











JULY 1, 1916

HON. THOS. J. FLAN NELLY, District Court of Montgomery County, Independence, Kansas.

DEAR SIR : When on the witness stand in your Court, on June 30th, "on the matter of devising an equitable rate schedule for the Kansas Natural Gas Company, to comply with the opinion of the District Court of the United States, under date of June 3, 1916," I promised to prepare a compilation showing the use of the "minimum charge" in American Public Utility Rate Sched- ules. Later on you authorized me to have this printed so as to make a number of copies available immediately for use of your Court.

The fundamental principles underlying, and the adjudicated "minimum charge" monetary allowances in force in a large num- ber of Public Utility Rate Schedules are given in the following. A careful study of these will show that:

1. The "minimum charge" doctrine has become a fixed part

of American Public Utility jurisprudence.

2. A "minimum charge" is necessary to prevent discrimination

and compel each class of consumers to pay for the ser- vice they are receiving, and the cost they are incurring.

3. There are ample precedents for making the "minimum

charge" proportional to the size of the consumer's meter, or the consumer's possible demand for service as illus- trated in Sections 28, 35, 42, 49, 66, 73, 75, 76, 84 and 88.

Respectfully submitted,

o er er +*



1 Introduction 5

2 Definition of Readiness-to-Serve 5

3 Readiness-to-Serve and Minimum Charge Distinguished 6

4 Meter Rental Distinguished from Readiness-to-Serve and Minimum

Charge 6

5 Public is More Familiar with "Minimum Charge" than wtth Readi-

ness-to-Serve Charge 6

6 Extent of Readiness-to-Serve Expense 6

7 Minimum Charge not a Discrimination Against Small Consumers 7

8 Absence of Minimum Charge Produces Discrimination 8

9 Object of Minimum Charge 8

10 Minimum Charge Necessary and Just 8

1 1 Minimum Charge is not a Penalty 9

12 Minimum Charge Must be Large Enough to Cover Cost of Units of

Service Used 9

13 Minimum Charge Necessary until Service is Discontinued 10

14 Monthly Basis for Minimum Charge Best 10

15 Minimum Charge should be Proportioned to Consumers' Demand- n

1 6 Legal Right of the Minimum Charge •. . 1 1

17 Missouri Supreme Court 1 1

18 Missouri Supreme Court 12

19 New York Supreme Court 12

20 Tennessee Supreme Court 13

2 1 Kansas Supreme Court 13

22 Arizona Supreme Court 14



23 Arizona Corporation Commission Electric Utilities 15

24 . " Gas " 15

25 " " Water " 16

26 California Railroad Commission Electric " . ' 16

27 " Gas " 17

28 " " " Water " 17

29 Colorado Public Utilities Commission Electric " 17

30 " " " Gas '• 18

31 Connecticut Public Utilities Commission. .-Gas " 18

32 " " " ...Water " 18

33 Georgia Railroad Commission ...Electric " 18

34 Idaho Public Utilities Commission Electric " 18

35 " " " ... Water . " 19



36 Illinois Public Utilities Commission Electric Utilities- . 19

37 " " Gas " ... 19

38 Water " ... 19

39 Indiana Public Service Commission Electric " ... 20

40 Artificial Gas " ... 20

41 " Natural Gas " ... 20

42 " '. Water " ... 21

43 Kansas Public Utilities Commission Electric " ... 22

44 " Natural Gas " ... 22

45 Water " ... 22

46 Manila Board of Public Utility Commissioners. .Electric " ... 22

47 Maryland Public Service Commission Electric " 22

48 " " Gas " ... 22

49 Water " . . . 23

50 Massachusetts Gas & Electric Light Comm'n . Electric " ... 23

51 " " " ' .-Gas " 23

52 Missouri Public Service Commission Electric " . 23

53 " Gas "... 24

54 " Water " ... 24

55 Montana Public Service Commission Electric " ... 25

56 Nevada Public Service Commission Electric " - 25

57 New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commiss'rs-. Electric " . . . 25

58 " " " " Gas " ... 26

59 " " Water " ... 26

60 New Hampshire Public Service Commission. . -Gas " ... 26

61 New York Public Service Commission— Second

District Electric " ... 27

62 New York Public Service Commission Second

District Natural Gas " ... 27

63 Ohio Public Utilities Commission Electric " ... 27

64 Oklahoma Corporation Commission Electric ' ... 27

65 Oregon Public Service Commission Electric " ... 27

66 " " " Water " ... 28

67 Pennsylvania Public Service Commission Electric " ... 28

68 " " " Water •' ... 29

69 Vermont Public Service Commission Electric " ... 29

70 Washington Public Service Commission Electric " ... 29

71 " " " Water " ... 29

72 West Virginia Public Service Commission Electric " ... 29

73 " Water " ... 29

74 Wisconsin Railroad Commission Electric " ... 29

75 Gas " ... 34

76 " Water " . . . 37




77 Connecticut Public Utilities Commission Electric Utilities. . . 40

78 Massachusetts Gas & Electric Light Commis'n -Electric " ... 40

79 " " " Gas " ... 46

80 " " Water " . . . 47

81 New York Public Service Commission Second

District Electric " ... 48

82 " Artificial Gas " ... 69

83 Natural Gas " ... 70

84 Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission Electric " ... 71

85 West Virginia Public Service Commission Electric " ... 71

86 " .. -Natural Gas " . . . 73

87 " " " Water " ... 76

88 United States Census Statistics on Water W7orks

Minimum Charges " ... 77



§ i. Introduction.

The following is a brief discussion of the fundamental prin- ciples underlying the "minimum charge" in public utility ser- vices. The minimum charge monetary allowances that have been judicially determined in a large number of adjudicated cases, are tabulated in Part II. The minimum charge monetary allowances in force in a large number of other rate schedules are tabulated in Part III. The following abbreviations are used :

I. C. C. Interstate Commerce Commission Reports. Mo. P. S. C. Missouri Public Service Commission Reports. N. H. P. S. C. New Hampshire Public Service Commis- sion Reports. N. J. P. S. C. New Jersey Public Service Commission


P. U. R. Public Utility Reports Annotated. R. S. Rate Research (published by National Electric Light


YV. R. C. Wisconsin Railroad Commission Reports. The asterisk (*) indicates that data were furnished by mail from the Commission.

§ 2. Definition of Readiness-to-Serve.

"Readiness-to-serve" is a form of minimum charge made to cover the costs incurred by the utility in holding itself in constant readiness to render service, without, however, delivering any units of service. The actual units of service (such as kilowatt hours of electric energy, cubic feet of gas, gallons of water, or number of messages) used are paid for by an additional rate schedule.

The readiness-to-serve charge has been made primarily in elec- tric utilities; however, this practice is applicable to all public utility rate schedules. The term "demand charge" is used syn- onymously with "readiness-to-serve."1

1 Case and Comment, May, 1916.

§ 3- Readiness-to-Serve and Minimum Charge Distinguished.

"The term 'minimum charge/ as used in public utility rate par- lance, means merely the minimum monthly bill which will be rendered, which includes a certain definite number of units of public utility service. The consumer, however, pays the entire minimum bill, regardless of whether or not he has used the number of units of public utility service that go with the mini- mum bill charge.""

§ 4. Meter Rental Distinguished from Readiness-to-Serve and Minimum Charge.

"The readiness-to-serve charge is made simply for service rendered. The minimum bill charge is a combination charge for service rendered and a certain number of units of service sold.

"A meter rental is rental for equipment which the utility is under obligation to furnish the customer, and the rental is added to the bill regardless of the monthly service consumption. It is wrong in principle and cannot legally be enforced. Failure to distinguish between readiness-to-serve, minimum charge, and meter rental has been the cause of much confusion and some unsound decisions from judicial bodies."3

§ 5. Public is More Familiar with "Minimum Charge" than with

"Rcadiness-to-Serve" Charge.

This is due to the public's contact, for many years, with the "minimum weight" and "minimum charge" features in railroad and express company schedules, and more recently in the parcels post. Practically all telephone schedules also are on a minimum charge basis, and this has helped to familiarize the public with this style of charging, rather than the straight readiness-to-serve charge, which is newer.

§ 6. Extent of Readiness-to-Serve Expense.

A popular fallacy regarding the readiness-to-serve expense is that it is limited to merely the meter or service line. This, how- ever, is far from the truth. The readiness-to-serve feature em-

2 Case and Comment, May, 1916.

3 Case and Comment, May, 1916.

braces the entire plant, and extends back through the entire public utility organization. Thus, in natural gas plants the reserve acreage, that is carried to insure continuous service in the future, and to replace the ever-vanishmg supply, is as much an integral part of the readiness-to-serve feature as is the domestic meter through which the company finally markets the gas to the ulti- mate consumer. Even if the natural gas company does not carry the acreage direct, the readiness-to-serve feature will be reflected in the price that the natural gas company must pay for gas in the field.

Continuity of service is also a vital feature in the readiness- to-serve expense. The public utility plant must not only be main- tained in readiness-to-serve, but must be capable of rendering service every hour of the day, and every day of the year, ever ready to meet the consumers' caprice in using or not using its service. This feature is, of course, especially marked in electric, water and gas utilities.

§ 7. Minimum Charge Not a Discrimination Against Small Con- sumers.

"In the last analysis, the consumers of a public utility are all mutually interested in each other's financial relation to the utility. It is the legal duty of utilities so to classify and fix their charges and financial relations with their consumers that the burdens of the utility's service shall be reasonably, justly, and equitably, but not necessarily equally, distributed over the service rendered its consumers."4

No ethical grounds, sociological motives, or legal obligations can justify the rendering of public utility service to the so-called poorer people of the community at a price, or on a basis, that makes others pay for their service. In this connection it is important to bear in mind that the term "small consumer" and "poor man" are frequently erroneously used synonymously. With natural gas companies a large number of careful studies have shown, beyond any possibility of doubt, that in most cases the small consumer is not the poor man, but the man of moderate or

4 Case and Comment, March, 1916.


well-to-do circumstances, and who can well afford to pay for the expense he is adding to the service in general.

"It is undoubtedly true that the exaction of a minimum charge will result in an apparent hardship to a small number of con- sumers who use their equipment but a very short time, in some cases not more than four or five hours per month. The fact must not be lost sight of, however, that the supply of electric power is strictly a commercial proposition,' and to relieve one customer from the payment of any considerable portion of the cost would merely result in transferring the burden to other cus- tomers, and such a transfer does not appear to be justified."5

§ 8. Absence of Minimum Charge Produces Discrimination.

"Where no minimum charge is made, the company is compelled to carry considerable dead investment, and to incur other ex- penses for those consumers who pay nothing or very little to the company ; and that, where such costs are not borne by consumers for whom they are incurred, they usually have to be carried by other consumers, and are, therefore, in a sense discriminatory."6

§ 9. Object of Minimum Charge.

"The chief argument for the minimum charge is that it covers expense that in the ordinary rate schedules cannot be covered in any other way."7

"The question of the effect of this minimum charge on the revenues of the utility is not of first importance in determining the reasonableness of such a charge. The main purpose of the minimum charge is rather to make it certain that each consumer bears his just share of the expenses incurred in supplying service."8

§ 10. Minimum Charge Necessary and Just.

"Under meter rates revenue is available only when service is used, and it is a common experience that many customers do not use sufficient service to incur a bill large enough to meet the

5 i N. J. P. U. C. p. 620— Minimum monthly charge matter.

6 5 W. R. C. p. 105- -In re Application Green Bay Gas & Electric Co.

7 5 W. R. C. p. 101, In re Green Bay Gas & Electric Co.

8 6 W. R. C. p 163, In re Greenwood Municipal lyight Plant.

fixed expenses alone. A minimum bill there tore is both necessary and just."a 10

A long line of decisions of the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, and the Wisconsin Railroad Commission, have also justified the fixing of a minimum weight and charge for transportation services, thus :

"The necessary expense and trouble attending the carriage of less than carload shipments, large or small, which, aside from the manual labor involved, are practically the same irrespective of the weight and bulk of packages, justifies the fixing of a minimum charge for the transportation of such shipments."11

§11. Minimum Charge is Not a Penalty.

The minimum charge is not a penalty for a failure to use ser- vice, "but is properly to be regarded as compensation for that part of the service which is at all times being rendered in the maintenance of the apparatus and connection through which the service is made available."12

§ 12. Minimum Charge Must be Large Enougii to Cover Cost of Units of Service Used.

"It is clearly seen that where the minimum bill covers only the bare consumer cost and fixed charges, there will be no return to the company for the gas used by the consumer who pays the minimum bill. It is evident that a minimum charge, to be fair and equitable to the company, must not only guarantee these expenses which are incurred by the company whether the con- sumer uses much or little gas or none at all, but must also be placed at a sufficiently high level that the cost of the gas actually used by the minimum takers shall be paid for."13

"Either the minimum bill must be made sufficiently large to cover the use of gas through meters affected by the minimum bill, or the utilities must charge for gas used in addition to the mini- mum charge. This latter course is not deemed practicable.

