^ ' 5^3 ta7 EXCHANGE m\ '12 NTP iVd 'A 'M 'asHD^iXs SI33CBN japuig junouiojo^tj THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume XXV January 20, 1921 CONTRIBUTIONS IN BOTANY Number 9 NUMBER 117 THE RELATION OF PLANT SUCCESSION TO CROP PRODUCTION A Contribution to Crop Ecology By ADOLPH E. WALLER, Ph. D Instructor in Botany in The Ohio State University Papers from the Department op Botany, Number 117 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS Entered as second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the postoffice at Columbus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY BULLETIN Volume XXV January 20, 1921 Number 9 CONTRIBUTIONS IN BOTANY NUMBER 117 THE RELATION OF PLANT SUCCESSION TO CROP PRODUCTION A Contribution to Crop Ecology By ADOLPH E. WALLER, Ph. D. Instructor in Botany in The Ohio State University Papers from the Department of Botany, Number 117 PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY AT COLUMBUS Entered aa second-class matter November 17, 1905, at the post-office at Colambus, Ohio, under Act of Congress, July 16, 1894. ^ y ^ ^ CONTENTS t ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND FOREWORD 5 Introduction 7 A Genetic Classification of Vegetation 8 The Factors Controlling Distribution 8 The Nature of Crop Ecology 11 PART ONE PLANT SUCCESSIONS 13 The Orientation of the Field op Ecology 15 autecology 15 Synecology 16 The Factors in Successions. 1. Climatic 17 The Relation of Climate to Plant Distribution 18 The Source of Land Evaporation 20 Movement of Air Currents 22 The Soil Factors 25 The Biotic Factors 27 Summary of Climatic, Edafhic, and Biotic Factors 30 Examples of Succession 31 PART TWO FACTORS INFLUENCING CROP DISTRIBUTION IN THE U. S 33 PART THREE THE CROP REGIONS OF OHIO AND THEIR SIGNIFICANCE 43 Topography and Drainage 43 The Soils 46 The Climatic Conditions 48 The Vegetation Centers 54 The Crop Centers of Ohio 56 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 69 LITERATURE CITED 73 i-07c>^3 Acknowledgments and Foreword As in my previous paper on the Crop Centers, I am indebted to Dr. E. N. Transeau for ecological criticism and guidance. The idea of centers of plant and animal life about which certain forms are naturally grouped is originally his and Dr. C. C. Adams's. Its chief advantage, as opposed to the temperature or other "zone" plan of mapping distribution is that it works. It should be clearly borne in mind by the reader that boundary lines as drawn do not attempt to mark divisions in any absolute way, but do show the centers of distribution. For definitions of the biotic center Adams's and Transeau's papers should be consulted. The writer is also indebted to numerous other friends who have aided him in one way or another, and most especially to those who corresponded with him shortly after the publication of the Crop Centers paper. Due to unavoidable delays in the University publications, the date of the actual completion of the manuscript and the date of going to press shows an interim of two years. In the meantime a number of valuable papers of an ecological nature have appeared, but a discussion of their bearing on the field of crop ecology must be reserved for future work. A. E. W. August 24, 1920. INTRODUCTION The present paper is a study in one of the recent phases of modern botany as applied to the nation's greatest commercial asset, agriculture. The audience for which it is intended is a large one, for the discussion is mainly directed toward farmers, albeit they may be a special group of farmers. Some perchance are not ac- quainted with the art of agriculture or the business side of it ; some may never have lived on a farm ; while most of the members of this group will be interested in the scientific aspects of plant life. The last named constitute the special group who are to be reached by the following series of investigations. For at this time more than ever before in the world's history are the scientists looking in on gatherings where business men meet. This predicates their appear- ance at farmers' meetings. In the crowded places the man of sci- ence learns the things most needful for human welfare. The "pure scientist" who studies the fundamental principles and the "applied scientist" who develops these principles can then work in harmony for the betterment of civilization. The "pure botanist" and the agriculturist, one of the many workers in different fields who draws his fundamental facts from the botanist, can do team work with benefit to each other and humanity. The purpose of the paper is to show the relation of ecology to agriculture and to introduce ecology to agronomists. In order to do this the general ecology of plants must be discussed first. For the working principles of the ecologist have been derived from studies of the native vegetation. There is much good work in this field which may be taken over verbatim for the use of the practicing agronomer. There is also a good deal which may be derived from experimental and laboratory work. Whenever it has seemed possi- ble to the author, the accumulated facts of agriculturists have also been grouped so that they may be of use to the ecologist in widen- ing his principles and working generalizations, for it is believed that the mutual assistance to be derived from such cooperation may in some cases prove to be a revelation to plant ecologists and agri- culturists. A consistent and wilful attempt is made throughout the paper to avoid the older, though still widely accepted, static ideas of the 8 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION distribution of vegetation. This is in agreement with the trend of thought developing in botany in the last twenty years. A static classification recognizes that the plants in swamps and lowland forests are different from plants in upland forests, yet no relation between the two is shown. A genetic classification on the contrary would emphasize this relation: it would show the floating aquatic herbs, grasses and sedges gradually filling the swamp with debris until more permanent shrub thickets and young trees could find a foothold. Later as the vegetable debris accumulates and soil is formed, a complex swamp forest would develop. In the uplands, from a dry rock surface covered with a tenuous coating of lichens a denser plant cover gradually accumulates, and as soil forms, an increase in the water content of the substratum results. In time then, starting from bare rock a forest would develop. From the extreme conditions, a fresh water surface, and a rock cliff, a con- verging tendency would be noted as the development of a richer, denser vegetation cover progressed. This change in the plant asso- ciations as the conditions change is the keynote to plant successions. The later plant societies and associations inherit much from the earlier ones; not in a morphological sense of course, but in an eco- logical sense. There were no transf erances of characteristics from the earlier generations to the later ones. The inheritance is in the environment; as in the human race, one civilization may inherit something of the art, poetry, music and ideals of an earlier civiliza- tion. The superiority of the genetic classification lies in the com- pleteness of the picture presented. A second advantage is in the economy of thought in placing a group of plants in a definite relation to the whole vegetation as a unit, instead of attempting to remember the vagaries of individual distribution which many species often present. This is essentially good geography as well as good ecology. We learn to associate cer- tain groups of plants with peculiarities of locality and larger groups with greater regions. By this process of mental association we come to have a good understanding of a chain of perceptions which are included in the underlying conditions of social and economic development of a region. The factors involved in the development of our native vegeta- tion are climatic, edaphic, and biotic. The climatic factors deal with the absorption and dispersal of the sun's energy and the cir- culation of water and gases in the atmosphere. Viewed as a physical machine the efficiency of the vegetation is not high. Due to reflec- INTRODUCTION t tion from the leaves during insolation only about 60% to 75% of the total incident energy is absorbed. Of this amount a small fraction, say 1%, is used in photosynthesis and a still smaller amount is re- leased by respiration. The evaporation of water from the internal surfaces of the leaves, or transpiration uses up a large amount of the energy absorbed. Yet transpiration is by no means an unmiti- gated evil, simply dissipating energy. Heating large quantities of water serves the plant in much the same way that it serves an internal combustion engine, it reduces the temperature. With liv- ing plants the process is carried on to the evaporation of water, but without large increase in temperature. Brown and Escombe have shown that the leaf exposed to full sunlight is receiving energy fast enough to raise its temperature almost 30° C. per minute. At this rate two minutes of strong sunshine would result in the coagu- lation of protoplasm and the instant death of the plant. Clearly then the role of transpiration is in keeping the plant alive. Though the efficiency of vegetation may not be high, the balance is in favor of absorption, and this small percent of energy assimilated and stored by green plants is the foundation upon which all the super- structure of organic life is built. The second, the edaphic factors include in a broad general way the influence of soils upon plant growth. It is from the soil that plants receive the minerals necessary for life in raw fonn. These are built up into organic compounds in the plant and are assimilated as food after being combined with the products of photosynthesis. Water taken in by green plants also comes for the most part, if not entirely, from the soil. Soil temperature and its oxygen supply- ing power are still other factors important in the life of the plant. The physical and chemical nature of the soil then is included in the term edaphic. The last, the biotic factors, include the effects of plants and ani- mals upon the development of the vegetation. The chestnut bark fungus has already destroyed large forests of the Allegheny Moun- tain region and the white pine blister rust is menacing not only the white pine forests of the east but some of our most important timber pines of the western part of North America. Leaf eating insects often destroy enough foliage to kill or seriously weaken green plants. It has been stated by Professor Herbert Osbom that grass hoppers and leaf hoppers consume as much of the vegetation in a pasture as the cattle. Sap sucking insects are often as destruc- tive. Rodents and grazing animals alter the aspect of vegetation. 