W MONTANA hs3 Fish and Game Commission STATE DOCUMENTS ■lot* QUARTERLY REPORT THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL LICKS USED BY BIG GAME ANIMALS IN WESTERN MONTANA D. S. Stockstad PITTMAN-ROBERTSON FEDERAL AID PROJECT Montana State Library 3 0864 003 3587 9 f J c STATE Montana PROJECT NO. W-l-R-13 DATE April 15. 1953 ) PROGRESS REPORT FOR INVESTIGATIONS PROJECTS As Required By FEDERAL AID IN WILDLIFE RESTORATION ACT 1. Title of Project: Wildlife Surveys and Management - Western Montana 2. Personnel: Dwight S. Stockstad, Biologist 3. Work Plan No. VIII THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL LICKS USED BY BIG GAME ANIMALS IN WESTERN MONTANA The preliminary results of the natural lick investigations were pre- sented in a paper at the Eighteenth North American Wildlife Conference, Washington, D. C., March 9, 1953. This paper is hereby attached to serve as a progress report on the natural lick investigations. The appendix was not included in the original paper, but has been added for the convenience of Fish and Game Department personnel who may wish to identify the results of a particular lick and who are familiar with the particular areas in which the mineral preference tests were conducted. Submitted by Da S, Stockstad Approved by W. J . Everin Date April 15, 1953 Acting State Fish and Game Warden and Robert F. Cooney, Director Wildlife Restoration Division € 9 - I 9 THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NATURAL LICKS USED BY BIG GAME ANIMALS IN WESTERN MONTANA D, So Stockstad, Montana Fish and Game Department and Graduate Fellow, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unitl Melvin S. Morris, Assistant Unit Leader, Montana Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit Earl C. Lory, Professor of Chemistry, Montana State University Introduction For many years certain soil deposits and springs have been utilized as natural licking sites by ruminants in many areas of the world. In the moun- tainous areas of North America, these natural licks occur on most big game ranges and in certain areas have been utilized to facilitate research and man- agement of big game animals (Figure 1) . In spite of the abundance and distri- bution of these licks and their extensive use by ruminants, their exact function in the biology of big game has never been satisfactorily determined. Concentrations of animals in lick vicinities have resulted in over- utilization of forage species in some of these areas and may possibly be a factor increasing predation, parasitism and disease of big game animals. If big game biologists could counteract the attracting power of these natural licks through a more thorough understanding of their specific use, then it should be possible to develop salting programs into more valuable management tools; particularly with reference to attaining more desirable distribution of big game on critical ranges. Accordingly, the research was designed to determine the following; (1) The mineral or minerals preferred by big game animals in various areas of western Montana. (2) The chemical composition and properties of various natural licks. A study of the literature pertaining to natural licks revealed that workers had advanced numerous hypotheses concerning natural lick use by big game animals. Seton (1927) quotes John Bartman who wrote on July 14, 1743 con- cerning natural licks in northeastern United States " the soil, I suppose contains some saline particles agreeable to the deer who come many miles to one of these places.” Chapline and Talbot (1926) implied that natural lick materials were consumed by domestic stock and wild game for its sodium chloride con- tent. Rush (1932) presented the chemical analyses of water samples from -1-The Montana State Fish and Game Department through its participation in the Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Project W-l-R-13), Montana State University, the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Wildlife Manage- ment Institute cooperating. -1- 9 Figure 1. A mountain goat which has been previously trapped at a natural lick and marked with ear tags for future