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The: Students of

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Board of Editors 6

The Early History of Davidson ColleKe 9

Faculty 15

The Lost Issue 20

Literary SoriETiEs ;

Eumenean Literary Society 24

Philanthropic Literary Society 28

An Answer (Poem) 27

Honors and Prizes SI

Pate (Poem) '•'^

Classes :

Senior Class 34

Junior Class *8

Sophomore Class 56

Freshman' Class 63

At Sunset (Poem) 12

College Davs (Poem) IB

My Brother (Poem) 54

In Memoriam 6'

The Vision of a Freshman (Poem) 62

The One I Love Best (Poem) 70

Medital :

Medical Class '3

Senior Medical Class 76

M. D. (Poem) ■' 80

A Glance in the Future 83

Joshem's Mixture 86

The Falling Snow ^

Fkatekxities :

Sigma Alpha Epsilon 9i

Beta Th<ta Pi 9'

Kappa Sigma 101

Pi Kappa Alpha 105

Kappa Alpha 109

Bif)graphical Sketch of Dr. and Mrs. Shearer . 114

The Pledge of Her Love llfi

Lines to a Sweetheart (Poem) ^19

Fragment (Poem) 120

Library Organizations 121

Davidson College Magazine Staff 122

Y. M. C. A 125

Lines to (Poem) 12fi

Athletk's :

Davidson College Athletic AssociHtion. . . 128

Athletic Records 129

Football Team 130

Baseball Team 134

Track Team (Illustration) 137

Tennis Association 138

Mandolin and Guitar Club 140

Glee Club 142

Chapel Choir 145

Marshals .... 140

.Junior Speaking 150

Senior Speaking 153

German Club 154

Statistics 157

Sweater Club (Illu.stration) 159

Grinds 101

Clubs 164

Sons of Rest 1<''5

Minutes of Alumui Meeting 10(i



Our Efficient and Devoted President,


As a token of the esteem in which he is

held, this Volume is respectfully




TN presenting to the Students, Faculty. Alumni and friends of Davidson College

Volume Six of Quips and Cranks, we have no apologies to offer. Perhaps we have not attained the goal'toward which our predecessors have pointed. We can not fail to see how far short oil our own ideal we have fallen, how imperiect is our work as coiiipared with what we had wished it to be. Under adverse circumstances, how- ever, we have. done our best, and in- this we feel that we do honor to our readers, to our Alma Mater, and to Nineteen Hundred and Two.

Some features of the book perhaps should have been omitted; others treated more fully. Faults and all, we offer it, hoping that our efforts will meet with gener- ous sympathy, and at least a modicum of appreciation.

The regular order of the book has been changed only where deemed necessary. The grinds, dealt out by an impartial hand, are in simple •- - i-h take them, and laugh the heartiest when the joke is on yourself.

Finally, we wish to thank all of those friends to whom we have gone for help, and whose kindly suggestions as well as actual work have so materially aided us.



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TN presenting to the Students, Faculty, Alumni and friends of Davidson College

Volume Six of Quips and Cranks, we have no apologies to offer. Perhaps we have not attained the goal toward which our predecessors have pointed. We can not fail to see how far short of our own ideal we have fallen, how imperfect is our work as compared with what we had wished it to be. Under adverse circumstances, how- ever, we have done our best, and in this we feel that we do honor to our readers, to our Alma Mater, and to Nineteen Hundred and Two.

Some features of the book perhaps should have been omitted ; others treated more fully. Faults and all, we offer it, hoping that our efforts will meet with gener- ous sympathy, and at least a modicum of appreciation.

The regular order of the book has been changed only where deemed necessary. The grinds, dealt out by an impartial hand, are in simple fun ; as such take them, and laugh the heartiest when the joke is on yourself.

Finally, we wish to thank all of those- friends to whom we have gone for help, and whose kindly suggestions as well as actual work have so materially aided us.




(^lips and Cranks, ig02.


Associate Editor

S E HODGES. '02 W. R CLEGG, 02


A. E. SPENCER, '02 R. D- DAFFIN, '03

A, R, McQueen, '03 H. CALDWELL. '03

W. M. DUNN, 03 R. S. JOHNSON, '03


Art Editors. J. W. McCONNELL, 02 T. J HUTCHINSON '04

Medical Department. N. P. COPPEDGE H. E. BOWMAN

Business Manager. JOHN S ROWE

Assistant Business iXIanager. J, P. MATHESON


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(^lips ami Cranks, jgo2.


Associate Editors.

S E HODGES, 02 P. C. DuBOSE, '02


A. R. McQueen. 03

W. M. DUNN, '03


W. R CLEGG, 02


R. S. JOHNSON, '03 N. T. WAGNER, 04

Art Editors. J W, McCONNELL, 02 T. J ' HUTCHINSON '04

Medical Department. N. P. COPPEDGE H. L BOWMAN

Business Manager . JOHN S ROWE

.-l.'.sisuinl /ms/ni'S' Manage J. P. MAI '-i'-'^o\i

The Early History o! Davidson College.

THE Scotch-Irish Presbyterians who settled Piedmont Carolina a quarter of a century before the Revolution, brought with them to their new home their love of liberty, of religion, and of learning. The first culminated in the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence ; the second bore fruit in scores of vigorous churches and generations of Godly men and women ; the third led to the establishment of numerous high-grade classical academies, and a half-century later burst into flower in the founding of Davidson College. Their patriotism, religion, and love of learning are blended in every word of the motto on the Col- lege seal, " Alenda lux 7ibi orta Libertas."

In 1760 a classical school was established almost on the present site of David- son College, called Crowfield Academy. It was conducted by some of the most learned and distinguished men of that time ; trained and moulded many of the Revolutionary soldiers, orators, and statesmen, and established a reputation so wide as to draw students from the West Indies. Not many miles away a school chartered under the name of the Queen's Mu.seum began its career in 1770. King George promptly annulled the charter before the institution was a year old, on the ground that it was a hot-bed of Presbyterianism and treason. In 1771 the Colonial l^egislature amended and reenacted the charter, only to have it promptly leannulled by the King. When these irrepressible patriots had shaken off the yoke of the tj'rant and were battling for their independence, their first act was to revive the school and baptize it "Liberty Hall Academy," in 1777.

Davidson College was the direct successor of these famous Revolutionary schools. An attempt to found a " Western College " in the section was made in 1820, but in the endeavor to unite too many discordant interests, the effort suffered shipwreck.

The birth of the College might be dated March 12th, 1835. On that day, at Prospect Church, seven miles from the present site of the College, Dr. Robert Hall Morrison pre.sented to the Presbytery of Concord a resolution to establish a " Manual Labor School." This was adopted, committees appointed, a site selected, and $30,000 in cash raised within five months. In October, Bethel Presbytery in South Carolina joined Concord, and a little later Morganton Pres- bytery in North and Harmony in South Carolina added their strength to the new and popular movement.

During the summer of 1836 the work of building was actively pushed. The Steward's Hall, "Tammany," a portion of Dr. Martin's present residence, and five brick dormitories, of which Elm Row and Oak Row are still standing, were

erected. Later were added the " Old Chapel," the Literary Society Halls, and a large building called " Danville," where Dr. Harding's residence now stands. The College opened on March ist, 1837, with sixty-six student.s, and Dr. Mor- rison as the first President. On August 26th, 1835, it had been named Davidson College in honor of General William David.son, who fell in the battle of Cowan's Ford, a few miles west of the site selected by the committee.

The original plan of the founders was to have the students pay for their board by labor on the College Farm, but the system soon proved a failure and was abandoned after four years of trial. The next financial scheme was far worse than a simple failure, and came near bankrupting the College. In 1852 the trustees offered to the public four hundred scholarships, each good for twenty years of tuition, at $100 apiece. The.se eight thousand years of tuition were sold at $5.00 per year in advance. All receipts for tuition were soon cut off and within a few years the College faced financial ruin.

At this juncture, bj' the will of Maxwell Chambers, Flsq., of Salisbury, the struggling institution fell heir to a quarter of a million dollars. A clause in its charter limiting its property to 5^200,000 reduced the amount received by the Col- lege to that figure. This was a fabulous sum in those days, and new buildings were erected, new professors elected, apparatus and cabinets purchased, and the College launched on its career of ever-widening activity and n.sefulness.

Executive Committee.

Board ot Trustees 0! Davidson College.

W. J. McK.w Chairman

J. Rumple Secretary

O. D. D.wis Treasurer

Geokc.k K. Wilson Attorney

Alkx. R. B.\nk.s a. H. White George W. W.^tts

R. A. Dunn P. M. Bkown

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erected. Later were added the " Old Chapel," the Literary Society Halls, and a large building called " Danville," where Dr. Harding's residence now stands. The College opened on March ist, 1S37, with sixty-six students, and Dr. Mor- ri-son as the first President. On August 26th, 1835, it had been named David.son College in honor of General William Davidson, who fell in the battle of Cowan's Ford, a few miles west of the site selected by Ihe committee.

The original plan of the founders was to have the students pay for their Ixiard by labor on the College Farm, but the system soon proved a failure and was abandoned after four years of trial. The next financial scheme was far worse than a simple failure, and came near bankrupting the College. In 1852 the trustees offered to the public four hundred scholarships, each good for t wen I y years of tuition, at $100 apiece. These eight thousand years of tuition were sold at J5.00 per year in advance. All receipts for tuition were .soon cut off and within a few years the College faced financial ruin.

At this juncture, by the will of Maxwell Chambers, Esq., of Salisbury, the struggling institution fell heir to a quarter of a million dollars. A clause in its charter limiting its property to $200,000 reduced the amount received by the Col- lege to that figure. This was a fabulous sum in those days, and new l)uildings were erected, new professors elected, apparatus and cabinets purchased, and the College launched on its career of ever-widening activity and usefulness.

Exccvlivc Committee.

W. J. McKay


I). Davis Ai.EX. R. Banks

Board ol Trustees ot Dsvidson College.

II. Whiti

Chairman Secretar.N Treasurer . . Attorr-

Geokc;e W. W,

R. .A l)\

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Members of Faculty.



Born at Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1S5C). Studied at Davidson from 1S77 to 1S81. Was awarded mathematical medal in 1S79, the Greek medal, the essayist's medal, and the degree of bachelor of arts in 18S1 : and the degree of master of arts in 188S. Principal of Selma Academy, at Selma, North Carolina, from iSSi to 188?. Pursued graduated studies at the University of Virginia in 1886-7, ^"d again in iSgo-91. Was awarded the orator's medal of the Temperance Union Society in 1887, and of the Jefferson Liter- ary Society in 1S91, and the degree of doctor of philosophy in 1890. Since 18S7, Pro- fessor at Davidson College, being elected President in 1901.



Born in 1832, in Appomattox County, \'irginia. Was graduated with the degree of bachelor of arts, from Hampden-Sidney College in 1851, and received the degree of master of arts from the University of Virginia in 1854. The next year he was principal of Kemper School, Gordonsville, Virginia. Was graduated at Union Theological Seminary in 1S58 ; minister at Chapel Hill, 1858-62, in Halifax County, Virginia, 1862-70, and principal of the Cluster Springs High School from 1866 to 1870. In 1870 he was called to the presi- dency of Stewart College, Clarksville, Tennessee. After the reorganization of the Col- lege as the Southwestern Presbyterian University, Dr. Shearer held the chair of History and English Literature from 1879 to 11^82, and of Biblical Instruction from 1882 to 1S88. In the latter year he was elected President of Davidson College and Professor of Bibli- cal Instruction.


Professor of Greek and German.

Dr. Harding was born in 18(11, at Charlotte, .\orth Carolina. Entered Davidson College in 1876; received the degree of bachelor of arts in 18S0. During the next year he was engaged in teaching. Between 1881 and 1887 he spent each alternate year at Johns Hopkins, pursuing post-graduate work. From 1883 to 1885 he was Professor of Greek at Hampden-Sidney College, Virginia, and between 1886 and 1888 was engaged in teach- ing school at Kenmore High School, Kenmore, Virginia. In 1887 he received the degree of doctor of philosophy from Johns Hopkins, and in 1889 was elected Professor of Greek and German at Davidson.



Profkssor of Latin and Frkncii. Dr. CiL-y was born in 1S58, in Union County, North Carolina. He entered Davidson in iSSo, and received tlie degree of bachelor of arts in 1884; winning the Latin medal in 1883, and the Greek medal in 1884. During the session of 1SS5-6 he conducted the village Academy at Davidson. In 1886-7 he conducted the Mooresville Academy, and from 18S8 to 1889 was at the head of high schools in Georgia. In 1889 he entered the Uni- versity of Johns Hopkins; was awarded an honorary Hopkins scholarship in 1890, and the degree of doctor of philosophy in 1S93. Immediately afterwards he was elected Professor of Latin and French at Davidson.

WILLIAM JOSKI'II MAUTIX, Ju., M. 1)., Pii. D., F. C. S.


Was born in Columbus, Tennessee, in the year 1868. He entered the preparatory class at Davidson in 1S83, and graduated third in his class in 1S88. The following year he .spent as Professor of Science at Clinton College, South Carolina, and in 18S9 entered the Medical Department of the University of Virginia, where he received the degree of doctor of medicine, and some years later that of doctor of philosophy. In 1S94 he was elected Fellow of the London Chemical Society. In 1896 he succeeded his late father to the chair of Chemistry at Davidson College, with which institution he is now connected.


Professor of English. Horn October 11, 1S64, Abbeville, South Carolina. Entered South Carolina Military Acad- emy, at Charleston, 18S2: graduated 1S86, being one of two honor men in a class of fifty-three members. Lfpon graduation was appointed Assistant in English in the above named institution, which position he retained for three years, and then resigned it to pur- sue advanced study at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Entering Johns Hopkins in 1888, Mr. Harrison was appointed, in i8go. University Scholarship in English, and subsequently Fellow in English. He received his degree of doctor of philosophy in June, 1891 : in the same year studied in Paris, and British Museum in London. In 1892, he was elected Assistant Professor of English in Clemson College, South Carolina, his rank afterwards being raised to Associate Professor. This position was held until January, i8g6, when Dr. Harrison was elected Professor of English in Davidson College.

.101 IX L. DOUGLAS, M. A. Professor of Mathematics. liurn in Winnslioro, .South Carolina, in 1864. Entered Davidson College in 18X4. W'itlidraw, ing from College at the close of his Sophomore year, he taught a year at his home, Black- stock, South Carolina : then at Hampden, South Carolina: Kock Hill, South Carolina: and at length was elected superintendent of public schools at Chester, South Carolina. Reentered Davidson in 1S9::, graduating the following June with highest honors, and winning the debater's medal. During his whole course his average grade was ninctv- eight. The following Octoljer, entered Jolins Hojjkins University, taking graduate course in mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Completing the doctor of philosophy course with the exception of his thesis, he was elected to the chair of science in the Chatham Academy at Savannah, (leorgia. In 18S7, he came back to his Alma Mater as Professor of Mathematics to take up the work laid down by his old instructor, Dr. W. D. Vinson.


JAMES McDowell douglas, m. a., ph. d.

Professor of Natural Philosophy. Dr. Dougla.s was born in Fairfield County, South Carolina, in 1S67. Entered Davidson College in 1890, and received the degree of bachelor of arts in 1893, being one of the honor men of his class. During the following year he pvirsued his studies in mathematics, and in 1S94 received the degree of master of arts. The three years after graduation were spent in teaching at the Davidson High School, and as superintendent of the Gaston Institute, at Gastonia, North Carolina. He entered Johns Hopkins University in 1897, and in igoi was graduated with the degree of doctor of philosophy. In the same year he was elected to the chair of Natural Philosophy at Davidson College.


Adjunct Professor in Mathematics, Latin, and Greek. Professor Currie was born at Hillsboro, North Carolina, in 1S76. Entered Davidson in 1893, In 1896 he received the debater's medal, and in the following year was graduated with the degree of bachelor of arts. After leaving College, he taught one year at Coleman. Texas. From 1898 to 1901 he was principal of the Davidson High School, Davidson, North Carolina. In 1901 he was elected to the position of Adjunct Professor of Mathe- matics, Latin, and Greek at Davidson College.



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The Lost Issvc.

To those who were acquainted with Long John, it was evident that there was something up. His adamantine disposition seemed to be undergoing a complete change. This process could easily be traced in his bearing toward those with whom he came in contact. For in.stance, it was reported that he lifted his hat to .some Freshies who were making frog-houses in the sand, and gave them some valuable hints on modern architecture.

More than this, it was reported, and that too on pretty good authority, that he entered into a conversation with some of the upper classmen which lasted for five entire minutes. Besides, he had been known to crack several meaningless jokes in the Math. room. But when exams, came on and he didn't throw but a little over five-eighths of the class, the entire student body wilted from sheer astoni.shment.

Mysterious, however, as were his actions towards the student body, they were still more so towards the Faculty. It was known for a fact that he milked Dickie's cows twice. He also agreed to prove some of Henry Louis's .statements, which task required the labor of days and nights and a manipulation of figures quite as shadowy as the statements themselves. Moreover, he helped Bill Joe patch up the Atomic Theory so that it might stand handling for another year without danger of explosion. For one whole day he hauled away sawdust from Wooley's sawmill absolutely free of charge. More than this, he gave Tommie, Jr., a rattle and teething-ring all in one, with " Made in Germany " stamped on it in red letters. Old Puss received the latest edition of " Drummers' Yarns," and Hand,some Jim received three sticks of .striped candy, while the Stoker was made the happy possessor of Long John's treatise on " How to Cut Prayers."

Of course, something waswrong with I^ong John ; but what was it ? Some said that he must be going to die ; others, that he was .seriously contemplating matrimony. But the wisest merely shook their heads and waited for time to tell.

When the curiosity of the gullible Faculty and .students had reached its high- est pitch, it leaked out somehow that Long John was ru.shing the Co-ed. move- ment and that it was his intention to " pull " the Faculty straight and then work the Trustees.

When this simple little plan came to light, people were surpri.sed that Long John hadn't done more wire-pulling.

The matter was laid before the Assembly on the last Tuesday berbre exams. , and none of those who were in the immediate vicinity of that meeting will ever forget it.

Long John was the last one to enter the council hall. Upon his arrival, he found Henry Louis reading " The Uses of Hyperbole" ; Wooley was regaling himself with choice editorials from " The Home and Farm " ; Tommie was read- ing some Fresh, essays on Shakespeare ; Bill Joe was inventing an infernal machine with which to wreck the Sophs, on exams. ; Dickie was tabulating a few more of his favorite Greek verbs ; Puss was contriving a scheme by which he would be able to get even with a villain who had cheated him out of thirty cents in a horse trade ; Handsome Jim was looking cute ; and the Stoker was meditating on the past.

Evidently the au.spices were not favorable to Long John's project. However, after the usual business had been disposed of. Long John arose and said:

" Brethren of the Assembly : I wish to introduce a scheme which if car- ried out. will revolutionize the history of David.son College. Yea, it will make this part of the mundane sphere as pleasant as working quadratics. The old walls of yon College which have heretofore resounded only with the shriek of the fleeing Fresh. , and the hoarse yell of the exulting Soph. , will echo to the siren voices of (mer)maids, and our campus will blossom with Eden's fairest flower. I refer, gentlemen, to the introduction of the Co-ed. system in our institution." When Long John had finished there was a moment of deep and awful silence, broken at length by Wooley's inveterate " Waugh !" Henry Louis thereupon informed Long John that his little gag wouldn't work, and that the campus needn't blo,ssom at all if it didn't wish to, and that (mer)maids were hoaxes, anyway.

Long John swore a great, deep, far-sounding oath, and asked Henry Louis if he meant to snow his project under without its being voted upon. Upon leceiv- ing an answer in the affirmative, he lifted up his voice, and the stillness of that May afternoon was broken by a most unearthly yell, such as mortals but once in a lifetime would hear and live. It was Long John's war-whoop. Half a mile away strong men heard that whoop and trembled, while women fainted. The Fresh, and other rodents fled in terror. The Sophs, took refuge under the Col- lege and in otlier strongholds, while he upper classmen conjectured that it was the fog-horn of the ship that never returned.