10 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION Man is by far the most important of the biotic agencies in altering the appearance of the hindscape. Earthworms, burrowing beetles, snails and plants with tap roots favor the circulation of air in soils and its consequent more rapid oxidation to humus. Nitrogen gath- ering bacteria are also to be included among the favorable organ- isms whose effect can be recorded. In any of the broader groups of factors are a number of smaller sets of factors. For example rainfall and humidity, (or saturation deficit) of the air would be in the climatic group. Soil moisture and water available for plant growth would be in the second group. In the geographic distribution of plants the climate or the soils may prove to be limiting factors which definitely determine areas be- yond which certain plants are unable to advance. It is an abuse of the word edaphic to suppose that it has reference to local condi- tions. The effect of soils upon plant growth may be limited to certain regions, however, since edaphic refers to the soil conditions. The importance of the edaphic factors is often as great as the climate group in detennining the success or the failure of certain species. In the crop plants a fourth set of factors ; namely, the economic group, is fully as important in determining geographic distribution as the other three. For in addition to being limited to regions where soil and climate are suitable or can be controlled to a certain degree, such economic conditions as improvement in transportation facili- ties, increase in population, land values and intensiveness of utili- zation of land all affect crop production. Thus we see at once the importance of removing the discussion from all static considerations and using genetic and dynamic ideas of the development of our agri- culture. In the natural vegetation the changes in conditions give rise to successions or changes in the types of vegetation. In the crop plants conditional control gives rise to changes in type of farming. This analogy between vegetation and crops does not refer to rotations. In rotations an attempt is made to prevent conditions from retrogressing. The change in the type of farming is historical just as successions are historical. The disappearance of plants from the vegetation as conditions change may be referred to the operation of limiting factors. Some- times moisture is the limiting factor, as with the desert vegeta- tion. Or, it may be temperature as we progress northward. Two or more limiting factors may work in combinations. With the crops the limiting factors' may easily be from the economic group as well INTRODUCTION 11 as from the physical group. Accordingly, depending on whether we are interested in the problems from a botanical or an economic aspect we are inclined to minimize the preponderating influence of the economic or the physical factors. Crop ecology may be viewed from two distinct angles. It is a natural center from which the various phases of the scientific sides of agriculture radiate. This is because the basis of crop ecology is in plant physiology. An increase in the yield of crops is the re- sult of changes in controlled conditions. These may be in the soil or in the plant, and if in the latter the favorable variations are made permanent by selection and plant breeding. If in the foraier, we have the agronomists and plant physiologists to experiment for certain definite ends and to explain why we arrive at certain results. In the second place, crop ecology should be regarded as an ex- periment in organization. It tries to show how the various aspects of plant life, the adaptations, the growth habits, the disease resist- ance must be unified and brought to a focus for further progress in agriculture. Success in the future rests, not in allowing the pathol- ogist and the geneticist and the agronomist to jog along independ- ently, but in combining their forces. And for the business end of fanning the economist must also be invoked so that a complete chain stretches from the producer to the consumer. At present our agri- culture is somewhat like a partly organized machine. All the parts have been assembled and can be made to work separately, but for the machine to be in smooth-running order, the operation of all of these parts must be synchronized. Furthermore, increasing the speed of one part of the machine, is likely to result in nothing more than a few broken cogs and stoppage of the output, unless this speeding can be compensated in the different parts. In a cotton yam factory, for instance, unless all the wheels upon which the spools turn revolve at the same rate the threads are not held at the same tension and develop weak spots or the skein may even break and have to be started over. The moral is that our agricultural threads must all spin together at the tension necessary to make a smooth, straight cord, capable of withstanding the strain of our ever increasing population. Strange as it may seem after so many years of our experimental stations and colleges of agriculture, the living plant has not yet been seriously considered the logical start- ing place about which agricultural instruction is to be grouped. Whether or not genetic ideas may be applied to the classifica- tion of soils remains to be proved by experiment. It seems reason- 12 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION able to believe that a study of the relation between soils and the plants growing in them based on the conceptions of the develop- ment of the vegetation would be of great benefit. There are already studies in progress in several parts of the country on the indicator significance of the vegetations to such practical ends as the location of future forest sites and the possible crops yields of the future. These investigations mark an important, if thus far only a slight, step in the advance of learning. They indicate a new cooperation among scientists as well as unification of the results of studies in scientific theories and the adjustment possible between these and human welfare. PART I PLANT SUCCESSIONS The study of plant succession is an analysis of the develop- mental process of vegetation. It is a recognition of the causes of plant distribution. The tracing of the development and the study of the causes have always gone hand in hand. The former leads finally to the classification of vegetation on an ecological basis, the latter to experimental physiology. The broad concepts of plant distribution formulated from time to time may be regarded as steps in the progress of ecological development, each step bringing one closer to the complete classifi- cation. Discovering the causes of plant succession involves changes in methods of study, but does not necessarily alter the concepts. The advance of the study of the causes of plant distribution depends upon progress in the invention of new instruments, and better ways of operating the existing ones, to measure the plant environment ; that these two ways of examining plant distribution have always been employed by the ecologists who have contributed most toward the advance of the science is apparent from the liter- ature. It is quite likely that these two methods will always be used together. Plant succession represents our most advanced trend of thought in ecology. In its simplest form ecology is the observation of plants and animals in relation to their surroundings and to one another. The genesis of the vegetation from bare areas to highly developed associations of plants is the basis of the examination of successions. Ecologists taking advantage of the point of view of successions are able to use shorthand methods for studying the plants in the field. They thus make descriptions which are con- cise as well as complete. By using shorthand descriptions of field conditions and measuring these conditions carefully with the vari- ous instruments designed for the purpose, the ecologist takes his laboratory out into the field with him. In most sciences, as time goes on, a broad generalization gives way to one that is still broader, still more daring, more inclusive. 