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1 1

8H T


Volume nil


Published by The Boston Public Library Staff Association Boston^ Massachusetts





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association Volume 2III Nijmber 1 January 15 , 1958

Publications Committee: Charles J. Gillis Emelia Lange, Isabel M. Martino,

Catherine D. O'Halloran, B. Joseph OTIeil, Claire P. O'Toolej Sarah Richman, Gerald L. Ball, Chairman

Publication date: Deadline for submitting material

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


The new personnel classification, we are told, has been in effect "in principle" since January 1, 1958' Some of us are pleased with some of it, some are pleased with most of it. Some are not pleased with particular provisions. Each has had an opportunity to make his likes and dislikes known and to have suggestions, if any, considered.

Many have asked, "How is this going to affect the Association?" "If I am a Non- Professional how can I belong to the Professional Staff Asso- ciation?" It need not change the composition or the aims of the Associa- tion. Heretofore most of the individuals in the Sub- Professional Library Service belonged to the Professional Staff Association. They were not excluded because of the name of the association. The "Professional" in the name of the organization has been felt to reflect more the aims of the organization than the personnel classification of its membership.

The aims have not changed, the personnel has not changed (at least, not a great deal since December 31st), the need for representation has not changed- -in other words, the same organization can serve the same people. If some minor changes in terminology are required in the Con- stitution, that presents no great problem.

We have never before had an organization which could speak for so many of us on matters affecting our careers in the Library. It behooves us to keep it and keep it strong and healthy.



New Employees

Charles L. Cragin - BooK Stack Service Donald B. Homer - Book Slack Service Peter Poulimenos David T. Sheehan

Bertha S. Smith

Open Shelf

General Reference (for. merly in the Catalog- ing & Classification Dept., Division of Ref. erence & Research Ser- vj.ces) East Boston (formerly at the Kirstein Business Branch )

Mrs. Bridgit T. Lewis - Information Office

(formerly part- time in the same department ) Periodical and Newspaper Frederick E. Danker - Rare Book (formerly

in the Book Stack i Service ) Book Stack Service Roslindale

Edward J. Montana j Jr.

Marie A. Kelley Mary A. Garland


Mrs. Martha C. Sproul - to remain at home Doloris T. McLean - to return to college Mrs. Catherine D. O'Halloran - to remain

at home


Caperton Rosenberger - from Bookmobiles

to South Boston Columba Bartalini - from Central Book

Stock - Branch Issue Section to North End Aline B. C'Neill - from Charlestown to

North End


Linda M. Pagliuca

North End, to Carlo Tramonto"-.!, December 22, 1957


At its January meeting the Executive Board accepted the resignation of Miss Veronica Yotts as chairman of the propos- ed seminar on the future of the Boston Public Library. The Board also voted to appoint Miss Isabel Martino of the Hos- pital Library Ser-'/ice to fill the posi- tion on the Board left vacant by the re- signation of Miss Mary Roberts from the Library.

In considering plans for the recep- tion to the new officers of the Associa- tion, the suggestion has been advanced that a film program be arranged as part of the festivities. This has been done before and was quite successful. In this connection, Mr. Peltier, Chief of the Audio-Visual Department is contemifeting a program of older films designed to show the development of the industry and would welcome any suggestions or comments from Staff members.

\h.en preparing a list of Association members for the election committee it be- came apparent that a great many eligible staff members were not members of the Pro- fessional Staff Association. Possibly, through some overoight they were never invited to join. If this is the case, I now extend a personal invitation to all ^igible members to join for 1958- To those staff members who refrain from join- ing because they do not feel that the Association can accomplish everything it should let me repeat \riiat has been said earlier, that the strongest weapon for accomplishment is the unified action of the greatest possible number of people.

William T. Casey President


Membership is conditioned upon the pay- ment of dues of fifty cents per year.

Please see your staff repree^^ntative or pay yoxir money directly to Louis Ugalde of the Rare Book Dept.

- J-

Reception to Mr. Lord

The old yefr closed vlth a well-planned reception in the new Lectiire Hall given by the Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library to Mr. Lord in honor of hii twenty-fifth anniversary as Director and Librarian (Dec. 30 at 4:00 p.m.).

marked his service: gratef lil .

the Trustees are

Members of the staff i^ho have worked (ri.th J-lr. Lord in the past were present j and had a chance to renew old acquaintances Jeorge Gallagher, senior member of the staff, presented Mr. Lord with a gift of 3l sterling silver coffee service from the staff members of the Boston Public Library.

Those who attended the reception were 5iven a copy of the printed Resolution of bhe Trustees on the Director's Twenty- Fifth Anniversary. This Resolution was iesigned by Rudolph Ruzicka and is a /ery fine example of excellent printing, [t contains a portrait, -vrfiich is an ex- :ellent likeness of Mr. Lord wearing a Tour- in-hand tie. A copy of the text of :he Resolution follows:


For a quarter of a centxary, Milton Sdward Lord has rendered to the people md to the Public Library of the City of 3oston the distinguished services a great institution req'oires if it is to maintain ind enhance its usefulness. Longer than iny of his able predecessors, and through exacting years, he has shown the high administrative ability, imagination, cour- '■■■ge, and cultural discernment which his post requires. Tlie Trustees of the Lib- rary rejoice on this occasion to express to Director Lord their appreciation for past services and their confident expect- tation of many more years of notable publ:|c achievement.

The citizens of this city and the un- counted thousands who come from far and neas-erudite scholars, engaged in re- search; school and college students; the old and the young; the under-privileged in particular and those who are quietly ■educating and re-educating themselves- all these owe him the salute due to a faithfiil and talented public servant, a matured career man in the beet sense of the words. As Trustees of this institu- tion of idiich he is the administrative head and animating force, we are grateful to him. And we think that we bespeak the thanks of not only these but of the hundreds of members of Examining Committees, the various Mayors and Council members and, most important of all, the people, for whom this great free library was established. This silver anniversary seems to us to deserve the hearty recog- nition which we t re giving it.

This quarter century has been a period 3f multifarious responsibilities to which le has resolutely faced up; of serious iifficiilties which he has resourcefully jvercome; and of many substantial activi- ties in this city and country and abroad, •■or the skill and character which have

Annual Banquet - Arvavets

On Thursday, December 5th, sixty- five members of the Arvavets gathered at Eddie ' s Steak House on Stuart Street for their annual banquet. Jaines P. J. Gannon and his wife were the guests of honor and were presented with a gift in recongnition of the members' gratitude for Mr. Gannon's twenty- four years of service as Adjutant and Quartermaster

Louis Polishook, Vice Commander, made the presentation and read a letter from Mr. Lord congratulating Mr. Gannon and expressing his regrets that he could not be present.

A. L. A.

Join A. L. A. Now!

Secure membership blanl^.s from: Mildred

C. C Connor, A.L.A. Membership Committee,

General Reference Department.


Calendar of Events

January l8^ 1958, Saturday, Catholic Library Association meets at The Library Club of St. Agnes Parish, Arlington s,t 2:00 P.M. This first meeting which pre- mises to be a real bell-ringer, features a talk by the Librarian of Providence College Father Casey on Censorship, ar.d r, talk by Ruth Sawyer Durand, noted story teller and author of Rollex' Skates.

I January 2?, 1958, Monday, Boston Chap ter of Special Libraries Association meets; at Insurance Library Association, 89 Broaci St. Boston at 7:30 P.M. William U. Wood land. Editor of The Standard vill speak. A private room has been reserved at PatteA Restaurant Court Street for the usvial dinner. A choice of menu is available at 6:15 P-M_^



'Brace, Gerald Warner

The World of Carrik's Cove. N.Y., Norton


Buck, Pearl

Letter from Peking. N..Y., J. Day Co., 1957

Carroll, Gladys (Has-cy)

Sing out in glory. Boston, Little, Bromi,


Costain, Thomas Bertram

Below the salt. Garden City, N.Y., Double-j

day, 1957

Dudintsev, Vladimir

Not by bread alone. N.Y., Button, 1957

Kaufmann, Myron S.

Remember me to God. Phila., Lippincott,


■Macken, Walter Sullivan. K.Y., Macmillan, 1957

Marquand, John Phillips

Life at Happy Knoll. Boston, Little,

Brown, 1957

Rand , Ayn

Atlas shrugged. Random House, N.Y., 1957

Shiilraan, Max

Rally round the flag, boys! Garden City

N.Y., Doubleday, ? 557

Smith, Robert Paul

"Where did you go?" "Out " "What did you

do?" "Nothing." N.Y., W.W Norton, 1957


Keel, John A.

Jadoo. N.Y., J. Messner, 1957

Maxwell, E.

How to do it. Boston, Little, Brown,


Ross Williamson, Hugh

Enigmas of history. N.Y., Macmillan, I957

Codman, Charles R.

Drive. Boston, Little, Brown, 1957


Holiday in France. Boston, Houghton- Mifflin, 1957

Michener, Jemes Albert

Rascals in paradise. N.Y., Random House,


Rosenberg, Bernard, ed.

Mass culture. Glencoe, 111., Free Press


Baruch, Bernard Mannes Baruch. N.Y., Holt, 1957

Crow, John Armstrong

Mexico today. N.Y., Harper, 1957

Wyiie, Philip

The innocent ambassadors. N.Y., Rinehart,i


Schindler, John A.

Woman's guide to better living 52 weeks a year. Englewood Cliffs, N.J., Prentice Hall, 1957

Vyer, Frederick

Yankee G-man. Chicago, H. Regnery Co., 1957

^jrmour, Richard Willard Twisted tales frcan Shakespeare , N.y. McGraw-Hill, 1957

Atlantic monthly

Jubilee . Boston, Little, Brown, 1957

;erf, Bennett Alfred ed.

Reading for pleasiire . N.y. Harper, 1957

^adiman, Clifton

Any ntunber can play- Cleveland, World

Pub. Col., 1957

)' Weill, Eugene Gladstone

A touch of the poet. New Haven, Ya3.e

Univ. Press, 1957

!higpen, Corbett H.

The three faces of Eve . No Y. McGraw-Hill,


Boston Catholic Book Vfeek

The annual celebration of the Boston atholic Book Week, \n.?.l t-v held this ■ear on Saturday, February 1.5, at 2:00 '.M. in New England Mutual Hall. Tliis lOok program, which represents the open- ng Of Catholic Book Week, will featiore 'he folloxring speakers:

Mr. Edward Weeks-Editor of Atlantic

Monthly Sister Maria del Rey - Author of Her

Name is Mercy Miss Dorothy Thompson - Author of The

Courage To Be Happy Mr. Jcs eph Dever - Author of the forth- coming novel Three Priests

The folloT-rLng members of the staff of he Boston Public Library are serving on he Catholic Book Week Committee: Miss nna Manning, Miss Mary Alice Rea, Miss artha Engler, Miss May MacDonald, Mr. aul Moynahan, Mr. Richard Waters, and Mr llliam Casey. The program is sponsored y the New England Unit of the Catho'ii-^

Library Association in collaboration with the Mass. League of Catholic Women.

William T. Casey

West End Branch

On Thursday evening, December 19th, some 200 people gathered at West End Branch Lib- rary as Miss Fanny Goldstein gave her an- nual Christmas- Han lolikah Good Fellowship party. This proved to be far more than an ordinary party, however, because Miss Goldstein took this occasion to annouce her retirement from the Boston Public Library after TOilrty-five years of un- paralledled service as Librarian of West End Branch. Her private collection of Judaica books, acquired during her many years of service, v/as purchased throtigh the cour-tesy of the Jacob Ziskind Trust Fund and presented to the Boston Public Library. Mr. Sidney Rabb, vice-president of the Board of Trustees, accepted the gift on behalf of the Library and at the same tiir.e electrified the audience by announc- ing xiiat a special trust fund, to be known as the Fanny Goldstein Judaica Trust Fund, was to be set up as a tribute to Miss Goldstein by Boston's Jewry. The news- papers picked up the story and spotlighted it, as an important news item. Mr. Milton E. Lord and Mr. Patrick McDonald both expressed the Library's great surprise at Miss Goldstein's retirement, along with their best wishes to her for many happy and fruitfiol years ahead. Those \Aio know Miss Goldstein were struck by her apt phrase, "I am not retiring - I am commenc- ing a new life". Miss Goldstein will be sorely missed by those who have worked for and with her, as well r^s by the Library itself. She has given a lifetime of de- voted service to the Library, and the quality of this service is truly irre- placeable .

On Friday evening, December 20th, Miss Goldstein gave a Christmas supper-party for her staff at West End. Much food was c ensiled, gifts were exchanged, and a general air of Christmas festivity pre-


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the f\ill name of the Association member subiaitting it, together with the ncjrc of the Branch Library, Department or Office in -v^iich he or she is employed. The nexrs is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so req_uests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance doos not necessarily indicate that the Fablj cations Committee and the Association are in agreement Td.th the vievs expressed. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words will be accepted.

To the Editor of the Soap Box:

I I would be the first to admit that I have often been critical of the adminis- tration and, in particular, of the Direc- tor, cv.t on the occasion of llr. Lord's tventy- fifth anniversai-y as Director, I thought it only fair to reflect a little on the other side cf the picture, and to give credit where credit is due.

And I am amazed to realize how much there is on the "plus" side that I had never given much notice to.

I have never met Mr. Lord that he -v/as not smiling, gracious and courteous. I have seen Mr. Lord receive with good grace harsh criticism, much of which had little basis other than spite or prejudice. I have never known Mr. Lord to be vindictive

or to hold against an individual any opinion expressed which may have been con- trary to those of the Director.

I have seen grow under Mr. Lord's di- rection, a system of promotions based on objective achievement and which minimize favoritism.

I have seen Mr. Lord practice real democracy, encouraging staff expression of opinion, participating in the give and bake of the conference table and staff meeting, and never showing anything but profound respect for an honest opinion honestly expressed.

Never has anyone in the Library been more interested or given more encoiirage- ment to staff activities. Many of us fondly recall the square dances which he actively promoted and led as a caller. And rare is the staff funtion that will find Mr. Lord absent - and then only for the most pressing r:-a?ons.

Mr. Lord has from his early days with us made strong efforts to improve the quality of the library personnel, but at the same time has shown the greatest con- sideration for those already in the lib- rary service. By providing free training courses, he mad« it possible for the ambitious employee to qualify for promo- tion when without this opportunity many would have been stymied because they could not spare the money for college studies or could not meet entrance requirements for college. How many among us, indeed, how many of us who have gone on to green- er pastures, completed higher education b.^cause of his encouragement to study and the liberal rearrangement of working schedules permitted by Mr. Lord'

Yet I cannot recall Mr. Lord ever boast- ag of what he has done or tried to do. I n sure that I speak for many when I say: fou have done a fine job. I don't know w anyone could have done better. God Less you, Milton Lord!

Old Timer

3 the Editor of the Soap Box;

Two or three yeai'S ago, the Subcoramioteo n Personnel of the Eyanining Ccminittee

commended that a Staff M.-inual in loose 5af form be issued to rer^lace the pre- Lminary edition of the Staff Manual, svelopments since the manual \vas pub- Lshed in November 19^7^ have made much f tlie information contained therein bsolete, misleading, and incorrect. It

true that since that time a thousand i Dtices and directives have been promvil- j ited by the administration.

Do you think it is any easy task to findJ le official policy on any given matter I y consiilting these notices? No wonder lere is often confusion over what should s done in a given situation.

How about giving us a new "bible" that an easily be kept up to date?


0 the Editor of the Soap Box;

The present arrangements, or rather lacl f arrangements for articles lost or founc n the Library are the cause of much cca- ern to many of us.

Sometime ago there were rumors that new egulations about "Lost and Found Pro- jdures" had been submitted to the depart- |ent and division heads for comments and juggestions, and that new rules and regu- lations were soon to be issued. We are bill waiting.

Nothing has been published on this atter since the Staff Manual (trial edi- ion) was issued about ten years ego.

And no matter how valuable an item has been turned over to Lost and Found, no receipt is issued to the finder. Surely, good business practice alone woiild require that a receipt be given the finder for go")ds or money he has turned over, even if there were no concern for the person as an individual. And if any individual has been unfortunate enough to lose some- thing of value to him, does it not seem rr.nr-t inconsiderate to tell him that we are sorry, but Los: and Found is closed at 5 P.M.? If this happens on Friday night, it is a long wait until Monday morning at 9 A.M. Good public relations?

Found and Lost

Editors Note;

The above matters are under consider- ation. In the case of the Lost and Found there are legal matters that have to be resolved .

Library Science

Francis P. Keough, former BPL'er grad- uate of Harvard College and Columbia Univ- ersity Library School is giving the follow- ing coiirse in library science;

Public Library Information Resources and Techniques*- Francis P. Keough, Librarian, Fraraingliai-Q To^m Library. 15 lectures, 3 SII. 'inurs., 7-9:30 p.m., Feb. 20, Sever Hall. Crjdlt students, $30 (NR, $^5); auuicors, $22.50.

The public library as an information center; indexes; encyclopedias and supple- mentary works; books of curious facts, customs, folklore, and mythology; sources of biographical information; dictionaries; sources of geographical information; books about books; sources of information in special fields.


Mary R- Roberts, Office of Home Reading jnd Community Services, resigned from the library on Dec. 31, 1957- Mary had work-j d at Central Charging Records since its , eginning in 1953 and previously had work- d in the Open Shelf Department, and in j he branch libraries. Her friends in the ibrary presented her \rith. a pvirse of oney and their best mshes for success i:i er new position as Senior Library Assist nt at State Teachers College at Boston.

Mary was very active in the professional nd social activities of the Library. Mary- ill be missed by all of us. Her immense apacity for work, her ready wit, and elightfiil sense of humor made her a alued member of the staff and fellow iorker. We wish Mary all of the best and ope that she will visit us often.

* * *

On January 3, Mrs. Gilda Barrett was iven a surprise coffee party to bid her

fond goodbye upon her leaving the lib- ary to begin a maternity leave. The taff presented her with a gift and all he good wishes of her North End friends.

Wedding Bells

On December 22, at an afternoon cere- ony at St. Leonard's Church in Boston, | iss Linda M. Pagliuca became the bride | f Mr. Carl G. Tramontozzi of Rome, Italy < iven in marriage by her father, the bride as attired in an Italian silk lily-'vrfiite ouffant gown mth a scoop neckline and JULI skiit ending in a short train. It as fashioned with iridescent wheat earls and French sequins. A wreath of earls and crystal orange blossoms held n place her finger tip length illusion eil. She carried a spray of vrfnite roses nd holly leaves. Tlie bride's attendants lorered and white gowns. After the cere- ony, a dinner reception was held at the rand Ballroom of the Sherry Biltmore otel with many of the B.P.L. staff as :uests. The couple spent the Christmas olidays in Rome with the groom's family. n exteiided wedding trip throughout Europ^

is now being enjoyed by the happy couple. After their return Mr. and Mrs. Tramontozzi mil live in Brighton.


The Boston Globe p-'.j.d a very fitting tri- bute to Fanny Goldstein Tdiich included the folloiTiog thoughts about our profession;

A Gentle Reminder

It is pleasant to read that hundreds of patrons of the West End Branch of the Bos- ton Public Library turned out to honor their librarian on the occasion of her retirement. Miss Fanny Goldstein has serv- ed her commiinity ably these 35 years past. The episode might well prod citizens in other cities and towns of the commonwealth to pause for a moment and appraise the immeasural'le services performed for them by local librarians such as she.

These public servants have little -vis- ibility, apart from theijr "desks among the bookshelves. Usually underpaid, courteous, faithful in their duties, they are friendly guides to the children, councilors to gro^mups, enthusiastic in response to every indication of interest in reading at all star.ss. Every mentally alert to-wn o-wes them a debt, for th^y are its most selfless s t ?■ aalaut to re ad in g and knowledge.

Sick List

We are pleased to hear that our fellow staff members who are ill, according to latest reports "coming along pretty -vTell":

Mrs. Marjorie G. Bouquet, ikB Marlborough

St., Boston Southern Ave . , Dorchester 2^4- Harley Hospital, 6 Windermere Rd. Dor.

Ronald Conant, 113 Abraham B. Snyder;





TTE QUESTION VARK Published by the Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association Volume XIII Number 2 February 1958

Publications Committee. Gerald L. Ball, ]"acy P. Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy,

Elizabeth J.Oboar, Esther Leonard, Chairman

Publication date; Deadline for suhnitting material

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


Fany of us remember with pleasure the final ceremony in the observance of the Library's Centennial year. The simple dignity of that event marked the rededica- tion of the Library's staff to the ideals of service which have always distinguished this institution.

Now we have an opportunity to pledge ourselves anew to the furtherance of ein old ideal. National Library i^eek is to be celebrated during the period March 16 - 22. This obsei^ance is the joint effort of the National Book Committee, Inc., and the American Library Association. Its purpose is to awaken the interest of non-readers and to stimulate the more active participation of all citizens in the programs offered by their local public libraries. Farchette Chute's statement of the objectives of the program emphasizes that "we cannot affoi^i a country of lazy minds and the boredom that comes from knowing little and caring less. We cannot afford a nation of non- readers."

Certainly "Sputnik" has awakened us to the need for scientific education. And it is equally necessary that v;e emphasize the need for an awakened interest in the humanities. Here is an opportunity in which we can all share sand a pro- gram to which we can devote our best efforts. In the final analysis the program of National Library ^"jeek is only an aff inr.ation of our purpose since the founding of the Library in 1852. The noble sentiments of George Ticknor need to be re- peated again and again until they become a kind of credo to guide our actions. It is a truism, but one that bears repetition, that we lose sight of the forest for the trees. Dealing with books every day vi^e are perhaps prone to forget their meaning to so many and certainly we forget that in 1852 books were not so easily available to all of us. Vfe can remember with profit Mary Antin's amazing state- ment "that I who was brought up to my teens almost without a book should be set down in the midst (the Boston Public Library) of all the books that ever were written was a miracle as great as any on record." That miracle ie being repeated every day and we are all a part of it.

During the coming weeks we can all help to contribute to Wf-tional Library VJeek. Suggestions for programs, for publicity releases, for reading lists are needed. The Boston Public Library, as befits the first great public library, will play a leading role in the observance in this area. The success of the program

will depend upon the contribution we make and our individual participation. if each of us vdll give his earnest support to the program, we shall i-.ave done our part to make this a second rededication and, in doing so, we shall have the inner satisfaction of knowing that we are fulfilling our obligation tc this noble "treasure house" and to those who founded it.

HJELICITY COF-ilTT.JE, for National Library Week


New Employees

Kenneth R. Brown - Adams Street Martha A. FcDennott - Bookmobiles ( for- merly at Brighton Peter G. Tzamalas - Central Charging

Records (formerly part-time in the Fine Arts Edward J. I'ontanfi., Jr. - Periodical and

Newspaper Jane B. Yanulis - Cataloging and Classifi

cation. Division of Reference and Research Mrs. Diane F. Overbey - Charlestown


Farie R, Kennedy - from South End to Mt.

Bowdoin Frs. ffargaret E. Lewis - from Children's

Section, Open Shelf to

South End Gertrude E. Stuhl - from Central Charging

Records to Office of

the Division of Rone

Reading and Community

Services Christine J. Umano - from ¥t<, Bowdoin to

Children's Section,

Open Shelf



The following pearls of wisdom emana- ting from our Ex-president "Father" Bill Casey will have to sei^e as February President's notes. Frs. Sarah Flannery,

our new president, is at homo taking care of her husband who has had a serious opsration.

To the Editor of the Question Fark:


I Dear Ed-


j Having doffed the ei-n^me (synthetic) j robes of state and reverted to the r'ole I of private citizen I can now seek in the public print for tha answer to a long per- plexing question. Namely (and to wit) where are the letter writers of yester- year? Have they left these hallowed halls to answer the siren lures of other insti- tutions or have they been unable to get refills for their ball points? Where are those prolific correspondents who used to sign themselves "Indignant", "Frustrated" or "Disturbed"? ifhere is "Fireman's Vilife"?

The average reader of our esteemed "House Organ" when he first receives his Q.F. turns first to the last page like an impatient reader of "who-dun-its" hoping to find there some rare pearls of wisdom. To often this poor soul has found naught but empty oyster shells. Is there no one left to vent a little honest spleen or express a little rightous indignation?

It might be possible to arouse some interest by sponsoring a letter writing


contest on the subject "How I Would Run The Library" or a similiar topic. The first prize could be an all expense tour of Stack 1. This is just a tentative suggestion advanced for purposes of dis- cussion. I am certain that the fertile minds that congregate in the Coffee Shop can develop the tremendous potential of this idea.

Vifilliam T. Casey Ex Majesty


VJest End Branch

Dear B»P.L. Friends and Associates :-

Ina3much as it is physically impos- sible to thank each and every one of you who gathered at that gala luncheon on February 4th, I am taking this means of reaching out to you. I am deeply grate- ful to all who came to break bread with me on this auspicious occasion*

It was indeed a pleasant surpr-isa to i have so many library people comSj and it | warmed the very cockles of my heart to ^ see you all there. I

Miss Goldstein's retirement was the focal point of activities at the West End Branch during most of January and Febru- ary. On Sunday afternoon, January 19, a tea was given by both present and former staff members in her honor. Some two hundred friends, colleagues, patrons and alumni gathered to vish Miss Goldstein well. The informal program included the reading of many congratulatory messages and the recitation of a poem by its author, Harry H. Fein, which he composed especially for the occasion. Mr. Erwin D. Canham and Mr. Patrick ¥^ McDonald, rep- resenting the Libra.-y's Board of Trustees, paid tribute to the guest of honor. Mr. Abram Berkovitz, president of the Jacob Ziskind Trust Fund for Charitable Pur- poses which purchased Miss Goldstein's personal collection of Judaica books and presented them as a gift to the Boston Public Library, emphasized Miss Gold- stein's contribution to the field of Jewish letters. A beautifully illustrated copy of the Old Testament, personally inscribed, was a gift to Miss Goldstein from the H. R. Hinckley Co., Bible pub- lishers. The West Fnd Branch alumni presented her with an illuminated scroll. The Branch was beautifully decorated with gay flowers, and the sumptuous repast added the final touch to a notable occa-

In the excitement of the moment I em afraid I even forgot to say "Thank you", especially for that beautiful billfold and the Century note which was enclosed. This I shall use to buy some luxury to remind me always of the days spent in the Boston Public Library and of all my friends to whom I do not say "Good-bye", but "God bless you all," and I hope to be with you for a long time.

Very faithfully yours,

Fanny Goldstein

An Ex - now crowned "Emeritus"


On Tuesday afternoon, February 4, Miss Goldstein was guest of honor at a luncheon tendsrsd her by the Branch Librarians at tha Hotel Vendome, at which many of her friends from Central were present. En- tertaiiment was provide-l by Mr. and Mrs. I.Iunroe, who sang a gro".? of lovely songs, accomps-jiied by Mr. 'Qicary from Audio- Visual. A monetary gift enclosed in a beautiful gilt wallet was presented to Miss Goldstein with the best of wishes for her future plans for travel and leisure.

The SEG'S (Saturday Evening Girls), members of a club which was founded many years ago in the North End by Miss Edith Guerrier and which is still an active


organization, held a luncheon for Miss Goldstein at 1200 Beacon Street on Saturday, February 8. A lovely clock- radio was given to Miss Goldstein by her friends.


Simmons College Bulletin, ^'ol. LI, No. 4, February 1958, is aimed at guidance directors and high school principals. It gives "a list of some of the jobs a Simmons' graduate might take, right out of college, followed by more advanced positions that come with great'^r experience and maturity."

In the second group is Supervisor o^


Personnel, Boston Public Library, Boston, and also Chief Librarian, Home Reading and Community Services Division, Boston Public Library, Boston. The first of the above is expected in a list of alumnae that have made good but the second seems a little out of place in a bulletin entitled College Women on the Job.

Monday, February 24, 1958 at Simmons College, 300 The Fenway, Boston. Dinjier is scheduled at 6 P.M. in the 5iiranon6 Cafeteria. (Chicken Pie - $1.95, tax included). The progrfjn is as follows: "Recruitment - Our Personal Challenge." Miss Pearl M. Steinmet". of Div. of Child Guardianship will dr'scuss the recruiting program of the social work careers program in Boston. Mr. Kenneth R. Shaffer, Dean of School of Library Science, Simmons College, will discuss problems of re- cruiting and suggest ideas for a good recruiting program.


The Spring Meeting will be held on Wednesday Evening, March 5, 1958, at the new ITonantum Branch of the Newton Library.

The Waltham caterer, whose roast beef dinner was so satisfactory at the last 'meeting, has been engaged to repeat. The j price will be about 3J2.00. i The Speaker of the evening will be i Clarence Sherman, Librarian Emeritus of ithe Providence Public Library, whose 'subject is "A Librarian Looks at Censor- iship of Youth."



Miss Virginia Dalton, Codman Square Branch, to Mr. William John Petti pas. Nova Scotia, Canada. Virginia has just received a lovely pearl solitaire engage- me nt ring.


Esther Leonard, 1958 Chairman of Pub- lications Committee, met vxith an automo- bile accident on Sunday, February 9. Her ! right arm was broken in three places.

I Esther is still at the Anna Jacques Hospital in Newburyport and would like to jhear from her many friends in the Library.


Miss Judith Prindle, children's worker i Abraham B. Snyaer is home from the at West End Branch, became the bride of 'hospital and is entertaining friends at Mr. Kenneth A Tollackson on Friday after- {his home, 66 Bernard St., Dorchester, noon, February 14, at 4:00 P.M. at Trinity

Church, Boston. The Valentine Day wedding LATE, LATE FLASH.' was followed by a reception in West YiTord has been received of the engage- Newton, ment of Mary McGah (Business Office) and

Walter A. Robinson of Stock Room). Best Wishes extended to both young people.

■the administration, have been coping with these formidable obstacles for many years and seeking ways and means to secure the necessary remedies, ^ut always we have been vulnerable to a suggestion that we were not disineterest- ed, that we had an "axe to grind , when we recited our tales of distress.

i^ut now we have a reputable recogniz- ed firm of experts looking at us with a skilled objective eye, what they see and reoort may be more readily accepted by the City Council, His Honor, the Mayor, and other interested parties. Indeed, maybe these findings will serve as a catalyst to bring into being the necessary improvements and reports.


Any contribution to the Spap iJox must be accompanied bj'^ the full name of the -fissociation member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, department or Office in which he or she is employed, '-i'he name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. I'he author of the article is kaown only to the -t^ditor- in Chief, The contents of the articles appearing in the ^oap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Associa- tion members and their apoearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Comittee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words wil be accepted.

Dear Editor of Soap Box;

As the " reconnaissance survey " of 1 Ivarious areas of the Library's operations is under way, it is interesting to note that the staff, in general is readily accepting the idea. Indeed, we have nothing to hide, but xiie may profit by having the spotlight play on our problems « The difficulties of providing library ser- vice in a very unfunctional palace, of attempting to give adequate service to a growing metropolitan area with a shrink- ing staff, of attracting and keeping qualified personnel when our salaries nave lagged so far behind other compar- ible in.i5+,ltntions w©, the staff and

jiear "^oap ^oxt

''"'hen the new classification scheme wss first being discussed, it was in- dicated thcH the philosophy underlying this distinction between Professional Library Service and Non-Professional Library Service was whether the positions required graduate professional library training, if the position required a person with graduate professional library training then the position belonged in the Professional Library Service. If it did not require such training, then it belonged in the Non-Professional Library Service. In illustrations of this practice in other libraries, there were cited examoles of Personnel Officer, and Business Office Manager being classified as Non-Professional.

In the preliminary reclassification, the Chief Executive Officer, and. person- nel of most of the Cigneral -Administration Offices and of the J^ivision of Business Operations, among others, were classified in the Non-Professional Library Service. This xiias a logical classification, if the basic premise were accepted, i.e., that only positions requiring library school training were to be in the Professional Library Service, ^'-'ith the exception of the titular positions in the Book Purchas- ing tiepartment, little necessity for graduate library school training could be demonstrated for these positions, and very few had such training.

Now it seems that special pleading from several directions has modified the original plan so that now only the merest handful are to be reclassified from Professional to Non-Professional.

Since the original basic principle, or -6 philosophy, appears to have been abanddn-. ed, on vhat theory have the few been re- i classified? If the original idea were sound, it should have been possible to defend it against any special pleading. If it were not sound, why apply it to an unlucky few? ^re they to be the scapegoats in the new classification plan?

It does not seem that any classifica- tion scheme which applied a rule to one portion of the staff but not to another without giving a sound reason for this different treatment will be built on a sound foundation.

Persona Non Grata

To the Soap_Box

When the original idea of creating a Non- Professional Library Service was introduced, it seemed to be a logical method of classifying individuals by the jobs they were performing. It was for the most part based on the *ype of work engaged in, and regardless of the rank, individuals were to be placed in the appropriate se'-^ice. This was acceptable, even ohough it would deprive some individuals of their Professional j status. I

However, after the latest changes were: announced, allowing to remain in the i Professional status those individuals holding the position of I'epar-'iment Head , or higher, along with a great nany othersi for various reasons, but lesving abort j 25 former Professional employees in tha j new Non-Professional category , ±c. cijp^iar-" ed that the logic of the whole iJaa wis vitiatedo

The only philosophically t-.n.iblf? ciT.teria for placing a foriuer Frore3siona in a Non-Professional caucgojy arcs lo the individual is empj.oyed in an eroa of jlibrary activity generally recognj.aod as 'Non-Professional, or 2o the individual is not personally qualified to be de- signated as "Professional'' o

If the first criterion is employed, then it follows that _a.ll individuals working in a "Non-Professional area must be classified as Non-Professional, If the second alternative is employed, then all those who formerly qualified I and were regognized a Professional must

-in all fairness regain that status.

Are we to have a classification of position, or a classification of personnel?

Is it proper to have both?


To the Soap Box

If my information is correct, andl have eveiy reason to believe that it is, then without exception each and every one of the twenty odd individuals qho are being transferred from the Profession- al Service of this Library to the Non- Professional Service, has at least twenty years of service. Some have as much as thirty or more years.

Is this the reward for all of these years of devotion and work?

Seems to add up to more than 500 years of Professional Serv:,cj<,


Dear Editor:

In the matter of reclassification of persons from Professional to Non- professional, it would seem that every effort should be made to study individ- ual cases, especially in those instances when such reclassification would set aside the Professional 'Status" of those who have over a period of years accom- plished professional work or who are stlZ^l in positions which would seem to bo on the borderline. It is possible that ;3cra'..iiTy will reveal that the wcvi 'Pr.')fi3sional*' has been mis- i::b£: prated j.n some instances. Surely a pru:;."e 3sior.ai person is not one who relies on others for decisions of a technical nature, ^or instance a "professional" cataloger would not be one who depended entirely on Library of Corgress printed cai^ds. On the other hand it is possible that .ome of those working in departments no classed general?.y as "ProfesFicnal" do indeed fall within the cla^ sification of "Professional" in the true sence of the word, in that they exercise initiative involving highly specialized knowledge.

To the Edi-oor of the j^oap Box : *•?- Dear Soap Box :

Many Libraiy Enployees have beSh in the Professional Ser^/ice for as many ^B twenty years. Some hold college degrees and have qualified for promotion in several departments by passing the re- quisite qualifying and promo tionsil esam- inations in professional subjects© ^nsse same employees have been registered by the State as being in the Professional Library Service,

^re the Library Officials now will- ing by their summary decision to deriy some of these employees their profession- al status by transferring them to the Non-Professional Service?


Row that t}is ML.yor has put the freeze on making any appointments to fill vacancies, we wonder if someone should not have studied the system used in Civil Service, Civil Service may not be perfect, but when the Senior Accountant in the Accounting Department retired a few months ago, the Civil Service authorities appointed a replacement in a natter of weeks. Contrast this v/ith the three years it took to appoint a Supervisor of Reference and Research S3i^ices.

T?o Patient?











'■ !• -'i


1aa[L rwld a

'^ec^-pXifyi/^. jot the l9So Officer





Tridacj evening- l-ebrua^'j/ zl at 8 o'ciock In tKg Lecture Ha

Central Library ^3 ^




Mildr eel A de k rm - Ch amwi am Euclid hi I 'f' 1 2^7. Chojuunayn

Have you seen the suggestion box In the Coffee Shop?



Do YOU know wliy it -is thsr^s?




Do you know YOU havo a chance to participate and voice ^s'our' opinion on what should be done during National Library Week, karch 16 through 22?

So o - Oj


the sign on the suggestion box in the Coffee Shop, It says just that: SUGGESTION BOX.

Let^s hear from you. You, and YOUi




March l6 - 22, 195^8

Please Post




MARCH 1958


Published by the Boston Public Library Professional Staff Association rolune XIII Niimber 3 March 1958

^blications Coranittee: Gerald L. Ball, Macy P. Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy,

Elizabeth J. Obear, Esther Leonard, Chairman

Publication Date: ?he fifteenth of each month

Deadline for submitting material The tenth of each month


The Mew York Times had an interesting editorial on March 9, 1958 entitled 'Library Services Act" which not only gives a brief story of the Bill but also pays

fine tribute to libraries. The Library Services Act, as passed in 1956, called *or the expenditure of $7,500,000 a yer.r for five years to enable the states and jerritories to set up and to develop public library programs in the rural and sparsely populated areas of their states with funds supplied on a matching basis. ?he full amount was not allowed in the fis cal year July 1956 to June 1957; instead |2, 050, 000 was allowed. During the period of July 1957 to Jvme 1958, i5, 000, 000 was allowed with an allocation of funds based on the percentage of 'ural population of the State as against the rural population of the country as a lirhDle, The average family income of the State was also taken into consideration.

It is very interesting to see what Massachusetts did with its money. This |)tate rece ived $78,487 and opened up a new State Regional Library Center serving :he northeastern corner of the State in the Merrimack Valley; a total of twenty- rive towns with a population of under 10,000 there being served. A Bookmobile vith its attendant expenses of garage and operating costs plus three staff members ^ere hired. It further allowed additional staff at headquarters to take care of che technical processing of a book appropriation that was tripled. Furthermore, ^ new field supervisor was appointed to take care of the area east of Yforcester. fhe area west of Worcester being taken care of by the present supervisor.

Because of possible lack of pressure on the part of librarians this full Amount of $7,500,000 is not going to be allowed during this present year. Instead phe allocation has been reduced to $3^000,000. Because it is to the advantage of :;his country that all education institutions work at maximum efficiency, we who ire members of such an important facet of the educational system as libraries should be aware of this failure to provide. In vievj- of the fact that this state lias used the money so wisely and so advantageously to enlarge the library seivice, Ife should be conscious of this need and if opportunity presents itself should not :e at all reluctant to advocate the appropriation of the full svim of money allowed mder the Act.




New Employees Edith A. Wright Trans f e rred

- Rare Book

Columba Bartalini - from North End to Central Book Stock-Branch Issue Seotia

Re s ignations

Audrey E. Hunter - Bookmobf Xe;=! , to be married and live in Connecticut.

Mrs. Janet Krauss - Uphams Corner, to remain at home

Mrs. Margaret L. Morrison - Information Office, to remain at home



Judith Prindle - West End, to Kenneth Tollackson on February 14, 1958.


Thanks to "Ex Majesty" Vfilliam T. Casey for manning ti e breach in February and writing the "notes" for me, and apologies to all of you for not having been able to write them myself.


' From the emptiness of the "Soap Box"

of late, one vrould assume a state of

contentment and satisfacticu with life

in general on the part of ever-^ae,

which is little short of miracn. '•...•■.

Such conditions do not exist i:-. : . ..^

uncertain vrorld.

A recent decline in membership is also somewhat disturbing. Perhaps some of us have forgotten, and perhaps some of the newer staff members are not aware, that the staff association is YOUR association. It is your means of be- coming acquainted with Braxich people, if you are in Central, and with Central people if you are in the Branches.

Through the Association we exchange ideas, we gain a more clear idea of our common goals, we express our opinions of what we should do for the advancement of our welfare both as librarians and as members of a group which though diverse in its individual occupations is yet homogeneous in being all of it part of a fine and intrinsically noble institution.

In short this is a group of all of us. Let us support each other; write your opinions in the Question Mark, attend meetings. If you are dissatisfied in any way with vfhat we are doing - remember that only by participating can you hope to have your ideas and your aims made knovm and considered.

The officers of the Association are your representatives, elected to serve you and we all wish to keep this organization truly representative and truly striving for the good of all. We cannot know what you want unless you tell us I

Thank You

Sarah ViT. Flannery


If so, I should like you to get in touch with me. I am hoping to lead a group of librarians to the A.L.A. Con- ference => If you are interested in broadening your horizons and would like to make a professional pilgrimage en route to California, this is it.

I am plarjiing to stop over at im- portant Public Libraries for visits en route where we may gather information and prcfeosional comparisons as to how other libraries work.

In addition to the professional visits we shall make stopovers at all the scenic wonders with which our country is studded and which lie in the path of our pilgrimage.

All aboard who are interested J Fanny Goldstein AS 7-9637 14 James St., Brookline


Spence's Hotel, Calcutta March 9, 1958

Dear Miss Swift:

The temperature reached 93° here [yesterday, and I even went without a

jacket. Still, I didn't know how hot it was till I read the paper this morn- ing. However, having had a suit tailored here, I'm better prepared.

j My feelings about Calcutta are mixed. It is, I can say, a den of thieves, and even at the Lioi^axy nobody trusts anyone else. I am watched lest I steal any books (I'm obviously expected

Institute is one Swami Nityaswarupananda. But Ralph Bunche, Grayson Kirk, Stephen Spender and Karl Shapiro have also spoken to the group. There will be a talk to the Govt. Sanskrit College; and an interview over All-India Radio (Calcutta).

On the 20th I go up to Patna, to see the Khuda Buksh Oriental Mas. Library, staying with the Governor of the Stat© of Bihar. On the 22nd I go down to Madras, and spend 3 weeks in a complicated tour of southern India, reaching the very tip at Cape Comorin: seeing Mipore, lanjore, Trivandrum, Bombay, the Biloa^ and Ajanta leaves, and Hyderabad. I hope then to i return to Calcutta to work on plans for a to want to). My chief aocompiishinent at ; rare book dept. for the National Library, the Library the national Library of 'and may go up to Assam, before returning India, that is—may have been that of | to Delhi, when I also intend to go down finding live book worms scattered throug,h4to Agra, for the Taj Mahal (which I saw out a gift collection temporarily stored briefly from my train en route from^

in what is my office.

