THE RELATION OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TO INFECTION BY CERTAIN FUNGI A THESIS Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University for the Degree of Dector of Philosophy By JOHN IRVIN LAURITZEN Reprinted from PHYTOPATHOLOGY, VoL. 1X, No. 1, January, 1919. Reprinted from PayropatHouoey, Vol. IX, No. 1, January, 1919 THE RELATION OF TEMPERATURE AND HUMIDITY TO INFECTION BY CERTAIN FUNGI Je le 15 ASu Ree ZEN, INTRODUCTION Very early in the history of plant pathology a fundamental relation be- tween weather and plant diseases was recognized, not only by the pa- thologist but by the farmer. Even before anything was known about the nature of diseases, the weather was thought to have an intimate connee- tion with their causes, and by many to be responsible for their production; and yet very little work has been done to analyze the exact manner in which weather conditions affect diseases or disease production, except in an observational way. The effects of temperature, humidity, rainfall, and dew have not been isolated, except in a few cases, and then chiefly from observation or under partially controlled conditions. Never, so far as the author is aware, has the influence of temperature and humidity upon infection been studied separately where both have been under control. The importance of taking cognizance of the one while studying the other in connection with any growth phenomenon will be emphasized from the following examples of the influence of temperature and humidity on the growth of bamboo. Shibata (28), working under field conditions in Japan, gives a table which indicates a close relation between the daily growth of bamboo and temperature (16°C. to 20°C.) and scarcely any re- lation to humidity. Lock (19), working at Peradeniya, on the other hand, found that the daily growth depends largely upon the water supply and the moisture content of the air, and has little relation to the tempera- ture, which in his experiments fluctuated beween 19° and 26°C. The difference in the temperature of the two places will account for the seeming discrepancy, as far as the temperature is concerned. At Pera- deniya the temperature is apparently the optimum for the growth of bam- 1 Also presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University, _ March, 1916, as major thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of doctor of philosophy. The writer is indebted to Dr. Donald Reddick and Dr. V. B. Stewart under whose immediate direction the work was performed for valuable assistance and suggestions in connection with the investigation and in the preparation of the manuscript. 8 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 boo, and covers a range of several degrees, while in Japan it falls below the optimum, consequently the growth curve follows closely that of the temperature. A comparison of the humidity of the two regions, as far as a comparison is possible from the data that are available, reveals very little difference in the moisture content of the air. It is apparent that this humidity, which varies largely between 70 per cent and 90 per cent influences the amount of growth under the favorable temperature at Pera- deniya. Its influence is evidently obscured by the unfavorable tempera- ture in Japan. Whether the humidity can become so unfavorable as to obscure the effects of temperature is not known from the data at hand, but it is probable. One thing seems certain, however, that in studying either of these factors one cannot afford to ignore the one while the other is under observation; in fact, it would be preferable to hold one of these factors constant when observing the other. In earlier work in pathology a clear distinction has not been drawn between the infection period and the period of incubation? Such a dif- ferentiation is not always possible, and perhaps it is never possible to state definitely the exact point at which the infection period ends or the period of incubation begins. However, in most cases they can be sepa- rated sufficiently to study each apart from the other. Considerable work has been done to show the influence of temperature on the production and development of disease, but the two periods have been studied con- jointly. Less work has been done upon the relation of humidity to this phenomenon but a sharper separation has been made between the infee- tion and incubation periods. Balls (4) conducted temperature-infection experiments with Rhizoc- tonia (Corticium vagum B. and C., var. Solani Burt) on cotton (Gossypium spp.) in which he found that infection took place and became evident in twenty-four hours at a temperature of 20°C. At 33°C. no infection oc- curred. Here the infection and incubation periods are crowded into such a short space of time and apparently so fused together that probably it would be difficult to separate them. The experiments were conducted by placing mycelium of the fungus in contact with seedlings placed upon several layers of moist filter paper in a petri dish, which in turn was placed in an infection chamber. Gilman (11) performed some soil infection experiments with Fusarzum conglutinans Wollenw. on cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) which are of inter- est in this connection chiefly because he worked in a greenhouse in which the temperature was automatically controlled. He also conducted some 2 Infection period as here used is the period during which the pathogen penetrates the host until it becomes established with the host. Incubation period is the period of development that follows until the symptoms of the disease become visible. 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 9 experiments in a glass infection chamber where the temperature was con- trolled by an electric thermo-regulator. The difficulty of studying in- fection apart from the incubation period is here apparent. It is not, however, so important in this instance that they should be studied sep- arately, because the environmental factors are not so variable except in the case of temperature. Tisdale (29) studied the infection of flax by Fusarium Lint Bolley. He found that the lower temperature limit for infection was about 15°C., and makes the statement that most of the infection occurs between 20° and 30°C. The temperature was controlled in one set of experiments by em- ploying positions at different distances from a radiator in a green house, in another by means of a circulating water jacket about the plant con- tainers. He also investigated the influence of temperature upon the growth of the fungus in culture media, and determined the limits to be 10° and 37°C. with an optimum temperature at 26° to 28°C. Johnson (14), in working with Thielavia basicola Zopf. to test the range of parasitism ona large number of plants, controlled the moisture content of the soil and recorded the soil and air temperatures. The temperature of the air and soil depended upon greenhouse conditions. Fromme (10) was unable to produce infection on oats (Avena sativa L.) by Puccinia coronifera Kleb. with a relative humidity of 75 per cent to 80 per cent and a temperature of 55° to 85° F. He conducted an experiment designed to determine what conditions of humidity were necessary for infection. He grew his plants in an open case made of window sashes where the humidity averaged 93 per cent with a variation of about 2 per cent to 3 per cent. Although he inoculated thoroughly, he obtained only slight infection. In an experiment where one pot was covered and another stood in an open box there was an average of 161.6 lesions per plant in the first case as compared with 10.4 or 6 per cent in the latter. Some interesting results were obtained by Levin (17) in connection with an experiment planned to determine the time required for the infection of tomatoes (Leyoporsicum esculentum Mill.) by Septoria lycopersici Speg. He sprayed ten plants with a water suspension of spores, placing 9 of them in a Wardian case, where a high humidity was maintained by means of a fine spray of water. A plant was taken out at intervals of 6, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, and 72 hours and dried immediately by an electric fan and placed in an open window until infection became evident. After a lapse of five days all the plants, including the one left on the outside, showed charac- teristic lesions of the disease. This experiment was repeated in detail, except that the plants after inoculation were exposed to a current of air from an electric fan until the disease appeared. The results were similar to those secured in the previous experiment. Infection was also obtained by applying dry spores. 