FOR THE PEOPLE FOR EDVCATION FOR SCIENCE LIBRARY OF THE AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY JOURNAL t • Quarterly MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE: EDITED BY EDWIN LANKESTER, M.D., F. R. S., &c., AN1> E. RAY LANKESTER, B.A. Oxon., F.R.M.S. VOLUME IX. — New. Series. SiiUtb Illustrations on S&oob anb £lone. LONDON: JOHN CHURCHILL AND SONS, NEW BURLINGTON STREET. 'ob , r(,0 ^ PRINTED BY J. E. ADLABD, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE, E.C. MEMOIRS. New Observations upon the Minute Anatomy of the Papilljeo/ Me Frog’s Tongue. By Lionel S. Beale, M.B., F.R.S., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Professor of Physiology anil of Geueral and Morbid Ana- tomy in King’s College, London ; Physician to King’s College Hospital, &c.1 With Plates I — IV. In this paper I propose to give the results of some recent investigations upon the minute anatomy of the beautiful fungiform papillae of the tongue of the little green tree-frog (Hyla arborea). The specimens have been prepared accord- ing to the principles laid down in former communications. The success I have met with in this and other minute anato- mical inquiries is, I believe, almost entirely due to the pro- cess of investigation which I have adopted for some years past, and which enables me to render specimens very trans- parent, and to demonstrate all the tissues in one specimen, a result which, as far as I am aware, can be obtained in no other way. By this plan sections are obtained so exceedingly thin, without the destruction even of the most delicate tissues, that they may be examined under the highest powers which it is possible to obtain (TV magnifying 1700 linear, and magni- fying about 3000 linear). The following are among the most recent contributions to the anatomy of the papillae of the frog’s tongue : W aller : “ Minute Structure of the Papillae and Nerves of the Tongue of the Frog and Toad,” ‘ Philosophical Trans- actions,’ 1847. Billroth : “ Ueber die Epithelzellen der frosch-zunge, sowie liber den Bau der cylinder-und flimmerepithelien unci ihr Verhaltniss zum bindegewebc,” ‘ Archiv fur Anat. Phvs.,’ 1858, S. 163. Hoyer : “ Mikroskopiche Untersuchungen iibt?r die zunge des Froschcs,” ‘Archiv fur Anat. Phys.,’ 1859, S. 488. 1 This paper has been reprinted from the ‘Phil. Trans. but lias been carefully revised by the author for this Journal. Several additions have been made to it, and a new figure added. VOL. IX. NEW SER. A 2 Axel Key : “ Ueber d. Endigungen d. Geschmacksnerven in der zunge Frosches,” ‘Muller’s Archiv,’ 1861, S. 329. Hartmann: “ Ueber die Endigungsweise der nerven in den Papillae-fungiformes der Froschzunge,” ‘ Archiv fiir Anat. Phys.,’ 1863, S. 634. Engei.mann : “ On the Terminations of the Gustatory Nerve in the Frog’s Tongue,” ‘Siebold und Kolliker’s Zeitschrift,’ Bd. xviii, heft i. In Part I of ‘ Max Schultze’s Archiv ’ for 1868 will be found “ A Memoir on the Taste Papillae of the Tongue,” by Dr. Christian Loven, translated from the Swedish, to which attention may be directed. The author records the demon- stration of some peculiar cells which are probably connected with the sense of taste in the higher vertebrata. The cells in question, which are interspersed amongst the ordinary epithelial cells, perhaps correspond with the mass of cells of the papillae of the frog’s tongue described in this paper, which are, without doubt, very intimately connected with the nerve- fibres of the plexus, which I have demonstrated, at the summit of the papilla. Although the views of Axel Key are supported by schematic figures which do not accurately represent the real arrangement of the tissues, they approach much nearer to the truth than those of other observers. He describes two kinds of cells at the summit of the papilla, epithelial cells and special cells concerned in taste. I have not been able to verify his statements in this particular. He has not demonstrated the peculiar network at the summit of the papilla which is seen so distinctly in my specimens, and his delineations of the pro- longation of the axis-cylinder alone, and its division into fibres far too fine to be visible by the magnifying powers employed, and the abrupt cessation of the white substance delineated by him, are evidently schematic, — indeed, he does not pretend that the figures referred to are copies from nature. Still his inferences regarding the division of the nerve-fibres into very fine fibres which pass into the epithelium-like tissue at the summit of the papilla, approach much nearer to the actual arrangement than those of any other observers with which I am acquainted. Among the later researches upon the mode of termination of the nerves are those by Dr. Hartmann. These are concluded in the number of Reichert and Du Bois-Reymond’s * Archiv’ for 1863. The drawings of the papillae accompanying this memoir, especially fig. 65, PI. 18, which I have copied (see fig. 24, PI. IV, of this memoir), form an excellent illustration of the 3 fact that the most beautiful and well-defined structures may be rendered quite invisible by being soaked in aqueous solu- tion of bichromate of potash for three days, one day in car- mine solution, and then in caustic soda ! In order that I may not express myself against the mode of preparation followed by this and many other observers in Germany in the present day more strongly than is justified by the results obtained as shown by their own drawings, I ■would refer to Hartmann’s figure. Of this drawing it is not too much to say that it represents nothing sufficiently definite to enable any one to form an idea of the structure of the part. The drawing, and I conclude the preparation from which it was taken, are far behind the day ; and it seems to me most remarkable that after all the anatomical research of the last twenty years an observer should publish such a figure as this as a representation of natural structure. The nerve- fibres are completely altered by the mode of investigation followed, and the finer fibres are of course destroyed or rendered invisible. Nor can I admit that the epithelium upon the summit of the papillae represented in his fig. 64 gives a correct idea of this structure. Unfortunately, Engelmann, who is the last writer on the subject, does not appear to have seen my paper, which was pub- lished three years before his own memoir. He, however, con- firms some of my observations, but has evidently failed to see the numerous nuclei connected with the subdivisions of the nerve-fibres, and represented in my figures 1, 2, and 3. That remarkable and intricate plexus of the very finest nerve-fibres which I have described and figured has also escaped his observation. But it would have been impossible for him to demonstrate these and many other points by the process of investigation which he followed, while the papillae of the Rana temporaria are not at all well adapted for study- ing the finest ramifications of the nerve-fibres. It may be proved conclusively by experiments that soaking delicate animal tissues in dilute aqueous solution of bichro- mate of potash renders invisible and destrojs structures which can be demonstrated by other means. Iuquiries con- ducted by the aid of such plans of preparation retard rather than advance anatomical inquiry, for some of the most im- portant anatomical characters are rendered completely invi- sible. The very conflicting opinions now entertained by observers in Germany upon the structure of these papillte, render it important that they should be studied again with, the advantage of the highest powers and the most advan- tageous methods of preparation which we now possess. 4 In this communication I shall only attempt to describe briefly those points which I believe to be new, and which are, I conceive, demonstrated in my specimens for the first time. Most of the points described in this paper were demonstrated in 1862, and the specimens have been repeatedly studied and shown to other observers. The points described could still be demonstrated in the same specimens in June, 1864. The structures entering into the formation of the papilla are the following : 1. The connective tissue which forms the body of the papilla. 2. The “ epithelium.” 3. The nerve-fibres in the body of the papilla, and the fibres prolonged from them which form a plexus upon its summit. 4. Nerve-fibres ramifying in the connective tissue, upon the capillary vessels and amongst the muscular fibres. 5. The muscular fibres. 6. The vessels. The Connective Tissue. The nerves, vessels, and muscular fibres are embedded in a very transparent basis-substance which exhibits a slightly striated or fibrous appearance when stretched, but this struc- ture in all the papillae of the Hyla is exceedingly delicate and transparent. The great majority of the masses of germinal matter (nuclei) seen in this basis or connective substance are undoubtedly con- nected with the nerves, vessels, and muscular fibres, but there are a few which seem to belong to the connective substance alone, and may therefore be called “ connective-tissue cor- jmscles .” It is possible that these at an earlier period may have been connected with nerves or muscles ; at any rate, they are the descendants of the same nuclei or masses of ger- minal matter as the nuclei taking part in the production of these tissues. I consider that indefinite connective tissue of this kind results principally from the accumulation of the remains of higher structures, especially nerve-fibres, which were in a state of functional activity at an earlier period of life. At an early period of development nuclei (masses of germinal mat- ter) can alone be detected. As development proceeds, tissue is formed by these nuclei, and increases as age advances. The large and fully-formed fungiform papillae have twice as many nerve-fibres as smaller and younger ones. During the development of such an organ as one of these papillae many 5 changes occur, and much texture is probably produced and removed before the papilla attains its fully developed state. That passive substance called connective tissue which remains and occupies the intervals between the higher tissues, which possess active and special endowments, slowly accumulates, but undergoes condensation as the organ advances in age. Amongst this are a few nuclei which can no longer produce anything but indefinite “ connective tissue” of the same cha- racter. In PI. II, fig. 9, it would have been impossible, had the specimen been prepared in the usual manner, to have determined if the nuclei marked a, b were nuclei of the muscle concerned in producing muscle, or connective-tissue corpuscles concerned in the formation of connective tissue only. This question requires restudy from a new point of view. It is quite certain that many of the masses of germi- nal matter (nuclei) figured in all my drawings in connexion with nerves, vessels, muscles, and other tissues, would, if the specimens had been prepared in a different manner, so that their connexions were not so very distinctly seen, have been called “ CONNECTIVE-TISSUE CORPUSCLES.” The drawings accompanying my paper explain the rela- tion which I believe the essential structures entering into the formation of the papilla bear to the indefinite connective tissue in which they lie embedded. Epithelium. The so-called epithelium upon the summit of the papilla of the frog’s tongue (PI. I, fig. 1, a) differs from the epithelium attached to its sides {b), that covering the simple papillae (c), and that on the surface of the tongue generally, in many im- portant characters. As is wTell known, it is not ciliated. The cells differ from the ciliated cells in several points. They are smaller than these. The nucleus is very large in proportion to the entire cell. The cells are not easily separated from one another, as is the case with the ciliated epithelium. These cells form a compact mass, the upper surface of which is con- vex. This is adherent by its lower surface to the summit of the papilla, and it is not detached without employing force. The cells do not separate one by one, as occurs with the ordi- nary epithelium, but the whole collection is usually detached entire, and then it is, I believe, torn away. Although some observers would assert that the two or three layers of cells represented in my drawings do not exist, but that the appearance is produced by the cells of a single layer being pushed over one another by pressure, I am convinced 6 that in this mass upon the summit of the papilla of the Hyla there is more than the single layer of cells represented by Hartmann, who is the latest observer on this point. Hartmann’s representation (/. c.) of this very same struc- ture from the summit of the papilla of the Hyla is very different from my drawings. Not only do we represent these same cells of very different shapes, but the nucleus in my specimens is three or four times as large in proportion to the cell as represented by him. The general outline of the free surface is convex (a, a, a, fig. 1, PI. I), and the tissue which intervenes between the nuclei appears very transparent and projects a little, so as to give the convex summit a honeycombed appearance (PI. II, %• 7)- The under concave surface of this hemispheroidal mass which adheres to the summit of the papilla of the Ilyla’s tongue, corresponds to the exact area over which the nerve- fibres of the papilla are distributed, as will presently be shown. The shape of these cell-like bodies, of which the mass is composed, and their connexion with fibres, is shown in PL II, fig. 3, and in the very highly magnified specimen repre- sented in fig. 2, PI. I. These figures, I believe, represent the actual arrangement, but the point is most difficult of investiga- tion. In the intervals between what would be called, if they were capable of complete separation from one another, the in- dividual cells, fibres are seen. These fibres do not, I think, arise simply from the pressure to which the masses have been subjected. I have represented the arrangement as I believe it to be in PI. II, fig. 6, from the central part of one of the hemispheroidal masses. I regard the entire hemispheroidal mass as resembling in its essential structure the network I have described at the summit of the papilla, but the masses of germinal matter are so very close together and the fibres 60 much interlaced with one another, that it is most difficult to unravel the mass without destroying it. The arrange- ment at the surface is seen in PI. II, fig, 7. The epithelium of the tongue generally is easily removed, but many of these hemispheroidal masses remain connected with the summits of the papillae to which they belong. From what I have stated, it will, I think} be admitted that, the con- stituent parts of the mass at the summit of the papilla could not be properly called epithelial cells, so that, with reference to the termination of the nerves in the papilla, I think it is more correct to say that nerves may be traced to special bodies or cells which form a hemispheroidal mass attached to the summit of the papilla, than to assert that the separate I bodies, which compose the mass in which nerves terminate, are actual epithelial cells. In the simple papillae (PL I, fig. 1, d) of the frog’s tongue, a “ nucleus ” of a nerve sometimes projects beyond the outline of the papilla and lies amongst the epithelium. This nucleus, however, adheres to the papilla when all the epithelial cells have been detached. It might from its posi- tion be easily mistaken for an epithelial cell, but it is no more really related to this structure than is a ganglion-cell, or a caudate nerve-cell of the spinal cord. The cells of the ciliated epithelium of the frog’s tongue are not in any in- stance, as far as I am able to observe, connected with the nerve-fibres. It is probable that the opposite inference, which is still held by many observers, has resulted from the observation of such a nucleus as is represented in PI. I, fig. 1, d, projecting beyond and adherent to the surface of the papilla. It is really continuous with the delicate nerve- fibres (e) ramifying in the substance of the papilla, but it is not an epithelial cell, and remains adherent after every par- ticle of epithelium has been removed. More recently, the view that the finest ramifications of the nerve-fibres run amongst the epithelial cells of various tissues has been gaining ground, but it is probable this will turn out incorrect. The nervous tissue is in all cases structurally distinct from every other tissue, in every part of its distribution. It never blends with epithelium any more than it blends with fibrous tissue, cartilage, bone, or muscle. If nerves exert any direct influence upon the nutrition of any of these tissues, the in- fluence must be exerted through some distance. The results of anatomical research render any physiological doctrine which maintains that nerves act through their structural continuity with other tissues untenable. My own observa- tions lead me to conclude that nerves do not directly influence the processes of nutrition, growth, or development at all. They act only indirectly, and affect the supply of nutrient matter distributed, by modifying the calibre of the vessels, and hence regulate the supply of blood which passes to the capillaries. The nerves, I believe, really exert their in- fluence upon the contractile muscular coat of the small arteries and veins alone, and do not act directly upon any other tissues. The Nerves. With regard to the trunks of the nerves, I remark the fol- lowing facts of importance : 8 1. That the bundle of nerve-fibres distributed to a papilla always divides into two bundles which pursue opposite direc- tions. The division of the bundle may take place just at the base of the papilla, or at some distance from it, but it always occurs (PI. I, fig. 1). 2. Fine pale nerve-fibres pass from the same trunk of dark- bordered fibres as that which gives off the bundle of nerves to the papilla. The fine fibres ramify — a. Amongst the muscular fibres of the tongue (figs. 1, 9). b. Upon the vessels (fig. 1, i, i, i). c. In the connective tissue of the tongue generally, and also in the simple papillae (fig. 1, d, e ). The division of the bundle at the base of a papilla is shown in PI. I, fig. 1, and in PI. Ill, fig. 10, is a diagram to indicate the manner in which the nerve-plexuses at the summits of the papillae are connected together by commissural fibres. Thus, in action the papillae may be associated to- gether. The bearing of this arrangement upon the existence of complete nervous circuits is discussed in my ‘ Archives,’ vol. iv. The bundle in the central part of the papilla con- sists of dark-bordered fibres, which frequently cross and interlace with one another in this part of their course. They vary much in diameter, some being so fine as scarcely to be visible. As the bundle passes towards the summit of the papilla, the individual fibres divide and subdivide into finer branches. Now, as I have before remarked, nerves so near their distri- bution as these do not usually possess an axis-cylinder as a structure distinct from the white substance. The white sub- stance does not abruptly cease, while the axis-cylinder is alone prolonged onwards by itself as is often described, but the entire fibre divides and subdivides. In fact dark-bordered nerve-fibres, near their ultimate ramifications, always consist of fatty albuminous material embedded in a transparent matrix of connective tissue. The “ tubular membrane,” “white sub- stance,” and “ axis-cylinder” can never be demonstrated as distinct structures near the peripheral distribution of nerves. The “ tubular membrane ” is nothing more than the trans- parent matrix in which one or more nerve- fibres are em- bedded. The dark-bordered fibres divide into finer fibres about the level of the ring or half-ring of capillaries at the summit of the papilla. As the fibres are exceedingly transparent, they are usually lost from view about this point. For example, Hartmann’s figures convey the idea that distinct dark- bordered fibres can be followed as high as this point, but 9 that they cannot be traced further. Above this spot the papilla is a little thickened and the tissue more granular, and hence it is not to be wondered at that great difficulty should have been experienced in demonstrating the further course of the nerves, or that many different views should be entertained upon the oft-debated question of the mode of ending of nerves in this situation ; but it is most certain that the fibres do divide and subdivide into finer and much more transparent fibres at this point, and that these again divide and subdivide and form an elaborate plexus in the summit of the papilla, which has not been before described. By reference to my figures, the arrangement, which is not easily described with accuracy, will be at once understood, so that a minute description of it would be superfluous. Above the plexus c (PI. II, fig. 3), and below the epitlie- lium-like organ at the summit of the papilla (a), is a layer ( b ) which appears to be composed of granular matter. In my most perfect specimens, however, this “ granular layer,” when examined by very high powers under the influence of a good light, is seen to consist of a plexus of extremely fine fibres which interlace with one another in every direction, but which pass from the plexus above to the epithelium-like nervous (?) organ upon the summit of the papilla (PI. I, fig. 2). I believe this granular appearance to result from the extreme delicacy and fineness of the nerve- fibres at this part of their course. In like manner the “ granular matter ” seen in the grey matter of the cerebral convolutions and that of the retina, results mainly from the breaking down of very fine and delicate nerve-fibres, which undergo disintegration very soon after death, unless they are subjected to special methods of preparation. Of the existence of the elaborate network of nerve-fibres with the large nuclei, represented in PI. II, fig. 3, c, there can be no question whatever ; but there may be some differ- ence of opinion regarding the exact relation of the very fine nerve-fibres at the summit of the papilla, to the peculiar cells which surmount it, and the ultimate ramification of the fibres of the elaborate plexus just described. However, there are but two possible arrangements : 1. That the nerves form a network of exceedingly fine fibres upon the summit of the papilla, upon which the bases of the epithelium-like cells impinge. 2. That the very fine nerve-fibres are really continuous with the peculiar and epithelium-like cells ; in which case these bodies must be regarded as part of the nervous apparatus. 10 There seems to me to be so much strong evidence in favour of the last view, that I venture to express a decided opinion that this is the truth. In many specimens I have seen, and most distinctly, tbe delicate network of fibres re- presented in PL II, fig. 3, continuous with the fine nerve- fibres in the summit of the papilla, and I have demonstrated the continuity of these fine fibres with the matter of which the outer part of these peculiar cells consists (Pis. I & II, figs. 2, 3, 6). I have also seen what I consider to be nerve-fibres in the intervals between some of these cells (fig. T). Upon the whole I am justified in the inference that there is a structural* continuity between the matter which intervenes between the masses of germinal matter at the summit of the papilla and the nerve-fibi'es in its axis, and I consider that an impression produced upon the surface of these peculiar cells may be conducted by continuity of tissue to the bundle of nerve-fibres in the body of the papilla. These peculiar cells in the summit of the papilla cannot therefore be re- garded as epithelium, and the mass constitutes a peculiar organ which belongs, not to epithelial structures, but to the nervous system. Although there can be no doubt whatever as to the exist- ence of an intricate and exceedingly delicate nervous net- work or plexus at the summit of every papilla, such a plexus might be connected with the nerves according to one of two very different arrangements : 1. The plexus might be formed at the extremity of a nerve or nerves, as represented in diagram (PI. IV, fig. 17). 2. The plexus might form a part of the course of a nerve or nerves, as represented in diagram (PI. IV, fig. 18). If the first be true, the network must be terminal, and im- pressions must be conveyed along the fibre, of which the plexus is but the terminal expansion, direct from periphery to centre. If the second arrangement is correct, the network forms a part of a continuous circuit or of continuous circuits. I believe the division of the nerves at the base of the papilla, already adverted to, is alone sufficient to justify us in accept- ing the second conclusion as the more probable ; but when this fact is considered with reference to those which I have adduced in my paper published in the c Transactions ’ for 1863, and that in the ‘ Proceedings 3 for June, 1864, and the observations published in several papers in vols. ii, iii, and iv of my ‘ Archives/ and in the Croonian Lecture for 1 865, I think the general view in favour of complete circuits is the only one which the anatomical facts render tenable. The mode of branching and division of trunks and individual fibres is represented in PI. IAr, figs. 20, 21, 22, 23. 