Delhi here); and perhaps -also to Jaipur and Simla. I probably start back to the As you may know, I'm in the midst of' States on 16 May ^ via, I hope, Athens,

a spate of lectures. How does one cope with preservation problems in a country too poor to use air-conditioning, where pastes and glues attract all sorts of insects, where the poisons one could use are dangerous? Laminating machines are also an answer, but they are expensive, and require foreign exchange, etc., etc.

Rome, Munich, Amsterdam, and London (to address the Society of Typographer Designers, perhaps).

I've had fun putting stamps on this envelope. Sorry to have to repeat one. Since two different systems of currency are involved, the mathematical calcula-

I try not to say thp.t it is all hope l©o s, j t ions required tax my arithmetic

but it's certainly tough on the Indians. The answers which we have found in America solve our problems (or w ould); but here there just aren't the resources, and I feel as though I were a vrioe crying in the wilderness. Th-3 In 'i=ns expect quick, easy answers, ana "^hare aren't any. I'Jhat is more, the cloaxage between the intellectuals and the crafts- men is so great that the people I can meet and talk to feel themselves far too superior to the people who will do the work. Ah well; I do what I CEin. My talks here in Calcutta will probably be printed in pamphlet form. In addition to the lectures I'm giving at the Library I've also given one to the Ramakrishna Mission Institute of Culture. Rama- krishna (I'm told) was a 19th century in- carnation of God. The Secretary of the

have to take air mail letters to the Post Office and see the stamps cancelled lest the letters be "lost" in the post (for the sake of the stamps). I hope that thsre will be no fights in the Department over these I

Viith all good wishes for yourself

and the staff Sincerely,

John Alden

V.'AMT A JOB? EXCEPTIONAL POSITION for elementary librarian, for a 750 pupil school dis- trict. Rural, suburban, professional community twenty minutes from Boston. Beginning salary $5,000-^8,400. It is t new position. V^Trite: Supt. of Schools. Lincoln, Mass. (Lib. Journal page 120, March 15, 1958)




It is disconcerting, to say the least, to have the lights go out for several minutes at a time, as they have been doing recently in some areas of the building; particularly when a situation exists which necessitates our invoking the help of another city department.

Wake up and read? It can be done in poor light, but it isn't recommended, you know.

In the Dark

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publica- tions Committee and thu Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words will be accepted.

lear Soap Box:

How long will it take before we get decent lighting in the Library/ If ex- cuses were kilowatts, we would haTj enough power to give proper light to the Library and have enough left over to illuminate Fenway Park all night. "Not enough circuits;" "old wiring;" "new building;" "interim program; " "budget cuts", etc.

But how important is proper lighting considered? As important as a tile roof?

Or is it more importajit to have the lobby, the exhibit cases and the paint- ings brightly lighted while the reading rooms, the stacks and the behind-the- scenes departments, get along with poor lighting?

Dear Soap Box:

We invite non-residents to use our Library, to borrow our books. We cele- brate National Library Week by advertis- ing our services and urging more people to "Wake up and Read."

Yet under the "no fire - no hire" policy imposed by the city administration, our already decimated staff continues to dw indie. Even extra-service assistants upon whom we depend for page service may not be replaced.

Who is going to provide all this service we advertise? We have already been robbing Peter to pay Paul. You can postpone certain work. You can try to do ,a makeshift job by using untrained personnel in professional jobs. You can suspend professional services while your professional assistants shelve books, type cards, do page work.

But sooner or later we must face the facts. You can't do it with mirrors, you have to have the personnel. If you can't get the personnel, you can't pro- ride the service i

It does seem somewhat ironic that we should devote so much energy to selling bhe Library's services if we must then either curtail the services or dilute ■;hem.

Or perhaps we can move in opposite (directions at the same time?



)ear Editor: |

It has often seemed to be utter j !^atility to train new people in their | jobs when so many would leave for new j jobs elsewhere after serving their appren ;iceship here. But now frustration has •eplaced futilityl Yfhen they leave now, ;hey may not be replaced. They are gone, ;one, gone I But the backlog of work icoumulates. And we can't just sweap it uader the rug.

¥ifhen the staff realizes that they just can't hope to get sufficient help to lo a job, who can blame some if they throw! ip their hands in despair? Unfortunately,] !uch aji attitude can spread very fast, ind provides a ready excuse for all sorts )f failings and lack of effort.

Maybe the representatives of the lanagement consultants firm, when they lake their report to the Board of Trustees rill have some suggestions to turn the ide. In the meantime, I'm


0 the Editor lear Ed:

In these times of travail and strife, t behooves us of the Boston Public Lib- ary Professional Staff to put ourselves .bove petty feelings and endeavor to v/ork 'or the common good of the citizens of 'air Bostonia.

The pursuit of this goal leaves us lany avenues of approach but in this the ra of Sputniks, Muttniks and Y/hatn:.k,?3 re also should use the scientific : ;:. iroadi ;o obtain our goa3 » Thus my hiiirib.lo nowledge of the Queen of Science, iUeth- imatics, or rather by the use of that 'avorite library tool. Statistics, I offer 0 the Director, the Board of Trustees, :is Honor the Mayor and that prophet of oy abo'inding. Brother Gabriel, my plaji ;o alleviate the critical shortage of ibrary employees s

This venture into the realm of statistics is based on the magic number 565, Starting with this figure, 565 multiplied by 5 we have the result, 2,825 or the number of man hours we can gain if the Library work week is in- creased by 5 hours or what the average worker has, a forty hour week. 2,825 hours is the equivalent of 403 days, thus by adding five, we have an extra year in which to work and perform those little extra tasks that come our way.

Next, if the morning and afternoon relief periods are eliminated, we will gain roughly 312 hours to devote to our £.doring public. This has two hidden features. First, the liquid consumption of the average individual will decrease and thus eliminate two to three hand- washing expeditions per employee, more time for work. The second feature is this; with no relief periods, no need for the Coffee Shop and that space can be utilized for critically needed shelf spaoa

It has been proven, that the average person only needs 15 minutes for lunch, and 15 mo re minutes in v:hich to wash their hands, we can gain another 312 hours of valuable work time by limiting the lunch hour to thirty minutes. As the Coffee Shop would be closed and thirty minutes is not enough time to go out to Ivmch, people would be forced to carry their lun!;;hc3..»by two adroit measures, more va.liie.'jle time caji be gained. First, if both the msn and women's lunch rooms were cloned, workers would be forced to eat at tix3lr desks, and as it has been proven, you only need one hand or only use one hand for eating, they could use the other hand for filing or sorting. Thus both tAtre, work done, and space have been gained o Time gained totals about 312 hours o Now the sum total of man hours gained for work is the equivalent of to an additional 565 employees.

However, this plan now runs into its one stumbling block, the strict limita- tion of personnel put into effect by Mayoral Decree, Thus, we would have to


abtract, detract, or otherwise dispose 3f those 565 extra employees. The re- sults should then vra.nn the cockles of jrcthtr Oabriel's heartl For then the :.ibrary vrould be operating economically md efficiently on -6 employees at no

ost to the taxpayers of Boston.

Rica Sos Neroulos

Ed, note : The pen name is Greek to us as is the above note.



V/ith the death of Iviary Flox-ence ufflin on February 21, 1958, a truly aliant and upright spirit has passtd rom our midsto Even in the ten years ince her retirement 1,'ary Florence ufflin exerted a continuing influence n the subsequent careers of the many ormer members of her "official family" . or us, her uncomprising integrity will ver remain her most impressive charac- ■eristico In her more than fifty years- f devoted library service Miss Cufflin rorked in both the Reference and Horns eading units so hers rra.s a well-rounded inderstanding of the Library's problems nd potentialities. She entered the ervice of the Boston Public Library in ecember, 1892. She vra.s Stack Supervisor n the Cenx.ral Library until 1911l vrhen ■he was transferred as Branch Librarian t Codman Square, where she remained mtil 1917 when she became Librarian at outh Boston. In 1937 she ivas assinsd .0 Allston, remaining there as Branch librarian until her retirement in 19h7 »

Possessed of unusual talents for rganization and detail, her libraries rere models of sjretem and discipline, juick to perceive latent aptitudes in itaf f -member s , Miss Cufflin ^vas rigidly conscientious in making formal acknowl- fdgment of a staff-member's contribution towards library activities. Travel .broad and at home and regular attend- j mce at library conferences were essen- 1 •ial features of her busy life. She j

always maintained a keen interest in changing trends in the library world. With dignity and generosity she gave of herself to the Library, the public, and to her always beloved staff. After her retirement she continued many of her previous activities. She assisted in the organization of the patients' library at St. Elizabeth's Hospital.

Happily her final illness was of brief duration. She suffered a sudden heart attack and died shortly afterwards at St. Elizabeth's Hospital. It is intri- guing to imagine that Uary Florence Cufflin took flight to the Libraries of Paradise where , it is conceivable , her keen eye ir.'r.ediately noted a book out of place on ths celestial shelves,

Hov: many in the Library today owe their achievements in large measixre to her persistent urging to study and to progress. For those of us who share the strenuous, stimulating experience of being one-time members of her staff, her name and memory will long serve as a bond, and a synonym for justice, forti- tude, prudence, and kindliness.



Miss Priscilla IvfecFadden, the Committee, B,P,L. Friends and Associates :-

I cannot thank you enough for the tea you gave in ny honor on that memora- ble day March 11th . Words are inadequate.

It made me happy to see so many of my friends present and sharing in the festivities; the handsome and fabulous gift of a Hi-Fi record player, the flowers, the music, the goodies, the handsome men wearing white carnation boutonaires, v;ho poured and served, thrilled me.

It was a great show of affection, and having the men pour certainly was a most novel innovation - as only Miss MacFadden and her staff could think up.


I fully realize how much time ajid effort went into the preparations eind I am deeply grateful and appreciative*

As it would be quite a chore for me to write a personal letter to each of you, I will have to send this general letter, which I hope you will consider as per- sonal because that is the way I meaji it.

It has been reported that it is Miss Zaugg's stated opinion that life's most important ingredients are love and music, VJe know that both were abundeuitly provided on this occasion and we are heartily assured that both shall continue to surround her.

I'll miss seeing you all at the 11 A.M. coffee-break in "Sam's Hide-away."

The Hi-Fi will be a great satisfac- tion to me in the years to come. Thanks a lot I

And now - to all my good friends and pals I do not say "Good-bye" but "Au Re voir".

Gratefully and affectionately, Julie Zaugg

St. Petersburg, Florida. March 24


As attested by Miss Zaugg's enthusiastic 'danke* printed above, the tea given in her honor on March 11, upon the occasion of her retirement, was a gala success, thanks in great part to Julie's own gaiety and exuberance. Lib- rary alvnraii, past and present, far and near, rang the welkin with acclaim and good cheer to the musical accompaniment of Frances Freadman, a former member of Fine Arts.

Richard G. Hens ley. Chief Librarian of the Reference ajid Research Services Division, made a most gallant and appro- priate presentation, on behalf of the staff, of a hi-fidelity, four-speed record player.

The refreshments were served by the 'gentlemen of the staff, who also formed Miss Zaugg's guard of honor upon her grand entrance to the festi-srlties.


Mary Elizabeth Castellano, formerly of Rare Book, has announced her marriage to Thomas Robert White of New York on September 21, 1957,


Ronald C, Conant, Office of Records, Files, Statistics, who has passed the necessary examinations and is now Specialist Third Class (Corporal5 in the Army National Guard. He is a member of Battery 704 Missile Battalion (NIKE).


AnnoToncements have been received of the birth of a daughter, Mary Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Canavan of Hyde Park. Mbs. Canavan is the former Mary Louise Hart, who worked both in the Office of Records, Files, Statistics and the Office of the Division of Home Reading sind Community Services. Little Mary Louise, who has two brothers and two sisters, was born on January 30.

Mr. and Mrs. George T. Armstrong, of Avon have annoiinoed the birth of a blond, 7-lb8 5 ocs. davighter, Maureen, on March 18, 1958. George was formerly a memi»er of the staff of the Office of Records, Files, Statistics.

B.P.L. FELINE CURTAILMENT They (cats) suffer all the vicissi- tudes of salaried employees too. Lately the Mayor of Bostoa, in a drive for economy, slashed the salaries of the cats employed la the Pu'klic Library from $10 apiece to $9.85, for which relief Boston taxpayers were presumably grateful."

Clarke, Frances E., Cats and men. p. 7 (Thanks to B.P.L. 's felinoioglst, Jirs--ther Liasaer)



S.L.A. Monday, March 24, 1958 at Treadwell Library, Mass. General Hospital. N.B.

The April meeting will be held on Saturday aftenioon, April 26, 1958 at the Library of the Essex Institute. Lunch at Hotel Hawthorne, Salem.

M.L.A. Annual Meeting, Friday and Saturday, June 6-7 at Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham, Massachusetts. Rooms American Plan are flS per day. (in season Europeaji plan is $22 per day) An interesting pro- gram is being planned.


Dear Soap Box:

Are we going to have an opportunity to help fill Fenway Park on opening day"? If the city and library officials permit those who can be spared without detriment to service to the public to attend the Red Sox-Yankees game on that day, every one who can should make an effort to attend the game. We should appreciate that encouraging an institution like Ida j or league baseball in Boston is good for business. It is only in a healthy business climate that Boston's financial condition will improve to a degree that will allow the Library to flower as it should

Help fill Fenway on opening dayj !

SICK LIST Our Editor, Esther Leonard, is making satisfactory progress. She is working on a book •^n sinister calligraphy (left handed writing to you). Samples of her work may be seen on the bulletin board o Esther is still at Anna Jacques Hospital.


John Sullivan (Paint Shop) is still at the Carney Hospital recovering from a heart attack. He needs plenty of rest and expects to go home in a few weeks.

Abe Snyder (C.C. & R.) is very anxious to get back to work. He is still at home recovering from an opera- tion.

George W. Galla^er, (retired - Binding Dept.) is recovering from an attack of ulcers. He is at home, 201 Eliot Street, Milton 86, Mass.

Joe Conway, (retired - Printing Dept.) is at the Soldiers' Home in Chelsea.


Paul W. Smith, formerly of Book Purchasing, now with the A & P., is Trery proud of his new son, James Yfelter Smith. Jimmy arrived on the fifteenth of March at the Faulkner Hospital.

Congratulations to Paul and June,


On lilarch 5, 1958 the B.P.L. "chain gang alor^;; with fifty other libraries and bookiiien visited the new Nonantum Branch of the Newton Public Library System , where they were graciously greeted by our host Harold Woos ter . An economical sumptuous repast of top grade roast beef was served. Seconds and even thirds w( were available,

A fter the meal Clarence Sherman, Lib- rarian Emeritus, Providence Public Library told how Providence and Rhode Island en- deavored to keep salacious litera ture out of the hands of those under 18. Mr. Sher- man ans w ered a barrage of questions ranging from the academic to the legal.

Mr, ?Jooster then told some of the pro- blems of building such a branch and show- the members the building.




APRIL 1958

THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XIII Number 4 April 1958

ublications Committee: Gerald L. Ball, Macy P. Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy,

Elizabeth J. Obear, Esther Leonard, Chairman

Publication date: Deadline for submitting material

le fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


The Annual Report of the New York Public Library, as printed in the March ■■bulletin of that great institution, makes very interesting reading. Their problems are very similar to our problems and one vrould feel in reading about the shortages of space that one were reading the report of the Boston Public Library. Personnel problems were very similar but it is hoped that during; the forthcoming year they will not suffer from the stringancies that seem in store for us. It is dishearten- ing to see good people go elGswhsr? during prosperous times because we are unable to meet the salaries paid elsewhere and it is doubly disheartening to find that when our salary scale is satisfactory during the times of recession, or whatever the apologists choose to call it, we are likewise unable to add available good people to our staff because of executive directives which not only limit the number on the payroll but require a diminution in that number.

One phase of the report interests us very much. It is the increase by that Library in the use of duplicating and copying mechanisms for purchasing and record duplication. In Boston we have used the Reoordak for charging procedures, have a small Centura in the Patent Room and bhis year added a Thermo fax. All of these have proven very useful. However, these are but a step to cut down the throttling effects of the ever increasit^g anount of paper work that seems inevitable to present day library admini8t:^txtion. ^ecaMse of the rising costs of clerical help we should not only investiga-be but make greater use of these copying machines which have proven very practicable in the business w- rid. The saving in valuable execu- tive time Is great 0

Evidence of this is seen in a report that in 196 7 they sold $125,000,000 worth of such apparatus, which represented sin increase of 500 percent over the past five years. Their low copying cost, error free copies, speed, freedom from routine paper work, have sold themselves to the business world. It is recommended that, inasmuch as we are to have a cut in clerical help, we should taJce adveoatage of whatever efficiencies may be effected by these machines because it is quite possible that the city fathers, while requiring us to cut down help, would be pleased to vote the appropriation for such machines.




All of us are probably waiting with considerable interest to see what will be the ultimate effect of the current slash |in the Library's budget. Rising costs of civic administration J a rising tax rate, and no new sources of revenue place the Library, as a whole, in a poor position and cause in us as individuals increasing feelings of frustration. I How can we get the books we need for our voracious public, how can we get the aew books we have catalogued in a reason- able length of time, are we going to be faced with shorter hours of service to stretch a diminishing staff? These are the questions one hears asked in the coffee shop. When will our annual in- creases come through? For the next month or so none of us will know the answers, and probably even then the picture will lot be complete. One thing, however, ices seem reasonably certain, and it is that we must be prepared to use our minds, imaginations, and energies to use what resources we have to the best of our present capacities and to do all we can 30 that this temporary, vie hope, period 3f stringency will have the minimum ill affects not only on our service to the public but on our satisfaction in cur jrork and our relations with each other. It is all too easy for us to think that other departments have it easier than our own and that we are having an undue share of any hardships, when really we are all in the same position and short- ages in one department are reflected in the work done in others. At the moment let us hope for the good old supplemen- tary budget.

On an entirely different theme, it has seemed to us , for some time , that there might be room within the Association for organizing small social groups of persons with the same interests.

Not everyone is interested in the larger programs the Association sponsors, in spite of efforts made by all program and entertainment committees to provide what we would like. However, there are people scattered throughout the branches and in central who have similar interests and yet have little opportunity to get

acquainted with others on the staff with the same bent. There are many enthusi- astic card players for instance who might like informal evenings together. Dedica- ted gardeners might like to exchange notes, the expert knitters are a large group, end how about those who are fond of dancing? The Executive Board would welcome suggestions from anyone interest- ed la orgeinizing or joining social groups of this nature - or others which you might suggest. And, of course, the pages of the Question Mark are open to anyone who would like to canvass ideas of this sort, or to serve as a clearing house for ideas on general staff activities.

S. W. Flannery


April 26 Catholic Library Association meets at Mt. Alvernia Academy in Newton.

April 26 S.L.A. April Meeting at the Essex Institute.

HL&y 26 S.L.A. Spring Meeting will be at the Arnold Arboretum. If weather is good, the group will meet at the Buesey In- stitute on South Street before embarking on a tour of the beautiful grounds. However, if there is rain, the meeting will be held in the spacious Administration Building, which may be reached through the Jamaica Plain Gate behind the Poor" Clare"* s Monas te ry .

June 6-7 M.L.A. Annual Meeting, Friday and Saturday, Jvue 6-7 at Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham, Massachusetts. Rooms American Plan are $16 per day. (In season European plan is $22 per day) An interesting program is being planned.




eck, H.P.

The folklore of Maine. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 1957

renan, Gerald

South from Granada. N.Y., Farrar, 1957

adoux , Jean, and others

One thousand metres doiNn. N.Y., Barnes, 1957

ottrell, Leonard Lost cities. N.Y., Rinehart, 1957

ischer, Louis

Russia revisited.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957

rimble. Sir Arthur

Return to the islands N.Y., Morrow, 1957

jecht, Ben

1 Charlie.

j N.Y., Harper, 1957

ighet, Gilbert

Talents and geniuses N.Y., Oxford, 1957

olbrook, S.H.

Dreamers of the American dream. Garden City, M.Y., Doubleday, 1957

ing, E.H.

Guide to glamor

Englewood Cliffs, K.J., Prentice- Hall, 1957

ajdalany, Fred

The Battle of Cassino. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1957

.iller, Arthur I Collected plays. N.Y., Viking, 1957

orton, H.C.

A traveller in Rome. N.Y., Dodd, Mead, 1957

Snow, E.R.

Legends of the New England coast. N.Y., Dodd, Mead, 1957

Thomas, Caitlin

Leftover life to kill. Boston, Little, Brown, 1957

T/allt^ce, Irving

The square pegs . N.Y., Knopf, 1957

Vanderbilt, Amy

Complete book of etiquette

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957


Allen, Ralph

Peace River country.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958

Barnfcs, M.C.

Isabel the Fair.

Philadelphia, Macrae Smith, 1957

Blixen, Karen

Last tales.

N.Y., Random House, 1957

Braine , Jolin

Room at the top.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1957

Chase, M.E.

The edge of darkness iJ.Y., Norton, 1957

Druon, Maurice

The poisoned crown N.Y., Scribner, 1957

Furoolo, Foster

Let George do it I

N.Y., Harcourt, Brace, 1957

Le May, Alan

The unforgiven. N.Y., Harper, 1957

Lytle, A.N.

The velvet horn N.Y., McDowell, 1957

muriac, Francois Lines of life, N.Y., Farrar, 1957

Stevenson, Janet Weep no more. N.Y., Viking, 1957

Troyat, Henri

The red and the white, N.Y., Crowell, 1956

Tuohy, Frank

The animal game . N.Y., Scribner, 1957

foodruff, Douglas

The Tichbome claimant. N.Y., Farrar, 1957


After a hectic round of dinners, eas, receptions, testimonials and eddings, the dust is slowly settling nd we are onoe more becoming acclimated o a routine. The customers still ask or "Please Don't Eat the Babies" and The Brothers", by Karema/.of, j At the start of National Library 'eek all the patrons at the Branch woke | p and started to read, and on the last ay of the week they promptly fell asleep gain. In fact, we have been tip -toeing round the Breinch so as not to wake them ntil the same time next year.

In all seriousner.s, we would like to eartily welcome aboard our new shipper, iss Sarah Richman, who comes to us by ay of Mattapem Branch,


Frank Benoit, Audio-Visual

Jean Babcock, Central Charging Records

Josephine Del Longo, Print

Margaret G, Francis, Teachers

Corrine Henderson, Central Charging

Records Evelyn Kommuller, South End Edmund Mietzner, Open Shelf Edward J. Montana, Jr., Periodical Fancy Settles, Central Charging Records Patricia M. Tracey, Personnel Office Janet E. Ustach, Office of Records,

Files, Statistics C, Allan viden. Periodical and Newspaper Betty Yfilburn, South End


Abraham Snyder returned to work on April 8, with the surprising news that he intends to retire on May 31, 1958. VJe are glad to see Abe back on the job and sorry to hear that he intends to leave.


I should like herewith to give thanki )r your esteemed gift. It is to me a peat joy that our old people who are iLthout work and who have many children re helped with this. The war has made loiy of us poor not only materially but niritually as well. Again, a Berlin ouple sends to you many thanks and ;'iendly greetings.

Marie Kallane


Esther Leonard, the Chairman of our Publications Committee, is home from the hospital and is making fair progress. She is at home, 103 Homer Street, East


Bradford M. Hill met with an auto- mobile accident on April 12, 1958 and wa.s ■_ :jured severely. He is at home, 577 Baker Street, West Roxbury, after repaii s in the Faulkner Hospital.

''j'illiam (Bill) A. McGowan, after a long stay in the Faulkner Hospital is at home, 15 Bui-well Road, West Roxbury, re GOV ^ ring from an operation.

Patrick "Parker" Kennedy, is still at the Maiden Hospital. His condition is "Good".


. that the Administration makes in this regard. And then the Administration wonders why staff morale is so low, Thi,- is one of the reasons why.


Any contribution to the Soap Box uust be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he Dr she is employed. The name is v;itnheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymov-fi 3ontributions are not given consideration J The author of the article is knov.T. only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box ire personal opinions expressed 'oy individual Association members and their ippoarance does not necessarily indicate ithat the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contribu- |tions containing not more than 500 words vill hB accepted.


Mr. and Mrs. Paul Barret of Roslindale announce the birth of a son. Earl Vincent, on April 4 at Richardson House. Mrs. Barrett, the former Gilda Too^e, was Assistant in charge of the Chio-dren's room at North End Branch.


Boy's boarding school. Separate library building, 35,000 volumes. Single male preferred. Library experience necessary. Salary $4,000-$5,000 plus board, room, etc.

Inquire: Ronald J. Clark, Director of Studies, St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H- (Lib. Jr. Vol. 83, No. 8, pg.55)

(Ed. note - Even without the "etc'' the position is worth at least $67^0.

ro the Editor of the Soap Box:

The Administration has gone and done it again. Another titular position has been filled with a high school graduate. It is rumored that the other five candi- dates held college degrees.

If we are going to be or become an -aducational institution with comparable pay, then we must stick to our educational qualifications! How long are exceptions going to be made? From the circumstances in this case is it again the case of appointing someone to block the person already on the job and qualified to fill the position? Because the position this time happened to bo in the Division of Home Reading and Community Service it does not make the transgression less tieinous.

We are discouraged and complain bitterly about the number of repeats


The seventh Bertha V. Hart ze 11 Memorial Lecture sponsored by the Professional Staff Association will be held on Friday evening. May 23, 1958, at eight o'clock. The speaker will be Mr. Jack Dalton, Director of the International Relations Office of the Amei lean Library Association. Mr, Dalton' s s-ubject will he "The Common Deno.Tiina'oor".

illinor D, Conley, Chairman of Conmrt

Dorothy P. Shaw

Beatrice P. Frederick

Christiana P. Jordan

Charles Gillis




President Vice President Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Treasurer

Mrs Sarah Walsh Flannery

Louis Rains

Kathleen Hegarty

Mrs Felicia Langton Peltier

Louis Ugalde

Executive Board

Harold Brackett

Mrs Anne Connors Kearney

Isabel Mf Marti i^ Sarah M. Usher

Standing Committees

Concession Committee

Louis Poiishook, Chairman Mrs Ruth F. Conroy ■»Su3Bner Fryhon ■»H;-Randall J. Tobin Mrs Christine Umano

Constitution Committee

Grace M. Ifervin, Chairman lirs Anne Connors Kearney Daniel J, Koury William R, Lewis Joan P. Itorris

Entertainment Committee

IJirs Bertha S. Keswick, Chaiman

Ws Barbara E. Coffey

Jfery Anne Brenioan

Mrs Helen M. Harrington

Colomba N. Bartalini

Central Charging Records

Central Charging Records

Build inga


Open Shelf—Childrea's

Book Selection, H. R. and C. S,

Lower Mills



Science and Technology

Central Book Stock—Branch Issue Division Office, R. and R. S. Central Book Stock— Branch Issue Book Preparation Memorial

Bertha V. Hartzell Memorial Lecture Committee

Elinor D. Conley, Chairman Jfrs Beatrice P. Frederick Charles J, Gillis Christiana P. Jordan Dorothy P. Shaw

House Committee for Ifen

David T. Sheehan, Chairman William DeRosario •iBf-Bernard Dougherty ■sSumner Fryhon


Open Shelf Children's

Central Charging Records


Periodical and Newspaper

General Reference Science and Technology Binding Buildings

•»««— Representative of the Boston Public Library Building Service

En^loyees International Union, Local #U09 (AFL) ■JH« Representative of other groups not represented in the Association or the Union



HoTise Committee for Women

Ifrs Catherine E, Hfe.cauley, Chairman

Beatrice Coleman iHiCatherine A. Glavin ^Srs Gertrude C. Kinsella Louise K. Murphy

Cataloging and Classification,

R. and R. S. Book Stack Service Accounting Buildings Cataloging and Classification,

H. R. and C. S.

Membership and Hospitality Committee Sarah H. Usher, Chairman Mrs Dorothy B. Ekstrom Nura Glob\is Jirs Corrine^He'ndjerson Jfrs Margaret E. Lewis Paul V. Moynihan Dorothy P. Shaw William C. Slemmer Paul B. Swenson l^ary C. Robbins

Personnel Committee

Gerald L. Ball, Chairman Grace C. Chippendale Cornelia M. Harrington Isabel M. Martino Rhoda O'Donnell B. Joseph O'lleil Louis Polishook Michael Jo Von'saia B. Gertrude l&da

Program Conmittee

lira Helen F. 'Hirson, Chairman

llildTed R, Adelscn

Laura M. Bond!

Harold Erackett

Frank P. Bruno

Paul Cawein

Shirley-Jo Chilcoc.t

Charles J. Gillr.s

Eleanor F. Ha]li(^n

Mrs Lir.da Ivers

Daniel J, Koury

Mrs Ii!arion D. ^.oWilliam

Anna L. flanning

Ediia G. Peck

J/frs Beryl Y. Robinson

TiTilliam C. Slemmer

Records, Files, Statistics

Adams Street

West End

Central Charging Records

South End

General Reference

Periodical and Newspaper




Book Purchasing

Parker Hill

Di\dsion Office, H. R. and C. S.

Hospital Library Service

Division Office, H. R. and C, S.

Periodical and Newspaper

Central Charging Records

Book Stack Service

Codnan Square

Division Office, H. R. and C, S. Jamaica Plain Mattapan Open Shelf Patent Hyde Park General Reference Central Charging Records- Statistical Charlestown Music Fine Arts Teachers

Book Selection, H. R. and C, S, Fgleston Square Memorial

•K Representative of the Boston Public Library Building Service Employees International Union, Local #U09 (AFL) ■»H(— Representative of other groups not represented in the Association or the Union


Publications Conmlttee

Esther J. Leonard, Chairman

Gerald L. Ball

Macy P, ifeirgolis

lUrs Pauline E. Murphy

Mrs Elizabeth J, Obear

Special Services Committee

Samuel Goldstein, Chairman Barbara J. Feeley Daniel J, Koury Mrs Bridie P. Stotz


Book Purchasing


Book Stack Service

Book Selection, H. R. and C, S,

Science and Technology



Adams Street

Staff Libraiy

Edna G. Peck, Chairman William T. Casey Rosalie A. Lang Mrs Lydia A. Palladirio William C. Slenmer

Book Selection, H. R. and C. S, Central Book Stock Branch Issue General Reference Open Shelf Ifemorial


CARE Committee

Walter J. Bluhm, Chairman

JSarie T. tia^stie Itinna Steinberg

Periodical and Ne'wspaper Parker Hill

Cataloging and Classification, R. and R. S.

Pensions Committee

Louis Polishook, Chaiman Max Anapolle Abraham B, Snyder

Central Charging Reccrds Periodical and Newspaper Cataloging and Classification, R. and R. S,


Fridau Maxi 23,1958 at 8 o'clock

m -


Hack DoItovb.Vlnecic



e irrmmm DejiG'mincdm


THE BERTHA V. HARTZELL MEMORIAL LECTURE COfflmTEE Elinor D. Conley, Chairman Dorothy P. Shaw Beatrice M. Frederick

Christiana P. Jordan Charles J, Gillis



Strength of united action in times of professional crises,

A recognized direct approach to the Administration.

Membership in a professional association for only 50^ a year.

Increased buying povrer through discounts allowed to Association members ly a wide range of businesses.

Active participation in the important CARE program through voluntary contributions.

Professional inspiration through workshops and lectures such as the Hartzell Memorial Lectures*

Opportunities to meet your fellow workers through committee work and social get-togethers o


It has been an active Association in the past.


Take advantage of its benefits and, at the same •oxi.ss 3 I.yAp to build a sti'cnger Assccicbiono


IJIrs Dorothy B.. Ekstrom

Niira Globus

life's Corinna Henderson

left's Margaret E. Lewis

Paul V. Moynihan

Mary C. Robbins

Dorothy P. Shaw

William Co Sleimner

Paul B. STfensrjn

Sarah Mo U3her, Chairman

H.IJ- I i»-a=




MAY 1958



Published try the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XIII Number 5 L^y 19$8

Publications Committee: Gerald L. Ball, Tfecy P. Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy,

Elizabeth J. Obear, Esther Leonard, Chairnan

Publication date; Deadline for submitting material!

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


Of special interest to library employees is a resolution that has been presented in the General Court of the Commonwealth, providing that:

"SECTION .1. All meetings of the governing bodies of all municipalities "located within the state of Massachusetts, boards of county commissioners "of the counties in the state of ?'!assachusetts, school committees, and all "other boards, bureatis , commissions, committees or or^nizations in the "state of Massachusetts, excepting grand juries, and committees of the "legislature, in part or completely supported by public funds or expending "public funds, shall be public meetings."

Naturally penalties are provided.

"SECTION 2. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this "act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished "by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars or by imprisonment in the county "jail for a period not exceeding ten days, or by both such fine and iraprison- "raent."

"SECTION 3. This laxr shall not conflict with any lavr or part of any law in "conflict herewith."

If enacted, this vrould establish in the Boston Public Library the democratic custom in effect in other large libraries. In Minneapolis, for example, the agenda of the Trustees' meeting is posted on the staff room bulletin board, the press and committee members attend meetings, and minutes are printed and published. This op>en-door policy has worked rather well else- where. There is a feeling of confidence in the staff on the part of the admin- istration, and a sense of sympathy and cooperation on the part of the staff who are aware of the functions and the objectives of the library in any situation.





Jane M. Barry, from Connolly Branch [Library to Mattapan Branch Library.

Coluniba N. Bartalini, from Central 'Book Stock - Branch Issue Section to Memorial Branch Library.

Albert J. Brogna, from Central Charg- ing Records to Bookmobiles.

Joel A. Holmberg, from Bookmobiles to Connolly Branch Library.

Rose Moorachian, from Uphams Corner Branch Library to South Boston Branch Library.

Suzanne N. Mosher, from East Boston Branch Library to Bookmobiles.

Peter Poulimenos , from Open Shelf De- partment to Central Book Stock - Branch Issue Section.

Irene J. Wadsworth, from Charlestown Branch Library to Ifettapan Branch Library.

i Dr and Jirs Thomas Bri^nte have i announced the birth of a son, David, on I April 13. Mrs Mary Ellen Brigante vias I formerly Children's Assistant at Allston.

Mr and Jfrs James E. O'Neill have announced the birth of a daughter, Christine Ann, on April 18. Mrs Mary Maimix O'Neill was Branch Librarian at City Point and is on leave of absence.

I Mr and Mrs James Anderson have

I announced the birth of a daughter, Ellin

j Greer, on April 18. Mrs Anderson is an

i assistant in the Children's Room at Hyde

I Park.


Donald B. Homer, Book Stack Service

Jane B. Yanulus, Cataloging and Clas- sification Department, Division of Ref- erence and Research Services, to accept another position

IJIrs. Anita ?J. Ross, Open Shelf Depart- ment, to remain at home

Mrs. Irene M. Shea, South Boston Branch Library, to renain at home

Mrs. Marcia Goldfarb, Charles toum Branch Library, to remain at home

Virginia A. Dalton, Codman Square Branch Library, to be married and live in Nova Scotia

Sheila St. Arnauld, Parker Hill Branch Library, to be married

Helen R. DeSimone, Book Stack Service, to remain at home

Gerard LaCentra, Jr., Kirstein, to accept another position

fery E. Heller, Parker Hill Branch Library, to return to Washington


Judith M. Kaufman, Mt. Bowdoin Branch Library, to Myron Kornitsky, Iferch 9.

Mary J. McGah, Business Office, to Walter A, Robinson, Stock and Supplies Section, May 3.

llir and IJIrs Oliver Porter have announced the birth of a daughter, Daulphine Elizabeth, on April 17. Mrs Porter was formerly with Book Stack Service.


On March 9, Judith M. Kaufman, Mt. Bowdoin, became the bride of Myron Kornitsky at a very colorful wedding ceremony held at Spraycliff Inn, Marble- head. Rabbi Stephen Swartzschild of Lynn vas the officiating clergyman. The bride wore a white silk gown. Her veil vas topped by a crown of pearls. Her bouquet of stephanotig -was caught by a cousin. The young couple made a motor tour of the Eastern seaboard as far south as Norfolk and saw all the sights of Williamsburg, Baltimore, and Washington.

On Saturday, May 3, Jfery J. McGah of the Business Office and Walter A. Robinson of the Stock and Supply Section were married at a Nuptial tess at Saint Francis DeSales Church in Charlestown. The bride wore a ballerina length goivn of white silk and carried a white orchid

l.n hyr missal. The bride was attended by Br sister, Margaret, as maid of honor, allowing the double ring ceremony, a ""■eception Tvas held in the Charlestown femorial Hall, After a -wedding trip to ew York, the couple will make their home n Jamaica Plain,


ay 15. 10:00 a,m. Round Table of

Children's Librarians, Lec- ture Hall, Central Library



ay 23. 9:15 a.m. BPLSA business

I meeting^ Lecture Hall, Central


ly 23. 8:00 p.m. Bertha V. Hartssell

Memorial Lecture, Wiggin Gallery, Central Library, Jack Dalton, on The Common Denominator

ar^ 6, 7, ittA meeting, Chatham Bars Inn, Chatham, Cape Cod

ane 8-12, SLA Annual Convention, I Chicago, Illinois

^oly 13-19. ALA Annual Conference , San Francisco, California


On Tuesday, May 20, Arthur W. Heintzel- kn. Keeper of Prints, will be avvardod he Cross of Officer of the Legion of onor by the French Government, in recog- ition of his unceasing efforts to aid ranee, both culturally and educationally, y way of the exchange exhibitions of rints and drawings between France and he United States .

Mr Heintzelraan has been Chevalier of he Legion of Honor since- 19li^ v "




lugenie Bibawi, U,S, Library of Informal

tion, Cairo, United Arab Republic

(Egypt )o cam Singh, UcS, InforirE tion Service,

Patna, India, ^llen Power, Librarian, University , College, Dublin, Ireland, I (Note: Miss Power purchased a copy of

Whitehill's Histsry of the BPL, and entered a subscription to the Quarterlyo)

Joan Allan Ames, Division Office, R and


Robert G. Bailey, Book Purchasing Helen N. Bickford, Dorchester Victoria Bradford, Mattapan Bernard L. Breskin, Egleston Square Kenneth R. Brown, Adams Street Albert Bryant, Fine Arts William Callahan, Central Charging

Records M. Phyllis Campbell, Egleston Square Paul S, Cawein, Hyde Park Shirley-Jo Chile oat. General Reference Elena Conlin, Director's Office Frederick E. Danker, Rare Book A. Kay Decker, Central Book Stock— Branch

Issue Elizabeth A. Drane , General Re fere re e Winifred Frank, Central Charging Records Mis Renee*^ Frederick, Division Office, R-

and R. S. Richard Frita, Bookmobiles Edith Gordan, Jamaica Plain Doris E. Gray, Book Selection, H-R 2j?tf

OS. Joel A, Holmberg, Connol3-y Mrs, Bridget T, Lewis, Informa^j^n Arvid W. Le:ctrom, Audio-Visual Mrs Roslyn F, Mateles, Charlestown Martha A, McDermott, Bookmobiles Miriam Mendelsohn, Central Charging

Records llyra Anne Morse, Dorchester Mrs Aletha D, Munro, Jfesic Helen J, Nicholas , V/ashington Village John J, O'Neil, Open Shelf Heman 0. Peters&n, Open Shelf Hel'e^ V. Rothwell, Adams Street Ma.ry L. Shea, Bookmobiles David T. Sheehan, General Reference Bertte. S, Smith, East Boston Rose E. Stinson, Vfeshington Village Ann S3 Taber, Dorchester Tilrs Nanella J, Warren, Roslindale Edith A, Wright, Rare Book

The BPLSA welcomes also all those Tdio forgot to join in 195? but have come back in 1958, It reserves a special welcome for all who will pay their 1958 dues be- fore the business meeting on May 23, at which time it would be very happy to be able to report lOOJg membership for 1958 o As of the QM»s date of publication, . ^y 15 J dues have been received from only 67^ of the U39 who are eligible to joino





If it were necessary to choose one sen- tence to describe the life and character of Jiarion Abbot, it would be "She "was the salt of the earth". In this one tribute are included all the qualities that should be ascribed to her: her personal integrity; her sense of responsibility and dependability; her loyalty to friends, to business associates, and to the insti- tution which she served so devotedly for thirty years. In all probability Marion iras one of the hardest workers the Librajy ever had. She never spared herself, even after her strength began to fail. For her, there vias no compromise: you did everything thoroughly and correctly or you might as well not do it at all. Never one to magnify the errors of otheirs, she nevertheless demanded perfection of herself. Perhaps this was the result of her New England backgiVDund, a heritage of Tidiich she said little, but of which she could be justly proud.

Conscientious in the extreme, it vas all too easy to impose on her unthinking- ly; and yet despite this, she had a good sturdy will of her own. She was not eas- ily, if at all, turned from any course she considered right. At Trork, she was businesslike, intent on her job and apt to be qiiite serio\is. But on reliefs, at l\inch time or at staff parties, she was a different person. She could relax and enjoy thoroughly the jokes and banter that might come into the conversation, and more likely than not, she would con- tribute a funny story or experience, dur- ing the telling of i^tiich her face would light up and she would laugh that soft laugh of hers, and one would think, "How pretty she isi"

I never knew anyone who could give a better resume^ of a book. With her slight hesitancy of speech which denoted a searching for exactly the right words, she could make a story completely real, and this was one of her talents which she gave freely to those of the public who needed her help and guidance in book selection.

Although the Library was her chief in- terest and her life work, Marion had

many avocations; her music, her church, her friends, her vacation trips all meant much to her too, and she gave the same meticulous care and attention to these as to her duties on her job,

Jferion will be missed by the Library, by her public, her co-workers and her friends. There must be a special place in Heaven for the Marion Abbots of this world.

Elinor Day Conley * ^«- *

I first met Marion Abbot at a long-ago

Slipper party, given by Miss Edith Guerrier to survivors of one of her courses. All were settled down to eat when Marion appeared, breathless and apologetic. In later years, -vriien she was often iry concert companion, I tcis to learn that this was the pattern. House lights would be dimmed, the audience hushed, musicians ready, and the doors all but closed. In would slip Marion, breathless but present. She rarely missed a note.