10 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 From the results of these experiments the author concludes that it is questionable whether a film of water over the plant surface for at least a number of hours is essential to infection. The purpose of the present study is to determine the influence of tem- perature and humidity upon infection, and to find out whether a film of water covering the surface of the plant is essential for the fungus to become established upon the host. APPARATUS The apparatus consists of two double chambers with thermo-electric connections to furnish heat, and power to run fans. The outer chambers are 40 by 54 by 48 inches in size and are made of glass. The inner are 11 inches smaller in each dimension and so placed that there is an air space of 5 inches on all sides. They are constructed of wood except the lids, which are of glass and slope at an angle of 40° from the horizontal. The wood portion is coated on the inside with paraffin of a high melting point’ to prevent the absorption of water. Both inner and outer chambers are provided with heating coils and thermostats. In the latter case a relay was employed to prevent sticking of the thermostat, which was occa- sioned by the use of larger wire necessitated to produce the required heat for the outer chamber. The evaporation surface for the control of the humidity was supplied by open pans containing either pure water or saturated salt solutions. The humidity was read directly from psychrometers upon which was directed a constant current of air from a fan. FACTORS In approaching any physiological problem one is confronted with cer- tain difficulties. One of these is the isolation of the particular factor to be studied. The conditions affecting physiological processes are not only numerous, but complex, and sometimes so interrelated as to make their separation impossible. The usual procedure is to hold all the other factors constant in order to get at the facts of the particular one to be observed. Having thus reduced the problems to simple terms, one might think he cculd proceed directly to the solution of his problem, but he soon finds that the procedure is not sc simple. One should not only have the conditions constant, but they should be at their optimum, and such an accomplishment is by no means easy, if indeed possible, with our present knowledge of the nature of physiologi- cal processes, the factors affecting them, or methods of investigation. In the present study an attempt has been made to keep the known and possible factors affecting infection constant as far as possible with the 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS iat means accessible. An attempt has been made to control, in part, condi- tions influencing the growth of the host plant, such as the fertility, physi- cal properties, organic matter and water content of the soil, light, tem- perature, and humidity. The first four of these conditions are fairly easy to control; the latter three involve more difficulties. Temperature and humidity have been controlled as far as is possible under greenhouse con- ditions. Light is the most variable factor and no attempt has been made to control it. The greatest difference in light is between summer and winter. Whether this difference is sufficient to alter the susceptibility of the host plant to the attack of the fungus, or in any way influences the in- fecting ability of the fungus, is not known. No such influence has been noticed in the present experiments. It would seem that influences of light become less important when making comparison between the suc- cessive periods required for the growth of the plants while they attain sufficient size for inoculation purposes. Temperature and humidity may affect each plant differently, which of course is true of the other factors. The exact range of temperature and humidity favorable for the growth of the plants employed in these experi- ments has not been determined. A variation in the range with the plant is, however, generally recognized. It would have been desirable to have grown these plants under optimum conditions, but these conditions were not available, besides the optimium for each of these plants is not known. These same conditions also come into operation during the incubation period. Light as it exists under greenhouse conditions is not known to be a factor. Since light under natural conditions is not usually regarded as the limiting factor in photosynthesis, upon which host and parasite alike largely depend for their organic nutrition, it would seem that the reduc- tion in food due to the reduction in light under greenhouse conditions would not be sufficient to alter the number of infections more than slightly, if at all. . It would seem reasonable to assume that temperature and humidity during the incubation period do not influence the total number of infec- tions if sufficient time is allowed for the viable spores to establish a rela- tion with the host. It is possible that the border-line temperatures and humidities might cause a variation in the susceptibility of the host to the parasite. There is some evidence to support this position in the case of temperature. Ravn (25), in studying the influence of temperature upon the infection of barley by Helminthosporium, found that the incubation period was forty-eight hours in a warm greenhouse as compared with seventy-two hours in a cold house. The total amount of infection was slightly in favor 12 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 of the cold house. Fifteen out of 16 plants were infected in the cold house, while 12 out of 15 in the warm house were infected. He concludes from this experiment that temperature does not alter the total amount of infection. Fromme (10) obtained similar results with Puccinia coroncfera on oats. Plants inoculated and grown at a temperature ranging from 20° to 30°C. showed evidence of infection on the fourth day, while plants inoculated at the same time and grown in a greenhouse at a temperature varying- between 14.5° and 21°C. showed indications of the disease only after seven days. This experiment was repeated with similar results. There was a slight difference in time due to a difference in temperature, but the varia- tion was in the same direction. The degree of infection was not, however, different in the two cases. It seems in the foregoing cases that the temperature employed, whether high or low, was sufficiently favorable to permit of the maximum amount of spore germination, or at least these temperatures allowed about the same percentage of germination; otherwise there would be a difference in the number of infections, unless we assume an alteration in the capacity of the fungi to cause infection or of the hosts to resist it. The latter seems less feasible because it would be a remarkable coincidence if there should be a shift of virulence or susceptibility in such an exact ratio that we would have the same number of infections even though there were a shift in the percentage of germination, especially when we are dealing with two different host plants as well as two pathogens. Mains (20) by altering the humidity during the incubation period obtained more infection on corn by Puccinia sorght Schw. under high humidity than under low. He employed only 12 hours as an infection period and it is possible that there would have been more infection where the plants were under low humidity had the infection period been extended. CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE INFECTION PERIOD The light in the infection chamber was much reduced. First, because the inner chamber was partially constructed of wood; second, the light that reached the plants passed through two panes of glass; and third, the source of light was the diffused light of the headhouse. (It would have been de- sirable for the inner chamber to have been of glass, but such a chamber was not available.) Whether this subdued light for a period of twelve hours was sufficient to alter the relation cf host and parasite can not be stated from our present knowledge. It would be expected to affect the host more than the parasite, because of the autotrophic character of the host. Furthermore if this diffused light had any effect in the short. 