study. c -2- four natural licks but made no interpretation of the results „ Sodium and bicarbonate ions were present in the greatest concentration in all four licks. Dixon (1939) suggested that calcium phosphate was the mineral de- sired in a natural lick in Mt. McKinley Park, Alaska and that sodium chloride was the important mineral in two licks from California. Honess and Frost (1942) presented the analyses of five natural licks and concluded that phosphorus was probably the attracting element but sodium chloride may have been the desired mineral in one. Packard (1946) suggests that the concentration of mineral salts in natural licks is the attraction that induces bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) to frequent these places. Cowan and Brink (1949) came to the conclusion that sodium chloride was not necessarily the attracting element and that phosphorus was not the essential element in the licks which they studied. They also suggested that trace elements might be the critical constituents of these licks. McDowell and Stockstad (1952) in presenting results of mineral cafeterias and soil impregnation tests showed that big game animals in a natural lick area of western Montana preferred compounds containing sodium ions. Methods and Materials Mineral cafeterias; Richter (1937) in experiments with laboratory rats, demonstrated the ability of these animals to select a diet which is conducive to normal growth and reproduction. Following this lead, mineral cafeterias and soil impregnation tests were established in various areas of western Montana on the assumption that selective use by big game animals would indicate what specific mineral was deficient or desired in their diet. The study areas were selected because of their reputation as big game ranges, for their possession of well-known natural licks and for the particular species of big game animals using these licks. These animals in- cluded the mountain goat (Oreamnos americanus missoulae) , the elk (Cervus canadensis nelsoni) . the mule deer (Odocoileus hemimus hemionus) and the white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virgin! anus ochrourus) . A mineral cafeteria consisted of a rack holding clay flower pots containing mixtures of chemical compounds and non-lick soil secured outside the immediate lick area (Figure 2). The compounds used were water soluble and contained elements known to be essential in animal nutrition. All com- pounds were used in the amounts necessary to make the number of ions of these essential elements equal to the number of sodium ions in five grams of sodium chloride. In order to insure a uniform mixture, each compound was dissolved in a pint of water prior to mixing with the soil. Each mix- ture was weighed to the nearest one-tenth pound upon placement and at frequent intervals thereafter to determine the extent of use on each -3- 9 +*4+- A • 9 9 mixture. A jar of soil served as a control in each cafeteria. Soil impregnation tests: A soil impregnation test consisted of treating each of numerous square foot soil surfaces with one quart of water containing a chemical com- pound. These surface areas were spaced three feet apart in a grid pattern (figure 3) and selected at random for treatment with the various chemical compounds. Each compound was repeated from three to five times in each grid. The type and amount of compounds used for treatment were the same as in the mineral cafeterias. Use of the various compounds was determined by calculat- ing the volume and weight of treated soil removed by the animals. In these calculations, the weight of a cubic foot of all soil types was assumed to be 100 pounds (Merrjman and Wiggin, 1948). Chemical analyses : Chemical analyses of various properties and elements were made on one set of six samples from each of 18 natural lick areas. Three of these six samples were taken from actively used portions of each lick and three from the first foot of a normal soil profile near the lick area. Figure 4 illustrates the relative positions of these areas of sampling. The samples secured from the normal soil profile will hereafter be referred to as "non— lick” samples and the area from which they were taken as a "non-lick" area. Similarly, the samples from the actively used portions of each lick will be referred to as "lick samples" and the area of sampling as a "lick area". Figure 5 is an example of an actively used portion of a natural lick within tne "lick area". This method of sampling was selected to facilitate compari- son of "lick" and "non-lick" samples. All soil samples were extracted with either ammonium acetate or sodium acetate and all spring lick samples were analyzed as water extracts. Duplicate portions of all samples were analyzed as a check against human and mechanical errors. The amount of each element available to the animals using the licks was approximated by using buffered extracting solutions with pH values sim- ilar to those found in a ruminating animal fs abomassum and intestines. A series of pH determinations on the digestive tracts of thirty elk and forty- two deer indicated that pH values of 4.00 and 7.00 should be used. Phosphorus and iron concentrations were determined by extracting each sample with a sodium acetate solution at pH levels of 4.00 and 7.Q0 and applying the colorimetric methods of Bray and Kurtz (1945) for adsorbed phosphorus and Morgan (1941) for available iron. The degree of solubility of sulphur and chlorine at various pH levels is fairly constant; therefore concentrations of these elements were determined only at a pH of 7.00. Concentrations of sulphur were determined using the method described by Morgan (1941). The titrimetric method des- cribed by Magistad (1945) was used for the chloride determinations. -5- 9 Figure 3. Soil impregnation tests used in mineral preference studies. The wooden stakes marking treated areas were driven flush with the ground sur- face after treatment of the areas was completed. C -6- a ■ c c Figure 4. Walton Goat Lick, Glacier National Park showing relative positions of sampling areas. f,XM represents areas from which lick samples were taken and r,0n the non-lick sampling sites. C -7- £ c Figure 5. An actively used portion of a natural lick, typical of the areas from which "lick samples" were taken. -8- 9 9 9 The exchangeable sodium, potassium, magnesium, and calcium ions were extracted with an ammonium acetate solution at a pH of 7 .00 and were determined by the spectrophotometric method of Fields (1951). Concentrations of iodine, copper, and cobalt have not been determined to date, but analyses will be completed as time and funds permit . pH values for all samples were determined on a water extract of each sample using a Beckman electric pH meterD The electrical conductivity of each sample was determined using the method described by Merkle and Dunkle (1944). The values obtained do not necessarily represent the total amount of salts present because the ionization factor of each salt was not taken into consideration. These values represent only the parts per million of sodium chloride necessary in a solution to give a similar conductivity reading,, However, these values do serve as a means of comparison of the lick and non-lick samples . Results of Study Mineral cafeterias; The results of sixteen mineral cafeterias are given in Table 1. An index number has been calculated for each compound to obtain a comparative use rating for the compounds tested „ This index number was obtained by adding the percentage frequency and percentage of mixture consumed and dividing the sum by one hundred. On the basis of this rating, all sodium compounds received a much greater use than did any other compound. Chloride compounds, other than sodium chloride, received only a minor amount of use. A check of the percentage frequency and the percentage of mix- ture consumed reveals that both values are low. Phosphorus compounds other than sodium phosphate and ammonium phos- phate received no use. Ammonium phosphate was used only once and in such a minute amount that little significance can be accorded its use in view of the extensive use on all sodium compounds. Soil impregnation tests; Table 2 presents the results obtained from five soil impregnation tests. The percentage of volume use was obtained by assuming the volume use on sodium chloride to be 100 per cent and calculating the remaining percent- ages from this standard. The index number was obtained in the same manner as for mineral impregnation tests. This method of rating again shows that all sodium compounds received more use than did any other compounds. Potassium, magnesium, and calcium chloride all received use but a check of frequency of use and percentage of volume consumed reveals that both values are low in comparison with those for sodium compounds. 