13 14 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION So with plant ecology, the earliest concepts of plant associations have become enlarged and more flexible as it was found necessary to make them more inclusive. The first ecologists perceived a rela- tion of certain plants to dry situations and certain others to moist ones — a most natural sort of grouping. Theophrastus (B. C. 370- 286) recognized this in the following words: "All (plants) are dis- tinguishable as either terrestrial or aquatic, just as we primarily distinguish animals; for there are some plants which grow no- where but in the sea ; others affect only marshes or other very wet places. Some cannot live in wet ground, but restrict themselves to dry ground. Certain others are littoral only. A few trees thrive in either moist land or dry, such are the myrtle, alder, and willow." Except for the implication that plants are endowed with will by the use of the word "restrict," this sounds fully as modern as any ecological remarks could be which have been written without the inspiration of the point of view of succession. Plant succession has progressed in making an ecological classi- fication understandable, because it consists essentially in a genetic conception of vegetation. As the name indicates, succession is the sequence of plant associations which dominate a locality as the de- velopment of the vegetations proceeds. In the sequence each stage is made possible because of the next or remote preceding stages. As the term genetic suggests, one stage in the development grows out of the preceding stages. A habitat then does not so much consist in rocks or hills or lake, as it does in so much moisture, so many de- grees of heat, such an amount and quality of light. A habitat is not viewed dynamically until it is placed on a strictly factorial basis. The field worker sees plants growing in sand along the seashore. He must think of them in terms of the water balance of the plant, the abundance of light, temperature, and so fortth. Obviously, the ecologist does not attempt to control the condi- tions of plant growth and vary them one at a time as one might in a laboratory. The best that he can hope to do is to measure and record the conditions he sees as carefully as his needs require. He may even prove that succession is taking place by photographs made at different intervals. The complete series of stages in most successions are far beyond the space of an individual's life so his records must be capable of interpretation by his successors. But it is not necessary to see a complete succession in one place. One may piece together the whole fascinating story of succession from FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 16 stages at a distance from one another. It is this careful factorial analysis of the progressive changes in the vegetation which has been the key to the modern ecologist's ability to get ahead. Succession, then, is only a phase of ecology, but a most impor- tant phase. In order to have a clear notion of the relation succes- sion bears to the general subject of ecology, a brief review of the subdivision of the general subject seems in order. The Orientation of the Field of Ecology Ecology falls quite naturally into two principal subdivisions, depending upon whether the plant responses to be studied are of in- dividual plants or of groups of plants. This division separates ecology into a section which is related closely to plant physiology and a section related to plant geography, or into individual and associational ecology. Following the names suggested by Schroeter, these are called autecology and synecology. A. Autecology Autecology is the study of the responses of an individual plant to its environment. It considers the general results of the plant processes with respect to the life of a single plant. This is purely a physiological study ; when carried on out of doors it becomes eco- logical. Autecology represents to a certain extent a reaction from studies which are of a laboratory nature purely. Nevertheless it is in close relation to physiology which has put plant geography into its proper place among sciences. On any other than a physio- logical basis, plant geography is what it was in the past, pure em- piricism. The study of the processes and the factors which deter- mine the activities of an individual plant may be subdivided in many different ways. A convenient way is to consider: (1) the factors relating to changes in the growth activities of plants, (2) the factors usually a part of the sequence of changes called "ad- justments." Changes in the growth activity of plants are measured by computing variations in the water loss, variations in amount of carbon absorbed and in the total mineral absorption. The work in this field is of such magnitude that only the least mention of it may be made here. The influence of water, light, salts, and their concentrations must all be investigated and the results integrated. As the experimental field is opened more extensively the many ad- It PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION ditional facts unknown or overlooked postpone the final rounding up of the field into a completed work. This is as it should be with any good subject. If we try to classify the experimental work in this field we may at present say no more than that the experiments always take one form, namely, the observation and analysis of the factors causing an incre^ase in activity, and those which diminish it and finally stop it entirely as limiting factors become operative. The external and internal changes in structure may be sum- marized as ephemeral and continuous. The former continue only as long as the control conditions last. These affect only the most plastic tissues and organs of the plant. The continuous variations produce permanent effects upon the plants or upon the functioning of the tissues and organs. In a rapidly varying stock such perma- nent variations, no matter how induced or perpetuated, are called mutants. This brings one to the verge of physiological ecology, the adjoining field in this direction being genetics. B. Synecology Synecology deals with groups of plants and studies their de- velopmental activity in mass. It is more geographic than physio- logical. The mass responses are rarely, if ever, the simple sum of the changes of activity of individuals, but more likely a ratio or a quotient. The results of field studies of plants in mass are for this reason different from the results of studies of individual plants. In synecology the plant association as a whole is treated with rela- tion to the factors of the environment which influence its develop- ment. Studies in associational ecology are largely in the observa- tion stage still. Accurate records, according to the strictest methods of research, are made in several ways. The progress of the develop- ment of the vegetation, or the plant successions, may be recorded by means of photographs, soil and water analyses, besides various instruments for keeping constant records of temperature and light changes. These records, when properly put together, tell the story of plant development in detail. The proof of plant successions, while not at all necessary to the hypothesis, may be seen by re- visiting reserved areas where intensive studies have been made. After the lapse of sufficient time, the changes in the appearance of the landscape is marked, but without the use of photographic rec- ords is not nearly so convincing. factors affecting plant distribution 17 The Factors in Plant Succession The most concise grouping of the factors of plant succession that can be made is : climatic, edaphic, and biotic. 1. Climatic Factors In the climatic factors the air environment of the plant is studied. There is no intention of raising the old metaphysical ques- tion of "Where does the sky begin?", and it is not likely that the statement will cause confusion. The air is that which begins at the soil surface in the climatic factors and envelopes the above-ground portions of the plant. In water plants it v/ould be whatever por- tions are not submerged. The atmosphere contains carbon dioxide, water, and oxygen, materials needed by the plant. In addition, the duration and quality of light, the amount of heat, and the velocity of wind are sources of energy for the plant. Animals or plants af- fecting the above-ground portions of plants are grouped among the biotic factors. The processes of absorption and distribution of mate- rials and energy taken in and released by plant activity have no place in this discussion, rightly belonging to a text on physiology or experimental ecology. From our viewpoint of the development of the vegetation, extremes of temperatures are the most important factors in lim- iting plant grov/th ; for the extremes, and not the means, determine which species may become a part of the vegetation and which may be killed from too great cold or too intense heat. Once species be- come established, the mean temperatures are important because they determine the average rate at which plant activities proceed. The rate may double or treble within certain narrow limits for each rise of ten degrees Centigrade, but Blackman ('05j and Blackman and Tansley ('05) have shown that beyond a set limit further rises do not accelerate growth. To regard temperature means as any- thing more than a condition for photosynthesis is to put too much weight on the wrong factor. What