Within tlic council hall the confusion was still greater. At the first .sound of that awful voice, Dickie dived under the table, followed by Tommie ; Wooley disappeared in the register; Henry Louis and Bill Joe lan over each other in a mad scramble for the door; Handsome Jim worked his shunt circuit ru.^e and got to his room without the loss of either his good looks or glasses ; the Stoker only possessed presence of mind enough to jump through the window.

Puss, strange to say, instead of running, remained behind to try the effect of moral persuasion on Long John. Failing in this attempt to quiet the promoter of Utopian scliemes, he began to bombard Long John's distorted features with paper-weights, inkstands, and other articles of furniture. This produced the desired result. The disturber of the Assembly's order and dignitj' was made to sign a most ignominious peace bond, after which he retired to his room and com- muned with himself, in wrath meditating revenge. Old Pu.ss, towering over the wreck of the council hall, murmured softh- to himself : " \'eni, vidi, vici."

About two weeks later, there was a meeting of the Assembly about two miles from town, under the starry vaults of heaven. It is needless to say that Long John wasn't invited to this council. The object of this guarded meeting was to devise ways and means by which to pacify Long John. After much subdued argument it was decided " that Long John's salary be increased ninty cents per month, and that he be allowed a monthly bonus of two packs of Duke's Mixture, with paper, and one pack of Wall Wah ' '

This speedily effected the desired reconciliation, and once more the dove of peace spreads her spotless wings over the council hall of the Davidson Faculty.



Organization of the Evmcncan Society.


First Term, D. W. Richardson Second Term, J. W. McConnell

Third Term, P. G. Gourdin


First Term, R. D. Daffin Second Term, W. P. Mills

Third Term, H. Johnston


First Term, J. S. Morse Second Term, L. W. White

Third Term, R. K. Timmons


First Term, J. W. McConnell Second Term, D. W. Richardson

Third Term, P. C. DuBosE



First Term, P. C. DuBosE Second Term, D. W. Richardson

T. P. Sprunt r. Johnston

Third Term, J. W. McConnell


First Term, C. A. Cornelson Second Term, T. H. DeGraffenried

Third Term, R. K. Tiwmons



First Term, W. P. Mills Second Term, R. D. Baffin

H. Johnston r h. Adams

Third Term, W. Kirkpatrick


First Term, M. L. McKinnon Second Term, R K. Timmons

Third Term, C. A. Cornelson



J. W. McConnell, Chairman D. W. Richardson R. D. Daffin


D. W. Richardson, Chairman \V. M. Dunn L. W. White, Secretary

treasurer. William M. Dunn.


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Organization o! the Evmencan Society.

PRESIDENT. First Term, D. W. Richardson Second- Ten

W McCovNii I

Third Term. P. G. Gourdin VICE-PRESIDENT.

First Term, R. D. Daffin

Second-Terra, W. P. Mills

Third Term, H. Johnston


First Term, J. S. Morse Second Terra, L W. Whitk

Third Term, R. K. Timmons


First Term, J. W. McCONNELL Second Terr ^ '■ *' Rkh^^i--. ..

Third Term, P. C. DuBosE


First Term, P. C. DuBosE Second Term, n. W . Kichardson

T. P. Sprunt R. Johnston

Third Term, J. W. McCoNNELL


First Term, C. A. Cornelson Second Term, T. H. DeGraffenkikI'

Third Term, R. K. Timmons


First Term, W. P. Mills iSecond Term, R. D. Dafmn

H. Johnston R H Aoams

Third Term, W. Kirkpatrick


First Term, M. U. McKinnon Second Term, !< K. Timmons

Third Term, C. A. Cornelson



J. W. McConnell, Chairman D. W. Richardson R. D. Baffin


D. W. Richardson, Chairman W. M. Dunn L. W. White, Secretary

treasurer. William M. Dunn.


An Ap'- >»■-•»•

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vers best ?

i). .:-^-;2l.'; I est. WtuiAV. Gilmer Perry

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An Answer.

' Yet, ah, thai sprivr/ should raiiish with the Rose ! " Still from our heart swells Omar's bitter cry, As youth's brief, sunlit season hastens by,

And round our path life's sterner duties close.

Poor, foolish, futile plaint ! And yet, how grows About our soul the hour we know must fly. The rare, rare rose that blushes but to die !

The meaning of life's riddle— ah, who knows ?

Be patient, weary brother ; can it be

That, read aright, the answer still is plain ?

Spring hath its flowers ; but are flowers best ? Methinks the fruit of summer richer fee,

Or autumn, with its golden wealth of grain ; And winter, O my brother, bringeth rest.

WiLUAM Gilmer Perry.

Organization of Philanthropic Society.


First Term, S. E. Hodges Second Terra, W. R. Clegg

Third Term, Johx S. Rowe


First Term, H. H. Caldwell Second Term, J. H. McLelland

Third Term, C. H. Rosebko


First Term, J. A. Cukry Second Term, J. C. Rowan

Third Term, Natt. T. Wagner


First Term, W. R. Clegg Second Term, R. T. CoiT

Third Term, Tho.mas P. Baglev



First Term, H. H. Caldwell Second Term, H. McLelland

Third Term, C. H. Rosebro


First Term, C. W. Allison Second Term, P. McLean

Third Term. J. B. Stimpsox


J. S. RowE, Chairman N. T. Wagner, Secretary

J. H. McLelland

ABSENCE COMMITTEE. R. T. CoiT, Chairman W. W. Arrawood, Secretary



W. R. Clegg, Chairman R. D. Dickson A. R. McQueen



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Organization of Philanthropic Society.


First Term, S. K. Hodges Second Term. W. R. Clegg

Third Term, John S. Rowk


First Term, H. H. C.m.dwku. Second Term, Lki.land

Third Term, C. H. Rosebko


First Term, J. A. Curry S».-ct»ud Term \v.\v

Third Term, N.\tt. T. Wvgner


First Term, W. R. Ci.egg Second Term, R. T. Coit

Third Term, Thomas P. liAGLKY



First Term, H. H. Cai.dwki.l Second Term, H. McLelland

Third Term, *C. H. KosEBRO


First Term, C. W. Ai.mson Second Term, P. McLean

Third Term, J. B. vStimpson


J. S. RowK, Chairman X. T. Wagnkr, Secrutary

J. H. McLellani)

" ABSENCE COMMITTEE. R. T. CoiT, Chairman W. W. Arrawood, Secretary



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lonor.soncl Prizes tor l90()-h)()l.

( oii~\inenccrnent Oratnr-

iiinci\c<ia -ScxIcW. I^Uilanthi'M'i*^ >o»'(fh;.


W. Richardson V/. R. Clegg

<la-S.^ 1901.

CIcLss Honors.

Class IW2.

1 Patrick

. D. W. Richardson

1 xiti' Smi , -

. Vioe-Monitor .

. J. S. RowE

Oass I'Jd.v

Class 1904.

W. Arrowood

. . Mci.iU-

. E. D. Kerr

H. Caldwell

. Vlce-Moi Oratoi'.s A\c(Jal.


P. C. Dub-

LiilJlC ,V\C(li.ll,


Reed Smith

l.^s(r/l5fN rit-fi.ii

. Eumenean

Reed Smith ...

. Eumenea i]

Detxjtcr's .«»:«lal.


vV. Ri>..n«KusOn

ciMiienean W. R

. ii'aiitnropic

W. Bain

Dcclalmcr'.s Medal.

lilanthropic R. S. John-sT'N . . Eumenean



Ilonor.sciiul Prizes ror lyoo-iyoi.

Comn^cncement Orcitors.

CumenctiiA Socict/. Philanthropic Socieh/.

J. W. McCoNNELL P. C. DuBosE R. T. CoiT J. S. Rowe

D. W. Richardson W. R. Clegg

Class Hoi\oi's.

riii.s.s I'JOI. Class 1902.

R. M. Patrick Monitor D. W. Richardson

Reed Smith Vice-Monitor J. S. Rowe

Class 1903- Class I904.

W. Arrowood Monitor E. D. Kerr

H. Caldwell Vice- Monitor A. C. Cornelson

Orator's MecJal.

P. C. DuBosE Eumenean

RiDIc Mcclcil.

Reed Smith Eumenean

Cssd'/ist's Medal.

Reed Smith . . . . Eumenean J. M. McLeod . . . Philanthropic

Delxifcr's Medal.

D. W. Richardson . . Eumenean V/. R. Clegg . . . Philanthropic

Declaimer's Mccial.

V/. Bain Philanthropic R. S. Johnson . . Eumenean



A maiden fair

Upon a srair, A young nian Dv her side.

7\ stole i\ t^iss,

Ccsratic Dliss! Al\! Heaven's opened wide.

a numPer eiglU

Seals l\is fate, Mails \\m against tlic wall.

iNotto, this:

Don't steal ci t'Jss \\'\\vi\ the Old man 's in the hall.




Senior Class Organization.


S. E. Hodges Charlotte, N. C.

VICE- PRESIDENT. J. W. McCoNNELL McConnellsville, S. C.


W. S. WiLHELM Spencer, N. C.

HISTORIAN. R. R. Morrison Shelby, N. C.

Colors : Motto :

Orange and Blue. Per angusta ad augusta.


Boom-a-lacka ! boom-a-lacka ! boom-a-la-boo !

Ra/.zle, dazzle, Orange and Blue !

Wah-heigh-woo ! Hulla-ba-loo !

Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Nineteen two !




*.--^ ■■■. .•

> ■•*»* ^'

I* W' T.f i> '^1

'.* 1?. iS: f^




Senior Class Organization.

PRESIDENT. vS. E. HouGES ... Charlotte, N. C.

VICE-PRESIDENT. J. VV. McCoNNELi McCounellsville, S. C.


\\" s W'n tTFt \: Spencer, N. C.

HISTORIAN. R. R. Morrison. . Shelby, N C.

Colors Motto :

Orange and lilue. Per angusta ad augusta.


Booni-a-lacka ! booni-a-lacka ! booin-a-la-boo !

Razzle, dazzle, Orange and Blue !

Wah-heigh-wuo I HuUa-ba-loo !

Rah ! Rah ! Rah ' Nineteen two !


Roll of the Honored.


Wilmington, North Carolina.

Born January i, 1881, at Wilmington, N. C. Prepared for College at Cape Fear Academy, Wilmington, N. C. Age, twenty-one years ; height, five feet and ten inches ; weight, one hundred and sixty pounds. Course, B. S.; Phi; n K A; Marshal, '98; Second Supervisor Society, '00; Vice-President Society, '01; First Critic Society, '02; Class Football Team; Class Baseball Team; Captain Class Football Team, '99: Executive Committee Athletic Association; Business Manager and member Mandolin and Guitar Club; Secretary and Treasurer German Club. Present address, Wilmington, N. C.


CARTHAGE, North Carolina.

Born June 13, 1879, at Quiet, N. C. Prepared for College at Carthage Academic Institute. Age, twenty-three years ; height, five feet and eleven and one-fourth inches ; weight, one hun- dred and sixty pounds. Course, B. S.; Phi.; First Supervisor Society, '00; Vice- President, '01 ; Debater's Medal, '01 ; Commencement Orator, '01 ; President Society, '02 ; Class Baseball Team ; Class Football Team ; Class Historian, '00-01 ; College Football Team, '02; Editor Quips and Cranks, '02. Present address, Carthage, N. C.


Salisbury, North Carolina.

Born at Charlotte, N. C, December 21, 1878. Prepared for College at Salisbury High School. Age, twenty-three years ; height, six feet and one-fourth inches ; weight, one hundred and sixty-seven pounds. Course, A. B. ; Phi.; First Supervisor Society, '00; Second Critic Society, '01 ; Vice-President Society, '01 ; First Critic Society, '01 ; Vice-President Class, '99-00; Secretary Y. M. C. A., '00-01 ; Commencement Orator, '01 ; Marshal, '01 ; Editor Davidson College Magazine, '00-01; Chief Marshal, '02; Editor-in-Chief Magazine, '01-02; President Y. M. C. A., '01-02; Vice-President Student Body, '00-01; Library Committee, '01-02. Present address, Salisbury, N. C.


SoucHOw, China.

Born October 31, 1880, at Shanghai, China. Prepared for College at Pantops Academy. Age, twenty-one years ; height, five feet and eight and three-fourth inches ; weight, one hundred and thirty-eight pounds. Course, A. B. ; Eu. ; B e n ; Vice-President Society, '00; Commencement Orator, '01; Orator's Medal, '01; Reviewer Society, '02; Class President, '98-99; Captain and Member Class Football Team; Library Committee; Editor Quips and Cranks, '02. Present address, Souchow, China.



AsHEViLLE, North Carolina. Born December ii, 1S7S, at Asheville, N. C. Prepared for College at Asheville High School. Age, twenty-three years; height, five feet and nine and one-half inches: weight, one hundred and forty-six pounds. Course, A. B.: Phi.; K 1; \'ice-President Society: First Critic Society; Marshal, '00; College Football Team (three years): College Baseball Team (four years): College Track Team (three years); Best All-'round Athlete (three years) ; Captain Class Football Team, 'gS ; Captain College Football Team, '00 ; E.xecu- tive Committee; Secretary and Vice-President of Athletic Association; Editor Qeips AND Cranks, '98, '02 ; Editor Magazine, '00-01 ; Class Historian, 'g6: President Tennis Association. Present address, Asheville, N. C.


KiNCSTRKE, South Carolina. Born February 21, 1S77, at Salter's Depot, S. C. Prepared for College at home. Age, twenty-five years; height, five feet and ten inches: weight, one hundred and fifty-five pounds. Course, B. S.; Eu. ; S A E; Secretary Society, '99: Vice-President Society, '01 ; President Society, '02; Business Manager Magazine; Class Track Team; College Track Team; Library Committee. Present address, Kingstree, S. C.



Born January 3, 1875, at Burdett, N. C. Prepared for College at China Crove Academy. Age, twenty-seven years; height, six feet; weight, one hundred and forty-five pounds. Course, A. B.;Phi. ; Secretary Society, '99; Supervisor Society, '00; Vice-President Society, 'or ; Commencement President Society, '01 ; Editor Magazine, '01-02 : Treasurer Y. M. C. A., '01-02; Vice-President Class, '98-99; Secretary Class, '99-00; President Cla.ss, '01-02; Vice-Monitor Class, '02: Editor QuiHS and Ck.vnks, '02; Class Baseball Team. Present address, Charlotte, N. C.



Born Januarv nth, 1S7S, at McConnell.sville, S. C. Prepared for College at McConnellsville High School. Age, twenty-four years; height, five feet and nine inches; weight, one hundred and sixty-five pounds. Course, B. S.; Eu.; X A E; Secretary Society, '00; Vice- President Society, '01 ; President Society, '02 ; Reviewer Society, '01 ; Chairman Execu- tive Committee, '01-02 ; Declainier's Medal ; Class Baseball Team ; Class Football Team ; Manager Class Football Team, '01 ; College Track Team (three years) ; Manager College Track Team, '02 ; Commencement Orator, '01 : Vice-President Class, '01-02 ; Editor Maga- zine, '00-02: Editor (jrii'S ,\nd Ckanks (three years). Present address, McConnelLs- ville, S. C.

RUFUS REID MORRISON, " REID," Shelhv, North Carolina.

Born January 2d, 18S3, at Mt. Mourne, N. C. Prepared for College at Shelby Graded School. Age, nineteen years; height, five feet and eight and one-half inches; weight, one hundred and thirty-six pounds. Course, A. B. ; Phi.: Ho II; First Supervisor Society: Second Critic Society: Commencement Marshal, '01 ; Class Track Team: Cla.ss Baseball Team; Class Football Team; Manager and Captain Class Ba.seball Te;mi ; College Baseliall Team; College Track Team; Executive Committee Athletic Association (four ye:irsl; Class Historian, '01-02. Present address, Shelby, N. C.



Nelson, South Cak(jlina. Horn June 13th, 1S79, at Blackstock, S. C Prepared for College at Presbyterian High School, Columbia, S. C. Age, twenty-three years : height, five feet and nine and one-half inches ; weight, one hundred and thirty-five pounds. Course, A. B. ; Eu. ; Commencement Presi- dent Society, '01; Secretary Society, '99; Reviewer Society, '01-02; Treasurer Society, '00-01 ; Debater's Medal, '01 ; Commencement Orator, '01 ; Editor Davidson College Magazine, '00-01 and '01-02 ; Editor QuiPS and Cranks, '00 and '01 ; Editor-in-Chief Quips and Cranks, '02 ; Class Monitor, '99-00, '00-01, and '01-02 ; Class Historian, '99-00; Class President, '00-01 ; Second Vice-President Student Body, '00-01 ; Vice-President Y. M. C. A., '01-02. Present address. Nelson, S, C.


CoNOVKR, North Carolina. Born August gth, 1879, at Newton, N. C. Prepared for College at Catawba College. Age, twenty-two years ; height, five feet and eleven and one-half inches ; weight, one hundred and seventy pounds. Course, A. B. ; Phi. ; Supervisor Society, '00 ; Secretary Society, '00; President Society, '02; Commencement Orator, '01; Captain Class Football Team, '00; College Football Team, ^00-01 ; Class Track Team ; Class President, '99-00 ; Presi- dent Student Body, '01-02 ; President Athletic Association, '01-02 : Class Monitor, 'yS-gg ; Class Vice-Monitor, '99-00, '00-01 ; Editor Quips and Cr.a.nks, '01 ; Business Manager Quips and Cranks, '02. Present address, Conover, N. C.


LiNfoLNToN, North Carolina. Born April 4th, iSSo, at Lincolnton, N. C. Prepared for College at Lincolnton High School. Age, twenty-two years ; height, five feet and eight inches ; weight, one hundred and twenty-five pounds. Course, B.S.: Phi.: Second Supervisor Society, '()c) ; Second Critic Society, '00; Class Baseball Team; Class Football Team: \'ice-l'resident Class, '00-01. Present address, Lincolnton, N. C.


Gainksxtlle, Florida. Born July iid, 1876, at Walthomville, Ga. Prepared for College at East Florida Seminary, (iainesville, Ha. Age, twenty-si.\ years : height, six feet and two and three-fourth inches ; weight, one hundred and eighty pounds. Course, A. B.; Glee Club, '00-01; Mandolin and Guitar Club, '00-01: Leader Glee Club, '01-02 ; Class Baseball Team ; Class Track Team; Class Treasurer, '00-01 ; Editor Quips .and Cr.\nks, '01-02. Present address, Gainesville, Fla.


South River, North Carolina. Born February 23d, 1S78, at Jerusalem, N. C. Prepared for College at Augusta, N. C. Age, twenty-four years ; height, six feet ; weight, one hundred and forty-four pounds. Course, A. B. ; Class Secretary, '01-02. Present address, Spencer, N. C.


History o! Class 1902.

AND now we are Seniors ! And in giving the history of 1902 I shall strive to be less bashful concerning our merits than the worthy narrator of 1901 was of theirs. For four years we have taken each year a degree in college life, and now we are supposed to be prepared to have Dr. Smith mention, in a few years, our names among those of the great men who have already departed from Davidson.

Twenty-eight of us came here in the fall of '98 with the intention of " going through College." Many gave different reasons for coming, but with some of us the reason was, we couldn't help it. Having gotten here, however, and hav- ing found that we were not so many, we saw that we must pull together ; so we organized ourselves into a class and named it 1902.

Our first meeting, and especially the aftermath, will hardly ever be forgotten by those of us who were so fortunate as to be there.

To please the curious Sophs. , we selected a nine and in a short while met them on the diamond ; but in this first game we were beaten. The next spring, however, we easily won over them and the other two classes, and so were cham- pions of the class teams.

On the gridiron fate was against us, as our record shows ; and we gave up in the football line. Our only excuse is our scarcity of material from which to select.

Our record in study was not a very uncommon one, as we learned all too soon that ponies were cheap and riding very good ; so good, in fact, that Wooley and Dickie, out of heartfelt kindness, consented to give some of their favored ones second exams, on Latin and Greek.

