to the Printers, Messrs. Adlard & Son, 221, Bartholomew Close, E.C., on the following terms : For every four pages or less — 25 copies . 5/- 50 „ . . 6/- 75 „ . . 6/6 100 „ . . 7/- Plates, 2/- per 25 if uncoloured ; if coloured, at the same rate for every colour. Prepayment by P.O. Order is requested. .\ll Communications for the Editors to be addressed to the care OP Messrs. J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street, London, \V. THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OV THK UNITED KINGDOM. :o: Patron— HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President— Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. :o: The Association was founded “ to establish and maintain Labobatobibs on THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WUEBE ACCUEATE BESEAECHES MAY BE CABBIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPEOVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCEEASE OF ODE KNOWLEDGE AS EEGAEDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BbITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with .the Director, who will supply all informatiou as to terms, etc. Works published by the Association include the following : — ‘A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 4to, 25/-. ‘ The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands,’ J. T. Cunuiugham, M.A., 7/6 net (published for the Association by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.). The Journal of the Marine Biological Association is issued half-yearly, price 3/6 eacli number. In addition to these publications, the results of work done in the Laboratory are recorded in the ‘ Quarterly .lournal of Microscopical Science,’ and in other scieutific journals, British and foreign. Specimens of Marine Animals and Plants, both living and preserved, according to the best methods, are supplied to the principal British Laboratories and Museums. Detailed price lists will be forwarded on application. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Annual Members . . . .£110 per annum. Life Members 15 15 0 Composition Fee. Founders 100 0 0 „ „ Governors (Life Members of Council) 500 0 0 Members have the following rights and privileges : — They elect aunnally the OflScers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them ; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, etc. ; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges are granted to Governors, P’ounders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with — The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. lyuh Ten Plates, Royal ^to, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. Hy E. HAY LANKESl'ER, M.A., LL.D., F.ll.S. Eondoii : J. & A. CHnKCHIl.L, 7 Great Marlborough Street; Quarterly Journal of Microscopical 5cience. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum (prepaid) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/- net. The issue of Supplement Numbers being found inconvenient, and there being often in the Editor’s hands an accumulation of valuable material, it has been decided to publish this Journal at such intervals as may seem desirable, rather than delay the appear- ance of Memoirs for a regular quarterly publication. The title remains unaltered, though more than Four Numbers may be published in the course of a year. Each Number is sold at 10/- net, and Four Numbers make up a Volume. London : J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7 Great Marlborough Street. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Authors of original papers published in the Quarterly -Journal of Microscopical Science receive fifty copies of their communica- tion gratis. All expenses of publication and illustration are paid by the publishers. Lithographic plates and text-figures are used in illustration. Shaded drawings intended for photographic reproduction as half- tone blocks should be executed in “Process Black” diluted with water as required. Half-tone reproduction is I’ecommended for uncoloured drawings of sections aud of Protozoa. Drawings for text-figures should not be inserted in the MS., but sent in a separate envelope to the Editor. Contributors to this .Journal requiring extra copies of their communications at their own expense can have them by applying to the Printers, Messrs. Adlard & Son, 22.^, Bartliolomew Close, E.C., on the following terms : For every four pages or less — 25 copies .... 5/- 50 „ .... 6/- 75 „ .... 6/6 100 „ .... 7/- Plates, 2/- per 25 if uncoloui-ed; if coloured, at the same rate for every colour. Prepayment by P.O. Order is requested. All Communications for the Editors to be addressed to the care OP Messrs. -J. & A. Churchill, 7 Great Marlborough Street, London, W. THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THK UNITED KINGDOM. :o: Patron— HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President— Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. :o: TjiE Association was founded “to establish and maintain liABOuATOiiiEs on THE COAST OF THE UNITED KINGDOM, WHEUE ACCUUATE EESEAKCHES MAT BE CABBIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPIIOVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCKEASE OF ODE KNOWLEDGE AS EEGAEDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BeITISH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since that time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pnrsned by natnnilists appointed by the Association, as well as by those from Ungland and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, etc. Works published by the Association include the following ; — ‘A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ .1. T. Cunningham, M. A., 4to, 25/-. ‘The Natural History of the Marketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 7/6 net (published for the Association by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.). The Journal of the Marine Biological Association is issued half-yearly, price 3/6 each number. In addition to these publications, the results of work done in the Laboratory are recorded in the ‘Quarterly .lonrnal of Microscopical Science,’ and in other seientific journals, British and foreign. Specimens of Marine Animals and Plants, both living and preserved, according to the best methods, are supplied to the principal British Laboratories and Museums. Detailed price lists will be forw.nded ou application. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Annual Membehs . . . .£110 per annum. Life Membees 15 15 0 Composition Fee. Foundees 100 0 0 „ „ Goveenoes ( Life Members of Council) 500 0 0 Members liave the following rights and privileges: — They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them ; they have tlie first claim to rent a table in the Lal)or.atory for research, with use of tanks, boats, etc. ; and have access to the Library at Plymontii. Special privileges are granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with — The DIRECTOR, The Laboratory, Plymouth. With Ten Plates, Royal -ito, 5s. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE KNOWLEDGE OF RHABDOPLEURA AND AMPHIOXUS. By E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S. London : J. & A. Chuechill, 7 Great Marlborough Street. Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. The SUBSCRIPTION is £2 for the Volume of Four Numbers; for this sum {'prepaid) the Journal is sent Post Free to any part of the world. BACK NUMBERS of the Journal, which remain in print, are now sold at an uniform price of 10/- net. The issue of Supplement Numbers being found inconvenient, and there being often in the Editor’s hands an accumulation of valuable material, it has been decided to publish this Journal at such intervals as may seem desirable, rather than delay the appear- ance of Memoirs for a I’egular quarterly publication. The title remains unaltered, though more than Four Numbers may be published in the course of a year. Each Number is sold at 10/- net, and Four Numbers make up a Volume. London : J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7 Great Marlborough Street. TO CORRESPONDENTS. Authors of original papers published in the Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science receive fifty copies of their communica- tion gratis. All expenses of publication and illustration are paid by the publishers. Lithographic plates and te.xt-figures are used in illustration. Shaded drawings intended for photographic reproduction as half- tone blocks should be executed in “Process Black” diluted with water as required. Half-tone reproduction is recommended for uncoloui’ed drawings of sections and of Protozoa. Drawings for text-figures should not be inserted in the MS., but sent in a separate envelope to the Editor. Contributors to this Journal requiring extra copies of their communications at their own expense can have them by applying to the Printers, Messrs. Adlard & Son, 22.1, Bartholomew Close, E.C., on the following terms : For every four pages or less — 25 copies .... 5/- 50 „ .... 6/- 100 „ .... 7/- Plates, 2/- per 25 if uncoloured; if coloured, at the same rate for every colour. Prepayment by P.O. Order is requested. All Communications for the Editors to be addressed to the care OP Messrs. J. & A. Churchill, 7 GreAt Marlborough Street, London, W. THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL ASSOCIATION OF THK UNITED KINGDOM. :o: Patron— HIS MAJESTY THE KING. President— Sir RAY LANKESTER, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S. :o: • The Association was founded “ to establish and maintain Labobatobies on THE coast of the UNITED KINGDOM, WHEBE ACCUBATE HESEAECHES MAX BE CABBIED ON, LEADING TO THE IMPEOVEMENT OF ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL SCIENCE, AND TO AN INCEEASEOF OUE KNOWLEDGE AS BEGAEDS THE FOOD, LIFE CONDITIONS, AND HABITS OF BeITTSH FOOD-FISHES AND MOLLUSCS.” The Laboratory at Plymouth was opened in 1888. Since tliat time investigations, practical and scientific, have been constantly pursued by naturalists appointed by tlie Association, as well as by those from England and abroad who have carried on independent researches. Naturalists desiring to work at the Laboratory should communicate with the Director, who will supply all information as to terms, etc. Works published by the Association include the following : — ‘A Treatise on the Common Sole,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 4to, 25/-. ‘ The Natural History of the JIarketable Marine Fishes of the British Islands,’ J. T. Cunningham, M.A., 7/6 net (published for the Association by Messrs. Macmillan & Co.). The Journal of the Marine Biological Association is issued half-yearly, price 3/6 each number. In addition to these publications, the results of work done in the Laboratory are recorded iu the ‘Quarterly .lournal of Microscopical Science,’ and in other scientific journals, British and foreign. Specimens of Marine Animals and Plants, both living and preserved, according to the best methods, arc supplied to the principal British Laboratories and Museums. Detailed price lists will be forwarded on application. TERMS OF MEMBERSHIP. Annual Membees . . . . f 1 1 0 per annum. Life Membees . . . . . 15 15 0 Composition Fee. Foundees ...... 100 00 „ „ Govebnors (Life Members of Council) 500 0 0 Members have the following rights and privileges: — They elect annually the Officers and Council; they receive the Journal free by post; they are admitted to view the Laboratory at any time, and may introduce friends with them ; they have the first claim to rent a table in the Laboratory for research, with use of tanks, boats, etc. ; and have access to the Library at Plymouth. Special privileges are granted to Governors, Founders, and Life Members. Persons desirous of becoming members, or of obtaining any information with regard to the Association, should communicate with — The DIRECTOR, The Laboratorj% Plymouth. Quarterly journal of mil V.54 1910 i amnh library 1001 13604