Should she now be arriving at the pearly gates, hesitant and a little tardy, none woiild deny entrance to so gentle a spirit. Books and music were her loves, but especially music. Taking up the cello as an adult, she never ^ined a technical proficiency commensu- rate with her musical understanding. It was a joy to play with her. In ovir trio music sessions, it was alvays Marion to whom "we turned for interpretation of a difficult passage. Politely, almost apologetically, for she had no wish to appear more knowledgeable than we, she would gently set us right.

Vife vacationed as a trio, and she per- formed the unusual feat of somehow al^irays being in agreement with both of us, while we other two were differing violently vrith each other.

She was country bred, and a good com- panion on a country walk. She it was who first Identified for me the purple finch, on a beautiful October Treekend in New Hampshire ,

She never dodged what she felt to be her duty, whether to her job, her church, or her family. When she thought it part



of her job to address a group, a thing probably not easy for her, she enrolled in a public speaking class, gave the talk, and iwas asked again.

One of a large family, she had many nieces and nephews, each one equally doted on. From time to time, they would appear at her apartment, and were always royally entertained. Her Chris tms shipping was prodigious , and must have wearied her.

No one ever heard Marion speak ill of another. She -was incapable of bearing a grudge. It would have been an impos- sibility to be angry with her. Her sym- pathy for any of our small woes was al- ways ready and sincere. Jfeny of us will be the better for having known her.

Winifred F. Root

Editor's Note; Miss Abbot, Adults Librarian at Dorchester, whom we all loved and admired, died in her sleep Wednesday morning May 7, 19^8.


East Boston

The members of the JUNIOR SCIENTISTS CLUB were quietly seated in the audito- rium listening intently to a noted Doc- tor of Chemistry expound on rockets and space travel. After a rather lengthy but clear delivery, and sure that he had convinced his audience of the greatness of the spage aige, the learned man ended his talk with the comment, "And maybe some of you will one day travel to the mooni" In the front row of the hall sat two fifth grade boj^s #io had listened carefully to all that tvas said. At the Doctor's closing remark they turned to one another and quickly exchanged a few remarks. Suddenly one of them fell on his feet and asked the speaker this question, "If we had rockets now that could take you to the moon, would you go?" With a nervous laugh, somewhat exaggerated in the suddenly still room, came the answer (hoping to be humorous), "Well,, O.I'm too fate" With the satis- fied air of one who has received exactly what he expected, our budding scientist sat back in his seat, poked his friend none too gently in the ribs, and spat

out "I told you he wouldn't go."

G.V.L. West End

The spring and summer social season opens with a bang as Dr. and Mrs. Tollackson (Judy Tollackson is our chil- dren's assistant) invite the staff to a combination tea and pizza party before the Tollacksons leave for the state of Washington where the doctor is going to contimie his studies.

Diane "Salty" Farrell, well-known aquatic sportster (at least well-known at the Branch) is now out to conquer the briny deep in a sail boat. She starts her sailing lessons in early Ifey, and we hope that she will be capable enough to take a fev,r guests out in a month or two. Diane is an expert water-skiier, having skied both in Mexico and New England, so we don't think she'll have too much trou- ble with a boat. If it gets out of hand, she can always say, "If you don't behave, out of the library you go."



On April 28, the staff held a farewell party for Gerard LaCentra, Jr. who is entering the Investment field. The staff presented Jerry with a modern classical recording as a departing gift. Good luck from all of us, Jerry.

George Pillion


For membership forms

apply to Mildred C. O'Connor General Reference Department



Through rain and sleet and snow, etc., intrepid BPL-CLA-ers made their -ways to Buffalo to attend ths 3lith Annvial Confer- ence of the Catholic Library Association. By train and by plane, Anna Ulanning, Chief of Teachers' Room, Mary Alice Rea, Book Purchasing, Alice Waters, Open Shelf, Martha Engler, South Boston and Diane Farrell, West End, came to the City of the Beau-Fleuve, undaunted but some- what damp it continued to rain all week. Appropriately, Miss Manning, who is the President of the New England Unit of CLA, traveled with the ArchbishopS

Historio-maniac Bostonians were sur- prised to discover that Buffalo also has a past which rivals ours. The seat of the fur trade, this vas the scene of the struggles of three countries, England, France, and the United States, for the possession of Canada and the United States. The city could also be called the "City of Presidents:" Mllard Fill- more's home stood on the present site of the convention hotel, the Statlerj Grover Cleveland lived and practiced law in Buffalo; William McKinley was shot there. However, we were most impressed, natural- ly> by the fact that J'lark Twain wrote HUCKLEBERRY FINN in the Buffalo Public Library I

The Conference theme. The Formation of Life-time Reading Habits, proved an es~ pecialiy satisfying subject to the chil- dren's librarians in the party. Every discussion seemed to begin or end in a consideration of children's reading. And every group in the Association (even the College and University Librarians) em- phasized the importance of supporting and encouraging children's library work. The topics under discussion ranged from nur- sery rhymes to epics , from methods of using children's encyclopedias (with Ruth Tarbox of World Book, Nancy Hoyle of Compton's, and Alice Richardson of Brittanica Jr.) to methods of effective- ly employing student assistants. Ways and means to arouse in the child the desire to read were sought.

With Anne Thaxter Eaton to tell us, "Ylonder makes the world new every dayj imaginative literature keeps alive the power to wonder;" vrLth !.!ary Perkins Ryan,

author of THE CHRISTIAN ORIENTATION OF READING, to describe for us the book- world in which she spent her childhood; with the Rev. Harold C. Gardiner, S.J,, 'literary editor of AI/ERICA, to analyse I the kinds of pleasure we derive from lit- erature; and with the Rev, Daniel Berri- ' gan, S.J., to discourse on the philosoph- I ical implications of the "freedom to [ read ," sufficient mind-and-spirit-f illing fare isas provided for everyone. I Of course we visited Niagara Falls and i dined in the famous Rainbow Room at the Sheraton-Brock Hotel in Canada. We also ! visited a number of college and univer- i sity libraries in and around Buffalo, as ; well as the Buf felo Public Library, vfhere I we were especially attracted by ingenious 1 posters and displays. The renarkable I assemblage of children's homes, schools, ' and hospital and the beautiful Basilica j of Our Lady of Victory, built by the , late, beloved "Father Baker" in Lacka- 1 wanna, was the object of another of our i excursions. j We are happily indebted to oxir hosts,

the members of the Western New York Con- ' ference of Catholic Librarians and the i City of Buffalo for their gracious hos- I pitality. And the weather wasn't really : bad. If we remember correctly, Boston inflicted a blizzard on the CIA when it I met here two years a go I

Diane G. Farrell




Meyer, E, P.

Go it alone, lady I per, 1957.


New York, Har-

Barnsley, A. G.

In the time of Greenbloom. Morrow, 1957.

New York,

Kelley, ¥Jelbourn Alabama empire o 1957.

New York, Rinehart,

Thompson, Kate

Man de villa, Boston, Houghton, Miff= lin, 1957.

Library Science

Ball, M. 0. Subject headings for the information file. New York, Wilson, 1956.

John Cotton Dana, the centennial convo- cation. New Brunsmck, N. J. , Rutgers University Press, 1957.

Meigs, C.

A critical history of Children's lit- erature. New York, Macmillan, 1953*

Metcalfe, J. W,

Information indexing and subject cataloging. New York, Scarecrow Press, 1957.

Perry, J. W. Documentation and information retrie- val. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve University, 1907

Taylor, Archer

Book catalogues: their varieties and uses, Chicago, Newberry Library, 1957.


The my 10, 1958, issue of the CITY RECORD carries the welcome news that His Honor Ikxyor John B. Hynes included the following items in the supplementary budget sent to City Council on May 5, 1958:


The TTustoos of the Breton Public Li- br\ry*-are 'of the opiniofi that tiio a- boVB arabunt should be restored in order that their department -vrLll not have to curtail its operations or restrict any of its services. The requests are as follows :

Persortil Services $U8,000

Contractual Services .... 1,200 Supplies and Materials . . . 35,000 Equipment 30,000



The Hartaell Lecture which will be given Friday evening the twenty-third of this month should be more than ordinarily interesting. Jack Dalton, the lecturer, is a man v^io is well known for the fresh- neas of his ideas and for the vigor and liveliness with whieh he presents them. Formerly Librarian of the University of Virginia, he is at the present Director of the recently established International Relations Office of the American Library Association. This officfe, organized un- der a grant from the Rockefeller Founda- tion, has as its prime fionctions the study and investigation of the state of library development and the need for li- brary education in various parts of the world, and the giving of advice and in- fornatdon to government and private agen- cies interested in advancing the state of libraries and librarian ship abroad j most particularly, we understand, among our non-European neighbors ,

Mr. Dalton has travelled extensively to survey the situation among libraries and librarians in other parts of the world and should have much to say to us that will be both interesting and outside of the customary discussions of library problems. We believe the Hartzell com- mittee is to be congratulated on having procured for us what bids fair to be an unusual treat, one that we feel sure few will want to miss.



Our old friend Fanny Goldstein is still in the news. On Sunday, May h, she was feted at a tea at the Nevrbon Centre estate of Mrs. Albert Salter. Judge Jennie L. Barren paid a very ele- quent tribute to Miss Goldstein stressing her TTork with the young and her role in bringing Jewish books to the foreground.

s o


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publica- tions Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words will be accepted.

To the Editor of the Soap Box:

It is interesting to note that recent issues of the ALA bulletin (May 1958) and the Massachusetts Division of Library Extension publication "News Letter" (December 1957) carry numerous ads asking for librarians with college education. Library School credits, and/or library experience. Some call for libraiy experience alone.

What a sad commentary on the Boston Public Library Administration, where ex- perience is pushed into the background!

Is there a department in the biblio- thecal service where the "old-timers" aren't called upon again and again to tackle difficult problems which our "qualified librarians" cannot begin to understand? And - strange as it may seem - most of those who "save the day" time and again belong to that tiny group

of lowly "third-steppers" who were not i considered worthy of a 4th step during

the Administration's "step-give-away" i program of 1938.


Dear Soap Box :

In the SORT Bulletin for January 1958 under NEWS FROM STAFF ASSOCIATIONS there appears this provocative item: "UCLA Library S.A. compiled an entirely new and complete staff manual, soon to be published undor staff -administration joint auspices".

Is this the answer as to how we are going to got a new staff manual for the Boston Public Library? The Staff Associa- tion many years ago offered to help in revising our trial edition of the Staff Manual (1948). It has been on trial long enough now to make us realize it is horribly out-of-date. Bearing in mind that in addition to this offer of the Staff Association, the Personnel Sub- committee of the Examining Committee recommended an up-to-date loose-leaf staff manual, that the 1954 report pre- pared for the Mayor's Citizens Committee by the Municipal Research Bureau and the Boston Finance Commission stated that "The Library Department has already experimented with such a manual. One was prepared in 1948 but not finally adopted. It did not however encompass all person- nel items and had no subject matter applicable to sub-professional and non- bibliothecal personnel". "...It should be emphasized, however, that in a depart- ment which spends more than three out of four dollars on personnel, every oppor- t\anity for utilizing all techniques of effective personnel administration should be adopted", it seems inconceivable that we will muddle along with our Staff Manual (Trial edition) (1948).

Incidentally, copies of this are becoming increasingly rare, and maybe it is just as well, because, oftentimes, it might be better to be ignorant than to be misinformed.


Dear Soap Box:

How much longer are relatively expensive professional assistants going to have to be used for page work, shelviig etc.? If ever there was false economy, this is it. The backlong of work which


con be done nnly by professionals con- tinues to pile up.j professionals do ■page work, becausE the freeze has been put on hiring extra assistants. Surely an a^ipeal can be made to someone. The Trustees? The Mayor? The City Council? Common Sense.

Dear Editor:

Having heard that it was intended to move the public catalog into the Abbey Room, it appeared at first that this might be a good idea. But after con- sidering the difficulties it might be better to allow the plan to remain a dreeon. CONSIDER:

1. THE LIGHTDIG: In spite of the dese- cration of the ceiling by numerous spot- lights and floodlights, and the monstrous) hanging fixture which holds lights totalling 7000 watts, the room is vary pjorly lighted even though there has been some improvement in the light projected on the paintings themselves. To add the light that would be needed to illuminate the catalogs and the general area, numerous holes would have to be drilled in the marble floor. A costly defacement.

4. THE ALTEM^IATIVES: The Abbey Room was successfully used as a delivery room for books for home reading. It might be again so used to relieve the congestion and confusion at Centre Desk. The money required to move the catalog into the Abbey Room might be used to purchase catalog trays and to extend the catalog area to a small extent into Bates Hall. G. ABBY


STAFF SPECTATOR (San Francisco Public Library Staff Association, April 1959).

"The Staff Association of our library- will hold open house in the Commission- ers' Room, with refreshments served from 2:30 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Monday, July 14 through Friday, July 18. Members of the staff will be on hand to greet the visitors and make them feel welcome."

Editor's Note: So that BPLers attending the AL/i Conference will not get homesick for the afternoon relief in Sam's Hideaway, we pass on the above information.

2. THE HEAT: This room is very poorly ventilated, and in sxommer is a veritable oven, hot and humid. Add the heat from the additional necessary lighting and the body heat of scores of patrons and we could have the first Turkish bath in a public library.

3. THE ADVANTAGES: V«ould there be additional space to permit an expansion of the overcrowded catalog trays? Wo I There would not be enough room to ac- commodate the trays now in the public catalog. Would the public have more space in which to work? No I It would be necessary to route the books being delivered from the stacks to Bates Hall right through the Abbey Room. Would there be certain economies and advantages to be gained from new catalog trays?

No J Because there are no plans to use any except the same old trays - the same ones that have been splitting, cracking, falling apart, and being patched up for a half oentury and more.

j "... Only 'paid' Staff Association .members can vote, so check on yourself land if you haven't paid this year's dues i send your $3.00 to . . ."

EIi.it r's T\fote: And we still pay 50;2?i

NFL NEWS (Newark, New Jersey, Public Library, April 1958).

The Pheonix Rises? "The future of the Staff Association has recently been questioned. . . Chairman of the Associa- tion's Professional Committee here sums up the problems that beset the Associa- tion."

Kditor's Note; This should be "required reading" for all interested in the futre of Staff Associations in general. It is on file in the Staff Library.


I The new reading list put out by our lyoung Adult Group, entitled "Congratula- itions Graduates" is very timely and I should prove very useful to our current crop of cap eind gowners.



Virginia Haviland, Reader's Advisor for Children, recently flew back to Boston ifter a brief but very exciting stay in [taly. There, as Chairman of the Chil- iren's Services Subcommittee of the UL.A. International Relations Committee, she represented the United States at the Biennial Conference of the International 3oard on Books for Young People at ''lore nee, Ifey 7-11.

At the pair of meetings devoted to lational reports Miss Haviland reported m children's books in the United States, 1956-58. At another session she read a paper. Television and Children's Books in bhe U. S". , prepared on the invitation of the International Board.

The final session of the Conference Tuas given over to the avjarding of the Hans Christian Andersen I/!edal. Entries from 3ighteen countries were considered for this biennial international children's book a-ward vjhich -was finally presented to 4strid Lindgren of Sweden. I'liss Haviland received from the President of Italy two Certificates of Merit for American au- thors Meindert Dejong (THE HOUSE OF SIXTY FATHERS) and Fred Gipson (OLD YELLER) both of whom were runner s-up.

The meetings ^rere held in the Palazzo Vecchio, the present City Hall of Florence, formerly the palace of the Medicis. Follo^Ting the kviard Ceremony, a cocktail party vra.s given in the Medici rooms which are now a museum. B.P.L. staff members will be interested to know that Jack Dalton, Director of the A.L.A. International Relations Office and Speak- er at the coming Bertha V. Hartz.ell Memorial Lecture, attended the final sessions of the Conference on his vay back to this country from the Middle East,



The third meeting of the 1957-08 sea- son vas held at the Greenfield Public Library on May 1. lirs. Hester McKeage, Librarian, graciously showed the visi- tors through the enlarged and im.if^ina- tively redesigned library. Especially noted v/as the Young Adult Room, central- ly located, with facilities for serious and recreational reading.

Pauline Y^nnick, Deputy Supervisor, in charge of Work with Young Adults, BPL, was the speaker. The president, Rose MooiBChian, South Boston, in introducing Miss Winnie k pointed out that she vas from a large public library iNhere twenty- seven branch library situations presented many of the same problems found in the small public library. The talk high- lighted the importance and objectives of developing service to young adults and provided specifics in planning staff, space, and book budget for tte realiza- tion of effective work with young adults.

About forty-five persons were present, and although many were from the Green- field area there was a good representa- tion from the BPL and the eastern part of the state.

The first meeting of the 19$8-59 sea- son will be held in conjunction with the New England Library Association Confer- ence at Swampscott next October and will feature the dynamic Dr. Harold Martin, Director of General Education, Harvard University, speaking on What Young Peo- ple Should Be Reading in Their High School Years.

t/DRE SOAP BOX Dear Soap Box:

It is reported that the Centennial Gift Committee met recently and turned over to the Trustees of the Library "in trust", in commemoration of the employ- ees of the Library, the funds raised for the gift.

The committee rejected a proposal that the Centennial Gift be presented in memory of the Libra ly's war dead, even though similiar proposals had been twice endorsed by the Executive Board of the Professional Staff Association and by the presidents of the five staff organi- zations, A proposal that the committee take no action until the staff members were polled on the matter iras also re- jected.

Since the committee was appointed by the staff organizations and was charged by them only to nake all arrangements for raising the funds and selecting the gift to be presented by the staff . . . (iinderlining added), it is irgr considered opinion that they exceeded their po-wer and prerogative \7hen they went beyond



this in presenting the gift and in speci ^ying it in commemoration of the employ' ';es without going back to the parent or- ganizations for instructions and direc- tions .

Could a conanittee of eighteen, vriiich had dwindled to fourteen becaiise of res- ignations, retirements, etc., and Tidiich had only eight or nine present, speak for jail the employees of the Library in mat- ters they had not been directly charged with? I seriously question that the ac- Ition they have taken is binding on the staff.

For the employees to give a gift in |commemoration of themselves seems to me to be lacking in significance. Do the employees need a memorial so that all would know that the Library had employ- iees?

To give a gift in maraory of those who Igave their lives that we and our insti- itutions might be free would seen to be jmore fitting by far. ! Since I was president of the Profes— isional Staff Association when the idea of the Centennial Gift vas presented to the Executive Board, invited the other or- ganizations to participate, and gavB it every encouragement, I was keenly dis- appointed when the committee took it upon themselves to present this gift in com- memoration of the employees. From this commemoration I vfould like to disassoci- ate myself.


Dear Editor:

TJhen someone asks, "YJhat is he?'*or, "What is she?"i generally what is meant is, "What does he or she do for a living?"

A person is identified with his occu- pation or profession. Some callings cast an aura of glamour on its follovfers, oth- ers inspire respect or awe, but some oc- cupations may generate only apathy or in- difference. Very often the attitude of those persons who are members of a given profession or occupation is responsible, in large measure, for the opinion ?ri:iich others have for this profession.

Too often, because the profession imy be generally underpaid or because those associated with it have had only imper- fect or dimly understood ideas of its functions and purposes, there is a tend- ency of some professional men and their

colleagues to belittle or deprecate the importance of their life work. Because they are not paid rewards commensurate with the importance of their services should not cause a f oeling of apology and self -depreciation, but should inspire those affected to convince the layman of their worth, to spread the gospel of the value and significance of their calling.

We who are associated with the Library have the same obligation to ourselves. For identified as we are with the Library and with librarianship we may well pros- per as the general public realizes and appreciates the "value of the services of the Library, and, by the same token, if the public at large looks upon the Li- biary with indifference or disdain, we may well suffer.

We, inho are a part of a truly great Library, have a continuing obligation not only to contribute actively through devoted service but also as expert wit- nesses to testify to the value and need for good library service and all it en- tails.

Our attitude and activities can and should be our own memorial o


Dear Editor:

Will you please print something in the QM concerning non-members of the Staff Association who insist on grabbing the Question Hark \'*ien it eventually arrives, and hog it, I know that it is not a classified document limited to a certain few favored people but I do believe that those vho see fit to pay nit good money to become members of the Association should have first crack at it,


Editor's Mote "Nuf s-edj"

To the Soap Box:

Query: When is an experiment not an experiment? That's what the women who have to eat lunch under the glare of the two flourescsnt lights which were placed in the lunch room, we understood, on "an experimental basis" last June would like to know. Appeals have been irade to all authorities up to but not including the


'Directot* kesults? The lights still ilare, the women still ginimble , the ex- periiiEnt still goes on, TJJhy? T/l/hy? Ihy?



Nearly fifty years of library service are soon to be terminated for Abraham Snyder. "Abe" , who entered the Boston Public Library on October 2, 1908, as a lumber of the Shelf DepartnEnt, and ulti- mtely became filer in charge of the Bates Hall and later Official Catalogue, sas honored by his colleagues at a roast beef luncheon given at the Du Barry Res- taurant on May lU.

Sitting beside his attractive wife, ^elia, who wore an orchid corsage given ler by his co-workers, "Abe" looked very Like a bridegroom with his white carna- tion—aptly enough, as the Snyders will celebrate their ll2nd wedding anniversary )n May 21.

About fifty people were present at the Luncheon, and close to one hundred names vere inscribed on a ribbon accompanying ■J^e gift of one hundred dollars presented ay Richard G. Hensley. A floral center- 3iece ornamenting the head table vns also :iresented to the Snyders.

Esther Lissner, who headed the commit- tee in charge of the luncheon arrange- nents , gave a Y/itty and origiral resume )f ''Abe"'s career as a "card sharp". •'ollowing his presentation speech, \fr» iensley cast "AbG"'s horoscope. Knowing lis vrarmly friendly and somewhat sybari- tic nature, "Abe"'s friends were not sur- prised to hear that he is at his happiest f«hen surrounded by "glamour," nor, av.are Df his love for the golden sands of Nan- tasket and Miami, did they wonder that -lis element is "fire" and his ruler "the 3uno"


The cover of JUNIOR LIBRi^-RIES , May 1958, | carries the reproduction of this librn.ry'sj National Library IVeek Bookmark designed Cor Young Adults. The Boston Public Li- j brary Young Adult Committee for National i Library VJeek was responsible for its con- j bent and Mrs. Roslyn Ma teles, committee iiember, (Charlestown) is the artist.


The tenth annual awarding of the Mary U. Nichols Book Prizes will take place at the North End Branch Library, on Thursday evening. May 22, at eight o'clock. Dr. Girolamo Vitelli, Italian Consul General in Boston, mil be the speaker. The presentation of tb© aifv^irds will be by the Director, Milton E. Lord.




JUNE 1958


Published by iiie Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volume XIII Number 6 June 1958

Publications Committee: Gerald L. Ball, Macy J. IfeLrgolis, Pauline E. JJlurphy,

Elizabeth J. Obear, Esther J. Leonard, Chairman

Publication date; Deadline for submitting material;

rhe fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month "


The "Raison d»-etre" for THE QUESTION MARK

It is the official organ of the Boston Public Library Staff Association. As such it reports on the professional and social activities of its members and their associates, it notes the arrival and departure of staff members, on its editorial page the Publications Committee has its^say, and- the President's. No tea provides a regular means for frequent reports from the Presiden-fto the ^+kfi^ Association members.

But the feature inihich me believe is unique among library staff publications is the Soap Box section of THE QUESTION "ARK. Jfeny have expressed the opinion that the ijoap Box is the "best part'* of THE QUESTION I1ARK.

What is there about this feature that makes it so unusual? Any member in good standing in the Staff Association may have published in the Soap Box letters not exceeding three hundred words provided certain very liberal provisions are met. The material may not be libelous, it may not offend good taste, and the letters when submitted must be signed with the name of the writer. However, the writer's name will be withheld at his or her request, and the identity of the writer then is known only to the Editor, The Publications Committee is charged with the responsi- bility for checking that there is factual basis for statements purported to be facts. But wide latitude has been given to expression of opinions as long as it is pertinent. We are proud to state that never has there been a hint of a leak as to the identity of one v*io would remain anonymous.

It is a tribute to the Trustees, the Director, and the Staff that letters critical of the Administration and of the Officers of the Staff Association have been published in the Soap Box.

There is no doubt that this feature has served all concerned. The Soap Box has acted as a aoundiag- board for the ideas of the staff, providing an escape for some, a channel of communication for others, but serving as well the Administration, For many ideas that ordinarily might not be expressed for fear of reprisal (whether unfounded or not) or because of personal considerations, find the light of day in the Soap Box. The Soap Box can guarantee that a minority, even of only one, may have its say,

?fe may not agree at all with the writers, but we may well take pride that the Staff and the Administration, in participating or in permitting, have an estab- lished organ for expression of opinion, a truly "free press",





Mosher, from Bookmobiles to

Suzanne N. loslindale


Robert J. Anglin, Book Stack Service, ;o continue education

Jeanette M. Breslin, Book Stack Service, ;o seek other employment

Charles L. Cragin, Book Stack Service, ,0 accept another position

Marie S. Devlin, Cataloging and Classi- 'ication, Division of H. R. and C. S,

Mrs Mary M. O'Neill, Office, Division )f H. R. and C. S., to remain at home

Its Diane F, Overbey, Charlestown, to 'emain at home

Mrs Nancy L. Settles, Central Charging lecords, moving to California

Mrs Judith P. Tollackson, West End, to •emain at home


Eleanor E. O'Leary, South Boston Abraham Snyder, Cataloging and Classi- fication, Division of R. and R. S.


The 10th Annual Ainard of the Mary U. 'Jichols Book Prizes vra.s made at the Tilorth 3nd Branch Library on Thursday evening, ifey 22, Milton E. Lord, Director, aivarded bhe coveted book prizes, handsomely bound, ind each bearing a book plate designed by Irthur W, Heintzelman, Keeper of Prints, ind worthy of being handed down in the family of the winners. Mr. Lord congrat- ulated Sandra De Luca and Francis Anthony Segadelli, this year's winners, and gave some interesting information on the eighteen other North Enders who have re- ceived the Avjards since its inception, aany of vAiom were present.

The principal address of the evening was given hy Dr. Girolamo Vitelli, Consul jeneral of Italy in Boston. He stressed the importance of knowing one's mother tongue and deplored the general tendency to be careless in speech as well as in dress.

Father Francis J. Donoghue, S. J, of St. Mary's Church pointed out the value of the library as a means of assisting people to achieve self education.

Robert Castagnola was program chairman. Students from Christopher Columbus and the Julie Billiart High School furnished the musical portion of the evening,

Mrs, James Snyder, sister of the late Mary U. Nichols, cane from Auburn, llaine, to be present at this 10th Annual Program.

After the formal events of the evening, a social hour followed vrith punch and cookies for our 200 guests, served by the North End Staff, and members of the Young Adult Council.


On Friday evening. May 23, 19^8, the ssventh Bertha V. Hartzell Memorial Lec- ture was given before an audience of about seventy persons in the V^iggin Gal- lery of the Central Library. The lec- turer. Jack Dalton, was formerly a teach- er and librarian at the University of Virginia, and is at present the Director of the International Relations Office of the American Library Association, His topic was The Common Denominator. At the beginning of his talk, Mr. Daiton stressed the fact that he had purposely chosen a rather ambiguous title for his lecture since he wished it to cover the many things he planned to say about his work and to point out the differences in the concept of librarianship vriiich he had found throughout the world.

Mr. Dalton described his various trips to points all over the world for the pur- pose of studying libraries of other coun- tries, comparing them with our own, and offering whatever assistance was possible in the circumstances. He mentioned the fact that most libraries in Europe, the Middle East and the Far East are reposi- tories for the culture of the country, not free libraries as we know them, and that for this reason, the professional standards of the librarians are not the same as ours. Thus, when Mr. Dalton re- ceives a request for help in supplying a librarian in a foreign country, the re- quest is simply for "a librarian", with no specification as to required knowledge or training.

He spoke with rueftil humor of the fact that wherever he vrent, it seened as though he left the country just before some major catastrophe; for example, the biirning of the libraries in Lebanon; the riots in Paris; and the Nixon episodes in South America,



Mr. Dalton spoke of the need of more nowledge in this coxmtry of the languages

id cultxires of other countries, especial-' ,y in the matter of graduate school work, ften a foreign graduate student is handl apped in the universities of this countrj^ lecause there is no one qualified to exam-' ne him because of language barriers, nor s the material he needs in a form irtiich e can use.

These were some of the highlights of Mr, alton's talk, but perhaps the most impor4 ant part of the lecture lay in the "food or thought" which he left vath his audi- nce: the intimation of mde differences mong libraries the world over and the ex- remely fortunate position in which li- raries and librarians of the United tates find themselves.

Ending with an informal reception for r. Dalton and his wife, and the serving C refreshments, the evening was one to b€ ong remembered,

Elinor D. Conley


At a meeting marking the 25th Anniver- iry of the Tfedgwood Club, international rganization for the study of early Eng- ish ceramics, held in the Elliott Room, iturday. May 2U, Charles P. Gorely Jr., resident of the Club, presented a gift oi 1000 »00 to the Library for the establish- snt of THE iraEDGlDOD CLUB FUND in Memory C Mrs. Marcus A. Coolidge. The income rom this fund is to be used to develop he Library's collection of books and ma- srial in the field of ceramics. Milton . Lord, Director, accepted the gift on ehalf of the Trustees,

At the same time, Mr, Goi^ly presented 0 the Library a Wedgwood Queen's ware ontieth, or punch bowl, decorated with he first arms of the U. S, Navy within a hain-ring of 13 links bearing the names f the first states.


Dancing a lively oberek before a capac- ty audience, laidred Kaufman, Branch Li- rarian. Memorial, appeared with the rakowiak Polish Dancers in the final n\im- 2r of the First International Spring Folk esti-yal televised from the courtyard of he Boston Museum of Fine Arts on Ifey 23, a addition to serving as a member of the rogram committee for the festival. Miss aufman vra.s also the stage manager for th::^ estival program i/diich featured songs and mces of many nationalities.


Bill Sullivan, Binding, who is in the Carney Hospital recovering from an operation,

Elizabeth G. Barry, Statistical, who, recently hospitalized on account of a broken bone in her ankle, while recu- perating, is with her sister, Mrs, Thomas Mclnerney, 83 Hunnewell Avenue , Brighton 30,


The pitifully small attendance at the May business meeting of the BPLSA can be only partially explained by the shortage of help. It would seem that the apathy and lack of interest of the meidDers is really the true cause. Don't sit back and wait for action. Let the Executive Board know what you think the Associa- tion's program should bei

We hope that this apathy will not extend to the vote on the Centennial Gift, Let's get the votes in on timet



John Alden, Rare Book, returned June 9 from a four-months' tour of service in India, He had been selected by the State Department to advise on the preservation of books and manuscripts in that country, John saw numerous libraries, some good, some bad, some mediocre, and has quite a number of reports to write on his experi- ences .

It is interesting to note that this tour ms part of the India Wheat Loan Program. It seems that in the early 50 's, the U, S. Government loaned India money to buy wheat. The interest on the loan has been used by the U. S. Government to strengthen relations between India and this country J a program very similar to that used after the Boxer Rebellion when the indemnity was used to send Chinese students to America to study in the interest of improving Chinese-American relations.



The Bowling League season ended on Klay ?!0 -when its annual banquet "was held at Steuben Vienna Room, There the League imembers and their friends enjoyed a deli- icious dinner accompanied by a very enter- taining floor showo A most enjoyable evening vias had by all. The bowling sea- son ended for this year but vie are hoping that many more ivill join us next year.

For the record, high scores for the year went to Arthur Mulloney, Statistical, and Rita Gallen.

Barbara Ashe


The season for library outings got into E"ull SYfing again with the outing on ljfe.y 30, which like last year was held at (Thalom Park, just beyond Fitchburg and ".eominster. We filled one chartered bus, ind by 10;l5 in the morning wa were on Dur way. TOiile it was arranged by part- bimers, everyone was welcome.

There was one suggestion to go to Rever^ Instead, in order to keep down the cost, imong those -vrtio showed upj but almost all Df us wanted to stick to ITialom,

At the park, most of our party played Dall until three and later went on merry- jo-rounds. For a while I went bowling vith five others , and then went to the Deach, which I would never miss. However, Decause the water was unusually cold Dnly about five of us were there.

We spent the afternoon and left for lome at 5:00 P. M.

Of the many places chosen for library Dutings, Whalom Park seems to be one of the best with its large layout and wide rariety of entertainment. This includes, oeside the lake with bathhouse facilities I large field for golf, and a miniature electric train for children which makes a round-trip aro\ind the edge of the park *ich considerably adds to the attraction,

Henry Bowditch Jones


The force of tradition, combined with the lure of |1.50 paid in advance, arought a goodly clutch of the faithful bo Duxbury on Tuesday, June 17, to cele- 3rate Bunker Hill Day, rumored to be the

last time that librarians were ever driven out of Boston. As witli virtually all gatherings, the theme might well be, "there is always one who,,," And there was one who got there first, to wait in the icy blasts for the others to come doubtfully across the dunes to the fire. And there was one who, entrusted with the most vital supplies, delayed his arrival until despair was near. And one who tried to forge a new t3:tiil to the site to avoid the 50-cent parking fee, only to be mired in sand» There were the ones Tsho didn't bring enough clothee, or brought too much appetite, and even one or two viho didn't like steamed clams. There were the crafty ones who brou^ chairs, only to find sitting that high ' was too draftyj there were the ball players, the shell gatherers, the zeal- ous fire builders and those unsung heroes and heroines who seem to be broiling everyone else's hot dogs or finding the melted butter. There were iihe pretty girls, the mighty athletes, and the children to be found j and in the center of all this the mighty tub of clams, steamed in just the right amount of sea water, ladled on plates by the shovelful, to be opened and dipped in melted butter. In more ways than one, the annual picnic was a great success, and not the least of these was in the field of costuisB. The full range from brevity to comfort was represented, but in keeping with the traditional nature of the event, not a sack was seen.

Editor's Note; For those who have -never been introduced to this select body, the intriguing initials are interpreted thuss Chatter, Chowder, and Marching Society.



Ayer, M. H,

The three lives of Harriet Hubbard

Ayer. Philadelphia, Lippincott, 195?. Morris, C, H,

The illustration of children's books,

London, U, 1907. Packard, V. Oo

The hidden persuaders. New York.

McKay, 1957. Tfeston, George F.

Boston ways: high, by, and folk.

Boston, Beacon Press, 1957.



Burnett, S, The brain pickers, 1957.

New York, Mesaner,

Libi^ry Science

dssociation of College and Reference Li- braries . Committee on Standards. College and university library accred- itation standards, 1957. Chicago, ACRL, 1958.

Conference on the Practical Utilization of Recorded Knowledge - Present and Futiore, Western Reserve University, 1956, Documentation in action, Nevr York, Reinhold, 1956,

Fess, Margaret The Grosvenor Library and its times, Buffalo, Grosvenor Reference Division of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, 1956.

Hastings, H. C,

Spoken poetry on records and tapes, Chicago, ACRL, 1957.

McColvin, L, R,

Public Library services for children. Paris, UNESCO, 1957.

Poole's index: date and volume key by Jferion V, Bell and Jean C. Bacon, Chicago, ACRL, 1957.

Walker, Elinor, ed.

Book bait. Chicago, ALA, 1957o


Milton E, Lord Director, and Librarian Anne E. Armstrong— Open Shelf, Children's

Section Anne F. Colenan ^Mt, Bowdoin Helen A. Connell-— South Boston Elizabeth M, Gordon Division Office,

H. R. and C. S, Cornelia M. Harrington Division Office,

H, R. and C. S. Virginia Havilarai— Open Shelf, Children's

Section Ruth M. Hayes ^Adams Street Kathleen Hegarty General Reference Jfedalene D, Holt ■Washington Village Mrs Muriel C, Javelin ^Division Office,

H, R. and C. S. Ifeirie R. Kennedy —Mt, Bowdoin Ethel Kimball Brighton Rosalie A, Lang~General Reference Edna G. Peck Book Selection, H. R. and

0 e O

Euclid J. Peltier— Audio-Visual

Mrs. Felicia L, Peltier— Open Shelf

Theodora B. Scoff— Mattapan

Pearl Smart— Personnel Office

Mima Steinberg— Cataloging and Classifi- cation, R. and R. S,

Mrs Bridie P. Stotz— Adams Street

Ruth E. Winn— Open Shelf

Pauline liriniiick-«Oi vision Office, H. R. and C. S.



June welcomsd a happy group of gradu- ates from among the staff.

Irene Mains ybs graduated cum laude from Boston GoU.ege on June "137 The oc- casion vtas celebrated by the staff at a pre-graduation lunchoon at the Salmagundi Restaurant with many toasts, a staff gift, and merriment 6

The part-time staff included the fol- lowing high school graduates: Susan Doyle, Herbert Golub, Bette Lofchie, James ffcDevitt, and Lillian Saia. Herbert Golub vias honored by a $100 ainard for his further education at the Univer- sity of Massacbi^setts, That Universi.ty will also claim Bette Lofchie in the fall, while James McDevitt will enter Boston College,

North End

The staff held a coffee party in honor of Mary L. Dennison to wish her BON VOYAGE c She sailed on May 30, from Montreal for Liverpool, on the Cunard Liner, Sylvania, for a vacation in Europe,

West End

We are pleased to announce that another of our girls has gone and done ito Catherine Hannon just got her ring (en- gagement, that is) last weekends Per- centage-wise, we will stake our Branch against any in the system when it comes to our girls getting their men^ The en- gagement, shower and wedding parties, have been coming thick and fast. No soon- er does the excitement of one calm down than we have a new announcement to make. There must be something about the air here, so you girls who are eligible had better get on the ball and make applica- tion for transfer to our Branch real quick.

It nas with regret that we bade good-bye to Dr. Sl Mrs. Judith ToUackson (they were


sarried while she was children's assist- ant). After much shedding of tears, they "inally forced their -way into their auto- Qobile, overcro'/vded with household fvir- lishings, for their trip to the West least, where the doctor will do his ad- rainced study.

In the midst of all this social activi- ty we still manage to find a little time 'or library work. An exhibit of art by Local talent is being sponsored. A con- tinuous showing of painting, sculptvire , md sketches will be open to the public "rom the first of June until September 1. l11 styles, from naturalism to abstrac- tion, are represented, and many West End irtists have been invited to show their rork. Jewish religious themes Fl3.y an .mportant part in this exhibition.


[irstein Business Branch

On Monday, May 2t), the staff attended i dinner at the Union Oyster House in lonor of Isabella Elder, who left May 30j 'or a month's tour of Europe. Miss Elder Dlans to visit Germany, Austria, and [taly. In addition to the best wishes of 'Jhe staff, Isabella was presented with an lir travel trip book, Bon voyage I Isabella,



The Business Office is happy to report bhat once again the Library staff has ione an excellent job in supporting the "1958 Mayor's Charity Field Day," Pro- seeds from ticket sales totaled $305oOO. fe are certain that His Honor the Mayor and the other sponsors of the event will be deeply appreciative of the Library's contribution,



Welcomes New BPLSA Members

Jane M. Barry— Uphams Comer Judith Komitsky ^Mt, Bowdoin Mrs Marian M. Leibsohn— Hospital Library


Congratulates the lOO^ers

All eligible members of the staff of the following units are paid-up nsmbers of the BPLSA for the current year :

Branch Libraries; Alls ton Codman Square Connolly Dorchester Egleston Sqixare Faneuil Hyde Park Jamaica Plain Lower Mils

Hospital Library

Mattapan Memorial Mt. Bowdoin Mt. Pleasant Parker Hill South End Washington Village West End Vfest Roxbury Service

Departments ;


Book Selection, HoRc and CeS*

Book Selection, R, and RoS,

General Reference

Open Shelf (including Children's Section)

Periodical and Newspaper


Science and Technology



Director's and Trustees'

Division, H.R. and C,S,

Division, R, and R.S, 1 Information ' Personnel ! Records, Files, Statistics


And Hopes That All Other Eligible Persons Join Before Going on Vacation


The thirteenth annual Open House and Arts Festival was held on Wednesday eve- ning, ISay Hi, from seven to ten o'clock. As has been customary in recent years, the Library again highlighted the function by displaying during the month of Kay the painting, sculpture, and handicraft work


of this district's citizens. The exhibi- tion included several fine works repre- I sentative of this area's artistic talent. Expressive portrait studies, some in oils, some in watercolors , animal life, still life, and various outdoor scenes were shown. Theodore C. Barbarossa, a noted sculptor, presented two expertly modeled representations of the Apostles, St. Peter and St. Paul, The two most inter- esting statuettes, scale models for full- size six-and-one-half foot figures for the Baltimore Cathedral, Baltimore, l>feiry- laad, lent dignity to the exhibition. Also on display were excellent photo- graphic studies, ceramics, leathercraft, weaving, wood and needlework.

Nearly two hundred people attended the evening program -vidiich included music, classic ballet, and dramatic readings, held at eight o'clock in the auditorium. Two brilliant vocalists, Estelle Terramagra and John Vacirca, and Frank Zarba, trombonist all students at the New England Conservatory of Music gave distinguished interpretations of both classical and contemporary composers, iiferilyn Mombourquette , classic ballet stu- dent, performed well-patterned and rhyth- mic executions to tunes of Provost and Berlin. Characters created by Shakespearei and Robert Frost vjere brought to life by the distinctive dramatic readings of Celeste MacDonald and Liborio Salamone. The performers were all accompanied by Mrs, Mario Umana, wife of our' local State Representative .

Through the combined efforts of the Friends of the East Boston Branch Library and the library staff, a delightful social hour followed the program. Sym- bolising the month of May, the colors of green and yellow were carried out in the punch bowls, floral decorations, cakes and cookies. These were donated by local merchants and members of the staff. A pleasant surprise was the appearance of our Chief Librarian, John M. Carroll and Mrs. Carroll. The artists and performers who attended the social hour were enthu- siastically making plans for next year's Open House and it was evident tha.t East Boston Branch is the cultural as well as educational center of th© coTrimixiity,


Reverend Patrick A. Sullivan, S.J,, in the JEaJIT SEJHNARY NEWS (Volume 28, Nool., P. 10) tells the story of its rebuilding of the Shadowbrook Library. He pays an excellent tribute to our fellow librar- ianj . Father Brendan Connolly, S.J,, "who worked out a new and faster method of cataloging that proved to be so efficient and economical that even now we have trouble convincing librarians that 20,000 books vrere really processed in the year and a half."

