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DURING the months of Fehruary and March. 190(3. the following' notice and proposed amendments to the Ry-Laws were sent to all the memhers of the Association and the lOO-i records were sent to all of those considered in good standing".

To the Members of the Pike Family Assoeiafion :

In accordance with the instrnctions of the Board of Directors I hereby notify you that the next meeting of the Association will be held at the American House, ■?4 Han- over Street. Boston. Mass.. on Tuesday and Wednesday, the 28 and 'ill days of August. l!M)(i, and you are all most earnestly recjuested to be present. Tuesda}". the first day, the regular bi-annual business meeting of the Association will be called to order at 10 A. M. for the election of officers and anv ( >ther business that may come before the meeting". and in accordance with Sec. 10 of the By-Laws to act on the following" alterations or amendments to our by-laws.

Article I. Sec. 2. Members who are more than one year in ar- rears, for their dues shall stand suspended frcm receiving anv further benefits from the Association until said dues are paid', and members who shall not have paid their assess- ments when due shall be notified of the fact by mail to their last known address, and the names of those not paying" shall be posted in the meeting hall during the next regular meet- ing of the Association, and at the expiration of thirty days from said posting, if said assessment then remains unpaid the membership of those not paying shall cease, provided, however, that the Board of Directors may remit the penalty for anv good and sufficient reason.

4 Records of the Pike Family

Sec. •"). TIic nauK's of all those wiio liavc ceased to lie )iieiiil)ers sliall l)e ])ul)Iislie(l in the records of that nieet- iiiL;' in wliich their names were posted and snch persons shall not a.^ain l)e admitted to membershi]:), except by unan- inious \-ote of all of the litiar*! (if Directors ])resent and vot- ing- at an\- meeting- of the lioard to which tlie names of such a])i)licants shall be ])resente(l. Sai 1 a])])licants for re- instatement havin_^' tirst deposited with the Secretary all ninnies dne for assessments inchidins:^' those of that year.

Sec. 4. .\n\- member ma.\- withdraw fnmi the Asso- ciation after ])a\nient of all dnes, 1)\- L;'i\-in^' written notice of their resignation to the Secretarw but nnless sncli resig- nation shall be received before the twelfth day of SeDtem- ber, of an\- year, the memlxr so resiL;nin,L;' shall be liable for the dues of that \ear.

Sec. •"■). A notice 1)\' mail to the last known address of a member shall be construed as a le.i^al notice.

Sec. ('). The presence of no i)ersM;i other than that of a UKniber of the Association shall be i)ermitted in the room durini;- its re,i;ular bi-annual business meeting" at the hour s])eci}ied in the call or to an\- Ikuu" to wb.ich adjournment may be made except b_\- unanimous consent of the members present. At all other times the friends of the Association shrdl be most cordialh' invted.

Sec. i. Xo members of the Association shall be en- titled 1(1 receive more than one copy of its l)i-annual rec(~)rds exc(.'pl b\' l(!ss of hre or otherwise jtrovided that an\' mem- W-y ma\- order extra co])ies for their own special use of the Secretarx' be,' fore the time of publication at not less than 25 cents a cojty. Which orders shall be over and above the number ordered by the Association.

Sec. S. Xo bad_sT,e, coat of arms or otb.er insignia of the Associali'iu shall be sold to any ])erson not a member. Persons ai)i)lying for the same must first state that they are members of the Association.

Records of the Pike Family 5

Sec. d. ( )n rcsi,!Li'nation or death of a ir.eniher, or any forfeiture of memberslii]) 1)\- a menil)er under tliesc by-laws; all their right and interest in the property of the Association shall cease.


Dues. The dues shall be -")() cents a year and shall be payable with the admission fee and afterward shall l)ecome due and pa\al)le on the twelfth day of Sei)teniber.

Article III.

Anv member ma\' attain life meml)ership l)y the pay- ment of $"^."').

Article XI.

Duties of ( Ifficers. President. The Presick-nt. or in his absence, one of the \ ice-l^residc-nt,^, in order of their selection, shall jireside at the meetings of the Association. If the President and all the \'ice- Presidents shall be absent. a Chairman shall be chosen by vote. The President shall preside at the meetings of the Hoard of Directors, and shall, in conjunction \\ith the Secretary sign all written contracts and obligations unless otherwise provided by special vote of the Association.

Sec. ■''. The Hoard of Directors shall have super- vision of all i)ro])ert\' and mone\' belonging to the Associa- tion over and above that necessary for the incidental ex- penses; shall make or authorize all necessary contracts, and shall have the entire management and control of the af- fairs of the Association, subject in all respects to such in- structions and limitations as ma\' from time to time be ]ire- scribed by the Association. The lioard of Directors shall have power to discipline and expel members for violation of rules or for other adequate cause.

Part 'i. The lioard of Directors shall meet at every reunion or meeting of the Association and special meetings may be called by the Secretary at the request of the P'resi-

6 Records of the Pike Family

dent or of three members of the Board upon reasonable no- tice being given of the time and place to other members. Four members of the Board shall constitute a quorum.

Articlk mil

Sec. 'I. The cor])orate seal shall consist of three Pikes issuing from a wreath with the date l!»<!n in a ])lain field and encircling the same the words. "Pike Famil\' Association," U. S. A.. l!Mi-.'.

After the business meeting the da\- will be in the hands of the lioard of Directors and the Association.

Tuesday evening there will be a reception or social gathering of the members of the Associatiou with their friends.

Wednesday, the second day. beginning at 10 A. M., will be the Program dav of the Association.

Wednesday evening will lie held a Bancpiet. All those who desire to be ]:)resent should notify i)ie Board of Direct- ors, if ixissible, l)efore August "?!>, that arrangement may lie made with the ])roprietor of the American House.

Please give notice of this reunion through your local papers and notif_\' all of your relatives, or send their names to the Secretarx' of the Association.

Rooms ma\' be had at $1.00 per da\' and upwards. To engage rooms ahead, address, Allen C Jones, Proprietor, American House, 'l\ Hanover St., Boston, Mass.

Per Order,

r.( )AR1) ( )F DIRECTORS.

Ci.ii-KoKi) L. PiKi-:, ]\1. D., Sec. and Treas., Saco, AFaine.

In the mouth of jul\' notices were sent tri the many descendants from the famil_\- name registeretl in the di- rectory of the Association. The Association being on a firm business basis, no effort was made this year to obtain new meiul)ers b\- means of jiersonal letters, bu! neverthe-

Records of the Pike Family 7

less quite a number joined the Association. The reunion was held at a time of the year when many of the local mem- bers were away on their vacations and while their absence was in evidence there was quite a good representation of the members from away whose genial faces and enthusias- tic deportment made the occasion one of great social en- joyment. Our hcMiored President being ill and unable to be present, only two members of the Board of Directors met and no quorum being present, no business was done before the meeting of the Association.

Tuesday, Aug. 28, with the weather fair and beautiful, in accordance with the notice to its members, the Pike Fam- ily Association met in executive session in the parlors of the American House. The meeting was opened at 10 o'clock A. AI., with Vice-President Virginia Pike Martin in the chair and the Secretary and Treasurer present. A quo- rum having been found present, it was voted to accept the Secretary's printed l!n)4 records that had been sent out to the members.

It was voted to have a reception in the evening, with light refreshments, and Frederic A. Pike, of St. Paul, Minn., Frank C. Pike, of Keene, X. H., and Elbridge N. Pike, of Boston, were appointed by the chair a committee to attend to the same. It was voted to have a banquet the second night and Eben W. Pike, of Cambridge, Mass., James Pike, of North Bergen, X. J., and Elbridge X^. Pike, of Boston, were appointed b\- the chair as a banquet com- mittee. The Secretary's report was read and approved by a vote of the Association. It was as follows :


The Bi-Annual }ear for our meeting has again come lound and it is with great pleasure that the Secretary of this Association makes his re])ort for VM)i\. Many names have been added to our directory, making the present num- ber nearlv 4,500 to whom invitations have 1)een to some in

8 Records of the Pike Family

an imlircct \\a\- tliroug"h other members of tlie famih' and thus savini^- much cxi)ense to the Associatiou. and [ hnd some have joined who have received their invitations in this way.

The Secretary's re])ort tor 1!MM shows the total num- l)er of names on tlie roll of membership at that time to be •")V?^ Since that report was made u]) l!'.") names have l)een added, making' the whole nnml)er on our list Vl'l. ( )f this number seA'enteen ha^■e already iK'en reported as having" bc-cn taken from us and it is again my sorrowful dutv to record that hfteen of our numlier have gone to join that grand reunion on higli where there is no separation. Their names are :

Airs. Alary S. Rntler. Airs. Alartiia H. Crowe. Gen. Jose])h H. I'.arnes. Airs. Mary Alarch (ierrish. Airs. Trad W. ( iildersleeve. Airs. Alary R. Lahar. Arthur Leonard Pike. Calvin 1!. Pike. Dr. Daniel Lafayette Pike. Rev. Elias Jc-nison Pike. Jabez Tucker Pike. AFoses Dorman Pike. Col. Xicholas Pike, Xathan Crafts Pike and Ivers L. AA'itherell, for \vhom the Association should ha\-e drawn up suitable resolutions to their memory. The passing of thirt\--two of our number from our list leaves us CIK) to date.

At the close of the }-ear 1!m)| the records were readv for publication, but owing to the great amount of work on hand it was impossible to get them printed at that time, so die\ passeil over till the summer of IIM',"). when the\- were Ijublished b\ the hrm of C. H. & A. L. Xichols of Lvnn, Mass., who under l)i(l our Saco friends. ( )winu- to the vast growth of our Association T had tifteen hundred of them iirinted in order to su])])ly our incoming members of the Inture. The Historical Societies have become cognizant of the \-alue of oiu" records, and at their request 1 have i)re- sented coi)ies in l)ehalf of the Association to the "Xew England Historic ( ienealogical Society, the New York I'ub- hc Library, the .Xew A^)rk Plistorical Societv and the Chamber of Commerce at Colorado S]:irings. and the X'a-

Records of the Pike Family 9

tional l'iil)lic Librarx- at Washington, D. C. T will ai^'ain sav that all of the half tones in the reords were furnished at the expense of nienil)ers and n(^t hv the Association; but I hope with the increased dues and men.ibership fees to be able to do such work in the future without having;' to ask for assistance from outside the funds of the Association. Jt is sometimes a trial to the Secretary to locate the mem- bers after they have moved from his known address. The records are sent to them and he receives word from the postmaster (^f that ])lace, "removed, address unkn.own : a certain ])arcel of fourth class mail matter wdl be returned to you on receipt of a four cent postage stamp." He has been quite fortunate this year in locatmg all but two, Ed- win \l. Pike of Dover. X. H., and Edwin E. Pike of New- port, R. I. If there are ixw ]iresent who know the ad- dresses of either of these will the}' kindly make them known at this meeting;.

The Secretary found there were (|uite a number of members who were delinquent and negligent al)out pa}-ing" their dues and he has sent notices to such as have paid no dues and written personal letters to them at least twice to each : many have paid their dues, but still there are some who have taken no notice of his letters. 1 iiresume there are a class of hckle minded i)ersons in ever_\" family but I am sorry to find them in our own. T firmly believed that every Pike or descendant kne\\' his own min(] and when such joined the Association they did so because they took great pride in our k'amily organization, and were willing to contribute their mite for the immense benefits they received from it. There are some, 1 find, who are willing to go on year in and year out and have the records sent them with- out contributing a cent, antl it was decided by the Board of Directors at om- last reunion not to send records to those who were more than two }-ears in arrears for their dues and to report such at our next meeting. I'his instruction has been ])retty well carried ou.t, and 1 here present a list of

10 Records of the Pike Family

those who have ]:iai(l no (hies or are sadly in arrears for (hies that the\' may be known to their friends who should either ])ay them or advise their friends to pay. That the memliers ma\- better understand the nvjaning' of the Asso- eiation there has been drawn up a set of By-Laws giving im])lieit in>truction as t(^ h()W a ]:)erson can join the Asso- ciation and alsc^ honorably withdraw from the same, and' liow the\ will l)e dropped from membership if they fail to- ])a\- their dues. There are extenuating circumstances which- will excuse a person sometimes from withdrawing from an Association and 1 think a ])art of those below are jus- tified in doing so. Tint when a minister of the Gospel with- draws from an organization of this kind I can hnd no ])remises he can take as justifialile. It would seem he has dro])])cd from the sublime to the deg(Mierate, for the mor- ale is extremeh" bad when he would abjure the (Mie Associa- tion that should lie most dear to him outside of the eccles- iastical, sim])l\- because he sees no "advantage" to him in- belonging. Those who have withdrawn honorably by pay- ing their dues u]) \o date of withdrawal are :

Mrs. Daniel C. I'ike f.4 (jueen St., Lowell. Ahiss.

b.dwin r. I'ike. l])swich. Mass.

Mrs. l-'-dwin T. I'ike. Ipswich. .Mass.

bdeauor Scott I'age. Lawrence. Mass.

Rev. L"oruelius I'ike, Xew liedford. }ilass.

Mrs. Rev. Cornelius I'ike. Xew I'edford. Mass.

Martha hdla Pike Sanborn, b^ast Hartland, Ct.

S. 1'^. (iilman, Salisburx', Mass.

.Mrs. S. \\. (lilman, Salisbury, ]Mass.

I -our others have notified me to drop their names fronv our roll of membership, but I ba\e no right to do so as they dill not |)ay llu-ir dues and hax'e not uixm receipt of a let- l(.'r trom the .Secretary ex])laining the nature of our By- Laws. These last, 1 T)elieve, with the exception of one, are- justified in doing so on account of sickness and misfortunes, in their families.

Records of the Pike Family 11

]\Iany members of the Association have availed them- selves of the opportunity to become life members at the present low price of Fifteen Dollars each. Those who have become life members are:

]Miss Laura E. Bennett, Boston, Mass.

Miss Xellie F. Bennett, Boston, ]Mass.

Miss Frances C. Dickerman, Pike, X. H.

]\Irs. \\'innifre(l Pike Emory, Honolulu, Hawaii.

^Irs. Mrginia Pike Martin, Minneapolis, ]\[inn.

Clayton W. Pike, Philadelphia, Pa.

Clifford L. Pike, Saco, ]\Ie.

Edwin B. Pike, Pike, N. H.

Mrs. Edwin B. Pike, Pike, X. H.

E. Bertram Pike, Pike, X. H.

.Aliss Katherine Pike. Pike, X. H.

Airs. C)liver S. Wells, Reno, X'evada.

It is to be hoped there are others who will avail them- selves of this low price before it is raised to Twenty-five dollars, an<l become life members, or if thev are extremely patriotic to wait till the price is raised and then to do so.

I wish to a.gain call the attention, of the members of this Association to the fact that they must notify the Sec- retary of when the\- chant^e their residence, as according" to the proposed By-Laws the Association will not be re- sponsible if they do not receive their notices and records: that they should rei)ort the death of a memljcr as soon as it occurs that it may save the trouble and expense of send- ing" notices and records to such who can never receive them.