11 From the number and size of the nerve-fibres constituting the bundle in the centre of the papilla, we should infer that the finest ramifications resulting from the subdivision of these branches would be very numerous, since it has been shown that the fine fibres resulting from the subdivision of a single dark-bordered fibre in the frog’s bladder, palate, skin, and muscle, constitute plexuses or networks which pass over a very extended area. The mode of formation of a nerve- plexus is represented in PI. Ill, figs. 11 and 14. In these beautiful little organs the numerous fibres resulting from the subdivision of the dark-bordered fibres are distributed over a comparatively small extent of tissue, forming the summit of the papilla. Still, we have the same formation of plexuses, the constant change in the direction taken by fibres, and the same crossing and intercrossing which have been noticed in other situations. In fact, the nerve distribution in these organs presents the same typical arrangement as is met with in other tissues, but it is compressed into a very small space. Nowr, with regard to the epithelium-like structure upon the summit, it has been shown that the nerve-fibres are pro- bably continuous with the material lying between the large nuclei. In fact, if the interpretation of the appearances which I have given be correct, the arrangement may be ex- pressed thus : The material marked a (PI. I, fig. 2) is a continuation of the nervous structure or tissue, while the matter marked b bears the same relation to this as the so-called nucleus of a nerve bears to its fibre, or that of an epithelial cell to its wall. If this be so, the matter which is freely exposed at the very summit of the papilla is at least structurally continuous with nerve-tissue, if it is not to be regarded as nerve itself. My own opinion is that it is just as much nerve-tissue as a fine nerve-fibre is nerve-tissue, or the caudate process of a nerve- cell is nerve-tissue. The formed matter is produced by the large masses of germinal matter which are so very numerous, just as the formed matter of a central nerve-cell results from changes occurring in its germinal matter. It may not be out of place here to consider how the elaborate organ connected with the bundle of nerve-fibres of the papilla may act during life. As already stated, the free surface is uneven, and the arrangement is such that there are many elevations projecting, like fibres, by slightly varying distances, from the general surfaces. Now, from the intricate interlacement of the nerve-fibres in the summit of a papilla, as well as at the point between this and the peculiar organ ti.Pl. II, fig. 3, b ), it is obvious that a fibre given off from one 12 coming from the extreme left of the papilla, for example, may be situated a very short distance from a fibre coming from the opposite side. Any object, therefore, which connects the exposed projections would produce a temporary disturbance in the nerve-currents which are traversing these fibres, aud this alteration in the current would, of course, produce a change in the cell or cells which form part of the same circuit in the nerve-centre. Any strong pressure would influence all the fibres distributed to this delicate nervous ors:an. The supposed mode of action is explained by the plan (PI. II, fig. 4). Nerve-fibres ramifying upon the capillary vessels, in the con- nective tissue, and upon the muscular fibres. Many of the so-called connective-tissue corpuscles, with their anastomosing processes or “ tubes,” are really nerve- nuclei and very fine pale nerve-fibres, as has already been shown in observations upon the frog’s bladder. In the tongue I have followed these fine fibres in very many specimens. They can only be seen and traced in specimens prepared in syrup, glycerine, or other viscid medium miscible in all pro- portions with water. In PI. I, fig. 1,/, and in fig. 8, one of these fine branches, coming oft' from a bundle of dark-bordered fibres, is repre- sented. Now, if examined by a low power, this might be mistaken for a fibre of connective tissue ; but it really con- sists of several very fine fibres, which in their arrangement exhibit the same peculiarities observed in nerves ramifying in larger trunks (PL IV, figs. 20, 23). Tbe fine branches divide and subdivide, and the delicate fibres resulting from their division can be followed for a very long distance. The finest are composed of several finer fibres, and they form net- works or plexuses, the meshes of which vary much in size. The branches which are distributed around the capillaries, in the connective tissue, and to the muscular fibres, seem to result from the division and subdivision of the same fibres (PL I, fig. 1). Nerves which are constantly distributed external to the capillary vessels and in the connective tissue have been demonstrated by me (PL III, fig. 15) (see ‘ Archives,’ vol. iv, p. 19). I consider these fibres as the afferent fibres through which an impression conveyed from the surface or from the tissues around capillaries influences the motor nerves distri- buted to the small arteries from which the capillaries are derived. It is probable that these nerve-fibres pass to the 13 very same set of central cells as that from which the vaso- motor fibres take their rise. It is through these fibres that changes in the nutrition of the tissues may affect the circula- tion in the neighbouring vessels. In these fungiform papillae, then, there are — 1. The bundle of nerve-fibres which is distributed to the sensitive nervous organ at the summit. 2. Delicate fibres which may be traced to fibres running in the same bundles as purely sensitive fibres. These delicate fibres are distributed — a. Around the capillaries of the papilla (PI. I, fig. 1, i). See also PI. Ill, fig. 15. b. Some fibres ramify in the connective tissue of the simple papillae (PI. I, fig. 1). c. Some are distributed to the muscular fibres (figs. 1 & 9). Now, the first and second fibres are probably sensitive, excitor, or afferent, whilst the last must be motor. From this observation it follows that certain afferent and motor fibres are intimately related at their distribution, a conclusion already arrived at in my investigations upon the distribution of the nerves to the frog’s bladder, the palate, and pharynx. Moreover, I think that fibres passing from the plexus of sensi- tive fibres at the summit of the papilla, establish here and there a structural continuity between these and the fibres ramifying in the connective tissue and around the capillary vessels. It is very difficult to obtain a specimen which renders this perfectly certain, but I have been led to a similar conclusion in investigations upon the corpuscula tactus of the human subject. The physiological interest and importance of this branch of anatomical inquiry are so great, and it pro- mises to lead to such important results, that it cannot be too minutely or too patiently worked out. Of the Muscles. The muscular fibres of the papilla (PI. I, fig. 1, h ) are the continuations of muscular fibres in the substance of the tongue. They are excellent examples of branching striped muscle. The finest branches are less than 5 0 ‘ 0 0th of an inch in diameter, but these exhibit the most distinct transverse markings. The markings, however, gradually cease, and the fibre becomes a mere line, which is lost in the connective tissue at the summit of the papilla. The arrangement will be understood if figs. 1 & 9 be referred to. The so-called nuclei or masses of germinal matter in con- 14 nection with, these fine muscular fibres present several points which will well repay attentive study. These masses of germinal matter are sometimes twice or three times the width of the fibre with which they are connected. In a paper pub- lished in Part XIV of my ‘Archives5 I have adduced facts whirli render it probable that these nuclei or masses of germinal matter change their position in a very remarkable manner during life. The conclusions I have arrived at upon this point are as follows : The masses of germinal matter appear to move along the surface of the already formed muscular tissue, and as they move part of their substance becomes converted into muscle (PI. Ill, fig. 13). It is in this way that new muscle is formed and new muscular tissue is added to that already produced. The germinal matter itself does not diminish in size, because it absorbs as much pabulum as will compensate for what it loses of its own substance by conversion into tissue. In the young muscle the nucleus increases in size. From what I have observed, I think that these oval masses of germinal matter move in different directions, but always in a line with the fibrillated structure, so that in a muscle some will be moving upwards, some downwards ; and when the nuclei are arranged in rows or straight lines, the nuclei lying in adjacent lines will be moving in opposite directions. During the formation of a muscle these masses undergo divi- sion in two directions, longitudinally and transversely. The two masses which result from the division of one will pass in opposite directions. As is well known, the position of these nuclei with respect to the formed muscular tissue is very different in different cases. Sometimes they are in the very centre of the elemen- tary fibre, as in the constantly growing fibres of the heart, sometimes upon its surface only, sometimes distributed at very equal distances throughout its substance. Wherever these nuclei are situated, new muscular tissue may be pro- duced, and it is only in these situations that muscular tissue ever is produced ; so that by the position of the nuclei we learn the seat of formation of new muscle at different periods of life. The facts which I regard as favorable to the view above expressed concerning the movements of the masses of germinal matter of muscle, are derived from many sources, but I will refer to some observed in the case of the muscles of the papillae of the tongue. Here the muscular fibre is very thin and delicate, and very favorable for observation. The mass 15 of germinal matter is very much wider than the muscle. Often three or four of these masses are seen close together (PI. II, fig. 9), while for some distance above and below the muscular fibre is destitute of nuclei. The narrowest extre- mity of the oval mass is directed in some cases towards the terminal extremity of the muscle, in others towards its base. There are often three or four fine fibres branching off from one stem, and gradually tapering in fine threads towards their insertion at the summit of the papilla (figs. 1 & 9). The nuclei are three or four times as wide as these fibres. The greatest difference is observed in the distance between contiguous nuclei connected with the very same fibre. If the muscle had gone on growing uniformly iu all parts siuce the earliest period of its development, the nuclei would be sepa- rated from one another by equal distances, or by distances gradually but regularly increasing or diminishing from one extremity of the fibre towards the other. I think the irregular arrangement of the nuclei in these muscular fibres of the tongue is to be accounted for by their movements. Perhaps, of a collection of these nuclei close together, two may be moving upwards towards the narrow extremity of the muscle which is inserted into the connective tissue, while the third may be moving in the opposite direc- tion. Iu some instances a “ fault ” is observed in the production of the muscular tissue, as if the nucleus had bridged over a space and formed a thin layer or band of muscular tissue, which, when fully formed, was separated by a narrow space or interval from the rest of the muscle. See PI. Ill, fig. 12. In cases in which the nuclei are distributed at intervals throughout the muscular tissue, as in the large elementary fibres of the muscles of the frog, the formation of the contractile mate- rial gradually ceases as the elementary fibre attains its full size. A\'hen this point has been reached some of the nuclei gradually diminish in size, and their original seat is marked by a collection of granules. These granules are sometimes absorbed, and the seat of the original nucleus is marked by a short line which gradually tapers at the two extremities until it is lost. It is almost needless to say that no alteration produced by the different contractions of the muscle in different parts, would account for the position of the nuclei observed in the fine fibres of the papillae of the frog’s tongue. These views, it need scarcely be said, differ entirely from those generally entertained upon the development and forma- tion of muscular tissue. They are supported bv detailed lb observations made in all classes of animals, and in the same species at different periods of age. There are some facts in connection with the changes occurring in disease which afford support to this view, which involves three positions. That in the nutrition of muscle the pabulum invariably becomes con- verted into germinal matter ; that the latter undergoes change, and gradually becomes contractile tissue ; and that all the con- tractile material of muscle was once in the state of the material of which the nuclei or masses of germinal matter are composed. It is not deposited from the blood, nor produced by the action of the nuclei at a distance, but it results from a change in the very matter of the nucleus itself. The manner in which this occurs has been already discussed in the paper above referred to (‘Archives,’ No. XIV). It was shown that the oval nucleus could be followed into a very fine band of contractile tissue or fibrilla (PI. Ill, fig. 13). We pass from the matter of the nucleus into very transparent imperfectly formed tissue in which no transverse lines are perceptible, and from this into fully developed contractile material in which the characteristic transverse markings are fully developed. Of the Capillaries. The capillaries of the papilla of the frog’s tongue are re- markable for their large size. In the common frog there is a complete vascular ring at the summit of the papilla, through which the bundle of nerve-fibres distributed to this part pass. In the Hyla the same is observed in some of the papillae, but the more common arrangement may be described as a half ring or a simple loop, bent upon one side at its upper part (PI. I, fig. 1). When the large capillaries of the papilla are distended with transparent Prussian-blue injection, their Avails are seen to be of extreme tenuity and transparency. Connected with the transparent tissue are numerous oval masses of germinal matter (nuclei), which are separated from one another by very short intervals. Some of these masses project slightly from the inner surface of the vessel into its interior, but the majority seem to be upon its external surface. Of an oval form, many of these latter gradually taper into thin fibres ■which are continuous Avith the tissue of Avhich the vascular Avail is constituted. The delicate membrane constituting the vascular Avail exhibits longitudinal stride, which are probably produced in its formation, and by its external surface is con- nected Avith the delicate connective tissue Avhich forms, as it Avere, the basis-substance of the papilla, and intervenes 17 between all the important tissues which are found in it. This is proved by the fact that the vessel is moved when the transparent connective tissue at some distance from it is drawn in a direction from the vessel. The most interesting point I have observed in connection with the anatomy of these vessels is the existence of very fine nerve-fibres. These form a lax network around the capillary. I have traced these fine fibres continuous with undoubted nerve-trunks in many instances, and have followed the latter into the trunks of dark-bordered fibres, from which the bundle in the papilla is derived. A similar arrangement of fine nerve-fibres has been demonstrated in connection with other capillary vessels of the frog. These fine nerve-fibres are very distinct in several of my specimens. I have indeed observed, in my paper published in the ‘Phil. Trans.’ for 1863, contrary to the statements of most anatomists, that capillary vessels generally are freely supplied with nerves, but the latter and their nuclei have been re- garded as connective-tissue fibres and connective-tissue cor- puscles ; I have shown in certain specimens that, of the two fibres resulting from the subdivision of a dark-bordered fibre, one was distributed to the fibres of voluntary muscle, while the other ramified over the vessels supplying the muscle (PI. Ill, fig. 15). These facts, it need scarcely be said, are of great importance with reference to determining the structure of the mechanism concerned in nervous action. I have not succeeded in demonstrating lymphatic vessels in the papillae of the frog’s tongue. Besides the various nuclei described, there are several round, oval, and variously shaped bodies, about the size of a frog’s blood-corpuscle, which are composed principally of minute oil-globules and granules. These are not coloured by carmine. Many contain a small mass of germinal matter (nucleus) in the centre, which is, of course, coloured. In some of the smaller ones this mass of germinal matter is much larger in proportion to the entire “ cell.” These bodies resemble many of the fat-cells of the frog, and I think it pro- bable they are of this nature. It is, however, possible that these masses may be altered lymph-corpuscles. The Hylse which I examined had been for some time in confinement, and contained very little adipose tissue. Conclusions. 1. That fine nerve-fibres ramify in the connective tissue of which the simple papilla; are composed, and that connected VOL. IX. NEW SER. B 18 with these fine nerve-fibres are oval masses of germinal matter or nuclei, which, with the fine nerve-fibres themselves, have been usually regarded as “ connective-tissue corpuscles.” 2. That neither the epithelial cells of the frog’s tongue generally, nor those covering the simple papillae, are connected with nerve-fibres. 3. That the mass consisting of epithelium-like cells upon the summit of the fungiform papilla is connected with the nerve-fibres, but it is not an epithelial structure. 4. That the dark-bordered sensitive fibres constituting the bundle of nerves in the axis of the papilla divide near its summit into numerous very fine branches, with which nuclei are connected. Thus is formed a plexus or network of exceedingly fine fibres upon the summit of each papilla ; from this network numerous fine fibres may be traced into the special nervous organ, composed of epithelium-like cells upon the summit, with every one of which nerve-fibres appear to be connected. 5. That the bundle of nerve-fibres distributed to a papilla always divides into two bundles which pursue opposite direc- tions. The division of the bundle may take place just at the base of the papilla, or at some distance from it, but it always occurs. 6. That fine pale nerve-fibres pass from the same trunk of dark-bordered fibres as that which gives off the bundle of nerves to the papilla. The fine fibres ramify — a. Amongst the muscular fibres of the tongue. b. Upon the vessels. c. In the connective-tissue of the tongue generally, and also in the simple papillae. 7. That the fine ‘ nucleated ’ nerve-fibres ramify freely amongst the delicate branching muscular fibres of the papillae, and form plexuses or networks which exhibit no nerve-ends or terminations, nor in any case does a nerve-fibre penetrate through the sarcolemma or investing tissue of the fibre, or connect itself with the nuclei of the muscle. As many of the muscular fibres are so very fine and narrow, the distribution of the nerves, and their exact relation to the contractile tissue, can be demonstrated very distinctly in the case of the muscles of the papillae of the frog’s tongue. 19 On certain Butterfly Scales characteristic of Sex. (Second paper.) By T. W. Wonfor, Brighton. With Plate V. In a former paper on the above subject I endeavoured to show that in three English genera of Lepidoptera, viz., Polyommatus, Pieris, and Hipparchia, there were on the males alone, and on the upper surface of the wings, certain peculiar forms of scales, to which the names “ battledore” and “plumule” have been given ; these scales, I argued, might, therefore, be taken as characteristic of sex. Having con- tinued my observations among other species of the same families of continental and tropical habitats, and obtained a confirmation of the view that wherever these “ plumules” and “ battledores” are found they are only on male insects, I have thought it right to lay the result of my inquiries before the microscopical world, especially as another family, the Argynnidse or Fritillaries, must be added to the list of those where the males possess a distinctive scale, and certain spe- cies of the Polyommati and a division of the Fritillaries are found to be wanting in what may be called the male charac- teristic. Commencing with the “ whites,” I have found, this spring, on the “ black-veined white,” Aporia Cratcegi (PI. Y, fig. 1), a scale differing from those of all the other whites, as will be seen by reference to the former paper. This butter- fly lepidopterists have placed in a separate division of the Pieridae, to which the name Aporia has been well given, in allusion to the apparent freedom from scales, and the almost transparent nature of its wings ; this insect completes the British Pieridae in which I have been able to detect “ plu- mules.” Turning to tropical Pieridae, Pieris Larima (fig. 2), an African form of the large-white, presents a “ plumule,” as might be expected, somewhat resembling that of P. brassiere, but at the same time of a more delicate form, and terminated by a triangular fringe. This is a much more difficult object to resolve, as far as the scale markings are concerned. Pieris Pigea (fig. S ), a Chinese insect, exhibits a well-marked variety of scale. Pieris Epicharis (fig. 4), a very beautiful Asiatic insect, common in most collections and cases sent to this • country, presents not only a peculiarly shaped scale, but has also an enormously developed bulb. Perhaps the most peculiar scale I have met with among the Pieridae is that belonging to P. Agathina (fig. 5), an insect from the 20 island of Java, in which, while the ball-and-socket appen- dage is present, the fringe is wanting. Some who have seen this scale have compared it to a lobster-pot, for the top of the scale is hollow, the points not meeting and closing as in other scales ; this is figured from a slide prepared by Norman, of the City Road. Fig. 6 is from Anthocharis Danai, a tropical representative of the English Orange-tip. The ma- jority of the members of this group have a patch of bright- red or orange on the tips of the anterior wings, while the under side of the posterior wings is beautifully marked with green and pearl-white. Fig. 7 is from A. Antevippe, and fig. 8 from A. Evippe, two African members of this group. Many other examples might be given, but a sufficient number have been adduced to show that through the family of the Fieri dse, in the males alone, are found scales of a cer- tain type differing in the different species, but whether suffi- ciently distinct from each other as to make them available for determining species seems doubtful. Though, as has been seen, the fringe or tassel-like termination is not present in all the Pieridae, yet they all appear to have the peculiar ball-and-socket-like bulb at the base of the scale. Among the Polyommati all the continental and tropical species of the “ blues ” proper, which I have been able to obtain, exhibit some modification of the “ battledore ” scales figured by microscopists. I have figured those found on blues, which, though common on the continent, have but seldom been taken in Britain, and are, therefore, at present not classed as British insects. They are P. Dory las (fig. 9), P. Argus (fig. 10), and P. (Egon (fig. 11). A male of this last has been taken near Brighton this season by a boy, and therefore has as great a claim as P. bceticus to be considered British. I have used the term “ blues ” proper advisedly, for strange though it appear, the “ battledore ” is found only on those males of this group which have blue or bluish wings. It would seem that when, as regards colour, the males resemble in personal appearance the females, they are without what I call another male characteristic. As was mentioned before, the males of the blues proper are of some shade of blue, while the females are brown and only dashed or spotted with that colour. Other species are of brown hue and without the blue scales, and among these the males, as far as my obser- vations are concerned, do not possess any peculiar scale. Mr. J. Watson, of Manchester, who has been working on plumules and battledores, remarks, “ No species, however, the males of which are brown, yields these scales and he has found battledores on 121 species belonging to this group. 