0 5 W. R. C. p. i, Ripon v. Ripoii L,ight & Water Co.

1() 5 W. R. C. p. 555, In re Jefferson Municipal E. I*. & W. P.

11 10 I. C. C. Rep. 412, Wrigley v. C. C. C. & St. I,. Ry.

12 60 N. Y. Supp. p. 562, Gould v. Edison E. I. Co.

13 6 W. R. C., p. 315, City of Racine v. Racine Gas Ught Co.


Accordingly, we have aimed to construct a schedule of minimum charges which shall recognize the varying investment in meters and services, and shall be sufficient to pay the consumer costs shown in the above tables, and to pay as well for the average quantity of gas used by meters affected by the minimum."14

§ 13. Minimum Charge Necessary until Service is Discontinued.

"It appears that in a portion of the territory served by appli- cant, particularly at Newport Beach, a large proportion of appli- cant's customers own cottages which are occupied during two or three months in the summer, and that during the remaining por- tion of the year they are occupied only occasionally, or not at all. The owners of these cottages object to paying a minimum of $1.00 during the entire twelve months.

"However, applicant's plant must be maintained in readiness to serve during the entire year, and applicant's investment is tied up and its system depreciates during the entire twelve months. Hence it seems only fair that as long as applicant's customers remain connected to applicant's system that they should pay a reasonable minimum monthly. Applicant must be ready to serve at a moment's notice every customer who is connected to system, and a proper portion of its investment and of the depreciation is fairly chargeable to each customer. The sum of $1.00 per month is a usual minimum charge for gas. I see no reason why it should not apply to applicant, provided that its customers under- stand that they have the right to have their service discontinued at any time and thus avoid the further payment of any minimum until the premises are again connected. A fee of $1.00 is reason- able for again making the service connection. . . ,"15

§ 14. Monthly Basis for Minimum Charge Best.

"The exaction of a minimum charge is a reasonable rule and the making of this charge by the month is just and reasonable, and is more equitable than if the charge were made by the year."16

» X. H. P. S. C., p. 445, Pillsbury et al. v. Peoples Gas Light Co.

15 Application of the West Coast Gas Co. for the establishment of a minimum rate for gas. California Railroad Commission approving a minimum charge Sept. 10, 1914. 10 i N. J. P. U. C., p. 251, Jan. 16, 1912, Minimum monthly charge matter.


§ 15. Minimum Charge Should be Proportioned to Consumer's Demand.

It is a well known fact that consumers with large equipment produce more marked peak load characteristics, and are, there- fore, more expensive to handle than smaller consumers. In order to be equitable a minimum charge ought to be made proportional to the amount of service the consumer can demand, and the easiest way to do this is to increase the minimum charge amount, as the meter sizes increase, as illustrated in Sections 28, 35, 42, 49, 66, 73, 75, 76, 84 and 88 herein.

"A utility may make a reasonable minimum charge for water, based on the size of the meter and consumption of water, to protect itself from loss if no water is consumed, but it cannot make such charge in the form of rental for the meter."17

1 6. Legal Right of the Minimum Charge.

The preponderance of evidence and precedents show that to prevent discrimination the minimum charge is economically nec- essary, ethically sound and legally right. The principles discussed in the preceding sections, the following six court decisions, and a long line of several hundred decisions from Public Utility Com- missions— which for brevity's sake are not quoted although the monetary allowances in these cases are given in Part II, indicate that the minimum charge doctrine has become a fixed part of American public utility jurisprudence.

§ 17. Missouri Supreme Court.

March 4, 1889.

"The evident purpose of this rule was to exact fair compensa- tion from those requiring gas connection, and gas furnished at hand, though the amount consumed should be very small, almost nominal. We think it is not unjust or unreasonable. It is a mat- ter of common knowledge, that to furnish gas at hand for a very small or nominal consumer, requires the same outlay in the way of a meter, periodical inspection and repairs, with weekly or monthly visitations, that is required of very large consumers.

17 P. U. R. 1915— E. p. 867 Montana Public Service Commission v. Water Utilities, Aug.


The same investment, and the same care and oversight, is re- quired where the gas monthly consumed shall not exceed 10 cubic feet, or even i cubic foot, or where the amount used may be 10,000 cubic feet. At the rate charged then in Sedalia, . . . the gas company would be required to invest and expend, for the benefit of this merely nominal consumer, more dollars than cents received. . . . We hold, then, that the rule or regulation in question, ... is not as a matter of law unreasonable."18

§ 1 8. Missouri Supreme Court.

November 7, 1898.

"The defendant then, apart from the contract, had a right to fix a fair and reasonable minimum charge to compensate it for necessary expense and service in inspecting meter, and for ser- vice used in a quantity not provided for by the contract 75^ per month was found by the Court to be a reasonable charge for the meter service."19

§ 19. New York Supreme Court.

October 24, 1914.

"The law does not comtemplate that the defendant shall do business at a loss. It is expected that it will, and it is entitled to, make a reasonable profit upon its venture, and the sole ques- tion in such a case as this is, whether the charge made is un- reasonable, considering all that the defendant is required to do, to meet each customer's demand. . . . The customer does not bind himself to use any particular amount of light, so that the return to the company, based on actual consumption, would rest entirely upon his volition, and it would, therefore, depend upon him whether the service he has required the corporation to be in constant and immediate readiness to render, is profitable or unprofitable to the latter. But this constant condition of readiness is a necessary and unavoidable obligation, which must be sustained in order to meet instantaneously the demand for light, which the consumer is entitled to have at any moment that he wishes it. It thus forms a part of the service to be rendered,

" 34 Mo. App. 501. State ex rel. v. Sedalia Gas lyight Co. 19 76 Mo. App. 540. Carney v. Chillicothe W. & Iv. Co.


and is an item properly to be considered when the reasonableness of the charges exacted by the company is called in question. . . . They are free to exact a reasonable return for the ser- vice required, which includes, as I have said, not only the actual .supply of electric light, but the readiness to supply it. . . . One consumer with the same number of lamps will use more than another. In both cases the return to the company may be remunerative, or the use of one may be so inconsiderable as to involve a loss. To meet this contingency the monthly minimum charge of $1.50 is made. But it must be borne in mind that this payment is not in addition to the charge for actual consumption. Where light is used which entitled the company to payment on meter measurement, of a sum per month equal to, or in excess of the so-called minimum charge, the customer pays only for the light he has actually had; so that this fixed charge becomes prac- tically operative only where his consumption falls below the extent of the use which it measures. I can see nothing unreason- able in this, when the service, as I have defined it, which the company is obliged to render, is considered."20

§ 20. Tennessee Supreme Court.

"We do not think it can be reasonably contended that it is not competent to charge a minimum rate. We think it clear from the authorities that the company had a right to fix a fair and reasonable minimum charge for water supplied to any particular residence."21

§21. Kansas Supreme Court.

December 9, 1911.

"The council evidently deemed it proper and reasonable to collect 50^ a month from each patron, whether he used gas amounting to that sum during the month or not, on the theory that the minimum sum would pay for reading meters and other services performed by the city in connection with the services, although the amount of gas used in one month might not entitle the city to this sum. ....

20 60 N. Y. Supp. 559. Gould v. Kdison Elec. Ilium. Co. of New York.

21 Tenn. Chancery Case No. 8368 Chavaunes v. Knoxville W. Co. Affirmed by State Supreme Court but not Reported.


"The regulation being one contained in an ordinance, it is

presumptively reasonable until the contrary is shown, or unless it

is unreasonable or discriminatory on its face, . . . and it

not appearing prima facie unreasonable, but reasonable, it must

. be upheld."2"

§ 22. Arizona Supreme Court.

February 18, 1914.

A recent session of the Arizona Legislature provided by statute "that gas, electricity and water measured through a meter would be charged for according to the exact amount used, and that no other charge should be made."

This statutory limitation, however, did not meet with the approval of the commission, and the question was raised as to whether a Public Service Corporation could establish and collect a minimum rate notwithstanding the legislative expression to the contrary. The State Supreme Court of Arizona23 held the pre- ceding satute unconstitutional and affirmed the Arizona Corpora- tion Commission's power to make and enforce a minimum charge in the face of the unconstitutional statute.

The Court held under the unusually broad provisions of the Arizona State Constitution that "the functions of the corpora- tion commission are neither legislative, executive nor judicial, but its duties and powers pervade them all, and it is in fact another department of government ; and where it is given exclu- sive power it is supreme." 24

-- 119 Pac. Rep. 317. Cunningham et al. v. City of Tola et al. -3 138 Pacific 781. State v. Tucson Electric L,ight & Power Co. -'•* 138 Pacific 781. State v. Tucson Electric lyight & Power Co.



§ 23. Arizona Corporation Commission. Electric Utilities.

Municipal League of Phoenix v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 4 R. S.,. p. 40.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.oo

I. E. Huffman, Mayor, v. Tucson Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., 4 R. S., p. 24.

Electric Lighting I.oo

Electric Power-^-2 h. p. or less 1.50

and 75^ for each additional h. p. International Gas Co. Matter, 6 R. S., p. 69.

Electric Lighting 1 .00

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less 1.50

and 75^ for each additional h. p. Schwartz v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 B, p. 280.

Electric Service i:OO

Butler v. Tucson Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 A,

P. 573- Electric Power for X-Ray Machine 3.00

Pacific Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 925.

Electric Service 1.50

G. W. M. Carvel, Mayor, ct al. v. Globe Light & Power Co., Docket 92.*

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i h. p. or less i.oo

and 50^ for each additional h. p.

South Side Gas & Electric Co., Docket 89.*

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power I h. p. or less i.oo

and $1.00 for each additional h. p.

§ 24. Arizona Corporation Commission. Gas Utilities.

Schwartz v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915" B, p. 280.

Domestic Gas Service $0.50

In re Pacific Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 925.

Domestic Gas Service i.oo

In re Douglas Gas Corporation, P. U. R. 1915 E, p. 1067.

Domestic Gas Service 75


Municipal League of Phoenix v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., Docket I.*

Domestic Gas Service $0.50

I. A. Huffman, Mayor, et al. v. Tucson Gas, Electric Light & Power Co., Docket 4.*

Domestic Gas Service 50

South Side Gas & Electric Co., Docket 89, Sub. i.*

Domestic Gas Service i.oo

G. W. M. Carvel, Mayor, et al. v. Globe Light & Power Co., Docket 92 *

Domestic Gas Service i.oo

§ 25. Arizona Corporation Commission. Water Utilities.

Geo. W. Frazer, Mayor, et al. v. Clifton Water & Improvement Co., Docket 15.*

Water Service $1.00

Bisbee-Naco Water Co., Docket 16.*

Water Service i.oo

The Morenci Water Co., Docket 37.*

Water Service 1 .60

Granite Springs Water Co., Docket 69, Sub. I.*

Water Service 1.50

John Towner, Docket 187.*

Water Service 2.00

§ 26. California Railroad Commission. Electric Utilities.

Thomas Monahan, Mayor of San Jose, v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 6 R. S., p. 8.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Solari v. Tuolumne Co. Electric Power & Light Co., 4 R. S., p. 26.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p. i.oo

Northern California Power Co. Rate Schedule, 3 R. S., p. 271.

Electric Lighting i .00

Mt. Whitney Power & Electric Co., 2 R. S., p. 239.

Electric Service 2.00

(On basis of annual minimum charge of $24.00) Antioch v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co., 5 R. S., p. 270.

Electric Lighting i .00

Electric Power per h. p. for first 10 h. p i.oo

and 75# for each additional h. p. Faukner v. Ventura County Power Co. Rate Matter, 8 R. S., p. 385.

Electric Power per h. p i.oo


East Bakersfield Improvement Association v. San Joaquin L. & P.

Corp., P. U. R. 1916 C, p. 833. Electric Lighting $0.75

§ 27. California Railroad Commission. Gas Utilities. West Coast Gas Co. Rate Matter, 6 R. S., p. 58.

Gas Service $1.00

Sirard v. Pacific Gas & Electric Co'., P. U. R. 1915 E, p. 1067.

Gas Service 50

§ 28. California Railroad Commission. Water Utilities.

In re Murphy Water, Ice & Light Co., P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 729.

y\" meter or smaller $1.25

i" meter 2.50

i y2" meter 3.50

2" meter 4.50

2/2" meter '. 5.50

3" meter 6.50

Larger meters in proportion

In re \Vadley, P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 928.

Water Service 1.20

In re Downey Land Improvement Asso., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 928. Water Service i.oo

In re North Sacramento Light & Water Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 928. Water Service .- i.oo

Town of Hollister v. Hollister Water Co., P. U. R. 1915 D, p. 626. Water Service 1.25

In re San Jose Water Co., P. U. R. 1915 E, p. 716.

\\rater Service 90

§ 29. Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utilities.

City of Florence v. Arkansas Valley Electric Co., 7 R. S., p. 196.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

In re Colorado Springs Light, Heat & Power Co., P. U. R. 1916 A, p. 891.

