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THE QUESTION MARK ; Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volume XX Number 1 Januar^r 1965

Publications Committee: Michael Arnoldj Jean Babcock| Barbara Bachrachj

Jane Manthorne; Sheila Stevens j lirSo Bridie Stotz^ George ScvuLly, Cartoonistj Sarah Usher, Indexerj VJilliam T, Casey, Chairman

Publication date: Deadline for submitting material:

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

One of our favorite patrons is a remarkable lady who has spent a good part of her ninety years in the company of books. Another favorite is too shy to reveal her age^ but is old enough to enjoy the pre-school story hour. Considered together, these charming ladies represent the opposite ends of the broad spectrum of library service. No other institution attempts to serve such a variety of age and tastes as a public library, and, in attempting to render this all-incl\isive service, no other institution can lay claim to such a remarkable record of both failure and success.

By way of underscoring this point, this particular issue of QM contains reports of activity in the three major areas of public library service - Adult, Young Adult and Children, These reports are indicative of the manner in which we maintain a continuing program of activity on all three levels. If these programs represent our successes - where then shall we look for our failures?

If a child has never listened wide-eyed to a story or been transported to the mafe;ic land of fairy tales - we have failed. If a yo\mg adult has nothing but contempt for books and reading - vre have failed. When an adult can boast of never having set foot in a library since childhood - we have failed©

To acknowledge these failures, is the first step toward overcoming them, for one of the hazards of this profession is a form of psychological myopia. To live and work with books may make us forget, that, for far too many people, the library plays no part in their lives. It is a paradox that would have delighted Chesterton to realize that even though we are hard pressed to handle the multitudes who flock to Bates Hall on a busy Sunday, we rnust still continue to search out those who need us most©

VJithin this paradoK lies the root of a mild form of schizophrenia \^hich manifests itself when we attempt to balance between the harsh reality of daily living and the bright promise of tomorrow, VJhile one of our "split personalities" thinks large thoughts on the fiondaniental philosophy of librariaiiship, the other one must concern itself with such things as coverage and overdue postals.

But these have ever been "the best and the worst of times". Much remains for us to do in the months that lie ahead* The word "challenge" has been so overworked it has lost much of its effect, but it still retains enough force to remind us of the magnitude of the job that still needs doing,


- 2 -


Yoxir Executive Board has been hard at , work on a number of progrejns whi.ch will be discussed at the next Business jleetingsi One problem which we have been trying to solve is the increase for the LA service© '. I am sure that it is no news to the j membership to learn that an increase has been long overdue and that it is not only I Justified but essential. Such an increase is essential if we are to retain those who are now in the employ of the LLbraiy and also attract new members to the serv- ice, I can only ask you to please be patient and bear with us until we have some definite neiis for you. The Execu- tive Board has also been working on an In-Service Training Program. I hope to have a definite program worked out in the near future,

% thanks to Lana Reed and the members of the Program Committee for the excel- lent program which took place on Thxirsday, January lh» Both speakers had some excellent and thought provoking ixif orma- tion which the members may be able to use not only in augmenting the war on poverty but in improving our image and our rela- tions with the public and also in assist- ing in the advancement of the underprivi- leged in our commimity.

IIARY T, CRaVE, President






Leo Boucher - Book Stack Service Marjorie R, Bloomberg - Memorial Dorothy Fletcher - Parker Hill Diane R, Mitchell - Uphams Corner Rose A. Strano - Charlestown Eleanor L, Kimball - Mt, Pleasant Richard Forest - Science and Technology Patricia M, Morrell - Book Purchasing James Rothwell - C^en Shelf Janet M, IJatkins - Codman Sqixare


Mrs, Blanche S, Lynch - tfyde Park Barbara Tuthill - Ifettapan

Maternity Leave

iirs, Laura H„ Reyes " Mattapan Transferred

Dianne iu Mullally - from memorial to

Charlestown Helen V. Rothwell - from lit. Pleasant

to Egleston Jeannette Dupis-from Parker Hill to

Bookmobiles Alvin H, Price-from Egleston to liattapan iiary A. LaFollette-from Charlestown to

Mt. Pleasant Maureen E, Hanlon - from Book Pm^chasing

to Book Selection R&RS


Ronald D, McLeod - Audio-Visual - to

accept another position Barbara H. Rogstad - Uphams Corner - to

work at Science Museum Janet Price - Mattapan - to accept

another position Barbara A. Bachrach - General Reference -

to accept another position



James. Mooera

On December 31^ 1961i, James P, llooers, formerly Chief of the Binding Department, passed away, Ylr, Mooers had retired from the service of the Library on April 8, i960, after almost li8 years of faithful service,

Phil, as he was known affectionably to all his associates, entered the Library's service on October 6, 1912 as an Appren- tice in the Binding Department, He left the Library on June 25, 1917 to pursue farming as a means of livelihood for a brief period of time. He re-entered the Library on October 29, 1917, Less than two months later he joined the United States armed forces in the First World War, He served his country with distinc- tion as a machine gimner in the Arnry, He was discharged with the rank of Sargent,

Once again, on September l5, 1919 he returned to the Library and continued his service in the Binding Department, On Hay 6, 1931; he was made Acting Chief of the Binding Department and on August 6, 1936 he became its Chief and continued as head of the unit until his retirement^


- 3

Phil xiras married to Angeline Hovestadt^ who had previously served as secretary in the Binding Dei^artinent, They had two daughters Olga Joan and Dorothy Jane, He lived in Dorchester with his family during most of his life and moved to Randolph shortly after his retiremento

Phil vras a man who enjoyed his work and membership in various organizations. He was active in American Legion activities and held many offices in the Arnavets and the Boston i'ublic Library Employees Benefit Association,

His was a generous disposition and he was at all times a quiet, dignified, and fine gentlemaHa He had the qualities of loyalty, dependability, devotion to duty, and cheerfulness. May he rest in peace i



In our modern scientific society every- body, even one as scientifically benightei as I, knows that nothing is static. Every- thing is constantly on the move, either progressing or retrogressing, [s ane things may even be moving sideways but, since I do not Imow the term for that kind of movement, I'll ignore it,] So, even when I seemed to be just lying in a hospital bed, not allowed to lift anything heavier than a finger, I was aware that, right under the eyes of an alert medical staff, . I was really moving all the time, I would have sworn that I was keeping absolutely still, but you can't argue with Science, nohoiir. Contrariwise, I was just a victem of Kinetic forces, obeying the doctor's orders and the laws of dynamics at the same time, I might have developed a fine case of schizophrenia if I had not fortunately been so absorbed with my coronary case. Anyway, as long as I X'xas on the move, vjilly-nilly, I decided that I would at least choose my own direction, and began consideration of several possi- ble roads to take.

There was the Road to Mandalay- I have long been fascinated by the idea of seeir^ those flying fishes playing in the thun- dering daT,Tm but, the political situation in Southeast Asia being what it is, it didn't sound lilce a place safe for ori- ental fish, let alone a weakened Westerner,

Then I fleetlngly considered Tobacco Road but even at the height of its literacy

prosperity, I have never quite appre- ciated its earthly charms. Besides, since I had virtually given up smoking, it seemed unlikely that the residents would appreciate me and my undermining of their weedy econorry.

Of course, there is alvxays the Road to Ruin, but most days I looked and felt as if that was where I had just been.

The direction most widely favored was the Road to Recovery , I received scores of cards and notes commending it to my attention and, since it was the only place to which I was actually in- vited, I thought I should give it a try. So, for those who have been inquiring, that's where I am now - on the Road to Recoveryo The posted speed limits being what they are, I couldn't outrun the hare, not to mention the tortoise, but I have at least advanced from a toehold to a firm foothold. Furthermore, this pace allows time for me to enjoy the flowers, plants, billboards and well-wishers so liberally strewn along the roadside o ^ ciirrent complaint is that this is a longer road than I had expected, and I hope I haven't missed my exit. Oh, well, maybe one of my best friends vail tell me where to get off. They usually do,

Veronica M, Lehane


The Round Table of Children's Librar- ians held its Winter meeting on Thursday, January lU, 1965 at the Worcester Public Libraryo

Mrs, Pris cilia Moult on. Chairman, opened the meeting by expressing appre- ciation to the librarians, particularly Mrs, Madelyn Wankmiller of the Children's Section, for the hospitality of the Library,

The topic for the day was on the Book E^cposure Program for culturally deprived children in the elementary grades in Worcester, The speaker was ItLss I'label Wray, Supervisor of Elementary Education for the Worcester Public Schools, The Worcester pilot program, explained l-fi-ss Wray, is strictly for motivation and pleasure. It is to help the youngsters become involved with books. She ex- plained the process of book selection and remarked on the enthusiasm of all who participate.

- u -

After questions from the floor, the meeting was adjoiirned and the membership had an opportunity to toior the new and exciting IJorcester Library,




The winter meeting of the Round Table of Librarians for Young Adults was held at the new Worcester Public Library on Wednesday, January 13. After a pleasant coffee hour in the attractive staff loimge the business meeting continued in a com- fortable, well appointed meeting room,

Mrs, Leila-Jane Roberts announced the resignation of Arthur Wolman as President, whom she as Vice-President, replaced and the appointment of Mrs, Bridie Stotz as the new Vice-President,

asked to write a creative work in the style of the author if they had particu- larly enjoyed it.

Miss Coleman read extensively from the reviews which revealed surprisingly keen insight into the problems presented. She spoke of the need to represent death [VDeath in the family" -"Death be not proud"] in the collection for seventh and eight graders xjhere many children were experiencing this for the first time, and that children need older books beyond the classics. One of the problems of the experiment was to distinguish those who read the advanced titles for prestige, a difficult thing to determine.

Titles also included in the experiment Xirere "Nectar in a sieve", "Arundel", "Hiroshima", "Pocketbook of Ogden Nash", "The wonderful world of 0", "Report from Red China", "The pearl", "The red pony", and "Cry, the beloved coxmtry". Other titles will be added and in many instancea

The pamphlet "Every young person needs two" is now available in a limited quantiigfj the children buy their own paper back from the Division of Library Extension Office, to be used with trustees and fi- nance committees or wherever a greater understanding is needed concerning public and school libraries.

The program committee chairman announced the mid-winter meeting of MIA to be held

at the Sheraton Plaza on February 11 on the general topic of certification and civil service j the spring meeting May 20 sind 21 at the Fi-ovincetown Innj and the next Ro\md Table in Fitchburg on May 13* which will be a follow-up of the St, Louis meeting centering on the common ground be- tween publishers and librarians.

The speaker of the morning. Miss Jacqueline Coleman, Elementary School li- brary Supervisor of Brookline, in a talk entitled "Higher horizons for the younger young adult" described a project carried on id-th an eight grade [not an advanced group] in which such titles as "Catcher in the Rye", To kill a mocking bird", "Black like me", "Lord of the flies", "Good earth", were made available in paper back editions in the school library. Those who xd-shed were free to borrow them, with the teachers assuming the responsibility, these titles being neither restricted nor pushed. If selected, reviews were written for the teacher in which the child told something about the author, how the book was ^^rritten, what the book said to him, and in some instances the children were


ffiss Coleman feels that such books will not hurt the seventh and eight graders since they understand the social history because they are living in it, while "Huckleberry Finn" or "Uncle Tom's cabin" could harm them. It was brought out that there was no parental objection since they wanted this opportunity for their children. Another interesting comment from the audience was that most of these books are not difficult reading and are short in length and the same children who read these would not take a longer, more solid book.

In closing her talk ffiss Coleman suggested that whatever we think the li- brary must enrich the reading experience of each child, that the children with a good background of the best children's literature are ready for the adult books, and that the library should let the children have free access to these books and permit them to reject them for them- selves,

A half -hour tour of the building was provided at the end of the meeting,



A special program was held in the lecture hall of the central library on Thursday, January lii. ' Sponsored by the Staff Association, it was designed to acquaint the members of the staff with some of the far-reaching implications of the anti-poverty program launched by federal, state and local agencies,

Itr, Belden Daniels, Program Director of the Commonwealth Service Corps, gave the general outlines of the program as it applies to Massachusetts, The Service Corps, which hopes to have 1000 members by September, 1965, has three general aims:

1, It co-ordinates the work of state agencies and programs,

2, It assists cities and toims to establish community action programs such as ABCD,

3, It will also review programs throughout the state in order to make certain they are opera- ting at maximum efficiency*

He explained that the anti-poverty program has five general targets:

1, To sponsor local initiative lether than outside interventicru

2, To co-ordinate, at the local level, public and private resources,

3, To encourage direct participa- tion by the people most involved.

i;. To concentrate available re- sources where they will do the most good,

5. Eliminate poverty as far as is humanly possible to do so,

I'ir, Francis X, Moloney, who is on loan to the Mayor's Office as Coordinator of the ABCD program, spoke with great feel- ing on some of the very disturbing sit- uations vrhich this program is endeavor- ing to combat. Giving a brief sketch of the aims and background of ABCD, I^, Moloney explained that it is a quasi- public organization, operated with grants from foundations and designed to cope with some of the human problems resulting from contemporary urban living,

l-tr, Moloney discussed two major aspects of the Economic Opportunity Act of 196I|. « the VJork Training Program for Youth

[Title lb] J and the Community Action Program [Title Ila], He outlined some of the dimensions of the problem on the local level and indicated in general terms how libraries would become more and more involved in this massive effort to cope with a program which effects us alio

W. C,


The winter meeting of the New England Unit of the Catholic Library Association was held on Saturday afternoon, January 9th, at Ronan Hall, Saint Peter's School, Dorchester, Sister Marion SCH, PhD, an authority in geographic studies, gave a talk, illustrated with color slides, of social and economic conditions in South America, specifically in the city of Call, Colombia, The new John F, Kennedy Youth Library of St, Peter's School, one of the few elementary school libraries in the Boston area, was open for inspec- tion. Let it be said, the library is bright, modern, and well-stocked with a fine juvenile collection. At 5 p«m, a llass for the deceased members of the New England Unit was said by the Chairman, Rev, Nicholas Jo McNeil S.J,, in Saint Peter's Church,


To the Staff:

On behalf of the Committee for the Christmas Tea I wish to thank all the staff members, former staff members, and friends of staff members who made the Tea such a success by their dona- tions of food and money beforehand, and by their presence in the VJomen's Lounge on the afternoon of December 22, 1961;,


Chairman, 1961; Christmas Tea Committee


To Mrs, Carolyn McDonough [formerly Carolyn Rose of the R&RS Division Office] on the birth of an 8 lb, 6 oz, baby boy on January lh»

- 6 -


"The Superriiarket Come-On", an article on paperbacks by Jane Manthorne, newly appointed Coordinator of Young Adults' Services, appears in the January 1965 issue of the School Library Journal.



Please accept the sincere thanks from the Coiiffoittee and Chairman of CARE for your wonderfiil contributions during the year 1961i, The total amount was $226,26 which iiTas greatly appreciateds

Anne Dray

Marie Cashman

Rhoda Blacker

Selnia C, Hon^fitz, Chairman

A thanl< you said simply sometimes is the best way, so to my Committee, Anne Dray, Harie Cashman, Rhoda Blacker please accept rr^ thanks for your cooperatione It has been my pleasure to have served with you. And to Mildred Somes for her artistic help v/ith the CARE poster^ a very special Thank You, It is because of people like you that made the privi- lege of beiiig your chairman such a pleasure. Thanks,

Selma C. Hond.tz



1, Speak to people. There is notliing as nice as a cheerful word of greeting,

2, Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown, only Ih to smile,

3, Call people by name. The sv/eetest music to anyone's ear is the sound of his or her own name,

U, Be friendly. If you have a friend

- be one, 5, Be cordial. Speak and act as tho

everything you do is a genuine


6, Be sincerely interested in others. You can like almost everybody -

if you try,

7, Be generous with praise - cautious with criticism,

8, Be considerate of the feelings of others - it will be appreciated,

9, Be thoughtful of the opinions of other. There are usually three sides to a controversy - yours, the other fellovjs, and the right one,

10, Be alert to give service, IJhat coionts most in life is what vje do for others.

Add to these commandments a sense of humor, plenty of hxinility and you will be rex^arded manyfold.

Written by a retired lady (Federal. Service) and printed in a retired peoples magazine a


The following was received at desk of Brighton Branch - Tliis proves that someone loves us -

M, W, Haverty

I do not want

books today

Merry Christmas

and a happy new



Ann ilarie Minehart

yiy Grandfather is returning rr^ books

U 7 M










^of^P 6^'»




i '

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accoiiipanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, Department or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is with-held from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous con- tributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief, The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by indi- vidual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the vievxs expressed. Only those contributions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted.



/ V



9 §




Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volume XX Number 2 February 1965

Publications Committee: Michael Arnold^ Jean Babcock; Jane Ifenthornej Sheila

Stevens j Ifrs, Bridie Stotzj George Scully, Cartoonist^ Sarah Usher, Indexer; VJilliam T, Casey, Chaimian.

Publication date: Deadline for submitting material:

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

At the bottom of the pile of calendars, Christmas cards and unpaid bills left over from the Christmas season was a letter that never quite made the Soap Box.

Dear Editor:

I am a new member of the library staff, I wanted to Join the Staff Associ- ation, but some of my little friends in the Coffee Shop tell me there is no Staff Association, I-^ department head said that if you see it in the Question Mark - it is in the Question Mark» Please tell me what to do«


Dear Virginia:

Your little friends are the cynical victims of a cynical age. They believe only in those things they can actually see. They believe that because the Staff Association lies sleeping peacefully, it does not exist at alio They believe it is dead just because the business meetings sometimes resemble a v;ake.

Your little friends are wrong, Virginia, They can have no understanding of the mighiy force of apathy that motivates this sleeping giant. They can have no true concept of the vast store of indifference awaiting only the moment of liber- ation. They can not know that when the ice leaves Copley Square, this mighty host will rise as one man and surge reluctantly forward to storm the gates of City Hall.

Not believB in the Staff Association? Why you might as well not believe in Parking Meters, in the sales tax or in the MBTAo Yes ^Virginia, there is a Staff Association, It lives forever in the heart of every member who has ever volun- teered to serve on a committee, who has ever offered a resolution to further the goals of the membership, or who is willing to give whatever is necessary to make this Staff Association a real and vital organization.


mm i^ tm


I regret to say that the new Executive Board has not had a meeting because most of the members have succumbed to the flu,, As soon as enough of us recover, we vfiU begin to work on the many problems which I outlined in nry report at the January Business Meeting »

MARY T. CROWE, President




Marsha VJhitman - Bookmobiles [formerly

part-time ] Margery E, Berman - South End Mrs, Judith Gans - Print Walter Jones, Jr. - Rare Book Florence Jacobs - Bookmobiles Agnes Kelley - Connolly [formerly paa^t-

time at Alls ton]


Lois Lyman - Washington Village - to

attend Simmons full-time Thomas Logan - Book Stack Service - to 'tattend college Elizabeth H, O'Brien - Bookmobiles -

moved to Lawrence



John Tuley, Fire Prevention Inspector, passed away on 7 February 1965.

Jack had long service in the Library and other city departments. He had been in the Public VJorks Department, Real Estate Division since 1939 before coming to the Library's Buildings Department in 19i;l. He became the Library's Fire Pre- vention Inspector in 19U8o

His activities in this position made him a familiar figure throughout the Central Library Building and the Branch Libraries, Jack took great pride and interest in his work. He loved the work

he did and was enthusiastic in discussing and lorging installation of the latest developments in fire prevention.

Jack was a long-time member of the American Legion, He served in the regu- lar Army for four years. He took part in the Mexican Border Incident in 1916, spent 26 months overseas with the First Division and 9 months with the Army of Occupation in Germany,

The great interest in Jack's life was his family. The activities of his three daughters and two sons were well-known to all his friends in the Library, as Jack kept us posted on all their activ- ities.

Jack was born in Staten Island, New York in 1897, lived in the Savin Hill area of Dorchester most of the time he worked in the Library, but in recent years lived in the Ashmont area. But I think Jack would agree that he found a "home" in the Library, His family in the Library will miss him both as a dedicated public servant and a sincere and friendly- staff member.

-;hhhhhhhh;-^s«hhkh5^shkkbhkkkhhkkkhkkhhkkh^ BRANCH NOTES

On a wet Friday evening, January 8, Miss B, Gertrude Wade, I'lrs Dorothy Ekstrom and Miss Peggy Brooks embarked from Memorial and Mt, Pleasant Branches to collect their guests of honor. Miss Dianne Mullally and ¥!rs. Vera Rothwell,

Miss Mullally, after four months of service at Memorial, and i^frs, Rothwell, having given of herself for sixteen months at Mt, Pleasant, have left respec- tively for the Charlestown and Egleston Square Branch Libraries,

One and all sailed through several courses of good food at the English Tea Room, after which. Miss Mullally and l^s, Rothwell were presented with gift sweaters, being regaled the while by a self-appointed delegation of clowns who shall remain anonymous,

A delightful time was had by all,


- 3 -

Branch Notes cont«

Dear Lklitor:

One of our youiig borrowers - about age 10 - who forms part of the "study group" every day left the follow- ing poem \irith me the other day. We feel that it ought to be shared via the QM with the rest of the staff. Perhaps we should label it - The Child's Eye View?