21 The Fritillaries, or at least that division of them in which the underside of the wings is marked with metallic spots, present tasselled scales of a very decided character, differing essentially from those of the Pieridae, on the one hand, and from the Hipparchiae, which they somewhat resemble, on the other. Some are of a very long, narrow, and ribbon-like form, with the tassel at the apex, while others are shorter and broader. Their position on the wings differs from that of the other groups, for, instead of being placed in rows beneath the ordinary scales, they are situated on the nervures, or black veins of the upper surface, and are mingled in some species with scales or hairs of a unique shape. Fig. 12 is from Argynnis Aglaia (dark green fritillary) ; fig. 13, A Paphia (silver-washed fritillary), on which are found also the Indian club-like scale or hair (fig. 14). A. Adippe (fig. 15, high brown fritillary), and figs. 16, 17, and 19, are from foreign fritillaries, in the last of which the scale (fig. 18) is also found. It is strange, too, the difference of opacity in these scales ; for while with the exception of the apices, which in all are nearly transparent, figs. 12 and 19 are opaque in the basal half, fig. 15 in the upper half, figs. 13 and 17 in the whole of the ribbon, and fig. 16 for four fifths of its length. While examining the wings and scales of butterflies, and watching the escape of some hundreds of butterflies and moths from the pupa cases, I have been struck by several points, some of which are worthy the consideration of micro- scopists. First, the almost endless variety of shape of the scales among the Lepidoptera ; some of the most common forms are figured in all books on the microscope, but there is room for plenty of work in this direction. The colour of scales is not only of almost every shade possible, but when viewed in situ, if the stage be rotated, as great a change of colour will be often seen as with polarized objects ; some colours (as, for example, the green in the orange-tip), prove on examination to be yellow and black scales intermingled. Again, when scales are viewed as transparent objects, the colour in the majority either vanishes or becomes a dull yellowish brown. Hence arises the question, To what is the colour due ? Many circumstances lead to a belief that the scales can be inflated, and that the insects possess not only the power of inflation at will, but also of raising the rows of scales. I have often caught and killed butterflies in which the rows of scales, instead of lying flat, were at an angle to the wing membrane. From this I have inferred that the insects possessed the power of rendering them- selves more buoyant. I do not think the “ battledores ” or 22 “ plumules ” have much to do with rendering their male owners more vigorous on the wing, for I have generally- found the rule to be greater activity and speed among the females. The markings, too, are very varied ; and though much has been done in this direction, much more remains to be worked out. The last point has reference to the way in which the wings expand and the scales are drawn out when an insect escapes from the pupa case. Some have thought that each scale expanded in size along with the wing- membrane itself, the air breathed by the newly developed insect entering between the two laminae, and causing their enlargement ; others, that they depended on the age and vigour of the insect ; in fact, being small in the newly deve- loped, and of full size in one of mature age — assuming, what is not the case, increase in size as the insect becomes older. If a portion of that part of the pupa case which covers the Avingbe removed a day or two before an insect escapes, it will be found the scales are all of full size ; or if a wing of a newly escaped insect be taken before the wing has time to expand, it will be seen that the scales are not only of full size, but packed closely together both laterally and longitudinally, as fig. 20. As the wing-membrane expands, the rows of scales are drawn further and wider apart, until they present the appearance seen in a fullyr- developed wing (fig. 21). There is, therefore, literally no growth of scales after the insect emerges from the pupa case, but simply a lateral and longi- tudinal opening out, or double telescopic unfolding of the wings. Fig. 22 represents the actual size of the wing of the large white P. brassiere when emerging from the pupa case ; fig. 23 shows the full-sized wing of the same butterfly. An analogous state of things is seen in the leaves of some plants having scales or hairs, notably in the case of the Deutzia scabra, whose stellate scales are well known. If one leaf of an unexpanded bud be removed, the stellate scales will be found of full size, but so crowded as to completely cover the leaf ; if either a fully-formed leaf be taken, or the leaf oppo- site to that removed be allowed to grow, the scales will be found not to have increased in size, but only to be more widely separated by the lateral and longitudinal expansion of the leaf itself. 23 Description of an Entomostracan inhabiting a Coal Mine. By G. Stewardson Brady, C.M.Z.S., &c. With Plate VI. The interest attaching to the little animal here described lies chiefly in the peculiarity of its habitat. The members of the order Copepoda, to which it belongs, are widely distri- buted, inhabiting in vast numbers both fresh and salt w'ater. They occur abundantly in lakes, ponds, and ditches, where they are chiefly represented by various species of the genera Cyclops, Diaptomus, and Canthocamptus ; in brackish water by Temora, Tachidius, &c. ; and in the sea by a large number of families and genera of free-swimming habits. But besides these there is a large group of species which are entirely parasitic, being found in the branchial cavities of Ascidians and in other analogous situations. But the species now under notice was found living under circumstances widely different from any of these. The roof of a part of the work- ings of Cramlington Colliery is kept constantly wet by the percolation of water from above, and here, amongst a slimy, gelatinous, vegetable growth, consisting apparently of imper- fectly developed algae, such as Chaetophora (?), this little creature lives and multiplies. In anatomical structure it does not depart very widely from the genus Canthocamptus, under which I have here placed it ; but there is great diffi- culty in accurately ascertaining the structure of the limbs and maxillary organs of animals so minute as this, and of which no great supply of specimens is easily attainable. The posi- tion here assigned it must, therefore, be looked upon as merely provisional. Order. — Copepoda. Family. — Harpactid.e. Genus. — Canthocamptus. Canthocamptus cryptorum, nov. sp. Body slender, gradually tapered, the cephalothorax not very much stouter than the abdomen ; first segment equal in length to the following five ; superior antennae eight-jointed, those of the female (PI. VI, fig. 2) slightly1 tapering from base to apex, somewhat constricted at the fifth joint ; joints not much differing in length, fifth and seventh rather the shortest, sparingly setose, and having no distinct flagellum ; two long setae from the upper margin of the second joint, five or six fr.>m the third, one or two from the fourth, fifth, sixth, and 24 seventh, and about six from the apical joint, two of which are much longer than the rest. — First four joints of the upper antennae of the male (fig. 3) stouter than the rest, the fourth swollen and bearing six or eight setae, penultimate joint very short, last joint bearing four short terminal setae. Inferior antennae (fig. 4) bi-articulate, bearing a short secondary branch. Lower foot-jaw (fig. 5) weak, chelate, terminal claw slender and slightly curved. First pair of feet (fig. 6) two-branched, both branches tri-articulate, and of nearly equal length ; terminal joints the longest, basal joint of the inner branch hearing round its distal margin a spinous fringe ; terminal joint scarcely twice as long as the middle one, and armed with one short and one very long apical seta, the middle joint having one seta at its apex ; the terminal joint of the outer branch has two long but unequal apical setae, one strong spine, and on the outer margin two short and one rather longer spine ; the preceding joints are armed with a similar arrange- ment of spines. Inner branch of second pair of feet (fig. 7) uni-articulate, with two long and equal apical and several shorter marginal setae. Third and fourth pairs of feet (fig. 8) longer, but in other respects nearly similar to the second ; the arrangement of the setae of the inner branch is, however, slightly different ; the outer branches of the second, third, and fourth pairs are three-jointed, the middle joint in the second pair is, however, much shorter than the others, while in the third and fourth pairs the last two joints are long and nearly equal, the first being the shortest. Fifth foot laminar composed of two segments (fig. 9), each of which is fringed with long ciliated setae. Terminal abdominal segments short ; tail-setae finely plumose, more than half the length of the body. The lower border of the last abdominal ring between the two caudal segments (fig. 10) is strongly pectinated. Eyes wanting (?). Length (exclusive of tail-setae), T‘Tth of an inch. Habitat. Roof of the low main, West Cramlington Colliery, near Newcastle. The credit of the discovery of this species is due to my friend Mr. Thomas Atthey, of Gosforth, who kindly forwarded to me specimens, both living and mounted for the micro- scope. 25 On Vaginicola valvata. By C. J. Muller, Esq. With Plate VII. In October last I found attached to filaments of a Conferva, occurring in the brackish water of a ditch draining the marsh- land at Eastbourne, numerous specimens of Vaginicola valvata (PI. VII, fig. 1). Having kept them under daily obser- vation for some time, I am enabled to furnish a few particulars of the life-history of these curious animalcules. If a case containing a single specimen be kept sufficiently long under microscopic observation, the following phenomena will probably be witnessed. The creature, having retreated into its cell and remained for a time quiescent, with its cilia withdrawn and apparently obliterated (fig. 2), there ultimately appears at the base, just above the stalk by which it is attached to the cell, a conical fissure (fig. 3). Very soon after this has made its appearance, a wavy line of divi- sion shows itself at the upper extremity of the animalcule (fig. 4). These fissures gradually enlarge and elongate, the lower one becomes forked in appearance (fig. 5), and the two lines approximate until they meet (fig. 6). Pulsating vesicles are active on both sides of the line of fission, and in each division, at a spot marked a in fig. 6, a languid move- ment of internal cilia may be observed. The animalcule now extends itself somewhat, but without protruding from the cell ; all at once it contracts itself with a jerk, and then there expand, by slow degrees, two distinct animals (fig. 7), the one being longer than the other. This action of fission occupies about one hour. As yet, however, the upper portions of both creatures are unformed and incomplete ; they are mere rounded extremi- ties, with an obscure internal languid movement of cilia. They elongate somewhat, and, after a time, acquire a curious contorted appearance (fig. 8). While in this state the upper extremity of each begins to assume a disc-like form, the cilia increase in size and activity of movement, and, by degrees, a greater and greater portion of the tube becomes occupied; a dense, transparent fluid appears at the upper extremity, and is seen to oscillate backward and forward, under the influence of the cilia, somewhat in the manner of the balance wheel of a watch, but with a slow, steady motion. The cilia appear to be engaged in this wray in shaping and constructing the upper extremity. After a time the two 20 animalcules suddenly jerk back into the tube simultaneously, and then again almost immediately emerge, the longer of the two with a perfectly formed upper extremity (fig. 9) ; the smaller one is a little later in perfecting the part. The whole process occupies about three hours. We have not yet done, however, with our Vaginicola. After a time it will be seen that one of the two, generally the smaller one, exhibits a delicate ring or band at about one third its length from the lower extremity. Sooner or later, after enjoying life in its ordinary condition for a day or two, it will retreat into its cell and become quiescent, leaving its companion still protruding and actively engaged in feeding. The cilia at the upper extremity now become absorbed, and there grow out from the ring or band before mentioned small filaments, which vibrate slowly. In about two hours it will present the appearance shown in fig. 11. When the cilia have attained sufficient length, the body begins to wriggle about until it finally separates from its attachment in the cell. It then turns completely round, so as to bring the base fore- most, and gently works its way to the mouth of the tube, where it squeezes past its companion, which still remains lolling out (fig. 12), and goes off swimming, a free and inde- pendent animal of the shape shown in fig. 13. It darts about rapidly, now fishing apparently among invisible animalcules, anon rolling along and waddling as if enjoying itself, occa- sionally darting off in a perfectly straight line and imping- ing with force upon a filament of Conferva, where it will remain for a time feeding apparently upon something found in the locality. This may go on for hours without any change in the aspect of the creature ; but frequently after one of its violent bumps against a piece of Conferva it will remain at the spot, and rapidly attach itself to the same by the front extremity (fig. 14). The action of the cilia now ceases, and they appear to become gradually absorbed. In a few minutes it stretches itself out, and again rapidly contracts, as if trying whether the attachment were perfect. In about ten minutes the form has assumed that given in fig. 15. The cilia appear as a rigid fringe, looking like the teeth of a comb. Every now and then the body contracts and again expands, and on each occasion the direction of the fringe is reversed. Anon will be perceived the formation of a delicate membrane (fig. 16) surrounding tlie entire organism (the new tube or case). After the lapse of twelve or eighteen hours the form assumes the appearance shown in fig.. 17. Cilia now begin to appear at the upper extremity, while the fringe of old cilia, v hich seems to serve the purpose of keeping expanded the 27 new case, becomes gradually obliterated. At last the upper extremity begins to develope shape (fig. 18), the ends of the new tube are displayed, the cilia at the mouth begin to play, and finally is reproduced a perfect copy of the original animal (fig. 1) in the enjoyment of independent existence and inhabiting a house of its own. In the course of time I presume this new creature will divide itself, and its compa- nion go through the same career, establishing itself in a new home. I have not been able to ascertain with satisfaction what becomes of the animalcule left in the tube after the migration of its companion — whether it goes on dividing itself again and again, whether it undergoes a change like its companion, or whether it gradually ceases to exist. The advanced season of the year is unfavorable for further observation at present. In numerous instances I have found the solitary Vagini- cola become filled with vacuoles, then subsequently with dark granules in active molecular motion, and which, after a time (while the animalcule is yet alive), are discharged in enor- mous quantity, and have the perfect appearance of Bacteria. The body then diminishes in size, becomes separated from attachment to the cell, and floats out a shapeless mass, and, to all appearance, quite destitute of life, but it does not dissolve away even after the lapse of several hours. Where specimens exist on Conferva numerous empty cells are found, therefore it may be safely inferred that the creature habitually, after a time abandons its cell. Monograph of Monera. By Ernst Hackel* With Plates IX & X. * [Note by Professor E. Perceval Wright, M.D., of Dublin. — Professor Haeckel’s ‘ Monographic der Moneren ’ appeared in the £ Jenaische Zeitschrift fur Medicin und Naturwissenschaft,’ band iv, heft 1, which was published on the 1st of May, 1868. Attention had been directed to this group by Haeckel in his ‘ Generelle Morpliologie,’ and again in his “ Natiirliche Schopfungsgeschichte.” The ap- pearance of this Monograph was, therefore, very welcome to all workers in this interesting field of research. I had at first intended, at the request of the Editors, printing in this Journal a resume of the principal facts detailed in this 28 Memoir; but I found it quite impossible to do justice to the subject in even a lengthy resume ; and I thought it much preferable to give a faithful translation of the Monograph, even though it were not possible to convey thereby to the reader that charming perspicuity of style that characterises the writings of Professor Haeckel. In this the Editors fully agreed with me. The translation is the work of my friend, Mr. W. F. Kirby, one of the assistants in the Museum of Natural History of the Royal Dublin Society, and one who is well known as an accomplished Entomologist ; but I have read and revised every word of it, and I believe it will be found to convey to the reader an accurate idea of the facts and reasonings of Professor Haeckel. The German scholar will recollect the difficulty of translating into Eng- lish many German technical words ; and considerations of expense have, in many instances, induced me to leave sen- tences as they were at first printed, though it would have been easy to have reduced them into better English than that in which they now appear. The matter is so good and so valuable that the language may well be forgiven. The latter portion of the Memoir will appear in the April number of this Journal.] I. — Historical Introduction. In my ‘ Generelle Morphologie der Organismen,’1 I have called those forms of life standing at the lowest grade of organization Monera,2 their whole body, in a fully deve- loped and freely moving condition, consists of an entirely homogeneous and structureless substance, a living particle of albumen, capable of nourishment and reproduction. These simplest and most imperfect of all organisms are, in many respects, of the highest interest.3 For the albumen-like, or- ganic matter meets us here as the material substratum of all life-phenomena, apparently not only under the simplest form as yet actually observed, but also under the simplest form which can well be imagined. Simpler and more incomplete organisms than the Monera cannot be conceived. Indeed, the whole body of the Monera, however strange this may sound, represents nothing more than a single, tho- roughly homogeneous particle of albumen, in a firmly adhe- sive condition. The external form is quite irregular, con- 1 Ernst Haeckel, 1 Generelle Morphologie der Organismen,’ Berlin 1866. 2 vols. 2 How'ipriQ, simple. 3 L. c., vol. i, cap. v, p. 135 ; cap. vi, p. 182 ; vol. ii, p. xxii. 29 tinually changing, globularly contracted when at rest. Our sharpest discrimination can detect no trace of an internal structure, or of a formation from dissimilar parts. As the homogeneous, albuminous mass of the body of the Moner does not even exhibit a differentiation into an inner nucleus and an outer plasma, and as, moreover, the whole body consists of a homogeneous plasma, or protoplasma, the organic matter here does not even reach the importance of the sim- plest cell. It remains in the lowest imaginable grade of organic individuality, as that of one of the simplest of the Gymnocytodes. The question which has been so often debated during the last twenty years as to a boundary between the animal and vegetable kingdoms will be decided by the Monera, or, more correctly, they will prove that a perfect separation of both kingdoms, in the manner in which it is usually attempted, is impossible. The Monera are apparently such peculiar or- ganisms that they can be classed with equal propriety, or rather with equal arbitrariness, as primitive animals or as primitive plants. They may just as well be regarded as the first beginnings of animal as of vegetable organization. But as no one mark of distinction inclines them more to one side than to the other it seems most correct at present to class them as intermediate between true animals and true plants ; and to assign them with the Rliizopoda, Amoebae, Diatomaceae, Flagellata, &c., to that ill-defined kingdom be- tween the animal and vegetable kingdoms which I have called the kingdom of primitive forms, or Protista.1 The Monera are indeed Protista. They are neither ani- mals nor plants. They are organisms of the most primitive kind : among which the distinction between animals and plants does not yet exist. But the term “ organism ” itself seems scarcely applicable to these simplest forms of life ; for in the whole conception of the “ organism ” is especially im- plied the construction of the whole from dissimilar parts, — from organs or limbs. At least, two separate parts must be united to complete the description of a body as an organ- ism in this original sense. Every true Amoeba, every true (i. e., nucleus-including) animal and vegetable cell, every animal-egg, is, in this sense, already an elementary organ- ism, composed of two different organs, the inner nucleus and the outer cell-matter (Plasma or Protoplasma). Com- pared with these last the Monera are strictly “ organisms without organs.” Only in a physiological sense can we still 1 to TrpwTHTTov, the first of all, primordial. * Geuerelle Morphologie,’ vol. i, pp. 203, 215 ; vol. ii, p. xx. 30 call them organisms ; as individual portions of organic mat- ter, which fulfil the essential life-functions of all organisms, nourishment, growth, and reproduction. But all these dif- ferent functions are not yet limited to different parts. They are all still executed equally by every part of the body. If the natural history of the Monera is already, on these grounds, of the highest interest as well for morphology as for physiology, this interest will be still more increased by the extraordinary importance which these very simple or- ganisms possess for the important doctrine of spontaneous generation, or archegony. I have shown in my ‘ General Morphology ’ that the acceptation of a genuine arche- gony (once or repeated) has at present become a logical postulate of scientific natural history. Most naturalists who have discussed this question rationally believed that they must designate simple cells as the simplest organism pro- duced thereby, from which all others developed them- selves. But every true cell already shows a division into two different parts, i. e., nucleus and plasma. The immediate production of such an object from spontaneous genera- tion is obviously only conceivable with difficulty ; but it is much easier to conceive of the production of an entirely homogeneous, organic substance, such as the structureless albumen-body of the Monera. On these grounds, and on others to be hereafter discussed, it seems well at the present time, now we are just at the beginning of our knowledge of these very interesting pri- mordial forms, to put together everything known about them. I received the first impulse to attempt this monograph from a series of new observations on some hitherto unknown Monera, which I had an opportunity of making, in the winter of 1866 — 1867, on the coast of Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands. Before detailing these observations, I think it advisable to give a short, historical sketch of the certain information hitherto published concern- ing Monera. I may also mention that I restrict myself entirely to true Monera, i. e., to naked Plasma-bodies without nuclei, or essential organs ; and that I shall pay no regard to the Protoplasta, distinguished by the possessions of one or more nuclei (Amoebae, Arcellae, &c.) : nor to the Bhizopoda, Sipho- nea, &c., distinguished from these latter by a distinct shell or membrane. The first Moner whose natural history was fully investigated was Protogenes primordiulis / which I observed, in the spring 'Ernst Haeckel, “On the Sarcode Bodies of the Rhizopoda;” ‘Zeit- schrift fur wissensch. Zoologie,’ 1865, xv Bd., p. 360, Taf. xxvi, fig. 12. 