Electric Lighting Residence i.oo

Electric Lighting Commercial per k. w. connected load., i.oo

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less 1.50

and 75^ for each additional h. p.


Citizens of Lajunta v. Arkansas Valley R. L. & P. Co., R. S., p. 69.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

§ 30. Colorado Public Utilities Commission. Gas Utilities.

Colorado Springs Light, Heat & Power Co., Dec. 15, 1915.*

Gas Service $0.50

§31. Connecticut Public Utilities Commission. Gas Utilities.

In re Residents of Maple Hill, P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 312.

Gas Service $1.25

(Based on minimum charge of $15.00 per annum)

§ 32. Connecticut Public Utilities Commission. Water Utilities.

In re Plainville Water Co. Rate Matter, Dec. 3, 1912.*

Water Service $0.83^

(Based on minimum charge of $2.50 per quarter)

In re petition of Oscar & Odastrom et al. for Water Extensions, Oct. 15, 1914.*

Water Service i.oo

In re Springdale Water Co. Rates, Feb. 17, 1915.*

Water Service 1.66^3

(Based on minimum charge of $20.00 per annum)

§ 33- Georgia Railroad Commission. Electric Utilities. Macon Railway & Light Co. Rate Matter, 4 R. S., p. 369.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less i.oo

and 50^ per h. p. for each additional h. p.

§ 34. Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utilities.

In re Idaho Light & Power Co., Jan. 16, 1915, P. U. R. 1915 A, p. 19.

Electric Lighting $i .00

In re Investigation of Rates Now Charged by Certain Electrical Corp., Feb. 27, 1915, 6 R. S., p. 388.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Taylor v. Northwest Light & Water Co., Nov. 13, 1915, P. U. R. 1916 A, p. 397-

Electric Lighting 1 .00

Electric Power per h. p. of maximum demand i.oo


§ 35- Idaho Public Utilities Commission. Water Utilities.

City of Sandpoint v. Sandpoint Water & Light Co., Oct. 2, 1915, P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 472.

Water Service— ^" Meter $1.00

34" Meter 1.50

i" Meter 2.50

i%" Meter 3-25

V/?" Meter 4-SO

11/4" Meter 7.50

2" Meter or larger 10.00

§ 36. Illinois Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utilities. Western United Gas £ Electric Rate Matter, 5 R. $., p. 115.

Electric Lighting $0.50

Electric Power 3.00

Monmouth Public Service Co. Rate Schedule, 6 R. S., p. 3.

Electric Lighting 50

In re South Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 E, p. 335.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 1.25

Commonwealth Edison Rate Schedule, 9 R. S., p. 118.

Electric Service 50

§ 37. Illinois Public Utilities Commission. Gas Utilities. In re Oblong Gas Co., P. U. R. 1915 A, p. 598.

Gas Service $0.50

City of Belleville v. St. Claire County Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 238.

Gas Service 50

Springfield v. Springfield Gas & Electric Co., March 9, 1916.*

Gas Service 50

§ 38. Illinois Public Utilities Commission. Water Utilities.

City of Lake Forest v. Lake Forest Water Co., P. U. R. 1915 D, p. 1023.

Water Service $0.50

(Based on minimum charge of $6.00 per annum)


§ 39- Indiana Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

Moore v. Merchants Heat & Light Co., P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 513.

Electric Lighting $0.50

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less i.oo

and 50^ per h. p. for each additional h. p. Peck v. Indianapolis Light & Heat Co., P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 489.

Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less i.oo

and 50^ per h. p. for each additional h. p. U. G. & E. Co., New Albany.*

Electric Lighting 55

Oakland City Electric Light Co.*

Electric Lighting 50

Indiana & Michigan Electrical Co., So. Bend.*

Electric Lighting 85

Indiana & Michigan Electric Co., Elkhart.*

Electric Service 85

General Service Co., Lafayette.*

Electric Service 50

Bicknell Light, Heat & Power Co.*

Electric Service 50

No. Manchester, Browne-Mills E. Co.*

Electric Service 50

§ 40. Indiana Public Service Commission. Artificial Gas Utilities.

Evansville Public Service Co.*

Gas Service $0.50

Interstate P. S. Co.*

Gas Service > 50

§ 41. Indiana Public Service Commission. Natural Gas Utilities.

Central Indiana Gas Co., Hartford City.*

Gas Service $0.70

Central Indiana Gas Co., Marion.*

Gas Service 70

Central Indiana Gas Co., Anderson.*

Gas Service 70

Central Indiana Gas Co., Alexandria.*

Gas Service 70


Central Indiana Gas Co., Muncie.*

Gas Service $0.70

Indiana Gas Light Co., Noblesville.*

Gas Service 75

Indiana Gas Light Co., Tipton.*

Gas Service , 75

Middletown Gas Co., Middletown.*

Gas Service i.oo

Union Heat, Light & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 E, p. 1067.

Gas Service i.oo

§ 42. Indiana Public Service Commission. Water Utilities. Apple v. City of Brazil, P. U. R. 1915 C, p. 585.

Water Service— $i" Meter $0.40

- y4" Meter 50

i" Meter 75

1 1/2" Meter i.oo

2" Meter 2.00

3" Meter 3.00

4" Meter 4.00

6" Meter 5.00

. In re Owensville Water, Light, Power & Heat Co., P. U. R. 1915 A, p. 1007.

Water Service 50

Commercial Club of Terre Haute v. Terre Haute Water Works Co., P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 213.

Water Service— */%' and 1/4" Meters i.oo

i" Meter 2.00

2" Meter 5.00

3" Meter 10.00

4" Meter 20.00

Greencastle Water Works Co.*

Water Service 50

Vincennes Water Supply Co.*

Water Service 50

Lebanon Water Works.*

Water Service 75

Princeton Water & Lighting Co.*

Water Service 75

Fortville Water Works.*

Water Service 50



§ 43- Kansas Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utilities. Parsons Railway & Light Co. Rate Schedule, 2 R. S., p. 349-

Electric Lighting $0.75

Electric Power per h. p 50

Fort Scott Gas & Electric Co. v. Fort Scott, P. U. R. 1915 B, p. 507. Electric Lighting i.oo

§ 44. Kansas Public Utilities Commission. Natural Gas Utilities. Landon v. City of Lawrence, P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 332.

Gas Service $0.50

§ 45. Kansas Public Utilities Commission. Water Utilities.

City of Leavenworth v. Leavenworth City & Ft. Leavenworth Water

Co., P. U. R. 1915 B, p. 613. Water Service $0.50

§ 46. Manila Board of Public Utility Commissioners.

Moffat v. Manila Board of Public Utility & Electric Light Commis- sioners, 6 R. S., p. 279. Electric Lighting $1.00

§ 47. Maryland Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities. Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Co. Rate Investigation,* June 25, 1913.

Electric Lighting $l.oo

"Provided that if, on any first day of May, or at any established adjustment period it shall appear that by reason of said charge paid or become liable to pay during the year immediately preceding an amount exceeding the $12.00 per year per meter, the company shall refund such excess."

§ 48. Maryland Public Service Commission. Gas Utilities.

Consolidated Gas, Electric Light & Power Rate Schedule, 3 R. S.,

p. 109. Gas Service . $1.00


§ 49- Maryland Public Service Commission, Water Utilities. Suburban Water Co. Rate Increase,* Oct. 14, 1914. \Yater Service

House without Bath Room $0.83^

House with Bath Room 1.25

(Based on minimum charge of $2.50 and $3.75 per quarter)

Potee v. Brooklyn & Curtis Bay Light & Water Co.,* Jan. 5, 1915. \Yater Service

5/s" Meter, Quarterly Charge $2.50 0.83^

1/4" Meter, Quarterly Charge 3.50

i" Meter, Quarterly Charge 5.00

iY2" Meter, Quarterly Charge 10.00 3-33^3

2" Meter, Quarterly Charge 13.00 4-33^

In re Washington County Water Co., P. U. R. 1916 A, p. 508. Water Service Based on annual rental value of houses,

as follows :

Annual Rental Value Quarterly

of House Charge

$100.00 $1.00 Q.33H

100.00 to $150.00 1.50 50

150.00 to 200.00 2.00 66^<3

200.00 and up 2.50 83^

§ 50. Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission. Elec- tric Utilities.

The Commission in the Boston Edison Company minimum monthly charge matter, under date of Nov. 18, 1909, as reported on page 40 of the Commission's 1910 Report, approved a minimum charge of $1.00 per month for electric service.

§51. Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission. Gas Utilities.

The Commission, on page 22 of its 1912 Report, in the North Adams Gas Company matter, approved the use of the minimum charge.

§ 52. Missouri Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities. Brown v. Lawrence Co. Water, Light & Cold Storage Co., I Mo.

P. S. C., p. 355- Electric Lighting Basis of $2 per quarter $0.66^


Weaver v. Kirkersville Light, Power & Ice Co., I Mo. P. S. C., p. 225.

Electric Lighting Residence $0.75

Electric Lighting Business Basis of 5^ for each 6o-watt

lamp, but not less than i.oo

Electric Power per k. w. connected load i.oo

McGregor-Noe v. Springfield G. & E. Co., I Mo. P. S. C., p. 468.

Electric Lighting Residence 75-

Electric Lighting Business Basis of 5^ for each 6o-watt

lamp, but not less than i.oo

Electric Power per k. w. connected load 75

Meek v. Consumers Electric Light & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 A,

p. 958. Electric Lighting 75

City of Mexico v. Mexico Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 B, p. 908.

Electric Lighting Residence 75

Electric Lighting Business i.oo

Commercial Club of Charleston v. Missouri Public Service Commis- sion, 7 R. S., p. 233.

Electric Lighting Residence 75

Electric Lighting Commercial i.oo

Ft. Scott & Nevada Light, Heat, Water & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 546.

Electric Lighting Residence 75

Electric Power Per h. p. up to first 15 h. p i.oo

Second 15 h. p. 75^ each and all in excess of 30 h. p. at

5orf per h. p. Kramer v. St. Joseph Ry., Light, Heat & Power Co., 3 Mo. P. S. C.,

p. 403. Electric Lighting 50

§ 53. Missouri Public Service Commission. Gas Utilities.

City of Columbia v. Watts Engineering Co., 2 Mo. P. S. C., p. 190. Gas Service $0.75

§ 54. Missouri Public Service Commission. Water Utilities.

Calvert v. Clinton Light & Water Co., I Mo. P. S. C., p. 191.

Water Service $0.50

Cole v. Ft. Scott & Nevada Light, Heat & P. Co., i Mo. P. S. C., p. 130.

Water Service Domestic 50

Water Service Business . i.oo


Brown v. Lawrence Co. Water, Light & Cold Storage Co., I Mo. P. S. C., p. 355-

Water Service— Yz" Meter $0.50

H" Meter 50

K" Meter .75

i" Meter 1.25

Willow Springs v. Light, Power & Mfg. Co., 2 Mo. P. S. C., p. 48.

Water Service Domestic 75

Water Service Business i.oo

§ 55. Montana Public Service Commission. Hlectric Utilities.

Helena Light & Railway Co. Rate Matter, 4 R. S., p. 179.

Electric Lighting $1.00

City of Philipsburg v. Montana Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 B, p. 384.

Electric Lighting 2.00

§ 56. Nevada Public Service Commission. Hlectric Utilities.

Public Service Commission of Nevada v. Nevada-California Power Co., Tan. 29, 1914.*

Electric Lighting $1.50

Electric Power 1.50

(Based on 25^ per connected h. p. of motors)

City of Ely v. Ely Light & Power Co., 4 R. S., p. 215.

Electric Lighting 1.50

Pacific Power Co. Rate Schedule, 5 R. S., p. 179.

Electric Lighting 2.00

Electric Cooking and Heating 3.00

Truckee River General Electric Co. Rate Matter, 5 R. S., p. 249.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power Per rated h. p i.io

§ 57. New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners. Hlec- tric Utilities.

In re New Egypt Light, Heat, Power & Water Co., P. U. R. 1915 D,

p. 823.

Electric Energy On measured light, power, and combina- tion light and power services, a minimum monthly charge for use of line service and equipment, per plant or installation for equipments as stated below, or their respective equivalents in electric energy demands, will be made as follows :


No. of 25-\vatt lamps Maximum demand

or their equivalent in watts per hour

Under 5 lamps 100 watts $1.00

5 to 9 inclusive. 225 watts 1.25

10 to 15 inclusive 375 watts 1.50

16 to 24 inclusive 600 watts 1.75

25 and above above 600 watts 2.00

Electric Power per h. p. of motor i.oo

Public Service Electric Co. Complaint, 6 R. $., 277.

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

The Rockland Electric Co. New Schedule of Rates, June 14, 1915.*

Electric Energy i.oo

§ 58. New Jersey Board of Public Utility Commissioners. Gas Utilities.