VJhat Does a Librarian Do? [humorous]

VJhat does a librarian do when she has

nothing to do? She sits around like a clown that is what

she does« What does a librarian do when she is mad

at you? She kicks you ought with a shout, that is

what she does» What does a librarian do when you have

something to chew? She says spit it out, then kicks you out,

that is vrhat she does J V\Jhat does a librarian do when she is mad

at you? I pity you« Just play it cool and act

lilce you were just getting ready to go<,

By the Poet John

Respectfully submitted, B. GERTRUDE MADE


To Itrs, Barbara Flye [formerly of the Home Reading Division Office] on the birth of a 7 lbs, i; oz, baby boy, , Michael Richard, on January 31»


To Iferie Quinn [Reference Division Office] x^ho was delighted recipient of a beautiful diamond ring on February l8th, A September wedding is planned by Marie and her fiancee, Dennis Buckley of Arlington, Congratulations and best wishes to you bothi



Today's younger generation are the history makers of tomorrow. With this thought in mind it seemed logical to focus a Negro History V/eek program on career opportunities for young adults. High school students were invited to come to the Lecture Hall of the Boston Public Library on Wednesday, February 10, at 6:U5 p.nie to discover for themselves that "Negroes Can and Do Make Good" and to find out how Negro job-holders have done so.

Sponsored by the South End Branch li- brary and the Yo\mg Adult Room of the Open Shelf Department, the program consisted of four interrelated segments. First came a panel discussion on the subject, skill-. fxdly moderated by Miss Jane lianthorne. Coordinator of Young Adult Services, The distinguished panelists included Mr, John D, 0 'Bryant, Guidance Counselor, Boston Technical High School, Dro David V7, Skinner, Vice President and General Manager, Polaroid Corporation, Kr, ifcrray L, Townsenc Jr,, Deputy Enqsloyment Policy Officer, U, S, Internal Revenue Service, and Mr, Harold L. Vaughan, Supervisor of Assessors for the City of Boston, [a fifth member, Mr, Thomas J, Broi'm, founder of Jobs Clearing House, Inc,, was ill with the flu] Because the four panelists varied widely in background and vocational experience, each one had something important and yet distinct to say about how young people shoiiLd prepare themsleves to enter the working world, how they should act on the job, and their chances for realizing pro- motion and personal achievement. They were candid and straightforward in their assessment of possible limitations and opportunities in the employment field for Negroes, yet they communicated to the audience the conviction that there are careers unlimited for all those who are genuinely interested in aspiring towards thema

Following this lively exchange of views and factual information, eight young Negro men and women gave individual job profiles ~ short talks on their own particular fields of work. Represented in the group


- I; .

were a systems engineer, a credit analyst for a bank, a medical research assistant, and of course a librarian, the BPL's ^ir, Alvis Price, Young Adults Librarian at the Mattapan Branch Library, Personable and sincere, the speakers frequently added impact to their presentations by revealing many different types of jobs they had held before attaining their present positions.

At the conclusion of the talks members of the audience were welcome to take their questions directly to the job- holders and panelists, and to inspect the excellent exhibit of career materials prepared by Mrs, Helen Bickford, Young Adults Librarian of the Open Shelf Department,

Although the weather was most uncoop~ erative on the night of February 10 with sleet, freezing rain, and hazardous driving conditions, the Lecture Hall was comfortably filled with a receptive and responsive audience of both high school- ers and their parents. One mother appeared alone. Her two teen-agers were busy studying for exams but not wanting to miss the program, they had delegated her to attend and bring back the infor- mation!


The Mid-VJinter gathering of MLA. took place on Thursday, February 11 at the Sheraton Plaza, The program, arranged by Vice-President Mlton E. Lord, had a two-fold theme. Although the primary purpose was to introduce the State Board of Library Commissioners to the Associa- tion, it was also designed to convey the message that 1965 would definitely be a Library Year for both state and nation.

Introducing the "faceless" people v/ho served iiithout compensation on the Board, Mr Lord recalled the history of this organization and some of the outstanding people who had served as members. He mentioned the debt that professional librarians owe to the interested and knox'Tledgeable lay people who contributed so much to the Ifessachusetts libraries.

After an introduction by Chairman, Richard Sullivan, each of the members of

the panel spoke briefly on one aspect of the state-wide program of library service indicating in general terms what is being done now to aid libraries and Xifhat we may look forward to in the future. The program concluded with a series of questions submitted from tlie floor,



"Books for the Job Corps", an article by Jane Manthorne, appears in the February l^th issue of the Library Journal VJe are certain the staff tjill be intereste to learn the BPL's role in supplying the Job Corps with a recreational booklist of USO titles as an adjunct to their in- structional program^ Following the article is a photograph of the BPL staff members who participated in this project.

Another article by Jane Manthorne entitled "Way-Out Literature Collides \Jith Tomorrow" appears in The Pilot ^s Catholic Book Week Supplement, February 21-27, 1965. This article gives us a provocative insight into the literary world of Science Fiction,


- 5 -

On Friday evening, February $, the staff of tlie ICirstein Business Branch and the many friends of Mss Winifred Root gathered at Anthony's Pier h Restaurant to launch her on her retire- ment. Former colleagues and friends came from near and far for the occasion. The general consensus was that it vxas the party par excellence and Winifred was certainly sans pareil. Looking very beautiful, chic and unretireable, she charmed us with her speech accepting our gifts of a television, an art book and greenback ifhich should help to keep the television in good repair,

Mrs Dorothy Lovett, our former libra- rian, v7ho was unable to attend sent a poem vfhich suriis up our Winifred,

To Winifred on Her Retirement

We salute - Winifred Root, librarian. Dispenser of books at K, B, B. For nearly a quarter century; First the third floor, now the second

she tends. Quietly maldng a great many friends.

We salute - V/inifred Root, musician. Pianist, allegro and con brio.. She once was a member of a trio; By means of her liagnavox she'll knovj The sound and style of the latest maestro.

We salute - Winifred Root, outdoorsiiian, Altmina of Camp Kokatosi, Canoer and climber, no cosy Fireside calls when the weather's

apposite At Panther Pond, Rockport, or Ogunquit, j

We salute - Winifred Root, cosmopolitan. Traveler to out of the way nooks. She can use as guide her brother's

boolcs. Interested in causes, at home her

search Has taken her to Community Church,

We salute - Winifred Root, friend and

colleague, iiaker of verses for many xriio've gone. She deserves here and now one of her own. Good friend and colleague over the years. She'd have done well at many careers,

D,M,L, and R.L., February- 5, 1965 RITA M, DESAUU^IERS


On Saturday, February 6, two students appeared in the Open Shelf Department, They were Fine Arts majors from Patterson State College, Patterson, Nev; Jersey who had flown up that morning to see the exhibit of puppets on the first floor of the Central Library Building, We don't know how they found out about the exhibit, but the incident does show that BPL publicity reaches far and wide.

They expressed their enthusiasm and appreciation to both Grace Loughlin, Chief, and A3J.ce VJaters, Professional Assistant, vrho conveyed the visitors' sentiments to the man responsible for the entire project, Thomas lianning, Cliief, Exhibits Office.

\f \/ \f \j \^ \j \/ \f \j v/ «/ \/ w \y \f v/ \f ^/ v/ \/ */ \/ \/ \/ %t \/ \/ \f %/ yf \/ \/ \f sf \j x/ v/ w **


To riarie 0' Neil, daughter of B, Joseph and formerly of Book Stack Service, who v:as the recipient of a full four year scholarship to Emmanuel College,


Reports that mary visitors to their desk in the foyer are quite amazed to find themselves inside a library. Many had thought it was a Post Office and one fellow recently confessed that he has been passing through Copley Square for tvxenty years and had always assumed this vjas a train station.


- 6 -

\ !


' X






r.^...- «-.. '

Axiy contribution to the Soap Box must be accompaiiiGd. by the full naine of the Association mejiiber submitting it, to- gether v?ith t;>.e name of the Branch Li- brary, Department or Oifice in which he or she is employed. The name is vri.th~ held from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contributor so requests, AnonjTTious contributions are not giveii consideration. The author of the articlf is Iciiown only to the Editor-in-Chief, The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by iiidividual Association members and their appecu-ance does not necessarily itidicate that the Publica- tions Coi.ii.iittee and the Association ^e in agreement uith the views expressed. Only those contributions n.ot containing more than 300 v:ords will be accepted.

Dear Editor:

I'Jhy hasn't the Library Administration or the Staff Association presented a new salary schediole for the entire staff. The limited approach of a small raise for some of the Library Assistants will not solve the problem.

It is apparent that our scale for beginning professionals is not adequate to attract the young library school gradiiates.

The result of an inadequate salary scale is turnover, training, turnover.

training, turnover, training, etc.

Once our pre -professional assistants have their library degrees we can expect them to look for greener pastures.

The City is not about to offer a City- wide increase. If the Library staff and administration do not present a strong case for the increase, you can be sure, no consideration will be given.

The WHOLE staff needs a new salary schedule »


Dear Soapbox;

Should we rejoice at the new Interlibrary Loan Section wliich was designated as a result of the BPL assuming the interlibrary loan duties of the Eastern Regional Library under State Aid? Or should we pause sind reflect on the number of people who worked on interlibrary loans^ from both Divisions, prior to this new arrangement. Certainly, one prson isn't going to be able to cope with the vol-ume of work involved in this project when in the past [when the number of ILL'S received daily weren't nearly as vast as at present] it took quite a nun±ier of people to make this a smooth working operation, I think it is a gross in justice, to all concerned, to lindertake a project of this diraension id.thout ample remuneration, adequate quarters and a sufficient number of work>. ers to cope with this enormous project,



THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public library Staff Association Volume XX Number 3 March 196$

Publications Committee: David G, Nevin, Chairman

Publication date : Deadline for submitting material : The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

Welcome to a new Question Mark J Or at least to a new editorial regime. It will be, I am sure, of comfort to some and a disappointment to others that the issue contciins no drastic changes or amazing new concepts and insights. It should be made clear from the outset, however, that althcu^ the editorial is signed by a Publications Committee, the new chairman has not as yet chosen a full committee. He alone bears responsibility for the issue, its editorial content and its tardiness. Hopefully, April idLll bring both a Publications Committee and a publication date slightly closer to the l5th of the month.

.-f^ -_ »

It gives a considerable boost to one's faith in youth to discover that, in an age where teenagers and college students are regarded primarily as hoodlums and/or beatniks, there is an occasional young man or woman who has become the victim of such generalizations. Such was our feeling just the other day when two boys, dressed in rather sloppy teenage style, courteously got up to give their seats to two ladies who had just climbed aboard the subway, A look of pleasant surprise was noticed on the faces of several other passengers sitting nearby.

Warmest congratulations are likewise in order for the group of college men who undertook the not inconsiderable task of publishing the first issue of a new periodical: AGORA, Boston's Cross-Campus Student Monthly. In addition to contribu- tions by Angelo Maramano of the Music Department and Mike Meleedy of the Periodical Room, the masthead reads much as a BPL Library Assistants' directory might. Editor- in-chief Tom Needham, managing editor Bob Kavin, and "all-pairpose slave" Greg Stowe are all from the Book Stack Service; George Ctiraming and Bill Needham from the Perio- dical Room; Skip Cronin from Book Preparation^ and Paul McCallion from Government Documents and Social Sciences.

From an all-too-rapid skimming through its pages, it seems rather doubtful that Saturday Review, Harper's, and The Atlantic Monthly will have very serious competition, but barring numerous 'typos', we rather thoroughly enjoyed the first issue. The combination of editorial opinion, poetry, and short stories seemed to hit just the right blend, and the month's "Calendar of Events" brings together much information available only firom several, more limited soiirces. If you've missed it, copies are still available at a few newstands in the Copley Square area.

"The market place" fills a need for expression by a group who often find themselves bursting at the seams with no creative outlet. Certainly what they have to say merits being heard. We wish them every success in the continuation of their venture.


- 2


The 1965 Executive Board met for the first time late in February. Much of the time was devoted to the problems which are still current in 1965: namely the Library Assistants ' salary schedule and the project concerning the economy measures to which this Board will ^ve priority. The Board also discussed the need for In-Service Training and an Orien- tation Program and have agreed to work on this until a program has been established.

On March 8th, an emergency meeting of the Board was called to discuss the possi- bility of the entire Library Staff coming under the jurisdiction of the State Civil Service Commission. The advantages and disadvantages were carefully weighed. The Board agreed that it would not serve the best interests of the Staff to come under Civil Service. It was voted to send the President and Mr Casey^ the former Editor of the Question Mark to attend the hearing on March 9th and to record their approval of passage of Bill #326. This Bill was introduced by the Massachusetts Library Association requesting that Librarians, Library Assistants, and Library Aides remain exempt from Civil Service rule.

The Executive Board also met in regular session with members of last year's Board to discuss, evaluate, and formulate ways and means to economize on library opera- tions in order to find enough money for a 5^ salary increase for the Library Assis- tants Service. A full report will be made to the Staff as soon as it is completed.

MARY T. CROWE President


After her month-long bout with a virus pneumonia, the Audio-Visual Department welcomed back Mrs Veronica Silverman with open arms, a bouquet of flowers, and a large sigh of relief.





It was difficult to get an accurate count of the number of librarians who jammed the stuffy committee room at the

State House on Tuesday, March 9, but they were both numerous and vocal. They came to register their support of House Bill #326. This was a proposal to exempt librarians from the provisions of the Civil Service Law.

This idea of incorporating library workers under Civil Service was not new. It had been proposed some years ago and subsequently defeated. The current pro- posals, including House Bill #326, have as their intention the specific exemption of library personnel from the Civil Service. If the enthusiasm demonstrated by the library people who supported it is any criterion, the Bill is destined to meet with legislative acceptance.


Connolly Branch


A busy hive a mountain of books Diligent hands determined looks Typewriters clicking cards completed Files consulted energies depleted.

Librarians pondering fiction lists

checked Telephones ringing desks bedecked Book trucks groaning department

shelves filled Curators frowning duplicates killed.

New arrivals pencils set

A shuffle of chairs a tete-a-tete

A silence descends books rejected

A gracious thank you for those selected.'


Book Selection, R&RS


We are proud to announce the arrival of oiir "nephew", Richard Reyes, on Tuesday, February I6. This young man, who checked in at 6 lbs and 9 ounces, is the son of Mr & Mrs Mario (Laura) Reyes, and to quote Miss Kaufman, who visited the family, is "positively beautiful". -Need we say more.

The proud Aunts and Uncles at Mattapan Branch.

" 3 -


Entered :

Agnes F. Kelley - Connolly (formerly part- time) Florence Jacobs - Bookmobiles Mrs Grace Duffy - Lower Mills Mary P. Stephenson - Kirstein Business

Branch Peter C. Ellsworth - Bookmobiles Michael G. Hiinter - Open Shelf (formerly

part-time) Brendan M. Craven - Central Charging

Records Maureen E. Smith - Book Purchasing Kevin J. VSxpe - Open Shelf Ralph V. Mayo - Book Purchasing Kevin Duffley - Central Charging Records Alexander Greenwald - Book Purchasing

Maternity Leave;

Mrs Mar jorie P. Whalen - Bookmobiles

Terminations ;

Judith C, Grohe - Codman Square - to enter

family business H, Barry Morris - Open Shelf - another

position Lois Lyman - Washington Village - to

attend Simmons full-time Judith Fleming - General Reference - for

travel and study Samuel D. Wilson - Open Shelf - to devote

more time to college Melicent Seyfert - Connolly - to be

married and leave Massachusetts Mriam C. Oester - Book Stack Service- moving out of Boston Heidi R. Rieper - Bookmobiles - moving

out of Boston

Transferred ;

Michael T. Tiorano from Central Charging

Records to Audio-Visual Mary A. LaFollette from Mt, Pleasant to

Memorial Helen M. McDonough from Memorial to Mt.

Pleasant Margery E. Berman from South End to Uphams

Comer Dorothy W, Perkins from Central Charging

Records to Faneuil


The following from the March l5th Library Journal;

"The Rhode Island Library Association Scholarship Committee is offering a |500 scholarship to qualified persons interes- ted in pursuing a career in librarians hip. Applicants must have been accepted in the library science program of a qualified graduate library school. The deadline for filing applications is April 1$, 1965. The scholarship will be awarded at the spring meeting on May 8, 1965. Applica- tion forms may be secured from Mrs Miriam G. Haas, Chairman, Scholarship and Recruitment Committee, R. I. Department of State Library Sei*vices, Roger Williams Building, Hayes Street, Providence, R,I, 02908„"



















- William Fuller Brown, Jr., "Verses in the Modern Manner", ETC . ; A Review of General Semantics, v, 21, no, k (December 1961; ), pp. lilli-5.

- h -


Ruth Sawyer Durand has been selected by the Catholic Library Association to be the recipient of the Regina Medal in recognition of her lifetime dedication and "continued distinguished contribution to children's literature". This award is given annually and will be presented to Mrs Durand at a luncheon, Tuesday, April 20, 1965, in Philadelphia, as part of the activities of the annual CLA Conference.

Both a native and a resident of Boston, Mrs Durand is well known to children's librarians at BPL, She has shared with them her experience with people and books, demonstrated her talents as a storyteller, and enriched the shelves of children's rooms everywhere with her many distin- guished books. In 1937, she was awarded the Newbery Medal by the American Library Association for her book. Roller Skates. From her rich and varied experience both in telling and collecting stories here and abroad, she has written The Way of the Storyteller, an inspirational book dealing with storytelling as a creative art and a classic in the field.

To Ifrs Diirand we extend our warmest good wishes and congratulations for an honor well deserved and truly earned,

MARTHA ENGLER South Boston Branch


After sifting through a total of 550 nominations submitted by 3U libraries representing every si»e, type, and loca- tion in the U.S., the Notable Books Coun- cil of the American library Association announced on March 1st a list of ^h out- standing titles published in 196U.

Those interested in participating in the heated discussion which invariably follows this annual event are directed to the complete listing appearing in the March l5th issue of Library Journal, (v. 90, no. 6, p. 1279TI


On February l6th, the Bookmobile Office held a going-away party for Mar jorie Whalen and Heidi Reiper at Mick's on Warrenton Street in Boston, Mrs Whalen is anticipating a blessed event in June, and Miss Reiper has returned to her home in New York and will be married in the near future.

Also in February, three new members were added to the Bookmobile staff: Marsha Whitman, who was an extra at the Ifyde Park Branch; Peter Ellsworth, who was recently discharged from the Army; and Florence Jacobs, who is new to the Library Service.


While doing a stint at the charging desk, surrounded by public of all ages, I was asked by the little ^rl whose books I was charging out:

"Mss Engler, do you know the three different kinds of sex?"

. I replied promptly (after all, no fourth grader is going to get away thinking there is anything about sex that I don't know), "Sure. Middlesex, Essex, and Sussex."

"Oh, no. That's not it", she said gleefully, "It's female sex, male sex, and insects."


Despite the disclaimer for a Publica- tions Committee at the beginning of page 1, warmest thanks are in order to Miss Marie Quinn who filled in vrith such an admirable job as 'Emergency Committee* Typist.

-5 -


This article, entitled "A View from the Bridge", was written by Lois Booth after an interview with the Director for The Staff Outlook of the Denver Public library (February 18, 1965). Names, acronyms, and initials are 'Denverese', but there is also some food for serious thought.

"Knowing that the administration long has been interested in in-service train- ing, I asked Mr Shearouse to give me his views on the library training program. "'Before you can do a good job, you should know for yourself where everything is, and what the library has to offer, you know, ' Mr Shearouse related. 'When I came here the need for more training was being expressed by the entire staff in workshops, in suggestions, and in committee reports. It was this need, so strongly felt by the entire staff, that prompted us to begin in-service training on several levels.

"'Working with Miss Scott, Mrs Parrahm, and Mrs Lawrence, we were able to decide how to go about satisfying this need as best we could. The first program, you will remember, was the Young Adult work- shop in the spring of sixty-four, which was very successful. From there we went on to the weekly information sessions in each area of the library. " ' We instituted the branch and depart- ment heads meetings each month where branch people and department heads could discuss book selection and book materials together, among other things. Next was the Children's workshop, and after that the Adult Services workshop, '

"Mr Shearouse tnok a deep breath and continued. 'Last spring we suddenly had six vacancies to fill and we decided to fill them with library school graduates, most of whom we knew would have had no library experience. Theory is all fine and good and is just what library school students need and want - but theory is useless without practical experience.

"'We decided that a formal on the job training would answer the needs expressed by so many librarians who had gone before them , , . we decided to give more prac- tice now than theory. We would give them a subject area plus extension work and expose them to as many public service

areas as possible in a year. We had hoped at first to make the program a com- plete two-year package, but DPL isn't large enough to afford such a luxury, ' a phrase which was to be repeated for me later in answer to another question.

" 'We wanted our six trainees to see a DPL viewpoint. Supervisors always are responsible for any on the job training. It has to be done in any case when any new person comes in to fill a vacancy; therefore, it was natural for us to want to give each trainee six months OJT in a subject specialty, such as Art and Music Department or Young Adult Division, and six months in branches,

"'Since this plan would give us the opportunity to express our viewpoint, we wanted them to be able to freely discuss any problems that might arise, any sug- gestions they had to offer, and also to become acquainted with omt special depart- ments where they wouldn't be gaining OJT because we limited the course to public service. Thus, we included plans to hold seminars periodically,

"'Here was our chance to explore in some depth services like the Bib Center, JADA, and personnel policies. They took tours. They had bull sessions. The meetings are somewhat structured to give them knowledge of our reference services, but they are also designed to permit free expression, to ask questions like the ones the staff is forever asking "How can I learn the collections? When is a refer- ence question a reference question? How much time do I devote to it before I turn it over to someone else?"

"'My aim, and the administration's aim in all training, is to try to make oior people more flexible, to be able to move them from one station to another without too much difficulty. We fight against rigidity because we haven't enough libra- rians to go around. We can't afford to have specialists only. Librarians must learn to be all 'round librarians first; to feel that they can move easily from one job to another within the system; then to have a specialty such as litera- ture and history; and only then at last to specialize within a department - to become a history specialist. ' Mr Shearouse said.