has been said for temperature applies largely to light also. The minimum and maximum amounts of light in which a species may develop are the important factors in the distribution of plants. As with the temperature light intensity, varies with the season, the altitude, and the latitude. While some plants are active photo-synthetically at 2° C, their common range is from 20 to perhaps 40 or 45° C. Light less intense than full sunlight is sufR- 18 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION cient for growth so that as with temperature, light is not of su- preme importance in plant distribution. There are few if any places upon the surface of the earth where the light and tempera- ture requirements of plants are not satisfied at least during some season of the year. Moisture, therefore, remains the important factor in detennining plant distribution. The importance of water as compared with light and tempera- ture is easily shown. Our climatic zones, torrid, temperate, and arc- tic, are east and west in their bearing, and one crosses them in a journey from the equator to either pole. Desert and arid regions are by no means restricted to any particular climatic zone. Desert and arid regions are the extreme, but we may have dry, grassy plains extending far northward beyond the tree formations. Look- ing at it another way, we can see that water is irregularly distrib- uted on the earth's surface, while temperature and especially light tend to be somewhat regularly distributed. The water is the un- balanced factor and is therefore the limiting factor. It is the unequal distribution of water, both in amount and during a given period of time, which is the cause of our distribution of various types of vegetation. In order to fully understand this, the variations of cli- mate should be examined in detail. The Relation of Climate to Plant Distribution Although the sun's rays strike the different parts of the earth's surface in about equal amounts, yet the total energy derived from them is quite unlike in different regions. What then happens to prevent equal distribution of energy? In the first place, the land surfaces and the water surfaces absorb heat at different rates. If we call the specific heat of the water surface 1, then the specific heat of the land surface is ap- proximately 4, for the land surface takes up and again gives oflf heat about four times as fast as the water. Large land masses, e.g., continents, have dry regions toward their centers where the summer temperatures are extremely high and the winter tempera- tures extremely low. The day and night temperatures also fluctu- ate greatly. The loss of water from the centers of continents by evaporation tends to intensify the variability of the climate. The sea surface, on the other hand, or a small island in the center of the ocean, has, at sea level, an equable climate in which the sum- mer extremes and the winter extremes are much closer together FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 19 than in an interior region. In the second place, elevation above sea level produces a local climatic effect in some ways like the climate of the central portions of continents. The sunshine intensity is great, and the water loss rapid. On the windward side of the mountain range, however, the precipitation is heavy, since the air containing moisture deposits its load as it rises and cools in pass- ing over the summits. The influence of the mountains in catching water is felt in all the territory on the windward side between them and the ocean, even in essentially dry regions, since they con- tribute to stream flow. More important as reservoirs of water than the oceans even are the land masses. It is not difficult to see that if an air current loaded with moisture from an ocean reservoir reached a land area and deposited some of this water, the air current would become rapidly dry as it passed over the land. Very little moisture would, under these conditions, ever be transported inland for any great distance. An examination, however, of the continents of the earth shows that a good deal of water falls on the land at some distance from oceans, leading up to the obvious conclusion that a current of air is picking up water vapor and precipitating water all the time as it passes over a continent. The amount of water evaporated from oceans and evaporated from the land has been compared. Brueckner has calculated that the land supplies from its own area seven-ninths of the precipitation which falls upon it. This means that the land is a much more abundant source of the moisture car- ried by winds than the oceans are. A current of air moving over the land and precipitating moisture would be continually having more moisture added to it, a re-enforcement of the supply so to speak, from the evaporation of water from the land surface. Zon has constructed a balance sheet showing the circulation of water on the earth's surface. The study of Zon's figures lead to the following conclusions: (a) that the bulk of the water evapor- ated from the oceans is reprecipitated into the oceans, (b) the bulk of the water evoparated from the land is reprecipitated on land, that the precipitation falling upon land is nearly all (four-fifths) furnished by the land area. The examination of Table 1 explains these statements in statistical form. 20 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION Table 1^ CIRCULATION OF WATER ON THE EARTH'S SURFACE Cubic Miles Volume of ocean vapor escaping to the land. Continental vapor over the land Total volume of vapor from which land precipitation is derived 5,997 20,870 26,868 The present discussion is not concerned with the amount of precipitation into the oceans. The precipitation and evaporation of closed basins in the interior of continents is regarded as equal and therefore omitted. The volume of ocean vapor escaping to the land, 5,997 cubic miles, is 7 percent of all the water evaporated from the oceans. The volume of continental vapor furnishes 98 percent of the continental precipitation. The Source of Land Evaporation Evaporation is a surface phenomenon. A surface which is rough and which absorbs heat will give off vapor more rapidly than one which reflects heat. Therefore, with equal insolation and equal wind velocity a bare surface of moist soil will give off more water per unit of time than will a water surface. This will continue dur- ing a warm season as long as water rises through soil pore spaces to resupply evaporation. A soil surface with only dead vegetation as a cover does not evaporate as much moisture as a bare soil. A soil area with a living cover of vegetation, however, evaporates much more rapidly. Every living plant has an uninterrupted stream of water passing through it. In the case of the flowering plants with the leaves borne on elongated stems some distance above the soil, there is a complicated mechanical structure and a series of interrelated physical processes by which water is absorbed and lifted to the heights of the tallest trees. Plant communities are composed of individuals of different water requirements and capa- ble of absorbing water from different soil levels. In the most highly developed plant communities, the forests, evaporation as well as absorption is taking place at different levels. For example, there is a certain amount of evaporation from the ground cover vegeta- * The relation between continental vapor and continental precipitation. FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 21 tion, a certain amount from the shrubs and short vines taller than the plants forming the ground cover, and a still greater amount from the trees and large lianas with their crowns exposed to full sunlight and the more rapidly moving air currents found at this distance above the soil. The forests are for this reason, therefore, the greatest dessicators of the soil. Next in order of amount of water evaporated would doubtless be a tall-growing cultivated crop, corn, tobacco, sorghum, sunflowers, or castor beans, for example. The evaporation would be increased if the weeds were allowed to grow beneath these crops or if, as is commonly practiced, another crop, a legume for example, were seeded in the field when tillage ceased. The part that forests play in the control of climate, especially in the amount of rainfall in the regions near great forests, has long claimed the attention of intelligent observers. The influence of mountains upon precipitation, as set forth in the preceding sec- tion of this paper, is markedly increased if the mountains are clothed with a forest cover. The effect of the forest upon local pre- cipitation may not be very great, but its influence is noticed in drier regions in the paths of winds coming from over forested lands. Hamberg says of the forests of Sweden : "The excess of evaporation which the forest vegetation furnishes to the atmosphere above what the same area would furnish if it were covered with herbaceous vegetation merely, must of course be very considerable. If this aqueous vapor were received in the forest and returned to the land in the form of rain it would be extremely beneficial. But winds carry it off and spread it in all directions with such rapidity that its bene- ficial influence for our country (Sweden) remains very doubtful." The cultivated lands in Sweden, especially its dairy farms, obtain the benefit of the moisture evaporated from the forests and conti- nental countries east of Sweden also feel its beneficial