9- 01- © © © Table 1 Comparative use by big game in western animals of mixtures offered in sixteen mineral cafeterias Montana for a two year period (1951-52) Compounds used in the cafeteria mixtures Number of cafeterias in which mixture was offered Number of cafeterias in which mixture was used Frequency of use percentage Total amount of mixture offered in pounds Amount of mixture used in pounds Percentage of mixture consumed Relative use index Na!IC03 9 9 100.0 21 19.1 91.0 1.91 Nal 16 16 100.0 56 46.0 82.4 1.82 NaCl 16 16 100.0 56 40.0 71.5 1.72 NalbPO.i 16 16 100.0 56 41.1 62.3 1.62 CoC12.6H20 16 5 31.2 56 2.8 5.0 0.36 KC1 16 4 25.0 56 2.0 3.6 0.29 MgCl2.6H20 16 3 18.7 56 1.7 3.0 0.22 (NH4)2HP04 6 1 16.7 26 0.7 3.0 0.20 CaCl2.6H20 16 2 12.5 56 1.5 2.7 0.15 II3PO4 5 0 0 8 0 0 0 kh2po4 5 0 0 14 0 0 0 Mg3(p04)2*4II2° 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 NH4CI 16 0 0 12 0 0 0 HC1 4 0 0 9 0 0 0 CuS04 16 0 0 56 0 0 0 FeS Oi . 7H2O 14 0 0 56 0 0 0 h2S04 15 0 0 16 0 0 0 (nh4/2so4 8 0 0 28 0 0 0 Cal2 5 0 0 11 0 0 0 Mgl2 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 nh4i 5 0 0 11 0 0 0 KHCO3 4 0 0 6 0 0 0 Control 16 0 0 56 0 0 0 * -II- © © Table 2 Compounds used for soil impregnations Comparative in use by big game western Montana animals of five soil impregnation tests for a tiro year period (1951-52) Relative use index Number of times compound was offered Number of times compound was used Frequency of use percentage Total pounds of treated soil consumed (Approximate) Percentage of volume used NaCl 16 15 93.7 436 100.0 1.94 Nal 18 16 89.0 403 92.5 1.82 NaH2P04 13 7 53.8 176 40.4 0.94 KC1 18 10 55.5 50 11.5 0.67 MgCl2.6H20 10 2 20.0 6 1.4 0.21 CoC]_2 « GH^O 18 1 5.6 3 0.7 0.06 CaCl2.6H20 18 0 0 0 0 0 CuS04 18 0 0 0 0 0 FeS04.7H20 16 0 0 0 0 0 h2so4 9 0 0 0 0 0 (nh4)2hpo4 2 0 0 0 0 0 H3p04 3 0 0 0 0 0 Mg3(P04)2.4H20 1 0 0 0 0 0 (nh4)2so4 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 4 9 - The success of the impregnation tests exceeded all expectations and the amount of soil consumed from certain treated areas left little doubt as to the preferred mineral. Figure 6 illustrates the degree of use received on an area treated with sodium chloride. This particular illustration was taken from a soil impregnation test in the South Fork of the Flathead River Primi- tive Area. V Chemical analyses : The results of the chemical analyses are given in Table 3. The values given for each lick and non-lick area are the average of three samples from each area. The average pH value of all lick samples was 8.37 and of the non-lick samples 6.72. No lick samples were found to be acid in nature nor were any lick samples found to have a lower pH value than the corresponding non-lick samples. All lick areas contained more water soluble salts than the corres- ponding non-lick areas, and the average water soluble salt content of all lick samples combined was 1,248 parts per million as compared to 236 parts per million for the combined non-lick samples. Calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium were found in fairly large amounts in all lick areas, while chlorine, sulphur, and iron were present in smaller amounts. Phosphorus was detected in minute quantities in all but one lick area. Discussion The extensive use of all mixtures containing sodium ions, in both the mineral cafeterias and soil impregnation tests, shows sodium to be the element preferred by the big game ruminants in all study areas. If the con- clusions of Richter (1937) can be applied to big game, sodium must be needed to fulfill a deficiency in their diet. However, since