6 -


" 'Vfy idea of the whole staffing program is that in-service training makes it possible for us to know a librarian's strengths and abilities. We must have the general person first. Remember, a librarian is a librarian first; a depart- ment librarian second; and, possibly, a specialist last of all.'"

The Library Administration Division (Personnel Section, In-Seirvice Training Committee) of the American Library Asso- ciation has just this year issued a revised, in-depth "Bibliographic essay" on this subject. The study, by Judith K. Sollengerger, Research Assistant at the Indianapolis Public Library, is entitled, In-Service Training; A Bibliographic Essay.

"The purpose of this bibliograpl^S'' is to assemble the relatively recent (since 1955) writings on the subject as a guide to those who wish to know what is currently being thought, written, and done about library staff training and development. Under the term "in-service training" have been included not only those programs which are carried on with- in individual libraries, but those which are organized outside the library with the cooperation and encouragement of the library to a greater or lesser degree. Furthermore, since employee training, for the highly paid executive as well as the unskilled laborer, has received a great deal of attention in business, industry, and many other organizations and has been tried out extensively on all levels, the bibliography includes a selection of titles from the abundant literature on personnel, management, and efficiency outside the field of libraries. In this revised edition many of the titles listed in the first edition have been dropped; many recent titles have been added, bringing the entries well into the first half of 196U." ("Introduction", pp. 1-2.)


April 20-23: Catholic Library Associa- tion, Philadelphia.

April 25-May 1: National Library Week.

May 20-21: Massachusetts Library Asso- ciation, Provincetown,

May 30- June 3: Medical Library Associa- tion, Philadelphia.

May 30- June 5: International Publishers Congress, Washington, D.C.

June 6-10: Special library Association, Philadelphia.

July It -10: Amertcan Library Association, Detroit.

In case you missed it or haven't cau^t up with it yet, the entire March issue of the ALA Bulletin is devoted to the Washington, D.C, Midwinter Meeting.

"Put yourself in the middle of things, to get at once at the heart of the busi- ness; most roam around, in useless mill- ings either about the edge, or in the scrub of a tiresome verbosity, without striking upon the substance of the matter; they make a hiindred turns about a point, wearying themselves, and wearying others, yet never arriving at the centre of what is important; it is the product of a scattered brsdn that does not know how to get itself together; they spend time, and exhaust patience, over that which they should leave alone, and afterwards are short of both for what they did leave alone."

- A Truthtelling Manual and the Art of Worldly Wisdom; being a collection of the aphorisms which appear in the works of Baltasar Gracian of the Company of Jesus and Reader in Holy Scriptures in the College of Tarragona immediately trans- lated for the understanding from a 1653 Spanish text by Martin Fischer, doctor, and professor of the University of Cin- cinnati. A second and revised edition. Springfield, 111: Charles C. Tho^s

- 7 -





We might very possibly have the richest library staff in the country.'

Any contribution to the Soap Box nnist be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, toge- ther with the name of the Branch Library, Department, or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given considera- tion. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The con- tents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by individual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contri- butions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted.

T^IE QUEST'ION MARK Published "by the Boston Public Library Staff Association

Volume XX, Number 5 May I963

Publications Committee? 1/Villiam F. Caseyj Harry Andrews; Evelyn Isaacs; Sarah

M. Usher, Indexer; David G. Nevin, Chairman

Publication Date; Deadline for submitting materials The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month


Miss Pauline Winnick opened her talk, given as the Bertha V. Hartzell Memorial Lecture, by quoting statistics based primarily on Bernard Berelson's 1949 study for the Public Library Inquiry, The Library's Public. This and later studies have shown that libraries are supported by the total society for the use of a very small minority. Only ten percent of the adult population are "active" users while a maximum of an additional five percent can be classified as "occasional". Even among students, less than one third are active public library users. And of the total number of books read by the United States public, less than one fourth are borrowed from libraries.

She went CD to outline programs under the Economic Opportunity Act (P.L. 83-452) and the Library Services and Conatruction Act (P.L. 88-269), both of 1964, directed in large measure at the "other 75 percent" of the library's pro- spective usersi Job Corps, Coramxinity Action Program, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Work Experience Programs, and VISTA, the Volunteers in Service to America. Under LSCA she cited several interesting examples of what is being done in the Queens Borough and Brooklyn Public Libraries; day-care centers, preschool story hours, and a 'community librarian' philosophy with detached workers whose job it is to take the library and the library idea directly to the public it purports to serve by merely being 'there'.

But v/hat concerns us here is not the facts, statistics, and programs, interesting 'though they may be. Those who are particularly interested should turn to Library Journal (Sept. I5, I964) or to the January I965 issue of the ALA Bulletin where Miss T/Vinnick and others have covered the "War on Poverty" programs in considerable detail. Vk'hat does concern us is that such efforts are creating a sink-or-swim necessity for reexamination of the concept of the li- brary as a- social institution. Libraries in general, and the public library in particular, have become so accustomed to and generally content v/ith service to a minority public that the concept of the library as a dynamic social institution and center of communication may be beyond both its fiscal and intellectual means. Those who are searching for current information fast have long since given up the idea of the public library as a source. Nor will we be able to provide more than a minimal service to a minority public so long as library administrators and boards are content to v/ait "until the school board gets theirs" to request additional funds.

As Miss Winnick pointed out so well, the federal government has provided the foundation on which to build. Not until we have established a more dynamic image of the library as a center of communication and as a pivot 'in the processes of social change, however, will the base of library use, service, or fiscal support be broadened in order that these great institutions may become fitted into the framework of an expanding society.


- 2 -

I wish to express my appreciation to all those who helped make the 10th Hartzell Memorial Lecture successful, I am especially indebted to Mrs. Bridie Stotz and the Members of her Committee for obtaining the services of Miss Pauline Winnickji I am sure that all those who heard Miss ifiiinick speak were inspired, by the many challenging ideas and projects which are now in process or are being planned for the future, I'ly thanks to Eleanor Halligan and Tom Manning for the delicious refreshments and beautiful flower arrangements,

I know that most of the staff is waiting for word on the Library Assistants salaiy schedule. I am sorry to have to tell you that there is no money available for in- creases in the immediate future. Because' the City is having financial difficulties, the Trustees do not feel that they can present a supplementary budget for in- creases until the 1965 Boston tax rate is announced. Ordinarily the tax rate is announced in June, but this year the rates Tin.ll not be determined and announced until August when the City should have some idea of the amount of aid it will receive from the Commonwealth, The Trustees have stated that the LA salary schedule will be given priority.

The Executive Board met recently to discuss other questions of concern to the membership. These problems, which include In-service training and the future of the Coffee Shop will be discussed at length at the Business Meeting to be held on May 28th,





Louis Polishook Claire 0' Toole

Joseph Naples Margaret Lyons


Corinne Henderson, Chairman

Brenda Brewington

Margot Timson Claire 0' Tools

Sheila Stevens, Chairman

Claire 0' Toole Martin Haters


Gerald ine T. Beck, Eleanora Chaplik Elinor D, Conley Marjorie Gibbons Mary Hackett Gerald ine Herrick


Mildred Kaufman Mary Langton Rose Moorachian Mildred Presente


Ruth Conroy, Chairman Jean Babcock IJinifred Frqnk

Corinne Henderson


Sadie M, Rotondo, Chairman Macy Mar go lis Barbara Ste ingle in Marie Cashman Josephine Kelley Helen Lord


Elinor D, Conley, Chairman Mildred Adelson Nura Globus Gerald ine Gardner Anthony Tieuli Patricia Harrington


Josephine H, Kelley, Chairman Margaret E, Lyons Mary E, Mollcy Mary A, LaFollette


Eleanor Halligan, Chairman

Jean Babcock Margaret Thrasher

Margot Timson Bertha Keswick


Bridie P, Stotz, Chairman

Ruth M, Hayes M. Jane Manthorne

Rose Moorachian

- 3 -



John F. Bundy - Music

Henry D, Selvitella - Book Stack Service Thomas G, Kochins - Book Stack Service Patrick H, Potega - Book Stack Service


Marie J, Qviinn - from Reference Division Office to Home Reading and Coiranunity Services Division Office


Assvmta Donisi - Book Selection, Reference

- resigned

Maureen Hanlon, Book Selection, Reference

- resigned

Qiristopher Ivusic - Periodical &. Newspaper

- to work in Washington, D,C, Michael Arnold - Periodical & Newspaper

- another position

William Wards - General Reference - to be

Assistant Librarian at Framingham Libraiy Mary E, VJalsh - Book Stack Service - health

IN MEMORIAM Helen Schubarth

On March 2li, 196$, Helen Schubarth died, very suddenly. Her death was a great shock to all who knew her, and our sympathy goes to her sisters and other members of her family in the loss of such a vital, loving and uncompromisingly honest person.

For almost forty years Helen Schubarth "accounted" for all the expenditures of the Boston Public Library in her position cis Auditor, and later Chief Accoxmtant, Her accounting was meticulous in every detail: she demanded accuracy and exact- ness from her staff, but not more than she demanded from herself. The high standards she set for her office x/ere never allowed, to deteriorate, even though it might mean an extra hour or two added to her Twrking day. She won the respect and admiration of all who had any connection with her work.

Miss Schubarth enjoyed her life in the library as she fully enjoyed so many other things ••• family, friends, the theater, the arts, music (she sang and played the piano beautifully), the opera, travel.

Flowers were a joy ,,, her friends received them from her to celebrate any occasion .., or just because she loved, to share their beauty. She entertained delightfully, and liked to talk with her friends on vrLdely diverse subjects. She had a deep concern for her family and friends, and a genuine sympathy and. kindness for mar^ less forttinate than herself.

Although her death came less than five years after her retirement, those years were ones of pleasure in her leisure, her family and friends. Her vivacity and enthusiasm for all facets of her life remained undiminished to the very end.,,« and that is iniiat she had always hoped for.


Ruth A. Foley

I'^hen Ruth Foley died on May 9, the Library lost a most iinique and beloved personality,

A veteran of 35 years service, she had survived through many changes and many vicissitudes vjith her spirit undimmed. and her sense of humor undiminished. She loved the Library and the people who worked here. She often said she would, rather be unhappy here, than unhappy somewhere else. To her the Library was her home and her co-workers her friends. She was always willing to work an extra night for another, to give up her day off to someone else, to work at a momentis notice in an emergency.

But to her many friends she will be most remembered for her jokes and quips, which she could produce in the most impossible situations. Her humor was quick, clever, but gentle and never unkind, except to herself. To me, and to many of her old friends she was known as "Miz Foley dear" and her memory is forever woven into our memories of earlier days when oiir hearts were young and gayer because of "Miz Foley dear",




Joseph P, Cullinane

A friendly face is being missed at the Central Library, The whijnsical smile and pleasant "Good day" of Joseph Cullinane has gone forever, 'Joe' passed, away suddenly on April l8th of this year,

A native of Mssion Hill, his was a unique knowledge of that area. He was born there, educated there and married, there ,

Joe joined the staff of the Library as a member of the Buildings Department on September 27, 1939; and was ever con- scious of the endeavors it took to keep this building a thing of beauty.

It is difficult to express the feelings of the staf f j of we who knew of his faithful, knowledgeable and, conscientious philosophy towards the Library, The best way for all of us to remember him is to be as loyal to the Library as was Joseph P, Ciillinane,




Having attended Boston Latin School, and then Burdett Business College, Mr, O'Hara (who was called "Francis" by his family and friends) decided to enter the service of the Boston Public Library, It was then August, 1918, I cheerfully admit that I had already been bom at the time, but I had never seen the famous Italian palace in Copley Square, In fact I had never even seen North America, But August 3, 1918 was the day that William Francis O'Hara entered the portals of the BPL and took his place at a desk in the Ordering Department under the Chief, Miss Theodosia McCurdy, There he was to remain for forty-seven years.

Within three months William ( in those days he was called "William" in the BPL) so impressed Miss McCurdy with his will- ingness to help that she recommended him for permanent employment on November 5, 1918, three months in advance of the usual half-year wait. The labor shortage due to World War I was being felt at the library, and the problem of handling

mail bags of fifty and seventy-five pounds became too difficult for Miss Cunniff and Mr, O'Hara, So Miss McCurdy requested, that Mr, Niederauer (the then Building Superintendent) arrange to have the janitors put the mail bags on the mailing table for the Ordering Department staff.

After that, things went along like a house afire and. William did. such a fine piece of work that the new Chief of the department, Mr, Louis FeLLx Ranlett recommended Mr, O'Hara for a raise, re- ported that his work was excellent, and that he was to be especially commended, during the recent rush of business, (I did a double take on tliat ~ but the date was 1929 NOT 1965). Mr, O'Hara was then responsible for the mail and the for- warding of all material from the Ordering Department, and supervised three young men: Charles Mosey, and the late Leo T, Ryan and Earle A, Quadros,

From 1918 through 1936, during the period of the 'two-platoon system', William also worked on the Sunday and evening services in the Periodical Room, under the late Francis J. Hannigan, but all of his regular library service was in the Ordering Department. When this department was divided into the Book Purchasing Department (for acquisitions) and the Book Selection Departments (for selecting), Mr, O'Hara (as he had now become to us all) remained in the Book Purchasing Department. Here he served xinder seven department heads : Miss McCurdy, Mr, Ranlett, Mr. Maiers, Miss Mulloy, Mr, Ball, Mr, Ettele, and Miss Rea,

In later years Mr, O'Hara was responsi- ble for the material received from the library's many miscellaneous dealers. He became such an expert on locating unusual items which often got sidetracked, that Mr, Ball used to say: "Bill is a good man for resolving snags," (By this time the men on the staff began to call him "Bill")

In the days of my so-called youth, I remember how well Willie knew every girl in the building, (The girls affectionatel; ' called him "l«7illie") There was never a need to find out the name of the new young lady just assigned to some remote department far from the Book Purchasing, One just asked Willie, Proof of his popularity alvjays came on Saint Valentine'. Day, when all the ladies deluged his desk with greetings.


- :> -

Bill made many friends throughout the staff, and he was always both anxious and willing to accomodate his fellow- worker^ in any manner in which he was able* Once he performed a sibaII commission for a fellow worker, a necessary errand to pur- chase fish. Unfortunately for Bill, word, of this got around the department. For years aftervrards, someone, every so often, would pop up to ask: "Bill, did you get Harriet's fish yet?" But Bill would just turn scarlet, get flustered, and pooh-pooh all his many helpful acts of kindness as something that didn't matter. He loved, chocolates, and had his special favorite varieties. Often he would. surreptltiousHy pass one a candy from a precious small horde in a paper bag from Pierce's, Again he would bring in a whole box and share it vri-th the depai-tmento

William O'Hara was a pleasant gentleman to work wj.jh, a great support in times of personal difficulties, v7onderfully help- ful about straightening out problems ' which no one else could remember, and always willing to do his part in libraiy activities. As I write this. Bill and his vivacious sister, Irene, are enjoying the Florida sunshine on one of their mar^ holidays together. We all send him our congratulations and best xirishes that they xn.ll both continue to enjoy the sunshine and leisure of many more happy trips,



Contributions to the Arthur Heintzelman Memorial Fund can be made through members of the corimittee for the fund:

Geraldine Herrick Thomas J, Manning Louisa S. Metcalf Russell A, Scully Paul B, Sirens on Sarah M, Usher

A lasting memorial to MTo Heintzelman^ the fund xd-ll become an endowment for the purchase of prints and drawings, follovx- ing the tradition of his accomplishments as the Library's first Keeper of Prints from I9I4I to i960.

Contributions sent by check should be made out to The Trustees of the Public Library of the City of Boston, and marked Arthur Heintzelman Memorial Fund,


"Spotlights beamed their radiance on the long broad walk and the eager and. enthusiastic public poured in to see the luxurious new North End. Libraiy quarters.

"The little people and the big people, more than 1000 of them came to the gala open house and formal dedication of the new North End Branch Library at 25 Parmenter St., Boston on Wednesday evening. May

"It was a grand and glorious night, weather and occasion wise. Old-time libraiy patrons, some of them recalling going to get books at a delivery station at the North Bennett Street Industrial School mingled with new residents newly exposed to North End library service,

"Former North End Branch Library r-t-aff workers helloed old library friends and, rejoiced with them in their new co2y quarters,

"Sixteen distinguished foreign librar- ians from Europe, Asia and the Orient on a tour of American libraries sponsored, by the State Department were wide-eyed at the beautiful and comfortable furnishings, the lush greenery surrounding the jetting fountain with six fat goldfish nestling under the shocking pink lotus blossoms,

"State and cit;/ dignitaries joined North End residents, invited guests and library personnel in this unusual ceremony ~ a combined, occasion, the dedication ceremonies c-nd the awarding of the Maiy U, Nichols Book PriiLe Awards for 196ii and 1965.

"The evening started with a buffet supper at 5:U5 for the Mayor, the City Council, the Library Trustees, State Representatives, the architects and other guests,

"Greeting the guests as they arrived were the chaarming and gracious Mrs. Geraldine Herrick, North End Branch Li- brarian, Milton E, Lord., Director of the Boston Public Library, and. Anthony Tieuli, Young Adult Librarian at the North End Branch, "

The Italian News of Friday, May lii,1965, from whose feature article the above is quoted., goes into glowing detail listing guests, gifts, and congratulatory tele- grams. Those particularly interested should read the fuller account given therein, but the full impact of the building itself cannot be adequately Cont,

- 6-

described in words. If you haven't seen it yet, it is well worth the special trip only a five-minute walk up Hanover St« from the Haymarket MTA station (left on Parmenter St, ),

But to recount the events of the evening in briefer fashion, following the buffet supper the doors were opened to the public and dedication ceremonies began shortly before 8 p.m. after the arrival of the Mayor,' Presided over by Mr, Augustin H, Parker, President of the BPL Trustees, they consisted of an invocation given by the Rt, Rev, Edward G, Murray (also a Trustee), an address by Mayor Collins, and the key presentation ceremony. Architect Karl Koch presented the solid, gold engrave- ed. key to Mr, Parker, who in turn gave it to Mrs, Herrick: "Ex Libris Felicitas North End Branch Library 1965".

Mrs, Herrick then introduced guests and. staff, and Mr, Lord presented the l6th and 17th annual Mary U, Nichols Book Prize awards, Mary U, Nichols was Branch Librar- ian at North End Branch from 19U1 to 19h9 and died of a heart attack at Central in January of 19li9, Money raised hy her many friends in the North End was presented, to the Library and funded as "The Plary U, Nichols Book- Prize Fund Established on May- 20, 19ii9, through inter vivos gift by friends of Mary U, Nichols, Branch Librar- ian at the North End Branch Library from 19iil to 19li9, Income to be used to award, annually a book prize to the North End boy and to the North End girl who in their senior year at a North End high school have excelled in English,"

The first award was given June 2, 19h9, Books are handsomely bound in the BPL Bindery and contain a memorial 'puppeteer* bookplate especially designed by the late Arthior ¥, Heintzelman, Keeper of Prints, to symbolize Miss Nichols ' work with puppets at the Branch, The 196ii prizes were to have been axxarded at the dedica- tion'of the Branch in the summer of that year, but since the Branch was not opened until May of 1965, two awards were made this year. Winners were Domenic Stagno and Robert Dello Rosso, graduates of Christopher Columbus High School, and Roberta M, Lombardozzi and Angela S, Dello Russo, both graduates of Julie Billiart High School,

Guests, staff, and ■visitors lingered we31 into the evening to enjoy punch and cook- ies and to luxviriate in the wonderful surroundings. To quote from the Italian

News once again, it was, indeed., "a truly magnificent opening in every way",

Mattapan Branch is delighted, to announce its newest baby. Daughter of our ^oung Adults Librarian, Alvis Price and his pretty wife, Christina, made her debut on April 22,

Congratulations I

■5bkhhkhhk;-;hkhhhhh(- IT»S A FAST AGE VJE«RE LIVING IN

Monday, at 2 p,m,, a teen-ager probably 9th or 10th grade ' came to the library for a book that vjould teach him how to dance, Ha^ving learned from him that he was going to a 'prom», Mrs, Rubenstein gave him a book on social dancing, and laughingly suggested that he practice 10 or 12 hours-a-day 'til prom time, in order to become fairly '" adept at the art, "Heck, no", said he, "The prom is tonight, I just got in- vited yesterday",


Just published Isy the American Library Association is its ACRL Monograph No, 27, R.are Book Collections; Some Theoretical and Practical Sugr;6stions, edited by Richard Archer, Custodian of the Chapin labraxy at Williams College, The chapter on "Cataloging and, Classification" was xiiritten hy John Alden, Keeper of Rare Books,

The introduction to Thomas R, Adam's recent American Independence; The Growth of an Idea; a Bibliographical Study (Providence, Brown University Press, 1965 ) states that to Mr, Alden the author is more indebted than to any ether indi-vidual, "Anyone acquainted with the meticulous and thorough manner in which Mr, Alden works will understand the obligation I am under," Mr, Adams, son of Randolph G, Adams, is Librarian of the Johii Carter Brown Library at Brown University,



- 7 -


The Fourth Governor's Conference on Libraries, held Thursday, April 29 at the Hotel Somerset, consisted of two parts: an afternoon colloquimn and a 'Diamond Jubilee' dinner at 6 p,m.

The colloqui . vdiich was entitled, "Libraries and the Great Society", was concerned with the roles of federal, state, and local governments, respectively, in library development. Miss Alice Cahill, Assistant Director, Division of Library Extension, Massachusetts Department of Education, introduced the discussion by pointing out some of the problems of governmental relationships to libraries* After Mss Cahill 's remarks, Mr, Erwin D, Canham, Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Science Monitor and Member of the Board of Trustees of the Boston Public Library, took over as moderator of the discussion*

The first speaker in the colloquium was Mr, John G, Lorenz, Director, Division of Library Services, US Office of Education, xvho reviewed some of the federal legisla- tion already passed or being considered by Congress at the present time. While doing this, !%", Lorenz pointed out some of the problems which such legislation could alleviate* He emphasized, however, that the federal government cannot solve all the problems. Federal aid can and. should serve only as a stimulus to state and local activity.