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 3 period of time during which the plants were in the infection chamber it would be to reduce the photosynthetic processes. The reduced food would probably affect only the last stages of infection, after the germ tube had penetrated the host and the energy of the spore was exhausted or reduced. On the other hand the assumption might be made that there is an altera- tion in the susceptibility of the host, due to a disturbance of an osmotic or chemical equilibrium. The usual time required for starch to be re- moved from the plant in total darkness seems to indicate that there would be no actual food shortage. TABLE 1 Record of infection in total darkness as compared with the light of the headhouse in case of bean and buckwheat and the greenhouse in case of wheat LIGHT DARKNESS DATE OF INOCULATION HOS! LUANe |S REMARKS _Plants| Plants} Plants} Plants infected} wilted |infected} wilted July Qi lOve. 2. ..|| Bean 3-3 | 33] 3-3] 3-38] No apparent differ- ence Jialive2 Sel Oilh7= ee ee Sean 3-3 | 3-3] 38-3] 3-3 | No difference Total Total Plants |number| Plants |number infected of |infected of spots spots August 6, 1917....... Buckwheat] 3-3 28 | 3-3 28 | The number _ of August 28, 1917...... Buckwheat} 3-3 | 300| 3-3] 250 plants infected and the number of spots are the criteria for the amount of infec- tion February 24, 1918....| Buckwheat] 3-3 | 230 | 3-3] 295 | Under plants in- January 25, 1918....| Wheat 23-24 19-21 fected 3-3 indi- January 28, 1918....| Wheat 13-14 13-14 cates that three out of three plants were infected Some experiments (table 1) were conducted to show whether total darkness as compared with the light of the greenhouse in one case and the light of the headhouse in two other cases alters the total infection of the host plants employed, under the conditions of the experiments. The following pathogens and host plants were used in the experiments: Col- letotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. & Magn.) Bri. and Cav. on bean (Pha- seolus vulgaris L.); Ascochyta fagopyrum Thuen. et Boll. on buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.); Puccinia graminis Pers. on wheat (Tri- ticum sativum Lam.). Both the bean and buckwheat experiments were 14 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [VoL. 9 conducted in the headhouse mentioned above. In each experiment three plants were placed under a bell jar covered with black paper and three under a jar not so covered. The jars stood on a table before a window. The reason for using the headhouse instead of the greenhouse was that in the latter, during the time in which the experiments were running, the sun- light became so intense at times that under the high humidity of the bell jars the plants were liable to injury. The wheat experiments were performed in the greenhouse during the winter months when the sunlight was not so intense; in fact, cloudy weather prevailed most of the time. The other conditions of the wheat experiments were the same as those mentioned above except that there were more plants used. The experi- ments were repeated in each case and were run for twenty-four hours, after which the plants were removed to the greenhouse, where they re- mained until infection became evident. The temperature range was largely between 70 and 80° F. The results are represented in table 1. It seems fairly safe to conclude from these experiments that light in the infection chamber is not a limiting factor in case of the plants used. It is possible, however, that at the border temperatures and humidities light may manifest itself as a limiting factor. — The carbon dioxide relation When plants are’ placed in a closed chamber there is an accumulation of carbon dioxide whenever it is not used up by photosynthesis. The extent of this accumulation depends upon the tightness of the chamber and the amount of circulation provided. The question arises as to whether the concentration of the carbon dioxide becomes sufficiently great in the in- fection chamber to become deleterious to the host and parasite. If there is an injurious effect, it is possible that the effects are the same in both host and parasite, in which case there probably would be no change in the number of infections. There would be a greater accumulation of © carbon dioxide at the higher temperatures, at least until the optimum for respiration was reached, and consequently the effects would be more seri- ous than at low temperatures. The chambers were not perfectly air-tight. This was indicated by the fact that whenever the electricity was cut off from the heating coils the fall in temperature was sufficiently rapid to show some interchange of air between the inside and outside of the chamber. The greater the dif- ferences in temperature on the inside and outside, the greater would be the exchange consequently the tendency for accumulation of CO, at high temperatures would be compensated for (at least in part). It would seem therefore that the source of error from carbon dioxide injury would be slight if not negligible. 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 15 Influence of sudden change of temperature When the host plant and pathogen are introduced into the infection chamber they are subjected to a more or less sudden change of tempera- ture, especially when working at low temperatures. A number of investigators have studied the influence of a sudden change of temperature upon growth in flowering plants, with contradictory results. Sachs (26) and Pedersen (22) conclude that the growth curve follows closely that of temperature. Koeppen (15), Askenasy (3), True (30), Price (23), and Lehenbaur (16) claim that the change itself has a tem- porary effect, the time varying from one-half to three hours, depending upon the investigator and the amount of change. The evidence seems to be in favor of the latter conclusion. How much this temporary effect may influence infection is not known. Eriksson (9) exposed aeciospores of Puccinia graminis to a temperature of 3°C. for two hours and then raised the temperature to about 20°C. He claims that such a change has a beneficial effect and increases the percentage of germination. Melhus (21) found that intermittent temperatures, whether changing from high to low or vice versa, tend to slightly check germination, but suggests that the small variation may be due to experimental error. Duff (6) found that urediniospores of Cronartium ribicola F. de Wal. (which become less viable with age and lose their power of germination ‘in four weeks) which were placed in a refrigerator two weeks after collection germinated only in a small percentage, but a reduction in temperature stimulated a large increase in germination. Spores subjected to a sudden change of temperature three weeks after being collected were stimulated to a slight degree to germinate. The control of temperature and humidity On the whole, with the sizé of the chambers employed the temperature can be kept within a variation of 1°F. The constancy of the tempera- ture is greatly facilitated by the double chamber arrangement with two heating systems and by the use of fans both in the inner and outer chambers. The temperature control was limited by outside conditions. The cham- bers were situated in a potting room of a greenhouse where it was possible to maintain a fairly low uniform temperature during the winter. The temperature of the room could be altered by ventilation and the use of steam radiators. This arrangement was sometimes convenient when working at higher