
929.2 At5253a 1606645



3 1833 01200 0722


of the

Allen Family from the First Settlement in Pennsylvania

Samuel Allen

Photo-offset copy of original volume

Newberry Library

Chicago, Illinois



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■\ / 1606645





CoitDiiciictd Tenth month i^fli. iSj'S,

by Samuel Alien, the son oj the eldest son of the some neim ;

for jilt generations.

FIRST Samuel Allen crime from Che^v Mngp.a, near Bristol, England, and with Mary hi:^ wife and hve children, namely, Martha, Aane, Sara!;, Samuel, and Pr'S'iHa. eniuarked at Bristol, old England, in the >hip Bristol Faetor. Roger Drew, commander, and arrived vchere Chester now stands on 12th month nth, 16S1. The fi\Tr froze up that night. They re- mained there all winter,

1682. Thev settled on the west bank of the Xeshaminy, at the plrxe no'.v owned ard -Vl po.^--ession of Martha Allen, one of the .*ifth generation

The children married as foiiows :

16S6. 2(1 month 2 2d. Manila married, at a meeting held at her father's house, to Daniel Pegg, tlie owner of three hun dred and fifty acres of land oit the LV^lasvare. between Cohock- sink creek and Pegg's run, now the Northern Liljertie.-. It appears that Martha died, leaving an onl_\ daughter, and Daniel Pegg ma'ried again, at Friend.s' meeting in. Philadelphia, in 1691, to Barbara Jones ; an^i at tlie date of Ids will, in 1729. he left a widow Sarah, and a", only chi'd named Sarah.

16SS. i2th month 4th, \\vo.c married Stephen Lane, :.t a. meetinf:? at the house of her father, at Xe-haminv.

t6So. Toth month 19th. Sarah married John Hald-Air', ac a mcctiiiLT a: t\w hou^e of her father.

16S2. Prisi.illa marrieJ Thomas Smith. Th.i^ \s;;.^ the h :■■■'■ marriage evL-r cclc-bratcJ in Philadelphia. lie ajVicars to Iv.tve left two dauL,'hters— Mary and Ann Smith, and rri^'.'llo nia: r'^'.:.! again to Thomas Sisom. iith month 14th, 1693. and left li'ree sons Samnel, lohn, ai^i I'iiomas Sisoni.

1691. Second Samuel Allen married (3d mo':ch 2;th) Jane, daughter of Xichola-; and Jane W'aln, at ih,?.' nev meeting- house, at N'e.-^liaminy, since called Middieto-'vu. 1 he jiLk e where Nicholas A\'aln resided is now in no-^sesv;...;n and occupied b\- J. Paul Mitchell, a descendant of the sixth generation, and great-grandson of Samuel and Jane Alleii of t'le third.

1 lie follo\\dng are the names 01 tlie children of S.nnuel a^d Jane Allen ;

1 69 J. 3d month 29th, Mary was born

1694. 7th month I 2th, Anna.

1696. 6th month 24th, Jane.

1G99. 2d m.oiith 29th. Priscilla.

1701. 3d month ist. Samuel.

1702. 1st month Sih, Richard. William.


Martha. '



There -Aas a \\dliiarn Allen mayor of Philadelithia in 1736.

It does not aiipear that Mary, Priscilla, or Richard ever married.

Ann married Beujaniin Palmer, of Lower Makefield.

lane married Jonathan Knight, oi Byberry.

Samuel nvarried Kli/abeth Clawson, a descendant of a family of Swedes.

William married two wives, the first was Mary \\'elsh., the second Mary Clothier, oi New Jersey.

William had three children by his hr^t wife, namely. Joseph, Jane, and Samuel ; and f)ur by the second, Wdlliam, Margaret, Abigail, and Marv.

M:;rtha n-rried Jame- Welsh. Sarah married Wiliiaiii Large, of r)ri>tol. ]ohn married Rebecca Gibbs, of Xcw Jersey. Nicholas married

The third Samuel and l-dizal)eth .Mien had tour childrL/n, namely, Ann, Samuel, Jane, and Sarah. 1755. Ann was borii. 1757. Samuel. 1761. Jane.

1767. Sarah: died unmarried

1737. Second Samuel Allen died.

Second Samuel Allen was buried on the farm.

Nicholas left two daughters, namely



Sarah, married Samuel, son o( William.

Mary married Joseph Rodman, son of John Rodman.