State government was represented, by Miss Jean L, Connor, Director, Division of Library Extension, NY State Education Department, Miss Connor pointed out that ours is an age of change and that, in order to provide adequate library service in our society, there must be cooperation between libraries and other social agen- cies. She felt that the state libraries have four major functions: to point out, especially to laymen, the relevance of libraries to conterporary society; to coordinate cooperative activities among the libraries of the state, especially in regard to collections of specialized material; to see that the libraries of the state are fulfilling the needs of their patrons constructively and successfully; and finally, to make sure that all who are participating in providing library services are reinforcing one another's efforts.

Mr, Kenneth R, Shaffer, Director of the School of. Library Science and of the Libraries 'at Simmons College, reviewed the many changes in librarianship which have occurred during the past four or five years. He pointed out that "this is just a beginning" compared to what may be expected in the future.

Finally, the only layman on the panel, Mr, Robert J, M. O'Hare, Director of the Bureau of Public Affairs at Boston College and former Town Manager of Stoughton, Massachusetts, discussed some of the problems of the library in the local community. He pointed out that libraries are necessary in order to assure our children the education required to pre- pare them adequately to meet the chal- lenges of modern society. He noted the need not only for a greater number, but also for more attractive, functional, and better-equipped libraries in our communities.

There followed a brief discussion period, enlivened by a debate on the feasibility of combining school and community libraries


Although the above report was submitted to the Staff by our Corresponding Secre- tary, liar ion McCarthy, no member of the Association was present at the 'Diamond Jubilee ' dinner responsible for reporting on the evening's activities. Notes taken from the program, however, indicated that it was in honor of the l^Iassachusetts Division of Library Extension, 1890-196^, with Richard J, Sullivan, Chairman, Board, of Library Commissioners, as Toastmaster, After a welcoming address by Governor John A. Volpe, several speakers and guests were scheduled to participate: remarks ty Dr. Owen B, Kiernan, Coiimissioner of Education, Commonwealth of Massachusetts; greetings by EdTmi Castagna, President, American Library Association; and the keynote address try the Honorable Silvio 0, Conte, Member of the US House of Representatives from Pittsfield, Mass,

- 8 -


This is a report of the proceedings of the Elementary School Libraries Section meetings which I attended. There were maiy other meetings of value and interest to librarians about which I cannot give a first hand report as I was not present.

The Regina Medal Award Luncheon on Tuesday, April 20, at which Mrs, Ruth Sa^iyer Durand received the Regina Medal for her lifetime of distinguished contri- bution in the field of children's litera- ture was, to me, the most stimulating and, delightful experience of the entire con- ference, l^trs. Durand, although not fully recuperated from a bad virus infection, gave a vigorous talk on the value of fine books, finely written, rich in vocabulary and in meaning for family reading. She told of some of the x^ronderful storytellers she had met in Ireland, Spain, and other countries who, though perhaps poor in ma- terial things, were blessed with a rich- ness of words, a richness much to be envied, "A poverty of words is one of the xTOrst poverties a person can live xri. th," she said. Mrs, Durand ended her talk xd.th the telling of one of her Irish tales. The Peddlar of Ballaghadereen. She was accompanied by her dau^ter, Mrs. Robert McCloskey, and Mrs. Annis Duff of Viking^ Company. Among those present was Virginia Haviland of the Library of Congress, formerly Readers Advisor to Children, BPL, At each place at table there was a souven'r copy of the paperback edition of Mrs. . r Durand 's classic. The Way of the Story- teller,

The following morning, David McCord spoke to the Elementaiy Section members on the importance of poetry for children. It was a lively presentation stressing the uses of rhythm and a sucfiinctness of words.

In the afternoon. Sister Anne Lucille told about the need for school libraries on parochial schools and of how this need is being met in her area of service, ..•- northern New Jersey. Sister Ann Lucille has established the Elizabeth Seton libraiy Guild, consisting of UOO mothers in hh parishes. These volointeer helpers in parochial school libraries having no pro- fessional librarian, are given about 18 hours of library science instruction by Sister who makes periodic visits to these schools. The results are astounding.

Sister Anne Lucille showed slides of some of these school libraries, not the most advanced in her district, but rather those in which it had been insis- ted it was BiPOSSIBLE to fit any kind, of library into the existing plant. But | the impossible was accomplished and i judging from the slides, accomplished j very well. Books are purchased from ' Catholic Library Service and come fully processed and catalogued. Book ^election for this service is under the direction of such professional children's librar- ians as Margaret Martignoni, Ethna Sheehan and Clara Kircher.

Also at this afternoon meeting, Frank A, Stevens, Supervisor of School Librar- ies in New York State, explained the implications of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 as it applies to non-public schools and school


A special tour was arranged to the new CLA headquarters at Haverford, An attractive private residence, in excellent condition, has been adapted to the needs and uses of the CLA Bookshelf of out- standing children's literature. Miss Wessel, Children's Librarian of the Detroit Public Library, was a past chair- man of the Elementary Section who served with great dedication and distinction.

Tours were also made to the University of Pennsylvania's Charles Patterson Van Pelt Library, a fine example of modem functional construction. I was deeply interested to note that in the reading rooms of this library, used by the graduate students of the University, there were conspicuous signs posted, "No " Talking Allowed". Commenting on this to the librarian-guide, I was told that it was a necessary stricture otherwise the library would be turned into a "courting

On the $th floor of the library is the Union Library Catalogue which lists in one alphabet approximately 5,000,000 titles owned by l60 libraries in the Philadelphia area. Here also I was interested in the librarian's comment that no machine has yet been invented that can compete with the human hand and, eye in the interfiling of catalogue cards,

Ife also visited St. Joseph's College Library and the Free Library of Phila- delphia. At this latter, the delegates were shown the treasures of the Rare


- 9 -

Book Department, currently exhibiting rare editions of Beatrix Potter, Kate Greenaway, and other well knoim children's authors and illustrators. The tour con- cluded with tea served graciously in the Rare Book Department irith FLP Director Emerson Greenaway as host.

At the business meeting of the Elemen- tary Section it was voted to change the name of the section to Children's Libraries Section, It was felt that this new title more nearly represented the interests of the Section tiiich is not concerned alone with school libraries but rather with all phases of library service to children,




Numerous requests were received follow- ing the Hartzell Lecture, and Mrs. Rotondo has been good enough to submit the recipe for the delicious "Peppermint Squares a la Adams Street",

Peppermint Squares

Melt together:

2 squares unsweet chocolate I" cup margarine

Cream together:

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

Add mixture of chocolate and margarine to this*

Add to them:

J cup flour

dash of salt

J teaspoon of peppermint extract

•§• cup chopped nuts.

Grease well and flour a 9" x 9" square pan. Balce in 350° oven for 20 to 25 minutes


While cake is ' baking, make filling and refrigerate.

Combine and mix:

2 tablespoons cream or milk. Start

with one and add 1 cup confectioner's sugar ■J teaspoon peppermint extract

After cake has cooled, spread filling over it and chill enough to set. After this is done, pour over chocolate glaze on top of filling.


Melt together:

1 square chocolate

1 tablespoon margarine

Chill cake again and cut in square,


To Mr, and Mrs. Lavirence Savignano (Joan formerly worked at the Officer- in-Charge Desk) on the birth of a 6 lb, 9 02» baby girl on May km They have named their 2nd child, first daughter, Teresa,


The Treasurer has requested that all persons wishing to join the Staff Association submit their name and department together -tirith one dollar ($1,00) annual dues. Send or deliver to Louis Polishook, Central Charging Records,

LET»S i^IAKE IT 100^ ill

Dear Reader :

QM's editor apologizes for the tardiness of this issue Earlier issues have been slightly delayed, but this is close to the ridiculous i Had it not been for the excellent services of Miss Jean Babcock, however, this might well have been a midsummer issue.

All of which points directly to the fact that <^A is without a typist and needs one desperately. Anyone willing to donate three or four hours a month, please contact the editor c/o the Audio-Visual Department. As an official duty of the Staff Association, library time is ordinarily allowed.


^ '


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, toge- ' ther with the name of the Branch Library, Department, or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used., if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideratioii The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by indi- vidual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contribu- tions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted »

To the Editor:

It seems to me that an institution of our size should have some official policy with regard to staff attendance at funerals of staff members, particularly members who have been here for decades. The most recent funeral of a staff member was poorly attended, in view of the fact that the person had worked here in Central for 3^ years. There were about 15 persons at the service, but a very small percent- age of these xrent to the funeral, and they had trouble securing transportation.

It is difficult to go to a funeral witb out transportation, so perhaps some policy could be evolved by which people who have cars and are willing to take passengers could notify Personnel or put a notice on the Bulletin Board in case of a funeral.

Perhaps the Staff Association should take the matter up. At ar^r rate, someone should,


To the Editor of the Soap Box:

Some time ago I picked up in a bookshop a copy of Arnold Bennett's BOOKS AND PERSONS, (Doran, 1917), a book of literary comments and essays, and found in it a piece called CENSORSHIP IN THE LIBRARIES (pp 167 - 19U)« Here are some of the I things he has to say about us: 1

"Boston, the city of Harvard Univer- sity, of the Atlantic Monthly, ,,, of Emerson, Lowell, Longfellow, and. Holmes ••• has a Public Library, It is sup- posed to be one of the finest public libraries in this world, or any other,,, A women asked for George Moore's "Esther Waters," The work was included in the catalog of the Library, In reply to her request she was informed, that she could not have the book unless she obtained from the Chief Mandarin or Librarian special permission to read it,,,,"

Bennett goes on to say that the lady's husband was a prominent journalist in Boston, and iirhen he heard the story, he looked into the irfiole question of starring books in our catalog, and wrote it up in his paper.

The surprising thing to me in the Bennetl article was the statement that "pernographi books were listed in the public catalog wit a red star,

"Esther Waters" is now on the open shelve and not very much in demand. We have becoi much more liberal in our policy of what to put on open shelves. But all books, eithe.t bought or accepted, as gifts tiy the Library^ should, be listed in the public cataloge



li/hy is it the females of the Book Stack Service Department are totally ignored whei it comes to receiving step-rate increases?

Males who have been in the service of the library from six months to two years (LA I's and LA. 2's) have just recently jtimped to LA U's«

While the females who have been in the service for seventeen years are still LA 2's and another who is an LA 5 after 37 years.

Now, we ask you, IS THIS FAIR?







JUNE 1965

THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XX, Nimiber 6 June 1965

Publications Ccinmittee: William F, Caseyj Harry Andrews; Evelyn Isaacs;' Maiy

Skewes; Sarah M. Usher, Indexer; David G, Nevin, Chairman

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting material: The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

It shall be the object of the Association

(a) to foster professional librarianship

(b) to further the common interests and the welfare of the bibliothecal staff

(c) and to promote greater efficiency in library service.


Both the June Staff Memo and the minutes of the May 28 Staff Associa- tion Business Meeting inform us that the Central Library's Coffee Shop is to be closed between the time the present annex is torn down and the completion of the new building. Although the actual event may not take place for a year or more, there is no more than a suggestion of the type of interim facilities which may be provided or how long we can expect to 'bide our time* until the new building's lounges and lunch rooms will be available. It is suggested, then, that rather than waiting until the last minute, it might be prudent to do a little planning ahead for what will be a rather large gap in the fringe benefits we all now enjcy and will surely sorely miss when that fateful day arrives.

Although it is pleasant to be able to sit down with a cup of coffee, a coke, or a sandwich, the' present facilities are neither spacious nor very com- fortable. In this respect, &t least, the problem of putting up with temporary quarters or the almost complete lack thereof should be considerably eased: when the day comes, it will mean that we are just that much closer to the opening of the new building with its hopefully larger and more comfortable staff accomoda- tions.

But even assuming that we are able to view it intelligently merely as a necessary evil created by the slow churning of the wheels of progress, the non- availability of a reasonably priced meal a difficult enough burden for many- may not prove nearly so permanent a resiilt as the lack of sufficient space to sit and discuss personal experiences and feelings and to complain of libraiy problems. This month, for the first time in a long time, we have a reasonable representa- tion of staff opinion in the Soap Box, But hy placing a tape recorder in the Coffee Shop for a single afternoon, there would be sufficient material for nearly a f\ill year's Soap Boxes,

(Continued - - - page 9)

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Ed» note; Mary Crowe is on vacation j as this issue goes to press. We have nary a picture postcard from her and can only invite your attention to the Recording Secretary's minutes taken at the May 28 Business Meeting.




Mrs. Rebecca Peters - Bookmobiles Patricia A. McCabe - Book Preparation Shirley A. Lyons - Fine Arts Barbara Ann Langone - Book Selection,

R&RS William M. King - Book Preparation John J. Rohen - Central Charging Records -

return from Military Leave


Rena Fisher - Egleston Square - formerly

a part-time Library Aide, now Pre-

Professional Kevin Shea - Book Preparation - formerly

part-time in Cetaloging & Classification

R&RS Andrew Soo - Book Stack Service - formerly

part-time Stephanie G. Daggett - West Roxbury -

formerly part-time Denise A. Boyce - Central Charging Records

- former Library Aide at Mt. Pleasant James G. Mercer - Book Stack Service -

formerly a Library Aide in Branch Issue Marie C. DeFronzo - North ^-nd - formerly

a Library Aide William C. Hanway - Book Stack Service -

formerly in Cataloging & Classification



Folksinging is when a lot of rich college kids get together and sing about poverty. Cambridge Circus


i Winifred F. Root - Kirstein Business

Branch - retired ! Hilliam F. O'Hara - Book Purchasing Dorothy Banner - Mt. Pleasant Raymond Collins - Duplicating - another

position Peter Ellsworth - Bookmobiles - return

home Kevin Hipe - Open Shelf Jeanne F. McGerigle - Kirstein Business

Branch - to stay at home Frances MacArthur - Fine Arts - moving

to Maine Joan Morris - Science and Technology -

resigned Dorothy Perkins - West Roxbury - resigned


Ella Vi/hite - Central Charging Records,

to Stanley E. Lombara Juliana DeKoning - Brighton, to Howard

Hickerson and moving to Memphis, Tenn. Joan M. White - Bookmobiles, to Edward

McKinnon Paula M. Burke - Kirstein Business

Branch, to Paul B. McCarthy

************************************** IN MEi^ORIAii

Jean B. Lay

After a month's hospitalization Miss Lay passed away on June 2, 1965. Her friends were confident that she would rally and leave the New England Baptist Hospital for her usual happy summer on the coast of Massachusetts, but that was not to be. She has been buried in Amhens-fc, Nova Scotia, where she was born and J spent her early years. Her attachment for the town where her father had been high school principal was made concrete over the years by annual contributions for school prizes. She attended Mt. Allison College and Truro Normal School in Nova Scotia and spent a number of years teaching, coming to the United States in 1918 to enter the library field. She first worked in Springfield where she entered a library training course.

- 3 -

Her work at the Boston Public Library began in 1924 when she worked in the then Branch Catalog Department. This work led to one of her hobbies. She cataloged children's books and became interested in the Children' s Room, and put together delightful scrap books to be given away to young acquaintances. I first met Jean Lay when she was sent to the old Boylston Branch Library (now Connolly) to update the catalog and shelflist there.

Although Jean gave the impression of a sombre outlook, a real vein of humor was there and brought forth many a laugh among her friends when she entertained at the Pioneer Hotel at luncheon and evening card parties. Her memory for poetry was remarkable; it also was her pleasure to experiment with verse as well as with other forms of writing.

The theatre and opera meant a great deal to her; here too, her remarkable manory for stage personalities made her a fasci-i- nating conversationalist. Since her retire- ment about ten years ago she had seen many a performance not only in Boston but in England. Her travels during these years, although concentrated on iingland, did take her as far as the Soviet Union on one occasion. Jean's friends at the Pioneer and in the Library will miss her pithy comment on these and other matters. They will also miss her genuine interest in their undertakings for she rarely for- got any of her fellow workers.



Mary E. Mulvaney

With the passing of Mary E. Mulvaney, the Library has lost another of its many honored and respected retired employees,

Mary came to be known as "Marie" back in her "stack girl" days when so many Marys were working together that a call of ";iary" brought everyone running. During her 50 years with the Library she graduated from the stacks to the Regis- tration Department where she stayed until her retirement, after that Department had expanded into the present-day Central Charging Records. Her devotion to duty during this span of years was evident in

her remarkable attendance record and the quality of her work. She was a perfectionist and the product of her work was positive proof of this personal quality.

Those of us who had the pleasure of working close to her found in her a friend, confidante, and, of prime im- portance, a good and thorough teacher in the work we were expected to perform.

The exquisite work she did with a needle knitting, sewing, crocheting- was a delight to behold, and no request for a dressed doll or a baby set for a charity bazaar was ever turned down,

I'l/e all knew her as a bright, cheerful, generous person. Since her retirement, those of us who kept in touch with her always heard her say cheerfully, "I'm just fine," even though we knev; she had just come through a bout with illness. It made us feel a bit ashamed that a short time before we may have been feeling sorry for ourselves because of some minor discomfort or irritation.

As someone so simply put on the day we heard of her passing, "It was a privilege to have knov/n her."



The following listing is printed with best wishes for happy landings in Detroit, July 4 - 10.

Division of General Library Operations

Edmund R. Ettele Catherine MacDonald Helen Sevagian

Division of Home Reading & Community

Services Ruth M. Hayes Kathleen Hegarty M. Jane Manthorne Mary G. Langton Eleanora Chaplik Evelyn Eillman Mary Crov^e Beryl Robinson B. Gertrude Wade

- 4 -

Division of Reference and Research Services

B. Joseph O'Neil Florence Connolly Rosalie k, Lang Minna Steinberg


A letter from Alphonse F. Trezza, Associate Executive Director of A.LA and Executive Secretary of the Library Ad- ministration Division, has been received notifying Helen Sevagian of her success in the recent nationwide ALA elections. Miss Sevagian has been elected a Member of the Executive Committee of the Section on Public Relations of LAD,

QTl extends warmest congratulations to Miss Sevagian ... and compliments to LAD on an excellent choice.


The perennial question as to the proper function of librarians is aired in the May 3 issue of the Antiquarian Bookman as follows:

"T'Ir. Edward (sic) Castagna, Director of the Enoch Pratt Free Library and President of the American Library Associ- ation, has described the urgency of the problem throughout the country; 'It is hard and challenging work to sell reading in the neighborhoods where chil- dren grow up without the basic language experience which most of us take for granted. We must show that words can be used for purposes other that the ex- pression of the most immediate and physical need and that language skill, once acquired, can lead to a new way of life for people of all ages. Vjhat is needed is not just traditional library service, '.''ihat is required is innovation, the creation of techniques that can liberate vast numbers of children and adults from their environment. 1/Ve must free able librarians of their present re- sponsibilities so that they can get their teeth into the problem study the needs of the poor, develop ways of satisfying them, and train others to work effectively with them. '

—NLW press »-elease."

To which the Editor of AB (Sol M. Malkin) replies:

"EdI liihat nonsensel 'Able librarians' should, must be bookmen first and last, and leave all other noble tasks to sociologists, therapists, literacy teachers, etc., each qualified in his own fieldl"

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Lana Maybury Reed was paid due homage on Friday, May 28th at a luncheon in her honor at DuBarry's. Vvithin the two years that Lana had been a staff member, she had won the affection of a large number of Library personnel. Twenty- five of these friends joined in the luncheon celebration, with many more contributing to her gift.

The Committee of Four who organized the luncheon within the space of a week worked so efficiently that it was sug- gested that they be made a permament committee. (Maria Consoli, Genevieve Molony, Marian McCarthy and Regina Cotter promptly declined.) They had, however, done their work well for this occasion.

The guests were guided to their seats by Stork place cards designed by Jean Babcook. We ate a delicious meal of chicken or scallops (and one cheese omelette). Lana looked lovely and was quite delighted with her corsage of pink sweetheart roses and lilies of the valley. Mr. Carroll made his usual witty pre- sentation of the gift— a dainty lounge robe and some green bills. Lana thanked everyone for the gift and luncheon and especially for the opportunity to work with them. She indicated that she ex- pected her faith in the book namely Dr. Spock would see her through the challenging period of motherhood.

The Library will miss Lana who was a valuable member of the Adult Services Office staff. She had endeared herself to the Never Too Late Group which she led and had played an indispensable part in the programming of the Central and branch libraries. We are happy, however, that she goes forward to the wonderful experience of motherhood. Dr. Spock in hand.


- 5 -


No starlets, no lights, no brass band only films, and good films at that. This 7th session of the American Film Festival, sponsored by EFLA, the Educational Film Library Association, was held in New York City at the Biltmore Hotel, April 21-24.

As chairman of the pre-screening com- mittee for the category, "Stories for Children", and chairman judge for the screening session, "Guidance: Personal Invocation", I was privileged to see many outstanding films. It pleased the pre- screening committee, which had included BPL staff members, that the winner of the "Stories for Children" Blue Ribbon Award— Comet at Night, produced by the National Film Board of Canada was the same film selected as their first choice.

In addition to four days of film sessiois, an interesting program of lectures and special activities was arranged for those attending, "Film Making on Campus" was presented Vu'ednesday evening in co-opera- tion mth the University Film Producers Association. The role of the University was discussed by a panel of experts working with films on campus, chaired by IVilbert H. Pearson, United States Information Agency.