In re Consolidated Gas Co. Rates at Long Branch, i N. J. P. S. C.,

p. 24. Gas Service $0.25

In re Wildwood, Anglesea & Holly Beach Gas Co., P. U. R. 1915 A,

P- 343- Gas Service 0.75

In re Wildwood Gas Co., P. U. R. 1916 B, p. 818.

Gas Service 75

§ 59. New Jersey Public Utility Commission. Water Utilities. Chalmers v. Wildwood W'ater Works, I N. J. P. S. C., p. 162.

Water Service Based on annual charge of $8.00 So.66^

In re Acquackanonk Water Co. Minimum Charge Matter, I N. J.

P. S. C., p. 419. Water Service Based on quarterly charge of $3.00 i.oo

§ 60. New Hampshire Public Service Commission. Gas Utilities. Pilsbury et al. v. Peoples Gas Light Co., 4 N. H. P. S. C., p. 446.

Gas Service 3 or 5-light meter $0.30

lo-light meter 40

2O-light and over 50


§61. New York Public Service Commission, Second District. Electric Utilities.

Buffalo General Electric Co. Rate Schedule, 8 R. S., p. 147.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power First 2 h. p. or less i.oo

and 50^ for each additional h. p.

§ 62. New York Public Service Commission, Second District. Natural Gas Utilities.

Le Roy Minimum Charge Matter, P. U. R. 1916, p. 132.

"A service charge of 50 cents per month will be made against each consumer unless his net bill for gas consumed during the month shall equal or exceed 50 cents. The monthly service charge will cover all gas furnished during the period for which such charge is made.''

Although the Commission called this a "service charge," the last sentence in the quotation makes it a "minimum charge" in accordance with the definition in § 4 herein.

§ 63. Ohio Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utilities.

In re Bucyrus Light & Power Co. Electric Rate Case.*

Electric Lighting Residence $0.50

Electric Lighting Commercial 50

Electric Lighting Sign and Window 2.00

Electric Power 5 h. p. or less : i.oo

and 20^ per h. p. for each additional h. p. Break-Down Service Per k. \\. connected, load 3.00

§ 64. Oklahoma Corporation Commission. Electric Utilities.

J. I. Case Plow Works v. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co., Mar. 17, 1915.* Electric Power First h. p. $1.00 plus 50^ for each addi- tional h. p $1.00

Plansifter Milling Co. v. Oklahoma Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R.

1016 A, p. 210. Electric Lighting i.oo

§ 65. Oregon Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

City of Bend v. Bend Water, Light & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, p. 920.

Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power Per h. p i.oo


Campbell v. Hood River Gas & Electric Co., P. U. R. 1915 D, p. 907.

Electric Service in city $1.00

Electric Service outside of city 1.25

LaGrande Commercial Club v. Eastern Oregon Light & Power Co..

7 R. S., p. 344- Electric Service 1 .00

§ 66. Oregon Public Service Commission. Water Utilities.

City of Bend v. Bend Water, Light & Power Co., P. U. R. 1915 F, P- 923-

Water Service— ft" Meter $1.60

y±" Meter 2.00

i" Meter 3.00

i yz" Meter 4.50

2" Meter 8.00

3" Meter 13.50

4" Meter 21.00

§ 67. Pennsylvania Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

Jas. Thompson & M. A. Hanna & Co. v. Erie Co. Electric Co., 6 R. S.,

p. 125. Electric Power— Up to 7*/2 h. p $15.00

Cauffiel v. Citizens Light, Heat & Power Co. of Johnstown, 6 R. S.,

p. 167. Electric Lighting i.oo

Philadelphia Electric Co., 9 R. S., p. 84.

Electric Lighting Residence 75

Electric Lighting Retail Service i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Harrisburg (Pa.) Light & Power Co., 2 R. S., p. 79-

Electric Lighting i.oo

People's Incandescent Light Co., Meadville, Pa., 4 R. S., p. 325.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per k. w. demand 2.00

Norristown, Pa., Counties Gas & Elec. Co., 4 R. S., p. 289.

Electric Lighting 1.50

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p 2.00


§ 68. Pennsylvania Public Service Commission. Water Utilities.

Newcastle Box Co. v. City of Newcastle Water Co., P. U. R. 1916 C,

p. 106. Water Service Based on minimum charge of $5.00 per

annum $0.41^

§ 69. Vermont Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

Citizens St. Albans v. Vermont Power & Mfg. Co., Jan. 27, 1915.*

Electric Lighting I k. w. capacity $0.50

Each additional k. w. capacity 50^ additional.

§ 70. Washington Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

Pacific Power & Light Co. Rate Matter, 8 R. S., p. 261.

Electric Lighting $0.75

§71. Washington Public Service Commission. Water Utilities.

City of Bremmerton v. Garrison- Fisher Co., P. U. R. 1915 C, p. 597. Water Service $1.00

§ 72. West Virginia Public Service Commission. Electric Utilities.

In re City of Wellsburg v. Tristate Railroad & Electric Co., Feb. 21, 1916.*

Electric Lighting Residence $0.50

Electric Lighting Commercial 10^ for each 50 watts of active connected load

Sign and Window Lighting i.oo

City of Wellsburg v. Wellsburg Electric Light, Heat & Power Co.

Rate Complaint, 9 R. S., p. 41. Electric Lighting 50

§ 73. West Virginia Public Service Commission. Water Utilities. Thorn v. Montgomery Light & "Water Co., Feb. 29, 1916.*

Water Service ' $0.75

In re Charlestown Water Co. Rate Increase, Feb. 18, 1916.*

Water Service Based on annual charge of $7.00 58^3

§ 74. Wisconsin Railroad Commission. Electric Utilities. In re Application Merrill Ry. & Lt. Co., 2 W. R. C., p. 168.

Electric Lighting $1.00


In re Application Chippewa Valley Ry., Lt. & Power Co., 2 W. R. C.,

p. 326. Electric Lighting $1.00

In re Application Medford Lt. & Heating Co., 2 W. R. C., p. 422.

Electric Service Up to 30,000 watts i.oo

30,000 to 50,000 watts 3.00

More than 50,000 watts 4.00

In re Application Chetek Lt. & Power Co., 2 W. R. C., p. 670.

Electric Lighting i.oo

In re Application Chippewa Valley Ry., Lt. & Power Co., 2 \Y. R. C.,

p. 771. Electric Lighting 1 .00

In re Application Stoughton Municipal Electric Light System, 3 W. R. C., p. 499-

Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power Per h. p i.oo

In re Menominee & Marinette Lt. & Traction Co., 3 W. R. C., p. 904. Electric Lighting i .00

In re Milwaukee Lt. & Power Co., 4 W. R. C., p. oo.

Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i .00

In re Cumberland Municipal Lighting Plant, 4 W. R. C., p. 230.

Electric Lighting 75

State Journal Printing Co. v. Madison Gas & Electric Co., 4 W. R. C., p. 748.

Electric Lighting .' i.oo

Electric Power 1.50

In re Waupaca Electric Lt. & Ry. Co., 5 W. R. C., p. 190.

Electric Lighting 75

City of Manitowoc v. Manitowoc Elec. Lt. Co., 5 W. R. C., p. 300. Electric Lighting 50

In re Jeffrey Municipal Electric Lt. & Water Plant, 5 W. R. C., p. 586. Electric Lighting 50

In re Lancaster Electric Lt. Co. Rate Increase, 6 W. R. C., p. 59. Electric Lighting 75

In re Greenwood Municipal Lt. Plant Rate Increase, 6 W. R. C., p. 63. Electric Lighting 40

In re Durand Lt. & Power Co. Rate Increase, 6 W. R. C., p. 352. Electric Lighting 75

Bloomer Electric Light Plant Rate Increase, 6 W. R. C., p. 512.

Electric Lighting $0.50 .

Electric Power Per h. p i.oo

Red Cedar Valley Electric Co. Rate Increase, 6 W. R. C., p. 765.

Electric Power Per h. p i.oo

In re Madison Gas & Electric Co. Rates, 7 W. R. C., p. 169.

Electric Lighting i.oo

City of Beloit v. Beloit Water, Gas & Electric Co., 7 W. R. C., p. 381.

Electric Service i.oo

Electric Theatre v. Lodi Elec. Light Plant, 7 W. R. C., p. 754.

Electric Lighting 50

City of Rhinelander v. Rhinelander Ltg. Co., 9 W. R. C., p. 438.

Electric Lighting Commercial i.oo

In re Application of Village of Whitehall for Rate Increase in Municipal Plant, 9 W. R. C., p. 481.

Electric Current 75

In re Investigation of Various Electric Rates in the City of Mil- waukee, 9 W. R. C., p. 572.

Electric Service Commercial i.oo

Electric. Power 2 h. p. or less 1.50

and 75^ per h. p. for each additional h. p. Chippewa Valley R. L. & P. Co. Electric Rates, 10 W. R. C., p. 703.

Electric Service i.oo

Superior Commercial Club v. Superior W. L. & P. Co., 10 W. R. C., p. 807.

Commercial Electric Service 5^ net for each 5O-watt unit.

Electric Lighting Sign and Outside per 100 watts 35

Electric Heating and Cooking Per kilowatt i.oo

Window, Show Case, and Basement Salesroom Light- ing— Per 100 watts 30

In re Investigation Evansville Municipal Elec. Lt. & Water Plant, ii W. R. C., p. 214.

Commercial Electric Lighting 75

In re Arcadia E. L. £ W. Plant, n \V. R. C., p. 226.

Commercial Electric Lighting 75

In re Chetek Light & Power Co. Rate Increase, n W. R. C., p. 235.

Commercial Electric Lighting 85

In re Monticello Electric Light Co. Rate Increase, 11 W. R. C., p. 266.

Electric Service 50

In re Application Water & Light Commission of the City of Colum- bus, n W. R. C., p. 473.

Commercial Electric Lighting 50


City of Green Bay v. Green Bay Gas & Elec. Co., 12 W. R. C., p. 334.

Electric Energy $1.00

H. G. Douglas v. Equitable Elec. Lt. Co., 12 W. R. C., p. 356.

Electric Energy Under I kilowatt 60

From i to 2 kilowatts 80

From 2 to 5 kilowatts. 1.25

Over 5 kilowatts 2.25

Commercial Power Per active h. p 75

In re Chippewa Valley Ry., Lt. & Power Co. Rate Increase, 12 W. R. C., p. 549-

Electric Energy 1 .00

In re Oconto Electric Co. Rate Investigation, 12 W. R. C., p. 601.

Electric Energy 90 .

In re Chippewa Valley Ry., Lt. & Power Co. Rate Matter, 13 W. R. C.,

p. 22. Electric Energy i.oo

In re Neshkoro Light & Power Co. Rate Increase, 13 W. R. C., p. 67. Electric Energy i.oo

City of Waukesha v. Waukesha Gas & Electric Co., 13 W. R. C.,

P- 134- Electric Energy 75

In re Madison Gas & Electric Co. Rate Situation, 13 W. R. C., p. 267. Electric Service , i.oo

In re Darlington Electric Light & Water Co. Rate Increase, 13 W.

R. C., p. 362. Electric Service 1.50

In re City of Menasha Municipal Electric Light Plant Rate Increase, 13 W. R. C., p. 424.

Electric Service 50

Electric Power Per h. p i.oo

In re Chippewa Valley Ry., Lt. & Power Co. Case in the City of Eau

Claire, 13 W. R. C., p. 447. Electric Service i.oo

In re Mt. Horeb Heat, Light & Power Co., 13 W. R. C., p. 664.

Electric Energy i.oo

In re Mosinee Electric Light & Power Co. Rate Matter, 13 W. R. C.,

p. 824. Electric Energy 50

Hood v. Monroe Electric Co., 14 W. R. C., p. 244.

Electric Service . i.oo


In re McGowan Water, Light & Power Co. Rate Increase, 14 W. R.

C., p. 328. Electric Service $0.75

In re Stevens Point Lighting Co. Rate Increase, 14 W. R. C., p. 378.

Electric Energy 50

Electric Power— 2 h. p. or less 50

and 25^ for each additional h. p.

Douglas v. Equitable Electric Light Co., 14 W. R. C., p. 391.

Electric Lighting 60

Kittleson v. Elroy Municipal Water & Light Plant, 14 W. R. C.f p. 497. Electric Service 50

In re Brownton Municipal Light Plant Rate Increase, 14 W. R. C.,

P. 567. Electric Service 75

In re Richland Center Electric Light & Water Plant Rate Increase,

14 W. R. C., p. 593-

Electric Power— Per h. p 25

Jones v. Berlin Public Service Co., 15 W. R. C., p. 146.

Electric Service i.oo

In re Municipal Electricity Utility of Sun Prairie Rate Increase,

15 W. R. C., p. 198.

Electric Service 50

In re Manitowoc Municipal Water & Electric Light Plant Rate

Adjustment, 15 W. R. C., p. 216. Electric Power Per h. p. installed i.oo

In re United Heat, Light & Power Co. Adjustment, 15 W. R. C.,

P. 515. Electric Service 75

In re Waterloo Municipal Water & Electric Light Plant Rate Adjust- ment, 15 W. R. C., p. 549. Electric Service 75

Charlesworth v. Omro Electric Light Co., 16 W. R. C., p. 35.