John, son of Samuel and Jane Allen, married Rebecca Gibbs. They left two children



Rebecca married Pear~:oa Mitchei, and left four children, namely :





married Rebecca, daughter of George Justice, of


John Allen marr'ed Tacy, daugliter of John and Sarah Stackhouse. of Middietown, and great granddaughter of Jona- than and Jane Knight, formerl}' Jane Allen

William married Sarah Paul, daughter of Joseph and Ann Paul and g.andVlaughter of the third Samuel Allen.

Acsah died single.

William, son of John Allen, married Sarah Lancaster, great- granddaughter of John and Sarah Baldwin, formerly Sarah Allen. Thev left one child

Thomas L. AllcTi, born in 15ristol. afrerwards a physic:. '.". oi' Atticboro : ne rn.ivried Sii-aii M. VVatson, (iaughter of Mavr.u- duke and ^blry Vv"at-on. They left two children

Marmaduke W.


Thomas L. Allen niarried a second wife Sarah T.c. lor. daughter of Anthon}" aii i Marv Taylor.

Marmad'ike \\'. Allen married ^.irah I'axson, danghtei c'' Richir.l an I F.liz.ili^th Paxson, of Farley, in i>cn>aiem.

Sarah lairried A\'illiau^ Hilii.-.. of \\Tlri:ngton.

William ar.d Sarah Large left two chiliren



Ehenezer married Dorothy Sparks, and left three chib.lren




Jane married Richard Hartshorn, and left two children i. Sarah.


Tane. daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Allen, married Beniamin shoemaker, ot Cheltenham, in the county oi Nbont- gomery. Their children were '•

Allen Slioemaker.

Elizabeth Shoemaker ; died.

A my Shoemaker.

Agnes Shoemaker.

Benjamin Shoemaker ; died in iniancy.

Allen Shoemaker, married Tacy Kirk, of Montgomerv county.

Amy Shoemaker married Collins Lippincott, now deceased. Their (diildren were

John Lippincott.

Jane Lippincott.

Agnes Shoeniaker married Restore Lip^aucott ; both de- ceased.

Ann. daughter oi the fourth Samuel and Sarah Allen, mar- ried William Stackhou^e.

1826. He died and was buried at New Gar.len. in Chester county.

Ann Stackliou^e died i2thnionth 5t]i. 1S3J;, and was Iniried in Friends' bur}-ing-ground at r>ri>tol, be>ide her lather.

They left five children

Sarah Stackhovise.

David Stackhouse.

Elizabeth Y. Stackliouse.

NIercy Ann Stackhouse.

Allen Sta:khouse.

David died, and was buried at Friends' burying grotv.d at Middletown

Sarah married Samuel Comfort, of Middletown. Sarah Comfort died, leaving four children

Anna Comfort.

Franklin Comfort.

Clara Comfort.

Sally Com tort.

Allen Stackhouse m.arried Sarah Allen, daughter ot Israel and Elizabeth Allen and great-granddaughter of the first William Allen.

Mercy Am Stackhou.-;e married Samuel Comfort, of Middle- town. They have one child


Elizabeth V. Stackhouse married William Gillam, son of William and Susan Gillam, of Middletown. They have one daughter


David Allen, son of Samuel and Sarah .\llen, married E:!iza- beth Ackley, daughter of John F;. and Mary Ackley, of Phila- delphia. Their chilaren were as tbllowj ;

Mary W. Allen.

John B. A. Allen.

Samuel Allen.

Sarah Allen.

Mercy Ann Allen.

Thomas Allen.

Josiah J. Allen.

Elizabeth Alkn.

David and his daughter Sai\-.h died and were both Iniried at llic :>a,iic li.iW, ;a Tricdr;" ha:7::;_:-c;roand, at Cherr\- •^trcel, Phikulelpliii.

Mary W". mj-rici l-aac- Kiel!.!, son of Robcrc an-i Hannah Field, of New Jersey.

Jolin P.. A. Alk-n married; Fdizabetli. daughter of F^alph and Mary Pomeroy, 5th month oih. 1S36. Their children are

Caroline, born 4th moritli iSth, I'Sj,- ; died 7th mondi. 1S63.

Ralph \V P. Allen, born Sch month ^Sth, 1S3S.

John P A. .\llen. Jr., born ..'d month icth, 1840 ; married Emma Goff. loth rnoiuii i^th, 1S65. He died i 1 1809. and their only child >am.e time

George I'Oiueroy Allen, lorn ist month 9th. 1845 : married Besde Ho'.ve, 5th month. 1S74. They have one child.