The next fall, however, we chose some from among us to better our class- room record ; and as we were now Sophs. , our minds were full of the great prob- lem of how we could best introduce the Fresh, into the intricacies of College life, and train them as future Sophs, should be trained.

The Faculty, however, having some very new-fangled and obnoxious ideas as to the rights of Fresh. who every one knows have no rights hinted to us that they preferred Fresh, to Sophs. And so seeing that our very best intentions were not appreciated, we gave up our plan, and as a con.sequence received a permit to play with the pigskin to our hearts' content ; but we were never to look at Bill Joe's hen-coop under penalty of a double load of duck-shot.


As a parting shot, we lined up against the Fresh, and scoured the gridiron with them to the score of 5 to o.

Our baseball team was fatally weakened after our first year by the loss of our pitcher and first-baseman, and since that time, although we have never been able to take the lead among the class teams, we have by no means brought up the rear.

As Juniors, I suppose we were not very different from the average third year man ; an easy-going crowd, who didn't exceed the limit of time granted for studying.

When called on to speak. '02 was again not in the rear, as was proven on the twenty-second day of February, and also later, when men in this class won both society medals given for the best debate. This was between Juniors and Seniors.

And now in about three months the campus will probably echo for the last time our yell as given by the whole cla.ss, and each of us will set out in life to fulfil his destiny to lift or lower mankind.

And let each of the fourteen, all tried and found true, forget not the motto which for four years we have claimed : " Per angusta ad augusta."

And now, in behalf of 1902, I bid you all a fond farewell.


At Sunset.

We stood together yestei-eve, To watch the Day-King take his leave, As down lie sank beyond our sight.

Then did the skies with beauty burn? And did the clouds to bright gold turn? And did the eve-star, silver-bright.

Call forth the planets, one by one Attendants on their lord, the sun ? And in that mellow golden light,

Did birds their sweetest vespers sing. As nest-ward on day-weary wing

They flew to rest them for the night ?

I can not tell ; I only know You stood beside me ; and the glow Of evening light upon your hair

To gold was turned ; and in your eyes I saw the love-light shine ; the skies

With those bright stars can not compare.


, :# !f (# if i$- ^f ¥. /?* :* !> ii


At Sunset.

We stood together yesler-evc, To watch the Day-King take his leave, As down he sank beyond our sight

Then did the* skies with beauty burn: And did the clouds to bright gold turn? And did the eve-star, silver-bright,

Call forth the planets, one by one Attendants on their lord, the sun ? And in that mellow golden light,

Did birds tlieir sweetest vespers sing, As nest-ward on day-weary wing

They flew to rest them for the ni</'i' '

can not tell ; I only know Vou stood beside me : and the glow Of evening light upon your hair

To gojd was turned ; and in y.ogr eyes 1 saw the love-light shine : the skies

\\'ith those bright stars cat) not compare.

M: :.«..». «.

Class Prophecy, 1902.

0, Muse, to lift aside the future's veil, Many have sought thy prophetic aid ; But to all has never yet been granted The gift for which so many have panted. Secrets which in the future lie deeply hidden. Themselves reveal when only by thee they 're bidden. Since I would then the future read,

1, oh Muse, with thee do plead For thy aid in this prophetic song. I would sing of the Class of 1902 :

Of their deeds in life as they journey through;

Of the blessings which on mankind they will bestow,

While here passing through this world below.

But while 1 have time and space,

Ere that I further in this tale shall pace,

Methinks it best according to reason

To always do everything in season.

I '11 tell you the condition of each of them, as it seems to me.

Of what they will be and of what degree,

And also in what array they will be in.

At a chemist then will 1 first begin.

Bagley is his name, and he a worthy man,

Who from the time he first began

To go to College, loved chemistry.

Leisure, music, freedom and courtesy.

He will bear himself well in every place,

In hope to stand in his lady's grace.

Great discoveries in his profession he will make

And cause the atomic theory a fall to take.

His physical energy he will conserve.

Nor from the path of leisure will he swerve.

When he his work at last shall lay down.

All the chemical world with his praises will resound.

A politician will there be in this same place.

That hath a stern, haughty, deep-set face :

Clkc;<; is his name, by the vulgar called " Pap."

His highest delight is to win in a scrap.

A Senator he '11 be, always in the right.

Will give his opponents many a hard fight :

Moore County will he stump for Free Silver and Woman's Rights

But always hie him home to his family at nights.


There will be two good men of great renown,

Both lowly parsons of a country town ;

Rich they will be in holy thought and work,

Nor Christian duty, however humble, ever will they shirk.

Just and upright will they live before the people's eyes;

Full loath will they be to plead for their slow-coming tithes.

The wayward they will labor to keep within the fold.

And the weak to their own bosoms will they gently hold.

Well will they an example give.

By their own lives, of how men should live.

Two better parsons, I trow, will never be,

Famed for their goodness and piety.

CoiT and Richardson are these worthy champions of the cross

Who will gather up the gold and fling away the dross.

Next I sing of one who from China hails;

But 't is right to say he never wears the Chinee-tails.

He as a lawyer will settle down

In some far-away Chinese town;

There he will much talking and more loafing do.

Conform to all the Chinese customs and wear the pigtail too.

DuBoSE is his name; he will be very learned in the law.

And from so much pleading will be known as " Ching Lang Jaw."

Much service to his benighted country he will render;

But, as all benefactors, his reward will be slender.

An expounder of the law, discreet and wise,

Who will have no witness swearing lies ;

Of fees and cases will he have many a one.

So great a collector will there nowhere be none.

All will be fee simple to Gourdin in effect,

If by any means he is able to collect.

He will settle down in his county-seat,

But remain as always, a tobacco beat ;

On the sea of politics he will launch his little boat.

Which will not sail for want of the breezy vote.

An athlete there will be, an agile man ; Many opponents will fall before his valiant hand. Football battles has he fought by the score. And of tennis tournaments far many more. But with his work will he always be behind. And when at last stern death shall draw the line. And St. Peter shall shut forever the golden gate, FiTZPATRicK will arrive just twenty minutes late.

There will be a preacher, a coleric man,

Whose beard will be shorn as close as ever it can.

Full long are his legs, and very lean.

Just like a staff; there 's no calf to be seen.

In all the country no one will be found


Whose speech with fair language will so much abound. The gospel HonoES will preach to all who will hear, Nor cease from his labors till grim death draw near.

A merchant McConnell will be,

Dealer in country produce and poultry.

This worthy man his wits so well will use

That there will be none from whom he will not get his dues.

He will make his English sweet upon his tongue.

While telling of the mighty deeds which he has done.

A snare for suckers he will ever keep set.

And woe to the unwary who are caught within his net.

Morrison will be a doctor in Shelby town,

Who on an old gray horse will ride around.

With saddle-bags well filled with powders and pills

To cure mankind of his many ills.

Upward in his profession he will continue to go,

And leave all competitors far below.

At duty's call he will ever do his best.

And sink at last to a peaceful rest.

A farmer " Kid" Rosf.man will be,

Living in peace and perfect charity.

His wife will he love with his whole heart.

Though sometimes she will make him smart.

Many children will call him "dad";

If he doesn't work sure he better had.

But soothed and comforted by his meerschaum pipe.

He will live to an old age ripe.

John Rowe as a philosopher will soar high;

Ever ready of things to tell the wherefore and the why.

No disputed point will he ever yield.

But will his opponent always drive from the field.

Through his long and eventful course

Blt(ffvi'\\\ be his greatest force.

To get married will be the ambition of his life.

But all his days he is destined to spend without a wife.

WiLHELM and Spencer, two champions for the right.

Will ever be found in the midst of the fight.

To their high calling they will ever be true,

And much good for suffering humanity will always do.

Both great admirers of the culinary art:

This phase of life will ever be dear to their heart.

Over their flocks they will ceaseless vigil keep.

Till at last they are called to a peaceful sleep.


College Days.

These glad davs go trooping bv, ^ And soon become our past,

Glowing witK all the good we ve done. Burning with all the bad we ve done : Sickening in the course they ve run,

Some lie down and die.

These passing vears an imprint leave. And soon become our life ; Living in things that are our past, Weeping for things that now are past. Wishing each dav might be the last.

Some hearts break with grief.

These few years our lives decide. And each heart finds its place. Some wander with the low of earth. Some shine among the best of earth : Every one m his own true worth

Must ever abide.


These few years soon pass awav. :'^Ms?ai Waking from youth's slumber.

We ind that life's aim is to do And be that onlv which is true : And living thus, sweet joys we woo

For eternal days.


W f %

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lil' '■* !> *

Collej^e Da:/s.

These glad d»vs go troop\ng b>, And soon become our uist. Glowing with ill the good wi- 'vt done. Burning with all the bad we '\e done ; Sickening in the course they 'v>\ run.

Some lie down and die.

These passing years an imprint leave. And soon become our life : Living in things that are our past, Weeping for things that now are p\st. Wishing each da\ might be the last

Some hearts break with grief.

These few years our lives decide, And each heart £nds its place. Some wander with the low of earth. Some shine among the best of earth ; Every ond in his own true worth MuS(t ever abide.

These few vears soon pass awav. Waking from youth's slumber, We find that life's aim is to do \nA be that only which is true.; And living thus, sweet jovs we woo

For eternal days.



% 7^ Irf ^\

Organization of Class 1903.

PRESIDENT. W. P. Mills Camden, South Carolina

VICE-PRESIDENT. F. M. Rogers Winston-Salem, North Carolina

SECRETARY AND TREASURER. W. W. Arrowood Bethel, South Carolina

HISTORIAN. A. R. McQueen Carthage, North Carolina

Motto : Colors :

Prodesse Quam Causpici. Orange and Black.


Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Boom-boom-a-lack ! Sis, boom, bah ! Orange and Black ! Hey ho, hi ho ! Rip, rah, re ! D. C. N. C. Nineteen three !


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iX --wi^-m iT^r.^a^T-

Organization of Class 1903.

PRESIDENT. W. P. Miu.s Camden, South Carolina

VICE-PRESIDENT. F. M. Rogers .... . . Winston-vSaleni, North Carolina

SECRETARY AND TREASTJRER. W. W. Arrowood Bethel, South Carolina

HISTORIAN. A. R. McQuHEx . Carthage, North Carolina

Motto : Colors :

Prodesse Qii.im (';ni'-r,iri. Orange and !;;.TrL-


Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Boom-boom-a-la.:k ! Sis, boom, bah ! Orange and Black ! Hey ho, hi ho ! Rip, rah, re ! D. C. N. C. Nineteen three !




Junior Class Roll.


J. L. Anderson Reedville, South Carolina

W. \V. Akrowood Bethel, South Carolina

H. F. Beaty Mooresville, North Carolina

L. A. Bennett Highlands, Florida

H. H. Caldwell Harrisburg, North Carolina

R. D. Dafkin Marianna, Florida

W. M. Dunn Jacksonham, South Carolina

H. A. Johnston Norfolk, Virginia

W. H. KiRKPATRiCK . Blackstock, South Carolina

H. A. Knox Watts, North Carolina

W. B. Martin Abbeville, South Carolina

H. G. McDowell Asheville, North Carolina

J. H. McLelland Mooresville, North Carolina

H. E Mc Murray Mint Hill, North Carolina

A. R. McQueen Carthage, North Carolina

W. P. Mills Camden, South Carolina

W. S. Patterson Winston-vSalem, North Carolina

F. M. Rogers Winston-Salem, North Carolina

T. P. Sprunt Charleston, South Carolina

S. A. Thompson Davidson, North Carolina


J. S. Bailey Greenwood, South Carolina

W. J. Blake Abbeville, South Carolina

P. P. Brown Newton, North Carolina

J. F. GoRRELi Greensboro, North Carolina

G. W. Greer Honea Path, South Carolina

R. S. Johnston Norfolk, Virginia

A. L. Mills Greenville, vSouth Carolina

C. H. RosEBRO Cleveland, North Carolina

J. A. Wyman Aiken, South Carolina


History o! Class o! 1903.

PROMPTED by an innate longing for knowledge, the various members of the Class of 1903 gathered at Davidson during the first week of September, 1899. We were green, suspicious, and had that disorganized, dejected appearance so common to Fresh. In the earl)- part of our first year we were conr vinced that a Fresh, should develop his ability for running rather than his brain. So frequently were we called upon to exercise this faculty, that it soon reached a very high state of cultivation. Nor were our musical and narrative tendencies allowed to corrode. Many were the germans, concerts, and recitals that we gave for the benefit of our friends.

After a short and unobtrusive meeting, we elected : H. H. Caldwell, Presi- dent ; J. H. McLain, Vice-President ; T. P. Sprunt, Secretary and Treasurer

The indignities these ofiBcers were subjected to at the hands of certain par- ties has led us to regard Fresh. Class officers as scapegoats upon whom the calumny and disrepute of the entire class must rest, in consequence of which they are driven into thorny pastures, where the waters roar and are ill at ease.

In September of the following year most of us returned. We were not timid now, but grim, determined, and looking for Fresh. After providing for these unfortunates, we sought loftier aims. This was the year of our lives. We smoked mean cigars, rode ponies, cut classes at our discretion, and flunked at the disposition of the Faculty. From our standpoint, we could see that College affairs were not moving properly, and would have gladly given the Trustees and Faculty some valuable hints on running a College and Fresh., but unfortunately they were too obtuse to appreciate our superior mental genius and we were too conservative to offer our advice when we realized that it wouldn't be appreciated. We also had a banquet, displayed the humorous side of our nature, ate too much, got sick, and felt bad next day ; but it was immense !

Our officers for this year were : President, W. H. Kirkpatrick ; Vice-Presi- dent, J. S. Bailey ; Secretary and Treasurer, A. L. Mills.

And now we are Juniors. The timidity of the Fresh, and the egotism of the Soph, are forgotten. Loaded down with a burden of dignity and imperative duties, we are moving steadily onward toward our diplomas. Junior speaking has passed. We have warned this thoughtless generation of its imminent perils, and at the same time thoughtfully provided means of escape, by the timely use of which these dangers may be avoided.


Our officers for this year are : W. P. Mills, President ; F. M. Rogers, Vice- President ; W. W. Arrowood, Secretary and Treasurer.

In Athletics 1903 has always occupied a prominent place. We had two men on the College Football Team and one on the College Baseball Team in our Fresh, year. Last year there were two 1903 men on the College Football Team. In class baseball games and in Field-day exercises, we have always made a very creditable record.

In matrimonial alliances 1903 has broken the record. "Rabbit" Lowe and "Buck" McKay have already laid aside the petty foibles of college life, and have undertaken to solve the hitherto in.soluble problem of married life, while " Duffy " is in the first stages of wedlock. Peace to them !


'AnAuiSE Lost-



My Brother.

My brother goes to college,

Away off on the train, An' stays away a year, or more,

'Fore he comes home again. An' when he does come home Oh, my

You'd think he owned the town, The way he smokes up pa's cigars

An' drives us " kids " aroun'.

My lirother he's « '»«»•?'»/ man.

As *"(/ as he can be. He smokes cigars an' cigarettes

But he's awful good to me. I carries his notes and letters.

An' when the answer's fine. It makes him feel jest awful good.

An' he gives me an' Jim a dime.

My brother he wears glasses,

Says his eyes is sorter weak, Caused by a spell of fever,

Brought on by overwork. 'T was jest 'fore zaminations.

An' the doctor man he said If brother didn't come home to rest

He surely would be dead.

Last night pa got a letter

From the college man up there Where my brother goes to college.

An' stays almost a year. Said my brother's health was failing;

Said the climate wasn't good For my brother's constitution,

An' he thought he'd better move.

An' when pa got that letter

1 tell you he was mad ; But I can't tell you what he said,

'Cause it was awful bad. My mama said, " Poor darlin' ! "

But my papa he said, " Damn ! / '/// a goin' off to college, too.

When I gets to be a man.



Organization Class 1904.

PRESIDENT. J. S. Morse Abbeville, South Carolina

VICE-PRESIDENT. J. W. Curry Davidson, Xorth Carolina


A. A. McLean Gastonia, North Carolina

HISTORIAN. E. D. Kerr Rankin, North Carolina

Motto : Colors :

Tentare est valere. Blue and Grey.


Whoop-la ! Rah ! Sis, boom, bah ! Blue and Gray ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Boom-a-lacka ! Boom-a-lacka ! Boom-a-la, bo ! D. C. N. C. 1904.


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Organization Class 1904.



Abbeville, buiui: i. jrohiia



Davidson. North Carolina

SECB.ETARY AND TREASURER. A. A. McLrEAN Gastonia, North Carolina


E. D. Kerr

. Ran

kit, North Carolina

Motto : Tentare est valere.

Colors : Blue and C.rey.

Whoop-la ! Kah ! Sis, boom, bah ! Blue and Gray ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Boom-a-lacka t Boom-a-lacka ! Boom -a la, bo

D. C. N. C. 190-),


Sophomore Class Roll.

R. H. Adams, Laurens, S. C. C. W. AtLisoN, Sugar Creek, N. C. W. R. Bailey, Wood Leaf, N. C.

W. W. Bain, Wade N. C. C. L. Black, Davidson, N. C. A. C. Boney, Wallace, N. C.

E. B. Carr, Safe, N. C. W. E. Cooper, Hogansville, Ga. A. C. Corneilson, Orangeburg, S. C.

J. VV. CuRRiE, Davidson, X. C. R. D. DiCKSO.v, Raeford, X. C. T. H. DeGrafkexkied, Rock Hill. S. C.

W. H. DuBosE, Souchow, China.

P. S. Easlev, Black Walnut, Va. T. J. Hitchixsox, Rock Hill, S. C.

R. T. Gillespie, Jr., Rock Hill, S. C.

E. D. Kerr, Rankin, X. C. R. C. McAliley, Chester, S. C.

U. L. McKixNOx, Hartsville, S. C. A. A. McLean, Gastonia, X. C. P. McLean, Laurinburg, X. C.

J. W. McXeill, Vass, N. C. H. M. Parker, James Island, S. C. J. C. Rowax, Carthage, X. C.

J. A. Ratcliff, Elon College, X. C. H. W. Shannon, Gastonia. X. C. W. P. Sprint, Wilmington, N. C.

W. L. S.MiTH, Rock Hill, S. C. J. B. STIMP.SON, Hopewell, X. C. B. G. Team, Camden, S. C.

R. K. 'rniMONS, Columbia, S. C. M. A. Thompson, Charlotte, X. C. J. M. Watts, Fancy Hill, X. C.

L. W. White, Abbeville, S. C. G. M. Wilcox, Elberton, Ga. J. L. Williams, Mt. Holly, X. C.


J. A. Cannon, Concord, X. C. P. B. Fetzer, Jr., Concord, X. C.

J. S. Morse, Abbeville, S. C.

F. K. Spratt, Chester, S. C. C. A. Van Xess, Charlotte, X. C.

X. T. Wagner, Asheville, N. C.


History o! the Class of 1904.

ON the fifth day of September, 1900, we arrived at College, a Freshman Class of fift^'-six, the largest at Davidson for several years. We were not even acquainted with each other ; and, no doubt, had a slight touch of that greenness which has always been characteristic of the Freshman.

We knew little of college life, but had heard it rumored abroad that it behooves the new men at great institutions of learning to be modest, quiet, and unassuming in their manner, and to give ready obedience and due reverence to their majorcs statu, the Sophs. So, since from the beginning we were anxious to be excellent Fresh., we began to live in accordance with that time-honored college maxim, " A Freshman is made to be seen and not heard." O ! that the Freshman Classes succeeding us would follow our worthy example ! For we are persuaded that it would conduce to the .seemliness of their conduct.

We have intimated that we cringed before our oppres.sors ; and .so we did, as much as our independent, liberty-loving spirit would permit, very little, you may be sure. While we were to all appearances as humble as the bitterest tyrant of them all could wi.sh, we secretly plotted deep conspiracies against their mis- rule. The story is soon told. An ominous whisper passed from mouth to mouth, knowing nods and winks followed it, with the result that on the night of the second day after our arrival, to our great delight, and to their great mortification, we met and organized, with F. L. Black, President ; G. R. McNeill, Vice-Presi- dent ; B. G. Team, Secretary and Treasurer ; and N. T. Wagner, Historian. This is the earliest Freshman Class organization in the history of the College.