it is not known if these conclusions can be applied to big game, the possibility of these animals possessing an acquired taste for sodium cannot be disregarded. Murie (1951) suggests an acquired taste for salt may be responsible for its ex- tensive use by elk. Mineral nutritional studies will ns doubt have to be conducted, possibly with penned animals, before it can be determined if the use of sodium is due to a deficiency or an acquired taste. However, the bulk of available literature indicates that sodium is needed by domestic livestock in greater quantities than is found in natural foods, and there- fore, the results of the mineral preference tests will be assumed to indicate a sodium deficiency. The results of the chemical analyses are somewhat more difficult to interpret. If all licks were being used to obtain the same mineral, then this desired mineral should be present in all lick areas in greater concen- tration than in the corresponding non-lick areas. Examination of Table 3 -12- 9 r 9 c Figure 5. Extensive use was received on areas treated with sodium compounds in the soil impregnation tests. G 13- Table 3. Comparison of various chemical properties and elements in lick and non-lick areas of 18 natural licks in western Montana Lick Wat er Element Num- jjn salts Pi p2 Fe1 Fe2 S2 Cl 2 Ca2 Na2 K2 Mg2 ber L N L N L N L N L N L N L N L N L N L N L N L N 1 7.97 6.75 620 123 2 7 0 1 47 4 2 0 7 17 15 21 6810 4683 297 131 1072 241 1568 909 2 8.15 6.74 620 113 11 17 0 10 78 13 2 1 25 5 7 12 5133 2346 818 72 1289 237 986 538 3* 7.70 6.34 2220 ■>wf - — 0 0 — - 6 8 no 5 48 0 5 17 2^5 6 13 2 11 0 4 8.91 6.50 1160 873 1 1 1 0 18 60 1 2 82 430 58 30 2963 4081 1247 87 322 168 1021 506 5 8.42 6.53 383 -:h:- 1 1 0 0 96 74 1 0 155 75 29 33 4433 1873 53 70 34 28 541 448 6 7.91 7.79 517 255 1 9 0 1 168 32 2 1 19 3 17 12 8300 5937 268 157 209 510 1669 1347 7 7.38 6.81 1640 360 1 16 0 1 24 25 1 1 623 0 45 14 4842 3 890 165 47 206 70 785 434 8 8.38 7.71 1120 460 1 1 0 1 20 4 1 0 23 0 72 0 6963 8903 841 245 279 346 2974 1537 9 7.76 6.71 937 -K-s- 16 21 1 3 9 10 1 3 8 19 150 0 1051 875 200 83 95 88 419 234 10 9.45 6.78 500 200 rt 10 0 1 69 10 3 2 13 25 99 0 3340 875 149 83 47 88 759 234 11 8.58 6.36 293 4 35 1 6 5 29 2 4 5 9 13 0 467 568 48 69 16 82 162 152 12 9.76 6.53 1347 rrf'r 3 21 0 5 5 7 1 1 85 8 70 0 712 680 284 60 59 31 414 250 13 9.04 6.83 313 ■H-H- 1 9 0 3 4 16 0 2 18 0 33 91 1437 430 L48 57 23 20 822 107 14 8.10 6.50 787 193 1 16 0 8 42 16 1 0 85 3 2 12 4840 2606 228 139 172 37 849 334 15 8.28 6.50 600 193 9 16 5 8 14 16 1 0 3 3 47 12 1440 2606 161 139 71 37 437 334 16 8.44 6.65 4067 857 10 32 3 5 4 1 2 1 1226 25 271 294 3147 3800 3229 314 754 410 1289 818 17 7.94 6.19 3147 217 2 11 0 0 3 3 1 2 1100 0 200 33 2877 3193 3830 416 658 506 1209 1202 18 8.47 6.69 2187 410 2 15 0 1 15 6 1 0 140 10 76 34 4950 4197 2560 108 411 366 1249 1112 Ave. 8.37 6.72 1248 236 Max. 9.76 7.79 4067 873 Min. 7.38 6.19 293 All numerals (except pH values) represent parts per million L = Lick areas N = Non-lick areas 1 = Extracting agent at a pH of 4.00 2 = Extracting agent at a pH of 7.00 * = Water sample from a spring lick ** = Water soluble salts below 100 parts per million were not detectable reveals that only magnesium fulfills this requirement, but since a desire for magnesium compounds was not evidenced in the mineral preference tests, it is doubtful if magnesium is the desired mineral present in natural licks „ Mag- nesium also is in fairly high concentrations in the non-lick areas and so it would seem that the forage plants should contain an adequate supply of mag- nesium. A desire for magnesium apparently does not satisfactorily explain natural lick use, consequently, potassium and sodium must be examined since both occur in greater concentrations in the lick area in the majority of lick localities. Potassium is one of the major mineral constituents of plants, and inasmuch as the results of the mineral preference tests did not disclose a desire for potassium compounds, it is very unlikely that natural licks are being used to fulfill a need or desire for this mineral. If the results of the sodium analyses are