influence, since they are in the paths of the winds blowing over Swedish forests. In the United States the Ohio Valley receives the benefit of the Appalachian forests when the winds are from the south. Much of the increased moisture of the prairie region of the central states over that of the plains states farther westward must also come from this source. The digest of the present writer's opinion on this point as given in a previous paper may be summarized as follows: (a) The coincidence of precipitation in the United States and prevailing southerly winds, (b) the amount of evaporation 22 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION from a land surface as compared with a water surface, and (c) the greater efficiency of a vegetative cover, especially a forest, as an evaporating surface when compared with a water surface or a bare soil surface. Movements of Air Currents One of the most fundamentally important set of facts in aerography deals with temperature and pressure changes by which currents of air are moved horizontally and vertically over the earth's surface. We know that at sea level air is more compressed than on the tops of mountains, and we consequently obtain baro- metric registers of greater pressure at lower altitudes than at higher ones. By simple gravity air tends to collect right at the sur- face and air particles are here crowded and compacted. Higher up the air particles are farther and farther apart, and finally we may get to a region where air no longer exists. Above the polar regions of the earth the air is less heated than above the equatorial region. Warm air rises and expands, while cool air tends to settle. There is a general tendency then of air to move inward from the polar regions toward the equator. This ten- dency is considerably offset by another factor, however, the mat- ter of the unequal heating of land and water masses. The difference in the rate of heating was touched on in the previous section. The air over a land mass in summertime will become warm and ascend much more quickly than the air over a mass of water. In winter the air over a body of water is likely to have the higher tem- perature. With the changes of season there come to be established permanent areas of high or low temperature. The high-temperature areas of ascending air are areas of low barometric pressure. The low-temperature areas may be regarded as areas of high barometric pressure. Simple convection movements and tendency to stabiliza- tion and equilibrium would lead to horizontal movements as well as the vertical ones of the rising and descending columns of air. The centers of action have come to be regarded by meteorolo- gists as the essential factors in the control of climate. Buchan many years ago prepared maps of winds, temperatures, and pres- sures at sea level for practically the entire globe. It was Teisserenc de Bort at the International Meteorological Conference held in Chi- cago in 1893 who called special attention to the controlling influ- ence which the centers of high and low pressure exerted upon cir- culation. He had named them more than ten years previously "the FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 23 grand centers of action" of the atmosphere. They are understood to be closed areas of high and low pressure, or hyperbars and in- frabars as they are commonly called, which have a certain perma- nence in a given season and give the leading features to the gen- eral circulation. In fact, the flow between these centers exerts the dominating influence on the circulation of the entire atmosphere. Fio. 1. Chart showing the grand centers of climatic control. After Buchan. See also Adams's, "An Ecological Study of Prairie and Forest Invertebrates." Ills. Bull. Nat. Hist, 9 :70. The centers of action come to have a motion of their own, due to the earth's rotation. In the northern hemisphere the cyclones or columns of ascending air have a counter-clockwise rotation. In the anticyclones or descending air streams the motion is clockwise. In the southern hemisphere the rotary motion of the cyclones and anti- cyclones is just the opposite of the motion in the northern hemis- phere. The accompanying diagram (Figure 1), modified from Bu- chan, shows the position of the permanent centers of action which exert a controlling influence over the summer climate of North 24 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION America. The hyperbars or anticyclones are marked "high" and the cyclones or infrabars "low." The arrows indicate the direc- tion of rotation of the air flowing into or away from centers of ac- tion. In midsummer there is a large area of low pressure over the central part of the North American continent. On the surface of the earth it is warmer east of a low-pressure area, because the winds blowing spirally, counter-clockwise, inward toward the low are coming from the south, which is usually warmer. Mr. J. War- ren Smith of the United States Weather Bureau, in some private correspondence, has kindly pointed out the two laws which are operating : 1. The pressure controls the surface winds. 2. The surface wind controls the temperature. The converging air is warm at the surface and remains so un- til it ascends, when it expands and cooling adiabatically, precipi- tates its moisture. It is to the east of the high that the warm weather and sometimes dry weather exists. The amount of rain- fall would depend on the rapidity of the cooling and the total water vapor content of the inrushing air. As far as vegetation is con- cerned, though there might be rainfall, the final effect of the east- ward migration of the low would be unfavorable, since in summer the drying effect of the warm air at the surface would not be bal- anced by the scattering showers. Another shifting in the position of a great center of action which would be even more unfavorable in its effect on the vegeta- tion of eastern United States is the westward migration of the At- lantic high shown in the diagram. Where the air is descending it is being warmed adiabatically as it reaches the surface of the earth and is taking up moisture. This air would then have a drying ef- fect on the vegetation and the crops, and since it would be accom- panied by clear skies the water loss from living plants would be ex- tremely rapid. There would be no compensating showers brought in by this type of distribution of the centers, and if the positions were assumed for any considerable length of time the ensuing drouth would be followed by a failure of the plants to maintain a water balance. Wilting and even death would be the effect of a protracted drouth. Besides the continental low and the Atlantic high, there are three other region circulation centers, all of which FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 25 have an effect on the climate of North America in summer. Their action is indicated in the diagram. Thus the interplay of air currents plowing into and out of the grand centers of action can be seen to influence greatly all the liv- ing vegetation. Wind, from the standpoint of plants, is a moisture- temperature-relation factor. Increased wind velocity and increased temperatures both accelerate transpiration. In full sunlight the cooling effect of transpiration is the greatest possible benefit to the plant in preventing coagulation of protoplasm. Rapid transpiration probably also aids the plant greatly in the transfer of minerals after absorption from the soil. But rapid transpiration in the ab- sence of equally rapid water absorption is undoubtedly a constant menace to the life and rapid growth of plants. 2. Soil Factors In dealing with the soil factors which influence plant succes- sion, the only measure which we may use for comparing different soils is plant growth. Obviously, it would be incorrect to talk of "fertile soils" or "barren soils" unless we had the climate as well as the soil expressed in some way. We cannot say that a soil will or will not support a dense cover of vegetation if we consider the soil simply inert mineral material or if we base our notion of produc- tivity on the physical structure of the soil alone, or upon the chemi- cal nature of the soil alone. The temperature and the moisture must both be included in our notion of soils. In the arid southwestern regions of the United States the soils contain salts in more than the amounts required for plant growth and the temperatures are high enough to support a subtropical vegetation. Water is, how- ever, the limiting factor. In the sandy barrens of southeastern United States, the rainfall is high, the temperature high, and the growing season long, but mineral salts and available water seem to be the limiting factors. The mineral portions of soils formed under arid or humid con- ditions are entirely different. In arid regions the mineral parts of the soil are formed through mechanical processes of weathering or by disintegration. Soluble materials are found in abundance in the soils of arid regions. In humid regions the mineral portion of the soil is the insoluble or only sparingly soluble material, since the most soluble portions have been carried off in the surface streams and ground water. The mineral portion of the soil in a humid re- 26 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION gion represents a chemical residue, and like the residue on a filter paper, it is frequently washed clean. Plants need such small amounts of soluble salts for their de- velopment that the