Electric Energy 75

In re Ladysmith Lighting Co. Rate Investigation, 16 W. R. C., p. 71. Electric Lighting i.oo

In re Burlington Electric Light & Power Co., 16 W. R. C., p. 86.

Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 2 h. p. or less 1.50

and 75^ per h. p. for each additional h. p.


In re Brodhead Municipal Electric Utility Rate Increase, 16 W. R. C., p. i/o.

Electric Lighting $0.75

Electric Power First h. p i.oo

and 5o<* per h. p. for each additional h. p.

In re Ft. Atkinson Water & Light Commission Rate Increase, 16 W. R. C, p. 221.

Electric Lighting Within city 60

Outside city 75

In re Milwaukee & Fox River Valley Ry. Co. Rate Adjustment, 16 W. R. C., p. 337-

Electric Service i.oo

Mathews v. Villa Light & Power Co., 16 W. R. C., p. 574.

Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power First h. p 75

and 50^ for each additional h. p. Bosshard v. Hussa Bros. Light & Water Co., 16 W. R. C., p. 631.

Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power Per h. p 75

In re Bloomer Electric Light & Power Co. Rate Increase, 16 W. R. C., p. 772.

Electric Lighting 2.50

Electric Power 2.50

In re Starks Lighting & Mill Co. Minimum Charge Matter, 16 W. R. C., p. 829.

Electric Lighting : 75

Herman Kreunen v. Cedar Grove Telephone Co., 17 W. R. C., p. 78.

Electric Power First h. p i.oo

and 40$ for each additional h. p.

In re Village of Fennimore Municipal Light Plant Rate Increase, 17 W. R. C., p. 94.

Electric Lighting Within village 75

Outside village i.oo

Kauffman v. Hillsboro Light & Power Co., 17 W. R. C., p. 389.

Electric Lighting 75

§ 75- Wisconsin Railroad Commission. Gas Utilities.

State Journal Printing Co. v. Madison Gas & Electric Co., 4 W. R. C., p. 748.

Gas Service $0.50

City of Ripon v. Ripon Light & Water Co., 5 W. R. C., p. 94.

Gas Service 50


In re Application Green Bay Gas & Electric Co., 5 W. R. C., p. 109.

Gas Service $0.40

City of Racine v. Racine Gas Lt Co., 6 W. R. C., p. 324.

Gas Service 3-Light Meier 25

5-Light Meter 25

jo-Light Meter 35

20- Light Meter 35

30- Light Meter 50

45-Light Meter 60

oo-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter 1.50

loo-Light Meter 2.00

2OO-Light Meter 4.00

City of Beloit v. Beloit Water, Gas £ Electric Co., 7 W. R. C., p. 381.

Gas Service 3-Light Meter 25

5-Light Meter 25

io-Light Meter 35

2O-Light Meter 40

30- Light Meter 50

45-Light Meter 60

6o-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter i.oo

loo- Light Meter 2.00

ISO-Light Meter 3.00

2OO-Light Meter 4.00

City of Neenah v. Wisconsin Traction L., H. & P. Co., 7 W. R. C, p. 491.

Gas Service 3-Light Meter 25

5-Light Meter 25

io-Light Meter 35

20- Light Meter 35

3O-Light Aleter 50

45-Light Meter 60

oo-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter 1.50

loo-Light Meter 2.00

200- Light Meter 4.00

Lothrop v. Village of Sharon W. G. & El. Plant, 8 W. R. C., p. 495.

Gas Service 3-Light Meter 50

5-Light Meter 65


J. C. Meyer v. Sheboygan G. Lt. Co., 9 W. R. C., p. 467.

Gas Service 3-Light Meter $0.25

5-Light Meter 25

10- Light Meter 35

2O-Light Meter 50

45-Ught Meter 60

6o-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter 1.50

loo-Light Meter 2.00

200- Light Meter 4.00

J. C. Meyer v. Sheboygan G. Lt. Co., 11 W. R. C., p. 317.

Gas Service 3-Light Meter 25

5-Light Meter 25

io-Light Meter 35

2O-Light Meter 50

45-Light Meter 60

oo-Light Meter i.oo

So- Light Meter 1.50

ico- Light Meter 2.00

2OO-Light Meter 4.00

City of Green Bay v. Green Bay Gas & Electric Co., 12 W. R. C.

P- 334- Gas Service 40

City of Milwaukee v. Milwaukee G. Lt. Co., 12 W. R. C., p. 442.

Gas Service 3, 5 or 10- Light Meter 27

20, 30, 45 or 60- Light Meter 54

So, loo or 150- Light Meter 1.08

200, 250 or 300- Light Meter 2.16

City of Waukesha v. Waukesha Gas & Electric Co., 13 W. R. C. P- 135-

Gas Service 3-Light Meter 40

5-Light Meter 40

io-Light Meter 50

20- Light Meter 60

30-Light Meter 70

45-Light Meter 85

6o-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter 1.50

100- Light Meter 2.00

200- Light Meter 4.00

300- Light Meter 6.00


Louis F. Yanko v. Portage American Gas Co., 13 W. R. C., p. 144.

Gas Service— 3-Light Meter $0.25

5-Light Meter 25

lO-Light Meter 35

2O-Light Meter 50

45-Light Meter 65

6o-Light Meter i.oo

So-Light Meter 1.50

100- Light Meter 2.00

200- Light Meter 4.00

Jones v. Berlin Public Service Co., 15 W. R. C., p. 147.

Gas Service 50

§ 76. Wisconsin Railroad Commission. Water Utilities. City of Ripon v. Rippn Light & Water Co., 5 W. R. C., p. 94. Water Service

y2" and s/s" Meters (Annual Charge $7.00) $0.58%

?4" Meter (Annual Charge 8.00) 66%

i" Meter (Annual Charge 9.00) .75

iy2" Meter (Annual Charge 10.00) 83 H

-2" Meter (Annual Charge 12.00) i.oo

In re Application Peoples Water, Light & Power Co., 10 W. R. C., p. 660.

Water Service 75

In re Village of Elkhart Lake Rate Adjustment, II W. R. C., p. 695. Water Service

$/s" Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.50) 50

34" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) 66%

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50) 83^

1 54" Meter (Quarterly Charge 3.00) i.oo

il/2f Meter (Quarterly Charge 4.00) 1-33%

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 5.00) 1.66%

3" Meter (Quarterly Charge 7.00) 2.335/3

4" Meter (Quarterly Charge 10.00) 3-33H

In re New Glarus L. & W. Plant Rate Increase, 11 W. R. C., p. 711. Water Service

s/s" Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.25) 41%

34" Meter (Quarterly Charge 1.50) 50

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) 66%

i1/^" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50) 83%

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 3.00) i.oo



In re Fehnimore Municipal Water & Light Plant Rate Increase, 12

W. R. C., p. 211. Water Service

s/s" Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.25) ............... $0.41%

?4" Meter (Quarterly Charge 1.50) ........... ..... 50

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) ................ 66%

il/>" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50) ................ 83 H

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 4.00) ............... i-33>3

City of Sparta Municipal Water Plant Rate Increase, 12 W. R. C.,

p. 546. Water Service

y$' Meter (Semi-annual Charge $2.75) ............. 455/6

y\' Meter (Semi-annual Charge 3.50) ............. 58^/3

i" Ateter (Semi-annual Charge 4.00) ............. 66%

iy2" Meter (Semi-annual Charge 5.00) ............. 83%

2" Meter (Semi-annual Charge 7.00) ............ 1.16%

3" Meter (Semi-annual Charge 9.00) ............ 1.50

4" Meter (Semi-annual Charge 12.00) ............ 2.00

In re Oconomowoc Municipal W:ater Plant Rate Increase, 14 W. R. C:,

P. 395- Water Service (Annual Charge $5.00)

Kittleson v. Elroy Municipal Water & Light Plant, 14 W. R. C., p. 496. \Vater Service

s/s" Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.25) ................ 41%

24" Meier (Quarterly Charge 1.50) ................ 50

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.25) ................ 75

il/2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 3.75) . .-.- ............ 1.25

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 5.25) ............... 1.75

In re Richland Center Electric Light & Water Plant Rate Increase,

14 W. R. C., p. 593- Water Service (Semi-annual Charge $2.50)

Dennett v. City of Sheboygan, 14 W. R. C., p. 650.

Water Service ^2" and y&' Meter ...................... 40

Yi" Meter ............................. 50

i" Meter ............................ .80

i y\" Meter ............................. 90

\y*" Meter ............................ i.io

2" Meter ............................ 1.60

3" Aleter ............................ 2.45

4" Meter ............................ 4.20

6" Meter . 8.20


Hughes v. Water-town Water Works, 14 W. R. C., p. 688. Water Service—

ft" Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.15) $0.38^

Yl" Meter (Quarterly Charge 1.50) 50

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) \y>" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50)

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 4.00) i-33/<3

4" Meter (Quarterly Charge 9.00) 3.00

6" Meter (Quarterly Charge 16.00) 5-33l/3

In re Park Falls Municipal Water \Vorks Rate Increase, 15 W. R. C.,

p. 285. Water Service 50

In re Light & W'ater Commission of the City of Barren, 16 W. R. C.,

P. 593- Water Service

y*' Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.50) . 50

24" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) 66^

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50) 83^

il/2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 3.00) i.oo

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 5.00) 1.66%

3" Meter (Quarterly Charge 10.00) 3-33/<3

4" Meter (Quarterly Charge 25.00) 8.33^

In re Prairie du Chien Municipal Water Plant, 17 W. R, C., p. 268. Water Service

y$r Meter (Quarterly Charge $1.50) 50

y±" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.00) 662/3

i" Meter (Quarterly Charge 2.50) 83^

il/2* Meter (Quarterly Charge 3.00) i.oo

2" Meter (Quarterly Charge 4.00) 1-33^3

3" Meter (Quarterly Charge 6.25) 2.08^/3

4" Meier (Quarterly Charge 10.00) 3-33//3

6" Meter (Quarterly Charge 15.00) 5.00

Each additional consumer, Quarterly Charge $1.00. . .



§ 77. Connecticut Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utili-

ties, Monthly Minimum Charges. New London Gas & Electric Division of the Connecticut Power Co.,

3 R. S., p. 339- Electric Lighting Residence ........................... $1.00

Electric Lighting Commercial per k. w. connected load.. 3.50 The United Illuminating Co., Bridgeport, Conn., 4 R. S., p. 337.

Electric Lighting


(Based on minimum charge of $12.00 per annum) Electric. Power J/2 h. p


i h p

I 50

2 h. p

2 OO

3 h. p


A ho

^ OO

c h p


7l/2 h.p 10 h. D. .

. 4.00

and 50^ per h. p. per month for all over 10 h. p. installed.

§ 78. Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission. Elec- tric Utilities, Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following show the minimum charges in effect in Electric Sched- ules under the Commission's supervision, taken from the Commission's 1915 Report. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data were taken.

Private Companies

163 Abington & Rockland . . . Electric Lighting ............... $1.00

Electric Heating ................ i.oo

Electric Power ................. 1.50

164 Adams ................. Electric Power ................. i.oo

164 Agawam ............... Electric Lighting ... ............. 50

Electric Power 3 h. p. or less. . . 1.50 164 Am. W. Co. (Maynard) . Electric Lighting ................ 75

164 Amesbury .............. Electric Lighting ............... i.oo

Electric Power . i.oo


164 Amherst Electric Lighting $0.50

Electric Power 3 h. p. or less... 1.50 and 50^ for each additional h.p.

165 Athol Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

165 Attleborough Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

165 Ayer Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

165 Beverly Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

165 Blackstone Electric Lighting (Adjusted on

yearly basis) i.oo

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

166 Block Plant (Boston) . . . Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

167 Cambridge Electric Power i.oo

167 Cen. Mass Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

168 Charleston Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

168 Citizens (Nantucket) .... Electric Lighting i.oo

169 Clinton ; . . . Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

169 E. Hampton Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 1.50

169 Edison-Boston Electric Lighting .75

170 Edison-Brockton Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

171 Fall River Electric Power 3.00

171 Fitchburg Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 2.00

Electric Power i.oo

172 Franklin Electric Lighting 50

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power 1.50

172 Gardner Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 75

Electric Power 50


172 Glouster Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 2.50

173 Great Barrington Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 50

173 Greenfield Electric Lighting .50

Electric Power 1.50

173 Harvard Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

174 Haverhill Electric Lighting .- 75

Electric Heating 2.00

175 Lawrence Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

175 Lenox Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

175 Leominster Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

176 Lowell Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Heating 2.22

Electric Power i.oo

177 Lynn Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 2.00

177 Maiden Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 2.00

Electric Power 1.50

178 Marion Electric Lighting i.oo

178 Marlborough Electric Lighting 75

179 Milford Electric Lighting 75

179 Mill River Electric Lighting 75

179 New Bedford Electric Lighting .75

Electric Power 1.50

179 Newburyport Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

180 No. Adams Electric Power i.oo

180 Northampton Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 2.50

180 North Brookfield Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

180 Norton Electric Lighting 1.25

Electric Power 1.50


181 Plymouth Electric Lighting $l.oo

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

182 Quincy Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power . i.oo

182 Randolph Electric Lighting I.OO

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

182 Salem Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power per meter i.oo

(Total minimum charge shall not exceed $24.00 per year.)