Seals and letter headings containing" the Coat of Arms are now the order of the day. Those made with the color of the arms are very beautiful and of which we may well be proud. A supply of this paper is on hand and may be had at reasonable prices.

In closing" I would again impress upon the members of this Association that it is necessary to notify the Secre- tarv of all the births, deaths, marriages and changes of resi-

12 Records of the Pike Family

dence o{ the name of Pike or their descendants that the same ma\" lie recortled.

CLIFFORD L. PIKE. Secretary.

The Treasnrer's rei)()rt was then read. It was as fol- lows :


J\Ioney in tlie Treasury, Se])t. -.'(i, 11)04. $48.84

]VIone_\- received for ]\teml)ershi]) r<>es. 98.00

]\Ioney received for Dues 155.00

Aloney received for Life Alemhership l'\>cs. 180.00

Aloney received for ( )t^cial Padges. 91.00

]\Ione\' received for Souvenir Padg-es. 33.00

^loney rece:\ed for 13 Coats of Arms. 61.00

Money received for -Ki Litho-Coats of Arms. 415. <I0

]\[()ney received for Ikinquet. Sept. "is. J'.)()-[, G3.00

]\[oney ])ai(l for reunion. P'(i(i. i. e. : I'ostag'e $:'.<). (Id; Printing, $5.50; Envelopes. S<i.5o, S4-3.0O

blimey jiaid for printing notices to me;nhers

and Looo envelopes for records. L5o

]\loney i)aid sending records to all menii)ers. ■^kIG Money paid sending records to new mem- hers and correspondence and other in- cidental e.\])enses. "iLid Mone_\- ])aid for ])rinting 1.500 of the P'0|

records, 1(P.95

Mone\- i)aid for L"> C/oats of .\rms. 5-i.oo

Money i)aid for loo Litho-Coats of Arms

and Inhes, 51. T5

i\lone\' ])aid for freight on records and de-

Ii\er\-, 2.05

^loiic\- i)aid for American House for colla- tion and nnisic and hancpiet. PM)4. 9T.00 Money ])ai(l Edwin P. Pike for Padges, 19-2. P5 Money due from All)ert Leonard Pike, one

Coat of Arms. 5.00

Records of the Pike Family 13

]\IoiK'\- due from John F. Stanton, one Coat

of Arms, 4.00

]\Ione}- due for 1 Lithu Arms and 1 Badge,

$6:4.02 ;r:5.84

:Money in Treasury Aug". 5r. lOOii. Slol.82.

Pike Family Association in Account with Edwin B. Pike.

Sept. 24. 1904. Received of Edwin B. Pike.

988 official badges, $260.12

Sept. 24. 1904. received of Edwin B. Pike

2-')() souvenir badges, 31.35


Paid Edwin B. Pike to date. $192.75

Balance due Edwin B. Pike, $98.62

Upon motion of Hon. Elbridge N. Pike it was adopted by a vote of the Association.

After a l^rief discussion by the members of the Asso- ciation in regard to the officers for the ensuing term it was voted to immediately proceed to the election of officers and Hon. Elbridge N. Pike of Boston placed in nomination the following names as candidates : For President, Hon. Ed- win B. Pike of Pike, N. H. ; for tirst Vice-President, Hon. Herbert A. Pike of 44 Winthrop St.. West Newton, ]\[ass. ; other \'ice-Presidents. Mrs. Maria l*"reeman ( iray of 'M\\\ Twentv-second St.. San l-rancisco. Cal. ; Hon. Louis F. Barton of 1ST High St.. Xewbur_\ port, Mass.: Mrs. \'ir- ginia I 'ike Martin of 1809 Portland Ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. ; Hon. James H. Jenkins of the Custom Flouse, New York. X. V. TPIon. Fllery C. Pike of Mansfield Center, Conn., and Hon. Elbridge N. Pike of 2 7 India St.. I'oston, ^lass. ; for Secretary and Treasurer. Dr. Clifford L. Pike of Saco, ]\!aine; for Board of Directors, Hon. Edwin B.

14 Records of the Pike Family

Pike of Pike. X. H. : Hon. Herbert A. l^ike of 4 ' W'inthrop St., West Xewton. Mass.; Dr. Clifford L. Pike of Saco, Me.; Hon. Elliridoe X. Pike of ".^ India St.. ?,oston. Mass.; Hon. l':ben W. Pike of City Hall. Cambridge. :Mass. : Hon. John O. Evans of Salisbury, Mass., and Hon. Frank C. Pike of Keene, N. H.

It was voted to accept the names placed in nomination for the various offices and the Secretary was instructed to cast a vote for the Association on them as a whole, which betng- done, they were declared elected to their respective offices in the Association.

The alterations and amendments to the By-Laws as submitted in the notice to the members were taken up by the Association. Each article and section of an article was acted upon separately and then were adopted by a unani- mous vote as the By-Laws of the Association. An addi- tional P)y-Law was submitted relating to corresponding members which was also adopted by a unanimous vote of the Association. The By-Laws as amended and adopted are as follows :


Article I.

■Membership. Any person of the name of Pike, or a hneal descendant therefrom, i^r a husb-and or wife of the same. ])eing of good moral character and of Caucasian an- cestrw may become a member of tlii- Association Uj^jn the jiaNUient to ihe Treasurer of the sum of one dollar.

.Sec. 'I. Mmibers who are' more lliaii i nie \'ear in ar- rears for tlu'ir (lues shall stand suspended froir, receiving" any furlber beuehts from the Assoeialion until said dues are paid, and members who shall not have i)ai(l their as- sessments when (hu- shall !x' notified of the fact bv mail to their l;ist known address, and the nanu'S of those not pav- ing sliall W posted in the meeting hall during the next reg- ular meeting of the Association, and at the expiration oi

Records of the Pike Family 15

thirty days from said posting-, if said assessment then re- mains unpaid the membership of those not paying shall cease, i)rovided. however, that the Board of Directors may remit the penalty for any good and sufficient reason.

Sec. o. The names of all those who have ceased to be members shall be published in the records of that meet- ing in which their names were posted and such persons shall not again be admitted to membership, except by unan- imous vote of all of the Board of Directors present and vot- ing at any meeting of the Board to which the names of such applicants shall be presented. Said applicants for re- instatement having first deposited with the Secretary all monies due for assessments including those of that year.

Sec. 4. Any member may withdraw from the Asso- ciation after payment of all dues, by giving written notice of their resignation to the Secretary, but. unless such res- ignation shall be received before the twelfth day of Sep- tember, of any year, the member so resigning shall be li- able for the dues of that year.

Sec. 0. A notice by mail to the last known address of a member shall be construed as a legal notice.

Sec. G. The presence of no person other than that of a member of the Association shall be permitted in the

roDin durin.g its regular l)i-annual business meeting at the hour S]jecifie(l in the call or to any hour to which adjourn- mcnt ma}' Ix- made except bj) unanimous consent of the members jjresent. At all other tinic-^ the friends of the Association shall be most cordially invitr(I.

Sec. T. No members of the Association shall be en- titled to receive more than one C()])y of its ])i-rninual records excc]it b\- loss of fire or otherwise ])r(!vi(led thai an\ mem- ber nia\ order extra copies for their own s])eeial use of the Seerctar\- before the time of ])ublieation at not less than 'l~) cents a co])y. Which orders shall be over and above the number ordered 1)\ tlie .\ss(^ciation.

16 Records of the Pike Family

'><^c. s. X() l)a(lg"e, coat of arms or other insignia of the Association shall he sold to any person not a meniher. Persons apijlving for the same must iirst state that the_\' are memhers of the Association.

v^ec. I». ( )n resignation or death of a memher, or any forfeiture of membership h}- a memher nncler these l)y-laws ; all their right and interest in. the property of the Associa- tirtn shall cease.

Akticlk II.

Dues. The dues shall lie -')() cents a year and shall be jiayahle with the admission fee and afterward shall become due and pa}'ahle on th.e twelfth day of September.

Articlk III.

Anv member may attain life membership by the pay- ment of .^-^r).

Article IV.

The regular meeting shall be held every two years at such place and time as the Board of Directors may deter- mine.

Sec. 3. Special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors at their discretion.

.Sec. ."!. Twenty-five members shall constitute a quo- rum.

.Sec. I. Xotices shall he sent to all members by the .Secrelar\- at least thirtv da\s he fore date of meeting.

AlvIK i,i-. \'.

'idle officers sliall consist ol a President, seven X'ice- 1 'residents, .Secretary and Treasurer, and the .Secretar\- ma\' also act as Treasurer; a Hoard of Directors, which shall consist of the President, first \ ice- President, .Secretarv and f(nn" others.

Records of the fikc Fnuiily 17

Sec. 'I. IIk' officers of the Association sItuU l)e elected b\- ballot.

Artici.i-: \'I.

Duties of (Officers. President. The President, or in his alisence, one of the \ ice-Presidents, in order of their selection, shall i)reside at the meetini^'s of the Ass(.iciation. If the President and all the X'ict^-Presidients shall be absent, a ciiairnian shall he chosen by vote. The President shall ])reside at the nieetini^'s of the Board of Directors, and shall, in conjunction with the wSecretar_\" sii^n all written contracts and obligations unless otherwise' i)ro\-i(lcl 1))' special \'ote of the Association.

Sec. "J. / 'ice ['resident. The first \'ice-President shall i)reside at the meetings in the absence of the Presi- dent and ])erforni the duties incident to his oihce.

Sec. ■'). Secrefdry. It shall be the dut_\- of the .'^ec- retar\' to keej) a correct record of the i)roceedings of the Association and its !)oard of Direct.>rs. He shall ha\e charge of its records, ])a])ers and docnment> ; shall have ])rinted within one \"ear succeeding eacli regular meeting the records of that meeting, and ma\'. if desirable, ])ul)lish all i^aiK'rs or ])oems read, the i)rograms of entertainments and illustrations, lie shall record the death of an\- mem- ber and the changes of names and residences, and the names and addresses ol all the members; shall send to each mem- ber tlu' reciii'ds of the Association when ])ul)lished, and shall send notices and in\'itations, at his discretion, to all persons in the diri'Ctor\- of the Pike lamib Associatii 'U. He shall conduct the corresjiondence and shall have chai'ge of the seal of llu' Association. lie shall haw ])ower to draw u])on the Tri'asurx of the AssocKition for all monies iiecessarx for the abitw enumerated duties of his offiee.

.Sec. I. Trcdsiirer. I he duties of the Ireasiu'er sh.all be to kvcy a C(»rrect record ot all me'ne\' paid into the Treasur\- and to pay the same out 1)\' order of the P)oard of

18 Records of the Pike Fa»iilv

Directors, which order shall reruiire llie sis^"nature of the ['resident, countersig-ned 1)\- the Secreiar\-, except monies for the incidental expenses.

Sec. •'). The Hoard of Directors shall have super- vision of all i)ri'i)ert\' and ni(ine_\' helon^ing' to the Associa- tion o\'er and above that necessary f o " the incidental ex- ]>enses ; shall make or anthnrize all necessar\- contracts, and shall ha\'e the entire mana.^ement and control of the affairs (if the Association, snl)iect in all respects to such instruc- tiiins and limitatiiMis as ma\- from time to time be prescribed 1)\- the Association. The Hoard of Directors sliall have ])o\\er to discipline and expel meml>ers for violation of rules or for other ade(|uate cause.

Tart '1. The Hoard of l^irectors shall meet at every reunion or meetinj;' of the Association and special meetings ma\- he called ly\' tlie Secretary at the request of the Presi- dent or of three members of the I'.oartl upon reasonable no- tice being given of the time and place to other members. h'our members of -the Hoard shall constitute a quorum.

Article \\l.

\n case of the death or resignation of any of the above enumerated officers, the Hoard of Directors are hereby em- ])o\vered to fill an_\ such vacanc}- so created.

Article A'TTT.

Seal. The Association shall furnish a seal, which shall be known as the Corporate Seal of the Association, to the Secretar\-, which shall be affixed to all legal documents oi' the Asst)ciation.

Sec. 2. The corjiorate seal shall .-onsist of three Pikes issiung from a wreath with the date 19P0 in a plain tiekl and encircling the same the words, ""Pike Family Asso- ciation," V. S. A.. H'()->.

Reco?-ds of the Pike Family 19

Article IX.

The sip;-iiatiire of the President, countersig'ued by the Secretarw witli the Corporate Seal shall l)e affixed to all legal documents of the Association.

Article X.

Corrcspojidiiii:; Members. Any person who shall have performed signal service in historical genealogical research upon the Pike family, and any persons of Pike family de- scent, not residents of the United States or British Amer- ica, shall be eligible to election as Corresponding Members of the Association, to whose genealogical collections they will be requested to contribute additional information when called upon or at their convenience.

Corresponding Members shall have no dues to pay as such nor shall they hold any prc^ipertw vote, or hold any office in the Association but shall be entitled to receive one copy of each publication issued b\' the Association after the date of their election.

The Board of Directors shall have jurisdiction over the election of all Corresponding Alembers, also over all their genealogical contributions to the Association.

Article XL

If any alteration or amendment of the By-Laws be proposed, a notice of such alteration or amendment shall be published in the notice of the meeting at which action thereon is to be taken, and a majority vote shall be required for its adoption.

Hon. John Q. Evans, chairman of the Maj. Robert Pike ^lonument Committee, reported that, owing to the ill- ness and death of his father, he had done nothing towards raising funds for the monument but that he thought an active canvass would produce great results from the cen- timent of the people. Hon. Robert H. Pike of Union, X". H.,


Records of the Pike l-'amily

a iiK'iiilicr (it tlio cnnimittcc, ri'ijortod tliat lie had started a ])a]icr and raised S-!'.."" in lii> own town. I'pon motiun of I )r. C'lirford 1.. I 'ike the same comnnttee were continued in otfice for tlie ensuing" two \ears.

lion. I*d)en \V. I'ike (if L"ainl)ridL;e introihiced the fol- lowing;- resolution : That the notice for all fu.ture i^'ather- iuLis enclose a return postal or a re(|uest lie made in the noiice for a reph" to the invitation, the same to he returned within ;i few da\s hefore the date of meetin|L;'. This reso- lution was ado])ted h\' a unanimous vote of th.e Association.

Miss hrances C l^ickerman of I'ike, X. H.. was ap- ])ointed to assist the Secretary in. the duties of his office, which she did \-erv et^cientlw and relieved him of a L^reat deal of the lahor.

