
THE HECORDEH -^ 1895-1920

Toronto Bible College




Presentee by the GEWEHAL iUjUMJNl ASSOuIAi'IOw

December 79 40

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}lrlrr : j (£riita (irr Annum.

Vol. XV[I.]


[No. 3.

A\ernbers of Corporation.

Rev. Elmore Harris, D.D.. Prcsldcuf.

Betlieden. Waliner Road. Toronto. Rev. R. p. Mack.vv. I).1>.. \

Toronto. > ViccPresidcnts. J. D. Nasmith, Toronto. J Jos. X. SiiENSTO.N'E, Trrtisiirer.

40 Wnlmer Road, Toronto. Rev. Wm. Stewart, D.D., Srcrctary,

13S St. tlcorge St., Toronto. Rev. John McNicol, RD., Principal,

11(» College St., Toronto. E. Hooper, M.D., Hronte. R. Kii,(i()i'R, Toronto. Marti.n Love, Toronto. Ki.iAS RooEKS, Toronto.

Geoerzii Council.


Rev. Tkos. A. Rodger.

Paris .- Joii.v Pen.man.

St. Catharines Geo. W. Hodoetts.

stratford: DiNCAN Stewart.

Toronto : Dr.Kd.St. G. Haldwin. Rev. H. V. Bingham. Tiios. S. Coi.K.


.J. J. Gartshore.


W. H. Howitt. M.D. Dr. N'.W. Hovi.Es, K.C Kkv. T. \i. HVDE. .Idiin Ma<kav. Rev. D. McTavish,


CllE.STER D. Ma.><SKY.

S. J. Moore.

W. H. ORR.

Rev. H. .M. I'AitsoNs,

D.D. F. M. Pratt.


W. J. RonERTSo.v. HAitRV L. Stark.

The names of other friends in important cen- tres are yet to be added to the General Council.



Rev. G. J. Bishop, D.D. Rev. R. NVali.ace.


C. Cook.

Frank M. Foster.


JruoE Reynolds.


R. G. Strcthkr-s.

Qermantown, Pa. Rev. H. NN'. Frost.


Rev.T.Wardroi-k.D.D R. M. HousoN.

hakilton i Rev. Fred E. Howitt.


B. W. Robertson

montreal : Geo. Hague,

I.vstructors and Lecturers for 1909-10.

Rev. John McXicol, B.D. Rev. W'.m. Stewart, D.D. Rev. Ei-.more Harris, D.D. Rev. a. I.mkie, B.Th. Rev. K. V. Binoiia.m. NV. H. Howitt. M.D. Mr. C. E. Lick. Mrs. Eva R. York. .Mrs. H. L. .Steriiens.

E.xaminers for 1910-11. Rev. W. H. Hincks, D.D. Rev. T. B. Hvde, M.A. Rev. H. M. Parsons, D.D. Rev. F. S. Weston, M.A.

Miss Margaret Oliver, .^a•.s•^.s■^ Sec. mid Librarian

Contributions. Any friends desir- ing to have fellowship in the work may send their contributions to tlie Ti-ea.s- ui-er. .1. N. Shenstone, Esq., 40 Walmer Road. Toronto, or to any officer of the .School.

The Work of the Session.

The work of the present session was resumed after the Christmas vacation with an increased enrolment. The average attendance of students in the day clas.ses is over 60, which is fully up to the average of last year. The attend- ance in the evening clas.ses was inter- rupted somewhat during the evangelistic campaign in January, but since then it ha.s improved. Dr. Howitt is giving his valuable course of instruction on Tropi- cal Diseases to the students who are preparing for foreign work. Rev. R. V. Bingham is ccmducting a special course of study on the fundamental Biblical principles of missions, .Ail the other cla,sses are going on as usual.


What Two Friends Say.

In an intei-fsting letti'i" which our Ti-i'asuriT liitoly received from Miss Kthel M Wilkins, a former graduate of the .School, she write.s a.s follows :

"We h.Mve still a deep interest in the Toronto Hihle Training School. The days spent there were very liuppy and pii)lilal>U'. We are glad there is such a School in the city, where God's Holy Wonl, the Bihle, is clearly ajid faithfully taught. May (Jod's richest blessing at- tend all the" efforts put forth by the l\)uncil and Instructors; and may numy of the students continue to go forth to preach tlie Gospel."

Miss Wilkins was engaged for a time as a missionary nui-se in a hospital in om- North-West, but her health gave way, and she is now resting at home. May she soon be restored to health.