Mary P. Alien, born 7th month rst, 1S4S; married Lin Bartholomew, i :;i;h month. Sihi. 1870.

Plelen, born to them in 187 i and died in 1S72.

Frances, born 1873.

Keen A. Allen, born 12th month Sth, 1S50.

Henry W. M. Allen, born i3!:h month 31st, 1S63.

Samuel Allen married Elizalieth J. ddiomas. Their children are

George W. A len.

Sa r, _ (deceased).

Kar- -••n Al'cn.

Anna Allen.

George W. Allen married Hetty .Stockton, daughter of Rev. Thomas Stockton. Their children are

Jessie .\llen.

Alice Allen.

Harrison Aden married Julia Colton. Thev have one child- Harrison Allen, [r. Anna Allen married Wfimer Atkin.son. Their chi'dren are

Bessie .Atkinson.

Emily Atkinson.

Gertrude Atkinson.

Josiah J- Allen married F.lizabcih VAVs l-unr.asv 'I'heir children are

I^mnia Allen.

William X. Allen.

X. Penro.-e Allen.

Mercy Ann uiarried W'iliiam Burr.

Elizabeth Allen, married.-

IJenjamin .\llcn married Sarah rra-kill. da.ighter of ^Vil- liam and Sarah (laskill, granddaughter of James Cooper, of Philadelphia. Their children are- Will i am ; died in ir.tancv.

Sarah ; married Xatlian Rober:.s.

Emma ; died.



Sarah and X'athan Roi->erts have two children

Emma Allen Roberts.

Rhoda Robert.s. The descendants of the nr:.: William Allen are

Josej.ih Allen married Sarah Plumley. The_\- had six chil- dren, namely :







John married.

Israel married Elizabeth Titus.

Joseph died unmarried.

Mary married Alexander \ViIson, of the Xorthern Liberties, Philadelphia.

WilHam died unmarried.

Sarah married Jacob Hel'ings, of Bensalem.

Jane Allen married Sanuiel Wright. Their children are as follows :




Ann. ... ....


San.viel Alien, --on of \\'iHiain, marrie-.i S-irali, dauiMiter of Nicholas Allen. Their children are a.s ibl o-.vs :






They all died ■;nmarriei, except Sarniiel : he died ycjng, leaving a widow and one child, who did not long sur\ivc: him.

Mary Allen ni.arried Daniel Se\-ern.-;. oi IJensaleni.

The seco;id ^ViUiam Allen married Sarah Richardson, daughter of Jo.-!i,ia Richardson, of Middletown. Their chil- dren are as follows :





William Jane, and Rachel died unmarried.

Abby Allen married Henry Lippincott. Thev had two children

Allen married R'.ilh Merrick. They had two children


Be van.

Henry Lippincott married Al.)igail Brown, daugh er of David and Sarah Brown. They have two sons



Mary, daughter of Henry and Abby Lippincott, married.

Henry Lippincott died, and Abby married Robert Etinis. They had four children, as tbllows :





Margaret Allen, daughter of the fir.-;t \\'i:liam, m.arried Thomas Stapler, of Stanton, in the coujitv of New Castle, Delaware. Their children are a.s follov.s :

* 9

' Xiary. ' -- : .






17S5. 2d month, third Samuel Allen died, and was buried in the family biir_\-ing-ground, -vvhere his wite Elizabeth had been buried. Tlie tollowing are their dcicendants :

Ann married Josej'h Paul, of Eosver Dublin, and left seven children, namely:








Jonathan Paul married Anna, daughter of John and Sarah Stackhouse, of Middletown, and great-granddaughter of Jona- than and Jane Knight, formerly Jane Allen.

1855. 4th month roth. Anna I^aul died.

1556. 2d month 9th, Jonathan Paul died. Both buried at Middletown, Bucks county, Pa.

Elizabeth Paul married Asa Knight, of Bensalem, and left one son

Joseph P. Knight.

Jonathan and Anna Paul left four children, namely :





Anna married Richard Plulme. They had two children



John niarried Eydia Thomxs.

John Paul, son of Jose[/n and Ann, went to sea and never returned.

1557. Mary Paul died unmarried.


Sarah Pan] n-'.arried William Mitchell. They had two cltil dren


J. Paul Mitchell.

Elizabeth Mitchell married Jesse Eeedani, of Newtown.