I'oats of Arms and Lithoi^raj^h ("oats of Arms were on exhibit and several cojiies ot each were sold to the mem- hjrs : also badges and souvenu" liaili^es, the latter were the same as those of the jM'evious meeting- with the date chanux'd. A ])ictu,re, nea.rl\- life sized, of < ien. Z. M. I'ike, re])resenlin^ him as he sto()(l looking' from the to].) of (1n'\enne Mountain., up(in the lolt\' a])ex iif I 'ike s Peak, was Ihuil;- hehind the I'resident'.s chair, which was a ])resent from ihe ( h.amher of t.'oiuiuerce of L'olorailo S])rini;'s and for which tin- .\ssociation otiired a \'ote ot thanl<s.

.\ commuuicaliou wa> i"ead from the C hami>er (jI Com- merce ( which see under ad(h\'sses and pajjcrs rea<l at the reunion) in regard to the ^^reat centennial celebration to be held al ( ( )lorado SpriuL;s Se)it. V-^- ■.".'. in honor of < ien- /.. M. I'ike. the disco\erer of I 'ike"s I'eak, in which the I'niled .'Stales uovei'umeut. the State of (.'olorado. and the cilv of ('olorado Sjirini^s were to tak'e part, which was i\\>.- QW^^'^cCy al j^reat length but definite action was deferred until a later part ( if tin- meeting".

Sometime in .St'piember the .Si>cre'.ar\' received a com- munication trom the State Historical Socii.'ty (.)f Kansas stating" that there would he a i.;'reat (.'enteimial celebration

Records of the Pike Family 21

at I'awiK'c City, Sci)t. •.'(;-•.'!!, in honor of ( ien. Z. W. Pike, who puhcd down the S|)anish ila,^' and first raised the American flai;' at that place, ddie ])roj4'ram and other de- tails of which will a])])ear in these records. Alter consid- erable (hscnssion it was voted that the next meetinj^' of the Association shall he held earl\- in the month of ( )ctoher, 1!H)S, and the Secretar\' announces in hehalf of the I'.oard of Directors that it will in all prohahility he held on Tues- (la\- and Wednesdax", ( )ct. (i and i, at the .\merican House in lioston.

The hour liein!,;- late, it was voted t(^ adjourn to n.ieet at the same i)lace at in o'clock .\. AT., on W'ednesdaw Au- ,q-ust -."J.

Wednesday AuL^ust ".'I'. The mo-nint;- opened l)rii;ht and fair and the meetin,^^- was called Li]x>n the scheduled hour with the same ()iiicers in their respective chairs. A discussion was held m ret^'ard to some excursion round the cit\- as sug'i^X'sted in the notice. Several were sug'g'ested. hut onlv a few wished to avail themselves of the op])ortu- nit\- and it was hnall\' decided to let those arrang'e them- selves into |)arties who wished to go between the hours of adjournment and l)an([uet. The following i)rogram was then called :


1. Piano Soli).

Prof. Alfred W. Pike. .3 Willow St.. Stamford. Ct.

2. Letter. Sarih Louise Kimball. Palo Alto. Cal.

3. Lettei'. Hon. Heni-.\- llussell Wray. ('olorado Springs, Col.

4. The Centennial.

Chamber of Commerce, Colorado Sprins's. Col.

5. Poem, Mrs. Frank D. Sanborn. New Hampton. N. H.

6. Descent fi-om the Early French Kings,

Mrs. Maria Freeman Cray. 3R74 22nd St.. San Francisco, Cal.

7. Iilxtracts from Dal.v's Histor.v of Woodbridge. X. J.. Henry M. Walter, 424 EleveiUh St. N, W., Washington, D. C.

9. Piano Solo, Prof. Alfred W. Pike. Stamford. Ct.

to. The Earliest Settlei-s of the Pike Faniih- in Xew Eng- land, Dr. Clifford L. Pike. Saco, Me.

22 Records of the Pike Faiiiily

After the bainjuet in the exeninj;- the Association was called to order by First Mce-l'resident Herbert A. Pike, and it was voted to send the Secretary, Dr. Clifford L. Tike, as a dele.qate from the Association to the Pike's Peak Cen- tennial at Colorado Springs. It was voted that Hon. Her- bert A. Pike. Kll)ridoe X. Pike and ^liss Elizabeth Pike Davis be a committee to notify all che meml)ers and to solicit funds for that ])urpose.

Oakland, Cal., August ^Ist, VM)C). Dr. Clifford L. Pikf. Saco. ALmne.

Dear Cousin: Several months ago T received A'our request for a few words fmm yours trul\' to be reatl at the reunidu of the Tike b'amily which is to be held next week in r.(ist(in. That was before the earth(|uake and tire of April lSth--.^()th. iDOli, and since that lime 1 have been so very busy with office wi irk that, although your request has often come to mind, I ha\-e been comiK'Iled to i)ut it aside on account of more ])ressing matters, until here it is time for tlu' reunion and notliing (hme. I shall have to ask von to siui])!)- sa_\- a word of greeting- to the cotLsins from one of their California cousins, who wishes she could be with them at the reunitjn. I know sometlung about reunions m\self, the Kimballs in California havmg held annual re- unions for some time.

Last winter 1 visited at the home of l\lr. and Mrs. Zoeth S. bddredge in San iM-ancisco. overlooking the ( iolden (late, and went with Mrs. bddredge to church Sunday morning. She is ;i member of the Swedenborgian church, of which Rev. Mr. Worcester is ])astor. and after service was introduced lo two young ladies named Pike. Ft seemed rather an odd coincidence. \ nn will recall that Major Robert Pike and his father were members of the church in Salisbur\, .Massachusetts, of which Rev. William

Records of the Pike Family 23

Worcester was pastor, and with whom liotli seem to liave had (Hsagreements. Ahijor Robert I'ike's i^randdau.^hter, Ehzabeth Stockman, married jacol) llradlniry, whose grand fatlier was Rev. jolm W'heelwrigiit, and tlieir son, Jacoli, jr., married Al)igail Eaton and iiad several chihh'cn, among' them two, S(|uire Jacob llradlmrx- and his sister Hannah, from l)oth of whom ] chiim descent, S(|iiire Ja- cob's son, Moses ih-adl)Ln'y, b.aving l)ee!i the father of my g'ranchiiother, Mary (r.radl)ury) Kin'ii)all, while Hannah ( llradliiu')- ) Hearl's daughter Abigail married Joshua Kim- ball and liad Abraham Love Kimball, n.iy grandfather.

In one of the Reunion l'am|dilets is a suggestion that the name of the first John I'ike's wife v.as Sarah Washing- ton, daughter of Charles, and tliat she \\as of the same fam- ily in England as the President. Can an\' of the cousins send me the direct line back from both Sarah \Vashingti:)n antl (leorge \\'ashingt(m, the President, to the common an- cestor of lioth in England? I would appreciate this in- formation. The lib.raries in .^an. b'rancisco were, of course, ]^r;rned by the great hre, and onl\- a few genealogies in private hands are accessible. Tliere is not a set of the Xew iMigland Historic (Genealogical Register on tlie coast! Everything is gone. It is too dreadful to talk abciut.

I shall be pleased to hear what j^rogress is made to- wards establishing a memorial to Major Rol^ert Pike, and referring to the suggestion that a tablet lie inserted in the monument to early settlers at Xewbur\-, wou.kl suggest that

instead Major Robert I'ike's memor\- be honored in some similar wa\" in his home town. Salisbinv.

1 read with much interest that little stor\- of "Richard Peeke of Tavistok," who was also a ebami)ion in his par- ticular wa\'. All the I 'ike cousins shoidd read it. I think Mr. Ernest Mel 'ike is ])ublishnig or selling this little storw You doubtless know about it.

With regards to all, and hoi)ing -ome da\' to l)e able to attend the Pike Eamih reunion, 1 remain

\'er\- truh' \om"s,

SARAii LOCISE KL\ir,ALL. Palo .11 to. Cat.

24 Rci:ord.<: of iJic Pike Family


l''i!lin- irilsrtc In llu' deeds of ( ie'K-ai! Zelmlnn Ahmt .Ui'iiury l';l<L'. discowTcr of tlic ,urcat iiiountain ])cak Wwx- \\\\l his iiaiiU'. will Ix- ])aid ])\- tlic citizens of Colorado dur- ing tlu last week in Sc'])tem!)cr, IIMT,. I'lidcr the auspices of the Zehnloti Alontuoiner}- I 'ike Alomim.ent association, a centennial celebration will he held at Colorado Spring-s. It will l)e niilitarx an.d civic in character and on a scale n.ever hefore atteni])ted in tlu west.

AlthoiiLdi only recently annonn.ced. the jdaii had its in- ce])tion ten xears ai.:'o when, the .\lonrirent association, heli'l a l)an(piet in C( Mnmen.ioration of the ninetieth annivi-rsarv of the discover)- of I 'ike's F\\ak. At that time it was de- cided that the centennial anni\-ersar\- of the discovery should he ol)ser\-e(l w'ith ai)propriate exercises, to include the unveilin^^- of a lUonuanent to the intrejjid soldier-ex- pl(!rer who hlazed the hrst jiathway fi'oin the east to the Rockies.

With the approach of tlie centennial anniversarv. the ori-inal plans have heen enlar-ed until the\- have assumed pro])ortions in keei^in-- with the historic siL;-niticance of th.e event. hrom the modest idea of erectin.L^- a stiitahle mon- ument to I'ike has -.^rown a pro<^-ram diat is national in its nUerest. It hecame so iin])ortant that the L'nited States i^-overn.ment will i)articipate. ddie \\";;r Department will send 1(1.(11)0 re.yular troojis. the interior Department will send re])resentatives of the trihes of hidians with which I 'ike came m contact, while Coui^-ress will authorize the comin.i;- of Ido.doo souwnir medallions of bronze and sil- wx. .\ot oul\ will the troops be a decided feature m them- selves, but the occasion will be the first on which all branches of the armv have maneuvered in the west and also the tir.st time that a moimtainous cour,tr\- has been chosen for make beliew war.

The -eneral plan of the pro-ram is an alle.^-orical rep- resentation of the pro-ress of the Pike's I'eak re^'ion dur-

Keconh of the Pike Family


int;- the ccntrr\- tliat it lias liecn known to tlu- wln'tr man. The oi)cnin!^" (la\' will W dcvntcd to tlu' mi!itar\-, sinci' thcv rei-irescnt most nearl\- VWv and his stiu'dx' little hand of followers. Idiere will he a ])ioneer da\-, illnstratin-' the "da\s of 'r.»,'" when the er}' vA ^old hvoni^iit the sentinel peak of the Rockies into the knowled^qx- of the world, and a Colorado daw to tyi)if\ the industries, commerce. a,^ri- culture and minin.i;- as it is todaw The military features will ])redominate in the entire ])roii-ram. althou,y-h no sacrifices will he made on this account, 'idle exercises will all l)e in th.e open air. free to the ])ul)lic and (sf a nature to insi)ire the hiq-Jiest patriotism.

The comjilete historv of the Rockv Mountains will he unfolded, from the hleak Xnvemher d.ay when 1 'ike first i^'ave the Q'reat sn.ow ca])]>ed i)eak official position on the ma]) of the L'nited States, to the present day. wdien the heautiful cit\' at the foot of the i)eak has heconie so modern as to he facetiousl\- du1)he(l ■"Little London."

To ag-ain climh to the vantaii'e i)oint on Cdie\enne mountain wdience he ins])ected the |)eak. Like would ptass throuL;ii Stratton park, a hit of numntain fair\land that was ]>resente(l to the cit\- of Colorado Springs hy the late millionaire mine owner, Alyron S. Stratton. Ik' would not neeil his horses, as an electric car line runs to the \'er\- foot of the mountain. In the ex'ent he wished to climh tlii' IV'ak, he could ride in an electric car line to the depot of the Lo,y' road, ddiis is the highest steam railroad in the world, reachin-- an altitude of II. ins feet in a distance id" some twelve miles. The rounid tri]) is made in a few hours, and while on the Leak the ex])lorer could take his hearings, the temperature, latitude, longitude and secure other scientific data at the Lnited States ohservatory that crowns the to])- most ])oint of the massive granite ]>ile. His part\ could spend the night at either the llalf \\'a\- House or at the top of the ])eak in comfortahle ((uarters. secure against hun- e-er and storm.


Records of the Pike Family

I'iki' >lartc(! from St. I.oiiis July l■^. iSOii, on his trip to the Kock\' Mountains, or Mexican Ah)untains. as he calleil theni. He pronounced tlie country throug'h which he lra\"elle(I so devoid of sustenance for human l)eings that it would serve as a l)arrier for all time in the expansion of the L'nited States. In vi\-id contrast are the conditions to- dav. I'ike could now make his toilsome journey ir()m St. Lou.is to l'ike"s I'eak over either of several i^reat trunk railways, e(|ui])ped with all the modern luxuries of travel. Where he jiassed ;^'reat herds of huttalo lie would see cattle yrazini;' on the prairies in e([ual luuuhers. ddte wide ])lains that sta.^t^'cred his imai.;"ination on accoimt of their desolation are now dotted with pros])erous farms or ranches. The luountains that ajipealed to him onl_\- for their scenic ,L;randeur ha\'e heen found to he the treasure vaults of natu.re that were then waitin,^;' to he opened 1)\' the liard}- frontiersmen who followed Tike nearly half a cen- tur_\- later. The i^reat white mountain that he declared could not he ascended 1)\" a human hvin^' i^ now the ob- jective point of jiMi.OdO tourists annually. Tike said that tile si^'ht of the peak was inexpressihlx' qrand. while mod- ern ex])lorers sa\' the same of the view from the summit of the i)eak.

Histor\- records no more exalted patriot or intrepid soldier than /el)ulon Mont!4dmer\- Tike. His soldier an- cestr_\- for :L;'enerations hrouj^ht him the Spartan fortitude that alone made ])ossil)Ie his achie\'ements for the country he love(l so well. I lad he not imiuortalized himself 1)\' his

remarkahle e.\])l( irations tor the


Ins name

would _\ el he resplendent ni lustor_\ , m that his ninitar_\- rec- ord is (iiie that is rareh du])licated. When onI\' "ii vears old he was chosen to lead the most important militarv ex- pedition of the III iiu'. and when hut ;! I _\ears of a^e he was a brii^adier general in command of the troops that captured the liritish stroii^^liold at N'ork (now d'or(!nto) Canada. His death at this battle was hivlih' dramatic and has been

Records of the Pike Family 27

likened to that of Xelson. The captured flag" of the enemy was ]ilaced under the Iiead of tlie dyin!:^" ^"eneral to case the pain of mortal wounds. The cheers of his soldiers aroused the stricken }(iun;:;' commander and on hein,^- told that the fort was captured, he closed his eyes with the remark: 'T. die content."

A hiog'raphy of l^ike is yet to be written, l)ut his achievements are a matter of record in the archives of the War Departn.ient. A diary, ke])t faithfully from day to day during" liis explorations, tells in quaint terse st\"le of the tortuous march of the little |)arty from St. Louis to the Rocky ]\Iountains. Even the capture of his papers by the Spaniards at Santa Fe did not serve to destroy the records of the astute voung soldier, who had carefully concealed dui)licates of his ])apers in the Ijarrel of his big flint lock rifle and he was afterward able to restore them to (M-iginal form.