A member of our General Council, who has .shown his deep interest in the Scliool lx)th by gifts and services, re- cently sent us this e.stinuite of the .School and the position it takes :

"The enclosed is my annual contribu- tion to the maintenance fund of the Toronto Bible Training School As time goes on, and reveals the lamentable trend towards rationalism on the part of our churches and colleges, the exist- ence and support of such an institution as the Bible Training School becomes increasingly necessary and important."

Evangelistic Labors.

Oui frienil and giaduate, George Tester, who has done excellent work for the Bible Society in this city, and in other places in Ontario, has lately been engatred in evangelistic work at Wooler and Uxl)ri<lge. He has visited over 15(> homes in "the love of the Go.spel," and good residts are anticipated. He is now at BloomHeld, engaged in similar .service.


(iKAV-BcKN.s.— At Philailelphia. Fa.. on Saturday, January 21, 1911, Annie Burn.s, of 5.32 Spadina Avenue, Toronto. U) Thomas Will>ert Grav. of New York.

Many of the former students and graduates of the Toronto Bible Train- ing School, as well as the students now in attendance, were greatly interested in learning of this marriage. Miss Burns has l)een for years the eflficient and faithful assistant-secretary of tlie School. She attended to her numerous duties with zeal, and secured the esteem of all connected with the Institution by her unfailing kiTidncss and coui'tesy. She has the best wisiies of many friends that all true happiness may attend her in this new relationship.

Practical Work.

The students of the School took an active part in the Evangelistic Cam- paign under Dr. Chapman and Mr. Alexander, which was held in Toronto during the month of January. Abo\it thirty of them undertook the personal work in two sections of Massey Hall, and others were enrolled as workers in churches in different parts of the city. The expeiiences of the campaign were of great value to them all.

The Evangelistic Band has been con- tinuing its good work tliroughout the winter. On Sunday nights Gospel ser- vices have been conducted in .several mi.ssions in different ])arts of the city, and OTi Monday nights the Band has cluirge of the meeting in the Yonge St. ^fission. The students i-epoi-t that nmch blessing is accompanying them, and that many conveisions have re- sulted from their work. Tlie young men also supj>Iy |)ulpits occasionally outside tlie citv.

Assistant Secretary.

.Miss Margaret Oliver has received the appointment of Assistant .Secretary of the Toronto Bible Training School, as successor to Miss Annie Burns. She entered on her important duties on the 30th of January, and gives promise of doing very useful work in her new position.



The Missionary Society.

'i'lu' niissioimiy nrtivitifsof the School art' ln'iiiu: canii'il on with «'iu'ounigiiig intt'ivst. The iv^;iilar wft-kly mot'tiiig of the Society and the iniii'iiin^ mission- ary prayer-meeting are well attended. Since the beginning of the session four- teen mission study classes have been organized, with six or eight students in each. The classes organized in October romi»leted theii- work at the close of the yejir, and a new set of classes was or- ganized in .January. At present over fifty students of the Day Classes are enrolled in mission study. The lunnber of students looking forward to the foreign field has increased during the session, and the Volunteer Band now consists of twenty-two members.

An interesting feature of the Society's prograunue for Mai-ch is a debate on the subject, "Resolved; That in the Evangelizing of the world there is a greater need for the spiritual strength- ening of the bofly of the Christian Church at home than for the strength- ening of the missionary forces on the field."

2. Write a brief account pointing out the stages in tlu' life of either Abra- ham or lacol).

3. Ti-ace the promise (»f a Redeemer in Genesis.

4. (live an analysis of Exodus.

5. Draw a diagram of the Tal)ernacle with its furniture.

6. Give the main divisions of Leviticus and explain clearly the spiritual significance of the sacrifices.

7. Describe the ceremonies of the Day of Atonement; or give a list of the feasts of the Lord with their New- Testament antitypes.

8. Give the main divisions of Numbers and write a m)te on the stages of the wilderness journey.

9. Give a list of the types of Christ in Ntmibers, stating where they are found.

10. State the general character and give the main divisions of Deuteronomv.

Death of Mrs. Stewart. After an illness of nearly four years, Mrs. Win. Stewart, the wife of the first Principal of the Bibh' Training School, passed from earth to be forever with the Lord. The earlier members of the School will recall the yearly I'eunion of the students at her home, as long as she could extend to them her kindly hospitality. She died toward midnight on the 18th of I'Y'liruary, and her re- mains were borne on Feb. 2<)th to the family bin ying groimds at Beamsville. Her bereaved husband conveys his heartfelt thanks to the members of the Day and Evening Classes of the .School for their lesolntions of sympathy.

