* 4, aA - Sa a ne = , a . \ id QUA G2XC vt ae Ups. HARVARD UNIVERSITY. LIBRARY OF THE ; MUSEUM OF ae Ae ZOOLOGY. ¥ GIFT OF ALEX. AGASSIZ. Jiaal eh 1878 — wg) M1, 1699 ‘ ee —" ‘. Pa & oT = aa ner oth aa eee hea New Series, No. 161 (Vol. 41, Part 1). Price 10s. | APR £7 1888 MARCH, 1898. oe [HE QUARTERLY JOURNAL . OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.RB.S., Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Fellow of Merton College, and Honorary Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, and of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia; Foreign Member of the Royal | Bohemian Society of Sciences; Associate Member of the Biological Society of Paris; ; Fullerian Professor of Physiology in the Royal Institution of London, | J WiTH THE CO-OPERATION OF : ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., : Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; AND | | W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.R.S., | 4 ¥Yodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London; s late Fellow of St. Fohn’s College, Cambridge. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. 7 | LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. “1898. -__ Adlard and Son,] ; Meets ig shi if bartholomew: Close. MEMOIRS: The Habits and Structure of Arenicola marina. By GaMBLE, M.Sc., and J. H. Asuwortn, B.Sc., Demouns' Assistant Lecturers in Zoology, Owens Col!ege, Manel Plates a he CF eG Species of this Genie. By Sine r. Picwen ‘S of King’s College, Cambridge ; Superintendent of the U Museum of Zoology. (With Plates 8—10). ect The Molluses of the Great African Lakes.—I. Di: 1 J. E. 8. Moors . ; A d . The Molluses of the Great African Lakes—II. The A Typhobias, with a description of the New Genus a E. S. Moore. oy Plates SrA “ é en _— oe i" a = = - PCL ee Ie a.) Oe eS =! New Series, No. 162 (Vol. 41, Part 2). Price 10s. JUNE, 1898. 7527 THE QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY HK. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.B.S., Linacre Professor of Comparative Anatomy, Fellow of Merton College, and Honorary Fellow of Exeter Colleze, Oxford; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, and of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia; Foreign Member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences; Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Sciences; Associate Member of the Biological Society of Paris; Fullerian Professor of Physiology in the Royal Institution of London, WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; AND W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.RB.S., Fodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London; late Fellow of St. fohn’s College, Cambridge. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1898. {Bartholomew Close. CONTENTS OF No. 162.—New Series. MEMOIRS: The Segmentation of the Ovum of the Sheep, with Observations on the Hypothesis of a Hypoblastic Origin for the Trophoblast. By RicuarD AssHETON, M.A. (With Plates 15—18) . . On the Heart-body and Celomic Fluid of Certain Polycheta, By LionEt James Picton, B.A. (With Plates 19—22) . On the Hypothesis that Lake Tanganyika represents an Old Jurassic Sea. By J. E.S. Moore. (With Plate 23) . On the Reno-pericardial Canals in Patella. By Epwin 8S. Goopricu, B,A., Aldrichian Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy, Oxford. (With Plate 24) . . f. PAGE 263 323 POD LM ee SM eee TG w ee Ie Te New Series, No. 163 (Vol. 41, Part 3). Price 10s. 7 S27 NOVEMBER, 1898. THE | . QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY BE. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LU.D., F.B.S,, Director of the Natural History Departments of the British Museum; Honorary Fellow of Exeter College; Oxford ; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg; and of the ~ Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia; Foreign Member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences and of the Academy dei Lincei of Rome; Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Sciences; Associate Member of the Biological Society of Paris; Fullerian Professor of Physiology in the Royal Institution of London. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; AND W. F. B. WELDON, M.A., F.B.S., Yodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London ; late Fellow of St. Fohn’s College, Cambridge. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. LONDON: J. & A. CHURCHILL, 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1898. Adlard and Son,] aeies 15 i ; [Bartholomew Close. a neenneneneenen te CONTENTS OF No. 163.—New Series. MEMOIRS: PAGE The Development of the Pig during the First Ten Days. By RrcHarp AssHEeTon, M.A. (With Plates 25—28) . . . >> +c The Structure of the Mammalian Gastric Glands. By R. R. BEnsLey, B.A., M.B., Assistant Demonstrator in pag University of Dovintis (With Plate 29) . i / , ~ ork On Certain Green (Chlorophylloid) Pigments in Invertebrates. By Marion I. Newstern, D.Sce., Lecturer on Zoology in the Edinburgh College of Medicine for Women. (From the Laboratory of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh.) (With Plates 30 and 31) vO Note on a (? Stomatopod) Metanauplius Larva. By J.J. Lister, M.A., Demonstrator of Comparative Anatomy in the University of Cambridge . . : ; ‘ : : . 433 On the Nephridia of the Polycheta.—Part II. Glycera and Goniada. By Epwin S. Goopricu, B.A., Aldrichian Demonstrator of Com- parative Anatomy, Oxford. (With Plates 32—35) . ‘ . 439 MARK ti 1899 St New Series, No. 164 (Vol. 41, Part 4). Price 10s. JANUARY, 1899. THE | QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF MICROSCOPICAL SCIENCE. EDITED BY E. RAY LANKESTER, M.A., LL.D., F.R.S., Director of the Natural History Departments of the British Museum; Honorary Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford ; Corresponding Member of the Imperial Academy of Sciences of St. Petersburg, and of the Academy of Sciences of Philadelphia; Foreign Member of the Royal Bohemian Society of Sciences and of the Academy of the Lincei of Rome; Associate of the Royal Academy of Belgium; Honorary Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, and of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, and of the Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh; Associate Member of the Biological Society of Paris; Fullerian Professor of Physiology in the Royal Institution of London. WITH THE CO-OPERATION OF ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A., F.R.S., Fellow and Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; AND W. F. R. WELDON, M.A., F.R.S., “‘Fodrell Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy in University College, London; late Fellow of St. Fohn’s College, Cambridge. WITH LITHOGRAPHIC PLATES AND ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. J. & A. CHURCHILL, Adlard and Son,) LONDON: 7, GREAT MARLBOROUGH STREET. 