temperatures. The control of humidity was accomplished by means of open pans of 16 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Von. 9 water or saturated salt solutions in combination with temperature manipulations. Humidities above 95 per cent were difficult to attain whenever the tem- perature on the inside of the chambers was much higher than that of the outside air, because of inequalities in temperature in the outside chamber. This difficulty was partly overcome by the use of an electric fan and by placing beakers of water on the heating coils. A device was developed during the later stages of the investigation by which it was possible to maintain a saturated condition of air. Instead of using the air heating coils as a source of heat a water heating coil was placed in an evaporating pan containing water, thus insuring a slightly higher temperature of the evaporating surface than of the air and consequently a saturated atmosphere. Whenever a lower humidity than 95 per cent was desired saturated salt solutions were used. An excess of salt insured a definite vapor pressure at a given temperature and hence a constant humidity. The wide range of vapor pressure of saturated salt solution made it possible to obtain almost any humidity desired. It is not possible to predict the exact humidity that will result from a given saturated solution. First, because the vapor pressure of the ma- jority of saturated solutions has not been worked out for the various tem- peratures; second, the vapor pressure of the entire system is altered by the introduction of plants. The leaf surface presents an evaporating surface very near that of pure water, tending to increase the humidity of the system. However, as soon as the system comes to an equilibrium, the bumidity becomes constant. It is possible by the inspection of the vapor pressure of the various salts at a given temperature to predict what salt to employ in order to obtain an alteration in humidity in the desired direc- tion. The humidities obtained from the various salts vary in the same direction as the vapor pressures of those salts. Some of the salts*used are as follows:—Potassium sulphate with a vapor pressure of the saturated solution of 17.21 mm. mercury at 20°C., Barium chloride V.P. at 20°C. 15.45, Sodium nitrate V.P. at 20°C. 13.7 mm., Cadmium chloride V.P. at 202@: 1222 mm, Relative humidity as a unit of comparison As has been pointed out by Livingston and others, relative humidity is not a satisfactory unit of comparison whenever more than one temper- ature is employed. Livingston (18) suggests the use of vapor pressure deficit, which equals the difference between the maximum vapor pressure of water vapor at a given temperature and the actual pressure of water vapor in a given space at a given temperature. Ee eee 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 17 METHODS AND MATERIALS The following pathogens and host plants were employed in these ex- periments: Collectotrichum lindemuthianum (Sace. & Magn.) Bri. & Cav. on red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Puccinia graminis Pers. var. tritici Erick on wheat (Triticum), and Ascochyta fagopyrum on buck- wheat, gray variety,(Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.). The fungi employed were all pure line strains to which the respective hosts were susceptible. An attempt was made to secure pure line strains of the host but this could not be done except in the case of wheat.’ The bean and buckwheat plants were grown in two inch pots and the wheat in an inch and a quarter pots in a greenhouse with a temperature ranging from 60° F. to 85° F. and relative humidity varying from 60 per cent to 85 per cent. Plants of the game age were used as far as possible. Some variation was inevitable, however, even under greenhouse conditions. The beans were usually from sixteen to twenty days old, the wheat from seven to ten, and buckwheat from twenty to twenty-four days old. An effort was likewise made to use spores of the same age. Here some variation oc- curred, due to the necessarily different conditions under which the organ- isms were grown. Colletotrichum was grown on bean pods, Ascochyta on potato agar, and the spores of Puccinia graminis obtained directly from pustules on the host plant. Twenty pots were used in each experiment, with one plant in each pot, except in case of wheat, where the number of plants varied from three to five. These cultures were divided into five series of four pots each and designated by the following symbols: Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, F, and D. The plants in Ch 1 were taken directly from the greenhouse when the particu- lar experiment was started, and placed in the infection chamber. The purpose of this series was to show whether or not any infection that oc- curred was due to spores that may have come in contact with the host before inoculation. The remaining four series were sprayed with a spore suspension from an atomizer (except in case of wheat) and used as fol- lows. The plants in Ch 2 were placed in a special chamber at tempera- tures and humidities known to be favorable for the development of the disease. This procedure was to determine whether the spores were viable and whether infection would take place if conditions were favorable. The plants of Ch 3 were dried immediately by means of an electric fan and left in the greenhouse as a check to show whether infection occurred > The wheat seed for these experiments was furnished by Dr. E. C. Stakman. This strain was given the number 169 by him and was used because of its suscepti- bility to the attack of Puccinia graminis. 18 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 in the infection chamber or in the greenhouse. Series F consisted of plants placed in the infection chamber directly after inoculation and covered with a water suspension of spores. In series D the plants were dried at once and placed in the infection chamber. This series was employed to determine whether a film of water over the surface of the plants was es- sential to infection. Sometimes series D was omitted in the temperature experiments. TABLE 2 Record of amount of infection on wheat plants by Puccinia gramints tritici at various low temperatures, the humidity being practically constant EXTENT OF INFECTION DEPRES-| RELA- 1 1 1 1 DATE OF INOCULATION eon See | Raa z pe ga ee TEMES Ee BULB ITY Number| Number| Number} Number fo} of fo) of plants | plants | plants | plants infected | infected | infected | infected December 18, 1917..... 53.0-52.6 0.4° | 97.5 | 12-342} 0-17 | 17-18 0-16 December 19, 1917..... 53.0-52.6 0.4° | 97.5 8-28 0-20 | 14-24 | 0-16 December 31, 1917..... 52. 7-52.2 OFd Se OO 9-43 0-24 | 22-25 0-16 December 21, 1917..... 51.7-51.2 0.5° | 97.0 | 23-43 0-18 | 16-22 0-20 January 3, 1918.....| 50.8-50.4 ORAS 9 7e0 2-30 0-15 | 18-22 0-14 January 10, 1918.....) 49.8-49.75 | 0.05°| 99.0 5-44 0-18 | 19-20 | 0-17 December 10, 1917..... 47 .2-46.7 0.5° | 96.0 0-380 0-16 | 16-19 0-12 January 6, 1918..... 47.1-46.75 | 0.85°| 97.0 2-44 0-16 | 19-20 | 0-16 December 11, 1917..... 47 .0-47.0 0.0° |100.0 1-40 0-20 | 17-25 | 0-22 January 19, 1918.....| _46.85-46.75} 0.1° | 99.0 1-41 0-22 | 25-35 0-22 January 22, 1918.....| 46.48-46.2 | 0.28° 98.0 7-35 0-16 | 27-27 0-16 January 21, 1918.....) 45.5-45.3 0.2° | 98.0+] 5-31 0-17 | 12-24 0 26 December 14 ......... 42.2-42.0 0.2° | 98.0+] 0-88 0-20 | 23-23 0-14 1 An explanation of symbols is given on page 17. 2 In this table the number of diseased plants is the criterion of infection. 