On Thursday afternoon the New York City Film Council sponsored a luncheon with George Stephens, Jr. of the USIA as the speaker. His topic, "Films— Ambassadors at Large", covered the problems and difficulties the A,gency has in producing and distributing films for world circula- ticn and how successes as well as failures reach an audience of millions,

Thursday evening was a special treat; arrangements had been made for Festival registrants to attend several film events at the Vforld's Fair. The most fascinating of these was a special screening at the Johnson Wax Pavillion of the three-screen film. To Be Alive. All the glowing advance reports about this film were true, and it is a visual experience not to be forgotten. After the showing we were privileged to meet the producer, Francis Thompson, who discussed the film technique and answered questions.

On Friday afternoon a special program, "Films and the Conmunity Mental Health Boom", was held under the sponsorship of the Committee on Physical and Mental

Health Films. A panel of experts discussed the film shown and the future growth of the mental health film field. That evening, the gala banquet took place in the grand dining room of the Biltmore. After dinner and presentation of the annual SFLA awards this year awarded posthumously to Paul C. Reed, pioneer leader in the audio-visual field and former editor of Educational Screen-— the Blue Ribbon winners were announced.

After screening of the winners on Saturday, yours truly headed back for Boston with aching bones and blurry eyes.


***m *******iK* **************** **********


Excuse me, but 3 'm in a hurry.

Are you the librarian here?

I'm looking for something on Milton...

Or Hilton ... or Walton Oh dearl

Well, you must know, it's the assignment

For eleventh grade English this week.

My daughter is taking that course now

And she's writing some kind of critique.

So since I was going right by here,

I thought I -would drop in to see

If you had a book that might help her

She must get an A or B,

Her father and I are quite worried.

Just next year she has to apply

To the College of his and my choice which

Requires a grade average that is high.

But the poor girl has no time to study.

She has something to do every day.

You know she's the band baton twirl er

And she's taking both tap and ballet.

Then her social life, too, is important,

A girl of her age should have fun

And there's always some party or movie

Or dance to keep her on the run.

But she needs a career to fall back on.

Her father and I just insist

That she study for some nice profession...

Maybe lawyer or psychiatrist, . ,

Oh, look at the timel I must run now.

My bridge club is meeting today.

But do be a dear and find something

And just sort of hide it away.

Her father can get it this evening.

He'll be glad to help out he agrees

That parents should always encourage

Worthwhile research projects like these.

By Barbara Toohey (Cleveland Public Library Staff Asso-

ciatifcn.. News & Views, v, 29, no. 4,

Mar ch-Ap ril, 1965)

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The Spring meeting of the New England Chapter of the Music Library Association was held on Saturday, April 10, at Connecticut College in New London.

The morning session consisted of talks by Mr. Philip L. Miller, Chief of the Music Division of the New York Public Library, and by Mrs, Catharine K. Miller, Librarian (ret.) of the 58th Street Music Library in New York City. Mr. Miller described and showed plans for the new Library and Museum of Performing Arts at Lincoln Center. This new Library/ Museum will be a combination of the three performing arts sections of the present library Music, Theatre, and Dance Collections, each with its own separate stacks and reading areas. The Library will continue to be in two distinct sec- tions. Research and Circulation, The lov;er floor will house the circulating collection, with browsing, exhibit and listening areas, and an intermediate reference section for the casual reader. A special card vjill be issued to admit readers to the research library on the top floor. A small auditorium will be available for recordings, concei-ts, chamber music, and dance recitals. The question now remains as to when the Library/Museum will open-— that old money problem againj

Mrs, Miller, fascinating and to the point as always, spoke on "Music Librarians", I'lhei-eas once an aptitude for librarianship and musical knowledge was considered sufficient background, now music librarians must also be familiar with musicology, ethnomusicology, and the adjacent performing arts. Mrs. Miller believes that the cataloger and the reference librarian should be allowed to switch places in order to gain a broader perspective of the field. She also spoke of the great mass listener problem with which today's music librarian must cope, and stressed the fact that the training of music librarians must not be watered down to take care of these people, but rather that the standards of training must be raised.

At the business meeting which preceded luncheon, the following officers were elected: President, Alfred Kuhn, Yale

University; Vice-President, Mary Ankudowich, Smith College; Secretary- Treasurer, Gertrude Martin, ViTheaton College; Member-at-Large, Ruth Bleeker, BPL, It was announced that a separate "Union List of Music Serials" was under

consideration, to be published by Wilson, and members of the Chapter will be polled in the near future as to their feelings on the project.

The afternoon session on "Library Services" consisted of a panel of three librarians and three library users. The librarians: Mrs, Ruth Bleeker, BPL; Miss Eileen Borland, MIT; and Mr, Brooks Shepard, Yale University. The library users: Mr. John Baviochi, composer and and teacher, of Brookline; Miss Mary Peckam, Smith College senior and Music major; and Mrs. Lawrence Greenberg, graduate music student at Connecticut College. Each panel member discussed the services offered by or received from his library. It seems that even the most knowledgeable and intelligent library user is still not aware of all that a library can and should offer him, and must be educated to the fact that the librarian is there to help him. The panel concluded with a lively and in- formative open discussion period. A coffee hour ended the day's activities, giving us an opportunity to chat with old and new friends.


if:^^,^rt' *********************************


It wasn't very long ago

I fretted over bending law

For each book the public needed

Now it seems that I've succeeded

In changing Fate's malign intent

For now I'm stretched instead of bent J




One way to save money is to live as cheaply after payday as you do the few days before.


iliifL**^ti^*-^*.it:**iti***************** ********

- 7 -

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied hy the full name of the Association member submitting it, to- gether with the name of the Branch Library, Department, or Office in which he or she is emploj'^ed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by indi- vidual Association monbers and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the A-^r.ociation are in agreement with the viev'S expressed. Only those contribu- tions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted.

Dear Soap Box:


Oh, what a joy it would be


If they sent a slip that

I could read.

But it's not them.

It's me.

An hour to run one slip?

Oh no.

But I get more than one

Slip you know.

But it's not them.

It's me.

Tell me how to loaf in a chair,

Vi/hen there's never any


But ■'t's not them.

It's me.

How can I find the books,

Mr. B.

1/Vhen there's never any light to


But it's not them.

It's me.

I will only say a few things


How can one person run

Five and Four?

But it ' s not them.

It's me.

And oh, dear public can't

You read?

Starred books go out?

Indeedl 1

But it's not them.

It's me.

Oh tell me kind sir and lady fair. How can I find a book that's Just not there. But it's not them. It' s me.

Mr. B. please tell me

Where I have failed.

My Negro skin has


But it's not them.

It's me .

Mr. E. please heed my


Someday be my guest



IT'S THffll



With this "Long Island Deal" much more work is involved at Centre Desk.

At the present time the work can be handled without any difficulty, but when school re-opens in the fall it will take at least two of the attendants here at the desk just to take care of the Long Island and New England Deposit books.

This wd 11 thrust a greater load of the regular work on the three remaining

- 8 -

attendants at Centre Desk, especially on a day when ^000 slips are requested at the desk.

Don't you think we deserve a raise like everyone else?


Editor's note;

The above is a very specific and local complaint. It is worthy of general note, however, on at least two counts:

1. It is representative of the common discontent with the Library Assistants' salary schedule,

2. It points out rather well the con- fusion in many minds concerning salary schedule, promotion, and job classi- fication. Here, it would seem, is an excellent example of how a particular job as a result of Regional service, temporary storage arrangements, etc, has become much more complex and demanding than when originally described for classi- fication purposes. A "raise", either across the board or "like everyone else", may be very desirable in furthering the common interests and welfare of the staff, but this is an instance involving a sig- nificant increase in both complexity and responsibility of one particular position. Jobs at Centre Desk appear to be prime candidates for reclassification.

To the Editor of the Soap Box:

Some days ago I went up to the Pru- dential Tower, and along with the beauti- ful vistas stretching east, west, south and north of Boston, I had a new view of the Library, It dominates the area with its perfect proportions, and looks com- pletely in keeping with the masterpiece of architecture it seems when you look at it at close range, and with the marbles, paintings and treasures within. The Annex, hugging one of the Library walls, so sturdy and serviceable for almost 50 years, seemed from that distance a country lean-to, an interloping excrescence and parasite. So that from the point of view of restoration and making the new pro- jected building mesh perfectly xdLth the old grand one, the removal of the Annex

may be a sort of boon. But the simul- taneous elimination of space for half a million books is a much more serious matter, I hope the temporary measures by the Administration will prove adequate. While in the New York Public Library last week, I found that their overflow books have been sent to an Annex not too far away, and the public is asked to go there themselves. Could we not have taken a building nearby where the public could be sent to consult the books, or perhaps some departments idiich are eventually slated to go into the new building be removed with all their books, on new and old numbers, and housed in some hired quarters not far from Copley Square, We will know in the fall when business resumes in earnest how well the current plans are going to work out,


Dear Editor:

In May two full-time Officers-in- charge were appointed in the Reference Division of the Library, One of the requirements of these new positions which seemed to many to be undesirable was that the new Officers -in-charge would have to work every other Saturday.

But now we find out that this is not so. The new Officers-in-charge are only going to work one Saturday in fovr during the vacation period, and the Curators in the division are being forced to work all the other Saturdays I

Several of the Departments in the Reference Division operate with a mini- mum staff at all times, and during the vacation period the heads of these de- partments are positively needed in their own departments on Saturdays to provide coverage. So who is actually going to work while the Officers-in-charge have extra Saturdays off? Why, the general assistants, of course, who are filling in for their Chiefs who are filling in for the Officers-in-charge who are at the beach or playing golf,

And so we find that the vacation schedules of all subject departments must reflect the necessity for providing coverage for the Officer-in-charge office

on Saturdays.

Looking at this situation from a long range point of view we find another unfor- tunate result. It has always been ad- vantageous for the Off icer-in-charge to maintain cordial relations with the staff. This Saturday business will certainly not aid our two new Off icers-in-charge in establishing harmonious relations with the subject departments based on mutual under steinding and respect.



Cinderella— A beautiful passionate woman bares her naked foot to the man she loves while her stepmother and stepsisters plot to cheat her out of the one memorable night in her life.

Treasure Island ^The crew of a ship bent on rape and plunder land on an island inhabited by sex-crazed canni- bals. An innocent boy finds the secret of growing up.

Art Buchwald, And Then I Told the President (Putnam, 1965)

(Thoughts on the imminent demise of the Coffee Shop cont'd, from page l)

The Coffee Shop is an outlet for all sorts and varieties of built-up emotions and general 'gripes'. No other source is quite able to provide as much satisfaction as being able to sit with one's co-workers' in a hash session over each other's complaints, ideas, disregarded suggestions, etc. The Staff Sugges- tion Box might be able' to pro-vide an escape valve for excess steam if suggestions were even acknowledged, but except in the occasional instance where the $25c 'best suggestion' award is presented (some have accused the Committee of ul ijig this only as a means to keep controversial suggestions from being aired via other means or to delay action on a particularly sore point) no satisfaction is received except in the writing itself, %■ submitting a contribution to ^'s Soap Box, one can at least have ideas put in print with a reasonable assurance that thqy will be read, even if not acted upon.

Staff locker space was never veiy plentiful; the removal of the Staff Library to its inaccessible quarters at Roslindale affected only the Pre-Profes- sionals and others ' attending library school; but with the closing of the Coffee Shop, staff morale, already at apathetic depths, will reach a new, low ebb. One of the last fringe benefits which has partially compensated for inadequate salary scales is now to be removed. That this step is necessary is hardly contestable; but that some other place for blowing off steam or just good company should be found seems mandatory. Unless some method is found to redress or offset this and other justified grievances, the Library woiild appear to be in grave danger of losing one of its most valuable assets the remaining good will of its employees before the ink is dry on the architect's plans for the new building.




JULY 1965

THE QUESTION MARK Published b^^ the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XX, Number 7 July 1965


Publications Committee: William F. Casey; Harry Andrews; EveltTi Isaacs; Mary

Skevjes; Sarah M. Usher, Indexer; David G. Nevin, Chairman.

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting material The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month



There have been many questions concerninr' the certification require- ments for exemption from Civil Service raised bv the publication of General Administrative Notice #80.

Were those already holding previously issued (19)48) certificates not to be required to apply apain? Then was it merely in error that some who thought themselves certified under former regulations received instructions to register anew?

VJhat of the Pre-Professionals, especially those who are within one or two courses of their library deforces? Are they to be required to apply for certification as Library Assistants, only to turn around in six months or a year's time and be required to reapply (and pay an additional three dollar fee)?

But whereas the above inquiries concern only a minor portion of the total bibliothecal employees, one question encompasses all: is it alto^^ether right that the individual incumbent employee must pay for certification by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners? VJhen the Professionals and Library Assistants were hired, there was no certification requirement mentioned. Is it not the Library's responsibility to cover the cost of a program which, although enacted by the Commonwealth's General Court, it may be said to be on record as supporting? When the qualifications for employ- ment have been up";raded with the employers full knowledge and concurrence, it vjould seem only proper that he bear the burden, financial or otherwise, of such action as it affects those already in his employ,

G.A.N. #80 was well vrritten, informative, and to the point. But the questions vjhich it has managed to raise are nearl""- as many as those it answered. We urge the administration to seriously consider the publication of additional clarifying information.


It shall be the object of the Association

(a) to foster professional librarianship

(b) to further the common interests and the welfare of the

bibliothecal staff

(c) and to promote greater efficiency in library service.

- 2 -


Brenda Shporer - Rare Book Dept. -

from part-time to full time Richard P. Sullivan - Government

Documents Robert J. Broder - Book Stack

Service Shirley Hakim Din - Adams Street

Branch Marion Twickler - Book Stack

Service Ann P. Martin - './ashington Village

Branch Patricia M. Morgan - General

Reference Department Helen A. Goldenberg - HR&CS

Division Office Mary McCarthy - Buildings Dept. Katherine M. Mackey - Roslindale

Branch Patricia A. McNally - Adsjns Street

Branch Helen Petry - Central Charging

Records Carolyn P. Smith - Memorial Branch Michelle L. Tyndal - General

Reference Department Kathryn H. Martin - General

Reference Department Diana V/. Muzzarelli - Pine Arts

Department Judith S. Koren - Brighton Branch Joanne E. V/amer - Codman Square

Branch Carol M. './arren - History Dept.


Paul Romano - from Rare Book Dept.

to Central Charging Records Bridie P. Stotz - from Roslindale

Branch to Mt. Bowdoin Branch Linda A. Ivors - from Mt. Bowdoin

Branch to Dorcester Branch Jennie M. Kielczewski - from Mt.

Bowdoin Branch to South Boston


Mary Skewes - from RoiRS Cataloging and Classification to HR&CS Cataloging and Classification

Mary T. Crowe - from South Boston Brsjich to Egleston Square Branch

Helen V. Rothwell - from Egleston Square Branch to Mt. Bowdoin Branch


Peter Brownlie - Book Stacks -

another position Laura V. Abate - R&RS Cataloging

and Classification - resigned Louise M. Watson - Central Charging

Records - returning to home in

New York Regina A. "Dichetti - Kir stein

Business Branch - to travel and

work on own projects Lucille 0 'Brien - R&RS Cataloging

and Classification - returning

home Sandra Slone - Kirstein Business

Branch Predericka Jean V/yss - Mattapan

Branch - husband has accepted

another position in New York Mary i\nne Vaughan - Science and

Technology - another position Dona Atwood - Audio- Visual -

marriage Bette B. Pinckney - Dorcester

Branch - resigned Rebecca E. Peters - Bookmobile

Service - ret^mming to Indiana


Lana M. Reed - HR&CS Division Offic


Lawrence G. Scott - Central j Charging Records


Rose T. Fitch - V/est Roxbury Branch Leonard T. Kanter - Book Stack Service

- 3

PI J.-IEriORIill/I Dorothea A^nes Blue

V/hen Dorothea Blue passed away on June 21, I965, she had served on the staff of the Boston Public Lihrary for approximately twenty years. Her library career began in the \i7obum Public Library and continued in the branches of the Boston Public Library, with the greater part of her service spent a:t the West End Branch and the Parker Hill Branch.

Perhaps some would think that Dorothea had a sad life. To be sure , she had imusiially heavy family responsibilities all her life, and for this reason, she may have missed many of the social


In its issue of March 20, 1965, the Satiirday Review printed the first essay of a series by Kenneth Rexroth, called "Classics Revisited with the following introduction by the editor:

Literary classics are classics because they have endured, be- cause successive generations have found in them some hum^ truth that does not turn stale with time. But because the human vantage point is continually shifting, each generation must necessarily interpret the classic: afresho With this issue, there- fore, SR presents the first of of a series of second looks at

pleasures that one takes for granted, the classics by Kenneth Rexroth,

But she was sincerely devoted to her family and she had her own enjoyment of life and her own infectious sense of humor in spite of discouragements and responsi- bilities.

Too fev/ people knew Dorothea, probably because she was not able

to socialize very much. But those have appeared;

who worked with her and the many members of the public whom she served over the years will remember her helpfulness and friendliness, her fundamental good nature , her brief tempers over minor irritatJoE and her ready la\Aghter. She surely gave of herself wherever she was, and she will surely be missed by those of us who had the good fortune to have knov/n and v/orked with her.

author, critic, painter, and co- founder of the San Francisco Poetry Center. "I have tried," says I.Ir. Rexroth, "to provide a bridge across the blockage of the ages. "

So far (July 10), eleven essays

March 20 March 27 April 3 April 10 May 1 May 15 May 29 June 5 June 12 Jvne 26 July 10

Epic of Gilgamesh

The Iliad

The Odyssey


Njal 's Saga

Don Quixote


Satyr icon



Le Morte d 'Arthur

Mr. Rexroth is a writer of great briginality, clarity and depth, and CHaRLESTOV.IvT BR .NCllthese essays are not only excellent

introductions to the classics, but are themselves additions to litera- ture. He wants us all to read the Art is not truth; art is the lie t^eat books of the past in their " /original languages, as he did, but

he knows that that is a cons-ummation


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which makes us see the trnith


not easily achieved, and he there- fore adds a note at the end of each


- 4 -

essay recommending the best trans- lation. This is of particular value to those librarians who have to think of replacements or addi- tions in these areas.

H. A.


Oct. 6-9; New England Library Association, V/entworth-by-the- Sea, Portsmouth, N. H.

Oct. 10-16; International Federa- tion for DocTJunentation (FID), Sheraton Park Hotel, Washington, D. C.


On behalf of the Staff Associ- ation, QM extends warmest con- gratulations to the four Pre- Professional Library Assistants who were awarded scholarships by the Trustees for study at library schools during this fiscal years

J. \7arron Harrington

South Boston Branch Library

Carolyn A. Kirldiam Connolly Branch Library

Marian A. McCarthy Education Department

Jo Ann A. Mitchell

Adams Street Branch Library

****** ->i- * -x- ■)(■**■)(•*■»«• -x- * ^- **** -x- -;;•* -Jt * -X- ** -K- * *

And here's still another cure for crabgrass. Take an unpopular stand and let the pickets trample it to death,


***^.-*********** ;*** -if***:; ■x-*-x ******


Was it in anticipation of the annual hot weather diatribe? (There's one in the Soap Box this month. ) Or was it feared that the unconfirmed rumor about other City employees being allowed to leave work early on particularly warm days would cause uncontrollabl rebellion? Or Saints perserve us.' was it out of the kindness of their hearts?

Whatever the motivation, we would still like to thank the adminis- tration for granting two additional days of annual leave. Although not as hot as some, this s\;umner has been sufficiently uncomfortable to make working in a non-aircon- ditioned building somewhat less than pure pleasure. \/e think it was well deserved.



An Open Shelf Department paton was recently talking about Shake- speare with one of our bright yoimg men, and mentioned several items I had never heard before : that some members of the Jamestown Colony in 1607 had been friends of Shakespear in England, that some documents and deeds of that time were hidden somewhere on Martha's Vineyard, that a Shakespeare signature was on the back of a portrait owned by that patron, etc.. The most in- triguing part of this new (to me) Shake spear eana cache was the claim that Shakespeare had hidden his name in one of the psalms of the English Bible. The great King James Bible was printed in 1611, and so presumably some of the translations and preparations were made in 1610, when Shakespeare was 46 years old. In the 46th psalm, the 46th word from the top is

- 5 -

SHAKE, and the 46th word from the "bottom, (not coimting of course the word SELAH which meant END) , is SPEARE. I checked it, and it v^as so. This can be considered co- incidence only in the sense in which the mythical monkey typing at random a mythical niomher of centuries will eventually type out King Lear. My own guess was that the Elizahethan scholars engaged in the translation must have been acquainted with the poets and dramatists of London, and perhaps occasionally asked some of them, after some translation had been made, to beat it into more poetical shape. Shakespeare must have been one of these poets, and having that impish streak in him which when he was a boy made him make a speech v/hen slaughtering a calf, he thought he would put something over on the professors and conceal his name in the translation.

Professor Leslie Hotsen, in his excellent tir. V/. H. , had written about the extraordinary familiarity of the Elizabethans in general with the psalms. So recently when I was in the New York Public Li- brary, I looked up his address in Connecticut and wrote to him about all this. These scholars are much more courteous and accessible than administrators, politicians and movie stars, and within a few days^ I had an answer.

' Here are a few quotations from

his letter;

...I am happy that you. enjoyed JJr. '//. H. smd shared some of its author's gusto. You will look forward, as I do, to further discoveries about Hatcliffe, in confirmation ... I am afraid that the 46th psalm curiosity has been commonly knovm for many

years. I heard of it in the 20 «s and it was old then. No reput- able scholar or critic believes that it shows anything at all . , . a curious coincidence, nothing more. V/hat is quite impossible is that King James's learned Hebrew scholars v/ould ever dream of turning to a common player for help an actor who had neithe attended the university nor studied the elements of the longuage ....