Father Sullivan also mentions the BPLs "I recall an answer to our prayers for the Congressional Card Index without which we could not even begin our cata- loguing. There were absolutely- Tione for sale, and we could not borrow one. At the height of this crisis , a letter ar- rived from the Boston Public Library offering us the use for the two years of our work, the only such card index in New England."

Congratulations on an excellent jobi


And Still Another Citation

On May lU last, in New York, Fanny Goldstein, Branch Librarian, Emeritus, and Curator of Judaica, Emeritus , scored another hit. She was awarcl,ed a citation and a reception by the National Jevd-sh Book Council, a subsidiary of the Jewish Welfare Board, The citation was in rec- ognition as Founder of Jewish Book Week more than a quarter of a centvcry ago and for her work these many years in the field of Jewish culture and better human relations through her Judaica work©

Attends Sixtieth Reunion

Just a little message from the one-time Fellowes Athenaeum Branch of the Boston Public Library I

When the old Roxbury Library closed its door, the Branch Librarian was made a member of the Board of Trustees of the Fellowes Athenaeum, -vAiich still carries on in its attractive small Library in the Norfolk House building, occupying the street floor. An attractive place to ''JJiit, if you cani It began its good work during the first World War, and I wg.s -it,r! T,-l1>r.-trinn ft a- Tjglit, yf^^irs before


ibeing called to the Athenaeum at U6 llillmont Street, the FcUowes Athenaeum Branch of the Boston Public Libraryc

After attending the 1958 annual meeting of the Trustees 3 the next June event for the old Librarian was the sixtieth (60thl ) Reunion of the class of I898 (a Class of 150 members , originally) , at Welles ley College, Twenty-GGven of the New England members gattiered for greetings, a grand banquet, and very ^y reminiscences of our college days. The reunion closed -with a beautiful drive throu^ all the old haunts and ever-increasing loveliness of the campus. The Sixtieth Reunion is always the last. We made the most of iti



June 23, 1958


The theme, "Creativity", was stressed" in all the lectures and panel discussions as the underlying note a The keynote ad- dress was delivered by James C, Wortliy of Sears, Roebuck and Co, He spoke on the freedom to make mistakes and declared that all initiative should not be taken a-way from employees. As proof of his be].ief he said that while a tremendous nELChine could be built to completely in-wentory all the stock of the thoiisands of Sears' stores, they prefer that branch managers retain their own initiatives

The Documentation Division meetings were interesting, in shoiTing how involved and costly documentation is today and how difficult it is for special libraries or even public libraries to use^

Dr. Robert Medina, Research Psytiholo- gist of J. Walter Thompson Co., talked about Self -Awareness and the Creative Process and gave many examples of how peoples ' potentialities may be brought out.

The panel discussion on the Biological Effects of Radiation was most enlighten- ing. It was composed of a staff of men from the Argonne National Laboratory, The Book and Author Luncheon was high- lighted by Ruth Moore, author of THE EARTH WE LIVE ON, who talked on her debt to libraries, and by Studs Terkel, fonner radio commentator, who discussed the snob appeal of Jazz, This seems to work both ways, some people looking down on Jazz while others regard it almost in the man- ner of chamber music where one may almost

not breathe while the Jazz theme is be- ing cooly played.

All in all the trip to Chicago was most delightful. The liko front of Chi- cago was really something to sr: , aj well as the Chicago Art Museum, the Field Museum of Natural History, and tlie John Crerar Library with its fine classified catalog. The Prudential Building with its "Top of the Rock" obser^-ation plat- form and cocktail lounge, ivas of specia!'. interest since Boston is looking forward to something eqvially outstanding here,


The Annual Meeting was held at the Chatham mrs Inn, Chatham, Massachusetts, on June 6 and To

At the afternoon meeting on Filday, Gilbert Seldes, author of THE PUBLIC ARTS and THE GREAT ATOIENCE spoke on the subject of the session. The Library in an Age of Conformity 3 Mro Seldes said tKeT'^iiH!es""'STould be like leaven and should help raise the cultural level of the community. His comment on the Now York radio program, which is heard on the air at 6530 in the morning and at- tracts thousands of listeners, was in- teresting. Ilany of us have been de- lighted at the response to this program. Mr, Seldes pointed out that it Tm.s just another example of conformity,

Emerson Greemr^^j, Director, Free Li- brary of Philadelphia and President-elect of the American Library Association, was the second speaker on the afternoon's subject. He, too, believed that the li- brary should be a meeting place for leaders of the community Tvino woiild ex- press their opinions pro and con regard- ing the various cultural offerings of radio and television and literature. Ho felt that the library should take its true place as an educational institution and not be regarded as a place of recre- ation. He believed that more non-fic- tion should be bought and less fiction and said that such was done in Phila- delphia .

At the banquet in the evening the speaker vns Hermann Field, author of ANGRY HARVEST. He told of his experi- ences, imprisoned in a cellar in Poland for five years, and gave numerous side lights on how it affected his life. It was interesting that his son's chums regarded him with a special air of rev- erence because he was an "ex- jail bird".


His Polish ccllnato during,- nost cf the period could not speak English and Jlr Field could not spc-k Polish, but they both knev/ Gorimn and that became their language of communication. It v.as inter- esting to note that r'r. Field vb.s un- spoiled as a result of his horrible ex- periences.

At the general session on Saturday norning Judith E, Stromdahl reported on the constitutionr.l changes recommended to provide for 'norc continuity in conducting the affairs of the Association. The rec- ommendations were adopted,

Ifrs George R. ;'i"allace reported on the progress of the I-'assachusutts Library De- velopment Committee . In her remarks fol- lowing the report she restated her strong conviciton that there should be more co- operation betvrcicn libr''.rians and tnastees, and left the group vri.th two statements to ponder: "You have got to use a library to know what it ?rier.ns" , and •The Library should be the heart beat of every town and city."

In the Scholarship Committee report it was recommended that instead of making scholarships as loans, as heretofore, they would be given as outright gifts. The members, after being •jvarned that if this was adopted, it would cost the Association more money, went along mth Ruth Hyatt's motion that the report be adopted,

Mrs Galick annoiinced the availability of 10 scholarslrlps of $7$ each, offered to personnel in small libr?jpies for study at a summer institute,

Lucile Wickersham presented the report of the Planning Committee which set forth the eltan^es that the Committee recommended be made in the report accepted in February 1958, These changes had to do with mini- mum salary standards and after extensive discussion the report was accepted, vdth a rewording of the suction having to do with certification and a provision for further study of the certification law.

The meeting ended vri-th the handing over of the gavel to Francis P. Keough (former BPLar), the incoming President, by John Humphry, the out-going, and by the intro- duction of the other officers for 1958-1959


■fe vmre very sorry to learn of the death of Lee Joseph Dunn on June 15 Lee vra.s Librarian at Boston Latin School, where he vias also Senior. Adviser to the students, IThile he vwas on the staff of the Boston Public Library from 1922 to 1928, he was one of its most popular members, working in Periodical and News- paper at the time \Yhen he left to take over his duties at Boston Latin,

'^ile at Latin School Lee kept in close touch with all his friends at the B.P,L, and vra.s al-v^ays willing to help sons of former fellow workers over their troubles at a very difficult school and to advise parents as to the best choices of colleges for their offspring. That this service has been appreciated over the years is evidenced by the fact that a scholarship fund has been set up in his memory at Boston Latin,

Lee was a graduate of Boston Univer- sity, Tochers' College, and Harva.rd. He leaves his wife, Irene Brown Dunn, ^fiho worked in Branch Issue before her marriage, a son, and a daughter,


The COFFEE SHOP will be closed from June 30 to July 5 ifihile the proprietors are on vacation. It will rc-open for business on July







Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member subanitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publica- tions Committee and the Association are in agreement with the vieira expressed. Only those contributions containing^'not more than 300 words will be accepted.

To the Editor :-

It is not too likely that the managers of the ccming ALA spread in San Francisco will overlook the enticing natural of a visit to the fabled castle of San Simeon. Perhaps it has been mentioned sonfiTAiere already. But in case it has been over- looked, I hope that BPL'rs who plan to attend will read the very interesting ar- ticle in the Travel section of today's NEW TORK TIMES(May 25). The place has been given to the state of California by Hearst's family, anl is now open to the public. In the past we would have had to be an Aga Khan or a movie queen or some other member of the world's elite to enter that incredible domain and look at the splendors stripped from castles, churches and chateaux, walls removed entire ^om

Roman temples, famed Gothic tapes trie* , and giant Egyptian sculptures. Today we can do all that for $2.00 plus the cost of a 200-mile bus trip from San Fran- cisco.

Our more sensitive ladies should be warned about using the elevator Hearst had made out of a confessional boo1>h, but no doubt more secular means of get- ting to the upper reaches will have been installed by July.


To the Editor:

To those ^o wonder where the court- yard got its new look, •vrtio wonder why, at last, the grass is Ivish and green, why the geraniums flourish, and why the other plants are so verdant, look to one Michael Sullivan, Buildings Department, whose tender loving care and "Know-how" have added luster to the fame of the Li- brary courtyard as one of the most de- lightful spots anywhere.

A few short years ago David McCord in his pamphlet on the Centennial celebra- tion of the Librairy recalled the quota- tion "the competent loam, the probable grass" as an apt description of the grounds.

Probable no longer, the grass is worUiy of adorning the Emerald Isle. Thank you, Mr. SuUivanl


Dear Editor:

I do not think it was fair of the Cen- tennial Gift Committee to require sig- natures of donors on the ballots for the memorial to the war dead,

TOiy could they not have used the same system en^loyed in the absentee ballots for the election of officers? In the absentee ballot using two envelopes, only the outside envelope carries the name of the voter which permits a check- off of those voting without revealing the nanner in Triiich they vote. After the check-off these outer envelopes are destroyed. The inner envelope contain- ing the unsigned ballot is sealed and blank. This assures the voter that he may vote without offending anyone.

The Centennial Gift Committee has many officers of the Library, Some of us Tdio knew the feelings of most of the Commit- tee were reluctant to submit signed


ballots which might be contrary to the expressed feelings of members of the Com- mittee who also happened to be our supe- riors in the Library hierarchy.


Dear Soap Box:

DVhen the Lord said "Let there be light," did he mean to exclude the Division of Reference and Research Services? We always thought we were God's "Chilluns" too.


To the Soap Box:

To clarify a common misconception aris- ing out of the proposal that the Centenni" al Gift be presented to the Library on th«i occasion of its centennial in memoiy of the Library's war dead, there is no intenj or necessity to change the nature of the gift. Many apparently have the idea that the gift would have to be in the form of a bronze plaque or granite monument. It would not. All it would mean is that the gift, whether it be a scholarship fund, a mural, a doorway, or staff lounge, would be presented to the Library on the occa- sion of its centennial in memory of the Library's war dead.

It would require only that we add to the presentation: "in memory of the Library' war dead,"

Is that so much to ask for those who gave their very lives that we might live in freedom?


Dear Soap Box:

It is difficult to understand why the "no hire - no fire" rule has been applied so strictly in the Library when the City Record reports scores of appointments be- ing made in other City departments* The Hospital Department, the Administrative Services Department, the Boston Traffic Department, the City Planning Board, the Penal Institutions Department, the Public Works Department, the Welfare Department, all reported appointments in the City Record of June 7, 1958. But in the Li- brary the "freeze" is on. Why?


Editor's Note;

The explanation of the above lies with

the quota set by the Administrative Ser- vices and the llayor. The other city de- partments apparently have not exhausted their quota while the Library departnKnt has. Until the end of May there were commitments in excess of the 560 allowed by the often-referred-to White Paper,

Possibly in view of the large number leaving the library service recently, replacements will be made.

Dear Soap Box Editor:

What Tjas the purpose of last month's editorial? Were you in favor of open Trustees' meetings or not? Were you in favor of having agenda and minutes of Trustees' meetings published to the Staff or not? For goodness sake, stop pussyfooting around. Stop quoting and start taking a stand,


Editor's Note:

The Publications Committee wishes to thanlc "Bellyfviir' for taking time to write. It shows that the apathy referred tofby the Vice President in his notes is not 100:^,

The editorial was submitted for the purpose of information rather than prop- aganda. It merely gave the terms of an Act proposed in the General Court of Massachusetts, and a brief comment. It was not felt necessary to make any stronger statement than the final para- graph.





Strength of united action in times of professional crises.

A recognized direct approach to the Administration.

Membership in a professional association for only ^0^ a year.

Increased buying power through discounts allowed to Association members by a wide range of businesses.

Active participation in the important CARE program through voluntary contributions.

Professional inspiration through workshops and lectures such as the Hartzoll Memorial Lectures.

Opportunities to meet your fellow workers through comxiittee work and social get-togethers.

It has been an active Association in the past, JOIN NOV/

Take advantage of its benefits and, at the same time, hej.p to build a stronger Association.


}Jrs Dorothy B. Ekstrora

Nura Glcb-os

l>Srs Corrine Henderson

FiTs Margaret E. Lewis

Paul V. Moynihan

Mary C. Robtins

Lcrothy P. Ghaw

Tfilliam C. Sletnmer

Paul B. Swenseon

Sarah M. Usher, Oriairmar.





JULY 1958

L^ } E QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XIII Number 7 July 1958

Publications Committee: Charles J. Gillis, Esther Josephine Leonard,

Macy Joseph Margolis, Pauline E. Jlurphy, Elizabeth J. Obear, B. Joseph O'Neil, Gerald L. Ball, Chairman

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting material;

The fifteenth of each month Ohe tenth of each month


Ihe Boston Arts Festival has now drawn^ to a close. For a few vreeks the concen- trated spirit of the best in the community has combined to create a thing of beauty and excitement, Herel, we cein say with a surge of pride, THIS is Bos-txsn. And despite municipal problems and economic difficulties, we have that "something" that many cities vdiioh boast lower tax rates and greater economic potential do not now have and never will have.

Biese June days at the Public Garden are but a crystallization, a tengible blooming of an attitude and a spirit that flourishes here throughout the year. Do we not take for granted the great feast that surrounds us in our universities and research centers, our museums and orchestras and theaters.

And do we not also tajce for granted our own institution. Do we realize the privileged position that we at the Boston Public Library hold, so close to the heart and mind of our city. Do we see the Library only as the place where we answer a telephone five days a week, or catalog so many books per day or recommend troj or three books per inquiring child. Or do we see the whole, living institution as oho •tohioh. has been feiven one of the most importajit roles within the power of a community to give.

Boston is indeed fortunate in its wealth of institutions dedicated to the good life. And we are fortunate in being part of one of those institutions,



PRESIDENT'S MOTES V/e welcome back with pleasure Esiiier Leonard after her long illness following her automobile accident, and are very- glad to see her looking so well It is with regret, however, that we announce her resignation as chairman of the Publi- cations Committee aliiiough we can well

understand that she does not wish to carr^ig being thoroughly reviewed and a final

on any extracurricular activities at •ttiis time. Tfe also wish to thank Gerald Ball for carrying on so ably in her absence and for agreeing to take over as chairman of the committee for the rest of the year Miss Sarah Usher "urfio attends to the mimeographing and distribution of the Question Mark deserved the thanks of all

received and it is desired to investigate all oases at once.

For you "ex" professionals now "pre"- professionals we have a brief word. A committee of the executive board has made inquiries of the Library administra- tion and we understand that the situation

of us for her efficiency in seeing that we all receive this paper although she has been obliged to put up with trying circumstances.

Ihese humid days we envy -tiiose travel- lers v*io have crossed the country to at- tend the A.L.A. convention and certainly wish we were with them i/^ien the postcards they send back appear on our desk.

Ttie troubles in the Middle East are a BKJst disturbing development to contemplate on a peaceful summer's day and seem to put all thoughts of future planning out of our head. One wonders what v/ill develop almost from hour to hour and can only hope that things can be settled quickly and definitely v;ithout spreading into a major conflict.

Blinking of the Middle East makes us (being in the "reserve") iiiink of the Navy, and, by further association of ideas, of this Library's Audio-Visual Department. Until our Navy group started using some of the Library's films we had not realized what a great ambassador of good will for the Library the film sectia is. ITe receive spontaneous compliments every time a film if shown, running from "Yft:at a wonderful service I" to "The Library should receive state aid for maintaining a service 1 ike that" . It gives one a very pleasant feeling, as though the compliments were personal, though, as everyone knows, the films are far from our sphere of activity.

Now that the letters defining each individual's staijis in the new system are coming out, the Personnel Committee is anxious to receive correspondence from anyone tAo feels a clarification or alteration of status is called for. Some correspondence on the matter has been

decision should be forthcoming before too long.

The situation with regard to the NP's is not yet decided. !lhe viihole classifi- cation is being worked on. In tiie meantime your executive board and your personnel committee are alerted and waiting to see what action may be possible or necessary.

Sarah W. Flannery


Our congratulations to Arvid Lextrom of Audio -Visual I Nr. Lextrom was married to Jacqueline de Lemper iere of Paris, France, at Our Lady of Victory Church on Ilay 14. !*rs. Lextrom vra.s attended by Amy Pierrill. Ronald Hebert, also of Audio-Visual, v;as the best man. Jir. and I^^s. Euclid J, Peltier held a shower for the newlyweds vrfiich was attended by the staff of Audio- Visual and friends of the couple. May Arvid and Jacqueline have the best of luck, health, and prosperity in the coming year s .

RECENT VISITORS Rusina Parauntzak, Library of Political and Social History, Djakarta (or Jakarta) Indonesia.

BIRTHS Vx . and Mrs. Jack Trocki have announced, for the second time, the arrival of tv/ins— Edward Robert (6 lbs., 13 oz.) and Edith Mary (6 lbs., 10 oz.), born on June 20. Jackie and Joey, five years old, and Bill, 2 years old, are aiding in the welcome. Mrs. Trocki is the former Edith Sliney of Records, Files, Statistics.

John and Monica McCaf ferty of Santa Mon- ica , California, have welcomed a second son, Anthony Neil, bom on July 12. John fornierly worked in General Reference and Monica in Cataloging and Classification, R. and R.S,


amounceiven t of 1959-1960 scholar- ships" for granjate s udy 'jm liFrar iansThp

BRAVO FOR y-JLLlKii ARTHTO RFILLYl "Word for City Employees"

The Special Libraries Association offers four .'i^ljOOO scholarships for the academic year 1959-1960, to be used for graduate study in librarianship leading to a degree at an accredited library school.


;!?1,000 each.

"It seems to me that if you mentioned , raise in pay for city employees you might just as well promptly leave the town and avoid the reactions you would receive from our nonresident friends and absentee owners of Boston real estate. I maintain it would help our economy if 20,000 employees could receive an extra (.5 each week, as I am certain that little could be saved by employees, with the cost of living rising as it is, I am probably alone in this thinking but I feel certain that the spending of ;.;100,0G0 a week additional vrould help to contribute not only to the economy but

towards the restoration of property that

and apTitude for, special library work and{ is being neglected. But forget it. The

Eligibility - College graduates working in a special library, or with experience in a special library OR recent college graduates or college seniors wishing to enter the special library profession.

Qualifications - Definite interest in.

a sincere intent to contribute to the


High scholastic standing throughout


Financial need.

Provisional admittance to an accredited

library school.

Appl ications - May be obtained from the Executive Secretary, Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10th Street, Kew York 3, New York.

J&ist be received by March 1, 1959 by the Chairman of the Scholarship send Student Loan Rand Committee, Special Libraries Association, 31 East 10th Street, New York 3, New York.

*** A Student Loan Fund is also available to provide financial assistance to individual^ who wish to carry on professional study in librarianship at college or university level .

money must go to pay TfTA and IviDC deficits, while outside towns scoop up State income tax money for new schools and avoid their just share of deficits." City Record, pg. 559 July 5, 1958

Ed. Note; We appreciate very much the sentiments expressed by Boston's able Deputy Mayor and sincerely hope that they will not be forgotten but will receive the attention they deserve.


BOSTON ARTS FESTIVAL On Wednesday, June 18, 1958, Arthur W. Heintzelman, Keeper of Prints gave a Fine Arts Lecture at the Boston Arts Festival, and also gave a talk on the Graphic Arts on radio station WEEI.

"July 4, 1958 "The Question Mark, Boston Public Library. Boston, Massachusetts. To the Committee:

"Thank you for the tribute to my hus- band Lee which appeared in the June issue of your publication.

Sincerely yours, Irene Dunn 45 Stockton Street Dorchester"

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The nomo is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions ore not given consideration. The author of tho article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief, TSno contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box arc personal opinions expressed by in- dividual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that tho Publications Committee and the Association arc in agreement with tho views expressed. Only those contributions containing not mere than 300 words will be accepted.

Dear Soap Box:

The results of the poll of employee donors of tho Boston Public Library as to whether or not the Centennial Gift would be presented in memory of its war dead not only shocked me but also left mo a little saddened and ashamed.

After World War I tho then existing library organizations remombcrcd tho dead of Tforld War I in the plaque in tho Library courtyard. But thirteen years after the end of World War II, thore have been no effective efforts to remember those few of us who made tho supreme sacrifice that we might bo free.

Would wo now have free institutions in- cluding public libraries if those men, and those like then, had not laid down their lives that we might live in freedom?

Apparently some wore opposed to such a memorial because it was to the "veterans" As a veteran I want no rcncnbrancc or recognition from the staff and I on sure tho other veterans feel the sojiie way. But objections t^ this romoribranco of tho war dead of the Library on the basis that they were veterans has little foundation.

For they were part of tho staff first, and we proudly liung out the service flag to show how we wore participating. Then they were citizon soldiers, and as such they were killed. Not as "veterans," because they never had the opportunity to become veterans.

Couldn't wc afford to add these few words to the presentation of our Centennial gift to the Library: "in memory of the Library's war dead?" Would wc have been especially noble, generous or self-sacrificing to have done so?

What they have done will live forever. Wo could offer only the merest token of the honor they deserve. But that I feel vro should have done.

B. Joseph O'Noil

Dear Soap Box:

YJcrc wc trying to be coy when the announcement of the A.L.A. conference grants were nade? Two people from General Reference received grants but the announcement associated only one of those with General Reference.

Has it become neccssrjry to try to hoodwink tho staff or v/erc we Just a little crjrclcss.

Observant Kitizen Ed, Note: Probably an inadvcrtancc. *

To the Editor of the Question Mark:-

Most of us v/ill agree with the state- ment in last month's editorial about tho fair w?.y in which the Soap Box column has been conducted by various Publication Boards since the inception of the paper. It is true that some of us have used it for escape and others for a channel of comnunication, but it vras probably purely coincidental if tl^c Administra- tion was served by the criticisms. Administration baiting is a popular and often necessary sp^^rt, and in speech and in print a good mr.ny of us indulge in it. And most of it is not generally of the constructive variety. The following example of the latter is less than 300 words long, and does not, I hope, offend too grossly against the other prohibi- tions enjoined by the Publications Committee .

Grr.nd are all the stories, They tell of our past.

Super super supers

Are starred in every cast.

First tbcro was a Ticknor, A Vfittcmaro and Batos,

Corresponding hoavios Emote on later dates.

Gradual inertia,

Decay on every hand. Knelled the near extinction

Of giants in the land.

!Ihin were some successors Of our quondam great;

Biinnor, thinner, thinner Uic later second rate.

Current no vers, shakers.

Let's not describe in hasto;

Else QIiI will charge us VJith libel and bad taste.

Harry ijidrcws

* Dear Editor:

Ihc much vaunted new classification has gone through and as usual, a whole group has been left out in the cold, from the looks of things. I would like to think that it is not so and when the NP2 information is released all those who took cxcdnations and c )urses would be placed in that classification. However, past experience with library procedure will not lot me believe it, since it is well known that v*ionover changes are made, it is usually to the disadvantage of a / minber of people. For years now, we have been urged constantly to take courses and exams for our financial betterment, yes, but also to qualify us for better posi- tions. Now it would appear that time was vjasted which was put into these examina- tions and that the library will take no cognizance of the fact that a fairly lp.rge group of people, having token courses in the Library's own training system, should be presumed to be qualified for NP2 positions, since they have knowledge of subjects and types of work that those who have not had this training would not have Many of these people are already working at one or more of these subjects. Should they not automatically become NP2??? ■yiihat is an KP2?? Is it to be some rare and little-mentioned creature which we read about only in literature put out by Per sonnel ???????

If this apparent injustice is indeed only apparent, I apologize for tiiis diatribe. But my optimism does not ex- tend as far as hoping tnat this is so.

- 5-

1'ilhen improvements are made in the posi- tions of some library personnel, it always appears to be to the detriment of some others. Let us hope that this is not so this time I

In any event, the furor caused by this seeming injustice could have been avoided by malcing public v:hat if anything is to be expected by those who put in time and effort taking courses and exams. Instead of a series of notices apparently written by a Philadelphia lawyer, let's have some facts, ma 'ami

Low man on the totem pole

Door Editor:

Isn't it ironic that the Director, of all the professional staff, is the only one who is not getting an anniversary increase? It does not seem just that the Director who worked longer and harder than anyone on the staff in establishing the "grid" as a desirable goal and making it possible for the staff to get some long overdue increases, should not be included among those to ■viiiom an increase is coming.

Fair Play

Dear Soap Box:

L note of thanlcs to the Director and the "Drustees for obtaining anniversary increases for the staff. Gracias, scnores Old Timer



Frank R. Susi, part time assistant at the Orient Heights Branch and younger brother of Rita Pennacchio, v/ho formerly v/orked at East Boston, was graduated from Boston College on Taesday, June tenth. He was awarded a Bachelor of Science Degree, Magna Cum Laude, from the College of Arts and Sciences. Frank was on the dean's list during his four years at college, maintaining an average of over ninety percent. He will enter Harvard School of Dental Medicine in the fall.

MOTHER lOO^ER (membership in BPISA)






THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XIII MuEJber 8 Ay-ustJ^iS.

•ublications Conrdttee: Charles J, Gillis, Esther Josephine Leonard,

Macy Joseph Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy, Elizabeth J, Obear, B. Joseph O'Neil, Gerald L, Ball, Ghaiman

Publication Date: Deadline for subnittinc material:

'he fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


In the July 6, 1958 Boston Sunday Globe in an article, "A Plan for Boston or Else" y Norton Long, visiting professor of political science at Harvard University, there ippeared this assertion, "The government of Boston has become the highest cost in .he country,"

In the Boston Sunday Globe of August 17, 1958 Mayor Hynes was quoted as citing .hree possibilities vdiich could lower the Boston tax rate:

1. A metropolitan form of government recommended by the Boston College Seminars ,

2. An additional source of income such as a sales tax.

3. A drastic '!;20 million reduction in city expenditures with the possible elimination of one or two city departments such as the Library and the Hospital,

That this possibility was cited shocked many of us even though His Honor was jnmediately quoted as asking, "But how can we discontinue vital services and reduce ,he budget by such a vast amount? So far we have not been able to top off ^2 million, .et alone $20 million."

Professor Long in his article stated that Boston's services are "insuffiently )rof essional" and as a prerequisite to any program of metropolitan cooperation, 'Boston's mxinicipal house must be put in order by exercising the most searching jconomy in the reduction of service costs and by restoring morale to its employees through professionalization of its municipal services."

These statements emphasize the importance of an adequate and truly professional j-brary staff. The continuing effort in the Library to establish professional 5tandards, and to attract and retain professionally qualified personnel is essential lot only for a more efficient institution but because our continued existence as a ity department may depend on our success in attaining a truly professional service.

This professionalization of service is not defined by any narrow sense. It should iot include only that portion of the mployees classified specifically as "profession als. Jut it should embrace all levels and varieties of library services. The "profession- ilzation" shotild be based on a sound system of employee selection, training and classification together with respectable salary scales and promotional opportunities,

(continued on page two) ' ^


nd this must be achieved at the same time that rigid economies are being affected.

That these goals are of paramoiint importance is quite evident, but to achieve them LS going to require patience, sympathetic cooperation and leadership for the staff md administration. We have nade very substantial progress towards this "profession- ilization," The continued interested efforts of the staff can bring this to a high legree of perfection. It is to our interest as staff members and as citizens of the ommunity to bring about this high degree of professionalization. The Executive 3oard, Personnel Committee and Administration cannot succeed without active support 'rora the staff. Let us all help I


VICE-PRESIDENT'S NOTES The mid-summer doldrums seem to have .ffected all of us to some degree, and it las been almost impossible to get a quorum f the Executive Board during the vacation eason. However, beneath the seemingly )lacid surface is a seething caldron of nactivity. Seriously, we have been nformed by the Administration that the ituation regarding the "ex" now "pre"- irofessionals is receiving very thorough •econsideration and a decision can be ixpected soon.

by both the Executive Board and the Personnel Committee.

Louis Rains

Ed. Note: We are happy to announce that the situation referred to in tlie first paragraph has been happily resolved. The "pro's" arc no longer "ox's, in fact their former true status has been re- stored, Ihcy are now receiving the pay scale as per grid, retroactive to July 2, 1958,

We arc appreciative of the administra- tions prompt attention to this difficulty.


In answer to many of the criticisms we lear from some employees in the non- irofessional group, it might be well to ■eview the position of the Staff Associatin 4 n the course of the many meetings of the |ncw Staff Members .dministration and the combined Executive I ~

ioard and Personnel Committee it was j Kathleen T. Briano, Cataloging and irgued by the representatives of the jciassif ication Department, Division of .ssociation that the then sub-professionals iRofcrcnco and Research Services, (former- e given non-professional ratings in direct iiy part-time in the same department) .

)roportion to the number of examinations lassed by each individual. It was also he recommendation of the Association that ill qualified members of the former sub- xrofessional staff be considered for ippointment to any and all of the more lighly rated positions. This remains the position of the Staff Association. Until /he Administration announces its decision ihere appears to be no opportunity for urther constructive action by the icecutive Board. However, the non- professionals may be assured that their problems receive all possible consideration

Annette Cutler, Book Stack Service,

Joanne M, Jordan, Central Charging Records.

Margaret M, Larkin, Book Stack Service.

Elaine M, Nil and. Cataloging and Classification Department, Division of Reference and Research Seirviccs,

Judith G, Silver, Book Stack Scirvico,

Patricia A. Chinotti, Central Charging Records, formerly part-time at Dorchester Branch .

Phyllis M. Fcrrant, Codmnn Square Brojich, formerly part-time at Dorchester Branch,



Ihomr.s F. Gaines, Fino Arts Dcprjrtmcnt, 'formerly part-time in the same dcpartmcntt 'glsi^j K. Brainard, Hyde Park Branch.



Roslyn F. Matoles, fi-om Charlcstovm to North End.


Mrs Merji M. Anderson, Hydo Park Branch, to remain at homo.

ySrs Gilda T. Barrett, North End, to remain at home.

I&-8 Edith P. Cohen, Jamaica Plain, Dooving to Springfield.

Miriam Mendolson, Central Charging Records, to be married.

C. Allan Vidon, Periodical & Newspaper Department, to accept another position.

Hrs Joan C. Richard, Mt. Bowdoin, to remain at home.

Lawrence T. Dohorty, Central Charging Records .

Caperton Rosonbergcr, South Boston.

Ifrs AnnaH. Parzialo, Cataloging & Classificati n Dcprj-tment, Division of Reference and Research Services, to re- main at homo.

Ihomas 17. Killilea, Book Stack Service, to accept another position.

Pearl I. Brovm, Book Purchasing, to accept a teaching position.


'■' Edith P. Gordon, Jamaica Plain.

Jeancttc L. Dollano, Book Stack Service to John R. Stow, July 19, 1958.


George E. Eorley, who left General Reference in April 1956 to become Assist- ant Director of the Froeport Memorial Library, Freoport, Long Island, on August first of this year assumed his now duties as Head Librarian of the Hastings Public Library in Hastings, Michigeji, This makes the third man from General Reforenc to switch from the B.P.L. to Michigan libraries Francis Scannell and Charles Higgins having gone before.

, John Aldcn is the author of an article f'Doception Compounded: Further Problems in Seventeenth Century Irish Printing" pub- lished in the latest volume of Studies ''.n Bibliography, issued by the IMiversity T Virginia Bibliographical Society.


B. Joseph 0«Noil, D.S.D.R.R.S. , C.P.N.R.* md Second Floor Ifenager of Central Lib- rary, is now Commander O'Neil.U.S.N.R. ]Ie wears the "scrrjobled eggs" very well.

It is regretted that his course on Small Boat Handling on the turbulent mtcrs of Lake Bacchante in the courtyard ics been postponed pending clearance by bhe Law Department.

Ihe Library is to be congratulated on mving such good managers as I/ir. O'Neil on the second floor and Clpj:ence 'Boutonniere" Fuller on the first floor, 3ut it should appoint a successor to the rcry efficient, attractive and capable third floor manager Miss Julie Zaugg ia*io Ls now retired. i

! *Deputy Supervisor, Division of Reference pind Research Services and Chief Newspaper fr Periodical Room. ]


1 Summer always brings to the Toaohers' (Department a new crop of summer-school students. Ihis year they presented us With the following unusual requests: please have you an aspirin A band-aid for a finger which is blistered

fom vTiting Coke machine A place to eat lunch A place to lie down and rest Please may I turn the table lights off- flhere is too much light here A boy 8 years old asked for a Greek gram- mar. This year he will learn to vrt-ite Greek, next year to read it. ©An encyclopedia for Kindergarten children-

rt one just pictures veterinaiy school in South America Tvhich might be a market for tranquillizer pills for animals going to market (ihe number of Ph.D.'s living


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of the Branch Library, Deportment or Office in which he or she is employed* The namo is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if tho contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not givon consideration. The author of tho article is known only tc tho Editor-in Chief. !lhe contents of tho articles appearing in tho Soap Box ore personal opinions cx- prcsscd by individual Association members and their appcorcancc does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Coimittcc and tho Association are in agrecnont with the views expressed. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words will bo accepted.

lb tho Editor of the Soap Box:

Vfhat ever happened to tho Reconnais- sance Survey that was ballyhoocd so much earlier in tho year? The staff were supposedly told all about it at a series of staff meetings with the Director. We wore led to believe that this survey wras tho most important ovcnt since the founding of the institution. And what happens? Utter silence I

It is rumored that far reaching recom- mendations wore made by the survey toan. If thoro were, then the staff has a right *to know. If wo wore told, perhaps we would be in total agrocmont; who knows? As it is, oach draws his or her own conclusions.

Only tho upper ochelon wore inter- viewed; the rest of the staff would like to know the score. We will not have the vicuna pulled over our eyes. Let's have the facts i


Dear Editor:

I have worked for the Boston Public Library nine years, all told, seven of these years as a sub-pro fossional assist- ant, I have worked in number of branches, and I boliovc I can say in all honesty that I have absorbed as much about "books and library procedure as anyone else, professional or non-professional, in a comparable length of time, lb ny know- ledge the Branch Librarians under ■vrfion I have worked have been fully satisfied with ry work.

Having passed eight examinations and the entrance cxrjninatlin, I now earn a grand total of |62,45 per week, before Uncle Sam and the Retirement Board take their shoro. It wr.s therefore somewhat of a shock for ne to discover that under the new re-classification system, the wheat having been separated from tho chaff caid all the chaff lumped together, I am over- paid ^1.02 per week. Perhaps the Admini— strati^^n would like to make arrangements to have the m^ney returned. I could work an extra h'"^ur a week, or even have ano1±icr payroll deduction. However, I do not believe that I am overpaid, cjid I resent very much bcing~Told so.

I am not a griper by nature, but I firmly believe that this reclassification should mt have boon put into effect until injustices of this sort vrcre ironed out. I prefer to think that this was not a deliberate insult, but a blunder on the part of the Administration. If so, I think that the In-Service Training Program this fall should include a course on tactful dealing with personnel.

Strange as it nr.y seem, there is such a thing as non- professional pride, aaid mine and that of others like me has been badly hurt. The next move is up to tho Library.

Cattierinc 14 Harmon

Euclid J. Peltier, Chief of the Boston Public Library's Audio -Visual Department, vrill offer a course on " 3he Film: A Modern Art" at the Boston YTJCk this fall,

Ihe course will consist of the ivorks and the techniques of some of the famous documentary film artists; discussion of


itJie GxporinontrJ film, the art filn and tho travel film; and infomation abnut ■Qio newest techniques in f ilm-naking .

Wr* Peltier ivlll illustrate each of his lectures with notion-picture films, Tivhich will include some -^f the w-^rk of Robert Flaherty, Amc Suckosdorff, Norition McLaren and others.

The class will meet on Thursdays from 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. for a period of ton wooks beginning Octobor 2.



Kirstoin Business Branch

On July 17, the staff of the Kirstcin Business Branch wore guests of Rita Dosaulnicrs at her summer cottage at lumarock. /dso invited vrere Ilr. and VSrs, Robert Lovott. Ws* Lovett ivas the for- aer Branch Librarian at Kirstcin. Tho 5Uost of honor vra-s Ifrs. Sena Jclalion viho vr^s leaving on a maternity leave of ab- sence starting August 1, 1958. Mrs. Jclalian was presented with a silver cup for the prospective heir '^r heiress.

IJrs. Rose Cimmaruta and her spcuso wore ilso present. Rose who is currently back xt work was on maternity leave. It v/as a iolightful evening and Miss Dcsaulniors with tho help of her kind father was a Dorfect hostess.


Mrs. Rose Cimmaruta recently returned be the Kirstcin Business Branch after a six months maternity leave of absence. Rose become the mother of a baby boy Joseph on April 2, 1958.


It's a baby boy for Mrs. Margaret T. Dameron of Memorial, born at eighteen Jiinutes past midnight on July 22. This is i±io first issue resulting from a "library romance" between Paul Cameron, teacher at Memorial High School, and the then Peggy Brass il of Memorial. The baby's name? Paul, Jr., of course, ifether and son are doing fine, but papa aas not quite recovered as yet.

On July 19, Jeanette L. Dellan^. of Book Stack Service become the bride of John Stow at a Nuptial Mass celebrated at St. Patrick's Church in Cambridge. Bie bride looked very lovely in a white organza embroidered gown carrying a white orchid with orange blossoms and prayer book. She was attended by her sister in yellow and three bridesmaids in green organza. A reception wr.s held at Cabot Farms in Somerville where a delicious dinner was served and i#iere an exquisite wedding cake was out for over a hundred relatives of the bride and groom. Her honeymoon was spent on an automobile trip to Canada v/horo she visited Niagara Falls.


September 22


October 17 lb pic


State Library

7:30 P.M.

Dr. Dennis Docley

Puroell's 6:00 P.M.

Now Ocean House "C "''operation among L ibr 00* ies Publ ic , Special, University"

Laurence Kipp (Harvard Business School) will represent the College Librr-rics; Ifcgnus K. Kristofforsen (Hartford) the Public Libraries; Samuel Sass (General Electric) the Special Libraries. Ralph T. Esterquest (Harvard Medical School) is to be the Moderator.


Sat., September 27-F/XL MTETBTG at 2:00PM Assumption College Library Worcester, Massachusetts Rev. /anie Deschamps, A.A., is the host-librarian ■Qreuisportation: Bus will leave Copley Square, BPL, at 10:00 A.M. Fare: .-2.00 per person, round trip. Please notify Harry Fletcher, Catalog Department, BPL, (KE6-5400, Ext. 291) before liesday, September 23. ■fopic: "Book Purchasing"





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XIII Number 9 September 1958

Publications Committee: Charles J. Gillis, Esther Josephine Leonard,

Macy Joseph Ilareolis, Pauline E, liirphy, Elizabeth J. Obear, B. Joseph O'Neil, Gerald L. Ball, Chairman

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting; material:

The fifteenth of each month Ihe tenth of each month


\'Je were all saddened by the announcement that His E::cGllency, /jrchbishop Richard James Gushing, would be serving no longer on the Board of TKistees of the Boston Public Library. That he could find the time to be active as a 'Qr'astee of the Library for so many years was truly amc^ing in view of his tremendous responsibilities as spiritual head of the Archdiocese of Boston, That he \ms willing to give of himself to help direct the affairs of the Library was a testimonial to the worth and value of the Boston Public Library.

He will be sorely missed. His Honor, I layer Hynes, will have a difficult time trying to select a man to talce the Archbishop's seat at the TKistee's table. But no one will miss him more than the staff. His genuine concern for librarians and his keen appreciation of their importance to the community gave us the feeling that he had a sympathetic understanding of our problems.

The Library and the staff profited from his tenure on ihe Board, 'Te are grateful that he did serve so long. He came to us on November 7tl-i, 1952, succeeding Monsignor Robert H. Lord, who had served on the Board since 1936, and who resigned because of the pressure of church work.

We regret that His Excellency could not continue longer as "Drustee of the Library, IVe are sure that he will always be a good friend of the Boston Public Library, and we could never want a better one.