12-34, 0-17, 17-18, 0-16, etc., means that 12 out of 34 plants, 0 out of 17, etc., were infected. The wheat was inoculated by removing the spores from pustules of diseased leaves by means of a scalpel and spreading them on the wheat leaves. Ch 2 and F were then sprayed with water from an atomizer. The plants were allowed to remain in the infection chamber for twenty- four hours and were then returned to the greenhouse, where they remained until the disease developed. The time for the development of the dis- ease varied somewhat with the greenhouse conditions, but since the time is influenced little during the infection period it was not considered in recording data. Sufficient time was allowed in each case for any possible infection to become manifest. Bean plants were allowed ten to fourteen days, wheat thirteen to twenty, and buckwheat ten to fifteen days. ee ee ee ea ae 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 19 An electric fan was placed in the greenhouse in such a position as to blow a current of air between and above the plants in order to prevent the accumulation of higher humidities immediately around the plants. This procedure was found necessary in some instances to prevent infection of buckwheat. The bean and wheat never showed any tendency to the de- velopment of the diseases in the greenhouse. In one instance Ch 3 plants showed infection in case of wheat. TABLE 3 Record of infection on buckwheat plants by Ascochyta fagopyrum at various low temperatures, the humidity remaining practically constant - EXTENT OF INFECTION! A B F Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 I es PSYCHROME- a 8 ro) B @ S 2 mrocicanmon) ymeeeerinss; 8) 3 | a le le |e 5 = 6 | a | sel 2, | 3s | se g oo aw > Se ag gS a+ ag S2 g a or |) 2 || cer | dag aS a2 ae |e ee Se ae $3 Bie 8 Bie ze Rein ah eel, a Z December 21, 1917 |59.50—-59.15] 0.35°| 98.0] 7-8 | 52 | 0-4 | 442|} Numerous] 0-4 December 22, 1917 |56.70-56.10} 0.6° | 96.0) 0-8 0 | 0-4 | 4-43 43 0-4 December 19, 1917 |56.10—55.40} 0.7° | 95.5} 2-9 4 | 0-4 | 44 55 0-4 January 14, 1918...)54.25-54.18) 0.07°} 99.0} 1-8 1 | 0-4 | 44 60 0-4 January 7, 1918.../58.25-53.00} 0.25° 98.5} 1-8 1 | 0-4 | 44 20 0-4 December 11, 1917 |48.40-48.00) 0.4° | 97.0) 0-8 0 | 0-4 | 4-4 ay 0-4 January 22, 1918.../46.48-46.1 | 0.38°| 97.0) 48 15 | 0-4 | 44 100 0-4 January 21, 1918.../45.60—-45.35) 0.25° 98.5} 1-8 3 | 0-4 | 44 150 0--4 December 13, 1917 |42.80-—42.60} 0.2° | 98.5} 0-8 0 | 0-4 | 44 | Numerous} 0-4 December 10, 1917 |41.70—40.65} 1.05°| 92.0] 0-6 0 | 0-4 | 4-4 36 0-4 December 14, 1917 |38.00-37.80} 0.2° | 98.5] 0-8 0 | 0-4 | 4-4 All dead | 0-4 1 Two methods of measuring the amount of infection are employed in this table, for example, in column 1 under F the number of diseased plants is used as a basis, while in column 2 the total number of lesions occurring on all the plants marked F are given. 2 All plants were wilted. 3 Infection on primary leaves only, 3 plants wilted, one leaf of remaining plant wilted. bg Influence of low temperature upon infection of wheat From table 2 it will be seen that wheat can become infected by Puccinia graminis at a temperature as low as 45.5° F. but the infection is very slight and rapidly decreases at temperatures below 45.5° F. In the single experiment run at 42° F. there was no infection. This experiment should PHYTOPATHOLOGY 20 YjSuoy UL “Wd G°Z -] suoIsey ‘snorownu FO | Suotsey ‘poyIM syuvyd Z | $4 | F-0 SUOIS2] ZZ | S-E |+0°96 oe] SUIUIVUIAL UO SUOTSET G ‘peyIM queid surureutor $-0 | JO Jot T “poy squid ¢ | FP | F-0 WOIse] T | 8-1 | €°26 d51V] SUOISI] ‘UOTE -10]00 yued zed OF ‘poy [TM syuvjd 10430 Z Jo Youve -0 poytm syueyd [TV | FF | €-0 | Jo yeoy T “por guvyd 1 | 8-2] €°26 Yyysuey] UT “UID F 0} © ‘oduey] A]}SOUr suUOTS WOT} BIO[OO -O] ‘poeztto][Oo SUTOA Jo F-0 | gue 10d 99 ‘poz]tM soavoy ¢ | Fp | E-O | Jue. aod Op ‘poz[tM queyd T | 8-g | ¢°86 ae eles Te 5 5 5 5 Bis UWOTJIJUT Jo WOIYdrIOSaqy on g UWOT}IOJUT JO WOT}AIIOSaCy fie 2 %| 3 ig, || aI 2 > > = |-arvaw 5 = ES Ef ee Da D os a a -VIau #40 z 40 mt (e) a NOILOGINI JO INGLXa a OS ae SI6I ‘co Auenuese oF 0} 19-919 | SIGT ‘Te Asenuer 7 0| ¢co-6 zo |) SII ‘og Aaenuee BO ADI) CTR ees tH) SIG6L ‘8z Acenuee is} g Ps] z 3 4 ° @IvoOs ‘YHva >| SONIGVaAUY NOILVTOOONI AO ALVG E-| Ua LANOUHOASA - 5 wy dq ls w juvjsuos buruwweans fijupruny ay) ‘saunqosaduiaz M0) SNOLLDA ]D % ATAV.L wnunryinUmapuUry WwNnYyIIU0;01/0) fig sjunjd uvag wo worjsafur fo pLoIy : a ag geet tee ae Oe ae ee YD nal LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 21 1919] poy Aypetaed yueyd F-0 | Yano ‘poyIm syuvyd ¢ F-0 peqts syueyd oy} [TV $-0 poy szuetd oyy [TV SUOISO] [VUOTIIPPB EE ‘SUC, “WO F OF ZG ‘adIV] SUOISOT ‘“po}[IM Jeo] [B -UOTJIPP® T ‘poy [IM soavgy Z SOABOT SUIUIVUIAL JO WOT}BIO[OD quad aad OF ‘paqytM syuvyd SuUIvulel Z jo ovo F-0 | Jo Jeo, T ‘poqytm quvyd Tq ant v4 v4 v-¥ v-¥ 0 8-0 v-0 8-0 queyd pay} jo soavey Arvurtid UO SUOISO] ZI ‘(SUOTS2] TT) SABO] AIGPUOIVS 0} Pd4T F-0 | -wIy syueyd Z UO UOTZesUT | S-E ¥-0 8-0 b—-0 8-0 mh e)(o ie le)ce SI6I op ALCNUG LE suspercie: SI6L ‘8 Arenuee G°86| od 0; TL €S-8°€S 8°86|.9T 0) 2 FS-G8 "FS 0°96} .9'0| €°29- 6° LG |" LIGT ‘TE Jequiodeq 0°26} 0€°0| 9°8S-1'6¢ |" “ST6T ‘2T Avenues 0°96] 0£°0| 9709-819 |" SI6I ‘cz Avenuee 22 PHYTOPATHOLOGY * [Vou. 9 at least have been duplicated but the low temperature did not prevail at the time. However, the humidity was very favorable and the infection between this point and 50° F. was very slight. It seems therefore that 45° F. is near the lower limit of infection. This point is only about 9° F. above the lowest temperature at which Johnson (13) was able to obtain germination of spores of Puccinia graminis. The amount of infection rises rapidly from within a few degrees of the lower limit to almost a fair average for the higher temperatures, indicating that there is no definite optimum temperature for infection. These results correspond to those obtained by Johnson (13) for germination of spores of Puccinia graminis. He found no definite optimum temperature when percentage germination was used as a basis for measuring the amount of germination. Influence of low temperatures upon infection of buckwheat by Ascochyta fagopyrum No infection was obtained in buckwheat below 45.5° F (table 3). An- other experiment at 42° F. and at high humidity should have been con- ducted as a further check upon the lower limit but the outside temperature was not sufficiently low to do so. Some variation in the amount of in- fection between 45° F. and 59° F. will be noted, and even an absence of infection in some cases. An observation of a certain phenomenon in con- nection with spore germination of the pathogen suggests a possible ex- planation of this variation. At times, and for reasons unknown, the fun- gus produced one-celled spores. Whether these spores are merely imma- ture spores is not known, because old cultures sometimes contain them. These spores do not germinate nearly as well as the two-celled spores. At higher temperatures, however, they seem to produce infection. It is possible that these spores may fail to produce infection as the tempera- ture becomes less favorable. This problem needs to be solved. Low temperatures and infection of bean by C. lindemuthianum From table 4 it will be seen that the lower limit for infection of bean by Colletotrichum is 57°F. where the plants remain in the infection cham- ber for twenty-four hours. It is possible that if this time were extended, a lower limit might be obtained. The rise in the amount of infection here as in case of wheat and buck- wheat is rapid. Excellent infection was secured at 63° F. 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 23 Infection of wheat at higher temperatures by P. graminis tritic The highest temperature at which Puccinia graminis will produce infec- tion in wheat (table 5) is 80° F., at least under the conditions of the experi- ment. This temperature is 7.8° F. below the maximum at which the spores will germinate. It is possible that in a saturated atmosphere this temperature might be raised. It seems probable, however, that the highest temperature at which infection will take place is below the maxi- mum for germination. TABLE 5 Record of infection on wheat plants by Puccinia graminis at various high temperatures, the humidity remaining practically constant - EXTENT OF INFECTION! =) Fe E pb: | Ch.1 | Ch.2 | Ch.3 a g etiam || Ol Sie ects wipe Pa Boge by oh eee DATE OF INOCULATION Pee aTon & < B25 223 ase 223 B29 FAHR. SCALE x, = crapgeg st: ||| cemete| | came rst ll alls alll eal es B | Ba6 | BS6 | BSS] BS | Bas a yal rcs lth gece (bers cs ee] trey ete] cas a 2 | Ess |'sS| bes) bs8| 5e8 =) td a Z Z Z Zi ATUISTISG ZO nl Oe se a ae ae = 82.4-81.70} 0.7° |97.0+] 0-4 0-4 0-4 4-4 0-4 September 3, 1917......../82.0-81.30) 0.7° |97.0+) 0-4] 0-4; 0-4]' 44) 0-4 PACT OUSiG 2s Qe meee ee 81.5-81.10) 0.39°/98.5 0-4 Q-4 Q-4 4-4 0-4 September MM ooconbos 80.8-80.00) 0.8° |97.0 0-4 0-4 0-4 4-4 0-4 September 24, 1917....... 