The journev on which Pike discovered the peak was the secon<l that he made under orders from the govern- ment. He had ])reviousl_\" traced the head waters of the Mississippi to their source, gathering" valual)le data for the government, making treaties with the Indians and making notes on the I'.ritish occupation of small settle- ments. His second journe}" was to take him through the then unex])lored territor\- of Louisiana. The government wished to know more about the vast tract of land that it was buving from S])ain and I 'ike was selected to supi)l\" this infiM'n"iation.

With a little party composetl of a squad of private sol- diers, a phvsician, guides, Lidians and horses. Like started from St. Louis in jul\-. He was a first lieutenant at the time, but was promoted to a cajjtaincy during the tollowing month. He was not notifled of his ])roniotion until a long" while afterward, hence the discoverer ol Pike's Peak is usuallv alluded to as lieutenant, rather than as captain, which he realh" was at the time, or as general, which he be- came shorth" licfore his death.


Recojils of tJic Pike Family

The coiiditiiiii i)f till' little jtartx- was liccominL^- ratht-r (k'spcralf wlicn, ( ^n .\'(ivrir,l)(.r 1'), the- "Mexican M(Uini- aiiis" were sii^litcd from the hanks ot the Arkansas river in western Ixansas. Three cheers were !j,iven and 1 'ike de- ternhned to i)ress on to the "j^reat white peak."" The near- est the ])art\- came to the jjcak was on Xoveniher "Jl, iSiH'., when 1 'ike and two followers clinihed to the to]) of a nionntain some 1-') miles from the TealN'. hike wrote m hi-^ diar\- that the i^reat white mountain seemed to he as hi.^'h ag'ain as the mountain he had climhe(I and that it would he imi)ossihle for a human heint;' to reach the summit. Tlie snow on the mountain that I'ike cliiuhed was "middle dee]'" and the thermometer rei^istered i'l (k\L;"rees below zero at the minimum. The supplies of the jiartx' were at a low ehl), with no ,L:'ame in slight. The clothing- of the men was worn to shreds, most of them heiui;' without stockinjj's and wearini;' moccasins that admitted snow and stones freel_\'. I'nder such conditions it is hu.t little wonder that the l)rave \'ouni4" soldier thouL^ht that the ])eak was hexond his prowess.

After notiuL;' the peak. I'ike retUirned to the Arkansas river at a jioint where l'uel)lo now is. continuing' his jour- ne\- into the mou.ntaius. thence to Xew" .Mexico, where he was cajjtured h\- the Spaniards. Hardships of every de- scri])tion were sutt'ered h\ the ])art\' before hein.^ placed in ca])ti\it\- at Santa l'"e. Two of the uku had to i;H' aban- doned and K'ft to their fate in the hills. The\- were ^'iven a small ^upi)l\ of prox'isions with the assurance that they would be rescued if the rest of the i>art\- found a haven of safi'tx and rest. I'ike saw that the promise was kejit. and, more dead than ali\e, thi' stricken ])air were brought into Santa I'T b\' the .Spanish stildiers.

The I'emains of the distiuLiuished xoun^' soldier-ex- ])lorer lie at Madison llarracks, Xew \ ork, where they were interred with militar\ honors nearl_\ a centur\- ago. A modest shaft marks the resting;' ])lace of IMke and a num-

Records of the Pike hamily 29"

ber (vf the soldiers who were kihed witli him. ( )ii liis liody were found two sentences. de(hcated ro his son. "Preserve your honor free from blemish" and "Wi always read} to die for vour eountrv."'

HEXRY R. WRAY. Sec. Chamber (^f Commerce, Colorado, Spriiii^s.


To write a poem I am bid,

But if I've talent in that line, 'Ti.s surely in a nai)kin hid.

The Mu.se gave neithei- word nor .sign As. day Id.v da>-. I tried to sing.

But I take heart of grace today Foi- that same Muse has deigned to lling

A sim])le rhyme or two my \vr>y.

Kin.smen. no classic theme I bring;

No tale of ancient Greece or Kome, I have no gift of tongues. I sing

The annals of a farmer's home, A quiet home, a humlilc life,

F;ir from the cit\'s smoke and din. The lust of greed, the noise of strife

To that calm sjiol stole iie\-er in.

The farmei-'s tale, ri'peated o'ei'.

.No brilliant page in liistor\- fills; "I'is Iiut a tyi)e of iliousands more

Bived out among .\'e\v Hampshire's hill.s. World-wise this man. fiic^nds. might not be,

Not learned, jierhaiis. in diatribe; Yet lie was of our famil>'.

And tile graiidiatiici' of \-our scribe.

To Hebi-ontown. long since, lie bi ought

A hai)i)y, willing, youthful bride. No laboi' over liard she liioilght.

AVere it completed at liis side. Their griefs wei-e one ami one their joys,

As the.\- reclaimed tin' wilderness. To them were born here seven brave boys

And foui- dear daughters came to bless.

50 Records of the Pike FiXDiily

Here did they teach their children all

The old-time ways of industry. Taught them, while yet in stature small.

Hel])ers, not hinderers. to be. Hei'e did these twain, soothed by the spell

( If woods and waves near their aljode. Learn Xature's gracious lessons well.

And look, in faith from her to God.

Success seemed ever pleased to crown

^\'hate'er they chose to undertake; Ah! many blessings rested on

The little home by Newfound Lake. Here did Grandfather Pike grow old

The fair familiar Lake beside. And. when his years of life were told,

Where he had lived, loved, toiled. he died.

When he was gone, neighbors, they say,

Mourned for him. young and old alike, Though few a hundred miles away

Had heard the name of Daniel Pike. The story here for you jiortrayed

Deai'er I hold than classic lore, Thou.g'h since that pleasant home was made

A century has fled. and more.

O. kinsmen, bring your splendid toast.

Of brave deeds let your praise sound clear, But I a humble theme will boast,

Grandfather's farm I gi\-e you here. Blame me not, friends; the good old place

Still holds for me a deathless charm, A spell no other can efface.

Because it uas grandfather's farm.

The summer fields wave thick with grass,

The hills still softly lean above X'ow. e'en as then, but friends, alas I

The farm bears not the name we love. I have a fancy, sweet and bold,

Sometime from out Life's busy race To drop. and, with a store of gold

Buy back the dear, ancestral place.

Records of the Pike Family 31

There would I t'ashinn, fi'ee from care,

A joyous nook, a summer home. And call, as guests from everywhere,

All of our kinsfolk who would come. I'd give no \\e]c-ome cold, outworn,

'Twould be a royal one, instead. To all who bear or who have borne

The name of Pike ere they were wed.

Bright hours we there might spend each day,

By smiling lake, by rippling stream. And wood and hill. Sweet teachers they.

But. ah! 'tis nothing but a dream. O. kinsmen, fi'iends. there comes to me

The hope, with my good-by to you. Some day to waken, it may be.

And find the hapjiy dream come true.



Authentic historians .say that the Franks made an ir- ru])ti()n into (laiil al)out A. 1). 4i(t. under their leader, Pharamond. who was said to have l)een succeeded by iClo- dion and 1 Merovoeus, who was followed by his son 'I Chil- deric J. who had: '^Claris J. King of the PVanks ; ni. Sainte Clotilda, dati. of Chilperic, King of lUirgundy, a Christian princess, in consequence of which Clovis and his subjects eni1)raced Christianity. Clovis was the real founder of the first French dynast\- in -I Si. He nia-de 1^'aris the capital and pti])lished the Salic laws.

Next came his son, 4 Chlotar I . King of the Franks, who had: -^Chilperic, I King of the F^-anks ; m. Fredegunda, bv whom he was nuirdered in -^S-l : and had: i\ Chlotar II, Kino" of the Franks, wlm had: \ I^/i/hihh\ who m. Ansbert, and had: ^AnioUI. who had: iLSV. .Iniiilf, who luul : lOAiis- gies (AnsegJiis) . who m. Kegga. dan. of Pepin the Old, Mayor of the Palace, and had: llPepUi of- Heristal. Mavor


Records at the Pike Family

(if the i'alacc. who had: VtCh.arlcs ic M artel. Mayor of tlie I'alacc ( xirtuahN- kiiii^'). ni. Ladx' [votrudc, and had: \-Wepiii le Href. Alax'or id' tlic I'alace. cro\\-iK'd al St^issons in (•">■> Kini;' of the' hranks: ni. Lad_\' Hcilh;!. dan. of the ci lunt of 1 ,c( m, and liad .

1 \L'!iarleimi:.:^jie. h. ] !".': so\\T(.'i^'n iCini^- of I'rancc ^tiS; crowiK'd i'-iniicTor of llic West in snil I)y ['ojie 1 .co 111 ; in. I -■) ) [ lilde.Li'ardc. dan. of the 1 )nkc ol Snal)ia, and had:

l-")A()///.v /. "le PehoiiiKiii-e." \\\nii of I'd'an^ce and hjii- peror of the West: ni. ( •,' ) juditli the l''air. (hui. of W'el- I'luis I. I ( 'onnt of Ahorf, Dnke of liavaria, a descendant of 1 'harani( md | , and had :

\i\Lluirle.s' the luild, K'm'j; of Xen^tria. ni. Ermentru- <hs. (km. of ( )(!(!. C'onnt ol ( )ideans, and had:

\]Liiiii.\' II. tlie .Sfaiiimei'er. Kin.^' of l^d'ance, who rei^'ned two \ears and d. s^lt; ni. !.a(h^' A(U'llieiik and liad :

1 S( 7;(?/7(\s- ///. ///(' Siiii/^le. I\in^' of hrancc ; reis^'ned t\\x'nt\-h\-e _\ear< : ni. { '! ) Princess kjl^i\-a. dan. nf h^lward the i'diU-r, Son of Alfred the ( ireat. Kin,L;' of Kni^land, and had:

I '.i/,()///.s' /. /'( )iil I'enier. Kin^;' ot h'l'ance. )n. '.•;')'.! Prin- cess t iei)eri;"a de Saxe, dan. of 1 lenr_\" the h'owlcr | 1 )nke of Sa.\on\-, i'jn])er(ir nf (iermany. and ^r. j_;r. Q'ramlson of ( 'harlenia,u'ne | , ;niil had :

'!fH'liiirles. 1 )nke ( d' I .orraine and llrahant : m. Lad,y A-^nes. descendant of Alfred the <ii"eal. and had:

■'l/,(/(/v (j'ehej'Lin. wlio m. I.aniliv'rl i if f.orraine. first (. "onnt de M > ms, and had :

't'lLajiiln'rl II. ( ount de Mons; m. < )de. dan. of ( lothe- lim. ('onnt of l.iirra.inc'. and had:

'l'Mle]ir\' II. ('onnt ol Lnrraine. who had '! Id'odfrey, 1 )nkt' of 1 .(irraine. llrahanl and l.nllier, m. Lad\' Ida, dan. of .Mhert. third (onnt dc Xanun". and !ia<l :

■>^)C(>iiiile.'<.s- . Idelieiii. "the h'air Alaiil :'\ I'.raliant"" [sec- ond wifi' and widow ot 1 h'nr_\" I. KinL*; of F.n^'land | . m. (■J) William d'Alhini. h'.arl (if .^nsse.x and Arnndel, J.orcl of llnckinijhani, d. li^ii; and had:

Records of the Pike Family 33

'l^'Al'ilUaui d'Alhim, second Earl of Sussex and Arun- del, m. Lad} Maud. dau. of James de Sancto Sidonio, and had :

't\Lad\ Mabel d'Alh'mi, m. Robert, Baron of Tattishill, and bad :

"l^^Robert dc Taftisliill, Lord of Buckingbam, ni. Lady Joan. dau. of Ralpb Fitz-Ranulf, and bad:

■J'.iLa(/v /('(7;; Tattishill, wbo m. Hugb de Caylev of (^wliy, Norfolk, and IkuI :

'■W]]dlliaui de Cayley of Normanstown, wbo bad:

■■')1 Jeaiuiette de Cayley wbo m. Jobn Lake of Normans- town, Vorksbire. and bad:

Here follow ei;^lit generations of tbe Lake family to Udnlni Lake of Erby. wbo m. Margaret, dau. of Col. Ed- mund Reade of AX'ickford, Essex and bis wife, Elizabetb Cooke, and bad :

AAHaiinah Lake, wbo m. in 1G43, Capt. Jobn Gallop, Jr.. of Stonington. Ct.. b. in England about 1615; killed by tbe Lndians in tbe Xarragansett Swamp figbt, Dec. lOtb, li)\r). and bad :

A2Esther Gallop, h. July 21, IGr)^: m. Dec. IT. KiLL Henry Hodges of Taunton, Mass., b. 1G53 ; d. Sept. -'50, 17 IT: son of William Hodges; [wbo came from England about K;;;;!; d. April '?. l(!o4], and had:

A'.'Joseph Hodi:;es. wbo d. at the age of 55 in tbe early part of tbe "( 'Id French War," in which he bore tbe com- missit)u. of Aiajor in the I')ritish army. He m. March 11, I'M "3. Letbiab \\'illiams. dau. of Thomas Williams, son of tbe first Richard., and had :

-\4Jonathaii Had^^es. b. Feb. 2(;, 1721; d. July IS, i:;)5, in Xortou, Mass.; m. .Abigail Sanford, b. 1790; d. Sept. 2!l. i;!i5 ; and bad:

AbBcthiah I Iodides, b. 1744; d. 1829 in Norton; m. Nathaniel I*"reeman | "Ensign"], who d. July 2, 175;i, aged 52 ; and bad :

M\ Xathajiiel P'reeiitaii, b. in Norton |nlv lu, i;si. d.

34 Records of ilie Pike FamHy

in \c\v Salem, Mass.. Jan. 'I'l. IS] ! ; ni. Sall\ Martin [who was of the sixth i^eneration from :\f\les Stanthsh and John Al(len|, 1>. All--. -'J'k 1s:1 : d. ( )ct. lS(i4: and had:

4i Daniel Saiiford I'rceiiiaii. h. in Norton. Alarch 1, lS(>.-i: d. in Xew .Salem. A])ril IS, ISST: m. in Hadley, Mass., Ma\' '». is:!!. Achsa r>ridqinan Kimhall [who was of the sixth i:;eneration from James Pike, who came to Massachnsetts ahont 1(I4<»; also of the sei'ciith generation from Xathaniel Dickinson of Wethersfield. Ct., and Had- ley, Mass., who was a descendant of Rollo the Dane, first Duke of Xormandy], Ix in Hadley Oct. 28, 1808; d. in New Salem, March "id, IS.")! ; and had:

-I S.l /(//■/(/ rrceuiau. h. F"eb. l-"), IS.'r? ; m. John Henry Gray. Judge of the Fifth Judicial District of Iowa. b. in Maryland, ( )ct. Ki. is;!l ; d. in Des Afoines. Towa. Oct. 1-i, iSliT) ; and had :

(I'eort^e Freenuui and ffeiiry Xatliaiiic! Gray of San Francisco, forty-ninth generation from ^lerovoeus, from whom came the title. Merovingian, given to the first race of h'rench kings.