31 of 1864, in the Mediterranean, off Nice. AVhen swimming freely in sea-water, this moner looks like a transparent, glo- bular particle of mucus, of about linm. diameter (smaller specimens measure only OT mm. diameter). Only about a third of this measurement applies to the inner central portion of the body, the homogeneous solid sarcode ball, while the outer two thirds consists entirely of thousands of fine, radiating, mucous threads. These threads, the so-called pseudopods, some of which run simple and some twisted and anastomosed to the periphery, radiate im- mediately from the periphery of the central albuminous body. They show throughout, the same life-phenomena as the similar sarcode threads of the true Rhizopoda (Acyt- taria and Radiolaria). The solidified, albuminous mass of the whole body was in continual motion, now slower, now faster, which was easy to follow by the passive move- ments of the fine and usually numerous particles scattered in the albuminous mass. The sarcode threads constantly varied in number, form, and size ; they ramified and anasto- mosed, separated again, and were drawn back into the cen- tral, principal mass. In short, they exhibited exactly the same appearance which has been so often and fully described by Max Schultze1 in the Polythalamia, and by myself in the Radiolaria2. Nourishment was also taken, by the Proto- genes, in the same manner as by the last-named, true Rhizo- poda. Smaller bodies (Diatomace®, unicellular Algae, &c.) remained hanging on the glutinous surface of the albumen threads, if they accidentally came in contact with them, they were surrounded by them, and then slowly drawn into the central albuminous mass. Larger bodies, such as, for ex- ample, Peridiuiae (1. c. fig. 2), were finally entirely sur- rounded by the body of the Protogenes ; afterwards, certain contents of the victim were first assimilated ; and the Pro- togenes then immediately moved away from the indigestible shell. In a shallow watch-glass, with a little sea water left standing for some time, the Protogenes spread itself out at the bottom in the form of a thin, hyaline, mucilaginous plate. This plate had very irregular, jagged outlines, and a dia- meter of from 3 to 4 mm. But the most important point which I could ascertain respecting the Protogenes was its reproduction by spontaneous fission. This was accomplished by a simple division of the globular, mucilaginous body into 1 Max Schultze, ‘On the Organism of the Polythalamia,’ Leipsig, 1854, P- 17. ■ Ernst Haeckel, ‘Die Radiolarien, eine Monographie,’ Berlin, 1862, p. 86. 32 two halves, without this being preceded by a special motion- less or encysted condition, &c. My Protogenes primordialis is probably veiy nearly re- lated to Amoeba porrecta / observed by Max Schultze in the Adriatic Sea at Ancona. This Moner is indeed very much smaller than Protogenes primordialis, but is very similar to it in the slight consistence of the sarcode body, as well as in the rapidly-moving, granular current, and in the rami- fying and anastomosing appearance of the pseudopods. It also wants the nucleus and the contractile vesicle, which characterise the true Amoebae. It would, therefore, be more correct to designate it Protogenes porrectus. However, the history of its reproduction and development is unknown ; and without this knowledge, as we shall see, we cannot with certainty decide on the systematic relationship and position of Monera, so that the nature of Amoeba porrecta as a true Protogenes must remain doubtful. Of the greatest importance for the natural history of Monera are £ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Monaden,’ pub- lished by L. Cienkowski in I860.1 2 These interesting contribu- tions are so much the more important as they are the produc- tions of a naturalist who knows how to be as quick and clever in his observations as he is careful and critical in his conclusions. Cienkowski describes the life-histories of five different organisms of the simplest kind, which he divided into two distinct groups : — Monadina zoosporea, which re- produce themselves by numerous spores — (1) Monas {amyli), (2) Pseudospora, (3) Colpodella and Monadina tetraplast^:, which increase by the formation of two or more actinophrys- like buds, (4) Vampyrella, and (5) Nuclearia. In both groups an encysted and motionless condition precedes the multiplication of the naked plasma bodies, which nourish themselves like the Rhizopoda. The three genera Pseudo- spora, Colpodella, and Nuclearia do not further interest us here, as their plasma body already encloses a nucleus and vacuoles, and, therefore, possesses the character of a cell. On the other hand, Monas {amyli) and Vampyrella are true Monera, whose naked plasma body possesses neither nuclei nor contractile vesicles. As the term Monas has many signi- fications, to avoid changes I have called the Monas amyli, to which Cienkowski would confine this genus, Protomonas amyli (‘ Gen. Morphol.,’ vol. ii, p. 23). Protomonas amyli was hitherto the only Monera in which 1 Max Schultze, 1. c., p. 8, pi. vii, fig. 18. 2 L. Cienkowski, “ Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Monaden Scliultze’s * Archiv f. Mikroskop. Auat.,’ 18G5. Bd. i, p. 203, Taf. xii — xiv. 33 the formation of sporules had been observed. The homo- geneous plasma body of this species lives in decaying Nitellae, and resembles a small Actinophrys, or a small Amoeba porrecta, without nucleus, and without contractile vesicles. When it assumes the stationary condition, it con- tracts itself into a roundish plasma body, which then be- comes surrounded with a membrane (encysted). Then the body breaks up into a great number of homogeneous sporules, which are spindle-shaped and very contractile, and move about with a serpentine motion, like an Anguillula, by means of one or two rather long cilia. Several sporules often adhere (by growing together), and form a plasmodium, which, after taking nourishment, returns to the stationary condition (Cienkowski, 1. c. p. 213, tab. xii, figs. 1 — 5.) The genus Vampyrella does not reproduce itself by sporules, but by two or four actinophrys-like buds. The homoge- neous plasma body is distinguished by its brick-red colour. Cienkowski defines three different species of this genus. Vampyrella spirogyree (1. c. figs. 44 — 56) forms, in the stationary condition, globular bladders, whose thin membrane encloses a homogeneous red plasma body. This separates, by division, first into two, then into four germs, which break through the outer envelope, and then move about like red Amoebae, with pointed processes of very various form. These germs bore through the cell-walls of the Spirogyra, with their pointed pseudopods, whereupon they draw out the plasmic contents, and absorb them into themselves. The green contents of the former receive, by digestion, a red colour. In the same way Vampyrella pendula (1. c. p. 221, figs. 57 — 63) bores into the cells of other algae ((Edogonise, Bulbochaetae), and sucks out their plasma. It is distinguished by a thread-like process, which proceeds from the plasma body of the pear-shaped cyst, through its pointed stem to the base, and by the want of granular currents in the actinophrys-like pseudopods. Vampyrella vorax, a third species, lives, on the contrary, on Diatomaceae, Euglenae, and Uesmidiaceae, which its formless plasma body envelopes, and then forms cysts of very various form and size (1. c. p. 223, figs. 64 — 73). Finally, in my ‘General Morphology’ (vol. i, p. 133) I have described a small Amoeba- like Monera, under the name of Protamoeba primitiva, which is distinguished from the previously mentioned Monadinoe of Cienkowski, by re- producing itself by fission alone, without previously passing into a stationary condition, or encysting itself. In this re- spect it resembles Protogenes primordialis, from which, how- VOL. IX. NEW SER. c 34 ever, it is distinguished by the short, blunt, and non-confluent pseudopods. The more precise description of this Protamceba will be given below. In the year 1866 Richard Greef observed several Monera on the coast at Ostend very similar to my Protogenes primor- dialis, and like it of considerable size. He has shown me numerous drawings, which show very great variations in form, like the plasmodia of Myxomycetce. The particulars are not yet published. As I spent three months in the winter of 1866-67 at Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands, to make observations on the lower marine animals, my investigations wrere directed towards the Hydromedusce and the true Rhizopoda , and especially to the Monera, and my expectations of meeting with some were not disappointed. The Protomyxa figured on Plate IX, and the Myxastrum represented on Plate X, enrich the natural history of these very simple organisms with new forms. It is probable that Monera are very widely dis- tributed, and it is likely that they constantly arise from spontaneous generation. The greatest difficulty in searching for them is their first recognition, as most observers are not prepared to recognise in the small, formless, thoroughly homogeneous slimy atom an independent and fully developed organism. May I, therefore, warmly recommend the Monera to the special observation of microscopical observers. II. — Descriptions of new Monera. 1. Protomyxa aurantiaca. See Plate IX, figs. 1 — 12. On many of the Coast-lines of the Canary Islands the spirally twisted calcareous shells of Spirula Peronii are found thrown up by the sea in large quantities. I found them, for example, heaped up in particular abundance on the south-east coast of the island Lanzarote on the small flat banks of the island, and on the isthmuses which lie before the seaport town of Puerto del Arrecife, and partially surround the harbour. During my three months’ residence in Arrecife I confidently hoped to obtain living specimens of this re- markable Cephalopod, or, at least, such as would be fit for anatomical examination, as our knowledge of the softer parts of its body is extremely incomplete. I offered the fishermen of Arrecife a high reward if they would bring me a live or 35 even the entire dead body of a Spirilla. This was just as unavailing as the many searches which my three travelling companions and I made on our marine excursions, and among the masses of Spirilla thrown upon the shore. It is certain that the Spirilla only reaches the Canary Islands very rarely, if at all, in a living state, since all the fishermen uniformly assured us positively that the well-known Spirula shells were always, (lead, and that they never enclosed or were inhabited by a living animal. All that I could procure were some white remains of the encompassing mantle, adhering to a few shells which, however, did not enable me to ascertain anything of the structure of the body of the Spirula. These unsatisfactory remains ivere frequently driven into the har- bour of Arrecife, and on some days a strong south wind would drive ashore unusually large quantities of empty Spirula shells, along with numerous Physalia, and Yelella, and other pelagic animals of the island Lanzarote. Although my hopes respecting the Spirula itself were not fulfilled, I nevertheless found on the empty calcareous shells of this cephalopod driven ashore in January, 1867, a Pro- tozoan organism of the Mouera group, which was of the greatest interest to me, and whose life-history I have delineated on Plate IX. As I sought carefully for some remains of a mantle still adhering to the shells, among a great quantity of Spirula shells which were floating on the surface of the harbour of Arrecife, and which I had drawn up in a bucket along with Physalia, Abyla, Hippopodius, and other pelagic animals, I noticed an empty Spirula shell, whose ordinary, shining por- celain-white was obscured, in several places, by small red flakes. Under a strong lens these flakes were seen to be partly in groups of thickly-placed very small red dots, and partly in extremely fine ramifying arborescent figures. The red dots were easily detached from the surface of the Spirula shell, with needles, under the dissecting microscope. With a higher magnifying power each dot resolved itself into a tolerably opaque, orange-red ball, covered with a thick structureless membrane. The diameter of the whole body measures in most 0T5 mm., in the largest 0'2 mm., in the smallest 0T2 mm. (PI. IX, fig. 1). The membrane of the ball appeared entire, structureless, glassy, colourless, and translucent. Only a number of (from five to ten) very fine parallel striae were to be noticed, which ran concentrically round the centre of the ball, apparently indications of the separation of the structureless mass into layers. Radiating striae, pore-like formations, or other openings, were not ob- 36 servable in the membrane of the ball. The base also by which it was attached to the Spirula shell (apparently only very loosely) showed nothing particularly remarkable. The consistence of the membrane, as far as it could be ascertained from the pressure of the overlying-glass, was that of a tole- rably tough and very elastic jelly, somewhat comparable to that of the umbrella of the firmer Medusae ; for instance, those of Trachynema and Rhizostoma. Like the latter, this membrane showed itself very indifferent to reagents ; it was not coloured by the application of carmine, nor by iodine and sidphuric acid. After long remaining in iodine it became of a pale yellow. Acetic acid did not much alter it, nor did any of the mineral acids. In caustic potash it swelled up and dissolved slowly. The orange-red contents of the balls appeared in unin- jured specimens within the closed, globular membrane, as a thoroughly homogeneous, consistent, obscurely granulated mass, in which might be observed very numerous, exceed- ingly fine particles, and a small quantity of strongly refract- ing red grains. On moderate compression with the stage- glass, the balls allowed themselves to be pretty strongly compressed spheroidally, and took the shape of a double convex lens of 0‘3 mm. diameter. On relaxation of the pressure, they expanded again to their former globular form. The opaque centre of the balls became under pressure more transparent, without, however, exhibiting any structure. My first impression that the balls were eggs already ap- peared to me wholly improbable, as there was no appearance of a germ-cell (nucleus) throughout the homogeneous con- tents. It was soon entirely set aside by the different stages of development exhibited by several of the balls, as well as by the behaviour of the contents when pressed out of the halls. While in most of the balls the contents lay everywhere thickly on the inside of the membrane, and entirely filled the interior of the whole membranous envelope, in some in- dividuals the contents were a little retracted and apparently thickened ; and a space filled with a clear fluid interposed between the membrane and the thickened contents (fig. 2). In some balls the edge of the central thickened orange-red mass was a perfectly defined and regular boundary line. In others, on the contrary, it appeared to be regularly indented. There were about twenty indentations to be seen on the edge of the red ball. On examination of the surface it ajipeared that these indentations were the indication of a regular series of convex eminences on the entire surface of 37 the thickened ball. Lastly, other balls which were appa- rently further developed showed plainly that these indenta- tions were not merely on the surface of the thickened con- tents, but were only the external sign of the breaking up of the whole globular orange-red mass into a great number of small balls. In the most developed individuals the entire orange-red contents of the balls was, indeed, divided into nothing else but small balls of 0'017 mm. These lay scarcely pressed together, and touched each other only slightly, something like a heap of cannon balls. Again, they had moved apart from each other in such a way that they no longer filled up the entire hollow of the sphere, but were much more separated from each other by a small quantity of the clear fluid which had previously collected between the hyaline membrane and the thickened contents (fig. 3). The number of small orange-red balls which resulted from the dissolution of the original large ball was about two hun- dred at its subsequent bursting. Next, I attempted to arrive at a closer knowledge of the orange-red contents of the undivided balls by bursting the membrane. This was easily effected. As soon as the pressure of the covering-glass had exceeded a certain point, the membrane burst usually in one place, rarely in several at once ; and the orange-red contents oozed slowly out. The hyaline structureless membrane remaining in a very wrinkled condition. The solid contents of the balls, which had the moderate consistence of the organic plasma or protoplasma, issued from the burst fracture very slowly and gradually ; and spread itself out between the stage-glass and the cover- ing-glass, so that the edges appeared like roundish obtuse patches of dissimilar size. By cautious shifting of the covering-glass, it was tolerably easy to move the trans- parent shrivelled and collapsed jelly-like envelope of the burst ball on one side, so that the orange-red contents lay isolated under the covering-glass. On the application of moderate pressure, it appeared like a shapeless, roundish mass, whose edge fluctuated about in irregular projections of dif- ferent size ; some projections appeared to be notched. It was plain at the first glance that the whole mass was struc- tureless and homogeneous. Only a veiy large quantity of the already mentioned very fine punctiform particles and a smaller number of larger globular granules were scattered through the completely homogeneous substance. The latter was throughout the whole mass of a pale reddish colour, as well as at the edge, where it only spread out as 38 a very thin layer. The bright orange-red. colour of the Avhole halls was apparently chiefly caused by the orange-red and rather strongly shining granules. The chemical examination of the pale reddish yellow structureless body substance soon showed it to be of an albuminous nature. It showed the same reactions which are presented in a similar manner by the plasma or proto- plasma of Cytodiae, and the cells of animals, protozoa and plants. Carmine coloured the whole mass dark red, iodine dark brown. Mineral acids produced a granular coagula- tion. Nitric acid coloured the plasma dark yellowish brown ; sulphuric acid, verdigris-green. The last reaction reminded me of the similar colouring of the pigments of the Aeantho- metra by sulphuric acid. The larger as well as the smaller granules in the structureless ground substance were not affected by potash, while the plasma slowly dissolved in it. There was not the slightest trace of any differentiation or structure in the empty exuded plasma. The further developed balls which contained a great quan- tity of little orange-red bodies, instead of the large, homoge- neous plasma-ball, were also tolerably easy to burst. Their structureless envelope, however, was somewhat harder and more consistent. The orange-red contents which exuded from the burst envelope separated in water into single par- ticles, which were easily separated from each other. The single balls were all of the same size, of 0017 mm. diameter. They were entirely naked and uncovered, formed simply and solely of the reddish yellow plasma, in which were sus- pended a quantity of very fine and small shining orange- red particles. The larger reddish yellow and red globular granules, which were dispersed through the plasma of the undivided balls, were entirely absent here. They were also wanting, too, in those balls in which the furrows on the surface showed the commencement of the separation of the plasma into smaller balls. There was as little trace of a nucleus or of a contractile vesicle in the small balls as in the large undivided balls. The small orange-red balls, which were apparently pro- duced by the division of the one large plasma ball, showed no movement during my first examination. Instead of this, amoeba-like motions soon afterwards commenced in one of the large undivided orange-red balls, which I had with great care freed from their structureless envelope, not by bursting them under the microscope by the pressure of the covering-glass, but by piercing and tearing them with two pointed needles in a watch-glass with sea water. How- 39 ever, these amoeba-like movements were not particularly rapid and soon ceased. They wore not to be compared with the rapid motions of the pretty stellar and arborescent figures which I had remarked with the orange-red balls in the white Spirula shell, and which I am just about to describe. Examined by a low magnifier and by direct light these forms had a very pretty appearance. The opaque, shining, white porcelain-like Spirula shell looked as if it was adorned with scattered, star-shaped reddish-yellow pigment cells, like those which are so common in the skin of the lower vertebrata (fishes, amphibia). Each star-like flake con- tained an irregular, roundish, central mass of about 0 2 to 0 3 mm. in diameter, and a number (usually from five to ten) of large branches which radiated from the central mass, and moved very finely and prettily. On the application of a stronger power a change of form was observable both in the central mass and in the branches and their twigs, which was produced by the spontaneous contraction of the starlike body. One might have thought that he had chromatophores before his eyes on the surface of the Spirula. But no trace of a mantle remained on the completely naked, apparently long wave-tossed Spirula shell ; and I therefore recognised in the prettily-streaked body a large organism allied to the Ehizopoda. In order to examine it better by reflected light it was absolutely necessary to detach it from the opaque Spirula shell. Several attempts to detach it with a fine cataract needle, or to raise it with a thin splinter of the shell itself, failed totally. I brought under the microscope only small shapeless fragments of the reddish-yellow proto- plasma. I therefore laid two larger fragments of the shell which had each a reddish-yellow star adhering to them, in a shallow watch-glass with sea water which I covered writh another watch-glass, and put aside in a damp room. My intention of inducing the Rhizopod to creep down suc- ceeded with one specimen in a few hours ; with two others next day ; and I had now the pleasure of examining at my leisure this remarkable organism which had moved from the Spirula shell into the watch-glass, and had expanded itself here (fig. 11, 12). Each star-shaped body now showed more plainly, with the aid of a stronger magnifying power without a covering-glass, a beautiful plasma or sarcode net, as fully developed, and with as numerous meshes, as is found among the Polythalamia and Radiolaria, Myxomyceta and Lieberkuhni®. The central plasma mass formed a flat, transparent disc, of 40 irregular roundish but nearly circular outline, and of about 0'2 to 0-3 mm. in diameter. On the edge it projected from six to eight stout protoplasma stems, each of which ramified into a very slender tree. These stems, of from O’Ol to 0 03 mm. diameter at the base, forked immediately into two, rarely into three, branches, which, after running a short distance, again forked, and so on. At each division the diameter of the forked twigs was conspicuously less, so that each branch was usually not half so strong as the next stronger branch of the preceding series. The branches were nearly all slightly and delicately curved, seldom quite straight. The neigh- bouring branches of the third or fourth series already began to unite ; and the anastomoses of the branches always be- came more numerous towards the periphery, so that the outer branches formed a nearly coherent, peripheral, sar- code net. The form of the anastomosis was very irregular, being towards the periphery more and more crescent-shaped, and at the basement more irregularly polygonal. On the whole, the plasma net was very similar to that which Claparede has figured in his Lieberlcuhnia Wageneri} The reddish-yellow colour was most intense in the centre of the body ; which also appeared to display the thickest layer of plasma ; and in the principal stems which branched from the periphery. Near the latter the colour was always fainter ; and the finest twigs seemed coloured pale reddish yellow. The colour was nowhere so intensely orange red as in the previously described balls. As in the last, the colour here also arose from a diffused reddish yellow of the struc- tureless ground substance, as if produced by a lively yellow- ish-red tint of the granules therein suspended. The central disc-shaped mass of the body, as well as the projecting branches and their twigs, were entirely transpa- rent, and also plainly showed with the greatest clearness and under the strongest magnifier that the entire mass of the body was entirely structureless and homogeneous, without any combination of cells or cellular forms. This fact was proved by the finer and coarser red granules, which streamed here and there in the sarcode net, as well as by the foreign bodies and food (namely, Diatomacese) dispersed here and there in the plasma. These last were also seized like the red granules, and carried away passively by the current which was caused by the active movements of the albuminous | molecules of the homogeneous plasma. In their chemical com- position the albuminous bodies of the plasma or the sarcode 1 Claparede and Lachmann, ‘ Etudes sur les Infusoires et les Rliizopodes ’ (1858), vol. i, p. 464, pi. xxiii. 