80.0-79.10) 0.9° |96.0+] 0-4 1-4 0-4 4-4 0-4 September 27, 1917....... 80.0-79.00) 1.0° |96.0 1-4 0-4 0-4 4-4 0-4 September 29, 1917....... 78.0-77.00} 1.0° |96.0 1-5 1-2 0-4 4-4 O-4 1 In these experiments the number of plants diseased was not counted (there be- ing 3 to 5 plants in each pot), but the number of pots in which infection occurred was used as basis of measurement. 2 Explanation of symbols is given on page 17. Infection of bean at higher temperatures by C. lindemuthianum The highest temperature at which infection took place in bean was 80° F. (table 6). With both wheat and bean a large number of experi- ments were run at temperatures above 80°. The increase in the number of plants infected was rapid as the temperature was lowered. The range covered is not sufficient to show the same decided increase in the amount of infection. One finds this suggestion, however, in the data. This maximum temperature for infection falls 7.8° F. below the tem- perature at which Edgerton finds Colletotrichum to grow in culture media. Se ee eee ee [Vou. 9 tele uo sjods es1v] [B1OAIG "SOABO] Arepuooes uo sjyods Jequinu ad 1B] queyd puovsg = “JeoyT Avewutid uo P9ezTLo[oo yods | ‘saavoy] suIaA 9} [[V Aiepuoves uo yO | S¥ore peep eul0s | Fr | 7-0 F-0 | syodszyuejd Tuy | F-Z SUIOA JNO S -Ysno1yy UOrze 2 -10]09 ‘poyyT 5 4-0 | Aiy1ed soavoy Z | 7-4 | 7-0 $0 $-0 ee WORD EUSTON | Vel Va0 $0 r-0 a v0 RASA ALOR OOS RAN LN ere 2 a) ¥-0 ¥-0 © > We] BALA syuvyd [TV | PF | F-0 >-0 $0 > b-0 | ports squeld [Tv | t-F | F-0 t-0 0 Ps F-0 | port squeyd [TV | FF | F-0 ¥-0 ¥-0 =o eagle ae ae eee ES BE | Be B8 BE ot mom (qhten ot (ql ion as WOTO9jUT of | a8 UWOTPOOJUT ce WOTpOOFUT o3 Sie) yo woryd110soq Pion) seo. jo uordriosoq eae) jo uolrydri10saq Bro) cd Le) Ke] Le] sd : E| & 5 €4O Z4O THO) a A NOILO@ANI JO INGLXA 24 qupjsuod fiyqynoyonud +66 +86 26 —86 +96 86 16 ALIGINOH GAILVIGa ol 0 oO ° ° ° mr 290 0 OO tt Sooo Ss = ° fo] MTNA LAM JO NOISSAUdAa 6 08~ 0°18] “LI6T ‘£1 toquiaydag TSG Sie LIGI ‘8g ysnsNYy €'18- 0°28] “LT6T ‘g toquiaydag Pre Scat Goe GS ete LI6BL ‘Gz ysnsny ¢°Z8- €°§8|' “LTT ‘eT ysnany GUNGS GG: Cl es LI6L ‘2 ysn3ny OP ZR= ES LI6I ‘9 snsnYy @1VOS "YHVA SONTOva NOILVIOOONI dO ALVa YaLa -WOU HBOASd buruimwas iprpruny oy) ‘sainqosadwmaz ybry snoriina ww wnuniynwapuy wnYysr140}a}10,) fig syunjd unaq Uo UoYyoafur fo p10s0y 9 HIAVL LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 25 1919] poytm Ajoqzetd F#-0 |-uioo)§=6syuvid §=¢| F-F | F-0 poyooyur ATpvq yyanoy ‘poqyrs r-0 Ajoyajduioo ¢ | FF | F-0 b-0 SERN MS UNE est? Wl Ved poy Ajjavd soavol, F F-0 | ‘UINIpstt uoTdejJuUyT | F-F | F-O SOABO] Arepuoovas 04 pouyuoo AjosieyT | fp | Ajossey] soAvo] AlBpuo -098 UO SUOTSO| SUOTSO] [BIOAOS guejd = LOYI.O ‘gods [ jee T ‘soavo] Arvutid uo = UOT}O@ FUT syuv{d Z 10yy4o UQ = ‘S9ABOT Arepuooes 04 pouyuoo UOTJIAJUL SO Axeutid uo T ‘soAvey, Arwpuo Give! T | -€ -das uo sods 7 e-] SOAVO] Alepuodes 04 pouyuos suorso [[eUSs 4 | FT Soave] ABUL -11d UO SUOTS2T 8 | F-Z suoIsey | $F 96 |.0°T | O'2L- 082" LT6T “6% tequiaydog 16 |8°0 | 0°08- $08] LI6I ‘8% toquia}dag 96 [0'T | 0°6L- 0°08] LI6T ‘9% tequreydag 1 6L- F 08] LI6T ‘FZ tequieydag 26 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 Infection of buckwheat at higher temperatures by Ascochyta fagopyrum The upper limit for the growth of buckwheat appears to be about 100° F. (table 7). Most of the plants collapsed after having been in the infection chamber at this temperature for twenty-four hours. Yet in one instance typical Ascochyta lesions appeared on plants that survived. I have ger- minated the spores of the fungus at a temperature of 106° F. The*’maxi- mum temperature for germination has not been determined. Some ex- TABLE 7 Record of infection of buckwheat by Ascochyta fagopyrum at various high temperatures and within the humidity range at which infection takes place t EXTENT OF INFECTION 4 cy F D |Ch.t| Gh2 |ch3 > ta lal SI psycHrome- | F A 2 3 oS ioe 3 @ DATE OF INOCULATION |TER READINGS| §& 5 A ae Sl by eB iB “= iS FAHR. SCALE | _ S 2 £ ‘@ | 2 canbe Tee a rai ° a Roles} g S| 8 ‘oo lou! § woles) meals ey BS | ag |BS|/ se] BS [SS] aa | Be S & | £28 | 12 (23/.28] 23 23] 2s | 28 e | 3 | Be | $8 (Be/s2| Se |85) $8 | Bs Al mcrae ee ram ee lira Aan ae per cent March 12, 1918... .|100.0-100.0) 0° |100.0} 2-11! 2 —| — | 0-42 |4-4 37 |0-4 March 13, 1918... ./100.0-100.0} 0° |100.0) 0-83 0 —| — | 0-44 /4-4) 119 |0-4 Aueust 3, 1917.52.) 97 t= JoeZizso ole a) a Sev- |1-4/Few] 0-4 |4-4) Nu- |2-4° eral mer- ous September 27, 1917} 93.3— 90.8/2.5°| 91.5} 1-4 1 |1-4| 3 | 0-4 |44 90 |0-4 September 28, 1917} 92.6— 90.3/2.3°| 92.0} 1-4 5 |1-4| 2 |0-4 |44 24 |0—4 September 6, 1917] 91.0— 88.0/3.0°| 89.0) 3-4 10 |1-4) 2|04 |44) 117 |0-4 1 Four out of 11 plants were dead. Remaining were all injured. 2 All 4 plants were dead at end of infection period. 3 Seven out of 8 plants were dead. 4 Two plants dead; 2 remaining plants injured. > These plants show infection but they were at the end of the greenhouse, where there was dropping from the roof. periments were conducted at temperatures above 100° F., but the plants ~ always died. The limits of temperature at which infection by Ascochyta occurred in buckwheat were wider than in wheat and bean. In the latter two the maximum temperatures for growth are higher than for infection. — It is possible, at least in case of beans, to grow them at temperatures unfavor- able for the fungus and thus escape the losses due to this disease where . the other conditions for its development are favorable. 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 27 Infection of buckwheat at various humidities by Ascochyta fagopyrum In table 8 is shown the infection of buckwheat at various humidities, the temperature remaining nearly constant. The lowest humidity at which infection has been observed to take place on buckwheat is 91 per cent. The humidity rises to 94.5 per cent where the plants were dried before placing them in the chamber. It will be noted, however, that con- siderable infection took place at this humidity. This table not only shows that infection can take place at the temperatures considered, within a TABLE 8 Record of infection on buckwheat by Ascochyta fagopyrum at various humidities, the temperature remaining practically constant EXTEND OF INFECTION Q 4 B Ch. h B . F D nl Chiba: 3 psycHRrom-| = 5 | a 3s |2 ly |2 la ls n DATE OF INOCULATION pes a A 5 Bl le, oe i 2 z = E FAHR.SCALE| z BP lee. ee police le B a bee a |ool§ [Sulf [Suley| € [sx @ > |SS/Ra/SS/ASBSI5e| 28 jas 2 aI 58 So|" 8|Solge ES 2 | & lefisalecigelecles| se lee EB a |58/$.8ls8/58/5.8|58| 22 |58 Qa a if |b |j4@ la |4@ |&@ a Zz November 15, 1917............|77.1-76.2] 0.9°)96.3 |38-4) 23/34) 11/0-4/4-4| 321 |0-4 November 20, 1917............|77.6-76.3} 1.3°/95.0+/2-3} 12/34] 17/04/44) 57 |0-4 November 13, 1917............|78.0-76.0} 2.0°/91.0 |1-4) 2/0-4| O|0-4/44) 54 |0-4 November ss, (9722-022... 78.7-76.9| 1.8°|91.5 |0-4| Oj|O-4) O|0-4)4-4) 100 |0-4 November 27, 1917............]77.3-75.2] 2.1°/90.6 |2-4) 410-4) O/0-4/4-4) 55 |c-4 October Oliienaes seer oe 77.1-74.5| 2.6°|89.0 |0-4| Oj0-4| Oj|0-4/4-4) 37 |0-4 October Ss IG meanness aie ee 77.2-74.7| 2.5°|89.0 |0-4| Oj0-4) O/0-4/4-4| 46 |0-4 1 Plant wilted (lesions not counted). range from 91 per cent to 100 per cent humidity, but that a film of water covering the leaf surface is not essential to infection. The question may arise as to the possible presence of a film on the leaf surface at such high humidities. It has been observed throughout these experiments that plants placed in the chamber with a film covering the leaf surface are dry when removed at the end of twenty-four hours. Since the chamber is always run at a temperature above that of the surround- ing atmosphere, evaporation must always take place because under these conditions saturation is rarely ever reached. The only cases where a condition of saturation has been observed are at the lowest temperatures. 