September 27. Catholic Library Association, fall meeting. Assumption College Library, V'forcester

October 15-18. New England Library Association, New Ocean House, Swampscott



New Employees

NftomTT"." B er nbaum , Egleston Square }^s» Juanita Blakely, I.t. Bowdoin William C Conway, Central Charging

Records Mrs. Marion C. Dugan, East Boston Joseph L. Finkel, Jamaica Plain Josephine F. Pbster, Kirstein ^^rs. Charlotte Hartwig, Washington

Village Janice C. Incrovato, Cataloging & Classi- fication, Div. of Reference & Research John C. Lambert, Kirstein Margaret E. Lyons, Alls ton Mrs. Lenore C. I^Jarvit, Parker Hill Edward M. Nee, Book Stack Service Uagnhild Norstog, Uphams Corner Marilyn A. Podgurski, Mattaptm I/irs. Carole W. Rocenshein, East Boston Martin Segal, Ijusio

Robert L. Sennott, Book Stack Service Louise J. Ulrich, Cenlaral Book Stock- Sohool Issue Sect ion, ( formerly part- time in same department) Akiko Yamagawa, Cataloging & Classifica- tion, Division of Reference & Research



Ydlliam T. Casey, from Cenla-al Book Stock

Branch Issue Section, to Charlestown Irene M. Mains, from Mattapan to South

Boston Harry Andrews, from Allston to Central

Book Stock-Branch Issue Section Rose E. Stinson, from I'Yashington Village

to Boslindale Veronica T. Yotts, from Office, Division

of Home Reading & Comminity Services

to South Boston Helen A. Brennan, from Itount Pleasant

to Dorchester


Mary T. Crosby, Bookmobiles, to Robert Jackson, September 6, 1958


Paul E. Cawein, ?Iyde Park, to teach in

Canada Mrs. Marian Leibsohn, Hospital Library

Service, moving to Aritona Mrs. Suzanne N. tfosher, Roslindale, to

remain at home lirs. Aline B. O'Neill, Nor-Ui End, to

rer»in at home Frank Benoit, Audio Visual, to attend

Northeastern University

Victoria Bradford, I'attapan, to attend

the University of Michigan Library

Schoo 1 lirs, Catherine N. Lewis, Central Book

Stock-School Issue Section, to remain

at home Irene J. liYadsworth, Ivlattapan, to accept

the position of Supervising Children's

Libirarian at the Thomas Crane Public

Library, Quinoy Shirley-Jo Chilcoat, General Reference,

to accept a teaching position Frederick E. Danker, Rare Book, to accept

another position Douglass M. Green, J/lusic, to accept a

teaching position Robert B. Graham, Central Charging

Records, to accept another position T'fergaret H. Kelleher, Central Charging

Records, to be married Peter G. 'teamalas. Central Charging

Records, to further his education in

New York Allen Sevigny, Parker Hill, to attend

Simmons Library School Ann S. Taber, Dorchester, to attend the

University of Michigan Library School


Book Purchasing Department had a charming visitor this month, Nancy L. Bradfield, the new Acquisitions Chief of the Government of the District of Columbia Public Library.


!'&•. Hafeezur Rahman, Director United States Information Center Quetta, West ^^akistan

Mr. Bushara

United States information Agency Press

Service Sudan

J5r. Rodolfo Ruz Menendez

Head of the Depart:. uwrt of Libraries and

Professor of Literature National University of the Southeast of

Mexico Merida, Yucatan, Itexioo




At the 49th Arunial Tbachers' Institute of the Depar-bnent of Education of the Archdiocese of Boston, held at Mechanics Building, August 26-29, 4,000 lay and religious teachers from 340 elementary and secondary schools in the Archdiocese gathered to discuss subjects ranging from the place of science in education to a program for the Christian development of teen-agers. The New England Unit of the Catholic Library Association, under the chairmanship of Miss Anna Manning, Chief of Tsachers' Department, played an active] go ok Selection role in the Institute.

On !Hie6day, August £6, Miss Manning led a panel discussion on the subject, "How Much Does the Kacher Need to Know About liThat Johnny Reads?" The panel members included Sister M. Hacrina, C.S.J. , librarian at Regis College; Sister Regis Marie, C.J.C, sixth grade teacher at St. Peter's School, South Boston; Sister Mary Alice, S.IT.D., English teacher at St. Mary's High School, Cambridge, and curriculum consultant in English for the Archdiooesan Department of Education; ajid Miss Martha C. Engler, children's librarian. South Boston Brsinch Library. Ihe panelists stressed the value of a knowledge of o>iildren»s literature to every teacher and advocated the inclu- si(!sn of courses in children's literature in teacher training programs. Miss Engler discussed the services which children's librarians in public libraries offer to schools and to teachers and urged every teacher to take full advan- tage of these services and of the re- sources of the public library.

On display at the C.L.A. booth in the exhibit area was a collection of books recommended for elementary school read- ing. !ihe books were chosen by Miss Engler and made available to the New England Unit of C.L.A. through the courtesy of the Hew England News Co. Booklists and other C.L.A. materials were distributed. Children's librarians, both lay and religious, were in atten- dance at the booth each day to answer the questions of a steady stream of visitors.

Boston Public Library personnel is taking an active part in a Series of Lectures on the Basic Principles of

Library Scienc'e~ sponsored by the Catho lie Library Association. These vrill be held in the B-aining Classroom in the Central Library Building on successive Saturdays starting September 27, 1958. The program includes the following:

Introduction to the Library-Sep. 27, 1958 Mary Alice Rea

October 4 Alice Marie Buckley(ex BPL)

Book Purchasing Gerald L. Ball

Book Preparation Mary il. IIcDonough


Mildred O'Connor

Classification Mildred O'Connor

Re f er enc e , General Ruth II. Hayes

Reference, Education Anna L. Planning

October 11

October 18

October 25

November 8

November 15

November 22

Children's Literature, History -

Dorothy Becker November 29

Children's Literature, Current books- Martha Engler

Storytelling Martha Engler

Storytelling Martha Engler


B. Joseph O'Neil


December 6

December 13

December 20

December 27

January 3,1959



It is with pleasure that we note that the matter of those professionals in professional departments v/ho had been reclassified as pre-professional under the nevi scheme of things has been sat- isfactorily adjusted and their former status regained, V/e must report, how- ever, that we have as yet no further word on -Wie overall situation within the non-professional ranks although it shotild be fortJicoming before too long* At ihe moment, there is little the Association can do in the matter of individual cases until we have a clear picture of everyone's place within the scheme of things. T,1ien this is before us we will be better able to judge any grievances on their merits and attempt to make presentations for an equitable solution.

We have read vidth great interest General Administrative Notices 58 thirough 65, especially those portions which establish committees of the Board of llrustees, each charged with Hie affairs of a different division, and providing for membership of the divi- sion heads on the committees for their respective divisions. This it seems should assist the flow of communications all along the line. We, as individual staff members are in free communication with our department heads who in their turn lay their problems before tiie di- vision head. Now our division heads will be offering direct assistance to the "Drustees on matters of direct con- cern to us all, and -Uiese Bnastees in their turn will gain a inore intimate knowledge of the workings of various segments of the library body, Ihis is a development which should help the Library as a whole, as well as we individuals viho will have a better chance of feeling ourselves a useful part in the TflAiole, each giving his own contribution.

We hate to groan about staff short- ages and being busy, -our chronic com- plaints these days. However, we are all busy, all shorthanded. It becomes in- creasingly difficult for the Publica- tions Committee to find time and persons for the mechanics of typing and stencil cutting that are invDlved in issuing the Question Mark, not to mention the time consuming task of calling people and urging them to send in notes of Ifieir

activities either professional or social, or to write up events of staff wide interest. Don't just say "Why doesn't someone write up such- and-such for the Question liark?" If it is an event concerning your group-write it up yourself or persuade your best friend. It is the only way in which the editors can be sure of getting full coverage, and in which you as readers can be sure of presenting events in which you are interested, l/Ye thank you. Sincerely, Sarah W, Flannery


At 11:30 on Friday, September 12 in the Reference Division Office a r)resen- tation was made to Paul Moynihan of the General Reference Department in recogni- tion of and appreciation for his years of courteous and friendly service. Bradford Hill, Supervisor of Reference and Research Services, represented the staff in a short address and presented Paul witl-i a wallet, a recording of Beethoven's "Ilissa Solemnis" and a sun of money. Ihe latter accepted with an unusual and gracious expression of thanks to the staff. He was later the guest of honor of the General Reference Department at Jimn^'s Harborside Restau- rant, Paul resigned after 10 years of service to accept the position of Assistant Librarian for Reference at Boston College Library, Chestnut Hill.


On September 10 the many friends of Elizabeth Grace Barry gathered together in the Staff Room of the Library to honor her and to present her with tokens of their approbation.

Wr, Hensley, in his presentation ad- dress, told of her experiences in the library and the esteem in which she is held. Miss Barry was presented with gifts, which included scarf, gloves, and handbag, well filled v/ith bills.

llr. Carroll, who worked in the Statis- tical Department under the direction of Miss Barry in his early days in the Library, also paid tribute to her.



"Miss Usher has told me that you are looking for news, and has sut;£ested that I send my old friends and associates a short report of my new activities.

"I never expected to be vrorking in a hospital, but after a few months of volunteer work at the li-eadwell Library in the Massachusetts General Hospital I decided that maybe I would like to be working in such an institution*

"I have been working a four day week at the Lawrence Memorial Hospital in Medford, since last April. Ihe library in the School of Nursing had been established, but required professional work to put the books in proper catalog and shelf list form, according to the specifications of the National League of Nurses. Bien ther^ was a vacancy in the teaching of fresh- man students. Sociology and Psychology, and so I was persuaded on the strength of my previous studies and the use of the outline and syllabus, I am teaching two hours a week. I am a Medford ite, ajid enjoying the double job, at least at the end of the first week of teaching. I am also plaxining to study the two same sub- jects at Boston University as a means of improving my teaching. So I believe that the retiree can help the hospitals, small or large, by assisting Idae students in their educational training."

I'ferion C. Kingman


We are pleased to hear the Margaret M. Morrissey of the Book Purchasing De- partment is coming along fairly well after her unfortunate automobile accident last month. She is still confined to hor homo, 43 Gorry Road, Chestnut Hill 67. Wo hope she will have a rapid rocovory so that she will be back with us soon.


'Test End

On V'ednesday, September 10, Jliss Nura Globvis, former Adults' Librarian at l:est End, v/as given a transfer party with all the staff participating. The get-together was held at Joe Tfecce's Italian Plate on Salem Street. Ihe genial host Vr. Tecce, one of the better food purveyors in the North End, did &n artist's job in preparing one of the most elaborate antipastos-for-nine in the history of food consumption. This noble gesture was well appreciated by the trenchermen present - second to none in Boston - so much so that as far as this writer could see, only one little lonely anchovy was overlooked by anyone-- only because it had fallen under a plate.

!!he main courses were as good as the pleasant conversation iiiat went round the dinner table. Fojrmal speechmaking was kept to a minimum, except for a few words of thanks from Miss Globus for a gift of a calf handbag umre in the line of a small steamer trunk. On looking at the bag it would seem that ITiss G. were transferring to the Honolulu or Tokyo Public Library, but she's only going to Mattapan Branch. "Bon voyage. Miss Globus, and good luck from all of us."

T;est End

Miss Globus has been transferred to Ifettapan.

I first met Miss Nura Globus vihen I was a youngster in the eighth grade, coming into '''est End Branch for ny first adult books; she was competent, effici- ent, and a good disciplinarian. Her love of and feeling for books super- ceded all else, however. As far as I was concerned, she gave me the feeling that a library was a place of joy and study, lb her it was a library in the old-fashioned, European tradition - not formidable, but still a place to be approached with reverence.

When I went to work at West End, she was the one who checked on vrtiat I had learned from my instructors - and woe be it to me if I had not learned my lesson well, and the seime for my in- structor if he or she had not taught me well.

People like Miss Globus make up the backbone of the library system. Iteittapan is getting a jewel,

Frank Lavine


West T^nd

A well -planned, meaiunoth surprise shower was a secret to none at West End except the very surprised and happy bride-to-be. Miss Catherine Harmon, Plans had been in the works for weeks, wi"*"h many whispered consultations similar to a large-scale army maneuver, and the intrigue resulted in an evening of gift-giving and reminiscing by almost all of Miss Harmon's present and former associates. The blushing groom, who was in on the secret, took it like a trooper eind remained calm, cool and poised all through \he feminine chit- chat, coming out only to take photo- graphs .

Our thanks go to Miss Diane Farrell and her mother, Mrs. Helen Farrell, who instigated and planned this lavish affair. Last but by no means least, a big vote of thanks to Mr. Joseph Farrell who groom- sat with Phil Richmond Miss Harmon's fiance.


Friends and co-workers of Ifrs. Ann Hamer Smith will be interested to learn that she and her husband and little son, Stephen, are now located at the American Baptist Mission in Hongkong. Bie Rev. Hugh Smith and Ifrs. Smith had been assigned to this mission late in 1957 emd arrived there last February, llrs. Smith was formerly a children's assist- ant at Dorchester Branch and at Neponset Branch.

Bie following excerpt from one of her letters speaks for itself:

"Ihere are so many adjustments to make to living in a foreign country. We've discovered that the Chinese are wonderful people and it's a real ad- venture getting to know and understand them. Ihe condition of the refugees is indescribable. We can neither close our eyes to it nor let it break our hearts, but try to work out a middle course and do everything we can to help. We have a lovely apartment in a new building close to all our churches. Our teachers come daily (four hours a day Eind no cutting classesl) No heat relief, either the hot season started in April and hasn't let up since. But we do hope for a cold winter. I have been homesick and for that reason would welcome any letters from you all, so do write."

I'Irs, Smith's address is 10GB Boundary Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

West End

Ihough it hasn't been too successful at the start. West End has almost per- fected a system for pushing;; the new five-dollar non-resident fees. The only reason that our new method hasn't been more successful is that those who make inquiries about these new fees just tarn on their heels and nan out whenever v.e mention five dollars in one lump sum.

Our foolproof system may entail the use of a few more staff members; but, as soon as an inquiry is made about a non- resident fee, a special buzzer is rung at the desk while the patron is told that the doors have been broken and can't be opened for fifteen minutes. !Ihereupon two of the most loquacious staff members play the poor patron like a game of tennis or ping-pong. As soon as one of the staff gets a little tired of selling, the other immediately takes over. The benefits of a cheap classical education are pointed out, the price being only a little over a penny a day for the kiowledge of the world, etc., etc., etc.

All the arguments, however, must be •Uiought of beforehand and thoroughly rehearsed by the staff or teeun, if you will. The result is that before the start of a workday, the staff have to be worked up to a fever pitch by means of songs, dances, and, of course, snappy patter, lb those who sell the most fees, prizes should be offered; say for instance, a free trip to Central for the first vrimner and a tour through the stacks for the runner-up.

In short then, we firmly believe this campaign with all its infinite possibili- ties to be foolproof. It remains for us to get our first customer before we fully realize the outcome. In any case, we will let you know the results.


We welcome back from a maternity leave Firs. Mary Ellis Lobert(Ref. Cat.&Class.) Her daughter, ll&ry Cecelia Lebert, born June 23, is doing so well that plans are being made to have her in the next Bunker Hill parade.





Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests Anonymous contributions arc not given consideration. Iho author of tho article is known only to the Editor-in- Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in tho Soap Box ore personal opinions cxprossod by individual Asso- ciation members and their appearance docs not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Associa- tion arc in agreement with tho views cxprossod. Only those contributions containing not more than 300 words will bo accoptod.

To the Editor of tho Soap Box:

It took literally years to achieve uniformity of hours for aill open depart- ments of tho Library. Now the Rare Book Department has boon sot aside as an oxcoption. If wo don't have enough employoos to staff tho open departments for complete coverage, thon lot's cur- tail the hours of scrvico, but ploaso make it uniform.

Scholars come from a distance to uso the rosoorch nmtorials in the Boston aroa. In tho past, these scholars used

tho facilities of tho Massachusetts Historical Society and other organiza- tions that arc open only during tho day, and reserved the Boston Public Library for use in the evening. Now these scholars have to stay for a longer period in order to use the Raro Book Dopartncnt during the day; but most scholars arc too polite to complain in writing.

It has boon argued that other libra- ries having rare book collections arc not open at night. But the argument is fallacious for the Boston Public Library is not a private or collegiate institu- tion; wc servo ALL the public including scholars. Let's have unifornity of hours come October 1st. UNIFORM IK"

Dear Soap Box:

I agree v/ith the sentiments oxprosscd by "Fair Play" in July's Soap Box. I feel strongly that tho Director shi}uld have been included among those receiving anniversary increases as of July 1, 1958. He should have received at least as much percentagewise as the average received by the professional staff.

Sauce for the Go-sc

Dear Edit-ir:

It is a fairly woll ostr.blishcd principle in administration that in inaugurating a now system the present incumbents are protected by a "grand- father's clause." If there arc to bo any provisions wh^ch micht cause any loss in renuncraTnrDn, prestige or other benefits, those currently employed should be protected against this loss; and these provisions would apply only to tho so employed in this capacity aftor the effective date if the new system.

Those in the Professional Library Service who wore subsequently assigned to the Prc-Profcssional Library Service, str^.nd to 1 isc something. Very definitely thoir years of service vrill be as Pre- Profcssionals rather than as Profession- als. !]his might be a very significant factor in seeking futuro employment. It might be a factor in determining tenure of cnployncnt, vacation, salary, etc.

In case of doubt shouldn't wo give the staff members the benefit of the doubt? Semi -Pro


T~> the Editor of the Sor.p Box:

Nov: that the initial shock 'f tho General Adninistrativc Notices ITos. 58 thru 64 has subsided and vra arc sblo to rovicaT tho matter calmly, wc submit ■tJic following comments:

1. !Ihc B.P.L. Hierarchy is already top heavy, so v;hy add to the super- structuro? '''ill it ^ct licavy enough to fall and bury its creators?

2. Ihc net result will be an ovcr- ■workcd and harassed staff; discourage- ment and illness will follov/ as sure as night follows day, Wc can oxpoct to see signs reading "Dcpt. A closed for the day", "Dcpt. B closed for the week", etc.

3. As a morale builder, the no\r creations and inventions arc a total flop* Is this a recession or a regression?

4. !lhoso notices should be bound and a copy given to each member of tho City Council J the title should road: "How to Lose Friends and Discourage Employees."


!Ib the Editor of the Soap Box:

"Die published results of tho Recon- naissance Survey have left us stunned and dismayed. Ti'ith so much talk abmt reducing the budget and tho personnel, it would seem the height of folly to incrcaso positions at tho top whilo cutting off tho so at the bottom.

Y.Tao is going to do the work? Pro- fessionals are already coE^laining because thoy have to do most ->f tho non- professional routine jobs, such as shelving books in subject dcpartmcntse

Iho Extra Service quota was cut as of July 1st and a further cut is antici- pated, Hov/ docs the Administration expect the Library to function at all, lot alone efficiently?

Every move made in recent years has seemed to underline the attitude "the public bo drjnned." IThat will tho Ciiy Fathers think of all of this? ¥/hcro oh where are our IIcDonougjh's? Will no one raise a voice or a hand to str.y the execution? If no one Td.ll come to our

rescue perhaps the public will. Vie will not bo led to the slaughter I


( Editorial Koto:

From all accounts there should bo many more letters fortiicoming, 17o earnestly request that the written reaction be Eiorc temperate than iiic verbal explosions that have been heard.)


On September 30, 1958 the Chief of the Statistical Department, Elizabeth Grace Barry, retired from Library Service. Miss Barry's service in the library was a long and very happy one. She started to vrork in the library in 1913 as a member of the staff of the Catalog Room, whore she vrcis in charge of card work and became a Cat- alogcr. Til lie in that deprxtmcnt she studied lav/ at Portia Lav/ School, re- ceived her la.w degree and passed tho Massachusetts Bar Examination. She re- signed in 1924 and for the next seven years was associated with one of the larger law firms in the City of Boston. However, the call of library work was too much for Miss Barry to resist and in 1931 she returned to work in the Statistical Department, She served as assistant in charge and in 1940 was appointed chief of that department. Hiss Barry's keen tnd logical mind made her an ideal choice to fill the vrork required in that extremely practicable department. Her duties brought her into contact with many busi- ness concerns and her efforts in their behalf were widely laiown throughout Boston.

liiss Barry v/as very proud of the ser- vices rendered to Ifr. Doferrari, which pleased hin to the extent that he later saw fit to leave a very substantial sum of money to the Library.

Under Miss Barry's direction the Statis- tical Department has grown and developed and has become an important element in all social science activities in the commun- ity. In fact the large growth of the de- partment is truly a memorial to her.

We are pleased that Hiss Barry will hare time now to pursue her favorite studies, the history of Boston for one, and we all wish her long years of health and happiness.





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume nil Number 10 October 1958

Publications Committee: Charles J. Gill is, Esther Josephine Leonard,

Macy Joseph Margolis, Pauline E. Murphy, Elizabeth J. Obear, B. Joseph O'Neil, Gerald L. Ball, Chairman

Publication Date: The fifteenth of each month Deadline for submitting material;

The tenlii of each monlii


Recently there has occurred the resignation of several much-beloved members of the staff. We are very pleased to see our old associates entering their "new life" and extend to them our best wishes for their health and happiness.

However, their departure leaves a void both in their lives and to a great degree in our lives. Ihey have broken the ties with those with whom they have spent more hours each week than with the members of their own families. We who remain miss the little familiar ways and meaningful asides that were exchanged. Yflien events happen we cannot readily reminisce without making extended explanations to newer members of the staff who could not possibly know what uo ure talking about.

Therefore, it seems most imperative that something be done to keep in touch with our friends and permit them to keep in contact with fellow retired members. We talk about "Auld Lang Syne" but fail to practice it. Accordingly, from now on each month an effort will be made to print some news about our friends and hope that they will send us little bits of news. Plans should be made for an informal get-toge1dier at least twice a year for tea so that the yearly Yule card will not be the only contact.

Just as a prominent news broadcaster says "if you can't take part in a sport, be one anyway." So we exhort our alumni along the same lines. If you aren't still a librarian, please keep up your interest in the library because we are very much interested in you.



Novombor 13. Men's Librarians Club. Iho Fall meeting will bo held at Weston College (6 p.m.)

November 21, BPLSA fall business meeting, 9:00 a.m. in the Lecture Hall at Central Library.

BPLSA fall professional meeting, 8:00 p.m., in

the Lecture Hall at Central Library. SEE BACK COVER.



The summer lull (what there was of it) lS certainly over with a vengeance ajid moe more the Library is taking on its locustomed crowded air. Between the pub- .ic and the gentlemen from Cresap, loCormick and Paget a harried look is soming onto many faces.

Mrs. Keswick has some very interesting . iterature about unbelievably inexpensive •ound trip flights to Europe from a line riiich charters planes to groups. Ninety- six people ere needed to go at one time, ind of course with schedules to cover not iiat many of us could take a vacation at die same time. However, it is possible bhat some other group such as SLA might )e willing to co -sponsor a trip with us, .n which case it would be within "the •ealm of possibility. A report on the iatter will be made at the November meet- ing, at which time anyone interested in ±ie idea will have a chance to hear more ibout it.

The Executive Board has received many iommunications from unhappy NP's. How- >ver, we have seen no cases of individual injustices which would be cause for com- )laint. At the moment there just are not mough jobs that require an NP 3 rating.

Ihe Nominating Committee, under the jhairmanship of B. Joseph O'Neil, is pre- paring a slate of officers for next gear's term. This should be published Defore the November 21 meeting so that ill Twlll have a chance to see it, and of jourse prepare to make further nomina- tions from the floor. Anyone who knows jf likely candidates for any office be prepared to speak up.

Sarah W, Flaimery

D * It » Xje


Special Offer for those who have joined the staff since June 1, 1955^

50/ paid now makes you a member for 1958 and 1959



New Employees

IfrTEdil3T R. Friedlander, Bookmobiles

I/Irs Rosetta P. Jlartin, South End

Ann D. Venable, Mt. Bowdoin

Donna L. Rosenbauer, Bookmobiles (for- merly part-time at Faneuil)

Robert F. McHugh, Periodical and Newspaper

Netta A. Buonasera, Central Charging Records

Eobley F. Carr, Hyde Park

Charles 17. Long, Central Book Stock - Branch Issue Section

Susan R. Smith, Parker Hill

Ann H. Van Vleok, Mattapan

James A. Ifonahan, Central Charging Records

Barbara L. Posner, Mattapan

Carolyn A. Christie, General Reference

Deborah A. Veinott, General Reference

Mary J. Marsh, Jamaica Plain

Ti*ansf erred

Cornelia M. Harrington, from the Office of the Division of Home Reading and Community Services to the Cataloging and Classification, Division of Refer- ence and Research Services

Mrs Laurelle V>J. Cole, from Washington Village to Alls ton

Jennie M. Femino, from South Boston to Vfashington Village

Kura Globus, from Tiest End to Jfeittapan

1'fe.ry L. Shea, from Bookmobiles to West End

Betty Vifilburn, from South End to North End

Hrs Winifred C. Frank, from Central Charging Records to Codman Square

Mildred E. Presente, from Codman Square to Bookmobiles


Catherine Hannon, I'est End, to Philip Richmond, September 26, 1958


Paul V. Moynihan, General Reference, to

accept tiie position of Assistsmt

Librarian for Reference, Boston College John C. Lambert, Kirstein Business Branch,

to do graduate work at Hsurvard Peter Poulimenos, Central Book Stock -

Branch Issue Section, to continue his

education Ifeirilyn Podgurski, Ivfeittapan, to enter the

Carmelite Sisters* Novitiate in Hamilton


*.esigned (oont.)

jo^phTT. Finkel, Jamaica Plain

Mrs Joanne Steele, Book Preparation, to

remain at home ,«ilrs Ellen M. Gurney, Book Stack Service,

to remain at home ilSrs Joan Richard, Mt. Bowdoin previouslj

reported incorrectly. Mrs Richard

resigned to become librarian of the

!lib"vm of Stowe, Massachusetts filliam J. Lee, Kirstein Business Branch,

to continue his education Richard D. Fritz, Bookmobiles



Book Purchasing recently lost three Mmbers of its staff. Pearl I. Brown resigned to return to her former pro- fession of teaching. She is now hammer- ling the Three R's into first graders in jthe Framingham School System. Robert iSardiner Bailey resigned to continue his education. He is now at Huntington Pre- iparatory School. Daniel S. Jasinski, whose avocation of the ballet caused him to resign to seek a job in New York in order to give him an opportunity to be near the theater. Book Purchasing is i pi eased to see that Danny has made an ! important step toward his avocation as he is now Captain of the ballet at the Roxy Iheater doing four shows a day, five on Saturday. All three were given presents and Best Yifishes for Suocess extended to them.


Miss Frances V. Person of the Binding Department was honored with a Retirement Party on October 9th. She was presented with a gift of money and a blue morooco book containing the good wishes of her many friends. Miss Person was in the .Library service for twenty-one years.


Announcement has been made of the marriage in Providence, Rhode Island, of Jeanne Elizabeth Staples to Mr. Norbeit Aloysius Busch on September 17, 1958, Jeanne was formerly on the staff of General Reference. Ihe couple will jit-k© their home in St. Louis, Missouri.


On Saturday, October 18, 1958, at a nuptial Mass in St. Theresa's Church in V/est Roxbury, Patricia Ti-acey of the Personnel Office staff was married to Thomas Reardon. Her gown was a lovely combination of white silk taffetta and lace and she wore a finger-tip lengiJi veil. Her flowers were white orchids with stephanotis.

The attendants wore identical ballerina- leng-tii gowns and hats - the maid of honor in peach with green asters; the brides- maids in emerald green with rust-colored asters. One of the bridesmaids was Louise TJlrich of the Central Book Stock - School Issue Section.

A reception followed the marriage at the Beaconsfield Hotel in Brookline. llir . and Mrs. Reardon are now on a wedding trip to Florida and upon their return will be living in their new home in West Roxbury.


Mary Shea is her name; she stands five foot two in her hi^h heels, has a bright

smile and a cute turned up nose that could only be attached to a true daughter of Hibernia,

Miss Shea is the new Children's assist- ant at West End, transferred from the Bookmobiles. She hasn't commented as yet on the sedentary life at West End, but we would be willing to bet that she does more moving about in the Children's room in one hour than she did in a week at the mobile library. It's all part of the routine.

We note without conment that our last two children's assistsints were married within eight months of their transfer to this branch.

Three young firemen visited VJest End. It vras time for the annual inspection of the building; they looked the house over, gave the library a clean bill of health, and as they were about to leave, one of them turned and said, "Please arrange to have Miss Farrell and Miss Shea com© to the f irehouses so that "we can have a nice story hour, too,"



"The John Eylands Library, Deansgate,

Manchester, 3. 8th July 1958. aiss Fanny Goldstein, est End Branch Librarian Emeritus, jston Public Library, i, James Street, Dokline, 40, Massachusetts

ear Miss Goldstein,

"We are sorry to learn of your retire- ent from a post which you have adorned or so long. I should like to add my oTwn angratulations to the very many which you ave received from your wide circle of riends.

"I am very pleased to know that your ork has been so apprecir ted and with ery good reason. I am glad to think hat the collection of Judaica which you ourself have formed has found a suitable esting place in the library in i^hich you ■ave so faiiiifully laboured for so many ears. I am so glad to think that you ave found time in the course of your ;erm of office to visit this country and .n particular this Library. I remember rith particular pleasure your visit along rith two fellow librarians to our Libraary. ; £un glad to think that you had an oppor- :xinity of seeing it and seeing some of the treasures it holds.

'We hope that you will have a happy jeriod of retirement although I am quite sure it will not be one of inactivi+.y» [t is impossible to imagine you sitting iround doing nothing.

"^iVith kindest regards and good wishes from the members of our staff," Yours sincerely,

(Signed) Edward Robertson


Firenzo,24.VII.1958 Gentile Signora,

mentre mi congratu-lo con Lei per il meritato riconoscimento del Suo instanoa- bile lavoro La prego di- gra dire i miei auguri cordiali e sinceri per la Sua "ixaova vita" nella quale Ella, ne sono certa, con la Sua inimitabile cortesia aumen tera ancora il numerosissimo

gmppo dei Suoi amioi." LA DJRF.TTRICE

Gentile Signora Fanny Goldstein

Curator of Judaica

14 James Street

Brookline 46, Massachusetts


The staff of South Boston held an in- formal get-together with Eleanor O'Leary in the All -Purpose room of the Branch (after working hours) on Friday evening, October 24. Refreshments were served, recordings were played on the Hi Fi, news of vifhat has been happening was bandied back and forth, and a good time was had by all. Miss O'Leary, who had resigned from the libraiy service last June, looked wonderfully rested and relaxed. She was presented with a gift of a large box of imported bulbs to plant in her garden in the fond hope that the extended coverage of the gift vrould keep the staff in her memory for many months to come. Miss O'Leary was also highly delighted with her lovely corsage of yellow roses and orchids, the special token of love from the extras of the staff. Miss O'Leary in turn presented the Branch with a beautiful silver platter to be used upon festive occasions. She v/ill alv/ays be remembered with affection and respect by both staff and public of South Boston Branch Library.


Although the Fire Alarm System gongs did not function properly during the Fire Drill held on October 6th the mem- bers of the staff and the public did re- markably well in evacuating the building. There were 365 people in the building at the time of the sounding of the alarm and in three minutes and six seconds the library was cleared.

Assistant Chief John F. Howard of the Boston Fire Department commented that the drill was well carried out and he made particular mention of the efficient man- ner in which the Monitors performed their duties.

John W. Tliley


Any contribution to the Soap Box must joe accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which ho >r she is employed. The name is withheld Prom publication, or a pen name usod, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous sontributions arc not given consideration The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief . The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by in- dividual Association members and their appearance does not noccssorily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association arc in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contributionii containing not more than 300 words will bo accepted.

lb the Editor of the Soap Box:

!3ho human raco never ceases to amaze this writer. How can some of our co- workers who arc noted for their lack of production the year round produce such a fruitful "average day" for the survey? Veritas.

Tb the Editor:

In regard to the letters which appeared in Soptcmbcr's QM slashing out at the survey in progress and the results of the preliminary just published, may I inter- ject those thoughts.

Wc have been bemoaning the lack of dis- interested inquiry, the lack of voice in c. change, the lack of change itself. Have we, in fact, become such chronic complaincrs that wo cannot wr.it to sec the over-all results of this attempted inquiry before wc start to wear the pout and snarl ?

It would scon more reasonable to hold our fire, to cooperate despite temporary inconvenience, (trying to shako off the habit of sweeping the dirt under the carpet) and hope that although a cure- all is unlikely, we may yet see within this cumber some system sonc tangible adjustments for our benefit.

If, after the final rcconnendatinns have been made, wc soe no inprovcnont, then, and only then, our cry of "v/aste" will be valid.


To the Editor of the Soap Box:

Bic latest scries of staff meetings scorned to have produood an attitude nf sullen rcsistaaco.

!]hc favorite current pastinc scons to be quoting passages out of context fron the "secret" report of the late Roconnai- sancc Sui^ey. It would bo bettor if the report could be seen in its entirety.

As a point of departure, wc aro appar- ently moving in ncv/ directions, for the former terminology of "pertinent" ex- perience now becomes "apposite" experience other things being equal. How wc love T/'iDrdsI

Wo arc told that there will be "multiple opportunities", but it is not stated for whom these multiple opp^^r- tunitics v/ill exist or in v;hat categories, njicsc words have little mooning in view of the recent return to the practice of filling vacancies and creating new positions without prior announooncnt or competition.

It is stated thr.t "a report to the staff will bo made fron tine to tine", but must it always be a "fait accompli"?

A Division of Personnel has been established "to peraiit increased top- level attention to personnel policies and practices and the naintonanco "^f morale." Comment: the present Ioyi state of employee morale will certainly be maintained by such procedures.

It is further stated that "the current policies and practices in recruiting, classification, review of performance, and pronotion policies a.nd practices were canalyzod. Comment: the analysis scons to have been very superficial since two problems were apparently clininatcd only to create further and additional


rjblons .•>f im;ro str.ggcring prnp-irtir-ns. tie solution d'^Gs not stcnd up under the cid tost of a "dotailed and pcnctrcting jtudy in depth."


Jear Editor:

It is interesting t sec that the new personnel Director is a nalc. VJo hope that he is also a nr.n.

One definite improvencnt w uld be t- see a more androcentric library personnel rather than the highly gynecentric one that has been inflicted upon us for the oast quarter century.


Ed. Note: So far it appears that "Hopeful" iias nothing to v/orry about. Our new &.ssistant Director in charge of Personnel has made a very favorable first impres- sion. Maybe one day we will sue a male branch librarianll


The following coiiimonts of staff nem- 'bers are printed because some have sug- gested that the Question Mark include something abmt the A.L.A. Conference held in San Francisco, July 13-19, 1958:

GENERAL COI#.ENT: "Perhaps one of the greatest benefits of attendance at any conference is the rcaliza.tion of an esprit de corps. Certainly if size f conference can provide it, the large registration of over 4,000 should have helped at this one. This feeling of nar- ticipation in a comraon cause comes not only as a result of formal meetings but at odd moments when one gathers informa- tion of one sort or another connected with the subject of books and libraries. If one frequents drug store counters and hash joints for a light breakfast or lunch, he sometimes gets reactions from library users that never show up in a panel discussion. !Ihis happened to mo one morning over toast and coffee. A man on the next stool handed his paper- back to the counter girl with the remark that she might keep it, that he got more variety in books at his branch libraryl"

GINERAL SESSION; "After attending four General Sessions, several shorter meet- ings, three library tours of the im- portant libraries in the San Francisco area, an adult-young adult luncheon meeting with speeches, a library school dinner with a main speaker, and several solid hours of viewing the exhibits (all witiiin five days), iry lasting im- pression of the Conference is that it was a bit too concentrated and crowded in time. One of the things which made the Conference seem so crowded was that for several months before it took place many interesting articles appeared in different library journals on the quaint bookshops and literary places one should visit while in San Francisco, but with the meetings so close together this was not humanly possible, giving one a feeling of frustration.

" Ihe four General Sessions all had important speakers who touched on the general conference theme from different angles. The theme was ''International Responsibilities of the A.L.A.' The first speaker, Luther H. Evans, spoke on UNESCO and its aimsj the speaker at the second session. Dr. 0. Meredith V/ilson, spoke as an educator; at the third session, W . Quincy Howe gave the commentator *s point of view; and the last session had as its speaker Emerson Greenaway, incoming president of the A.L.A., viho spoke as a librarian, Ihey were all most interesting, but I believe that three General Sessions should be the maximum at one Conference."

Em IB I IS : "The exhibits were beautifully displayed and were well worth all the time spent browsing among them. They not only shoTired the new books, but also gave one ideas on poster and pamphlet mat- erial which could be used to good advan- tage. Also, the place was so large that they not only displayed printed material, but also three large bookmobiles, several booths of the most modern business machines, and library furniture. There were over 250 exhibitors in all. Be- sides these commercial exhibits, most of the libraries and universities in "Hie area had special exhibits of rare books and art."


Committee on Accreditation. "The pro- posed standards for 1958 are to serve as self -evaluation material for library schools. For undergraduate library degrees there must be from 12 to 18 seme ster hours in library science without cutting general field courses. Another meeting in the field of personnel was the one on Librarianship as a Career, under the chairmanship of Eunice H. Speer of the State Normal University Library, Normal, Illinois. The subject was libra- ry recruitment as evaluated by commercial guidance standards. Dr. Robert J. Darlin of the California Test Bureau, had as his main theme that librarianship must be considered as a relationship of one per- son to other persons. Professionalism, he said, tends to develop distance be- tween advisor and youth. The recruiting officer should describe his vacancies in relation to persons and things rather than appear as an official handing out information. In some way the public must be made aware of librarians as much as it is aware of firemen and policemen as individuals."

Audio -Visual Committee. " The Audio - Visual Committee and the Adult Services Division jointly sponsored a film pro- gram which was based on Julien Bryan's new film on Russia, In addition to Ifr. Bryan's new film there was an ante-revo- lution film on Russian life which Mr. Bryan had had given him in exchange for some photographic materials. Biis pic- ture belied some of tho Soviet Union's propagajida about the Russian Empire. !

A panel of high school students from the j appropriate city of Sebastopol, Cali- fornia, discussed the film and later a \ panel of librarians discussed its use I in the communi-ty. Iheir suggesion was td get someone from the World Affairs Coun- i cil or some other organization to co- I sponsor such a film program."

Visits to other libraries. "I visited ' the main buildings of the Denver, Oak- land, and Richmond Public Libraries. Vife were conducted through the Denver Public Library with such thoroughness that we were afraid of missing the train. It is a beautiful, modern building of four floors. It provides space for the regional Bibliographic Center. The

Reader Interest arrcngoment is being given up except for one small section because of difficulty in locating the books. Their personnel classification includes (1) Professional, (2) Pre- Professional, and (3) clerical. The status of clerks is the same as those in other municipal and county positions. They do office work and desk vrork. Part- time personnel are called pages for runners' work and clerks if used in typing jobs. Pages get books in stacks on roller skates. The work of the Personnel Office seems very simple com- pared with that of the Boston Public Library time records are kept by de- partment heads, who are responsible for sending information once a month to Personnel. The staff of the Personnel- Office consists of the head and a secre- tary. But the staff of the whole li- brary is only about 270, including part- time equivalence.

"Oakland also has three personnel grades: (1) Professional, (2) Sub-Pro- fessional and (3) clerks. The part- time clerical workers are called clerks. The time records are kept in the audit- ing department after being checked by the Personnel Office.

"We were entertained at a coffee hour at Oakland before being shown the building. A silver service and lovely china cups, together with the homemade cookies and sandwiches, made this a delightful affair. This building is also a modern one, built in 1951, with a great deal of glass going from top to bottom.

"The Richmond Public Library is a pleasant neiv building situated in the Civic Center and v-rith its four branches serves a community of 72,000. Every- thing in the building is movable except the pillars that support the roof. In other words, the shelving arrangements may be changed at any time to suit new needs. Films may be borrowed by indivi- duals as well as groups, though only groups may borrow the machines. The children's room was particularly attractive and offered many activities. " Tb sum up some of ny impressions of these public libraries, I would say that they were all cheerful, light, and comfortable to use, partly due to their modern architecture. They all offered public typewriter facilities at 10 cents


per 30 minutes - a very good sajrvioe, I should say. A directory of the building located neeir the information desk seemed a good idea also, one which the Boston Public Library might oopy."

TOURS; The tours were most interesting, giving one a well-rounded view of all types of library service in the San Francisco area - Palo Alto, Menlo Park, Richmond, Oakland, Berkeley, and the Merced Development in the city itself j but distances are so great there ttiat it took three solid afternoons from 1:30 to around 6 p.m. to cover them all. Most of the public libraries had the same system as ours, but one fact which stood out was tliat in many of them they still use the hand-charging system. The Main Library, which I visited briefly, has been characterized in one article as being of the Grand Central Bahnhoff School of library architecture. It is truly that and a monstrosity, but the branches of the system are some of the most functional and attractive in the United States. One interesting side- light on the Main Library is that many of the enlightened public who are try- ing to improve the usefulness of the Main Library went about the c ity during the week asking the delegates if they had any ideas on the subject. It will be interesting to observe in the future whether this bears fruit."

FIMAL COMffiNT; "However, with all its drawbacks, the Conference was a success because San Francisco is one of the most stimulating cities in the world and an ideal place to hold a convention. Having attended several National Con- ventions, I believe they are valuable not only because they ■teike one out of their provincial rut (an experience ■vdiich makes one appreciate their own surroundings more), but also because they are a means of becoming acquainted with librarians from other parts of the country and even the world, truly a worthwhile and valuable experience."

SORT; "Another special session worthy of note was that of the Staff Organiza- tion Round Ibble w^ich met on Friday afternoon, July 18th, at 4:30 p.m. William H. Jesse of the University of

Ibniiessee Libraries gave a realistic I appraisal of the limitations of demo- cratic administration. While advocating staff participation in administration as a general principle, he indicated that there were certain actions such as policy planning and evaluation of per- sonnel for assignment purposes in which staff participation proved haxTttful rather than helpful. Miss Frankie Castelletto, Los Angeles Public Library, urged the use of "Ifedison Avenue" tech- niques in library recruiting."


The Boston Chapter of the Special Li- braries Association will hold a meeting devoted to the subject of "Recruitment" on Ltonday, November 24, 1958.

As a feature of this ambitious program, three freshmen students from each of four local colleges, plus the vocational coun- sellors from these colleges, will be taken to lunch at the M. I. T. Faculty Club, There they will be addressed by Kenneth R. Shaffer, Director of the School of Library Science, Simmons College,

Afterward they will divide into groups to be taken to various special libraries in the area.

In the evening the students will be taken to dinner at the B.U. Faculty Club, where they will be addressed by Hfe-s. Margaret Fuller, the President of the Special Libraries Association. Tfrs. Puller, vdio is librarian of the American Iron and Steel Institute, has for many years been interested in recruiting talented young people to the field of libraianship, and she has written articles about careers in special libraries.

The evening dinner and meeting will be open to all members and friends of the Boston Chapter.

Editor's Note:

The A.L.A. notes printed above were culled from the reports written by Kathleon Bornadcttc Hagerty, General RofGroncc; Ifedolonc D. Holt, Washington Village y and Pearl Smart, Personnel.