41 were not different from those of the red balls which were previously described, and showed precisely the same re- actions. The appearance of currents of the sarcode, or of the free plasma (protoplasma), particularly as they manifest themselves in the true Rhizopoda (Acyttaria and lladio- laria), have been for the last thirty-three years so carefully examined and so universally known, that it would be super- fluous to re-describe it in detail in the organism before us. Dujardin1 and Max Scliultze2 in the Polythalamia, Clapa- rede and Lachtnann in Actinophrys, Acanthometra and Lieberkuhnia,3 Johannes Muller,4 and myself5 in the Radi- olaria, De Baxy, 6 and Cienkowski7 in the Myxomycetee, have so consistently described and so fully figured this very interesting and important phenomena, that there can be no longer any doubt of its real existence and frequent occurrence. However, since 1862 Reichert has attempted in numerous papers to show its impossibility, and that the discoveries and observations of all the above-mentioned naturalists were false, because inconsistent with his dogmatic vitalistic ideas of nature. 1 have already shown in my papers on the sarcode body of the Rhizopoda the entire groundlessness and perversity of Reichert’s assertions. I should not have alluded to the subject here if Reichert had not, in a recently published large treatise, himself accepted the plasma theory' of the sarcode which he had attacked, and attempted so to misrepresent the matter, that he seems to represent himself as the special discoverer of the pheno- menon which he formerly declared to be impossible, but which was in fact long ago fully demonstrated. The follow- ing (III) portion of my treatise will discuss this matter more particularly. The orange-coloured Rhizopod-like organism which I foimd on the Spirula shell, and which I propose to desig- nate Protomyxa aurantiaca , shows the phenomenon of the sarcode current in the most remarkable manner. Its red- dish-yellow sarcode is to a considerable extent semiliquid, somewhat as in Thalassicola among the Radiolaria, in Gro- 1 Dujardin, “Observations nouvelles, &c. ‘ Annales des Sciences Nat.,’ 1835, 2 ser., tom. iii., p. 112, et seq. 2 Max Schultze, 1. c., p. 16, et seq. 3 Claparede et Lachmann, 1. c., vol. i, p. 416 and 464. 4 Johannes Muller, “ Ueber die Thalassicollen, Poly cyst inen und Acantho- metren ‘ Abliandl. der Berlin Akad,’ 1858, p. 3, et seq. s Ernst Haeckel, ‘Die Radiolarien,’ pp. 89 — 126 and pp. 127 — 159. 6 De Bary, “ Die Mycetozoen ‘ Zeitschrift fur wissensch. Zool.,’ 1860, vol. x, p. 88, et seq. 7 Cienkowski, “ Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der Myxomyceten” ; “Pricgskeiins Jahrbiicker fiir wissensch. Botanik,’ iii, p. 325, et seq. 42 mia among the Acyttaria, or in Physarum among the Myxo- mycetse. The numerous scattered red granules which are set in motion by the reciprocal movements of the disarranged plasma molecules, and are passively carried away by the active sarcode current, allowed the courses of the current to be very clearly traced. These courses have no fixed direc- tion, and are in continual change. With the larger stream- threads one could often plainly notice a centrifugal close to a centripetal stream. The rapidity, direction, and strength of the streams varied continually. The broad polygonal sarcode patches which were easily seen to form at the anas- tomosis of two branches of the stream appeared and dis- appeared ; and thus showed with remarkable clearness the thoroughly homogeneous character of the entire contractile plasma substance. Nothing could be perceived of a division into a thicker outer layer and a thinner fluid inner layer, as occurs in many Hhizopoda and Myxomyceta?. Besides the numerous red granules, other larger foreign bodies were carried away by the sarcode current ; these had been taken as nourishment, especially pelagic infusoria and Diatomaceae, which form the chief nourishment of the Proto- myxa. The individual represented at fig. 11 had devoured two Isthmiac and three 'l'intinnoidse with a siliceous net- work (two Dictyocysta elegans and one D. mitra ), and was nevertheless already again on the point of drawing a Peri- dinium into its body. Food was taken in the same way as in the true Rhizopoda. The process of taking food could plainly be followed with free swimming Diatomaceae, which I placed in the watch-glass containing the Protomyxa. As soon as a stretched-out plasma thread came in contact with one of these bodies, a stronger flow of plasma to this side followed. Neighbouring threads gathered round and coa- lesced with the first. In a short time the siliceous cell of the diatom was surrounded by a layer of protoplasma, and was now drawn into the central mass of the body by retrac- tion of the divided plasma threads. The digestion of the prey consisted simply in an extraction and assimilation of the yellowish-brown plasma contents of the siliceous cell. The siliceous membrane of the prey did not seem to be at all affected ; and the empty shell was again rejected by the contraction of the soft, central mass. (To be continued.) 43 On the Colouring Matters of Blue Decayed Wood. By H. C. Sorby, F.R.S. Decayed wood, coloured blue by the spawn of Peziza cerugnosa (see ‘ Quart. Journ. of Science/ V, 222) contains several colouring matters. None of these are sensibly solu- ble in water, but they are dissolved by alcohol with varying facility, so that they may be separated with a little care. On digesting with the aid of heat a portion of the wood in a moderate quantity of alcohol, a solution of dull neutral tint is obtained, and the wood is left of a bluer green. On agi- tating the alcoholic solution with bisulphide of carbon, that liquid abstracts a small quantity of a yellow colour, which does not present any facts of particular interest. The alco- holic solution is a mixture of a claret colour, very easily dissolved by alcohol, and a blue, soluble with much greater difficulty, so that, on evaporating to dryness and redissolving in a little alcohol, the blue colour is left and the claret dis- solved, which may be still further purified by evaporating to dryness and redissolving a second time. It is then of a decided claret colour, with no trace of blue or green, and the spectrum shows a strong absorption at the blue end, gradually becoming less towards the red. Adopting the scale and nomenclature described in my paper in the ‘ Proceedings of the Royal Society/1 the spectrum is about 3f...9 11 — . The addition of a little ammonia turns it green, and deve- lops an absorption band in the orange, the centre being at 3. Citric acid restores it to the original state, unless so much ammonia has been added as to produce decomposition. Sul- phite of soda has no effect on an acid solution, so that the colour may be described as C al0 anq (3). I have not yet met I with such a colour in any ^>ther substance. The blue colour may be obtained in greater purity by digesting the wood several times in fresh alcohol, so as to remove all the claret colour, when at length a clear blue- i green solution is obtained, which, however, is only pale. The spectrum, as seen in a tube two inches long, shows a well- marked absorption band in the red at 1/, with a small amount of the extreme blue partially obscured. On adding ammonia the colour is changed to a dull yellow, and the band removed ; but it is evidently decomposed, since citric acid does not restore it to the former state. A small quantity of nitric acid added to the original only serves to make it a 1 1867, xv, 433. 44 clearer blue. Sulphite of soda has no effect on an acid solu- tion, and, therefore, the colour is C alt (4) . I have not yet met with this in any other substance, and it is interesting as being one of the very few blue colours soluble in water or alcohol which belong to my group C. These are as follows : Phyco-cyan 1 C aq* (2-f- 4|) Blue colour from the flowers of Salvia patens Aniline blue C alj (3-i-). When the alcoholic solution of the blue of the wood is diluted with water and agitated with ether it is precipitated from the solution, and collects at the line of junction of the water and supernatant ether ; but when agitated with ben- zole this liquid rises to the top coloured blue. The solution may, however, be obtained in a more simple manner by digesting the wood in benzole, which dissolves more colour than alcohol, and it is of a fine green-blue tinge. The spec- trum is the same as that of the alcoholic solution ; but both of these fade in the course of a few days, even when sealed up in glass tubes, so that neither can be kept as a permanent object. jC aqQ (4 H) On the Epithelium of the Cornea of the Ox. By John Cleland, M.D., Professor of Anatomy and Physiology, Galway. (From the ‘ Journal of Anatomy and Physiology,’ new series, No. i.) It is well known that there are many appearances in stratified epithelia not easily explained by that simplest theory of their growth which is naturally first suggested, and is no doubt in all instances partially true ; namely, that cells originating in a deep position pass gradually to the surface as they grow and alter in figure, while those superficial to them are cast or dissolved, and others behind them follow in their steps. Thus the elliptic cells in the deeper strata of the epithelium of the trachea can scarcely be supposed to be developed into the ciliated columns which lie over them ; and it cannot be imagined that in the ureter the large and irre- gularly shaped cells are altered so as to form the smaller and flatter cells found on the surface. 1 Cohn, ‘ Arcliiv. fur Microskopische Anatomic,’ 1807. 45 In the cuticle, it is obvious that the horny portion is formed of cells derived from the deeper part and progressively finding their way to the surface where they are cast off ; but the elongated form of the cells resting on the dermis, and the size of these as compared with those above them, shows that in this part there is another mode of growth not yet suffi- ciently investigated. The epithelium of the cornea, whilst it presents the same general arrangement of parts as the cuticle, is a much more delicate structure; and on account of the individual cells being more readily separated, it is much more easily examined : it may be studied without much difficulty with the aid of carmine-staining and bi- chromate of potash. In the human subject the deepest layer of the corneal epithelium consists of cells not more elongated, in comparison with those superficial to them, than the deepest cells of the cuticle ; but in the ox, the sheep, and the horse,- and probably other animals, it presents the appearance of a stratum of columnar epithelium, the cells of which are as elongated in form as those of any columnar epithelium in the body. In the ox the cells are of large size. The elongated cells now mentioned, flat at one extremity, and pointed or caudate at the other, differ from those of columnar epithe- lium, not only in forming the deepest instead of the most superficial layer, but in having the flat extremity resting on the subjacent parts. The whole thickness of the epithelium, when swollen by the action of the bichromate, can be easily detached from the surface of the cornea, "which is left quite clear of any structure from which the epithelium could be derived ; for the only nuclei which it exhibits are the long- shaped nuclei in its interior, which are totally different in appearance from the nuclei of the epithelium. When the detached epithelium is examined in vertical sections, the elongated elements forming its deepest, layer are seen to lie closely together with their flattened extremities in a line, and each cell exhibiting only one nucleus, which is always at a considerable distance from the corneal extremity. Thus it is very obvious that the epithelium is not derived from the subjacent cornea, but that the cornea and epithelium are •wholly independent structures adhering together. Immediately superficial to the columnar stratum is a layer of cells of irregular shape, about twice as broad as the columnar, but by no means so elongated. They are rounded and even in outline at the superfical extremity, but are jagged at the other, sending in processes or digitations which may be three or four in number, and which appear to fit in between the tapering points of the columnar cells. The cells 46 resting on this layer are still less elongated and smaller; and it is in this region, in the middle depth of the epithelium, that it is most difficult to distinguish the component elements as they lie in position. Carrying the examination still ontowards ward the surface, large cells are again met with, superimposed on which are others of a flatter form ; and at last the squamous layer is reached which covers all. By subjecting the dyed epithelium to a strong solution of the bichromate of potash, its elements may be completely isolated, and then there are seen floating numerous smaller corpuscles than could be well distinguished when the parts are in position. Among these are apparently free nuclei, and others in minute corpuscles of spheroidal or less regular form ; also, bluntly spindle-shaped cells, containing sometimes a single nucleus, sometimes two, and occasionally a nucleus in process of division. These spindle-shaped cells have their position between the processes of the columnar stratum and among the digitated cells which are next to it. Here and there in the columnar stratum an appearance of great importance is seen, namely, cells in various stages of decadence. Cell-walls, shrivelled and narrow, without any appearance of a nucleus, occur, which might be supposed to have been torn and deprived of the nucleus in manipulation were it not that the other stages of old age are observed. Columnal cells retaining their general form are noticed, which have the nucleus replaced by an air cavity with gene- rally the appearance of thickening of the Avail round it, as if from desiccation of the cell contents : numerous others may be seen in which, Avhile the cell contents seem yet unaltered, the nucleus is partially replaced by an air cavity lying close to the remaining portion. Other cells beside the columnar may sometimes be found undergoing the same degeneration; and in the sheep these air cavities are specially numerous in the squamous stratum of the corneal epithelium. The appearances noAv described seem to prove conclusively tAvo points ; firstly, that the corneal epithelial cells are not developed in regular succession from the deepest part and pushed outAvards as they groAv ; and, secondly, that they are not all cast off at the surface, but that some of them degene- rate and are absorbed in a deep position. The source of origin of the columnar stratum is not to be found on its deep surface ; and the digitated cells are certainly not altered and more fully developed columnar cells. But it is alleged by Dr. Schneider, as quoted by Dr. Sharpey,1 that the elongated cells of the deepest layer of the corneal 1 Quain’s ‘ Anatomy,’ seventh edition, p. lvi. 47 epithelium, although not themselves passing to the surface, detach from their outer extremities, by repeated division of their nuclei and cell-walls, a series of progeny one after another, from which are derived the other strata. The proof that this is not the mode of growth of the corneal epithelium of the ox is that the columnar cells have never more than I one nucleus each, and none of them present any trace of such budding ; and also that the superjacent digitated cells are larger than those more superficial. Altogether there can be little or no doubt that the cells of the columnar stratum are derived from corpuscles which grow inwards, and that the spindle-shaped cells above described are, some of them, ' destined to become developed into columnar cells. We i must suppose that the digitated cells are developed in the ! same manner ; and in that case the corneal epithelium may be regarded as having its germinal stratum in its middle depth, from which growth proceeds towards both the cornea and the free surface. The degenerated cells with air cavities, found in the deepest stratum, point to a circumstance not hitherto ob- served, nor possibly suspected, namely, that the old elements of a stratified epithelium are not always thrown off at the surface ; for in this instance they degenerate and disappear in their original position, their parts being doubtless ulti- mately absorbed, in like manner as a degenerated muscular fibre is absorbed in the uterus after labour, or in a striped muscle. While, however, the importance of the preceding observa- tion consists principally in demonstrating the possibility of modes of growth more or less similar to that described in the corneal epithelium of the ox occurring in other stratified epithelia, it is not hastily to be presumed that the growth of the general epidermis necessarily proceeds in the same way as that of the corneal epithelium. In particular, it must be recollected that the corneal epithelium is uniquely situated in being spread over a non-vascular texture, and in being con- tinuous at its periphery with a denser epithelium which has blood-vessels beneath it ; and it may be therefore fairly ques- tioned how far it derives its nourishment from beneath, and how far from the vessels around it. A further investigation into the growth of the cuticle is naturally suggested by the facts now brought forward, and I have to regret that as yet I have not had time to pursue that subject with sufficient care. But I may' mention that in the deep parts of a delicate piece of cuticle I have been able to see cells with the nucleus partially replaced by a cavity, and others in which it was wholly so. 48 Description of a Species of Trematode from the Indian Elephant, with Remarks on its Affinities. By T. Spencer Cobbold, M.D , F.R.S., F.L.S. (Read at the Meeting of the British Association at Norwich.) On the 24th of June of the present year I received a small bottle containing two flukes. It was accompanied by a note from Dr. Baird, F.R.S., stating that the specimens had been transmitted to him from India by Dr. Hugh Cleghorn. On the phial itself was a brief notice to the following effect : — Distoma taken from Liver of Elephant at Rangoon, forwarded for classification to Professor Cobbold by Vet.-Surgeon J. Thacker. Madras Army.” This is all I know of the history of these two entozoa. On naked-eye inspection it was clear to me that they were identical in character with a larger series of specimens previously exhibited by Professor Huxley during the delivery of a recent course of lectures at the Royal College of Surgeons. Having communicated to Pro- fessor Huxley the facts as above stated, I received permission to make use of his set of specimens, originally fifteen in number, for the purposes of comparison and description. This series was placed in Mr. Flower’s hands last February, and six of the individuals were subsequently selected and mounted, with the view to their being added to the valuable collection of entozoa contained in the Hunterian Museum. The first thing to be determined is as to whether or not these flukes are new to science. In this relation, therefore, I have to remark that so far back as the year 1847, Dr. Jackson, in his ‘ Descriptive Catalogue of the Anatomical Museum of the Boston Society for Medical Improvement,’ incidentally mentions the occurrence of flukes from the Indian elephant. Though several examples were removed from the biliary ducts and duodenum, along with many specimens of Ascaris lonchoptera, it does not appear that any of them have been properly described. In all likelihood (if the flukes are still preserved in the Boston Museum) it will be found that they specifically correspond with those in our possession. I may add that the late C. M. Diesing, in the appendix to his well-known ‘ Systema Helminthum,’ had already, in 1850, noticed Jackson’s statement (vol. ii, p. 560), and also subsequently in his more recent ‘ Revision der Mvzelmin- then’ (p. 50). In the last-named work, which bears the date of 1858, Diesing still regarded the entozoon as a doubt- fully distinct form, allowing it, however, to appear under the title of Distomum elephantis. In my synopsis of the Disto- 49 midae, communicated to the Linnean Society in 1 859, I admitted it, conjecturally, as a good species (‘ Proceed.’ for 1860, Zoology, vol. v, p. 9). The determination has since proved correct, for it now turns out that this elephant-fluke (judging from those in our hands) is not only a distinct species, but that it differs also generically from the Distomes properly so called. In point of fact, it is a sort of transition- type between the genera Fasciola and Campula. This last- named genus I established in 1857 for a form which I found in the liver-ducts of the common porpoise ; but as the species under consideration comes rather more closely to the genus Fasciola than to Campula, I shall not seek to complicate mat- ters by adding yet another generic type. Anyhow, the nomenclature must be altered, consequently I herewith cor- rectly name, and for the first time fully describe, the species as follows : Fasciola Jacksonii, Cobbold. — Body armed throughout with minute spines, orbicular, usually folded at either end towards the ventral aspect, thus presenting a concavo-convex form ; oral sucker terminal, with reproductive papilla about midway between it and the ventral acetabulum ; intromittent organ in length ; digestive apparatus with two main zig- zag-shaped canals, giving off alternating branches at the angles thus formed, the ultimate caecal ramifications together occupying the whole extent of the body ; length, when un- rolled, from to ; breadth, to 4/'. Supplementary Note. — In all the specimens the alimentary tubes are filled with inspissated bile, and so completely so as to supersede the necessity of any attempts at artificial injection. Examples may now be seen in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons. Enumeration of Micro-lichens parasitic 1 on other Lichens. By W. Lauder Lindsay, M.D., F.R.S.E., F.L.S. The Lichens to which the present communication refers constitute an increasingly large and important group — for the most part of athalline forms — whose apothecia (with or without spermogonia or pycnidia) alone represent the plant : minute in size, frequently obscure and difficult of observa- 1 I here use the term “ parasitic ” in its popular sense, including both “ Epiphytes ” and “ true Parasites,” as these are defined in the recent ‘ Phytopathologie ’ (1868, p. 11) of Professor Hallier, of Jena. I cannot, however, agree with that distinguished German professor, or generally with VOL. IX. NEW SER. D 50 tion, requiring for the determination of their structure and place in classification the patient use of the microscope.1 The group is a most heterogeneous one, comprising many genera and species that are at least anomalous :2 that have been im- perfectly studied : and that are comparatively little known. There are several advantages, I think, from bringing them together and studying them in a group. I believe that a satisfactory study will result in a great reduction of their generic and specific names. The present names — • — generic especially — must be considered as only provisional. As matters stand, different names are probably given to the same parasite as it grows on different Lichens. It will be found, moreover, I doubt not, that the number of Lichens of the lower groups ( e . g. in the single genus Lecidea, or its numerous and varied sections or sub-genera) which occur in an athalline parasitic form are more numerous than we at present suppose. Various members of the group of micro-parasites enume- rated in the following list should rather be transferred to the provisional family of Fungo-Uchens ,3 and may ultimately be claimed as Fungi proper. The difficulty of separating the lower Lichens from the lower Fungi is, however, daily be- coming greater and greater.4 The old diagnostic of the Nylander or other authorities, who regard Lichens as mere Epiphytes. I have elsewhere pointed out (“Is Lichen-Growth detrimental to Forest and Fruit Trees?” ‘Report of the British Association,’ 1S67, p. 87) that the faorganic constituents of the Lichen-thallus prove Lichens to be as truly parasitic as are the lower Fungi. The distinction drawn, therefore, by Haliier (pp. 215 and 217) between Lichens and Fungi, as being in the one case“echteepiphyten” and in the other “ echte parasiten,” is not true to nature. Korber designates the group of athalline Micro-lichens here enumerated “ Lichenes Parasitici ; Pseudo-lichenes, Auct.,” and describes them in an appendix. But the designation in question does not apply more properly to this interesting group of microscopic Lichens than it does, e.g. to the corti- colous species of the genera Eoernia, Ramalina, Usnea, Lecanora, Lecidea , or Verrucaria. His group is, moreover, most heterogeneous, for he includes, e.g. Lecidea resince, Fr., which occurs directly on the bark, as well as its resinous exudates, of various Coniferse; and which, moreover, is classed among Fungi by Fries, Nylander, and Berkeley. 1 Vide also the .author’s ‘ History of British Lichens,’ p. 309, and Ny- lander’s ‘ Synopsis Methodica Lichenum,’ p. 58. 2 Korber (in his ‘Parerga Lichenologica,’ 1865, p. 452) classes them separately as “ Lichenes parasitici while they constitute the “ Pseudo- lichenes ” of Krempelhuber (‘ Lich. Flora Bayerns,’ p. 86) and other authors. 