As soon as the preliminary details had been arranged, we set about getting a great store of knowledge, sufficient to supply all demands made upon us for that article. The demands have come thick and fast ; but alas, how often the supply has been deficient ! Who of us has not learned what it is for a frowning professor to indicate in that terrible account-book that his trading stock of wis- dom, which he had hoped would amount to sixty, has in .some strange and incom- prehensible way diminished to zero? And j'et, dear reader, do not infer from this that we are negligent in our study, nor that we are lacking in intellectu- ality, for we are fully up to the average in these things ; and indeed, have had a larger number of men on the Honor Roll for one year than any other class in recent years.


In athletics, also, we have held our own. Although we had no class foot- ball games, we were represented on the College team ; and in the series of class baseball games we tied with the Sophs, for second place. On Field-day, we would have done even better than we did if we had been better acquainted with the management of the various events.

We were proficient in society work, and members of our class got the declaimer's medals from both literary societies.

Now we have returned, no longer Fresh., but Sophs., with all the hilarity befitting our promotion ; and we are in the midst of another year's work. We are .somewhat depleted in number by some of our men failing to return ; still, with a few new men and a few old ones from 1903, we number forty-two. At our first meeting this year we elected J. S. Morse, President ; J. W. Currie, Vice-President ; and A. A. McLean, Secretary and Treasurer. These officers are now doing their duty by the class.

At a recent meeting T. H. DeGraffenried was elected captain of the baseball team for this year, and R. K. Timmons, manager. We hope to get out a good team.

We had three men on the College football team this year, and several on the second team. We are going to be well represented, too, on the College baseball team.

With heavy hearts we are called upon to mourn the loss of one of our best and most popular men, G. A. McNair, of Hartsville, South Carolina, who died here on the 24th of December. We feel that his death is an inestimable lo.ss to the class, the College, and to the world at large, yet we bow in submission to the will of Him who rules the world in infinite love, and who directs our destinies in infinite wisdom.

In conclusion, the historian would say that he is utterly incapable of record- ing in a worthy manner the achievements of our class. It is sufficient to say that we are following and shall continue to follow the high standards and ideals with which we began our College life ; and that, if possible, we are going to raise these still higher. And let it be remembered that only a very small part of our history belongs to the past ; and that by far the greater and better part is of the future, to which we are bravely pressing on, inspired by our motto : " Tentare est Valere."








CLASS OF 1904.

It is the close of day. The svin has sunk behind tlie hills ; The clouds are turned to gold, and glow As gateways to the world above. The sun is gone. And yet we trust Thit wc shall see it in the morn.

So pa-sed thy soul away. Thy work on earth is done ; thy ills Are turned to ,ioys. Thy life doth show The paihway to God's world of love. Yes, thou art gone. And yet we trust That thou wilt greet us in that morn.

R. II.



' The age of visions is not past,"

Moaned Charles Augustus Wright, As he tumbled and tossed upon his bed, One drear\' winter night.


Charles Augustus was a Freshman

Of a very verdant hue. From a town about as big as vour fist,

Where the tree of knowledge grev

.visdom was supernal, And his appetite most huge. He freed himself of knowledge.

While he gorged himself with food.

Seniors, Juniors, Sophs, and Fresh.

All looked alike to him. He knew no rank, nor creed, nor caste,

And could talk an elephant thin.


By the

i he tosssed upon his bed, message was brought to hir Arab, Abdul Koran,

nd the Chinaman, Ah Sin.

They howled aloud in fiendish glee, And snapped their fingers thin.

And clasped poor Charlie 'round the And winked their eves at him.

Then spake the Arab Abdul,

To Charles Augustus Wright : ' Listen to me, dear Charlie,

And put away your fright.

That your supernatural wisdom Is the very thing we need.

*' So put away your foolish fright And come along with me ; We'll sail away to the land of pain Across the briny sea."

Then they howled aloud in fiendish glee And snapped their fingers thin,

And clasped poor Charlie 'round the nei And winked their eyes at him.


Then spake the Chinaman, Ah Sin, In tones both sad and low ; "Oh, come with me, Augustus Wright, To the * Flowery Kingdom ' go. :)r we are a backward people, And our troubles not a few j nd surely with your wisdom You can tell us what to do."

"Come away with me," said Abdul;

" Nay, come with me," said Sin ; k, And straightway both fell quarreling

With a most terrific din.

h grabbed Charlie by a foot And pulled with all his might. And jabbered and cussed and wrangled 'Till Charles was cold with friglit,

Then they pulled him off on the Ho( And batted him over the head,

And kicked and cuffed and jabbered 'Till Charles was almost dead.

Yes— that was all of the vision.

What by this vision is taught ? Nothing we had oysters for supper

Charles Augustus ate a quart.


Organization o! Class 1905.


D. Shemweix Asheville, North Carolina


J. H. B.^RKSDALE Greenwood, South Carolina

SECRETARY AND TREASURER. B. F. Wyman Aiken, South Carolina

HISTORIAN. J. N. Campbell Carthage, North Carolina

Colors : Motto :

Purple and Gold. Facere sine jactantia.


Rickety ! Rickety ! Rack tee-ro ! Plinkety ! Plinkety ! Purple and Gold ! Tow-wow ! Bow-wow ! Man Alive ! What's the matter with Nineteen Five?


v^ -J: ..^;

^ ■«£ a ^^:s

treatise on W(7;//a a patu. Hicks's ingenious methods of irrigation of the antrum would fill volumes, while Taylor's list of new diseases would make a book of con- siderable size ; McQueen's symptoms of love present nothing new and scarcely deserve mention, though Yount's prophylastic treatment for such affections is to be highly recommended. McLean has shown by repeated experiments the func- tions of the vocal cords, and Sam Withers has given an accurate description of the functions of the vermiform appendix.

Lastly, we mention the new hospital, of which our class was the first to take charge. It has at all times been a most hospitable place for us to meet and our experience there has been very gratifying.

We might mention scores of other items that would be of interest ; but for fear of making our story too long, we must omit them.

We now close this attempted history with the hope that next year it will fall into more competent hands, and that the inspiration for which we have waited in vain this night may rest on him. Though what we have written is wander- ing and uninteresting, we thank you for having read it, and we sincerely hope that even now our motto is applicable to you :

" Sana mens in corpore sano."



3l V)v\/^l^^.MouS i<iXx-.



Organization of Class 1905.

D. Shemwell



■•:>rth Carolina '

J. H. Hakksdale Gieenwocxl, Soutti


B. F. \\'ym.'\n


J. N. Campbeij.

Aiken, South Carolina

Carthage, North Carolina

Purple and Gold.

Mo'l To -. Facere sine jactaiitia.


Ricket\ ! Rickety ! Rack tee-ro ! Plinkety ! Pliukety ! Purple and Gold ! Tow-wow ! Bow-wow ! Man Alive ! What '.s the matter with Nineteen Five ?

Freshman Class Roll.


Abernathy, M. B., Croft, N. C. Berrvhjll, M., Sodo, X. C. Blue, D. A., Athens, N. C.

BuTi.ER, G. H., Goldsboro, N. C. Campbell, J. N., Carthage, N. C. Cukkv, T. K., Davidson, N. C.

Ekvix, C. \V., Pine Grove, S. C. Forney, C. D., Morganton, N. C. Gibson W. T., Barium Springs, N. C.

Grey, M. M., Davidson, N. C. Harrison, A. R., Huntersville, N. C. Heilig, G. P., Davidson, X. C.

LowRANCE, J. H., Mooresville, N. C. Mawhinney, J. A., Marianna, Fla. McDo\vell, C. E., Asheville, X'. C.

McIvER, G. \V., Montgomery, Ala. McLean, M. L., Maxton, X. C. McQueen J. A., Mowers, X. C.

O' Kelly, W. F., Con\'ers, Ga. Paddison, G. a., Wilmington, X. C. Phillips, R. W., Orwood, Miss.

Phillips, W. W., Orwood, Miss. Rankin, F. A., Erskine, X. C. Rankin F. W., Mooresville, X. C.

Stirewalt, X. S., Davidson, X. C. Thirston, a., Tailorsville, X. C. Tucker, T.. Xew Bern, X. C.

Thompson, W. T., Washington, D. C. Williams, S. C, Mooresville, X. C. Wyman, B. F., Jr., Aiken, S. C.


Barksdalk, J. H., Greenwood, S. C. Bruce, E., Toccoa, Ga.

Craig, I. M., Reidsville, X. C. FiNLAYSON, J. A., Jr., Marianna, Fla. Hall, R. R., Cardenas, Cuba.

McCaskill, J. C, Maxton, N. C. McDavid, R. I., Woodville, S. C. McEachin, A. D., Laurinburg, X. C.

Shemwell, D. , A.sheville X. C. Smith, H. B., Greensboro, X. C. Weatherly, C. H., Jamestown, X. C.

Wharton, T. E., Whitsett, X. C. Young, F. E., Clinton, S. C. Yount, E. H., Xewton, X. C.

Croaker, W. S., Columbus, N. C. Dennison, a. S., Xew Bern, X". C.


History of the Class of 1905.

ON the fifth of September ujoi, there assembled on the Davidson campus one of the largest and most promising classes in the history of the College. We were met at the depot by the Y. M. C. A. Reception Com- mittee and welcomed very cordially indeed. Unfortunately, the hospitality shown us by this committee was offset by the reception given us by the Sophs, on the ensuing night. The harrowing tale of Mary and her little lamb was in every Freshman's mouth, and the College walls resounded with the pathetic strains of " Home, Sweet Home."

Under these circumstances, we deemed it unwise to attempt any organization whatever. When, however, the gro.sser sensibilities of our tormentors had become satiated by our weird performances, and our fears had somewhat abated, we held a class meeting and elected the following officers : Shemwell, President ; Barksdale, Vice-President ; Wyman, Secretary and Treasurer ; Campbell, His- torian. The following yell was adopted :

Boo-la-ra ! Boo-la-ra ! Wah-hoo-wah !

Facere sine jactantia ;

Purple and Gold, Koka loo Kive !

Vive la ! Vive la ! Nineteen Five !

We immediately lined up in front of the College building and defiantly hurled our battle-cry into the very teeth of our opponents and ran !

Nearly all our boys belong to one of the literary societies. Each one .seems to take a deep interest in the work required of him ; and so far all show marked progress in literary acquirements.

In athletics we have done fairly well. On the College football team we were represented by three men, and four on the scrub team. We will doubtless have two or three men on the baseball team this spring ; and our material for representation on Athletic Day is promising.

With this brief account, I shall conclude the attempted history of our class, trusting that, though we may not reach preeminence during our college or busi- ness life, or rise to the lofty heights of oratory, poetry, or philosophy, we may nevertheless be stimulated to press ever forward to higher and better things, per- forming our duty with scrupulous fidelity, ever believing in the motto, " Facere sine jactantia."


The Fresh.

A green-looking Fresh, came on the hill,

And to the Bursar paid his bill ;

Then essayed he fortli new things to see,

And wondered how such things could be.

He saw old Project and heard him gas

Of high-toned boys and window-glass ;

He heard little Dickie talking Dutch,

And wondered why he talked so much ;

He saw bland Tommy, and feared a drouth

Until he ope'd his luscious mouth ;

Then Puss told him a splendid joke

About old Noah and his famous boat ;

Bill Joe's appearance gave him a shock,

But he didn't stop to laugh or mock ;

Dandy Jim's kind smile, so broad and sweet.

Was in joyous accord with his graceful feet.

Wondering, he saw Long John go by,

Amazed that men could grow so high.

Then went he over to buy some books,

But fled in dismay at old Wooley's looks.

Down the crowded street he rushed in a hurry,

And ran into the arms of good Doctor Currie.

This kind gentleman quieted his fears.

Soothed his excitement and dried up his tears.

Galloped him to market on his broad, spacious knee.

Now that F"resh. is as happy as a Freshman can be.


Nestling at the lily's breast,

Tiny, sunlit drop of dew May the one that I love best

Be as fair as you :

Near to earth ivithout earth's taint. As you in your cup of pearl ;

Not an angel or a saint Just a pure, true girl.

From the -world that round her lies, fathering nothing but the sweet ;

IFith that light caught from the skies. Making life complete :

Fair and pure and sweet and good. Blessing all around, and blest

Such a one is she I would Choose to love the best.

William Gilmer Perry.


' ^ .>*^» 35» i'i '5






THE OlviE i


Nestling at the itiy's

Tiny, sunlit drop or May the onf that I iovc oi.-i

fir as fa r as you :

. th without earth's taint. As yuu ,n your cup of pearl ., Sot an an\el or a saint ,

'Just a fure, true girl.

Irom the world that round her lies, Gatheri))g nothing but the sweet; •%^ fVith that light caught from the skifi , ^ Making \ life complete :

Fair and pure and sweet if "■ all around, and

is she I :;•/,' ' ■'; . ..'. I'o love the





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Medical Class Directory.


R. M. KixG . President

J. M. BoYCE Vice-President

C. E. McLean vSecretarj^ and Treasurer

Colors : Motto :

Red and White. Mens sana in corpore sano.


Contre coup ! Mump.s and Croup !

Smallpox scar ! Rah ! Rah ! Rah !

Red and White on Rods and Cones.

N. C. M. C. Skull and Bones.

Y. M. 0. A.

D. S. George President

P. B. Hall \'ice-President

C. A. Baird ... Secrelarj- and Treasurer


A. A. McFadyen Captain

H. S. MuNROE Manager


J. M. BoYCE, Chief M. M. CALD^YELL C. E. McLean

J. F. La\-ton J. C. Wright


Medical Class Roll.

L. C. Adams, North Carolina C. A. Baird, North Carolina A. E. Billings, North Carolina

H. E. Bowman, North Carolina W. H. Boone, North Carolina R. H. Bradford, Nortli Carolina

J. M. BoYCE, South Carolina J. A. Brewin, Mass chusetts M. V. Burrx'S, North Carolina

M. M. Caldwell, North Carolina N. P. COPPEDGE, North Carolina L. J. Coppedge, North Carolina

W. N. D ALTON, North Carolina J. A. DowD, North Carolina A. B. Funduburk, North Carolina

D. S. George, North Carolina P. B. Hall, North Carolina J. A. Hardin, North Carolina

I. F. Hicks, North Carolina H. H. Hodgin, North Carolina R. M. Jetton, North Carolina

W. A. Jetton, North Carolina H. W. Judd, Virginia J. W. Jones, North Carolina

P. E. Jones, North Carolina J. T. Justice, North Carolina T. G. Kell, North Carolina

L. R. KiRKPATRiCK, South Carolina R. M. King, North Carolina J. F. Layton, North Carolina

J. P. Matheson, North Carolina J. Q. Myers, North Carolina H. S. Munroe, North Carolina

H. M. Montgomery, North Carolina J. R. McCrackin, North Carolina D. C. McIntyre, North Carolina

A. A. McFayden, North Carolina R. O. McLeod, North Carolina C. E. McLean, South Carolina

J. W. McLean, North Carolina A. B. McQueen, North Carolina E. W. Phifer, North Carolina

T. J. Profitt, North Carolina H. C. Salmon, North Carolina J. J. Stewart, North Carolina

J. A. SiSK, North Carolina W. F. Smith, North Carolina L. C. Skinner, North Carolina

T. H. Strohecker, North Carolina W. L Taylor, North Carolina H. A. Varner, North Carolina

S. M. Withers, North Carolina

J. C. Wright, North Carolina J. R. Young, North Carolina

E. M. Yount, North Carolina


Statistics for Quips and CranKs.

Medical College.

Average age, 24. Height, 5 feet, 10 inches. Weight, 157. Size of shoe, 7.

Hat, 7>8. Collar, i^yi. Hours of study per day, 6. Books read, 7.

Color of eyes : Blue, 33 per cent.; grey, 40 per cent.; brown, 27 per cent. Color of hair : Light, 17 per cent.; brown, 50 per cent.; black, 30 per cent.; red,

3 per cent. Favorite games : Cards, football, tennis.

Favorite study : Practice, Physiology, Materia Medica, in order named. Favorite Professor : Munroe, 70 per cent.; Houston, 16 per cent.; Maxwell, 14

per cent. Favorite style of literature : Fiction first, Poetry second. Favorite authors ; Scott first, Longfellow second. 45 per cent, smoke ; 33 per cent, chew ; 50 per cent, swear ; 27 per cent, use

intoxicants ; 27 per cent, wear glasses. Yearly expenses at College, $250.00. Hours of exercise per day, i yi . Time of retiring, 1 1 :30. Ugliest man, Coppedge, L. J. Handsomest man, Kirkpatrick, Taylor (tie). Fattest man, Jones. Leanest man. Skinner. Wittiest man, Kell. Biggest liar, Judd. Heaviest eater, Salmon. Greatest bore, Coppedge, L. J. Most popular man, Matheson. Most intellectual man, Hicks. Greenest man, Myers. Biggest Loafer, Brewin.


I,aziest man, King.

Cheekiest man, Burrus.

Most boastful man, King.

Most influential man, Munroe.

Best man morally, George.

All-'round athlete, Caldwell.

Best football player, Caldwell.

Best baseball player, Kirkpatrick.

Biggest lady-killer, Montgomery.

Most conceited man. King.

Hardest student, Dowd.

Best writer, tie between Coppedge, N. P., and Munroe.


Senior Medical Class.


E. M. YouNT President

L. C. Skinner Vice-President

W. I. Taylor . Secretary and Treasurer

H. S. MuNROE Historian

A. B. McQueen ... Prophet

Colors : Motto :

Pink and Green. Fidelis ad Urnam.


Rah ! Rah ! Rah ! Pink and Green ! Aconite root, Calabar bean !

C. C. P. P. D. Q.

N. C. M. C. 1902 !


W. H. Boone J. A. Dowd I. F. Hicks


J. p. Matheson J. R. McCrackin J. W. McLean

A. B. McQueen H. S. Munroe

E. W. Phifer J. A. SiSK h. C. Skinner

T. H. Strohecker W. I. Taylor

S. M. Withers E. McD. Yount , J. R. Young


,^ ^ ^?. ^ ^

'^Ai*>_ ''<Sl» -^!>»

■^** -^» ^Um . -'-'.■ t


Senior Medical Class.

E. M. YouNT . L. C. Skinnrk . W. I. Taylor


A. B. McQrEEN.




Colors : Pink and Green.

MoTTi ' : Fidelis ad IJrnam.

.V. :: ..a!i . Rah ' l"'"!-- niifl (heen

Aconite root, Cala'^

C. C. P. P. D. U.

X. C. M. C. 1902 !


\V. H. Boone J- A. Dowd I. F. Hkk<


J. p. Math J. R. McCrackin J. W. McLean

^ n, ■,-„-•.• M < \li-\;i,oF.

K. \V. Phikf.k J. A. vSiSK L. C. Ski.nner

T. I-i. .Sl'KOIIHClvKR ' <iR

S. M. Withers K. McD. Yovnt J. R. Vorv





Senior Class History.

THE history of a class of men who are just in the beginning of professional life seems out of place. Judging from the past might make the future seem gloomy for some of us ; and different from the bright record that we all wish. There is an old adage, however, that '" large trees from small acorns grow," so if any of the men of 1902 should have an individual history as insig- nificant as that of the little acorn, that does not prove that he will not some day tower above his fellow trees in the great forest of his profession.

Our class is composed of eighteen men. Being associated together in thf study of human bodies, in health and in disea.se, in life and in death, we have cer- tainly become acquainted with each other as thoroughly as we could possibly be. But with all this knowledge of both our gross and minute anatomy, we are not yet able to read minds and judge just what impressions have been made, nor what each would consider the most important events for historical note. One might suggest a vivid picture of the dissecting hall, with its ghastly aspects and peculiar aroma ; another would wish us to make mention of the large, cumber- some text-books and long lectures ; while to others the growing of mustaches and whiskers, and various other diversions from the ordinary routine of student life would seem the most important part of his College days.