98 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 Infection of wheat at various humidities by P. graminis tritici The range of humidity for infection in wheat (table 9) is a little nar- rower than it is for buckwheat. The lowest humidity at which infection has been observed is 95 per cent. No infection takes place at 92 per cent and below. The same general difference is observed between the plants with a film and those without. The dry plants require a slightly higher humidity. TABLE 9 Record of infection of wheat by Puccinia graminis tritici at various humidities, the temperature remaining practically constant EXTENT OF INFECTION Q A Fy F D | Ch.1| Ch.2 | Ch3 Boy oP Hi 8 | PSYCH ROME- z 2) 2 2 g 2 2 DATE OF INOCULATION TER READINGS 5 a a a qa qa FAHR. SCALE 2 B ra Ta ra ra ra 9 6 Od Os os os Roles) CD a) Ee heros Parsee |e a SI 23 23 23 23 23 F < | 2 | 2 | 2 | Sa | 83 eS a 3.8 3.5 5.8 i 3.8 | a ? a Z Z A Z Z February 18, 1918.......| 70.0-69.6 | 0.4° | 98+ | 12-15) 15-17} 0-27 | 22-22) 0-25 March 7, 1918...........| 68.9-68.4 | 0.5° | 97 5-22} 5-17) 0-26 | 14-18] 0-17 Marchi OS sesame 68.2-67.3 | 0.9° | 96 5-16} 2-19) 0-16 | 10-15} 0-13 February 24, 1918....... 67.5-66.7 | 0.8° | 96— 8-19) 3-16) 0-20 | 28-29) 4-24! IMianchige 4 elOliS ie nreeae 68.9-67.9 | 1.0° | 95 7-16} 3-13) 0-15 | 10-11} 0-12 Meno 10), NOUS: 2 5585a600 68.0-67.0 | 1.0° | 95 6-17} O-17| 0-18 8-11) 0-17 November 17, 1917...... 68.0-66.5 | 1.5° | 93 0-16) 0-15} 0-17 0-14 November 22, 1917...... 68.2-66.7 | 1.5° | 93 0-15} 0-14) 0-12 | 12-17) 0-14 November 28, 1917...... 68.5-67.0 | 1.5° | 93 0-15) 0-15) 0-15 | 14-18} 0-14 November 12, 1917...... 68.1-65.6 | 2.5° | 88 0-20) 0-17) 0-18 | 12-16} 0-19 December 3, 1917........ 68.0-65.3 | 2.7° | 88 0-14] 0-16) 0-17 | 11-15) 0-13 1 In this case Ch 3 showed slight infection, the only case ever recorded on wheat. The temperatures at which the humidities were studied were arbitrarily selected, after considerable preliminary work. These temperatures were thought to be within the limits of the optimum. Influence of humidity upon infection of bean by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum The lowest humidity at which infection took place in bean is near that of wheat. The data in table 10 do not show any infection at 95 per cent humidity, but only one experiment was run at this humidity. Nega- tive results were also obtained with wheat at 95 per cent humidity. 7-0 F-FIF-0 F-0 F-0| 8°98)02°% |8'F9- 29)" “LT6T ‘9 toquiadeq LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 1919] t-0 Pere TV Hevea) ¥-0 F-0| 8°98].4°% |&°S9-0'89]"“LTGT “gE tequria.0qy F-0 Pett ITV |P-F\ 7-0 ¥-0 F-0} 0°S6).9°T | 29-9°89|" LI6T ‘8% JequreaoNy peqtM . E P-0|Z “port syueyd Z |F-F/F-0 v-0 F'0| 0°€6).9°T |G° 99-089] LIGT ‘LT tequraAoNy F-0 PBeP ALY iakir0 r-0 F-0/+0°96/.6'0 | 89-6'89)' LIGI “€% tequisAoN pa..ojoo “‘SUOISO] JOT QuB{d T SUTOA Jo JU90 tad O) ‘SUOIS®] SOT Jue{d T - F-0| snoroumu suorse’'yT [f—-F|F-0 SUOIS9] 8 |F-]| ‘Yovo uotsey [ syuv{d Z |F-F] ~8°G6),8'0 |Z°89-0'69|' °°" SIGI ‘ZS Yrs OM} LOYJO — SUTOA uo suotsey AuRyy SUOISO] JO W0T}BIO]OO 4Uad ‘queid ][ Uo suoTse] Auvurospy ‘sjuvyd lod = (Q = “SUOTSOT Z ‘sjuvyjd z jo yova Z UO pozIM SoAvgy Z F-0| YIIM potoAod soavoy |p—-F|F-0| UO poy[tM Ap}red JeorT [Ff] “yueyd [ uo suorse] ZT |P-e] 9°96/.9'0 [9° 29-6'89]" SI6I “EZ Yoreyy SUOIS9] SNO -10UINN “poy TAL syuvjd yeuoryIppe Z UO YOVa Jo jeoy queyd SUOISO] 6F . F-0] V ‘peep syuvjd Z |F-F/P-0| Yovo uO T ‘suOIsey] Z |f—Z|"UOT}BIOJOD U0 Aad Gg |G—-G| 9°961,9°0 |8'99-F 29] °° “SIG ‘0% YoreyAL “SUOTSO] AUR] SUOTSO] is “SUT}JIM SoAvoT 00Z pelojod suTaA : b-0 EP SoD AIRY si Verira “pol0joo suTeA [FF] ‘pets ATpeq yueyd T |p-F] 0°L6|.9°0 |S°89-0' 69) SIGI ‘FZ YOAV suots -o] Auvyy = “SUTOA SUOIS9] OYOZ-OST padofoosip punoie F-0 P¥eP TLV |f-F/F-0] “YUrd poesojoo suto, |[fp—f| Bury] Ssoavay f-F] O'L6).F'0 |€ 89-289] °° SI6I ‘OL Youryy Be se Be se E : = 5 mB ols} ia Es 2 an ay eg] a | a oe UOTPOOJUT JO 4UN4XOT Bo I UOTJOOJUL JO JUDY BS UWOTPIIJUI JO JUO}XY Bg j S ae ie ie] io] oS ae “MHVA S S S B| § g SDNIavau | NOIMVTNOONI ao abva EE Be 5 Ege Btcarc mek sae eZ 5 c -NOWHOASd 7 & 49 140 a i by Is ioe} NOILOGANI JO INGALXa qUD)SUO0I fijunau buruimwmas ainjoiadwma) a4) ‘SAYLPYUNY SNOLLDA JD UDAG UO WNUDIYNUAPUY WNYI1140I27/0H Liq Uorsafur Jo pLoday Ol ATAVL 30 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 A large number of experiments were run at humidities above 95 per cent. The data given in the table are representative of the results ob- tained. A large number of experiments were conducted at humidities of 92 per cent and below. There is a rapid rise in the number and extent of infections from 95 per cent up to 100 per cent. At 97 per cent humidity, the highest hu- midity given in the table, the amount of infection approaches closely that in Ch 2, where saturation was attained at least part of the time and where the film over the leaf was maintained throughout the infection period due to precipitation because of alterations in temperature. The tem- peratures in Ch 2 varied largely between 65° F. and 75°F. The same influence of the presence of a film is to be noted as in the wheat and buckwheat. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Heretofore the study of the effects of temperature upon the relation of parasite to host has been limited largely to the influence of temperature upon the growth of the fungus and the germination of the spores. In a few cases the effects of temperature upon the development and extension of diseased tissue has been studied (Ball (4), Brooks and Cooley (5) ). This phenomenon is largely one of growth and seems to obey, in the main, the Van’t Hoff law. The growth of the fungus behaves in the same way (Tisdale (29), Brooks and Cooley (5) ). A number of methods have been employed to measure the effect of temperature upon germination, with varied results. In some cases it would seem that all the factors involved were not considered. The extension of the germ tube ‘and the development of mycelium have been used as a basis for the study of the influence of temperature upon germination and infection (Johnson, E. C. (13), Wiesner (80), Balls (4), ete.). Here one is dealing with a growth phenomenon, and when food is not a limiting factor one would expect the behavior of this phenomenon towards temperature to be the same as found among flowering plants and the growth of fungi in culture media. For every increase of 10°C. (within certain limits) there would be a doubling or trebling of growth in a given time (Tisdale (29), Brooks and Cooley (5), Edgerton (7) ). The time required for germination has been used as a measure of the influence of temperature. The results have been rather uniform, and there has been a general shortening of time with an increase of temperature to a more or less optimum temperature in the same proportion as de- manded by the Van’t Hoff law (Anderson (1), Hecke (12), Wiesner (31), Ravaz (24), Melhus (21), Shapovalov (27)). Ames (2) obtained varied results with different species. In some cases the optimum is very broad, 1919] LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 31 while in others the time is shortened with an increase of temperature to a rather definite optimum. Where percentage germination has been used as a criterion for measur- ing the effects of temperature, fairly uniform results have been obtained. The optimum, as a rule, is broad, as one would naturally expect if suf- ficient time were allowed at the lower temperatures for germination to take place. If ashorter time were used different results might be expected. Melhus’ (21) results with the spores of Phytophthora infestans show a fairly broad optimum (5° to 13°C.) where he used the number of cultures in which germination occurred as a basis of measurement of the temperature effects. It is sharper, however, than that obtained by other investigators. Where he used the percentage germination in the various cultures as a criterion, there was a gradual rise in percentage from 5° to 13°C. He states, however, that there was a variation from 13 to 80 per cent in germination at the optimum. This fact may account for the difference in the two curves. Ames (2) abandoned