3 Anzi, in his ‘ Symbola Lichenum rariorum vel novorum It alias superioris,’ 1866, enumerates as “inter Lichenes et Fungos ambiguse” species of the genera Abrotliallus, Conida, Phacopsis, Celidium, Arthonia, Xenospherria, Phceospora, and Tichothecium. 4 Vide the author’s paper on Arthonia melaspermella, ‘Journ. Linn. Society,’ Botany, v. ix ; and ‘ N. Z. Lich. and Fungi,’ Trans. Royal Society of Edin., vol. xxiv, pp. 423, 434. 51 blue reaction with iodine has long since been proved falla- cious, inasmuch as, while it is absent in many true Lichens, it is present in many true Fungi. Professor Karsten1 de- scribes a beautiful violet colour as developed in the stylo- spores of some Sphaeriee by a dilute solution of iodine, and he refers to this as the first known example of a starch-reaction in the stylo spores or spores of Fungi. A similar reaction occurs, however, in the filamentous excrescences of some species of Erysiphe (Tul.), in the tissues of the fruit of Septoria ulmi (Mold), and in the mycelium of Polystigma rubrum and P. fulvum (Bary). Currey2 describes the same starch-reaction in the spores of Amylospora tremelloides. Nylander points out in various papers3 how impossible it is to draw any sharp boun- dary-line between Lichens and Fungi. The hymenium in Fungi is generally yellow with iodine, just as it is (or some of its elements are) under the same reagent occasionally in true Lichens. In Hysterium elatinum, Fr., as in the Lichen- genus Graphis, the hymenial gelatine4 is not coloured by iodine, but the spores become blue. In like manner, Hyste- rium Prostii, Dub. cannot be distinguished from the Lichen- genus Opegrapha. In some true Lichens (e. g. Parmelia arn- bigua ) the hymenial gelatine is either not coloured or obscurely coloured by iodine. Professor de Bary, a first-rate authority on the anatomy and physiology of Fungi, regards gonidia as the only means of distinguishing Lichens from Fungi (Ascomycetes) .5 Inasmuch, therefore, as the parasite- genera Abrothallus, Celidium, Scutula, Phacopsis, and Sphinctrina , do not possess gonidia, he would arrange them with Fungi : as did Montagne,6 a Cryptogamist who was equally at home among Lichens and Fungi. Such a distinction would enable Lichenologists to appropriate cer- tain plants hitherto considered Fungi, such as Agyrium 1 “ On the Peculiarities of some Stylospores of Sp/uerice,” ‘ Botaniscbe Untersuehungen,’ 1S66 ; or translated by Dallas iu ‘ Annals of Nat. His- tory,’ vol. xix, 1867, p. 356. Vide also ‘Quarterly Journal of Science,’ July, 1867, p. 392. If, however, Karsten is correctly translated by Dallas, I am not led to place much confidence in his accuracy of observation or judiciousness of inference. 2 ‘Quart. Journal of Science,’ July, 1867, p. 392. Vide also author’s paper on Arth. melaspermella, p. 284. 3 “On Distinction between Lichens and Fungi,” ‘Flora,’ 1864, pp. 421 and 558. “Ad Historiam reactionis lodi apud Lichenes et Fungos Notula,” ‘ Flora,’ 1865. * Vide author’s paper on Arth. melaspermella, p. 2 S3. 5 “ On the Morphology and Physiology of Lichens and Fungi,” in Holfmeister’s ‘Handbuch der Physiologischen Botanik,’ 1S66, p. 271. 6 ‘Ann. des Sciences Nat.,’ vol. xvi, 3rd ser., p. 78. rufum, Fr.,1 2 which Nylander3 describes as a true Lichen, having not only an amylaceous hymenium, but gonidia under- neath the apothecium. But the same awkward and artifi- cial distinction would exclude from the Lichens all athalline — and consequently a-gonidic — forms, possessed, nevertheless, of all the other attributes of true Lichens. Moreover, it ■would appear that gonidia are not peculiar to Lichens, as contradistinguished from Fungi, for Gasparini3 regards Penicillium glaucum as a gonidic form of Alternaria. My own opinion is that there is no boundary-line in nature be- tween Lichens and Fungi, and that all attempts, therefore, of Lichcnologists or Fungologists — of Botanists or Chemists — to discover any scientific means of differential diagnosis must prove futile. I hold that the position in classification of doubtful plants must be the result of a compromise or agreement between Lichenologists and Fungologists. The somewhat long list of micro-parasites after recorded illustrates well the tendency of Naturalists of the present day to distinguish what are presumed to be new forms or condi- tions of life by separate names, whether generic, specific, or varietal. There is too much of what the Germans call ex- pressively “ species-spielerei” — playing at species — a sort of pseudo-scientific recreation that Haeckel4 compares to the amusement of collecting postage-stamps, or similar trifling — the recreation of so-called Herbarium or Parlour-botanists, who have had generally the most limited opportunities of observation, or whose minds are only able to apprehend minutiae, and cannot grasp generalities. Such Botanists are characterised in modern phraseology as “ splitters,” in con- tradistinction to “ lumpers” or “ dumpers j” the former delighting in the multiplication of minute divisions and of names, the latter reducing both the divisions and technical terms. It is unfortunate that grounds should exist for such a distinction of fellow-workers in all departments of science ; but that it does exist, and that the elaborators predominate largely over the generalisers, there can be no doubt. Licheno- logists are too much mere nomenclators rather than Biolo- gists — mere systematists — mere searchers for or labellers of forms that are “ rare” or “ new” — given to the discernment of minute differences rather than of general resemblances — mere collectors of plants and formers of herbaria. Their 1 Vide author’s paper on Arlh. melaspermella, p. 277. 2 ‘Flora,’ 1864, pp. 421 and 558. 3 ‘ Ann. Nat. Ilist.,’ vol. xviii, 1866, p. 344. Vide also author’s paper on Arlh. melaspermella, p. 282. 4 ‘ Gencrcllc Morphologic der Organismen,’ Berlin, 1866. greatest ambition is the detection, description, and nomencla- ture of a “ new” species ; but only a small proportion of the so-called “ new” species, constantly being added to the Lichen-Flora of Britain or the world, is destined to stability ; very few indeed of the host of names conferred on supposed “ new” genera, species, or varieties, are necessary in science or useful to the student. The British student of Lichenology is bewildered by the number of “ new species” that are being daily added even to the British Lichen-Flora, while as yet there is no simple and philosophical arrangement of the common forms that are already well known. It would be wrong to depi'eciate the labours — the enthusiasm and perse- verance— of the searchers for and discoverers of “ new spe- cies but it is quite permissible to express strongly the opinion that I cannot place their labours in the same category with those of the Biologists, who, working in great measure, nevertheless, with thematerials of thespecies-hunters, reduce such discoveries to their proper place in a simple systematic arrangement : who study plants in all phases of growth, and who are thus led and enabled to enlarge the definitions of groups, to diminish names, and to simplify classification on natural principles. I rejoice to find that the views on botanical classification and nomenclature which I have long been led to entertain are sub- stantially those which are held and published by some of the most eminent Naturalists of the present day — by those, to wit, whose experience has been the greatest and most xraried. Professor Agassiz, for instance, in his recent work on Brazil, asserts that “ the discovery of a new species .... is now almost the lowest kind of scientific w ork ”! Mr. Bentham, the present distinguished President of the Linnean Socity, com- mends “ subjects of inquiry much more important than differences in external form” to “Naturalists residing in countries where no new forms are to be discovered.”1 Dr. Muller, the learned Director of the Botanical Garden of Melbourne, remarks that, “ through want of extensive field studies, untenable limits are assigned to a vast number of supposed specific forms and that “ the vain attempt to drawr lines of specific demarcation between mere varieties or races .... has largely tended to suggest the theory of transmutation.”2 The subjoined list does not profess to be complete. It is intended only as a contribution to the subject to which it 1 Presidential Address, ‘Journal of Linnean Society,’ “Zoology,” No. 42, 186S, pp. kx, xcv, xeix. 5 ‘ Vegetation of the Chatham Islands.’ refers : its aim being to invite or incite other Liclienologists to make similar contributions, in order, in course of time, to the compilation of as full a list as is attainable. It represents only the information to which I have access in my own library. There are so many labourers in the Lichenological field in all parts of the Continent, and, indeed, now in all parts of the world — observers wrho are constantly publishing their results in multitudinous forms that are unknown or in- accessible to me — that completeness in such a list as mine is unattainable. It refers exclusively to Lichens whose names or descriptions have been already recorded — for the most part by Continental authors. The micro-parasites met with by myself — many of which are, so far as I can ascertain, newr, and which require accompanying plates for the elucidation of their structure — are reserved for publication in another paper. The present list relates to the lower Lichens, most of them athalline. Some of the higher Lichens are also, however, occasionally parasitic on other species, e. g. I have met with various Parmelice or Physcice parasitic on other Parmelice or on Umbilicaria, in alpine or arctic countries. But there is no difficulty in their determination ; and a consideration of them does not, therefore, form part of the object of the pre- sent paper. Of an intermediate character between the para- sitic Parmelice in question and the parasitic Lecidece and other Lichens, presently to be enumerated, are the fol- lowing : 1. Ephebe pubescens, Fr. — On the protothallus of Stereo- caulon tomentosum and S. condensation (Korb., Syst., 11 and 14). E. byssoides (Carrington, Irish Crypt., p. 7) creeps over Hepaticce, e. g. Frullania tamarisci, v. microphylla. 2. Normandina Jungermannice, Del. Mudd., 268. Syn. Lenormandia, Del. Hepp, 476; Nyl., exs. 89. Verrucaria pulchella, Borr. Endocarpon, Ilook. Leiglit. Coccocarpia, Bab. On various Hepaticce, especially species of Frullania, Radula, and Jungermannia, e. g. J. dilatata (Hepp, 476), F. tama- risci (Carrington, Irish Crypt., 7) ; on certain mosses, e. g. Hypnum cupressiforme (Nyl., Prod., 174); on various saxi- colous Scytonemata (Nyl.) ; as well as on several Lichens, e. g. Pannaria triptophylla and P. plumbea. The spores described by Leighton (Brit. Angioc. Lich., 13, and Nylander, Prod., 173) probably belong to a para- sitic Fungus = Sphceria Borreri, Tul., 128 (Korb., Svst., 101). 55 The Nonnandina itself is, by some observers, regarded merely as the young thallus of a Pannaria, e. g. P. plumbea or rubiginosa (Tul. and Ivcirb.), or Parmelia, e. g. P. perlata (Schrer). Acharius referred this Lichen to the genus Thelephora (Fungi). 3. Lecanora cerina, Ach. — Parasitic occasionally on dead Lichens, as well as on mosses, wood, &c., in Spitzbergen ( fide Th. Fries, L. Spitsb., 25). 4. L. vitellina, Ach. — Also parasitic on dead Lichens, as well as on mosses, stones, ground, fabricated wood, and other materials, ( e.g . weathered vertebrae of reindeer), in Spitzber- gen (fide Th. Fries, L. Spitsb., 19). 5. L. subfusca, Ach., and Urceolaria scruposa, Ach., are sometimes athalline, their apothccia being grafted, as it were, on the thallus of other species. But Nylander draws a ques- tionable or unnecessary distinction between sucli cases as these, which are accidentally and exceptionally parasitic (Syn., 58), and Micro-lichens, which are regularly and normally so. The athalline form of U. scruposa is (pr. p. at least) = Stictis lichenicola, Mont, (fide Myl., Prod., 96), which, ac- cording to Berkeley (Brit. Fungology, p. 375), is a Fungus parasitic on the thallus of various foliaceous Cladonice. Genus I. — Lecidea, Ach. Under this head systematists have classed a very hetero- geneous group of Lichens, differing both in the colour of the apothecia and in the form, colour, and size of the spores. Several have the characters of the true Lecidece as they are defined by modern systematists, e. g. Th. Fries or Mudd ; that is, they have simple, colourless spores and black apothecia. In others the spores are 2- or more-locular; varying much in length and breadth ; coloured or colourless. Several be- long to the sub-genus Buellia, one to Raphiospora, and one to Biatora. No rigid classification is necessary, nor is it scien- tific, for e.g. the spores of L. vernalis, which are usually simple, are sometimes, in the athalline forms, 2-locular ; while apothecia that are usually brown sometimes assume a black hue, and spores that are generally colourless acquire a yellow, olive, or brown tint with age. Besides, it is no part of our present object to arrange according to any scheme of classification the very different, and too frequently ano- malous, Lichens which occur in the athalline state occasionally or always. Our knowledge of them is not yet sufficiently 50 complete to warrant us in making any such attempt. Addi- tions are daily being made to their number, and the relation they bear to the structures on which they grow is becoming better understood. All that is at present aimed at is to arrange them in a group under the most recent names given them by systematists ; so that, by exhibiting the confusion which exists regarding their place in classification, some inducement may be held forth to study them more carefully than hitherto. The parasites at present classed under Lecidea may be con- veniently grouped according to the character of the spores as follows : a. Spores usually simple and colourless. Species 1. Lecidea vitellinaria, Nyl. Synonyms. Lecidella, Korb., Parerga, p. 459 ; Leiglit., Exs., No. 182. Lecidea Pitensis, Lonnr. On thallus of Lecanora vitellina, both saxicolous and terricolous forms (Nyl., Prod., 126 ; Mudd, 212; Th. Fries, Arct., 222). Spores 8, ellipsoid or subspherical. Nylander suggests that it may be regarded as an athalline form of Lecidea parasema, an opinion in which I quite concur. 2. L.inquinans, Tul., Mem., 117. Nyl., Syn., 179 ; Lindsay, Monograph of Abrothallus, 6. Syn. Abrothallus , Tul. Nesolechia, Korb. Lecidea argillacea, Korb., Syst., 255, Parerg. 462 ; which, however, is described as usually having a thallus, and when athalline as occur- ring on that of Verrucaria epigaea, Acli. L. parasitica, pr. p. Tul., 117, the spores of which at once separate it. On the sterile thallus of Bceomyces rufus and B. roseus (Nyl., Prod., 145 ; Syn., 179) ; or of Lecidea decolorans (Tul., 117). Spores 4-8, ellipsoid or oblong. Tulasne says he has in vain searched for pycnidia. Nylander (Prod., 145) places this Lichen and Abrothallus oxysporus in his section Epithallia of the genus Lecidea, and in his ‘ Enumeration generale’ (127) he includes L. oxysporella ; while Stizenberger (£ Beitrag zur Flechten-systematik,’ 162) apparently arranges under Epi- thallia the genera Phacopsis and Nesolechia. It is, at least, most arbitrary and unscientific to place Lichens so closely allied as L. inquinans, L. oxyspora and L. oxysporella in separate genera or subgenera ! 3. L oxysporella, Nyl., Prod., 145. 57 On thallus of Cladonia digit ata. Spores as in Abrothallus oxysporus (q. v.), but smaller. 4. L. associata, Th. Fries, Lich. Spitsberg., 42. On thallus of Lecanora tartarea. Spores 8, ellipsoid or subspherical. “ Ad fungos facile rejicienda,” says Fries. 5. L. Cetraricola, Lindsay (Observations on Greenland Lichens). On thallus of Cetraria Islandica, Braemar, Scotland ; and Dovrefjeldt, Norway. Spores very small, ellipsoid. 6. L. vemalis, Ach. (Nyl., Scand., 201), on dead Peltidece. Apothecia reddish ; spores sometimes in this athalline form are obscurely 2-locular, oblong. 7. L. episema, Nyl., Prod., 125. On thallus of Lecanora calcarea and Squamaria saxicola. Spores sometimes 2 — 4-locular, ellipsoid, or oblong. Ny- lander suggests that it should perhaps be considered an athal- line form of Lecidea parasema, whose spores, however, are pretty constantly simple. B. Spores 2- or more-locular, usually coloured (brown). 8. L. parasitica, Flk. (Nyl., Prod., 144). Syn. L. inspersa, Tul., Mem., 118 : Leight., Exs., No. 183. L. lygcea, Hepp. Biatora, Fw. Buellia, Flk. Dactylospora Florkei, Kbrb., Syst., 271. D. inspersa, Mudd. Leciographa Florkei, Korb., Par. Celidium insitivum, Korb., Syst., 217. Celidiopsis, Korb., Par., 458. (To be continued.) On Rhabdopletjra, a New Form of Polyzoa, from Deep- Sea Dredging in Shetland. By Professor Allman, F K S With Plate VIII. I am indebted to the JRev. A. Merle Norman for having placed in my hands for examination some of the products of dredgings recently carried on at various depths in the Shet- land seas by Mr. J. Gwyn Jeffreys and himself. Among these by far the most interesting is a Polyzoon obtained from a depth of ninety fathoms. It is not only generically 58 distinct from all previously known forms, but is in many respects so peculiar as to render it necessary to regard it as the representative of a still more general section of the class. The following characters will afford generic and specific diagnoses of the new Polyzoon. PHABDOPLEUPA, Allman. Ccenoecium consisting of a branched, adherent, membranous tube, in rvhose walls, along their adherent side, a rigid chitinous rod extends, and whose branches terminate each in a free open tube, through which the Polypides emerge. Lophophore hippocrepial, with a shield-like process on the haemal side of the tentacular series ; Polypides connected to the chitinous rod by a flexible cord or funiculus. Name. — ’Pa/3 Sog, rod, and vrXevpov, side, in allusion to the rod-like structure which is developed in the walls of the ccenoecium. Rhabdopleura Normani, Allman. PI. VIII. Ccenoecium sub-alternately branched ; ectocyst delicate, transparent, and colourless : free portion of the ccenoecial tubes of the same diameter as the adherent portion, and very distinctly and regularly annulated. Habitat. Creeping over the surface of dead shells from a depth of ninety fathoms. Locality. Shetland seas, J. Gwyn Jeffreys, Esq., and Rev. A. Merle Norman. The remarkable polyzoon for which the genus Phabdo- pleura has been constituted is eminently distinguished by the presence within its ccenoecium of a rigid chitinous rod (blasto- phore) (fig. 1 d, d, d). This rod runs along the adherent side of the ccenoecium, but is not found in the free prolongations of the branches through which the polypides move in the acts of exsertion and retraction. The rod contains an axile channel, which is very evident in the younger parts of the ccenoecium, where it may be seen to be filled with agranular pulp (fig. 9), but in the older parts the channel appears to have become nearly or even quite obliterated. At the points where the rod gives attachment to the funi- culus or cord, by which the polypides are connected to it, a slight enlargement of its diameter forms a sort of platform for the attachment of the cord, and at these points a very thin transverse septum would appear to be stretched across the tube, which thus becomes divided into a series of sepa- rate chambers, one appropriated to each polypide. The 59 septum, however, cannot always be demonstrated, and, in some cases at least, appears to be incomplete. Most of the polypides are attached laterally to the rod by means of their funiculus, but ultimately the rod ends by giving support to a terminal polypide similarly attached to it. The tubes a, a, a, from which the polypides emerge, are of the same diameter as that of the rest of the coencecium, of which, indeed, they are simple continuations. At their commence- ment they are adherent like the other portions, but they soon become free, and then ascend, more or less vertically, from the surface of attachment. They are beautifully annu- lated, the annulation being due to circular ridges, into which the outer surface of the ectocyst is raised, and which follow one another at short intervals, and with perfect regularity. The inner surface of the tube is quite smooth. The annu- lated condition may occasionally be traced for a little dis- tance backwards on the adherent portion, while the rest of the adherent portion exhibits, under proper illumination, a peculiar marking in the form of slightly elevated and very faintly marked ridges (fig. 4), which are seen upon the upper side of the tube, and wliih here take an oblique course from the margins towards the centre, till each is interrupted by meeting the corresponding ridge from the opposite side. The whole of the tubular cocncccium, both the free and the adherent portion, is perfectly hyalline, so that the adherent portion, which has not the distinct annulation of the free tubes to assist in rendering it visible, is liable to be over- looked under too low a power and with insufficient illumina- tion. Under such circumstances the polyzoon presents an anomalous appearance, the dark opaque central rod, with its appended polypides and the free annulated tube being the only parts visible. The polypides are hippocrepian. They are, indeed, as completely so as in Plumatella or any other typical hippo- crepian polyzoon. My specimens, however, being such only as had been for several months immersed in strong spirits, do not allow me to speak with certainty as to the existence of the calyeiform membrane which connects the bases of the tentacles in all the other known typical hippocrepians. Neither can I say whether an epistome — another striking and important feature in all hitherto known hippocrepian Polyzoa — is or is not present in Rhabdofleura. These and some other points of structure must remain undeter- mined until the examination of living specimens shall afford an opportunity of seeing the soft parts in an unaltered con- dition, and of witnessing the natural evolution of the poly'- 60 pide and the display of its organs, in a way which no needle of the anatomist can ever be expected to imitate. A feature, however, of great interest in the structure of the polypide of Rhabdopleura was very satisfactorily made out from my specimens. This consists in a remarkable shield-like organ (fig. 2 b ) , which is borne on the convex edge of the body of the lophophore. It lies outside of the tentacular crown, the haemal side of which it covers and conceals, at least in the contracted state in which the polypides necessarily existed in my specimens. It is of a somewhat pyramidal form, and might be taken for a very large and peculiarly developed epistome, were it not that its position, lying as it does to the haemal side of the mouth instead of lying between the mouth and anus, as well as the phenomena of development to be presently described, oppose themselves to this view of its homologies. It may be that the continuity of the tentacular series is interrupted at the base of the shield. The parts, however, are at this spot so completely hidden by the shield that an examination of living specimens will be necessary, in order to enable us to say with certainty whether this be really the case, or whether the tentacles pass uninterruptedly round the lophophore, as in other hippocrepian forms. In either case the shield lies entirely outside of the tentacular series. As in other hippocrepians, no gizzard is here developed in the alimentary tract. From the anal side of the alimentary canal at some dis- tance above the fundus of the stomach, a flexible cord, the “funiculus” (fig. 1 c, c, c, fig. 2 d, d), passes backwards until it reaches the rod to which it then becomes attached. The flexibility of the funiculus contrasts with the rigidity of the rod ; and during life it must have freely yielded to the motions of the polypide in the acts of exsertion and retraction. Indeed, its extensibility must be very great in order to allow of the exsertion of the polypide from the extremity of the tube. It is accompanied by a long fasciculus of muscular fibres (fig. 2 d'), which is attached to the chitinous rod at the point which gives attachment to the funiculus ; and at the point where this is attached to the body of the polypide it divides into two bands, one passing along the right side, and the other along the left side of the body, to be attached, each at its own side, to the pharynx below the lophophore. These fibres constitute the great retractive muscles of the polypide. But besides conducting the retractor muscles to their point of attachment to the rod, the funiculus usually pre- sents a series of dilatations. A greater or less number of G1 these appear subsequently to coalesce, and ultimately form a single large oval or somewhat reniform body, which clothes itself in a firm, dark brown, ehitinous capsule, and, after the disappearance of the polypide, remains behind in the tube (fig. 1, e, e, and fig. 3). I regard it as a statoblast. The formation of statoblasts in Rhabdopleura would thus cor- respond in most points to what we know of their formation in