Aside from the serious part of our development the moral, mental, and physical our history could be filled up entirely with Judd's marvelous tales, Matheson's jokes, or Skinner's Swiss conversations. It could be made very interesting by describing in detail Strohecker's sermon on the typhoid bacillus ; Phiter's Regal Shoe epidemic ; Dr. Sisk's discovery of the site of seeing with his method of heali7ig a heel ; Boone's preparation, financially, fo the Medical Board(ers); Kirk's differenlial diagnosis of infantile pneumonia ; and Dowd's


treatise on mania a patu. Hicks's ingenious methods of irrigation of the antrum would fill volumes, while Taylor's list of new diseases would make a book of con- siderable size ; McQueen's symptoms of love present nothing new and scarcely deserve mention, though Yount's prophylastic treatment for such affections is to be highly recommended. McLean has shown by repeated experiments the func- tions of the vocal cords, and Sam Withers has given an accurate description of the functions of the vermiform appendix.

Lastly, we mention the new hospital, of which our class was the first to take charge. It has at all times been a most hospitable place for us to meet and our experience there has been very gratifying.

We might mention scores of other items that would be of interest ; but lor fear of making our story too long, we must omit them.

We now clo.se this attempted history with the hope that next year it will fall into more competent hands, and that the inspiration for which we have waited in vain this night may rest on him. Though what we have written is wander- ing and uninteresting, we thank you for having read it, and we sincerely hope that even now our motto is applicable to you :

" Sana mens in corpore sano."


31 \)^^^^^MouS ^ott-.


M. D.

They sat upon the tett-a-tete,

The lights were burning dim:

He looked with eyes of love on her, ><he shot a glance at him.

" I tliink I need," he VL-ntured bold, "A doctor, don't you see? For in my heart of hearts, 1 vow The pain 's most killing me."

She brushed aside the wavy liair. Threw back a hauglity head : " Then, foolish boy, why don't you seek ? The world is full," she said.

" Ah, yes ! l;)ut in this .sickness sore No time to lose," said he,

'' So in the name of Cupid bright 1 dub you now M. D."

A roseate blush and drooping eyes In silence told the tale. " The pain, my dear, has fled," said he ; " Your skill can never fail."

And then, as flicker went the gas.

He deemed it not amiss To claim of this, his own M. D.,

Love's antidote a kiss.


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M. D.

They sat upon the tele

Till' lights were bun.ii , . . //. looked with eyes of lov on |.

>'■(■ shot a glance at M n

ihink I need," he vin

•' A doctor, don't yoii -^^ < [•"or in my heart of hearts I voln The pain 's most Willi !^ i- ! "

She brushed aside the i

Threw, back a hai. . "Then, foolisli boy, wiv The worltl is full,"

"Ah, yes! bul in this si

No time to lose," siui! m ,

" So in the name of (Jiipid bxi;^ht 1 dub you iiou ^T I) ''

A roseate blusl In silence !• The pain, my (!■ " Your ski

'^:2i5 of

SOME old sage has said that coming events cast their shadows before. Realiz- ing the truth of this statement, we grasp the telescope of time and, launch- ing forth into the boundless realms of space, are borne upon the wings of imagination to the planet Mars. From this suidum temotum we turn our pro- phetic gaze backward to the earth and perceive an ever-brightening constellation of medical luminaries encircling like a halo of dazzling radiance the center of their system, the N. C. M. C, from which great source of light their own splendor has been derived. It is the Class of 1902.

H. S. Munroe, returning from a post-cour.se at Edinburgh, Scotland, finds that his alma mater has transferred her residence to Charlotte, and is domiciled in a stately, brownstone building, where his avuncular relative is still the head of the house. Walking up the granite steps he pushes an ivory button. Old Jack appears with a sweeping obeisance as Stokes exclaims : " I am one of the clan ! " Jack escorts him to the chair of surgery which he fills with his usual ability. Knowing that he has crossed the meridian of life, at which period the family, as a rule, are extremely anxious to join the throng of Benedicts, he begins hurling Cupid's darts thick and fast at the heart of a fair young lassie, who falls a vic- tim to his furious onslaught. Clasping her in his arms, we hear him exclaim as of yore, " Eureka! "

Skinner locates at Whiteville, N. C, but only temporarily. He is soon car- ried off into a swamp by a gallinipper. Escaping, he captures a bear, with which he gives street entertainments, much to the delight of the .small boy and the coon. Rising to eminence in his new calling, he journeys abroad with his ursine mate, and while touring afoot through darkest Africa he falls into the hands of canni-

bals, wlio stew him and his bear in the same pot. His death is soon avenged, for every member of the tribe dies in the throes of acute indigestion before the echo of his last " Hup-ma-ray ! " dies away into silence.

Withers never joins a labor union, but allies himself with the Society of Astute Ananiases, of which he is elected Grand Mogul by unanimous vote. The medical profession suffers little at his hands, and when he lays it aside is practi- cally as good as new. ' ' How is that ? ' '

Boone passes the State Board by a small majority, after which ordeal he settles down at Newport News, where he is of great service to suffering humanity, especially to sextons and undertakers " Let me tell you."

After making some startling discoveries in the chemical world, Dowd pitches his tent at Eagle Springs, where he combines the duties of professional with the pleasures of social life. He .spends most of his energy in the ballroom, where his light fantastic toe is very much in evidence. " Yes, sir ! "

Hicks, after a skirmish with the Board, gets his license, and then repeats his former tours over the United States and Canada. Finally, locating in Eastern North Carolina, he wages a hopeless war against the mosquitoes and malaria. " Ah, man ! "

Strohecker, having become interested in Hydrotherapy, purchases the Barium Springs, and having tested its cleansing and curing powers by dipping into the water (only) seven times in three years, succeeds in convincing the world of its value, and the hearts of his friends are gladdened by his cry of " Drinks on me, boys ! "

Sisk goes to India as a medical missionary. We see him traveling up and down the Ganges dispensing Te.stamenls and tinctures, riding on the back of a hippopotamus, whose life-long devotion he has won by curing it of tuberculosis

in the la,st stage. " Well, it seems to me "

Young, the promising pliysician of Mooresville, makes ■]o% on Senior Chem- istry, receives his diploma, and goes on his way rejoicing. " Yes."

Our heart goes out in fraternal sympathy to the mountaineers of Western North Carolina, as we see Yount on the South Fork of the Catawba digging roots and gathering yarbs for the healing of the nations.

Kirkpatrick hits the State Board so hard that four men drop out. Aided by the prestige thus acquired, he lays siege to the heart of a widow with fourteen children and a multitude of mothers-in-law, who soon capitulates. His aptitude in diseases of children and the clinical advantages furnished by his family unite to make him the most successful specialist in Pediatrics the world has ever seen. McCracken saunters back to Crabtree, Haywood County, to look after the sick and afflicted. There he learns to his .sorrow that a physician is not without practice save in his own county.

We see standing on the Atlantic sands a tall, handsome old man, gazing list- lessly out across the waters. We at once recognize him to be our old friend Tay-

lor. He has made a specialty of melancholia, has his oifice in the open air, and is now waiting on the warm seashore for the arrival of his patients, who soon appear in the shape of myriads of mermaids gathering from their caverns in the deep to gaze in love-sick adoration on his Jove-like form. " Ah, Ponti."

Phifer had located at Morganton in the early part of the twentieth century. We now see him there standing on the top of the .State Ho.spital, raving over a game of football which he imagines is being played below. With the exception of these hallucinations he is perfectly quiet and the experts connected with the institution have pronounced him harmless, but incurable.

Under the broad fronds of a palmetto tree we .see the herculean frame of Big McLean, with a .song book open on his knee. Accustomed to bealim: time in mu.sic. the good doctor has grown more cruel as the years went by, and is now continually killing time in the medical profession.

Matheson, bathing in the surf to refresh himself after his desperate struggle with the Examining Board, is swallowed by a whale with a morbid appetite. The whale makes a Sabbath day's journey southward, and finding that he had ingested more than he could assimilate, swims to the shore and, provoking emesis by sticking his tail down his throat, ca;5,ts Mathe.son forth on a sand-bar in South Carolina. Here Matheson's wonderful memory for old jokes soon attracts the attention of the proprietors of Harter's Medical Almanac, who engage his ser- vices as editor-in-chief at an enormous salary.

Judd, who has an aversion to anything dry, from a prohibition town to a lecture on medical ethics, we find, as might be expected, on the bosom of the mighty deep. He is sacrificing his life on the altar of his country by serving as a surgeon in the United States Navy. His first hygienic innovation was to cut down the sailor's grog allowance 50 percent., which he did by appropriaiing it for his ow^n use. The result w^as a marked decrease in mortality among Uncle Sam's jolly tars. As Mr. Judd possesses, in an eminent degree, the faculty of seeing things that are not there, which gift is greatly stimulated by his efforts in behalf of other men's sobriety, the "Saturday Blade" will again revel in startling accounts of " Horrible Monsters, as Seen by Our Special Correspondent on board the United States Warship Temperance." " It 's up to you. "


Joshcm's Mixture.

A Magical, Pagical, Tragical, Chemical Compound of Yarbs and Simples.

(To be taken cum grano sa/is.)

September 5th. School opened under very unfavorable conditions with a heterogeneou-i mass of sand-hill clod-hoppers, Scotch clansmen, mountain feud- ists, etc., and Myers sixty miles away.

September loth. Advent of Myers, who at once took charge. After his matriculation the Faculty hold a meeting and decide that they have undertaken to disprove the law of the conserva- ^ tion of matter, by making something out of nothing.

Joshem. " Going to the lecture on Hamlet, McQueen ? " McQueen ( scornfully). " No ; I 'm better posted on Hamlet

than that man. Why, I don't live more than twenty miles from


O. P. (in Bible Class). " Can you name one of the fallen angels? " The Bright Youth (confidently). " Yes, sir ; Michael."

Our good friend K. is sick today

Because he never knew, And drank in C, He O, A trace of O H,.

" Mr. McFadyen, how would you remove a leech ? " " I would sprinkle salt on its tail."

I^\ W

W.\NTED. A hairbfush Big Un. Hair to brush. Montgomp;rv.


Speaking of last year's captain, ' Why," said the Freshman, "I knew he played football, but I never heard of his captivity."

" What is the first thing to do in holding an autopsy ? " asked Dr. Maxwell. " Well," replied ^sculapius the Second, " I think it would be advisable to anesthetize the patient."

Wanted. One hundred hound pups. McLeod.

After repeated tests in the club laboratory, it has been *- , , thoroughly established that Salmon is bivalent towards bis- ■<,X\ cuits in other words, he always combines with twice his own i"!^ weight.

For yet another toll the bell

'T was Judd who sent him through- For what Judd thought Hg CI

Was Hg CI,.

Wanted. A sewing machine for suturing wounds. The Living Wonder FROM Alleghany.

A case is reported in which Burrus made a post-mortem examination and found the patient doing as well as could be expected.

Suppose you know how Montgomery's head demonstrates his piety ? Not a hair's breadth between him and heaven.

Why are the. N. C. M. C. students patriotic ? Because they believe in the Munroe doctorin'.

Dr. Monroe (in Phy.siology). " These cells do not stain readily during the intervals of digestion (sneezes). What is the explanation of that, Mr. Varner ? ' '

" I think it 's a sign you 've got a bad cold, Doctor," answered Varner, with conviction.



" Doctor," inquired Freshman vSniith, standing his first examination on Materia Medica, " Does that 'pledge' there at the bottom mean that a fellow must swear he has told all he knows ? ' '

" No, Mr. Smith, but that he hasn't told moie than he knows."

For Sale. A large assortment of old bottles all sizes up to a gallon. Young-Man-Who-Llsps.

" Yes," said the Freshman, " Dr. Harding's lecture was mighty interesting. He told us about a man with a magic cloak which rendered him abominable with the exception of one place on his .shoulder."

" What is Arthrectomy of the knee-joint ? "

" I think," was Elisha's answer, "it is what we commonly call knock - knees."



Cow horn Dog hair Leather scraps Rubber shoe-soles


M. Ft. in partes aeguales No. iv

Sig. To be burned as a deodorant when Stokes Munroe starts in on third week with the same old cheroot.

Wanted. A " reserved seat " and a text-book. Wr ght.

Maurice was helping ( ? ) in the drug store while the Pharmacy Class was sick.

" Got any eye-goggles? " inquired a country customer.

After a frantic search among the bottles, Maurice stated that he could find all kinds of throat gargles, but none for the eye. " However," he assured the would-be purcha.ser, " I '11 have Stokes to mix j'ou up .some when he gets back "

Dr. Maxwell has made some epoch-marking discoveries in the course of his histological researches. Among other things he has identified the specific germ which causes laziness, culture furnished by King. He al.so claims to have located the germ of beauty in a cast-off epithelial cell found on Jim Stewart's razor. The origin of the cell is rather in doubt, as Jim had loaned the razor to Justice a few days previous.

He Couldn't Have Meant It.

He was addressinf? the large and attentive class in Soph. Chem- istry on the nitrification of soil by the all-pervading micro-organism. Profiting by the opportunity to point a moral, he vociferated in tones that might have disturbed the sleepers on which the floor is laid, and with gestures which jeopardized the apparatus :

" Gentlemen, you will find that in human affairs, as in all others, the noisie.st are the least important. It is only the silent and unob- trusive worker who counts ! ' '

Freshman (to Little Coppedge). \'/ gist fulfil this prescription ? "

-"Now. will just any drug-

It is an ordinary occurrence to see the gallant Jetton overhaul- ing some daring thief who is making off with ihe drug store's fire and burglar-proof .safe.

Wanted. To hire a reliable weather prophet. Phifer.

Some of us masticate the weed. Brewin has saved enough tags to pay his tuition. McQueen has got a rubber blanket and a new pair of pants by sending 3,000 "Kites" to the manufacturers, while Bowman exchanges them for groceries, and hopes to have enough left over in May to get a grand piano. And there are others.

And Brewin Looked LiKe a Punctured NicKel.*

Dr. Munroe was quizzing in Physiology on Animal Heat. "Now, Mr. Mclntyre. can you think of any other way in which the heat of the body escapes ? ' '

" In the spit," announced Mclntyre, after considerable rumination.

The erudite profes.sor meditated in tun.. Then he fished out the largest piece of chalk in the box, his deep-set eyes light- ing up with joy as he unexpectedly discovered a fragment almost as big as a buck-shot. Wading over to the blackboard he turned before he renewed the long-stai ding test of endurance between his finger nails and the wall, and said slowly, " I don't think that would apply, Mr. Mclntyre, to any one except medical students."


Wanted. An anthropoid ape, to finish out a pair. Would like it answer to name of Budd, as Coppedge wishes to embalm them in immortal rhyme. Hicks.

Speaking of microscopy, Burrus asserts to a skeptical crowd that he has succeeded in locating Adams's intellect, by using the high-power lens, but was unable to make a successful drawing, as the image was too small to show up any detail.

And Josh declares that you can easily demonstrate with the low power that L,ayton's conscience is composed entirely of elastic tissue.

Dr. Maxwell, though using a y'^ oil immersion lens, has confessed his inability to discover any chance whatever for a majority of the Seniors to pass the vState Board.

Hodgin, having purchased his first pair of patent leather Royals, cuts classes for three days in order to admire them to his satisfaction

Caldwell's right auricular appendage is badly inflamed. It was twisted by a slightly inebriated individual who mistook him for one of the street lamps.

King thinks Anesthetics are the greatest drugs in the whole range of Materia Medica. Oh, Dr. King ! Dear Dr. King !

May loth. Experiment 13 (writ- ten up in sadness by Dr. J. P. M.): Apparatus— N. C. M. C. Material Senior Class. Object To make Physicians. Result Failure.


Cross Section, of lntisUna.1 Vcilus ihowirrgCcU.rr,narEpith,7i^r,^

Varner—J-^/S' model.

KzW-HIS' model.


Wh. And

tting alo

the littk 10

sat long ago; •ithout, on the fn Falleth the cold, pure snow


I know not why my thoughts shout To that hour long passed away,

When the purple twUight softly fell At the close of a summer dav.

The breath of the roses floated in

Through the casement, opened wide.

And there, on the low, broad window-seat.

We two sat side bv side.

Wc sat and talked as children will,

Of the days that were to be, Of the wondrous fortunes, sw.-ct and strange.

That should come to v.m and me.

A prince, you said, horn over the s Was coming to clasp your hand,

With silks and jewels, and laces ra From his palace in Fairyland.

He should have a noble, manly form. And a flashing, hazel eye, * And oh!" you cried, '* he shall lov That for me he would d. re to die !

But I tliought a noble, manly heart Would better than beauty be.

And I 'd rather far he whom 1 loved Should live, than die for me.

And still we talked, while from earth and sky

Faded the evening light. And one by one the quiet stars

Came out in the balmy night.

Ah, well ! your laces are rich and rare ;

No jewels could brighter be Than those that gleam on your slender hands;-

But the hero came to me '

Yes, he passed you by, with

And vour eyes like And he clasped my small brown hand in his

As he murmered, "1 love but thee."

Then mv heart sang out in a wild, strange jo "The jewels may be for you,

childish dreams.

But the sweetest of For me, has unsoi

I hear th; sound of his coming feet ;

He is calling, and I must go. While ever, without, on the frozen earth,

Falleth the cold, pur_* snow.



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; -t-. ij'-. I;"-. ..it :i-^ 'm' /£■■•- 'O' :kr ^»- ^


..v< ,.\\

I am sitting alone in the little room

Where we sat long ago; And ever, without, on the frozen tarth,

Falleth t^e cold, pure snow.

.i.'ut;,iii, should turn .issed away,

■Ur snft!\ fVn

The breath of the roses fl<aiid in Through the casement, .ipcned wide.

And there, on the low, h We two sat side by ^

We sat and talked as cl<< "Of thi days that w.-r

Of the H'ondrous Thar should r.

A prince, yovi sjIJ, from over t!ie se

Was coming fo clasp your hand, With silks and jewels, and laces rar

\e a noble, manly form, ling, hazel eye, ou cried, ** he shall love m^

An<l 9t)U ue Eoikcd, while from earth

Faded the evening Itghtj And one by one the quieti stars

Came out in the balnW nighr.

Ah, well ! your laces are rich an! i.:r' ;

No jewels could Hrighrf r be Tlian those that gleam on your slender hands;-

But the hero caiiie tn me!

>u by, wilS ^'*ur gglden hiii, likv . -rinimer sea;

!>rjwn hand in his iuve bijt thee."

Then my heart sang out in :i wild, strange joy :

'*The jew<?ls m^v be for you. But the sweetest of all our i.1iiUUsh dreams,

For me, has unsought come true."

] hear th^ sound of his coming feet ;

He is calling, and 1 must go, While ever, without, on the frozen eur^

Falleth the cold, pur; snow.


Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

North Carolina Theta.


Flower : Violet. Colors : Old Gold nnd Royal Purple.

fratres in facxjltate.

Professor John L. Dougl.\s Dr. J. P. MuNROE Dr. James M. Douglas

Professor Archibald Curry

fratres in urbe.

Henry Stokes Munroe Edwin W. Phifer


Peter Gallard Gourdin, '02 Kingstree, S. C.

James Wilson McConnell, '02 McConnellsville, S. C.

John Howard McLelland, '03 Mooresville, N. C.

Arthur Ladson Mills, '03 Greenville, S. C.

James Wharey Curry, '04 Davidson, N. C.

Charles Arthur Cornelson, '04 Orangeburg, S. C.

Robert George McAliley, '04 Chester, S. C.

Mortimer Lacy McKinnon, '04 Hartsville S. C.

Graham Alford McNair, '04 Hartsville, S. C.

Joel Smith Morse, '04 Abbeville, S. C.

Benjamin Gass Team, '04 Camden, S. C.

Thomas King Curry, '05 Davidson, S. C.