I greatly admire Ilr. Hot son, but I v;ill go on believing my inter- pretation of the "coincidence",

H. A, ■>;- -x- -^t *** -x- -:;-***■«• -x- ^(- **■«■****■«■* -X- -5^ -x- •* -X- *•«■*«• *


Congratulations to Mrs. Mary Elizabeth (Betty) West on her appointment to a new position as Coordinator of School Libraries for the City of Springfield, Illinois. Mrs. V/est entered the B.P.L. as an "Extra" in 1939, and chose the field of children's work as her specialty. She v\ras Children's Librarian in the Central Library Children's Room from 1953 until she left in 1956 to become Director of Children's Work at the Lincoln Public Libri-ry, Spring- field, Illinois, Best wishes to her from her B.P.L. friends as she tc.kes over her ncv/ and challenging duties on September 1.

And more congratulations.' At the ALA Conference announcement was made by the Children's Ser- vices Division that Mrs. West has been elected to membership on the Newbery-Caldecott Committee,

- 6 -

A recent meeting at Rand Mc- Nally's in New York was attended by two B.P.L. Alumnae Virginia Haviland (formerly Readers Advisor for Children) and Muriel C. Javelin (formerly Coordinator of Work with Adults). The prize offered that day was a globe of the world. According to established custom, the honor of drav;ing the winning name went to the person coming the greatest distance. Miss Haviland, from V/ashington, D. C, qualified. And what name did she draw? You've guessed it Muriel C. Javelin i

* * * * •)«■ * -X- * * * * * -Jf- * •» * ^ -Jt * -it * * * -if * -x- * * -K- -»^ * * *

IWien power leads man toward arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of his existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

JOHN F. KENNEDY ********************* ****-)i* ******

Novelist Eric Ambler's manu- scripts and files have been presented to the Boston University Library and will be housed in the $5.5 million Mugar Library, currently \:inder construction.


April 1, 1965, p. 1688.

**** **■**•»■** *-x-**-;^-K4f^ -:******* -it*****

There's a trend toward longer education and one toward earlier retirement. Give generously to these causes now. Help stamp out work. -



Vi/ord has been received that Mr. and r/Irs. Macy Margolis be- came the proud parents of a baby boy weighing in at just over 7 pounds on Tuesday, July 20. Warmest congratulations to our Curator of History and his lovely wife.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goldschmidt. Jr. take pride in announcing the arrival of Stephen Robb Gold- schmidt, weight 8 lbs, 3^ ounces, on June 4, 1965. Mrs. Louise Goldschmidt was Children's Assistant at South Boston Branch at the time of her resignation from the B.P.L. to accompany her husband to Cairo, Egypt. Since then she has been working as a cataloger (art, architecture, city planning) at MIT. In September, the Goldschmidts will move to Pennsylvania where Mr. Goldschmidt will be teaching European and Near Eastern History at Perm State,

* * * * ^t -if •;;• * ■)(■ * -r * * * * -x- * # -x- * * * -if * ** -x- ■!<• * * ■)(• *


Little Red Riding Hood - A girl goes to visit her grand- mother only to discover a wolf in her bed. Read v/hat happens when the girl refuses to get into bed v/ith the wolf.

ART BUCHWALD, And Then I Told The Preside (Putnam, 19^57

*-x-** -it ^ -::- -x -x-* * -K- ** ■!%- **** ********''A--:i**

- 1 -

'' " V




' y


Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, together with the name of the Branch Library, De- partment, or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used, if the contribu- tor so requests. Anonymous con- tributions are not given consid- eration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in- Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions ex- pressed by individvial Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contributions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted.

To the Soap Box editor t

Staff morale is extremely low because of over-patronage, under- staffing, lack of space and equip- ment, low salaries in comparison with the amo-unt of coping done on many levels, and apparent uncon- cern for staff comfort on the part of the administration.

Could not some slight gesture tov/ard that staff comfort be made? Such as more fans (some are really made ill from heat), fans v;hich have not rotated for years re- paired, ventilation of the entire building during the cooler

night hours , replacement quickly of burned out light Hllbs, repair of the water fountains which no longer run really cold (i.e. see stack 2 kitchen fountain) , fans started an hour before library opens , windov/s open at that time to bring cool air in, one staff spot where smokinj is not per- mitted or really good ventil- ation of smoking spots (stack 2 locker room smells of smoke always now and so do clothes in lockers, and is perpetually like a turkish bath most of the summer from lack of ventilation). Thes? are but a few of the little things which could be remedied without much expense and pay off immensely in staff well-being.



I wonder if thought has been given to the possibility of having buses take members of the public to Long Island to consult materials in certain instances ra.ther than have the books brought here? I realize the facilities for study must be limited. However, it would seem that other factors v/ould outweigh that thought and provisions be made. Our primary purpose as a public library we knov/ is to give the best possible service under even the most diffi- cult conditions.

Material is not being sent on a selective individual item basis. Collections have not been scanned (with a very few exceptions). The principal decisions have been made according to type of classifi- cation. This may be generally- logical. To those of us working

directly with subject collections considerable material basic to area study is slated to go. If this must be, it must be. All we may hope for is the possibility of bus service as noted above or some other plan to ease the impact. As librarians I do not feel that we should just sit back and with- hold siiggestions which may be feasible.

Instancies in particular should be offered. Indications are that the "93 "s" (Special Collections) may be sent. This is by no means a dead collection. I.lany hundreds of scholarly and subject field series and periodicals currently received are involved. Bade files are in constant use being in many instances the only holding's in the region. As to the individual book items - nationally famous holdings such as those in the labor history and economic theory area would be included. People come from many places to consult these. V/ill they have to sta.y overnight in Boston? Undoubtedly some might be sent on inter-library loan if the person knew the situation in advance. Students will be assigned week-end papers based on items not available in school libraries. Certain term papers depending on such items may well be the key to a college career. Have we notified all colleges and schools in the region?


Dear Soap Box;

Since the O's-in-C have boen covered so that they work only 1 Saturday in 4 this suimner, how about Saturday-v/ork-relief for the rest of the staff who arc working

every other or more? Could not the office workers, who never (well rarely ever) work a Saturda; all year, not volunteer to cover one Saturday each so that the res- of us night have a much needed re. Since this is one of uhe very few libraries open in the entire area on Saturday, it would not matter too much that these office worker; did not know the subjects. Most of the patronage on Saturday in the summer is students end out-of town residents who come only be- cause their own libraries are clo


To the editors

Some few staff members are making life unpleasant for the majority;

1. Taking milk, canned foods, or entire l\anches from the refrigerator in the stack

2 kitchen, whi.oh another staf. member has counted on and purchased.

2. Moving to another location, pawing over, or turning upside down liinches of others presumably in search of his or her ov/n. Ho one likes food handled by others. Fo one likes to h\mt all over the refrigerator for his limch. Fo one really cares to find his sandwich drcnche in fruit juice or something else because it was turned upside down. Label your lunches !

3. Leaving spillable items care- lessly where they can be tipped, drenching the l\inche' of others and thereby ruinin them.

4. Leaving tables filthy with sticlcy rings, ashes, crujnbs, etc. for the next user to wipe up.

- 9 -

5. Moving chairs or tcbles out of place and "expecting otliors to replace then (loungo also)

6. Leaving coffee shop dishes for others to return to the coffee shop.

7. Heglectinj to ret-urn empty coke "bottles to cases provided (lounge use of cokes or food is prohibited)

Let's all make it a point to put "back, mop up, pick up after our- selves, and not to touch what "belongs to others.'

was not an emergency and "relief" was asked for that


To the editor;

I am in almost complete agree- ment with the person who v/rote to the SOA? BOX concerning Satur- day work at the Officer-in-Charge desk. I will have to work in my department at least eight Satur- days during the summer period. The Off icers-in-Charge I under- stand are scheduled to work four.

Having worked almost every Sat- urday for aliiiost forty years I thought that this summer, at least I would like to cut it dov/n to one in two. I considered that reason- a"ble end certainly did not feel that I was "being overv/orked on that "basis. '..Tien we agree to v/ork in a public department Vi/e l<nov/ we have to do Saturday worko In addition, I kno\'" of no Curator who hasn't, when necessary, worked in emer- gencies or carried on some activity needed even though it did not fall specifically v;ithin their "job description." 7e all know our re- sponsibilities and seldom asked for "relief" even when it meant working from nine to nine. I think the reaction - and it was a general reaction - was to the fact that


this that

we would never request ourselves. There was no doubt in our mind that the request was made without realiza-tion of the general situ- ation. Almost everyone objected, giving their reasons verbally. A few of us put it on paper in the belief that reasons for objection would be clarified c Evidently they made no real impression as they were rejected. The ironic part of this "shimmer relief" measiire is that while most of us are called on to work several days in a row under ninety degrees temperature if the weather breaks that 'way, the Off icers-in-Charge have a nicely air-conditioned office. I do not agree that we should make them responsible or hold any ill will against them as individuals,


To the Soap Box Editors

I wish to say that I have been very much interested in the thoughi that when staff members become ill the Staff Repreeentctive from that Branch \/here the person is v;orking at the time should send informatioi pertaining to whether the staff member is hospit lized and, if so, what hospital so that a shov/ of more concern for each other may be shov/n v/hen it really coixnts for something. Most usually you get v.'ord that a person you had worked with many years ago is deceased without ever having heard that the said person was even ill.

In June there was an omission of an administrative notice in regard to a staff member's death. I thinl much more care should be taken in the futirre to avoid such omissions.

lL'^lRY a. la pollette

Ed. notes Having been informed of the above omission, ^ was able to pro veil upon Mrs. Conley of the Charlestovm Brench to write a brief tribute. It appears elsewhere in this issue.





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XX, Number 9 October, 196^

Publications Committee: William F. Caseyj Harry Andrews; Evelyn Isaacs; Sheila M,

Stevens; Sarah M, Usher, Indexer; Martin F, Waters, Chair- man,

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting material: The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

It shall be the object of the Association

(a) to foster professional librarianship

(b) to further the common interests and the welfare of the bibliothecal staff

(c) and to promote greater efficiency in library service.

In last month's editorial we "hinted" that our promotional system, among other things, could stand some inprovement. Since then, several people have taken us up on this asking "What is wrong with our promotional system'^" One indication that there is something wrong with it is that there is no clear general understanding, among the staff members, of the sjrstem. Indeed, some long-service staff members will argue that we have no system worthy of the name.

Can we get any help from the Personnel Manual? I'm afraid not. For example, concentrating on the Professional Library service, we find that Section ijCl.Ol of the Manual states that "Any enployee is eligible for promotion into the Professional Library Service ... if he has met the standards of education, experience, and char- acter established for entry into the service." But nowhere in the I^nual can we find what these standards are.

However, in searching the Manual for a statement of these standards we discover (Section 200.011) that "The Professional Library Service is composed of employees who perform professional duties commensurate with the standards of librarianship generally accepted in public and private librairLes in the United States". Actually, the standards of librarianship vary so greatly throughout the United States that we can find little, if any, value in this statement.

However, there is a statement in the Manual (10$,05) "All orders, practices, and policies which existed prior to April 1, (I960) not in conflict with this Man- ual, continue in effect," Which opens up an entirely new line of thought. This statement seems to indicate that the 1938 Qualifying and Promotional Examination System is still the Basic promotional system of the library. True, it has lain inoperative in recent years, but it is still with us. More on this next month,


~ 2 «


There is little to report on the salary situation and other problems besetting the membership at this time. Because of the recent change in the Administration, I ask you to be patient until the new Director has had time to become familiar with the problems idiich have caused such low morale among the staff, I can tell you, however, that some of our difficult- ies are being re-examined and re-consider- ed, I hope to be able to report on the results very soon.

The Executive Board and I hope that all of you will accept our invitation to meet the new Director and Mrs. McNiff at the reception which is to be held on November nineteenth. Details concerning time and location will be found elsewhere in the Q.M.



Carolyn P. Smith, Senior Library Assist- ant, and formerly Library Aid at Egleston Square, has been awarded a special $1170 Charles Irwin Travelli tuitional scholar- ship to attend Northeastern University,

How very proud we are of Penny and all our people who accept the bright challenge of educational advancement. Our best wishes go with her.

South Boston

At sequestered Harbor Lights, overlook- ing placid Neponset River, the staff gath- ered for a pleasant social evening, Sep- tember 29th. The guests of honor were three recently transferred colleagues, Mary Crowe (to Egleston Square), Anna Brackett (to South End), and Elisabeth Franck (to Dorchester), It was a conviv- ial reunion, good food, high spirits, and a view of the sunset over Dorchester Bay, Souvenirs of their much-too-short period of service at South Boston vrere given to the alumnae: to Mary Crowe, twoprtable ash trays, ^ne for home use and one to carry in her purse; to Anna Brackett, a piece of costume jewelry in the form of a filagree butterfly brooch; to Elisabeth Franck, a hand puppet, a frisky gray squirrel with a wondrous bushy tail. A good time was had by all.


Two of Reference and Research Catalog- ing and Classification LA 2 's are wearing diamonds, as of October l8th.

Rosalie Greenspan is engaged to marry Joseph Neiraan, a student at Boston Univer- sity, The date is tentatively set for December 2k, 1966.

Martha Parker plans to marry Bruce Await, an employee of John Hancock Life Insurance Conpany, on October 1, I966.


Announcement has been made of the engage- ment of Sheila Swalnick, Central Charging Records, and Michael Mllstone, a student at Salem State College. A July U, I966 wedding is planned.


On Thursday evening, September 30, 1965> the Bindery had a retirement party for Mary Dornan and Daniel ¥, Sheeran, at Blinstrub's Village in South Boston. The party was attended by more than fifty friends and guests of Miss Dornan and Mr. Sheeran,

We hope that all irtio attended the dinner had a very enjoyable time, and that they enjoyed the show that followed.

We would like to thank those friends who attended the dinner and those nice people who made a donation.

Many Many Thanks]


The annual business meeting of the Bos- ton Public Library Staff Association will be held on November 19th at 9tl5 A.M. in the Lecture Hall of the Library. We hope that all members of the Association who can be there will be there.

- 3 -

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the fxill name of the Association member submitting it, to-

gether with the name of the Branch Library ! 7 •* ^u "'""?";.: .

n«^„.^ 4, rsff u- u u 1- Tieeds and give us the very best Division

Department, or Office in which he or she ^ "^

is employed. The name is withheld from

publication, or a pen name is used,if the

contributor so requests. Anonymous con- tributions are not given consideration. The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief. The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by indi- vidual Association members and their appearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the

not containing more than 300 words will b^ accepted.

To the Editor:

It was indeed a harsh policy that the Administration established this fall by which Library i^ssistants who were attend- ing college, and who worked full time during the summer were not permitted to go on half-time during the school year. Many had been able to do this during the previous years. These assistants were good workers, well-trained, and in many instances helped the library to meet sev- eral personnel emergencies.

Also an explanation should be forth- coming as to why some of these assistants have been allowed to work half-time and others have not.


vance of the season, but we want to be sure you have time to fill our needs, in time for Christmas delivery. If you could do it sooner, we would not ask for another stock- ingful then. We need badly a Division Head, who has his full working hours to devote to our needs and problems. Other desired specifications are that he or she be sym- pathetic, easily appreciable, have a sense of hvimor, know what it means to work nights, Saturdays and Sundays, understand student use of the library and its attendant prob- lems, have the courtesy to acknowledge stafl presence when met in corridors etc., have both our welfare and that of the library as .an institution at heairt. Our morale is shot. We are worde than orphans. Our ser- vice is suffering from many angles, many of which could be cured by a Division Head we respect and whom we found accessible. Please Santa, devote some thought to our


Head you can find,,, we sincerely good one.'


To the Editor of the Soap Box:

I should like to suggest a new regular featvire for THE QUESTION MARK— a list of the ten most called for books at the Cen- tral Library, Thus members of the Staff will know what is being read locally, will be able to conpare our list with the lists

^. ^ _. , nnxu i-v_a.' j.^^ the local papers and in the TIMES and ^„r Sf: f *JL!'?S ,^"J^r!?n°:^fr'^I^-™B™ Bcok Reviews, and after they

Dear Santa,

You may consider

this a little in ad-

have coirplied with the rules and taken such books out, will perhaps try to return them faster. It may be a good idea to supjply along iri-th the list the number of copies on hand and the number of people waiting. The Staff will thus have a better picture of the Library procedures in this matter and be more intelligent with the public whenever any question on this type of ac- tivity arises.

The ten most-called-for books right now (October 20) in order of popularity are as follows:


The same information minus the number ofl To the Editor of THE QUESTION MARK

copies and the number of r; j^uests could perhaps be made available to the public via BPL NEWS.


To the Soap Box:



6k Report of the Examining Committee, Sub- committee on Personnel", I have just ar- rived back from Personnel having been told


A sudden, myeterious SNAFU in our oper- ations behind the scenes has resulted in a stoppage of the buying of new books.

Books are our red-and-white corpuscles and our entire reason for existence.

There are always some new books on our

The above quote is taken from the "1963- weekly lists which can, in an emergency.

be deferred to more prosperous times.

Not so with Best Sellers. The Public demands them and we can't do without them.

that my job reclassification was not forth- It is fraught with some danger to sit

coming in the forseable future for my present duties with the Library. I am working with very interesting material in the newly-created Acquisition Section of Government Documents, Among my many rea- sons for -pplying for this position were background knowledge which I gained work- ing x-rith the Government publications and iniative. I expected that monetary com-

pensation in keeping with the type of work Room at the United Nations for inspiration.

involved would also be forthcoming. I have been informed today, that there is very little possibility for reclassifica- tion at the present time. It seems that my duties, as interpreted by Personnel, do not require retlassification. The up- grading of positions outside the secret- arial and office seem to depend solely on the niomber of persons supervised, regard- less of the level of work. Are there formulas on hand which would take into consideration such items as quality of work, background knowledge and iniative?

prior to that interview, it was I. I am

well aware that I am not alone in seeking

a pay raise commensurate with my duties dn

the Library, It is my inpression that

this situation is shared by many of my

fellow Staff Associates. Yet, what is be-|- PHECY, MEMOIRS OF AN AMNESIAC, and MAN

ing done to remedy this appalling situa^ WITH THE GOLDEN GUN.

at a public desk and tell people we are not buying new books,

I told a woman the oth^r day that there were 62 people ahead of her for the INTERNj she looked at me like Madame Defarge, and I had visions of knitting needles and guillotines.

Deeply pondering the problem on a visit to New York, I went to the Meditation

And Inspiration came,

I think that those Happy Few who were invited on September 30 to witness the transfer of power on our apex should ass- ess themselves a Best Seller apiece and donate it to Home Reading.

The two principals at that party should get the $10. KENNEDY by Sorenson, which an important review said was the best book on Kennedy so far, one of the best books of its kind, and almost a master- piece, p^jg

The P5's/and P7's can get THE SOURCE,

If anyone had a "Greater Sense of Career' MRS. JACK, IS PARIS BURNING, and MAKING



tion? True, members of the Association have approached the Trustees with our grievance, but no action has resulted. For me, the Staff Association has been useless, I have been a member since 1956^ and no action on Salary increases, has been taken J Since the effectiveness of the Staff Association has been q\aite obvious, \diy not cease its existence? I for one, could use that dollar that I paid to be- long to this obviously out-moded, and thoroughly useless organization,


The logistics of what Pii's get what books can be worked out in a short con- ference,



Part two of Mr. Geoghegan's report on Cen- tral Library maintenance:

#ii--jlep? qcement of Burned Out Light Bulba

We have two types of lighting, incandes- cent and fluorescent. Each of these must be broken down into categories with refer-

»* s ••


ence to their accessibility. An unlightedthe tank froze, tube or lan^) may also fall into two cat- b— Has the unit the capacity and recovery egojrlv^. It may be sijply burned out; or, rate to produce $0OF water in volume something more difficult, such as burned at peak periods?

out ballast, starter, switch, over-loaded circuits, etc., may be causing the mal- function. The replaceitient of a tube in a firture which is not accessible is govern- ed by many factors. Are there men avail- able to erect staging? Is it a public area? Are men available to climb the staging? (All workers are not capable of

The water by thermometer test during the morning relief periods, after continued use, was found to be 60°F. This is an indica- tion that the machine is probably over- taxed by present usage. The fact that both men and women are now using the Stack 2 facilities has undoubtedly increased the demands on the unit and we are now in the

working at any great height.) Then, if itprocess of acquiring a new, larger unit

is a burned out tube, the trouble is over.

If not, a new group of problems arise.

the fixture old? Are parts available and

in stock, (we never have enough money to

stock other than the bare necessities),

and do we have a licensed electrician on

duty? (We have only one, due to Civil

Service's inability to supply more at pre- sent salary scales.) We are, however, very fortunate to have three very reliable helpers, but the work they can do is limi- ted by law and must be supervised by a licensed man. It seems one problem com- pounds another.

In cases where the fixture is accessible and can be visually checked, lamps and tubes are replaced promptly. In some areas such as the annex and basement, where each lamp is on a drop cord indi- vidually switched, it is not possible, without employing a man just for this job, to check each and every light. The staff helps immeasurably by reporting lighting problems to Buildings for correction.

Once again, we could give the type of service which the writer of the complaint

suggests, if we had three full-time elec- tricians and helpers, and a large budget for spare parts. #5— -Water Coolers

There are two major factors to take in- to consideration when judging the perform- ance of a water cooler, provided the mach ine is operating.

a~Is the control low enough? The control on the unit on Stack 2 is set to produce water at 50°F, which is the recommended tenperature for public water coolers, as the water at this terp- erature can do no harm to dentvires, etc.. This unit, by actual thermometer test, can produce water at 50°F. As a matter of fact, the machine got so cold on Fridaj afternoon, August 13th, that the water in

for this area.