1899, a. a es : (Bartholomew Close. CONTENTS OF No. 164.—New Series. MEMOIRS: On Differences in the Histological Structure of Teeth occurring within a Single Family—the Gadide. By Cuanurs S. Tomxs, M.A., F.R.S. (With Plate 36) : ; ; A Description of Two New Species of Spongilla from Lake Tanganyika. By Ricuarp Evans, B.A. (With Plates 37 and 38) On Tetracotyle petromyzontis, a Parasite of the Brain of Am- moceetes. By AtBERtT W. Brown, B.A., F.L.S., Formerly Ex- hibitioner of Christ Church, Oxford. (With Plate 39) Studies on the Structure and Formation of the Calcareous Skeleton of the Anthozoa. By GiuBert C. Bourne, M.A., F.L.S., Fellow and Tutor of New College, Oxford; University Lecturer in Compa- rative Anatomy. (With Plates 40—43) The Stracture and Development of the Hairs of Monotremes and Marsupials.—Part I. Monotremes. By Batpwin Srencer, M.A., Professor of Biology in the University of Melbourne, and GEoRGINA Sweet, M.Sc., University of Melbourne. (With Plates 44—46) . Trophoblast and Serosa. A Contribution to the Morphology of the Embryonic Membranes of Insects. By ARTHUR WitzEy, D.Se.Lend., Hon. M.A.Cantab., Balfour Student of the University of Cambridge InDEX TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 459 471 489 499 549 589 611 Luuwrt Sourn Mar’ See ob 44 NSPY, 1 Nar \ Aa / A ; ‘ 2 \ a G -[Cccececcecececed > 3 ween © F.W.Gamble del F Huth, Lithé Edin® Quart FSourn, MicrSei. bel 44 NSGLZ, qa atee LD 4H aL On Ox 5 Stomach ‘ ; cedeeee ts sep este eee reese Oesophagus eS Bs see Jeu pe [ap zoMmysy ye Stomach : F.W.G. 8 J.H.A.del. Fig. 104 Fig. 10” ———— Quart Sour Mer Sci: VA NSF, 8 Fig 18. 2 a il rey, | A Nu ny aa (Lin Sessa Wi) UG Sas | a ce § SI s — S =F ee as = TT ee CU intiiteimnarsss hy ——— wir me S === = ioe Fig 17. Vent. F Huth, Lith® Edin* Quart Sourn Moor Sei, Web 4] HIPS, 4 Mob wy yc GF W ith: Edin= FWG.& JHA. del ice F.W.G. &JH.A. del. Quart Fourn Macr’Sci Vl 4 WSGYS. eI ye iE [Basta es F Huth, Lith? Edin? F Huth, Lith Edin® Quart Sourru Mor! See Vib 44 WSL, 7. a SB OTK 3 SE avian Ret cay) as Wes Sears tae wt .) nes \ 7 iM es BR 7! ye. Et) n A Gaee ioe, Benes Ril Pence as see ee o A vit Sea “ ex eas tS oP g \J Ss ‘ t\ | say Zo) AS AP « Besau a Yancy Gas o OUR = en 5s an F.Huth, Lith? Edin? ooecLopore -- Quart Fourn Mion Sei TAHMS. FY, & ee ~ o0ecLopor well OV. € Of DORCLOSLOMME ~ ab ithY Edin? F.Huth, 5 S.F Harmer de} 3-.