James Chesley McCaskill, '05 Maxton, N. C.

Martin Luther McLean, '05 Maxton, N. C.


?? .:^l . i

•:y, n ti -/ . '^

:r -•f .-^ *T '


- xs





r- -r:- ^

^ $-■: f-. ^-^ !^^"

i ■■

Sigma Alpha Epsilon.

North Carolina Thcta.


Flower : Violet

Dr. J. P. UvKkoE

Colors : Old Gold nnd Royal Purple. fkatres in facxtltate. Professor John L. Douglas

Dr. James M. Dorci >- Professor Archibald Curry


Henry Stokes Munrok ErnciN W. I'mrvK CHAPTER ROLL.

Peter Gallard Gourdin, '02 ;n!r-t'^..-e, S. C.

J.\MES WlI„SON McCoNNELL, '02 . . . ,:■, S. C.

John Howard McLelland, '03 . .e^ N. C.

Arthur Ladson Mills, '03 . . (irecnville, S. C.

James Wharey Curry, '04 . . . Davidson, N. C.

Charles Arthur Cornelson, o-} . Orangeburg, S. C.

Robert George McAliley, '04 . . . . Chester, S. C.

Mortimer Lacy McKinnon, '04 . . . . Hartsville S. C.

Graham Alford McN.mr, '04 . . . Hartsville, S. C.

Joel Smith Morse, '04 , . Abbeville, S. C.

Benjamin Gass Team, '04 . . Camden, S. C.

Thomas King Curry, '05 . . . . Davidson, S. C.

James Chesley McCaskill, '05 Maxton, N. C.

Martin Luther McLean, '05 -Maxton, N. C.

.a^ -.

.4®_ ^^^

Beta Thcta Pi Fraternity.

Phi Alpha Chapter.

Established in 185S as I'lii of Beta Thota Pi ; reestablished in 1881 as Sword and

Shield Cliapter of JMystie Seven ; united with Beta Theta Pi in

1889, becoming Phi Alpha.


William Joseph Martin, Jr., M. D , Pli. D.


Palmer Clisby DuBose Rukus Reid ■Morrison

190:3. William Waddell Arrowood Robert Dale Baffin, Jr.

William Holt Kirkp.^trick; James Aldrich Wytar


Joseph Archibald Cannon Warner Harrington DuBose

Augustus Alexander McLean


Edwin Bruce Irwin Montgomery Craig

James Angus Finlaysox, Jr. Robert Rufner Hall

Dudley William McIver Benjamin Franklin Wyman

medical col,lege.


L.\WRENCE Randolph Kirkpatrick James Ple.\sant Mathesox

Colors : Pink and Blue. Flower : Rose.

Active Chapters, Sixty- four. Alumni Chapters, Thirty-five.



,l«-.^ iJ^"-,,, W>-.^ ST ... ^.-.. iiv

^ i,^ I


Kappa Sigma.

Delia Chapter.

Colors : Old Gold, Peacock Blue, Maroon.


RuFo McAiiis FiTZPATKicK A.sheville, North Carolina


Joel Smith Bailey Greenwood, South Carolina

John Fr.\nk Gorrell ' ' Greensboro, North Carolina

Wilson Plumer Mills Camden, South Carolina


Pendleton Bernard Fetzer Concord, North Carolina

TsCHAKNER HARRINGTON' DeG K.\Fi-ENR lED . . Yorkville, Soutli Carolina


John Hugh Barksdale Greenwood, South Carolina

Henry Elliot Rukf Rock Hill, South Carolina

Dermot Shemwell A.slieville, North Carolina

William Taliaferro Thompson Washington, D. C.


Milton Morris Caldweli Concord, North Carolina

Richard Morrison King Concord, North Carolina


Charles Lester Gkey Davidson, North Carolina

Miles Co.stin Wood Uavid.son, North Carolina



% -H. •■■V?-./^". "^



Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity.

Beta Chapter.


Colors : Old Gold and Garnet. Flower : Lily of the Valley.

fratres in urbe. Professor Robert H. Lafferty

active members. Thomas P. Bagley, '02 ... . John Wilson McKay, '03 ... .

William Sanford Patterson, '03 Robert Hammond Adams, '04 ...

Natt. Taylor Wagner, '04 . . . George M. Wilcox, '04 ....

Richard Thomas Gillespie, '04 . . . Raven Ivor McDavid, '05 .


William N. Dalton

P. A. Stough

Wilmington, N. C.

Mayesville, S. C.

Winston-Salem, X. C.

. Laurens, vS. C.

. Asheville, N. C.

Elberton, Ga.

. Rock Hill, S. C.

Woodville, S. C.

Win.ston-Saleni, N. C.



Kappa Alpha.

Colors : Crimson and Old Gold.

prater in facultate. Thomas Perrin Harrison, Ph. D.


Thomas Peck Sprunt Charleston, vSoiith Carolina

Francis Mitchell Rogers Winston, North Carolina

Henry Alan Johnston Norfolk, Virginia

Robert Simpson Johnston Norfolk. Virginia


Charles Albert Van Ness Charlotte, North Carolina

Thomas Johnston Hutchinson . Rock Hill, South Carolina

Frank Killian Spratt Chester, South Carolina


Augustus Seymour Dennison New Bern, North Carolina


in ■'» Tf ># -s ' "^^ '^w -fj* >sv» "^ t












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Rev. J. B. Shearer, D. D., LL. D.

THE editors, as representatives of the students of Davidson College, wish this page of the Annual to express their appreciation of Dr. Shearer's unfailing devotion to the interests of the students and of the College, and their admiration of him as a man, as a scholar, and as a Christian.

John Bunyan Shearer, the eldest son of John A. Shearer, was born July 19, 1832, in Appomattox Count}^ Virginia. In 1851 he was graduated by Hamp- den-Sidney College Bachelor of Arts, and Master of Arts in 1854, by the Uni- versity of Virginia. At the University he was the contemporary and intimate friend of such distinguished men as Dinwiddie, Bowman; Broaddus, Taylor, Mcllwaine, Nelson, Peters, and Martin. After the regular course in theology at Union Seminary, he was called, in 1859, as his first regular pastorate, to Chapel Hill, N. C. From Chapel Hill he went in 1862, to a charge in Halifax County, Virginia, where, in addition to his preaching, he founded a school which pros- pered exceedingly.

His success as a teacher and financier led to a call in 1870 to the presidency of Stewart College, Clarksville, Tennessee. This institution, then without "stu- dents, faculty, apparatiis, cabinets, or library," was by his ability as administra- tor, financier, and educator, built up until it became the strong and substantial Southwestern Presbyterian University. In 1888, Dr. Shearer was called to David-son College as President and Professor of Biblical Instruction. These posi- tions he filled with eminent ability until June, 1901, when owing to failing strength and a desire for time to put his literary work into permanent form, Dr Shearer laid down the burdens of the presidency. He still occupies his chair of Biblical Instruction, and teaches with all his accustomed energy and enthusiasm. During his administration as president the number of students at David.son was almost exactly doubled, increasing from eighty-nine to one hundred and .seventy-five ; and this fact is only external evidence of the healthy growth of the College in influence and in usefulne.ss. Nor has Dr. Shearer's activity in the cause of education been confined to the professor's chair or to the president's office. He is the Chairman of the General Assembly's Permanent Committee on Church and Christian Education, a cause to which his life has been earnestly devoted. He has given ten thousand dollars as an endowment fund to the University at Clarksville ; and he has just completed, at an expenditure of about the same amount, and turned over to the trustees of Davidson College, the


Shearer Biblical Hall, a double monument to Dr. vShearer's generosity and to the subject of study nearest his own heart. Besides these beneficences, Dr. Shearer has contributed largely of his time, wise judgment, and means to the cause of the education of women. Red Springs Seminary, the Statesville Female College, and the Presbyterian College at Charlotte are in great part the work of his hands.

Dr. Shearer's life stands for two high and closely related principles : Church and Christian Education, and the Bible as a subject of College Instruction. " In 1870 he planned and executed the idea of making a thorough and comprehensive training in the English Bible a necessary part of higher education " so far as is known the first practical and successful application of this idea.

All who have been benefited by Dr. Shearer, and the number of such is large, owe an equal portion of gratitude to his wife, nee Lizzie Gessner. To her the Biblical Hall is dedicated. "She has been her husband's best coun.selor and inspiration in every good work, and whatever they have done of good each gives the other the credit of it all. Not being blessed with children of their own, their one thought has been to bless the children of others. ' '

This .sketch consists necessarily of mere cold facts. Beneath them there lies a story of noble self-denial, of consecrated devotion to lofty ideals, that must be an inspiration to all who know Dr. Shearer. As a .scholar, he is exact, thorough, and at the same time broad ; as a teacher, singularly gifted with the power of impres.sing great truths upon the minds of his students, and of training them to think ; as a man, he possesses great business sagacity, and withal a fund of genial humor and general information that make him delightful as a companion ; as a preacher, clear, logical, cogent, and in the highest and truest sense eloquent He is a power making for righteousness, and it is the earnest prayer of all who know him that his life may long be spared as a benediction to the world.


The Pledge of Her Love.

' ' /"^H, if we flowers would but speak, what stories we could tell," murmured I J a faded pink rosebud, lying in a tiny Testament. " Full well do I ^"^ remember when I first unfolded my petals and looked around me. I was the only bud on a bush that grew by the gate of an old Southern home. It was a lovely evening in June, and a few pale stars were gazing down at me. I was trying to bend my stem so that I could see them better, when I heard voices, and a man and a girl stopped beside the gale.

" He bent down and kissed her lips tenderly, then mounted his hor.se and rode away. Suddenly two warm, red lips touched my velvety petals. ' Little flower,' the maiden whispered, ' I will have to tell you I could not tell any per- son ; little flower, he loves me he loves me ! Ah, God will help me to lie good and pure and lovely, for my love's sake ; and, little flower, no one else shall ever touch my lips ! ' and she kissed me again.

;!; ;|: * * * *

" The next evening they came again ; and as she told him good-bye (he was going to take his place under the banner of Lee), she broke me off the bush where I 'd had such a short life, and kissing me, .said ; ' Let me put this in your Testament, dear.'

" As he put the book back into his pocket, he clasped her hand and said : ' Whenever I am tried or tempted, I shall look at this little rose, and, rcL-alling your sweet faith and trust in me, I shall learn to trust my.self.'

;|; :■; * * * ;K

" Months went by ; the .soldier-boy had stopped writing to his girl. He never opened his Te.stament now to look at me a silent witness of her love.

" At last there came a great battle, and when it was over he was left lying on the field, his blood staining my faded petals.

" riiey buried him there under a sentinel-like pine, and one of his comrades took the Testament from over his heart and sent it to the lonely girl.

" When we were handed to her, her eyes were bright with pain. No tears had she shed ; for did not people say that her lover had been unfaithful to her ?

" Very quietly she opened the book, but when she saw me lying between two blood-stained pages, she remembered that I had been a pledge of her love and faith. Like a summer .shower, her tears gushed forth and fell on my stained and faded leaves.

" Then she ki.ssed me once again, and I knew that her lover was forgiven."

F. E. G.

I if)


The Pledge of Her Love.


ould tell," iiuirmured

It. "Full well do I

; id around me. 1

Mthern home. It

iig^ down at me.

<.T, when I heard

I hi.--

horse arid s, Little

•!! :V > ptT-


^H, if we flowers would but speak, what

a faded pink rosebud, lying in a t^

remember when I first unfolded ii!\ was the only bud on a bush that s^rew hv '.ix. was a lovely evening in Jun; , I was trying to bend niv -t voices, and a man and ,i '^ tlie g"ale.

" He bent dowii an . , . ;- tenderK . then

rode away. Suddenly two warm, red lips toi- flower,' the maiden Vi'hispered, ' 1 will have (■ son ; little flower, he loves me he loves uve ' and pure and lovely, for my love's sake ; an.i touch my lips ! ' and she kissed nie again

" The next evening they came again ; and as she told him good-bye (he was going to take his place under the baimer of Lea), she broke me off the bu.';h where I 'd had .such a short life, and kissing me, said : ' Let me put this in your Testament, dear.'

" As he put the book back into his pocket, he cln.sped her har. ' Wlienever I am tried or tempted, I shall look at this little ro< your sweet faith and trust in me, I shall learn to- trust myself.'

;!;:[:** *

" Months went l)y ; the soldier-boy had stopped i\'^;t;tii( to never opened his Testament now toiook at me :a .si!', f

" At last there came a great battle, and whc on the field, his blood staining my faded petals.

" They buried him there under a sentinel i !• . nitie, and one of his comrades took the Testament from over liis heart ;i;

" When we were handed to her, hci had she shed ; for did not peoj>le

" Very, quietly she opened tl. two blood-stained pages, she rememlx i l i diat I had been a pledge of her love and faith. Like a .summer shower, lier tears gushed forth and fell on my stained and faded leaves.

" Then she kissed me once again, and I knew that her lover was forgiven."

I-". ]'. G.



the lonely girl. uriglit with pain. No tear.'- over had been unfaithful to her ? when she saw me lying between




Disconsolate, lone, of life almost aweary,

Kate, dear one, or guiding spirit, if such there be,

Led my wandering footsteps to thy side. In thy pure self my better life I found ; My heart for thee with yearning love was filled ;

In thee I saw my guardian angel, love, my guide.




/^ver the lake we float adream

My beautiful one and 1 The night adream on the face of earth,

The moon adream in the sky. The nightbird croons to his mate adream

In the dreamy trees above ; 1 whisper low, "My beautiful one.

There 's nothing true but love." P. T. 1.

Library Organization.

LIBRARY COMMITTEE. Thomas P. Harrison, Chairman



H. Johnston

J. S. RowK


R. T. CoiT

W. W. Arrowood



The Davidson College Magazine.


editor-in-chief. Robert T. Coit, N. C, Phi.


J. W. McCONNELL, S. C, Eu W. P. Mii.i.s, S. C, Eu. S. E. HoDGKS, N. C, Phi.

H. H. C.-VLDWELL, N. C , Phi. D. W. Richardson, S. C, Eu. R. D. Baffin, Fla., Eu-

A. R. McQueen, N. C, Phi.


Reed Smith, S. C, Eu. W. M. Walsh, N. C, Phi.

A. A. CuRRiE, N. C.

BUSINESS MANAGERS. P. G. GouRDiN, S. C, Eu. J. H. McLelland, N. C, Phi.


R. T. CoiT, '02 President

D. W. Richardson, '02 Vice-President

W. P. Mills, '03 Secretary

S. IC. Hodges, '02 Treasurer


R. T. CoiT Chairman

D. W. Richardson J. H. McLelland

S. E. Hodges W. P. Mills J. S. Rowe A. E. Spencer


D. W. Richardson Chairman

E. D. Kerr W. M. Dunn H. A. Knox

J. W. McConnell J. S. Bailey, Jr.

BIBLE STUDY. W. P. Mills H. F. Beaty S. E. Hodges

R. D. Dickson J. H. McLelland C. W. Allison


S. E. Hodges W. P. Mills R. D. Dickson

MEMBERSHIP. A. E. Spencer J. H. McLelland D. W. Richardson

H. H. Caldwell S. E. Hodges W. W. Bain

FINANCE. J. S. RowE R. R. Morrison

PALL CAMPAIGN. J. H. McLelland H. G. McDowell A. R. McQueen

W. M. Dunn R. R. Morrison W. S. Patterson

J. A. Ratcliff L. W. McPherson J. B. Stimpson

M. L. McKinnon E. B. Carr



Sweet are the hours I spend with thee, As fieetint^; the moments pass ;

Each dearer than the one before : The dearest is the last.

Sweet are the thoughts ot love and thee, That, lingering, charm me still ;

The mystic spell of human love That binds the human will.

Sweet are the hours I spend with thee, As fleeting the moments pass ;

Each one a lasting memory : The dearest is the last.




Davidson College Athletic Association.


John S. Rowe President

J. A. Wyman Vice-President

T. J. Hutchinson Secretary and Treasurer

FOOTBALL. J. W. McCoNNELL, Manager M. M. Caldwell, Captain


F. K. Spratt, Manager J. S. Bailey, Captain

TRACK. W. M. Dunn, Manager J. A. Wyman, Captain


W. R. Clegg, '02 R. R. MoKKisoN, '02

W. H. Kirkpatrick, '03 J. A. Cannon, '04

J. H. McLelland, '03 N. T. Wagner, '04

T. J. Hutchinson, '04 J. A. Wyman, '03

J. A. Mawhinney, '05 J. N. Campbell, '05



Athletic Records.

Pole Vault lo feet, lo inches

Makcellus Wooten, '96.

Hammer Throw 117 feet

D. K. Pope, 'g6.

Hurdle (120 yards) 16 1-5 seconds

J. A. Steele, '98.

One Hundred Yards 10 seconds

H. C. Reid, '94.

Two Hundred and Twenty Yards 23 4-5 seconds

O. J. HuiE, '01.

Four Hundred and Forty Yards 51 1-5 seconds

H. .S. Rekd, '95 ; J. A. Steele, '96.

Half Mile 2 minutes, 18 2-5 seconds

O. J. HuiE, '01.

One Mile 5 minutes, 5 seconds

H. C. Reid, '97.

Mile Relay 3 minutes, 28 seconds

Class 1900, '97.

Baseball Throw 333 feet


Shot Put 39 feet, 5 inches

A. D. YONAN, '00.

Long Jump ... 22 feet

Marcellus Wooten, '96.

High Jump 5 feet, 9 1-2 inches

R. H. M. Brown, '94.


McCONNELL, Manager Caldwell, Captain Brewin, Coach


mil RowE Taylor

Klo 1711

Mann Fetzer

17') ' l'-«i

McFadyen Caldwell

Ki.-, us

Kirki'atrick, W. Wyjl'^n, J. A.

1411 14S


141) IW)






Wyman, B.


Johnston, R. Phifer Dalton

t '-^ .'^r 3..i

■'■■ a 4- ^^,a

..* •:< &. ■'^

''I "X '^. -1 '


1/ -^ .a -^^ .^S ■■'^

% v| -.^ .{| .^>fi

iMcc'iNNi.i.i., Manager Caldwell, Captain liiao, , >,'..a.



k'w; Taylok

1 . ' 1 71 1

Maw I-"i, I /.I.I.;





is 1 K K ] . V

K ll^K , \\ .

\'v ^ ,












Johnston, R.


Wyman, B.





Football 1901.


at Davidson, N. C, Guilford, o; Davidson, 24

October 19

at Davidson, N. C, North Carolina Military Academy, o; Davidson, 23

October 26

at Charlotte, N. C, University of North Carolina, 6; Davidson, o

October 30

at Columbia, S. C, South Carolina College, 5 ; Davidson, 12

November 16

at Athens, Ga., University of Georgia, 6; Davidson, 16


at Raleigh, N. C, North Carolina A. and M. College, 27 ; Davidson, 6


Baseball Team.

J. A. Brkwin . ^

t. K. Spkatt

T e „. Manager

J. S. Bailey ... r. Captain



U Hailey,J..S.

\\ ilco.x.


IJe (iraffenried




Wyman, J. A.




Morrison, R. Clegg,

Smith, W. L.


J. A. Brewin F. K. Spkat : i vS. Bailen

Oaseball Team.

DeCiraifeni ied.

. Coach Manager . ^aptain


W uiiiiii. I. A.



iMi'rri^oii, K. Clegg,


Sniitli, W . i,.

.S4w ^i» ^i

'I<!,0 'if


f ^H^ -.^gg^


Tennis Association.


R. M. FiTzi'ATKiCK Presidem

\V. R. KiKKi'ATKiCK \"ice-Presideiit

H. A. Johnston Secretary and Treasurer


Ratcliff Mills, \V. P. Thompson, M. A.

Wyman, B. F. Rowan

RowK McDowell, C. E. Parkkr

Bailey, J. S. Caldwell, M. M.

Hall Thompson, W. T. Gokkell

RosEBRo Hodges



■ty .f- ^. l:i ;f; c f;^ c

y- J *- , 7

Tennis Association.