There is, however, no undue hardship be- ing placed on persons using this cooler, as there is another one just across the hall in the Coffee Shop.

Sincerely yours, T.P. Geoghegan Superintendent of Library Buildings


To the Editor,

In a letter from Mr. Lord in the last is- sue of THE QUESTION MARK commenting on the R, and R, Division Curators being required to work on Saturdays last summer for the Officers-in-Charge he stated that "With the best will in the world the responsible administrative officers of the Library were not able to arrive at a solution that has been found to be uniformly acceptable,"

I am sorry to report that neither I nor any of the other Cixrators with whom I have talked saw any evidence of this good will. There was no spirit of compromise evident in the orders that vjere given to the Cura- tors, Vfe were sirply told to do it.

Many of us have never worked in the Of- ficer-in -Charge Office, were never told that such work was a condition of employ- ment, and do not wish to do this kind of work.

If this policy of assigning people to do any job at all in the Library were carried to its ultimate extreme, the Curators could find themselves out shovelling snow come next January,


To the Soap Box:

Although I am the Chairman of the Pub- lications Committee of the Staff Associa- tion, I am writing this letter as an "average man-on-the-street".

- 6 -

There has been a lot of smoke and heat generated by last summer's Saturday Of- ficer-in-Charge schedule, but little lighlj. None of the letters to the Soap Box has mentioned the basic cause of the trouble, I think that the persons in charge of ar- ranging this schedule were surprised at the lack of enthusiasm felt by almost the entire body of Ciirators, a group knovjn to me to be most cooperative in covering emergencies and aiding one another and the Library under ordinary circumstances.

The main reason for the almost opposition to this summer schedule can be found in the way the Officer-in-Charge was set up. As anyone wbo had been in the position of regxilarly arranging schedules for a full-time Central Library department knows you cannot operate such a department throughout the year with less than four people. The Officer-in-Charge was organ- ized as a two-man department, and thus scheduling difficulties were built into the department at its conception. To be

unanimous Willi

sure, our two Cccrdinators were to provide "supplemental coverage"; but this proved, or was thought to be, not enough.

And so it is generally agreed that last summer's Officer-in-Charge schedule was not an outstanding success; however, that is over anddane with. What we need to do now is to make arragnements so that this situation will not re-occur next summer,



New Enployees ;

Jean Leydon— Personnel

Mrs. Sybil Smith— Branch Issue

Paul Brawley Audio-Visual

Carolyn S. Poole Roslindale

Mrs. Genevieve S, Twomey Buildings

Judy S. Strachan Mr. Lord's Office

Jerome Sullivan Book Stack Service

Melody Gayer~Div, Off., HR and CS

Susan Brodrick Mattapan

John J. Diggin Jr, Open Shelf

Avis Stillman Book Stack Service

Transferred; Esther Leonard Education to Cat. and^, 't Clcea., R. and R.S.


Barbara J, Brown— South End, to Richard Beach

Maternity Leave;

Mrs. Phyllis Patrick— Kirs tein

Leave of Absence:

Diane G. Farrell Codman Square, attend library school at Columbia

Terminations J

Marcia L. Pina Cat. and Class., HR andCS,

another position Paula B. McCarthy^-Kirstein, to stay at


am J. Scannell Kirstein, another

position Patricia Neth— Book Selection, HR and CS,

return to school Eleanor Kimball— Mt. Pleasant, attend

library school full-time Patricia McRae— Kirstein, another position Brenda Curran Cat, and Class., R.andRS,

go to Germany Mrs. Ella Lombara Central Charging Record^

^ill-time job James Duffy Central Charging Records, fuU

time job Leo Boucher— Duplicating, another position Jo-Ann Conroy— Book Stack Service, return

to college John Koch— Book Stack Service Jo-Ann C, Mitchell Adams Street, attend

college full-time Robert Fantasia Book Stack Service, re- turn to college Michael J. Vene«ia ^Patent Section, an- other position Mrs. Beverly Lambert Cat, and Class,, R.

and R.S., stay at home Lynne Simek Science and Technology, attend

college full-time Mrs. Geneva R. Kershner— General Reference,

return to California Henry Selvitella— Book Stack Service


T^. i


.'uitc5 llou ta CitttiLci


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Husbands and wives welcome

Lecture HaLl- Central Libraru

■4^ tpie/j ft .HI -yi^i/A^

COMMITTEE FOR RECEPTION Louisa Metcalf Pauline Walker

Bradford Hill William Casey-

Joseph O'Neil Ruth Hayes, Chairman


best ion




THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Library Staff Association Volume XX « Number 10 November, 196^

Publications Coiranittee: William F, Casey j Harry Andrews; Evelyn Isaacs; Sheila M,

Stevens; Sarah M. Usher, Indexer; Martin F, Waters, Chair- man.

Publication Date: Deadline for submitting material: The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

It shall be the object of the Association

(a) to foster professional libra rianship

(b) to further the common interests and the welfare of the

bibliothecal staff

(c) and to promote greater efficiency in library service.

We thought that we might arouse some interest in awakening the Li- brary's somnolent promotional system with last month's editorial, but there seems to be more interest in burned out light bulbs than in pro- motions .

We received very few comments on our editorial j and we have not heard of any great rush to the personnel office by our LA's for in- formation on qualifying for the Professional Library Service, al- though we did have pointed out to us the very minor detail that the Library Qualifying Examinations have not been offered for at least eight years.

The main point we were attempting to make was that our basic promotional system is still the corprehensive 1938 system which in- cluded in-service training for non-professional workers (LA's) as well as for the professional staff. This has not been officially re- placed or discontinued and has been modified only a very little in the last 26 years. At least this seems to be the case so far as we can discover from the Personnel Manual,

It is especially to be deplored that we are not actively pro- viding an in-service training program for our LA service, A high school graduate who enters this service ordinarily cannot, by con- tinuing his education outside the library, prepare himself specifically for advancement in most of the types of work which the LA services pro- vides. There are exceptions, of course, such as secretarial work.

Along vrith this we find that the Officers of the Library who are engaged in making promotions cannot be provided with substantial in- formation which will enable them to accurately evaluate the qualifica- tions and abilities of the several candidates for a given position.

It would seem that the re-activation of our in-service training program might be a good way for us to get back in the promotional system business.


The President's Notes vd.ll of necessity- be brief this month since we are still undergoing a period of transition. The new Directflfep has been in office a little more than 6 weeks and cannot possibly be expected to have familiarized himself or come to terms with all the problems which have plagued the Library for some time, I feel quite certain, however, that given the time, he will attempt to alleviate our most pressing problems,

I recently met with Mr, McNiff to dis- cuss the salary situation. He stated that salaries were of vital interest to him, also, and that he would study the situation most carefully. He could not say vHnen or how salary increases would be granted but that the whole salary picture was under advisement,

I might also add that during my dis- cussion with Mr. McNiff, he stated that he was most interested in the welfare of the staff and concerned with what is best for the library. As members of the Staff Association, it might be well to consider again the goals of the Association J (see Sept., 1965 Editorial) and review our present attitudes and professional con- duct with an eye towards playing a more positive role in Association activities and in improving Communications between Staff and Administration,


The changing of the guard had just taken place, the day shift was gone, the night shift was settling into its evening routines when the lights suddenly dimmed, flickered, and went out, A lone holdout for a full minute was an old non-fluores- cent light high up in the northwest cor- ner of Open Shelf, People were caxight at the catalogs, sitting reading in the chairs, browsing at the shelves. The Department flashlight was in a desk in an inner office in a bottom drawer, but in the dark I could not find it. Dozens of matches were being lighted by customers in a way which would have scared and out- raged adirdnistrators mindful of our treas^' ures upstairs, Officer-in-Charge, Bill Lewis, was immediately on the phone ask- ing us to lead the public to the front lobby. The evacuation, even from the Children's Room, was calm and orderly. Officer Regan and the Custodians appeared

« 2 -

with flashlights and lamps and went with despatch all over the building, leading staff and public to the front entrance. Rumors flew the power failure extended to Niagara, probably sabotage, perhaps the country was under attack. But by means of transistor radios carried by some young people we soon knew what had happened, and Mr. Lewis sensibly decided to close the Library,

We stood for an hour or so at the front door. The moon was very bright and very full, and lit up the dark Square, which was both beautiful and eery. Traffic was moving along as usual, helped along by the flashlights of students who appeared suddenly and spontaneously, and looked neither pro nor anti Vietnam— Just Ameri- can boys responsibly stepping into the breach when help was needed. Many of the regular Library customers hung around the Square, asking when we would reopen. One man said he wanted to come in to get warm, A distraught woman insisted that her grandchild must still be in the building.

We began to disperse almost regretfully. A new expeidence had been shared. Two of our ladies sitting quietly but somehow forlorn in the recess at the bottom of the Great Stairway reminded me of Mr, and Mrs. Strauss waiting for the end on the Titanic, The dark, grim, and sirtister Prudential Building and the quiet Huntington Avenue made me think of ON THE BEACH.

Much credit is due to Messrs. Lewis, Maxwell, Mealy, Murphy, Bmno, and Officer Regan for the way the situation was han- dled at the BPL. The names may not sound like Bedford and Exeter, Warwick and Gloucester, and it would be an exaggeration to say that the scene was a Battle of Agincourt on St. Crispin's Dayj but it was a night to remember.



Periodical and Newspaper is lacking these issues for binding. If you have and can spare copies flrom your personal files, please send them to that department:

American Journal of Nursing,

March 1965,

American Opinion, Dec, 19614,

American Scholar. Fall 1961;.

Aviation Week. March 9, I96I4,

Feb, 15, and March 1, 196$,

Best Sellers, June 1, 1965.

#• 3 **

Better Homes and Gardens*

January-June, I96I4J Sept.*

Dec. 1961 J May I962, CQ, January I96I4, Christian Advocate. Nov, 5>

19; Dec. 3, 17, 31, I96I4.

Jan. Ih, 28, 1965. Daedalus, Fall I963. Esquire. Sept. 1965. Flower Grower. Jan, and

Feb, 1965. Harpers Bazaar, Jan. Feb,

Mar. Aug. 1965. Hot Rod. Sept. I963. Editorial Research Reports.

Se--^. 27 and Oct. 11, I96I;

January 25, 1961. Films xn Review. Jan. and

Mar. 196iij Jun. and Jul.

1963. Eenyon Review. Aut-umn 1957. Library Quarterly. Oct. 1958. Ladies Home Journal. Jan. 1965. Living Church. Jun. 13, 1965. Mademoiselle, Sept, and Oct,

1965. New Statesman. June 11, 25,

1965. N.y. Public Library, Bulletin,

June 196ii, Outdoor Life, Nov. I9635 Feb,

Mar. I96U. Oct. I963. Queens Quarterly, #1-3 196ii, Macleans. June 15, 1963. PMLA #[j pts. 1 and 2, #5 I960.

(Sept. and Dec.) Month. January 1955. Motor Trend. Dec, 1962 j April,

May, July, Sept. Oct, 1963;

Jan. 1958. PLD Reporter, fk 1955. Popular Electronics. Sept,

1962; Jan. -Mar. 1963; Jan.

196U. Radio Electronics. Mar. I96I1. Saturday Evening Post. Jan. 2,

16, 30; Feb. 13, 27, 1965. Science Digest, Jan. I96I4; Mar.

Aug. Sept. 1965. Simmons Review. Fall 1962. Sunset. April 1963. Town and Country, Feb, 1965. True. Sept. 1965. Seventeen. Jan. Feb. 1963.

April 1965. Times Literary Supplement. Jun.

29, 1962. Unesco Bulletin for Libraries,

October 1958, Radcliffe Quarterly. May 1965,

Yankee. Mar. -Jun, Sept. Nov,- Dec. 1963; Jan. -Mar. Jul^'-- Aug. 1962, World Tennis. October 196h, Vital Speeches. May 1, 196Ii, June 1, 1963.


Every once in a while a beautiful, just right word gains currency, gets used too much, until those of us who wince at cliches, hate to hear it, or see it in print again: words like image, radiance, charisma.

I 'd like to bring to the attention of the Staff one such word I have seen two or three times the last few months, be- fore the usual fate overtakes it. The word is OMBUDSMAN, and this is what the NEW YORK TIMES said about it in an article on Sunday, November llij

"...The early Nordic word, said to be traceable back to the l5th century is common to Norway, Swe- den, Denmark, and Finland,.,, cm means about, bud means message, and man means man,,,. The ombuds- man is a government official, above reproach, and beyond be- ing reached by politicians and bureaucrats, who will listen to complaints from those citizens who believe that they and their rights have been abused by the government and its officials..." The TIMES article wants an ombudsman in the world of travel to take care of the interests of travelers. But from its def- inition I think all three objectives of our Association as stated on the front page of the QM would be served by such a guardian. The Examining Committee, for all the good will and civic mindedness of its members, is not such a guardian. They go on guided tours, and speak to the very people vdiose bottleneck activities or inactivities are the chief reason why this Library does not function the way the fine vision of our Founders and the gen- erous provision by the city would make possible. There is nothing of real pro- mise in the latest Report, but there is a note of hope in one of the "answers'* by our "officials." Mr. Moloney will soon return from another assignment; and his office, and he personally, have been the nearest thing to an OMBUDSMAN we have re- cently had.

« 4 r.

Onds day, a few years ago, annoyed by the curtailment of the daily use of Branch Issue books for Open Shelf customers and disturbed by reports from 'friends and public about the fearful denudation of Open Shelf shelves of books for the ed- ucated common reader the Stendhals, the E. M. Forsters, the Kierkegaards, the Freuds, the Sartres, the Santayanas, the Virginia Woolfs— I made a spot check in one iirporbant category, very popular since the '20 's, and very influential in life and literature since: the 131.3U, psy- choanalysis. There were just two books on the shelf in Open Shelf, There were one hundred and twenty five on the shelves in Branch Issue, The competent Book Selectors had approved the selections; the City had supplied the necessary funds; Sook Purchasing had made the purchases; Book Preparation people had furnished them with attractive cellophane covers; and the extra boys in the afternoons had diligently placed them on the shelves, and kept them in order. And there they stood for months, in shameful inutility, in monumental rebuke to Library, Division, and Department, Scores of people in search of these very books, the Freuds, •the Alexanders, the Jungs, the Adlers, the Homeys, the Brills, the Berglers, the many fine studies for crA against the subject, were turned away unsatisfied every day unless they left postcards for them. Most people are unwilling to do that except for best sellers.

There is some small justification for the belief that some of these people seem to want these Library books for their own private collections. But that is a different problem and has never been adequately discussed,

I showed that remarkable statistic, 125-2, to Mr, Moloney that same day, I don't know what he did about it, A few years later some money was suddenly "found" to replenish Open Shelf shelves in that area. But Mr, Moloney looked disturbed and appalled at the statistic, and that is enough for me to nominate him BPL OMBUDSMAN, and we should welcome his return,



Education, like other departments, gets its share of questions that have to be

interpreted before they can be answered. The student v*io needed a "pencil topper" was looking for the pencil sharpener, A patron who wanted to use the Docustat asked for the "Gopystat."

The Officer-in-Charge gets all kinds of titles, such as the "Officer of the Da/' and the "Guard on Duty."

Then there was the summer visitor who admitted that she hadn't been in the Li- brary for years, who wanted to see the painting "The Dance of the Hours," That turned out to be John Elliott's "The Triumph of Tise,"


Margaret Claire, I^j^^ Cataloging and Classification,/nai a aiainond from James Latten of Cleveland, Ohio, The date of the wedding has not been set,


The Luncheon Committee of the Quarter Century Associations wishes us to remind all staff members that they are invited to the luncheon meeting of the Quarter Century Association which will be held at the Hotel Lenox on Wednesday, December 8th, at one o'clock.

Tickets at $2,50 (including tax and tip), may be obtained from Harry Fletcher, Trea- surer, Cataloging and Classification, R, and R.S, All returns must be made by VIednesday, December 1st,

We Repeat: All members of the Boston Public Library staff are cordially in- vited to attend. Those having twenty- five or more years of service are urged to join the Association. Dues are $1.00 per year, payable to The Treasxarer.

-5 -

Any contribution to the Soap Box must be accompanied by the full name of the Association member submitting it, togeth- er with the name of the Branch Library, Department, or Office in which he or she is employed. The name is withheld from publication, or a pen name is used, if th« contributor so requests. Anonymous contributions are not given consideratioa The author of the article is known only to the Editor-in-Chief, The contents of the articles appearing in the Soap Box are personal opinions expressed by indi- vidual Association members and their ap- pearance does not necessarily indicate that the Publications Committee and the Association are in agreement with the views expressed. Only those contribu- tions not containing more than 300 words will be accepted.

To the Soap Box Editor:

Please, \ihy should an answer to a Soap Box letter be granted more than the 300 words allowed a staff association member in the Soap Box itself? If we must com- press our thoughts, complaints or queries into 300 words, surely the higher echelon^ who make reply should be able to be lucid in the same number of words i Perhaps the writer of the original Soap Box letter could have made a point more clear on burned out bulbs, for example, by going into the degree of dimness through cate- goidzation, or asking about the capabil- ity of staff workers going into dark places in search of books etc... (are all workers capable of seeing in the dark?) ere there eome available on any given staff short enough to avoid hitting a head on low beams in the dark?) •••

or pointing out that we, too, have staff shortages because of money or non-avail- ability of candidates at present salary scales, which are further depleted in giving service to the public by not be- ing able to see in the dark, etc. We must make do, however, with 300 words I


To the Editor:

How much longer must we be fobbed off by such gobbledegook as the "essay" on types and categories of light bulbs? We do not care whether or not there is a category... only thatwe have sufficient light. Nor are we interested in non- "visual" checkE on lighting fixtures. We do care when bulbs in staff quarter, easily seen and easily accessible to a tall man, or a man on a chair, go out and stay out for days,. (Incidentally why doesn't someone save the library money by checking that fixture over the long mirror in the stack 2 locker room which goes out regularly after a day or two of use?.,, remaining out, to our sorrow, for days.)

We notice the lighta by which we work, find books for patrons and shelve returns, These lights are easily checked "visual- ly", are easily replaced, but cause many errors and delays in service to the pub- lic when out. Busy public departments do not always have time for work orders. Building phones are not always free when dimness occurs, and servicing is slow. Could WE have extra bulbs? WE could re- place them though it be unprofessional of us to do soc

We tire of words which gloss over con- ditions but do not remedy them. We know of fans for which work orders were regularly provided, not yet repaired be- cause "there is no money for parts",,, relatively inexpensive parts perhaps? We do realize that Buildings is short- handed as we all are, V/e do appreciate the brave attenpt the men in Buildings make to keep us happy and comfortable, once they are assigned to a task. Some- thing seems to be lacking before assign- ments are made or in the method of their making,

Vie are most grateful for that new bub- bler, incidentallyi


•• 6 "

Editor's Note:

Tne ruDiications Committee decided to print in its entirety Mr. Geoghegan's re- port on maintenance problems for the fol- lowing reasons: 1) It was an answer to a letter which appeared in the QM and we wished to encourage the answering of such letters by the Library Administration. 2) It did contain some information of pos- sible value to staff members.

To the Soap Bex:

CHRISTMAS is the one fairdly holiday thai brings peace and happiness to all. How- ever, the announcement that the library will be open on December 26th from two to six o'clock is not a peaceful thought' for the staff who MUST work on Sunday. In the past, the library closed on Sunday when Christmas was celebrated on Satvirday, Why the change?

It would be a nice Christmas present to the loyal Sunday workers to have this Sun- day off.



On November llith this year, the library celebrates the l5th birthday of our own "Coffee Shop." Yes, it was in 19S0 that the doors of this "Institution within an Institution" were opened by Sam and Dot Adelstein. I for one, have enjoyed the special services rendered by them. The making of my unusual combinations such as

and , was met with a

slight squint of disbelief, but it was made, I for one, have appreciated their services and take this opportunity to ex- press my gratitude,


Editoi*s Note;

Although we think it is very kind of Mr, Harper to remember this anniversary of the Coffee Shop, because of the unusually re- volting comijination of ingredients of which his favorite sandwich is composed, and because some of our readers may have weak stomachs, we have deleted the names of these ingredients.

To the Editor:

Until recently, after a new book was cataloged and shelf -listed by the Refer- ence Division, a tenporary catalog card was filed into the Public Catalog, Thus

the book was immediately made available to the public. The permenant card filing could then be done orderly, carefully, and systematically.

Temporary cards are no longer filed in any catalog. When I asked why I was told by the Officer -in-Charge that it was a "time saving measure" .

This afternoon I spent an hovir of thp library's time tracking down a book that was shelf-listed on October 19, 1965. There was no indication that this book was owned by the library in the public catalog, the official catalog, or in the catalog of the subject department that had ordered the book.

The library paid me for the time I spent looking for this one bookj it paid a pro- fessional assistant in Book Selection to check the records and tell me that the book had been ordered; it paid a pro- fessional assistant in the subject de- partment to check the records and tell me that the book had been received and what the number was; it paid a Library assist- ant in j^he Shelf List to tell me that the book had been shelf-listed and when; it paid a library Assistant in the subject department to find the book on the New Book Shelf and to type a Temporary cat- alog card for her department before she would let me take the book.

The only thing that saved this routine from being a complete waste of time was the fact that the borrower finally got the bookf and that's why we're all here, isn't it?

Let's hope we don't adopt any more "time saving measures" like this one.