Plumatellce, Alcyonella, and other freshwater phylacto- ccematous polyzoa where they are also developed in the sub- stance of the funiculus. The statoblasts of Rhabdopleura, however, differ from the corresponding bodies in the fresh- water genera by being less definite in form and size. Their contents consist of clear spherical bodies resembling cells, but destitute of distinct nucleus. My specimens afford no evidence of any portion of the animal specially devoted to the formation of ova or of spermatozoa. By the aid of acetic acid it was possible, in some of the younger parts of the camfecium, to separate the endocyst from the investing ectocyst as a very delicate membrane ; only faint indications were obtained of that portion of it which, during the retracted state of the polypide, becomes reflected over the tentacles, so as to form the tentacular sheath. In some parts of the ccencccium the polypides may be seen in various stages of maturity, and an opportunity has been thus afforded to me of determining some important points in the development of the bud. In a very early state (fig.5) the bud may be seen as a minute, flattened, somewhat rhomboidal body, attached by a short thick peduncle, the rudimental funiculus, to a little proGess of the rod similar to that which gives attachment to the funiculus of the adult polypide. In a slightly more advanced stage (fig. 6) the bud has somewhat increased in size, and there may be now seen, projecting from its distal edge, two short, cylindrical, tentacula-like processes (6). Careful exami- nation now renders it evident that the greater part of the bud is enclosed between two fleshy plates (a) united to one another in a part of their circumference, and free in the remainder. It is from between the two plates, where their edges remain disunited, that the two tentacular processes project. These processes are the two arms of the crescentric lophophore, showing, as yet, however, no trace of tentacles. In a more advanced stage (fig. 7) all theparts have still further increased in size, the arms of the lophophore ( b ) project to a greater distance from between the edges of the right and left valve-like plates, and each carries a double series of minute hemispherical tubercles ; these are the rudiments of the ten- 62 tacles. The two plates may now be compared to the covers of a book attached to one another along the back, but having the remainder of their edges free. They are com- posed of elongated prismatic cells. While the arms of the lophophore project from between their distal free edges, the fundus of the stomach (c) with the attached funiculus (d) may be seen projecting from between the proximal edges. The funiculus is still short and thick. As development proceeds the lophophore (fig. 8, b ) becomes greatly increased in size, and the minute tubercles of the pre- vious stage now show themselves as unmistakable tentacles. The whole of the body, however, with the exception of the pro- jecting arms of the lophophore, and the cul-de-sac of the stomach with the funiculus, is still enclosed between the two valve-like plates which have hitherto kept pace with the general enlargment of the bud. In the further progress of the development the plates cease to keep pace with the growth of the other parts, and by the time the polypide has attained its full size and adult form they cover but a small portion of the whole, and may now be seen as the peculiar shield-like organ (fig. 2, b ) which performs so important a part in the morphology of Rhabdo- pleura. In thus following the development of Rhabdopeeura it is impossible not to be struck with the resemblance of the valve-like fleshy plates to the mantle of a lamellibrancliiate mollusc, whose lobes lie, as here, to the right and left of the body, instead of being placed dorsally and ventrally, as in the Brachiopoda. The conviction is thus forced upon us that the right and left plates of the young Rhabdopeeura may, after all, be the representatives of the mantle-lobes of a Lamellibranch. If this be so, a new light is thereby thrown upon the morphology of the Polyzoa, whose relations must then be admitted to be more intimate with the Lamellibranchiata than with the Brachiopoda, with which the Polyzoa have of late years been associated. Indeed, the most important differ- ence between a Polyzoon and a Lamellibranch will be found in the direction of the intestine, which, instead of finally bending1 towards the closed or dorsal edge of the mantle, retains its original neural flexure, and runs at once towards the open or ventral edge. The absence of a heart and specialised respi- ratory apparatus is of comparatively slight importance, and, like the degraded condition of the nervous system, only shows the low stage of development on which the Polyzoa rest. 1 See Huxley, article “Mollusca,” in ‘English Cyclopaedia,’ and “Lectures on Comparative Anatomy.” 63 Further, the two arms of the lophophore will represent the labial tentacles of a Lamellibraneh ; and since that portion of the endocyst which forms the tentacular sheath in the retracted state of the polypide is apparently continuous with the posterior edge of the mantle, there can be no difficulty in finding, in the ccrncecium of a Polyzoon the representative of the siphon of a Lamellibraneh. It should also be noticed that the whole polypide of Rhab- doplcura is remarkably compressed from side to side, a fact which further bears out the views here maintained of its relations — views, however, which are in no "way inconsistent with the obvious relations of the Polyzoa to the Tunicala. The following diagrammatic figures will facilitate a compre- hension of the relations here attempted to be proved between a Polyzoon and a Lamellibraneh. Fig. 1. — Diagrammatic Section of a Lamellibranchiate Mollusc. a, stomach ; l, intestine; b' anus; c, labial pulp ; d, ventral edge of mantle ; d' dorsal edge of mantle; e, siphon ; f, pedal ganglion ; g, cephalic ganglion; A, parietal splanchnic ganglion; i, heart; k, posterior re- tractor muscle ; k' anterior retractor muscle. Fig. 2. — Diagrammatic Section of a Dud of Rhabdopleura. a, stomach; b, intestine; 6', anus; e, lophophore ; d, ventral or open edge of mantle ; d' dorsal or closed edge of mantle ; e, coenoccium ; e' reflected portion of endocyst forming tentacular sheath. 64 Note on a Point in the Habits of the Diatomaceje and Desmidiaceas. By Arthur Mead Edwards. (From the ‘Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History,’ vol. xi.) Although most writers on tlie subject are in the habit of stating that many of the genera of Diatomaceae in the living state are free, or non-adherent to other larger algae or sub- merged substances, yet always since I first began the study of the Protophytes, as is well known to my fellow-students with whom I have from time to time discussed the subject, I have held that all species are, at some period of their exis- tence, in an adherent or attached condition, growing upon, for the most part, aquatic vegetation of a larger size. I have also frequently expressed the opinion that the adherent con- dition of any species was but temporary and conditional ; otherwise I could not see how the wide distribution of forms, such as Cocconeis scutellum, an extremely widely diffused marine species usually found attached to larger algae, or Tabellaria flocculosa, an equally cosmopolitan fresh- water species found almost invariably attached, was provided for, as no motile spores of any kind are known to exist in this family, although such may be the case. At the outset of my studies of these extremely interesting organisms I naturally accepted the classification laid before me by the authorities on the subject, and referred the forms I found to one or the other of the divisions of free or attached genera, and, in fact, went so far as to construct and adopt terms expressing these two conditions. The adherent forms I grouped under the general head of Epiphytaceae and the free under that of Eleutheraceae. As my studies progressed, however, I was continually meeting with cases in which this arbitrary mode of division would not apply, and the natural conclusion come to was that the method was defective, as it did not agree with facts. At last I have thus to publish my conviction that such a division of the Diatomaceae into free and attached genera does not exist in nature, and that most if not all species are free at one period of their existence and attached at another. I have seen several species which are almost universally ranked as fixed species existing in a natural state free and possessed of motion which they never displayed in their attached condition. Although it is not my intention at the present time to go very deeply into this subject, yet I desire to record that I have noted the following instances of such occurrences among others of a similar kind. 05 Gomphonema acuminatum and a Cocconema, the species of which was not at the time determined, moved about in a vigorous manner when found naturally detached, and also when freed from their stipes by violence. Again, several years ago I made a gathering of Schizonema cruciger, a species which consists of siliceous frustules enclosed within tubes of membranous material glowing upon other sub- merged matter, having its frustules free and swimming actively about upon the surface of the water without any signs of investing tubes, which, however, were found empty hut standing erect and adherent at the bottom of the ditch inha- bited by the Schizonema. I have noticed that bare stipes of an Achnanthes, without any pendent frustules, are by no means uncommon, and also Gomphonema stipes can be found in the same condition. In such cases, doubtless, the freed frustules might be found near by, and, in fact, I have in what may be called “free” gatherings, floating upon the surface of the water, observed Cocconeis, Achnanthes, and other forms which at one time I was in the habit of classi- fying as Epiphytacca;. Once I freed by violence Schizo- nema GreviUei and a Synedra which accompanied it, and they both moved about in a rather lively manner, although the motion of the Schizonema -was much more vigorous than that of the Synedra. This was not remarkable, as the frus- tules of Schizonema and Homceocladia are well known to be freely movable within their investing tubes, although I do not remember to have seen the fact of their activity without that enclosure recorded. The observance of these facts of the mo- tion of the detached frustules of such well-known forms as Schi- zonema, Gomphonema and Achnanthes, calls up in the mind the question of the individuality of the Diatomaceous frustule, and it is a point to which I would call the attention of students as one deserving and, in fact, calling for further and searching investigation. If the whole frond of a Homceo- cladia with its myriads of enclosed frustules is an individual, then is the usually free Nitzschia, a single frustule of which cannot be morphologically distinguished from a single de- tached frustule of Homceocladia, also an individual ? — and is a Navicula an individual as well as the group of similar forms enclosed within the tube of a Schizonema or the gelatinous frond of a Mastogloia ? Again, is a Cyclotella an individual as well as the long chain of discs which go to make up the frond of a Melosira or Podosira ? Upon this point I shall, hereafter, have more to say, merely begging the record of an observed fact bearing thereon by students of this extremely interesting and, I am convinced, important branch of natural history. VOL. IX. — NEW SEll. E 66 I desire to place on record that I have seen at least two apparently and generally acknowledged free species of Des- midiaceae attached to a submerged aquatic moss. One was, Closterium, species not determined, which was for a long time (as during the most of last summer the specimens were growing in one of my aquaria) attached pretty firmly, by means of a true stipes or stalk of no great length, to the leaves of the moss, and that so strongly that it required some considerable force to detach it. By rocking the covering glass upon the slide, upon which the specimen of moss was placed during observation by means of the microscope, the Closterium could be made to swing about from side to side upon its stipes without becoming detached. The other species, observed at the same time, was a Micrasterias, and this was fixed, generally in pairs, to the same moss, by its broadest side, or by both valves, so as to present a “ front view” (as it is termed when speaking of Diatomaceae) to the observer, thus presenting an analogy to the genus Epi- themia of that family which occurs growing after the same manner ; Cocconeis, on the contrary, is attached by means of the whole of one of the valves. The stipes of the Closterium was, of course, at the end of the frustule where the valve comes to a point, after the manner of a Cocconema, which genus Closterium resembles much in form. In neither of these cases do I designate the species, as that I deem hardly of importance, the mere fact of Desmidiaceae being found under such conditions being the important one. At the same time it is as well to mention that these species were thus found during the month of August, or in the midst of the summer, the same forms having been observed free and movable in the early part of the spring. I have now to place upon record my opinion that the Desmidiaceae are governed by very much the same law as applies to their apparently near allies the Diatomaceae ; that is to say, that they are all at some period of their existence attached, and at another free. 67 On Naked Fresh-Water Radiolaria. By Dr. Gustav Woldemer Focke, of Bremen.1 The distribution of animals in the older strata of the earth’s crust would lead one to assume that fresh-water lakes could not have been inhabited until a late period, and, indeed, the distri- bution of living beings in fresh and salt waters is now very dis- proportionate. With regard to many orders of the animal kingdom, nature seems to have made some feeble attempts to populate fresh waters, and then to have given up the matter ; with others the distribution in both quarters is tolerably equal, although no very important physiological differences seem to exist; with the majority the sea presents a most decided pre- dominance. Until recently Radiolaria have been found only in the sea, or at least shell-less free-living forms have never yet been observed in fresh water. In the middle of last summer I, to my great surprise, discovered at the same source three different kinds of creatures which presented decided characters of Radiolaria. As most of the inhabitants of the sea belonging to this order are enclosed in hard porous shells, the examination of their tissue elements is rendered difficult to a great degree ; consequently, the oppor- tunity of examining these free-living forms from fresh water offer a very desirable facility for making a minute investigation. Unfortunately the information which can be supplied con- cerning these creatures is as yet extremely fragmentary. Of the history of their development no particulars can be given. The present report, therefore, will merely indicate the exist- ence of shell-less fresh-water Radiolaria, in order to give some notion of the facts relating to them, and to attract the atten- tion of any other observer, since the systematic determina- tion and the physiological description of these creatures can- not be attempted with any prospect of success until more minute investigations have been made. The creatures have a restricted range of locality, and in that range are probably quite as scarce, since numerous organisms, some of which are smaller, existing together with them, have been recognised for a long time, and minutely described. The locality in which fresh-water Radiolaria have been found is moor-pools, that is to say, places in peat moors into which flow streams from neighbouring sandy parts or old waste downs; into these is discharged a scanty stream of water, which remains 1 Dr. Focke is evidently unaware of the researches of Mr. Archer, of Dublin, on this subject, who has already in this Journal characterised one, at least, of Dr. Focke’s genera. See “ Dublin Club Minutes.” 68 at an almost constant temperature of 8° R. by day, and is never dried up. The fauna of these moor-pools, with regard to the character of the creatures inhabiting them, the number of the species they contain, and the rarity of these species, varies very much from time to time ; this is probably due partly to differences in the quantity of water in the stream, and partly to some mixture of it with rain water or water from some other source. Desmidiacese and Diatomaceae were also observed ; the number of forms was small, some of the species being rare, but the variety of specimens not very remarkable. At different periods of the year the predomi- nant species inhabiting these pools are replaced by others. With regard to the Radiolaria, nothing has yet been deter- mined on this point, since from the time of their discovery attention has been almost exclusively devoted to the new and particular forms brought under notice during three months of summer. The first sign of Radiolaria was presented in a small glass vessel filled with moor water, one side of which, turned towards the light, presented a bright-green lining, formed by numerous Desmidiaceae. Whilst searching amongst the green globules, discs, fronds, &c., for fitting specimens, I met with a small green round body, which appeared to be surrounded by a layer of jelly-like material. After this had been re- moved with a pipette, and placed upon an object-bearer, I found that it was a globular body indicating Pandiorna vnorum or some allied form. On repeated examination I discovered that there was a great difference between the impression that had been made bv the object first presented and that of the round body in the field of the microscope; the conviction was consequently forced upon me either that I had not removed the proper body with the pipette, or that its cha- racter had been altered during the transmission. Whilst endeavouring to clear up this obscurity by employing a stronger magnifying power, I was called away. On my return I was not a little surprised at the change that had occurred. A covering of delicate sarcode had developed itself as a broad border around the globular body, from which numerous extremely fine, long, and pointed processes now passed out- wards in a radiating direction. By peculiar to-and-fro movements which accompanied the elongation and retraction of these processes, slow and irregular locomotion, apparently working in one fixed direction, was produced. This, then, was a discovery of a previously unrecognised animalcule, which, indeed, at first sight seemed to bear some affinity to the Rhizopoda, and, in particular, to the Actinophrys, but f»9 which was, as the following description will show, a shell-less fresh-water member of the Radiolaria. The most careful investigation was at first attended with but little gain ; nevertheless, the mass of sarcode presented at first one, and afterwards several, green globules, which varied somewhat in size; as the number of these globules was constantly two, four, eight, or sixteen, processes of divi- sion So frequently observed in similar instances were indi- cated. In these creatures could be recognised a dark double contour of integument, which enclosed the green globules ; within this was discovered a mass of nuclei, which at one part, namely at that lying close to the inner surface of the membrane, appeared of a green colour, and at other parts was colourless ; this presented a very dark contour, refracted the light strongly, and varied somewhat in extent. About the green globules wTas next presented a broader border of sarcode — that delicate, extremely fine, and ever-moving substance which consists sometimes of mucous elements, some- times of very fine, tortuous, and intercrossing lines, with granules scattered here and there between them. From this layer of sarcode start up pyramidal tongue-shaped processes, and very fine spiny threads composed of the same substance, and always placed at right angles to the tangents of the spherical body, from which they radiate in all directions. As these long processes end in extremely fine points, and are constantly extended and retracted, thus probably causing the movements of the whole mass, their actual limits may be the better determined the smaller the magnifying power employed, since with powerful objectives their points are removed too rapidly from the adapted focus. The pyramidal tongue- shaped processes without doubt take part in these movements, since they can be seen to arise and disappear ; their move- ments, however, seem to be slower, but cannot be satisfactorily investigated in consequence of the general commotion. The different parts of such an organism, so far as they can be optically determined, might, then, be reckoned from within outwards as follows : 1. The centre of the sphere is filled by colourless plasma strewn with granules varying in size, which in itself, or in consequence of the presence of the very broadly and darkly contoured granules, refracts the light strongly on, or appears brighter than, the surrounding water. This contrast is presented most distinctly before the focus is closely adapted, and when the details cannot yet be recognised with precision. 2. In the outer portion — that lying close to the including membrane — of the plasma which is strewn with colourless 70 granules, exist largish, green-coloured corpuscles, and here and there, in the midst of these, dark specks ; these green corpuscles are scattered very irregularly, and often slowly change their positions. They vary somewhat in size, being on the average about -g-Vo"' iQ diameter. I counted about one hundred of these in one body. The spherical body sometimes presents in its interior a bright and sharply defined gap; this, which will be again referred to, appears like a vacuole. 