Johnston . .

. . Presideni

.... \ ice- President

Secretary and Treasurer


Mii.i.s, \V. P. Thompson. M. A.

•>MAN, B. F. Rowan

McDowKi-L, C. E. Pakkhr

; I , 1. s. Caldwell, M. M.

Thompson, W. T. Gorrkll




Mandolin and Guitar Club.

Director W. L. Smith


Business Manager Thomas P. Bagley

Leader Natt. T. Wagner

Mandolins T. P. Bagley Ralp. Helper

Guitars M. Maxwell T. H. DeGraffenried N. T. Wagner

Violin W. I. Taylor

Violincello W. L. Smith

Autoharp A. E. Spencer


.1 _■««■_„ /■'".'^•/^•-•r^- •*


f^\ ^ "^7. ^;^:. y

Mandolin and Guitar Club.

Director W. L. .Smith


Business Manager Thomas i' '' -.■tv'



Alandolins T. P. Baglky Ralp. Hklper

' Violincello W. Iv. Smith

'.uitars iM. Maxwell T. H. DeGkaffenried N. T. Wagner

Violin W. I. Taylor


A. K. Spencep


Glee Club 1901-02.

A. E. Spexcer Leader


J. W. McLean \V. H. Kirkpatrick D. W. McIver

P. P. Bkowx J. S. Baii.ev



FIRST BASS. W. E. Cooper M. A. Thompson


A. R. McQueen N. T. Wagner

W. L. Smith A. E. vSpencer

Life is love,

And love is delightful life ;

But life is strife,

Even with a delightful wife.


•^ . ^ -^^

•ijft. Sat lii

Glee Club 1901-02.

A. E. Spencer



J. VV. McI,} \^ W. H. KiRKi-Aii.

i'. P. Brown




FIRST BASS. W. E. Cooper M. A Thompson


A. R. McQueen W.. L. Smith

A, E. Spb.ncer

Eife is lo\e,

And love is delightful life ;

But life is strife,

Even with a delightful wife.





M O H In^ "l'^

A. E. Spencer Leader

P. P. Brown P. S. Easi.ey D. W. McIvER



J. S. Morse W. B. vSmith


J. B. Stimpson

J. W. McLain

A. C. Boney

M. A. Thompson

N. T. Wagner


A. R. Harrison

FIRST BASS. A. K. Spencer

T. P. Sprxtnt

W. E. Cooper

W. W. Arrowood


W. E. Smith



R. T. CoiT, '02





C. W. Allison, '04 W. W. Arrowood, '03

J. F. GoRRELL, '03 N T. Wagner, '04


J. S. Bailey, '03 R. D. Baffin, '03

R. S. Johnston, '03 J. S. Morse, '04




k. r.





C. W. Allison, '04 W. W. Arkowood, '03

J. F. GoRRELL, '03 N T. Wagner, '04

Qumenean. .

J. S. Bah k D nvKK.N-, '03

R. S. Johnston, '03 J. S. Morse, '04



3- ''*1»




Junior Speaking.


Friday, February 21, 7:30 P. M.




J. L. Anderson, Reidville, South Carolina A National Loss

VV. W. Arkawood, Bethel, South Carolina "The Riilinir Passion"

J. S. Hailkv, Greenwood, South Carolina . . . Social Equality

H. F. Beatv, Mooresville, North Carolina "A Riot in the Scutcheon"

L. A. Bennett, Highland, Florida The Parcels Post


\V. J. Blake, Abbeville, South Carolina America's Pedigree

F. V. Brown, Newton, North Carolina The Man Hehind the Plow

H. H. Caldwell, Harrisburg, North Carolina The True South

MUSIC. Saturday, February 22, 11 A. M.



VV. J. Dunn, Jacksonhani, South Carolina The Mission of Cnrsus

J. F. (ioRRELL, Greensboro, North Carolina Patriotism

H. A. Johnston, Norfolk, Virginia The Age of Chivalry is not Dead

R. S. Johnston, Norfolk, Virginia . Mozart

\V^ H. KiKKl'ATRiCK, Blackstock, South Carolina Edgar .Ulan Toe

MUSIC. 150

H. A. Knox, Oak Forest, North Carolina Pfg A^rho/a

H. G. McDowell, Asheville, North Carolina Savaiwro/a

J. H. McLelland, Mooresville, North Carolina Ui Imperative Dii/y

H. E. McMuKRAV, Mint Hill, North Carolina. . . J)f;/ioir,uy in tlu- Xineteenth Cciitiiiv


Saturday, February 22, 7:30 P. M.






. P.


. S.










A. '




McQueen, Carthage, North Carolina

Mills, Greenville, South Carolina

Mills, Camden, South Carolina. Patterson, Winston-Saleni, North Carolina. . . Rogers, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. . .


/'//(■ /-'ii/i- of h'iiiffs

Y'/u- Field for the Specialist

. The Spirit of Coiiiuiercialisin

. Teachings from E.yample

.1 merica' s Snpremacy

RoSEBRo, Cleveland, North Carolina .Sl'RUNT, Charleston, South Carolina. Thompson, Davidson, North Carolina WvMAN, Aiken, South Carolina. . . .

.... The Fiiti/rc of Cnlia

Politics 7's. Justice

The Infhience of .Xatnre

. The Territorial Policy of the L ^nitcl States





. ^mUm^':& j^_/i.

Senior Speaking.


Friday, March 28, 8 P. M.




r. \\ Bacji.ev, Wilmington, North Carolina - . . /j Crime J

W. U. Clegg, Carthage, North Carolina . . ... jy,,- Decadence .

R. T. CoiT, Salisbury, North Carolina . .

1'. C UuBosK, Souchow, <.hi:v. .■ "■: a,Nl' 0/d Man 0/ ,M

K. M K:t/1'ati<ick, Asheville, North Carolina . f/ic First Mar/y

W C. C^.iKKiN, Kingstree, North Carolina. _v,i>

S K. !!.,:'f rv, Cliarlotte, North Carolina


Saturday, March 29, 8 P. M.


MUSIC. J. W. MrCoNNKLL, McConnellsvillg, North Carolina .

R. R. MuKRisON, Shelby, North Carolina

D. W. Richardson, Davidson, North Carolina J. S. RowE, Conover, North Carolina ...._..,


Rov RosEMAN, Lincolnton, North Carolina . .

A. E. Si'ENCEU, Gainesville, Florida

W. S. Wii.HELM, South River, North Carolina .


m^-mii'- mi-' -

•f.--- , %' , lo- '&• ^-ii.. I

i-: .r-,. ^.: f.'

■"%J .1-" iv: jf



Senior Speaking.


Friday, March 28, 8 P. M.




T. P. BA(iLEV, Wilmington, North Carolina Is Crime Increasing?

W. R. Cleg(;, Carthage, North Carolina The Decatknce of England

R. T. CoiT, Salisbury, North Carolina Sit Lux

P. C, DuBosE, Soiichow, China The Grand Old .Man of the Orient


R. M. FiTZPATRiCK, Asheville, North Carolina The First .Martyr President

P. G. GoURDlN, Kingstree, North Carolina Xo/desse Oblige

S. E. HoutiES, Charlotte, North Carolina 7 I'indieation


Saturday, March 29, 8 P. M.



J. W. McCoNXELL, McConnell.sville, North Carolina A Suggested Solution

R. R. Morrison, Shelby, North Carolina Bismarck

D. W. Richardson, Davidson, North Carolina The World Beautiful

J. S. Rowe, Conover, North Carolina European Supremacy


Roy RosEMAN, Lincolnton, North Carolina Tolstoi

A. E. Spencer, Gainesville, Florida A Plea for Music

W. S. WiLHEL.M, South River, North Carolina Success


German Clvb.


H. A. Johnston President

J. S. Morse Vice-President

T. P. Bagley Secretary and Treasurer



Spratt Caldwell, M

Johnston, R.


Mills, A. L. Morrison




Matheson Hutchinson


Wyman, B.


McLean, P.





■p^'^'>!- '


German Clvb.


H. A. Johns'!'

. . President

J. S. Morse. .

\ ice-President

T. P. Bagley

. Secretar)- and Treasurer MEMBERS.






mIatheson Fitzpatrick

Sl-R >



C\T.li\- i.l.l,, :m.





\rsoN Shemwell



IN securing the following statistics, printed questions were furnished to each member of the student body with the request that he answer them accu- rately and conscientiously. The following results show the characteristics of the students and their opinion concerning the Faculty and the College in general.

AfiE Average, twenty years.

Height Average, 5 feet 8i inches.

Weight Average, 140 pounds.

Size of Shoe Average, number seven.

Size of Hat Average, number seven.

Size of Collar— Average, number fifteen.

Hours Spent Daily in Study— Average, four and three-quarter hours.

Number of Prayers Missed per Month— Average, five.

Number Books Read per Year— Average, twenty-one.

C(;lor of Eyes— Grey, thirty per cent.: brown, twenty-si.x per cent.; blue, eighteen per cent.;

black, twenty-six per cent. CciLOK of Hair— Brown, forty-two per cent.: black, thirty-four per cent.; light, twenty-one

per cent.: red, three per cent. Favorite Game— Football, thirty per cent.: baseball, twenty-one per cent.; cards, twenty- one per cent. : tennis, nineteen per cent.; caroms, five per cent.: checkers, four per

cent. Favorite Study— Mathematics, English, Chemistry, three receiving greatest number of votes. Most Boring Study— English, Greek, Mathematics, Latin,— four receiving greatest number

of votes. Favorite Professor— Grey, thirty-five per cent.: Dr. Douglas, eighteen per cent.: Professor

Douglas, nineteen per cent.; Dr. Shearer, eleven per cent.; Harrison, Harding,

Martin, Currie, seventeen per cent., scattered. Favorite Style of Literature— Fiction, ninety per cent.; historical novels, ten per cent. Favorite Author— Dickens, twenty per cent.; Page, twenty per cent.; Scott, Longfellow,

Shakespeare, eighteen per cent, each ; Dumas, six per cent. S.MOKE? Yes, thirty-five per cent.: no, sixty-five per cent. Use Profanity?— Yes, thirty-six per cent.; no, sixty-four per cent. Wear Glasses?— Yes, sixteen per cent.; no, eighty-four per cent. Yearly Expenses.— S120 to S475 ; average, $262.56. Chosiin Profession?— Yes, fifty-seven per cent.; of these the ministry claims twenty-six per

cent.; medicine, law, teaching, scattering. G(i Callin(;? Yes, fifty-nine per cent.; no, forty-one per cent. TiMi; of Retiring. Average, 11:30.

Use "Pony" on Latin or Greek?— Yes, fifty-five per cent.; no, forty-five per cent. Hours Spent in Daily Exercise.— Average, forty-five minutes.


Ugi.ikst Man Ratcliffe, forty per cent.; McNeil, J. \V., tliirty-three per cent.: Smith, H. B.,

twenty-seven per cent. Leanest Man DuBose, W. H., seventy-three per cent.: 15ruce, eighteen per cent., McDavid,

nine per cent. Fattest Man Fetzer, sixty-two per cent.; Williams, S. C, thirty-eight per cent. Greenest Man Erwin, forty-six per cent.; Blue, thirty-si.\ per cent.; Craig, D. S., eighteen

per cent. Wittiest Man McQueen, seventy-eight per cent.; Easley, ten per cent.: Clegg and Johnston,

H. A., six per cent. each. Most Boastful Man Boney, fifty-three per cent.; Paddison, forty-seven per cent. Heaviest Eater Bagley, at Stirewalt's: Mills, A. L., at Morrow's; Hutchinson, at Barnes's;

McLelland, at Vinson's; White, at Neil's; Ratcliffe and Paddison (tied), at Stu- dent's Home. BifiGEST Loafer— Black, C. L., forty-five per cent.; Smith, W. L., thirty-six per cent.: Parker,

nineteen per cent. Cheekiest Man Boney, seventy per cent.; Paddison, twenty-two per cent.; Shemwell, eight

per cent. Laziest Man Sprunt, W., sixty-four per cent.: Fetzer, Bruce, and Hall, twelve per cent. each. Most Popular Man Coit, sixty-five per cent.; Rowe, fifteen per cent.; Richardson and

Kirkpatrick, ten per cent. each. Most Influential Man Coit, eighty per cent.: Richardson, fifteen per cent.; Rowe, five

per cent. Best M.-\n Morally Coit, seventy per cent.; Dickson, twenty per cent.; Mawhinney, ten

per cent. Best All-'round Athlete Fitzpatrick, sixty per cent.; Wyman, J. A., forty per cent. Best Baseball Player Bailey, forty per cent.; DeGraffenried, twenty-two per cent.: Kirk- patrick, nineteen per cent.; Fitzpatrick, nineteen per cent. Best Football Player Wyman, J. A., sixty per cent.; Rowe, sixteen per cent.; Fetzer,

fourteen per cent.; Kirkpatrick, ten per cent. Hardest Student White, sixty per cent.; Richardson, twenty-one per cent.: Cornelson,

nineteen per cent. Biggest Ladv-Killer Patterson, forty-seven per cent.: Richardson, thirty-three per cent.;

Morse, twenty per cent. (Greatest Bore Boney, fifty per cent.; Craig, U. S., twenty-six per cent.: Smith, W. L.

twenty-four per cent. Biggest Liar. Smith, W. L., eighty per cent.: Tucker, twelve per cent.; DeGraffenried and

Johnston, R. S., four per cent each. Most Conceited Man McConnell, forty-two per cent.; Mills, W. P., thirty-two per cent.;

Stimson, twenty-six per cent. Handsomest Man Johnson, R. S., fifty per cent.; Fitzpatrick, forty-one per cent.;

McLelland, nine per cent. Best Writer Richardson, seventy per cent.; Coit, sixteen per cent.: Hodges, fourteen per

cent. Most Intellectual Man Richardson, ninety-one per cent.; Kerr, seven per cent.: Rowe

two per cent.

? -^i ■». <* -1: ,-^ •'•)

.•3- ■..?.


-;^..^^;-#" ....^^...>

\ tr £■.. r., €^, ,^,..^. :,.

Man Ratcliffe, forty per cent;; McNeil, J. W., thirty-three per cent.; Smith, H. B.,

twenty-seven per cent. l.KANEST Man DuBo.se, VV. H., seventy-three per cent.; Bruce, eighteen per cent., McDavid.

nine per cent. Fattest Man Fetzer, sixtj'-two per cent.; William.'- Greenest Man Erwin, forty-six per cent.; Blue. ll

per cent. Wittiest Man McQueen, seventy-eight per ( i

H. A., six per cent.,jeach.

iff hi per cent.

lit.; fraig, D. S.., eighteen

cent.: Clegg and Johnston,

seven per cent. Hutchinson, at Barne.s'.s : ■0 l-addison (tied), at Stu-

^ -"r cent.: Parker.

'i..-ni\ve'l. .»\f;lil

,. i.-n.i!M.>;on ;ina

Most Boastful Man— Boney, fifty-thiv Heaviest Eater Bagley, at Stirewah-

McLelland, at Vinson N.-il's; Kau

dent's Home. Hk;gest Loafer— Black. (" I •■"' >-;•.■■•'■ w ,

nineteen per Cf Cheekiest Max Boney.

per cent. i.AziEST Man Sprunt. \\., sixty-four per leui.. Kctzcr, Bruce, and I -Most Popular Man Coit, sixty-five per cent.; Rowe, fifteen per

Kirkpatrick, ten per cent. each. Most Influential Man— Coit, eighty per cent.; Richardson, fifteen per .tut.: Kovte, tivi

per cent. Best Man Mor.\llv Coit, seventy per cent.; Dickson, twenty per cent.; .Mawhinney, ten

per cent. Best ALL-'Rou>iu Athlete Fitzpatrick, sixty per cent.; Wyman, J. A., fort> per cent. Best Baseball Player— Bailey, forty per cent.; De.Graffenried, twenty-two per cent.; Kirk- patrick, nineteen per cent.; Fitzpatrick, nineteen per cent. Best Football Player Wyman, J."^., sixty per cent.; Rowe, sixteen percent.; Fetzer,

fourteen per cent.; Kirkpatrick, ten per cent. Hardest Student White, sixty per cent.; Richardson, ti^enty-one per cent.; Cornel-soii,

nineteen per cent. Biggest Lady-Kii.i'.er Patterson, forty-seven per cent.; Richardson, thirty-three per cent.;

Morse, twenty per cent. i'.reatest Bore Boney, fifty per cent.; Craig, D. S., fwertty-six per cent.; Smith, W. L.

twenty-four per cent. '

Biggest I.iar. Smith, W. L., eighty per cent.; Tucker, twelve per cent.; DcGraffenried and

Johnston, R. S., four per cent each. Most Conceited Man McConnell, forty-two per cent.; .Mills, W. P., thirty-two per cent.:

Stimson, twenty-six per cent. Handsomest Man Johnson, ^. S., fifty per c^nt.; Fitzpatrick, fortyone per cent.:

McLelland, nine per cent. Best Writer Richardson, seventy per cent.; Coit, sixteen per cent.; Htxlge.s, fourteen per

cent. Most Intellectual Man^— Richardson, ninety-one per cent.; Kerr, seven per cent.: Rowe

two per cent.

Cherry and Barllelt.

While the glowing coals were fading, casting shadows here and there, Two young hearts were strangely lighted by a feeling new and rare ; Cherry's rosy cheeks were flaming, dark brown eyes all hid from view ; BarileH at her feet, was telling tale of love forever new.

What a pang he felt when Cherry cried, " Vou are a "'//'/ f/onw pbnn ! '' Of course he knew she was mistaken, since from ancient race he 'd come ; Too gallant to gainsay a woman " What about <)ni,srliirri/ fiirt / " " Or a/ij)lr sillier/ " The stinging answer drove them farther still apart.

Another evening's shadows lengthened: Cherry's heart expanded wide; Bartlett, led by Blind Boy Cupid, claimed sweet Cherry for his bride ; Cherry having strong opinions on the " Freedom of the Press," Bartlett then got (■/'(/(■/■ {'side her), hoping to receive a fond caress.

He had hoped to quaff sweet nn-far from her rosy lips so red. But, instead, made f.'hi-rry-in-iii, hurt her feelings, to his dread. Cherry-bonner (il) with indignation then decided not to peni-h ; Peace pnsrrviil, Love's airy nothings whispered softly each to each.

Cherry's love now being boundless, at her father's wondering stare " Papa, don't you think that we 'II be truly a most jolly jinir (pear) ? " They didn't care a single A// how soon the ihitr was set. And eurriiiit (rent) reports are even now that she is Cherry Bartlett.

1 60


[sj ovv here 's a truth, we iiiiist confess, I t 's fixed so firmly in our minds : (yj o Annual 's finished till it is ^ nlivened with a page of grinds. y hose whom we honor will, we trust, ^ xcuse us for these little pranks : ^ ngagid in making Quips, we must [\j ot fail to give some work to Cranks.

^ it is known in social ranks

1" hat grinds are mostly made hy Cranks :

\^ e all admit that this is true

Q f Quips and Cranks of Nineteen Two.

" Eternal smiles his eniptine.ss betray." ^J. L. Willi.\:ms.

" Here will be an abusing of the King's English." Ci.egg.

" A bulking mass of rank, unwieldy woe." Fetzer.

" He is happy who.se life even now shows somewh it of that happier life to come " CoiT.

" The world-renowned baritone and strawberry i)londe." P. P. Bkown.

" Wise and foolish walk hand in hand." Faculty.

A delusion, a mockery, and a snare." Parallel Greek ,\Nn Latin.

" Ode or epic, song or sonnet, Mr. Baffin, you 're divine."

" A slip-shod sibyl led his steps along, in lofty madness, meditating .song." CoiT.

" One of those who bear a laden breast, full of sad experience." —McKay.

" Night after night he sat and bleared his eyes with books." White.

" ' r is the gods, the gods, that make me .so." D. Schenck Cr.vig.

" Ne'er stare nor put on wonder, for you must endure me, and you shall." Wu.co.x.