sui-prise is not that they are able to secure these raw materials in most soils, but that there may be found soils in a humid region which do not support abundant plant growth. The pine barrens are apparently an example of this. If a plant cover suf- ficient to accumulate salts, especially nitrates, in excess of what is carried away in solution and by oxidation, could be started on these barrens, there is little doubt but that a rapid cycle of succession would be initiated. The mineral portion of a soil is also of importance ecologi- cally because of the fineness of the particles and the nature of their arrangement. These properties are known as the texture and struc- ture of the soil, respectively. The former is a relatively perma- nent property of the soil, that is, the size of the particles is not materially reduced in a short time. Certainly, cultivation and till- age produce no alteration in the size of the soil particles. The tech- nical classification of the soils has been made largely on the basis of the texture. The structure of soils, the arrangement of the par- ticles, is undergoing constant change. Frost, rain, plant roots, and burrowing animals are a few of the agencies which effect a change in the structure of soils. The humus portion of the soil is rich in colloids, which are highly retentive of water. For this reason humus soils, or soils in which the humus portion predominates over the mineral portion, are proverbially productive soils. The old evolutionary idea, "all life from pre-existing life," may be translated to the environment when we speak of humus soils, for a soil full of humus contains the accumulated remains of previous generations of plants, and the future generations have this as their heritage- The humus furnishes the energy to bacteria, which in turn leave a newly molded form of energy for green plants. The nitrifying bacteria do not add to the total soil nitrogen, however. They are unable to use free nitrogen and live solely upon dead organic material, converting the nitrogen into a form useful for the green plants. Some soil bacteria can draw on the free nitro- gen supply, but the nitrogen thus accumulated must be converted into organic nitrogen compounds before it is available to green plants. This is discussed in the following section on the biotic factors. FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 27 The most important chemical fact about humus soils is that they are, under certain conditions, capable of supplying organic substances to growing plants. In addition to this, in humid regions, soils with a high organic content also have a high mineral content, since the growth of plants tends to prevent the normal amount of leaching which otherwise would take place. The prairie soils of North America and the chernoziom (black earth) of Russia are rich in both organic and soluble salts. If the color can be used as a guide to the lime content, (Coffey '09), then the order in which the soils of the United States rank is (1) the prairies, (2) the forests of eastern America. This accumulation of mineral salts in the soil is in agreement with the distribution of total rainfall throughout the year. It is greater in the forests and less in the prairies. In the prairies there has not been enough rainfall, or its distribution has not been such as to leach the lime from the soils at the rate that this is occuring in the light forest soils. Yet the rainfall in the prairies has been sufficient to induce a heavy growth of vegetation, which is only partly decomposed. This is because water standing during a portion of the year in prairie sloughs prevented as complete oxida- tion of the organic material as occurs in forests. The vegetation acted as a series of dams in a country of rolling topography made level by glacial action. These lakes or water-bottomed sloughs kept the forests out until man hastened the gradual drainage proc- ess. Thus we can see how climate and topography acting in unison formed soils in the east north-central states which are entirely different from the soils of the forested regions, though in many instances they have been derived from similar geological for- mation. 3. Biotic Factors The influences of plants and animals upon the developing vege- tation are known as the biotic factors. These are assigned various degrees of importance by different authors. Clements ('05) classi- fied habitat factors into physical and biotic and ('16) he consist- ently eliminated an edaphic group while admitting its convenience. It is true that edaphic factors may be further resolved into topogra- phic, or physiographic, yet this does not detract from the import- ance of having all the subterranean plant environment in a single group. If the resolution be carried out far enough, the last result will be something like Shreve's ('16), in which all the factors are physical. Cowles ('01, '11) has carefully distinguished the biotic 28 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION factors and presents them in their true role of a source of the in- fluences separate from the climatic or edaphic influences. The im- portance of biotic factors is seen nowhere so well as in the forma- tion of soils, which in the majority of cases are due to the action of plants. Among the various biotic factors the bacteria are of prime im- portance, especially the bacteria of the Nitrogen Cycle. The first group are saprophytic, that is, they live upon plant and animal residues after the death of the individual. Their reac- tions reduce the plant and animal proteins to ammonia, hence the process is known as ammonification. The chief micro-organisms are Bacillus subtilis and B. mycoides. Ammonification is followed by rapid decay of the plant or animal residue. The ammonia remain- ing in the soil is commonly ammonium carbonate (NHOiCOa. De- cay is followed by nitrification, an oxidation process carried on by the Nitrosococcus and Nitrosomonas bacteria. The ammonia or am- monium salts are oxidized to nitrites of the composition (R) NO2. Further oxidation carried on by the Nitrobacter changes the nitrites, (R) NOa to nitrates, (R) NO3. The nitrates are useful for green plants and with the excep- tion of some of the ammonium compounds, are the only fomi in which nitrogen can be absorbed by most green plants. At this stage denitrification by bacteria of the denitrifying group may liberate the nitrogen of nitrates into the free nitrogen of the air. The pres- ence of these organisms is unfavorable to the growth of green plants therefore. The completion of the nitrogen cycle is found in one direction by the building up of nitrates in the body of green plants into, first, the amino-acids, then the plant proteins, and finally animals sub- sisting on the plants build up the amino acids and proteins of plants into their own protoplasm. The cycle begins again with the death of animals and plants. Free nitrogen of the air may under some conditions be fixed by groups of soil bacteria which derive their energy from carbon- material found in the soil or by living somewhat parasitically on green plants- Azotobacter and Clostridium sp. are the chief of these organisms. The former requires the presence of abundant oxygen and so works only close to the surface of the soil, while the organisms of the Bacillus radicicola group upon living roots of leg- umes, furnish an example of another kind of organism capable FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION 29 of extracting free nitrogen from the air. The bacteria are para- sitic upon the legume which furnishes food in the form of com- pounds of carbon of its own manufacture. As the tubercles pro- duced by the bacteria grow older, the appearance of the bacteria themselves is altered. They become larger, sometimes branching, and in this form are known as "bacteroids." Active nitrogen assimi- lation by the green plant coincides with the appearance of the bac- teroids in the root nodules of the legume. If a large enough portion of the legume is then allowed to remain in the soil to offset nitrate nitrogen absorbed by the plant, there results a corresponding gain in soil nitrogen. The reciprocal symbiosis of Phoma an endotrophic mycorhiza should also be mentioned as a relation which nets a gain in the nitro- gen supply for the host plant upon which the fungus lives. The mycorhiza as a class are so important to many of the green plants that the latter are unable to grow except in the presence of the fungi. Protozoa are also important, though mainly unfavorable, as they destroy the beneficial bacteria. Brown ('16) has described the importance of mold action and in addition there are other fungi — all the saprophytic ascomycetes and basidiomycetes. The white pine blister rust and the chestnut blight are exam- ples of biotic factors which cause certain plants to drop out of the native vegetation as surely as changing climatic or soil conditions cause them to disappear. Chestnut trees in New York and Pennsyl- vania have already been killed in such numbers as to alter entirely the nature of some of our finest forests. If the disease goes on un- checked it would not be strange to have inhabitants of these states inquiring in a hundred years from now if the chestnut actually grew in these portions of Eastern America. And yet the chestnut bark disease was noted as a menace on Long Island for the first time about the year 1905. The white pine blister rust, as it has been named, has not yet done any considerable damage and it looks as though this disease will be checked, thanks to the efficient service of our forest patholo- gists. Yet in those small localities which were infected the white pine was completely destroyed. This disease is not only a menace to the white pine of Eastern United States, but likewise attacks the western yellow pine, another of our valuable timber woods. 