interpreted in light of the findings of the mineral preference tests, the evidence strongly indicates that big game ruminants in western Montana are utilizing natural licks to ob- tain sodium. Experiments in plant physiology have shown that plant life, with the exception of halophytic species, absorbs only a small percentage of the sodium present in the soil. Since the sodium concentration in non-lick areas is relatively small, the possibility exists that forage species may be unable to supply the quantity of sodium needed by big game. Examination of Table 3 reveals that lick numbers five and eleven appear to contradict the conclusions that natural licks are being used to obtain sodium. However, lick numbers twelve and thirteen, in the same gen- eral locality as lick number eleven, show a higher concentration of sodium within the area of lick use; this also holds true for lick number four which is in the same general locality as lick number five. In view of these facts, it appears that an error may have been made in collecting samples from lick numbers five and eleven. Additional analyses and investigation of these two licks may prove that sodium is not their attracting mineral, although in view of the agree- ment of the results in the remainder of the licks investigated, it seems unlikely that these two licks would be exceptions. Management Suggestions The results of this study have strongly indicated that sodium compounds should be used as a management tool to counteract the attracting power of natural licks. Additional research may determine the relative attracting power of the various sodium compounds, but on the basis of our present knowledge, the use of sodium chloride would appear to be justified. The management practice of placing sodium chloride on big game ranges, if carefully planned, should produce the following results: (l) a reduction in the numbers of big game using natural licks on winter ranges during the spring and summer months; (2) a more even utilization of avail- able forage which would result in over-all range improvement; (3) prevention -15- 9 of excessive damage to private pastures and cultivated crops by drawing big game away from these areas and holding them on desirable nonagricultural ranges. Future research as regards salting programs should be designed to de- termine the following: (1) the proper time and area of placement of salt on various ranges; (2) the type of sodium compound to be used since there appears to be some doubt as to whether maximum results are being obtained by the use of the block type of salt; (3) the sodium requirement of big game ruminants throughout the year to indicate if sodium compounds will be effective as an attracting agent at all times of the year. Summary Mineral preference tests in the form of mineral cafeterias and soil impregnation tests have shown sodium to be the mineral preferred by big game ruminants in all study areas in western Montana. Chemical analyses and comparison of lick and non-lick samples have strongly indicated that natural licks in western Montana are used by big game for their sodium content. The use of sodium chloride as a management tool to counteract the attracting power of natural licks in western Montana is supported by the re- sults of this study. Acknowledgement s The authors would like to express appreciation for the research fellowships granted one of us (D.S.) by the Forest Conservation and Experiment Station and the Wildlife Research Unit, Montana State University. The State of Montana Fish and Game Department furnished financial aid on numerous occasions and provided transportation and employment for the senior author during two summers of field work. Lloyd E. McDowell, formerly of the Montana Fish and Game Department, participated actively in the field work and con- tributed materially to the success of this phase of the study; Dr. E. L. Cheatum and Dr. John J. Craighead gave advice and assistance in various phases of the study; Miss Elizabeth Harrison assisted in the analyses of the elements analyzed by the spectrophotometric method; many other individ- uals and organizations gave assistance and cooperation during certain phases of the problem. Literature Cited Bray, Roger H. and L. T. Kurtz 1945. Determination of total, organic and available forms of phosphorus in soils. Soil Science. 