" Under love's heavy burden do I sink." Rowe.

" He 's harmless, and fools nobody but himself." Finlayson.

" Yet a little sleep and a little slumber." DuBosE.

i6i no

' Swans sing before they die. 'T were no bad thing did certain people die before they sing."— Glee Club.

" I am resolved to grow fat and look young till forty." Long John.

" Put a knife to thy throat if thou be a man given to appetite." Dunn.

"The loss of wealth is the loss of dirt."— Parker.

" Then he will talk ; good gods ! how he will talk ! " Henry Louis.

" Idleness is an appendix to nobility." Morrison.

" The world knows nothing of its greatest men." Harrison and Pad-


" He was so good he would pour rose-water on a toad." Spencer.

" The hairs of your head are numbered." Wooley.

" I am very fond of the company of ladies." Richardson.

" He was as fresh as the month of May." Erwin.

" Would that my horse had the speed of his tongue and were as good a con- tinuer."— Boney.

" His singing drew iron tears from Pluto's cheeks." Gourdin.

"To all mankind a constant friend, provided they have cash to spend." "Skit."

" The world 's fair." Girls at Junior Speaking.

" A dainty pair of glasses on his dainty little no.se, adds to his look of cul- ture and statue-like repose." Hodges.

"Call me saint or call me sinner, but never call me late to dinner." Hutchinson.

" Large will be his footprints in the sand." McDowell, G.

" How can the mercile,ss expect mercy ? " " Dickie " and " Tommy."

' Gods ! how the sons degenerate from the sire." Missionaries' Sons.

" Where did you come from, baby dear? ' Thompson, T.

" The cheerful liar."— Smith, H. L.

" Sweet bells out of time." Chapel Choir.

" In Love he practiced, and in patience taught the sacred art that battles witli disease, nor stained by one disloyal act or thought the holy symbol of Hip- pocrates."—John Peter.

" How soon do we perceive liow fast our youth is spent." Senior Class.

" Pity thj'self ; none need pity more." McLain, A. A.

"God help thee, shallow man; God make incision in thee; thou art fresh."— Hall.

" A studious lad." Cornelson.

" A good farmer spoiled to make a poor student." Bennett.

" What 's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other name would smell as sweet." " Rose."

" Arise, shake the hayseed from out of thy hair." Blue.

" One of God's fools."— Beaty.


" A theologian in the bud." ^Johnson, H. A. " Hell fer sartin." Sr. Eng. Exam. " I am sure care is an enemy to life." Johnson, R. S. "The dawn of the millennium." Graduation Day. " Comin' thro' the Rye." Whiskey Being Distilled. " Like frogs, the little fellows do the most hollerin'." Fresh. " I awoke one morning and found myself famous." Gillespie. ' ' The magic of a face. ' ' Ruff.

" To labor is the lot of man below^" Editor-in-Chief. " A close mouth catches no flies." Smith, H. B. ' Cut my coat after my cloth." Carr. " An earthly paragon." Honey. " Weighed and found wanting." DuBosE, W. H. " A .slovenly dress betokens a careless mind." Blake. " Speech is great, but silence is greater." Weatherly. ' Men, my brothers, men the workers, ever reaping something new. Annual Staff.



THOSE readers of Quips and Cranks who are not acquainted with our College life may be struck by the fact that the number of clubs in David- son College has largely decreased. Feeling that some explanation is necessary, we will say, in the first place, that it is due to various causes. The boys at Davidson are many-sided, if anything, and each one has a high regard for his own opinion. For instance : We were to have State Clubs this year, and the delegations from the various States were called together to perlect some kind of an organization. The Florida delegation could not agree upon a suitable emblem, Daffin upholding as his choice a gopher on a field of green, while Spen- cer clung with equal fervor to the alligator on a field of blue. The South Caro- linians met to organize, but Peter Goiirdin brought up the question as to whether they should support McLaurin or Tillman. the discussion waxed warmer and warmer until a free fight was precipitated. After the ruins were cleared away, John Peter corralled the pugnacious Sand Lappers in his hospital, and the Pal- metto Club could not be. The clubs from the other States were weak in numbers and the North Carolinians pre.sented such a heterogeneous combination for an etnblem that the Editor-in-Chief of the Annual refused to publish it. It seems that the men from western North Carolina wanted a still-worm burrowing in the side of a steep hill in full moonlight ; those from the middle section wanted a coal-black negro dipping turpentine from a large pine tree in the noon-day sini ; while those from Eastern Carolina wanted a gallinipper sitting under the shade of a peanut vine, quietly munching strawberries and cream. It was just such dif- ferences of opinion which caused all the other clubs to fall through. The whist- players, crap-shooters, and smokers clubs, we should add, were abolished by an edict of the Faculty ; girls in Davidson were so scarce that " Ye Ladies' Men's" Club was discontinued.


The Sons of Rest.

THE Sons of Rest, having been specially favored by the Faculty, are largely in the majority. Special inducements having been offered by this organi- zation, we give below the minutes of their annual meeting. We give also the organization of the order, and pictures of the officers, except Mr. Martin's. The photographer tried three times to get a photo, of the Faculty representative, but each time his instrument was broken.


W. Sprunt Supreme Lounger

Parker Royal Bummer

C. L. Black Chief Gaser

WiLHELM Keeper of Seal

Arrowood Inspector of Records

C.'\RR Secretarj'

W. J. Martin liepresehtative from Faculty


[Cotninittee on Membership and the Counsel of Twenty, being secret, is omitted.]

Chairman of Toothpicks Committee, D. S. Craig, A. M. '

Members selected at the discretion of the Chairman.




"^'^HUN'^ ''f^owooo

Minutes of Annual Meeting.

THE annual Assemblj' of the Sons of Rest was called to order at usual time by the Supreme I^ounger. Several new faces mingled with the old, among which were seen : Wear}' Willie, Sand-hill Dan, and Dromedary. These candidates for permanent membership were received and duly initiated, after their records had been approved by the Committee on Membership.

The As.sembly now being in session as Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, Sissy harangued as follows :

"Supreme Lounger and Fellow Members: I move that Big-foot Bob, Senti- mental Frank, and Parson Knox, be appointed as Representatives Extraordinary and Ministers Plenipotentiary to raid old Puss's wine cellar, Dickie's hen-coop, and Dandy Jim's beer garden for the edification and sustentation of this august and worthy body. And I further move that they be required to report within one hour. " Here he sat down amid tumultuous applause. Many clamored for recognition, but Catfish finally secured the floor and .seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried.

Peter the Great Gourdvine now aro.se with a .stern and solemn mien and spake as follows :

" O, Supreme Lounger, and Fellow Dirt-Packers : Suppose one of us .should some day find himself shipwrecked in the middle of the Pacific, floating around in a tub with only a two-cent postage stamp as collateral, and a passing steamer should ask you fifty dollars to take you on board. Now the question is : What would you do ? " He then .sat down with that sardonic grin of the riddle expounder. The full meaning of such a dilemma soon dawned upon the audi- ence, but far more did they feel the amount of energy necessarily expended in its concepiion, and a roar of anger filled the council hall. With a mighty rush the Sons of Rest hurled themselves upon the once great and honored Peter and he was most unceremoniousl}- hustled from the meeting and his name stricken from the roll, to be remembered among us no more forever. After this unusual exertion the hall fell into a state of apathy, and quiet reigned supreme.

When the shock of exertion had passed and the members had collected their equanimity, Jeemes Currie, Chairman of the Council of Ten, made the following

report :

1 66

"To the Supreme Lounger and Fellow Knights of the Road: Having quietly, calmly, and deliberately considered the facts, we find that our constitu- tion has been trampled under foot ; our laws and regulations prostituted ; our most cherished principles bartered as the dust of the earth ; our holy traditions have been polluted, and our order brought to open shame and public disgrace. The finger of scorn is pointed at us by the offscouring of the earth. We are a hiss and a reproach to all men. What has brought about these conditions? How can such things be ? They are the result of misplaced confidence and betrayed trust. The object of our organization and the individual duty of the members is the conservation of energy by floating through life on the flowery stream of ease. We find such is not true. Silent Charley is known to have read three lines of his Greek parallel without the aid of our bosom friends, Hinds and Noble ; Sleepy Rufo has been seen at prayers on an average of once in two months ; Wild Rose actually made a cigarette while carrying twenty-seven ducks in his pocket ; Long John turned over in his sleep ; on his return trip from Best- ing, Smiling Wilson walked half a mile in.stead of riding the blind-baggage ; Li-stless Tom heaved one long sigh when he saw Dickie's Junior German exami- nation ; Reddy Paul is in the habit of taking a bath every six w ' '

But outraged humanity could stand no more. At this long recital of crimes so heinous, the pent-up feelings of the as.sembled hoboes found expression in a wail of horror like unto that of Dante's Inferno. Pandemonium broke loose and yells of dire revenge filled the air. But fortunately at this moment the Foraging Committee returned laden with richest spoils. Soon the sparkling wine of Old Puss and the frothing beer of Dandy Jim were moi.stening the parched throats of the cheering hoboes, while the death squawk of Dickie's chickens floated away on a spring zephyr.

Here we draw the curtain, just as the Alligator Charmer leads the assembly in the mighty chorus : "We Won't Go Home Till Morning."


3Y tVciuiiruLL





(S 1 a a a i r a I IC t t r r a r y ilatljpmatiral (Commrrrial ^ r t r n t t f i r 1 t b I i r a I

Tctms Reasonable

Location Healthful

Accommodations Excellent

Teaching Unsurpassed

Laboratories Equipped

Gymnasium Complete

The trustees are appointed by the Presbyteries of North CaroHna, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida. : :

The year begins the first Thursday in September, and closes the last Wednesday in May.

®l)p Jarultij

Hkxrv Lovis Smith, A. M. (Davidson Col- lege), Ph. D. (Univ. of Va.), President.

J. 15. Shearer, M. A. (Univ. of Va.), D. D., LL. D., A'ice-President and Professor of Biblical Instruction and Moral Philosophy.

C. K. H.\RDING, A. M. (Dav. Coll.), Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Greek and German.

\Vii.Li.A.M R. Grey, A. M. (Dav. Coll.), Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Latin and French.

Tn(i.M.\s P. Harrison", Ph. D. (Johns Hop- kins), Professor of English.

\V.\i. J. Martin, Jr., A. M. (Dav. Coll.), M. D., Ph. D. (Univ. of Va.), Prof, of Chemistry.

John L. Doi'glas, A. M. (Dav. Coll.), Profes- sor of Mathematics.

James M. Douglas, A. M. (Davidson Coll.), Ph. D. (Johns Hopkins), Professor of Phys- ics and Astronomy.

John A. Brewin, A. B. (Boston Coll., Mass.), Physical Director.

Archihai.d Currie, a. B., A. M., Librarian, and Instructor in Latin, Greek, and Math- ematics.

R. M. King, B. S., Instructor in Chemistry. Jni). S. Rowe, J. W. McConnei.l, Assistants in Chemical Laboratory.

W. P. Mills, Assistant in Ena;lish.


Gastoxia, N. C. August 25, 1 90 1. My Dear Profes- sor Harrison: I have decided to take post-graduate work in your department, and shall be with you at the opening of the term. I hope that I shall enjoy the year with you, and that it shall be a source of much profit to us both. I hope you are having a pleasant vacation. Yours affectionately, D. Schenk Craig.

Sept. 4.— Session opens with full attend- ance.

Sept. 9.— Fresh at ^ . M. C. A. reception :

"If this is college life, give us more."

Sept. 14.— Doctor Smith reads an origi- nal poem, entitled, " The Fresh." We give the first verse : " Take them up ten- derly. Handle them with

care ; Fashioned so slen- derly, So young and so fair."

Sept. 15. Fresh: " Why does Dr. Smith take such interest in Freshmen ? "

Soph: Because he is a fresh president.


Sept. 25. Doctor Harrison: " Mr. Coit, what is the most famous play of Shake- speare ? "

Coif. "To Have and to Hold."

Sept. 30. Memlicr of German Club to Fresh: "Erwin, do you have many gei'- mans in your town ? "

Erwin: "Only one : he 's a butcher."

Oct. 4.— Bill Joe at pravers same story.

Oct. 13.— Mr. Mills, VV. P., tries to prove that he is wiser than the ordinary man. Argument not sus- tained.

Oct. 14. Presby- terian College girls in arms against the Da- vidson boys.

Oct. 20. " (ilory in De-feet " issues from the press. The authors, Messrs. But- ler and McDowell, are especially well quali- fied for discussing this far-reaching subject, and their work is deservedly popular.

Oct. 25. Tommy observes that a man's handwriting is an index to his character. "Handsome Jim" is l)eing closelv watched.

north Carolina medical Collcflc,

Laboratory instruction in Histology, Pathology, Chemistry, Bacteriology, Physics. Hospital instruc- tion in Surgery and Practice of Medicine. Clinical Instruction in the Charlotte Polyclinic. Every advan- tage in both theoretical and practical medicine is fur- nished the student.

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For further information address

J. P. MUNROE, M. D., President


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Sir," she said. 'And nhere a^'t 40U bound,

nuj 11 it I e man ^" "I am qoinq fliere, too,

As fast as I can."

Us a qooci place to qo when ^ou need QtT\jth>ncj Ihat '\s kept \\^ a fust^class esta bl i sb m if ni.

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A/hWS SUITS Made from Fine Blue and 151ack .Serges and Worsted and Fanc\- Mixtures, from S7.50 to S20.00.

//. / TS. In eitlier soft or stiff liats. Every popular shape.

S7'/\. ! W //. I TS. Leading makes, $1.00 to S5.00.

.\'/iCK II'K.I K. .Splendid array of artistic shapes. Elegant patterns, 50 cents to 75 cents.

SN//\TS. Our negligee shirts are beauties, and fit correctly. Prices, 75 cents to S2.50.

Cijc Carolina Clotlnng Compani>

J . A . s o I. 0 1/ (; A .s , 1/ ,, ,, ., ,. ,


Air Line Rai l\v a y "The Capital City Route"


New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing- ton, Richmond, Portsmouth, Raleigh, Charlotte, and Atlanta.

.\11 tlirougli trains carry Pullman \'estil)uled Sleeping Cars.

Quickest time between Charlotte and New NOrk. Leaving Charlotte 4.50 A. M.. arrive in New York 12.45 '^•Tue night.

J.AS. M. B.AKR, I.St V.-P. and C. M. Portsmouth, \'a.

R. E. L. BUNCH, (;. P. .A.,

I'ortsmouth, \'a.


Oct. 2(>. Davidson and N. N. C. have a hard-fought battle in Charlotte.

Score: Davidson, o; N. N. C, 6.

Oct. 30. Davidson walks over S. C. Col- lege in Columbia.

.Score : Davidson, 12; S. C, 5.

0< T. 31. Professor -Austin Clapp lectures on Macbeth.

N(>\'. 1.— Dr. Smith reported on campus. Report false.

Nov. 4. Water- works shut rlown for the winter.

N()\'. S. .Advance sheets of " Wild Bores and their Habits," by A. C. Boney. This work will be distrib- uted among his vic- tims free of charge.

N(>\'. 15. Davidson defeats the I'niversity of C.eorgia.

.Score: Davidson, 16, (leorgia, ii.

.\i)V.2.S.— Fictitious game with .A. and M., at Raleigh. On account of same. Dr. .Martin ha.s chemistry on wrong day.


Dec. 6. Banquet given by Dr. Munroe. Professor Douglas wins great renown.

Df.c. 11-23.— "Behold the hour to utter forth the Chant of Hell."

Dec. 24.— Dr. Smith comes home for the holidays.

J.AN. 2. Spring term opens with one cross- eyed Fresh and Tommy.

Jan. 12. Bill Joe again at prayers. Special object.

Jan. 20. The new Fresh addresses " Schenk" as " Dr."

Jan. 22.— Mr. Rat- cliff wants to know- why a certain young lady got angry at his kissing her on the nose. You aim too high, "Rat."

Jan. 25. F resh

B e: Professor

DeMotte said some things I 'd never thought of before.

University of Maryland

School of Medicine



th reg

ular ses-


will begin


I, 1902,




May 1,


3- •■



Clinical Advantages Unsurpassed

For Catalogue and other information, address

R . D O R S E Y C O A L E , Ph. D . , Dean




Compiled by College Men Endorsed by College Presidents

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Attractii-e and Durable Cloth Binding, $/.SO, Postpaid. New edition, with 104 songs added for sixty- seven other colleges. Over seventy college presi- dents have actually purchased this volume to have at their own homes, so they tell us, tor the students on social occasions. Ten editions have gone into many thousands of homes.


Paper, jO Cents, Postpaid Not less than twenty humorous hits, besides numerous others sentimental and serious. Not a single selection In this book but has been sung by some glee club, locally, to the delight of an " encoring audi- ence." Never before published; they are really new.

Gtre Club Leaders will appreciate a collection, every piece in which, by the severe test of both rehearsal and concert, is right-\\\e musical notation, the harmony of the voice parts, the syllabification, the rhythm, the rhyme, the instru-

HINDS & NOBLE, Publishers, ct^.Vi.MUL New York City


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Centrally located We solicit your patronage

Charlotte, North Carolina





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3. A.

iU Sc (Eo.



Dealers in Patent Medicines and Drug- gists' Sundries. Prescriptions a specialty. College stationery always on hand. Low- ney's candy and all latest drinks a spe- cialty. Headquarters for all toilet supplies,


Feb. 4. Dr. Smith lectures on the " Farm- ing Industry on Mars." Wooley takes notes.

Feu. S. Dr. Doug- las : " What is a vacuum "' "

Fresh H : " I can't think just now, sir, but I have it in niv head."

Feb. 10 Mr. Clegg disproves the belief that the tobacco habit is expensive, and explains how at a min- imum of expenditure, one may continually enjoy the pleasure of smoking.

Feb. 11.— Tablets put in Shearer Bibli- cal Hall. "Old Puss" is unable to conduct recitations.


Feb. 13. Shearer Bibical Hall dedicat- ed. Dr. Smith pre- sents the buildini);, which is formally ac- cepted by Dr. McKay, president of the ISoard of Trustees. Dr. Howerton, of Char- lotte, delivers the special address.

Feb. 22. Junior Speaking. The Hill resounds with oratory. Pretty girls by the score.

Feh. 2.S. Sopho- more Banquet, and Dr. J. William Jones's lecture on "Stone- wall Jackson."

Feu. 29. Dr. Har- rison attributes to Milton the authorship

of " Pilgrim's Prog- ress."

March i.— Bill Joe (lecturing); "In con- clusion, I would say that the man is a most consummate ass."


Dr..E. R. Russell

D.wiusoN, N. C.

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M.\KCH 3.— Mr.

(waking up): "Did you call on me, doc- tor?"

M.AKCH 5. Dr. Harding invests in a " Natural Hen Incu- bator."

M.AKCH 6. Dr. Harrison dismisses Senior English Cla.ss fifteen minutes before bell. Surely an evil omen !

.M-\Kcii 8.— "Tooth- I)icks" again comes to the front.

M.\KCH 10. The third morning in suc- cession Long John is at prayers without asking for money.

M.AKCH II. Henry Louis suggests substi- tuting an organ-grind- er for the chapel choir.

.^L\KCH 12. Quar- terly board-bill pre- sented to McConnell bv Dr. Hardinsj.


March 13. Junior Banquet. On same day Dr. Munroe has two successful opera- tions.

M.ARCii 14. "Dan- dy Jim" says "sposin"' only I 3 times.

March Speaking.

Mav 10. Final e,\- aminations begin, and louder than ever do the students of David- son "utter forth the Chant of Hell."

May 24. Anotlier year's work ended.

May 2 S . Co m - mencement day.

May 2S, II r. M.— Senior Banquet and final farewell.

Uranus, Saturn, Marsl Hoorah! hoorahl

lucky stars ! Juno scrapped, but

Jupiter won. Who 'd they fight for?

Davidson '

The Engravings in this Book Were Made by the

our? aiTSwt r\TR/\ dpep

Lord est



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