1958-1959 Progroms

N.E.L.A. Confer onoe, Swconpscott, Mass. October 16, 1958

Dr» Harold C. Martin, Director of Gen- eral Education, Harvard UniT. "■What the High School Student Should Road"

Massachusetts Library Association Mid- winter Meeting February 1959 Program based on "West Moots East" theme adopted by A.L»A.

Spring Meeting - May 1959

Miss Betty Cavanna, author of

The Boy Next Door

"ViTriting for Ibon Age Girls"

Members will receive a resume of the program of each meeting beginning with the program of the N.E.L.A. Conference, and copies of our selected lists of adult books for young people as they are issued.

Members in good standing are allowed the necessary time to attend meetings with- out loss of pay,

1958-1959 Dues Now Payable

50 cents

may be sent to

Rose Jfoorachian South Boston Branch


Join the American Libraiy Association now and enjoy membership privileges through December 1959 o The names of those -v^o join before December 1 will appear in both the 1958 and the 1959 ALA Membership Directory.

Membership blanks may be secured from Mildred C. O'Connor, A.L.A. Membership Committee, General Reference Department,


Probably no young lady who will cele- brate hor eighth birthday on ^fovember 15 has more friends in the Boston Public Library than Margaret Ann Kelley, daughter of Bill and Frances (itoGonagle) Kelley of Brighton, All these friends wish HAPPY BIR3HDAY to Margaret Ann and best wishes for a specially happy day for her and her friends at the Massachusetts Hospital School in Canton.


The engagement has been announced of Janet Ustach, Office of Records, Files, Statistics, to Bobbie R. Swoitzer of Maryland and currently of the U.S. Navy.

Announcement has been made of the engagement of Annette S. Cutler, Book Stack Service, to Barry L. Scott, of Chelsea,


We are pleased to hear that Mrs. Helen Harrington, of Book Preparation, is home from the hospital following an operation, and is recuperating at her home, 81 Richfield Street, Dorchester.










' '4:-:


^:qo p. M







FRANK C. SVJEETSER, Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University

JOHN B, DAVIS, JR., Executive Secretary, New England School Development Council


DONALD T. CLARK, Librarian, Baker Library, Graduate School of Business Administration, Harvard University

MIRIAM PUTNAM, Librarian, Memorial Hall Library, ilndover, Massachusetts






THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volume XIII Number 11 November 19^8

Publications Committee; Charles J. Gillis , Esther Josephine Leonard,

Macy Joseph Margolis , Pauline E., Murphy, Elizabeth J. Obear, Joseph O'Neil, Gerald L, Ball, Chairnsn

Publication Dates Deadline for submitting material:

he fifteenth of each month Tho tenth of each month


All change is not progress. But hoxv much progress can there be vdthout change? fesic changes in an institution such as ours do not cons about easily. The hierar- hal structure of the administration, the olip;archic nature of the Board of Tnistees md the status of the Library as a municipal department supported by taxes make lignificant changes in the organization of the Library difficult o Yet, upon the ecommendations of management consultants two new divisions have been created.

The gro-wing recognition of the need for increased emphasis and attention to per- lonnel and public relations has not been restricted to the Library or to libraries, >ut is a part of a pattern that has been developing in b\isiness administration for a lalf cent\ary. But the final accomplishments envisioned in the creation of these two lew divisions are dependent on something much more difficult to develop and main- ain-~personnel morale.

For personnel morale is not some nebulous feeling of well-being, but is more accu- 'ately defined as the neasurement of the staff's willingness to do the tasks assigned .0 it. And this willingness is brought about by the staff's awareness that the ad- anistration is providing an adequate program for the development and promotion of the ndividual, just salary and wage schedules, and fair administration. Good will nay Ake years to establish but can easily be lost overnight. It is not enough that the idministration be fairj the staff must also be convinced that it has been treated 'airly. So that good public relations begin at home.

Public relations in its usual sense, the presentation of the Library in a favorable .ight to the coEBiunity at large, is necessary since we must go beyond the actual users )f the Library to gain the wide support needed to provide an adequate program for the iHintenance and development of such an institution. In a sense the Library is com- seting with other city departnents for its share of appropriations. And many of the >ther departments have an initial public relations advantage. No one is legally required to use a library as they are to attend a school. And the cessation of li- brary service would not have the immediate and drastic effect as the abolition of police and fire protection. So that the story of the value and services of a great 3ublic library system needs telling. But the basis of good public relations is the service provided by the individual staff member. And the quality of this service Till depend largely on the level of personnel morale.

So that the success of the programs xmdertaken by these two new divisions ultimately |id.ll rest upon the good will and cooperation of the individxial staff member ^youllS





bvember 21. BPLSA fall professional

meeting, 8*00 p«ra. in the Lect\ire Hall at Central Library. SEE PAGE h AND BACK COVER.

ecember BPLSA fall business meeting, 9:00 a.m. in the Lecture Hall at Central Library.


e-ff Employees ijies J. Ford, Teachers

loan M. O'Leary, Central Book Stock~Schoo I Issue Section

'atricia M. Maxwell, Central Charging Records

rs Abigail W. Field, Rare Book rs Claire V. Doubrovsky, Statistical


rs Jfergaret T. Caneron, Memorial, to

remain at home rs Rosemary D. Colarusso, Central Book

Stock School Issue Section, to remain

at home

obert Stone, Book F^irchasing rs Hary C. Mannion, Central Charging

Records , to remain at home harlotte Hartwig, Washington Village, to

accept another position, that of music

supervisor in the Quincy school system.


lizabeth G. Barry, Statistical, on

Septei±ier 30, 1958 .oraine A. Sulli'van, Science & Technology,

on October 31, 19^8 Ers Grace C. McGovern, Faneuil, on October

31, 1958


'hyllis M. Ferrant, Codnan Square, to

Joseph A. Carr, October 18 'atricia M. Tracey, Personnel Office, to

Thomas P. Reardon, October 18


Mr . and IJrs . Carl Tramontozzi of Brighton announce the birth of a daughter, jaura Marie, on October 30 at St. Eliza- leth's Hospital. Mrs. Tramontozzi is the 'ormer Linda Pagliuca "vdio iwas employed at lorth End.


On Saturday, October 18, 1958, tbyllla Ferrant of Codman Square became the bride of Joseph Carr, The ceremony took place in the Holy Rosary Church in Wintlirop, and a reception followed at the Elk's hall, also in ViJinthrop, The day was a beautiful one, and the bride lovely in her ballerina length govvn of white lace over taffeta and her finger-tip veil with lace cap. She carried a prayer book vrith white flowers. Her bridesmaids wore blue taffeta gowns with blue velvet bows and veiling as head-dresses. The maid of honor wore a similar gown of blue velvet, and aU carried roses.

After a wedding trip to Bermuda, Itr. and Mrs. Carr are planning to live in Winthrop.


On Saturday afternoon, October 25, the Staff of Faneuil met at the Colonial Covintry Club to honor Mrs. Grace McGovern who was retiring after nearly twenty-five years of service in the district.

Despite the inclement weather, it was a gay and "do you remember?" time, Florence B. Darling who retired six years ago was present as was Joseph P. Farrell who retired two years ago. Mrs. McGovern was welcomed by these busy and happy people into their fraternity.

Everyone enjoyed the delicious luncheon and gay banter. As a token of affection, Mrs, McGovern was presented with a neck- lace and matching earrings.

We shall miss our Gracie but knovr that she will pause often in her biisy rounds to drop in and catch up on library news.


At Thanksgiving time-






On Friday, November fifteenth, as quietl^ as she had passed the last few years of her life, Edith Guerrier started on her j last great adventiore. Her approach to j 3very challenge -vAiich had presented itself | to her in her long and very active career i was that of an adventiirer embarking upon ai lew and exciting experience. She would lave her passing thought of in no lesser ■vayo

She was bom in New Bedford in I87O, the iaughter of George and Emma Ricketson, and granddaughter of Daniel Ricketson, the rell-known Quaker and New Bedford histori- ino She was educated in private schools in New England, Her early years included rinters on Cape Cod and a period on the [ansas prairies before she finally came to settle in Boston and Brighton.

One of the outstanding achievements ihich marked her success as a Branch Li- )rarian in the North End was the intro- luction of storytelling "vri.th the dual jurpose of developing in the children a ,aste for good literature and of encourag- jig them to complete a story which they lad beg\m." The first club group, because )f its meeting time, became known as the ;EGs (Saturday Evening Girls), a group ihich after more than a half centxiry ;till meets periodically. In a endeavor ,0 find wajra tsy vriiich many of the girls in ;he clubs might earn money enough to fur- iher their education, the Paul Revere 'ottery was started, with the aid of JIrs fames Jackson Storrow, and carried on 'irst in the North End and then in Brighton, This developed later into the ^aul Revere School of Ceramics of Twhich Uss Guerrier ■vras at one time president.

During the war years of 1917, 1918, and .919, on leave of absence from the Boston 'ublic Library, Miss Guerrier was in Wash- jigton serving as Director of Library [nformation Services , Director of Exhibits .n the United States Food Administration, md Director of the National Library Ser- vice in the Department of the Interior, mder the leadership of Herbert Hoover, "n recognition of this service her name is '.mong those inscribed on the walls of the loover Memorial Library at Stanford Uni- rersity. One of the exciting adventures Ji her life was joining many of the Food

Administration staff in reserved seats to viTitness the inauguration of "The Chief" as President of the United States. The war years' experiences were related in a book she titled V^E PLEDGED ALLEGIANCE, A librarian's intimate stoiy of the United States Food Administration, lAhich vias published in 19Ul under authority of the Hoover Library of War, Revolution, and Peace,

T/hen she returned to the Libraiy, she served first as Supervisor of Circulation and then as Supervisor of Branch Librar- ies, until her retirement in 19U0. As she went about her work as Supervisor, she was often characterized as a "human dynamo" and that is undoubtedly a most accurate description— as far as it goes. But, to it should be added the qualities wiich made her a great leader— -contagioiis enthusiasm, honesty of purpose, fairness of judgment, belief in team woric, devoted loyalty, promptness of action, foresight in planning, vtnderstanding and warmth in personnel relationships, unswerving ad- herence to the highest professional standards, a mellow and ready sense of humor, respect for authority, and a deep faith in God. Those who worked under this leadership were fortunate indeed and asked for no greater reward for their efforts than to receive an "O.K, E.G."

Her creative years in the Boston Public Library found ter busy working toward the fulfilliEent of such dreams as an open shelf room where hitherto inaccessible books might be made available to the pub- lic on open shelves; the assembling of government documents in one room and their promotion as reference tools ; the carrying of books to the people by means of bookmobiles, which service \7as given an initial trial under her direction in the form of a banana cart filled with books and preceded on its route by a bell ringer announcing its approach; the im- proving and enlarging of the branch li- brary system; and the introduction of periodic meetings for the exchange of ideas amongst branch librarians.

In order to keep in touch vfith the branch librarian viho had retired before and after her retirement. Miss Guerrier was hostess each year for ten years at an Alumnae Tea in her home, an event looked forward to with great pleasure and back upon with satisfying warmth by all who participated, including her special caterers. The 8-8.


One facet of her love for books iwas her | nterest in collecting miniature volumes, i ii 195U Miss Guerrier presented her collect ,ion to the Library in honor of its Cen- | lennial Observance. Her name had earlier | )een perpetuated forever in the institution ;o which she gave devoted service vrtien, at ,he time of her retirement in 19U0, her j .ssociates presented to the Library THE BITH GUERRIER FUND, the income "to be ised for the purchase of books of sound .iterary sind ethical value for adults, to le placed in the branch libraries of the loston Public Library System."

For some years Miss Guerrier edited a ibrary column in the CHRISTIAN SCIENCE iDNITOR. She -was active in the American jjid ifassachusetts Library Associations, ierving as presidait of the latter from .93U-36.

Many memories are being recalled by riends in these days immediately following |«8r passing, and mil continue to be j

jecalled from time to time as long as there emain those who had the privilege of uowing Edith Guerrier, and this will but \ imphasize anew that

"To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die."



Who is an "ex-exurbanite"? And what does he mean to you? What are the dis- proportionate population segments of Boston? And what difference do they make to you? A discussion of these questions and other new trends that are taking form in Boston will be held at the Boston Public Library Staff meeting on Friday, November 21 at 8:00 p.m. in the Lecture Hall.

Frank C. Sweetser, Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University and Johi^ B. Davis, Jr., Executive Secretary, New England School Development Council will speak on New Sociological Trends in Boston.

To help you as a staff member of the Boston Public Libia ly understand the implications of new trends in relation to your Tfork, now and in the near future, two guest librarians will point up pos- sible directions. Donald T. Clark, Li- brarian, Baker Library of the Graduate School of Business Administration, Har- vard University, will relate the new trends to reference and research ser- vices, and Miriam Putnam, Librarian, Memorial Hall Library, Andover, will relate the new trends to the general services of a public library.

You and other staff members of the

Boston Public Library will be invited to William Alexander Swan, a retired employee express your reactions and nake your

in the Binding Department died November 12, 958. A large delegation from the Boston ■ublic Library attended the funeral ser- dces in the Boylston Congregational hurch on NoveinlDer 1$, His wife Mi*s Helen lllen Swan and two daughters^ Mrs Louise S. lirown of Elgin, Illinois, and Mrs Barbara I. Anderson of TJarwick, R.I., survive.

Bill Swan, or "Due key" as he was more amiliarly known, worked in the Library "rom August 6, 1917 to August 3, 195U when le was retired. He inas a very capable rorker and considered an accomplished "inisher. In addition, he vbs held in the ! lighest esteem by his fellow workers vrtio .dmired his very kindly smile, his hearty | .augh, his unaffected manner, and his very I looperative spirit. The consensus of ooin-i .on, in brief, seems to be "if you had yourl ihoice of a fellow worker, you couldn't \ )ossibly pick a better all-round fellow ■han miliam Alexander (Duckey) Swan."

suggestions in relation with ihe Divi- sion of Home Reading and Community Ser- vices and the Division of Reference and Research. The recorders will include: Mildred Adelson for irork with children, William C. Slemmer for work with young adults, Pauline A. Walter for work with adults, Mildred C. O'Connor for work in reference and research, and Louis Rains for work in reference and research. A brochiire with maps and charts, spe- j cially prepared for this meeting fcy pMorton Ruben, Professor of Sociology, I Northeastern University, will be distri- buted to all attending the meeting.



On Saturday, November 1, the Chowder, Chatter, and Marching Society met in the Club Room (China Star) in Meirymount to pay tribute to Loraine A. Sullivan, long- time member of the Society and incidentally Chief of Science and Technology. After much loose talk about reference problems and the like, our congenital master of ceremonies and spiritual leader, Louis Elains, delivered the invocation and the )riental Orgy was onl Aided and abetted by dim lighting and numbed taste buds, the Chinese food was almost nice*

Directly we had offered up our last 3elestial belch, the heir apparent to Jully's throne and chief PETTY officer 'already drunk vath anticipated power) ex- aressed the sentiments of sQ. 1 present when le observed that this was the largest (6l jtrong) and most successful party we had 5ver had— -a wonderful tribute to Miss Sullivan's popularity! He then presented ■,o Miss Sullivan a transistor radio, ap- )arently the one thing she lacked. After ler warm expressions of gratitude to all iho had nade her evening so pleasant, Sci- snce & Tech's own patent experts, Ed Munro ind Maurice Carbonneau, burst into an old iong "Daisy, Daisy" with new words "Sully, Sully" . Eventually everyone joined in lespite the musical counterforce provided jy Maestro Koury and his mentor, Don Louis Igalde

Hardly had the din subsided when Frank loran rose to pay tribute to Loraine lullivan and incidentally to express over- lue appreciation to Louis Rains for all lis duties as Chief Chowderhead. Others ■ose in protest, saying that the Society iiad made him what he is and that nowhere ;lse would he have had so many opportuni- ties to do so much work. However, since ihe nickels and dimes had already rolled ji and the phonograph records bought, the 'iresentation was made and for the first dme in his life he couldn't think of any- thing brash to say. Another old song Wunderbar" with new lyrics ("Louis Rains, lOuis Rains, what a gorgeous hunk of manl") ®s rendered this time by Maurice and his ovely bride Gay, They volunteered in nticipation of a rise in the tax rate in feymouth.

The evening was replete with all kinds f special songs for liiss Sullivan: "Sum- lertime" , gorgeously sung by Aletha Munroj

"Serenade" from the Student Prince and "Danny Boy" by Ed Munro, who is not especially gorgeous. Miss Sullivan even got to dance with se"veral of the Arthur Murray types in the Society.

Long after our guest of honor had said her goodbyes, we acceded to the kind invitation of Maurice and Gay and re- paired to the Carbonneau homestead (Rains Realty) for Dunkin Donuts and coffee, most of us making it home about 2:30.


The Iifen's Librarians Club met at Weston College on Thursday, November 13. Following pre-prandial libations, more than generously dispensed by the hospi- table Brothers Finn and McLean, and the usual welcome get-together of old and new friends in the profession, the group sat down to dinner. The piece de resis- tance was prime roast beef with all the fixings, with thirds and fourths availa- ble to accomplished trenchermen and gourmandiserso

Phil McNiff spoke briefly of Harold Wocster and reminded the group about the Memorial Fund. It was agreed that the next meeting will be held at Jfelden Public Library. Then Father Brendon Connolly welcomed the group and intro- duced the Rector, Fr. John V. O'Connor.

Father explained about the Jesuit course of studies and the scientific facilities at Weston, particularly the seismograph. His hospitality was of such extent that he even promised an earthquake for the benefit of the group. Later a small group took the "busman's tour" through the library and a larger group explored the seismograph setup.

All in all a good time was had by clergy, librarians, bookmen and others.

■il. -^ V .■



On October 31 ^ 1958, Loraine Augusta hillivan, Chief of Science and Technology, etired from the Library service. Loraine, r "Sully," as she was affectionately novm to her staff and nany friends , is ne of those people 7*10 seem fated to be a ibrarian. She started as a part-time and ubstitute librarian while a freshman in ogers High School in Newport, Rhode sland, at the People's Library in that own. Later, after graduating from Pratt nstitute. School of Library Service, in rooklyn, l^era York (her birthplace), she orked at the National Industrial Confer- nce Board and the Boston Elevated Library, he came to the Boston Public Library in 922. Here, after serving as Assistant, xecutive Assistant, she was appointed hief of Science and Technology Department n 19U0.

Miss Sullivan has a keen interest in rofessional library matters and takes a eiy active part in Special Libraries As- ociation. In this association she has erved on practically every committee, eld the office of President (1936) and eaded a special ?JPA project, sponsored by he association, as technical director, uring the depression.

Boston Public Library's Science and 'echnology Department, one of the best in he country, is a moniiment to the breadth f scientific vision of Miss SuUivano he has helped fill in its gaps , made vailable its historical riches through her cience history file, and arranged it for fficient public service through its class atalogue . The large budget that this lepartment enjoys is the fruit of much ffort on her part to show the importance if this work in our Sputnik age.

However, we all feel that important as I ,s her work mth books , it is outranked by I ler encouragement of the young men and |

romen in the library profession. Every nev( jimployee soon fell under the spell of her jsarm friendly manner and was impressed by ihe span of her knowledge which included lot only science and technology but fine irts, music (she is an accomplished pian- -st) , and rare books. These newcomers rere trained along professional lines -'md incouraged to advance in the profession, through her vn.de acquaintance she was able :o introduce them to leaders in the field vho aided their progress.

To Miss Sullivan ive extend our vrairmest and heartiest mshes for a happy future which not only gives her more tirce to spend in her garden, and enjoy the com- pany of Kitty out will enable her to complete her projects and to help others advance by her wise and friendly counsel,


As the summer ended, the Teachers Department staff found it had acc\amu- lated the following remarks and queries from the public;

A woman asked if the lions beside the main staircase used to be outside at the front door once*

A nan wanted to know vihere Room 200 was. He thought this was City Hall.

A woman complained that for two years she hasn't found a book in the Library, Every time she wants one, it is mis- sing.

A girl adced if there is any department v;here she could study where there wasn't any typing being done.

When toJii the Elliott Room contains the Adams Books, a patron asked, "Sherman Adams ?"

Others Tsanted to know:

"Are there any soft chairs in the

Library?" "Who is the Curator of Insects at

Harvard?" "How do you repair a roller coaster?" "Have you ar^ nail polish to stop a

stocking run?" "How do you say 'Good Morning' in Japanese?"


Mr and Mrs Philip Frazier are the proud farents of a daughter, Maryann, bom, at St. Margaret's Hospital, Dorchester, in September, J/Ers Frazier is the former Mary Brady of the Reference Division Office and of Cataloging and Classification, R and RS. Mary and Phil moved this fall from Springfield, Massa- chusetts, to Nashua, New Hampshire, with son Joseph and the new baby.



Something there is that loves a printed

book. Some open-mindedness that seeks , to find An earth or sea or sky upon the page. And finding, tiirns to read again a book That leads one forth to realms yet

\indreamed . The mind, awake to life -within a book. Attends its service, joyously and free, And runs to share the nsssage it has

found: To love a book. ^Ji/hat is it to love a


It is to know a book is not a booko V book is a rare gem, a delicate bloom. I turbulent sea, quiet stream, or daivn, i. sunset, a far journey, or a friend, i book is bread and wine of the mindj 3ach reader is high priest; each, sacri- fice.

''or the open eye and the open mind, There stands the open shelf and open book, ) visit the tenple of books with praise, }ive thanks at the altar of knowledge and


Let readers come, not because they must, 3y compulsion, read, to make a grade; But because they may, read, by willing

choice, ience lose themselves to beauty or to

truth. 3ooks are free to all, and so readers


The universal human family To the fountainhead of type and print, Phe Book of Life that gives the soul its


RUTH E. mm

Open Shelf


^TAFFTiman ~


Boulton, Agnes

Part of a long story.

Garden City, N.T., Doubleday, 19$8, loakley, mry L.

Mister Music Ifeker, Lawrence Vfelk, ' Garden City, N.Y. , Doubleday, 1958. 3olum, Maiy M.

Our friend James Joyce, ! Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958.

Galbraith, John K.

The affluent society.

Boston, Houghton Mfflin, 1958. Gallico, Paul

The steadfast man.

Garden City, N.Y. , Doubleday, 1958. Gogarty, Oliver St. J.

A week end in the middle of the week.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Kerr, Jean C,

Please don't eat the daisies.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1957. Leopold, Nathan F.

Life plus 99 years.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. MacLeish, Archibald

Jo 6.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Singer, Kurt D.

I«iy strangest case.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Smithdas, Robert J.

Life at my fingertips ,

Garden City, N.Y. , Doubleday, 1958.


Baum, Vicki

Theme for ballet.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Chatterton, Ruth

The Southern wild.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Coles, Manning, pseud.

No entry.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Dever, Joseph

Three priests.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Franks n. Rose

The antic years.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Hubbard, Thomas L. W.

A baton for the conductor,

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Moore, Donald

Scramble six hurricanes.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Park, Ruth

The frost and the fire.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958. Roark, Garland

The lady and the deep blue sea.

Garden City, N.Y., Doubleday, 1958. Russcol, Herbert

Kilometer 95.

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958^


Wton, Anya

The Winthrop woman,

Boston, Houghton Mifflin, 1958. tein, Aaron M.

Sitting up dead.

Garden City, M.Y., Doubleday, 1958.



The coming together of Children's Book i eek and Boston Public School Art Week thi^ aar brought double exhibits and activitieJ ntil this rather abbreviated Children's j :om was fairly bvirsting at the seams I On | jaesday morning, November h, the Pre-School' tory Hour Mothers' Group heard, at its i

gular bi-monthly meeting, a talk by i

Lrginia Haviland, Readers Advisor for j

lildren. The program was made all the i jre fascinating by the fact tl^t only a j larter of an hour before her whirlT/Tind

rival at the Branch, Miss Haviland had jen heard by the assembled mothers over le air on VilNAC's YANKEE HOI/E AND FOOD lOW,

On Thursday evening, November 6, one indred and fifty junior high school girls ithered to hear Betty Cavanna tell of her rperiences as the author of many of their ivorite books. One of the most prolific

iters in the field (as Elizabeth Headley le is eqvially popular), Betty Cavanna has

great gift for meeting girls at their m level, and our large and enthusiastic idience that evening fell quickly under le spell of her charm and easy wit. At le end of the program, the girls were lited in feeling that the only thing

eking to make the evening completely irfect was the presence of Betty Cavanna 's m fifteen-year-old soni

The Library is indeed fortunate having as the newest member of the Board of Trustees, the Right Reverend Edwsjrd Murray,

For in addition to animent qualifica- tions in educational background and in administrative experience Monsignor Murray has long been one of us. He Tra.s a member of the staff from May 21, 19l5 to October 1, 1921 vhen he worked in the Catalogue Department and on the Sunday and Evening iTervice. For many years the Monsigior Yra.s a menber of the Examiting Committee. As a member of the Sub Committee on Personnel, ITccsignor liiurray has had the opportiinity to look closely at the problems of the staff.

So we \Telcome you, Monsignor Murray, not as a stranger, but as an old friend, and wish for you many pleasant and productive years in the Board of Trustees,


A small group of those who did not attend the limcheon given by the distaff members on the top floor or the party given by the CCMS, through the courtesy of Mr. Hens ley net in his office on the afternoon of October 31 to say "SO LONG" to Loraine Sullivan. Mr. Hensley made a short speech of appreciation of LoraiiE and told ho\T he had invited her to at- tend the Reference Staff Officers meeting as Emeritus. He also presented her vdth the traditional autographed volume and a treatise on science fiction. (Miss Sulli- van is a devotee of the kind of litera- ture so-well -termed "the drawing board of tomorrow,")

Miss Sullivan replied with a few well- chosen words and said that her sentiments were best described by Mr. Heintzelman who very aptly phrased her retirement as •^Quitting while still Champion."


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of tho Brajich Library, Department or Office in which ho or sho is employed, Iho name is with- hold from publication, or a pen nomo used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration Tho author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. Iho contents of tho articles appearing in the Soap Box oro personal opinions expressed by in- dividual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that tho Publications Committee and the Association arc in agroomeynt with tho ■viows expressed. Only those contribu- tions containing not more than 300 words will be accoptod.^

Dear Editor:

How can Idic Boston Public Library hope to keep any promising young career work- ers when they sec desirable positions in our library filled by outsiders without prior notice to the staff that the posi- tions or VQ3Gncios exist? Even if tho choices had already been made, why could not at least tho formality of announcing idle positions and vacancies be gone througih?

It may not have been intended as such, but this treatment of ignoring interested members of the staff or presuming tho staff has no qualified persons has been interpreted by some as insul tinge

Desert Flower

lb the Editor:

Wo arc told that wc must use the established channels of communication, that wo must submit requests, rocon- mcndations, complaints, etc. by way of the "chain of command." But isn't it equally important that the "channels" down are used. Wien individuals or offices in the chain of cornmr.nd are by-passed on tho vrexy down, there is a tendency fir channels on the way up to be similarly by-passed, and the results in both cases nay well be confusion, lack of rospcct for autiiority, rosont- mont and working at cross purposes.

In the Middle r^f a Middle

Dear Soap Box:

Whore there used to bo 3 division heads, now there are 5. But will there bo an increase in the number of NP 2»s or NP 3«s? The budget couldn't stand it. Does this make sense? Where is tho money coming from to pay the salaries of tho two new division heads? Out of tho hides of the NP I's?

Nothing Personal

Dear Soap Box Editor:

How many of the staff really want a staff organization? Enough to work for it? Enough to make a little sacrifice for it?

Or is the Staff Association to bo a whipping boy? Complain when tho Staff Association has not done this or that, but when the tine has cone to do some work for the Association, plead work load or personal business.

It often has been said that the people receive the government thoy deserve in a democracy, but does not tho staff have the Staff association it deserves, or more truly, much bettor than it deserves?

Iitoybe it would be better if there wore nn Staff Association. If there wore civil service for all the employees? If there were union representation for most of tho Staff?

Public Servant


To the Editor of the Soap Box:

General Administrative Notice #58, III B. Development of Personnel Procedures states, "It is recommended that there 'be re-established in the Library a pro- gram of service ratings for employees leading to the development of adequate work -performance records . "

Service ratings nay be a fine thing for the pre-professional service, but we definitely object to these being applied to the professional service. I The rating sheets of ten years ago 'wrought havoc with the employees. The amount of favoritism was "out of this world." Everyone was most unhappy and resentment was wide spread. Some wounds were caused that have never been healed. Service ratings have been vastly over- rated .

Since appointments to titular positions j we have been told, carries a rating sheet, it would seem that this takes care of the professional staff quite adequate- ly. One way to further the decline of staff morale is to re-establish these rating sheets. "Oh, Ye of Short Memory."


To the Editors

The new book by Kathleen B. Stebbins entitled "Personnel Administration in Libraries" recently published by the Scarecrow Press , Inc . , makes rather inter- esting reading. The Appendix II entitled "Personnel Practices, Classification Plans and Salaries" makes interesting reading. All in all, the Boston Public Library compares very, very favorably with other libraries.

However, the old timers on the staff, especially those belonging to the Quarter Century Club, might be interested to notice the vacation allowance of the Newark Public Library on page 258. In addition to the regular vacation of l/l2 of year for each full year of vacation "after I^O years of service employees are allowed one month with pay in addition to [regular vacation."

I This is not written as a gripe of our present personnel practice, which on the whole is very generous, but something our veteran members of the staff should notice



We are sorry to report that our President, Mrs Sarah W. Flannery, is ill. She will be at the Veterans Administra- tion Hospital, South Huntington Avenue, and those who msh to send cards may address her there. We wish her a speedy recovery and hope to have her back ■vd.th us very soon.

The Executive Board has requested the Personnel Committee to make a thorough study of the new classification of Non- Professionals. This action had long been contemplated, but until the arrival of the recent announcements of the vari- ous positions there was little of a constructive nature that could be done. For suggestions on your participation in this study please read the forthcoming notice from the Staff Association.

In addition to the items listed in the agenda of the fall business meeting which, by the way, has been postponed to December 5, we suggest that you be thinking about the promised raise for all city employees. Other organizations of city workers have taken action to nake their feelings known to the Mayor and City Council. Make your recommenda- tions in person at the business meeting, tell your staff representative, or communicate directly with any member of the Executive Board.

Don't forget, nomination for office from the floor can be accepted only if the individual nominated is present and signifies his willingness to accept. Please attend this important meeting I

LOUIS RAINS Vice President



r ' !



m bmtm JublicUbn/jMj oiaM(jJ4(KioU(m

Cordially invites members and friends to a discussion of


ew Sociologicanrends in Boston

inicjratiiiQ populations e xl e n d i r\ cj e cl.u cai i o n


FRANK C. S^J^JEETSERj Associate Professor of Sociology, Boston University

J'OfiN B. DAVIS, JR., Executive Secretary, New England School Development Council


rON;-.!!) T. CLARK, Librarian, Baker Library, Graduate School of Business

Administration, Harvard University MIRIAM PUTNAM, Librarian, Memorial Hall Library, Andover, Massachusetts


T/Tork vfith Children, by MLDRED ADELSCN

Tfi'crk vdth Young Adults, by TOLLIAM C. SLEM'IER

Work with Adults , by PAULINE A . YiTALKER

■ffbrk in Reference and Research, by MILDRED C. O'CONNOR


A Brochure, specially prepared by lORTON RUBIN, Professor of Sociology, Northeastern University, will be distributed at the meeting

7^cicm,ncmmbe^2L 1958 at 8 RM,,!!,

in tlie lectLiRe HcilL /^\




■' ■!::.' 'I •/V^'-' -


r f f f f





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volumo XIII Number 12 December 1958

Publications Conmittoc: Charles J* Gillis, Esther Josephine Leonard,

Maoy Joseph Marg^lis, Pauline E. lAirphy, Elizabeth J. Obear, B. Joseph O'Noil, Gerald L. Ball, Chairman

Publication Date: Deadline for eubmitting material;

The fifteenth of each month Ihe tenth of each month


All of us vrare appalled at the very disastrous fire in Our Lady of the Angels School in Chicago on December 1, 1958, In this conflagration ninety children and three nuns lost their lives. Various reasons for this disaster were given such as, accumulation of larash, inadequate facilities to evacuate, open stairways allowing hot smoke and poisonous gases to mushroom through the corridors, and faulty alarm system. The cry "The blight of fire trap schools" causes us to take pause and check on our library situation.

Here, all in all, our Boston Public Library situation shapes up well. Few of us realize the steps which the administration has taken to protect the staff members and the library property. Ihere are 118 fire extinguishers, 3 sprinkler systems, 14 standpipe stations, a water curtain and a heat detecting system in the building. The building is serviced by a combination Yfetchman Recording and Fire Alann System. Siis system provides Central Station Vfetchman supervision and fire alarm service by the A.D.T. Ihe system consists of thirty (30) individually coded "live" com- bination fire alarm and v*ratchman recording boxes strategically located throughout the Central Library building, (There are 3 night watchmen.) There is also a Boston Fire Department - Fire Alarm Box 7^^12 - 1561 located in the main building near the telephone switchboard. Ihe A.D.T. fire alarm system is tested once a week. Ihe following emergency equipment is located in the Fire Control Center: emergency tools, nabber coats, rubber boots, sprinkler heads, all service gas mask; also a tape recording register connected to the A.D.T. fire alarm system.

We should for our own good and the good of the library be fire preventatituV conscious. No fire door should be allowed to be obstiructed. All the existing safeguards will be futile if these doors are blocked. We should smoke only in the assigned areas and even there be extra careful of matches and butts. Lastdy, we should be conscious of the accumulation of trash and take steps to have it removed at once. Incidentally, the fire control people are especially effective in having this removed. Remember, it was trash that caused the fire in Chicagp.




The holiday season is again upon us and I wish to all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I wish to thank the Staff Representa- tiTes for attending so well the November business meeting and am only sorry that

1 was unable to be there to greet you all, The Personnel Committee has been work- ing on the problem of the Non-Profession- als and has already had one meeting witii Mr. Gaines on the subject. A full report oan be expected at the January meeting. In ihe meantime reports from Staff Rep- resentatives are coming in from various branches and departments in a very sat- isfactory manner, and the Personnel Com- mittee is calling on department heads and branch librarians in an atteii5)t to find out how closely the assignment of NP 1,

2 and 3 positions agrees with their in- dividual recommendations. The problem

is a complex one, and in any major classi- fication change such as this there are bound to be some individuals who feel unhappy. We hope, however, to be able to clarify the situation to the general sat- isfaction so that there will be a minimum of uchappiness.

lime spent on committee meetings some- times seems a burden in these days of staff shortages and busy schedules. ^'le are aware of this and hope to be able to keep them within bounds so that Associa- tion business may be carried on vrithout placing too much strain not only on committee members but also on those who must fill in while others are at meetings We thank everyone for their cooperation. Sincerely, Sarah W. Flannery

Dear Friends;

Each issue of the Question Mark brings happy memories to me and I feel that even though many of its members are not as vocal or active as they might be, it does fill an important function, as a clearing house for more questions and fewer answers.

As a retiree I can look back to the days of Mr. Frank Chase, and Ttezie Prim and their valiant efforts to keep a staff group in action, and then a long interim occurred when there was no staff associa- tion, and really does not every member feel pride in all that has been done by the officers and members of the present one. If everyone was completely satis- fied with city, state, or nation, it would be a strange world and only thirough the continuous efforts of those who object, disagree, and seek compromises does any group progress.

Boston is changing, and the library along with other city departments gradu- ally becomes different from tlie nineteenih century institution. Let us recognize the importance of our Question l:la.rk, and help the editorial board in its arduous duties of assembling our news, printing our letters and show ourselves as well as our neighboring librarians, that the Boston Public Library has a forward look- king staff of workers.

Marion C. Kingman


J/irs. Helen Fcrrington, Book Preparation, after her recent illness.


Fanny Goldstein who announced the "com- mencement" of a new life when she said "au revoir" to the Old t^.P.L. and es- pecially the historic Vest End is now "commencing."

It is a significant nev/ interpretation of her old role as Founder of Jewish Book ¥Jeek in America more than a quarter of a century ago that Fanny Goldstein, with the advent of Jewish Book Month this year, should blossom out as the Literary Editor of the Jewish Advocate.

The Jeivish Advocate is one of the most distinguished weeklies published in America with a wide circulation through- out New England.


She will conduct a column devoted to the discussion and evaluating of Jewish books. Ihe Advocate is to be congratulated upon her addition to their staff and its readers are destined to reap much benefit from this veteran recognized as an author ity in the field of Judaica here and abroad.


New Employees

Hel ene Che f i tz , Personnel Office Robert F. Hennessey, Book Purchasing Rupert C. Gilroy, Kirstein Business Ernestine Brovm, Charlestown Its. Sally Manuel, Bookmobiles Elizabeth L. Morgan, Washington Village Llrs Elinor M. Najita, Egleston Square Alexander T. Soter, Kirstein Business Norman Licht, Open Shelf


Christine J. Umano, from Open Shelf to

Bookmobiles Diane G. Farrell, from ¥i[est End to Codman

Square Mildred Presente, from Bookmobiles to

Y'est End Richard J. Waters, from Jamaica Plain to

Central Book Stock - Branch Issue


Annette S. Cutler, Book Stack Service, to be married

Ws. Sona S. Jelalian, Kirstein, to re- main at home

M. Phyllis Campbell, Egleston Square, to accept a teaching position

Sidney YJeinberg, Science 5: Ifechnology to accept a position with the M.T.A.

Mrs Lenore C. Marvit, Parker Hill, to remain at home


Lillian E. I.agamasino, Orient Heights, to Dennis H. Gallagher, November 8, 1958



Allen, Steve

The girls on the 10th floor. New York, Holt, 1958 Bates, Herbert E.

The darling buds of May. Boston, Little, Brown, 1958 Condon, Richard

Ihe oldest confession. Ner/ York, Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1958 Cronin, Archibald

Ihe Northern light. Boston, Little, Brown, 1958 De La Roche, Mazo

Centenary at Jalna. Boston, Little, Brown, 1958 Dryer, Bernard V.

Ihe image makers. Nev/ York, Harper, 1958 Fl eming , Ian

Doctor No. New York, Maomillan, 1958 Forde, Claude M.

liirs. 0», New York, Rinehart, 1958 Garrett, James

And save tiiem for pallbearers. New York, Messner, 1958 Grau, Shirley A.

The hard blue sky. Hew York, Knopf, 1958 Household, Geoffrey

Ihe brides of Solomon. Boston, Little, Brown, 1958 Hull, Helen R.

Wind rose. New York, Coward-ItoCann, 1958 Kober, Arthur

Oooh, what you saidl New York, Rinehart, 1958 Lancaster, Bruce

Night march. Boston, Little, Brown, 1958 Lincoln, Victoria

A dangerous innocence. New York, Rinehart, 1958 Ma-tdiews, D. L.

the reach of fear. New York, Rinehart 1958 Maxfield, Henry

Legacy of a spy. New York, Harper 1958 McLaverty, Michael

The choice. New York, Macmillan, 1958 Ifoll, Elick

Seidman and Son. New York, Putnsim, 1958

■O'Brien, Kate

As music and splendour. New York,

Harper, 1958 O'llaliey, Mary D.

The Portuguese escape. New York

Macmillan, 1958 Pattinson, James

Last in convoy. New York, McDowell,

Obolensky, 1958 Renault, Mary

The king must die. New York, Pantheon,

1958 Silone, Ignazio

Bie secret of Luca, New York, Harper

1958 Vifeidman, Jerome

The enemy camp. New York, Random House

1958 TVhite, Iheodore H.

The mountain road. New York, W. Sloane

Associates, 1958


Americajn Library Annual, 1957-58.

New York, Boxvker, 19 58 Amoury, Daisy

Father Cyclone. New York, Messner,1958 Armitage, Merle

George Gershwin. New York, Duell,

Sloan and Pearoe, 1958 Armour, Richard W.

Nights with Armour. New York, ifcGraw-

Hill, 1958 Bentley, Nicolas

How can you bear to be so humar?

New York, Button, 1958 Boyington, Gregory

Baa, baa, black sheep. New York,

Putnam, 1958 Brooks, Gladys

Grammeroy Park. New York, Dvitton,1958 Durr ell , Lawr enc e

Bitter lemons. New York, Dutton, 1957 Gassner, John

Best American Plays. New York, Crown

Publishers, 1958 Golden, Harry L.

Only in America. Cleveland, World Pub,

Co., 1958 Good Housekeeping party book. New York,

Harper, 1958 Gunther, John

Inside Russia today. New York,

Harper, 1958 Hadley, Leila

Give me the world. New York, Simon

and Schuster, 1958 Hale,


Hale, Nancy

A New England girlhood. Boston,

Little, Brown, 1958 Heyerdahl, Thor

Aku-AJai. Chicago, Rajid McWally, 1958 Keats, John

The insolent chariots. Philadelphia,

Lippincott, 1958 Knies, Donald

Walk the wide world. New York, Dodd,

Mead, 1958 Lechie, Robert

Lord, what a familyl New York,

Random House, 1958 Lindemann, Hannes

Alone at sea. New York, Random House,

1958 Look

The decline of the American maleo

Nev; York, Random House, 1958 Ilaoe, David R.

Success in marriage. New York,

Abingdon Press, 1958 I'larx, Arthur

Not as a crocodile. New York,

Harper, 1958 I&wat, Farley

!lhe grey seas under, Boston, Little,

Brovm, 1958 Nelson, Klondy

Daughter of the Gold Rush. New York,

Random House, 1958 Pinza, Ezio

Ezio Pinza. Hew York, Rinehart, 1958 Price, Millard

Roaming Britain. New York, J. Day Co.,

1958 Robertson, Terence

Channel dash. New York, Dutton, 19 58 Roosevelt, Eleanor

On my own. New York, Harper, 1958 The ITall Street journal

Care for a merger? New York, Dutton,








"Mr. Zoltan Haraszti, Keeper of R&re Books at the Boston Public Library, de- serves speoial mention with his staff for their courtesy in facilitating my re- search in the valuable Paul Saba tier ool lection, where I found almr-rt fifty important items in the great Protestant scholar's unpublished marginal notes." Raphael Brown in the introduction to his new version of Ihe Little Flowers of St. Francis (Image Books) .