The Pentateuch. Rkv. John MrNiroi..

1. Explain the names and stati- tlie themes of the five books.

Essays and Addresses. By Rev. Wm. Stewakt, D.D.

1. Distinguish l»etween the humiliation and the humility of Christ.

2. Write a paraphrase of I'hil. 2: <> and 7.

'.i, Givt' testimonies to the holiness of Christ fn>m those who were not His disciples.

1. In what way did Christ manifest His love to men in tin- past.

;"). (Jive some of the most noted exam- ples of the Saviour's compassion.

(5. Wiite an e.s.say of at least tw«i hundred wouls fui "the Gosj>h1 of Christ.


Colportage Work. Si'vcral of oui- students engage jn colportage work. In some districts the visit of the colporteur is the only visit of a religious character ever received, and as a rnl*" he is warmly welcomed. His is an important work, and calls for H combination of qualities not often found. It is }i work which has always been greatly blessed. The minister can have no better ally than the Colporteur, whose work often brings to light some interesting information. One Colpor- tejir rejxirts thjit in three w(^eks' labor in an old settled part of Western Ontario, he found fourteen homes in which there was not a single copy of the Word of God. He sold a Bible to a woman al)out forty years of age, who had never possessed a copy of hei- own. He says : "Seventh Day Adventist and Millennial Dawn literature I found everywhere." The error must be met by tl»e opposing truth.

for North America of the China Inland Mission. There is an especial propriety in this arrangement, because Mr. Frost has been connected with the School from the beginning, and because his daughter is a member of the graduating class.

Notes. The final examinations of the present term will take place from April 17th to April 27th, 1911.

The annual meeting of the Board of Incorporati«)n and the (4eneral Council of the Bible Training School will l)eheld on A])ril 28th, and the graduating exer- cises on the evening of the same day.

Four or five of our students have l>een preaching with much acceptance in pulpits outside of Toronto. In the case of one or two of thes<s it is ex- pected that a call may be extended to enter on a more permanent relation- ship.

Mr. Lloyd Hist, of Eglinlon, has offereil his services to the Board of the China Inland Mission for employment in that vast country. Mr. Rist has l)een one of our most devoted students, and we tntst that the way may be opened up for him to go wherever the Loi'd of the harvest may wi.-^h.

Thk a«ldress before the graduating class will be delivered by the Rev. Henry W. Fnvst, of Germantown. Pa.. Director

We regret to announce that Mrs. H. L. Stephens, who conducted the class in vocal music with so much efficiency during the first half of the present session, has been obliged from throat tiouble to give up her work for a pro- longed period of rest. We sincerely trust that by the blessing of our Heav- enly Feither she will soon recover, and again be the means of training many for the service of song among the Lord's


Receipts for General Fund.

Donations received from Nov. 26th, 1910, to March 1st, 1911 :

No. fig $o 00

fi9 5 00

70 20 00

71 UO 00

No.lll «10 00

112 ino 00

5 00 5 00 5 00

75 4 00

76 5 00

77 10 00

78 10 00

79 5 00

80 00

81 10 00

82. 8.3. 84. 85. 86. 87.

15 00

10 on

50 00 10 00 10 00 5 00 8S 100 00

50 00 5 00 2 00 5 OO

Id 00

113. 114. 115. 116. 117.

118 100 OO

119 10 00

12.1 250 00

121 10 00

122 25 00

123 50 00

121 10 00

125 100 OO

126 2 OO

127 60 0(1











99 100

101 10 00

102 10 00

103 25 00

10 00

20 00

a 00

1 00

10 00

1 00 5 00

10 00 5 00

2 00 5 00 5 00

1 00

4 86 10 00

5 00 5 00

5 no

no 25 00

104. 105 106. 107. 108. 109.

128 129 130 131 1.32 13<

131 35 00

135 10 00

13(5 10 00

1.37 10 00

5 25 2 00 2 OO 25 00 10 00 L'5 OO

138. 139. 14U. 141. 142. 143. 144.

6 00

1 00

2 00 5 OO 4 00 2 00

10 00

M 145 100 00

., 146 2 50

147 200 OO

,. US 10 CO

149 5 00

150 1 00

.. 151 10 00

. 152 20 00

Total $1,804 61

Previously acknowledged 1,469 00

Total to date 3,273 61

.Joseph N. Shenstone. Treas