3. The border of plasma enclosing the granules forms a compact membrane, clear as water, and showing a broad contour, which is darker and more sharply defined exter- nally, and appears, in the majority of instances, to be the covering of the sphere. Examples are not wanting which prove that this membrane is very extensible, and capable of being ^projected externally at several parts of its circumfer- ence. This membrane, however, should not be regarded merely as an enveloping structure to include the contents of the body from the surrounding media, and to prevent changes in its form, since in the marine Radiolaria it is con- cerned in the formation of the shell. In the fresh-water forms the membrane is sometimes roughened, and, present- ing, as it were, a transition stage in the process of incrusta- tion, is elevated at the base of each sarcode process into a swollen protuberance, which projects in the form of a half- sphere, and carries upon its summit the process. Both protuberances and sarcode processes are often provided with chitinous sheaths, which remain unaltered after death. The extraordinary delicacy of the enveloping membrane admits of no chemical examination; the slightest touch, and even the dropping of distilled or rain water of a different tempera- ture, causes the whole of it to coagulate into a shapeless mass. 4. The outer layer of sarcode, whilst contracted, is so transparent and delicate that it will often fail to supply an optical impression of its existence or extent. When visible, it appears as a symmetrical covering closely surrounding the central capsule, and with the same light-refracting power ; thus at the most the contours of the envelope are somewhat widened, but to what extent it is difficult to estimate with the spherical form, as a change is induced hv the slight dis- placement of the focus. When any part of the outer layer of sarcode gradually becomes visible, a faint shadow is formed about the lining membrane for a distance corre- sponding to that of the indistinct contour, which is rendered clear only by rapid movement of the light. With regard to the optical peculiarities of this layer of sarcode, nothing more 71 can be indicated ; and much labour and trouble, and the employment of all accessory means at command, supply one merely with the fact that there is something present, with- out being capable in the slightest degree of denoting what its characters may be. In this sarcode arc presented light and dark spots, delicate, tortuous threads, very small gra- nules, and now and then a larger vesicle, indicating a limit by faintly shadowed lines which always disappear instantly when looked at closely. These threads, granules, &c., always keep at some distance from the outer border line, so that a still brighter margin surrounds the transparent inner mass. In some instances the outer limit of this margin was found curled and plicated ; it is a question, however, whether these individuals which presented this condition were in a state of perfect vitality. From this layer of sarcode, which at the most can be dis- tinguished only as a faint clouding around the enveloping membrane, now arise processes which, by virtue of their prismatic or cylindrically conical forms, can be better dis- cerned. At times they are found completely retracted; afterwards, some make their appearance at different parts of the circumference, and one can generally declare, so long as the lining membrane of the capsule is preserved, or remains not essentially altered, that these processes extend in a radiating direction, and are placed at right angles to the tangents of the spherical body. The most frequent form is that of a long needle with a very fine tip, which always remains straight even when the needle itself is slightly curved at its lower part. Among these needle-shaped pro- cesses exist, in several Radiolaria, flattened and lancet-shaped prolongations, which do not extend to so great a length, and which, like the former, take the direction of the radii of the spherical body. These, however, are distributed more sparingly over the surface, and are never projected simul- taneously with the needle-shaped processes. When, during a long sojourn under the microscope, a complete unfolding at all parts of the sarcode layer has taken place, these tongue- shaped processes may be seen distributed with moderate symmetry, and appear in number to bear a proportion to the finer and longer processes of one to four or five. Nothing more precise can as yet be supplied with regard to these processes ; and as during their full unfolding the movement becomes more active, and a rapid change of place continues to be associated with a more frequent rising and sinking in the water, it becomes extremely difficult, with the frequent change of focus and the concern about retaining the object 72 in the field of the microscope, to state precisely whether this or that process stands in the same row, or is placed above or below the other. The fundamental form of the fresh-water Radiolaria seems to be the sphere, but this does not, however, preserve the stability which, in the majority of Rhizopods, is dependent upon the shell, nor does it present that rapid, proteus-like change of form shown by the Amoebae, &c. The spherical contour may, indeed, be converted into an oval or becomes a triangular one, with very rounded angles, when external influences are not opposed. When the determined direction of the creature’s movements is obstructed the whole body flows in an irregular and elongated form about the obstruct- ing object, and seeks the nearest passage; next follows an irregular, unsym metrical distribution of the sarcode pro- cesses on its surface. These changes in form take place slowly, and the previous condition is slowly regained. To the clear, sharply defined, and vacuole-like spot occasion- ally observed within the central capsule the less importance is to be attached, as the specimens which presented this had probably ceased to live. Neither an accurate determination of the size of these creatures, nor more precise details as to colour can be given. The division processes appear to reduce the diameter of the central capsule. No measure of full-grown specimens can as yet be given, and the variable form of the body stands in the way of this. The size of the species described in this report fluctuates between — tV” - The colour appears only darker or lighter, with changes in the illumination ; the rela- tion, however, between the coloured and transparent granules in the sarcode undergoes change, and the coloration conse- quently acquires an altered character. The observed tints of green and red correspond more to the colours of the Infusoria than to those of chlorophyll and the red Algae. With regard to the sarcode no further information can as yet be given in addition to that already dealt with by other observers in good works on the Rhizopoda, &c. The hitherto obscured divergence of the processes in a radiating direction hardly permits the notion that a fusion of any of these processes generally takes place, and such has not yet been made out during processes of division. Very frequently the most flattened processes are filled with plasma-corpuscles. The fresh-water Radiolaria cannot be easily confounded with allied Rhizopoda, and as the first glance finds something so characteristic, they cannot be considered as Desmidiacese. Actinophrys is very similar in form, but possesses a con- 73 tractile vesicle, and never retracts its processes, which, again, are always less numerous. Any confusion, however, will always be prevented hv observance of the rapid movements in one direction which these Radiolaria present. By far the greater part of the marine Radiolaria bears a hard trellised shell and firm spines, spiculae, hooks, &c. The fresh-water Radiolaria being shell-less and unprotected, their structure is consequently more simple, and they will therefore fall into a place in systematic arrangements before the more protected marine Radiolaria — according to HackeFs system, before Tlialassicola — and thus extend the ranks of the Radiolaria. Dr. Focke gives full details concerning these species of shell-less fresh-water Radiolaria, and refers the reader to appended illustrative plates. No. 1. — The first species presented at first sight four green globules, surrounded by a border of sarcode and needle-shaped and tongue-like processes. Division processes were indicated by the fact that these globules were found in other specimens in groups of two, eight, and sixteen. The granules within the enveloping membrane, particularly those near the periphery of the body, were subjected to rapid movements. In these forms the sarcode layer and processes can scarcely be di 74 tinguished at the first examination, but become extended after remaining at rest for a time under the microscope. The movement of the bodies is constant, slowly progressive, and apparently in a direction towards the light. The glo- bular bodies formed by processes of division are sometimes separated into two or more groups, each of which retains its own envelope of sarcode. When this has taken place the contours of the globular bodies become very irregular, and the bodies themselves are more widely separated. The whole of the creature is sometimes broken up into a number of isolated bodies, each of which is perfectly round, and fur- nished with its own layer of sarcode and with processes. Very long fine processes are sometimes thrown out from one body to another and connect the two. These isolated glo- bular bodies also undergo division processes. One of these, with included globules, and furnished with a long process, suspended by which the whole moves backwards and forwards like a pendulum, is represented by fig. 1. Some of the creatures here described undergo the following changes : — The processes are gradually retracted into the sarcode layer, a part of which is then elongated, and presents internally separated particles of the lining membrane enclosing isolated masses of green granules. The lining membrane is some- times lengthened in a pyriform shape and becomes distended near the small end, and presents there a vacuole-like vesicle. Finally, after death the elongated mass of sarcode breaks down into molecular matter, the enveloping membrane of the capsule retains its dark and distinct contour, the colourless granules are removed, and the green granules withdrawn from their original position near the perpihery. No. II (fig. 2). — Two forms are described. The first con- 75 sists of a somewhat smaller body than that of the preceding species. In this the gramiles lying near the enveloping membrane are coloured red instead of green. The border of sarcode is narrower, and the processes, for the most part, are needle-shaped. The second form is represented by much paler specimens, with coarsely granular contents ; these are surrounded by a broad border of sarcode bearing very small processes, and often show a large, bright, and sharply defined circular gap (vacuole?). Whether this form really represents a distinct species remains as yet undecided. No. Ill (fig. 3a, 3b). — This species is represented by green bodies, which are supplied with a narrow border of sarcode and a considerable number of needle-shaped processes. They differ from the first species in their size, the absence of tongue-shaped processes, the number and distribution of the needle-shaped processes, and in the increased proportion of green-coloured granules. The form of these creatures is circular, oval, or triangular, with very rounded angles. With a very highly magnifying power a cellular structure may be observed in the enveloping membrane, particularly at its outer surface, where each needle-shaped process is placed on the summit of an elevated cell. The lower part of each long needle-shaped process is often enclosed in a fine sheath (chitiue ?), which may be recognised after the death and dis- section of the creature. This sheath, which is about 7177/" in length and in breadth, is inserted into the summit of the swelling on the surface of the lining membrane. (This is illustrated by an ideal figure at 3b.) In conclusion. Dr. Focke states that he has reasons for believing that Eremosphaera viridis belongs properly to the Radiolaria. This organism, which presents a large green globular body, and multiplies by twofold division, was first considered to be a germ-corpuscle, and afterwards one of the Algse. NOTES AND CORRESPONDENCE. Our esteemed correspondent Count Castracane requests us to correct two expressions in the translation of his paper on the “ Reproduction of the Diatomaceae” in the last number. In page 258, line 24 from the top, for “ vessel ” read “ cell and in page 259, line 22, instead of “ inclosed in ” read “ enclosing.” Adulteration of Tobacco with Starch. — The Government have been recently carrying on prosecutions against tobacco manu- facturers and dealers for having in their possession tobacco adulterated with starch. Amongst the numerous adultera- tions to which tobacco is exposed it was not till very recently suspected that starch was ever employed. Of course, such an adulteration, if suspected, could he easily detected by the aid of the microscope. This arises from the fact that the mature leaf of the tobacco — the part that is used in commerce — pos- sesses no perceptible traces of starch. It is true that during the early stages of the growth of the tobacco traces of exceed- ingly minute granules — which are true starch-granules — can he detected. These, however, are very different from the starch detected by the Government officers in the tobacco seized in the prosecutions alluded to. In all the cases the starch Avas either wheat- or rice-starch. In some cases the starch had been boiled before application had been made of it to the tobacco leaf, but this did not interfere with its ready detec- tion under the microscope,by the aid of its reaction with iodine. The quantity varied from 2 to 7 per cent. This quantity is very small ; but, practically, it is found that tobacco smeared with starch will take up more water, and thus the tobacco is made to weigh more by the addition of starch. The starch in these cases, however, has not been added so much with the object of increasing the Aveight of the tobacco as to enable the manufacturers to improve the Avorkable pro- perties of the tobacco. In all cases this adulteration was found in the Irish roll tobacco, and it is in the manufacture of this 77 article that the flour of the cereal plants was found of advantage. Great praise is due to the Inland Revenue for carrying out this prosecution so successfully, and thereby protecting the honest trader. These prosecutions could scarcely have been carried on but by the aid of the microscope. It was through the energy and intelligence possessed by Mr. Philips, the superintendent of the Inland Revenue Laboratory at Somer- set House, that this instrument was placed in the hands of the revenue officers under his guidance ; and this is not the first instance of extensive frauds having been detected by its agency. — E. L. Coccoliths and Coccospheres. By G. C. Wallich. Sep- tember 7th, 1868. — In a lecture “ On a Piece of Chalk,” delivered by Prof. Huxley to working men during the recent meeting of the British Association, and published with the author’s initials in the September number of ‘ Macmillan’s Magazine,’ attention is directed to certain minute bodies, to which he gave the name of “ coccoliths,” as met with in soundings obtained in 1857 by Capt. Dagman in H.M.S. “ Cyclops.” Speaking of these bodies, the author says, “ Dr. Wallich verified my observation, and added the interest- ing discovery that not unfrequently bodies similar to these coccoliths were aggregated together into spheroids, which he termed coccospheres.” He goes on to say that “ A few years ago Mr. Sorby, in making a careful examination of the chalk, by means of sections and otherwise, observed, as Ehrenberg had done before him, that much of the granular basis pos- sesses a definite form. Comparing these formed particles with those in the Atlantic soundings, he found the two to be identical, and thus proved that the chalk, like the soundings, contains these mysterious coccoliths and coccospheres.” In the above extract I will, with your permission, point out one or two inaccuracies, no doubt unintentional, on Prof. Huxley’s part, but of sufficient importance to induce me to beg you ■will afford me the opportunity of correcting them, and at the same time of drawing the attention of naturalists to some additional facts connected with the bodies in question. The occurrence of the spheroidal objects to which I as- signed the name of coccospheres, as being most intimately connected with the coccoliths of Prof. Huxley, was detected by me in North Atlantic soundings, whilst on the surveying cruise of H.M.S. “ Bulldog,” in July, 1860, a general notice of their existence having appeared in my * Notes on the pre- sence of Animal Life at great Depths in the Sea ’ in Novem- ber of the same year, and a detailed description, with figures 78 and measurements, having been published by me in the ‘Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist.’ in July, 1851. The identifica- tion of the coccoliths of the soundings with those of the chalk (to the last of which attention was drawn by E hr ten- berg and Mr. Sorby) was announced for the first time in the two papers just referred to, Mr. Sorby’s paper having appeared in the ‘Annals’ in September, 1861. In this paper Mr. Sorby actually refers to the spheroidal bodies under the name I gave them. The merit of the identifica- tion spoken of by Prof. Huxley, such as it is, I have there- fore a right to claim as mine. The coccoliths, however, cannot correctly be said to be “ aggregated together into the spheroids,” as stated in the lecture They are in reality arranged, at intervals, over the surface of the spheroidal cell, on which their concave sur- faces rest, and which is, to this extent, a separate portion of the structure. When detached, as they invariably appear to be in the chalk and the fossil earths (of which I shall have occasion to say a word presently), they bear the same relation to the supporting cell that the fallen fruit bears to the tree that bore it, and nothing more. Of their true position in the organic world I am ignorant. But I have these important facts to add (referred toby me incidentally in a paper on “The Polycystina,” which was read before the Royal Microscopical Society in May, 1865, and published in the ‘ Transactions ’ of that Society), that I have detected coccoliths in abundance, and retaining their normal characters, in some of the fossil siliceous earths of Barbadoes, &c., and that coccospheres have been met with by me pro- fusely in a living, or perhaps it would be more safe to say a recent, condition, in material collected at the surface of the open seas of.ihe tropics, and also in dredgings from shoal water obtained off the south coast of England. It only remains for me to add that, so far as the chemical nature of these bodies can be ascertained by reagents and the polariscope, there is reason to believe that carbonate of lime enters largely into their composition ; and they furnish us with another striking example, in which simplicity of struc- ture has enabled an organism to weather the vicissitudes to which the surface of the globe has been subject, and under the operation of which more complex forms have ceased to exist. — Athen A. Buelhanus , ) ’ ’ ’ A. parasiticus, Nyl., Prod., 55. A. pulverulentus , Anzi. Parmelia saxatilis, v. parasitica, Sm. P. conspersa, v. abortiva, Schser. Bidtora Parmeliarum, Fw. Lecidea, Smrf. Endocarpon parasiticum, Ach. Lichen parasiticus, Sm., E. Bot., t. 1866. On thallus of Parmelia saxatilis, and var. omphalodes, P. conspersa , P. caperata, P. physodes, P. tiliacea, P. sinuosa, P. olivacea ; Sticta fuliginosa, S. sylvatica, S. limbala ; Rica- solia pallida ; Cetraria glauca, C. pinastri, C. Islandica ; Physcia pulverulenta (Anzi) , Evernia prunastri, Usuca barbata. Spores 6 — 8, soleaform, 2-locular, brown. Possesses pycnidia. 1 Krempelhuber (‘Licli. H. Bayerns,’ 275) classes Abrothallus in the Nesolerhice (q. v.j. 2 Lindsay, “ Monograph of the Sub-genus Abrothallus ‘ Quart. Journal of Microscopical Science,’ 1857. 139 2. A. microspermus, Tul., 115 ; Hepp, 471 ; Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 447 ; Monogr. Abroth., 8 ; Korb., Syst., 216. Syn. Lecidea thallicola, Mass. On thallus of Parmelia caperata. Spores small, colourless or brown (Hepp) ; of same form as in preceding (Tul.). 3. A. Welwitzschii, Tul., 115; Linds., Monogr. Abroth., 8; Hist. Brit. Lich., 315; Korb., Par., 456; Hepp, 370 and 371 ; Leight., Exs., 191. Syn. Sticta fuliginosa, v. abortiva, Scliaer. Abrothallus Smithii, v. pulverulenta, Linds., Monogr. Abroth., 34. On thallus or apothecia of Sticta sylvatica with its var. Dufourii, Del.,1 2 and S. fuliginosa. Spores 6 — 8 ; otherwise as in A. Smithii, Tul. I refer both microspermus and Welwitzschii, as mere forms, to A. Smithii? 4. A. oxysportts, Tul., 116; Hepp, 37; Mudd, 225; Linds., K. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 410 ; Monogr. Abroth., 30. Syn. Lecidea, Kyi., Prod., 145. Nesolechia, Korb. Lichen ampullaceus, Wulf. On thallus of Parmelia sax at ilis, P. conspersa, P. caperata, P. Borreri, P. sinuosa, Cetraria glauca, Evernia furfur acea. Spores simple, sometimes 2-locular or physcioid, ellip- soid, straight, sometimes curved,3 colourless. Possesses sper- mogonia. The plant is apparently rare in Germany7 and Italy, as neither Korber nor Massalongo had met with it (fide Korb., Par., 462). 5. A. Curreyi, Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 409. On thallus of Parmelia perforata. Spores 8, simple, ellipsoid, colourless. 6. A. Moorei, Linds., Observations on new Lichenicolous Micro-Fungi. On Cladonia bellidiflora, Ach., Kelly’s Green, Ireland. Spores 8, ellipsoid, simple, colourless. 7. A. Usnece, Rabenhorst, Exs., 537 ; Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 444. On thallus, cephalodia and apothecia, of Usnea barbata, vars. florida, ceratina, and plicata. 1 Associated here sometimes with Celidium Pelvetii (q. v.), Hepp, 370. 2 Linds., ‘Monograph Abrothallus,’ 8. 3 Linds., “ N. Z. Lichens,” ‘Trans. Linn. Society,’ vol. xxv, p. 514. 140 Spores ellipsoid-oblong, soleaform (2-locular) , brown. Ap- parently possesses pycnidia. 8. A. Friesii, Hepp, 464. On thallns of Verrucaria chlorotica, Ach. Spores very small, soleaform (2-locular) , brown. • A. exilis, Flk., Hepp, 473 ; Mass., Rich., 88; and var. macrospora, Hepp, 473; is a Lecidea, with a proper thallns (Nyl., Prod., 136). A. arthonioides , Mass., Rich., 89, is also apparently a Lecidea (Fee). A. Ricasolii, Mass., Rich., 89 ; syn. Buellia, Korb., Par., 189; has also a proper thallns, and grows on tree-barks. It apparently includes (according to Korber) Massalongo’s A. arthonioides and Fee’s Buellia arthonioides. Genus V. — Scutula, Tal., 118. Linds., Hist. Brit. Lich., 316. Species 1. S. Wallrothii, Tul., 119; Hepp, 135 ; Linds., Hist. Brit. Lich.j 316. Syn. Peziza miliaris, Walk. Biatora Heerii, Hepp, 135. Biatorina, Anzi. Lecidea anomala, Fr., var. Wallrothii, Nyl., Scand., 202. On Peltidea canina and P. rufescens, Korb., Par., 454 ; on various Peltidece and Solorince, Nyl., Scand. Spores 6 — 8, small, ovate-ellipsoid, 2-locular, colour- less. Possesses both spermogonia and pycnidia. A Lichen in so far as concerns the blue reaction of the hy menial ele- ments with iodine. If this plant is to be referred to the Lecideee, it will belong to that small section that possesses pycnidia in addition to spermogonia.1 2. S. Krempelhuberi, Korb., Par., 455. On Solorina saccata. Spores 8, very minute, ellipsoid, 2-locular, colourless. 3. S. Stereocaulorum, Anzi (Korb., Par., 455). * Syn. Lecidea, Anzi. On thalline scales, or phyllocladia, (“ thallus-schuppen ”) of Stereocaulon tomentosum, v. alpinum, and S. fastigiatuni (Korb., Par.). But under the head Stereocaulon, in his ‘ Parerga,’ Korber mentions neither a species nor variety fastigiatum ; nor does he mention it in his ‘ Systema/ Spores 8, small, acutely ellipsoid, 2-locular, colourless. 1 Vide paper by the author on “Polymorphism in the Pructification of Lichens,” ‘ Quart. Journal of Microscopical Science,’ January, 1S68. 141 Genus VI. — Celidium, Tul., Mem., 120. Linds., Hist Brit. Lichens, 317 ; N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 448. Species 1. C. Stictarum, Tul., 121 ; Hep]), 590 ; Linds., Hist. Brit. Lich., 317 ; N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 451. Syn. Plectocarpon, Fee. Sphceria, De Not. Lecanora parasitica, Auct. Dothidea Lichenum, Smrf. Biatora adligata, v. involuta, Fee. Sticta pulmonacea, y.pleurocarpa, Ach. ; Seiner., Exs., 550. Delisea, Fee. On apothecia, thallus, or cephalodia of Sticta puhnonaria, S. scrubiculata, S. Freycinetii, and Ricasolia corrosa (Korb., Par., 456). Spores 4 — 8, oblong or ellipsoid, 4-locular, pale yel- low or colourless, sometimes becoming brown. Possesses spermogonia. Nylander (Prod. 52) refers it to the Fungi ; though he points out its affinity to the Arthonice [e. g. A. parasemoides and A. abrothallina. 2. C. fusco-purpureum, Tub, Mem., 121. Syn. Spilodium, Mass. On Peltidea canina. Spores 6 — 8, ovate-oblong, simple, colourless. Possesses spermogonia seated in the centre of the cluster of apothecia. 3. C. varium, Tul., Mem., 125. Korb., Par., 456. Syn. Phacopsis, Tul.; Linds., Hist. Brit. Lich., 318. On thallus and apothecia of Physcia parieiina. Spores 6 — 8, small, oblong, 4-locular, colourless, becoming brown. 4. C. dubium, Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 449. On sterile thallus of Sticta granulata and S. rubella ; on sterile and fertile thallus of S. fossulata. Spores unknown ; apparently possesses spermogonia or pycnidia. 5. C. Pelvetii, Hepp, 372 and 589. Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 450. Syn. Sticta aurata, v. abortiva, Scheer., Exs., 558. On thallus of Sticta aurata. Spores 8, soleaform (2-locular), pale yellow or colour- less. It is, perhaps, this species that is referred to (but not named) in Hepp, 370, on S. sylvatica , v. Dufourii. 6. C. furfuraceum , Anzi. 142 On thallus of Lecidea rheetica (Hepp), L. petrcca, and Lecanora glaucoma. Tulasne (Mem., 125) mentions a Celidium as black-mottling Placodium albescens and Squamaria saxicola. Should this differ from the other so-called species, it may appropriately stand provisionally as — C. squarnariicolum. C. muscigenum, Anzi, Symb. I have not seen Anzi’s work, and do not know on what (if any) Lichen this species is parasitic. Nor do I know what is his C. varians, Dav. Korher, in his f Parerga ’ (457), includes it in his Celidium grumosum , which is a synonym of Arthonia varians, Nyl. (q. v.). Genus VII. — Conida, Mass ; Korb., Par., 458. Species 1. C. clemens, Tub, Mem., 124. Syn. Phacopsis, Tul. Arthonia, Th. Fr., Spitsb., 46. Conida apotheciorum, Mass. Sphceria, Mass. Placodium Goppertianum, Korb., Par., 458. On the apothecia of Squamaria saxicola, S. chrysoleuca, Placodium albescens, Hfftn., and P. murorum, Ilffm. Spores 8, small, oblong, 2-locular, colourless. The para- site black-mottles the epithecium of S. chrysoleuca. Inter- mixed with the spermogonia of that Squamaria, on its thallus, other parasites occur, externally black (Nyl., Scand., 131). The ordinary spermogonia of S. chrysoleuca are described and figured in my “ Memoir on the Spermogonia and Pycnidia of the Higher Lichens ” (* Trans. Royal Society of Edinburgh,’ vol. xxii, 1859, p. 260, pi. xv, figs. 15 — 17). Genus VIII. — Phacopsis, Tul., Mem., 124. Linds., Hist. Brit. Lich., 318 ; N. Z. Licli. and Fungi, 446. Species 1. P. vulpina, Tul., Mem., 126. Hepp, 474; Linds., N. Z. Lich. and Fungi, 446. Syn. Evernia vulpina, var., Fr. ; Mass. On thallus of Evernia vulpina. Spores simple, oblong or ellipsoid, colourless. 2. P . psoromoides , Hepp, 475 ; Korb., Par., 459. Syn. Endocarpon, Borr. ; Mudd, 267. Endopyrenium dcedaleum, Ivrmp. Dermatocarpon, Th. Fries, L. Arct. 255. On Lecanora mutabilis, Ach. Mudd describes the spores 143 he found in Hepp’s plant as simple and hyaline and the plant itself as referable to Borrer’s Endocarpon psoromoides. The spores of the latter, as represented by Leighton (Brit. Angioc. Lichens, pi. ii, fig. 4), are 4-locular and brown ; which spores Hepp refers to a parasitic Sphceria (