182 Seekonk Electric Lighting (Minimum for

season $10.00) 83^3

Electric Heating 2.00

Electric Power i.oo

184 Shirley Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

184 Spencer Electric Lighting : 75

Electric Power i.oo

184 Stockbridge Electric Lighting i.oo

185 Suburban Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 1.50

185 Sunderland Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 1.50

185 Tyngsboro Electric Lighting i.oo

186 United (Springfield) Electric Lighting (Yearly basis

$8.00) 66^

Electric Power (Yearly basis

$15-00) 1.25

186 Ware Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

186 Webster Electric Lighting 75

187 Wey mouth Electric Lighting ($6.00 Season

to Summer Customers) i.oo

187 Williamstown Electric Power per h. p i.oo

187 Winchendon Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

188 Worcester Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 75

Electric Power . i.oo


i88 Worcester (Suburban) . . Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Heating 2.50

Electric Power i.oo

Municipal Plants

293 Ashburham Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50

293 Belmont Electric Lighting i.oo

293 Boylston Electric Lighting i.oo

293 Braintree Electric Lighting 75

293 Chicopee Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

293 Concord Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 75

Electric Power i.oo

293 Danvers Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

294 Georgetown Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 60

294 Groton Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

294 Groveland Electric Lighting 75

294 Hingham Electric Lighting 50

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power

(On yearly basis of $10.00) . . .83^3 (Summer residents $1.50 per month.)

204 Holden Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

295 Holyoke Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

295 Hudson Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

296 Ipswich Electric Lighting 50

296 Littleton Electric Lighting 75

296 Lunenburg Electric Lighting 75

296 Mansfield Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 75

Electric Power . i.oo


296 Marblehead Electric Lighting $0.50

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

296 Merrimac Electric Lighting i.oo

297 Middleborough Electric Lighting i.oo

297 Middleton Electric Lighting i.oo

297 No. Attleborough Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

297 Norwood Electric Lighting i.oo

297 Paxton Electric Lighting i.oo

208 Peabody Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

208 Princeton Electric Lighting i.oo

208 Reading Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

298 Rowley Electric Lighting 75

298 Shrewsbury Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 2.00

208 So. Hadley Electric Lighting 50

208 Sterling Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Heating i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

209 Taunton Electric Lighting 75

Electric Heating 75

Electric Power 75

299 Templeton Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

50^ for each additional meter installed.

300 Wellesley Electric Lighting

(Basis of $10.00 year) 83^/3

Electric Power

(Basis of $10.00 year) 83^


§ 79- Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission. Gas Utilities, Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following shows the minimum charges in effect in Gas Schedules under the Commission's supervision, taken from the Commission's 1915 Report. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data were taken.

Private Companies

149 Amesbury Gas Service $0.50

149 Arlington Gas Servicef 50

149 Blackstone Gas Servicef

150 Boston Consolidated Gas Servicef 5O

1 50 Brockton Gas Servicef

150 Citizens Gas Servicef 50

150 Clinton Gas Servicef 5O

150 Dedham Gas Servicef 50

151 East Boston Gas Servicef 5O

151 Fitchburg Gas Service 25

151 Framingham Gas Service 50

151 Gardner Gas Service 40

151 Gloucester Gas Service 25

151 Greenfield Gas Service 50

151 Haverhill Gas Servicef 50

152 Hyannis Gas' Service 50

152 Leominster Gas Servicef 50

152 Lexington Gas Servicef 5O

153 Marlborough Gas Service 50

153 Natick Gas Service .50

153 New Bedford Gas Service^ 25

153 Newburyport Gas Service Basis of $1.00 per

quarter 33 MJ

153 Newton Gas Servicef

153 Northampton Gas Servicef 50

153 No. Attleborough Gas Service^ 50

154 . Norwood Gas Service 50

1 54 Old Colony Gas Servicef

154 Otis Co Gas Service 25

f If bills average less for year.

I If customer has not used over $7 worth of gas during preceding 12 months.


154 Plymouth Gas Service $0.50

154 Salem Gas Service 25

154 Spencer Gas Servicef 50

155 Suburban Gas Service 25

155 Taunton Gas Service 25

155 Vineyard Haven Gas Service 50

155 Vineyard O. B Gas Service 50

155 Woburn Gas Service

On 5-light meters 25

On larger meters 50

155 Worcester Co Gas Servicef 50

§ 80. Massachusetts Gas and Electric Light Commission. Water Utilities, Annual Minimum Charges.

The following shows the annual minimum charge in effect in Water Rate Schedules under the Commission's supervision, taken from the Com- mission's 1915 Report. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data were taken.

213 Amherst Water Service $8.00

213 Barnstable Water Service 12.00

213 Bridgewaters Water Service 20.00

214 Cohasset Water Service » 22.50

214 Cottage City Water Service 14.00

214 Dedham s Water Service 6.00

214 East Mountain Water Service 10.00

214 Edgartown . . . ; Water Service 16.00

214 Fairhaven Water Service 10.00

214 Granville Center Water Service 6.00

214 Groton Water Service 6.00

214 Hingham Water Service '. 8.00

214 Housatonic Water Service 18.00

215 Ludlow Water Service 6.00

215 Milf ord Water Service 12.00

215 Millbury Water Service 14.40

215 Northfield Water Service 9.00

215 Northfield Schools Water Service 12.00-

t If bills average less for year.


215 Norton Water Service $12.00

215 Oxford Water Service 10.00

215 Palmer Water Service 10.00

215 Southbridge : Water Service 6.00

216 Wannacomet Water Service 6.00

216 Westf ord Water Service 10.00

216 Weston Water Service 18.00

§81. New York Public Service Commission Second District Electric Utilities. Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following minimum charges, furnished by the Commission, are in effect under its supervision. The data were taken from pages 69, 119, 163 and 223 of the Commission's Seventh Annual Report and given in same order. Private Companies

Buffalo Electric Lighting $1.00

Buffalo Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Lackawanna Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Blasdell Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Kenmore Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Williamsville Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Amherst Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Scotia Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Ballston Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Clifton Park Electric Lighting .50

Electric Power i.oo

Colonie Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Glenville Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Niskayuna Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power . i.oo


Rotterdam Electric Lighting $0.50

Electric Power i.oo

Yonkers Electric Power

Retail Power Contract 3.00

Floral Park Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Great Neck Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Mineola Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Sea Cliff Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Hempstead Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Oyster Bay Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Baldwin Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Bayville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Central Park Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

East Norwich Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

East Williston Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Garden City Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Glen Cove Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Hicksville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Hyde Park Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Locust Valley Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Manhasset Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Port Washington Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo


Roslyn Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power oo

Thomaston ' Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Westbury Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Niagara Falls Electric Lighting (B & N F E L

& P Co.— $2.00 for new

service) 75

Electric Power 75

Binghampton Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Lestershire Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Port Dickinson Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Conklin Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Union Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

No. Tonawanda Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.qo

Tonawanda Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Pendleton Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

\Yheatfield Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Fredonia Electric Lighting 1.25

Electric Power 1.25

Ithaca Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Amsterdam Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Canajoharie Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Fort Plain Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Nelliston Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power . i.oo

Palatine Bridge Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.oo

St. Johnsville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Sharon Springs Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Manheim Electric Lighting i .00

Electric Power i.oo

Minden Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Palatine Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Batavia Electric Power i.oo

Oakfield Electric Power , i.oo

Alabama Electric Power i.oo

Newstead Electric Power i.oo

Amsterdam Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power $2.00 on all inst.

over i h. p i.oo

Fort Johnson Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $2.00 on all inst.

over i h. p i.oo

Fort Hunter Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $2.00 on all inst.

over i h. p i.oo

Tribes Hill Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $2.00 on all inst.

over i h. p i.oo

Amityville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Northport Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Babylon Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Huntington Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Islip Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Oyster Bay Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo


Smithtown Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 50^ per h. p i.oo

Hillburn Electric Lighting

Single-phase meter 75

Polyphase meter -. . . 1.50

Suffern Electric Lighting

Single-phase meter 75

Polyphase meter 1.50

Ramapo Electric Lighting—

Single-phase meter 75

Polyphase meter 1.50

Tallman Electric Lighting

Single-phase meter 75

Polyphase meter . 1.50

Jamestown Electric Lighting i.oo

Celoron Electric Lighting i.oo

Falconer Electric Lighting i.oo

Ellicott Electric Lighting i.oo

Cortland Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power i.oo

Homer «. . . Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power i.oo

McGrawville Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power i.oo

Cortlandville Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power i.oo

Preble Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power i.oo

Waverly Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Fulton Electric Lighting- Residential 90

Commercial 1.25

Electric Power- Small Motors 1.20

Large Motors i.oo

Granby Electric Lighting

Residential 90

Commercial 1.25

Electric Power

Small Motors 1.20

Large Motors i.oo


Volney Electric Lighting

Residential $0.90

Commercial 1.25

Electric Power

Small Motors 1.20

Large Motors i.oo

Bloomingdale Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

.Saranac Lake Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Black Brook Electric Lighting -. 75

Electric Power 75

Brighton Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Franklin Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Harrietstown Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

North Elba Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

St. Armand Electric Lighting .75

Electric Power 75

Ausable Forks Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Ogdensburg Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Olean Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Allegany Electric Lighting .' i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Nelliston Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Ephratah Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Chester Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Monroe Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Washingtonville Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75


Blooming Grove Electric Lighting $0.75

Electric Power 75

Warwick Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Woodbury Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Florida Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Harriman Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Woodbury Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power 75

Canandaigua . , Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Manchester Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Shortsville Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Hopewell Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Carthage Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

West Carthage Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

Bellport Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power .• 2.00

Patchogue Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Brookhaven Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Bluepoint Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Centre Moriches . Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

East Moriches Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Eastport Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Moriches Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power . 2.00


Speonk Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 2.00

Hornell Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Southampton Electric Power i.25f

East Quogue Electric Power i.25f

Good Ground Electric Power i.25f

Water Mill Electric Power i.25f

Victor Electric Lighting

i to 50 i6-cp. lamps i.oo

51 to 100 i6-cp. lamps 2.00

Over loo i6-cp. lamps 3.00

Electric Power to 20 h. p i.oo

Penfield Electric Lighting—

i to 50 i6-cp. lamps i.oo

51 to loo i6-cp. lamps 2.00

Over loo i6-cp. lamps 3.00

Electric Power to 20 h. p i.oo

Perinton Electric Lighting

i to 50 i6-cp. lamps i.oo

51 to loo i6-cp. lamps 2.00

Over 100 i6-cp. lamps 3.00

Electric Power to 20 h. p i.oo

Pittsford Electric Lighting—

i to 50 i6-cp. lamps i.oo

51 to 100 i6-cp. lamps 2.00

Over loo i6-cp. lamps 3.00

Electric Power to 20 h. p i.oo

Babylon Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Farmingdale r Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

West Islip Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Huntington Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Hoosick Falls Electric Lighting per lamp 12

Electric Power i.oo

Hoosick Electric Lighting per lamp 12

Electric Power i.oo

f Above % h. p. 25^ per h. p. additional.


Cambridge Electric Lighting $o.75

Greenwich Electric Lighting 75

Schuylerville Electric Lighting 75

Victory Mills Electric Lighting 75

Easton Electric Lighting 75

Northumberland Electric Lighting 75

Saratoga Electric Lighting 75

White Creek Electric Lighting .75

LeRoy Electric Lighting .75

Electric Power 75

Hartwick Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 25

Cooperstown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 25

Milford Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 25

Richfield Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 25

Croghan Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

Lowville Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

Castorland Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

Bainbridge Electric Lighting i.oo

Sidney Electric Lighting i.oo

Unadilla ' Electric Lighting i.oo

Gouverneur Electric Lighting i.oo

Hailsboro Electric Lighting i.oo

Tallman, N. Y. to

Mahwah, N. J Electric Lighting

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Tallman, N. Y. to

Wyckhoff, N. J Electric Lighting—

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50


Tallman, N. Y. to

Allendale, N. J Electric Lighting—

Single-phase meters $0.75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Tallman, N. Y. to

Ramsey, N. J Electric Lighting

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Tallman, N. Y. to

Saddle River, N. J Electric Lighting—

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Tallman, N. Y. to Upper

Saddle River, N. J Electric Lighting—

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Tallman, N. Y. to

Cragmere, N. J Electric Lighting

Single-phase meters 75

Polyphase meters 1.50

Waverly, N. Y. to So.