30 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION Among all the chlorophyll-bearing plants there is competition for light as well as competition for moisture and nutrient mate- rials in the soil. Thus, we see that the influence of the green plants themselves upon the vegetation must be greater than the influence of the non-chlorophyll-bearing plants, since there is active compe- tition going on among the members of an association in addition to the action of the micro-organisms- A plant association cannot be regarded as completely closed until all the levels for abstracting water, minerals, light, and air are filled with sets of species of dissimilar habits and requirements. The animals are as important in the mixing of soil materials as are plant roots. The importance of earthworms has been known since Darwin's classic work on the subject. Snails, ants, beetles, spiders, rodents, all contribute their quota toward mixing the min- erals with vegetable mould and allowing air and water into the substratum. Insects are important in cross pollinating plants and in many species are essential to seed production. Insects may also act injuriously in destroying plants and may even effect complete destruction of a pure stand. The locust borer, to name only one ex- ample, has almost eliminated the black locust from farm wood lots and forests of the central states where it was long the favorite wood for fence posts. Birds are agents in the dispersal of seeds and spores. Rodents, rabbits, rats, and mice may destroy trees by prun- ing the bark, and prairie dogs destroy grasses. Sheep and cattle have been known to prevent the reproduction of some of the timber trees in the grazing region of the National Forests of the Southwest and West (Hill, '17), while the bison has been credited as being one of the agents to delay the invasion of forest upon the plains. Of all the animals, the destruction by man has been the greatest. There are almost no virgin forests left in the United States, due to man's activity. 4. Summary of Climatic, Edaphic, and Biotic Factors It will doubtless have occurred to the reader that any classifi- cation of factors of the environment will present certain difficul- ties in the way of sharp distinctions between the subjects to be clas- sified. The attempt made by the writer shows that the biotic fac- tors cannot be escaped in talking of the other two sets, viz., in the climatic factors the influences of forests upon climate are featured, while the relations of soils and the micro-organisms are discussed FACTORS AFFECTING PLANT DISTRIBUTION , 31 under the edaphic factors. The climate and the soil are distinct enough in themselves ; the difficulty of classification lies in the de- gree of modification which they undergo in reactions with each other and with the organic universe. For the present discussion the writer believes that he has carried the resolution of factors far enough. More rigid separation would destroy the continuity of the story of the facts in relation to one another. 5. Examples of Succession Now that the factors contributing to succession have been thus briefly reviewed, some examples of successions which show how the vegetation gradually builds up soils and alters conditions for plant growth, should be included. For this reason two extreme areas have been chosen in order that the effect of plant growth in each case may be brought out. The two areas are a swamp and a dry rock surface. The effect of the changing conditions induced by the vegetation can be noted in the change in plant population shown in the following diagrams. In the swamp series the open water surface is partly covered by floating aquatics which gradually deposit debris on the bottom of the swamp. This material slowly decomposes into the soil, which in time reaches near the surface. Here and at the shallower mar- gins, rushes and sedges enter and occupy the soil until the shrubs typical of a button bush swamp, Cephalanthus, Rosa Carolina, and Alnus rugosa, enter. These are succeeded by a willow stage, a red maple stage, a swamp oak stage, and finally an oak-hickory forest, in which beech and hard maple gradually appear. There has been a tendency toward drier conditions continually during this succes- sion. The swamp gradually becomes filled and drained as the vege- tation accumulates. The last stage of the swamp is a forest, with all but a few undrained patches occupied by a beech-maple forest. Wherever the conditions remained but slightly changed by the vege- tation, the vegetation is itself much as it was formerly. There is, in other words, reaction between the vegetation and the environ- ment. In the cliff series we start with bare rocks on which only lichens grow. The action of these plants is to decompose slightly the rock surface and to add their own remains to the finely parted mineral material. Some of this soil sifts into crevices and here the action of the larger plants becomes effective in widening and deep- 32 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION ening the crevices. By the time a heath stage has been reached the cliff is usually well covered. This stage is succeeded by a shrub stage and often by a coniferous stage. Gradually oaks come in, increas- ing the shade and lowering the water loss from the soil as well as the oxidation rate of humus. The oaks are succeeded in time by more mesophytic trees — beech and maple, which are again the culmination of the successions. In all of this series the action of the plants has been toward an increase in soil and moisture until the conditions became suitable for plants like beech and maple. These successions teach the lesson of soil foimation and bring out the importance of the biotic factor in soil building. They also show the importance of the genetic conception and the inadequacy of a static or even a merely dynamic system of classification, for the plants become a cause of subsequent change. Successful inva- sions are of course in the beginning the effect of certain conditions of the bare area into which they migrate. Chance is the sole cri- terion of the original seed or spore introduction, but the life of the seedling after introduction depends upon its inherent ability to meet the conditions of the environment. PART II FACTORS INFLUENCING CROP DISTRIBUTION IN THE UNITED STATES.^ That the crop plants are bound by the same laws of physiology as other plants is an obvious truism. They respond in the same way to changes in the environment. They become adjusted to the condi- tions which they encounter. From the point of view of the crop grower, this response is indicated by an increased yield. There are well known physiological strains and races of cultivated plants just as clearly distinct as morphological races. Examples are: Sixty Day Oats, rust-proof asparagus and anthracnose resistant varieties of beans. It is important to determine how far the analysis of the rela- tionship of the plant to its environment can be carried in the crop plants. Are the methods of study used in ecology useful here? Can a relationship be established between plants under cultural conditions and the natural vegetation? The study of the indicator significance of the natural vegetation is just beginning, and offers to lead the way to possible future crop production. It has been applied to cropping in the Great Plains by Shantz (1911), Kearney (1914) , and to locating forest sites by Korstian (1917) , and others. The results indicate how much can be done by the intelligent appli- cation of the methods for studying plant associations to problems of culture. It also seems possible that very slowly a scheme of eco- logical equivalents might be worked out. For example the state- ment is generally accepted that where sassafrass grows peaches can be successfully produced. This statement is misleading. For sassafras can be found growing under a great diversity of condi- tions, and there are many varieties of peaches. It is useless to spend much time in looking for individual ecological equivalents, unless they can be grown under controlled or at least measurable conditions. In the present discussion an attempt is made to indicate some of the relationships between great plant formations and certain crop centers. The studies are, entirely, generalizations. Only the broad- 1 Presented at the Pittsburgh meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Jan., 1918. 