MARL\ FREEMAN GRAY. Suit Francisco.


At the earnest solicitation of many of the descendants I shall confine this paper almost wholly to the descendants of Capt. John Pike of Newbury. Mass.. and Woodbridge, N. J., and in doing this I shall take up for a space his an- cestr\- in England.

In 'A isitations of Somerset" 1)\- Weaver. Page tU, T find, '"Pikes Ash in Martock and of Moorlinch, also called West Bridgewater, Arms Per pale Az. & Sa. over all three crescents Or." This coat of arms belonged to Sir Richard

Records of the Pike Family 35

Pyke li\'inii' the ei.Qhth year of KiiiQ" Richard Second, or in the \'ear l-'is.") ; this hne as civen is iThomas Pyke, SHuge Pike hving in tlie third year of King" Henry's reign or the year \\'l'>. his wife was Ehzabeth. 4 Thomas Pyke, 5 John Pyke. (1 William l*\ke of Moorlinch. Somerset, m. Alice, heir of Thomas LJowring of r)Owring's Leigh in West Arlington, Co. Devon. He had two sons, Robert and Stephen Pyke: TRobert Pyke married Eliza Thornhill. and Collinson's History of Somerset says he was the son and heir and was assessed at Pike's Ash, ( Here the spelling changes to Pike). Somerset in the "^^nd year of the reign of Henry A'HI or in the year lool ; his son and heir was 8 Thomas Pkye. who married Mary Stowell of Cathel- stonc : he is given as of Moorlinch. Collinson says he had a daughter. 9 Elizabeth Pyke, who married James Leigh or Reynolds, wdio spoiled the estate and also "tradition says there was a Stephen Pyke, brother of Elizabeth." This is highly improbable because he wotild ha\'e been the heir and inherited the estate. It would therefore seem that this line ends with Elizabeth so far as the family name is con- cerned.

TStephen Pyke. son of GWilliam. married Dorothy Cufife (Cutts) [I see Weaver has the word Cutts enclosed as an interpretation of the name Cufife.] He settled or is given as of Bridgew^ater, Somerset, wheic his children were born. He had two sons and one daughter, viz. : John, Francis ( who had sons Jemonel and Jones ) and Elizabeth.

4john Pyke of Bridgewater, loT3. The \'icar of Bridgewater gives baptism as Nov. 1, 1-jT2 : married Jane, daughter of Richard Castleman ; (the \'icar also gives the following baptisms: Robert Pike, baptized Aug. 59. 1582, and Robert Pike bapt. July 29, 1583. who is the Robert Pike of Providence, R. L. without any doubt, as proved by land transactions after he came to America.) A com- munication from Moorlinch vicarage, Bridgewater, is as follows : "Bridgewater, Oct. 19, '01. I have had vour let-

36 Records of the Pike Isanti ly

tcr a1;i)i;t John I^ikc Imrn l)ef(n"o lilOO, and the X'icar of Martock has sent me tlie simihir letter you wrote to him. I recret tliat I can i^ive \ou no informatidn as to anv of the Pikes mentioned h_\- you as the ]\[oorhnch registers only (kite l)ack to Ki-')"?. I beheve. however, that the Pike fam- ih- li\ed liere in the 14th and l-")th centuries, and were then the great ])eople of the neighl)orhood. There is in the l)el- fr\- of MoorHnch church a mucli nnUikited female effigy, which was formerh- recumbent r;])on a tomb in a niche un- der a window ou the north side of the church. This is sup])ose(l to repri-sent the wife of one of the Pikes who lived before the reformation. There is n.o inscrij:)tion, no coat ^^\ arms or crest attached. T very little doubt that ]\Icorlinch is the place from which your John Pike came. Vom's faithfull}', Fred Htjrthcote Smith. \'icar of Aloor- linch. ,

M \- reasons for l.)elie\'ing the al)o\"e t') be our direct h'ne are ihat Sir Richard l'\k-e was the onl\- P\ke I have been al)Ie to find in luiglantl whose coat of arms bore the crescents: this original coat of arms lielonged through, this line to William I 'yke and his first heir, Robert, whose son, Thomas, was father of Elizabeth, wliere the family name l)ecame extinct. William's other son. .^te])hen. l:)egan a new line and still retained the crescents with the chevron whicli indicates the beginning of a new line, or in Heraldry "an ( )r(linar\-, sup|)osed to l^etoken the accomplishment of some memorable work, or the completion of some business of imixirtance, generallv the foundation of his own family by the l)earer." We know that Robert Pike of Providence came from r.ridgewater and I believe that he was a brother of John Tike of Xewl)ury: I believe that investigation of land titles in I'jigland will prove my claim. I find in the Second Series of Xotes and Queries \'ol. 7, "The church of St. I'.arthokjmew in the city of London which was ptilled down to enlarge the avenues to the Royal Exchange, was built mainl\- at die charge of Thomas Pike, sherifif of Lon-

Records of the Pike Family 37

(Ion in 1410 wliose ancestor, Xicholas Pike, was sheritt in 133-.\" Should this Thomas Pike he a son of Sir Richard Pyke it world o-ive ns one "eneration at least farther back, as Xicholas would he the father of Sir Richard. This is (iul\- speculation as it is not known from what i)lace Sir Richard came when he settled in P^ridgewater in Somerset Count}'.

In "marriage licenses London, Vvl^^ Kill)," i find "William Pyke. yeoman, married Xov. (i, loS:], En-;ma Langforde, widow, of all Hallows. "" A genealogist some years ago facetiously remarked to me that on.e John Pike in stating that he came from Longford, England, referred to his mother and not to any ])lace. I -lid not know at the time that Longforde was not her maiden name, and the genealogist is now dead and therefore forgiven.

I now come to Rihn Pike, eighth from Sir Richard.

and first of the lir.e in Au.ierica who came to this countr\-, sailing from Southampton April (i. It;;!."), in the ship "James," Capt. Cooper, arrivmg in Boston on ^to«daA\JL.->tx3,/^3'f A^igust, 1()'1>. James S. Pike in "The X'ew Puritan," says with wife Sarah. \Miat authority he has for making the statement his wife's name was Sarah or that his wife came with, him, 1 do not know. T helieve it was based upon the record of the death of Sarah Pike at Xewbury, Xov. 19, l(i."i!)Jand she was presumed to be his wife l^ecause her name was not given among his son's. Cajit. John Pike's childrem but as he died May 'i(i, lii">4, and having made his will not mentioning any wife, such i)resumption cannot be maintained. The early Xewburv records are quite com- plete and the\' do not record the death of his wife, so with- out anv further evidence one would conclude she died be- fore he came to this country. He settled at first in l])swich but after a short stop at that i)lace removed to Xewbury and settled on the Ixmks of Parker river and was made freeman in liW'l. He was a highly educated man and wrote a fine hand, unknown among the uneducated of his times

38 Records of the Pike Faviily

and left his country at the time ()f the RTeat Reformation, and has often been classed as amrtno- the many "dissent- ers'* who left their native land for the "h^reedom to wor- ship Ciod."" (Juotins' from tlie history of the Pike family "He was a man of ])ronounced opinions, l)old in his as- sertions, hut as history has shown, educated a lawyer, he undouI)tedl\- knew how t(T keep within the h((unds of j^rn- dence in his intercourse with the element of the times. It nuist he rememliered that the Church and State were prac- ticalU- the same in those da\s and that tlie laws of tlie land were lari^eh' scriptural, and that law was arji^'ued from a Bible standjjoint: he was conversant with theological rea- sonin.^'s and as the theoloo-ical reasoninL^-s for the preserva- tion of peace as adoi)ted 1)\- the lawyers and the theolog-ical reasonins^'s for the salvation of souls as ado])ted 1)}" the min- istry, must differ in some of their essential points, is it to be wondered at that on May •^, KioS after havin^' listened for a time to a certain discourse. "Tt is ordered that Jolm Pike shall pay two shilling-s and six pence for departing from the meetiui^- without leave and contemptuouslv," and l)efore this. h'eb. "M. ICMS. John Pike. Robert Pike and three others were lined two shillings a;id ^ix pence apiece for beinj.;- aljsent from town meetinii;- at eiL^ht o'clock in tlie mornin,^:, havin,i.i- had dr.e and bt warning-." P.ut he nuist have risen hit:i"h in the esteem of his fellow citizens, for in Pldl. he was one of the chosen to administer "the l)rudential affairs of the town." and in K'.+S to "end small causes" which he did in an exemplary manner as the court records show. His will was iirobate<l Aui^'. ^C \h'-i\, in whicli he mentions dau.qhters Dorothy, wlio married Dan- iel Hendrick, Ann who married John b'iske. Israel, who married Henr\- True, and sons John ap>d Robert,- ^-^'"^'^•^'^

Xaptain John' Pike, ninfli from EnQli'^li and second from American lines, was born at Pritlgewater. Enc^land, ( pre- snmabh- ) in Kio.") if he is the one who sailed "from ye port of London Xov. "iti, Ki:].") for Parbadoes, aged thirty."

Records of the Pike Family 39

He settled in Newbury, Mass., where he married Mary Tarville or (Tarbell). (See Coffin's history of ( )ld Xew- bury wiiere lie asks a grant of land for his brother, Thomas Tarville) Well educated, he soon became one of the lead- ing" men of the place, was educated a lawyer, was elected selectman in 1()47-1('>4S. was chosen to end small causes in the town during- the years Ki.'il-Ki.'^-l-Kioli-Ki.'iT-KiliO ; was elected deput\- to the General court in Ki.")! and Ifi.uS, which position he most ably filled. He was educated a Congregationalist, but later in life became a Presbyterian. Quoting" from the history "When in Newl)urv there was a contention in the church regarding" church discipline be- cau.se the pastor and teacher had changed their minds after the first few years, from the Congregational to the l^'es- l)}"terian form. It seems th.e matter was carried into court for adjustment, and he being summonsed as a witness tes- tified 'That he was i)resent at the gathering" of the church of Newbury, and that he heard the pastor, Air. Parker, preach from the eighteenth chaiHer of Matthew and 17th verse, wherein the i)reacher held fcirth that the ]iower of discipline belonged to the whole church and he (John Pike) strongly favored his doctrine, he taking notes of what was said." "

Earl\- in \y'^'u^ he removed to Woodbridge, N. J., and on May 'l\, l4(ii), articles of agreement were signed between Governor Carteret, John Pike, Abraham Tappan and Joshua Pierce in behalf of themselves and associates of Woodbridge and Piscataway, whereby a colony was es- tablished over which he was chosen Judge and Governor which position he held for many years. After his return to Newburv in Kill he was chosen a member of Governor Cateret's council and in IC)*.") was appointed captain of the n"iilitia and by this appellation he was generall\- known. His first wife having" died, he married, June ;!(», KiSo, Eliz- abeth Fitz Randolph of Piscataway. He died in January, l(JS8-i), and his remains are burietl in the r'resb\terian

40 Records of the Pike Family

cemetery at Woodbridge. His children were : Joseph ; Jolin, who (Hed young-; Hannah, w'no married ( )hadiah A\er; a son, wlio died KUo; Marx, wlio married Richard Worth; John; Ruth, who married Abraham Tapi)an : ^i^^i- "/ iifiJ ; Thomas and^Sai:ali, -wfa!r-TlTeTl ir..V!i. Josei)h IMke, tenth generation from Sir Richard, and third American. was 1)orn Dec. 'iti. KioS ; married Snsannali Kingsl)nrv and settled in Newbury. He w^as at "Ye fall tight at Spring- field" (Mass.) KiU), also in garrison at Springfield June 21. KiTC). during King Philip's war. at Hadlev and other l)laces. He occupied many offices of pu!)lic trust, being se- lectman 1(;!MI-1 and K!*)'.'-;!. assessor li)!)4. and was elected de])ut\- to the General Court Ki'.xt to Iii'-f.'. was deputv sher- ifl:'. and while passing from Haverhill to his home was

'i^l^'h '^ '''"^'*' ^^-^ In'Hans .H^rt); lG9d. at a place called I'ond Tlain. "^ The township of Ringe. Cheshire Co.. X. H.. was granted

to John Tyler. Joseph Pike and others, officers and soldiers in the expedition to Canada anno \(\W. His children were Sarah, born l(i(Ui, married Anthony Morse; John born IfWiS. died KiCS ; Mary, born PmO. i)erhai)s married Rii-liard Woodmanc}- of Salem; John, born \^\\\\ Iose])h. born 1i;M ; I'.enjannn. born KiTii. died, immarried. ITiiO; Hannah, born \{\V.) , married Joseph llslev ; Thomas, ])orn 1'!S1. ( )f these children John married Mrs. Lvdia Little and his children were all daughters. jose])h married. De- cember. l(;i»,-). Hannah Smith, daughter <if Lt. James and Sarah (Coker) Smith of Newbury, where she was b(M-n March -V^. Kw.^. He settled in Newlnuw and was a lieu- tenant in the army. He was selectman in ijiOf) and held various other ])ublic offices. He was one of the original grantees of the township of Salisbury. N. H.. Dec. !». \r?A\, and June VI, llJJS, he was taxed for one Calash, a carriage. I find the town of Newbury on June LI. ILbs, granted Tos- eph Pike and others leave to fish upon condition that they give one salmon to each of the two ministers. He died in Yi'U. His children were: Joseph, born 1(;94 ; John, born