Waverly, Pa Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Waverly, N. Y. to

Sayre, Pa Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Waverly, N. Y. to

Athens, Pa Electric Lighting i.io

Electric Power i.oo

Page 119, Seventh Annual Report

Rochester Electric Lighting

Up to 2l/2 k. w i.oo

2^ to 5 k. w 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Charlotte Electric Lighting

Up to 2l/2 k. w i.oo

2.y2 to 5 k. w 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Brighton Electric Lighting

Up to 2.y2 k. w i.oo

2J/2 to 5 k. w 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00


Chili Electric Lighting

Up to 2.y-2 k. w $1.00

2^ to 5 k. w 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Gates '. Electric Lighting

Up to 2.y2 k. w i.oo

2.l/2 tO 5 k. W 2.OO

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Greece Electric Lighting

Up to 2.y2 k. w i.co

2^ to 5 k. w , . 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Irondequoit Electric Lighting

Up to 2^ k. w i.co

2j4 to 5 k. w 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Webster Electric Lighting

Up to 2^ k. w i.co

2*/2 tO 5 k. W 2.00

Over 5 k. w 3.00

Mount Vernon Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

New Rochelle Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Tarrytown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Syracuse , Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Camillus Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

East Syracuse Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Eastwood Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Fayetteville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Liverpool Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Solvay Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power . i.co


DeWitt Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.oo

Geddes Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Manlius Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Minoa Electric Lighting i.oo

- Electric Power i.oo

Onondaga Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Salina Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Jamesville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Little Falls Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Utica Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Dolgeville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Frankfort Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Herkimer Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power co

Ilion Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power co

Mohawk Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power co

New Hartford Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power co

Whitesboro Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power co

Yorkville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Barneveld Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Chadwicks Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Deerfield Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power . i.oo


New York Mills Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.co

Oriskany Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Sauquoit Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Washington Mills Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Willowvale Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Saratoga Electric Lighting i.io

Ballston Spa Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Watervliet Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Oneida Electric Lighting 84

Amsterdam Electric Lighting 60

Electric Power 50

Glens Falls Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.co

Hagaman Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Canastota Electric Lighting 50

Lake George Electric Lighting 50

Cohoes Electric Power i.co

Saratoga Springs Electric Power i.co

Newb'.irgh Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p 2.00

Poughkeepsie , . . . . Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p.. . . 2.00 Cornwall Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p.. . . 2.00 Marlboro Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p. . . . 2.00 Montgomery Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p 2.00

New Paltz Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p. . . . 2.00

Walden .- Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p. . . 2.00


Hyde Park Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power— $1.00 per h. p 2.00

Lloyd Electric Lighting I.OO

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p. . . . 2.00

Marbletown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p. . . . 2.00

New Windsor Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p.. . . 2.00

Shawangimk Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power $1.00 per h. p.... 2.00

Troy Electric Power i.oo

Waterford Electric Power i.co

Auburn Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

Owasco Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.co

Gloversvillc Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.co

Johnstown Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.co

Watertown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Adams Electric Lighting i .00

Electric Power i.ooa

Black River Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Brownville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Dexter Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Edwards Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Glen Park Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Sackets Harbor Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

Natural Bridge Electric Lighting . i.oo

Electric Power i.ooa

a Electric Power— Helow 10 h. p. $1.00 per h. p.; from 10 to 50 h. p., 50^ per h. p.; over 50 h. p.. 25<f perh. p.


Geneva Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.oo

Clyde Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Lyons Electric Lighting I.OO

Electric Power i.co

Newark Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Palmyra Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Phelps Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Seneca Falls Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Waterloo Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power I.co

Grandview Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Haverstraw Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Nyack '.. Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Piermont Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

South Nyack Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Spring Valley Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Upper Nyack Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

West Haverstraw Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Clarkstown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Orangetown Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Ramapo Electric Lighting . i.oo

Electric Power 2.00

Stony Point Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power . 2.00


Thiells Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 2,00

Rome Electric Lighting—

For every 40 i6-cp. lamps. . . . i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Kingston Electric Lighting i .co

Electric Power i.co

Esopus Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Hurley Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Ulster Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Briar Cliff Manor Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power I.oo

Croton-on-Hudson Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.co

Hillside Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo

Ossining Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.co

Pleasantville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Cortland Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Mt. Pleasant Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

New Castle Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Yorktown Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.co

Oswego Electric Lighting

Electric Power 75

Cohoes Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Waterf ord Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Colonie Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Hudson Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo


Rensselaer Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power i.oo

Kinderhook Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Nassau Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo

Valatie Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

East Greenbnsh Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.co

East Schodack Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.co

Niverville Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

North Chatham Electric Lighting co

Electric Power oo

Stuyvesant Falls Electric Lighting oo

Electric Power oo

Albion Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Barker Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Brockport Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Lyndonvillc Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Medina Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Middleport Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

Carlton Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

Eagle Harbor Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

Gaines Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

Gasport Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

Knowlesville Electric Lighting Sob

Electric Power 75

b 50^ for the first 15 lamps of @ 5$ ea.; over 25 lamps at 2$ ea.


Murray Electric Power $0.75

Ridgeway Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Shelby Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Somerset. Electric Lighting 50!)

Electric Power 75

Waterport Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Yates Electric Lighting 5ob

Electric Power 75

Peekskill Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo

Cortland Electric Lighting I.co

Electric Power i.oo

Yorktown Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo

Middletown Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Glen Falls Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

South Glen Falls Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Plattsburg Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power i.oo

(First 3 h. p., $i. co h. p. Next 2 h. p., 75^ h. p. All over 5 h. p. at sctf h.p.)

Port Jervis Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Deerpark Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Athens Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power 25^ per h. p 1.25

Catskill Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 25^ per h.p 1.25

Coxsackie Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power 25^ per h. p 1.25

Hunter Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power 25$ per h.p 1.25


Tannersville Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 25^ per h. p 1.25

Cairo Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 25$ per h. p 1.25

Ravenna Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 25^ per h. p 1.25

Beacon Electric Lighting 1.50

Corning Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Painted Post Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Corning Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Painted Post Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Islip Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Fort Edward Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Hudson Falls Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

South Glen Falls Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Moreau Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

LaSalle Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Oneonta Electric Lighting i.oo

Mechanicsville Electric Lighting 25

Electric Power i.oo

Stillwater Electric Lighting 25

Electric Power i.oo

Elmira Electric Lighting

House 75

Store i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Elmira Heights Electric Lighting

House 75

Store . . i.oo

Electric Power . i.oo


Horseheads Electric Lighting- House $0.75

Store i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Montour Falls Electric Lighting

House 75

Store i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Southport Electric Lighting

House 75

Store i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Depew Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 75

Lancaster ." Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 75

Sloan Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power 75

Cheektowaga Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power 75

Page 199, Seventh Annual Report

Dansville Electric Lighting i.co

Electric Power i.oo

Norwich Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Bath Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

Granville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

$1.00 h. p. first 5 h. p. Over 5 h. p. 75^ per h. p.

Middle Granville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power i.oo

$1.00 h. p. first h. p. Over 5 h. p. 75tf per h. p.

Fort Plain Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50

Nelliston Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 50


Warsaw Electric Lighting $1.00

Electric Power 1.50

First 3 h. p. per h. p. $1.50 Over 3 h. p. $1.20 to 75^ per h. p. according to in- stallation.

Wappingers Falls Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 50

Hughsonville Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p 50

Municipal Electric Light Plants Page 163, Seventh Annual Report

Jamestown Electric Lighting i.oo

Herkimer Electric Lighting 50

Dunkirk Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power 1.25

Fairport Electric Lighting 80

Electric Power 2.00

Up to 2]/2 h. p. 8otf per h. p. for large sizes.

Salamanca (Annual charge varies from $12

to $500) i.oo

Lake Placid Electric Lighting 75

(75^ meter rent when service is below this figure.)

Electric Power 75

(75$ meter rent when service is below this figure.)

Penn Yan Electric Lighting 50

Electric Power i.oo

Watkins Electric Lighting 50

Hamilton Electric Lighting 50

Skaneateles Electric Lighting 20

(Meter Rent 20^ mo.) Electric Power

(Meter Rent 20^ mo.)


§ 82. New York Public Service Commission. Second District. Artificial Gas Utilities Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following minimum charges, furnished by the Commission, are in effect under its supervision. The data were taken from pages 121, 140, 198 and 206 of the Commission's Seventh Annual Report and given in same order.

Page 121, Seventh Annual Report


Auburn Gas Service $0.50

Geneva Gas Service 50

Waterloo Gas Service 50

Seneca Falls Gas Service 50

Lyons Gas Service 50

Newark Gas Service 50

Palmyra Gas Service 50

Phelps Gas Service 50

Kingston Gas Service 50

Albion Gas Service 50

Plattsburg Gas Service 50

Port Jervis Gas Service 50

Catkskill Gas Service 25

Beacon Gas Service 50

Mechanicsville Gas Service 25

Saratoga Springs Gas Service 58

Oneida Gas Service 50

Page 140, Seventh Annual Report

Buffalo Gas Service 50

Hempstead Gas Service 50

Garden City Gas Service .50

Ithaca Gas Service . . 55

Cortland Gas Service 25

Homer Gas Service. ... 25

Fulton .Gas Service.. 50

Ogdensburg Gas Service 50

Page 199, Seventh Annual Report

Dansville Gas Service $0.50

Bath Gas Service 50

Granville Gas Service 50

Page 206, Seventh Annual Report

Saugerties Gas Service 20

Brockport Gas Service 25

Waverly Gas Service 25

Owego Gas Service 25

Penn Yan Gas Service 50

Haverstraw Gas Service 50

West Haverstraw Gas Service 50

§ 83. New York Public Service Commission. Second District. Natural Gas Utilities, Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following minimum charges, furnished by the Commission, are in effect under its supervision. The data were taken from pages 121, 140, 154 and 214 of the Commission's Seventh Annual Report and given in same order.

Page 121, Seventh Annual Report

Elmira Natural Gas Service $0.50

Lancaster Natural Gas Service 30

Page 140, Seventh Annual Report

Tonawanda Natural Gas Service , 30

No. Tonawanda Natural Gas Service 30

Kenmore Natural Gas Service 30

Amherst Natural Gas Service 30

Page 154, Seventh Annual Report

Caton Center Natural Gas Service 50

Mossy Glen Natural Gas Service 50

Southport Natural Gas Sci /ice 50

Chautauqua Natural Gas Service i.oo

Basis $12.00 per annum.

Perry Natural Gas Service 50

Warsaw Natural Gas Service 50

Covington Natural Gas Service 50

Pavilion Natural Gas Service $0.50

Olean Natural Gas Service 50

Angelica Natural Gas Service 50

Belfast Natural Gas Service 50

Belmont Natural Gas Service 50

Friendship Natural Gas Service 50

Portville Natural Gas Service 50

Corning Natural Gas Service 45

Hornell Natural 'Gas Service 50

Elmira Natural Gas Service

Southport Natural Gas Service '.

Page 214, Seventh Annual Report

Baldwinsville " Natural Gas Service i.oo

Canisteo Natural Gas Service

§ 84. Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission. Electric Utili- ties. Monthly Minimum Charges.

Narragansett Electric Lighting Co., Providence, R. I., 4 R. S., p. 19.

Electric Power Less than 2 h. p $1.00

50^ per h. p. per month for installations ranging from

2 to 10 h. p. ; $5.00 for installation exceeding %

10 h. p.

§ 85. West Virginia Public Service Commission. Electric Utili- ties. Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following were taken from Part II of the Commission's First Annual Report, and show the rate schedules in effect under jurisdiction of the Commission. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data are taken.

684 Bluefield Electric Window Lighting $0.75

684 Keystone General Electric Lighting i.oo

684 Welch Electric Lighting 75

684 Pocahontas, Va Electric Lighting 75

684 Pulaski, Va Electric Lighting 75

684 Wytheville, Va Electric Lighting 75


684 Marion, Va Electric Lighting $0.75

684 Galax, Va Electric Lighting 75

685 Christiansburg, Va Electric Lighting 75

685 Dublin, Va Electric Lighting 75

685 Bramwell Electric Lighting 75

685 Bethany Electric Lighting—

7$ per lamp for which each house is wired.

688 Huntington Electric Lighting I.OO

Electric Power 1 .00

First 5 h. p. or less per h. p. $1.00. 50^ per h. p. for all h. p. in excess of 5 h.p.

689 Mannington Electric Lighting i.oo

689 Belington Electric Lighting i.oo

689 Davis Electric Lighting i.oo

691 Elkins Electric Lighting i.oo

692 Cascade Electric Lighting i.oo

696 Marlinton Electric Lighting 1.50

696 Martinsburg Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

698 Newell Electric Lighting 50

700 Pittsburg Electric Lighting i.oo

703 Princeton Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p i.oo

704 Clifton Forge Electric Lighting i.oo

707 Wheeling Electric Lighting .50

Electric Power i.oo

708 Morgantown Electric Lighting 75

Electric Power

2 h. p. or less 2.00

3 to 5 h.p 3.00

6 h. p. and over each 50^ per


709 Charleston Electric Lighting i.oo

Electric Power per h. p * ro


§ 86. West Virginia Public Service Commission. Natural Ga* Utilities: Monthly Minimum Charges for Gas Service.

The following were taken from Part II of the Commission's First Annual Report, and show the rate schedules now in effect under jurisdic- tion of the Commission. The figures at the .left indicate the page number from which the data arc taken.