33 34 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION est groups of factors limiting plant distribution can be discussed in such a study. The climatic, the edaphic, and biotic factors are given a brief treatment with respect to the endemic vegetation. Later for the crop studies, a fourth group of factors is added. The rainfall-evaporation ratio, (Fig. 2) successfully employed by Tran- seau ('05) in delimiting the forest centers, has been used as a basis for this study. This was secured by dividing the total rainfall for a given station by the evaporation obtained from Russell's (1888) data on evaporation. The centers of vegetation of North America are as strongly differentiated in the United States by the common crop plants as by the native plants of the forest centers. Timothy, spring wheat, rye, buckwheat, and potatoes occupy the same region as is dominated by white pine, spruce, hemlock, balsam fir and white birch — in other words the northeastern evergreen forest. The region occupied by corn, winter wheat, oats, red clover and beans is related to both the central deciduous forest and the prairies. This emphasizes the importance of edaphic factors in plant successions and the relation of the crop to edaphic conditions. For although the grain belt extends eastward into Ohio, it does not reach far from the edaphic prairies. Tobacco occupies a median position between the central deciduous forest and the southeastern mixed forest. Cotton, yams, cowpeas, and peanuts center in the southeast- The criteria which have been applied in delimiting the forest centers hold for the crop centers as well. There is first of all dominance. The evidence that one is approaching the center for a given crop is the number of farms upon which it is being grown. In this connection it is interesting to note that while central Illinois is for very special reasons, the center of production of corn, yet in point of acreage devoted to it in proportion to cultivated lands, com is the most important crop of southeastern Kentucky. No hills seem too steep or too high for the farmers to attempt to grow a corn crop. Compared with production in Illinois, the results on these hills seem far from encouraging. The production and total acreage can be used in determining this center. (Fig. 3) . In the natural vegetation next to dominance come maximum size for the species, greatest differentiation of type and widest range of habitat as criteria of the biological centers. These are all corollaries of general well being, the result of the limiting factors being fewer and less effective. In the crop plants we can see that FACTORS AFFECTING CROP DISTRIBUTION » ^^■8 'I,— - 1 T \ •*,is *^ \ — - — \ ' ^ -Hr — 3 n 1 3 ^"^f^t;*^ 3 i y^ ' !^5^£?2^^j^' _ li.'|t^'/r=Jr-V'~^^ • v-A;ij?'f ^j-;-«-r~ .1 1 Y%);;''M ^^E£lMz' m. liDf / ^. , 777~~~ — A / / — o ^ >0 TTt^^-CT/^ '-=^iL^ / ^''^^-ZT'^^ r-~~^ ¥ " i t! S ^ "On" S 3 «> ^ «1 *:5 8 « <' S c .2 a J' <^ * S3 K S ft « g N u V « B O "^ 2-3 i •5 c .S > &s £ M V '5 I'' ;s a •s- * o S g * X >^ fr^ ^ 0) c. ft V CO S o 01 u fa ^ 4> S^-v^ y vr""^ V Fig. 13. Ohio's apply industry. In acreage the states rank, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michiean. Compare the eastern and western states. From 1915 Yearbook U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. The conditions for apple production in southeastern Ohio are ideal. Sheltered valleys in which both the soil and air drainage are good are common. The rough topography, little suited to cultivated crops, is a genuine advantage in tree crops. It is not surprising then that we find the greatest apple acreage in Ohio in the south- eastern part of the state. If the industry were encouraged and ad- vertised, southeastern Ohio could market its apples as well as the Oregon and Washington and New York orchardists market theirs. Some capital and a great deal of cooperation are both needed to develop this enterprise. 68 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION The total apple acreage for 1915 was 211,463 acres.* The sections are as follows : Northeastern section 77,105 acres Southeastern " 56,062 acres Northwestern ** 54,952 acres Southwestern " 23,344 acres If, however, we substract the acreage of Jefferson, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Knox, and Coshocton counties, the northeast-southeast border counties, from the northeast section, and add it to the south- east section, it gives some 72,000 acres for the southeast and 61,000 in the northeast. There is, however, no sharp break in the topography in the eastern part of the state north and south of the glacial boundary. It is all part of the Allegheny Plateau. The eastern half of the state contains sixty-three percent of Ohio's apple acreage in spite of the fact that all over the state almost every farm has a few trees. The chart (Fig. 13) shows the relation of Ohio's apple acreage to Ohio's conditions and to the acreage in the United States. 'Acreage is a better sruide to tree crops than a single year's production. Summary and Conclusion There is no better way of summarizing the foregoing discus- sion on the effect of climatic and soil conditions upon agriculture than by showing a chart of land values. This was made from the state tax commission figures and while it does not give actual price of land or show the changes in prices since the figures were collected, yet the relative values are plainly discernible, and for our purpose this is what is wanted. At first, the writer tried dividing the land values into eight classes and using a large scale map. While this gave much detailed information, the map appeared "patchy." Six classes and two classes were subsequently tried and discarded. The present chart (Fig. 14) was obtained by using the eight-class chart but combining the classes 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, 7 and 8, making a new chart of four classes. This chart, obtained entirely independ- ent of physiographic, climatic or geological conditions, nevertheless brings out some of these quite strongly, thus emphasizing their bearing upon agriculture. In the first place, the glaciers have the most important influ- ence upon present day values of farm land. The Illinoisan (earliest) glaciation was the most extensive. All of the land of lowest value, (lightest shading) lies south or east of this glacial line, except for the undrained bog land in the extreme northeast comer of the state. The bog land probably has more potential farm value for cultivated crops than most of the unglaciated territory. Except where cut by the Miami Valley in the southwestern part of the state, the once-glaciated terrain is separated from the several-times- glaciated. The boundary of the Wisconsin drift is seen in the southwestern part of the state and between it and the Ohio River, the land is in the second class of values. The two glacial bound- ary lines meet somewhere near Chillicothe. Running south from Lake Erie through the central part of the state is the line separating the Waverly formation on the east from the De- vonian and Silurian on the west. Some of the Ohio river counties in eastern Ohio show the influence of limestone outcrops in raising land values, for the second-class values appear in a region of low- est values. The third class constitutes our average or better farm values. This class makes up the bulk of the state's area. The 69 70 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION fourth class, the highest values, show the influence of the cities and towns upon farm land in the spread of the deep shading around the area within which the city is located. It also shows K.ELATIVE. LAMD VALUtO Fio. 14. Chart of the relative land values in Ohio, the two geological maps. Compare with the physiographic and the farm land not near large communities which takes its values from the productions of the farms. Darke and Miami counties, for example, near the Indiana line in the southwestern part of the state, and Paulding, Van Wert, and Allen counties, are also shown CROP REGIONS OF OHIO 71 as having high agricultural values. The spread of Cleveland and the fruit belt along Lake Erie stand out. The city of Toledo and the flat land of the Maumee River are both included in the heaviest shading. RE.LATIVE. LAND VALUES Fig. 15. The relative value of farm land. Derived from the preceding chart by eliminating the inflfluence of centers of population. Compare with the glacial map and the climatic maps. There is still another extremely interesting feature. A pencil line drawn from the southern part of the heaviest shading just south of Cleveland, curving southwest around the curves of Lake 72 PLANT SUCCESSION AND CROP PRODUCTION Erie and then northwest, north of Paulding County toward Indi- ana and Michigan, and touching all the southern boundary lines of spots of heaviest shading, will outline the old glacial Lake Maumee. This is indicated on the Moraine chart (Figure 9, p. 47) by the total absence of drift deposits since the land was covered with water long enough to allow settlement and covering of coarse mate- rial with a finer deposit from the lake. In post-glacial time this territory has emerged. The finer soil deposits under water, and the organic deposits of plants as the lake line retreated northward to the present Lake Erie, are still of interest and importance to us when we see in them a cause of increased land values. The second chart of land values as shown in Figure 15, is made by eliminating the areas in which tax evaluation comes from the ac- crued value of population in the cities. Since the farm land would have no value if it were not for population, and since on the other hand the climate and soils are underlying fundamental factors in the values, to be fair, both charts must be shown. The second chart is our real summary and illustrates the ecological conditions. Literature Cited Adam*. C. C. 1902. Southeastern U. S. as a center of geoKraphical distribution of flora and fauna. Biol. Bull. 3:116. Adams, C. C. 1915. An ecological study of prairie and forest invertebrates. Ills. State Lab. Nat. Hist. Bull. 9:33. Blackman, F. F. 1905. Optima and limiting factors. 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