59(l):39-45. Cha.pline, W. R. and M. W. Talbot 1926. The use of salt in range management. Circular 379:1-32. -16- U. S. Dept. Agric., r ^ i > 9 Cowan, I. McT. and V. C. Brink 1949. Natural game licks in the Rocky Mountain national parks of Canada. Journ. Mamm. 30(4) :379-387. Dixon, Joseph S. 1939. Some biochemical aspects of deer licks. Jour. Mamm. 20(l):109. Fieldes, M. , P. J. T. King, J. P. Richardson, and L. D. Swindale 1951. Estimation of exchangeable cations in soils with the Beckman flame spectrophotometer. Soil Science. 72(3) : 219-232. Hones s, Ralph F. and Nedward M. Frost 1942. A Wyoming bighorn sheep study. Wyoming Game and Fish Department Bull. No. 1:86-92. Magistad, 0. C., R. F. Reitmeier, and L. V. Wilcox 1945. Determination of soluble salts in soils. Soil Science. 59(l):65-75. McDowell, L. E. and D. S. Stockstad 1952. New techniques in handling big game problems in Montana. Proc. 32nd Annual Conf., West. Assoc. State Fish & Game Commissioners. In process of being published. Merkle, F. G. and E. C. Dunkle 1944. Soluble salt content of greenhouse soils as a diagnostic aid. Jour. Am. Soc. Agron. 36(l):10-19. Merriman, Thaddeus and Thos. H. Wiggin 1948. American Civil Engineers Handbook. Fifth Edition. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. p. 892. Morgan, M. F. 1941. Chemical soil diagnosis by the universal soil testing system. Conn. Agric. Exp. Sta. Circ. 127. 16 pp. Murie, 0. J. 1951. The elk of North America. The Stackpole Company, Harrisburg, Penn. 376 pp. Packard, Fred Mallery 1946. An ecological study of the bighorn sheep in Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado. Jour. Mamm. 27(l):3-28. Richter, C. P., L. Emmet Holt, Jr., and Barclare 3runo, Jr. 1937. Nutritional requirements for normal growth and reproduction in rats studied by the self selection method. Am. Jour. Phys. 122(3): 734-744. Rush, W. M. 1932. Northern Yellowstone elk study. Montana Fish and Game Comm. Helena, Montana, 131 pp. Seton, E. T. 1927. Lives of game animals. Vol. No. 3, Second Edition. Doubleday and Doran and Co., Inc., Garden City, New York. 780 pp. -17- tJ 4 ♦ # f ( Appendix I. Mineral Cafeterias: Table I presents the results obtained from mineral cafeterias placed in the following areas: (1) The South Fork of the Flathead River Primitive Area. (2) The North Fork of the Sun River Primitive Area. (3) The Swan River Valley. (4) The Bitterroot River Valley. (5) The Blackfoot-Clearwater Game Range. (6) The National Bison Range, Moiese, Montana. II. Soil Impregnation Tests : Table II presents the results obtained from soil impregnation tests placed in the following areas: (1) The South Fork of the Flathead River Primitive Area. (2) The North Fork of the Sun River Primitive Area. III. Chemical Analyses : Appendix Table A gives natural lick names and locations for natural lick numbers referred to in Table III in the body of the report. Appendix Table A Names and locations of natural licks referred to in Table III of the report No. in Table III Name of lick County Location 1 Little Salmon # 1 Flathead Sec. 23, T22N, R14W 4 2 Little Salmon # 2 Flathead Sec. 23, T22N, R14W # 3 Jim Creek Lake Sec. 5, T21N, R17W 4 Grants Park Glacier Park Sec. 3, T29N, R15W 5 Walton Glacier Park Sec. 24, T29N, R15W 6 West Fork Lewis and Clark Sec. 19, T21N, R10W -18- r fj *• * * 3 No. in Table III Name of lick County Location 7 Sulphur Creek Lewis and Clark Sec. 15, T23N, R10W 8 Grass Roots Lewis and Clark Sec. 10, T22N, R10W 9 Fisher River # 1 Lincoln Sec. 33, T28N, R29W 10 Fisher River # 2 Lincoln Sec. 34, T28N, R29W 11 Arbo Creek Lincoln Sec. 9, T61N, R33W 12 Wolf Creek Lincoln Sec. 30, T29N, R29W 13 Callahan Creek Lincoln Sec. 14, T59N, R33W 14 Thompson River # 1 Sanders Sec. 14, T23N, R27W 15 Thompson River # 2 Sanders Sec. 15, T23N, R27W 16 Lick Creek Ravalli Sec. 30, T4N, R20W 17 Daly Creek Yellowstone Park Sec. 17, T9S, R5E 18 Tepee Creek Gallatin Sec. 7, T9S, R5E -19- i * * V- V ?\ 1*