Records of the Pike family 41

KifiS : TliDinas. born KdO; James, boni Ko."): Sarah, horn 17(i-"). (hcil Ko'i; Sarah. Imrn Kiiti. married StL])licn (Ea- sier; josepli. horn lii'.M. niarricch I )cc. '■<. W'l'l. L\(ha Drnry, settled in Xe\\lnn'\'. remnxed to Tnkslnn'x and in KI.-i-Ci to Dnnstal)le. where he (hetl Ills. I lis chihhxn were: IJen- jamin, l)orn Wl'-^. and Danieh Imrn K'J-'i. married Sarah Ken(hdh settled in Dnnstahle where his children were all horn; afterwards lived in llehron and (_irotrMT. X. H.. where he died li!i.\ Mis children were. Sarah, h. KK. d. 1<()4: Isaac, h. K !!i. m. Marv French and ^Frs. Sarah Whitney. He left one dan.. 1\)]1\-. who m. Lt. W'illard Cnmming-s. and all lived in Tyn^-sboro. Mass. He was in the Rev. war: James, I). H-")l. m. Rnth Inii'alls, was in Rev. war. from Dnnstahle: Kso he moved to W'estfield. Mass., and later to Hebron. X'. H.. where he dietl. lS-?0. His children were Jaines. m. Sally Day: ddiomas T.. m. Mar}- M. Trask : Wil- liam, m. Rnth lllood : John. m. 'rr\-])liena Swan, and Han- nah who m. Asa Hobart : Hnldali, b H-'), m. John Tn^-alls : Joseph, h. Ko(i, m. Al)i,g-ail Sawtelle, lived in Hollis and Brookline. X. H. His children were. Joseph, m. Mary Hoyt: A\'illiam. m. Rnth T.lood : Rerley. m. Pollv Cross: Newhall. d. at sea. nnm. : ?\rar\-. m. Jonas I'^rench : Lncy m. Pan! Davis: Mood\. str\ed in bsi-j war: Ralph, m. Meri- bah Hovt : Lnther. m. Jane Roynton : Rnfns, m. X'ancy Fnlton : Hannah, m. Sanmel Peal)ody : Abi^'ail : Retsey : Eli. and Xathan or Daniel: Lydia. h. K-M». m. Enoch Jew- ett : I'riah l)rnr\'. b. Hiil. m. llan.nah Keyes. settled in Hebron. His ch.ildren that li\-ed \vere. Tsaiah. who m. Charlotte Hickok, lived in lloston. Erie C(\. Xew "S'ork : Hannah, m. ^^'illiam Eadd : Rhoda. m. Thaddeus Hickok; Uriah, ni. Xanc\ Pa.qe, father of C S. Senator Anstin F. Pike; Jonathan Ke\es I'ike, m. Encina (iraves; Esther, b. 1763, m. Ste])hen P.. Goodhue; Daniel, b. ITli."). m. Sarah French, and Snsannah Estabrook an^l settled in Hebron where he died in is-.'l. His children were. Ebenezer F.. b. ITST, m. Susannah Wise: Sallw b. HS!'. m. John Wal-

42 Records of the Pike Family

lace; .M()(h1\-. I). K'.U. m. Laura ( 1 raves : Susannah, b. l^U;}. \w. jrrcniiah Davis: Col. Rufus. 1).. K!».^. m. Mary Georo-e; Luther, b. i:!is, ni. Ahnira Warner: Lzekiel. b. LSUS, ni. Sarali Hutchins : EHza. b. ISlo, (L youns^ ; EHzabeth. b. LSI;!, ni. ( )rrin Drake Kimljah : John 1-., 1)_\- second wife; Thomas Tike, 1). L(iL m. Ruth Keyes, settled in Hudson and afterwards moved to Hillsl)or(i, X. H., where he died IS.'iS. Ills children were Justus, 1). 1 .!>•:', ni. Cdiarlotte I'.lod- i^ett and Wa\\ Laker and AL'S. ( Lailex" ) I'.arnes: Rebecca, 1). IL.il, m. Darnel Wetherbee : LJ)er. b. K!Hi. m. Alary C. Dakin and Sarah L. Dakin : Anna, b. 1L>S, m. Daniel

Trask: Sallv, b. iSLi, m. Wilson: Alahala, b. LS();k m.

Daniel I'.. \\'illou.,qhl\v : Josei)h l-"url)ush, b. bso.^, m. I'diza Rollers: Ma.rinda, b. Lsoc. w.. William ( iraham : Eldad Lrocto]-, b. bsoii, m. Lucinda Lhai)man : Moses Like, b. LCib m. I'ollv Lall, and settled in Hebron, X. Id. His children were Drury, b. 1 L.f?, died 1 L.i:. : Daniel, b. IDd, d. \-or,n,L;' : Lucinda, b. IL.Mi, m. John lloswell: LoUw b. IL.L, m. John Xason : Isaac. 1). 1 .'■•'.', m. Irena Dole and Mrs. Sarah (Morse) Xoves. was father of I*ldwin 11. Like, ])resident of onr Association: Lovica, b. bsoL m. Caleb Laj^'e : Ruth. 1). bso-.', m. James Harriman : Daniel, b. bSdl, m. Sarah Athens: Arthur Livermore, b. Lsoi;, m. Xancy l-danders : Tamar, b. isoL m. Calvm ALa_\-: Moses, b, LSI)!), m. Clarissa Lhelps : Drury, b. ISIL m. Louisa A. LuHiank, and Samuel, b. L^ld, m. Sarah 1'.. Roberts and Mary Jeifers. Lenjamin Like, h. \\'l',\. son of h'se])h and Lydia Dru- r\-, m. hdizabeth. I have been unable to hud her maiden name: he settled in Dimstable ln:t died in Amherst, X. H.. in isn:!. was in the Revolutionary war. PLs children were, Rachel, b. CD, d. K:)L. Elizabeth, b. IL^L m. John Twist; Lxilia, 1). IL'i-"), d. K.-jt: Zachariah. b. IL").'), m. Hannah Love)o\. lixed in Dunstable and lledford, X. H., and Jay, Me. His children were, Zerai, b. 1T7 8, m. Letsey Earring-- ton : ILuniah Lovejoy, b. 17S(i, m. Hilton Euller : Jonathan LiAcjoy, b. ILs-j, m. Mary Choate : Hezekiah, b. ITSG, m.

Records of the Pike Family 43-

Ann Jeffers Crafts, is ij^randtather of Herbert A. Pike, our vice president: Uenjamin, b. 1TS9. ni. Susannah Ford, sec- ond Morse: James, b. K'.m;, m. Augusta Coding; Luther, m. Lydia Cole: Eh, d. young; Jerusha, m. Bethuel Paine; and Susan who m. .Alexander Dascoir.b : Rachel, b. 1T5T, m. Jonathan IWiss or Twist: Ueniamin. 1). IT.^)I», m. Esther Abbott, lived in. Amhu.rst, Alt. X'ernon, .\\ H., and Burling- ton or Montpelier, \'t. Flis children were, Ei:)hraim, m. Xanc}" Ray: Benjamin, lived in lloston, d. without issue: James, m. Rhoda Jones; David, m. L\(lia Broad: Betsey m.

Hazelton. and Paul Ci)ham; Abigail, m. Ezekiel Holt;

Esther, m. .\bijah Wdieeler ; PoUv, m. James Alerrill ; Enoch, b. lT<;"i, m. Abigail Hildreth, lived in Amhurst. Aft. A'ernon and Merrimack. X. H. His chddren have not all been found. Such as I have are. Jacob, served in ISB.' war; Alark Woodbury, m. Xancy Cook; Xancy, m. Thomas Rey- nolds : AIar_\'. m. Daniel Phelps. Coing back to p^hn Pike, Ufth generation, 1). Feb. '24, l(i'.)S, son of Lt. Jo'^ejjh and Hannah Smith Pike. He m. .Mary Fames and Abigail Parkhrrst. He settled in I-'ramingham, .Mass., till after his second marriage, 17 "iS. when he returned to .\ewbury, where he died, Pr.V.\ His chihlren wer-'. Cersham. b. July 15. i:->: : Alary, b. ( )ct. 15. 1 :;!<); Elizabeth, b. Dec. •.^;!. i::U. and Lydia. b. Aug. !). i::5;). Of these T know but little. Cersham Pike was captain in a X. H. company, and was at Plaistow and Kingston, X. H.

Alaj. Thon.ias I'ike. fifth generation, b. Se])t. 2^k 111"), son of Lt. Josei)h and Flannah Smith, m. Lois Perley. He was an officer in the army during the I'rench an<l Indian wars; he settled in Xewbury and was a house-wright. His children were, Hannah, 1). 1T"3S, died young: Abigail, b.

IPv*!!, m. Johnson Chase: ]\M-le\, b. IL'IJ, m. Elizabeth ;

lived at Dunstable for a while, then ren^oved to Limenburg. Alass., where he died, 1174. llis children were, Elizabeth, b. 17<i7, m. Jonathan Dearborn: ."^arah, b. 17r,!», m. I Icnrx' Xourse ; Thomas b'rench, b. 17 7"', m. Rebecca Russ and had

44 Records of the Pike Fa))nly

children, Pcrlev French Pike, 1). 1 .'.».■">, m. Mar\- Ann Reed; Reliecca Russ, !;-■. K!*;, ni. Xathan Kendall: W'm. Xonrse, 1). WW. was a sea captain, d. at sea unni. : S()])hr(;nia Watts, 1). ISOI, nt. Rev. John I'nlfinch : Thomas, b. ISO;], m. Car- oline ()rmsl)_\-; Henry, h. ISOT). d. nnni. : Caroline Fdiza- heth, 1). iSTj, m. Joseidi Kendrick : Henjamin Franklin, h. lSl-1. d. nnm. ; iM-ederick Ani^ustus. h. ISIS, m. Mary Ann Garland: Sarah, h. is-jl, in. James l''arrin.e:t(in I'ickerin;^' ; Sarah, h. 11;!?. m. Andrew Downer: Lt. Thomas, h. K-Jt), m. IMiebe Urocklebank, settled in Xew London. X. IF. and had Cai)t. John. b. 1T?(». m. lur.dce Keith and had James Miller, b. b^b'i. m. Sarah Colb\- and Abiij-ail ( L ol1)\- ) Palmer: Delia \\'oodl)rry. b. Ps 1 ; , m. Joseph Pean : Hep- ziiiah, 1). Psiit. m. Penjamin W. Peaslee : John Keith, b. PS"iP m. Fnc\' Al. Wilson: F.unice Cnnimini^'s. m. lienjamin R. Morse; Ziba Hnntini^ton, b. LS-i."). d. unm. : Samuel Keith, i). LS-^s. m. Hannah Leach: Harriet Flhs, 1). ps;]l, m. Wilson S. (icdrg'e: A[ar_\- Hnrd. b. is;;;;, m. CUuid (jo- in,il^'s : Xanc\- -McKay, 1). ls;;i;. ni. Austin (joint's: Petsev, 1). IPsp m. Col. Sanmel Kr.owlton : Jos;-])h, m. Delia A\'ood- bury : poll}-, m. LV)1. Xatlian Roi^'ers, and it is said one m. Joseph Chase: Lois. 1). IT-L*. m. .Samuel Lancaster: Moses, b. KIL m. Ruth .Moody, settled in Xewbnrv, had one dan!.;hter. Abigail, b. Aug'. !>. Cil. who m. Sanmel Prad- le\- : Hannah, b. .Sept. li. IMS; ha\-e no marriage record.

Rev. James Pike, filth generation, S'jn of Lt. Joseph and llannah Smith, was born Mar. 1, IP);!, m. Sarah GiP ma.n and settled in Fxeter and afterwards in Rollinsford, N. N.. where he died, IPfi. He was a famous school teacher in his younger days. His children were Saraii, b. lP;i, m. I'anI Prown : Capt. Daniel, I). PP'i'.P m. Anna Carr, and had that lived Samuel, 1). 1 Piii, m. Judith Gilpatrick and Sally Haskell and had Petsey who i"i. Wilkinson: Olive, who m. David Winslow : Daniel, who m. Lavinia Walling'- ford or Mehitable Gilman ; Xanc\-, m. Jonah Woodburv ; John. m. Merc\ McMillan and .Mar\' 'T Tames, d.

Records of tlic Pike Family 45

younu- : Harriet, lu. ( Icor^c Ixccd Ixollins : Lydia F., d.. A-omii;- : L\"dia 1"., m. Triali l-'ostcr: Mary \\'., m. Ili'iijainin Clark; Sarah H.. m. Amos Cloug-h ; Abig-ail, d. young; Louisa J. .m. Theodore Paine: John. 1). 177 3, m. Lovey War- ren and hach Alary, b. 17!m;. d. young: Sarah, I'.., 1). 1709; Moses Carr, b. 1800, m. Anieha Ct. Willey : Danieh b. 1802, m. Ahirv I^. Wheeler; Elizabeth, b. 1801, m. W'm. Paine; Nahum A\'., b. 1S07, d. 181.-); Benjamin F., b. 1809, m. Hen- rietta Lord: Anna ALary, b. 181L m. James C. Field: John Samuel, 1). 181(;, m. Maria Heywood ; Francis William, b. 181S. m. Phebe Trowbridge and Belle R, Barnett. Eliza- l)eth, daughter of above Capt. Daniel, m. Benjamin Went- worth. Nicholas, third sun of Rev. James, b. 1734, d. 1T3() ; Betsev, b. K.')8. p.i. J(isei)h Roberts; Abigail, b. 17 10, m. Avery Hall: Hannah, Ix WVl, d. 17 P2; Xicholas, b. 1743, m. Hannah Boardman and Eunice Smith. He was the fa- mous author of the first arithmetic written in this country and was principal of the Academy at Xewlnu-yport, Mass., manv vears. His children all died in infancy except the last, Joseph Smith Pike. b. Feb. 21, 1782, m. Sally Rand, settled in Xew1:)uryport. His children were, Francis V., b. 1813, m. Catherine R. Holmes; Eunice E. S.. b. 1811. m. Rev. Charles E. Lord; Alary Jane. b. 1810, m. Rev. Nathan ]\lonroe: George J., b. 1817. d. 1S24 ; Gcorgianna, M., b. 1819, m. Amos G. Bartlett ; John Xicholas, b. 1823. m. Lucy Bishop. He was judge of the nuuiicii)'d court at Newbury- port many years: James, son of Rev. James, b. 17\^ d. 17447101^1, b. 1747, m. Martha 4'revett. His children were besides the first three that died young, Xicholas. b. 1779, m. Sarah Hayes, had one child that died young; James, b. 1777, d. unm. 1842. He was the author of Pike's Spelling book, reader, etc.: Xathaniel Green, b. 17 83, m. Betsey Wallingford, and had IMartha, who died young; Dr. John Gordon, b. 1817, m. Mary Yet ton Cressey and Mrs. Alice (Horn) Waterhouse; Amos \\'., b. 181!i, m. Elizabeth Chadbourne and Airs. Julia (Hubbard) Shaw, was the fa-

46 Records of the Pike /^aiiiily

tluM- of Judg-e Robert Pike of Dover. X. H. : Phebe, b. IS?-!, (1. is;!;;; j(.sei)b Trevitt Pike. b. Xov. •?•.'. ITS.-), m. Sarab (iordiMi. and ba(k ^^lartlia 'P., 1). 1S](), m. b'dward I'.urri]] ; Sarab j., 1). bsr*. ni. William (arr I'ike; ]i)se;>b (iordon, b. ISII. 111. laiza Stevens: Xiebolas, b. ISllI, d. ]Si:; Col. Nicbolas. b. jari. ".^(i. ISlS. m. H. Al. W'illiams and Anna Eliza Flares. He is tbe fatber of Joseph Trevett Pike, one of otu" I'xiard of Direetors : James, 1). lS-2(), m. Luev Ann Jdbnson; Judge Robert Gordon, b. is-j-i, m. Ellen AL Brainerd ; Cbarles Sidney, b. 1S-.M. m. Jane Little Tburh^w ; Ellen, b. bs-.^ii, m. Lemuel D. Mu<lg'e; Mary Gilman, h. 1S58 ; Hannab Augynsta, b. ls;U, m. Alfred Bradenbnrg-. Tbe remainder of Rev. James Pike's ebildren are X'^atbaniel, b. IMii. d. 17-")<>; Joanna, b. ii-")!, d. ITod, and Mary, b. 17r)4, m. XHcbolas Gilman.