-- fertile brown body p--s)--2---= EMMBTYO Ls t ‘ -----. brown boay terminal ----. uiteritive tessiwe es vestibule fertile brown ~ body ~~ nutritive tussiue - + 4 ae ij a “i --X Bo y embryo | NBR Ree... fertile brown * 1 body | embryo S.F Harmer del | duart Sourn Mor Sci VANS D2 9 4-- brown body F Huth, Lith? Edin? Guar. Soup. Mc’ Sco We WNSTY 10 termeal membrane woth, excretory Vesicles. Sa = a een wet, eet * = 2e a= ! . see eee ¥ \ $ ee F Huth, Lith? Edin? S.F.Harmer del S & YS : S ‘ \ S S 06 »" 8 ee ae F. Huth, Lith? Edin® Moore del JES We NSF Le oe Guart Sour Mor’ Set; fi N77 coe as | } F Huth, Lith? Edin? JE.S.Moore del Quart Sour Mier’ i Ved aa sP2 13 J.E.S Moore del an Guat Pour. hior Se We ANS TY 4 “ ‘ “Sy ge | F Huth, Lith? Edin’ JE.S. Moore del Ty Xe oats Ric.Assheton del F. Huth, Lith? Edin® ? Aart Pourn Macy’ Sci. VANS. GLC. . Ric. Assheton del F Huth, Lith? Edin™ ‘ Ric. Assheton del. q F Huth, Lith” Edint Quart Fourn, Mor’ Sci. Vol 44 NSLP Erinaceus ol ofololo Bird in oviduct. Se Bird laid. oS Bird after short incubation. Proto-eutherian. Ric Assheton del ‘ " . : = i j ni . / ? ' wae » > . ; ; : ' . - ie ° ns ee * _ - -- ‘— “ = - 2 « ' 7 _ SS re - —2 ~t — = ~-—-— --- 2 = 7 ee = . - a a t= — - 5 i. . és aa _——_ 7 " “ + a = —— _ - » - - aorsad Mesentery WSF, 1G. Y F Huth, Lith? Edin? USL LD Luart Fourn Mier Sci: Vt, 4, Ghitinous bodies | | pa — y Ws: el s Xe if of FS stained granile ~ (C/ F Huth, Lith? Edin*® Quart fourn Mor’ Sei: Ve 41 MN. SH 2 Lumen of “ Heart-body Fig.25. e adtachment of ~ Heart body to Gut-wall. ™ Lumen ot vessel ee —7 °)/ muscle of Pa cransverse AY Heart-wali muscle ---------> f P F. Huth, Lith® Edin? eC Quart Fourn Micr’Sei: Vet, 4 MS. DY, 22 See 32S proecttom. F Huth, Lith? Edin? % G.M.Woodward del. et lith Printed by F Huth, Lath? Edin? Quart SurnMeo Sci, Vol USB Us. Lt RenoPerte wy 7? CARA » Heart 0 energy cai0 Mantle Zyidermis “ee ‘ . O, oo mem ae Ye Go y : Radi ght Reno-Perte. Left RenoLPerce. a ac Cana, ee Ry mH i: Ge ght Rena-Pericardiad CORO, ae ian 3 (Ge. & Ss en Excretory’ |! Epithet F. Huth, Lith’ Edin? Ric. Assheton del DEVELOPNIEEE OF THE pig Quart Bourn Mucr Sei Vey NSLS, F Huth, Lith? Edin® Ric.Assheton del F. Huth, Lith? Edin? DEVELOPMENT oF Wile 1G. vay Arne 9 , uae Sourn Mor’ Sei. Vel WSFA27 F Huth, Lith? Edin? Ric. Assheton del DEVELOPMEMS OF THE pig. Ric. Assheton del OF THE: Seige Quart FournMcr’ Sei Vt 4 NSFP. F.Huth, Lith* Edin? tie s aa) hate, Bore Perse var: e074, pet Rel estore: r x F Huth, Lith? Edin? Bensley dei. St J) iy 7 Vb he : ne aie } ; IO; 2 Qant Gournr.Micr Sci. VAHL NS. FY, 30) 750 700 B c 600 7) E } 5007 400 ACID DERIVATIVE OF CHATOPTERIN. : | L i i AMMONIATED CHATOPTERIN. ' ' ' ‘ ’ ' ‘ ‘ i ‘ / ALKALINE DERIVATIVE OF CHATOPTERIN. ACID DERIVATIVE OF ENTEROCHLOROPHYLL. 750 700 B Cc 600 V ED sooF 400 F. Huth, Lith’ Edin* Quart Sourn. Mor Sci. UA NSE LY, BL so iS Pe ®ee,— fi { e @® e @ e>~ i M1 @@Sg eo oe 2 ~* *¢96, .-—. 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Ediné Se = a. os SS SS RS eR SS SR a Quart Sourn: Moor Sci: V0 41 USL? 87 F Huth, Lith Edin? ening be yg AERA oa Quart Sourn Mire Sei! U4 ns Fa 3g F Huth, Lith® Bain’ | \ — = ¢ eK Ko SS RE. del Quant. Sourrr Micr Sei. Vo WNS FY, 39 Be é) vd ST — mPa ee F. Huth, Lith? Edin? AW Brown del PETROMYZONTIS. TE RAC Omeelre 2 5 2 F Huth, lath? Edin™ F.Buth, Lith? Sdin™ G.C Bourne del. » i? Quart Sourn. Mor! Sc VAUNSE, 42, : Sep. Diss ep. me. — F Huth Lith® Edin? GC Bourne del rea ret Et Si GC.Bourne 4 F. Huth, Lith” Edin? mS Wh: ¢ 4 Baldwin Spencer et G. Sweet del F. Huth, Lith Edint Sivrse ieseetstesaittes oe 8_g° os 8 og? : oO A) 09, o's 4550 -bB| poe a) Pe Op phe Be Teg fe 20g 09 od Hoss =a Sorte a ® p = a pe gm ee Sy. 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