J. Paul Mitchell married Hannah, daughter ot" Benjamin and Catharine Mather. Hannah died and left two children



J. Paul Mitchell at'terwards married Eliza Mather, another daugitter of P_.:;ami.: Mather.

Joseph Paul married Sarah Vardley, daughter of Mahlon and Elizalteth ^'ardley. She died third month, 1S57, leaving one daughter, Plannah, married to Jonathan Bunting, since deceased, leaving two children, namely :



Ann Paul died unmarried.

1 78 1. 5tu month, fourth Samuel Allen married Sarah Brown, daughter of John and Ann Brown, of Bristol townshiiJ, at a meeting held at the old rneeting-house at the Falls. Their children v.-ere as follows :

17S2. 5th month ijtli. Samuel was born.





1834. ist month 6th, fourth Samuel Allen died, and was buried in the Friend-' burying-ground at Bristol.

1795- 5^'^ month 30th, Sarah Allen died, in the thirty- seventh year of her age, and was buried at Friends' burying- ground at the Falls.

1808. loth month i2t'n, fit'th Samuel Allen married Sarah \V. Warner, daughter of Joseph Warner, deceased, and ^U^r}• his wife, of Falls township, and granddaughter of James Coojier, of Philadelj-hia, of the Coopers of Cooper's Point (now Cam- den), at a meeting held at the meeting-house at the Falls. Their children were as follows, namelv :

'' 1606645

Mary W. Allen, born oth month .jih, 1S09.

Josc[)h \\'. Allen, born 7i.h nionlh 22A, iSii.

janies W. Allen, born 6th niontli ist, ]8.:5.

1S57. 8th month r4th, Sarah \\". Allen died, and was buried in Friends' ground at Bristol.

The descendants of the fifth Samuel and Sarah ^\'. .Mien are as foUou's :

1532. 2d month 9th, Mary \\". Allen niarried Lewis M. Wharton, son of Samuel AVharton, of l''hil:idel|)hia, and Dorcas his wife (both deceased), at the house of her father. Tlieir children were as lollows :

1533. ist niouth 29th, luiphemia Clark Wharton born ;^ died single.

1S34 lotli month J3d; Samuel A. ^^'harton born.

1S37. ist month iith, Jacob Clark Wharton born: died single.

1S39. 9th month 3d. Sarah W. Wharton born.

Samuel A. Wh.artoii niarried Anue Van (')rden. They left one child


Samuel A. Wharton died, and was buried on the ist month 30th, 1 86 1, at t'le I'riends' bur} ing-ground at Bristol.

Sarah W. Wharton married Dr. H. K. Brous. 'I'heir chil- dren are





Joseph W. Allen married Sarah B. Xorcross, daughter of jauies S. and Isaljella Xorcro.-.-. of Bordentown, X. J., on nth month 27th, 1S33. Their children were

1834. 9th month 15th, Bethea B. Allen.

1S36. 7th month 2 ist, William Xorcross Allen; died when five monihs old.

1843. Sth month nth, Joseph W. Allen.

1846. loth month 9th, William F. Allen—.

i860. ist month 5th, lubvin S. Allen.

1 86 1. Joseph W. Allen, son of Samuel and Sarah W.

Allen, went to W'aslM'iigton, as coloiu'l of t:ie Ninth Regiment c-f Neu jer>tjy, and joined Burn>iuc's e\;)edition to (Jauo liaUer.i:-. 1S62, ist -nonth 15th. lo<t Iiis life liyihe caiv-i/.ing oi a i^oac i'l the surf. IhirieJ at llorUeniown. r J nvMith 12th, 1,^62.

Joseph \V. Allen (the second) married ]::iniiy Deaston, eldest daugi/ier of Richard and M:iry S. i-easton, o( Camdm, N. J. They have one chil^.l

Joseph \\\ Allen, born 12th month 14th, iSyi.

\Villia)n F. Allen married Caroline P. \'orke, youngest daughter o( Thomas Jones and Margaret J. V rke. of Salern, X. J., on 4th month 20th, 1S71. Their children arc

Yorke Allen., borii 2d month 27th, 1S73.

Frederic Warr:er Allen, l)orn och month ist, 1S74.

James \\\ Allen miarried Anna Jones, dangh.ter of Sami-el and Rachel Jones, oi Elockley, (now a part of the city oi Philadelphia), at the house of her father, 9th month 21st 1S5J. Their children are

1S57. 5th month 14th. Kate Jones Allen ; died 12th month 19th, 1S59

1S54. 3d month 23d, Isabella Norcross Allen ; died 2d month iS, 1S56,

1S60. 8th month 13th. Samuel J. Allen. 1S62. loth. month, Lewis ]. Allen.