Returning n(~>\v to Jobn Pike, fourtb generation, b. Dec. 28, Ki'M, son of Jose])b and Susannab King"sbury ; be lu. Mrs. L\(lia l(ireenleaf) Little and settled in X'ewbury. His ebildren were, Juditb, b. lii!'."), m. Xiebolas X^oyes ; Susannab, b. liiOT, m. Ricbard Adams; Lydia, b. 1698, m. Samuel Jaques and Capt. Kendall Pearson ; Joanna, b. 1T<)<), m. Tbomas Tburlow ; Dorotby, b. 170-2. m. Timotby Monroe; Josepb, 4tb, b. ITO-"). d. 1 :<).-).

Lieut. Tbomas Pike, fourth generation, b. Aug. 4, l(i8l. m. Sarah Little and Mrs. Juditb (Knight) X^oyes. He was an officer in the army and was in tbe expedition to Canada in Gld. He had one son, John Pike, b. Dec. 10, 1710, m. Sarah Moody, lived in Newbury and had. Sarah, b. 17;!;'., ni. Xatbanicl Tenney ; John, b. 17;^.3. m. Martha Tappan. and bad John, b. 17(i-"), prob. d. young-; and Rich- ard, 1). li(i(, who n:. Sarah and Mary lioardman, and had, Martha, b. 1801, m. Roger S. Howard; Sarah Jane, b. 180;'.. m. Samuel 15. Stone; Mary P... b. 1805, d. 1806; Eliz- abeth Ann. b. 1811. d. young; Rev. John, b. 18i;3, m. Debo- rah Adams; Mary Boardman, b. 181."), m. Roger Latham, and Elizabeth Ann. b. 181(;, m. L H. Boardman; Lvdia, b.

Records of the Pike /uiinily 47

IT.");. 111. Rutus Wlu'clcr; Tlioiiui-. b. W-V.K ni. Joanna Web- ber, settled in Rcwlex. Mass.. was in Ivevolutionarv war. His cbil(h-en were. Jolin, b. l^til. ni. Lxdia l)i>le. cbibb^en all <lie(l xounq-; 'riii)nia>, b. ll(i'.'. ni. l:>etscy Ro.q'ers, and had. Joannali. b. bsod. ni. TboiiKis Killjorne : jnbn, b. Isii], d. voniiLi': (ieorg'e Wasliing'ton. b. bso;'., \\\, Lncy W. I'nlsiter and Sophronia E. lM)wler: Cbarles, b. iSO^. d. nnni.. LSMS ; Horatio, b. 1 Si:], d. is-j-i; Richard. 1). May -i:'., r:s(), of Avhoni I have nothing' further. His twin brother lienjainiu m. Sarah Andrews, and had Gen. Albert, b. ISO!', m. Mary Ann Hamilton; Ann. b. 1811, d. lS;5-3 : Sarah, b. ISl^i, ni. David 1'. Page: lienjaiiiin. jr.. 1). ISl^, d. 1S:5;5 ; Adaline, b. 1818, d. 1833; Francis Haskell, b. 18-.^, d. IS-n ; Samuel b. lT-l-t>; d. probably num. : Hannah, b. 1744. m. Elias Che- nev ; Elizabeth, b. 1M7, m. Paul Stickney : Joseph. 1). 1T51, m. Lois Tenney and had Sarah, b. ITT'^, m. Moses Stickney; Lois, b. 1174, 111. Spoffcrd Stickney; Mary, b. 1T?T, m. Mark Cheney; Samuel, b. 1780. d. unm. : John, b. irS'3, was a lawyer in ^^'interport, Me., d. ISKi ; Daniel, b. ITS."), ni. Dorcas I'himmer, lived at llan.uor. Me., had one daughter named Alice Pike; Col. Elijah Parish, b. GSS, in. Xancy Sampson, lived at I'Vankfort. ]Me.. and had .Marcus Samp- son, b. 18"^";?, d. 1844; Loisa Tenney, b. ]8"^4, m. George Al- bert Peirce ; Joseph Samuel, b. IS-^d. m. Martha J. Mc- Comb ; Alfred Washington. 1). G;»l, m. Martha Williams, was principal of several high schools. His children were, Martha Laura, b. ISIL d. unm.; Alfred Washington, m. Abigail Atkinson Freeman, was [)rincipal of several high schools ; Samuel John, b. is-iS, was principal of Oliver High school at Lawrence, .Mass.. was a poet of some note; Joseph G. W.. d. unm.

Benjamin, son of John and Sarah Moody, b. June 29, ITT)!. 111. Dorothv Tenney and had nine children. Six of them died mini. Those who ni. were ^Iar\\ b. 1788, m.

George W. Severance; Sarah, b. 17;i^, m ViLu-k Cheney,

and Benjamin, Jr., b. 17l>8, m. Huldah Dornian and had

48 Records of the Pike Family

Rev. A!])]nis Justus, b. 1S-3S. m. Eliza r.niwnel Perkins; AleUina I'liilena. b. is-j'.i. d. ISU: Rev. ( iustavus Donnan, 1). Aui^. I'y, Is.'il. m. Sarab jane Tnttle ; Benjamin Mavius, 1). is;!-.'. (I IS.-..-); Aretbusa Ebzabetb. b. 1S;!4. m. jobn An- (b'ew ; Hulclab Florilda, b. ISiiT). u.nni : Itbaniar Evadncr, b. is;',:, d. ISGG; Amanda Dolly, b. ls;5S, m. Edwin S. Clif- ford; -Minerva Acbsab. b. ISIO. d. ISJ:"? ; Adeliza Minerva, lS4v\ m. John Fiske. Baxter I'ayson. Ix 1S4-). m. Sarah J. Gould; Abuses Dorman. Ix is.M), d. num. lUO;!.

Returning- to the descendants of Capt. John Pike, his son, John, b. Mar. oO, lii.-.n, m. Sarah Stout of Middleton, X. J., and lived in W'oodbridge. where he died 1714; his children Avere John, b. llilT, d. liiTT; Sarah b. IGliJ, d. IGSO ; J<.se])h. 1). iGSd, d. KiSd ; John, b. l(iSl. Unless he settled in Canterbury, Ct., I ha\e nothing of his marirag'c and children; Joseph, b. IGS;!, d. yotnig ; Sarah, b. liiSG, d. young', so far as I know: Mar_\-, b. liiSi, m. Maj. Richard Cutler; Hannah, b. IG8'J, ni. ( Jbadiah Aver; Penelope, b. IGIMS; proljably d. young as not mentioned in will; Zebulon, b. Aug-, i;, 1G9;J; Joseph, b. Feb. IG, 1G94.

Zebul(_)n Pike, b. I(i0-"). m. Jeanet Ferman, who, with a friend, !\Iargaret Anderson, came from Scotland at the time of the religious persecutions and arrived in the ship "Caledonia" at Perth Amboy. X. J. Pie was in Col. Thomas Parker's Reg"t, war of IH--); he d. IKi'v'; his two children were John, b. IT 18. m. Plannah Phillips, of whom I have l)ut little; ami James, 1). \\'l\, who m. Mary Herriot ; liA'ed in V.'oodbridge and had lames. 1). 1I-I!>, of whom nothing- jiroved ; Zebulon, b. Sept. IS, 1T--)1; Margaret, b. June 4, l(.-);i, m. Gage Inslee ; Jeanet, b. b"eb. "M, IT--)-), m. Jonathan Gage, and Robert, 1). IT -->'), died at sea, unm.

Col. Zebulon Pike, b. 1T-)1, m. in Xew York citv, Apr. IT, IT To, Isabella ISrown and settled at Lawrenceburg, Jnd. He was an officer in the Revolutionary army and some of his children were born in Camp, as was his son, Gen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike ; his commissions as cap-

Records of the Pike Family 49

tain and Major were signed In- Georgia Washington and that of Colonel by Thomas Jefferson, 'i'hey are in the pos- session of Mrs. Sarah Stnrdevant or her eliildren at r.arned. Kansas. He was noted for his bravery and the In- dians called him the "Great Brave." He always visited their wigwams without any fear in making his treaties with their tribes. He died July "i:. 18;J4. His children were Mary, b. Xov. 1!». 17 T."), died Nov. 28. l??.') ; Qen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike, b. Jan. -■). i;;i); Jane. b. Apr. 19. 17S;i d. Apr. •l\), i;s:5: James Brown, b. May 1. 1784; Eliza, b. Feb. l.->. 17S7. d. Apr. 21, 1787: .Alariah Heriot, b. Aug. 22. 178!». m. Thomas Warded and Anderson Gage; is the mother of Mrs. Sarah Stnrdevant who belongs to our Association: Wm. R., b. Dec. 21. 1700, d. Aug. 22. 1794; George W., b. Apr. 7. 179;^, d. Jan. ;;o. 1812; Gen. Zebulon Montgomery Pike. m. Clarissa Harlowe. dau. of Capt. John Brown, who settled in Boone Co.. Ky. (Capt. John Brown was a cousin to Isabella Brown.) Pie left but one child that was old enough to marry. Clarissa, who m. John Cleves Symmes Harrison, son of Gen. William Henry Harrison. His brother, James Brown Pike, m. Jan. 12. 1815, Elizabeth Carberry, lived at Lawrenceburg. Ind.. but the last of his life at Kirkville. Iowa, where he died 1855. His children were: George Washington, b. 1815, m. Prudence Jane Ross; Montgomery, b. 1818, lu. Lucy Jenison ; Joseph, b. 1823, died Mar. li. 189:;. unm. : Zebulon Wardell. b. 1825, d. War of 18(;i, m. Mary Callender ; John Brown, b. 1827, m. Eliza Frazer. now living at Kirkville, la.; Anderson Gage, b. 1830, m. Hannah Fenton ; Isabella Brown, b. 1832, m. Lieut. William Mann; Catherine, b. 1821, d. 1843, unm. ,

Thomas Pike, son of Capt. John and Mary (Tarville) Pike, born Dec. 7. in57. m. Jan. 25. UiSC. Elizabeth Parker, second. Aug. II. l<>s!t. I Tester lUnni. and third. June 30. I(i99. Mary IMiillii)S. lie settled in Woodbridge and had. possibl) by his first wife, Charles, as his name oc-

50 Records of the Pike Family

curs in the town records, but T have nothing" farther of him: Thomas, b. Sept. .".n. Kil'O; Xathaniel. b. May -IS)^ Ki'.i-i: Joseph. 1). Apr. ;i(». l(i!»l: Mercy, admitted to church with Xathaniel. KKS; Xathaniel. b. l(i!»-.\ m. July "i;?. in."), Grace Turnbull and had Tliomas. 1). liKi, m. Ehzabeth Bloomfield, and had }*Iary, b. K.'iS. and Grace, b. 1T40, d. 1740: Mary, b. 1718: Nathaniel, b. 171!), d. young; Wil- liam, b. 1722: Nathaniel, b. i:2.-). m. 1747, Sarah Gach ; Hester, b. 1727. probably d. young; Joseph, h. I(i94, m. 171<), Elizabeth Frazer, and died 17.'!(i. His children were: John. b. I'jri.S; Timothv. b. 172(»; Sarah, b. 1722; Elizabeth, b. 1725. '

I am sorry to say that the \\'oodbridg;e records end here with the Pike records, but T presume that many will be found in other towns which are still to be looked up. At a future meetings T will give the line of John Pike, fourth Gen., if of Capt. John Pike's line, but whom I be- lieve to be of John I'ike of Roxl)ur\ . because the names of all the Canterbury. Gt.. famil\- coincide with those of Jarvis, son of John of Roxbury.



Pike, Alvin. b. Waterford, Me., Apr. 28, 1841; died Jan. 24. 1907.

Pike, Albert Leonard, b. Stark, N. H., Dec. 12, 18n7 ; died 1903.

Pike, Calvin Britton, b. St. Joseph, Mich., Nov. 18, 1832; died Apr. 30, 1906.

Pike, Miss Ella :\I., b. Boston, Mass., July 21, 1845: died June 22, 1907.

Pike, Jabez Tucker ( in last report Jay Tucker ) b. Cam- bridge. Mass.. Aug". 20. 1879; died Sept. 4. 1905.

Pike. Capt. John C. b. Eastport. Me.: died 1905.

Records of the Pike Fafuily 51

Pike, Moses Dorman. 1). Topsfield. Mass., Pel). 22, 1850;

died Apr., 1903. Pike, Nathan Crafts, b. Aiio-. 4, 1S30; died Feb. 15, 1906. Pike, Lieut. Rowland S.. 1). Yarmouth. Nova Scotia, Oct.

IT. is:(i; died Mar. 7, 190(i. ilarnes, Tien. Joseph H., b. Hiiii^ham, Mass.. June 25, 1833;

died Jan. IG, 19n(). German, Mrs. Alva, b. Brantford, Ont., Canada, Apr. 14, . ' 1835 : died Dec. 1, 19()(i. Gerrish, ^Irs. Mary March, b. Salisbury, Mass., Feb. 1,

1817; died Mar. 18, 190(i. Gildersleeve, Mrs. Trad W., b. Mattituck, N. Y., July 17,

1843 ; died July 2, 1905. Jenkins, James Henry, b. New York City. Dec. 15, 1835;

died 190(i. Remick, Mrs. Mary Jane, b. Meredith, N. H., Mar. 5,

1825 : died Jan. 8, 1907.

Wilson, Mrs. Henry A., b. ; died June 27, 1905.

Witherell, Ivers L., b. ^^lillboro, Mass., Dec. 11, 1821; died

Mar. 17, 19(Mi.


Pike, Arthur Clark, Cranford, N. J.

Pike, Charles, Morrison, Colo.

Pike, Charles M., 146 More St., Worcester, Mass.

Pike, Charles Orville Stanley, Greenfield, Ohio.

Pike, Charles W., 331 K St., So. Boston, Mass.

Pike, Clayton W., 121 Race St., Philadelphia, Pa.

Pike, Doremus W., West Chester, Pa.

Pike, Edward C, Hicksville, N. Y.

Pike, Miss Ethel, Hicksville, N. Y.

Pike, Miss Gertrude S., Woburn, Mass.

Pike, Rev. Grant E., 23 Dixon St., Allegheny, Pa.

52 Records of the Pike tamily

Pike. Ilrrl)crt R.. Waterbury, Vt.

I 'ike. jaiiK'S. Xorth Bergen, N. J.

Tike. j. A.. Box 17-1, TJiulsay, Incl, Ter.

Pike, Loren Dwiglit, Willoughby. Ohio.