Company Town

753 Ohio Valley Gas Chester $0.56

753 Ohio Valley Gas Newell 56

753 Ohio Valley Gas Fairview 56

753 Ohio Valley Gas Congo 56

755 Ohio Valley Gas Cameron District 50

755 Ohio Valley Gas . V Liberty District 50

755 Ohio Valley Gas Webster District 56

757 Point Pleasant Point Pleasant 50

762 Tri-State Weirton 56

762 Tri-State Holliday's Grove 56

762 Tri-State Tyler County i.oo

762 Tri-State Wetzel County i.oo

762 Tri-State Meade District i.oo

762 Tri-State Liberty District i.co

762 Tri-State Cameron District i.oo

762 Tri-State Franklin District i.oo

762 Tri-State Webster District i.oo

763 Tri-State Clay District. 56

763 Tri-State Washington District 56

763 Tri-State Union District 56

763 Tri-State Wellsburg 56

763 Tri-State Follansbee 56

763 Tri-State West Liberty ' 56

763 Tri-State Brook County 56

763 Tri-State Ohio County 56

768 Tuel West & Co Sistersville i.oo

769 United Fuel Barboursville .21

769 United Fuel Blue Creek 20

769 United Fuel Burdette 25

769 United Fuel Charleston 20


Company Town

771 United Fuel Clendenin $0.15

771 United Fuel Culloden 21

771 United Fuel Ceredo 21

771 United Fuel Ft. Gay .21

772 United Fuel Gandeeville 50

772 United Fuel Gay 50

772 United Fuel Huntington 21

772 United Fuel Hurricane 20

772 United Fuel Kenova 21

772 United Fuel Kermit 21

772 United Fuel Logan 25

774 United Fuel Ona 20

774 United Fuel Poca 20

774 United Fuel Ripley 23

774^ United Fuel Ravenswood 23

774 United Fuel Reedy 50

775 United Fuel Sandyville 23

775 United Fuel Spencer 25

775 United Fuel Walton 50

775 United Fuel Williamson 25

776 United Fuel Walton District 50

776 United Fuel Smithfield District 50

776 United Fuel Geary District 50

776 United Fuel Spencer District 50

776 United Fuel ' . . Curtis District 50

776 United Fuel Harper District 50

777 United Fuel Jackson County 23

778 Wayne L. H. & W Wayne i.oo

788 W. Va. Trac. & Elec. . . . Wheeling i.oo

789 Wetzel Gas New Martinsville 92

789 Wetzel Gas Brooklyn 92

789 Wetzel Gas Wetzel County 92

789 Wetzel Gas Elsworth District 92

790 Wetzel Gas Brooklyn 54

790 Wetzel Gas New Martinsville 54

790 Wetzel Gas Tyler County 54


Company Town

790 Wetzel Gas Wetzel County $0.54

792 Wheeling N. G Warwood 56

792 Wheeling N. G McMechen 56

792 Wheeling N. G Richland District 56

792 Wheeling N. G Triadelphia District 56

792 Wheeling N. G Union District 56

792 Wheeling N. G Glendale 56

792 Wheeling N. G Elsworth District 56

792 Wheeling N. G McClellan District 56

792 Wheeling N. G Grant District 56

793 Wheeling N. G Sedalia 56

793 Wheeling N. G Glen Easton 56

793 Wheeling N. G Mannington District 56

794 Wheeling X. G Benwood 60

794 Wheeling N. G Cameron 54

794 Wheeling N. G Doddridge 54

795 Wheeling X. G Glenova 60

796 Wheeling N. G Harrison County 54

796 Wheeling N. G Hundred 54

796 Wheeling N. G Marion County 54

797 Wheeling X. G Sandhill District 60

797 Wheeling X. G Washington District 60

797 Wheeling X. G Clay District 60

797 Wheeling X. G Webster District 60

797 Wheeling X. G Cameron District 54

797 Wheeling X. G Franklin District 54

797 Wheeling X. G Liberty District 54

797 Wheeling X. G Meade District 54

798 Wheeling X. G Monogalia 54

798 Wheeling X. G Moundsville 60

798 Wheeling X. G Ohio County 60

799 Wheeling X. G Tyler County 54

799 Wheeling X. G Warwood 60

800 Wheeling X. G Wetzel County 54


§ 87. West Virginia Public Service Commission. Water Utilities. Monthly Minimum Charges.

The following were taken from Part II of the Commission's First Annual Report, and show the rate schedules now in effect under jurisdic- tion of the Commission. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data are taken.

643 Welch Water Service

4 rooms or less (annual

charge $10.00) $0.83^

5 or 6 rooms (annual charge

$15.00) 1.25

Over 6 rooms (annual charge

$20.00) 1.66%

644 Beckley Water Service i.oo

645 McMechen Water Service

Based on annual charge of

$10.00 83^/3

648 Bluefield Water Service— y2" Meter 75

24" Meter 4.75

i" Meter 6.00

i*/j" Meter 15.00

2" Meter 35-OO

3" Meter 85.00

4" Meter 210.00

652 Belington Water Service i.co

652 Follansbee Water Service

I to 5 room house (quarterly

charge $1.50) 50

6 to 12 room house (quarterly

charge $2.25) 75

655 Huntington Water Service i .00

659 Middlebourne Water Service i.oo

660 Moundsville Water Service 75

663 Princeton Water Service

i M. gal. per day, or less 70

1 to 2 M. gal. per day 10.50

2 to 3 M. gal. per day 18.00

3 to 5 M. gal. per day 22.50

5 to 10 M. gal per day 30.00

Over 10 M 49. 50


()j-' Wheeling Water Service


Meter . . .

. . $1.00


Meter . . .

. . 2.00


Meter . . .

. . 4.00


Meter . . .

. . 5-00


Meter . . .

. . 6.00


Meter .

. 10.00

Larger Meters $1.00 each 15 gal. per minute of rated capacity.

§ SS. United States Census Statistics on Water Works Minimum Charges.

The following show the minimum charges in use in Water Works Schedules in various cities of the United States, as reported in the Gen- eral Statistics of Cities for the Year 1915. The figures at the left indicate the page number from which the data were taken.

Monthly Minimum Charges

Akron, O ............... Water Service—


166 181 183 185 166

175 182 180 163 180 171

Atlanta, Ga

Auburn, N. Y

Austin, Texas Bellingham, Wash. Birmingham, Ala.

Canton, Ohio

Cedar Rapids, Iowa Charlotte, N. C. ... Cincinnati, Ohio . . . Dubuque, Iowa ....

Meter Meter Meter

. $0.50

-75 . i. co Larger meters in proportion

Meter charge 80

Meter charge 75

Meter charge 50

Water Service 60

.25 •30 .40 .60 i.oo 1.65 2.50 4.00

-50 .90 •50


Water Service 75


Service 5^"























Service .

Duluth, Minn Water Service



177 El Paso, Texas Water Service—

s/8" Meter— Within city $0.90

Outside city 90

1 77 Flint, Mich Water Service 75

173 Ft. Wayne, Ind Water Service 33^3

180 Galveston, Texas Wrater Service 25

170 Kansas City, Kansas Water Service .70

164 Kansas City, Mo Water Service 50

181 Knoxville, Tenn Water Service 83

1 79 Lincoln, Neb Water Service 50

183 Lorain, Ohio Water Service 50

162 Los Angeles, Cal Water Service

s/s" and 1/4" Meters .75

i" Meter i.oo

iy2" Meter 1.50

2" Meter 2.00

3" Meter 3.00

4" Meter 4-OC-

6" Meter 6.00

179 Macon, Ga Water Service 60

167 Omaha, Neb Water Service .60

179 Pasadena, Cal Water Service 90

164 Portland, Ore Water Service 50

Water Service

Outside City i.oo

Elevators, Sidewalk 3.00

Inside Elevators 5-°°

165 St. Paul, Minn Water Service— 5/s" Meter 30

34" Meter 35

i" Meter 50

1 54" Meter 80

iy2" Meter i.io

-2" Meter 2.00

3" Meter 4.50

4" Meter 8.00

168 Salt Lake City, Utah Water Service 50

178 San Diego, Cal Water Service

y%" or 24" Meter i.oo

i" or iy2" Meter . 1.50

2" Meter 2.00

3" Meter 3-OO

4" Meter 4.00

Over 4" Meter 5-°°


174 Savannah, Ga Water Service $0.90

176 Sioux City, Iowa. . : Water Service 50

167 Spokane, Wash Water Service

Less than 4 rooms 60

4 rooms, bath and closet 80

175 Springfield, 111 Water Service

Commercial 50

169 Tacoma, Wash Water Service 85

184 Waco, Texas Water Service 75

Quarterly Minimum Charges

182 Amsterdam, N. Y Water Service

fij" or 24" Meter 2.00

i" Meter 3.00

i ^" Meter 5.00

2" Meter 8.00

3" Meter 10.00

4" Meter 15.00

161 Baltimore, Md Water Service

Under i" Meter 1.50

i" or larger 2.50

162 Detroit, Mich Water Service 90

180 East Orange, N. J Water Service 1.65

181 Jcliet, 111 Water Service 1.50

178 Kalamazoo, Mich Water Service 75

168 Nashville, Tenn Water Service 1.50

163 Newark, N. J Water Service 1.50

184 Newport, Ky Water Service 1.50

183 Oshkosh, Wis Water Service 1.25

180 Perth Amboy, N. J Water Service i.oo

161 Pittsburg, Pa Water Service—

I and 2 rooms 25

3 and 4 rooms ..50

5 and 6 rooms i.oo

7 and 8 rooms 1.25

9 and 10 rooms 2.00

ii and 12 rooms 2.50

13 and 14 rooms 3.00

15 and 16 rooms 4.00

More than 16 rooms 5.00

176 Rockford, 111 Water Service 80

171 Somerville, Mass Water Service 1.50


175 Springfield, 111 179 Woonsocket, R. I

Water Service Residence Water Service

$0.75 2.50

Semi-annual Minimum Charges 176 Altoona, Pa

Water Service


161 Cleveland, Ohio

Water Service1 fys" Meter . . .

I 25

y4" Meter


i" Meter \y2" Meter .

6.00 800

2" Meter 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter

. I2.OO , 25.00 . 4O.CO 75-OO

184 Orange N J

Water Service

2 5O

182 Taunton Mass

Water Service


Annual Minimum Charges 176 Atlantic Citv NT

Water Service Based on Slid-

ing Percentage when assessed rate is : $1000

=; oo

$10.00 to $18.00 $1800 to $25 oo

10. CO 13 OO

$25.00 to $35.00 $35.00 to $50.00 $50 oo to $70 oo



3^ OO

$70.00 to $100.00 More than $ico oo . .


7^ oo

177 Augusta, Ga

Water Service Within city Outside city limits



1 78 Bay Citv Mich

Water Service •.


177 Binghamton N Y

Water Service


161 Boston Mass

Water Service


162 Buffalo, N. Y

Water Service 9/6" Meter


y4" Meter i" Meter 11/2" Meter 2" Metei 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter 8" Meter 10" Meter u" Meter

15.00 20.00 30.00 40.00 50.00

100.00 2CO.OO

300.00 400.00 500.00

170 Camden N J



<; oo

166 Columbus Ohio



2. 7O

1 76 Covington Ky




181 Everett Mass




180 Fitchburg Mass


Service tys"


5 oo



Meter Meter Meter Meter


. 12.00 . 18.00 . 25.00


Meter .




Meter Meter

. 60.00


173 Harrisburg, Pa

. . Wrater



174 Holyoke Mass



5 oo

170 Lawrence, Mass ,

. . Water



183 Lima Ohio




178 Maiden Mass

. . Water


3 OO

172 Manchester, N. H.

. . . Water


. 8.00

163 Minneapolis Minn

, . . Water



177 New Brittain, Conn. . 179 Newton Mass

. . . Water Water

Service Service

. 5.00


182 Niagara Falls

. . . Water



175 Pawtucket R I

. Water



160 Philadelphia Pa . .


Service y2"


s OO

165 Providence, R I ..


y*" w




6" Service

Ferrule ... Ferrule . . . Ferrule ... Ferrule ... Ferrule ... Ferrule . . . Ferrule ... Ferrule . . . Ferrule ...

. 8.00 . 13.00 . 20.00

31-25 . 45.00 . 80.00 . 180.00 . 320.00 . 720.00 800

176 Saginaw, Mich

. . . Water



178 Salem, Mass

. .. Water

Service Y^"





3'' 6"

Meter Meter Meter Meter Meter Meter . . . .


5-00 6.50


. 20.00 . 40.00




N. Y. ...

... Water


. . $3.00


Syracuse, N

. Y

... Water

Service . . .




Toledo, Ohi



Service ....

c 40

Trenton, N.










A c^O


Conn. . . .

. . . Water


=; oo




. . . Water

Service— §4''

' Meter



' Meter



Meter . . .

. . 20.00


' Meter ...

. . 30.00


Meter . . .

. . 40.00


Meter . . .

. . 50.00


Meter . . .

. . 60.00


Meter . . .

. . 70.00





Yonkers. N.

Y. .

. Water

Service .



Ep -O rf

JftW i.**

Gaylord Bros.


Syracuse. N. Y. PAT. JAN. 21, BO*


i o