"My own imperfect and inconclusive discussions of the subject (early Ameri- can typefounding) have been superseded by the researches and acute interpreta- tions made by Mr. John Alden of -Oie Boston Public Library, embodied in a series of articles culminating in his "Scotch lype in Eighteenth-Century America," published in Studies in Bibl io graphy ... In this articl^ the correctness of Isaiah Thomas's assertion . . that the Bo ston Chronicle type had been imported from an Edinburgh foundry is demonstrated so tellingly as to leave little room for dissent." La-irn-ence C. Wroth in the revised edition of his Abel Buell of Connecticut (Wesley an University Press) .


W and llrs Charles 'U Kane, of Woroes- ter, have announced the arrival of Joseph Michael, on November 22. Jlrs. Kane(nee Catherine I". Doherty) formerly worked in the Office of Records, Files, Statistics and made her stage debut in the musical revue "Free to All" as one of the sailor gals. Young Joseph is a great nephew of James Barry, formerly of Buildings Department.

* * *

A daughter born to l!lr% and Jlrs. Herbert Hewes on November 2. Ifrs. Hewes is the former Marie McCarthy, Branch Catalog and Book Purchasing. The new arrival, Helene, is the gre ad-daughter of Florence McCarthy


TJith a mixture of tears and laughter, the I'est Pnd Branch staff gathered at one of tie betber kn'^vm French restau- rants (accent grave) on Beacon Hill. Alas, we are novr getting so used to those "transfers are breaking up that old gang of mine" blues that there are almost no tears left.

But as with all things, we too are getting used to tliC idea of "musical" branches. (Remember the game musical chairs? VJhen a transfer comes through, we just grin and wait for the next move.

Coming back to the haopy part of the transfer- the party was a roaring success. Once the menu was translated from French into the commonplace things like Beef Stew, everybody settled dovm to another session of exchanging mem- ories, gossip, and trade tips.

The guest of honor, Dieme Farrell, v;as launched in grand style v/ith a beautiful blue jersey blouse and a cute little blue fuzzy wuzzy wooly hat.

As usual, all the women were beautiful and all the (2) men handsome.


January 10. Catholic Library Association. Hostess: Mrs. Irene Tuttle Speakers: Miss i;. Jane jTanthorne. " Ife en-Age Fiction Fact or Fairytale" Rev. Ambrose J. Mahoney, S.J. "The National Ilerit Scholar- ship"

Hon. Elias Shamon. "Ihe Political Situation in Leban on in Historical Perspective" Placet South Boston Branch Library

January 26. January SLA MFETBIG Place: The Boston Globe

Date: Monday, January 26, 1959

Time: 3:30-5:00 P.M. - Tburs

6:00 P.M. - Dinner

(At Globe Cafeteria) 7:30 Meeting Host: Eugene Elliott, Librarian

SpeaJcer: Willard DeLue, Globe




Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. 3he name is withheld from publication, or a pen name used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymoue contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publica- tions Committee and the Association are in agreement with tiie views ex- pressed. Only those contributions con- taining not more than 300 words will be accepted.

D<jar Editor:

Doesn't anyone have a good word to say in the Soap Box?

If it is a complaint dopr.rtmont or gripe department vihy don't we change its ncjnc?

TAIhy no favorable comments on many good things?

The staff has long boon agitating in favor of classification by position in- stead of one by person, so that an indi-« vidual v/ould be paid for what ho does (position) instead of what he knows (cjsuinations passed,). That is what is happening in the NP situation. Ihorc has been a recognition of skills and respon- sibilities, and many pr^moti'-'us. Un- doubtedly many who felt they deserved promoti'-'ns did not get thcTa. However, many did. Why not a favorable comment?

It has been a long step in the right direction. May there be many more steps 1 iko it .


lb the Editor:

Alas, we have come to the end of an oral The "two days earned for each month of the year" vacation setup is no more. Woe unto our already lov/ morale 1

Of course, this can be corrected at some future date, just as the "two weeks retirement vacation" fiasco has been corrected that is, if the proper situa- tion presents itself.


The recent biography of the first Bishop of Boston, Jean Lefebre de Cheverus by Dr. Annabelle M. Melville (Bruce 19 58) mentions many of our fellow librarians as having helped the author in bringing out this most im- portant work. Among those mentioned is Mary Alice Rea (Book Purchasing Deport- ment) who is a personal friend of the Author. Miss Rea assisted hor in her research.

Mary Reed Nowland in Saints and Our Children (Kenedy 1958) thariks Anna M. Manning ( Teachers' Room) for hor help.

Just Wondering






and v)Ou Cjove me to eat, I uuos tKirsty''

and VjOLi nave me to dr/nk I urns a stroncier

and LjOu weiconied me, I bU 05 P.aked

and Ljou clothed me.

o 0 c

I s aij to u|oa, as uou did d to one of the least oflhese m brethren^ Ljou d\c\ it to me'.'

December 15, 19^8

ecial Conmittec - CARE -■••■ Chairnan-Falter Bluhm Jlinna Steinberg Marie T. Has tie





COI'MITTEE FOR CHRISTMS TEA J^ Grace B. Loughlin, Chairman V j G. Florence Connolly Fauline E. Murphy

^7 Shirley A. Gildea Edna G. Peck /)

Eleanor F. Halligan Louis M. Ugalde

Corrine Henderson

Ruth E. Winn


December 9, 1958

INDEX Volurne XIII«~19$8


XIIItL:L:L Voliune 13 f I'&unber 1, Page 1, Coluim 1

ALA. American Library Association

BCBrf Boston Catholic look Week

HPL Boston Public Library

BPI5A Boston Public Ubrary Staff Association

Bid, Brighton Branch Library

CCMS Chowder, Chatter and Marching Society

CLA Catholic Library Association

EB East Boston Branch Library

OAN General Administrative Notice

MLA Massachusetts Library Association

MDC Men's Library Club

NE New England

NLW National Library Week

NP Non-Professional Library Assistant


R and RS Division of Reference and Research Services

RTLIA Round Table of Librarians for Young Adults

SLA Special Libraries Association

SB South Boston Branch library

SORT Staff OrganlBations Round Table

WE West End Branch Library

Abbot, Marion K, In memorian. XIII

Adelson, Mildred EPLSA.

PrograzB eomidttee, neinbership on. nil

Reception for officers (Poster) XIII

New sociological trends in Boston. Advance publicity,..,. XIII

Poster XIII

Alden, John,

Deception conpounded ... in STUDIES IN BIBLIOGRAPHY,....., XIII

Letter from India XIII

Welcome back XIII

liAroth, Lawrence C , , credit from , XIII

Alumni, Contact with (Editorial Notes) XIII

American Library Associations Annual conference.

Announcement (Calendar of Svents), XIII

Bon voyage to attendants XIII

Grants, identification of recipients by departments

(Soap Box) XIII

Group to be led by Fanny Goldstein. XIII

Reports XIII

Visit to Castle of San Simeon recommended (Soap Box) XIII

Ifembershlp appeals Xni


Ames, Joan Allan. BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII

Ames, Mary E, VJellesley College, sixtieth class reunion...... XIII


:U:7 :2:9 :ll:i4:2 : 11 111

:8:3:2 s3J3t2 :6:3*2 : 12:5:1 :10:1

:5s3:l t6:$sl










-■■e- V.

"-?v-..a;i"-- ^^

•I .'-\_ ■■'■



1 ■.-

,, >i> ^ W:-:

•-.%.'*-, ;■ . A-^-'- ''^^- i^^''


Anapolle, Max, BPLSA, pensions comnattee, membership on o. XIII :U:8

Anderson, BarbaiSa S, (Mrs), Swan, ViLlliam A., retirement XIII:11:U:1

Anderson, James (Mr and Mrs). Daughters Ellin Greer XIII:5:2t2

Anderson, Jean M, (Mrs). Resigned XIII:8:3:1

Andrews, Harry,

ALA", annual conference, visit to Castle of San Simeon

recommended (Soap Box) ». XIII:6:10:2

Soap Box, unusual feature, comnents an (Soap Box) XIII :7 -5 si

Transferred Xin :9 :2 :1

Anglin, Robert J. Resigned XIII:6t2:l

Appointment to titular position. High school graduate (Soap

Box) XIII :U :5 :1

Armstrong, Anne E, ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to

attendants XIII :6:5:1

Armstrong, George T, (Mr and Mrs), Daughter: Maureen XIII:3:7f2

Arnavets, Annual banquet, report XIII :1:3: 2

Ashe, Barbara. Bowling league, annual banquet XIII:6:li:l

Assistant Director (for Personnel), Comments on new appointee

(Soap Box) XIII -.10:6:1

Audio-Visual Departmait, Services, appreciation of (Presi- dent's Notes) o XIII:7:2:1

Babcock, Jean, BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII:ii:Us2

Bailey, Robert G, BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII: 5:3:2

Resigned XIII :10:3:1

Ball, Gerald L.

BPLSA, Publications ccmmittee. Chairman (President's Notes) XIII:7:2:1

Membership on XIII rU : 8

CLA, NE unit, Basic principles of library science, given at

BPL XIII :9 :3 :2

Barbarossa, Theodore C, EB, open house, thirteenth annual,

report XIII :6 :7 :1

Barren, Jennie L. (Mrs), Goldstein, Fanny, tea in honor of.... XIII:5:7:2

Barrett, Paul (Mr and Mrs), Son: Earl Vincent XIII:h:5:2

Barrett, Gilda (Mrs). Coffee party in honor of XIII:1:8:1

Resigned XIII :8 :3 :1

Barry, Elizabeth G. Best wishes for speedy recovery. XIII:6:3:2

Retirement HII :9 :8 :2

XIII: 11: 2:1

Retirement party in honor of. XIII:9:U:2

Barry, James. Births: Kane, Joseph Michael XIII:12:5:1

Barry, Jane M. BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII:6:6:2

Transferred , XIII :5 :2 :1

Bartalini, Colomba N.

BPLSA, entertainment committee, membership on XIII:i4:6

Transferred XIII :1:2 :1

XIII:3:2:1 XIII:5:2:1 Bedcer, Dorothy K. CLA, NE unit. Basic principles of library

science, given at BPL XIII:9:3:2

Benoit, Frank. BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII:U:U:2

Resigned XIII :9 :2 :1

Berkovitz, Abram, Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of XIII:2:3:2

Bernbaum, Naomi. Entered service XIII:9:2;1

Berrigan, Daniele CLA, annual convention, report XIII:5:6:2

Bibawi, Eugenia. Visitors... XIII:5:3:1

Bickford, Helen N. BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII:5;3:2

Births : Anderson, Ellin Greer XIII :5 :2 :2

Armstrong, Maureen XIII:3:7:2

Barrett, Earl Vincent XIII:l4:5:2


Births (Continued) o

Brigante, David XIII:5:2s2

Cameron, Paul, Jr... ZIII:8:5:1

Ganavan, Mary Louise,.. XIII:3:7:2

Cinmaruta, Josepho XIII:d:5:l

Hewes, Helene. XIII :12 tStl

Kane, Joseph Michael XIII:12:5:1

Lebert, Mary Cecelia XIII;9:6:2

McCafferty, Anthony XIIIs7t2t2

O'Neill, Christine Ann... XIII:5:2s2

Porter, Daulphine Elizabetti XIII:5t2:2

Smith, James Ti/alter XIIIt3s8:2










Trocki, Edward Robert and Edith Mary,., XHl;

Blakely, Juanita (L&s)« Entered service.... XIII:

Bluhm, Walter J, CARE, Committee, membership on XIII !

Poster. XIII !

Bondi, La\ira M. EPLSA, program commttee, membership on , XIII:

Boston Arts Festival. And the BPL (Editorial Notes) XIII !

Heint zelman, Arthur W, , lecturer XIII i

Boston, City of. Budget^ supplementary. , XTII s

Boston Catholic book wesk. Announcement and program outline.... XIII : BOSTON GLOEEo

A plan for Boston or else, by Norton Long (Editorial Notes)... XIII:12sl

Goldstein, Fanny, tribu+,e to.. XIII:l:8t2

Boston Public Library, And Boston Arts Festival (Editorial

Notes) XIII:7:1

Boston Public Library Staff Association,

Apathy of membership (Vice President's Notes) XIII:6j3;2

Appeal for support (President's Notes)., XIII:3:2:1

BPL, future role, seminar on. Totts, Veronica, resignation as

chairman (President 's Notes) XIII :1:2 :2

Dues paid now cover 1958 and 1959 for ttiose \*o Joined staff

since June 1, 1958. XIIiaO:2:l

Fall business meeting. Announcement (Calendar of Events)...,. XIIIrlO:l


Group activities suggested (President's Notes) o»... XIII :i4: 2:1

May business meeting. Announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:5:3sl

Meetings, time spent at (President's Notes), XIII:12:2:1

Membership appeals. Membership and Hospitality committee.,.., XIII: 2:7

XIII:li:ll nil»5s3:2 Xni:6:12

President's Notes,,,.,,., XIII:1:2:2

Membership, report on lOO^ers £111:6:6:2

XIII: 7:5:2 New sociological trends in Boston,

Advance publicity, Xin :ll:li t2

Announcement (Calendar of Events),. ,... XIII:10:1


Poster,. XIII:10:11


Nominations from floor (Vice President's Notes) XIII:11:10!2

Non-Professional Library Service personnel, eligibility of

(Editorial Notes ) , XIH :lsl

Officers and conmttees XIII :li :6

Reception for officers.

Plans for film program (President's Notes) XIII:1:2!2

Poster XIII :2 :9

Worth working for? (Soap Box) XIII:11:9:2

-.* ■,.■ J-

■'. ■■■> .■

■.,. , I '.

; ', ' \

Bouquet, Marjoile G. (Mrs). Best vishes for a speedy recowy. g^j^l^g

Brackexi, naroxa Program committee, membership on., ^^^'^f

Bradfield, Nancy L, Visxtors TTTT-';t3:2

Bradford/Victoria. BPLSA, welcome to new members nii;9:2i2

Resigned ^ ^^ -SO:!

Brainard, Elsie K. Entered service XIII'9»2'1

Brennan, Helen A. Transferred ••• V**!^^

Brennan, Mary Anne. BPI5A, entertainment committee. ^membership ^^^^^^^

Bre3kii;'Bernard*Li**BPLSAi*weicome to new members Sll!6i2ll

Breslin, Jeanette M. Resigned XIIIt8'2t2

Briano, Kathleen T. Entered service....... ttti-^*2:2

Brigante, Thomas (Mr and Mrs). Son: Davxd... YTTT-liiBjl

Brighton Branch Library. Children ' s book week programs gll .11^0 «l

Brogna, Albert J. Transferred ■rrTT*lii^:2

Brother Finn. MLC, Weston College meeting, report.. tttt,11s?'2

Brother McLean. MLC, Weston College meeting, report IIIl!l2:3il

Brown, Ernestine. Entered service YTTTit^.'^t2

Brown, Kenneth R. BPLSA, welcome to new menixirs tttt p'? -1

Entered service ^tt nil)*,'.!

Brown, Louise S. (Mrs). Swan, vaniam A., retirement gglJ^^'Ji-'

Brown, Pearl I. Resigned XIIlJlO:3:l

Brown, Raphael. Haraszti, Zoltan, credit to.. ^........ fllliLft?^'^

Bruno, Frank P. BPISA, program committee, membership on Siilio 70

Bryan, Julien. ALA, annual conference, reports ^tt 'f",^ ''

Bryant, Albert. BPLSA, welcome to new members................. ixixijo

Buckley, Alice Marie. GLA, NE unit, basic principles of li-^^^ xIII:9j3:2

brary service, given at BPL..,.. !"**!** \ yttt.!,.?*!

Budget. Cuts, effect on service (President's Notes) Sli;i6»2:2

Boonasera, Ne*ta A. altered service XIII:9»2»2

BuBhara, Mr. Visitors. •rrTi*i'?''?t2

Callahan, William. BPI^A, welcome to new members nil t6 h »1

Callen, Rita. Bowling league, annual banquet Sn 11 J27l

Cameron, Margaret T. (Mrs). Resigned..... Sn-si^tl

Cameron, Paul (Mr and Mrs). Son: Paul, Jr ^ Sn*:5-3 2

Campbell, M. Phyllis. BPISA, welcome to new members En-12:3:l

Resigned * «

Canavan, Thomas (Mr and Mrs). Daughter: Mary Laaise.. STi;i:3.2

Canham, Erwin D. Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of ^^^^^'f;:,

CarboSeau, Maurice. Sullivan, Loraine A., party in honor of., ggj^j^jl

CARE. Appeals Xnilll»2j2


^ .. niitUtUti

Letter of appreciation ,..,,, XIII:12t7

Poster...... ,........••.•«.•• ..•• XHI tlO:2 12

Carr, Robley F. Entered service * * * * 1! * 'i

Carroll, John M. Barry, Elizabeth G., retirement party in yj,-iji^.lt2

honor of. ...» * ' * * * * * * +/ * * * *

Carroll John M. (Mr and Mrs). EB, open house, thirteenth xills6:7:l

annual, report I* *,* V * ' * ' I4 *Z

Casey, Father. CLA, NE unit, St. Agnes Parish meeting, xiII-liU-l

announcement (Calendar of Events) mitlt^'l

Casey, William T. BCaj, committee mitlt$l2

BPLSA, Staff Library 450inreitt«e, WMsberaiaip on •••• ,«,••••••••••••••••••

. . . < '

J:^ -


t J

■■?■ .'


* . y ; i**


•■ t'

». -A

* > t < *


Casey, Vviilllain T, (Continued),

Ex-President' a Notes........... .... .c... ..«. XIII!2:3j1

Ex-President's Notes, thanks for XIIlj3s2a

President's Notes XIII:l:2t2

Transferred XIII :9 s2 :1

Castagnola, Robert, Nichols, Mary U,, book prize awards, tenth

annual, report XIII :6! 2:2

Castellano, Mary Elizabeth, Married to Thomas Robert lihite,,., XIII:3s7:2

Castelletto, Frankie. SORT, meetings, report XIII:10s8:2

Catalog, public. In Abbey Room XIII tS:9''l

Catholic Library Association,

Annual conference, -report XIII :5 :6sl

NE unit. Assumption College Library meeting, announcement (Calendar

of Events) nilt8:5s2

XIII: 9:1

BCBW, program and committee XIII:l:5sl

Basic principles of library Science, given at BPL, XIII:9s3j2

U9th annual teachers' institute (Archdiocese), report XIII : 9:3:1

Mt.AltettLa 'icademy meeting, announcement (Calendar of

Events) XIII :h:2 :2

SB meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:12:5s2

St, Agnes Parish meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:1:)4:1

Cavanna, Bettyo Brio, children's book week program XIII:11:8:1

RTLYA, program for 1958-59 XIII :10t9 :1

Cawein, Paul BPLSA. Program committee, membership on XIII :U;7

Welcome to new members XIII:5:3:2

Resigned XIII :9 :2 :1

Centennial gift. In memory of War dead,









5:3-. 2



Balloting method criticized (Soap Box) XIII

Clarified (Soap Box),.. XIII

Comments on (Soap Box) , XIII


Channels of conmunication. Up and down* (Soap Box) XIII

Chase, Frank, Kingman, Marion C., letter from XIII

Chefitz, Helene, Ehtered service, , XIII

Chilcoat, Shirley-Jo » BPLSA, Program committee, membership on, XIII

Welcome to new members XIII

Resigned , XHI

Chen^ttd, Patricia A, Entered service, XIII

Chowder, Chatter, and Marching Society,

June 17 outing, report XIII:6:i4:l

Sullivan, Loraine A,, party in honor of,. XIII:ll:5sl

Christie, Carolyn Ae Entered service, XIII ;10:2 :2

Christmas tea. Poster < XIII:12:9

Cimmaruta, Oreste (Mr and Mrs)a

Jelalian, Sona (Mrs), party in honor of XIII:8:5:1

Son: Joseph, XIII :8:5 :1

CITY REODRD . Raises for City employees, quotation on XIII : 7 : 3 : 2

Clark, Donald T*

New sociological trends in Boston, Advance publicity, XIII:ll:li:2

Postero XIII :10:11


Clark, Ronald J, Position available..... XIII:i»:5:2

Classification of Personnel.

Non-Professional status, comments on (Soap Box) <>...,. XIII: 2:5: 2


2 Xni:2:6:2

XIII :2; 7:1


.-,.• V

1 ■■;■


Classification of personnel (Continued).

Personnel comnittee investigating new ratings upon request

(President's Notes) 1111:7:2:1

Cffiffee Shop, Vacation, June 30 to July $ XIII:6:9:2

Coffey, Barbara £• (Hrs)e BPLSA, entertainment committee,

membership on <> •• XIII :U t6

Cohen, Edith P. (Mrs). Resigned XTTI:8;3a

Colarusso, Rosemary D. (Mrs). Resigned Xj:II:11:2:1

Cole, Laurelle W. (Mrs), Transferred XI1I:10:2:2

Coleman, Anne F. ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to

attendants XIII;6:5:1

Coleman, Beatrice. HPLSA, house committee for women, member- ship on XIII :i4 :7

Conant, Ronald C. Army National Guard, promotion.. XIII:3s7:2

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. XIII : 1 : 8 ;2

Conley, Elinor D. (Mrs)o

Abbot, Marion K. In memoriam......... XIII:5:U:2

Hartzell^ B^rtha.V., memcirial lecture, seventh.

Conmittee, tnerobership on XIII :U :6

Poster XIII:U:9

Renlnder o XIII:U:5:2

Report XIII :6 :3 :1

Conlin, Elena. BPLSA, welcome to new mesiberse.. XIII:5:3:2

Connell, Helen a* ALA> annual conference, bon voyage to

attendants XIII :6 :5 :1

Connolly, Brendon. MLC, V/eston College meeting, report XIII: 11:^:2

Shadowbrook library, rebuilding of. XIII:6:7:2

Connolly, G. Florence. Christmas tea, poster XIII:12:9

Conroy, Ruth F. (Mrs)c BPLSA, concession committee, membership

on. XIII :U t6

Conway, Joseph. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.. XIII:3:8;2

Conway, William C. Entered service XIII:9:2:1

Coolidge, Marcus A. (Mrs)« Wedgwood Club flind, created in

memory of Mrs Coolidge XIII:6;3:1

Courtyard. Coirpliments on (Soap Box)...... XIII:6:10;2

Cragin, Charles L. Entered service. XIII:1:2:1

Resigned XIII :6:2 a

Crosby, Mary T. Married to Robert Jackson XIII:9:?:1

Cufflln, Mary Florence. In memoriam XIII :3 :6:1

Cuflhing, Richard James t Resignation from Board of Trustees

(Editorial Notes) XIII:9:1

Cutler, Annette S. Engaged to Barry L. Scott XIII:10:9»2

Entered service XIII:8:2:2

Resigned XIII:12:3j1

Dalton, Jack.

Hartzell, Bertha V., memorial lectxire, seventh.

Announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:5:3:1

Comments (President's Notes). XIII:5:7:2

Poster XIII:U:9









Reminder XIII:ii

Report XIII :6

Havlland, Virginia, ALA representative at meetings in Italy. XIII:5

Dalton, Virginia, Engaged to William John Pettipas , XIII :2

Resigned XIII:^

Danker, Frederick E. H'LSA, welcome to new members XIII :5

Re-entered service XIII :1

Resigned XIII:9

Darling, Florence B. McGovern, Grace (Mrs), retirement party,, XIII:11:2:2

Darling, Robert J, ALA, annual conference, reports... XIII:10:7:1

■ii . ••«■ V

^^' '■ ^'.:.:.


Davis, John B,, Jr.

New sociological trends in Boston* Advance publlcltyo......o* XIII;ll:i4;2

Po8ter<,.o XnirlO:ll


Decker^ A, Kay, EPLSA, welcome to new tnerabers... XIII:5:3:2

Dellano, Jeanette Married to John Stow Xin:6:3:l


Del Long, Josephine* BPI^A, welcome to new members ZIIItU:U:2

DeLuca, Sandra, Nichols, Mary U., book prize awards, tenth

annual, report... 1111:6:2:1

DeLue, VUllard. SLA, Boston Chapter, GLOBE meeting, announce- ment (Calendar of Events) XII1:12:5:2

Dennison, Mary L. Bon voyage coffee party in honor of......... X[II:6:$:2

DeRosario, WilliaBi. BPLSA, house committee for men, membership

on o XlIIil4:6

Desaulniers, Rita. Jelalian, Sena (Mrs), party in honor of,... XIIIx8:5:l Deschamps. Anie. CLA, Assunption College Library meeting,

announcement (Calendar of Events). XIII:8:^:2

DeSimone, Helen R. Resigned XIII :5 :2 ;1

Dever, Joseph. BCE^> pi>ogram.... XIII;1:5:1

Devlin, Marie Resigned XIII:6:2;1

Doherty, Lawrence T. Resigned > , XIII:8:3:1

Donaghue, Francis J, Nichols, Mary U., book prize awards,

tenth annual, report..... «, XIII:6:2:1

Doubrovsky, Claire V. (Mrs), Entered service. XIII:11:2:1

Dougherty, Bernard, BPISA, house committee for men, membership

on XIII :ii :6

Doyle, Susan, Pre -graduation luncheon in honor of XIII '6:5 £2

Drane, Elizabeth A. BPLSA, welcome to new members Xin:5s3t2

Dugan, Marion C. (Mrs), Entered service XIII:9s2:l

Dunn, Irene Brown (Mrs),

Dunn, Lee Joseph, In memoriam*. XIIIt6:9t2

In memoriam, acknowledgment.. XIII:7:3:2

Dunn, Lee Joseph, In memoriam.. XIII:6:9t2

Durand, Ruth Sawyer (Mrs), CLA, NE unit, St. Agnes Parish

meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events),. XIII:1:U:1

Earley, George E. Hastings, Michigan, Public Library, head

librarian. , XIII :8 : 3 :1

East Boston Branch Library,

Open house, thirteenth annual, reports XIII:6:6t2

Space age anecdote XIII:5:5tl

Eaton, Anne Thaxter. CLA, annual convention, report XIII:5:6:1

Editorial Notes,

Alumni, contact with XIII :10 :1

BPLSA, eligibility of Non-Professional Library Service per-







5:1 2:1

U:l 8:1:1 6:1 11:1

sonnel XIII

Boston Arts Festival and HPL...,., XIII

Cushlng, Richard James, resignation from Board of Txnstees.c, XIII

Fire equipment. XIII

Library Services Act XIII

May, queried (Soap Box) XIII

"Meetings of governing bodies ...shall be public meetings".... XIII

National Library Week XIII

New Yoric Public Library annual report, comments on, XIH

Professionalism XIII

QUESTION MARK, THE, "raison d'etre" XIII

Two new divisions, comments on XIII


Ekstrom, Dorothy Bb (Mrs)o

BPLSAa Membership and hospitality committee. Membership on, XIII:Ii:7

Membership appeal, poster ZIII :Ii :11

XIII: 6:12

Elder J Isabella, Dinner in honor of £[II;6:6:1

Elementary school librarian. Ad, XIII :3:3 '2

Elliott, Eugene, SIA, Boston Chapter, GLOBE meeting,

announcement (Calendar of Events) ««. XIII:12:5s2

Engagements, Cutler, Annette S,, to Barry L, Scott XIIItlO:9s2

Dalton, Virginia, to lailiam John Pettipas •,..,. XIII:2:li:l

McGah, Mary, to Walter A, Robinson XIII:2:U:2

Robinson, Walter A<,, to Mary McGah XIII:2;Ur2

Ustach, Janet E., to Bobbie R, Sareltzer XIII:10:9:2

Engler, Martha C.

BCBW, committee.. ..,..,..,..♦ ., XIII:ls5:l


Annual convention, report^ Xni :S :6:1

NE unit, Basic principles of Library Science, given at

BPL XIII:9:3t2

Teachers' Institute (Archdiocese), report XIII;9:3:1

Esterquest, Ralph T, SLA, Boston Chapter, NELA, panel member

(Calendar of Events) Xni:8:5:2

Europe, Round trip flights, chartered, announcement (Presi- dent 's Notes) XIII :10:2 :1

Evans, Luther A, ALA, annual conference, reports XIII 510:6:2

Experience, Credit for (Soap Box) XIII:5t8:l

Farrell, Diane G, CLA, annual convention, report XIII:5:6:1

Hannon, Catherine, shower in honor of XIII:9s6:l

Party in honor of , XIII:12:5:2

Sailing lessons XIII :5 :^ '-2

Transferred XIII :12 !3:1

WE, notes Xm:10:3:2

Farrell, Helen (Mrs), Hannon, Catherine, shower in honor of,, XIII:9:6:1

Farrell, Joseph P* Hannon, Catherine, shower in honor of. XHI:, 9:6:1

McGovern, Grace (Mrs), retirement party,... XIII:11:2:2 Feeley, Barbara J, BPLSA, special services comndttee, member- ship on XIII th:Q

Fein, Harry H, Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of XIII;2:3s2

Femino, Jennie Transferred XIII :10:2:2

Ferrant, Phyllis M, Married to Joseph A, Carr.... XIII:11:2;1


Ferson, Frances V. Retirem^it XIII:10:3:1

Field, Abigail W. (Mts), Bitered service XIII:11:2:1

Field, Hermann. MLA, annual meeting, report ., XIII:6:8:2

Finkel, Joseph L, Entered service XIII:9:2:1

Resigned XHI :10s3 :1

Fire drill, October 6 XIII:10:ij:2

Fire equipment. Editorial Notes XIII:12sl

Flannery, Sarah W. (Mrs), BPLSA.

Illness (Vice President's Notes) XIII:11:10:2

President XHI :U:6

President '8 Notes XIII :3 :2 :2







Flannery, Sarah (Mrs), ( Continued BPISA, (Continued). President's Notes not written ty her because of her

husband's illness nnt2r2:l

Fletcher, Harry, CLA, Assunqption College Library meeting,

annovmoement (Calendar of E^rents) ••....... XIIIt8t^t2

Ford, Janes J fhtered seirvice XIII:11:2>1

Forrant, Phyllis M. Entered serviceo Xini8:2»2

Foster, Josephine F. Entered service ZIII:9s2tl

Francis, Hargaret G. (Mrs), BPI^A, welcoine to new members*. .. ZIII:l;tUt2

Frank, mnifred C. (Mrs), BPLSA, welcome to newoambers XIII:5i3»2

Transferred XIIIj10j2:2

Frazier, Philip (Mr and Mrs), Daughter: Maryann XIII:ll:6:2

Frederick, Beatrice P. (Mrs),

EPI£A, Hartzell, Bertha V., memorial lect\ire, seventh.

Committee, membership on .», XIII :ltt6

Poster miihi?

Reminder , niI:U:5:2

Frederick, Renee (Mrs), BPI5A, welcome to new members XIII»5:3»2

F^eedman, Frances, Zaugg, Julie, tea in honor of,. XIII :3t 7:1

Filedlander, Edith R, (Mrs )o Entered service XIIIj10:2:2

Fritz, Richard D, BPLSA, welcome to new members. > XIII:5:3t2

Resigned XIII :10 :3 »1

Fryhon, Sumner,

BPLSA, Concession committee, menjbership on, XIIItli!6

House committee for men, membership on, XIII :Ut6

Puller, Clarence. O'Neil, B, Joseph, Commander, USN XIII:8:3!2

Fuller, Margaret D, (Mrs)o SLA, Boston Chapter, recruitment

program, amouncement , , XIII :10t8 :2

GAN, 58«^U, comments on. President's Notes XIIIt9:h:l

Soap Box. XIIl!9:8:l

Gaines, Thomas F, Entered service....... XIII:8;3;1

Galick, Genevieve B, (Mrs)c> MLA, annual meeting, report,...,, XIIIr6:9:l Gallagher, George W,

Best wi^es for a speedy recovery. XIII:3t8}2

Lord, Milton E,, reception in honor of 25th anniversary as

Director ^. . . , XIH :1 j3s1

Gannon, James P, J, ^bmavets, annual banquet, report, XIII:1:3:2

Gardiner, Harold C, CLA, annual convention, report... XIIl!5s6:2

Garland, Mary A. Entered service XIII:1:2:1


Jacob Ziskind trust fund— Fanny Goldstein Judaica collection XIII:lt5i2

Wedgwood Club, Fund, $1,000 nil:6:3:l

Wedgwood Queen's Ware punch bowl,... XIII:6t3tl

Gildea, Shirley A, Christmas tea, poster XIII:12:9

Gillis, Charles J, BPLSA, Hartzell, Bertha V,, memorial lecture, seventh,

Conmittee, membership on.. ,, XIII :U:6

Poster XIII :Ui9

Reminder XIIItU:5:2

Program committee, membership on., XIII :ii: 7

Gilroy, Rupert C, £htered service XIII:12i3:l

Glavin^ Catherine A, BPLSA, house committee for women,

menJt^rship on., .,. XIIIti4t7

Globus, Nura,

BPLSA, Membership and hospitality committee, membership on. XIII :U:7

Membership appeal, poster..... , XIII :h til


Transferred to Matt«qpan and party in honor of XIII ^9 :5 :2






Goldfarb, Marcia (Mrs). Resigned,.., o«. XIII:5t2tl

Goldstein, Fannyo

ALA, conference, grov^p guidance » XIII : 3 :2 }2

BOSTON GLOBE, tributeo.c Xni:l:8s2

Christmas-Hanijkkah good fellowship party. XIII:1:5j2

Christmas supper party for staff XIII :1 : 5 j2

Italy, letter from , , XIII:10:h:l

JBvTiSH ADVOCATE, literary editor of Xni:12:2:2

John Rylands Library, letter from XIII !l0:li:l

Judaica collection presented by Jacob Zi^dLnd trust fund^

and Fanny Goldstein Judaica Trust Fund announcedo.. XIII:lx5t2

Luncheon in honor of, thank -you note XIII:2:3sl

National Jewish book council, citation and reception by XIII:6:7s2

Parties in honor of XIIIt2:3:2

XIIl!5'.7t2 Goldstein, Saimiel, BPLSA, special services committee, member- ship on, XIII:U»8

Golub, Herbert, Pre-graduation luncheon in honor of, XIII:6:5s2

Gordon, Elizabeth M. ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to

attendants XIII:6:5:1

Gordon, Edith, BPLSA, welcome to new members... XIII:5t3i2

Gordon, Edith P. Married to Charles Coheno XIII:8j3:1

Gorely, Charles P., Jr. Wedgwood Club Fund, presentation of














$1,000 to create XIII:

Graham, Robert E , Resigned XIII :

Gray, Doris BPLSA, welcome to new members,,.. XHIi

Green, Douglass M, Resigned,..., XIII:

Green, Samuel, Mayor ' s Charity Field Day, report. ............ XIII s

Greenaway, Emerson, ALA, annxial conference, reports .....,..• XIII:

MLA, annual meeting, report XIII;

Group activities. Suggested (President's Notes), XIII;

Guerrier, Edith, Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of,.,,... XIII;

In memoriam « XIII :

Gurney, Ellen M, (Mrs), Resigned XHIi

HaHigan, Eleanor F, BPISA, program ooraraittee, membership on, XIII:

Christmas tea^ poster,,..... ..., XIII:

Hannan, Catherine M,

Engagement announced XIII :6:5 12

Married to Philip Richmond XIII:10:2:2

Non-Professional status (Soap Box),. XIII:8:l;:2

Shower in honor of XIII: 9:6:1

Haraszti, Zoltan, Brown, Raphael, credit from XIII:12:5:1

Harrington, Cornelia M,

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants XIIIs6:5:l

Transferred XIII :10s2«2

Harrington, Helen M, (^s),

H*LSA, entertainment committee, membership on,,. XIII:li:6

Best wishes for a speedy recovery. XIII:10:9:2

Welcomed back XIII :12 :2 :1

Hairbwig, Charlotte (Mrs). Entered service XIII:9:2:1

Resigned XIII :11:2 :1

Hartzell, Bertha V,, memorial lectiire, seventh.

Announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:5:3:1

Comments (President's Notes), XIII:5:7:2

Poster , e XIII ih'.9

Reminder XIII:l4:5:2

Report XIII:6:2:2

Hastie, Marie T, BPLSA, CARE, Committee, membership on...,, XIII:li:7

Poster , Xni :12 :7

-• 0 ••


Haviland, Virginia,

ALA. Annual conference, bon voyage to attendants o.... XIII;6:5:1

Representative at meetings in Italy,, XIII:5»10*1.'

Brie^ children's book week program , , XIII:11:8:1

Hayes, Ruth

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants,. r. , XIIIs6:55l

CLA, NE unito Basic principles of library science, given at

BPL XIII:9:3«2

Hebert, Ronald, deLeirperiere, Jacqueline, wedding Xni:7:2:2

Hegarty, Kathleen,

ALA, Annual conference, Bon voyage to attendants XIIIi6:$:l

Reports XIII:10:6:2

HPLSA 4 corresponding secretary, , XIII :Ii :6

Heins, Ethel L, (Mrs), Haviland, Virginia, ALA representative

at meetings in Italy,. XIII:5:10sl

Heintzelman, Arthur W,

Boston Arts Festival, lecturer XIII:7:3:1

Cross of Officer of the Legion of Honor, awarded by French

Government , XIII :5 :3 si

Nichols, Mary U,, book prize awairds, tenth annual, report,,, XIII:6:2;1

Radio— Graphic arts. XIII: 7:3:1

Heller, Mary E, Resigned XIII:5!2:1

Henderson, Corrine (Mrs),

BPLSA, Meirfcership and hospitality committee, membership on. XIII tit: 7

Membership appeal, poster... XllltUtll

XIII :6: 12

Vtielcome to new members XIII:l4:I(:2

Christmas tea, poster XIIIj12:9

Hennessey, Robert F, Sitered service .., XIII:12:3:1

Hensley, Richard G,

Barry, Elizabeth Grace, retirement party in honor of , XIII:9:i4:2

Snyder, Abraham, luncheon in honor of XIII:5:12:1

Sullivan, Loraine A,, farewell reception XIII:11:8j2

Zaugg, Julie, tea in honor of XIII:3:7:1

Hewes, Herbert (Mr and Mrs)» Daughter: Helene XIIItl2:5:l

Higgins, Charles L, Michigan, fl«ora BPL XIII:8:3:1

Hill, Bradford M,

Accident XHI :U:it:2

Ifoynihan, Paul V,, farewell gifts, presentation. XIIIj9:1^:2

Hirson, Helen F, (Mrs)© BPLSA, program committee, merribership

on XIII:Ii:7

Holniberg, Joel BPL5A, welcome to new members XIII:5:3s2

Transferred XIII :$: 2:1

Holt, Madalene D,

ALAo Annual Conference, Bon voyage to attendants XIII:6:5:1

Reports XIII:10:8:2

Homer, Donald B, Entered service, XIII:1:2:1

Resigned XIII:5:2:1

Hoover, Herbert, Guerrier, Edith, In meraoriam, .., XIIIj11:3:1

Hours of opening. Uniformity urged (Soap Box),..., XIII:9:7!l

Howe, Quincy, ALA, annual conference, reports XIII s 10:6:2

Hoyle, Nancy, CLA, annual convention, report,,. XIII:5:6:1

Huirphry, John, MiA, annual meeting, report...... XIII:6t9:l

Hunter, Audrey E, Resigned... .., XIII :3: 2:1

Ifyatt, Ruth, MLA, annual meeting, report XIII:6:9:1

Hynes, John B,

A plan for Boston or else, by Norton Long, in BOSTON SUNDAY

GLOBE (Editorial Notes) XIII:8:1

Gushing, Richard James, resignation from Board of Trustees

(Editorial Notes) XIII:9:1


In memorlam. Abbot, Marion K,... XLUt^tUil

Cufflin, Mary Florence XIII :3s6:l

Dunn^ Lee Joseph XIII:6s9t2

Guerrier, Edith <>. XllltllOJl

Incrovato, Janice Entered service XIII:9:2:1

Ivers, Linda M, (Mr8)o HPLSA, program committee, membership

on mi :l4 :7

Jasinski, Daniel S* Resigned* XIII:10:3:1

Javelin, Muriel C, (Mrs)© ALA, annual conference, bon voyage

to attenda nts XIII :6 :5 :1

Jelalian, Sona (Mrs), Party in honor of XIII:d:5:l

Resigned XIII: 12 13 tl

Jesse, Uilliam H. SORT, meetings, report XIII :10:8 :1

Jones, Henry Bowditch, Outings~part-timers, May 30, report,, XIII:6:l4:l Jordan, Christiana P,

BPLSA, Hartzell, Bertha P., memorial lecture, seventh.

Committee, membership on. « XIII :It :6

Poster , , XIII th :9

Reminder XIII :U:5 :2

Jordan, Joanne M. Entered service XIII:6;2:2

Judaica, Fanny Goldstein Judaica Collection presented by Jacob Ziskind Trust Fund, and Fainy Goldstein Judaica Trust

Rind announced XIII:1;5:2



Kane, Charles M. (Mr and Mrs), Son: Joseph Michael XIII:12:5:1

Kaufman, Judith M. ^ferried to I^on Kbmitsky XIII:$:2:1


Kavifinan, JfiJLdred, Television—Krakowiak Polish dancers., XIII;6:3j1

Kearney, Anne C, (Mrs),

BPLSAe Constitution committee, membership on XHI :!( : 6

Executive Board, membership on...... XIII:i4r6

KeHdier, Margaret M, Resigned XIII:9:2:2

Kelley, Margaret Ann, H^ppy birthday XIII :10:9:2

Kelley, Marie A. Entered service Xni:l:2:l

Kelley, ^Ailliam (Mr and Mrs), Kelley, Margaret Ann, happy

birthday Xni!lOj9J2

Kennedy, Marie R,

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants .• XIII:6:5:1

Transferred XHI :2 :2 :1

Kennedy, Patrick, On sick list XIII:l4:ii:2

Keough, Francis Library science course, instructor, XIII:ls7:2

MLA, annual meeting, report XIII:6t9:l

Keswick, Bertha S, (Mrs), BPLSA.

Ehtertainment committee, membership on Xiil!Ur6

Europe—round trip flights, chartered, announcement

(President's Notes) XEII slO:2 :1

Killilea, Thomas W, Resigned , Xni:8j3:l

Kimball, Ethel.