To the Editor:

An inportant point to consider is the fact that I was never approached on the subject of the letter written by "Refer- ence Division", Views of several indi- viduals do not necessarily encompass views of all members of a division,

MARGOT TireON Member of the Reference Division

Editor's Note:

The letter in the October Q.M, which was signed Reference Division was written by only one staff member. Your editor understood this nom de plume to be in keeping with the whimsical style of the

letter. I am sure that there was no in- tention to deceive or misrepresent.

To the Soap Box:


In the October issue, I expressed, somef- •what bitterly perhaps, my disappointment in not having my position re -classified. For those members of the Staff Associa- tion who were members of the Employee's Union in I9J46 when the first issue of THE QUESTION MARK was hot off the presass, a re-reading of that issue and sub- sequent ones, will, I believe, evoke the response "It's Old Hat.'" And for those of you who hold the maxim "History Does Not Repeat Itself" might also re-read that first issue. Note how that familial' tune "Classification" occupies most of those issues. In brief, "To re-classify or not to re-classify", is then, as now, still the question. Here we are 19 go- ing on 20 years later, and still the tun<i of classification lingers on, somewhat nostalgically. Is the year I966 going t<i give a repeat performance of that old refrain? I hope not J


Focus of Department Heads

To the Editor:

I wonder how much the department heads realize that they are often (but not al- ways) the cause of low morale? Is not low morale caused, to a great extent, by listening to the constant extreme rejec- tion of new policies, the constant bick- ering which occurs betvieen departments, and the constant lack of cooperation? Nothing will be accomplished (and conse- quently morale will remain low) if these attitudes remain unchanged. Such stumbl ing blocks are little more than childish and/or defensive behavior on the p^ rt of the department heads.

To quote from Practical Administration of Public Libraries by Wheeler and Gold- hor, page 93...

Recognition: Psychologists and specialists in industrial rela- tions are well aware that morale thrives on appreciation and on favorable comment for good work. The Chief's Attention to Stig-

gestions; A staff quickly meas- ures administrative cordiality to new ideas. Does the librarian or department head have an open door but a closed mind? Confi- dence and enthusiasm mount when it is discovered that the chief is not too busy, but interested in details, knows what is going on, understands the value of a suggestion and does something about it. Within a department, suggestions may have consequen- ces to the individual, maybe re- sentment and opposition from the head, and strained relationships. The librarian's task is to de- velop department heads; their task is to build the administra- tive interest of assistants, un- til all place the improvement of their department above personal pride and sensitiveness. He needs also to be the coordinator, gatherer-up and information spreader between departments, to avoid confusion and cross pur- poses,


To the Editor:

The Office of the Officer-in-Charge of Reader Services wishes to express its appreciation to those members of the staff, both in the Central Library and the Branches, to the Sullivan guards, and also to the duty policeman, for their cooperation during the emergency created by the power failure and resultant blackout,


To the Editor:

Earlier this year the Library appointed a Coordinator of Cataloging and Classifi- cation whose primary function, as stated in the announcing G.A.N., was to execute the cataloging and classification policies of the BPL. For many years now we have had coordinators in our midst and most of us are more or less familiar with their re- spective duties vdiich are mainly to over- see the duties in their particular area. Why then, in this instance, should these duties change so drastically? Why has this new Coordinator been allowed to as- sume more responsibility than any coordin- ator heretofore? It seems nonsensical to leave Department Heads in such departments if coordinators are going to usurp their

»» 8 •"

the rule or is this to be the policy of the Library in the future? If so, isn't it a waste of the tax payers money to have Department Heads too^




On October 25, 196^, Harriet Swift, Curator of Americana, Emeritus, died after a long illness. Daughter of Lindsay Swift, himself a long-time Li- brary employee and Editor of the Library Bulletin for 25 years, Harriet entered the service in 1921 as a Probationary Assistant in the Executive Department, In 1926 she was transferred to the Special Libraries Department as Assistant in-Charge of the Barbon-Ticknor Room. When this was transformed inte the Rare Book Department upon the appointment of Zolt^n Haraszti as Keeper of Rare Books, she continued as Assistant in Charge un- til 19^40 when she became Curator of Americana, a position which she held un- til her retirement in September, 1959 »

Energetic and forthright, never reluc- tant in expressing an opinion. Miss Swift was a loyal and valued member of her De- partment, ever ready to help a young assistant. Even after her retirement, Harriet continued to work at her desk clearing up "snags" and hoping to organ- ize the many rare children's books into a comprehensive collection. This project, however, was abandoned when she undertook part-time employment in the Library of the Massachusetts Horticultural Society a fitting place for one so fond of plants and gardening.

We can only regret that Miss Swift's final years at her retirement home in Rockport were marred by persistent and serious illness. She will be much missed by her many friends and associates, A Fund is being collected, in hopes of per- petuating her memory in some small way,

E. M. 0.


New Employees

Jerome A. Crowley, Jr. Bookmobiles

William Moreland— Branch Issue


Mary Jo Campbell— from Book Stack Service (Center Desk) to Kirstein

William King from Book Preparation to Periodical and Newspaper

Ronald Logan from PeirLodical and News- paper to Science and Technology (Patent)

John Pelose from Branch Issue to Dupli- cating

Maternity Leave of Absence Mrs, Brenda Brev/ingt on— Central Charging Records


Florence McManus Faneuil


Ernest A. Dimattia Science and Technologj^ to accept position of Director of Salem Public Library

Mrs, Grace M. Duffy— Lower Mills, to re- main at home

Mrs, Willie Mae Davis Mount Pleasant, to move to New York


Srijjttu ^4 (Tu

a a

C o a d Li c t e cl Tc- u r cf the







Jucbdctu Moraifia -December Tj^ioO

at 10 a. m «

This tour has been axranged especially for the Staff Association





THE QUESTION MARK Published by the Boston Public Ldbraxy Staff Association Volvune XX, Number 11 December, 1965

Publications Coiiiroittee : Harry Andrews; Evelyn Isaacs j Sheila M. Stevens;

Sarah M, Usher, Indexer ; Martin F, Waters, Chairman,

Publication Date: Deadline for sutmitting material;

The fifteenth of each month The tenth of each month

It shall be the object of the Association

(a) to foster professional librarianship

(b) to further the coromon Interests and the welfare of the

bibliothecal staff

(c) and to promote greater efficiency in library service.

One of the benefits that sometimes comes to "always-late" editorial boards is that once in a while some good news comes along which the sinart "on-time" editorial boards miss by their promptness. And so, being able to coiiiment on the good news of the pay increase which most of the LA's and some others have been granted gives us an additional reason to be thankful that we are again late in publishing. It is unusually pleasant when a pay raise comes at Christmas, and the timing on this one is just about perfect.

Although we don't like to imply that there is a direct relationship between letters to the Soap Box and money, you xd.ll note that there are no letters of complaint this month. Which we think dramatically demon- strates the truth of the old saying that when money comes in the door, letters to the Soap Box fly out the window.

- 2 -


My thanks to everyone who contributed their time and talent to the very success- ful reception for Mr, and I-lrs, McNiff in November. Both Mr, and Mrs, MclJiff expressed their appreciation and pleasvire in meeting the Staff,

I wish to express my thanks also to Mr, McNiff and to the members of the Pro- gram Committee who arranged for the Ck)untway Library toior. Those of us who attended found it a most enjoyable and educational experience.

On December 10th the Executive Boa3rd and- I met with Mr, McNiff to acquaint him with the goals and history,- of the Staff Associ- ation and to discuss some of the problems which have contributed to the low morale of the staff.

The first item under discussion was the salary schedule. As I stated in the President's Notes in the November issue of the QM, Mr, McNiff expressed his con- cern for the welfare of the staff and his desire to work out an eqiiitable salary schedule. Provision has been made in the 1966 budget for a salaiy Increase but Mr. McNiff could not say, at that time, just how such an increase would be dis- tributed. The size of the budget allot- ment for the library is still dependent upon the solution of the financial prob- lems of the City and the Commonwealth. Mr, McNiff did. s^, however, that he believes the Staff will not be disappoint- ed when the increases do come through.

In-service training and orientation were also brought up for discussion, Mr.McIttff mentioned the fact that this was on the agenda at a recent Division meeting. He found the presentation most interesting t but said that he wo-old lilce to make a thorough study of the situation before committing the Administration to any pro- gram.

Other problems, including a new study of the re-classification of the A, Service and the lack of caaiunication between the Administration and the Staff and between divisions were also discussed., Mr, McNiff plans to make a complete study of every facet of the B.P.L. and said that he would keep in mind the problems which we discussed -with him.

Both the Jibcecutive Board and I felt that the future of the Staff and the BPL promises to be most exciting and rewarding,

MARY T. CROWE President


HH^-ii-. ■IHH-.iiii-t^-„-.H~-:ii.->Htit

W. SOlERSST MilUGHAM iQJk > 196^

A great many years ago, in the "dark backward and abysm of time" before I came to work in the BPL, ny friends and I used to hang aroimd in the old West End, The place as Joshua Bates had recommended, was warm, roomy, well-lighted, comfortable, and open every evening, the collection excellent, varied, and accessible, our curiosity insatiable, and other distractions few, so we did a good deal of browsing and. reading. One of the books we ran into at the time was THE MOON AIJD SIXPEI\ICE by W, Somerset ilaugham, who died at 91 last week, and even today I remember some of the excitement we felt at the time. Know- ing little of the distinction between fiction and non-fiction, and not yet having formed the librarian's habit of reading reviews and books about books, I thought the book was a biography of a painter naroed itrickland, and iiinnediately wanted, to Icnow more about such a remarkable man, I didn't like to ask the Librarian or the assistants, so I ransacked the biographical dictionaries and encyclopedias in the place, and got noTijhere fast. So one of my friends and I decided to make a pilgrimage to the big Library on Copley Square, and ^re spent one whole Sunday afternoon in Bates Hall and the Fine Arts Department looking in vain for material on the life of Charles Strickland, paintex'. It was not only frustrating but sad. 'ie couldn't under- stand how so important a painter, as described in the book, wouldn't even have a line in an encyclopedia.

That item got itself straightened out in my mind later vjhen we all read almnst all of Maugham's books as they came out. But his reputation waned. A few years ago Edmund V/ilson, that loner among literary critics and unofficial arbiter of literary reputations, wrote a deadly piece on Maugham in one of the periodicals, and. killed him dead for the intellectuals.

W.S, Maugham

-3 -

Mr, and Mrs. McNiff Welcomed

In 196ii, on the occasion of iiaugham's 90th birthday, there was some flurry about him in the papers, I thought I would get into the act and wrote him a longish letter about the episode above, to remind him how much he had meant to some young people many years ago, and to cheer him up against the IJilson attack. He wrote back from his villa on the Riviera pretty promptly, as follows:

",,, Thank you for your charming letter and all the nice things you say; I was touched and much pleased. You must forgive me if I reply briefly. Ify" recent birthday pro- duced an avalanche of nearly two thousand letters, and at my advanced age and in my indifferent state of health, I find it all a bit of a strain.,,,"

The public disregards the critics and still read Ilaugham, but not all of him, OF HUliAN BONDAGE, lliS MOOK AND SIXPENCE, IHE RAZOR'S EDGE, CAKES iUID ALE, RAIN, AND ASHEIJDEN still circulate frequently. Fledgling writers read his THE SUJMII'IG UP and other autobiographical pieces, I myself vrould lil-ce to reread an old book of his if the talented, competent, and obliging people in the General Reference Department will hunt it up for me. It was about a doctor in the Far Ea^t who would close the office at noon, and- he and his assi^ant would retire to an inneij Well become their hallmark

The BPLSA reception for Mr, and Mrs. McNiff, held in the Lecture Hall on Friday evening, 19 November 1965, easily captures honors as the most successful Association affair of the yaar and the best attended event in recent years. Joining the guests of honor in the reception line were the President of the Association, Mary Crowe, the Vice-President, Linda Ivers and William Le;ri.s, representing the Executive Board,

The setting was superb. The caterer, in addition to serving an excellent collation, succeeded in transforming the usually severe lines of the Lecture Hall into a f lot/er bedecked formal room vjorthy of a >Jashington diplomatic affair^ Com- plementing the room decor and aciding tone to the occasion was the incli;i3ion of chamber music from the Baroque psriod, by members of the staff of the Ilusic Depart- ment: P.uth Bleecker, John Bundy, Angelo Mammano and Natalie Palme,

Those in attendance included Monsignor Murray and Mr, and Mrs, Canham of the Library Trustees, the tcp administrative officers of the Library and their wives, department heads by the score and a good, representatioii of the rank and file of the Library staff. The size of the turn- out was in itself a testimonial to the guest of honor, Mr, and Mrs, McNiff responded to the congratulations and well wishes of the assembled guests with a becoming modesty and grace which might

darkened room, and sitting in different corners would spend hours sraoking opituti pipes, with such resultant feeling of well-being that the uphoria communicated itself to the reader,

EA3SI AiffiRa'JS

Bow To Dorothy Elcstrom

Seen in the Children's Room at Memoirial during Children's Book Week - a large basket of gourds, each gourd presented by a child with the followJLng sign:

To Mrs. Ekstrom Our Librarian •vrtio makes every week Children's Book Week at the Julia V/ard Howu


^MH.-iH<-«^--j{-;: ^Hi-

A— JHHHHHrSwHc-: -;W— A-X-Jf-

It was a triily delightful evening]




On November 18, after a very long illness, Leonard J, Kanter passed aw^, Leonard had been on the s'':aff of the Library for almost forty years, beginning in the old. Special Collections, then, successively. Music, Newspaper Room, Patent Room, and. Book Stack Service,

Leonard was a quiet man, \mcomplaining. He delighted in the pun. He always tried to be of service, whether helping the public or calling the attention of a col- league to some forgotten reference book. His world outside the Library he enriched by his vrork tirith neighborhood youth groups and with the elderly.

Our sympathy to >irs, Kanter and to his children,

B, Gertrude Wade Honored


The atmosphere was one of good cheer tinged silently with regret at losing a good friend, teacher, and "0\ir Boss", We were drawn together around the table, heavy with Dorothy Ekstroin's preparations for our Sunday dinner, and the next hours were filled with excitement and laughter,

Mrs, Anne Bromer cleverly had arranged for us to sing "To: B.G.VJ," to the tune of "Manyana" and we verbalized our thoughts with wishes for the best of all things in life.

Reluctantly, some of us left early but coffee and good talk lasted into the wee hours.

So long. Miss Wade, But not goodbye,

Tr»: B.G.W, (To the Tune of "Manyana")

For many years ^ou've been a part of this

the BPL And we will bet it won't forget the gal

who gave it hell. The City Point, The Codman Square, and

then old Faneuil And best of all our favorite two, MP -



We'll miss you

And wish you

Shalom, au re voir, and fond adieu

The Appalachian liountain Club of this

you're very proud And even though you're chased by bears

you woioldn't cry out loud. You hoist your pack upon your back and it

must weigh a ton, Yotir shoes they leak, your sneakers

squeak, but this you say is ftm.


All the young adults you help, they say i,

you're mighty grand The adults and the children have receivied

your helping hand. And everyone both here and there will

miss you very much For they agree with us today that you

must keep in touch


A fond farewell is made today from us

your employees As you join psychology in lieu of

libraries. We wish you luck, we wish you well, we

wish you all success And more than that, our Dear ^dss Wade,

we vjish you happiness.


Your Staff at

Memorial - Mt, Pleasant

QUOTES FROM ANTIQUARIAN BOOKMAN - December 6. 1965: page 2070

",,, .report from St. "Joseph, Mo., that Mayor Arthur Meers received an envelope containing some ashes and an unsigned note reading: 'In protest against the recent increase of overdue library book fines from three to five cents, I bave bxirned my library card,'"

November 15, 1965 - page 1835

",,..Tne TIMZ^3 LIT. SUP. (Oct. 21; and 3l) has been carr;iT.ng on a controversy over th3 limited citaloging of erotica and suppressed books in the British Museiun, N,F, Sharp, Keeper, Dept, of Printed Books (B.M.) states that Private Case books are now being entered in the General Catalogue "as fast as the availability of staff time allows.., as a normal cataloging process,""

Private Case in the British Museum corresponds roughly to former BPL cate- gories of Inferno and Reserve Collection, We are assured that the same practice is being followed here in ;!aking the books available in the catalogue as time allows,


7rtorfr>wC~/~.wr>ric /0« v^Tw.~rt^^ /•■ «*•^ n *i ,% « /\ >ir>» .* .iTa /. *. j% ..-crfrx


CantribTitiona tr the Harriet Swift xiemorial have been most gratifying. The Committee has received suggestions as to the type of memorial but has postponed its decision luitil after the holiday season. It takes this means of express- ing thanks to those who have already participatcsd in the memorial.




Writer and Editor


The TBlES LITERARY SUPPLLiiEi^JT (London) remains almost the best book-review magazine in the English-speaking world, and is one of the most interesting papers to read regularly. An outsta.iding fea- ture is its Letters to the Editor sectiorw A reader will make an objection to some- thing a reviewer said, another reader will coiinent on the objection, and away they go. For months the battle igill rage, with courtesy and good htimor but seriously-cn a new reading of a much anthologized peom by Tennyson, what the Norwegians now think of Quisling, the neglect of the Bronte house at Haworth, how Doris Langley Moore used the Byron manuscripts still jealously guarded by his noble descendants, how George Painter represented a still living friend of Proust in his recent biography, or a new Wise forgery discovered at the University of Texas.

The latest such epistle-fest was started on Sept, 23 ^■ri.th a letter fr«m Louis J. Halle, well-lcnown American poli- tical scientist and now at the Graduate Institute of International Studies at Geneva, not in answer to a review, but Tnrith deliberate intent to start a dis- cussion on the relations between the writer and the editor in the modem pub- lishing world.

He says:

",,, although discussion of the writer's' role frequently appears in print, Dne finds little about the editor 's-in spite of the fact that the editor's role has been increasing to the point, where, ,.,it exceeds the vrriter's. Today... the inriter contributes the raw material that the editor refines or reshapes tu make the finished arti- cle...in the style of the periodical rather than the author,,. This is stultifying tJ stylistic distinction.

It is death to idiosyncracy most

editors prefer ii/hat everybody says to what everybody does not say, and pre- fer it to be said in the language in which everybody says it. Consequently it is hard to get by them ^^^ith a thought or a phrase that is not common currency,,.,"

The letter goes on at considerable length T.rLth many examples of editorial invasions into authors' r.Tanuscripts, but also, in fairness, citing cases where such editorial resh^ing is necessary, as when an article is written by a man vjho is an erpert in his subject but not expert in writing about it.

Many letters have already appeared commenting on lir, Halle's views. Several authors gave horrible examples of their OTim experience. Professor Morgenthau, of the University of Chicago wrote in indignation about his breaking ijith COIfi£I>fTARy because they had changed some- thing he 'ad written for them. Finally TLS itself T-jrote an editorial on the sub- ject, deriding the professor's claim to the sacrosanctness of his every word. But the letters in general agreed that a xjTiter has a right to have his xrords printed as he had written them,

Thoush o\ir situation on the smaller arena of BPL is somevjhat different, re- lations between writer aiid editor also occasionally get strained. The Jqh of Editor on the Question I'^ark is thankless and burdensome, and all members of the Staff who have held it are to be com- mended for their library patriotism and responsibility. But it has never been clearly outlined as to i^rhat scope the Editor has in deciding what is to appear in the pgper and in what fom. One recent Editor had a large reprerientative committee, met with them regularly once a rionth for several hours and discussed every item to be included in the next issue, including his editorial. Another rejected several letters relevant to BPL affairs without consulting his committee, and a third took the next logical step and said he needed no committee and no meetings at all.

The Question Mark exists not only for the reporting of vital statistics of staff .lembers. It has to be vigilant about the way both Staff and Administration live up tr the standards admirably siunmarized as the object of our Association on the front page. And an arbitrary Panjandrum as Editor will not do,


. 6 .



^llarose Leimberg(Mrs,) - Codman Square

John C, Foley - Book Purchasing

Donald A, McQuaid - Periodical and

Newsp^jer Raymond Salter - Book Stack Service I«roy Dixon - Book Stack Service Richard R, Manstir - Office of RecDrds,

Files, Statistics (NE Coop Student)


Barbara Stenglein - from Charlestown tr

Mattapan Marjorie M, Gibbons - from Washington

Village to South Boston William Iioreland - from Branch Issue to

Open Shelf Dennis M, Sarsfield - from Open Shelf

to Branch Issue Grace M, DiGange - from Dorchester to



Mary L, Harrington, Bookmobile -another

position - to wjrk in Gennany Mrs. Barbara J, Beach, Soutii End - to

stay at home Mrs. Lana ReeJ, Home Reading Division

Of rice - to stay at home Sally Lee Shoemalcer, Cataloging & Cias3„

if ication R&RS - another position Adria Cimo, Audio Visual - to be married

and move to California Martha Jane Monazynski, Information Office

-another position Nancy E, Peace, Education - to attend.

V/esleyan University

Maternity Leave

Mrs, Ann M, Duggan - Bookr.iobile


To Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Hulme (Duplicating Section) on the birth of a 7 lbs, ^ oz, baby boy on December 21st, Needless to say the Hulme 's have decided to name their second child., first son, Joseph Jr,


Ctviui u aX


UJ '■ d r\ pj) Jmaj ClftCAm cron Dece/wihtn 22, 19 65








Barbara E, Doran Catherine M, Farrell Harry C, Fletcher Doris M, Gray- Bertha S, Keswick Grace B. Loughlin Janice A, Maniscalco

Mary M. Mcronough Louisa S. Metcalf Kathryn K, Murphy Patrick H, Potega Mary Alice Re a Mildred R, Somes Sarah M, U&her


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