I 'ike, Mrs. \^^\■^w Dwight, Willoughby, Ohio,

i 'ike. Mdiitgomery,

Room -^-I'l r.ixby I'-llc, Pong Beach, Cal. Pike. AFanley Herbert, ;'.:!:! 1th Ave., New York, N. Y. .

ike. APin\ille ThDmas. Gladwin, Mich.

ike, ^Irs. APmville Thunias. Gladwin, Mich.

ike. Miss Mary P., R. P. 1)., 'l. Box (iT, Putnam. Ct.

ilce, Xathaniel AParstim, Greenfield, Ohio

ike. Miss Xellie I'.., !»S-i lla\es St., -San Prancisco, Cal.

ike. Pai)hro Ditus, Northfield. Vt.

Pike, Walter Raleigh, 'Ml Past I Sib .St., Xew York, N. Y. Pike. William Day,

The Centnrx I'.ank. :)th Ave., at '.'(ith St., New York, N. Y. Alliery. Mrs.' l-'axon V. 1).,

.')i Pexington Ave., Columbus. ( )hio. Aitkin. |i>lin llarle\. liuntington, (Jregon.

Aitkin. Mrs. jdhn 1 larley, liuntington, Oregon.

i;ra(l_\. William T.. Jr..

111!) West PJ-.'nd St., New York, N. Y. P.rady, William T., Jr.,

10!) West VriwX St., New York, N. Y. P.urleigh, k^reeman Harrison. Laramie, Wyoming.

Chene_\ , Robert C.. 1(> Vnd St., Newburyport, Mass.

Craig, Mrs. Preeman 1'., •^'J liill St., iMarlborough, Mass. Ewings, Mrs. C. Herbert, Tarrytown, N. Y.

Gale, Eli Pike, 233 Ne\vl)ur\- Ave., Chicago. HI.

Glover, Truman W\, Lisbon, N. H.

(Ireeley, ( ieorge P., Pox l.")T Marlborough, Mass.

Leggett, Mrs. l^sther Smith,

Pi."! Momiment St.. Colorado Springs, Col. Lougee, Miss Lia Beatrice, 1'.^ Walnut St., Nashua, N. H. .Mcl'ike, Eugene Fairfield,

1 Park Row, Room GOti, Chicago, Dl.

Records of the Pike Family 53

Neumann, Mrs. Sarah I^lizalK'th Hayes,

•.'<»(■, .\lnll)ur\ St., Newark, N. J. Paine, Francis Warren, \\';illa Walla, Wash.

Peirce. Alhert, iM-ankfort, Me.

Pronty, Walter \'ernon, S|)encer, Mass.

Rollins. Airs. Annie Pike, Falls Church, \'a.

Sanhorn, Mrs. Emma Pike.

21)10 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Smith, Charles David (Lawyer),

111 Main St., Gloucester, Mass. Stewart, Mrs. William Ellis, Jefiferson, Iowa.

Tower, Mrs. Jennie W. Pike,

211 East 4Sth St., New York, N. Y. Tuni}', Percival Golf, Rising Sun, Ind.

Walter, Henry M., 424 11th St., N. W. Washington, 1). C. Wells, Mrs. Edward, 19 Graham St.. Bickleford, Me.

Wells, Mrs. ( )live Sheldon, Reno, Nevada.

Whiting, k'rank M.. Johnson, Vt.

Williams, Mrs. George J., Le Claire, Iowa.



Pike, Addison Ross (Lawyer), (CO State St., Room loi.)

lOs Church St., Winchester, Mass. Pike. Arthur Lloyd (From Pittsfield,)

1T3 Summer St., Pittsfield, Mass. Pike, Arthur Worcester ( I'rom San h'rancisco,)

20!i Citizens Xat. I'.ank I'.ld'g., Los Angeles, Cal. Pike, Charles (J. ( hrom lloston.)

178 Millett St., Dorchester Center, .\Liss. Pike, Mrs. Charles ( ). iP'runi rxistun.)

GS Millett St.. Dorchester Center, .Mass. Pike, Miss Com 1'.. ( Imoiu lloston.)

i:s Millett St.. Dorchester Center, Alass.

54 Records oj the Pike P'aynily

Pike. Rev. Clarence ( From Connecticut,) Ashland. Mass. Pike. Ezra P... Jr. (From X. H.)

4T Exchan<::^e St.. Lynn, Mass. I 'ike. Fdwin Stevens (From Richland St..)

1.-) Whitman Road. Worcester, Mass. I'ike. Georgj^e Willis ( l^-om Sprin,L;tield. ) Holyoke, Mass. Pike. Hezekiah Woodruii" ( Im-oui Salida.) Mentor. Ohio. Pike. James hVancis ( I'>om (iile.)

(i4 Washington St.. Oshkosh, Wis. Pike. John Charles (From Brooktield.) Sanbornville. N. H. Pike. Mrs. John Charles (From Brookfield.)

Sanbornville,N. H. Pike. John Libby (From Hazel Park.)

'iVi Springfield Ave.. Everett. Mass. Pike. Miss Marion H. ( I'rom lligelow.)

(il (Ireenleaf Ave.. Cambridge, Mass. Pike. Oscar Garfield ( h>om Malta.) Silvis. 111.

Pike. Miss Rachel F. ( From Worcester.)

So. Hadley. Mass. I'ike, Richard Al)l)ott ( l^-om Minneapolis. Minn..)

Flat (i. -.^'io \irginia St., Buffalo, N. Y. Pike. Sherman Bacon (From St. Louis. Mo..)

McKay Bld'g.. Portland, Oregon. Pike, Trenmore William ( From \ictor,)

8G'J Aconia St., Denver, Colo. Pike, William Edward (From Lake St.,)

TT Bowler St., Lynn, Mass. Pike. William Edwin (From Hazel Park.)

149 ALain St., ,Everett, Mass. Pike. William Leslie (From Keystone Place,)

Shady Side Place, Calumet. P. O.. La. P.aldwin, Mrs. E. (formerly Annie Edwards Greenleaf, Newburyport. Mass..)

i; So. Wendell St.. Schenectady. N. Y. Brown. Mrs. Caroline 1'. (From First,)

114 From St.. Exeter, N. H.

Records of the Pike Family 55

Burdett, Airs. James Edwin ( l-'roiu SwainpsctUt. )

10 ( )c(.'an St., L\iin, Mass. Codman, Mrs. S. Josie (From Clark St..)

541 Eastern Ave.. Evnn, Mass. Cole, Mrs. Harriet Pike ( I'rom Stanmore I'l.,)

1!»S Warren St.. I\(.xl)urv. Mass. Cnmmings, Mrs. Henry (From Cortland,)

East Homer, N. Y. DoUiff, Mrs. Herbert L. (From Broadway,)

14 Pearson .St.. Somerville, Mass. Fairfield, Mrs. Abbie P. ( I-"r()m Danvers, )

Off Elliot St., East Danvers, Mass. Gray, ]Mrs. Alaria Freeman ( From ".^•^nd St.)

■-^.1.50 \'allejo St., San F'rancisco, Cal. Hale, Ralph Tracy (From Xewburyport. ]\Iass.,)

4(»f) East l.")th St.. Indianapolis, Ind. Hale, Mrs. Ralph Tracy (formerly Aliss Margaret S. Greenleaf, Xewburyport, Mass.,)

Ki'.i East l-'ith St., Indianapolis, Ind. Heritage, Herbert Pike ( From Brookline, Mass.,)

Lempster, N. H. Heritage, Mrs. Herbert Pike (From Brookline, Mass.,)

Lempster, N. H. Hornick, Mrs. William \'erne (From 18 St.,)

535 So. 15th St., Ft. Dodge, la. Jones, Willie Edward F. (From Astoria,)

Huntington, Oregon. Leighton, ]\Irs. Ellen Pike (From E. Cambridge,)

24 Greenleaf Ave., Cambridge, Mass. Nichols, Miss Emma L. (From New Dorchester)

45 Sanford St., Mattapan, jNIass. Northrup, Mrs. Sonoma Margaret (From ^^lorrison,)

;3320 \V. 38 Ave., Denver, Col. Page, x\rthur B. (From Creswell. Oregon,)

W^eyburn, Sasketchewan. Canada.

Peirce. Mrs. Philip Owen ( l'ormerl\- Ida I'.renda Pike,

New York City,) 207 Huntington, Ave., Boston, Mass.

56 Records oj the Pike Family

I'iercc. Miss Edna Sticknev (From Marblehead.)

(>l Xo. Common St., Lynn, -Mass. Piper, Mrs. Im-lhI W. ( iMjrnK-rly lulythe M. iJarton, Xew- bury})ort, Mass., )

1 ( )tis Place, Xc\vl)ur}port, Mass. Runals, Dr. Ralph Frank (From Market,)

44 Essex St., Lynn, ]\Iass. Rust, Mrs. Georg-e Erastus (From Po-ton, Mass.,)

Hesper, Iowa. Seward, ]Mrs. Frank D. ( From Providence. R. L.)

R. F. D.. L Attleboro, ATass. Sibley, AL's. Charles R. ( I'rom Marblehead,)

GT Xo. Common St., Lynn, Mass. Sibley, Miss Edna Ruby (From Marblehead.)

()T Xo. Common St., L}nn, Mass. \'inin<4'. Mrs. Eva A. (Formerly Eva A. TMke,)

Livermore Falls. Me. W'atkins. Mrs. l^-ancis M. ( From Prookline, Mass.,)

\\'oltlK)ro. X. H.

The names of the followinj^ persons having been post- ed in the meeting hall during the reg'dar meeting of the Association, .Vug. "^'S and'i'.', P.XHi. for non-jiayment of dues according to th.e bv-laws, and the thirt\- days having ex- pired from said ])osting, such ])ersons who bear tln^ said names have ceased to be members of the Association:

Pike, Mrs. Addie AL

120 Waterman Ave., E. Providence, Pike, Miss Alice H., 2 Barstow St.. Allston, Mass.

Pike, Albert Hilton, Epping, N. H.

Pike, Charles Sumner.

l(i;];!-l();il Marcjuette Bldg.. Chicago, PI. I 'ike. Miss Carrie P., 2 Barstow St.. Allston. Mass.

I 'ike. David P., 12(i Waterman Ave., Providence, R. L Pike, Elroy P., Salisbury, IMass,

Records of the Pike Fa»ii[y


Pike. Mrs. Eln.y W,

Pike. Edwin L.,

P'ike, Freeman Dudlew

F^ike. Gordon H..

Salislnu'}', Mass. VIA Mill St.. Providence. R. I.

Milton, N. H. Ill :)th Ave., New York, N. Y.

F'ike. Miss Gertrude Irene.

•^(i04 Xo. Eig-hteenth St.. Philadelphia, Pa.

Newfields, N. H.

EpjMng". X. H.

Epping. X^. H.

Exeter. N. H.

Exeter, X. H.

Newfields, N. H.

X^atick, Mass.

Pike, George H.,

Pike. John O..

Pike. Mrs. John O. (Sadie M..)

Pike, John S.,

Pike, Mrs. John S.,

Pike, James ().,

Pike, ^Irs. Louise,

Pike, Mrs. Margaret A., (i Gordon St.. X\'wl)uryport. Mass.

Pike. Mrs. Mark H.. sr Lilly Ave.. Lowell, Mass.

Pike, Miss Nellie ALiy.

•^(i()4 Xo. Eighteenth St.. Philadelphia. Pa. Pike. Ray. East Brentwood. X". H.

Adams. Mrs. Lucy A., ( ilox 72,) Exeter, X. H.

Adams, Miss Alice Walton, Smithtown, N. H.

Allen, Miss Carrie M.,

IT Greenwood St.. Ameshury, Mass.

Salisbury, Mass.

3S Breed St.. Lynn. Mass.

38 Breed St.. Lynn, Mass.

Salisbury, Mass.

Cilley, Salisbury, Mass.

Bartlett, Moses S., Breed. Mrs. Mary A.. Breed. Archie F., Buswell, George \Y., Buswell, Mrs. Annie

P)Url)ank. .Sylvanus \\'.,

Box 47. I.ivermore Falls, Me. Burl)ank, Mrs. Sylvanus W. ( Celinda E.)

l>ox IT, Livermore Falls, Me. Blaisdell. .Mrs. Glara .\. Kendrick. Billerica. Mass.

Currier, Jonathan li.. Salisbury, Mass.

Coffin. Miss Mary H.. Salisbury, Mass.

Coffin, Miss Hannah Buswell, Salisbury, Mass.

Coffin. .Mrs. Amia E., Salisburv, Mass.


Records of the Pike Family

Salisbury. Mass. East Stroiidsbiirs^, Pa. Salisbury, Mass. Salisbury, Mass. Salisbury, Mass. Salisbury. Mass.

Peabody, Mass.

Wellfleet, Mass.

Peabody, Mass.

Peabody. Mass. Plvuioutb, N. H.

Coffin, Amos Ruswell, Crowe, Cbarles H., Dow, Fred, Dow, A. Warren, Dow, Mrs. A. Warren. Eaton. Miss Nellie C. Gorring^, Mrs. R. H., Holbrook, Giles W'liitman, Humphrey, W. P.., Humphrey. Mrs. P. P. (Ada) Hull. Airs. H. \\\. Haskell. Mrs. Annie M.,

■?('> ( )live St.. Xewljuryport, Mass Heald, Rev. Katherine Pike. San Raphael, X. M

Jones, Georo-e H., "^i* Crescent St.. W. Newton, Mass

Jones, Mrs. George H., '^i* Crescent St., \V. Newton, Mass Jones.. Herbert Pike, ".^l* Crescent St., W. Newton, Mass Marston, Mrs. Otis, Merrow, Roscoe Allen. Pettenqill, Wm.. F..

VMV.) Michigan Ave. Pettengill, Mrs. Edith Pike,

19fi9 Alichigan Ave. iVttengill. John (J. A.,

4(i(i So. Chicagc IVttengill. Mrs. John. Q. A.,

|(i(i .So. Cdiicagc Rdlfe. .Mrs. Charles A.,



Hampton, N. H. Farmington, Me.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Los Angeles, Cal.

Los Ansfeles, Cal.

Cal. Me.

Stanton. John V ., Stevens, Howard W'hittier Swain, Mrs. Emma l""., Tuttle, '^Irs. Lizzie S., Torsey, Mrs. Charles M., Towne, Mrs. Abbie W., Usher, Ellis P., W'asev. Henrv.

Los Angeles


Topeka, Kansas

Salisbury, Mass

;; Temi)le St., Haverhill. Mass

Hillsboro Bridge, N. H

sr Lilly Ave., Lowell, Mass

428 Maple St., Danvers, Mass

Wells Bld'g.. Milwaukee. Wis

Northwood, N. H

Records of the Pike Family 59

Wrig^ht, David B,, Merrimac, Mass.

Wright. Mrs. Cynthia A., Merrimac, Mass.

Wright, John B. M., Merrimac, Mass.

Walker, Mrs. Jolm, Sahsbnry, Mass.

Whitney, Mrs. Sarah Amanda,

3 Prescott PI., Dorchester, Mass. CLIFFORD L. PIKE

Secretary .

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