ALA, Annual conference, bon voyage to attendants XIII :6 :5 :1

Kingman, Marion C, Lawrence Memorial Hospital, employment at, XIII:9:5*1

Letter from XIII sl2 :2 :2

Kinsella, Gertrude C, (Mrs)o BPLSA, house committee for women,

membership on XIII:i»:7

Kipp, Laurence, SLA, Boston Chapter, NELA panel member

(Calendar of Events) XIII:8:5s2

Kornitsky, Judith, BPLSA, welcome to new members, , XIII:6;6:2


KormraiHer, Evelyn (Mrs), BPISA, welcome to new members ., o... . XIII:iiti4:2 Koury,, Daniel J.

BPLSAo Constitution committee, membership on ,. XIII :U;6

Program committee, membership on XIII :U:7

Special services committee, membership on XIII :U:8

Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of,.... XIII;2:3!2

Sullivan, Loraine Ao, party in honor of , XIII:11:5:1

Krauss, Janet (Mrs), Resigned XIII:3:2:1

Kristoffersen, Magnus K. SLA, Boston Chapter, NELA, panel

member (Calendar of Events) XIII:8:5:2

LaContra, Gerard, Jr. Farewell party in honor of XIII:5j5t2

Resigned XIII : 5:2 :1

Lagamasino, Lillian E, Married to Dennis H, Gallagher XIII:12:3!l

Lambert, John C, Entered service XIII:9:2:1

Resigned , XIII:10:2:2

Lang, Rosalie A,

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants XIII:6:5!l

BPLSA. Staff Library committee, membership on XIII tl^rS

Larkin, Margaret M, Entered service XIII:8;2:2

Lebert, Bruce (Mr and Mrs), Datighter: Mary Cecilia , XIII:9:6:1

Lee,Williara J, Resigned XIII :10:3:1

Liebsohn, Marian M. (Mrs), BPLSA, welcome to new members,.... XIII:6:6:2

Resigned XIII:9:2:1

Leonard, Esther J,

Accident XIII:2 :ii:2

BPLSA, Publications Committee.










Chairman, resignation (President's Notes) XIII; 7 s

Membership on, XIII :ii s

Illness, progress report, , XIII :3 !


Welcomed back (President's Notes) XIIIs?!

Levine, Frank. Globus, Nura, transfer to Mattapan Xin:9!

Lewis, Bridget T, (Mrs), BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII :5!

Entered service XHI :1:

Lewis, Cathezdne N, (Mrs), Resigned XIII:9i

Lewis, Margaret E, (Ifrs),

BPLSA, Membership and hospitality committee, membership on. XIII:l4:7

Menibership appeal, poster XIII:l4:ll


Transferred, XIII :2 :2 :1

Lewis, William R, BPLSA, constitution committee, membership

on Xin :I4:6

Lextrom, Arvid W, BPLSA, welcome to new members , XIII:5:3:2

Married to Jacqueline deLeraperiere XIII : 7 : 2 : 2

Library profession. Obligations of members (Soap Box) XIII:5:11:1

Library Services Act. Editorial Notes XIII:3:1

Licht, Norman, Entered service, XHI :12 :3:1

Lighting, Inadequacies (Soap Box), , XIII:3:U:1

R and RS, criticized (Soap Box) XIII:6:11:1

Tubmen's lunch room (Soap Box) XIII:5:11:2

Lindquist, Ethel (Mrs). McGovem, Grace (Mrs), retirement

party. , Xni :11:2 : 2

Lissner, Esther. Quote on cats XIII:3:7:2

Snyder, Abraham, luncheon in honor of XIII:5:12:1

Lofchie, Bette, Pre-graduation luncheon in honor of XIII:6:5:2

Long, Charles W, Entered service XIII:10:2;2

Long, Norton, A plan for Boston or else, in BOSTON SUNDAY

GLOBE (Editorial Notes) XIII:8:1

Lord, Ifi.lton Eo

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants XIII:6:5»1

Arnavets, annual banquet, report, , XIII :l:3s2

Qiristinas-Hanukkah good feelowship party •,... XIII:1:5j2

In appreciation of (Soap Box) XIII:ls6:l

Nichols, Mary U,, book prize awards, tenth annual. Reminder XIII:5sl2t2

Report.. XIIl!6:2:l

Reception in honor of 25th anniversary as Director XIII:1j3:1

Wedgwood Club Fund, and Wedgwood Queen's ware montieth,

presentation of... XIII:6:3:1

Lord, Robert H, Gushing, Richard James, resignation from

Board of Trustees (Editorial Notes) XIII:9:1

Lost and found. Procedures, comments on.. XIIIrl:7!l

loughlin, Grace B, (Mrs), Christmas tea, poster XIIIsl2:9

Lovett, Robert (Mr and I^s), Jelalian, Sona (Mrs), party in

honor of XIII :8:5:1

Lyons, Margaret £• Entered service. XIII:9:2}1

MacDonald, Celeste. EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report XIII :6: 7 si

MacFadden, Priscilla, Zaugg, Julie, thank -you note from...... XIII: 3:6:2

MacWilliam, Marion D, (Mrs), BPLSA, program committee,

membership on XIII :U :7

Mahoney, Ambrose J, CLA, Boston Chapter, SB meeting,

announcanent (Calendar of Events) XIII :12 :5:2

Mains, Irene M, Pre-graduation luncheon in honor of XIII ;6: 5:2

Transferred, nil:9:2sl

Manning, Anna L,

BCBW, committee , XIII:l:5'.l

BPLSA, program committee, membership on XIII :li :7


Annual convention, report XIII:5:6:1

NE unit.

Basic principles of library science, given at BFL XIII:9j3s2

Teachers* institute (Archdiocese), report XIII:9s3»l

Nowland, Maiy Reed, credit firom XIII :12 :6:2

Mannion, Mary C, (Mrs). Resigned XIII:11;2:1

Manthorne, M, Jane, CLA, Boston Chapter, SB meeting,

annoxmcement (Calendar of Events) , XIII:12:5s2

Manuel, Sally (Mrs). Entered service XIII:12:3sl

Mai^olis, Macy P. BPLSA, publications committee, membership

on XIII :li ; 8

Marriages. Castellaoo, Mary Elizabeth to Thomas Robert ^'Mte, XIII:3s7:2

Crosby, Mary T,, to Robert Jackson XIII:9:2:1

Dellano, Jeanette L,, to John R, Stow..... XIII:d:3:l


Ferrant, Phyllis M., to Joseph A, Caxr XIII:11:2:1


Gordon, Edith P., to Charles Cohen Xni:8:3:l

Hannon, Catherine, to Philip Richmond XHI :10 :2 :2

Kauftnan, Judith M,, to tfyron Komitsky XIII:5:2:1


Lagamasino, Lillian E,, to Dennis H, Gallagher.... XIIItl2:3!l

Lextroro, Arvid, to Jacqueline deLeraperiere, XIII;7:2:2

McGah, Mary J,, to Walter A, Robinson XIII;5:2:1

Pagliuca, lAnda M., to Carlo Tramontozzi XIII:1:2;1


Prindle, Judith, to Kenneth A, Tollackson XIII;2:li:l


Robinson, Walter A., to Mary J, McGah XIII:5:2:1

Staples, Jeanne Elizabeth, to Norbert A, Busch...* XIII:10;3:1

Tracey, Patricia, to Thomas Reardon... XIII:10:3»2


Marsh, Mary J. Entered service ...» «.. XIII:10:2:2

Martin, Harold C, RTLIA, Fall meeting, speaker, XIIIj5s10:2

Program for 1958-1959 XIII:10:9sl

Martin, Rosetta P. (Mrs). Entered service e XIII:10:2s2

Martino, Isabel M, BPLSA, executive board XIII :U: 6

Marvin, Grace M, BPLSA, constitution committee, membership on XIII :Ut6

Marvit, Lenore C, (Mrs), Entered service* ». XIII:9s2:l

Resigned XIII:12 : 3:1

Massachusetts Library Association,

Annual meeting. Annovincement (Calendar of Bvents) XIII:3;8:1



Report Xin:6:8:2

Mateles, Roslyn F. (Mrs),

BPL, NLW bookmark, in JUNIOR LIBRARIES ,..o., XIII:5:12:1

BPLSA, welcome to new members , XIII :5:3 :2

Transferred. XIII :8:3:1

Maxwell, Patricia M, Entered service. XIII 1 11:2:1

Mayor's Charity Field Day, Report , XIII :6: 6:1

McCafferty, John (Mr and Mrs), Son: Anthony Neil XIII:7s2s2

McDermott, Martha A, BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII:5»3:2

Entered service XIII:2:2:1

McDevitt, James, Pre-graduation luncheon in honor of Xin:6:5:2

McDonald, May, BCBW, committee , XIII:1:5:1

McDonald, Patrick F.

Christmas-Hanxikkah good fellowship party XIII: 1:5:2

Goldstein, Fanny, parties in honor of XIII:2:3:2

McDonough, Mary M. CLA, NE unit, basic principles of library

science, given at BPL«..e XIII:9:3s2

McGah, Margaret, McGah, Mary, wedding XIII;5:3sl

McGah, Mary. Engaged to Walter A. Robinson XIII:2:Ut2

Married to Walter A, Robinson..... XIII:5:2:1


McGovern, Grace C, (Mrs), Retirement XIII;11:2:1


McGowan, V.illiam A, On sick list XIII :U:ii:2

McHugh, Robert F, Entered service XIII:1D:2:2

Mclnerney, Thomas (Mrs), Barry, Elizabeth G,, best wishes for

speedy recovery XIII:6:3:2

McLean, Dolores Te Resigned, XIII:1:2:1

McMiff, Philip. MLC, Weston College meeting, report XIII:11:5:2

Medina, Robert, SLA, annual convention, report XIII:6:8;1

"Meetings of governing bodies. ., shall be public meetings"

(Editorial Notes) XIII :5:1

Melville, Annabelle M. Rea, Mary Alice, credit to XIII :12 :6:2

Mendelsohn, Miriam, BPLSA, welcome to new members XIII :5: 3:2

Resigned XIII:8:3:1

Menende^, Rodolf Ruz, Visitors XIII:9:2:2

Men's Library Club,

Spring meeting. Announcement (Calendar of Events), XIII:2:U:2

Report XIII:3:8:2

Weston College meetingo Announcement (Calendar of Events),, XIIl!lO:l

Report XIII : 11 s5 : 2

Merrill, kmy, deLen5)eriere, Jacqueline, wedding... XIII:7:2!2

Mletzner. BPLSA, welcome to new members. XIII:U:li:2

Mombovirquette, Marilyn, EB, open house, thirteenth annual,

report » XIII :6:7:1

Monahan, James A, Entered service XIII :10:2 :2


Montana, Edward J., Jr, BPLSA, welcome to new members. mi:l4:U:2

Entered service 1111:1:2:1


Moorachian, Roseo , ___ ,^,.0.1

RTLIA, program for 1558-59, and membership appeal mi:10.y.J.

Transf erredo « ' : 5 « 2 :i

Moore, Ruthc SU, annual convention, report... c XIII:6s8:l

Morgan, Elizabeth L, Entered service, ^tzz'T l^

Morris, Joan P. HPLSA, constitution committee, membership on. XIII:U:o

Morrissey, Margaret (Mrs), Accidento St*?!^.!

Morrison, Margaret L. (Mrs). Resigned... vttt t ^ij

Morse, Myra Anne. BPISA, welcome to new members Aiii.:>:j.^

Mosher, Suzanne N„ (Mrs)e Resigned™ vST'r'o.i

Transferred. M.ili]^id :x


Moynihan, Paul V. tttt.i.'^.i

BCBW, committee............ Jf:^i: , 'J'"^

BPLSAc Membership and hospitality committee, membership on llli'MU

Membership appeal, poster JHJ'^ ,i

Farewell gifts, presentation ^lV.Vn^,o%

Resigned " Stt J ) o

Mulloney, ^thur. Bowling league, annual banquet o « vttt?t9

mnro, Aletha D. (Mrs). BPISA, welcome to new members,., XIII:ij:j:<:

Mujiro, Edward (Mr and Mrs), Goldstein, Fanny, parties in

honor of 2IIl:^:Jt^

Murphy, Louise K. BPLSA, house committee for women, member-

ship on o , Xlllsiisr

Murphy, Pauline Eo (Mrs).

BPLSA, publications committee, membership on ^'i:*^*'

Christmas tea, poster SlI.li,8-2

Murray, Edward. BPL, trustee, welcomed.,,, rr.'": Hir'.ttQ.o

NPL NEWS, The phoenix rises (on future of staff assocxatxons; Xlll.'?.y.^

Najita, Elnor M. (^s). tlntered service ^^J^Jf'-^

National Ubrary Week. Editorial Notes. ^i!±'%';:^

Poster XIII:2.11

m, comnBnt niI:U:^ :1

Nee, Edward M. Entered service. ^^*^'^t

New divisions. Two, comments on. Editorial Notes Xllicii.x

Soap Box. XIII:11:9:2

New England Library Association. Fall meeting, announcement

(Calendar of Events) ;;:::*"* ^^^'^'^

New York Public Ubrary. Annual report, comments on ^Edito-

rial Notes)....... «• Stt-^Iv?

Nicholas, Helen J, BPLSA, welcome to new members............. Mii.>:^.-i

Nichols, Mary U„, book prize awards, tenth annual. Reminder. = mI.5.12.^!

' Report.... XIII:o;2sl

Niland, Elaine M. Entered service........................... ™'?*^!?,

Nominating committee, chairman announced (President's Notes),. XIII:10s^.i

Non-Professional Assistants. . _.,.«

Comments on (Soap Box) vrTTon'S'i

Complaints (President's Notes). :"'':"{ " Stt:!?;?.!

Personnel committee, study by (President's Notes) mi.l2:2.1

Problems being given consideration. ^j-j- -o 'J^^^

Status, comments on (Soap Box) , nil:2i6:l

2 XIII:2:6:2 XIII :2: 7:1


Non-Professlonfil Assistants (Continued).

Status, Progress report (President's Notes) ,,, XIII:?:!^:!

Questioned by Catherine M. Harmon (Soap Box) XIII:8;Ut2

Non-resident fees, W, proposed oanpaign XIII:9:6;2

Norstog, Magnhild, Entered service *...., 2111:9:2:1

Nowland, Mary Reed, Manning, Pnna L,, credit to <>. Zin:12:6t2

Obear, Elisabeth J, (Mrs)o BPISA, membership and hospitality

comnittee, meiribership on..o*... XIII:li:7

O'Connor, John V. MLC, Weston College meeting, report XIII:lli5:2

O'Connor, IlLldred C,

ALA, menibership appeals, , ]C£IItl:3:2

Xni:5:5:2 XIII:10:9j1 CLA, NE unit, basic principles of library science, given at

BPL XIII:9:3x2

New eociological tirends in Boston, Advance publicity ., XIII:11:U:2

Poster XIII:11:11

O'Halloran, Catherine D, (Ifrs), Resigned XIII:1:2:1

0 ' Lea ry, Eleanor, Party in honor of,. » XlII:10:ii:2

Retired Xni:6:2:l

O'Leary, Joan M, Entered service XIII:11:2:1

O'Neil, B, Joseph,

CLA, NE unit, basic principles of library science, given at

BPL nil :9 j3 : 2

Centennial gift in s^mory of Vlar dead.

Comments on (Soap Box),... ZIII:^:11:1

Xini7:U:2 6:11:1 8:3i2 5:11:2 10:2:1 5:3j2 9:2:1 1:2:1 $:2t2 6:2:1 2:2:1 6:2:1 1:2:1 1j8:1

Clarified (Soap Box) XHI

Commander, USN, XIII

Library profession, obligations of raeidbers (Soap Box).,,.... XIII

Nominating committee, chairman (President's Notes).. ........ XIII

O'Neil, John J, BPLSA. welcome to new members., XIII

O'Neill, AHne B, (l|jrs). Resigned Xni

Transferred « XIII

O'Neill, James E, (Mr and Mrs), Daughter: Christine Ann XIII

O'Neill, Mary M, (Mrs), Resigned XIII

Overbey, Diane F, (Mrs), Entered service..... XHI

Resigned XIII

Fagliuca, Linda M, Married to Carlo Tramontozzi XTCI


Palladino, Lydia A. (Mrs), BPLSA, Staff Library committee,

membership on........ XIII:li:8

Panuntzak, Busina. Visitors XIII:7:2:2

Part-timers' outing. May 30, report. XIII:6:U:1

Parziale, Anne H. (I^s). Resigned.. XIII:8:3:1

Peck, Edna G,

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants , XIII :6: 5:1

BPLSAo Program consnittee, membership on, XIII :U: 7

Staff Library committee, membership on XIII :Ut8

Christmas tea, pester XIII :2 i9

Peltier, Euclid J,

ALA, annual convention, bon voyage to attendants...... XIII:6;5:2

BPLSA, Reception for officers.

Plans for film program (President's Notes) XIII:1:2:2

Poster XIII :2:9

Instructor at WCA niI:8:U:2

Peltier, Eu: lid J, (Mr and Mrs), Lextrora, Arvid (Mr and Mrs),

party for XIII :7:2 :2

. ' t'f -


Peltier, Felicia L. (Mrs)o

ALA, annxial conference, bon voyage -co attendants XIIIi6:5r2

BPI5A, recording secretary^ ^.^o Xiri:iir6

PennecchlOj Rita (Mrs). Susi, 7rank R,, graduation honors XIIIt7:5:2

Perscnnele i^P problems, study ofo Presiden':«s Nct.es,,. » XJII:12:2;1

Vice Preaident's Notes XIII:11:10:2

"No hire— no fire" policy criticized (Soap Box).... XIII:6!llsl

Peterson, Her.Tnan 0, BPLSA, welcome to new members... XIIIj$:3s2

Pillion, Gecj«ge L.

Eldei*, Isabella, dinner in honor of XIII:6:6tl

LaCentra^ ijerard, Jr., farewell party in honor of XIII :$: 5:2

PodgtirskL, Marilyn A* Entered service » XIII : 9:2:1

Resigned XIII:10:2:2

Polishook, Louis.

AmavetS; annual banquet, report XIII:1:3:2

BPISA« Concession committee, membership on. XIII:U:6

Pensions comniLttee, membership on..... XIII :li: 6

Porter, Oliver (Mr and Mrs). Daughter: Daulphine Elizabeth..,, XIII: 5:2:2

Position available. Boy's boarding school XIII:i4:5:2

Posner, Barbara L. Entered service XIII:10;232

Posters e

BPISA, . Hartzell, Bertha V,, memorial lecture, seventhc XIII:it:9

Membership appeal..., « XIII:li:ll


New sociological trends in Bostoiu. XIII:10:11


Reception for officers XIII:2:9

Christmas tea XIII;12:9

Poulimenos, Peter« Entered service XIII:1:2:1

Resigned. XIII :10:2 :2

Transferred , XIII 1 5 : 2 :1

Power, Ellen, Visitors XIIIs5:3j1

Pre-Professional Assistants.

Adjusted to Professionals (President's Notes) XIII:9:li:l

Change from Professional status questioned (Soap Box). XIII:9:7:2

Report on status (Vice President's Notes)o XIII:8:2tl

Presente, Mildred E, Transferred XIII :10:2 :2


President 's Notes XIII :1:2;2









President's Notes. Casey, William To, past-president .•. XIII:2:2:1

Prindle, Judith. Married to Kenneth Ac Tollackson. <> XIII:2:ii:l

Xni:3:2:l Professional Service. Boing work of Sub-Professionals (Soap

Box) , XIII:5:8:2

Professionalisma Editorial Notes. XIII; 6:1

Publications committeeo Season's greetings XIII:12tl

Putnam, Miriam. New sociological trends in Boston. Advance publicity. ., o ... . XIII:11:U:2

Poster XIII:10:11


:-. '■-'•



EFLSAp non-members 4 reading privileges (Soap Box). XIII:5:llt2

Material solicited (President's Notes) XIII:9:U:1

"Raison d »etre" (Editorial Notes) , ITII :6:1

Rabb, Sidney, Christmas-Hantikkah good fellowship party, XIII:1:5!2

Radio, Heintzelman, Arthxir Wo~Graphic arts,,. XEIItTOsl

Rahman, Hafeezur. Visitors XIII:9:2!2

Rains^ Loxiis, BPLSA.

New sociological trends in Boston, Advance publicity,... XIIIrll:ii:2

Poster nil:ll:ll

Vice President, Election, XIII:iit6

Notes XIII:6:3:2

nil s8: 2:1 nil: 11:10:2

Sullivan, Loraine A,, party in honor of , dl:ll:5:l

Rea, Mary Alice,

BCBW, committee XHI :1 j5«1


Annual convention, report *.. XIII:5:6:1

NE unit, Basic principles of library science, given at

BPL XIII:9:3s2

Melville, Annabelle M., credit from XIII:12:6:2

Reading list, COICRATULATIONS GRADUATES, congratulations XIII:559:2

Reconnaissance survey, comments on (Soap Box) XIIIt2:5:l

Red Sox opening game* Time allowaice (Soap Box) , XIII:3}8:1

Reilly, VfiLUiam Arthur, CITY RECORD, quotation on raises for

City employees XIII:7:3:2

Retirements. Person, Frances V XHI tlOi3 :1

Siyder, Abraham. XIII:6:2 il

Sullivan, Loraine A nnjll:2:l


Swan, William A mi:ll:Usl

Zaugg, Julia R XIII:3»7:1

Richard, Joan C, (Mrs), Resigned XIII:6:3!l


Richardson, Alice, CLA, annual convention, report... XIII:5t6:l

Richman, Sarah. VIE, vtelcome by staff IIII:h>U:l

Richmond, Philip, Hannon, Catherine, diower in honor of XIII:9:6:1

Ricketson, Daniel. Guerrier, Edith ^In memoriam XIIItllt3sl

Ricketson, George and Emma* Guerrier, Edith— -In Memoriam XIII:llt3:l

Robbins, Mary C,

BPI£Aa Membership and hospitality committee, membership on ZIII:!^:?

Membership appeal, poster XIII:U:11


Roberts, Mary R, Farewell gift presentation, XIII:1:8:1

Robertson, Edward, Goldstein, Fanny, letter to XIII:10:U:1

Robinson, Beryl Y, (Mrs), BPLSA, program committee, member- ship on XIII:Ut7

Robinson, Walter A, Engaged to Mary McOah XIII:2:l4:2

Married to Mary McGah,.... 1111:5:2:1


Root, Winifred F, Abbot, Marion Kv*-In memoriam, XIIIt5*5sl

Rosenbauar, Donna L, Entered service.. XIII:10t2t2

Rosetdserger, Caperton, Resigned XIII: 8:3:1

Transf exnred XIII :1: 2 :1

Rosenshein, Carole W, (Mrs), Entered eervice,,,,,, XIIIs9s2:l

Ross, Anita N, ()frs). Resigned , Xnii$:2:l

J IJ."

< \=

T. .

J ' : 1 ,

Rothwell, . Helen V<, BPISA, welcome to new mambers «.........»• XIII iS s3 12

Rotmd Table of Children's Librarians^ May meeting, announce-

msnt (Calendar of Events)..., » oo 2IIi:i>«;}?J-

Round Table of Librarians for Young Adults,

Greenfield Public Library ineetingj, report . . . « » - iJJ:^:^; J^ :xu J-

Membership appeal.... -... SS'.10»9*1

Program for 1958—1959 » -- ' XIII:10.9.1

Ruben, Iforton*

BPLSA. New sociological trends in Boston™ ••' ,,10

^r^tr!^!"!::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: S^S:'u

Ruzicka, Rudolph, Lord, Milton, E., reception in honor of

2$th anniversary as Director,, Stt J A i

Ryan, Mary Perkins 0 CLA, annual convention, report ^11 ''\*°'^

Saia, Lillian. Pre -graduation luncheon in honor of ^11 * ? * o i

St. Arnauld, Sheila, Resigned,. « ••• ^tt a 7!t

Salaraone, Liborio, EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report, Xlli:o.r:x

Anniversary increases. Director excepted (Soap Box) KCII '7: 5 12

Thanks for nils7:5:2

Increases for City eniployees, CITY RECORD, quotation from.,. mit7r3s2

Recommendations to City Council (Vice President's Notes).... mi:ll:10:^

Salter, Albert (Mrs), Goldstein, Fanny, tea in honor of niI:5s7tZ

San Francisco Public Library Staff Association. ALA, annual j.

conference, open house for attendants « o XIII $5 «9 «^

Sassj Samuelo NELA, Boston Chapter, NELA panel member

(Calendar of Events) Stt-R.^!!

Scannell, Ptancis. Michigan ftom HPL ja.ii.o.:>:j.

Scoff, Theodora B, ALA, amual conference, bon voyage to

attendants •• XIII:e:i>:^

Segadelli, Btancis Anthony. Nichols, Mary U„ book prize

awards, tenth annual, report ••••• ^^^ q'^.t

Segal, Martino Entered service vttt Afl^i

Saldes, Gilbert. MU, annual meeting, report ±Ji:i:*°*;*;

Sennett, Robert L. Entered service Xli± :y:^.J.

Service ratings. Re-establishment, comments on (Soap i3ox;.... JU.ii:iXJxuxi

Service to publiCc "No fire— no hire" policy, comments on

<=-P=-) 2 Sllllw

Settles, Nancy (Mrs), BPLSA, welcome to new members.... mi:U:U:2

Resigned JE^q', ^

Sevigny, Allen. Resigned Sxriri^Jo

Shadowbrook library, rebuilding of AiiJ-.o.f t«;

Shaffer, Kenneth R.

SLA, Boston Chapter, rrTTflO-8-2

Recruitment program, announcement \"":'V'"*X tttr oCo

Simmons College meeting, announcement (Calendar cf Events) XIII .2 .ii.^ Shannon, Elias, CLA, Boston Chapter, SB meeting, announce-

ment (Calendar of Events) JtiiiJJ.^.:).^

Shaw, Dorothy P,

BPLSA, Hartzell, Bertha V., memorial lecture, seventh.

Committee, membership on mi*ll*9

^'eSS;;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::""::-"""""" •^''^''^'^

BPI£A, Membership and hospitality committee, yT-rr.) •?

Membership on ^zr 'r*!]^

Membership appeal, poster « XIII*6:12


XIII '5*2 tl

Shea, Irene M. (Mrs). Resigned «• •• jTrL'<Wt2

Shea, Mary BPI5A, welcome to nemaenibers SlI-10-2-2

Transferred... o \.\\\\\\\\\\\\ mi*:10t3»2

WE, welcomed at,

Sheehan, David T. v v.^^ ^^ XIIIshj6

BPLSA, House committee for men, membership on mi:5»3J2

Welcome to new members ' JJZI :ls2 tl

Re-entered seirvice. ..<>.. "*' *

Sherman, Clarenceo

Men s Library Club, spring meeting . ^^ . 2 -U 2

Atranouncement (Calendar of Events) ••••• xiii'.3|8t2

Report. XUI »8:2 J2

Sister Maria del Rey. BCBW, program........... {"i'l'iV Stt-9-3j1

aster Mary Alice. Teachers' institute (Archdiocese) « report. ^ll;9.3*l SSer Z7tB Marie. Teachers' institute (Archdiocese), report 2111:9.3:1

''bS SSSm; and hospitality committee, membership on.. mi:U;7^ Membership appeal, poster XIII:6:12

Program committee, membership on. « ^ ;^; I

Staff Ubrary committee, membership on. ^^^ ' ^

New sociological trends in Boston. Advance publicity glllnill

'"SI; Sal conference. Bon voyage to attendants ^^^lt.2

Reports Sit •^•3:2

Smith, Bertha S. BPISA, welcome to new members Sti.1-2-1

Re-entered service.... » miJ9l6-l

Smith, Hugh (Mr and Mrs) . Letter from. '^^

Smith, Pa^l Wo (Mr and Mrs), Som James l.alter,..., Sli;i6:2:2

Smith, Susan R. Entered service ..••» i' I'I'aV 'r.l'" tttt.IijS

sSder, Abraham B. BPLSA, pensions committee, membership on., gll-.^l^

^ ' Best wishes for speedy recovery. ......... o gj ; J;^ ;|


Luncheon in honor ofo.c - StIaIp^i'''

"Iifo^tri;;;;:::::::::;:::. ^^^^^^^^^

Snyder, James (Mrs). Nichols, Mary Uo, book prize B^ar^s,^^^^^ mi:6:2:2

tenth annual, report.

Soap Box.

ALA. axaiual conference o . ^ j x „„+= TrTT.7slis2

Grants, identification of recipients by departments giill-lOtl

Visit to castle of San Simeon recomraendedo.o....... YTTT-S^tl

Appointment to titular positions, high-school graduate XIII.li.5.1

Assistant Director (for Personnel), comments on new ^ ^ xill:10:6:l

appointee.............. •••' ''\\'.\\\\V,\ IIII;11:9;2

BPLSA, worth working for?..... Tni'^'9:l

Catalog, public, in Abbey Room - ^ -"^

Centennial gift, in memory of war dead, XIII:6j10:2

Balldting method criticized •• 2C[ili6:lia

Clarified \,\\,\ XIIll5ilO:2

Comments on..... Xinj7;U*.l



Soap Box (Continued) e

Channels of comnunlcatlon; vp and dovrn. ••• XIIItll:9:2

Classification of personnel Non-Professional status,












comments on* o XIII :


2 xni!




CoTirtyard conpliioents on. nil :

Diminishing receipt of letters (President's Notes), ^ nil!

Editorial Ncbes, Kay, queried.. mi:

GAN 58-6U> four comments on..... nil;

Hours of opening, uniformity urged , » nil s9s7sl

Library profession, obligations of members « XHI :5 <11 :1

Lightii^ in women's lunch room....... nil:5tll:2

Lighting inadequacies mi :3 :U:1

Lighting, R and RS, criticized , mi »6:11:1

Lord, Milton £», in appreciation of....... XIII:1:6:1

Lost and found procedures, conments on.. nil:l:7:l

New divisions, commsnts on nil;ll:9:2


Personnel, "no hire no fire" policy criticized^, o nil;6jll:l

Pre-Professional Assistants.

Change from Professional status questioned....... nil:9:7'2

Doing sub-professional work.... ....•• mi:5:8:2

THE QUESTION MARK, reading privileges on non-members of

BPLSA nil :5ill8 2

Red Sox opening game, time allowance* nil:3}8:l

Salaries* Director, no anniversary increases. Xm:7:5:2

nil :9 J 7:2

Thanks for anniversary increases*............... o XIII:7:5s2

Serviced Credit for experiences nil:5:8:l

Ratings, re-establishment, comments on* nil:ll:10;l

To public "no fire no hire" policy, comments on* niI:3:U:2

2 Xni:3:5sl

Staff manual nil :1:7:1


Survey, Reconnaisance« Comments on*..... * nil:2:5:l


2 mi:10:5:l Xin:10:5:2

. . Query 8^ to recoimcQdationse nil:8:l4:l

Unusual feature. Comments en <> nn:7:U:2

Editorial Notes nil:6:l

Vacancies, Announcement for fiUit^.. nil:ll:9:l

Jllling of— Civil Service vs* BPL nil;2:7»2

Vacations, new rules, coiranents on * nil:12:6:l

SORT* ALA, annual conference, report nil:10:8:l

Soter, Alexander T* Entered service Xm:12:3:l

Special libraries Association,

Annual convention* Mno\incement (Calendar of Events),. nil :5: 3:1

Report nil :6! 8 : J

Scholarships, four at $1,000 each, announcement nil:7:3:l

Student loan fund, announcement nil:7:3:l

Special Libraries Association, Boston Chapter*

Arnold Arboretum meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events) , nil :U: 2:2

: ^'- *

- ■'^>: .'■. ^- :'





Special Libraries Association, Boston Chapter (Continued)o „tt,"^.8.1 Eseajc Institute meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events)., gj^j^.'^jj

QIOBE meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:12j5:2

Insurance Ubrary Association meeting, announcement tttt.t1,.i

(Calendar of Birents) XIIl:X.U.x

Massachusetts General Hospital meeting, announcement

(Calendar of Events) ^rr\i'.<,t

NEU meeting, announcement (Calendar of Brents) TTTTilO-8-2

Recruitment program, announcement '''•'*''**" 'IT 'll's*' YTTT.i^)'.»9

Siimnons College meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events).. ^II;2^;2

State Library meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events).... Xllltox^*^

Speer, Eunice H. ALA, annual conference, reports tttto.?.-!

Sproul, Martha C. (Mrs). Resigned iiai.x.^.j.

Staff in print. Alden, John. Deception compounded . . .,


Staff Library. Mditions « ShIuO'.I

2IIIs5:6t2 XIIIi6:li:2 nn:lli7:l XIII -.12:3:2

Staff manual. Comments on (^ap Box) Stt!?!?o

Need for (Soap Box) nn.l.7:l

Staff representatives. Meeting in November (President's xni:12:2rl

Staples, 'Jeame*EiLzabethl''ifai^ied to Norb^rt A. Bus^....... nHtlOO:!

Stebbins, Kathleen B. PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION IN LIBRAiaES, ^^.^^.^^.^

comments on (Soap Box) vTTTlTn'-^.i

Steele, Joanne (Mrs)<, Resigned XHI.lOO.x

Steinberg, Minna. ^^ , ^ irTTT.6i«^'2

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants jllxi.oj?.^

BPLSAo CARE Comndttee. Membership on Jf^i'lf;;-

Poster ^^ '^''

Steinmeta, Pearl M. SLA, Simmons College meeting, announce- ,

ment (Calendar of Events) ...- YTTT-^ri*?

Stinson, Rose E. BPLSA, welcome to new raemberso ^i- •> « ^'^

Transferred «•• g^l^tja

I^So^Ta^s j::ssrn'(i;;)r'd;;;;i;;:'m;i;-*i;*^^;i;;:: miaio^

Stotz, Bridie P, (Mrs), ^^ ^ x TrTT.A.tJtP

AU, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants AXix-ooi^

BPLSA, special services committee, membership on.. o Aiixtu.o

Strorodahl, Judith E. MU, annual meeting, report.. Mli:o:y.x

Stuhl, Gertrude E. Transferred •••• ^iJ^lt^filJ

Sullivan, John. Best wishes for speedy recovery Mxxo.o.^

Sullivan, Loraine A. Farewell reception.... Jff:^:f-i-°:^

Party in honor of ° titt't, o n

Retirement, S"*^^'^'^


SuUivan, Midiael. Courtyard, compliments on (Soap Box) XIII:6:10:2

Sullivan, Patrick Ao Shadowbrook Ubrary, rebuilding of mi .0. r .^

Sullivan, William.. Best wishes for speedy recovery STtiolR.*!

Survey, Reconnaisance. Comments on (Soap Box) gijI^Qjjjj^

XIII:10:5«2 Query as to recommendations (Soap Vox) XIII:8:U!l Susi, Frank R. Graduation honors XIII:7!5j2


« . >


Swan, Helen A. (Mrs). Swan, William Ao, retirement ^JSjvlto

Swan, William A„ Retirement... ••• YTTT.^t?.?

Swartzschild, Stephen. Kaufman, Judith M., wedding. JLLiiO:^.^

Sweet S(.r^ Prank C.

BPLSAo New sociological trends in Boston. ]n:il.ll-ki2

Advance publicity. ' XIII iioill

^°^*®^ XIIlill:ll

Swenson, Paul B. ^ ^j ^ vttt.I,.7

BFLSA, Membership and hospitality committee, membership on.. iLii.y.f

Membership appeal, poster nn*:6il2

Swift, Harriet. Alden, John, letter Itom * ^^E ! c!^!?

Taber, Ann S. HPLS A, welcome to new members G.J.i.^0.^

Resigned Stt ?'^ 1

Tabor, Ruth. CLA, annual convention, report TTTTlft.^l?

Teachers Department. Requests from summer students Aiiijoo.^

Summer queries tttt o ^ 9

Tecce, Joseph, Globus, Nura, party in honor of ^11 «9|>*^

Television. Kaufman, MLldred—Krakowiak Polish dancers nil tfc . 3 .1

Terkel, Studs. SLA, annual convention, report.. - STT-'r^vo

Terramagra, Estelle, EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report ^"•^•J'f;

Thompson, Dorothy. BCBrf program ^t!Ti.7o

To love a book. Poem by Ruth E. Winn..... ....-; TTTT.hTA

Tobin, Randall J. BPLSA, concession committee, membership on.. Hfii'rp ^

Tollack son, Judith P. (Mrs). Resigned Stt.a!^^

Tollackson, Kenneth (Brand Mrs). Farewell to AliJ..o.>.^

WE staff, farewell party for XIII:5t?5'i

Tracey, Patricia M. K-ISA, welcome to new nenbers mi:h:U:2

Married to Thomaa ieardon ttit'^^ o t


Trocki, Jack (Mr and Mrs). Twins: Edward Robert and Edith xm, 7,2:2

Tuley,'john*W**'Fire*driil, October 6 niI:10tUs2

Tuttle, Irene H. (Mrs). CLA, Boston Chapter, SB nieeting, tttt-i?.*;.?

announcement (Calendar of Events) yttt.?.?-!

Taamalas, Peter G. Entered service ttttIq.?,?

Resigned. JLLii.y.*::^

Ugalde, Louis, „.2.7

BPLSA. Membership appeal Xlll'UJe

Treasurer XIII-12:9

Christmas tea, poster TTTTOi.tJ'l

SulUvan, Loraine A. , party in honor of ^j-^ '.t/oA

Ulrich, Louise J. Entered service YTTTon-v?

Tracey, Patricia, wedding XIliau.j.<i

Dmano, Christine C. (Mrs)o yttt.Ii./^

BPLSA, concession committee, membership on XIII-2*2*1

Transferred XIIlil2:3:l

Umano, Mario (Mrs). EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report. XIII:6:7:1

Usher, Sarah M. rrTTtli-6

BPLSA, Executive board. *•••:; yttt.^,?

Membership and hospitality committee, membership on., XIII tU J r

Membership appeal, poster, mi:6:12

Guerrier, Edith. In memoriam ..-. ^^jj^:';*-^

Kingman, Marion C. Lawrence Memorial Hosi^xtal, employment at XIII.9:i>»X TOE QUESTION MARK, mimeographing and distribution diffi*.

culties (President's Notes) XIIlWJ^sx

» \ •>


Dstach, Janet Bo BPISA^ welcona tto n»w nertberso oe, njlzhf^t2

Engaged to Bobbie R, Swelteer i...«.. XIIiao.9:Z

VacancieSo ^ „_„ ,,,o,t

Announcement of filling (Soap Box) SS o ? o

Civil Service vs. BPL (Soap Box) ^IVlo't

Vacation greetings Jtlii:o:y:^

Vacations » t? A,i

New rules, comments on (Soap Box) ±;;i*:J^*°!.7-


Vacirca, John, EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report ^11:6: 7:1

VanVleck, Ann H. Entered service Stt in?!?

Veinott, Deborah A, Entered service. yttt Tnl?.?

Venable, Ann D, Entered service ^i;*^^:.

Vice President's Notes gSleJ;!


Viden, C, Allen, BPLSA, welcome to new members,. o XIII:U:br2

Resigned XIII:8:3:1

Visitors. Bibawi, Eugenie SttIoJ*.?

Bradford, Nancy L ^ll'l^l'l

Bushara, Mr.... XIII:9:2:2

Menendez, Rodolf o Rui 5iT*?**o o

Pamintzak, Rusina Stt I*Vt

Power, Ellen Stt o o 9

Rahman, Hafeezur SH*? , ,

Singh, Ram Xllls^Otl

Vitelli, Girolamo, Nichols, Mary U,, book prize awards, tenth

.„uai, «:-^-:::;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Sigf

Wadswoxth, Irene J, Resigned Jf^^'i , ,

Transf err ed. *^^^ '.^id-.j.

Walker, Pauline A,

BPLSA, New sociological trends in Boston, , «

rr!.!!!!^!^!f:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::":: S^"=^

Wallace, George R, (Mrs). MLA, annual meeting, report mi:6j9tl

Warren, Nanella J, (Mrs), BPLSA, welcome to new members HlltbO:^

Waters, Alice. CLA, annual convention, report. ^*::*^'?*f-

\toters, Richard J, BCW committee SJt no H.i

Transferred. SJi'z^o ,

Wedgwood Club Fund, Creation by gift to BPL of $1,000 mi«6:3a

Weeks, Edward, BCBW program XIII:l:b;l

West End Branch Library. ____ , , ,

Art exhibit Stt.^.!?

Christmas-Hanukkah good fellowship party ^j-^ '^'o \\

T^inberg, Sidney, Resigned. Stt.A.q.t

Wickersham, Lucile, MLA, annual meeting, report iiiJ. .o.y .x

Wilburn, Betty. BPLSA, welcome to new members XIll : U : U i «i

Transferred ^"'sn'^ o

Wilson, 0, Meredith. ALA, annual conference, report XIII:10:0J*;

Winn, Ruth E. _ /■ ^.^

ALA, annual conference, bon voyage to attendants JU.i±:o.>.<:

Christmas tea, poster ytttoi'.?.!

To love a book, a poem AiJ.i.xj.xf.x

Winnick, Pauline, ,.j, .

ALA, araiual conference, bon voyage to attendants ^u..o.y.£

RTLIA, Greenfield Public Library meeting, report XIIIt5:10s^

Woodland, VJilliam i^. SLA, Boston Chapter, Insurance Library

Association meeting, announcement (Calendar of Events) XIII:1jU:1


i' t


■f -i.



Wooater, Harold, Men's library Club, Springfield ineeting, xLii:^:Qi2

report* ••• y-,^ .A.fi -t

I'-orthy, James C. SLA, annual convention, report Aiii.o.o.i

Wrinht, Edith A, BPLSA, welcome to new members Jiii; O O ^^

Entered service ^^t:'^;'^:,^

Wroth, Lawrence C . Alden, John, credit to ^^^ It. on

Yamagawa, Akiko. altered service rrTT.2^2.1

Yanulis, Jane Bo Entered service v-r^T.t'.l'*!

Resigned JU.ii.i).^JX

Yotts, Veronica , ^. x j

HPL, future role, seminar on, chairman, resignation accepted

(President's Notes), ....•;;;• '^lll'^fi^l

Transferred •• vttt.a.7.t

Zarba, Fi-ank. EB, open house, thirteenth annual, report Mll.O.r.x

Zaugg, Julia. Tea in honor of . Report..... rrTi'-VTil

^*' Thank you for HUzMdi.



}■ M'

■% . 'i *



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