percentage as a basis of measuring the effects of temperature upon germination because her results were not uniform. Anderson (1) found the percentage germination of the spores of Cylindrosporium scoparium Morg. was almost total between 12° and 30°C., ranging between 95 and 100 per cent. Johnson (13) did not ob- - tain a definite optimum temperature for Puccinia graminis by percentage germination, there being no uniformity between 9° and 25°C. From these results it would seem that the number of spores which germinate does not rise with an increase in the temperature to a definite optimum, but that the range at which a large number of spores will germi- nate is wide. One would expect, then, that there would be a wide range of temperature at which the number of infections that would take place would not vary much if sufficient time were allowed for the spores at lower temperatures to cause infection, providing some other factor did not enter in. This view corresponds to the results of the present experiments (tables 2, 3, and 4). Some experiments were conducted between the tempera- ture limits given in the tables with results which conform to this conclu- sion. These results have also been confirmed by Ravn and Fromme (pages 11 and 12). An understanding of this phenomenon is important wherever the num- ber of lesions, such as in leaf spots, fruit spots, ete., is responsible for the chief loss due to diseases. If there were a definite optimum, the number of lesions that would develop would gradually decline as the temperature was lowered from the optimum. The infection phenomenon viewed in this light implies a different attitude towards control measures. Not only must the degree of temperature be considered, but the time to which the host plant is exposed to conditions of infection, in connection with a2 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [VoL. 9 the number of infections that take place as well as the development and extension of a particular lesion. Some incidental data obtained in the present investigation in connec- tion with infection of bean by C. lindemuthianum near the lower tempera- ture limit indicate that the time element is important. The data point to a lower temperature limit for infection where forty-eight hours were used for an infection period than where twenty-four hours were used. From the data presented, an interesting relation between host and parasite is brought out. The temperature ranges for host and parasite are not identical in any of the cases. The temperature range for growth of bean and wheat is wider than for the germination of spores and of infection by C. lindemuthianum and P. graminis. The maximum temper- ature for infection by the two pathogens is about the same in the time employed (tables 5 and 6) while the lower limit for infection by P. gram- inis (compare tables 2 and 4) is lower than for infection by C. lindemu- thianum. The upper temperature limit for the growth of bean is higher than for germination of the spores of and infection by C. lindemuthianum, which fact has made possible the control of anthracnose in the Southern States. The optimum temperature for the growth of bean is probably higher than that of wheat. The exact temperature ranges for Ascochyta and buckwheat have not been determined. There is no indication as to which has the wider range. Their ranges do not coincide, because buckwheat is killed at a temperature at which infection takes place and below the maximum tem- perature for germination of spores of Ascochyta (table 7). These relations are all important in connection with control measures. The variation in the amount of moisture in the air in different regions — is probably important in the distribution of diseases over the earth’s sur- face. The absence of certain diseases in semi-arid and arid regions where agriculture has been practiced for long periods of time may be due in part to the small moisture content of the air. Seasonal variation in the moisture content of the air plays an important part in determining the amount of disease that may develop. In the course of the present investigation (compare tables 8, 9, and 10), a variation in the humidity in the air required for infection for the indi- vidual plant has been exhibited. Infection occurred at a slightly lower humidity in buckwheat than in case of bean and wheat. As mentioned earlier, it was necessary to provide for circulation of air about the buck- wheat plants to prevent infection in the greenhouse. This same provision was found requisite in a few experiments conducted with Septoria lyco- persici Speg. on tomato. The tendency for infection to take place in the greenhouse was more marked with tomato than with buckwheat. 1919} LAURITZEN: INFECTION RELATIONS 33 The degree of humidity in the general environment of the plant may be an inaccurate criterion of the amount of moisture required for infection, at least when there is little air movement. The air movement created by an electric fan over a bench in the greenhouse has been sufficient to pre- vent infection of buckwheat by A. fagopyrum and of tomato by S. lycoper- sict where in its absence infection took place. The higher humidity in the immediate environment of the plant may be of considerable significance in connection with infection in nature. Just how the spore upon the plant surface obtains sufficient moisture for germination and infection is an unsolved problem. Within certain limits of humidity, that is, where the evaporation is not too great, the spore is able to absorb sufficient water for germination. The absorption may be from the host plant, at first by imbibition and later by osmosis. It is possible that in the depressions of the leaf surface and especially immedi- ately above the stomata a higher humidity prevails which may afford sufficient moisture for germination. There is a possible relation to hairiness because the juvenile leaves of buckwheat have more hair than the secondary leaves and seem to be infected more readily (the data contained in the tables are from the sec- ondary leaves). The secondary leaves of the bean are more pubescent and seem to be infected more easily at the limiting humidities. The hair would tend to prevent evaporation and increase the humidity at the leaf surface. SUMMARY The lower temperature limit for infection of wheat by Puccinia graminis triticc is somewhere near 42°F. The amount of infection rises rapidly and at 53° F. it approaches the average for higher temperatures. The lower temperature limit for infection of buckwheat by Ascochyta fagopyrum is about 45° F. There is some variation in infection between this temperature and 59° F., possibly due to the one-celled spores some- times produced in culture. The lower temperature limit for infection of bean by Colletotrichum is about 57° F. This limit may be influenced by the time the plants are in the infection chamber. The upper temperat re limit for infection of wheat is 80° F. The maximum temperature for infection of buckwheat by Ascochyta is about 100° F. At this temperature buckwheat plants are injured or killed. The upper temperature limit for infection of bean is 80° F. With the decrease of temperature there is a rapid increase in the number of plants infected. 34 PHYTOPATHOLOGY [Vou. 9 There seems to be no definite optimum temperature for infection in the hosts and parasites used where the number of infections is used as a measure of the amount of infection and sufficient a is allowed for the fungi to establish a relation with the hosts. The range of humidity for infection of buckwheat varies between 90 per cent and 100 per cent. Where the plants are dried off before being placed in the infection chamber, it varies between 94.5 per cent and 100 per cent. The humidity range for infection of wheat is between 92 per cent and 100 per cent. The lowest humidity at which infection has taken place is 95 per cent. The range for the dried plants is a little narrower. The range of humidity for infection of bean lies between 92 per cent and 100 per cent. A film of water covering the leaf surface is not essential to infection. 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